HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• • ere N.e Answ rrini.: rl'C<'nt qu1•dt>s nnd romment rt•i.:ardini.: ta:\. mllll<'rs af- feettni.: !"t'W(lOl"t lkach. Counl). Auditor 1... H Eckt•I toda) described coll,-cllon and apportionment or tax mont>y. and d1!'-Cl<>4>t-d I hilt : 1. M oonng ancl doc·kmi; r<'n lals at tht' county wharf 1u"t' d1·positf'd directly in th<' harho r mmnll!n1tn('<' fund, but taxi's on boati-. as on an~· othl'r class of propo·rt ~. an~ apport wn1-d to \'arious functions or £0''· emmt•nt, f'ducatlon and dls1n ct s1•rvict>~ a ccording to l11w. 'J. 'Tltt' tax on a hoat valued at ~1.00000,by th•· county lil'$C'll.'!or 11nct city 11:::-.!'~-.or would bt· $5191. o r ~h1ch onl) $1000 \lo'ould lo:" to 1h .. ort ......... -- lax G -- 0 ----DOilars ' ABC 0 N LY DA IL Y NEWSPAPER IN OR~NG£ 'COAST 'S LARG E S T CI TY t Today'• 11 A.M., PAT. Warn Vets Last Time On ·Tax Cut BALBOA Dow .loaM A\'~ front l ,., .. , A I ... M•Mt.f t. A Ith.,.~ t u 1 .11~5 ~ _., .LTl.L.,~ c: .. '--~ I 11.!11,l t I 11' 1'~1C.\I 111' 1~ IL111" c.I 17 111 • I I t '.~~ 'l t1t1 h "' \ 1ilutt1t 1 1 '"•lit ,11, ....... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA , WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS , BALBOA ISLAND , CORONA DEL MAR . COST A MESA VOLl ME XL Government Congress Wavers; May Drop Bratt "' 4Klll~~ • ..,. ..._. l 0P t......._......., uf NHl&r-m&J not ..... _,. .,..,. a.er , ..... ..._ ... /Wll. "'llllaM ~. a.. s.o_ 0 ......... , thal .... -.111 n lfr r I a·c-h 1.I fictll• w C a l .. t ... -ae'e .... Mil If ... ....._ -u.rna -aen ~ ---le flclll It_.,) fllli..t•lr r . If \\'A~ll l:>;(;TI •:'I: ~t;" :.•1; 1 l'I'• ,_......,.,. Biil ,..,. _.... ............ •Mfl .lu.,. llf. t•rofoftitrd df'· . ' . bat# r-14 d.aaMacf' .... wu· .. ....--. May Use Injunction I 111• i.;1.\1·rn1111•n1 1,.1:.i11 <i1 .1lt1n.: I TIW' •ra1t Iii-1.,_ ,....,..,,. lat ... .._..111.rpuhlk lln• .,., lh,. rue.· .. I pl:rn' 1u11.1~ to h• .111 ttll " thtl'.11 -1 M>nt11o.lt h"' -.-1 1 .. k...,.. It._., .... • ..,.., ...W "l'P,..~lon lo". l•'IM'•'· ,.111 ,f 11,,,11111" 111, ''"l'l""L: •trtk• 1 tlnw dr•ft I-CT'0"1ac rap61Ct)'. T1lr)'...,. ..W to .... , ... ,,. thal 1o11 .. urr '.It~ \\. 'lartta.. )r~ _, """.,_ ... ..._, ... , .... ,., thr n ... •""" '"' 111111 """'" 1·111 '"l'l'h Im•·•'" 1h"l h,_ IM'l ktta. ._. -~l.11-h tll 1•l.1n 1•t111n111 .... t I 111•·1• I l .:in1..•·t. m0t\•· \lo"Hltl al••h•h I '"Mtrir11) I uttflld1tl''. ;-;. ' 11., lnnd '" ,\1111n•·1n r .. ,, .. , "'""'" 1.11111 ('r<•l•lll Ill lh" .11 nwd "''""•<'• ..... \\'. T .. 1.~ l ! ' II I:"' .• l.'d.I\ ;\ luch ,,flu 1.11 '·"'t J'r•· .. uJ, n1 II• ,._;1ut J1t • ,,.t.·nt Ttun •• n h:-.tt 11•3 \'f"' '"«· .... fl•• ft•••11 th• ..... n.••·· 1'nui .,, t1l't\ lu .1 ... k1 ti tn .:1 11 1\ ,,, 1 t.ul.-~I 1•• d11 ,,,. t i\ • 'H'\111\• .t4'1tun for ·,.,,.,.,!\ un,.ft11 1.d t 111 ... u11•"' • I t\\n Ip ''"' 1h• trHUt11 1lf'll p·.-.ind 1h11 t ,, ... ,,.; .. n .. lol, u11 , .. ('On -II<-.... t:-''Uh.0 O);Uthtl li•t •• , '1111• l \1<1on' nf lh1· Taft-11.trtlr\ ''" J.:I•'-bndt-~h~ 1,., .. 11.1 lt.1 l.11h •1' to Jlc "'ll"'"" tht' \\.alk1o111 \1 .. 1, S.0111h••111 "·n .11111" ,.., ttw ,,u .,..r l "Ktu-l•lfn•rl' •111pl"'''" 111 1 .. 1hnn 1111 1.111"1 ~··:im••n :incl 11111, -hand. \loan1 Ii•" 1111• '"'"th•· m. ... ,.. bt')''t llr•t~l I ~hor1•nt1 n a r r !H'h••dul••rt In '<lrik·· ur" a I""' 1~1nn m :1k1n1: 11 rnanda· I ,,.......,. "q.o: l'r• ~1tlt·11t Tl 11- Junr 1;; to hru'k up th•'1r rontrat·t tor~ fttl 1h0• a rn,.-.d '"'"N'"" to M'l:TC"· man'• r.,,1 ,..,, 111r !'·•'~""'' ,.f .1 d1·m1mds. .:ah· nwn h~ ,,.,.,. 11 th•') r~UP>ot 1 hicJwr rr11r11m 11111 w .11.;•· l,1\lo .11 1111• Fcdernl Ml'ditll ion }) ir r <'I o r II 1.....-•u pvni llllt.> dwuk.-e of Cyr1.111 S. Chi nit hu httn advised M••a.n-.>tu&e: 1 •;; f aJ "'-"""*"'' want• thnt shipo)\\'nrr11. "·a tr•rfront f'm -Eotllral.._: J>rN>idM!t Tn1man '°""O"l8 to hnMI !hr 1m•<io·n1 ·16- 1 • plo)'l'r s 11nd u mons n n Hll roast~· told S fll'l•k<'r ~farttn in a l••th ' r-i1 •n.-lv,.1r rnon1n'1·111 ''' 7;, "'"'' '1rr '<1111 ":1 l<>nl: wa,-" fro m ~Ill· that t h•• 1· ~ -.ch<onl-. '>''"m faN If• "1"1ltl I• 11'1 "I•h 1.,..,.1,,1 .. 111 mi.: tlw 1r c111-put1• fl,; h11' llt"rn l11lrt "clHni:•·t tof :1 ~·rrnti.,. l1n•:ik•6n"t1 ·,,.I" lh•• "1fr t1l"f' I ,.1;1 .. ,.,.,·;111" I 111111 a \\,dkn11t wn uld,sh11t off •UP· u nlPs' tho• h•~1"' pa~ a N'ru\ll"-11 •• •'flf' ..,,., '" t ""'' "' It• l"tltlc I 11 c: ' ct r I . I :•p('TI"l)\'t'fl hrll In I>"" Id<• , ..... ·r;1I • 1· '''·' t'\• n ,,, '"11'" "'' 1111 ..... , I a nti •'t1t11111 .,., t"l''1\·111i.; .1 H1 um1rr . ,,,.. '" r ' .. 1ni.111 "" n I'·"" • •I• •1 uur :11 Uh' fin··' :1 trt, '' I ;11d fur .. d uc:et1on Th<· "".~, \I ....._ • I . :..~uL ..... in~· ''*•'~'' c·:•n t '"Uf'f;oM • • I tilt' I 11r111•':TTI R1 r i>\ •·n pr••l.'r:om f.,-kl•. ~· n H11 • 11 A \'l<'t: ('0\1:\IOOORt: F R .\SK )o<l:\ll;!'lfi\\; .Jr .. (lrft I and Rr ar ('0111· . . lh"ir ••·h 1•1I• ;11l•'(1u;HC'I} r •1 ft 11 .. • I 1 t 111111.( m od orr Ira l'r••nll•" .. 11lmor I rti:hll tln nk f'ommudorf' \\ ulh•r k . 'i rlir• "nkt · 11 "'"' '•1111. ""111.1 1 t ·u,..•licn Tnwlr: •'.\ H· 1•1l1llt':tn 1 .1: ,,11 11,,, ••h . .,;:, ~· ,l,;~~·:~ 1 ·.':,~1111,111 Lfo\\I .. In lhl .. fortl\Jll 1.•kturP madr> d11rln1: 01,..n h u11..,. r1·r "m11111o ... hd<I •I•"•' rln\\ 11 1h• !••rt• "" ,tll , ... "" l1ill '" 1111111 l 'r• ,HJ•·nf Tu11n -.n , 111, I . r . h . • .. · • "nrrul lull ••• ,, ,n,· up .,,. at t h<· :\°{•\\'l>Orl lla r bur \'1u·ht duh 11 ... 1 1'1tf11r1tu.\, • I '"l' ''" "I' nl<'f'" I "" 1 101 -.l11p • 1a11ll 1111 1;111~ I••"•·" ,,1,1, .. 1 1,. II•· ·, •• ,.,,,, h.\ II. •111•0 I, in tnl en·t11nn ... I cr~rl ' I ..,. •t•• ttunr at ttu ,., •••fl I • ' • ' \\tlll ·~·J·•re nth ''""f1.i t1 1..:1''-i._.... th.et It '"' fl •'11 ,,, • ,, II ,,., ' 3 7 ·New.~Olli ,250 NHYf Guest~' 1 Help Lewis Hold ·rnunnn Ila" ,.,.",.r Lit• 1 , ... ''' 1:,r\ ··•u1H111,,... 'H \\tll , ... \t1 ·r1 tHU.i'l •·1n1lrl lrl\ uk• t II i•at••,tha•·: t!• '• f u • ·'• h .J •\ •• • d • n r It• / '• • • 11 , .1r1•I , •\\ 1.• .. ~, I•\' Ii· t t • ,tin..: t tw1-I H• ' I • "')•••«••••••• d·t•d t t 1,,·,11 . I ' 't J • :•' •tr• •• 1''' II p llt\ 1.-.,,, .... ,11...'d • , 11 f I '1 ·'11 ,,,., ,,.1.,,. I · ....... 1 .. • ',:J· ;;;1,1:1111:\~:;,• ,:\• ':~111:,',11••1 .:1 :: 1:'.' 1 \1 ,,,,. ,,,1. ..... • ,. • .,, • 1 "'' • 1 h 1 fl dtr• f I ,\ lft11111 \ I;, ll» .ii f, 'l r •i "r {. ". ii t d' • ' H .... •' NEWS ITEMS Traditional Fete TODAY 1 ' '1 iii < • t "l 11 j •• ""', 4 1 1'• 111 ' 1J1 11r , •, 1 '1' \' • ' ' ,., \\ t rt ll 11 ... tr;11n1n;,..· ,., flft 'f' "r tit t . ,, '. .,.. • .. ' ' t f I I 'I I' \ ·I • II 111 (h Id 1 ..... 1 .... t It ' !' t•ll• ... fl lllll II ,, lh '"' I I 11· \ • ·' \\ • •• l• ti,, I \\r' •l<1J ,•I ~ 1.01 ti d•\\ll rurrint f'1tn<lili"ll' 1.,1 s.i .i,,,, '''•I ·· 11:· tr • I 1 h .. 011· "'"·' '111111• I \\ )1 I' I p~·· I I ' ... , • o It t 'I f I '\f\lfl,' ·~· I I t ftl.,;. t II " !'I ... I• I• , .. . . ·11. ',. ... ···" ,,,,i._ fl• I t ''h• 1o f .. 'I, IHfl d I t to• 1. harj."!:u r1u1 • r• t. • .... , 1~1\\ • ' I o ! \ • I ' ... t I ti 11 , d •I I ,,, ,. '· I t ' .. I I •I ,.,, S I H'f HIBt.11, \\ho f.,r an•. n ., ..... n t1•• nc•l rt•c 1·h u t lu·ir ro1•~ 1,; thi• ;\•1"'"'Th\1•''"" nr~· a,l,•·tl t u 0:1'1 II 1rlt»r I :j 111 1\\1'' 11 Ii :tnll tt•:,fl 11 t, \ r ' \1 \\ 11\ fh ... ~II~ r ii.ht 1111t. '""' f) t: n :.11 ... , 1· .. 1 111 m o l'f ~ 11tl.I\ +d l'l I I ,, I;.' I I II I I ' 1•11 'I\ it• I' ti'' Ill " ,,,,.,S t 11 t ',1n d·t• t"l ,,·lt c: l'n'tt int :-:1 . "h" ... , , '' d "' I 1 11 1 1\f I I ih 1 I '• 11 \' f"" fir 1\ l11lf' \; t Fish on Ice ; Plans All ·set For Lion s' 'Fr)·· nEPORTS f All ~ll~SING, 'I'll E\ T ~n~s LP ~11~1~(;, Hl~1S ELF i F 11111\ .\I" r11•• •1•1111 111 I 1• 1 r• 111 .. 1.itl• d T .. II (. •11'" II 1:. 1111 ] 11-- , .......... '-; t:uh ... 1 ~..... .. 'd , ...... ,,, .... , 11' , ... ti I I ,, ' \\ I ., > '' ...... Lill • 11run•l1111 ~tu1 l1•y 'l"h·· ('11 '~ \1, ,, l.1u11 .._,.,,nc.11 1' l~' .. \\. "'' f'\• 1 1\1 '"' • d'!• a t 111 , d :.nnu .1 (•"-h ft ' .... ri '' hlrt • 111 •' ll1 1• 11 • ii'• . I ~· !111 •• , ·q ... f •• I... •·I ,.. ••• 11l1 'I• 0 I!· h· If I'.,:• b \\h 11 11 ••Pl•""•flf•d ·h.tf ""'11 i) .....:;"''''"" •''·'''"''" 11nnnt1nf1tl ,,. I ,·p 11d1t1fll.. nr I JH\ ... ,• pr•'""j nl I d:1\ 1.0('.\I. ntut:t·~ 1 ·1 .. ~· '" .!: ... I'll• ,1~ \\' n I' • ' Tltt [1 \ ... ... 11• .ti .1 lfl• -. \\I ~t 1 ,, .1 ~,~ •'t ·• • ~': •• , ~ •• ' •.• • • u• tt •11nn• 1 th 1t • '' u 1rh· ,\r • 1• I I• dur • 11 , 11 1• '' ,.( ,, "' ,,,, .... ,\ At .._, t• 11 '·'...: t 1 t t Th•., \\lli 111 1.,_,, tl~•·tl h 11t11" i1 :tn. C'IHtlll11tf 1 ti ' ft t • \\.t' ~· t'••n 'f 111111\ 1·1q1I• ""' \\Jlt tu ho Id ~I h.ttl· Hr .,11\\ 1• "''' ti•· I •• fr\l•ir \ r I'll j 1h1 I h ih 111 11\.!(t u l lH\\ IUL· , .. tllf\ 1·unt1 "' 1nrl :1 fr11c_ \\'1 If I It •tt 1" I :·~··· II ltl• I hh l' .inti L't11d ''" :1 \\J ,,,. h • ,..: 11111111n .. t t 111• ... , Hh •t 1· .... 1 • Mr ... , ,,.., ... '°'" 1\ I " I I 1 1• • t t If ....:_ l taf I \fl ' J • tllt I I 1, • .i \I •·•I ' J l• 11 1..••I ,, ... un i, J \1 11fl ""'' • • 1 I 1 ..... rd th•'' n•1\\ ... 1· I \'. . It •·Z. ,ld Ii ··I It"' I I ,,_ ,•' , 'I .. \'''•'•••Ht. 11 • • .u 1d ''•tt'l111 f u1d tht• F11n-t '1Jd111 • •n r• HHr •,. ·t . '' tftnf' l)t• \ \\1 f • t ttlft t1\ .... I t ''l trarry Welrh UoC's Some Fast f4'igures On MWD f(eport fh•• !Ith ;tnr111.1I '' 1w t t '1 •I . \1 ·r••J•111•.u 1 \\ ,•, t I • •r u' t11 r•·n • T1Jt" 1 • d \\ f1• '. 11 \l •" •f• I '' 'l \IHf:tC '" H1•11 I .lt'll•·1111111111 111r•1•1·tor or ,.,.,,nm" l\ff111r, of 11111111:•• C'oun- t' "•:"'" 1111;•'' 1111 \ t'lt•1•1111~ tu Ill<' 1111 l'l"l"'' 1' '"' • \••111pl h•n" M11y :11 ,, lht• tl1•111t ll11o· 111111• ,,, 11111ktt 11pphn 111t111 II 1111pll1'<1llt1n '" not 1111111t• llu• 'l'l1•r1111 111~•·• ltlR rl1hta l11r lh•· $1.IUI '""' 1•\•·11111tlon 'l'tt IN· "111:1hlr 11 'r11•111n 11111J1I bf. h1•1111111hly cll~d111ri.:1•1I trom w• ••'l"'lf't• nr 1"'111'1' I htw ''"mp.tip fo r """'" u 111 .. c111I "tt• lu\M'd bJr ·~m11r•·M• 111· nmn11t htt\'t' monlft and rwc)llf'rt )' In r XN'U (ff s:'i()()().()(l Thr nwt hod 11f fllln11 11 to co In IM'rlon I<> 1111• A•••''-&•11 a olfloP hoth In 111 .. 1'<111111) l nnd c-lty II l'f'Opt•t I~· l<k'llt•'f1 In lhl' d ly II,,._ 1111 1 aml 11n··, nl 11 <~ll)' 11f your 1ll111•1tu1111· T lll'y wlO r1~1u1r ... ('(lfno- ....... m-!'f n tnnn -whtrh -wtll tit- )rnll lllJ!Jlh 1•llrn1 .. : .. t•h )'('llr )'OU 11111,1 '"'JI•· '" 111,.\n1111n y11or l'll&I· l•lhl\ \ • 1. 111~ 1111 111 ~··n 11'1• will ob- ' lo I I• 1 11 .. 111 11 ~u1>1•rlor of. ,., 11 ll'111..: t•• 1l111o· of r nlr y .11111 11,, f ., t 1 h11t ""'' 11rt• atlll Ill .. I \ lo I ' '"'"'" Ii,;. .-l11111111nt la 11 "t•I••\\ 111 " '• kr11n, 11hi· wlll I"•., 111 '"' 11H1o·1111 r .. 1·ord of · • '' 1t~••1 •••·ni t. •·•1t tlfh nt•• or ot ht•r l'"I" 1~ 'h"" 111~ •lfll•· 1fl 1lr11l h, and tut t1U11 t \aa,:tt 1••1r tHh1nlt• Santa Ana Man C.~harges Mesan With Assault .lllm··~ II Kln~ahury, 1081 ln- dwitr\&I Way, Cdlt.a M-. WM .,... l'tll\e4 and ~ by ......... 1t11J•·rit11r o n 11 w1ern111 C'haralna ,.,,.m1 11ml l1111trr) (Ar-Trlrpltatnl Awnllrn by ~r>rlnir "''°' 11nll mrltlr.ir ~nnw. Ulr Wlllaml'll.e Rlvrr rl"N' Lhr,.,, ,,.,., 111•»•· l!Jt 18 l•••l ·ll••lll M,.,,. al rurtland. Orr . rmd wu sUll r1'11111 tlrrr lh•.-Mrr1m • hip 8 H lllrM"ht nf lhr J av11 l'n• lllr l..1111·:. L\ 11•1111i; "'' lui:ll 111 l1t 1 """'11111" J 11111 lulldu141 lhc al1111 "' l'll · T l1t ".•l\tjtlrilul "'"~ ~l11rwrJ hy R. \\' W111tl :.II•~; 11rt1 •11 .. ,·1. S.rrtA /\ft f "' Hit hf ft•t 1tllt f It ttf It nlfll«" 111 t 11• . .,;11,1•·klt1t1 . 1111111""· Frtrl11y, ;\I 11\ ,,, f\1t1..:,h111 \ l~ ltt Hftp••ut I '11\ .l11tl1•1• l lln1l11t•l1 1\111\ 1111"'\\f. 1 tH• I flUI ~,,, t11•t11•·ly ollll It 1!lt. BLOODIEST BA TILE RAKES HOLY CITY; EMBARGO STILL ON 1 J a:I Seniors Named for June I (;raduation I • -iu h1 u uh1 •t 1111d f\I\ I\\" ..... ,.. 11 1 "' "'~• \' , .. ,,, JI .i 11111 I 'r11uu ... , II I ""''' \\ tll ... • •• 1tlt1 tf1·•• U• I•,. 111 • tu 111 h• Id .liH'• •1 u1 tlw H1tl1tu11q111 It \\fl lltl1•1llf11 1•d ht ii ,, t14 '••. ..1 tit• 1 ·, ... ,. I• J I t11<lj I 111 • "'•' I \fo JI \\ 111 jlJI "tf'Jit ~dq.11011.1 " Ill 1 •I• llf•111u • •f h1 d11l1.;'f d I Ii " t 111 I I lt1 ff 1 ltl I tp111 tilt '-'"'' , 1 I \t , 11 ·d II• II I\\ \. I I lt'fl .... t \I• I' I I I• I 1'1!1111111• AndH\'-f ,,,J. ltif,ft. I 1111, '' 11•" 'lu1 I• f ,. "11 I h•ll11 ,,. \1 ' t i 1· ,., 1•• t1 • I ~· d jt.11 , I~'·''' l••1u11 l i·un, 'I '•' '1 11 ' , •• ,.ti I '111.11 \ I ~. ti '\••Ill•• , ,. 11 \ f l11dJi1; 'l'l'i' l•I l lllll"I 111111111' l(,.11old 1:111011•1 llJI(\ l\H- , I '•l .i I tt, t 11 I I' ,, • 1 n .~, I 11 I• t • .1. I ti• 11h .. I• t llOJI•\ 11110 1 I• l(uy 1:11•\\11 \\1111.ittt H'"'''H1 , J ··-~UY 11,.1 I '' ,, . 1, I \ JI• o\\ ' 111 . '. 'I I • ... 1111' .... "1 • • '. ,, ti 1\ll l1 \\ 'I \I 1I 1 ··' t ,, I q !I I,, J11 ,,, Ill I •• IJ 1t1il If i I ' Id I 'f1d1II1•" ••Ii I tit hl11q• I I\\ 1\ It• f ,1fl1l1lw•JI Hit '" I' 1'• '"'* d··h·I··· '\,th• l\e11 f 1 ttk 111• 0 ·- 1 '" , 111 ,11 "' _.I ,,.,,, t 'I 11k \'11ru111 f ""'"'''''·Ho J, ,,., " J' I" 1,f , I • I ' "lo of t, I 11,. lo :,',1'.o~"'l;:,; ... 11 .11111•' ('1011,: 1.1111 \\t •• II•,. "'H'I ti·••• 1 n11tt1 I · I · t ii• , I,,,,, f I ,,, ' I ' , ''"" ~ H ,.. ' I • l\'l•t 1, "11 '''" n1 t J11 \\,1\ i•' ~··n , lf1•l1·11 l h1\I' 111,•k J>1·u v1•r. 'Town Meeting' Set for Tonight I L.:lo\l11id c· .. 111ntiffiotl 0' \\,tlt•r ,, 1.;11f1h ''"'" llt•llHhn ·" L• ",, 1•1 • .. ,.i. ti .i11I ·• "'' I :it 1111 It ~hi· "' t ' ,.,,., .f ·urnr~,.rt .r.-Fr.ink JllOlf\ II lh•\ 1fitl111 I• ti ''"Ill '"' 1'1 • 1tl1u1 lr1U U 1ti '" l.IW••"' ,.,, ... ,.,., ,~ .... ,,, l>11Ct1U , 1 11 .• •" hr11t'•• 11 .. ttuld l •uk. '· ·11"'""" J11uit11r1, I ,,,,,""" ••• fl ,,_,,•ti "' '1' I •,,, I '• i •'· 111d I 11 I. '•II t r .-~r· N1nt·1u1-. ...... ,,. 11•1 ~-,, .•• ,,,,., .... ,.f ,,,, •••• , .• , I Simpson .Ir. H•·nr <'<•~1m1~I ., .. lnl l'rrnlt"' F 11lmttr, l'ha rl1•• I. Tnnnc•r, Sh1rlr) ~l··~<'n •'. I l.01 n Mori' 'hall ~·~.n 111·r•t1n~ :1rr ' ,_ ,\ ~Linn. I •r. I. r L t>W{', n1r h II" pt.•cl<•d tn a111·nd 11 '"" n nwt'lt1tl: T 1·rkd. Thom"' C \\'d1i<t•·r. In Cosia ~11••11 tnnu:ht at 7 ;vi 111 1 <inud" P111n;1m nnrl thr1r l11rl11 <: Mam srhool a11d11<1num St:tff comm,.,...nrr•s pn•srnt \\ r" l'nckr thl"lllf.'flt<'l'll nf the Mc>~A 1 I lr•nr~ !'! \.rnr.rltn. r . F R m ctr r. Ch1m1hf'r f\f C'omml'rC<', thl' mN'I· • F.\·r rPll l\lnrri• Lrnn S llrs<'nt'•" Ing iii OJX'n to rvery gr~up ~11c1 and Grori:r \"1IH'rt \'1i-111n1t C'f•m - clti7.<'n 1n !hi' nn·:i. C'1rns1dl'rnl1nn ' morlorr• wrrf' P.irh'1rrl 1· F ('lll••n of d<'lnils n r 11 nrw lnnd Usl' m:ip of flnlhoa \'11cht duh nnd South· a nd ('()Uni)_ l:ind 11!'" or<tin:incr t>rn l:ilifnrni:i Y:irhtmc 11i;i;1"'11- proposl'Cl lo~· !he •·o11n1y planning thn II I-dmunti 0 111lf')' 11f P11c 1fw comml~sion '"II lt1• undl'rlnkcn Coas1 Y11rhttnf.! 11si;1-.r·1ttt111n; F: II. Discusflon at tht> m<'<'linit whir h Ru• r·n ~nul h· m ralifom1a f'ru1•· promlii<'s lo hr 11,f'ly. bo1h prn im: :o<-o,.1o111011 11nrl llih'Hrcl firm\ n 11nd con. will lw httndled airing the I \flhr1lln lk111•k Y:wht. dult i.;1 .. r1111n1I kulolt• 1 r .. 111 :111tl a •l11··k l>Ul•I""'" II• 11.,,1 '""'"' 1' i.:am•· 11.,,' h• 1·11 ;1rr.ollt:'' •I f,.1 I •' th:.mf,,·r '•' ,,1rr1111•t•• f1,11r11I 11,. I*"''~ 111 ,,,,,,.,, 11 ' 111 ... ~ a·. ,,.,.,,n~ '"'J t\ 1'1~ id '• '' '·'"'hll , d· •I 't., 1 11amht·r~1•--r1t,u \lf 1r t ._\\,1••1••·•it • id U • fi,·l ldll' f1 \~1 t n1 '•11. fnr ,.~.,.ntt1l1· 1f1 .~ 'h•· ,.,t.11 ,, .• ,,, , •• .., ,111 •ti· I··• 11, ,, , ,,, • •"'·''"'°" \:elt1af1,,n f••• tt1• d 1'-tt •'1,,1 d·•itl .. t 1111 I"; •11 •t11f1,1r ~·1, tu1l11d~ ffil••rt ... ,ltu1'\1I t 'htf11 ~1uo f<ll1ult1 I'' . 11' ,, 11 n ti. I' 1h ,11u• hUtl f<•,ftt t t I ,,.,,,,,.-"'\\11 ll1t1 •· ,..Vt'l '4tft, ,, • , , • • 1 11, "'"''"' .,1~1 11 l! """ '"''" J.11111k• I J\1111.-F 1····11.:on, ldl·•I 111• J\1 .il1 ••111uJtl•~ l•·t l•· ''IH)l11t1 \\'r·td••\ l··ty", fHI I I ''". \\ •ttlil .,. I lh•fl.f, f11 f\1tk•· ' .... n..... .. ... .,, ~;.,.Lin~ht•r. , ••.• ", 111111"" 'hif111 11u t' "Yt•·ll Lu:,1 ll•·t,M1.)'.f<lf•"t,.1~JtJ..tJf•rt :'ktl•·~ , .. yt1 .• :1dtl1111: 111:0 1 lh•• Am•·r wan F1•rlrrn11ton ••f \111 .. 1r1,cn• 1~ rtm!nhu11ni.; a 111-fou•<" h:mrl I•• pro\<rl• llw t::aln 11ffli1r \\tth 1t~11•n 1n1: rtnrl rlanl'tnl: m11•11 for old rin<I )Oline allkr "~ J.i4k.]J aftf1"'' o~ol1•I\• ••I m1,,:s.,~ '""1C" \loahr .11Hh••11'' "'""' Ill tfu ffi1 ·•flflOlt :e 'f1 ,J1 n P Jt11tf "'' nt 1111t •• nt1 tt.• • •r " ,._ f,., •'• t1 iHT'~" th• !-In ,., t1"m ;-.,. "'l"•rt l••li<'r h":irlq11:11 !••rs It \lo '" ,. ell 111• rr 1 h1i. m11rntnl! ,...h,.n I•" al of. l w• r~ h •• rl 11 1mJ1111JntJ.-<t =""" ,, < 1 h• •. '!_,. .• ()f "'" .f'""" l •i"' "''I. \! .,\ • ., 1.,. J•\\ih ""' .. f l i.w l l,1ll C'u111l 1;,.,..,,f111li1hC;ri111q11l"l, <ft1 ,Jt ' ,\111h I• ,,,j,,. fljl•" ,, ... I,. H•tt t h 1 '" ''" f'UIJlli'f \\f•lt1f1 .... "''''' f;r<•••lt•\\ Mur) c;11rlr•y ...... l l1·1n.1 K ni•••r, in rhnrcP nf r<'- frr(hmc·nt~. •;ilcl tnrlny hr hnd 1000 pound~ nf fish on il'r for t h'· f Wtl d:i~ f..;1~1 Junior Chamber Dri ves for Heavy June 1 Vote 1 nJ;: fl\\'n1\r S:int-i Ana l••ll•'" h:t\I n 1 •h• J<hl(hl<'~I 1rl"" "h•·r" h•• mri:lot 1~ a ncl nrr w:utinR t o ,.,,.. 1f h •· II r• - porl ac;u n vxal poll'"' ''••met SJ•, rr1l'h l;1)11JI! ttn lit•· '-''ftl nf th,..-., nntl ,;:,Id hoth th•· <'"r an<1 mr.n•) '"'''' 1 ... , n tht r• S11nd11~ 1 ~ n nl)' r•-.~•·ntJ} ;., • ,.,,,, d tnr-. ft,, -.y,tP·m Th•· \~lu.•lt••r1 u ( ~ 111 J 11• ,'tt WAI llll•'fl a-. !-.'f~.11(\,IJ~~I. r1r • n arnoun t••n t ttrt• ' I'"' \ alu•· "I '-lJOl'I 0.'<H lo TIM' PnliTP M\\'f) tlt•lfl' I Ill r' .<line S•n fJtf'1?'•1, ,, <·•1•114 1 In •m• hundrf.ft tim•·• ti•''•'"'"'" :i'"" of !"•-wr•1rt I~·•'" \\•l•h ...... :tll'd Ur· f,,,,.,. tnto It '''"11t1•I •"' 111l' ,, , 1 1 1,1 ,.,,, I .,.,... 11rt ll• 11:.I•· thutuu" Jlun1t. )o'nudt 111 ''" ,.,. 11 •·I '"•Ill·•"'" 1: ·• 1 • ,, 1111111111,,11. M111y 111111011. 1111rold I I 1 .... II "'"''' ' I; I f t 'M H I 1 '' •• "I.do o\f oh 1ol111t"' ••1,l11•1 l•\11 • j,v '"'''''''' '"'"'' 111, 1 !••II ff11 1o• 11111rlrh ll11y, WlllllHll l l1•n- 11lr11nl(lf!lln1, '4 1ll11u 1j,, """ •'ot· 1 1 , """ •lo.ullll • 111 '"' ll••h 1. \ <111111•·' ll•·nrotm. 1f1tr11lol lfnK- lt.rlf for th•• flr~t t 111w 111 '"~'"" "''''" lcrl1t111K 11• t\lo•···n 11 ... /\1111·• '"c f\. ,,, ,,,, t'nll\11111111'1' ,., ''!I ll ' of """ l lttrl>nrn 11 .. 111ni:worlh. II•• l11n ,.,,,,.,,,,,.,, T1 •• n~·.l•o1 1l.u1 o1111I 1.r H • 1'11'1 ·1' "' 1' ""' 1' 1"'11"1 '"" llu)I, lit•}rl 11 .. r tr·ll. S11 1 ll11rrw. 111· J\1 .11o, "''' t •Joo1t111: th· liN t '"" l••I"', •m11•h• •I "'' • '·"• 11 .,,, '"'••••ti ~ ·•V J1-fh, Bill .J11rne~ . .luhn .l1•1cn11. lhr•olli;(h th•· H11111111 H iwl..-1 ar••11 r I ,..i11n1·y .lo•nkln• . .John KPntmi.:. 1 ... ,... '" 'h 11( .I• 1 •1<rtl• '" 11 n •l 1 .. 1wlt• I •1 '·i 1 "" \\'• 111111111 1"'"'""""1 11•1 l'••11h11rt I •onn11 Kf'llo·r . IVtllf•rt '""' clw Tnl1·1~.,1 1•"''1 '" q , .. 1•1 •I '1 'I I" ''I '"''' 1'1 • •Jd• "'I h1ll .. f• 1 . 111.111 .. ~ K1mltro111:h Al- "'' j'h• 'n 11111-..ku' r I ' " I I , l11 t1 "'"' ~,,,' ,,, l.1t1 J(r111•hJ /\I\''' ,,,.,,,,n11n, Ann- , •• , •• , •• l r•o111 1~,11, •lol 111 1"•1• '' 1•1 <1.,, !111.i 1111· 111111• ltt• K nll(ltl 1;11111.\' Kult·w. l 11w - linl'!I of 1 hr Tnwn ;\kt'! inc n ( I hr I Th•• J Addl•11n l.urlr\ ·._ hn•., rl Air. ll<T"rd1ni: 10 Frf'd Ducllry, :i part) •I 1-1 ""rl lh· !·:~'"''' ~ ,f. ch11mllf'r prl'!'1rlr n1 ;ind ch111m1an tic• n p11rl) of 1(1 ( lthrr 1:11 1· of th•' rll" u .. ,,,,n ml'l'lllllt p;irl1t•" \\(·-· hn~·· rl hy !ht· 11.orl.on French Author, Guitry, HumiJi~ted Bl'1rrt~11 :· • \ 1• :-; 1 "r' !Jr I I 1 I. thr .lar k ll1llm:in~. Dr anrl ~1 " :"r wprort ll1trl.,,r .l11ntflr <n1tm- h1•r t•f C ·nr1crt·l"~ 1~ 111·1 l\'t·h lTrnm - 1 :11 nmc 11 prni:rnm o f "r.trl nut Planes ta Drop Floral Tribute \Otr·· 111 lh•· 11:.rl.rir nrr•:i, J tt•;in IJ1S A:">;<;f·.I.~.:' ~fll) -"· .1·1" llrnrlfr,rtl pr•••trlr•nt. ~rtlrl ltl<l 1\ ~1 11t111n pl:1n•< "'111 rlr1o1• •I .. , 6:1-Y r.-Old Woman Tries to Drown In La Jolla Surf •lt• ,1 .. 1 111.,• 11 1 fl ,1. 111"1 '"" •"I 011·•· ""1tl•I '" l111o1I '" Iii• fCnntlnur<I on l'lllll' 4) I t1;n 1;1 1-:r• n11rl1·' ''"'' .11f1.11 t;utrd,, ''''' ,,,., "''"'"' futUf •" \A'• fl I '" ,, i•1111•11n1· "·•· """ , . .,~ '"''' 11111111 ,,,., "''' '"' I'•··~"""' in * Weather & Tides * ft,. "'"'' .J• "'1 I '·,,.,1u11nlf• ,.. '' • •'•ti tt ti ttu t 'nit• •I S t ,1, 'I ~10<111• \ nn•I llr Rnd ~tr!'> I. Jl•":td1n,· th, 11tmnl111f • ''' r ,n. An<I~ 11f fl11"•r~ ''"ft , f"'\l·t' •t .~• \a'-" t h• f n tt11 1r• I tn S:•f ttU ·""''-"' rra\f4; .,, ttu ........ . rji•1 ... r1 r,d \,.,,, ... t1 1 ,J1, l,.)JI ... .Ju \·1 11.:r-•rt' :\dm 1n1,,1·1t1··n •'"•n,·•·· I 1• H .. t .. 1 • I fool•I· 11 I I• '" •••km" rl11nnl· \!• m•1r1,,1 11,,, , 1 • l.Yfl:'I-. Frnnr•. '.\11t) .!f: • l 'I'• \\ \f f \f t '' \ \ "'fTtfnH \ \\ .. ;-:.,.h,1 r.1111r~ Frtn•h I ·•)·I 1·111<·\1;r1 \I n~ .!fl 11'1'• •ti '"''I' 1'••t111111t: • .. L<• •'"'n' ~unrla) "TIO.:hl llllcl "''" \' k1rln:·1~c1 II ' \ \ •' "' 1·" \\'1"ht1r 1\•fr••Jll 1"0· I'll) •• w •r lh•· hr1hr1ay'< 1\!;ij r;.n r;r;i\ .. !' I ··.- l'Rrh l•tOll\' h\ form"r t••1,t •nr1 (1 .. m •hr l•••••rl•nt•·tl rau l~f·1 •,"nt1 111 .. 111.:h .11111• I'" !11• """ 1 ·s~1r-n,r,..,111•l r 1· _. .... , mrn·~__;,,arlrl11mknttl •1I th• lhr :'1-llYNJlltrr d•ll111n Ar lt 1 :il>'•ll'•• h.illo•• \lllh !Iv· I'll)' th• ~11 -· \1 1111" 1.,,.,,, "' fOltt' o f .. prllJl'l'lt•rl r•••"'"lll'• •anl'· "•"•'<. r•I I r , ... '1Tl(!l t11l rrirr .. 1·l•·1k T•1mnl'!tt\\ ·~ lh<' rl1.1rll1nf' M arin• H"IT·t•k' <"111n1· J•t•n rLo tua ry nncl 1h1•n kt l11m It"· !••Ill'• ponrt1 nl r .. r lh• °"' \\ Yt11 k T tn. 1\•~1,.11n1· ll11ld• n a" m• m l.,·r• uf tnn. \\Jll rl• 11'·• r '"' 11rrn1 •I>·" Ml r <'porlrd , 1,t) 111,, I h<' romm1t I•• r.r•· I I• nr) flrnm-rlrr"'~ G ui1n· wn• mndl' f11 knrrl lo::ir•.. 'I h:nr """'r h1.,•n rrrl11tn lhnt l nrrl, Thi.t1·h .-r \\11rtrn \'1ri.-;1I <111k· Motion 1'1rtur··· S t,,r J.,d\lo :u rt head~cl w htl•• n i:::roup nf phntn-\11 \\'11llit1•• will i.:n th1-ough In dr·n. :'\••nn .m \,9mbl". Jc» St Amp Arnold \lo tll ru1d Luw•1ln J ~11r~ graphr rs tonk pll'IUr.... thr• :>:O\r mll('r rJOl!s,. KrO<'k ~111d I And Ed\loard RirhardSt.n hurg At1dr~5 '"''' ' II} 1 ·11111 d l'c"" 11 1 1 1 1 , , , 1 t 1 · ''"111 l••·I· 1,.\,,, .• 1,h .,,,,,.1 ''*·•··r .. I \ J <>Ll.A . ,.al \1,,., 11, l f 'l'•I ''' '•·n,., ,, "'' ' '"'•' •' t \ I f1 N h \ f';"ll tJ11ilJ, ftt1ft t,1,,1., 11 J ••II • If lf11 ,1 'jll• •.t f,., II f1 111tt ,,f 'ffH ,,•lf lllSt 1tt • °"'' ; flt:t• "'"Aft \llf'lhlt~: 'lti: f ._.,..)',.'tr4 •lrt "'11'1 "" '•'••"" r• A1111._. 1.,,,,, 11 , 11 ,, "'''''' 'l'•••-111 1t•••fnt 1,,,,1"'"''''"'•'·•l•·lt••r•ilrnt11r11nvht\YPf•••td,1u1tt 111 uu1y n nc '" "'"'"' \ I ... , .... o1 ''"'r" I I " I • " • '''" 1 • ..... , ·•I Io I "'"Ill , ... 1.1) a111I 'l11ur-.t111y: ' -, I I •• , ,, ' II ,,j " ' . • ·,· 11tllf'TI:IJ1ltn11'''11r .. v.11 l11r"ll 111, ,.,,,,1,, f J\ I .11,. 1 I' I I I f I l l1l l l1·11h1Hir• ft~l 1·1111•·r:111trt• •• " • rrl.n). 1.-•l11·1 r• nr,rt1 rt I J I r ''''' "''" '" , "I''' '' ' v.11•1 , llf '''It• ••I t 11 . 1r-• ft rt ., •• ,.. , \t I', I .. I " v' I' ,. ,,, ,,, '•. t tit• d tt1•I fltl '1"1rv-n ':t"I ~tr· I • I \ II "' ,c, •• '"" ••••• ,. 1 .... , • .,,, • ,, • 1• t I I I \ Tt.\ll't.IC ATl "Ht'.~ I ~ I I II• ,. I"" I llJ• I I' 1'1 ,.,.,h•rtlM\' ·r uda ~ ,, "'~. l ..tt ,J,,11;1, """' ... ,,, ,,, 'f1 ,\ ,, 'Ill,, ''·'I I .~ J ll 1, 1 .. "'•11 '1~'' .,,, t lt litl I If t ·••• I J #'_r. v. •; tnto thr ,.,,Tan, f11ll\ / J1,1t •·ti t r~ ,1, I I \\ id 1, ·•Jtl" •I ,,.tJ 11.,, "' 1. 1 • It, ,,1., 1,,, \ ,r1, 1 .. 1 ''"', ·~' 1 ""-'"" ..... tftt I ,. ••' ' .... ti j m ' / '•d•• .,. ptaud In orOff ot oc..cv··~ '' f;it "'T Anq un '' l•,11tt 1•;4 l f~''·''°"''h '''"'''''''"'''' •• ''' trihfl, fff '"''' th1 tt1 lt1 f 'at Lltht ttgw••••· m.J derk f lf t.lt'·•• ,. '"· •' '1• thr 'br• ~krrs 1111 lh1 r11vir11 • ••I 111• If, "11tl Ill' l'••llfoolttf•l.11• ti W :lf; 12:44 !i !'i:l 10:1-4 4:U l 'rl1F()llY1f.'n 11pflhH I 11rllf1n1tl r••-1 ~'"'" l•·ro1~nl•·111. """•·\•r '·''"' 'It•• ,, I S \l tl1l 11\ """'""! J O 0 4 ~O 2.8 l""''KJft until 11 llf• RUArd rf'11Jlln · ,..,,,,,.,. th.11• a lrtot1i: r• 1n1 .. r .. ·mr•nl• "'''•l•I "I"''''' 111 l•11o..i .. ~ 11 ti•··~ Th 'rT t :U 6.4:i ll:tt l :n ''" r.rr1vrd ~~ had 11rr1vf'd frnm Tri A vlv I 111 ( ;r1•1 ,.,. 1 • 3 1 --0.1 4.5 U . ' '-- I .. • ·. ~ I • .. 21 LabOr Unioils Ask Nat~onalization-of I -ails-. . Pase 2 NEWPORT BALBOA NJW8-TIMl8 WJ'.01\'TADAY )irwpeit ._.9a_ ('.W. Ma1 H. IM8 Experimental Color Television Begins in S. F. S AS f'RA:"\t 1 S('I I, ~I,\\" :.'f> •UPI -i:q,rrimo·nt;tl ld•'\l~l"'I rolor broodca:.t~ '"'tiiun h•·ro· 1oor1~ u lh-e apphc-anl• hnlllt~1 lur l h• rcmiunini;: 1t\'1Ulahlr Bay ar•'rt t" h In ''" ("hl\lll1t'I' l Fr.in•·•~••• 2 ND FRONT PAGE E·A·R·L·Y N-E-W-S Accuse U.S. Government as Strike Breaker I I lh 1.\1 ttt:s' t: c.o:-.ut:t< · \\ ,\:-;111 ;:-.<;Tq:'\ \1f1y :.'I) • l "P • <;.,,, 11w • 111 .. 11 11·1ril~ 1.: 1n· ;i 1 r11ltt ~h1111lr11 r 1111!;" 1., rf, 111.11l!I• l '" :1 r tll\' 1\ 11t11011' f.•1 fl .t111r ti II' tfll,U 1 t \tt11 1 u·.•n I ·tlh• ttf, I 11 .. 1 lj,.' ... ,, •111 d 11111 q ,,. '' '1•t· 1 r. ,,,..... ., 1 J," j,' ... 1 ,. 11, I ft 1 ' ~ • I 1 '' ' ' I• r 1 • f ' , I I J • I. 1 t .. t tlt'l''''j \\ f •• h I• ti '" l'• I I'.,._ f' .· ·: siacl Presiden.t Visits Tru.man ::ir~a~ County Auditor Outlines 0!~ ear~. s~~ .. .i Route of Newport Taxes Cahfom1a .. Ma~· :.'6 • l 'P • ~W?f shdls. and to~.-s of thP l "nn r....i · o("()ntmued from P<wt> J 1 '> Stales l"avy ~ank tht· dt-<·r11m1ru.>-Cvun1y m. onno: anr1 rl· .... ·k1n1: r.t'nt.11• <1m1-,11nh-d 10 5-.4-13.34 for the )otOl1•-d C'1'U•~·r S:.ll La.k" c 11, 1n ftVill 'nrr '" 1~~7 .mrt 5:.: ~•I till tor rh.· pt•nod from July 1, 1~7, 10 t I .. <· •. '· Ai.nl JO t<e&i-Th·· n t\ , ... 11, r t• rnoonng 11nd lea S(' n-ntals on CU)· r111mn1; t .. ,.t•rc-1,,.· " I ,,,.. ....... · -· rorma r11a~t l"or~ n } . 1 A•.1d11w •:-.·kf"l n .. 1.,1 1h..i1 "''" p11r1 £l<'a1•h taxpayers N'Cl'tving their S hl· -.·u~ fo\\t'<i '''''rd:.~ lu a ,4 , t,.!J foom 11Jt, •• -.. .. 1111\ tmol ''"' 11 rndu<k>--m ore than county llUWI;. flOlnt l:\S mil•·~ 1111 th< t'11<el 4l.nci Tho> .-....u.I\ , ,.:t.~ •· I• r ;-.;, "1•irt lk'ach SC'hool dis tric t. the H arbor today w11h~1ood '"' 1 .... 1.r-,.j .,. ... 1 l•~1'r• I .. r; j ,., m. •· n 1h•l!l"'lo :'\t'\\J•ll1 n.·ad 1 City COlll'l'li. llS " ........ , ••• ti\ Sen. May Exem1>t rA'Orl:•' f> ;\ <ku r .. 1 n c·. i11\n<mnr1rt 11,, "'''''' .,, .... • G <· .. k,r ·rtt••~ 1" , 1o . ··T· ".,,.1 .... ferhun 1roups ... , 1/!lt t I I lft• ' 1Jl1 .,..,, ,,,,, \11 ).\ .. F~ t •• mh:1rdm,.11t "1111 l.tri.:• .o.n-1 •n ··~ t -r '''' ~.Urf •ho·• .111d ~1• 111l' a port1un on tht• ha roor w ithin ~rn.dl '' • •l" ,n-.. t .. f· •r , rt• 'u1.: ,,\ • :-'h-f"•'' \11 ltl '" I II I I I IH \ nut\ I ,, ('.1l1f0f'n1A" <·.,ml'·•"' ,,, I • '' '' 1 1 s • J Se •t f1tifJ h,f, r• ol , .. .,,,I ii I ·,,ll•lllllfl, n oe1a curl v C""4iflt•n'S ('"t,OlOtl""''H.•0 tu ,, lfU' • • 111 ... II 011• d f' ,t.h~ ". 11<~ I 't 1 ""l llft\iJf I Utt fl\\,tf, \.tll•• t lfrt I I t• " I' ti \ "" t , • d \\\-.:l(l,1.I••'· \l .\Y .'1; •1•1111<1 I .1 ... , .\dll••I 1 .. 1,11 I! Adair rnrrn•r .... ,,. .... ,.( •h ,."1 11 l•t ll1t ""'""' t 1n 1111l1• t "•t1I ....... ltl •IJ O('('r. s:ilil •h•· 1)111 1 hti.;h l1t · " '", I , \\ ,, f11 ,, d H 1 :'• r I'• I ' 1 • If • It nl t q~ 4"'UlJ•r h lt'\.l"'U1rt It''' \\•I p.;trt .. f • f u ... ,.:I•~· ti ···r. I•, 1~1· 7, • '' 101'' • \ • '···'" 111• 11 1 rul .. q • r It l"" I J t t ttt f "'-It' ·~ ~ i I 11 If t ~I 1 t f' I l t J J f t11d1'1 ~1ut1•1tl 1•1 ut Jf, 1l•'1lu11d 1, ""''\\hill Cahforn111" •·X1•·r11n•·r11al 1•1 "'1 111 t lttur•u,· ,,,,, .. ''' .. ''"''''n"' .. r Tt.-·"''''"'~' ,, •11 •1 •• 11 , 11, •t>ir-h hr "~lo '..,, 'l11·d1l1o II tu "" 1 ii ,, , 111 ol, 11'! • 1 •'• ·• •I 1 t • r 11•1 • id 1•111 '" d l• ' ·~· C'Omp.'ln) f.,,-""' .. 1 1 h1 f\• u 1' I t In .1 ,,,,.,,, •Hl • h11J 1tt.•11r .. ,,, n••'••'I·•'• \\11t. 1t,. '""''""' ,.,,,, n 1 .. 1n1ni;: 111.u k-.111• '' 111•• • to .. 1111• 1.. • • I t Th I I . ' I''""' I, !111 '~·1111111111,. .. :.11 1111 •''" "' , .... ,.... ''"' II•\\ ,. ,,., l••I . •"" lrt• .. itc·,i._f" ti.~..:.•H iunl. 1 1ti,, .1rliun 1c t.1kPn ;,.•~Uf){) t1111111al 1 t" ''• '"'' l••lth .. lJl8!1o n SI I Uf• ••n '"" uf 1111 !"11 -· I ·1 t I .,., · f' l)f k I • •1 •••1 t• I" n" "I I ·~· ,. U.:•" ...... , J , '"·'"'' l•ll 11 .. t1n11olll1111•11 r anr.. " !' wl>.1. l tul\ ..... ,, { .. 111 ·•!.!•' ..... n, r1i-"h"n ,,,..~ "' lht I "" .. '"' ' 1111•· 1111• ,, •• t• ti or 1 "'0 .,,. 'i.-.1 ft" .. ,,.,., In 111' 1, """ ti'• 11l thn1n:h tlwy h:o\I• p.~irl I\ 1."1 1111.:t.1 11 11111 l•I • '"'' 111, "' Bay Ar•"'3 c·hn rt-('fll\•• "" 1 '~ 11•' fl••t h1nc tnln lhl· ')~H·m. .!1 "• .:..! 0 1 qur r 1d 1.d1111 ti:n1u11..: QUl'n<")'. "hwh 1' ffilll'h hl>,lwr 1"h1·ll11u~.·11lrt>11i1y h11.t11prron'() tof•l•'•11111w l .'"~11 .. , ''"lk•I' If t h an ordln:.ry 1t•f1•\1s111n hr11aJ . ,11,. 1 _.,~1,1111 11'" •ll.IR :.'9f.I "ht1•h "•" 11 1, ,,jll ,,1 '"' ,., 11 11,., ,11 CUii "Trl,.H~•on ('iililurnl.i ' IS" 111m · i.:0<·i..l11 th•• S•nat.· rlo.or In 111•i.:11t11tl11 •11' '"'"''•11 tl1•• 11111!•11.1<1 cvmpany f•irm•'<I h y F:dwin \\' m an\' rr-.ip ·<"ll'. ii 1~ ~imll11r lo 1n1l11<;tn .11111 tltr•, "''' 11n1o111-. Paulry. C"hfornla nll nm n nnl'I 1, ... 1,'i~tinn nneeAd 1.,1.r lhft p,.,~1. fonnt"r S~111l asa11t11nl tu Arm • ~ ~ " •-·~~ ' ' ,. r• 1•1 •" nl 111..: ' 11i,:1111•t'I '. 111 • lllo ti " d1,nt"11 \'rto 1<1 .. xr mpt indt'fl('ndc-nt 11r1d '" 1td111wn Stt:retary Kml'lf>lh A Ro)all. nt'\\< ,.,.,n .. 11re fr•>m 1t11• n1·1 "f"h I I I I Newsprint to :Ease as Supply Capatity Grows WASJllNGTO!'ll. MAY 2ti H 'P1 Th<' niows print ~horlul(<' w 11l •ht> "n lM1drrnhl) ,.a_..,.,r · 11.,, ra.r by rho• u..cr 111 l ' S ~1111~ <•f ,,,.,.. f'(jUlprnrnt \\1fh '11 1111111 1n nual c-a1~11·1t) of n"•r~111 I••• <W'lf1 to n11. 1 <"f>mn.• ,,., 111·1•11 1111· 1 · --~pPrt s..·\lf1 1•"1.1) \\' L ?Vu111.·1 hi, tw.ul .,f 1h1 dr1'arlm1•111 • 111111, 111d j•.ir• 1 •1111 1 r• r...rtHf rh.11 11o. '"' ,, r !- aup1•l} 11r n•·",.l•n111 111 tlw fir~• lhrc~ monlh~ rh1c .\••nr "" I.' Jl'T N'nt 1:r••1tf•'r n11m in fh(' first quarrrr ul 1'•11 1',•n•11mp11111 ",. 11 p.>r t-t nt h11:h• • ., u ., t• Utllf•fl ''(tt •'I'' ':IU l 11• l-:•1\- Thf' n<-w l..l'Jitishitinn wu uld Rf-t•rnm1 111 h ... t pl:u···d 11•• II 111 lh<' r .. 1 I N'r!nln IOSUrAn<'P <all'!'lllf'O. JN.i.ll111n of I ,.,,I 1k1· l1ro .tk• I rlnnr·t~donr ~alP11mt1n. m1nf'r<1 who lnk1ni.: '' 111111 .. :tl 1~''" ''"'II 111 tit. 1'0nlr11rt mdq)(•ndf'nlly for m in -n 11tr11.ul• .11111 n1t1 111111ni.: 11 1•111111 111i.: ni.:•11' 11nd nr\\'<flfl l•'r suh· 11rtl• 1 11111 111i.: 11i .. tlori~· 111111111~ 111 •1·n plion 0Ulhc-11nr~ n()I (lntrl d i· 1·:111t•I lh• •l1•k· I/lo \ n ·1·!1>· hy lhf' Jlllrw'r ~l.1.> 11 • Tlw Tr"H"H~' 11-•tlAl'lnwnl , RS Tlw~ ~ ;i 1 rt •h•' 1:1>\•·1111111111 1n th• n• "'• ,-1·nrlor<.ca.11c, h1111 01'· ~hnutrl ··1,. i:111 1•11•1•·11 .111"11' 1 .. r 1111 j • 11f. d 111 lu tnC Thi ,,. JM·~nn~ tjnd t r It ftfl'I• I ,,, 1.tth t•.ul u\\ flt r ,lup tt I ,, .... ,1 ..... I 11nt) ""''"'"' ·n. rr11ru f•ll\ ii• lt1f• It ... ,... ftl fht 1"1"1'1 it1011 '"1111•1 pn·\••nf t hi-. /I '1111. ii "1 ol•, .. 1 1\111 .. 111·.1 f ;u\•lflf111fU 1fJHlil'-ho\\1\1' 1uu; \\\I Kl'\c, c·o '\tt:"' 1111 ;11 '''"' 11." 11 ,,, .. ,,, 1.1 1111111 "' 111<1 11 r1'!11. \'I •1 1 I'll!' .i·r 1 1t , ... ,.,,II"' , ....... "' 1 ......... '" ,,,, \11 ontl \11 ... fl '"'' II l(11'1i.11 ol· ,\Ill• I I• ,,, •\•lo l•I "'" \\11111.J """ •11ft 't flllfl '" f d • ft11 II ifq~• f11t oi I\ t .. 1 ttf1,1tf1 I• d "t l•IU•l\ f.\ fie \\ tf5' '1 h• c 11l1p f1 lt•ltl pulu·, th•' { •t•lllllUl'-11 tl1 tt 1rttl 11 1 I 11tt:\ Ch.I tf111 r• • ·tu ''roll rtu• \•"' tu1tk• I h) C 01m..:1,-,... .p~ Ith · '••I 111 11 1 ,,,,. tt'• It b 11111 .-nd '''"·· thr• , ... ,,, 1111 ,. ,,. 1 d1t1I 111 fHP• dl.Hlh'"'' 'lit., \ '"''" ,, '-1 IWIU \\ 11111111 I" I •II II\ HI ·it,,. ;\ .... 1t1tl f\\. \\11th•' \\itlfh ~It... '-114ltl111fl \' •• •II H1 ll••UI ·11,. H111 ii I· I·· 111f11".111o1n ,\,f. •·1n1 •1uar1<r 1· S 11•"" 1•11111 n11111•1 1.11 1 .. n 111 '\tot lh flnk,,1.1 1h•· produc-t1on !1r1•Jll"~ f1 \1 1• • c-.•1·t 111to1111•d 1111111• 1h;i11 ~·1lflitWYI1A1 ••• bPklw ttw-fint qunrl•'r of I 1~1 """ h •>lll'' r1f 1 l••t·tr11'1t' to• 1-.1n. ) .... ~t tMUd, but Uus ""'as •WTil'rs durln11 thr 19-\G fill('nl )f'ar, eff•~t by lncnllM'd purc:hllM'S romJlll!"M to 2.6~1.1000 kllnWflll from fCJl't'ljrn m.111~. I hn11r< i.n fiscal 1941 •t·.tt >.•tl lftt 11• •1111 ll"" 1U pH1 ,,. , .... h .. ! ,, tf lllft 1111ti 1101. \\I I.. 11 \ 111..: 111 ""' 11 ;11111111 .. 11 11 .. 111 t h• I 1 ... t lhll lht 11 l&flltttl' t t\t II • IU'• If to 11 t t pt '-t tll1 rtlt 111 11 1 f1'"- rl'l'tofllll1t'Otlo d It) 11 1'1···~111< nl1al F:w1.f111d111i.; ho11111I Alcoholic Drink Sales Step Up 8 Pct. Over Mar. f Ar-TC!IC!pltotoJ or Ch11lm WPllJTlann . Presldtnt <•f h rat l. preaenta ~sldent Truman w1lb a Torah. or Bob Scroll. dur11111 a Hsll w I.he Wlll\e Howie. Police Clear Roods for Mercy T:;~ :.1111 •mkmi: """ ''''' •fl ;ho • .-I ·a, r ",,( 1 ·1·•i!• I• 1 th.• •1Jlid1\bionl' na mt'fl. lf''Cc-lwf. .... n_:'S1.A1•,1· J •h••t'•••I•' 'l•••••·1t•·· ... 1 nt ... fh•·ruunt) nuc-.~:tA(X)9 ·'' ~ ~>:> "m lf 'l•I • 11 1•.s1,.-•• _, :-. ..... ~"°' f!.,..t, .. h ... 1 1,, 1. I•· ...... ;~;,-, 1h., lla rh<1rd1.-1nct nllt·.~.l·IRO 11nrt I ;onkrr.5. ~f 'I• fl·• ' "1• ,,. .. f •N> .--•• 1 , • r•r .. 1 of •• 1 ""r 1 , • •1 .. t .;; r~..;j 1 h• Cl'mf'tt•n di~triCI rati' ta rt• on th• •t )1• '"" ~.11 L "tl.• :'\-t•;· .. r.. ., ',,I•'· .. ~1 .... ., c·11\ \\tit• I'' tll• • •1.a .. • r.h-.. • '11.~ \ .. •: ,,. ... f,.""' J•f•, r:t 1 1 •.it. • J r •'~ 1 , ...... tnfl 10;' lt·\h·~ \\lthin ,.,, flu ,' t J,it ... ''~ •• ... , .1.1t 1·~ffn '\. ,."!. ;• I~ r ,.,,, • ,,.t ~"' '' \?' • •• , 1.1,1 .. l •H 1h.· 11 ... t·aJ ~'·::tr 19 1i -1fl. a t ''"'J • d 7o r .. unfi, ·rt .. ·n 111 .ru, • J• 1 •'.ti .. ' 11 ., ~.-.... f '.llTU t"" J't Int 1 tun. J). ,. ( .Jnd J1,.f(1,.. l! ~tr 11•. -.tt •• J.-tl ·f. , ... 1.' :- \\1th 111ad11n. i.:uu l tr• •M I••• fJo1unrt lw1mh• Th•"' dl "••k-,,,..,.. 11•·1 int• nit.'<f 10 d.una.i;.. tbf:: .586- f,..,1 C"ru1'f•r . liu1 to 1 r .. m rtx> flu·rs. Thrl.'<· CTui'<t·rs, ttw St. P aul. i'o.L<>adrna and ~JJr1nd1• Id. <1" ord with R-1nch lt;,t1r-rws frvm l "'.(0 ) ~ltrd~. Thi";•''"'' f11llu\\1-d l ') .. ,, d,·,,tro~··r"' ltrm.: Jr .. m 11.•••• , . ......_ (. .Si.t \ ';.. ..-... ,t C•~Rf \ II• '·h ("•""°'Y 11· ,i-cral C • ~...nt) \\o~· c•,<lnt' ,,.\1f\ • r-L.._ltl_: <"•• ... nl; r.rl.; '7, ... ..,.;c, lt.-t> ~ h···l I 11-t .,,..:.-! C"•-n' ool (' •I r1< I 11..rbtlc i .... ,....("f 1·.~1,.r: lr.-rnrt ;-..,. T:t~ Ital,. .... ~'.!"~I IW.1 t'lr~I!~ 111 ~ 1101 11 ..... 1 \ :1lua rt .. n ~I I..' : 11 loo 11 II:.' 1111 51) ~~~I flO 11 I fiti 7 tlft ;.u 1 01 .! . ..'AAI~) :'rl!l If.ti fJll :ti.1'; I (JI I 1-:()1 1•1 1 .1fri no T in on Tnt•I l 'n...-c'uff'd Ta' \·a luallon l..r\ \ ~ 17. lli.~I ~119,~·lli (}() I 170 l)O I:: ~I :.'.()r 7 72.UlO SR. 6:!3 Oil 1 5H7.00 3.),254 00 9-.100 1.:!15<XJ 4 16 .0tl :.!,?:t-1 !J() 69 . ..'XOOO 611174600 '.! 193 00 36,:l&I 00 960 llO 9.3 13 00 IR7.00 1.67·1.00 ~1.5~1!t &tr..!.m.; IJO S l()t.706 00 $926 741 00 ~<t•d• T h.. d1-<!Tff~('JC ~ I . . I d1r .. <·t h 11,. fr om th•· 111"'>1 """'o p~L--Hotel Food 1 _1111 Lak~· "'·' mill's wt>st or i.t11r1ini:; :1 f1rr :ihlJdrd 1ho• 1ar.;..i l I U~ \\ 1llr·o x. 1\n1 , pro\'ldl'S one of •he ''"" , "'hkh Pois.Jned 40 "or td '" fl'\\ J)t'rmnncnt mirages • L 'lri:1•r f!l:tn• ~. fn in.: n ork• is f 1 •n • •I• ar d ay a i;rl·a t hody of :ind dro111oni:: 5(-1 '" 1.•• ll<"md u ·-•xr-•"I.F." \I I ·~ •L"P• I fir) \\;tft•r"' may lw •N'n from the ;::> ..... VL -~ • ~ -hfo'h\\ I\ tw1111l1.:. s1·11rf'd a d1rt1·1 hJT 1md th<· n.-. or~ ho·'\hh ct.·"'°-.rtm• n t t•>--'· crut""r ~•.,•m<-d to 11-1 !>ltt.:h11~ ''• dl~ ..nal~,r.<I -...mpl•, 11f ch1rk• n· -;=.===============:::; J••r• hu• ,,.,._.,. ••"'i ..a·~•·k..r...: ""t...'l_. .. • 11 •lf fJu1,,.n1n~ •·•\IL ar;r,ua~o -ancn.o1~G ,\! 1:: ~t11 p m ,u f.m "'"'"' "• J.. i • .-.~ ~: " ~ .. -.h .. ..., lund" on I <" • 1· Th•· llr•l l <>q • 1!10 llr•"1 f:-<orr.' <Y.r.oa.-"'-11.•nn• 11 1.. _., 1 rr lh• • nt1·n1• dur-11 1 _ ... J' r t ... ,.._ ·.-_,,• v.1•r .. 11 ;,,.. ... .-.~ ...... ·, ... ,t •• ·,·. ~• I ti:• f.,.1. 1t f .. t\\ 1t1I i • n T• ••• iii•f ra.., ...n.-t.•• n .t' ,, 1h ·t~ S . .tr l ..;-1k' ('JI' 1 .. •,tf I· ' \ "'! • '..i.:"' t •• • \fnnda~ '\:1 n.-. (1( 1}i1r.-•· -et -~ """""(l WArll~P)I fl r;" ISO WAC'H"'rJil \ .\ n I'll I IXA!'lt: ... ____ ,.., ---- n \a1111a .u•r u '" r. l'P.a\·H·r. a:; , ... , .. _,..., ah.e.. .....,... fl"e'M 11,, •. tn 1nu 1 .... l:n1 1 1n •·l""t'\.•1 .. <lf'> i• -""· 1 , •. 1, .... r•rf ,,,...,l1 tlt/1' •n p l u1, 1. I'" •t •· it t • r •S• • h • ~ • • • ;. ......... -----.---..,,..-----------.,,'""='-====~=======!'I I f• • t 11 .. m 1 h· ,, • • , lrn ul ll•h ''·" fn •d fr<nn tlX' -. lJ I ii 1 11 n• • f ~. rt\ ' l -. 1 ·, 11u! • \\ ,. t a ••• ·~ I,, •1·1 ., I \ • ' •t I •' I,! j, ~°"'*' CHROME -DlllETIE ... Investigate °l'Nude' Youth ~ s:,1i~1~1in~"P.:~:y _, ( Arme T,./,.pAotoJ A c!r:\nintk 93-m lle Ta« with dt'Rlh was L."Slslf'd by police or t1Jur Cahfom 1a rour.tlcs a.s lhl'y t'~ortrd In relayi. an aul.om oblle cam. mg A d r-'<pcrnlrly Ill Uu+e-•t'l'k·old "blue baby" from Mndesto to San P rn1w1.,ro. The 'child, Plltrlcla 8l<'rllng, daughf.t'r of Mr. nnd ~rs. F' M Rlrrtlnit of Ct'n'-". n tnr M odMto, WM provided oxnern from a t1Url.ilJk rt.'~J>lii41.0r applit'd hy Nu~" M~ J. !(. Le:ibu, ~u ... ·u hl·re wWl I.be 1*01. 1l "P1 An .. 1 h • (. m11I· nnd drinkini.: ··ori:) ·· I•} 11111 h11:h •rh•l'•I IH1~~ .11 n1•:.rhy '.\tills l..:1kf• tn\•''ta:atfo.ti tr-rid\ fTlttrr : • .r ""'' ... Polic-c C'hi1·f W ilham •:11d !':in !\1'11•-<• '"uof\ .. 11,. -\\ ''t 1• 11 ~ U)L! 1tl d• lt mlll\* •' • t ~i\("HA~H::"\Ttl, ~I A y .'fi .... ALE SEX LIFE DEFENDED ~ ... )OUlll! ("olU)ll• .. ''"'' _, ,_.d ••• fl"J>i /"Plhlllllf'flPn I•( \lt•Photflf IVl Wtlfl p:trl~ ~<'rl' lhe ~ 1frho You .:;in f111J-m11r,· "'ml1•rt .onJ r.·l.1 \.1t1 .. n 11 '"" 11:kct )"1lllr .1rpli.tn••· w11 '1 ,.,r,· It,·,,· ",. 111 1 ~. It <l p 1l1q • .IJV.-,1\'< l1t <.Irr\ th11"' tlt"ll\'-\\ h1,h ,1JJ §11 mu.:h to th.· l.v.1r1ht \· "' \••••r fi.,111,· '""" .or.· ~I" 1\ .. •un· I•• 1111J 1h, th111i:~ \•'ll" •111 .11 ·' r11,.- rnu"ll 1!l.1Jly p.1y ..._ ...,..,.. .W11-~ for t "ur1hrr lnfnnnallnn SPIES HOME APPLIANCE 911 ('-t llilrtl••J "'"'l'"rt IWM·h Rt:U \RU: Rt:1• \IK ~t:R\ IC t: • ~~-IP• , q ~-.; llAJU>l\"AILE ht"\••r.1~· "-an t "alilurn1 t UH'I • '"ti • • • '' 1•n · fuund ~'' 1n1n 11nc .• r d •r • hy """'" I ll'hl I~ r ····nt Ill \l.!!'f'h Things Aren t Quite So Bad for m e IWll \It I k~ ·•<!" "' 'i· I • ~ ll\1•r tho• ,,11111• lfl•lllth .1 )""11· .11;1• ,. • l.:1k1· m ll1ll"h"r1111.:h th•' ~1 """ i .. 1r" "' ~:., .. "1"·1'"' 11 Human ~tale as Dr. Kin sey Says !"Ml•-r '·11d , •• 1 .. •· , ••• , •• 1 1111"•''' r. <:111t1' h1111nl nf '"IU:tli· I.I 1:-,:(; 11~:A1 't I I ,1 ''·'' ::6 ltl••1 11:ir1• '""'~ prnr 1•d u rr Thf'n to·•·11-;1J::<'r' h ad l l•·d ""'rt ·j,.' ;111n .. i111o ··ti I p11r1~ Frn1.t) n11:ht l·ui 111 ·• 111111111 1111•111111•1 .t.1111•• II Q1111111 o1·1•1 Tl11:11:' .11•11 1 11 •1 "' barl h• '"'"''"I~ i.;t•l" a ll '''!ll•rl .. 1m l arri\ccl ,.,,., ... , nn• 1.,, \\)• "•· '·"'' lh•· 1:1111 p1 .. 1t1hl~ ••·1or••1n1~ ,,.., l •r ,\trr•tl 1· '' 1·-.,. IH'SI · ltk1· a'"'~ 1; .. 1k111i.: thrnui:h 1 h11td un:.hl1• 1 .. <""ll••I 111· ·• • lll\•111111\ .1d111 ... •m0n1, 11\ n ··1"ll111i: ·:-;,.,11.il ll•h 1\1·•· 111 Th" "''11111. •11 11-\\1111111: ., 1<11: 1.,.,k qttwkl~ •·n•111.:h II·· rq .. 11 •• 1 i~ t.11lo •~ II•· a<li11·tl· 1111111.111 ""'' ""'·ld ""IH'llll', .1111' '·'~' 111 .ill 11111 '11r11lrt.-•"M\Tn<• found f\\11 d".t"n ""1J..11' 1 • .-· • • "It 1• ''"' •'111'1) 111 1·rm,ld1•r 111111 -. .. ·111l11i.:1•I 111"' 1 \I 111111.•rfidd 111tl "• "h 11 I ",.·" :onrt · innumrr;,ht .. · I•• r t .. .-·J•< t lu·~·· 1· 1111' mark th" l'hll 11r tlw ht 11• \••cl rodn} l11111 .. r f1<·M ~ 11..:..: ,. 't •ti tha t Th;. ~rn11h \\h(I ".;c: ••I "·~·! •11111111 "' tit•· .t1•,.tu•l11· 1 .. '' r •>:• '"Th·· mn"t ;:1,11 111. "' '""' ~!' o r ''" lnlrn.:t•h 1111~h :1h• .111 \\Ith r ... <;111d th•• I •>~~ 11111! i:11 I• "' r• . ., 11 ,111°· \\hu·h lt.1 .. 111111 no t11•1•ahh· lhi• "''"" 1, lhi· "" 1,1 i.;1nsry1 .. 1111s 1111\\ 111 l""i:•·'~ ....... 1111·0 11 "Fra l•'rr111y P:.11\ · 1\ •1mi •t 1111 •nm1• 11111° ' , •>1ll riul1<·ta lumsi•lf, • I •r Butter· 1:111 "' :inrl .. 11r \111111.; l'<'Of•I" ;irl' p:irl~ •· "1• l•rt•k• 11 up h\ 1 .. 1• ,. Cattle Tuberculosis Fe ared on Increase '"hi .... ,~·!fol ,, 1, 11,., 1 , .. r ,,1111 11 .. 1 i:u111.: In th• .i ........ ""1 ''" "' ~h• riff~ al DuJWS Bf.'ach. on the :it·tin~ ct1rrr tor 11f 1.:11111 .,,,.,, ,11 M t. llllt ntl 111 lf\o l1k0 lh• m ' :'.111 ~l.11 1•• 1·uun1~ n•-.•"...,, ,.· 1 !";rn 1\nt1111111 '"'"' .:• Id 11,.. C n l-1 ·11.11111•.111 I ;,,. ii• 11, .I I 1,111,.·I..;; ~ •·.•r I 11001111.0 , ""I''', 11.., , 1 ii wd-nf t;,,, 1.-.orl \\ •t: • 11 • <'I llll•' 1'1>m· t"llll"\(~(l tl'l'I 1111'1\ml'riC"nn 'II• m1--.111n •ltlfl)m.,: .oth ill 11tl1111l·•-H t w·r ~ ........ ,,.. \"•1•11011\ \1··!1 •• sl , ...... 1.11,.,,., lt.•1•1lll•l"•r· tlll111i:''l""'h"111 t1 .. 111 ..... 11111111l.h111I: eme •e~ .... "' lh•· tttOlllo I 111 f'.tlll1• ,, ""''' ,, ' L*• 1' l +f t .~ ,\1t •· 1'' t'nlln"\ ... I ' H b d n· *. , ....... 1 .. •1111lo>•1s drnpf'('d ni:;nlnlast r·1''"'11' 111''" ,. I .... ,. 1••11"• "·1 1111•11· I• ')•o!tl IOI\ us an le an ''~~ ... j,,,1,.,11 [,,1 tlu ,_.,.,,1,.,11 Ion· l•llh " 1 " 01 1 ~ ;oll II''"' ,i,,,i .,•,,, l (~rash of .. \irplane .:,11~·,.::·:l;,."··1'; ••• •1.;::1.~ .• :.~';·,·::;:; l{EC0~1~1E\D $226,79ts~n Fon 1 111'\lll ,.,, '1·' _. IT \ \\ ,:, \\ t•,·l 1tl t,, r I .... t l I I• I • \I •• ,)-. l \ 1 •I rl 11 • f \ ' 11•1 t ~ ~ t h1 111 , f 1 a t ... l •I·· ,, ,., ,. It t• d • ••It I• 111·.t \\ 1111 ·'" lrlt i I I 1f1 1d l.' 'I 11 ,,,, ,,.,. , 11' .... • i' ... 1 Ir 111 1, ' h• 1 1'I1 i l· 11 rn .ualht•l"lfh'"" '''" 1111.tt 1.•nf\, iftd 11' '' 1•\\ h• Ii. 111 <\Hn 11 ,f i11t I ti•· "" "·"' h1·i.:11n 1":11np.,i~11s to .. t." 'II''"· lt ,'1fh,: 1.11t·, lh•" ,, ...... ,,~ I l ilfpl, 1id \\'EST \\".\TE lt PO\\"EI~ PHO.JE(''fS 1 1 I '••II t• 1'1""' • r o! • ' 111 •!• 11 \\11 • l, iii."• • t \\ \ ... 111 'l . , · .. ' f"lo, 11, I"' \,I 1 I •It I\ ,, I ·,.,,~'I I ""' l tf111 Iii II •II •I ' '· \\' l ' 1 .. 1 I on \\ t''° t 1•1 11 '' '1, ' 1t 1'1' I'• 1l "P 1 11 Pl•'.,,,,,, 1.' iwr r•nt l'' '11t n•r l•t• ~4 .. T•Td.C\~ \'rlJll· I tll ht •·\\ \Ir r1111u d • .. I 111 11 n I 1· ····,'' I t•lll'I• r ,, 1i " J. fht•t \•Ht !••'11 .,.• .. \\ 11\lo.f • 1tpl\•d 11!•'1* f41d th• \ftl·r'' f.,. n til11••f1 '" lh• '• 1•1•111~1 .. , .... 1: 1•l111rr1.!\\•ntl11 :i·, f•l'·i· 1•1rf lf·n-, Lr ,, :-: r•li!•d ,,..., \• 1r "~ lho• ll•f'llhh·i'--n .'.Ii. 1 ... 1h ... 1 ll·n••' . T·ru-. '" ••·•1l1 ft'•d •·nir•H1·., 11 , \1 11 J-'t 1t \\,ru!·r \.\t ... ""tt -... · \\otk nttnlltt t' t• q11! • ~ rrtJi, ,,f t11-,h·1 hu..;hitlH1 .u 11J .l•n-n 11...:• .:• •' 1 prol I"'" 1h1111 '" '1' "' n1111•1,m ,ifh'r 111 'fw l lT·I~ \\hi 11 I' •l'lll•~l ,1 .... ., • 1h.11 hill I "' 1. rh' ,,,., ol n11 ir1 1·~1 (, .. 1 111 th1 11r -p,. I ,,..... 111 .. 11, ' 't r11rk th c-r.,11nt1 <k 1t1•l• -<1 ,-• Thi~ \' II '"' ' 1d ll'"ll ·h· ''· 11111 tn ~•Hlh" H'l'-l'flllf'f .. linHft •d th·· hur1'n1.1 :itlm1111~1r '"'' h . h111 tilt'\' n~krrl ('i,n,·1.,.: '"It~ ~2 1 ttf:ll ~-­ ~71l .~n 1 ho Ion,. f,,r pr".t• 1·1 ,.....,n. ~1ru1·t 11•n Tlw 1 •'<I r.f th1· m"""~ ~'"'~ 1nr11 atlm1111-1ro11"n .ind m n1nll'n11nr1• C'•"'" l't r•ul• nt Thu· rn:rn .,,1;,.tl l••r "-'"~ 1111 ·'!w1 111 rnn- .. 11 \h"ff1•n . runrl- T lw 1•11111111111 ... • n•"•'<I •h.11 thf' ,, Ir• • .inti r .rn.:ht I 1rf' " \\' Nl .. r le; al•o !'UT\.l\f'd h~ lhr· ,. "llH:hlt'r<. lh<' )Nini:•~· I 1!11 • •' monthc; o ld J1 OS4'n ~ iu ~ m .rr1t•d . Mrs. Colvin Says Gasoline and liquor Don't Mix httrl',1U pr.,h:iM' "•'ll'd h;l\" ~?fi.. t"l 11(" ,\(-;., l • l 'P • ~lhnc i:a.~ I:,~ •1f-lt l••lf1W1'~ fr<'"1 lhl~ ruu·;.1 ' hl11 and ftq111 r tn th<' ,.,,rnr ("5.- \ l'llf, hrtm:1n~ 1hr 1.11.11 1'nnc.tru··· rnhlishnwnt m:ik•'1' <lrunk1n dn'· 0 !11111 fund• .1\ 11L1hl·· ri•r f1<r ii J\l,l~)j ini: m flri· cnn'• ntrnr 'l l"'<hi· It' S::16..&.\Ll..3.L Purttli( hfflrlnl'~ l•tl11•n \t h ran Sii~'!' huro·au •i" k .. •nw n •lr•·••••d !hat '.\trt D Ll'ii:h Cnlnn na 11onal an~ li•fl•"•·r lll1'11<')'. \\h1h• !lfX'nt in rrc-sidrnt of l h<' Wnmrn c lnr;c r1~1·al 1!\-1" "••11ltl ,q•ph otn r1 ·c-al 11:111 TrmJ'•'ran1r l ·nt•m a'1'"""""" 1\\4>1 pr1>r.:111m~ • J'.'l!'•ai:r nf •131C-la•-s banning '.\lnr1• than h.ilf l'f thr r"n•truc· •AIM of l1quf\r ,, i:a•t·hnr •'at)Nlc I tum m1•ll•'' r•'<'Pmm• 11t1Prl !1•r 1hr 'Th" c·omh1na111m n( CllVllm• httrr:rn . 1.'\1.i;.1:: t• •l "••uld '"" .ind nlrc>tl!'I a dd!' 1:Teatl» to the ronn'n lr .11.-11 1n ntnl' lni: '"'•trm nu mh<-r f\f drmk<'n on hC" tu~h· pr"" rt• th•' t'•'mm1ll•"' pr1•)'•\!'•''1 \\A\~. "hrrr. with a d nnkl'T at th- Otla pr11j1't'I Arti.: S:.!.t!I i'lf1ll. \\'h~I. lh1• nu1um 11h:l" l"""°'m.-s. a P :\rk•'r tl11m. Art/ C.11 SJ<'lo l O.~ I mn rr tt.;in ltk• I~ in<triJ"" nt • ! fin, 1!' dnm. An1 . ~,., .. ~I'• 1~\I. drath and d"truction:· Jdn C'<N- L " .t ·.., m M<Nn.: ch" n 1H1' n r.hlc I o~nJ lrvm 10· 11 42• ro .. • "' -&!.ln..N lun1rw1c~. \t. ..il (t'" u ?':<' tbp rr\1'-t' ht-.u ••J t ._ ~le """'" ... ~ 1h1r 11.r.ur <h..o.r of rcJ MutorW> <'3 a.~h r. .... 1 •t~rJy •h,ut1 Ul"h"»rtrtJ 1n rt\! '>lut '" l\Uf). YOll Will Want to See Tlte MOllTOR AERATOR WASHER SEE OUR DISPLAY at the ORANGE FAIR • ""'"''" '\f.&in "' l'um .. n.1 '!.. "rinl.1 \n;o t BOYD'S FURNITURE CO. (·onl'l..ETE H(nu: Fl "H~ISHl~(;S '\'\T \ \'\.\ CllNNI/ CRNtNEf .LASSIE E.\llN5 15,0001 A~M , , l'honc> ;o·!; Soiilll Coast Company ~llUCIAMDPATO ..... • ..._ S-._, •4 ~ .. c-...... -......... .....,, .., ...... n..,11 .. -..... ('1('111 C1 1H r al \"allr~ C1I ~1\., \In mntc-nd "rl 'l't(lll..11.,1 Kc-rn Rl\·rr. \nl ~1111 ~•1. ---------------- Cnlorad!' U1i: Thoml'!I""· ~19,7;:.o,. 11\' non Cnlumto1a •Basm W ash flllil. Hun.-;r~ llON<' '.\tunt . ~.-1 ~~3 1..'.I\<.' .. , .. ,..., ..... 1e :o y Jr 15. r, ts in 1. l9 I() e. n ~. 1( {' ~. •f e • • Ila \ 1111! I illr11 4'\ll I Ill' l'llril> 1 n allh'. lll'i'<'lh n.:. l;1sl 1111w 1Hll, * HARMAN Wa NICHOLS \\"ASlllNli1'.>N. 1\1 A Y :.!6 111, .. ,. PA s Art· 11 i·uupk o f 11):-t ,,..,., 111111• 11111l1•r 111w 111111'. 1•1.-1 11w ILT'•--Jun l\lurnn om•1• found a \\111tb th,11 ,111i,:t:t 1u i.til\ 1.,51 :.hupt'ly )111111i: Ind) l>..t1111d tl11• n~'Clll-in a huyl>t,1t•k I I•• lliUld an 1"111 I •'J>1•111·r "ho• i:o•"'' 10 Lh l· lx•anl ,,( "'"ld"'n h•lr'•"' 111.11 j('('hoX to ;n,-1''.;k1m" I It• p•t on1· 11.1111 I l.111 .. n tho .\111o 111,111 l '111· Sl'r\"l'CI a t ''I" 11'-s k. !<atd . s.idc o f tu:. hu.:l..,.uh• bll.,,1,r,•J 111 \d-11\ r',rn11111~ '" c-..\rr th!' mrrt• ~-rr.rrt ,_,,, hi' ~Ill. pl<'asr • Ca liforntn and 1111 nth• 1 -1111· 111 111 • 1 11! ti. -1 \\;ild1 111, ·1• , .. and .. 1!111:· I l"""•''•.d. ··r m 11111 I'" F lorida 1.rut h.td 111,. 111.i, • 't~·1 I• A~ '111h1•r\\l1'1· hf'!' hk1 I~ t.• l111tlf in1-: 11• 1h1• 1'1111\1'1\1i1•n ·· com1111r!'tlw 1w11 I d1111'11.11wm·, ll\1 -~11.il•I• ""'" 1·1•111111i.: "'! \\ll.11 ,11., ,,,11 !111111;• J1 .. 11 bc'r '' ij1l·h ~1d1· won l..i11. I~ •1111 111 -1 1111•11"'" ~111• ·"k,",tl I n1111 hd1111d Anyho w. Jim :'\l11ran wa~ a I n 1.w1. ""'' 111.1\I•" tl1<•r1• ""' 111 r 1111•11111 J>l'l''IS <ti!• Ill '"111" 1111:-wk,•. I "I 111 .. 11..:lo1 111:i~ lk• th1 1•11r.1i, Ht• \\;i,; lho•· 111-1 •I I I• !-11111 ,\, 1111.: II>• ,, 11 I•"'' 1, I h,1ri.:1·tl Hl'1;11111n,. I• 11pl1 \\1•ultl Ith., I • t ht•y ,.;1111 )•·~hrtl.1) 11 1111 11p.n· "''" 1h1 '1111111111 111 111, l'11hh, h.i\1· 11 ht llo puhl1n p11hl11 11• Sng s1 ~-um uf 111 ... \nn•1;1t \111• I · l:o·l,111o11i-I 11 I k " .1nrl ''·" h II lo 1.11111n s." I ,,1111 lean l'11loh 1• Hd.o11 ... n .\,·,1,..·1.1111111 '"'"'I' ,,1 ,.1111.t .. n rn) 11\\11 I "·•SI .. You'll 11.1\1• ''' lt.1\1' s111111 l• .. .t) COn\'t•n t1on 111 ro· T,, lho· ,\l'RA t.•lll 11 ''•" 1111· .!1·0.:1111 lhrn,.; 111 d ,o nkay 1111~ pm:s," ~I),• r1•pll1'<1 w ay of 1hrnk 111i.:. tl1<·r1"s no such 111 I!""''" 11 1111" 1h1 l1.1"'llh 111 .111111 s,. I \\1•111 11p,.11111·s 111111 10111111 vth1n~ us a "iu·,·~"'i ·il~,·rtl ' any 11 ~1:-.t••I tth' I'"''' 1\t; "'•"US• ph .·1:-;1 • tPolitiral Ad\1.1 1 1~1,1111,111 1 t l'ulith::l' .\if: .. ;;-1::;:;;;~~7)-1'11hh1• fklall111l' Ill.ill f1•r tho· 1'111• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he H>'l11111111' P•"lll'h-1111!1 h1· I I\• .t 1 hmi:~ up "\\ h,11," tl1·t1tltllth"<i. •IS tlu -Jlf f••rt·ru'•' t•t1l\\1 ,.,. ;• pr,•..,;!"> 11..:•·nt You Want the BEST I NO '!'IAN RA8 MADE a mon · ou1st11nd1111: 1 N'Ord In the Stale U?i;lsln ture Ulan hu IC A 8 L W. STA.Nl..EY. ABILITY IDll&D In t be cnidbl.e ot tM m ost tur- balent ..... la th~ h»- tofy ot aw LestaLat-. ... .md a P 11hl11• 1!1•l.1111111s 111.111""" T hat 1 .. 111wcl l1•1•h. ,,1h'\\1·rl 111 1111 m;1n·s 1•y1•i<. .. L1,ok, 1111Sl1·1 ."' h1• ";ud. ··1 1•:111 "" \\Ill h.1\'1·11·1 111•1•11 :11· .. 11111! ;\ Jfl'•·s~ ··~·· ut to\ 1-1 p•·r,on ''hit pr,· ... ~ r.ct ... nf'< y,,u rl11n·1 ~•·t• 1 1n ''' """'' ;111) 11111ri· T1~l.1). I• <>l'l•• pr1tllh1I• I Tlw~ • llt•ll I p1 ,.,< .. \\'tw rl11 )•HI Slljllk••t'. h·· a .. k1•<1, 1s m11,.1 Import 11111 m 11 hnto•I "' 1111 1irr·:-1d 1•111 111 th1· t'nrp11rat11111" "" ~1r_ Thr l'h 11rwom 11n is more 1111· purlant !'11 ar1• ltw loC'llho p. 1111· cht'f Rnd room cll'.'rk . ··i-:.·vl•r ." h<' 11~kt><l .. 111•1 ,. 111 s 1:1nd 11rount1 \\hit,, 11 <'0Uj1l1• 11t rh·sk <'l<'rki< yip a nt1 yak as ~ 1111 "air l1lr your k<'y7 .. T hl" r f'pnrtf'd noddf'd. .~ .. ·-&£!LL ' I- SYRIA z • 0 • Q z < 0 « 0 - • . MIU) - Balboa Peninsula Point Assn. to llttt Frida,· , \ 1 , 111 ••l •l, lt1 t._q l 11n1u .. ,. • '1ur1• • .. ," t"tlfH•\ \,,,.. 1 t •t• t, j, I 1••1 t 11 •d I \ ti I " 11 tf • I U11'1 ''I' I ••.lltl Pl \\.~,,II '"."h I lol l I • " I 11 t\. '' ,11 .. , ' tll '! ,, ••• tt.11 __ , _,.. ~ . SE\\' 1'0 It T HA l . HO A SY.\\'~·T IMY.S Page 3 \\ t:U~ t.Sfl \\ ''"" .... ,. tw ....... ( ···"· l'I•~ '!I . llUI . * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON T1t'TIY\\-·~•I• \!\\ ., t 1''1'''"1111111· 111, I t • l11llt \\1•Ht 1 " ,, 1111. ' t·,uthl , •• ,,. ti I(, •• ""' ;\t1111111" l"''h'"'' 1,., l11 1lt l"'"•l•ol "' q• 11,. 11t. 111111' r•I hurl\· wht·I\ I'• ii "' ltt1 ""''t' • j 11~ , 11 t,•1 \1.,1 ,.,, i•' , • '' ha\\•t~ ·· Not 11t)• f ''"' ... 11d l1•d H \lttl P 1111 It \1tt1 1·1111J.l 111d h •' II '"'' ..:1 t U~ l1lt1t tf1t lt,1,, \\h.1 .\1, 1111 u1• lh1•<tot 1•,,,, '" ,11 , •. ,, '' "'·'" t,ut \\h 11 111 ... h•Uthl II t 1lll I •'Ith ... 11 I '" I ••.• ... ,,l,t '"' " " ··--· t•ht ,, t flt u I I '" ''"'""' , •• ''· \\Ill 1-•11 ~·tU •• ,.,,, .... "·" I "''" l··'''"' ... , .. ,, '"" ,,, .. , t I t1111t '"' i1.11, it. ,,, tlltt•· hk''' t1l ''''• t •• ,,., tlu lut.1 \\tl la.t l•.111 1 •• ,,, ''•II;•••'·" I•• t11•l111d1 ••U •'"'''11" 1 ..... ,.1,,., ,,,. 1'1111 '"''I'•''·'" ,1, I '•·111l ,.11 , t"1l l t.11 .... ~"' ... 111 111111~~ Uu· •· l•tt"'"''"'"' ~1.11,,. ''''Uh,I nn~t nt••t• ,.-:q' t'1u 1.l1h uul l1d l11,1u .t l•n\' un· i'l ' f1 111. 1'11 \1 n1•1' t'u•tt·1 ~''""' t11old t h, 1•1u ,, ''"H' n11•,th\ 1 h,t \\ll•ll Uh·\ ·,1u·1·t·u.1 nn'"''''-'''" 11n..: I" ;\l1-\1 111111 111 1,., 1t111. h••I 11111.t •Ii· 11 .... 1, \11 .. 1 .... , "'' ·•I 1~111• 111•11111K .... ,,i ... f, \1\.tUIUIU\ ,,, lh1· ,\,,1 .. 11 \nil ,Ji, ''"' ..... , .. ~. ltl ''"''''"'th· "'111•11 ....... tt ,,,, 1h·· tlta.!1'11·luh 1 11 1111 ''I lit ••I t(1t 1 II 1\\\1 1 th 111 111 '''' \\h11 'h 11 Ill• l1.11f taukt•(f \f,, lo t ·' 111 t ~\ I ,•lfhl ltl lt" •lulhn '-• tHll•' lh .. •lol' ~1.-1.L.!'\ t' 11 .\ • I "''°' tft, ~fh•\\ I' I t t ••I th •II h, \ \\Ii•• t 0lto•l l lh • \\h11 lhtttftt •• tltlo• ftt t•tf t I 1 ' Uh' '1· I ..... ··~·, .. I 1 ••• , ... Ilk. I t,., ....... ,,.It Utt I r. 11 ti In, ... ,, •• ".' ... • ·1· ...... 11 ·ull~ , ... , •· • .. • 1 tu\11' .t , '"' "'' lfhl I• ''" , t,fi It ,,,, 1 •111ld.; '" lu ,,,,, t, •It• t"1n IU-"l:.it• 1 ' • \ d• ~,.,.._ ,, iit• 1 ~ •• ,, ,,.., ''" 1,,,11111 I 1!1' •• l,1ll1flt tlw l!P'4t~P \\hn f • .. 11111, id tt. t Pllfll\ t 1nd1 l ,oip .t li•Ut' llHI• 11 ,, fhtl Hh• lit\ t'11 ~·,1l1l1t1 f'I''' 1tl tlu• •'nl!lh Ji• I·• •1ll11t ·-' ltu .lut1. '''l'\••tlhh l1h1 '"I•, 11111,ht ' 11 .... 1••1'11 1 ' •r t~t1 \\ti 111• l.,H •tl olf"d lht fi••I Ith hdil h•il41•tl lhl\-... \\~I! It 111,1\ 11oo11fll 'tUI\ In th11 t\hf •· 11 ''' ,,,~·I'"' 11 n, •·•u .. 1 ltt'1t1,1, I "' It rt. ~ 1tu ftt it th. l ltt\I httl "•"" ttH• ',,, 1'••• lh' \\tll I•. t 111 ti• ,. t i t ''"" .... ,, ,, , "' 1ttul•1 ' \'''' """ ph ..,, ttU\ lh•• Health foundl Holds ~lor!thly St-ssion in S. A. , I I 1111• I l't•'-HI· ,., ••I fttt I I• 11th t ",1110 , ,, , I t It If\\ t t "·•Ulll\ J'I 1 'Id• d t•\t f I ,t ... , I ...... Ill• ....... Uh I 'lfh. , ...... '' rdu\ ·'' • ~~ 1 1• 111 .ti I fl, f \,,,1111 • •t t 1htt tf 11111 t11uld "'* I I 1 :; °'Ult , I h • t• I 1 1lllh ii h 1 I lt lllll• ',,,.," I lltll11l-t .. IUttf1 I 1 Ii , I j =''" t •• , I ' , .... I l .t .. 111•1· Ill '"""· 111.t ~p11l 11i I II• h + I ,\pd 1li1nk \1111 f,,, '·""'• .. •• 11 ~,,,, 1'1h '"I "t .u I " . ''" , 1111 ,,, 'l••I \•t•I lh \I t11111• 11111"11 d t ,, 11111 It• I fl, ''"' \\ti Ii t ht• 11'U1t• 11 lt11 '"'" "'I'' '1111, t1u11ltluu Ii •tH '\ft U.:llt11t .. " ..... •1 1 , .. .i1 -1o rr1.·11 "111, ti•·· 1o '1• ul\ • 111111tl \Li1t.,l 1t dd tlw ho\~'" t• I 1+111' f1H ''II' \\ 1tft , I I'\ I' I fl· 11 •llt "'' J,, IP. I'" II • \ •• , \ 1111\f t lw m1k1·• 111,11u ••I fllt• qu11 Kh11\\0M h1111ol' .. n 1111• i;wl\1"11 II l••1tt11 lo fl It'• hp ti• ''"'' ... ,1, I • ••111.111' 1.. 1•t • u~· •I It ' thtl '"• "'''" \\1111 ti:h •· '••1n .. , '··1•\lf1• It• I flt t ,, ...... l\\ .,, Ii.' . 11th•· '""'~ ... ,, •• 11111 '"' ' 1 ""111t .11111 , 111' 1 ,111•1 \II' """"' t.-11 'l'lu•) ·, ,. •r11rf'd to .. " .111•1 '"' ""t.:'\ 1111 1•111· ·""•Ill •lo "' Ii "' "h111 ... 11,. II l1h1rt out 1"1 1o \" .11·1111111 I 'l•'lllh I S11lo •1111111 CW \ I 1\1111 I\\ 11 \\Ill 1:•'1 )'HU trn 1:4S L W . STA NLSY emer~ M ACILNOW· LEDOED UU0Ea. .. Thosc' <'lc•rks:·_.pc said , "h11dn"t h Pc n srhool<•d In Publi<' Rl'l11- 1ions:· Am<'n. A nd whnt do your Puhllr H1'- lat 1on~ 1wopl1• !lo wh<"n t hry i:•·I tni:t•thl"r. l)(•s1t1•"I ha w• h rviqu1•1s a nc1 li~rrn to SJX'<'C'hl'~~ \\'{'() th1·~ 1rml1• 1tl• a• < ln1· m :t n w;,~ ll'll111i:: .1h11ut plac·arcl<1 s1u1·k around hf'n • ;ind llwr1• i.1111\\ 10~ 11 Jo\ l'ly and h1·r , 1111) fr1<·nrl ... 111nchn~ on a rnr· n .. r T l11• 111\' f~· wa~ 1-:11 1n~ I 111 l:ocl a lor11•liorr. :-.;,. hat Prnn1111111n nr ··1'11hlw lh •l:1t111n, .. fnr· t h .. h.11 Jif~11,h• "-,.,.,....., Pa1e$Une pesce bopa rw • ~ .,..,~. m 1«1 ""• •I' AC reed to UN ce..-ftre onler tf ...... ,9Vldd er.:.ac.., tns .hW'I n JuuaalE'lll 121 conUnued &o baW .-.....--. hrrtt 4-4.a arrht lttm Arab forca 8UITOWMl1lls ~ ~. ...., llDd ~b r.,. rla nm· tllcted OD rnul&I ol ._", ftsbUDs .. Ram1 lb!loo\ •l• I• ml'I tof Rach el. wlltre Sc>1>l.1Ana adnndas r-BrUurtlm ""Qfb.t tn ~ •·Ith Tr:1n~·J11rdan·a Anib ~-~"JJCl•JI :· • .. r Mlljda •••. Je•·· ft'Jlflltrd ''llaJ c-aanaJ rrac ~. t: -v ... r~o w 1 ~·1 ·1"h ''l ••I. ='.1111 ,; A11 l h. ft1 t•1 •.uu . lull'~'\llh. ft11· l11'' !fl• ...... ~ .. '''"fl \\ ., "'I ,. Ult ·I "' .rnd 111, llo·1111•1l't1 11t11111" " 1 I h II'~ Il l\\")" •nmr lhllll! n •n aorAhlt"' -AWtUUD TOOi rA.lftl m 11111! • PLEDGES AGAIN • • • · SERVICE BEFORE SELF FOR BENEFIT OF HIS DISTRICT, COUNTY, STATEI • PROVEN ABILITY GUARANTEES THAT PLEDGE I I EARL w. STANLEY I+ Mr.MBra. OALIPOIU'ilA Lr.0181A'nJU a&.U.TOll .._. IJl:VD.OPD .C a.DY 84YJl:N M .1illl:Wl'oaT BARllCW LEADERSHIP On majo r committ .... where m uch of the work of Cong· rfta ia done, Congrftamon John Phllllpa la o LEADEltl EXPERIENCE SiictHn y eon devoted to stole and notional legislative bo· d ies govt h im THAT! EFFICIENCY few men In Cong ren con m olch hit efficiency -w hich he CO N ST ANTl Y uses for the b enefit of h ia District. ABILITY . . C~ldy tuolly down onolyticol, he hoa vlr· alngle·honded pored gove rnmental woatel INTEGRITY Truated b y friend and foe, Congreumon Philllpe enfoya high "'"'" on Copltol Hiii. All This Is Youn You · Vot4l For When IOHGllUllMAN JOHN PHILLIPS Oran,. Ciout7 114!pabU.. O.•tnl OommlttM ............ a-. a-. I Td A''1" diNred of Ano.:.& \Ir' I •I\. '" \\ '" ... " \ "' ,_,,1. 111 .. r n,, \ .,..,, 111~ :'\•u'"' ., ... ,, .. 1.d •••h •• '•"•' ·•' l•l••i •·•fl1 t t1.1u1u 1u ~It• FREE TRAVEL LlllAIY Impossible, But u·nus Can Stand On One Finger N-··-tecl ,,.,, ....... .( \11~ ''""'"' ;'l.11,k • vw•••wu I•'""'"',,._.,..,....._.._...,,,, \\1111111• -~---l t\1 ''):'''·•·•l ,, ,,, 11111'•' "'''' ..-.-..-~--.... ~· "' '" 'i "' )'\ 'r'TTTi'i• \nnHw1 lou.: .. r "promotion .. prn· ,,.,,, ..... I•) ''h"'' ho\\ ""'"''" •· tn 1111 tt "''rt t11 ''' 11.·h fl .. .,, , u·.u '"''''' ·tn r •L:;.1t .... Y 1H1 h1\1 t .u t1u1u ... \\ 1tft P 11 ,. ti .. h1d•ltnt~ 1111 11 l'O"'t"' \\ 1111• I Ji, It fth fl JHll 1 1tf1 I I fl• 111 'i. 'l11nl 1 •'h.: ''' 'I I dt .j\\ Ith: ,, ... , I 1 "''k11n 1h.11 , 11.:r.1. al 1h:it ti '"·''.... ti 11d1 ' .. rr.:n·," t •• Jll10ll1fll 11111 •• Iii Strong Bad, WeakMind Declared Fala~y :"I·.\\ Yl1H1, 11 I·• I-' "'" I II 11. drltf Hrl\ 11tl11 I 111 t1 1 1,1~ \\ tlf 11 t \., II I• llllJ~J-'lioi• Al'l'I \\.11t Jun. I hi~,. "·'', 1doifL...11H.L I Ii'•' I j 111·1· f I• • L'I"'' ~leilo .1od '1111 ... t h• ho•h • 1 lh•aol \\ .11. h111.: I 1111 l1o ld ~1 , .... 11 .. 1 111 I••" ~HU I \\t nl 11.u l .... 1.1L.:• tu IUtd ••• f od•ulJI 11 l"nu• 1, ,, pl ... 1...,11ll . lot· nd \' ... n · l rws1· :l!-1 11·:11.,., 111•1, I 11 ,. l•~·t 7 1m h··· I \all Hlllf J·J!°1 l•lll!Hl~ 111 \\t•l"ht JI<' A ha~ 11 i.t n k1n1-: "111-. \"1tl••n11ru;. •hu :-t rong back ant1 n w f'ak m ine! is 1~ m th(· i:w1 w11h him H t' ha~ a nn old sa);ng lha t h as l>t."'n di!'· blond<' -i<ecrt•tary. Fnf'da. C'r<'dilt'd statistically b y Dr. W. D. M'rves ai-inte rvn-tt'r. Altus. professor o r psychology a t Q-u.-_,..... SANTA nAnllARA j lJP t Santa B arba ra C o llege. Unus know s En&Ullh quilt> •·r U "'Palpab le nonsense ... aa.id the but ~rtinent qll<'St MJnS about tm doctor . backinJt up his s tafl'ment fing<'r-raisin(; t rick a re ret.-rrt'd to by not ing that psyc hologi&t1 know his M'<'retar). Sht' doetin"t undi·i · ~hat correlation . f'lOl c ompensation . s tand. either. 1s the rule in hu iha n nature. I examint'd Unus· right fort'fan. "Colleg e men a nd wom en are g<"r. Jt look1' Ukr any o t.twr. t>~ 01.1--' Laa.' l~.-.1- talle r ana h cnvil'.'r than men and a h llll' stubbier than mo..t. It hu ftKal. ... '\.AJUe wom en •.-ho do not go to co lle gE>."" thrt'f' join ts a nd a nail. It is flfttt. ~Oand •m D-=-~ Dr. Altus rt'ported In a n articlC' blood a nd bont'. r I nuum halted on his study o r m en tal ca-"Of rou~. you k~·:· J YJd. N' D .... -1..lad pacity /Ind phyi;ical devrlopm«>nt. that it is im~sibw '" do •'hat ear .......... - His argumr n t was pn'~rnl<>d sta · you do." _j tistically llflrr f'Xtl'ns ivl' rt'Sf'lll"l'h Unu., ~'Tinnri1 l'h<'<'rfUJI} HAC I IDAI_ 1~1 •l 'f'• An 110 b d Upo 0 3 000 J 1 ..... ~ ~·~._,,_, <Uma.···t l.t'• 1111,...1 a~r n s mt' • , CRS<'S. ·· a ·· hp Sltid ··Jrnprn.,1"1•'. .ia ,... •-nnn;:• tal ,. 1 .,, 1 , , 0<•' Trid1 •• '°'"'"'"' I . I lo mndf.rn 8:,;.._t;t.. 1 ... ~. fl• .. "I h uv1' spokPn t n m;,nv a r\u , ... I") "' a.r~·· • t., """~ ''"' 111 tuu11 111 int.,,,,, .,,.. I •• "'· "' ltl• ,, '\ h I I tt• ,.,. \It' 1(1111. It ""' IJI •\I"~ \r ft I :\11111 ., \1t t. \111 \111 1• If •rt f•• I , 1 I \Ir I • "'' ,t,, 11· 1. " \I II\ Ill•. 1 .. 1 f , ti I Ul1 U 1 llu t ..... • , f t ffl t 1tlU 0 1111 .. ~, .,qf lb· H I''' 11•111 .tt. \\ '' '• flt• •• "'" •• ,,, d1 i.,. '\ ..... 11 ••• •II ,If I hot I t 1J11, h d fflU!alld old ~11n111~. 1th n••l 1111 ·'''t111t11 I ••I 1111 f r 1•11 ''''"> • ru .111111t11• rd ••I '11 ~' k.u ,at lt.1,t11d, ''h• ,,, I-• h\ .l11u1• ... 1n r to •· .. u1 ,, .. r ·• ltr Jt'f ,t 11tr1du1~: 1n 1><-~ .11 ...... ,,, .•. ,.~, ''" Ir,,.'.,,,,,, .. ,,, lla mn1111 .1l11 .._. ..... ··-~ ........ Hannal WAil l'XCa\'Rh .. t l11r llw first """" In 1~. rrv•alinc. lhe r ... m :11no; ol • tn rt1flf"d 1•nd1..-11r" in '""' form n f Rn ll'l't'l(Ullir "'IURl't". Wtlh l•llllri•-.Jlll•d WA il~ 111 ... 111 IA , .... , thwk. IUltl II ~•n.:I•· 1:111 .. Wll\' flank•"'I h) ••n"rm"u" '""' 1•1-.. • Al~o f•rt1nrl n1 tht' .!'iii•· "•·n · ,.,.,. ,,_~ trJnfllf'. " ~m&lh·r >1 .. ohlo· -hnl'lf' tf'm plr . s-•v .. r11l rrun .. r -hnn• ... a n'1 itl•'l:•·111lmlnl'l1 rtll\1• hrn lrtm.: Thr l"f•rru111111'·r "' l h•· ~,>111 1• ""S t,.k .. ,, Uf! hy m 11111r stn1ct ur.• m•~t· I~ '" th•· f•1rm 11f oll1""~ 11rul 111 "h i\•"' l r11•11 ,.,.,.n,11l11r' 1·11111•1·1 .. >1 m .. ,... fl111r1 I :VIII 1111.1.1, ''""' 11 .. 1•'111 ... nll •1nlot1k•·d •.fl• 11 11.-~1rM1 .1 tr .•.:•I•· ""'·"•• rt' ,,, ri• • ,.,,,,,.,, AN IDEAL FAMILY GUIDI TO • Sun Vallty • Zion-Bryce-Grand Canyon National Parks • YeUonlone-Gnnd Ttton N1\Wna\ Par"• • C.olorado • O)Jde Ranchft. Wn tt' fo r frtt copy of colorful bookltl dt1Cr1bina the rt·i.t11m 111 which you are intertsted. Go In cemfert -.,y tNln. fnjey celft,a ... rtl••etltft. UNtON ,ACIPIC nc1en omct -SANTA ANA 30.S Nonh Mal" S"•et felepho ner 11n Odd Watch Collection Gathered in Alaaka NO:o.tE. 1\111sk n tt"Pl-Waltl'r D T hnmpsnn hn~ 4:'1 u nusunl WRl('hr•" coJh•rtNI frnm nil O\'f'r thf' wurlil 11111 -:·· I sau:I "'A ntJ. 111 l11ri. I "'"'' ;·, invn t-: .. ,. •In<' .. 11nd1"h1anclr·1 111 an .,,., m.1 I" '1• <ti 1.,.4 \ ~ ... • sdf TI1r~ :111 tl11nk ~"u r a n I , ...... r·" t ·nr» n...· ~, , tf•· 1·r.;tfn1•nf '"'"''. lt1•11 r•·t1111\.1I , .-•'I\. s,/ '4:\ ... J•,,'"lt1J1 ife Sµd/"-"'i' Thi· 11lrl1·'1 d:olr~ h11r k tn 17/MI 11 11cl 1s 1·11t1 h~ n ~ma II drnin \\"h wit r1 plar1•rf hoc hri-rlc·~ m 1\'.1ld1· 111.1k111i.: .11111111 ,~,()(1 •1bl.' rf,, If ,\!:111.' "' th•·m lw\, .. Jd,..,,, ,,.\. hN·n 1·11n11ns.: ho 11• nii.:h1t.1 1,. "',,,, h . r•~I ·1111•y -..a~ th··~ \\t•uld M-;u. r Jw 11(•\i• ;tn ~·lt1ph11"t • 11qltf "•h1HI ,,,, I ho• I Ip .,f ft1, I f"llrtk ,,,., ......... 't "~·"" ~llu I~•• l11f•t•"'I"-• ••ttlh,.IUU' \\11 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 u '• "'' .11 • ••\• ,, ,, .... , •• r I 1\\ tto , •••• ,,, • ., ••• '"' \\t"' .. ,._;."I 1 ,, ,. t .u t' ,., n ,., ,,,,, , • '" 1.1i •• t NION PACIFIC I •111• .,f 111' \\ 1ld1• '-\\ii~ flu\\ 11 "''I Ill• '"rlh 1'1111 \\llh A11111nrl • .1 .•. · 1 ·1111s 111 .. 1>1. d ti • .,.1.,1~ .,.,,,, ...... , •• ,1 ••. .I 1 :-\11 1 ··•If' \\tt.tf •• :frtll. \\h1• , ... ,..,ft., \111. ,,. "'•ll 1\Hl1IJ11 '' ;1 \\1w11h n·•··'''J I 1:.1111111 '"""'' 111.tl 11111, 111 .i . ._, ""'". \\IJ,11,,1111 l1 11h \\ 1th .. 11f \\ uulun· I r111 ... l•••k1·d ·" h • t ,, ·' . II I r I t •lt11rt I~ h f111 ,, I .. "-·i \\Ii.ti '.'1 1f111f lir I' 1\\il H '•f ,..., thr1f ,-' ,, • ,, " !ill I :1r.11 I J' I 111• ,, lj "•I 11n, 111• l,•pt h••lll• I"''' t1u1• _ "•1• "'·\ ',)_ 1:1>1 lloo lolho I k• pl l"t'.tl 111111 .", '·"" ot l'rJM•tl•~· I ll11111p,11n '•iltl J l+I '' t """ ·u as..•h1 • •t ' • ""1· • h· I l111k 1 111 •Ill f 11•1 Ju ... 1.•I· Srntrh lflJN'. \":trinu!i Si7f'S, on !t.m•I I 11111-'" .. ,.. • ,.,, ...... I I ~nlf' Ill lh• N. W~· r1m"5 ·lo· ' ''" ill 1.,. lo•11ld1•11· • I ' ··1· 'Jn•• J t 1_r1tf '•11 , ''"' ,,, , , I•, 1 1~ 11 I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, I 1,000 A meticans I >ic HU f1 1p i;f _•,·, 11oo li•I \ fft1dd1t1 ~• .J.t l ' 1\111 I Ito "I • I 111i;o I • I 111•t ·· 1 1~'''"1.-1 1\h\:t\ I Jrl ,11 JI•• I f11,, \\ • f,t lllt lit ""'I 1o11I II\ lt11..:•1 111 '"'~ \. ••f 1 lo 1n1p.1 .. 11• 1.,11 i· .111•1 I Loi Jl\,H\.\ 11tll•'-lftlt at 1,, .. 1 J •lh f •' · I 1o· h· .,,.I •1f l••ll Ir -1 on•: 1. f••r • I ""'I 'Thr1 • ' rt I• II• • ., 111 r r'hd:ido lfohi;o "h" 11111 •I.ind '•II'"'' \..,,._. .. •t M·.l\;t,.,.r ''·•I· . ,. I l I f '"' • • ~···· • " . •' • l . .. . .. •t • t . .. ,,.. ......... .,.,, .... . . '"" a I " .. .. .. ,, .. ... 1••f.:~ .11...._. &J...:. 111 ' .. ..,. \• .. , I It 'i .. .. •4 !"' , , .• ....... th;,1 ' • ,. .. ' , .. .. -. ~ .. ' ·-. ........ , "'' • ! • ··f ·~·· ' ·. ·~ , . l'rt,f ,,,_ .,. • t ' • 'r ·• : . ... F:\·1•r,• d"y f1 11rn JIJ<;JI fll.C><ll) l'nt-:SSl"ltE "h irh 1s nnw known :t• thr "~f&Atf'r Klllf'r". F.vrr~ rlay nr w 'f'll•fN·r!' h rncllmf' prom111••n1 pt·oplr• m f'arly h lf' 11\·1n1: from "'h,.nn"' 111tnf'ks :--:111r nut nf t<'n of tlw•,. wc•tc• high hlnod prt"»'urr ··i.1 rnk<•!<" or c:ou•<'d hy l11i.;h ntond l'rl'~~urtt W•• n><h1<'1' your hl1.od pf"C'l;s urc i...i.,w tlu· <lnni:"r ptiinl in emf' S M.tron,.x t r<'11tmrn1 c11n tin· 11c<1 I r"Mm••nl w ill k l'l'P ii there No tlruli' ~hot~. m l'.'dkinl"S or i;urg<'ry . I 1J11Jn1h1r. l(1Jt n•• '''l'', \4.1 .. ,1.,,.,,J 11 ,,n.· ,,.jj1;0 ) t1 n:.i1l1·d 1111• tui..:• 1 t .. f•11•· 11', or111•n'-•Hol•· f 'n1u, t :11 11 ls1 •~J· .J.1: h•· l••·untt .. I . ... ,..,lit-. -- 1 \' .~ • ..., ,,, " f•"'J CoMullotion FREE Or. Emil f '. Bell, n.c., Ph.C. 107 22nd St.. Newport !).5 Mo n. & Thu~ Harbor I IM "In• T•·mpf• .. r \\"1111·1· " \ 1• ... , ' nn th• .. A1•r(1J11ulo .. 1n ( ;r·~~"P " ... , 1•u111t tn ;tn,·1••nf ''"''" '" '11n .u1•; ur:tl .. lht 1h1t·•· ••r;·:,1 '''''ir'''" I lt\l•f ll1t• 111 l 'd•IH."-, ,t1 ~11t.>t1h .11 '11•• fl (.I a l S:ih1111~ '1ki • H ,. ' ""' "' l'l;,11;, •47'• II (. I Now you have II ~9'1 "C at yo:.. Door p HRVJCE "' t 'rMn thr NATION-WIDE PHONE ENITR Harbor Area NO TOLL Z 41M -TOUR'° BEST ...... I ', .. ....,.If ,. • .,..,.... ·t .. Arno nr~· f'.-.~ ..... th-An--.. ,., ... '. . .... ,,.4;, ..... '"'~. '• T .. u \8-t f ,.,,.,,..., O•·h •t •.f •t.1 •••~rt r· ... r ,,, ~.,., ... ~··,. . "'" ,., ... . 4 I•''. I•• ~t ~ I .... ~_.,,. n . •1 • ·I, .. ,,.,,., •'* .... 14 ••• # ••• :.t • ,,. < .......... , 1 I 1' lU. ,. . . . ... f I I• ,,.,,,. . •1i tt • • ... J f I .... ~--. : . : .. ' .. •f r./ r•:- ' J .. . .. , . r t r r ..• r. '-t-A •• ... ..,, ,., ti# ..... ~ ~ " V I 1 U•der Callfor•la'1 New Fh•a11clal Re1po111lblllty Law, 4rlve,..• llc••H ca• be IHpe•ded becauH of- , ·1-Pallt11r• to deposit 1t11•cle11t Hct11rlty followl119 •• ••to•oblle acclde•t cat111l119 l•l•rle1, deat•. or da••t• to property la •H•H of 1100, a•d 1-fall11re to report 111e• accldeah to ffte Depart. ... t of Motor Ye•lclH wlt•I• 10 dayt. "" ........ .., your PROTEa YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE '~ 'JIJ;/A FJ.P~AERI - -GtUM Mtut., JAMES 0. PIERCE 1763 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA PHONE BEACON 5355-J lhtMwt Dott ".tl,ew , .. ,,, 1kt' 1 .. 1. • .. '• • w Glsz~• .t Salvation Army's B•lldlng Per111lts ! 'Ii...,,._ .. •-A• SaJv W ' k Mrs. James "' \llntt, permit (• r -~ 91e ee j tu buJld a :l llW")'. l family dwell· Driv 0-heduJed 1 Int( 11t 1344 W Re.¥ avl'nUI' F:s· a. N A Tltl -.m• e . .:x; \ tamatt'd ('Ojlf S9AO!J. c f ~ -ia -J G !iUl'U. rl('rm11 to rrµair r-.-. UM ~~VH who look lhrou~h di1m1o.:r don!' hy f&rt' at l'.l:!', E ~ lloCon 63._ thrtr homft and ttaragtt thought·\ Ci·nlral a\·enu<'. E.stunaH'tl rust ~ 45'-fully, in St>ar ch of u5':'d ar11d~·11. or Sl~lO twwnict ~.... &n)' kind which they might C"Ofl!llrlrr S tuart I 1 llturd. pc•rm1l 10 hu11!1 s..n 4()1. "rf'11ity fqr d1sc11rd." lhr)' pr•>h11l1ly 11 .:r•.,·nhwN' 111 :114:.! M1nim111 So Cal~ 29" would bf' 10m<'what surpr1,.u•d al 1111,,, ft.ill••·• E~1 1matolfl co~• ~ orJ 70~ th" numbe'·r and v1tr11·•» or 1h111~' ~:::!:> C S Stttl ---·-ID~ -.•ht<'h could !IM'V~ n<'f'llf'nl JlUr· Mr 11nd Mrs A. E. Rlclwy, pcr- D) l 'nnt'd Pm .. 5"')(.'"KS bidiCT "' QU.lf'l llC lltl6<'S If 1umrd ovl'r to thr Sal· 11111 111 1111rl Ii h11H1ruum~ tn 111•·~· \'o.t1on Army'• soc·1rol S•·rn<'•· ii··· ,.11, 1·111t.1i.:J'' 1~1 :!l•l AdHrn'-s.tr•"'' trail· J>iort nt<'nl, Sll,)'S Pcl0lt m1ostl'r \\'11· ll:tlhwo I ,11111,,1,.,j ,.,,,, ~'..!•l•1 llam II. Adttm-. In r11lt1ni: """". 80~-U:,. ll'T't iW.rl) tu.:her. t · $ ~l· dld ""'' tradf> O 'RB' .,..,..~ 1rn-icuL.ul) h1i.:h,·1 StL\'l:P. u.nt.hOln..:rd in ~ Y at -rt'c a lJtw-·~ V."11£AT futurn cloM:-d up "" to 1-..c C"OR.~ up l \.c to 3'.c. OATS up \,,c 10 lie - CATrl.£ M"ltH· HOGS ~tud). _SHEEP cMl l1ori 111:11in tn ttw lw 1 h1 "111111..: • Snl\111:•' \\'t•f'k .. 111. lh1'i ll' 111•1 al .or• :i J11n.. I :\-1!• f1>1 '"" lo n• t 11 "' th.it hranr·h uf ~111\.1111111 i\1 111\ arth-lty :"\• "J)(•rl 11 .. 11th. 11Hllkhl. H•dl" "' ft, .1d1, l.1tt.1 hlo· 11nfl I 'orHn 1 •I• I ;\l:•r .1r1• jvlninj!: an 1h1· l!HR llotl· \l:ai:• o1rn r "h1rh 1~ 1 n r hm .. , Ill Sah·"~" w,..,k " (' h 111 r n. n n Ao1Mni. co-v.orkl'rs 1111 llw 1·11m 1>1111,n romm1ll1'4' flrt•. Ito•\ 11.rnl ;\!"'"" \\'hrf'lt·r. r<'1->n •111•nl in.: th• •hurcht'll; IL 0 . Ens1..:n. rl'pr•·!k•nt .. in~ thr srhools and !\t u n t ,. R I <:rim•~. s .. rv1C'<' clubs. Roas Gn'< .. l•·y. fratt"rnal and oth«'r ur~rm1111· t&OM. Toastma sters Club Here Asks For Charter ,\ I I'" 1111~ Oll'.01nl/l'l'f ;-;1•\\t•1ll 11.11IH•r 111 .111• h •1r T"·'"'"'"l>"'" l'lut. h." t .. rrn di~ ·•J11ol11"1 rnr •• th.trft·r. 11 "''"" f1 '\••:-tltrl ,tf tll• oq ;rini111tum's n11•"1rn;: ho•ld ~Ion <lio} nc~hl ;ol ~t•rt1111\ ""·"' I 111:11- \\ ii\ c·utc• 1iri,1lo ,) F111rh '"•..' nanwd t 1·m · 1••r:1r} ch1urm11n. Arl<'n Moort. "'"'r"' .1r} ·I r•'R'Ur•·r. 11 n rf E11rl C:o111••f\m11h, '"' l:o':tn1·1Jt·11rm~ O hj.·rt of T•m~lmuitttrs. fuund· BU.ILDING & GARDENING I d UTTER HOME~ MAKE Br:rn:& 00.JOIVNITIU A Feature Section' Devoted To Home-Buildin9 ' . . ' ~\.· . ~ . \ ~ ' . , . '• ... -..... r t m1 ~~ .. ··----· ... ti !\ft>mhrn of th«-comm1t1r·1· !IUl(· 11:Mit 10 ciliu m . th11t lhl') llf'•'P<tr\' in Mh·an<:'f' to make rspr'nally g1•n· ~lS rontrlbutlon1 of "t hrow. ---------------.... )..... durtn11: "SalVDRl' \\'•'t'k .. -W.. JDD ............,., ol Uw Wtw-n tM-y have suth donHtion' I auano. o1 thr U•ted Statt'tl rt'aciy, tlwy arl' to call t>ltht•r llll.r · .a. .._ ~. nt.4wated from bor 28 or Harbor 360. the r11m· ~ IS-21. lMI. ,_. ...... ~ call 1tatlon al th«-Thmdor .. 1:d hr Rali.>11 C. Sm•'dlP.y In S11nta An11 in HtM. ll' 111 0H1·r hu.~1n1·~s 1tnd pr•1f<'Sl!>1nntt) m<'n an OJlll"r-1 tunily to 1rnprovp thl'lr puhllc: ,, s 1•·11kr11i: l1y 11rnr t ll'c• and fri<'ndl)' crllirl)rn "1th1n thr i:roup. lley \S _. dw rutST air -1t R.ot,ina Ford Agency, 22nd :<l rrt•t .., '" ' • ill tJw U•e.d Statn and Wnt Ct'ntral avc•nue. ....... ,. New 1'.tl ... WMNnc-... ...., ~ ,..,.,.. ..,.,. BUSINESS GYP NOTE A. L. T1hhab, of th1· Santa An11 \'httptt·r. w11,• 11 itUNI and flC:lrd 11' I lm1•r dur1n1t I h1• llpl'!•Ch\'ll Of Flnr h. Jlltk <'<>It• und John Boyd . Oil .......... ,._~ ~ .. •• Dtpwt&Lat ••a u:nE& .. • Cl)ll f'ftlidrtlt. Col. • E.. llwltfllip, m.lnd. who ......... HMotnllal-., ... ~ dW le-. pl9llr • DaWio8 St. Find No Drop in Unflagging Industry of Calif. Bunco Artists .-" .. a.-..... el ... al. SAC'R.AMENTO. May 26-(UP11.st1ll 'llst "hlHt k hand" t>lltnrtion· -...a ... mdal ... •-...._, -Tilf' 1tatt' division ot cr1min11l l &Alli who !Jlrd haµh~~ lt11hans in o.tir lille-.. Mo:apwt e..dl. idPfttific:11lion has reuon h> he'·! this "'llt<' wh1•11 1h1• Mafia tt·rrnr· At dlmt ..._ c..L 8-ttler -l~e that thtte hu bttn no drop lud lt1tly ln th<' 1920'1. -...,..., -dw ~ StAlf In thto unna11:ging Industry of And lhl'r1• Ar•• "~t:ind11rrl" tnl'ks ill W 0 I Jtlli& j bunro artists or th" stn·<tk of i:ul-1 that 11ppar1•ntl) ~o nn f11rl'\ 1•1 Hr ..-tW t~f el dial hblllty ln Mr AH'ral:•' Man thl' lmrli: .. r 1::111w. lhl' lt•st h••11·. FlllST AIR MAJL Pl.A.NE. plan'd Ualll month. lhe dJ\'l!l10n found lhf' ltol'" prom1«0•:-11f marrcai.:1· to ..._.. -"1fft' AJJl STAMPED l'f"'\'lou" fraud m nnf'thnn" 111 tho· 1:1'1 mon1•y 11r rrn1w•rl). th·,; 1->h1111, ''cw• lo .a..-ff. and now hu pruils o( 614' po.•rMm" '"'"l'••I in 1•h11nt11·'· tlw fr.ttlulrn1 ~lll<'k. anti lt ~ W. __,. --..toes ol 1x-opo&t-d hu"''"'"" dPnl!! in «r•ll· thl' 1loor-t1>-o1•••r ''<11l1•"m"n" a ,-.rwcl. ~ffuJ Qrttr in high (orn1A \\urrh mor1· thu11 ~I \••~•.· 1 -=: ~ ~I a~K--~l\i~ll'll c111.r c; .... r;;o• II lll1·r ·l President of s. A. .._... t"OIJ1 3' n'ftU ....-h. pnntf'd ton and tllr h1'11'1 or 111• lr.11111 n;-1 L be Co ( 111 tw'o ~ of pink andj r):1rtm .. n1. llarvld F. Cillr 11. s;d'1 um r • 0 ...... a .... ~ on a ·pink lhr 1fl•'nl1fft'1llion~ \\o•I " m.orl .. Ill Ce leba t H .....,._.._ I tlw' coun.~ of rh1•rk. .. r·~lll•""·~I lo)' r e ere By -.....,,,., ..t Ol"ll'T~· various ~!alt; find lornl 11~1•11ri1·• ... a ...,... ot OSE Ht:NOR.ED Tht• transaction~ nol no•('o·s · lhi)moml 11 Wh1to.•, K1111~a!' \ity STAMPS ·-.,aat .. wittl the sarlly all rraduknt ·kl n111111·1· _ K11n~i1s '4t1wmcll l'V''rlll<'r und lum-aa? ~ ...... ....... from Jll'O~ COfflOU· ht"rmlln, Who IS pretddent of th(' . ~ ftftllt ~Ion ..t Ex-tlon8 to rh·e·butk hunro 1t1tmt•1. FoM'Mlt Lumtll'r company, Santa • .... .. ....._,..._ ill Lee An-.T)w> division'• millioni; of irult•it Ann. will ht• h1•rr for the firm's .,W ........ ONE fll ,...,_ ,.,._,. r ants. 111..:irinl( rrlminsils nnd l'r•m· 9t'<'Ond anniversary parly, Satur· lsW)' ADI MAIL STAMPS ''•hJfd lnal mrth.vb of "'·rry knoown lypt•. day. at POUR n:IOUSAJ'(D DOL-ltt1t more than 60 hroad ral•'~Oric·~ Though Wh1t·c·'1 business end LAU. of fr11uct "U y~u m\llltply thnl h)· hOml' llrl' In "''"sa~ Cit)·: he i11 about tour:· Gallt'lt ttald. "ytui wcl.I kn~wn In thf' haroor ar ra as A ....... ...._ ball •tlUllPPd AIR might rrt'l 1111 the '"nations of ~ \8r11t1onl11 11nd y11chlsm11h Ill' 11AJL. SP£CIAL D£LIVEJlY and j r M°kf'l.t n<r"' hdnl( prnrtlrrd in •• 11 m<'m~r of lhl' Newport Har- 111 ,_.,... -. ...t CGntaininC California .. .. hor '1'11rhl c luh nnd ownl'r of th<' CUT F1..0'r'ERS --~ at I Al rh,. momt'nl, Ciltl'll ~alt1. tlw 1 ho11t, lll\'111 lll. . tW CDll ,..aaftX!P. ha c:..cir.t.-mncr.1 f.W'PUlar fraud 11 lhi• 110• An nil dny anniwrsary party lialt.m ......., 114mlftTJ, ~~ I ca.Ued "pi1teon drop." whirh 111• for ~hi' p11hlk wtll Ix-hrld at tht• ...._ April 16. 19t&. and -c:am l ,·oh ·MI 1111.-0 C'Onf1d1'nr.· m••n, 8 fum ~ olfwl'" ~~14 N;> Main s.'re<'I. ..... c-... ...... earu .. I plitnlf'd Willie! or pndt••l ht)Ok . nnd Saturday Mny :.'9. Girt~ on d111play Atirll 17. a.Ill.. 19M.. 'lbat boll ,.... a i-ulhhlr v1<'t1m with mono•y 11r now will ii<' 1:lvrn away: llom. thl' ...... uw-~"i'llmC ot OfW day and h~ o•n famou~ down wall 1')(' on hnnd for 1wziM Uw> ~'"EXT MOtU"flNG Thr \'1r11m is prrsu1111t'<J to pro-lhr )ouni;"'l••rs unct from Holly· _. DELJ\°EJlED to a btt» hidf.. ~ 1IOl'IW of hni own i·a~h n' wood. Sl•nnl'y :mrt hell famolls -.,. C'CICtl!Cr bJ rid\t o'doctl to "li:ood faith mon.-y" 111 11rrl<'r hi ~rt mo\'lr hi•rl'I', King. KC'f'no tht• ..... 0 W & WWW • £ awaJ . IOmt' Of lh<' "found" C8Sh in 1hr :~:~l~•dCO/ICh '1nl: Wiii Also Ix-prl'- 1 -...... ~ to rtt'f't'ff •allt't. A fut 1•ft\'1'lope sw1trh L· ~ at ...._.,_. W 1GUllC ('Ofl'lplt'h'll thr frnud r orn•i<t l'mplr•)'<'lt :ind in\•i11•d ...._. to lrft'rhv ROSES from But re<'k<'t!I v1trr "ith 1hr I l:llt'<1l1t will I'<' fl'trd 111 11 private ._ ... ......,....._, ol mint-" M ti'™"!I R1J.?h1 now snml' or th1' party to . II<' hrld nt thr Nl'"l""' • ., ....... ,.._, to my Cf)(fc>•' most pr1•\·111t-nt fraud!' nn' w11rl<o•rl 1 larhor 'al'ltl l'l11h, 11'llll'Sday l'\'t'· _. ~. nn Pf'Ol)le who nl'f'<I 1l1111rtnwr11i1 "'"lo! "'l1lil ._ thr fin.f tlmf' nn 11r llCDrN' m11tc•ri11J;; '" h111lrl ..,....,.. ~ ._.n rW"N'wrd AIR hom1'9 FirtN'n )'!'ers 11i:11. "h1•11 MAIL bJ the Corona dtl Mar liquor ht"cnmt• lrgnl 11~am. 11 w11s pmtalf'-thouch many h.a\'t' bt¥n phony lllnt'k in 11lrohollr l1<'Wl'lll:•' SfflPPF.D out par"'1'1 pro!Jt Tiwrf' 1-omJ)llJllNI Thr dlvislnn"1 ftlo•!I Marrlac•• J.l<'rn•rt1 _.. _,,,. btauttful ii:IU"drns 111 Cl>M ntiO>I A R~ GAROP.'11 I:" Name Seniors To Graduate """" 1111r1111'. ""'111L' :11, n11 .. 11·1 l'.1rk. Jl11ro•lh\ ,I, Ill 11,.,jfl ~" 1: ollw•n lcl,anrt. llO~IT.Jlf,. I 1'1lffon l () 1\n1I• I''"" : I ...; 111• 1 1'0 CORO~.\ f't·L 'l.\R Tllf: \1\ I \lo' I 1 •• •11 \I :-:1 .. 11. I \LR\" ~·'-I P A'\" ""•ntm11C'd from Pni.:" I 1 Ill rt II• Sud! ~ •r~ \r'f'\ 11uw1c l\nd f'f f'..-t ATP. \.1 \II. Pl '!STAI. ~FH 1.cn,. Ki:111• Rwh • t l\111-. l'cll 1111.1 I 1'1 o 1'1• \11 nn: 1 l>;uhlmr~"r I •'Ro•\ .l .. lm-.•1• l 1ht.1 11.n 1, I 11111 11.I lo l,ino n 111 \ I '1111 1•'. ,,. 11•.' I·'" \• , .,,_,I \I .. I \\ I I I , 11 ... f, I 11 s 111 1.1 Ann If \f \fl \~·r l .... 1 ht.I• '''-'•'r • ·• 11 '' •11ut\ \111 ... 11 11 \1 1\ -,:~ l~l>t n... f r,· \ ! · ' •l•t• ~ 11o 1 .. r.-\I •1 li.1 I \\ I ,... 1 .• 1 • 11 fr om :--., t·~., ·,,,lit''"' 1 •1n '' 1·. l ..._ tr.a J.!• 1 •, • 3.• !I, h f'.11 \h I ?I l '•' lol I :-1 \<)I IST ,. , \i• ,. I \Ir• ~ • ,. i•• ,,....,:·,, ll••M•• fin '\lh.11 •• ,J.t", 11. f! I'' ·1 \\ .,1 ,, •P .. 1 1• ·unl i auJu i : ~ 1 ,., 111,,1 1, 1 1~n1 .rr \\11111 1 \I I•·"·'' l • \\ ,.,..,.,,. '•I \l 9'n' • , • 1 ... •"•"'' ,,, ,1,1-1 .. ,... n .. ~. 1 'l·, "' 1 ""l. • "1 , • , • 1 ,1 1 n '' .r Jltf'-I '"''fl O\TI IMrr ~II 'I '' ;.., •'T in ... tl \,' \l11l.ir I ,I,·'"',,, \I '!.•1 "'' 7 11 .. I ''.· • J I I ... I'•'\ 'lllrh .. 11 ,\1 ml111ol •• \loon " • \\' \111:1 ·~ r .• \11· 1n1I \lrll.. I upiaaru .. ~ , ... r1 """ ,rh'"' . • t I :'\ I ~ 00~ d •o·';• r· -...;'\Ito M 1(• \ oll\'11' .:'\ i•lt-1rl l\u11Cll•' ,·''."II, \\•••lo\ \\,1111 n 1<1~1 \\' \\'il,1'11 ~ m Ir e' •t> ..... 1th \l'\'1"l 1 Rnho•rl -..:.·11 1··" \1.11.1 ,,.,,,,, 1 ... ,, \\1 1·1"'' ,,,,, Ill :-:r .1 .. ~ .. 1·h r •' " p,,.r1 Uart .. \c 11:-ln"' ~"'k''"11'· p, .. ,.,. ;:-,''111"", H••rt·l 1i"'I'''·" \1.1~ ..!:I l"I" 1ol.1ui.;h11 1 ~ 1 h lt :1lol n1hm1•r nnnnld 011,._ l-lP111«• 1 11 l:l / pontoonc JMUI!..: ar r ngt <\n • , •.. 1· k I I I I' ' "· ' 11 OSE OF .THE TRICKS llMCJ tn te'h'fl thJa two dory homt1 a friendly ....,ar.-c:e la to riet tae ..,_ noor ~k and ueate Ute reeunc of a •tory and one-hair facadt', Alao the UM ol plf'•ly of •·•H-a.e.W porca-help to make tlllla ltonw rrll'ndly to ttw-paJCalnlf publk'. Ttila home I• ~ for low ..U.te- nance C011t and I.a a .... eum11lr of lhfo "open·plan" w!M-re room. n ow to~tl.er rat.Wr ttta. ....... dhided 1ty doora. '"'8e t.W lntnlor ict•·,.,. onf' lhe fH'llrllf of • larl'• home. It C'ODL&I .. oaly UM 11quare f~I. The e•terior wall• and roof of thl" home could bf' fabricatf'CI from one 'Or tllor maay - Jn.ulaUnlf ma&f>rtala 8M '7 thf' ...... of lnMtla tf'd "'lnclow it11U8 thl• home C'Ould be atfoatf'd •1tlt a .-tnl hNU.it. unH plattod ....._ &M 1taJn.. TJI.!" homr ~~ by H•ll Ii \'~,._..Jl ('01tJ1truf'tl«* ('o., 1•1 ('o-t Hlp1uy, Coroaa 4lel ~hr, ('all{: phonf' Harbor l'HI. Ranch House Is Urban-Rural Favorite JIO•C.• It, I ".oble 11 I · .• ;, ,,d lls good lo,,k!< hwc :1.. ,, t ,. • odcrn ranrh-sty le h me , ! .·o for both rur:il :ind u·h.•:l ,,., ""· This ~x:impl<' w 11• 1ir· i:nr I 1 , . .\'alter T. Ank ka, 61 i South ~ ·.ro ~t SL, Ann Arbor, :'>ltcll. Planoc<l lo til on 11 ~"·! 't city Jot as eai:1Jy os r n l;i: .:·· , untry acreni;e, the lwu•<' Is i 1 r • ._t wide. 1t contain~ l.lli:i ~IJ •·•'t tect. ample for t ho c\lm{c>r\ " I C'OT\Ve- n!ence of the n,·rr:i1;1· !..:n.Ly. a ll 11'1'· "4 .... Q-Ho" often abould l wai.. mJ lawn? A-Once or twice a week II 1JUtftclent lt the 10il 11 no drter U\an avt"rage. The ground 1houl4 be moistened to a d<'pth of about 1ix Inches.. Light sprmkUnp help weeds more than irross. Q-How closely should lawn 1tass be mowed7 A-On., and one-halt to two Inches hil'!h. Short cutting ex- poses the roots to the hot sun. Q -What m:ikcs p:iint blister? A-P aint blt~tcrs or peels otr woodwork wht·n tht're ts an ex-ces~t\'e ;imount o~ mo1slu:c In the v.·oNi Whrn !Jl 1~t1 r' ;11 c n1><'ned. tho•\' ::irt• ~· fllt•l.rnl'• fnuntl lol C'On· tain \\ 1:1 r Q-1' f1ro··ns1,t.int 1oofin& ·wor''1 l'tl' .1 I lit nil <"'<:pr:-:•c• I A I' "' .. 1 I t l .1l II ! 1,~ tel7 I• not I ' o:\ • I •. m •re. cl::idl•oards (M c-xtri 1nr s1dew:ills F·i· . . ~t · , 11 1• h ~ · ~ f r " h It " . .... . .... ' . -',., an n roo o .1rL·:1.•.st:mt asp n th" "" , 1, ·:· 1 or r all h· me sh111i:les. 1:he nrch ••ct . rernm -r , !ini.: rt ., 1 .!·. '" 1 t:illv ar• mends whale 11,lt.,g Wtlh roof am •ni: ti'-' lo ,~1 r xpi•n.•l\'C 'kinds, shingles of a rontr;uting color. b •th 111 tit st ""'' an<l in m:un\c4 The terrace In the .rc:::ir and. t.he nan.-e porch 111 fron.t pro\'lde fadlit1t>s I ~2-\\'hJ t riu-~i; t':lkc1 to rise for outdoor li\'ing. The tcry-ace. h 1i;:hcr 1n t'•l' C• n11•r 1h::in :it the Uvlng room and ediacrnt dm:ng Sl(ir'~' room r om bano lo m:ike one lntc-:\-T11<1 ,,111rh h.i kinii p"v.·tler, grated unit tf'•l murh II ur. t", rni1< h m'"'"I A built-in b.rcakLlst cornr r ts or '"" hi t an 11, ,·n 1 part of the k1trhen. B"th bed-__ _ THAT SOl'TlffRS St 'SSTKOKE Droatb-Relljsting Sbnll&ofNew Type Anilable New Wall Panels Wly Installed In Home or Office r °""' _... h.anb· Lqrllllf ~ ~aaembled and f actory orilinai.d by Dr \\'_ E.. t..ammrru rlllWlord. •oUd Richwall pe.nt'ls arc, at lht' t:nnW"lity ol ulitonlla. far t)W fint time. available for Los Aftcoeltt's. .,.. -.,"ailalMr air m W•t Coast hom<'I and at the matt P*oCI~~ nurwrift otfkft. 1ntt'n'1tled &n _. and rart" plant Thew unusual Nlc:ongo hard . matf'rials Extubits ol t~ •tt> wood 'i>a n ~Is arc beautifully colorful dou~ and ~If-no..-('T· rinistwd in 51X luxurious furniture mi;: ctrow:h1 l"f'Stltant shrUbs at finblhff. and rt"ady to install . the Pa.sadena Spruu: F\oaer ~ Tiii' Rid1wall pent'ls n-· wood. and Southt'nl C'ahfonua H«tl· lock cons1r'uct1on in troduc..>'1 a rultunil lru:111u11> n vat•.d a s;reat quick, f'lU)" method of lnSlfllllltio11 d< al of tnh-r•...,.'· partK'UJ.arf)· in w-h1rh t'hminotf'S fa«• nallini: IX'- '""' of 11-K• pr-•bl" •afff stll'lf"I· t•al.JS(' ttw (me furnitur e fi nlsh1·a :o.w '"'f' liK'>' m .Sotnhl'rrl Call· a rt' "pplif'd at thf' l11c:lory no l<•rn1a furlh.'r flnishtni;: i s rt.'<]Ulr'\'d in !\hnv mt•-rt<h1i ~i\Td. n--r-;:•on-th.r home or oHiCi'. tu~· 1~· U"t• OCJlfrntum h~tlnds Spl(•n al Rkh•\'1111 moldin~s hfl\'Q with thr c..era11on W a.:c CIOOl\1'r t>o>t>n dc\'l'loped. Roth pum•ls and 1<nam.al.auoun a ha1um•. •hicti molding« an · s 11ppllt'd In Natura l. ,,. a Ian:•· ri.nf:') .hrub """cu1.,.111s: Blond ;\l11hl)1:11ny, ~forrO<.'() Mu· a J.'rt·atf'r .~r.aaC'l' m 1ho .:ardo n, I h~;inr. Wnlnut. H alrwood and dnd alsn mucil ,,_.f> 'rlti.llt"· to Ari11ri1w fimshM ad,~· !i<.>11 ('<ind.It.om ni. ~arl NJfTIJ.>a.~t t'>l 1~ ,,...... u ·1>-111 hrightly c-nlor<'d winter and tos1JtTmum h~ t..,.. makrs t ht'fll I s prini;: no~·rring t'\'rr-i::r<'<'ns 121 far "10rf' useful in tht' JTTUll••r 1n..y w11l thri\'«' an run sun anct 1:1t.rdi·n. at 1hr same umr 1tn'ln1:1 •J1 ontt f'Slablillhed they are the samt' ~·ant~ from llw drow:hl re51stant When 11:rown as NI f\ow.•f'T pohlt ol \W"&'. EH''fl spttUnl'n pot plants. the dwarf the tall« ,~,-., sud! as rhe and SHYU-dwarf varietin make l)f'autitul Rub~· GJow-. REd Da-t-XQWSite ittfl Snow White for mask. Row OaiffC111 and Snow C'hrist(l'UU. 01ht'n for VaJentine Flurry att quit•' complllC'1. and do ~and Eastt>r. All varl•tlt>S ha\'e not q_ • f'C'SU)1 OCC'Up)' _,. thf' lcttg·lutin1: Oowt"n Which make amount ol ..-:r wtudl ll1ll51 bl' thnn 9dt'al for Cloral arranR<'· g1\'~ a G«altOC'I Wu plant mmtL BttaUM' tlwy are hardy ii-h)'brid Lorii«~ 00.'n to IS decrtts F .. tht'y can • att partic:ularl)' .-ful in Cali-bP 9UCCftSfully crown in most all fomia prclrN brcauw thry an' .attU of CaJifornia . nstnKtion General Building Centrattors -- ••• c..c lfi&lnraf c--.... Pia, Harborl741 f\O~ LICENSED bay escrow co., i11e. -......... wntee - x-~ .. die -~' JllNs,. ill Co,_. 4kl Mar uu c-a lllcinnJ ..._ Harbor tn5 Sell It Through Classified Advertising A h I tlPuauc NOTICES s p a P'rBLIC NOTICE I "NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN PAVING that M'&frd bids Wiii be rl'Ct'iVl'd few r~... furn1..'hing of 1.'QUipn\t'nt and materials n<'Cf'S111ry for th•· E11perlly Mizecl lor * Parkiftcj tots * Subdivisions ·* Service Stations * Driveways * Ranch Ro.ds * Storage Areas * Hi9hways FREE ESTIMATES Newport Rock & Aspllalt Co. L«aW I ...... ~_, ()ramp ("_,.,. AlrpN1 -~· ,. ... r:~ RAaltOtl er. -'·" ~Ht:Dl MM \\T-U>ll~STt:ll Mr. t:u,.:-.ff \RBOK 1!':1-". imtallatlMI of an ~IPC-lrk Clock Ir Signal Syst<'m Buis "·ill he N"("('iWd in tlw orricl' nf tht> Busl· \ nMS ~1an<i1t<'r for the Roard of Trustees of lhl' coll<'.:t• up to 2:(0 JJ m . Jun<• 11), l!HR S1><'cif1t:ilion~ ma) ht> ohtainf'd al th<' abo'C' I bta1rws~ OtflC'f' ·• Ad~ '.\lay ~'6-Junl' 'L. l~~ . Rift opr111ng · .IUJl<' 10. l !).IR 2:00 p _\t. . B. 111 PETERSON Basal JI. Peterson. Secrf'tary Ro::i.rd of Tru.~tN'll I IJrango.' l 'oMt Collrge D1~­ tnr t i r'\Jh· :Oh) :!6. J une :!. 1948 I NOTICIE 0" INTENTION TO SIELL "'"l'Tll'F: rs 11•:ri.:rw r:rvE:-o: poor· I .nunc t1• th_. J'r11\1ttt+1n.1t ,,r ~"''"" 3,.111 Hf fh,. It\ ti \ ... ,,. 1iC lh,. ~tr.tr of t *nll- l fonua th• I WAI TF:ft ('J...1>1(1" >O~l.1t•1' '°"'"!"r nf 11~ ':-:rwp.or\ 81\'I r ••t.a. ll,.lillA t al1f11rnrn tnt,.ntb '" •••II • \~' • 1:\-.1'1.1" ,;•·n ·t:l!T 11n1f 1-:~1 • :lfA• If.• "F:t•·•:HT \.,•n•t-.,f \1''4 :--:. i·,f 111r1 , ,\\,. H111 .. 11d .. H••tt•h t*.ttl- if rt 1 • ,,1 rt1 ,, '•'r' 1 n 1•••r-.11n.1t 'H1•1•- • nv •••n't1•t1ra.: g ... ,,. r ·tth uf •• 11 ~, ... k in fM•t• fr\.'or• •• ''"1' 0,. h\ "",t µ,.111\ I ' U <\• ,..,.r '"'-'''' •r\ "' ,, , ""'' •tt1 1 ;.1 .. tlt"\1 ~ T \ 'h.I ... l+u•1r1••,. .. ktl• lllrl " f 1 1"" T ,. i..1.• • r• •I:•: ,,, • t•" t 1 '• \f, ' 1·i1 t nu, 11•1;! I •I 11 't•·' 1 ., f' ,,, tn•l ft 11 'j ,, , V!llf '" I -,, u ~I!• ~ ~ f • ~ I I "'~ • YI • • • I~' \ I f ' ~ \1, I t ,f '\ f '" I I ' ' \I P ERMA·STONE T ......... 114 8mnlifo( ,,..... I p.,'-ctJ.- FOii OU1SIDI WAUS ,, t "' • ,.. i \ .. .. I ' .... I 't I I·: ,.,.,. ". \\ ,_, ,,. ..... \\Ill ""' bP r-.. ""''"'•hl. fur ntt•r•• t hnn na.- tn. flf'r• • t en,rrtfun ••f "" ach ·rr· fl..o·m .. nt · r ..... n ,., th,. r larht to ~ .. r th •'"''If~ Any a nd all act .. l\fttl In ro>jo r1 l\n\ 4•h·rrth1,... """'' ""' ~nf .. rmlnar to rul"-••'1 r• 1:11lttllnn ... ('11\.,slfl•·d Mh ""1 t..-ar•·•·ptl'•I op to 9:SO a.m. .. • ..... day nf r11fillratlon. .-.~ 11 >"'•'n. '?'r l'ar •'r, li,•i;u\ "'· nt·Tl.r'Tl 'I'• :\11 ,1n1l J\lrio A .,,. ~r h k ITI' OU! and Ir',''","· ',~rplpl'~nkl·I··~, 1111111 I ''"'II 1 ·h•hn 1\111\1 r . .,~,,~, t 'o•n •1 I I\\' I \I0'\11) rJl1'11'f( · . • rowrd rnr unct-r on.> flf •hat I \1:111••'1 T'1lh \la n 'n,vl1111: Pnr· ~•'"l"l'l llr:wh, 111 s:1n1n. 1~.:'1'.~ Ill the lnt<'re•t "1 N' n~y. the design d oM r.111 lnclu !1 ,, base- ment but docs h:w c n 11:1lnv room with sutlkient spar tl { r A hc.tter, laundry equi;iment and ste1ra1e. room.a hnvt' cross \'t•ntilation. ln· terlor doorwnys are located so that any room is e:is1ly nccrssibll! from llllY 01her part of the hou.~c. P:11nl 1$ tllll'l' hlwlv t11 lon~en and fall from 1! l' ,,.uih ~•de Clf a lltc_ co1cx,_-., po .,., ... hou~c th.in r1' m tlw n"rln side It ~t 1ho n to !).· .in i'Tl4)rmou." I ; R 1 :-.; 11 R 1 \ I\ 1•mm11111t" IH'~I''' ol \l 11 ::_. Added l'COnoniy 15 :IC'h1rved by U\t architecl'a cho1.:o of wld• ( ~•ll•d plant and •P~clllcalit•ns •r~ available from Walt.er T. Antcka. 617 801101 ForHt SI., Ann Arb<1r. Mlch. b» rxrl::itn~ thl.' r s O••p.or tnwnt of ,.:ond ,._of--' -u ~ Agricultutc Thr rr11~11n· Gn• .. ter 1 •ble OD1t. 9t1tts and •hfn uhnrr l CT1Adr a •:1 1r '';' · ·" "' i•n< ~r.-. / nnr :i clnu~htr~. t> lh-. ·, ... · ~ ..._ f "1 \IR l.111t•r, 1 .1111 R11llf'rtl'Pll ... 111~ ti l\.11h· LA t 'GJll IN T \I . . I :'>II'~ elwech "" lnr '1ll1' motnr• ' 1111•on Jami"~ R••rkk. Rnlph R"rit'k. ' • 11 • ' 1 ,llH refe"1n1 lo Ma Plan No. 611.l expo$urc to the sun p.t. J -.. "'~di · J h sa·lo , , ~· ,lo)~rrh l.11111!hll n hi I lld1"tr"I'" ---n~ _._. I "'1n ..,., <'tr. o n ~ • r.>. '"""' \ (' d I \1 "' J __.... ....,.."' •Cll"9 ...,... t•rnty· Ann SAm118<ll1. l111r1,ld S<'hicrholl ' \.,. · or:mn •' · .rcr, 111 • ••· Obituary Coll~ction f ilia 36 Volumes ! Two-Way Radio Sought for Cemetery Use ftw omu for lht' SPEOAL AIRI Don Scott; ~•'1~1 hoi;rutnl. M ny -'· !!\-\~.a S1•n, MAD. .-tsmp for that ftnl joumpy Rnht>rt Sct:tll. Shis11r Sni.;:nk1 5 lbs .. 4 ot. ... ...., n.c....th• CLJ:'\Tt 1:--;, :--; Y , l " c111r .\r.1 1 , , .,. , .\ 1 ·"" •c·• 1 h.-t'flurn An•'t :r Shirlry. Shirlo•y Shlo><0ho•rj:. ""' '\. <'nfl•tl\nr<' Shook. MnT"\ Sir1'4•n-nrrnc-i<. John N .John ~ H11m11t11n t .. •llo i:· II',,,,. ,, \lfr1-rl C'f'hll'l•'ry h•'I'"' ,,, "" I h1• first '" JIU .. nM> LATS 1:nrinrr. Sht(lry St~rri...'.il. C'ollt'l'n !11tt11·k !<.. ifll'if 1'11r~clny 11t 12-1 K. llamnwr. .tr lo,•, ohlt· thr nntirn to 11~,. tl\'11-•U\ r.Hl111 80\\"XA.~. ~ D tl,;Pl-Ht"IU)' Slalo•n lll:\1<' Snulh, llrlo•n Smith. f)prt'!lll S t · Santa An.t llr "3 " 11r:.rw 111• 1l1•t11.1t1 ·' 1 "II' ~fill· f1>r 111r•'rt1111.: l11n1 r;o l<: ........ Cra'~te. Artt... took hJs Jim ~mflrr. J ark S111rrnm. Jamr~ the fathrr or Mr« EllH Lr•nll'k. I'd Wtlh ~ \11111011 <; Th•' c1irt'C'1o•r "' t' olh·•ho I. 1111'· nr. J11-rtidt wtUW VJSlhl'\C h&J :-;tPff• n~n . .Joy<'f' !'trwnrt. \'lr.:lmll \rcta MMll\, lt1• Wn!I ~rn in Dnl-11\I, Tt'xn• l\nd hmd n'•idrd 111 C.:ll· 11111 I l.11111w r l'-11 1 '"" 1 I Ht• tt'rll'!' In lho l'h11 1l;n nr\'11rh1 .. ~ ~l' . ., ......... LNtw. twn. Strnhn~. Dalt' Stuim1. Thomas ~ ~ S 1fom111 for ·'i '· o•nr• llr I;; ~llr· SA~ s I hf\ 11h1111an1•, " I\ I I 1•1.q 1n. .. ,, I ho II· \ \\ clll "11 II ( ·,,,, '· h11• .,.. 51adkla ,_ ~~ ha'~ ........ puttJnc dw mmplet~ WW'd- .... c:e riiiiAl)O Into a l'llD'ie An eM t Stion .._ it that It might ··-~. TTal ~· ~ ._ • lalplr1ant 90Uth· -1J1111a9 pntlllC't "1'1J In lh(' ....... ~. In 1840 produ('f IOll niadlft .,,.., ....... ummc-r.;. Johnny Tnl!ltra . " I \I\-' ll\' t\lt\ (llHll:htrr<t. l\lrio 1 {' hl'ho•\r ll thr~ .11 1• n11><1 ron· n-ko.•rl lho• F .. rlrrnl ("••111m11n11',11lon:<I JO!IC'pli Tht<'hl'll. I .t'tmnno.' Ta) -"'' . lor. l'lann) \\'altm. F'tank \\·a1rze. Lr<nld c'.c1nd ;\Ir• )-',dyn Zazzl. ose I\ n d ch•'a1 • '' lo• •1•l111'.1l t\•mn11<•1"11 ''' .1ppre•'• 1 '""'·"·ay 'I 1 ·'"'l'r nn•Ant" i•n•' ~. ,,n, ,\Hr-... of nn<i rd"r•'IWI' ma to n .\I "n fMnOUS r"""' IJ'l'lh' 1!1••11 f.•r \II l · 11 ·m I " fH·~1r \\'alzi!r, f._rnnk \\'att5. \\·1 • " " • .,, lJ.am Wt>athN""'O:\, Rnrhsrn Wc-h· !'an Lub Oh1~po . fh •' $:T&ndC'hll· {'('<lplr 0 ' •1ll:thl, <'•'llll'lo•r~ ster. Pauline \\'elner. Jamf's \\'t'lls. dr.-n nnd onr i:n·nl·~randchild lli~ prt7•' 111.·m , .. 1 1" "' • \\'n!lh· I h' ~.11d th, 1 11lw " •111tl J>, ,,f Patricia W.:>l!lh. JA<'k \\'rllt, R.-tty Scrv\(."('• "111 hr h1•ld Thu~dl\y nl ini;lnn h11rinl nolll'<' "hl1'h ap-"1n\ :1l1111hlr 11«1•t::trh'I' 111 • 11\ 1•11'1-I Wrlh<'rall. Robert \Vhytc>, Eddie 1 pm In C.r1111rl rhnpd with thr pc'i'lrt'<f 111 thr l 'l•I• 1 \'• II''\ Ci'\· ini: mtn1•r t r,1rr11• J.in1< 111 1111 1·• mo -~·11cox. H Pli'n \\·1n1c-r«, 0.•1111'1'• Rr' <~ \\'1llHNt i't1•11rn• t•fficant· 11•1t1· in 1:-.>•• •h11r1h 11· \\·n~h· Irr~·. \I ho'r•• n• mm~ \< .:•; 11,ro1·nl I Youna. Marv Am11m1. Loma Yo:-t. lh<= lnt .. rnw/11 ''ill It,· 111 \\',•11· 1 ln,:11•11 ' 111 .11 I\ 1111 Jll • • .t 11~ Pt'· prnr<'ll"l•ln' ,, r •' ,11 •'-'11 mo•ol ''' d and Robert '1 ... ~n m1n~trr Mrm1)r1nl. t\llrk 1 •''ml .. 1 d111l)' 1 .I News·Timl~ '\dvl'rt""" 1·nl'ii'1an I AVAILAlll.I NOWI vour l!\JH11• to l'f~1r1o·n: ~:>o•ndlnc l Ideal for -willa a--111 - ~ • cilor. a.t. c -a.dr. llOa _.. CONIUIUCTION OI -OllNB- See Ou, Display .\t 11w-C.-ih Fair -ORANGE WEEK- I 1 P:~:~~·E 1 I ~·· ·'--........ !O .\ s.sr. I 12 YEARS SERVlCE IN THE' HARBOR ARE> BARRY HALL PAINTING CONTR.AcroR 27 4 1:.-t 19th St!wt Pia. Bea. S4U Coat.a M ... Calli. IO-tft Expttt Watch & J ewelry R.EPATRJNG l\LW'PORT JEWELERS F\nt> Dt4IT10n<h and Watchn <t·ndtt ,_.. l\1Anar ernent) 116 22nd l't . !'>l'Wp()r t 67·C·82 Bf-w i... -Advertise SCOTCH TAPE NOW OS RM"D _..._ SEWS • Tl~fES e.wt1 u..... y t', lr •d j. ly ·e ). a '" ·s 0 n I! <! I. I• d d ) :I I! s l e r e ! I 1 • I ..-------·~~~~~~~~~~--------------...................................... ~-' • • - ... -- ~~~~~K~~~::~j~~;~~~~ 9t18DIDS Ot1IDE 10 . • * c L A s s I F I E D I N D E x * ""• llC.~T. ~·--• ._ .. N:" PO. T • AL BO A NI:" 8 · Tl M 1:8 p.. 5 COMPLETE ... ,,.,. unrurnc,h....i l . h,, it r., nm l'T.DNJ:l'DAY Nl'wport ........ C'allf. My M, IM8 ~e HOUSECJ..EANlNG SERVICE """'"'-o~ _. _...... -· _.. 1 ~•' a .._ • : ·c . • - - UPROL8TDING u 11.1a. roa s,u.s t F YOUR FUR.NTIVRE ELECTRIC RANGE •l'ILDIHO MATSaLUa ... -.. II 11\t•t"Coe • .n I l'l.>4...,. N'flr ~1111111 Ana l nuntry U.AL UTATS a It.EAi, UTAT& • Wall wuhin&. floor cleaning and CllUIU'll "'OTll"U ............ -·•• """•-·'" ''-~~ • ciut-, .... r • 1,.,.,,,. $7!'1 m11n1h Is Not BECOMING Then You Should BE COMING To Apartmen t Sizt.' _ _, .. d cl I ulk f'a&AOl'IAL . .. _ ........ ....._" ,.... -Mll.ST SFl.I. 'rlllS \\'EEK llY OWN•:R -New 'J bc-droom h111lll'. •lllN'O, hudwood noora. 1nwn aprtnklrf'll. douhh• 11ara1e, \'C'ry """' $1:!,!\00 00. 7~ FC'm· l1·nr. c·.11111111 tit'! MRr 77-p-81 w.,..ng, \1..,n ow C'an n&, ca · uuaa ''M1• CiAa -•• .,,,... ,. ~~ • u ,,.. •m.111 1'111hllnic •·nlrnnc..,, J ONES CO. Upholsterers Ing, pa.lntlng. rug cleaning. Fret Ta.u11PO•TATtOl'I :; :;... a... ,_ • -o '· "'f't•rl Ill' 11 ""'"Ill•· for r•· ,. .. ~.CHiii hu~~ •~1u1t} Npl 11111 h•I :\II ' l:.'7 ~1 11111 tlf $ti(.iol fill 1111) • 11M•· ~1111-1 11111111 h S1'•' "" 111'r estimates. Work guaranteed. =~~o ~_:TL\~ _-,. -~ ::.:~~'-' : l'"r '" 11 •ll"I' $.,1 nwnth BEACON 6111 t•r•ournta1Nn -~ -.. -•• "'",•o&• n II u t .. r 1~1 '\ ~·r4'l Rt'styllng -Rebuilding NEARLY NEW 1965 Ha.rbor Bl\'d. Costa Mesa USED ONLY 1wo months. 4 burn A.L'S HOUSE CLEANING SERV :".:AL~~.,"=·N"1t :---. ·~· : :~:::·~~· ... •~ ._ : -----70-c-91 LO llCllOOl.A. IS '"11V('T1f)N .. "n• ....... r ... ...1 \!\It H IH 'r.\1 ;1 t .. ~1 ... "'"' D~A. 6260 ~. automatic O\'Cn etc. C09 ss.c-.87 $220. Will 1<'11 for- ti~lll:\ S•·11~ht•11• I •n\ r , Nfll ll••1wh 7M t"Mll --------------ltMf'LOYMlltST WA~TU • 1'11 \lll tl• a 1 t .. "'" "'th m.111h q11.1r!1•1• Jo\ 1t111rwv.aHT orn•RD .... •••.., ".... .w 11 1 "' "-'Lil Mt1'('f:Ll.AN.at1". .M ... ,., "' ... ,, -•• '"'··-""""I t,..,.,1 111 \ttr•I ST AND romm n $100 cash Ft>H SAU: Hy c•WJM•r, R·3 lot.• 1•lci~·· In 1111 111•11ln•ul11. Only a LET GEORGE DO IT! HARPER GARDEN SERVICE. L OST llr11wt1 wallt•t cont nin.lng 11np<1r1.rnt ~·rs ,,r Thomas C 111 ... rt If found, notify Gun-tFonnerly ~a\iadtnal Main· tenance of t>stablished ga rdi'ns Spraylng. ~l'nC'ral lawn & gar· dt>n clC'un up Rt'planling. Phone Beacon 6299-W clay or CVC'. •12C E 15th S I .. C'ostn M1·sa. 63-c-85 p dc·rson Urui.:s. n11too11. Rl"ward 7R-c-RO MJ>LO\'MENT WANTED ta · 1•c1J11 t rll' 11nd 1t1funt nurst•, will rOUR F URNITVRF: re.paired or refinished. \'C'netian b I i n d s refinishf'd. Make lh<lM' wobbly chairs h f e new. Reasonable. Sturdiwood Products. 2205 Har· bor Blvd .. Costa Ml'Sa. Ph. flea· ar1 11s h111J) s11 kr at ha by sitter ratt·s. d&)'. n1ll'. or W<'t'k rnds. ::"o vho11r kindly t•a ll personally, a Ill . :101 Dnhl111 I\ w ot ~an. litlh• ~rl"y 1:arag<' rollagi'. C'oro· nn dt•I !\far. 78-tfc con 5433. 70-c-91 y OUNG GRADUATE ENGi- H ome construction (personal supervision, licensed .contractors 25 years l'Xperience. Phoe 1938-J. NEER desir<'s pos11ion in 1hl<1 \ k1nity, prC'ferabll' Ull a sales f•n1o:1nl'l'r. Phonr llarbor 351-M J . C. Swafford & Son. 115 29th St.. 1004 Ocl'IUl Front, Balboa. R 78-tfc N. will sit with children eve- 73-tfc CABINETS PREClSION WORK. Let Ill call and stve you our f'ttlmate. 144 211t St. Between Oran1e A New- port Ave., Oolta Mesa. Phone Beacon 6226. Mop-79 Plumbing Service l768 Newport BlY-d.. Beacon 1111 REPAIRING OUR SPECl.ALTt c.oatrect1nc and suppas. ~"' WASHING MACHINES -Oiled veued. with minor adjustments $2.50 anywhere Harbor Area. HARBOR APPLIANCE 477 Newport Bl\'d., Be11con 6296 72-c-81 JAMESON FLOORS Sanding and Finishing Best Matl'rlnls and Equipment Llc<'nsC'd, Insured PHONE BEACON 5855 ' 62-c-83 ED WALTERS TILE ,~ONTRACTOR Bath RO<Jm!I. Drajn Board.I. etc. 15th & Nc>wport Ave .. C'..o6ta MeH Phone Beacon 8700-W-3. 18-tft SEWING MACIIINES -OllC'd. cleaned and adjust<'d at our factory $7.50. Pick-up & del. ntngs. OWn transportation .. Call Beacon 5313-W. 74-c-78 MAN 30 intl'rl'sted In contacting person or company who offers permanent position. Sa I a r y open. Var ied experience. Colleg<' education. Sa I ea background. Wm. C. Lynch, 1213 E. Central. Balboa. 78-p-79 ge .hes employment In Newport Beach. La1Una, Huntington Bcach or Santa Ana area. Experl<'nced In outomoblle financing: au to sales new and used. Investiga- tion and collection work, sales work ,or what have yru? Ll\'ed in So. Calif. since 1903. Best r t'ferenres. Ph. Harbor 1668-W. 7f.-p-78 unve Carefully-Spare a Lite. W Al'\TED-ExJ)<'rlC'ne<'d fountain girl for work in malt shop. Musi lw fns1 :1nrt arrurate. S trady work. Good pay. Apply at :.!I I Mnrin<' l\VC'. R:ilboa bl· and. 16-c->l<I \\',\!':TFO ll1•at11) Ol>"ralor lo 0111·1 :111' n1•w hu~trh·~~ in Cost n '.\l1·•1t '.\l11m11!•'r l1<·•·n~C' n<'Ct'S· sary. A i.:ood opporlllnity 1f riunlirtC'd. l'hom' Hl'at·<•n lil!'l'l 76-p-7R HANDYMAN & dishwr111her: also woman dishwashC'r. Must be st~ady & reliable. Harrison 's Dinner House. 17th & Orange. C09ta Mt'Sa. 74-tlc '132 Onhlin Aw . Cor ona dl"I Mar Silver Plating COPPER. BRASS, GOLD Polishing A R.etlnl1hln1 Bayside Platin~ Co. 1914 Harbor Blvd. Calta Mesa. <'aut .. Beacon 5113 6-tft FRF:F: Fll.L SAND 31 :! Onyx Ave., Balboa hlancl Phon .. Jlnr· bor :W~R. 78-r-EIO R l-:CONDJTI()NJ-:D -F.l('('trolux c"'anl'rs S:.!!l to 540 l 1·rar guar- antN!, .:1416 S11n1a Ana Ave Beacon 620fl-W 78-c-!t'.l . GIRSON ICF. ROX -Good con· dltlon, $15.00. 432 Dahlia. Coro- na del Mar 78.tf MEN'S clothes. topcoat. 1ult, jackets. slacks. wool shirts, r ub- ber boots. raincoats. rubbc>r raln1ult. hats. ahoes, two hard hats. Harbor 1493-R, after 6 ~m Sc HARBOR Furniture & Transfer BONDED and ~SURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise BlJ1 Let U1 He.Ip You Be W1- --COURTESY SERVI<:::E- 1962 Harbor Blvd. O.ta M-. Phone Beacon 5588..J' 34-tfc SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Some Models Avllllable NOW Balboa Furniture Store 100 Main S1 • Blllboa Phone H&rbor l:'lS 2205 Const Blvd .. Newport t. Ph~ne Harbor 116 41-tfc: 01\RGAIN -'•16 C"Mlian jeep. hy- drollc kft disc. plow, gradt'r hlade. springtooth. etc. Excel· lent condition. Consider ·37.•39 car as part payment. 332 Del Mu. Costa Mt'll8. Beacon 6Z13-J. 73-tfc HARBOR APPLIANCE ' 477 Newport Blvd .. Beacon 6296 72-c-81 LEROY SLATER E>.."PERTENCED fountain g Ir I wanl<'d 203 Ma rini' AV<'. Bal· WARD rE'frigerator 6 ft .. one 16 boa Island. 75-tlc ft. 2 door rench in refrii:erl\tor. n('w. • Park!! combination wood Move Anythtnc Anytime EXPERIENCED lunch & dinner workC'r v.lith 8 Inch rip ll8W, 11 Spccialtzect ln waitress. daily PX<'l'Pl Tuesday Inch band saw, 4 inch joinh•r MOVING Good lips. Call Harbor 274. SxR PC'ar prin11ng prf'&!I motor tlousehold Good9 A Small Boatl 74-trc driven with typc and type' CM<'. Harbor 391. 25-tfc How;ework. Co u r mornings a './8 windows, 2-ft. 6-ln. x 5·ft. -------------we<'k Call Harhor 60R l'\'rnings 6 llRhl. Tel('phone B ra c on 77-c·tfc 5034-W. 76-tk Portable Welding Burning N"EWPOltT WELDING SERVICE H. 1564-J 328--28th St. DICK SANDOVAL 63-c-84 General Building Controctors BROCKMAN BROS. F ree Estlmlll<'s-Prompl Service '53 BROADWAY. COSTA MESA Bt'acon 6378-J. 69·p-80 ~--------------JANITOR-For nrw City Hall. ap11ly City Administrator Of- fit•t•r. City Hall. Nl"wpnrt Ocach 77-c-79 \JIOCOLATF. d1pf)('r. fuU or part time. Wrilc Box J. Nr·wpor t Balboa News-Timr11 77-p-7~ WO!\IA N -For cl<'anlng. parl time" in rorona dt•I Mur. Har· hor 11)91 .J 7R·r-79 ELECTRICIANS !Since 19201 Contractlnr-Repaoln Realdentlal-IndU1trlal Ets-Hokin & Galvan 1000 Coast Hlway Bea. 5401 31-tfc UaC' a Bl'ndlx or Maytag AT BILL'S W ASH·A·TERIA COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. • 175 NC'wport Blvd. Beacon 577( -------------Co5tn Mr~n 60-r-79 APT S l ZF: l?a!o ranto:•'. walnut din· New and Repair Phone Bt'acon 6217 2573 Elden Ave.. a.ta Meu Z.tfc RFOP I :o-;r. Pl..\::"T~ ,\LL KJ ::"n~ . :\<tr 0 .. 1 & ur ('hr\<;'111111· 11111111' Frrtlll11·r' .1t1tl l'lr1n1 F"''''" Tiny·~ Hlnl. ;\11r:'1 1l',\' 2lili I :-.;. \\I'"' I mi ii ( 'l l' -'-'nit ~· PJl<I"' l ~l '\C 'l1'. ... 1;11:l.\\' 7 1-~'·q~l F I n \\' <' r ~ v,,,. J ,, , \ t "\' '"''''" (",.,, 11·1.: (~1(1~ 11n1, '11\\' 'r Ft.1 t\\ 1 :n ~11np 11 ~ llt 11.HI\\ I \, ( ', 1'<1 I '.\Jto,;i ~h· ·I'· 11· ·"''•Tl :::,:;:,! 1.J ini: ~ct. C"lp:nnt o\·al frr17.t' ru1?. ktldu•n ~ihk Anl! <•lhrr hou."C'· holfl i.:oocli: 121 I.rand ('1rnnl. R:ilh1m l•land, Ph I lnr :-..IR·MK 77-c·-!<I FIREWOOD CHl\RC'OAL & ORIQlJETS PROMPT nr.un:nv Wright Lumber Yard 17RI ;\'rWJM or \ Tll\rt n 1~T .\ J\t ES/\ £k;wnn 5(',f,S Plenty of Good Tires All Sizes Compound !tf otor Oil Gnllon. ?Qr Hnnw. n. ''"'" it·111-:o.t fi8·r·90 W eRtem Auto Supply CON\nF.TE CUTTING is.16 N•~'~;:-'~~d~~:i11 Me.. Equ1pmc·nt For Hent I 11-tt• Do Y1•11r 11"11 \\"•1 k t1r Call L's for 'X x " x " x x PLUMBING SUPPLIES L:iT~•·~t St<lC"k In flrange County l ~,, Galv. Steel Pipe 20c foot < 'hrnmr P l:n .. rt !'" ln1: F11ur1•lJI ~!I !)O \'flllir ~!)!'I() FRF.F. PU l\'tnTNG l .a.\·out SC'rvi rr F'O;\T:\ ~ ,.\ PLP\1'HJNr. I :':\"11 " \\' "'""'1"'r' """ 1 · .. ~1.1 '.\T• 'a 111 ''" ll••:wrin f.f\41 ---:\7.lfr I \' \C '1 'I ~1 <'I I \'.If:..: 1111• it , •, 1r • ti inti .ul fl•"' t, •I ,rt , .1 11 ..,11,,,, .. ~:l ·,,. p .,-i 1 I' ., n d ti• I " \Ill :1 Ill \I 'I 'I. I.\ '1 ., I ~. , ,.,. " f~ .. 11 tr 7'.! ,. >-1 \\1lh .-1 ''"• c u:11:tnt11• ~;l:-1 1·:'\ n1 nntA'fna c•-·1..1 _.. ....... ' • ,....... -• 1 • I 11" I'• 1•·1'111•11• 111~1 lh" 'lll'ASTKll Tn ••. ,. •• u" ••• '" • ,,... ..-I I \\ • LI no ISLE II (} ME ,,...... "' ""'"'' '""' h•ft rhone llnrhM 1.m.1.n ~:30 11• f\.lO p.m. n'llsm·•« ro• ~u -· n ., ...... , , 1 ""' .._. ~ ' ' '" •· 1'1• llClATI<. 11t·rr1.1~ _ .. "'""• •-c•-•n _ -~ 1-T+\ I'' 1 IN F'\c•I t ''-'I\' ... 1.11111 •r-·¥, a a.unn N U \I ''''" •'-••...._. •• t l 1:,1-.1111• • t-•h·~•111 .oput \. 76-c-79 oou•. c "" • rllC"T"'I' .M .., '' , ... , •Y-r • r • ,,, ,.n "•'• r ••\ u11,u11t .n ISi.i-' F1 ttt t ·~ 1.Y ' -........... ·"''" :-;t ;i< ,. Hi• "''"' "·'''' "" 11111 111 II\\' \\I'll MALIDOU LAKE W .un'ED TO BtrY • ar;~T. •hM"l:U..ANSOI'" II 1:· '"I r , ,-.. _..._. .... y •• --- ---W ill Pay Cash 7 .... 1, l·,, .1 , ·,~·•·• <Jo v ... , ~ · ·tt 1· 1 'r '; .• no~·· 1-..•t: w F'or your fu.naltul» or wt.at IMIW "'" i. ' i 11 ,, -' • .... '" •• ,,,01 7M-1· you. Ph<>rM' ReaC!Oll ~ ~ 1 • I , ''" "'• ~• -... •f ....:.,• ., •rt n•·, r ,,... i. ,,.,. \wn 1h• .. n 1h1•• Crawley FurnitUtt Co. t1ut. 11 """ , .. ,.,. •• tt. ..m '1"'" ll 1 1 ·"n•t tllichw"}" <'.,r1>-un:-~P111.'J)Ot't Blvd .• Oleta y,.. ~,, "' n.• <trt l\f.1r ~11.· 1,;·x:t,1· 1 ·1111 .1 92-tfc-~ m1. • ~··d " ..... ,.::::. l. :o;1 .. m11. Jr "" llnrh11r ~-n --------------·~ "" "IU' hrok.-r 71 -tfr CASH f"r USED r n "" '"" i·..v. ' 73-,,,. -..-v ~PT ffiAll • H !'<I' , -,. ll\Alll•hl•'. mnct· Fum.t ,_ A Han-~ i 1 ... 111 i: ,.i. ... "". , ...... ''-'t l ure ex. PP ~ " . rn lrn1t•'r , .. uk, Uil It Hunt· •m I 1' fld,, a<• ..,.,,... p.•n "We Buy Ahnaet S••r "'"'"r Ir•~ ••••T <-Wd l"ltl•of\ flri.•·h llh·d . tllahwRy Anythlac'' Hisrl -1-R :lt. )fu,..Ry I ·11y Ac1uitf only, • '1 ' ' .) "'° p>I• $3 5'} prt' Wf'f'k 7t;.r,Mf) GR.ANT'S F1..ATTI1 n...A.~ .... 1 bo~ •• ,.1 .'9"TfMNnn'& a nar~"' .,. Phone e... 510'7-M <"'"'"'' •'fond.ih•~ • .....,, •' ..aah 1-------------1645 Newport Blvd., Oal1a .._ :! m.,,,_ lfarlWT ~· ~<I'• f'l •R SAU: 19()6 four ~ Ford ____________ a.de__ ~ f~,....lwnt ,,,......, motor. • Yarh~ for C'b.alt« «lClftal pomt <'all llarho1' M!~R New Stove Good Frigidaire 7-ft Apartment Siu Magic Chef Rangl'-Almoet Ne-w NEW SIMMONS double l lffP"': occasional chair.1; n<'•' Ray Co. doubl<' slN~per, matrhing chair: bleached com'(' t11hle ,.nd nld 0 4\' \\T.DC-~-nl '"""'~ 77-e-7'9 G. E. MINNEY J"nR S ALt: RY OWNER 711 C'<>as1 1r,..,,-&ran. l:Zl1 l!Mf) "~'" \'l<tMIA \oupo· \'rn ..Wa.n. ""'"l "l>fl"•" Exr Br··--~-~~~~~~~~~~-' ....... Al.a..__, • -...,. """" l"tfOSI-: HARllOR 166-W 7S.r-MU 911.A~Till \' ... .--far -l"l'nllll drp HiditNt prirY .. f )f)11f:•: . n l'lvlu' 2 door llf'dan. ~ -rr... ,_.. -a s,illrt ""' •")'""'· nrw t1rr~. prlv•lr or Grand .,._, 0mg.~ par ty R."lr,;:11ln at S:!.m C11LI Santa Ana SJO ~ ,._ '1-dc llllrbnr :..~rT·M. !\17 l .uk•pltr ~--------------1 ""' c .. r11n11 cit-I !\hr 7t>-•·->41l MIRRnR TYPF. ~,_T.T ..,._.. ----------lltO. ···~ ,.._ ~ BP.!'".Stl ;\11 .. 1111 "7" ~lllTlllN'' 1•ano. uW<d. Jt~ o.~ .....,.l '"""" m--hrrn11·1•t. '''"~lllhm, ;'\:\ u klir •• tfQ. S'7'l ~ flmu m1t-. '" r..11l11n 1.:1:\ to. 1·,·ntr11I. Schmidt PuinnC'" Ul ~~ ,_. .._.It-... , "' At J11yi·1• A11"1l11 tabl<': d rculatini: thC'rmoatat-.,_ ""I f 1\t.:•n.-.. "'-1•1r1 714 , .. 1•1 rontrol gn!I hC'ntC'r F.xt't'pllonal· ... nta Ana • ·t f , __ ___ • ly rc>asonuhl«' 1 larhor :.!fll8 Oil' I FOR 'Al .I Au1 • ..,., • .,. n-t-J. t '•H !'.\l.t, 1'H•I l'1!1·karcl ti, 4 Fullc-rton 1!l7R-R_ 77-c-79 111on 1•••-rlt I•''"'-uwt ,_,. .. , •t.••r '-•lrn. '•'n • 1'•1111, 11111111. tiil•I• ""~~I 1 ""' • ...t , v ·•llo n• I •"• r•lrl\•, .. r1.:1n11I 11\lon•·r :l7l<! MAPLF: hunk tK'd. box sprlnJt '''"d'''''" .. ,-; 1· r·.n1,,.1 fbl· • ..... ,.r :'tr··· 1, c ·,..,.1,1 '.\l•·'n lnnl'r sprlni: maltrt'!lll, SllO: l"•h -:'• 7M.1• Hll Jll'1 th111 ........ s, .... tul l1•11tt11 ,., flrq•lnl'1' 111111 1m·.•h 1111t lu R·· frl1: .. rn1 .. 1 111111 ~111\ .-l111·1t11h-1I 111 prk•• \\',. ""''" 1111' k1•\ ~ n111I will h•• pl•·11~•'1I lo 11tww ~1111 1i11~ &ll'c•1•nty t '"II Mftr)' I llt·k~""· • JJ,.rhor 1111 J EARL W. STANLEY RF.AL TOR C'OVERtNO NF.WPORT GREATER HARBOR t\.ftM FllRN llSF:. ho!lt It c\n<'k.- lll11 fln•1ot Fl11h lit Swim ~ . t1r tr for c·llh c-rul Photlf_Art .111111'~. r11 fUJI 12G97, GletWl.lk!. - &7-c-71 (~.I. HE-SALE 'l'wu h•'<lr111\111 hoow. 7 year. old. 'J !'Or llMrftlC<' ,, IH'1'4'. F.ut 1lde. c:ood dtatriC't. $166:l.69 down- $.'\3 30 l'l'r month at 4~ lntereeL Thia Ill r1'Rlly II lood buy - SEil! IT TODAY B. A. NERESON 19T2 NrWJlllf'I Blvd .• Oolta Meea 11.-aron 1\225. TTdrl H.M.LANE Rl!AL EITAft 3113 W . ,CENTRAL Newport IMaeh 'nl·<' lOOI Court Aw. l.ot nst s ide-. <'c1•t11 Mrsa, rf'UOn· , Eetabliahed Sine. lD> "ble Ow1wr l'!lll Harbor 64!1-R ~tit «'vc>nln1e1. 77·1>-'79 -------------- t)CF.AN •"RONT. Jlalboct, rurnl11h· f\\lll,l)JN<o LOT f'OR SALE .-d " llf'ftrovtn. :.! hl\th1, 20x'J4 N1':Wl'ORT 18 1.AND. C'nr'lwr ol llvlni.: room. flrq•lctl'f', l"r"IW 38th and Mare'UI Sta. R·l, Slde- 11pt $'J:J.~100 Mticti1 tndf. iw-· w,.lka, 11a\-lna, 1111 uttllttft In. l'C"Hlon Own•·r. { 'r. lllM7 11,.,. l'•11l l11md, Jluhor t99'2W, 6IOI hor 271 7J.p.IC1 <>t~an •'runt, Nrwpnrt BHeh. ti FOR SAl.F. -4~ foet lut on Ooean Thi• lll'W 3hr. hardWt'IOd noor. view ntvtl .. Oalhoa Prll'i"d below t• hnfnf', 111 nn t Juat • hnuM', 111 a day'1 snark•I Ph. ~aeon &llS-J rr11I f11mlly home-. }(l('atrd wheN U you ran lnok ovrr thfo entire I If:/\ t 'Tl ... t 11, lo•v1•I lot 011 l'nln· n,.y •rt'a A homr hll'Wd for 11<·11111 "'''' S(lulh ... r hli:hWI\)' h!11lflln•• .. ,.nd ront.-ntmrnt. A 1wur •H'"'ll1, c 'nr11n11 11,•1 M11r. hom«' yci11 will he proud lo •how ~:'.1 ~111 r .. t l'll•h w .I 11 .. 11•om.h, your frlt•nlt11. Thr M -ft. Int ptt· 1~'1 7 c·1111~I tlli.:hw11\', ('llM mll• you to l"k" 11 dM-p hreath 77-t>-HO wlthn111 dl11111rhlna th«' nl'l11hbon. rlnuhle lwdroom iwl romplf"te, S ):?;; : posh'r dnuhh• h<'d 111:wlni: Ir malln'ss. ~. 2 pif'<'t• b4>d ll\'ing room sC'I. S75; i>tudlo couch. $20: \'1111 ~· HAP.JIO~-Y ••!'CO TO LOA!ll 11 JIY 1 lWNJ-:lt f\'J I lrh1, ('oron11 cM A 'c•ry 11hnrl walk to '~"-· Wr l'An 1how thlJ honw 11n)'llm4'. Sarti• It. admT ------------M11r 'f\•·11 114'flnM•lll, ~p11•·l11tt-P1.~"" o,..,d ~)"frm IJ •A:-.tS TO FU tll .O. IMPROVt:. llvlnii 11~1111, ~1111 tl1•1•k. 1l11111il<' Irr hox $10: l11mp. throw rus:. kitchrn tnhl1• nnd ut•·ni;ll11. desk. Kay11 k 11nd J1<1ddle oourd 116 Collins. 77-c-80 . t•>dm 6 Ttnrd A\f' Rt 'Y. MOf1t-:llNl7.F., OP 1!Ht11t.:" 111tcll'r, lirnn1I 111•w. ~llf· n •Hi'll"A •••:t. MAR I Rt:nNAN<T. r1•1'<·111. ru11111 r11r r-•111111 unit RALPH P. MASKEY ftt-r·flf>I •.• f\•I)' Trullt Orf'dl $l!l,(l1.tC11MI 77 ,, Ml SP--r.\-.-.CT-. --u.t--~--Rabr---M.--..,_-NE\\"PnRT RAl .Rl>A n :DF:RAL JJR.;OO b .,..._.. O.U l SA\TiGS A U>AN ASSN. SdwnWt. 5.20 No ~,..,,....:, JUI V\e Udo Ph. Har. 1!100 !Mll W . C'ftltnl Ph. Har. 402 73-c-11 Dinlm: tahlr. huffct. r halrA, fY.'O 9X1:.! rui:~. lamps. Phon«' Hw- hor 13.'ll·WK. 7R-p«) ~ n:pw:w4. y-,_. flllY 41-tfc out~ ~Ana Wr....,.. l!IC•·o•r. raorr.an ~ 80AT8, l!IUPPLIE8 D the Solo-\0tr '1-tfcll RNtr1•'"' h"""' 11ml ln1•11m•' In WANTF.r>-Sllp for a n«'W 36' SPINET MASOS for,_, Try tr :-.o-pnr-1 hi""'' w11h :li·fl tel cruiSt•r. Phonr Beacon M14. for Just 6 -.&. rt )"OU WLr it -•;otrr ln 1n1 .11.-1 ni,:hl ror )tl•ur T7-c..t(l allow a n ""'' pead (lft parrt lanul ""'' \nt1t tww1t Mnrl•·rrt ~-------------price f)aru, ... ~ I"-C'o. furn1f1Jr .. F""<""' (nr JKl\'AI')', 44' Sport Fishing Roat, C'Q\Jlpprd S20 No )bin ··~ haW llW!-S-.. nomrnrrat.lr hnni: $A,fWWI l!own and r«'ndy In go. Well ._nown in VOit. f>l.tfc ~ will linanl'f' fmm••flluh· th<' local harhOr. Wiii consldM P'W-~'''" l!lrt') MllrMlll Avr . tradP for quirk turnowr APl•I>• BABY CRA~"D an ~-r-t..-S-i•·rl r._ t.,.h 76-tr FL~hcrmnn'11 W arf, 2314 \\' UM!d Nos-on!r9ill> An-'-· \C'nlral. Ph Jlarhor ::?S41-J cm Tf'Tml Dam-~-S20 llr~U. F..OIT\TI: ft 7&<·~ No. Mam. San1a .Ana Abo ...... Electrical Engineering and Installation Winches-('-0-Two Flrt-F.qu.lp. Searchlights -F:llide Battf'rift E-H -G Radln-Telf>Phone.-Ml'tf'n FaJrbankl-Monw ElC'C Plant• 1111d Watrr S)'llU>ml G-F. Rlldlo-RadAr Stewart· Warnrr InstrulTM'f!IJI Hol1bti Engine·Hour KohlC'r F.lectrk Pl11nts LlquldmC'ter tank ll\IAltf'S Photo-f:lrrtrlc Piiot t1ful Strine-a~ ._.._ UI--I S1000 en ,,,~ •• ,. ~.. ,,,.. • Solo-Vox •l·tfr DOOll. CATll a rrnt •' I ~ P1'l" ),1v-d OOl'I 531). w I.USC li ("I' •I ''IJ'P. fl; 1 " "-'f'll "'' ahhd" 4' )• .. r rr•Jn't lradr Pr<4 1hl•\. •~· .. ..-f r coup)(>. t'ulJ irJ•tr'l"l.at.,41 ~• -,..,, F:. <'•"Tl'nl A•• 141·,~ 7_ •f HAY FHON T 1A 1lh .. l•••·r :.11•1 "''·'' "" 11 .. 11 ... 1 r~11m•I .,,_..,"', I h.1th tlt1" n ~ ,.,., .. r; ... ••n ""•1th l\1o v Ftnnt ~· 11 r 'n1or PorJ._ahl<' Tools MIN ATI,U: 1;< I ) ,., 1 J~._t \ . Et.c;.Hokin & Galvan lnrludo~ ,,11 .. ~ .'': !()(){) C'11r1<t Jliway Jw11ron 54'17 l:T'CI,." 'I.'••• I --__ ,..:: ;it ~·1 F I ••• , 111 (·,.If Ill 'J t )• l •fl I 1.' I ~71~• :t.'' T .il .. 11' I ,,, f1·h I fll'W I ~;ir1,, '\If llt111l1 I I 'I Ill" I I :\7 1 ~ llilJCt I t 11 t , • ' I ., I ~ •I I I 1"''1'1"1:• :~ \\.\'\,"Tl I 1 1.;1 II•..; ,\\',\II .,\HI.I r :'ll l'\·.1 Y 1: ....... ,, r.2k1 741l'•"I 1 111\\;o\, '.°'>•\\IH 11t c·, I•• ()I 'THO:\ JU> :\1 0TO J ~S A~O ROAT~ T\\' II.· 11~1 I 1 ~··n·i.-1· ·111.t H• p 11r~ 1111 Alt J\t uk• ~ nf M.olf\1 ~ ~1 •I! :"A l 1 ""11• t J•J •• ' ~ Tml< ... 1'"1r'".., I f11m1•t .. -.1 I • f ':1 ll I,; · ·.\ 13 .1,,,,, I 11· •1n • ,J ,, ~ I • ·-------' ,.,., ..... ,.~ 11 II\"' "' I t f ~ u f ' ... ,,,,, •I•' . ' . , . .......... -•I I !' ...... , . .•.. . -.. ··l•rl I"'" I• d I \ .,, ' ,,,. .r 'r '' ~ I I 1,,.. ti 1 • n ; . I '••It "'11 t r .J. . \ · •I I • • • r\ • f1 ) f f 1u 1fl••h'lll ff •I 1 I • \•, J" ,~ l ••\\.f ,, •nt1 1'111 '·I ·I f'r:A4'T ,, I • I I t t' I •nt11ni:t I "4, I ,~,I \I I 1 'A1" I t 11,• ,,,,I "' ... ,, 11 t f•1IU1 ' , •it ,1,1f ''I' I , , 't •n • •, f•· , II 1;,,,,H JACK SULLIVAN JF..AN TAYLOR LES'l'ER C. JONJ!S Corona deJ Mar I STILL JIAVJ-: orw or lhOP!C !llTlnll bench homett, good l0t'8Uon and a fnlr buy nt $5~. B~ CONSTRUCTION In town, 2-bedroom home nrrplnN>. I~,._ lvg. room. nl<'C' kll<'hmrtt ... hath ftnd lnlmorn.'4 gnclf1 sl7.t', 1lhlt• .. nttnc·ht'd gnntgf' with IRun· dry room. $9R.')(), tcnn.". A BF:At rT1F1..JL 2-m ·;nrtM. JIOMF.. lgl'. lvg. room & rtrrplsu-.•; nil tlh• klkhf'n & 11 :: IJothi., nl~ patio & sun 1k>c·k with n gof){<'OllR vk>w ot O<'Ptln and 'hlll-. This ools tuntllng hOl'n(' In nn f'Xdwclvc-dlatrtrt mu.t hr ,.,....n t u IN' nppn'C·l11tN1. $:.!fi.r)(lO. TenM can be arrnnJ.{<.'CI. $:\;,tJO DOWN WlLt. llANDl.t-: thf' pun-hnNC or thlJJ hra11t 1r111 2-hf'drm. honw nn .11 (iO-r t. <'Omf'r; 2 Ille hath,.,, IJ.{f'. rwn. harilwooci Oool"'!t throu~hout : h<c> .. dhlr . i.:11 ntJ.:f' with sc•nilc·1• room. rr•nn'il & IJN111tl- r111t y l11nds1·11 r1e·•I. It n-iil hutnf' for th•• morwy. . . ~, I N HA YSJ I< IH I·~'-; Jo:STATl-'.S : 11 firw :!-lw'flrm. horn<> rm a 1·1111wr: Jg,. lvi.:. l''"'ni & fl1i•pl :w1-. c~·n & tlining ro11111, tilt• klldlf'n /(, l1:1lh '' ilh u11ls lclc• -.tall !-how..,·; nii'" p :tl111, c•,lr:1 II{•' i,::1r:w1• T l1l-. i-.111 a11 1•xc·l111dv1• d i-.t rwl. fWl\';ol c· I w•:wh ft'., 111111or1111:: 11 I ~I H,OO() It's 11 f'IJl ~f f lll\' '1'1 •1·111 ... 111'1' 1t\;id tof1f1• l\:t ·11\ll I li:H<' .. , •. 1.d "'""' l111v ... 111 •mil -: frn rn i.·: .-,qo '" "l ~'.1 ltl~1 \I,,.,, 111 11 w 111 \\ill -.h'>w 11 11c•t I 1'1 111'1 t 11f I! I 1 I 111 I '." ' I .II X > JS f Y I •ti '<·:·\'lit , 1111 ·1· l1H•1di1111. Iii•• t~· I f111 v 1111Ill•·11.,f,111d A J. r . h r :--..1 is ' t F r < >Ts rt'• 1111 s 1 1~.o ~ "p. f11111l :11·•· 11'11111 ~'.!fJIJ fl'T II ----' B" "i nf's.-: :.! . ·r·:\\' r '' 1:ii11-:s . 1111·1· 111-.1 rwt . """ l'l111 l111v 1111·111 '"' 1'1'111 tlt••111 1111 a .v .. :1 rlv l1:t~1-. i<, 11\\ rlC'r will f11n1 i-.h I h1·111 ft 11• ~·1111 FHU: E:'Tl'.\tAn:g CL I FF \\'" n11 Conc·r• h ('1!11 1,ni.:. r>rilling I!' Back At Balboa ',., ru t., ... •- 1 "" .,,.,~ .. , "tfl~ :ll ~t .SI , ;'l;••\\t"irt 7f,.1··Mil 1-Y !P. Sl\1.1 '..!k fl ("hi\,)• r It • rinf' 1?11• fi''""""'"I jw 110111 l•tll. 1-'r Ht IH-:'\'T . :· .. f t r • lr •H·•I 1"<7 ft .. ,~)(, Clay ~padmi;. T~mpi.ni;, C'lc. with Downing Contractors E.qu1pment Hnlihut Ar" rnima & Supply €0. ,,.,. llnvr 1h,.. Tackle 23332 :-;C'wport Aw· \o'<ta MC'sA Fi!'hins:t Tackle , 1"2 hlk ~ !'f lfith Strt'<'t l'\C"\\ StOC'k ,\nwmg T>ally l>hone R<'arnn :'tlOO 77~ Others w111 read your clu11tned ad.I u you are rHdlne t.htH PD80NAL H REWARD Anyone h11\'ini:t wilnl'SS<'d or t11k· en photowaph.~ of nu1om nhlle collision on Highway 101 near Corona d•'I MM on A111tust JR. 1947. contact Clore Warne. 9700 Wilshire houl••' arfl. J\/>\'l"r ly Hills, Bradshaw 2·1133. 77-c-81 n.urtn•oaTATION H Keys, Lock~, Etc. l'\l"Y. nnd Rf'nlnl Bicycl e~ 100 Main Street nt Foot of Balboa Pll"r 77c-9A \ilatches • <locD -Jewelry o m ONOME'TERS Repalrtnc -Prompt Service Sensible. Prtcl'I VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY 1788 Newport Blvd Orivmi: 10 S.•a111r. WashinJ,tton. c.o.ta ~ June 1. room for four. ShnrC' <'X· -------------- pcns"I. pM~«'ni.:crs. Phone Bl'a· aa..itleG ea. DO set Uw jal> con 5384-'.\t 76-c-78 tone. Fl iH ~l\LV '"(llj;!llll T1 li·phtm•• l\11ln1111ttw !Ii ~:otll'I" J-:1• •' '1•·•·1 cutlur I l.1t 1111r IRf',t). \\' 76·1'·77 <:f,;-;t·INI-: Ti <1kwt•od (1'11111>~• •·h··~I . han•I 1 .1n· .. 11. htl'll)1t 11l 1 .... 1 1111· .. 1111 , \lhf·..t r·h:1lr l'h 1 lrorh<or 11"11\ 77.r.i!l )('1'.111 1:\: ~ thrh 111r-rr·s r nrnl1t• 11<1111 trip nl:t1<'rt111 ~Ill, i;t111·k "' rihw1.ir<I. ~:JI 1 1-..111<1 r1,;i,t I llv.11} :"-1·wp<11'I. I hrt?:•r 1493 afl n fl pm 714-r THH EE Pn :VJx:\f\ 'l L T Fr1•nrh "1nd11\\ ~ t;1 'l ~ill Pr < >n•· '..1-F.xll·li f11inr , $;';(,., A'<'l 'h•·J . ~t11nr1 '../7 1 f: .'111h !'1, \n~lll '.\f1•Rll 7:l-p 75< n \\'/\!\"TED st;w1:-:r. MAC'lllNf:s nny m11kf', ''"Y 111:r ll11<hr·111 C"Mh prk~·-ps11d ('1111 fWAc•on fi~'6 72·c-81 . .. .. ~ ..., l'<flll l'l"'"I f•11 "•lnnl"tl 1.ol l1•t h1ou~. ur 1,1 "-: • 1· • ~ •,.I Iri e. ••x1·rll11nt 1••1ml111 .. n, v. :II lfar1.,..1 :.rJ.<::.; "' -. ~,.II ft•r l><·ll1w m:1rk•·1 \ ··1•1• T1•)t1Jth••nr• ~nn f>t•·r'' f-".'111 ·,-t""f>R RE!'J J ,.,,,..,1 • •a •• .,..,_n• or Loni( B<-:1r h fJt.l-f>H 7r..r • 1 >"'Vly r•"t8~ ff 1~ f h ~• .,,. ::"y1rm f1 sh1n1: lln". :JS lh ,,.,,, F<tR R~'T ft~ ..... t( l~)(J fl. t.r11wn 11F whllc., $1 •1; ur ''"II l••aP l 1"~· .,.., • •" pl11~ I!> l"••nl~ 1irl!ffrii:r· !ft 11nnr! lllt111'-d hr11.1..., ''" ,. • • •"' ~r linr "Suq.111~" J wpl :; f'h'\7 S• l\.nd flt.11• ,.,,..,..,, • • · ' ... JI-' l\rr!m1or•• l,;1~ A"i;r•I•"' •, "On 5711).Jt llllo} ;,; .... .,. Jt..•,,..,. 17.p 1-; 193, 8\.k fror )1 J-• o -' ff ~-------------MA ll T I:"' r.11 7 r, 111' :"• w k• , ~cmohl• l 'h l.:ii.:11n11 ..!'ii'.'\ :\17: • C'11:tlll n lv1I Sri , l.:.;111111 77., !WI AT"lT.!':TI0 :-4 nr1AT rJV.·:-.;r.rt.<:; Rr plA!'f' t h'"" '>111 ~I~ I,. Hr1<\') wr1s;:hl 11nrhr1rs Y.llh 01<iJ1•r11 :Y• lh r>11nfnrth~ A' llml1•-ci -uppl) A\'811Alilr Al thr \'• ry )11W pr1('f> of SA ;ft r11 Jlr11rnn 605/'I M rii;. r~RR De WllM' -AdvM'tlll' rm 1,;dr, h i• t• ..... f •. , .•r; ., .. ., 3 B ft & ? R• I -·"' 1tn r1N1ln11n r• r·.. n • ,.,,,.,. ~Jljlrkl•"' \\ill r• ,... f ••.-r. J ri.,,,. 15th tr.~µ<, •••• ,. Ill ,,..1,,,.'T ,.,.,.. ..... ··<t 3333 ""' lid<· ...-•v.c• ... T7 ~ $lJ lWf I Rf' I 1RfJ(;)f d •;f.H a 1,-f•,t· ni.I~ •·1th,_,... ..._,111'•''> • mt) ·~· :-.:uv ........ C't]f#""' .,,.I Mar. Tri fot.al 7(,62 1-A ~ Y' 11 f' -.. '.\ II' 1'.ll P~ ltf.,\J1V rn ,. • f\ I·, I " I "' I \t ,, .. ,, I• ' I J.,,t 9 '.1 1~ f t •• rtlrill-. ,,,, tf•d ... "'" ,t ... 1•1•1111' 1.'fl ... , , , . :1 f"lir•'" t"~''"•tt' l1\1ni• r•fflrtt I•, .. 1 ~ f1 ... 1111 ,,,.,.1.,., s 1•·•'1"'" ti,f'l•n•· r••,r" h4""lptw• .. flf1 fltff•r"'. ri .... , f•1rn.1• • 111• in k111 h• 11 trv! t. ,,~.r·,,·tr• n•' ,. J•,.,,,, f,,r '°' " t• I ·~•',.,, .. • 'nr ''"' •s.t• TI I ' t I,.' A .~ I .,. , •• 11 ... ,,,,, ,.,c ,,...,,,.. '•'l··· t. • .... ~ IU'f ~ I .• tf"f• 11'''' t1J1ll I .~t. ,\ •r'h ,...,. rn•' f(11,i1 t,1r \1 l "'"' 11 1 .w~ =-:•"'l••rl lk1uh I 1·, ''•·I•' lltv. I .. r 1on:1 11"1 M111 1" An\ Rr11lt11r 7k-r ---~ -,.,,,, ••..,/• '''" f1-.• "''''I..._ K, ''' migh 1\1\ lit """ 'llitlflll ',.._,,.' I.I 1;1r,1 I•• SIJI :.t H1••n 4 .. "'• c ;,,1ttr'1 1 ,, f, I 7M r Wl 1'Qrl'T ~1 at N••ws-Timft. I WANT A 1-BF:OHOOM In ('nl'llnu de-I M11r on n 4<Y lot around ~17.0()0, <'an 1i;1y ~;,()()()down . A llOMJ·: rltl!'W" tr1 lht• c•nlmnm to th~ harbor with a pirr. will pay up to ~:1:1.(JOO. -· 2 t!NJTS ON RALROA 181.ANO. tlttrl<'X or horn~. i.:arng1• apt. prY'fcrt'<'fl. not owr $20.000. I llJ\ VJ·: AJ.L KINDS rw SUMMF:Tl n1--:r-frALS In all l°"atlnns slartinl.( ':11 $!">0 f)f'r week & up. I JACK SU LLIVAN 1205 Coo.<1t I llghway Hamo.-10:l7 Corona del Mar Harbor 1247-J 'T7-C79 -- ..: AROUND THE HADO•. Social Activities ~ 'JIJiM/-1 8~ ON THE "'ESA • .., ... : .......... _ aa.;11.L~ 1' SW POST.a.a Lao.a NEW5'-TUI r.M -~~.. ~ ..... ('.... .., !a. 11»3 Retiring P ... T.A. President Is Luncheon Hosfess Y 0111t1J Clt11td1tte11 Elect New Officen. SH Harb« Fil• Um• cw. W-&Y.W'r.a ....... _,., _.,, ..... 8S.-•M•r8elrr1I (lllll ,...) ....... , .... .. , ... ...... aa~ _.CO'' nz Plll!P .. 0 ........ .-Isl NUllBDl~ aea.'1« -.. ..... . .. ..... ... •o..a•-. ..... .... G. A. llartimer. IL A.. Odllod PaJac.liiail www1•n Dr. ObedLllrM WWWiWI -~w.c "'...._ ... M&WIWWWT RSHW 008DO'N &. UPP~ D.D& ---Qmllcrl ...__..m..1 1'ecs .... ~ -MJa • caA.JllE with Maurie StaaleJ ---&-. ....... ..._ • ._.ns MLft ..... (!&Jn' L&DW' Aftm5'DAJl'I' &NOMI& .... 0.-... -.._..._a ( ............ Ol'TOWIWWWIB a T. 9 st -a.o. D. O;? SM na~ l.ll:lrm8 D(ft.IC&~ _ ........ ....... ...... ~ ...... ------·----- COAST OPTICIANS. Prwslftl_,... O' [I ..... T ee11 CoMHn loarcl D~ R11les, .Asis fOI Used f111ni1u1e 1 o Mothersingers B..£CIROLUX CLEANER ..,Fletc•er ...... rwtw7 •••s-••r .... ._ _._ ""- Dl•C10RY ........ _._ .. ............ ., ........ A. V. ~ewa, M.D. Niw:I&.~ ... •azaamr UICSClll .... 4 . _._ ... a.-... .. H. R. HaO. 1\1. D. Counlry Club Luncheon , Lunchl'on day fnr m<'ml1<•rs only i5 nn ThurFdllY "* g 1n11 .1 An11 Country rfuh. '"" 1iml' !:.!.:lo p.m. llc~l•'SSM.I will '"' :\tr ... <.rnq:r L n \\' (' 11 nd l\1 r< ).,, . ._ P hllllf\!' R"s .. f'\·a111•n" "h1111M t .. · m.~rt·· It~ ealhnl! 1 h" d uh C'l,F.ASt:RS ('U : \ St:U !'ALt-::O.t. Or,. tl ·p i '11""'"' '"'_. ... ,..,,-... --- Boan: Z-5. by Appointmmt y··· --.....• , C..-"- ••1t'11 f'l••t1 uur n Sol••n1 •·l11 1 Jt1·~ •·J1•,1 n In~ ''"t:1hl1~h11wn1 11i.·1 '"''· .'11 • ~.nu•t.•, \:th1t•d .11f $~ ~)(li1 1 J>.,Ju •. t•, '1••r1 "" lh" .t••h 11 .i-l.1l"'l1•d ; l .._._~ •. D. ... c.... .... 1 ,_ .. _ I ~ Houn: 10-12: 2-5 I ..... _._ ... W•llace J.Miller M.D. Eye Physicia1' · _<_ ..... <_ .. _ .., ... • -n•• S. R. MODKO, M. D. Sit •1 Aft.. Ba'• ..._ ITM Oftkoip Haun: 2 to 5 p. m. ................ Conr.ct Richter, M. D. \ I ..,_.._. I 9::31) L al. a 12 K.. l'-~-2-:30~p~m.~-~·:_30~~~m.~~ ~w.c..-.. ,. ........... . .._--.u.. _uwr 11AD011 i&IW-CAllY WHAL __ ......_.O.VA j C'"l1•;1'H'r-: Ltk•"n 1n t J •• •llf*I' •· I< J\ l-:\•·rl'lt, !hr 11\llH't'. tl1.tn·1 H11nk it 11 .1 ... f11nny aa.tnt>d 11ds DO iret th# ~ lionfo. "The Young Idea" r . :\t:w f>t"f-'f('t;Ks ot· F'IUDJ\\' u ·1·t :1<:\'00X C'l.l 'B. Co11ta Ml"U fM'"4"d rnembrrs and ICUl*I• follow- 111..: 111 .. ta llallon ·~n-mottHie 'held 111 .\11,..rll'•n LeK!on hall f'rtday. lVat4"d ( lf'fl t~ rt.ght) aN' Mr .. 1- •~ \\'IUl11m.., 1•n-Md4'!nt of Or ..... · c uu11ty •W..,dlun o f Wonwn'11 ('luh, lnfttalllnc offl~r; ~lni. Flor· •·m ... stw-ar .. r. rt'tlrln& P"""ldenl ; \Ir•. ('111111 \'lt'li'. """' ,.reiJdl'nt. standJnc (lf!ft to rtl(hl ) are M,.,.. K. 1;-, Skit ..... dlr .. ..tor; Mn.. ('. H . R11ll1·1. tn·iu.ur••r; ;\1 r1>. 11..tni; Kalw r. flnr.t \1C("·ptt11&dt'11t ; ~lni. Mal'\1n \\ lkuA. rN•ortllnl{ llN'N'lary ud ""· ciu11nln,c Butlt'r, IMlrllamt'tllartan. -pho to by fl(•cknt·r Friday Afternoon Club Oflicers Installed By Mrs. L. L. Williams, County federation Pres. Barbra Stovall To Be lnstallec/ Queen 01 Job's Daugh#ers Mias Barbra Stovall ~·111 be ln11t111led honorC'd QUC'C'n of Costa MC'sa Bf'thl'I 157. Intf'rnalional O rd<'r of .J()b's Daught<'r~ at f9rmal in$lllllation ccrC'monirs to he h<'ld Ill 7:30 p.m . Thur!'.d11~-, Jllnf' 3 in Americ-11n L•·i.:1nn h11ll. Thr (111hl11• ll' in\'itcd tn lllll'nd HA't 1rini.: H onnr<'d Qu .. ••n C;1ru- l1•1· Hurdwk. Guarrllf'fl H 11 It v l""rn\\f,1rtl :md A~•1•r1:11 .. i ;111111f- 1:on I\ l \\'hll<'no·•·k 111\1 L•k<' part in tlu1 ,.,.,~,\n11'fll''' , 1rd :tn<l " rl'flflrt 11f th•· Sf'<'· •1••11' 11<or r riid hy l\trs J .. rruld 'f• 1n1.:l"1 :0-trs ShrtU L'r i:ll\ <' an ,,.,, H ~11ng rc·port of lhl• rc'<'l'nl '''II•' ''<inl'f•nlmn in S11nr11 Cruz. Tlw l'll~t ·rrr.,s1dl'nl's pin wus pre- " """I '" :\lrs Slw tt.n•r hy Mrs. 'Jt 1fUdt1r l'h" hull wa11 la\'ishly dPCor - .tl•'ll "''" vinr·s-;ind flowc•rs in ~pr11111 l'crjvrs. till' l<'a lablr with \\,,~ 111•l•'l' and l'rt'P<' Jt<rll<'I' d11lls 111 Mr« Fl11r1.nn· E 1i;hm1·y a nti ii r 1·ummillt.'t' l\frmh .. rs of 1 hr ho11rd w1•r c• 1111•l1'l'l<l'li fur 111 .. d<'l1clous IN1. l11•urins: v>1.•r.. :0.1t•s. \'kl" a nd \lr• Sfw;, ri•r Olh· .. r ('llff, papulN Nl'w \'ork l.....tln1 man "ho h.,. bf'tl'tl lruu1f'd by Kalharln.-Cor- Df'I.\ to H oliday Stac .. for "um· m•r '48 •4'-.0n. Oliver Clill Arrives For Holiday Stage Summer Season 0 11\'C'r Cliff, featurC'd playC'r under contrac1 to H oliday Stage for Its second summl'r ~eason o f profes1lo nal 1tage plays. arrlv<.>d at the ~ Ang<'lc>s airport to- day. He was grel'tcd by Harold Tumey. rxl'Cutlvr director of Holiday Start>. After 32 WC'f'ks of playini: a leading roll' with K11thnrine Cor - nell in ··Antony and Cleopatra." on 8 to ur C>f ll'1td ing C-ili('S 1rnd In New York. Mr . Cliff <'Xprf's9t'd a desire t o ll('j!:in r rhrarMls im- m ('('li11!<'ly fvr hr~ opr n1ni: 11p- ~11ranC<'. Jtlnt' :!}I Turm•y, hnW· ('\'rr. !lUJ:lll'~1rci II IWO·\\'f'••k I ••• c1111o n in L<ic•in11 Flr·arh E. Alyn \\';irrt'n. •·:l~fo ·r11 ,1.,1.;1• dlr•'ctnr. il('l'lllllf)lllltl'f\ :lh rtttl on his cr<>it~·cont inrntal fhi.:ht F11ll•'"i ni.: :i 1\lnt1•r l•f ·w11m: :ind dirl"('trnc "' lh" 1;1111olm 1n rtw.1tn• 1n 1'1111 :ii.:••. \Ir \\' 11·1· n 'Donce-ations ol 1948' /s Benelil Perlormo;nce By Elemenlory P,-T. A. A h<'n<'fil rtnnc!' r1·vu('. ··nant'f'· atlons of l~N" will 111• prC'st•ntC'd at the h igh school auditorium Satu rday, June 12 under th<' auspic<'s of l'<'ll'p<>rt Bea<'h EiC'· mcnta.ry School P1trcnt ·Tt·actwr association music commlttl'e, of which Mrs. T . I lord SC'ch.>y Is chairm an. Funds from t he benefit will be usrd for lhl' purchm1l' of a dc-ntal chair tor lhc childr<'n's clinic and fn r !he purchast• of mroals - for C'nch m el"lftl<>r of t ht• school band, wh1ch,.won f irst place in thc-n'cc-nt South<·rn ("<Jlifornia l\'lusic t'C'ST iv a l Pr4zf'~ <tr<' ll<'ing of(C'r rd to uny C'h tld Sf'llini:: l<'n I 11'kC'IS n nd thPrC' will llf' two priNs fur thf' !'I; r wfl<lrl SC'hool. nnt• fur th•' ttpfll't' !!'r>ftdrs 11nd nnr fnr th1• l•1\\rr, :rlso nn•' for <'11nina dd M11r sd1t111I, liH''" In t;cl lo ttw rn11111s rl'1~u·t 1ni.: m 11 s I 1irk1 '' !"ultl Pru···~ ilt t -,f+ <1•'nl... fur' a<lull~ ancl ~~. (· .. nt~ l11r "htlilt••·n H·ARBORITE8 Rnl11·r1 \'llJ11i;r;rn;i of Ralhoa Jsl:mrt \\ h <• rl'pr<·!'•'n lf'tl tlw \\'r~t Const as lllHlnll'nilnl'•' I'll· pn•'•·r fur S1nncl1ord (Jil Com- pany. r<'lurnrd !=;111urday from a l••n-d11y 011 confl'rrnce a l Tulsu, Oklnhom11. Mrs. John ll<'astnn of South Bay Fro nt. Balboa .Island was taken suddenly ill and wa.s hos· pitalized for BC'Veral days. Mr .. and Mn . Warren Fletchet and Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord T~ hill are leaving Saturday for J une Lake In the High Sierru wht>re I.hey will vacation for fh·'t' days. Mr. end Mrs. "Peyton Swttnt>y of Rro\\'TI\'ille . T e x it s . former residents nf Balboa bland. will arrive hen • Junl' 7 for 11 wttk'1 111ay. They will visit Mr, and Mrs. GrorgP Low!" and their many oth<"r friends. Dixon Smith of R11lho11 bland. m11nagrr of Con1inrn1al. ('an C'o. a t lb.' Angf'lrs, has IJeC'n tr a ns- fl'rrrd In Nrw OrlP11ns '!lnd the family c•xp<'cti; to mnw then• som r-timr this summrr. Mrs C'orC'ne ~·ttchl'r. who h<is hrl'n dirrl'tnr nf music for l osln !\IP~:i f'1m1mt1nity rtrnrch fow sum1 • t 1nw. 111 ro•s11::mn1; nn<I "•ll !Ilk•• up solo work l lnnor- 101.: hl'r. mnmhr r s of thr ('hnir i1nn rbrir fnmill1's he-Id n r1innr r rr•r<-nt ly fc•llc111 ... 1 h) an l'l'Pntn): p1111:ram :11 I '11• t'\111rrh <'h:11~·1. jtr1•-.•n1 1ni.; tw r \\tlh n <1 h "r J•l.111· ;,, i1 r:or1•\\1·1f r:::1f1 I.int' 11ff H'•l'I' 11 ,111 11 dl 1,. ,.,. ~r.dl•'<i 11wl111i1; 11 .. 11 .. 1• •I t '111 • 11 ll:11l•1·a s1 .. 1;dl S1111•r I''""', 1\1111• 111 ~hrl• ·' .1'1111·' I 't '"', ,, I 1-..:,.11. t; 11. :'-I,, -It ttl Shi" •k ,lfltl I :111d1 \I 11 I • 11 I r<'l>IT'ni< 111 111 .1111·· ''"'""' '" 1\ 11101 "''d 11 .. r1. rl'lall\•·h fr•·11 ltt.;illfl •hn••'f "' '"' ••I th" pl.i~< crf "'''·t·d •t'rfl". it n!I l'ilrl.1 :rm ini: LJo.s oaJ Lioll T °'"" Har• ty.,,;_, ol F1111 from the \\' i" knoll 11. all r ight. 0 u r nous·~ Is a dl•<.'Qr111or 11 rul!hunart'. 1.md ull bt•cal.IM' rni 11ud1 a Junk OOllC'CtOr T h• !ti~ nillk <'d.$ '1R the mantrJ 8)' n u1 t.. !l.rlUH I(", l1U1 ,. • Ilk<> 1h<·m A n d Wr• I h I " k itw h u n k o I d ••i.d 111· v o d from tht· S1tn .Bernltl'dtno Mounta.ul$ j u s t S<'t.5 1 h c· m (!(ff right. Maybt' llOOI<. C'a.."<-s don't rNtlly ha\'e to IX' clultettd up with clam ~hl'lli1 and Sparu~h moss. IJut if we didn't ha\'e that mosi;, what would 1111r ~•'t:tE 1~ on for whiskers".' Thuui;h f."~· (lf our m o r e ordt>rl)' Cr" nd1> shuddi"r. Grandpu do.'t'n'I 5<'Pffl tu mind pc-erini: L>UI of his. frarrw from hchind a ~w1mminit <'UJI. a brokC'n·dO\\'TI tin <"andJNll("k. and a burro l:x'll from En.'iN!ada But what J'd 11ke t o kno-' is. •'hr dO<'s ther<' alwayi; have to j:l(' a pair of &hon uftdc•r ttw piano~ Tfff; L..\KES A&E "'AJUI I'm always m('('t ing up •1th pc-ople who try to prov-., to l'Df" that Minne&ota is jm1 south of 1he North Polt• B~ I-don't c-art>. 1 like It . Aft<'r all. 1 ,. ... born there . And wh<'n s,,.,·imrrung timl> c om l's aro und. the la.kf"5 art' warm. What 's morf'. lh<'} turn th<' m ost hc•a v<'nlr t•pal t'Ol.vr in the lat<• afte rnoon And when I think ~ fi.aluih I fl>l'I just plain sorr) f~q.1~· who'\'(' nt•\'er ft\l'<I in u ~h•1:11-"nr::: h.>ll'O I hk.-tn 1 tunk• h al'k att001 s landim: on th .. 1•wr, 11atdtmi:: thl'.' {r .. 11.;hl1•r,. "•• m ,. n dTni: 1hrt1u1:h 1111· '""'"I.'"'" •h· """ r i;rn n i.: 11 h•11"'h 11nl11 r 111 .. ~··"'Tl I ltk<• '" r 1·m .. ml .. r 110\\ 1fw· I l' hnrn !'l11und1·d ;,t n1i:ht. i1Jld u·,. hari-h n111s .. 11f ha 11·h,.,, d1"m1: ( 1 \ t r 7> ~ a.ad LWn iuarn ... ~,.d r~ poi luck 04lnr'r -Id 5-dttmb) f:~t'mng at ttw txliml" .,: >tr. .nil nrr. Glen Whlyjodi;. Udo pr ruiuula a·1th )h._ \\41.M) Mul~o. l1n Ben \\tu•tr....n .-n d .)L-, ld"A'ard )!...i..o.Ir .. a.I' ,..~:'~'·"'~ n.. ..... -...r_ ••• >.'1H'n O\t'r ,., ~ ~ d.~r ... 1n...: un d t'r ..ui.o1 n~« .-t rl" ... nlt>Mai,,.. ('(lllnmllf • trt' ltn . l.ilW> Ga t ~. .».n. ~~ L~ and Mrs. Hol&<&rd ~ .. ~~ oi .a Dutrn aucuon btlcl ~ th.-... ,.(fW\J: added to \ht-?c.-...~ <>t Uw LJon T~ &rt :PtlJC '' ~:. I r~mb.·r hoW ..... UiiMf to (t'J Mtlltlg on rhe bay, iil.Dd °"" ..., lit t Papa Ito.ow w hat -. , ,. ",, to;. • u. It mall.<·' me t tt I i}mfJal"btr1JC 1..-ard Jl'o>n-agt'N. 9'llE LOOllED UliE A zu..u: l hl>b. 1-m W'TClff.0:. but I don't think 11 flun• a • llmall to look ~ • •nn ,,._ ;,nd.rhc'n. 'TlW'rt' att ~ cbo »"'" alwa)"I rwat and ~-bur Httt) •ear their tuiiY th· ~ ... > f .. r !CrUbbrng tbr flour as •hf'> do for a party. I UMd to S-a woman who ~toad lt..t> \alut> ot contrast m a ~ tr.J} ..\1 tni a..m. you·~ ~) fRl'll ~•a.stung chshet 1.11 a httlt mmtbtt 31tra.ag:hl out of ti>'" ~· bas:. but I ha I same ~-~ ...,. ~t be-•·mr.;ng tht-.-<dd ,. bla.-1< \f'l'lt'l't. OM ,._,-. I rnnrmbtT. ~ got tht ll:"eP 10 IJW9' ~ brrrin. For lha 9l'OOllbnd fmlic. stw f"!Md htnrif up ~ stnprd sladt.s. hJgh booU. a ~ ,.f'd sfurt al her bmb:iond"i and a powder bl1.1tt bo6d Wt O'W from a raincoat. Sun-. sbr looMd liU a zcmbW, but a cut~ oar. ~...rPGtm. For th#. I ~ to ~ elttff'd ,.,_. b,., o Is _,,Wn. ptn.-up 1t1rl Birt ..,......, ~. I rlunk ,.,ery b.m.11) ouidt• 10 M \'P 50ml:' sort (';If rnr,'rltY~ \\" ... , •• had so tnlX"h ~\d) "'""' .. ro:.ttnf• 1;1.1t or ~ tha •• cbtn r rrund scrar1·h· mi: .r•1..nd ''' mak• th(• 1~>· n .. n·~ I "°-cl r knrl"A ... tu. tout J l• • ... ,.,.. Y" m-.r rm !Jt$fant ~J,.... ! : .. .:-tt •tUf ,. nar Rwhard 1t. 1 ..... <I: ._. " ••• d .1 ... d • it The O.l:1 8a/s Prot«itltm Agahlll MOTH-HEAT FIRE-TH!FT c4.w•···· v .. Oft PH I 'JU HAVIYOURIWI IEW"'PIP NOW ATIDWW"Jm IATl!ll • PHO..m 211 No. 8roaclwar ORANGE S-laA.. 11 1 'ft1!'l1n .ti•' 11-11.111~ 111t'f .. r:1hl11 ((11· fl:t,'I: / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-======:::::::::::::::::::=-:._.~ • ;lm, • Th" \\ i.t..1,h Yo1ll..\ 111 h ,,,,.,1 h,1;.k1·t h.oll 1 .. unlam,.nl '' "" I 11 •. •'~' pt·•·p h•u1·n•l\ 10 1ti. • i111 1n t1llf"'-hf1• "' 'fl'•1 " ft11trn.1n , HI• ·1~1n~ ,,•n·d t" "-l .,t1 .\ .... ,,w•1 •~h 1r FOREMOST PERMANENT WAVE EXPERT By Mossier ~ :] I I I , •'f ( .. /1s-... 1.~·• "!Oi :'Ii. Hmiuh\'11)._ Sultr '?I'! -rhrmr '!i'?6 • '!7'!7 S ,\'.\T:\ .\SA The New "MURLE'' STEAM PERMANENT WA VE ,\ l'-l'ttsRt 10 11 at 1 lw :-.:<'w Ym k nnrt C"l11cn~o 1·1•11d1111)n< ~011r hair a < 11 '· .f BRUSH CURL CUT 1.50 • RESTYLING 2.50 .... c:i...a ..... ~ .. -.......... .,.. .... 0. a , .... D.Y.X. .. • . • DlolJip. led -. ....r &&. ,.... .,....... _. ...... ........ .,.:-.-·-MT1tl• I• "'Ill "" .... ' ''' ~·ou. Pufnrd. hut If I rt•m.-mlN•r 111~ hl'l"rl "°'""'''~" Ralf'i.ah , .. u dnwn 111:' (l\\'' '"'"' tur . t:llr.ahfolh ... ~OT ltt:R~: .. • • r • JSJW 0 • - \r.' * DREW PEARSON 'ISLm'llO!fD: 8.4UO& ll 11 A.ND HI P\ab"+ect f'YefY 4-1. Konday throulh Friday, by Sam D. Porter and Ludul S. Smith, m. ownen and oprrators ot ~ Newport H&rl>or Publilhln1 Co. ~OL. XL. PAGE 1 Careful!-Toadstools ! WASHINGTON. -Tht Presl· de111 has resorted to new 1tratecy in handling Whitt H oWM' c-allt•ra For 10mt time. 'Vashlnaton ub- st-r\'t'rll werr a- m a 1 c-d al tht nun:l,..r or \'ialt· ur1 Pr t' s 1 d t' n I Truman r.aw dalh Hut n o w t h e c11llin~ 1111 hll!I 1111~·n·d urr Tilt' ofr1r111I list rl'h•ast•d ever :s· ll11lrnini:: !lhOWS n11I)' II hantl/uJ Of '1sltors. tral S«urlty Admlnlatratoc ()IC.ar Ewin&. 11 provldlna protrcllon foe casual workc-rs. aurh H domHtlC 1ttvan11 and rarm.handt. "We mlcht try thf' stamp •>'9• tcm th<')' Ult' In Enaland" IUI· g1'f>ll'd Ewin&, "1 d<>ubt llrnl ii wc>uld work hi>r<'... r1•m11rk1od Truman. ··11·1 • nuisanC<' to t•mployl'ra, dlmcult to 'ldmln1stt'r , and such caaual em- ployrt'ic frrqu<'ntly 1tu1ld up lf'U crrdits for 1-.intrlhutory pt'n1'1on11 1h1rn they rould &Ill In an old· llJ::l' 3.~SISl/lll!'t' \i.1J.•" Anny·"•••li> 1•1.&ltlc•• t'n\ 011· I .,. 11 l 'hri~"'m11•n w11~ '"'"''''kt! 111 11 t ' ~. Mllilnr~· ~'url 111 Jupnn i11"1 ~ 1•11r 11( 1·111iln1C 11 Jt11Jllfl•'S1• \\ 11n1o111 Ill fr1Hl l pf Jwr ~""· rll'l1l11•r11 h'I~ 1 unn1n1: dill' n ::1 . Jnpan•'l'" htl) 14 1th h1' 11111l•lrt')t'I~· and lw;tl rni.: 1111 11 J 11p11111'M' m11n I 11•" '" 1:11 I'll th•· 1l1'>tlh _,•nt1'ft\'" 11•1' 1 •~I•'. 11111nkr .incl no<,,11111 Th· II "'" p;111'1th "' .IJlll Ml ' l..1r< J),•lo~ t 'In •'"'""'''I •'' l ona. lilah11, :t(ll'""'' rt lt1 =-'••11.1lt1r l knr) I>", ,.,h;1k. !ti olti' It• 111111111'.111 a111t ;, .. t,tllllf·h ,,Iii 11 111111 .. t l 1\\lll· ... h tk \Vhat most 11('••ttl1• don' I klll"'. h11\\~1-.·r. 1:; lhnt tht•r" an• fht• "'(1<1rnt1• • 111r11n1'l'S 1<1 1h11 \\'l11h' I l•'UM\ nnd •n n.',.,·nl ",tt•k, 'r1 u .. 111.111 hn~ """" (11olini; I h• I'""" \\ 1111" 11~ul11r \\'h1t1· I t.111"' n•r· r"'IK•111h·n1s \\,111 1r1 th1· h•hh) 1•1 !ho••''' 111111 1' 111(11'\ < \\ilfl'lllll).! (11r IJl'• s1rl1•111111I \ l~lilll'". \ Jl'IOll' f>l'I· \ 111 ,. ollt-t~ :-.111• 111 ••lh•,. 11•••1''< S11Jnf•lu11•·:-: u~ '"'"'·' .,-: _:~ .. \\tll lit•\\ 111111 Tr11111.111 • 111f 11·1• 111111o•· lr•'••tl T h") 1'111111' rn 1 hrt•ll~lt ',1rr· 11\J' ~uh• duop ... "'-1•11li 'lttl•·~ t'\f n ''h't'•1•1d1•d Ill 11·d th'I"\.: 1h1• 111'Ulh ·· 1tw d1.,111n1 , ,,, ""'I: ,,1111 .tt •'j "'ll•lfl'I' 1.i tltr•••• ~·••:tr• hnrd tr.hot 1 h C' n "tnrit•"'I :1111111111 lhl' lo wh 111tl .t tl1•h1•m•rafll<' 1li•d1ar~r thru111.:h ll1o '"" 1.;.11tl111 111d 111 I "'' l h1 11,h1k "'''' '"Ita l 111 1111• l'rt·.'ltl• 111 ·•l"·•lll. i:o•I ·• p.111111 1111 C "lt1 l'l"n· * WE ARE WEARY OF WORDS To thinking-Ameri can:-'. Premier Stalin'!' ~o­ called "peace off('n:-'i\'t''' hold:-' no promi:-'e of rC'a l 'Peace. It i:-merely off <'nl"i\'C'. Talk i:-' cheap. and tlw J,!lih utte:·ranct·:-' frnm the K rem Ii n 11n thl' "n•=--tiect for ;o;o\'C'rl'i).!nty'' and the "c•n:-:uin,I! of ch·il rig-ht:-: in all \'PlmtriC':-." clw:qwn:-; it :-:ti II mu re. ~n nn<' hut a fool hl·lil•\'(•~ that a dwng-t' of IH-art lrn:-: n·alJ,,· tak(•n plan• in :'.l11:'tc1\\'. That tlwrr ma.r ht• a tiin:-.idi•rahlt· numhpr nf 1wo11 I<• in thi . ..: t'<1t111tr~·­ mo:-;tJ~· f11ll(1\\"el":-: of H1·11n· \\' allacf'-\l'hn an• lwing· f<io)f'C) intt1 h<'lit•\"ill).! it. dof':' not alter lhf' f:itt. In , ,.,., nt 1l:t1, T111111an 11,,, lwhl "11 I I• '' mm .1 11 ,.,, 111u11 t lo\\· 111m11·n111« l\lt.:ntltr :inl r n n f a h,. ntt111 l1 .... tt·tl I It• ha" :o-t -.·n Jut• 1{•'4\· 111111, lw1111 11[ 1h1• A F t1f I. µ.•It· 11~:.I •H"t1nn vnmm1lll·•. Hnt1~h ,\J:ilh;i,~1td11r L " rd I n11·r.,.h.q1< I. Fri'nch 1\ mba>o~arlnr ll••n r1 H"nrh'I. 1mfl n 1r inus Zinm'<t ll'11der11 1m:lud· mi:: Chiam \\"p11m1111n, 111·\\" l'r1·s1· 1t.-n1 ur lsral'I. Som<' old SC'nitlorrul rra•nrls ul'<ll drr•p nround In "''l' Truman al 1Jr.-.11kfos1 Oth<'1-,. C'('lnh' 1r1 11h1·r hn'akfast. hut h1•fort• I h1' pn•ss nrn\'l'!l-Ed Flynn Aas htt•n in '"ice latt'h. unnnttl'1'tl Fornwr .lt1di.:•• Sn~ ·Ros• nmun rs ni:::11n n \\"h111· I ltttr'<C rr i;:ular tl'•tnJ,! llw •'ll.sl 1::11 .... as)li; G••orl(•· Alt1·n. llw olcl court ji>l>IPr :-;rrn·: 1\nnth••r ""'' fol'nr1tr Tr 111111111 n ·ml1•71·1111-. 1.; th,• l'I •'''" rl1·n1rnl ):whl. tltt• \\"1ll1:t111~h11ri:. \\IH It• I>· lio1ld~ ,11.; 1•1k1·r p.1r111•)< \\111t nld t1rnl•h•·'· ""n .. r1111., '''•I'· 111~ "II t.1·1111 11111 \\.tlkt1l1' It.wk (ti tho• \\h11,. l t.111'1 t .tfl\ Ill llio , .. , , r . th, .. tnuu \\ h•• 1 .,., .. .,.1 H \\•._. man, ktll·~I a 1~11 . amt t ... 11 1111 11 en 1l1an 1~n·1 ! .. 111,111 11 II•· """ ";inl• an 111•11111 •1hl1• 1h,..J111r1'f'. find :-;,.,,,,lor I'" ur~lr11k In" IH•••n n'<kl-d 111 i.:••I ii (11r him For1"tl F."t"•rt l'••rmlt• Thi• s .. 11u1t• 11m 1tll hn~l1w,;,; l'Om· llltl ll'<' 11' l'l'iHI~ lo hJm1 thl' lid orr a fanllt~I k l'lll"kl'I Ill foq(l'd l'X(1C'1rt h1·1·n~1·K I hn 1 has I h•urisht'd 1111di>r 1 lw rw'<t' 111 !lw 1·0111t111'n'\' r11•p<1rlm• 111 ( Gt'<>ds t•:inn111 lil--l'h1p1)l•tl 11hr0Ad 1od11~· \lllhout a h1·1•nw fr11111 till' l '11111;11, r1·1• H\'tt:t rt nwnl \'t•t i·oun· I• r(1 It 111·•·11~1'' for 'hlJtl•lll~ flo>lll'. lur1I. a nd tolh• r .foo<liaurf~ to Latm Anw rtc:1 h:llt' lw1•11 ~'"'' t11 hus1· """~""'" 111 hliH'k·m.1rk• I rat4's T",, 11tl1•1:1'1I l11ri:1•1-. T11m Quinn 111111 1t1.; 111·ph1•1,-, .1:1.·k Quinn 11l- 1 •·:1d1 h.1\ ,. ,,..,.,, .11'1 o111·111·tl 111 ="•'\\ y ,,, k y,., • \• u 111 ... llllh "' .tf I 1 I .l.11 k l,1111lll0 ' lo uh· tllHJ t\IUt.:tu fuft llH.•'l IMPJ-1• ._·.-t11 l.llt\ ltt •fl'I"' fl •1ftt fh1 l .. tflllfttH t• \\u' k J '• p.11 tna. u t ru1 tohtp1•u • "I no o. (tltl-\i::•· l'•·n'I''"' 1tt•1 ''-'''th "' .• .-1... t1tn-.th lu ,\1 1 '•tt •I l"o\\\\t1\\ \\Ill! ,,.11• t•ut .1 ·11 , .110111u .. ,: ,• \\ 1 ,p ., ....... 11tntl l tt1t\P•t tltt· l1•ul1t' 1 .... 1 11t1 ••\td ,,,,. tl u10·1t 1t, ,·11111 "••h 1•1,,1d,nl -r111111 111 ",, 1,,IJt ""'" l•'1•,11l m•lll h11I h1111 noli~ 11, 1, ,,,, ... 1i1111 1 ti 1111., .. 1 ('••ll 11• d 1 I (~1u11n 11 1 '"'" "' 1rul .,,, ... 1ppt•j\uii.: ,,11~ ttl 1(1, 1,1 .,~nt Hu ... ~lh1 l1 ... 111dl t1u ... 1u1·,.,.111lll· , ...... "' 1., ltll'f' , ... , ,,ftl· 1 •• , f"' 11 nulft.:t.• ~ Ir\\• ... 11~ i1tt111 "''""" Jh1\\1\,:. ,111 1, '"''' ,,9 ·rh·· IHlt ...... ,,.Pt 1h,· '''"'''·' \I"'• t{ th111 Jiu• pi iljtl• \\i 1,., lll&lit•d '' 11Ud 11 \\d"" l111"1·•t,1 111tt l.1,1 \\1'• k "' ·• It iuk '' pnt I •lf1 h11\\ nld iL.:• trl ~ •• ,,., ••• , lu·.u 11il'" t •n• ..... f't• I m~ur.inc.· '""'''" .. n \11111'11 11111 . ''''"'"'· "·"'' l•1 ·~ t1I :'\•" 111111, ot i\rno 1,..,.n, tl•'l•'ll(I r .. r n ·· Y .. rk. 1 t('" pr• •ttlo·ut 11( I luro l'n>- 111 • m""' ~··•·uri1 1 hlH•· lni;i;:i•d dw·1,. C'u . 11-.11(1111 111.11 111• h.111 ·- JOE PALOOJU DOC GC'fs ~ TH( OC....•1t s• !'('""'( Lt5... t~ !>, ... ,,... .:" ' . C.."\' ll> ~-c-::.-::;.;-=....::-=::::m THE llEIUtYS GOIU)(J cuJ<I« T hal w11""'" ·rrurnan 11,. 111r111'<'111111 ,,. ,.,. furi,:,.<I It 11ls11 ·-· '' - ...... , .. ,._ If ~talin hitd tlw ~li).!'htc:-:t :-;in ccrit~· in hi l" ciffc>r for a ~oYiet-A mc1ritan conferrnc<' in the intPrC':-l:-; of world peace, that cnnferencc would immecliately be- come un nece:'sar~·. Jn other wonl:-:, peace would he virtually as~ured if Stalin would carry out his plecige~ made at Pol~am and Yalta. and would put a n end to Soviet obstructionil'm in thc l N. lf he really want:" arm~ reduC'tion and the pro- hibition of atomic weapon~: if he really cl('sires a resumption of non-discriminatory trade and the frpe movement of students. citizens and journalist!', to- Jrether lrVith a free exchanj!e of scientific inf orm:clt inn: if he r ea1ly wishes that ai<I be ~inin to war-damaged countries-<!nd that speedy f)C'ace treaties he \\Titten for German~· and .Japan. thc•n he has onl~· to stop resi:4ing-the c•ffort:" of the \V.(•:-;tern nations to achien• these c>nds. · I.; hind h10.:lu•r Wal!•'• unt1 II\ 1ni.; 1111111 ~-1)1 •~-· ft1r I I '"" ""' I hai r \ '\ - 'tel• rl to "••nd his m;·,~ni:•• to Con-111·1 •·lupi J I It ·• I 1·11,lom" ll••r·la· ------ i;ro '~ an)iiay rn·fl""" h1u1•l•"n (•111·•d ,,, wi ll CURI~'\· KA'\'OE ~ ..... ......_ 1,. \1 n, •. "'JttlrtUll' lu·· "''' (f1\• r ,,11• I -- -----=~----::-------. 1l'h1i:.111:-. :10.:i.:r•,"-I\• 11•pr1 .... 1·n· t11th f•~•htHll' 1,,11 )"'"'''" ,1,,1 P{P 'T;:: c>_•,:-~c; '" '' ,. !.!~:>· .£.L°'1 1·11""· .John I •111L:1•1J. a n 1•11i:1n.t1 "IT"'., T -~,-r •1<• •, • £ " -. 11 liwh ha~ 111• n 1 'I••• k tl f11r t. · " ""'" ....,,., •· • • '~ -:.~ ..... d 1,1111p111n nf I h•· su!'1a l ~t·r·urity l.1\1, "lllllnl•'<f 11 tip hlun!I) l' 1t1ml '""""'l: q111,1 ,1-. tn\1·,1ti.:;11n1-I n· I• ;11 m II Fnri.:•·111 ' 11l~t1 11111 .. 1, .. 1 •. ,~pt nsaun'i ;tr,. 1nt·r1•;,..;1•(f 1n 1:1l11·t u 11,.,,,.,,,t•d ,11 th•· ,1 1 •n\f·nf 1 t '" h1:.:h"r \\'l1i,:1•,:, h1i;lwr 1 ,,,.,, :ind 1 I ~ l11t:h• r ll\llll! , • .,,1s. 1•1,11111 i,•s llrnl <l 1,''fll•)111~1·111 lo lh•· l'hilif'Jtlfll" 11.1,,. ~"'" lh••ir l~•orh""", 1111 1111• turi;1•r11·' ",. r, -.1111111,1, ol m ... It.:• d 11 111 '"""In II .... 1 .. hh~h 111••11 111•1·1J1•n1talh. ,, ,, , ii \I I • I 1 h• 111 HI:" "lwn I futtlf'I :I.up I. ii 1·01111111 · f1 •• 1n\"•''ll)r.!;,t111, l1t•UU0 ltl IU I ur • ... 'h"" 111...: 110111 ... fuprn• nt' 1!1 .1/ll Ill 1 !~17 h.11) IH • 11 thn" l r .. 11. 11111•·' I:"·•''' 111 .• 11 111. ,, 1'111.:• 1: '·'"t ti \\1111111 111 ;wtu- .... 11 qut1•11 I -. MA~IA-AA, WAT~M OUT . f<>Sl 1'~A1' 11 CAKl1ETA.• L Ry <;us Arriola The Foreil!n Ministc>r=-of Rtt :'.<:ia. France. Eng- lancl an<\-the United State!' ha\'e talked in :'\lo:-;cow. in London. in Paris. Their dPputif's haw heen talking more> or lf'i-s conl'tantl~· for months. .u 1111~ , •• urul · lu uu·r•·11,•· I""''""' h• 1·au.._,. uJ 1n•·1 '··•'•·<l 1, \, nu• .. 1!11111 p;o)rnll 1.!'', It• 'Jtlclo d '!-<l\I) 111111•"11 I" 11pl1 .111•, 111plt1)'1·1I fl''", rnur•• I h.ttl \\,. • \ 1·r •II• .Ull• ti 111 "h• n \\ ,. dtan~rd 0 1• 1:11\ in l '.1~'.I \\"I' l)ll•lll:hl lh1·1t lh:tl \It \11111Jrln"1 "'"'' tlt1ol Ill .in) 1111 plo )t•d 11n1it l!lWl" ( "h11·f I"'• -t ri: 1 t .. 1 t:•rrl \\' 11 Jlrolllj•f I) 1·f111·k1 ti 1 h• I 't1111111" l I Jt· f n-erl ni• nt I• •'ttl ti' it~'·llll'I '11 • J~:::========~~:::~.:...==~===~===~==:::::::=~_!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L.!=~~!!!!!!~:!:~!!!!!!!:::::::L "' llu·· ,.,, t "' ~· \\' y,., k • "''' NANI''-. • ..... .,.. t I . h ·11 These talks have accomplisheci nothing. mainly because the Ru:-:sians \v"r<' cl<•termine<l that nothinl! shoul<l he accomplished--unless strict)_,. nn Sm·ic•t terms. So to Pt"mier Stalin \\'(' (':111 nnl.\· :-;a~·. "Put up cw shut up'." I Twn 11f thf' lt>iHling-cau..:C';o; of at'cide11tal dc'at h 'ir foll:-: :incl h11rn:-:-haH ;1 h i1.!11 rr inC'i dt'llC'(' in thl' hnn11' than anr 11th<'r l11t<1 ti1111. :lt<'nnlini.r t11 '.\l r. ~mith. ''Hnmr 0HCC'irl<'nt~ :1n• :tln1":-;t <tJH' i1,11n<lr<'d p1·r <01•nt :t\·nirl:1hlr and C':tn h1' 11lim i11atC'cl h» prop!'!' nwa:'lll'l'<' h<:> saicl . * NEWS-TIMES FORUM tfrr{' i!" thf' <rconrl nl IWO 11i•· parr.hrc: nn Fr<•nrl1 r1'l'fl\ 1·r~ lw !hr 1·ir•'·flr•«1<fr n1 and t:ln<'ral nr w• manni.:••r or 1hr• t 'ni••'l1 P r <' !" « . "hn jq 1·i•it ini:: l '. P N11Wll nurf'11u• In Europ<' I ft)' F.ARI. I . IOllS~ON PARIS. MAY 2&-IUPl-It I~ 11 •hort w:1lk frnm !hr ('11(1' df' In P 11ix wh<'r r Pnri~i:in~ iiil in th" ~•m r!rinkinc \'Prmmtlh 111 lh• L'l•••llH" h:ill• ro( lh" ;\11mc1n nf F1n:1nrr .i n t1 F.rr1r1nmif' Arr 11r•. 11h1ri• '"" <t:ol" nf tlw n:111"n '' rn1rrnr1·rl tn rn1-rf" "-nnlh•·r ton• fi: In ~1rl••\\11lk t•rtfr5 ,l'utt ~··t 111•• imprr.,~inn th:1t h11ppy t111y~ 11ri hrrr ncnln ()n rhr whnlr tllr pro. plr nr1·n·1 11s sm11rtly Or<'~~r·d 11« hl'fnrr I h•• w11r :'of11ny lo!lk p11lf' .ind h11<fly nn11n!"hr<f nut m11r h Official Paper of the City of ~ewport Beach A ~ I-' lutttll'Uoa for OnJI' tel Yean azrllE8ENTED NATIONALLY BY OEOROE D. CLOH!. INC. ... ~Loa Portlaecl-8M~cieco-N-Torts-Bo.toe 8y Carri~ Ol" Mallf SO. month anywhert> In Nf'Wp()rt Beach and C.C.ta M911A; 12.40 f<Yr 3 m011lh1. SUIO for 8 months; 19 ~ )'81' By M-11 ln Oranre County: 19 ~}'!91': to 4th zone, 19.25: to 8th llOM. fi.5(). D)t.nd u S«ond.cla.u matm at the Poetotnct-ln Newport ae.ch. California. W>Mr the Act. ol March 3, 1897. LUI n. PORTER LUCIUS S. SMrm. m W. P'. DtXON > a.YOE llr:x ) Ailltins Plant. 3011 w . Onitral Publllher Manqtng Editor Adwrt.lain& Avmu., Nt11'>-port Beech. Califomla t'nll1·c·r111 ;11111 f111111tl, 1111 t'Xo11t lf• • \...-I t••h•lr rr..,.'1• ....... , ·-.J--l"~flf1e IU8 ml el' llt:1t .• lit'•'ll'•' .111lh11111rni: ,,, r .----------------. C -4 :.E ~ • • • ,. ... 4 AUTO ; /a ·, t..:> c~ cu::t ._.,,,... All.::> CRAs.-.£0 t l \\.•nl ln t ii\ ··r It~ nt:u1~ ,,.. ... fllf'tlf or :t Pl1 I lllloruol •I· Jil• :1< pr .11·111 .tll~ I"""''''.' , 11111 \', n1 11wlo1 lt11•I t .. , 11 1 Ii orH.,·d llh :111 •I t'11 1'11 •ttl• nt ',\)..,, I .tll11\\ lt tJMill h 1l'' 111 f I n 11 r (.nor l1u·l·r 1•n""-h1n' "' \\11111 .... Hr 1.til ,\ f•u .••t\ ,,, .. ,, ,.,,,, '·· llt hf~ ,., "'""-ti.I· ti 1)1 11p l1 ti I ,, .. , .... 'I fht llt,.t Ip I ...... ' f J', •• ,...,, l•ltihltftl nli'of\td J.1 tl tl-.u fft',._•1d ---------- Hf ~h• 11 t Id 'tit I\ , ... ,,,,' • .,,., , .. I • t it ...... 1 I ·"'"' lltt1 •h· dt, I' l~u • m q, "'•tl1flfl,I f l·lflll 1111"1 ..... \ ... q. flltft .. , I I\ Lt"'' .... ' 1t'<' " \\ d I , I. • I" 'I II " ti I , .. I •• I ,\1 ,, , \l111 ... t1 ' •I '"in•• t .. 1~ "' •• t 111.i1' :--, .. u1d11-.·1 I \I f "' ~· Oii ( "''"" ti\ I It ., 1•h tfh I ti I·"' 11, HI I ,,, \t I I ,, •11 r1• d 1 111• '11•11 u \ I t• 1 • 1h1n1 l••\' 1t d 11 ... \'" d • ... '-' , 1•1111•t'• ,., I ,,,, tlll ,,,,.,. "· 111'1 I 1• .. ,1 ,,,,. II 111 I I 11 I',, II 1·•1 \\ ., 1~1111\11 .. Ii ,,,., •·I ~. l·1 I t ,;•, , ...... 1••dtt11 rl i'I I 1, .. , ti lfl11 1Jt11 1 11 •111\ lil •·d•11 1 1110~ ·1;11 r,,, .. , 11u1 d 1 _.,.,,.,.11\l uut Jl\111 , 1 11 ... 1 .... t it•\ 1,,,,1 lh1 '••fl'-;1(,, if 1,1 Jftll Jr l••tt, tf, ,..,," •rt t ••Ju Pt' htil f1I •' t1 '"'" ;1fotlUt1d ;(t1tw1 .. 11t11 ''' \I', r., • .. , ,,., 1t I 11 •·Jtt , 1 HI t r1I I ii 1 f w r \ • tf I n,,,.,,,, 1'r11i.:t •Ill , .. tit• ll llfl ... ,, ... l1111d •1•,11111 I•'-•'• I ., •• •'• n fr1r ho p' \\'1 thn111 11 lh• : 1r dt• 1d , f HH p11 \\.1f ui•S•' tA. 1<1 1at1 .. n t1• ,,. \\1.ultl I .,. '"I >'•'•In lt1\\' 11f 1.-""'""''~'""'\j 111· rut ,., I•~" ll1!\n !I 'tH:tf 1t•r fj r ~.,,. \\d ff h •• II f"' tn S· r•'-tttf11 ;1 l"'•tJnd :l 1ln~ ·n1.·1t \\f1t1ld '•"•n 1'•44-ltu l"'""''''•'•t1 •if • 1 •• ,.,, d• l•I "" 111" 1•·npl•· t1r thP1r wlll tW•"' r '" .' l'.!7 111w11~··11 ;\1' k1' T11 \\t1lk \t ''' tu~'lf' lfl ,1;11111.it \ th1'4 '' 1 Th,. lhr•'"' nl f11rth•·r rnr111t111n 1<; thl' main r1·11.snn f•1r worry l'n•···~ ;ir• h•1ltlrn1: 'l•·•ttly n•1w 111 ........ , 1 ·, •rm•< ·•' l111:h II~ I h•·y "' 1• tn l!•~. a l:11rly n•11m;ol 1•r•·· 11 ., r ) '"" 1 Th•· 1.;111 •·rnm• n I ' 111 , '" )• m 1q 111 hnltl lh1· l1n1 1tnl1 m11k1 11 h"t r•rl-1•.t• k• 11 """ Thr c•m11n1: 14 "'·k11 h<'rnn' t lw F'r••nr h h11n t·'>I 14 111 lr ll t ht• 1'11Jr) 11( wJwtht•r t h•· l"t1\'1·rnmf'l1I {'1111 <11t•r1'11rn.. lurlhr r 1nllat11in n n lltr<'" tlani.:••r fr.,n, .. 11i,:n111l111r1tl In '.\!:ir.-.11 t hi<. •'' 11 '''•I 1•1 d 1H t111n r• ·1' hqJ li~i t~1'• 11,nllt,. • "'' p .. r, rl 141th 11 rn1111thly n11•r11i:• ,,, I 1 11~ "' -.1 ·,rw -1 ft1n' l"r•m•n' nttt.,1•111011~ f11t1l11•· I .111nrl Hlt1m1num ar1• <)1hi>r I t ,, m • whwh Fr:1n•'" """ " 1111111•1111 fa,t•·r tl1:1n 1n pr• "·•' ''"" Hut l"'rhnt"' lh" mo"' <e;trik 11 .. ri-<:1111~ h•·rt 111•· in •h•· 1111<1 1! rt·1~,n~tru1·t 1•1n "1 n 1· ,. q ,, lttu 1 nl i11n ·n u· Puhhr \\'•t1 k~ "''I•·••· m•·nl <i 1ppl1•·• 1t1•·~1· 1·x;,m1•"'' 11111 ··~ 1nrl11s1ri1tl pr 11• •·'. 11ntl wni:.-.'s• A •ntnl "' :!.f);t:\ mil•·' 111 r:11I • · w11y t r:.1·k~ 1J,,~tr11y,.rl '1111111> II • l.<1\'Prn~rnt rnl'llS alr<-11dy h11vc l""r h:J\•· 1.,.,.1\.1, .• ,111,11 '"'"'(\ hr<'n rut .'!'> I" 1 t'••nt •m•lt·r l!l:lk l..r.r•iM••l l\f"" 10 ,.,.1, 1,., 1•·11 fr• .. . nn th•• l1as1• or l ~l'.UI pnrr 11·1° I• ;1 l'l"'l4 "r lui;h "' lk •••Ii 111 "\ ... , Thr n111ir1n1tl llll"•flll' <illll ... r11r I Ul Jf+4:>. ft1dr1v 1:1 -,i ~, .,rr In "! hdnw lhf' cn1•·rnm• nl" 1:11111 (()r '"'' 1,n thr Fr• n,.h h.11lro:i•I• 1ri•nnm1r h"alth l..Ji'<1 )' "' 1h1 I A '=" 111 m:1111nl\ 111 •Ii•· l1n•l1'· 1 n:.1111nt1I inromr w11s SlJ.1)()1),()')(),. kn•r<'k•'<I 11111 1n !hr 14 11 ,,, 1," ~ r•itt •R t Jn l!IJk 11 11.;r~ ~1·1.l.1u1 in ~ .. ''" a ,,. n n.1n• 11• ••r 1•1• <ititl ~l r 11 t Thr 1(111 •111m• 111 ~ ',,111n:il 1111~1,. 1:11111 •~ SJR.51ft.IY1J,t~J111 ll1 l~1s1 s1,,.r1f11 ftl(llr .. ~ 1,r,.' "''' ,,-.·111· )' r1r thr i;11n ·rnm1·n1 lr,i;k ..!r. 11t-r 11hl•·. h111 !It<' Pul1l11' \\',,rk~ I,,· rrnt llr thr n11t lon11I inN1mf' tn p11rlmrnt 1:111·~ .1:<1uioll}' ,.,,, .. ,11ruv tnlll'!i, thl~ yr 11r 11 <'XlJt'Cll In taki> tnR r<'1)(Jrl11 nn rl"•t•1r11t 111n nf :VI f)l'r N'nl c 11n11 I 1 . ririrh. 1tnrl th•· French I Jndustnal production ta up 13 '.\1<'rrh11nt Marrnr Tll.EVISION k l I ,_, •••"' I I ~.J-J\lldJ M"hMH• (f ...... tj '-o a..~ ... ouse J ••1 •. .,..,~. ... "'' , ..... , .. .. t .. • • ..,. ... " ·r~ '• .. , ... ,, ti.'•\ I l r • I - --·-·----., ·- T ···•• ...... .. ·- ' ~. ,_.,, .. ,......_ '7 ,.. , ... _. .... .....,__ I '#•" •f I ....... • ...,.; ••• ,.. 4 -~--- an .. r·. . . . .... . .. ,. •• # ..... • , ~ .... ' • ... • , ! .... . . . ... . . .. .... ~ ,..... ... .. . . . . . .. . ..... . '-•• ··~' • •¥• •••• .. n &•• ..... ..,,.. ... ..... . . .. .. ,_.. .,...,, ...... f/f ... &..>•--· . -· .. . •t-A.C '--• ... .._.... ....... &.a .A .__ •W a...U &r. A1 ........ ..... _.,_.. ·--.. . ., ...,.. .. ., ....... , , __ au • ... .... .. ,.,, .. _.__.. u r .. a a-A-:..-r. • ... ~~.. . ........ .. ,, ...... ... •• . ·-•• u . .. _ . . . ~ .. -. ,, -· . ... . , .. .... " ......... ., ~· .... ,._ ... , "'... . ... .. .. .... . ___. . " I ,..,. .. • :........._. ,. ...... : C.:ROc;swoRD PUZZLE .. ..... I I .. ... ..• II t • r • I I t j "·'• ...... u , .. r I\ I ,, • rr, I~ f I r t.rre ... ,, .,, ... ' ,,,,, . '• •I• I fl ,., &J•r•,. I .. ,. , ,, H ~ ''" •.( •• ·r4r1;1 H• • :.J' •h .""',,_ ,, ,, ,., ,.~ '' .. ,_. ,. .... I 1- I I - ·- --I - l---I .. I I /---• ......._ .. .. --,,, . .. ' -~ / ll ~-•• " .... ,,, •• ,. flf'tUft • • 'A ••111•tl tJ • .._ .. ,"""· ..... t l W rtlllll 1•~4•Y 14 rt•nr.kt ~Hape ff• 1 rtbe J:~ , ,. •••• 1d1r t f ,,.,.,.h ........ •11 Wtu'tri•n .. ,. Atf'h •,11•t t i "J.l..•&AI ... •u•• •a a)fi• ., . .,., .. t 4 l.eHlf .. tl-,..•r• l.o etret•r\ •a t•'•'h)u• tlor ... t •-ff\ffrl ... , .. -T•k-a I --- ---:.0--' 0 1/,. .. ,~ II ~ .. ;.,-~ ;~ ,r 0 , .. - ~ ..., ~ •• ~ ... 'll "'' .. l'O _.,_._ ....... . ' 0 "' ''1 •"-'•w.-• tn "•'"""•rot 111a . I . .. l l ~· ~ .. I T,,,.,, ·~ I TfJ ,..,11t1• t -A •t11•11 •m•nt •~ • hoo• t llrhr•• .. U•t • Yfp..-J 6 llHdJ 1-C,oth '""'",.. ... .... " ...... t -Rtpo 1o--Ounnan• 11~114•• Ja-0.nt>rolJO,..W n -To 1•1111 U -TM N me •--••I• en ••la l l P'und•m•ntel U To r..iv<>e la UllH D -To n laWI .... 11 ... t1-l rl•h ,. PtHlO• 'N -1' .. an 11-41<.M-h -l'al<laUI .... ............ .._ .. ,. ... " .. ...... Jt"''t:S . .._ ... .... .._.,.. .... .. tl-TTt ...... ::r: ........ ..:r ::$=- ' I i~ I. P11e 8 N&WPOST 8&L80A XSW9-Tl•B& "'EDJll'"QOAY ) x..,_. .... Olm.. 11as 111. &NI SKY BOBBING I 'Gangway, Podnuh, We' re a-Goin' to the Rodeo' Williams Wins Split Decision Over Bolanos · LOS ANGELES. May ~>6-(UPl -Ike Williams retaiood his light· weight Ch&mp&onahJp by winnJna • apUt dedaion O\"M' Enr1t1iw Bo- l&DOI in their cruellng IS.round bout at Wri&l<'Y FJeld lut ni&ht * * * Events ........ ~ f I W ho sa)'I It dooffa'l rain in ~· th.I-m Ctlifonwi ~ ,'Jlu> •·f'llthrr man rvn ;unly f,ll)j,-d lb thi;, lao-1 I ''"~ •'llh th.-··unusual" •·eatlwr. H"'ry Urlm> l"Onlp..to'Ci h 11 ''"' M>l.o tlJl(hl, Wh l lf' ~ .. WI~ kt>pt a tll&hl t'dct-all the way, but H V<-d hi• 11rencth * * * F'1~. ·J oh n GuJ'V), Walin Fram and W 1.l· h.lm Un\.-r :di ~'t'd lhf'l t P rwatf' p 1 I o l ~· l for the lut few rounda, Jt wu ------------- r •· r t 1 f 1 c airs Wahn f' r a 11 z ' • • loftl. tiring tst for wmi.m.. Hu~--n o:. .. er •·ho never came rll»<' to noorlnc UBU IUY' Bo!•noe T h e tell·out crowd . ,pf is.000 Outboard Race ~vPd hUi rat 111ic 1n hi• iw .. ~h· c-raft lional\73 lln'1 •h·· n<•:\I (\.J) his fnM\d J r,hn Curit".) ,,.,.../ l'•'<J t.1• fana raised ... &•le to Sl5Q.OOO, Featu9'1A.a Women a rieW Callforn;la reccnl. .. ~ m IM ~ttn.fol"1 ,.fl(f rtv•) lw,lh t.:itl Williams, undisputed tifl('holdt'r 1ln0t he d<"ff'a tt'd Bob Mont· gcJmC"I")' Jn 1947, wcl(fht>d in at UJJ&I • ~O.ly Robert Cumminc11 SUAn Hal !!'a.rd -rhe Lost Moment' ltuta y,, •• ,...... June Havci: Lon McCalU!>ler "Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Ha !" Nl:W8 ~Yid Niven ~Muaey "Stairway to Heaven" !'\:£\\' YOR.K--r.'O w.·omPn. boH1 ~lri.rat"'"' 1h•,.. '"''•·t \\'h.or ·• •·i1h ('C~·~ f'llJW"'"n'"" m ••. ~k.. I rtw arl ol p&Jotmc atodt ou1l,, .. "'1 I f~')d :\1M1m anrl '""'~ •• n l'c ... 1 boat&· in hotly ('(!11("1~ C'\Jl'ltV'"· f •. ,, ,, .... •h<· H--I"™.'"'' Fa· I"·~ " tlon .Cilh lllt'ft. U'f' lnc:-ludood am<•n.: •ti.-,.. tiw> •ill l"'·k UIJ ''""' "' r I ' thf' 60 rntrants .-ho tu.'" sii:no...J ll.1Nova .onlf 0} 1 .. ..-k -.. up to d att> fur ttw JJ6.m1I•· \I I J,1rk Tl""'>l..,•'I hu• r.1k··n ,,,. r 111• 1 ... han) .ro;,,.... York rndurant't' '"" .., • ,,.... t>u11rlrnf: / .. rm•·rl\ •han-<J rn 1,.. held on rtw Hudlon RJ\C"r 1111•h l>o•nn~ ll•.ul1h11n .1n1I '' ., t on Sunda)'. June 13. tm..; up 3 r•cnfll• ''' r•·1.o011 ''"I' 'nwy llN' Annr Jl'ftSC"fl. a r• .;1~ :\fr :i.:irhot' anlf his. rrt.,. d W i:o- tl"l'f'CI n"1'W. at F1Ulhi11t11:. ~ y mi:: aiw-at1 ,.1th tlw -.•1:rn··n•••I •tr· I'· 111 14·,. r ,.,.n youn11•tf'n an tlAl...., "ill tie held June 12-13. who wu forN~ out ot wt \f':lf. ci.-l)P'' rA AlrfJ!>rl markmf.! "'h11•h Tact' •·hftl both t')'hndrn oe ho , h<l~ •-"" d.-'f>"•JA'(' -n\ ow (",\A Fred Ryness to outt~rd motor tl!Ur'nfd out off Th» etrclP tntbC'a11-.. an aU"por1 "'' j . PouahkN ... Mo, and W1nnw W 1111• r ll'n'<.JOn'C nn lh#' ~ , ... ,. .. Jwl IUlh Push v 8s~.·a·1 f ' F. t h.• n.in.--;n~ 1nrtlr:t1P rtw tlir-•'f Iron I • I""" 46-yrar-old ~, ... ,., .i.·:1it. . () .... 'hO hu c-ampiAtjt'nPd •<"II'"'> ot ,,....,,,,. t11r th• n SP'"''"" n ln· At Oil City Oval in itw.-J.lidd.k> "'~t but has l"lf""<-r •d\' .. rvJ a T• .. · in 1h•· nwfiff·· in run In 1iw-Hudlon R.i\·•-r C'bMte ~''"' 1~ Nn'"a) to 11 ...... A Wind ON' W ith $4.800 In cash pri2" to bfo dtstrlbutf'd UNW1C thr !r~t four dri,...,.. to ranaah In rad! c1 ..... sn--raCP lnt.,.....t 1ndk:atrs ttt.af at lea.11 JOO boet. WIU sfart 1.X> .sow-_.chrd J3f 'nW' ficht .,. turfy ~""' up un· tll t hr 1J th round •'hm t hf' ,,.,... · loan ch.aJlmpr tittd '-lly. Rfo(..,...... ('har(I(" llandolptl S:•\"f' thf-nod to Bolanoa. but t hr t•o jUdcf'S fa\•orf'd W Ullams FT"a!'k,.. Van ,., . .,. tht-tharnpon m p>1nts ,and J ohnn)· Jndru.ano C.11\'f' him 12. ~ ahv\•· tit<· I•~· ,.111 .:n•· th•· •'Ind dJt"f"<"tt<on and \'<•l•.nt). \\lw-n thi~ 11 rnmpl••t•'<I. th>-11•1rah•>dron now in USf" will bo• dl."mant It'd Spuri:f'()f'I !'park~ t.hmk~ lhal tor· pla°" al'T dan~rous. 1'1()1 1n IN ••r. bul nn thlo i:rounrl llr lhrnks thi-y §"°'-rid ti .. k•·pl in 1 ht• air a ll thlo tnnr Wl\4.'TI hr an·1ctrn1ally ..... ~ into the ,...ar t'<li:1> nf tht• •'lnl: o( tht' ('F ... $1\A Jw n'("('I', 1'<J & ~I)" C'\JI be1.,.-....,, t h<!> f')•-\\'f'·~ clad to ht-ar that 11 •i" not 100 ~ bolr.1'\t'r. and that IL is st•rtinc to tw=at n,,. >:ddl<· ~fan111 Pilo1·~ A1-.'>- ria r ion •'I II tt<1M a mr-lln$: on ~.). )fa) 6th al tht• l .. m lr \"rlbgt> 111 GardPn <;rm· .. All ptlo1' anti I bf'1 r frwntJ~ ;in-tr'I' 11 •-<l ( AclM Telepltoc.J lhttr .. ay IA:> the Uvermore Rodeo. famf'd Callfomla eluate teaUval. The t ct11.d1Tn a.re, left lo r11bt. 'firf7 Claverie, Su.sail OopkJnrr, Johnn7 Cla- 1·erl1 and K.at.bleeD Bart>era. LONGDEN, MOLTER STICE ARE TOP WINNERS AT HOLLYWOOD I I It• 1r1plo· 11lny combin1111on ofl Jl(lllYIJArk Wt•c•k os Loni.:d1•11 was L1111):i11'11, ,\l,>llt·r nnd S11<·1· is '"'l'll in the ridins: n mks Uut of 23 , . .,1 rn fr11n1 m lhr JtX'kl")', tra1m•r Horses that he SNll to tht• post, und own1·r s randini.:s its thl' tl"S\Jlt I Moll<'r sCOrl'd nin1• firs ts, thr('(" ul 1h1• l1rs1 WN•k o r racing at srconds. thri•i-thirds a nd two lft1ll)"' 0tKI Park. four I hs for tofal carnini:s of $58,· As tht> populnr lni;lt'wootl trnck 200. Noble ·nu-r~·,.itt, Darr<'ll s" unit rnto thl' S<'cond w<'f'k of 11s Cannon, Allt>n Drumhclll'r and B. It n-wrek r11c1' mC'cl1ni: on Tul'!I· B. Slasky wi1h two '"'inners each d.11 . l.ons.:d,·n was far Bh<'ad In ti<'d for Sl'cond placr far bc.-hind ,l<)(.'k•') s111ndin1::s with 1~ wmnrrs, th<' man who lasl yrar lrd th<' (ttur ~f·('1tnrls 11n1I four thirds out nation In lhr numb<'r of winners nt :\>< mounts 111~ mounts c·11rnrd he conditioned. Si''.!.:1:5 in 1tw 11\t'·day p .. r1od dur· E. 0. Stice and Sons, whose 1ni.; which hi' ni:od,.. lh<' srnii111ion:1l trainer Is Molt<>r. who.'4' big hors<> r..,•ur d of ~t·orini; "~" •iuadrupli•lt, is On Trust, lh<' rid<'r of which 11 triple· 11r11l ''"" cl11ulolo·~. 1111.1 n1•nr· is Lon~cf1·n. finlshc·d th1· Wl'l.'k far ... 1 1·om1• lllor f11r arn' 111i; al th•' ahrad in c·armn~s with ~11.675. Of "in11t'r·s ""'''"' dunni: the• first t his 11m ount On Tr11s 1 Nlrn<'d $36,. 11 .. 1. "a' .l1u•k \\1·-.1r"1~· wi1h ·lt~I lhrllUi!h his ,·irlo ry last S.11- I •1r '11'1'111>' UI f(,1\ '" ~ht· \.nM1•n :; .. ,, •. nn .. ·ri-. . I 1·rlt llnndir :q> 11nd lus fn11r111 In I•'''"' 1 \1•011• I'"'''•'' ••lll•l,i111l· 111, lni.:11 •«i<•<I llantl1c.ip tht> OLJo'n-• BRIEF' GI ANC£ 11 1n ~ 11• l•I 1h111m: 1lw f11,_1_rn_L'._' _rt_;,_~_·---------- AT BASEBALL I Fn •I f{\ll•"" -I \t•;ir old dr!\'('I BEN HOGAN TAKES PGA TROPUY r artnr ,._., ,,,.-c_ . I :~."1~ ;;r·~ .. ~.:1.~~·~ ·\·~~11~:;~,:~1\;'~l . •t ; " L f'r t. GB t"rnl.1} m.:lo1 ·'' tl1•· llunttngton,.17 UN DER PAR FOR 212 HOLES y. 16 6!r.: I~ .wh !"J•"'fl" :1) "h••n th<' hol :ll :.--, -,-._, 7 r1otfs "' \"lllU rnm1 .. ·1·· 1n a 110· ='T 1.1 11·1~ \1.1· .:1; '1'P1 p•·1·1. ·I 10 l:n as far a!' this unt'o :r. ~I -,.;,1 -; lat•. 11,;l!I-••\• n1 r.1.-1n1: card ft>a· ·111. 1:0111111: i.:•·1111~ '""Sll'd lod 11y! TI1•n \\HS ntnl' 11nt1t·r par for llw Blffet 511PPer • Ellbleltr1-Uta1•i ••etelltll TOMORROW NIGHT, MAY 27 San •·rancL~ l .nc Anl!"lr< Sratlko O;iklanlf San ~" lloll)'WQ<id Sacramrnto FWtland :lit ~·1 ·.._-,..; 7 1unn1t ,, ~rO-lap miun 11°111 ll1•n lloi.;.111 mu•a Ill'•' a milt.!· I d1"1ancr. ._..., ~ 1!11 to•, R~nr.< hlL• t .... n dri\;l\it the '" 11.ti'd hall, lwn1u.~·· hi« otl"l."Ur.1ry F111 11H' 1•n11rp :!I:! hol1•s ht• plar· :.-'.? ~ -l.IO 13 ·rod• !<tn<'(' lh•'lr ,horl-trat'k d<'· "" iron s!.111111 \\'I" Jll.'<I llln •11111tzln1: rd. I lu1:11n \\fl!' ;1 s1cll:ir 37 undl•r lfl 32 .360 17 bot m the fall of '.\f\ Rn'1 so far tu bt'hM'°i• as h<' snarl'd has Sl'C-N orwood Hills' par. And includl'<i 18 35 .340 lll~ has ll\'M"tl'd ma)l>I' crack-u p al· ond ~A 1; .. 111 rhamp1nnsh1p in that srrrt's wcr(' two rounds in Rendezvous Ballroom Balboa ~\'f'land rtiil.adf'I~. :'I>-\"nrk J)ptr0tl St Louis W' L 19 A :.'O 10 u~-11 Jf\ 17 13 u I.! Ht IA r..c.. 704 667 6:?1 t~i:h u. .. ually finishing tn the Ek·lttni! R.'n. down In ):..!~ \\'h lrh h<' was on!' O\<'r par. mont'>' Thill 15 not ••nflr f'IV due pounds aftrr 11 i::rurlltni:; W('<'k of .It, was hiR irons !hat quc('rrd 09 lo hi!' dn,·ing ithiht)' rnr 11 1: •• •aid 212 hol!'s of golf. m l'C\'l'n . <la)'ll, T.urnri:11'. Ren, ont' of lhl' loni:c•si that h•· has worn on<' or his ,.1fe'a won l h,.. l'h~J>r(lnstur w11h a h1ttc·rs m th<' i:amr dl'SJllt(· h1:; •, SIOf'krni:s a bnut ht~ n•vk in ··very w1·ll·P11rn1•rl 7 :ind fl 11ctory O\"l'r Sii•'. ,, ... ~ wildr r t hnn u.~ual from 2 rll<Y' 39·)1.'lll"·Old l\11k1• Turnt'!'ll, \Vh1I" thl' l('r. TWi<'t' hf' rlrovr OUI ,,, 6 Wuh th1,. i:OC)d·l\J\·k r harm and Pli11 n«. " Y . }• ~11 rrlay. bound..;, nnrl nn nnr n r tho!'•' 11(·· fi ll i:••o«S st:irtmi.: ~ition 111 F'r1. I I w:i,. i:rl'at i:1tlf 1h111 110,1.:;in t'ai'111ni-ht• J.,,, 1111• h<1l1• ft•'! d."l} m i:ht's ~·O·l·•r> frlllun· Fro•d pla)1•1l lo"'"· 1\lllH1111:h 111' h11~ 111 Hot ,.,,.r~ 111111• h•• h.1'1 a mi•'- ft 1., may ht·At Tro~ Rull IJl:tn'~ -.o.1ap ii:o only 30 hnl1•-. 111 ''"" n 111 .. :°'\('\\" plm·· d drl\ 1 h•• t 11111< 1 ho· 1w1·,.~- 7 :!I 25() t:i•., rN"Ord c-lnc:•kini.: uf 111:11 .)• ar, 8 Yor ko•r. "'''' h,,,. ,,,.,,.r wnn a s:1r~ 1r11n :incl •1!'11alh lain ttw h.1ll I f.,,1 l:l Jb ; I m/lj<ir 111111 ll•'Y :mil "Im n•'' 1'r ,.,. c'I"''' '" 1 hr pm l'i.u-.ai,.._ SI l -AO\li< :--..... \"~k The I ir~• ,., • n I 1;< ~lh·•l11 I• d I u r C.B ~1 -, 1•m \\1th r1uahf~1n1: Q(Hf\$ .... , fur f ,. n t * CALIFORNIAOUT -OF-DOORS p. that number .0 i:s nill 1111 tM movP. However, it t>f'zjns to Im* llke the compt"tllloo is coinc to &!Pt kttMr .very race and from all sides. Notke >-Uw Cella.·~ Wl.t.or. found hlmself ~· ..S came In "rJth ~'O fintll. Nact" PIS Hr D.-M· l'lu~~ DuC't". l ain SUn' f'\"t"~'one .. cl*' CA"gntlUlations a<:u in Grorgl', to M't' you do .so well · Kt:!WLT~ o•· \"OYAGERS YACHT ()LUB ar..G.o\1TA Sldpprr~ Boat No. Sat-!hill S.. ~ T-'al ~·.' 2 7 ... 6 5 l llt ll.aee ! ... ._ 6 5 7 1,,, 6i,,. 5 3 3 .. 4 os s 2 DSF 19,_ 1S'2 lS 11 10 Stn11n W ilson Hrgi:rns Thomllflo n Shipley . Smalc·s Wbeoeler Ca ward .JO 6."i 7'L 61 45 30 37 35 3 DNF' DNf' DNS DNS DNS 7 3 0 I Polit iC'al Ad\•t'rt ls<'ment) EJect Sawyer to Congress from . the 22nd Distritt r sAW.YER '! FOi CONGRESS 22.d DIST. Former and Businessman 1 f'oli11rul A<l.,·r11~1•m1·n11 He will represent all the people all the time. He sup- ports t he United Nations. and Eu- ropean Recovery. * He Is the Democratic Party Candidate [81 Orup~ DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMl'rl'EE r'::l~';::!·:!':::!'!!l.':!.'::1':!.=~~~:1'! ~ I! For BETTER Governlllellt 1 Support HARliN L. SAVAGE STATE SENATOR Only Democratic Party Candidate for State Senator from Orange County -~ r1i; [ ~.' • i ~ . cchd not cro!'& filr 1 Promim•nt Oil Man who if electro will rer~nt the common people or Oran11;<' \.ounty. Ir vou ;i1'1"' a farn11 ·1'. small busine-.'> • man. \'f'll'r:tn. st-ninr r il iwn. or I ~.f : • • )! \\'Orkin!.! p!'l~On. itnd dt>sll'OUS or 0.-mO<'r.ttiC-Goo\·- (l l'l"TlOINll otlH'I' th;111 lhfl..,C' poliC'i('S riitfftf'd h~ \'f'St<."d ii inte1'<'sts. ~·ou !--houlri !)(' int1>11"'tNI Pnou~h to say it '.I at I h<' polls. 11 ORANGE COU J\T Y DEl\IO('RATIC ~ Admission $1 .00 Donation To Post 6816, Y. F. W . B~nelit Futtel fli><.:1.~n l 'lll•hun:I " L P rt. I'' <i h.') Jt\ 11 -·'•:l ,.; 11 :, .. ,_, I•• I I -,.l.1 r;I * COASTING ~ ALONG l l CENTU:\L CO!\f MLTTEE :J IJllo ""' I Htln ''''0 111 l\io "l~ ,.. ft l r'"('S You to ' n·p, T h··''''' d111•1111 .,f l1h n"" ... ., ,.,11 1.w1 J••ll"I '"''''· r. ,.. :J \L\Y EVERYTHllG FOR THE OFFICE •Cub Boxes • Sales· Books • Sthool Supplies •Stapling Muhines CompetitiYe Prices -leffer SerYice l l'h1l.1dt lt·l11 1 Hnta•i-.h n I.' 11 l. .1n<I j.: •n11• h ,, .11111•"111• I of I • I• t" pl 111• -I ·~ -.11111 • I ""'oj ,. ,, . I f~ VOTE JUNE 1st '.) '11·1111' •n 11-'I I ' I ····-I poll .... I II " ,,, 11111•' ·'" ti , •• J hinun •I i\1 ... 1 .... Ii! ii '•' d .,,,, ,,,, 'l'h ,1· ... ,1 Jnt nt , .;•0 ,::11t11 ,... fl_ __ \;';,_" ......... _ .. _."" __ ._ __ ,... __ ...... _ . -----.. 1 "' ,, \I. ,..,.,' t .. I l ,t .. \ ,.,,,I tr\ , • tltlt11 nt l't ~ • "., ... hut k r• ntl, Ill• II --------------------------------- t 'nlt•·tl' ,.,,...,,. 'I'"''' \\ r11.·r ,1ml h.111·h• 1 h ' I J --------- R•· .. tuh , ..... ,,,,, .. , \I 1;1· \ 1"\111 '-II '!I'\, Thi·'"''"'' '''"~ "'~ I• I \111111• th.a 11111 11. •,1. 11 \mr r l•·•• l/&eti'" \I\\ -• t I" !'I • 1. •J nntt 1-·~·• hlo><o<I '' ,,, "111 """' 11' li.1\" ',,, .t • ·''" 1·11•' ·''' '·•"'h Jt: l tt't•tt ·, •• ",,1 ,,, I ~ Attd d ..,,,, .. .i1f1tr1 .. 111d tt \ .,r1r1· .1i'l''n'-1h lti ,•111' ti ,\ ... t '" •• ,, I• .. ·1, \I I .. 1.t I ' . I I II ' ' • ;:I •. 1 .. i'.111~· 11.\\ ... ·~. :l .:.~:·., ... ·~,:: :/.: .• 1. ,. ".'. ::1 :~;~ri<.'."':,~::_.::::'.,:·:::·1~1 .::,; ,~',,:, '. .. ;·,~,,··,·,.' •• :111·,:'.~:.,1 ,···1·:.::1~ 1.:.,1 i 'iaUon.d 1 ... "'•cur "i'-' f1tf b th• \1it t,t ,. th••''~••• ... 1•1 1 '''' I 11at• f" ll•'t•d 11• f 1 ... •t rt11,n \\hi '' l 'lll•b1111.:h l J'•.1 ul• I'' • I•· •.rut , 1,lo ,,,, 11. '" •111 1 , 11 \\ 1H1 l II h·"" :.11 ti• 1111d1 1. , .n1:t1111• \\ 1111 .. 111 :1 "" ""' \" 1111 '' l i'4• H-,, ,. l!r.-."' 1••""''•1J\• d .. qft:tn•, ,, ,...,,,,, uid 11 , 6 l'l 'nl.•IJ•''' UUJHh• t • • f I• t t d ... 1nd 1 d:• .... unpn 'd IHl• "'-t\t 1 1..:P' 11 u n n,rr.: ttl~' n .... 11\ '' pr,h.1hh tlt .t"'f' h•l•'J'" 1111 1 i1, '-l.';1t p11 ··11lpn1 Tl1' \\.u•l•I :r'r l..f\t.ou' ~t '' '' \ ... l•-11• ...... •I ~" n • .,,.; 1 1• : • ft; .... I· ,11, ":1·nf~ lafl I I ''"•\fl' • ft.., n~• ''"'"''" ,.11; 1t ' • 1 11n 1,.111 1., •1 "'"' 1 .. n .:1 " 11.,., •I 1n•I '•1· \I ''" I , I•.•·· Thi• f1r-1 • '" •·I 11 .. ''" ,11 ... 1 h11t'I;.; I l "'tfl.t lnM:tJt ,t )\.-..•.in J•-'J-1ft•,f l \1r , .. ,t)tt ttlrf ,.,,._f\, •' t r 1,1 .. h,u•11lar~ \\hltt• c!Jtrllt••,, tlll I •l'Jll'''' J' ,d'"-> iht• f'.t'( 11j 1 ''"'~ 1 .. .;. , ... ., 1\r 11 •r• ;,!1 01•h 1••1.1n11n\! s1:111•flr"~•·n .. 1111·n·d111•1""'''r• h1ml•r lr.•111 \\Jiii~ "h"•"·'' i'·· f1;rrr• r ( r.1t• ,f ,...:, ,,. 40" f. rT\ ind 1 ·,, ,,, • ;q,,rrl i.·..r•r• 1k• r CJ11p •J 1r 11 1• n, ·\\ tU\d• r • .,, t ·Ht ttit •n ti.•-.,ntf '' "'·•·· •t '·• "l• 1 ., ..... 1r 1U'•'fTT"i•'t d• f• rt' .,n4t p •"<• n1!• t "' trT1• r-, n I •k• J-r h R~I CAFE .... c....--.1. c.... ...... NEWLY REMOl>f:LED (with a trnh atmwpfoae) "' 1 M, I •: S~-Ravioli Scaloppini. Chicken Steaks & Rout -... C.OCktails a... -..... --1111 Casino Cafe and Coc~.il Lounge * S.rYin9 com,;lele LUNCHES and DINNERS tr 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. .1 ''" 11 .. k 11.t.!t>nl th1·\",111111,ill••i;1111• h11 1 11 111,.:1i1 \\1lh .1 tf,,. "riml .t i<p1k. .. n , .... , ,(1,1 ~ ,t t'•'flJl r ", ~ rrlu' 1nf11t•l111t hnd \\,,, :t \0h1.J,.i1 'hU<'" ttt lf 11( ''"'11'1 ~T1111 ._HHh.:.1· Ht :in , 1• ,,.of ,11 t 1 ,, ,,1 '· • , p.,rtritli::r II• I" cl 111111 '" l'·" 101 th1· nwal 11 ,·,.111. r•r d·.: ,.,,, ~u I .... r St:Hr fj,(('l1111•1PL.:I'''"' \\11\1 1n11h1 1',tf1 P 1 ~ .. ·;, ,, \\'t•t•k fpr 2u , 1, in .. , tt••t .. '''"". , .• ,\\Ork 1n11n•·ch;11.1l~ \\1th , •• ,n 11. t ''••htr: ,,nrt ,,., i;;ftU \\nn·1 ht' ;lbft fr,.,, rt•'•. ••· , , , • tt•\. n1C'n~un•..; f-:\f'r~ .... ,11~1·· h11'i 11n 1,. ~ ••, .,1 1t n 1.t f ,,, •t,, Ii.,.. ill ,t nit if s t H 1 P f:trnl' \\ii' 1··~t-·tt I l..1' !h ,, 11r·· \\ h•·11 'I '\ . " mC'llnt ~>I.Ml hlt••O '''"' •Ill ''"' ..... •I:•' .. 1 I'-11 ,,n". q , •I '" 11nt~. qu;i1\. '"''' 1111 k• ~<. p1.:1 .11,• r • ·••l~ 1 r 1 ho I '"I, 1 .,., , 11nd J)llrl riclgf'!O ll~l'CI fnr itr• •·111111· Fn>rn •hi• ~ 1 , a.:, 11, , •• 11 s tock . 1l11 tl11p '"''' f11 1l liodi.:•t1 •.: Pullorum nrn~ "" tr1u1-.1111lt• I 1l;'to'.< '""h 'I"' ti~ •'" h1.:I " i; Amoni: poultry .incl ,·;q•ll\"•' ~.1111• mrl.-, :in 'l•'llr ,,11 1 ,,,,, , , .r<,• hird.c hy C'flll\11<'1 Rut prtmar1b 1t \\"illtam •Hill I <"••Iii" , • 111 r11J m3MI:•' ill 1111• TrJUaJLt l;.-l \fl, nod l'luh, $:1Yll !hr prrJ< nr d·•.: • ',If 1n lhl' fitmou< old /\111:11 1 • ·., ,, •itt> r :1n· trark. '" · 1•n• ,.f 11,, ! n. ~t in th1· Wt'lrld."' Is carrird lht;t"U)!h I h1• rgi::; t" younJ( chicks That 11w:in1 't>.11 rvrry hlrd found \\'llh lhl' d1~1·;1~<> had to ~ dl.'strorrd. Th&t was don.-and lhr ntl1·•1· birds W<'r<' AAV<'rl. Now Rll th<'Y haw In worr~ 1thou t i!< huntmi: !'f'a~nn -0- {) Thll" l\\10 lf\111:111\P); tn P(<Sll 11'1 • ttn inv rr 1:ol 11•·l1 m1; in nnrllwrn :ind i;t111llwr11 1 ·,t11f .. rnia ":ia.·r,. h:t\ 1• n·r•'I\ 1 rl i:1~n•ll lln's of 10,00(1 11mrt• n •i;:1stPrt·d \'111«ri; With lr<1i; than JO days fu I:•' \Inti\ 1h.-r11•acll rnr. hnlh 11rC' ~!ill uti.•ul ltl,fl!IO n11mc><: ~hort of tlw nt'<'f'ss:ir~ :.'cot ti72 fnr hallnt qu:il- lflratlo n Tht> hackl'r~ mcl11dins: Hw A!l~OCiAlf'tl ~()(lrl~nwn of C'nltfnr. n ia. lhC' Southrrn Cnunt•1l of C11n· Sl'f\'alinn C'luhi; .inti the• Sporll'· nwn of r,..ntrnl Cnlrforma -nrr plf'lilirni: w ilh ~porti:mt>n tn li:"t <•UI ;ind ht1l'lf1• tht' nnmM S11y~ G<-nri:1• f"11fonl of S11rra- mrnh1, rh:11rnrnn 1>! lh!' 11r:'·"· "It W('lllld h,, rnmmnl lo lrt indifrrr- l'O\'\' or 1 .. 1h11r1:~ rnu'I' f:ultrr• nnw " GENE'S CAFE ,.. Spc>cla Jizing in French and Italian Dinners HARBOR J JO'l 705 Coas t Hwy. Coroaa .. Mar !l1·11~tm 111111 frnm 1 h•• '"'Y r hr pull lie Ill tnkini: In t hi• <I•'.':' I •• ! y ('A r · s 111 l<'11<la11C't' I\\ rra1:•· 111 I 3,000 prr m~hl will ht• l'A!t1I~ lopp('(f. '------------• '<OUR CAR 15 TUNED FOR A HAPPY ,.._ Summer T une.;.Up When spring turns into summer, risirNJ temperature Tnakes new demands on your car PLA1' SAFE Drive Your Car In Today for a Check-Up and Tune-Up GENUINE f AC TORY PARTS Take Your Chrysler-Built Car To Chrysler Factory Trained Mechanics NEWPORT _ HARBOR MOTORS 2616 \"Onl A M'UORJZED HA.&80& AaEA Chrysler -Plymouth Dealer West Central Harbor 616