HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-06-01 - Newport Balboa News Timesr . : City Heads Asks County Plann · BALBOA \' Today'• ll A..11 .• P.&T. Dow 1loa,.. A Vt',.... •. ~~:-... ~.::!~; . .!':.~.: ;;~~~·';: IM.ES it., ...... ._. ............. l•viflf .... .,. .._ •ltM1 .. ttl lm tM•, .... aft ... 4 hffl•U• ., .......... ,_,_ , ........... , .... u. ·~ .... P't•..t.r.f tMf t ~ I I ""'" ....... ,,.,. ......................... fh•t •h ',. .......... •• •• .u o ..... htah '"" ......... ,. .... , ·~··· ... . """· ............. , •• •fllNI ........ ,. •• •l'f'lal l••Cll•I-•••I• ..... .._ Cite Lar11 · Tax support ·------....;..· From Hera T hi• I'll)' rouncll of N ........ 1'-•M h hHtl t11da)' 1onr on NCOl'd \\ 1111 " 1111 n1nt rt'fluNt to the Or- 111111•· l'111111t) Pl11111111111 ~ ~""' 111 11n1' 1111· 1h1•lr •tarr to r..... 111-h th1,11 1'11) "with 111 toehn~ I 11la1111l11i: """''' 11n1-.•" to ovef'ClllM 1111111wl1w1I 11l111111~n11 111'Ublenw • ....._ I 11111rl1111 1r111111•1l111h' 11ttentlon." 'f'h1• 1'<•111wtl "''""' thro"'h ttw 111•11 .. 11 ,.,.,., "ll""'lllll that the 11·1 111111·111 ''"" .. r tlw ('OUnty plan- 1 11111..: 1·11111111111>1hl11 1-uuld tw of lm- 1111•11!11 t1• M·1·v11 ... II• the c ity In: • I '"'' ••lot""''llL 11C the Ulllltl' h11) I .: I '1111 1•l11lltoll 11f future \199 ol 111 111•·r1 ~ wlthlll 11nd "'lthoUt t111 I'll\ 111111111 I !I l'lt11lllllll( uf IWW IUbdlv~ 111 r1 111111111 to 1·11~ •·xrNl.nllk>n. 4 S.111 ml( of I u If lc .,pr,.ob&e'l.,,,_n&.,• ~ l'l111mlni: of hlahway rout• r. 1 '1111111111..: ur l't'l'rl'•tlon&l ,.. 1'111111·• 7 l nh·1111xtlun of r•lanll few .. \'t·l1111m••11t of 11.ri:•· holdlnp, prt. \ llt1•ly ""II•'" llflll In l'OUn ty t.nt- 1111 >. "hid• '" •' 11<\j11('f'n l to tlw I'll) Tl1t 1~1111trll a11pt1ortf'4. t helr ,._ 11111·111 1,,,. t11m1dll111t• alct on lhe I" In 11~M·1·1t1111• thul . 1 tall.,.,- '''" ,.,.,,. ·~•111 rlh1tl1• 11 "tn•rnt'ndou9 11111U1111 t uf 11111111') 111 th•• fonn of ''"'''·to t 11 11n11r ('1111111y; and r.1- lltt· 1•1011111·11 f1·•·I~ thn t "our lfl'9" ••111 1•u111llt Ion I~ 11111• ln~<'I)'-·lo an 111111" lr10111 1·t11t'll nnd 11nlneorp11r• 111to1I nr••I•" "111"'•' n •toldt•n l• ainw h1·11• fur r1•1.,.1•Mt lnnA I purpl8flll." THE SAND CRAB --Thousands Flee Portland Environs as Columbia . River Crest Peri~ 2 States Dies from Heart Attack Suffered Aboard Monna II l..oull rtuhlNI, ~. WU ... noun1't'<I do•111t Al lhr Oalholi J.I ... bnr Mu11•r'1 dork tliref' hoUn aflrr h4" •ufff'ttd a heart attadl a bc111nl ttw Monn• II whUe r.-. U.. ~ two ml... off ._ a.m..w. ....JJy 8 A II rlSH FRV, Third annual r Lions club Fish Fry this week end at Costa Mesa re- minds me of the first Fish Fry held some years ago at Newport when long tables were erected near the pier. As I recall Harry Estus was the chief cook and bottle washer and the local fisher- men furnished thousands or pounds of sea food that was fried over huge fir('S. Mam- moth crowdc; swamped the SC<'ne from illl :-ections of the Southland ;rnd it look('d for a time as if too ma ny people would break down the com- mittre. but they w e nt through with it bravely. The Lions revived the affair ano have added other features as a <'Hmi\'al and prizes and en- om10lLc; crowds attend the rollicking t'Vent. Heinz J<ais- er. always willing lo enter any civic enterprise with h is en<>rgy and smile and ability, will be the heAd chef. And Ht'inv knows hiS stuff. • • •• Open Home. While on the mesa subject took occasion to vlc;it the Open House of the Globe-Herald last Satur- dav. Mighty nice building wiih plenty of room for ex- pansion. "Pop" Ludi made an idea.I host while Ad. Manager Ring. flitted from pillar lo post in giving social greet- ings. W. T. Jefferson . who conreived the idea of ·such a project turned in his Jots by taking stock ln the new com- pany. Motivating genius be- hind the newsjlllpl'r jllerger wn.c;· Walter Burrou'ghs. a Holh-,,,·ooci manufacturer and rorm('r newspaper executiv<>. who ";th the group men- tionro aho\'e hrll<'\'e the M~1 i!' ~til"K"d to grow into on<' of the largest com-m11nitiP~ in lh(' county. Best wi!'~ ccntlcm<'n. • • • lhrrrll Kin~. One of the !'\ll'<~"'~ful ~purt. fishing Of)('r- 1\ll•I' 111 tlw• a rN\ is Dan't'~ 1'in..: ,, h11. when he was r01 ,1'fi ;1\\,1~ from the NN.·- port p1l'r i:..•111p. w_<'nt to the OPl""-11•' ,jct(' of th<-Lit1o Lido h11cil!•' ~t~t people ~ •Con11nued on Pa~ 4) -~ llOODI IOIDlllO!W United Preu Stal C, Corresponde-nt PORTLAND, Ore.. lw 1.-(UP)-'l'IMI M• of t~h1Uw fW .,_ •rMlffis 1• -1i11111ic boUl llldeti of Ule Cohambla rtver la .. ana74P0Wred mw ~ .... ,. • ~ .._... ~--•uC n ooc1 .atu&Uon ~ ._ pnportion• ol • aaU-1 calanltty. la Red CroM traclp. lll -t-Wletl _, al-t ~ .. _,... ..t ef 111' _._ ...... ,,~ ...... _._loll .._ t rlc'ta Moac the w..aw.ci-_. ores-9ltoret1 of e.-en-.ta .. c.1-.Ma. The maA e u cuaUOft wu e&lled at mWatpt. MoM&y lily C'.-1. o . L "'AhlL .._. ............ , et u. l l. 8. Anny Corpe of F..llctMlen, UICI alfttW U drala~ ••trtrla fl'Olll tW _.. etf tw ~ rtn·r. t! mUn flUt of Portla8d, lo Ute moatb of the Colambb at. Atltorta, IM lllllH • ....,. 9f ............ l:v~ mowcl from Kal.u1a, K~M. Cla ....... ~t ,,.._., ~ • .iw-~ ......_ .,._ lllland. ""'°'tport, tile MullllOfnAJI County flralJl&Cf' dhtrif't fr-Trot1.....,, -r ~I• c ....,.._ boulf'\'ard, Ute area WHt of ~kunoc-kwa and nllmf'roua o thf'r ~tW. ... wU"--t-. T h o C"olumbia, olimaxing a., sl<'ady spring·lhAw r isl'. ;:ur~cd i close ltl 11" m Aiomum flood n<'St today nnd hrokl' 1 hroui:h "l'akr n· m g d 1k<";: pr o lrct ini:: Jowlnnrl nn•11s 1 1 of nortlll'rn P ortland. T oday wns lhc• cr1~1• point in thr northwc•.;1's molSt 111~1 ... t.•rou~ f111tlds I ~:ni;:in1 1•r.; i<nid !\111\ nr 1 • < • T1h· ltr1s of Lon'-'' 1t'\\'. Wa~h., 1l1·1•li111•cl to nbido hy thr l'\'ncu1111nn in· * * * * Flood Pictures at a Glance PORTl.AS D , Orf'., I U:nf' 1.-11·1·1-tlf'N" ... Ow. t•..-fn. -rtlt•-e flood "ltuaUon at a aclanf'f': PORTl.ASD-i\rmy f'tlciDf'f'r. n,,......,. aJI hut n ..... _f1cftlr n tn .. , . ..,.uatl' from •N"•" •l N"lrh.tnc l !!t -~ alefti: ta.. ...... r f ,.._... rh'rr, whh"h JMJIM'hN! thrnup tll,_ cllk .... and th,.....1......-4 to n-.t '.!00() h ••lnf""- \'AS l'ORT l 'IT''-Sr" h N"•k" In thf' 4Ulcr -t _,... •alrr •.-rr tht' ""''""Ml f'lty ....... ,.._,..~,., .. r1 ...... 1,_ ..... '""' ........ t• ..... t:, •. lo\ltnC',...,... malnl&lnf'd t h<'rr "'"'Id w a ...._,, .... tit lofl ...,... lltr 19,000 lnh11blt.ant.... ~hrrtrr 'futln rr.11 ....w a 11tnro.c1t _,..... mla:ht n ot ht> l"""lbll' for t\\o ..-~ ... \\ .\~Hl sc;ToN. Jun•· -1•·1•)-PrNdf'llt 0Trumllll tn- d•~· urtll'rffi a full mohHr.atl11n of fl'dt·raJ rl'llrl M•Urf'f" tu h•·l11 :in .. , latr hard .. hlp and 11urt,.rlnr; f'IUl ..... I h,· n ood.. In t lw l'IM 1r; •. Snr1h'"'"'- \'ASC'lH'\'t:R. W\~11.-Th,. f 'nlumhla ............ ln•ant a"""' ef ' lit fH t , •11h Utt' lntf'r'<tatl' brlda:r dt-c-la"'4 _ .. ,,. Mid Otond •alrn ••1rllna: thrnuhr; lo"·l~lnc .,.... •I • ralr aut.,•rtti.r.. .,_ r....,. - alarmlnc. • Tilt: l>i\1.1.t:~. OtU :.-'MM-n ond .c-""trd °'~t -r1a1 tll c d lk ..... 90 mll<'" UP"t F'f'IUll from l'or11a!MI. Tlw' f'8tlrr .............. ftf IWIOO batu.-d fhf' ""'"" rt\'f'r ••ctitlollc • ......._ ............... •Fftl "1th .. ndbac'I'-R.ftflld, wrl"f' <ttll -aJI "'*"' ,., ta.. rte,.. , . .._ r.- r Hk"• •t,._,,..ll_r C'lty of P•r11a!MI .-... ,........_ T1eP {".._... rollt'd thmucti Rufu,. ?• mn.-...,.t of Tltf' llal""-at l.ftle.-~ fH t fll'' ~oncl. one of tlwr all-Urn.. Wct--t ...,_,. ,_ tllP rtn r. 1':\IATll.l:A, ORE.-\'ofuawr lahor ,......_,. • -• ra..-ct11« 'SMOKEY' BECOMES 'JOSEPHINE' AS COPS PACE FLOOR Y.., ,..,.r ~rlnll'nl c-al, k-. ~' ~'""' unlll " "drll· N tr ,,_.e111...... l\l•rr.1nr. .. 1 " ~· el ••m.t-,,. ·•·~ 1•h•n~. C••~ M rtll fh f•tUt "'l fl•'h"' ur l ..... fhlll,. llnrq t· 11n1I 11n1t..i .. ,. ,,.._. _, thl• murn111i.: a l ii' I I L.a. ................. , .......... ,., .~. .......... ~lcltt ..,.,, .~flt•• r' ""''"' , ........ \\aJf,.r lh .. 111, •t•wwl ..... ..... ma~ ulln•· l"''I''"' •• , .. ,_.,..1... . "'' '' "'" ~ rarh klll• n :uul .,., II ....... -tll aJI ""''. 1l1·ll1•·r•'il ,.... t..... afltt"f-d h• I l11111lf\ ,..,.., nr.t ,,.,. ... .. __. ... ,lfo ... , \'lnrrnl c·u,u· _, ....... _ '" ,,, \\ 11 .. t tei. ltey• i. ''"' drpJtrl111••nl \\Ill .. •lllt tltr llft,.r. Too ollt'n h•• .. ,....... .,... ,,. dl•J•••• h ''"'" ·-~· ..... ...,t.... .... .... .... l-,.ltl1tr haa '""°"""' on•· ef ttt. ......,lmrtlt "f•mll) :· I POLLS OPEN; s•;Ars IN eoNGRES", LEGI SLATURE, fO URT AT STAKJ.~ Acaioml**d by hw wtte ... 11nnth1•r muplt', RobfM Nid .,._ fl•hlna whfon hf' •uUrnd UW arl7uro· Al I IJ. m Sunda y. Spnth•d hy l'-•rt Miil• ·on hla rl1hln 11 llOAt, l.urna Pat. the M f>n111t II wu tow<'d to thfo ·u_.. hc>r drputml'nl d1wk hy M ilt. The atrkk ,.n m11n wa1 th.-only one 11hrn1rrt with " k1111wl1•rt111• or m 1n- nln1< th<' rr11r1 I >r Oo•r11hl ll1t11•1i 11nll thr fire I IC. t l'l•·r• .. , ..... ,. lo•·r·· f1l1•1I Ill 1· , .... ,, llo.111 l1111•·rl.tl 111111 ruv1'r· 1''"Jl"rtrn1-nt lnh11l11t11r rw1u11d w~ ! I" 1••1111.1• 1.i,,,.,., l••ll1\ 111 , ""' >Hit , ,.11111111,.11 •11m11111111 •I ho 1111 1ollr•m pt 111 rf'- 1•·•'" '""' ... 1111 H'•.>'li1 .1 .. 1 .. ,, :-;1111, -.:.11 i'h•I" /\ "'"'""1 .,1 ,,,.,,.1111• 1111111 , . .,,,.,.,., ~:nrl Ah- ""'" ti , , 1 tfu ... •lfil\ f••, f••N•, t 11 •tit, t .. -4•l'i''"'' .i h\ t ·iutt r· • ., \ I••\, cull•••t fl) Jt11U•O, •nlcl th~ 1 "" •, .. .,. 111 "'"'' It i·t,lut•u, ,,1 '"''' 1 ,,,.,. 110 0 ,, I<• pulilu·iui 1u11n l•htl twlt•n cl••tttl l••r nt•Arl)' ' 111.r~·· '"' ~111•11111 i·1mrt , •I•·· 111 1<·• '"'"I•\ 11 .. 11.111 S11\.11'•' "' 1111 •·•· ""'"• 11 1wl 111111lw 11111111rr1h- 1••••u1•rt1 '""' 11.1u11 ·1 ''"'' 1 '··' llutno 1,,1 1fl• 1,.,111,,.,,1,,, ulth •lh•tl u t lttt• flriu1 ''' tlu• nt• 'I I 1111•k 1 H•lftlllt II ~I 1 II II fft q 111f ,....., • 1•) 111 ltlifl,fl IUll htl•I •\\• ltl"' I \ I 11f I ,,, Jf\t ' t1d ~ l1f1 f I fl I d '"'I \\l1t' It HI• J111t1 ~ 'f 111\'t f1 t\ t I 1d, tf d 111.j• t I ti 111IHlf\1 If I tJfl l 1 1lt ·~· foql jl If f. II t oj II nut loo"',, f r111t1ftl 'I """''' f111\i\1 -.f "''''"' ,.,., ..... f1l••I \\Ill l•ut1 t •• 1\11\ •t •1tf1 , 1111111 t1ot• ,u1d ''""'· '. '" ''" I"' rdn•·r t11•t,. .. .-.t ""11th • "V''' \ .. , lt It '''"' 11,1,1 I ip If • I ''""' !f1l 1h,t1l•tl I , 1 I \ ~ 1 f,,,. I 111 ·I t • ,.1 '. If • t tit '•f•I" • d ''' \\ ,,,.,,. f••t•l1tu o f San t I ''"I I t i .. ,, t I,..... I tit d ;\ .. ,, ft1ftf\ '--Ji• 1ir1 t ~dlU J. t 1111 Weekend Sailors Keep Harbor Dept. Hand R Busy 1111• •11 I 1illi • '"" " 1,11.,111••M• •I l••r ' I I 11 1 11 •1 I tl••11111I11w11I 11Hl1·1·nc !111 fl f 11f H11 1•1\111\ ft.I \l•l••f• •J1tft1,tj I'-1'1tlt 1•1"ft11•f jf1•1rth ~\\tit' k t•11f h tUI) U\l'f fht• \\'f!••k · '" ••••' 1 ••u 1t\ r•r1"''t•d "''''' t('unlh111,,..I 1;n l'u.:•• 4 t '"'' u~ tf••·\ r tJ,thfPtl 1u•\1·rnl ,.,.p-. • _.,,•I '"'"'' 111111 pull• •I 11m1111•ur ~A(;•:",' OPE~lATION OF ( '01 J NT~ I ~::,~;::.;1 .... '.':·,:~11.:'11'~.:~:'·::: :'.:1~':,.:.;::;::.:~ (,O V. LEAD 1 AX RATE PU•~"'c;;tJ UE '"''1 10 1 .. ""'I"'·,, """'·v··n1r-c1 11 11111\ '" lnl•·r11111 r. 111 l1r1•f'7t'll 1111111 11 luw "'""1h11111•Hw ~k)' I ~1ruc11oni; on i:rounds tlll' 1·11y I wa~ pro l<'Clcd by Ont' of thf• most sturdy c11k <>s in lhf' fl ood f'on1ro1 I sySl!'m LI. Col n . A Ell1•i;1•I I said cva r u ation o f t he drainlll(" I d is1riets has b('('n undt'r WAY on a volunmr y balll!I for sevl'rAI day., and lh11t It was "l11rgely romplrt. c•<f' in 11om l' art'nll watrrot a• t hr ~· •Uf"K" of thr c·otUlllMa ,..... ......... ....._ RA«lfi•c 5?0,00.-r;allotl ..-i•-••oner ta.la• pew-11 -... "-' l ~~~~~~~~- 1 Freeholders Ask Hiring S.11.1 1 t•"" nrtd '"HI'' .. 1r1 f It ,,,,., ur1M't't1r1·d Lt~''', t•h 1'11:• 111 v:1lt1n 1111u1I\" l1uth'• t ft•f l't\i-'(IH th• l1n rt ,,: tu•lfhl• llf••f"" tt\ ,011t 1.,,, '"11"11'1 11•.ttHnH n o •r•··"'' tiuu,; thn n ,,,. ti \f II ..... t111 h t ''''"" '.f•UI• '\lj \ ... , •• " (tit ,,, ltt1•1•11 lh \ 01, •• utr·. I tluukitU'" th,...at. Snrth Umatllla waa ........ off .. prn?9t _,._ f.-wri- dfont&.lly llrftlUnc llw! _.apt.,. , • .__ 111•1• If 11 .. "•11111\ l.1• 1111 • 11,11/ I'll th•• 111~ 1111• 111• 11•''" '"''"" I •11•· ••f 1111 n ·nlr•rl '"'"'• w1111 ''"'' 111 .. 111••111111•• ·•••" .. , •. ,,,,,.,,, 1•11111•••1 ""' !"""'" "" '"'' """~ "' Colllna Mol"<' thnn 60,000 p<'Nons wer<' homell'!IS throughout thl' nor th· Wl'SI bC'for e lhl' new ordl'r "'as \\'OObl.ANI>. WAMH.-t10Cldwawrw of t11P a-1' rt"'r f"""4 lbe t'Jty'• 1&00 ............ to f'V-k ~ JJel .,.._ -·f!lf out of Ka.lama, nw mUea -~ .. .,...,...,. t-.. a.a-rhrr ,,_.... Uw rity. Of Louis Burke 1'""''' 111 .. 1111, I.M ii'; ,.,111,, ,,1.,.,,1 · /\ ,1111 1,,.1,,, l•1t'I flllldi ,,.1 .. l•lunrl 111"1 11 lit ''"'' l.l1thlnln1r. 11111 ' ,.,,, •' ., f;•1 1••1 • •·n• 1111•1 1 11~·· ••s1·q ,1 1•11 1111v111v ""'"''" t hr Tnx '""''"'.:(~ lo~ nwn•'T Nurm11n WC't.- iS!!Ued. '• KEL80, WASH -TIMI O.•ee-rfft'r M cak8'4 "-tll ~. 1.,, 11 .. • "'" '' r:il•· •olh•' "1ll11r1·I1•11\• r•' "~"'H'lollnn 111ld '"'r. ti:t:.! < l11hh11l11'•· 11v1•nut•, Nt•W· 1lw dty'a h<•11rd or I~· Fr1•rhc1ltl "'"'""I 1" .. •h•· IHI•· 1 t<I 1'••11111.1 ·-ii-.,. l'f'nt11 11dd1·rl lfl tl1" prl•·· IJlrrt. 1""' to hr •IVl'f'takf'fl and "" 1 .. t n l11;ht '"''•rwhdnun~:ly 1111 I rnp11 ol ""''"Y ""'•h•·•I 11 !17H 1·1•111 1 of purr hnu 111 r1•t11 ll wlll 1tmount 1•1wr'1 In "''"r ht'rnkln11; " rultdrr fom•c 1000 '""-i.i. K..tao pNper. • ThOlt«' Included tht' 19,000 rf'!li~ d c-nt!I or Vanport O ty which Wll!I "";ped out Sund11y when thf' Co- lumblll r iver smashrd a dike . Thl' number o f doAd in the tragedy had not been detl'rmlned. \'ASCOtlVF.K, a. ,._..,._...r Byna ,...._of ..,..... , . .._. bl& ckelare4 a ... taWI el www1ca.")'", mlllmc -.... ~ te f1cM t11r .-r-r II.Iver Val~ llool wMdl .......... • .... -_. ltAlk et JIFOW'd thP f'f'qU('lt of ft ~, ... rpo) "",, ·" """'' rr·•111111 m•·rtl~ ,.,,, '" r.:n·11~"'·'""' '" t•t1ll1·1•l l1111l1 f11r THI E-F STEALS HIS ccnwnUttt and wtll lmlnf'dlatc-ly Iii• '"'' '\ !.! n·ni .. 1111'1 I•'''''''"" •h•· r·1111f•.rnl11 S lut .. tr"""'" y f••r .U t~ a l y council to 11pprovr '''1 •··~'"'' t1"'T""'''1 th•· ml• l'l47 '1H PANTS ANO MONEY Uw hiriftir ot Loula Hurk•-. '""' 7 1,.1 "''"'"· 1 ;;o11r .. rrnn Tr1x1111v•·r• ••rt1• ,.,·nl~ In 11~·11 1 l''"l"'rty '"" .-rtver. N.-w torren ts from tM Colum· hia brokr through thrtt more bli '1ik<'1t today and 11wept ac:rou a huge area of nort Portlllnd. A scorl' of communlt11'1! wu noodr d or t hrf'atrned on the Wash ington and Orego n shores of th!' river It 11ppeared that the r ntlre IY11· tem of ll'V('('ll and dikes pr11tcct- in1t lnncls along th,. lowl'r Colum- bia v.1as In d 11nger of bruklng down 48 l iWi"°rU A-~•ld1•I ~"'""""'· " '"""'"'""" "''"'""' "~"'· ""''· '"'"' """"'~ "' " l""l"'"Y ••j ffj advttlor on t hfo framlnir: of a dty tnl( 111111111 II• •1 1111\ 111 111• 1 .. ,. l••vv 11. ''ollf1t111111 '"" l 't-17 1H "' ct.rw. I r:t11,on1· • 1o •• n11•·c on '"""'>' 1:1'( ,•,•n.1rtrt1.000 'Jlw> drd.ton, not un .. x,prc::t<'d. r.,,... l•·I v• (IJ.!rol '""I"'"'' f.,r I ·1, .. al l(HVI rruu••nl 1111111:•·"• now •·u votf'd throuith durlnii the 1•117.41'1 '"'lrll( pn·p11r1·•I \'Ill •lir•·• lly 11rtrr l T 0 D & y holiday """ ""1111on, afll'r 11 rt--·1 ·1t11I lt1"C 1 :.Ir fftr ~··1ft'rnl ,.,,1111 •h•• 111 '1 r:ol•·• r;n whld1 11rop•>r ty MemoriAI Ol!ly iwrvlcP5 .,,.,.rt' ' .. port, •llvnrd hy Rnlllnd \Vrri:h1 Iv JlllrJ••~'" fnr th•• r••1untv v.11• '''" loill• nr•· flt:urr.,I for l'»K-4!1 hrld Sunday noon' on th«' Nrwpl'lrt ,.l.lllK"lllllm ... f• _, Ralpti• P lt\A•k,.y. anrl t.oul~ 'I 1•1 f•1r l'l-17·'11'1 '''""''T"°" v.1111 "ftnlv hv 11 "1rrmi: •·xprl'<1olon nf plrr In thl' Annual ~·rva,,.,.. ,,, I ~ ..... ,..,....._ t..U.....,. Bricp, vtrtu111ly <'11mm11t••d rnn I ~I •r, ''" l'.-lfl·-l7 1 "'1"'" '"'"''"n' '"''' nlllun tlnst th<' day df'di<'atcd to l'Ofl'lmt'mon.-of ta.. ,._...Timm,.........,. .. t idrraUon ot 9'nyrtn•• ••IN'· 111 1111 I ~"""·nll•·n~ 111111 1·r 01nl11 lr11m 1 t11;ic•' ,.,.,, lu1•11I l(ow•rnnwnl ht11t- Solemn Prayers Cast With Wreaths In Memory of Dead 11or. of Amerlc::11'11 war dt'lld ...U ti.,._ ti w.-e _. twld of apl1'f'ial111h in m11n11 'I• of th• '"'!"111 1 11 1111 •t111" v.11v••111 1 l'"I' 111111 n•11l111nl pru~t y •·.• ·-a ---....... -• ltl1V~I. 11w11•• •111 11111~. t1t111l1111 r•·vr ""' • 111~"" 11< runt111Jl,.1I " Both th,. Amerlc11n vcion anrl ...-,. ---r1 ·--~ Th('(~ 11( hl11 1111nt11 c:ont 11lnln1t ••1•1•rnxlm11t1 ly fif ty dollnn In r111h •nd 1111 hi• kry1 11nd ld1•ntlrlrttt Ion paJ)C'n. w11,11 r t'portl'd to pollCf' hy 11,.rh~·rl i\ ll11llt>y. Loli Anitelrt. neilt')' told offl~ ht' retired 11hoar '1 the-llOllt Phylll1 J al about :l 11 m S11lur<tay morninl( 'J'hf' ''°"' I• !It'd UJI ., BalhoA YAl'ht 11nrhorn111• llr• d htcnvl'r,·d the ttwh ~111tml11y m<1rnln~ wh«'n h~ l(llt UJl. Hurt Slightly as Car Strikes Her R11lho11 Pll!<t 6Aff6 of the Vl'tl'raM rtslllt -.i. ~ •u l'Mon<'d t1y fr1rr · -- of r orl'ii:n Wu,. Jolnl'd m tlw ~lRDE lmost attorfl4')'1 In In• /\nr••I••' nnrJ DULL SKIES I ceremonir !I alll'ndf'd hy thrnnl'• K<'nn)· t.,lls how 111:""") by dty o fflt·rnl' 1n 111111 1 1 ... 1 HELP CUT HOLIDAY DEATH TOLL -' in spit<' of thr thrl'llt of r •in •nd ~rt'S lor unwantl'd ctul· Soutti.ni C•hfnrno:• 11111111• •I' ol o\'l'r!'ASI llklNI 0 G dn-n P -H" l ,,..,. Ht" hu •lrrndy ht-f'n rl'lalnf'd I\\ I '1111u'1 1'1 • '' Ill 111111111110 1 r. I ,11k1• /\rr11wh1•11d I I..._ ..... .. • 1 ·, •• 1 "'1 11'1111 ,,,,.1 • l•·•••h •kl.. 'H Ho" r""''' 1:• rood ll•·••:on,111<· I M 1 (;ran£r Ir 11rn' 1tl-"l' •·ioh r 1 •Y -u l y 11...-1, \lrl•i.tl · ••ffl• 1•'11' v I Uttlr Sl'\'en·yl'llr-old S tf'ph1m11• 1 ~~·~a.• l.rirlm<'~. r•1ml'n.11nl1•·r " S)'lfl•m~ l't1." .~,,.~ .. to ll'ft'lJlt'll Alol\ 1tdvl"' 111,. "'"'h k• 1•• lt•1lo•l1o)•'1' 11111111 ''" '' I•:\ llrck "llll JOI ruck hy a CAr drivr n ti ir An V mN"nl r Ullumnnn.; "''' .Jr .. ,n l 1rM f• tHI ~· i a ty eouncil. HI• firm wlll r1 I"' • ; • •lot' •I l•Al11 \' w I I h h11Mt111( /\ I'""' •I "' 11t1 II'°' ~1111111••1 h y Don:ild Stafford of Riil r·oa~t .,1•({1frn romm11nrlr r. "1"'' 1 'tlk' stvw.r·r I p '"' t; I rrdlfy City union""',., :-; •• ,.,·i., 111 1 •lif•,r '" ' "'' '" ''" 1 h1111 •'II" 1 I• •I 'lltl"'' '"I 1111 1111' Jlighw;1y Al Rn)'llldr Orivr llnd comml'm nr1111n i: !hr kn1r,..n n n t1 ~ """'' •I• rr lt1• ,,, 111 1 .. ,,. ,,,.. l.ll•·1'11•11tl' 1111ul•· 111•11" 101-/\ hiJ.~h"'llY )'l'Sll'rdAy nft rr· unknt1\\ n rlr:1'1 ~nldorr• ,.., Aml'ri· PH'"r.n AT • \~PO"t I * weather & Tidf'M * 'Ir.I\ ""' 1• .... ,. \'Ir• l-111• ,, "· "' I •ln /r•n rt........ 11111 ltw1 •· noon Shr !l11ff1•rrd A <"UI O\'••r r:or •'•onflwl• A1.r:1·t1\·f P.Ql ·t "'\I 1 1• 111 i,,,, /\rw•I" 1111 '' '"' \'111 "'" 1•1•••11• lh•y mi••••il her ryr And ahr1l'ion!' I :>:rv·1•)rf Hrarl1 \t ""r t 1·1 I' An :irt.1•• r 1n 11 ,,.1 .... 1.-1••'• t •• •-~ alMI •1rtnlh · 1'1111 h ...,,,,,,.,. 111 '·•lot•·•" 1 11 · "1•1• '' d I '"""'"' T•orr•, 1'1, I A"' "'' Stafford u ld his car 11truck th!' Drlk«' stlc;o i:n,,. " IAlk '" "'' r•·f""'' t.• ..J.~ du-•~ •I,." l•.udy tor:l:.), 1nn1~ht nntJ Wf'd,....... '"' t11 ...... 11111t ••••I '" ""••I itlrl u hl' wn.' 11lowmi: to thr 11lop f !l<'n lln<"' r1f ltw rfoy Thr riowd l11bor 11nd manaerrnrnt ••fnd11h j ~y with f•'Vtl lor1tl 'h1JWN11 IOIMI) '""'"'" 1u11'1• 111 •t• 111 I ' 1'~rri\>.n• rl "" Hrrlnl111w 111• r . at t h«' h1ghwny lnlr rsrctl(l/I Shf' 1 •tond h 111 r•hN•rl"'l :inrl l'(ll• mn "~ pkk•~ h1• nl!lrno• l'lYI' 114 " trl~ ot lllUdl chang•· '" 1rmprn11tJrr I Sr11ll•·1t·r1 """ •" •I •flll" 11• •I I ,11n1• ll•·•wlo, ~1;11,. u1111rtl• wr r,. "'A!t trrntl'd hy nr A A Andrl"w~ "1T"t'llth~ "'nl hy nr~•HllZJlfllln'1 phalli' ....... k '" s F ... ,,, '"' U·1 TF.,.rr.ll.4°T1·llr.PC I""' hn lirlll\ Ill 111••'' .,, S•t•1llt••111 •11\llfll( lour 11lh1•1 l)ll'nlll"rll or hi• of c.orona del Mer 11nd ttlul<'d. throughout lhf' lfitrbor 11r<'A, lo\'rrr I bttf'T', dr<'idr-d '"" UnHltl , .. , .. 1 an I'....,..., ...... , r .. 1irorn111 )'Mltf'rd11) S enta nnr· I rmrty Ponnlrl M C'lf•mm11. i.'l, ll S tafford wu not held. throwro onto the OC'<'8n In trihu~~ ~.... Hlctl---·-· 74, LCJw_--57 t.11n h11<t 4:t lnr h "' r111n , S11n , 1111lfor from Port Hue~ Navy .. '"""· d l111Pf)('arf"d In t lw Jl••a off lh•· foot of CJNonn P ark Hhd. """'" M11nlr11. Jll11 C'f1m1.111nl11n wa1 ~11vc-d. /\ r}'<'Ol'd t."rOW(\ 11( 71,71$ "" ·•rnll'rl '" lfnllf\vntlfl l'.1rk R11re I rtlf k t11 111•1 11 nrw 11!11•1111"111'l' rN:· ••rtl Almot1t R,OIX) Cnn11 ~""' tl11• 11ftrrnoon'1 balW"hnll '1n11lllrlw11dcr IH·twren 0 11kl11nd nnd llullyw11otf. Cllmu.lna t he C'C'ri-munln. JO.· 000 JX'rton1 1 athl'n '• i11 th«' Coll· llf'um lut nlJCht l cir 11 plll'lll<k of thoulandl of vet,.rnn" from all wan 11~ ~he Civil W•r. P1 -· Cl 'R A1 T ~ l ., . • ... f at • • .. .. • AIM c II-: I .. t 6t tur ~ ' • nc • ca ' -• s .. • at ~ Ml Pt .. "' II •• ,1 )I be -I "' D ee a ... • :. .., • ... • •• .. .. " I t • I ,- GOP .·National · Conv_ention ,Delegate Ro11· Swells Page 2 Nt;WrOKT BALBO~ NEW8 -TlllEM1 --'w. Newport Assn. rWll Select 800 ro"wri'NfSS DEDICATIONS T1'E8D..\l' N-port lluclll, t'allf. Junt' I. l!Hll l --· Meeting Called I 1,G94 Today OF WORLD'S BIGGM SPYGLASS Post $.500 Reward After Threats Over Fish Net Control SAC'RAMF:N"m. Ju1'14.' 1 l UP l- A group ,of sporll!men haw of · ret't'd $500 rt'ward for th(' arrr111 and convi<'tlon of the pel'IOns who aaonymou.t1ly l<'lephoned thrnt~ to two San F'rancllC8nJ cam1>11ll(n· 1nc for iniu:tllv•-s to regulate com- lller'dal hsh1ng n<-11 . n. offer ••as made by thr Cal- ifornia Fish · Con.011ervatlon Com · mltttt, a CTOUP formt'd by the thrft piu1nplt' sport.smen'1 or- pnizatlons in California to get tbe initiatives on the Novrmbcr ballot. 1lw comrniltH aaid the phone a1Ja Wft't' made to Mrs. Anna VM [)yww and Ed Garllch1 of San ~. _N_D_f FRO:\Tl P A f. E} E - A - R • L • Y! 1 N-E-W-S 1 All Veterans Eli~ible for Cabf. Reserves Vetc>ranll or nil till' arm<'d S<;r\ • Im. Army. NII\')', l\111r1nc'S, All Force, N111ion11I <iu11r1I and Slat• Guard, are now ('llitihh• for "'''"n ment In tht• Calirorniu H1·st•rv1·~ according to an 11nnmml'c•nw 111 It) Major Gen£•ra l Drinll'I II lludt·I· son, rommandinJC 1<cncraJ o! C;Jh· fomha'1 ramc.Ull 40th P1vislon ul 1~ National Guard . At tJw aarrw tlmt', the commit- tee dulrpd that ·commercial flah- ... intereftt had readwd "An aJl- dmr low'' ln their d fort.1 to block tht lniuAtJws. Qualified offiN'rs 1tnd nn•n "h11 'l1w l"O'llJa eaUed upon Altor-vohm lttr for such aulgnmr nt will _, ~ Fred N. HOtlllt'r to perform a volunttc>r M'n •r" r« ... ID a San J'randleo lnvettl&a· t11t'lr 1tatr and home communit1t'S U. al the threat.I. much on the order or ''The Min· 0... ol Ow prOCM*d lnltlatlw. Ult' Mt>n " of Colonial dll\S. wauld ban cuuanadal IWtll in Purpoee of the rl'llt'rv<"~ 1s In ... Frandaco bay and ln the Sac-1upplf'ment thf' opn11tlons or lhf' nmwnto and San Joequln rtven California Nallon11l Guard and '" and tJwtr tributarift. The Other be lmmedlAlely 11vai111blt• ror !10) would llmJt nettlns Within the military Pmc>rgcnC'y . ....... milt' limit off the IOUthem cautornia eout. JIM TllOVT 8'1'RUM IN HOKE 17 .. For Tonight IAlld Jme 11 PALOllAR ORSmvAT o Rv. 20 ye.,. ~~ · Tlw formittlon. "11h b)•-laws. j C-&L. Jww 1-tl:~• -£11th! hun-mpeak. James R. p:.~1;~~ I•''"' lur in(•orporation and <'hoice I lly LYLE C. W'ILHOX , ..... gursts _W'l'ft ln'1tf'd today to ol Ow Calttt;h board' or trUStN~ •I I II II 1·r". or 'hi! \\'est :-lM1•port I t..:nitf'd Pres.s Staff C'.orr"pondent lhr drdit-auon ThW"lday ot ttk MW preside, and Mn. George F:I: l\t ·•Ch lmprovem<'nl auociatlon, W ASHJNCTO!IO, Jww 1-tl!PI j woricrs ~nt lp)gl.us. i.ry Hale, wi~· of the 1denti.i "111 1.1kt· 11lnN' tonight at e iehl I Sc•lection ot ttw 1.()94 clritcatrs Sdfe~i.. enguw-t"n and Pf't'55 who conceived and started the "1 lia k :1t th t' grammar school 1 to the Republican Nat!G18J ron-and ~ ""prf'SM!falhn will be tt>lacope project and died ~h•lt! .111l1111rium. C". R. Peach wilJ pre-\'C•ntlon 'lllill be compk>tl'CI U. r.·o lit"<11trd "' the obN-n•atory bel'k'alh working on it, will be an honorl'<I 1d1• J udg<' J. B. Tucker .of Santa P.,imaries today and a state <'00-j UM-~h. u·~ for_ I.he cuest. .\1111 will discusi; the qut'lltlon of vention on J une 11. l dfW.a~ ol 111 200-inch mirror. T1w ot.ervatory said the d<-<t.I· \f\\IJ watl'r, an issue soon to Today's primarit>s are in Cali-1 ~C!$t ..,_ thP w~kl. cation does not mean tht> proj(.'ct 1, .. w ttlt'li one way or the other fornla. wtK-re 53 dt-Wgatft •-.11 C'altt~ lmta:ute ot Ted\· 19 f~ Officials aaJd It would II~ :"1. .. w1l0rt Beach. I be. instructt'd for Go\'. Earl War·, l'IOlac:J' Aid ttw obenvatory WU la.kt' several months of l('ltlng and A prior formation meit.lna ol ren, and in Soutb Dakota wbirft ltoo mall to admit ttw public. aclJuatment...before the ciant e)e •lw 1:ro111> adjourned btt.&Ult' ol the 11 dt'lt'gates att t'llpl'Ct.td to Half a cl&m-n Uy racwa in the ma ht' llled. . r11lfrrin1t opinions u to procedure.' support Harold E. S '-Tiw l.1\d )' deb~te marked that mfft-last ~ican ckk-g:..tioll will tw f"l-YEAR-OLD GIRL CYCLIST TO 1nl( a nd 111 expected acain to-M'kctcd in an Indiana Suw -~ nii:ht .;:=:~J~~··dele--1TRY TRIP FROM N. Y. TO COAST Is ch• 'Onl I On the buis o( actual instruc-l ay ma Y lions to deJecates Ow RepubAlcanl !'oLW YORK. JUIW 2 fUP) -risht ln h.la t'"'t'S and ...... "I t' RA\·~rn~n H. \\'lllTt:, (rtchtl pn"tlldellt of the Foreal lAimaler ('o. IM . Obs Nonna J Bf.Holl 71. i. fi " -· 1 uf Kanta Ana. talk~ lhlna• IJ\'f•r with c. t: .• ~onney, pneral maaaan. a)Or ........ le' Presidential candidates liar up • . • IVC! pain funny how God IC!nds along people wbirn th• two \•l!Jtt'CI NPwport "*-'h tut wMk. Wlalte, ..... a. from ~ lhls way thret' •"flt'ks bt'fClre tht'I°' liboe!s. thtt. bicydn and 16 Wr.e YOU when YOU nttd them" Kam .. _ .. ('tty, vro\•ldea la\·lall MIUru:lllmPllt for lllN caarona.-f'OI· To Reds m· ' -1a· C:Oll\'C!fttion meets iD ....... 'pt'a ~lhs away from ,___ . :.. - pluyN .. lhf'y l'('lrbralrd the lleC"Ond anilh'4''118r)' of tM 8-te Anll ~ on June 21: I . S-t month ~ start out on '"Faith Oii tht' Hich Seas .. rompMI)'. -photo by Gt'rharrlt \\' i\SHINGTON. Jurw 1-CUP) j Gov. 11'amas E. ~ al I ~t DUlllber 4 and try to thrllla to thla actkHt peckt'd 110~ • Thl' army told its U'oOIJ9 t~ N-Yon -· -·---.. -1281 1 .,_. to Saa l>Wco. In al mm acalnst tht' sea and the' 7 -WOMEN ENTRJ~ JN A VJATJON' 1ha l China ii . the "only majar1 ~ Robert A. Taft ol Ohio 74 1 5/J .::::-• ..,.. ht' ncmd faith in God! Don't mbs It in,.; 111.sta<'h.•" blocking complt'tt> com-Harold E. S~ al Milm-.._.,. . Bllt a f~ American WttkJy, I.hat great Lip STICK DERBY OFF TO .. MIAMI I muni.st domination ol tlw t'Utern ~ .... _ .. _. ~-·-. -GI to New eydista. U.. lone trip ma1azint' diatributt'd with next • h:1lf of Alla. ~ Raymaad E. Baldwill al • Ydrk. by ...,. ol Florida. &mdaY• Los Anct>ln Exami I "----"'-·t •• .._ t __. for tbat ........._ It ntt. ''This fact makes Otlna'a fu-.....,...~...,.. ·-·-·-----~· _ M • _ r-...-. PALM SPRINGS. <:al . June 1 wc•11t or c-entral Tew and arl' iur•• 8 matter ot vital Importance Gt'n. Doua.lu MacArthur . 8 --esplormc. IUPl Se\'l'n womt•n Cl ic'rs in s1J< schrdull'd 10 arrive In Miami latr 111 the United States and to tht' ~. Taft and St-all ~ cn<»e1ed blandt', ldt pl11nl'S roan'<! aw11y today from tomorrow. Tht> men att comi11·t· "orld," t he am\y said. ha~ considrnhly creatft' dele--~ all ~ -J an. 20. 19t7, thl' airport in 11 l'oast-to-coa~t in~ for $1000 In cash and troph11•' I Th(' statements are contabwd In ca~ stttncth than the numbers With 125 m lbt' podit'-t ot hlfT "hl'Stic•k rinhy" to Miami, F1a. Jf'llllnl' D' Ambly, Palm Sprin~'· ;rn information bulletin recuJarly actually instructed tor them_ Jf'alW and • ~ 1tr•pptd lo Dnrh•np Thurmond, Van Nuys, took orr first at 5:50 a .m. IPI ~Tl ili~tributrd to the troops for or-Dewey and Taf1 spokftlnrn f'adl hlf'r biU . ('al.. d<·lay.·d "hc·n h (' t Cessna in twr Stinson and WU follO\\'t"1 I1.:nni1<>d di!K'ussions. claim their candidates ••ill poll 1 fm ---if rd COflQUfnd a plane WM i;ro11nrlc•r1 l<'mPornrily nl fl\'I' mlnutl' Intervals by Fran· C'hlna hllS learned the army upward ol 300 first balloc ,,,.n wbolr ~tiorl. lht' said. ~11 uwd al Colton. ('111, hy a rainstorm, rt•s . Nolde', Reading, Pa., In a ,flld, that isolation ~ not mean Stuwn headquartrn daima 340 :0 ht' ~ ~ r"'1'N' .. tchn on Wall th•· 111-1 tll h·n\1•. Shi' Spt.'<i Nnv1on. f)orolhy Krovoz.a. StO('k· •·c'urily. Her ruture .. a w0rld \'Otft on Ow first baJ1oc .. it h i ....,. ~ ,, I f~I ol namn. awa~ 111 H.115 um 1PnT1. two t11n, Cal , _flying a Bellanca: t'"n 11,.,\('r "is directly connected 10 around 200 aecond dllOioP ~,And rm• l*'ft al it •. hour11 llfH·r llw othl'rs tl)(1k 1•rr ..,\,trr~. c In Ire McMlllt>n, San1a hc'r p.irticipation in world attain cats Pft1JUTd to support t b • ~ b<alf Ow hnw. Norma ... lllRa.Urcm - Howard W. Gerrish ._ ............ , .. a.r.a ...... .._..._IUI . CR.AND RAPIDS, Mich. <UP> -Fh!d A. Fllkhw hu rt'all~ a ~)'Mr ambition-to haVt' a trout strNm rwmin1 through his home. '1IJdm built hill new hOUM' so tbat a two-foot 1 t r t' am runs tllroueh Ow ~.atlon room and mlarium. Com~ f'nHrf'ly or volunlN'r~ . mem!W'rw or thf' rl'11 .. rvrs will rc-- celve no compensatlnn unlc-!ls t'"ll· ed to activ<' duty h) lh1• i:m·r rnnr or the adjutJlnl 1t<>nl'rnl. In lhr meanwh1lr, no thinl( h111 111.rJ Wv l k conrron11 them. Thl' new ori;runa- zat lon, otl\'1Qusly. i11 not a hnv• n for mt>n wh<• mf'r<'ly w1l'h to w1·Hr a uniform. Anolh1·r c,>ntranl. :'>lary ~dsun. ,\na. <jal. a nd Betty McMillr•n mrl r.•ln tmni; with olhtt nations," Minnesotan lat4.. on. 1lw d.a1nw ~ she llPpf out in her sittp. Palm S11rin1it11. dl'ridl'tl lo drC11> 0111 l.1111frk' ~oulh Pasad~1U1._Ca.1 .. ~I>-lh•· nrmy snid. are exaggerateW' --hat IJr-.llnll: bac-T~ prairin, 1~ a or thl' ruct' 1111: a:-1111111 and copilot in a < ,.,. Thi· nrm v sa id it is doubtful If <'&UM" they add up to mor+ ''°'" Loukiana gra~eyard. Of'I Florida I Th 1• :t.flllO·m1l1• l'lap:<1·rl·t 11111• .. n:1 .• 1111.l I lt·IC'n Greinke, Bloom· 1 .111011 l'an ·r,·er become 8 lu dlng than the COll\'t>Otion hu dt'le--~ Occast0nally the spent a rll<'•' ww< In h11\1' lll11rti•1f frnm 1111:11111, fll. in n C('ISna. 1n1h1~1rl11I power hut her strenKl}I gates. ru~I in a Y\\'CA. ' AatomobDe • Fift Aeddent • Lite ~Md O.tnct Bondi Wrttte OLIVER T emtite Control Co. St.att> Ucensed Contna<'tors - , .... Y• 8enk-e tor .,...11 v ....... Loca.J Rt'ft'ttnen fungus Our Specialty flM.18 W. ht St Sanl, Ana Geo. Johnaon, Mncr. ...... ..... Am ... . . ;::' WORTHINGT~ Ref·ri1eration nmow AIOIONIA .......... Air Conditioning .......... Pre.are Pumpe Centrifupl Pumpe .............. -.......... 91edl CJilllm •••• -................. A ....... .......... ten ..,.., ..... • ,..u1ar price _,_.at only 1 cent -~Ilea --~·1p1r ('lm't•r l-'1<•111. !'1111 111 :'1101111•11. hut ' Rnpubt1·-,. •-Sonna said shf>'s ~t OU! I lnolh lmhtstrial a nd ·military, will ' ~ ... n c:onn'D IOll ru .. , rt'-1 _ • _ . • ~ 11 rlw t11k1·oll ~II•· '"•' (•1t11m• .. 11 to' TOWN OF JACUMBA , ••nlillln' II) i:row. quire a bare majority to .-nJ-~~ m}' fauh and my phlloso-Chronicler of Marine Warf are Is Suicide l'11hn i'1111ni:' h• 1 ·:.11~1· 111 lu·fl••r SOLD 2 d TIME natc• a pn>sidential C'ancbdati-1 ph). She lo>arnc'<I. stK-11aid. thal I \\1•11tlll'r 1·1111111111111, n 1•1111n1t 1111.. magnate who paid Th11t would be n01 Jeu than ~Ut -au the thinftS '.\lorn rold me ar,• J;m111d1111· l.l:11'kll'I "'"''"·'"· 1.1 t:-' ,\:-.;1;~:1.ES. June t-rt 'P• '-11~•·••0 for lhP town, !'aid he had votl'S in this year's nati<>nal C'On· n i:h t ~··~ ~<tuly nnd 1:uod in "TRAVEL ... i.y .u .... .. • ,,'I ... .......... • AIR •SEA "' LIST( ICA. C'·1I. ,11111" I 1t'l'1 \\'rllnrn '' •rl•rt c.'1m1• hf,ll'l·Selfcr autlwr, ft ol r.; r Ill'\\'<· P81Jf'm111n nml n111r1n1· <'••rnhnt r .. 1. respondt•nr clu rini; the' \\llr, shot nnd klltfod hmtl'l'if \ «•t1•rcf11\ II•· wa-1 ~-· · His llO<ly WAii round hlith on a hill "' hl.s ranch hel'<', a .4rl cali· IK'T IM'rvlct' revolv<'d In hl11 h11nrl. He was scheduled lo llf1C'ak 11 frw houn later al Ml'mnrlal Day ser· vlce:s fOf' M>fTI(' or his former ma· rlnt> romr11dM1. Camp wrot(' llw ho>st-sellin1: I book.~. "R('lrf'r\I. llt•ll!". nhout thl' m11rlnrs in tht' Phlhpplnl'll, "Skip to My Lou." 11nd · P11r1 nr Gold," a history or S1rn l-'rnnc·l:<C"CI hor· bor. 1,000 Americans Die l:nry •ay from HlGH BLOOD PRESSURE which is new known as the '"11&.tter Kiiier'". Every day M'Wlpapers headline promwnt people In l'nrly lift dytnr from ''hen rt" nttncks .... Nlrw out of ten or thHe were high blood pretSUre "1trokes" or cauwd by Hlah Blood Prc~~ur­ We rt'd\1~ your blood prc..sure below the d11n1tl'r point In ont' Neurones trentml'nt . . ronUn- Ut'<I t rl'atmf'nt will kt't'p It. thl're. 1 N11 rtrug11. 11hou. med.lcln<"1 or !tU l"gl'I')'. Con.~ultalion FREE llr. Emil F . Bfoll, D.C., Ph.C. 107 -22nct St . Nl'wport 9-5 Mon & Thu~. Hutlor 1114 lanwd 'I" ••ii 1•t1 .. 1. '1••11,1111 ii lh• T hi· :11••· l!'t"· rrsort town 11f 11ltl 11 l"r an umlis('!osf'd amount \'rntion. "'('T}lh.mz a nd <"t'T)hnd). 1f you r.tl'<' rur '''"'I. 111••1• I pl.1111 .. "I: .l.11•1111111,1 \I '' under new own1 r· "' I.• 1111urc1 A. Gu1tnn. Los An-Sonll' of the uninstructed dt>.k>-look h..trd Fnou~h. '""s I h:111 S10 111>1 '' I""',.,. 1-'1~ "' •IHp ror 11... w('Ond tilne in 1 \\ ,, .'• I• ' c•••m·t r t1C'l 1C1n t•n~m•'<'r, nnd l:llf<~ ar(' as firmly comm 1t1t'd tt) -1 truort'd pt'Oplr, he s;iid It onl~ d1ir111i.: rt 11 hl'l•I hc111r~. rt• ''.tr~ 'H11•-. II :\t.-ar111w". \\'arren. AriL. on" or th<• othrr ol rtw l!t·adin::: "(lri(f'd_ • RAIL pilnrs r"1:1~·1·1 I•• 'I" ntl l1•mi.:h1 rn I '111 Thuma~ i' Let'. rad111 ,.,1.i Ir 11.:•1rn 1· eh.1m O\\ nrr. candidatC"S as t~· •ould be 1/ a 'ln<'r. on a lon1·I> s tn·1<·11 nl primary or state com ·f'ntlOfl for..., T~ road. stw:> :1-aad. she stoPJ)('d m:11ly had committed them to up-to fix a ltr<' • BUS -TO AU POD1i'T9 ..._. .....-... Thi' l'. S. Ru,.,.au of thf' ('en....._ .. Is f'Om~Una It" t1pl'd&I eelll'th of S1'"1"•rt Rr..-h. It Is Im- portant that thf' <'f"n1111s llM'Jude all of the people wtw were U"1na lniJdf' th# dty llmlb of Snt'- port Keech on May 'tO, IM8, ~ offldal date of Ule een11Ua. If you "'e"' th·tnc hf'rr on tbh elate and bfollt'''" lhal you '"'"' not enW1M1nted for the ceoMU. 1111 _, lh.-f onn ptt..e11ff'd bC!I-· a-4 brine or mall II ro thfo C.'rn11W1 l"upen1.or aa IOOD aa poMIWe w by 'aae JOUa at tlw las...t. MY Ar>l>RESS n :-; MAY W. 1948 WAS: t•lr-t Apertnwnt No. I ." ... -.. I· .. , ..... __ 1 I " .... ............ et .............. "' ,........ .. ~ :.. h ....... """· ..... , ....... ,. """' .:. .,!:::.,. -----------· ____________ , _____ _ ~ ...... nf ,.,h .,..... •• " t11hn.to .......... .,.. ef .............. h• eh•• hn• ..... .W ... ,.., '!'9. , r;,...., ... , ... "'.. nr.t • .......... L ............. . <TT Ol 'T Tlll:O: f"RM AND ORING OH :\!All. ,\~ :::.oo~ AS '" •S~lllLE •:"l:ut l.11"r th:in .Jun·· IOt h l Tl> .1 , ... I f'.S~I'" lll'Rf'.AI' 1 u l'U \MtH:K of t'O\tMFRt Y. Move Over on the Hill I'm Bringin' My Own Chair ...-.----- 'A~ T*°'""'"''"' Dn"'"1 from hl-m,. bv thr r1 111.; \\'ll'•m~flr Rt rr rt ri Turnr p,rtluld Ore .. c:11rr1ed one of thf' r11ml17 ch.ur• to '' •I' I II· • r · .... •h• • 1 , 1 , • 111 I fir"""'" b •11 be ~ for JonlJf'r And hC'.\\'lt't tn~ The: r~'C<lnl ~V·llli llouJ n r,\ .II\~' :1 "' r•t Ill :w ' l\r\ hr :111 l't'8 , hM dnY't'D 10.000 fl'Clll llltlr hum~ 1o11d h 1l' 1• 1, 11>, :.•1 luSo' u! t t .1 \~. Lambourne Travel Service Cll Oeaaa .&-. ............. por l a gh'<'n indh'idual. But thP ~,\ ~n s toppc-d in a yellow halan<'t' of po•• e r d e I<" It a 1 t ~''t'T1ib_i.-. I C'OUld f('ll by look· i<trength apparently ... ;11 bP on tht-'"It at him he wasn't up to any 1"~ during early balloting, 1tood. I "·as S<"ar<'d. Rut I look1"<i tinder SU('h circumstanc:n ob-r------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ M'n't'l"I look for ha.If a dOZlt'ft bal- lots in •·hid! supportf'Tll of ~'">'· Tart and Stas5t'n •ill ha,·e ~­ tumly to put ltwir d1olces O\'ft' if they can. FailinJ<? dec1sion on a Jl"t'llidential nominataon b)· t h a I t im<' would l<'a''e conwnt ion in or <'IO!W to deadlock. That .-ould in- \'lte rC'SQrt 10 the kind ol olf-lht"- noor ronf<>n.>nces which lMld 10 COtTIJl"omise. I A STUDEBAKER -SALES • SERVICE • PARTS New Studebaker Commander Motors'_$225.00 New Studeb.ker Champion Motors ..... $178.75 •VDI' WBllZ 'l'llEY IAft Joe Nickertz Local Dealer 1415 W. c.ntr.t ly Lic/o Tlteat,. Harbor 510 Th<' dark horws mo11 olten mr ntioned as likely compromise I C'andidates arc Sen. A.r1hur II \'andcnll<'rg of MictU. ·gan, Speak«' Joseph W. Martin. Jr .. of ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aachusett.s, and Go\-. WUTftl al I California. ~ c:x>nwnsua here so I far as it can be 81Cft'U.ir11Pd ii that Vandenberg hu the twit ctaanc:. " ,he COll\'ftltion ii ·~ I Martin and WUTftl .,.. _.. ~ fac.s in the ~lican Pr.....,,_ lal picture although Martin has I been a member ol the Houw-sinct> March 4. 1925. \·andMtberg C3mP to the S...nate Mardi 31, 1928 He "'U an a('l.i\:e candidate f« Prff- ident in 1940 and had a fant bal- lot vote or i6 at the R.f'publit-an Na 1 lonal rorwent ion. \ • andrnt>Pn: 11upportf'd Ma<' Arthur for the P.s • puhh<"an nomination 1n 19-M L.UMBER BUILDING MATERIALS 518 eo..t BJOway At the Arche9 Tari and J~···y <VlntM:t"lt tho l!MO Republican C'On\t"ntion. hoth l~mi: lo \\'C'nddl L \\'11Jk1r on ,,.~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' the l'IXth hallo1 Tah c"'" "") - In t~ I to h1~ ll'llrm Uh1 .. 1.'"· :'.. n Jnhn \\' Rnrk••r. \1 h11 " ~ tJ. • ll':t tt'CI h~ p, '"'~ for th• Pr ..... idt•ntml nummalmn .111cl 1. '·•IT>' h1:< 1 unn1n11 m;;r, •« , 1 .. n.t1da•• r11r \'h~··i'I • ~lrf• n! 1 h I , ~· 1r Hr 11 k1·r n 111rn1 d 1!11 , .. ,., plmlo "' Ii~ '''l'lllOL 1•1cf, fnrTdr Fear 22 Lost As Navy Launrh Founders :'l.t •HF<JLK. \'a . J un1· I tl ·1 ,\~ n111n~ a" :.11 mr n ma,· hil\t 11r11" ni-d '' hn• " !•"·m.~n ·111 .... n, ltt11n<'h f11unrl1 r•'fi .n 1 .. ,., , ... :.'. .111rf 11\1'1 IUI O•'tf lh 1r lh1 ;IHT;tf! c-arral'r K1·a~ari::" in llamptoo n•acl• 111~1 111a1h 1. t 111' na\ ,. "'1· n1111nN'cf tt'Cla~ · Tlw ta>k forct' had hN'Tl sched.- 11!1-d ~nil lnr :\1•111•• rr "1• •ft "' , t• r• 111 (\ am E."f 11i<la). hot icn1lln1.: 11mc,> "11" 1~•1• no-d In· r1t'f1mh ~' wht•n thr lth<'rl) l111n('h m<>rlur 11 d w~lr hrini:rn::: nl \al l"'r""nnt· hnck from 'h~ 1r !a•t 111i:h1 .1~ Hirt ~hnrtl~ I" torr 'lltd· nl11h1 Thi' fnrr r "as fN l Cln r<>Ur ~ •111hni: nr 1•\t' and Qrdn-.; \o\N(• , ''" I"-« t•<l ITI<,m<'ntanly ""''tlnJ: th f' ~111llm: t1mr at """11' hnuT h t• r t.>d I~ f-:\' n o C'ar<'ful C°hf'c'k .. u a1 .. l).'lt•'ntl) unaltlf' to ,-..1ablL•h di t- tnrtrl) hoa many ln('f1 "• r< a hoard 1 th·· ~"amped laW'l\.--h nd hcM m11n~ "<'r<' r•<'k1-d up h~ H "5/ l' or 1hf' tu k f«('('. a.netl<i«-d in I 11.1mp1on Roa<U harbor E'L.sar Mus~o·s • ME.Ss.aG& ,.o GARCIA" WAS ISSUED A5 lZE.XJLA'T1.;\; !OUIPMiNT TO 80TH RUSS:.\N AIJD J~ANESE SOLDIEl<S CURING 11-'E llLJSSO-J'A~~ESE ~"'1../ DOUBLE SrRIKE,f A 1'0l<NADO OESTIWYED '!'ME HOME~ LL. ICIC~Al(D 'l'Mnl coi.iTINU!D E1G\.I\ MtLES ~C~HEA~Alro ,.0 !k~L'S l)..E HO\JSE IN ~ICK \.IE WAS 60f2.N/ s 'w111 1icl1·m Jll('t•,, :e El- ~11t1•t I the "htlo! non·l1 d('<lJ. rojl'('I would g and ~ l')'C ) r "11'1 >eople rn." ~as." story thPir n the great next nlner. -I I •h I .... ·s )() 75 w 0 • • NEWPORT BALBOA N!WS-TIME8 Tt'UD1U ' N~-port IWiw•h, ('aUf. .lw.e J, llM8 Memorial Day Services Held at-100.,.'iear·Old Knight's FerrY Have Ouiet Dignity of History · THI: OLD TULLOCH MILL. ftrwt no.r ..W ...... S-........ Valley,•· lllM>-altoWI .... looka t ... y ....... ...._. ... --..... ... oonired ......... a.apt. t'erry. Lells • -......... a tlUa old' mill la DOW uwaed lit)' Mr .... Mni. &. C • .._._ 96 ... ... a.one oN ....... , ....... ,.. al ... ........,....,. -Omo : I I I .. UcMI ~ _. 8u ... y -JeyM Uae tlu4ll el ........ ...._ ... ...._ hair wllAdla le._ ol ... -t , __ la ... MMlliPr IAiAa ,......_ ~ - HARMAN W. NIC"OLS A_ . _ J __ ..._ Jack Summers, Jr. * VIRGINIA MKPHERSON WASH1NGTON, JIU)e 2 (UP>-ol ~. tM nail cUppcft. _.. NllC#I04 Construe.tin" llOL.LYWOOO. JUl\f' 2 •UPl -..,,.,llND a bas ~ .... Did you ever try to 1Jlde a alldt' pollah. hair oll, pOwdrr. ..,_ lt 1rnn't be &oe\I. a. adftltlal pr.r· .aoMft him 1,1>.-t u~ M *" trombone In • telephone booth! tweean, buMl-aJda. baliby ..... Market Bui ding dklf'lt 1od11y, IM'fntt moVlf' 1tudine mark•t abtlorbe ,.,.. lfonpMJt. ... -___ ....,. If you did, you'll 1•t the ldf'a. kldiM, thimbles. wadi aad ... will hr nm•ulllna lnvlalhlr equl1· Mp, u .. lime lq'pAcka wp ....... The dru m ~ ol tomonow ol ~ cum. IP9ft "-.......... Jacll S umm.on, Jr. formt'r liar· 1ln from OUIM' apat"e for ttw It &en. ott. doesn't have It. "IT' la fumblln' your ~ work and aD ol tlw bor h•ch atudrnt and lklfl of J,.rle ~r tlltW' to "''"Ul' pk-tww. '1Udnffl redMIUon" hM .. room n 'Thc-y f'•n do It by "11dfonoal ra· klnlfie ot pmalbUltla, aecor ..... lnet. Tber• atlll lan't apace for polk'ir otfkTr rnldlni 111 3210 amm. am11rr.-l l'h11t1l!'lrftt*hflmmmr.----.:..:..::..::......::..:..:.:......::..:::._:.:__:_ __ _. BABY 'SALES' HIT Kenny Tells How Welfare Agency Cares for Unwanted Children W~ad publicity wu given ~ntly to the illegal "sale" or babmi to adoptive pareat.. One audl case lnvoled a couple living In Orange county. In place or US· ln1 adoption agencies which oper- ate primarily ror the benefit or the child, illicit transfer or c'1il- drt'n have bttn made with little rt'jtard ror the welfare.' of th<'5<' children. According to Herbert F. Kf'n11y, chairman of the Community <"hes. or Newport Hubor. no illl'l 'll ml'lhoda n«"d be l't'IOrted to. The Catholic Wt>lrar t' Bureau. a Red Feather ag<'ncy with funds aup- plll'd hy Community Chesla in lhis arl'a ts on<' organization that oHers shelter and super\'lsion and tril's in t'\'ery way to help unwl'd moth<'rs during thl' prenatal per- Warehouses in Orange County the tooth put•. the aspirin. milk DocSoftP ~ hou.e ......._! J.S 1-'1?WIP' • W , ...... _. c _.t bouWvard, I• hulldlnll • H)'ll That'• aort of llkl' "IUft The nwdk:inf' cab6m1 edll le -,__ _. ...., MORA· auprT markrt buildlna In w,.11 •. 1pot1" only not qulhi And It ju9t lod. Junne d' Arc Hall a t 2263 about ltw alzr ol a dear'..._~ DA M9 ...,.._ Av r • ,J ill dw M"nlrdlnc to • lrttc-r rN-.•l\'rd l1y ahout hit• th# public''• ~Cv• South Harvard Blvd., Loa An1•lea about u handy. You fietl ... J'lllll --hie fa.mllJ today cydn on tht-nnlM'. Is available to such mothers, re-fish and you iUll pull GUI the 0.. ~ 'In • _,.._ ,,_ U.. "Sldt'rul radiation," In wordrl celving them befort.-the births ol dt'ntal OOM •'hf'n what _ ~ Ems't Cc.si 10 hn -..._ •t Surnmrr-. with • JNlflnt'r, l''rank you un •IJf'll, 11 a bomherd~nl hel ch1ldre nd tht-lr ,~ ~ ltar11qr lilw nw !Mo -1'ararf'n0. havr plana for a rum· t r n a upon re-to .. ,.. your ~ ii the *"' pM a11,.., ~. llld •c p6f'tr t"ranle'1 markrt With nanr uf ray• from thr itan and tlw turn from th~ hospital. Duril'!I bra~r. O ther'T.1at', th.la ..,., ._. Nn<"l'MloN and wlll rmploy •W••r spaN' 1..-t"'""" tlw 1tan 1947 ov•r SOOO dayw' care wtte i j bou whit he arcWwct ..,..__ -• r-4 _. •-••n· lior 11onlf' rrHon nobndy lenowa given the.... ~.· Anc: ma~t a ,.., fen _._ ol lhr f-ut.a NJIY)' J adl, ~~at~ nw,OJrdnf'W ndllOrf'. wlll 1~· about, th4')' hllVt' • ln•nwndoua "Oftentlmn It la ~·'ble for ~ .... _., • ,..,......, hrrP. .,.., , .. ,.. .... at 8 < om1•10" <'flt•rl on man'• phy11lf'al ttnd '"4'n· ....,... ....... ~. ..W '°lat> ,,,, b) r__... whJ) •trf"f'ta, Walla the Catholic Wellar• BW't.'au to It'• all llPCI. No n»L 1'1w joMat .,._....,0 , ha• .. ~ of tho tal ,,,.,,..,..llM'tl, Uutfrrflrllt u ys arrange placement or thfo mother will he heatf'd by 8 _._,uickd W'M1ri u. .. .._.. r"""n"* -rrnl You r11n'1 ..... 'nn anl1 you '". 8 private home Wh•re 1he can get-up that 'o''llrml tht-C'Olcl tJa.iacw ~,. h <lb• ..... fJfl '"'" h•ll Student Vets l'•n't ,,.,., ''"'"' 14orle to help met>t part or the at the same tlmt> It hf>at• h......U. ,, l\ut you n m 1111·1t••11•· 1•111 t r h " ti ued K -an ,,,.., .mo....-: Ofhf>T, I•~ lne11•g1•b1e for Tiii' sid1•rt•11I ri11ll1ttlv11 r .. •~•rl11•r cos o er cart', con n en· allling around rf'adinc •i tJI thrir tht --.~ .. ....__ a--" .~,. ' ny in t'Xplainlno the w ork of the ........ .. ·--"... ... ·--limle-Ilk" " 1••1 ·1,..1111"1' hlark "' 1llppen on. No more> lf'anlnc becti a... :."• do~'•" wonh • r..,.. on .. ·if v t• p orl(1mization "Should ahe not be '7 a#a ion ay Mt1t\'1• "tlh 111111• 1t111I 1111·11·r. · onto Icy vnam<'I while In thr tub. thP <T"•rrw n J ¥'1l La•r• nn ,,.,. " ablf' to retur n to her own homt• Thf' aht'l\'<'11 in the leitchril ~ knot>~ 1,, -· )(Jiii ha" '" k.,.--wlt1•r•· lh1• fin• 11u141t1 to II(• aflt'r birth of the ch1ld a new ln•lrt1• " 1 <'l'i•rthn11 •hum un '""· • rounded to by-pau ~ at thr )our "'' 1. f(JJl"r )OU ~ .. ,, lo ,,.... ~11idi•n1 '"'•'r11nc 11r.· n<11 f'l11:1lol•• rac1lit>' at Jeanne d ' Arc Hall .-"'''''lrlC' apnrle1 h11rn ""'"" In • . · . . hazards •of hOUSf'-IMnst. hPad-_,. ,. ,. I·.~ .... rvu .. •n11 u " n •r11ll11''"'""' nl now provides for the 1upervu11on b ... "' f I''"" 111 JlflJ••r llutl,..rlll'hl 11ntl hi• ( i ( t d . th d hil umping on squan--t'dged llhrh'41i ,,,. I.Ao• r•"'ftl~ 11Utf1f ar.-1 1"~.,,........ •'n--.• •'. "· : ..... d. h..t1ffr' '11 l.11kf' StAI•~ !'"r'urlttt,. o n kn 5 urm g c 8>' w l' The doorw in this llOUM' don't ._ •. , _....&.. drut~-81 , ... ...' uni""• tlu•y 11r1• 111·11" I)' ~•·•·km.: the mother is employed. Ever y u -Opl"n-they ihdt> Tiutt may hr •• .... ,,_.. ,.,,..... ,,.. r mrl , , 1 11 1 1 1 l'ttrf••rnt 1 .. 11 1'11111 1 11,. . ..,. l111li·11 llY Surance la oivl'n ht'r of a 1uffl ' ' handf •4 rrt'l•m ~~-.L. fr.K h1k· """' n '111 '"' r ,., ..,.,. 1"11 <Ill) 111111 f't•lll" Ill• M Ith "th1• JIUIM' ,. • on the ck•bil lldf' etnc>11onaJly Aft)' .__ .... f ~ ,., llUh!<t•lf I'<' .,,fl, •\'llOC'l"I ltttVt• dent number Of months' care to right·lhlnkJng homf' ~ ,_. -OObf:" ~ ral"-In hf'> n fir" 1 otllUt'(I hf-111 111 llt• lllll\'t•rt11•" providt.-for her future security." a alammln' dcxw. • di&u u.t • quwt«T a foot '""° 1 hu· l•••k 111 111 .. r httrl 1tnl1 ""» 1 deli lo do,,~._ ,_ -.. '8rp ,,..._ Mr llrrm11n Zia•rrwr. u1wm:•l•1Y· """ ti·ll y1111 wtwn lhf' ltlJlillf' wlll t n ~ tla~· t!! 8 ~~her dt'ddes The houac, the !lrf'un heh)> at -te ..,._ ... , ~ fow San r.-ct """'' lru1ur11n,... m"n ,14.,r In tlw hr In the> mood for a l\f'ttl' 1>avla o1 trl' tnq1u 1 r ... _ 1 • ~very 1aa· lhe Luatron Corporation and on ro' nw ~1111 loa) s,, .n..r•"j ~11n1,. """ ••'rw•• uf tlu• t '11hfurni11 mf•ll1•rlfr11mm,•r 11r ~ 1Ut11 llH)' s 1 anet' 1 g ven ·~r n contact n1 exhibit ht'T't" Ill hauled onto )~ · r r ... th t bl' hed do ti • . • / "" l'lr-clrl a..t ~ n.al'ti tutu "'I ,.tn11·nl " .-.mplu)111t·111, 11111t11· M'1trlh 11111•11·111 A m111tk•r m)alrry e es a 11 a p ve agenC'lt"I lot 11nd llt:>f'I up In a jiff y. ~ clbnwl f 1 rd tht• .,,11, "" 111 '"'''" '" ,, 11•111111,, ,,1 ,, ,.,,111,.,1> which 11rrord assuran~ that her The boys ju11t mov., in 00 ,.,w · ,,..~ ,,. ,.. w·r , r 1,, '"'''r••I•• '''''' ,,,1 ,.11,,.11,,.11.• \\'I 1 1 J I 'Id 'JI I I _ ... r . ..,.,~ ~ ... , ... 1 lfart K ,, in ft .. 11•1 t••r )'1111 ,.,., "I liflllllot• or <'" WI )(' proper Y car.... or. 70.100 foot lot a nd dump tt..• tr• • " · · r"n'1Ju•tnwnl ,111""'""'"-,,.,. ,..,1 This program is one of many tom or ,, ... ., 0 1twr .....,.11 <"fimt m ~ .. d. • ~ .d-. t.u• .... ., .. ,.. 1•·• .. lm1'1 ••·," 1111111·1 n, lrl 1•xpll1ln•. T....._..__ ,..,, ~ ··'--,~ •• 1 ,_,, tnl••n.t.'11 r1• ••1rn1111•1 \111·11111111 I"') '1lr•1,,.n1'· 1n ti ., ....... , f .. ... ~~ pro\'idt'd hy agenci<'!I r eec>ivlng bt'hind '<'m 1utd tllart put1ma: 111-• -·~r "'" ... .., ano '""""1nlol .. . "' ' "' ~ ,....,.,.... ~ " _,.. Zenith 4344 funds from C'ht'llts opera1in~ un-tie pi('(';•f' IOl?<'t h<'r. hk<• » J•i.:·,.,.'" "flaC"f" Tbrr· .. a •rq ,._.fmt•• s11~•'-n1 ,, t .. r.111, 11111•• '""'' i r.·111 n11l111t1 .. n . dl'r tht> Or11ngt' County Ft'drrn· llU7.7.ll'. Jlf'ftnlUln '"' •itJ> .and mtorJf'ln'°" I '1.111<1 Mr z1,.n1o 1 •11111 111111 II•· '"'' 1,,. • 11n 1..t1 ''"1 1111'1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~T~ro~·~~--~1~n~K~~~k~M~\~tt~~~.~~1~io~n~o~r~C~o~m~m~u~n~it~y~~~w~s~t~s~.~~ Pirr•,h)-piPn~ in gn 1111 lh ... ~ ~ •~ hl•••ll) ·~ f1~ur~ "'~" ''" ··~••I >•111 •ml• nnd "''' w1t u1 "''' '"' ih ~n~ 111 11, .. See? It's easy! ~ hunks 11nt1l ftnrall\. llwn• ""'I ll\f'I). ,.,.,,..., .. ,,.,, "°"'n 111 •• 11"' ·'" "'11 "1 "lt•••I llu' •I"""' "1'" k 11 '"' k• I "' '' 111 .. l1tlt h""' 11 hm•~•· For ;,1.,111 $" ,,.,, \\'hat• tn h.ltJ<C• n 1:. .. H1nc ,, n 1 •"'''''•I '" •t1'""1' 111 • di"" .. n• ,., '111 I ..t11•11111 · ''" t•t11i11.,J ""' ,,.,., I'll) t•llJS 11 ... '"' . " hff" ~~·) , .... , ... , lif'arh '"' '"""'' '"''""'' ""'' llo• \ ,.,,,,, "" JU•••h1 ,,,, 11 .. •llH k 111111k1•I .,: •lltl'ft •tll ·~ .t .. r ·• 1t,a1 '' 111.111• ~"'' '""' '""" 1dl""''''''" .... 11111 '"''' " •1•"11~ llJt11111a,:1• In .~Hr11f" \\Ph rhr• t1tlf'-Ut• \•••J ... ,, .......... ... • , tft,. l rtnUl.,lnL:~ Jt ", i!•1tin~ '-4• .1,. ....._. .. ...,.-··"' _.. , ...... ,, 1rltl th• h •'•' t"'" •f11•11•111ft11U•·d ,.,..,,.,,. ~1rul'f1 It tlu t ''"''' t\h uipl\ tlf' lttt '' U h l41• r r1 tir u '--tft.et jJ " \t•t•n don f t '-• • \ t\ t9't r:ir ....... fht \ 'faUfl tUH 111plrt\ 1tt1•1tl ,f.• rt• '-1'111 "1Hlt1t' 1,f lf1t fflH~I JM tii'tlftll)'f)r \\U11i;;f1 of f ift\t :u1tf ltll•U•) 1t• i•ff'M \•"'Mlif)t. m hiit• ,._,q ., tlit f tt.\ f it 11r11f1 t tf1 f, J f11ll U•"' ltl ftftttt \t :U'C •ct.nt •flt ,,., •-<ti • .~. t •h•f tlHt fo tH ft,, r 11 '"""' fl. '' 111• 111lu' J\rut tl \nu•• tfunku1~ "' tukin~ 11n.1th1na.: Y1 111 '""' .. '"'I t.:11) .1M h• "h•'•''' Ult"'''" f ru•Ul!h ,. ,.,h ~.n• and Jil"''""" j d th ,, I,, •·•II'-\\ltil '''··" .... ,. h it rt11 t fll1\\, ,,,.,. f L:rn\\n L:rn~1i,, tu Ol t"'• \uU ;t \ttt r. ~ trfi.rrn..rt' "''l r>11• & • t'" ''' ,, .. , if1tt f•f.,, t,,·f\\t •ft .,,,,u,.11 i'J'tu ffMrk•I "'If )!41 tl11\.\1t f••f --------- .. A let of ,...... """4 wry -1omly, to art buyina U. S. Sevinp Bonde. ·~ They're convinced it'• a 90UDd thin1 to do, bu• eon.-_ bow they never eeem to pt owr that I.Mt little bwdle- the :lotted l~:__J · This iA too bed. 8ecaU11e once you've ~ on the dottA!d line. 1l'a all outomal~. The Bonda are 1>1>u1ht for you-month after month. TI'l<'y mount up (ut. And in juat 10 y_,., you pt $-6 beck for every $3 vou put in. Why not clear that IMt little hurdle today? Sisn up fo~ t he Bond..A-Montb Plan at your benltl ' .-\menca's Security Is Your Security ne-Daily News ·Times -8l'BSC'll1Bt: TODAY -""' ;. -_.,el 11 ••• f'~ ........ _. ,,,.,.,.4 ........... "' "'-Po,.. ••• _, .... I O a ~ I "fh1~ ~hr4hf" r.\ ltt1~' \\;II l.!I\• \•..Ur •l thtn ,,-j,-hf11 • ""' '' .:•Hn "11 •• t lt1 11 U•1f • lii•tl1f1 f11t ft itf fflt I'• \I '1111"U1 j r(qfl1 tft1 Jft "•ll(f •·· • rrft rn...r • .,,, .,,,.. ' l""f"•' ,., di••",,,,'' 11 •• ' 11111 I ·•1 t,." rt1 • .,,., '" ,,,u t .. "''"' ,.,, i-•o<lcl1-d ~,.rd ,, '"" .11 .. und ·n,. • I I I 1 l'1n1n&:Ula "' ..... r1111•' ..... 0 , t t t ... , .. ,,, .• 1,., \''''~ ,1,,1 1,1,1, !"'"''' •tl'•Pt •fld If \\tll ..:,11up I'"'" 1U' I IHlf ;\) Ulll \IOI l""'J'll \\111 tak•· ··:,f p •·t Htt dn:tnl 4''"'' Ji;if ... tt'Ula.rl) .,, ....... 1 ,. ,, ,,., ,,, I '"'' • ,.,,, \\h• II ••ft• ,, •dl•r ••I ' ffr ,..,.,, ... 1111.-. n Uf h \ f1111n•ll 1 taa,:c• !'tuff h•k '" n'lt•11•n . !·-''•' l•• ,,, " "'''•It •h· 11 •'"•hilt•\ J••• <' \\Ii ,, h 'ill"'''"' '" n11t• t ,,.,., • Anrt h11n1 '' '' .... tlrIB..-.t ~ '"''"" AM thr "'""~ H ,, J.J':,... , ,.,., ,If .. \.• •',, f '""'' '''"" t11d • ''"'' •fl•'' ,. If "'' '••""' tu JJl~n1 )'"" ''" r1 tr•""""~"' ,,.,.,,. •-d •t/*#• tn ''""" ,,,.•ii. ., .. , """• f ••ti • r1 J1 •• .,,, '''. 1 1 '" '" J ''' '•tlu .'' 1''"1 •lu '' lfl • • • \f•lf1l1 Jlll lo 11 fl I I t th l.1\1 ti You j11~1 rrni: up Tr•~·~·4111•t :'l.••I ..,. ·-_ •' ·•I I": I I'' '"'' · •· ·" 1•" ol "•·n~t· 1n \\.ttf1nc f••t \f·k.r-. t••r i tn \\.., ~· ... • .f "" t., ""'"I .. ,1 .~11.n .,, .111\ ,,, 1111 ,lu• I' •ti •tit 1 t t ilt ,11,111 • ~Hlllf '"" ""1 •nf.1 ' fl ' • ~ I 1I•111 I I'• I t' tf •trt fn Jr-Rf UJ• .tnd 'h' rt ;h•· ,h11d-I ,.,.,.h,.,....., ..:r•11tr1~ t.-r• ,. • ,, , f''' • u ,,.. 111tl \11 /11 111• 1 ~0\\ ~(ttl hU) 'r•"f' hkt> )l.Y d11 ••llU.Jd fik, fl• W • "'t ,,., ,.,.,'M • r •"" \• f, t •fl"" f1ql In • 11•1.ttl • t I f I I• .., I u ut"' f If• f flu f Ifft • l.1 I J, tf•• I ' fttlftf J ~h<t'·~ 11n<t p;1n~~ R•·url} ro • .._.,,r •TUJW'T1nli"ft_ o , , ., ,. ,.,,... " f•1'11•• 111•t,1 11\ tt.111o•hll1 , • ft'M 'fliOrlf•eilunv Fr"• n r.•I •t, "''" t 1• Id 11\uot 1~111 11 vl1t '"'" '' ,,.,.111" Have Pity and Liwe Loac. Specialist AdYi.a <'lllC'AGI I 1UP1 Ptl) )V'IW' <'nrmir<1 rt1lh••r than h'''"OfTlf• 11n- l?I')' "ti h t h1·m . 11n'1 ' .. 11 '"tit II\ .. lnn~l'r, 'l11r<> an ,.,,.;,n .. nt h• "" 11prrlall111 l>r. N f' Gtlhnt, ilf'off'SS(n' ol mNlicint' 11t :'l;orth""'~IM'TI t 'n1- ''t'r'Sll y, 10111 \'Olunll"f'T 'll •.rkrr<i Ill the C'hk111?0 llPHrt A1!l<or1•hon '1 l!M"4 r amp1u1?n to pity penon1 "'" fusing to ron1ribu11• hut "''' '" i: .. , rin~ry '"'1 th thPTn H<'arl trouhl<' "m•) I•· 111"•1•~ hy 11ny C'mot1on f'XC'f•pt fill). he ~aid "AnR<'r ia thr wont f'nf'mY of the heart; it C'll\J51'11 moreo 11n11:inal p11ln1 and attacb thaa lln)' or the other l1is1 url.an ... ~ , .. ~ulting from Mn<>lton " 1 f11 fu 11111 11 h••U fi1 '-'I\ "''''k"'6 • rJtt<,,... •A f"fl.....r•• 1 t. •' t f,, .. flf IJllll 1 \I •tlh1\\' fftf t1t11f l•Jlfl It• lhfT rn _. .t. ..,..-,~,,, I • ' r -. '• • r ''' ft.1rttlt. \\ 1•1 h ,.,, 1f .,. "1lh t• v , ,, , 1,,., ,., "111 n th•· •ou.Jd mta1I rh • .. , • • ,,,, 1t11...c '' , , n I I \ 1 r 1"1 •t', •• ·,.,, , ru u.,, .. u111 •ul ,,.,h.11111n •tHttt._ •••• 1111 ft()ft '" • half ... :-~, ......... "" ••• I , ,, "' I I II II I k ' ' , 1 " • f'"f't111 11 11 l' r 1t 1 t u '""' , t ,,.,. , ,,,., \\'h•·o tlu y tt•or·la-dl ,.,.,., .. .,,., ...... • ff\• J, Pd 1 ,. "' 1ruf ,.,, ,,,,,., I v•• tlt1\\r1. ,., ,,,, "''•'k"" · Y C . Aftcltn,.: t -r.,1 I ,,., h lo Yarltt Oub. '~"" "~11in.· f1"h PYln i)rancr. Krnr' 1 ... n•lin~· Udo. f'tc 1 I Thr tn.trr .. irr•,..1n11: .-rvt l""'r littW 41N ~ "W>n •<1" I t .. -.. to ~ 111'llh '"" f"Ylman~ · b;ieif cfw fll tho-ff•rt..inn,. .. rr AJI ta-. ouffah hav,. '""" thln11: 1111 : m ~ .,.,. • '""°" 1n- t""'8 -. •'rnif..-.1 hul ,.,.,.h ---they fCTDW NcPT 1tnd t•ll( pr In ~. •nd f<Jr •bl-Ir <WI n I COii.... prriff'Mltln lti.)' 11ht>i1lrf P' tCIC'f'fJMT r-... ttunc )"(J(J 1V1411tJ I h:-"., 6--. n>ISH-f1vrly, WU 1•1 UOt ht P"11U•lt'I ~Jl•lln1t lhl' * * • insurance p.a. palmer IN(Ot POIA TI 0 w o bvd, lnauronce coun .. lor 3 3 3 3 vlo lido, new port telephone newport beach, beach, colrl harbor 1.500 * ---------------~ 8"att flld )'Oii ltn ,, .. * .t .t .t fff'W' ,.,... w .. ha\ .. '""''P"'f ti <'mw.t7 from Rt'l >l>F:R rn111;11nn.-~ AXf'llfllt I Thr Maxim Sa~ r·,.. , r )<,I f&orn.-.t~ "'" lfarlfr.,.tt.' <~n '-~ rnanufart•1rtni; thl-"' 1P. ,.,.,_. A....tv.r. •1~ I~ """'I • Hf'nry T )(...,,.•I> arvt ('.. Am,.r1 nirn I~ ... •A tt,,, ~rtJr11y J'.1 ~ A~ r •.mJJ'lln>. t.rtl ,,r • .-.,.laftd TI,.. (Y tR f'J,.,. ;\f;( .,_..,. ,,,,, r• '7\lllt)' ~101~0::-10 ttll-'"'·'' '""~ h O rf•-.m-~ t1, t• At"''' lutf>fy ft0ril<_.1linr T,...,. rr '"' ,,, t~ ~d~•ir•r ,,.._,.,.. "'"' ,, ha• ltJ• .. ,. r ~, "~ r-..-. r _,,,,, 1het 1r. """' -s. , ,,, ,, '"""'"" ", l"-.tllh• i •4 If• \ 1'*'1 "" , " I n ~b •tuJl"Y .., u 1r.,.r .-.rvt rt v "'"'' 1n th< ,,.. .. .,,,,. t,.,0 ,tn'l 1, q •'"' I rlailnood tt I rt, 10nrh-., .. llf no>I frAAJ up ,. •• ,..,...,.. t .. 11 .-t.._m 1r 1 A Fll,.P" ';•:•for'ltTllATIO~ "'IU ... aOVI! 1telfT.lllO&IT\' wtr . ., "' ., ...... , ,11nw tt-iim AUDIPHONE CO ' .,,. ._ 1 Ull a lr•t •:•'I, l'\11.ll IU 1 ... ' -•JW~~ ,....,) ,,, "''' ~""'' .. u.. .... al-.,• ,,... up and ' -============t:===== ... .:':; ... ::;' ... ====::il "Adwrti.lnc ~ .... '*' It to plan tM1 ..aaanc _. pelpa," ti. w.nt on. "AM ,..... 1tatloN al,.~ are. OM la -... Pllrt"ll the lnt.nelt1 ol ......_. radiation to tt'lf' tt.,... raU.. lo '" l.f ~ ltetrn to tM ..... "'°"" wtwn ttw)"r. opUnmUo ar P"1lml1ll<'. Eiaenhower, Jr.; followa His Father'1 Footetepe MANllA'rrAN. Kan. <UPI -It I• "Iller faltwr. like eon" ao fer ,_ Miiton S ":lwnhow.-r, Jr. Yoonic ,.;1..-n~fl' le a ff'Mh. man •luc1r111 •I K•n1a1 State Col· It'll•' 't'•lwrr hi• fathf'r 11 prHldeftt. ruallrl• to dall' '°" the two mrn lnr hHlr' Milton, Jr.. 11 a mf'tnbt>r al Sllcmtt Al11ha Jo:pallon fratn nlt1, to whh'h hi• fattw>r btkinp. n.. fattwr fl)Ole juurnalhim hnfi: the _, 11 ... • nrollC'd. 'nw. f1lher wark- fd on the colt..1• Jrar ._.; the ion hu hHn namtd to tlle staff. Miiion •~1 ... ntwJMor, brothlfr al lier, WU 8 wrflC'r fOf' the Q>&.- lf'ICIAn, K-K1111r ram&IWI MWWpaper. Miiion, Jr . hflf•' • to land • pla.ce lhf'N' allWl. t.:. .. , • ., ....... .....,, ,.. " .,,ti!'& .. ·-- I•• I ..... '""* \41"4tf ....... ,, ~~r ... ·• • ,,, •• ,.Ii; ft-•,,,, '~'l'" ~Uf.-....... ,........ tlC' ,..,.... We ............. ~·· ............... no.. Theodore Robins '"Your Ford Dt1.1ltr .'1111rt I 921" ......._ •. N ...... n.. ... c.tral l' .. l b • • t: .. J If e n' ra ;a, I' I I .. ,.. • ~ • ,. Ir. .. • ... ~ • -- -- Pa. Cu 'Re At Th b)· t al I' Sahl at C with be Ana Hay In tJ thlr t urc A raa C.ar lf'aC St~ at MJ1 Pat ,,,. ... .. .. Nt;WPOST BALBOA NZW8-TlllE8 T1 ~Ui\Y N ............. CalU. .luae I , llHll Servire Banquet Theme is 'Golden l'e!'tury in falif: l f:utwu .. , r' 1rr '' 1r1n• 1 \\• t • ('(j~(~RESS~·llEARS VENEZUELAN \\'HO \\'ROTE STA 1'E DEPT. SCRIPTS i i I'• If , 111 Ui \\ hu ',\ 1111. Ill lft\ 111 f11 1fldl t •t I•'' ) • 1d f\ ii tf,. • ... ,, jJ I H1tl 'I 11 f d \1p1 ttl \111111 f•t flfh ... •flfH•·tl .. •l\lt• l1 1111tth 1 \I -----------------,,.,. .. _, , tuuulr•d '''1ti1 n1, 111•11d1 d 11, If )•JU ~ r.ot1hlw lrlln~1•orl:i11 .. 11 ,"'"' lh·· "'""'"''""I 1111111 111.t , l 'o r'lf° f'.,.1 :11 \,r .. 11 .. h 11 \\11111 I··~·"· t ' It,,,,, 11.tt l "'" ~ ·~ I ".1t I• h 1d t1\ Young Womal! Collapses, Gun Taken f rorri Car a~ I '"' )"•1 "'" lrm1 '' an ndul ",, 1.11 ..t11i. ••I'''"'''"''" \lo 1,11111,.1 1 11, ],I ,111 "" '"""";ti ,\ 1 .. 11111.; \\111n11n lr11'n l iril't1 11" n111•1n" 1 00 1~ d 11m1•1t d1 t" 11 '""" I• hro ,1 .. 1111"'" '' •' ""'' 1 .. 1 Iii• ,.,1,.,,o11,, •111 • 1 "'"I"''' •·lli•t,d• ;\It, ;\I I ~'.tl1•11ow1', :t:'>. form• •II •tun )"I ""' 1 1 11~ 1"k0 " "') • '' 11111 · ""' Ii• d1ol ' ""''"' 11 111 ,.,r t•t• ,.,, •·' 111''1 •io111• '' "'' .. 1 71 •1 s l\11y Front, Balboa Isl· A(· ... , I •!rn ' Thi' s .m tn ..... hu.~ , .. 1 ... 1 .:111ol.11 '"' ''" 1t.• .. 1111 "" '"' " • • I 1 .. 1 '""'' ,.,.,,. 11111 I"" q1-.1·1I 111 the urms of ,\ ,.,. , ... , ,,, r 11 ..... "'""'· •h·· '"' It •ti"' "'''"''I \ '\I.I '"'''"'.•I 1 .•• \\•' k II lio1d I. S.dr•lllll~ 11lwn hr· Oflj'n1·~ '"' \.i\J:llTI :-.f•IH~. "' lh•• \•l)i 1111• •\•loll. •111'"' '""'ti.• 111.d 1: .. 1.... do••I "I Ith lo11nw H I 3.11 1'11p111 uhh'!•n..: ),fr .. flr•••~11·~~ "' '\\t•nt~ '""''''" • "' 1111 ,, 1• '-1 11 11 t 11, 1• ,.,,,, •• 1 •,.11 1, , 1, int ~· n .,, ntt• l 1t111n.1 41,.1 l\'1ar 1n '' y~an 'tandin~ •n lh•· n• •i.:1•1••r· fl.tr'" 1 •I• , • • ol I \11 11 I I• '· 1 ,,,1, ,. 1 , 11 ,, 1 1, rt 1 .r 11. 11 . 1 1 I, 1 (,•hi.• i.ummon~ 10,11 • h-•41 11•1' ,,,, "'••n 1' 1 1•~·•1 un f1t•U ,.,.,, \1tf 1 Inn I'••·" I ~. irt d· _,,,, 1 '\J ,l ' h·, .d. ,~1 , \I 11.t 111 .. HllfH! ~tJn•i t\• '"'" \ .... ,, d t do \\U It\ Jtu• ,. If 11 1 '. ttt/• d II :--u; t-• \t •l I \' ""' \11 '" , .. "d• 11 •t ,._,.,, .... 1 t t11i' \ ... a 1 rt f h4' \\t)U *' ,. \ .. ~ i UI 'I I :. " I I 1 11 .1 • t I , "'•or a 11<1 u II• 1 "I t ' 11 r \ h• 111 If &llf tu fuJ I 'ht• If PICTURES IN . THE NEWS "' lt\"l\'OR:oi ~t:t:K llWH l iRl ffSU. • .• ,.,... ""'-"·lnit thfo r .. ar la thrlr .... rt ... ,_..,... •• of \·a•porl C"ih', Ore.'. rJM••• •i:aln .. 1 111114' and ritolnc flood "•t"""· IKhhlnc thrir ra,... u~ll .,. rom,_,..th·rly dry i.:n :1111d 11 .. th,. """''" f•ui::ult l hf'lr 1·11~. ,\c:n w T dt•1.lhoto .. NOSE CAUGHT IN FOLDING BED ,.,.,~. ~ rot h.la ...., raac~t .. a foldlac ~ . ... ,.. "I aa" It t"UOUa« -d I " ... , .. tt," E.toe, 69, told dot·t<lr8 at lfoUJ'"ood rrc~h1ac lioipU&I "but ta... bf'd " ... ,.,'II. too." • Pueuc NoT1cu ESTATF. OP RT.\'<l.F:Y CRAllAM al"'• knt'lwn RS ~TA:"\l.F.Y WALi.Ai'~ C RAllAM "'"" kn1own 11~ R \\' <:HA. llM-CIF.('£ARED, :'llOTIC>: 1~ 11~:1urnv r:1v~:.-. ,,, "" r'°N>•tlt .. ,..,_ of pnrl dll 1wr"'"'l1~ •ta\ U!Jt t'fnirnJll OK:.tn•t 1hfl' i.ul1t flfl1'"'1•I• tJI HI .-n1•t .-,.tlltf' t11 ri1., th,.m •11th 01111> u• ..... flnrv vourh,.tt1i tn thl'\ ,,,,,, f) 11( il1• ,.f,.tk uf th"' fo;uJ\f"r1ur f'••UM ,,, tl1•· r 1.1rnf\• "J On•nl{fl', !°At•tf' ut Cultf11ru1.. •·r l• ;1r• .. ,..nl thfl 1'aJ1'11>. •11th lh" n••1••.."•t.an H1urh.f'rfl ''' th,. untt1•rJ1~J:tl"'•l nt Ill • i hf"r lllnre h f hU.ill Ol'll... I tf "' 11 AL IC'F. n <:RAllAM ~ .... ulrlt , •q 11&11 H urw1t11 Al!"Miti'\' Ill r.,,. ~'II \\·•·l ('"'rntrhl A \Pnur ~·\to, .. ,, r:. "ti,. ,.. •• i.r.irrlm nu .. ni.-, fnr .... 11t • ,, •'tit. 9i tlh1n ,.1 .. "'"ntt1-c •hd1 t l1-r r • f ·n .. 11• '1t1•1n n f thr• nnt trP l•ATF".!:r.~~;. 111! 1:':'~-\ll \" rt-.1(" •I •• #t r I .. Ir n I • •' I • , \ "'"' ,,,,.: .. ·•r ,1,,,,,,1 ·1.r ,,.~·J ••I "' H.,, ~hnr. 1:. • d • '•I'· I f f I ti t •• ''"'' ... , .. 1t ,. '• ... ,~ 11"1:1' \\.ilk rt> om "' \\ • I ' "' ( •ft f '""'ot1 " " . ,, \! ,,,., • I I •I '' ' •' '· , I :·I• ·11\ ' .. I 1 I\ 1 ,, . ..,, .. ii I d· I \' , •••• 11. ii 1 •• 1 ..... "1; .. "" I \ I! ,\111h 1·\\~. , • .,,.,, ,· ..... , ·'"'"' "' I I I I I f1 "''"-' ( nllf 1·,1 t.A"'' ulrl\ , t l}w .... • • ... •••••• :,. .... f.1tt ,,.,, 17 'I ·~I ·1n•I ftH ... ',,, CERTll'"IC A.TE OF Ol,.<.1,,-,, F ICTITIOl.<, FIRM 'A''f '. • •I' I I• I 11 • ' ' I •' I' I • .. I • ''• I•" ... .... ''"' •• •"' . ' rth l1 I t \t I . . ,, ,, , ·'• '• . " THEATER CAMPAIGN MEDALS AVAILABLE It •~ ann<•11n1 ·~I ,,,.f,1\ "' \I 1 jar Rotw r t 1; n ". \ l "n·~ l ri-11 llt tor ol •h• •"71r1I "' • ···rni•• .... 11• Group." .. '"''''!'1n ,,,,,,, r·, o fk-and I ir· 1• '" \frn in \11t1ftl, E.t""1 I· tr 1• t n \f, ti 11• ,no! Srr-\'l('''•.. !-'r 1""' ·• d \ rr• '" t t 11f .. .. ,If .. ,, II ti I• -'1• r I(\ All R""'° n • """" r. tn I tr tOI:• C-ounti. \\ht 11• •li~rhl. 111 11 •J• pl~' ;tf th. 1;,,1·UJ•' h· ut 11•1rlt 1' )10 1 \\'l'Cr "'' :-.• 1(1. r 1111, ol 11• I tf I t It \\ } 1 t ,,, .... 11 ... , ,, ,, t •I \\ . ..... "..! ' I Announcing Our New Name . \\ .. l• \I Beacon Realty Co. and Associates f FonT)('rly E\·a F. Hhock>n ) E\·a F. Rh<XX-n P. G. 8Arfl('tt ·t10 F.lron D. &nw tt 13arn<'y Fram-qui' ~t'Wport Rh·d. . ,,... I .. . ' . ' "' O t••11 '~ r t ii\\ 1•t! .1 IJ \1 t: \ltnn 11 Iii• I •I th. :'·I Jt1111. 1 1u ...... 11tf t .,•tier• ... , ... 1 , •I f"I\;• 1 ,tll oho Ill l ho' 111'1 lo It I• 1 •• 1.r.11 '·'''' nn Pf•·••n 11 .. ••tr11 ,.,, """ t t1 •• J1•\1 ... t1el •• --.f ' 1• .t f.rh1d •'~· .. ,~. ,f ,· .. tot •d ~1 •• , "'""'''•I) fp ''••i+ n.1111,r\, , ,,, ·h' 'fl" •lft tL. ,\fl1• I h .q i , ... 1•1·" II• 1 I 11111"! lh.ll .I •1k•I d u .J., "" 1·,,. rt'' 111r 111!< 'I"'"' d th11 I lfli toljf t1f I\ l r ,\ fhl f~\ l°;\'f'\ t'd •.• ,lnr11t 111•1• ,,, p1t nin~ r•t•11h'~'"'-.: h111t1•r I lt1•lt1••un : !'1111•1 1 I' 1111 lt<'h1 '"' I ·'fll"'Or•·ll lo• 11;111• :111 '''''" 1"11.1n"' l1i •'•'Ill~' 11 ,.,in11•n1111 l'ILllll\I\ r,11 11'f11,111i.: 111 It'll lh1• !""" ,., .. l11d w I I.II \ 1·111111111111• .. \•'~fo'rt\.1\ \\ .,, "''I , '1111111.111nn. \ ' , 1 •f th r • 1r • 111 I 11,. H·ol• " 1 l.n•11t.1r~ I'•! '••na1 I 01 \\ d~ ,i,, 11111 I!· 1· it • tu d· '• ii•, \h, I • It a J '''"'•'I • *lilt\,, l.1 1·11h' 111 1h1 t ., ,, • l't 1111 11 Ith I II I 't lfl '' 1nt 11 1 1 1 HU 1 '' •tl ] ,, 11 '' I It"-f •1'''1 1! \\ 1H,1 I I .. ,, 11f 'I' I , d1 :1 L It. \\ 1'•·1 t fttStllt, :\ll\trl11ii •· l.l1·•·n"'' P·'I " I 110 "" ". ltan ''"" ..... 1 nf .1lr· , ' E. ·1w 1r •flrd 1r11I \1,,noltl I ! 1'· •l•·r \1 • 1!·11 l•.n • .I. 11\ (\11 c)n.1 '11 l \l.11 ::i ".inta \\ , •• ., '..10, I h•• 0 \\ i\"i n n1111111;1n1'-I St o 11''""'1 F1•11-=11~on. rt . ;\!1l'h \\ h1\ a<krd 111111 I Ill' ~7 I 111 1••q 11 •n . , 11rl 'I" l't \\.I< .I lt•i.:.11 f'I"'"'' ,,,. If\ 'It 11 ,1 I t111••r 11m "r I h•• 1'1•mm111.·. " 1• ti• 1 !:========---"'::::'.======::-""'"'.::::=:::--::-------==:--' prr<1•n I \\ h1•11 n 11)1,•<1•11 \\!I< 1111111 tl ..; PhOrl<' REACO!'\ 571 ~·R . ..., I ·1:1 11 ·1 .JI \~ .. ,. ' 1 11lu I\ Ill WRESTLING Tonight • ------11:!1• ------ Enrique -Torres vs. Krippler Karl Davis Oor1Ua RinlO!I r ,.. .lu k.Jft ' !l.IC'ltola Jimmy I A'lt '"· h ·an lbntN1lH Paavo K.ato9"t \''-"Hand ... •rnr lfArr• ·• Cn-lnrl• · '''••rt'r'I tht• oath f , ... 1 11 • 1"'-.''• t '' '" • ''" \I , t 11. 11 ., .. 1 11 '' " • • • , ·111ls f'tnl.h·~ 01ntl .l;tlllt'< °'t1•lfrl1•1 l' 111111 hnll ll\1 II In 1 ·,,,,I \) • 1 (or ·n,, tuchhi.:h1 .. r 111 .. '''"'' •• ~· ,,.. " ..... 1 "" 1111 .111l1m: ,,f "" .\-. •' JI, • ·•ir•" • d '" h1~ 1h 11i:htcr, ""'' r. \"th~ .1u't k ' ·r•,,, 11 ··. \• .. !' •• • t 1 '"· "• ''''"'' ,,r ,,,,.n,..:~. u1..t ,, •• , ,, 11 ,,.,._.1 , ,. , .. t ,,,, th1 \ \\t r•· \\t u 1h ~1u • rJ•, ... ~, ~ •'l1•1, I' .~, ... ,.·•~.J '"""' \\t11n1r• \\t r• 1;11111 . f, '" 1•ol I! •'1 ptd l h1l lh o\\n1.--.l~1tl''•I\ d1 '• \J"' , •• , :'-!' "''' j,., \\ .. \:lnA I''''"'' honor .. ,. •ti '' :'• 1·,1. \\"1\h •ha•. '"''~"11•' •'t""' nnd '•: ,, I 1, ,1, ...... ,.., 11.:1• 1>!11• ,.,. fllU~os IA'7 1 '·1111: th1 .\Ima ;\f •I· r • I '" ';. 'l"I, .. I ' 0 C ty A C 11 • It•' 1• •• 1•11 rh. ,,., , range oun a • I l\fnnilll fo)c!.-r~ Ill '.'\f'\\'l'·ll"1f'~ 'ot1 -j,,1, 111" n ! \\ oi' I)" lh r. 1.,_..;;; ________________ ........,........,........,...,......., ............................................ .._ ... , sull' 111 lhl' N rws·Timr1 \\, ,.,, •" 1 \J, '' , it 1· 1 10. , .. J •~ t· .. 11:' t I• 'rT1#\ ff I ho 1~ "II 1 f ., ,,,, t ,, ,- ' •. ·' \i• t • I t . . f .,, f1f "". l'I \I,,\ 0 lo'I!•\ \' I I I n11 I 11 t ,.. d ••r ti• I I II l. •• I +II tl1 1 ,, I l •I , . •t ·'\ ,·· ~'.', .. ,,,' 1 · ·u "'' ,, H•, • 1'111f I W IT't ''" !.111 I f ~1.l\ t ., ... F:\.\ ~· HJl11l>L' It f A~ T Jr,,._., 'nils Bonner.1 Fr:"!")'. Tdnh o f:lnn L~ r nmrl"t"h· rur r ft trnm (\tl'<ldl' hl'lp nrrpt bT b<n: It I\ approJd. mately three ml.le. w uth ul Ute nurm .. 1 I< '• r b<<t S"e a.Ilk oo hlcb land tLopJ and people ~ SAND CRAB l1\:.4J llVWl·, Ill blJLwlU,, Whil'h ir \\ <' find out. Wt"ig hs ability. What do \\I' lhl'n liut (('ontinurd from P11~e-tt-clra\,· ;in~·th(' mcl(lt•I Jieved he was a bit balmy In fc•w('r oHkr". or at and when Dar rell t rit'<i l o lt'.'ast borrow money to help in aC'-Desis t to huikl a t all." quiring the frontage. he was -King lll'nry I\". inclinro to have doubts. Hut • • • hr. persuaded t hC' owners of Cit)· f'hartn. Talking to the nearly 300 fret l o take ont' nr th<' f t't't.'h OldC'r.-. Ro- $1500 nown <4nrf a plnsl1•r on l:ind Wrid 11. th1• oth<'r rl:i,· th<' ha lanC"C>. Sinn• tlwn his and lw ~l\·s it "ill tak<' ~,:. l"ntcrpl'iS(' has t'Xp:rnde<I with ('1'al mnnt.hs to iron out all n Sh<'ll dO<'k as his la k st nct· the> dPtails nf tlw <n artl'r di lion. hut he s.1ys t ha t dOl~ fom1 or gm·C'm1111•n1. ,\flC'r not lt""S.."'n t hl."' d<'mct nds of n tlw n ·11nrt 1s pn•p:m 'fl a nd fishing puhlic nor stop snnlC' pr<'~ntl"fl to llw C11urwll 1h;1t of tht" mmplnints of a fl'\\' nr ho<lv \\ill tlwn t•nll ;1 \"Ill(' (of the qtwnilous rnimlrcl. 1 ll' tht• ·peopl<• to dl't·illt• ir lhP n t- sin<'·Sl<'PJll'<l th<' q u <' s I 1 n n i1.1'm·;. "·:int:-111 .. plan .. \"k· wh<'I h Pr' his laym11 " ;1 s 1 l'{f :\tr. \\' oid1t \d 11'11wr ii worth a lrnlf m illion. "as not po:-..-.1hl<" to in1Tt•:t'C.' • + • 1 thP :-;tla d <'"' of 1h1• 1·111mdl- n ·f'Nls. S<-coms ns I hou~h lllt'n in llw ..;;1m1' "4'1llp anrf thN\"' issonw klnrf of nn odd-'he• ..;;lirl nn. that th1~ f1~'f'hnld· mtn<'t' a hout Wt't'<is. :'\O\\ in '1•1-s 11111..;f -.ta;.· "rlhin th<' mv pt'rambulations arnunrf J ~·or1t· or "hat 1hl" Jlf~1pll' \OI· Li°do Isle ann othl'r ~-.ctions '"I for 1llt'm to d1'. \\hirh \\as or t.he c1isl rid. hn1sh up !fl p~·nt :t man:ti:<'r·fonn n~ninst a Jarg<' and ,·ariC').!al· I or i.:m·1•rnmPnt Anyhow. !it--· ro coUC'<'tion of \\<'l'<ls. Tl~~ lit'\.t' a "<llary or fro!11 ~25(1() n~~c;i\'<'_, plnnts, w h • .r h . , up >-l~nuld '"' p1'onrf~"Ci for g-ro"' whet'\"' s:t>lr·l'C'S[ll'<'ll~!.! cn11nc1lnwn. Anaheim Youth, Four Juveniles in Car Parts Thefts .I ,.,..,,,r Krmflt'r , :!'.!. 11( f<l 11 f .h:tmn 1 d\•·nu•'. ,\n:1h•·1rn w;ts .1rr•·'t•-d .. 1,.n.: Wtlh !011r jll\ 1•ni11•<: .S.1run1:i, •in 1~ ,., lh• (1 rh:irc1" 1 h l\1,111.:a•11111 l·'<I 111 •·onf•·"''on Ii) "' m1•·r •h 11 h· h.111 ''"l••n 1 I l0•.m1• r<. 1 ;1 t I lt1:h1~. 11.n·king ·, .... , 1 ... f•n•·t r•th.-r .,utn _..,.,'-',4HU~ I""'" l•w";ll t":t r" m Jh• l'·l•I "' 1·k If, • 11rl h•' "a ntt rt ''' m 1k1· n 17 111 .. d. I of ht~ l •r · I Th·· JU,.• n11•..... tn ft•• • ....... '' • r• l11rnn! u\••r lo ;:;.ml:i .\n 1 j1I\• nil" -itJtfir•n'1·~ p, ...... 11 tl t h•1r ... ,nrt·~ u."11• t"• ·• 1~ '' .... ,, , u Ju ... 1 • II• n" K• n11• 1 1•lrnr1t .. lh \\ "' k· I• d 1h>n• ••n 1111-1 .. r Iii•· 11;. f·, Th.-~11Ulh• "' r1• .1rr• "'• d ''I ti•· a ll• m1•tani:: h • r •mo\• 1 lt11m1~ r I fn•m ,, 1"17 .... n f ""·1r ·1. ~. "· 1·1· ll.1d••r ~.11!11 tlutr I ELECTION DA y I I ADVICE-'VOTE' I "If ''"' ha•'"11'1 ,,,..,d \\hf"ll ~our "'"'' of th.-x ........ Tim• ... r .. arti-,.,.u ''"'•'· ,,.. ''If" tn do .......... . Thal"• lhr "'" ir·,. of lhf'" <11th• , ... 110.,.1 ..,ommitt ... -man In th~ Costa Mesa Man Harbo r arooa "h" ... '"" •·hair · m""· ll1-ln7 Kal ... ·r. J><•ptllar hrad Leads Police to .. , th .. "2 } 'h· ..... • •m1•. "•" I a....acrd "~ Ralph P. )I~, .... ~. :'T \T~· I·~·,.\ I.IF'> 111' 1.\ \ 1·n1,·rrt1 .. '•t1 :\,•a. 1 "' TlllS :'th ol 11· • r '.l \I• l'lf"' J ... ~ .. r.· ffl" 1 ~ .. ,.,,, f I II 1111•l f, r •111t1 t ', .,111t' rn•1 1•rr- "'•mrtfh •1'1'''·1r•••t Jo:\'\ 1· J t11d•• ·: ku;1\\fl 1,, 1111' f•• ti" ti .. I" r '' e Oltlr ,. I,. .. qi 14•1 I •d '· n1• ~ J1,. .. rtu m .. 11f a nd H• kn··~l·id .. ··ot • J!•I! 1 h •I :el •• ·~'~' uh1d I h~ .. '' ,. I'< WIT,~::-;." \\"!l~"l<t ... t· 1 •'f h .. Jf"llrlf" l'"'l f"fl\' hathl illl•J 1H!\• 1 • ~ 0rf1t 1 al .... ii ft1•• ,,,,, un•l ,. 1, Ht e '''rllfli.tlP ffl<J\ z1t1o•\I' \t,l)!f• ,, .... ~:\I.I l.F:OJ.IA ;; l'(W .. F\" :\.~1..r, l'u hlt. '" ,, t·,,unr,. n111I :-:1 •• 1..- lh • (·.,mm, .. ,.1110 fo:'<J•lr• .. ._-, 1 ·~ 1 r ! f'u1, tu11"' I ' I.\ 2:! trq ... Location t. '"" ALL l'ltlNlaT \:0-"T I••'"' lo '-•1 lac • I• • ..... ..,.. l.o n1 1tflrr JM htl1• ,., ....... what thf' lnl•"T· '-r ., , .. r .... ., "'-"• lllt.r. f'\ rf1'- ,._.. , .. W p ffl•I• •h•t dn , .. , ..,.! ....... Wf' ,. .. ,. •nr·1oonftlnc•~ ........ , ... , "',., .......... ~ " ....... ,. lhfo rntrlrlltttt•! 1''hat •r~ th,. Im· Pt••rww•C..!' 10•at .,. .. lhr nf'l1htH1r• tu1 .. 1 "'he .,. , ... , f'h Udrfln culnr '" plaf wtU.! tr ,.,. .._.,,,~ t~ u lnr ol I n. f' \TIO~ ,,.. •Ill aft(lrr-,.Jaf,. f rr"t 1 .. 1.ir. H-.~ ,.., hu• l'Hf\ n r. .,.,...._ ..... ..,...,h ,. •• h. ,,.""'"' ......... . 1,l•••1onM . M7 nu'""'''· "'" 1fr P«tU,.. twM.ttt:I-... ~ •rHt llllf,.f •Ith fluff. nr D«.t t r·ottl,. h•1:.rff .. \U I-,.,,.,._ "'ak~ for \ \U f'.. ,.,., .... '100 110.~ "" h.,,. .. ,., . ....., .,,f"f"C)tfntUt ,.,.,,. hn• • In h•h P''"""' .. ,...., u •:1-:-.\ft '" • 1 ·.no "llh ••ll•hk-.,.,,., •. 'iP••ral lllll\'fl 'f'." N 1,... •"4 ff"ffft• m •f'h hloflo.ta. 111 11ntl•• '""' "'.," .... llf' "I"!\ -l'•l "T '" fl,..!lT r Of \Tiii' lllt' Lido Isle Properties THE :\!l:t.!1 ''" I ldo ,,.,..""'1 hrer h. I allt Ruh .. , ll'\09 MOVIE BARN 858 So. Cout Blvd. LAGUNA BEA<:111 ""-......... Rffl'h 4'?3-& • \ vegrt:ition cnn't mnkr a hv· in~. a~ burst ing into ~s a nd will soon sp1l'ad th<'tr little rl'minders or anoth<>r S('ason here a nd yon on•r t he Jandsca~. Coulct on<> ask morl' or Jes.c; polit<•ly whnt is being done ahou t tlwm ~ Hit-Run Driver I rhalrma. of th .. x .... .,...rt ""•• h t 1 ""hn • Ph1111.,.. · r..r . c·1..,.r;r...... Ole/ Time Movies I .lnlrn ,,, 1111• th Ill)''""' -t1. l l:l rontmitt ...... tn ~ ...... aw~·· + + 4 Anrif'nt HouMrlir;. Th<' :'Ot h centurv is not alone in its building problem.c; anc1 its writing about th<'m . for hack in t ht' Hi th ('{'nf'iJ)· \Yillia m Shakt"!'J'l('AI'<' was £'\'ld<-n t ly bewa iling high 1·o nst 111ct\011 costs whM"I tw wrot<': "\\.h<'n w<' mt'an tn huilct. \\'(' first sm•·<'~· I tw pint. tht"n c11~w th<' mod1•I: Anrf whl'n we• ~~ t h1' fii..:· \lrl' of th<' tml1!1ft:'.:_ - Tht"n m11;.t \\"<' r:itl' th(' <'OSI of t hr r 1'('('t ion : ;\t.11n ,1r11 1 !-'.,ifll.11 1 "1 '"l:'"'"'l 11°" fr>t' l•oeb)"' prlm.ar,. 11,. T-.clay'11lroaita8aDda1 lo\ 1':iltf11r111.1 lf11:h\\ 1\ p1·r I • ( )112'1 ..,..I. Thrt1 l..rRo• \nt.lr ,._, C1oeed Moeda19 1;, ··re '''"''" tnl: t 1•11 intt r•.n ,,.. • h&Wm .. of " .... .: <'otnmltt..... • , 1111 111 • .11 1' !::.11111.t.11 mnt mn.: la c '"''• :M-.a_ "i...r,. KU-r \·11 1111 ,,, •h• 1t11-1 w1 , r .p. "'1· t ... hnk-al'l~ '"-· .,.d h•·ad, • Coa4'tane'f!' Talmad~f' .1.11111 1, 111c J <t;l•• ,\n 11t1m •'n • 1 hn~ .. • duh \\illt 7.6.., n10-mlwor•. ln 1 ·,.,,., \I• \\ h" r. i••I " d ••1° ,,.. drah...t him. 11 .. did h<ilh ~. 1·1olt nl l 11• •• I• ,. 1 ~\ :i --\ou ''"""' • '"' "Ith .,." "Vei led Adventure" :-; 1 t unl.t) • h airm,.n a n 11 '",, '"""''· ~ H''"'"•• ""I 1n•l0 1! ti. ,..,. Ka1 .... , f om m•nlrd lhl .. m•>t'nlnc. Aho Short Suhjfic'ls "ith ''"" "'"' 11 •PJ• '"' •1 "'JI,. ••\nu '"•.n• t hat ,.,.,...,......,.,., talk' Totn Mix \\ '' • 11 '• • " " I • ,, • •"· ~ • 1 • • r nnd r;un .. nf li,"ti9.1r; for thr 1.aurt'I I; Hard)' ,. ' .. ,. n! 'ti I ,, . 11 ' ti'" ••. T• rich! rp.1tdld•1 ...... """'ft m .... , nf 1••11"1 (;11•.:• •''•1'1•11"'1'• '·•"•i th" fnl""°cn'-Sllina: or ft-.hlnr -and 1• 1° • \\ 1 " 1• •" •t ''' '1 t" •.:• I "'fW'<'lall.-nn Prlman Ila\. ~. Bobby Ra.,\· lo nl•I 111<1 1 fon1!0 1 ,.,. Mh1N'tn ttw-,,,t,..r..~\·o1~.~·· 1 t 1 '" • • I"• ,.r q,, •· 1•lo r.• • • ~ Adlllta e.-&e -C'lllld'°"' I~ 1·,., .·;.,• 1•11i '·''I•"' 1. 1'.· Scotch laJ>P. ,·;inous 1lzn. or TWO SRO\\·& Slttl.l ', A !t \;ml •tock a t th<' :-;_...Tunes. 1._ ____________ . • .. , .. at Ital, s £ t•1 r1rv •IU•hl.t \;:~·,'\'\~ I Iii" ..... Iii 111111•• 111 " ,, "" ... ,,, ,..,, ,, "h. 1' 4tt ~ 1•· '~ 1·,,, "' " 1Jth t . •' p.,. I,., 1111 •• ....... llAM l •• H'ft •:R.\. f 1h;o M\llJ. ... , .. , 111«1•111 ' l'"tk ,,,,. I c-r-.... ,,n ), • t ' I 'O ~·~11 ~•I"" .·r ( I,• ... ... ,, ...... ,, ..... I I'' I t~ , \ !• I& ,..,.,. ., .. 'I t ,,, ". ' 1\t l I t 1!1 1 r 11 1 .. ,,. ••• ... , ... 1r. , ... ... ..... \It uh .. ., •1 th~ • h I 9 - - fte N-· .. Tlmfl9 "1U •ol be ,..,.Ubl• for m ore tllaa -e C.t'OM'f'C'l lawrUoa of u adv«· t1-f'llt, rfff'n•-. thf' rtcltt to C'Orrtttly C'l&Aalfy UI)' ud all ad• ud to rrjrt't any 11111\'HU.e. ml'tlt not <'ooformlnc lo rule11 and rf'l'\llatl on"· l'IMllUll'd Mb \\111 bf' iu·1· .. ph'CI up to 9 :30 a.m. on lhr dai. of 1mhlkatloo. ·o~v_s_1s~ES __ s~o_t_~_o_E~~~~~-•o _•_A.LJC~~~~~~~-·~-u~s~~-• 1c CONCRETE CUTTING Equipment For Rent Do \'our Own \\'1wk i•r Call Vs for FREF: E~Tl!\l.\TF.S We Do C'un('ft'h' CUil tnl!. Drilltn~ C'la~· Spadm~. T11mpinc. etc. Contractor~ Bquipment & Supply Co. 10 23.13::! 1'l'''liNl ,\v1•. C'11~r11 MN!n -------------1., tttk s •• r 11>111 ~'"''''' 12 YEARS SERVlCE JN TilF HARBOR AREA • HARRY HALL PAINTING C'ONTRACI'OR 274 Eaat 19th Stttet Ph Bea. ~13 Coatll Meaa, Cali.I 30-tCt Ei.1wr t Watch & Jewelry RE PAlRl:"G f'EWPORT JF.WF:LERS Fine Oi11m onds and W ntchl.'!! PhtHlo J:i'.ll'nn ~il•!f.l 77dlR ODD .JOBS IJlll'SJ.: HEPAlllS .'ii altt·rallons, 111 umpt ~r·n "" F'rt'<' 1•st im atrs 11:11 hm So J.\\' an~timl'. AO·C' ACE PL Ul lBING 51 I :\!st SI, :-.;,•wport f ontracting-Repair ing S.\ Tl=-'F'A\fl< l:'\ \.If ARANTEf:J) 79-c-!l l (Undrr new M~inngi'mC'nt) 1-- 116 22nd St .. ;o-.;r wport 67-c-8' Material Handling ELEC'THIC HANGE I Aparllll•'lll =-'111· 1 ~ l'SED \ 1:-,1,y '"" 111,.n1h ... 1 l111rn· t'r~. nut,,rnatu· ,,, , . ., $::::0 \\'ill '"II lnr 1 \•1111111 d· I \I.or ''"' F l Ill S,\I.~: :-111.ill ''"' i. .. , ·.,.1 lh .111 "1111 .. , 11.1m1 I !t'.:", tM• t -:111 :\'1•\\p<1rl 1\\i ' 111 11·.or. (',1~11 l\11"<:1 >-1·(11':1 Silv~r Plating .rnPPER. nRASS. GOLD P!'li~hlns: !(. fil'f111J!1t11n1t Ba. ·~ide Plat inf:! Co. 1914 llarhor lllvd C'osta Ml'llll, r1111r .• lkaron S113 ~If( at'lll~-or101t at'IUllNO Mt\TltalAU f'Mt'aC'M JliOTWU r.:a .. ONAL MMAal': \Ol'a C'Aa TaANMl"OaTATIOIC aonn"'o rn,TaAc..-o• IUl!A f'TY A ..... l'l'HOl.>ITF.al Nct ttt:Al.TH AIDA l .m&T A ND t'Ol'SP IW'HOOl.I' a INllTat1C'Tl01'i J<tTl'ATIO'O" "'A1'Tll:D nr.i.r """Tim 8Al..lt Mlll('ll:l.I ,\"(ltflrll Tt) ICSl'ffANctlt (Mll'('L.I .)I",\ 'O Tr.ll TO ,.,. \' n •a S ITl'U t toa M l.& l'llAT>o. ICI l'l'l.lr;IC Ml "11'.\I. & aAUIO llOt•°'· l'AT'll a rltT'll '"" "' SS '41 'IC \I • IC \IUU .. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND ROATS l"EW & USF.D ~rvfN· nnd R1•r11tlr1 on All !\lnk1•!\ "' Moton D:we II . Spies )16 Co11~1 lhwny -TlP11ron 5676-M 77-r ,., ,\ I I • • u ·'· I • II ' •' 11'• ' ,.t \• ! , \.. \ . . . ..... , .. ,.. . 1· • I••' / ... ' mMil \• ' II \I' ... ,, ... '. 1: •• ', l I ~. • "' ' • •1 r-t .... • .,.. • ...... I I. ,, • \\t 1 ••I:••'\.\ t •I l \I \I: NEED .MONF.YT S.·· 1 ·, 1 •• r ~11lt'k, I l1•l111u1 s. 1' ,,.,. "" \ .. ur F111nn.·11•I Fumiturr . ~alary Car 11r Ot lwr St•('tlrity It•• tr' to 1 I•• I 111111 :1 t.• ~ • '·1 ..... ,, ~ 1I111 .111 , ... 1 l>-1 I 't :._;,.,..,,. lf't llh·•1 , C '«•Ill M.-1 l\c-1u'>•rl :'o~.'11 COMPLETE N E E D £ HOUSF:<"LE ANING SF.~V1CE Hoists, O \'Crllf'11d C'rRn<'s, Monorail \\'all ~·astu~iz. Cloor cl\amng and Call S AM EUBANKS Monti•n •r llt'\l np0•1 I ~•·I. \\';11 ti :-.;, Ion flshini:: luw. :.'5 lh 1~· ll'I' hux 111 t.:"•lfl i<h.111(• l'lh':t(I I '1;>110 r1. hrown or whitl', $1 ~-, 3'.'91'.!·Mnrtni' 1\\1", Hall.on llll· Jll11s 1!'\ C'f•nttC f*llllRl:I" &, hlln•I "I "\.Ir 1 .~1«i-·~~I•\ 64, n""' and RO·p·l~t! lint.: "S11rpl11it" flt•pt !'\, 637 5 ,, ' ;.. . ' '.\'• ...... " ~ "'" p •nl I An ·-''""I A11ohn 11-•t• ,...,kf'I. 47 l h' waxing, ":indow <'l<'(lm ng, caulk· Harbor 79R-JK or n .. u 5107 Ing. pnlnt1ns:. rug <'11•anlng. Fret 79-c-9R C'St imatl'S. Work i.:uarante<'<i RF:AC'ON 6111 A.L'S llOUSE CLEANING SERV 70-c-91 LET GEORGI-': DO IT! H ARPER G ARDEN SF:H\'IlE. I Form<'rly or P:i~adena) Mnln· IC'na nce or <'Ill ahlishC'd gardens Spraying, ~c·ncral lnwn & gar· dC'n clenn UI). Rrpla nti11g Phone Il<'acon 6299-W d ay or en'. 421' l:>th S t .. • Costa Mt sa. 63-c-85 PER80NAL REWARD .\nyon1· ha\·mi.: witnl'S!Wd or t11k· en photos:raphs of eutnmohlle collision on Jlii.:hway 101 near Corona drl Mar on Aul(ust lR, 1947. rontact C1ore Warne, 9700 Wtlshin' l>oulevard, Drvrrly Hills. Bradshaw 2-1133. 71--c-81 UPllOL'\T l:RINO It VOUR . F URJ-;I'nJRF. rc-paired or IF YOUR FURNITURF. rdinishNt. ~n1-t 11m h l l n d s Is 1'ot BEC'OMlNG Thm You refinisht>d. Mnke those wobbly S hould OF: C'O!\fING T o chairs ltkr nrw Rc-asonnhlr JO:-.:F.S CO llpholst('r,·rs Sturdlwood P rod11cl!>, 2~ liar-Rrsl) lini.: -lll'buildtni; bor Blvd .. Costa :\fl n, Ph. Ika-1965 J l;irl>or TJl\·(I. ,~OStJ Mc1m r<'n :; 13.1 70·<'·91 1 BF.A. f>:!GO Ht• m, 1·11n~1 row1111n 1 pt r'<onal I 6'i-l"·R'i ~ll(ll'I'' 1'-tilll, lu·, ""•I t .. 111r:1t'lllr" "ITI' \T IOSS \\'.\STt.U 2:4 r. '1 1 ''••I' '•·'' ~ • )I "'" 1\nnlhf"T AfYf SIZI-'. '"'II> rnn"•'. walnut din· Arllmon -. Lo!I AnJ?<'ll's ;i ,..., ""' 77 ....._..:1 "i , • • ,, s ........... , ...... 4t '"''' ,._ .. ,, , ..... , inJ? sl't, rt.•i.:11nt cwal frl'iZI" rug. .,,.... , .1 1 .. ,i.1"'" Nnls Aru \\',. tuu kit<'h<•n l'ink nnll o lhl'r hoUS<'· MARTIN f.0, 7 f\ If P . N••w Rr io '' ..;,.f,, \'"' eol -lfr hold l!ll\'l<IS. 121 G ronrl C'11nat. so!lllhlr Ph t.ai:unn '.:!~1!).'\ 3171 • . - Ralhoa llll11nll , Ph. I l:ir. 54R-MK Coas t B l\'d So , t.ai:una. ~I 'I'\ I r f'I \~• •!" t .. r n nl Tr> 11 77-r-81 77~..f.il f I 1'1•\ f, 0.US If h"1 hltJ-ti ... -------------... ~, ,lf ''"' ,..,,.t ''" Jlll"'h&v fiJ-:CONDITIC >N F:O -Electrolux ATTENTION BOAT O WNERS 1·•". I • 1n1 S. luuult 1"1.u"' ,~,, l'h·anl'f l' ~:.!!\ to $40. 1 yl'ar gu11r -Replar<' thos1• old 1lyl<' llC'a \'\ "' \I "" \\, h·u , 11 .... s...t .. 11n lt'l', .:.!42f. S nnta Ana An• welitht 11nchor1 ~1th modern 3' •, "' GI th Rc·aron 6WR--W. 78-c-R2 lb. Danforths A llmlt<'d 1upph . ll'\'a ilahl<' at the very low pril"• 1' '1 ' 1.1: ''" .n .-..so· h n. '""'' G ll'lSON JC 'F. nn x Cood Mn· ditlnn. ~1 5110 ·13:.! Dahlia, Coro- nn drl l\for 78-tf MO\'ING l\ll'ST SELL-Ped1- ~<'C'd S iaml'S<' malt• cot with papers. 1-:xcl'll<'nt s tock. \·rry nf - f••r liona h · L <' Smith Stn11· !lard IHM•\\T ttl•r . i:ocod r:ond111on l hihy h:t-<<1n1•tl•'. pla!!llt" llnlni.: I l.1rll41r 1:\70-:>I 7•1.,•.f!I HARBOR r .. o 50 1•-.,_,.,,._,,M j ! ~· I '' "' • nh $NC'l A flrv-l>11r o ..., , r a . ...·a <'fln ..... ..,. • , 66-p-R'-11 I°• lf'I' l)anJ' ~midi. ~.,I -------------~. ,, '" ~ .n•~ ·'""' "' ... ' l•·llll '12' x 32' flM comm1'r r 1al flsh<'r A ,,, 1 .. ,, '""' ,, u....t '-''' .,,, , Roora nl!·lwin scr<'w hr11nd nr "' 'I••• •of1 11.... \\••.' h ,,,. tt . P.ngint'S, two )•'llr Lownum t)1• ~ \,, l1.11r hull. 5 ton rr fr11t , hold 11lN'Jll • "rnclo~1'Cl lolkl :on<t hrid.:••, fu• tU '1'r·'°' O~Mrl1·~ml'-" .. 1':11' :.!,OIMl mrlt·~ Askini:: 1w-i1 I I \I I •. , .... " • !'-I I• • Sl:.!.10 1 \\'ill ""'' r.r 1rnrl• f,. ., • I 1 • ..-• ..:.. ••·"I -.,,.~ I' sm.111• r ft~h• r 11ni1 nr prot"•rl I 'all ""'"' r 1:raron li01'..!·fl 7!•·t• \. '. :!:>~tars .. ~,. 111 nf•p Phu•• 1!1:\X.-.J ,l c ~\\i1ff111 1l .... "••II, 11·1 .!••rh l't rli olt H' ·111d inf.int ""'''. '"'" Furn it lit'(' & Tran~fer s1 . 11~11 o,·.11n F1 11111. i: .i1..... ;u' ·1, h "'' '111 · 1 "' h rl•) ''11 ' 1 n n ;o.;ur.n 111111 ll'~t-REn " .. , .· ,.-. •·· I ' . ''" 7;\·lfo I ill•"• ii I). nll•, "I' \\l'' I( • 1111'< ' 111 .. n .. km111~ 1·.111 "' 1, .. n o11y. A r.oocl Ruy ... t•I' '"•11111 :O:pt 1 .. 11 11:• !t';''lf• :I:.!' '("11t111 1 1'<•11'lt •n""' ~i(J• ·111 J11mli 1 <'1111-.. r 1371 ~1f~lll HARBOR Plumbing Service 17~ !'\1'W('(ll I Hhd . Hrnron GI Ii REPAlnTI'\r. otrn SPF:('IALTY l'ontr11rtlni: a n<I $11pplir1 9-ll• .. '" ·"'' l •;ilol 1.1 \\' ,, I'"' 111.. ,., • R ltttlt ,11\ I,, 1i•· 1•1•11 •• , , ... rti~J I~ a Y\ l:'f' uy n.1 olo I ;\I ,, i 8-t (1· l.f't l 1~ llrlp Y1111 A•• \\'lsc Y 1tl"\r: l.lt \l•l ',\T I·; 1::-...1;1. l nl'HTF.SV Sl:R\'IIT.-LISTl:"\C~ \\'A="T l·:n '\)• l 'H il1•ll•'" 1•1,,11 .. 11 111 1h1• l!lli'..! ll:u loor ni,·d Cnsta Men S UI'S 1\\'i\ll.l\lll.t-: I ~ I' 1\11 '\:"\l·:Y HNH'lln R:!i-' \h llUI\. 1 1it f1t othl~· ••' .1 '-:tl~·' PJ Jl r-.538 J -'· ll •Ile 1C':l <.'Oll ;), .... 711 ( • .. a .. 1 """'~. !'1:1·W1M•r1 , 11.:111• •·r 1•1111111 11;11 t111r :1:11-:-.1 I .,,1.tf• ~ 7>-.-tro• ------------""--' fb .11° (\',\S iii:'\\. '.\J.\('111:'\I·;=-' ( ltlo ti ---------I •t • h r '• I n \\I \\I~· I "1 .. I 1: I' \ '"1. ~n .. ,.,,,,.,,, ,. n~ .1 .. , ..... ,, · II ,1. r ·.1 1 f '' . , n -•1··' ·n ,\, h •flW I Nf '0"41t': l 'IU tl•t :ICT\ '\ 1~ .... lt••''" h· tlh .uul •n• ... ••nt• ,tu :"•·" 1•'11 f,t,inol "11 h ~7 11 .,j 1\,11• 1 11 .. n1 .111•1 r11..t11 1111 \11111 '·"'"" ""'' \Piii '"'"' :i.1 •• t.·111 fut uitttr•· F, n•~•·•I f(•t t•t ",,,., 1ucur •• ,, .• til• li\U11• c ·.,1111• ''""" .~" ne·t "nt ''"·"" •. luttlh'~'"''' I•"'-"' ........ ," :l'•tll• !\t;it t .... "' •• I ''"f .. H f fl..t1h ft~ff l>o yotJ •'"'"' lu wll ti' Advrr. tbr 611 ,...._ rnl•1mn• ar:AI, F_...TATT. " 11(1-. .\:-0 ~ll••;\I' II.ti• t 1111111-11 '"'' l t .. ,tr•••flt .' h ett.4' .'U\.'t te\u • r .. 1n• ft•• 1•• ,.. • ., .... l f*' •:: .,._, \h ,•1u tr ,,,. I•"' ,. ' ' ·ft I"'' ... t ( '1 ''"''; , , ,, I 1~ r • .I d t• ,.__. Hh I Jtt,lt"'' 1'1l•••l 1 ... 1""'' tu dH\"n~u5'u f f *h H•1'••U"1l:.t.f-J ' ti I \ ' .',",I I \I t" I • • ' •• 1 ' .. •• I . ' f1 f I • I I i , I I ,, ••• , t ·•·I I" I ,I ' I '' f t ...... 1 I ,1 di I fl I , ... 11 II ..... ,11 1 't•lt1 \1 •• i:rrr·11,r1l. \\'tlh 111111111 11•lj11<lm1•11t., L\:l'EJll l-:'\CTl> n~···1 °1111111-;1, IYP· 8 ERV EL S2 ."lfl 11n~"h'r" II 1rtw1r Arva I ist. '"'I!""' ral nm .... wnrl< 1'11 The GAS RefriO'erator ll •Rl'('n \PPI IA''c-1-11.orhor '...~!'\-,I. 7!'1-c-f!l "" \Viz~u·tl Pla:-:tir H11at~ Ht•fnrr \tna h tl\ \i.ttt 0•11t~ •• 1 "'"°'\<I" \\0 111 t • 11• 1~tlt '" !'--I•' I " "'"" J•ll'" • .. 1· ·I 1 II. M.LANE RJ'.J\ I. f'.<;T ,\'fl''. " ' '" 1 · ·' •• ---------.------Sonw l\lool"ls A\•all11h1r ·NOW 477 ~''" p .. rt 1\1\d H•'nrnn7~>:."~1 Ill.I.I' W .\STF.O :!!i .·C·c> I -------------\\'A:\'TFn Fast i:hnrl onl"' I · nw•k. :onil \\:111n·~c; Ii~'.? \011-<! SRnding nnd Finishing I h•nry. 7!l-•··>l I .J. :\t. FF:H l.l SON :!..>11·, t ·,, ,,, lllHI . "'''"'l"'rt Pl11 1:-0W llt\llW lH llfi 2205 Const ntvd .. N ewport Phone Harbor 118 JAMESON FLOf)RS I l11cltway, :"t'\\(•1rt R<.1l'h Sc•··I BC's t Matc>rials nnd F',quipm<'nt . I Lil"'m cd. I nsured \\'O:\tA;-o; '_!:;.~:; for s~lf-i..·n·.11•1· ____________ 4_1_-_u_c. PllON E nEA")N 58.55 I koundry Apply :.'1'117 \•II.a \\ ·•Y """JC x JC JC 62.c.SJ 9 Io 4. x 1-r-~3 I HANDYMAN & dishwashl'r ; also PLUMBING SUPPLIES woman dishwashrr. Mu!>t he l.11T1tN1t Stock In Orange County E D WALTERS TILE -oNTRACTOR Bath Rooms, Drain Boards, etc. lSth & Newport Ave-., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 8700-W-3. 18-Ut SE\\'TNG MA('IllN F.S -Oil<'d. cll'ancd nnd o<ljustl'd nt our factory $7.50 Pick-up & del. H AR BOR APPLIANCE 471 Newport Dlvd .• Ik'aco n 6296 72-c-81 Portable Welding Burning NEWPORT WF.LDING SERVlCE H . 1564-J 328-28th St. DICK S ANDOVAL 63-c-R-1 COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New-and Re,>air Phone S.-ocon·6217 Zl73 Elden Ave. Calta Mesa ~tft stc-ad)' & r<'liahle. I larrii;on's Dinnr r Housr. 17th & Ornni.:r. Costa Mesa. 7't-trr E XPF.Rl F.NlED fountain ~Ir I wanted. 203 Marine-Aw'., Ra l- boa Island. 75-lfc- EXPERIENCF.D lunch & dlnnrr waitress,. dally except Tuc-!ldoy. Good tips. Call Harbor 274. 74-tfr \.\' Al'iTF.D -High sch0<)l i.:1rl to do tight hous<'wor k. No rh1ldrc·n. no cook lnit. 3 hours a day C11ll Harbor 1905-M R0-1·-~l 8ALEMJ~U8 • Fl IR SALF. :\'on:•' w;i~t11n~ mn- rhinl" S45Jlll Rolli Slc·x C'lonwr:i '"lh T<'Si:ar Lrn~ Sl:.O. P h Bc-a- l'On :'l:>'.?6 XI .r.X.1 FIREWOOD CHARC"OAL & RRIQUETS PROMPT DELIVERY 1/:.!" Galv. Steel Pipe 201;f&ot Chromt Plated S~ing Fauceta $9.50 va.l11c SS 95 FREE PLUMBING Layout Service FONTANA PLUMRING 23041 S. W. Newport Avt . Costa Mrt1a Phone Be9con 6041 37-Uc V M1.ll M lLE ANERF -Oiled. rlranrd and ndjustrd at our shnJ'" $.1 !'Ml P irk;llP n n <I dl'I Jll\RROR APPJ.JANIT. 4rl Nrwport nl\'rl , flr ;iron 6~ 72-c-~1 ELECTR ICIANS ISlnet> 19201 Contract Ins:-Rc-plrira Rr~ldmt l:il-lndu_,trlal Et.c;..Hokin & Galvan HF.J)nti'C P LANTS ALL l<JNDfi · Mr doz. & up ~rysnnthr>rnum~ Ft'rlili1ers nm! Pl;int F U<lds Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd. COSTA MF.SA Be11con 566Sl l -'~-~~-C-~-·-'~"_'~-·-ay-~~-B-e_a~540~1 31-tfc 83-tff '\'ANTEff T O BUY t1 ~~-~~~~------- "~pnrl:-11 1· • "I '11lol ~ " :-:1•, ,f 1 ~, •• ,~·· f•r l 11r1·l1'• , .. ,,.,. th .. II•\\ \\IZ.\l<I• l.t• '··' t1:-; l•l'l'l ,\Y \r 1: 1\l 'T llllH l :tt-ll l •I \Il l: ..... ~Ol 'T ll n l.\ST < ., o\11 \ Y ..!~1:! t ···ntr ti \\ • 1111•· :'\r\\1••1 I II• :11 h 1·illl .. 11111 SEAHOAIH) H)l 'll '\11 vr "' 1:.>11;} C11:hl I lwh" '' :"P\\')'Orl l1'·:1d 1. (' ilil•1l lllf& C-1\R\'EH <'HJ\1-T 17~l41 N1·wi••1 • n l\<1 lO!'lfl l\1• ''° l ' . .l1h1t n1<t !>1st ril111r111 "WIZARll" 1.t-:11:\11\:" S1111 1ni.: I itnt:ltr M I. "HAH :-.:1-:Y" 1.1:11MM.; 4~ F.n111 <'i·ntrnl A'r nuc• llalhua , C'alllorn111 l\f111111f•wt 11rrd liy WJZARO BOAT8, Inc. :.1(169 I lnrl>or Blvd. l'O~TA :\IF.SA, ('Al.IF 7'1·1'· 1111 Electrical Engineering ancl I n~tallation Winrh"~ \.'O .'J'wo F 1rr f',ttulp Sr:irchlli;ht.s Exu11• R 11tl1•r1t'1I E-11-\. Rndin-T..\rphnnr~ l\fr1rn F:iirliRnk~· Mor<1• EIN" rtnntl 11nll \\'nl•'r S)'!<ll'ms G. f: Rnllln R11<'J1r S trw:or1-\\'nrn1·r ln,lnrmrnll ff,,t.h .. En..:in• ll11t1r K11hl• r 1':11 r 1rw P innt" Li'1111rlm•·l1 r rnnk 1:u111r1>1 J'hol11 El"<'lrll' P ll111 ·n 1,,r P•irt11hl,. T•)ltl' Et.c...Hokin & \ralvan I' :. I• :n'\.1 ''·' r ,, r; •• ! ... t. •I ' ... .• , •• ,. h .... , I• l nrl•ll111t • · 1-h..no tl;or ... , "· 1· ·-" 1 ' .. Junr . .1111\ ,, .. 1 \ r'' ;\1 .. 1 .. • ·' "" (;, •h•l • ·,, • l"""h f l t••·, '5-.Ut '.\Ho\ ~I '9 -· Wll.L .. '<:•.11\",•,f t '-'• ••f I•~· fuJ rr1nt h '\~ t • • • ' \utt ..... • •• 7. !!ol'nnl" "'"I 1· • I•.,. JI d • J~laflli • r '' , r •' t •·~tr •r• adul1i. : .. • · I · ,. • • 1tou ,,,, ~umrTW • ,.,, •' '' 1,. .. ,; .. '·"'''' Fair t '"k' S.. ,1 • p,.. ,,J. nn '\ ~1 r ~1 • ----------~ ltOOM & HA111 .._I ''''" t n tratlN' ~""'"" 1 ' • " I 1 11 .. 1 bor JO'J3 J ~ 1 t Iii''\ kN .. S••na· r••11 .,. , •• : •. r. •'t :u\11 J• u ••• • r •· -• • • ,, ' , llrl<' s,,,.. ,, 11 • I .. • • r f'-:•t••n •.u ... • • .\ 4., l:t•h ••rth u Al'J\l<T '.\H ',T F w ""1., .. 1 :t'""' M ,,, • l ' .... • ":· •• ' f """ ... : ". Fl If ( IU "l:T .. r • , • • l· I • Shift "11 ( ·, • I II ...... rva d• I :\!;..1 ~.,. ,• ~ .. I. S• '"'I .11 ,,, II , t. r • v I 71 If• Roy's Blvd. Nursery t1761 f'\1>wpor1 ntn l.. f\pp. 22nd S t PHONE HEAC'ON 6113·\\' 74-c-95 \"atchPI -Oocka -Jl!Welry ClffiONOMETERS 11ny m11kl". ;ony nt.:r' llichr·~I c-aqh \(1(~1 C-o;i!'.l 111..-1,,. 11-onm Wn r.t',., 1 Tit All.n~ I \1 ., n ·n t ,,.,,, r I ' ,•. ,,.-rt 1 • · : • 11 ,, • •! II . ' '". F l o wer s For F.,·en · Orras1on f«>palring -Prompt Sttvioe Senelble Pr1cee pril'l"'I p:1111 ('1111 n r1w11n fi:.~)f; n -c -RI VAN DRIMLEN J E w EL Ry ' Will Pay Cash 1786 N('wport Blvd. Colt• Meee I ~·.,r your rumlturf' (Jf' what have 3-Uc ) 1 •U Pt.OM Beaoon 56?5&. Co~ei.:•·~ Gifts BROADWAY F LOWF:R SllOP l OS Rroadway, Costa Mt'!!& Shop. f\o•arnn !'15:!1-J ___ C_L_I_F_F ___ Crawley Furniture Co. Ts Back At Balhoa lfll'9 N~t Rlvd., C.ta :.-: Home. 8<'11ron !1100-M. 6R·c·90 H d\Jr-; 9 to 6 Ph Rr11<" on f>.1flfl C. H.JACK SON DE:"TIST 178:> :"<'"1l0rt Rl\·<t with Downing ll;ilihut l\rr Oiling \\'f' lli\\'l! t h<' Tackle Fishing Tackle :-.=e,, S tock Arrhin~ Daily Keys, Locks, Etc. Mro1cnl Biili.:, cu~ra :'\l•·~:i I r\cw and fif'ntal • CASH for USED Furniture & A ppliancee ''We Buy Almoat An)"lhlnr" GRANT'S PhOM ~a. 5707-M 1645 N C!WJ)Or"t Blvd , Colt.a M C!N s t -ttc Bicycles 42-tlc a __ S_T_O_R_A_(_; r:--. _P_P_A_C_E_, 100 Ma in Street I n..srrrllt: r o R .-ALE r, ,, at Foot of flnlh(l:i Pier r' 1R A:'\Y :'\'f:ED 71c-~ 1.AHr.r: S IZF: l>n''' nprir t. rr1 1om l !(. r,.~,. f''" ,..r ini:. c1""1 rund 11111n 5()i :\l~I SI . :"r\\('lolrl JW:irh FOR R ,\Tl-.S [lhnn1 ll11r hor 2JR9 Plenty of Good Tiree ~11 ~ .. i ~2fi Aptol• na ,,,., .. nnl· 11 All S;.,...... lonn h l11n•I !if1.r.1<1 or wri1r Box J!lfi . ll11lho11 1~1nn1 ~ WELCOME HO~;;·' I Compo~'!.,.M.:tor -Oil I ROAT~. !"t 'P l•t.J'P'Jll SI :\i\.Vl' t 111111 1·1111"'1 ;\l •J'..I '·"'II 111·1 r,11(,11 r•1nil111•·n Ft•r •alo ,,, "ill 1 r11tl• f•or I• ni•· 1ir ln"•otm Jlewpart Barbor P..t 111 AlfEKl()AN LrolON ......... .......," t .... ... -.............. ·-lllL. ... I 1838 ._ •-... a ta ..... 1 ,._ 1 Western Auto Supply 1•1 ..... r "''n•, 11. 111 •111 1.t."• 'I Author1U'd Dealer I ___________ .w_1·_"·-" 1 Newoor1 Blvd.. Coate MeN l;;>.;11\\'l\JHl 1 t;,~><.1 Nmdlll11n~:l:.!!'> 11-U. Jlh llarlori1 l:J.16-J 73·tfc l FO R SA 1.F I· I•·• I 111• 111•11 .. r i.n'1 11111'.'' (lltlllp 1 "''' 111 n1 1 •11irl1t1nn ~1~. ,\.(' 1'r .1f1'111an rnoolflf '1 It" r,11 ryl'I• ' I' 111 11-.11 l'll1·n•· L:ii::11n;1 ~,17-, -'-'t J• H:t F< 1R SA L E 1 or 11 .1ti1 r un 1 /ol'lng 'l'l"I' ".111 ~ j::lls nnd ff 1tll•·r ,., •. , lh t1~ '''1""f'.'I,·, 1~;n Suns••t '.!-7117"1 <or "ll''' .Jnhn Lrnry, 11 1117 II • 1 1 • 11" "1 :"ur llo llo.tl\wiifi;f ><I 1 ~k'2 CAH\.\'111' ii 1 ~1<.l1 t"••I •""'I •11•n for 11ri111111lrin<· nr v.· .. 11·r c~11nt: or f1•hllh' SnP.t • ,1 .11 -'1111 rrw·kJ1i t $1-,,_, "r r• •"·"'-'I• 1tf. r"r l'ht•n• 11.,r1. 1 ><.'•\I ~I t • 1('1 Yacht." for Charter I •.\ Y \\'1-:t K C:. E. ~tl~~EY , UtCf•1" I,;. •• r . I~ ~l. !\111·1 .. '" , ,, \ n11 , ... ,. ~-' ·11 I" r ,,. Guarant~('c~ 1 ·!"'·d Caf')ol Tif .. ST'lf!Y r o P.:trt 111 11. Sav f ;~"1t·~ .. A r-.,..., HI •y ,. " 11.-r~un My C:ir Jtntf I I~,,...., llut lb<>n I• WAS :><1 HAH'~Af', TJff W >RAJ. M11lf•,.. • .... It Hl'Y Al t ;.-r1. Ea.,t11n ('<1. JC~o !V, '' '°" ~"'' •;o ANI I'll ~ '"FF. ,,1, ,, ,,., ., • yJo v .·. I ' .. 1 • . .. 71 1 1·, .. ~, 11 \.\11. 1l111·•1n r.~1 ~,v.1 \\ "I ___ r._,,_._11_c ruiu.K" ltCl'MU'AI, a RAOIO .. , ;:=tt;\j'j'j I' t •l• , , : , .. 1 , \it 1~11/1 1~---;::¥1 ·1. !'-l 'l 'IT l ''V'd 4 I• i'!•rm w• 51 ... ~l!fl1, 1111,1. ••nr• r1urk•rm a 1~an11. , • .,, 11. ~ 1><'1 · r 1lt1• r m11kiil "' lr,w "" ~;·, '7'1 ~·13 I 1·1nl · ~:, hmult 1'111rir, 1 •,, ·,_.1, -.;,, '11lln ":inll'I AM f.1-tf( I••· ---------'l'.1. 1\ J.~.f \ II• .. • r ,,,r.rt1• r f " •" 11'• II ,. •, 11-1 \\' ,,.., • ... , • n f , .. ,-. ' ... p• : 't • •~ f • .. ,,. t A\ •· ~. tr N°•'" J••r 1 P l1•r I •l.1l•llal11 rl S111•'" t•l'_,I K rte l'f Ill •t".•, t 11 f I 1111 .._\II • ·' \\ , • •ll 1 I I ''.I' I """ I ,,, '·'" •u•I .\1 ,, •1 ''' f( .' '\ul• "'-"' •'" 1 1 ,., • •II •H 11,11•"' 1n J• 1tol I 1, •I 11ti1 ... , i-111:\\1• ,,,~. • "" • '" .-, ... 1, -..... ", •• , , 1 t. ,, tt • r 1 11 hi-ni •111 rrlld your clAJlllt ned wt. Ill!~~' 11f'f' r~na t,_ I ',f ,f \I 1\ I 1111· I• l1d1 •' t•ll f ~ .. ti•" t ""'' ... , .. •'''""'"'"' rr ... t. '" '\I• l t•t\ ft 11"1t arit1 f th I ,, \tollf'' U l 'Htt 1J~,t, \\' .. I .. llOLCOMB 'ti.· '., ,,, lf1~·h"1t\ c' •I<•.'"-•' I ·~ I. :\ltd < \\ ,,, t• t 11· I-l11t'' .. h ~I l' R:"• I I I •I''" 1\1 lltoll~· .' 1 r1r i:1trni:,. "fl , ... , 1•1 ' 11<1 • s 1•1•o11 l ull f'' ,. • ~ .... "'' "''" u n rt :\ta 1 ~:ur • t , • ,, t,1.·t1 ,. 1,~ ,,,, I 111 t ~ •• I II \.\-1 '~\ l' f f f, I I I I , •• ,. •\I 11• .1 I -,-,,,, 11•1! I ,. r • , .. ,,. , • ,, ,,,,, .ie, 1 .. . .. f I I ' t, 1tu f f 11 h I it \\ .I 111 H .1 ·11~t U .. ' 11 I I I ' I f I '·I \I~ . ,, ! ' 11. >-I' k , \' \1.1·1. '1.1·:1\l·:l :S Y111·1: ·11 :1-.\.T l:E fll '\T I:' 11\'EI: I:-, ·. '" < ;< ·1·:,.\ \ 1:1:117'T 111 ;~n. ,...;rn. , •• ,I I •P .1 ' ,, I I I f • '.~ ' " 1 ·.,;i,1 l 'r•op•·r1i1•-.. ,.,,, l'I \I 1'1 •I'' • f ••• t ' \ ' t:.,11 .... JI ,, . ·" I I ' • •.· •• , .. , ' f'l .I~ F -If A \'E~ ·.•.1 '•I l I l'I "'· ) I• ... , ,, , ~ 'f I f • I. f l I,. -···rt ,f ..... ,. • • , • q JI. It ~ ... ,, I • ., '* • t •• ,.,, I I ~ '· . ' . . .. ... 't I tr,• ,, 111.: • I ,, '' •• , f fit• I·'•'' r• • ' , • , "' I t1• '' •• , ... ,, ••• ,, l• t •• t I ' ., -.I I , ..... ·'" .,, I ,.. ' I• • , • ~ • I t ' I,. If •• \tp I •' 11 ''I I ,, • ' ,. I~ • ., EA l~I. \\' ~TA :\I.EV lt l \l.T'ilt ,.,, \'~.It 1 ·: r: :-, f W l'r1l:T 1;11 ... 1\T fo:R 11AR1111 n Vith . .,,,1 trt':I "'~· ~TS :-;, 'WJ;,rf 0. 11rh Blanche A. Gates Hcaltors-Ginny Gatea 2L? Marine Ave .. Balboa Island nay l'h•llh''· l1:1r. l\;7 1-.J: l11tr. 1034-J l·:w .;: ll11r. 7·\t;.l\1; Jlnr. 1117-M BAI.BOA I SLAN D ;1 1~ .. 11·011111 11111111•, l11111 i-.h1 .. 1. s:11:.1~.11 I 11\ ··I~ l11t 111'.11' S111tlh l\n~· r11r St~~ll II I ~·l ~ .. lrnnm hnnw .11111 :i p:11·t1111•11I 1111 l .lttk' IMlnnd. I . ll, rm•pl:H"'· 1:.11':11:•· \01'1')' d1111111l11~ and pt1L't'd rli.!h tf'll'k .;:tic• ~ CORONA DEL MAR N1'\\' :\.l1&'lh'110111 lmni.• a nd 11p11rll111•11I with f'Xlra IHI\!•" '"""""fll nnd ll\'lng 1'110111 • n1M)11l anct bath 1111joi11lru: 1t11uhl1• ~::11·ai,:1• l\todc•m 111•d\lh'C'ture. South nr 1 111:11\\a~·. I0:\1i•pll11n11I \'11h11• nt $22,000. Nt•w :!-i.1 .. lrtMltl\ honk' I Alls or \\ 1111'11\\'M. I l11rdwood nnors. Y1rrpl11t"' t-'I• • ... r11m111-.'. nouhk> JtRmgt". Tiie• A CF:M f11r ~l l ,!'°)00. NEWPORT lll:ICHTS l\.•a11tlf11I. ltuM\c•m dc•-.h.:n . :1-IM"lln'MMll homf', wll h pa I In. DLANCllE A. GATES--Rcnltors--GINNY GA.TEI RO.c A1111oulll'in~ 011 r New Name BEA C<>N a 11 d HF Al.TY A s" 1> 1: 1 at c s ( l·011f'llll'l'h I·\ ,I F Hlt11d 1•11) co. I· \,I I-' Hh•Nl••JI I ' I ; I :.1111i·tt I 'It 1111 ll H111-rwt t I \.11·111'.'' F111111'111111 1711 'l·\\l'(ll:T 111.\'I>. I 'I 1111 I•' I \."II 1111 . I I I ', It >H-c JACK SlJ LLIVAN J J.:A :"o: T 1\ YI.OH 1 .1·~<.,·n:rt c. .JONES Corona drl Mar If Ent: IT IS TllE BllY OF TllE YEAR! c 1;-.:1.; 1\1 ,I I<'" F 1<11~t Tl 11< 1 I( ·1·:A N A :t.lw"llnn . h••llll '. 11.t-. 111 """"'I(, ]11'1\;i•·~. 1·:1qw·t•"I wn ll tn w11ll. :! "'"''' l11 r 11:11""" bn·1· k1td1 '"' 11,ilh All frnccd :11111 1.1w1 ..... ,, •• .i /\11 11folP1' "'"'"' 11111 11 ll tth· work \\Ill 111.ik" 11 :i 1!11rwy 1'1•1111,. •1><:-111 Hf·X I' < ·nr-.:~·•rt<t J< "n1 •N In tnwn. :!-l11"'l!i"JOl'll home, r1r.,,it:11i•, ,~ ... h··: ...... m . nici• klld11•111•1tr, hnth and l11-cln1orn.; ~""" ... li'A". tlhl<'. 11 tt11d1NI ~11111g1· with Imm· <try mom. ~'.IX:-.O, l<•nns. A Hl-:Atmnll. 2-l\l·:'l>HM. llO MK lg(', lvg. room & fln•pl:uv>; a ll tlh• kifl'h•·n & 11 ~ h11t hs, n ln• r111tlo" sun 1lcoe·k with n w11·w•o11s vlc-w or ()('(>Un unrl hills. 1i1is 011fHtan<lin..: h rmH• in 11n f"Xd11slw• dillhid m1uit hr !'W"'" to llf• 11ppn>ci11h'fl. $:lf;,;,oo. 'l'Prnt'I <'nn be i1rrnn~t'(I. ~xm DOWN WJl.I. I lANnl.F. 011• purdmi;t' of thlll t,.•:.111if11I :l-l11vl m 1 honw nn 11 f,().ff. 1·11rrwr: :..! tlll? • loath-., Ii::•· 1wn. l111n lw1ul nooN thro1.1~hot1I : l~r .. dht.• 1:ar:11:•· with ~·rvi1'f' roont, f1 •nnoel ~ IM•lllltl· full~· l;rnd .. r a1•·•l. a n-..il hnnll' rnr t111• rnn~y. JN Hf\ YSlll HO·::S ESTATJ·:.~· a fin.• :l-bf"llnn. home un :1 '"•ni1•r . 11~<'. Iv~ r •,.•m /l.t f lri·1"'-"'· <INl ~ •lining rnnm. tiJ,. ki fd11 •n !(. l1:ilh "1llt or11t..,i1 t.• stnll i-.l111w1•r; n it-•· p:itiio "'<l r:1 h·" l':ir .11:•· '1111'4 is ht 1111 l''Cdui-.ive d1,1 rid , fll'I\ :ii•• f,.•:id1 14:; 111n •or!ltl'. :if ~I H,l)(J(I it'A ll l'.'""1 1111,\' '1'1·1·11 .... :11•1• :1\.11l.1 hlf' fN<'11;-.11-: 1 liM'•• ...,.,,.r:d l!'"•l liuya In units fnlm $:~:.t.:-1111 1 111 . t :.!:"1,11110 M' "' nr tlll'm will show o net r"t 11m 11f 111'; 1<1 I :l'; . Lil w 1 1:-:1.1-. T\\'I) I HI'S HTx!J(Y. nlN' locntion . l ~>ltt r •• ,. "!lfj ·:1~ •. '1111' ,,...,, buy llll tlu• lsl11n<I. Al.T. Kfl\'.I JS OF rnrs fr11m $17!">') &: lip. BUA.lneM fr1111I :u:•· r nim ~'..!()() (M'r rt . < 1111• :"r·:W 11< >:\11·:. nin• dist ril'f. y11u l'lln h11y It or ,.,.,,, 11 ••11 a ,\1•:1dy h;...,is & rJ\v 1wr will fttmi ... h II for• y 1tt1 I WANT: A ;i.nr.nnooM In f'orono df'I Mttr on n '10' lot around ~17 <100. 1·Hn pny ~!">O()() clown . A trn~n-: d r)';I' tr1 thf• l'f\1r:mc-e to the hnl'ltor with a pic•r. \\ill pay 11p In ~\~.000. r llAVE AT.J. KJNDS OF SUMMF.R llENTALS ln 11ll lor:1tions starling 11 1 $:-'IO per W<.'Ck & 11p. JACK SULLIVAN 12()!) Const Highway Hn rbor 1017 ., C.Oronn del Mar IJnrbor 1247.J 81.(! . . ' I. f t' I t ll D n t. 14 Cl " ( ] ( ~ lft1 Ii• u· I n J nu n Oii ru on ~. Jr net - ~ • .. • - --.,._ P1 Ct 'R A1 1 by al Sal al wit be Art H11 ln th tu ra ~ )C'l S t •1 M p t' It b I ti c ( . AROUND THE HARIOR, ON THE MESA • • • Social rttO~U: llA.llllOll II. -~: KA. lat~& Page 6 NEW POST 8.&LBOA NEWS-TUU.M T1 ,_.,.0 n x-.-. .._., , ... ,_ ,.,_ 1. 11011 Women's Service Cl•bs Combine to Hear HoliJoy Stage Pt09ram ..,. ............ s w eaamtwant and Mr and Mn JfAln ....._ 1"ft"r <:.orona de-I ,._ P'CJllW who lftt Uw hari>or for 1 tW' moun- tains and ......... ~ •• Ctf"§1· i1rw cJI~ FINI! F ABIUC'5 • Di•r~ • Uph •• .,. =~---f*tcs.IJhp Qulldnt. ftC. PHONE HARBOR ...... I( tm OaMt ~ ·O....clll fosltion Sltow ProYes Substantial Aid To · LJHle House' fund Cl\arm•n.! ~unim• r ... ,, .• ".,,· ah l• f•1r 1,.. 1l'h \4• .11 '''I• 11 l•lo 1 .~ lo\ ~1n.1 • I : 111• .. 1 l•l 11111 t1 tht: ~ n. f 1t t• ·• .1ntl ! • ·! .it ti ... ~ • ·'' a:n •n IJ) lh• ;\•"l•·t • 11 ,1 lw•I (~i.rt SI h t U '"'"' .. 1.1•11 u ,~ tL• ,,m,rtr-Jn l....1 •''''" 11111 4\~~t , .lit~ • tin •rt1tJt ,,_fl I \ j ft I I h• .. ' :\la> .!i ,,, dr'll•1nR: \\'uh M.o.rl) •'\f'r) 1.1l1l• fill f'd. rhr a tfil1r "'as d..t1n111 I} '' r m&nC.'UI I s UN"W'M a nd In I: I\ lnl: ~r to thf. C'h<Hn»an, !\In. JC11m l....iPtl, Cornm.LUl'#Wf' !\tr!' Ralph [),.., • ..,. was h1tpp) 11"1 ht> eb&r to annou~ that t h,. C 1tl 5aJu1 -='arion is now •·orklni: to ralw ··ttw tut t.50lJ · ~ to ~· thr ronstroctil)fl of Uw Girl SC'Out ··1..alfl,. ti°'*' al 17th and Cf'fltral Mn Arthur M")..-rs. 313 l!lth ttl'ft"f, rrlftttainrd mnnl>rn o( Fnrndiltup Hom<' Clr c-t.. II • n 'Tbund.1.) ~' Pfllni:. !\fr.. llar11l11 8rr4>r 9'n'll\f; 3$ m-h<.c' ·~ Mn 01~ \\'t>arn..,.,. .. , r.r• Pdood and )ff' ~tuarl lnrlf'r-1 Jr<1 in ~\nt10n1 lm• .. a1t "' rho 1~u..J ml~t.,nill") lo~"''" \Ir" F"tt-.rd ll;\rt ,..,.,.tf I• l 1. r• from "' "''"" .. on;.') r ru-ntf '" J :i )"o'l n ~ ~ L.. ft11> mt'lllh In •'tiif'h f"no n<f..tu r ''""'' >I .. 111 h:t\" I • t't>.tr1:"" nt nrth tfl•~ at ttw- rt.ur rti Th•) .. 111 a n-:ini:· ti.r-.n. '' t h• 1h11rch sintl ~n1· I~ (nr •h•· ro-r11J;ir m, ... ,. Ing Qt ttu-\\' !' C !' nn .I 11 nr 1 fl )fn .f>.wld Rini: "''II t... lunC'lt· -C'h.alTlnAn ~""° mrmtw r• '"••lri11Tlf orl ;ir ,,.,. ~lln~ •rn· !\Ire .lo•hn F' 0-..An. !\Jn; °'"''' r J•·n~ Mn Eha Ktl'fl •ht-lattr•r 1r11nsfl'frtnt: from. ,, <IA) •·1rrt.· ELECIROLUX I )tr< J1..., rh 1llo •mfl'-<m "a• , •r•""1:;l i:lY "I a nti m .. mh1 r• 1•r·' ""' ... rt• '"• !\l•-«1.1m., r. rr Ft1dl )f;i, 11 .. rn ·ll. lllt• \\ .-1 CLEANER .._rFletc•er All6Mlli4 •• ...._,. • u -........ ,_...,..,'"'9 PHONE RE.A("('"' 6:."M-\\' UJI ...... "-A.-P. (' ........ ....., ..... -........... .... ~ ...... _.. .... n :a ••••• a r•••lr ...._. ............. ..... .,__.... .... __ _ •WT. tKS ....... .__ .. 'M'9 • lh-T10 '''· ti .r .. t•I 11.~ 1... :'111 tr• lnr• r •' )f1ltlr• •I 11 "~'I•• •I tlhl 11 t f: ,1, h N~igltborltoocJ Circle 7 Mem~rs fo Aid W i#lt r acation 6ible School .. \ f • '1 1.I ,. f11I • I 11-f '- , ••• t , f •• ,,, .. ··' ') I I •ti \ \ t .-:,t • r:,t,1. ... I I .. I \\ ' .11...&r... ,r '-':.1 ... • • \t.". ' '' •• •• tf' I J f!T• h un .1ttfh 11 \\ f' '' tit I • r .. , . ( ' ···-· t ... . I 1. ' ··I \I. ' ' \\ ... . '. , .. ,. t' ,, •. '· •• t T " . ... i ,\ r • .._. I ,. t i 1 ,, ,, ' -l '.,, .. ,, .. 't f 1 H h \ t • f!~ '•II J • "' Jt, '> I \1 e.r L• n h n'• t, r ,._ ,. • •I , " -• •n 1r\ '·' ~ )1•mt .r.... '1·· 1d1 i1 •' ri , tt~t 'O\o\1 1"" rtlf 1f1 t..,,J' t''••t t•1,.rt'\r .tnd J1' 1t'fl• d r.. • " • arvl '-U ••••l ~·" .. ,.ti • r"" ' r ,, fund~ A r• l"'rl ,.f I '" '""n•li • I~ S<r\1<1 II\ th• \\ ~('~ Shin<t d .1 Jir••l1t ·I <;,,,., f"•l:•'1'"ff'tf )fro Lill.an furn• r in .-h .• · ~• N •u ppl"'" .1•k• •I lo1r '••l•in • .. ,, ·, ._.,rz H\•t p .... ..-. t'J4,th1n~· t.~ stupm• nt '•• F ur""'' ,_ mrmt'C'r~ "'• l<'l•mrtl h~ lhr n:rd ,. ,.,,..r,. \111111o• 1,. • P rk• llt'!'ln.• '.\hit. r . \"roln !\lt-r.'<1111 fno~rs llr*"• nt '"<'r(' !\l:n 1c Rhof,.n. Othrlln C'ranf'. J1•rr1(' {Ja\ 1$, lkt!) :'\tilll'r. Lillian 'fUr· rwT !\t1ldr.-d Hohl-I. Tw·tt~ J,.n. i11n.c. :'\lyrllf' Lomi.:. \"tq;:1nra ~ .... 1 • Manon But~ u I \ft .. •!•• ~CL .. 1 ........... 1••··~····· Do you want to 1111 It 1 Adwr- dw i. dww columna We Can Now Convert f_..._, TABLE LAMP ...... _ ... ........... •l't'C't typP. e 'to •I I amp' r • • "" rll•"C"<I f o r •1ae • r ..... pl• ..... :!.\A Harltoor I ·~~~~~~~~ I ~~J..-g~~.~ric I 'Oilahoma' Highlights Fesfio~e Evening For Club Members H ,. , I tit ' t I I 1., J •••• ,,. l •• ff ,,, ·I d r ' • , 111 , I • ... t ' If It J t tL-I • i ., • ,, ' l• 1 ''•I ' ' .. \\ I '• I I t I ~ I• - 1•1 " .. It,, ''. '· •' .. I 1 I I• I ,.,.f l · I \)t '.f, I!•', l ... • tlf \I ,, ~'. , J •• I . d·I ••, '• I f 'I I 1 "·t ., •, f 1'. \ ' I . ' I j \ii' 1d·" '.1 .i 11 • " r. /•,I• I·• \I r· .;, ... ; \I 11 .. 11 I ... ,,, ,, ' , .. ;.,, h1 . ' . I '" Grange learn s About Water Systems , Discusses Zoning ,.\ ''•' l'rf'• ',,,, " •' I"" c ·, ..... • \I .... , r:1 trh·• TI"'"'·•' , , , nm. t., 11 11 111hn.: •·I ~.n l •i•i•u "(t•Unf. ''''' c ;r.1n~·· fl• 11111\ f,.r "'Ulh,.rn 1 ••Unfit' '.\Ir I lanhni.: ",,, .u TtonlJ•.11l1<'<1 ''' h" ,. ,,,. :.nit 1h1o; "·•• h1~ off1r 1al \t"I t fr 1:1'1"' 'an 1nto•ri•s1 mi: anti rnfttrmst1"· t11lk on '41ll•·r t~•n· 5''1"'1tll11n. nuth ni;. !hr '4 ;111•r l')~· u·ms "' s .. ,1111 Ana H1Hr \;11- lf') A• m•ny C rani::<' mt'mhcrs hatf nth·nd•'CS thf' C051a Mrs11 To•n m.• .. 11n1:. thf' :wnmg QUf'S· !ton r11mr uv for g«'n('ral d1M"Wt· Sl-Ofl And I! "''a.<> ff'll It m11;hl ht' ad• 1uhlf' to ('trt'Ulalf' lll'ltllon~ prQl<'SI mi: ttw <'l>unt} 's acr 1on rn 11pi"Of)'ln11: tlw' ~lion '" which llw Grani:r hall 1s lnr11t('d t11 ho• a fartory zon«' AIM lft.!W'lL'-~J '"ll~ lhl' l,1kmi: up 11f :i l'11mmun1 I) prnJ< t'I ttw rurni .. h rni: of I altl··~ l11•ndu " f.,r ·~·· n t.) ll.trk 11n<I ronl1 Thi' ""' ,, ... ,,. ~f•·nlnn.tl ""' '11, nri:ht .m<I \Ir• ll.1111• l'l11l 111" , ho1J•l.11n. " " 1n d1.1n•• .. 1 ritM ,...\1 fth I It~ ,.f th1 mt•t 'llt~ r• ht ""t\1'1• nf, \\ t r1 ~••f\ t•4f h\ th•• ~'' •• N•mmll••·•· ll.1111• T:ur. \I " To1 lt.1"rl ,1ml A11d 1 :'\f.u• ·"" Hl,.~kl • 111 111 .. 1•r"ro·•·tl1ni: :-;uml.1~ T iit \ t:1 .... T11,t::o>. 1•ovular dUM¥ "c·11111lo<1" lt·atu~ at \'uu"C', Ra,1- """ uh:hth "'"''ltl \\"1·dnt'o.day, lnf'lu11 .. 1h1· "''"'ti'"'• mu .. lt· malu-n, ull•-rln•~ orli:l11al 11tl'IUll(t'l1Wnt• Of th4' 11114'"1 "°' .. ,.If &>i 1tll·tlnw fa\• """/ ........... r-. --- Mrs. Fred Long Is. Hostess fo Idle Hour Group t .,.. u f lh""" ,, 11·ndly pot luck lorwh1 .. n, "hwlt ml'mlJl'n ; of lhl· loll•· ll1utr 1'111lt ••njny so much wds tll'ld \\'<'d01•sdny at the hom f' .. 1 '.\Ir~ Frt 11 I .t1ni:. f lritnl(I' tlVl .. nu•-. Cost 11 M<'s11 sp .. r1al l:ll<'l'IS ,wl'r<' Mr~ J:im«~ Spon~l1·r anit Mra. Clam R.>llrns Mt•mlwrs pr('sent wen• the l'ofrsdames Winni<' Baker, Ella Ma(' Prinslow and Nt'lll<' TuckC'r. all o( Huntington Beach : M"sdamf'll G('orge Lorton. J ohn Jon('s, J 1-ss llrn<•sly. Frank Vlelt', H:.rry Clark(', J o hn Boyd, Chat- h>s A <>1:<l1·n and the hostt'lls . Costa Mesa. HARBOR~ ~fr,. I lrli:a \\:arn1•r. i')(>troil. ;\l1r h •.rn•"<I 111,1 Wl'1·k lo mak(' Councilman and Wile Return from Colorado :\11 • nnd l\lr,. Cl Z Roh<"rlson of Curo nA <Id !\lar r<'lurncd h11m1• rcc .. nll) Hfll'r \'acat1oning in Colorudu The>) rook Zeller jr. 1t11 fr.r 11s D1·nvC'r, on hts Wa.) to Fnrl \\'ayne '4hl'rt' hr will ~·ntcr I 11d111n11 'f1•chnrcal school. Al K11trrdg" lhry visited Mrs . Rohnrson's mother 1tnd enjoy!'d " r<·rrnwn w ith Mr. and Mrs. Tnm DorAn of Eaglf', Col. who pl11 n 10 visit the R-Oberuor11 In July. Ar lni;lr wood they were joined hy Mr Rol'l('rtson's m other. Mrs. t:s~•· Wallihan. who had ~n \'1~111n1: n 111s1er anct.-·ho return· c>l1 "•lh lht'm to her home in Los Ani,:l'll°S Blinded Vet Buys Farm With Government Aid h"r l111m ,. rn I ".ol1fornrn and 1s i-:1 1:-;1 •rt 'SK<>. :'\f1ss I t.;P 1 """ r.:w·~I t•I l11·r 11:1111.:htr r. Mr s Tiro ""' ,1•11•1.1n in Atta la Coun· f( 1, :-;, .. 1" n \';_'fl \\'11t1•rfronr ty t11 c•·• :i r.:11\•'rnml'nl-insu~rd 11r;1 ,. l '11r1111 1 tl.J \Ja r \\'I I h m"t • 1· 1 " '" ltt1} H farm rs \\ rl- t lir•, '"'" n ,1•1111:: rn Anaht••m. t.11111 II \ltlh r. "ho \\H!l hlind1•d ~••II· 1·1 1 11 :inti L•" ,\ni..:..t··~. lit•· rn 1!11111 111~ h~ a n l'Xplo,.inn '"'', i,, 1 1l.111a.:h•· 1 '"'' wilt dt· 11· 1, 1 ho• frr,.,1 tl1sahl«d \'f'l<'r:t n 11.t. h· 1 11nr1· """'"''! •hrm in t it• l 'n11 .. 11 ~1:11rs '" 11 .. nrfrr hy \11 .111<1 !\1t' ·1,.111 \\'rllrams 1111· '" \\ .... ,,., nm•·nl·ln-.un •tl p rri· and ;\1 1 11111 \Ir' 11111 nr1• llallf')' i..:1.1111 '"' 1' <:I f:trm hu~"rs "hrl'h 111-II•· "111 11111 11 1la1r) f;1rm and m.1<11 1111 :1 r'""'""'' l••n11 .. i1 '"' .1111111.d 11 1tlt·n \1t·i.:u. rn• 1nl1o•r-. ltol<I m1·1 fur a \\•irk , day, I h<' ,. unwn rt•f u11~l11n1: <"h .. 1r' rt'<'•"nt I) von·hnsed nnd "'" h:oll :uM lht> m<'n t'l1•nn1n1: l.;tk1•,1t!t 11• .•1 ....:. It' S u111l.1y 111 r11i-I' I• "ti ,., "I'' nn !ht• ~R <it•rr c; h,. o n h:i~ ""'•chi :\llllt•r mt .. nd~ 10 1111 a Insects Take Heavy Toll Of T exa1 Cotton Crop l11ri:• p;11·1 11f h t• "" n work. guided hy "" "' s it 11ni..: tw1wr<'l1 hl!i house 11nd h11rn If,• 1~ m arrr.·tl anti ha~ lwo son' onr l\liH1n<l·11·h111f \'1'111''> tolrl, llnO •hr nll1· r f1\1•-an0·<1·h:ilf 1111•nlh~ nltl I hi• i,:t('lllfl .... ft Musically Spea~ing ~ 'l .. , llATHll..E."f COLEMAN II .. -~ • •n 1•1 , ... ,,,, nt T r11m.m ' fl,..,i, I !,in'\ •hlM•I Ill• th , .... fl•tlt)).!' •h· ,, .... 1... • ""'"''" 1 .... n• • pl ", r ll111l.1' Tt•X 11'1'1 ln~"l'I • 1111\ ,. rohh.-tl T1·x11~ t'11f t.,11 f11r111t·1 • 111 ~I l.l•M l.f~lt l •h1r1111 •111· t1·n·~· ·" , .. I l•oll 11( l!t:li -17 • .t \ ' ~:111:0 II• 1\1111,•r pf lh1• l'11t r. 11 1'1•nl111111,, •I ..... , .. ~ 100,000 Roaea to Greet Bicentennial Visitors RJ-:ADI:"\.. P 1\ l'P 1 t1no T 11,as 1·ttttnrt I 11 nl••t '· \,ho I• !ht• 11.1111111 Ill I "Hhll'll"ll. "' •• 1. pr••Crl "'" "' •h• It I.ti••! 111 I'll • •~ ·• h·· • ·•n hut nnl~ I", 111 .. • t h"~ h.111 .1 1 Th.11 'll'n h. h•k ;11·r1· \I• It! 111.t I h" prh" \\ " I , u.... t ""'"' ·n,. Tu, t .-'' .. 1. ...... tu ... , ,., fl 1:1 1 h1111tlr••<I 1h1111";rml r •' t.l•••m•ni: from Jun•' 11n11 l frus• '111 tdl 1111 ''"I'\ uf r h1• Ho•111lrni.: t .. 1 ;..c; t · .. 11n - I \ f~u\1 Hlt•11tuo1J fu ;;,., """' p1'11p )t• lti 17 ,,, 111 '" "'''"~ ~· ...... ,, tft ·' l'•• .. 1tlt t1t 1'1·•}' T''"' ,,"'" L11nlt1 ' r. I• l"I !0111 l"I p l• ,.._. IH •I • ""II 111 .t qll.11 f, I "I f • 'I" 1•11·.t '" "''' 1111-... nl1'' •• \ 1111-1 I 111!1 fl t nlo I 1111• '1111111• I Ill• ff,, '' I ·~ t , ,~, ~ l .. 1-.1 f di. lo mark 11t. !••th .11~ '"'' , ...... \ 11( '"'' , •• ,~ .11,d H1UU ' :uh n• '' 111.... hu ... h,·~ ,u h t '1111 ... "'''' t•l.1111• 1l 1n 1111• Hc•.11l1th' '' >1111 '"' \1 1n~ 11t u' I ~ ,. ••~ u1 .1n1I ,, ii '''•' I "' •1 ·I ol '"II ,, I· I 'l"I ""''I' I • "' ,,, •'ft Tt\h litt!• 11 I "' i 1• n •I "~·n lh 1 •'1t I I II 1 \\ot 't HU It uutu! \\hi n tt '(',,1, ltl'•t1 ... pt1•h.d 1h II•·" """ .• inl• n -rh.~ ... ' ... tt1d ·• II.ti( 11i liluull\$ 01011 tu t ti "'": • •ti 111 :1,1il~1 l•l.rnt'-, •• P'""'1ll1nc 1 11 t1 1r1111n1 '·"'"Iii'· 11U ti qi~ pr'' 1' 't ). di 1•111 11f l11ll1 11 ] 1·•11• ,, •l1o111lol . ' . t1111 f':t1"'1' ti!\ I ' , ... • d 1 r II 111\•n.: pl 1\ I ti \ I It It• ' \ -... I 11' ... I • 1. r • t t.i,1 I• 1\ ,... 1•' 1) • •l I h• 1 • I, .• • I''\°' IT lh• In , .. , •I I'• "' •• P"'"''1.11n t :. r:' 11 \ I tlttU\• I \\ -~ \,;l\t " I \ I ' I '· •t ...... •'• .... ,,, t lh It,, ••'•"'''''' "' .t L'f•·•' 111nf1r , ,., • .1. "t St 1hn \\ 1n~r.•n I .,'"' I 111 \11 I 111•111n .on.I .1 tL,tH1L Utt.t •If ''ht • n,·,. \\r-1 r 1 r. -.. nr \11 rr11111.tn "·'"' ;i•k··•I '" pl.I\ Th• I''·'"" P u1 lw • ' I II•• hm-. II '•I) ho \\ ,1• /llll 11( 1•ru'1t t' plt"o.•'1 lh.11 h. "·•' c•nh :tn ''"·''' ur "' '" u1rl•"•~ ~ •• , rt•. r rl11l II·· a111 m p• '" pin~ :in' f1ri ""rk-. ~"'"") h,• •.11 '''""n 11 I I ho I"•"'" .tt1<1 pl.1) 1•<1 l~•,.I hn· "n's !\1rmu·r 1n (~ R •h .. rl J'lt'I'•'. ~1m11lr , "·'''" .1nl1 1 .. ·111111r111 TI••• • nthll•t t~lll 1>f h1• li~l<'nl'rS " 1~ unh .. 1rnl1"d • !'1 r .1p 1.,..,.,k •••·m 1 I.OT o•· \f'l'LE.l'!At'('F. ( •rr Th11 ''"" t.r,,i..,, '"'" lh<' ~·111:• "'' F r. l•I i.:r.1tl1• <('ho't•I twri-nntl ~1,.1,, : I q11.1r1• t1f ·•l'l'I• "<)II•'<'. 1'1•111., • l. h 1 1• ( \'11 '"r l~r•"'•n..-k l" ~.wt murh m11r. \11l11:ihl1• ''' m• "' '" ldl '" 1~111'1 1 ----~~ Mesa Upholstery '!.'-.,.. S""-pnr1 Rh·ct. (' O!'ta ~f'Sa Mt.:~ .;oo.&-\\' -------.. The Young Idea'' By Mossier 6/; Nowl·ouhavrll~klf4C at your Door • StllVJCE " Fr11m th1' NATION-WIDE Harbor .\rea N~H~~~L ZENITH 41J9 ~~;;· n D ·-~-G 5 :.:·::. ~ 1""11 · -~ CaJJL MOVE ,.,._, • • ...: _..:~ ... ., C h ueir41~firt ... ~~)l•jsl•'!! p, - •.._ Miss Joan Dodd feted of M iscelloneous· Shower l"in;;I on1· Of II Sl'rh s 11f lih!J\\- l'l'S t••r ~11:.s l'vruth> Uoclt1 of l l.1111<1,t J,l,11111, 11 ho r-111 IH• 11n1• "' llh· 111!-I ol rh1· J t1111• l111d''· 11,1, h•ltl F1 1t.l 1~ 1·\11\111..: .11 lh•• tlt1111.1 l'.1rk htollW ul :\Ir' :'\l.11 1t· \"o•llni: \\hu >h<1 1t'tl lro,11·'' flu· '''' '"'h lw 1 d:nri.:h1o·r :'\11" I> 1\ 1d C a rdnt•r ~••wk" ancl 1!l111l111lu-. rn li<i'· ,, I t·olur~ \\ "'" lwaullt 111 a< d••t'c1ra1 '""' ,\I 1111· I l•frt•,hml'nt hour ll'l' er(· nm 111 "1•clllrni; lw ll 11111111.t. 1·11uk1PS. 11111~ 11nct ('1111· ti) \\•'!'• l'"l'V('d c;;1111•'' 111 r1· 1,.111:11 11nll n f.(ll•'''lrll-! (•111)11.,.1 l\llh plll)i'rS u.,k1·d 111 l\T ll•· n11r111•i; o( rlow- l'l'S \\ hwh "•Jltld .t1~11 h1• n11m1•s c.r ,un11 •1h1n,.: 11 lirr!.11· m li;ht w .. ar ~fan~ 111''"1) i.:rfl< 11·1 "" pri>· s1•n1 .. r1 ' 1 h1• 111.nrn 1"' i1wh1clini: taltl11·l•dh<, II hh1nk1·1. \!rtll'l'l'lt'S, k 111'111•11 11r1wl1·•. lo.1th tn111•I' arnl '' 1;; :inti .1 1 1·1 ~ l.1r,.:1 .ind h.1ntf•lll1 I•' alumllllllll lJ ll fr I' I )'la It· l;111·•1, p rt'Sl'lll rnd ud••d th• h1.n1011"" ;\1.-s I >t>dd, hl'r 1110111 .. r. Mrs ;\l.irr•m C l>odd 11ntl h<'r s1stl'r. Mis~ Joan Dodrl, l h" Mt•11damt'S .I <'ii s 1 " llaui;hron. J F Sand<'rson. Rnlph n1r11;1. t::lm1hC1 h Lamb<-rt. C'ilarl<"S Slodar t, Rol><'rt Bro~·n. Mar- i;t·ry Eastland. R. H. K M rly, Chesl<'r Watson. E. B. Walls a nd the Misstt Gardner, Bcwr- ly and Marilyn S todart. Former Enemy Aida Diaabled U. S. Pilot from the A HIRO WOl'LU STA&\'E ( lh. rm'>l'r~. I m ••n a d w1 :\111vh<· I'm jus t " ~lutton. but · · all I can tl11nk ,. ~ ''·t. ~ } 11 ' ' ~ Of IS \\ llllJ!Jl'Cl c r c• Ii m and such )'ou kn•JW, I h1·artl nf a "umun "hV \\ll~ i;1·t· 1 rnc i 11 1 o 'hl' 1 " (1 t u 11 du,.~ sn sh1• w1•n1 lo 1t .. r d1.1t'lur and µuur.'fJ out ht•r t roulilc.~ .. And I h<' funny part n f 11 IS that I h:i rdl~ l'al r1n)- I hm r.:.'' slll' wtotmd up ··Yvu t'all ,,,..k 111~ hu,lo;ind \\'h~. " h1rtl 11 t111lrl stan " lo d .. :ith on "" mt•:1ls " • .. 11 isn't the m<'al<:.'' <:a.rt! th<' d uc·tor ")t"s th~· ta!'t rni: )OU do \\hrll' )ou'r<' cooking. and a ll 1h1ll pan ticking And I'll 1.N·t )Oll pick at 1hm11:s w~n )·ou <'lear lh(' table E\'ery tun<' you takr a brtr of food. l "''"nt Yo\I to put an l"QUa l amount 1~to ~ fruit jar You'll bt> sutprisc.'Cf W<'il, I tri<'d that rect'ntJy. And believe me, now I know w hy nothing Cits me but a tent. SMALL TOWN GAL Silver Teo Program For Edith Curry Hooper To feature Students )frs t:d--. .. rd ~l1rl,,., '' 1 1•'•l \ ·~pr-t_"itldt"'ftt of ~ \ll""f I ',!I. )J rar.-n1-T .. 1ch,r ;i-.,,.,,,, 1· •' m dt.t~· ol th• 1Jlu..;1.1" •• , t . ,.,, IJl"'~·lllt a l fh<' >I \'I lo 1 ' n '<'l'IJtlun honor ma.: .\I.' I .t.' Cur n llo.•1• r , t•• •••••I •· • Lmt1i.11•n:h l'<'h1.c1l "111• Ir "• 1 1" tw td lt••m :.! tu ·, I' m It '1''1'' ''' th1· ..,.,11•1al hall ui \ \0111111 llll'.' chur,•h ;\Ir' "'"'"''r ha" tJ 1J.:lt1 111 ti• ('L.,lil .\lt..,a M'hu•>li. lt•r -'" ~· 11 ~ • .111d 1,. i:r• .111) fo\•'tl b) t'l11ld1111 «nd 11;ir, nl> fur 11, r unf 11lin.; k 1r1dm-,,.-.tlld do \ 111 •l•n '• lh r ~t udl'nl~ Sh.• ., r\'111 ini.: "'"'" and "111 '"'" ht•r hu•t. .• 11.t. m.1r>· rni.: 11t·r horn .. m :\l1d11i.;.111 . 111r1 l~Jpll> ho1\1• lw· .. n 1 •tn t.11·1 t el fur pr1ti.;r;1m numt .. r. H111h llulf1n:1 n. •r"h 1.:r:itl" qllfl• 11• who \\:U. in ~rs lluol'•·r ) >1'tll 1:r.1dt d""· \\ 111 pr ...... nl t .. ' \llllt .. l•iu•11J1 I and 11111 '-"' a n -c:-11a t1on !\frs Jh,t.,•r m :'1t1h<'rla ntl :-'h.1 f4'r "'tll j.;I\ C' lt1 .. n11 ,....lt't 111•11• and Richard '.\lu ku ' ll'h "tll pla) the.-t•lc'<"trll· .:u1tar '.\l.1r· tha :-i:onnan 1~ lo t:•H· a I"·'"'· numtx·r and 111 rmaltnda 01nd Santos Pantoja '4 tll s rng llt h- er fonr.('f' 11udc-nts "111 also h• 1nclud<'d in the proi:ram Pink and gn"f'n have bffn sel('("ted as rolOf'S for dt'COra I· ing tht> t~a table>. '4h1C'h 1A.'1ll be bt>autlful -.·uh 111 la<'t' cloth and Slh'M" M'n~. AJI fonntt pupils and · old friends art' lnvlt<'d to th<' r ect'p- tion. If you're a srnall town gal. you 're a small town cl.I. and tha t'11 all there is to It. Tiw> WAS HINGTON I UP I An one and only t~ •·e went to Bl'UED "'ITH TUUJIJllNGS American fighter pilot Wiii gt't111s'"' 'New-York, I simply disp-aced FREOONIA. Kan 1UP1-Uttle vett'r1n'1 disability pay because 11 Jim. He's o~ of thaw air· Sammz Ltt an ar-old Pe:- German Luftwaffle 1erg"ant went mlndt'd moct.als Jllbo C98' •Djoo)I kangt'W doc. wu like ant' ot the to bat for him. life from the top ot • double· family in ttw Dr F. C. Duncan The pilot, formt'r Lt. Billy J . decker bus. preferably the kind homr. When ht' dK'4 he was ac- Lancasrer, of Longvll'W. T ex .• was with no root So. being gTttn c:ordc>d a flttlnc burial. At a COit shot down during a raid on th<' and trusting. I let him talk me of SJOO. tht' doc 101 taken In a Messerschmidt factory In R<'gf'ns-into going for a ride on one. twane to J~ and buried burg. Gl'rmAny. When applying for The minute the thing took off In a 1~ c:uke t 1n a pet ceme- government bt'nefits two Y t' a rs from the curb. I uttettd a plerc-tery. A tombatone mark 1 the taf('r. he learn<'d he would nl'cd ing scr<'am and dropped to th;<' gra,·e. rer tifi<'atcs from th<' German doc-floor. wherr I clasped the rail,..._ ______ _ for who 1r1>a1<'d his injuril'S to and yodrled lrke a Swiss. When r stahhs h his claim 11 wa~ time to get oH. I crawl- With the singl<' clul.' that Lan· cd to th stairs on all fours. rastr r had tx•1•n lr<'att•d ar a C:a th· And I d111n't t'\'('n ha\'C' ('noui:h o lic ho~prla l 111 Kc•lhrlm. 1h1• H1·d !'f'nJ'C' to hr asham<'d of my:wlf. f'ros:. 1urnrd lh1• p1 ul1l1·m (""r 11.1 ___ _ " form1•r l.t•rma n Luf\\\11fCI<' ser- geant. T hr s1·r1:<'an1 found llw suri:l'on who h11d tr.•nlf'd 1.rincastC'r. Ur Lt•o R11 l<'r r•·mnnlll'n •d hi!! pat••'nr was lhr nnl\ Am1•r11·a n 111 lh<' hos· pit~I nnd ~f'l.'ded immt'd1at(' usr: J.:•'r)'. llro had I Ill' m •r1·ss11ry f)HJ)('rs. PJ;.r11111i: i:oals M'I hy lht• J:O\'· "rnm"nl fnr 19-lfl tnll•'d for in· crN•~l'l1 111·n•ug1·~ m· .. ,. 19-17 plan I · 111.i:,. fur c·orn. oats, harl<'y. ryt'. ~ori:hum ..... rtu'"''"d 11nll cir r l'd1 hlt• h• ;on~ Kamaaino Klub To Mee# Once a Montlt fl<•C'1~1nn to htoltl monr hi) "1""' 1n1::s clurrni:: I ht• ~umm<·r m o nths rnstN1d nf b1-mo nthlr. w ns madf' \\ lwn mt>mlw•rs of K H- mitatnA Kluh m1·1 111 •h<' honw of Dolli<' F.wrn1::. fll•P : \\'~t C('nlral 11\'f'nU<' Mrs , "Boot'<" Kc•t'm' "r1s In c-har i:r Nrxt m N'ling, th<'rt'fore. w rll I)(' on Jun(' :?2 :it the ho"14' of M n1. Ruth ~n}d<'r. 418 East Bay avrnue. Servite Club Diredory Rotary Club TUESDAY, 6:30 P. II. ........ boaw..d Lion*' Club WEDNESDAl', 6:30 P. II. Biiie 800111 -IWboa Kiwanis Club FKIDAY NOON ~·•-e.Jboa PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ('C"TR \('TOR & HI ll.llt:n CABINET SHOP SERVICE llu rh11r 14'!0 \Al~t:n1 A ~111.1.\\0HK T I· ,1111 1:-..!'1 I:\, :-;upl <tOi :10th l'I . PAINT WIT1f Glorillul nc.,.. colo o . r~ad)" Cn·u1< in cued) ·ri.11h1 dccorarnr sh ~dA for home dci'MHton. Nil millin!( nil m~rchtnj.t .. Trcu11r. Tont1 ur ruJ) 111 Apl"I) IMlll t.11•1 011~ DUUllE Oll·IASf PA:NTS FOR lVlRY r11il: ·~G NHO l'h. tti.rhor t tlt DAY 8CBOOL MORTIMER SCHOOi. Summer School (29th year) Open!I !'loncby, ,_ !I. (for 8 WttkA) GRADES and COLLEGE PRF:P S tu d('nts willing to w ork ! • ill'!'<'pll'd :"\'!ltnF.R 1.1!\IITED Rri:i~·"r !'0011 10 11vou1 1h-.1rr•.,1ntmrn t SO'! ('ora l ,\\'f'.. B1llboR bland G. /\. !\tort 1mr>r.' 1'I ,\ Oxford P rin d p:il Ur. Obed Lucas DE~"TIST %:?02 !i W. CentnJ. ~rbor 1'89 sr:wroKT BEACH GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.8. I iw \\'e.l C-tnl Plloite B&rtJor Ul..,f I Newport 8-«* .___ _ ____, BE S1TRE • INSURE \\ith Maurie Stanley 225 Marinfl Ave. Balboa bl Phone Harbor 1776 MORTUARY BAL'rl MORTUARY LAD.\' AT"n;:!\-i>AST 410 c-t m ... , C'oroaa del Mar Phone Harbor U (l)ay and ~lpt) OPTOMETRl~TS £. T. Bu«uworUa, 0. D. ~trht E\"'ES r:XAM~D> I.I.SAE& DrPUCATED O'--....,.._ -&«>- 1 llt w. r .. 1..,.. ,.,.. n. R.-•11 1'&Wl"naT at'.Arll OPTI C"USS COAST OPTICIANS r~·ri1•tlon!4 t"illt"d Gla.~~ !Wpairf"<I 1t 1~ r .... , oa,d r.,..,,,. .,.,, • ., J'h-""''-·~:\." · l'llY8K'IANS.-8(j)lGF.0S8-D.O. \V. T. Mooney ....,.... ... 811rs- X -IU Y U-8-r llttTtcr Barbnr" Pffl'81CL\S8 • l'ff1WEOS8, M.D I A~ V. Andrews, M.D. l"IO'KICIA.'O ... f"f"RGt:OS 41 l C'out Rlp1Hy, Hart»Or Ml I I c.,,_ • ..,. Mar I H. R. Hall, M. V. .,.,-.ktall alld Sara- Houri:: 2-5. by Appoin tment Tell!p•a•• ~ 51148 ISi B....._1 Cod.a !'II- nto. 11. Maxwell. 11. o. I ••• c-. ..... , Cftf'-. drl Mar omce llouni: 10.12; 2~ ..... llutlor ... Wallace J.Miller M.D. Eye Physician r._..,_ !Ip An I IEa I ·-., ... ., S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay ,t,·e.. Belboe ...,._, ITU ornao Houni: 2 to~ p. m . ...... , .. ,,,... ......_, Conrad Richter, M. D. , .-ct "°""' ! :VI ;i m • 12 M., 2:.10 p m · 4 JI) p m. nos .. · "" C'Htral ~f'1'Jlnrf .._.... Phoe.. Hart.or i .. SCOTCH TAPE SO\\ OS HA..'liD -'-- ~ E\\·s -TIMES ~UpplJ Umllell Tt:U:l'llO~f'..11: HARBO~ l'!, IS "''"0 Wll Published e\·ery day ~lond!ly through }'ndav, by S:im n. Portt'r nnil Lur1us S Sn111h, 111. own,•rs and 1ip.-rittn1~ of th1• :-O:,•,\'lfort Hnrhor Publi~h111g Co. I \'OL XL ~-------'\1·\\1> .. rt lk iwh. ( 1&111 ... 111111• I. 1!>'114 ,.,, ••• : l I DREW PEARSON \\ \~111 :-;p;J'l.l~-l 1111• I h 111 t: I\\ 11 1, 11111•1• 1 11111 111~ n1llo~I 1 h 11 '<111 t11i~iM~1.1~··n h.wk 111 ,, 1 1k·· II. llu!iA 1h.11 •II''-" t'all, 1111 i.:••11 "I" tlw 1m1••"•'''"'" 111.1· '"'' \\,1, tJf.· I"' d1n1' l111i.:•· \\' h1• ",,, 1 r5 m.: hllf•Y h.1n1f1'fl 1>111 h~ l-'1111 h·-\ Ill ho' ,11J lhlnl:' '.\lo·Jl.-•1• .111.I lho' I l,11111.I,. ltl Jo • '" .ill 1111'11 y .. 11 l l.t'\\I' , ·'" c , 1 •'" ,, l\o•n t '1•lrlt•,· , . .._ Kt•n t'1tlrlr" \\llh 111 1, 1111 II"\\•'''' th•· ,,1111o 1\.11 F:t11I• ·' \\ h Ir.. h u I \\htt lrnd ..... ,,.h I',,, ... "·' \\IH .. •" I •\tl\ttl :t JI~ II,.,,.,,,. pill"' 114 8'0.1,111, 1'tt tU'41'1 1t•UI •.• 11'111•, "" \\tlh "'"'~I\•' \t1111.1~ 11111 11111,.; "'"''' Su1>erstitious? -\\'hy l'iot'! , J•'t.'• . -\. ·s-m ~· # / \' I 1iJJ°/i '· I' J' I j _ . \ .. "/ . ..,,... .. ,.,,. , ~ If' ~.If •, Ji(" ., ~ .. ~. t' ~·,,u. ,·Lunu,,t th· , .1 .. 1 , r tt' .-.~ hi'•I •1 I 1··,.1. lll•lllrti'<', i;ill1" itp "'<'•'111 h . r1•11111uh-.t '.\111 du1t1H..: th•' :-:..·n· '"' 11\,11 th•• '."l.1t11•l ·''_.dt.·t~ ,., ,,11• d1·ht\lft on 1Lu·1 h.t ! :"11H)o·1 '''"' tu n11\ 1111· T:tf1.11.11·11t·v '"'' =-'111-..·11 .. ,.. '1'1111,.. !h•• ... 1.•1·1 "'"k"1' did 11 \ ' l""'~l tho• hill 11°111.-11 ht 1111• 1•1111 .. 11 · I'\ •'II f'."I th o' 1~1''"'111 \\ il~I' l~>t• JO E P.\1.001\A '. \ 1.1.-1111·111 ul S1•11,1t "1 .It•· Ii.ill 111 \1 1111 ''' lh•· Hft l111'ih"1"'"' 1 \1 1111,,.t,1\,1 \\h11l1.11l l1t·1•11 .ip1J(•l11t1"I 11"\\o•\•;' lh••\ ,\l't'•t11"1 '1'" "I l ll\11·: I ){'(~\'.\ 111 lho• :-. .. 1111!0• "' =-'"""''II 111 r .... t kl ., ....... ...111.k II\ tlh'll' I'll '1 ''""11·, '" \,,· \\•'••' ..rr .... 11,, h 1r;w1 "''"'""""' ,\ .. 1\.111.; ·"'"· '"""'•" h~ =--•·uallor.l'•·ppi·i .. r 1-'I .. ,·. 11,,,,., .. 1111' !••Pk .1 t11111 l'-1111 I h l I II 1 a~·.u11,f \ ttJl 0 1111\ll11""1' 1tttd ftll 1 111 1 111 11,.; 11111.: I II' •I •Ill I h' :"-111 -11 \l,11·-.h.111 pl.111 ,·,"! ·" ,., .. , .. ,.. ,\,·1taalh n ""' th•I n,·n Fa ·', .·.,:?/ I 11111 1111111• 1•1••'•·111 I~ S1a-~1·11 "·'' 1,.,~ "11,; m.itlo• 1 lw ,,,,..1,11111 • \/I L:""" 1111n ,,.,,.,,,. a11d •~ t• llt11i.; 111111 d"\'11 th•• ,1 u••I \\1Hk1·1-. 1 h, ,·J··••tur.11t~ "h 11 .t I 1n1• 1tun..; \\':t' Eiut.·~ \'i•tl ltt•••:--:. '1t•ui, lh•· T.1f1.J1.11tl1' •"I s... :"'<'" Yurh llut.Jun.111. ""'""'\~I \l.1111\.1 T.111 ol•lllh' \\II• 1•l Ill•· J I' :11 .. 1·i.:11n "" l'f1.11mt.lll 11f ti :'.n.11111· 11 .. m 111111• It'll• l1 w11.1• l'S =-'I•'•'' ..-111111111. t\un1111ll• 1h.11 durmi; 11t" 11111•• p11111a1~ .. 1 F.1111, . ....., 11,,, 1,.11""'"' ,1 lulll~ I :-\1,, ... ,,.n t'.1tt1p.u~n 11 l'''-''••nt.11 1\• 1 II 1 111•1 " 1••lh'\ \\ llh ·'""' Ill \\I .-.11111• to Tull .., h1•o1tlq11.1r1t·1-... -and 1111 . .t ... ,111 ;,, T11111 I n1111111t .. 111• •' 11.11\1•1) n1111pl.1111• 1I 11~.11 T.ilt \\,1• lho· ltl>••r·:il 11111111.111.,., 111,1111• ti unf;11rl~ ITllll'!/1111! !"I .I'"''" a,, 'I l\1 f ' \'" SI .. , ........ , ..... • T r ori::i11 u 111. • • • < • l'UllllllUnllM'r ru \\hlt:h llll' a l lt,o\" \"""'"' l'I' l'IHlll;lr\, Jlll\111 llO'lll'h• n•ph1•il I hu I !"'! .1s-.·11 \\ "' • f I I I p1h-tl up lho• i.:n·al•''' 1ir•• lh 111 •' ~11y111g "'11111· prl'I I\ h:11 I 11111!' I t I i lh'lull .. 1 f • '" • •. • I' •: " I -to•.• ,• E l I ' '-_. nb·.,111 Taft · I"''"'). 1 I l' I 1 11111l· 1-11 . • ,.n .. ·· ""··••'II"' \\,,. u m•·"· d••·1 TllL~ ltL~l,f".-s.· "Biii," n•plll'<I tl11• ~\11,S<'ll n •p 111 I hi• hurki•I I". I". ' 'I 11•,1•nl.1ll\'1•, H<'1~1nl1111: to :\11' Since Murray w11s 1uri11•1I d"'"' Taft . "thnsl' lhrngs nhout Taf~ Orl' htM'•'\'"r tho• •'ll1'1 nf hvmi.: h.•• 1ru1•" 1urm·d l;I'· Lust ll1l1111h 11 shnl HJ f'to'HI (act r~ that lip Ulllil rt'l'l'OI· 11; ·'111t•l't,•forf', 1( \I=-'. =-'''"'I ,.ho11lol ly ~tas~N1 has C/ll'\'t'<i 11111 quill' II US\' lhi~ llS 1111 1•'1(t'US•' '" 11ffrr \'t ol 11am1• for hl!ll1>l'lf n~ 11 ltlwral. unt11rily 10 put ll\'f't)~l' 1tw 9. 11• 1hough ff\ th<' s11rn1' tmw ;:111hc'r111i: 11-<-••fll w;ii;i• 110 ,.,,, 11g1"1•1·c1 011 1., Ill l'lllllJllll).!11 •'1inlrshUtlllll' (111111 111i• hll! ltil)'. II \\otlltl hr1\o' an I'll'• mrnt pnck1•rs, i;rn111 11111·rn1nr• a11rl irifymg rHtot'I 011 all lollor, "''mt• nf 111 .. hlJ.:J.:<''' h11:-m1•s,mc-r1 •>f :-;,11 uni\ "••ulil 11 ,.1111w 1h.11 --------------------tm r-Nnr1hwrs1, to '")' nc11l11ng o! ''"' 111111 ,11 ~""'°'' ,,,,. . ..,11·1 ,,1nk1• i.:1 1 *BLOOD IN OUR ECONOMIC VEINS h!' flwm1' umong th•: l: ~ s 1 .. 1•I 1,.1.,.g11111nn 111 tlw 1•11d, l111111 \<11111.t lorporat1011. It was l S SIN'I 111 ""''' 11:-.. rr, ... 1 1111 .ill lnlH1r1roul>I· J h 1 which S1n,.,.rn th rt''' a nd1 hon-,.1 ,, 11111,. "1 ... 11 111 .. \\111111 1 ... wat1 I u s t U\\' ung could thi;-; country keep going .1111:1. wlwn as J:OWmllr. hl' IWll)I'" 1ni; th•· l 's I\. 111111 \\h1·11 pr1•lll1 \\·ithout its 1'ailn1ad~'! 1' llUl\t• Ill•' old \Hllllt'!ll !:o'C oil 1l11n ttndi•r lho :l!tt1,h.1ll l'l,111 T • 1 II •1n ntt• 111 .. 1 •• th ,.,.,,~tr\ ltu•n t•\ .. r l\t·fttH he answt-r I=-' simJJle-t>\'t.'11 a rE.'lati\'r .\' hri<·f :-;nt.• \\'lll'n t·a11 .. o1 ui~·n t•• 1<1k·· Urart \1 I lkht~ stoppage of r ail transportation \\ oultl di::11rga11iZl' .s .-.ianll 1111 11111tt .11 ~ •ramu11:. St." The po·acc-lim1· 11raf1 11111 ,, 11.1 and p a ralyzt• the whole t'Con11n1ic machi1w. Tht• "'" '·"" m '"'"'1 111·'1 1"' 1:""1"" 1ni: u111•· ..... mi:1~ '"111:11 -1. tlilm.! 1 ( 11.-c -....... , ... .. 4 ..-. .. l .,,.. r .. . . I , . I I '••fl1••flt1u).: ii lltll•· It·"'~ than •'01t1 ,.•Hli:I• ...... 1,.,1 fl••• lu t ,u .... • ser\'ll'('=' of tlw air ine:-; i:-;~ li.m1tetl lo stzt•a) t• tom-I""''"·' ·'""" 11111 •. 111111·· 111:111 '"' 1"' .. ' 1•1.,p.1 •.n• 1 t ,, n• .. ,., I•\ \1 (~OIU>O ............. ... · ·-· ,,,._. .. munitit>:: \\'ilh adequalt• landing-fil'ld s -and C'n.'n 1111'·"\ , .. \\ if modl·rn plant·;-; \\'l'l'C' capahl1~ 11f \\·r1rkin,L!' fn1m h:i~· ~··•'(' "' truh•~trlt1I '1""'~11"11111h11• t ,, .. : • ,,.·. ,,, " 1,. 11 1, ... 1 Htu11••1 ... ,,,, •'tll 11•111 1 ... tt. 111 \\ .,11 1,,. 111 •• '' 1, , ... n .. dd· ,,,1 t.:11 f it'lds. whit-h thl',\' arc• not. till'.\' a n.·11't ada11tahlt• :--11., 1 ,,,,., 1.·1h•" 1·11. 1 •. , 111.11 111. 1 1 1 ti• t •I l\ ltl l•d 111 t h1• I It t11 l'ill'l'dnl.! thr IH';t\'\" fn·ic:ht uf tlw 11ali<•ll. Tlw \\'at.·r l.i..• I· .. ~-1'' ""'"'") f::•·· ,, .:• lht I 111 •h·· .......... ,\1 111• ·I :-0• I\. carril'I'~ a'n · ..:l1 1w. ;ind <l;'l' al:'t) limitl'rl in :'l'OJH' to 1"' •111"'111 I . \\a id .. , f ( 0 " 111"1''11'" ..... , 111111•' ..... II l\HI' I •11 1, 1:11 • ind d1·1 ·1tl··d t1t11 111 ~I\ •1 I ,1 1°11 .:.11 111 t ;. , , ) 1 t \~ 1 1·11 .-~.n,1tf, 1 11 1)111'l~ and inland waterwa,,·:-:. The hu:-;s(•;-; ;ind true! ..... 111 .... '''""" ,,, 1\,1i:·· ",,., .. ,,,,, 1 ... h . 'k!flt.:111 11:•1 ''I'll lli I' ,1• if.., 1w rfo rm a ,·aluahl<• fu11tli111i-lmt. a g-ai11. tht•.\· n•1Hh·1· .\""d 111. ~1·11 1'""'· 111111~1 1t;111"• •t 1o 1i11·1~ 11 ''" ,, , 111-·"' '""'' '1 11 at1)\ili:tl'\' :O:t·n ·il·t•. Onl\' tlw railro;u):-; an· c apahlt· "111 111 111•· nw:ii p:wk•·1' :ind i ;.11 .. 1·: .11111· "" 11 .. ·'"" .... 1 .. 1. • • it.ti \fnJiif1to. IH<•"'t IH IJ 11 .l lU1t d if\lt•"' of mo,·in.I.! :'\rift I,\·. tltt1<111l.v and :-:afrl,\· tlw .!.!'rt:>at hulk 11 "'·111 .. mt111-i n:tl 1. ,,.,,.,, ""' 11 • ... l!IJ•'"'' ,, '"' ,, ..... o1 ·1 •• ltllil111 1. nf fn•ij.!hl and pas~l'nj.!l•r:-; in peacetime-anti of 1•·l·ll 11ut 1111•11· lw:id, 1"c1·11t1·1 ·'"'' :.~·""'' •h·· i11 ut1 """"' 1111• ,,.11 1 baddllJ! up our milita ry fo r e<':-: in time of e mt.>rgt:'ncy. 1':><"11 "'1111' i.1"11''111a11'11 ll• 1···~aiil ).!:111 .. n 111111·111h1wr11 •~ :i"""''"I '''" 1ni: lh••ir labor n·lat111ns g1•n,.rall~ 1h•· 11o-1111t.ti•·;111,. \\Ill 11111 lll\l•I • Thi;-; is the ,·a:-;t s take Ame l'ica has in sol\'ent, ''''"'r1ath 11w1r l•·nrt1 ·111·y 10 rw·nal-rt .. 11111. l<or 111,. ,11111,1, ,,.,1,,.11 111" Jll'<lj!l'C's:-i\'e railroads. That :-:ta ke is ~hared by farmt•r . 1"1 1·"11-... tnkmi: u111"11' "' J>l'l"-111 .. ~ '"'111i1 11n·1 .. r 111 "''''' 11 .. f 'I . } ••nl !ho \\'all Sln-t•I l'"h•·~ IS '" 1t• l..li•ll ih iofl ,111,.,11.,11 It •llil'• 1 it m anu attun•r, rt:'tHl e r. cunsum e r -ever yun<' 111 l H' r:1\11r 111 .. 1 .. 11()1· 1r11.r.·r "h" 1,,,,,, ' f J tu '\t1\1 f,lo1 •l11 pot 1f1\ country. In une way u r a n o the r. the r ailroads have a th·· h1i; -11 .. k :11u1 •·"'"ii:/•' 1! "·•\ h<'arin~ on all our' jobs, in\'e~tments, opportunitiC's. 11111"n th:si "1·1~' i.:,q I 111 '"'· """" ...... 11 ... , •• , •11 Tl h l l f th l f ., f l I ') , ..... .JUnf'. r.,,. "'';·n···· Jt,•rt rr ..... n f;1•ntClf ft··p c:.,. .... , • 1c unc rec :-: o ou~a nc s o m1 es n s l'{' nu ...... , 1 •• ...-h••a!l ,,r t · :--: :-.;,, , 1 I•· Olll tn ktll lh• tlh pl.11, J '"'ti" which link {'\'<'I)' corner of the n~tion can be lo)!ically i:··1"•:r \\'1th 111r r.1 .. 111111 :ind ll:mn:. t1111 T .. 111.11 , 11., 11, 11 t ''" comparNI to the \'e in:; and arter ies of the huma n coal mtN"t·~ts. gave John 1. 1-''"·1~ "''"' '"'h H•·p 1 .... "'' 11 111111•11' b ....1 h. h k tht• l•t!..!C•'""' "·•J.:•'·J•·n''"" h .. n.tn /.t H•·iiulilu.in .uul 4•1, 11111, •fl 111 th• 0~1y. They carry the su~tenance w 1c ·cep:-; U=',111 111 ... 1111• 11 1'111 1111• ··"·" 1111w1• 1t111,., (· .. m111111,.,. Tu kill hoih the , going. :ii lhi• lllll nf lht• \\:ti:P·lil tfil"I fl1 ,1ll 011\rl !111• 10111 ,, 111111'11 d1' Th I t f I b t h . l II llH'1t'll\ 1·.111 ... 1111: I' :""'I" ""''""' pl""'" I•,,, II• 1111 I '" I ' \ e cuvo a or.g-overnmen.~ 1pp<'rsan ( a rni1111:;r1nw11 h1111o·1 1 .. 111 •• ""'' ·, .. ' '1 1' 1 . I b • •. ,,, .... ti P'•\\•'rlll •i •1 t1 '""If I o the r groups to he p a~ est they can tu t\l'<'P our """' ,,, lah .. 1 1111i1 111. "' • 1 '"" 1. 11, .. 1t111,., , ·,,11 111111,. ''"'! ,11.,., railroads sound is cle ar. A financiallv sound a nd ,.,~ 1•·d h) L•'" 1~' "'" "'"1 L'h'' j" ! .~a' •. , 1111.111 . · 1111<\ 11 ... '"' CaJlable railr oad industrv is the life blood of our :ltt1rm~ . • "''" '' 1•·1"1"' ""' All•·11 1 ... 1°.:.1111 ... 1 • l ... 11rr, \\hf"n 1t C'.1n1r• 111 1h1· Rail-1lw rl1nf1 lh••\ "111 111111•,ilol\ •lw econ o m y. l'•talf llru1lw1·h11u<h ' 111111 1 .. 1 .• n J!1 1······tl lrl I''"' 111111i; l.oth from ITl'a~t·. lh<'Y go! u11I) l:'i •"'"'" an 1 n·1wl1111i; 1tw I lnll'" rl•••I' 1 .. 1 ti••· * SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE chr111r w~'''.'' "o' 11t1•1011 IH'C•·1D•'•"I lhl• 11111('. at 1n1 ut ver og th· 1 .. '' '·''" 1111· I\\•• ,,,,,,. \q1r•· The r e are few thi.ngs in life m o re desired-.and. In Mother-Love Clash '"''" 1.-, 1111111 '-' '""'" :q1ar1 TARZAN t oo often. m o r e e lus ive-than su ccessful marna~<'. w1<111TA. ''n11 11'1'• T1111 . " Tin), 11 1r111 11"' "1"'"'·, 1111 1•111• 1 "111·11 ·~ r .. l -~-""°--t-s-1~--r-~---.. C I . I . · \\fin,., t•• rtu•• ••r '"', ''''• t' CCJllAl'Pt.,.....,, c ~D ()..• A"W'D ount e:-;~ hook~ have bee n wntte n o n UH• ::-u )J('Cl. ''""'·'••·I•·" ""1· 1' 111"11i1·111w lr1 r . .. !5 .... 1n.,.c; :..l 4'1(•(~ •c countle"s discussions have dealt with it Yet m·tr-1"\\ll 1111 •·1 "1 1"111 11111•'11' ·111" r1" 0 . 1"'') fUJll'lll sl "''' :.11 ' \\uicl I APP11~ .. fOTt1f ~T[~S · · • · · · • ' 11•n 1•·r pup~ ;" ""'II 1111111 ''"'J '1'111\ \\o111 111•1 ""\\ '""""R l!•M .,--........ ria_ge COlltinut•s to he notably UllSUCCessful in num-:.t rs H l; \\'111111111111. 11\\111•r of ,.,,,..·~ 11ur:-111i.; .ill 11111, '-' c; ' e rous ca:'l's-inclucl ing many that n ever reach ·th<· cl i \OrCC' courts. There is no pat formula for marital succe:-::-, hut ~1mr·lt11<h· onc·c· ~aul t hat an~-partnership ha!l.ed up11n . o r im·h11f'irh!. th<' foll11\\·in!.!' factors wa::: ,·irtuallv Cl'I'- ' tain t11 hc> a happ,\· 11JH'. Th(':-:e factors a n • c11n1m1m int<•n •:-t::. c·11mn11111 <·11urt1·:-:.'·· rnmnwn h111w:-:t~· and c·r1m11111n -.p11:-1'. E arh i .... important. C11mm11n illl<'l'<'::l;o; d raw a c·ouplt· <"'"'''I' t11£!<•th1·r: r1d11 m 1111 t11rn·tt• ... \· l1·:-::-1·n-. frir- ti1111: 1·11m1111111 l11111p:-;t.v in:-pin•;o; l'11nfid<·1w1·: :111d 1·11m- mo11 -:p11-.1• ... ;1,·1•:-man~· a (liffinllt :-ituati11n. C11mm1111 :-<•n::r i:: prnh:1lily tlw 11111:-l imp11rta11t of all. Thi• jtl·l''''ll \\'ho II:-<•:-it h1·f1>t\• l!t•lt illl! 111:1rri1·d will ::1·1'1-> :1 11.:11(· "h11..-1· intc•n ·..:t..: :1n· l'l':1..:1111a lil.\:_ :::imil;ir t11 hi..:''" n. 11r a t l1·a ... t. 1111t in ~lrnrp ('nnflid \\·ith t lwm Tli1· 1·\t·rC"i-.<· 11f it a ftPr m:1 rria[!1· p1·11mpt:: 1111t• t11 lu · ('(lt1l'lr•1111 ... al'd h11111·:.:t in marital n ·latinns. ('1·r1:iin it i:-that if th1·s<' ''t·o11111111n'' thinl!"' \\ f'rr• m 11n • "·id<·I _,. pr:id itNl. hn1ken l111nw:-: \\'•111ld "h1· m11('h m• ir e 1mc·11mrnon. ---------------------Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Of'fW'ndial>ff' f~AI fn~t11tfon for 0Trr 4n , • .,.,... ------RP:rRF.~Y.'\"Tf':O SATlO'\"Af.LV R\' C.f:ORC.f: 0 . C'f.0!'4r:. flii('. """' f'rianrl'4'n· '""' AnplM-Pnr11and-~at11f'·<111r11~n-Sf'w Tnrk-llo~tun ·By C-11nirr '" Moll• ~ ~ l""'f month anywh""" in Nr wporl JW:irh 11ntl C-Mtll l\ff'vt: ~2 '10 fnr 3 mnnth'<. ~ ~ for 6 mnnth'< ~9 j"l('r' \'l'AT n~ ~till in r1rnn1?!' (lllmly: ~'.I prr Y"Ar; In 4th 1ronr. $!125: tn Rth znnP. ~!l 51) F:nten>rl II" ~N'11nt1-nn~ .. matter Ill th(' Pt"Ktnfrirl' in ~l'\\'J)t•M n•·n<'h ('11hfnmi11. unt1,.r the Art of '.\fa.rrh :\ 1Wl7 SAM n. PoRTFR LUCTIJS S S'.\tmt. m w f" nrxo:-; ' CLYnE RE'X I Printing Pinnt. 301 1 W. Central Puhll•hri M:tn:i~ni:: F:d1°<11 Arlvrrt i•ini:i i\\'rnue. 1'<'"1Vlrt 11<-nch. C'11ll fnmi11 UN Mediator Flies to Palestine YOUR DIAL '" " -. . .. ..., ~\fl'f "I ' \ .. '" ...... , ... , ~ . hi \\II •••• ,,. ~. ",, hi \I fl I It\\ , ...... t .~ ~· ",. •It I I I • I " I I h 'I I ,. ,, ., ' I ~' I'• I ,, .. . ,. Kl ,,. r I I I• t 11 • I 1 -t t 1(1 I K l ~I 1·1 I .. K l• ., . " .. ' ~ .. · Jt I \r I' '' r ~ ... K l ... , .. .. ' ' . .. . , , .. ,... t( I t i. I .... t t . l(f'' f('l!I I ,, ... , K ' Kr . ,, k t,I I I' • ,., •• ta • I\ Kl ", '• Jrv1 • .,,q.-, f(l .1 ,_ •••• Jr ti I '••• •f • 7' fELEVISION ,, I I l. t I w . .. . " ' ... • It l 'L' r t e r~· -• . .... a:r-,_ ... , ...... .. NATI~llOP.IAL 1948 . ~ Active 'Member of f .4r MI' T• I• trl"''") ("'1111nt pt,~, "' rn r\tf .,,. r·r I''''' "-: tfl"Tl~ m""1tn11,r ft1( Pa. I 1.~ • ...,.. M\<'!l ui f• ~ • 11 1 •, !. ' 11'\\ ,,., .'\''" "''' n,t .,,\.r1 hina la hi~ 1111fc ti.\ tl1•; :1111cl Ill L"lJ1.i1i;• t s..r1~11 t l :•1m ;;'"<.I•" all,_, hu I 11 ""It ht I t ' ..•.. ._ . ._ .. ... _. t . .. ',,.. .... " .. ' • • .... l-...... . . '.. ' ' I I. .. J • ? • ( " r,.l .f" ~. f-·~·IY! ·· V ,N 1,< lo :J If~ v,,v "U:1l WOQl(lNGa roo .. ,,.llv! . ,. .. " ,, .. ~ 4 I .... , # •• • I ' ·-·· ..... ' . . . ... . ) 1(<; l!IJI "'I ~II 'IOV .. I \l'.'f Hiit . t <.;,f :\S OtAI U · ~II, .. THCUS •1 ~~.W\l l!C IH(~ ~,.. .. , •· ·.,,· ··• '! 1 v ..,11•1 r1 'TIME! 11~" rJu1: J. • l l t' I I! .C.l' • f r I.If I ( It ~ 1 '£ ~·! 11~':!.f 'utci( ~H/Y f!I V1t.:-:! .. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ....... ' ,. • ., •• , 1:1 '\ 'fl . ' 1 ._ I '••I I' J t 1•• ; ' f 1 rlr '"' ,,..,, I t M , '• f t••n l'\ I t t lh If .J.AtJ a II\ t o ,. •l,ti ... ,,. '' /It ' I!., )'1 • '' .-, u1 m•U •r ~f'I I ' • ' t ,. ' ' • • .., "' ti. •, • n.•' • I -t -- -~ y ' ! \ -__ ,; .. L /~ --z .. .. , -.. -'I -I II --I , ... ' ,, .. ,.,, .• ., .• ,.J ''4 J It , t ,,,,IJ I .. ' f ,, .,, 1a.• I ,I• f t "'•flflJ I' •I 'I \\ ''111\I I• h • • 1(!1 .... , •• ,. , ",. ;I 4• '"' o '"' • f.fHUnt .. ,, ... ., .. ,,, ,,. , ... ,, •,• , • ., ..... 111 ... ,,. '•· \ \ .... . ti I '" ~l ' ,.,,.,,tM .. , .... ,,,,,,, . ~ ,__ --• " ---.. ,/ ~ ;\• ,__ 1\ ;.--, . %! ~~ ., J;z -,_ '#• ., -~· •T :~ ~ ~I -•II• ''I •18 ..... ,, ... 5't .. ..... ..__, .... , ............. •/ :1 ... Uy <~ua Arriola .... ~"'• rn "•1Y10111 Plll:Jll.a II ,.,, N .,, ., , I l'I •• ... ' ., .,. f • I (I ft It I .,,,,. ~ ' .( ft • ' • , I fll I • •t i II fl I 'r ''' 11 t ., I! 11 ~ ... ... • • .,., of •' I 1 I t l \l.a ' I 'llt ' . , ' ' "' • u "',. )• I ' .. ) I ' I ,, 1t• Iii) 111\•1._: to I r'I t , ... ,,,. 1t111nb tt-r1nt 41 <'!1lt!Ht 4., I I t I tin• ,, n ,, '"'''"' '" ,,, .. ,,.,, 41 UlliJU U>'tll ..a \' • t t Ill II t .. tJ ., ( 1 ( SI r ~-• · .. • ' - P § NSWPO&T B&L80& •&W8-Tl•S81 age ~; n rr;soAV N ....... _._ c..m. ~ I ..... -. . Jack Robinson, * * * Santa Ana Golfer, Barbor Champ at L. B •. LONG nEACll. t 'al . Jun{' 1 - (UP)__,Jark Rullmi..nn. Snnln Ana. was lhf' """' Loni: lw;irh C11y Golf chrtmp1on tntla> u f I I' r ll thumpini; 7 ;rnd ;; 'irtury <>' • r wttran Ray Sll'PP>. Palos \'1•r - del Robi1110n, f(lrml'r \ 'S\ i:olf ~tur. lbot a ont .. undr·r p11r 71 in I Ill' mornlng round 11f Y""''"rfl:o> 's ftM11 10 go f11Ur up. l n 1 hr nf t•·r- noon round, ~ll'Jll'V l'UI t hr lt'lt.d to two hult'• :it Nn :.!:\, h111 H4'1· lnlOrl took t lw n•·ld I I\ 1• h1.l1 ·~ Events *** * BRIEF GI &JtC£ AT .BASEBAI I .. ,. ... ·~-"-·~ 13} l'ru,.d l"t.-- t;~ Race Red14114 at Huntington Beach By YIVIAN SMITH .. '., , .. ..... -.1 _,, -·· q e \I.It'\ I'.:'•· T l\U: on ... r ' • ' ,, t • • .. 111, •• 1 • .! I'.. h l.ln't"•'' \\ '' r.• 'Til''"11 I 14• K \ '•'' ,1\t f •n j f t.11 t r•t 111 ',q t , •'' .. tf \ ',r.•nt t ·;,~J • t I • 1 I• I :r • .1- 11 .. n 1'1 ,, '' f ,old \ 1n \t.1 '"' r. f •• uri.:• ""-'" ti \ o•rfo !'-l .. 1,;.. I.) Tiow ' C •r '" 111-.. ll t: ... , h'• .-. ti"• 1·, l'• 1;. _ .. t. ..... J I ~"'• l:l "l , ...... I;, 11 I , .t 1;) t '; .~, i.' I'+ 'I _, .. lJ11:d :h lnl! llrhrr I I I ~· hhart I • ,,. :"> '' holsnn 11 .. n Tl IPll '"''"''" T ulhn ~\11 k• > I •.I\ 1"' t ;. ,, r1. '" r~.,, ~·ro ·1i Jl;1H'• 11111 11 111' l;·lt••' c·;.,.po•r .1111111i, c;r;,h11m t:r:1111· LJ1m l.i·rl s1.1n .,_, . .,~, Rlrhard Cr11111I. !'-1°utlh·1 n ( '•olt- fornia IM1d\\ll'k• t'1>11nl1) 1 lul1, ti.at P rte ~11 rwkhl'tn; 1. .. ni.: H1·a1 It, 2 up in f1rt ii' "' lho· ~111>11r'~ ·~ "-- " L ""1- Fll&ht. l P l11l1td• lplu11 l(jl'\'dllnd BOYS' CLUB SETS UP ~·~r0~;"1 k _ .. . -. . -.-; -"'' ··" .t 1. \t' T Klll'tl\ It\ .. 11-l C ulllf'rtt00n ('hf'n oi.t) t'H l .t t•o ,IT IU'li t'lnl .. h C a r 'o . l>rhf'r Ed H.111 na1a1i l I "'T \ \lt:s.\ HOOT8 AS U SADOL t:s ('Ll'R hl'ld Ii ro11nd-t11• of 111• 111tw·" S11lurd•Y momlnlf at 10 o'l'loc·k In <'OOlla ~•-brfor~ dt'-, 11.11 11111: l11r tt t rllll ride. ~ ct uh lncludu rldJna l'flehwolaalti from t ho· 'l•·•a '"'" .. urroundlni; are&A and h1 Ollf' of IM mo"t popular h M 11- ''"'' , 1111: i:rou11!1 In thf!11e part11. -photo by G<•rhardl. . . . . , , ... BALL GAME SCHEDS. SI LtoW" \\ t I tnC1••1l Official~ or th1• I lnrhor Art'a f\11~1 .. 11 Boys' club ha\• workro out 11 I 1 ·1111 .... achedull' for ~1·\1•1 .ol '"'' hilll 1:aml',. 1 .. .. _ .. . -. ... .. ... ....._.I'••' 1n 1-• ."\ ·' ... , t+J f,Y .... t.l!••f;t.I"\"' ('.•• :'\.u t~. T int•· !J I. \I'-\I \ T( 'H It \C 't: ; 2nd IL. B. y AC HTSMAN IN VERALEE II TAKES $5000 CRUISER TROPHY with the Loni.: U• IJl'h and F'.a.•t Sat~ Lr.-c- 1.on& Bea.ch lkl),.· clubs 011 1 • L ,.,, W~elday nai.:hti. ;11 Linn·~ 1o;;rk 1 :--;, ~ Y••I k -~ l : -.... ~ P. M. ·~ lhP I lrnl' A hard Im II SI I ' •I.•• -; I same Is beini; i;chNiult'd with thr 1'11' .. t• J.Ii.;h :.. l•· --... ··" ... ,., '" -"'• ' 3 l>n H·r t1nl .. h ('a r '"· Urlv.-r 1;r;in • l,1n1hrr"I l•t \II F1 oil I I.•)"' \\ intwl r;rt.\:o-;T L\ \ll:U tT t'.11 ~" ..".• Turi" ~,:; 67 2nd 1 111' .\I• I'"", II .. r Loni.: l\•0Hd1 " 1 fl••titt•, 11 11.d.1~ a~ ltu• \\·1n· I n• • t • ,, ,J,1111•' ('r:11i.:, ·Jl•~l i.:nl.J l'•·i• I••• th• '"" ><tl-n11lt· h·1:~ u( ti . 1: 1ll 1•.1-to·C'11r"n.1rln-111-U:1lhoa ..,, I hi I 1U•\°, <inti Arlcli~on t;urh-> hroui.;ht At· tnrnnll' in for lll'l'•incl plaet• Th1r•1 I p!.1c•· winn<'r wa>o I laroltl Allam .. · tt:1mJ111nt Hollywood Bo)s' cluh m tlw nr:or j fkll>tun 1-;' 1-; -,, future. l'lul11d• l1J1u;a l" I • -,., ~ 11· 1•11111,.lf 111' 3 1-!utll fl(>Wl't 3 1:>-L\t'-St :"ll· \l,\I' t'lnl .. h ( •r ""· llrh n Ol'nn Two men havi-w1luntt't•1'f'CI tl' C'1nr1nnr1•1 :'--t ~ ~I> (al.~ .... M1<'k•·' '"'' , .. l•t I'• t 'on w Tullio ~· h 1i!I llun :>. wholson -~~ r1 11 -.1 \\talo•c' I I ~Ip at t~ Ro)i;' club <>n Thun.-nrnokJrn day evening. I l«'rh Z immer 1s look-C'hin •ru lnC after the shop on that t•vr nmg. l~. _, 11 '" ;:, I )f)n Tri Pl' \'t>m ~lnnkn111 c;.-.. n,:,. S.;*a.:. ... 11 f\111 I ltll 4111 1; l Bud \' •11 ~l1111ncn 1111 II Ed 1.c .. ·kh1trl 5th I "ti"' 1 ~up "'"n· Art \\'1lham!< 61h un.t fi1, :-;unlk'am Ill and W1lh.1m • m • and wrestlinr jusl a~ ~oon us m111~ a n othtr · equipml'nt arl' M'CUN'<I for t~ club. C. Yoursto is It-aching knot• and !'OP' work to an lnltr- nted rrc>OP of mC'mbt·ni. Thh• lfOUP mt"t'ls t•ach Thun.duy al 8:00 p. m. ROSSI CAFE in 1 "9Mt mwy. <>--... ..., NEWLY RF.MODELEI> (with a f!"eM atmospheft) ls11t ....... la: Spaghetti -Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Roast Bee <Acktails ~-.......,·-· 0,-, .,.,. • ""'* ~th ~l-c- S1 Lou1i. 3-6 c -,.,, ~rw! CU• Wu tufll:'l<.:i U-4 ~ ... \'Kloc 11~:> ~Ion 7-1 l"tuL.odo ,.phu ''-! ("hl(""~(I 4-~ I" IH , S,.J r.o-1 •. u·-~1A1.s x...._...,.._ .-.. ~ .. :\tl :~-. It\ :."'\ AA (>ri't'f'F t1nh•h 1-1 ~nd I ~n T1 an Hotl I; r••1;11r~ Jim lt:11hn1.1n ~JI K.111 'In t t '1 •lh\ N-\, •i.:i.:m• \\ inn• r I.).'\. THt\I 'EY r.o ';1 ~' \ .'.I< .::-, Gr11n1 Ca~J>"r 1 tal'· Brooks I >irk \'inr yard lo\11h l..inr1s.'y \\'ayn<• Tipton 1:1 -\4 :15 .. 4th .. 5th f\;Ml'o YCtrk 3-111. Hr<•" 'ln I l P tuladl·lptua C.-4 11.r .. l•ct 3-4' S1 Low.,, 3-'• l"mrum~h 'o t>i11s~ ~ n ..c-uo 4-2. --------HOT ROD NOTES '"' RH"••l"I• I ult1\ S.·ro1,:.,1n• r•,t r f.tj I l ~1r >1•11hl\ t.• Ill•• I I "' MA~,Ll •l-P• <'~P'•n'•<I 1., \lo<"k"> f la\I' Car ~ rurcl ~-n ... 1·.-:"·· 1:, lq.-11111 111. Raquiloo of ''" I-1-r; .,. '' '· 1 t Trt•plh \\ t l•P'""-' "'" d ... ' I I S1:1hul4T) ,. . ..,~ • ., 'n " ·t .. ''1' '' J:Y "-' 1 ~• ~ ,1 ·I'' I•\ c unnlt· • rl• 11 hill 11) 1hr·· r I L -:•i-"~A .... \,)oi-•n .. r c 1r.on.;1 \\ 1•d < I .. 1 annt""-n<"t-d tt-.• t ... • ..... ' •• • '-• 't°t• "":\' .... ,.,,..,,,I I , 1•.1t t 1ah•·rf\ nH•<d ,....., t , .. .,, · l >.\ 'X T lt,\c ·~ ' "' , '"nts h··r•• 11n '.\I.•> 1-lth. he took 'h" m.11n 111• llm• for 10 l:lp:". ~II~ -;' _"l t;AI r •nl~ It\<' rnn; rinislw•I , t ,. 1.11 , 1\1111 < ;.-. i.:111 > ahno~I 10 .. 1 I 1 "•·,.nol •J~ t \\ h•·ll hr 'pun ort1•1 ... 11u ni.: 11111 "' '"" n"rth tum. llf' • 11.:1i1 .. n1·d 11111 .onol "'l'nt on , ,.,., •h•· 11111-h hnr tn .!'l"'<'c>nd ~1 11 • (0nll1\ :--;,·r••.:..:,1n ... \\';t~ '"*tlfh1~ 1,11111.: pc ;,.1111111 "h"n he Ill!'! ri ,, I • 1 11n l~nd I 1p 111' hnfi c-om<' "I' t1n111 ~llh "'l><•I 111 4th in 37 laps Th-· dno '""i "' " • · • I ... , • t I" 1r :-.... 11. h ,, ""n '"" 111 .. 111 his t.hN-r C'3pf<Jn )~ tlttP1Y I ll-111 .... ·no11h•·~ •• • ."" •ur•I ST Wl IS ('ARl)S DROP TWO h11d a hand L.T•-r~ f•l~ to • / his"~ Ow r1Wd .,.r ... t •.:"n l ~IORE JN 5-GAME LOSI NG STREAK Haqu11od ~·h 1•1 .• d ,.,._. r,rtn.l .in out of rhl-ir;nnadr. rolW..,.. 11 c· \Kl, l.l'SIHll'l~T "1th a 10 '" I nft••rnoon victor)· 1 . . .... ..., 1 Y . al B rookl)n ufl4'r a 4 to 3 de· '"" ru u ...... -,.. . ....-..pr-,,,, '"""" '.'l.t'\\' \'I IRI\: Jllf'I•' I • l 1'1 and ~ t...-.. 1 .. tU' tv;Mt-t~· 'irunic 1th<:;111 th•· ~'-Loul"' ~<'al t_o Ralph Rrnncn 10 the morn· qua.rtorn to .....,...,. ,...,_ ._th CIC C'.a.rdinaJ<; rhry 1-rr1 .. inl> 1~:" ··I '"~,r~'1~!-m a d e 12 hit• '" 0 r, .... I Ill H.· do I'·" l1•cl hl·re 1\1;,y :t9 1111 n• II l\lny 31. •Jilt of the r unnltlR ~'us Frank C' Hu pp<'rt. owm•r uf n1•wllPr II and "1nn<'r of last y<'ar':< r:t<."('. Tiii' troph)'. w l11ct1 is l'Ompctcd for 1>11 a pr1·cl1c11·tl Int.: h.1~1s, was !1r~I pr"'<'lll• rl tn l !•~I hy Jam<'S ( 'r.11g, uf Appo naui:. R. I.. a re- 111 • tl \,ll'hl"ltlilll \\ho>, .ii lh1• U)(I' 11[ )-.:\ 0 <.till I• l.1111' 111' hl\1' nf lho' s···· :'hnt lh l1d111t• th• \\,If, l'll'" ""h nl th« I• l•JJhY "as a wardt'd to""' '.'\altonnl ,\sso<"iation or F.n- 1-:llh 11111 i; .. ,, 111.1n11t:1c-1urt'l'l'. Tiu A11 . 1 u u1 110\\• r Tt.1.el a~:o;oe1att11.1 t'th pt I tit' If\ 'UJM f\ l'tl'\h 1h1"' l'\llll ,,.,,,,,, .. 11, 1 "' 11 11' hoal'< 1•n1<·ri rl in 11.. '" •• ni r .u•1ni.: i.ntl h-ind1.-:1p f'I ,,., ' \\hll'h :--.ollc'<I !01J.;• tl1• r \\II 11 I ,., 11i. tit t .1n 1 af'tOL:. •• ,.,,s '"" <;, 111 11 .. lm'« E,1:1•~. " 11 h M.11 •h:ill "'Ion·~ F1' ,.flum '<1111tni.; 111 ""•'t•und 1 'ti1 .. k t lrn.m's S p1ndritr (,1 111 1111· handicap clnss SKY BOBBING W ith Bob Oeler 11\N't' ~~ a l h111:h spt't'd m t>t'rh dirt•('tioru: 3 · 1 ~t "'-Inn aA K1•11 I' to . \'IC or)' n ,,.,.. ~,,._. •uUtw u .. Arwf hkv lh1' rarr Austra ian l ktnt7rlman won hi~ third gnm• We've ~un•ly be<'n ha,•ins: sn 1m -.-.o.&.. to~ ilPC • S htrd lllh~ flh <; 1"'h"k~ahrrl l•"C'~u:: 3 Sl'\'en-h it joh, hlll lhl' Rrit\• • tM'l!UtlfUI i.un<ihine th1S past Wl'<'k ,_ •-I>• doiN>n t c·.iri• ~ ('rt' '' •• I: '1 .: .. rfttalJ'at -... by ~·1nn11·1" the M'C'Oml k f h h • ...... -" l'\'4'n lhOURh 11 ha!" ta c•n m ost o ,nd wan ts '" '"""~· ~ ht•n· r a~ • 10 1 .. .. 1 ,. i:aml', o " th<' dny for 1 h• HRIS <aNO IT llOMF. CALEXICO. 'Cal t l 'P 1 nwr l\htyor F L . Y uUnR sprnng 111101 his drsk whf'n two 11u10- niu!Hl1 s lroridcd o n t hl' sidrwalk a t his insur11ncc office.> front door w11h a r<'soundmg rrash Thc>y had Enda WMS.: Walt Disney1s 'Bambi' -and - Jack Carson Ann Sothe rn Glenn Fo,. -E\'e!Yft K f'yfltl 'MATING OF MILUE" -8eoon4 Blc HJC- Wm. Elllott -.John Carroll Ca tharlM &l dA'Od "In Old Los Aniteile8" 4 I I I DOTTl'E . ELLEN Announces THE OPENINF OF HER BEAUTY SALON 114 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa MONDAY, JUNE 7 MISS JO AN J>ENCU-1.JLL Experienced Manager -Opt'rator Will Take Care of All Your ,Beauty ?weds I SPECIAL GET-ACQl AINTED Of"FEK 0J)<'n 8:00 A. M. lo 5:00 P. M Phone: Beacon 6199 OPES SOW FOR APPOISTMES""' EAi, Siii.iii 1111 ••• NI'S •EE/I Sir/II 11• ,, •• I Recrt"a1ion, retirement, travel, O('PC>ttuniry ue some of tht: 1hins:s our rnrmht-n uvr f<K t• insured savings acrounu ht:re. Opc'n )Ou n now- ) 1 1 1 GENE'S . CAFE Spedalzing in French and Italian Dinnen BARBOR lift ho•n th<' l'.1ruma• ~l'r• 1.:um.: Th n:r~t~ :ind Cubs cll\t1l1ol • t (' .... n • -ll u n to hr<'8k -1" rl"\rr1<· 100"> nt 11 ~1"'" 0 ,11 Chica~n. E lm• r R1ddlf' winmn_ I h r 0 u gh the I al-•rm th• 1r follnwrrs. ht~ firth gnm·· for r 11111hun::h I rloud.•. \ "''"'lo.me :11 ''':tr·t1ld '"'· 10 2. nn ~"'' n hit!' nf:••r C'h1> ' Floyd Swin1:- !-lla rh Tomorro": Rrt•nt -\'lrtrlnla Mayo "Ol 'T OF Tiit; BU 't:" NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL S AV ING S and LOA N A S S OC IATIO . 705 Coast Hwy. Co,_ clrl llar OPD • A. IL TO I P. IL • pg1nf0 8TSAJl!! • • SHEP'S 1111 ()()Aft HIOll1U\' !fEWP()KT ...... e-., OMcl ...... - au>mn> ON •OMDA \' 7 .• --.:. ..... -·-_. .... ·--··~ .. -'V~:' ~~~, .. ~ ... ~~ ~~ ·.-~ ... ~ Casino Cafe and Cocktail LouncJe ~ SerYi"9 Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 .Main St. r Balboa. Calif. ' r m . 1, fl\ h•" lt,,fkn"I" i .:• r took tlu-••1~ n<'r. 4 to 3 IC'r t 'rnnk Ptl'r- "" hn hn4 pll• h• •I "'" n hut ""' Th•' \';onh• ""· !'pnrktd I~-Uu!J \.I po~I J 1 m 111 y ,,., .. .i1 '·•t·I• •I •h• tr h11m1l1:1•11•r. n ro""· "I"' mndr S<'\'l'n ~•r o1. • llufCml'. F u r - \• '4.t• r•l ,, "• • u h• ptt.-h• ... l ·• n•·ar ht•~ .ind ''·•~ on ha~ nan• ' '' -. .. t '"' r I 1110..w.: th• m \\11h 1>n• in :i r•I\\, ioppl'd thr s, 1111 .. 1. t ·link\ • nd• 7 !. " 0f 1• r lh· n .11. If•() :inol !l tn 4. nt ~ .. \\ y .. , 1, ,1 .... '"''' •t •' • 1• n• 1 I '" :\ Th• '11•· .\thlo 111·~ rf't;1111o d I •" ,p.1. •t .· I''''" •ti· ....... ru1 in n ... p\11·1 ''' 'phtl1n•: ,,·ith th, 1· • • 111\ •I • ' • "• 1 'o1 olin.1I• nnil ..: .. , .t l'hol •1k lph1a. "11111•• •1-. 11•1 •t• I• tf 1t1 I r o \\ •,, 1 dt• 1~ 1•-"1n,J.:. 7 It• II 111 t! ,•r • , ',,, • 1n'I.: '' 1 I•··' , " ... t .. ur tut•• r Int 111 ... ,. ,. tit''",,, .•. ,..,,,.i,,,.,,, , • , . " .. • ,t . · .• r ' n· ..... h1tt1 ' t , , , 1 '"'' c:1i1t=c• cl .-1H ir~ ~ ,• o I I •1, \t - 'l ·.,,, 'tt,ii. tl•l•''''" '' ,, ..... , . ., P\•r tlu \1 ... t '· " 1 h· I 1 ~ •I I \\ '1' ( '111 i F tl\0111 'I • 1 • r 1 1.. " 1 II,• d :--' · 1 .. o1 t n t ~ \\ 11 h . , f' 111 I " • 1 t \\f, '• \ ~'111k01\\ ... 1 1 t n· .. 11111 Ill 1lu Jlli..11'1 •jl •1•1 1 .li•T11 .... t h 'l tu 'f'1..:• f < 11 1n•n •l '1 ,,••t! I i1t\1nd 1• 11 f ,,\ \It• :t l\' )ltl/\ l't ljl \\ I' '' '''''"' 11•lht \\1 1~-1n h1..: t1t •h 0 \n t0 •\ I I \t ... 1 1 1 I·• t 1111 't •... ' l • \ l , , .. ... q . 1 , , r u u d111, t 1rd, , -n,•t '• • .t .. ,., • ·1 fu ... t I\\ h1,, :'·'' "~'" lt11 ..,; • t I I ' • • • 1., 1. .-n 1 • h 1 '.... I 11 11 t ' ft. t ·• ,n· ... ~ .. , 11\1. r-t•t .. t 1-t 1.-I llJll• f' ~IArRI ROSE REPEATS BIG RAfE \\·I~ AT REfORD 119.81:1'-M.P.H . t I •I\'\. \l'"l 1..: ,I 11 n, I , •;u.I "''" I •••·r t• .. 1111• •t• "I" I I' \I 11 t:,~. .1 1:\-, l'"llnrl• rl I:.''"' 111 '01•1 th ""111'1 I.-,. ' , ....... , , .. • .. r .... 1 l'-ht~. <1• p pur<• , .. JIH t• I , ... I'-''''''• • \• • r· .t , 1 .• t ,\ ,,, ,·.,11.,, • ~ .. '\\ ••• "' ".:ul.tP~ .uu1•'Un•." ~~'" • • 1 t•, f'I r.: ,, nninL: t ... ~· ,._,n'1 4":'1''l 1•·n1h nl· ••n c 1tt J• 1·•·1 p1~ I'! i" 1,1 n•h•I' 111 11. 0111111 rl ..... I"" ~· .•r ;\\ 111r1 ·' l. '' '' T t .,. 1utrnl11hil·· r.1 •• t'" thf" I n-='••nth H1·nd l rut .tut.irnttt1\· .i r 11.,1o .. ,1~, rh• " i.;1n•"'" wh<' drt', • ••nh ,.,,, r r I' i: I Th11nrns. '.\1r'< Dr 1' ,. r :inti C:ll'l1 11""" 1·rt1·r nil ron1- plet<'d lhl'ir flrl't snh• \\llll<' Frank ~""' r .11111 \\' 1't••1 :\l<irr il' ;•ni·h n ,., "···d h1~ Prl\ nil'.' 1 l'llnl ('t·i·t ifh':tl• t'11ni,:1.1111t.1t1o0·1~ 1 1 n f'\'C•ry Oil<' or ~(Ill. Th•· l•1~ n1·\\" ''' ih" 1'·"1 "'' ,, \\ ;i ... lh•· 1111 .. 11111: 11( t h• 1.dtl•· \l.1r1 111 l'ilPt .1~"'" ,,o1 1o111 h• Id ,1 l lH' I.II tJ.. \'.'1,1L:• t. II" II\\ 11• 41 I Rud Yorh:i .111d Fl·••·""' 1'1 11' Gardi-n c;ro1\'t' Thi~ 111~·1 1.m.; ~"" 11111, 1,r 111.. 1.11'1.:"~' t 111 r111111>•. ,11111 1 ,.,·,•ry\H.><i> ;11.:n •1•rl •ha t ii '';'' ""' t1f !Ill' I •·'-I )'I .\ppl"•'-1111 11• h 14!(1 pilot~. th1•1r \\f\1'$ .rnd fn•11il· ittr nd<'rl. nnd '" ft1r•· :ind ttl t• 1 •hnnl'r "' r<' .-n11•r1.11n1 •rl h) Gr11ri.:" I :--;,.."di. 11 hlmol "rl:.lfll'1 "h" 1" ,,.1111y '"ry i:nod nn(I c1111rk l.1!·1 tr n nn th<' drumc J)ina :"c\\'i·ll "1 I 11111"''0()(1. i;tttnrl·m for C"arnwn \tir~nrl:i. d:int•f'cl :incl ~an~ It ":i- •J!rl'C'cl lhlll lhi• ~:'Im" t~ 1'1' f'f .,1N'lin1t "111 lw hl'lcl n<'ltl month nnn F'AITS ,\n1 H 'T FLYT~G I In thl' olrl day!'. ~tndC'I T t cirrl , "n•-r!' !l'arnl'<I 1 hn l "lwn I h1 11 "'" i.;r11r h:'lndi< hN·nm<' worn. '.ht• •'nl" way thl'y rnuld gl't up h!lls "a~ to h;ic-k up. 1hrrrh~'. u.i:mi: t hrlr rC'\'l'r!ll' h1md:c: Thi' a1rplan(' pilot can't back up to 1<<"1 O\'rr n hill. but If hi!' l<hip i~ unckrpow- m nrr •rt'd hi' cnn t nkr ad\'ant11c<' ol 11 . I•" 11 "1nn111i.:<> "'II "" n1111·h .1 .\rar. p1<'kf'rl Ill' S l.••WI ,.,1, • • 1 .,:. r1' 1h.1n th 11 .11111 • ,, II n .. ~.· hi!' \'i1'tnry. Ttl(l,I\ "" t.1h '" ,, h •l1M ~n 1 kn•"' ho•\\ m111'h h.-'11 i.;rt 1'<\11:111~ 111rro• ''' 11 o1r 11 "'" 1 • • f .. r •Ir\\ 111~ 111< t.1111' ,,.,." n '"" ,,, ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~i"~I ' ,,, ,,,r\ ~· <T• r~t ·~ Ht a r•'•·.-.rd· • I hr• .ikini;: 11~1 :-1:1 r111lt-' 1)('r hour '.\l.1r.• 1h.1n 1~,.11~•' 1i.•••1•:• air ~u!'M'ntll t n Cf't h im up ;ind 111"d •h•• <f1t '•"l''·'' i;r1111ml<" \• m'l'T. Whrn th<' wind hlowi: t n· ti•'"' n ...... \\Ill Jll<I ..... "" h.trl ,,, .•. WRrd (I hill. It n owi< llP irnd O\'i•r l.1<1 ~··,r l\r("r• 1h~1 \{,•<•· ,1 ., .t It nnd ' m&kl'!' nn updraft which r1r<t pl.11·,• h"n11r• '" 1'1\ \ " • 1 will cRrry a pl11nl' right with 11 Enjoy Delicious )lexkan Food at .ea Poda .. Complete Meals from St.00 -*-r.= 8 .. ,_. COSTA llDA Ojila I.. _..., • .,.. .. , ~ ~ \\ 11t111r !'.h.1w. ;1 l hn·• ·lmw \\in· ,,r 1h" .1nn11,t1 '.\1"m.,nril Pa~ S Al\l'S SEA FOOD ·s tG:'ot OF nrE S WORDFIS ,. ........ of "-' n-c-lt al !'mt ... on~ DAILY 11 L m. .. ll:Jet p. m .. n,,~ 1l l':t' i!'. \\ h•"• 1· 11 h• • H OW IT l S DONE· ~t:my ,.,,.r rh m ni:; 1lw r .11·· J')C'(>Pk hR\'~ hl'a rd ~o muc-h 11hout R·'~" 1rti 11, 11 • "' .t11•, ', " •tA llt'. pl'rl11lnini: to atrpl11.n<':<:. rm.-h• ti "'" ;,, hl'1• 111'1 11. and anyont' who hn!' lak rn n flis:h_t Rr11rl111c r I I hirrl pl:11·· ll'lt kno•'ll that hr ha!: h:id '" rln I '\.,111111 , 1 1 ·t 11 ,._,. 11n1I 1 11 lot of pr11t"lidng on lhl'm Thr I pl,.,, T• 11 110•1 n oil l•t • \,, rurldt<r rontrol nn nn 11irpl11nr 1• 1•r• \l••ll• •I•. d r,.,.,,rd fot it , ,•rfN't\\·r lnnc nflrr thf' ~hip !'I all-I 11111• ... I Ill \••l" II\ t I• \ti Ho and If u.~ prnp('rly \\i ll rr"'''"' I •Tl!' •ronhll' from nny kmrl "' •tnll ""I r.,.1 .. •I• 1.•·:1, .1 •lo, " , '• • "llrplnnt' r11n'I spin if it dn<'~n·1 on '' • r ••'• • t 117 -• 11 • • ; •urn. <:O thrro'f,.rr rn1P"" 11<<' 111 CofMOklaila Sea f04lKlHll---.r , .. , ,, '' ,, ...'.'" ",1 ..i ' 'h<' ruddt"r to prl''f'nl 1h•~ no~· ~ ..,. .,.,,, • 1111. • 1:... " • 11.1 '• l'•'nl 111rnin~ \\Ill 111l'1trr tint ti• __.......... 11. "1ml ,. • r ,. ,1, , f l. ,flip r nn't i:pin F.,·rn H :i sh'l' Steak l>inners 11. 11-, ,., 1,, 1 1 1''" i .... ,1111rct nt n '"r» 1ow .... 1'1111•"' PllO~F.~: LOSO B f'-.\('H ~10-79. 802-00 and 82-1-05 'I ~ "I I " i•nnu i:h to• pn ', r11 ,.,,mpl• l• • i. ..... ' ' ... , P• , , •• 0 , t•r\. th•' c•'n t r'tff '' •'h th• I Pt ' I • . ,. 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