HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-02 - Newport Balboa News Times• -.. ,_ I r ' -· -------;-------...... -'°\---.,... ----·--····------,. l r---~ ---,--:: -.-1.---- .. • -• . . ' 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 1 • • . • ' ' • I .. • ~ -~r • ' ------------------------ -1CREDIT RESCUE . ;r' • *'. ··4"-"~·'°:!;· " ~UT\TRE OOVl:R OIRL--Anothf'r ?\t'\.\'pGft Brach «irl ha." hPr fllll-11agf' t·olor pi<'tUN! In a national mtpl'Jnr and may. 8000 b:-compt:tlDJ \\'ith Balhoe. lsland'li Shlrl1•)' ln,K"ram for CO\'f"r Ritt honor1t. The nr.wcomer, much tlnk-P and )·ounce.r, l~ hlondr, curly-lot•kNI Su ... an t"an:itli•r, j115t four )'t•tt.rs old abd thf>. dau«hter of Mr. a.nd 1'1rs. Charles tllnsler, 418 •""ull1•rton A\'1•., St''"l"ort Hf'lghts. su~." ha'° he:r picture to the January 1951 i!t!'Jue of Rt"dbook, now on th1• flf•W!'lstan11.-., h1·lplng to llh1Ntr11.t .. an art-&cle entitled: "Your Child ~n·f'S a PeL" Sutiy, "'ho wa." o. r1"l'('lll '''innt•r on a tf'l1•\·lslon la.lt·nt abow. doe8 ba\'C a pet, In fact she has t\\lo. Blacklf', a coc.kt>r spenl1·I, anti S:t.lt~" a t'hlhu11hua.. Sh+· Is 8bo'\¥n abo\'C with the mapxlne rontalnlng he r picture on th1• h·ft. l'hotogra1>ht:r \\'&,. ,John MeochliAI' of fA11ma Beach.-.. I N ew s-Times r'h0lo 1 City Asked to I Provide 600 Pints of Blood • '\ clr .. JM'rRlf' llJIJ>•·al for hlootl ,,a. .. l!'i .. llt'(I lo th,.. JWOflil' of S°f'\\IM1rf 81•1U·h lt11l1t)' 8-'4 lh1• Rrd ('ro!'li'i Rnn,t11n1•1•tl that al th1• n1·~I \lsll of th .. l;luod11111 hllf• h1•rr. Thur .. 1ht,·, ·'tin. IK, llu· quoJ._a ha .. h•·1·n I riplt·•I rron1 ·~oo plnri'i lo a hllKt' 600 1•inl!ti . Tht•rp 1.. nn "illh .. l ltnr fur \\hnk> hlno1I, '.\Ir ... ('arl '/.an1ln(·k of th1· l~·al orrlf··· st1ltl, and· 11 n1aj11rl1,,.. of tt ''ill bt• flo\\·n a'·ro""'° !ht· l'lM'ifir fh'l'ltll 11 Ith In a ft•\\' 11&)'!'1 to th1• lrou11" In Kor1·a. !"ih*' 1·n111haslz1••l rhnl It \\·Ill n ol. Mii Ji::H tu K11r•·a a .. su1111• \\'Ill ito tn 41ra.n,&:;t• c·ounl)' lut!o - pi1a.l!'i.1 r1•"h•nl"lhlnJC lh•· sllfl!JI~ lht>rt·. Thi• f\l1H11lnu thlli· ''Ill IH· 111 thP fiirl ~1·uut 11011 .. ,, al 17110 \\'. 1::\1'.-\l,. ('l{.·\~tl 01·1·11rr1•d thr1·1· n1ilr .. r11n1 ('uruna 1i1•J;)far Oil \fft4·A_rthur +l\tl., a_l 8::~0 ~-m. t 'rhta.'· \\h1·n .lh1· '"hi1·l1 • n r ('harl•· .. I•"_ :\Turph,,, ~:!,o f :-011•1lu .\na, (rlghl ), \\'hllr t1tl1·n1pllnK tu 11a7 s lhr•"' rur,. Ill :1 hf-a\,\' r11i;::, 1·0 Jll1!1·t\ h •·Rd -011 \1th 1111 · t·ar 11( t{\l·ltur1I t:. l 'rl',_1011 . :ii, uf' :-ia nl-:\na. {li•ft ). \l11 r11h.' 11i•·1I alnu1 .. 1 in .. tantl,\ nr u hr" 1·11 11 .. 1·1• a 1HI l'r•·.,lon r1 04 ·1·l\t·cl 11 frtM ·l11r1'tl ktH'i·t•;111 •. -\ ,.,.('. 0111! t•ra .. h '""'' 11111 1·1· ut lh•· .. anu· 111 un1 ·nt :100 f•·• I 1arfh1·r 1111 flu· rnat~ 111 J11l\i11;.; r1, .. •·ar .... I ~l·\v:-.-Ti;n "!--Pllt1tu I . TO QUICK WORK Of ART '-Ktl l lON '-St1rr br•oez.r:-:: ovf'r the h oliday . ,,.~k t'nd krpl the Harbor dPpart~ 1111 •11l busy find elrno.o;:t c aused trn~r·riy Al .3 :40 fl. 111_ Monday "'hr•n th •· 111 foot td (l(Jp or thr' King fan1ily nf !..-(1s Ang,.lrs ovt"rlltfnf'd 1n tht· bay obnut !">(I )'lirds rrom sh9rt' n .. ar l hC' Lido Js lE club h<Hlfi•• Quick "'''>l'I( by Art K illion. 901 Lido Saud. Lido l.~11.'. pro bably savf'd <'hC'!-'!l.c'r I •. K-fhg. 32. and hill :<:un I r11111 dro\\·ning. As K ilhon tr l1s it, he \\'as w1lh ' sun1C" fr1PtHls el tht.' L ido Isle club hnUSP v..•a tC'hing the Rose Bo"'•I gan1(' on tf.'lrvision when 1:4ome \\'Omf'n rushr<l in and t ol<1 about a capsized sail boat offshore. • ' ' BR ITO 'ASKS YOUTH AUTH 0 R ITV Ralhoa RJ\11., Th11r .. 1hty, .ran. Ill . fron1 :I lo 7 11. 1n. t-'nr a.n "I'~ fM1i11tn1rnl, c·all lhl' l{••tl ('r"'" offh•1• In f\alhoa, tlnrhnr lllii.1. Af>fk>lnhnrnl, """"' '""'''''"" 1 HEAD~ON CRAS ON FOGG't HIWAY K illion says: '"Therf' w e r e t~O p e op I ~ c l inging: to th e sailboat and about 15 y ards a wev was a mB.ri;s head bobbing SENltN CE; STILL DEN I ES GU IL i 1 ;~:;.~::;s .. ;~-· 1 KILLS MAN NE R CORONA DEL , MAR in the waler. 't ART Kl.LLIOS I Y.ras worried j Glyen --the ctiolce beL~een a ._----------------------------- ~;~t~~~;:; ;r~~4:~2~ Sewer Program May Collapse Unless Yule Regatta - ;..:E~,Ji.~E~; Ojrecfors Take · immediate Act'ion ::!.?.;::~~~,~~·~~ E~Y~~1~'f J>efore S-uperior Jbdge Raymond Dlfector11 of the county-wide sanitation 11y!ltem were warnPd of rliffc rt•n t c la-':l~es Ct.Hllflf'l1ni: ff!j "Thompson la.et Friday. Brito had 11 strong w lntls chnrnf·fl up tht· bay been convicted the w-k btforf' of the i mminent co apse of the program due to continual dC'lilys \\'hf"ll ......: ~-I and OC<'8n c:nu rs"s. the Sept.. 12 murder o f' ranch ha.lid Special Counsel E . J . A arks W ednesday nlA"ht submitted a rt'port on -~ ~fOSl Of thf' J l fl L'hfllllJlltlllS \\'t'ff' Ramon Mendoza.1 65," of' Costa legal developmcnt.1' which ha,-e bnarle-d lhe program during the nCJrly on hand to defl·nd thi'ir til1'·s hut Meaa. two yeara ~inco $8.308,CK>O in bonds ·.vere votC"d. onl)' two. Jnhn J.'t,rri•·r 10 h1!',.ln- udge' Thompson then defe rred Ma?'ks said that the sev<'ral pur-(f>rneti<1nal 1 1. Ext,.rnllnatr1r. An•1 mal pronouncemcnl of judge~ erase a~ret'me nls, by whit'h thf' P..farks also said thA.t lhc Ap-Ant11n Lt1.11b•·1·sht'llltf'r \n h is Al· . t until It is leemedt whether county '"eenltation distrlcl8 would prllate rourl revi ew to be a~kt•d batrns."!, Ke l1•a, \\'1•rc :-.\Jt't'"~:-rul lhe Youth Authorit y will accf'pt take over the Orange County on validity of t he "ll mitrd par-jurisdiction of Brita's case. If it J oint Outfall Sf'\\'er Syst~m. ap-ticlpation p,lan" under which 01$-refUM'~. he will return to the local.i pear to be "hopt·lessly entangled." trict Tv•n and Three arid Scven court for sen,tence to San Que ntin~ Unless all pac ts. a~e ap.pro~l·<l nf Tu.stin-Lf'mon Heigi.ts pay onlv the t ern\ being from Cive ycel'8 tQ, b~ F f'b. l .,, the sa":1tst1on d1~tr1cts I nominal tax ratee cannot b<' con;-_,lif~enying probation , which will lose $~53.~ in state aid, of-plrterl by Ft'b. 1. He a lso .said that he fe red the d 1str1cts by the bQard or the county d isl rlci.a have be>'n un-:!;!, ~:g~o~tt':~mps~:1~1~c~~~~ sthupe~~rs some' mont~ ~fo~c I able> to obta in rights of v..·a y for c ~dn t"h y,•erlch epprov,c · "1', 8 pro posed lines or additional lend Brito briefly regarding his atti· warne at e coun y sen a--L-lude toward the offen.se of which 1· 'd'-t I t " 't •-fl _... fo r expaudlng the sewage trt'at-1on .., r c s can ~ nanCit.'U menl pla t he stood con~icted. but which he without this mo'ney," whic h was n · still denied. He also dented rob-' to pay engineering costs and -------- bery or Mendoza. who wu clubbed partiaJly pay some cori:structlon Report First, Last LElfJ\1A'.\' l)l'.\'Gf.f \. !:!:lrntrl""I l Tnwr01•lll1·. 1-"rr•I St h"r11·k . l~ul -1 bna ·'\';:11·ht r111h S OllTH CflASl' 10~ i.-1 1·ntr1•··"' EB,i!t'r R,..il vt'r. !,••111n1rrl ~11 11th. Alamitos Ray SKIMMEl{ t 1 rn11-1<":-I J,11 11 .. h:1lh•d llli'il •nlll.\' 111 a h••ad-1•n '-1111 a 1·1 •:-.!< th• 1·,~nt•·r~ 11n,. nf lh•· • l'Tfl<:h 11 n f"j.:-•:n\'• r•·d r-.l :u·Ar1hur tu·o I n• 11a v11111·nt \J,hrn hl' <'"l- Rl\'d, 11ho11t lhr•·• nJit lo· .. nn tlh or l1•l•rl •·;1•!-1111 \\1th \l'f ('f1r Ur1\·1·n ('nrhl1R d•·I ;\far at 8 :10 n 111 i''r 1-hy !'1 1"1•111. l ';1ll!--•' ,,f ~+'alh \\'li!>I ;1 f1Ay \\'llS ('h<lr It·:< l'rar.r1.-. J\lt11 phy. • hr"k~ n''' k. :!2, nr Sant A J-\nH, nnd HI llH• .<:a Ill•'! j."at 1110nirnt J'L'-l :100 f•'•·t nh•'n<L hi~ i•ar i~ h"r 11 p thr 1111:~,,·ay . 1·.ird·.c;; r"P••t't('<1 111 h}1\'I'' 1·1ash1 •d ell 11•• lr\!--l:1nt \\'ILh lhf' rr>:ir uf l r1rnd. Rnh••rt I< c·~rd. :~~. of !,,.. th" ,..-1 i.:una Rrarh, \\':tl-1 111vn1v1••t in R. S•'('-th•· (' • dr1vrn ,b\' Be's.$ I-'. Rr1tlg1·~-. n r1cJ at.'\'ilk>nt in whi(·h flve cc.r.-:'17, or no l 'TC"!'ft St , L.:t,i::una Bral·h partlclpatc·d. 11 Th 1 " r t"flr, r1VP11 by J.1 rs. Rr1dj.!P!< P.furphv 1 qJlid1·d \\'1th ri 1nat"h1n• n,·,·rt1 rnrrf t.hr.er t1oi('s anrl .'lh• r!r1\·<'n hy l"tu·trnr<I F: 1'11·!-o\Pll, ;{I , \\'a.'-t rri\\11 fron1 the Vt'h ll'I•'. Sh•' qf Snnl~ AnR, v..·h11 I ('• •·'1\'1•d a Jrar -\\'llS . k1 ·n tn Santrt1 AnR. c·onl- tur··d 1111,', 11nd ~.,.,·,·1 1 ruts 111i.l nn1n1t · t-1 11:-.pi !;tl ,,.hrir alt• 111U:1111s hruisi·s ·fl•' \\'11.s 1<1l<"t1 I•• St ,.:;11111 .J<1s('p h 's hPsp1\;d 111 a.p un1hula11c(' :-.i·r 11111 t--:v r 11ts I· ;.id111i.: np '·" t !lP rt<·• l- d•·nt \\'• r1· p1•·1 1·1I tnL" lll•·r 111 th1" 1111lllll••\. Tl.f ur'phy, rr1• nd'-111 Ji,1.j ht I 11 C '], 11,• Ill". ' Youth Gets 90 Days for Theft about h1111 goin}! down befo re I gol lhf're so I quickly ro\\'ed over 1n a ski!( and he lped the man aboard. It \\"BA only then that ·'i ;;av•• t hat he v..•a.& holding his litt le I son's hand. a11d I pulled the1n both A C l l'lt a ~tc.:;a :-i-011tl\ \Vas gi\'en M. • • uut r»f t he v..·atC'r." • a tlfl-c._1y sC'nl"nl·c 1n county JaiJ Th H •-d ln t t k 1 J "' 1· k I II T ~.• _e ar.,.,r l?PBJ len oo 1:-· 11:~.t:e ·~·an _Jinn~ ue~ay I'\ in · v.·1fe \\'ilborta. aild another fnllo\••ln<" h1sl g11 1ll r plea 'mr-1r' gs - , hl·ft ch"'ari:::(' i b~· 1''~\,·pi rrt pnlicf'. ~o~. Bud, 8, from the o'lterlurned He i1> -r?.olantl T;1vlu1·, \f.(. of JR6 sailboat. • 2-:..t S .. c_~o~La :ril •':..a. 111s1X>s1!Jon Taken to Hotipltal of 11~ cases of 1 lu·f'c> other J\.fes;i. i\.('\\'purl poqcr end the Newport \'011lh:; ,~·llo aic <illc,i::cd l(i h:ivc fire dcpa1tn1cnt \Vf'rc on hand but '"1·e1\·rit :-;\nlcn p1''•Jl"l'ty fron1 ~· (C'onllnued on Pace 5) T :t\ 1117:1 IS s1 di r•~nd111g . l '1)il<i' sa 1d ·r;1 ylnr· tnok t v. o I (f'11ntl1111rd no Pa~P 5) N~ / Da;.age by Small BY C Fire ;\ i;:111Rl1 fir" '''<ts r1 ·µ1trlrct Rt tht• 13alboa Yarhl C'luh ul !:"1:30 p. 1b . l\lon<lal'-'. V in"?< had ~rnv.•n ov('i !ht' 1Ji111nr}' o ut lt'l and t·au~ht f1r<'. '11i.;1nl' 2. :'\1•\\'p11rl and En - gine , Balb<>u 1 ~1l i:tniJ, a nsv.''!.J't•d thl• 1·. I Har&or Has Quiet Holida~ Week~d 1 ftnf' of thr mo:11t qulf't J\iew \"ra'r's \\'N'>k-f'nd.'l In N~\vport ~larl:M1r hl!'>ltlr)' ,,.~ happily ""~ por(f'd . by Pollrt" ("bk-f R . k. '-..., 1-lodgkln~on tod&)'· H e s&ld that bt-t"''""" 6 p. m. t~rlday, Dec. %9 anti mldnl,l{ht !\fond.Ry, .Jan. 1 thp"re \\'t'rP no fatal IU'A'ldenta. no uni' injuN'(f In &N'ldents, no a r- tt-'!'ils rur dn1nk drl\"lng and only 12 lra.ffl .. 1·ltatlon!\ ,, . .,.r" lMued. I \ to death b&ck ol"lhe b&m al the costs. · Potice I -• Entries farm of Brita's grandn1other , Mrs. _ Extf"nd llf-adllne ~ ~tinttr a.r<·idf918 \\rf'rr elKo brlow normal "'l"l"lt•·nd 1'-landards dr--.. \ Anna De Oliv(ira. where Meadoza. The board 'o f supervisors o,.i:htch WU emp!oy£'d. · set the F e b. 1 dl'adlinc for agrec- Sticks to ~'1>ry mcnt undrr pt'nalty or with· "l hit h im a couple of time~. 1 drawal o f the rund!'i , \vill be asked but I stil~ believe som e<>nc must to extend the deedlinl', a ccording have come along lat,r and killed' to Marks. him." Brito _!QJ.d the court, also The counst·I said that District stick ing to his cont ention_J.hat he One-, Santa A na. still is in llisput1· struck in self defen!K" and lhat he w ith Distric ts Tv.:o and Thrt>e or had • not robbed Mendoza a!te1· the north and west .Orange Coun- felllng him. '->' area, ovC'r the purC'ha.~t> agrt-C'- Judge Thompson at ~t point 1n ent ror th~ outfall sewer sys- ren1arked . that ' "\here's no use tern 's (aciities. . questionlng him flJrthcr." H e told There will be a spt'cia) tnt'e t1ng Brito, .w-ho wore hi.s high school of the ex.ccutlve comn1ittef' o f tht• ··varsity" sweater jauntily, that county wide sanitation setup on the jury had not believed hb st.cry Friday night in an attempt to and that the court dc:>e1! not believe work out an agreement. Rober t It. ·1 H. Boney~ Anahrim, Is chairman (Contlnued on Pace 5) of the t'xecutive committee. As the hands of the cloc·k \V('rc ~nippinJ: o ff lh.P last pleec-s of 1950, NC'wport Bf'ac h poli\P f f>· portPd t he last inclclt'nt of th~· year on their poli ce Jog. At 11 :22 p . n1. Sunday, Dec. 31, Art Gibb!'!, 21 916 Marine Ave .. Balbo11.. Is land, re - rorted a prowler looking in a window of his l\9n1e . A partv J?:Uest at tht> Gibbs· home saw the prowler. Y"er 1951 entered mildly. Al 12 :08 a . m. P.lond.11y, Jan. l , a rr- port was rt'celved of a susp lciuu~ n1an in a. grey suit tryln~ thr doonc of all the cars ii l·ar tht.' Hur- lt'y •Bl'll Inn . In both instances. polit:t' w t·re unabll.' tO locate the suspicious persons. • ~.l · '-.\ . -~j_'._, __ _ ' J • -· I' I •• • ~~~L.:~£".~Ju:~~~~ spitf" r ~tra h<•a \·_,. tratnr. \ I • .. I . , -.-.---.T'_"_"_"'· .. ,,,........-...-----...,--r-----,,-::-:~.G'"f;.;;~~~[%;~Pi~%;;.r:,r~r~.~,~if-;. : •.. ~,...,z.~~&f;Jf~~;;;r:;~ ,.;-1' • ., ' ·--' h • I • I' ,, i ~ , M I ~ f ' ' • . . I • ;;;...,. , . . ,i,, ,..,..,, .~,,~.-... ~-~~~·"''-="-"oC'W' ........... ~.,~ iMiss Doris Billings nonot _ Guest · ·~t Miscellaneous -Bridal -Shower-_ : ; !{..,orlll& ' llia "'""" 'Bmio.... . ) • ' • ·'1jail , the mloceJJan<OUO ·bridal tho numjorou.I pmea played, At .. ..,_t>Wer ~Id on the eventnr of Dec. the ';. ~ta hour a ca.Jte, " ~ lu thi bome "-Mr. and Jin. r-t-.i ID red a.id decoro.ted with ""'* <>wen, 35 ~boa Cons. ~ white wedding bells. carried out ~lli>C Jin. Owen In entutainJ"¥ th the bridal · OU!d·, ·bollday ,,,.. ber 1 daughter, Mrs. Ira BaJc. .. tthemea. With lt were •en'ed yhlte rd\ W1-,o WW be matron of honor ce cream centered with red beart.e a~t l ber frt:eud's wedding. coffee and tea and nut.S ln white · Mllll Billlnp l!: the daughter ot cupa tied with golden wedd.blg Mr. &aid Mn. John .C. Bllllnp. rings. ~-. 1921 Fullerton annue, Coeta Mesa Preeent were: Mias Blllinga, hef and her marriage to DaVid Cad-mother, J.i!s. John Blllings, June WjJJ.ader of Garden Grove will ta.ke J ohn8on. Ruth Grimm, Mary A_n- place in February. denon and Estelle Dady, all of •HoJly berrle• and miltletoe Coeta .~eaa; Leona Heller, New- d~cked the rooms and a big Chrillt-port Bea.ch; Mrs.. Violet q adwal- m.as tree wu center of attra.dion. lader, Mlsa Joan Cadwallader and ~ .j.t 10 o'clock the bride-elect r1--Jir8. Kar~ A. Cadw'1lader o! Oar- -cilved a t elegram which an-den Grove, .-·mother, slater and nounced that all gitl!I piled under grandm~r of the bridegroom- the tree were heri. She had pre-to.be: also Anna Hawk, Wilma vioualy bee_n giVen tv • .-o corsages lfynhn and Phyllla Balley of Sa.n- one of red sweet pea.a and silvel' ta Ana. bells from tht-hostesses, and a. . SendLDg gt.tt.a but' were not able white carnation corsage from her to attend were Mary Yamaml, !la.nee. Joan Paulef. Barbara Hand and .. Dressing the bride" was one ot EDen OWen. Mrs. Carolyn Weber to Attend BPW Board Meet at Paso Robles Mn. Carolyn Weber of Coron& ... ---~--------­ del Har will be. one of the group the national program. The 1 Ci.11- : of ·at.ate c}laJrmen .of CalltornJa fomia board.·has a.sked for slmpll- Federatlon of ' Bustriess and Pro--ficatlon of these questionnaires to f~ulonaJ Women's c~Ubs to report make them more-helpful in Hro-c gTal1l planning, at the Jan, 6 meeting of the board Also to be diKuued with Miu of directors, to be held at Puo Lorraine for referral to the na- lnn. Mn. Weber, member tiona1 organilation W111 be tegi.s· • ot tbe . club and pa.at. stat! lative committee recommenda- president. will t the office .tione tor the tentative legialative hand&ook which ahe been in platform. charge of re~g. F Mn. Dafid E . Fulwider of Hol- General poUc es ot the edera· junior pa.st WQldent and tton In.. view ot the present wu;rW ch&lnn&zf "•ot._, the economic educ&· sltuaUon will be undei eon.side:,.. tJon oOmmttt~w:iU report on tbe lion. PT:inclpal ~er at the Bat· survey ot available -~anpower urday dinner aeuton will be .KIU i.r. clefense in CallfomJa rriu- Lily 0 . Jjlawklnaon of Loa AJacetelll ftittes in which there are B one of •lX United States delegates clube. Thb aurWy, now being con- ._____!.<> the Flfth CongreM ot the Inter· ducted, la for a job placement -pro- national Federation ot Biainesa gram Mrs. Fulwfdtt hu em ha-and ProfeMtonaJ Women's cluba sized., P Miss June Knight Reveals Troth Mr. and Mrs. William J . Knight of Laguna Beach held .an open house during the holidays at which they revealed newa ot the engagement ot theJr daughte r , June, prominent Orance Coast college student, to Raymond Schu- ler Brtgga, son ot Mr. and Mni. H om er Briggs of Ontario. ' ;. RT ~ ~A NEw5 •. nMJ Nancy and Barbara f ar~ell Reveal .. c. D. M: W~ter E t t H l.d · T : to Speak at ngagemen S a 0 I ay ea Wr.iting Confab I One of the important events of.,..------------- the holiday season was the Thurs- day tea at which Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Howes Farwell, 1124 East Balboa boulevard, announced lhe enJC'agement of their two daugh- Katherin ~· Achey to be June Bride Dr. Auatin Roberts of Corona del M\:r w111 di.Bcuss fiction writ- ing at the creative Writing work- shop to be given by .,'ianta ~a col- lege wrltlng cl1.49E!.i arid library staff• 1n conjunction with their M.brary tea . ·-held in London last AugMt. Th1e A.lthougb· contlnuatlon • ot "the will be h er first r eport on that Pbilipplne scholarship wu voted The-brid~elect ts: a aophomor<: a; Coast college, is vice preS'ident ot Auociat_ed Women Students and secretary o! her cl&BB. Mr. Briggs attended Chaffee college and Orange Coast college. He is now stationed at Camp Cooke where he is a corporal in the 40th Intantry Division. ters, tht" MiUes Nancy-Lenore and Misa Katherine AChey, daugh- Barbara Flora Farwell. Planning ter of Mr. and Mrs . .Arthur Adley an April wedding &re Naru:y and of Huntington Beach announced on her; tiance, Robert 'Whiting Gurley, ,Chris~~ Eve her engage.r;i~t to son and Mr. and M'.rs. John Addi· Corpor~ Harry CUe, son· of Mr. son Curley of Lido Isle, Barbara, end Mraf· T. V. Case ot Ocean Professional authQis and 111us- trators will d.tscusa Vartous phase1 of writing at '"i each ot the !Ive w-orl::ahops. In cha.rgf of the affair are Florence Fillley. \Ruth Bradley ' • •' congreaa r . · P,t the 19~ state convention, 1pro- Feat...ire '<.?" Sunday, Jan. 7 wfil, ecture ; under· pre.sent condition• be a diacUASion-type pJ"9gt"am . will be dbcl188ed with Mrs. i .Qella r.ected by Mias Laura rraine o~ ' ' Silba.ui'h Palo Alto ehair- Sebaatopol, program rdtna19i' ' ' of the natlonaJ fede on. lfi1' Lorraine will announce esulU: of the national program · ma , -~which cloeed In New York . ti. _ . : Marion B. Tay~or, ~ Diego, cba:lrma.n for the 1951 state conventton to be held at Coronado M•y ·18--20, will attend the meet- ing to dlJlewRl-<!Onventlon plans. Wbjle the primariee, repre¥?Jtlng · the votee of tocal clube and state bparda, decide the over-all 19~1· 52 program, direction and em- phasis la still to be cfelenntned, an<\ on thesli mattere the Callfor· nia board will be given an oppor- tunity to voice Ila opinion. hiie California ·board will make ~ further recommendations \p the ... Jla \lona..I oPganlza.tion · through \.t:J.sa Lorralne for clarification of ": ~cortBOlldated q)lMtlonnaJre, on .. which lndlvktual clubs evaluate New Year Guests at Kes~l liome . Celebrating New Y ear'B Day with Mr. and Mrs., Kenneth Keael of 23rd St., Costa Mesa, w ,re Mr. and Mr1. Leo Kesel 8.nd children, Mary, John and 1.ttcbaid; Mr. and .Mrs. Cha.rfea Keael. Mr. and Mrs. John Byers and Marilyn Sexton. • ., '" • )lank of Ameririt NATIONAL Ilmtst ASSOCIATION~ CtlrU/nwtl Sl'f'.,,,nl of <f-JitiH, D~ • .,. 30, 19'0 a1souac1s c.a ... 0.. .,_ lob • • • • ; : • $1 ,133,SSS,Ht.21 • Otll• IOll .. lad Stc:.ntt. • ; • : : • : 1,552,106,669.'2 415, 105,43122 i?l.,201,909.ll" Lous -4 Dltco .. h .. ; ; ; ; ). : .. ; .. !)56,95l,SSl26 llftk ,,...i.s, Fi:hrll, etc. ; .;\: : : • •t,lto,619.61 c-...-u .. m., .. Lottwn J c.J., ,,.._ . 151 ,9l9.I07.56 "• ~ r Ac:cn.H l•ternt ••II Ofter lete81C11 •• ,. 21,101,201.'1 'l. 1 TOTAL ·a1souac1s": • $6,163,351,213.54 •. • . , ., ~. • T , . ' . --., ' LIAalUTllS ' • • : : .. • • $ 150,000JX»• . . .. .. . . . . . 1'6,000,000.00 TOTM. CAPITA> FUNDS •• 1• • • • $ 399,911<27'-54 f 1 a-..1o<r0Ni~loLoaoi.-; • • :·: _47,011)11.11,. 6,ltl,78,171.IS I • . U.WUty fW ~ .t Cn4it. ~ ' • • • •• 155,114~'56.te a..... J. lettNtt, T&J141, titc. ; ; .. ; ! ; o,sn,s2'.t6 I . '--~~-TOT~ LIAllLITlll ; ~ •• •43,ill,113.14 . 'N,,;,,O~l81M-~'i:Jt!.tfc.lifwM SAN --·'Mlt-IUI . I . ......... ..._~~ ~h sfa,:1.p•-.••&r.~ -, I, 1 • ~r • " • • • 1-( I ' ' • • '' . ' ,-• . Y•6rtw-.~~. a·~· e' e,c;.. . ' . ' . , . • • I Linde Strouse Makes Pi ans for Summer Wedding . \rs. James Eric Lofgren, 110 Via Quito, Lido Isle, announce• Ule engagement of her daughter, Linde Strouse• to Frank Splelber- ger, son of Mr. and 1.1ra. Loula N . Spielberger, 3712 Channel Place, Newport ls!and. Mias Strouse will be, graduated from Beverly Hilla High tchool in June and her ft&nce ls a student at Orange Coast college. An early sumn1er 'ledding la planned. VFW Auxiliary Aids Vets Fete Membe.ra ol. the IAdlee Auxili- ary of CouUJne Poat, VFW, COllta M....; ah*red hoi-duUes w1th Huntington ue.ch awtillo.cy In a ward Chrlatmu party , given tt- cenUy al Long 'Beech Vetera.n.. hooplto.l. Instead o( one btg tree· the.re were-individual treea tor each pa- tlent., tll>y attaln accompany!Jl,g nut <Ulio. ,o.ft!I a buket qi. fruit, all bl<J!lgbl to the wan! on a roll· Ing ~. and ~b!Jted by Banta. OAnge eoa.t Oollos• otudenta, l1laQ' -~---.-Jlat .... ,>Jk<! M&rttn, _.,-.in. entmalnod who is to marry Richard Town-Vi ew. ~ send Winckler, aon ot Mr. an.ct Mrs. M.i8a A.chlt' Is: daughter Of the R. H. Winckler of S&Jtta Ana. bu treasurer I of St. Jamett Eplscopal set no date !or hei' merrlf\ie. churc h. She will be iT&duated Aa guff ta arrived they learned from W~ttler collece iii.' June. Her news or the erlgagemenla ~hqi (lance, graduate of Fttllerton Jun- they received coraagi!s or lllleit o f lor college, LB stationed at Camp the valley to wh.ich w ere attached Cooke with the 40lh Division. cards bearing namea ot the en- gaged couples:-· . Mrs. FarwelJ and he r daughters were aulsted during the ' a(ter· noon by Mn. Farwell's rnolher, Mrs. L. G. sWales, and ~Imes. Arold Norton, Kingsley Tuttle, S&r.anley. Ander.son, W, ·eradtorCI Hellis, Lelan~ F1nley, Byron Far· well and Fet)x F&rW'f'll, aunts of the honorees; and Sara Haddon, their godmotti;er. They were: joined In r eceiving by Mr!. Winckler and Mrs. Gurley. Mrs. Farwell was gowned [n a hyacinth blue gown with vtolet!J from lbe neckline to belo-..,: the waist. H,r bouquet or violets and roses was the gift of Mr. Winckle r and Mrs. Gurley. Barbara wore a · gown of Bilk organza in creamy White with a gold overlay and Nancy wore a bouffant gown of .white Fre nch tulle with tu.JI pleated skirt and wide aa.sh of blue ribbon studCted with pearls and rhinestone.. Mrs. Curley cboac navy bloe lace-over pinkj satin and Mrs . Winckler wore black taffeta ap- ptJqued with lace. Women of Europe Program Subject For Ebell Meet G<"nt'ral meeting of Ebell club will bt> on Thursday, luncheon to ' be sf'rvcd at 12 :30 p.m. In Amerl-1 can L<'gion hell, 15th street. Pro- gram ~:jiJ begin at 2 p.m . when h-f rs. GcOl'ge Whf'at of N ewport L'lland will speak on ··women and ia°:;i ~~ i~~:;~. l!;t :u~:.':r0~u;:: I \Vhf'a t visit ed \A.'Om en 's clubs and interviewed president.!!I. Knowledge whlch s he learned wfil be ot great inter.est lo American club women. . Mesa Red . Cross Board Meet Wed. -Costa 1'-fesa. branch of the Aml"rican Red Cross will hold an exec utive board m~etlng, tint of the year. tomorrow t.Wedn~sday) at ":30 p. m. In the educational Dinner Oanff. building of Costa Men Communi- The Mlasea Nancy and Barbara ty Melhodlsi church. Farwell w e re hostesses that night A ·report (vu1 be made on vt'sit at a dinner and dance at which of thf: bloodmobile to or&iige gue.sts we re those who had a~-Cdast collep and Paul Creighton, sisted during the t ea. chairman, will bring up lmPQrtant Friday the Farwell11t • and their and Lota. Bt)rthe .• BRIDE-ELECI' ENGAGED Miss Mary K. Barnes. daucb-~r of Mr. and \Mn.i;,Q$-.."~ 8amf'8 of Oranp--:bas s.et date of Mar. J 1 to become the bride of Rb8"I E. FoustJ Ir., 800 of M_r. and Mn. R1uM' E. Fou1t of Corona del Mar. Sllie le a vad- uate ot Oranie JllP acbooL Her tlanef', a graduate of Santa Aria HIKh echool~ now la a student 'at Santa Ana C'ollrce. ' Lee O'Kellys Joi'lGroup at Placentia daughters were host.a' at Utelr plans for d\scussiQri. ~ , annual open house ~ktail ~rty • · --=f:"" Mr. and Mrs. Loe • O'Kelly of and bullet supper. Last night New Gr11 nd da;;9hter Baltloa were membe .. of o.n Intl· Mr. o.od Mrs. c . K ingsley Tuttle for W•rren Br•.Jfordi mare group w)>lcb ~pent Chriat· aftd ·Mr. and Mra. Arold Norton "' u"l mas day at the home .. of Mr. and were h011ts at a luncheon. ~ Mrs. John Tutttee, i PlacenllA. Mr. and Airs. Warren Bradford 0 < IM d M · The brides-elect are grand· tuers present were r. an rs. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Leon-of Dalbo• and Placen~ta received .WaJdo O'Kelly ~f Ful, ~erton. one Christmaa "gift which could Utt G. Sw&lea. of Santa, Ana and not be. topped. ll wu a .grand-• . • • 1, of Mn. Lymo.n Farwell ot Los dauiltiie r~ bOm · to th,. daughter Doris B1ll1ngs Angelea. , a.nd f()D -lil-law, Mr. an Mre. Way-· ~ 1 • No.ncy attended _Anoaki& 'achool land Aui:k ot Taft, Re$umes Studies for Olrla and .wu gradua.ted r-rom Born" 0ecJ 22 at erlon Cot-f ' , Stephens college. Colwnbla., Mo: tage hmpitaJ the baby wu namM Mia ~rfa Dillin~. daughter o~ She le now atudJinl at the UniVer-Diane JWza~th... Mr.,and JP.'*: J. c . Bllllnga of P'ull- slty or Soutbem <JalJfornLt. where erton Ave.:. Coat.a M.~' 1' resuril· she b a member of Alpha 1Phi l _ · ... tnc her al:Udlee at '1nlvenlty ll0rot1t7, 8be la "' member ot' tho .fman Ba~y ot &c!Wid& o.lter " ~Ing the Santa Ana' Junior AullltanC(' ~ Chl'istmu· holiday• \h 'her par-Le~gue o.nd or Junior ·Ebell edne da w-. enlL Htr flance attended tbe UnJ~ t 1 I · 1 ·" -I •14' ol Oregon, WheN "° -. "TIPl'ing ' ~ 'O.l eight R 0 ong ~ly lated With Pi Kappa .Alpha. -poundS, e le en WU the • • 1em1ty. ~e u.en attend«! use -~ UT1 °" -y. ;,.t H · 1·1..J,._ Y, .l• te ,. l")DI wbldl be wu graduat.!d. H• De<:. 2'7 to! jllr. and rw. Albert .. acll 'F .. a:ve<I u .an "1Wgn clllring Wodd Bottnian, MO Tlutm NOii'· lfr Long W:o.r 11 and"at p.-t la o. lleuten· port Helgll!L He wu m In St. ond'dau~~,Of :ii AJ1oo o.nt. ·junior ·,.,.S.. In the Nani JOiepho ~ .. ~ lit., ·N,...)l!*t•ral .:.t:. •&er- -He la well ltnown 10<', Illa -, -t&lneol' _..,. ~ 'T let. ' ~ "':~ .Twitln I.;., Dinner .SueriL , e~:.."!...~. .-., 11r. a!ld Ebell Book $.c.<f :"~~~·~o~~ .. t Q~;;r··re . ...-~.-----!'!'-• to bl! Discontinued -.----·· .. ·eo: sf. a' ...... ~ .. WCTU _.. will padloailte ba Ma~ -·. ~ ' IYlv..- lhoUDp o1 _.. -_. &or -1o the ,._ 'or' llr. • -'I"", ""' ., ........ 1oc1 ro. .u.. -iM -DI'. -.... ~ aay .... ~ ... .c w• 1 -Meets Jan. l · ..,tth carall: ,; .Wedlli1"7 "9lliac Cl(Wll -.'b ,.,....,,, 11 ot ~ BMea aad o, . ..,. ol a,..._ 9lr.cler · · , w111 bo --•W -R. 0. WI ,.._ __ .U..Jate Kia.~, ~--ea,-EJ ..... !'f ~ C11ir1t, -.._.....to tbo ...._ Wlllfi*lw Of --'-a.·i. • -at -1 -'Oii •P· Aw;. -·"" ti. 11N. 11mJ NO-, Ioele o1 ...-.. -••t at -• 'oal S"' --. et Mr -, , .... 111ir • .-.. .. _.. ... 1111,u ....,. .-u be 1o a•=• o1...-"l'U ,._. and _, • 411.-t; -., ti. Oaola "°'° • ~ -., ~· • ~ I· j ~ l&iloa. ftljllQ", SUI ,8, f!l "!'II • '4 ·r ; , • • ' I I j ' ' ,, • • '. . ·' .. ' ,. I • T~. ;i.._., 2~ 1t1r ' ' K~RlS I . ' • , ·BLOUSES ~ORDUROYS, SUITS · . · • ;. JAC·KET~. ,SWW,RS •. . .. ' . . ' • .. • l-1~ -! ~··· .· -~ ;. "• '· ' " 11n t· Fas.hion·s r--r 1305 ; Co~st ' Pl~d. . : ·. . ,. ' 'l COR(\>NA DEL MAR . . . • " ' • • I ,' .... '/: ... · .... ' .. :-J.H£_,,~ . , .... _., CHORD . .__,.ORBAN • You .~n ·Play, -. itlda Orta''~····., . at one: •. . , ' ' . Wl'DIOUT JOfOWDIO .. · A SINGLE !!IOU: OF MUSlj) f . . • ' ' ' Sr ud Tfl' fbl4 woaderful Ne" Orpa Y...,... . .. ' . . AN{JS!'f !~l~!A!O: CO. 't • .. $ANTA ·ANA Phone Kl; 2•5140 I A!Ui· t114 J,ui;,ucJio,, ' I (Mrs. A. Renner) ~ Plaalll& of 'hlree Oolltlnfle .. -te s-.10•-- TE ES:A RENNER DrfYe. Ha~ 1171.J. Highlanda -Corona clel Ms · High Qualify PrinfitJ~~Ph~ ' . ' . • FROM MY ·HOUSEt-fpLO . ALLOWANCE! ... I • . ' • • . ' • • I ' • ' • • • . . • • l .. ·-;,_ - , . . ' • • Tu-lay, January 2, 1951 . ,. -· .. ,,... -' ' • • • ,. I' t GIBLS' CL-'SS In boy and strt relatl01L8hl~ 111 aew 90Clal· room. part of the new girls' g'ymn.ulum butldinc. It•a u!fed for lnM.ractlon and for happy es.tracurricular functions. · I • i • ' . . • • • • . , ~ ... ' • • • ' II . . I • • , .. • .. . .. I I l\IEW~RT -BALBOA N~ -1i1"'4ES I \ l .. ' CAMPUS BAMBURG.ER STAi.'VD, shown here durtn& n!ICetlA. ls one of the mo•t popular spot~ on t he echool 1rvuna's. , • . ;, ! · . msl PA:RT ~F THE Cit.MPV~ ,.piuai.,, th• ortclrlal 8Cbof>I buildlnl' J'rom tM · l'l"O'Uf>· o( ne"· rec;..J.1100 bUlldinp. ' .....,.· I , California high school's .$500,000 additi.on includes '. · . ·l • ' ~utdojtt_ swimmillCJ po0I, girls' gym, and .social room • ' ,. - By LINTON H. SIMMONS .. County Supertntf'odent of School§. .Orange Count)-. C&llfontla Edll.or'!l Sott .. : Thf" follO\\'ln~ appt"arPrt In ttw-i IJ1'f'rml.M"r. 1960, ~ue of School and Collf'!Jf' Ma_n-armrnt •tnagujnr, dl5trtbutf.'d to all ln~tltutlon~ ol lf'arnlng &hroushout the ronntry. It I!\ n"- prlnt«"d_. In Its rnttr••t;v \\1th JM"r- m.ls~on of tbf. mapzlnP. All thr picture& oft lhl~ paJt'P "'PT~· also uMd wlt.h Uw r Xr€'ption of Oodcf? Hall and tht.-''If'\\' ot the main 'bulldlng. • An eastf'rn high school principal vlsltlng N ewport HnrbOr Union H_Igb School in Costa, Mqsa. Calif .. Oll a . nation-wide tour Of cduca- tiQn&l Institutions sent a laconic .but revealing r(•por~ t o the foundation sponsoring his tour. "Thia:· he wrote, "is a happy school." Plannr rs and arlmlnistrator!!I of the 20-y('ar-old school wcrf'n'l su.r- pri.sed by the visit.or's desc:ripllon. They built the school with a happy ¢1Jdent body in '!'ind. . . A prominent reason for the tourlng easterner's praise Ui• the r'ecerltfy comp~t'ed $500.000 recre- ation bµUding, gr"Ol4J> that inchldes a new girls' gymnasium, eoclal room. locker rooms. and swimming and divfng pools. These improvc- ·ment.s, plus 43 acres of ca mpus and athletic fie!d.!I. give the school more and better rl'Creational fa- cilities than _many collegM. The new addltiona, the o riginal bUildlngs and other equipment lhat help make the Costa Mesa institution· a "h!!J>PY school" arc the result of a bulld1ng program that w as adoptl'd ·when it was . openC'd and has b<.•en followed u .·it grew. Ex('('ution of theo program has been the responsibility or t hose who originally p!anrled it and gave it its initial impetus. The trustees and Principal Sid- ney H . Davidson, who ha.s scrvt:d ·con tinuously with lhcn1, built the achool to groW with the commu- nities i t serves. I t. has kept, pace with its par· ent communities both in size and facil'i°th.'11. The student bOdy ha.a in- creaS«.I from 150 in 1930 to more. than 1.000. Suc-h features as 14 school-own<'ci • busscs, a laundry. school-operated hamburger stand and cafeteria , the outdoor tiled swimming poob and a cla.sa in boy and. gll'l retationship~ attest the school's progressivt'nl'ss. Newport Harbor Un;o~ High Thf' sodal roof"Q.... is part Or l!J~ ~ervf's l!llX small coastal commu-gymna,,lum building. It Is abou! nitiPs lying ltlm08t midway . be- t wren Long Beach and San ·Diego. 30 by 40 fee~ and was dt>slgnf'd Th.ey occupy a 38-square-mlle for mu14iple use. Standout fe&lUr£' al"('a with a population of slightly Is a huge fireplace w ith cooper more than 30,000. The communi-~::sa:d Uin~t~~~~::~~l~rl~p· <'~101! tics are ' Balboa, Balboa Island, ,. Corona d£'l Mar, C08ta Mesa, New-and occupie& nearly half the wall. port Beach and Newport Height.JI. It lenda an informal charm , mak- ing the room ideal for any kind ot The people of those comrnunl-social event. Lighting is overhead. tics played important roles In com-The nPw add\tlon WM dcfligned pl~t~on of"t~e . new rec reational fa-by Marsh, Smith and POweU, Los cil1t1cs. Building of all-the new Angelea architecl.8 and built by additionals required less than a the 'South Cout Construction com-I year. Thia wavm&de posaibte, in .pany of NeWport Beach. part. by the l owruipeople. Many f · pitched In and helped with labor The original. achoo! ~u lct1ng wn:- as much as posalblc ~ithout di•· 'c?nslructed with an eye to expan- turbing the .unlona. They helped ·&Ion ln harmony with the natural obta.in -'Caret' materials anp, ac-beauty of lta surroundlngs. When cording to Mr. Davidson. Ottered tlme came for Installation of a .swtmmfng pool, &11 part of the in· many valuabJe desien suggestions. cr eued recreational facllitlca, the Th"Y neither asked for-nor got tnu1tt>es decidt"d th•t an outdoor state aid. f 11) California state a.id poQI would suit the aurrounding3 is allo ted o[\.ly .schools in blighted and would coat tcaa tha.n a.n in- areas.). F.or every Harbor Union door pool. High improvement or the past 20 AJ)proxtmately $70:000 wq ap-yeais, citizens of the school diJl-'tl"fct Have taxed themselves a.hd proprtated for the pool, built to raised-~"Y· . AAU apeclficatlona and the ad- They practleaUy doubled their joining diving pool. The IJWimmlng l8tX rate for a rour-y"ar f>ttiod t o -pooi ta •5 by l~ feet and lhe div- pay for • the new additions. :The ing poola 24 by 45. Separate pools sellool tax asseasment was raiSed permtt simultaneous competition from 7~ cents per hundred dollars or fnstructlon in ~Ing and o f valuation to $1.15. Every cent diving. of 1t went into \.he r ecently com-"'Ve expec~ to ea.vi money on pleted Improvements. maintenance of our c lay-tile pool." Only qualltY building mate.rials Prlncip•l David.son say8. "lt'8 e8.tly went into the expanded recreation to keep .clean and 18 one of lht' ·1·t1 Th moet sanitary and beautiful pools rac1 i e8. . e tru8tC88 selected' the fn 'the state. We feel !iure that use best ~ be\ng Moel economical in the long run because of low main-of quality mater1W r"pre8t'nl~ an Investment in our childrE>n's hrallh tenance cost~ and no need for re· Placemen': For Ins tance, larv~ as well as a n1ajor long-range 1' "' economy." quantittes of c\ay tile we re install- ed ln the new. buildings. It L! also being epecified' for lOdrer room:-. demonstration kitchens and lava· tortes. ln other b1,.1ildings ~ being planntd: " Tb~ new girls' gymnasium and social. room building ia concrete and reinforced steel. ,Diagonal sheath'\ng and steel press panel t o make it complt!\flY eai-thquake- proof, in conformity with new state regulations that all school buildings be able to withstand severe l'arth tremors. The· gym ls 80 b)' 90 feet. ex- clusiye of adjoining locker rooms. It is large enough to accommo- date all non-spectator a cUv\Ues o f the student body. Radiant beating Coils embcdi!C'd in the concre t e 8lab promenad\? encirclipg the pools helps w arn) lhc suriOunding air o n chilly days. Outdoor swimmings is p08sibh.• meet of the year. ~ewport Harbor Union Hig h offera other featUTes not found in many high ethools. I\ 18 onl: of lb(' tew to give a course In boat-build· ing, yachting, ft!lhlng and sailing -primary Industries of the r('sorl ana serv..£e by lhe achoo!. The ae71ftot hu an ou tstanding course in vocational agriculture. llB branch of FUture Farmers of America is practica.Uy, self-sup- porting, owning land, a tractor, aild Hereford and Ang'Us catUe. '{Jl ' S\VIJ\t'.\ON"tt A.."'iO DIVlNG POOLS are llh~lt.ered on thtt(' t1oldt-9 by rT'<'rralional bulldJncs and on· the fourth b.)· a ' Cl&"'-" "'lndbrrak. About 7,000 ~uarc f~t of t'lay Ille, \\'t nt Jrf.o conl'ilrpcllob or· the pool~. Alhlf'tlc fk-hls and tl\t" pla~·ground!'I can be: !lit."t'fl In tbt• bl&ck· grountl.,,.of the abo,·c photo. 1 BE 1\tiTll'~lil~ MAIS BtflLDISG of ~·l'\\'IH)rt llarbor Hlctl school Is pll'lurf"d at thf' rtrht. Thf' M"hool L"4 local Pd at-tht• ~r ·or. Irvine A\'f'. and 15th S I. In N~·port fl(:lghts. obtain funds for the tractor. mt'm-1 ini f'xpansion ln thC' next ber~ of the unit n:iik.cd the '!llludcnt years. bod)· for a loan at an opc-n meet· A!r('ady undf'r construction arc ing. They t hen paid it back by 19 new classroom!'! 3Jld a new bu, daing all sorts of odd jobs on th(' garagr. OlhJ!r buildin,gs scheduled ca~pus. ' for construction in tt:e next de- In t he clas.~ in boy and ~irl r r · cat.le a rc a ne~· art and crafts lation.ship!!I students of l4 and 15 building. mu.sic building, addit ion· years of Ilg<' are made a cquaintt'J al s hop facilties. and more cl&'.u· with tht> fa('ts of life in a lecture rOoms tor hon1e ecJ no1nics cla.s.se5: seriea 8Upplen1ent'-'<1 by visual aids. But expansion of lhe physical The campus hambtlrger stand, a plant b not.a ~01.I in itself, accord- popular spot. during lunch t1n1e ing to Princ\pal ,Davidson. It It! &nd aft<'r school. hours. is l}'Pical n1 c.rf'ly a contmuing means of ~v­ of th£' 1nodcrn features that give ing the .sik COlt1n1 unitics a bigger. the J11Chool ils friendly almO."f>herc. better, ond even "happi~r ". school. A gadget that makes 20 hambur- ~ gers aimultaneously 11pecd.s ser - vice and avoids congestion durlng "hamburg"tr time." ' cnn. oEFEi-lsr: "Civil df!e»se is a ta,l.k Although the 6C'bool officia111 mut>t be illared by 5l~t~. local governn1en~ and indivkhtal c.ltl- zens,"-Maj. Gen.. W . M. Robert-· son. Callfornia Director of avil Dt-fen.sc. DODGE HALL completrd I.a l'liio\·embtr. I~ tbe Mweat addition to Newport: ·Khool and hi namrcl aftrr0 the only ~ber of the ortctnaJ .chool board .Hu D. i. ~.The add.ltJoa cost $390,0IO a.ad has facUltini for IOI atudeat.a.. Harbor Unlea Bl1b OD tile boal"I(. ludge· . (N~;w•Thnea Photo) feel lhcl' bavt-helped buitd a "happy school" that pfovklu ex- cellent educational and recreation· &J fac illics in .a climate of cOn- gentaJlty. ·they'r e no t sitting back and vtcwinG it a11 a oon1pleted job. /They plan 1a further '315,000 build· ' • Result.a come train · com:tant r PracUce! An ad ~gulµly 1n thla paper .W produce ruulte for you. ' . • C 0 N ~S T is proud to have been fl:ie Gen~r~ .pontraCtd : f?r tiie. buil g of 'ffie ·At~f~tic t J . S.0 U T.H ' . COAs ·r I ' . ,..7" ..... • •• • • Fa~lities 'of~~ NewJX?rl?,'iarbor Un1-~n 1;¥~h M~l. ~. 1 We ~at pre$ent erect- , .~ · _ ·. ~.<J:an~~ ... ~ary,B~f1g=l~; ,~e~q .11eg~_-, '. 1 •. From a .~otta~."tp ii.~"'c_ol.ege--So~. , Cods~{ . . ~ti?n C 'J?'1nf "!Jui}ds ·.BetteL 1'IOlllB jirn.uc. .. wr f r a .-;-...;.... I n·a1e111e-a111o· ...... ., ; -ntos ... __ ol llio <¥1 I zl,.il Tiie ...... ...,.. a-·1o.,•ee11> _,_ ...... ,,... .... .,.. .,,., .,.,.., ~ ~ ... . ' • "°" ' -. • f Io ~ ~ i • • o-·~'-P t I f O~EVE .bO~E:R ·s ,.QP G0 ·R N·A1 HIG. :LA·N-.DS . -~ ~~,.."'"" .. • ·.~ ~' ..• ·i. WALTER 8:1 ~E~LO T!,:Pre~i ·d,nt ··~-. :~:J"-· ·. r ~. ':·:·~:· .•• • 30th, ST.,. Ni~RT:SUCH-HABBO~ ~ : ~~~:~~ :o~~~~a,,,~14-J j . . . - l t . ' " . . .. I I ' . ' • -• r I I ·· l -·~~. .. . ., ~~ . . .,.. . • f . . • . ...;, - ' ) 'I • ,. • · 1 'L ': I l ., l • • .. .· • r • .1 I · . ' k I· '- ' I I • ' • -. • .. • ' . -..... .. (: . '• ' • • • -{ • . '• . • PDw.W Ev..,. ~,. u. N-n Beecli, 1 o,iatorida. bJ' tbe NEWPORT IL\RllO& PUBl.llJllDTO COMP ANY ' . . • • ' . - • .. . ' • I Rise to , .. Remark. " , u l!OP,_.taitn -. P111mp1 ; We are about to ·~ a Yff.I' •hlclt wlll ~re Mcwnefttoua fH. clatons. \ · • • On• of thm declllona rrW.t be mac!< by th• "Pieo\dent'. The IU~ at thJ• nat.too. perha:pe' the .f\JWre . l • 'Uember-et CAi..IFORNIA NEWSP-APER PUBLISJJERS ABS'N. JJf clvll~tlon ma~ .ha.nc on.. It. !f.Y ........... · work .on the subcommittee-. t\U __ ._M_eru_,_ber,..._o_t_th_e_N_-A_TI_o,....N_A_L.,.-ED __ rro __ ..,,..., __ ._.t.a_soca ___ n_o_N_:-·lma.de lt nece,eu.ey·for me to be .. l•· otfiCe and Printing · Plant al 2211 Balboa Boulevard mlli&r. with lfl&Jl1 deta1ll of .m&a· Telephone. Harbor 1616 ins it.hat poWerfu.I foi-t•, Which vie CAA direct, alter about'IO per ceftt ..Ent•~ u Second...clau Matter at" the Po8totfice ln Newport 1Be&eh. Of · the process I.a .. accomp)lahed, ... Cali!ornla under tbe Act of March 3,. 1119 tnto the atomic bomb, or lnlo the • p~ o(t medicine, or the ex· ... , · RUSSELL L. Dl~CH, l!ldltor RAu>H BORGESON, Advertiaing Mana,;tt Quall~ to Publbh Lep.I No~ and Advertbemenh ot all Kinds J SUBSCRIPTION RATEi!< NE'\Vl'ORT·BALBOA NJ:WS-ifIMES ever,. Tue.day . b Onuir eo ... ty. '3.60 per YO..:>' P~OO .ob< montha; SUI three mont!d (Also laclud .. tbe 1'1EWPORT-~A .J'RESS, Tbunday) Oatolde 0raal" Coun!J' SU0 per ,.,.r . platory channel.I of tcl~ce. ' It baa g1ven me Concern there· fore to read the -euy. replies of ll\e IO·c&lled man th the street.. to some "lnqulrlng feporter," when asked hta oplnion on the uae ot the borhb. It wtll be Ute second mOll mo1nmtoU8 decll!lion of hiatory_, tf we put the bomb' a. flr1t · uR u the ' gnateat .deciBion. That wu al.IO made by thla Pruident., · It Is no\ the bomb, but U)e d• 'H~npy Birtnday' M. ore -Sur¥ival ~~~~~L:n ~E:~;n:0:~:~~ "'I' low ending. The conduct of war LI • . • T • • •' l , . """"· . • .. .· I J ·. • Pl B kl t R d one re.ault. There are no looger s anuary ay OQ es eaJ y • :~~c:°~~~;-~;-.!,:.~nf.v~e~hil~ ~.~Jie,..GUbenNre.ad'lllo .p~tty"ite'~tar1E··.i.o,.nla.1 r tein.,..rary h Diatributlon Of the second mil· fighting armies occpy" other areu, bc\rir.e at 11580 Ocella' Bl~·cl,., Balboa. Tlln>&-r'; ear-orcr Bllly" lllta Oil N. mot "' lap, "'hllf" toddlf!'r Roy . at Lagu., na se·a· c pi'eeervlng this separation -bY Nlel ~at the 1t'Orld ·lt'Om hiB fa.t~r.·. kntt. . ' other cbJfdttn, )labt-1 and or are tn,· ·jns out their lion copilUJ ot "Survival Under and moral concepu. We a.re all fn •""'--1 -•'--... ,.. -1•-• · j N T ' P~ t ) Atomlc Attack" ls being made this .,. ...... J~ on wn:: -"ew~ ·. . '• · · . .. · I . ~ ew • •mes ·no 0 . war zones. ~=~.:~~:::~~:~.::: :5~~~:p;.~;;;;; ;u~~E.~~2:r=~:~'. NEE· -fAMl:[y,. 'HERE FROM· OR OSA -"U be th ext att .. "Uon at the ed that "the exiateftce of the So--..,, e n -tomi& PrlnUng Division and were ·~ -' · ' ' ~~:~: ~~~~~:f;f~2 hE:0.:~.".!fa:if~2f.t~gm.t€~~= :r,.~~1~~i:J:~fi:c~~~~~ FIND AMCD. · ICA1N 1 LIFE ''A D ~A." 11 • '· Helen .Hayes with her grf'ale•t ~ one or the other Will cOnquer.'' Ln \ succeu, scheduled to play from ·The boOklet, embracing 32 pages Ou~~uf.~!.~ ~ usgth, .t:ob~~U~~~ Relieved at arriving at a haveD ot 111.fety, far re moved from the Commu ,i•t menace in the Far ~t .. January ~• through 28. le a.n offlcl&l publication ot the _,, Rev. GUbert Nee and h la 'family are humbly (Tatefu I to be In the United S tee. The Reverend, hi.s witi: ''Happy Birthday" 18 the Clnder· Federal CJ•il Defe"na& Adminiatra· plays agalnst our lead ln_ atomic and. their four smalf children arrived ln the U?ited StllteB On the' 16th of D ember from F ormosa. Pre- •lla atory of a shy inhibited Jibz:,.· tion explaining, ln eimple language, poweJ" or the bomb. ~~a can v1ous to their stay In Formaa. ftev. Nee, acted as. su norfntendent for a· ->Al\ •• d hoopllal about 45 mile• rian from Newark, New Jersey, h t to d in the t t . equtl our. di8CoverJea ano develop-r-~ w a 0 event 9 8 omic-•-d •--h above NAnklng, but was f0rced to fiee tlnder t.he pressure of th"'e ev<'r·&dvancL.g Communi$~. who secretly falls in· Jove with a attaek and how to do It. men..a, an ._. no tn ibiUona re· , r• good·looking bank · teller, -·Know.: Th@ •tale ia'reprlnting the book· pnlll!~ the bomb'• uae. The Kor· Rev. N~ and bis family are now..,~-----~.----------.,,.--------~-.~-- lng that the Jersey Mecca Cockta let at 1U own expeue. Tbe first ean war bas ahown UI our weak-•laying at lMO Oc~an Bfvd., ~-~er From Fri~ trip America a year a o wi\h Bar ls one of hi& haunt.II. she 1,000,000 copica were ex.haU!lted · neases, aga.lnet RUJJBiaJf tanks, boa, a.a guests ot Re~. Thomas all ex nses paid by the ethodist sneaks into this place one• evening: 800n alter they. let\ the printers arms and artillery; our yreeent Pendell and the P ilot• c lub of The Chinese minister said that Boar of Miasions. !Jut e would While waiting for blm to arrive, ln Octobef-. The second million ar~ super\ority is ln th• air, _I.ft the c.hriel Church by the Sea. "A letter attesting tG 9ur char· en unable t~ bri{lg hi.a fam · sbe takes tbe first drtnk ot. her eUmarked for hbmes from Copper. courate ot free men, 8JKI in the \Vlth a wonderfully warm smUe. acter trom a friend of long stAnd· h,im. Hl.s ahswer ae to wh.Y .life. Tbep a second-'tben a uiird! 0 .. the Ore.-nn borde!', to C&leij. ownerahip of the b9fflb. R'l"v, Nee aavs "It's a f:ea\ rellef Wg 'fhO' livea in Schcnectady,.New he c se to wait until he could · · "' •-York to "t.he Ainerican conaul in Thia female Casper Milquetout • third rullllon ta contemplat · Ruasl& today ia .vullierable in to be in the United Sta •. To feel t&ke I.a entire family with him combines ' Scotch whlak:ey• WJth there will be ooe tn every h -her oil area, on Which lhe mul't 1ecu.te and to be able ld aleep with· Cb~ helped a rreat deaf tn haV· Is a 1 indication .of the tears Pink Ladys and champaign~d ..Old. .. · depend and which now la amall out tear or worry. I. and m1 tam· Ing our a.ppllcaUon tor entry lnto and rties th&t plague the wltor· several taeclnaUng th.in-"•tart to eo•~ue~ .. cities and other com'· and concentrated. The present II t I f • t t be in the United state• approved.'' Co'n· t t• I • t th F E t e-.... 0 • -y, ee very or .. una e °" tlnulng, he said "when we flnAl.ly una..,. peop es 0 e ar u ' ·llappen at the J eney MeccL The munitiee ·are supplying the book-atr.ategy of Ru•i& la to iJLlplre this great country." received word th:at we could cor:nt?. ··u I : ad left my family then I little 1';dy sings, dances and lo }\er Jets through their own · cha.ri.neLs. and equip and aid ever)' antl·U. 8 . Rev. Nef' said that acted as ·su· mtghti never have seen them own complete '1Jlu.ement_. ma.kea Some ~localities are uatnc firemen. action ln Europe or Asta. la the~ perviaora at wU' Hu (pronounced to th• United St&tE>a, it lleCITled again;' he said. a speech. The cocktail lounge Boy Scouts are , the dlstributor11 any doubt ln your mtn.d1 !: Her in· Wdo Hoo) g•neral hospital which to happen so suddenly, that ·it •Lill which had seemed"'° crude to her in other area.a. tent is to •pre&d ta thin; to bleed waa situated.on the' b~\Q of the ~rtis like a dream." z, Four ChUdttn only a few hours before now be--our economy; to make ua ta.er Yarigtze. The hospital. which' wa.s . Part of this dream hu at The, h~Ve tot.tr children who 'COQ;aes an enchanted place. Com-. The Ot~:U~ ~~tenBe, enormoU1 casualties _and yeara ..of rUn under the dire,itlon of' ~ itaelf ~,~v. Nee's pretty . ung seem l be rlpidly.adapting them· 'plete strangers become Addie plaJlnlng, ,for the distrlbutio~~ strugl'le and yet neve~, ta. that Methodist church, wu the lar..geat wife, MB,J"~aret . Her name. In Chi'. ae-lve&t to American ways. How· Beml!s hearty friends. •BotUU struc.r·an arbitrary figure of three .time, to hav~ op~ed \11 directl)'. of it.a kind in thal area., · ne&e ia N~ Lebwa. Nee, her hus--,ewr, · ey find 'it hard to reattze light up, lilies blouolp, the cub Committed to the oppoa;ite of the · · bapd'• naj!_e, la written ftrst In that .•· r.-are so l many cal"'S in register plays a tune-. !And. before and",., ,haJt persona to a fam.lly 'in things this nation holds dear RUS;o Not F1t"lt· Trip typical Ch e&e· fashion. Le.hwa in Balbo , at first made no: dis· · -the •late.and t. eend.lng copJes into . · ' Thia ... not ... ~•1n1a"·r'• flir-•' .Ckineae la l."'e equivalen\ of "beau· tlnctlf" between l laym· g out in th e magic evening l8 over, !'f each area on that baais. sii wouJd be buµdtng her atrength u1e -. ~ 'T... ~ t~ I"'.: N p cpurae, Addle haa thoroughly In. annouracing the latest print· and watt.tng her Ume for the death trip to the United State1 (ti~ bad ,Cbi.n~." The ees also. found the r t ~or on the sidewalk. charmed her· bank teller. . ing, Maj. Gen'. Walter R. Robert-blow. Whet ditterence, except ot been .hese nin.e yea.re ago), b\)t be on the tcict'-of: Am= pe";'y "We' te , htng them to be more Having enjoyed a rurl of nearly aon, -director of Civil i:>etense, stze or weapona, la there between waS ·hardly lea t>lated than <-hi.a post c .. I ~o er -g . or cautious.'' says Rev. Nee. a year and .a half in New York. said· two boxera in the rtng, '!ld two lOvely wlfp or their teur children. ~hwa.. It seenu to be an lndl.8.Jl The}r four children are :. six and .. Happy Birthday·: was _ orlgill!Jy .. 1· cannot urge tnn atrongiy the natione in th·e world Atena ! What .. I worked for about a · ye•r in name for 1a type o_t -;:.ower ~at one htlf yea_r old Mabel; first son produced by Richard Rodgers and --difference between two armlea al Fon'nosa wii.h a Ma.rs.hall Plan blooms aftlel r the rtun, ·says Rev. Victor: (he wu: born on . V·J day neceulty for-getting these book· Nee Oscar Ha.inmersteln, co-authors of Agincourt. tlghtlng with boww and, agency conc.erned wttll -tl'ie 'i:llst:ri--. • · and ii, five years old; three year lets promptly into the hands of the Mis. Nee is entranced with the auch well·loved h its as "Okla· arrows and with laJW::e8 and two butlon of mf;dlcal aupplles and ser· old :Bi}ly; and one and a half year head of each family·. That is the -American 'Wa'Y ot Life and has kl Ro homa;· Carousel," and tbe fabu· responsibility of local civil defense nations op a global tleJd of battle vices," aay9 Rev. Nee. o y. who jw;t manages. to lou!'-"South Pacific." Anita Loos: with plane•. tanks eublnartne1 and "Even {n Formosa. although it juit · been introduced to the c&n toddle: abo\lt tbe house. la remembere<l_ tor her beat-selling •g.~~~eabooklet is QJle tbat should atomic bombs? The object of the t. now u'n.der the prot~tion .of the opener. retrlgerator, vacuum Rev-; Nff's future in America ''Ge•tlemen PTefer Blondes.'~ be ·r ... ad by eyery family and_.eveY"V box-er, o r of a nation at war, le United States• Na¥y, lhere i8 a clean·er and &"a.& atove <not neces-Ilea i~ doing c~urch or hoapital )-~J "'to get tbere fU8teflt wltl'I the tremendous nervou.s strain m , liv-aarlly in tha.t order). She says. of work ~with the Methodist chureh. MIHCI Woman Hurt. " ia Cmsh Near occ individual so all the people will be . rourse . .;,....· e '"h peopl · · · rilosteat,'' in the tamou. worda of Ing so close to Communist"domi· .,. • .1.u r ·are ri~ e in He'd '/ike to . sta_y iii.· Calito_rnla prepared if attack cornea. The -,-c••-· • h th th' b t General Fo'rreat. nated areu. Du .. to the influx of ........ w~~0 ave esc mg•, u (peop e are ao kmO and we love state i.s doing U. part in, making "' h e I h lb · 1 It we are tn reality the laa:t hope refu.,..a from Commuhlst China, er ave em in my own the c mate) but will go "'herever the copiea available to the com· .. 8 '""' house." f " munitieM. The communities can do of free men . and tree nationa 1n there ts a scarcitY ot food in For· Had &.r,·a.nt 8 h s w rJt will take him. Mrs. Elate M. Cronic, 41~ ot 157 no· leU tor their cttturui:."" this world, then must we decide, mosa," he added. Tute ro,r Cheese . · 22n"d St., Costa Meas., sutfered ' ' with the Regent of tbe School of · "Milk Is almost impossible to In China. the Nees had their minor hurts Thursday when her · • Foreicn Service ot a local untver· get. l!Jld we had to buy m\tk pow· own servants, 1but Mrs .. Nee·stands .Mr Nee is satisfied with life cu etluck a fence at Coa,1t col· Dinner· foursome aity, thal .. Neither reuon nor der for the children and even U¥s prqud.ly behind the ability of her in th United States and ha.a de· leges 11th St., u ahe swerved to • theology, nor morala require men was very expensive. l'h Formosa Amf!'rtcan 'gadgets and household velopf a ta.ste for cheese. "lt'a avoid •triking another car while at Ea~tm'1n Home or n~iona to commit suicide by re· an 8.pple or an orange 'eo1te be-t•qulpnent and thinks that they'll very penirtve in Chi~a," ah~ com· sbe WU traveling on Fairview Rd. . . quiring that we mu.t a.Watt the tween 50 and 60 cents. A Pllo.n go A long y,ray to taking the place ments_ She's aiso·hapfly that their The-other mai;hine w-., operated Mr. ~ Mile. Raymond K. Eaat· hrst bJow from a power with no Or ga.soline is worth almost $4," of ael-vanta.' • · growidg; 4;.hlldren can have all the by Clair E. Saqtt. ,~ ~ !"· man <lt'"P.'!•lW~~oeted.~·ecenf moral inhibitions an<f when. If in he '"\1d ..• ~-·, ";I•,.. ii / :-~:l't~·-"°r !\"~.wife spent 1t1ilk • ij-1\at the\< grow.Ing ~ F M,. -~~ w~~to d r> · • ~ c~ now under conalderat.!on, !!c~•Nee · ""'1t!t'l\>~fl" · ' n "1P'is In need.~ • • • •.•.•• •,; wu Ill c~r •II .,.. ~ . . . . . ' ' ' .• ~ -.tU;.~_,l!J>.111<1;....i,i...-i,... 'tbr'iili i!°h"fu th lfliJtt1f!J'f~ "'11 lJlft , .. f ~!U(itr ' s and,d.e· b•s •' be •• 1',!¢;~u!,~nyl. t•~Mf#;ed •• , ' • • , .: ; · · • '60inbardment by atomic mlulea !'' bad numerous tri~.Li ..-.·1Ch goyern'· elate Ui&t '1tl 1 wU ' / best and J --::'1_'.:l ,. If thi_a la the 4ectaton the Preai· mental rell tape. delays, 'and time· merrtest ,Christmas, that we ever 8bqrt· uta that h~lP li . · dent muat make, than Olia nation. consuming correspondence. The h&d .: Wt r~eived 90,.many wonder· wife. , t right now, she haa a united, muat prepare ltklf. Hav· mlnlster'• comment that "It iS tut things apd e veryone was so butn · ambition. that ahe's going 'ing exhauated all other ·meana, we probably easier to. cet into Heaven kind fto our chil<;:lrep." to sat . fy real soon. "I'm looking muat recogntr.e that ~the decision than into thei,, United State's," The Nees have no relatives in !orwa to tee' what's Jn an ice wUi mark the end of c9nt1e livlnC' brought for.th lri ar}proV).ng nod the ~United States, but many cream ~d~;" ahe sa.y.s. • :t-'· ~., . , • ' we have known it, and will put the trom• bis \wife. ""But it ia evident frlenda. "We wouldn't .ha.Ne~ dared ffft of .our people on a road m.,nt. from thl" coulJle'a deep·a6ated to n!iake a trip to the · United ~ by sacrlficea, the wtptnc-out ot gratitude, that the)! feund their .S~tes Without these friends," they many feature• we have come to .wait worthwhile. say .. Rev. Nee ha.s been offered a Jpo_k upod aa oecoaary to our ~ live•. but wbicb have made u.a .,n ---------------~~--t---~---------'"'1. umpttnr to a ,... • .,_ antact>- niat force, Kuala. M'ew~ &ivet .. ~overs F;91n . Al lack Of . 'lericls' · • • • • -• ~ t -. , FoltowmJ 24 boun1 lft ···d~· pTeUlon chaniber., Arc:bi. P . a.t .. tie. 29. f07 38th ,SL, Newport Beach, ·returned home· ~Saturday corilpletely recovered front ut at· tack of lhe .''ben-c:W" IUffend -mtursday whlJe en~ ln deeg diving opentlon, off Santa Bar· bllra couL accotdlng to. E. R. c:i-, WllJniJICton. •era. open.tea 1' dMJlg.IChool at wbJcb t,llO de- compreuion dla.triber la maiatal9' ed. ' .·, • ·Se.ttle bu been In Ule chamber· aince • 3 a.m: Friday. ~ W.. b!'0'1iht In ~Y· the oOUt ~ After . lwo ~-In th'« ..,.lier, sew-, -,wautte. pa1a tNm • uie OllJi>e11t ca-. ... ~ l ~"ill&' tn ea foot 0t -wt-. I ......_ I. ._ ~t -pr e•iq u.._ .. . .. ,..~ · ... • , . come from conatant · ! An ad regularly tn ih1.t 11 produce resultJi for you. , • • -' l .. .Tli6adA'f, J•nY6fY 2,•l 9Sf ... " ... • • . , . l l I t I I I I . . I . , . Of ~v.ree, ueiDI'· 8~ · Stove'.Oil, UIO'JI, dUtillacl , . . clea...!elivend, you -cialT "' •nriceyow lieater ODCe• JM!'• U you have a priauure-type " burner. try New Stan dard Furnace Oil witb ThermiaOL , _ Il atop• tllter cl<>8ilii>c- _En'joy dependable oil beat~ fort with either of theae fine , , Standanl Heating Olla. Jut call ue! RESIDENCE HARBOR 1094 ' • " ' .. - I of ~•rica is pleased to an,no.t•n·ce It· "will'.i r*-he in~rest rate on a ll Pass Boak Savin s nts: , . . innl~: Janua'l' .1, 1951, saVinsis a ccounts :-r~J. of-,ize'"'in .thi_s.bank ~II earn 2s inftt~--~ri.pounded semi-a nnually, which is a subst'!ntial !increase to its more than 2,800,000 .. . I . '. 40Vin s depositors. , ·' . 1 '\ .. l!I ~dltlon to all other protection s, your dolla • in 15an.k of Ameri~CI' ci re secu red by coplt I fu~ds and re,erves of a round $450 ·· • . I . h milli •. StlJr! your accoun t for a y amount. .. ' . ~ 1 .. , . -. ' I I ' " . ' · · i;t.••....,."J!l••r11 ,. .1.···"'Wh ~.~,. :j . iu .. i; llJI.. ,,,., ~' •. , ' ~ 1 ' ' .· . . . ..• ; • r . r I· '. i ... I • • · 1 I ""'-·· 1 ..... - H ··-. .. I· ' 1"- l* .f J-• • I . ·i 1 I I ' l .. [. ·- 1 I . I ' 1. ! I ' L-1, 1 Y oulhful Trio Nabbed by Police ~ee ~:t ~ f~3 y•ar> old;, oqe 14 ~ear old) left a trail ot stolen cars behind them in their · aut,o;.bome crime wave that ended ahortly after they stole a 1950 Cbevrolet from Walter A. Ram1 aley, 505 El Mode na, Newport He.lght.e: at 6:45 p. m. Sunday. Ra.nniley'11 car was parked in front ot his house with the keys in it. Rarnaley says that at about 6 p. m. t.J\at day a ycu.ng • fellow came to hill door and -asked th~ , way to hJghway 99.' Shortly after, -Rama.ley d.iltcovered that hi• car had~t>een taken. At 9:06 a. m. Tue&day, Sierra Kiulre police intormetl lhe New· por,t. Beach . polJce department that RimaJey's car. had been r~overed and that three boys were taken into custody. A.ccOrding to the Sierra Madre 1 police tbe boya ybo IJve Vi "Man- teca: stole a ChryaJer ln lb.al down ahd i!lrove to Popular. There they abandoned the Chrysler and atole & Ford-Tb~y burglarized a store in PoPular, ta.king It~ cloth· ing 'and cigarettes. They thert abandoned the Ford in Newport 1 Beach and stole Ramaley's car bere. The y transferred the · stolen articles to Ramale.y's c• and were apprebended when they tried to sell tbe stolen goods to an off-duty deputy sherltt. Newport police fourid the aban· doned Ford on Palmer SL in Co~t.a M.t-sa. Classified Index 10 8Ul'llne99 Gulde 11 Bulldlac Ma........., IZ Buiklia• Berne.a HP<o- 16 Share Yom OU 18 TIMoportaUoa n Roottns Oontnoeton 18 _.,.Aldo 19 UpbolltUIJIC ZO Health Aldo 22 I,oot and °Foaad USc:lloo~­ %3 Sltuatlou W•tecl 29 Help W-ied 40 Sale;' MJ9oeDyeow, SO.As.._. Si Wanted· to 11a7 12 Funllbi>e for -II-A Anllquel 33 Boata. Snpp- 14 M--Sii Dop, Cat.a, Peto se Poolt~, RallblC. 11 u ... toctr S8Speetar~t .. -Oppo.....Sll• U Waated 'II> Bent '-'·A~ta-H­".._tua..s '611aat, Ml __ ......... __ ., Trucb 411 Anto--. 'l'lroe 49 A.us. '!'anted llO Auto 8enlee. 'Ill~ 6! Aiaplaloe9 15 M09e7 to 1.-. ·oo M_,. wa.w 5f -...... w-w • R·ecte1, A~ 8" 1aeo ..... Pn>pe1't7 11 R<S1 -.Eicmap aa..i- t..._llUSINESS GmDlll \ CQMPLllrJ.'111 HOtJDJ:UlANINQ, eentce. l'UrnJture. and rup &ham~ l!'ree eotbnate.- li'ull7 IMw'e4. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. BMco.n 8111 72tfc Custom 1!-BUJLDING SERVIOl'.8 Building Contractor E. F . ZlLM " Ucensed • . : Insured New Residential and Commercial Construction Remodeling and AlteraUona Complete Building Service Handled by One Contractor 221 3 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. GREAT PIAN4 SA~. Secu~ Beacon 5180-J. I your Christ as' piano now. 6Qc65 Brand new S net $39:5. Anoth~r -------------1 _smallest' size, only ~297. Save MEN'S Norwegian Ash Skila, Fil· from $100 to 1200 On diacontlnu- ttnga. Poles, $1 ~. New crib, In-ed models. $10 will hold litltll nertpring mattrea (slt.g'htly .delivery. Eaaf terms. DANZ- i"fl&.rted in shJpplng), $15. Phone SCHMIIj>!I' Bi~ Piano Store, 520 ,!Hubor 119S.J. 61p62 No. Main-Sant.a Ana, cor. 6th. I • t ! I ' 58c61 Ddrro bOme -furnished com lete, ... 1maltniticent view of har r, $85 mo., lncludlng utll. . -. A v~a-Je to June 15. Ca STANLEY A. SMlTII 1911 ast Hiway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 882 • BALBPA ISi.1\ND~Nlce furnish- ~ single apartment, year round, $40 incl. utilities. Phone AT- iantic 1-0365. 60c62 BDRM HOUSE unfurnlshe<J. $4'.7 .50 mo. Availablt? Jan. 1st. 1741' Pomona. Costa Mesa. Ph., Beacon 6747-J . 60tfc «-ROOMS FOR REST HOTEL ROO).f, twin be.els. private shower. 1014 E. Balboa, special winter rates or all )'ear, Harbor 1750. ·60c62 ~ ·Television Service u.-wANn:n ro RENT AQo RADIO REP AIRS ' WANTED-untum1shed 2 bedrm. U O t•1ue Larry SW.O • • Baroid Ramm house at reasonable yearly rent~ W1 Technlclana al. COM or Newport Height!. f • '· .. , - .' . • ! .. .. NE !I PO~T ~i.. VD BUSINESS FRONTAGE -1 location. 2 bulldinca -over 4400 sq. ft. 1 building ' 00 l!IQ. ft. leued toi .$220 a month. 1 buikling 25'0 sq. suitabke tor light manufacturing or genef.ltl merchan· ' ' ' lslng. ri er \ anxloua ro ie11. < I , ' . ~ Ciwc Center ·District -$6,50Q Xc~NT. Location on 36th str«t. Attractive. Par, ally tutint8hed 2·be<iroo~ frame home"" Cement founda-1 • . Ion, g°j root. !•rd fenced and landscapf'd. Garage . an shOfl &ni)' .time. ~ MARY DICKSON, Harbor 013 or $arbor 2092-W. I E L W. STANLEY, Realtor, PORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH r : WO~ You LIKE a nearly new comforti\.ble 2 bed· . r n1 horne with fireplace, dining rooftl, laundry m, double garage. and a separate guest room I ' an . b&th. _ I . IN A!D ITION a 2 bedroom house for income or in- la s. F~r more information about this \Ye ll I ted BALBOA IS.LAND home, call " • MlilSA RADIO 8' TELEVISION Call Harbor H31·R. Otte ;•:,8.....;.A:.;UTO::.:.;:.;M~O::B::i::I::E::S:..., .r;1::IK::::ES;:.;.._ FREE ESTIMATES !Otl Broadway, C. K . Bea. li808-J 1----,--------- Harbor 0727 -J Day or Eve. 60ttc U-AP~'l'MENTS a HOUSES I STANLEY HADFIELD, H arbor 20 /' ID~ISLE • 47c80 ------------~,-~~----~~---~­!--------~---ao..A-SWAPS LIDO ISLE DON'T MISS THE BOAT! ! 1 ONE THE UTSTANDING S OWN YOUR HO~! BALBOA POINT H. H. HOLBROOK TO TRADE $3.000 Super Buick Conv. 19-47, excl. cond. low mileage., for local Trust Deed. Ph. Harbor 1476-R, KI. 3-518:>. U you wkt a rental on LIDO NEW DODGES Still in stock. ISLE Bee· WI. Several lovely aptl!I. Also homea av&ilable. be,d m, 2-homea on Udo. 26-ft. living 'room with cOmer flrep ce, OJ' s on to large pri- vate patio. Master bedroom I6xt , full tU1 teaturea ttirough out . nit hep_t. 52-tt. lot. We are ady to 1<1ecorate. IF YOU HUR Y, you· may choose your own olors. i).;n•t ma)ie a mis· take, See thi1 fine' hcllne before you uy. Charming 3 B. R . home. bar kit- chen, frpl., patio. Ideal family home. $13,500. DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair s.mc. Valntalned Pllone: Harbor itU-'i'I' 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport BMcb CARPENTER WORK ROUGH and Finl.shed , built cabinets. Harbor custom 1164-M. 34c30H PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 1'18 Palmer St., Coota K- Iie&. M57·M 94cll !'-PERSONALS Alcoholic8 Anonymous Write P: 0 . Box 1117 Balboa Wand. Calif. Pbone Kimberly 3-539S 22-LO!!T AND FOIDID LOST~Mfnlature black &rid tan dachshund. Male, 1 months old. Lost around 33rd St. This dog is AKC f'egist.ered. Answ.;rs ..._to the name Phineas. RewailW. f'h~ Harbor 1928-W. ~lp62 ill--SITtJATIONS WANTED 59c61 SI-WANTED TO llUY WANT TO BUY about, 18 pcs. good used corrugated theet Iron for roofing. Har." 1020·W. 61tfc LIVING RM., dining rm., break- fast rm. furniture for sale by private party. Call Harbar 209. '-• r 59c61 Somebody Wants Th.at used turniture, bric-a-brac, palnUnp, . etc., now taking up space in your garage. Find a buy- er with a cla.ultled ad in the Newa~Tlmea, Poet,. and Pre.A com~ binatlon. Just Phone Harbor 1918, say: "l want to place a Claastned Ad," and a courteous ad-taker wtll help you ·wrtte an effective ad BAMBOO RAT'l'AN SHOPS Complete b.De, tactOl'f .. ~JOU. Open 12-t dall7 "' SUD. Bank termo. 275 °"fan ' A,.., ~ Beach. tic P.A. PALMER ~NCORPORATED 3333 Vla Udo Barbor 1500 22ttc SMALL nicely /urnlshed apt. Ideal for 1 or 2 people. •Private en- trance and ·yard. Reasonable. 3M Broadway, Costa Mesa. Ph. Beacon 5826-R. 59c6 l CORONA DEL MAR-Sma11 apt .. partly tumlahed. suitable tor couple. Reasonable. Call Har- l>Qr 2424. 59ct;l 8AYFRONT RENTAL, 1 bdrm., to June ·15th, $70 mo. . 2 BDRM., Z..bath bayfront. Rea- oon&ble.1 OREI!!NLEAF I< ASSOC. 3J12 Newjlort Blvd." Har. 2552 "tearly and Winter OOC!ID rqRN. llOUSES 8' APTS. $-0> mo.lup. Uatinp wanted. PAl..JI.: C. JONES 2307 BalbOa Blvd., Newport Beach Call Harbor 370 or Harbor 2313 NICELY FURNISHED cottage. suitable tor 2 people. Call at 384 Broadway, Costa Mesa . I . 6lc63 .,-No trade-ins required. Used Car Buyers ·-The word Is around that your ·dollar can't buy BE'JTER than our choice, · hand-pic ked NEW CAR "trade- Ins" off~red with honeRt 6% ter:ms! '41 PLY. Convertible, R & H, etc. Oiserable one owner. Lido Isle sports model. $585. '41 DODGE 'fluid drive' Cpe .. htr. etc. French grey-one owner. Balboa Isle car of -"exceptional" . Beautifully built 2 B. R ., 2 batb borne. Has large dining alcove, serv. porch, sbn .1eck, loads of cupboard and clost"t apace, lots ·ot tile, Wlf.11 to wall carpeting' Make a date lo see this!:$15,200. • ALSO 2 bedr" m and1 den, 2·bath home LIDO ISLE on 4 ft. lot. ~rge _patio, many This""'lovely 3 B. R . home offerw outst nding features. 4% 1~. distinctive Jiving! PI an n ed We lleVe this 111 one of the around a spacious patio tor ,out- beat lookin~ homes oo Udo, .door tun. Truly a dream home. $21 I . $25.000. 'BAY FRONT . OCEAN FRONT 3 bed~. 2-b~ home, 5 YQI· old. CUtf' cottage In just the right lo-- Two ' iteplac.js, .bar-type kitchen cation! Close to bay bathing . ' . ' · BES BA Y)'RONT BUY on and only a few bloc Ks to Balboa' $585 Lido,' $35,000lh tu"}iab!!d. shopping. $9.000. . · Ba boa ,PeJjlinsula '46 GHEV. Sed., hlr.: etc (Mldnite Corner· lot at !Seville and 1d St." INCOME BARGAIN merit! Blue) A thoroughly sound and 8 12 1 • al t ac ce, , . Can 1 be bought tor only $9,000 .. origin posa..war economy a-oft:EENL F .a. ASSOC. . A 2 B. R. home With frpl. Lota vorite for only -· J.unn. ,.... t $995. 3112 N1-~rt vd. Harbor 2552 ot yard area .. AND 2JB. R. a.p .· over the g&rtge. c 10se to New"" ·47 ·CHEV. Club Cpe. Zoµ'll find ± rl port · Harbor Yacht club. You On ·Balb reninsula can't.beat t his r.r the price .. lthaisct:Ve~ tpohrupuolaurt manoded l.,•carrli~ aet-o . I . , r ive. • Thia h<>tne sho s ca:r;ful pb.nning. SOUTH COAST REALTY CO. every rd:cesso"" known \o man! -• --' t t ' l . ., t!! There:,& an 'fnusu1, iu1~un o "Mulliple•Llsting. Re-aJtort" ''. $1,1'8a well design~ cupboards and 302 Main St. Balboa Har. 2034. ,47 DODQE Tudor Sed. R & H, , stor&.fe spacf. I "Near Pavilion" .. etc. Wt!J believe thls solid, eco: Two ~drooml!li 2 baths, copper nomica.J.Jl'fluid dMve', 6 cyl. model pluml:ting, no -ruet: screens. Dis-* * SOLD "It * • . ' • \ ' . A Dau,ghter for · John Turners . · Tailoring For 'Ladies and Men Alterations -Furrl.ir When you need a nurse: FURNITURE, turnishinp, ruga. drapes, picture.a, ornament.a •. kit· chen ware. Must sell or store. 209 Marguerlt~. Corona del Mar, ~lp62 war cat;;1 value for the least. Furnlshed p e ifll 1 • , Lot on Morning Canyon Rd. .. . RENTAL •/ can ott.~r you the most. post· posall Sun~ck. I Dbl. garage. SPECIALISTS .. 1 $1,185 I · $1 ,300 . . . Shoredi!ts A daughter was born on Dec. 28 lo Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Turner, 2M7 Westminster avenue, Costa Mesa. She weJghed1 eight pounds, Hix and a b'a.Jf ounces. New Son for the ~b~rt1 MP~f~S 1: ! v . • A eon was 1bom ·to Mr. and Mis. Herbert Holve, 2579 Westmlnster avenue, Costa Mesa on Wednes- day, Dec. 27 at Fu)Jerton Gener- al hospital. . Brito" Asks (Continued trom Pace 1) '1'he defendant has no realiza· tlon of what he has done and is not telling the truth. It is merely a que8tlon whether to send him to the Youth A_\Jlhority or San Quen-· .•tin." Brita Was then given hi3 .choice and chose the Youth Au- thority. Nt"W Trial PIPER...JOHNSON 813 E . Balboa Blvd. Har. 1090 18ttc. • 12-BUlLDING ~EBVICES INTERIOR '-EXTllllUOR PA1NTJNG· LICENSED -INSURJ:D ' Glenn Johnston 501·31at St. Newport Beacb Harbor 2297 -J :Uc48 Practical Nurses Registry Graduate Undergraduate Trained Practical Nurses · Specially trained OB Nurses 806 Orange, Santa Ana Klmberly 2-81~ ~c66 .BEAUTIFUL Cherry Colonial bed~ room set, 8 drawer chest, 6 drawer drF-Sser, 4 poster bed and night stand. Like new, $180. 001 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. 61 c63 Call Edna Cra.I '47 DODGE 'fluid drive' 4-door • > f By a L ~ ' Sedans j2) R "' H , etc. 2 proud Bay~&· Br ach Realty Multiple Listing Realtor Linwood Vick, Rltor. better <\) ... cars, Balboa Blue E GI d F B&Jboa llland. Hu. 2042 32cM and Ro~I Maroon that woUJdn't thel t~ley 0 en ay SELL OR· RENT 2 bedroom hou.M . normallt have been traded In 1450 B lboa Blfd. -Ph. Har. 1264 . at 54.i Rivel'l!llide,. Newport SEm ~03 and 503J,i-38th, Newport yet for ):everal years. . .... ):.... J . Height& ALS.O 2 bdrm, bome, Isl .. 2 bdrm. un!urn. homll,,,,Yrly. ; $1 295 · * L([J0K ~ \ . 23622 Snug Harbor Rd., Clift !~m:LP WANTllD SS-BOATS, !!llTff!!4 j a:..i. ~i-un!¥Il!i~pt., double il • . ' ~· " I Haven. BOTH • ar~"lifll~ . • -l:J'1flmT. r11\·: r . .,,. rOQll\ JI! • · ~--,.-~ f ms, 3 ba roo~ ocean ~&n.1t•lil!O!l'Per M !a'" DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY . · : •!. ·~ N ' ': ... ; 't. · ~mf. Seo ·owner .. 5oi 1'"SH~;J:',n.""MOTC1'ft~··"'v · • .. · . · .. ""~--' ·, ... t or an ad in the lively'cla.sst-New -New• v.-;.., :e . i th1 'New\)ort 'tstAnd. 56c61 Your DO~GE-PLYMOUTH Dir' arou hom4 Co~ple"tely m. ' -i ~ tied oection of the HUDSON INV ADER , , HEIGHTS -Lower 1936 HulJpr Blvd. Costa Me~ 1711 ut ocean Blvd., Balboa. W 11 1 t d . BIG THREE-• 'NEWPORT Ph\'>ne Beacon 6907 For ppoln~ent to see call· e OCa e lnCome N Tl P t Sh I N duplex -Unfurnished 2 bdrm. l owne Ha r 254.3 ~c69 ... ewl!I-mes, OS opp ng ew• Mann' e Engm' es nt $75 La j; I • ' NEW unfurni•hed duplex, ne6.r and the Presa a:'l ~·· Di0 • rge rooms. '49 CHE Deluxe 4-door sedan. .Fam~"I Saved VER C C LATION IS 27~ H .P.' P&Uo. Phone 'Beacon 6274. 59tfc By own r. E:i.celle.nt condition. * S ~· L .D *' * Costa Meat1. school, Good ti· 0 · 21 ,:K>O IR U PRICED TO SELL -T 2 nancing. 'Income should more THE ANSWER! LAfiGE BA y FRONT Ap~· d· Make o !er. Beac~n 6~. 6. ••~2 than pay off. 0 (Cont1n -&ttm l'a•f" t) od d .,_ J h H' ~v 411 H l Driv • Phone Harbor 1616 t ay an ask ~ o .n arvey ropms with pier and floa , n-F • e there waa no need for artificial t ,. ad k · F JI · $12 000 or 4 •e -ta er. at Seacraf' t let' or all year rental, EL s . WILL SEt. for leas thB.n dealer Coron• del Mar u price , . respiration. However, Chester ~ 7 6-0cG2 Ji Kl d h . · Id CABINET MAKER-~-t cl.... 10,14 E . Balboa, Har. 1 50. aUowan .. Beautiful '4.7 .Hu4son ng. an 18 six year· o aon, -r ''" •2• COAST. HIGHWAY · Y a B & B h h It David, ~ere taken to St. Joseph's For fine furniture manufactur· .., " BA~OA P~N!NSULA -Beaut!;..,. Commodllre. One owner., $875, Mu tiple isl.inf Realtor ay eac· .n.ea ~y hospital by Seara ambulance Ing. 'Phone Beacon 5277. ~9c61 NEWPORT BEACH tull• f 1 h d 2 b d t Harbor 730-W, 6lc63 Ethel Shirley Gloden Fay Ph BEACON GT11 y um s · e ' e rm. ap · 1400 Balboa Blvd. Ph. Har. 12&4 where lhey were treate<d for shock · 2tfc s~ndeck. Garage. Winter or FOR SA-194 7 Studebaker 2• i I and exposurt and later released. WANT S01otEONE to care for 4 yearly. Reasonable. Phone Har~. door ~. N,w. tires. excellent 3 b. drmt Homes High winds also took the meu-year old girl In my home or SNIPE N 3 RO V rall b ill bor1 0612-W. 6tc6o condit lod ... Phone Laguna Beach 4---; ure ot Robert Wfbon's 33 toot yours. Six days a "'·eek, 9 :30 a . 0 -1r::· ar Y u l sloop Annetta, and cracked her m . to 6:30 p. m . 126 ~ E. Bn.l· Top .shape. New jib. Bronze CLEAN SMALL APT. Suitab!c 4-2335. . 61p63 peci W~ll built-Mode·rn 2 bd-• and· den. 2 batba. m .. t while she w .. aallrn· g m· the boa Blvd., Balboa. 61 c63 hardware. Leaving town. must tor two. Stove, T!C\V mattress. \ • ~-... _ Balboa Coves Home No. 43 bay l'llf!ar the Balboa Yacht Club sell, $200. Harbor 119$-J. •1p6.2 Near bua and stvrcs. Harbor 53--1101"1! ~~~AN ~ RT jCITf'I Large living rm and dlniµg rm. Public Defender N . D. Meyer , WANTED-1 ,,, 3 ~---:;. "'"'"' "' .Party tu.ml.shed, $6000, down. lndicated to the court 1 that wbile Sunday at .f:SO p . ..m. 'Mle An· Al around A·l . .rn.n.· Op EN INBOA·RD RUNABotrr. 04,27-W. 61p6 · 1 ~ ~ HEIGHTS netta w•• towed t0" shore by the CHINISTS at Ollce-on vitaJ de-boa. t , 13u -Prt··• to ..... ' Call LOANS sun..D, IMPROVE, ;, , See owner, 1440 Weaj. S,.y Av'-. hi.s office had no intention to move ._ ,... 1"' '-~ -..... OCEAN FRONT I 2 bed ..-Pb H .... ~ 5~2 for a new' trial, some-one else Harbol-department. WUsoo Is ~".86 worTk. Good woMrklng hcon· at 3001 Newport'Blvd., NWlpOrt un, t'Urnllhed. sJe)lr:;:.· Gas .:'d BUY, MOO~CE· OR ~k ft ra, (l~place, tumace, tile _,.o_r_.~on_• __ ar_._"""'_._-_~_: __ -_• lght •·• to d Brit , rrom West Los Angeles. u.1li0n.1. op pay. ust ave Beach or .. -U eve1. Kl. 2.eMe., bath, .,...._,..,,.,.e 4li19'UWMl1 lawm m w .... , · 0 so on ° s Harbor department alao report own tool1. 830 W. 17th St., Cos· I Su.at water paJd. Gara.ge an<,I laun-We · y Trust Deeda · ~.... "~--e ....,_.... ' behilf, ao be wished t9 leave the • . -...,... dry, tlnest beach. Adults. 3411 ~ doubt · lota. Move way clear tor aucb l motion t~. ed the iroun<llng QI. the boat Bar&· t& Me•.&. 6tc63 NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL . , · bee off Chin.a Cove at 7 p. m. SUI\· · 1 Newport Blvd., Ne~ Har-u.VIN'ps A LOAN ASSN. • rore judgement is puaed on the day. '{be deparlmpt pulled her MACHJNE SHOP LEAD MAN..:. ~UJA:I.. MDIO -400 or i;:<>rest 8*18. 61p83 3333 V .. Lido Pb. Har. lllOO $ ' We feel" t!is. 2 B.R. home fa . c&ae: -and _... ..._ Must know tila: buaine88 on aet-1-----..>.---------------------- J .. A-Thompoon t-note ot t~ -·• con~ued underwo,y. w·~---•A "'··-. ~·-In .... ;;,.,.,..,. ot'EA.STICRNERS AlJ.. • ..... L . the motit outstandmg _buy . ~.. ~ ta reptettd to Kr tlng up alrcra.tt production M1J\S .IU".&&l.OU'-\N .....--... ~ ~~-0. "'S F H. J4.ll8 ALSO a J .. the requeot. bllt at th• 'same tlm• Nlchel8on. ' . a ' for 2nd ahift. Work 71(, hn., pay your old piano on a Grand', 8 .... -~~ON P:tirniied otngle apt. L 1\.i'I . or omes THESE 0 I . . . I in Costa Meas.. -~~ ~·!,';.':i,~tt !;'::;;' ~ ., ::.:· 1130 w. 17th st.: ~.,!; :!tor .:::bu~~on.~: ~d'.'."f.:':. ~on8.°YB.~~~ with 4!J% _ 5112 'l'o , µit.. R : ph P .. ~key · tl..t.~1de~~~!· ;.~. :~::t remembered that the jury already Youth Gels' 90 DANZ s~~ -·~n co al..' M. ll9t1c ..... -.--had irrantod leniency to Brito by 1 • • ~· r~T.· " '1"' • LOng ~· Low payment 3Ul Ne rt .i1Jvc1., Newport Sch. Wed . stall' ·ahoWer, flreplaoe. makm&'' lta verdict: _,ond-degree (Coltu.ae.1lromPase1) ~ lllllCSUANEOllll ·-Ith. 520 No. Jl&ID, Santa TWO BDRM. H with 2 car Bpeclallzlq In: F. H. A. and 0 . L I one Bar fOJ :renced back yard. :kar_Pisp inst.cad or tl1st-des;ree murder . ica..e of whlakey valued at 192..22 -~ AU. P,raee. i J..arc"e 510 Tul!IUn Plana. 5%% Con.l!ltructlon Loana' with C011crete dri.,.,...,.; O~ L Per-..onally, he could not see trom the v .aux <:ale in Balboa EVERl'THING . KNAB!: AMPIOO ORAN'D. I:.llee A,Ve .. ~ eTI>ort '!>hone CALL l30B SA.Tn..ER , ..-( . . a.ppralaed for over f!0.000 . . boW the jury resolved th• factJI where be worUd .and oold It to POR Y:OUR TRAD.J!!R; . new! BA VII ,,_. SIOl!Cl:I Cl.bl· L!i&una 4·1010, day or ~2ll09 Har. 31113 tor nee Appnolool rt U I p ?' Owner must ..U. 5'Jll prlCo onl7 . to constitute ...Ond-<legree mur-'other youths whot bew It wa,o Wll J'JLL BtJTANll ai..s net tll1I of wonder rollO C-tjee. · . 60pa2 Rep. POIRil:R KORTGAOJI: CO. t alt~on led adl or · $8,950 Exce.ptiona'l Buy • • J.(r, lie said, and It Brito rUlked,1::.-.,... ~::~ :: 'PllOP.uoD TA.NU wltb It! 'l'l!rml! ~,tNz.. j ' . Metro. Life Ina. IJ'unda. KI s.61115 place~ c:luolJled . u.. .N.eW.. • . . I . an9ther. trlal; the next jury mJl[bt . , 'i · ...,.ir l!CHMp>T Bia Plano s--. no 2 !U>RK H91fE· with ·:i..:.ar --. , f..o n,,,..;, oot abd c0m111aa-, pi.n Sullivan . ., , ' . ' • '• • • ' • -. 1 I 1 • . ! make it firal-<legree murder, of wbloltey ,In O>ilta M••. and ' Oomploto -•8'!tl<ln, . No. lf&lil. -•• llll. Bant.11 •-,..... . e. IOt, • 501 Irvine Ave.. REA[, ESTATE ANS tlon wee_,, _,,. ~ .--. --~c. ~-•en ~-•.--•. -h["'!:.:::r··::.rd~~ ~ ~~~.!· ~::.~ ;:;,,-.:.i::-"' an '1nlllr UNT A PUJo: ~,.. ~ ~:151~ ~~=.,.~ Intenoit Rate~ -5~ Har · · 11· ~.:~ ~v:a·~ T~ Ev-e..,.-;:-q. : · ~· • • ·~ ot Ta••----~ u.. ~·-. .....,.._ .... ,, -11.-. , ........ ~.. "' I ·--::.....~---~ ,. ..... :· I . . • •ov -P;<>Oywel)ottasp.ec-olandl.. .;;i.7fo11o-''::..i"";;i .adilllt;.j , , , . Allnntonow.<l,lfyou <_,w~. ., •. 90pt2-'.l::-v -In lbe _, 11 ~ZJWllANat:ffO'·N~)li'fd. Ooot4'11-'; . -. ••~-·---·~. _,...._ ..... -• ORANGE CO I. CM' lb....._. D~, -TIWU, ArM &n4 1.~ !llncle or . ' . . P .. ·-... ._W . < " I . ' '. . ~ ---.-----~· ~ ""'•---~-·--. Al~~ .. --llluiU'"'• unit.. N ' old. lie f " -• ---,.._.. • elp '°'·;;&&:-' OL...•'"" ,....., -·;t. --11'D A TT .'lnD C!Tn>n'LY ao...._ ~--~u · .--~tc~:......~ Fol'· Trm. Jkiw *16T·W or Boocoa 56"'1 . '• • '-'"'"""ll' ~--•-1 r-" .o.,&~.... .. ... ~ C' . ' • 2..bclmi fOrnlllbed boOM With -&Dd Aft· 1')' ................. or: .~· T.' ' •' . I. • ·· · .,_. tM U.-~ / ' .1110 .,._ &'VQ.· 4 PIAlfO !J'lla ~!Al· ~ "-r ocean. NII mo. .:r-pr•lill~ io.. ,MJn!-a-m ,em m,ount&ln · . . ri, OI== .... •.• .~~or ,;,.~:--.eon· ·. •uc:-J,:--· • !""'J&1 ----· ~ "-11 a -1.00 --to-~ ·~ at a~µ· lfewpon 11h4 •. -. No clOai'P tor pnlloni· ~ J:!lt ~ -Q)STA:llE!fA . ·. ~ , J. ~-. A-....... 111•1••· llpc11!118 -~' *=M B•ch. .. Ul'7 ~ -IUta H"'I llldliial NJ:W'"'l Si:DRooll llOMI!' • 8W!lptlon or for bait' 'WW be out· ~ ·al ., • pUik. ayllm • ' ~ ..=:":"....-.;~ ...1ij :: . · ~.AJjD Cleo~ ~ AD& KI*':'"'F .._, ~• Wr\te: ~-, 1' ... ~ . prew7 tumn...._ ~ 1 ::::: ~ llJ~~;:a=-~·:t.".:: -... ~ :~·~ ..... ---~-,;...., ~ ...... 1 .,.. -· ~ . ,ilTlllJR A. ~y -• 11.,;, . nu. -·-8 .. ~. 11111 ...W. p,,_,,t the. -a( an-Id to ,.,aic.·at ·I:~ ... -':?:'J:, niter. (ll[illl'I). ICM-A cwr"':l:.. •NM!!"I' 111s P1uD ...... ~ ,,,,..pr, """7. ~ ~ 0Wau111' I ·: . I · ' ~..-'lliOlt : ·. . ebbrleOtor'cat~dOSfooid,Jlc. •. lll!lln.J __ Pa-pot; i:..,u..a-cll. -11111 , A~,.G ..... ~N ~ • •TiNCllllf,:U...,tM,-00.'• • _u, ·' Cllll--• (~ •a.111-. . 11T -· •-• . '*"' • -· ..., 11aE -"' • ""*' w• llMll llWii· • ..... "''"" • .. _ • ..: '· .._ l • ..... ~-..-... _ , -!' ~ I . -,·r -• 1 -~ ~ ~. , . ~ '1 "" .. .. ,.-r .. .-. ....J. • !...-• • .. • + ·~1 ., ···---~-,. !. • ·----·-"-·-____ J __ ._ ... _ ·-----•:..---· ______ ............ -~-~-~-3:!L:.:lli~ . • _, I' l .. " • ' ' • • • • .I .Pege J • Ju~ Deadline on G. I. Bill Schooling Any World War U ftttta.n in Orange cow:ity who baa entitle- ment to education or training re-- malnlng to him under the GI Bill ot RJghts had b€ltPr take action immedialf'ly IJ h,e has any Inten- tion of using that enl1lt£"ment In the future. according to Ben Llcb- ·ermann. Orange County Veterans Service Officer. The df'adlinf' datr for th<' ~tart ot C l Bill training for mo.c;L World War II veterans is July 25, 1951. If a veterans is not actually pur- suing a course of study or training on that date f t•xecpl for normal swnl'nf'r vacation) he forfeits all his future bencfit,s in that respect. It's a rase of 'speak now or for- ever hold ·your ~ace' and 'now' doesn't mt-an next summer. In •ctual practice. a V('lt>ran just about has to bC' cnrc.l h'tl for the spring tern1 if h{' wants to con· tinut' studyin,ir under the GI Bill nt>xt fall an"d as lonJ:' tht•rea'flrr a.s his enlit\1•n1l'ot hold out. The veteran who wait!'.! nnolh<'r n1onth or. two mav be out ·of luck. EXc('pt1oiis are 1nade 1n a.-fcW M'pe<:ial c·a9f's such as ror leach£"rs &nd prt'-medical or prt'-<ll'ntal stu- dent!:. But ('\'en thr· vcl£•ran-stu- dent prl!s('ntly l'llroltt>ll for under· graduatl' study \.\-h1ch hl' \\'ill com· pete io June n1u::;l file the prop<'r 'td()(·un1 t•nts \\'1thout delay if he wants to l"Ontinlll' as a ~raduate 11tudent nl'Xt fall. Both institution· al and on-thf'·jPb tra1n1ng ace af- fected by the July 23 cut-off dal«:. -------- Burglar· Gets $35 ' From Mesa Home Pi~gy bank buri:;:lars 1;ot $35 t\-onl the home or l\1ary w . Booth. 364 La Perle Lane1 C()sta M('li&, the 11hcriff"s office rl'IJOcted last week. The intruders ~a1nrd ehtrancc tbrous;-h n kitch('n v.:indow and took $10 from a je\\"t•lry box and $25 from a savings bank, investi- gators said. I Na11N~ Presidlntl .... Judge Robert Gardner of New- port Beawh was ·elected presiding judge ot superior court for ·the year 1951 at a meeUng of the tour -superior ' judges last week. Judge FrankUo 0 . West server as pre- siding judge during I 9&0. AMlgnmcnta of the v&rloWI court calendau tor' 19~1 were ma'.ie by Judge Gardner a.a fol-1'uw~ Judge • We11t, departme'1t one, probate calendar. . Jttdge Kc-nnelh E . Morrison, de- pa'Tlment two, criminal calendar. Judge Raymond Thompson, de- partment three, juvenile calendar. Presiding Judge G~rdner, de· par\mcnt four, ins&nlty and ln- r b.;iacy matters. 0ur1ng 1950, Judge Gardner has been b.andllng the juvenile calen- d8..r. Judge Thompson the crlmlnal calendar and Judge Morri.son the probate calendar. New Year's Leave for Cooke Gls Tca.ining was suspended at Camp Cookt> last , Sjlturday and New Year's day as ~pthem Call· forn1a 's 40th Infantry Division "'·ound up the Yull'tide S('ason. Maj. Gen. D8.ni<'I H . Hudelson. con1mantlt'r or the former National Guard dlvi!lion, said troops were pcrmittrd tq leavt' the post at G p.m . Friday and returned by ·mld- night. New Year's day. Some troops were malntalned at the can1p by the Divbion for ~ecurity and }1ouaekt-eping" pur- poses. As was the cs.sc over the Chrtst- ma~ holiday, lhousands of South- <'rn Calirornians I'• the Division took friends fron1 all parts of the country to their homes during the training break. .. • ' ·1 NEWPORT ··IALIO I , A \ -----------................. /I ' •' t '. ' ,_ NEWS-Tl~ES IB • • • ... '• ' ; ' I •• .,_ By MARGO "'..?'•·.:-.-.r.-.. - -.. -.. -.. --.. -...................... -........ -.......... f • ~ ee accident• :OCcured at ai- m~ the eame 1apot on Pacific Cou Nlway b+tw~n NeWport andj Jtintinkton. f Bcacb within a 20.qil ute period·ra-heavy fog ob- scu~ vlslbillty~ on the road Thur ay night. p01 ce Ha~ s:X J>f'raons u .tn· juridd none· ap~ntly ~rioualy. Ip t.h c~ea. one of which wu l:l th -vehJcle &!fair. They oc· cunl on ci>a.st Highway between Huntl g Belie?\· Blvd. and the San· la .A a rlvep:-. N+port J>Ollce as- HOW TO STRETCH YOUR DOUGH THE BALBOA ~ & 10 ANNOUNCES A SALE OF T~ first smashup occurred al slsted at thl scene. "'- IQR ODDS Allii'O EXDS 9:39. :m. valving car• operal- WHAT HAPPENED TO RADIO A'[ ~J P.ftJl :E·: ed t, Harl~ R . IPauley, 46, 1M7 GOOD MORNING, ALL YOU CHARM.INC LADIES! This • New rt Blvd,, Ooeta Mesa ; Nel-Now. NcfW, don't monkey with lhe dlals, girl!J, ror In a moment fabulous C'Slore of a million or 80 different il~n1s ls dis-.eon . Kinf. Jr.1 22. 8!'-nta Ana Ple.nty Cr\Uft Pte-Dough Cpmpany, speclallzlng In nothing but upper po~g. ~rt ~mer odd pots an~ pans, glass-ware, poller)·, lanipsha.de~ and aul R~ Pugh, 56, Akron. o . crust will bring you another \'lortous saga In the life or dear, old g ptc ure ranies. conlain4ng pictures ·or Victor Mature. Do"l.j~:rcc led ~y a , physician~ Were A'unt Putey! But before we begin. aetUe back and rela.x while ~~llet. an~ Jane w:man whic~..i you may dlt1eard of course, and re-Mr_ <J M~. L.. E. Grae~. pa.ssen- we tell you about PLENTY CRUST'S amazing hew two-wa~· dls-n e rame, an 1,1,·hal have ypu? Thl.l!I liLSt phraae n1ean1ng, gcr I King's cat; Eleanor Joan covery! ! ! BY MERELY sticking a common household pin I our gbet 0 1"er to thThe ~!boa ~I & 10 hand fondle HOITie of these good Pugh. 23; q.&ie M, Pugh, 29, and 1 t t o.rga ns . . . ere s no te llng w at you 1nlght find on sale there ~ Id Le u L Pu light airy pie-dough and Jetting all the a.ir out, you can have .1:f.' an under the heading of useful or orna tental I ... -m nth-o s e . gh. tortillas! Surprise your family at the dinner table toni~ht 1t 1 tb a MAIN S!I' MAL.BOA. n · TW nty n1ln(it~s later a ·car big blow-out! Now thanks for listening ladle!I. and we'll be back . · drivl' by Robert M. Ralcdon, 20. tomorrow with more about tlliat lovable old "° & so, Aunt ~tey . -BALBOA 5 & lO · p Pdndll'lbn Marlne, was A11nt Pa.ate)· who's Influenced so many llve• with her homely if&Ct!:!I 300 MAIN 8'f· BAL.QOA. in a colllslen with a ma- and philosophy. 'sorry folks, but we're a little late, but don't fprget • • • perated by Goraon D. Shir· "-·hen speaking 'ot cruet .. "SQaWk! WHa.aH ! ! ! ARE YOU A SQUARE JN THE , Sa.nlp. Ana. Shirley was in· e e e . SOCIAL CIRCLE? Are you the llghtlj. ' I WISH TO REMIND YOU FORTHWITH bCCOnd face in the VllaliH ad!t? A ew nilnut<;1 late r, a car THAT VERA WILLIAMS, VOJCE. TEACHER lS Well It's not my fault! Or Ruth 's drivf'nl by-J"1fines C. Graham. 23, FORMJNG A NEW OROlJP SINGING c(.Ass Beauty Shq.p's tu.ult either~ I've also '. Carrip Pendleton •arlne. FOR TEEN AGE GlRLS AT HER PATIO told you ltn1e and time again stopp~ at tfe wreckage and -'as STUDIO, BALBOA ISLAND. This class wl11 be that won1en of all people have to hit fr m lhe ,rear iby a car oper\t. primarily 'devoted to o ld English. Italian and be wel1·groomed lo get any place .ed by MrB . Nevada E. Devore, 67, French songs. Mrs. Williams Is a con ct!:rt a\nger theire days! RUTH'S BEAUTY of Sa. Dieg~. 1or note, it you'll pardon my pun. and has spent · SHOP in Corona de! Mar is in I --'----- many years as teacher, 1tngec. and talent .scout • busineaa just lo keep you polished IM · M • In Europe and the U.S .A. While in Hollywood. and popular-. HARRIET DOPYERA is over there. now especially e , ar1ne she gave rrn..ny young peopl~ their opportunitle1 to give you a wonderful permanent or bleach or dye job. She is M.. • , •..i K In radio and motion pi_ctures.. This new class will give you high-very competent and experienced altptg these lines. Permanents I sint ··~ orea school girls a chance to brush up on your French and Ila.Han. This here start at $8. A deluxe job ~ the R&yette Penetrerile Wave for 1 1 \ charming class will also provide you with a nice quaint reperolr;e wilful, wanton hair hf only s12 .~o. Thie include·a hair trin1. oil Dep rtme1t of Defen.-e casualty In case you're lnvlted to sign al the Ladles Aid or somepJace. The restoration treatment and the wocks. So you see. ""°"'re all trying lists Ifst week repocted the death first class will meet Thursday evening from 7 p. rn. to 8 :30 . m. to\ help )•011. It's up to }'OU no1,1,•. girl. RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP, of ~ ormetj El Toro Marine in Vera Wiiiiama' -PATIO Si:.tJDlO is at 313~-) MARINE AVE.. AL-338 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar, Harbor 2907. Korea and disclosed that another e e e SO 'MANY LOVELY WOMEN HAVE W,ASH TUB HANDS-Re rted l<illed wu' T ech. Sgt. •• ( . Mesa Carin DOWINy Crash -.. , I Two women lltandlng 'On a cor· ner in Downry were ·11enouaa, In- jured when, &q apt.omoblle dri'.'il!tl by a Costa Meaa a.an tnvOlved ln colllelon wtth a truck at.the kl- t~raecUon upat Oh top ot , lbe by- 1tandere, according to C&Jlforn'a Highway Patrol. Tbe mlahap at 4 p.m. Wedneaday Rot Kn. Nina Grace, 50 and htt daugbt.er, Mre. • clrvill& Cooner. 34. both of Down· • !)'. lo a Los Angeles hoop~ Wllb Jerlous injurfea, the report \.fld;l- ~~lt. The mother aod daughter re· portedly were •landing at tbe ln· '.ersectton ot Donovan· SL and Price Ave.. when. a pa.nei truck · 1dven by TalJtert T. Bll!iom, 24. of Compton, crUhcd with an auto '>~rated by Robed ~ Daniel, Jr,, 36, of ISM Newport Ave .• - Costa Mesa. ' The Daniel machine turned on its Bide, ptnnthg the women be· neath It. An excavation wu re- 1ulced~fore Mrs. Grace could be re oved Trom under th' vehi~ cle. . Nen.ht"'I' driver wu. seriously in· ju.red. Vice Officers Take Pinball Machine From Mesa Cafe Contln_u'Lng their ; c am pa i g n against county vice, aheriff'• offi- cers rliday raided two ca/ea and confi.scated a pinb6JI machine and a punchboard, The pihb&ll machl'ne wu picked up at Mitbel's 'Cate. 471 Newport Blvd .. Costa Me"&. owned by Ma- bel I. Kidd and the punch~rd was seized at A . V. Bt&dley'e Caff'. 1:>072 Harbor 'Blvd, The raids, were coriducted by -Underaherltr Steve .J. DuHa.rt and Sgt. W . R . Hougland. Twenty- eighl pun~boards were seized by the officers ln visit.a to nine cares Wednesday a.nd Thursday. ' Costa Mesa Truck Burns in Ora119e BOA ISLAND, HARBOR 2647-J .. . ' e e e was •~"Ming :ln action. GET AWAY FROM THAT PfN-BALL MACffiNE. MISTER I cry a little because their gowns S&)'. "Ball-toom Belle" yel, their Hugh . Neiell, VMF-323. Listed I and the PACIFIC NELREM CO. CARE TO HELP YOU. Here's little warped fingers spell "Wuh Woman.'' I , the Amy Lowell of as .m· ing n action was capt. KT_Ep Must ReSume A d d I k bel the angle-Thi& Nelrem procep can remove the old paint, shellac. the bargain basements. plead with you-Give up this madness. SEND J erry E . A . Miller, VMF-3II, 231 san an l{T'ave true I ong-Roch t s• c ta M 0 t" Q "it M varnish or enahiel from your boat in a hurry and al low cost. Let YOUR LAUNDRY TO TH.E WASHERETTE~ The Washerettc inakes er "·· OI eM. pera IOftS or • ing to K . Colllns of C08t:a esa _.... Cap . Mill~c 's \li4i!e, Jo Ann. and . caught fire Wednesday night at me refresh your memory and tell you that this ne"'" modem uuem· Your laundry while, and c lean and folded. Ttie Waaherette fs a .de \ -'====;::========= 8 '40 m wh ·•e d i -E W lstry miracle washt1s paint away like magic and Is aboolutely safe to .friend Indeed to u:;: nat6re's noble-women! Simply take a sack of lhei~ -~arJ!old , aughlf.r, Diani. Radio station KTED iii Laguna · p. · en ui r v ... · · · It k k ' t about ·r live .the Cost& Meaa address. Beach has been re"-··-...,.rm'-: Wintccs, made a boulevard stop at use. Another thing, It your w . e eeps squaw 1ng a you dirty Jlnen to this big clean wa..shatoriun1 and leave ft the~e. They ~uocu r -1,11• '\ LESTER A. BECK.ER, D. D.S.. CulvC'r Ave., and Gia.s&ll St., in 'her old fumltrure, ahow the little woman this ad. The Pacific do all the work, leaving you tin1e for study and self culturt. Clothes :t"o detai , Wf1re reported on sion ltl' the Federal Communlc&· \ Orangt• and the air cleaner was Nelrem Co. ren1oves Paint a.t1d varnish from antiques. beds, drei&ers, h d h · di Id 11 1 ·t d t b ff 1 eithtr Marlnt=. lions Commlsalon ln Wuhifll'ton. DENTISTRY ignited from backfire.. or most anything. They'll pick up and deliver your furniture all ;~~ =:ave~~ ~~ai:n~:. ~~ =~s~r~u:s~':~: tl~t:~ed !1~~: :e: 1 • D. C., to remain silent !pr i.nother The Orange flre department ready for your final refinishing touch. Get ilmart Today. CaJI. bright colors. This Is the "''&Y to self realization. ladies. 1 Emancl· y hf ~IOffa • 4.5 to f$O day• It was reported lut I785 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 67~2 505 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327 ·J Harold K. Grauel Chapel Pbooe: Beacon 68U BE SURE-INSURE wltll llAURD: STANLBY J.murance OalJ' l'lloae -· n11 !!A Marble A""" tsalbi..-1aland ans'-''l'rcd a still alarm to the in-PACIFIC NELREM1 CO. HAR. 2960. 2811 LAFAYETTE, NEW·PORT. pation Is right around the comer al the WASHERETTE. 404. Coast ' 1 -.Z week . tcr~tion but the fire had been e • e e Blvd., Corona .del Mar. Harbor 2566-W. to e Uewport Request had been made the extinguished when firemen ar· Dfl ERWOOD JS NOT A MAN TO HIDE / • • e .,... Commtuion pendlng a reported . · reorganization ol the st.al.ion. rived, according to a report at HIS LJGHTS UNDER A BUSHEL. W ell WATCH SALE Pal t1al ~cht !Carlotta wtuch In denyingthe"'Tequest, tbe Com· Ora;;e fire station. hardly! Au contra.Ire. Ke Is thf! type who goes DRASTIC ha.a n ter~g ln Newpqrt ml.aJjon staled that unleu KTED out and gel.a a !WO watt bulb and connects REDUCTIONS Harbo , wU be J ~oved to Stur re8UJ'lles regular operation!: Within OASOL~E THEFT lt In his front wtndov.·! This week the bulb IN Diego, a cco ing tjo a noUce given 30 "daya the operating Ucenae C. E . Edgar, Gf>.neral Sheet. Is ' gamrna-raytnc,.on a front window full ot QUALITY WRISTWATCHES lhe harbor eparPTJent Thursday ehould be surrendered tor cancel- Met.a.J Shop (Villa· Way) Newport DRAPERY FABRICS 'at 98c A YARD -If J FOR MEN AND WOM1!N by ltl8i ownef. L. IS. Holland, NB.-l&Uon , Beach, reported to police Thu.rs-know Or. ErWood. ht1 probably paJd a lot more LOUCKS' JEWELRY. I786 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA vs.da CJ&:tllemp.n. day the theft of gasoline from two than that tor theH matt1rials. The fabrics are • -• • The .I $20,~ Y8fht is 136 feet trucks parked in front of the shop expensive looking and decorator designed! This SALE: SALE: long, has ac'°1"rqoda(lona for 10 every night last week. shy. retiring fellow has alao put pottery, glass-b'1Jesta and cilrrte8 a crew of .IO. LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC:E Ofo' SALE OF REAi. ESTATE l lNDER EXECUTION lo thr Mu~lc-lpel Court of the c:lty of Lo8 AnC'f'IP~. Cou.ntv ot Lott Anl"'~• Stak of Callfornl&. SRERIFF .. 8 SA.LE UNITED STATES CREDIT wa~and heaven knows what elae on a bar~ WELL THE GOOD OLD STEADY-It was builtttlin Ji.cksonville. Fla., Rain bl In the window. Thia table is a regu· GOING POlLY APPAREL CARES RS a avy ine sweeper. Holland lar gra bltg &!fair .with everything at HALF TO GIVE YOU A JERSEY ~LOUSE had th yach rebUUt and equipped PRJCE. PROFIT? LOSS'r Dr. Erwood chooses SALE! This fa.lthtul womens store at WU Ing ' in !J.919. lo rise above it all! Go •PY on h.lm In his 01,1,•n little World which Is w_,ants lo get In on the bargain giving. at 407 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. ERWOOD'S. Polly Apparel lan't goin( to iJet you Boy ,' Ct11' b J.f-ms • • • little moths bat against her window / +'-pane. Polly Apparel dDellll't want W1"n To -ent ! ! ! WATCH SALE!"' , '.'' you little bargain fire-flies dimming _l DRASTIC ,. your lights and bursting your bulbs-C°'~ Mesr:s Soya' club swept REDUCTIONS Come on in you mothe, the bargains lht> C'us C ,and E /c hampij>nsbip Foreclo511re Filed in Superior ~ourt ' Prenti&e Moore, promlnent Loa Angeles attomey and Mrs. Moore are plaintltf in a suit filed ln su- perior court lut week to foreclose .a $20,000 truat deed agatnSt prop- etty 'Of E . J, Jacklin and 1-{azel , Jacklin 111 the ca.n&J secuon of Newport Beach. ·~===========~=~!BUREAU, INC .. A Corporation 1: Plalntlff IN is rlne! Gil Brown-stalwart back to of Lo~g Be~' h's f Vltatlons.,I ba.s- QUALITY WRISTWATCHES the wall-i!! selling tegular stock lltrscy Blouees at great red\.lcllons-kt>l tou am nt Wednesday FOR MEN AND \\'OMEN I ht Th C' hi d Lo LOUCKS' JEWEWY. 1786 NEWPORT BLVD.,' COSTA MESA really good ones-nothing he in1ported from Watts or Compton just n g · e ~ s w ppe ng Defendanta are In default with the firet inst.Ailment ~e.nt ot $5,000 alleged lo have boeen due on the trust deed"' last SE1pt. 20, the compla.int alleges. W. S~rt Foote vs. • HIRAM L . SEBRA AND DONALD H . MEKEEL, Dt>fcndanta • • • , for this event. Blouse values that formerly sold for as much aa $7.9~ Beac:h 63-58, witJi .Joe Lester and now $2.00 to $0.95 HE HAS I...OVELY QUAt;ITY DRESSES ON Paul htrit paoibg the f!Coring SALE, ·TOO ----' % to , 3 off -you'll thank me later -lf you take with 2 and 2o ~nts respectively. advantage of this keen sale e.t POLLY APPAREL.· 18.lli NEWPORT The 'ti trimlned jSan Pedro 28-13 GENERAL INSURANCE Cou rteo1'8 l'lfonnati.on. %11'7 Balboa Blvd N ~wport Beacb MATrRESBEll Bo8t-Hnme!'l--TraUeN " lrre(111ar Sb&pM BEACON 604!1 <Josta Me.a Ha,ltreM Co. . ztao Newpon Blvd. SAM'S SEA FOOD "SIGN OF THE SWORDFISH" 1 llllo Eut of Seal - at 8W'felde OPEN DAILY , 11 &. m. io0 ll:aG p. m. Cotktails, Sea Food --Steak Dinnf!rs l'BONE111 LONG IU:ACB .840-79, 862-00 and ~-05 Under and· by virtue of a.n Ex- ecution Issued out of the Munlci- ps.J Cowrt of the City of Los An- 1,:l'lcs, County of Los Angeles, State of Callfornl"a whl-rein United Stales Credit BUrE'au, Inc., R corporation. Plaiotiff, and H icam L. Sebra and Donald H. Mekeel. Defenda.nte. upon· a judgment cen - crer('d the 3rd day of November, 19!'>0, for the sum of One hundrl"d and twf'nly -one. aQll 55/100 !S121 .55l Dollars, Lawful Money of the Unitf'd States, b<'sldes coats and inte.rest: and sum of $26.32. making a total of One Hundrt"d and forty-6Cven and 87 /100 Dol- l.a.cs, with lntE'rt•st from the 15th day of Decembt-r, 19.')(), is now fat the date or this writ) actually due on said Judgmrnt. I have. on the 21 st day of De· cembt>r. 1950, lcvie<I upon a.ll thi' rig ht, title, claim and lntert'st of said defendants !or either of them I 1p anll Lo the following de- M:rib<-d real est.all', to-wit: As appean of record in How many of you have heard the expression, "If the shoe fits ?" Th1t'a fine ... now put down your hands and listen to the rest ot the story. U the ahoe flt&. it came from BAR.BER'S BOOTERY in Costa Mesa! Mr. Harr)· Barber and hi~ charming wife named. Mrs. Barber a.re running a big well slock@d shoe store. They've got shoes for everybody in the family, which naturally Includes men women and children. Work-l'llhoe.&, boots. rubbers. play-shoes, deck ~oes, Ballerlnu, tolllt1r8. SHOES-See? Mr. Barber haa· been In the shoe buslneas tor 40 years and has done orthopedic work all over the countr1. NobQdy gets a hammer-toe who buya shoes here. If tha shoe doesn't flt , you can't have it! So for good shoes and a good · flt at moderate prices. direct your feel to the BARBER'S BOOTERY -_\796 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa.. • - • • • - • QUARTERDECK announces INVENTORY SALE Open ~undays . 630 Coast Hlway Beacon 0248 · NEWPORT BEACH .... Book 3. Pages 4.1 &: 4.2 of e •, • Maps of Orange County, DIANA known aa Ldt 7. Block 642, NOW th• huntttas prepan!• heraelt. zestfully tor the fray. She Tract Corona del Mar. Re· aand-papera her ftniertlpa to attain a keen aensltlve touch. She corded 10·19-48, in Book 1722, rues her t..Bhritnail• to a aharp point in~ ot challenge by another Page 395. female. She lacea on atolJt walking shoes for greater ability a.nd Th.ls property ill not regtat· 1taying power. A beady, speculative gleam llghla 'her eye-Alter- ered under the Torrens TiUe nate.ly shaken by ontomania• and folie de toucher• ahe. graba hen Act. pu:TM. Notic:e ia hf'reby given, that on SHE IS READY! RE.ADY FOR THE JANUARY SALES'! Thursday, thP 18th day of .Janu-•desire to make aenaele~ pui'Cha.see! ~--------------1 ary, I951~ at 2:00 o'clock P . M., ot •a m.am. tor hand.Uni' all obj~ta within reach. .J&id day, I wUI proceed to aell in ' WELCH'S front of tbe courl house door: The above tnau.e .was lnaplred my a sCtenUflc tour1 thru' major SoUtti Entrance, in t.he City ot departm.n.t st.ore• ln a l•l'l'e city. .All I got out ot tJtl& re1earch Santa Afla., at public auctiOO to ,.,.. fallllll arcbe&. '."'tery eyes, and a .tlncere conviction that you lhe highest bidder ror caah In and I wtU cl? 1 mud> beUer lo ahop for 'We bargalM · rtgbt In lbl• Lawful Money ot the United area! OUr anope here are Nducfng Pncea on quality, rel\d&r ltock States. all the rtgbl. lit.le. claim men:han~ F<>< tho most part. the bl~ lltoru buy up , a lot,. of and tntereat -~kl detenda.n~ spec.la.I junk and uy, .. Clearance Blah. Bl&h, Blah." r Then they (ot. either of them~ln and to µirow It out tot )"Ot1 to fight over ••. All right. all re&dy4 iea~ us the .above dffcrtbed ~rty, or not ngbt wt.th tltl'Ulpn ... Let'a v\e with friends over 1 the real 80 much tbe..reof u uaY be necea.--.le b&rp.lu 111ht heft at bome! CHAJtlllJ ? ! ! \ sary to rai.e sufficlept to aat~ • • • ' Aid jud~t wltn lnterut and ' Hl!lY YOlfl ~KllRE. OOT 80Ja:THINO TQ .:l'BLL YOU. c00t11. • •• Tho UNIQUE SHOP lo 'ia'rlA&' a 0-.U. ~11,'U!l .JillES A.' MUSICK. ot fttUI..---*5 I , jonoy --"ilta. and -ta jlf ,.,.. ... : ,Sheriff. ....,.y, J'Olllil rua la a ~uny and 1&1<11 .,. to a Hel7 ~el'! oult . BJ CVI R. Edpr. Dopu.ty marltod ...... -.-0.00 to S2'7-llO Quite a Mat ..... • -t .HaJU, Bleta A Loa-. .alto. W_.. JOI& lf&J'T Tou11 find lllPIJ lllylod ~ la -. Attorney, for -PlalnU!t. ' ~po,-faUJo, ~ etc. 4loo -..._ -.,. -~ --= Soutb Vennont, 1 oklrto. and -ta 111¥ &N ......._ tor a flut. .... ,,,.,._t_ .11.'!'W J.8 • OOlf!A Mr.II& OMNGS Lao· Angeko 4 California. ti. TDm. 1M UJOQllS JIHOP Is' U.O ft.A.ca. _, TOIUlHS 'THiii ...... ~ No. 112-Tbn • OlllL! lo oa .,.,.,, -~ ~ t"i U., U~ Ull t;;_...,.• __ ._w ___ ...,...,._ ..... ~IPubllilb ·Jaa.-11, la:il. CQA.BT.JILVJX, COllONA .DJ:L JUB._~"'91•-3.: . \ ~1 .. J .• , • • I ' .. ' • • • • __ • _ _5_..I BREAK SHOW WINDOW AVE., boSTA MESA. BEACON :i.353. as F ank rfr:var~o led the way • • • with o poiat.s. ~la Me~ea D's One badly cracked show win- dow, &nd one broken dlaplay win· dow IP'eeted the owner of Hamp- ton Dlug Store In C.Orona del Mar at 8 :30 a. m. Mopday. SOMETHING NEW ·HAS BEEN ADDED BY GLAD ~ OH, J dropp a '3 32 tleclsion to Long Beach · forgot you do~'t know Glad. She and Dee sny the two gals who will greet you and be glad to serve you st thef ANCHOR CAFE -- 711 D. Coast Highway. Ne\vport Beu.ch. They are open from 5 a. m. to 6 p. m. ~very day and will be open from 4 a. m. to 6 p. m. on SunJ1ay11. ' ' _ Speaking of food. If you are one ot those persons who likes home made bullennilk Hot Gakes that fa irly nu~lt Jn your mouth then the ANCHOR. is the place to g o. You.,,11 also' get a mal'f's siz.e piece of ham when you order han1 and reaJ eastern pure pork sausage and bacon that t1' so ta.sty and puts forth aucb a delicious aroma you Can smell It fat' half a block. They aleo serve a delicious complele lunch tor ~c. lncludlng soup or salad. Now hert;'s an Idea. We all get ahort before payday so be wise and l:IUy a meal tic.ket. $6.00 worth of meals for $4.50 plus tax. Then you know you won't starve. If you eat out often, bring your fan1lly ln for a gocxt dinner. They <:an off~r you a good va riety at refl80nabfe prloeJI. Enjoy lite'. Eat but more often at the ANCHOR CAFE. Your -p I .• , You're paying 110 • • -v. ., ' ' ~ ·t ~ •OU _re PGt•~ · · i ~ .... ···~·k • Yor fey t,eads Team to . in ~et\ OSC Je Stewaft dbevrdlet. basket-~all 1 t am or jSan I Franc isco rolled to an easy $1 to 35 ·victory over Or<'gq~ Statej We(tncsday night al Corvapis. Ort. • Two OSC i\Jwnh1. Gliff Crandall and ' y S~ydel-. helped whop lhC'lr alma nJ~tei!. although scot'-' ing ih nors went Jlo George Yard- )f'y, f Ba1i>Ji. Who used to play for • tan'focd. Yhrdley mal:le I9 point . ! I The wtndowa were broken by rock1 which had evtdenUy been thrown between IO p. m. Sunday flnd Monday morhing, Newj>ort police said. ' FENCE BRo'ilzN The fence belonging to L. W. Shot~ell, 328' Narc18SUA -Ave., Co- rona de·r Mar wu bn:..k@n whe.n - car belonging to Donald E . Tu.Uy parked in front, 320 Narc.,. Ave .. rolled back into it at o&:.22 Sunday. New•Timea &de have ~ read in the i,arbor for over 40 yean. J . • 1. . ' f la ui•• --u.s: ...... "' ,w.. .. ..., -. ..... ,, •122.-C "' e!•t•ld!r •. ' • • • U1'Mlal.I CALI • • I ' , • • • • • I . • " ,, ' J I .,