HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-06 - Newport Balboa News Times.. ' .. , I ; t [ • • .CAST .. OF -40 --PREPARES-FOi SECOID ·AlftUAL . ·ELKS ·MINSTIEl·-. FRI~ SAT. ' l'lnJ.tl\bl&' tquchea have been ap-&bow. :..i.o perfonna 1'-ttb hie lovely man. Saint dcero aAd M~ M~­ .. _'4 t. Ole 'cut of forty aJngen partner, Mlal 'Irene Knight. tn a ton. Voealllta-are~ Lloyd Jotm..m. ua dancera who com.,._ •the comedy 8Cefte entlUed "Anything Paul Loren~ .P'J'Uk ur""' Newport Harbor ICik.a Se<:ond 4n-Can Happen" and It doea. for BU!y Wm. J . Goocbroy, Jr., A.. L. Doea- -nl&tJ Mlnetrel Show to be preaent-sh1\pJy· rocks the ratters wtlh .hta bu,.. Ro~ Hood, n'ed Matt.JMwW. N hid•y and Saturda)ll at the imperaonatlona and &nUca. Jack TOw'le, Sff.ley Cb&rlM and Barbor -Hi_gh achool auditorium, AMiJ!itlng Billy,·wul be tbe Black Chuck Fi'ancla. Billy Ne18on WW 8:1D p..m.-Brothera, Alnerlca's premier com-act N tntcrklcUtor. -A dress rehear:aal ts yet .to bP cdy p&titomlme 'acrobat.; Hank ~ eeat.. can be pu.~ . held, but the performers. all local B~eey, the lntem.tlonal known at the N..,._Tlme. ott1ce, 8ob bualneu m en, are perfect in their jug~llng jester and Mlu Joane Eaatman'a otnee, Battie. 'hlancL ~· One' can enjoy a.n evening Lark.Jn, the "Petty gtrr· or n10--Bob Boyd'a otrfc' Corona del Mar. of most deJightfUI ('nte rtainment tlon picture rame and a novelty Notton'1 Cafe, Cout Hwy., New: -by attending this year '11 "Elk• Min-danef'r of gttat l't'putatk>n. Miae port Jeweler~•. Colt& Meaa. the atrela. for not only 11 the minstrel Lilrkin le endorM"d by beauty ex-Elks' Lodre, Balboa. or from &ny acene well worth the price of ad-perU aa America'11 most beautiful Elk and one can ai.o leCW"'e eea~ m.i..1on, but there will be a .solid "P etty·· girl. at the boX office of the high KboOI houz of profession.al vaudeville In the ~tinatrel Scene, the end begtnninJ at 8 :30 p. m. both' ni· added to the loCal sklta. men will bE;. Albert H . MaltheWll, day and Saturday nl~tl, the two Bllly Nelson. famed motion pie-E. F .. Shell. 'Bud BriSco;e. Robert C. l ntghta of the lh.ow. Better~ ture comedian, who ha.a rehearsed &cc.her, T . Hord Seeley, Bob Nor· your eeall now, ln order to set and wru produce th'e mtnatrel ! ton, Cliff l'Varner, Robert A . Eut· good locations . ME88 OF OIL-~ black S-1 mMo of .-II that lalt Nowpart -b'• .;._ t-l ·-W , (a.ad ls 11tlJJ comln1 lo) eaJ.)ed forth tome quick artloa from tlN" stn!Jet d~L 01tJ balldoun plowed the oll UlMltt aear the Nrwport and Balbua pff-r to rllmloate tbe flre huard. Ttllla p&cture ~ Tbunday mornill& M>i>M the oU ntm \\'N at. lt!I "'.ont. Note the lhadowe of the Ne-a•port pier ldMt&t:n ln the foresround. (New.Ttmea Pboto) • Tan\er Oil Still Washing Up on· O.temfront; TBOSE llESPONSIBLE -the owaer, "Chuck" UUmaa, the de-- atc:ner. WendeU .. Skip" caJkJm.. and the bulJdf'r, Cart Cbapmu. pause ro.r a momemt durtnc the Wk or madytac the b..-ad new 50~foot. lipt-clhplattmrnl. boat, Lrsead. for her launehlns WedllHdaiy, t~ebruary 7, &I. Sea.craft Boat Yard. · • (Photo by Beckner} ' • "Uolll'fl>,• IMa-t ~ tW 111"1 • JM. iz I tfte -.. t . ..... .... Olllllilt. .. t ................... ,. l ft• tM .., ' ,.., r t ,.. .. lrrts'ftt• e1,' ...... , ........ ,. ...... ::Ii fttil"' • • ~ .. • 1;p ..,. "I ,,. ors w ... •'TI., 111 .-1 • -1 " . . ,.~,., r•~ ................. -~--ease' • ••? .... ..., ...._..._-.,11 rs s¥1•5' s 's q 's Pl as .. , - ....... -... -.. -...................... , q .. ... .. .... ---1 (PllotO..,. _ ..... ) • • • .. .eon car. Police said the right Bide and front ot Barkei"e car wu dam· aged U waa the 1tft aide and rear. ~f the HU~ car . .Both were towed to s~or'• ranee, or- rars· said they oou1d fDOYe the ateerlng without uy movement· or the whee.la . . ~ St18'1•••· Trciffic Sljnal : .. ·-- • • • ' • J ·l~ t . " - , . •. ' • Burglars· smashed the show window of the Newport Je"(elers, ' 1702 'h Newport Blvd, COst.a Mesa,, e a,r I y· Monday morning and took an estimated $2000 of j(,welry .from the window. • Ed Shell, owner or the shop, said the .toot conslated mallily of H&milton watches (about · 24), watch band.Iii, brace~ts and elec- lr1t: shavers. ·At . press time an inventory of the stolen ileml!I had- . n't 'been cotnpletcd but Shell thought tbey would total over $2.000. ' He said the broken window wu tnsurod but the stQieh It.ems we.re not. t A woman discoverftd Ule broken window at about 7 :io a . m. and imml'dl~tel)J reported the .incident to the Costa Mesa.1 PoSt .office. Charles Beecher of the poet of- fice phoned Newport; Beac:b police who went to the store and stood by until Sheriff's otfk:en arrived. The Sb~rifra offiee wu It.ill ln· vesttgatlng the ~urglary, check· tng for'lftngerprtn~ etc., at noon Monday. • • Ttie thiev~ had-µsed two lal'(e .. rock.a Wbfch they Jturled throup · ' two windows. Then they reached in and scooped up most of the con- .. -. • • tent. of the · !lho~~ow~}i,o[iniaiiU..R----:::;;;f ncl!'tll lllfe"6Mlfe "'°'"-' J•welel'll 'It located ""'t' ~ - from the busy· 1 Tlh St. and Ntw- port Blvd. ti:iteraecUOn. ~• • Jars ·win 'Sjdh ,. · Straight; . Me•t Santa Ana '1~~ STORE-l!ld Sbo!t, .left, looks ...ifT at tM> broi.ei. .rti•w porft Jew'l!len Uop at 110! VJ N~wport BJ,·d.. CM ta 1'1eea, from "''hich burrtu]I \oak over S%HO wort.h of mercbaadl~ early l'londay montlnc. Two hul'e roc)f.8 "''ere u!Hld to ~ die windows and the culprito scooped up all the Items they "°"Id rea<'h, eon•bt.ln&" m""tly "l[ •-aluablc -llamlllon-~tc . ..ea: One of •he lnvMtlptlns S herlfr1 ofrk·t'n 15 at tl.tc rl«ht. -. News~Tin1es Ph0to) l Worried Grandma Missfrg Kitten Whistle Improves, Asks Traffic Aid. Caur Sad Hearts Try A~in Friday A lf"'N'd:. IJltJ., C~ta M~ • . . ' A "Worried Grandma" last week failed.to lca¥e her name with Su- pervlsor Heinz KaiScr, bu' shi> left bcr Impressions ~,Kaiser and the rest o( the boerd'1J'f su- t>ervisore. . A note was left at Kaiser's home In Costa Mesa urging acUon by county of!lct&i.,; in placing "slow" signs ~ al,ong the streets around 23rd St. and Santa Ana A vc., sign- e don1y ''Worried "Grandma'' noted that many chlld;en, including her 3-yrar-old grand."JOI\, p !ayed In the 8tr~ta iTI the vicinity and that•stie feared for the Jives or small cbll· dren from rut-moving vehicJes. The plea wu referred to the county U&fflc co'!'mittee. \ Jad:.o l~sad t.otla}' and 'a MJ"fdler Ncwpotf cach's dcfen~ alarm • · syst<"m f>e'f rmed mote satisfac- ln Ito \Vould ~IMO bll ,8ad If he to·r11y Ia.st rlday noon, according ~ kno\v-" h~ roMOh. She \\'M l&k -to F ire Chi f l<""ran}< Crocker and Ing-~.oflda cat for ltlm W~f' J ohn McM &fl of the city 'water he ~ o\·enwu but Tht1ntla~· department. the+;. Ktrayl'd a\\'ay and hasn't Crocker 'd that the air raid ,.,rhi atle loci.ted at the Archel!I ret.u • could be he rd at· the Balboa fire Thejlady l!I ad\'l"rli~lng ft1 r the station and that it was a good ml"1 fel,ine In the N°l"WS-deal louder an the first t est . Tl~ cLMsMlC'd scetlun today, McMillan said tpat the signal bo"ln KOmoonl" will find tbr could be he rd prp.ctically · cvery- kit~y od return It. Shr 18 of-• 1 whPr<' with he cxecpUtJn of West fr.r nc a $6 reward and sap tlH"l l Newport ( hlch is pr,!)bably the. kit t .. a bob-tall blur rwn..ir, closest pla~ to the location or the ti.Ix qths old. Her address bl whistle). Ht added that the whis· l x St.., Costa &It>--. Ue wlJI aga be adjusted and fur- . ther tesfs ill be -made at noon Fridays un tbe 'e!feCtlveness of the •ignal I pt'Oved . · Harbor H igb'a hlgh-rtdlnl:' bat· , ketball five will fac:e one of their ' toughest 'hurdles oo the TO&d to the Sunset Lea.gue champlonahip thls attecnoon (~y} wbe.n they tackle aeeond place Sant& Ana at the Saint.I' gym. ' Newport beat each team ln the league ln the first round of play but Santfl Ana.· gave them the hard~st batlleo. The Tara started the second round of league play last Friday by scoring an easy 44-31 victory over· Fullerton at the Newport gym, thcir atxth straight win. Armand Nettlca, rangy SallO!' for· \fard, 8COred 14 points to m&lnt.i his league scoring lead. He. 90 points and Re.x Babcock o Santa Ana ha.a 89. • Grit'fith baggF 8 points a.a Tara It'd all the· way malnl&lri a 26-17 .halftime advantsge. Newport players broke into scoring column. The Tar B t eam also beat lerton, 38·Z6, in the prelim game. Following the Santa game today Newport Will third place Anaheim F.ri Anaheim. • • ! r . . -. ----··-·--------------- • • • , • • '·~2 , • ~ ·~·"·~····:~ ...... ~~.,..,.,,.,.,,.~..-...i ..... ,,, .......... ~ ... ~ · 1 Elteil-JUniors ~ew · ~Film · Wetcome Me".':'~ers, ~!:.~i:!_m~ect5· _ · .· p bents.. ' OC.~Nc IA OC., . ~ ··~. f ~--. 1 . II> doll&WUl.oalad luncheon.-;•A -~ ,i;,..&Rd eolor &Um ot -br Mn. -·u Hlllt ud' t11e. CliltllllO , qr 11es<>n1u will .. ~ commttteo1wben tbe nl!l"a U..,JValt'llfllt ot1\b&.regular meet· ·m-.,. ~ Ue ~lllllor oectlon ot :ins-ot...uio ~ )Qa-Bay Cltlu u..--.--Bi!>l>U WU ~ ·Branbt Of --e&litOl'DI& FU.:lurla. ~y.fJ-=11~ ~.at the~~ ~~~y ~ ~ hekl Tue~ILJ· Feb. < 1',.b - A llhort buoiil-.. at-7~ g,. ln. in. tba Ameo:I • ,,,_..., , .... -. ~ -~~~ C-O•ta -om.· ~. Mn: John :& SO.• GNene, trwa the ClllJ. pe.PtQ; i«e••J, aud the ' ~ -~ SP-RY. Chen;d.Catl will k ,,,._,,..._ Edw1n B. ~· P,at; .;<&I<,. ana •w111 .ahowl hla wu tnb:Muced. lfn. Georg'• tiiM>r-Wm&oo. Cultun::otBegon.la.s Thoma., ~ inembershlp chaHmui~ And atrd.iii.9 of EuioPe. ~· introduced u new-ll'lembera the · The-eoat:a · -~ Bay-Cttte9" ¥mee. Raymond Berg, Dav l d Branch ol the Califorpia... F'l1Cbsia l"ruer; :I'. W . K\Ulter, Jr., Everett Bodet)'t wu organized four yeara RoM, Cbarlee R. Peyton, Robert &&Q.. by; a g-roup of ptOPlt latu- Rothwetl, Art Salsbury. Wilfred ee1*! ta provtdiog edueailofta and Berla, Wanen A. Scott, C. W . ai:Jmtlfta. )ln.owledge :and to 9t.lm· Un.key and MJ.st. EUz.abeti;l Page. ulate interest In fuch.Slas and . Plana tor a membereh1p dance 9hilde-fOVin&--J>Jiiti.S..-- to. be held ln March were dis-President Al Hollister will pre- cu.aed., a.ad tbe members were ln-'aid-over the mfftlng. Mr. Hollia- formed of pl&n11 to help JU>Onsor ter extenOB an LnvitaU9n to all the Red> CroM benefit fashion te«, peraons interuted ln flowers to ta. be pruented. by Buffum's at the take advantage of the opportunity Balboa Bay Club on March 8. of aeeing these beautiful and in- Mn. John Stoll of Cliff Haven. formative films. a new member. of the Junior sec- Uon. p.v~ a highly int eresting and l.otormaUve talk. on Spring Fuh- ione.. Mn. "Stolz conducl8 sewing I cl.-tn San Diego and San 86'- nauilno, gives fuhion· lectures, and formerly conducted a· sewing achool on television u.nder the • name of EUza~lh Chapin. Mrs. 1 Stolz told. the members how to .elect styles ahd fabrics to su•t their .nrure types, and d iscuss col- on, fabrics and dress lengths that would be 1 good this sprtnc-. A drive for new members is CUJTenUy und er way and gucsU are always welcome. Leo A. Lee, local .fuchsia grower and charter member. has o ered a n-ee. fuchsia ket to ch per· son bringing members. Mr. Lee will side over his monthly g discussion. A.a usual, -there be a. well !!tocked plant table for the plant sa.1e. Members are planning to bring oooklea for the refreshments. - ' ' F..&.SRION ~• -B e I 6 n Vf'ilM'!lllM model9 a Lam orlcla- al 1tprinc dJ'eM I at the fubloft flhow put on by the' Clotbf!w H0r"88 shop fol' tbe Surfidder'a luncheon at the. C-taw&ys club tut Tbunda.y. The dn'8.-. IA a Salzburg prtn.t and reat-ul'N mate.hlac espad:rtlleA utd pouch bac· (News-Times Photol Y's Menettes Plan , • • • \ ( J • . ' ~ ' . Tlti4ES ~ I I • -.. , -. ~., ' NEWl!ORT-IACIOA • ' ' ' aiilJitl - . . -f ~ Holl F~ -~~-r-~li'-:'-~---=- -All, .lmpruaive .1n ... uture «! •1 I ~ · · · TNo lo ... -., ~ ..... "-. mon>i' taJrtq )'OUnJ" gtri.. aa Now that Mr. and Kn. iam~ .,. ..... • ...,. .., .., C•••llL ~ ln\0-~UDft· WU.. COil.;.,. Ho&&. &ad. UWe'daUftitefa. Bfiel'l'y~. ~ ......... wlN .......... ... ducted reeentty ID, the Coa~ Me..1 J..}eQ iu\4 ' lfar,ll1il, f~erly ,ot · ...., " a -o1j c-.ta, - tllrl Scout BOUR. Troqps oM c°"f Place, Coata Meoa,.are com-• ""I-' - -to.,,..._ •n4-~-diw UM-1eallleu1Mp of~ ("oft.alt~ MttJett-.)ft-tltetr-MW-~ ...., •• .... ,. vou "' u.. ,..._ Mn. Ven19<a Qa'"8olt, ~led U , C¥JtOD,-· ~ lhOl!' -., --< ' • "°'"'"""' *'"'r.a"lod· tli.pOddrming ..h )~ r~ ~ at: a ~~ : , · lb.,.beautltllf>-lllolipt;rfte&, ~ lloOloilrwU!lllq wliiln·-2& I dne hun<IJ9d Ud; t .... q.flv~ Mtn"'-f'f*I llplll\-'~ cnnt,_as.. ' ft~i'!.~il p~ afn Rt&moey, glda rep,._llnl' 11 troopo 1'<lm Jiu!Wf!l(.lf, • ~ 1 ; olloe k1n4 of I I1ummy oo &ll1, Coata M ... Bari--· u."'1 Mr~Bolt> ja ""'"""-Mt b:!' ·111e' IL ._ lmow all the-flmdamen.air:::. troep• from Llndbe<D acllool Uil= a. A ....... n q., ~ ~q.• C'&wta. JljR remember lb- two ' lrooJ>ll from ·-st. JOachtn\ o! Ute Oxygen, Therapy J?e~~ He special features:! scl1oo~ be<ame ~~·Bro-t we!<~ tM ~ ~ ""1'11W · -~ ....._ ~-A good t~ Of parenu ''We ci.-1il•• bot'"'""""' here v --'t •nt ..q wu \/el')' gratltylq to Ille le'id b!!t It ~!!a frncult '!' llM bot• ~ · -of a..~ _; . e"!-. i I tnl r.i-. thu. we kV& ln\CoN 'boJw ltk 19111) .,..-'-1. TltdBrfwnie Sta'y, & tl&Y .... ileu..··~ --1 1 , DfteM (lWWMta) ... ,.._. enacted l>j< melWl!e,.,of'Tro<lP 1 Rev. Jpl"' P~pple 't•er....._.i tho ,.,.. "WIN.* I Ba~ oichool. ~ partl<lpatlng appreof6!lon of the group tat the ~!'11f'!'-~- we.e Detiie-&e.ile-y, BNIMl...-DUly tatthfttl eerrice the-Holts had gi..,... ~ 1tJ ~ » ,,._ Un{ia OenlD. Connette ·Hinesly. en wllJle.,,Uvtn&; ln Qoat& M.eU an.d 1 ...... ....,,., t11aa •P. Doqna MacN.evtn and Ova Lee w1abtd for. them even peat.er hap-tar Mt.• · 1 Toling. ~ 1n the tuw..... · c.,'nu . I M each cand~te repeated the n. company (itted ' lhe hon· -thfte. t;: ftvbe play:: ~two.. "magic" w~ and gazed into a o,._.,wlth aever61 plctu11ea, eeente MOlt~played Jse/ ~· four-= candle-lighted mirror surrounded for the living room and plaque.-. parl;De..rahip pane. !Aila sit "by 1Teen leavu, she beeame a ne:.w for the chUdren'e toorri"s, which tit· ~own an'! playf You and J'O\&I' Brownie. Leaders and mothers aa-t~ 14 perfectly. partner s.it down u . North .and. atatln,-In tbe activitiea Wetei .A.a conc;iwllnr f¥.ture to the South a&a.inlt two others. East Mp:lN. Dorotliy Holme., La.Verne frlen41Y courtuy the t&diU aervecl arnl West. Sea.Qlll.al, Blanche 0 Deltlo, Johnston, delleloua refrnhmenta ·C!On•l.a(lng Young Cnd MacNevlo. Cookiu, of undwl1hC1, cake, cofft!e 'and punCb and cottee w•rt served fol·' pwreh. • t lo~g LU ln,veetllutt. . . In the congenial group of p_,ty Leaderi and their auiatanta for planneu were Rev. a.ad Mrs. J9hn the 'new \roopl are M.me1. Thelma Popple, Mr.\ and Mn. Ho~er Ma- Smltb, Mable Gay, Betty Dunhavi: ben'y, Mr. kd Mra. Ed Bennett, Thelma Miner for the l:Jndbergh• Mr. and Mrs. W . R . Scr:urgs fV\d school; 1o1mca. Bflly Lynch. Celea-Kat.by, Mr. ,and Mr A . ~ N-el· tia i.~ncb.a.nd Mary ~urle for SL1 son:. Mr. and 1.Mra. rry Wright, Joa • 8C t:· Mmes. l;-<>uiae · Mr. and ,..,., B 0 . Potter ~d Auattn, V era , Beebe, Marian Janice, Mre. oy Cragg. and MU'Well, · IadyW Elllil, Leona ElaJne, Mt9. · illlam · lfclntee, Breedlov , Myrtle Glynn. Opal Mrs. Roy Pase, Mra. Ha.rry.Sch.lck, I Rah}ll. Rt.Ila Holland, Sally Flem-M,... A.. W. Lewltl, Mr!J. James GaJ - lng, Ruth• Sle1e1 and Laura Jone8 laeher, Mr. Steve Leeth&n, Mr. tor the Harper sc-. · ~ ! William Carpenter. Mrs. 'Claudia Balboa Man Sa~ls for France V a.9 Fau.lel'I. 1 · 'I?hoae "6hding gift~ but una.ble lo be preaenl were Mr. and Mra. J . E. Bee rda.ley, Mr. and Mrs. I>. W . Pratt and Mr. Jamee GaJ- lag her. \ "'"' 2 The pack of cardlo for C&nulll is th• same as two re.Wi.r pub ot 52 c:arda eaoh >hul!led toolh· er, pl~ four jokers, makinc 108 cards U\ all. . • -. r ~ • TUESDA¥~FE~!J~RY 6,,' 19SJ . '. ' ~AV~GS ·Wlt.l PROT~T YOU~ , When you're backed by a sound Savings rese'l"ve yo~'I,l really be safe from any financial • emergency. St4rt to_ [save systematically NOW •. ·. . and makei your Sa"rngs goal. one year's incoqie. ; · ~eji you save here your, money is insured up1 . to $10;()()0 for complete ~&fety. Current high divi-• dends art at 39< ! · . S~P! LOOK! LESSEN ACCIDENTS! , , ~DJ~~~~~!tGS . • ftA.P*I ••9'..?Ul•DlllT.,,-=-~ ~~~-Yitt /Jdo • Kffrifort 8-/r ~CltliForniti. r--:--~~ ...... ~~------~~~----'-·~~~~---r The afternoon's program wa.s concJUded by an interesting que:a- tkm and anawer seaaion tn which everyone: waa tnV'lted to partici- pate. Birthday · Fete For CeciUe Smith .Lanita Vincent Pledged to Chi Or:nega · Progressive Dinner Charita Tu!tree, son of Mr. &nd Mra: S. J"Mnea. Tuftree of Balboa · M h f • left _.Jan. ,, ro, Eu•ope where ii~ arc o Dimes will •tudy, languages in Paris. Lut • We w ill suppose that West deals first. He gives .Out cards on~ at a time to the left (Clock· wise) until each player bu 11 cards. He lb.en puts the rest ot the pack face down in the center of the table, formiJla the liOck. The ~ card is tumed face up beside 1t, aa ~ first upcard. I 2nd r i Annual Lonita Vincent, daught4."r of Mr. and Mrs. L . R. Vincent. 322 "L " St., BaJboa, is one of « girla who gJedged aoror lties on the Univer- llity ot Oregon campu.during win- tl!r tum M.l!lhihg. Sb• pledged Chi Omega .s.b~rlty. Mias Vincent ls a IOphomore in liberal arts. Cecille Lind Smith. daughter of Mr. Md Mn. ~rtl"en Smith, SM Pa.di: Lane, Costa 1.fesa, waa a haPPJ' an(! u citect' little girl Wed- n9day, Jan. 174 It wu her •th bll'thi,1ay &Ad. In recognition of the important occulon. Mrs. Smith invited young playmatea to help oeiebrat• •t-.-,.y r .. uvtty. Art Teachers • Tbe small fry eniqyed p\aylD&. with pl<tuJ• .,111~1,_, ~-th~ . .iJ .to Meet Wed ..,ptbered a.round Cecille to watch • her ua.wrap her store of pretty Annual combined meet!ng of the pruente. ·.{tut chief lnterut focua-orange County and Ca.U.Lornia A rt ed on tile refreshme:.a.U table Teachers A.s.9ocla,tiou wW be held where story boob attached to col-We4nnd&y · t:ftnlng, W'eb. 1 .• at orf'Ul b&Doone turniahed. the pl&ce.1.Ftl])(..U,,n Hlill ·,eChool-eateterfa. favon for the children. Lec'tuN . wilt be given by Dr. Featu.dns the coUst.lon was a J:rneet .MWidt, director of the C&J.i- beautlf'Wly decorated b I rt h day tornia Schoel of Fine Art.a l.n San cake. witb. candles sparkling on Ila Fra.n<:ieco. Hie acu.lptu:re and other iced .urface. This wa. the gift of works of art have won prizea In Mrs. Edwin Edick Of E. 18th SL, many museums. .. wboee one-year-old son, Kenneth ------- obeened. hie birthday the, same N M b da1. · J ew em ers Tb.ere were "8.t'ied animal cook.-, · · . 1ee. too. and 1ce cream to contrib-. For Area y•5· Men ..u&.e-to the pleasure of the younc-,y folk. M.emberahip roster of the New· Takloe part in the fun were Rita port Harbor Area Y's Men's Club Ctanlr:, Jeri Lynne Ogden, Bar· toda.y had been i..ncreued follow- bua Jo lt e-r, Mic el O~en, mg· initiation of t··-Uly 01..bso D Hilll&rd.. ....... new ~m- "'OT•nna and ck ~ith lat bers, Bill Burt and Bob Thatcher. b th t l b • s er both of Costa Mee.a, at the latest ro er o e ranL ..&dUl.ta lharin h ltallt meeting of the organl~tlon In . C g c oep . Y Norton's Ca.le. Bob Boyce of '"*' ~1 ~ · ather, Mn. Or•n ... e conduc•~ t•-I d tl ~ea. ·Albert c&rdrn. ~ I.CJ.I J-n uc o~ s,rord 'Elmu.:~ ~Y· , Robert 0. Lo.u;, preai· ~rd.• MU~tit Olbso~' aod .deqt. had ~ge 81' tl'lPbusiness ~ Jean Hilliard. .9Ul:lon followt.itz dinner. . · • Plan.a are underwa • by the d l~f O lOca.l Croup for a m 'A money-0 13 e OCtOr r&ioing <:ampalgn in la Mua. ens Of fie e tbe drive t o start F . t 9. A joint ~int the New-c · M port Harbor a d the Ana· OSta esa heim Y's Me luba will be held Monday, Fe 5, at 6 :SO p. m. at the Colonial Restaurant. 'New-'Lawrence K. 'Oundrurn, ~7~7' ~. ha.a opened an ofttce l Superior (Newport) Ave., Meaa. A apeciall!lt in ear, t trauble~ and allergy. be at the Costa M.e:q. Df- Wedne!ld&ys and Sa:tUJ-. l<J'dlng bal&nce of the week ln Loi A.ace.lea wbere been Jn pra.cuae for eJcbt .. Merced•• ..... tar.t. -· tbevw.,_ 11o..e-- port Beach. / ... ... Planma.king for a progTe&slve dinner Feb. 22 and diBcuuJon of the fUnd raising Orange CO&st &rea YMCA campaign tn Coa:ta Meu, Feb, 19-24, filled the agenda of the Newport Harbor area Y's Menettee Ch.lb wben the group met Tbunday, Jan. 2~. at the home ol F'rancea Crane 2q Birch St., Sant.a Ana Helghte. Alict" Youretone presided. Hoateues for the progrealve dlnn~r wUJ be Mrnea. Fritzle Juk- l!IOn, Laura Jones. Betty J enks and Allee . You,rsto~e . Foll nc ~e d89ert course a.t the e of Mra . Yo~ne, pre ident. Flower St., mc~bera W ho the.I r regu- lar buaineas ae,& .... o,/ ln attendanc Thursday'• meeting were At a. Betty J enkl. weea:. he wa.e guest of honor at a IS E.tended bon voyage dhuu!:r at lhe bome ... ot Mrs. Myrtle Slaughter Now at L. B. Hospital hia erandPatenta.. Mr. and Mn. 1': The Oranre County Chapter of Mn:. Myrtle Slaug-hter, after H . Pttlor~ of Placentla. . · the, NaUOf"lal Foundation for ln- Pteeent were Cbarlea Tuftree, 'l'a.ntlil6 Paralyals announced Mon-spending several days w\lh her Mr. and llra. James Tuftree, MJ;i. da.Y, that Ile current March of daughter, Mni. William FtMer of Joy~ Dtyle and daug hter, and' Dl.mea Campaign la lagging criti-Shore Cliffs, Is thui week at her I I Eb Minstrel Mrs. O'Brien. cally. · _ new job of managing houaekeeper . A.a a result, the chapter haa for Community hoaplt.al, Long Ber. n'1ce Amb . been fos.ed to extend the polio Beach. Mrs, Slaughter la executive . . Urgey ..mercy appeal ~wo weeks, until eecretary of the Natlol)al AMocia- to 1EnJ.e t • ~ Fel>Nary 15. Uon · ot Hou&ekeepe.s, and mem· "1 r a1n I . ' .... ~.•yer ,in it.a hia~ry 1iaa Oraiige her ot the program commlltee for I Fit <J Auxi"li''..ir "' ~ --• ·"'°"" dupuate Western State• Hoopilal Auoola-. t' 0 . , .•. 'than · e~l.11 ¥>day with the lion. She goee to Long Beach from 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEB. 9-10 ' -oe--+ f tntuffl I t t •· t St. Vincent's ho"spltal, Loa An-1' WHen membe\I of ;.he 'Costa ,.... ...... o . · c en UDUB or Meea Volunteer ...,·re erit lll!'llo. pal!ant .t .. atmen<> A great g•l...I I ._._ ~· H-.bor. Una"on H'igll, Auxuiu · L. ·, 4e.l more money muat be raiaed ~ ._., . th I y tare eet1n 1 to!:rtb.Cr fot;. ciJri..I" the next two wttk~ to tn-ATTENDS MEDICAL CONFAB I M.':s~ ~:n ~~e }t A..:::..-:. eure lhaJ all wha are stricken with To attend the Regional MedicaJ I · l "Auclfferium who wUI entei't&.ln the. trlen~ th.ls ~ul malady during-1951 and Surgical convention last week, ~ ' I Thw-od F b 8 't 8 , "'111 reo•lve the care they need to Dr .. and Mr._ J ohn K. C. Chung I ' ... ·~ AV "'I' "'ILE FROM -ftY, e · ·a p. i:n:11 desperately. of 211 E . 18th St., Coat.a Mesa, U-l:t "'.,.._ . An evening of c_.ro P.lf..Y .fQ OW· Contributions may be sent motored to RJverslde. The con-f / P"rltzie Jac kson,. Virginia Logadon, Elizabeth Zimmer, Dorothy Brad- ley, Mllrgaret Thatcher, ).Aura Jonee, Kathryn Dial, Allce 1Your- atone, Mjrt.Je Long, Dorothy 'Dal- las and France& Crane. World Day of Prayer Fri. at Christ Church ed by retre.hmenta ~fordeQ..plea. simply to "M&rch of Dimes" ci o clave was held Jan. 25-26 in the 1 ANY ELK ure attheJanuary.111eepncheldln P_:oa:::tm::,: .. :'~•:r:..'."S:an~ta~~An'.'.'.'.~:..:Ca:'.'.U~f,:_ _ _'...'.'.~t·~on'.'._'.l~nn~-,:_--------~:::::::::t::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! the home of Mn. Gordon Almond. ' · 188 E . 20th SL The annuaJ World Dai of Pray- er. world-wide event sponsored lo- cally by the Newport Harbor Council of Church Women , will be observed Friday at l p. m. In Chrlst Chufch by lhe Sea, I p. m . Mi~ Elsie Newland, council president, will preaii:le and repre- sent ative w-o m en from loca l churches will present the progT"&m. AJterwatd tea ~'111 be served ·with mUrl.?ters &JJd tlltir wives M hon- or-eel gues~ Alt're.side0l3 ~of the area a.re invited to attend.. Bon Voyage Luncheon f 9r Mts. James · Ftast Mrs. Jamel!! Frost of Newport Height.a wae honored at a c&J\a.sta luncheon when Mrs. EmensOn Wentzel ente1"ta4ned a~ ber h~me on Clubbou.e avenue. She leavee 'l'huraday ~th he:r aona. Earl And Matt.in, B&illitg fl'Om San Franeia- co to join hp 'bu.band. stationed at Pe&(l Harbor, and was ~resent.. ed with a bbh voyage gift. 1 MESA OJRL HOSPITALIZED Proaent f'Or the luncheon were Connette Hine!dy, little ugtt-Mrs.. Frost, her .mother, Mrs. Elele ter of .Mr. and Mrs. uglaa Cushing, Mrs. Jack J ohnston and Hinesly, 256 E. th .. Costa the ha.tea. Me-. underwent ap ndectomy AI.> recenUy auembling to b1d Sunday In the a Ana Com-fa..reW eU were Iler uncle, T . A. munlty. Ho,Pltal. Gebhart ~d Mies BHa Green.. Lo1t Wise people do read the ada. • • • Angelea: u.d Mr. and M.ra. Jame,. I Froet. Sr. of Ojai. ' ' If . • ! • ... Atti'• .... 0-ct.tMt ~ • • • I ....... ·1e1lellou ......... -...... ........ ....,,, ' • ' ; ' . " \ • • t . ' ' . l •: .. •• . "' -r ' ••. 11t.,, \"' ,-'-.·;·j·. TU~SDAY'. EIR ll'i'R'I' 6, l95 1 .. ' ' • • • . . ·--,, ---"("' 'i l-l ~ ... • ·Promln•t ·lll Uie ~·llru:ary cal- .. -of .-u la a ~Y.., lati u~. 11'111. 11, to Ilia ......... .. !'11&1/1 l!S! -&lclo hie .... ... U-e lCom.m\UIJtJ. '7 I it&ttc.lj W• ....... club ..... 'radii .,..... ' , l"iiotfvtue. l>qln a! 7:ilo p.a.,--."fl~tallor In boner, of hd. ·eap · .,,,.._. s . Joneo.~ w tMre Wilfbe dinner, a --1"- gullCml buffet attal• and -· lnf Ito mwdc . of lbe, DDk"! of Dixlel ~ tmougb --Ro.Ju of Oranp poaat college. S11per·villlng plana to• lb6 aff&l• are ~e and Hi)' Langenheim, u- aisted by ihem~s o( the· lhree or· gan~Uona. Canylnf wt the Val; .e.ntine motif' wtt.ti hearts, red and .,. .. · • i ~ · ... white balloon& and nowel'.I wtll be\ ~·LOOO,&MEN INSTALl.-G,.~d Evta. ..right. n"'w n-:>ble thMe ·~df!Coratlkon chai!inan, Mna. pud .. eo.fta Mt"M'• Harmony Lod.f«> ~ 29) IOOF, b 1'1"Cel'' C o. ·CTU " Board ·, :~:~i • • • • . I 1 " . SHICRIFF .llM MUSICK, of Oranp .Count)'. m.kee a po~ f'n>m Mn.. Roland V&ll~y. of Bal.00.. bland. Wllo took htr tam u clPrette rtrl durtnc the an.nuaf C~hlklttn's Home Soctet) .. s HeartA and FlowPrs Ball. held f4t the Balboa Bay club Friday. Costa Mesan Na me d to BocJr d of Nurse Agency The· Visiting Nurse Association of Orange cou'nty held its fourth annual meeting on .Monday, .Jan. %9, at the AmeriC'an Legion hall \n Orange. Mrs. Aftorl Reinert. Anaheim, accepted the position of P~aident or the Board of Direc- tors vacated by Mrs. Logan • "Wbeatley, Fullerton. Afr. F . B . Owen, Costa Mesa, was throughout the co1u1ty. .Mr111. \VheaUey ~att.'d that ll,4i8 visits w ere mad.? by thC' agency's seven sWf nurses in 1950. as compared to 10.240 visits made in 1949. "789 viaitll were madE' to patients In -the Harbor area. The report showed an incre&..!te ·~ in the maternity nuratng; \s-ervice or the agency. Shorter boSplta1izA- . l ion periods for maternity PJlt,ients la Orange cdunty re&~nt.s a ~og- n!zed need of t'inued nursing aervi_ce. \or bo mothers and ba· l;tie-s after tbei hospital stay. The nu~n iat.ion has"con- f Photo by Becknerl Aft ernoon Bridge Proves Popula r • Mn. A: G. Doelburg and Mrs. RobCrt BroWn were winners ea.et- west and ~frs. Thomas Gill and Mrs. ' Peggy Johnson were high scorers north-50ulh in the dupli- cit.te bridge: game held fin Balboa on Monday atternooQ. Runners-up eut-west were Mrs. Robert Ross and ~fn ... Franklin Seamon: Mr . and Mrs. J, Rober t Lusk ; Mrs. George Merriman 'and jfrs. Minnie Heuck: :r.trs. H. C. Ahrendt an~ :Z.1rs. Mildred Lytle : Mrs. T. Hord See!ey and Mrs. Ma· bel Boardman. Runners-up north-south we r ~ 1.frs. Ethel Bishop and MrS. Roy Strotz; C. H . J ohnson and Gerald , " ' M.cComber: Mrs. B. M . Wilson and Tyrone. POwell : M~s. A molJ Gasser and lf:r•. , }i)ran}c. Reed: Mrs. GenJd.j(~m~r ·and .¥'"· E. ~ J.tc1't&n.u.!. , ' .... "' 1 • ""' • anaey Clar of the Yacht elult rq tfie.ipwt of authority -fnmJ ·Ed 'Will .ut:t. 1"1-. n-t1rlng n.ob!e an·d Mra. ntan eouver of the wo-· G1 ... ~--..... t Meet ·at New.port men"a club. On their committee JT&n~ '1 ceJllJft'JOalP.tl In whlch_F.ranlC: ngPr, CPonter, """"~·~ ,. °" ,. ·-. ' ~c1. ••. are Mm.ea. Stanley Chainbiers., ··-PJaru: Warner Gates; George Ward and · \ · ~-torfl\Ulf.le c.M1!'._RFud~ .. Reinhold i.o'ln cberge Voule,z-Vous Voi~ Lei Vie En Rose?" ~~.f ' of dfnner arrangement.a and Mrs. Parlez-vous ·tl-ancaia! Class6' ar(' 'aur;ht by Madam_e \viJ.h Mrs Orin Thorkildaon wtU aaalat Hay h h slightest Everett and the direct m ethod is den Grov r the year ahead. were when the exec:;ut\ve range County W. C. T : esday .. at Goodell hall E.!lt.elle Harper of Gar- preaiding. Most of the ce;rs were among the 40 PREPARA'rlONS FOR 'm • 's t.llE· BOOK BALL, ~ . -. L&ngenbeim wttb cocktaill. Lbok.-It you . ave even t e · U&edt ~p if you'd like to be able county Or ing ~er lbe dance · ate Mmea. sus?tclofl ·< 0,t kno~l~ge-about' to dec!pher the mf"nu.s at the best attending Betty Wilpa, Paul Rogers., Don-·French, you re t Invited t~ attend J restaurants. or il:'arn the French ~trs. M U'Ren and Mrs. Emma aid Ward &{Id Ebright. the tol\tsl in Conversational worCla to "La \·le f'n Rose·: drop Elliott w · e Coh08leases. the local This ls the ni-at big event for French at.. Oral-ige ~l Coll~gc, over 011 11 fonday or Wedne.sday u_nion ser ng tea .~d l!!offee to lhf! Coa.st Colle-gt>'11 bl l~f·tl'le-.emNt~t. ~ce. ~t~ ~ M artist Barbara Lo g .• Nf'Wport prepues ~ of tk po.ten tor thP event, Jo be h~1d t s w~k in1 thei~llece K?'mnulum.. ~­ en. M't'! afil. studeftis ('C)rKe .James ol N'""'·Porl and· Gaylord ()rt.. adults to. be held ln lhe_,club howse on 1 Mon~ a.n(1 V\'edilescfay eve,-ni gti~s to Coast College and enroll won1en+ o brought sack lunches !lncel addition f!f the new tsayaide nlngs fro~ 7 to 9 p. m. · in i\adntfi<' Everett:s class. I to t.He all ay affair. man. eorJua tie-I r. I room, wtilch bu inearl.Y doubled ---~------~J-::_ _______ ....:.~--------l-+---.---~------~~--- capaeity of the lounge. . .. ' S t~ James Y.e~L. Attends Convocation Meet . . . Sunday was a run -day for delegates of the Y.C.L. ot St. James Eptacopal church .,nd their advisor, Mrs. AhiiiJan<ler Hamilton. In the afternoon Greg Wright, Ken Crumley, Pete Graham, Joan Mer· til. Jack Wilcox, Pet Allen , Nancy Millett and Mrs. Hamilton attend- ed the Long Beach Convocation of the HouSe of Young Chqrch· men at Orange Trinity church. The Harbor young people were not able to stay for the pot luck dinne-r w h I c h folloWed the me.ling,· for they were hosts lbat night at a pre-Lenten Valen- tihe dance at St. Ja'mes parish house ·lo. which they 1 invited youth groupa from St. Andrews I and Newport Harbo'T Lutheran churches. • " r Ed Like · w :Kno~.: .-. . -vou~yhaveheardthat • .Wt ·hat IJ!!en filed ·by the ~t:nut DivUrion in Washington .to breaik up . St.aruhrd of C&lif ornia as well aa-sis other Weet Coaat oil ~ompaniee. Many peof,le have writ- ten ua protesting this action. have asked per• t°*°t guestiona. We be.. lieve theae question• should be anawered for everyone. We t.a'ke this way of doini so. If you bave a question, write: .... D Ll1tB TO KJ..iow'' 225 Bua& Street, San Francisco 20 '~Who wants to up e~0~~c!~~~an~!~~n,t'~!ri.:.~~?:~0rnia. wr1~ "From all I can gather, the West's qil.eompanies luwe contribuU!d a lot 10 OUI' area. Nowthere'stalk abo..tbreakingthem.up, What I'd lilt£ to 0.-' aife:., ... · know is who wants to upset the West's oil induB/ry now?" . ~ . , . . I .. D o cu.st.omen? Not likely. Oil companie• have turned ou t constantJ~ better prod- uct.a and eervieee at reasoJl- able pricell. Escept for tu.d; a gallon of guoline today costs about what it did m 1919. • ./" '• . I 1. : • • ... .. : -'·] . 1 \ " '. t lnued · t~ .• V.i s~rvice to· per~ns throughout range county who are receiving medica.J car.a 5 9'fl a The group wl11 ·m eet ag&'ln~ for dUpllcate bridge on Monday\).tf. ternoon Feb. 5th With play start- ing at l· o'clock. \ The garOe. Is pi-eceded IWflh a half hour Of in· struction starting fll 12·so. • · H igh scorers for the month o-"t January among the afternoon p!Byei's •were· MrS. Mildred Lytle, li-fr. and Mrs. Robert Lusk. ~1rs. E. L. Hackl.ey. Mrs. Q . E. Irwin, and Mrs. Peggy Johnson. On Jan. 14 Y.C.L. delegates at- tending the annual youth conven- lion.-in PU&dena :included .Joan M erril. Ken Crumley. Greg Wright, Nancy Millett and Mrs. Hamilton. On Jan. 21 members di.scWJ.!Jed money-rpakinl" plans &nd elected Nancy Millett u publicity chair- man. Afterwards theie wu a AO- ci&l hour and dancing. ' . ., •; . • physician and ~ in need of nurs- ing ca.re. The ree for. the ~ice l is $2.t.O a visit. however, ca.re is not. df'nied because of the . familiE's l11abi:ity to pay. Community Che11t support throughout the count;• ,makes this possible. I find the gTH.t thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as ln what direction we are • D)Oving.-Olive.r Wendell Holmes. p B ' • -.. --.. 1 eggy ertu eit • l • I .. I Pi<UUJ ~but.ciio.H. 'TERESA RENN ER ( ~r:s. A •. Renne r I Concert Pla.nti.t of Tbree. VontloeOU Gradllate StudeaC of Bela llartok \ . 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171.J ' . . Corona Highlands -Corona del Mar 25 YEARS IN BUSI . ESS.. Auto ' Fadory Oven Baked Enamel ' Paint Job Full Price. Pa inti ng . $ • • ' l , • fUoY ea .... Aay Color • lo. Ill t AM- • All ia-1950 colors 0 111' at-' PM ' • 1-.V,. No Waxl"' • 20,000 s.tWled e Written .I Year ~ ' 0..-11"'9 Phorte R~ for 1 Day Service. .hi 'flODY .t YBNDER UP .4.IRS DO/Ill{ AT W F EsT CO.ST!' • GENUINE l • " . , e-; Tiit.rt ... , i • . Pl•• ltul ..... =::Sow·. sws= CJD---c ..... , c .... r••••• ..... , ..... . Pl·-· ' ' I is Hostess • i tcr Beacon Belles I Project, Leaders Vera Olson and Joyce H lrtler dernon8trated "Sim- ple Household Rep fos.. betoH mernbeis of · the n . Belles, evening homema s' club, at their latest mee g with Peggy Bertu1eit on 22n SL, Costa Me.U. In. c junct with the ''Save a Bab gn, . the group plW to w on layettes for new b&ble• ot Navajo ~nd~ ... !'House Cleaning" will be the topic at the next 1euion slated f.or feb. 21 a.t the ~e . of Mrs. Manin Gibson, 632 W . 18th St. Rqundlng o'ut the eTea.ing, Mra. Bertuleit ffrved refTeshmenta to: Mm.n1. Rae Buell, Kay Oerrtsh. Kay Gibson, Joyce H1rtler, Betty New1 Vera QI.son, Sopb.la Schepr, Corinne Tallman, Margaret That- cher~-Gloria 'l'\lf\e, )Catherine Pat- teraon and Belay Fryman. Dual Observance of 1Natal OcJte I ~I' the 'TtAka.fOf the teen age.rs ta pretty excltlng, .th J&mee Rabb, eon Of ~· and !:'c~n ~Rabb ~ ~~ ~1 J_ f'ithlr..un_ teenlh b!rlhda~2o, . invit- ed a/ group of frle hi. home .for birthdltiy c.,Uc.e lee cream. Later the boya & wonderful time al thel Meea roller rinlt. . B~pl.ng celebrate! were J'obn 8...i~y. Tommy Adama, !1.9y Dani- ela, Noble Warren ahd .John Paul AJotrom. J.ilb'a blrtbday wu aJ.eo atvcm oboervance Jan. 18 at an h>Ulllate family cllnn•r ~by Mr. ud lfn.1 Ral>b. John 8eeley .,.... a Nt. • ' I A certain ~ority in the U. S. seems , to believe big companies should be broken up ... even though big ~m­ paniee have led the way in helping provide an unmatched standard of liv- ing and helped keep the nation strong. • The u. s. was very thankful ror its'big companies during the lasb. two world wars ... and is again in today's critical • times. This is a big country with big problems, and .it needs both big .and small Companies to meet them. You can be certain we will do everything we can to continu~ doing a good, em- cient, productive job for .you· and the nation ... a good big job. .· . _.,.,,. 1- Do atockbolde r -1' Surely Do t ax co ectoiw?Sta(idard Do ~ _., .Plan8..: · not. There baa never been a turns in the taxes )"Otl pay .lhips,ta:nkaarepo....t1Witb·, ( yearwbenStandardhaafaileJf when you [buy gasoline and . oiL Military men.natur.U, - to ·~ya dividend. 98,600 in-oil, and wei:are also ta:red, of 'look tO the b~ com pepiee .to dividuala •hare the eai-nings course, •_•la company. Be-wpply their bilr .aeeda. 'Mio of Standard, depend on the cauee'we "!f big, our taxes are World War II, Standardta &- stability of Standard to as-eizeable-14at year, 'for a.am-cilitiee are producina-~ .ru. oar;T:;.; .. ;;I& ~;~ ·~-;;~;i;y OF ;.;;;.: apeML . . . .' • • ·' : .... • . . ., •plans •'19H t sene JM~ -T-:H _IS _l_S _"R_O _C K-EJ-.·-LA-UN-C -Hl_N _G _W_U_K _A_T _Y_B_UR~D ~LO-S j~M -OB-.l -LE_·_DE_A _LE~R,~S -l . ' ·' I /). ', . I ~·~~./ If II . ·t.· . . .~~ ' I .· 1onu I ,, I -.. ~ ' -~ t ,. l . I • ' • ,. • ' • ' I ' I I I ' I I . ! ' . • • ' .. • ¥ ' ' • • • , . : Heart CampaiCJn , Now Undefway • · "Nf'W Bope for Hearts" will ·k~ynote the • 1901 H eart Fund campalgn Wftle!h Opened through- out C&llfomia Thura.. Feb. I. it was ' announced tiy Dr. Charles Noble, Jr.. presidl'nt ot the California Hrart Association. \Vilh th!l!I fC'&Murini::: t1logan. the mo-nth-long carop&.ign will seek ~ .!undB t.q he lp achieve new scien- >...; <Ufi(: &diatices 1 and public health •·•)ro~ tn combating h,cart dil'l-':, • .t•.!te: t Uie leading cause of death ••..and di.sabtllty in the nation. ' ; T~e campaign is part of the na- 1 -l.lon-widc drive of the American . "' , • J-1,.art A3soclation. witb whJch thf' .... ; Cali!ornla Rea.rt A&l!:ociation an~ • ... the various local heart &S8Ckla- : • tionl'! arc affiliated. Public sup-... ,.'port i.a. sf:>ught for a lhree-w:ay • • -program ot research. education •; • p.nd coq1mw,ily car diac service es- .• -Benlial to checking and controlling ; • .. the ce.rdioVasoular dlscM<'S. .. ' .: .. • • \VEEK .. EXD Gl'ESTS . . . •,.. W~-end ~tl'l:llJ; of Mr. and '-,.: Atrs. ~ Smtth, 284 Walnut Pl.. •: • Coata · Mesa, were Mr. antJ Mrs. • ~ .. lfert>ert. Crane of Long B<'ach, ~ • Wa:ih. The · Cranes arc former Mesa resident.$. Maim Street Mesan Denied CrGsft· DcimGCJes Dam&j:"cs , were ~denied Tue:.!!daY to Win8low Bushnell of Costa Mesa· for lp.jprics he suffer~ May 26. 1949, when hia automobile was struck by a train. A jury of seven women and five men ;elibe;r~icd trom , 12.:08 t,o 3 :15 p.m. before return)ng to 9 to 3 Vl'rdicl for ~he Southern Pi&- ~ Railway Co., whlcll.. had been ~ . for more Hion $~000 dam, alfe~'I was W courppr P~­ ing ·supeilor .wdge RQlfcrt Ga.rd· ner. • ,.;.>t·~ ) ~ • . Bushnell waa ~ured the ntgbl of MfY 26, 19'49, when· his auto collided with a switch engine crossing 101 Hwy. neat t:'hc wrcst- lini; arena between Santa Ana'a.nd Anaheim. Allys. W. 0 . Gq_rdon and M. B. Wc1Ufgton c9ntended the engine did not have it.8 wbiatlc and beJI sounding befbre It made the cr088ing. Defen3e Atty:o1. S. M. Reinhaue and Ma.rk Soden. howeve~ con- icnded the signals W£'re sounding on the traln. Let u~ labof tor that larger com- prehl'naion of truth, and that more thorough repudlaLion of error, which sh.ail m&.ke the history of mankind a serh!a of ascending dc- velopments.-Horace Mann. • Con(1"CDJ.onal m!'U bap are crammf'd ,,:&th letters th.I& . ' Wt-f.k about. Economy. Korea Md Dratting of 18 year oldA: 'I ~ ;;. • \.""' ~"!-.~.:~ ' ' ' r:.~~'f;fflR!,TARr~l'5·1 · ·. ~; [L . ... NEW.S :llM~ • • . J J· ~ ./. ' I r .. tft Engine is -. .. . l ' ~ ·· B g .feature of, ·''.~. ,1951~ Chry~lers\ ~ . . --" · · " : I • _ .. . . • • • _ . , J" ' • ' ' • ' ri • • . -~ . r ' • ' • • ' •'. '"'"· .f .. fl~ . . ~ . -, ' . ' •• •i ,, • .,, • •' • • •• • . . .. ... . ., • '· ' ,, _ • • ··L'EOOLlll DI!:-AT'J'ZN'l!ION MOl'HllllBl .\ • ®.,Ml: n.Y • Ml\1. YOW\ HAl'II>, Il'l·'r " , ·Complet•"• tm-.;..,.i With What • ~~ o ·• U<1! 9'Al\B. _.,,;_df I T • "': _ _;:. •• • .,_" .IJ",} •• .,.-. • 'a'.""-•~· r ;\'ND I ; .. , Bii YOUR ·v~i ! . ,. i '\aJheY ,.;tn._ Harvel' Som'l" • · • . ·1 · 1 . and his ..Uea foi'Ce of Ha.,.ey . ; • GLADYS ~TO!f ~ a .cla!lo ~ Ballet • 18 U!o object qt """ dalru lllUftllob, r<i<81d· ' Somers, Inc~ 2iD1 Coa'St Hwy.. . ,, ....... d Toe for ~~· fn!la. 6 ,..... vp'. l ni. Md ·~..alb>-~nmtT ~ r . GO t:t tha Ha('bor Chryaler and p · ' .• Cl'DYP will . ~ be~~r 1nte~ and J!U.!!OA'. ~ 10 fad ret • ValeatiMI oDo tJJ\y ' 1, I· i' • , I I • _.dealer. returned last week from a ::i-of~~ :e. ~~vallfwtUi '~ U.: ' ' '!O!"'&' -~3:"-t.;enY' k~ -~t tf i! •pecial preview showlng of lhe 'Chi. • Ca&'<> Opers .~et ~ . , der the ~ectlon .• . •• ~r~~~~ .:.~Ath=·~'.o• ~-~to 'r.1f the complete line of 1951 Chrysler9 a( t dreu Pa It ~ 0 ·--... ,_ u-... _...,. •ni the' Ambaaaador Hotel ln Loo· An, o An 1~, -•· \lkralnllld· She. la ,• • Love Parade. V AJj.il:NTINg8 for everyJ>o<IY!, Laoe' geles. aloo '\ form~~ ·~nt of llme~ Beloher, If• An· , , , clOIJIN, h · ~• flower. naplQM. Valentine cut Somero w .. ""J>OCi•lly ·enthWli· 1 ~::. ~::;:.~::.:.~~u:i,.s~.~~~ ohu,fp.d.Opi Valenun.., S~en, ~·. Brld8' t&lllee. An1 yea, aatlc about: the new Chrysler~tfti. Pantaces' ~ts"' and d&AcedJ --for FancbOn., A 'ba.kfll 1 ,~by a heart lb.ape cake • •. or make him valentllte cook:lea. , power • ·Engjne, the standout fea-Marco on uie West'CO&st. Thia new clUIC8 group MU meet at the. or ~t l(p .ec."!_e r&1pben"y Jello ... I Balboa ~10 h~ gone a.(l out ture of th~ 1951 oars. wruch, he Old Leglon Holl, Newport. l&tli uid l!altioa Bl-.d. Oladya &ato i..a1oo wltli ,V~tlne, Jello moulds, e ~· It cqokie cutUra. ~ve1 yo!" aald, ''Will develop 2& mo~ horse-available for prlvate lnstructkm at heT Coton.a del Mar Stjdlo. J .inactc .pell la eve;rywheN. ~ at IOO MAIN ST .. BALBOA. f:~~r than , its nearest competi-suggest you. c&u:t-er Immediately for further tpformat:lon" rega.rding ' . · • • • ' • The nc\Y "5l Chryslcrs Wi'J be-enrollment .•. Call her at HARBOR 208l·M momlnp. 8~ FELLOW! "NO GIRL ~ARES • lhown in Newport Harbor on Feb. . , • • • TO DRIVE 1;1P' to Clro'• flt ' n.tt,f , 10, Somers revealed. "UTTERLY RIDICULOUS, ER.WOOD! rr WILL NEVEi\ SELL l09klng old car wi1h the stut~ com- He said ·his sales staff waa also . rr.s JuST A FAD!" That'• what they sald baclf in 1029 ·when bag out ot•\)16 11e&ta! Or even!· to th! impressed with the beautiful new he invented the rt.ml~ doughnut ,and preclpit&te(I the cruh. It 9o Drive·~ for a hot·tudp . . • For a Interiors and e11:teriors of the car happcne<J 'They• were right. and a lot ot banker• lost their tlOUgh. sn\&Jl out·lay, ro:u can get ao~ v~ ·and the greater vi.ion throughout. But you can't stop inventive JM'US. NOW the "repreh~ble .Erwood .imauy SEAT-C.OVERS AT~· ~A~· \Vrap-around rear windows arr shows up on Balboa Blvd. B e bas invented a de-vice called "HALF'· LOR TRlM SHOP. The91! 91al-co~rs standard on all models, he said. PRICE." Tht& la ~vioualy M insktloUI method cit ,defeating the income flt smoothly and look :natty. ~ old More Efftcieat Power {Jut Somera "went overboard'" in hts praise of the new e.nglna which "contains the se<:ret of more efficient power than any car bu ever had." hecla.im.oi:. The eecret le irl tho new Hembpheri· tax laws. It con.Rats niainl)" 91 amuggllnc in gorceoua (oodl Crom all hot·rod or '•tock ear 1Jl' the \ coun,ty • over the hetnl11phere, paying the.trilgh~&nd overbead. llAd then aelllng will look pretty druay .wttb new Milt cov~ Eve!)' peraon that the stuff for bf.ll ,oft : ... ·A cheap trick!, Ra~er! A squtrr,e.J 'pn a ev'l!r got aeat covera. auto upbOJatery, or convertible tops.from the tread·milJ gets riiore mlleag'e. This wfodta ~ctaJ:-A Tropical Sun TAYLf)R TRIM SHOP ~i'n1*enda ~ the place. It won't coet' yoll !tOlld oak and bamboo desk &. cinur aet· (ormerlx priced \"t $100 a t..hfttz to Co oYer tl'iere Ir c;et a tree esttmate on a 1job.' Taylor now. $49M. Go gc.t Einstein about the additional SOc ·C"ut. I'm too 'I)tm· Shop la at 1102 lnd\Lll.rial! 'wayl' Coeta.1 ~aL 1 Beaoon 6930. SURFSIDER LUNOOON ;Hosn:Ss:ES.:....~ left to richt are Mn. Joe Collins,~-Ted Docm*·, Mrs. Charles Peyton and Mn. lbe \Valker. Thry ~ Ila :i~ at the Surfslcier ';aGCdeioa ~­ card party ~t im; _ea.ta~a laa~ Thursday noon. (News-Times~: • cal Combustion Chamber .at the remarkable new F irepower En- gine. ... What it does-ia to intensify the combustion 9f fuel with full compression." Somera explained, "turning more heal into power, l'ttUng more work from every • drop of .gasoline with efficiency ntJVer before possible. It alsO co,npletely eliminates carbon." Somers believes "it is the finest automobile engine in the world- & new pattern of power and prcr nciency that will set the pace for yea.is lo come.·: .. College Faculty Takes First Aid A facully·wide training pro· pam in first aid began at Orange Coast colll'.'ge recently, accord· ,Ing lo announcement by the presi· dent: Dr. Basil H . Peterson. Hou•· ton Harper,· coach and hygiene Jn· etructor. is in charge of lhe clus. Aaal.!ling Harper with mechan· •le. of instruction are eight /,.cul~ .. · ty members who already hold Red • .Q-oea First Aid certificates. They t\J'e Miu Be..Ywly Campedt M.iu ){aey McChesney. Mrs. Martha Duss. Ray Rosso, Giles Bi'bwn, .. Wesley Mole, John Mickelson and Charles Lewia. busy getUnc into .uits strait packet? ErwoocD, 407 Jt. Ba1boa, Blvd.. • • • • f • ~ Students· Contribute Balboa. • . Ct.LLINO ALL CARS! OALI,INO. ALL cAas! ·siaNb BY , e e e 1 • -!FOR _ STARTLING INFORMATION, Did yo" ~ow that 1001* College Starts New Semester · to March of .Dimes ~O! NO NORA! NOBODY BUT YOU DE'4ft! of 1all people walk.lnc the etteet;s ~od~y are ped~(riaru! Tbis isµlrt- OF COURSE rLL ORDER MY 'VA.LENTINE cake I lid& statistic MUST be remedied. SmUlng. lrtsh, Honest, Happy · ·~ from you. You ·just know tl. No, not becauae you're tro' u.ne, RED BUELL Of th~ 'Laguna LINCOLN .MERC. Used Car Final cx.8.minalions Week or the ;._" so nice .:·. but becauae your bakery 'stuff 1.s ·ao ele·. Lot~ aome ten'ltlc Wied car ~~luu.~ You can .have your choice of first half of the 1950·51 school -_ gut! Nora's Donut A BAKE SliOP IN ,THE ALL-FIVE 49 Fords · · Cluba, 2 ctr .• 4 dr., • coupea all with r;-adio A year ended Thursda)', Feb, 1 al f AMERICAN M'"IM'. AT NEWPORT ·can· really fix heater. Theso come 1n bel'U~ ,sp(i.ng Ulade.a ot bl~ .,._fl or . -:\.. ~:.i ... .,.. gold t th f l -' ~ ... --Orange Coaat .College, .....: You ·up witli epectally decorated C4kea. cool<!e8 ~and a · e ar ,. •• ce ot IU per ~ea~ ,SO eo in there.and slip French-paetrles tor.-V&Jentine part.t'ei or many good lnto one just for ai.ze. Aleo,. check the cream-colored .tlaahY •46 ·A new aemeste'r' _bcgins_.1 with thlngs for wooing 'the object of your confection. Old.a hy~romanJac club cpe ..• 1 ; new palnt, custom interior S119G. final registration set .for Mbnday PLEASE ORDER NOW IF YOU WANT A CAKE ll you don't see ii. uk for-It! ~.two '40 Fords al S490. LAGUNA &Rd Tuesday, Fcb~a_i.y 5 8.nd 6. TH.6.T SA ~S, "TO my Valentine, Harold from DARLENE." . ' .. LINCOLN MERCURY USED CAR LOT. 160 N. Coaat Blvd. Phone Class ln.struCtion will commence HEY! DON"T FORGET ... Nora's Bakery name contest cloae!I Feb. Laguna •·M26. on Wednesday. Students who have 10 .. Cbooae a good 'narae and you'll pt $& worth of good goods tree! • • • not Completed pre-regl!!llratiOn ex- Fanci doughnuts with t&ncy icing are seUuig for MC a do$Cn1 at Non·s THE LAST TIME I STUCK .MY fading, down'e·al·the-heeJ aminattons should appear Satur- Donut & Bake Shop, in the Greater All·Amertcan Mkt., Mariner's ){lie, beauty into the POLLY APPAREL. I PULLED IT QUICKLY B~CK. day, February 3 at 9 :0Q a. m. at Newport. Fafnting a little from UM' whoteaome stench -pt freih paint, I the college. , • • • • waited for a crowd to calher and say "Give her air." Stnce nobody OveT 450 students ha~e complet- W ANT A" MUSICAL CAREER? WANT TO BE THE TO !l~W:ed up. I wen.t undauntedly ha.ck in the store. Gil Brown ed pre-registration for the new Tlirough the 1;ponsorship of the Inter-Club council, Orange Coast students contributed $77 to the March or E>imes Fouridation. .. In order lo stimulate . interest in the' annual fund drive, the Coun~ cil promoted a student rally last Wedne.1!day. Geo~ge. Bacon was obairman of the ..event. At that time Dick Walsh, former OCC 11lu· dent now r ecuperating from a.n attack of poJio.i,. praised the wOrk of the local polio foundation. A~ spttif!c th:nes froni Wednes· day through Friday club pres!· denta, ·each catrytng .a miniature" Iron lung . bat1 k, visited class· rooms ~d co}l t ed volun.tary con- tributifirls. · .... OF THE WEST COAST? Play by ear? Amaze your friends! Of waved 8: dripping pe.l?Jt brm;h at me and and said, "Go away, you're semester. College officials •antici· course you do! Well 11tart in a small way. Don't push or let lhe hollow, letting m tho flies. and besides you haven't even seen me. We're pale, that approximately 500. stu· heady aound of olaquens overwhelm you! Go to ORAN'T FURNITUR~ ref!locleling thla· ator-4.. We're redecorating and putting down a new dents will be enrolled prlor to the Police Officer Takes and gel a •tringleu 1'&njo. When you've maatered U)is difficult. tnetru-ruf .in the window, Tell them we're .open during the alter.a.lions, close of registration. . meg:t, go HMcl(1to Gral'lt's. and gel a guitar with atrlnp. Aftcr 'you've and all this won<ferful.., mercha.ndtae .we have le golng to have a "Students will ·find it advan· Job Witft. SfnM0 • kicked thl!!I arourtd•awbfle,l torg-et'lhe whole deal and go get married. properly jeweled aetting, O.K. if I eee anybody at the POLLY lageou.s to continue. their 5Chool-17"·-·- THEN 'to'bi.cJt-' tO oRIANTs FurnJture "81'.ld get a $19.70 china closet APPA,REL AT 1836 Newport Ave.., Costa Mesa ... 1·u deliver this Ing." stated Dr. Basil H. Peterson, John L. Lara 534 Catalina for your wedd~g 'j>reeeftt!I, ~rn to cook. Grant ha.s an electric , rne.aB&ge to. !"OU . • . I college president .. "Th.ey wJll be Dr., Newport etgllts, patro'rqall mixer. Get t!l&fkld•ftreA.nlck complete with wberle for $14.50. It'a • • • better prC"parcd lo contribute most inpar~~Y'W.. r 'tlftft',·f£~etrd~~ your Jife, buU round.out .ttie cycle at ORANT'S FURNITURE AND CHEERS FOR. CHIOC'KS! Thr JO·LEE SPORT SHOP t o the naltonal welfare. Our coun· ~mif-'J>OS APPLIANCE&,-. 1646 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. -..-..:f CO try n e: e d 5 trained ·m en and lion ~-t;ake a Jp w~· h the ,$f::ate "..-STA MESA hu 110me 'new aprlng sklrt8 by COLTON women." depan.tneft Ill s · t ~ .. t.ions, . . • • • ' ,. . ·,-.::-·)t;- 1 • • • OF Cal. They're tn Hou.ndstooth check and doggy as Police Chief R. R . HOdgklnson an- YOUR B~UE HEAVEN CAN BE JUST AN ORDINARY DUMP " all get out! Tbese,~e eklrt. come ln dashingly dee~ed' ENTERTAIN' LAGtfNANS nounced las~ ~· . . OR ,IF" ~O~ CAR$ td use YOl.lE1natu.rA1,WQQl6Qly '-t,i1ilf• • .X9.u~can grey Ii: ,blue chcc.ltli. Ud.1lucpge,A l'reen checka . ." They Entt'rlained recent! b Mr .. Larso~ will~ a sp~ctal mves· transfer tt m~ .sometJ;21,nC' right ou.1 . of Bette~ Homce It Flowerpot%. are pencil slim with fly ttont ... 1100';? wool and costing and'Jl'rs~ Cb"ii.r -;· Al!r-· 8.~ tbei; ..tigator. m the~..asloo of lAbo.a law. CARYL.E'S (formerl~ . ~~·s UnMin~~ Furnl~ureJ has some Sl2.9ft. Also very light hearted pedal pushers In· gold, home on S rnardfno Ave., entor~ement w rking out of Fr~·, very l\18~ µnpaln!-fld i:n8.hogan)', ash or gum furniture. You can gel red &. beige checb by Sun·R.oM: at $7.90. While wc·re all Ne,vporl Hei were Mr:. and no, ~let H k:inson .said. +.ar- "I like an apprecta.t~ve ~ ·di- cnce." -Oanccr Grandollne OOua after firing four shQls bto· ~wi· band's pillow becaus8 he slei)t • she talked. •• . ' • 1 1 ATOMIC, ~MJ , 1 • LIFE SAYE~S ~ , By ~laj.. Gen. "'alter M: Robertson. Callfornta Dlnd;or or CivU Ddeme What Is tfu• primary Dtmt far M'1f·prolt"Ctlon la e\oeat : Ot atomic attack! · Fall f\at on 3•011:r face! ln81de a buildlnJ:, fli.ttea eat as close as po!ISlblc to oallar wall. ' U you ha.\'C no ccl!ar, 'or caa•t rt'aeh it, llo l'own a lone u la".i. sidl' \\'all, or under a desk, ~ -- or bf.'>d &\\'&Y from window9 or doors. .., lf ~doors, drop~ ~ J'Ub•IJUl.Ual l\lilldlnc. or (all In *"""' ilr 'di)cb. 11111 Watch OUl '°'" O\'Crhaoglng ~ nJlU PD ""1Uty.at I. .... ! I l • ~· ! Inside or out, keep face buril.-d ln aro.1!1 for )O to 12: ~ n~ after tx1~uslon. .-.... --------.. •source : Survival . Uh.der :Atomic Attack, official U. 8. Gov't booKlet. Th.hi class will meet on J.fonday. \Vedne&day and ·Friday from 3 :40 to .5:15 and will extrnd through· Feb. 19. Prior lo l'1e , openlsJi aeaslon Robert Smi th, Red Cross director. met with Harper and his ~at.ant.a for a s hort refreaher course for instructors. Hollywood rhe&~-~i'da and bed 'frames A: m~ your";1f -.omelhlng feeling ao sporty, Jet me te!I you" that J o·Lec has new Mrs. Ben of Laguna :teisc:llfg:dua~~ .. 0~~~18:nnd~&sse that11 look ~+the e"l~gant end of Sunaet B~vd.. Carlyle s ha.11 sliding Ca~tex bathing autta designed by the famous Howard Beach. l • ..... ....., door, m~h<>ljl~Y wa'rdi'obee, deaks. china closeUI, and sectional pieces Creer. Theae are elasticized nylon that fit with a flair & I · 01\.Ql_! local_J.><ll ce:fqrci; four Y~~-'--------------' that .~O . ~$'~ther li~ ~t~· ~ cof(eeJ Thia furniture comes in modern &: a flatter. CHECK JO· LEE Sl)Ort Shop for sharp etyles al sensible "~ cause is not compulaory," •tates Dr. Peterson, "but every member of the faculty not already committed lo another u:!Jgnment at th.is lime h83 rnroUed tor in- ttruction. If we are truly prudent we shall cher~M those noble11t and .happiest of ot)r lendcncies--to love and to confi~e.-Bulwer·Lytton. ' TODA\' THRLI SATURDAY 'AT WAR WITH THE .\RM\" Deao Martin '" .Jerry Le\vla Comlnc Sunday ''HARVEl.'" \vit.h .lunn Stew.rt ORT9&-dr.t ~ . . . I ~ r • • ../ • .t-f.q~ .,,,.,,'1:1' 18.'-' 7 em&er A. Becker, D. D. 8. DlllNTIBl'RY 17111 Newpo.-t llh>d..eo.ta 11- Madlca.I a11c. B••con ..,u .. ii. ~ Aft., Bo- • BarbarU7.J provtnfiaJ ~eitgn., A!J.~you have to do la a little brush !!ltalning and prices. 1813 Newport Ave., Coe~ Me&a. . you really hav~ sometbin,{: You can get-equality lnner11prlng mattreues· e e e ' h~r~. loo. ~u~£et "~-eMD:S, for little hon1e·m&kcr1. Carlyle'!I., 1916 MAINTENANCE &.. REPAIR DEPT. Newport BJVd., 'Costa Mesa. Beacon 0124·J. Pocket Watchee Elec. Shavers •. • e Wrist Watches Fountain Prns WANT TO.FEEL BRIGHT-EYED&. DEWEY TOCYI'HED AT -6 A. Al. Slop Watches Cigarette Lighters IN THE ~ORNING I ! WANT A GOOD CUP Oli" COFFEE AND A Chronogra.pha Engr_.,lng PLEASAN1' SMILE-OR A BIG PLATE OF HAM &: .. EGGS ? Clock.a Replatlng RE.AD THE PAPER! FACE LIFE GRADUALLY? THE ANCHOR LOUCKS' .JJ::WELRV, 1188 Ne"·port Bl\•d1 ... Co.la l\lesa CAFE OPENS AT 5 A. M. TIL 5 P . M. EVERY ·DAY EXCEPI' e e . e • . WEDNESDAY WHEN THEY'RE CLOSED. and open a a. m. -6 p. m. A MOTHER TESTIFIES:. • . SaL Thia clubby sea·side ca.le apecl&lizes ln wholeaome home-cook· Dear Gents~ Nine montha: ago, lhls boy Dim\Vlt didn't seem to tw'' Lng. On Tueadays, Gladys Ir: Dee eerve a apeci&l MINUTE >STE.AK getting a.long too well in the BeCOnd grade. S ince Olm Wit la a rofy.: I not a cube steak, but a small filelt on their regular 65c lunch ... poly, growing boy of 14 and seemed to .be a.round the fttouat all the o~r days you're apt to get SW1sa ateak, · abort·ribl. apareribJ, and lltnl!'. I decided be wa.s one of my kids. That's when I s~rled woi-rylng. casserole d!abes •.. This lunch ~ equipped with aoup or salad tor -I .dtacovered that DlmWlt wu backward and couldn·t expectorate Mc and I like IL Lunch ts served untll 3 p. m. o~ you can gel J acrOBS the sidewalk u far aa tlfe .other boys. Then one day I r~d , Ab:a..lone bUT(ft'8, homemade chJll, ·hamburg-ere or buttermilk hot· about FIODOB. I pumped 00 boltlee ~own DlmWit! Now he cxpec~o· cakes anytime. Come on, ~llows let'a enjoy ouraelve& Let'a Jive rates all over ..the sidewalk. You llhould have seen t,he .change tn my 'ourMilvl. a1 pal on the stomach and eat out at the ANCHOR CJAFE., boy! DimWlt ifl now wate.r boy to~ lbe H"rlem Hot Shot.s, a~ further- 17110 Coaat BJghway, Newport. more hill· name has been R,lenllon~ for Ward heeler o.t the ,4th district. . . • • • 1 ca.n·t say enough about Fl~OOB, Slgnefl, A ·Grateful MoJ.he.r. SHE SHOP IS HA VINO A SALE The' SHE SHOP IS THROWING A SALE AND I ~ Sf:l.E REALLY IS: Dre.ssea. coata and ekirta are SLASHED TO ONE -HALF OF THEIR ORIGIN AL PRICE. Here a.re teFJlar stock .JERljEY: _RAYON GABARDINES. AND New Coiffeurs fo~ OCC Coeds ' . . " ~ -.. ~· ,.. I Dr. Mitford -Baker A 'LMWE GROUP,were the su"ta of !!It· IUM1 _..: Newtoit Metiapgblln, or Balboa hlJIDcl, ror u.e' pa.Hearts ud FlbW.n llaU, opoasored bY p.e ChlNreDB Home Socie~y. and held a• tho Ba-Ila)' CORDUROY DRESSES ... REALLY NEAT BuYS AT THIS SALE PRICE. It SAW A LUSH"°'·"' CHINCHJIJ.4 SHORTY COAT fN Co.LORADO MELON COLOR ORJGINALL'Yi' $39.95 now -, Slt.916. &nd tuteful belce ehorty cut trom 128 t.o IJ 4. Alao a lot of Jweey bJousea ln various atyl~ and colors, and eewral racka of aktr;ta in cordW'Oya. flannels, jeneya, and wools tn mUds, checka and plaid& .. And if you hurry, you can grab off a l'uxurloua SaUn robe for half·prtce. I 11aw a !elect few ... 0. K. now you've had the word _ ... Shag it over lo the SHE SB'OP RJGHT A WA r: 806 E . B.$.LBOA BLVD.. BALBOA. Opens ' New COM club last Friday. f'ron> .left: M ...... Boy 11. Woo "' of ...... Aa&'el .. ; Mr. ~ohn Bruner,.., -1 ... laad; !.\.frs. Victor '1.cLaslen and Mr .. ~ef..Aa(leia of Corona del ~; Mn. Mc.Laupu:D. Ud Mr. Mc- Halr atyllng WU demoii.atratcd B.-ptist. Chu_. rch J..augblln; Mre. Ethel Sblril>)', of vun Haven;. d Mr. Bart Allison, of HoUwood. to the OCC students at a.n u--~ -,- aembly, Jan. 28, by B. H. Vance Services were begun la.at Sunl ----,,-..,----;-~--:-;--"--,---,--...,-~;+.,...,,,--1-'---c--------'Q'-h_o_.1<> __ by....,8f'<,.:.,_1m_· _•_•>_ and "Btng" Blnghkm of ·the .v,ce day at the Port theater In Corona Beauty Salon, Santa Ana. d~l Mar by Dr. Milford L. Baker, Prestdenta ot the women'11 or· Baptiat . mln15ter from Los . An· pnlzaUona on campu,: Thea ~. man, A.18oclated Womm Student.; fele.. with a group of etuden~ frpm· the Californla Baptfat Theo-Ma.,Y Robina, Women'• Athletic ld"sical Seminary. Bible acttooi was -laUon. and Mi-a. R. D. Boyl:., ""'d at 10·00 . d ••· Faculty Wives Club, had th ir ··r , . a. m ., an u1ere were hair ·nyled and set by v.Je. wp:nhlp'kl'Vlcea at lt :OO. 1 t During thf! uaembly period th(eir Dr. ·Baker ·hae P.reached eln 1 new cottfeun were combed out &n.d ' o'er a dozen states and h.aJ held VIRGINIA READ. Beauty Bullder from RUTH'S BEAUTY dlecvued by the hair styli.ill. I lfl&Cblng poelUona ln .fohn Brown • • • Harold K. Grauel Chapel SHOP ta oU to the • Al Sperling beaqllolan'a open hou.oe In 1. A .. tbl• f'ollo;>rin« the mbmlng ~-~lveralty, Ark......_ Kan..., Clty I week end. Vtr_.ej.nta says Al l• a big time operat.or~lll the be&uty tatJQb. V.nce and Bl.ncbam held B'ble .Co!lege and Central 1'&pttat .suppl.)' busine• and Is opening a new aupply hou.se. At the open prtvate COMUltationa ·WI.lb occ Tbeo1og1C&I Semlnary, K;&naaa. I ho'19e, the~ will be a whole alue of hair alyltng conteata. defnOA· co-eds. They wne act.wed on a.e. ~ 8an Dieco SChool of the Bible. •.raUona. new product& and ln abort lhe boa~ty . buatne• In aH comlnr ot:ylea allcl war 'to jiet ti.. served .... Dean and 'Pri>- Pltoae: 'Beam• 611~ It a blue &: ctory will be 'huhed ln'er. Vlrgtn1& le bringing' lback (a balr .. Tbe ~ent coat of ·~ 1.:. t~ Q~ New Tuta.ment in the. lit !1.-dway Coota ·-new miracle ,worlter. Vltex wbiob la a medlcllle; lor lllck hf.Jr p\lt avltal!On WU donated to ~ • roi111a-8"!."lnaey alnoe ~4: : out by lho Rayette Clo. Wb&t I wish ID polnt out to you Wi>uld·tie pva Marcil of Dlme9 drive. • Tile -uetoUng-.ln the '"t.; ·~~=======:::E· :· ~· lovelleo i. lhol Rutb'•'Beauty Shop 'k-up on the ~ lataot Mn. Allee rox.·Coota, 11., .,...-bltabmeat . ol' the llaptiat ~ r triok& .Get with lt, dolls. 138 Plolnaettla, Corona del M&r:X' . 2807 In <*&rye at the AWll • · , "!'lb ,are·-~ Kafe . Pan!CI!•· . ·ee SURE INSURr . ·. . . • • '· • . and, .. rved -mla~ at$ ~~· ,,_.,,~-Mme "-1-.. . ..wt~ , . WOULDN'T YOU LIKll to feel Ju« .. com{Or1&ble ' .Ip mottiH. ,Aulatlnl' be< 11(,.-e1lir ~~~;and li(r. Joe . llAITRR ~t.&Y. aa ~ _,. 8o -Uld L B.UUllCR'8 BoarsRY iwl Clbdc ~Coot&,)(.._ -i a:"""lc:lan," 1 1,,. Oat.Y • -_.tor~ It pl'O(-•l W........ on Md .oft dvl;y. ;v-Jiofiii :Butlne,. 1'_.i J!Bn'la, A!~=td°:i:"~cb;..,..,,.~ --l'ml W.bo'lla.,. to be tzcttb!l"arouacl ~le.'I all day. -<lllallo ....... pllblk:lty. i · • ·A.-llOri., .all ' • I ---A-,..,. z,,.; ..,. aatloaall7,~ =·tha "t.blaf" for~foot ...arili ' .. , · . , . ar , we-. I amt <0mtort,. Tbla --1n -• ....,. -rt enc, -lill•IOVllPS ~ -, :':J'Y"'~~~~·Td ':'fged. wltb ---· Ja .' -,'In ~ ucl -. , ., C · ', , .• r • '· and It! walkinc---· llflOl .nllt~ ......._... i,,. .. ~ ... Fill .... . . ~ ' .. . W. Stuart FOOf9 ~ ,,.... ~1' -.--&l'CIUll<! ...... A ·~r It, _,. ..411'.. • •• ii l•CWllJ. ,......__, ' Bu!W'• la"'8 -w-.i drwww; Orw .. -1a-".IO-. · "• te~ , -~_,.. GENERAL ~~Clll , '1~ prjot -· n.., for .tJto ~ M. , -i•Qeoioe ,,_, .. a Ktod*I. --, ol c• lml _' , ; C..•rt.ou.itl(~ ~ ................. ~~ ~··•111 .~-Ula~~-~.~ ..... ~· • ' 1)1''115°10-. > tliU a -at !WGt ~a~.-,tmlileiopor\ A-. -•"<>!'.."':"-~--.,1111 -:••al ~-~t <>oph!m ·N<•-·--~-... . e ' "·• • ' . ....,. lllt_oai. ,.,_&ft '18•1td .... \M ..,......._:pe.rt ~ ~· & ... -,... ~ ~'' • ...!. 'i"' • ' ..... --· -~-~ --·-1119~Na-. . I ' m.IDs8 Ol'"illUIH' ....... t:= .. ~ ~ ~··· I Ta -.... .:::::: ~ a .... ... ...... r -...,.. · ="~.1·:-.... ::..:-.;.-:u:=::,. ..='.:.-~-::.:-.: :.:1.t.·;:-:a·::· .,· :Si~ .::--.~t.:.,:rJe 8 141 "&I . lb a ; = :.-:=r.· =: :-"'' , ..... -l ••• 9 aS."!, Hf,!% ... _ .. ~ "•AT_I .. _ ....., -C.~;O' ... _C&Jll;_lll,jor_ ·~ ·, 111.-2 .·a11 .-.ee.r1"•11111-•=---~--===-7,._-....,.,. ='• ;±· ;>•1 .. , -: --.. •'•le •~-TS '( • ~:wl ¢ ;:;;;-;;" jilS -) ..... 11 s -..1->n 1t • · ' I SP ~-::":";'~~ 5::~a-£•7sr 'f.•i:.:-~;"! L ':;i;~: s::~:~;i!~:t; f .;il,alitia:;,: .. ( ' .. . • ' • ' I I .. 1 • 1 ' ' . . • • ~ ' • I ! • • , • • --_....__-:.-"'~. ·- Lcmips ·• U.tinCJ .Fixfutes~" ( it 'Wall P . LA .. '• ' ·-C.'pe'5 'UPAlilNGo PAJlTS AND'OLASS ~0£MENTS _ ·. MacMlll9ft ~Fixture~ Phone Beacon 5619 • • ~Uon IJ Bloek Off 0out Rls•way 1%9 TUSTL"I A\'£., NEWPORT BEACH, --- ~~--' ~.' Coast YMCA··. . • . I l'bllowtns u... '?.-.ia&!on .,. w~)< • tllat .a MW ~ eoe'1t YMCA ts being Jonnflil f« Ill• N"'1'P9~ ~l aiiil' lftnt ... 'Bea<h are• 'tli!wly eleoted ...... <t<nt llerb'IKenny--ann ... -tlljl& .... unified ~ Of '21 ·--r repr.esenung \be two ~ d.18trieta hu baen. formuiated to place tbe ..pa,&te <\lltrlot ~d.t formerly ~ on th1a work." .. : -F.UN ZONE "The new boanf lvlU f'ancUoD much u our~-p Cout ColU.o bOud lllnc &'I(! wll bl.n -• unltytn,g e feet on ~ 'tMd..l_ 1 work," K<tUiy contiftu.d. L • • "It la my earn..tlbOp;-tllat U.e ldeaja tor ChriaU&n\ ~ offered by. the YMCA rriaJ' mai'e a pro, found· Lmpact upon.-'OUl' communl- u .. Iii tbe-yean ah~," be atatefl. '1111-8 <:annot come .4.bout ,-wtthbu\ lh:;.te.re.t and wpport ot rta.rre ' co s or per90n8 Who believe hi and 11J.re Willing to)work • for tho . I OPEN EVERY FRIDAY. SA~AY Cllld SUND~Y • IAUOA • catabllahment ot such an auocl&f iJon.! '' I • .I • .. ' ' ( •1· I" if •• I ' ' . '' • ~,.. . .. "To !_rta)te th.Ia ~ib)e',all lnte~ ested persona are ldvited,. 'to enroll aa a charter membel in ~ Orange coast ntcA. ""81'1 I 1;1i'ge xour careful consideration of tzt\11 ma~­ •• ler with the hope that yo\.a wtll re,. ceive the 'YMCA worker rtadl/ w~l'n he call!," Kenny ic;opcl~ed. DRIVER nNED -J ohn Percy O&rdnf'r. 27, Seal .. Beach. was fined . $100 Monday .fn NC'~·port City Court after Mtnc found guilty of reckte~s drtvlnl' by & jury. Gardnet Wu arTeated bY Newport police on Jarr. N, at Pop:.. py Ave anti Highway lOt, Corona del Afar. c . ' .,INSURED . . ., < ---S.AV.1INGS • 1 _:, CUUl!NT IAININfS Perlnnum ~ ---. ... 0 _ .. __ _,_~ o~"':--"/i .. _ _. ..... _ ......... _, .. ____ . ~, , :.,... I -Cl ,• ' . ~ ............. '! " . ' .......... ... . ,,t . '---.anA •--• o-· •; , ~..,~--a1l J ........... , ' .. ~ ' . ,...... ...• > • . ~ ........ ,.,, ........ ,! ' • • • , 'BIUff .'Pia .~ " '1' yg~ . Prru t. of •'. ,; ' ' . . I . . • ~ -_... • . AD .~ ........ ' •, .... . . • •;a'm 77 I ... --~ sci;, "• -'- '!'?le~. club of tha Newpo~. , • & ,, .... l;t;=:i . LM . Har'bOr__: Lutberan Church.. h a 1 · · \. · '1 Lli9 ... , l ~ " ~ ~ .... -I.Olli '· .l • • •dopte.1 I'" me Jf 11a.proJec\a'io0;,.. fll!i-e.n ·,...a w ,._ a.a_ ..,l, ... t tbe comtac year the bUl1dlag ol a 1-1Jill q ..-.r;s· 'ck ~ ooo'9etl:f +erfr, pla,..~ -fM c"lld••n an 4-/llt1 U4 d --~ ~ "41 . t' --lilhll .to young ~1, on. tbe CbU(Cb prop-rm. 9Dd np'l!'.tPtt& U11mmta .CJl.....,.,I trt8. t>e • my. . . ~ up to •.11'.!L • ~pw ..... _ tlaL I'll. Bat. 1111 1...Wh@ri completed, the .play-...._ a.. ~ . 1'I' ~M '9'1'.;.'• .......... ,......... .. tfOWld tacUlUea wW ~ Jnade • u •-. lro!M2'.a.oo. avallallr.. ~au cblldren ot ,_the ·' ..._,... _,..... ...,..; •• ~ comm11111\y. All wo"k and. -•"' 1 ' ' , , • ! mut tor UM pl&y-crouno wtlt' • l._.tJSDO:llil . · • ,.,.,. WO tED donated' by memben or the~ dub. . 1 • .. \' ~ • a 0 .. • ;;. ;;;:;:;--1 ° The men U• also &aklng OIJuicJ., ~.l'Jl BQUa<~ W~.101{-Two ~ea for .nem.bera and trle.nd.s to •ve old w tlu4 ~ ·Ami lap ., office -Dean. of Evefilng Col- :tew8Pepen W.blch will be Ibid to ••mpa11d. • ~ ,.Mtt-• t9ge. One" M dally. One ,1_:30 .. provide further f\J.nda for the p1ay-rtaQ:r 1mun4. . • 10:30' ~! m. daily. S~ng aaJ- tround development. Newoptopera Al' 'H ' .&, R. u" g ary s ~ mo. Apply Orange wUI be collected • by "WhlteY,' 8 0 Cout liege, Dr. BlU J, Pti .. t. ~""•rtkaen, Be•-6000. I Cleanin Co; 11c1s Tbe church owna . two and a quarter acres of property . on the · BMDOD ~ 111 ~utta ,ov.erlooktng the bay at New:---~---~+----­ port Hei&hts. Planned for the n·ear JZ-.BUILDINO ~VJCEll fUture la a ball field at tile bottom ., • ·,"p:-;::;_ Fi. G. " . ot the h'U which will be. uard tOt ..f'..f+~ Stan H ' -ard Station, Inc a few openings FOR MEN • pracUee by church tea.ma. ~ Lut year the church-achoo! had EARL :S , , the onJ)i 'all-girl eoftball 1 team in fr1 PaJmet ~ . )leM looking for Penne.nent the" clty jUnlor division. A1t p.tneA Bl&.> &151r~ 9'ct emplo ent with excellent Op- t • 1- f ASIDDN SHOW-Modela, Betll ~-~ Lor'-"'-R°'1.le tv II> ftad out what I"" oa. bebbid 1~· d.oon at Ibo c..tawaya. They &ppMred at a fuhion !'ho\\' .,..._~ by' the ctotbn Hone. shop at the ThUJ"9d&y luncbf"On of the Surf•kler'• club. Beth b 1ftutnC' a navy blae Benjamln slack 1Milt with plaid ballutna. IJ\yle slippers. Lomtnoro •~ aHlttd Ill a 1 one piece red a nd whlt~ tabk-<::heCkf'd ' llnf'n treck. ( N ews-Ttmes Photo) ~e:.o t!'dm~:u.1~01~uyt:~~ = portunl for advancement. Zl PAPER . . GING, to· •o prefe--' Pal"' ..-W.hlle buket-ba!J .Ourto will .be added. . ' . · I • "~ -,,... Blid .. ,'.s]'lngo a_nd other equip-p JNG tralnln . .Appt'ox. $270 month ment tor younger children wilt a1.1o and · A I· . . to· ·~· ubera.1 1a.undrY allow- , be added 8.1 IOOn aa poulbie: · • ancea. Htgh ,echool mjrrl,mum Laat Sal)Ji;day a group of cl'll> -~~nneth Q, Uattry' . -ooll'ed Se• supL at lb• . memben, headed by A. L. Gatter- dam, torhied a work-crew to clean 151~ Santa Ana Ave., Coot& x ... ST ARD STATIONS up some of the pro.Perty prepara· · Phone Be•ccpt1 5:504 8$ Dah11• & eoaat Hii"bway tOry to grading and landscaPlng-. l p78 r An th k \ <j:orona del Mar · ' ,, this coming Saturday' under the . . · Between 8:30 and 5 Fridaya only o er crew '8 schedu:ed to wor INTERIOR _€, Olt leaderzhlp ot Bernie ,Ellerman. p AIN · G 76c77 · Dist. Federation · Meets at Hemet The meri are being a.aked to work LICllNSED -INSURED • 17 Graduated at OranCJe Coast at leaat pne day a month on the Gl J ~-t project u)ltll It lo completed. Alf enn 0 Ofi Seventeen. studen ts, eight from . /The Board meeting of Southern nated b Mr. M. K. Laurie. Harbor 2297 . ..J 34c41 Newport Harbor, were scheduled District Federation of Women'• .;.' ------ gradlngif.Jld hauling ls being do· 50J ·St.st St . 'wpo" Beach WANT MAN- to co01 plete requirement. tor the Clubs,' held ' Wednesday, January 0v' e nayment to H H HOrIB, ROOK FOR PAINTING, ETC. Associate tn Art.A degrtt &t Or-31 at ~emet Woman.ta Club, wa.s ,..-• • ang-e Coe.at collf"ge as the fall attended by repreaentallve1 of Y Ex I "ned OEPENDABI .E PLUMBING semestPr cl08ed on Feb. 2. most of the 117 clubs in Southern e .p GI A ~ Dlploma.s wtll be awarded to Di.11trlct. --,..-- mid-year graduates at regular Under the direction of M a . An verpayment of federal llpJr ~ 1'-ta'bed commt>nct>meilt e.xt>r cise.e nett Cuey C. Bonebrake, Dist. Preli· benefit.a la a mlatake, not a bon· Pbone: Bartxlf~ 1p~W June. dent, repor1.a were gtven by Mrs. A.nu a (1 hi alwaya eventually 2801 Bf.1boe m.c_: ft-~ S-Ch Oraduate.9 Include Ramon Arre-John H. Crippen, Mrs. O. W. charged against ~he veteran who dondo, Hinkley, Calif.; Barbara Freek, Mn. Ruuell M. Fudge, receives it, It la pointed 'out by C. L . KIRriHNF!Jt Babcock. Laguna Beaetf: James Mrs. Asger Ravn, and ~-Glad)'s Ben Ll~rmann, Orange County • • 1 Cooper, Balboa Island: Robert Shoemaker. pre'11tdent11 of the five Vete!'811f. Service Officer. Building Cqntract or Eberhart. Huntington Beach; µ1-counties maklnf up Southern, Dis-0 'Mlst4Jtu of lhb kind are pot Estimates 00· New CoMlruetion llan Fox, Corona del Mar; Barbara lrict. That much ls beinr ac-trequen " he add.II. -..but they can and Re~ Harris, Balboa l .11land; Mary compll.ahed throughout Southern result t .a lot of embarrassment. PHONE HARBOR llOf-M'. • Hayes, Costa Mesa : Clara Hedanl, District wu further Clemonslrated unleaa , e ve'leran takes prompl i 73c7.fh Laguna Beac h: Carl Hoff, Hunt-by reports given by the following: and pro el" action ." · lngton Beach : Donov&n l tfoffitt. Diatr!Ct ChaJrm.en : Cancer Con· Aa example: A number ot j Seal Beach; Eddie Neighbors, Sun':. 1ti-ol. Health and Nutrition, Nurse veteran have received an extra l~PERSO?!f.&m set Bt-ach: Jarnea $harp, Costa Recruitment, Art, Literature. In-subsiste ce check .or two from the Al h ·1. .a. ! .... nymoua Meu: Helene SlmonA, Corona del tem&tlonal . ~lationA, D r am a, Veteran ~dminl.stratlon arter co O lCS. ~<J Mar; Charles Stevena, Newport Garden!ll, Industry and Consu10er they ha discontinued training un-WriU P. Q..~. CJlO:· Beach ; Helen Vidal, Hunllng1:on Problems.· Motion l'lctures. and der the a .I . Bill of Rtghta. More Balboa la.18.n . • Beach ; Larry \Vilioughby, cOeta Indian Welfare. recently ca.sea have come to Ufht Phone K1,n .1 ,s,.e.su_ A1:eaa: and Robert Zenon, Santa In~ her address on "The Art of of vete 9 who conuiirue to re- Ana. Public Speaking," Mn . B. D. celve f:bsistence or disability Stanley. 1ctubwoman of Orange. compen tlon cheek.11 after they arbor Hi Award showed the value of the ability. to have re urned to active m111tary spe&k Jn public and how to at-duty. . . Pl.ctures' Included Wn that ability. ' The .• overpaym~nta must Speaklnr on "Better Govern-eventu~y be clearned by relm- •ln l. A. Exh1•1.:•1t ment at a Better PTi.ce," Mr. bur.win t in any cBBe. The •lm-D Wtlllaha Courtney, of the Ci tizens pleat g t o do it to return the Commtt\ee· on the Hoover Report, chttk te the VA office which 11- forcefully ahoWed how our gov-BUed 11,But If the veteran la en- emmeht could be Improved and title? part of the check. but maintained on a more economical not all f It, or ff he hu already bairla. ca.shed he check before · diacover- ReprMenting the Co8ta Mesa lng the error, he is urged..-to ob- Frlda:v · Afternoon Club Wednes-tatn r ble assistance in 'taking day a b the Southern Dtatrlct meet.. up the matter with "the govern- lug were Mrs. Heinz Kaiser, prealJ ment a thortties. dent, and ~tr1. Ca.Ila· Viele, dire<'!· tor. · ~· ~ . j .. ' loop.· AffendinCJ ~vening ColleCJe. PHOT0 l'liN'P ' ~ ' -' Have your faVOri e pl10lo'1'&Ph hand ' tinted. W: le name and address on back f photo. Abo natural coloring. Price $1.60 eL SEND' 'I'Or· RA 2()11() E. Ocean Fr ' t ' Balbo& ' 65c71 ' . I II-BRAKE 'fO~ OAJl LADT want. ride ~ Corona del ' Mar to Los Angeles, 9-5, Mon. thru Fri. Ph. arbor 28M-W eves. 76c71 Ser\rice Afloat 1600 Coast Highwa~ at BaWba Bay Club 711<78 WANTED -Bookkef'per • orrtce girl. Mu.11t be able to tyj>e, Ope. rate Burroughs adding machine and comptotneter. , Must 'have . e1ementary khowtedke of aouble entry bookk .. plng. State quali-. fic&tions·-in ll'Ur ovnr handwrtt~ Ing and If possible encto.e snap ' ' •hoL Reply to P . 0 , Bj>x 387, Newport Bel\Ch. 75c77 Square Dancing ? fie have a portable public addresa S)'tlte.nl, record player -.nd am- plltter to rent for gam~ and parties. DA VIS-BROWN CO : 1885 Harbor .Blvd. Costa M~88. Beacon 6821 -------------.. FRlOIDAIRE, 51Ai cu. ft., porce- lain tnterlOr and exterior. Very good condition. 'Rea.sonable. 534 Allio Ave., Newport Height.. · 74c78 LuT7 IDwen • • i U'Old Kamm ' Tedmlcl&na '"'8A 11.ADI O It Tl:Ll:VISION 1119 -y. C. M. Bea. ~ - ' G~L Gas hot water heater, 75 gal, good condition, $2~ for quJck · ule;. Phone Harbor 598 9 to 11 a . m. 78c78 ' ~· ' I ; . " • • - ,. ., '. .. ., " ,, ~J • . ~ • • • • • TlJESOAY. FEBRUARY I>. 1951 ·· • ' -N;WPORT-1,6'i IOA ~-. • • • ~ .... ' •• • i .• r .. . NEWS -~ TIMES·· CLASSlflfDS -THE ·OLDEST . -~Tl . JHf .: • .f ........... 1.4...f'lfaJlla • . : . Buy Them While • You Can SEE TBI!lsE LOW PRICES sER~ gas refrig· era tor; 5 cu. ft.; A-1 conditio,n ...... '. ... $ 74.50 FRIGIDAIRE, 5 cu. foot ... : ... ·-····· ........ . COLDSPOT ...,frigera· tor ...................... :.... 74 .50 . Come in for wonderful bu)Qt on Television sets which have been traded in on new Philcos • Easy Terms Arranged JANUARY ClJilARANClll IAUll! Knabe Grand. Beaut.irui Qllck- erlng Grand. Save $&00 to S8()0. Kimbal Gl'l!lld, Vose, Story ond Cl&.r:k. Wonder_ toned Sobmer .Grand, only1$Jlll. -r.,rml. DA.NZ-sCHicIJlr BIG PlANOi STOU:. ~20 No. Main, comer 8lh, Sant.a Ana. BOXllR PUPPIES. reg. ALSO dogs for guard, show. and pet.I. U6_91. ~ke:t. St., W.OtmJnster. Ftio ... .w--7813. 7a,7a. . . . . ~ u-APARTMEN'l'li a HOUllES ~ ~~~·RUt_mali. IN BALBOA 1-~·~~~~~~~---'I Two separate l'Umlabed cottagu TOP QU; _ _J_._ la qalot loc»lon. Otlle< -.,Ines AL!' J.' l: to dlare Iii boUf' dtl.-to bM:e. • ; IAJ 4 bedtpoma. 2 baths, llvtng· Newport" Heights room, kttcfien. Suitable for two couples. Utilities ln_ctdded- ltl mo. (II) a.droom, llvin~. bath, kitchen. Utllitlea included- $4 5 mo. Call Harbor ms. W 19p78 IT'S NEW -.,-IT'S DIFFEl\ENT -lT'S TOP Q.UA.WTY -CON- STRUCTION. BeabU!ul 2 bdrm boar<! and bat oidliig, flnplaee. pegged • Pd. "' noor1. COlored bathroom fbltur., separate dln· log !'lJ'l, unique kitchen, l 2-car. p.rage. U you Qie Inter~ l.n. the best buy UV1the Height.I - Sa& Ulla. Full Price $10,850 I ' . BAYSHORES Tllis attractl'te new 2 bedrm b with' i.n you . could desi~ for ~ar-r!>und . g-plne Wal.bl. att'1!-Ctive tiled ~en, pa :fll"eplace and dbl~ garage -,500. - Nelda Gibson Hora -S:Maret R&.J'.bor 502 bor .3028-J 306 MARINE 'A VENUE, DAlA>V.A !Su.ND CORONA DEL • ' • -" . . \ ' . -~ ·- . b>' CEPTIDNAL • I . •· 2-BElD&Oolf, · d den home, Jmng rooF'. . Beamed · panelled -11• 2 . . g, w~ one In I master bedrabni. W • W carpet- ing. Love1f if,,__ u.ii en~ rear yam • . Sou*1! ot ~lvd. ONLY $16:950 - t ;; ., . CQ:JtONA DEL MAR . " N5 Z11edrm~pe Cod. South of Highway. Larp NomB. F~ air beat. D'l gar. FenCed yard: . J , • • OPEN ·:FYR INSPECTIO!'f, 1 -5 SATIJRDAY and SUNDAY I , sn ~ ~ARCJSSVS A VE;, C: D. M. ,. The Davis-Brown Co. 1885 Harbor Blvd. 40-llUSINEBB OppOrtultlM PET SHOP. excluatve In teM"ltory, completely equipped and •look· ed. $!.290 complete1 ber:mll it. de- •lted.. Write Box U, cu e ol thUI paper. 78p77 UNFURNISHED 3 RM. Al!T-. lge. living rn;i .• bdrm., k itchen, bath. Panel ray heat. Frll?idaire and atovl!l furnished. 317 Heliotrope. €Grona.. del Mar. Phone Harbor 2989-W. Mlle LEASE attractJve fumiahed 2 bedroom house. dbJ. garage, fire-• INCOME • CORONA DEL MAR SOLID IS RIGHT-Nice 3 bedrm. ome-Cboice.st / district -. 'fi blk from, main bel\C • Priced right. ry $13,500, TERMS 1CLIFF HA ~EN'. Costs Mesa Bea. 6821 SERVEL Oas rt>frlgerator, 5 cu. 'ft._, ln good condition. 1149..liO See at 1660 Oranre Ave. Coeta Meaa. 74C78 FOR SALE -Children's all-9tee l awing: and trapeze set. Good ooodition. 206 P earl, Balboa ls- • land. Ha. 3203-W. 75p77 C . E. REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft. O years old, like new. $137.M . Automatic Bendix wuhe r, ex- cellent condition, $85. Ph. Har. 2370-W. 75c77 ft-FURNITVRE FOR SA.LE Jack's Furniture 1601 Balboa Blvd . ., Newport Bch Beds; mattresaes, chests, stoves, refrigerators, etc. Unflniahed Furniture. BUY, SELL or TRADE • Phone Harbor 2502-R 64c78 CHINESE MANDARIN R UG- 10 x 16, coat $11 00. Will sacri· flee, '7~. Ph. Harbor 2016•W. 78c78 MAPLE ·DINING Table, 4 chairs, cottee t.4,bles. 4.-plece bedroom aet with s.in&le bed complete, 9 x 12 taa flax rug, reuonable. ~ Coral. Balboa laland. 76c78 AUTOMATIC BENOIX washer. good cond1Uon, $9:>. Dearborn circulatin& gaa heater, $~. 438 El Modr.na. Newport Heights. Phone Beacon 501~J . 76c78 11-STORES a OFFICE8 A· 1 LOCATION on Main St., Bal- boa, neac Pav.ill.an .. Space ~cu­ pied by preae,nt V: 0 . OW:ne.r will remodel to suit tenant. SEE Mrs. Mc Adoo, 700 E . Bal· boa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor, 153 or Harbor 2873-W. 75c81 NEW MODERN and attractive office on Newport Blvd., above the Arches. $4..5 mo. Ph. Beacon 5713-R days. (Eves.a-.. 6467-R ). 73c75H CQZY turn. 2 bedroom house and gar. near ocean ln Newport, gas and water paid. $6.5 mo. until July 1. Ph. Bea. 6-467-M 74ttc .CHOICE 2 bedroom, 2·bath bay- front apt. Beautiful bay view. Good heat, private beach. $1~ mo. to June 1~ or slightly high- er by year. GREENLEAF ... ASSOC. 31,12 Newport Blvd., Har. 2552 74tfc BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND A.Pl'S. YEARLY OR. SEASONAL See GAIL CARNEY w1tll Nelda Gi~ Beal Eatate' 306 Martne, 11&1bo& • t.i. Har. 502 . . ... • 6ic81 pince, corner lot. 621 Iris Ave., Corona del Mar. 7!5c71 UNFURNISHED HOUSE, beautl· tuJly decora.ted, two bedrooms, at.all shower, 2 patios1 Barbecue, lovely yard. Gardener furnished. TWO very nice 2 B.R . ho\18es on valuable cor. Sa. of Hwy. One ts 8 yrs. old tn excl.' cOndlUon-the other ill one year old. Ftrep!ace. ·Cfbse to rnarketa "1d transpor- tation. Here ill a lot of value. 1 year leue. $150 per mo. Apply , 425 Iris, Corona del Mar. 76c89 Owner w&nl.8 to sell. FULL PRJCE Is $16,000. Large lnllu.r- ance loan can be ~ed. BALBOA 3 ROOM turnWied apt. $4 7 per month including utilities, all year rent.al. Service me.n welcome, couple only, no pets or children. 605 Bay Ave., Ba.J. boa. 76p79 PO!t RENT-Jn Newport Beach near Richard's Market. 2 rm. house, partly furnished. $35 mo. 4.JtlJlties pd. Ph. Beacon'6186-W." • 78p78 A TIRA CTI VE 3-rm house and garage. Private paUo. Util.' pd. Very reuonable. Apply 614 Be-- gonia, Corona del Mar. 75c77 ON THE OCEAN FRONT -3 bedrm furnished apt and 1 bed· r oom furn apt., VEry roomy. Reaaonable. Phone Bea. 6-493 -J after 8 p.m. 75c17 G. I. $750 DOWN BRAND NEW, 3 B.R. HOME Newport Heights P'IREPL.ACl:1 Awd. gr&vlt!-flow turn., dinette, breakl'-Sl nook, laundry, garbage dlspo. Plenty . of cloaet space. Lota of tile ln kitchen a.nd bath. Obie. ga.rage- on alley. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS AT $10,000 PHIL SULLIVAN Formerly C. Galen,Deniaon G. T. EVERSON . · REALTOR BALBOA PENINSULA -Nicely 490 Newport Blvd. Costa' Men t'amlahed 2 bedroom apt. Sun-1 Phone Beacon 8243-W deck, garage. Winter or Y,ear· 1 Harbor 3151-W or .... Beacon 54.51-J Jy. Reuonable. Phone H:6rbor I 0612-W. 76tfc N 3 bdr H ew m. omes 44-BOOMS FOR RENT ESPECIALLY WELL BUILT NEWPORT CITY NEWPORT HEIGHTS See this before you buy! See Tom Payne qr Stan mitb STANLEY A .. SMITH, Realtor 1311 Coast Highway, Corona de! M Ph. Har.882 • Subdividers Att'tio.n · Toda 's Best Buy WI1"R nrE LARGE cxpan.lon program' Of industry t.n and near Kalse.r steel plant these proper- tte.1 are e.apeclallX desirable. . in CORO A DEL MAR only $8,250. terms NEARLY 7 Ac'REs ON CORNER less than 3 miles to steel pl,,ant. ,1,500. Will consider income ex.-~ BEDROOM house, change. South o f HJghway. S yrs. old, Earl Chamberlain 17 ACRES. 41 5 fl. frontage State 1 HJrhway -now In citrus, eat:!· matecl 4.000 boxes ready to har- vut. Prope rty being' handled by tf'\atee -anxious to move. .500 Coast Blvdy, Corona del ll&r (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 Busines~ Opportunity SHOE REPAffi SHOP Owner expecting call to army. • Good location -Coast town. Have other good buslneu oppor-J.. \unltles In Orange county. Ed. L. Sedelmeier 1523 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar • Phone Harbor 2766 I 75c77 Tltfc CORONA DEL MAR-New 3 bed· room brick and stucco borne. Extra larce gar&ge. Room t\>r 2 cars and apace tor work room. Forced aJr heat. Terms can be arranged. Call owner at Harbor 1988 after 5:30 p. m. 87ttc **SOLD** 427 Ferhleat Ave. Corona del Mar . By a Multiple Uatin« Realtor 2 bedrm hOIDEl.i-Redeeon.ted m and out. New wall . i • ' . to . wall ~· Carge llvlng and dining . I room. %":; Twin me bedi'ootll!'. Bendix · waaber. , IA'l'E I'OSSESSION. ©nly $1 l, '1'50, with low down payment. . ' -OPEN FDR INSPE?!!ON,_ 1-5 SA'l'URDAY and SUNDAY ' " I SJ 23622 Snug, Harbor Road l . • . . PA Yj ONLY $1,500 CASH amt mov into this lovely · 2 bedrm home on large lot Balance -like rent. Just reduced to $9500 THIS WON'T LAST, HURRY! LISTING WANTED -ALSO RENTALS ER~ SMITH; REALTOR . 1205 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar ·i Phone Harbor 2667 BOA~ OWNER'S SPECIAL IDEAL VACATION HOME--Rlgbl on the Channel ond only a •tep to :markel!-Bulkhead, pier and noat. Well built, S y~a it:. Sleeps 10 euil)I.. Spacious Uvina: room. Fireplace. PaU , Barbecue. Dbl. prase. Ample atorace. ~11 price •1& • See lhil w1t}\out delay! COMMERCL\L PROPERTY FOR LEASE 2&19 Newport. vd., ltlciU,ftt toe. for ~n'l mdse or Ulll.lt mt1r. Ov 2800 .... n. ~ rent. ~ I ' . oc ·FRONT SPECIAL ' l -llOATS, SUPPLIES CORONA DEL MAR -P'Urn. 2 bedrm home and gar. Newly painted and decorated. Walk. dist. to shopping and beach, ye1µ-ly. Phone Harbor 1894-W. BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive pentho use -large furnish~ room, facfug bay. 2 large clos- ets. Private bath and entranct. Reas. yrly rate. Ph. Ha. 0123-J. 74 ~76 Oalt floors, fireplace, furnace, tile bath, garbage· dlapoea.I, laWM, double garage, large lot.a. ·Move in now. • $9,950 VALUE'S! VALUES! BALBOA INCOME-$10,000 3 'Ai)artmenl8 &nd 4. slttping roems. Xln't. location. Priced right for quic k aale! COSTA MESA D Home on Clean Sandy Beach 2 B.R. den. l'um., pa Fenced....Taat.etully turn. 0$12.500, t -:?rma. ALS0 choice ofetn tt. cor: tot, dean u.ndy-be~lr 13!.:M> l j 74.c78 New -New -New RENTAL r HUDSON INV ADER ~ECIALISTS Marine Engines can Edna CTa1C Pruc~ ~'\ELL Linwood Vic~. Rltor .. See John Harvey at ·Seacraft 825 COAST mGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Ph. BEACON 6771 2tfe CHRYSLER ROYAL--2 lo 1 Re- duction. Good condition.. Phone Beacon 5450. 62tfc Balboa lsl•nd Har. 204.2 32c64 ATTRACTIVE water front apt tumish.ed. · slmdeck, float a\l&..ll· able, $65 mo.. inclu. utiJ. 3409 Finley Ave ., Newport Beach. 14.c78 FOR RENT-Single a>pt. tumlahed $30 per mo. Utilltlea paid. Year- ly rate. 3·09 E . flay Ave. Tele. Harbor 74~W. 78p78 48--AUTOMOBIL!:S, TIRES ':17 DODGE Std. Stut-dy, neat and rP8p€'Ctable $295 '41 PLY. "Spec . Dlx." SE"d. Clean as They Come! $595 '47 CHl:V. CLUB CPE. "Hunter green beauty" of exceptional n1erlt. H~ radio, heater, "un- dercoating,· etc., et c. • $1185 THESE HOMES WILL ALSO Q . I. Ralph P. Maskey 3'411 Newport Blvd., N ewport Bell. Phone Harbo1 .402 **SOLD** 1313 E. Balboa Bl9d. Balboa By a MulUple Llatlnl' Realtor 3 B. R . H0~$9.950 Cloee to bay front and good swimming. This property ls tn fine shape and w ould be Ideal for year-round living or summer and week~nds. Hu H. W. fln1., noor , furnac~. Be sure to ~ this? tiNEST Re1ldential a\rttt?" Near· ly new 3-B.R. ·home, 1 % bath.I, large llv. rm, tlreplac•, 2-car garage, big lot, fenced. Pnce juat reduced. Owner says •elU HORACE S . MAZ1t'l' 1 306 Marine Ave. Balboa laland Hae. 3028-J 74c70 LIDO ISLE '.:.t' .: c DUPLEX-2 STORY, PLUS OAR. 2 bedroom and de.n, 2·batb home Apt. 3·car garage, 2 B. R. each on l ~ lots. Panelled intertot, apartrnf'nl, 2 fireplace&. t...rge $21,500. Contact. Xrf.. Dickaon, Barbot 1013, Eves. 2092-W EARi: STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport lllv«. Newport Beach Costa Mesa 'argain THESE ARE GOOD! · $1,000 dwn. . •• BRAND new 2 bdrm{ bome on 80 ft. lot -Bw4 noqn, We lllnk, _,ray bMl, -· pereb. ..,liOO, balance ~ month. See thla "nQW. · On 2 lots with exedleDt ....,_. opportunity. Cloae to hl••n• center ~ pod swlm.m.inc· Ru chanp. llvfllg room, 26dli, b1ols. floora, fireplace, 2 bedroom-. dia. rm, additional bedroom off gar- den. Only $12,500. patio. Attractive and modem . Between Bay and ,ocean. ,Refer. M. L. No. 184.7 , Lido Isle Bayfront 4 bedrooms, 2 bathll, pier and float. Newport H ights $48,500. ~ CIMA--"1 bed.rm hon!.e near the NEW SEXTANT, Hughes &. Son, ONP! BEDROOM UNroRNlSH· 61µ: TERMS -MANY OTHERS ONLY $1 7,500 full price fbr ex· cellent LAG UN A INCOME PROPERTY. Rents about $2,4.00 per year, C&ll Santa Ana, Kl. 26774. or Eecond1do 1125. '71c76 COSTA ME:SA-$6.'500 BLDG. SITES HlJh School only ' 3 yn. old. ·HOME PLUS· 'n ACRE. Small UDO M-ft. bay. front choice loca· HWd. floOra, . dbl J garage. All VERY NICE ' bedroom home, l ~ bathll. double garage, tlttp¥-. 1looQ'l tor another unit ln front. Acroa atreet from bay. Jud. reduced to $17,llOO. tn mahogany ca&e. Perfect. No ED duplex, hwd. noors, tile, tire· correct ioru. ·$180. Phone Beacon place, walled " in' yard. 612 Ju- 6467-R . ,75c77 mine Ave .. Corona del Mar. In- • quire 1006 . Coaat Blvd., Corona : ;i $Jnall; i Jikl~t;.}f~ , . , del Mar or Call Harbor 24.;42~70 J BoATS BOUGB't. SOLD ana a<------------- cepted o n consignment. ~ IN BALBOA -Nearly new upper B lb M . duplex, with vlow of ba;y. Com· a oa arma plete.ly turn., near shopping d1a. 2802 Coast H ighway, H~r 0771 and trans., yearly renlAI. Ph. Mc79 Harbor· 1317-W. T4c79 t ____ U_tu_OAJ..--a&Dl---0~. --- JANUARY CLE.A.RANCE SALE! SplneU and Gn.nd&. Trade.-lruL Rent.a( returns, repossession. ": Wonderful b&rplna. Many ram- .., ow. makes. DANZ-SCHMIDT J BIO PIANO sroR& 100 pianOM to choose from, 520 No. Main, corner 6th. Santa Ana. El Toro Marines LOW WINTER RA TES One bedroom tumlsbed apt. Uv- tngroom, bar kitchen and baUl. Ulilitie8 included ............ $38 mo. . 507 E. Balboa Btvd., Balboa. Call Harbor 2178-W. 78p78 SHA VER MOTORS 57-IU:AL ESTATE WANTED Your DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dir. I PRIVATE PARTY wa.nta to buy 1936 Harbor Blvd .. Cost.a Mesa duplu or. house with garage Phone Beacoo, 6i07.. I .,t.. wtqi . . . . t '40 FORD Convertible, radio, btr. I Balboa r · Nearly new tires. H:xcelle'nt mer · Harbor ~l'. · t or and finish. Phone Ha. T\2;;& FROM OW~WtJ\t h'auae ni Newport Helpta not over $10,- 000 QJ' wtD a.ume G. I. loan.. Phone Beacon MS'1-W. ?Bcft modern stucco houae, a years tlon ,,_ aAl't. i»9M•-ue pa.Jid. Should G. I.1 old. Nicely turn.tahed. Good aotl, 30.rt. ba~-;~~l--R~3··:::::~::~~::.: .. i9:000 aa.960. · l ... fine ~en , la'.*ft-Larxe two-45.ft. inside ... ! ....................... U.600 l ear rar•ce bvllt to take an SO-tt. Inside ··+······-······· .. -.. :$2,1ro G. I .. J? ~Q.., le • ft. dry. ao toot. NEWPORTVHIDIGHTS -·Penna-.;a~,.,.... e, I• room to "-· · •tDOO, DOWN •. i ~f:· . and. den u.e U de11lred. nen.t view-of -V abd ooean. One bolae ~th . bw¢:. . . iii tbe ~ WJt.L '.!:RADE towud of the best view lo~ left '6,l500 ....,_a;r -Hon of Ciiota & . .! ...a,.":'!" home, prefer -Beach Ho~ •-.i.-.. ·I-'46.83 blolvdM ~Y ~· ~-. Near bay ond ~-Room f<>< ad• lb-eid pdn.l*~· SOUTlf COAST REALTY CO. dltlonal bldg. Corner lot, J7,'500 ~OOQ , fUrnlshed. I . ..:....:;: . 1 ',, . . . UIOO .MERCURY Convertible-For ca.ab or your ca.r for my equity. Phona Harbor 1003-R. 76p78 56-MONEY TO LOAM- "Mullfple Latini' Re&lt.Qra" ~ I _ -Peopl9 do read the· want ado. 302 Main SL, Balboa, Bar. 2034 EMERGENCY 31osP,ITAL BLOG. v t T _.;. ~· "Near Pavilion" CorJM;r locatio~ • brick CONiruc-&ean; .. ·Ld:J.~' · 81-&EAL BSTAD: EXCHANOI: . tlon. H nu .. jlnclvi!tn& ...,gary. NiilwPoRTi • Be!Pta., l lood ud LARGE Comer lot, eut end of Prlce4 to 1ell '1 $31,500 or might 1•••1. $UOO: • i, · S...,... T "'RADE Lido hie -opposite street end conalder leaae.\ Ocean .. view lot N. Hei..t.ta, .... • . or .., · ..... p1... ,1900 ... • TIµS ENGLiSH CO'ITAGI!l W. lot.a of charm. On comer )Ot one block from bay. Two bectroom:e • , den, dlafK\Slil. dlabwuh •. tlfuJ. year-touiid ho~ · ' One ot the lovelieat · ntn.ula homt!a ! I -. TWO BEDROOM HOME tn CUtt Haven. B:wd. floon. lota ot tUe ln ltttchen and PulJ.mari bath. Lar(e wardrobell and cupbou'dl, floor f\lrnace and fireplace, dbl. garage, rear garden fenced. Room for the children and" pet.a. Ideal neighborhood. $13;500. LOANS. For Homes with 4 7o • 5 112 'fo Int. Owner bein« transferred. River-ALSO 3 bed~m h_ouae on l.Jdo, oREENLE.Ar A. ASSOC. ' olde. 5 at... on.nee grove with 80-tt. lot. oneloaed patio and S!J.2' Newport lvd;,, -llMZ' Beacon Hin R.ealty : Bay & Beach Realty Lona tenn. Low payment 8 room boU9e. ~at location. garden, $16.,600. Phone Harbo~ r ": ~l Sitt 1 Gloden. .. Speclallst"I ln F . a A. and G. I. Good producer. Want bouae-Ol' 1953. 70c77 416 N~wPort BJvd Catll>ft A.rchea) ' r ey p BUNGALOW upril)>t piano tn I · <perfect playing condition, $295. r Terms, $30 down. $10 mo. at SHAFER MUSlC CO. (Since I · 1907) 421 "!· Sycamore, Santa Alla. Klmberly 2-0672. Tlttc BALBOA -Fum.lahea 1 bedroom apt. Inquire 901 E. Bay Front, Balboa. Phone Harbor 0331-W 87p81 Plana. G~~ C -•.ructton Loan• income, Balboa. or N@wport. l'or • . The \ Ptume Bucon t 't13-R lt!JO .Balboa Blvd. Harbor~ Bar. 3181 for lJ"l'ee Appralal 82c76 boa.we. 320 L&rbpur, Cor·ona del CALL. BOB SATTLl:R information call Hubor 2&ff..JIC. POR QUICK SALE-New 3 bdrm. • . Ii . • . 'l4c76 a"a.v• openiJlC' for A..880CIA'm • ,.,.... L&ncloe&ped, tcnc-4 Phone S t re t c h i n g · Your Do ara ~ • ~ Beot dMI la. - lroRNlSHED HOUSE--1 bedroom ~et .. ,, PO~ ~TGAKl~-6~ An Unusual OPPORTUNITY Allallebn. 48e7. 76c8l IF ' ER,Nll!l sw:rru. Realt<r and garage, .. 11th of Blvd. Wa-Income 0 ,,n;,rtunltiea. are YOU "\"t . ..;, ~ta ;n-lllli" dOAST J41GRWA"r -RENT A PIANO. ~ per 11Jonlh. All rent allowed If you buy with- in tenna. DANZ-SCHMIDT, ~20 No. Kain, Santa Ana. ~~p~2; fn;,~~..;,~od~'M"; MORTGAGE LOANS Two~~~...,._ 0~ ::t:' -i.28io~· ~";°$1~:, continuali;~tJt WI at Bal-::;.'7(;.1~~vt!"" eorw· d•,l Kai--,:. / I 76pll9 r.-nt tnoome from home lllld '3.JQO iiaw.i. JOO mo. on balance. boa Jaland ffooi!11 ·wltb In· lllld •· .-. · ; . 1' Low lntereot RalM _.want pa.ya ofl. Imp..,... OJten· fO< ~-704 !Ark-come &re• oltm!t •the> \auJt . ·TI<' l~ · • LIDO JSLE , FREE. lNSPllCTlON mania tn A.lun":t:IUoa.'J'\0 ~ opul\~dal-. Hc10 ofre.modelln•-......., ... ~ -, ~ ... _. __ din V-'-·- lf you want • iutal OD LIDO ..... _. t..s. w.m·aou r , .... ' 1 ~ _ .......... '"""'!!" YOU -a:)>lorT' ·-for VUU>WUJ! g, IUUC, ,USED PIANOS trom 169 up. Good ISLE lee ·ua. ae....a ~ S. W. COLEMAN o. -tor. ..._ """"'~ -~-••-""liar with~!~ or .~lily ,..... -Mil' ... : · bw>hfor "'" I . • playlns e0ndit1on. D A N z. apta. AJao born• a•H 'h JOT N. -_, .._. -. Pbon.• ll&fbor l»I. T~ l'OCS I, Ill*• -.. ... liOO fUl1 new flOiata. l(•lmm ...... ..a' . . . i · ysh R<Ipffl'T. !120 No. Main, Santa . ' ' Banta Ajl& Kl t.tm . · .. prlca. '1'c~Nil ,...i. I . . . ' • J • , ;, Ba Ore& • Ana. cor.11th. • P.A. PA1.M8k WeBuyand>SeUTrmt-r.ET'S TRADE . :~~:w.L~LICCO . j . I. ' r • IF .. ~:~a --....,;. I r,,qo INIR SALl!l _ hntov.s INCORPOIIA.'DD • • -1 . · · ft!·~· 2 112 • We have 1 propertle& for aale YpQ''llll.e a. aplihdld ~1'-at IM .~: ~ -11• 1L 1 • ptake Spinet Plano to ...._. 3¥3 _Via Lido• ...._, U. Jl'A.'nl UDO .ISLll· S· -'li. ' ' 1 on tM 1-.Yfront 8P -i>y -~ ,._ .,,_., lD·J91lE •_[.,___ • w F• l Ible party tn Newport who -LOIJCa TO 8UIJ.D, IMPllOV-. llatll, nw club -W~ . ~ """ • ~~ T3cM • . • · 11ioa.,' ., , ~ ,__., 2;CU ~ would t . b len:•ted "" ·-~•-v . <. BUT, llllODlllUCID, oa Uag -or vtdDltJ-~ ' . that cu be protl~y ua. . . • . J •WtwapOd. RwlJ to v:.; ~.l..u• IN LOVELY .C0~1 -t.' • ._..... ... -/ 0 .... ..,... ~ 'CRIFICE ed. • . , thtl flM _,...,.,, OD t.onnll ...---·-' ~ , -•U"£ "4 pnlV • • . ril!lt la. • like rent or dlacount for cuh. '""""11.sbed -. ..-r-a -· -.., 1'r.-Put B4VJI .... @oft. ~ .-t a. _,...,ill, 2 bath inter lront - Priced to .en. For tun partlcu1· AIBO ,)a.ige ~· M. ..... ·..,..-:st; •••MA »•1""•1 ftllllUIS boat. Lkm*lt tor 31. ..,e ~ P,er Md float. PLUS . • r an write c. Norlin, Credit A.cl-tnller, -'21~ uu . ' ~ t -1.0Alt ~. • -,_..,. "IV-111..,a lu&e -· aputmenL Prop-1 J. A •. Beek. cwr..lce "'-~ M-. pt .. -'fta uia .... -•-~ •-j ·" •• ~·~ •-V.1..1.J . jU.Btor, Bos 104-4, Loag u.:&dl 1, -or .. 1a•1 ~ cn.y ....... new.., ~-..... 1 • cautomla. 7k78 -·· -~ ,.~....... • -Ud out. '40llO -DQ.WN. BAI,BC>A. JSl.Al'll)'l'DllY • : l&n:ir P"\lraiabed prace -. ... ..... •. .U~&&:m -..-8Aft 7 7 ) IJ' --... "'mp>ow Barbar-I WI-)(., ,'I: ftp71 . " } ! WANTED: 60 p Tnm Ill s-1&-St...Om<ma---•'; 1a ..... \i ·• la P"'n 1W-. WAJ>l'I' ..,_ 1 lM . . . llarbor'6S ...... ~~~;:;=i=-~:.::;~~ JOUI" oJ<I pl&Do OD & Gftad. 1"el>. 10., "° IDO. w>he..... 'p· --.. _,..... -,,_tJ la -tb <J'Ua•, (":' .D 0 SPECIAL ---.;'•c-:•;,..·7• ....... ,.---~...,.---" l!plnet O< ~--a-~ il .,._._._DA -·-····•I -·· ·-~--._ • 'i' .. cub.-. Torma. ::-...::.::-' ·~·---. ·--·-·. --.. -..,. . 1 """""'-·dbl J .. 8"'llli A.NZCllCIDODT PIA.NO co.. --.... .~.. F II -..... -.. --&. • .utoOU>. "·-otl 111----: Nll>o~laa A -------· ltb. PO Mo. Baata N'1:'W' S> BSDROOJI. fta1 PED td -.. 1 , -nm_I _ -..... mhd.. .,._. · .aAGIUftC9 LU.II! o1 . . ' --....... •••mo. •wfhth -• •••• • ~ ..,...,. ~w ... . r . ... -,.... .. •ts p ... ptl "' ~ .... •Ji> RIV\ -+---,--------_ ltll.111&-.10zita Drift., Oal&a ..., •11 m• .._.. liulta • ... _... ,._ _.,.. ·~~ .... ~ . -::1".:.!1:.oo~.r:..•.J.c ..,. •• .,., • .,.,,., .,... -.• •1•~N'9'..._,1____ _.,.. , -~-- • ...., flll-· ·~ lllLU'SB' HICll -a rm. ._ ,,.... il'liiOll,A. BY wt llllO -..i •• l1M"iw 111r 9 TJ KtOa\ieq 8111tcp 1111mq Ol:i. (-•1187) Ul If. --u -) 'l'llanlOl .. l ..._. s-Olra'rs ,., • I -I ....... -.. -.. eo.!11 BIL* eon:. ... _ llJlll .... -.U., 'Dm•lf• --. 1'.-'1. J• W. ' Two Oolii. 16 .... Cla... -.......... --I l ~ .. •t~' •f r 17.1•zt.,_,.':'. 4-n•.~-=~,.~,.c. -~~~--,'r:.k~~.~~. ___ ,. ~~' .. ,.;t.' l ~ ~ ·, I n ' . --.._..:..; ___ ....__..., ... ' • . -• • ~ • ' • . . i • • I I I ,. I" • • -. ,I • I ' l 1 \ . .. ' I ' • • 1, NEY(PORT-IALIO NEWS;TIM~ , ' " . • • i • ~ . . •,' 6, 1'51 -::;::;~-r:-;::-....,.----1,,:1.-::t11e:-:d,.:.:..,:1ns:=-~.,: .. :.:--::1o:--;:1M:-: ..... ~ ... ::-_1-_:D:"::;A~TH.=:--:,N~O=n~IC=l3S:--:.-"1~j~A1:i1:U>a::t~u::i1b:um=an::.-:m: .. ~.~t: .. :1:,....::i~.~.1:t.:.~11~rn=1t:1can=t:-:th:.::t-:-•. ~woman:'.::::.:i·1:-AU;··~~=ro~ lhl\I .'" ~ .. ~ bf:l'!ttnen" who fW. tn all of Ut.e ~· lt tt 4oea not advance.-who never marrte• la alv(aya called God. ta gro~wJQg to decaY,.--Oeorp aece 1ry 1tqea..Jo.tnd.Jcate move-1 :.•-'II. -~m,.._t OJb~ ' a rniu."-WrlUr Frank Mila. ~nald... · ~. . .. ' ' .r.~1u~ ~Mn• -,.~ · ~" ... t 11nrtt<r ! ·An ad ~tar!; In thl• _. Will proclUc:a -tor ,..,_. • mtWit. f • • ., · ·~ -·~v~ AmOI!« cartoon pt.Iota, "ta-be-8ervicell were held llalut<la_y at I I weenen" rank .. unlotfct.blea lo 2 p.m. In O~uel Chapel. Ooeta ll\e cute orwtem. .,ud -atant 1'1-for· J~ M. Reynolda, .17. l'\nlmalot'll are only • nWe bit, who died .Jan. ao at h1I hOme,, 110- hli:her. Conl<quently, VIP ehan&'· 29th St .• Newport. atter &n extend· cd over to the story dep&rtplent. ed Ulnea. rorgot to col'fte lo wo~ one tunny A natfw of ltlieeourl, he had day, and 'Wu ~:''. Uved ln Newport Beacl) stx yeara. But througfl wol1dns tn the Dt> Be wu a member o(. camp No.. nt"y 1ttld\oe anst knoWtnc c&rt.e>on-271. Woodmen ot the World, I.st Dick Shaw and h1a wtfe ( &180 Survivora include bla wife,, Mary local resident.a) VIP started off 2 . Reynakla. l'Jewport Beach; nine aa a cartoonltt ln bl.I own rtght aOna. Ew:relt.. of Torrance; "-ul nnd lod&y. la ON! of Emoet popu-of Long' 84!~; Earl at. Stul Ray, lar. skelcbera in hll eld. . Tex.u; Buren of Phoenix; Ray· Wu Keipe I mon ot Dalh&it. Te~; Harley of . ak . Grant.I Pau, Oregon; Le'v.J-. H. of Spc tnc of hi• cartoons, he Dal.hart, Texu; Ralph L. of Gru- saya that they &ell beet when ver. Tex.u; and Wayne· E . o! there la some fonn of war h19terla Orange; two daugbten, Mre. Mas-- ~rlpplng the nation and that !'hen g le Wa.lkt"r, of i Long Beach and ~ace aelUe~ for awhUe, eo doeJI: Mn:. Malll~ Weber, o(C08ta Meaa: hJ8 Income. ·27 g_randchlldrcn llnd 1:) great· He'a strictly a lone wolf when IL grandchildren. • comes to thlnklrfg up cartoon gt.gs i\nd this NVCI a lot O[ uneceaaacy bookkeeping; 11.l&o the 25 per cent rr'° which la the usual gag writer's take home pay. During World War Il, VIP wu in the army anf'I hJa specialty wu Who tp Contact for Civil Defense Work ' • ' "rifleman." Even with bis weak "Yl"l'I he madt" an expert rating and he'll talk sharpshooUng at the -c lick of a rifle bolt. Any realelent or Newport Har- bor 1'111hlng lo talce part 1n the evf!r-crowlos clvll defea.e p,,... sram 11hould cunlact Nfl'll•porJ Harbor C..1vtl Detcaae Director John Sallon or the deputy di- rector, Carl llanna, at the city hall, phone Harbor St.SI, be- t,veen lbe boun of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. • ONE OP V I P'• CHARACTERS rHts away from hi& car1oon at"ti,·i- tle:w w1U. two of VIF1 anoa.ymowi Slamt"9C <"ale strolliDg lUM."OD- ttrnecll)' &boot blm. \'IP drew bim to accompmiy 'th.b article. VIP ZIPS ON POGO STICK; ALSO DRAWS· CARTOONS . I Virgil Partch claims a personal rec<?rd or 237 consecutive hopa on the pogo stick without fract uring clavicle, femur or wisortt'd ver- tebrae. Which ls more than some people can c·laim , asserts the fwy cartoonlll whose characters peer out from the pagrs of Collier '.!!, True. and the Deirolt Athletic club magazine land suffer violent reprisals for not having rememberc<l t o in-~------------­ ,ert Angostura bitters in the I years tu~ went to a life' class after drlnk.) d innCr upon completing his daily .!!tint. Virgil Parle~ (uawally pbort-Explaining his "''ork with Dis- banded to VIP m h \.s cartoons al-ney. Partch says that the anima- l.hough his middle .name in F rank-' tor ~oes the or lgl nal s ketches fo r llnl remembers that a friend of the movie cartoon sequences: us- h.Ui tried the pogo stick at one of ually about every tenth movement UM Newport Beach nlte:ries, inad-Of ~he cparac tera. Then comes the verte.nUy reversed hls field too assistant animator who adds some suddenly, and sliced a few tt"ndons of the tntennrdlate moves. Final:: when he fell on a tea cup (VIP .wean it waa a teacup. l We co'rnered the cartoonist 8.t hl9 hideaway at 22·1 Collins. Ave . ., on Balboa laland, drank several cupa of instant cOffP(' (switching to regular rrind.n. wtu-n hla wift> Helen appearedl Jtrtd talked about sou.I' cream, wbe:t.her ca.rt.ooni8t.s looked Uke thelr,..charactt'rs, and Whether or not Sla.n1eae-cats are crou-e:yed. Cat'• ~yea We attempted to prove lhe lat· ter by capturing VIP's two blur- e.yed cats and g-az.ln g into thei r eyes. One, the smaller or the two. louked aquare:ly back at Us I rather amueed by it all, we 8Uspect ) and the other, not so squarely. At Jeaat, w e. proved that of VJP's Slame&e: felines 50 per cent are c.--..yed. Incidentally. the ca ts have no namea: and Partch aascrls that one of the n,eighbor8 thinks that bavtng cat.a-With no name111 1111 ' eomethlng crlmlnal. VIP says he'll s:tve them names u 800n 83 they leurn lo write. Getting back to our discusaion of whether or not cartoon ists look' like their characteni, Partch says be never tried to make his char· aclers look human. "but, n1aybe they do look like rne." OutaJde of the brldge"'•o rk. VIP's charactera· bear no resemblance to their creator who i.IJ tall, two hun- dnd and fiviah, dark-haired, wears gfas&e• and (unlike hi.a .characters) hu only five fingers on each hand •. VIP bu been drawing since h is ear·y gnunmar school days· but took hit fint India inklings to n1agaz1ne editors In 1942 after be quit working for the Walt Disney atudfo!I. He says that he just for- , got to go to work one day. Art Tralninc After about liix months of train- lnifo at Chouinard Art Institute VIP Wl"nt to v.·ork for the ·W&Jt Disney studios. Every night for 3 WORKING ON A NEW· RICC- ORD f•r oo~tl,·e pogo stick hops. VIP appears occasion.all.» at White's 1~ark A\'"CDUe bar. Several CU!Jtome'n ba\!e uked to have the pi nk ek-pbaais back. . -• (News-Times Photo) • We wonderl'd about gelling a picture of VIP at work ln hi.I studio (a reconverted corner or the kitchen) and hie wl!.e thought \Ve might be able to use a shot of VIP on hls pogo stick. It developed t)la.l '.\'1r·r mot~­ l"r·in-law sent him • po'o stick 1 his wile ~Y• ah~ tfkea care or hlm like the gra.q~tjtlldreo) &nd he 1..1! a devQt« of b1a "iienlor naD- siz<'d Aero-Hop." · He'• calculatlnl' up his Oylng time on the atielt ·and ~U chal- lenge au comen r !fe. Wu P.retty dlMppolnted lul 1ummer, though_ when after demoutr&tlng his akUl to a atruggting yohni ~rltl"r, the writer borrowed the pogo stick and proceeded to climb up a flight or stairs on It. Cache Poro Stk:.ka -The~ Partch chlld'ten, 11 -year- old Nlcho~ and rour-year-old Anna, each have their own 111izc pogo sticks but have lately bee n break ing up the brick walk and punching holes in the lawn. The pogo atlcks have been cac hed un: til time Yor spring planting. Mr. and Mr1. VIP have been living in the Harbor area on and off for about 12 years, but thl111 la the flr!lt winter. that they've •pent here. VIP •xplalna that "111ince our honeymoon here 13 yeara ago, we've alW&)'IJ thought this place is the beM'ie111." The cartoonist ha.a an Engilsh MG {General Motora, abbreviated bac kwards) and haa dt"cidcd that after a IOftg trip In It. he fttll as it hc'1 Men rldinl' 'a sickle. However, it does h\Ve two advan- tage. he lnai8ta. ''It's easy t o push when you run out of gll1', and it d~n 't hurt ao much when one or the wheels run1 over your root ." "There's ·been a n Influx ot car- toontat.s into the Harbor ar('a," saya VJP and mar,l<A It down a.s 9. Si gn of decacJ('nte. "Jf this con· tinuce, NewpOrt Beach will become another Ve:nlce or Ocean Park,'. he 1'18YS aad1y. Th.ank!Flg him for the In terview. we got down oil tpc pogo 1tlck we'd been induced into trying. noticed a algn saying "Don't for- get your 2G cent.a" lo the rlcht or the dQOr and fled lnto the after- Get fD Card " Photos .Taken . I ' AU penoas w.0 ,..._.lered tor elvtl def~ work.)ut ha\'~ aot had t.bett plc&utf, , or thumb prlat. taifen fcu ldrntlncatloa carch. ab°'ld .,...,Y_ at the New- port police ·4epal'tme•t ·TueMla,y or Tbunday e,·e.mca. between 7 .. d 'I p. m. •W t~eb. I, It wa... urreat.I) ~ .today by O.:puty Dele...q Dln!ctor Carl B•a•& He •tre.ld that It waa ..,ry lmportanl ti.t ·tbe pholoO' an4 prtaC. be tai... befo"' tbe Feb. J date. -···f. ·' • 'GiftS· 4 d.eetings • • • for You ' thfough ' . WBLCOMB WAGO.l\f .. ' I I · ' . . ' • T H J! N E S T j • • \ .. THE TOUa.lNG CAll WITH R.ACINO PERFORMANCE 1'1le 160·boncpo'ftr J~ XX Supn ·Spom bolds the' wortd·a spttd ttrord (or pwodDctioo CIUS of ,l.)2.6 m.ilei: per bow • $3945 •• ~Id• ..... ~ .... ' • > • J ' • TRY .......... TH--11-.-.)4. ON YOUR B"DGD • f • . ' • • On th~ a.vera.ge, out ·of ea. h . . d~ll~r you spend ·~or' your ~1 ving only f c~~t goes ~o pa.y ' expenses ·, . , for you~ ·e.lectr·1c I service! I . ~ .Jtne Even while other prices have b-going up, •'-r .. Jty has , bee~ going down. Tod'Gy, it costs you leu than r•r !\>•fore. IOUTHIR[NI CALI PORll IA &D-11011 COMPANY CAR 0 p . , . ' r • • I T S· C L A S S I N T H I! WORLD • • \ ' {. \ , \ •1·1··1 ., •1 \ l ! ; announces . proudly . • 't the appointme t ()/ ' , I • CLYDE K1N'G as Orange County Dealer • Now you may see a'hd demonstrate the di.Uapshed British JIJU&l right here at nome, A choice selection is DOW an.ilable Ill pf'im 20 /" enl 8 tha• 16 1rumths ,zgof Americans in every part of the country and in rapidly increasing numbets are basking in the' prestige which comes only tpJaguar o~nen. For Jaguar alone brings you Old Wotld elegance in line and finish_;unacelled comfort and handling case-~ of the tt&flic lanes wbechet m.lndenng through city streets or streaking effortlessly along the open highway. The classic Jaguar is alw1ys fashionable ... an·engiileeting masterpiece that usurcs exueme!y loni life and racing ar roadability ... and it .comes fully . . equipped. In all major cities throughout ti>• U. S., Jaguar dealers mainuin complete service with prantttd pms. ,r: i;-... ,, ... i11flit«l le .... i• ·--. . -,,,, -"·"' ]11,-. ,. I' ~ CMJ411•1a aw.i11111if"""' . . r·· • ' • • • ,. . .. . .,-. 4 ,,o· , '.: ·--· .. ...,. ..... _ . . • ' •• ' • .. • • • . j