HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-13 - Newport Balboa News Times~ ' • • t ~ t \ r ·• J • .. • • c BOY SCOUT lk.AYOR Bob Callis took O\."f:r the Mayor's d6k, dutle8 and larce black atolfe Fr1day. Scout Com.rnlMloner ~r .. e Bol»tein loob OD u c·.ws dhtCU8!te5 cl\•lc plans with Mayor Lee bbe.IL (Newa-Timn Photo) The achool board of Ole Newport 'leach Elementary School District has been· lnfonn._ed thati the Ir· 1lne Co. ts ready lo provide a 20· lCre school site near Corona de.I Mar at a "wry moderate price .'" Ralph Maakey, realtor who iJI ·epreee:nttng the Irvine Company lfl lhla matter. outlined the pro- poul to the board at lls meeting ·n the Horace Enl'llgn school tut week. The propoBt'd site ts on the h lll· ~Ide above Corona del Mar. be· ·.w een the extens ions of Jumlne Ave. and Fern lea,. Ave. A 1trtp about 24.0 feel wide would be left between the pre8cnt Corona del Mar boundary and the school ground for future realignment of the Coast Highway. Roadways would al.sq be the euterly and 80Utheasterly bound· aries of the school llrea. I , l J.,o-:,:.., • • • . ;-._NEWl>E>RT~.~- , ~' . ~OBST ACCIDENT ~onr the inany over the wffac:.-end that were ~ by tratnc ~tion on Coast Kll'hway "'here the road ls hf.in• rrpalrf'd "'• a thl"f!if':.e&r orUh· that occurred neat the ·Bay Olbb Sunday aft.f'rnoon. Off\cer Ed Batet' 11' H.bowa be.ldng out a l"l'port. ~car .. drt,·en 'by~Ulam Trtmm uf P9.lt."~tlne, T6:uta, crMhed Into lht' r.J>&r of a.nnt.ht>r ,·ehJcle drh·ea by V~nt Za~ of IWlano. Fturr \.\'t'r.-hurt In the mbthap. -'...., ,-.,; · (New1..Thnea Photo) 1. Supt, Horace Ensign eatlmale~ that preaent facllltlcs Will reach G• I 5 H•t b ., -·-... ~ "" ...... r .. .,. . . .. .. . "1.TY on,CIALS on Frtday,~Boy Scout Day, were. front row. ien to rt(ht: Clt3• Enctnee.r .Joe• LYf!Ctl; Cl"t>· Clt>rk Tbomu "'tl&ht: Tre&8Utt"r Cllff 1-~on::.k>r; (M!COnd row, from li!ft) Councilman Biii IU.q. Mayor Bob C.Ois and Councilman Charles Markf"I. +.la the back row are City Maaacer Lft Hambrook, CouncUmen :S~ Patch and ~gt"ne M<=fo,•em and Clly Attorney Ral Barcbume. SCOUTS HOLD HOT COUNCIL Sf SS10N _.,,....., ..... J -...,---,.1 I • Promptly at 3 'P· m. all the new <;lty orficlals gathered at the c_lty hall Friday to receive lnltructlona about their jobs trom the Incum- bent (a ll but the city manager whose mother phoned to say he wouhJ b(' 15 mlnutea late.) capacity in about three years. If I y Thia propo6ed site fo r a fourth I I echool in Newport Beach Elemen· · - Lary SchoOI sylll('m mus t meet the Car· Suffers approval of School House Plan· 1 I ntng of the Slate Dt-partment ot Educauon. Orange County Board Br k L of Supervtoor !'I mu1t be petition · 0 en eg ed lo annex thl1 !-rea to the Sc hool · Diatrlct. After that ia done the School Board can conclude Its ne-M4IY ~u Grlr-!'18t'r, ~. 2221 °1:Jth gotlations with the Irvine Co. f.or St,. Newport Heights, r eceived a purcha.se of the ffite. f...C~r«l le ft l eg and br::u~ Oil ,Causi-.g Much Da . .. .... .. ' ... ... caused by the Influx of U.e oil rtlm lnto the Harboi-area . Most ot the damagf' Is the result of the otl measing Up the 11leek sidea of the many boats In the harbor. To remove the oil It la uaual1y necessary to Ulff! aome 80rt of an emulsifying agent. which, In addl· tlon lo removing the oily film u1- ually r<'moves some of the paint, too. Thia iiiakes IL necessary to repaint or reflnlsh the hull. Tr&nl'l- slatlng the amount of man hours or cleaning 'and painting into dol- lars and multiplytng these by the number of boats in the Harbor beings the total damages into the thousands of dollan. The Harbor department report- ed that the oil has also affected docks, aea walls and beachea: and wiU nt>Cesalt.Ate c lean·Up work on Lhoae propertte11. However, tbe oll from the damaged tanker wu at tu worst about five or a~ days ago and seems to be gradually disappearing. abQ&lt the head when struck by a car la. a ~.king iot near N r-wpoft Blvd .. and Via Lid o at 12:00 pm. Thur.ciay, New-purl police report· ed. Driver of the cat was lit1ted M Norman Hefr.ner, 40, 225 Tu11tln Ave., Newport Beach. HeffQer pollce.,.h<:< w .. lra•el ... 1n tbe • ' 10'(' n an are 11018'1&~ ror tnovlng traffic and the girl em~rged from the sjde of a parked vehicle. Heffner said he was trav· c ling alow and the car knocked the child lo tht. ground but did not run over he r. /The girl was transported t o a phyatclan's ortlct' for tl"E'attn:E'nt by 8f'ffner, police said. Later she was moved lo St. J oseph hospital by .ambutance. ., .I , ' ~ wt :Vltslma M<>Oall "' Coaroe. Tesaa, into the1r velllch! after t;Je MC.._t above. 8be WM a pa111eD1"r ln the Trimm car and reool\•ed a polllllble broken D08e .and frac~ angle. (Ne't's-Ttn1es Photo) Then at 4 :15 p. m , the council meeting waS held and once again t he Boy Scouts put on a terrific ' Whistles Again Opposition Fails to Halt Minstrels >' • ROAD REPAIRS ·CAUSE. WRECKS Four people we.re lRJured ln week-end auto acctdenta ln the Harbor ah.a whJch occurred Jn()9t· lY u a result or t.ntnc corlps- tion caused by the ro.d conetruc· tlon l.lnderway on the Cout Hlch· way from the Sea Soout bu& '° Corona del Mar. · The four were lnjured In a three car accident that todlt itlace at 3 :32 p. m. Sunday on the Coe.at Highway near the Balboll" Bay Club. A car dilven by Vincent Morales Zaruoza. 11. Delano, California, tn which Illa wife1 Mra. VickJ Zarazoz.a wu a pa1vnger, was hJL in the rear, by a car driven by William Trimm, ~ Palestine, Texas. Paasengeq bl "trlmm'• e&r were the driver'a paren~ M.r. &nd Mrs. Gillan Trimm, and Vfrs'inl& McCall, Conroe, Texu. According to the police report Zara.zoza wu traveling ea.st o n the Coast Rla;hway whe'n Ute car In front of him stopped suddenly forcing h i m to &top quickly. Trimm'8 car which was IM!hind Za.razoza.·8· skidded about 13 yards and slammed lnto the back of Zara.zoza's car. pushing hi.a e- hicle in the flrat car. Mn. Za.razoza sustained cuts and brulsea on one of her knees. Virginia McCall received a poe· stble broken noee and fracture of the right ankle. Tri"1Jll'• parent.a sustained chest. bruiaei and ail were taken, to ColDJDunlty hos· pit.al for X·raye. · Zarazoza'a car'• left rear a.nd Jeff' front fender, rear end, tall light, rear bumper and deck lid were damaged. The Trimm car was taken. to Newport Auto Wo rks with a damag~ _front tiumpe:r. grill, right f~t· fender and headligltiL There WU no d&m· age tc;> the ttnt. car. ' Cruh .. B:rldp ~t 2:30 p. m. l!Jt~Y ~oth~. :IO yazda eut of the Bat Shore brid~ on Couf Highway. All cars (COatla-ea Pase I) Disabled Vet Freed of City License Rap A charge, of eoUc,lttng apd mak· ing sales of second band lawn mowen in the Glty of Newport I Beach without a City license waa dropped agalnlt Harry Mullen, 81, Box ™! Bal-Iatand, In Newport City' Court Friday on motion of City Attorney Harry BlodgetL Mullen. lt WU pointed out WU " totally dJBabled veteran of World War I . Mullen waa. arrested by City Lice nae Collector Harold T oung ln Corona dd Mar Jut Monday. He waa booked ln Newport C ity Jail and releued a few minutes later for the courJ appearance Fri· 1ay. t I ~ show that made Newport's regular councilmen green wtth envy. It wa.s Boy Scout Day in Newport Beac h and fo r the 1econd year the Scouts t ook over the city gdvCrn- m~nt. From 3 to 1 :15 p. m . the regu- lar city official.e took the Scouts undl'r w i ng and showed them the inner workings or the city. Then they all g athered at the council room for the b ig BeUion. Complete Fizzle Again the \n'ew city air raid whlstlea: were tested Frld•y noon and aga.ln Civil Defense Director Jonn Sailors stated, "The result.a are •till tar from satisfactory. But we wtll keep on trying to tune the whistle• and try a teat again next Friday noon." Elks !leCOnd annual Minstrel I held. the NAACP and the lnde· Show went -ott ~th con1plete pendent Progreu1ves sent wo1nen I success la.st Friday and Satur · member;1 to pass out leaflets con· 4&Y del'l pi:e II om ~ ~?terfere_nce demning the "showing of lhe fi:o"'! two ~ fringe organiza· Negro as a 50ng and dance man." tiorui, the 0ran,e County lnde· The pamphlet st arted o ut "Do Ye pt!Ddenl Progressive party an d I unto Others as you would have ·the Natlon!ll "Aaeoc.latlon for the others c\p unt o you." Judge Frank Linnell said Mul· leq wu advieed to make proper application to the Newport Beach city council for an exempt llcenee 1 which is laaued to totally dlaabled veterans at no coat. SEA~-SCOtlT.ct'l'Y MA.NAU~ Lee HambroOk talb o,·er met.h- ., .. vt impro'ial' tbe \'olwne c;f the ctty alert whbtW?a '"Ith hl11- • ~tary Ma:ilne McAJplne. a·ho la a&U&lly .John Sa.lion' Girl ......-y. (.News·Tl.n1es Photo) . . The fi ve councilmen <l{l a star chamber ses.sion) had privately elected a mayor before the open. m ef!tlng. 'l"he m•yar wu Bob Calli!'!· (son of "M.;n of the Year" Callis ) and the olher four coud. cilmen were Bill Ring, Charles Markel, Eugene •McGovern and ~lck Patch. M.,.UJIC f""- The &e8'1on OJ>11ned wllb the uBual pledge of a~qlioce to the nag, then the c t.y ~~ clerk. Tom Wright, wu aak~ ~~ the roll. ~ • But he didn't ha a roll. 10 lt He explalned that the whlatle at the gu company sub-staUon near Marine avoenue and Ba~ drive "wu a comple' : !lz&le." ,Tbe ep-- rona del Mar wht.IUe • could ~ be heard over that entire area but wasn't loud enough to wake any- one ln the middle of t.he nlcht. Thr- whistle at the A_rchee waa about the aame u lut we-ek ...:_ could be heard lnland but not too weU ,ln Newport and hardly at all ln West Newport. Sallon aid Friday w.. • . sood ._ung t\J"l• -of. the fbg that day and It did cut Uie eUec· ' . (P""I"°-OB Pase I) Tars Lose . Again; Tripl_e Tie ~:.~a *Ing~':;; De ,.,.I ~ · l · L ad • K . and .. tlmated uj ,.n.otf-the-<Uff a-; lunco C YaopS · lYI . eaQUe e =:'the~ wuj ~.ooo In th• C_,.n . -=-~AJ.:u:.~·m1111ee ...,, un··--• ,..._,. tlr f OL ltrot place in the Sunset Le.a~•e basket· Tben the city --r: i..e ourt . 1-.~ua.1 "•v n:-e-Hambrook. wu uked ·fw a r. b&ll nee doveloped ovv the week end u the tWa leacue leaders. port and. be In turl> .,:.i...i .a ot HarrJ." C. W ..-lfiibl-N~ and Santa AA&, bqtli loot'. &llOwing .~Im l<> creep up a the departme•t bea4o to report tngi a gt'&lld ~ (bunc:o) c ....... pm_e, Tbe thrt.e ~~'kll have a .-rd of.'alx wiNI and two'detealo. Fire Chier Bal!' Allen. lllateCI In IUP"riot" ""'1rt u Atty.: .Jobn Newport 8Uffeiid lllelr oecond 1tralglll •-wben they w~ sur· that lhinp were' In (lne 111\ape• ti\ D. Gray of Lei' ·AnceJea filed ! a MISTER .mTERLOCUTER a I tlle Elks Mtnatttl Show wu the Lodp'• LNdtaic Knl&bt &ad tbe ,.,.ewport Harbor ,Cbamber or ~ ,pl'ellildMlt, Tom Nor· 1-aboW11 al•""" ~I Wut to be • M1aatreL" , (Newa-~ea 1 P~to>' Advancement of Colored People, . . . Long Beach branch. . I Sher1rf .!l officers \Vere called tlhe school Is in .county territory) They were ·a bit craftier than and they stood by during the when the Anaheim Elks put on show but nd incidents were re· their •how two wee.if• ago. Then ported. The .women pa&8ed out the two. groups sent: a car tull of their literature, ·got into a few men to picket the auditorium but arguments with Newport .cttir.enll Anaheim poUce Cot wind ot the then lett quietly. 1 ' I p~eedtngs and sent ~ut the 1'8· d th M.ln8t 1 ShoY.r ... ,,,, .. a serve cops. . The 'huge f9rce of ~ e re ... ._ lpollCe aea~ •tbe picketers and big •ucoess! they left qulckfy. ----~~ But at N~ high ecbool, Annual Girl Soout. Cook~ Sale ,whe~ .'the -~""· Show was . Februaey Jt to 'Fe~ U City Clerk C. K . Prtmt ex- plained a disabled veteran can re- ceive a licenH tree Of cb&rge lf he la unable to earn a Uvtng by manual labor under provilliona of the city ~teed.le o~u,. V NHYC Wins Chit _ _.......; by Anf.hetm . Friday after-hla department. "lone °"'* .;,. motion to dlDlal four """"'" ... -~ • -g1 ... bit-a ear wltll a ......., 1a 1t 1p1a111 wllloal Harinc .., t11e ,noon. 43-37 . Rwtline\OI> Beacli ._t SCnta it.na..Howev~. Mew-the olller·d&T': lie iUd. . ._It motioawUatital'l'ell.11~\ .rt . . out.Ocor<d bot -, ~ ~ port beat them' ...U7 bdatt and WUll't loo ~Iii ,_ ilha'. ;:w0 'J1le ~ IDocl 6y ._,.. ud In a i.-~ otr)lgte will have the h'!"'e-eourt advan, do' bave an old lfll' -.-.~ Ally: J'..m.;' ,L De.ta ,...._ Orange u~t Pllllerton, 51-47. . toge. . -·t oahy '-• 1 -tloefta ol $1cr: fl'Om ·~ :A. Jn lhe finAl two~ lbe Har. Keeaw1Ule. AqaheR and Santa ·needs replacinS." =· ·· ;. Sari Oil two lfferdtJ oec ......... bor 'rm have 11. ollgbl adY&D~ Ana face each -Other TueOday IO "T•lt Ibo ~ to -Sept. ilO, NOY. l, uMFIMita -UJelr .~ --"' O!>f mmt RNlJ 1-. Tbe -~ flml," ...,._lilt · ., al.GOO a.qd U.000 tnm lll(omi..,ur80tttt .. ~ -...... ~ ud Will~ -taln tbe Jequ~ ~·-Ult' clt1 . ,.. '*· 1 .. ~ .. ~. -•. -fa ........... B11clt. ----•(Qie!l111f • ftp I) • (Orrliil ' • ... I) -• f,lo,800 llall.; \ • • ... t-• . ... 1-• • • ~ . . . ' ' ~. • t , .. .1 I ., .. ,. • ) • •I • '. . I . ' .JAOO~ ~REWSiTlilES . . . . . ' . • 1 . . ...... ~,.._.,--,.--~ .... -... - To ·Repre sent L. B. Convocation MlS8 Patty; Allen , president of the Young ci!urchmen'a l.A,ague ~f SL J'&mN ~ chilrch was recently elac:te<I _ ~pruentatlve from the Lone ~h convocation to the Bouse ot Young Church- men, Lo9 An~lea diocese. 1 Square Dance Friday Even ing K~maaina Klub Elects Officers N,w offlcen were elected at a postpQned meeting ot K&ma.a.llJS:. Klub, be.Id Wedn~ay eveninC" at \.he home ot Mil<l.red. Vanyl, 1SO l16t street, Coata 'Kfeaa. Outgoing prQe.i~ Thelma Rlckett.9, pre-flded1..&r the short bwiiness meet- .. ~~ed were: F1orence Cham- berlin: Pre11fdent; Laura de 1os Rtoa, S«retary; Shirley Noel. t.reMUrer and Boot.a Keene, pubUc- ity. Tire club voled thanka to the A benefit 8Qua.re dance will be Lowe Bamboo nuraery wh1ch pro- held Friday, F eb. 16 in Goodell vided the troplca.J. background or , hall under sponaon1h.ip of the Pilot j banana plants, ginger and tern tot' class. T ime la 7 :30 p. m. and the the club's act In Community Cap- public l8 tnvtt.ed. Bob \Villlam. .. or ers, the owner also helping them Long Beach will be caller. On the with arranging the scene on the. h08t commlttee are Mr. and Mis. 1$,lage. Both mail and telep)lone Lea" Nott and Mr. and Mrs. Fred congT'flulations after the Capers Woodworth. pleasfd the club members. Ebel! Book Sec. 1 Meets Thur sday A:ft~r the business ~on a beautifully arranged butret supper wa.s served by the hosteu, one of the mt>mbers providing a birthday cakt for the dessert <:our~. ' Je&{\nie Claborn, 305 lh -32nd street, was p1·1·!:Jellt as guest and prpspt.-etiVt• mt"mber. · Mesa -V.F. W.·Aux.. _to Sponsor 1 $irl Scout Troop· . ' Kee~ In regulu , -Ion' 1'11- day ~ American Legion Ball. eo.ta. Meea, dmben ot the VFW Auxllfa.r'y No. 3$36 voted to apon·' aor a Girl Scout t.toop.-"A commit- tee wU apPointed to attend a Cub Scout meetJn&' Feb. 1 in the Coot& Ke& Communl\y church. Alice Dol&'l<l\, pl'ffident, • il.nd Kay Buckland attended the Youth Couiicu meettng tn Santa Ana Jan. 31 at the YWCA w-be~ the problenl.I of the youth ol Or&nre county were diacuaed by 'aome oUtata.ndln&" speakers ot &he-coun- ty and otat"' Another corruln~nity aerdoe ren- dered by Ute awtillary W&9 the purcbue ot a pair of reading cia-e-. for-an elderly dfftltUle Colt& Me.a mother. A report wu Sf.en ,by Hospital Cha.irman Hester .Ta1lrnan or a meettnc at the Lodg Jleach Veter- ana Hoepital,. Where the head or tbe re<re&U~ ~t told the ~~e!t~ -~~*i: =~~: at;ntlllarleif w.-e~ ~tJy · appreci- ated by the 119\) p&uenu who cotild not le&ft o~ the holidays, and that lhere wu>not a 1lngle cue of A-. W. 0 . t,. thls year, which brok~ all ~rd.a. There were 49 wald parUel given tn, fl\"e days, pnSving a re8'. morale build- ing. .. ~ Mrs. Rus~IJ .Craig is Hostess t~ Alumnae ~!"-~ Hen4ricilu or Banta' .,...,,ue. Ana ·rave an lnteraliq account-A•.., Olrl Sceat ODolde s.ae ot life IJt·tJie l'tilllpplrie1 when Or-Feliow7 10 to F~ U -:P eople do read the want ad&. ~ oounty ~alWIUW! group, ~j' rr::=;;c;::=:;~==:;i;==~C:=;;;;:;:;;;;c:=;;;c;:I pa Alpha Theta met. at the 'home ot Mn. ~11 Craig, '1)ahl1a &•e:- nue, Corona del Mu on T\Jelday, Febrla.ry 8. 2 Twenty~lll 'rnelJI .. bef'i: • were prHent for tbe mp~ tnr brunch, at Which ~ Baker Wb aulating • , . Mn. Robert Whit X111. Arthur Kramer on lnlt&l· latlon of the new chap~r at San Otego 1State cOlkge. Mn. WlW&m Hollteth, chaJ.nnan ot the bene.ftt tbea~ party thro\l&'h which l'lmdo were rat~ . for Orab.ge county polio patient.a. reported that in- stead of purchulng a wheel chair as planned, the money bad bee:n used tor an emergency suction pump. , Weilcomed aa a new member wu ~ice Haynt>ff ot Santa A pa. Local members ·prueut tncluded1 Mmes. John Bllc:er, Edward Cbap. man m. E . c. Morpnroth and Ruth Vedder, Corona'. de l Mar;; Wilma Caiy1 Bay Sborea; ·w1lliam1 Hol.lteln ~ and Caroline · W11Uam1. Lido Isle; Arthur. Kn.mer, Robe.rt , Witten ''1.d RµMeil C?ig. • ' I • . . • Where Would You Like to Go7 . . Ebe1J club book sectf(ln I will meet Thursday at 1 p. rn. wlth Mrs. Jane Dilts. 2:i0 Larkspur, Corona del Mar with ~1 mf'S. F1or· ence R owe U and Haz .. 1 Condon is ooh09tt>Uea. A deSSi'rt cou rse will be. follo91@d by a review or the biography of H. G. Well!i by Mrs. C. G. Wald~k Vlr'hilt' Dorothea Shttley will rievif>w Of'\.\' library book!>. Next mrtting will be on Feb. 21 at the home of Boots K eene, with Ha.%.e1 Souder of.Hollywood as hos- tess. The ntsirlct .tneetlng wUI be ht>ld In We~t lftverslde, Feb. 18 a.nd a group OI the ladies intend to drive there for the COll(!\ave. MR& RIOBARD K. HARPEi< (Ray Huff Studio) Palla ~ian Girls Enteifitain Mothers at B~nquet · , W~uld you" Uk~ to travel? or couree y~u would, who wouldn't? W..11 you can really do it, and without budget strain, when you save systematicaUy. And in addition to Saving for the things you want, save for ..,,.. security_ . . . by making· the equivalent of one year's income your Savin~ goal. Author-Ceramist Lectures for Club ENLI STS l:S WA.\'ES Miss Janet June Benedict • ot Newport &:acb has en.liat8a in the \VA YES an~ haa be 861t t be U. S . Na'gt Train i Cenlu Great Lf:ke lll., t hcet inJfbctri- natlon train g, porl!Jt Chief Fred ~ Je~e o the ft_a~ Re- crui!Jng stat "' n Silnt.a Ana. Plana a.re being made for a luncheon and ca.rd party March 7 at American ~ Ba.II. Ticket.II are available from any m ember. Roundin~ out the evening re- shment.s were serve(.) by Fran- cis Smith and Georgia Ban. Richard Harper-. Beveriy Landess Vows Spoken in Beverly Hills E ight o'cJocK rites on Friday<o>-------------- A Mother and Daughter ban· quet wait held at the Girl Seal.It House Wednesday evening, F eb. 1 by the Palladlans of Horace En- sign schQcil. "'The ·mother• cooked arid serffd the dinner, ·which •was Start a Savings Program here today. . . . current high 3 ~ dividends! Insured Savings Do Your Heart Good, SUPPORT THE HEART FUND! Mrs. Esther Warner of 16th St., Costa Mesa, author. f"xplorer, de- aigner and manufaC'tUrf' of cer- amics. presen tet.I a pro re- cently for Alantito.s Ba Garden Club in the ho~e of Airs. ra.1k H . Person. \ MJ.ts Benedict a ende-d MexJ. co City college exico and the University ot HoU8too in Tex&.'I. ------ Ten Candles for Penny Speth Mn. Warne r's "-°°k, • ew Song in a Stn.nge Land," w published Memorable \.\'&.s tut Saturday by Hou.gbton M iffli i~ 19'18 and I tor Penny Speth,.-dauchter ot Mr. wu the Literary GuihJ bonus book and Mrs. Robert-Speth, 1026 W . tn July, 1948. 18th St., Costa Mesa, who reach- The colors of hr·r ceramics are e<I the tenth milest one on the hlgh- derlved trom thP ..-ar th and forests way of her happy lite. Noting the ot the tropic!'!. Sht• is at present , event Mrs. Speth took a group of working with Jo DenllPI. I young friends to the Mesa Roller --------Rink and afterwar ds the ch.Jldren Theatre Party'for Natal Honoree returned to the Speth home for games, re!rt>shments &nd the gtrt. opening. A red and ""·hite co r scheme forecasting St. Valen ne's day Miu Lorna Mills. 19th street. was the decorative splration. observed her birlhday on Monday ; The blrthda)'...cake was l lhe form but celebrated Saturday evening of a heart and It wu ed with when she and a grvup of friends Ice ci-eam and candy earta. A attended the p('rfor1nanc<' of "Kiss variety or gay favors keeping Me Kate:" at Long Beach Civic wtth the motif added t thf> plea.$· audftorium. I ure of the little folk. Tbe group. which inclutled Miss Bidden to the fete were Con- Milla and her mothPr, Mrs. Berl nette H inl"sly, Ellyn Seaqui.St, Milla, Mn. Irene Ollila. Mrs. El-. Sherrill Edick, Sandra Chamber- n1ore l-tcMillan and Airs. Adelalste lain, Sandra \\'ood. Marjorie Porter, stopped for late supper on Trautwein, Donna and Billy J eane the way home and pr esented the Doran and Ronda Pirtle. Bobble honoree _with a piec(' of silver in Speth, brother o( the celebrant, her chosen pattern; ~wa.a al.so on hand. Women'sfeague Tells Objectives to New Members evening, Feb. 9 tn Beverly Vi.Illa ca.mmunity church were perform· e&-by Dr. James S{e,vart, uniting In marriage Miss Beverly Lande88, daughter of Mrs. Selma G. Lan- dess o r Beverly Hills and R ichard • K. Harper, aon of Mr. and Mra. Twenty-two new memben rrom Wayne BJ'ooks Harper of Balbo1 Balboa laland and Beacon · Bay Island. were wekomed into O>rona de.I Beverly's bridal gown wa.! of Mar-Balboa 1aland chapter of the cand0lelight aatln, f .. hloned w ith Womea'a CiTic League of Newport a fitted bodice and Peter.. Pa.n col- Harbor when they a_ttended the lar of lace. A lace tunic topped morning coffee on Monday at lht-the skirt, whlch had an extremely home of Mrs. Robert Hitt. long train, and a. Juliette cap of This gives the chapter 1Q2 a c· matching lace held the fingertip live membera, said Mrs. Paul 0 . veil of illWllon. A bouquet (Jf De.via, acting chairman, who ex-hyacinths and camellias was car- pla tned objectives of tM org&nlu· ried -0n a white prayer book. tlon. Miu Barbara Roberts was maid Another meeting wUl be held of honor and bridesmaids were Monday, Feb. 12 al Corona dt.'I Mra. Wllllam Robert~. Miss Mar- Mar Community Church, 10 a..m. jorie Brown. Mlsa M.a.rle WyllLa All women ot Corona del Mar, and Mrs. Merle Verburg, sister o'f Shore ctlrfs, Bea.con Bay, Har-the bridegroom. All were go'Nlled bol' Ialiand aftd ·Balba.. 1.Mamd are &.like it\ 1c:e'-blue satin and net, Invited lo be ptt9ent. Those at-and carried Ame rican Beauty tending .should bring sack lunches roses. Little Su.san Verburg, nltt..:! and coffee will be served by the or lhtc-bridegroom, wa.s flower girl. h~itality committee. At thia Mrs. LandeM, !mother of (he meeting all commlttet!t!I wlu out-bride. wa.s; In ice-blue lace while line their programs. ~trs. Harper wa.s; in gray lace. On Monday, Feb. 26, another Both wore. orchid corsages. me-eting will be held with the Dlckinaon Reed Freeman as- nomtnattng committee presenting. sumed duties of bE>st man and a slate or offlcera. Electlorui wtll uahers were Cyrus Ostrup. \Vard be ln March and officers wtll be Lewis. Merle Vt>rburg and Ric hard installed ln April. M}:i.gee. Following the cerf'mony a rt'- ceptlon was held at the Plymouth 1951 Valentines Salute the Young-In-Heart Drive home of· Mn. Phillip Stam- baugh, aunt of the bride. Both young people have been attending University of Southt>rn California. The new Mrs. Harper Ls a member of Alpha Chi Omega I eorority and her husband's frater- nity la Sigma Alpha Epsilon .. Cupid Can't Miss This Year-· We're All On -His List! -, Now touring lhe north, Mr. anrl j Mra. Harper ~I~ fJ\l\kA\;~hfif,l'fr.lf , in Pullman, ~..airrtsUn'. • ,'!~ l :.t1 l ~ . . . • SOCIETY • .'1'0. ~ . , The ge.neral meeUng of the W o- men 'a Society of Chrstian Service of the Community church will be held Thuractay, Feb. 15 at l p.m. ln the sanctua.ry. Mrs. Cheater Flaher. program c balrman, will present a..n lntereeUng progra.n1. The devoUons wt.II be given by a member of Orcle Ten. Tea will be aerved in the chapel by men1bers ot Circle Nine. ' Deputy 'Guardian Visits Mesa Bethel ; Job's Daughters Official vlaJt of Of>puty' Grand Guardian Grace Swart%, Hunting- ton Beach, wu paid Job's Daugh- ter&, Cbet& Mesa Be:thel '157 at the meeting of Thunday, F~b. 1. She wu pruented wtth a bouquet or wblte carnaUons and a copper planter. Ofttcen.. rormtng a. t.ri· angle, ang an or1,Jinal eong which tlley bad c:Ompoood In ..... -.r. With -ed --C&rol 'nlolnu pt '1ktir'. fou:r aandkfatu. tor-JollNon, Nwj 'On.ty, Tony. ~ ..... Patrll:ia Nollar Wwe lnlll4ti;d/ ~T. ~~·a--by afl'Walloe. "\ wbbl\tey nmnlat tlirollah .tach 01"11 IJttrudUctoey boaoN f• ace leveL Klnciu11ortee fi>U turn Put llOeoftd QU-or ~\;1~'°w1~a=~ lbpa and ·Velma Pl-.n or -11-.Jy !Mia .-.., cltYU• BollMI 1111, UICI Jw .f.r11>Ut of ~~"· WA~ &It' bft ' ~ Altad I -.U.l; llleo 0....-dlan !>!>"or~.. think --Dorio Rapa. ._ ... i. Ollardlan las of It. , . . Carl ,.,.... .. -Paot -~ ai.. ,_,_ a z...,.. Alllrf&lll and NeDle DMea. wide ._ .t ""9tMi' tiUM -· ·o.. J'elL 11 lllmtlaSb>D -· +.!-will be ILnllable for ndt. I , ·---.;;ci Coot& ..__ --of -·famlbr ----,.-hr "'OdMn ... faWGI.. ..... Be'bcle WW jeln lD ...... ··Inc ....,.. .. • -Va-h-. all • ' • ~y. _..... paNlaii. --zlr ....... ~ to tw IM -ol Calif......, • 1ter .u&. i oftlelai ... ( ~A=.,.~cr=::n om1••...,.*•• hr- - - __ 1_....._.. . Ntr1 2 mt. boar. A prett,r ~ --~ -• tn putel ~ wu 91\0"E ted lt ;;c=DayMirtzu.:~ ~ ---IM.-,t&· ---..,,. .. tw n. I Ille ..... -'!l'llll ,••il!F• Cupld'a~~----, f ' . ,- T op Chef Duo For Fish Fry Heinz Kaiser and Tom Norton wHI don their tallest chefs hats and tea.m up to preside over tht' fish try, -to be held Friday, F e b. 16 In the pariah houa.e of St. Jame• Epl.scopal church. Proceeds from the benefit affair, open lo the public, will go ~o the church Server11 Guild for thtL pur- Ch9.Sf" of vestment.5. The recently organized guild now numbers 24 boy.!! with Dean Beaumont and Malcom Angell a.s spensors. ISLAND GUEST Mrs. Bessie Blackburn of Bev· ('r}y Hilla ls gueat for a. week of her daughter, Mre. Newton Mc- LaughlJn, BaJboa l1Jand. Mr. Mc- Laughlin, who hold comn1ls.slon of Major in ' the reserves, was called t.o Vtctorv111e-Thursday where hi> W&.!1 a.!!ked to take char'ge of rec· followedf.f 1by a hat-me.king con teat between; the daughter. Mnr. Sam- uel Jar ls' hat, made by dl\ugh- ter Pol , featured e. vegetable garden ' nd won flret . prize. The ~iness meeting w~ held, continui.D.g e lections for new offi- cers. Privtou"-!_y e lected were Ann Stewart preaietfnt; Judy Sleeper, secreta ; and lateJ' were ·elected . NEWPOR.T /IAl.60A FEDERAL SAVINGS &.~·~l'l.·•o-e'·.t.· ... ~ rs P.A.MLll'IS9'..fUllMMT r:f nu ritf:/.ltlo .. 11twport &•air .. c.tffom?i' Barbara UtU~ treasurer; Bonnlfo l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Young, retre.efunent cb&J.nnan; Mary rmU:rong, Rrge&nt-a.t- arms: ):Jertni Crtt.Jy, publicity chairmaf;. and Mary Gilby, tele- phone c~alrman. Mrs. ¢hll'rlea Lamb, the Pallad- lan's bdoved leader, was preeent- ed with ft plant as a token of the girl.If' 1..q,>rec1auon. Girl ft:out cookies were dlatrib- uted tori the forthlcomthg sale. The Jm or the banquet wu to bring t:.he mothers lo see how things L-e. done In t he club, and· girls fell the goe..I wu attained. nM l; Ff'b. 1°•, ~ to I p.rn. S t~ j Jamee Pariah HOU9e FUN ZONE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY ud· SUNDAY• BAUOA, ' ALPERT' • SUPERVALUES tliroughoat the Store for the • BIG $-DAY !:,,,~~I~&~ NT I I llEG. !.89 PIN WALE CORDUROY 11 ' . ' •. :- " ' Rlto. Ilk WBJTE !1N WALE Pl l 9 U E Full Bolts. all • .,,, .. ,,. 11tmd .... •hop early. nnit quallty. Thi• quantity Yonr <'lill"e of ?~ Is Jlmltt!d. Plf"&M" I yd. Mita; fti'lt 111uaJJty, Sanfortud of rouf"IW'. wlae .....,. ahQps In ~'·ant.-r. or ~!lea~ a.... oarly. REG. 89c RAYON SATIN 2 VOS.. >"'01< 00 RllG. --. PIRMANENT FINISH Pink, black and tea l'08e. Full bolt!l. dnt quality. li"'or llnl'erle or l'O\VIUI. GlxaJ'ltlc \'aJ ,through· out tbe "to~. . ~ ' f • GRiGANDY " VALUES. TO 1.89 PER VD. ASSORTED uo.-00 RAYONS 2~ IAIY •UTCHElt RAYON . $ullllll' OablU'd!Mo, FallN and no l!ieetH"'.;, .. ~ Some NI'~ You'll thrill t.o the • -Foall boltio, n .. t . qllallty. I• tho •••dee 1 for dtl!11r-. lllklrta 1or evea rai- 11-tNCH ' BLEACHED I " S.HEETING I . 'Wblle~lt ...... FtaeJ MD8 ..._ ..... -., __ ,._ ... ,._ • • .,..,. ror ea.oe1a °"' ~ Coae earl7, --at•:• J - • FREE PAHi . , . V ALUlll8 TO UO Pl:& YD. RAYONS • NYLON$ SILKS . . l'Mla, ph'es, • • • k • r a, ..ftltl& ,... ....; .. ---.. .._ .. •• f:n.edea . ., ..... 7 " -. ..-. -....,. l•r Ule ~ •leeU1a ' .. • 2 VOS. FOR ., rns. •ron newmt 1951 ... rta1ao. ' • •• .. ·. • ' l ' ' ,• I J " • r · • TUESD-A Y, FBRUARY 13, 1115-1 · , Plan Red ·· Cross Benet it -Revue A lthough .a. few Orange county communlUes have not yet named YOlunlNT worken to aid tn plans for a benetlt at.Yle re~e and tea to Ill!. ~ In Balboa Bay club on ~·a for Southfm Orange CoUnty Chapter American Red Croes. the majority of communt- tle1 ser-ved-by the chapter re- &ponded to plans tntroduced by Mrs. Guy M .. Harvey of Santa Ana. at a p'l'ellmtnary meeting held 'Tueaday ln B&Jboa Bay c lub The propoeed benefit party will be gl.-en by Butfum'a Santa Ana atore, w ith au proceeds to go to the Red Cr~. each community benefiting by a n attendance per· centage of the proceed11 .. The tea • hour will have addi- tional lnterest, fvr there will b<' lhree beautirull)I decorat,,.d tablrs deelgll'f'd by three coopcralini.: groups. the NeY.rport-&lboa Jun- ior Ebcll Society, Sa.nta Ana Ebel? Society and Orange County Branch American Association or Universit-y Women. All wom en workin~ for the SUC'· ceM or the affair. arc voluntl'er· lng the ir offices, thC group to datf' Including ?~mes. H einz Kais('r, GunnJng Butler. and Calla Velil' or Coata M esa Friday Artl"rnoon I club; and MJ"lll. John Daniell and Mrs. Lll11an DanieU of Newport· Balboa Junior and St·nior Ebcll Societies. Cpl. Charle·s Frazer Ordered Overseas Cpl. Charles FTuer, son of Ai r. and Mrs. C. R . FrazC'r, 121 Dt'.'l M.ar Ave., Costa Me~a. has bc('n ordered overseas, destination un- known. The young n1an had been stationf'd at Fo rt -Leowi!, Was h., with the Heavy F iehJ A rtillcr:v Reserve. following his graduation rro m Pomona College. Luncheon & Bridge Enjoyed by Mesans Luncheon at Norton·s carl' \VR!'i the prelude to rubbcn of bri ge In the Orange A vc. home or rs. J. P . CooJ)f'r whf'n a CORta Me a card Clu~ gathered t1Jgether T 1rsday. Ml.s3 Lyda Conan~on [i t priZl' #and 1"1r111: D. C. cK zie was <Con.soled. # · Formln~ the eig me v.·c•re '.Mmes. Andtew J . L upton, r\t•lhe #Ridley. MacKen.zif', William E. ·Nickell, Elnle r J . W tij:lht, E:rnory .A. Randall, Cooper and Miss Con· ...ant. .Major Arthur Kn ight .to Entertain at Lutheran Church , The ~ten's Club of the Newport Harbor Lutheran ch!iJrch have planned a n entertalnil1 g e.vcnin~ tor their guests and~f'mbers at their next meet ing Th sday. F eb. 15 at the church. jor A. L. Knight of Fullerton. nolt..'d psycho· logUt and hypnotist will be f;Ul"St epeaker a.nd the public is most cor- d1a.lly invited to etten<.1. Refresh· mf'nl.J!I will bt> served during the eocial hour. Lela McMillan Is Luncheon Hastes• With H elen Mirkovich 8881sting, Lela McMillan wu hostess at a charmingly appointPd Valentine luncheon Feb. 1 at her home on Redlands avenue. Approviatc fa· vora were at £'8.ch plaC'e and St'· cret pal111 exchanged gifts. Bobbie Belmont \Vas rl'cipi('nl or o. a~ork gift and Zenobia Pros t or a birthday r en1C'n1brancr. To Dorlae J esko went the special prtze. Mildred Mt'trill inv1tt'd the• group. ·n1enlbers of Get·toi;:ether C'lub. to her new hOffil' on Holn1 - wood Drive for their March m('(:t· lpg. Harbor T ri-1-'ii-Y s Have Progressive Dinner Party SO\\.' l '!'\DER\\IAY •~ tbe con8tructlon work on 8.7 mll~a of the Coast Htcbway from the Sea ~out bast.• tu the south llmtta of Corona del Mar WbettJ tbf" road IA belnl widened aftd rMurf&Cf'd. State '''o rkmf'n are s hown abo\'f' doln~ preliminary work brfor.-'the Cox Brotbe.n Co. took o,·e r la._t "·e-t>k. Only l\\'o llUlit"5 of the road from the St-out t..e tu Marine A•e .• are now usable, CMJKlnl' muc·h traffic t.ung•~l lon Ln t.hat •reu. (News-Times Photo) Cocktail Party Hosted by N. L. McLaughlins Tri Hi -Y Girls Visit Los Angeles ~lenlbers n( the Newport Har· bor area Y's Menettes Cl ~ spon- Catholic Women Plan Silver Tea, Name Committees 'onr or the most dellghtrt1l sorl'<l' a r ('Ce nl nu ng a the Loa Tentative plans fo r a atlver tett. cocktail parties 'vhlch preceded AngC'les Playgroun ro a group to be held April 12 In Bal'lOa Bay the Hearts and Flowers ball wa! of Tri HI-Y girls ot rt Har· club wcr<' made whrn the Altar that hosted by Mr. and Mrs. bot Union High sch Assl.ating Society of Ot.Jr Lady of Mount Ne""·ton McLaughlin at the l r with the trllltBportat wer e Mrs. Carmel church met W f'dnesday at hon1e on Balboa lsland. Frank Di&I, Mr. and ~t r!. H erbert the home of Mrs. Colln Brown. \Vith Mr. and J\t rs. Jack Brul)t'f' Jenks and Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm Bay Shores. about to celebrate their wedding Brown of Cista Mes&. Appointed as a committee in anniversary and with Mrs.. Mc-chargt' were Mn1ta. J . Arthur Tay· Lau~hlin and August CI ark lor. chairman; Grace Poirier, Ha· claiming Jo,eb. 7 as their natal Ed Richards on zel Condon. Colin Brown. Jos<'- day, chan1pugne cocktails were In K u w· h phinc Feeley. J . w. Cammack and order. 1 eeps p It A. P . Hall. Also named as a com- lnclurted in the group were Mr. 'n1ittf'e to superviBe ilf!alrs at St. a.ncl Mrs.. Bruner, Mr. and Mrs. H ome Town News John Vianncy church, Balboa Ill!· and Mrs. Victor McLaglen. Mr. ' land were Mmea. Brown. Drew, Roy \Voolsc}' or Beverly Hills. Ed Richardson reports fron1 Condon. Nlchola.s Brcttne r, H , C. ~f r. anrl Mrs. Kelso o r Pasadena. Pearl Harbor that hc 1 enjoys rf'· Gilson , Graham a.nd Healy. ~trs. EthPI Shirley, Bart Allison. celvi n~,.h~ N('Y.'S·Tin1es and Presti Chairn1en of a committee for ~1 rs. \V inlfred Barbre, August over there and keeping up to rlate con,ratcrnlty work &rt' Mrs. Lt'o Cl:irk nnd the host and hostess. on local happcnings. Ed is a P etty Kelly and Mrs. Frank Rocco while Afternoon Dupli.cate Bridge W inners _ Officer. lsl cla.~ In the Sonar I Mrs. A gatha F ernan ia chairman branc h or thf' Navy. of a comm ittee ror a dl111cl188lon He r t•cen{ly spc-nt rl 20-day ~lub. ' ~frs. Robert Ross and Mrs. lt>ave here visiting hi~ parl'nts, Mr. Father Kiley opened the meet· nnrl ~1rs , An,::us Rlcha rd~n al ing, one or the largest hrld air to Richard80n"s Landing. number In attendance, and a ros- Franklin Sf"B.mnn were winner~ rast-wrst and Mrs ..... Frank R~d atid C. H. J ohnson '.A.·ere hi,R"h scorer~ north-south in the <lupll· C'ate brid~e ~ame held in Balboa on Monday afternoon. Runnrrs-up <'a.st • west were ""Mrs. Calvin Lamb<'rt and Mrl'I, Penny Wise To Be Staged at Laguna Theatre Faye Schlueter: Mrs. H. C. "P e nny Wisc,'' sophisticated Ahrendt Jind ?>1"rs. T . Hord Seeley: comedy-drama opening at l-h e La· Jlflrs. Arno ld GaMer and Mrs. guna Beach Community PJayhou~e George Carroll : 1-frs. A. W . Tz:um· on F l"bruary 28th. will feature E l- mel and ~frs. Mildrt"d Lytle; Mrs. teen Hallgarth and David PauJ In Minnie Hl'uck and Mrs. George leading roles. Mrrriman. The action or the play revolved Runner!!· up north· sooth were around the love Ur.: of C ordon Mrs. A. G. Doesburg and Mrs. Chasc, New York playwright. The Matx>I Boardman,: Mr!. Peggy I scene Is Penny W ise Farm Ln Con· J ohn.son and Mr8. Roy Strotz: nectJcuu. Jean Hubl<.'r, Catherine Mrs. C. E . Irwin ali.d Mrs. E. L. Penn, and Mrs. John .Mechling are H ackley: Mrs. Robert Brown and the "other women" in Gordon·s Larry Spring: Mr111. l.oui!I Venator life and bcrore the f inal curtain. and Mrs. Kathleen Walsh. all threaten the SC'CUrlty of the. The aftc>rnoon dupLi cate bridge marriage or Gordon and his be- g?oup will 1n£"et again on Monday loved Penny. afternoon, F e b. 12th with play Art Smith, as the indolent startjng at t o·c1ocR. All interest· brother, "Jefr," plays the record· ed brid~e playt·~ arc invited to Ing "Love In Bloom," o rte n att(•nd the i.:an1e. j)lr'oughout the show. It might al· Birthday Party Decorations in Valentine Theme ' Hearts, cupids and otht'r fanclea sugi;:-estive or Valentinc·S Day deckl"d the R obert Nt•wma.n home, 385 La P erla Pl.. Costa Mesa, '.A.•he n Mrs. Newman entertained Saturday with a gay celebration in honor of the t l'nth bi.rthday of W, be called the play's themt' song, so Involved become the love af· falt11 before the final curtain. "Penny W ise," directed by How· ard ''Hap" Graham, will run at the P layhouse. f rom February 28th through March 4th. Lutheran Women Adopt Project Tht' hom'e of Mrs. Ev Eller· ary "'8! recit ed for wprld peace. N('xt mf."'eting will be Marc h 7 at the horn(' of Mrs. Gilson, 115 Antc- 1Jlyst, Balboa Island. Scout Group Hears Reports On February 8, the new Com· miuioner of Girl Scouts or New- port Harbor. conducted her fint regular monthly board mei!ling at the" Girl Scout House at 10 o'clock. Minutes of last meeting we.re read and approved and the Treasurer'A report WM given. Each committee· chalnnan wu called upon to re.· port on the a ct ivity of her com· m ittee. Mrs. P . V. Peterson, troop or· gani.zation chairman announced that all waiting lb1ta of troops had been completely c leared qp. Mr111. Peter H ill, camp 'chaJrman, Mra. Esth('r Chapman, council adviaor and Mrl'I. Ted Hambrook. Mariner Troop skipper, d lacussed the Mar· iner camp at Catalina and tn" businC'ss of eventually having a Newport Council established camp aitC' for. glrl111 of thilll area. At prC'sent Girl Scouts of Newport mus t go to summer camp! of othPr council•. The entire pro- ceeds of the cookie sale Will go to Our own establlahed ca.mp fund. A progreasive dinntr party on Marie&. daughter or the household. man, 532 Fu.lle rton Av , _Newport Heights, was th,e loca for a meet· The: Juliette Low program pla.n~ nt!'d for March 9 tCjl be given at the Scout Houae was discussed. PIJ.nti for summer Day Camp were ala.rt· ed end Mf111. C. W . Crowl, chalr· man, ill making a plea tor adult help. Anyone who will U8iat p:eaae -call her at Harbor 1350-R. Tue811 ay evf"ning. F r b. 6 v.•a.s a Traditional g a m es afforded dell}:"httul event for lhe F reshman amusement with every one receiv- Trl·Hl· Y clup of Newport Harbor ing 8 prize. After e young celt:· Union high 9tbooL The girl! as-brant opened hl"r any gifts, re- sembled at Sharon Y..amell'! home fresbn;ienta of blr day ca.ke, lcf' on Balboa Island f<ff"'Sp I.sh rice. cream and indivld I heart sbapea Fl-om there they proce ed to th<.' cakes were enjoy . .e of Pa.t l>f-nnis in ta Ml'sa On h·and ~· festivity were ,~tacoa. Ice <'ream ».n cake were Mary Covalt, l irley Newman. Rrved at the horhe of yo Tate. Linda Let' Ne , Rose Marie Al~r ~ d.Jnne , gr Rueger, Shirley Caley. Atary Hay- 'a.nd television w er p den, Dena Balley, Patty Schmidt, · noee e njoying David Horst, Ralph and J ohn Con- wett: Gaytha Bouc y, Millie vuae, Doqnie Schmidt, Ctiarlea Cbamberlln. Pat Dt'nnla. Denna ..Bo\lftd.IJ. Bonnie Borra.rd. Dickey Derrough, Carol Fink. Juanita Lambert, l'\)'l:e Peddicord, Mme.. Gri'Etln, M.ary Jean )lllitard. Pa' Charles Bollard, Dell Cecil Don Ne1-on • .,&ckle Roblnson, Marilyn Scl\mldt and C. E. Peddicord. Shoemaker, Carol Schlickenmayer. Mn. N~ &lao gave a birth- .Marya Tate, Blllle Williama. Valda CJ-.i< dinner fi>r Marl.a when her .wtniera. Sharon Yam.ell and grl.nd__penn~ Xt. an~. Mn. Jee.der Velma Prldham. Chari• Peddicord Wfrf! preae.nL ing Tburada..y, F eb. of the Wo· men'a MlMlonary lety of thf' Newport H r t eta.n Churc~ Rev. H e rbert Ro ~onducted the Bible study W c wa.:a on the Book of Revelatlona, rtnne Quar- Surprise Event for Steve ~aton ry. prealdent. rge of thf' -Friends of Steven Eaton &r- buslnese SCS8Jon. ranged • recent INrpri party The aoc:lety haa and potluck pper at t.h fami9,: project of p&ytng of a 8UbatanUal home, 112 :M.ar 8 Coat& pa.rt ·+r Ute o!d debt the church 1 Mesa. in pie rec:o IUon o! A w~a and meana mmittee W&!I Mr. Eaton"• bl day verary. appointed to aid In endeavor. A Jarte birthda e.ke rmeti Ute with Mra. Ma.rgueri Quarr)r as chief table decora chairman.' Mr. ROy J . H ve u a Merrlbera of the fPE!'Clal blrtbday of the tended a ec.bool Or · Old Klondlke. G llnglng wu new (jffieen and airmen be.kt enjoyed wltb 'Wanda 1Peter- Jan. 81 at the H ' J.uthttaq aon ot the ~l;,! lllM. &~ Cburcfl, Hol\)'Wood. .were Km ... Ea~ ~ ir anc1 'Ralpb Buel Wtlco&. e Petenoa, Clulpman entertained with l(Uitar • , , ,.;..,.1. .. , ............. ".· .... -.,, ..... -crwa '""' .... ...... 0 ........ CMe ... _... , ..................... ,.,.. .... M wMc9' YOU .,.. Nertllt.. JU )'OU lit ot the left of the dealer, It lo your -tum to play. TM tum rotates to the left (clockwise) jmt like the deal. You mun be&in by puttinr the 3 face up on the table near you, and draw!n& the top card of tbe stock to iestore your hand to 11 carda. I Red treys are bonus cards and do not count as pa.rt of a hand. A red trey must tbe exposed at once, and if it was found in ·the ori(inal hand or was drawn from the stock, a re· placement for it must be drawn, from the stock. :' • ~ • ( • • • ' Tva 1. The replacement you draw chances to be a J. You are now ready to be&in y our turn proper. A turn comprises two or three steps, always in order: Good people _ make good telephone service DU W (always compulsory) MELD (optional) Why more than half of each dollar we take in goes to employees . . . DISCARD (may be om itted in coinc out). Drawing means taking an extra card into your hand-either the upcard or the COJ;lcea led card from the top of the stock. If you cannot or do not wish to take the upcard, Y2U must d raw from the 1tock. · . The upcard chances t o be a K: since you cannot take it, you draw from the stock, 1etting a Q. Melding ineans placing cards 1 from your hand face up on the 1 table. When you meld at all, you may meld all the cards you wiah, provided that you observe lhe rulH u to vali.d melds. Mrs. Birdella Ball • Honored by · Young Friends · St!'('.eral mc·n1bcrs ur lht· Stand- ard Bearers ~roup of Christ Church ~ thl' Si·a. a ctiv<' durinfi 1935, \tiSitt•d lhl'!r [urlllt'I. CoUn· selor, .1"1rs. Birtlt•lla Ball. 2610 W. Ocean Front, on Saturday aflf'r- noon, presenting her Y.'ith a whil C' orchh.I. Plan8 w('re mn<.Je to rontac\. th(' who le g roup and have a reunion In early sumnu:-r . Prrsent for the a!lt'rnoon \Vt't" Mnles. BE"l h J ordan, Santa Ana: Bernice Hadley, Pan1 anrt Dubbu· J o, Irene Ollila and ?>t i1.:ha•·I. uf C08la M<'s&.: and Eln1ort• ,_l t·At1l- lan, Howard and Ruth Ell('n, N ew1>0rt Ht>ights. . t. Io a service business like the telephone business, many people must pool many talents to keep calls moving s,:noothly. Matter of fact, meeting the Wes~:s demands for service has rpa~e us one of the West s largest employers . That means a snighty big payroll . _. panicularly when you consider chat we c.a.n attract and keep che capable people we need only with good wages and top-notch working conditions. ' 3. Maki,1g telephone jobs good jobs is a policy chat means much to the naciod c od~y ... when a strong celephone system, '?anned. by sk.iUe~ peop~e, is panicularly important tn helping our 1ndustrles and military services meet the big problem of nation- al defense. And, even chough the costs of provid.ing telephone service have. shoe up sharply, telephone races on che average have gone up less than hali as much..u the rose of ijviog generally. Y~ur telephone remains one of the best buys in your budget. @ Pacific Telephone 'Ylaw my rowels are always soft, fluffy, sweet-smelling! A•to_,ti<; Gos Clot~" Ory-er illustrot•d i• ._ WHIRLPOOL Other leoding 1t1oke' includ• lendht c:ind K•n!ftOr•. • 2. Today, better than half of each dollar yo• pty for service goes co employees in v.'as;cs and odter ez. pcnscs such as their company-paid Benefit P~: ~·· more than in most businesses. In manufaaunng, £or example, salary and wage costs average about 24 cents. Bue in che telephone business, the many pcople- skilled people-needed co do che righc jpb for t!J• West, make employee costs our largest expense. Price increases since 1940 Your telephone is one of today's best bargains • • . , l r l!'nneeo Schull&, V RuegeT .. tectlona with Mr-a. PeW.00 ac- and Karsuertte . They au companytnc. i · 1 IMde 1_.,. repo for the com· Sllarinir the bop1'7 --I • -' iq ,_,..., .cttw1u.. foretp and were Mr. ancl Kl--. a. & ·-. --. ,Kr7 and Kn. ·oar-. Rock and Plam ... belnc r ulated for daqpto<, ~~-anJI 0.. I -• ecntce )(m-BO)' J . ~ )(an. and -1<fut_ ....... RaJpll .llalpla Cbap-A•~ .......... --. J:dwvd c.m.. Kn.~ .. -llooo!o-. :&::·· wl .... the -1a1erim.· .....,. loftlJ ert ~Out Of .,_"""" gin. ~ recd•ed Mrii. Swan-l(n. L. Prla Kr. -)(ft. I --.._ ---~ )lk. ull Mft. --fur the : _' ? . • ~am,.,, ,_ ., t ·.-'.~········· Pia"° J-utt~ _ .~ . TEkES.A RENNER tMrs. It,. Renner I. " '*" rz ·' a ., nn. 0..•t • -°"'* •••••••• ., .... ....... . 436 ,..,.. Drive tbbcW 1171.J Con•li ... ,. .. .... ' .I . lj _' wJ.. HQMI lAlll'•••;.IWr ·.1 -I • - co.Im *mrr' ~ j '· ., -~l~TH,~ IJ~IM IV 'I• - l ' • J . . ' I ' - .. . >. I , ' ' "·. • . ' r. • • ' • . , ~A .~lfittts I 1' '.IHE BoY "SCOUTS Non<JE lm'ITl'No BIDS ---1" lliiltioo or JllOJ'e .American b0ya and. men who Notice I• IM!ttby given tllat the .i """" • Boa"Nt.. of TT-astees of the '()range ha'" tieen al!&OOlated ,.;t.11 tBe-&y Scouts ol America ~ce Ooat---lor cot~ Dt.ll•lct ot its foilndillg in 1910 have given ample .proof of the value Orange County. Calif .. wm receive Of "-'t tl'&l·nu... and ~ 'Tile covn'tless 'l:ood bl<lo up to the Joour ot 10:00 o'clock ~ -""' A.M. on t.tae 28th day 'di. 'Feltruary, turns" they have done over 'l'be years have ~ 'flft· 19?!1 . at the oflttc< ot oata School riched our n&tiOnal ·and COll'llJl.Wli(y ,lif-e; · . -D•triot. located at 199~1 So. Har- l l b. t ' th · f rty-first anniversary this week ! oor "Blvd .. Costa Mesa._ Callt .. at n ce e ra mg e1r o which time aa.ld btda win be putr from Februa'r'y 11 ro i2, the Boy $coQb! bl!."" aa \heir Uleme ltcly opened for -follOWl>lg. ,,,. "Strenithen Liberty." It-ii an appropriate theme since the ... 1a . Boar~ of Truotees 9h&ll be very baais of Scout training centers around fair play. ~: • .1:1..!,f:Z" 0~1 :! "'eq"';!1~':,~ greater self • dependence and re&pect for the rights of offered. ~nd tteer-the rlgl>~ to others And this is the stuff from whiclt true f.-iom is I reject all bl<I• 1111d \o ·.,.1ve 111ny . · · llltormallty tn bid. denved. . Gl-oup I : Mlac. office run:H.tvre It ia noteworthy that dictators have always found it '2:>0 .... ot meci.anics tools neceoeary to ""4,'P"688 the Boy Scouts in order to can-y Xtoc. mechamc . ""OJ> equipment . •'-'-otali:..--"-.1.-,;d'n Mtsc. Cafeber1a s~are ,and out .....,.. t ...., -n ...,.,.., •• s . . dt<qle• We certainly wialI for the Boy Scoots of Amenca con-296 Bunks tMued'.growtb and achievement in the great work they are 296 Matt,.....• ..._..w. 296 PIUOW3 ~ 296 Mattren covers Dutnage Act io• Alill* Menhll Cftl1lty In OW.orce Action Df\lorce for al~ mental Drianages totaling ·•11.le;G wer'f ty wo :90ugtlt in nperiof' demanded. ifl euperior co rt I ce'8t't J.ut week by Walter M. week by F'Ted &nd l>aulln bett for lnjurtes they !Juffen<Ll!J.i''"~!ott, pratnlnent New po r t an autbrno'btle collision Oft' Ne'W-peacti centnctor. in Butt aga.inM port Blvd.. bewteen Santa Ana Mrs. Bernice R. Mellot. abd Costa Mesa Aug. 8, 1949. . He said they we'te rnanied. at Sult is agaimJt PaQ! Cooper Yuma Nov. 2, 1936, 'Bep&rated last whose auto was alleged-to hav~ July 8 &nd that com'lmlnity ·iprop- M:fUcl< the Lambert vehicle. ·Lam· l::Je"rt a.eked for $5.000 general erty Includes r elfidence and fur--ntahings at 706 BearoR St., Nf.'!'W· damages, $254 medical expenses. pan Beach, Stock In the South $116 for auto repairs and S480 Coa8t. Construction Co., ln Waner tor loss of ~lnp, while Mrs. . 592 Blankets Group 11 : Ltnen service for ahe<>ta, p1flow cases, bath t oweots and hand to'W~8. I Group m : 216 Mechanics text 'books. • Adv: F ebruary 13 .,20, 1951 Opening. bate: February 28, 19~1. 10:00 A.M. Stgn<d: BASIL H . PETERSON Secretary, Board o! Ttusteoea No. 174-Times Published 2/13-20/51 NO'l'YCE OF INTENTIOS TO Sl!:LL •• TH NOftCES MRS. MTittUi dMil!:ll Mrs. Myrtle ~Ben4et'.., 65. 208 t,.w Flow.,. · «reet, OOlita M-died Saturday after a long IHneas. She was bom 1n Ibdiafta, tellk!N in Alhambra tor eJg'ht yeara Mid in Costa Ml"la tar 'aeV'lm months. She ie .urvtved ~y her h~d, Rev. Orvil Bender, ~ired, ud one daughter, Mni. Wtlriam A... 'Wood, both of Costa Mesa: twe ·~. Mrs. Delta Harm <&nd Mn. MU'rie1 B8NMl8 ot IRdla.na: ene brotlter, Ray Fear o.t Michigan. &ltd three gr&11.dchildren. . Serv.ices will ~ held at 12:30 p .. m . In Wee ~irk o' the Heather, Fmut LaWn, Wllh the Revl. 'Paul Younger and o.arg. )enldrm ot Alh&mbra otficL&ttbg, Grallel )tor- tl.tfley i.n cha.rce of arra.ageri'lents. TODAY TllRU SAT. ~ •'JIARVEY .. No AdvaMie ... pwtaN OOMJNG SOON "MAGJ\'WlaNT 'I' AN1lEE" ORT:-1/:,.r.· . . . , , ,f ._,.4 •I, -t.f-J.P ,.,..J,tri)~ t$}f,, I . \ - Sounded to .. 11n hia fUOlhlo co1Jt:ai$ pm. Meet raw guo.. -io ... ....i the~....,."' pt ?id of tb•lll· i:w-to nfiM ,......_ • That'•. wby'C'bevto11 Supreme Ga8oline ie Suf,er-RefiMiJ to • @lli:nin.fte power-robbibc' lm'L • It ia a ..cbftltic blllnee of·.n D1s11•-"r &1 0 •• , U I •·c•s•...., • CLAYTON THOMPSON , ' ' 18tti & lalboa Blwd., Newport 81adt Har. 155 High· Qua~ify Printing-'/1'h. Hor., 1616 • I . How about ( • " , hambert aougbt ll,'000 for ber in-B . M:~dt'l. Inc. H. M. S. ?ncz, e.nd <( riee the Newport Hart>o«-b»lk, &180 ju~In ~ 'CO!Tlpankm ·cause of act.ton 'tfte trma1 .. tL't:, a b&ak account •nd the Plamutfa -.Ueged Coo~r lall:t .an _automobll6. subject . to certain NOTI<JE IS Hli:REBY GIVEN pursuant to the pl'OVlefons of Sec- Uon 3440 of the Civil Code of the State or C&ltrornla, that FRANK B . "LEWIS, Vt"rfdor, of 41S 15th Strttt, N~ Beach. ·0&11tornia, Inte nds to sell to CLARENCE F . WATSON. of 123 29th Street, N~porrt 94"ach, California. &nd CHARLES \V. WATSON of 208 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach, California , Vt>ndees, all of t he personal property described generally e.s ~ollows: ' ,, . , L • • December hi.d &greed to pay the!n "ehctan\>rancea. · $l,065 0 ,· whfcb $20!5 had been paad . He proposed settlement of prop- d th gM. judgment tor the e.f'ty Mght by giving J.'fra. M'et-:~Jll\ ~~ Iott the automobile &'ftd per80na:I .....,... ce. eff'eet:B and $6.000 cash plus • $14,500 at $175 m9nth. · T oun9 lurC)lar Gets Prison Sentence Calvin Wayne Tayl&r. 19. of La Sierra, admitted burglar of two tiJllng stations in Huntingt on Beach and Newport Beach la.st Jan. 12. "''ho was reported to be a parolee from the Ca lifornia Youth Author- ity, bu been sentenced to the state prison at San Quentin. Su· perior Judge 'Kenneth E. Mor- r ison said Friday he would ~­ ommend the youth be ~ran.sferre<J ESTATE TO DAUGHTER , Estate-.-of-George F . Bosom· worth of Corona de-I Mar, who died Jan. 23, will go to hi.a daughter, Olive Irene Boaomwor.th of 111 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar , under terms of h is will wbtch have been riled for probate IA Ill· perior COU'rt. Value of the estete was ~ ·at f28.<KJO bl eecurftlt>s and $2,eft<> ift solvent ettdits. OIL GE.ut STOLEN to the California Institution for Theft of two 100-foot c&'bles and Men at Chino. the state's "prison other equipment v~ued at $142 without walls." from an otl lease at Goldweat ii;i ;;j • i . Ave. an~~ RA! waa re-FIM~ come trom constant ported · ·. _ , .t.q :Urie ebeltffta Piacl.ke!, An ad regutarif tn·tht1' omill''W ··d•'r~. 'Ct>lib. paper w ill produce results for you. lha itrllfihg contractor. • All of the stOC'k in trade, trade furniture, fixtures, diesel en- gines. perts and machinery and power tool s at the diesel repair, maintenance and en- gi neering company k nown a.s the DteMI Service and Engin - f'flrin,g Company, which is lJftuated at 3102 Lafa yette S treet. Newport Beach. Cali- f ornia. Satd sate Is to be made, and the c&nsideratlon or price for such sale ls to be paid on F ebruary 20th, 1951, at 11 :00 o'clock A.M. at the offoce of JOHN W. ARANT Attorney, 2917 Ne'W'pOrt · ~}e-­ vard. Newport Beach, Ca!it'ornia. Date-cl February ~. l'S:i.1 . C L.A.RENCE F . WATSON Maim Street .._I ..... 5'e1tt ~ C1iARLES W . WATSON -~ .,,., No. 1 "11-Times • Pubfl•bed 2/13/51 N"OTKJI: OI-' INTENTION TO l:NOAGE IN THE, SALE Ot' AL(JOHOLIC BEVERAGES Febru&ry 9, 1951 T O wttOM IT MAY CONCERf'I : Subject to i.lswe.nce of the ~ cease &J>Plied fat", and commenc ing not leu than 15 days after the date poated. notice is Ae.ft'tly gtt'M that tbe underttgned proposes to !tell .alcoholic l*ve.ra«es at these 'PftrAlsu:, ~escribed as follow•~ '3oat Wave, 1135 Coast Rlgtl- way, ~Ne'9'1part Beach (Orange County) PUnaOlt to auch intention, the _..r81C'nect I• applying to the . Slltat-e Board of Equiliiatim for lauance on original •p.Plllcation of an ~cohollc beVerage lcmee 'Bin' U... prerni:IJes aa follows; • On Sall! Beer lJcense bYGM deslntc to proteet ta.e -...anoe. of auch Ucl!llSe mtQt me a "etitW prot• with the l5ta:tle Board ot Equall&aUOll. et sacft· · 111erno. Oa11fomta, •tating g.- !or dental u P"'flded by law. 'l1k f:>'l't."ltillell are not now licensed for Olt 'lale t>t·•Icd1161ie -.. . WILBON --til ,-~f$..'.Ttmeo Publlmed 2/13/lll / . • • ' traffic 'the ·santa Fe? With the co-oPcrarion of our officers, arid of the employees who remained at work, ~nta Fe1managed to keep thousands of freightj cars and all its passenger trains moving durin~ t~ ''outlaw strike" which began January ~0th . . ... an!l vrhich so severely crj ppled our couifry's ;~; · .. ,,~~~t .~spo~~ 1 s~~a Fe could not, of , .. co~rs~, ~~t~ a~ i~ ~p efficiency. I • · 'Now vital supplies, which have Men Pf ling up in freight terminals during the pa5t se veral I days, are starting to move. ! I . A complex situation I .'I'hcr~ is. ooe point, however, we kno, the. public will understand. So complex a thi~$ as America's Transportation System cannf t be turned <t>ff and on like a water faucet. I Thousands of "car days" were lost d'l'e to freight cars standing still. Even though\airs ' . • oow liJo:ving, it is bound to ,take a i· 1 bile I ~ . . I ' . i • . ' before c:OngcSrlon is rclit'\'cd _and delay-ct! cari are .unloaded at thek destination. - Santa Fe was able «> deliver mOl'e cars to other railroads than other ra.ilcoads deli~ed • • to Santa Fe. C.Onscquendy,'Santa Fe now has substantially less cars on its .rails than ;when . . . !I. jtl· "''·"'' :(~:! ... ,. the tt'()Utlaw stt1Ae'• ~•-• f, !' r ~ -. ·. •, 1 ! "I : ~ ~! :~ I \ Na~y; ~.;·;; wlll result in a ~~ig~ ~f d •I l)/1 '' .. cars until this complex situation has bcell cleared.' ·A :w.ord to our shippers ·We are doing everything possible ro speed up . - the return· to normaL We ask, however, that • shippers who now need cars bear with..·u1 during this ~od. __ Santa Fe expresses its thanks to its shippers and passengers for their parien~ and under· standing during the trying times we have all just passed~~gb-and al,fo toallO!ltpeople • who co-operated· in this emer~nty, many ' ' rcspondi!Jg ~d dieir,UOfmil tall of duty. ' . , • " ./1" --r , ·• • • I 1 I ' f ~~r...is..k Railway .eo.JBJ ~ · l · I • • I ' • • • • • - '· ~ •• .,. ' ' I . >" I ' \ ' /, , I ' • I • I ' ·I • - , • I. • ' --------~--·-·-..,.---------·-·--------.. . . I . . • 1 • -"-• TUESl>'A Y, FEBRUARY ·13, ·19gf ~Poys::Make. Backs tf or· Co. Hospita~ ; Recent 1 acUvitlel of tile Boy'• ' • • .. . • • • • • club of Cot:ta IJ.ceu have had & ~way benefit; lhey have help- ed fl# patients at Otange Count)' One pf my tavOrite epotU on a real rainy _ Oe.DWal hospital, the club ·and the day l• to . apluh oYer to Grant'• Furniture and boya themeelvea. watch the mattre-.e• noat about 1D tbe yard. On Mra. Gertnide Lind wUe of a rare, keen day eome of the l'-hter chalre bobble ( architect George Lind, ~hUe driv-, around a bit. Which .. reminda me that lrudde thif ' ~ patiehta to the hospital for the Mare'• neat ,i• a beauutu.l paddleboard tor only 115 .•• l Red CtQa Motor ·eorp1, d.19Coftred And a tre1 elecant old French Clock wttb a now-1 , that although the hc:wpltal tecetved tnc·maned dame drivlnC' a noclc of Cl.!:Plda. Thia mWleum piece ta ' donatloru of map.zinea there wu guaranteed to run and coats $99.60. 1f you care ~o make It an no convenient way ol making them nen 1100 just to clear your check book, Grant will throw 1n 2 Jba. available to patJenta. She spoke, ot jelly-bean.a! But don't stop tn the front. Go explorinf! Grab of th.ii:. to her husband who lmmed· youraelf a walking stick and leuh a atout-Jun(ed .Pointer. Tour lately .deaigned some handy map-lhe Inner reoeDee of thta l&byrlnth. Wl)' back tn an Inner sanc- 1.ine racks for the wards and soon tum, I diaoove.red a huge round mahop.ny table top for 18.73. Make the boys of Boy's club were buay a lervly coffee-table! ~rve your lnitlals on the old ·ha.11-tree! Buy building them Iii their shop. a bird-cap, get a Violin case, or pve mother &n Iron.atone pitcher The flnlobed racks, five of th"1J1. and bowl for $8.110. GRANT'S FUltNITURE AND APPLIANcEli we.re well constructed and accord· 164& Nnrport Ave., Costa Mesa. lng to the letter: which t.he boye • • • ~lved from M.ra. Ft-ancls Scott, PLEASE STEP TO THE HALL TREE AND GET YOUR MOTOR medical sUperytsor. at the County CLOAK AND GOGGLES. Batten your veU tlshtly, while I crank Hospital, the ·patients were d~-the Stanley steamer. Off let ua ny In a cloud of hot water to FUN lighted with them. FASHlONS IN CORONA DEt. MAR. l want you lo see Eunice Rade. Bulldera Knox's new spring dusters! These are ~ully draped black faille The rack builders were: Elroy coa.t·a.ffalre wlth lantern sleeves and mandarin collar. These dusterB Martinez, Jack Steiruna.nn, Nathan at ,flT.95 &re the ideal topper for your sprlnc print..-perlect for Vamey, Ronald Underwood, Don a~lllai at a garden party or attendinl' a tea at Lady. A.stor'a. Aleo Shafer and Van Cbaae-. at · FUN ~ ASHION'S sm&rl garment emporium, some capUvatlng The .project whifth directly bene-nevi ivan Frederic's ortatnals in rayon-crepe print& and soft Maytime tits the club was the leveling off oolore· and Frederic's F.aille.a In navy. beige and copenhagen ; and of the ground, killing ·weeds with a verY 90fgnff 2 piece navy with beige and red over-blouse. I s8.y aalt aJ)d laYlng former prepara· to you with the weU-meaning advice of a slater, these dre88ea are tory to the black.. top tor the ne\\.' &JJ eye-dazz:lers and in the most con.alderate price ranre ot $12.96 ba.8ketba1J court whjcb should be Incldentally, Sis, you'll find eome dresses, skirts, we8k its, jersey completed ln a couple ot weeks. and crepe blouses, auil8 and corduroy j&ckets at greatly reduced Of great interest and benefit to coat at FUN FASHION'S, 1306 Coast Blvd., C.Orona /del Mar. lhe boys individually are the . e e • \ montbly art contest.s, according to director Albert Spencer. Winners ln the most recent conteat in which IDOl'e than 35 drawings were judg- ed· are: ffnlor division ; 1, Martin Gree.n; 2, Leroy Bailey. Junior di- vtsion; 1: John McClusky; 2, Don Seal1 3, John McClusky. THE TWO BEAtrrIFUL BUT DUMB Glrla who sit expectantly in the .. window aJI day at Polly Apparel are having . their hair set, facea · waah4!d and new mal<.e-up! What a life! They get ·an the new cJotbes they want! And Polly sees that they get the '!>est quality and llveUeat atylea! Polly Apparel ha.a some brand new fashions by Lordleigh of Calif., 2-pc. washable betce;. spun rayons and 2-pc. navy • white at $19.96 You could appear at Carnegie Hall in one of the.ee {and I don't mean ln the balcony J. My rovthg fancy was · H G plenty caught by tbe TAYLOR-MADE Slacks in peerless plaids. -oneymoon uests These plaids are pretty ex.cltjnc Prairie, Desert &: Sadd\@' blenda. · K · H The plaid• have a "'.ertlcal slant that make a kid look w1Jlewy ',i: at eene ome slenderE.e slacks &:re admirably tailored le the zipper never peeks • 1 out a t world. $9.96 at Polly Apparel , 1830 Newport Ave., Guests tor a week at the home coeta esa, • ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keene, Bal-1 • • • boa pentnsuJa.. were Mr. and Mrs. DON"T BE A MOULDY FIG, CHICKS! Here ls-an William Smith or Las Crocea, New Mexico. The couple were on their honeymoon trip and after visiting here, went to Mexico for a week. The bride is the former Annette Lee Cline, cousin of Mrs. Keene. She and her husband were hon- ored at several home affairs and restaurant dinners while here. 0. C . Federation Meets at Brea · The Board meeting of the Or- ange County Federation o! Wom- en's Club8 met with the members ' ot the Brea Woman's Club as hostesses. on Friday, Feb. 9th Mrs. 0 . W. Freek of Fullerton presided. The morning session stressed the respon.sibiljty of all women in the civil defense program. Cap- tain .Murray Patton explained the warning service setup in Cal- lfomla and particularly in Santa Ana, and the pressing need tor volunteers. both at the observa- tion posts and the filter center. Captain Patton urged the women to , visit the _center at 1012 N , Main, Santa ~ Mesans Atten.d Long Beach Meet Item hotter th&n a flub trom ~ Vegu. ,This certainly tops my Uat of "What Will TheY Thin k ot Next?': 0 . K . calm down, and I'll tel! you. BALBOA ~ and 10 HAS PER.MA-PLEATED NECK SCARVES WITH ATTACHED HERALDIC .JEWELRY CHESTS. These colorful. giddy gadgets are CO&.llt to Cout hook-ups. Mrs. Cole of the Balboa 5 • 10 says these scarf Hera.Id-hangers are the latest thing ln N. Y. and L. A. They come In all gala colors and are .98 • $1 .19. P. $.-Don't forget to say "Love and x's with a Valentine. BALBOA 5 &: 10 HAS VALENTINES- EVERYTHING FROM MILD AFFECTION TO UNBRIDLED PAS· SION at 300 MAIN, BALBOA. • a IEWELERV • REPAIR Diamond SetUap PoekPt \\''at cbN S»ecW De8lcnln&" ,_ Writ1t Wat.c-.hP.9 Bud. Strinlfnc ~Stop W"t.ch" Diamond chttkNI free of charge Clock$ LOUCKS' .JEWELRY, 1788 SEWl'ORT BLVD., COSTA MESA , • • • ''THANK ALLAH FOR GREEDY PEOPLE!" satd . Dr. Erwood, feveH.ahly chewing a lamp shade. "Here I' have my treasures ab2._ut me tor a few days. Nobody shows up. I knock the prtce11 down, then the greedy ones show up w1th wheel barrowa and cart the stuff away." "STEADY. Herr Doktor," I admoniahed while adjuetiJ:ig my peruke, "De.re for beauty ls not greed. American people care for gra.ctoua ,Jiving. They scrounge and scrape. tighten the put'k atrings, but get what. they want. Don't you realize. Bargain hunting in your Balboa gift basaar ls far more Cucinaling than a boar hunt In Bombay! Your dollar line of spring costume jewelry would tum the head of a nautcb dancher! Your rainbow pearls could weU gra.ce the neck ot a maharani! I gueu I gave Howard Erwood a thing or two to think about at 407 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. • • • . . ••• ;l . l . ' . -1¥-..-,. NEY(PO.R.T :!AOO,A ·_NEWS ~ Tl~ES ' -' • I . • f I . . . ~y,·MAR~. • • • • • • . ' i!(~· (4 _l'llp,1) .t;rncb, ga .. lilo report, and· ,... ~ approval for \•-bl&Clt top Pd eun. on . ~ Blvd. from lltll to ttb atreetO, the proj· ect""'iol coet •16;000. Tbe council never i:lJd reach a declalon on the · job. I ,' l. '· . ~ l· .. p~ 5 · ~ . ,_ NE)vs.TQq:s :-; ' Everj' 'hi!1* .NEWPORT BAY. P.OST -·W('IClneedau NE~Jfr-BALBOA I PRESS ~ t'h~)S x.,....,. • .-a 'ftedllAlw.-1a•T1 ,,,. l'l'S NOT KUCH-BUT ~ C.uj.L IT HOHlll ... Wei,, .ton't' The!) a long ~Ion devetoP. feel aorrt tor younelt becau.te your Home tm"t u nfce •• other ctrlll. ed oo. the •Ubjeet of a pier permit lt'a up to you to make ft a .pleum~ a pl._,,t pl&<• to uve m. for Hober ICrlct..on of Lido I8te. CARLYLE'S Unpainted Fµmlt.~ (~ormerly Al'a) ha. wondertul .Jilli Rlng w&nted "to Know if It mahogany, uh or gum ru.rttlhlre 1ln mqdem or provincial dutsna. All wu o. K. wtth the Udo UIOCi&· th-pl_,, an arttully dnll1'"." and beautltully b•llt. With a Uon. Charley Markel wu wor." lltUe bruab atalnlng, you can trautorm wardrobe, chest, or a HOtly-rted &l»e>Ut the length Of tbe pier· AB as ·wood he&d-boUd fnto a very ui>enalv~ looklng tumlahlnJ. C&rl)'le's and thought lt should have beacon ha.a a wry neat Early American cobble 1 bench ln Mexican mahogany light.a. It wu finally p&Ued by a w:.....nw _ ... nm. ••• ,..... . I · IOlQllt1Jll AD 59 ' LDfl:8 · ''M ... -* ...... ,.. CMlt .......... ptPrad 11 ' ,.,. 1 l'Sper t ,'75 I tor Sl&.76, and a mahop.ny droi>-leat bJe 6 ft. x S tt. !Or $44.50. 4 to l vote (Markel diuent.lng) Oh, most everything' you'll need. et., sliding door wardrobe.a, after &n audience ,nember uked book cuea, record cabinet.a. Great ace. Carlyle's, 1918 Newport if they didn't have any more lm- Blvd .• Cpata Meaa. pori.nt bualn~ "'inatead ot meu- , • " • • lng around." JOY! JOY! GLAD! HOW CAN YOU DO IT! Hlppety' bop to Need Pub the Happy AtUtude Club at Gllidy'o ANCHOR CAFE. Hoppy Alli· Longest measure dJllCUMed wu tude Houra are from 3 :30--5 p. m, on weekdaya. Here're the Sn&ck the report of the nark wperin• Specl&.18 ; ' • r-tenden t.. Don orUgo, who' s&td '"I Co:oklea It tea or cot.fee lOc Doput, tea or ooCfee 10<: can't in&ke much of a report on ''J=• ,...... ~ ' IJnx . I • Papen • S:IO Tiie ~ ...w 'not ba napciilal* for DION 111aa ..,. -Hot' m.rfloa ot an actVera-ment. NMl'Ye u.e rtg:bt to COIT~ .... :r, &117 and all ado and to reject any adverttaement not -..llllJW to ruJw and replatlmw. A.dnrtlaementa ·and eancellatllino I wll[" ba ~up to G p.m. ·on the da.Y ·~c pubUcatlQD. Pb. Bar. 1111 ,_Bar. 1111, -rw •.u ·~ or -.a_,,__ ta .N&WfOIH "4811G& l'11IWllllIN8 <lO. Dll hD IL amt.. Newport Bx• <lallfonla, ' Tues. Special-pie A: coffee ... :16c Homemade eoup 20c parka until we get one." Ham- Juat •itllng ····-············-···-..FTee brook explained the ·We.t Newport Tan Lose. Honeatly fellowa, don:t get aoggy ln the middle of the afternoon! park r:iow being ·built bUt the · Join Glad's little bolater ·upper pt'Ol'f'&Jll ! Relax, fall apart at the scout. wanted more parka. One Ahchor Cafe -Home of tPie Cheerful Chili, Hearty Ham with audience member aald "the lfid• Elated Egga, A: Habit-forming Hot "Cakes~ 711 D, Cout Hlway, have to play tn the atreets and the 11~-BU8DIESll GUIDI: ... Newpoft. iCJoaed Wed.) Qpen 5 a . m . to 5 p. m . dally, Saturda}· poUce don't llke tt." 5 a. tn. lo 8 p. m. ,... "Ket;i Niles bunt a. .restaurant ' • • • where a par}{ ru aupposed to be," CRASH ! BANG! OUCH! WATCH· OUT! Don't Bkid around In one person clalmed, "&nd Nllea got the grease & -Oil on your garage noor. It.'• ·dang.erou.a and you might the land Crom the ctt:Y." b~a.k somet~g! The PAGIFIC .NELREM CO. can clean greaae &: Joe Lynch thought perhaps oil off cement noora hy the time you can •y "How Wonder!'UI!". aome ot the gas tax mOney used _Thia magic Nelrem formula cut.a grease, oil, dirt, a: gunk away and to widen the boulevard might be lellvea you a ale~ clean akld·proof garage or buement. Alao let me used for a park but City Attorney remind you that the Pacific Nelrem remov.ea paint A: varnish Crom R&l Batt.hume informed the money furniture and antiques. And a.s for boat.a .. -thi• stufl removea bilge could only be spent for a street. paint &: varniAh llke crazy. Great. tor dinghie• and clinker built · When park questions were get· craft. PACIFIC NELREt-f co., 2811 Lafayet\e, Newport. Har. 2960. ting heavy on Hambrook'• ahould- • e • ers he stated, "All I know l8 that LISTEN MISFIT.! IF I WERE IN YoUR I saw a ~a.p and aaked Mr. Sall- 8HOE8 I 'D THROW THE lLL-Ji'l l"l'ING .ors it wed get anf more parks SLIP.SH ODS A. WA y AND HOBBLE OVER and he oald 'probobly In the fu· ture'." lltmir! J/TO .BARBER'S BOOTERT. Hat:ry Barber, an 'l;hen somehow the councilmen expert ahoe ma.n from way ~k. believes got Into a dlacU881on Of how much =:M people's feet ahould be properly fitted. One the dollar wa.s worth in the Civil •Ute way to get foot-joy I.a to tnveBt in a pair \1..-..,jj'-of u . s. Rubber-.Keds. These Booaterette and Revolutionary want and they oxfords have wUhable e&nYas tops and 8 big 11eemed well versed ln the subject, thick crepe sole, 80 euy.gotng you'll be walk-probably because of a good history Ing on air. You won't need binocutau to see the huge dlapJay ot teacher in school. Keds and Kedettee in Barber'• window lhill week. Women'• washable Not Broad MJnded Kedett~ ca,auats in eloquently brtcht color comblnattona, sandals, Harbor Muter Chuck Wallen straps. loafers, !lat and wedge eolea. One mooef comes In vivid thought the council wun't broad- tange.rine. Thl!se stro.llera all have shock-proof arch cUBhiona! For minded enough, •pending $15,000 your high-chair and akooter set, children"a Kedettes in rubber-soled for "some atinklng road from d I which only one-third ot the people un as. tennis shoea, etc. fl"Om $3.15. Oh, there'll be danc ing in the · streets, lt you'll all go to BARBER'S BOOTERY, 179ti Newport Ave., will benefit" and yet not spending Coat& Mesa . any on' parks. Then h~ 88.id the • • • Harbor Muter was under-paid- that the !tremen make twice aa IDJtAS FOR MEN much money-and that he want- MEN ! DO YOU STAMMER AND ACT LIKE A NINCOMPOOP ed a raiBe. (we mean more so than usual ) when called upon to address fellow Fire Inspector Al Boria saJd the Elka, Rotarians, I. 0 . 0 . F.'a and motor-cycle cops? When you are firenlen had more responalbillttea suddenly lace lo face with a butcher weighing up your porter·house but thought lf a wage rise wu ap- steak, d? YOUR knee.a tum to calves jelly? proved that it' wouldn't be neces- Our powerful, new book called, "YOU TOO CAN LEARN TO sary to raise taxes because the SP~AK TO JOHNS OTHER WIFE WITH COMPOS UR~" is just hot ; city doesn't use up all the tax ott the preaa. U1 publl•her1 la using our glovea, even! This dynamic money now. But the city manager book along wtth the "Life et Maude Muller" is conveniently on sale at said all tax.ea are 1J8ed "except all Finniah Rock Par!ors.:_ Buy today anp speak knowingly of Maude aucb a.s we Uae fOf' the darn park." tomorrow! After a ~'clean' report fi-om the Little Britches Author to Speak to Writing Class 4 Hurt • waler superintendent, LarTy Pol- lard, the buslneu Jicenae collector, Larry Grotle, said the H:gular col- (ConUnued from 1-q,. 1) Jector uaes a Ford that hu an at· were travelling weal on the Coaat traction tor women drivers who Highway at the time of the acct-&re 1&1waya smashing hta fenden. dent. A ca..r driven by Norman. w . Therefore he wants a Plymouth Ca.duet J • --A I · to instead. One ot the councilmen Ralph Moody, whoae· nr11t book • r., .......,, nge ea_ • p-ped and W .. hit In th. b thought that maybe, tnatea.d of a "l.Jttle Britches" ta a beat seller e rear Y a car driven by K th p J new car they should choose a new now being translated Into foreign enne . one11, g.... Diego hi h 1 t collector that doesn't go after the languages, will talk on "Mow to -.... • w c • n um, was Wl"ite·• Th1:1rsday evening at the hJt by a car driven by John Comar pretty girl!. creative WTitlng group· which Muon, Naval Amphibious Base, After Girts Coronado. "H e doesn't go aner the girls,•· meeta at 7 P· m. ln Laguna Beach Cad • said Grotle, a.nd then the city High schooJ. Hal Mauon 1-te•-b-aret s car had a broken ~ -wlndohl Id d J · had treasurer said Ulat he didn"t. be· er for thia adult education cl&aa. e '&n ones car a Moody, who 11 westem m•••rer damaged left front and rear. M&-lieve it makes any difference to a -._ ao ' th 1 t •· Ii rt woman whether she hits a Ford for B-G Foods, Inc. Md pruldent n a car, e aa ~ ne, su ered of the Gofden Gate ReSt· .. -.. , a damaged right front end and or Plymouth. ~· was t ed to St · Ha.mbrook then said that be-OWnerB Assn., wrote the book aa ow ower s garage. biographical non-fiction. .All tn-In a almilar accident, a car aides the Harbor .Muter's pay in· Invited I to driven by Ruth Jolivette .. Santa creaae requ~ he ·had allO re-tcre21 ted writers are !ved ( Contbmed from Pap 1 r UJl aa µie two teams face Orange and Fullerton. reapect~ve1y·, ln the tln&l game. ' ' Hold Netti.. Newport'a ata.r forward Annand Nettles wu completely bottled up in Ute Anaheim tilt and held to a mere five point.a, one of the prin~ clpat reasons the Sailors lost. He la now 13 point.a behind the lead· el'. Rex Babcock of Santa Ana, who1 baa 119. Dave Peterson, other Tar for- ward, pl&yed hia beat game and scored 17 paint.a while Glen GriC- !tlh made 11. High man tor the ' ' SUNET LEAGUE STANDINGS W L PU. Opp. Santa Ana .... -v ..... 6 % "6 S88 Anaheim ' ............ 8 2 S86 sso N--r S 2 S81 SIG Hunt'ton Bch. .. ,,., 4 4 887 368 On.nee, ........... ., ..... • 1 '7 SlO 401 F\Jllerton ......... , .... 1 '1 Sl8 4-0S Tuf!floday Attemoo7•a Games An&belm at Sant& Ana: New0 port ·Harbor at Oranre: Fuller· ton at RUntlnrton Beach. game wa.s Cen~er Ronnie Faulkned of lbe c01onlste who garnered 18 marks: With no players out o! a cilon becau.te ot the flu' for the first time Jn league play, Anaheim we..s in command all the way although the Sailors rallied Btrongly at the end. Anaheim ·led 27-18 at halftime and then right alter interml..uion acored seven straight points to booat it.a advantage to 34-18. Thia margin was cut to nine points, 37-29, going into the final qua.rt.er, and with t~o minutes to go the Colonists led by only four. In the B . team game the Ana- heim teilln again bounced New- port, ~2-37, to maintain their Jeague lead. Lineups and points: Newport (S7) 1 Anaheim ('3) Netti~ (5) · F (8 ) Webber Peterson (17) F (3) Denny Griffith (l})o C (18) Faulkner Lane G (10) Welch Sand~rs (4) G (4) Ramirez Halftime scpre: Anaheim 27, Newport HarbOr 18. Hadacol . Helps New Mother HADACOL Suppl!M -1111 Iii, ... Nladn and Iran In Which Her System Was Defldent' COllPLlllrll BOtlllll ~ aemoo. ll'IJn>ltun -~ ahampooed. Jl'ree eothNtili Pully -.. Al's Hoqse & ~Ug· Cleaning Co. --1111 For Venetian Blinas,· Shades and Drapell)y' Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Ft-ee estimates Ph. Har 88f 514 -29th St. Newj>ort Beach 78c92 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN . 27S Palmer St,. Coot& iho. Bea. MGT·M ""9 PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 151~ Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mee& Phone Beacon 5504 ' 7~2 INTBRIOR -lllXTllll!Olt• PAINTING LICENSED -IN8URllD Glenn Johnston 501 ·Slot St. Newport - Harbor 2297 .J MdS H. H, HOLBROOK DEPEND&m,E PLUMBING ... Prompt Repab'---Pbone: Ha.-106-~ 2801 Balboa Blvd., N-rt -I>· C.L.KIRCHNER Building Contractor Estimates on New Construdt:ton and Repair PHONE HARBOR 1164.-M 7Sc74.b It-PERSONALS Alcoholics ADonymou8 Write P. 0 . Box 205 BJ!boa bland, caJlf. Phone Kimberly 8- Ill-SHARE YOVB CAJt Members ot , the Costa MeSll Com.muntty church SCS who at. t end@d two ' dti.Ys t mid-wintei- ~ meetings in Lori( i.ch· 18.at week wett ~Mmes. Ruda· arnett, O'Jes~ ter Fisher, D .. C, 4 en, l ea Clark, L. D. Hartillon, alter Compton and Joseph H . Thompson. TIRED OF FEEDING THAT HAY BURNER".' \\'ell I 11hould think ao! F.lrpecially when UD BUELL ot the LAGUNA LINCOLN MERClTRY USED CAR LOT has some ot the nicest, sweetest used car ba.rgaina that ever purred along the hl&hway! Laguna i!I a quiet tittle village nestled in between two la mile zones. NO one races hls ihhtor, and automobiles are treated · more like electric broughams. Tl!ese cars tha't RED BUELL la offerlng are new car trade-ins. Such lovely cara that the former owners prefbably cried a little when tra ding them in! Thia week.I apecl&la: '4Q.Qlda 98 converL, hydramatic, radio and beater, new top and low MDe'age. '49 FQrd 2-door, ·radio &nd beater'$149~. '1:2 Chev. club coupe, radio, heater, prett.v sharp for $79~. and d02ens more at LAGUNA LINC. MERC. USED CAR LO'J'. SEE RED AT 160 N. Coaat Blvd .• or phone Laguna 4-6625. hear him. t ~· .n WU h~it ln the rear by a car ce1 requeata from alx em· 'I ~:\ 9 ' . ~ .J . Maier. San P oyeea ln the tax department tor B I b ; . 11 ;, 1 '1 '>/,! ... ut end of the a · $20 weekly increue and from a oalrlS '"in f Cl · "' ea b f 3 ,36 p. m. Sat-th• police department ror tbree llv~t ~! ,r··-":..~... . .. 9:'!::' ' 'f.:. I , ' -i. w ANTED -Ride to . drionmwn Long Seacb. H~;,~JA 4 :30 Mon. thru Fri. \µit:"; il3632 collect &ft.er 5 : 30 ' , i78c80 R urday. Both can we~ beaded ea.at new cars. One of the audience .., .a..u. ~ to Desert ancho on the Coaat Hlgh~y. 'nie Jollv· oald that he thought the entire l;w two......,,. ... she ls area- . ette car •topped suddenly a.nd waa police rolling stock should be sold 1ttered nurse abd also a wife and !!-LOST AND FOUND ed and Crosley 'hot ahoU' should be moth e r of a • FlAh Fry FE>b.. 18, ~ to 8 p.m. St. .James P&ri8h Hou9e LA191erA.llecker,D.D.& Dll:NTIBrRT 1711 Newport Bml.,eo.ta .. _ ......... IQda. Bttooa '762 -m.e., ... __ -. D7.J Harold K. Grauel Chapel. ...,_e:8~Mll Ooo1a __ BE SURE-INSURE . With KAt 11U~ 8T"Nt.llY ·~Ottey . n...-: u....,. ,,,. . ' a * • MY ADVICE TO YOU AS YOUR LOVABLE Saturday, Feb. 17 will be "Bal· ramm ln the rear by Maler'• car. new baby. After boa Day" at Blue Haven Rancho, M&Jer's car waa badly dan\aged purchased Instead, saving the tax· Desert Hot Springe. wtth .Mra .. &nd was towed to Stowers garage. payera money but city ma.nag-er her baby w a I Dinsmore hostess to Harbor1tea on 'nM! other car had a allgbUy dent· Hambrook wasn't ln favor ot the born. Mrs. Zd- that day. Mr, &nd Mrl. Owen ed ~ar end. Idea. Th~ meeting cloeed •hortly wards felt run- H •·~ 603 N lb Ba ~ t At 12:26 p. m . o-•uroay a Fotd after at a.bout 5:30 p.an. down;,.stie knew BUT THOTFUL HOUSE· MOTHER ill tor you to gel · u~n. or Y "'ivn • ptck·up 1 __ , d~riven by , Sam I · the bad 1o .do in touch with Helen Wolfard at the SJiADE SHOP. Balboa lsl&nd are spending the 'in;.A ( 80-~~, to Go to her ..... ci frankly and openly dlsciisa your . month at the rscbo. Oueata who Ke~ natl 8lcnal Rd., Costa Y~ Hurt ~~o•.,::__e -•--t s t ~-h Id u· "'· M-· waa ~m1 --on ---eo••t .._. ~ wlndbw shade problems. She will understand and .ask Puui 0 go .a u,..._.y 1 OU no .. J H--. •-... _... Yl'C -t.hla eondltioD you only the neceaary queationa. I •\.80 auggeat Mrs. Dtnsmote at !>Nert Hot lgbway near Somers Motor• in Au+o Crash lef that •h• Jin. Uwvd& that you tell her &ny · secret t.hOta you may have ,sprtnga 930. wh'n"lt waa atnJck in the len rear • J ~. would feel up to'*' JDaD7 duUes. coocemlng Venetian bllnda. mtnd.8 are made of by & car driven by Irene E . Tay-Robert 18cotlalld, 19, of 752 W . Mn. Edward.I 1'epn taJdn& HAD- aluminum. H'elen can give you an eoUmate for F1ex· Plan Book Review 1""· lM E. 21.lt St., Costa Men 20th St., Poeta MeU,'pauenger In ACOJ:! and 1&71. It real17.belped alum V. BUndo. TheJOe cualom·made blmd• come In • at M-a Cl•b wblch, police said, had made • a car drl.ven by WUllam M. Ktli· lier. Mn. • .lid-WU adter-_...,. left turn from the southbound lane d -, ~ a d.ifldeney of V='"' B.. decon.tor colors and are llght and durable. Or you -of tbe Cout Highway. Damages ell, 17, o, 1217 Cout Hlway, Cor-~ladn .and' Iron. ,p ~ can •peak about revenlng vour,old shades or ch.at about drapery hard-Fannie M&cltnroe, WTlter, Jm. • on& del Mar, received mlnor ln'· L ~•--.., -to both vehiclea wa.a alight. j 1 t th tr•-con~. · ware • travene track.a. Now get on the phone or go .see Helen per90nator, teacher and humort.t. urea w en e ~dell m.achlne Here u ha ....,_ • ...___. ... Wolfard at \he SHAD.E SHOP. You11 teer much better for talking In an unusual accident (in the rammed rear of another car w t'.-ni. -..w-"'9si71: will preaent dnunattc· revtewa of tact that the driver wu untnjur-h r -r bne taken one b6~ of yaur. thlnp over at 814 -29th St., Newport, Harbor 884. current book.a at the monthly eel) ri ea.ding 90uth on Harbor Siva.. HADAOOL lmd am now on my e e • meeting ot Ute Co.ta Mera. l"rfday • car d Yen by Charle• R . near CbaPman Avev J'rid&y night. Mcond bottle. ud. I ·ma MY lt hu Afternoon club to be beld ll'eb. KCC&rtqey. 19• Long Beach, over-Both rere meniben of lut -117 belpad me. MWr "'1' bebJ' I' KNOW A. VBRY CH~G WOMAN WHO TAKES IN tumed 0.. the Cllrl>!ng of Bayside year'e Har!Jor H!ch football team. come I didn't fee!. Jib. waltin1 WASHING ... Everybodya! You W&nt to know who she ta! It's 16. Luncheon at 12:SO p.m. Will Dr1ve at the entrance to.' Harbor Kindell, ai.o received mtaor ln· around. I :W bted'aCbfs and WM Ruth Wella, owner of the Wuberett.e tn Corona del Mar. Tbe Waah· precede the pro.,.am.. , 111~ .i, '3:4.5 a . m . SUnday. Po-jurl d tak b b hla veq nerve-... and e9aa one bOt- erette t. that blC sanitary .oapatorlum where you can le&ye your Hoateue. w1ll be Kn. ~ ltcej .repOrted ·that akJd. marb in· paree:t!° Sc=-. we:. t'::. :ome : ::O~~= 110 much. ~t limp laundry. Tbey11 waah it. fluff dry . It and fold It lnto neat BuUer, Mn. Henry Hall. n. didlted \Mt the car wu' travel-by, friends. fUl HA.Dfcot.. far·~: cat.coneo. Or It J'OU're ambltloua, you can ·do your "*" !JI the clean, ~::I~. o.nlels and lln. F ,. O. ID&'I weot whe11 It elddded. over· Drlwt' of tbe other eu wu ft<>!h""Wod It to all JICtleQta l •hlte puru-pure tulll. TBURllDA Y NIGHTS tbe W'aaberette ls open blr1led and alld 50 yuda on Ila ,Arthur H. Glae, 20, of Santa An&. eom0 la -!lld·wilh.. fOr I ~ LOST-Liberal reward for dale red daclulhund who disappeared from 6101 Sea ~ore Drive on Saturday night. Phone Harbor 0809-J evenings. 1Tp79 • LADY WANTS to d'o' ""'-"<>rk afternoona and baby a&lunc af. ternoo.na 4 evening•. Can MlM Johnaon. Harbor 1800 (9 to 5). 77p79 EXPERIENCED ...,;etary - aecretarial or gen~ral offtce 1Vlc: Full or part time. Mn. J'. l'W . Weaver, 211·29th St., Newporl. Beach. · 1BPS1 • !:XP&IUJi:NCED . booklleepor ,.._. ceptloalot for doctor'•, qfflce. H~. ama11 family, -In. 'Newport Harbor Empldymat A.seney, llOll% '1l· Bay. Bl- ~ ~-R. · • neft Ul 9 p. m. for workillg people.' Aleo you can go!. droopy, faded t<>t>J bef<>n eomillg to a atop. The IL\DAOOL. 1il Jmt the formula ~ ...,.,., a pot·holden Ttntexed here: ·u. wre to nmember, Mn. DaYfs HO.tau , -... talten to Stowers gance. Lill" ._ .. Ad T~l"VI. -lind Kmeri1 REAL UTA.Tl: •-an ?to-~Y nJPt ls wa&b rupt at 404 Cout Blvd:, Corona del Kar. of S · t..-Cl • At-4:04 p . m. llUnday two can ~an IVIC 00 -I. tr 'dve o!llce can -Iii · ••• Harbor -W. PUldns f~ /He. ·•rYK\-11 •-lped eadl other at Utb st. T k , O J d . ,B..Oet1rod I..,._· la ~.... -or biol<er. llome apei1imee ..,. • • • The wea1e,... ~Guild of anti, a,nq-. nrtnra of tbe a es ver or ah =·~.~~L"~ai:;,: ,quired. weu •·1>0 !"'4d ~ "WJIYV.~IO dumpUas-ltod,dollcey1'yed "'?·-"!altJ ... -~..r-a.8\m-,1050 R 'lty o~~ --Okelle!All~Wlllr . .Bay and ;arch l!Mll;y, 1fa l~=========:;;.1....a 111\Uey, m:r a-1 man!" I w jll.lt stepped m ort • • ..,., tta ~ ~ Bml.;.Newport Beacb ea TTIC8 ·tlllo · -t· modem t-..ia. ... ...._ ~ ~ ,,_ ~: ~ Ave. to warm my hando! over a tray' of Y . , .,._ OoorP, .wmwn Balllle, San • ....,,.,. .. r._ re tlle4 trcm1· .; ·-Vil. St.al hate ~Bare t.-.....i Kr. R<il>eou of Rotz•'~-u. ~ ot -...,. .... ·1nn11n1· Kn. um ••. H. llcAcloci wtio -of.._.aiaw ~ . , J_,..iey ••1 pL4 BW1Tily al>Out In Ju. ltoft. " , "t :. , .' .v,_ Do ...... ~ ._.. eu --a cl&iq.. 1-llfeb . a.-ai.d wttb ti.a W , alopi1 ~ ~~ ·~·t =: n:.s ~-~· .. · c := tu lllb•btfl Ave. fta1'na ...... : . ' .. ' ' ' J ! GZNERAL INS'll!lANCS . JOii --I -• t.f• .bl chlrpe4.."W.U. I -1 'e,-1 .. aa.;s loft -loft -f....s& r.. .JoN&n Real Mota -at -:: ....... ----' "'""' ' -. ~ " • ~,. ..,t ~.·I....-. Nplled. .. No*, rr;;D. "!111 lit u. .....;r!Pt n.t'\i;.'.ne lllnun01111 'roo But Bal-~·Bal· --""' )ll>e. ~:'""'i· . ~ Pll. lfar· '1'*J: ·~"" · Q,u:l:::J."f:::...l:io'll tiqMM; JiiNtRa.ft atratpl, "Wbat'da7 la.Jtl"' "lta "' main --· All )a•··· _,m l W a damapl rtat>t troet -1-tali... -~ ~ ·!l"'.1, .. 'A"lZ':f~"==:F;i W,AICT !!\'OMAN fw-w'ls • 1.. m7 &rd~ in -.udrw ...,., at .1'08-..a ' prof'sd1M' ....... &'! eocttlr · toDoWtac nllNmlet of*·.,_.. ~ rr~dilll ti •·4":!·. a,~·~ ·week• ftdl~..._ ... !' Ne-...... I'll. liar. M ~Y, --~ ...... A.-, •an !l.!end '1'~ invited to .ts... .f -oa r.t>. 1t. -will -fl•,•ia-~i'L:'.lli:llll!Clii S--. l!Y . --UT'-' '~:;:~::;=========::1 ~-· Rat .ta! •••~a .t••*» tau • ' -. .&.a.a.' till~~ ww tM:-t ptdlMO a& i.9 !:=,..Ii-.. ~-.. ~ ... · .'f , 1 _. j bMft ~ ..,.,, wt and w1Mn1 dip tor ' '80.&T D'mD A,-.:n w _....,.Wt billl W. ••mlllld • -!llA~ -·-.a-; O"'>•.itJ' -rw __,.., ,..., l ~ T. Kann, -aw, .J9\ ~::: 1 ,_...., 11 a. a""" -w u. ...._ · POMXJL·la OD)ol lllO(/-,_...,. _. • ...,,. ti ., • , 8 dsllmte.,,*±•da M ...... ,and ~ phri""C cU'(·.or, ported to .N'wwpqi1 BI~~ UftW ~ ol U....,,.. Re .aid ,.. x.rF= !!.!.'1;.! ... w11f~•1r-t !'!ft•:~ ctftea Wtt!I ... G•ll -I!.(,....,, W-'l,... -to at U.-ef ..... ,.,.,,.-tw f• aiaP ,..... ...... ajAI tine , . ...._:DJ UIL »to.ti ~---•• ."'1t -•• ~• - lnJSS I= fill .. ...,too,.&M..,..ptJl.11...,.ape1a·1 •~V·'1z4iet Roblft•a llollt 11-* II, MIEed. at J ... ·:r-:~_t._J• tae fill .. ..,..bMt ~. 9ooad. M .tllt Lill) Jml ----=-·a ~:~pa I ......... MJMl011111r-JIM •-1&1 e$1maa'• -.11y ·-·-............ _....., 4'1, at Illa •011 -ci. wM -ta PM int 11-.,_..,.,~ a llJlJl ;..-... .... ....., lalooi1 Leef 11 r'-·-~---·· Ka._ elpna9 ........... 4lw'12IS•1 JP~ ad ~i~ batdl ·~ •birtd Md •Ill 0 M t•f • 9l tM Ill tt..., • ......_ ... .....-C.9!:u?a. ~-Ubl • II=--' ;;;; ..... -.. ~9 'v.t-- -lfcsc 'I ...... , '* -_.t+w llOBlltT'll JllWaUtY, .m\6 lhJiaK1ll A.V&, .--a M.fr Jou' a •· ••• IW ·d -. ...,. A.-arr-!IF liaa;•t •-· , ... I..: ~. Top •• ..,.. ftJ -tds '--------------" RAlaQA;~,~~ ...... 1111., ~ !• ~at.. ztf'n • ·t'~ 11Kl72 I~ ...... ,..... 811=~·..,... • ., ~ I .~1,, i ~.° .,. .... .. . ~ ~ • I •' ' . • I • • • '> ' . • • • • ' WHEH YOU ~WANT ~ TO .BUY •. SELL · Ml.OJ, -~-: I ',., ' -- . ' ~ ! . . A1rcr&tt Workers DOUGLAS LOng Beach Needs Men Aircraft Assmblrs. 'A' & 'B' Upholsterers. Sheet Metal, Hand Formers Extraaion haDdformel"B Metal Fitter AssembleM\ Metal Fitter Mecha.nics Grinder Operators Painters Shear Operators Saw Operators Hy'dro-Press Operators 'A' Milling Mach. Operators )illlling Mach. Machinist Engine Lalbe Machiniot Tool & Die Makers lilspectors-Tooling Inspectors, M~tr. Layo ut Pl&lter Pattern Makers Inspectors-Mach. Parts ALSO MA.NY OTHER JOBS FOR MEN W1TR GENERAL MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE Plant Employment Office Lakewood & Carson Hours 8 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m. Monday Tbru Saturday DOUGLAS Aircraft Co. INC. LONG BEACH DIVISION Check These Values Today! UMd 8-ft. SERVEL refrigerator: excellent condition, original ser· 1tce policy still In E"ffect--.. $169.95 USED OAS RANGES : Prosperity, Oatrera &: Sattler and Buck'a-- $37 .50 & up · Uaed WASHING M.A'CHINES -Euy, ABC, Kenmore and I othen. - 0 .E. PORT~LE DISHWASHER: demonstrator; if new, $169.95- N CiW $149.95 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Beacon 5222 STROOT'S ~eWINKLE HARDWARE 1802 Newport Blvd. ·Costa Mesa Television Service RADIO REP AIRS · L&ny IDwen • • l aroJd Ramm Tedmlctam MJCSA. llADIO A, TELEVlBION lM Broadway, C. M. Ilea. 0808-.1 FINE CARL Zeiss. J ena. micro- ~. reuonable. Also transit. Ph. Laguna Beach 44772. 79p81 ' n-!rpU1T11U -MLS Jack's Fumit~ 1501 Bal-m..s .• Newport Bch Beds. ra.att:tt.N, cheKI-. ~. retrt.,en.ton. etc. Untlnl1111ed ll"umlhlre. BUY, SELL or TRADIC Phone Harbor "°2-R 711c92 MODERN, like new, matching 1tudk> couch 6 cbalr, $7!5. 231 Dr!ftwood Rd., Sborecllffs. Ph. Harbor 0494. 77c79 8"-pc. SOLID oak dtnlng rm itet . Rf!frtt:tory table. fine condJ tlon. $75 OR WILL TRADE for re- frigerator or wuh. mach. Ph. Beacon 8747-J . '79c81 3·PC. MAHOGANY bedrm 11et, tx12 rug, hl8 ~ rug, 3 pr ..... •tln drapea. 2210 Harbor Blv~ .• 'Coeta Mna. 78c80 MdVING-Mu.t 1:1ell ieverything. • including Uv. rm. set, 19" Horr- I • • OVER 100 PDlPLE ANSWERED T HIS WANT AD ' , - Complete bouee full of fine furniture to be aold Sat· urday and Sunday, Feb. 10 and 11. ·-- Includes PhUco refricerator. elec- tric rani1e. Murphy •Ink atld refrigerator unit. Sectional df· van and other artlclea too num- erous to mention. 2157 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2502-R or Harbor 0164-W. It appeared in the Newe-Timea, POl!t Shopping and the Newport-Balboa Press last week ... News, • Mr. Jack Waggoner of Jack'e Furniture who handled the sale reported that nearly everything was eold the first day. ' man TV. I ft. Servel gas rerrtg.. When you want to buy, BEii, rent or employ, PHONE and aome antique•. 1941 Harbor HARBOR 1616 and ask for the "Ad Taker." or write to • Btvd., Coeta Mea. Beacon ~29. ' 79c8t Newport Harbor Publishing Co., 2211 Balboa Blvd., New- -------"-·----~ I BEDROOM SET. mahogany rtn-port Beach . lsh. 4 plf"Ce9. Mattreu &t box aprinp lncluded. 175. 510 New- port Blvd., fabove arches). Bea.- con 5542-M. 79c81 l$-llOA Tll. SUPPUEB --25-ft. cabin crulller. Cedar hull. A good buy, only $1 ,400. P hone Harbor 1020-W._ 77Uc WILL SWAP, sell or trade 28 ft. Monterey. Best offer in one week's time wiU t&ke. Beacon 8190-J . 79c81 . . ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD Square Grand Pia.no Genuine Mathuahek . Came a r ound the Horn. Perfect condition. A collector's Item for ONLY $250. 1300 W. Bay Ave., Newport Bch. Phone Har~r 1960-J BUNGALOW upright piano in perfect playing condition, $295. Tern1a, 130 doW(l, $10 mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. I Since 1907) 421 N . S·ycl\JTlore, Santa Ana. 'Kimberly 2~0672. 71tfc - U-STORl:!I a OP1'1UE8 A-1 LOCATION on Main St .. Bal· boa. near Pavilion. Space occu- pied by pre8f!nt P . 0 Owner will -remodel to sutt tenant. SEE Mrs. McAdoo, 700 E . Bal- boa B1vd .. Balboa. Ph. Harbor 153 or Harbor 2873-W. 75c81 . 4!--WANn;D TO RENT UNll"URNtSHED or furnished-2 or 3 bedroom. Lagun8, Corona dt•I Mar or Balboa. Children. Re· sponalblf". To $100. YrarlY, Ph. AX. 3·2019, l..os Angt•le.s. 78p82 fS-APART~IENTS " HOl lSES RENTAL 1" I --SPECIALISTS Call Edna Craig Linwood Vick, RI tor. Balboa (l:land. Har." 2042• 32<:M ------UNFURNISHED 3 RM. APT .. lge. living rm., bdrm'., kllchl"n. bath Panel ray heat. Frla-ldalre and stove furn ished. 317 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor 2989-W. 64tfc I UNFURNJSHED HOUSE, bcaut1- Cully decoralt>d. two bedrooms, stall show~r. 2 patios. Barbecut>. lovely yard, Gardent·r furnished. I year lease.. St:>O rer mo. Apply Mr. 78c 0 8 425 Iris, Corona rlel • . 4~APARTMENT8 a ROUSES BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APTB. YEARLY OR SEASONAL See G AlL CARNEY wltb Nelda Gi bson, Real Estate 306 Marine, Balboa lat. Har. :'t02 19c81 YEARLY -New fumtShrd l . bedroom home. suitable for 2 couples. can be divided, water tnclud. 308 -3Jrd St .. N•wport Bch. Ph. Anaheim 28001. 79p81 BALBOA -Furnished 1 bedroom apt. Inquire 901 E. Bay P'runt, Balboa. Phone Harbdr 0331-W 67p81 - FURNISH!!:D HOUSE--1 bedroom and garage, south or Blvd. W•· tf'r paid. t yr. lease. $70 per mo. Apply 425 lrl.8, Corona del Mar. 79p8!J - LIDO ISLE U you want • rental on LIDO ISLE ... ... Several lo9ely apta. Alao homes av&tlable. · • p , A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo Harbor l l'.IU• CORONA DEL MAR -N~/ 2 B. R. house, &love &: re(rlg., car- JK'l, venetian!!!, garage. Yearly. 1· 1/i ACRE & HOME -Thia II really nice -2 bdnn bome oo % acre . wtt.h 18 rruJt .trees. many ahrubll, flower• and a gar- den. Patlo and lath bou.e. Built 1$4~. It'• pret ty a.a a picture. , Jn lhe Back Bay area among nice h.omet:. You·11 agree Ill priced below replacement. ' $10,800 ' Costa Mesa Bargain $1,000 dwn. BRAND new 2 bdrm home on 6U fl, lot -Hwd. floors, tl!e sink, P&n el-ray heat, wrvlce porch $6.MO, balance $50 n1onth. &f' Ull9 now. •Newport Heights Cles.n 2 bedrm home rear lhr . HJgh School only J yrs. old Bwd. floors, dbl. garage. All bonda are paid. Shuu?d a. l .. '8.9M. Beacon Hill Realty 469 Newport Blvd (above Arches) Phone Beacon 5713-f-t IF YOU w&nt an hnmaculatr ne'-'' house. properly designed for comfortable year-round living. and IF YOU want a pier and rlollt' for your boat and a good beac:h for ~wlmmlng and . . , IF YOU like a splendid view of the ~harbor from every roonl In your house I You'll call l THE:N I Stanley Hadfield at Harbor 20 for appointment lo Hrr this beautiful Balboa I.sliind hornt'.~ 7::itrt: SPI-WET PIANO. Full keyboard dlscontlnued model. Beautltul cUre and tone. OnJy $395. Tenna DANZ-SCHMIDT Piano Co .. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. cornl'r 6th. CHOICE 2 bedroom, 2-bath bay- tront apt. Beautiful bay 'rie\V. eooc1 heat, private bt>erh. $1 35 mo. to June 15 or sllchtly high- er by ye.ar. M6 Larkapur. C. D. M. 77p7D _;::;._...;:: ________ _ SOHMER GRAND PIANO. Uaed good tone. S39:S. Spinet, reR03- ~saed. Save $150. OANZ- SCHMIDT Big Plano Sto re, 520 N . Main, comer 6th, Santa Ana . W ANTED-00 pi&n08. Trade in your old piano. on a C rand (Spinet ) or beautiful television. Bigheat cash allowance. Terme. DAN2rSCHMIDT PfANO Co .. corner 6th, !520 N. Main, Santa Ana. RENT A PIANO, ~ per· month. All rent allowed If you buy wttb- ln terma. ~ANZ-SCHMIDT, ~20 N. Maln~ Santa Ana. GREENLEAF a, ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Har. 2552 74tfc BALBOA 3 ROOM furnished apt. $47 per month including utilities. all year rental. Service men welcome, couple only, no pels or children. 605 Bay Ave., Bal- boa. 76p7U BALBOA ISLAND -Nice single Apt., rurniahed, year a round $40. Write 1128 Lorain Rd., San Ma- rino 9. ATiantic 1-0365. 77c79 NICE 2 bt.'Clroom turn. apt., $60 156-MONEY _TO LOAN mo. Also 1 bdrm. furn. at $56 ------------mo. Both till July 1st. 1603' E . Balboa , Blvd., Balboa. Phone Harbor 2810-W. 7·7p80 UNFURNISHED 2 -alory beach house, 2 bedrma., 1 ~ bat.ha. $55 Jn(). yroarly . Excellent ~atton. schools, msrket.e. 202 -32nd St .. Newport Beach 7tc81 NICE ~ ROOM, 2 bedroom home, partly fuml!'lhed. Newly deco- rated. Sun room. Garage. $57.:>0 mo. yearly. 1560 Tustlnt Costa Mt•sa. Ph. Bea.. ~2M.J. 77c79 REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 4 'h . 5% ' Loans quickly made In tllc Bay Area and Laguna. Single or mulUple unit.a. New or old. Be wtee and save by re-financing )'OUr present, loan. Mlnlmum ex· penae. NO charge for prelimi- nary appraisal. Phone Santa .Ana Kimberly 3-6:§27 or write: ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Correapondent T-No Calit. ute Ina. Co.'e IU4 South Main Banta Ana LOANS For Homes with 4 70 -5 1/:i 70 Int. CORONA DEL. MAR BARG.AlN REDUCED to "Sll.500 for quick Ale. 3 bedroom.a and panelled den; 2 bathe, only 2 blocb to beach . Only 3 yea.re old. SEE THIS TODAY! • • $2500 Handles Keys at- Tile John Vogel Co. a • " ,.-f • ' ·, . I , • TUESDAY, FEfRl/ARY 13, 1951 ~ ' BALBOA~~ TO CI..pSE; AN ESTATE! ~ ROOM 1 '!i balh home. Comer lot, deal.rable toca- Uon. 'f' ASl{ING P~ICE $13,500 Bkh submJtted at our office . IN CORONA DEL MAR 1301 Coast \fwy .. Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 17(1 or Har. 1417 ., ATTRA=rvl!: 2 BEDROOM HOME. 11> bto.ka from ocean. South of Hlsfiway. 45' lot. Laree hvtnc-room.. S.m ceWnc. Hardwood noora. unW1uaJ dining room.. Kllchen ud bath wtlh t'Ue. Prtco. $18.500. Multiple Uat- lng No. 1821. , · · Evening¥ Harbor 393-M . The J:sland i If you are subject to the "Bayfront Influence" see u. today. We ! have a South Bayfront "fiew property" .for you tq 6'!c. Two story home w th. 6 bedrms, furnace b at, fircpiace, large lot, a d many · good .features. P ssibilities !tere B at $38,Soo .,. CaU Hub P owers . A. Beek Office • BOA ISLAND FERRY r 63 Balboa Island ikEVER AGAIN I For $250!) I ONLY AT ' I 11 CORONA j HIGHLANDS I DO YOU GET ,1 bccan view Lots over- ;ooking Newport Harbor. if ~O fl. or more frontage, v ,II utilities i n c 1 tLd i n.g ewers. y'. ~o assessments. r if ~onveniently 'located. ~ v rr!vate -~h 'rights. if tterm3 available. I M4cl:el Homes to show Tra<t offlc1: at wy. 101 at Seaward Rd. t CO RONA DEL ~AR Phone Harbor t)4-J RO~ QUICf< SALE-New 3 bdrnl. h~u.se, 32b \Arkspur, Corona dt:I ,Mar. Landl'ICaped, fenced. Phone ahelm 4867. 76c81 l1.lboa Peninsula RLY NEW 4 bdnn. 2-balh h mf'. De I u x e . throughout oice location -Must be seen t , appreciate. Price "'-$29,000 f · nished. Call Mrs. Maroon, Harbor J 77~ • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ -MARINE A VE .. Balboa rsland MRS. LILLIAN -H. McADOO WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT SHE HAS TAKEN OVER THE W. L. JORDAN REAL ESTATE OFFICE AT 700 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA AS OF FEBRUARY 10, 1951 INVESTORS SPECU.LATORS Hedge againat lnOation. Woe have just listed the beat piece of New.port Blvd. frontage in Costa Mesa. It hu a depth of 184 ft. net and ia In a close-in area that Is hard to beat. You can buy from 50 rt. to 600 ft. The low price and terms will amaze you. Call w; NOW for details Best Buy in C. M. Very attractive 2 bdrm home - Best cl1.tSe-ln E . 11ide location. Hwd., fireplace, tile bath w ith sep~ tile ·st. shower, M'p. dng. rm., fenc~ back yd . Lg. dbl. · gar. Appr. over $10,000 G. L Full Price Only $8,950 Thia home must eel! thUI week G. I. $750 DoWI1' hra~d new 3 bd-;;; home ln Ne.;-1 port Hght&. -Fireplace, hwd. and many other outstanding tea· lures. ~ • Full Price $10,000 PHIL SULLIVAN Formerly C . Galen Denlaon G.T. EVERSON REALTOR ~ 49Q Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phpne Beacon 6243-W Harbor 31G7-W or' Btacon M58-J On Balboa Island DON'T _.EXPECT TOO MUCH - WE have a duplex with a good Income record . . .. and possi- bllltle1 for improvement - Only $11,500 Linwood Vick, Rltr. 312 Marine Aw:., Balboa Island Phone Harbor ·204.2 REAL BUYS! BALBOA-3 B. R. $9.960 Close to Bay Front and good swimming. ThiA la an older home but in Xln't. condition . Hwd. flr8., Fir, furnace. Can be bought furnlsbfil at $10,500. Be sure to •ee this!, . INCOME PROPERTY-;10.000 Right ln the Heart of BALBOA! 3 apartment.a and 4 sleeping rooma. CAN BE A MONEY MAKER! This la priced right. BALBOA POINT-$13.500 Attractlvt> 3 B. R. l'tonle. Would n1ake Ideal hon1~ for family with children. Close to good bay bathing beach. . COSTA MESA-$7.000 3 B. R.. fif't'place, corner lot 70 x )40. 2-car garage. Fin~ neighborhood. Needs 6bme painting and hu wonderful poe- -aiPU!.Uea. SOUTH COAST REALTY CO. "Multiple ~ating f_\ealtora" ' 302 Main St .. Balboa.. Har. 203. "Near Pavilion" LARGE Comer lot, · eUi end of Lido I.Rte -oppoelte street end and pier. ALSO 3 bedroom hou&e ~n Lido, 60-ft. lot. enclosed paUo and garden, $16,600. Phone Harbor 1953. 78c80 OWNER offera 2 B. R. houae, fire· place, p&tio, R -2 lot. Only S79:w>, $3.300 down, S:>O mo. on be.lance. Open for inspecUon. 704 Lark- spur, Corona del Mar. 74c76 *·*SO .LD**' 1717 W . Balboa Blvd. Newport Be"'\11 By a Multiple Uatin& Realtor Today's Best Lot Buy -· EVERYTHllllG FOR YOUR TRAILER Wll ll"ILl. BUT ANZ &l"1 PROPANJ: TANKS Complete tn.W:.Uon, repair a.ad•Mrvtce of all TTa1Jer JDqulpment. COMJ!: IN and play the Wonder - ful New Hammond Chord Or- gan. Even lf you don't know a note of muaic you can play beautllul muaic In ten minutes. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano a.net Organ Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. MODERN 1-bedroom ynfurnlahcd apt. Hwd. floors, gar .. laundro- mat. Near ~can . Rcaeonab1e yearly rental. 311 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Ma r. or call evee. Sat. Ir: Sun., Har. 0574-J. . ' 77c79 A ITRACTIVE R 0 0 M , outside entrance. Near buau an,d shop- ping. Very reuonable. 803 Lark- spur, Corona. del Mar,.. ~hone Harbor 3099-J. 77c7U Loll&' term. Low payment BpectalUl9g . tn II". H. A. and G. I. 2 Plana. 61,ii'J(, C -~nirtlon LoAna i LIDO ISLE ' droom and den, 2-bath home 111' Iota. Panell ed interior, 1,500. 78c80 !Cveryboily r.ado the cluat!led ad.o. * * LOOK * * I . • ~ .. m , CORO~ DEL MAR Hem\&Do E~ Samuel· mtl11 M. Portei 8.LBOA PENINSULA -Nicely furnished 2 bedroom apt. Sun- dcck, garage. Winter or year- ly. Rce.aonablc. Phone Harbor 0612-W. 76tfc USED PIANOS from $69 up. Good $80 -521 Fernteal, Corona del p'41ytng condition. 0 A N Z-Mar. 3 bedrporns. large living 1810 HARBOR RLVD. SCHMIDT, ~20 N, Main, Sanla With fireplace, garage. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY O.ta JIM&. Phone Beacon 8224-R Ana •. ~mer 6th. $~ -Studio Aparlnlent, large ELECTIUC ORGAN. Like new, I living room with alcove, Holly-Here'S A TV Bargain ramoua make. save $2l>O. Term•. wood twtn beds. K itchen and I Electrttled organ, used, only ample clOfle\a-S hower, bath. PlllLCO Consolette. 10-lncb Tele-$175. For church or home. Danz-Harbor 0829-R. 77c79 vllioft. overhauled; In A-1 'CO(!· Schmidt. 520 N. Main, Cor. 6th, THREE ROOM unfurnished apt., <l.ltlon ; •automatic tuning. Sa.nta Ana. • close to Coata Mesa shopping. J. Only $115. Keep ln touch wtt.h ua for good buya in other TV sets being tnded tn- EABY TERMS ARRANGED BEA tITIF UL W ALNtrT art cue Ste:lnway-Duo--Art grand piano. Lllte new. Save over ¥.!: of new prlct. Convenient terms at SHAFER ·s Ml[BIC co (Since 10o7) 421 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. 77tfc M-DOGS. OATS, PETS year.., old, $-t5 mo. lnqutre Bea· con Realty, 466 Newport Blvd., CCNJta MeHa . 77c79 VERY desirable furn. 2-bdrm. & den. breakfast room, dln:ng. lg~. living room, 2-car garage. 1 yr. leue, $115 per mo. · 209 Broad- way, Coata Mesa. 78p83 IN LOVELY COURT -2 bedrm H -A-REST HOMES REST HAVEN CALL BOB SATTLER · Bar. 3183 'Tor P'ree Appraisal 1 Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. . Metro. Life Ina. Funds. Kl 3-518."l " BLDG. SITES 1 .. bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, ocean LI · 55-ft. bay front choice loclf'· l n ............ :.:= ................... $~1 ,500 view, DejN modtCom 2- 1 stJ__ry1 y,ear- $1,900, b&n~ paid. Ocean view, 2 blocks from bay. Earl Chamberlain Convaleacing. c hron ic and eenllity cu ea. Nurae 24 br. dlity. Ph. Beacon 4711-W. 179c8t l around .home. mp et.e y urn. 30· . bayfront R-3 ............... $9,000 1711 Eut Ocean Blvd., Balboa. MORTGAGE LOANS 45. . lnsid• ............................ $3.500 call • 30· f . inaide ............................ $2.!50 For appointment to see r Owner-Harbor 2M3. 77c89 500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar (OppoolU, Newport Harbor Bankl Phone Harbor ~ A CHOICE 1941's. (Offered with New Care"' tma.l • Low Interest Rates F'REE INSPECTION S. W. COLEMAN ' 207 N . Broadway Phone Santa Ana Kl 3-7778 We Buy and SeU Trust Deeds • 68c81 ANS TO B~.1 IMPROVIC. ., PLY BUY. MODJIBNIZE, OR ,1 . SEO ·-----·-........ $545 REll"lN~CE '41 PLY. CONVERT ..... 595 We Buy Truot De<da '41 PLY. SEO. .. ............ 595 ,IQWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL '41 OODGE SEO kOC BAVlNGB "LOAN ASSN. , • ···•··•··· UCkl 1 8333 Vta Udp Ph. Har. lftOO 41 OODGE SEO. . ......... 595 . '41 STUDE. SEO ........... 5811 1t-1'RAILER8 N PORT HEIGHTS -Perma· • nt view of My and ocean. One the best view lotii left $6,500 l N ME bldlJ. alte nr. downtown pata Me11a. Over 22,000 ft. crlfice ,5,000. E ERGENCY HOSPITAL BLDG. Co er location, brick coll8truc· OQ,. 14 nna., including sw:gery. riced lo sell at $31,SOO or might. nalder lease. GREENLEAF A, ASSOC. 31 Newport Blvd., Harben:. ~2 ALBOA ISLAND . ' OT -GOOD LOCATION CORONA DEL MAR Three Lovely Homes 2 Bednn. home, bdwd. firs., ATTRACTIVE 2 BDRM HOMl!l. enclosed yard PLUS-2 bed· Quatnt pape,., t>eautirut wood rm. apt. over dbl. garage. pane Utng, tiled stall •bowor and WeU loeat.ecf ;J15,750, trms. tub, dlahwasher and di.p.at. nice patio &Md planting•. On cor· NEW 2 bednns. So. of high·, 1 way. Large rooms, forced air beat, dbl.. gar. Enclosed yard $13,500. Terms. Have opening for 88llOCiate ' ' broker. . ner lot on 'Balboa penirulu.la. Pr:iced right at $15,500 . LIDO BA YFR01'1'T HOME _:__ One of the nlcMt on the north bay. 5 bedrms, large living r;m, dln- lng rm.. all in top condltlon.t Excellent pier, for large boat. • A.. K. C. Wire Hair Pupplea. 7 wka. unt\J:rniahed houae, 147.fl(). mo. We Trade On!y for the. Bnt? 77 old. Male•. 511 Alieo, Newport ALSO }arge t railer, $30. Small The Davis~Brown Co. l&ID H&rbor Blvd.. Costa Mesa Ph.one Beacorl. 6821 WANTED' -House trailer, late $7,500 --U.linp Wanted -Allio R.t!ntata 4 BBDROOMS, l'!i bathl •• knotty pine Uvlng rtn wiUI r~ nice sundeck, acroaa atree"""'1 • bay. $17.500. Height.a. Beacon 83()8..W. 79c81 trailer, 122.50. 1741 Pomona, ·~-Costa Mesa. Phone Bea . 8747-J. SHA VER MOTORS O~ Little Island model mf'dlum s~. ...., TR.ADE tor level lot, ocean aide Ernie So,.ith, Re&.ltor • j 1 ' I l I . I 'I l "'-"'' ~ll DBL. ~ "Prins. and Your .OOOOIC-PLYM~ Dlt. ttr I Good -POmTBY •a••--• 14lte . ma e.u comp e e. con-...,~ , ~" 1938 Harbor Slvd., Mela diUon. $~ 722 W. Ocean P'ront. YOU PICK ANO SAVE YEARLY-Lee. fumlahed 1 bed-' of lltghway, S&n Clementt. Ph. 2 Barboi' 2288, Har. 1986 ews. nJla -Neu Bay. Very alttac" ve. Fura.. e&dmtnton Court. 120i! Cout HJway, Corona del Mar ' Phone Harbo1' 2911 Bay & Beach Realty ' Balboa. Pb. Barbor 1834-M . Red chicken rryera. 40c lb live [ room flat. flreptace, re.tHcera-llH.O FORD converUb&e ~p,e - • · · ' 77pTil· 2 Tom turkeyi, 30c lb. ~ All tor. wuhing mach.lne a paUo. will lake 1"9 or ·~ 8"0rd or GJi.\PHlC CAMERA _ 31' x .f \If (l'llln fed $811 mo. utll. pd. 2l3 Colton. Chen-oiet in trod<:, Call ~t 2011 .,_JIOl'ift WANTED -~Y EQUIPPED. Boyw' bike, 28", like new, '30 Newport Boach. Har. !304,-W. Grand cana~ Bal-llO!ud E' DIBODIDn' 10~ a chatU,l 'p;k:S NEW. BARGAIN. CALL --I 79c81 an,.. • p. m. . 11p79 "'°"PJe ~t $2500 on .. pNimt- HABBOB 292.w. --..18"80 575 W: WIWon. Collta M-. FURN. 1 BDRM. APT. near·-'49 f.u.iooLN ~ 4-clr. Miit ~ Bbop-ll"ountalnA, Cafe ' -·-_,_ ___ .. ··~----"""·'-··--,, .. ~~ .. =-·-' ~ II '•AHtBD TO BUT. 79p8l mo. (or $50 ,mo. tor ll. UUI. car. !Cxcellen.t .....i1u.., ltln&. ._ and w\11 ...,,atn .on Mlll• • brlt:k and ..._. -.0, • · ' ·· • _ . . tum. 1914 Newpo.-t Bl..S., co.-4311 :!Cut -wq, cO.l.aj--. I unw all ~nta are tul-'· p..a larse -e. Room for LOW 00~ nDl:N!r ~ · ~~-~·renotuollll!~OFFhlHIM taMea. •. 7k8l •. lfTf! fillect.'N~ __ "\'!!_!"Y"l1%[11JW1 • e:ana.d-lor-li.-.. .c.pe I .< ·~1yr. · ....--•·-,... PTA wuta to ~ ,, 1dlle tb1o ,.,..-. Bee O"!lltr, lm n:<d air beat. T.,.,,.. eu 1'o °14 Die-_ ',....,...,, -· '*>'-f°'-UN. Ursent• ~UNIT lllt111llL Jeue, .,_mg N2CZ BUNNY APT. Tile kltcben ital ll'ORD model A·~· 11 _, Woot. Ba7 Aft., N""llOrt 8-11. • m....,s. ·c.n --at Hartl« --lot. ' ·· - ly ••~•d. -can Jlupt. Rea. S..· SlS,000 ID. Tl' mQlltha, for &ale, and bath. ,,_ ""· with m,a-· ' , [ _ · 'ryp79 . aft.er 5,_, p , m. ~ •I ~ <Of.Zllt,Na • 1 -aur. ' 11!*1 b\cl•"''~-~ la••dry clllne. It ,... are~ for ~-~ ~;_~·'aPP ~ . ,.,...r'--,,,.,..-:-·...--·-~--Don't-•• ....t... """""-'.la ...,i _,... i. d linen ~ o0met.blll& Blee "clean. can at ,...,_..._ ...,. ~ (•!'• ~ ~ · · I ' •· ~--......... BOOKS w" 1'T'l'1"n I .u:. an ' -• Uth-ilt..•Newport, ~ i_•H-R -~· p. .. I ,.... .,, ..,. .. UT' ~ ,W&atzD. "~ ·soLt) 1""" .* -It ?'"'. "7 ~-': 614 , .. ~ • ..,_. -' Earl ~birliin: i-ciat:-"'°'... ....__ Jo'--Vo<-f ,..._ . . ... P1.11101:r111 a.o" , .. "-ll"lµVA'rll PARTY~!"~~ ·" w. .. -Bhd."·· _.,_ ~ ____ ,,,.. ....... :'I"-_..u.. lll>nlr7 '.l.uec' . uu. "... ""'· HJU41JJS lflO!r Ap&:.:....a rma. rv. ... -· Radio..... -....... or !lei...""" ...... • -------- -IRJ!ll!TD CR&SLT · llOI C.. 111Q<, ~.tJat Mu nl7i11·<1. .....,_ .-(-co•an. ~ i l'I A, ...... _.,,..... illF"""!''ol H••r>:t --. l<>Pti -1'-jllilt P --I ._.-.,..-•. 111.f. '!'I , --iTU • Bar. HTT the ·~). Bu-Mlo..1' <>< -1 ~ 1'<1 ; 1.rt ~-·,. (-. SU.-J. J"'"8<' -_ ~ . , -~ Jlihw -~. • 11c11s •• • • .. ........ • •• :....... Thll ........... , ~ . --v•·r . TWl , ,.., .. ,, .. '"'!"'ill •• ,,, · TIUI • ,a t • ,_ · • · • .... f -·~ • '1''\: ... -•• ... ~ t • . .. • ~ ,. ' ' --· xcelle:nt Income. -78c80 Ethel Shltley Glodo hy 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor UM Horace . Tooay's Best iluy Muet in ) , Bl!tl"l'ER SEE TffJS, CORONA D'Et ~R Lido Bay Front Home , -- da