HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-20 - Newport Balboa News Times, • L • \ r ' ' ' ' 43rd YEAR-~~ NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1951 FIVE .CENTs • LYING LONELY IN DEA.TH In ~ center of Newport Blvd. ls the body of 1191 N tM·port A ,.e .. COsta Meu. \"\'ho was kilted In l!lit&ntJy l4ilfln !I truck b1 a car Suaday at ':SS P. ..0. at Sf'l4'port 81\·d. and Cabrtllo St.; ju8t. 11.CroMe the boole\..,rd from his horn" .. He wu hit by tbe car at the lop of the pletutt, drivm by LA:>e ChrllftenM"O, 20, 768 "'· 19th 8t., Coeta MN&. · fNewa~Ttmee Photo) ·--- MESAN, 68, HITi WHILE CROSSING ' NEWPORT BLVD. Four accldent.B Ofer th~ w,.ek- end took a loll of one d•d and two pereoM injured In the lfarboi area. V lctlm or the traffic acci- dent which occurred near the in· tersectlon of Newport Bl~d. and Cabrlllo St., Coala Mesa ·1 "1 front of NlckeU'a Market l at 4 :~ •p . m . Sunda.y wq Albert Morrison;-68, ot 1761 Newport Ave., Coal& M.eaa. · · " MorriJtOn wu killed tqstantly MANY FACTS .POINT TO INNOOEHCf · !~~:E::.:~z:E.~1~~~ OF ACCUSED MOTHER DEFENDf0f.S'~iys a;.~~;:~:~~~l.:~ , I\ · , a iJra.ueJ'ls mortuary ln Coal'-Mesa, Publlc Defender Nick' Me~r where a coroner's Inquest was Tars Win. End Season Tied With Anaheim for League Lead t·hurgcd 18.."ll week lbat aheri!f'a ac.hedUled at 3 p. m. Monday. -.t_•ffi<:<'rs den.led vt•jt'lnJ a.rid Ot.bcr In an accide.nt that c;iccu~ pr1vilf'i;:'.PS to Mrs. Cordelia Oreen. M'onttay at 12 :07 a. m. at the in- 2:1, Costa ME'a& mother or two ter~tion of Newport Blvd. and ~iris. accUBed. of lbe fatal beatfng Baker St., Costa Mcaa. Mary of hPr 4·month-old @ughter Pa-A1terberry, 37, of Huntington t ricia. Ann Thur&day. P'eb. 8. Beach, a p&ueng.er tn a car driven HC' claimed· that she "waa. led" by Clinton Wllson, Hunttngt.On Winding up the Sunset League ba.skt'tball SCB#On In~ t1<•. N<'"-'"J)Ort into "making sta.t.tments without Beach. received major fnJurlea. Harbor and Anaheim high schools will both compctl' in the Soulh1·rn I advicC' of· counael," and t'8-t •he Cecil Adler, 28, of Merton, receiv- CIF pl.ayoftli b<>giooUJg March 2. Tht')' will mt•ct tht' first and st>cnn11 ( wa.s Lien led the .... ltege oft aeelng ed minor injuries. He was a pas- plaee teams in the San Diego city lc8gue at Point Lon1a hiKh school I hrr huNband. Fran.kiln P , Gree~. senger in a yehicle driven by Don· in San Di~. F ir!'ll game will tx-gin at 7 :30 and tht• scconLI at 9:05 Jr., or any other reiatlvea until aid Cochrane, 29, .RedlandB. m. bur it h~n·t ct been determin('d Jn which gs.me !'\e~orl will .she saw her mate Wedneaday when The construction project on P. · y takC'n before the district attorney Co&Bt Highway which h.u botU ... participate. . d rr for mo re qucatloning. necked highway traffic recently ~ Tar.!S 'ca.s1Jy polishe_ o v I R k ''The re are many fact.s pointing l.11 sµu a aource of locked bumper8 their la.st lcagU(' foe. Hunttngtou a or on r oc s h I .. M cl lm-" and cara being towed away after Be h H bo bl h Fri • to er nnoccnce, eyer a ~. , ac • . at ar r g gym 60 8 ' "but I admit there are iome hitting the car in front. At 1 :M day night. The t1Cfre w~ -4 . · 11 ,. p. m. Saturday there wu a thref" DEL M'\f' BLlTfTS-Thh1 L" "'he.re t.he hon!V"!I ,,·ould · bu.tit, •t thf'. bottom of Ill«" bluff, If the &cceM road had -_ ... by ""' road "'M k111f'd. .. ~ -. ' ., I , :i • ' •. I • with the outcome never in doubt _. c •bbe po1nt1ng to her gu t. , In an an . car coUi.aion on the Bay Shore after the ftrst few minutes. Dur-She 1e accused of . bea_tbtg Pa· brtdl:e. Ing the final five minute.a the Tara tr1cia Ann on the head with her .... d 1 b J D 1,. -~ h · bee h •-b ,.,. car r ven y amea a .. on. w_ere bW:SY feeding Armand Nettles According to the latest report.ft, cle.nc t'd ft•t . aua~ t e: ~ y Texu. wu bun1ped In the back glVing him a chance to captur_c the crlt>d. The c hild dJed a\ Orange e nd. (a!ter !ltopplng In traffic) by league t1Coring title But his 16 the slim. white -hulled Va l,o r, County HOl'lpllal on Friday alter dr1 b C 1 Ra B ti VINC.ENT TO HEAD .&ALBOA 'IMPROVEMENT ASSN . · . a car ven y aro e u er, -----:.....--------wh.ich sailed from Ne"'·port Sat-an operation. and tbo couni., au-SU Bay.aide Dr., Corona d 1 1'&r: 0 .. · st•NSET LEAOl•E !ITA.'flJTNOS """'Y· Nov ..... •kippered by Earl ~.P,.".idt~~~~~.f>f "'.; Wl\JCll llt lliflf'w .. -r&m~ bi·· ... o--n's~ .. ,ae· M......,,, e' -a· fig"' ·n1ng·~~oun·ty • ( t"'lruLI) Schetne. of CoMta Mesa. still o n skull fracture. c..-driven by Joe A. C&it&n, Ian If n \,U the rock.s of Cayman Brae, one Leandro, Newport po1ice sak1. w L P~. Opp. of the sm&ll islands about 12:5 llMrinl' WeclDMday Dama.ges to all or the cars WU ~ • I o· t . ,. w els N'wport &·h.. ..... 8 t 510 408 n1iles south of centra l Cuba In /.feyer and his aJd, Sam Orte-minor. ' : ongress1ona IS r1c· . e • A.nahrlm ·· 8 2 484 40'! the Caribbean Sea. In a almila.r accident on the 8a.nta Ana ·-··· 1 S M6 491 Tbe 113 foot twin masted ~r~'enwe~~e~~~~ ~.:ef:~!1!:=s Coaat Highway near P oppy '.Ave., 1 HW1t'ton lkh. :. 5 5 48:5 45% hoo c (d•·e,..I pow .... ,.dl W"nt on •·· C ron d 1 M at 11 .•• F 1 Aaeeml:>lyman Earl W. Stan ey 520 sc g r ~ ''" ' r before J ustice Howa.rd ·Cameron ° a e ar ·"" p. m. r -be f · Oraase ... · -····· ··· I 9 S89 1 a coral reef at midnight Sunday, in Santa Ana Townahip Court. day a car driven by Conan Doyle or Ne~rt Harbor. mem r 0 B •1d• -Boo Fullerton . l 9 404 5 0 J 28 d . Nall Lo An I , . ~ d the legialature's committee on UI 1ng m r s.n. uring a s~ornl. and ord"'red held for prellnlfn•rv ' 8 g e es rece Ycu • am-od lh t T I k bo t f "' -~ reapportionment. said t ay a. he vesse too on a u our hearing Wedne8day, Feb. 21 at JO aged rear end and left 8ide. Nail's there will be a meeting in Loa An- poinlB w ere one short or tying feet of water and \Ya.s1 tigrhtt1y a . m . on a murder cJ!;&rge. car waa atopped for the traffic gelee State Bldg. Wedne&day to u d . H Santa Ana's Rex Babcock who had wedged on the soft cora rce s n Shortly afterward, they ta.lked light and we.a hit in the rear by a C I 1 n erway ere a t otal of 1'18. N ettlrs made 147. that area. None of the crew were with her and 80mt!: newimen were car driven by Lt. Morgan P eter-~~:t~i~~; :i:;,w ben~';'eat~~esa ona Nettles missed four .shots in lh1.: injured. . present. Mnr. Green •WU cordial, aon, El Toro. Peterson's qar wa11 • . last nlir\Utc which would have giv-Evf'ry attempt is \>('ing made to and appeared to have regained towed from the scene of U.t acci-Orange county i!I due to see re-An unprecedented· building boom en hlm the title. get the Valor atloaL and word her comr'VIOllure·. •he ... lked freely dent, officers said. ' allgnme.nt of the 22nd Congr~-ls underway ,.0 the Newport Har- . d th t th shl r--IA slonal district of whiCTi it is nO\Y Griffith lll•h was receive a e P we,.s but did no t disCUN questions di-• "'' h •· h a part with Rlvt'rslde and Imper-Dor area ~with more than a mll-"i' t e roc,..s once "'. en some-rectly concerning the case. Set H • f • Glen Griffith wa.s high man for thing went hayv1oire and the earing Or lal counties, since the population lion dollars in flne homee present- the Tar3 with 18 polnl!I and Dave Valor slid back onto the rocks. of th~ district exceeds the maxi-ty under conitructlon or ready to P t.>terson had 17. Sue88 with 11 According to Red Smith, who Hold BellOWS for Balboa Bunco Case mum 350,000 pcrsqns allowed for start In the Immediate future. was tops for the Oilers. was one of the· crew ot the Valor, a Congressional district. In two locations the new spurt In _the 8 game which preceded the" cutreats around Cayman Brae Trial on Charges Phllllp Earl Fauerso, 33, Sol-Locally, sentiment In this coun· of building activity is particularly the main event the Oilers won are very strong and average f G d Th f va.ng, Ca.Ur .. "''u cha.rgcd .with ty favors alignment with north-noticl'able; an Lido Isle where easily 61-43 lt>d by center Strick-about 7 or 8 n1iles per hour. ma.k · 0 rana t four counl!I of gi-a.nd theft total-crn San Diego count)' in creating more than two ecore home are un- en who made 18 points. Leading Ing re-floating operations diffi-Ing $6.000-in Newport townehlp a new di3;lrlct for CongrcM. The derway or ready to start for In- the Sailors w.as Arc~eluta with .11 1 cult. Owner or the schooner is Henry Bellowa,, se, e.nd hit court last week and Judge D. J . Orange County Rf-publican Cen-. flividba.I owners; and in Corona &n4 Tharp with 12. The An~c1m Benjamin Clayton, of Pa..,...dena. · secretary, Patricia Ann,e Roya.le. Dodge net 8 preliminary tk&ring tr&l Committee and the Associat-Highland!'!, Walter Mellott's hill· Beet1 beat Orange, 53-28 to win the Mrs. Schetnc, the skipper's 35. were held far superior Court for Wedne8day. ed Chambers of Commerce both .1111\de subdlvi.lllllon above Corona. del 8 Lea!,-ue c.he1npionship. Hunting-wi(e, "''ho Jives at 340 E. 20th St.. trial on charge8 of crand theft Fauereo 18 allt>ged to have aided approved such an f\lignment and Mar where thirty-five home.ct arc ton Beach was second, ?\'cwport Costa. Mesa, said that mall Is following a prellmhfary hearing in taking lhe money from George .1111upport !or it has cpme from San being constructed by four buUders filth. taken of( the island only once 1-~riday before Municipal Judge A. Karl and a. L. Karr. Zl 1a Mira-Diego county. Orange county's and a half dozen private home The Tar C€:,cs and Oct!& both every ten days and· that delays Louis W . Kaufman, in Lo8 An-mar or., Balboa, to purchue two supervisors will decide Tuesday 88 owner!. .. loat to the Ollt>rs and the Cees news of the vessel's plight. Like Mrs. Maria Blaekwell, 60, Wld-dl~ael engtnes, a picket boat and to. their recommendations for a A Je11sor boom 18' under way on were dl•fcall'd Saturday in the n1any other skipper's wives. Mrs. ge le,s. a purse seiner from government proposed new district . tJ'M' Balboa peninsula area where 'second round of the Capistrano Schetne find s it hard •·to wait 0 14' of an Oklahoma oilman, teaU-surplus: at Mayberry Slough. near There was: a meeting Wedncs-gcveraJ large homes are under- t ournament, dropping a twtrpointj without hearing anything." fied that she loe:t $12,000 when Pltteburgh, Calif. day at Oceanside with representa-way. all for l;lrlvate owners and decision to Laguna. 38-36. · · -she wa.1111 pertruaded to lnveat Karr charged lhe tranaacUon tlvee of northern San Diego coun· at le~st one including a swimming Newport l.OI fq ft tp H1111t. Ill (41) lq ~Ip S TEAL S t 'lT. SHIRT nloney with a "millionaires' in-wa.e never carried out by F,auenio ty who considered the propo88.I. pool and elaborate recr'eatlon Nettte1. t ' o 1• s<i.wrclil, f 2 " 1 r Dave Galloway 375 w 17th St vestment pool." · and hia partner Harry CorneJI ~11-Jt.lveraide and Imperial coun-area.I Four homea are underway on ,;tetWll, I 7 J 17 lo11, I 4 2 ID ' ' .. f ~-S 'II. A wrtmttri. c 1 " 11 You11q , c 4 1 ' Coiita Mesa reported the thl'ft of a lttr. 1 e.nd Mr8 . .B. F . Moler o 80n, 40, Santa Monica. Wllaon. ttes,· lf "divorced" from.. v1"cu1ge ev1 l: ve. t.11•, t r I J Sv•n. q 4 J 11 suJt and a checked wool plaid shirt 'eosta Mea teati!led they al90 bad taken lnto CW!ltody earlier by county. would · be j<Jined with a Eaeh section of the Newport !:!'rb~.~ I : ~ ~I ~~~= Q ~ ~"'~I (tolal value $150) from hit car "invested" money with Be.Uow• Newport police, WU held to an· portlbn of San eern'ardtno coun-Harbor area Is feeling the lmpetU.!!1 ... dldl, • I o 21 ••1••11. ( D ' I which was parked in kont of the but recovered It. 11Wer to Superior court. Judge ty to form a new CoDgrraalonal of the boom that ha.e. blo88omed w., .• ~ 11 12 2 1!......: 1 Red Snapper Care sometime after Authorlttes aa.ld that Bellowa Dod«e fixed bail at $2,500 for diAltrict, according to plane under stncejthe fir11t of the.year. Va.cant 1 lO is l'--41 2 a . m. Sunday. ~ (ContUued oa Pare I) Faueno. ~ conatderaUott lol.8 l!tre rapidly dlaappearlng frqm the ~arket In the more populated a~~ and tra<:.ta: of land fOr sub- divislpn are at a premium. ~ther lbe bu1Id.log boom has been gtven an early jolt of ac~lon by the pr06pect Of governmental regulations or whether the boom la merely early BJ. haf\d because of Three score members of the Balboa. lmprove,m~pt.., A~LE\...t-i91"l attended the titt.h Annual Meeting of . the organization and cleCted Lonnie Vincent president to suc- ceed Loui11 w~ Briggs, Friday night at the Bamboo Room. A reeume of the years activities and achievemen ls wu given by re- tiring President Louis Briggs who praised hill fellow Balboans high- ly for their achievement in deco· rating the community at Chri8t- mas time. Particular tribute was given ta Be-rt Wilaon and LonnJe Vincent fQr their ca.mpaign ta raise the funds whi.ch purchasOO t itude on the part or me rchant.a to ci;eatf: o<;.w_ ~~...a.wi A.old-e~­ istlng trade In the Balboa area was :!!tressed by many. It Was pointed out that Balboa is the only section of the-harbor area. where all utilities are localed, the Telephone office, Edison and Gas office and the only holel of the community. (Oonttnued on Pace 5) • First Aid C lasses t o Begin March 5 the beautiful decorations, nov.• Two First Aid classes will be- property of the association. gin, Monday, March 0th at the City officials were thankC'd and Newport Beach EI em en tar 'Y lauded highly for their diligence School. They will be held every ln extending the improvement of Monday and Wednesday evenings Balboa Blvd.. another six blocks from 7 :30 ta 9 :30 p. m . this ·year and the promise WBM The Advanced Ftrst Aid class made b~ Mayor ~!! ls\>('11 and will have Logan Hendrickson as Councilman Ross Greeley that the lhe instructor and Miss Lilian project of widening the street in Daniell will teach the Standard the last three blocks yet unpaved First Aid course. would be acconi.plished thi...n-ea.r , Anyone wishing to register for before summer. Y either of these classes should call Need fof' a more aggressive. &t-l Harbor 1865 pril'or to Mai-Ch 5th. ----~ I k '·• ~'~ r I I ' • • the we11lher California bas beep l "' h& ving ta not 'known. . • • - •• • • .. ' I r I • I I ' • ' • ! . Page2 • \ ··1 ·, ~ ·rr .... i BOA· NEWS-TIMES 'RJEsbA Y., FBIW.UY. -1 .. ( .. .. I ... , .. ·'1 Owl s.m. Story ' -,i.out tho J'ffrl there ...__ ,..ve been numeroua succea ato- ri<s-~bow thla man or that man aiarlecl frolll nothln1 and tlnall1 .........,~. But the belt of all ..,,..,.. storte......is where a man in a nm--down cap.dition '·\ I , .. :~),' • finally I to wbaehet wond·er·fal agaln.W~ Boprd.ne- pe-report... a in.-Sulphur Springs, Tex- as, has """" • ltOI'}' to tell. Yes. now that Mr. Bogard la taltin HAD- ,,.. ..... AC~L, be .rt _,.., "J wllh I conld tell m1 ltol'J' i. n"ll'7 mm and woman in the -=r wbo lo now 1UUeriDC u I wu oaftotrlna;.• Mr. Bonni WU IUfreriDc a deficiency of V).. •amino B.. S.. Niacin and Iron, whlcb HADACOL corrtalns. Berelollr. lloprd'• own state- mm 1a11ins bow HADACOL bolped -"Two,._. aa:o. at aa;e tO, I -con'YlntN Uaa1 nothin1 rernai:nN for me lD life. The most en- ~ worm I ever beard w-. -'llilayt,e you will get 1tralahtened out after a while.' '1'be ~ thi.Da that really mat- tered: to lne WU how I -felt and tbe tact that my apparent decline bad ~t niy many dreams and uplrallona in total ruins be- fon m1 fftt. -f heard and read many stories aD4l ta•ta+wmfall concern.inc lfAI).. ACOI. bot. unfortunately for ma. I didn't take any of them se- =~;. I considered tbese testi-to be from fictitious peo- ple will> lmacinary rn. who talked IOlely for money. Bow .,.._ l ..... 1 In spite of my ..,,..._I decidedlto give HAD- .llQCL a try. I .tdolt areat _. tW -one !mew I .,.. talDne it Mt I I I J feared their ridicule. "J took three boltles. of. HAD- ~ ACOL WOre J began to "feel' ita etteeta. After that; my prope. was sf.ady' and sure.. My appetite pldtad !'I'· I not oJl)y ate at meal time, wllicb I had not been doinc before, but I enjoyed in-between- meal 111111Cb of delicacies whieh I bad lcmc Ii.nee for(otten. "J wish I could t•ll my story to Wffl'7 man and woman io the eoantr:r who is suffering a5 I WU suffftillr, I wish I could let them kno.r Md make them be.lie-ft that what I say i.a all truth and none tlctkin." Remember HADACOI; is sold on a strict money .. back guarantee. And _., ine.rpen.rive. Trial·siu bottle o6ly $1.25. Larg• family or hospttal size, $3.50. Il your drualst c:loes not have HADA- COL. order direct from The Le-Blanc Corporation, Lafayette, La.. e ~ 1"lie t...ea-e Corpormtbl - . Oinner Honors Air ·Coi'p~ Man v•htine ~Party · tn.ugurates BYC _ Social S~son Tbo -...111 ~ bome, 1115 Santa· Aaa A ft::. WU lM .-:me 'J'rl4ay-.Qr&f-.U~ Tbe. new. entertalnment chali--ner honorln&" Robert Sturgu, who men appointed by Commodore ha been caned back~ tltgtlt Harry Blodgett at Balboa Yacht ..me. In the Air Anntia1 ·World ·~y p~Prayer : .I ~~. -=~:.i. _ Women rep re a en l 1 n g '!nt.ne• \ \ · ~ 1 coatn.W mea'1en !IL-tat. llew· Club, opeMd: the yee'• eoeiat pro-Present we.re Mr. Mn. K. p-am wtO:I. a well ~ pa fly L. Quarry and cbU , Kenny, ch..,,,h .. o1 tho 11arbor uu pu.. :J:m "l:tn: ... "' dluce ar tb•. port ...,._ A-wa )...P- •red 5'rld&y, l'•b. 9 at the qirist ~ Elole Salter ... d Joan awd!IUy at tbelr . .....,... INllli Church by the Sea t.n o~nce ', tt l served. An . lhlpreeslve meettac )(Oftday ntpt tn tM Le· ot World I>Jy f1f. Prayer. Thi• bedkfrt!:und wu the United Na-gion ball. . mark.a. the JeCond oblervanl '. Of ti~ • , ma.cJe •Y ~ krab. ·~I plana &ad ~ta the day under 11POD9<>r8'tp ot ,.W. , nanked on eith:r aide by were. made tor Ute· fool .._ae t:o rae port Barbor CoancU of C . clL th ~«.rican and ~ f111.f8:, head ID: &9Dt. .t . Jtk......ra i.wo last Saturday nl&ht .• The club J-. Cll.-. ..., Ka-, Mr. lea-wu d«:orsled"with '*P and 1fra. lfturces ..,d <fucllterio te valentiDes•wtDr red eat1n Lin• and Qayte; Mn. •rnard •--...mWllP -~-fer Cool: of ftllon. Nn .. 'Kn. J1u7 ~g--;sster dt!!l!lne:r a Briuaa L 'VfUliuu. the i.o.ts ·anc1· their Women." The tbeme "Pel'fec (!love at:redU~ed were: Rev . .Joe Market &ataniay ~ ,Jll. 'at • ....ne«y rUm .-.., "Mon ot aon, llonelcl ' llwM1lberg," ~aw ' cut.a out rear••. • ~r: ~~n, Rev. ...d Mfa. PauJ o'clock. Preeideni Daren u,._ Miio· Elaie N<Wl/'nd, p~nt llaJololti; Rev. Tom CilloOn, M,.. wtH t1e1 1J> dluJe of uo. -. or the Harllor ()ani!ctJ of Cliilbcti Joo!)Tloompson. Mrs. Den Lantbor· -y. Pel>. 18 -1'o Lepo& Women welcomed the WOTShJp~ 80n and Mrs. C.harlea. H'Mmes. Da) at Lo.s Be-act. ..,....,_ •• .._. a.nd then introduced the ne'Yi ot· John PfisctJner, liomt>r\m pital, .ccordlag to word 11cets• ncrr• ot the council They ~re John Elliolt comprl8ec.J the recep· from. Ule n.t Dimtrkt ptl~lent. Mmea. Cbe•ter J'lllMr', vice: ~eat-tlon committee. Mmes~ .Leoha.rd willt Newpwt llMtlor rtwt mwt dent; Charles TTUtty, settet1.ary: Hargrave and John Beach had Unit la ~harp of ~ Marahall KeeMr, trf:UUJ'er and charge ot reglstratlon an'd Mrs. a.nd retl'eslame:au· ~· Mrs. l!dpr Hill, chairman of thf' Elate Hargrave conducted the Untta ~ lM eatln 2J.C Dilt:rtct it, called hilarious. Th"°e ngtlce or . lnvttation s&ld ·'Throw •w•:r th• Pilot Class Pres. kby 1ttltt and brine the kkll" or •-nu-away ll>• kide and bring N CL_• the beby s1tt•r." By the 1arc• ames nairmen m.unber who showed ttp mUy must Mve done one or the other. Kn. Bart Hendenon ud Mil. Duby Metcalf are the c<>-Chair- mea re.pomible tor the &ood party end plan more for Ute club um oprina;. They wUI bo busy, tno, ,.._.,... apeclal panie1 tor race 1"eJl •ndll. and not forsetting Ute teai&tt1tJn wbicb accorapany the a ad:I Race and Ow! ' SCY A lteptta which-.. !boa Yacht ctub wSR laioet tht9 aunliner. Dedication Week for Methodists A Week of tlf!dication 18 the order a.t the Costa Mesa Com- mun:ity Methodist ehurcb the week ot Feb. 18 to 25. Throush- out the Methodl.t denornlnatk>n, the tour·year plan for an Ad- vance• tor Chrt•t and. His church and in recruiting Ctlrt1ti&n work- ers in its third year. The special ~cation offertns. eoe• to world relief, th.is year to Korea.. Youth F;"itowahtp plans· at Community churelt, -Costa Mea, include a county~W"ide retreat at -Camp Colby. for Feb. 23 and U . The Sune.rgous fellowebip I• sponaoring a: lay E:uter, un- der the dirtt n r Mrs. Robert Speth. All you Sunday night. sroup worship 8 :36 in the !!lllllctuary. Next Sunday. the hJch school youth fellow.hip will be in charge of that worahtp period. Crou Filing Theme for Pro Amerte!'a Pro Amer~a. will m.et Frkiay, Fob. 23 at 10 a.m. in the home of Mfs. J . J . Mustard. 721 Heli- otrope .avenue. Corona del Mar. The important question of cross filing by candidates will be-dl.s· cussed by Mrs. William Chiches- ter of Bay Shores. Mr. and Mra. Rou Owen -Wen taoeta when the-P11ot: elaa of Cllriot Cbu>ell )y th Su held their Tll...-Y nl1M party In Goodell hall. day. Mn. T. Hord Seeley reYlew -nuraery. will tu tall. ~es .acs coffee tor ed ht9tory ot the obeervance, the t. · Ml.q C1ara Kohletedt president S C 11' A re rt wu made en u.e aeU'Y· of the hoateq eocif'ty welcbi'ned am Q tns ities Of t)le ritDaJ teuD; by' c.,t.abl Harold a.._ prnklent, an-the women In t.be name of 1tht> t Add Alma p.on.. The Mm per-n....,.ed 1ii9 eommltteel: -ten •hureh. Th• lnaplrlng pro!lram 0 re SS a joint boltlatlon cero- lllld a1ft. Mra. Pred W-ort~; followed. Mn. Kenneth Dell aOted R +· d" T h moey t the DiMrii:f ..... tlilS tn ud Mn. Leo Nott; ..rm al)d 09 orpnlat and Mrs. A. J . Rutter e lfe eaC ers Fulle~an. 211 fa< Jt..,. iDeni- flo\ftre .. Wra. Roa Owren; waya dtrected the Women'• Choruai and 1 ber1. · u. from t:b.e kaical and meane. Kta. ,JobA Taylor. led· the alnglng or hymns. Mrtt. Orang-e Co~ty Division ot unit w participated Were Mmes. Kr& Homer Huarove wu n&mect P. ~l Baines aaaisted by Mmes. W. Callfornla Retired Teacherlil As· Emma Anderberg . aitd Mildred ~ for Utt-J'amily Nfsht s. ttunaa.ker, Charles rmty, R. soqitt.lion will meet in Orange al Bonds. ·, dln1t:er ·m .March when the claM B. Griggs, WUHam scroft and the YMCA building, 1~ North The~will be a joint dinner with wilt be host group. Ml.88 Ir_l'ne somw . th spoke or Gra.nd 11treel, ThurSllay, Feb. 22 lhe Le on Post Marcb 28 l.n eele-. The e•ening wu completed with the pro j ccL't uppor. d by the or· Qt 2 p.m . bratio of the 32JMt Mrthday of tht> a pme of yatl'l.t, hisf\ acore• betnc ff'ring from t W .rJtl Praye r d b· Sawi (;t,llina ot FtilJerton, organiD!l.Uon, with the auxiliary Mid by .John Taylor a.nd Mr•. Leon' t ervance as l lighted clU"ldJcs speaker of th' assembly will dis-membe}• u hc«etaee Ferg-uson. k>w by Mrs. H&rgl'oYe cncirclini:' a ghtcd · revolting cu;e bills before the legislature Foll~tnc the ~on ~od and Mr. Ferguaon. globe. ' l~C &re of interest to teachers. on m~ .tentattve projecta, ·the Preae.nt wue: . M~r•. and The :8'1tar was an: lmpre.tftive The pr0gram will be tolk:lwet.I by meetlnJ wu adjourned ancl re· Hmea. William Mc.Do1'&1d, 1.'a,yior, ~lght wtth lighted taptr• and pur· a social hour. treshmenta were HrVed by hottl- Glaee, Owen, P'erpaoa. Ho'nwr pie atock In vases on. either sk)t'. eues Alice· Pan. .Jid. Jean Mark- Harpove; Mn: Mary Stanley and A social hQur foilo:wed In Goo-Newa-Tlmes ads have been read hlun. M'r•. zi.te SakerJ dell hall with memMrs :of! Las 1n the Harbor for over -to Y~ • • • I ! ONE OF THE A.CI"S that pleued thll" a.udlea~ at the Elkfl l'tlut"•I Sf'to\\· tut wttk end at the hl(fl 8Chool audltorblm was the «ixprft danclnc of Ch t"t &nd Judy F;Vrar o1 the Arthur Murray Duce Studio. Corona••~· They an-alto\vn doiaiC a tanco.. /> (News-Time• Photo) ., .I ~ \ New Citation for CDM .. ior "For herotsm &nd eXtraordfnary echJevement." Thua ruda the ci- tation recently preaented to Maj. William M . Lundil\, 00-~ar-old Marine CorJ>8. fighter pik>t from Corona del Mar. Maj.. Lundin haa received his .sixth Distinguished Firing Cron for part!Cipating ln 36 strike misaions over enemy territory in Korea. The major now rates 8 ot the coveted DFCa following-hie M missions w>Weh he new from A ue. 3 to Sept. 18, 1908, m the Korean campaign. The presentatiorr' WU made by the commander of the Se•ent.h FloeL Maj. Lundin, who ia fi,ttached to the First Marine Airers.ft Wtnr has a son, William Martin, Jr .. ~ who lives with hie mother and Maj Lundin'• wife. Mrs. Eleanor R ulh , Lundip at 312 Narctaiua, Coro~ del Mar. ' WOMEN 'S LEATHER SHOES NYLON ~ HOSIERY! . . OXFORDS, CASUALS, ETC. • • I 1 . with the 4 kite flying ICifety ru1 .. 1 . 1. '1y your kite in an open lleld, away from electric ~er lines and other over- head obstru<tiona. ~. Be •ure the Mlllr is perfectly dry. • • • 4. If~ kite catch .. In a power line, let Co immediately. Don'tJ>Ull! Phone~...,.. pany owning the line and a lineman will come to I~ your !lite for YQIL , • ..:....CLASSIFIED ADS · GET RESULTS ' ··:·::-:.::::;::;;:::::::;.;~:;:::::;:..:-:-:-:-:::·::~::::;:;:;:;:;.;:;:::::;:;:;:-:;:;.·: .. :: ... ·:······~· MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS famous Manhattan Brand ONE GROUP-VALUES TO 7.95 388 Sale Price ................................................................ . • • • ... ' . ;. ! I ? . ' ONE GROUP-VALUES TO 4.95 ·19a Sale Pr ice ..... : ........................................................... . ) I • BRASSIERE~(nyJo'n or cotton) ONE GROUP..:_ VALUES TO 4.0d 158 Sale Price ................................................................. . SLIPS,.-nylon VALUES TO 8.95 . 448 Sale Price ..... : ........................................... '. ............... . WOOL JERSEY BLOUSES , ONE ; GROUP-VALUES TO 8.95 3e8 Sale· Pric·e .......... _ ................... : ................................ :. •I '· . This 1is NOT an ordinary sale! • • , We must reduce our sfocl a, muc~ as , -~• ~o,. ·t9 male lhe ~asi ·o,I r•- "'°4.ling 1"'11 much eosi.r. ~ Stoel ' not sold· must be stored, so pric.s drtt EXTRA loW)lor YOlume1 selling/ ' ~ . • ( •• .. , "-, I ,, > • " . • ' ·' • I l t : ~1· li\' 71,~l. I •• ' • • • • .. ·. I . Storts Wetesct"'' Feb. 21 and co~~inu1s hr~ugh Surtld~y. Jt8 . 25 , ~ • .. . , ·' -303, Main SWet. , • ' I ' MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS ONE GROUP:-VALUES TO 3.95 158 Sale Price ' ........................ : ..... -................................. . MEN'S T-SHIRTS VALUES TO 2.95 Sale Price ............................................. ,. ........ . ,. SWIM · TRUNKS i • , 138 ONE SROUP -VAWES TO 5.95 ')al S.le . Ptk• · .................................. :: ............... ···--.. -· I. ' • ' . • , . } -~~· does ·not p11;mit ·us #o list. " ' . ' ' .. . •Yery : i~m .oti-· ~le: "•ut the s • , {" . prices will 9_iye y,~ 0 ~picture · o1 th .,,.,,;e~()~; """"' yo. will .. • t ) onjoy' of o~r:e~penf•· W ~ .MqST clear -~lte ditci ·I~ ~emocl.li'!'JI · ... . • ., c11·:-,'>jj~;;ii ' • ' • , • , . ' • • .. > I. •\ ' • . TUESDAY1 FE8R4~RY·%0, 1951 HAR·BO~ SOCIAL EVENTS ' ' . ~~j.i...."""""'" .... ~~"O(I'~~ Mr. ancf Mrs. Robert Geyer at Home in C. D: M. After Honeymoon Trip .:&welcoming' friends al 703 Ir-... -.----------- vlne avenue, Corona de1 Mar are law. OcnvUle Dailey of La Habra Ht. and Mrs. Robert Lee Geyer, Helghta. 1 whose mahiage was a January UlUe Sharon Cote, five-yea.r..:old event ln Corona del Mar Commu-daughter ·of the bride, wu a ntty church where .. double--""ttng I charming nower girl ln pink and rites were performed by the Rev. blue organdy, with baby roaebUda Paul Babbitt. Tbe-bride ls the for-in -her fhalr and carryi,ng a noee- mer Margaret Cole-,. daughter ot gay or rosebuds. ·'Mr. and Mrs. Thurman R ickman, For her daughter'• weddlng Mrs. 506 Narcissus f.Venue and her hua-Rickman wore a tofsl colored lace band ill Son of M.r. and Mrs. Clar-dresa and ashes of ~a hat. Her e nce Geyer ot Monterey Park. corsage was of violets. Mra. Gey- Margaret, given in marriage by l'r chose a d&rk print wtth m etal· fleT father, wore a slrcct·length lie bloU3C a.nd a corsage ot wblte drea~ of heavy fall!e in a becom· camatloM. tng shade of deep pink; a pale Pink sweet.peas, baby rosebud.I pink vellcd hat and n1aiching.satln and ferns decorated PUgrlm. hall shoes. Sh{' carried a nosfgay of for the reception. Pink and ye1- barmonizing flowers. Pauline Sal-.low were combined ln decorations omoh, c 1aill or honor. wore change-ot the tour-tiered wedding cake. able taffeta with dark background Assisting at the reception were a11d eyep pink h ightJ.lghts., Her Lois Geyer. Vir~nJa Daile~ .. Sarah n()S('gay bouquet was of pink car-Salisbury, Evalyn Ride r and Helen nation~ to match her headband. Ackerman. Arthur Salisbury was best man A black and white checked suit and ' ushering were Archie Bish, was choice of the new Mr8. Geyer brother-In-law of t h('_ bride: Jack !or lhe wedding trip. which inclOd· and Clyde Geyer, brothers of the ed stops at Riverside, Lu Vegas bridegroom, ,and his brolher-in· and Q,ig Bear Cit)'. Don -Bridgeman Addresses Mesa · P.-T. A. Members at Joint Session ., . - • "You art· on the right track to••,>--~----------- 8Uc~88ful parenthood if you feel Harper PTA. Of tlp<'Cial signifi· right about your mate, both of :vou can('C wu the pre.ence or Mre. feel right about chihli rearing and Charle8 Yount, who was thC" presi· have 1a sou.nd philosophy oo child dent or the first PT A in Costa 1 MR. and MRS. DAVID 0. CADWALLADER rearing," staled Don' Bridgeman Mesa, formed lt:i 1924. Mr8. Ar-\ (Nell Billings Ph9to) al the conclusion of hi! intert>sting thur Thronson gave a brit"f hls· D • di8CU8Slon on "Successful Parent· tory o! the fd'unding ot the Na -or1s hood., before m<.'11lbers of the Cost3 tional Parent-Teacher Association .Mesa Main School and the Lind· in the latter 19th century through bergh-Harper School Parent· the efrorts of Alice McLellan Bir-v Teacher Asaociation at their coin· ney and P,hoebe Apperson Hearst.• ·ows bined February meeting. Since Ulat time more than 35,000 ·Billings· David CadWallader . - Solemnized at C. M. Church ·· Since children learn mo!'lt\y by units have been organized. example and t>xperience, lhP Llfe 'Mernberslllp speaker .stressed the Importance The ~autiful Ute membership of creating an atmosphe re or pin was i}.reaf nted to Mrs. Ame lia peace. affection and. unselfishness Diummond, aecretary to Superln- in the home, to prepare thrm !or tendent Everett Rea, for l'fer out· a mature attitude io adulthood. standing service to the 8Choo!aaJld Mr. Bridgman. insrtuc r of psy-the PTA. 'Mrs. Edward"'Mir lt!Vich chol.ogy at Orange t college. a junior past preeldent of the was lntrod~ce1 by M Jack Har-Main school PTA, made the pre- hi8, program chalrm scntatioh. The me<"tin re~ided over Mr8. Alice Fox announced that by Mrs .• Dou las inesly, presi· on Feb. 26 Mrs. Pauley, recrea, dent of L dbergh-Harper tion specialist on Governor War-PT-1-and Mrs nnis Hogland, re n's Re<:reation CommlMlon. president of the Ma.in Schpol PT A. would ahow a film "Leaders for Aft~r the pl«lge of allegiance, ll"d Leisure." Mrs. Fox emphasized the by Mrs. EmeM McClellan, group need for a recreational program 8ingin g was enjoyed under the di-for lhe children of Cost.a. Mesa. rect;ion of Mrs_ Virginia Kidder. and suggested that the PTA take The pretty valentine name cards, a.n active part In carrying out 3\.1.Ch given to each member of the f'.'T A , a progTam. were made by fourlb grade class-The formation of the Orange e.s from Lindberg ·school. Cout YMCA to serve thiS area Nominating ConimJtt~ was announced by Mi.8s Jane Ar- thur, with the campaign for funds During the business session the scheduled to begin F eb. 19. Main School PT A electep Its nom-"Oh, the P ity of It." a good old· lnating committee as follows: Mrs. fashioned melodrama. \.\'ill be pie- Lucllle Knight, c hairman : Mrs. sented by the Motheninger8 or Haro?d Knipp and Robert E . the Harbor area March 15 and 16 Browne. at the high school audltorillm, Classes winning lhe PTA at-sponsore-d by the Newport Harbor tendance priz(' were Mrs. Ruth Union H igh Sc~ool, Newport Buckner's t hird gr&.de cla'55 from Beach Elementary school and CC>l!· Harpt"r school and Mr. Vandf'r· ta Me88 Main school, annOunced berg's sixth grade class at Main Mrs. Mary Knipp, UdJ,et chairman school. ac<'ording to Mrs. Al Hol-from the Main schooi. ltst.tor , hospitality chairman. At the close of the progTam. By R4•tty Kirby Charming in E'Very dC'taH W('re the nuptials solt>mniz<'d Sunday, Feb. 11 in the Costa J'.1 C's& Com- munity MPthodist church, uniting Miss Doris Elizabe~h Billings. d*'ghter or Mr. and Mrs. John C. Billings of 19,2 1 Fullerton avf'nUe1 C08ta M esa. and David G , \:!ad· wallad<>r. snn of Mr. and Mrs. W. \\', Cadwallader. 10862 Fifth St., Santa Ana. · Ba.sk('ls of rallas and while stock Wt'rf' intC'rspt>rsed wilh greenery in the c:hurch decora- tions and at the altar whert-tall whit~ tap"rs were lightt'd just in advance nf the four o'clock cer('- mony by Phillip Cadwallader, little brother and Robert Crane, cousin of the new benedict. While satin ribbons and bows '"marked the pews and defined tlic white-car._ pt:-tcd aislt• down which the bri- dal entourage paced. Ooubh• Rings The young couple cxchariged wedding rings and vows before a large numbC'r of friC'nds and rela· tivt>s with Rev. Harry Evan Ow· ings rl'ading lhe .. maritaJ lines. A lovely musical background was wovidecl by Lloyd Holz afe or Santa Ana, organist.' Ml Estella Rady of Santa Ana, whose numbers includ ial," "C ont'tllJ,," Dawnlng," an Mrs. orene Boct- sololst. whr> Love," "Love nd .. \V cddin1 tcher of Costa e eang "O Pert ·t Nevt'r 1'~aiic0i' An interesting part or the pro-deJiciol.\8 retreshment.s were served gT&m .,..,.~ lhe annuaL observance in the kindergarten room. The or the Parent-Teacher Association tea table' was beat lufully d~o­ F ounden day. Beautiful red car-rated with while and red flowers . PrayC'r." nation corsages WE'r(' prr.s<>nted to for the valentine season by M rs · Sunday's radie. brit..h.· advanc· the PTA pa.st prf'sidPnts who were R. T. Stevens, who also made the' M to th~· altar 0 the arm of her introduced by Mrs. Ray Traut-lovely corsage8 which were glv"n f th h h · k · w ein, ThMe preS<"nt wer('_ ~1mC's. to the pa.st presidents. Hostesses I ;nh~~·ci;~ oh:r~~~arr~ ~~s ~~~'~!~ Ch.a.rjlcs Yount. P. M. Tho1np&)lfl. !or the afternoon were Mmes Wil· . . Gunning Butler Harry c Bu di· k !lam 0 .8 . C. 1 ~c· q11ls1te !{Own of lustrous white sat-1 · · r c • rien, hares .... .n;; urry, In <leBil!'flC'd \Vilh long sleeves and Kenneth Stewart. Ernest McClel-G. M . Chapman, Jay Soderlind, H . lac<' yoke, the skirl SW.(>('ping In Ian and Edward Mirkovich of J . Hohl, W. C. Cooper a.nd the ft f Id f h .,, d ·---· 'Main School PT A and Mrs. A . chat man M o · K ' M I 80 0 8 rom l~ Q!fl IJfa uvuice. r , rs. . . a.xwe I Th t t ' -" -t Im E. Thronson or the L indbergh· and Mrs. Harold Elmc . <' wo-IE'reu n ve1 • cc r • r m('d, frothed from 3 pearl-beaded -------~---------------------white crown. It was the "son1e- Los -Amigas Meet Tonight thing borrowed" of her bridal at. tire and was first worn by Mrs. Robert Hadley (J eanne Edick) of Modesto. h<'r role of Oower girl, Dia.riot Crane was !rocked In pale green. Paren~ of the justwe(Js headed the rC'ceiv1.ng lifle w itjl the bridal party in the educ~tional , bu¥dil'lg or the church where the. young people were dt'luged with ·woc:id wishes dqrlng the eubaequent: re,- cept~on. 4 A pl.nk and white corsage m~de an attractive accent to the bKOm- lng navy blue gown and v.•hite JC- cessorlt'.8 chosen by Mrs. Bi:UJ.ngs. Detailed with plnk a ccessories was the chtc navy blue ·outfit tn ~b Mrs. ·Cadwallader. mother Of Ule bridegroom. was attired. , t"ink rosC'bUds cotnpriSl'd her corsage: Four-Tiered Ca.ke A hand80me four-tiered wedcjlng cake, decorated by Mn. Roland Miller ot Redlands, cou8in or71he bride, was 8UrTounded by onui"te blOS&>ms and flanked by gleab'O;ng . candle8 on lhe rdreehmenta ·~r­ Aiter the newlyweds cut the Jtj.Jt- ial slice of the contectlon~ ~t wt.a served bf Mrs. EmlJ Myrehn ~ Ml8s Mary Anderson. •. · Miss Cynlhia Miller of -~&n Dlcg9, cousin ot the brkie,, ~d Miss Virginia Compton ladled punch a nd Mies Margaret ~l- 80n pree:lded at the coffee u·m . .. ' Othe rs &Milltlng were Mtu· T•ora J o Thomp!!On and Dale Sher~.-. H'oneymoon travels led the hip· py coup}e up lht" cout to a "IN' home awaiting thetn at 318 P~ly Vue. San Lule Obispo. t '· A most talented muaieian. )'oung Mrs. Cadwallader wu grad- uated fron1 Newport Harbor Un- ion High School and Orange Cout college. She ha.a just finished 1 one semest('r at the University of Redlands and hope S '81tlplete he r education later at Santa Bar· hara. F ollowing his graduation from Garden Grove High School Mr. Cadwallade r attended" Or a q g e Co&llt colle1e. tranefertng to Call· fornia Polytechnic college. San Lui.a Oblspo, where h~ will Con· tinue hta •tudlea. Las Amigaa circle of Christ Church bY the Sea will n1eet to- n ight (Tuesday), 7 :30 o'clock at the home of Betty Glass, 110 Tenth street, Newport. Study will be on Alaska and lhere will be a book review. Warn1 clothing will ·be broughl and packed to be sent to Alaalc.a.. Circle n1e1nbe1·s a~ congratulating one or their mem· hers, Dolly Collier., --n1olher of 11. seven pound. three ounce eon . Zonta Gues t Nite to Feature Slides, Talk on Japan A snowy orchid centered the c1ustC'r or white carnat ions abe Me·sa Fire ~Aux . carried with her white Bible, Members or Zonta clulf ot New-showered """th satin streamer.e,. Entertained Thurs: ... born Feb. 8. port Harbor met Thursday noon. The orchid corsage later complet· • Feb. 8 at Norton's ca!e on Coast ed he r smart appearance for tra· . A dee&ert c8uree1-and the usual H ' h r th -veling when added to a grey suit generOu.a portion or versatlon tg w~y . or eit regular lunch· complemented by American Beau·. fUled the ~.evening unday' al eon meeting. t 1 y apcessor es. Bernice Aroburgey'a me, MoJ:ll"O+ A short business aeaelon was Assisting as maid ot honor, Misa vta and 11th st.a., ere Jnem1'era held. with Mrs. Mildred Stanley. Phylli8 Ann Bapey lent .colorful of the Colta Meaa olunteer ~re prea1dent, rec~tving reporii from contra.st to the p~ioruil 1n a Dept. Awdllary "enU?rt.aliiOcl vartou.s conurutteea. A/J, there wu creation ot ]>ale blue marquisette at their la st ting:. !---T. ... no planned program for Ude meet-developed over bbJe. talfela, pat· Colortul. alt'. tne effect.I weie lng a aociaJ hour waa enjoyed. ternL'<f after the brklal gown. Sbe brougfit· tnt y tor the ode& .. n> ... are melds ·" • I t. P~trick Party Pla.nned ' by Ladies puild Planmaklr;\g tOr future event.a tp0tllgbte-d the monthly buatneaa seuton of the Ladles' GuUd ot St. Joachim Cburch, Co8t.a Mesa, pre- sided over by j(n. William Brown. president. • Mrs. Mary Paul, secretary, sub- mitted a ~port On the succeaattll. food ea.le cOnducted ln January Oy lhC Guild and tentative a~­ ra,ngementa: tor another s&le In April were outlined. • It was1 sugge.ated· that, an a.nnl .. versary party be scheduled tor St. Pa.trlck',sl day to mark4'the fourth m11estone in the history of St. Joa- ;hlm p9:1'lsh in Co8ta Mesa. ' ' I . Ef~~w FebJ ry -10, 19!il . . . II -. .... . v:· L.; ~ROAN !REAL ESTATE WiH· a. Known As i 1,-I l' I I 1 ~. ' NY ' I . BAUK>A" REALH COMP • 700 E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 153 , P1a1eo J"4tt"dio" TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner I Oeaenrt ......_.et Tlaree OoaU.,ate. ·O-te81udeotol--. ' .. 436 S•na Drive Harbor 1171'1;1 §· §. A series or relay card part.Jc& which Is being Initiated' by 'mem· bcr8 or the St. Joachim MOthers' :lub was brought to the attention 1f G4'ild memb<>rt and ·all were :ailed upon to cooperate in making he project f. successful one. Pro- :eeds from hcse socials will go ' corO..a Hhlhlancls ,._ Corona del ·Mar : ~ Th an NOT melds § § ~· Blad! ~YI may be meldod ONLY i~I eoin_g out, and t hen only in tl)e followin& ·combinf- tlom: I I Thouch ~ou tllllht meld your ~ of J'!CJu; tQlether with your Joke!.1 -yoµ do no' choose to ~o to. xou end lour tum by dia-- cardin& the • • All dilcard.I •re laid face up in oDA! tpue, the · top of which 11 call;.d ~ t4J>CGnl. The whole cliscard pile b £Ommon ... Jy called the J>G!'k. nu. pile must ble kept .Quared u p so th1t 017 the top C&!d can be read. ' . Tana i. The other three play en . in tum dnw and dbcard with .. out meldin&, and for your sec• o.nd tum you draw an A. )' ou decide to meld A -A-Joker. G irl Sc:O ut Troops Honor Pa rents et Pot l uc k On Feb, 8, Girl Scout troops 11. 12 an~ 16 met al the Scout HoUM a.nd served a pot luck sup- per, honqrtng parents or the ~ree troo]:>s. Eighty people were prelient a~ lhe affa.lr which wu ~~8 pl!::ti! ~ :~~~de!11eC: plaJullng~upper. decorations, en· teJt.alnme t and cleanup. Aner pper. a Jot ot ftm was had when troop 11, lead by Mrs. c. w \ Cl!owl, presented a play. A balloott relay, provided by troop 12.1 lead by Miu Wilma Doman had eVeryone In eti!ches and tinalLY Charades put o n by troop 16, j lead by Mrs. WaU:.er Nollar. Wise ,op le do read Ute. ada. · ovlard fu r ishings for the new ·1383 room. t o be· added to the ~~~ n~:!tJ~~ntly calendared was thr an ual parish tall fe~tl· 11al. Parti pa.ting of various -:roups was (>Ullined and chairmen lf different jboolhs were selected. CommittC'e .eads named included ~n1es. W. ~I li.eville, needlework; ~· M. Harrill, rood: Geor ge Paul, wh ite cit'phabt : William Ohlhaver, ;>ost officc:f. Robert Lynch,. doll boOth. 1'he ¥oth(•rs c b wi.11 havr c"argc of Jc plan and shrubs boOth. ' Carin;; ro \.he tars · during r.1'arch and llcti \ hostesses at. ~he nf'xt ni<'~tiit l be Mrs. W . J. Nrvil'e a d H . E . Nolen. 1-~ollowing the business of the cl~~ni~~~~~ Ja~~~~~h~:~ta br;1e~ 'lervcd by M {s. A. J . Eichhorn and Mrs. Willi~ Ohlbavcr. • Guests I Attend Rebek'1 Meet , · Mt'sa rie~ah Lodge 402 met 'fut:sd8'Yi· Fe!!). 6 in IOOF h11ll with Noble Gran4 Bertha Watson pre- siding. Guc5~ wcJcome'd ···•ere Opal Goodger of )3el~evillc, Kans.; Mr. and 1't'rs. "'°mer Cook or Syca· more LodgcJ Santa Ana and Mr. and Mrs. Jotm Crawford of Santa Ana. I The Jodg~ membl'rS welcomed back Sister Roseta W cox, who has been -8 ay for so e time. · Plans weiic made r the local g r oup's pard in \he !strict meet- ing to be h~ld id nta Ana F e b. 28. 'The Me•a e is to C'XC"m· plify eleCting delerates lo the Re- bekah A88efl'bly, · i£ When t he meeting.-lti. mem· \ bers and visitors were inM ed into the dining room tor refreshments and a social Interlude. The committee i'n charge includ· ed Lillian ~malley, G. G, Smalley, William H. Smalley1 Shirley Ann Smalley and Joyce Evans. Forty members and' guests en- joyed the evening. • 00..,., fj-to..._ ' . How 111any rii11es laavc )'°'1 , ans'"'crcd the rclcphonc jtJst;·~, sc:Jnlconc hangs up? \'ou knOW it's not al\l.'a)'S possi~le ~get .to the telephone the moment if ring:.. So best way to make sure you get the person you're call.in~ is to giv~ hin1 a full 1n1nute to answer. Goot/ ..ayto S'ftetdJ '1!1'r te/ef'lione dollar • \Vhcn you mak~a Long Jl"ancc call, )·ou can get ~e m~ ~or your n1oney if, ahead of tin1e, you 111ake notes of tb~ things you wan t to talk about. Then, during your call. jot do\l.'O the chjngs )·ou \Vant . 1 14-""- to 1nake sure to rc1nernl>er. ·. " .·· ,~ \\'ith the right planning, )'OU can Sa)' as 111uch in a three- n1inure call as in an cx<.'hange of letters. And did )·ou know you can n1ake a thrcc·111inute. Station call, clear across the country, for jw.-r $2.00, plus lax, after six in tho evcrung. Hk,,""" tok f!,e .Vnh out" of your tcl.cphonc cord. you hdp protect your ov.'n service. Fcir too many twists nta)' break some of the tiny wires in the cord, causing you to hear a "Jry·ing" noise. Let the" receiver unwind by icsclf ... then keep the curls our by ren\Cn1be.ring not w put a cum in the cord as you handJethc m rec~vcr. @ Pac·itic Telep~111 LARGEST AND FINEST LOW•PRICED CARI • • Refreshingly , new IN . AIL 'i'lllE THINGS .. ,,_.U WANT AMUICAH llMITY OBION , . ' • ' The ~~ Styl•line 0. tuie 2-0oor S... (COdinuofioti of dondon.I ~"' nd fM .....,. ~ , h ~ 00 OYOaabil#y of adlriaf,) ' I . AND "WOU'LL KNOW. IT'S ~E lARGEST , . . . Va lentin e Party fo r Accord ion Stud ent s Each me.mber 1igned eonvalea· canted a blue ba8ke t filled With aion'.. lnct tn lbe gl"OUp'o. 'ftft cent cards gol.ng to two a~nt white, pl'n,k. and y ellow bl0!580ma. Mmes Evelyn KcGuttt Mary El-- membera, Mn, Elsie •Hampton, Frootod. Orplldy · mer. li:tbei Nusum, ~tin& i.ofd. I .. • ~ PllfllUD IOOllS IT RSH' AND MOST LUXffRIOUS ~-IN ns .n•~'. Walk up to this_ big, &eautiful h 9h Chevrolet with any yatdstiok of value,'~ you•u want to enter. your or4' for it· right away! Siu7 It's the lonJOll .W .Widest car'in its field ••. ouimeasuring all othen •. • • America'• larJOll ..,.. finest loW-priced car. St)l/e? ~ loolt lit its· new AlQerica·Prefemd ·llocfi!!o bf · .. r•her will fell you 1t•1 the style ca.<; of ttiC year. Performance! It brinp ,)'Oii. today's top 'oombinat;oD of th;!!ll fl!ld thrifti for it'~ihe 01tl1 low-prioed C:ariri* Hampton'e Har~r pruga and Slmilarly .styled we re the ~· arace WHght. JCleanof °'*"• Mra. G~ce seYier, prtncipa.1 ot t.y costumes,....or t_roet.ed or.gab:dy Janice Peb'Occhl,. Dorothy Jack· ... i A · group ot accordion· atudent.3 Corona del Mar Grammar achooL qver laltet.a wom by the• tirldd-eon and Bern.lee Aril.burc ey. 'I of Doria Hall we.re. entertained Gue1ta: wOJ ~ tnCluded Jn 1n.; rnak1:9. Miu Joan ci14wallader, i. an.or their regular !!and practice ~laUona lo the •"""1nl'. meetlllg mm; of th .. bridegTOOm, QI peen Ha' rbor . Fo lk. with a Valentino ncllal_ patty lo be held Thunday, l"eb. 88 al and Mn. Ira Baloe.r (J:loutoo Feb. Hlh. lt.o'cloCk In' Oranp Oo&ot ·~11ep OWenl, In g<>ld, Maiclllng' tbelr I s· k L. ·t 'The 10,~•Y. ValenUM box chapel with Mn. Karle Bowu. l'rOclio -llle bu!<~la llrimmtnc On IC IS , I ; .-..eel will! ~ ~ wblte rut-dean of wotnen at.~ Willi caruUOM in three loDN. · 1J.ea Uld bearla wu IJl&de by octln• boot-, Ell~t Pr:et!Y ··.....:ci.. CIVWl\8 a...-UAs The Jlool. Cl!Ar1oo ih..t or ·~ Olrole Hy-. Attu the Valen-the evenJJos will be "lunlil6od by tile j,,,-blel! of tbe ,alt-la ·-~lad. llulldQ ....... tJnu, _,.. di.tribu~ MCh ..., Mia Jay 'utherlliad. altncU• ,._It.,_ by ,J(la '.Jlalloy. fqr !In. ~-U atdirtii • \ ,,...,l played -"""°rdi°" ·ookl. d&upter of Z-•fan ,RetJi hd-: :All /16 .u.e --U.,.... Cl!Dr<ll af Ille ..... u.o ~ i.' o Retruhmeata of beart ollapOd .dock Gl!llli <If/ ·0..-. del Mar, Mn. Bll'ap. · • 'ii> • , ' -_. --~ tile ~ COOadHi lherbe:rt. &ad Valelltlne Who wUl Sift~ .laM' ~ .. • WUliall\' jf. ~-· Ir. ftlll. ,, ~ \; ..,·• .. ·' ,. • ! ; ~ w.ere aerved by Mn. Ball port Of two_.. .,.-t:la'',J-ed bi.I: man d\lti<S.l<s l'!t;lifttb-~-eN'•'tlM ....... St-la , pattl<:lpttln&' W8"' U a ,pr-~ fl!r ' Arra/I .. wt.De S-"-caillkS bl .... ~ ... I>.'~ M.,.,.. ~ l'oin7 .Bulih, .Helea Jaco"'90a, Da· 8pecial ... -,la , Tobliama. their pioc. bJ' a-to. -at••• W~ ... tllo l'ile f "fld .N..ura., Sandra,J-Rieb--COior .-of J-IU _,. lip ~ Obilpl> -., 1>Ma -S Ms -.i,, jt , dt S fi. • Pd lll~a. C&ri>le H~ Bobby ud nm-plll beU..-ot· cllolt at Qoota.16oa;'u tsra. --......... 1' · llr<'ChlllaM. Bharon, YaniOll. Qt.f1 tr¥f;loa. 1 , .R'l:::r"' ..,... ........ .J-6-f!o ' ~ .... -. :W-JllU Rine. l . JI.~· -. . , -"Orone qt ........ c DIS. ........... ll •a~ -~ ~.)(}: Clo~-----.. ~--J-~--..... YW ................. I··~,: !'t 1~ I , . MOD ... MODI INTUtolS • . MOii oowmui. "1~M 11Am , ... ~ ·-·-· ,,._ • ' I . IARTT-INSllvMINT PANll 1--·i , ' • l . wYID~s1w• ... (911 CM~...,JI l ..._, I"---··•·') ,.4, 1 -"MY·e,ua w a· . ~f -.. ' -(. .' I ~ a VaJ\oo.ia:Head e11~~.f« tbe industtyl • . · 1 1· ... . ·~ ' '. .. • i -·· . ·~ • 'J • l • 1 • 1 • I · l L I I I • • f • . ' , • • • ·. .. .. •, • 41 ----·-• CDM flier · Aids , . . jn -Korea Rescue IMve 1'. S'. airmen thot. dowh Pablubed ~1'7 T'uMGa1 at lfewpmt llzsc.. o.nfonla behind en*my line to. Kor...ea wett by the NEWPORT BARBO• Pt1BLl8BIN"O 00 .. ANT reacued and are f1(htlnc: again --....::.-----------------------, -'---1 after two helicopter relCUea, tht' Member of CAUFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISBJCRS ASS'N. Navy announced. On,e o't. the res-- Member of tbe N ATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOClATION cuea wu led by a Corona del Mar , otncer. Office and Printin&" Plant al 2%11 Balboa _ Boulevard -A B-26 'rilh one engine 1hot Telephone J1arb9r lflO out made an emergency landlnc: on the abandoned airstrip at &u · WQQ. The dl.strea call a~nt out by the crew a.t three wu answered by an Army J.fosquilo plane ana tour Ma.rint · Corsalra from lhf' Carrier Bataan. Bbttored M Second-C1a.sa J..tatter at the Postottlce In Newport BHch, CaU!omla under the Act Qt March S, 1179 RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, ~r RALPH. BORGESON, Adftrttsing Manager ~ te Pu~lalli Lep.J Nottca and Advertlieme.t. of all &t.IA SUBSCIUPTION II.ATES: Nl:\VPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES every TuHday In Drane" Cowtty, '3..50 per year; h.e& . .U moatha:_ Sl.J5 ~ree month.a (AJAO Includes the NEWPOR:r-BALBOA PRESS, Tbunday) out.We O,..p Couaiy '4.18 ...... Y•r • Costa Mesa Girl Scouts Mrs. Percie Grover is Hostess to Circle Five \Vhile U.e five plane11· provided cover, two Army hellcoptrrs made the rescue. 4 Later, the Arm)' Mosquito wu shot down ~ wtthln 50 yard.a of the enmy. While the two occupant.II sought cover, Corsairs and F·80 jeU strafed and rockete-d the area until a helicopter rescued the downed filers. 11arine Capt. Roy Irwin of Ne!burn. N . C., led the squadron in the rescue ot the B·26 crew, and Capt Al Gnissf'lll or Corona del Mar led the fllg'ht In the sec· and rescue. MemM:r9 of Girl Scout troop No. l!I enjoyed a spe.l'hetti din· ner and ~lumber party last week with an invest iture. The dinner was furnished ·by lhe girl.'11 par· ent.s and the deSSCTt, a huge cake wu tumiahed by 'the Business and PfOle..-tonal Women's club of Newport Beach, which apon.90r.s the troop. Eat;h scout put a can· Thirteen memben IUl.d f o u r ".'fsitors. were in attendance when Scout Leaders MrS. Percle Grover was ho.less on Thursday. Feb. 8, to Circle ' Invested Five of the Costa Mey Commtm· /'rt ity Methodist Cb1lrcb wscs in at ~osta the home ot Mn. Gertrude Edick , ••• ~a • • -. • . . I . r •• , • ' .;1 , , • • l ' . .. • • • • 'nfESD>.Y, F9RUAR.Y 10, 1+s~r •. ' .. • .. Hlllter Rece.,v·es ~ C::::":!"!ta ma-• Dl~:!"~:m: au.':a~ ·:., . , t;hbieo ·.-rted yhen Ca... 'drlYOn ""11\llm .. r on ,...,..ad ·at ·llmk! .. to by Ben-I.. pap, 21, "6r EJden, .W1b~.1n 1Uperior court lil' WU. Ant I.;,. T h ' _ Uam C. Elerick who· aid be mar. P.IUpe rep v Ave., Costa )(-~ lo(~· 8' de<! MN. Roberta J·~ Elol:lclt. ID-' ,. : ~ J, Sollndb. :lo. 1ioe Baku St., coWd-CwoJia de! M&r tu• . .Jud 2 ...i • • , ••Jt r a bffn a drlnklnl' mil eel at" ~."l:A.ndrewli l!I. ""4 ·C7pre• parted· from her Fdl. 3. Hf; ""--• · • • . ·' -.. I could ve etayed dtuDk for 8: A..ve., SaDta ~.1 police reported ed Mn, Elerick ha.cl tnlorme4 him ya Nick Wagne:r ot STll Sa~~ ;-_ &he · did not. de11lre children'. ! Pl .• Newport lilond. 'J'• ----'----c.•~,,----'---------:----..,...,.+--­ thf' thrill of wtnninc tht ,,,.,..,,mrn< Rawl i 11, Wyoming, · A.rttelopt' ' tt September. At tr.e. Um1. rtt day e vent. Nlck ... \YOI' th~ promiae ·of a trophy Nick'a bag <a prone born antelo~ mequring 194 " polnta, Crocket Boon.e). Howe , er,· the trophy dJdn'..t -~l­ rivf' unt Lut Thur9day but it ~ "certain worth wa.itlnc tor" ac- cording 1 o the local nlmr,od-It .la the firs year that a troph7 baa been a rd~ and Nick'11 nkme b the firs to. be engraved on lb base. , N ick hot1 hla antelbpe with a 300 Sa ge at 8 a. m. ot the ft.rat three day derby. "And •eated out th• la.st two adds. Nick ha.a the trophy 1n this livi g room. and the antelope h ('ad m nted ln hla dining room. The $1 ?, Nick e.pent that on a hunting trip to""' Colorado. Got an elk and a 9eer. Man at ier Office • Fm FOGO YOU Will CiRCus llOOM II 7 AIWUICAN l ., "1" .,~ ·ONG BEACH · flU PARICJNG . NIXr"DOQ 1'1lllfHONr7-109j . I fOtt llUEIVATIONI ' I '~ ' • l " '·_:__ ~.:. -· .. .. • •• •• .. ' • die on the cake while the &TOUp sang "happy blrthda}·." 11&. MaifWlia Ave. Mn. Clara At the regular meeting of the M:cMurlrj.' opened the meeting Costa Mesa Girl Scout Leaders with a prayer. Mrs. Olga Cra"''· I Association a number of leaders ford. chairman, conducted th~ and committee members were session. formally invested.. Crace Speth "\\'hat Conununity Spirit can assisted by Dorothy Holm! per· Accomplish for the Church" was formed the investiture rites. ANT~PE Ut;RBY \\'L~SER -Sick \\1 IN'"r, lo(•al nlmrotl of S"lll CbaonPI Pl., :Sf""i)ort tiJatld, la !ibo\\'nl \\1th lhe Ju~t-arr!\"t'tl t.roph)· for 1A'l..Gi1 .the B&\\·J.Jnrs. ,,.yomJng :\ntrlopt' llt•rby lut Se-pt.4!'Jftbltr \l·lth a 15 "l/8 inch, f'"~ll"f'mf.' 111prf' I prone horn antrlopt'. He &190 \YOO Stoot ror do\\-nllll" tbf'i blcrts1: tt'loPf'. (Press Phot o) .~n a ed bandit, refU.sed a loan by the Whillif'r Finance Co.,. held up the btrice manager and made o!f y.•it $2fll .20 1.fonday morn· ing. Ettv.·a d P . Johnsori, 324 Onyx DuriJlg the eveni..Dg • games were played and a campfire cir- cle, wu formed with Ii.TL" and leaden relali.dl" •lories &nd e.x· peii:ences ln Girl Scou~iq. Mrs. L. Porter eccompanled the sing· tnc-1 on the piano a.ad with the other committee · meinbers M.r~. Betty Beeeher aasisted Mrs. Ali._-e Dobbeck, leader in making th~ e.venl:ne a creat succe.ss. · Scou.tJ; pre•nt were Mary Cooper, GaU Porter. Sandra Mar- t in, Barban Beecher, Janace Overman, Yy-yonne Hickmaa, \Vanda Conway, V~ Watts. Judy La.Belle. Gene\'\.eve Robin· aoa., Sha:con Meinhardt. Fra.n.ces Hesterly, Blanche Walter, Bever· ly Piper and Connie McGregor. er Brownie troop with Mmes. Myrtle Glynn and Maxwell held a Valentln in the Scc>ut use wit tine box lln" the t rnminga. The ctrls m~de ut Cu 8.Dd the box for the oc Refresh- ments of heart s ped cakes baked by the mot!iers and hot chocolate \Vere enjoyed bJ' the girls after an atterndon of fun. Members present were Neg-e Cyr, Lynda Glynn. Judy Hand. Janice Mat.Mws. Nancy Maxwell. Carla McClure. Larenze-Valen- zuela. Juanita Valelli.uela, M&.r· wa'yne Cavanaugh, Doyne Ladn- \"i~ and Linda Ltt Mackintosh. ltothers and sisters present \\'ere ).{mes. HeDJ')' Cyr a.nd Toni. John :P.taeltintosh, John Mathews and Marsha and George McClure.. the theme of Mrs.. .Viola Beckett, The entire month ot .February who told •bout the reaidents of hu been set aside as Inlernatlon· Dan.a Point and San Jua.n Cap--al month. George Washington's i.ltran.o joinlng in bulldlnc-a mod· birthday, Feb. 22 Is also the !olnt em church. birthda)'S of 1.Drd and Lady Bad- The devotlona.l db6ervant:e wa!I en·Powell, thus marking that ia. charce of Rev. Charles F. date as International Thinktnc Hand. H ia subjKt was "The dk)'. Girl Scouts and Glrl Guides Prayer ot Christ." · all over the world thin ot each During the aocial interlude the other and their count es espe- group l'tt'eiv.c:t. g & Y Valentines ctal1y on this day. Glr Scouts ot from Mrs. Grover. An exchane-e Co.eta Me~' have cho n to think ot gift.a &lld valentines or "World eace" d to "''ear eecret ~ waa another the symbol ot International feature. Tbe boat•• •rv Friendship on T · lns day. abaped. cook.lea, . L o r d Ro~r. Badeq • Powell at the founded both scouting and guid· 'At Ole slated for Ing In England in 1908. He dJed Ma.rc.h 8 at the h e ot Mrs. i'n 1941. Lad:,· Baden·Powell is Emma Cran rd, 2~ Orange now Chief Guide ot the world Ave .. the ladi a to bring tea and spend• a good portion ot her tow~ts and pol h ers lo be sent time traveling from one counlrJ.t to the Bobincro Hom,...tn Pasa· to another, helping cement the dena. friendship among members of Afternoon Duplicate Bridge Winners Girl Scouts and Girl Ciudes. -----~- Leader.s Club Mrs. Georg• Carroll and Mrs. to Pr.esent Charles Boa.rdm&n were winners :,:·w,:~ ~d ~' .. 10=. ~:'! First Aid Course h.i&h scorers north·90Uth ln the fhe Leaders' club of Newport dupli~te bridge pme held tn Harbor Gtrl Scout counc il met Balboa on Monday atternoon. for its monthly session Feb. 13 1 Runners· up eut · west We re at the Scoi!t House at 9 :30. Do· Mrs. A . G. Doesburg e.nd Rotlert nuts and coffee were aerved be-- Brown; Mrs. Faye Schleuter and fore the businesa ot the da)· was Mrs. Morton Crosby tying with started. Mrs. C. \V_ Crowl, preai· Mrs. Robert Lusk and Mrs. Gar- etfe--Hedlund; Mrs. Robert Roa deal, presid~. PIM• for the Juliette Lov.1 pro· and Mrs. Mildred Lytle: Mrs. T .· gram which is scheduled for Gill and Mrs. A. Gasser. March 9 "'ere made. Brownies Rl!!PORTS FOR D1 'T\' Runners·up north·south were \\'ill have a n afternoon progr&m Board Studies Uf.rd Plan I Ave.. lboa Island, told police Cri Prevention th• rob • came irlto th• ottlc• and as d for a $400 loan on his Wee Spon$Ored 1939 ca . • Afte~he was taken into an in· by Ex hange Club t('rv1 ew r oon1 . he JlSked for • sal· Proposal that Orange county arv I n when he w!UI turned pay a portion of the cost of pro· Fourth annual observance of do"-n the' car loan , vidtng lifeguard service at state 1 h th r d h t f\'atlnnaJ r rimP Prt"V\·ntion Wef'k 0 nln en re erre Im n beacht"S ln Orange count)' v.·a.s u ·jJ\ br he~ F t'b.' 18-4! i, it \\'&s an -a r1o th~·r coMpany-and the bandit undet study of the board of SU· I h flt h nouncf'd oday b.v -:---om Hf'ffer· unzippe his brown !eat er .g t pe rvisore today. k ~ d H 45 I b Chairman W illis }-{_ \\.'arner a nd non, pre8 ent o~ 1i1e Exchang~ J8 C t>t n pu ed out a . -ca 1 re Supervisor Heinz. Kaiser. whose club o! <'"'port Harbor. wh1c:h au toma IC. . iupervi..sorlal districts include the \Vlll spon_ r ttie <'Vf'nl h"'re. A fte . taking the ~onte.nts of The I al exchange club met the c~ drawer, t.he robber OT· entire coastline ot the count)•. fo r a innC'r at the · Hurley dered e eryone to sit down. tor 10 have bfoen delegated to represent Be ll , Cor a ~..!i. Mar. Thursday, I minute while h~n1ade his exit the county board in dtscusslOft! I th k Feb 15. Ptlul ButlC'r, program lhroug e bac door. with repreaentatlves of the state · Onlv two other employeo For several years the county chairman, presented a spea kr r - FBt h d. · d I ;n the flee "'·ith Johnson. dlvWion of beaches and · parks from lh \\' 11 1scusse hlU e otered contracts \\"Ith l.he .. Crin~t'. 1 1'.'.ISOn s Ally.'" · · beach C'illes a'ong the coast ~ E xC'ha n e C'lub pr<-sid('nl cit(d I wher('by lifeguard units fron1 the figures fr in t ht• FBI "·hic:h sho\v vario us cltif.s "'0Uld patrol bear'hes that C'1in1 '" th<' L'n•ted Stat<'S 1 in . the uninco'rpora l t'd area \\·it b ha.s incre sel1 a l an a lnrn1in g rat<' the county pay ing spccifi<'ll fund.-in th~ Y<'• r !I sinC'r \\'or!<I \\'er JI I for the service. S ir.-d lar agrt·c· HC' a[oo terl lhf' r \'id<'ncc t\lrn· ments ha...>e twen prqpo.scd bf.tween ed up !n ecf'nt in\'('.:;tii;at iont. in - th<' county and the sta te !or pa trol 1 dlcat lng <' existr-ncc ... of nation-I work at state beaches, \vh i1·h a rf' 1 "'id c <·ril11f'-. ::-yndlcati·s. "\\'e be· at tfu11tlngton Beat h. LA..iht:n y ~ieve tha , lht-An1Prican pe~plc j Park and San Clemenll'. mt1 .st b<' r1A.t!h' aware that cr1n1e ! wastes our r('3nurces. "'t-aki;on ing efouu JJennig • ..... (l,•e your car ..1n7 seuatlOJl&..I palat treatment to lne:rea. It• lookl, and trade--ln value 100~. ~\air •DyODe of.my H.IOO utt.ned costomen wbo have preved to themaeh"• that 1117 palat deal to doftnlte17 tbe aafeot ud mooo oatldaetol')' bt tbe area? And ftllDMDber UaJ,. -my I ynr pan.a.hie 19 191~ depeadaltle.. Cao me aow at .Aa.Uielm uo; for aa appolatmeaa (collect of,couse) or Drive bl temorrow. I lto.r •nice a. at 9 A.H. out at 6 ·P.H. Young Riders Plan New Events t hi3 n a.tln8 at a t ime \\·hen all our strP ~gUl'"f ne("~rd t o fight conl· 1 n1un1srn , h1· ~111. • In l'po ·oring the local C'r~me Preventio \V~k . thf'" <'lub is join· BAKED ENAMEL PAINT JOB $' FULL PRICE ! ing "'i lh 1.200 Exchange club~ A full schedule looms for ~f'.Til· lhrouchou lhf' t tnitf'd States in ~r~ of I:.o.sis ~o~~an~ros Rid in_g promotin tbt> obsf'~vance which u , com pr c o Jun1or equest r1-\\'as init i t'd in lD .. 8 by th<', Na· ans o! the Me-aa Boots and Sad(l!e f tlun:i.I E x ha-ng_t' c !Ub_._ I Club. who "'t'r t> ass('n1bled 1'hurs-' · day, F"f'b. 8 al the hon1P of thf' presid~nt. George 8 1'('r. 17"7 I r· vtne Avf'., .to dlscu. plans for fu· lurC' actlvltlt>s. J•L\_" "l:JtS Gl\.E OKA\' Tailor Made Plastic Seat Covers JIOT FIBRE JIOT SLIP ON COVERS ••• , •• '1]95 • CHECK ;rHESE POINTS * ALL CARS COMPLnEL Y SAf'IDED Mrs. C. E . Irvi.n and Mrs. E . L. and the. Intermediate Girl Seoul• Second Lt. Robert J. Ra.mse:,·. Hackley; Gerrald McC-Omber and a.nd Mariners will contribute to son o r lttr. llnd Mrs. ·c1aude Ram-c IL Jo .. --n · Mrs. E T Mc Am · t d" t • uu..... • · · ~ the eveaing prc;>gnun. . ong coming . V<'n s 1.scuss~c Appro \' d by thr ("ounty p!an· n ing con1 1ission last week antl re - fr-r r rd to hr board of superVisor>; "·ert' lhP ollowing rt>queats: · * WllTIEN 1 YEAR G.UARANTEE * ANY CAR -ANY· COLOR !M!y of 630 W. Hamilton St., Costa Ma.nus and Mrs. Gerrald McCom· Lea.derJI ..were gi~n a Se.a.on ln were Ro~R ins. Play Da:,s , Mesa, has reported for duly as a ber: Mrs. Roy Slrob and H. S . Fl.rat AJd by Mn. Crowl and fn~ tee IJk&ting d oiler s.kating. par. naVigator with the s-d Air ~-u,·a· MrL Helen ft-•-tiff --• ' ti d d ... n · QU • · ~ ...au struction on J!:eW pmes abcJ es an a rogr~ss1ve inner . Transport group, McChord Air Mr& Robert Brown.. The after~ aoncs fOr use in Troop mttetil\l'I .0..tea tor t~ affairs ~re to bc- Force Base, Wash . Lt. Ra.may noon g-roup will meet next at one were introduced It waa a.nnolUlc· made at the-next meet ing of the w~ 1 previously stationed at the o'clock on. Monday afternoon, ed that Mn.' Robet;.t Keppen will group to be be~ Thu~sday, Fe~. liH?'t"lc;ul;•;~:;n~.E· :;':;r;;Base::;:;'=:C;a!;:lf:;. =:;;;c~F:;e:;b;.~1~9~·==-~~~;i£::;:i;m;:r,/ pre.nt a First Ald . Cour• to 22 at 7 p. m . h? ~ bome.tof 'Mrtt. t '4QJ1a ... worklng ~th-Olrl·•ScoUtf Ucuat Ptirrmui, ~11~ Orang·e anytime alter the month of Feb--Ave., Coata M~: • "WE ALL SAVE IN MY FAMILY! And we have a very epeclai reason too! Our. Sabgs ~ la the equivalent o! one year's incoine. We linow that when we have that hi.- . liind us we'll all be reail)' aecure !" I • . . You, too, can have the prospect ol a secure future by malcbig this .your Savjnp ~ Start to aave syatematically here today! " ...... ,. , p ... ' ' J1iP S"-Dtvldeadl I • ruary. ThOM intere1Jted call t.ne Girl Scout House in Newport. Storybook Party for Small Miss Blddinc yoUn,g folks to • help her dau~hter celebrate bu 9K· ortd btrthda,y Mn. Charle• Ttu.- ty of 330 04 l\{&r avenue, COila Mesa. ente.rtatJfed With a atory- book party '-for wee Bot>ble. Fol· · lowtng the story telling a gum drop birthday ca.ke wu -~ with l~ cream and strawberry pop to the small (Ty. Glft11 as prizes were presented each cue-t. .Clilldren enjoying tQe ay were WWdea.n Gillett, M .Jo. Bar- bara. and Jeanne Bu e, Timothy e.nd Gary Ro In lbe eve ther celebr-&· lion wu hel for little lrrl1a ln the nature chiclten dinner. The blrthday a !'U baked and deCorated. by g brother, Biily, 11 ,_... ~. -0th.er dinner pe.t. were Mr. and Mra. Wayne Rue. pr and children. Gene and -1!farie. Hairy Har'l"•· Jamu Ball .... and Mn. Trusty and chB- ck'ea. Bllly. 8o1111ie tand the honor ..-. Bobble. o. O. Sympbo9J' Orehe!Jtra, Wch acbool AQCL, Feb. % I I'd Like to Krww ... You may have heard that a ..it bu been filed by the Antilru.t Divilion in Waobincton lo break up StandardotCaliforniaas · weU u aU. other West Coai•' oil comp.aniu. Many people have writ. ten us proteating tbia actioa, have Mked per- tUMtnt que.tiom. We be-- 1 .. e thue Q\l .. tiona llhould be ..,.,.end ror ev.yone. We take this _,-ot 11oinelllll. If you. bave a qumtioal. w:rj.t.e; ,.l'o Lr0 TO Ki«nr'• . . 2115 &.It S&net. .Son Francioc:o 20 J ohn . Hult:henson. m&ctiine s hop ror nak1ng a.uton1obile pli::· tons, Ind\ 'it rial Wa)· and Superior Ave .. Cos a M'"esa.; >.·tr. and :P.frs. Chari('S aucb, rabhlt ranch o n "Vtlurlrt LA f'~a<>tflh ~f, Hamll~a St .. Costa M 'I"; 'Al~'* H. FM'nch. lo bstrr s lt>s 'at.and • on 21st .nea r Santa Ana Av~ .. Costa 1\.tesa. \ViBe ople do read the ads. \. • . ' ,, LOU:JS. * IN AT 9 A.M. -QUT AT 5 P.M. * ALL LA TIST J.950 COLORS iit 20,000 SATISFIED CUSTO(l\EllS . * REQUIRES NO WAXING ' .HliM1~,~~ 00, So. Los An·geles St. Anaheim Phone Anaheim 2407 Collect ''Wo Id . breaking up . ig on companies ·affect national defense?'' • Mrs. Marie-Louise Auer, Pasadena IHHlsewHe, writes: It seems to me like a bad ti""' In be tampering wid& our irrdrutrie, as /M. antitrust lawyers want to dn. Or rices ii matt£r? Would breaking up Oil oil Je,t £ . LL companies affect national 1rle/ense?'' · ~ -Q ...... .u ~ . . . ' Here at sta.adarcl.one 6fthe •even West- ern Oil oclmpanlff under attack. we ..e clear public beneh In llaYias bis com· , pa.n.iee in the bualneas at all time•. We believe we aerve you well But Jet'• ooD· aider a.ow J••t ''bipe••'' and dereaee: ... .., . ~ert: jn,dUl"t/y'1 demii.nda Yoo kn.ow' ~ow-iaduat.rial ·output SeJ:ed "U.,S; olnlqth in "Wodd ~"IL It:tabo 6i6 ---lo.meot6i4neodo-. . . ' • . ' ~ ~ • ' • .. • • 4 • • • • • • .. "':)I_..~-·· ... ~-~-~"""~·""'=~-'="'.,..,,-:---~,.,,...-~~!F""'"'!""'l'.'"'"'"""'1~;1""'~:::-""".'!'!""'"'"1'~,.,....~~""0~.-.·--:ir-~·~·~::--rrr'"3"'7"'~~,.,..,,.,.....~...,,.r:-...,."""~~~..-;,::-:"""'~~:--,_,.,... ,/ . ' l • • •1 J. • j l • . ' • ' ' ' r ..• • ~ ' I .TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, i95f • NEWPORT • BAOOA NEWS TIMES 5th Medal Won by Mesa. Marine Marine Maj. William 'n . Arm- at.n:mg, whoee wife, Franca Mar- garet · Arm...atrong livu at • 3l3 Broadway, C011ta Mesa. bas· been aw-..ded a Gold Sta.r in Ueu or the 5th"'l'•ard of an Air Medal while eerving with ~he F1rst Marine Air Craft Wlng~ In K orea u a pi!ri;e c1iau0n accomp ying thf award ft&d.s : ."For J>~erltorkruf act.s while part lctpati~ .. in aeriaJ ntghta over enemy territory from 23 Sept. to 19~ to 3 Oct . 1950.. Maj. Armstrong successfully com· pleted ten oombat m.lAfliona against the enemy over Korea where enemy fire wu either received or expected. H is actions throughout were in keeping with the highest tradltk>na or t he United States Naval servtCe." l: Son of Mrs. A1ae Armstrong of Brookllri, I.a.., Major Armstrong is the father of two son•. Willi&ffl Jr., 8 and Slt!ph~n. S. 8ACK AT BASE S/Sgt.· James E. -WiUe rtorf, 219 Opal St., BaJboa Vailand, hu re- turned to duty at El Toro Marine Corps ,AJr Slal.ioif after complt't- lng the Naval Journalisn1 school at Grent l.;&kee, IU. 0. C. Symphony OrclletJtra. IUp ll)ebooJ Aud., t•t'b. !I -People do ,read the want ads. lat Rt'X TODAY THRU 8ATlJIU)AV "THE MAGNIFICENT ·YANKEE" LEWIS .CALKER:S c;:JOMING StJN., MOS., Tl'.ES. "1'1-4E FURIES" BARBA.RA STAXWYCK WALTEtl Jll'STOS LAGUNA BEACH PLAYHOU~E Present11 . The Sophhtll'uf#d Comffi}' "PENNY WISE" t"lvP P~rtonntaoc11>§ Only'. }"ebruar.Y 28, l\t!-'rt~h J, 2, 3. 4 8:30 p. m. SIB Ott-an I 1.25 ~IU8 ta.I• A,·,.. Ph. •-6529 • • • • • • ••• • ' ' ly_ MAR,<30. •• • ' I • ' • • • • aEACON REIJ XS M:E.ft. ' "House cteaning"' wlll be tht topic at the-monthly m~s of • the 8H.con Belles, even.lq Bome- ipakers' club, to be held Wednu- day, Feb. 2J, at 7 :sp p. m. at the ·home of lrlra. Marv:ID Gtbeon, 032 !..------------------------------------------!-------~• W . 18th St., Costa Mesa. NEws-mms -Every Taelldar NEWPORT ~Y;'~T ~ Wedn~vs · NEWPORT-,BAI.B0A Pf'ES.S -Thorsdaya OH, YOU FRESH THING! STOE:' SMlUNO AT ~WINO LOCK alt purpose drapery ,rod. These are .tele9COpic 6 Will ME WITH YOUR BIG BLUE EYES! Oh, but a.JI nt most any window. Tbey awing aatde for c as ventilation. Hel.en the tlah are THAT fresh at the fucinaUng Ba,yalde aays °'SY a:re a good. lnexpena1ve w&y to cope• Ith 1Umpy o1d-fa.ahlon.- Fiah Mlct. They eome rigbl out o f the HR, pausing ed cueme:nt wtndow9. nen aelUnJ" a length of 3/8 inch, brass coated only to check in off the .boat, then hurl themseJve111 ch-tpery rod, Helen pointed to the ttttlnga, .. rlng~ pin-on hook•, aew on onto a· bed of Ice! l wtah you would go down to the J!oolul A: drape:ry bard.ware. Helen would 'dearJy Love' t o aeU quanU- 'I sea again, which la i:-lg:bl by the Bay, which la In ltea of shades A: t1xtUttS. Rent or ateal ~ trVc.k & go over to the 1 to-watch them unload t.heir oY•n boat.a.. The day I . Harbor 884 . > back ot the BAYSlDE FISH MKT. It's salty-.port SHADE SHOP and 11\&ke that girl bappyl 511 · 29th St .. Newport. • ..,, there. Harry Kingston, owner wu dabbling wllh • some sand-dabs right out of the drink! So why don't you go there A: OH. TE A SONNET blly a tat, fresh lobster or a crab or some shrimp! Maybe someone ABOUT BONNET! Quite elee will dra» ln the Champagne, a.ad before you know It, you'll have a frankly, my dear, it w n't matter If you're ball ·rolling. Red Snapper &. Halibut are running good now. Mop up wearing a Walter Flor II hat or · a summe r the drool, and drive down to the BAYSIDE FISH MKT., 2800 Lafay-sauaage on your bead ! What I mean lB, the ett e, NFport. costume wlJl 'be complet y •hot, If your HAIR e • e IS STANDING OUTRA ED! V irginia Read, WOULDN'T THIS FLOOR YOU! I went over to see 'Clarenfe who makes beauuea o~ you beasts over at Page at his COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING eslab. IN COsT'A Ruth's Beaat;y Shop w~ts you all to hold up MESA. "Clarence," I said in my cosy, way-doY(ll-Eaat manner, your heads with pride. r,iTginla saya NOW is ··What's the best buy in carpeting today '! No hedging, now. Out the psyc.holoatcal momen for you to get a ~ew w ith it!". Without further ceremony, Mr. Page showed me an elegant permanent. This will a low for a couple of piece of California tweed, all wool carpeting. This-Is Colonial type ith.ampoos & se~ before Eaater. Virginia or Hajrriet can give you e.n floor covering th.at will wear well beyond the mllJenium . . . and excellent Rayette Permanent tor $10 • llS. Tlie Shorty & Previe\v • I very handsome at S8.•5 a sq. yd. Or If you'd rather run barefoot thru' waves are $10; Deluxe $12.M , and tbe wonder \llf'orklng Penelreme for the Broadloom for leas. Coastline Floor Covering haa a big SPECIAL damaged hair. $15. Theae prices Include shampoo, trim, set and de on Park Ave., textured Broadloom for $3.61S sq. yd. In.stalled. Mr. wolks. Ruth's Beauty Shop. 338 Pt>irutetUa, CCJrona del Mar. l>hon<> Page seems lo be running keen competition to Linoleum, lkopold & Harbor 2907. the metropolitan pla ces u he also hu Kentilf' lst grade uphalt tile at 51~c per square. And lnlald" Linoll'um at $2.45 sq. yd. installed. COAS'f- L.lNE FLOOR"(X)VERlNG, 18th &: New.port Ave., Costa Mesa. Phone B1·acon 5251-J . .... . . . ,t l I WOULDN'T BE AT TALL SURPRISED IF THE '1 TANNER MOTOR CO. started conducting tour1 ' thru' ~ ,GRANT'S F URNITURE WAREHOUSE! I can hear the . driver now, megaphone to mouth droning, "Nothing like ·thl.s maze ha.s been equaJ.cd ai.nce the Catacombs! Cling • • • PACIFIC NELREM CO. PAINT & VARNISH ~REMOVED QnCJILV & INEXPl':SS IVQ.V FRO>t Ft.•RNJTURE A1'"TJQUES BOATS ETC. PACIFIC' SEl..RE&f CO., ~11 LAFAVE1TE, Ni:WPORT. llAIL !HO • • • ~GAL NOTICE --.-~------------• Ne.,.n lla7 PM a=edlet A.di_.,,.. la a. r11•'Q CERTIFICATE OF BlJSINESl;I . .N.,....Tlmm or U1e ~an97. 1'nm . Flctitl-Flrin N-1111NDmJ1 AD 18 t LINES THE UN'DERSIGNED do here-AD a..tfled .a mnat be .... tor CMll ta _..._. et P'M 1Sm by certify that they are conduct· 4 • .__ l ---• .7" . ing a REAL ESTA!rE and GEN· ~ a....-" u ERAL INSURANCE bu.tin ... at • 4 .... % Papers 1.50 &02 'Cout Hwy., Corona del Mai;-4 Lines S Papen %A8 California, unde.r the fictitious The publiahera wil11 not be respon.lible for more than one IDec:atwct firm name or THE ANDRESEN lmerfian Of an adverb.eement. rel!ene the right to cornctl7 d•..,, COMP ANY and that said ttrm Is llDJ' and aD ada and to reject any actverti.lem.ut not coatcemlnc to' composed of the following pereon11, rules and regulatloruJ, . Advert.18eft!e1!ta and ca.ncell&Uona wtu be whose names in full and places of accept~ up to 5 p.m . On the day preced.lnc publication. Ph. Bar. J..118 residence are as foJlows, to.wit: PboM Bu. l«J.4. ull tor .. Ad ~ or foeDd ad ..t telnt&I 5911 to F . Carlyle Andresen . 124.·38th ~W'PORT HARBOit PUBLISHING CO. St .. Newport Beac h, Calfr. i ~1t Bait>.. Blvd.. Newport 8-ch. C&IU'Gnlla. Charlotte F . Andresen. 124· 36th St., Newporl Beach, Calif. Wl.11"ESS our hands this lith day of F ebruary. ~951 . F . C. ANDRESEN 'CHARLOTTE F . ANDRESEN State of CaJi(Qrnla, County of Orange, ss. ON THIS 16th day of F e bruary, A . D. 1951." before. me, Robert F . Willmes, a Notar~ Public In and fo r tht" said Count1 and Stale, re- ~iding tht.'rein, cIJ#y commissioned and S'llt'orn. perso'n ally appear'~ F . · Car lyle· Arfdrese.n, tnd Chark>tte F . Andresen ·known to me to be lht> persons whose names are eub- $Cr ib<'<l to the within Instrument. end acknowl1..>(Jged to me that they ('X('('Ut t"d the ,Samf'. IN WITNJ!:SS \.\'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hanll and affixed my offl cl,al 10-BUSINESS GUIDE COJo!PLlll'rill HOUS!C ClZANJN,G 8U"rice. P'Umiture and rug1 abam_.s. Fr.. ..um-... Fully lnllured. Al's HQuse & Rug Cleaning Co. &aeon 9111 For Venetian Blinds, Shades ana Drapery Hdwe. THE .SHADE SHOP Free estimates E'h. Har 884 514 • 29th St. Nelvport Beach 78c92 i !-BUILDING SERV1CJEl!I PAINTING EARL SHEFLINi 273 Palmer St., Coeta Me-. Bea. 54:67-M Md INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ' ~1 · 31st St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 34c48 H . H. HOLBROOB: DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Pnompt ReWr 8ervlco Main--· togethe r now folks u we force our way into the mala royer! On your right, you can see 20 mattresses, slept on l:ry early settlers; a bird-cagr, former home of an early bird: an a ~arm clO<'k set off by early up·riaers ~". etc., etc. It's not my problem, of course, but HOW DOES H.E TAKE INVENTORY'! I believe I would be safe in saying that given Uml', you could rind mm t anything including Charlte Ross at Grafit's Furniture & Appliances. However, if by some quirk of fate. you need a good Bissel sweeper for $8.95 or a piano stool, call me ap & I 'll tell you were they're l~at,ed in GRANT·s "':hich is located at 1645 Ne\\'• port Ave., Costa A1e!J&. YOU'RE . IMPOSSIBLE!" I SCREA~1Ef. "NO. NO. I 'M., ERWOOD, and I have a. rose' tatoo to prove it.' "All rirht, all right, but you're impossible to me and J have a headache to show for it! Give up thJs madness. Howard," I plellded. "Go back to that little 'suburb of PaJm Springs or wherever you camt from ... take your medlclne ... even if It's Hadacol ... You've got to be sensible, Howard. You ~ave your future to think of. You CAN'1'1 to!la THAT a.side." A grim .smile played across HO"'ar4 E":ood's drapery fabrics. Then the grim smile, showing no favorit ism , crossed Erwood's lips. "It's too late, lie said, "I've GOT to go on aelling these gorgeous new beach fabrlCs for the ridlculousl)· low price of S 1.29 al yrl. I 'll even sell thls wondt•rtul California Fleck drapery 'Stuff to t M-Telephone girle for dre.sscs ... I'll li ve dange rously ... Anyone tjan buy this beautiful l·hartreuse. wine, sage, almond, r0$e & tor~t green 1naterlal .. , Oh. 1·11 maJc:e them PAY, but no t moch ... " E rwoods. 407 E. Balboa seal the day and year In this Cer--. . tificatl! first above written. ROBERT F . WILLMES 12-BUIWING SERVICES C. L. KIRCHNER Building Contractor ?hone: Harbor lil&-W" l801 BalbOa Blvd., Newport Beacb • • • "DAH-LlNG'." GUSHED DAPHNE UPON SPYING MY N EW Blvd., Balboa. • !SEAL) . . My Commission Expires 11 /16/51 No: 177-1'in1es. Publish Feb. 20·27: ~1ar. 6-13, 51 Sf>TI£'E flF J:\'TESTION Tfl EXfL.\GP: IS TJIE SALE OF . .\L(.'OHOLI<' BE\1ERAGES February 14. 1951 TO \\"HOit IT ~IA Y CONCERN : Sutiject to issuance of the li- cense app'.ied ror, and commenc- ing not less t han l 5 day!! aner the Estimates on New Construction and ·Repair PHONE HARBOR 1164-M 73c74h 14-PERS NAJ...8 Alcob ics An:inymoua Wrl e P . 0 . Box 200 Island, Calif. ne Kimberly -8-5393 PRECISION Watch Repairing ELECTROl\".ICALL Y TESTED AND TIMED DRAPES, ··You cauldn't possibly affor d THOSE on YOUR pitiful salary!" Knock It off, girl. maybe I have a side line. It just 80 happens I haven't, and the gorgeous d rape.!11 that d iz.zy Dapbne so admired came from thf' BALBOA 5 &: 10. This Wunderbar has in a fresh s tack of CLOPA Y PLASTIC DRAPERIES IN many rich, col· orful patterns or in solid taffeteen.s. Daphne hu 20-20 viaion, and o f they fooled her1 they'll fool anybody! These plastic window gtsmos &: ·valances ·are $2.49 a pr. dr: 211'11 yds. long. The solid t affeteens are $I,69 pr. They fold up llke the Arabs & hang like Mona Lisa. They look 11.ke expe nsive d rapery cloth . Fade resistant &: \\·a.4'hable. If tht-y're good enough for me, they're certainly good enough ror you ~ Tell them Joe sent you to the BALBOA 5 & J0,'300 Main, Balboa. PAPER HtNGING and PAI~TING Kenneth Quarry e • • tlatP posted, notice is hereby given WHY GRANDMOTHER, WHAT LOVELY that the und<'rsignetl proposea to 1515 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Louck's Jewelry 1786 Newport Blvd .. Coat& Ke• 81<93 • • • .. AT LAST I HAVE SOME TEE-SHlRTS IN ~1Y SHOP THAT DON'T LOOK LIKE PAPPY'S UNDERSHIRTS!" THUS SPOKi!! LEE STRO\\'P OF J OE-LEE Sport Shop. in a recC'nl address on the State of The Union .. , She is certainly right, as I can't ima.ilnt' \"E io:C'll alcohoHC. beverage• at these · Phone Beacon ()604 ;y LL-FORMED FEET YOU HA VE! 12 perffclly matche-c.l t~! Ye11, my ck-ar, the better for Stompin' premist•s. dt!scrlbed n.s follows : At The Savoy! You see, my child, 8 few years iago. 34•!8 Via Oporto, Newport h I hi Bf'n~h (Orange County) j y• ' • ead w f'n was a mere c t of a girl, I dl!ICoViered Pursuant to such intention, l"hf' . lftCent to H VIT Al..ITY shoes. BUT what I want you to know, my star-eyed pet, ls BARBER'S BOOTERY in cbsta undersigned "is applying to lhl.' "' M f'sa now carries this beautiful foot-gear-Vit8.1ity Stal1• Board of Equalization for (Continue.-from 1-:a.Cf< 1 > Shoes. Grandmother Is 90 right! And your feet !will l!>suanC"c on original application of ·· Monte Grimes~ r:e llring secre-~(' Ro right in Vitallty'.s. Barber's \flOW has Vlta,ltty ~ \ '-:::, an alcoholic bevf>rag·e license for i tary of the association related the 79c92 22-UlST ASD FOU ND LOST-Liberal r E'ward for male red dach8hund who disappeared from ~101 Sea Shon! Drive. Ph. Harbor 0809-J everatngs. 80p82 LOST Black Brocaded Bag _ ot •---------------11 ·Pappy' JOf;' in a rhinestone-studded shimmy-21hirt! The once careless h Lhcse pren1ises as follov:s: history of the group and ifltroduc· tn a very s arp casual, a w hite Wandertust shoe. with nledlum ~·edge On S ale Beer License ed the first president of the 8.880Ci- h. eel . caUM 'Cuddles' (I blush), great for alrn.~ling at $9.95·. high u Cl de R J hn •· sample Text Books between Huntington Bch. and Newport Beach. Re\vard. contact Hunt. tee-shirt has gone 'retty social. The new Cal-May t oppers are fright- ' I bl ' Anyon<' desiring to protest the a on Y . o son and mrs. •12 95 I issuance of S'Uch license may file ohruion. olney Hay, Jr., se<;ond Beach High School,' Lextngt.On ·· LelrterA.Becker,D.D.~ DENTISTRY fully dressy P.er exam pit": Lee Is displaying a sporty reddish & blaclc: che<'k trlrnmed with wt\)te picco}e. called 'Hi-Pockets.' There Is 11 U umber in solid red, navy or white \l.·ith glittering. littlt" chest Crest &: back neck zipper. N'O.,i.· catch this ... black·, \l.'hite or mau'fe shot with M uon ue suede pumps at $11 .95: a.nd Brown .t white !'lpectators at J v .., · say ag-ain, Barber's Bootery will 'gl. c )'OU FITS! 1795 'd th / N' a VPt ified protest with the State prea1 ent was' e only pa.st p esi-e'llt"potl Ave., Co.st& Mesa. • • • ,,,. Board of Equalization at Sacra-dent not' pn!!sent. Other p re&id~nts mento. California . stating grounds introduced '>l.'ere Montf" Grime11 , il-4531. 82p83 '., 1785 Newport Blvd;, Ca.ta M- Medle&J B1dc. Be.aeon e102i 600 &. Ba7 A Ye... Balboa ....._ U'l-J l · Harold K. Grauel Chapel n-.:-HlO uo Br-4wa7 Coeta Meu BE.SURE-INSURE wltb llAUIUE 8TANLSY Iuu..-Ouly n... Uarbor 1111 U6 llarble AYe. Ba.100. IAland 1 nail·heads that won't teac: out or tarniah ... And ll particularly jaunty :;ea-side a ffair calleed 'Hornpipe· sailing undPr a burgee ot smA.11 s lanty i stripes ... The daring s trap design ls called ·s unner ' and it will cer· · tain1y let in a 10t! The~ fast tricks run from SI.95-$3.50 ... Ce.meron i;.hol't.s to atte11 d bottom to these topsides $3.50-$3.95 at Jo-Lee Sport Strop, 1813 Newport Ave .. Costa ,_tpsa . • • • TAYLOR THE TRIM MA N (No relation to the Thin Man l has a NE\\" ANGLE. It thf> top or y_our ·CONVERTIBLE looks faded and shabby, Mr. T . can put a top dress ing on it that will restore the .color and waterproor it! This top dressing won't harden the s urface and comes in black, gree.n, blue or tan. •You i:-et a 2 coat job tor around $1 5 that will brlng color back to your pale, wan top and make It look like new. TAYLOR TRIM. SHOP ALSO DOES 1st class auto upholstery, seat covers.,_.- and custom trim work. I day service. TAYLOR TRIM SHOP, 1102 Industrial Way, Costa .Mesa. Beacon • • • 6930. THIS THES IS GOODBYE ~ 1948 H b K 1948 Lo · ror ck>nial as provided by law . The ; er enny. : Uts If tht" tim~ spent saying goodbye &!ter an ~vening of badinage premi..,.f's are not now llcen9ed for Briggs. 1950. bridge, or rough-house with your neighbor's "''I re were laid end t~ the snl<> of alcoholic beverages. Particular praise \\'as pa.id to end, it would soon became a public nuisance! ~uila MacBe.lh Pueoe.. ~fABEL L. GREENE Robert A. Murph)'. owner of the well knO\l.'ll authorit y on "~ow lo Become Obnoxlious Overnight'' aays. No. 176_Times Bamboo Room where the: meet- "lf saying goodbye seems awkward for you, whj just move In wher-Publish F eb. _20. 1951 . Ing was held and the man credit- ever you happen lo be vi9itlng. EventuaUy, yo~ll be thrown out on ed with being the inspiration and ft~~r ear and will be saved the tireeome effort! of thinking up the SOTICE IS\'lTISG BIOS force in back of many of Bal- e, embarrassed niceties of sa:(ing farewell Ike. "Got to go no\\'. . Notice is hereby rgi\'en that the boa's recent improvements. got to ge up early and shove gran·dmother over a c lllf," or "I better Board of Trustees of the Orange Herb Kenny. protested to a go home. I left an the children hanging 1 head down in the bomb-Coast Junior College DI.strict of story he read of a pla.n-to mcve Sht>lter." Some authorities like Em!Jy· Poet-Hoe lnshrt on whllt Is Orange Coun).:y, Calif., will recetve the harbor ma.stet headquarters known a.s the 'Reluctant T~ Departure.' This consi~ta of arrivlna up to the hour of 2:00 o'cJock P .M. trorn Balboa to a location in a early and drinking and eating everything In aig . Then you advanc: on the 28th day of February, I~l. new Coast Guard headquarters on to your hostess' threshold and dangle a foot ln d out the door. This at the office or said Sehool DLB-the shore of Corona del ?t-lar riear puts eve ryone on edge. You can keep them that ay by repeating a n trict, located at 19951 So. Harbor the Balboa Yacht club. Kenny old, tiresome bawdy story, or if you're a worn , merely by pointing Blvd., Costa ~fesa Cali!., at which charged members Ot the harbor at your husband by ma.rrtacc. He I• by now quietly mo~plng up all t ime saitl bids will be publicly commission wished to make the the drinks you have spilled and moaning. a little~~ Direct the limelight opened for the furnishing of the move. unselfishly to hi,?J ~y expJainin.g1_"That booJ> NE~!:R KNOWS WHEN rollowing: Physical Education Mayor Isbell said he didn't TO GO HO~ : ·~ete. irf~r i811Y4~, 9.~lb"M b ~Alnt.i will save suppl~es and equipment. The said know the. harbor master ofti~ r ou the dlu&U8fac~ ~f~ ~~It ~ !'P t~ ~ga.1n! . •Board of Trustees &hall be the 1ole wa.a to be moved and had no . • • i "' ~ judge· of the merits and qualifl-news about it. cat~ions of the equipment offered Vfncent ' ur«ecf more landscap- and reserves. the right to reject \ng and atmosphere for th~ Bal- all bide. and to waive any intor-boa area ln a short speech ·after Roadblock Fails (Continued. trom rase 1) '!S-SfTUATIONS WANTED YOUNG Lad·y aged 20 experienced typist and gene ral office work. needs posit ion. Phone Beaeott 6741 -M. llc83 MAN, 42, desir es erpployment. 10 years exper. boat capt., 5 yean: exper. O\\'Tlh -operator meat mkl.. Famili&{ dredging oper- ations & expert an types diesel . eng. \Vrtt e Box X , c/o thia paper. 82p&f WANT RELIABLE MAN' for part time maJntenance, boat and bea.eh house. Give referencl!., experience and compenaatkin de-- !ired. Wr~e . V ., ~ -.this papei><·' i ' . GOOD HOME .I. •«tr J , le woman uqder •O. to ~· for coupte. 3%0 Island Ave.~Bal· boa. Ph. Harbor 1311-W. 80cS2 • "GLADYS," I WHISPERED. FLUSHING TO -MY EGYPTLAN HENNAED ROOTS, "May I &Ak you a l)('rsonal question ? Whal kind of hom~made 80Up do you dish Ou t here at you.r ANCHOR Cate'! ? '!" ··weu.. Nosey," she replied, "I Mrve whatevt"r my whim dictatf'S. Sotl)e days. 1 feel like a tomato .. ~ other days, maybe I 'm in a carefrep rp00<1 &: I m&ke with the. vegetables and th.row a -1ot of .--------------, 1 good stuff in the pot. l '-Jl's c loudy outside, maybe I tosl. Split-P ea. On a clear day, Con.som1Tie. ?Quien Sabe!" ·wen all g~ka are temperamental. But you can forgive Glad.· For one reason. you don't have to take one of her Hamburgers to the Griffith Park Obaervatory to 8ff the meat! And she's open A above board ... She cooks on the tront burner where anybody can see how clean everything is! Go see for yourself. While you're in there apying, co\ttl'fJp bY ordering a deft h.inch for 6:><:. Thts house of go<XI repute ts the ANCHOR CAFE. 711-D Coast Hiway, Newport. ~a. m .• ~ p. m. (clO!ed Wed.) 5 a.. m. inum -colored top being driven north 9n l~lh St. croe.slng Balboa mallty in bid. · taking over the presidency. ADV.: Feb. 13 -20, 19!Sl . New officers elected are Lon-WANTED -Advanced pupn .. '. w. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE Ci>urt""11B l11for1nati<m !t11 BaJboa Blvd. 1 j Newport Beach Ph. Har. :!4 IUTl'llE!!SEll e,.r.-Bo~Tranen ~Sbapeo BEACON ISOl l 0-ta M8& Malti-e. Oo. lllO .N~n -4. Water Heaten . ' 8ER\'1CE & REPAIRS ,../oe· Be.cldolJ Aut.IM>rlu'lill DreaAPr Day • Nlpt lh-a:ten i•hone 9r'"' !M!·\\. ' ._?. i. I t • and turnlnc-eaat on Bay Ave. He Trapp Family Sing-Opening Date: February 28, 1951 nle Vincent, president: Bert \Vil-shorthand to tutor begtnner. 8-con 6741-M. 81.t.13 uld the car was drl ven by the vUy booked concert at 2 :00 P .M. son, vice.-prelident: M:ai.zie Bird, to 6 p. m. sats. man who had flourished the gun. all Amertt:a's musl- and that another man was with cal hlatory. 111 appear at New- h im. port Harbor gh achoo) auditor· Officers set up a roadblock in ium, Friday, feb. 23 at 8 :15 p. m .. and near 15th St. m. a.n unsuc-season'& eec<rn<t presentation of ceasful effort to catch the su• Newport H •jr b or -Huntington •-• Beach Community Concerts a.a- Signed: BASIL H. PETERSON, Secretary of Board of Trustees N o. 1 (3-Times Publt.shed 2;p.20;s1 • • • pee~. I Whether the Incidents· actually aoc;lation. NOTICE INVITJNG BIDS HOW MUCH MONEY 00. YOU HAVE happened,. police didn't kn 0 w. Thill Internationally famou8 Aus-Notice la hereby given tha.t the PINNED TO YOUR CA.~SOLE '! ! '! They did know, however, the m~ lrlan-Americ""" family returned In Board of Trustees of the Orange I mean who wu "very frightened,.. anti Decvnbtt f~ a Ruropea.n tour Coast Junior College District -of WHAT'S YOUR VACATION BUDGET! who had severe pavement burnJs durtng whtch they gave two CO:l-Orange County, Calif., wru receive No~· ls the time to un-,U. aad ~It on hi.a knees. Bechtold aaJd Ln hiJ cert.a in Mil , Italy, from .which bids up to the hour of 10:00 o'clock Chulott~ HolllnsbeN at her \'lnceat'• Udo ha.ate to geJ away he had sprawl~ hundreda ot pie had Lo be turn-A.M . on the 28tb day·of February, Trawl Buttau. Cllaltotte Is yoar kb.I. a.rt' ed on Balboa mvd. ed away" Bar~r &SBOCiaUon mem-1951, at the office or Kid School thorb.ed travel .apnt. She can Mlp .YOU wttb bera may m t them at the aftet-District, located at 1995~ So. Har- p&ana or l"MIM'Vatlom for land. • or air. Hold Bellows . prbg:ra.nt SU. l r at Balboa Bay bor Blvd., C08la Mesa., C&tlt., at P1eMie check tlll9 ll!lt: club, ruerva lo be made with which Ume aa!d bids wlll be pub- Fw $S.Ooe • "-000 (Yoo.r bat tn.vel boy!) cC..tbaed tn.a"Psp I) lbs. ''.t ce Brown; Bea.con llcly opened tor the following. The . A b1p u,e-d tile world?· po.,s u a R\Ulllan nobbema.n who 6600-W; M Jc.:ph :Beek, Har-aald Board of Tru.ltees Mall ·be St,.800 • S.IO&--Delu.x.e to Z:::.U.,., or 8oatll AmeeteL had eBC&ped the Red&ddbrou~l: bor 81· ~or .Kn. J . LeaUe Ster-the sole ·Judge of the merit. and 11'"8 ·-%,Olt-T9'll' d Elle ... brtll:u4 SeMleetf\or St-1••\•. a tortwwt to America. B& anti teMeJl, is.a r 2871-J. qualifica.Uons of the ~pment '600 A t1~1fexico, lla..U. A';'•h or Oe4tral Amtr. Ml• Royale, Uftlted aboari.t hfl • ~·' ottered, and reeel'Ve8 the rlght' to Get Ill toocll wit.lo vi-tat"• Tno>'OI -· for -le -lop & yacht Gloria D&lton 1n Ne~ HOid reject au bids and to waive any t.rawl l..a.forma&loa! (Mu••ntae, VWeeal'• LWo Drus) ·Barbor Uta. Harbor Jan" 2$, were ordefttd. tf'>-.__ • informality 1n bid. • .. • • • appur March 8 befo~ .S\ijlerfor .,.... ~:ollltS Thw's, 1 Group I: Ml.oc. office f\trnltu,re YF.S, .LADIES; I'VE BllllN THRU THE MILL! You C&li 913 :Judp. Tllomaa J . CunnlllCJ!am. I ·s~~' t ' , 250 ..... of mcch&n~ toola that apln-But I ·learned a 8eCret •bout .-ome tOp dn.w.n~ 'nae ~ matinee for GUb Kiac. JD.echaitkf ah~ equipment TAYLOR·MA.DE manutacturen rnJlc:e dl'rine ataclla It akirtl lh thii.r SED.8 QUIET TITLI! j -aco~t Pfck 1 ~be.held ft the ·ldlsc-. Cafeteria ail~nvare and mill. I peered" at 50 or 90 of th-alacb at POLLY APPAREi; the Quiet uu.. to a ~ of N~ -T!'-t ll'hlind4Y a( l:U dlabes otber mad W--1· n.h o~rcome wltb ,\on«IDC. l tried oo oneral port BeKio rM1 Ntale wao -_g t ~ °" rr• Wulllntop'• · :iH BU!1ka ' ' fain.. Now I've aever been .....-of baYlnJ a ab&pe like. Rita Bay-In oupelo< court laot .... 11. by w • ....,~ ww' ~A · for e-..ey· 2tfl M&t- worth'a. not nen la drftlna, dam It., but I bad to · adlDJre · mJMI! Liam H. • qd Bertha ~· B.en ....,..,. --~-ta. . 1 2N PD-. ll!dt• a litU.. becauee \Ma a1acka do croa~ quite' a flatterln&' Ulllllba. apJMt Mn. La l'erne ~ wfll~. r-live ~ 291 ·Mat-coyer. ' secretary; and Monte Grimes, treasurer. Directors are ,fames Karam, J. B. McNally, Coy Watts. Orville Schlu~ter-, But Wilson, Herb Kenny .. Edward H. Allen, Monte Grimes, Fay Blow- er. L. W. Bri.gga, Virgil Oakden and Malzie Bird. Hay Langenheim, secretary- manapr ·of the N..,port Harbor Chamber of Comm~e. pa.id JMlr- ttcular praise to the Balboa AMO- ctaUon u beinl' the , first to join with the Chamber of Commerce ln Its greatest HarJM)r area com- munity program. ~, WORKING PARENTS Want ,.._ liable per90a With t~ tion to Cftt for children, 4 ~ e: yrs. old. Phone Bea.eon. ~W .. •. tr.lp83 SECRET ARY to presfdef\t bf Or· ange Coast cOilege. Job tndDdes dictation. typing. dupuatlng and atsnd.tng a.ti ,board pteel- ings. M be at leue"a Jr. collel'e uate. SWUng .U- ' !L·ry $235 per month. Apply at Bu.sinela oHlct!-1n ~ 82e More Cl•Mff'ed on .na:t ,...,: .. ZONE . t • . • ., OPEN EYERY.FllDAJ, SATURDAY SUNDAY •Ai'toAJ I .. ' ' r ~. ~ lllppon "" oot ·-, 1R oo lbyll', \My now• o-.a.. aJl!I Ille Md huob"nd, L. S. llprq\M. · 1 , •• .::: and aad tbO fea~ are 592 Blanket.a • --are -ll·l!n<L • You ..., .. perbl,J alAlek up 1n lprinc plalda. . -... Ill "CllumPI at .a~ u: u..... ~ r... -i.: • . . I-· AD. lit • oo1Ido ~ -.st.d ch.cu for ~.911 • UJ.1111. • SU• T-· Ootfoid'" -~ ~I Ill pfllaW" cw. . batb towelO a"4 l'oll)r Jiu P1 ...,. f.M.Ml1'ta '1.llll • $2-2;1 A a -"'-tcb ot Joba UU.P, Ut. Jard St., N'."'f· ~..,rrt hand tooftlo ' • . cootum• joo1-fl up ••• POily Appuoi .••• ua NIN(!>Ui't A-pott 8-li ,_ted t.o ........ Ulal ~ ' a-aa• I ~µr: iiB Ke<hA-. tat,' Coeta :a.I-. -bad -1da -_ • • • . ,~ .. _,...,.. -i -,.,,. i. ,.... ........ x . .J'e""'"'7 a .-:io. i•1 • Ut'J':8 41,L ~PrrcJI--~ IN UK1C t.l'MLS ~ 1M1p ~ -..ww • f p.a.~: ....... ·.-lie -"1 .... Openiac ·Diiie: l'.-,Y 21. 1M'1. W~ bar .... Ill life! Cfiil, ,..._,., I . ill ....... t;41 L Ill. I bJ.,. W ... .. • ...... dido tli:tO AK. , SHADS SHOP t.o' ....... t.loe W&J' to Ille lPllb Me+H. la • -'If 1110 -.......... poc•IC _, ., tlla -ii! Biped: ' •• ~ ••Rt n 1, -.--bar bmrt. "l WOVU1 DIUJILY ... -I I IP' :lllo .... -la ..... .... &•i'D, a: E .. ID81* LOVll· 'IO BILL QJ1Alfi'l!118 or ••• 1IOllll l>OtlliUI oa • -· • -im11 • • M. •.:;:: ...i .. ...,.. -o1 :i:;:.,;:.~~1:--::'trt::t;:'"-~.=:!d·~ ~...... ~ .: ·--::-: ..... ·~1~:..~·· tell ... -Tbe peat-up ---nlollOd, .... b ... -• ,,. ·-""" -BUit, .. .... ...... """" l!V"'f'ol .~ ' f ~ .. . I ' • • , • ' '-- ' , • 1. I , • wHEN .you · WANT TO . BUY. SEU, EMPLOY, :m ·OR: . . ' -. . GAREY'S CLEARANCE \ of SAMPLES, ODDS and ENDS! NOW'S THE TIME TO FIX UP YOUR RlllNTALS AT BIG CASH SAVJNGS -LOOK! Famous Make ELEal'RIC REFRIGERATORS -····-···--------------·----···-··--$159.00 ' Apt. size GAS RANGES, now ........................ 109.00 2-pc. 'BED DIV AN SETS ................ ---------·------119.00 Mod em OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ................... . 11.95 BOX SPRING and MATTRESS .......... ------------59.95 Fold-Away BED with MATJ'RESS ___________ _ .... 2+.95 Modern ADJUSTABLE LAMPS ___________________ _ 8.95 HANY, MANY M ORE ITEMS SALE-PRICED TO CLEAR-OUT! GAREY'S QUALITY FURNITURE 1865 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS MORE CLA$SIFIED ON PAGE FIVE 19 ""'"' w A.NTED LUBE A: POLISH MAN for Dodge agency. Must be neat, honest and ambitious: A 3ood oppor- tunity tor advancement for rl~ht man. 1936 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Neea. 80c82 Buy Them While You Can! SEE THESE LOW PRICES Meat Rationing? l&-(IAJ.E, lllllKJEUANEO(J9 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRAILER WE FILL BUT ANl!l &bd PROPANJ!l TANKS O'.>mplete lm:taEaUon, rel>'lr and •rvtce ot au Tral.Jer Equipment. flerman E. Samuel Jruta M . Porte' ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR RLVD. Coata Mee&. Phone Beacon a24-R SH1PS CLOCK, atriklng. $45. A15o antique music boxes. and e xpert re ..Ra Ir l rl g. 101 lndia.napolla. Huntington Beach. 80p8:! R. c. ALLEN con1blnation ad- ding machine c a.ah drawer, li\c<' new SIM. Ph. Harbor 2865-J 82c8<f. " tt atJiiaNz1tl Oil J I '''I 1 .. llUSDfm Os; IS 5 lt'w ' V'{e have inquiries for the follO'wing ; SmaifhardViare store · Self Servi~e Laundry _ (Muat have sewer connection). • Variety Storl! IF YOU HA VE A BUSINESS FOR SALE, CALL Ed L. Sedelmeier, Business Opp. ~roker 1523 Coast Highway, Corona dcl Mar Harbor 276& H-llll910AI. &&BIO SOHMER GRAND PIANO. U .. d good lone, $396. Spinet. repoe. aeued. Save $1!>0. DANZ- SCHMlDT Big Piano Store, 520 N . Main, corner 8th, Santa An1:1 . WANTED~ planoa. Trade In your old piano on a Grand (Spinet) or beautiful televl•lon. fll--Al' AllTMENTS & HOlJ91:8 BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND API'S. YEARLY OR SEASONAL Bee CAIL CARNEY with Nelda Gibson, Rea.I Estate 306 Marine, Balboa 1aL Har. 502 ' 1 , 69Uc Hlgheat cuh allowance. Terms .• BRAND NEW upstalrlf·apartment . DANZ-SCHMIDT PIA~O Co., unfurnlahed l bedroom, hard· corner 6th, 520 N. Malri, Santa wood floors. garbage di&po-.1. Ana. large garage. Inquire <f.38 -32nd RENT A PIANO, $5 per monlh. All rent allowed If you buy with- in terms. DANZ-SCHM.IDT, D20 N . Main. Sant& Ana. LOVELY PLAIN CASE bungalow up-right piano in fine Cf?ndJllon, S26:), terma. S25 down And 1 10 1no. at SHAFER Music co. (Since 1901) <f.21 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. • 80tfC' St .. Newport Beach. 80p82 ·LIDO ISLE . U you want a · rental on LD>o IBLE aee us. Several lovely apt.II. Aleo bomca avatl&ble. P.A. PALMER rlfCORPORATED 3333 Vla Udo .. Harbor 1MMJ 22Ur Acre Very n Ce 2 bdpn home on wide lot ( 21s200). Only .2 t,... old. Well led. hwd. fireplace. 2-car pr. Llkeable 1titchen. Thia Ila a SUPER BUT. oo Toda.v'a Mar L Owner may comkler f2, clown. FUii price . $9,850 . I -3 B. R. G. I . Re-Sale In very good condition-about 4· yrt. old. Ex.C'epllofttly• large 3 B.R. having a very nke living room and dinlng room combina- tion. Fireplace, thermoatat, hwd. t..l le, Eut Side locatio n. Redeco· rated 2·car g arage. &uy 4?: payments of J:WJ. per month. $3Jod do.wn. Full price $11,000 PHIL SULLIVAN SPINET PIANO. Full keyboard. discontinued model. Beautltul cue and tone. Only '39~. Terms DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano Co., C>20 No. Main, Sant.a. Ana, com er 6th. Formerly c. Galen Dent.on NEW STORE BLDG. 12 x 30, hot G. T. EVERSON &: cold water. $<f.0 mo. COME IN and play the W onder· CUJ New Hammond Chord Or· gan. Even If you don't know a note of muaic you can play beautiful music In t en minute&. DANZ-SCHMµ>T Big Pia.no a.nrl Organ Co., C>20 N. Main, Santa Ana. USED PIANOS from $69 up. Good playln~ condltton. D ANZ- SCHMJDT, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana, corner 8th. PIANO -Beautiful spin~t styl.- wlth fine tone. Full k eyboard. Only $235. Call, 222 -2nd St .. Huntington Beac h, Cattf. 80p82 at 103 1,.J 10th St., Newport REALTOR Beac~ ·(Inquire 1504 W . Ocean 490 Ne)Vport Blvd '. Coata Metia Front. Phone Har. 2911-W. Phone Beacon 6243-W ___________ 8_2_c8_4 Harbor 3151-W or Beacon 5458-J VERY desirable furn. 2-bdrm. It den, breakfast room, dtnmg, lge. living room. 2--car garage. 1 yr leue, $11 ~ per mo. 209 Broad- way, Costa Mesa. 78p83 lN LOVELY COURT -. 2 bedrm unrurnlsh€'d hotute, $47.!>0 mo. ALSO large trailer., $30. SmaU trailer , $22.50. 1741 Pomona, Costa Mesa. Phone Bea. 6141-J. 74Uc FOR RENT ON A YEARLY BA· SIS. Beautiful 2 bdrm, 2 bath apt . with the view lhat every- On(' wanta but rew can have. T H E ONE AND ONLY! FITZMORRIS REAf-TY CO. l Realtorel Ph. Harbor 2162 813 Coaat Blvd .. Corona ¢el Mar New Lido Isle READY SOON -3 bdrm. 2·bath. dining-den . Corner fireplace. For~~ air heat, bar-type kltch- C'n. 2•car garage. Cor .. , at. lo st. Jot . S,tlll llme to choose your own colors. Price $22,000. ALSO 2 bdrrrla. and den. 1 %. balhs on l lh ~l.8. Beautl(ul large pa tio. deluJlf: cona(ructlon . Truly a fine borne. $22,500. $4750 Full Price CUTE BEACH HOUSE, 1 block from best bathing beach. Builc..1- lng ih good cond. · $4 7SO, furn. NEEDS FIXIN' Duplex on Balboa Blvd. need.11 wor\c1 but has loU! of room a.nd possiblUtlea, $9750 rurnlahed. I BLDG. SlTES •• • n••u. mran LIDO SPEpIALS Heart of Lido Isle • ' 3 bedroom•, 2 bat.ha. ~ Jarc• comer lot with permanent ha,~· view from tbe living room. FUUy fUmlUed inctud 2 new· refrtpraton It televl.aion. Two p&tla.,. one wtt.b barbecue. Ex- tra larl'e IU&Se· Owner will carty ~per on tbta. No ttna.nc- tns problem . Another Lido 3 B. R. Two baU1a, 2 yeara young, 2200 sq ft. in the houae, plu.a dbl. gar· age. 55 x 88, lot. Extra largr p&tlo. All for $24,500 with Sl5,- 000 FHA loan com.nilttmenl. LIDO BAY F.RONT New 2 bedr001n, 1 % balht1, mod· ern In every detail from the Wood parquet floors to the mod- ern beamed celllng. Sliding gt.am. door1. l':ull width of the living room , built In electric stove and oven. Electric dlahwuher, gar- bage disposal, pha Iota of bullt- ina and inside planttng. Pier &l)d lllp .. Thia I• the type hQ"'"' we afl like to ah.ow. FOr a.ppt. to iee, call- The John ·Vogel Co. 1301 Cqut Hiway,1Coro~a del Ma r Pboae karbor 1477 o r Harbor 1141 80c82 VALUES! VALUES! INCOME PROPERTY-$10,000 3 Ap l.8. & 4 aleeplng roolT\3. tllght in tht' Heart of Balboa'. Thl1 ca.n be a. money maker with · right ma.nagement ! DUPLEX-Attr&cl iV<' &: well lo· cated near Bay.front. 3 B. R. Apt., .2 B. R. Apt .. guest rm. & bath adJotnlng 2 - car garage . Sund e c k, patio. Furnished. Make, idea.I home with income! NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Brand new· cuatOm -bullt 3 B. R . home on ' laige loL It's a Hon<'y! Many extra, lots of tile. frpl. that la different. ' bookcasea.. huge wardrobe, oak floors. LgE'. 2·car l"arage PLUS a workshop and laundry. Move right In ! Approved for 4 'h: 't F . ~ A . loan. A wonderful buy at $12,. 990. . . . ' l . . -' I ' I ' . ' TUESDAY, ~UAllY -20\j 1951 f • _..,, aT.&D ' CORONA, DEI:~ What is a 4'SLEEPER" A "SLEEPER" la a property which you can buy FAR BELOW market value. 4 WE OF.FER SUCH A PRQPERTY -S bodrm residence 2 bat1>"-llou\J> of HJPW&f .. • . A Uttle worlt.• painting', and t;.nd9capm,. wld make t.hil place • charmtnc home. Full ..-inc price. 111,&00. Very re1110D1ble "term• may " . be arTUlpd. For appollltmen.t, He or ca.U Blll ScllUAer at Harbor 247'. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 81C> · Cout BoUI~ Corona del Mar BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT LARGE LIVING RM. wood paneled. attr. fire- place. Dining rm. with. bar and brbq.' Special game room with terrific view. 5 bdrms., 4 baths. All the clMet space you could desire, Dbl. gaf., forced a:tr., plua pier and float and , good beach. Beautiful\y furnlehedt $75,000. ' Nelda Horace Gibson Mazet Harbor 502 Harbor 3028-J ' 306 Marine Avenue. Balboa Island CORONA DEL MAR NEW and Newly FURNISHED 2 Y., years ago -124 blks.. from maln ocean beach, 'thia attractive 'M'ODERN' home is being.offered for ONLY $13,900. EVERYTHING Included-Maple furniture, Westinghouse refrigera tor, G&:S table top range, lnnerspring bed .. AIL like new! 1100 sq . ft. -All rooms and garage EXTRA large. BIG windows, fireplace, patio ... PRIVACY. TERMS to a responsible blp'er. Immediate posseas.ion. Change of en1pk>yment makes quick 11&le duirable. EXCLUSIVE wlth STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 1311 Coa.at Hll"hway, Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 882 BALBOA ISLAND B.A.YFRONT! I -. . THEY ARE getting scarcer all the·time. 2 JHLRM HOME. gJ,d'. sandy beach. Knotty pine liv· ing rm, fireplace. Room for an income apt in rear. We know of no be,tter bayfront buy! $24,000 • -' • Here'• one way to beat the J>Oli&lble ehort..a.ce- -Buy a f{ome Freezer! ELECTRIC ORGAN. Ll\ce new, ''famous make. S&ve $200. Terms. Electrified organ. used, only $17~. F or church or home. Dana· Sclunld~ &20 N. Main, Cor. 6th, Sa.nta Ana. N1cELY ruRNISHED 2 bedrn!. apL Sundeck A: garage, 'yearly LIDO 55--ft. bay front choice k>ca· COSTA MESA-!h acre wilb sml. neat HOUSE 5 yrs. old. Lawn. garden, 2-car garage. P'uml.8h- lnga include beautiful stove and refrigerator. A.ak $6,500. MAKE OFJ'ER! .. Philco freezer chest, 5 cu. ft. --·--------------$179.95 Philco 7 \.I, cu. ft. up- right freezer _________ $239.95 Recond. Frigidaire refrig. 6 cu. ft. ________ $74,50 Kffp in touch with W!I ror good buy11 In other TV 11eta being traded in - EASY TERMS ARRANGED • DA VIS-BROWN Co. 11186 HARBOR BLVD. 31-WANTED TO llUY BOOKS WANTED I will call and buy ... Your entire library BUNSTER CREELY Phone Harbor 3215-W 78c79H P-FlJRNITURE FOR SALE SIX PIECE SET bamboo furni- ture: 4-picce bdrm. Sl't, complete with mattres.11 &:. springs. S75: secretary, misc. Items, 703 Jas- mine Ave., Corona del Mar. 8lp83 TWO PIECE overstuffed bed di-COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 Ji van living room set, $<f.8. Wedge- 1100 COLDSPOT 8 c u. n. refrlg· era.tor uaed only 6 mona. Can be .een at Crown· Hdwe Ill 828 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. 80c82 Television Service RADIO REP AIRS LA"7 ~ • • I arold Bamro Tecbnldo.na 1108A RADIO A TllLl!lVlstON ]/Ill ~. c. Ill. --.i wood table top atove, IJke new. $37.60. Nearly new overstuffed lounging ch.air, $19. 0th er pieces. Call, 222 • 2nd St., Hunt- ington Beach. 80p82 -. CLOS~G OUT ALL UNPAINTED FURNITURE at COST PRICE To make room ror used furnlture coming in. ~ b&rgalna in uaed furniture,. Jack's Furniture 1500 w. Balboa Blvd. - BEAUTIFUL WALNUT art case ' Steinway-Duo-Art grand piano. Like new. Save over 'h of new price. Convenient terms at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO I Since 1907) <f.21 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kfmbcrly 2-0672. 77tfc U-STOU:S & Om<JES A-1 LOCATION· on Main St., Bal· boa, near Pavtllon. Space occu- pied by prea:ent P . 0 . Owner will remodel to suit tenant. SEE Mni. McAdoo_ 700 E . Bal- boa Blvd.. Balboa. Ph.· Harbor l ~ or Harbor 2873·W. 7~87 U-W .urrED TO RENT UNFURNISHED or furnl.shod-2 or 3 bedroom. La.guna, Corona del Mar or Ba.Ibo&. Children. ~· apon1lblf". To $1 00. Yearly. Ph. AX. 3-~19, Loe AngC'lea. 78p82 Summer Rentals? Request.I are comlnx In for awn· me r rental$. Have you a houae or an apt. you wl.sh to rent 1 Bay & Beach Realty Ethel Shirley Gloden Fay 1450 B&lboe. Blvd Harbor 1264 or 1umn1er. Ph. H&rbor 061%-W 82ttc $75 MO. YEARLY-Modernz2 bed- room furnlahed apt. U tll. pd. ChlldrC'n 0 . K . In downtown Balboa. Ph. Har. 2191-J., 82c84 48-AUTOMOlllLES,Tlllll8 '50 STUDEBAKER 4·dr aedlln. with overdrive, heater Hiii· holder. Ph. Beacon 5289-J. 80c82 ·~ OLDSMOBILE 8 · 4-dr eedan. 98 deluxe. Fully equipped. low mileage. bargain. 1609 E . Bay Front, Balboa 80p82 1941 PLYMOtrrH <fi-d.r &rd.an, special deluxe. Heater. Excellent condition. 312 Lindo, Balboa. Ha. 1586-W. 80c82 '<f.2 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe ·with '48 motor. radio and heater. Price SMO. 'F'h. H Mbor 2002-R. or Harbor 'OIIH..W. 80c82 CADILLAC '<f.1--62 Conv. Very clean. Orig. owner, 21.000 ml. Rad. Hyd. H eater, spot. Light cream color . .A.Ir ride tirBt. Beal offtt. terrna. Beacon 8M1t 80p82 M--MONl:Y TO LOAN ,. lion --·-·-------··----- . --....... $27,500 30·ft. ilaytront R·3 ... . ....... $9,000 4 ~·ft. lnatde ......................... _$3,500 30.fl. Inside .................... '. .... $2,l~O NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Perma- nent 1v"lew or bay and ocean. One of G~~;t;~; 1;~~~~~,500 3112 N'..ewport Blvd., Harbor 2552 VOGEL VALUE Cbrona de! Mar TWO BEDROOM co~plctely fur-nish~ home, hdwd. fl oor11, lge. wlnd1;>wa, dining room, fireplace, furnftce. large bedrms., ample c loset.a, service porch . Finced )'ard.r Landscaped f r on t and back, 20 x 24 garage, bUi1t to tak~tpt. Near markets, good ntlg borhood. rice $12,750 · YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a furnilmed honle wlUl ·a rea.eon- COST A. MESA-3 B. R .. frpl., 2· car p.rage; corner Jot, Xln't nell'hborhood ea.at aide. Needs some paint -but what a BAR- GAIN! Only $7,000. soirru. COAST REALTY co. ''Multiple Listing Realton11" 302 Main St. Balboa. Har. 2034 "NEAR -PAVILION" 1h ACRE & HOME Thia ii really ·nice -2 bdrm home on % aCTe with 18 ·fruit treea, many ahruba, flowers and a gar· den. Patio and lath house. Built 19th. It'1 pretty a& a. picture. In the Back Bay area among nice homea. You11 ·•gree ill priced below ~lacemenL $10;800 able 1 down payment of only C t M B , 'Joo). . os a esa argam The John Vogel Co. _!!. · $1,000 dwn. 1301 Cout Hwy., corona del Mar ikA.Nn new 2 bdrm ,home on 60 Phone I Harbor 1741 or ·Har. 1477 ft. Jot -Hwd. n oora. tile alnk, EjeJttnga ·flarbor 393.Jil. Pa.net-ray heat~ 9ervice porch. · Phone H•rbor 2:>02 R EV ZR YT H• I N G MUST 'GO .:.... 80c82: Clualfled Ads produce mucb - STA.TE HIGHWAY GOING ~-----------cOllt little 1..0ANS For Homes **SOLD** JS,500, b&lan .. '50 month. See UUa now. THROUGH -Con1plete 'equlp--BED DIVAN, good condit ion with ment for GARAGE and SER· brand new allp cover, $25. 419 Y. VICI: STATION. Lathe, v~v.e Marigold, Corona del Mar. 81p83 re.facer, ha.rd 11eat grinder, bat· lery charger, cub regtater, lube ·equJpmenl. Hand tool.8 &nd pull- era of all kinsta. 1938 LaSalle <f.-dr. Medan, radio, )aNter, good condition, $200. 10 ft. speed boat with Gray ma- (UHI motor. 639 Broadw&y. La· pma Beach. Ph. Laguna <f.-9152. (E'vu. 202 • 4lst St., Newport Beacll). 80c82 LOCC NEW -Norse 5 cu. rt. ttfrl.P,ntor.1lao table top Rop- er ranee. clock control 1n very sood condition. Both p~ ••ry reuoo.able. Pbone Har. 2820. srcaa CUSTOM BUILT t.wson daven- port It cha.Jr. a ll spring con- strue., $300. ALSO Law90n love seat, toam rubber cuahlons. newly recovered. $100. 396 E . Uth SL. Coat.a Mell&. 10-U a . m. or eve... after 1 p. m . 8lc83 MAHOGANY DI NIN G TABLE. cha.ire and hutch, 18th centz davenport: drapes: Phone - con l)M&.W. 82c84 25-tt. c~ crulaer. Osdar bull A eood buy, only $1,400. Phon9 Harbor 1020-W. 71Uc ~APARTMENTS & HOlJSES RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS can Edna c..iir Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Ialand. Har. 20f.2 32cll4 -----------UNP'URNtSHED 3 RM:. APT.,' lc•- llv!nir rm., bdnn., kitchen, bath. Panel ray he•t. Frll'fdalre and •ton tumlahed. · 317 Heliotrope, Coront. del Mar. Phone Harbor 2189-W. 6'tfc RroULAR .. ~~ f 1()..20 yr•.) G. 1. <f.t,4 t 20 yelU'a) FHA 414 % (20 year.) Construe. Loans 6-5 ~ '..4 ( 1 t yra. I No Commla. chg. on Metro loana We buy and 1eU Truat. Deed.I CALL BOB SATTLER ' Har. 26&1 tor ~ App~I Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite Ina. Fund.I KI Wllft 516 Orchid Corona de.I M.ar By a Uple Uating Realtor LAC A C At:JYON, 2 bedroom ho , 2 acru, 4 horee &taUa.. alor e bldg. -$10,500 on t errn8. S9,500 cuh. No brokera. MORTGAGE LO~S p~ Laguna 44203 · 81 p83 Newpor,t Heights Clean 2 bedrm home near the Hl&b School only 13.. yn. old. Hw•. flool"B, dbl. garage. AU bondo are paid. Sbould G. I., '8,9i50 •• Beacon Hill Realty 481 ~ewport Blvd (above Arches) Phone Bea.con 5113·R 'ftc78 rnz:i: ~~P=~~~1 3_7778 Tqday's ~st Buy . s. w. cor.EMA"' I _ MAR Newport Heights 207 N. Broadway, Sant:!Ana CO ONA DEL BY OW~Lll<• new, 2 bdrm. CHOICE 2 bedroolb~ 2-bath bay· We Buy and Sell Truatl.Deeda .1tg $2 00() dn 1tucco. I.Ara-• view lot. cloee in. fTont apL S..UUQll _bay view. f u;_~ lP t -' • •. 429 Rl.....tde-Ave. -Tenruo - ,Good heat. prl.ate 'beach. Slll& . 8lc8t room CAPE COD. Hard· IW'bor l625-J. 82pM LINWOOD VICK; REALTOR- 312, Matjne Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 2tM,2 BALBOA ISLAND . , / . . ' .. BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonia.J home in ch!>i<!e loct.tion nea.r . North Bay. Extra large master bedroom With dressing room and spa- cipus closets. Sheltered patio. Bather's show- er, double garage, forced air heat. STANLEY HADFIELD 216 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 20 Today's Best Buy - in. CORONA DEL MAR $10,000 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Cape Cod, 2 bdrm. ho me, 1 yr. old. EnclOsed paUo, garage, cor- ner lot. ! Lots of Extru Don't wait until Utll one is so1d. aee l.t now. buy it now. Earl Chamberlain 600 Coaat Blvd., Corona del Mar (Oppoelte Newport Harbor Banlt) Phone Harbor 2288 71tlc * • LOOK * * VIEW LOTS Extra luge lot, Cllff Drtve, sacri- fice way below value. Cliff Haven vlew lc;t $3",250. Leuehold -$700 BAY. SHORES Two attractive bUy., 3 bedr&oma each. CHEAP LOTS -$600 -fllPO - U050 and $1200. LIDO ISLE S2500 -WeU Joell~ lot on Pal· ermo 11treet. 3 LOTS, corner, .ubmit tt(fer . NBC REAL'rY Co. 4 bedrooJJl.8, 3 balhrooma, oceail view, new modern 2.atory year· 3118 Newport Blvd., Nrwport Behr around home. . Completely f\un. IOc82 1711 ll:ut Ocean Blvd., Balboa. For, appointment to -call, CORONA DEL MAR Owner-Harbor 21M3. TTC89 . · . WATERFRONT With Income 3 BDRM bou.e anil li.J bdrm apt. (3,000 '"I-ft.). Yard fenced. Pier and Ooa.L Small down paymL Amume T. D. .., 2 Bedrm. home, bdwd. flra., encloeed yard PLUS 2 bed• rm. apt. over dbl. garage.· Well located $15, 750, tnna. ' • NEW 2··hedruui. So. of ~- )o(AHOOANY JOI.ANO • BENCH. ~ wuhinlr madUne w I th _ . Jl!ODl'.IO, IAdtN bicycle. All sood condition. 3U Mont.<"' SL, llal· -Barllbr lt4T·Jil. 82pet Imo. to June 15 or allgbUy b11b· I "-A ~11 TO a•m ~. ~ floo • ·-kl'"" tll by _,_.,,. v.&.MU ' · rs.. -•e _,..en, e. F ' Sal b Own B & Be h Realt WANT CABIN CRUISER, ll3 ft. .. G~ • ABSOC. BUT,-~~ • Well located R-1 loL ~Ill. tor 1 or e y er ay:_ ac y way. Large rooma, fon:ed air heat, dbl gar. 'Encla.4 yard $13,500. Terme. trl 40 IL. u tu11 down payment --·-·~.. J: unit. LIDO IllLl!l HOME. f5 foot lot, % J:lhel Shlrloyo Gkld<n ~y on '30.000 Income property at 3112 Newport Blvd., Har. :Ml •w1 BIQt • Tnlot DNOfll uu. b&rpln today! bod-. t~ walled patio HliO Balboa Bl•d Harllor 126' 3nl and HOOftr, Loa Anselu. TtUe NJaWPoRT 8AlaD4 ~ DO NOT WAIT! -~·· double -~ ,•-I----~-------~ Phone Harbor O'TllT. 11c93 CORONA Dlil.. ltut--1 Bedroom BAVIN<Jll A LOAN~· ' $13 750 DAY • NlTlll water i-tor, so ,.ll n. lklff ..tth a..i • llllfllm. ~ 'trtlh 11o ... Like -via Udo I'll. au. ueo · rl ·Chamberlain ' · . • lllL ~ -UGL • Aloo omall '"' -..,. -new Tearty nolltai Mlt m""th. ~ ·Blod. Comp&' cW -A~ •t ..,... - new po bMter. Can bl -.n dolly, s:MJ, "' HP 00~ llGO. 19'1 ~ l'lmloat c. D K. ~ MAJ. BST.\TE LO&NS N:t~~~ -l , mia.o ·. r-MT•._ aftolr .,,,_ m, at llOll Helllltrope, AU .-CODdltlon. Aftl'r I p.m. ' . r ~ ---) '~' . 12"'6 ~ djll Ill». -e2p14 Oii ~· 3811 Mill II\, New·. J 8JCDRK. B01.!U. llllfllr..-'. __ llltermt Rate'~~~ · JI lilit',·. ·"'"1· --· ... ~! .'· -~ . , . Cbirr• ,.-·,.·'.·~·-i. . _ port Beed> I llp . y.ar1y -. ua •oo., •roci. ·a-....,.._, -i. ~ J _ .n;•_.ft. a 1'1\ ~WOOD nNCING JO rr. CUlll cs:WRr, 0.-y -· OolWa do1 Mar: ~ Barbar ...... "-. ~ ! ~ 1i . = ~ ~ ~ -;::::d 3 ~ motor, M,-pln at .,_ or wlll -W. -U(llt .WU'!" ... -I'•~ ! ._ :+aan w-I u · -il;'4•"°1 lllAet. .N..,..; ........ ,.... • -.tnde IOI'.-.... .., oloop. Pill • "llMPU1UQllllJa) B01JU, = .. I :U111oi1~~~~5-~~l;E~~~-~· ·~,~~;' ~f,~J ~·--;;;t .• .. 'ii.it.,;.._~~"!'!!".: . --M. -,,. Ilea ... R4MD,'IOJ!I .arr. ,_. .. 1to .. ,_ : • ~ -I> •••.---, - MA.,.........,,. C"LOTBll:..,. 009l'A _,. --••I i-1 -•• w-... ~·-lls II&. t.....,.. ~ ~a.at'N. zxca: .. Jlelf•lA.. .... ..... A;..;, _--. t•' • ~ ... ~ ~· : --I -••• , •• .1,.0.W .a,.: .U! Ll:N'1' C01'>ft'JON. Sim WALIWl' V"1Pt Cilolo -.-BA'et>A m•J'D -1 Bllr11 Ui&Ua.A. ll£fi llDr -II&. - -' • ... CS -L MA..,.. ' ...... ..... lla .-• 11 llUoa. -x.r-• 111n-. 111 fll!•, pr. 011"' ~· o -..-s • ... a rml• ft. ' • .....-. 4y. . ..,.--; . =::'; ....,.... OO!w dll Jf¥. -· .. ,, JV4. ~ ..... -... '.."'IW MllllI9!Clll .. -ii;.-.--.,.,, ........ ' a.. . .-.i ·111,...~--"• -...... · dili c.:11 ,,,,.. _. -W. · Z11!11 UM... ........_ ' "111 · . ..,_ ' . -- t l I ~ , ' I