HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-27 - Newport Balboa News Times' l I ' i I .... ... Anriua.1 Red croae tund drt"<e tor ie51 wm Cet underwaY: Thurs. de , March 1, following a kickoff brunch at 9 :45 a.m. the same day for alt campaign workers. The brunc h will be held at the Balboa Bay club, ca.rt Hanna. campaign chairman has announced. 30th St. to Santa Ana River: Mr1. Lillian Henry; Trt&ngle acroa from City Hall; Mra. A . EhN!'11· man; Udo Traller Park, Lklo Pen.: Col. A. J . MJck:le; Newport Beach: AU volunteer workers are invited to the brunch (to cost $1 .00) Mis. W. A . McBride.; Udo laJe: and the solicitors will receive CUii tund d rive Information and lhE"lr Red Cr068 packets. Goal for thP f-larbor al-ea this year i.s Sl.5,600, up 31 ~r cent over 1950 ~ausc or lncre&Scd War dcm&nd3. Hanna said that the advanced gift comn1itlr<' or lht> Red CroS8 driV£' "wu mf'cling Monday morn- ing at lhC' bfanch offjcc in Bal· boa. Mrs. Mabel Boardman, 117 Tur- quoise Ave.. Balboa iA!and. has beeli appointed co-ch&lrman of the drive in charge of women. Hanna Alaled. H e 8ald the list of area c&pWna (or the drive art." as follows: Balboa Peninsula to the Y : Mrs. C. Ullman: thE' Y lo Main St.: Mr.s. Robert Keppen ; Main St. to lfi th St.: Mrs. 1'Pbcrt Ross: Newport Bea~h : Ed Healy; 30th St:. t o 36th St.: Mrs. Quentin Watts: 36th to 50th St : Mr:J. Miller F . Wilson: . Mrs. Wayne Murdock; Bay bland: MrJ1. George Llnd; Cliff Have n : Mrs. H. E. liood; Bay Shore11 : Mrs. Colin Brown : ffarbor Island: Mrs Phl:mer Ellerbroek: Beacon Bay: Mrs. Louis Venator : Balboa 11- la.nd : 1.f rs. J06. Beek; Corona del · r.t:ar l Mrs. Karl Axtaler; Corona Highlands: Mrs. George MacDon- ah.I : Shore Cliffs: Mra. R .1 Bla1cee- lce and Mn. Sid.J;tey Sanders; China Covea: Mn1., Pa.ul Dav!Js.; Little Island: Mrs. Harlan Gris- wold. OCEAN' . .B.AaNO ~LASS WRi"l\'Ell a& the l!8d-A.anal Mldwl:Qt« Reptta at Lo8 Anpte. Barbor .lMl ...ik end vu Walt (Newport Barbor YM!bt Cl\,lb Commodott) Elllott'11 Callfornla U , Eeca,.de, pictured above lead.In&" t.he fleeL Behlnd E8caplt.d~~ the NHYC flaphlp. 111 the new Muop ~klac Chair, owned by WUlls Boyd of &.I ltllacb. (Beckner Pboto) . Six Newport Harbor boats were,t------------------------------ a mong the champlon.s crowned at the 22nd A.nnual Midwinter Re- gatta sailc<i at Los Angeles Har- bor over thP week end. Nearly 200 boats competed in 26 diJferent classe3 which had a bad time in Friday's rought weather but had two good sailing da ys Saturday ar¥! Su.nday. Victorious bt1at11 frum the> :o\'l'w· port and Balboa c:lubs y.·erc> In the Ocean RacLng-. Ludt"'rs. Star~. PC'n· gui ~s. Thistles and International 1..f s. Q( lhe fi('W .sailin~ k ings there were thrrc rcpt~aters from l~. Both Ge o r g e Fleitz .in the Rhodes sloop Hanahuli of Los Angeles and Bob Ziegc-ler of New- port · Harbor, l'X·national champ- ion Luders sk1ppl'r wilh the Angel. dom'inatcd tht•ir c!f.sses in Lhe larj:e-boat division. The p<'rcnnial San Marino ding- hy winner. Herbt>rt W . Worce8ler. J r., t lllar<'d Yump"n to an easy Firefly victo ry. Youngest w1n nt'r y.•as 12-year- ol<I JE>rry Thon1psort . who sail<'d Tomahawk of the Alamitos Bay Yacht Club tu tr1111 14 Naples Sabot rivals. Other 1.:ha.rnpion~ en1t•rging Col· low: . Largfl Roats OCEAN RA CING -E8c:apade. Walt Elliott. Newport Harbor. ARBITRAR\" HA NDfCAP - Cha.tlene, S . Wagner, Cabrillo Beath. PC -Seventh Heaven, Peggy SlatCr, Loi; Angeleti. PCC -Lurk., Carl Long. Lo.ti Angeles. 10-~f E'TER -Brant&, Dr. Don Barber. Los Angeles. K26 -Ton1 Boy, Paul Kf'tten- burg. San Diego. STAR -Chuer U, Bill Ficker. c Cont la~ on Pace 5 > . foilS The fl · With •0omstlck Thn&tf'lllln& \\'Olllcj-be tble\'es with a broomftJek -muquersd· la&" aa a &'WI· &9fnan llanJld llart\-1pen foiled a plot to' atMI Ute aor" tto.i from the yacht .. "T41CAp9de 0" at. 3 L m. Friday. TM )'Sehl I• Ued up at the Ude 'Yoel\I Aadoo_. and Hartv il'•en ~ &iee-J* a-..s. la the arty ltouno of '"°"'''-'• Ha.rt vtpn JI e a r d ..,.. *4. IU'llled •1tll • ~~ .. bt.,..mtic•, wnt to lavwttpt~ .......... -~lo Aari Ille' ... ~ ,,. v.n. c.an. b7 --. Ille -.II.oft.._ paW.. up a ""Id ttomt. ~ tlle lal.Nil;en . to ..-., ~ n 811oot." ~twe --.. -..... -.,. llle~ .............. ... tlltea 11ei.12~1t:;e la fJ'oa* .r ....... .,... ...ptawQ ·..,. i .•• Sewer Purchase Agreements May Be Approved This Week Agreemnt.s by which the 11evt>ral I ciliC'~ and four sanltar}· districl8. ~tation districts in Orange Con1plet1on or the a greemen ts county w ill purchase facilities of ha.e ~tyn1 ied progreM On the the Orange County J oint Outfall Sewe.r System arc nc-ar1ng com.: petition today following their ap· proval by executive boards of the districts &nd JOS. Nelson M . Launer. general manager of the J OS and adminis- trative oftice.r for the sanitation districts said the copies are being mimeographed for presentation to the several boards for adoption county-wide .sanitation st>tup ap- proved ,by voters Feb. 28, 19-10 \V ht>n they authorl%.ed l83Uance of $8,308,000 In bonds for a sanitation. syatem. thU! week. The . t ime !!Chedule called for comple tion of the agre-1.•nlent3 by Monday: they will go to the .sani- tation distrlcl"s boards by F eh. 28 and to the JOS directors by March 1. Approval of all gt-0Up3 is fore· c&Bt since thE' eXecutive b<mrd hu approved them and they already have been 3tudied 'in ~me detail by other directors. The &grt'E'· menl.8 invotve purch&.3C by seven sanitation_ diat ricl3 or thf'' 8('wer line~. treatment plant and ocean outfall of the JOS, owned by four Schedule field Trial Mar. 2 Som~ of th@-rnost promtnent re- t riever dogs In the United Slates and Canada. now in training. will be present at the ith Licensed F ield Trials of th£' South~m Cali- romia Rettiever C!ub to be held on the Irvine . Ranch at Newport Bt>ach on March 2nd to ilth in- clusive, Hay Langenh£"1 m a.n- nounced today. C>Tiginally schL-duled for the Santa Barbara area , the trial site was s.wit.ched to Newport Beach because of the lack of rainfall ln Santa· Barbara whJch •polled the ground coverage. A8 m·any as 125 Labradors. Gol· deru5, Chesapeakes and lriM Wa· ler Spanlela dpected to com- • ' in tfll ft'ent wblch ii the bi&'K"e&t of It. kind l.n lhe WesL The dog wwk will ,be better than at any trial hold ~ yoar wltb exceplloq of lbe lf•tlonal Champ- ion81tip -tor lbe W• Cooat n...t December. ~ · will be' given In tJutt dlv!Alono, ,N~·WfDno<. .JllJllor and . dop wlll ~t,. In. ti>• ....... oua t.e.t. cm Jud aad wat.tt la UM Open All·~ sutea Uld allout llO open8t"5• !&At 11 OJI! !'81&9 II Thus if th_c agre~ment:B win ap- proval or the sanitation dlltrict.!I on F eb. 28. exactly two year1 will have elapsed. • • ' .. .•. • 43rd YEAR-N.tJMBER 9 I· kwPORT BEACH, ~RmA, TtJF,SpAY, FEBRUARY ZT, 1951 FIVE CENTS THREE · HURT IN ACCIDENTS ON WEEKEND Three peraoM were Injured lrf six accldenUI occurring over the week end in the Newport Harbor area , police reported today. \\'ILL IT BE REACTIVATi'l>f 11!1 the q3n bela.1 ai.kf'd toclay abo,·e t.kea. from tbe "''.,..tower ahpWH laad emptled of t>u~ldJnp .about thf' formf'r Santa Aha Army Air at f'...ottta MPU. AD In the forel'round (fonnE"rly warehowtiel!I) and the rlpt (formf'rly Air t~nrce aurve.f plll'ty conclodqd a 2 !11-y luptttlon of 11'4' Uie hu&e -bORplC.I). In the ~-~·r of the pk.tore hi the Orang .. GllUa Goode, 20, a.nd h la wife were hurt In a five car accident which occurred al 6 :11 p. m. Sun· day on the Coast Highway be-· tween ·Marine Avf'. and Corona del Mar. Goode received facial cuts and possible chest Injuries. HUI wire received bruises and thf'y were taken t o CommOnlty Hos- pital by Seal's ambul&nce. No further lnformatlon was av&ilable from the California Highway pa. trot on the accident. hue '-t "'e.-k and lmnif'dlalf'ly reportf'd I Wuhln~on, IJ. (!. County t"a.lrcroundti ""'hile ro"·" of about ao barrac.Q are In the but th~ rHu.ll.8 "·on't b1i!kJ?-0Wn f~r about • month. Tbto plctu~ t.ck:. Cout Colle•t" ls al the far rl1ht. • SURVEY OF F RMER BASl:. IN. COSTA : MESA r . • • The . other penon injured oYer the week end was Stewart Mac- alevy, -t07 • 31st SL.c: ~ewport Beach. He had ... ~th knocked out and ~ ~yed cut. when h la car hit 4 power pole near 18th St. ob .\Vest Balboa Blvd. at 7:33 p. m. Sunday. H e wu t.akf"n to Dr. Ra_u.sa for medi· cal treatment. If and when the old Santa Ana Army Air Base Is reactivated as an Air Force pre-flight center. t he land area will be considerably smaller than in U!fC during World War 11, nnd so1nc unCxpected complications are (·c1'taln to Qe· vc-lop, it was disclosed l~t \.\'erk. Two Air F orce orficcr!'!, here under or<tcrs of Maj. Gen. Ken· neth P . Mc Nau~hton. director or training for t he Air f"orce, sur- veyed the air bk.SC property's phyHcal as.«<"ls and found much wanting fron1 the busy days of World War II. Stan Bales. !K'cretary of the local chan1ber of comnierce. who accompanied the party during part of the survey. said the de- cision o n ..trhether or not to con- vert the b&ac Into an Air Force basic train ing Center will not be made public for four weeks . Durlnl' the l...u.t War ' In another accident a marine, James F . Kenner, Jr .. miraculo•s- ly esca ped Injury when the ca r he wu driving eBJJt on Coul High- way knocked down two mail boxes at Walnut St. fn We11t Newport. sldeawiped a small building and then hit a t elephone pole at l :27 a. m. Friday. The car wu badly damaged. Kenn("r told police tftat he had fallen a.sleep at the wheel. At 7 :.ofO a . m. Saturday, a car driven by C. M. Deakl.rui:, 306 Alva. rado, Balboa. collided with a ce· (Contlnued on Pace 5) Yardley Sets Scoring ·Mark , Orange Cout coJiege's Bob 11ardloy lo now the all-tune Ellat- em conference bellketban &e'bring "fCOrd holder of 24.5 poln:bl for 12 gamee. ., ... The alm<>Bt 2900 acres w a a made up of row upon row of barracks, recreation Q u a.~rr.,;~~-'~:l':!i;.~ .... U theaters. ~lubs, cla.!lsrodfri -~a=-.. TRiEs -A ...-ORO\\'N &.e-tllU' Upllnp ln08t of the GI• lngs, hospitals and gymnastum.!I. · • c Jfe ~t the n~_·IDM~ ln bls ftn· , 'il"game P'rldar'i>fjj!il With-a 38· P,<>lnt effort, the Jeague'a largest Today, only a scant few remain. Alr ~ durtnc the war remember. 'lb~)' llne the atreet:A In the area ""here about 50 barracks IUlll.. a.n d the buildings on the si te are meM haJIA al'tl •till standln&" at fhf" 80uthweet end of the base. (Picture "·u takM Sab.lrday). The ~ASTERN CONFERENCE (Final) devoted to other uses. entlre nd.rth aide of thf' base, \Vhlc.b formerly cont.aln~ hundrrd11 of bartacka. the main headquart- The Orange county Fa 1 r-f'r11 bulkl~ thral.t-rll., post exchanvs, and lhe b11' ~trat drllJ flekl. Is complt>tefy barn-n "ith onl)" ground3 ,has 175 acres and some bulldlnc toundatlonM remalnlnf• . (News-Times Photo) 120 bui lding~. The Coast College W L Pt& Opp. Fullerton .............. 11 I 314 694 San Berdoo .......... 9 S 81'0 '7ZI has 245 acres and about 75 build-parcel leased , by City or• Santa ings. Southern Californ ia Bible Ana rron1 Whittier Com pany and College, w ith 129 acres, has about 50 buildings. An industrial area of 108 acrt;:! takes up all the warehouse and cold·storage facll· \ties of the air base. The rest ol the buildings are gone. fronting on Newport Blvd. oppo- site the S~nta ~na Country Club -is i.n ntigatlon. It wa.s d!scloscd that the Whit- tier Comp&ny. tiled affidavit t hat Sewers Remain the gover~~ent is "negotiating" StlU remaining. however, &re for 3ale Cf its hold ings t9 the the roads. ba.8ketball and hand· Developme~t Finance Company, ball courts, sewers and water Inc .. a co cem about which little system. ta known but which it aald 11 But the original f-07 acres on J planning t subdivide for houae~ which the aJr base is located-a. building. • Free D~nner ~or Veterd· s Wed. Veterans re urged to bring d\eir dlscha e papers as thei'r en- trance per t to the free dinner for them at J the American ·Legion Clubhouse, 16th and Bay St.: New- port Beachj on Wednesday, Feb. 28 al 6:30 p. m. American Legion Commander Barney Bet hae unoun.ced that Dr. Napoleo~ Hill, one of the out· · ( p>attauod orr h&'• 5) Amigos Viejos • Elect Officers Guests of lhe "Amigos Viejos," which translated into everyday Balboan-ese mea.hs Old Friends, at a luncheon Thursday at NeY.'· port Harb9r Yacht Club were Colonel Guy Mprrow a.nd Major Hlnea from the El Toro Marine Base. F ifty-five of the Old Friends assembled when Les Steffensen took over and. in his best and most e nthusiastic way ~.•tarted rolling a round tir .snappy re- partJ!e thllt kept the members and visilors popping "'"ith smiles and laughter during a very in· terestini;" seasion: In spite of the fun period the~ WM also t ime for bualnesa re· ports which were made by Ralph Maskey. who stated the re21ult of the balloting at the last meeting had e lected H . F. Kenny, Judge Gardner, Heinz Kaiser. Hadd Ring. Tom Norton, Les Steffan· sen and J:larry Welch to men'lber- ahip on the board of directors. Approve Name The boa.rd suggested atftt the members approved formation of an organization. to be known as "Amigos Vlejos" or Old Friends. They also decided ·they wou1d have a membership f«M!! Or St5 which would entitle the member to five fimcheon.!I a year and one party, pfobably a barbecue Whlch Brad Hellis of Ute Irvine Co .. said he might help to arnnge later In the year. Mem~~lp is to bf' open to those who have attended any previous m;eeting but will ~ cloeed in ·thirty days. Officers · elected were Judgt (Colltltwod ••• Poe• 5) Consider Mesa· l . , Parlling. · Prd»lem Chaffey ................ 8 4 791 lift Santa Ana .... ....... 8 8 ~97 897 Mt. San Anton.lo .f 8 702 '76! 0""'C" CO..t ......• 10 84% ,.. Rl\•eratde ........ s •••• 2 10 589 7Di slqgle-game total of the sea.son, a1tho&gh his te-am bowed to Ml. San Antonio, 5-4-63 . ·Yardley's 245 .!!Cllpaes by nine poinUJ the record +J6 set only la.st Tuesday by S>nta Ana's Pete Smtth. Both t;u~ed the 225 mark of Santa Ana's Rolf Engen. established lut sea.son. N eeding 25 points to pass Smith Yardley had oaly 12 at halftime. before runnlng wl!d with a 21· point scoring spree In -the second half. The Blond Bomber's skill at (Continued on Page 5) Set Jury Trial in Bunco Case Harry C. WIJson. charged on 4 counts with rra.nd th£'fl ln the BaJ- boa bunco c&.8e Frida y made ror- mal denial of the charges and de- manded a j ury trial which w as eet tor March 26 in Dept. 1 of super- ior court. " A former petition for di.smiMBJ wu withdrawn by Attorney J ohn D. pray of Loa Angeles as the c&M ca.me before Superior Judc-e Kenneth E. )forrlllon, and W il&on admitted two 1939 convict fone-<i.b t.08 Angeles and San Francisco countiea. - GeorgP A. Karl &nd Everett Karr. ownen: of a boat in · New· port Harbor. have charged that Wllaon and a companion swtndled '.hem of a total of 56,000 on lour ilfferent occaalona between ScpL 10 and Nov. 1 with tne under• 1tandlng they we.re ·to rece)ve government «U.rplua ~ngllies fbf f,he boat. I) Robert Bruce 'Moore. acq<Md Of • theft of $&00 worth of equl~ent: from the boat' of J'ohn G. 4F.~ WUU""1 StailleJ' -1n N<-~ &... bor, Rl•Mkd 'SUJlty ""' -t\>r ' Propqyla o{ tlle Coota M... proballcn wttll -bearlnri' Iott fCJI< CllambOr. at c-unerce to .... I.be ~ rcb t • ,.., -· . . \.' "laland''..' J>Uklng ,..... oU ,N-· .::! ' port , Bl'l'd'., In -downtown Coata ... ~--• ...:i-..::.. •. -from IJoeonllng Ian .. of trot· ,,,..._.I ~----1 fie tpr a widened state higJlway • ~ • , :riU be-.. J: .... ~,A·lhe AaHciot·· .,_. -.r -.: Iii tw ed ~·. J!IPM*I com••ttee . '!....,. .. a..,.. ... ~ ~1'~8Mta ..... ~.6. .ft•••IG" .. ·,~ ·.• ....... , n. o.ii.-lillloo _. --. '"'*' . ~ . ,. ... ... .. ~~ ·--~y -... ..., ... ,.U ... ," ~ ..... ...--~~ I.few-• • ....... ~ .,,,, ~ __. .Aft.l oA nae ~,:; sszs , .. _... ., . N.:;.n BhlL ,_. ' ,, ""' ••••• ua:so ,. · f . ~~4 .... d\mDw of ,_, • '1-1 . I . :.,,..9:t;!;;._,_ ,_, -....... w-1111111.i·•~"i,!fl ' ' • • 1 ,j •-..,.•••••>•wvu ••••••••••••••••••••• ...,. •••••••••••••• ¥ \ ' "' . • 11 County Symphony Heights Circle . Plans Luncheon . - Wins Acclaim MLR • • Judsing from commenlJI ot the audience after the program, thf' concert ¥tven by the Orange Coun- ty Symphony la.at W ednesday eve- ulng wu ea.ally" their finest and mo.st ae.t l..sfylng 1nuslcaJ achieve- ment. The Brandenburg Concerto. fea- turing Robect La Master. violin; Robert Arner, flute·; Tom H endu· _,son. Oboe, and Edwin Elliott, trumpet, round particular approv- al with the hea re.r11 because o r the profe82'lonal polish and proficiency of the soloists. l.1!ss Mar jorie Lamb accompanied at the piano. The tnt ere11ting G(-orgt-McKay number, Port R oyal -1861, was played with wondC'rful feeling for n1ood and expression. 'fht' dark, rich tones of the cello, with Vir- t;inia Seal u first celloist, were conspicuously lovely in this • work . The Der Rosenkavalier' Waltzes revealed conduL'tor Sawin's fine grasp of the Strauss t<>nal color· ing. Marilee Hostt>ller did beauti- ful work as harpist : the rrench horns. led by \Vtllialn Hnlt. and t"e c larine ts I Ronald \Vurste r ) w~re excellent; the viollns achiev- f'd a soa.ring unity, SWf:t"tnese and beaut~ o f tone 1n rnany paSsages that fem1nded tht" heur\~r lh-at in this group w~rc fin" artist~. both gifted and highly lra1nr<l. The Caprice Espabrnol by Rim- .sky-Korsa.kOfr, wh1eh closed the J*r(ormance, wa~· n1aKTiiricenUy played. The gauLly, or1t•ntaJ tap- 1·stry of sound anJ the driving rhylhms Wt!re 1•X<"'i t1ngly i.:aught. with the pE>rformancc of lhe en- tlr~ brass section Ln th•· final pass- ages a n1.urv.·I ur IJrilliani.:c u n d power . Home Cleanin·g D.emonstrated fo r H o memakers Easler methods for hon1e clean- ing was the topic discussed by M r9. Marian Preyit1ss. Orange county home advisor, at the lat- est mttlulg of the Costa Mesa 1-lomema..ker's t:lub. ~fra. Prentiss showed slides de- pic till&' the use of n1odem clea.n- ing equipment. She al~ demon- strated the cleaning of a rug and demon atr ed c rferent rnethods oC c leanin Mrs. e:ion. N i('"hols. chair- lhe business ses- Twelve memt»era ol. Newport Heighta c1rcle of Christ Church by the Sea WSCS met Thuraday, Feb. 2"l, in the home of Mn.. Leon F erguaon. 463 Santa An.a Ave., Newport Heights . Gue1U were Mrs. Alda Zedaker and Mn. Taylor. Welcomed by the Group as a new member waa Mn. Loren Sawyer. Inspirational ~to _,,., giv- en by Mrs. Froed Woodworth u the devotiOftal port.ton o( the eve- ning. President Kn. W illiam H. Trusty appointed Mrs. Fred Woodworth a.a cha.irman w l th Mrs.. Fercuaon u co-chairman for Sl.00 luncheon and ca.nuta party to be spon.ao!"'ed by the drcle oo Wednex\ay, Karch 14. in Goodell H all. Tk:kela a.re .nov.: on sale and reeervations may be made with Mn. Woodworth, Mrs. Fer- guson or any member. Mra. H. E. McDonald was appointed din- ing room chairman. Ther\!: will be a nursery for small children with Mrs. H ugh McMiiian J.n charge. aaslsted by Mrs. A. S. Thompson. PJans for a rummage sale to be held in the very nea.r future were discussed. Mrs. Homer Har- grove, general chairman of the everil, urged all who have gar- ments. shoe1 or hou~hold items to donate to please phone BeaCon 6098-W fo r pickup. Regular meet· Ing date of the circle has been chan&"ed to the fourlh Tuesday of each 1.10nlh. The next 9CS!ion Is scheduled for TueM:tay. Ma c h 27, at 7 :30 p. m . a t the home f ~irs. H. E . McDona..ld. 41" Old aunty Rd., Costa Mesa. s a nale to tbe evening the h tes served traditional refre:shm f chern · p~ in keeping with rge W ash- i ngton·~ birthday . Wed. Supper at Mesa Church The monthly family rc::Uowship supper will be h eld at the ~ta 1.-teaa Community Church on W ed- nelday. at 6 :30 o 'clock. in the k in· derga.rten room of the educational building. This is a pot-luck sup- pet:, and all J>f"Y'80ll8 are to bring their own food and tab le service. Circle 9 member8 will be boat !lf!8 Ud9 month. serving oat.fee an tea. .. I " NEWPOJ\T-BALBOA N MILS. ELllEll 8. POUHEK (rlp l ), of~ --Cot<-. del -· ttie 1a a.tho& Bay Club boDOrtnc hf-r aew ..,....tf!l"-'ID..taw, K r.. W-M~). oeater. At liett 18 t.he l>lid.la raodN-.1, Mn. WllAwa r . ~. ~...,,..,. CU"-t" \W"re pt"t"'!W1it to 1ft'f't ttw-bridt•. ( an<l Mr!4, Evelyn Thon1pson offert>d T • H lht.• dt•votionals. Highlighting tht:> en IS onors Costa Mesa ' W. S. C. S. Circles svi.:laJ. phue of the meeting wa11 ( thl.' B.11nouncem ent o f the f'ngage-/ G · n11·nl of Betety Robinaon. circle f oast .1,., Various cir-clf:ll o f . the Costa n1em ber, to Larry Ba.rretel. 'T'ht· or . fl Mesa Community C:hurch \VSCS interewling newa was diaclosetl I gathered recenUy in r" J{ u l n r v.'h1.·n tht· bride-elect passed a box ( Mary tloblns, Orange Cout t en- mo.nthly St!SS lons. . l o( 1.:h1JCvlat~s. Jee c rt"'am ant.I cakt' ni9 atar,l won two siflgJes ,a.nd the • Circle One was recelvt'<I in the roll was servt.'tl wit,h t~a. 1.·offce, !4emi-fln.ls In the third Vto.ntura r"cwporl Blvd. home of ~t rs. ,'l.tnri- 1 nuU! anl.I candy. J .C. IilVlt.aUonal T ennis tourna- an ~otuuon. Members brouj!ht Gutosta present w er e Mrs. Doro-ment h eld last Saturday in ·v en- wear1ng apparel for a duffel baK thy Springy, Mrs. Gabr iella Ram-tura an1 'brought honor to Coast to be sent to Korea . Thf' ~roup us, ~1rs. Clara McMurtry, Mrs. In its Ci •t inter-collegia te touma- hemmed dish towt>ls during t ht> a f-H.c~'lt' \Vrlght and Mrs. F.Ne lyn mi'nt en ry. te~noon. Mrs. Lois ~feck was ap-'f ho1npson. AtembC'rs attending in-1 "The on~st and crrt.ainly thP pomted. thP n ew SNrelary. lo fill 1.·!uL11.~d Roye(· Gilbert, Evelyn Goe--rin1'Bl itch of lhc day," roport11 the office left vacant dut• to th.• n l tJ", Doria Taylor , Betty Robin-Miss Bt' ··rly Campbe ll, Coast di- resignation of 3.trs . LUlilt· (.'lurk. 1 .sun. Rhea McKenzie, Frances Tim-ri-cto r of women's a thletics, De.votions y..·ere concluctetl by Mrs. bt·rlal<t.' and Doro.thy Schorle. The '"fOWld Mary Robins rrleeting Don- Allcc· Ea.stnl.&ll ~~ Mrs. Ruth Ki (l-1 A1 an:·h 12 meeting will be hE"ld at no M or anste.rn of El Camino, on df'r gave the m1ss1onary talk. thl' home of Blanche Hutie: 212 the> cou one finals." Mrs . Evelyn Thompson was M, Lilli•n P lace, with Rayd,.a n Dunn The atch went three full· sets ~uest . M('mbPr~ in attt>n<lant f' a s ho!oil\'SS. bt.>far e -t iss Mc.rrganslt'rn finally 1ncl11dt-d Mmf'S... ~t·lla Fuller', Ma ry 1 C!r<:le T1~n mt:l with Mr~. Afar-v;o n 10-; 3-6 ; 6-4 . Taylor , KatherUlL' ·f11al , Mab,·I J.:llr1.•t ThJlll'hPr, 230 Palmer St., Bcfor losing In th<' cloi'><'lj• t::on- James, Mabt"I Andrev.·:,;. A Llt•SSt'1 l / w hert-M rs. F aye "'Brock a.M~ in t t·nded ffinals M ls..<i: Robins de- courst> of ~h£>try pie and homi·· ho.stes..111 rel'lponalbijities. M rs. Ek>r-reati·tl rh•e n . Boy~r of 1'1L San mad!' CaJ)~hes ""'as enJOyo•d. The 1 , nic-e Had'ey bad c hargf' of thf' I Anto nio 7-0; Nan P t'arson of next mttti.ng v.'111 bt• ht•ld Thurs-busint-SS. ~frs. Mildred Warne led Glf'ndal1 7-2; and in the semi- day, A~arch 8, with 1 M t'.!'. Malx:I th1..· d1 ·votloni;;. R efreshments fea-fin~ls, an(• \Vadlington of Ven- Andrev.s. 146 E. 18.h St. tur1.."ll nut roll ice cream cien l eN't.J tura, 6· . Th e home of Mrs. Regna Rt•a . with a l"t>d beart, aneeJ. food ~e. Four bther Coaat wome n s har- 201 Broadway. was lhe mee~ tea and cotfeit. P1 e.eut w en.-ed in tour:name nt victories but place for Circle Three. Mrs. Flo~-Mml's. Graoe 8peUl. Je&n Patrick., lost in final rounds. In thf' aec- E!ncE K~l. co-boelea., a.a&Urt.ed in Gin Griffin, EwUce F Jtch, Ethel j ond ~in le !teries Dorothy F owler eervin.g cherry pie and coffee to De Bord. Virginia Hog\&nd. Lu-of Coss defeat <'d ValOna Hob~n one ~ltor &n.d 23 m;mt>t·.r~ A f'lil' Knt~t. M.Ud.red RiUChke. Be!-of Sant Ana, 4-3, but yielded In Valentme motif prt.·va1led 1n lh · l'li(' r'ottJI, Nettie StC'vens, lrmA thf' s1•c nd round to Nancy 'Ti.irk derorations. Thl' devntiunal pt•riotl l.A·l~h Shavi.•, BerniOt> Hadlt·y, Mil-nf Ea~l l.AlS Angeh·s J .C . by the "tA.'as l<'d b).' Mrs. Florc>nr•~ Harrison. dr•·d Warne. Ttk group will con · saJnl• ~pre, 4..J. • • ftnt -by • lllde ii lta 1-ld. Tlie lnltW meld muat m,eet a reQ&ijrement of mJaimum cova.t u -fl>Uowa; .!-,.... ...... "''"''""" C.Uftt ·. ~. *"""..... ,....,,... ,,..,ft,_ NODC ' ef.t;;'°i,495 50 to 2,1195 to or more 120 'rbe ol a meld Is the total the carda melded., •c- to lllls table: s.J jMer ................. 51 ~ tlelliD9 ••••••••••••••••• S:acl. ·..,. ...•••••••••..•••• II Eacl K, q, J , lt, t, or t .... It Eoel '· ' I. w •.• . • . • •• .. 5 -1W.:~~·~'~·~ :"°iAitiol -Id. It (but ... <9rd ID tbe Dade)~· --towanl" tbe mllll· requlrtid. Y meldottbeA-A..Jkr.- allni 80 ,,.,... --Ille req'i!"mient at Ille hellllnlnc ~a· . Onere•aatorme1d.~ Inc -that 7"" -do ... .-..=._-~...-Ille __ 7""_m_ bODi tbe beUer ,_..a...,. of ~ up a bia 8COft. art = little we 1ll OQDQM1'9c le MIOI; ~ lll'e not ...., m dlocaded -IY la tbe pi.;. . Y!.u end your tmn by clls- cardinl the e. leavlDC ,......11 '4' J -TI-1 r;:\ tµL~L(Sj . -l draws, melds Q-Q-Q-2, thei discards • 5. Soutla --~ befo11e diacard1na adl!I &D A 6'om his baDd to your oet. ! ' N~w President f ori Brotherhood Cooper 'iii D9Wl)'- el premdent Of Ole Jielr".1 B -of U.. Flnt Bap- tist \ IC1rurch ol' Me-. qpsen to 11e.rv wit b Jlr . C dur· th ensuing year Elvin . r. vice presi- AI H a.d i secreta ry, and e Knox, treasurer. • l < ' . . .. . ' ..A.3.4)(!na I • . , r - HAVING BUDGET TROUBLES? Why. not 8llpplem'"ent your budget with a Savings Program? Then. on the months w hen you've got an unexpected expense, y(,u won't have to worry about m eeting IL Yo ur Savings wilt take care of It for you: · It'• ao eaay to save once you get the Savings Habit. You can •ve the equivalent of your m ovie or ciga.rt'tle -fn~y eacb week or you can saw a drlinitc amount of your salary every payday. I.nsµred Savlng15 .. , current high 3"h divi.dend.s. MAKE THE ·EQUAI . 0 1.-A YEAR'S INCOME y()l1R SA \!INGS GOAL! • A plant exchange .... ·111 feature the n ext meeting of the club ech.edWed f o r Friclay. March 9 at l O a.m. Home Land~aping will be the subject . Followtng the supper hour , hoir ~bers Will me-et fortheir gu- lar rehearsal. A SpK l ature th.is month will be the n · ng of Boy Scout!!I and their a mllies. Herbert Zimmt>r , Scoutmaste r of Troop 6, and Bruce M.artln, com- mittee cha.inn.an, will present a motion picture on Scouttng . taken f~on1 He brt'W1' .. ··~.i.1 ss1.01 1 vi ·r i(' March 18 ia 7 :30 p. n1 . ~th I n th(·· ~l·cond dotlbl~s V ic:~ie Schools . m South Am('rica \\&.<i I Mr:<i. Nt•tti" Stevens, 4 10 E . 20th Vidal a~d Bl'rtha H t'rT('ra or OCC the top~c of the missionary n1P.sl'I-St. · di·fL>ate~ Myra R eed of "fe.uyoko age which was prest'n~d by Mrg Clrcit> ~ NagKi of Johri Muir, 4-3, but Jost wb Rea. Carol R eynold!I Uid 1!10 Al· -.,. . , . . 1 in thf' Sfcond round to ~I cimin o, Usl!led ads a re rea d by folk.a look ing t o buy. • High Quality Printing-Ph. /1$1r:~1~11 . • ' - • FAC ~r . Matrons ty1eet W ednesday The Junior ~t atron!i section o! the Fri~ay Afll'm 0<1n Club will ~alher \.Vedne!klay, F t'b: 28, for a pol l~k dinner at f.·30 p. m. at the cJubhOU.!C". Program featurt• will be: a cook- ing demonstration tfl be given· by J.1rs. Thomas or lht'.> Southern Countlt>s Gas Co mpany. Hostesses •.1rill be M rs. G1•orgia J ones. Mrs . Di-F or est, s, Evtd.yn VB.Tner and )1rs. Eleanor i k. C el ebrants Feted at p inn e r Party l nsplr•d by the r t>cent wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mra. Ralph Myrehn of Newport Heights, Mr . and Mra. Kennrth Quarry of San- ta Ana: Avt• .. Cosl ~fesa. e nter- tained wttb a ma! dmnt•r party. Present w e e 1r. and Mrs. ,.1yrehn and drt·n. Mtctiele, Mugsy and Eric, n d Mr. and Mrs. \Villian1 Wagachall of San Bernar- dino. ho use guests of the· Quarrys. Rummage Sa le · at Ocean Fron t Beglrining Wednt"~ay ' and CQ;n- tinWng for several days from 10 a . m . t o 5 p. 111. y,•iil be the rum- m age aale, to be held at 2104 West Ocean Front, Nt>wport, under aus- pices of Newport Beach and New- port Heighl.8 clrt•l<·s of Christ Church by th,• &·a . FAMOl'S HAMMOND Organ ,. . . .. sr--'s:n-! 0"NEVE!l ·NSED8 TO BE" "rt1NEJr .... -·~ . . l •m timlft l'luo ()p. -Ne.'lllMlat. ..... ... ....... ,,..., , ..... .. Miss Mattie Ellis Given Honor on Visit Here }.{iss ~t attie C. Ellis of -t\Ustin, Minn. is \;isiting in Ne1o1"port Har- bor, guest of nephew11 and nieces Mr: ant.I Mrs. August Beck~trom , El Modena aven~. Newpo rt Heights and Mr. and M rs. Roy Jngmundson, Orange avenue. Costa Mesa: a lso her sister, Mrs. K . E . Jngmtmdson , in Florence N ightingale home, Orange. Or- ange. H ighlight of her stay w as the reception given for her by Mrs. Cordelia Frederick s of Pasadena when 24 of her former students in Perew, Nebraska can1e to do her honor. Some of them she had not ~n tor 55 years. Included in the group ""·ere the superl.n- tendent of schqols in Los Angeles, and one of thl foremost astrono-- mers of-the country. Miss Ellis, who Is nearly 84 years old, is having a marvelous time on her California trip an d is visiting-in Van Nuy~. San Diego and Las Veg&-"l. Nev. In April she will leave here for San Francisco. Mrs. Fannie Arm_ Honored on 88tb Birthday Sunday, F eb. 18 was a gala dav for Mrs. Fannie A nn of 1W Ea.st 18th St., Cosla Mesa, when h~r childr en honored h er on the occas- ion of hl'r 88th birthday. A son and daughter-in-law M r. and M rs. Earl. Arm of Long Beach. a daugh- t er Mrs. N ellie H oward of the home address, Dr. H arry Rothwell, a nephew of Banning, Edw&rd Noll and Mrs. Minnie Sha.fer of Pasade na gathered at e home of a aon·in·IB;W and · da ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl rmo t .bf Hemet t o celebrate the po t event. Tbe dining tab centered with a lovely v pink and white. camelllu and rdeniaa sent by a Rlece Knt RotbWen who w u too .... ill to attend lhe· din.Der. A llo enjoyed by the bcmoree ·wu a lovely corsage from Mrs. Roth- well. ' . Kn. Arm ..... the N!clplent '"' · many lovely gJtto Uld dow of JNetlng -Altbo Ue ..... -cc:.fl.ned lo & wt.eel cbair foe 2:1 -It "'!>ukl be -to·tlnd • 1DOft ~pa -.. Ctij;pl11t "' ~.~---­to ~ loftl1 -~ ----~Mill ~..wa u.e MWaol,tlleflt.7ud_a_ ~ ............ __ 81)1\... . ' , . . . B...ate ~ 1ll:lai nwwl'Ml ....-.! ............ .,,, Ill u.rJ ~ •.. :,,;J.-----:--';..,_':"" ___ ... __papll' wUl_Jll .. 11 I tit.II hlr ra.. •. I bers will share bostess t.lutif'" at Circle Eights n1e;~.1ng "'.fl. s 4-0. . lhf' Afarch 8 meeting In th<-H.ey -Opc'nrd vi.•tth The Lords Prayer 1n , nolds homE-, 1902 Orang<' Avf'. thi· home of .Mn. F'ern FC)t>IJ , 1758 l.Al'!lf' to Vt>o t u r& Ctn-le t'onr Tustoin A•e. Two guests grt'f'lt!fl ~lau rt't.'n ca.meron of Coast Th I r .. l y,,•e rP Mrs. Don F oell and Mrs . I t t'arnf'd 1.,1lb Sara J el!ries o f Ven-e ro c o 101n hoRtf'R~ W8~ 1, k p 'f '·· t•· d '" l k b M 01 'f 1 ar 1·r l'ncc. n 1•01U<'r!'I a "'" 1ng turs in hthe third doubl~s to dt"· a t•n y rs. IVl' " 1·nncs un• .• d 'I M c '· 1· • M M h ,1 h t' 1 1nc tuuc n ml'9. ary ham'-"=r in, ft-a' J u n Muir r<pr""se.nlativet1 rH . art a '" 0<1r" v.• t'n ~irl' •· • ,.. · ~ bl I th h Vell"ra 8Pebf', Grace Tho1npsun. 5-2 in I~, 'first round and tht'n "our a.<isem Cl nt ,. (" url' _, . Do ' r · I aullnP ~Uthof f, Mae rrt•ll, .-u-·un•'· ·• to th• Yentu-t€•0 n1, Two new membt>r~. Mrs. CaR1• and ...... ..,..,.... .. •• ..-. ~lrs. ~I dler. \lo'('re ,,·c leon1ed. ~Ir~. 1~ary Sher~ an.d Frances Jonf's. 5-2, in ~e &t'-OOnd. El" beth Pl d th I :\•·xt ffit!el1ng lB 8Chl'Jult-d fur I A lice I Arma.ntroul and Vdma ize un1slf'a ge.vf' e l t'-I \\'o•dn•·sUay March 1-1 . votiofls· ~·1rs Kathryn \t ecKi-nzir . · · ' , Pri.11han4 of Coast team(:d for lM · · •· · r i ri.:l e II o r t he Community Ir . 1 u· ' ,.,~ · th conductf'd lhe n1isslonary >1ludv . · irst an conso a on row h ..... m e d '{ .. La h d h -f.hurC.'h was h~tessE'd Tuesday first doubles but lost both ~ounds an rs ..... ora ng (' a <· ari..:1 . b 8 J k · h f h b . . H r-v1·n1ng y etty f'n s 1n er by lhP S8Ille ..... 0 re 4-3· t he l'irst o t E' u.s1n ess 8~88lon. cart· o h ...... · • ' hon11• on Broadway, A ve. t ella to a J ohn Mu ir team and the !'lec-shap('d cookif's. lea and C(lffe1•r ( d · 'rl:l.nP, president ha ch&rgl' Ot ond to r twosom• from Mt. San Wl're served to 24 mcmberM anil I ' one gwcst . Mar ch 8 is th«.• d11tl' of thi· business ine~li.n,g, when it was Antonio · tl••C'ILlt.'d to give a farewt-U gift lo Elevt1 Southe rn Califom\1' the nf'xt n1 c{'ting v.:hich will bf> h . M uni• uf their . .mcmb.crs, Marlon 1·u nior o llegN'!' werl' r eprese nted ,. held at the c u rrh. 'A'1lh rs 8 h h t p I Bt>rtha White arid Mrs. Lilhen utc f'r w 0 18 moving 0 a sa-in the Ventura tuurnan1ent . Miss d t:na. . Can1pbcl1. OOC's tennis Instructor. I Johnson &!'I hostf'~s II hi ht r lh . '"" w• i · Lg 1g . o e even_'C> s summe-• up the day's com~tltion . Mrfl'. A E""lt'n Bro\\'n Pntc rtin11tl "-" ,...~ .. tht• ouctjonmg off or articles of rn •• ~ of-··-·. Circle Sevl'n in th .. non1c or ht"r ""V IU ,...,_,.,. c loliun~ a n d white elep b.ants "EiJvf!Mr' co11-e abo uld be proud motht>r, Mrs. ~iaude Dav1!'1. 626 -r ._ broug·ht by the mem. bers. M r&. of Its reo--taUvea. They play· Center St. F ollowing df'votions by T · ,.·~· J enks aclf'd as auc tioneer. h t· ro rood tundament.al tennill au the Atis.s Atary Anderson, a. poem wu I I -~• t th « arlic es""not sod "Wul be &en t o e way, AhnvP all the imnrt..Bfnan-read by M rs. lrene \Vood. A pray-H c.-- ' -•-MPtbod. ist Neighborhood ouse tn ship and ..-enuine •nlrtt of !air ii'r wu given by Mrs. Clara P.1 £"-C 1 • .,... Murtry. During tht> business in-8 ex.l<'O. -• play ....,ere In dcJrrllnant as t.o ap- lt>rln1 Mrs. Ann LjlJey wa.e t•lt>c tt-d The hO&leSJI served ice cream proach the id81." u h'Undnes and cookies to mtmben to BCl'V~ as the new sec retary. A 0.."lrolhy Bradley, Myrtle Long, dea&e.rt of o range ch iffon cakf' was Jane Re.id, ~arjorie Haines, EliJ:a. prepared and served by Mrs. beth Z immer; Frlt.zle Jack90ll, Paula Sa.nbonL I n addition lo LaUra .lonea and vla.itors Evelyn lho&c mentionel othe rs present Thompson, .le&n Smith and Mnt. were Naomi Cadman. Omar .Clauseen. Maude Da ilma Myrehn and The March ZOth m t>eting wUl be Geraldine · M rs. Ann Ulle:y OOtessea by J ane Reid in her will on.n m e a t 49~ F lower ,.,... home on Berna.rd St. St. for th f'Xl m~tln g M arch 8 at 7:30 IT~. Nlne A CARE package wa.$ sent to s scrooJ teecher in Germany by Cir - cle Nine men1bera. wbo wel"': brought t ogelber in lbe horn~ of Mrs. Davis Lucltha.rdt on E . 20th St. Mn. Monna Fiaher was i:n charge of the mis.slonary study J.fr. \~i::B i:~: H . Carr o f Hamllt-0n st..,. ~:~~·=sa. were dinner h08ta ~ their guetJls were M r . Mrs, Har- mon Nelson of .elm. News-Tlmea ada have ~ read In the Barbor for over 40 -yea.t'S- '• 951 FUND DRIVE STARTS THURSDAY • • . GM rr.. Jiii' •eart! U11t 1en-trwhm tmt block eome. At &.: ... ,_ ........ for your dona· . tolMRedC.-.. . 1 •• tberriif'l-wbo-.il voluntuily toJpi,· ii ,_to W. rt m-~ -· af ...... .a.n -_-c1eaerv .. ,.:.,,.;,,· ~e-aftt '•·--I .:.i~~ ••...... ,;,_......,here ...... -...... • .. ~of . ..Qi ............ help, mida it ' .Yea ... liw &Im n 'tl>boF ~-~· I ~beck..:. 1Mllou-' of.)'Olir 'Giir... ., ' ' . , • ., ' . - GIVE HOWi • " -... --.. ---.... •. ---.......... _,,. .,_ ..... --"" ----. ------... ---... --. ---- 1 • .. 1 ' • ' ' I ·• ·' • ;I i-• r . . ~ • , ' NEWP0RT-BAL80A N~ TIMES ', .. HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS • • EL.;.11 Juniors Luth e ran W me n UC . Meet Thurs ~Luncheon Meet et~~ :.0;.~· Harbor Lu;:;: · -. an Chf.lrch will meet Thursday, Mernbcrs or the Junior Section· March}, St 7:30 p. m . in the home ot the Newport Beach Ebell enjoy-of M rs. Clifford Petersott, 828 W. ed a de~lghlful luncheon at the lSth si., .Costa Mesa. · Castaways Club on Wcdncs:ctay. February 21 . A short· business me-etlng Jollowed. at· which time Mrs. L. J . Pfister and Mrs. Burr While were appointed to the nomi- nating committee(', and Mrs. Monte Grimes was e lected from St. Joac im Guild ' to Mee Thursday • the floor. Plans for a bootlli for lhl' Ebell Club's Spring Festival..et.o be held on April 26 "''ere discussed, and i.t was decided that members would allt>nd the Ft>stivaJ in lieu ot a regular ll}eeting that month. monthly meeting of uild ot St. Joachim Church, C ta Mesa, will be held Thursday, March 1. at 's p. ffi . in the parish hall. Hostesse8 tor the occasion will be Mr8. H . E. Nolen and Mrs. A. J . Eichhorn. " The new membrrshlp chairman. Mrs. S. W_ Ric hardson, was intro- duced, and she i~ turn introduced Mrs. SterUng·Paris as a new mem- lwr. The R t'ct Cross Fash~on Tea to be preM'nted by Buffum's al the Balboa Bay Club on March 8 was again announred, and m<'mbcr::; were told thtt tickct.s would be uvailable from th£'ir offitcrs and chairmen at $2 50. all procePds go- ing to the R('d Cross. Thf'y \VC'r~ also appraised of the fli c t that lhf' tea wa.s spon!'OrC'<1 by n1ost. of the leading W omen's clubs of Southern Orange county, and lhat the Jun- ior Section was handling the sa'e. of tickets for the NC'vtport Beach Ebell ctub, and would have one of the lC'a tables at thC' party_ The afternoon was climaxed by a visit lo the Kay F inch CC'ratnic Miss ,A-lice Plumer Entertains for Cousin and Guests Miss Alicf' C. P mer. ~36 San- ta Ana avenue. ewport Beach. honored her , Mrs. Jamf'!'i Hanlmontl, 22 street, Lincoln. Nt•br.,' at H ills thratre. Claren1ont. Cali ., recC'nlly. GuesUl also f'njoying the lunchean and matinf.'c party were Mrs. Holbert ~tigbC'll of Lit.kc City, Iowa and Mrs. Clara Uaudel\ or Nt.>wport Beach. Baptism Rites at Mesa Church Studios in Corona del Mar, where 1 · R . · b t ' •cently ,·0 . t t ' d . l ,. eeciv1ng ap ism ... a very in c rcs 1ng an ins rue IV·" h C M C 't M th · t e osta esa om n1 y e -tour "'-'as conductC'd by Bradl'n 1. Ch h ~ s· clai F ' h Of 1st urc wcj: ry 1n r. tnc · Barbara Fcrnf'y, C rles Richard d Brown. Jr., infa.n \ n of Mt. and A ven ti sts Hear Mrs. Charles R. B wn: Unda Sue Gentosi, infant daughter of Mr. R rt f and Mrs. Hiram Gentosi; James epo 0 Ernf'st and Charles \Viley seXton. Churc h G rowt h ~~~~~~~ or Mr. and Mrs. James E . , Sleady growth in St'v1•nlh-Day Advl'ntlst churches was reportf'd by Mr. KP.nneth B. P e rry to nlem- b<>rS ot the Newport Heights church Adve'nlis t . cungri:-i;at..ion al regular Sabbath .s<'"rvices last Sat- urday. '"Phe pastor 'Atas one of 600 dele- gates to the biennial mt'cting of the. South ca.stem California Con- ·fer<'nce at La Sierra College in Arlington, F eb. 11th. Other dele- gates from the local church were Mr!!. M . Wilkinson, Mary Butcher, Mr. P erry, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rut- ledge, Mr . and Mrs. L . Vaught. Reelect('() wer~ all conf~rence officers including the president, H . H . Hick~. who ~vealed that nine c hurches have been dedicatt'd and five new churches organized in the conference area during the past two years. ' Cost a Mesa G irl Scouts Members of one Lindbergh third ~ade Brownle Troop met at the home of their le8der, Mrs. Thelma Miner , 247 Avocado ~t., Feb. 8. The mef'ling. Wfl.!I highlightl'd by the celebration ot two of the Brownies birthdays, they being ShaN Lynn Brown and Linda Mer· noz. The girls were .a gsprted with gifts from th eir lroop and leader. Mrs. Ze.mmerly baked a beautiful cake for the occas:on and Mrs. Vanyi furnished the ice cream. Following the party the mbcrs worked on Valentines an finished work o n some c rafts air dy start· ed. The girl recelv pa.stet nut cups filled wi cand tor favors. Girl s Cout gay Valentine da.Y with co mlttee chairman Irn1a Shaw taking over leaders_hip In ,the a.b8e nce of regular leaders. Following the party the girls mad~ ART ~IUBIT -Advancf"d. art student-OJ "·ork on po!'ten for t.he 81X1h annual art exhibit., to be held at tht> 1'"t''\\"POrt Harbor t4a1on High ~chool, .)larch 1 lo 4, lnC'IU.§i\·~. Left to rlKht: Jo Ano Hol- Mrs. Ed Hobell is Honoree New Pe rform ers 1 in 'Pe nny Wise ' at Sto rk Sbower fyu p<'rformers n ew to main· ... 8tllj:ff' production~ at the Playhouse 1\frs. Edward Hvbell wa:.l con1-I will ht.-S<'1'n 1n thP currPn.t produc· plimf'ntf'd recently at a surpr1sc tion of "Pf'nny Wl~·." unclcr the layC'tle showf'r hoste.S.Sf'd by Mrs., dll"('Ction or HOY.'ard "Hap" Gra· Emil Myrl'hn and Mrs. Ralph My· han1, op(•ning Wl'dnes<lay, Frb. rf'hn in lhe hon1 C' of the laltf'r. :i17 28. Tht'Y arc Cassie blt•chl'.ng anti Sa~ Bernardino Ave .. · Newport 1 Katherine P (•nn. He1ghLq. Colorful seasonal flov,·- 1 M rs. 7'-1t'Chling is a ln,.al prot111l·t. er~ d(•Ckf'd the rooms. ha.vin,i::-stucltf'd dr&JTIR for fnn r .Whoo~e a~fordt'd a.musc-m.•·nt 1 _veari\ un<iPr Albt'T'tfl l'att(·r~on at \.\.'Jlh prlZt'l! going lo 1'1r . Patr1cLa th<' La~una Bf'ach Hij!"h school, Groupe, Mrs. ~orinn!'.' Jarry a1;1d and latf'r at Santa t\na colle~<'. Mrs. Jane Reid. Aft th<' Qlany She appcarf'ri therr in the play of gifL'I were op n<I adnlire~ th(• year, "Behold This Drcan1cr." refreshm<'nls o p· crram fruit .i\ftt.•r marryinl! national n1agazinc jello topp<'d wi blU<' whipped cOV('r artist John MC'chling, sh1• cream, co!fr. nuts and cand1t.'~ settled down to beco"'lng. in h er were serve<I. The favors w~re own word~. a "home body.'' Th4'1 t 1niniature blue baby buggies. 7.000 miJe honf'ymoon trtp t6ok Tbose enjoyinJ: t he. happy affair thi·m a-II ovcr the l)nlt<'d States- includcd ~1mc.-;. Elin Myrf'hQ, Vir-to N i a~ara , Cape Cod, Nt'W York, ginia Logsdon. Jane Reid. Myrt!C' and finally to a three year stay In Long, H elen Bro\l•n. Patricia T e rre Hautt•. Indiana. Grupe, J t"rry Davi8, Corrine Quar-"\\"hen J ohn \vc·nt into lht" scr- ry, Andre MCGowan and Mat'-vice during thC' last war," said gucritc Quarry. Cos.sic, "1 came home to LaJ!Una Walter Spic er Engag e d to Denve r G irl V.'h('rr I 've been C'Ver since." F otir In presenting his summary the local minister rf'porled 18 ney.- Sabbalh schools, four n ew school!'!, aild in1prOvem ..:nl8 made on schools in eight different areas, and 24. Patht1nder clubs for juniors. A food sale will be held by the St'n- lor Dorcas Society o n Thursday, March 1st. in front. of Walsh's Hardware store in Costa Mesa , al 10 a . m. There will be all sorts of bakery goods at reasonable prices. an interesting trip to the Denwar Mr. and Mrs. Wilson o. Ftu:;- PotLery [actory located on 16th St.· ypars ago. at the conclusion of \Vorld War II. ~e became "her hus band's assistant in co1nmercial photography. The Mec hlings hav!'.' had their pictures chosen for cov- ers on such natlonat magazines R5 \Von1en's Day, Collier's, and "\Voman's Hon1<" Companion." Mrs . G row Brown C ircle Speaker ")firach•s of Today" wa.s the topic c.l".osen by ~trs. Grow S. Brown of Los Ang<'I when she was guest speaker t lht' Wesley- an ~rvice Guild· the Costa M~ Community urch at their F~b!"U&J'Y m retin held in the homr Qf the prrsi nt, Mrs. Maude Da\-u.. 626 Cent St. Rl)(f ic:aU V.'Jl.S 1.'Spor.ded. to With a ~ vrrse {rs. H elt'n Brown rntooTUmrd h a vocal solo "Fin- 1.a.ndla... -)frs. !\otarie Pearce, p ro- gra.rr; 'th.airman int1"oduce·cf the sJ>""*V,,-)frs. Brown is a former CrM.a. Kb'an. Mrs. Davis reported on ~ J,..tt,.r received from Mrs. ~Ai.a P..obert:i. who is teach-~ = .a girl's 91 I tt!Sf'ukuokua'. J~~. < ~ ML. FMt:taer Dodge will be hos· l'.M to Ut.-group ai tht>. March 18 ~1n.g m her· home at 314 Sap- pttrr .. A\•e_, Balboa laJand. Mrs. Esther Dendel, partner in the stad of Dcnvct, Colorado hav(' a1~­ busi·ness explained the pottery nounced the rngag~ment of their making from the mixing of clay to da~ghter, Susan Da.IC", to WaltC'r L. the finished product. She also told Spicer, so~ of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- at the interesting story back of ter S. Spicer, 33 T Harbor Island the color and shape of their prodz an~ gra~uate of Newport H arbor ucts. The v!sit proved to be very Union High school. educational a..s well as entertain-The brld c~elcct is a junior at the ing. Univers ity. or Colorado and is a member of Delta Gam1na national Interesting displays have been made by Girl Scouts and exhibited in the windows of Willo by's J ewel- ry store and the Sporting Goods Store on Newport Blvd. The dis- plays r epresent Girl Guides in 8('>'- gium who each year on "Thinking Day" Feb. 22 build a huge camp- fit:e and sit around the fire in a group and consentrate on thinking ot girls in other lands. This date is significant In that it nlarks the birthdays of the founder of Scout- ing a.nd Guiding, Lord Ro~rt Ba- den-Powell and his "''ifC' as well as George Washington w hich makC's !t . International Thinking Day. Girl Seoul& of Costa Mesa have chosen to think of "World Peace" and will wear the symbols of ln- te.rnational Friendship on Think- ing Day. fraternity. Her fienc e is a senior at the School of businesa, \(niver- slty of Colorado, and is a Delta Tau Delta. H e will be gradual~ in February of next year and hold~ a commission in the U. S. Naval Reservc. The wedding 'A'ill take place after hi.s graduation. Coastline Aux. Welcomes Members Katht•rint' P enn. on the other hand, intcrprels Mattha, an~thcr woman in the lire of the romantic lead as a con1cdy relief in a catty l"ay. Mi~ Pehn is a new arrival from San Franci$CO and is eur- 'rently the house gucst of M r. and Mrs. William Hubler. She is a sec· rctary a.nd a career girl. and, as she says, hits "fallen completely in Jove with Laguna." She would llke to remain here. "PeQny \\'ise," the comedy \Yith the fast dialogue from beginning tQ end. will run at lht' PlayhousC' from Frbruary 28th through Mar. 4th. Phone rest"rvations '.\-'ill br held until 8 :15. ' , i ~at Special Courtesy Night Event Adm)&ted Into the membesship•.,..------------- 1 I ot -doutllne vrw Auxiliary No. Members donatf"d $f5 to the Cub 3538 at Fridajr'e ~g in Legion Pack and lo the Girl &oul.8 spon- HaU. Costa Mesa, were Mrs. Je.an sored by the auxiliary. Ke.U,-and Mra. Bev.a Ormsb . Pt.an. are .-nder W8)" for a pub- lic func.heon and card party· to be . A 'special courleay ni t · as he.Id March 7 in Legion Hall. 1 , plllJerved wllh e ach off r ,..._ Luncheon at 12:30 p. m . will lw l'ng u ber guest an off r of bit> followed by various kinds of card aame et&Uon t • · elg.hboring cames. Tic kets, Sl.00 eacb. may auxiliary. Otttc Tlted wtte ,be sec'!"'d trom an, VFW mem· from Huntlngt ach. Seal ber o.r at th~· door. Beach. • Oran.,e. Grove., Me mbers •ho attended the dis-' Weatminater a!!d· Santa Ana. t-rlct meeting ln Rtveralde. l'eb. 1.Ethel ~ ·• eecond ~~ 18 ,were Presldertt Allee Daggett. p.........,t, from.. Auxiliary 1_,, l(oy Bucl<l&nd. Irene TilnlnlAp, Banta Al\&, WU-tile pcsl of ~ai· Pearl Brown.and Tvqane Scott -'l ~nt Alic<! ,Dqc~~t. • All guoats , the n.xt meeting MariJt ~ u.. .... ftC<lwd ,co,,..... and gttl.I. ' • will be nomlnalj"I' of Of-. &114 Dunne tMi. bUllDef8 ae 111on May all mein~Q ari urp:i .. to attend. aac:•Jud made • plea for \,more ~ the .......... l ?rrloa ..... • ,Den llothen to .. rve with the CUI> local P-joined· Ille lldlle bi a 1. .l!o>Ut 1'9ck. ......._ 1>7..U.. unJt. -lal boor wben •'~ta • • 8be ·-'that then . ai. H bo71I .. ., • ..n.ci· to 711 per-. 'Two I , , -= fw adlnttta_.. w b •" calr• • ...,~ W'tl..._ Dft ... ' • l>oa -~ ....... .., 'tin&' .Illa ~-'11.00.. . .. ~ . - ' ' ' . brook, Deftnls l\loCf>llan, Dl<'k .lonf's, R t>x Be-II and GWl'nne GI~ public; houns are 2 to 5 "Thf" exhibit \\'ill be opt•n to the &!!nt•tal and 1 to 9 p.m. Sa nta Ana Group . Festival of Arts Fetes Mesa Couple Offers $3,000 One of the f~nal pre-nuptial c:.ourtesics honoring Miss l>oris Uilling:s afld David G. Cady.•allad- in Cash'Awards Cash awards lntalinJ; $3,000 arr er before their recent vow e.x-offcr<'d by the Fesltval or Arts change, was staged b)' young of Lai;una Beach, in its first an- people of the F irst ~apli..'>l nun! 1951 Nalional Art Exhibit. church of Santa Ana. Party set- ting was the Santa Ana home or a nt'..,.,' feature or tht•:, Ft·stival or Mr. anti Mrs. Harold Ely. Dur-Arts and Pagl'ant of tht' 1t1as ters ing the refrcshrr~e 5 ~nlQrval I t o b<' hell! in Irvine Bov,..·J: July 21 g uests Y.'('I~ surpr1 d with the thrnug-h Aug1.i~t 5. en~agrn1en\ ann nccn1ent of The St.000 fi rst awai'd winning ?\11:js Joan tly Berle Lanter-painting will bC' r t'procluced a.<; a 1na.n. "living pic ture" before an estimat- The grouri presented the ro1·· f'd 75,000 Pageant spectators .. nicr 11iss Billings and Mr. Cad-During the 16 days of the show- \Va.l\a.tler v..·ith a. lovely gift for ing, the original painting will bf' their ne·,\' home at San Luis Obis-plac<'d on display, along with other po. The bride is the daughter of prize winn('rs and entries of mer- Mr. a.,nd Mre. John_C. Billin~ of l it, in µte Conten1porary Art Ex· FuUertMI Ave .. Costa Mesa. hib;ti°"-gallery on the Festival grounds. M• h I Lan~e is The compl<'tc list of awards IC a~ "3 as annou.nc('(I by the Festival or Na t a l Celebrant Arts of Laguna Beach is as fol- lows: 1st prize. $1 .000: 2nd prize, $750.: 3rd priz(', $500; 4th prize, , Severa.I days ago ·W illiam c . Shipman, ·a•. 713 W. Bay AvcnU(', Balboa.; a painter, reported to Newport 'Beach· po1icc that h h1 wallet containing S2 was mi.Ming from h11 home. Pollet inves tigated but got no- wher~ in the hunL Meantim~. Shorift Sgt. W. R . Hougland received a warrant for Shipman's arrest · from N ewport Bea.ch justice court on a bum check charK-e and sent out an all- pointa bulletin for his appre"hcn- sion. Newport Beach Police-DcpL Sgts. John Up.~n and Vincent Mc· Manfgal looked Rl the report on this miMlng wallet and the tele- type bulletin·· and concluded the same man was involved in both deals. \Vt>nt to llnu....,. They went to S)lipman's hon1~ and were told by .his wif(• he wa~ oainting a hoUSt' in Corona del Mar. Continuing the search, l Jps11n a nd McManlg-al h>eat1•d tht· h ouse wher<' Shipman waS supposed lf1 be working. "ls Shipman 8.round ?" Upson asked one or the paintf'rs. '"I 'n1 Ship1nan," th(' man an ~ '.l('Wf'rc<I. "Did you find my wale let ?" "No." the detecliVl' rPplied, "but we found a warrent for you,· ar- r('St." "Me and my bi~ n1outh," Sh ip· :nan waihx.t. "I hart only $2 in the thing and now !ook v.•hat hap· pe.ns PROBATE sc :Httot-~F "'JI.I . Will of Albert Schroff. ')"ho died Ff'b. 8. was offcrPd for probate ln superior court today, disposing of "JPss than .$500" in personal property and a parct:'l of rt'al prop- erly on Balboa Island. All prop- erty was left to the \Virlow, M ii· Martha._ Schroff of 31r1 1 i E . Ca- n1ille St .. Santa Ana. Mrs. Schroff nominating ht·r soJi , Georgl' H C'n- ry. as administrator. 34,443 Attend Boys' Club in '50 Annual repqrt of Uie Harbor Area Buys' club or Costa Mesa was prc-1'<'nled at the recent meet- In~ or the Board of Dinktors. Total attendance for 1950 was 31,443 mt'mber visits. Average at· ten<.la.n<',.. each day was 120 mem· hers. The Boys·· club is open six aflC'rnoons and (ive C'vcnings every we«k durin~ the year. Total of 554 differC'.nt boys and youn~ n1<'n became memben dur<a ing th(' _vcar. 73\~ per cent ,.f the t otal n1C'n1bc rship was act.Ive each month. M1•1nbf."rship is open to all boys fro1n S lo 18 years of age. Annual meinbcrship fee ranges from !">() cc·nt:.l to one dollar per year. Spr-rial jobs arc found tor lhos(• \Vho ca nnot raise the re- quirf'cl a11n11al fC'(', so that no boy !:.; dcnit·d nlC'lllDc.--rship in the Boy.s• club h1·cau:-::c of lack of member- ship fee. Dail/ hour:-; or operation are rron1 :l tll 5:~JO p.1n . and :30 l ti !!·:JO, p.n1. RulurdA.)' hours vary a1·t·•J1·din;; tu the-artivltleg sched- uh·d. Ac·ti\•1\ tt •s in (' Jude n1ost sport.II in :-1·asnn. ~1'11..1 11 :..:~tllll'S, reading, t••l•·vi :-11in .ar L <ind drawing con- l t'!>t !'i, f't•PJ'l'l'l'rafl. plastf'r of par- is 111old111 ;; ancl painting a.nd wood s hop. A ttr·ndan,:c nt the c'ra.ftshop a1nounl1·d tr1 ·l ,6JO 1ncmbcr Visits rl urin;.: J!J.'ll. :i.209 :.artich.>8 of <.:raft\\'.JI k \\'j·11· 1na du~ng the )!C'3 r . Harb(l r Jr••a n s· club is sup- po1 trd b.Yi ·c)lll 1nity chests atid publil' :::;u b:' ri ton by r('sidents In the N"'''i)Ot Harbor-Cosla Mesa ar(>a. F iv1·-. xth::; of its total bud· . i.:et \VU~ rai!)(•d on a recent "night light" ci r 1\r('. Rl'Cl'nl add1\1nn.s to the c~ub in- rlurl<' parin~ and black topping 1 J.000 squart: fl·1·t of uutdoor play· Ing n r·,·a .an1I a dditional lighting of this area f o1· night ac tivities. ---~·~--- .-\l'l 'l\f)\.E J<ANC ll 'county l'l;:i-inini;:. Co1n1nission Fri· Melvin CharlC's Bas,<;pll, ·12:.! Old day apprll\'l'd 1:1 fJc•1·n1it for Warr County Rd .. Newport Hl'ights \.\'a5 rl·n !·:. Bt·cnian t r1 Op<'rale a chick- fint>d $2.'.l at thl' Newport 13C'ai·h 1 l''1 1ant'h ull ~olllh :;id<! of W. 16th City Court on Monday un charg1~ 1111·11.r l \\'u cn:1cr~Ll" v;al'i'r "tanks in of intoxication. Custa 11l':-;a , FJ.J~ z .oNE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA Jl \l.'8 S accent oil ,youth \l."hen M ichael Lange, son of f.fr. and 1'1rs. Henry Lange. 439 Broad- way, Costa Mesa, }n\'iled fr iends to help celebrate his s· th birth- da.Y anniversary rec tly. The chihiren Md a. won rtul playing ould?Or gam $250: and five honorable mentions _ ............. -........... --........ -·-·-· of $100 each. i gift opening. Lale they round their places bl~ gay \\'ilh I-lop-a-Long napkins and plates. Table cent pi es was a birth- day cake dee r ed in white and yell'oy.', lhe co ection being serv- ed with chocolate Ice cream. punch and candies in ,yellow n ut cups. W ishing Michael "many happy returns or the day" were JoHnny and Billy Brockman. Bobby Whit- ten. Richard Steven5, Ricllard Lisk. Alan Jones,' Bill Parler, Jeanne &n<tig, Nancy Lange. Unable to attend the n1erry 1fete were Donnie Bendig and George Con\va)'. Entries n1ay be paintings of any I PUuuJ 171114~ · .. size in the ml'dium of oil. hter J i colors. or pa•tels, best suited t o I TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renn er ) reproduct ion as a "Jiving picture." I Closing dale! for the national Concert Planlat of Three Cont.taenta con1pe~ltion is May 1st and judges Graduate Studeot of Bela Bart.ok wm ho art critics of nation~! rrpu-1 436 Serra Drive Harbo.r 1171 ;J talion. Complete details and entry I tor= may be secured by writing corona Highlands~ -Corona del Mar to lhe,,Festival of Arts, La~1 '·-·=---------=-=-""======;;JI AUTO ' BODY and YENDEB., • REPAIRS NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE ,. ·~NY .MAKE ' FREE ESTIMATES MOS,T JOBS ONE D~Y . SERVICE f inest Modern Equipment and ' Skilled W~i!, . LQW .PRICES , -~ ~: .r~:.: 1 •• CAR' . .'E4SY IA~Ji~t-~ . . • • . I .. ' I .. • . I\_ t ' ' ' ' ' • • • • . . • • l ' • TUESOA Y, FE!M.UAR'r' 11, l~T Put&.W Ettry ~y Iii N--' -· cantonala by tile . NEWPO'T HARBOR PtJJ!l.mmrO OOllPANY .lhmber of CALIFORNIA.NEWSPAPICR PUBLISHERS ASS'N. Membtt of the NATIONAL EDITORIAU ASSOCIATION Office and Printing Plani: at 2211. Balboa Boule\"&rd Telephone Harbor 1818 Entued u Second-Class Matter at \be Poetotn.ce ln Newport Beach, California under the Act of March 3, 1879 ' RUSSELL L. DIETRlCH, Editor RALPH BORGESON, Advertisinl' Manager qaallfltod to Publish Lep.I Not'6ee and Advertbemf'Jll.t• "of all KlndA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: NE\\.TORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES every Tuesday In. Oraap County, SS.60 -per yeai-; $%,00 stx monttut; SL.%5 three montbfl (Also lneludP9 the NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS, Thunday) Outside Oran.re County 14.00 per year IN GOOD HANDS ' Civilian defense is in good hands, in California. Gen- eral Robertson, the governor's appointee, is going about the business of preparing the people for an atomic eventuality just as though he were mapping and charting a military campaign. ""' HERE IS SCl,)LPTOll BILL nlAtER ......... 1 .. to four *'trtnc co-eds at Oru,ce Coaat Col.. \'&rious ftVltbo4s et: wol1doa lD stone. Bi.ti ls can1111' • ka!iell81 ftpre ill Co~ dPI 11.ar -...d:- stone that he •Y• u.111 a.ot be ~Jll'Nei8~\·e but wllJ me~ty ~x­ press "terudon.." Fral:Jlf'r ta an M1 9tuclnlt at tbe ldtooL Taxpayers to 'Meet. Tuesday, Man:h 6 Former Child Star To Direct P.-T. A. Benefit Melodrama ' I ' . PtlNle I"' ., ••• on Balboa'. hland: . Wiien ' • !Jury w.. u t.o .... the flnl um. etnce their ....ctn ~t &ti.er ·~ I , . fouodin&' ~ caJlfoinla ·AMoci&- Of -Superior Judge Uon ot Prlvat. ln•..Upt.on held l'rahJclln o . Weot dloeharpc/ the tbdr meetJnc In Oru&'• _,,,,, Jury In a '7~.ooo dam&ce -\Y<lllneoday, ~ J . ~. Jr., ~y. J'eb. 11. [ I of the O.y al.I Nlct>t Prtvau Pa- Tiie .... of,_ F . ~= t.rol ·WU ch&lrm"" of u.. mHIJq Dorotlly 1 Wll.m& . Boden · 11.eld at White• Perk A.•e.nue Cat~. N .... U ' Smith WU for Balbo.o }aland. trial ,wt;:, by J\ldg-e WHt tle:r Arnone the guest.a of honor wen die Ju.rOI-. failed tD reach • de-Jamea Callahan. DetectJ-ve Ueew dAorl.. Bureau State of C&ltl8mta;. Mr. Sult """' a ...Wt ot •. cohcOG Kirby, ot tlw_ FBI: OaptalJ/ ""°" · ahortly atter mldnlll(ht la.It llpr11 ban, C&lltornia Hnpway P&Uol: 15 on tM c.out Hwy. at Larkspur Jim Davia, Dlatri~t .At.tome)' ot Avenue., ICorana •del Ku. SmJtb Orange CoU11ty; Slw-rJtl Jama wu -bound on U.. blfbw•Y aft. Muatck: Ch~f ·Boyd He,..bey. San- er coming out of a drlve~ln j!Me ta Ana pollce: Sergeant John Up- and wu 9truck by the weetbound IOn. Newport Beach Pol lee. Boden auto. Guest speaker of the evening M.n. Boden. motit .eriou..aly tn-W&f Al Simon of San Diego Who JUftd uked fat; '50.000 ~ral p~ted a talk and dem~tra­dam•Ce• for her hurt.a.. Her ! bus· UOri' on new appUcaUona of two. band .ousftt. QI0,000 plu.e ~.000 way radio to la"'' e nforcement for Jo9a 06 compantombtp of 1Mn. work. Boden and $"4 .27 dam&Ce to the car and all medical and ~Ital ' expen-.e•. Sculptor Ott Joins OCC Staff ----·-- TAKE SI FJU)M P.U.'Tl'! Charles Stalnaker, a pluterer working at the houae under con- 1tructlon at 522 Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar reported to police that three do1lan had been alol~ from the pockela of hia street clolhet which were hanging in a garage Tuesday. Feb. 20. Sta.l:M..ker had ch&nged into hls wocklnc cJothea and hung his p&fd' in the garage. He said that he noticed the disappearance or the cuh at about 11 a.m, POMONA \\"EEK-El\'D By CLAYTON THOMPSON ' .. • S,••• Ow••· Jolls Willi H1•1•1• l'idolt d1a.. · U 7oa do your own mainta- nanee ou 7our car, 700 may be int.eruted in mak:iflg this little pdpt W'e heard. about. • It -. tho ecraping of pi&-· ton riq lroovu Wt and ea6)'. ' . ·\ woodin· . ~ handle.,. . ... ... Of cour•e, you won-. have to worry •bout thia job if you uae New RPM Motor Oil. · 'Ibe: first motor oil developed ~ugh atomic research, New .. RPM," compared with con- ..entional oils..• doublee the life of aven.ee automobile engine• betweeniujorove.rhaulsdueto lubrication ... cuts in half the ~rate of vital engine parts. Call ue about il Fine pl"OdDcta like thia plua faithful ~ are the mainataya of our local busineaa. ... f"r-00£9 7'w1N:" .oi. ... ,.,.,...,.,.. h• tu. A-'-• l'lrlnlklo.• I~ &S ..... OI< 0 I -.. c.m.•Pnikl o;.tribul.d by CLAYTON THOMPSON • 18th & Balboa Blyd., Newport Beach Har. 1·55 He has not resorted to sensationalism~ and bis releases are devoid of the flamboyant. Nor has he recommended extensive outlays for untried bomb shelters or warning devices. He is so far ahead of the Federal Government in this respect, that he can afford to take time to carefully • plan each step. The end product of General Robertson's campaign is that the people are satisfied. in their own minds, that the situation is in good hands. and there is little prospect that Orange county superviAOr• to- gether "A'ith city officials ln the c-ounty and all interestf!d taxpay- ers. were tnviled today to attend the t\venty-flfth annual meetinr of Califor nia Taxpayers' UIOCia- tio n. which is to be held in t,o, Angeles on Tuesday mornf~, March 6. from 10 to 12 o'clock. at the-Biltmore hotel. I m mediate. as well a.s future problems of ta.xpayt:rs arf" to be discU85ed at this n1~ting. The combined Newport Ka.rbor &nd COfJta Mesa Ma.Jn .crtool JP . T . A. 's a.re very fortunate to ti&ve Zoe (Mn. Ronald F.) Bacl0\11 u reneral chairman of \.he benefit melodrama, "0, The Pity Qf It" which ls to be given at tbe; high icbool the mlddl~ or March.! Mn. Barlow ~ the a.uthot ot tbe piece and will direct it. ln sea rching a.bout for a w!ay t o ewell the PT A fUnd and at the aame time to give the eommunlty some run, the Idea fO?' a play or melodrama was conceived. Mn. Barlow, a member of Newpon Har· bor Mothersinge rs. dcc1dev to build her idea around this fine and very popular musical group ~"hlch is under the direction ot Mary Bat- ten Steffensen. "O , The Pity Of It," is bound to·glve a lot or fun and laugh8 to part>nte u well a.s young peop!e in the Harbor area. Peterpaul Ott, na.tl~ly promi- nent Laruna Beach 1eulptor, hu been added to the Orange Cout Evening College staff. OU la pre- senting a clag1 in eculpturing (or beginner• and intermediate atudenta. · Thi9 clau meet.I e&e.h Wednead-.r from 7-10 p. m. 1n the Cuamicl Building on the Cout College campus for a period of 12 weeks. Ott ha.s bad a long and dis- tinguished career bl his ch09(>fl and dauPter Marlene Anaheim I~ Mr. -and Mrs. Claf/,d Anderoon !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~d"'b; ~~~:·:~r ·· !.:'::.:'.i~ High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 !C:'t;~ ~~YM;;:,.iu.:;: wece Mr. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ' field.· Bom and trained in Eu'rope. they. will ever become fearful or panicky. This ·is quite generally' true on the county and local levels, too, where co-ordinators are taking their respective cues from the state office. F,ortuna!ely for us, Newport Beach's defense offi~ is far ahead of ':!P."t Californi~ cities in defense preparation. " Ott came to the U. S . Jn .1926. During tbe pa.st 25 yea.re he baa served as in.1trucitor .. exhibitor, ..._. ~. and independent acfilptor in New-! York, Chicago and Laguna Be ach. l Many o f his wor'ks may be seen on buUdtng-a, in muaeuma, and in ,pri- Organization o n the local level is percolating t o the remote corners of each political subdivision. So, if Joe SWin drops an A-bomb-which we doubt very much that -be has-it will not catch California unprepared. Newport Man in Fatal Accident Court Dismisses Bunco Cliar9es vate collection• throughout the U. S. and Europe. Interested adults may regiater , at the Evening College otfl~ prior to the flnt meeting of the c laaa. One unit ot academic credit ls granted In thle cla.u. A $1 .00 ma- teriala fee to cover the co.st of clay and firing is payable .at the time of registration. Killed while he was walking F our count. of felony grand l F rom early childhood Zoe ha.a hi.d theater expemnce and wu kno\\'n as a child atar. During high school days she h&d numer- oue stoc k p~rts and did picture work before the "talk1e&" arrl\•ed. "L itllP Theater" plays and a sing- ing f>ngagemen~ with Phil Harrie as "'<'11 as pro fr asional swimming occupit'd the very busy Zoe until her marriage at which time ahe gav<' up her care~r. News-nmes ads have been re&d In the Harbor for over 40 yeara a crOSB Highway 101 north of An-theft against Phillip Earl Fa.uerso, derson Pl .. Huntington Beach, Fri-33, Solvang, Calif., were dismissed day nij!'ht was Nick Demarakls, ill Newport Town!.hip court last 80, wbost> address was given as week on motion of the district al· Sam '9 Seafood care. Suruiet Beach. torney. Orfietts said he 'N:l.s struck by F"auerso had been charged v.·ith * north-bound machine driven by four count8 of grand theCL H e was 49-year-old Charles Horrell of 118 aneged to have a.Jded in obtaining 31.at St:, Newport Beach, at 8:21 $8.000 from George A. Kati and p .m . Horrell was not held. E. L. KUr. 2113 Mlrarnar Dr .. Demarakis was dead on arrival Balboa, last fall. to purchase g ov- at Orange County hospital. His emment surplus boats and equip- body was taken to Smith Mortu-ment from Mayberry Slough, near ary, Huntington &ach v.;he r~ a Plttsbugh, Calfi. coroner's inquest i!I pend ing. Fauerso was arrested by Ne'A·· BurCJlaries Continue .in Harbor Area port police on F eb. 12. The dis- trict &ttorney's motion for d is- missal sa id it Wa.!t In furthe.rancf" of jWJtice. Her home on Balboa Island, hu.s- be.nd and children have kept Mrs Barlow busy ln other directions until recently \l'hen shr did • skit in costome With the Mother1ing- ers and took part 10 · "Ice-Bound" with thP Corona. df'I Mar Playe rs. Th<' author v.•i\I do a hllRTious 8klt in coatume in the lo.tel<><trama . . ~ . . . V.'hjch under her talf'nlt-d ~d ex-< l..EAN l:'.\ri(, 1 P HAZA R ll--periC'nced d'l.rectton should be fl The brh_·kta,' e r!l ,,·erp bW';)' at , sell out affair. "·fl rk ~,n tht• nrw Balboa poHt oftlcf' la.!ot \\·rt•k Rlld \\'lv>n tbt"). flnl~h~ quiff" a hii of d.-brlit wa.r1 fl•ft on thr ·"'ldt'"'"alk. Kathrr than bot brr 1 ht_> ('Ontraetor about Plan Public Schools Week in AprD LEGAL NOTICE • CERTTFICATE OF BUSINESS Flctttloua Flrm Nllll't& , THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by cert ify that they are conduct- ing a REAL ESTA.TE &nd GEN~ ERAL INSURANCE buslneu at 602 Co.ut Hwy .. Corona -ae1 Mar. ~ Califomla, under the tlctittous firm name of THE ANDRESEN CO!.fP ANY and that said flrm is compoaed of the f<>lk>wing perso~. wh.oa.e names in full and placea or reaildence are u folJows, to.wit: A boat theft and a car theft w ere listed with Ne~'J)Ort police Saturda}· as a wave of burglaries and petty thPfts continued. QtJIET TITLE ASKED •·Jt>anlng It 11p City ('oun<"llma.n F . ci.rlyle AndTeaen. 124-36lh St., Newport Beach,..Call!. California's thirty-SPCond an-Charlotte F . Andresen, 12f- J . H . Mills, 209 19th St .. com~ plained that t"A·o fire extinguishers were taken from hls live-ltait boat Lorna Pat moore<l near the foot Of 19th St. Mills said lhe theft oOcurred sometime dur ing the past four days. J . P . Reale, 3706 Channel PL. a id a camera va!uf'd at $1 00 and a pa ir of sun gla.ssps v.•er e taken from the glov~ comparmient of ~tt~ked IQ fro'\t-9f tiu. J.ldo thf;:t~ , • T rr The Human Race I' . -~ Quiet tlUe to a parcel o f Ne\\'· Rol'l.lii (il"t'f'&r,,· qulc~ly grabbf>d a port Mesa real estate \Vas requt>st-b.-u<>nt (and I.Alon.it> \.IDOt':nl ed in superk>r court last week by qui<"kly grabbt-tl a C'&mera ) and the Newport Mesa I rrigation dh1-~ lo a l"loud or du"'t thf" hazardoUll trict In suit against E!lther Marie d..-bri"' \-a n1"h1'tl. ' nual Public Schools \~'et"k 'Will be 36th St .. Newport Beech, CaJif. I held April 23 to 27 , according to WITNESS our' h&nds this 16th an e.nnouncement made by George day o! Febr¥ry, 19~1 . 0 . Gav in, ,;eneral chairman of F . C. ANORESEN • tht> event. Mo re than 600 com-CHARLOTTE F . ANDRESEN and Ray m ond B. Whiteman. -------mltlef"s have bf.en named through· State of California, B~EAJ<S ARM IX FALL 1-i:rs. Ida Huma.aon. 2~ Costa Mesa. St., Costa Me Sa . fell and broke he r arm last week. She ig confined t h home ~nd is abl"" to receive ! ~ I ~!i'c..,,.-:---- -People ~ tbe want ada. Markham to Head Harbor Seal Sales Fred Atarkham has been named Newport-Balboa chairman o ( lhe Easter Seal sall2's cJtmpalgn whldl beglJU this week under the spo.i- sorsh.ip of the Orartge County So- cif'ty for Crippled Chl !dren and Adults. He I!! also a membec of the 90· clcty's board of directo rs and Us been a member .a t thf' Oran~ County chapter .since its tortna- lion late in 1949. This will be the soicety's second seal sales ce.1npalgn In 'Orange county. \Vith funds it raised lut year through purchases of Ea.st.er I Seals, t he Orange Coun ty· chapter has set up an ac,tlve program to help crlppl«i c)\ildren and adulta, ! ~tarkh&m declared. The county chapter's most re- cent proj<>c t wu th~ opening ot a crafts a11d recreation center near Garden Grove whett" da.l!y classes are held for children in need ·of occupatlOnal theap;y. Ch ildren re-: ceivt" instrucllon in weaVulg, pot· tcry and woodcraft at the pre~t Ume. The center was opened tut month-and its present facilities 8-re1&.Jready being useq.to capacity, Markham pointed1 ot!f/ 3 Harbor St.dents Enroll at Reclancls .., . • Three reS\denta ot the Newport Barbor area,· Tbeodore Ct&M-, Beacon 8-)1; Mari1¥n Could, BM- boa: • and Kenneth Call, Balboa, Were among the 1147· 9lude.nta m·. rolUng ·for the spring t;eme1ter at the University of ~ Mn.. ~ ' MertN, recorder, ·•· nounced today. 'lbe undersra.dµate • tu. d ... t. WIU lWll>ber lOfS wllllo Ill v+ ale ~la """'P!ffe tbe out the !Jtate to work in con junc-County of Orange, sa. .. tion \Yi l.h the school a.uthoriltes" in ON THIS 16th day of February, holding opf!n house programs in A , D . 1951, before me. R obert F . the schoo1!1 during the week. ,Yiill.mes, a Notary Public in and "The Public SchOQl. An Amer!-ror the said County and State, re- can He ritage" is the slogan for siding therein, duly commluloned thi• year. Go~'l'i"~r.1 EO,'il ,w~ and •~•!lo ER·· Y appeared F . wiJl i&-Uf' a ,~a.matiOJ\I ~~~ ~ly t :i ~ d ~~k>tte the public to Vi.lit ont> or more F . Ail. 9M. lo me.1to be schools. All of . the"' 9C::ho0t; wiii lhf? pE!ncina \vtlO.e ea ar"e· SU}>; ~ hold open house. acrlbed to the within instrument, Opportunity 1" knocklng In CLASSIFIED ADS BOU YWOOD'S NEWEST and acknowledged 'to 1ne that they executed the same. IN WITNESS I WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand aOO affixed my official 8e&l the day and year in this Cer- tificate' flnt above written.. ROBERT F . WILLMES fSEAL) My Commlaeion E:itpirea 11 /16/51 No. 177-Timea. • Publish Feb. 20-27; Ma.r . S-l3, 51 ....., NOTICE 011' INTEN'nON TO !!ELL NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN punu.aat to tbe pro-vi.Ilona of Sec- tion !UfO all t1tO ,Civil Code of the s~ of Oallfornla. that ALrRED H. SKITH, Jr., Vendor, of 4" . So\lth Bay Pl-ont Street. BalW. • Calltom!a, jnltenda to ..u t.o 0 . o. • I ODET'I'J: Ii J . 8. NELSON, y..,. lleejl, of •06 South Bar """"1 Street, &ll!o&, C&lltomla, all that eert&ln ......,.,,.., pwpe1ty -··· -.:c-r of .ii -In trade. ~ ~pm.int -~ will PB tfiOLEOJI( PRODUCTB, \ .,.C.. CRIUlnll,... · rrc. ot a cOrU1n ~~ BtaUoa bl'*r-._.u al Wu-AH lilariM, ihela t Iak le ·;tec1 at (Oil .... ·•,y ~ ~ 1a t1ne dtJ' or .i.-. ~· Ucl tis.at tM ,1: 3 • ,,... tM""f Will ... paid aitJ1•~ •'-·a. 'IL '* tlle TU! ~J: ot ~ 1161 OIL t• WMt &tit at.. ...,.. 1U In tbc City lll Ldnn AA- : ~ ........... fl( LOe .u... .. , ~-~ ;~-. ..... ,,._. 4mde-tJ aDd seqenl p'9in'dllm .-•• u,.., ••••• -·-.,... .. ~ 1.116 -id 116'A•loo> t ,,, ... I'-De_..,., Aa.. °'" ... --.,..w. 11111. , 1 . l •• .. .., R. SJUTB. Jr. bw t1 2 la1d·wf'~ the~ to ...... I wl~1• 11,_.., ~=~--=l•I a T per -t ~ la mQ P' I ...... -II fl;::., i~ .... ••-.••. ·-'A ;1rt. ....... , W ..... la ... n sir a •.• -- -·--........ •rJh" u.-.• ' · .. -'.f. t 0 . o .. OD&I **' ... 1 ... Jfl!UI* . . ~ ._: V A' , ~ -·• r+ =•-· =--~ R 'b mine ;,.tnm ME t•a .. ' W 1 I ' q A i...,._i: , •• $ .. ,.,. .. < ...... _ ................... ..... ..... w111..-. ,...,._ ........... ~ 'l - ! • _.. .. <'lll•An~ , .... i ........ -JU ...... u.~ Mo.1 111 T1 ' • P' DY 2 ...._ IT, U1.L j • • • •• • • • INSURED. ' SAVINGS ~· ._____ ' ' . .. Q CURREN? • . -EARNINGS Per Annum UVlllS ... llSUIED IPTO ...... • ~,...__~-_._.-~ .. _ ....... .._ ..... __ ... __ . -----0 , ~,c, ' , • ' • ' r I • • ' I " ----·-·········~ .................. ---.........,,-----.· .. ---... -.... -···--....... -....... -... .,.-...... --- • .. . L , • ' l ' • • • • . . TUESDAY, F~BRUARY ~7. ·195 f NEWPPRT-BA •. I • '· • I .. YMCA Launches Membership Drive The drive tor memben-at-large was launchec.1 last Frtday in New· port flarbor by the newly org&n· 1zed Orange Cout YMCA. under the leadership of Pre.e:ident Herb 1'~Y ot Balboa.. ~paign Chalfman M . A. Har- wood of Corona d~I Mar sald that the YMCA hopes to enroll 300 charter .,members from all sec- tlorus of Newporf Bea ch. Team captains for the drive are Wendell l'loyt and RJcbard Scbweitur of Corona del Mar and Kinguy Whlteneck of Newport Heights. -Headquarters for the member· ship dp.jve have been established al St. And~w·s Presbyterian church in Newport Heights. ST . .\Rrl"S WE'D"!\"'ESDAV I FIRST RU.S Lore-tta Young'" Latest Pil'ture "Cause for Alarm" "'itb Barry SulUvan LESTER A. BECKER, D.O.& DENTISTRY 17~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 6752 ~ E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327 ·J ' ' • ; I . i By MAR~. . • • • • • • • I • • ' ' . • • I " • ' . . DIATH NOJICES • • • I , • ll'Unetai Mrvlcel for Leola WU· lliun Clark, 80, of 122 E. .Jla)bc>a Blvd~ Bal""-. were he14 . <tblo momil>g from Us• lltown MOttu- 'ary in· ~ta Ana with lntenn~t at .-a.t.rbaven CemieteQ'. . t &..-------------"'------,---.------.;.. __________ .., _______ ···-. ,j,,1 -• da.k W1lll a .partner In ll)e C-:• I THINK YOu.NEED A NEW HAT. That whJte .4e&horn you KenUte 8.JQlhalt squares come 1n a IQt of 1At.rtcuinr dell~j and T. · ~lectric Gontractora ,aad b&4 bought tn 1920 ia atar~lng to moult! Besides East&r la coming" and I colors. S&ilfiah, high bat. vegetablea,.,clown or spla.abed 4 90lida. been• re&ldent of the Harbor area want you to loOk' like a little lady fqr. a change. I want you to cet You don't have..;;.; to have a degree from Cal Tecti to ... y. younblf a for -tbe eut four years. He-i9 ~ :'~u.":.i~t~~;l:;,e t~~;::1'":;!: r:~ww~~~-~!! ao~~~f~~ ~li~e .:::· ~[ed ~~ 8 be 90 c;t ~t!t ~e ~rs .:!~·;~tr•::e4 !~ ~%he!; =; ~~ ~ pensive Gage straw hats! Some with veils, aome with tJowers in Mr. O?' Kra. Page of the COutline CO. will l'(adly divulge' alf the brother, Clare, Lloyd .and ~alter. pastel Springtime shades .. I thb)k I might like you in the lUac one litt)e tricks. Taink this over aulously; You cu. do th.ls tb.i.ag and Mr. Clark WU a native of Iowa "With the pale orchid n owers! Now the HANDBAGS are a real deill ! we'll all be proud. Also Pabto U.noleum carpeting • aJumlnum and member of that states Greep- For $3.50 you can ret a blac k patent leather tYpe. a whlt.e linen Ule at COASTLINE Floor Covering-, i&tb' &: 1Newport Aft., Costa tield First 14.e~odiat church. , .th h ble t tr in bro t I ~ M n.. •2•1 • , Funeral servtces were eondlict'· wt a was a cover. or a smar • aw wn, na ura , ~__,., or esa.. cca. u u "· e, 11 • • ed by ReV. H-.rry WhJte of, Balboa navy! I tell you, you can get any shade, al&e, style or oolor for Island and the office.rs of the New- only $3.M . and you'll have a purse you won't be aah&med to swlJig-! When I entered the SHA.DE SHOP. Helen Wolfard port Harbor t.odge of Elka. One more item please . . , the gloves &re by Ka.yaer, so pic k out was sitting quietly at her ~-Before her lay a well· several pair&--you know hO'Ar you're always M>sing Lhem! Oh POLLY thumbed copy of "Jack Armstrong-All American Boy" W.U.U'AM T. ELUa;rr APPAREL will see that you're dresaed rtght! 1835 Newport Ave., ... ·~Why, Helefl.'' I stammered, "l didn't know you William!T . Elliott, 88, 506 Third Costa Mesa. cared." Blushing furiouely, Heien quickly hid the tell· St., Coro,. d el Mat, died Frld&Y. • • • . tale book between the stats or a ~~netlan blind; "Tell ln St. Jo~h hospital a.tter an ex Good newlJ? YOU SAID A MOUTHFUL me about the \V1.ndow Shade ~bustneu," .,I said, deftly tended il1*•- RONEY! Buy a Bagful of Burgers! For J6c each! putting her .at eue. "WbSt Is there Jerl to say ?" she replied as He WU !born ln Middletown, Ia... Now you can get a divine pamburges "on the nm" her eyes traversed the traver91e rod.a. "Has there been any clia.nge and had lived in California 46 ineaning to take out !Or f6c, each at the Kottage In the Shade Market!" I q~stioned~ '"?'lo," r'etumed Helen, ''Window years and n Corona del Mar three Kate in Costa Mesa! These a~ large size Manning shades still go down at night -.nd up ln the morning. I still repair years, He waa a ca.ii>enter. beef .burgers on a sesame se'.ed bun with a lu.Hh and reverse old wtndow sbaaes; or fna.ke brand new ones. 'I still SUJ"{ivo include his wife, Mn. home-made relish. For l5c you might think the sell drapery hardware." "Yes, J gueaa eyerythlng's been aaJd," t ad• S ·, :till tt, Corona del Mar; M e meat came fron1 Santa Anita , . Brisket. out of milled. Except for one little .old thing ... THE SHADE SHOP n E . Elliott, Los An- Sea-Biscuit . , But no! W ith the interests Of IS AT '61-4 29th St., Newport. Harbor 884. _ ~ brothers, Jame£ S., you. my hungry little readers at heart, I ate one of e e • Slin ;Ju;i.J: Lester S .• Dallas. Tex.: these as a lab.test and it was terrific! Rea lly good! -i LIKE To eat lunch or a hearty snack Fr~ Ai:iuquerque, N. M., Geo., En:i.est Mattox owner or the Kottage Kafe 88.'-'S by With looki d b k Neit-Y"t..a\iuon. la. and Walter of J no one ng own my ac Iowa 'and · wo sisten, Mrs. Corlilss handing these delights out the window and with I like a ple••••t friend ly o•-·aphere . __., · uuv Williams, Danville, la. and Mrs. nO waitresses to gum up the overhead, he can sell Eating tobd or sipping beer _ .. the~to you at this low price. The 'ldea being that I li-.ate a witress who scowls & pouts Mildred villa, Burlington, Ia. . ·' r• Funeral1 services w ill ··be con-,...;.....--...~--.J he w nts to sell a lot or hamburger-s. These a re 1:1.s it to say, '•Hurey & eat & then get out." ducted byt mtimber of the Christ· just ireat for feeding yoll r family a quick dinner which they'll love I like a friendly r;reeting, a pleasant smile or if you're having a party, or if you're just plain hungry. Me It makes me want io linger awhile 'fU.esday i Borwn Colonial chapel. ian Scienl e chul'C'-h at 11 a. m. and Ernest guarantee you'll be pleased wlt,h his delicious hamburg· I like my food t.astfulJy prepared Jntttrment will be ln FalrhaV'"1'1 ers at ll5c. Koltage Kate Is a t 1920 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa and Spic & span &: unpoUuted air . . . r · is open fron1 11 a. m. until 8 p. m .. cla8ed T ues. A little green Ah, so you have found that lovely spot t•enlelery. cottage one block beyond the .J.tesa Theat~r. Where you feel you're liked aJot! f)SCAR d. Pl'MPHRE,. • e • So meet me tomorrow al the ANCBG.(f CAFE O,scar C~ Pumphrey, 57, of New- . , . . ~ .Every Tae1iJa~ N°tWPdRT BAY. POST-W~n . NEWPOR!l'-BALBOA PRESS-Thandaya , N........,_ .... ~..._ ·. IDN1kulr AD IB 4 UNE8 , NeWpoft ~· ._ a1s tnet ..._ w rm t11 -·r rtr A.II ChWDelt , mu& be ~ f9r ~ tD ... w el .-ka d1a 4 IJnee · , 1 Paper ' .111 • u-' % Papen UiO t Lines S Papen %.00 l'he publlMe* not be rwpoulble tor more than on111 'twzwt tnaertlon Of an dvertJHeient. ruerw the rtght to correctlJ' de.,, any and all and to reject aa7 advertisement not confonnlJW to rulea. a.od rel\Cattoha. Advertilementa and cancellaUons wUl be acceptod qp to ~ p.m. on the day preceding publlcatton. Pb. Bar. 111.• PlloDe Bar. t~-sk fo'f .. Ad !'al&r" or 9eud ad a.I remttlaace h N RT HARBOR PUBLISHING CO. ftl Bal-Blvd. Newport BMc11. Oollfonda. • 1-U81lf1:811l GUIDE • ' COMPLlt'rlll e9u8Jll CLEANING .ervtce. FuillJtme and rup lllwlq>ooed. I Bne eot1mai- Fully~ Al's Ho'llse &.Rug Cl~g Co. =t e111 · 72tf~ For Venejtian Blinds, Shades and Prapery Hdwe. THE SH.j\.DE SHOP Free estimatf!S Ph. Har 884 514". 29th St.1 Newport Beach ·1. 7&92 12-BUILDlNG 'SERVICES PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1515 Santa Ana Ave., .... Coata. Kea Phone Beacon 5504- 79<92 • ROOFERS ' • PAINTERS • CARPENTERS • RUG CLEANERS • HOUSE CLEANERS • FIX IT SHOPS Harold K. Grauel Chapel WE'LL .. h•_ v.e. breakfast or lunch t heri· everyJ)Hy ~ port Bea~, dieod Friday in tile "WHERE 'S FUN-LOVING HO WARp ERWOOD, THE Y9UNG· Holl ood h I EST OF THE ROVER BOYS ? \Vhere 1.s he now? Hong-Kong, yw ospital, Hollywood. THIS Jove lyric was contribut~ to the Anchor Cs.re Private fufieral aervlces w ere held Cairo, or T iang·Fu ?" I exclaimed In a loud voice to no one in s d j I pa.rticular . "As a matter of ract, he's probably at the pool-hall." by a grateful patron Anc hor Cafe, 7110 Coasl aHtur ay n ng lewood cemetery. I Hiway. Newport. e is SfJrvived by his widow, lll-BUILDIN~ 8EBVICE8 H. H. }JOLBROOK DEPENDA&l.E PLUMBING A lj'rompt l Your ad appeartng reg- ularly in these columns will bring you many new customers. Harbor area folks are in the habit ot "looking in the dassi· fled'' when they need these services . I answered back. Glancing furtively about Erwood's Shop for a • • • Mrs. Carol!. ~umphrey, a daughter, stray penny or· a stick or gun1 on the floor. n1y quick bro\l.'n e.ve LADIES F ASHIONABLY INCLINED WILL ENJOY THE SILVER M.rs. Art4*r Hurd of Be rkeley, 8 TEA AND FASHION SHOWING AT RACAN'S RESTA URANT ro f't, a.rsliall C., Seattle, window. There in Dr. Erv.·ood's own fine Spencer ian script were w -'-CORONA DEL MAR, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, al 2 :30 p. m. THE a,,__u ., an a si&ter, Mrs. Boyd Pbone: Bea.con 6610 110 Broad,vay Cati.ta Mrsa me the News "'Times. ._., __ _ Phone: ~ lU&-.Vr 1 1 the good one 1 fell on the modern green n1isl table. in the front b th f,I the typewritten words: THlS BE:,AUTIFU L MJSTY GREEN H AR D-SILVER TE.• IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHILDREN'S Munger, I vine·. _::=============-· ,,.,~ooo . G ATELEG TABLE, " CHAIRS "'ITH FABRIC SEATS. ... • AND A SERVER ARE LISTED AT s 22o. I Wn.L SELL ALL 6 HOME SOCIETY. VELMA O'BRIEN WILL PREVIEW HER . He was flSSociate<l '-''ith the An-l801 Balboa Bl~. Newport~ C. L. dCHNER P ost and Press combina- tion with over 21,flOO cir- culation. PIECES FOR $1 39. THIS ELEGANT TABLE FOLDS INTO A 2-4°" LATEST COWNS, COATS AND ACCESSORIES. AT HER dre..,.· Bro\$ Paint Co. of Los An- 'SERE.NADE TO SPRING' FASHION PARADE gt>les for the past 20 years. He LIVING ROOM TABLE ... UNFOLDED IT WILL SEAT S t d d ~· t ~ • • • • ten e anta Ana schools, and Bu1'ld1'ng ontractor HEARTY EATERS. COME AND GET IT OR ELSE. Signed "''as 8 m mber of the Griz.zl)'S, . 1 ER WOOD. -407 E. 8.>\LBOA B LVD .. BALBOA. Madam, does your husband have cold feet? Scientists working "'i'th the l.Jt 4th F ield Artillery, in Estimate.a on !New Construction e e e qvertime in laboratories ha ve discovered that one of 'the ma.in World Wa~ I . ahd I Repair -------------BE SURE-INSURE with Phone Harbor 1616 today and ask for the ad-taker. S~laJ monthly rates. • "It-PERSONALS MA UBIE ST .L'<LEY lnsunuaoe Only Phone Harbor 1779 !Z6 Ma.ride Ave. Balboa 18land R UN LIKE THE WIND. ~!ARY '. That is tf you causes o! this unhealthy condition IS 'Draft of the Work-Shoe' PHONE HARBOR 1164-M ' "'ant to have a!' stylish halr-do ~ but wait, I have a A tin\" hole-in the sole may be letting In air rrom the Japa nese H Id 'H . • f I 73c74h Alcoholics Anonymous ~-------------more practicaJ idea . . and one far less tiring. Curre0t or the Gulf Stream. On t he other hand, or perhaps I 0 earlftCJ Or .. · .....1................. \\lrite P. o . Box 205 Virginia Read or Ruth's Beauty Shop attended t he should say foot. HI-fitting \l."Ork shoes ma.y be cramping the ! P AJ....E'4'l'iNG Balboa Island, Calif. . w. Stuart Foote GENERA L INSURANCE Cou_rleo•~• hiformati<m 2117 .Balboa Hl\·d. recent meeting of the Long Beach Beauty Guild. man's toes and shutting ofr circulation--which of ("our~ results in Burglary Suspect Phone Kim berly 3-5393 I It seems the latest Coiffure demonstrated is not cold feet. Barber's Bootery working toe to toe v.·ith 8Cientisu.. j j EARL HEFLIN very Jong hair, and as Virginia described it. offer men's ""·ork shoes of hi&'h quality and fitness. Tfu~y have Robert ~uis Coe, t8, from the 273 Palmer t .• Coeta Me• PRECISION 1 "smooth and contoured to the head. but swept a com plete stock or all purpoM', men's shoes; oxfords as welJ as boat Na~ty Gal. 'Lido Peninsula Bea. 7-M: 94c9 W t h o... . . back and up as tho' striding in a strong wind." 6 · 8 · 10 Inch high top shoes. A particularly tine high or low work s hlpyarO, }Will face two counts of a C "1.'\.Cpa.Lr1ng There is a Jitt~ feminine suggestion of a bang or ty pe ror me~ or boys . is th~ one :''ith Neo-Cor_k sole_. This i51 a non· burgla.ry.1t a preliminary hear-INTERIOR :-EXTERJOR ELECTRONICALLY dip of a '-''ave over the forehead. The back is conductor, oil and acid re:,ustant shoe with 011 ~a.in , c:hro~e upper Jng Tuesd y in Newport to wnship i p A~TJNG TESTED At'-'D TIMED The trend tncl1ncs toward less curll\. a.nd more a;anable. Keep your men folk fit at BARBER'S BOOTERY, 1795 ~eor---.Js-a.n-a:tg1ltd' on "the • _J..ICENSED -INS~, J186 Newport Blvd ., Costa · " s\l.'irled with. a fringe or short curls at the nape. . $7.85 SS .SS-Sl0.85. Also a fe"' Carlyle 10 mch top field boots court . ~1 Louck's Jewelr~· waves! Get the picture? Well anyway. Virginia Ne\l.·port Ave .. Costa Mesa. ctiarges 18.st w eek before Judge Glenn ~phnston g1 MA.Tl'Rr.SSES has the new do, letter perfect and says that it's • • • D . .J. Dodg).. Bail was set at $1000. 501·31st St. 1 Newport Beaeh Boat&-Home.-TraUera very becoming to tmost women. So r!-1n like t he '--'-'-...:.-~ ARE YOU BESIDE YOURSELF! Then ~e~ort1 police allege Coe took · Barbot: 2297~J 34.c48 :More (':'lassjtied on next page. l~,rular Shap.::11 wind over to Ruth's Beauty Shop _ .. for a ~.-Indy hair do . Then n1ove next to some one else and listen to me ! .. a d1str1buttr. fuel pump, two pliers BEAL'OS 6061 :.troll leisurely back to face cheers and admiring glances fron1 lo\•ed If you're beside yourself trying to figure a "'-a)'-two end l"renches and a screw i c.AMlt& MP.AA Mattreu ~ ones ~ 338 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar. Harbor 2907. to pay income ta.xea a.nd bllls and still eat. ~ driver, a1,i /val~~ at $40 from the 6 Harb! loafs • e • e throw d°"''TI 'that honid sheet of figures and _.. -:'7~ .c.-ommerc1a!I fishing boat, 'I,'wirp. r • ZlGO Newport Blvd. l fli• at once to the BAYSIDE FISH MARKET. -roorrNi a'· Norm's Landing. (Continued fro 1 Pace l) Three Hurt ( Contlnuf'(J fro1n Page 1) '-------------~ 1.fORGAN'S COFFEE COVE in the All-American Afkt., Ne\I.'· ..,-port is fast becoming kno\vn as the Mugport of Newport. Renleffi· You can buy a whole Red Rock Cod fresh in Balboa. f ' ment truck driven b)' Bob Colinger ' . ' Water Heaters SERVl('t: &: Rt:I,AIRS Joe Bedddd Autborlr.ed Ih>al1•r Duy ~ Sight llt'ft.f.t>ni TEJt~S f ~O'-Oaotn on •I~ H•••••t Phone Har~r 25--1 '?-\\' -~· ~ -1 -"1 AD LIB ~ARGO Is in This Paper For EXPERT BODY~ FENDER Repairi119 ~ PAINTING ·I sec CHUCK !Body & Fender he pt. !~~-~.-..•----~-·--~~. 1 1,1 __ eom_pa_ ...... _""""'_-~: I F•• Q....Uty Worlc JleMoliMU •,I • ,.,. ... -~---' '. -. . , • ber we ran a name contest for Nora Morgan's bakery and coffee from t he Pacific Ocea.n for ~c lb. That's as is Navy cthaplain F'EATHER -:-Alado, D . F. An· at 11th St. and Bal~ Blvd., New· bar? The chosen name is now Morgan's Coffee Cove ... Which price ... ·as is' meaning jwit like it comes out I derson, Cabrillo' Beach. port Beach. Deaklris• car was of the "'ater. Now )'Ou can buy fresh, local Addres.:es B•pt•15 t 01l...h1... hurled 20 feet after striking the has a rakish. salty sort of air, don'•t )"OU think ? Speaking of Salty 1 "" •·& air, as "'e "'ere ... .:"Jora has wonderrul salt-rising bread every Sat. Halibut "'ith the insides out tor only 40c lb. Go . Men• S B. rotherhood DEMERARRA ~ No. 3, Gent' truck . No one was. injured. . for Zl5c a thrO\I.'. This week"s Friday a.nd Saturday S~cial is an outside or stay ins.ide but think about using fresh f ish as a cheap , Curry, Santa M;onica . At the intersection of Golden-.. Apple Sauce Cake with Caramel frosting for 38c. I bought one. I delicious way to fan your budget back to life! The Bayside Fish Ch I . , W PENGUIN N 1924 Robert rod A ve .. and Coast Highway, Co· Mkt b th f ·-• . da I f tt th . bo t k ap aiq . We.}·th Willa.rd, Woodward, Ball.n..o. , rona d I M at 5·2• p S tu ate it. It was wqnderful! It's a good investment! MO'l"gan'.s Cof!_ee · gra 8 e 1""1 tn i )' rom 0 eir own 8 s, so you no1,1,· "most decbrated" of Navy chap-r-_--: e ar · " · m. a r~ Cove also carries oven fresh, gastro-delighling French Pastries. fancy it hasn't been laytng a.round gathering barnacles. Alexander Ham-Jains. he!~ his audience in rapt RAINBOW -,-No. 73, Bob Mann day there was a collision .resulting do~nuts. pies and cakes. I ha ve seen many intelligent people pick illon, of the Newport PreS8 says, "My wife buys fish, lobsters, attention }vhen he spoke Monday Alamitos Bay. I in minor damages to the two cars out a coffee cake o r a chocolate do-n ut and sit right at the Coffee crabs and shrin1p. from the Bayside F ish Mkt. all the tin1e. and it 's evening a't a meeting of the WIN' ARD SABOT ~ No. 32, T. involved. A car driven by Jack bar and eat it. washing it down '-''i th a n1ug of corree at MOR GAN'S all "'onderful ~" BAYSIDE FISH MKT., 2800 Lafayette. Newport. Aten's Brlotherhood of c 0 st a K. Colberg, Redondo Beach. B. Seach, Holl)"\11/ood, was stop- COFFF..E COVEJ, ALL-.1\.MERICAN MKT .. NE\.\'PORT. e e e Mesa FirJi Baptist church as-' he NAPLES SABOT -Tomahawk, ped for a tfaffic light when lt was J Th " 1 B h it in the rear by a car driven by • • • A READER'S [?\'DIGESTION described bnrfie of his experiences erry ompson, A amitos ay. f'ARLYLE'S J ( forTYN"rl.r Al's) MO DERX ·"--''» PRO\'INCl.4.L l 'SPAISTED t916 :O.'F.WPORT BL\'D .. COSTA MESA. . -~ f'l "KN'ITl'Kf-: • • • HEY BABE! WANT T O EARN SOME l.fONEY AND SOME SPARE TIME ? WANT TO MAKE AN HONEST DIME ? HERE'S THE GIMMICK ' YOU CAN GET l Oc OFF OF EVERY LAUNDRY TICKET AT THE WASHERE'TTE ON TUES· -="==~~~ DAY, WEDNESDAY, OR THURSDAY IF YOU ..; TELL THE),{ I TOLD vpu SO! YOU CAN LE-AVE YOUR LAUNDRY FOR WASHING & FLUFF DRYING AT THE WASHERE'ITE ... AND GO OUT AND ENJOY THE SPARE TIME. SPEND THE DIME YOU SAVE. LIVE IN THE GRAND MAN- NER! ENJOY LIFE, DRINK A LARGE COKE. OR BUY 2 HERSHEY B.~S ! THIS IS A BONAFIDE OFFER : ASK FOR THE l OC DISCOUNT T UES. WED., OR THURS. AT THE WASH· ERETTE. 404 COAST BLVD., CORONA DEL MAR. HARBOR r Crellin Griffith. 223 Via Ravena, Have you ever been reading your newspaper ot an evenihg when he ~rved with th@ Marines Small Beats Lido I.ste. a nd -suddenly in the midst of 8. startllng expose of the sewer over seas during the ·war. FLATrIES Gambol~eT', Ira Construction wor.k and the con- sy!-ltem or a jockey suspension, come across something like this ?: Woodroo/ Cooper was r lnaster Rohland, Los Apgeles. sequent bottlt!necking Qf traffic "The Echnlda C&JU~ -•4\Ji~~ .. er~s j~r.c,IJ!ftf flrW,, ;1P.r vision." of· ceremotiies at the d;lnner, serv-SNIPE-Duchess, R obert Wolfe, 00 Coast Hig-hway:\,near~· These ctivertihg little t4rh.i .kiu)Wl\'<i>'Qie trade' at 'Fillers' keep ed by wdrnen of the church. ·A San Lui.8 Obisp·. • Bridge continued ·tcf,b@ii cropplng up all over t.,he paper ... Apparep.Uy whenever the type-band fro~ El Toro Marine base, INT. · 110 -Ugh, K.leln, sa.n to drlvt-rs. --i; 'f 1 settee gets· la-a J.ittJra &ft .o•er-• .,.ce, hea.·jttSa lULe up.lhe crac.ks, fall directed lfY H. F. Birch, played Diego. ' At 2:37 p. m. Saturday,'a three where they may, and you can lake th• <'Onsequences or canc~l your sacred mqsic. SKIMMER -Charmer, Charley car accident took place ln that subscription. · Pastor ~euman will speak Sun-MenilL AlamltOs Bay. area . The car of Homer A. Bar· \ Sometimes these brittle, factual hole-e~adicators c~ be . do""" I day morn_\~g' on ''The Conflict of LJGHTNING 1 ._ G-Wiz, Camp· kus, San Diego. W&6 hit by a car right unnerv1ng. For example, the other night, I wu r ight m .tl1e Our Faithj' and in the evening on bell. driven by Rolda.it F . Erickeon, middle ot an article called "Diet Will Bulge You In T~e Popular "The Tr~ of Our Faith.". The MERCURY -Imp, Halton, Los Camp Pendleton, which had ~ Place•." When I turned the page, there without warning I was Men's chdir will sing at the eve-. Angeles. jolted forward after being athic1t confronted with this gn.ie!Ome question: "In terms of the law, W the ning s erv e. · THISTLE _ N.Route George in the r ear · by a car driven by Sparrow signed a confeaaion that be killed Cock Robin. would he be Coffin,·N ewporl Harbor. ' . Frank l.f. Pentruf of camp Pen- guilty or must his guilt be proven?" Fi Id T • I INT. 1-4. -'. Figet, Carol Ann dleton. Erickson's car' had to be Now some of these Fillers are admittedly informative 11.ke this e rta 5 -Jones, Newpor) Harbor. towed to a garage. The othn two one: "J . s . 1Bach fire:t .used his thumbs to play the Clavier." and C Power Boat. automobiles" had minor damagea. "Cru·•·, Strawberries with whipped cream It sn-r are sometimes ( oattnu~ from Pace I) ~~ --CLASS A v all n A aimi.lar accident at the .ame refe-ed to •• 'Strawbe~ Fool'." , · Among these will be such field --, er e ,·Larry . , • ~ ··J MacDo ll Lo spot occurred at 11 :22,_p. m. ~ Oh well. when a. friend says to you, "Dl~ you see in\ the paper 1 trial championa as Brigna.ll's we • ~g Beach. day. Cars dr~ven by A . F . Jones, a.bout Dick Tracy &.Blow Top!'' You can snap b&Ck, "No, hut 1 ,Bringo, Black Panther, Cliff Pat-Van Nuys and Dorothea F . Stark,..- do reme mber that soybean& were first imported t4to the l J,,iterl rick'. RJp of Wake and Nimrodo-y arclley Sets San Diego, were stgpped in \ine. A states in . 188-4 • . ." Speaking ot fillers-WOW! Signed D:·ad, rum Duke. car driven b)' Anthony erus, Sa.a • • • (Compositor). Headquarters for the trials will (Continued f Diego, piled into the second car 2:166-W. FREE PARKING. YOU MAY EXCUSE YOURSELF AND GO FLY -'--.:_-----------,-----,,-------:---;be at Ken Niles Villa Marina and th~ fr.ee throw . e was the deter· ·which bumped the first Car. Dam~ A KITE! This is Kite Fly ing weal.her and be8ldes. Lambs s-y ..._ Free o•inner aigbanht. quet Wlth"ll beNheld. on SatHa~y mtntnc factor. e made-g~ on ages were minor. ••w ""'"" n at e ewport rbor 11 of -bl! 14 chances. remember. what It ctid for Benny Franklin. Air-borne y ch I b . -~,----KIT H• h 8 t c u · Lineups and ~ts: Clusltled ada cost HtUe, do macb. ES ARE lOc at the BALBOA 5&10. And Kite Flyers Flock Near ICJ way <Contlllood -p-ti ~ (5') r-· s. Aa .. nle (64) need tee-shirts! Balboa 6&10 has a brand new ship· sta.ndlng •peakere in the nation, ESTATE eF DAUGH-o ment, sizes l ·• 14 for 79c up in Hopnloogs, stripes. Like the Yale Univeralty gtu--;;-· ·-ardley <23) F · C7) Rosner plain or figured. Keen Terry cloth shirts 8. 1-4 for 98c dents, there were othera wbo withell 'e~erun·thge. keynote speaker fo~ HEstate I of Mra. Maud Hartley .:lohnOOx (8) F {8) N-icb.ola F ~ • unt of ~-d I ~--h died , Melqulat Ill IC (10) 11Vlcl or potential Kite Flyers, Taylormade infant's shi rts & • might have been sin . the 1 -........,rona e -..-. w o .,.. ~se of the . meeting is to F b o· I( (2) ~ 16) ~--b n.ities, sleeve or sleveless 35c : •Sc. Buater Brown anklets for all chorus "We are poor llt~e lambs e ·' 1 • wW go to her dauebter, e~ . ...~ th• k1'ds. And •·-'t let "· m--~ at the BALBOA ••to dl~urb you! " thla k bring about a better ttpirit or fel-Mrs. Laun, e Hunt .n. ... of 411 Shafer (1) fll) Guillen uvo w.n:: ~ vc.: <>L who bave gone .utray ee ~ Jow9h.IP between veterans and to T __ ,,_......,, A --,-I · They're redecorating. but go right in They're open tor plenl.y of d -'--' -r .. r ~.. Cqrona deJ ,..r, Scoring ·aum t Orange -Rich·1 · en · · an•.._ .. the problems that they u d t th .-.. --1 h ~--~-(51 ~-"" I")' ~L 0 --•-business at 300 MAIN. BALBOA. A stray lamb walked into Ken -3 --n er enna o er "'""' .... , c .•-· •TUB • .._.,..,! ~ • ~ o:>s.1a -....- • • • fac@l in the world today. been f''__,. for-._ ......... ~ :"!':r.or t ..... to -PUett I), Haya f:S), Jac-Niles Drive-In. Marine A•e. and .u-. _ ... u...oc <UI ~ PRETTY IS AS PRETrY DOES! A beatrtiful faoe, but a Bav.ide Drift. Friday morning. cour.t. 'f'h.e estate was llated u ap.. obeen'.1(5). ' t ,-A • ' Yi j ~-pl'Oltbnaiel $20""" In pe-1 Hlllttlme ocor'e: Mt. San Antonio heart or rock crystal! A sleek cha.sis but 'a motof. that knocks! Luckily, (for the Lamb) there waa 1111 1 gels ., OS I property i..d a r"~ ·del ~ .... 26 0 ~ · •Co$ Yes, yes I )m~w it'.s eaay to get tooled wbe.n }'OU buy a u.sed car. nO mint jelly ava.llable and the ~ .~-~e 1 .t 22., ' But it ain't "'!lecessartly 90, BUifer. The La,_guna aeaeh Linc., lamb ended up at tbe ·animal hos-({)Miff ed ..... Pase 1) reakleace. l I ~ercury Used Car Lot ~ any .ruJ.mber ot. excellent trade~ma f"tm pltal ln Corona det Mar. The ho&-Ge.rditer. cbalnnan. and Lea Stef. . . '• · a..&• ~· -.: ," fiile, old Blue Book families. You could cet a car there that .)l)U pJt.al tumed tbe lamb hack ~ Uae tanaen, ·-ioutm~. 0 ~l offi. MOULDS :nJ& UL.UJ8 ~ .,, • ., wouldn't be &Bhamed to. take home to meet your mother. ~l~ herders who -have t.belr ~on ce:n will be ·appolDted wlM!n re-If"YoU're a lover of ~~.u. "'la· Aeilcler ;natter of NCOrd. a -very ~ frieJJd .of mlAe whom. we ahaJl tM: Irvine nncb &djolnJnc the tums from the membenlllp' ~-ada and p1attn 10N 1ta,. klolt~ ~ , • ...,._ .. C&price Tidball (llhe d<JUl!'t ~e ~er real IWIM) boucht a voed 'i"r: Coast Bjghway near ~ del, c&!i<>M are ~ted. ~ WU the cupboard for.~ and •111_'' A. Gytna ' 'lnutl«I ~' from. Jt-d BueU at th.la .very p1SCe. Cai>*e ,.ity nu .-...S. apd Kar. · , ii ~ Uil!t. Ille ~ at. tlj~ next tr!~ mokto. Tea cupo are per-tile Alt Jo dent t*Jt. ;.,;.i... of .her car ·.has been a, Joy &11d an 1nopii-aU.1 • tlfi': -·· joy 1• ·. Otbtt laml>o and .... P were re-Puierbls -.id ·bo ffa:l'lr'W•JdL ffci .<~r "'oldiJ>C uipl .. ; '"'""IS • --·[Alell& Qll!>om' 1nsp1r. Is a •49 Olda !' ..., ..... ~the • -uWlll ror $2296., >\. -Pol'led on Bal--and .Alone ~ · i dl.t'-ate oftai 1-.i f'!" -i# alj llaU • Clalft, .illdllpn .., tlle ioy. but a very deu one . ,., . 411 :Ford., 2•dr., "!'llo. boater. O"DrJin the cwt BIJlllWa1. I • --sun ' cj>.1-......... "'_ -.,... ~-.. . -~ .,, ~ rt - ror $15'5. Alld let me -tbore'a a •n Chev Olub cpe~Wlih n4fo The lml'<!o ·herd of -., .si!lned, A • Rob<rt W of Jeb, ;ah.-ftia ,. and ~ .':::-:': .• ":'-.. " .._--ewpor · ' We.~ the blgll ~ and I {.. ' I d .,.,_., '. --·-< y, IP'ell.19'. ' A M.tu, a good _. foa: S'll5. -... ~! · ~ Oftr aeto -1 11 cn>elt)', ~Alice ic.,W~ bu -'1"'14 ,plalln 7 ~.,,di'· ·"'"•""I ' tb~. Nowi""1l;f Mere. UM can.. 14o >J, Cout -8.1\fd,. 't..acua& t15Ua. ~ ~ dlmrVptect tbe ftoW".of trst.ac or a ~ ......... ~ ' Ylnely. Brs:t11]1rl'6 1 +ti Mr& 01•~·• . , · · • • • • .· ... • · I ..-i •1111o. ' · ~ ~"'-murt.a .t . -... ~a 11i1te -C:XIMJ! UPON Kr KND, l\'™ WtHD<-t411o 1'>q ~ a · if-ZOU .... a ~ _., """"'~ entjle, liiliii,. Dec. 17, lH'f. ,::Ii' 19\!l.-.,,_. o i. W' - -Mt., epcitber =' 11_.....,.._a"aot 'aD-fllund \CiUf.tor lyou. -~---'i.~• JOW' .,_..be"~--Doe. H 111' 0 "'"'llPl'r.!-.Y-.. ···--aiijjj'll ~ nltl·n, juot """" ...... !"'Ullo~~~ TOO -""7~1'fllll-"""!_llle-~ ~..,S~~ -. .............. ._ ____ , , · · ·~=~~~~..:·;..ii:~.:::: . , . ·' :.r = ;,u ~M c •!Sie ::'·~~! .. ·.-:.:•;;I ~ 01 . fr~,.,.. .• -+-"'-'":-'-;< . I.Ila -oi .Illa ~ poll ,... ·-. tba1 ~ -'lllO&a' ••• , .... -Ille ----*· . ~· . . i .~:-=-=1 ~:.-:1" -. . ' ' ) J " \ r L I I I· i I • .. f I ' • ' • • TUESDA ,. FEBRUARY 27, 1.Sr I ~ J: . ~I ~-~Ult 14-MIJBl<iu. MDiO · . ti AP&aniCN'h a llOIJllml • . !! . !'!el; !l8TATll .• ' MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE FIVE • Buy Them While You Can! S~ otucllo upri,-ht pllno CHOICE I bedroom. a-bath bay· In perfect condfUOn. 'l'!irma MO , frol1t apt. Beautltul bay vtew. down and $15 mo at SHA.FER Good beat. private l>eadl. Jl311 J------------•::_ MUSIC Co., (1lnce 1907) 421 ,. mo. to June 16 or aliCbU)'.hlSb· Brand New 3 BDRM home on broadway tn Cost.. MNa. Among the beat new hom~ . s la really · lovely and well t with Jlwd. floor• and many q lty features. Will go ll'HA or G .l . Submit Lenna. ON THE WATER Owner Says "Sell eautiful Bayfront Home" . • 11'--SHARI.: YOUR CAR NEED RIDE to Los Angeles dally. and return. Phone Bea. 91~ or 6572-W after 5 p.m. 83c86 U-.WST ASD FOITND LOST -Llberal reward for male ~ Dachshund who d!Nlppea red from 5101 Seashore Drive on F €'b. ' 3. Phone Harbor 0809-J Pvcnlngs. 84p89. %1--81TUATIONS WANTED STUDENT wanu part time work afte rnoons, w eek ends. Exp. es- crow . till€' Ins. Drop 11. card or call at 607 Marigold, Corona del Ma.r. 83p85 WAN'T POSITION as cQrnpanion housekeeper, 8 yrs. experience. Live in. \Vrite Box W care of this pa.per. 83p85 REFINEO LADY wants house-1 work by the day, or baby sit· t ing anytime. AIM mfltemity caMs by the week. Bea. 6917 · W SEE THESE LOW PRICES ·Meat Rationing ? Here's one way. to beat the pouible ahort.ace- Buy a Home Freezer! Philco· freezer chest, 5 cu. ft ............ : ...... $179.95 Philco 7 \I" cu. ft.. u p- right f reezer ......... $239.95 • XLNT Buy -Crosley Shelvador, guaran teed, new motor, ·new unit, new paint only .............. : ....... $174.95 Ket'p in touc h with U8 for goOO buys In TV sets being traded In - EASY T ERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1~. HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 or Bea. 6128-J. 83p8~ 10 JN. C ROSLEY Television with • , magnlfh•r . Praclically n('W, l1!'"l0 EXPERIENCED MAN want.8 po-cash only. 506 Avocado Avf'., &ltlon as mot(>! or apl manager. Corona d<'l Mar. ~ 8.'M:81' N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kim-er by )le&r. berly. 2·0872. 83~c GREENLEAF I< ASSOC. ffPINEI' PIANO. Full keyboard. 3112 Newport Blvd., Hu. :zooa dLM:ontlnued model. Beautttul . 7Ctfc cue and tone. Only $39~. Tenn• 1 DANZ.SCHMIDT Plano Co., 520 No. M&.ln, Santa Ana, comer 6th. BDRM unturnlahed apL, .SO. of highway. $M mo yearly, lnqulre 605 P'ernleat, Corona del Mar. Pb. Harbor 929·W. Mcae -----------· WANTED-00 planoa. Trade In your old piano on a Grand I Spine t) or beautiful tclevtslon. HIJ,!'hest ca.sh , allowance. Terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO C.O .. corner 6th, ~20 N. Maln, Sant.a Ana. LARGE l BDRM. apt., fuml.shed. Yrarly rental only. Newly deeo- rated, gar. 7207 Seaahore Drive. Hubor OGM·W. Mcl6 FURNISHED APl'. yearly rent. UtiUUee paid, newly decorated. If yOq want sometJ¥ng nlcf", call at 309 • 34th, Newport Beach. 85p87 hNT A PIANO, $5 per month All rent allowed If you buy with- in terms . DANZ-SCHMlIYr, 520 N. Maino Sant.a Ana. ------~~-----I FURNISHED Ntnt. clean 3 and 4 ELECTRIC ORGAN. Like new, I rm. apl.8. Elec. refrlg. Utll paid. ramou• makt.•. Save $200. Terms.' $40 .and $-4 5 mo. t.to June J&U.. Electrified OrJ:'~n. WK!~ ly 301 E. Bay A vc., Balboa: Ha.r- $175. Fer church or honte. l?or 1959·J. 85c87 Schrnidt. 520 N. Main, o<itl~ CQ5:~y Apn:~IN CASE bun~ upright piano In fine coaZ BALBOA PENINSULA-Very at- tractive ly furnished 2 bedroom house, $66 mo. to June lst. Har- bor 3019·R. MUc $265, terms. S25 down and '10 '------------- 1110. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. 1 BDRM FURNISHED APT, nr. ISince 1007} 421 N. Sycamore, library in Balboa. Adults only, Sant.a Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. $60 n10 .. yearly basis, utll. J?d. 80Uc Phone Beacon 6433-J. • 83c95 Will also consider malntenancl' I · ------------- or carte-taker or private estate. UNIVERSAL TABLE TOP Cas COME IN and play the .Wonder-ful Kew Hammond Chord Or-Will J;?o anyw-hrrf' 1n Calif. rHl5 12 Range. 2 9 -9 x 12 rug!&: pads. gan. Even it you don't know '4-ROOMS FOR RENT E . Bay Avl'., Balbon. Harbor good floor covC'rings. Lawn 8 n ote of music you can play 2581 ·R. 8Sc90 mower & edger. Auto l~gagt• beautiful music In tt'n mlnutc11. carrie r. Beacon 5817·?.1. 85p87 OANZ-SCHMJDT Bia Piano.alld YOUNG LA DY, agr ZO. experi- 1 • encetl typist and gl'nf'r&.l orricf' STAR MARINE MOTOR. recent-Organ Co., 520 N. Main, Santa work needs position P<'rmanent ly overhauled. AL S 0 paddle Ana. rt•stdent. Bf'acon 67-41-M . 85c87 board. 2 pr. oars. 50 lb. ice box. TRADE your old piano or hand Whee l chair and hospital bed. instrument for its full cash COLORED GIRL wants w ork by the hour or day. Klmbt'rly 3-7~2. house Phone 85p87 comp_lrte. No rt'aaona.ble o ffer value on a PttrkRrd Bel l tele· refused. 611 N . Bay Front. Bal· vision at SHAFER Mt:JSIC Co. Boa Is.land. Har. 04S6-J . 85c87 (since 1907' 421 N. Sycon1ore, EXP$IE.'1'CED boat man dl•.si rcs part lime work n1al ntalnlng a Somebody Wants .,. boat in the NeYfJ>Ort -Balboa That used turnlture, bric-a·brac, area. Phone Harbor 2865-M. paintings', etc!., now taking up 85p87 ep.ace In your garage. Find a buy- ----~-~ .. ------1 er with a c laMlfled ad in the F INE LA UND_RY o r lrf1ning o~ly . News-Times, Poat. and.Presa com - , H elp Y.'it~ d1nn('r pnrtil'S . ., P1ck· j blnation . Jus t Phone Harbor 1816, up and dcllv<'r. Call Bea. ::.~9 1-W . say: "I want to place a Cla.sslfled &'k87 1 Ad," and a courteouit ad-taker will -------------help you write an effective ad. H--HELP WA.NT!:D WANT RELIABLE ~1A N for part t ime ma.inlcnanc(', boat and 1 beac h houSf'. Give reference~. SI-WANTED TO BUY BOOKS WANTED Sant.a. Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. 83tfc II-STORES A OFFICl.:8 A-1 LOCATION on Main St., Ba.I· boa, near Pavilion. Spa.cc occu- pied by prest'nt P . 0 . Owner will remodrl to suit lt'nant. SEE Mrti. McAd0o, 700 E . Bal- boa Bl\-d ., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 153 or Harbor 2873-W. 75<:87 4S-APARTMENTS ~ HOITS!:S BALBOA ISLAND · ex p<'rience a nd compensation d(· 21irOO . Write Box V, c /o this p.iiper S3c85 I will call and buy . . . HOUSES AND APTS. WANT EXPERIENCED girl for fountain and waitress work. Ap- ply arter 8 :30 a.m. al fountain in Turnc r'S' Drug Store. ' 8Jc85 SALESLADY, neat appearance. Apply afternoons al Don's Can- d le~, 306 PaJm St .. Balboa. 83p80 EXPERIENCED Waitresses to r exclwiive restaurant on Balboa Island. T elephone Har. 0435-J for Interview. 85c87 E.'XPERJENCED Couple 40 -45. chaurreur houSt•man. cook and housekeeper. Fine home, two adults. · Newport Harbor Em- ployml•nt Agc-y., 5051.-'J E . Bay Ave .. Balboa. H arbor 2~l·R. Your entire library YEARLY OR SEASONAL BUNSTER CREELY See GAIL CAfu"lEY with Phone Harbor 3215 W • 7ac 79 H" Nelda Gi bson, Real Estate -------------306 Marine, Balboa I.al. Har. 502 SZ-F'URNITURE FOR SAU: \\.' ALNUT knee hole desk. 60 In. glass top. seven drawers. Ilk<' ne"''· $6.5. Phone Harbor 2979-W eves. 83c85 Jack's Furniture 1505 W . Balboa Blvd. Pair or Maple ty,·in beds $32.:>0 Portable red leatherette bar and 2 s tools ...... . ..... $7 5.00 Frig1dairt', 7 cu. rt ............... $35.00 Day beds and divans for slip covering .......... $12.50 &: up 69tfc IN LOVELY COURT -2 bedrm unrurnished house, $1 7.50 mo. AUiO large trailer. S30. Small t railer, $22.50. 1741 PomonA., Cosla Mesa. Phone Bea . 6747·:1. 74tfc $80 -521 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar, 3 bedroomti, large Jiving with fireplace, garage . $55 -Studio Apartment, large living room with alcove. Holly· wood twin beds. Kitch. & an1ple clost"ls, Shwr., bath. 719 Poin- settia, Harbor 0829-R . M c86 LIDO ISLE CORON A DEL MAR -Furnlahed room with private rntrance and own patio. Phone Har 0089-RK 84cil6 COMFO RT ABLE furn1shcd room. Prlvatr C'nl rancc. Private bath, 508 'h Marigold, Corona dcl Mar. Harbor 2~3-R . 85oc87 t&-A UTOMOBlLl.:!'l, TIBES "12 CHEVROLET, 5-pass. coupe. Excell ent condition. Reasonable. Call Beacon 5679-W after 6 p. m . 85p87 THIS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Must t>t•ll '48 1~ackord Conv., 0 - drive. t•lrctro c lutch, radio. 2 hea.l<'r8, nr w top. Shows beet care. KI. 3·2996. Ma.kc a.n nfff'r. 85p87 --~ ---~,.....,...,.-----19-48 OLDSMO BILE 98. 4-dr. dlx. srdan. R.atJIC\. heater. white ~Ide­ walls, Hydran1allc. 2-4 ,000 mlle-21. 2'641 Cre1tvlew Dr .. Bay Shorrs. Beacon 5148·J . 8.5p87 '49 FORD 8 custom Tudo r. Over· drivt'. Low mileage. A-1 . Private party. Call Harbor 2123-J. Eve- nings &: week endl!I. &tfc M-MONEY TO LOAN LOANS For Homes REGULA<\ 1'>".< f10·20"yra.) G . I . 4'/, (20 years) , _FHA 4.'A,'h 120 years ) Construe. Loans 5-5 ~'..4 114 yrs.) No Commlss. chg. on Metro Joans We buy and sell Trust Deedl!I C ALL BOB SATTLER Har. 2661 for Free Appraisal Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life Ins. Fu nds Kl 3-~185 MORTGAGE LOANS 80c87 FURNITURE WANTED Phone Harbor 2502-R 8Jc85 U you want a rent.a.I on LIDO FREE ISLE aee ua. Several lovely Low Interest Rates INSPECTION, KI. 3·7778 WANT SKIPPER tor 65 toot sch0QJ1er "Gallant."' Full time. Phont' SYcan1ort.> 9-5223 (Pa.sa- dl•na l, H. B. Wyeth. 85p87 Claaaiflrd Ads produce. much - cost little Television SCrvice RADIO REP AIRS WALNUT BEDRM. SET -Twin beds. mattresses and springs. dresser and chiffcrobe $35. Ph. Harbor 3102-M. 84p86 G. E. RANGE, almOflt new, $90. 7 cu. rt. Cold.spot refrig., S75 : portable baby was~ing n1achinr, S2:l: rug 12 x 15. $35. 206 A mt·· thyst, Balboa ls. Har. 2016-W. 80c87 L&rr)' .l:wen • • 1 arold Ramm LIKE NJ!:W. chromt>, yellow c ryB- T echnldana ta! lop, dinette table -extra MESA RADIO • TELEVISION leaf. 4 .matching chrome chairs. l -B-·" c M n--allnll.J I 1608 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. "u n.MU.IWB7. • • ~. uouo Ha.rbor 26-49-M. 85<::87 EVERYTiilNG I FOR YOUR ~AILEIJ. 3!-A-ANTIQUES WE FILL BU"l'ANE alJd. ANTIQUE CLOCK • .5 ~ ft. statue PROPANE TANKS Made in German.v. Make of- Complete inltaliaUon, repa.lr fer. Harbor 1756-J'. , 83p86 ·and eervtce of all Tn.Uer lr.qulpmt>nt. . B erman E . Samuel Elli• M . Portv SS-BOATS, SUPPLIES ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR r.LVD. Ooeta Wea. Phone Be.acoq 122~R SINGLE HOLLYWOOD bed com- ph!te with mattrese and springs tor sale or wUI trade--( W AN'l\ 2-5-ft. cabin cruiMr. Cedar hull. A good buy. only Sl,400. Pbont!' Ha.rbor 1020-W. 77Uc 24-tt. SLOOP AUX. n1otor. sleep.11 2. Serviceman n1ust sell. $600. After 6, phone LA. Par......,_y 4042 or write 11 46 S. Bronaon. Los Angeles. 19. 83c85 -------------db I. studio couch) Ph. Beacon STAR BOAT, 2 ma.Jn.sails at traJl- 5020. 83c8l5 er. Good condltlo~ $700. H ar- apt.a. Al8o homu a~able. P.A. PALMER lNCORPORA Tl!:D 3333 Via. Udo Barbor 1500 22t!c 2 BDRM house. ae1nl furn., fire- place. r-enced yard. $7~ n10 .. lncluct. util. 614 Begonia, Cor- ona de) Mar. 83c85 COSTA MESA. new 2 bedroor'n hon1e. garage attached, $75 mo. unrurn. Call Harbor 2825-J . 83c86 NICE 2 bdrn1 furn. apt, $60 mo. autO. washer. Also 1 bdrm aP,l .. ™ lo July Jst. 1603 'E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa. Harbor 2BJO-W. 83c86 REiNTAL r SPECIALISTS Call -Cralc Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa bland. Hu. 20U 32clW F URNISHED 1 bdrm apt. near mafket, achoola. Yearly rental. 1980 We1tmlrulter Ave.. 'hear 20th St., Costa Mea.. Beacon Mfll-W. 83fl86 S. W, CO LEMAN 207 N . Broadway, Santa Ana We Buy and Sell Trust Deeds 68c81 LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVB:, BUY, llfODERNIZE. OR REFINANCE we Buy Trust Deed8 NEWPORT BALBOA PEDER.AL SAVINGS I< LOAN ASSN. , 3333 Via Udo Pb. Har. 1600 R&l\L ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 41h • 5 % Loam quickly made in the B&y Area t and Laguna. Single or mu\tJple unit.a. New or old. Se wtae . and aave by re-nnanclns your preeent load. Minlmum ex· • penae. No charge ror preltml· nary appraisal. Phone Santa Ana Kimberly 8-6621 or wrt~: ARTHUR A. MAY Mortg8ge Loan Correeponde:nt Two CaHt. ute Ina. Co.'• 1414 South Main Banta An• 5&-MONEY WANTED TRUST DEED 6~, 13150. Hou.ac on acre in Coata Meaa. $:;() .mo. income. Pbone Beacon M-t&-W. ·scc88 NEWP<;>RT HGTS . G. I. RESALE 12&0 SQUARE F!:m' ~Two bed· room home, large llvtng room. f(replace, full aiae dining room, large k,ltchen with a moat pleu- ant dinette area. Party tumllh- td. t.te model •t.Qve and refrig- erator. Backyard fenced. Lots ot ahrubbery, 18 x 20 garage. $7,500 G. I . loan at $81 .f5 lnclud· Ing t.axes .and Insurance. W e can make 90meone a v.ery good dr-al for owner's equity. C.Om e pre- pared to buy. $150' DOWN G. I . lN NICWPORT HEIGHTS -a houae that anyon<! will be crazy •bout. Quality built 2 bedroom, brand new, hwd., flreplact>, ahake roof, brlckfacf', Individu- ality. UniqUt' floor plan, 1'his houee wtlJ pleaae the mo~t dis- crilnloatlng buyer. Open lo all purcha&e1. Key in our office. $750 DOWN G. I . $11,500 112 ACRE & HOME Tbls la -really nice -2 bdrm home o~'A a cre with 18 fruit trees, ff! y Khrubs, nowen and a gar- d e . Patio and lath house. Built JU 5. It'a pretty aa a picture. ln t he Back Bay area among nlee homes. You'll ·. agree Ila prjced below replacement. j . $10,800 ~ewport Heights Clea~ 2 bedrrn home near the . ~h Sl·hoo l only ·3 yrs. .old. H d. !loot's. dbl. garage. All ds arc paid. Should G . I ., $81950. _Beacon Hill Realty 166 ('v.·port Blvd (above. Archea) Phone Bea.con ~713 -R 7(c7~ 3 BEDROO!I( RANCH TYPE ___j. HOME -Brand n£'w, Jun~ I ----------- •weeping front po«h. flrepl•ce. 'Foday's Best Buy. corner lot. Thermostat furnact·. ~ lot.a of llkeablc features .. Whl•• 1 • in redwood 11ldlng. A home that C I you can really enjoy, Thia Is it.· 01RONA DEL MAR FuU price ls only $11,250 PHIL SULLIVAN Formerly C. Galf'n Dcnll:lon G. T . EVERSON REALTOR 490 Newport Blvd Costa Ml·sa Phone Beacon 62<l3· W $9 ,650 -$2,000 dn. I . Nt·V.12 bt.>1lr uo1n C APE COD. Hard- "''OcxJ flours. Lltrge k itchen. tile. W !·ll localed R-2 lot. Rm. for l 1110 re unit. 'j'S<'c this barcain today ! DO NOT WAIT! ~arl Chamberlain Harbor 3157-W or Bt'acon 5458-J 500 Coast Blvd. CO'rona del Mar VOGEL VALUES (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) j Phone Harbor 2288 i 82tfc Corona de! Mar -1 I $1,000 DOWN !.ac:t ivc hon1c, good neighbor- ' I, 3 yrs. old . furnace. wood t}o rs, garage attached, bt.'amt.>d , ling. l'rlce $6,995. A ITRACTI VE n c w 2 · lx-tl.rn1. hun1e. Front porch, l'lllry hall Al and closet . L iving rm . 13 x 18. Bric k Clreplace. P a n c I r a .r. Hdwd. floors. Large windo...,·s throughout. ·Extra large clos<'ti;i In bedrooms. Bath with BhO\o\'et over tub. Standard rixture~. • 2 J FLOWER, Costa Mesa OPEN HOUSE Linen C~08('t. Elec. heater. Kit-SUNDAY, FEB·, 25th chen 10 x 11 with doubll'.' til1• sink and tll• snack bar. Large "BC REALTY Co. brf'akfast nook with comer win-, 31 Newport Blvd., ?\'ewpor t Bch. dows. Roilm fnr automatic laun-83c85 dry. Good neighborhood near ~H-----------­markets. -Price only" $96:'.'>0, $2,-1 _ 000 down and $75 f!!On th. ople do read t.he want ads. iEAL VALUES!! 3 BEDROOM HOME. near mar- -keta. Living r1n . 14 x 20, hdwd . floors. Furnace, fi r<>place. Din- ing-room. Large closet s. A w e.II built home. Price $12,900. $6,- 900 G. I., 4 "/, loan at $61 per mo. ·incl. taxes, ins ura.nce and Interest. 0 ITHE POINT -BALBOA Corona de! Mar New large l bdrm. home on ocean side or highway -PLUS 2-car garage with apt. on rear of lol. Knotty pine living rm. 15 x 24 . Dining area. Home is partly furnlahed wll.h the beet rattan fum iture~ New gas range.. Price $12.500. Has an $8,000 loan at $75 ptor month. Newport Hgls. Lot 50 x 127 'h on be.st street In lhl' Hrlght8. Cl08l°' to l!Chools . . only 8 few i;:-ootl lol!I left. PRlCED TO SELL. B :B. R., 2 bath home. Tbis Will ' mo.st attra ctive when com- Wted. C lose to good Bay bath- 1 in best rctiid ential area. 15.000. r\D NE\\.'-Ouplex. 'ot yet complel<'d but far nough along (o give you the 't>ll-planncd room arrangement. he re y,·i ll be a 2 B. R. Apt. up nd a 2 B. R . Apt. down, sun eek , 2 ca'r garage. Lot.8 of nice atures. $1 &,500. :-..· WPORT HEIGHTS -3 B . R. I ome on large lot. This has real harm and distinction. Many xtras, lots or tile, frpl. that is 1fferent, bookcase, huge ward- obes, oak floors. Large 2-car arage PLUS a workshop and undf'y. Movr r ight in! Truly a UY al $12.900. OME PROPERT)'-$1~,000 5 Bedl'Ofl•m.a, -t bat~. pier and fi0at. One of the finest llql• on Lido. SE YOUR DECORATION . Nearly pleted 3 bedroom hot18e on waterfront. Nice lilihig room with fireplace. parquet floors opening jon patio. 1* baths, 2-car garage. $23,000. Good f~ancing. o)vNER MUS':I' SACRIFICE • WA~FRONT hom.! with income. Attractive 3 ~m home and one bedroom apartment. Nice patio, pier and float. Small down payment. $2(,500. l • . BA.Y AND BEACH REALTY lo Ethel Shirley GlodenFay Jack Eisen . j Licensed Yacht and Ship Broker 1450 811boa Blvd. Harbor 1264 If ARM HOUSE SPECIAL! This Is 1 one of those famous F orbes s hake roof rus· tic type(homes located In ~t part of Newport Heights. It ha.s au it takes for charn1ing living. It's completely furn. r~y to move in or CM'ner will sell unfurnJshed . IT'S priced below replac~ment i Better Hurry On This! Call .-red Barkr-r, Be&. 6795 or fevea. Bea.. 6939-J ) I eLiFF HA VEN SPECIAL . ' Spanklll,&' new 3 bedr00m home, large lot-fenced, lawn and la.1'.dscaped. Haa mountain view. Price $13.,500. Easy terms -Call Fred Barker, Beacon 6796 or (eves J:teacon 6939·J.) EkL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1 15th and Irvine, Newport Heighll j (Across from High School) GOING, GOING, ... a.nd will soon be gone! 2 BEDROOM bay front home on Balboa Island. BE'ITER SEE IT TODAY !" $24,000 • NEARLY NEW 3 Bedroom elusive BAY SHORES tract, and draped, $16,500 . Ranch Type in · ex- beautifully carpeted LINWOOD VICK, REALTOR 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND BEAIYqFUL 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonial home in choice lcx;ation near North Bay. Extra large master bedroom with dressing room and spa· cioys closets. Sheltered patio. Bather's show- er, double garage, forced air heat. ' \STANLEY HADFIELD 216 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 20 ' New Lide-ISie READY SOON ~ 3 bdrm, 2-bath, dlning~en. Com er firepla ce·. F orced a ir heat, bar-type kltch· en, 2-car garage. Cor .. , st. to st. lot. Still time to choose your own colors. Price $22.000. Selected by Multiple Listing "Best Buy of Week" ALSO . 2 bdrrnB. and den , l % batha on 1 ~ lots. Beautiful large patio, deluxe construction. Truly a This unusual Ba.lt>oa Ialand home has 3 bedrms, 2 balhB, . . . PLUS 2 connected bdnns wllh bath , .. PLUS 2 bdrm income apt. and garage . . . PLUS complete fumlBhlnga for both home a.nd apt . . . ALL FOR $19,600 ... t.erm.s. too. MUL- TIPLE LISTING N o. )668. I fine homt". $22,500. $4 750.-Full Price CUTE BEACH HOOSE, 1 block from beat bathing/ beach. Build- ing in goOd cond..-$4750, (urn. See This PLUS Value Today SEE ·ANY MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR. 8Jc8$ NEEDS FIXIN' Apts. 8c. 4 slet!p1ng rooms. Duplex on Balboa Blvd. needs lg ht In the Heart of Balboa? work, but .hall Jots of room a nd The John Vogel Co. $2 ,MO DWN. Alractlve 2 6dnn. home. Sep. din. area,J hardwood noor.11 , fireplace. garage. 612 Larkspur, Corona del M.ar. 1301 Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Phonr Harbor 17~1 or Har. 1477 Evrnlng-s Harbor 393·M \ his will make money for some-I po881billties, S97M> fuml.shed. n • BlJDG. SITES c. LIDO 55-!t. bay front choice \oca· 83p8< OlITH COAST REALTY CO. lion ................................ $27.500 .. Multiple Listing Realtor21" 30-ft. bayfro;:tt R-3 .............. $9,000 Sacrifice by Owner $5750 down or trade for? 3 Main St. Balboa. Har. 2034 4.5-fl. inside! .. -...................... $3.500 VOGEL VALUE Corona de! Mar "NEAR PAVILION" 30·ft. inskleJ ........................ $2,lM NEWPORT HEIGHTS -P erma- BALANCE AT 0'/, nent view Or bay &nd ocean. One TWO BEDR<X>M completely fur-EWPORT BEACH of the best .Yiew lot. lefl $6.500 nisbed home, hdwd. floors. lge. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. windowa, dining rooni, fireplace,1 Beautiful waterfront 3 bedroon1, 2 bath waterfront home j~t 4 year• old, plus lazwc garage •pl . 38 ft. frontage With pier. rloat and concrete bulkhead. Harbor 2860-M. 85p87 M-1 ZONE . a1_12 Newpoijt .Blvd .. Harbor 2552 furnace, tar ... bedrm• .• ample c loaeta. service porcb. Fenced: M DERN l'NDUSTRIAL BLDG. LO,VELY 3 ,BEDROOM, I Y.r bath yard. La.ndacaped tr Q n t and 400 sq. ft., 20 ft. met.al doon. home. Fi~place, fenced yard. back. 20 x 24 garage, built to -1 condition. Cannot be dupll-Best Cost& Mesa district. Con-lake apL Near marketa, good ated for the uking price of alder $3,000 down. Ca.II Har-neighborhood. . -VIEW 31 ,500. bor 2045. I • 83c8ll o OWNER WILL LEAS E au or ... ' Price $12,750 100 sq. fL • CORoNlA DEL MAR YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy • • Newport Heights Lovely 2 bedrm home, 2 car gar. lArge lot.. Sl.0,000.' Small dn. F payment. balance Uke rent. • Wm. E. Angold, Realtor 61~ E . Bl<LBOA BLVD. I · fumidted home wtth. a ~ det.aU. call Mary Dic:kBon, 2,' Bedrm. home, hdwd. flra., able down ·p&)'Vlf!Dt or onlJ' Har.1018 or (eve•. Har. 2092-Wl j 2 bed $3000 enclosed yard PLUS • · bor 333 or Kim 9101. 85p90 MOORJ.NG FOR SALE -Moor- ing In Lido Channel kl A·l con- dition. H&ndle 32 footer. 44&% So. Spring St., Loo Angel" 13. EL TORO MARINF.s Low Winter Rates . ' F'Umlahl'd coltaie ln quiet loca-WANT 4 or ~ -bedroom home on Phone Harbor l~W wat.erfroot-muat be claa. or Beacon 6108...J EvU: .. Earl W. Stanley rm. apt. over dbl. garage. The John .Vogel Co. REALTOR . Well loc&ledl' ~15,750, trms. 1301 Coq( Hwy., Corona deJ Mar 3 3 Newport. Blvd., Newpo.rl Bch.. 1 Phone Harbor 111'4.l or~ilar. 1477 ABC IRONER. auto. wuber, OE dlahwa.aber. O'Keere A: Meri-ttt ran.re. elec. .tt:frlcerator. king ' s1M bed, aU like new. Phone Bucon 5838--1¥. - ' Mp87 TWO PADDLl:BOARDS-Prof ... sionally made. Both ror 140. or ~ each.. Call Beacon 5743--W. Mp87 tion. other Marines lo lb.are % hr. drive to bue. 4 bedrooma. 2 be.th.I, Uvtn.i room, kJtch~n. suitable tor two couP:lea.. UUIJ- Ueo Included. J78 mo. Call H&r. W&-W. 811c16 C I V I C CENTER D.l8'I'IUCT' - WANT bay fron~ to 100 r:t-1------....,-------M_ NEED 2 BEDROOM HOK!'.8. ' • CUent. wa1t1ng. BALBoA · RENTAL LISTINGS WANTll:D. A.LL ELI!lCTIUC Z bedrooms and D Want Real Eot&U. Brokrt or 8&1... glaaod In pcnclt. fUhU"1led. man A.a ....... 1t.e. Neu ba,J. Priced to SELL' QUICK! ALBOA ISLAND .. LEX -Good loceUon. excel· t income. Qwner ·anxioua to IL Vn4er. $20,000 . BEfAU'!'Ji'UL Ev<Jtlnc• lhrl>or 393.14 \ s;:o ctJFFS New m 2 bedroom and pr ',..,,,$23.7'!1 For' Sale by Owner LIDO ISLE HOlitla. 't5 foot lot. 2 --flttp .... waited patio ! -. dollble .pra~ ' STORE FIXTURE..') Attr. Wlfllm. l -~ ~ JOE CALLI Ice. llv .. rm •• ,,~ r_....... Lie 0 -• ·-·t -Balbo" "D-"''ty' Co • yard.. 170 mo. lncL vt.ll. • I ;._ N;..::::::. · 81"':..~. •N __ .,..l n.• "' JM06l 1 • Harbor iota or _Harboc\ QZ-W -·-..-· -~ TOO II:. Balba ems., - ~7"~arp.:;d:~ ~ L LOT -'-'-17.600. \ -• ~I&, ~t 19c&uon. Ba :t. f . late • ., . •Horai:e ve o or ll8llOC l -· $13,7:SO Anllable al once. ~·Cllealvtew IM789 . . Counten. -. ca-u · i ft. flournce~t tampo. driao reek&. dllplay 1a11·,.., !late. Addlq macb•aee., etc. . Balboa Realty Co. , 700 Ill. BALllOA irovD. Rrllooo ( ...,..-.W 15S --' • BOHXSR GRAND PIANO. Ueed . I -Pbotle 8-22"'1 · "I--1 ~ tone. '396. Splpet. ._. ~ ' j -llaw '150. DANZ-a VICRT Al'TRACrIVW: AYl'B. • I 1 ...,__BUjY ON !Ml.BOA 1'9JNT 8CBXIDT B1c Plano Bton. 520 o... _,_ 1'o&llUf.!>lJ;r fW'n. u-•su ar.us.....-•Nu 11 --1 baIM. • WI ;.tlD. u ..... -...... hie "' u.. --. Oomjllo4.olj 'Nnl. .. Miil ..... "· _,, --IU.. -AM. ~ ~ .,.,-1, flla C » P!J.K ilPlu!foa tot: Lu --fl.,_ Oi1l Har. -' tJBJ;D PLUroll"lrem ... up. Oood ... la , .. Dutlll -· BJ --' u -It(, ... -• -r--pla~ .-Uu.,.. DA.Jr&-. or~-· o.rq.· wjqi -la .. ..,._ I ;atJ. --------rr--1 llCIDOM'. _,.,_ -. -~ -..qa ~ JAll1% cu•, -un.-, 1.,.1•1• ...., a llS --llOjljl -A-. ww 4!'11. __ -.-..a.: ~ ~or ead17. -' ... 1 lln a-·•-. beoft Muet btoker.'. · ~~~ --" • ..--,I , ' ::i ---_.,, • ' ' * * LOOK ·• • M•r'ef· 4"*-1 llelbcw& ~11&14 .l.W'np W-ted -~~ ~ ~. ..._ _ .. ~~ Real' I '---·• llaDlroo•r. -,..... -.o ...,._ Eni.1e. .u, tor . -· -t'JDClerw , ,...,. _... ..,, ..... ~ -pPal i..m ~ •• ~ .... Mill--...... ~ """--.,,.. _ ...... -.. ' ..... .., lf!.1 ... Ocela -., ....... ._ CIO..a ... ,, "'"1111-. · -SU. I •••t ""· #e, ..U =:-fl>ll .......... · I , .... _ 0)1 T • ""' .1161. • n .. ... l:lc9a - ;' f • • •