HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-06 - Newport Balboa News TimesI . l t [. I t • ' • ·.. ...,.___., [ . \ , . f . , ,;) ... , •I .. ' . . ' ODT • • , :::-·.7,.;---:-.~~~--~.---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:rr~~.~.:........:~.,.~~~~~~1.-.:.~~~~~~~-t~:...,..~~~.:....:4--~~~~~~~...!...~~~ ..an! ~~ER 10 ~1'9RT BEACH, CALIF<>~ TUESDAY, M,\RCH r• 19111 . 1 Cr-~Gau5e 11 l · · · . I ~r :tnju~es · 1 ' ~.f..~ • .,.~,.,.,....... ::.. ~ 1'lllt, LADIE8 of the Power Squadron wcma 8Pl'l•C Meettac a&. Balboa Bay Club enJo7ed t~r·uaual INi'dP, party duriA& the eftttion conference. F.rom Jen: 1 Mril.. Samuel Kauffmaa.n. ot Coroaa ctel ..Ma~: :.ttr.. Carl Halla.a and Mrs. A. C. Spencer (-.ek to camen.), both of Corona de.J Mllti Hra. HaJ · Boftz. or Balboa Island; Mrs. H. C. Dalis of tactma; Mn. Robert l'Oyd, of Coropa det Mari Hn. llavUan.d Ropra, of Lido Isle; !\Ira. Hany-..Ubton, of CoMa MMa; MnL Ted Hambroolt, of Ba.Ibo&; Mn.. H•.r Lausen.helm (back to cameta), of Lldo hie. ~Photo by '~kner) • I ' .. .. . HONOR TABLE at the Spring Conference of tllo t :nttod Sta .... Power ~.,..._ 11t ~ ·Ba.Y Club .i.it week . .,...i. From '!I!~"'? La.,.eabetl"; ~·· ~ IslloU and MrL ~~~1!1l!o!~=J~i~== of i he t ·. S. Po~~r Squadron A. N. Cllllon, of Bostoa, Ma-; Mn.r Barry A ito•1-"""· roa Com.mane.Irr Hay Lanp.nhelm, {•tandlnc) and Cnmmander Harry A•hton ol Ute 1Stll Powrr Squad- ro.n District, who wu no-ffi-eted at this meetlq. · ) (Pbolf by~kner) HARRY ASHTON REtLECTED DISTRICT. COMMANDER' OF POWER sou.AoimNS A l!lunshlny Sunday afloat concluded the spring conferences ot the Power Squadron's ThlrtM:nth Dia- trict. held la.st week end at Balboa -Bay Club. Al tbe &lt.urday aeSBlon, Harry Ashton, N, paat comman- der of Balboa Squadron, Wl}S unanimousl;f reelected district commander with Robert Boyd, Jr., elected dl8· trlct se<:r<'lary-trcuurer . . , The chief commander of the United States Power Squadrons, A . N . Clifton, N, on hia first visit t'o tbi.s area spent Sunday touring ,. ~ Angeles Harbor aboard Dr. Bible Translators Plan Hew Headquarters in Costa Mesa Lecter Lowe's Harco 40, the H ypo. _ A quJck nm to A vaJon was !ollow · ed by a tour o! N~-port Harbor aboard Edmund Simonla' new ~ toot cruiser, the Cuyama_ Accompanying the chic! on the crui8e were Harry Ashton. Balboa Commande r Hwy Langenheim, AP. Balboa Put Commander, Ted ffan\brook. AP, 60th Dll!lltrtct 'Com- mander Vlggers, AP, here from SeaWe !or the conference, and other. commanders and top brass. Clifton, whose home is in Springfield, M&M., expre:iJscd his delight with lhe work of the Cali- fornia Squadrons and with our ha.rber11 and fine mooring and docking space. Jlighllghts of the conference were the serious sessions looking toward recommendatlona for im- proved m e t h o d s of teaching Squadron COUl"lel on boa.Ung aub- jecta. a ~b and afternoon for (CoAtlaU<d oa Poe• 5) Elltabllahment ot the Wycliffe B ible Transl&ton, Inc .. on a '0- acre aile at Paliadea Road &Dd Acacia St., northeQt Cost& Meaa area, wu propoeed tut week u the world-wide lnter-denominattoJULI mi.s&lonar~ organization planned to move from Ila GlendaJe h"ad- quarters. Throuih Lorin Grt.Ht of Santa AJ\a, actlnr b tta &ct'ltt. the or- ganization tUed re(Jue.st tor l&nd- use permit with the Orange Coun- ty Planning Commlaelon and hear· ing waa set for March 18 at 2 p. m. Conseruction work ts expected to begin u soon as the permit Is granted. The 40-acre tract. located at Palisades Road and Acacia Street. west of the Orange county airport, was purchased at a C03t o[ 11250 an acre after lhe Irvine Co., whicll usualty does not sell land, consent- ed to the sale. Co-founder W. Cameron Town- (Coatlaued oa Pap 5) laillding P1r11.tts Pass $2 Million BuNt of bulldlnJ pennlte the ftnt' two months of 1951 hu pu8bed the year'• totaJ. p ,oN,- 585. far 11.heiad ol thfi record Y•&r 19'8. bulldln( IDApeotor P et .. N el!M>fl ,laae ~ounetd. The total throuch February ln 1141 WU only .1,608,781. Pt>nnJt• for thlA t•ebruary totaled '88o.M$ oad foDowed il'Uu&r)''• nx:ord ·m o a t b ln -••..sn.ott 1a pennlta FOllr perocm.e wen ll\jurecl In 1 tol&l ot RWn automobtlft &eel· dent. oveF the week end bi the Newport Harbor area. At t :ao p. m. Saturday a three ,,..., accldeJ1t look place at 11th St. and Cout Hl1!awa7. Care prtvea by Leo F . Oldrlnf, San GabrieL &nd Jack Taylor,. Lacuna Beach were atopped at the traffic Ught when they wen rammed tn the back by a car driven by Allen I ' • FAMILY AFFAIR Ullder the lleM&aa .r a New- port -pollce ~ alfalr mtpt mme Ibo f--pl"q ......., whlclo took ,-Friday ID IUeha-' par ... lot. hvolved Wf!lre Mra. Wal'Tell L ca....! (wife of M....,yele Of- floer Wane. L CaMei) &Dd Mn. '9Ck Jladdoe (dauPte,.... t. law of Police CbW R.. a. HcidSklaooa). A...rdillS to po- llce "'pert.a. u.e ~,. drive. hy Mn. HaddOll a.track tbe car drtve• by Mn.. c.ewa, ......._.& t~ left rear door aAd fender. Mn. Haddo•'• mi: 1-.d • dam· ~ rtpt ...... , ...... , . ln.n:ettptta1 and rePOrt.tn1 ti.. ....-t (pemopo a bit blAAed) was Motorcycle orncer c:a..e1. Packard, Laguna Beach, Newport police aald. Taylor, who waa driving lht> · eecond car ln line received a akln- ned 11hln bone. Two pauengera In hla car were alao •lightly lajured . Nona Lou Taylor suffered a cut ahln and •lift neck ind Joan Ellen Walah. South Laguna Beach, re- ceived a brulaed forehead. Receiving undetermined• lnjurtei In an accident at Harbor Bivd. and Wibon St .. Coat& Meaa, Saturday CCoaU....cl oa Paa'e I) JOS Directors ST ATE, COUNTY OFFICIALS TO SURVEY APTS . An holds ahd apartment h00&e1 in Newport Beach will be checked for overcf.owdlng during-Easter Week. March 16 to 2'8, Fire In- spector Phil Hayden warned to- day. Main purpose of the investiga- tion wtll be to protect Newport citizena and the city it.Beil, "not to snoop." he emphasiZcd. . Men from the state dl-vtaion of howilng, Orange county he&llh de- partment and Newport Beach fire department will be in the field, ln- 1pectlng ovvcrowded conditions which may effect the life or health ot occupant.a ot apartment bousea and hotels, Hayden explained. Llceneed apartment houses and hotels will be inspected a.long with a.ny complaint.a of overcrowded conditions elaewhere, the fire ln4 -; t1pector said. A. vera.cr Room. An average room may hold two or three persons. In past years complaint.a have been received of 12 or 14 persons occupying one room during Euler Week school vacation, 11leeping ln bunks or on mattreaaes on the fioor, Hayden stated. If violations are found property (Cqntlnued on Pas• 51 • Agree on Sale . -·· _,_· iMLl'·'.~., . ~IJSINESS AND PROFESSl~N AL W01'U:N Mmple c.akn preparatory t.o appotn _Dt~~ Q.f th~ ~-';t~.U' • .... ~t..~ f'l!l?:.,,I• t~ OOIMlnJj ~lc~··.~kpt ~~~9tHL Ready to put t Jolht Outlall Sewer SY.alefii qreia -'Mft \Vai "'• aa P~nt Mabel '1tr.mofti• .aif ' Sally ?\ewlln (rl«hl) look on. Tbuntd.ay night to aell the JOS IQMl's Ju.9clou8 confet"tlon waa chosen &8 be8t.. ' (Ne c one ot thr.lr rint i. (ten) Mildred Cllap- s-Times Photo) Dog Trials Won ' by ,Moor's-Toots-· worka to the county's eeveral aant- tatlon dlstrlcta, whoee board• Wedne9day night aireed qn the purcha.ae for ll,282,7~. The u.1e agreement.a by JOS were signed by repreaentatlve11 of the ctty of Santa Ana and the Garden Grove Sanitary Dlatrtct. Cities ot Orange, Anabetm and Fullerton and the sanitary dla- tricta of Buena Park, La Habra and Placentia agreed to sign but lhe formality will not be com· pleted until next week. General Manager Nelson Lau· ner ot JOS reported that more than one mlJe ot the 12-mile sew~r line being installed along Cannery road and Magnolia Ave. ha.a been laid in 1 ~ daya. Coiistruction to date includea 1000 feet ot 18-lnch pipe, 1830 feet of 48-lnch pipe and 3088 feet ot 39-lnch pipe. Work la under' 'way ln three different lOca- Uona along the 12-mtle line. The JOS dectded to adverti8e for a chlorinator unit and a new pump. Begin Trial in CLIFF CHAPMAN Boat Injury Case Chapman Named · Trht.I on the question aa to SC c whether Mn. He•ler Hulme of Al-YA omm· tadena waa injured In a 8'pfled • • boat ride around Newport •Har~ bor nearly three years ago waa reaumed Monday before Presid- ing Superior Judge Robert Ge.rd- ner, who Lii hearing the caae with· out a Jury. Mra. Hulme and her bWlb&nd, E . B. Hulme, ue .eeklng more than '30.000 darnagea from the F\m Zone Boat Co., Inc., and O. V. and Venlora Claw.an of Coat.a Mea. u operatora of Ule boat company and the aq>eedboat.. Miu Balboa. 'Ibey contended that on June %7. (C..-.. Pap J) Elected commodore of the· SoutMrn C.llfomta ·Yachtlnc A...octaUon lut "·eek wu c 11rr Cbapfnaa, 81% Vla Lido Nord. Lido IMe. at:afr commodore of tM Lido ble Yactl.. club and put prew..kkn& •Of the l\'"9"P0{t . Ooean SaWa1 AM&Clatloa.. Thf' .,.._ual efttton nwettq was laeld hi 1'" 'Anl'flletl Frtday nlpL Retlrtns C'ommodore ot 8CY A la Gartz Gould of Saa D..,go. C'bOIM!a vice-commodore of the Tars . Eliminated From C. I. F. Basketball Pl~ffs, 34 Any hopes the Newport Harbor Tar cagPrs h Id for ClF honors were quickly eliminated Friday night down San iego way as the Sailors lolj5t Jn the first round of the playoff lQ th San Diego team. 46-34. The other Sunset League team in the playqf!s, Anaheim, was al..<>o de~ated, 34-31, by GrOMmont. I The· San Diego Hllltoppers-Icd@o--------t-~-----­ all the Way, g rabbing a 21-!2 leaf! by ,halftime. Big Chafles Powell, · San Diego's all-CJF football .. play- er of the year," pllced the scoring with 12 polnlB from his center po· aiLion. MO!il of these came on1hook shqta from the k ey. ' Newport Harbor's Armand Net- tles, the team's top scorer .. was limited to four points. Dic k LanC', at 10. wu top 1eor er for the Sall· ore. Dave Peterson tanked nine. Glenn Griffith eight. San Diego decided the contest by ruling both backboards, the towering Powell taking the ball llW&y from the Tars repeatedly. Lineups and points: Harbo'r (M>J (46) San Ok>go NetUea {4) F 15J Walton $3000 R. C. Quota · for Costa Mesa Ann~l Red I'088 fund drive tor the Costa Mesi branch, ill under way today in, the business section with canvasai.Ag of residential are1.11 slated to begin aome time later th!$ wei?k, according to Chalrman Paul :creighton. More volunt~r workers to cover certain residential sections a.re urgently neede1d. he said. Quota set for Costa Mesa this year ls $3,000. ;. Peterson (9) F ~5) Ht>seHus Heading the fund drive in the GriJfith f8 ) C ~ 12 ) Powell business sectiolJ. are Fred Dudley, Lant!\(10) 0 (101 Stanton Kenneth HlU, ,'Ralph Irwin, Don Sanders G ( 11 ) Gilbert Huddleston, ~na ld Dungan and Scorin~ subs: Newport Harbor. Creighton. Captains for organiz- ~urd.ick (31; S. Diego, Cofield t3 ). (eoritlnuea. on Pa,se 6) 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~-H:-~~-'-- More than 100 spectators at lhe Irvine Ranch on Upper Newport Bay watched Moor's Toot.a of Brewer, tpur year old Labrador ~ bitch, owned and handled by Her-' bt!rt Flelahhhacke r, Jr., ot SaJ1 Francisco, win the Open AU Age Stake of .the Southern Call!ornia. Retriever Club's seventh licenl.ed f ield trials laat week end. Moor's Toots, working eagerly and swiftly, almost without wie of her handler'• directions won top honor• tn the last event ot the trials, the blind retrieve across water. The black Labrador went alm03t directly to lhe stake, h&nd.Jed her priZe flawlessly and came back with no wavering. Runner-up in lhe All-Age wa.s Beaver' Creek BandJt. also owned -Oy, Flelahbacker and handled by Roy Gonla. Leah-Jo'• Pam Pam took lop honore ln the Non-Winner Divlaton and Sprlg of .Sw1nomlah wu recog- nized u best Junior performer. Newport Dos Panther's M:ou.nl:le, owned by 'H. S . Mackay, Jr .. and handled by Sandy Mackay of Newport Beacb ~ one ot tne five tinali8ts in the Open to win Certificates of Merit. Judges for all events and cla.aae• were Howes Burton of Ea.st lisUp, L. I .. and ClauOe Bekins of SeatUe. By hie win Sund&y, Moor·a Toot.a of Brewer gave bl.s backers a leg- on the Brlgnall'a Gringo Challenge Trophy. Constable Vaughn Asks $12.000 for Crash lniuries . An automobile accidt:nt-tit which -:00.t&ble Frank (Tiny) Vaughn >1 Newport Beach t.ownpllp WU njuttd and h1a wtfea, automobile vu d~yed bu resulted in a. 'Ult for damaga totallng $12,081.- )1 ln su~rior court. Vaughn and hie wife. Loutae R~ 'led action agalnot · Ruaeell E. Weber, driver and Mra. R.. C. Weber, owner of an aq.tomoblle w)lk:b they alleged bo4 driven ott l.lle highway to •trike the. Vaupn reblcle at· U:tO p.m. laot. April J. , I Tiie ccmot&ble Ul!Orted ..tn UM !OUne of apprebendfn& the drWer ,, &llGtllel' -lie bad ~ WI mad>hM ott Ille e4ce ot. -- n.d., and •111at w--oli. .... paYOd portiaa"<lf tloe ·-·.., -9 •trike tloe Vmoill*, .. lo., Tiie petJtloio -SlO;OM .... >NI ........... tor -Voupio, _,.. · :;ban Me ....... .... _11, 1111-' 1li for do-to "i/I~ - 8LttH !AL •lf•WWW ···-Alt" H I I I ,qulpmat -.,, .. ~ - 8 11 ... '°'pjt Ml .el --SI I '14 ~ ~ l-1 ... l ,~ =-= 'l:";.!t '!.:: ~ ....... ,.,., ............ ... ...., . ~ - ~, , •• , r K. ... ,~, Ii ..... G.' ::!~ -i ·-of~1/fio dUWL'C .... 'of » (", •• ' r' I .. tlte. ...... ':JIOI ...... ... C) • 11,-... 1'11111-~..._ ....... ~Wllll---V ·•• -Iii ..... !11t lllll' 1' 11 n:M n , .. ( """1a .... ). "i I nf -, • . .. . , . . ' • I • • • • • . t. ,, I Page 2 ' 'Oh The Pity of It' Introduces Top L-Ocal Professianal . Tilent The UUe of lb(' PTA spouct:~rea"IM",_ ______ _,_ _____ _ melodrama "Ob the Pity of It" ~ to characte r parta. He play· might well be a lament over tbe ed Ute lead ln Green Qrow the Li- fact· that .uch a.n 8l"T'8.Y or 1oeal •(!It, 'nle r..te Geo~ Appley, BlU of Divorcement, and believe It 01" talent ha.a n ot been a..ssem bled here not, Ubcle Tom In Uncle Tom'a before. It would be dittlcult to Cabin. Alw~ ln demand at com- choo9e: the w ittiest performf'r in munJty. cUnners. .be hu emceed EM Barlow'• masterpiece to be aume:r:ou..~ chamber of commercf' preMnted at the high school •udi-t\.lnction!I and Businea.a a nd Pro- tortum the evenings of J.fRrch 15 fessio:nal Women'a BoMee' Nlghtl. and f6. From Robert Wentz:, the Hi.s talents are vocal as W"ell as vi.lllan, to Betty Boyvey, the in--histrionic and h is fine baritone fante terrible, the cast is sterling ill bt remembered when he aa.ng but a brief glin1pse into the back· the lead In The Fortune T eller. • ~-.,--· . . ... --·--· ... ··----.. • • ' "+ ~ ................ ...... ....... ,.. ............. \ .._,. • .._.,.,,c., .,...... l ..... , .. , .. ~ ........ ., __ ........ ' ~ ;:·-r ' ' .. • • • I . Tu1icie1, liif.rclii I, Wlf . .. • ' • . ·I I ITiS SIMP.LE ADDITION! g round ot three members may ex-Wttb Sch tM>rt pl~in in part y,•hy . the production 111 t>scape$ the corn and attains tht> Mary Batten Steffensen , who ls .stat1..s of clever entertainment. in charge bf music, direct.B the St.ory Teller Motheraingera, tl1e Ma.le Qua.rtette F1oradon Sextette and the ape- cla.l.ty numbers. M rs. Steffensen attended theatrical school ln Chi· cage> and spent a 8e8.SOn with Schubert's Lady's Quartette u both lyric 80prano and pianl11t. Her performance with Schubert result· ed in a bid to join the famous Keith Vaudeville Clrcu.tt, but ahe cboae college lnatcat.I . This is her fitth sea.son a.s conductor of the Mothenlngers and for 12 years she conducted the Cecillan Sing- ers ot Santa Ana. She a190 directs three choirs for the Communlt}' Church CongrpgatlonaJ of Coronn d el Mar. With t hle array of pro- fesaional talent, much Is to be ex- p~ted. of the coming production and those havtng aeen ahort pre- views praise It highly. Nl!lWP<>RT RABBOR HIGH SCROOL ...... t-'l't ...... --a-la tloo lintll ~ual Art eKhlblt Weft' pre9ftl.tecJ Harbor Hllfl stoil&ta -. s...-..y bJ Jin. 1!'Apr HUI. P.-T. A...p; 111.ieot. Left ''° ript ...,, s......,a Y,..,.....11, us opaa A-, 11&1-111ou, :lad award : Mro. mu. ~16 VII! Lido 8oud; 8onJa HuMnaa. '798 J•ND•ne. Coroaa del M..M, 'lrd •ward and Gwyw Gt.qe. t.16 M St., Balboa. JM award. fNuw.-Tlmee Photo) Your s~c 1111vings plus our CUJTellt high ,3~­ div'idends is ibound to add up to lleCUrlty for you. llut· to guarant<j:;YourweJI a ·safe apd happy 'future . • . Diak~ yaur pvings goal the equlv~nt (jf one year'.a income. ,. ' MarUn Ingram. eighth grade F.nglish teachel-a.t the Costa Mesa mam school, who plays the hero with soulful eyes and a pure heart. 1s a c t ive al the Laguna Playhouse. and ls a lso a professional story t eller. ttl n the summf"r he directs stor.y telling at the Los Angele~ Cit y Playgrounds anJ at the La· f\lna Art Ft'Stival. Favorit1-Emf'f'f' Leslie Steffen~en. the Shake!~ pearean acto r in thf' melodrama. Jnember ot the Floradora Sextette and who hu 1. surprise specialty number up his slL'cVe, has been actively connKtt"d v"ith the San'ta Ana Com munity Players for years -portraying ev~rything from ju- Musical Arts Club to Sponsor Annual ·Voice & Piano Auditions Saturday Dinner Planned by Women of Moose Capilla Circle Hears · Pastor on Expansion The Newport Beach Women of Expa'nsion of the Corona dcl the Mooee will have a pot luck din-'Mar Community church, Congre- ntt ln the new Mooee Home, 2300 gatlonal, wu brought to members Ocean Front, .Newpon Beach, Sat-or capllla circle at their We<lnes- urday night, March 10, starting at day mtttlng when th~ pastor, Rev. 7 p.m. for the membeni of Lodge Paul BabbU.t, spoke on "Dreams 1457, co-workers of Chapter 1158 and Hopes at Ho mt-and Abroad." and their guesu. In his talk Mr. Babbitt broutht In Myrtle Tipping is i-eneral chillr-world and ne.tional condit ions, u man and her committee are: Clara well as local affairs. Leach, Ida AndeN10n, Joyce Edick, Mrs. Wendell Hoyt presided and and Grace Skeen. The women have Mni. John Sadller gave t he devo- a nice progr&m or entertainment tiona . In keeping with the devo- planned, 90 every one will have t lonal lht>me was mu!'llC by Mrs. a.n enjoyable evening. The Moose Arthur K empf'r and Mrs. O . z . members are heartily invit<"d t o Robertson . come and bring guests. The group voted $25 to tbe Mc· On 1nttiation night the Newport Cabe Rest Home at Claremont, WOTM had as their gueat Mr8. whe re Christian workent of all de- 0 . W. Kanne of Chicago. nominations a.re ca.red for. An- The MlUical Art.s club of Orangri>--------------Chapla..ln Clan. Leach Of Ne\1t'· nounced was . the annual conff"r- county announces the Seventh An-Basel Taylor ls serving &8 Fhatr-port chapter acted a.a chaplain ence of Calif om la and the south- nual Voice ~d P iano audit lorui for man of the vocal auditions a.nd the Tue9day night &l the Initiation_ west , Congregational Wom~n. to young mu!'k:1ans residing In O range followtng comprise the committee: held by Santa Ana WOTM. ' be hf>ld Apri.I 3 and 4. at Clare- county, It was announced today by "Earl Uveaey, Leah Pemberton, WU-Co-worker Lela Carrell will mont nnd to which the circle will Dorothy Gorby, g£'nl'ral chairman. la.rd Baaett, Herbert Bickel and leave the hospital !or h er home send delegate.II. A feature of the The vocal auditions will be held Albert Cranston. Saturday. She l8 alowly Improving conferE>nce will be alnging by the at the Aoahf'tm Ebcll club house, The piano auditions fo r all thref' ea <:h day, but wUl stUl be ~on· Mf:>n's Glee club of Pomona oot- 244 N . Helena St.~ May 6. 191'.II at dlvielons Including the elementary. tined .to bed for .Rveral wttkti. lege. 2 :30 p.m . intermediate and advanced will be A surprise pot 11;J.ck. party W8.l"I Next me<·ting will be el«tlons I n f o rm a t i on and application held at tht-YWC A building. 1411 held at Ida A.ndenon. 8 hom e for o f offict'r s and appointed as a blanks have lk.•en senl out to the N. Broadway, Santa Ana, April Jr. Regent FranKJe Le Valley . A non1inatlng committee were M.me.11. vocal t eachers of the county. If 29 at 1 p.m. lovely _gold locket WBB preS<'ntw:.i F'rances Cox, John Sadlier 81ld there are any teach1•rs who have Ruth Moses is chairman or the to her by the Newport Wo men of Verne Lee, not been contact ed so tar about piano audition.! and on h er com-the Moose, a.s a gift tor her n f'W Mrs . H oag n1ade prese.ntaUon the vocaJ audition.s. write to Mr1. mlttee are Margaret Buttree of baby daughter. or the n1lte boxt!!I which m~mberfll Leah P emberton. 1611 N. Broad-Anaheim, Florence Newkirk of hall brought to the nieetlng. Th(' way, Santa Ana. for inrormation Fullerton and Margaret SchArle of M G mon.-y. collect ed goes to the thret' and application blank~. Newport Beach. If there are anv eSa rangers prujt>c ts, home and foreign mis- The a~e groups have been set tea chers who have not been con"-At+ d H E c 9loni. ond y1outh camps. Mra. Fred a., follov.:s: .!t'ction 1-14 to 17 tacted so far about the audit ions, en • • • Coop rt>mlnded memben ot the years, inclusive; SC"ctiOJl IJ-18 to write to ).frs. Ruth Moses~ 833 N. Meet at Fonta a paper drive. A.nyonl! havt.ng J>6pers 20 years. Inclusive; section ill-Broadway, Santa Ana. or n1agutnes to be dl.apo8ed of 21 -to 23 years, inclusive. The Dorothy Gorby ay,•ard ot $25 may caU either her or Mrs. John Two 80np are required, one in will be given t o the pianis t \n the Mr.-a.nd Mra. JOSfph pier ac-Lamar. a foreign langua~e e.nd one in advanced piano division receiving companied by Mr. and~ ·Harold After the meeting tea waa serv· English, not to rxeeN.I 5 minutes the highest poi.nts. The Burr Shaf. Kyle attended the quar rly meet· ed et a prettily appolnt@d tee. t.a- lotal singing Umt'. Singers should er award of $25 will be given to Ing of the tourth •dist ct of t ht• ble adorned with ruffled petunias. urn1s l C'lr OY.'TI. accompanist8. the student receiving the highest On the committee were Mmes. r · h h H ome Economics \l of the Students who have placffi first rating in the vocal a.nd pie.no com-Gran~ at F ontan 1 l Sunday. Myrtle Allt'n, Gf"orge Davies, in preyious auditio1111 will not bP bined auditions. Smaller awards Twenty members . m Orange Marge.r..t t F'ulh•r a.nd Viola Sand- f'liglble to enter that same sec-will be made for first and second county attended. tion again but may f'nter next place winners and honorable men· Mrs. Mamie Hill. distric t chair- higher section, if within the agt:>' tion to the third in eaeh division man, conducted the meeting. Guest 11mit. of the auditions. speakera were a.eorge Sehlmeyer , muter of the state Grange; Mrs . Initiation Rites at 10.E.S. Meetin~, Initiation for a new member, Earlyn LQuise Albright. m&f'ked tht· Tuesd9y meeting vf Harbor Star chapter, OES with W o rttly ~latron Ruth Dei.!lter and WorU:ty Patron Henry ,Deister, presiding. A !so rt'celved by affiliation were ('o ra Betit-H umphreys of Ba.I.boa, 111en1ber of Arcadia chapter. A feature of Mrs. Albrigtn's initiation was presentation to her of an Eastern Star ring. The .ring had been a gift ' t o... Mr. Albright'• grandmoth,er . Mrs. Fletche r. when s>ie entert'd the order in 191~. Be.- cause she was unable to be pres- ent, the ring was p rC'sented by Eva ?.loore. '.fhe worthy matron, who make.!!, the delicious birthday cake served at each s('(:ond monthly meeting. prt>sidetl with her husband at the lurthday table where sat Connie Brac,e. 1\.-targaret Marie Trt:ssel Cora BellP Humphreys, Earlyn AJ- br1g)lt and Ray.Nelliien. A pot luck dinnf'r al 6:30 p.m. will precede lht-nlffting of Ma.reb 13. Hostesses for the evening were Pa.ul1ne Jasper, MolJy Caaa:idy and Enid Young. On the refreshment Kamaaina Club Seats Officers Installation of officer• feature<l the late February meeUng of Ka:maalna Klub. held a.t the BaJ- bda "PftiinsuJa home of Boota K eene wttb Hazel Souder of H ollywood a.ss:umlng hostes s duties. Thelma R icketts. outgoing presi- dent, handed over..t.he gavel to the ne-w chairman. FIOT en ce Chamber- la.in. Others taking office w ere: Laura de los R108, secretary; Shir- ley Noel. treasurer; and Boots Keene, publicity. All members who d id · not have club pins r eceived them that evenings. As a result of publicity accord- ed the Ka.maaina. a.ct In the recent Community Capers, two guests were present and will become me.mbe.ra at the next meeting. They were Val Moore of Anaheim, te&cber ot Hawaiian a.nd Tahitian danoe8 and Am.ma Dare Hamic of Garden Grove. Cloae of the evening -followed tbe .. serving of a delicious butt et .upper by the host.eaa. Next meet- b:a& will abo be hek1 at the Keene bome with Betty ·Balley u host.em. George Sehlmeyer. Flora of the National Grange and Mrs. M'.a be:I Glenn. chairman of the state HEC. Methodist Men Reactivate Club Interesting progr'1na are being planned by the president, Dr. OMd Lucu tor the newl:y; re-activate<! Men'a club of ChrUt Church by the Sea.. Other ofncers are: Hal Lacey, vice-president: D. W. Holt- by, secretary: and W . E. Ang6ld. treasurer. All men of the church are Invit- ed to attend the group, which meets each fourth Tuesda)'. eve- nlng at the church. On F~." 26, apeaker was Dr. Alexander Ren· ner ot Corona del Mar, who told of his expe riences in Siberia and Shanghai. ------ Newport Matron Enjoys Hawaii ('rS. Mrs . Frank Walsh Benefit , Card Party Hostess One of the pleasant attain of recent date waa the beneftt card party ~Tran~ by Mn. · Frank Walth at he r ~ei. lflf Vtpla;t\1-·1,, Costa Mesa. Rli'b and low prU•s we re awarded winners at eech ta- ble. As the aftermath of ca.rd play retrC'shment8 ol. an !1 food cake and ice crea erved. Among th tn a endance wert> ftimea. lrma Ei , Ltz Becker. Gladys Brown, uise Ballman. Frances Struz, ge J elen, Rose Gorman. H elen cCoUy, Lupe Sch etne, &ver1y lgns, Al Lelth- art, Emma Southneck, Lorraine. J ohn and Andy Zitney. HURIY! GET THE BEST DEAL ... Most Durable Car Your Money Can Buy ... ·HUDSON Police Au1iliary Plans Dinner for Husbands • ~ 'Savmg;. lat"e insured ·up tO $10,000 for your exth. ·protection. j Tentat!Ye pl&nl for a party at which husbanda wlU be entertained wu made wlim me.mbera ot New· port Beach Police aux.iltary met on the e venlnJ at Feb. 2? at the home of Marnie Stockd&le, 1908 W.eat Ocean Front. Assisting hoat- eea ..-.. Lola. Price. The p&rty is elated fo'r April 20 at the home ot lilllzabeth WaJtze. After the busineN seaalon games were played, prize& going to Au- drey Cottle, Mary Bates, Bea Lace and Violet Stoneback. Gue8t.8 present w ere Mrs. Stone- back. Eleanor McCowen, Jan ClautJnltzer, , Pat Coe, Mildred Jo hnson, and Betty Phebu.e. Mem- bers w ere Mary Batu, Beverly Burd1a .. IJ, 01nger Ca.uel, · Audrey Cottle, Mercedea Croughan. Alda Gorton, Bea Lace, Elizabeth Walt.z.e, Marnie Stockdale, Lois Price slid the president, La Veta Uaee. OUTING FOR MESANS ' Newa-n~ea ad.11 have been read ln the Ha bor for over 4.0 yeara. I SfJPPORU' .. YOUR.RED.,CROSS ! 0 , I -& i a ON SA1iURDAY, MARCH 'l'&ilTH. 5 P.M. ·~~ • • . .. CO~ES TO . THE HA'RBO~ AREA ~t Is The Day And The Hou;, When ! I t ,. ·307 MAR4NE AYEN'E BALBOA ISLAND'S NEWEST RESTAURANT Will OPEN I · POI 1'HE'PATRONA&IOJAU. .;.;J;'ENJOYTHE PLEASlus 'OF '°°°FOOD. wai ~-.. M I ,_ ...,. AMFIA"'~· .. ' committee were Doris Diehl, Nan· Church C irc les cy C&lderhead and H&rriet Smith. .-------.. 10mit Meetin g5 It ralna in Hawaii all the time. but ahe Jovea it, wrtt.ea Mn. J~ Frost. formerly of' Newport Height.a. who Jett Feb. 12 with her two BOru:i on board a Navy lra.iul· port from San Pn.nci8co on Feb. 17. Wu gretted at the pier by her hWl~d, Jim; who preeented her wtth· a lei in which. were 200 or"- chldll. All la~ models carry a NEW-CAR GUARANTEE! -f j The SMORGASBORD la only ONE The spirit of BOS'r.l!l88 HOUSE is that of 'llllleere lt'a a p1euure to look at a.ad • -r '"~ . a · thnll lo ride and dri"" tlWi Pllbi!< apprOval. Othero lnci.de, . tractive and haniloninua lletting. ot the many attracUona io merit bnanltality and CO" ... ~-.attaltlYe,· .Jl in an at· ·1108'1 li88 ROUlll: plol, -and pa-,. --to -.,.t_ 0.11...,. at ...,. at Ille .on.sa The Frost.a are staying a.l Fort de Ru.I on fialltild beach, cloee to the Royal Hawalian. 11\ey al- l'<ady .are tu.ming BawaJl&n worda and are dotns a areat dff.1 of · lll(llloeeln«. ... report» 1960 HUDSON Super <-door the Bund"7 Buttel :BT•&J\tut. • • j.:' aedan. "Step -down" deotp ..,.,,~ ~ io'uu ..-at a fixed The HOSTESS BOUSJt -.ft ;;·and widely with Monobllt body-and-trame, · need chef ...... .,era __ .. .,..__..,a_ __ ""--triple.~· b!'akelJ, high. com· price ot $1.2<1. Daty table d'bote expene 8, '~ ....., · a._ ... w p~u!oll Super • Six encme. Jun+-hom U to 2 and .sinner been carefully die.en 'for 'the ability Of ~ -lw'a other k>Jl(a11.fe "features. fVtty 11 ROU81: ·lli>mclAL'!UB .., land OT..._ • • • ' . • ·' See tile New 1951 HUDSON NOW Several clrclea of WSCS, Chrlat Church by the Sea. will not hold their •,...WU meetln&' to d a y. Balboa bland circle will meet al 10 a.m. with Mn. Mamie Foote IMlt beeaUlle of the prevailing m- pem neither· Newport. Beacb nor a.11>oa p:oups will be in •emion. Pes•dene Or9anist :Plays Here Sunc!ey nutd • c:uohloned clutch a a d ham 8 wiU11 I p.m. DaU~a la in the selection, prepal-atiOO and *ervic!e nne foodll good 8uper-CIWJloo u...,; and ~ Rn!ce from the · ot ~ putris. · j _ many-· TboroulhJy ~ choice~ chc!>o!. routo, poul· ."~. HOU""""'• --.. --.•L.-'----• -·---'-'-. and adjuoted f oT top· fupt try, and o.lat-. ~jal I and """"'~""""' .,... -lWUa' ""' ~ -..... • ._... :,J:~ce. New-Cu ~--"'""""""-•"* -.. ...., ... a¢ ~-or Mra. Doria J. . · who hu a Bulli for~ -.. ·.Jr ,..,rpoim.---. BOvsJi:~ ~ bacllground of Nllta~B::rt\rjo and J'Or' the p I t. BO ........ 7 I --... Wiii !i..t the , 'll&llJ~ -·=•,and ' dliPten .... -.it a.. .. ,a' IPet • • a llODY STD..11!8 (2'0 . <lll008lt -• 111' WILi. PAY YOU \1'11 ,MJY NOW • ... b St ...... . oe JIADr-. • ' , • l """'""• •• -1amah1•. Hi.., 1llld pilotry·~l -rn-m•n...-it eztendlDs from tlae •· ~Mld· br • ~I , lkbjwiin" n1cko. ~ cot-. town 118Ctian In N-YOtlt Qty, to ywood ~ 0-i;........,. -~ +r1 teo. ... &lld ~ ~ ,. ~ ......... : 1 · ',. J MAM ST.·~-., , J•:;t1zs ~. ' ·at-•1W••1 f ~.f I -**t==::rrm r· ~MIMLYWIR'to . .., ;.,...· ...... ,,. ....... ~!"'!"' ..... ....;~~-'!~""!"._..,,..,_ __ ~ ' o1 -· Ai .Hoel s aou.n .•7'i'V .., 1... a ; t ct1 ,...... or~ 70## *1ee .. ., • W'ldil "*1 Ill' or I • • T ,_ .. ,~--... ....... • I < I I l I • 1 w ' J 1 ) --~--·· -t --~-------.- HARBOR SOCtAl EVENTS 4 ilid;~~to·~·~::t~~- ',¥ s ponsor Beauty ,f Grand Master Assembling ·1n the home of Mn. .. -~-.wm~-.>1<1 · l ~,t~·ot-·Bar· . :l<Wo *'~ .-...., 1 •t 6 IPI""· -ltieur , in&M -·fonnal:..iip ••·'lo r.tM ' ~ •O l.u:nlJl .... I t1iaMe ·NI· :in Rodeo Contest ~i;:;a :;1a:;:'~ 7~~ 1~kst~,:i::; Mesa Rebek'a-' Lodge ntet in ?-egu· Mesa . Boot.s and Saddle club Ja r session Mmlday, Feb. 26. ha.s -been ask,ed to sponsor a girl again this }'ear in the contest for "Sweethean ot the Csll!omla Ro- deo'' in a lelter to Ed C hapman. The meeUng opened wtth a atl- ent prayer ln memory 00! Rose R. Rittenhouse, V&"d muter of the Grand Lodge of the Califomla In- dependen't Order of ·Odd ri"ellows of $\nta Cruz, who was fata:1y in- jured when struck down by a car en route to Costa Meee.. - -t 'Malae .An .. <Bal-1-· '1t.·wUI \be ..... 4111Y ' . mo .. t ·11 .a.ni.·and,U,rougb tbe ewn .houJill. , • p resident of ·the club. Last year the club spol180red Miss Mary Barnett, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. James S . Barnett of 22 Ba.y Shore drive. who was a senior at FJintrldge Sacred Heart Academy at the time. She was a r unner-up to the winner, Mise Mer· na McMillan of Puo Robles, tn the contest staged at Salinu. ~Y ' •tUftillf of 1i11Cirrelt.~to .all l "Wllo ·enl'jt.~:p-.. ·tf:tlle~) 'bl@ .ut ln .evidence .at :Bait· ' t -· • ·-!Houje. AmGnC I-..... -~ :Ndlu~~-'­ooro at the dinner hour, ~ to 8 Ur.~,. Lola Stewart, president. preisided. Reported on the sick list were Gladys Bird, Iva Roe, Henri- etta Monkman, Lydia Hams, Nina Lolmaugb. Effie Slaten, Helen Cawthora, Pat Wilcox and Car· melita Hanson. Sidney H _ Davidson, principal or Ne,,wpott Harbor Union H igh Announcement was made that 2chool. has been advlsed of rules the rummage eale conducted re- governing the contest and request-cenlly by the club proved a big ed to assist any qualified senior success. J.n th.is year's contC'!lt. All entra.nts F ebruary birthday celebront.8 must have a sponsor ing organiza-honored were Alma Bia.ck, Pat t lon, according to rules laid dow ri Clwrchill a.nd Bertha Wa~on. by' the contt"st committee in Sal· Further plans were Qutlm~ for inas, wht>rt: the we~t's greatest a hat party to be staged jo"ntly rodeo is to be staged next June I by the Rebelcahs and Odd Fellows 21-24. o~ March 16. Concluding the eve- Assistance of Mayor L . L. 1!9-n1ng the hostess served refreah- bell and Hay Langenheim, secre-1 me.nts of . home-~&de cherry pie tary of Newport Chamber of topped "''llh whipped cream and Commerce, has been soughLin de-coffee . ciding any contest they may devel-Mrs. o! op in the selectiO(I of a girl to rep-Orange w a preitent. resent the city in judging at Sal-Membe rs in att: ance included Mmes. F1o re e wltzer, Mamie inas. Girls are judged on their ability Williams, Tin . SmaJJ, Flora as horsemen. t ogether with t heir Harris, Garne McColJock, Mary scholarship rating, appearance in Taylor, Bertha Wataon, Ethel weste rn attir e and personality . Smith, Mary Lou Cox, ·Florence GBtL SCOt1r8 of N°t!wport Harbor. obser\1nc . the 39th ..fto•ttl'SU'y of the fMIMlq' of tbelr o.rlan- lx:atlon, mf'ditate on theme ut the y~. World FrlendAhlp. Le.ft to ript are: Lu ~e Boice,, IM 'We!lt Bay, Balboa: Holly and Carole H.\'df"n., l!il Clift Drl\'e and 01N"aldlne Nack. 6%5 Fu.llttJ1:00: The Winner is awarded a $500 Conner , Lois Stewart, Earl Backes Ne\\'POrt HPlrh~ (News:-Tlmes Photo) scholarship which may be used and Alma Black. at any college she chooses lo at-The next meeting ls scheduled Gr'rl Scout Week tend. Miss McMillan will enter fo r March 26 at B p .m. at the home 1 • Stanford University this !all on of Ml"B. Flora Harris, 1533 West- Meal Planning Is Program the =:::•po:h·~:n~::;·ar ~~:~ast.Peterson ·Special :Programs Mr. &.nd "Mrs .i Mulholland of By Gladys Tritt f.or FAC Juniors • Seattle, Wash., ve been enter-Birthday Honoree ·Girl Scout week began March l&lned 88 hoUSe ests o! Mr. and 5 and contlnues through March A most Interesting and lnrorm&· tive ta.lk an planning meals and nutrition was presented by Mi11s Louise R . Thomas. me service director for the Sou hem Coun- Ues Gas Co. at a. n t>tlng of the Junior Matrons l\t'<'l n o! lhe F ri· day Artemoon t i \l•/ednesdny, Feb. 28. M rs. Marshall cGuire of Plum· Mrs. Al P eterson, 830 w. lSth 12, whic h i& the historic day Girl mer St .. Costa Mesa . St.. Costa Mesa, entertained last Scouting was rounded in 1912, 39 ON RIVERSIDE \'ISJT MNI. "Bud" Newman and daugh- ters. Shirley an~arlea. of La P e rle Pl.. Costa esa. recently visiteii Mr. and s. E. W . New- man of Riverside. ·Results come from constant Practice! An ad regularly in thb paper will produce results for you. -People do read the want ads. wee,k with a party' for her young years ago. The mov~ent was daughter, Linda Marie, on her 3rd started by Juliette Gordon Low, birthday. Tt-adltlonal child rens a courageous and oharming games were played aft~r which all American woman, who announced the girls and boys we presented. to her family in American alter a assorted ballOQl'ls suckers. stay in England. that s he was After an afterroo or fun the bringing home the "biggest thing" large birthday qak was cut and yet. served with ice Cte . That big thing was Girl Scout- Mothers and c dren attending ing. The handicap o! poor health the party were Mrs. Ralph Myrehn and almO.!lt total dealness could and ions, Mugsy and E ire; Mrs. not stop Juliette Low from doing Leonard Peterson. Shirley, Dianne tile work she had start ed and t6r and Michale; Mrs. John Nuzum, years ever)'\''here l!lhe went troop!. The program was preceded by ·a potluck dinner in thf' club house. Mrs. Bonnie Grow . M"c t ion chair- man. ha<l. charge o! the business interlude. H osteues for the occa- sion were Mmes. Barbara DeFor· est, Eleanor Lisk, Evelyn Varne r, and Georgia Jones. March 28 is the date o( the ne-xt meeting. Judy and Trudy : Mrs. H enry sprang up. Roberts and son. Marty i Mrs _ Mrs. Low was not weathly but Pilgrim ' S Progress Gail Cunningham. Kathy and Bud: for four years she financed Girl • M Mrs. Clifford Peterson. Barbara: Scouting out of her own mone}'. Picture at esa and Judy· Mrs Don Cha 1 d even to selling a treasured heir-I . _, , ' · re an loom, her pearls. She trav .. led all Ptl~i-1m s Progress. the story son K ing: Mrs. Herbert Roth. r h h h k Timmy and Gary: Carla Wede-over tht' country t o share her w ic as ran ed next to lhe Blble king, Christine Quarry and Bobble Id eas with others and made trips as the world's best seller, ha, been Trusty. lo England to !9eek Advice of the made Into a fully animated sound Baden-Powells who h'ad first start· color motion picture and wtll be ed the movemen".. in England. By shown at the Coeta Mesa./Commu- thf' end of 1919 there were 34 081 nity Methodist church hursday, members irl America. Today th.ere Mlrch 8 , at 7 :30 p. m Mem,bers are one million menlbt>rs as of a.n d friends of an char e8 are In· 1950. vited to atte d the pr entation of On March 9 the Harbor Girl this film. R v. J . . Thompson, Piano Students to Pr.esent Two .Programs The month1y Mtalcal Ge~-to- Get.her m eetings of the piano pu- plls of Mra. Kathleen Coleman. will be held this week at the New- port Heights home of their teach- .er. The older group will meet Thunday evenlng, March 8 and the younger group "'til meet Sat- urday afternoon , March 10. Featured Thursday eYenlng will be duo piano arrangements of some of the best loved Music of the Mastere .• s ome of the •tudents will tell stories . of Interesting mu- sical experiences they have had and community eingina: and re- freshments will complete the ev~· nlng. On Saturday aeveral of the young people will give their re&· son.& "\\'hy I Like Music," each pupil wUI play !or the others and some "''ill act as a ccompanist!I for community singing. Games and refreshments will be enjoyed by all. - Main School P.-T. A. Meets Tonight Retired Teachers He.ar Speaker Sam Collins Scouts will give a program a t the pastor. aDJilOU ed l week. Fathers' N igbt will be ob8erved Girl scout aiouse fo r a ll troops and Produced b . a l"is t ian studio at a meeting of the Costa Mesa Orange County Division ot Cali-parents of gtrl memben. During which placed lh emphasis on sal· Main wchool 'PI'A today (Tuesday ) fomia Retired Teachers aasocia· the afte rnoon the Brownies will vatton , John Bunyan'• great •I-at 8 p. m. in the school. Fathers tion met In the YMCA building in perform 'with !!peClal eongs on the legorical story, fil'.e<t with thrills w ill be in complett> charge with Orange to hear an address by stage and during the evening the and adventure. has -more than 6(\ Jud.soi\ Sutherland M prOgram speaker Sam Collins of the Cali-older girls will take over the pro-separate character ilh a chairman. fornia Assembly, who explained gram. distinctive personality These had Edwin C. i tructor of some of the bills that a.re to 9e Through the week special tele-to be created for the prct ure, in· socia l ·science ychology at considered by the legislature when vision Scout programs will be eluding their expl'tilalon*. stylf Orange· Coast' e, will ~ thP it ~onvenes. He urged everybody given. On March 10 between the and color o! dress and pecullari-!!lpeaker, 1.akin his subject to take an active part in govern· hours of one and three in the aft. ties. P,Ug-rim's Progress was COJll· "Families Are S Important." ment, to know their represent&· ernoon a major channel of televl· plered alter four years of work. The Mother.singers will present lives and feet free to consult them sibn will give a ·Girl Scout birth· skits from the melodrama, ·:oh. on problems pertaining to public day party. Consult the newspap-M • T • f the P ity of It ," whic h will be given ihterest. Mr. Collins expressed. no ers for the channel concerned.. ex1co rip or at the Newport Harbor High . .>.m. an ·• apeci&l SU.nd&y :.buffetJ !>reakfu ·aerved fi'om ·10 a,m: un· tJI noon~h of thffe'4fforda t.he JVest an opportunity tD make bi• Jwn se: tiOn -rrom a ·w~e variely Jf appel ng dishes. Sunday will ~ the ~ly ct8.y on whfch :break· tut wllifbe aerved. for the pt"e8ent Oat:y sf!rvi~ beglNI with · lhf' uncheonl hour at 11 a.m . to' 2 p.m. . The ref 111 be compJeie a la catte' lTlll se ice &II day off~ring the .~holce1t ateaka. ehopa, routa, poultry nd seafood. An ext,nslw: menu of special and standard aandwtcties as well 88 delicious !:&lads IU also be a.vaJlablit to take ou . A dellviry !tervh;e on land or a of any of the HoeteS& Houae ialtiea will be ottered to bc?th re.a ents and boat owners. Sure o meet public favor ts :.he tabl d'hote luncheon served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . and the' table d''l>te dinner between ~ and 8 ln tl'fe eventng. "ln·between'' Macks flay be enjoyed at any time, to ether with excellent cof- fee, tea , mtlk, soft drinks and Ice cream. . Mrs. {>oris J . Wheaton, owner and guiding spirit of Hoateaa Hou.l!le ¢mes lo the Island wtth an enviable background of restau- rant and cater ing experience and accompliihvient extending from. New ~Y::drk 's midtown and Radio City :lion to Hollywood and Loe Angele She brings with her to Hostese HoWle a staff of highly skilled perts in the preparation of fine 1 ', s and putriea. Empha- sis is d on the fact that cour, teoua vice and genuine hospi· tality II prevail in the •imple but co ·1 ortable Provincial envir- onmen }"htch marke the new es- tablsh 1nt. served ward on Bal Tuesda AC 1~-----~ Workers eet Here 1 ay Sessio.n ' fe group of intermeditt;te rkers o! Southern Call- 1 nference will arrive in Harbor today conven- 80 a .m. in Christ Church and afterw&rd being buffet luncheon. After- y will go to Mar Casa 'Island for dinner and seS1lons. lfled Ad is the mighty · get In Advertising Reed AD .LIB By Ma~go A -paint job ... an extra· bathroom ... roof repairs ... basement all fixed up ... yes, this home is rally fear of Ruuia nor ot communlam Jack Benny will put on 8 progra.rb Eb I I S t• tthool :March 16~16. In our government, but he 1.8 deep-Marcil 11, 7 to 7:30 telev1eed over 0 eC IOn --------------'-----J.----------1 ly concerned over life "Give Away" CBS about Girl Scouting. l,'"••---------------11----------or,; ( ' . .for the yea IS ahead ! How's your own home? If it needs repairs aRd improvements, now's the time to have it done. And with a Jill"(•· FHA loan, the·cost may be ms than yt>u'd think. Just !OS in cash .•• the rest spread over as long as 30 months. Look for the deafer or contractor who displays the lamous 7'-""' emblem. He can make all the arrangements for a z-.. r,, ·FHA loan. Or if y'oll wish, you can arrange' financing in a , (ew minutes at any Banl of America branch. 1 1 " r • • , prorr-m that is coating the tax· Mrs. Constance Jayred, ch•ir· payers ao many billion. of dol-man of Ebell travel section, wUI Iara. He says the "worm of greed Farewell party present c. J . Ballard of American and the fattened worm ot ease" Atrllnes &t 7 :30 p. m. on TUesday Wi ll eventually undermine our Is Surprise for at the club, in a picture trip Top government if the "Give ~Away'' $ FJlght to Mexico. All E bell mem- progra.m is ~ontinued. and he advo-Jerry pangler ber•. their hwibands and persons cates a return to prlvate enter-interested in seeing the pictures pri.te if America la t-0 be aved A stag affair hono J erry are invited. the fate Of, Rome. Spangler, Jr .• waa gtve recenUy ------- A short m usical program was by a group of his fr da, who arranged by Mr. George C. Sher-planned the .urprtse ty a.a a wood, who introduced Mlsa Obar-farewell gestu re to Jerry who lotte Cooke, a student at Orange.. wu inducted lnto aervke and Ebe ll Book S13c :'1 Meets Thursday Union Rtgh school. ~ Cooke. left for Fo Ord Tuesday, Feb. an accomplished -vtoUnlst, played 27. Vtr(inla Cutle wtll reVlew two selectiona and graciously re-ParUclpan lhered at Jerry'• Smile, Please _,when Ebell book sponded to an encore. Mn. Jess home, 113 Karon, Lido lale, section 1 meets at 10 a . m . Thura- Coe accompanied her on the pi&no. and" presented him with a be&.utl-day with Mra. Marloe Othmer, A busineM meeting WU called tul fitted black leather traveling 1760 ltut Ocean boulevard, rB&J- by the president, Mr. L. L. Bee-kit. Pa.rents of the honoree, Mr. boa. Aaisttng boateasea are Mn. man and reports .ol the various an.d Mra. Jerrokl sp&ncSfr.-aerved R . L. Allen· aritt Mra. Robert .Jjy- co1nmittees were heard. a buffet .upper to ·Ted Clark. red. CanceU&tiona a.re aaJted if Mnr. Dora Glines, welfare d}rec· Warren Atherton. Mike Healey, memben pl&n nOt to attend. tor, reported on the succeu of the Mark Mu.n.t0n. Dave Cardnv. liii:\:SJ.L;:'(jyE!m( Chriatmu drlVe· tor Jelly and jam Roger Gordon, Art KJUlon and, NDBASKA O i for the. Re1!1'ed-Tuchen Home J.erry. Kr. and M: Cl B&cka of in Puad.ena. Tbe teacJJen were " "24 Short S~ MU&. ,bnt r-- generoua ln their dahaU<>n -231 C ....LI• V f W talnoecl u tteent gueot;a. , contatnen were received. Mr. and OaiJllft8 • • -t and Mrs. Clltto almer aztd Jft· =· ~lt ~ ~~ Wednesday · P.· arty ~~.~ neim ~a1m .. of a... r, Chrtstrnu offering conaistlng of '-------·I · bV<>doaen Jan of'Pickleo, two dO&-. Plana ha~ been completed by Ill ,.L,ry ....... .. en Jan ot allld d!eaalng, and llilt the Coot& N-VFW, AUldJ/arY ·-•• ,.... .. ,. Jan ot -•Y· ' for a · public 'hlnc and -Ooiiltab!e -... H . ' va lo!la 'L ~ Cbnnell, moml>er-p.rty to be 11& , W.edn-J,, 'Mey BatlJ:rl!ay1hwarted It. lhlP' cll&lnnen,~reported ~ _,_ K-11 7, In ~Hall, ~ attempt at .. ed ~In Oranp _~ With Qo&t& ;Ilea. wm M ihed ...&r,11100. N.,..;poot ~ on1,y ss per·cient ot IMm mmn~ -at ui :ao . Colla .__·on 111o(. lat of tbe --tioa. Proceello -'aftalr Will sci ..... two -tied -the ,pji.!.o. no& '*'.t ~I ot Ille~-lnt,o Ille .local uatta'• 'ftmcl tw V&'!llla! -~ ~ ~. fomla RaUftd ·~ ••octa.-opectal wei6n -....-._aid -pt'.lod. fnlm a do(it' . ., tjio tlOl1 'Wiii .a.._ <Ill '11!!1-'In 10 D""41 ~ W lllelr .,_._ 1)1.-.... ued bJ, W-Raallor, April~~:& ... " ..,... ... ... ... ~· '-......... ,..,.. "'* ~I ....... Mr. 11•=p to .,.._Lt ilie ~ c.-..... oillo' - : _ _.....,..,. -1)'. ·~olllu& ..,,, . fl1o!l W '*'"$ iiult, do 'md .. rt'!• • , " I • • 1· .._ .. .!'" I •. • • • \ ' ' SANTA ANA • flOWER e • ,JllcJly nnounces he f951 ·PA! ant rdi;olly •. ofabu)pus . n~ . I ~ .. •t0wers • I ,' ' - --~-r.-.... ' ' . hle 4wrice ~~··· . ..a travel IPNRS. Santa . Fe offers "on·time" per- fonnan .. '.smoother handling ... ever expand- ing. ma~tenance and service facilities. More .. ' , do~ble !rack than •ny othe~ western railroad. FOR T,VELERS. A tleer of five daily trains- ~uper-Qiief, the Chief, El Capiwi, California Limited I The Grand Canyon-provide accom- modatidns to fit every purse. Fine Fred Harvey food. tj., your, next trip to or from Ch go, travel Santa Fe. , I · ss· · "AATON l'A I See p,..wc~ VI--· t A .,ltb .....-}f-1 .._...-... · • -. -·--.f--: --· .,. ·.•. Call yo r local Santa Fe representat.._, for In· formati n on how Santo Fe can IM1t •s.erve you. WOR El WITH 1,000 JOIS " ' .{ ,~, ,~.,, '"' lewalf of the fntlrr ' .. • ' . ' • • .. • ' ,.. • ----... ---·············=· .. I , • ) bM. ...... Eftll7 n.e1tt7 at New,.n B ... Oel•a 's lrJ' Ille kzwroar llAJUIO& P VBl.!lllml(J COMPANY ' • MOmbo1" of CALU'ORNIA NEWSPAPER l'UBUSHllll8 .ASS'N, Membo1" ot tbe NATIONAL EDlTORlAL ASllOClATION Office 8Jld PrLDUng Plant at 2211 ~ BooJeV&f'd • Telephone Batbol' 1611 • -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:-1 Ebtend u •Second..0.U Mattu at Ute Poatotftce lD. Newport BeM:b.. Calllomia under the Act ot March 3, 1171 RUSSELL L. DmrRICH, l:dltor RALPH BORGESON, Advertlat.,. Manqe< Qmllflecl to PubUAb LepJ N otiioM MCI AdvertMcmeete of .U' llJn4ll; SUB8CBIPTION RAUS: ~ NEWl'ORT-BALBOA NEWS-TUOlS '""U7 ~7 lll o.1.ap County, PJIO per JM<; P.N ob< -•U.01 •t.U t.hno moalbo (Aloo IDcludeo ..... NEWPORT-BALllOA PRZIJS, Tb...-3') Outside o......., CouatJ' -,.. ,._ -A L~N IN SOCIALISM • As a teacher in the public scboobl. I find that the .Wcialist-communist idea of t&king "from each according to .his ability," and givinf "to each according to his need" is "noiw generally accepted without question by , most of our pupils. In an effort to explaind the fallacy in this theory. I sometimes try thfs approach with my pupils: When . one of the brighter or harder-working pupils ,makes a grade of 95 on a test, I suggest that I take away ~20 points and give them to a student , wh<i has made only 65 points on his test. Thus each would contribvte according ·to hill ability and, since both would have a passing mark, .each would receive according to his need. .\fter I have juggled the grades of all the other pupils in this fashion. the result is usually a "common ownership" grade of be- tween 75 and 80. the minimum needed for passing, or for survival. Then I speculate with the pupils as to the ·prob- able results if I actually ~ed the socialistic theory for grading papers. First. ,the highly productive pupils. and they are al- ways a minority in school as well as in life. would soon lose all incentive for producing. Why strive to make a high grade if part of it is taken from· you by "authority" and given t o someone else? Second, the less productive pupils, a large majority in ,school as elsewhere. would, for a lime, be relieved of the necessity to study o r lo produce. This socialist-communist system would continue until the._higb producers had sunk. or had . been driven down, to the level of the low producers. At that point, in order for anyone to survive, the "author- ity" would have no alternative· but to begin a system of compulsory labor and punishnient against even the low producers. They. of course, would then complain bitterly, but witho11t understanding. . Finally I return the discussion to the ideas of free- dom and enterprise, the market economy, where each per- son has freedom of choice, and is responaible for his own decisions and welfare. Gratifyingly enough, most of my pupils then under- stood what I mean when I explain that socialism, even in a democracy. will eventually result in a living-death for all except · the ".authorities" and a ·few of their favorite lackeys. A letter from Thomas J . Shelly, teacher of Economics and History. Yonkers High School, Linden and Poplar Sts., Yonkers 2. New York. ----'•~--- A crusade against organized crime -a genuine, whole- hearted crusade -could accomplish much. But the hood- lums have little to worry about as long as both the public and public officials are indifferent to the whole mess. ----•---- . . . The way school children squirm we've concluded that the three "R's" are reading, 'rithing and 'rithmelic. ~---·---- The growth of the girdle business bas been due to a widespread development. The Human Race ·-........ • . -----------...,.~ x-..---- ' ' t \ NEWPoRT-IALIOA NEWS-TIMES • pd ... -' .I lie± t u-, ou-1°"19 litcto --· _,,_. ·--.. .,._ ~-. ..... al Ille ---N-i...t Hip ~ &ftedillll&I Do ~ artlol..Ulattad . : .. , Lat ~·t ~Al. N011GI . LIG~ ~ . (Wt:lllOA'l'li OP ·~ tlon lo that ct -.JKA}tT G. tliat aJa . ' will ·lie beld on -.,._ 11-·L WOLTAN, aJoo '-u MARY the lDtb d&y o.f March. aad tbe TIU: UNI)~ do' WOLTAN, at lime 'of her -th 18tb day ot .April. 1851, at th~ hour' t.,. certitJ ~ tMy &ft ~t-In and lo the ""/";prop.rt.y de-of 7:1111 p. ~In COuncll Cbam- ln&'. a REAL, SBTATll: and <!llN· ocrtlied u followo: • . lien of \j;·· Cl Hall, N-pok ·ll:RAL Uf&!JRANCIC-.-at ~ ~~ one-half In-lleacb, Calif 'at which lime •-JO-tlDM..O..M- IOI Oout Hn .. Corona del ~-1e ... t 1a all Ilia! re&! proparty ,..., place ·.,,y all pendna LD-......... ...... B I • - Callfoml&, luider Ibo f1ctlllou.9 oltualed ln the County of 0... tereated '1UIY · knd lie beard firm name Ot TBZ A.NDRDllCN a.nge, State of ~ltomla. and thereon. 1 • ~ • aJMP ANY ~ !bat aid firm I• duc:rllied aa f~Uowo: • 1 Nll:WPO~· EACH compoaed ot ~e f oltowlnl pe.,...,a. Lot , ts In Block 43 ot River P LANNING COl)DCUllllON -nun .. In fUll ~ plac .. ot Section, N-l Beaell, u · RAY Y. CO~. Secretary·..:===========::'. ret:ldence are. u f~ t.o-wtt: per ).(np thereot recorded tn By Order 1>f · . rman , ·· r . Carlyle Andreaen. l:U-341tb Book 4, Page ztl ·of ml8cel-Waller M. Lon r. , st., Newport Beach, Ca lif, laneoua Mape, Recorda ot Or-No. UH~Tlmea. J . Charlotte F. Andre.oen. 124-ange County, Calltomla. Publlah JArch 8f3· 1051. qmtimtRT I nhr "-.....,._, D. D. IL .. &. -~ ,. ........ ~ -11117-1 . Harold K. Grauel 31th st., Newport Beach. Calif. ...Btda or ofr.,tn are invited for -.. , WlTNC88 our banda tb1a 18lb aald property and muot lie In NOTICE Or::NG ew.u del Kar. day ot Jrebnla.ry, l lMSl . writing and wtll be received at tlle ~ PIANNINO M'Ml88ION nou: Beeoon Ml l , 1a""'t ~ F . C. ANDRESEN afo.,,oaid office of oalll Admlnla· • NOTICE 18· y GrYEN Ut ~ Ooota ll- .., Rea 8l'uclt CHARLOTTE P'. ANDRl;SEN Cllratokr otr mlday Bbe frilled Couwltbt tbel ihat the Plannln Commission of '::============-' aac1· Pllll Dike.. State of Callloml' • er 0 a upe or r .a Pie City or Newjort Beach, S tate - ~-Mer Chape~ ' County of Orange, u . a.ny lime alter tint publication or Ot ca11rOi-nla, will hold public hear· ar en rov_e Boy •.--------.---0?1'nlI818th day of February, thlo notice and before making aald Ing 'on·the ReoolUllon ot Intention .,I BE SUR'E-INSURE H bor R It ~ A. D. 1941,' before me, Robert I'. Ale. ot the Pla.naln*' Cornmlaalon to · Wins Scholarship GI ea11'S Wlllmea. • Notary Public ln and Said sale will be made upoo tbe amend Section 9 2.2 ot Ordinance ....... Sho U W II for Uie Aid County and Stat,., re~ following term.a: CUb in lawtul No. 63!i 80 that C rtaln landa north 1 llAIIRIE 8TANUY in Harbor Shbw w p • aiding therein. duly oommlaotoned money ot tbe United Staleo, ten ot Hlghway u. s. No. 101, shown : ,_.._ Oal1 in Land ft.aa..la. and 1Worn. peraonally appeared F . per cent (10~) or the purchue on sheet No. ·7 ~ f the dtatrtcllng ' PhoM Harbor l'nl __ 1 _ Rex Brandt and Phil Dike judg· ed the all·county Junior College and High Schqol art competition at Newport Harbor High School which was held ln conjunction with the annual Newport Harbor show. Prizes ror the show were a scholarship to the Brandt.Dike Summer School or Painting and an award of $15 In cash whk h was put up by lhe Newport PT A. This latter award was tor student or Harbor High only. The Brandl-Dike scholarship wu won by Manuel Hernandez or Garden Grove High Sc hool. Nel& Nelson UI the instructor, In art at this lnatilutlon and thla ii the second year in succession one or hJs students hu won the Braru1t- Dike scholarship. Pal Jones of Orange Coast college won Clr•t al· ternate in this compeUllon whlle honorable mentlona w~nl to George Jam es al.eo or 'Orange CoL"lt college, Virclnia Wilburn of Santa Ana Junior college ana Suaie Baker of lAguna Beach lilgh. The PT A cuh prizes went to Gwen G!()(!ge, first place: Sharon Yarnell. second place:· and SOnja Hortman, third place, all or New· port Harbor high. Presentatio n of awards will bf. Sunday, March 4 al 3 p.m. in lhc new gyn1na.slum at the high school. Nunes Describe Careers at OCC A pan(') of seven nursing in- 8lructors and seven atudent nUrM"!4 rrom Los Angeles genera.I hospital prcSt'nled a comprehensive picture or the nurfttng profession at a spe-· ctaJ meeting' apct/tored by the Orange ·Coast Delta' c lub, Tues· day mornin}lr. in the college chapel. Studenb from H u n t I n g ton Beach and Newport ,high ·achool.11 and rrom Fullerton and Santa Ana junior colleges were gue11ts of Coast for this a~lal mee ting. The visiting group or nurses came In response to a request by Coast. It wu felt lhat aludenl.8 lnlPre.11ted in entering the nursing profession should bl> given firs t- hand, up.to-date .information re· garding lhe requlremenla ror ad· mission t o s M;hool of nuralng and t he t ype of curriculum offttcd lo trainees who expec t to bf'come g raduate, registered nurses. "The panel was p&rllcula.rly ap· propriale at thhs tline," rematked Af rl. Martha Busa ~ RN. ot Coast. "for there is a.· national drive on at the present to recruit nurses lo meet the preaeht emergency." The gTOUp from Loa Angeles general, however, ~·a.a a rf'pre· aentalive one, by no means charg- ed w ith recruitme~t for that par· t1cu1ar boeP.l~l Jt wu reported. ' . King to Head Student Group TtRin ~ Carlyle Andreaen, and Charlotte price to be paid on the day or map be rezoned rom a "U" . DiS· • 2%1 HartMe Aw. Ballllae ...... F. Andreeen known to ~e to be sale, balance on conrlrma.tlon or trict to a c.1.u t~t. and s8.kt Realtor members or the New- part Harbor Board of Realtors matched wlll!I and won tn a quee- tlon ana Ul8Wer pro'gr&m conduct· ed by Verne H~rbruck ot· Tille lnsura.nce a.nd Trust company al the regular board meeting Thun· day. Herbruck poeed queaUona ln· volvlng right. and title or land and properly and ln all but two c&llea the queried realtora came up with the rtghl answer . The aea- slon was held at the Balboa Bay club. Presiding over the blUliDeas of the meeting waa Barney Ft-ancque, presideM of the boa.rd. Thoee queri~ by the Tille In- surance man were, Ruth Jayred, Charles Harl, Leora Correy, Stan- ley Smith . .John Prendergut, Hub Howe, Jim Howard, T ed Osborne and Lillian McAdoo. Questloiicr Ve rne Herbrucl< told the board members that they had the best r ecord or correct and rea..oionable aMwera he had· found ln many SCBl!lon• or similar que3- lloning. Local Officials at ACC Session Civic Boosters rrom all of Orange counties cities were gueall!I or the Associated Chamber or Commerce In 8'nla "-na at the Muonic Tem ple on Wednesda y night. F e b. 28. Spea.krr for the oc- c~ion was Oscar Tripplett, prcsl· dt>nl of t he Los Angeles Chamber of Commerl'c. Tripplett told his fellow boosters that all Amer ic8.ruJ must stand constant guard to defend our way or life, constitution and Bill or Rights. He warned that Socla.llsm la uJt>rt ua like a c reeping p&raly- AJs t&d that seen we would rind ouraelvC's without private entcr- priae or i_nitiallve of the trend of government la permitted to con- tinue. Reprt>s<'ntlng lh<' Newport Har- bor Chan1ber bf Commerce were President Thomu Norton and Mrs. Norton and Mr. and Mte. John Boyd\ Harry Welch and Herbert F . Kenny, secretary and president or the Orange County Coaat AS&OClatlon, represented that group. Assault Suspect tO Be Returned Baail J. Hu11t, 26, wanted here on assault anil robbery charges. has been plcke<I up in San Joae and will be returned ·to race the counts, the shertf!'s offh;e a&Jd last week. Hunt I• charged with the uaault and robbery Jan. 2 ot Audra Ether:ldge, 2203 ~ Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. at Orange Ave. &n4 17th St .. Coat& Meaa, lnves· Ugators &&id . The accused man userledly beat the Etheridge woman and then robbed her purse or ~. Sbe told orrtcera s he had met Hunt in a Co.st.a Mesa restaurant ~ bad gone with h 'f1 tor a ride in his c:ar. lecJin Manslaughtw Trial This Wffll lhe penona whoae names are 11Ub-aale by the Court, buyer to uaume P lanning Comm ton p·ropoaes to ecrl'bed to t..be within lnatrument, the extetlng t rust deed In favor of amend section 91 2.2 or OrdlnBJ1ce j ,--------------, and acknowledccd to me that they Newport Balboa Federal Savinh No. 836 .so 'that c rtalh Janela north W. Stuart Foote executed tbe same. IN WITNESS and Loa'n Cqmpn.ny recorded Octb· of Highway U. . No. 101 be re· GENERAL INSURANCE WHEREOJ', I have hereunto· eet her 19, 19:wl, hi ~k 2089. Pare zoned from ''U" istrlct to C·1·H my band and afttx~ my of_ftcial 400, E>fflclal Records or orange Di.strict, and that the area Courteous 111/ormation. eeal the day and year In thi• Cer-County, in the amount ot·approx.i-known as Bayah re camp be re-!11'7 Balboa Blvd. Ut1cate first above written. mately S2.2~4 .00,bearing &~%in· zoned from ··tf" Dlatrtt:t to R-4 Newport BeatJJ Pia. Har. U ROBERT F . WILLMES lereat. payable $25.00 per month. District and C-1 Dlslr1ct, and so (SEAL) DATED: February 28, 1951 . that Tracts 1014· 102-1140 and ad· My Commlasion Expirea 11/18/~1 BEN F . WHITE, jacenl areas be' ned from "U" No. 177-Times. Administrator of the Estate of . .[)latrict to R -1 ~Dl.8trlct, and 60 PubU.h Feb. 20-27: Ma.~6·13, 51 MARY G. WOLTAN, a.Lao known that other areu djacent to Bea- u MARY WOLTAN, Deceued. eon Bay · Slibcli11 ion n·ow zoned HlCHARD A. FITZGERALD, No. 179--Timea. -:'U" Dl1trtct be ci~ely :toned 8.8 ATTORNEY Publish March 6·13·20. 1951. ·_shown on the Shf' et No. 24 or the districting map. I• the Superior Court 01 t he Stat~ NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is bereJ>y further given of Calllorala. l a .,.a l'or tbe PLANNING COMMISSION that said heartn~ wilf be held on Cou'.aty of Rl,·enlde. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN lh<' 15th day Qf March, and the No. 136%3 that the P lanning Commission of 19th day of Ap II, 1951, at the S<mCE OF SAl.E Of" lt ~L the City or Newport Beach. Slate hour of 7 :30 p. ., in the Council P ROPE RTY AT P RIVATE of Callrornla, will hold publlc hear· Chambers or the City Hall. New· SALE inp on lhe Resolution or lptentlon port Beach, Cal rornla at which Jn tM Matter of tM Estate of of the Planning Comm.is.slon to lime and place . ~ and all persons JOSEPH WOLTAS, ~. amend Section 9102.2 of Ordinance lntereeted may lappear and be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN No. 635 so that certain lands south heard thereon. f that the underalgned, u Adminis--of U. S. Highway No. 101, mo1-P RAY Y. COFfELIN, Sccrt>tary" lralor or the estate ot JOSEPH 1 particularly known a.s the Stanley By Order or Chai~man, WOLTAN, Decc~. will aeU at T_racl, ~hown on Sheet No. 4 of the Walter M . Longmoor. private aale to the hlgheat and dR1S3tr01c.L1,n~ n,1ap be0 r1ezoHn0ed ,rr?m,. a No. 183-Timcs. l· HA'ITRl:88E8 ea.ta 11,_ Mattt"MB OL tllle N-rt Blvd. Water Heafll!rs 8EltVICE i& REPAIRS Joe Bec/JolJ ./\u ·hortzed Dealler Daty &: Nla;'ht Heat.en TEIMS 10',t Oo.,11 Oii •II HeeflllJ Phone Harbor %54%-W beet bidder, upon the terms .and · .u' r1c to a • -18 r1c . Publlah March 6·~3. 1951. conditions hereinafter mentioned Notte(' Is hereby ~urlher given -------'-1--------------------- and subject to confirmation by that said hearlni;s will be held on the 15th day or March, and the saJd Superior Court, on the . 19th 19th d r A II 1951 l th h day of March, 19~1. at the hour or . a y 0 pr · a . e our 10 o'clock A. !"· or thereafter of 7 .30 p. m., In the council cham· wilhlrf the Lime allowed by law. Ix-rs or t.he Cit>"° o r Newport Beach, at the office or sa'id Admlnislra · ca11rom1a al which time and place t or in the Court Houae. Cit of any a n4 all persons Interested may . Y appear and be heard ther eon . I Riverside, County or Rlveralde, PLANNING COMMISSION State or California, all right. title, RA y y COPKLIN s ta Interest and e 8 ta l e of said · · ecre r y JOSEPH WOLTAN. Decea.sed, al By Order or Chairman, th lime or hi.l!I death and all Walter M. Lo,ngmoor. e · No. 185--Tlmes. • right. tiUe and Interest t hat said Publi h Ma h 6•13 1951 eatate hu acquired. by operation 11 re · · or law or' otherWlse. ·other ·thatt or ln addition to that of said JOSEPH WOLTAN •t the tim e or hta death In and to the real property de· acrlbed a.a rollowe: An undivided one·haU ln- tereat ln au that real properly •ltuated in the County of Or· &"A'e. Slate of California, •nd deacrlbed as fol!ows : Lot 18 in Block 43 or River f Section, Newport Beach, as per Map thereof recorded ln Book 4, Page 25 or mlace.llad· eoua Mape, Records or Orange County, California. SOTICE 0 1" HEARING P LANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Oommialon of the City or Newport Beach will hold two public hearings-on the application or E . Morris Smith tor the rezoning or Lots 1 and 3. Block 436, Corona del Mar Crom the present zoning or R-2 lo a C·1 zone, in accordance with Section 6 o r Ordinance No. 635. • LLem!1~:e~u r~r~r~1 LL 3sp NEWPORT BOULEVARD JUST ABOVE THE AllCllES StlU 0'4·ned IUld Operated by BURT LLOYD • ' Serving , the ' 8aftle ftne home cooked -food as blefore. We haf: jui;t added a new dining roon1 you and your ramily. • SPECIALIZIXG IX to serve STEAKS •• CHOPS • SEAFOODS I ALSO SH ORT ORDt:RS If It'• a steak or a hamburge r you want It is swe to tute better at LLOYD'S BEACON 6966 BIW. or offer• are invited tor said property and muetft.>e ln writ- ing and will be reee~ed 1 at the aroreaaJd orrice or s.akl Admlnls· lrator or may be filed with the Clerk or a.aid Superior Court at any time aner flrel publication or this notice and before making Notice Is hereby furthe r g iven 1 that the said hearings will be held on thC 15th day or March and the 19th day of April, 19:51 , at the hour ot 7 :30 p . m. In the Council Cham· bet or the City Hqfl. Newport .~~;;:;;,;;;;;:;;:;;::i;;;:::::;::;::;:::;::;::;::;::;:::::;::;::;::;::;::;:;;;,;;:;:~ Beach, CaJifornla, at which time ! aakl aale. ' Sa.Id e&le Will be made upon the rot1owtn1 term•: Caa:b ln tawtul money of tbe United Stat.ea, ten per cent .... ( 10~ l of the p\ltcbue Prtce to be paid on the ·da y of .&le, balance on conflnnatkm of aale by the Court, buyer to usume the e.xletinl' trust deed ln favor or Newport Balboa Federal Savtnga and Lo&n Company recorded Octo- ber 19. 18Mt, in Book 2088, Page 400, Official Record.a of Or &lligf' County. ln the ampunt of apprl>xi- mately U.224.00, bearlnc 6\l'J\ tnterul, payable $21.00 per month. DATl!:O : hbruary. 211, 11161. BEN F. WHITE, Admlniatrator of lbe F.atale of J-ph Wollan. Deceued. and place any and aJI · persona In· F u N tere.ated may appear and be heard thereon. · 1 J Z .ONE RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary Planning Commi8llton By Order of Chairman, OP~ EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY Waller M. Longmoor. No. 182-Timea. Publish March 6·13, 1951. NOTICE OF HEARING P 1"'NNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEN lb&t the Plann:ng Commlulon of · the City or Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the ap· plication of Ray B . Loomia for a 50 ~ variance on the Wly ~ or Lot 11· and the Wly ~ of Lot 18. Block 10. Section 2, Balboa Island f29()..{)2 Ruby Averlue) in accord· &llice with Section 6 or Ordinance No: 635. . Wllll&m K ing or Huntington Beach WU elected preBident O( the Student Christian A880Clalion, Orange Coaat college, when the orcanlzatlon recently held Its first meeting of the se<:ond semester al th~ home_ pf one of IU sponsors, Charles Lewis in Costa Mesa. Ron- ald PenOington .alao of HunUngr- ton Beach, waa elected men'• vice-Trta.l of ~rt ~ Lower of president and Cay Kran of Mid• Hollywood on companion charger. way City, women'• vtce-.presldenL Qf m&JUllaucht~r and felony drunk Ellen Reichardt of Weatmtnster driving wu 1tarted thJs w~k ln became treasurer. court of Superior )udge P'rankJln No. 180-Ttmea. PublllJb Man:h 8-13-20, IBM. RICHARD A. FITZGERALD, ATTORNEY Notice is hereby turther given that tht-said hearing will be held on the I~th day of March 1951, at the hour or 7:30 p. m. ln the'Coun· ell Chamber or the City !!f!1. New· port Beach. CaJIComla; at which time and g~ace any and all per- 90"8 lntereated may appear and be Specific group chairmen were G. West. Selectjon of the jury Wu al.90 eln:ted: world relaledneu. made last week. h llWI hperter Coan of the ,8talt Dorls Holmea ot Weatmin111ter; Lower-Ls accuAed of. responslbU· of Oalttorata. la ._. For tbe publicity, .Jean Ba.rline of New-ity for the death last Dec. lf:. or ONat)' of Rlventde. port Heights: work•hop, Velma Mn. Elizabeth \Vrlght or 8701 No. 115!1 heard thereon. Thomu Buck ot Banta Ana; way. Injury ot her husband, George H. PllOPEllTY "T PlllVAft yialfi> I "·· 'viUcUo#J, RAY Y. COP.ELIN, Secretary PLANNlNG CoMMISSION By Ordei of Chairman, Walter M. Longmoor. \ Pridham of Coela Mesa: program, Seuhdre Dr., Newport Beach and NOTICE OF SALE OF KM.I. n ' ', ~-"--''-·-- and rneami. Keo i'\shcr and David Wright, Whose auto was struck SALE Vaughn. both ot Costa M.... trom lbe rear by a machine drlv.n In the Matier of the -.ite ot · TERESA RENNER ' (Mrs. A. Renner) No. 181,nmu. l'llbUah March· 8, 1851. --" """'"' ..-.. .· Ol•TW't ·neut• ., ,,...,. 1-..u..a. Central point of tntere•t for the by Lawu on tbe. Coaal BI1b-y ~·RY G. WOLT•v,-•-1tnown ·' t ' ,. eve.nlng'1 irntertain.ment WU the near the w~ Newport Beacb U KART WOur.Alil. ~· .NOl'IVE 01" ffl!AWNO .. ,4 . C)f: .. •4• eta•• ffl ....... ,_,... &l>j>wlng of colom movieo or Ell-city limit. 1 ·NOTICE . 18 llDUlBY (Jrvw!W PIANNINO OOIDDli8lO.lf · ; 1r l rope pe"°nally m'ide by Dr. GUu J.G,.. Wright wu knocked out of• tbal ll>e UIMlenlined. u ,\..,\.j.;i;: NOTICE ra. HJ!iREBY oIVJCN . ·~~, .,..,.. . Harbor 1 J,1 ,.., Brown on a rec:eht trip abroad. the car and died abortJy llt.tr U... t N.lor of tbe oitate of iiu:JlT G. Ut.at. tbe ~ comnu.ktn ot · lwt ·•I • C ..1-I ~ W. Lewta allowed colored aud .. 2:40 p.m. col11alon. . · w d LTAN, ollo -u liARY IJ>t..ctty ~ Newport Beach. s tl.IA( · l . _ 1 'U Jl?IR '.-:-Pl'W -· .,,,_ otl the CSA ront~m>ce held lri , · Wf!LTAN, Dee..-. will ~ a l of c&ur-ia. WUl ·bold public._,.. C..;;;;;iiiloo;;;;~;;j.~m-a...,,..;.;. ........ ...,...,..,...,...,...,;;;i;;.__.., Monterey last mQClh. • G•t• Jal .s ..... b. ,.i,.. .. •to tlle ~--tnp aa'llia--of lntentlon ' • . IL.. c• L F ' • ..... --u.e --or. u.. Pianntar-Coni ... 1-..1 to TO DPANa. aAN(JH ._. "ICAOfll'J ~ i..ma.ne,. --inomJ 8ecUoe •102.1 of~ · A.~ 'Wlm·approval Ralpll era:..r-_ M ; of N-potl -ialijoet to ·~· "' lllo. • ao that wtlhlh tile &ftti ''?"', u... P9a1J! JPla••lnr . CM>-Beacll, got a year 111 joll t>un au--~lor OOllrt. .., .~ ;JfUl _.,._ bX cortabi'IDU ·1a 'IVaci !"; m ~·~~~to elt· perlor J~ -rt <Jardaer. ~ dalt Gt·lludl, 1161. al U.O !!07. iDol-o (UD)' 'deil<rlbed u :iota T.hlo ch~ , . '!" Vlc!oria day ror pa•"&' · ~ ....... -.. to I p'cJoci!< A: 11. iir ... ~ .1Sl ~ tit to m laj:.. 11114 -t ot ~· 8iOd.. <l<>o!& lwo of them (orsertea, j lie w ·rr 1 1 u.o -al\! wed law, to 4U Ilic. P T to Ml lnC.. Ill to fiOm tJ0o to llOOO -It~. had admllle<!. I • a~· ·an'Joe Gt itJd ' ... ~·~ ik to -'bidL llruc' . _'. -• TIM -rt noted tile I . 1D Oaml a..-, (I~ oi, 'llina )lliill not IO ~ ~ w. I 11•.-:alotllL.New-..,-a«mno, and~ .._ Olllfo<ala.·.&1 r!Pt: title ID-~·tliaa"lioat '(() felet'Ud . ' c I HELPFUL HINTS ...... Ma•••*"", ' ! • l . . -AD llB t• j ' • • • •• • • • • , -~ ~ bad .. ~ P'••-. rm o.: 1:7 ot 111-''t, ! "' to u.e -ty-foim <M r foot:- pcl,t, $;t~•!"'"' ~'N-e awlUllJ. .-IO tW -otf"lld doc«' at al ._ -. _,....·te U. teiii '(llll foot jailU ............. _ ..,_,...-..... u.e -.-· "' .... ~-. ....... Wit ...... -t.a llt} ....... ~ ,.. ... • ......... lliiit .... ""' '""""• -.. -ot ... lllleni& --...... ~I °'" ..,....a.-... -.. ,ell .... 1, Jly MAllO J i • :., ....... Do -~ .. ,•' ....... Do ~ ....... "'"" .., -·· "' '""'·-1 ..... fll"llo.i. ti~.. ' -t7 I 1· -.lllllL• ·.-_, I a I ................ ! wlm;,.C-.. I cir Ii -_-...,,II .... liq ---:\ . i i l . ,_ --.-. ' .... tllt ' • I 1. I I I I I I· • " . • • I: ·rcr ·1 ' , I • • • ' -I t ' .T uescl•y; March 6; ·1951 • • ~ ' · I ~ • ' ~ower Squa6'on «•-r...~lJ t:ae wt•• ol memben. and a 'dtn• ner at tbe Bay Club ln Ute even.big I • I • • I 1 ~;.P..'li~lar . 111 ~ Trlil·, :"'. i • I • I ., ~ ' otlaldod by n-ly 200. Commander Clifton proved to i.. eo t.borourttty lnlormed on all • • • • • • • • By MAR,Gp. • • • • • ._ Sq~ matt.ere that members enjo~. a day of highly produc- Uve dj..,auton with him. Twenty .. five ye.an of work, through alJ pbuea of Squadron program, h&vf' given the Squadrons a Chief Com· mahder who 1.s ·an experieneed and understandlng leader. l!fllUGlrrLY llPINBTl:Rll SEii: G · BOLACIJ -bali.ocl potato ~ wi cho~ .,..... qnlDn, wat~ l!PR,t.WL SUPERBLY ON THE 'IN SWDl· panley and a plop ,of eour 'l"'""'· Neetll,.. to eay, the~ wu.Joy A I _ _J~ . SUITS IN THE SPRING! AJJy womall who caroo a keen dlnller In the Perkin'• aebold that nlgbL ..<nd Y<IU loo to make • splluh !n tbe aodal niral tbl• aeuon can en~rt.&in J.a1{1Glly an,d l>ull . y ~ elepnt, beal~l dut~ Sunday aflt!rnoon, u: the' Hypo came flying home from Avalon with the Chief Commander's of- ficial flag al !he lltarboard yanl- arm and the P ower Squadron en· atP flying a.stern, she wu met by Squadron boat.a. Cur1J.a Doah met Der 10 mUes out ln hia cru.laer Buater, ...a.nd dipped the eruiign In ~tin!? to the Chief and follow~ the Hypo ln. The cockpit of lhf" Hypo wu lmpreu ivc, filled with Ure Commandt n .. all in their navy blue Squadron unlforma. . will do(·po.ddle at full opo.od to Bwl~ult Hdqo.-With "" lnexperuilft freali n.h U.. eay.lde Flah MkL u your • ... l'HIC JO LlilE SPORT SHOP.· Lee Stroup hu pleee de r.ist.aftcel Tune.ha next week for another thrllllDC' adv9n~ ' _.... bat.hins auila that make )"OW'· mouth water eveD ! ttlre of LuJo Perklna, called ~~I · Eel'• Eye-browa" or What hap- -; My vote fQr the suit moet Ukely to , !Jle llllk of ponocl at 2800 IAfayotte at :J''~ YSIDJ!l FISH KKT. -ON THE the Boonlwalk la the •ult Howard G""'r bu ClellllfDOC! lor Calin. BAY AT NEWPORT. I - This la a l~l!Mc!a. el&at.lclzed nylon sharklkln lb Sea·m!at ~l"'ffb, black, • e • Rfoelectlon A&htoo'a reelection to the DLB- lric t · Commander's poet aaaurea the California Squadrona. Balboa.. Los Angele.a, Long Beach. Santa Monica Bay and San Franciaco, the co ntinua.nee of enthuaiutlc Rnd experienced teaderlhip. A.ab- ton holds , the highest gradea the E?quadron glvea, that of Navigator, which means he bu qualifi ed In Pilot ing, Seamanship, Advanced P iloting, Junior Navigator and Navigator courst>a. He hu 11 merit marks , meaning Chat he hu served tint the Los Angeles Squadron, anct then Bal· boa, to v.·hlch he tranafcrred three. years ago. in eome Im po rtant ca - pacity for each or t hMe 11 years. H e has been a Balboa Squad.ron ~ Commander. Robert Boyd, wh~ electio n to the DI.strict secreta ry -treuurer poet waa a.l.so unan imoua, holds the g rade of Junior Navigator. baa 1 been a Balboa Squadron· Cornman- • der and hu nine me rit marks. He baa taught. for many yeara. the d ifficult compa88 wo rk l o the Pi- . toting claaees and hu given thP Advanced Piloting courses here ' several tlmes. H is devot ion to • Squadron work and hla inatruct · ing ak lll are Well.. recognlzed. Put Com mander J ohn Stick from l...o8 Angelea, Past Com- mander Leater Lowe also from ' Loe Angeles, Pu t DI.strict Com- manden Robert ~ a.na' Larrv ' McDowell, and the new San ~­ clsco Comm11.nd('r, Collia Hutsell. ' forlnerJ)r a Los Angeles Comman· . der v.•ere at the aeaalons. Also oceu bark -01' royal blue. The ~t.e trimmed! ~ lln• la a ele'¥erly cantrtved contraption, concernlnl" which Lee~-.ya, ··u you have "ti.em• o IL If you don't. there'• a •n.1.-to put '901ne'." Other . . . ,,_.. ) balhinl' eulta wtth high eye-cue are the 1 A: Z ptece Ma1irice Handler cottona. piques. and failJM A: Hawaii.an la.pa print.a. M ."4up. Or the Roee-Mar\e Reid aculptUttd _.tm oult with boned top .mtp1 win the awim~ meet for you ! Tbe9e are 1 A: 2 pee. bea1.1Uu in navy, aqua. OT camell~ ptnk -Aa a mat~r of fact, one le quJte formal in a bare eon. of way-backless with ahirred, faggoted bUBtline- wha.t there la of tt Is well worth Sl4..9G? You can proudly lead &n)' of lheae w its to waler from Jo-Lee Sport Shop, l~ Newport Ave., Coata Me&&. • • • COME! MINE LEETLE GYPSY. ITS TIME ro TRAVEL -ON! A.h! Parta in the spring! Aphla tlme in Apple Valley! M0onttght over Mae West! Arl•-Gypay! it's folly to Mt In your tent, pe.lm.ing your creaay ~ ailver. Travel! See Ille! V1NCENT8 UDO TRAVEL BURJ!JAU CAN GIVE YOU COMPLJ!JTI: TRAVEL 8l!lRV1Cl!l. Ch&J'kKte Hollinshead can book you anywhere near or far by ship, plane or train! Or lt you want to get away from It all for a week~d. you can get resort and hotel bookings here! Charlotte aaya Apple Valley, near Victorville, la quite t he amart, enjoyable tour theae day1f Peraonally, rm mad tor Mu.at.fan and hear glowing report.II concern- lng Charlotte'• Me.x1c""1 toura! Weather and flt.hing. allegedly are great Utere noW'!·' .. 'i'feaae remember that Vincent's Travel Bureau can book your trav~la any place. for buslneu or pleasure-around the world or just to Omaha. Mut ual Theater ticket agency a.s well! Welcome traveler to VINCENT'S TRAVEL BUREAU. (in mez- zanine, Vincent's Lido Drug ) Harbor 1246. • • • HEY DIZZY! DO YOU HAVE SPOTS BEFORE YOUR EYES?!? Do you !!! Oon"t disregard this danger signal! Go fumble around under lJle mattress for your purse. Then 10 to 300 S. MIL.In. Balboa. Go in the buOding painted re<t and grope your way back to the shelves in the rear. There in the center of the second shelf from the bottom, you'll find a bottle of spot remover. Suddenly every- thing will become quite clear to 'you! You'll rea~ize the BALBOA 5 and 10 HAS EVERYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY NEED for removtnr spots from furniture, wood work and enamel. You'll find O'Cedar Dri·Clow, that wonderful, new la.sting rumlture polish that requires. only a few euy swipes lo apply. You'll aee Old Eng-llah Upholstery Cleaner, and Scratch Co~r Polish. floor and glass wa.x ! And ·then. Oh clear-eyed one. you'll joyously ~Uk:over mo ps and broom• and gteamlng hungry garbage palls! Even tho' you're almoat too happy tcr talk. ask about the PAINT AND ENAMEL AT 1h PRICE. You'll be prety ~II loaded down with Houite-Cleanlng equipment, but J think you can atlll car ry YOme St. Patrick's Day (March 17 1 Cards In your teeth! Everythlng that is anything la at the ,BALBOA 5 and 11, 300 S . Main, Balboa. t • • • • Thi• meuace la for women la.ad landladies ' only! (Chlldf'en under 8 not admJtteclj. I .~ wu just thinking durtnc the tans "ltlll watcheo f the night that with Suter VacaUOn Week wtn,fln . It'• way to ua, many wome.n wt1l be nain&' up room. and apartment. for -tllla and L fut buck. CARtLE'B UNPAINTED ruRNITURE SHOP can tumlahi you with cheat. of drawen.,. coffee tab19:a: wardrobea. cabinet.I and all 10rte of wonder(ul mahoran,y, ¥bj or gum funUshinge! Thia han<bpme ftl9dem · and provincial turntture ls 1turdy and extremely well buJJt! J And Idea.I for vaca· lion rental unita. You c!an aa~e yourael.t a lot of money and have an elegant Hollywood head board. buffet or record cabtnet1 with ju.at a tef!ntay bit of work. Carlyle'• wlll explain to you about how caay •it Is tO brush 1tain & beautiful finish on any of lhla rumlture. If you don't care. to pick up a brua6 at all, aak to are the Values in tinlshed bedroom tel.a, and excellent buya In lDnef•Pring matlrcs.ees. CARLYLE'S UN· PAINTED FURNIT URE (fotn}erly Al"aJ 111 reall y intriguing stu.ff. l hope I'm beattnr thi• drum loud enough for you to feel the call to--JJtl8 Newport Blvd., Cotlt& Mesa. Beacon 6124·J . . ' • • • SHOOT IF YOU MUST THIS OLD GREY HEAD . BUT ALLOW TIME FOR A OOLOR SHAMPOO, SllE PLEDt Theae Immortal lines truly express th1 spirit of American Womanhood! Women want to look their bea even a t a neighbor- hood dos-rtrht. rm not auggeaUng )'Ou star any commotion, I'm ju1t recommending that }'OU go lo RUTH"S BEAUTY SHOP and get renovated for spring! Ruth Is fea turing a marvelOus spring tonic for faded jaded hair -the ROUX1 COLOR SHAMPOO. This shampoo cornea ln 12 natural shades. The lo r lasts 4 . 6 weeks and give• your hatr an Innocently. riatural 1 k . Furthermore. this 'natural look' doesn't rub off on the pillow at night! $4 for the color Shampoo and &el !' Also it your hair really ra tty -ask Virginia or Harriett about the new Vitex t a tmt'nts. Vitex is a medicine for burned~ broken or bent ha.tr . T e treatmcnl1:1 will re - store Keratin Coag. &nd without Ke rtaln C ag in your hair. you might Just a.a well roll over and play dead. It.ex Is also good for too oUy or dry hair. TrealmenU are $3.50 in ludlng was h Rnd aet Pull a sack over your head and slink over t R ulh'1:1 Beauty Shop, 338 PoinHttla, Corona del Mar, Phone Ha.rho 2901. • • • "Oh I was da.nctn wit 1 n1y da.1·llnG". when a friend sloll!I my sweethear a. .. "'1ty!"' You're all familiar "'Ith t he sor y sa~a of thRt Ten- nessee belle who was, Ji lte in the n1lddle or the ball -room. This &band cd woman probably vore ill ·fi t tlng shoe~ &n danced J.ike a clod· 1opper. Take h~. ladle Your feel a re in1· port.ant pedeslala! Whet r you're tripping the light fantaatic or promena. lng in t he 1noonlight, .. ,. :. • BARBER'S BOO'l'r;Rl' fi t you In light step· pers! BARBER'S BOCYrERY 18 featuring th nat iona ll y advertised p resent were R-obert Moulton, Ed· ' mund Simmona, past commanders • THERE THEY GO! THEY'RE O FF! AROUND THE FAR TURN! OUT OF ._ VITALITY AND GRACE 'WALKER SHOES or wa lking right lnto 1 at Long Be.ach ; George ~!linger, • past commander or S&nta Monica Bay Squadron ; and the preaent 1 comma.ndera : Harold Tracy or Bal· boa Bay Shores, Loa Angelea Com- . m ander ; Robert Schilling. com- : m.,,der at Long Bea ch, Carlos Bronson, Commander, Santa Mon- ica Bay. - Bible Translators , (C<>otlDood from Pap 1) send, who heads the organiution set up in 1934, .said tnat plan.11 ca ll for expansion of the activttles 1 "'hic h now reach into remote parU of the world, chiefly where there are no .written languagea. 1'HE BAG. INTO THE STRETCH, AND DOWN THE STOMACH! The ind.Japutable·__,. winner of the Feed·Bag SweePJilakea Is -"'-:1'.11...- the 16<: hamburger "on the trot" put out Ow.,- by tbe Kottage"' Kaf-.. Coeta Me.ea. Go to the winning window and buy a bagful! Don"t sit there like baby blrda in. & neat wit.Pl your moulh'a open! It'• true! Kottage K&fe sella truly delightful h.a.mburaera by the bag or one at a. t ime for only l:k:. Wbere you eat them ls yotjr business. Eat them there or take them home· and snarl over them ! Koltage Kafe has loads of tree parklq, So If you want to curl up in your car with 80me cof.fee, a ·laco. a malt, a doz. or 80 hamburren1 and a dear blonde friend, It's your private affair . The idea Is. you fill your own 1-nk, or eerve your11elf and save. These hamburgers at l&c an made ot freah, pure Mannlng-'a beef, and a re regular size on a 5e8&.rne bun with hOtne·m&dt!' rellah. They come trom the Koploua KJeen Kottage Fate-Kost.a Mesa -Op:eA 11 a. m.---8 p. m. f closed TUes. I 1920 Newport Blvd. 1 blk beyond the Mesa Theater-BET- I'ER BUY A BAO. 8UD. 0 rou p Pl.au The organlution plans on gen-• • • eral offices. a home for children of ARE THE CROW'S FEET ON THE MARCH ? Are the little missionaries, a school for them, a laugh. Jines turnlng to snow-shoe tracks around youl' baby blue translation center , a printing plant I cyu? Then tt'a time for you to think abo\Jt the proper lighting • f or· producing books and pamph-for your fadlni charnt& You must be sure lhat your home b&ck- • lets, and storage of t.belr supplies. ground is tl&ttertng. ·Let {Ile Ululltrate : Helen Wolfard at the Shade • The objective la to translate the Shop bu Flexalum VeneUan blind• in decqrator colors that will eer· .. Bib~e into llulguages for illiterate talnly show you in your beat llC"hL These -aluminum bllndl!l come and . uninformed· peoples who have in ~ttertnc tiluea, IJS"ht a.nd dark ,n.ena, grays, blaze, and oyater no Written language; expe.rlenced white. You can order them made with contra.eting putel sh~des of llnquisls c reate an alphabet for washable_ plastic tape and &lao have Valence boxes made to YJ>Ur them from their sP.f>ken language, design and color. I thln.k thea blind.a Will lend • lot ol pleulnl' Spring! The Vlt.alltys a.re in while casua.Js. rown a.ncl while s pec- tators, and very dre88y blue ror black s uede pumps, $9 .96-$12.95 . The Grace Walker's come in a handsome ritish Walker. and In dress-up pu'mP8 and straps $7.96-$11 .9.$. P in1a Cove r-Girl dressy Oats a.re advertieed in leading fuhlon mag8 as bein( pretty racey .foe&-reu. · Barber's Bootery bu t he Cover Ir! flats In red, white. blue and black, at $7.95. Likewise Holywood kooters. similar Shoes In blue and black suede for $8.45. Don"t w ry! You11 be belle of t he ball and dance: like a dervish In 5hoes rom &rber '.11 Boot.er);. l 79S Newport Ave., Cos ta MeM. '"' • • • STOP ! THIS IS A ROAD-BLOCK! E3rvone driving a convertible pull over here! Let e see your license. .Um-hum . . . . J ust as I thot You need PROOISCO TOP-ORI. that new m iracte top dreaslng for old and faded convertible tops. The TAYLOR TRIM 8ROP can make your old to k>ok like new with Top-Ori! This top dresaing f:ater- proofs. protecla, and resto res the color. It oesn't harden or crack the surface. You can gl!!t a I st ing, 2 coat job for around $1~ Compared t o th~ cost' of a new top, thla 11 a bargain worth latching~' n to! So have TOP-ORI TOP DRESSCN«J put o your top by Taylor! TAYLOR TRIM also makes roal good ltent covers . does auto-uphol•tering, and cus tom trim w rk a l 1102 lndw.trial Way, Costa Meaa. Beacon 6930. 1 • • • Bl•nleJ ~ R....s. -a. paliltq COii· 1.nct.r:-1""""1tt4'l lul week bl a ciwae o( snaa theft of •1000 ollepolly bor""fed'from Dr. J. B. Rlebanl ol N-eurpcWt Beoch for a Cootll 111-~ lnlf ')ob. ' . Richard had complained ~t Reed IJAleCl the money !or hla per' .:maJ blbaslJ!:d &bouJd have. ~ tqriied It he did' not get the p&la.tlng :cof tract for wbtch the money allepd,ly wu loaned.. At -)Ila flnt trl&I In SUperlor Court, a . jury dlaagreed llind WU dl8charged~.1 Reed WU prosecuted apln and .tbe Jury deliberated an hour a.net a,. half betor& reporting to Prealdlns Jude• Robert Gard- ner. •• Aceld•nt In Pedestrian Death Death of a pedestrian in Hunt• tngton Beach ,Frlday, Feb. 23, wu called "accltlental" by a coroner'• ' jury. The Inquest . wu held, In the death of Nick Demar&kl.t, 80, of Sam'• Sea.food cafe, Sunset Beach, kllle.CI u he crosscd Coast Hwy. north of Anderaon Place in "Hunt- ington Beach. Driver of the car was Charlea Horrell. 4.9, of 116 -3l•t St .• New~ port Beach. The · inquest waa held in the Smith mortuary, Huntington Beach1 $3000 RC QJaota ( Coettaued trom Pase t) lng home aoHcltatlon are Fred Wiaeman; Jim WhJte, Irma Gal).. rlel, Miidred Mathews. Calla Viele, Lilian Butler &Jd Walter Weime r. ' 1 ' Cra1~11 .. , . ~=~~~r ~~:..,To!:" A.=. •CwU.tJJ .._~ l) ~ ' Jr'., Loe ~ &Jtd Jpm H.. •. · . -B~ Loo Allgelea at •:Jt p. at f;JO P• lD.;WU ~ 11'.rry-ml Bund&y. Both CNO Md•'bees mUler, 40, ol ~'. )illtnu'ay traVcllblg·weat on ll>e ~ ~­ patrol ·-_,.. ..... ~-g way and came Into • rigllt - a panel ~livery~ north on turn at. the Arches aimultaneoualy. -r I Blvd. apt>"""' UY D' "' bL awerved to avoid a d .car, lost am.ages ~ere !Tg ,· 1 control ot the abd went off • the rood, 11onc11ng ,11~ ditch.· Th• OvercrowdUICJ truck WU-badly damaged and ltonlinuai ;rom 'Pap 11 Me~f w.. take.n "° St. owne rs will be gtven 24. bou.ra to Joaepb a oaplta.l , b ambulance. correct the situation or court ac-.- Bum~ Ho~· t ion w ill be ta.ken. Copies of the kt 2: J>. m. Ft:ibay, achool bus ~late housing law are ava.lla.ble at driver George L. 1Leseberg. 152 the Newport Beach fire depart- CabrUlo St., Coal& l,resa was going mC'nt office in Balboa or at tb.t! eut on an alley ... \nl the 1400.block county health department. ot Balboa Blvd., dear the gi-am-1 Hayden said that the.re mu.at tie mar IC~I when )¥: hit a parked !)()() cubic fet>t of a ir for each) per .. ~~r:o ;~ed~~er b~:m~~ :; \~ an:~ee:i:~!::: :: ;!; damaged part of .the roof of a rooms used for sleeping purPo-a. home located at 1~05 W. Balboa Blvd. I j•----------Extell8tve damagµ to both c:ars !\'OW SHOWL'16 FIRST RUX '3 Guys Named Mike' Jane \\1)'man, Van lobaeoa -AIKO- resulted when a lcar driven by Gladye L. Se•se~ 1~6 'h E. Ball,>oa Blvd., Balboa. struq<. a car belon g- ing to Gordon W ~II which was parked ln front of 912 W , Balboa Blvd., Newport' Be&ch, at 5: 16 a. m. Saturday. I • 0"UNDER THE GUN°' An accident tnvo~ving two cars and· a trailer-type truck occurred J:lchartl Contr, ,Audrt"y Totter :ST .4.RTS SliNDAY at 3 :45 p. m . urday oh tht' Bayahore Bridge. ara driven by Rose K. "Blair, San edr0. a nd Mr8. f"IRST R UN E. Rockwell, S · Diego, wccc "TOMAHAWK" travelling south n the Coast In T••('hnicn.lor Highway when a t railer tru<'k ,. 1• · ~-~- d l l.b W l " F ' c• R. . nn .lt•flln, \ Vortne de ..__.av r ven y al er f · tSnt'r, 1v1· era, travelling In ~e oppo.sit t' d i· -AllSO- recllon •kidded a~crash l'd into 1 "0peration Disaster'' the two cars. Fo r ately no one I w .. injured and amages to all ~~ ~ ~ A-· vehicles involved as sligh.t. Tiu.• \,_ • I • truck skidded 78 ya rds before slnp· X A. ping, according tol police r1•ports.' 'LJ"~f! y Turning ri ght aq t he A rchcs at 1 • • ••• 1f4su~ED SjAVl.NGS ' '" and the Bible translation follo""8 local color to you and your backJTOund. The Shade Shop can repa.ir -, -a long With achools for children and ft.do your old V. blind.I with thia wuhable plaatlc non-raveling ! and a~ulta allJc:e, It, wu explained. tape. Ill fact, you can ·buy thla tape by the y&i-d.. It certainly la ~· At present. 300,ml.asion llngutata u Improvement over that old.d.Jrty, raveling strin1 tape. You can , are at work In the field and ln the look good in your kitchen or bathroom too by lnatalllng aome of the THIS IS A Tff.uE STORY AND NOT SOMETHING I MADE UP WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE O F HADACOL! About 11 week aso. Eun.Jee Knox, charming owner of Fun Fa.ahlon'a dreSe ahop in Corona del Mar read in TRJS paper about the ba.rga.in.s in carpeting at the COASTLINE FLOORING COVERlNG. What struck her dtecemlng eye wu thla item: SPECIAL~ PARK AYE. TEX- TURED BROADLOOM for 113-16 A SQUAIU\ YARD INSTALLl':D. Eunice atepped to the phone and called Clare~ce Page. Aa a re~lt of th.la Important conference, Coaatline Floof Covering lnatalled a divine ebade ot green wall to 'wall carpeting in the Fun Fuh4on'a Shop. Eunice Knox is dellfhted with the results! She says now her Shop lookl like the green room at Bullock's Wllshi~. Mr. Page of the Coutllne Floor Covering-waa ha ppy to do the job 80 neatly and etflclenUy, and I was extremely happy to 8ef! two good mer- ch&nta get together.· In. fact, all _ 3 of us may join hands and play rlng &round the roay on ·that bea utiful green carpel. The moral lo UlJ• hearth-warming tale ls: Shop at Coa stline FLOOR COV· ERING for carpeting, linolelim, a.spha.lt tile, and general !Hltlsfactlon. t8th and Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Beacon 52Sl-J . < general offict-s. Hopea are to in· print pattem window ahadea from this place. It doesn't coat a creue the fleld t o. 1000 such Un-thlq for ut~mate.s or d\acu.ulona on your shade problenu at the qulats,. ·who are trained in summer Shade Shop bj' tbe Sea, Sl4 29th St., Newport, Harbor 884. inst itutes at Unlveraity of Okla- ho ma, Canada and Australia . The Wycliffe Bible TraJ'Ulllatol"8, Inc., hu lta own fleet of airplanes which regularly deliver supplies and food lo the mluionarles in the remote part.a of the world, Grlset explained. / COllJ; WASHDAY 001'"T CRY • • • WE TUB AND Ttu:N DYE FA.OED CURTAINS! DON'T SIGH, • • • Be9in Trial WE CLEAN "ZOUNDS! oDDs BODKINS! sEND FOR SCOTLAND YARo! 1 ANL THEN D\"E • . . . . . 8END FOR BAM SPADE! GET MY SOLICITORS. GALL AND (C-11-from Pase II 404 COAST BLVD. WORKWOOD INC. ON THE WIRELESS! I'VE BEEN' ROBBED! 1948.. Mr. and Mrs. Hutme w erP WA.SBERrlTE, ~RON~~ :!:w -MY BAILING TICKETS ARE GONE ANO I MUST SAIL AT paaeengers on t tie SJ>f'eciboat anrl ")NCE!.. "Come naw, Erwood," I said ln a soothing tone. "l'U ft.ftd that sbe suff•red ihjury wklen ..she • • • ~hoae tlcketa U I have to rip your lovely ahop apart." Running fell when the boat hit rougtt water YOQ..HOO ! Y()().HOOI SURPRISE! COME ON BLINKEY, prlckly In att.d out the tablu laden with glittering COBtume jew~lry. lt' outaide the harbor. WA.KE-UP! lt'a 6 L m. and tlme to hit the road, Mac! Whether t turned on all the beautiful half·priced l&mps! Heedleaaly brushing Attya. Arthur M . Bradley aJ\d you're pln& fiahlng, catching the P . E . tor Long ,Beach~ or aea.n:h~ Past' the ~h (laaa. cryatal. a.M stemware. I dashed to the beaut!· Jamea E . CoUlna charged the Ing for the fount.a.in of youth, lit.op at the ANCHOR cate for • 'ul rock maple bed-divan covered in gay red print fabric, list price boat ~a.s being driven at exces· bre&11:faA lb.at wtU open n>ur eyes and warm your vital& Glad)'ll. 1lto-now marked ·down to a pitiful $95. Sure enough, there in sive. s peed and that proper aate-that cook of cook.a: cbeerfully opens her cafe everyday (9xCept Wed.) "..he chartreua mou fringe lay the m laalng Uc keta. ~II Mell. ty devk9 were not provided foi fron1 5 L A'L to G p. m. Start the day off caretullY J1&bt witll l!lrwdod ·and I drove-thru the rain to the docks. "Bon Voyage," I .._ the protect.ion of pueenger. , buttetm.Wr: bot cakea or a platter fUll of sausage an~ eg'p •lopPe<' whiaPei'ed u f:rwood leaped aboard the ferry and aa.Ued away into ' lhd Ne "-wledp -., WttJ\ a U. kup ol koffeo. Now don't go away< f;nn If )'O'' :he · mt.t \owe.rdo Bal-r.Jand. AJo I drove thotlully baek to Clawaon. who WN operating the like to .ieet tw nooo-~re'9 a place tot you at the Anchor Cafe ~. Shop at 401, m. BaJboa Blvd •• BalOO.. I muaed oYVl the boat. Mid be bad ·nq knowled~ Bn&kfut Y • ..-ved all day or 1.0'I: can lap up a bot lunch for SO< ~neu of lbe m&n--4L.Dd; hoped • eomeone Wou1d bu,y that •ti· Uiat an accident' had even OC· pod with a ..._. c1\4Yer: 01&c1Y. aad Dee make ri&bt sharp laam· tlflll ·rocic. maple bedfdlVan . , .. Sud\' a bargain at$95! cu......s. He Mid l!la tlrat notice blu'Set• °' obll-biu'Pn +ad put up lunchea Md· food to · W« ·~·· • wu aeveral month.o later when o•t! 'l)M -U..t , -to. pmalJ a~ the ANCHOR CAP'& i. lbe Hulniee clatmed the woman .1Uper\atJ:u ;,,.dre •rnd tia wa aae llUfTOWl.<llnP. ~ Glad.Ya a,fa you PE YOU ARE GOING TO ~ME had been lnJured. . .,... keop Y'Wr ~ floot ....... -pru•on ___ you BOJIOll ~ WilIBrt.ER·s . MOTHER f ' I A• Atty. Max HurwtU. wbo la a. at at u. iv.II'• C&tt, 11.( D Cout. Bllttway. Newport. the ~tUre'.:.mou.er oti-90me ~ttle eomebody, ~11 alated by bla br<Jther, Ro~ . -' . ' bo pleo"'\I to know that f.'>DY Apparel ..... a queolloned the plalntltfll aa to ; . " '• J · • • alee motber'a rilatem\y cupti>ooN hill .of Mdther w!Ktber they bad noUced o1gns .. • •• • .... TO uQ 191T911D 'l01J1' ID.ANS • • • • Hubbllrdo!L.8! ~ I ~ you e&n llO lo.... u ' they !lllrchued ~ and • A. i.llTQ: D94MA ,_ SVDYD.t.Y LIPS,. • • . .tboro -~-a lot Of llmli't -l!pn-nolter- • --t11e boot.a, od..rtllln& t11e • -.i..-:~r ·.flow ....... ,.,.., rn -!. '1eftHt 1a z wtoolo • ~ las -...., --. ~ .,, -..,..... .;., boot aa proYldlns "IJ>Md" ud '"JLl~la-Joi.t:-.... ,..,.. •-Lola .... Roi> Ft;pitow to -•I • , ~ ~i, ~that,... _..ny attnc- ·, •'thrllJo. ", Botl1 'Aid t11ey l\ad llOt r .. ,....,,. U... --'I .-a -to iqotller) (BUt wait! . • ·Ifft ,.,.. _.... The1 omocko run Imm ~ up. . ...,. ..... ,....,... .. ~~~ ~ ........... 111-.-w ,a-1) ~ ~ -•-iild, liaw• or'll !f~ Pl>Uy hu ~lo I poe. atat~l)' • Tbe --lo't.M cnrt Pw••· -.. ,,..,.. _,_ Fpr ........ blao -... • .,_. ~ -.. -.. ~ .... ~f Olt 11 wlllcb a,_, later, - ---~-~i111t Ill IM·llATUm ,_ ..... ~ IW a -,.., *-'------~ U.. -~!fi.=' for 'prl!f•~ _. ...... Mllp, ~ --.,_ Ootll.~ in1liiW _......,. n p'•---ot u.o a.,..... -an-. • Ill -""""' ot -and -1111po.I ao • -_. lllf Olltruco of N-W ;~ "' .. -16 U. .. --11111\ .... llO ........ I ,_... .(' .. , .... .,,.,.. ••val .......... ~ •{ )IOrt S.0.-. u.J. JWll .... ._ .. --.: W ior - --- -,.... ---.L'J:::.-..... 1" ~ I.jot -N'loi:llft ot I p1pt 1 ' • • --111 •-• rd • • . ,._. --ft<)' --llot .... -"9ra ~ .. -"""" do llGt INa _,. lo 1111 NHPORi AYa. ..,._,,. ..... .,....... a '1\~ ~ ... tM *"1 --.----....... ~ ~ .,., ~ .. ' ·-·-•. •·. n ,J t• ~ • T ~--• ---« -• I t I _. • , I • t. \ • ... 0 ......_ ....... -..... ~,. .. -.... _ .. .._,.,. _ _.. ......... -= ---~-0-----~,c, I I ' CURRENT .EARNINGS Per Annum t • .. ,_ • , • • "' I I I I . I I • l " f -·-•:•·•••c••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Students Ship SewJq. Machines to .Okinawa Proving tha·~ lndlviduall can contribute to lntefnational eco- nomic welfare in a very. direct way. members of the Student Chrt.stlan AuocJatk>n, Orange Coast college. have recently ship- ped two .sewing machines to Okin· nwa. . The project 'A'&s the l"el:Ult of a · rePort to the organ:zatioo by one of lU members. T oby Thomp90ll of Costa Meaa. who, together with his father, visited Okinawa last sum· mer llllil discovered baaic nttda of the Pacific islanders. "Sewing machines have become v&luable for more reasom tha,n mere: se'"'•!ng-,'' atfltes Thompaon. '"They constitut~ a potential buaJ- nesa. Parts are not Impossible to obtaln and electrtclty ls not es- aential." f \\'emen to 1 Man It l8 understood that In many Villages of the SOU-th em part of the tsla..nd. the population ratio is four "-'omen to o ne male adult. More- .over, reports Thompson, agTicul- ture ls li n1l ted for lack ot arable la.DcL The need. therefore, seems to be stimulation of home indus- try. Shipment or the m a chines wu made through fa.cillties of an American rt-lit'f agency. The ma- chines wlll be tleliv1tt l'd to a na- tive ministt!t who has set up a mewing machin l· l'enter for Okin- awa widows. Coast students earned the money they s~nt for machines. "In fact ," says their spoMOr, Mrs. J;>orothy Dallas, "no group earn- ings have been used for any socta.l entertainment this semeete r. Mem- ber! of the SCA have had a goa..l, and they have attalnl?d. It." College Teaches • 'Low Cost Meals' II you are one of the man}· housew ives who is having diffi· culty with your meal planning be- cause of soaring food prices you .will probably be glad to know that A. 11-bort course in "Low Cost Mea.Ur" is being presented at O range Co&st Colleg e. Th is claSIS will be in- structed by Miss Patricia Afoore at the Home Economics Depart- ment. The class commenced on Wednesda y, F eb. 21, at 7 :30 p. m. in the cooking laborato ry of the Home Economics Building. A to- t-al of five 2-hour meet ings will be held on consecutive Wednesdays. Considerable emphasis will be placed on purchasin g for and pre- paring cuserole diahea uid meat ext'enders. Ways and m ea.na of realizing a m aximum from low CO.!t cuts of meat will be streMe<.I. The class ;i,•IJI be bas~d largely on demonstrations with some time al- located for disc u.ssion periods. At each 'meet ing th ree or four dlahea will be prepared and suggestions tor menus built around these key I d i.sh es will be offe red. Interested adults may register at the Eve- ning Collegf' office. No fee ill charged. N ew port Harbor Chamber of Commerce has re-ct'lv<'d word from the Unit ed States Civil Service Commission that there will be ·t t>gular Civil Se rvice competition for the top level adminiatratJve and o thPr key pollltlora in the new W1lge a.nc;! price stabilization agen- cie~ -_,.,. .well as !or admlnistrative jobs ln' olher federal defense agen- ci«-s. according to an announce-• ment from the 12th U. S. Civil S t>rvice Regional office In San Francisco. The new examinatio ns to be used tor selecting t his kind o! per- sonnel are: f 11 Administrative of- fici!r and 12} BuslneBS analylst. Conl.modity-lnduatr-y ana.lyist and Industrial Specialist. Applicants a re not required to take' a writ- ten tt>st . but will be rated on the basis of l helt e xperience. Salarin range from $3450 to $10,000 a )'t'ar. • Further information may be ob- tai°ned at the Chamber ~r Com- merce office at 702 Ea.st Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Anqler5 Get 32,730 Fish in D-mber F orty-four party flshlng boaU plu. 7,700 deep aea anglers equal- ed 32, 730 ocean fish landed in Call· fo mia por ta during the month of December, a ccording to record ot the State Division of Fish and Game. • Boat OJ>eratora told the divi- sion 'a marine ftsherlea laboN.tory that the greatest number ot sport anglers; gut aboard in tbe Laa ~n­ gelU Harbor area. The 2,784 flab- ; ermen landed 12.160 oce'1' /lah, including 1,460 alba.con. Next hlgheat monthly catch WU reported from S&nt& M'onJca and -do Beai:b, -1.1112 angien ....pt 9,9110 n.11. San ntqo.aaaten-1.oai n.._. -t.ook llome 8,lTO !loll for lbol< daT• euo.u. 'Pvti ._. ,_, ,,.... at Newport ~ C&llSht l,MO flab, mo.t of whkb we.re al· -· I • ~TULLY C. KNOI D, Cllllll. -rOOUea• of Padfte, a....... . -~ ~ ft¥i ••pe Pl .. IM 00... ... -1 rs< li!r o..' r · t ars '·e aum at -.---6"9--llaCle • I • I . ' SOUTHERN OBA....'JGE COUNTY Cbapt~r of tbe A.ln@rt.ca.n Red en,.. wfU benefit from tM taahion llhow and tea lo ~ p~ntf'd at Balboa Bay Club Tbunday, March 8. Ebel.I .llun.l.;n· arf' ln cbarce or tlcke t &aJet for Uu:. 8'zbor att9. Me>Ptlnc to dlAcUM arrangemf'RfM &l't' commJttf"t" membf.rs, (Wt to rlcflt): Mn.. John • • .UJe --- • • • . ' ' -. ' • • • • ! ' \ • I ' ' t • , . I Daniell, chalrmu of Ebf!:lJ Junlon; MlM Ullan Daniell, 1'1,,.,, ~ uy Har\•f"y, gt>nf'J"&.I cbalrmall. for the W.; M.n.. Oun.alnl' Butler, Mn. Hrlnz: Kai*"' ' prMMdMt or •'rlda)' Afternoon Club, &ad Mra. Calla Vl~e. MGI/ .P(ue! ' • l A little butUJn that brin~s smiles UJ faces of diJruter ..• A little buUon that spells hope tllMn hope has [>em abandoned . A zu.°tle button thal rings the bell of mercy for so many • • • A little buuon that shows you. batie a big heart I I • .. ....... • • 4 i ~ . . . • , • • 1 . . . .NEW,...TQIES ~"Y TvNMJa-y. " . NE~RT BAY! ~"T-We&u...,ta.vs NEWPO~-~'A ~BESS -Thursdays w......... 7.ot·Cli: ..... ---.. -~,. , ---·--Th...-1 ..... Jlllli.tM 1lD 18 4 LINES _,ltlo•i---'~-"4 ~or c..1i·ta adneoe of ,.~•Z!11Slo&. t · 1 1 Paper '.75 t % Papers •l..50 4 S Papers %.UO ?be pu.baaahe'8 wtl1 not be Nlpowdble for lbON tbaD OM tneonett lnoorilan Of an odvortiaement. ........,. the rtct>t· to correetly Claaalry any •and all and to reject· uy adftrtillernet not contorm1ng to tule9 and f'f!l'Ulattona. Advvttaementa and canoellatlon• will be ~ up to O p.a. "" tlle ~J' pncedbls publication. Ph. Bar. 181~ .-.OM Bar. t•ll. .... for .. Ad tike.-. Of' eeDd ad ..! rwmlllatlee ·IO l'(EwPotrr -a-a PUBLISHING CO. ft11 Balltcte Bhrd., Nl!\vport Rttch, Valllon1la. 1 o-auslNE!ls oump; COMPLlll'l"IC BOUlllC CLICANINQ eervlce. FUmltu:n and rup •hampooed. · • ! ll"ree uttmaie.- ll'ully ln.lu~ Al's Ho~se & Rug Cleaning Co. - e.~ •111 72Ur ~UILDING SEBVICES PAPER· jHANGING and PfINTING Kennetp Quarry .1515 Santa Ap4 Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon ~ 79c92 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., ec.ta - Bea. 6f~i-M 94c9 H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDA~J.E PLUMBING A Prompt -Sernco Mallltalned Phone: H&rb<>r Hl&-'ir 280~~;: KI~;;;;:b Building I Contractor Estimates on ,New Construction a.nd Repair PHONE HARBOR ll&l·M 73c74b WF1 RENT ELECTRIC p~int sprayers, floor sanders. p01! hers a.nd gardening Pquipment. Stroot.s TeWlnkJe Hardware, 1802 Newport ·Blvd., Costa Mesa. 1 Phone Bea. 5222. ' 86c99 !Z-BunOING 8ERV1Cl!:8 INTERIOR i -EXTERIOR PA~TING UCENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 -3ut St. Newport Bea.eh Barbor 2297-J · 34c48 PAINTING Houses; & Docks or ? -!For estimate PHONE HARBOR 1659-J ? : . . • 87c89 14-PJIJRSONAJ.8 Alcoholics An~nymous Write P. 0 . Box .205 Balboa laland. Calif. Phone KJmberly 3-539S PREcISION Watch, Repairing ELECTRONICALLY TESTED· AND TIMED Louck's Jewelry 1786 Newport Blvd., Costa. Meu 8lc93 22-1.0ST AND FOTI!>'D LOST -Libt!ral reward !or male rf'd Oach.!lhund who disappeared from 5101 Seashore Drive on Ff'b. 3. Phone Harbor 0809-J evenings. 84p89 ~t:.,TIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN wants po- lilltJon as motel or apt. manager. \Vill alao considt•• maintenance or caretakt>r of private estalP. Will go anywhC're in C&llf. 5051i E Bay Ave., Balboa. Harbor 258! ·R. 85c90 F1NE LAUNDRY or ironing only. Help with dinner p.a.rties. Pick - up and deliver. Mrs. WitliarM. Call Beacon 5591-W. 88c.90 ORANGE COAST student desires afternoon and week end, office ~ork, typing, office machlne11, some bookkeC'plng, Har. 2913·J . IRONING DONE by piece. 3018 Balboa port Beach. 86c88 the hour or Blvd., Nt>w- 86p88 DON'T DELAY, C ALL TOOAY ... for an ad in the lively cl&Mi - !led sectio n ot the BIG THREE- New.s-T1me8, Post Shopping New1 and the Press OVER 21.WO CIRCULATION L'! THE ANSWER! Phone J:larbor 1616 today and aak for the ad-:.aker . ' Television Service RADIO REP AIRS t..arry Ewen • • 1 a.rold Ha.mm Technicians MESA RADIO 8' TELEVISION lllll Broadway. C. M. Bea. 5808-J EASY SPIN \\'ASHER, 1 lf.i yrs. old, good condit ion $75. Infra- red lamp, .$7.50. 607 Poinsettia.. Corona del Mar. 88c90 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRAILER WE FILL BUTANE ai.d PROPANE TANKS Complete t.n.stal•atton, ~ and service of all Traller Equipment. Herman E.· Samuel Elita M. Porter ORANGE COAST ffiAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR "LVD. Costa Mefl&.. Phone Beacon 82U-R ' APT·SlZE dinette table and four chaJrt, $.fiO ; Motorola i " TV: S50. Ceramic' l<itn approx_ 1 cu. rt ... $25; 4 ·gal mineral product.a glue 06-$6; 200 lbs mineral pro-' duct clay, 06, $6 ; 200 lbs. butcher clay 06. $6: 2 wheel Harrie trail- er, $90. 612 W . Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 0096-W. 86t'88 BICYCLE CMONARKJ Brand new , still in crate ... ..$45.00 AUTO \\'ANTED in exchange for $150 credit on new diamond, B. 5115 dayt. H. 212 eves. 86p88 NEARLY NEW Higgin.a boya' bf· cycle. All extras, M5. Phone Ha. 2695-J. 86c88 INNERSPRING dbl. mattress &: box spring. S35 tor both. Ph. Harbor 11157-J. · 87c89 DOMESTIC ORIENTAL RUG- • , 12 x l~, $85. Ph. Bea. 6098·R. Rewlta CQme trom con11tant 87c89 PracUce! An 1ad regularly ln Ulla ----~-------­ paper will produce ruulta far you. )(°"' Cla_.tled on next pap. ' .. I . > ' l • • ) ., , • -!. ... -.. ~ --.. ·1· .. ·-·~. ··--.. -.. ----·----....-.... -' 1' . • '\-. ' ' . --·r--· ... . : . i ' , .. , I WHEN YOU WANT JO BUY. sn ' , MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE SIX LAUNOERALL, 3 YT•-old, Just over hauled, $95. Phone Harbor U<>-R ' 86cll8 WE REPAIR all makea of washing machines. ironers, vacuum cleaners and ta- ble appliances. STROOTS Te- Wlnkle Hardware, 1802 Newport Blvd:, Costa Mes.a. Bea. 5222. 86c99 at-WA..NTED TO BUY BOOKS WANTED 1 will call and Duy ... Your entire library BUNSTER CREELY Phone Harbor 3215--W 78c79H n-"1&NITURE FOR SALE Buy Your TV NOW! See these LOW Prices : RCA CONSOLE 16" TV, like ne\V with AM &. F!tt radio. beautiful mahogany cabinet with doors ' $32<.95 MOTOROLA CONSOLE'ITE TV, IO" Reconditioned and guaran- teed .. _____ .......... . ... $109.95 2 TV Radio-Phongraph Com- binations, latest model; one 14"1 one 16" Tectangular. Floor sample~. Excellent &lays ! 10" TABLE model -RCA cha.<1- aiB -Expanded mask -New black tube. Reconditioned and guaranteed. Complete with ta- ble .................. ··········-··········$119.95 EXCEU..ENT BUY -Crosley Shelvador, guaranteed, nE'w mo- tor. new unit, nf'w paint, only ---... .......................... ...... St 7.f .95 USED WIRE RECORDER Good value at ................ " ......... $99.W Keep in. touch with tis for good buys in TV sets bt'ln"g traded In - EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 188.5 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 Jack's Furniture 1505 \V. Ba!bo8 Blvd. Newport lk<ach New Ceram ic table lamp .... $15.00 New GE C0rfee Makers ...... 4.00 New electric grandmother clock .............. __ _ --.. ., 25.00 7-1.nch Motorola TV set and aerial .... -............................. 58.50 Pair beautiful carved Oak bookcases with leaded glaas dOors, bargain price Rl>aJ Cedar closet .. -··· _ ": .. _ 20.00 Round Oak dining table a..nd 6 c hairs .... __ .,.___ ........ 22.50 PHONE HARBOR 2502-R ~W'10 1 ~~J:W!RE ,Reed ~ Sl!tlrooll! _Furn. Chairs, Couches, Tables, etc. Very Reasonable Prices. Hotel Laguna A-BOATS, SUPPLrES STAR BOAT, 2 malnsails & trail- er. Good condition. $700. Har- bor 33.3 or Kim 6101. 86p90 5 \{, H . P. F'ri.sco Standard Mari.ne Motor, $26. J . H . Smith, 174-1 Pomona Ave .. Costa Mesa. Ap· ply before 2 p. m . 88p90 tlf=MUSICAL, RADIO I • -•u~KlAi. w10 I -1'&&Tll&N'l:ll • HOOllDI SOHMER GRAND PIANO. Uoed f BDRM tum. hie, el-tn,• $100 good tone, $395. Spinet, repol'-Costa Meta. aeaaed. Save 1150. DANZ--3 BEPROOM completely tumiehed SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, a20 · N . Main. comer 5th. Santa Ana. B. A. NERESON USED PIANOS frorn $69 up. Good playing condition. DANZ- SCHMIDT, 520 N. Maln, Santa Ana. corntt 8th. SPINET PIANO. Full keyboBrd diBconttnued model. Beautiful case and tone. Only '395. Terms DANZ-SCHMIDT Pfano Co., 1)20 No. Main, Santa Ana, corner 6th. COME IN and play the Wonder- (ul New Hammond Chord Or-lan. Even if you don't know a note of music you can play beautiful music In ten minule!t. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Pia.no anti Organ Co., ~O N . Main, Santa Ana. LOV€LY PL.A.IN CASE bungalow upright pi&.no In fine condition, $266, .terms. $25 down and $10 mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907 ) 421 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2·0672. 80tfc VOSE a.nd Sons Upright piano, medium size, excellent c9ndltlon. Benell included. Ph. Ha.12282-W alter 6 p. m. 87c89 U-STO~ & OP'FJCES J\·1 LOCAnON on Main St., Bal- boa, near PavUlon. Space occu- pied bjr present P. 0 . Owner will remodel to suit tenant. SEE· Mrs. McAdoo, 700 E. Bill· boa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 153 or Harbor 2873-W. 75c87 WAREHOUSE or FACTORY SP ACE FOR RENT 630 W. 17th St. Costa Mesa' Phone Harber 1964 88c92 ;~:Clll~SIJlll> •S-APARTME.>n'S & ROUSES BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL See GAIL CARNEY with Nelda Gibson, Real Estate 306 Marine, Balboa isl Ha.r. :>02 69tfc IN LOVELY COURT -2 bed.rm unfurnished house, $.f7.50 mo. ALSO large trailer. $30, Small trailer, $22.50. 1741 ·Pomona, Costa Mesa. Phone Bea. 6747-J. 74tfe RENTAL ii SPECIALISTS MR.A MultJple Llatlng Office 1982 Newport Blvd., • Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6226 LOVELY 2 BDRM, 2-bath bav tront apt. Flne bay view. Prlvat'"e beach. $116 mo. to June 15th, Sligktly higher by year. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Harbor 2M2 86tfc Balboa Peninsula Low. Winter' Rates Furnished cottage. Quiet location. I Bedroom, llvtngroom, bath. kit-j ch'en, utllltiea Included $~ mo. Ph. day, Har. 1807. Eve .. Har. 2278-W, 88p00 AtilOmotive ·• Buy with confidence From Your Dodge-Plymouth DIT. I Oum b but Honest ·1 Salesmen on Duty) '-46 FORD STATION WAGON fine yachl·ll$ii3!;'.''l/l thru-oul I '-46 DODGE ''fluid Jrive" SNlan Attractive Balboa Blue, fully rjiund "'i lh compass, fog lites ~~h lites. radio . & heater t•tc. A ship shape ont>-O W!ll'r c·ar ' $1095. . '-47 DESOTO ··custom .. St>dan formal black with whltewalL'i H~ every accessory known tn man ! 1$110 below ceiling) $1295. '.f l PLYMOUTH ''Speclal D{'Juxe" SE'Clan. A smart, de.sirablf' pre-war with radio 6. htr. Just $545. MECHANICS "Special" Popular '.fO PLYMOUTH Club with R &: H. 80Und body, awful motor. Fit!tl $265 SHAVER MOTORS 1lt36 Harbor Blvd. Costa ~1e!'a '42 CHEVROLET, 5·pass. coupe. Excellent condition. Reasonablf>. C&ll Beacon 5679-W after 6 p. m . 85p87 TfDS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ! Mu.$t sell '.f8 Packard Conv., 0- drtve. electro clutch, radio, 2 heater9, nt>W top. Shows. best care. Kl. S-2996. Make an offer. 85p87 1948 OLDSMOBILE 98, 4-dr. dlx. aed&n. Rad.io; heater. white side- walls, Hydramatic. 24 ,000 miles. 26-tl Crestview Dr., Bay Shores. Bea.con 51.fS·J, 83p87 ·49 FORD 8 Custom Tudor. Over- drive. Low mileage. A·l. Private - party. Call Harbor 2123-J . Eve· ntngs & week ends. 85tfc 1939 OLDSMOBILE 6 Club Coupe. Radio,· heater. New motor. Good Tires, $100. 3711 ¥.z W . Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. 8&89 ' REA,L,· ESTATE ·~ • Qw,NER. WILL SACRlFI~ . Charming 2 BR hOlllle with nice patio. Not large, but attract!Ve. Reduced to $a3,750. See this M1e for your 811D11Der home.. · $2500 DOWN PAYMENT buys this attractive 2 BR hOJlle In Newport Bgtll. ' Hu bay view, Full price $10,000. ' ' . NEAR TOWN and TRANSPORTA.TION Older 3 BR home -ideal for summer beach house. Midway between bay and ocean. Will trade up for larger house in area. OWNER MUST · MOVE and will sacrifice attractive 2 BR redwood cottage. Double garage stressed for apartment. R-2 zone. A real buy at $8,950. Will consider lot in area as part payment. BEAUTY SHOP One of the businest shops in area. Good income. 3 booths: Good location and lease. Excellent oppor- tunity at $3,500., BAY AND BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. Gloden Fay Harbor 1264 CORONA· DEL MAR DUPLEX South of highway, 2 yni, old. ONLY $9500 CHOICE OF TWO 2 bdrm homes. Each $25oo dn. ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 BACK BAY 15 ACRES -1st time offered for sale. Be'autlful view. Restricted area. Call for lnfonnation. New Lido Isle READY SOON -3 bdrm. 2-bath, <lining-den. Corner fireplace. Forced air heat. bar·type kltch· t'n, 2-car garage. Cor .. , st. to at. Jot . Still time to chooS(' your own colors. Price $22,000. ALSO 2 bdrms, and den, 1 ~ baths on 1 ~ lots. Beautiful large patio, deluxe construction. Truly a fine home. $22,500. $4750 Full Price CUTE BEACH HOUSE, 1 block trom best bathing beach. Bulld· ing in good cond. $4750, !um. Lido Bldg. Sites 55-tt. bay front choice loc. $27,500 30-ft. bayfront R-3 .............. $9,000 :~~~~: i~ns~~~e 1~t·:··~~t···i~.···ss?,~ 35-ft In.side , .. ._ ....................... $ 2.850 · GREENLEAF & ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 2M2 86tfc Best in Heights This charming older home i.s the one you have been looking for. Large living room with rock fireplace. Separate full size din- ing room . Beautiful hand}>('g· gffi hwd floors. Three bedrms., 2 medium size and one huge ma.stf'r bedroom. Attached dbl. garage with sun deck. Very at- travtlvely landscaped with ro<'k patio and many other fine feQ.- tu11es. Call us on, this now Full Price $12,500 Lown Down Payment G. I. $750 DOWN Brand new 2 bdrm, 950 sq. ft., lge. living room and dining room, lots of tile in k itchen and bath., Fireplace, turnace, ·lot 50xl35 Very attractive. Located on fine E. slde1 close In Costa Mesa street. Selected ~y Multiple Listing "Best Buy of Week" ' This ~ bd'f"' home ls localed onJy 1 b»c. frlpm Newport city hall. Built ln 19-fO thll ls not a beach •ha , but-1.a good construction wt WOOd floon and plaster ln- r. Price ls really right $6900 NSIIlER TRADE FOR ROOM. HOUSE, Multiple Li~ting No. 1681. k About This •t Any MUL PLE LISTING RLTR 86c88 T day's .Best Buy Ill CO · ONA DEL MAR G . I. ReSale L°f"' monthly payments 3 ~ home, hwd. floors, Thfrmo controlled furllace. W<jll located. Close to ev~rything. .Owner going Ea¥t -wants quick ac- tioli. Be sure to SEE THIS TO):>AY! Eak-1 Chamberlain 500 cJa.st Blvd. Corona del Mar t Oprx+l1 ~~o~:wi:;~~a;~: Bar\k ) 82tfc LOVEJ..Y 3 BEDROOM, I \> balh ho~. Fireplace. fenced yard. Bes~ Costa Mesa di,.trict. Con- sider $3,000 down. Call Hfr- bor l20•s. 8~c8~ <tOSTA MESA ' FINE'T R esidential street. Near- ly ?f'W 3·B.R . home, 11h baths. Jar~ liv. rm, fireplace, 2-car gar • ge , big lot , fenced. Price just reduced. Owner says SE'll! ·oRACE $. MAZET , 306 Marine Ave. Balbo Island , .. Har. 3028-J 86c88h Tqday's Best Buy ' Ill CO , ONA DEL ~AR $1 ,,500 Easy Terms D , X, corner lot, 2 bedrooms ea ~· Han:Jy,•OO<J nrs .. fireplace. 2 &rages, 2 laundry rooms. W I located. Mr. :come Buyer: I "This ls F or You" Pric ! ·Right Terms Right 1rl Chamberlain 500 ~ast B! .. ·d. Coron~ de! Mar (Op ftte Newport· Harbor Bankl In I Phon<' Harbor 2288 ' 82Uc come Property I i Heart or Balboa! 2 Apart- m ts and 17 sleeping rooms. Th can b<' developed into good ho I a ccon1modations. Adjoln- in vacant 30 feet Included and wi take care of parking ac- co 01odations. Between Bay & O<: a'n . Total price only $32,000. • Call -Craig Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balbo& llland. Hu, 2042 32<:64 '46 CHEVROLET 4-dr. Sedan. $300 worth of exti-as. Original paint. 1 owner. $1095, terms. Ahlo large 2 wheel uttl. trailer. $100. Chad Twichell, Harbor 2142-W. 88c90 ON This I! the last indlvidual homr at. 3 5 pe-r Cf"nt DOWN. HE POTNT . R., 2 bath home now in pr ess or construction. This wt bf' very attractive when co pleted. And a real buy! $1 000. LIDO ISLE . U you want a rental on LIDO ISLE ~ ut. Several loYely apt.a. AJao homea available. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 11333 Via Udo Harbor lllOO :lltfc NEWPORT BEACH-near bay Furn. l bdrm. apL, gar., utilities includ., $45 mo to July 1st. ALSO 2-rm. apt., utll. inc1. S3t50 t o July 1st. Beacon 64-87·M. 86tfc YEARLY RENTAL -1 bedroom untumiabed apt. Adults only. 427 Marguerlte, Corona del Mar. 86c88 REASONABLE-Spacious beautl· tut new 1 bdrm apt., untumlsh- ed on year tease at 425 Orchid · Ave., Corona del Mar. A vallable now. 88Uc '37 DODGE Station Wagon-All ln sound cond0ition. au been care- fully driven by 2·car family. Reasonable price. 3112 Lafay- ette, Newport Beach. Harbor 1020-W. 88tfc 65-MONEY TO LOAN L0-1'\NS For Homes REGULAR 4 ~it 'In ( 10·20 yrs.) G. I. 4o/" (20 year11) FHA 414 o/r (20 years) Construe. Loans: ~·6 ~ o/'r ( 1.f yre.) No COmmlss. chg . oh Metro loans We buy and sell Trust Deeds CALL BOB SATI'LER Har. 2661 for Free Appraisal 'Rep. POIRlER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life Ins. Funda Kl 3-ftlM 61-REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Vl E:W PA~' i..I 'fa1$1: n, "'' . • . home. wot;t>Blle' 16~'1"'*•';oi-Ii i iJ:Jt~~ I if'ij~ Newport , b9me., 9&11,·~~•'l.•r, J?l;11L . St:Jt.Lrv AN Realty, 422 Crenshaw Blvd,. Lo~ .Angeles. Ph. AX 1-5261. 87p92 • a1-REAL ESTATE WANTED 1T his ad ran last week.'' WANT 4 or 5 bedroom home on waterfront-must be elus. I . WANT bay frontage-M to ioo ft. NEED 2 BEDROOM HOMES. Clients waiting. RENTAL LLSTINGS WANTED Result .. ' 100% ! K , . ,. . , , eep em commg. Formerly C. Galen Denison G. T, EVERSON REALTOR 490 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 624 3-W Harbor 3157-W or Beacon 5458-J ' Everybody reads the cla.salfled ads. $6900. 2 bdrm home, well built, 4cloae to clVlc center a.nd beach, SlMO down or might trade for 3 b<'d- room home ofi the He.ig.hts. NBC REALTY CXl., NE ORT HEIGHTS 3 , . R . home on large lot. Many ex , lots of tile. frpl, hdWa. fir Best buy in the area. $l 999. ' MESA . R .. frpl., 2·car garage, oor- ne Jot . Xtn•t. ne ighborhood, east Sid . This is older property but h good possibilities. H COAST REALTY CO. " ultiple Listing Realtors" 302 ain St .. Balboa. Harbor 2034 "Near Pavilion" HA V 2 BEDROOM HOM~ Working people ln victntty wtll pay up to $7~ mo. SUMMER RENTALS SOLICITED For $8250 8116 Newport Blvd., Newporta::;g G. I. resale or trade for 3 ho e. bdrm. This TATE Marine Ave,, Balboa Island aineu bldg-a. all oceupied with A-1' tenant&. Show 6~net or better. No phone caJls pleaae. 'see· M.ra. Maroon t Earl Stanley office. . ave Many Choice Homes on s +,1boa Island $12,500 to $85,000 ' FOJ LEASE Business Property Small :{use on Marine Ave.., Balboe Wand. Ont> rootn suitable for business plus bae~lor apt. ' ' ' ALSO FOR RE-LEASE-Bitstne.sa property on Marlne AVe. Stqre toorA pJus· 2 bedtQOm apt. With fireplace, at- tractlvel)' furnished. Suitable for sma.11 buslneaa or pro-- feuionall peOple. Balance on lea&e approx. 21h years at $135 mo4th. .1 ' FOR LEASE in Laguna Beach . Attractive, largesroom furnished apt., ocean view. Single ~si<:tence p plus•garage. A good deal for th'e rig"h~ pf'ople. Owrl ye "No smokers please." z, I Call Mrs. Maroon, Harbor 1775 EA~L W. STANLEY. Realtor 25 M . .\RJNE AVE., BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND MODER . 2 BR HOME. Just 3 yrs. young. Has fireplacej and Panel Ray heat. Nicely located on corner f,J' garsge apt in rear, , $15,SOo (Approx, '," Cash) , LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 812 Marine Ave, Phone Har. 2042 I BALBOA ISLAND' 86c88 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM r home with private guest room and bath. PLUS beautiful 2 bdrm income apt. with sun deck I PRICED ONLY $26,500 · j Partly furnished THIS"fVON'T LAST LONG SEE IT TODAY MARILYN F. LEIDY, Realtor ~15 Marine Ave, Balboa Island ' i Phone Harbor 1958 I BALBOA ISLAND I BEAUTI.fUL 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonial hoine in · choicl! location near North Bay. Extra large mas~r bedroom with dressing room and spa· cious1 closets. Sheltered patio, Bather's show- er, double garage, forced air heat. ' : STANLEY HADFIELD 216 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 20 I The Island I Now You Don't Need to Bother Building- CORONA DEL filR 2 Bedrm. home, bdwd. fir&, enclosed yard PLUS 2 bed· rm. apt, over dbl, garage. Well located $15,750, trms. Available, on 1 attractive cor- er, a nicely styled home NEW 2 B. R. RANCH TYPE with a modern kitchen, 3 home on Iary:e lot, expan° s1ve ocean VIew from love-bedrooms ~ den, 2 baths Jy panelled Jiving rm plenty of tile,. fireplace, OPEN SUND A y ~ _· ~ good heat d oak floors. See 608 Se h~~ There is a lovely Alpine a Wa¥u; , styled living room with Col'ona Highlaiids1 open ~ ceiling and - lovely unpainted mahog-Ll8tlngs Wanted -AJao Rentall any panel ;.ainscoting and Ernie Smith Realtor dmmg alcoie. The exterior • fi · h · 1 h kes 1205 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar 1n1s 18 ~ a~e 8 a Phone Ha'rbor 2&67 with splas.'f" bnck decor, Redecoration_ to suit buyer can make this one of the most colorful and attrac· tive Islandj homes. Being sold unfurnished and most reuonablyf iiced at $20,- 000. Call f ,showing any· time. G. I. Resale $1950 Dn. 4% LOAN $53. 70 includes taxes &: insurance on this nice 2 bdrm. home.. Only 1 blk. Ea.at of Newport Blvd, Built 1939. Excel1ent condJtion and well lcndecaped. $7950, TRADE your old piano or band EL -TORO MARINEs instrument for ltJt tuU ca.sh · MORTGAGE LOANS Low Interest Rates Now I want land suit.able tor t•rmlng -20 to 40 acre patchea. Costa Mesa SELL OR. Rl!INT new 1 bedroom partly tumiahed home. $56 mo. or $5500 full price. FHA loan. Small down payment Call Har- bedroom home, Bay AVe., at 17 ,900. Can be converted into p !table income property. J , A. BEEK OFFICE Balljpa Island Ferry Har 63 86c88 Best Buys in Newpott Heights value on a Packard Bell ~• Low Winter Rates ll'REE INSPECTION, KI. 3·7718 JOE CALLI SEE.,, ' Furnished. cottage. Other Marines S. W. COLEMAN Llc. Real Estate Broker JOE CAI.I.I vision at SHA.FER MUSIC Co. (sin~ 1907) "21 N. Sycomore, Sanla Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. 53Uc at thla quiet location to aha.re 207 N . Broadway, Santa Ana 2822 Newport Bl'1d., Newport Bch. io hr. drive to -.. Phooe Bart>or llMW ·For S"'le y Owner We Buy and Sell Trust Deeds 2822 <> Bedroom, U~ room, batjl. kll· 58c8l • ,_.,_ n~-12 ROOJI, 11 bdrm. home. Modern LIDO ISLll: BO , 45 foot lot. 2 bor %258--J sat. It SUn. 88ttc ic. Real Estate Broktr ewport Blvd., Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 22t8-J RENT A PIANO, S5 mo. Six mo. chen. ulilltlea lnchl-ded, $S5 mo. Mi.Dl.&Ug&. ,..,..uted stucco. a yn. old. itt,000 tull 88c90 rent appll~ on purchase at , Pb. days, Har. 1607, Eve. Har. LOANS TO aun.o, DCPl\OVS. WE NEED B01iDC8, Udo Illle. price. See •owner, 418 RJversidf!i =".· dou te p;::-:!_ patio SHAFER MUSIC co. (Since 2278.w, ' 88p90 BUY, MOD-~~ OR Bayoboree, N-jlbrt If~ Ave., Newport Helg!>la. 88pt0 --·-eo.ta 11-sa-t. 1 . l · B A:r -BOA · $1 750 10071 '21 N. '>l!ycamore, Santio CXlRONA "DEL MAR ll20 'Mari· Rllll'INANCI!: --, J.,~, T nr.T? * * 6 0 3 Ana. Klmb4!rly 2·0672. 80tfc ....... id. __ 0 bcl--.. .:. .... _ --We Buy Truat ~ NBC REALTY 00.' * • .l.tA::1Vn. Availabl ~at once. •-•-·~--~-•= 3118 Newport Blvd,, N-rt Bdl LECTRlp12 bedroona and Clean and attn.ctlYe 2 bdrm. bome near the high echool. 3 yn, old, hwd. floors, dbl. gar, Bonda pd. $4',200 <In. $8950. Beacon Hill Realty 466 Newport ·Blvd (above Aldlell) Phcme a.a-ll'llwt 1"'1•. WANTED-M pianos. Trade In place. Patio, a._._· Y-ly NEWPORT BALBOA rEDERAL ·-~ ...... 8 B. R. I.,._,_.,~-:!;. ov;r p., In !porch, Jumlabed. Phone ivlew 5-47118~ Id I G d 1-. OWntt W , a.-.-.-.' SAVINGS. LO,ul ASSN. .,.,...,.. -view, . ...,ry bay. Priced to SELL BALBO' A .. .,. .... 'l<.Tn your o p ano on a mn •••• Via Lido 'Dlo. a-.. -• .------A • .,..,___ •·-· . ~,U 2fOCY l.Am.be:rt DrlTe, Paadena., -.--w.o --.... MNV WANT HOM:£ or duples CID or y~.....,-...""-aome. '-"""'up ... .un. CK! . ! ::p~etl or beautlfUI te1';!8101» SY 2--, 87p89 _,. ocean front, H-r\ ·or • ~711 llut 'ocean Blvd,, Bal-DUPLllX pi:ioed~e u adja· DUPLEX -Good 1ceauon: -D~~~~;,"~0 ~ ' · REAt ESTATE LOANS Balboa. 0wnen1 oruy, 'Be..-1'l>io :_...._ to -ca1I boa Realty Co. ' coat ....... t -needs p&lnt teat ·-. oner ,...... to YltARLY REN'I'AL -2 bdrm In"&__. Rate • <L .,.,__ --• _,,,_ ~ Bu. JM61·M. ()pea dally. E 8&lboe Bl>rd. Balboa and .fbdDS -. t'real value la cornor 6th. 520 N. Main, Santa ~-·--untumlal>ed. <28 Golden· ,_.,.,. ~n. · .,.,., v•~-,..,.._ ' 1 7'1c89 ' ' tbore. Good natal loca· .. tt Ana. ...-. , Ph<xle Harbor 1153 Under '.SI0,000 ro4. eor..... <le! Mar. Phone Ha. ._... qulcllly made "' the aq. . · • . I !Mm. $8.600. °f_Har: :io&· , RENT A PIANO, $5 -month. 28411-W. ' -=tlphandl1111~ ~~ Cash for-G. I. ll~es ~mebbdy .:Wants BUY ON BALBOA POINT OPEN 1.-0USE '~:t !:"...: >All rent allowed If you blly wltb· t bdrnj tumllbo4 -canal ft'alt -and ... bJ' ,._ WW. -· -w\lli :.l;-.J 'ft. • ~ S 2 bat,lu( fenced patio ft ~ In tenn& DANZ-SCHIOD'l', G20 Pier' I< n-t with prtvau -.:Is. J'Olll' ........ t 1ou.. KlDIDnlm • -·· ~· -i •H IL ~ ""!'d :..·i:: ri::;;i-:. ~ pi:~~~ ;...~~ -, stJND:& 9 ~'II ;Nelda . ~ ..... --.-·~ 'N. Main, Santa Alla.. !!°~-to.!.~ J!.~ Sl2$a1--.w ?:'!"" -~~--"'= . . '1" :1:J:',....,.._ -• ""1 . .,. . . _. 1J:'.A'7 TU . A 'IA;}. taa.;on . .. ...._ ll:LllCTruc --· ~ --·-' ~ --" '.1f'AHJ'--:#or•·-·--.. v TeiO ... --' '"'VI au••~''"'" --= ....,..,.itii'i ,._.. ~~ .::.;=:· _ """' Aaa Mbd; b I I at w11Wo -.'lllloll!o. .,...,_..,, · _ .... -,..,,.~~ sPie!E1'8,.U. • •. <r • , . IOI ll&rlDo :&...,,a.•11,,, 0 f ~.....,. lillll. •a,.rao•J'MUlCSIJLA-'·-.. ABTBtJ1lA.KAY aw·'-7. •w "* u htr,la\M 1 1Brntrv~ _,,_,._.~,., __ .....,_._ ••••· • -~ • . · I -'•a ·-DI Ir .... •1 ........... ,.,,. Mlii ....... a.a.w.-•Y.... eq"-rll!l --•-,, T .. ~ -............ , "-1i ·~U ~-: -• . ••. -. -·klt;UOJC.Jlaloo,.Oar . .-. ltoliad.'t1J11-.!(03-11t.a..-TWoOollt.U&'llw.O..'r M"--·w0 11u...i-j a...M.~. a .. w""',--~t. -'r!i· • ~; >111. • ~i lce.W._D,. .. Al;lll -.bL • _....... -ow•----Pt•hMT,Oollf1 -._ .. -........ "-•• etlllW'. • · -fll, -. """ -.: cau-........_ .. •'" ,;-.._\. • • l_ -" '(" ~ ..., I •• .r-~ "I ~ ''} I -·--·~ • ....&.. ' . ' ' I , • i . I . - • • \ • • • News About Harbor SERVICEMEN Mesan is One of ·Most Decorated' Pilots in Korea Fineen Aid ~fedals and atx Dis- tinguished Flying Crouea . make Marine Capt. Warren P. Nichob of CoJ!lta. Mesa, One of the moat decorated Man'he Corps tighter pilots in Korea today. Taking up jUst where he left off after World War [I, Capi. Nic- hols recently was awarded his 6th DFC and l5th Air Medal in the form o' an extra gold star for ~ ea.ch. Capt. ~ichols. attached _to t~e First Marine Airc raft Wing 'ln Korea. completed 3~ strike mla- alons over enemy territory from the 19th to the 26th or September. This was the basis on which he waa awarded his 6th Distinguish· ed Fl:rlng Cross. Another Air Medal was added to his string of 14 for ten strike missions complet- ed during the period September 3 to 18 over Communist-held ter- ritory. The a'A·a,...-ls wPre made by the commanricr of the SevMth Fleet. Capt. Nichol's wife, Mrs. Lillian Pa.ula Nichols and their son. Wll- lla.m Reei1. 3, live at 369 Costa Mesa St .. Costa Mesa. ., Balboan Wins Legion of Merit Marine J ... t . Col. Ranson M. Wood whose wifl"' June Avinlc WO()(] anr:f three chlldrf'n livr at 102 E. Ocean 'front. Balboa, has !){>('ft awarded the Legion o r Merit with the com· b&t "T" for valo r during ll'le United Nations ca.1npalgn a~ainst lhe Communists In KQrf'a. accord· Ing the the co1nmandl'r of Naval · for<'('S fo r the FRr F'&r'>l . Thr citation whirh 11t·companied lhe m€'dal r€'ad : "F"o r PXCeptionally meritorius c(1nduct in the per- formanct' or nutstand1ng services to th€' ~ov1·rn 1n('nl of thf' United Stales a.."' rnmn1andin~ Officer of the Fir!'t Battalion. El('venth Ma· rinf! R('~iml'nt. rlurln~ combat in Korea fro1n Aui;us t 2 to Septem- ber 6 , 1950. '"A capablt· &.nd inspirin~ leader, resourceful and ai::rrss!ve in main- taining the highest s tandards of proficiency in his cnmma~d. Col. Wood was directly r"spon.stble for maintaining out1landing artillery aupporl for the F irst Provisional Marine Brl,::ade." Colont•l \\'ood's three childre n are Ransom rwl1ll on II. 4 ; Ste ven A vink 3, and Mary Louise. one montlr: Fol mer CDM Pilot Wins DFC Award Thlrty-flve str lk<' missions flown over KorC'a \n eight days e arned for Marine Capt. John -'"P. Kelley, Ma.rine Corps pilot, his third award of the Ditttlnguished Fly~ tng Cros.."I. just aft<'r he had earned h la eighth a"'·ard of the Aid Med· a.I. . The fo rmt'r Corona d€'l Mar pilot flew 35 sorties over e nemy-held territory · from Sl'ptember 1~ to 2e. AIR OBSERVER AWARD Capt. F.c:lward E . Hammerbeck or 1612 Second Ave., Corona del Mar , who recently re-celved the Air Medal for successfully com- pleting 10 combat miMiona. LI an air observer In the Marine Obeer· valion squadron in Korea. He had aerved ' on the staff or the El Toro Marine Corps Air station In 1948 and 1949. During World Wa~ 11 he served aboard 11hip a.a a Marine detachment commander. · Gifts A Greetings for You~ thraugh WBLCOME WAGON . . Jrom Your Friendly Bu.inns N.;,bbon "-~ Ci • d .. aou VICI Ul Soeiel w.u ... Lridon 0. '"• oeeulo• •ft The Birth of • llUf ~l~ .. <>·"mfeof .~ . Algri1o of Newcw...,.1 ID NEWPORT BEACH , • Fl.rat Lieut. Frederick A. Kur· .chall' of 219 Jumlne Ave., Corona del Mar, ha. been p rucnted a Oo\d Star ln lieu of hie lleCODd AJr-Med· &I. It waa reported at El Toro re- ::enUy. The 27 ... year-• old !-eathemeck was gtven hla aecond A ir Medal by Major-General Pleld Harrt., commanding genera.J or the Ftret Marin~ A ir Wing. The citation read in part: "A.a • pilot attached to a Martne fighter squadron. he made repeated tow level attacka after dark aplrult enemy troops counter-attacking our forces. "Flrst L ieut. Mu~hall, despite l.n tense antt-&lrcnU't fire &nd with· out regard for hl..s own persona· aa.tety, per!liat:ed In hill attacks un- lit the enemy/was successfully de- stroyed." The flight t or which the medal was award~ took place in the Seoul area. on ~pt. 25. 19~. To dal!', Lt. Murchall la credit- ed with nearly 40 combat mi&Slona o v e r enemy-held territory in Korea. · M.Sgt. Leonard DeBord Goes to Japan with 40th M . Sgt. Leonard ~rd, Jr., who grew up in Newport Beacn. is a member of the Santa Ana unit or the National Guard. '40th Div., U . S. A. His outfit has been ordered to Japan as an oc· cupationaJ force to replace other troops now in Korea. Young De Bord's f&tht'r, Lt. Leonard De Bord, Engineers, was disabled while serving in the South Pacific in World War 11 ; and his uncle. Alvin De Bord, Navy signalman, went down with the cn1iser Atlanta in one of the fierCest naval engagen1ent;s or the war. Give Fifi+. Award to Mesa Marine Another gold star In lieu of his fifth award of the Air Mrtlal has been presented t o Capt. Grover C. McClure, 31-yl'ar-old Co8ta Me!!la Marine Corps pilot. who success- fully completed· ten combat mis- sions over enemy-held territory In Korea. The First Marine Aircraft wing flier flew the ten sorties In sup- port of Marine groun1t force's from September 26 to Octobt'r 10 when enemy fire waa either received o r expected. Capt McClure's wife. Haul Ransom McClure and their daugh- ter, Carl& Gene, 9, live at 441 East Costa Mesa St .. C~a Mesa. Heights Lt. at Navy Med. School Lt. (jg) Howard W . Lager- quist, Medical Corps. USN, hus· band of Airs. De nise C . Lagerquist of 544 Aliso Avenue Newport Heighl!! is attending a course in ha.sic conceptB of Nsval medicine for junior medical officers at the Naval Medical school, National Naval Medical Center, Melhesda, Md. The course already being con· ducted will end June 30. Eleven week! is spent on baalc Instruc tion at the Naval Medical school, while the remaining time is utilized in practical experience at various Naval activities . CDM Marine Makes Ten Korea Missions Marine Capt. Edward E . Ham· merbeck, 30-year~old Marine Corpe pilot from Corona del Mar, hu been awarded the Air Medal for completing ten combat missions over enemy territory in Korea. C&pt. Hammerbeck flew hia ten sorties ln support of Marlnt> ground forces from September 18 to 24, 1950. Capt. Hammerbeck's wife, Ruth A., and son. Edward Cox. ~. live at 1612 Second Ave., Corona del Mar. 10th Air Medal for Marine Flyer Marine Capt. Alden McBa.rron. 31:-year-olct Marine Corps aviator. was recently presented with his tenth award of the Air Medal tor Htrike mtsaiona agairµit the enerrl.y in K orea . Capt. McBa,rron completed ten combat miasion.s over enemy terri- tory from September 22 to 27 to earnh Us tenth award of the medal. capt. McBarron'a wife. VaJera N .• lives at ~9 Westmln1ter, Cost.a Mesa. Plait School for Radiological MOlllton 7 ' ,Ray Jeffs Wins . Crutcher Award Ray Jetto, Orange CoUt olu· dent body president, wu reconUy \W&rdtld t.be Jennie 8 . Crutcher 'Cbolarahlp given aanu.aUy to an .ut.Btandlng Cout tludent to en- able him to complete . hla final 1emeater In junior college. J effe. a c&mpua re.aldent.. bu temonatrated hia ability bolh ..a.a l leader and ae an academic atua lent. A• atudent body president. ·1e and the student councl1 lnitlat· ~ 1. atudy In General Education w hic h bu gained recognition on a state-wide bula. At a atudent body ::onterence held In BakenOeld prior to the Christ.mu holldayt Jeffs wu e lected gene.rat cha.tr. man of the Califomla student atudy. He l8 the second t'eclplent of thb particular Crutcher acbolar- shlp which la awarded to a "stu- dent who ha.a demonstrated high scholu~tc achievement ·and who needs financ ial &SBi.etance to com - plete his final eememer at Cout. The amount of the scholarship de· pend8 upon the need or the stu- dent," state a college apokeHman on the committee or awards. In J eff's cue, the award will be ap- proxlmately $300. Offer Course for · Fut.ire Fliers GroUnd school training for fly- ing aaplrants will be made avall- ble through the facilities of Orange Coast E vening college The course will conform to the regular CAA pattern which c&lll'I for 200 hours o( t raining. H. G . Denner. aeronautical lnapcctor for t~ CAA, ha.a Indicated t hat the course will be approved by his agency. Ground school training will ix> offered each Monday and Wednes- day from 1 to 9:30 p.m . A tolal ot 40 weeks are needed fOr com- pletion of the course. The claa is .!IUbdivided Into the following categorie• -serology, navigation, aircraft, aircraft engine&, radio, and civil air regulations. Ther<' Is no established sequence and the re- fore new studel1ts may enroll at the beginning of any of the above mentioned unil..!'I. The units Which commences on March 5 Is air- craft. Instruction WllJ be conducted by Bernie A . Geier, flight operations manager of the Martin achoo! of A vlatlon. Interested adultB may register in the evening college of- fice on or before March 5. Young 111en "'ho expect to enter the arm- ed forces shortly will find this lraining of great value to them. Registration will be Umlled to 30 enrollees. No tuition f~ la charged however, atudenl8 wil l be expec ted to provide training manuals as u- !igncd by the lnstructor. New Policy for College Student 'Enlistments College studenl3 who arc now entitled to have their Induction into the armed forces postponed until the end of t he current aca- demic year may al.8o choose their branch ot service I Army, Navy or Air Fo rce) to the extent of available opentnga In each ser- vice. A month before echool il!I out in June, 1951, General Hershey will cancel all orders for college stu· dent.Ji to report for induction or pre-induction phyaic&I examlna- tl9n3. Student.a will then be per· milted to join the aervice or their c hoice, to the extent of available openings. Thl.e includea all college studenta who are poetponed until June. Gener-al Marshall expressed the opin.ion that the new rule would prove of benefit to atudent.s, the colleges and the naUonaJ defense effort. He emphasized lbe import· ance to the nation ot maintalnlng a vlgoroua educational system and eliminating the unaettled condi- tions which have cauaed many col· lf:?ge men to withdraw from achoo! tu enter mJlit&ry ervice. Heavy Case Load for Mesa Red Cross Chaf.rman PauJ Creighton call· ed a meeting of the Costa Mesa Branch. Amerie&J\ Red Croaa, Wedneaday, Feb. 14 ln the educa· Uonal buUdlng of t.be Coat.a Mesa CommwUty Church.. The a.ruw&I fund campaip fOt March ,wu dlac""""'1 Mr, C...lgh, ton *1nouncted that he wouJc. bead the bualneu ·men·. dlvlaion.. MrL Laura Warren, executlit: eecretary oi County Re< C......, 8JU10W1ced l the home Recruitmmlt o~ eeveral weJl· -.rvlce de la handlln,. quallfied persona to attend tht' the beavlelt .a.nee Kar . State Of~ of ClvU Defenw of 1948. ocbool for the tn.tnltig of munJ, Fr9I Dudley _,,Polnle<! di,.. torS ln radlolosksl ddeme w a • uter reUef tor 0o8ta the wb,fect' of a opecl&j meeting If.. braoCll. Pl x ·t at I the of Orange·county odence t.acllen ~ --w~ and ...;..,,uy, at the Audio, V l8ual Mn. Ill .. _ from 0. _...ty Wo;bbop of the Oowlty' Scho!ll> chapter, Kn. ~ _...., Office ID Santa Ana. Untoo W, Mn. Uo,d O&\ll'fel, Ralpb Irwta. 8lmmono. Orance ColUtty &upedn· Jim Wlllta ....., DudloJ', lip. Jo- tendeat ot Sd>oolo, bu ••-'*1. ""I'll R.plor, -Calla Viole, Tbe 1111-bour ---... lira. c. A. 8-'Q ., .... -be beld·at -.ii.... catlform. ~ · ," .... -to otatt Ille -_"\ ol ~ wlD. tr.aa a Sf'Olllt of It .nrDq8 w-. r . 8 WDlm", 8. men:'atf:ate 11 ' ... all.....,... &Ill r.~..,--... ·11 •1Jac2' ~ c:ITUdet_......, ... ~ ______ ..... \ , , · b W' S ..... II ,_ ~ 11.==----------'' aewllid .............. -...... . " • • ., • r~ I ' I NEWPORT~IOA ~EWS-TIMES GENERAL BRO:n:D-lltatt 8st-KaJIDOl'd Bird o f 16111 Oronce St.. Costa MM&. iflvM ~ <kn. Earle E. Patridp. eom.mand- las seneral of the Fifth Air Fo~, the "'Ord on pl&ne •lahb oq the t~ar Eut thralfor. Set. Bird shows l"Orfne cart" bclna-ac- comPlhtht"CI on the B~U planes under the Jt!Derill'• comnuuul. Gf"n. l:>atridge was maklnr hla flrwt command lnlfpt"<'tlon of lhf' fortnt"r '1"!M'n·e ,nns. ., ~Air Forcl' Ph<ito I ·capt. Sturges Duty as Pilot, Flies to Japan on Capt. Robert G. Sturi;:-rs o( 512 Catalina Drive, Ne"tport Helghla, has reported for duty as a pilot with the 1705th Air Tranaport Wing. McChord Alt Force Base. It "has broen announced by Col. T . Alan B<-nnett. ba..!C' commander. Before ref)ort jng to McChord Cap- tain Sturges we.s Atattoned at Hamilton Air Force Base. Calif. Captain Sturges is a graduate o( Washington High school. Port- land, Ore .. and atlC'ndcd the Uni· verslty of Oregon, Portland. Prior to entry Into the United States Air Corps, Captain Sturges wu employed with tht' I~land Con- struction Co.: Nt.•wport Beach. Mrs. St.urges. the formt'r Fran- c<'s M . Arbuckll', Portland. if.re., and chi'drcn, Gay)(', age. 10. and Un.da. agP 4, ar<' rC'siriing in New- port HC'ights . Mrs. Sturges has rf!· ~cted that the Capt. left Friday orl a fll~ht to Tokyo. Jiipan. just tY:o wt•cks lifter he re·•·ntered thl' Sl'rVlcc. New Regulations for Pilots Pilot.11 violating the Security Control of Air 1'rarflc .clause of the regulatiOns ot the Administra- tor or Civil Aeronautic& are liable (the law was effective Monday, Jan. 15) to a fine not exceeding $10.000 or Imprisonment not ex- CC'edlng one )ear, or both, lt waa announced this .... ·eek. The regulation r~uircs that flight plans b!' l!IUbmltted by pilot.a of any a irc raft operat ing withfn 8 designated Air Defense lndenti· tication Zone IADIZI . The only exception are those aircraft oper· ating at an altitutie leas than 4.000 feet within the Knoxville, Albu- querque. Los Angeles, San Fran· cbco and North"A•est Air' Defense Identification Zones.· The San Francisco and Loe An- geles A D IZ.S cover most or• the state of California. Therefore, for all practical puJ'lposc.s, any aj r. craft operating within the state of California at an altitude. of more than 4,000 feet must be on a flight plan. When flight I• conducted within an ADIZ higher than 4,000 fet!t, a n ight plan must be aubm\tted to a CAA Communlcatlona Station. En route. the pilot muat make poai~ lion reports u required by CAR 80.47. Any a ircraft entering the United St.ates acroea an intema,. tlona.I boundary ADlZ "Will be re- quired to be on a flight plan r e- •ardleas o! altitude. Seafarine} Lodge Invited All Masons M&BOnl'! arc ag&Jn Invited lo Sf'&· raring Lodge No .. 708, F . &. A. ltf . for ILB staled meeting to be helr1 Wt'dne8day nlght at 7:30 p. m. in lhe lodge room in the Costa f\1 C'sa Bank Building. · Seafaring Lodgf' No. 708 Is now t'njoylng Its 8<'Cond year of Mason- ic communlcationJ!: !n this art>a . Worshipful f\18.Jllf'r H <"nry K . ~ic.l!ller extends a standing invita- tion t o all Ma"ons to ntl!'nd any meeting of lhl.!1 lodge h('ld every Wednesday t'VC'ning. VVork scht.-<luled for thl' month of Marl"h Is as follows: March 7th, stated meeting; March 14.lh, de- g·ree work ; March 21st. s<'Cond degrre and Marl"h 28th, second dt'· grt-c. ,. Visit St~afarlng Lodge. friendly lodgr, and enjoy an nlng or Ma.'iOnic fello...,·ship. 0 . C. C. Students Ta ke Awards in Ceramic Exh ibit Award winn('rS In th~ Oran~f' County Art AS80Clatlon's First. Annual C<'ramic Exhibition have bcf!n annuuncc:>d by JucJge~ Wil- liam 0 . Payn{' of1 Orange Ooasl College and lttyrton Purkisa of I Fullerton. First place In tht' Amat<'ur di- vision went to Thomas Patrick O 'Hare of Laguna Beach for a thrown stoneware tea 8l'l. Second place was awarded to Mary J ean J ones of Orange Coast CoUt>ge for A .stoneware bowl. and third to J erry Kubik of Orange Coast Col- lege for a thrown stonr'A·are bo"'I. F irst Honorable Afentlon went to Hermione S. Loud, also of Orange Coast College, for a thrown stonC'· ware pitcher. Second Honorablf' Mention went to H t>lcn Grier of Fullerton for a thrown cartht·n- ware bowl. Who to ContGct for Civil Defense Work Any reKtdeftt ol I\°.e\vport Jlar- bor wlithtn1 to take part In the en:r-rrowlnr clvll dden8e pro- pun •bould contact Newport Harbor Civil Defenae Director John Sallors o r the deputy dla rector, Carl Hanna., at the <"lty hall, · pho~ Harbor 3131, b<.- t\\·tta thti hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. ~ .. Result.a come rrom constant Practice! An ad regularly in this paper will produce resulta for you. ' DAV Cartoon Of The Year ' NO, l!Ol,JUST SRINGlllG IN SOI.IE OF TME l!.OYS FROM l(()REf< ' • • ---- Mesa Pilot Gets DFC Award Twenty-alxayc&r-old Aquila M. Blaydes, a Mart.ne Second Lt. Oy- lng fighter planes tn Korea., has been awarded the DieUngulahed FIY.fng Cros.'9 for completing ~ strike miulons while attached to Lhe F'lrst Marine Aircraft wing. The Co8ta. Mesa LUtherneck , whoM wife Mildred E ., llvee at 327 West Wilson St .. Costa Mesa, flew the 3:i 90rll<'.!'1 fr-om September 7 t& 28 OVPr l'nemy-held territory in North Korea. He wu alao awarded his alxth Air Mcd&.1 for ten atrike misaions from September 1 to 19. . Health Resort at -Two Bunch Palms Beai!t1ru1 Two Bu~ch Palms, 10 milt>s north or Palm Spring-a ~nd adjoining the town or Desert Hot Sprliiga, lil.'s among centuries old palm trees In the hot water mine r-- al belt overlooking the entire des- ert area. This old landmark i~ now being l 7 ' • • • . dt'vrloped as a haven of health for l...--...,...----------~ suff.crf'r.S of arthritis, neuritin, \ :"!Cialica, ·and kindred ailment.II, as wrll "8 for thoae seeking long lift' and good h€'ai<.i1 through desert sunshin€' and hot mineral water- the &a.me hot mineral water that our native Indians walked hun- drt'ds of mll<'s to reach. Only instead or diagonal holes sunk i n .ianting hillaidc11, th<'re J:lOW stand.!'I a magnificent citadel O( health built of C'oncrcte. Steel and decorative tile. thl' like of \4'hl ch cannot be matched either on the Continf!nl or In lhi.s coun- try. In this modern bathhouse, de- si~rd to mel't the health and rec- reation requirements of both men an<J won1en will be found com- plete Roman tub, 11team, salt glow and con1pletc hydro nnd therapeu· t ic facilities designed, not only to fulfill the requirements of ·one's own doctor, but to re uder the us- ual health services customary in in.!ltitutions of ~his kind. li AT FORT ORD -Norma a Cra"'ford Sourv. 23, son or Mr. and Mn. N. C. Nourw, 1805 E. Ra.y Front, RaJboa.. a membt-r of thf' e nl•tf'd r<'M"rl'e copnt. ha." bef>n &S1JignPd 10· Co. I , 6Srd Infantry RPg1ml'nt, Sixth l nfan- try Dl\"hflon at t'ort Ord, Callf. PrMM-tt) Pblf'rtns th,• amw>d for· cf'tl'"°hr atlt>ndt"tl Phillips Ando\·- r r At·adrmy, Andovl'r, Mflmi., nnd hb1 higher edur.atlon WM r~:el\·cd at Stanford Unl\·enlt)'· .. ' Suggest ~wordfish for Lentrn . Menu One .of' the mbet d~Uciou11 or all seafoods and v~ry 1>0pular In the Newport He.rbdr a.rea la sword- fish. l tB delica "' flavor an~ firm. "meaty" textur~ pUt it li.tgh on the list of good thlrgs to eat. Before the da s or frozen foods. swordfish waa a · sea.aonal dish. Nowadays, thanka to modern freezing methods, we a.re fortu- nate in being able to enjoy tbl..8 succulent fish :re year around. Swordfish ca . be prepared ln a.n infinite variety r delectable ways . ln the recipe below tor Baked Swordfish Itallenne, It la combined with a savor-y~omato sauce t.o which whil e ta e wine from Cali- fornia adds a s lal piquancy. Baked Swordfish It.aH,enne fit..8 perfectly Into Lenten menUB. Sug- gested aceompaniments are peas (It string beans1 and French-fried or shoenlring ~toes. Baked Sworfln.b ltalleane ( Serf"~s 4 ) 14 cup salad oil 1 medium -s~ onion, minced 1 carrot, grated % cup chop green pepper 3 tablespoon flour- 1 ( 8 oz.) ca tomato saUce JA cup CaJifo ta Sauterne, Rhine Wine Chablis or other white table ~ cup cann bouUlon-cu Y.z teaspoon ·ne consomme or broth Salt and pe per to taate Dash each: \hyme, marjora;n and garlic P,flwder I· 1/3 to 1 J,i pound.a swordfish ~teak, cut ui pieces for serva tng , % cup gn.te<l Parmesan c~eeae Heat oil in a Jiuge, heavy skillet with a tight-fiU&ng lid; add onion, carrot and gr~n pepper; Mull' gently for 5 nlinutea. Blend ln flour; add tomato aauce, wine and consomme; cooft, atlrring con- stantly, until ~ce bolls and thickens; add inp. PlaCe fish in. a aha I ow· b&k:.lng dish: pour sauce ove it ; •prtnkle with cheese. Bake In/ a moderately hot oven (375° F .) for about 25 m in- utes, or until fl.ah nakea when tested with a f k. ALi. 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