HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-20 - Newport Balboa News Times~ I I • -. • "READY' FOR. WORK-Oraap Cou.aty'a 1161 Oraltd lary, lmpv-led lut week wMa 8un MfJ11er of Newport, 8-11 ·,.. .. ....-ioreriian, plck<d Mn. L .. 11e KlmmeU of Lacuna llo!ldl u ~tary and will nleret Marcil !8. 10 a. m. \o oriaatze Into committees. JUJ7 me:rnben: 'froat row, left to rtpt.' LO. Sewell ot Santa~ Mn. Carl Benaon of IApna Beach, Richard P. Enns of Oraap, Earl H. Templeman of Brea and Mn. KimmeJI; centrr row: Geor1e MeKee of San .Juaa Caplatraao; Fnre- man Sam l\l•yer. WUl'8 F. M1tebel.J Or lrvhle, Mrs. Arthur May of Santa Ana. aod Wurea f;bert of Htmtta.«ton Beadl; Louis F. Gates_ of Bal.boa f8land, aad Warren and Mrs. Jean Mltr.p.r of Santa Ana: and ,...,., left to ril'bt, Le.Roy Ater of Anahflm, Rubf.rt Tilthlll of Santa Ana. .Jamett Rubel of Lido h1'-. Glenn L Woolley of F11Derton, Alvin V. Dierker of. Orance •• ~. B. Owen of Co8ta l\leaa :Mid J . R088 &lcClure of Santa Ana. • BEGIN REMOVAL OF P. E. POLES . . ' Fipps Circulates Petition Asking for Sewers on Bluff · Petition' tor the formation of an assessment dlatrict to install a sewer systf'm to serve lots on the bluff &Ide of the bceaa Blvd. In ' , Corona dcl Mar between Goldenrod and P oppy avenues is be-Ing circu- lated b~ C harlie Fipps, 621 Orchid Ave., who owns much or-. the property involved. At present houses on the bluff ... ------~~------' are U!Jlng ccss pools !or sewage. Mucb agitation against lh<' use of ·ceu pools a nd installation of new pools ha.e been carried on recently by tht" Ocean View Prot~tive as- 80Ciation of Corona del Mar. He has repo(_tcd that all prop- erty owners thus far contacted have signed the petition, howeve r. some live in Los Angeles and haven't ye t been approached. Only persons having property on the bluff would be Included in the dis· trlct. Meyer Named Foreman of '51. Grand Jury . Sam Meyer , 106 Via Mentone, Lido Isle, wu named foreman of the 1951 Orange County grand jury which was inlpanelled Thurs- day in the Superior Court of Judge Robert L. Gardner of Co· rona del Mar, A sewage pumping 8tation will ~ required to pump sewage from the line on the le vel or the Coron& del Mar main beach to the city 8eWer !Jlnc on Ocean Blvd. on top N ineteen members of the j ury of the bluff. Fipps said. The sys-were selected from 8 panel of 30 tern coUld also serve comfort ala-names after Judge Gardner had lions on the beacl:C and beac h con-excused a number of persons for ceMions if they Wished to be tn-illnesa and other reasons. eluded in th~ plan, Fipps added. As 800n 'aa impanelled, the Fipps at.so revealed that he had grand Jury went into a seMlon takeri out a ~!!jut week (or a with Dlstrtct Attoroey Jamee L ref&liilnf 'walf&t 2l3~~Bi ., 'D'""""'"IM~·oitt1i!f O>-r-·3oel next lo the two houses·he has con-E. Ogle. legal ' advteora to the s tructed on the bluff, a forerunner jury. to the construc tion of a third Mrs. Leslie Kimmell, wtf6 of house on the controvers,ial site. the Laguna Beach· attorney, Is secretary of the new jury'. Com- Man Badl,y Hurt ' in Hiway Crash mittee head.a will be named soon. Among the 19 members of the ~d jury were three other Harbor area residents.. The;r-are James Rubel, Lido lSle; Louis F. Gates, Balboa Island and Forrest B. Owen, Costa Mes&. Seek Dismissal Murder Case. Four, persons were injured, one seriously, In !our accidents in the Newport Harbor area over the w~k end. A collision at the inter- section of Balboa B!Yd. t.,nd Cout H ighway occurred at 1~4:1 a.. m. Sunday. Harold Lewinton,.of H ol- 'Jywood received major injuries.. A new move to free Mrs. Cor- Drive r of the other veh.icle, Pvt. delta Esther Green, 23-year-old ' Charles Cupples. a Camp Pendle-C08ta Mesa women who la a ccua- \on Marine received minor hurt.II. sed ot murdering her infant daugh- • A four car colllalon look place ter, was started ln .superior court at 5:04 p. m. Sunday on the Coast hut Friday by Public ~fender Highway between Evening Canyon N. D. Meyer. and Morning Canyon Roa.di at The attorney flied motion to die· Shore Cliffs. ml.all the information against Mrs: A car driven by Carlton R. Bing-Green on ground there was not ham, South Gate skidded aDout 87. sufficient evidence in the prellm· feet and slammed into two other lnary hearing lo hold her lo trial cant, o~ ·of which crashed lnto a In superior court. Judge Kenneth fourth vehicle. according to ·mw-E. Morrison set hearing !or next port Beach police reports. Bing-Friday. hs.m received chest injuries. A Meyer thus renewed the tactics pusenger In bis car. Sheila Ru-he started in Santa Ana T ownship pert, Compton, suffered an injured court , contending the state had noee. Both were taken to Com-not enough evidence to hold the munlty, hospital by Seal Ambu-young mother. · lance. Thelr car received a ds.m-------- aged front and left rear bumper. (Continued on Page 6) , GIVE N'OW! THE RED CROSS . I Removal of the Pacific Electric trolley lines, pol<'s and electric substation rrom the h~art ot New- port Beac h will be accomplished before the tum of t~ year, the Newport Balboa News -Time9 learned today from James Shea, public • felallons offlcta.l or t:h e raiway company. ~me poles will stand to carry phone circuits. Trolley circuits from Long Bea ch to Newport Beach will be entire· ly removed and since Friday have been functioning 11nly aa signal circuits and as emergency boos- t ers. In a road order Issued _1as• week only diesel locomotives a.re to can-y treight on the Coast L ine. Possibilities of r en1ovlng all of the troll<'Y ·poles and the tele- phone lines they carry 'tor the rall· road company was envisioned by the untllity When they revealed that electric eng~~ra or the com- pany are conducting e'xhaUBtive experiments with two-way radio and if satislactQry servce can be c reated there will be no tonger any need of poles to carry phone Jines. During the past month ra· dio station exper lmenta have been conducted from Etlwanda. Flint Point and the P .E . Building In downtown Los Ang·eica but none or the locations have been satis- factory. Present engineering studies are being completed by the railroad for the operation of IU: signal sys· tem between Long Beach ltlld Newport Beach, and between New- pur t Beach mtd--&mta-·Ana-to Loe Angeles by the Southern Callfor- nia Edison Company on 'track clrcu1ta' thUs e.llmlnatlng the need ror the boo8ter power plant in Newport Beach &n Balboa Blvd., near 15th street. • P.E .. substation No. 18 at 1~26 Balboa Blvd.. la the booster llne . . . ~ugnal station not only tor the Long Beach-Newport trackage but for the ci rcuit strung •lop:g the old S .P . rtght-ot:way into Santa Alia and thence to Los An1eles. It was noted Friday that e&flvas has been draped over the 'generator-convert- er hoU¥<t In the station and to all appearances i t ls completely out of operation. Approve CDM Beach c,ncession ..... State Park Coatm.IMlon met ln Los AftC'elee ..,....,. and ap- proved the con~n acree- ment between the city of New- port Beacla and Duwla Tate tor the conceM.lon on tile Co-- rona del Illar Mala Beach, Cit)' Manager John 8a.llon annoUJH). ed today. The appro\•al came ln ttme for Tate to otttclally operate the bea.ch during Eu\er Week. Sanon ll&ld. .... HI> also aald tbat the chief engineer of the Sta.te Park Cotnm.Jnlon wW vt.ft here Fri- day to Jook over -ihe COM State Bea.ch u It now-stand• and check the propoaed eeea pool location . . ! I··. . . I : ". ,. " '. • • •. \ . ~o~,ER . Tl:IAN ' r. YEAR '.. IS' 6RSJ : EAsJE~-'wf K REPoRT • "Qu~ ~. loat ~-," ~ 1.aw n~~ 111,MlCOrd~to 1tlii Wft!i end la~kOC'll btd',• tflt g ll1m to tlle '•"-tl<in/Q!}"!r c.;rona.4el~~ ;.t 2 p. "" Friday. Police ~LI\· R. ll'!d(klnooD·• poUce. l"otttt fl1r the period ot wicle lr&ng.. of actlvWu'. ,Bome, of ~· 1!tolent again &lid l<ICkedl The ou.Or Ca.. wu ltolen front oplnlqn. ~'.!~ monalilg of IJ!e l~e ~tWMll,. ir.•m. Friday ·~ tile vlolatlona c&me ~er tile D<tec!J•e,Berg~t V~ent,1. K~'J~.Dattllo, Jr .. II&!> l(•mando -W~,·a.(tlvltiel to dai.e. -~ ~ tllll put . ....it-head!/'• , ,or hl-Jlnlao , (ljomeone Kanlg&I.,. , I at .12:06 It.; m. Saturday. The car 1"1tb tbe a!1 <If a !DU '*"*"" 1118 end. IP'O.O a Olinll&r period of Um~ --~ ,!!!tb "'pair,of undies rrbm At 9:40 p. m. Sunday a man wu• bad bee•" parked near Ba:bQa Blvd ~ h~f ~~ "But we Won't durin,l u.e Pre:-toue· w~ end acJo~i~);anotbetaddedupJP: reported ln th'e kitchen ot~e V._)'dd lll&nd An.;B&lbc;>a. The ve~ rtpl!Y~ kJl<!W unW the ~ of the there 'Vere only to entrie1 ln the a 7$ r da,y; eentence to the county V. Ad&m'a ·home . at l20 .Agate :blc1e wu later recovered attef ti ,•~·" , · P9!ice 1.pg.. jail. 1 , Ave., Balboa Island. The home b&d been abaneloned in the El Toro Even though the ~eek end w;.s ' ~wdlaiJ · Norte ~Uou.s Oliver, 22, South owner dceCribed him aa belhg t8n. ~metery. All iou1 wheda were re1atJ~Ut qutet u compared with lnvfftlption-ol no~nl' condl-Gate.1 \tU given the jail eentence blonde: 22 yeara 0}4, 11ix feft one stolen trOm the ca.r-. ~r Week . actlvlUU of "°"' Uona (prtnctpa.Uy for overCrowd-after beU\c found gulll..Y Qf tncit.ln~ inch and blue-eyed. Wbe\a. la.st seen 1 A nude man ln the vfclnlty of ~· lt 11till added numerous Ing) W'8 acheduled to get under· • riot, reaiatU,\g arr~t.. d_lsturb!ng the man waa Minning down Agate 11th St. and Oc~ Front waa re- .,_,ee to the poU~ blotter. k'pl \fay K'onday afternoon, according the peac4J, and battery. At 1~:52 Ave. accompanied by a girl wear-P..Orted. at 8 :S5 p-. m. Sunday. ~ ~u~lle officer busy lt\ the cayrt to f'lre ;1n.spect.or . Phil Ray~en. Sunday t:tlgbt QUver fought with Ing a &andanna. Numerou8 traffic violations, ll- bo\lae: tor round-Ui.e-clock he~ )fomlng eeulon waa devoted to Police Sergeant Harrls Cottle whO ~o cars were stolen over -the legal mufflera, and tncidl!nt.s in-• ..,.. crea~ qui~ a parking j&m a mee.t;tng of 1st&te and local :of-came~ take hlm into custody a.t week end. One belonging to W~l-votving.mlnora obt&lolng liquor II: in the vicinity ot the N~wpOrt flclala In the healdquarters of 1the the comer of P&lm A\•e. and Ocean llam Kindell, Jr., 1217 Cout Rl:Ki"-legally rounded out the liat of ln- Btach police ,11tatlon. ,Fire Department to asree 011 Front ln Balboa. CotUe flnally put way, NeGOrt Beach W&ll takpt ftactions that filled the !>¢ice blot.- lntraction.s .&nd breaches of the policy. · I the ba.ndc~ffs on Oliver before from in front of -423 Fernleat'AVF .. · ter. · Location of New Bridge Disc~ssed • ' ' Pros and cons of a street level bridge to replace lhe present wooden one at 38th street Iead~g to Newport Island were discus1ed at-Friday night's meeting of ~st Newport Improvement llll80ClaUon. Plans for the new bridge, also j lo- cated at 38th street, have been prepared by City Engineer J.I B. Webb but they have not been Pubmltted lo the war departm;nt1 &s&OCiation president, Francis ~or- vath s lated. 1 Favoring the present location W68 J . P. Guerin, becao._,e ot ~he fact each approach to lhe brlfge Is at a 90 degree angle, cult.pig down dangerous speed on a street which ruqs directly through! a playground area . Other residents favored changing location to *r- CWI avenue, where It wu orl~al­ ly planned to locate it and to whlol> M&n:ua avenUo roeldan\a Dlt- jected. 1-- Becauee the proeoae<f brittge u now design~d. would rutiict flow of water to a culvert at each end. it wa,s opined that not only would formation Of water _algae ~ "(Continued OD Pap 6) Planners Okay New Acrec14Je for High School The Orange County Plan~i.ng Commlss:ion Friday approved 'the plan of acquisition or new prop· erty by_ the Newport Harbor Uftton High school dl•trlct and construc- Uon of general headquarters rlear pttcatton or_ the Wycurre IJible Translators, Inc. The 8ite under construction I for the Newport echool is a 32 ~ ac .. e tract at the nortbeut comer of 18th St. and Irvine Ave. In Costa Mesa, across the~ street from lhf' exieting high achoo); campus. With no protests evidenced at the public hearing set on the ,&p- pllcatlon or the WYcllffe Bible .Translators, Inc.", tl1e phuu'iers gave their approval to the pro- poeal to establillh general oftl- cers, chlldren's home. chUdren's 11ehool. translation center, print- ing faCilitiee and storage quar- ter11 on a -40-acre trac t at Acacia St. and r:ali.sades Rd,, norlheut of Costa Mesa. ' :BAiBOA I • I , 1 . W. NEWPORTERS ASK SURVEY OF PRESENT WELLS Sale of th~ so-called Elliott oil lease in West Newport by the Jer- glns corporation to a firm of Nt>w York bankers for the reputed sum of $30,000,000, and the question of legality ot present slant drilling peralions under the t"xisUng city ordinance were chief items of in- t'.ereltt at a Friday eventng m eeting of We.st Newport Beach Improve- ment asi~tatlon. held in the city council chamber. ~ .. U' "l',;:...Ll'J ORANGE COAS'rS champloosbJp Milin Two J ergtns Co. wells which have been slant drjlled, under city grOperty frorrl a location north ~t the highway and outside the city whlcb lMt Saturday proved their expt!r.t pamanehJp limits are now pumping approxi- Champlnn&hlp &erll'8 off Balboa Yacht Club. From left: matel-y 60 barreb a cftly, the group t~red Klnpley IWld Ro~rt 1't All&n. J_r •• (rig-ht), lieCretary was told. Both are in the B-zone. Ing Assoela~, who offlclated at the eerles.. According to •A.. J. Odell. West to fl\"f' other t.-ams In the .Junior Oollrs Harlan Hoyt, Howard Marttra. Roser We of the NatiOnaa lnter-Colk-state Yaebt (P~oto bir Beckner) Newport property owner and ---~~"'"1!"::-~~-:----:::-:-.--;:~:::r:-::-l:-:,-,;-:--:----c::::-:::t:---.,--...,-;:::---:-:::-i:,....,:-:.,,..:-'*',,:,,,,.,.,,.,,..,,.,,.,,~.\cha.1rm.an of le&1e11~or the .group, J. c. sa1iing ·tnre ~:r ~;; :t!!!:!~~. 'NC>rTOii ·iialneli ~r.~;~~~~1'\r~~~;f~] W b' c t r . ..: Elk R I It Is the belief Of oil men that On Y Oas aJI ~lat~=an:eea~n~b::~ s u er one of the best oil fields ln Call- i fomia lies under the tidelands and Four )'Oung sailors .or Orange Coaat College pursued with a vengeance the fifth annual Pa- cific Coast Junior Co.liege Salling championship at Newport-Balboa Saturday afterpoon, and captured It tO the . tune of three straight victories. In every race, over a· comblna· lion of bay and ocean courses the OCC 11&.lts won con~incingly. aboard the P C sloop Pamlln. loaned for the occasion by Staff Commodore Fred Smales of the Balboa Yacht .club. OCC had bttt 214 point& to 8 for F\lllerf:on.' 9 and John Muir. 10 for the defendlng championl!I of Puadena. City Collep and 16 for the Viklrip of Long Beach City Collece. • The collegians all 11alled P C sloops~ which are used on al~er­ nate years wtth .Rhodes l!lloops. It wa.s the eecond title for OCC in the sertes which P8.88.dena cap· .. lured in 1947, Marin JC of S8.n Francisco In 1948, OCC ln 1949 and Pasadena a yeai-ago. The smart-sailing <>QC s:;rew, which lo coached by ~y Roooo, lncluded · team •captain Freet Klngs~ey, Harla"n Hoyt. ROger Welllh and Howard Martin. all P of tbe propoAe<l price offshore from WeBl Newport. cellln regulation will be dl8-Officers to serve the Newport Community leaaea offering l /6 t' "'Ill IN held thl8 W ed-Harbor Lodge ~f . Elks f~r the royalty, one well drilled t o each n~ Lodge year beginning Apnl were five acres have been proposed the e!ected la.st Thur!fday .and will be property ownen by the Jer1;:in~ Uttle *tet\ 1:30 p. m .• HB!· lnstal~ed on April 12 by P~t Co. -Said Odell, "I say again thet Lange1 helm, Ne\\•port Harbor Grand Ex~llcd Ruler Fay Lewis ie not e nough. I am going to ask Chamt of 'Co¢merce secre-of Anaheim. Lewi:J was the SlOO 000 cash bonus 30 l tary announced. Grand Lodge Offiper who instltut-royaity and more th~n on~.:.e~e~o He It will be the mt>r-ed the local lodge more lh3J! two (Continued 00 Pa e 51 c ha.a ohly chance to get \•Ital yeai:s ago. · · g tint tuu'd laformatlon on thf" 01"8 {'llaUon •·blcb m'"!t be' filed ALL MERCHA~"TS by, Ma.r 29. Mercha.nta mu•t have ~turn receipt from OPS by rtl !8 or they ., will not ~ w!d t-0 continue ln buU- •• Tom· Norton will Serve as Ex· alted Ruler, replacing Ben Red- dick who w as elected Alternate Delegate to the1 Grand Lodge. Robert A. Eastman will be Lead- ing Knight ; Clitrord K. Varner, Loyal Knight; El.wood Shell, Lec- turing Knight; Irwin Spra.gue. secretar y; Herbert Holk er treas- urer: Glenn Walker, tiler; Law- rence Sprague and Wes Smith we're named trustees to serve Co pletion of Blv . Foreseeh .... wilh Ray Trautwein, Heinz Kaiser and Al Doesburg, carry-over trus- tees. P lllly that all of the un- slgh~I rallrpad prope'tty might. SQOn removed from downtown Ne WJ><l'fW~ an en,coura~ing vista to Ra )I. bu'stnesa men this wee~ Only ~ bl<>cb of Balboa Blvd. remal to be paved from whence ' (Ooatlnued Of! PaKr. 6) Scheduled to be appointed offi":" cers are, C. M . Sexton, Chaplain: O. A . 'Bud' Briscoe, Esquire,; and Robert Beecher Inner GuJ'rd. The ElJts have voted to dis- pense with thelf meeting of April 5 In order lo 8.id the Busine8s and Professional Women in their Bosses Night program. • Tar Trackmen Win Big Meet Newport Harbor's high school track team captured an eight point Victory over 20 other competing schoob at the enriual Southern Counties prep meet held at Hunt- ingto_n Beach Saturday. The, Tars competed 1n the , Small Schools division and topped second pl8.<'e Colton, 30-22: San Diego won the Large School section. Sailor trackmen wl)o placed in the varloua events, giving their team victory, Included: 120 h.igh hurdles -Griffith, first; -440 - Nerdrum ,second: 180 low hurdles -Grltfilb, third: mile -Wood· bou11e, fourll\: shqt put -Swing!('. first a.fl;d Van Dremll n, s'econd: high jump-Norman tie for first. • ,• ·. ' • • ' • • , ( ' • ' , 1 • ·' ., "' ' -~ !<. -<.:an•s, \\'ot'S of ~tls"llon San Juan capist.rano1 In the qul.-t ~rroundlnp caawra swttplng one of the corridors. t1,·t· yea"' aKo .W uMQ reallud Ute's dloap.,..,. catcJtea AltoMO Lobo lnteo1l de&li-~. be<'ome caretak~r. • c . ' ... UFLECTl01'"S -Hbu9e:!11 .,,, minored ln lag-oon near SUDAet Beach. \Vat.en w~re ca.Im, \\'llb only f!llnt rlpplf'8 :,o mar their 1nlrro r Kmoothnnt~ St•out!ii "IM"Dt. hour alon.c "'1on ... Swallows Returned Monday .. ' . HISTOR Y OF OLD MISSION RECOU 1 NTED (Ed. Note: Aut.on1otl\"e editor than an hour to get Bailey through We drove· on to Diana Point and of tbe Los AncN'-"' Examlne.r, Sunaet Beach on. the way down noted that & grea~ many homes Sllm Ba.raanl. recently took a the coaat via Highway 101 Alter-have been built there during tht> , trtP, h'Orn Los Ancl"ft , to lite I natt!. · · · put months. J~ · ~yond \be • • ¥'='~ , Sao .ruan C..'aplAtrano. Winding along the roadsida...:are Polnt, we swuna U:t' Mercury le.ft ..,..., through N"'wpo~ Bar· big lagoong wtiii ch at high tide .arc and tn a matter of two mllm "!ere bor oa tJMo wa7. The 9tory IA things or beauty. Bailey parttcul~ at Mla&on San JuU Caplatrailo. tl.met;y M Moocla1. Marat. 19. arily lllted the retltctions in the Several cb&ngta' have been made WU SL 'oseph'a °*>' when tile wat~r ot some ot the old houses elnce our flrtt vblt "° the m1Mion awa»ow. annually ,-pturn to the which sit on Jutted--out land. , many yean ace>· We noted that • -"""8100 · just 18 miles Hantlacton _., comldeljlble conar...Uon ~ been . from. die Barbor area. Pa.rta of Att.er flnally gett:ln& Walter done on the nortJl aide. , ~ article foUo\v.) · Balley put Sunset BM.ch. we bad M '• ~ -San Juan C.plstt'&llo to stop •pin at Huntington 1IHcb To CIYo • Uttle blOtory on lion th -•-where he wa.a tucJnated -the Juan : C&platn.ao. we ptbered,,. WU .founded a.s the seven ~ "'!3 • flnt alon In 'the Calltomla chain l;y lofti' line of oll-11 po1J!ps. To him -falcta: An at-pt was ' tbev loolc:ed like hn.re..-·•"'oppen made ln11715 to fowld the mi.tan. . l'atber Juntpero Serra baek In " ~ &•--4 ud be 'lnall;ted UPQ!l doing a ..... ,ck On OCtobtt SO -\octaft of the 1778. • -~-"-'-•--sketch and takln&' • photo. • • .._ or Sal\ Juiln ------w Ith ~ · Uoman Cath~ (>ur nen atop wa.a at Newport mw 1wu ~~ ,.,.., .,....,.. t:.._ Cl~ aueh great cono1c1er-Beach where pie....,. yadlb &Del mill,. -de -= 111 a at.km to ele.atin& ¥atber Sena to cruiaen Weft htMldled clole to-_.._ ot tioua'ttf. 'De ql1'1•s ~ it -moot n~ 'ptber undo ---tor the -Ille Mllfr -lhffllll - toe &lie_.. of C.llfornla to -winter. ' he..._ -~··· ... -II ea a.e ol tM xv•.,..,. he eatab1 1Me4._ n.e:re were• fftW "Wllite ._. • , ts• t1: · 'rs • ., 7 ._ ... ----Ille -&Del ' -..... al -••• a. --...... El • we -a1one &n o1c1 ~ ~ P1e11as .,. u.e .. ..._"'...., ••liz• .--w-.,_ ~ . .., aztLot on tbe ~ .. ".,'&dlmc tn u. waf-· al--.r. ' -.._,WWI'-A&tt It took ma. ~ore· though the day,. ...--a btt nippy.· r " tCa UH I ...... I) . r ,. . - upon f ' : r.-..y. t;4.rcl) jo,:1•r • F¥DINO TIME~ Upt file.ken thr:olJ.l'b • arch- ways · at old ~lMlon u vlslto,.. drop crumb8 to plceona. This .. --San ' .. I . • ' ' • ' • • .. " • --' • l . I ' • { .. " • • ,/ " • ' lli•> ay. Mardi 10. 1-951 I . • NEWPt,RT . :-~t .. • • ,.· • J ..... • P~l HARBOR SOCIAL j EVENTS~~:d ~~~ge ' ~ ------~ -.. ---,,.......,. --.,.,..--,...-·.:--Oilil~ -------.. ~ .. ,,,..,... ......... """"" .... ___ """"'""~4ftV>.~---~ o.rm"---- '"'' 0oota IJl,.a a,...,c• w111 bold Ito m011tl117 ~ part7 Wed· neoday, -n,'•t Ip. m. In Granse Ball. Tbe public Is c:ordl· fll¥ ln'l!ted I<> at\e!ld. .Any card game with four pla,yen wtll M plqod. !'r'-wm be awarded and retreahnienta Mrved Collowtng the pmeo! Delta Gamma Installs Officers, Plans . Sept. ~hef it Brea.k f~st • Delta Gamma fraternity mem ben comprtsing lhe local Orance county chapter held ·their annual founders' day ~quet March IS at Buffum.a, fo~!'fed tater by ln- atallatlon of officf'_!. . 19!)1 marks th~ r18lh year of the founding ot the now Jnternattonal fraternity at t.e....b Institute, O.· ford. Mtss. Th e fraternity conslata of 76 colleg'ia.te chapters ~d 181 alumnae groups among college w°'" mpn throughout the world. The Delta Gamma fraternity re· cently received a citation trom the National Society for the Pre· venlion of Blindneu. in recognl· tlon· of Its contributions In lhe flel1 ot 1ighl conservation and aid to the blind. After the dinner, the group ad· journeod to the home of Mrs. Jus· t. tin Kennedy fo r the inatallM.tlon of officers. Those inst,,alled were prea.ldent, Mrs. Payne Thayer of "'Balt>c>a;. viceo-p residenl, Mra. John Gefcer of Lido Isle; aecretary, Mrs. William Blurock of Lapna Beach: treasurer, Mrs. Juatln Ken- ne<tY of Santa. Ana.; Anchora. cor· respondent. Mrs. Jame.a Ray of Corona del Mar: memberahlp chatnnan, Mrs. J . Leon Williama of Corona del Mar;.. project chalr· man, Mrs. Edwin Williams of Bal- boa Island; and Pan-Hellenic chairman, Mrs. Harold Glmeno of Tustin. !ltrs. Thayer w a.a presented ga- vel and corsage in a tomlal cere- mocy. County Party Mario Tete Leeds Tri Hi· Y Bowlers · Luth era n Wo men All evenlnl" at Vall'• eownnJ to Se rv e Annua I Alley WU .tile special acUvlty Qf .E s· kf -Harbor Hieb Fruhmen Tri· aster rea as + HI· club 1Frlday, March 9. Mario , • Tate outdistan~ her sister mem• Members o~ the Women'• Ml•· bers wtth a ICQre of 120. Bowl· lionary Society of the Newport en were Mary Jean Hilllard, Harbor Lutheran Church wtll Valda Winters, Dena -Ph•sley, serve their annual Euler break- Billie ·Lee Wlllle.ms, Sharon 'far· fut following the •unriae aervlce nell. Pat Dennis, Mario Tale-Euter morning at the church. Tbe They ,were supported by Ora.np bttaktut will be given ln Amert· cOut student.II, Eva Caldwell and can Leg1on hall, Costa Mf'SS.. at 7 car0t Roush, 9e0rekeepeM11, and 1.. m. The public is invited. Velma Pridham. leader. Thu rsdey Communion at Lutheren Church The sacrament of Holy Com- munion will be celebrated at the Newport lfarbor Luthern church on Maundy Thunday, March 22- Appropria te to the memory of ita Institution by Chriat on the night in which He wu betrayed, Pa. tor Roth Will speak on '1'he l.Aat Supper." Members • ot the confirmation class will recelv .. thelr nrat tom- munJon at this service. Due to the crowded Eaater schedule, com- munion· 1ervices will not be held on Eaatlr Sunday. Those who would Uke to partlc.lpate in the Lord'• Supper are :.irged to do M> at the Maundy Thursday service at 8 p.m. Life of Christ Told Thursday at Art Gallery A.a a special Easter Offiirlrfg Oswell L. Jack.Ion, curator of the Laguna S A.ch Art Gallery wlll g_tve hll IUwitrated lecture on "The Life of Christ In Art" at the Ar!. Gallery on Thuraday evenlnt1 Mar. ?.2nd, at 8 p. m. In his talk Mr. Jackson tellf of the development of Chriaitlan Art by the early Christiana, over a Period ot almost fifteen hundred years, and the great climax which waa reached in the Italian Rena U!- sance, and from thence down to the preaent day. There will be no ad,mi.ulon charge, but a free will offering wUI be taken for the Bt>ne flt of the Building Fund. I Sunris• Servici~·, f to ~e .'Held IMlde . ,[ Luthera~ Church 1 EuUr Sunrile ~--I'!'· out the dl'CO""fort. ot dam~ cold and bavtnr to •bind fqr~~lclmr period of Ume'are pll&rlned •117 ~ Newp6rt ll&rbbr I.Althenil' chu¥ch Ulla year. Thia WUI ~1 1"8"' Poe· ilb:e by holdln( tile ioorYleeo ~ the church a nd vJ.ewlns ·the ~­ rl1e throllJh tile large "pl¢tilre windows" which are a fe~turei ot the church"• architecture on tbe ·bJutt. overlooklnir tllo bay a t N.-· port H el&"hta. Bealdes belnJ al>Ie to wonhip in com'fott, a Jn \.I 1c Ji more beauUti.11 aervtce can ~ a<· ringed than ta possible out-oC>l door•. · Sunrlae $ervtcea v;ere laltia~ In the harbor area by the N~vJ­ port Harbor Lutheran church i'bc years '°go. Slnce that lime their popularlty hu steadily lncreued. The service haa grown ln beauty, a.a well aa in popularity. Two years ago, ~.000 cala )Illies were used Id the floral decoraUona. LUt year. rain made It necessary to hold the service Indoors. The _rain proved to be-• bleaatng in disruisc; however, when It wu dlacovered that the services was just as insplrlnl' and more enjoy- able than otherwise. When the SWl tlnally broke t,hcough the cloud1. the unob1tructed view from the blufta through. the large picture, view windows at the church con- vinced one and all that despite rain and cold, the 1ervlce. had been as beautiful as ever and should be heldl In the same manner evet)· Eaater. Women of Moose to Initiate New Candidates July Wedding for Vir9inia Bachmann Efigagement of Joan Virginia Bachmann to Robert Dillard Sloan la announce~ by Mt's. Meta Bkch- mann ot -Corona J.el Ma.r. The y9upg . coUple met while va.catton- ing fn H(lwl.ii, Ylrginla , the daught~r of ~fB. Mela S..chm WUl and ttre ?'ate Ar- thur M . Ba.chmt.nn, ·1s a gT&duat1> of NeWpc.irt flart><>r liigh school and attrnr;leod tlM.> University of Calffornla al Sant& Barbara. Tht brldegroom-e't>ct ia t he !IOn of Mra. Jamee Sloan. of Pro1pect Drive, 1RedlandJI and the late lf1r Sloan. Robert i$ a graduate of Webb achoo I and the Colorado School of )fines. Al present he is doing graduate work al the school of mine• where he ia att!llated with Sigma Alpt'.a Epailon / fra- ternity. A July wedding la plann~. Ha,rbor Pla,y .. 1s to Pr,sent ~arry Comedy The N~rt 1$arbor OOmmu.1 ntty PlayeN, continutng their at"l tWatlon with the ~1dult Dtvtalon ot Orange Cout Co~ e, will praent Tbe Phlla.delphla ory u their spring )1roduotlon April 28~ 2T and 21th-The PhJllp Barry com edy, conMcHr ed one ot the bei:ll modern 1 American dramu, baa b;een a fav· ortte with little theatre audience• all ovtt the country tM\cau.U ot It.a clever Une1 and 1ituation1, smart costuming and eet., a.nd lU In- teresting cast ot characters. D I r e c t 1 n g the Philadelphia story will be Mr. G'.enn Wells, vet· era.n pro/e11lonal director. and ac.: tor. Mrt.! Well.s and hi• wlte, Con· nle Wella, are well-known to Or· ange County theatre-g~rs tor their many appearances at the La- guna playhouse and a t Holiday Stage. Try-outs, which are opep to the. public a,., well u to members ctt the P layers, "''ill be held ·Monda y and Tuesday evenings, Ma.f°cb 12th and 2:0th, at the home of Mrs. Lee Barnes, 121 Via Mentorie, Lido I.ale. Rehetr&ala· will ndt begin until March 26th. Fam~y Ni9ht i at Christ Church Monthly FamllY Night! will be observE"d tomorrow nigh~ (Wed- nesday) at Christ Church by the Sea with a pot-luck 1uppef at 6 :SO to be foliov.•ed by a program .to' be put on by the P!lot Clasa, Including a three scene play 'Though Thousands Fall." A Maundy Thursday communion service ""'ill be held at the same church Thursday evening at 7 :30. Cooked Food Sale •• '{ ' ' i• .. .. . \ . • DD .HERE'S THE NEWS! • When you save 11,t NEWPORT BALBOA .FEDERAL not only U. your money safe .... insured up to $10,000 and l>'lscked by sound, local home loans . . . but it's profitable, too, for current high dividends are at 3 'if ! Sti<rt a Savings Program• here tOfjay and make your Savings goal the equivalent of one year's income . . . for real security. ' FRIENDLY , . , EFFICIENT ... DEPENDABLE ! NEWPORT 8'UoA . FEDERAL SAYINGS Cl~ l'/.44.tw:;.t<• .... l!l"lll.....,._-.,.P.A.PAU11•9'.,faQtD111T":;;--~-~ DD Yi• Ll<lo "!llwpor.t 8Mlolt •Colifomia. • • • - The fifth Orange county party for the benefit of blind babies wu tlillCWlsed. It ia to be a breakfast at the Ba:boa Ba.y rlub, Tue9day, March 18. Reservations are now beinl" t&Jten 'ror thla party by Mra. J ustin Kennedy. Bap.tist Women Sta9e Party Mass Initiation for 30 Marines Initiation will be held by the Newport Beac h Women ot the Moose, chapter 11~8 on Thursday, March 22, 8 p.m. in the Moose home, 2300 Ocean Front. Newport Beach. Initiation will be formal. the ritual team i1 reminded. Can- didate t o be lnlti&tt-"d ls El~,th Walker, who ia sponsored by Ed- nit Phegley . Following the lntt1,_. tlon, refreshments will be served by ~osteases Alice young and Ne't- lle Williams. . Divorce Granted Wife of Yachtsman Plans havp been completed by th'e WSCS of the Balboa laland Cbmmunlty Methodlat church tor n cooke'd food sale to be held Thurs- day, March 22 . starting a t 11 a. m. at Boardman's market, Marine ant1 Balboa A venues, Balboa It1land. High Qualify Prinfing _-Ph. Har. 1616 ' Since 1938 when t he sight con- l{!rvatlon proje<:t •Na.s officially adopted , work has steadily In- creased In the establishment of cent\!'r& for u.se of the blind, sc.bol- arships for orthoptic' training, 11lg ht le.sting of pre -achoo) children and aid to blind veterans. The or- gan~tion financea braille books, records, cuide dol'• t'or the blind and ,rlu1e1 for partially seelnl' ~hlldl"en . One of the mOl!lt lnter- catlng pr ojec't!'l i.:J the-· Nur.ery Sch ool for Vlaually J:landlc•pped children, m&lntained by &Ju.mn•e ~roups in and n~r· Loa An1"eles. Jt is for thi.a nu~y echooJ of blind bable• that the Oran•e coun- ty chapter ia planning Its party. ---Classified &da are read by folke iho are looking to buy. ·a . -w ~~ • r.. Easter ... ' ' • I li~d AND OOEAN FRONT NEWPORr BEACH. CAUF. ,--------...... I . ' I for wonderful I I new bulldlng effects 11 I . 1 use ALSYNITE · t I ·-lo"' ....... _ '1 ,.. .. •-' •-' ......_ I I I- • I· I I I • IU'rlUTI lo ·u.. ---I ...... ...o.n.i ..... e1ru..-·11 ·-'la "" ..... 1141 --llil,,_,_. (_I.._ I . :O::.r.;:;:..,..:: t:=.,~-:-I ", .......... ~'1:Z::!; I ~ n.: ·A~.~~ I· Ai."SYN IT I . I . I . Ille.,.., . . I I .. ••··==--=--= t 1·5-..-n:: I I . t : •1n11 ce'. 1 1 I . < • - .;;~J ___ ,;_) -' . . -~-i!"-....... • Tuesday evenlnc. Ma.rch 13, the Women's MiBaionary union ot Coe- ta Mesa Bapt11t church held a spe- c~al birthday party for the women. and their buabanda. Table• were decorated tor the four seuona. guests belng aeated at the table appropriate tor his <"r her birth- day. Specially honored was the pastor. the Rev. P . J . Neumann, whoae natal day It wu. Dlgn,tarlee ot the Supreme Lodl'e will be l>reaent tonf«ht (Tue.lay) •wben Newport Beach Mooae Lodge 14~7 hu an unprece- dented mau ln1Uation for more lha.n 30 U. S. Marlnes. On her complaint that Harland F . (Hook) Beard.alee, ~I-year-old former world ch&mp!on St&rboat racer. told her he "wu In lo've with aoJnebody else-." Mrs. Carol Beardslee last \Veek W&lll awarded High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 For the provam• there were reJdings by Lily Cooper and Helen Smith.and stnstnc. Tb .. Maywood Belle Moose lodgt! depee 1talf, champion. of the •tale of California for five con- 1eeutive years, ha.a been .elected to lflltlate this clue. So tar u tbla Ui known.' it ia lhe largest group ot service men to be Init- iated into any lodge. "1'hey wlll be Pawne ... Princess· in c1n .. bluea and " WUI b< an tf imprus.f.ve ceremony. Many Moose Da nces for Moose mem~n are ln tile Marine corp• _ and ~ now eervtng overseas. rt · w. d& ..... t .... 'ot · Proceedln~ 1\,art at etcht p.m. P ncff9 -rnem&. --.·-· and Joc&l .memben are adv1Nd to a Pa'\ll{Dee chtef, thriUcd -memben Mm• early 'u the capacity of the :~:ill~ 1~f:r~:1;: a!ortb: hall, 23rd ati:eet and Oce'an Front, ni;w loage hall, 23rd and Ocean ta limited. P'ronl. ' ------- T•• prtnc•••· w•-name '"'""" Round Robin lated rneari Dancing Pr.nc... ls daughtet of Marin• S(t. W&lter Ends . Season . Archambeault ot El T oro 14aJ;tne b .. e. She hu won hlg1>eot ttclnon for Riding Clubs in her Interpretation of authentic wa.r dances and sent shivers up the spine with the uvagtty and shet>r drama of her U&.ncing feeL Rev. Emily Johnson Marri~s Navy Ma"! Announcement ls being made of the marrtage or Commdr. Lucien B. Whispellcy, u .S.N. and the Rev. EmUy Johnaon, Ph. D., 3008 Balboa Blvd., on Ma~h 10. The Commander, who ia jual back from Europe, bu been stay- ing at the home or hil bride while bl• ship wu at San Pedro. On Thureday mom1J11 he called, aay- tng the •hip wu lea vln1 immedi- ately tor Korea and thdr boodbyea were u.Jd over the telepbont. Dr. Whlepellcy wu a ml.allon- ary ·in China for 21 yeva. Her eon, Herbert A. Johnaon., ia la Kol"e&. It her huaband remaina there she expect.I to carey out her plana to gd' to Alaaka whtre ahe Will be in charge of an orphanage run under the auspices ot the Church -of God. LOU E . TOWNSEND. S. F . ban14:er -.. Nothlnr can take the P.l&ce of our hometoWJ) newap&pe~ In Amorlcal! Ille." The Auoolat~ Riding Clubs of CJra.nge County held their nna.l Round Robin Horae Show of the winter 'sea.son March 11 at the Orange County Fair Grounds. Clubs participating were: Carefree Rider•. Par&mount; Foothill Rid- era, Buena Park; El Rodeo Riding Club, Placentia; Trt-Clty Wrang- lers, Westmlnater; AnaMim Rid- ing Club. Anah~lm ; Mesa Boots and Saddle Club. COit& Mesa , hoat club. Al high potnt rider of the day. Mr. Henderson was preaented a ten dollar merchand~ oT'der, do-- nated by the Dandy Shoe Store .. The high point winners of the year wlU be announced at the· An- nual Trophy Dance to ~ held Fri· day, 13th of April, in the Costa Men Friday Afternoon club oo West 18th St. In the club competition, the El Rod~ Riding Club 5--man team won the relay race in the fut tllne o( ~7 IMCOftd. seven aecondl futer than any other team. Other winners : Biil Jultt of F\ll- ler ton won the Senior Trail Hone ciua; Kay Bailey of Co•ta Men won. t.Jle J unior Trail Hone cla.u; Mn. -Mona VanRouten won the Semcn-Stock Hone clua and JoeephJne McKee of Colla M WOif Ute Junior Stock Hone clul. The pot luck held by the chap- ter was a huge 1uccea&. due to t~e good job done by general chair- man, Atyrtelle Tipping and her committeoe . The tablf'il were beautl- f\llly decorated by co-worker, J oyce Edick. Fot:owers tor the ta- bles were done.led by Morr t MOl- ho. Kenneth Workman &anlf the lndla.n Love Call and. .the Lord's Prayer, enjoyed by everyone u Mr. Workman hU a -wondertul volce. ·Much tun wu hatl by play- ihg the game' of whoc·pee. The Newport WO'f'M bowling team are 1till bowl1nc evety TUes- day nicht at Van.a 8'>wling t.lley, C08ta Mesa. Best wl1he11 e-o to co-worker Bobble Frorlech from the ·chap- ter tor e. return to good health soon. Mrs. Frorlech ha.8 been lll for aome time. Co-worker Lillian Dawley was ca'led eaat by the death of her mother, it wu reported. Union Services , at Christ Church · on Good Friday Union Good F riday services ~re a divorce from the yachtamah after more than 28 yt"ars. 1 · Mra. Beardslee will receive $500 a month tor support of herself and l~-year-<tld daughter fl rrd two hou.M-1, one at 1205 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa and one at PU•· dena and num.eroua stocks and bonds, under a property-settlement agr"ement, Loe An(e les superior record d-'-cloeed. Mr•. ~alee said the finan- cier and yachtaman said he had no desire to continue the marr1.qe a.a ahe testlfled before Superior . Judge Stanley Barnes. She laid they were married July 8, 19%2, and parted Nov. 6, 1948, and have two adult children be1>ides the 1~· :9ear-old daughter. News-Times ads have been read in the Harbor tor over 40 yeara. to be held &t Christ Church" by the Sea. Balboa Blvd_ at 14th, at from 12 :00 to 3 :00 ~·a1ock on Oood ht-• day. Thf! hoUl'l!I• of , the : service mark ihe hours during whl<;h 'J esus hung on the croas. Participating in the 1ervt.ce wlU be Rev. Paul Babbitt, ot Corona del ?tlar Community Church: Dr. Harry White. Balboa Island Com- munity Methodiat <;burch ; ~· Don 1...8.rnberson, Newport Beach Baptist Church: Rev. Howard Legg, Corona del Mar; Rev. J . Stuart Innerst, Costa Mesa. Re-v. J , Hunter Smith, Balboa laland and Rev_ Thomas Roy PendeU. Cbrlat ChW'Ch by the Sea. The aervtce wllt be built arouqd. lhe theme of Jeaus' aeven la.It words on the crou. The publlc J• invited to "come wben you cah. leave wben )'OU must." l . I •u-1 I U l11•f lfai~JIO'I 'M'WCM•T frc~, kU.a.ic~. , .. loaf-Ult '"'*"'• -,_., '!'"•~ ..... .,.,~pan.~· ·•pra±.zwr•...,w ..... .., ' .. _. .... ..,:•;:1t;-....... .... . """'· ·' ............... . ..... _ ......... ,... . . *1••• .... , 1!111 Ulo = I 111 -............. .... ........ _,.....,. llrfli'b• ...... • 7 4 ...... ...... ' • r • ~'''I/I~ ' , ~i~HOLY Mo,., Tuea., and Wed. 12:15 p. m. Ma undy Thursday 8 p. m. Holy Communion • The Litany Commemora..tion of the Institution of the aoclt Friday Lord's Supper 12 noon to 3 p. m. · Ttie Three Hours • Adc.'lreu on ihe Seven La.at \Vor(la" by The Rev. Thomas Gibson a.nd• The Rev. P.aul M. Wheeler Easler Even Saturday ':30 p. m. Befinnere A primary dep't Ea.liter Service ST. JAMES CHURCH IE PIS C 0 PAL 3209 Vie Lido Newport I Beech '.., t, I .... ""''£ 5 .... &iWSUW n a .............. , •• , 2 -!f-14a11•1 •It I of Cllil riA ; 'so• .. •::Ill:":"' ' ::-:: ~. "'' -=-;--'. Now.,,..,,... "r' · · . . J'WIN'" ... • T' stl.'D A ... II >e ......... I O•ll .. 1, W • ... • .-,_ .. ---\ '".'f' ..,. •. ! 'fl •• ! ~ ' • ' " .. I • 1 -.:--~ ~ -. • • . .I 1 -. I f I . .. • • • • • • ; . . . • Page 4 -• ·o,.pelldallle· Local IMUtutloa tor Onr 11"01't7 y..,. P1ibL.;t1ed Every ru-lat at Newport -Calito ..... by Ille NEWPORT HABBOR puflr.rsRINO OOMPANY Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N, Member of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATIO?i° Office and Printing Plant &t 2211 BallMJ& Boul.vard Telephone Harbor 1818 R.9'Jhw .o/ ~U "7-ffbl.- Tbe cootroveny of the hour I• centered tn former Prealdent Hoover'• tnaUrtance lhat no more American troop• ahould go to Eu- rope. The four &ddlUonal Ameri- can dJvt.atona which an about to embark for Europe. Mr. Hoover say1, are bound to be followed by more American dlvta,ona. No doubt ' Mr. Hoover b right In that atate- ment but then the queallon la- :loea Mr. Hoover think we should wtlhdr"w our troop• entli-ely 'from Europe &.nd wait for the enemy to Entered u Second-C'lua Matter at the P08tofnce ln Newport Beach, lake over the enUre world and CaUiomla under the Act of March 3, 1879 then fight that enemy on our own AO!t . RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor RALPH BORGESON. AdvertiBlng Manager • NEWPoRT.IALIOA NEWS-TIMES TI! r ((1 f J -vn.nm: I. U•ALNOTICI RICHARD A. JITl'ZQERAU>, AT!'PR.Nll:T' • . • la tllo leporloor °""" of ......... of Cllllf ..... la -Fer Ille 0.-'7 of IUYflftlde. No. 11611 NOTICl!l OF BAU!: OF ' REAL PaOPJ:llTY AT PRJVNI'Z SALi: ... I• dMt Matter o1 the Zetate of JOSEPH WOLT AN, - NOTICll 18 HEREBY GIVEN • UGAL NOTICI RlCH.UU> "· f'rrr.,oldlv.LD. A'l'IORNEY . -' la Ille ........ Ceo!rt of u.e !!late of (Jallt-la -,... u... . ~tJ"' .... _ No.116M NOl'Kll!l f 11" 8ALlll 011" UAL PROP RTY AT PlllVATZ SALE ' I In the M tter ot the • Eat&te. o~ MARY . WOLTAN. aloo ~ _. MARY WOLTAN, ~i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN • ', 0 • t'i• I a' 1 ' ~ • 1 1 , ·Tuescley,M~~J~4 . 81l 0 ·#""'.I'Ul>b.sCGDnecto'11 ach"'!I A.pm t . 19lll, .J~ !"1fi~ UO.· J*1: Tll~\Nut • opened ti I :00.P.•11; In \bii Boer4 UO -#l;ZSi ll'llbb\sl Sleeve Room ot_ ti!< High -1<bool O!l l_1t4 eo n. 1' • popper Tubing. own• dat... • · 4896 fl. lt. • Ga:v. Pipe ' LlLUAN BUTµ;R. 1 BM fl. r,• Gai.: Pipe . , Ckrk. • r.31 tL • G&lY. Pipe No. t9-T11"es. · ... ., 319 tl. .14" Galv. Pipe Publ\sh Mar. 20-2·7. 185). 482 tt. 1 ~· Calv. Pipe ' 300 tl.~· .... Galy •. P tsSe 'the grca.teet effort In ·medical J.temlzed 1d8 ebould be wf>mJt-hletory is under W&f todlly to ~d ted._ The a~ reserve• the rigb,_t the answen to many : Important t0-accept <f" to reject any.and all 'questions about 8cart di8eaae. You b~de'or an)l1 ' Item therefrom. ca.n help your heart and the bc&.rls Bide wllll be received up to J2 or your loved ones by contribuUng noon ln .tb.e office of tbe. High to the 1951 ·~ Fund. 'HUDSON Pirices Have Alr~y Raised ln that event It wouJd be too late, rega.rdleM of the greatneu ot our military force.a and supply of atomic bomb3. The next war Quallfl..d to Publt.h Lept Nolie .. and Advertl.......,.lo of all IUndo mwit not be tought on American ij··,: I ' ~ ~ B ~ 1t0il nor &hould the United State• SUBSCRIPTION RATES: be left in a p<>aillon to defend it- Nt::WPORT-BALBOA SEWS-TIMES every Tuetwlay self against the entire world - ln Orance County, ss . .so per year: $%.00 A.Ix monU..: 11.25 three which would ~ a communlt that the undertigned, u Adn\lnJ.s- tra.tor ot the estate of JOSEPH WOLTAN, Deceued, will eell at private eale to the highes~ and beet bidder, upon the term.a and coridtttons heretnatter mentioned and wbjecl to confirmation by l&ld Superior Court. on the 19th day ot March, 1951, at the hour of \0 o'clock A . M. or thereafter within the Ume allowed by law, &l the office of uld Admlnta:tra• tor In the Court House, City of Riverside, County or Riverside, State of California, all rlchl, UUe, lntere1t and e 11 ta t e of aald JOSEPH WOLTAN, Deceued, .at the time-of hi.a death, and all rll'ht, title and lntere.st that said estate ha. acquired, by operation ot law or otherwlae, ottaer than or In addition to that of said JOSEPH WOLTAN at the time of hl.11 death In and to the real property de- that the underalpod, u Admlnla· trator or the e.t&te of MARY 0 . WOLTAN, atoo l<nown u MARY WOLTAN, Deceued, will Hl1 at private ,.... t.o th~ blgbeat and be.Bl bidder, upon the term.a and condltlon.11 hereinafter mentloned and aubje.ct to conftnnatlon by uid Superior Court, on the 19th day of March, 1951, at the. bour of 10 o'clock A . M . or thereafter wtthln the time allowed liy law, at tbe office of said Admlniatrator in the Court House, City of River· aide, County ot Riverside, State of Calitornla. a.ll right, title and m .. tirest of said decedent at the time of her death, &nd all right •. title and tntereet that said estate hu: acquired. by operation ot law or otherwi.se. other than or In addl· tlon to that or .said MARY G: BUT WE'RE PASSING ON THE SAVING TO YOU ! monthA (Abo lnclud6 tht> NE\VPORT-BALBOA PRESS, '1'11tll1Mlay) worJd, 11hould we IJlt>p out Qf Eu-1 Outside Oranse County $4.00 per year ' rope a.nd ju11t slmpJy "mind our own lsolatloni.st buatncsa'' i and A aet of 1even or more carda is a ca.nut4. Seven or eich t natural carda form a Mtunll cana.ata.; one-containin1 any, wild ca.rd U a mizcd coftGlta:. Set Hearings _ on Probation wait for the lnevltable. 1 However, when Mr. Hoover 11ays Newport youth that We.atc;m Europe should wa.Ke up and prepare IUelf to be able Sentenced for to unde rtake Ila own 11hare of ob- • ligations in caae of war. then Mr. Reckless Drl"y"lnCJ Hoover Is absolutely rlghl. Ameri-Probation hearings \l.'f'r e Sl't for March 30 In the caSl's of two men ca alone cannot aave Europe wtth- 1 out European help. who pleaded guil ty to frlony A 19-y~ar-old Newport BC'a ch p . da chargf's in tho court of Superior youth who led California H ighway ropapn Jud~e Kenneth E . Morrison ~Fri· patrol officer8 & wild ch&.3t" over In all lhla mifi:tal and financial day. south Santa Ana strre:Ls at 2 a .m . confusion, there la one real ray ot Arimittln~ a ff'lf')ny dn1nk driv-last F C'b. 17 must serve a month in hope, the most powerful weapon lng chari;:f' wa~ Wrsley Elmo Sor-jail for rt'ckless driving. nf all --propaganda. Ruuia has e nson, in conn l'C tion '¥'-'I th an ac-Justice Ho...,•ard Came ron In her hanrui full with all her satel- <·ident March 9 on tht' Coast H ~gh· Santa Ana Township court lut 'iles in Europe, who fortunatf'ly ...,.a·y near 17th St. ln Xewport 1,1.•erk sentenc"d l.A>o Richard arc not aome place deep within Beach. resulting In inJury' lo J o-Schrnrr of 128 27th St .. Newport. the Russia empire, but on the !>r ph and Mary lr\'lne and Isaac to oo days in jail, but suspended fringes or that Soviet empire. be- and Elizabeth Costif'. l"-'O months and placed the youth tween RUMia and Wt!stern tu- Basll John Hunt plrsdcd guilty f on probati'on for thr("(· years. His rOJ>f>. to t·har~es or robbery, asasult with oru•rstor"s li cf'nse \Yas ordered Propaganda conquered sat('Ultc intent to c·o1n m1t rape and fC'lony surr('ndf'red alAO, nations lx•hind th(' I ron Curtain. assault la st Jan. 2. Hf' is accusC'll Officers said th<"y observed tht' Propaganda is responftiblc for our of &11saultlng and rnbbini;: Auar youth drivinj! on S. Main St. near own internal insecurity from fifth Ethrldgf' of $1 5 in Costa Mc88.. St. Gertrude Pl at 55 miles an column and all othf'r subversive · hour and in erratic manner. Th<'Y ef('menl.8. Propaganda baaed upon Operates Card Table Wittiout License ; Fined Wiiiiam Buford Rowe. 50, Lons- Beach was fined 122~ in the New- port Beach cit.v court T uesday on 1·harges of running an unlicensed card tJLble in Starck's Cafe. 197 218l St .. Saturday night. Mareh 10th. two htmdred dollars of the Clne was suspended on condition that Ro...,·e obtain a liC'en!JC. City license collector Harold \"ouni::-. had charge<! Ro\ve with operating a card table in the ('afe. without a license, There were two tables being used for gambHng a nd only one was licensed. It was alleged that the operator had bf!n warned p"re- viou1dy, the license collector added. Newport Man Sentenced at H. 8. Admitting that h<' expos<'<l him- 8('Jf to two tt'en-aJi:t>rl girls, Eui;::{'n<' ...Carroll Har tvikson, 27, an l'lcctri- cal contractor. '460 Wt•stminHter Ave., Newport Beach, ...,.as senten- eed at Huntington Ut·ac h W edn('S· day .tu flve monlhM in the coi4:nty Jail. Police arrest('d Hartvikson after the t-....·o girls , onl' from Garden G rove ancl the othe r from near Anahelfn. complaine•J lhkt th(' ff\&n expolled himseJt• whllr they were o n th<' beach n('ar l 1 lh street in that t own, Judge C~lla Young in ordering the jail' &entenct' allo"·t-d Hartvik- .son probation for three year8 pro- \'idlng he hu JNti'chiatric care. said th{·y c·haaf'd the fleeing car falft(' promises and fear bl a ter- nver St. Gertrude, C,)'prcss Av('., rlfying weapon. We AmcrlC&ll s St. An<lrrw~.!I Pl., and other strecU.. have failed to take full advanlage an<I that twic(' the youth spun h i!' of lhRt instrument. The Voice of ca r comp!e tPly around to revcrst' Amf'tica, our An1 c rlcan radio tlirection of the car, that he pas.'!!-broadcaating propagBnda behind rd thf'nl cm the right L'lide of car the I ron Curtain. is a suprcsse<I twicC', knocked .down a stop sign voice of weak and not very cffec- on Maple Ave .. and eventually es· t ivc Influence. It simply falls to capC"d b.v running over railroad penetrate into the minds of lhe tracks. The car was found aband-people behind tl'l e Iron Curtain. onE'd with a whe('I off ln the 2000 I F or example, Instead of broad- block of Standard St. casting that American women Probation off1ct•rs said thC' wear nylon stockinge, and criti· youth ha.-1 a record uf traffic of· cizing our own local problems and tenses dating back to 1946. rf:veallng our internal disagree- ments, we shou!d use the same V:iremen TraininCJ to Be9in at OCC Final arrangf'mrnts have been completed by Orange Coast Col- le~e for a training program for auxiliary firemen. Thi.11 cou r~ will con1menct' on March" 26 and v.lrll ~· taught by Mr. ElmC'r Osterman or the .Slate Forrstry Division. R('prf'S{'ntatives of th<' 31 Civil D('fe nse dlstrlct.11 in Orange Coun- ty are expected to attend, after which th('y will return to their localities and assist in the train- ing o r local units. In order to supply a nuc leua or auxiliaries at ·the earliest poulblr time, training will be refltrlctcd to the basic fundamentals. It ls an- t icipated that subsequent course1' will provide additional training on an Intermediate and advancet:I ievel. "EM.ti ng, generally, l.11 climbing into the luxury clllSS ... -Cecil Brown, radio cQmn1 entator. • sort or propaganda RuMia doeu. Se.II Ountel\'f'11 As T ony Whan, th<' well known exponrnt of American ealeam•n· ship would say, we must sell Our- sclv<"s and our ideas to those Pf"Oples. We must face rea.lltjes and tell them that the approaching war and It.a outcome will depend upon thei.t abtllty to resist from within, to rebel, to sabatoge Md only then will their former free- doms be restored. Tell th('m that they s hall be maaters of their own .souls, like Amt'rlcans. i)ffer food to the hungry, wa- ter to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, freedom to the enslaved. restoration of private ownersh.lr .and freedom of labor to organize In their own groups and to strtk~ without f!:ar of the firing squad. Offer them that whic h we have. frt'edo1n. and In order lo live In freedom one must be ready-lo die' for it. Freedoms are never given gratis, r.o more and no less than our own American freedom wu •g iven lo us. ~at'8 the kind or propaga'!da to be used a.nd that kind will beef- fecUve. U8e our own country u an example-, mode.ally, truthfully, without professorial Interpretation FRANKIE LAINE which leads to. confuelon. It l:s c heaper to spend not only millions but billions for propAganda than to sacrifice a slngle American life. and . DICK PIERCE • ' . WED. • THUJS. ~ FRI. • SAT. MARCH 21 • 22 .; 23 & 24 • Ko~ WN The great question ,or the mQ- ment la -will war In Korea. atap at the 38th parallel? It It does, It would mean neither victory nor defeat for the United Na.tloJUJ In general and the United States ln particular. It would mean that ~e Red aggressor ls npt beln.g ptln- lllhed and that &II the sacrifices wett' In vain and everything would be at statua quo 8.8 It was before the Korean war. Howev~r. the American people can reBt assured that such a de- cision does not meet with lhe ap- proval of our military leadfira nor lht' will of the American people who are confused on the LNue as lo whether or not to crt>A the 38lh parallel. It U5 the will of our blundering S ta le Department, which. every time It !&Ila In It.a attempt to achlC"ve peace or to ap- pease the enemy, calla upon our military to salvage our nation and lhen, 'even then, lt Ues the hands of our military /orce&. Aa an ex- ample, American armlet: could not tmpce the enemy beyond the Ko~an borders.. • Tbua. lo such an tt~nl, all the sacrificea of American Uvea and material resource• a.hall ha.-e been u naught. while we. merely await anot.M.r change or mind or oar ene- m1 .. to again lnnde llouth Korea. ANn.zu lll'OLEN - Two ae1.a of Dlobee antlen \ft.re atolea from Ulo 9P<'I -• of Kn. t. W. Paquot, i50I ~Ua Aft. 0.... del. .Mar, po-re- porud IMt --• 111e uuera _. wtlbout bMda. Jan. ~ ••••ti. A 1lde muot have at lout one canasta. before it can i.e. 1ally 10 out. Canutu are im- portant allo becou.e they earn bonu&a1 additional t.o tbAI point values ol the cordl. South in his tum add& ....._2 to your se-t to complete a mixed canuto. H• allo meld& Jt-K-K . and layo oft a J. TVa 1. You draw a 7. You can now 10 out, and dttide to do so. You meld 8-6-2, 7-7-7, lay oft the K-K, discard the Q-&nd you are rid of your entire hand. scribed a.a follows: An wtdlvlded one-halt in- terest in all that real property aituated ln the County Of Or- ange, State of California, a.nd described u follows : Lot 16 ln Block 43 of Rf.'er Section, Newport Beach, a~ per Map thereof r ecorded in Book 4, Page 2~ of .mi8cell&n· eous Maps, Records of Orange County, California . Blda or offer8 are invited for WOLTAN, also known aa MARY WOLTAN. at time Ir. her death In and t o the real property de-I scribed as follow•: An undivided one-half In- terest In all that real property' situated in the Coi.J.nty ot Or· ange, State of California, and described u folloW'8: Lot 16 in Block 43 ot River Section, Newport Beach, u per Map thereof recorded In Book 4, Page 25 of mlscel-· lanbus Maps. Rttord11 or Or- ange County, Callfomta. • .said property and mu8t be in writ· ing and will be received at the Bids or offer• are Invited for aforeu.ld office of said Admlnls-said property and mu8t be In . ' * WHILE THEY LAST WE ARE SELLING THE NEW CARS ON OUR SHOWROOM FLOOR! AT THE OLD PRICE! ·* One of many modrls is the new 1D51 · 3 r,asscngcr coupe at $2205. Plus Sale8 Tax and License. FOB. Huntinston Beach ... * Main St. Garage THE OLDEST AUTHORIZED HUDSON O&Ah.ER JN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1 410 Main St., Huntington 84>,ach . . You were entitled to consult with South as to w hether to 10 out, but did not do so becauae he wu down to only two carda and you could ae.e a aood net score by &_oin& out before Eut·Wat cou1d complete a canasta. A player may ult bla partner. •'Shall I 10 out?" and is then bound by the re-ply. which must be aimply iuya" or "no': trator or may be filed with the writing and will be received at the -;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Clerk of \aid Superior . Court at aforesaid office of said Adm1nls-:, ---··----· any time-after first publication of lrator or may be tiled with the thl.11 notice and before ma.king ' Clerk of said Su~rlor Court at 8aid sale. any tl'lle after first publication of DEA TH NOTICES DA \·10 B. S\\'OPt; Said salt' will be made upon the this notice and before making said p'°""' J,u/A~ TER ESA RENN ER ( Mr1 . A.~ Renne r) following tf'tms: Ca.sh in lawful &a.le . money of the United statea, -ten l &Kt sale Will---be--made--Jlpor\,.t.hc / Conh'lr1 Ptaablt of Thr-( ionUtwnta per •cent ( 10,../. ) of the ' purchase following terms : <Jash ·In -lawful "\ · · ~ OiadU&te ltt"6ea~I S.laJSartuk price to be paid on the d•y or sale, money or the United Stat<;11. ten 436 Serra Drive ., . Harbor":J 171.J balance on conflrn1atlon or sate· by per cent flO'h ) of the purcha.&e · "'' David B. S1,1.·ope, 70, dr 1842 Park Ave., Costa Mesa, dieci In the Santa Ana Comn111nity hos- pital March 11 . Native of Fort Smith, Ark., he he had lived in Costa Me88. 26 years. He wa.s a retired tarmer. Hts w ife. Ruth survives. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. In the Grauel chapel. Costa Mesa. Rev. A. M . Baxter G{llner of Escon- dido offlclatinK . Entombment was in Melro:te Abbey mausoleum. the Court. buyer to ... ume the price to be paid on the day of Corona High -Corona del Mor existing trust deed In favor of sale, balance on confirmation ot l'.::::::::::r::::::=:::=~================~ • Newport Balboa Federal Savings sale by the Court , buyer to 8.81Ume ~ and Loa.n Company r~orded Octa-the existing trust deed In favor of ber 19, 19~, In Book 2089, Page Newport Balboa. Federal Savings 400, Official Records of Orangr and Loa.n Con1pany r ecorded Qcto-I , "'iiiiililf \ County In the amount of approx!· ber 19, 1950,. in Book 2089, Page na roo -':"" , mately' 12,224.oo. b<arlng 6 ,6 7' 400, Orticlal 8ecords or Orange • 1111 f"I D YOU Will R£M:n.8£R • Inte rest, payable $2:">.00 per month. County, in th(' amount of approx!-/ 0 QI \ DATED: February 28, 19:51 . mately $2,224.00. bearing 6 1hs; in-O ... f w · ,: BEN F . WHITE, terest. payable $25.00 per 111onth. IA ' Administrator of the Efltate of DATED: February 28, l9~l . I cos\ I . . I J08eph Woltan, Df.'ceued. BEN F . WHITE. STEPHEX R. HOl .. TZMAI\" Stephen R Holtzman, 43, or 3306 W. Ocean Front Blvd.,• New- port Beach. dlrd March 10 at St. Joseph's hospital. No. 180-Tlme.11. Admlni.11trator of the Estate of .. l JA ....... Publish Marc h 6-13-20, 1051. MARY 0 . WOLTAN. also known .. , .,.; · :.DJl. as MARY WOLTAN, DeceM~. /' i II AIUalCAN l OF INTE?\'TIOS TO No. 1'79-Tlmes. ' ,iar l'IUr ·-·-ONG ar•ca Publish March 6-13-2 1951. •--.i ~ nu PAltJCING A native o f New lived in Newport Beach s I "x York. rfe had SOTICE ENGA.(;E I~ THE SALE 01'' months. Surviving are his wife, Mary P. Holtzman, Newport &each : two eons, Stephen and Jed Holtz- man. Newport Beach, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Holtzn1a.n , New York. · Services were held Tuesday at 3 p. m. at Sn1ith and Tuthill chapel, with the. Rev. Alec Nic h- ols officiating. Interment was In Fairhaven oemetery, MRIS. MARTHA L GIRDER Mrs. MllrtAA L. Ojrdler, 73 of -427' E . 17th St .. Coat.a Mesa. died l.n St. Joseph hospital M&rch 8. She WlL8 a native ot Undenville, Vt. t Survivors are three dau1htera. Mrs. Raymond Smoot of Costa Mesa.. ¥ra. Foreat Wlleon ot La- guna lleach a.nd Mra. Robert. Moore. of New Hampshire; a aia- ter, Mrs. Agnes Graves ot La- guna Bea.ch : a brother, John M. lnger10n of New Hamp.shire, and roui-p-andchlldren. Funeral servtcea were held Monday at 11 a. m. In the Graue.I chapel, Costa Mesa. Rev. Thom- as Glb"°n officiated. Entomb- ment wu In Melrose Abbey maU80leum. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES NOTICE INVITIN BIDS March 15, 1951 Notice is hereby given that thP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : .Board of 'Dtustees of the Orange Subject to Wiuance ot the II· Coast Junior Coll('g(' District of cense ·applied for. and commenc-Orange County, Calif., will receive Ing not leS8 than l~ days atter the bids up to the hour ot 10 :00 A.M. date posted, notice Is hereby gfv('n on the ' 28th. day of March. 1951, that the undrrsignf'd propose8 to I at the office of said school dlstrl-et. sell alcoholic beveta.ges at these located at 10951 S. Harbor Blvd .. premlaes, de8Crlbed as follows: C08ta Mesa, Calif., at which time 2200 W est Ocean Front. 1 said bids will be publicly opened Newport Beach, Orange County -for the following : Erection and Pursuant to .11uch Intention, the placing of 158 steel dressing lock- under•lgned Is applying to the ers and 876 steel box lockers In the State Board of Eqlle.11.za.Uon for Gymnasium Building. The said laauance on original application of Board of Trustei!§._shall be the l!IOle a.n alcoholic beverage license for judge of the merlta and qualltlca· these. premifle!I as follows: lions of the equliiment offe.red and ON SALE reae(Y« the r ight to rC'jecl all bld.!'I BEER tJCENSE and to waive any tntohnality in Anyont deailring to proti!'st the bid. INUance or auch Ucenee ma}r fl.le a ADV.: March 13 -20. 1951 verified protest with the State Opening Bids! March 28, 19:;1 at Board of Equalization al Sacra· 10:00 A.M. men to, C&l.i!omia, · Btatlng grounds Signed: tor denlaJ as provided by law. 'ttJe BASIL H. PETERSON premtaea a re now Jlcefl8L.od for the Sec., Board of Trustee11 sale of alcoholic beve.rage.a. ~o. 187-Timea FRANK E. FINSTER f>ublt.hed 3/13-20/51 No. 188-Tlme!J. Publish MarCh %0, 1951. NOTICE IN\'ml'(_G BIDS Notice. la hereby given that thE' CERTIYICATE OY BUSINESS Board of Trustees of the Orange: }lctltloua Flrm Name Coast Junior College Olatrlct of ROBERT. L LANCASTER THE UNDERSIGNED do here-Orange ~aunty, Calif., will recelvC Robert L.. Lancaster, 4.8, ot 1426 by certify that they are oonduct-bids up to the hour· ot 10:00 A.M., N. Bake./ St .. Saata Ana, died at tng a photo itudio and photo sup-on the ~th day of March, 1951, Newport...,Bea.ch. He had been pJy bu&ineaa at ao:s Palm Avenue, at the ottlce of said School Dis- auftering _,from a heart condition. Balboa, California. under the fie-tr.let, Iodated al 19951 S. Harbor Santa Ana native, he had lived tltloua firm name of HULA HUT B.vd., Cckita Mesa, Calif., al which In Or&nge oounty all hia life. He PHOTOS and that said firm Is-time aa!d bids will be publicly wu a carpenter. cempoeed o! the (pllowing penon8, opened f r the. tollawing: l -Beach Survivors are his mother, Mrs. wboae na.mea in full and placea of 1 Two D Sander, or equal The R. 8 . Lancaster of Santa Ana; rt.aide.nee are u followa, t,o..wit: said of Tnu:tee. aha.11 be one eon. Robert L Lancute.r. ARnlUR SILVER. I the sole Judge ot lbe mertla and member of-the U. S. Navy: three 008 %-Eut Balboa Blvd., qua:Utica one of tbe equipment of- brothers, Bern..,, J . and Ra'y Lan-Ba.J.boa, Callfomta tered, z:eaerVe• the right to re- caoter ot Sant& Ano. and Jack MER~ l"REEMAN Joel all~, and to wal'"e any tn- Lancaster of sM· Dtes-o, &\'d one oOB'ri Eul Balboa Blvd., form&lft ln bid. atate.r, Mrs. Katherine Woodf"U of Balboa, Califomla. ADV.:. ch 13·20, 1851 • Manhattan Beach. ~ITNll:88 our band& w. tetb Open : Man:h 28, 11161 at Funeral eervlcu w~ beld ~y of Mvcb, lBSL 10:00 ...M. J • Monday. Rev. llarTy <E . .Dwlnp ARTHUR SILVER Signed: officlaUng. ~tehnent wa• in M;ERVYN m.uMAN. ~ H . PJ:TJ:RSON F.a.lrbaven. cemetery. , State of"Olillomia,. ' Sec., S.0.rd of Trult.eee WILLIAM PAUL 8C0'1T Count¥ ot Orange, u. T(mea . , William Paul Scott, 84. ot 208\!, ON THIS 16th <lay ot [March. 3-'.'J313Q/lll •" Apte Bt .. Ba.Jboa la., dled Tu_. A.. D. 190it, befon me., RARRY eu--!..-• day morntnc of a heart attack in ABHTON, a N'otary PubUej tn. and N -uu- b .. home. . t..-the -Oounty and Bli't., re-The ~ or. Ibo Bom In t<anuo,. he ~ \lved 1141Da, lbereln, duJY ......,.....,.,eel Newport · ' U-•Hts•· ln . California (or SO years. the ~ .. om, penonallJ'-a pPeartd .fCbool Wda·oo tbe fallow-3 i.at o1x •• whlcll ,....., opent at ARTHUR 8ILVSR UICI JQ:aVYN tnc' ,.,._,~t ' J bJ.s pre9ent addrea.r 1 ~ ' ntmDl.t.H lloowu to me tO be-the 282 • ~ ~ Ga.I.-Ca r t e r sumvln&' him I""' lt\a Wtr.. "'-"'-w U. "'11>-Clrde -• l(ptle. ol the ~; three --. ~-to 1.11e· wWihl ~t, 171 • 11-i ·cuu. llall ci,.. Lt, Col Paul -of -.1-, "'!'! ~ t.o--llliot tllt!y ---t' . . • LL Comdr. Jaclt aclott at.Loo Aa-~ tbo _,., ~-Wrno:s8 ti-tl-a Carter~ · ... .... and Jeny ·ieott of. --w,matJDO)', l -~ bor.tlito o'!l •. -· ~~ . d<pla; a . <1aui.W~ Mn. Ru!ll my -uj!! 'at-my_~ JI-11!." CMtor ......... ' llocllam . of PUOdUa and t.o ,.ai Ibo day and 1"V In li1o Cer-Ue Valft j ..\ ....... --I . tuleite --~u..;., ~ ·-u.··.,..... H::t )(a-~""! wtll bo -I . HARRY AllllTOH , &II Br. . . l\br, at I p. -.. ·• 18SAl<l · I 0 l,. , i. NIXT'DOQI ,nuPHONr 7-1091 Ol IUUYATIONS FUN .ZONE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY ud L : · . . SUNDAY BAl.80f4 , I ' . L.....:::__ ,.· est 5th Street ~ Rod k> Tower$ ANTA ANA PH.Kl 3-1311 . .O~ ;_,., <URIENT _ w.s • • /ltlli••· • • ' . •• • ' 1 ' c ' Ill L-~~.;.!""'...:+.-~:;__._~~1--""',.;.;.~~~;_.:.,:jC'it::ii<•ri· 11111o.,..d l4e" ~ 11tt1o. ,,; .-.. ' . . .at Baits .-tuary. oor-dol (1!(7 c-.1 ... ,,. J:lip&NI r· /\Ill . JI. 1. q ... a. t v .,.._t -~ . In -Nf>: 1-~. . ', ~-lo.-l'\11-i« -~ 'AMlo}'l •~iiltf'7·1 ; fP9lilldlll&t,10-rf;•fr·1l:,at, '~1 I', 2·:{., t , r1 • • ' • I l ' ... I •• . .. • • • Tuesdey,_M.rch 20, 195 1 · 1 :California -Press -W~ ~lect . Officer~ at .Bay Club ·~eeting ElfricUon ot otflcera, p~· . .--.:.· ~----------­ Uoh ot awS.J'ds ln the at.ate contest and an address by Dr. Giles Brown of Q_range Coast college featured a m eetipg of C&litornia A.uoci&Uon ot"Pr-Cse Women, held at a Satur- day luncb.eon meetlrlg in Balboa Bay Cltib. · Helen Miller Malloch. retiring president, who la rounder of the •. Natio::lal Federation of Press Women, lnc., presided. • Named for the coming year : were: President, Carrie Lou Suth- • erl&nd ... Anaheim; vice pree:Jdent. ... Winifred Smith. Los Angeles.: : secretary, Vivian Willits, Ingle- Sam ··Meyer (Oootlllaod rr-" Pafe 11 9" a llqJ.MJr opUoo which wiut to bt .... oted on. When Sam took over the paper 'n '22 "ttiere were only about 900 ' ~ple bj Newport Beach an( abou·t two or tbree stores •in COlte Mesa. 'f1lere was no such thing u Corona d~I Mar and Balboa Ulanl wa.e just-being developed." .,. ....... -........ -~ .............. -- • J { • "' wood; treuurer. :P.tabel Gerken. The Newport. Beach area wa; juat a dnd 11i)!t With no paved , road4 aid S&m, but he paid Wheatltiy $500 to cinch tbc deal tor the Newport News. . . I I . · JOUBNALl8M li11'A11D8 -..e p ......,\ed tile allove poup ai a ~ or Calll~ Aleoclallon or Presa Women., he!d' Saturday la Balboa Bay club. Lett to rtctat are: 8UMD 8batfer Dlbelka, Wbttuer; Vivian• WlUlta. b;tewood; Marie II. Wood, Compkla; Paula Keat, 'San Diep; Mary N'Uwender. Loni' BMeh a~ Hele• W. Malloch, retlrlnc pf"Nldent of tbe 11tate o....,.b:atJon and founder of tbe NattonaJ Fed@ratlo•iot PteM Women. Inc. (Photo by Beckn(>r) Long Beach;; South em District prestdeilt, F\orence Mullins, E1 -Centro: Northern District prest- • dent. Florence Delancy , Yreka. • Contest.. dlalrman ~tary Nci9· .. W<'nder of Long Beach presented • &W8.rd8 8.8 FOiiows : Publicity, Flor· '"" ence 0e·aney: newspape r special • ., edition, Paula Kent: poetry, Marie • H . W ood; women·s department on -da.ily papt>r, ·Vivian \Villits: fe ature • p icture, Mary Neiswender: news, -juven!le story, Susan Debelka; "', adult book, Lillian Oran: feature. : dally, Florence Delaney : news pie· _.' ture. ~fary Neiswender: fcaturt'. ... ' magazin<'. Susan ,o c bclka news: ; a~ory, daily, Ml'lrgarf't 0f'lancy: ~ • column, daily. :Jlary Lou Zehms : .. ~ publicity article, F ;orC'nce Of.>- ... laaey : publication other t ha n • newspaper or book, Paula K<'nt. • Dr. GIW!i! Rro\\n Introduc('d by \Vi11,f rC'd Barbre, Dr. Brown spoke on lntcrnat1onal ; Tcns'on Points. These he named as: 11 t Kott'&. where "we m ust al· : · ways remf'mbt'r •we have news .. . censorship ." "Korf'ans ha~ a Jong ' culture in back .Qf them," he said. .. "aild have a prpud history of thl'ir own. They bui!t thC' first iron clarl ship which lookctl !'Omewhat Ilk" a turtle and w hlch, in the 17th cen· lufl}', defeat.ct the whole Japane.K'. navy by using flamt: throwers." (2) Indio-China. mad(' up oC five countries, eaich w ith iU own his- tory; 3)' Burma. with its inlernat dissention which brou!tht about th.: incarceration and· recent release: of Dr. Seagrave; 41 Malaya, lan<l opulrtit from the hig h pricC' of rubber hut where business mrn pay high tribute to communist groups; 51 India and IL$ problem or Ca.shmir. where Neh ru ha.<1 tak- en the viewpoint it is necessary to have Indian t roops t o supervtSt· electioM ; 6 ) lr&n. a country torn between Rusaia and Britain, lht.• murdcl' of its PrC'mier and the start made at unity \Vhen the Shah gave order s to divide his family's land among the people; and (71 The Iron Curtain, 1Which Dr. Brown tf"rmf"d not solid a n d through whJch. encouraging( &i.gn,<; might be seen. "It It can be &hown that Communism does not bring peace. we have & weapon. And has peace come t o Yugoslavia. to Czechoslovakia, to Italy'? If 1A·t• allow CommUni.sm to ovcr expand, 1t h.as within itself the seeds of Its own dt'struction." said Dr. Brown. And also, telling of the Perron regime, "Lets be s ure we are on the right side and that we recognize totalitarianisn1 , whether of the red or black variety and do not ask it t o join in with us.'" Next meeting will be April 21 at Dest'rl Inn, P aln1 Springs and invitation was accepted to hold a .. fall meeting at El Co:ntro. t 'IN'EO ssoo · R.oger J . Early, 37, "J211 South : Coast highway, LaJJUna Beach. was tined· $300 or ord("rcd to serve ", 90 days in the county jail on a : drunk driving charge in Newport • City court Wednesday. Early was ~'arrested by poltCe at 12:07 a.m. at H ighway 101 and Acacia. Ave., Corona de! Mar. P olice said he had bei.·n driviog erratically. An ex- amining physician pronounced him intoxicated and unfit to drive. fl~ U&GESTS Sam checked back to Arizona. and with everything packed all up in the Arizona home ready to go, Sam contracted tlouble pneu- monia and was In bed (01· three months. "When he WB.1! still il'I his i;iick bed a man came in an bought Sam's Arizona paper In a ,trans· a ct ion that lasted 30-minutes "R ight after that I startl'd to gel well," says Sam with a business- like grin. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at St. James Heights Pilot Receives DFC 'The office ot the. Secretary of lht" Naxy today announced the ttc - There will be no usual morning lated awarding of the Distlngulsh- Flnt Frtt-nd servl~ at St. James chu~h this 00 Flying Cl'Oss to Lt. Comdr. Mrs. William Crosier Was onr coming Maunday Thursday, but Samuel Ca.rslcy Jack11on, USNR. of the first p<>rsons that the Ot!~· at R P· m. there will be the lra· now living at 2261 SE. 15th St .. publ la hcr met wh('n he came back dit lnnal candlcllght celebration or Newport Heights, for .service In to Newport Beach and hf' r€'m cm -Ho I Y Communion: commemor-the Paci f ic during World War JI. '>E'rs her aa one of the community ating the Institution or the r...Oro·s Jackson's cltat~on, !-!i{ned by the caders of the time, Supper. It will also be the a.n-president, read a.s follows : "For A believer in getting started off nual Corporate Comn1unlon of the heroism in aerial fight ks pilot on the , right. foot, Sam invested Altar Guild. Tht're will be specia1 of a fighter pla.n e in the 51st $7,000 in machinery for his new music by the choir, fighter squadron, Lt. Comdr. Jack- ;>aper and printing plant, but felt Good Friday services will be son~< thf'n a llcut£>nanll carr!C'd out disillusioned after a V1!it tq,..a Joell frQ'm 12 noon lo 3 p. m. fo r con-[hazardous combat aid patrols and barber shop. greg-atlons of St. James and St. pressed home strafing attack9 on Wh.ile getting a shave, Sam also Andrews. The Rev. Paul P.toore JapaneSf' han g c r t;, freighters, got "the barber's o pinion of the new Wheeler and the Rev. Thomas M. small surface' craft and antl-air- proj('ct : "Some durn fool is putting Gibson will speak on the Seven era.ft positiQn8, thereby conJ.ribul- 1n a lot of mac hinery, wonder Laal Words, Ing to th~ succt·ss of his rtquadrun what he'.s going to_do w ith it?", .... 1 • \ in the Infli ction of tlan1agc on lhl' Things wen t fine with the n~w~-lMan Badly Hurt enemy." ~per and pnntlng. business until • ------- bor Day. "The day akt'r the (Continued lrom 1~a,cf' 1) AJI H C s mmer season was over, you Othf'r vchJcJes lnvolved <all orl Clft • rary couJd stand on an~ street in t own whic h were stopped for a traffic Dies in AcCident and not see a soul, !18.ys Sam. Like signal t alBo received clamagcs and the barber, he started to ~onder · includro cars drlvt>n bv Edward A .. ! Allan h . C1·ary, 4008 Al!.a Ciln-~hat he was going to do with ali Kalser. Glendale: Ev~lyn v . Had-[ }'ada Roa<l, La Cunllda and 1519 at machinery. ley, Palm Cre8t Ranch and Arthur East Bay avenut>, lia lboa, v.•us Undaunted, Sam went to Santa O. Rol>E't~n. Los Angel£'s. killed late Sunday evening in a Ana and Lo~g Beach and. ~II thP Sunriay, at 12:08 p. m. a two car three-car collision near Colorado s u. r ~ 0 u nj ~ n ~.communities _ror a ccident occurred at Bayside Dr. street a nd Pacifi c Coast .highway, pr_1n t1ng o · I had . the first and Yawl Rd., Bea con Bay. Df"iy-Long Beach. According to Long ~1chle Vertical press 111 Orange ers or the ca'ts lnvolvc<l were Shir-Beach police, Crary's car collided ounty, and I really went aftt'r ley A , Harwood. 16, of Los An· 'A'ilh one containing five Marines the bu:int>ss. ~ftc r a cou~le. o r geles and William M. R~ske, 18. bound for Can1p Pendleton. The years, was doing more pr1nt1ng of El Monte. Miss f'l arw ood's car Marlr{es were lnjurcct as "'as :-vork than any of those birl.18 up had its left front fender, and por-Crar)"s secretary, M ,i88 Betty in Santa Ana.." lions of the grille aod bumpf'r torn Dines, 32, of Los Angeles. Crar)· Kept PreMefl BUllJ' oft. R eeske"s car \l.'M onl)' slight· hari left Newport Harbor shortly To keep the printing prf'sses bWJy, Sam promoted magazines, au forms ot printed advertising and started the tide books, the B&Jboa Times. the Costa Me.a Her1f-ld. "W e printed about 20,000 tide books the first year," he saya. "] guess that now over 200,000 of them are printed." In those days, according to Sam, Ne~rt only Wf"nt &.'i far east a~ the old city hall on 20th St. Bal· boa started two blocks west of Main St. Between the two com~ munitles was empty, undeveloped space and tremendous rivalry. To get to t he city hall, Sam r e- calls that vlsitors~ad to walk un- der the train trestle. The South- ern· Pacific ran a train out onto Newport Pier tu fac ilitate thf" u.n· loading of t he lumber schooners that docked there. Big problem of the local com- munity-minded men of the time was the dredging out of Newport Bay. A group ot interested citi- zens talked Harry Welch into com- li ng down from Phoenix to see what he cou!d do about having thE' bay improved. "As beat as t can remember the group inc lud1..>d Lew Wallace. J . P . Greeley, George Peabody, W. W. Wilson, A. B. Rou.sselle, W. L. J ordan and my-I self," adds' Sam. SanlJ& Ana Dt-ellnff He recalte that Santa Ana was offered the Job of taking over the work on the bay but declined. "As you know,'' says Sam "the upper baY comes wll.h tour miles of the Santa Ana city' limits. If they had dredged out lht" bay Santa Ana would h,ave a populat ion of 100,000 today," says Safl}. Sam prospered in his newspaper ~uS1neas but finally sold the N ew•· rimes ln 194.6. "I was gettlng"lired 'lnd Wanted lo quit," he explains. .iam, Por::ter was lc88 lucky, hr Nent dally and he went broke. -Since the tlrne he sold the· paper ~ declares: "l 've being doina 1qtllil'lg but k>af." Jy damaged. before lhe a ccident. A three car a cotd('nt took place Crary was a distant relative o< at 3 :44 p. m. Sunday al 30th St. E . Avery Crary, -i 116 West Ocean and Balbc>a Blvd. Accordil'lg to Front and had many friends in polJce reports j, cai driven by the Harbor area. Past governor Darrell Max Foote. Rlverslc:k!, ran or Los Angeles and New Yorll into the back of a car dr\ven by Stock Exchanges, he has been a Lorenzo V. Con-ca. of Lol'I Angeles. partner of E. F .. H\ltlon Co. Correa's car, l n turn, hit a car isi nce 1928 ~d has been in the driven by Charlt'S H . Miller of brokerage business since 1911. Buf"na Park. Oamag_ce to all cars Prio r to joining E. F . Hutton was slight. Co. he was partner in lhc Allan H. Crary Co. Wld later was co· PHONE Harbor 1616 to place manager of the Southern Califor- your want ad on this page. , nia office ot E . A . Pierce and Cp. ... • • 1 • ' t 'Under 'the Ml!yer catl!gory o f pt.Jing may be included a director·· 1hlp Of -tb& Newport Beach Fed BOW oft~n we atand a.t Jbe ioeat •ral Savliiga and Loan Co.; serv .. counter' these days dotnr .,qen· ng as deacon or the Oorona. dei tal CYDlnatUca with pounds 8.nd 1. pennlel ~-Tbta week. Nanc1 Holmes· ,"lilr ~unity Church (Congn!'- of tbe Qest Foods test lritcben1 ;-atlonal)f belpiu,g organize Ote old 1u.age1ta. that budgeteera cast an •::xdl\ange ClUb and &e.l'-Ying & tenri ere to•Hd the Gah departiqtnt. u: Preaid(.llt ot the Ne\wport ltar- Oood bur there In tbose trill cod ior Chamber' of Commt"rce. i - •tea.ft. w1t' tour bountifu' aervtnc• _ ·~·· &J\IJ?iu.dd 1J "t.9 ~ able tor a dollar or Jeo. And 4ood eat· 0 ..Uve tor the-d_,-when we an: I.A&. l.oo: wbtn prepared wttb thia • · li&ier' th9i Santa Aim .. We--ve ln- pa_.it ~panl1b aalfce. · ·• ~ ~-~~-304) P.r 8(14nloh Cod ;ent.tn-Ui'e ~ wo;,ean. flall.'-' 4 """ 1t .. k1 I cup ehOp .. 4 \ •• J>u ....,._,:, 56' •• .;., c..it ID tJie· '6 lal"I"! · n.a # oetvT -t ~'\t;._ 54vw~ ~ · pepper~. 9'_otP*« 1 te.atpqOft. Nit ~~gth of tJme. ·The W'Q' 1- 1 l&t'S&o ~ • • "'-teuoeoa 1 .'tgu.tti ·w.,tJ're bouDd to ·catctr tM.m -...... . ·-~. ~-~."­"" eup vttamtnlnd '6 --i~ •• -~ -m•rl'artn• bull. Ui71n• ,,. · ~ · • -· ,yApri-•' T • .-., "' c-upe. caftMd -¥ • ...1 , -~ ,8'1"0.wl!U' ' Recrea t ion Head to Speak Here 1'-1rs. Rollin Brown. c halrn1an or the s tate r ecreation commis- sion, will talk on various '\ypes ot recreat ion which the state recom- mends and ap~ars~ under a.us- ph;:es or Balboa Island-Corona del Mar chapter of the Women's Civic League of Ne<A·port Harbor . All P.-T. A. n1cn1bcrs and others lnt{'rested In rl'.'f'rcatlnn arc ask,e<I to \vatch for place anri tin1e of meeting, and plan to attend. Local Girl in USC Run-off Patricia Wykoff of 10401 Wil- kins Ave., \\1e!'lt Lo.'.i Ang-C'l('s, 19· ,\'('ar-olri sophomoi-t> in speech B i. the Univt•rsity of Southern Cali- fornia. w as elC'Cted treasurC'r of lhf' As.Y.>Ci.11.ted Women studC'nts. ShP ig a n1<'mbf'r or Delta Drlta f><olla i-orority and a graduate of W('stla kc, Sc hool or Girls. Thf'rC will b<' a runoff ('\ecti1Jn for sl'.'crf'tary bc\\1t1•c n P.f ary J o Alt•ss('n, 121 S . 1A~ Pa lmas St., Lo::i A n~<!l('S and Barbart\ J f>an Barnhoui;e, 122 26lh St., New- por t Beach. Civic League Holds Food Sales Balboa -Island -Corona del Mar chapter of the Women's Civic League are sponsoring two stands for the sale or cooked food during Easter Week. One is on Ma1;ne avenue, . Balboa Island the other -the head "or Little Corona. All fbod has been donated by Leaguf" members and any contributions will be welcome. Proceeds will be used to further the coming April 3 recreation meeting at 1A·hlch Mrs. Rollin Brp\\'TI, chairman of the state recreation commlsaion will be speaker. -Peopl,e do read the want adll. .. tomatou ·-~-; "':. ~ :lb;0egta · .. Ulioeked Bro'"' co4 ll•d• la .a Ultla d1a -l!lirilan -• ,.et or CU' ••.•te4 ~rhlO.~-\lr~b"""' · J!Ollber1t._fuoia --•t. "3 &om -pepper .... __ .. l4 ~ • .~ ··-. ·~ ··-~­·•elll<I ~. c.JabtH -.-e ~ -rMr ~ --lj>M.._~"'7 aad -•a-.W ol l>cmAld -.,a..1u., 2111-D\'~ .,_.,._ olld <i.floL Xix ftl)I -.. _ -~-oCt1c<o Hu~MWcot:laa+e1tn~ ~~-,,,. ' ~ , .,; I . ~ •r •on:·~ ••'!OW """'., J1iirt1oc ~ .. ~ .. -~. i.. wlJldi i.ke 1• w 11ot .... -1-r.1 · · · •i . • ' ; ..u -· '~'"' .• -~,... .... .., ..... ft& I I' 1lll l'til!Q' ~ -~ Al lift .......... _...tl . ..,..,. ;,. lli'a~ ;.i..-.--i.......,.t.llioo'!N' ..,8 1hlt~ K..I; ~· • (aha...,) -llfri.. • ..... ~·o·• ...... t r .. ~ .. e1•1 I Ill\ M...; """8 ID ::Ji' ... ,.. ...awvot Fr-p. '-•ilca'Al ~ ...,. ., a& 1, l>I Alla.••, R&I 1itft 1 .. ' '&1,1,C .&a. ~ David ft1rnt !-i. .--. Y'• ••• ~. -• .., •• -.. _ ~ , t .. .,.,... r • , . f -, ,., --! (N~ f'ilotol. .... • • .... ·' ~-'1_ .. _ ,-...._,..-~ ... .,. ~ -, . . r .... _ _, ...... ·1 • I • Pege 5 011 . o 10" · ~ :!\le~ . . r u,.. Early Flint ,Coe_ hp l) .~,...... •> ~ ! _ o. ~ ., .... tea!~.'! awimml.ng area woul to0n bec&me Tboinaa R Kucbt-~ ch&lrin&n ot every ftve t and I won't take encouraged but ~· the pre~nt Property owner• at the weet a mud flat. I I · the FTanchJee tax llioud · ao.viaea land te bel"I' drained 1'y extatln,g Ralph Mukey •. lel d aubdlvider. c&rly. The state income "tax Of• end ot the Uop who feel their Safer for Cldtta taxpayen1 to fiM! state retu,.. wells slant I drilled under Pacific offered the opinion that a fil'ed fices at 19 Plne ·avenue, LoaC El~b1c proj>erty (under provision 'bridge with proper d _ atnage would Beach and Chamber of -~ ot the city ordinance) should aslc: be eafer for the chil~en and !ha.t Santa Ana will be open eYery day ~ company tor the log, history aince the city had a~ht very 1 ttle .from 8:15 a . m. to~6:00 p. m. and and surveys of the wells, Odell money on repairing! the pteient o~ Sat.urdays to I2 .00 Noon, ~ Ml· •tat_ed and a motion was ao passed. one built in 1930 t h.l.t they sh0uld ,yise and assist taxpayers telvd- lf the survey llhowed adjacent conlrtbute to the' ;;-r _ He also t1nx. the preparation Of state re- land bebig drained of 1tl m1gra-ed h d JJr.. urns. tory oil, owneca would have the suggeat t e en tdence ~xt Sing)(' p ersons wtlh net lncoriies rtghb to take legal action to pro-the play area be co demned, ~ at of more than $2.000 and married : tect their rlghUi, he aald. SSlh street be wid ned and · the pci'sons with combined net ln-playground located the eaa · Legality or dr\lllng under the Closing the su.bj t was a r e-coi:n~~ of ~31,500 or mtore are re· city ordlnance was questioned be--q t th t th It ~ 1 1 qwr~ ..... to r1 e state re urns. cause of the tact-such slant driU-ues k 1° h •1 c boy ':l~~e"r pred· FiJc ea:-ly and &void the l&at ,-· pares e c es or ...... rcusian · 1 d 1 Ing might drain oil from Ja:nd adja.-38th t 1 11 -m1nu c c ays. • s reet QC& ons cent to but outalde: provl8lon of the 1 ------- ordinance. Whtie the Jergill8 off· . Other matters'-Olsq.18sed were: shore leases cover an area to the 1 f 1) Paving of the jarca south or Newpoit plbr the city ordinance Balboa' boulevard ·bctw~n tolh confines drlfli~g to outside the city and 36th .streets and Ion bo~h sif!es, Jimlt.S except "It be lawful to dri1l where it 1a unpaved, lo 43ril street. . "." . by slant of subterranean A petition for pav.ibg alleys 1and drilling in and under the area reSl;'rfacing stree_ts had been cir· northwest or 63rd street." ThWJ cultitcd but there fere too few leaving pro'perty owners east of signers. Horvath strted. , 13rd out In the cold. Motion waR C•U Tank!I f passed that question of lc.gality of 'f21 Edward '{. Heitly of cerhral city Ofdinance and the Elliott lf'&ae Newport Beach 8.~iatlon pre- be P,rrs~nted to-the l.A'ague of <;:ivic 6ented ,,the question p(__ the Stand- associations tor thei r consider-ard Oil.storage tankja.rht.,Soulhcrn atlo n. Counties Gu company tank, a!; ~ot Va!ld one of thf' i:rreatest dangE'r!I tOj t he A speakC'r al.so slated hf" bcllcvt'd ! · city, espccia-lly in vi~ of the tact the Elliott contract assigned to the city v.•aler m~n is lclCktC'ri Jcri;lns is not valid today, becau.'*' within ten feet. A ~c!'<o'ution was of the fact that at the time It d d In c N B c A • passe en ors g . f • . • • !" wa.s made the: city believed it -O'-''n-stand on the subjt>ct! , ST ANLEV A. WEIGEL. 8 . F . atly .-"Thr<'e perils beset Ameri· ca: Con1munist aggression, World War III, and a growing res:lgna- 'tion that another world Wl'lr LI ln- cvitablc." Relai in. $M.kM SIACKS "d the tidelands wher eas the Su-1 3) Complaints ft-om rcsidl·n•,::: pr<'1ne Coutit has noY<· ru!ed they near the Santa Ana rive r o r thf' belong t o the Federal government. county strip on th~ sidc of 1 t,h<' It was brought out how ... vcr, that river but outside lhf'i city v.•hich i:s PrC's.id ent Truman had agreed to 8 night gathering p~a c for 'tren- recogni7..c all outstanding leases. agf"rs and about wh l h city M'liCC' To those rcsldenLci impatient be· can do nolhlng. so strenuous The "Tops cause no GQ mmunity lea&e.s had protests from Seash e Drive rcs1-in Trouse,..-•••• hr.en presented by the oil com· dents about any pfali'! to create n pany, President Francis Horvath fast tiaffic highway Put ofilhe city I • • ~: stated he had conferred with Ernie along the S P . and f · E . righljs of ~N ~. Pyles; J e rgins represf'ntativt-, \Va y: a report by Ch&rles R . Ptach • and that they exp<'cted l~nd title on civilian defc n~e $etup ,.and ap-EWPQR searches lo be completed by May, pointment by th~ dresident of a OEAtt.RTMENT ~ al which time leases w ould be &Ub· cleaoop committee f(>r the section. mitten o r not at a ll. 1 Warned by Odell there was -Be wise-tell peoi)lf"-Adverllse! Z~nd A!\'D OCEAN FRONT xt:\\'POltT BEACH, °CALIF. c)ELICIO US nothing to prevent the putting up of a compressor plant or oil re- finf'ry on the bluff. Messrs. G. H . Wright, chairman, H. T. Shaw and F. G. Croxon were appoint~ as a committee le> watch that situation. Ralph Maskey· .Stated, however. that lhe city would be nollfiPd by lhc county or any such plans and the city could protf't1t. HAMBURGERS I KOTIAGE KAFE Blvd. Completion (fonllnu1-d from Pa.ge I) tlic P.E. rails were removed a scbre qt years ago. The private contraqt on the street between l ~th · ~d 12th street is finished J 192P Newport Blvd. 1 Blk. Be~o~d Mesa Theater -Costa Mesa and hf-en paid, It Ls understood that the coun- ty of 0 ge cannot. comple te their end of the project until the City Atlom1y of Newport Beach finally convey~ to them the agreement authorifed several weeka ago by the city council. The agreement p<'rml~the expenditure of the city share county gas tax money on the jo at the Balboa end of the in1p"ro~menL Stre ltght standards have been order to be creclf'd at each of the int raectlons of the slreet ¥{ith its er roads. r·-----~ N·-N~O-UN_C_l _N_G. __ I· fEW OFFICE i JO~N D. BURNHAM I 507 E. BA LBOA BLV D. I ! .BA LBO A REA L Phone Harbor 1607 I I EST AT E (fomwdy loK·at ed •t 2001 Oc<an Blvd.) i 1 A~s ociates I SARAI-ii w. NEWLIN J4MES C. NEWLIN, JR} J H ~LEN McDONALD ·---.. -----··---------· ! !-·---·- Dcci on as lo the building of the cu -oft road connecting Bal- boa Bl d., and Newport Blvd., in an ext nsion of 31st street now resls 'th the railroad con1pany but cerlain revisions r equested by the coij.1 panjt have been made in the pntJect proposed by the cit)' engin ing department. -=-=-=-=-=--=--=-=--l:::--=--=--=--=-'=""'=-=--=-==-=::::-::= ,Ji.L OF T... NEWS of l~e Newporlj .. b~r Area .-ALL . TS~ TIME ' ' . BALBOA -MES ' • • . ~send The 'Preas and New• -Times to ,....! • • • • NlllDe--~"---~-----,---1------..__---~­, ~-----'i,_,1---1-'-·.,--i·------.. • l'Wtofflce i . ! • ~ .; . ................ It] '· • • - ' " ,, I • I' 96 c NOW TllRU SAT. "FANTASIA" • In Ttt.hnJeolpr -Al!O- Academy awa.rd wlnnlal" "SEAL ISLAND" -A.l110 - "BEA VER VAWY<'' STARTS Sl"NOA \" "TOMAHAWK" In TtthnJcoloi- \\•lth • • \"an Refiln ~ V\•oonf' Dr Carlo :\l!W • "OPERATION DISASTER" JOURNEYMAN MACHINISTS Needed at HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO. Culver City, Calif. \Vurk Jn P1·rrn1tnf"nt Joh~ In th .. \\'l'Ml'111 f 'in.-st ~fnf•hln .. Shopt1 ALI.. ~t:\\·' F:l}l'll'MF.ST <IM-bnur \\'M'k (Tlmr I.: onP-halr pny art""r fO hours) Muvlo~ .t Trtl\'t>I Expt>IUW" for '<luallMt>il J oumf"ymPn OP'f'nlnl:' on a ll l.hrff Khlft.M for: Gf"nf'ral MRC'hlni"t" Pntf•l111lon MIL''hinlst~ Tool Room !1whlnbt11 ~odel Khop :\tat•hlnJst.~ Exprrtn11•ntaJ Matt•hlnlsU Ilg BorPr Sf't-up Opl"!I. '4"11Ung· Mat'hln .. ~t-up OpML Turrf't l...itfhf' S1·t-u1~ OpMJ. Automatir Scrp"· ~t11rh. ~t-up Op"'- Tool ~ Dlf' MakPn Tool Room t;rlndf'nl l\lall N"SUmf' or f'X p+•rlrnf'r, • A.J•pl)' In t•i•n,on or , SM' lllf' lturhu tt.-1•rt"tWntatlve at tht" follu\vlnic C'allfomla S t ate Emplu.vmt'nt OtflrM& from 8:S0 a.m. to ;; J>· m. on thf' dttlt-8 •hO\Vn. •·1 ·1.r.t:1tso~· 719 !"•1. :-0.padnt. Roud l'hunP 2081 Thursday. rtlart·h a2nd S:\STA AS . .\. 'lUI N. t 'lu"·"'r St. Phont> KI 2-KMS •·rhl11.~·, ~fltrrh '!Srd Phont' lhP H111{h1•"' Kf"prPSt>ntatlvt" at llH.)' nf fht' 11bo\'f" office• for 11.n t'\'f"nln~ ur f'lpt>rlttl appolnt- mPnt. RAl.PH BR.<\DFORD, vice prtiP, l.'. s . C. or C ., In Cahf. "\Ve m11~t pr('sc rvf' hbt'1·t v nt hon1e if w e are going t o prote~·t it abroad." I......,,..,., r\. J\er.k~r. I>. D. 8. iJtr.\, :; DP'.NTISTRY 11Jil."'i Nt"wport e1.-.1 .• eomta.11- "....:11rtU BldK. Beacon 876: ~J6 _I!!. Ray Ave., Balboa Rarbor 871.J Harold I(. Grauel Chapel Phone: 0.-a.ro n 6610 110 Broa.d\Y&y BE SURE-INSURE "'1th ' HAtl'RJP: STAJ'lo~Y IR:otUntnct\ Only Phone 11.arbnr 1'111 SU MMrt11~ Ave. RaJ ... lalaad W. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE Courlrou.• lnj<rrmatw" %117 B&Uboa Blvd Ne1'1»0rt lkach Ph. Har. U -• ·--..-y--!( ..... -.. .........-. ·--... -.......... ......--.-..---..---. -• -"' --· '''""'--~-~-.... '1"~•1 '"--"'""~'. • • • . -• • ' • , . .. NEWPORT-IALIOll. ~EWS-TIMES . T11L.d•t. Mi.rd. t(I 1951' QEAR J,uti: DOE AND Mils RICHARD ROE : Consider this your perao·naJ invitation to attend . ' a amart pthetj.n• ! In "a little comer of Europe'? Vera Wllll&m1 requests the pleuure ot your prea- encti, at her PM.Jo Studio ~d Book Stall Saturday Ma.r"!h 24, 2:$0 p. m. Ruth OelzeU, noted book • • revteWer and radio arU•t wtU reV1ew ''The Mudlark," "'"'91! and Thelma Hope, well-known artiat \.viii have a ' • • showing, of her oU. and water colora. The Pano Studio and Book Stall ls a quaint and charmln& ltttle shop With a very Pariela.n how you ay, eclat! Thi• la a delightful place to take visitor• who enjoy the unuaual. Vera has many .Jovely Import gift.a, rare books 8:Dd prints. Especially lntereating a.re the new Oriental shipments &nd modem ceramic•. Thelma Hope will be in the Patio all th1s week doln' portra1t sketches. Stop In-and do plan to attend the review and art ahowinl'. You'll be welcome as the nowera. May! Patio Studio and Book Stall, 3131~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island. • • • SCOOP! SAU.Y NEWLIN IS BACK rN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS! SALLY IS ONCE AGAIN ASSOCIATED WITH THE JOHN D. BURNHAM CO. NEW OFFICES ARE NOW OFFICIAL- LY OPEN AT G07 E. BALBOA BLVD. A tot ot You remember SALLY WHEN SHE WAS WITH THE BURNHAM BALBOA PENINSULA QFFICE. I UNDERSTAND SHE WAS PRACTICAL- LY AN INSTITUTION OUT ON THE POINT .. RENTING and SELLING HOUSES ... TURNING ON THE HEAT, LINING UP BABY SITl'ERS, ETC. Sally lllpecla.llus In Rentals. Property man- agement. and sales. I ·wager Sally knows every grain of u.nd in this Harbor area per110nally. It you're interested in a dreamy type house for extremely gracious Jivinc. get Sally to · show you the coral 4 bedroom. with Lanai patio, nowerlng fruit trees . . . and charming fireplaces ~one Is in the bedroom! 1 Helen McDonald (with Jordans' since '39 > and Jim Newlin, Jr. are also in this office ... so c-.11 Har. 1607 or drop by W7 E . Balboa Blvll .. tor any EARTHLY busin ess! '"THIS IS YOUR • • • LAST ~HANCE TO SEND ME A DOU-AR" . Wait a minute, don't run tor your purse ... I was just (Olng to tell ' you that a man put those word• in a news paper once along with his address & nothing more and received $3.000 thru' the mall ... I picked th1s idea up at the COA8TUN'E FLOOR COVERING . , . a.lonr w1\h the idea that you can get beautiful, modem FOR- MICA DRAIN BOARDS i1u1talled by lheae fellows. It's good 1tutf and ,cheaper than ceramic tile and doesn't chip. •This place Is tull ot idea1! You can &"et aluminum wall \lie installed in 12 decorator colors, Aluminum tile does not rust, corode, peel off, or get mouldy, And it doem't crack or wear out ... You uee It around bath tuba and ahowera, or you can ret an entire bathroom walled tor as low as $100 complete. These busy bodies also sell and lay carpet'a, tile & 11,noleum. These fellows aren't •t&nding around aalet!p ... You won't wake up the honeat, hard working men at COASTLINE n.doR <X>'VERING Jf you call BEACON 6251-J .. They're already wide awake at 18th & Newport Ave., Cost.a Mesa! • • • 1JKELELE PLAYERS! MUSCLE' ME~! BEACH BOYS I< OlltLS! WELCOME TO TfR: ANCHOR CAFE? Come In your sarongs. swim ,A;_ suits· or togu! Let's have a ball! We have all ~ the very latest songs on the juke box! And we~ have good good BUTTERMILK HOT CAKES FOR 30c . . . You can eat very rea.BOnably · _here a.nd have a full, happy atomach. Divine Jr HOT LUNCH FOR 6!1c . . HAMBURGERS ' YOU CAN Sj':E THE MEAT IN THESE BURGERS Ml FEET A\VAY! Hot Dogs! Sand· wiches! CHILI &: BEANS ... BIG BREAKFASTS SERVED ALL DAY! COME ON KIDS! IT'S LUAU TIME AT THE ANCHOR CAFE 711D COAST H.IWAY. Newport .. Open 6 a. m .-7 p. m. OPE.."J ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT SATURDA\'! • • • DEAR SIR: It's a BOOBY,TRAP! I TELL YOU IT'S A BOOBY-TRAP! And I am SICK. SICK. SICK of being brow-beaten. bullied and belitt~ by your \\'11'"DO\l. SHADES! The THINGS e1ther flop all the "'ay down to tile ttOor. or ret sneakey and curl u p In a tight roll and refuse to bud re! Other times t.hey wait until the -pearly dawn and suddenly decide to roar to the top or the l roller and W·HI --RRR arou nd ! Beslde• all your fixtures are loose! Now if you don't go over to the SHADE SHOP at on ce and cet new shades, new fixtures &. new rollers, l AM GOI!'IG TO MOVE! AND l MAY EVEN SUE on account of SHADE NEUROSIS. FURTHERMORE, If you can't bu:r new ahade11, you ; can at lea.st get Helen Wolfard to tix these ol~ onea! Conaider this your final warning. to go to the SHADE SHOP. 614 29th St. Newport. Harbor 884. Otherwise I ahall tile my attadavit ... signed : FRANTIC. • • • NOTICE: DO NOT PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET! THIS MEANS YOU! You must save room tor Bunny rabbit and Henny-penny Easter cookies from \1lrJ{lnh1 McHaban's Newport Bakery! This aea side pastry port is turning out all llOrts or Euter surpi:ises tor you! Hot Cross Buns, Easter time eating novelt ies. Part.,y cakes and pastries! You can order specially decorated cakes that say sentiments it you like. The ~~E WPOBT BAK.ERV ls open 7 days a week 8 · 6 p. m .... so all the. bakery stuff is 80 fresh It noat.a~ E4at.er morning you can go down there and get the hot rolls right out of the oven. The Dutch Rolla are magnJtlque with baked ha.m ! So's the raisin bread! The expression 'just like mother used to make' ia it.ale. The freah fragrant word is \1IRGl::\'1A Mc-MARA...YS ~HT BAKERY, 2112 Ocean "r-ront, Newport. • • • BONGO! .BONGO! BONGO! COMES THE SAFAR1 DOWN THE CONGO ~ The stalwart \\'alusis. the Ibex, Ute Zebra? That white woman In ah pith helmet ill either Tarzan's second mate or John's other Marsha! King Solomon's Mine.B is the name of a new hand painted circular skirt that Lee Stroup is reaturlng at her .Jo-1..ff Sport Shop! IThls patio skirt picture• darkest Africa in luah African colors. [ predict you'll either go completely nattve or l"et jungle !ever unleu you possess one! These casual Preview skirt& are as excltinl' u a honeymoon! There's a Round-up number wtth Cowboys and horses natch: a beautiful original Navajo Tsau deslp in Indian print: and a jaunty 'Bicycle built tor Two.' Color combor in the skirts are madly exotic! Price tags are sOb normal at $11 .~ - $12.50. Contras.tine blouses by Alex Colman in 'high-colors $4.&G. Come on Memaahlb, join the trek to 'o Lf.e Sport Shop. 1830, New. port Ave., C011ta Me.sa. • • • ' • ' .. ·1 • • . Jy -MAR,GO •• '. ' ' ., I • • wonderlul ILUOl~ll!IUI FOlt 16'> !' pWe. One at a time or by the lf'OUI 1 chillense yod to otter ~ better way to 1pend 15cl Thne Emle·Bw'itta &re ~'l!I Mannlnj• boeC op a tuU lliM. -· bun ·wtth Iiimla Malt.ox' 2""' -!ally brawtd "1111h-You eat lb•• hamburrera on the *ch, In th• perkllll" lot or In the front yard. l'or 16". you can't expect. damuk ~ Jltamllll' ory.W you know, The atut bot t1 to eat them .:>mewMN near tb• Kott.a'• Kate IO you can. run bt.,c.k for more. They'N h•blt-formln.I'. People crave •JlnaJe.Bu..,.,.... They become addl~! l(OTl'AGiii KAN:. 1920 Newport Blvd., Oo!lln Me-. -t. bUt. beyond the ¥eaa Theater. • • • • ONCE UPON A TIME THERE Wlll\E FOUR LlTI'LlC COTTON TAILS . . . Now there a.re 1 at least ' or 5 hundred Ea.ater rabbit.I &t the B-'LBOA 5 a 10: The.e r&bbtl11 are ln s•Y. et.raw ba•keta on shady green gra.u wttb chooolare Euler1 ecs11. downy baby chick• and aurprlM•. Buketa are S;h -6h -'78e -91c. And how do }'OU want your ecp ! Maybe I'm old tuhloned but I think they .1h.ouJd be hard-boiled before you dip them in Euler Egg Dye! Oh the BALBOA. 5 A: 10 look• like the Foreat of Arden! Bl& 11t.ufted Bunnles peek.Jot shyly over duck's shoulders! Little cotton chick• bounctn& merrily on ln!lated plastic eg11.\ Sack• of colored n.ndy eggs! Celluloid ducks and chickens and all aorta of Euler time novelties tor the young in heart. A s tor the ltttle remembrance..._ there are Euter cards &nd brtrht spring hankerchiefa. Or you can brl&"hten up ·a t ired little dress with a perma-pleated 1 69c nec.k- acarf or a· sprig· ot Oow('rs tor Easter. Come on chicks, let's l!Cratch on down to the Balboa 5 and lo--300 Main St., Balboa. • e N • THE MAN WH0 CAMi:. TO DINNER WIFE: Either put on a bib or stop droolin&'! OH? You }\live a giant cre.C'k.ed CHA.U from the BA \'S IDE FISH MKT. ! ff Flown in rrom Morro Bay you say? Yes, I read about them In the Sun. l'tme1. Well. what a.re we waiting tor you tlope! PASS the mayon- naise ... Ah. marvelous pet, simply marvelous! And what's tbis you have crumpled up id' yOUT coat pocket? H -Mmm?? A love letter? Oh, Harry Kingaton gave It to you when yQu bought the crabs. Yeah? Oh, a recipe? How niu! uhbuh. 1<>und11 greaL I'll read it . , . "I part soy sauce. 1 part Sauteme wine, 1 part cooking oil.-Take a.ny f ish fillet from the Bayside Mkt. & aoa.k in this rlugg l~ min. each side! removt fish &: flour with Dixie Fry and bake. broil or try. When nicely done. throw the whole mess away and go out tor dinner't .. : stj. Isn't that Klng•lon a card~ .Where IS this Bayside Fish Mkt, anyway??? Speak up dummy! Oh, 2800 Latayfltlft, Nf'wport ..• • • • THERE HE WAS STRIDING UP AND DOWN HIS SHOP WITH A BOOK ON TOP OF HIS HEAD. "\Vhat in the name of Allah ah you doing now?" I exclaimed. "I'm tirylng to balance my bank book, any objections!'' snarled Erwood· peevishly .. "Dr. Erwood," I replied cooly, "I am not surprised. I warned you month• ago that you'd never get anyplace selling stutt tor leas than you paid ror it! You've played tut and looH with a bull market, ,and now you want to carry on with this toollahnesa ~" "It's my buaineas!" screamed Erwood! "Well it won't ~ lonr," I said bitterly. "Why don't you stand out in the Middle ot Balboa Blvd. and throw ten dollar bills to the sea gulls?" "Oh I tried thnl once," returned Dr. Erwood, "and they didn't like them at all." Then he laughed gleetulty. "This week rm pract icalJy giving away ~orgeous. modern table lamps with washable plutic aha.des for Sf.9:) and $6.9:). Don't"' tell anybody," Erwood whispered, with a strange gleam in his eye, "but they cost me more than that!" Follow the gleam to ERWOOD'S~ •07 E. BALBOA BL\'D., BALBOA. • • ASO VARNISH Rt::M0\1ED t 'ROM FIJRNITl1HE .... ANTIQIJF.Jiil BOATS : , •. WQODWORK • PACIFIC' :s-•:I.HEM (,'0 . 2811 I~:\t~AYF.17F;, 1'\E\\'t>OICT JIARBOR 2960 • • • HOP-SCOTCH PLAYERS! ROPE·SKIPP.i!:RS! ROLL- ER S~ATERS ! SCHOOL CHILDREN? Be &'ood kid• and run take thia mes.sag-e to your dear little mothera! O. K. mother.1-Thl11 is the story! BARBER'S BOOTERY hu about thl"> biggest line ot children's shoea in . thia hyar' county! The walls art' lined with RED GOOSE AND LITTLE; YANKEE shoes ot ever,• description! These are -excellent .. ,nationally advertised brands of kids' shoes, tamou11 tor fltnesa and durabilit)•. You can •et your little boy or girl roustabouta titted in A -B-C·D widths In mo1t &ny kind ot shoe. School and dreu shoea. Saddle-shoea. tennis shoe•. Sun-San aandlea, 1 strap patent leathers, Kedattea. red •hoe11. brown shoes, black shoes, white shoes. What elae 111 there, anyway? Oh-Yes. there are shoes tot little CUY• just get tine the walking Idea.' The&e are 'Fir•t Stepper.Ii.' You can Shoe~Shoe Ba,by, Buater &c Bertha at BARBER'S ROOTER\', 1790 Newport Ave .. Coata Mesa, Tax For.ms for · Maids' Wa9es Ready • Bishop Eric Bloy Confirms Class Classified •6-PERSOl'!AUI I .. I G--BUSINESS bumz oo~~e;t~~o .......... Sf and "'" ahampooed. ..tlmat.- l'ully lnaured. Al's Hou & Rug Cleani.hg Co. seacJ. 9111 72tff For Venetian Blinds, ' Shades end Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimat.¥i Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. ,Newport Beach 93ttc SHARJ!>ENING All toola • lawn,btowers • plnkln~ aheara, knJve8t, 1·9 p.m. &. Sun. , FIXI'J; SHOP 609 Coast Highway Newpdrt Beach 92p6 • PRECI~ION Watch I ' Alcoh0lic1 An:>nymoua Write P . O] Box .2M· Balboa IA!a)id. CallC. Phone Klm~rlJ S...a31S ' . Patio Furniture • PAINrl'ED , __ .. Beacp n 6451-W I 92c7 I Phone 22-LOST AND fOUND LOST -Liberal ir eward tor mal~ rf.d Dachshund who disappeared trom 5101 Se~hore Drive on F eb . 3. Phone Harbor 0809.J evenings. J ' = ~95 LOST-Ladlee b!focal glaaaea In alley, 508 A~cia, Corrina del Mar. Phone i-rr.r. Z&f~-W alter 5 p. m. I ~3<:95 LOST -B·flat 1 clarinet by 7th grade ~rl on !Monday between Horace EnBign school and Cor:. ona. del Mar. Plione Har. 2839-J. -.r· 94c96 LOST-Wrist w8.tch. Inscription ".Fro m Max iojVtva, 1945" Lost vicinity of P e ny Arcade, Fun Zone. Reward Har. 0110-)', 9<p96 LOST-Grey Co kateel with red cheeks, Sunda 10 a. m. nt>ar Jasmine &: Oc. n Blvd., Corona. del Mar. Rewrrd. Phoiie Har· bor 1167-J. _ 9fc96 i8:;'~~~TI?N_f. WANTED EXPERT gardener desires work. H8.s power ma;=hiflery. Ph. Bea. 5283-\V. j 91ttc FINE LAUNDRY or ironing only. cUrtalns. Helpl wt th din. parties. Pick-up and deliver . Mrs. Wil- liams. Call Har. 159~. 9lc93 ?9-HELP W~ ' DOUPLAS LONG BEACH JS NOWi HIRING TRA EES M With Shop You Wil New social lecurtty tax relum + St J bl&nk for roportln1 w.... of a . ames ll-llUILl>IN&'SPVI~ While Y: u Le.arkn household ~Mra ' llaa ·'b6en • rei · 1 •· ' .. {;-\ ' '.heae special envelope form• µe bl.a.bop of the Dtoceae of Loa An-p 'AINTING · Thia exception . opportunity ta • Stlllr BOARD. $SS and paddl• ~ PS. il~ Poppy, Corona ~ det Mar. Ph. Har. 3let-~.... J' . ~. ' ' . Wll: HA VE PULCOLOR, nJLI,. ZR8 New -ble wall flnlah. Aloo Jewel eue ol colors. 5'r«' painting in.atnactlon '2Jd color planner . fqldera.. BALBOA MARINE' HDWlC-00. Buln Branch. Bayal<IO" Drive Your Fuller De&ter A Good Place tA> Go 93c8 BASSINBT'I'E excellent condition. quJlted liner .nd pad, matnmty ~ clothes, aiU 11, all .kood. Bed· dtv.n, large slse, &U reuonable. Phone Beacon &t21-W. 92ci4 THREE 500 Yt>. RliiELS -2 poles misc. lines. t.ac.k:Jt.&Ad gar box ~xceUent con~UOri. MUST SEE. ,. $73. 508 MariroJd Ave., Coro~ del Mar. 9k95 ' POWELL '47 motor scooter, good condition, good deal. 9~% Weat Balboa Blvd.. Ne~rt Beuh .• Phone Har. 1441-W. 94c96 TABLE SAW, 8 Inch,% H .P . new. FOR SALE OR TRADE tor lYJ>ewriler or adding machine or both. Harbor 2571-W. · 94c96 a~-sS;J>~u~CES WE REPAIR all makes ot wUbing machines, lronera and vacuum cleaners. STROOTS TeWlnkle Hardwarr, 1802 Newport 'Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 5222. 86c99 II-WANTED TO BUY BOOKS W ANII'ED I will call and bu.y . _ . Your entire library BUNSTER CREELY Phone Harbor 3215-W • 78c79H U-FUJINlTURE FOR SALE Buy Your TV NOW! ·See these LOW Prices: ~CA CONSOLE 16" TV, like ne\Y with AM. Ii: FM radio, beautiful mahogany cabinet with doors ........................................ $324.95 Two TV Radio-Phonograph Com- blna tlona, latest model; one 14", one 16" rectangular. Floor samplea. Excellent buya! 10" TABLE model -RCA cha8- si11 -Expanded mask -New black t~be. Reconditioned a.nd guaranteed. Cotnplete with ta· ble ........... ~.·-·············-·-····-·--Sl 19.95 USED wmE RECORDER. O<>o6 value at .................. .-............ $99 .M) Keep ln touch with us for good buys In TV St>ls being tradf'd in - EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 Jack's Furniture 1505 W. BALBOA BLVD. BARGAINS in used and unpa.inted furniture I Buy, Sell or Trade Phoiie Harbor 2502-R 89c3 CUSTOM MADE SOFA, down cuahlons, Imported brocatelle, neutral color; soft red custom m~Jr.-di 9'1!jhlo• · a or ' "lifgl; · ll.tJiJJci.b\1.-t ; all4 w lit ch'i I erobe ; lamp•. pie\ures• and brio-a-~c. · .:l12 Morning Canyon Rd., Shore Clitfa, Corona del 1!Jar. 93c95 lea•ed and rtnt.. reports Wllng The Rt. Rev. F . Eric Bloy. INTl!RIOR ;..-ICCTll:RIOR Assem~y Wor lue durinl' AprU. l'elu, •dmlniatered the rile of con-LicmNSED J -, ntBUR.ml> open to .me with eeneral OaM"ett w . LiJJt, manacer of lhf' formation to a claa of 32 present-rN!Chanical or shop experience. Many a big deal has been marle Santa Ana aoclal aecurtty ofnce ed by the rector, the Rev. Paul Glenn 3'ohnston Ages 26 to 4q. lhru a amall Want Ad 'lt 207 N . Broadway, point.I out ~oore Whee'er, at a 1-pecial tour :K>l. Slst. at. Newport Beach Qualified appUCJVlll wlll ~ hired th•t every houaetiold worker who o clock .e.rvlce on Bun(lay after-Harbol'i 2H7..J Ucf8 and rlfter .2. w~kll training job-~BOATS. llUPPLD:8 m .. t.t the 2< day _ $:1-0 tat la noon at St. Jame• Eplacopal :ated for pro~n. oovered by the social Security church. ,_ WE RENT • PLANT LOYMENT law. Thia teat Is explained ln a Confirmed w e re: Sutherland O CE booklet, "Do You Have a Maid!'', Lampson Hutton, Ho\#ard Auatln ·ELECTRIC pafjnt sprayer•, noor which may be iecured at ·any Murch, Stattord Mitchell Hall, sand1 en, pot ll.ob8.• era an18d 1TantWelnlnklg LAKEWOO · & CARSON l&l ' ~'t Ill ttl I Kathleen Hammer.on Felltnse, ,equpmen · troo e n t-Hours .8 a.m~-4 :30, p.m. 'iOC ae<:Uc• Y o ce, or 0 Ct!' 0 · Hardware 1~2 N_,,.,,,..rt Blvd tbe collector of Internal revenue. Oai! Hutton, Edward John Reebte, • -·· _. .. Monday' t Saturfiay Chrysler Engines ·Used C_rowns -Royals She booklet alao includes a• post Jr., Thomu Ra·lph Peterman, Colita Mesa. hone Bea. :)~ DOU~LAS , . 'ant for -In requestln}r thla •Im-David Balley Ollfont. c er In I ~ A1"rcraf Co., r' nc. See John Harvey • • • pltfled tu rrturn blank. Creeley, Yvonne Youn&. Jeanette ,.. IZ ZAT YER HAIR OR ARE YOU BREAK· Vlr(lni~ Manac, Diane' Sylvia p APER. HANGING . Long Beath Division at Sea.craft ING IT TN FOR A FLOOR MOf? ? ? Shame? s 5..__.._ Muac, Betty Hutchin.a Bmttb: · l Oti SHAME! and doubio l ie ... here It Lr Uft ._-u Meridith R!ce Knoll, Mary Patricia ""'d p A TllJIT'Tl\JG !14c96 62!1 CJOAST HIGHWAY Spring. and your hair looks like an abandoned Royce; Robert \'Ulacrana: ~ ~-. ... ...,.-. EXPERIENtjED H<KWekeepe.r-NEWPORT BRACH &!rd-neat. I wouldn't even be seen with you at ~re In Sofa ~: Jooeph Heney Rlfp, Kenne~ Quar"" cook. White. {Prol.eo~ Live In. • -PH.' S"'.• CON 5771 the Joint Outfall! Now lllten to me. Blrd-Glrl! Ellabetl\ Butchin.9 RJJp. Melinda •.J .NEWPORT llA.ltBOR 2"-;;--~ You st.ill have ltrne to make an appointment at A 'tire in a eofa cauaed tlOO Lelthold, Walter Jtue Cole, Elia· lmlS Santa A Aw .. ~ Kea · PLOYMENT IAGEN~. 505'%· 9"tfc KUTll"tl BL-"\.UTY SHOP before Ea.ster. Vlr-Jahtace Ln the realdence of H . H . betll Pa.nhall Cole, Melba Andrew . Phone ·~ 550& Jn. Bay Ave., 1'.tboe.. Har..251t-1t 2" FT. FISHING BONl"--'-W-W _.11 gtnta Ir Ruth speei&lt.ae ln dire ca.aea such u your1. Their Rayeite 'joJbrook, 2:12 aa~. St.., at 11:22 Watcher, ll'Vtns rre4erlck• / 11ct2 l.1 ... -.--1 '92c9.f reuonable or trade for ear. Ph. Penetre.me pennanent will make that old drled thatch o! youra look un. Wtdneeday, tlie Newport tire W•tcher, John RhodN Heutol\, -------!,-~------. _ y • Beecon l44l-W. • 92cM like a brand new t'OOf·job! Their Rayette COLOR-FOAM SHAMPOC Jepart.ment reported. . Hellbert I.nil Peny, Patricia .MIP. ' 'DA TN'TT'l\TG / USE!i> C~ SA~-+ very · ·· will put danclnc lights in your switch! OH YOU'LL HAVE STARS Su.n thtntnc lbrOuab a ~WIAdow 8.m.J,tb. OeorJe Holman Cottln, Srd; . _~~I~-~~'~ . :i'::': ~~C 'r:.~: .. ~ ~ _ -.. tb'e ~ CL1PPD 'CLtASS 11 . -p f'9 81°'.°P· POINSIDTTIA-CORONA DSL MAR HAR. 2907 . ~· .... M-----••. N........_ •-• Lo..,. Carrer, Tllo!ftu. Frlink · .. .,. .U'I ·~~ -. "' •-·~ -·t ~ J ) --"·nt ~ ·~-~· -_, ~ p--,-m P-llm• 8L, ~ -• Ne rt b, bclr ~ , one -· new ny "'! . ,..-..... IN YOUR CROWN IF YOU GO TO RIJTll'S BEAUTY SHOP. 3311 WU believed t.o have at&n.d tho Wlljl.m Pharo&h ~er. Jooeph EARL ~H'il!lt'I ;'"·" ~~OOR""~B· n;:..' U...it ..... I "!fl-.. •· a Jibo l\ncludinJ CARE TO SET n: wo:LD o~ FIRE! =k ~~lh;.1::"'~::: 111.uiJIC=,°=~::.::b;,, &Ten· ._, N8T·lll · . -.~ ' j,9~ oon~ll"'I· $800. Har,.iset. i3dll ~==========:: .. c.\RE TO BilCO)ll) Tlf1il Fl.A.ME OF ORANGE >d l'rom Coota Ill-to the If-·· In P,..7,or and ~tlrmatlon. a re-, -·• ROO..:....... 0 • • GENERAL INS , ·• '• ~ If.ft. tlt/RCH()Ril'l'' pl,..,.;; COtmi'Y! Tbla -not require any long houn ~ !Upled houa to flild J!1a llOfa on cep on. ~or l!labop Bloy &;II<! Mn. .. .... ~==.. .,_ bu operui,t' :tOr --..... ~ -t and trailer. ·i;xceUent con· MATl'RESSE8 8'*C.-HomM--Tn8en lrr.cular Shapoo BEACON -I C"...rt.a M~ llath'efl9 0.. 1100 Newport BIYd. -\ or study or oven a hlfh-echbol diploma. Merely rm Mro. , Bio anll lo( the !'OPflr'llll\!!Jn _ _ ' In~ · ~ -file~.,:~ dltloh. n8ll. Finance, le~. out tbe blanlu in the r1'ht places and you · can • I • ~ wao l>old In µto perllll IJouM. J-Wr!Je• P. ~ ..... . ~ I<> 'brokero, M2 'l'I~ quallfy! Thi• Is a cutlfl<d ..,,,,. on ... A come QSTB~N . ~X,.,. -10)' ..S ._,_: · •: 1~~111Ct!;_~~. I ~ ~ ~ · .. · ._ A•e-._Ke"fllOrt Beach.,' 93p95 •. on t.o Pa1l7 Appu'OI t.o view tho new Olo·Pbe (ja,.. -\Jon· Cpr -j-. wltb OU !Mlfta' la <:barp. "' ....---r J I T • • < , -...... _, ,..... •ulta...., ... In tbe dark! ,_ In Ja!J .... OI-IP'ridaJ . -,<• m IT WIOl'll,.' . " • • •, ,.. ' -·· ·U:OORTMGS: Tbey'n> nuoreacent, and I dare you to walk -.. lb• strand 1n OM! :oi-Paul..,......., Soll, n at -IP1'*81KAI TAll!S ~Y " i'.;ir ad "''~NS· "°' · r-i;mllte '.Cl .,ie..~ ·uid Q,!..~.1 • S~menwjllwhlolle.talntand ty•U 'Boy!-!"~eye-sto.Ppor !Alia~ wtio W.;.,,........ ~~-S-. 8ait ~ ~ 1IJtl1J' la.,..; .......... I ·!'.11a7'·,M ._Jle. .. _ .... ~ ."•.~'p"""'""~:-~::;:;::::;::;~::;::;::;::;;;::;~ -~· one ....... and backI<. with a stayed buat U... ,.._ « •· autwn'llo --WD· 0.. ~ at .~ ~ •JU !MtllS -_,._ t -WJ.N "'""''""._.... r .--,_.. ,... u.-• _.,_ -..,. . . tt. y•~ AN(BnR&.nwo Tile nylon mal!N ror trtm r1nfar and the Colon . • • -Q. 1i1Q ot °""" ~ Oft!. a Pill' '9' ,_,,_ la Ult ....,_ OOlll -mrs • Ba -ary. ~ tW .,.__,.. ~·T~ , Waler "He ... lers Oolll·llH reel and Oonk-<>Ut chartr'eu .. suarant .. you'll ...... be -....... aid Bell ... OD p&role 1rom o( hla car at 1:111 p. m_ rrsday. ~ u:a .. ""' .... .. ~":..!be_.r!llbt_, • w ~ End of-SJ.at St. -•1 .. at _, cror Sl .. MI Other Gantner ... .,.. mm llUlta ror timid the Calltofnla Toutb .Aull>orlty Rf"' .Id he lla4. piCad 111 U.-"'lool'1nc _.., 'Ibo ...,..., ._w__ ...,. '1"8Wl"Olf! Bll&.QI" UllVJCE·A lll!P,AlllS -.Ia -In 2 piece--~· &t $1.tll; l••u aqua.,,_ &lldtl>eca11rtiald!tllleo!dJlont1 h:lf'jlthlk!llS allon &lld had lat' _. ""-' ~ _,.,, '.~.. ;W-:tte~, ..... ~ • -~. • -·, ·1i 8 I _,_ / ~ navy, black, 1 pee $1Cl.ll6. cott wam. ~ a.ti:: . aet ID 111e ~ t.o to11e 111m 1*1!. -u.. pro-l!'ifi" ott at. 111t ..-. Be ~ ._ -~•• • , -~ • r • 04J tlt:lf,lf04a, ow1m In a Oen!Mr rrom PO APPAWD, 18Sll Newport)..,., bation onsor W9U11f be f!IO"l!led ~ 0.. -bod ~ ..,.. UIO 'U.. •"-~""""' • 11' Lnu.".,wlta' 10 B.1P . - Ol!Ca-· . ·. · · ,.... a -• .. ..,.,... o1 ._1-s mm -. -1 Ndl> · f ,. -1 • _, .. a~-1'11. ......-, .. :'ti: ~-. .• • . -o;. _____ .,..... ___ ........ _. ---11.111--~· . . .... ·-~-~ .:::-:.;.. Day. •N'IP-IBwtora ~·:V.&.CAnONDB! 00-¥0(>! IOD8! TIZN./A~I DOt.ftebt-•r ..... -~, ~ ..,.. -.... -""' 'I,.. 1 ;. . ·-..,.., =·~-.-r -~ . IO'I\"--... -' i"IJQlql! w.un; TO DifWr IOlill 'llCILS}f '4Y MICWT -,... ............ -llelP ~ • • -Badlar ~ ~ m ... ----_..,. sact-W 111<~ -1... qot lq rat...,..! a.-a ...,..Cira ........... ~ U1' tllom. Ud ~ W, 11,y ~ -j: -• -· .. fOll Illa .. taNll lloa.at IS " ~-~ A e&· "'IM Ad la '-:!' I~ °"'11Wbo'a ~ a ·.-~ to ~ TBll &Oft40ll: ~ la MlllR~ to U. 11111 Baart ~T . ~ -:--~~......... ; 111>&&1 ,,_~ :---• 'j ~1 HH., ' t 4 lllldpt la AdMI~ J ~ .( ~ ( ,_ L..:;...1-olC-..e....!;.;.;.-..:li...:::..~--..:;.,..,~,.:'..!!:~~~lli:.,..c'l~~~~~:;..:.;;:..;;;.iL...:.a.;;.:;;.;.:....,._:.1;__:...:_..-::i..::1~±:','~~:o:...__...,.:,____:_,;.'.:'..!.__~.'.':1!:.~ . ..':.· ~..__.;_........:~~&£...:::.~-~,;j:_ ----~ t • ' , --·-·--·················""··1-···--------···-···--. -.... ---...... ----~--. --. -.... ---- -. -. ;·············--I . . . . ' . ' ' . MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE SIX H lllll_SJC4L. RADIO TRADE your •old ptano or band IMtnlment for ltl tu11 ea.sh value on a Packard Bell tele- vision at SH.A.FER MUSIC Co. (since 1907) 4.21 N. Syoomore, Santa Ana. KI.mberly 2--0672, 83lfc COME In and play the wonderful New Hamm.and Chord Organ. Eftn If you don't know a notf' of Jl\USlc you can play beautltul muale t.n ten minutes. DANZ· SCHMIDT Big Piano and Organ C.0.1 620 N. Main, Santa Ana. • .1950 CHEVROLE'.l'S, ALL MODELS Local care, very low mileage Well equipped, radio,-beater, etr. \ PRICED TO SELL Also several good work cars. Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Ch.evrolet & Oldamoblle Dealer . 2481 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Ph. Bea. 6442 OPEN SUNDAYS 9 :3d to ~ . -1 USl!lD PIANOS frop> $69 up. Good play1ng condition. DANZ-4-S-APAR:TMENTS & HOUSES SCHMIDT. 1520 N. Main1 Santa , I '50 OODGE Demonstrat~r Liberal Disc.-Low mileage -New Car Guarantee :;-Ana. cor. 8th. RENT AL 11 RENT A PIANO. $a mo. Six mo. SPECIALISTS rent applies on purchase at Call Ed Cl'al SHAFER MUSIC CO . CSlncl' I ~ I 1907) •21 N. Sycamore. Santa Linwood Vick, Rltor. Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. 80tfc Balboa Island. Har. 2042 32ctH , SHA VER MOTO~S Your Dodge. Plymouth "1r. 1936 Har. Blvd .. Costa Mesa WANTED : 50 pianos. Trade in your old piano on a Gr&nd, Spin- et or be-8.utltul tt""levision. High, est cash allowance. Tenn~. I 9icD-I CORONA DEL MAR, 620 Marl· gold ~o bdrm. unturn. Fire· place, Patio. Garag~. Yearly-1948 BUICK super · 4-dr scllan, -.DANZ.SCHMIDT PIANO CO. cor. 8th., 1520 No. Main. Santa Ana. lease. Owner W . B. Fairweather . R&H, visor. orig-I. t!J1!11h. Low 2400 Lambert Drive. Pasadena.. milcagf", Royal Muter tires. I SY 2'-M89. 87p99 owner. 308 Marigo!d, Corona SPINET. Brand new but case sLightly damaged in shipment. A wonderruJ bargain. Save $14 0 Genuine. Term~. Danz-Schmidt Santa Ana, 520 N . Main, corner 6th. Over one hundred pianos. BALBOA ISLAND -Sunny furn 3 rm. Apt. A.cc omodate two. Adults preferred. $70 mo. yrly. Phone HO.rbor 1196-R. 92c94 d£>1 Mar. Ph. Har. 2877-W. 93p95 1929 FORD, $75. Excellent run- nlng condition. 702 Marque-r ilP, Corona dt•I Mar. Harbor 01 lf -M. 9~c94 SPINET Repou., Pay out balance, S286. Another r eposeession at $395, cost new $61:5. Just like new. Terms, Da.nz-Sch.midt Big Piano ·store, :'>20 N. Main, corn. 6th, S&nta. Ana. LIDO ISLE ct you w&nt a rental on LIDO ISLE see us. Several lovely '37 DODGE Station wagon 4-<lr. · ' One owner , excellent motorland apt.I. Al.lo homes avail.able. t lreti. Radio, aound body, 'nf'w P. A. PALMER . top. plastic seat cov.rs. seal ·rNCORPORA TED beams, towtng bar, n~w cop- 3333 Via Lldo Barbor lllOO 22Uc per vertical ex.haust -$295. 3112 LaJayette, Newport Bd&ch. Harbor 1020-W . ~2tfC' GRAND PIANOS -Used, Knabe Chickering. Ma.son and Hamlin, HILLSIDE VIEW APT. Spaciow "• • s--tu I hed u ST A TION WAGON -Plymouth, Steinway, Everett, Sohm er , g'T"OUn~. ~~. rn s or n· W S K ' ball M furn ished. ldeal for teachers or 1937. new motor, $250. 111 Via · urlitzer , tarr tm · any arti.•s. I above the Arches) Bea-Dijon, Li do Isle. 9Sp9!'i others. From $395 up. Danz-...,, Schmidt Bi g Piano Store. Santa con 55lO-J . 92P91 'VERY CLEAN 1948 Mt>rc.ury !!<'ii. An.a, 520 N . Main( corner 6th. HAVE LIVING QUARTERS ror $300 ror equitp. Bank rinarlce-1.1, LOVELY USED SPINET PIANO, working couple anJ will care (01 $780 balance, monthly paymt · 1 like new. Tern1s $50 down and child or f'lderly couple. 416 Short SSO. Ph . Bea. 5374-\V. 9~p96 I $15 mo. at SHAFER MUSIC St., Costa Mesa. Bea. 57 19-Wl<. HAVE ''11 •· h 2 d d . _ 1 92c94 ~ .. as -r_ se an 1n CO. (Smee ~907) 121 N. Syca· I good condition. \Van t to tradt• more, Santa Ana. Kimberly y 1 1 1 bd for 8 pic k-up truck. 437 E. ]6th 2-0672 g3trc BALBOA -ear y renta . rm 'p · . fu rnished apt. 1except linens). St., Costa Mesa. hone Beacon RENT A PIANO. $5 per month Phone Harbor 0331-W. 91p6 5553-R. 9~c96 j All rent allowed 1f you buy with· A Classified Ad Is the mighty In terms_ DANZ-SCHMID'I' Co., BALBOA ISLAND m;dgct m Ad V<<Us;ng 520 N . Main, Santa Ana. . ELECTRIC ORGAN. Like new, famoua make. Save $200, term~. Electrified organ, used only $17.'."l For church or homl'. Oanz- Schmidt, ~20 N . 1.1ain, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. HOUSES AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL ' See GAIL CARNEY with Nelda Gibson. Real Estate 306 1'-1arine, Balboa Isl. Har. 502 69tfc -People do read the want adft. LOVELY Furnished apt., private pailo. May be rented as single, sleeping 2 for $50 mo or with extra bedrm for $7!1 mo., util. pd. Ha rbor 89-RK {Call am or eves. 93c95 M-MONEY TO LOAN LOANS For Homes REGULAR ..:JAi r;t, (10-20 yrl.) G. I . 4~ (20 years) FHA 4"'-'J,, 120 yl'arsl Const rue. Loans 5-~~ '1~ ( 14 yrs.) Na Commiss. chg. on Metro lbans We buy and sell Trust Deeds CALL BOB SATTLER 1 liar. 2661 tor Free Appral 1 Rep. POffiIER MORTCAt;E CO. Metro Life Ins. Funds Kl 3-618~ GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS tron1 $69. Te!T.'".S as con venient as $6 month at SHAFER ,,fUSI C CO. (Since 19071 421 N. Syca- more, Santa Ana. KimberJ:r 2--0612. 93ttc I Classified ads. cost little. do much. ----------~-. UN FURNISHED 2 bdrm houM>, LOANS TO BUll..O. IMPROVE. ~'5--1>9GS, CATS. PET~ fireplace, .enack bar. Enclosed patio. laundry, garage. 760 Heli- otrope, Corona del Mar. 93c95 BUY, MODERNIZE, 10R REFINANCE We Buy Tru!it Deeds ' NEWPORT BALBOA F'EOEflAL • ' • Ocean Yiew -. 3 bdrnis, 2 bath Ila.brand new. On U.. blutt In Newport Helghto overlook-. tng the ocean anct yet on.ly1 2 abort block.a from •hopp.lnc: It haa every te.1.tv.re 700 couJd desire tneludln1 unit• pa furnace he&t to all rooma, Oaptone fireplace, gar~ . ' dlaposal. 11 .. utlfUl ,bard.wood and many built-Ina. Ita the best buy in the f.rea wttb Ill ocean Vle!N· $20,000 . 3 bdrm home • Newport Heights l'{EW. 2 blbck.a t1:0m hla;b 1ehool Hwd. floora, 11.rge win· dowa racing patio, flap:tone fireplace. Large bath tn- cludlnl-tub and stall ahower. $12,000 3 bdrm Home -Costa Mesa SPARKLING NEW. On Broa~way among other lovely homes. Beat hwd. noore and excellent flnlah work thru~ aut. A beautiful family bome at a vt:ry reasonable prtce $11,500 2 bdrm home -$9,000 HAS 1200 SQ. FT. Only 1 yrs. old, Very large rooms. H~d. floor11 , rlrE'ploce, thermostat tumace,. good location. 'fhe house needs com ple~ re-de'toratln_g. Jn clean condi- tion ilJI a $10,M>O to $11 ,000 hoWJe. 1 • BEACON HILL REALTY 466 Newport Blvd. · (above Arches) Ph. Bea. 5713-R BEACH SPECIALS ATTR. ·3 B. R . Home. near Mkt. Trans. & Ocean. ~ rt. Lot. Price right at $71500. Garage. CHANNEL FRONT -Ideal VacaUon Home---Pier &. Float Well Built 3 y::rs. old. Furn. Price $18,1500. OCEAN FRONT. Attr. Redwood Home. 2 B. R. & De11. Tastefully Furn. $12 ,1500. · Also LOT BUYS_ -Several 26 ft. Lots'in Civic Center Dist. CANAL FRONT CORNER, 127'h feet pn water only $4 ,000 C'HOJ C£ OCEAN FROl'i"T CORNER, 30 by 85 only $3 .250 EARL W. STA.NI~E_Y, Realtor 31 13 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach , F'or <lt'.'tails call Ma ry Dickson Harbor 1013 Eves Har. 2092-W NEW LIDO ISLE • $1,200 Down F . H. A. Resale Lovt•Jy 2 bdrm. almost new, nevf'r been lived In . Hw<l ., tile. garage, easy payments of $62 .39 lnclud taxes and insurnn<'e. Full · prlc.:o or $8,500. READY SOON -Bay view. 3 . bdrms, 2" bath, din.. den. Cor- ner fireplace. Forced air heat. bar type kitchen. 2-car garage. Cor. St. to St. lot. Price $22,000. $756 DOWN G. l. DUTCH COLONIAL A ' truly beautiful home. One blk. t o Ocean front, two blks to bay. Fine vie w or ocean and jetty Brand new 3 bdrm home. Over from bedroom. 3 bdrms., l % 1100 sq. ft. CornC"r lot. flagstone baths, untt heat, fireplace, fircplc .. hwd., tile, thermo. ;;r""'""+~ weather Strtpped. gar. disposal. type. We believe Otis Is the Jut Large sun deck, Priced right at individual home that can be pur-$21 ,500. chased at 5 per' cent down. W'f! have sold every G.I . home that we have advertised. so act quick on thi11 one. Full price-- $4,750 FULL PRICE Cute beach house l blk rrom best bathing bea ch. good COfldltion. $4 ,750 furn. ' • i -· . ' -' ·I , ... ,. Nicely styled 'home on at· tra'ctive comer. There are three ~rooms lmd den with two -baths, a modern , kitchen, plenty of tile, fire-- place, good heal and oak - floors: There is a lovely Alpine styled li\(ing room with I open beam ceiling, unpainted mahogany :Wairi. -scote and ample dining als · cove. The exterior finish is . - of snakes and splattered brick decor. Redecoration can make this most colorful land homes. one of the Balboa Is· 15th and Irvine, Ne ! , rt Heights ( Acrosa from High School) , , ~IVE !ON THE HILL Here you pan relax away from congestion and · traffic noit See P,taltna & San Clemente Islan!ls across the ue P~ific. ' We-have 'll , odenl 2 !>ed room hom~, dry wall con· ~onstructjo~, built to last 1000 years. Two inch ·· thick redw.ood siP.ll'g, one inch SQlid mahogany Being sold unfurnished and inside walls, . triple roofing, flagstone w a · l'k s, most reasonably priced at chimney & 1replate-, beatclator. all electric heating $20,()()(Y. :&cookipg: Douhlf_ garage, store room, Laundry room has sbower.f"''_lo!let, concrete & brick retain· J. A, BEEK Office Ing wli.lls .Ii tencea. Select neighborhood opp. park. Balboa Island Ferry F . H. A. lbarl ~-4.Y2 %, balance cash. Price Harbor 63 Balboa fsland $18,500. Mult_iple listing~ &ny realtor. Sel ed b Mui . I Lis . N. B. C. _l -L CO. 3116 Newport Boulevard, ect Y tip e tmg_ ___ . ___ ; ewport Beach. As Outstanding -Buy_ _j_ OF THE WEEK . . . For~al f in Corona del Mar Corn~0c1~~1~! ~O~olla ~!!~~~le Ug g~~~~~ ~~-~~~'. ~~~~~ $3,500 for Both In nice residenUe.l location (just above A rches). Multiple Li11tlng No. 1708 Ask· AbOut This at Any MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR 92c94 6 Units in heart of Balboa $18,000 SMALL DOWN- Long term easy payments at reasonable rate of interest He wan_ts to sell QUICK! Possession at once - Balboa Realty Co. 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 153 93tfc 2 B .R. FURN. HO SEJyhdwd. firs., dbl. gar. $12,000 I I 2 BED RM .. and D , partly furn. house, dbl. gar. South eidej _______ J --------------------------------------------$13,500 ~~t~D~~j !lll~. b , u~fur:: 4_5:f~:. l~t, ~~~-l~ FITZMORR REALTY COMPANY Bleilt d Business Brokers 813 Coast 131vd. Corona del Mar Har. 2 \52 Jbyy-.,f (formerly 1 ' Alniio~ I of , ·507 I \ I Sarah W 'J • a ,· D. BURNHAM ted at 0001 Ocean, Balboa) ces the Opening New Office t Balboa' Blvd. Balboa rbor 1607 ssociates ewlin • LIDO BLDG. SITES Today's Best Buy $11,250 I J s C . Newliri', Jr: Helen McDonald BLACK MALE CoCker Spanit>l. 'T'rajned, thorobred. 6 yrs. otd. Free to gooJ horAt•. Bea. 58-16-W 94c96 II-STORES .. omCES THREE ROOMS CLOSE IN-SAVINGS &: LO/.N ASSfi. Modern, clean, yearly. 305 -34th 1 3333 Via Lido Ph. Har. 1000 St., Newport Beach. 92p94 EASTER RENTAL I MORi!,q!?.!t~ANS 2 bdrm house near ~ach -avall· 2 B.R. & Den M fL bay front choice loc_ $27 ,500 O NAinDEL MAR On lovely com er lot near Newpo<l 30 fL bay front R-3 ---·-··-·. 9,000 C RO • . ti I ! J B h B t Heights. N;ce kitchen. •eparate <5 ft. Inside .......................... 3,000 Home an n ~e -ays ore eau y d;n_ <m. big bay windows. fire· 47 1\i~E:J~;:F··a;-·A.-ssoc~rrer Why Pay Rent? Priced o , Modern home, 2 overaiu bedrooms. plact', pleasant den. 2-car gar. 3 2 N S E • i Large living rm., tlrepl.,,e, din. For the best buy In the area. 11 ewport Blvd., Ha<bor 2M2 G, I, RE AL 2 hd h 1 2 bdrm Full price--rm ome p U8 area and bar kitchen.. This you ~~(i) ' f:P~i' ~ . $9·500 apt over gap~. 1 undry should see or FACTORY' SPACE FOR RENT 630 W . 17th St. ·costa Mesa able •tu June 15 or Eas ter week. FREE INSPECTION. Kl. 3-7778 ALSO S. W . COLEMAN BAYFRONT APT. 2 bdrm, '2·ba.th ~ 'til June 15 by wlc . or m-o. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Har. 2552 I L ARGE rur.n ished 3-rm apt. Pri- vacy. Perteet fo r 2 nlen Or em· 207 'N. Broadway, Santa Ana We Buy and Sell Trust Deeds 68c6f REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 4 Y2 • 5% !JJ ~ 1 l i · t!Vf r.IJ f ri H 1 1 r.r:,~mttL 2 ~n:md:i0~e:a~".:;~~~ \~c?:~ and hobby "l°~! PRICE $1~f'q - Phq µ 1yan , • , , • • k -" • ; ' taxee and lnBurance, • 612 N8.fC""!, J I Linwood Vick, ·Rftr. C Galen Denl·s·on NEAR OCEAN FRONT -Wl\hin Only_ $39.10 month Corona <Jel '11'r 312 Marine Ave. Balboa l81and • a Jew feet of a lovely beach and ._, -o _pen sun£[d1.ay, 1 Phone Harbor 20<2 G. T. Everson· finest Oeean Swimming, Fl9hlng Earl Chamberl~ and Clam Digging too, we ofter REALTOR you this exceptionally flne·prop-500 Coast Blvd., Corona de~ Mar NEW 2 BR Balboa Island 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa erty -An attract ive and com· {Opposite NeWport Harbor Bank) e ~·, Phone Beacon 6243-W rortable 2 bedroom home With Phone Harbor 2288 home on la pan· Special t.oa.ns quJckly m&de ln the Bay 92ttc · w love I ployed couple. Also wish to share my home with reftned per- Phone Harbor 1964 I son. 703 Jumine., Corona del 88c92 I Mar. 9!p94 Area and Lagun'a. Single or Harbor 3157-W ur R,.acon 5458-J fireplace AND a large l bedroom s1ve ocean , • .. .. -r apartment over a 2-car ga' rage. ly pa.nneled li•"ftg 3 bdrm home, cloae to good south multiple units. ~ew or old Be ----------........ b& beach-dbl tl wise and uve by re-flna'l"lng R<;<lwood extorlor. Best con· LOOK THESE OVER Open Sun y,f 1 ~k · garage. I"' o. BUSINESS BLDG. al 634 Coa.•t Balboa lsland peMe. No C:barg-e for prellmi· IN COST A MESA COME and PRJC~ RIGHT at If you'd like to do a llUle tlniah· W~ • Only $5,000 down your pre•ent loan. Minimum ex-$4' 795 structlon. A HOME With I(Y. -See 608 rdld., room. nary appratul. •Phone Santa llD,OOO. tng on your new horqe, you'd Corona "ghla.!1 Full Prlc~ Hlghway, Newport Beach. 3 rms Attractive 2 bdrm mode~n home. parking ln rear. Suitable for real est at e, accountant, dentlst, lawyer. barbe:r or beauty shop. Oorist, etc. Call Beacon 5044-W. Ana Klmberly S-M27 'ar wnte: 2 bdrms .. liv. rm .. din. rm .. bath AND around ,.the comer on the love this 3 bdrm. peninabla llomei $13,250 93c96 U-WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT House, might buy-? Write Box B-1 , this paper . 92p94 •S-A-TRAILER SPACE LARGE SPACE in beautltul trail· er court. also small traJler ror rent. $22.50 mo. 1741 Pomona, Fireplace, unrurn., t>xcept Ben- dix washer. $125 mo. by the year Linwood Vick, Rltr. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 2<M2 4--ROOM house, unturnished on Newport Blvd., near bus sJ.op. $50 mo. Ph. Beacon 5713-R. 4.66 Newport Blvd., Above Arches. 92c94 ARTHUR • MAY kitchen. All roo01$ are large and Half blk to bay ·and near ~ n... OCEAN FRONT this dellghtfu, a--.. Ltatlng1 Wanted A Renta!B ~ garage and small house. Solid 2 B. R . redwood home offe•s a swimming beach. Beautiful brtek . t I Mortgage Loan COn"e8ponuent con11tructlon from foundation to • fl la ttracti ba kit h • Two Calif. Llfe ln•. Co.'~ <oot. Brmg $1 ,295 and move 1n. magnificent· view and P 1 a Y inreJrc~e;.:00.. ve r c en Ernie Sm.i , R altor Stanley Hadfield 1414 South Main Sant.&•[An11 IT WON:T LAST LONG. ground!1 Very finest of construe-$ 500 ,1205 Cou.t Btwa. · COto~ d«!l Mar 216 Marine, Balboa lsland !BL 20 / ·tion, clever use of colors a.nd 13, 26'7 57-REAL ESTAT!l WANTljD SEE . . . wood paneUlng on Interior. Cop· Phone bor ' ' F .. S l ' b 0 .-1 • JOE CALI:.! . per piping thruout. ln•Ulated, Completely fUmlahed attractive 2 1· . or a e .y wner Cash for G. I. Homes L;c_ Real Estate Broker flreplace with heatolator. Many bedroom home. Tiled stall ahOW· Joe" Says': LIOO'ISLl!l HO)IE, 45 toot lot. i ~ other tntereatlng' feature11 ~at er, dlspoaal, large · double gar. bedl'ooDll, ftreplace. wallfid .... .-kl . 2822 NewpOrt Blvd .. Newport• Bch. ... +. ,.... \\'"'ill consider othen with A· ft· you mwh.. aee for yourself. with room for laundry. only "It you have. aeU rent-bar. becuo, double __ ,_ Phone Harbor 2248-J T A.11 ... _1_ •--·- nanctng. Ph_ ~ H~OOr 218~ Evenings 'til 8 p. m. &4d6 s:t~~ {i:.,O'OO~be<l -A Real ~e:o~~e '!':tli 8;!i ~:.£=: · :':": ::::~ .. ·~t &DIS qtve ft '-$lg, 750 \-------------I I er must leave area. ' Ava.Uable at ~ , FURNISHED :!--rm. apL. $40 mo. W,,ANT-2 or 3 bdr'J'. turn. o~ un-BIUl:l'.TRTAKINO! TlWI •6" W '1114 000 , Phone cn..etTlew H7 ... Adwt.a. No peta. Available, Apr. "tum. house, irood 1ocatlon. ~Jose Onfy a FEw_ . to<jt lot]~ an _UNSURPASS-!I' ' .or Harbor 11562 ls:t. 1876 Fullerton Ave., Costa in near bay. Reasonable. · 1· =OCEA~ A BAY Y_IEW. Sit-Lie. Real • M Ph. aeaco 613&-M 94 96 boa or Bal. Jal. PhJ>ne SY.•· 126. , Sites LEFT on <l:ttt J?<lv.e tri Newport Four bedroom home •""* from 2822 Ntwport B Costa Mean. Beacon 67t7-J 89tf r esa. ' n . c . .Mr& Schaupp, 1741 Pa.!oma St., bU. Pr;iced below iM&rket bay -ytew from upper aun ~ c RENTALS Pua<iona 7. cant. 3 The finest in large to~ q\llcl< ale at $4200.. , d'l"k· Knottty pine l!>tertor. Yd. . Balooa .Island DON'T DELAY. CALL TODAY JOHN D. BURNHAM Listings .-\fante o .cietan view lh ok: e ~ ~!'~~ .~o~1::: comp'Ma.k:D!rer • TWO GooD BJJYS . : . for "" ad In the Uv<ly cl:ullli-507 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Bollft cia.. Summer ~n 8 e ·s over 00 g 0"' B&IOO&, Polat_ In beat ~I-' 3 BR .Mo" dern $17 ~· fled section of the _ Harbor 1807• . ., mo THRU-. 94c96 Jo~ b. B~ NeWJ><?rt Harl)or. ~~t1a1u":l::u!B·:-.;::,:gTOOjn1cm ~=-':'tti-ac1;. ;!i:.,~ 8":;!.. ~ ·';it ,_ a~ to a.y anc1 8""Pf~ NeW11-Ttml!a, P o8t Shopplnc Newo 607 It. BAI.BOA BLVD. Private Beach • PA\10. ~ 2..:U ~--Tb~ PW-._~ -lllce.p&tlo-!Alfltui. ~'!-... w. 'oyt' t. H-;$,,,,_ ! ooo" ·and the Preu YlllARLY~ttnctlve 1 bdrm. tur. . BARBOR 600 Fully improved wonl 't -I I, ong. <>ni,-j 0 ~,,000. ideal f~. ~e, _ .--. (()w,ner ~ ~ _ Ome "'f-1 OVER 2ili5: ~=-TION IS . :::i:1-:,.~~~'\.= ' -N? D~ta south Coast ~iy Bay ~ Beach, Realty at 1116 _...,. ... .r~' ~~~- Phone H..-.. 1111& todaJ' and ...ac YEARLY to &dult.>-a bdrm., 2 b&. 1111~-a&&L~~:.!El!l!!JT~&~nj~·~-~-~~G~E """'""'~ ,.__.le LloUnc Real~ GladOa h7 · INlol ...-r .-----:,..,--.-t-:-.._-r---.-.. u..u. G"'-'-ltMJ, . m!tat.e for the ad-talcer. ' -bO--lov.11 ,;. Ter;ma available 302_1Caln l stJ. Ba\moa; HU-. l,460• Bal-Ill""-?-la. "--.. ~ ~ ~ Oorona *i'ibi-. ttc96 ~ trade ""?811 pome, cl~, • ' ~ · f ":'"' PaV'.u.;-".' • • • ~ • LOOK fl' <i 7 -tloiL . ~ OIOI -• ---~--~-----' 1 --2.._ ---tlio A>o-• ' '"odel Ho--to show ~ · ' --~•-rtne An., -- Lido •Iale-lor oeean nt · , COGJILANpsRONA ' POI\ BALI: OR uusm, 1-. a. a B. R. I i.. •. jp. ._ -.,._. '. t& POOW .-m:x toiu'i•••·~-J'09JI .With ... • Pal9" +. ....... ....,. fJ.I ... ? tDo,C..1 •del-- 1 p. m. -':fdl t • s.1bo&. _. m ...._~-.-..,... --·---~ . B&il>Oa ~-. t . -;;idisil.OOI 11111 ptce .... -~-------o;.t;p; Y , .ftACJ' OliiC& .-:• ta •1111111 4-.c MaaMt 1m -.-oa a~ y 'w.....;-.J ·-JL--. ...... ...,. \'" ..... . ~to ... _..~ ---~ =it,f'dell~~ 8'!~.~ • .,..., .... 0.-::::.::::.~·o.=;..,. llS M•±n A•oft.~-~~$: I 1 •,, 1 . . 1 --..-~-"":"' ~ 111o .,._ ... ' ', _ , •• -' nelli · , ......:. e I ( I • ~ ... r • • ' -. t • I J • . ----.. ·_ . ------- --~ -. - - - -. - - - - --... _ - ------__ ._.,. __ • .. • • • .. \ P~e 8 • NfWP()RT-IALIOA ~EWS-TIMES • . ;<{· .. . • Drainage · District Elects Directors One of lhe most unnoticed r lec- tlons to public off1Cf' is namine: of drainage -district directors, yet the annua.J otjt'anization of .Oranef" county's board!! last week recalled the great changes that have taken pla ce sinct" the state legl!!lature authorizt>d them in 1909. T heir function has changed con- siderably, since the over-abund- ance o~ water in the early day;<; forced ranchers to band together t o provide drainage ditchel!I. Gradually water tables~ve dropped and pumping ha.8 lncreaa- ed but drainage prtiblems continue, especially in the Mulhern and western areas. Subdivisions and highways have complicated the picture. ' A feature of the districts is that many directors, serve long period.!!!,. unsung and unpublicized. Election of orflccrs found familia r faces starting new four-y ea r terms. f he longf'st service ls credited to Mac 0 . Robins, Sn nta Ana In· surance man who became 11ecre.. t.ary of the Delhi Drainage Di.e- trict shortly after it organized 42 years a go. Jie also hC'lped organ- ize and ha.!I be en sl.'cretary of the Newport cli.stri~ since its found- ing In 1910. F. c. Mathews Is again presi- dent of lhe Delhi District with Harvey Bc-ar and William B:a by- lon as directors. - William 0 . Segerstrom was re- elected president of the Newport Bo1'rrt with Rnbb!JUJ as secretary and Vincent Borchar:d a.nd Eugene Grisel u directors. ALAN J . LOWR EY, P res., S. F. Chamber of Commrrce -''The turn ha.s been made and the road is clear -It's American initia tive and ,. spirit againat the fnsidiou.e fon::es df Commuµism. ·· ' , .. 1 ~eed Volunt ·For Ward w Auxiliary Told OLD MISSION (Cuntlnued from Pace Z) A year passed before the t.uk aga in was under taken. Thls time it wa.s F ather Ser ra, himsell, who officiated at fOU,!1-dlng ceremonies. Arriving at the site chosen the yPat before, he found t he crosa still standing . H e dug up the bells which had been burled,~ repaired lhe r a mada..s { rudC'ly built h ut!!I) and then procet'dcd.. w ith all solemnity, to found th is. the Sf'Vtnlh mls.!lion, on November 1, 1776. S ot a M on&stf'g The establishment wu not a monastery, as many suppos<', but was headquar ters fo r t eaching the Indians useful Industry and the Christia n religion. A glance over the mls!:lon will l!lhoW how admir- ably it was planned. In addit ion to the church for in11truction and worsh ip, the living roolllll fo r th·e padres a nd guest rooms, t he re were storehouses for provisions a nd .!!!hope for the va rious c rafts . Outside the mission, In the town of Sa n J uan Capistrano, we met John Y(. Kersey, dubbed by his friends t he "Mayor of Capll!ltrano." K ersey, as a young actor, had traveled In many countries of the world, but said he alWS y! dreamed of Capi.!!ltrano u the place where some day he w ould retire. And, fina lly. he did. Home Damaged by Children Chl ldren were lx'lievetl re11ponsi· hie for damages lo the interior of the home of Mra. Fred J. Stevens. 120 Coral Ave .. Balboa Is land, po'· lice said W ednesday . DWtin«fuahed p eats, a z e I !Joket and Marian MatheWI, 111poke on hQ1pttal plans and ace p11-h- menta of µ,e org&.ftl&atlon day night, March 12th at the gular. k1ineu meeUn« or the N rt Harbor American Legion uxUl- aey. Mra. Rokes, 21at Dlatrtc1 hoe· pttal chairman, told 9f the great need few volunteen to do ~ial .ervlce work for • ~e paraplegic ward at Lone BU.ch h°'1)ltal. That la the ward aaalg11ed tolUnltai ln the 21st DJ1trlct. and wfll re- quire at lea.St f-0ur workere a day. Newport Barbor U nit has \ been t entatlwly &a11lgned to Tu ~ays. Mn. Mathewa, Deparlmen H is- torian, gave the highlights f her 27 years of memberehlp In t e or- ganization. encompassing ~an y hours of hospital work whlcI pro- vided aome of her happle mo- menta. Mesdamea Velora O'T 1 ft\ba , Adrian J oyner, and Mildred ~nds volunteered for hoillp ltal wor k for Tueaday, March 13th. Two pto3pect lve membera, Mes- damea Fanny Reeves and Ida Zed aker were given a pplications for me mbership, to be vot ed In at the next meeting. A Norwe(ian Orange cake baked by Mrs, J oyner on behall of the Leglon Awcillary, won !Je'C· ond place in lhe cake contest held a t Richard'• Lido l.larket, repor ted President Dareen U peon . At the close of t he meet i11g. re· freahments were 8'\rVed b.Y hos· teases Ve lora O'Trcmba an d Blanche Benz.. Mesa Residents Must Pay For PaYinCJ • Reeidenl.8 of Mesa Dr., in Co8tn Men. who want their str eet paved will have to contribute to t he cost . the board or supervi1'Dr1 hu tul· ed. • A group Ot property ownf'rs. headro by B. O . Bracey. orchid grower. ttad noted that a number of expen.slve retldence11 have been buUt along the 1treet .\n r ecent months and had ukeod the fOj.lnty to pave It so they could ga,in ac- ceu. Supervisors and Highway Stipt. Harold Sprenger conceded t he l!ltreet 1hould be paved, but said propPrty owners shou1d p~y for t he work. TWO MZN: FJNl:D Charle« M. Plck'ertng, 23. Nf'W- port Beach, and Dwight P . P hlJ- ll pa. 27, San Marino, were arrestert Wednuday (n Newport Bea.ch and broug ht back to Laguna Beach to plead rutlty to a petty thrrt ch'-rge. In the ea rly hour! iof the morning th~y had taken a bus stop Sign and a .stop sign from fl downtown Laguna Beach street. They were fined $2~ in ..Judge C. C. Cravat.h's court. • A defective fl oor tumace In thr Be'n W. Gochenour home. 202 E. St. Gert rude Pl., Sa nta Ana, caueed minor damage In t ho houtJe Friday, a ccording to t he fire de- partment. When &n. attempt was rTiade to light the pilot Ugh(, dust t hat hncl a c<.'Umul&ted ln the furanca lgnit· ed. Owner of the houae la Rev. Her· bert Roth, '11027 Clllf Dr., Newport Beach. • Flour was lhroWTI all over in the ho\l.lte and eome WU m ixed D" I ed y th w ith water as pa.at..c and thrown ISP ac OU about, police reported. Th•re were cootp.-inu. ot ... a11 chlld«n in the .f Attend Q(( flour, A screen on & south~ut ~· o 1oom wtndow was cut and t he win· dow oj>f'ncd lo gain en try, police added. A youth from a DlspJactd Per· eons' Ca.mp In Germany will a t- tend Orange Coa&t College next yea r under spoM or&hlp of the OCC Student Council , reports F riW Hu- ber, dean of men and a.dvlser to the .etudent governing body. Fina l plaN1 were approvW In a meeting held March 8. The junior college will work in conjunc tion wltb the World S tu- dent Service Fund, a sub-q>mmtt- tee operating under World ~tudent Rellet. In order to par ticipate In tbia international educatloqal pro- gram tbe Orange Coast Student Counc il had to guara11 tee the for- eign student adequate boualng &nd a ae'f-wpportlng job for a !year. OCC Council will a lao ~inane,. the sl\Jdftlt'a tranaportat lo'1 from the U. s , _port of entry to Costa Mes.a.. alt:boogh th• fare from Europe to the United Sta~N wtll be bome by the Int atlonal Retugeo Organl&atlon. ~v~ta Fall The D . P . atudent will a ive by September; &Dd wU) enroll for the r.i-1 aeme•ter. He wtll be ' youth .elected tmrn a lar&e up ot German yout!w who were-placed undtt .uperYl.icft ~ D. P campo d!lrtng World War iL "Replar atudeat will not be uood t.o ptoSrUl." llatel DMn -Coaacll '""" ·-. .......-t--.. .... ,_ loe Otl"OJocto "1 wbldl C&J\ •. ,. 1 ·.·I'd.Like, ro Know .. : You ~yhavoi-rd I.hat .... 1 .... !Mien llo!d ·b1 Iba Aatitrmt D b;.;,.. ID Wubinctoa lo~ up StaManl olQaUIGmlau. '..U u. OU-Wool Coaat ·oiJ comP:anlN. Maay -pl• havo .nit. ten ua proteatiaa tbia ... action. have ukad s-r· tinent queitionL We be- lieve tbeH qu.Htion1 lhou1d be anaweed for everyone. We tab thia way of doiq ao. U 7ou bava a qUMtion, write: .. l'o Ll'l:a TOK.Mow•• 226 BuahStnot, San Franci>co 20 ' ' • . . . __..,. I • •. I . ' eartl ... DK I 1111'1 tunde spcm-L • • l -tllelr 'a41!P181' -l." ; ,_. The • "' ~ Will -• . - ' PllANIUE~ ... .i-t -~of 1-Cd\~ ..... •"""' '« khs ~at ':M C11nnt ... Haw ,Y"91 qo. wtl 1Mke a lt1p!'dal .D'Jtw. Week~ U Ute lkrt a\W a.a- > 1'.Mlll ta ... an '• M'• di tl. Zit II Mlll~H. I.MM w:a ._ W. tw- • -"lllule .,....... "(lrJ ·., ... -:-- -wMoio ............ ,.. -.;.. . ' ... ~· ,,_ .... . ···- lie u Aerll -April • ;._;r~-:;.s. Ji seomlEDt. Y liE· I . . : . . -~ --. ' , . , r . " , . • , • . . ,,. ...\ -. • ' I . J • { W. now 9el'Ve this area well. To Go the job Standard needed all its size, integrat-ed P.ille and capital. . oil bus ness?'' ority in U. S. feela big companieo shoWd be broken lip-though theoe companiM ha~e be! keep the nation otrong. The U.S. wo thankful £ r big companieo in the last two world w$ . . . is .no.V, ii> theoe critical times. Thia is ii big co try with big problems. To meet them .it needs lar and Bmall companieo. We'll continue do~ a g b!g job for you and the nation. STANDARD OIL COM NY OF CALIFORNIA \ • • plans all(ead to Hrv• you better I I • • . . ·~~· .. ' . . , I I I .. . . , 1 ' • ' ' I ' . , A little button tMt brings I • ~miles to f ar.u of di.saster • . • I A little buttoo that speIL. hope wh.m hope has been ahandon.ed • A little bJdlon ,that riilgs the bdl of•TTID'cy for so rilany • • • :.4 little buUoB that Wn.o. I . you ~ a big Mtlnl • , ·JJ.J ·t I '. '/ • ' i I ., - '