HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-27 - Newport Balboa News TimesI • -----------' I ; t.:£APFROOGER MARTHA" WJ;JSS dUpla.ra plt>1lty Or action andt drl,·e as she hurdle-a. lllllillnl' Mlckry Winckler. BoUt. ctrl• are-from Maywood and WPtt t'"O of the many beauUes "ho ~ Newport Harbor beache. Eutf'r Week.· {News-Times Photo) PEEPERS .,.-U..,!"I< tJ10 many rM1 Dfe a&tracUou oo tl1~ bellcheo la tile Hatbor lrfla eoGle ef Ute Euter Wet!!k visitors found the peep sbowa la tile Fun Zoae li'rffilltl~ s.bown above ari Utree lnte.rnted vtewen. We tld.nk dlle fellow '8 i-. n1'ddle f,ut In the dime. \. (NeW!-llmefi! Photo) Sea Scout Funds Via Paper Drive A paper dr ive lo obtain tunde for motor work on the Ranger. Newport Harbor Bea Scout ship. Is being conducted byit members of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis club, sponaora of the ship.' ' A motor b&ock anC" p&rt.9 pave be<n lurn'""""<lll"~ U. &. Na.V)' a.nd other pa.rt.a furnlahed trele by the n1anufe.ctuttra ot the diesel, Dr. Vernon Koepsel, Sea' Scout committee chairman, said ye;:iter- day. The expeTIBe of installation was greater th&n funds available and the paper drive Is scheduled lo pay for the work. The drive will continue through April 7 under the chalrmansh!p o( Robert Reed. The Lido . theatre will furniah passe11 to any chil- dren bringing In •lacks ot news- papt'rs 50 inches high any time up to April 7, Vi ctor _ Weathers. a member ot t he special committee, ex·plalned. Sea Scout.I and Kfwan- tans wlll be making howk-to- houae visits to pick up paper. he added. P laces Hsted by Weathers "fhere papers may be left included I Les- ter and Co., 515 E . Boal Blvd., Balboa: Blower'a Village M~rket, Washington St. and E. B&lboa Blvd., Balboa; .Tide TV, 3011 New- port Blvd., Newport Beach 1 and the veterinary boap1tal. 1006 Cat. Highway, Corona del Mar: • Oooldealal llloe Qlub Mareb SO, (Friday), 8 p. m... M•h tch~L j • • , • . ' .. • 43rd YEAR-NUMBER. 13 ' ' • • . , . • • • I • -I Civic leaguers MESAN, 50, DIE$ Vote Offic~ WHJLE CROSSING. of~rs t~':~. r:;:~::~ -::~d:: NEW' PORT BLVD ar the meeting ot lhe recently· ore-anlud Wort1'en 'e Civic Uague, ·J ' • B&!boa Island and Corona del Heavy tratflc on Newport bou· Mar branch, at Rapn's Realau· levard at Costa Mesa wu report· rant. 9 :30 a.m. edl lb · S y contr utlng cause or the pe&ker, Mra. T. A. McCandlesa, chairman ot the Whittler Recrea-death ot a. Costa Mesa man, Oyde tlon COmm.iselon, wa.e to dtacu.ss O. En1ott, 50, ot 865 Weal 17th the Whittler system. Thia subject street at 9 p. m. Saturday eve· Ls of interest to the Women·• nin~. League because the city council Ls StJ.te highway patrolmen stated preparing to appoint a parks' and r-ecreatlon commluion' for the city Mr. Elliott had left a Newport boulevard care and wu walking ot Newport Beach. diagonally a croU the highway Final plafts will be made for near 18th ~tr~l when he wu ~:e ::;ns:::lnb~ ~~er:~:~~·~ 11truck and killed Instantly by a League April ~. at City Hall. car dr~ven by William P . Rosacker. Speaker will be Mrs. Rollin Brown, ~. of 203 -29th street, Newport Beach. ' · .slate o(rlcer in the PT A and cha.irm&n or the state recreation commission. Mesaa Escapes Red Ambush Try Army Pfc. William D. Hinds, 1929'h Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, escaped unscathed Thursday fJom a Communist ambush leas than three mllbs from the 38th raral- lel on the Korean War tront1 ac- cording to a dispatch by William C. Barnard, Assbclated Press cor- respondent. Hinds wu one ot severe.I Army engjn~rs ~alklng ahe&d of an American. tank -Infantry patrol hunting for mines when the unit walked into the Chinese Red trap along the Pukhe.n River, north· west of Chunchon. .. Break Out The Americana broke out ot the am~uah with the aid of ·tank!! and artillery fire. Some ot lhe patrol were wounded. Tank.a car- ried the tnfantrymen and tbe en· gtneers, lnc1Ud1ng lhe wounded, back to Chunchon. According to Barnard'• report, the tanks were moving up one Bide Of the river and the infantry up the oppoait~ side when the Chinese Reds opened fire from well-oncealed positions on high ground with machine gtlns, rifles and mortars. The Reds hit all •Ides or the patrol. The foot eo1diers scre.mbled a cr088 the river under the heavy barr&ge while the tanks poured shelta Into the concealed Chlneae emplacemen ts. The men climbed on the tanks and were moved back to Chunchon. GIVE NOW! TO THE RED CROSS NEW RESIDENTS Mr•. Annette Lee Smith a.nd small son, Bobble, aie cueat,s ot their cousin, 'Mra. Roy Kffne. Balboa. Mrs. Smith, recently wi- dowed,. Yialled here eeveral yean ago and lnteiids to make her home here. Her brother, Billy WUllams, drove her here and baa been guest' of the Keenes. Rosacker tOld officerl!I· an Un· ldentlned car swerved In front of his mac hine and In at,emptlng to avoid it, he .struc k the pedestrian. Cycle CraAh At 1 :20 p. m. on Saturday Re.wlelgh Smith, 8200 Stradella, Lo.s Angeles, received f.11 Injured. right leg and right hand when h~ motorcycle went into a slide 1.8 'he attempted to pass a car on Cout Hlgt\way west of Crysta.I Cove. The motorcycle s truck the rear o( a car driven by James Melvin Barlow, U. S . M. C., Ca.nip Pendle- ton. Newport police were called, and after the injured man was treated by a p8.88ing physician, he W8.8 sent to Community hospital. At 11 a . l'n. Sunday three cars traveling eut on Coast· Highway collided wh,~ the first one stopped for one in front to make a left turn. The two head cars •. driven by James S. Shanley, 29lt2 South Robertaon, Los Angeles and Cleve· land Motley, Jr. ·of 121 M.oonatone, Manhattan Beach were damaged .ugi.uy but drove away undar thell' own power. Third, driven by Emeat Edward Jonea, 3160 San Pierre Drive,· El Monte, autte:red exten.eive damage to the front end and was towed away. Head lnJuri~ Charles E . Allioon, 321 Sapphire Balboa Island received scalp lacer- ations when he waa 11truck and knocked doWn at 11 :10 a. m. Sun, day morning when a car and bbat trailer pulled Into the alley. The car was driven by tR. M . Taylor, 3701 Ocean Front, Ve nice. Allison, who wu w1tb Marvin Headrick ot San F t rnando, re· ceived treatment and wu taken to st. Joseph hospi tal. BUI WINO DAMAGES Extensive damage resulted to the Harbor lnveatme1nt Co. buJld· l.ng 'at 30th St. and Newport Blvd .. at 9:58 last-Friday night when It wu struck by a car, Newport po· lice sard Saturday moinlng, Da.td Eugene CrockeU, 19, Loi. POLICE REPORT QUIETER EAST·ER-WEEK IN AREA ,_ Angeles. traveling eut on New- port Blvd., took hts eyes off th~ rol\d fo r a moment ahd failed to negotiate a small curve at the ln- ttersectton, police reported. HUI car crashed Into steel poat bold· lng up a. portion of the roof. Crockett suffered a cut Up but wu able to drt•e hls car away ~tr ita OWJl power. He waa not M08t or the Easter Week ac· tivity on the part or Southern California's youn~r citizerui: ha.s P.a.ssed and fortunately the mis-- ch"lct wu con...lderatily leu than previous years. year &~cording to police. . I drlverl wait sup~ to be a worn· We took ofr in car 201 at 9 P· I an ~wi~h three chJldten in the car. m. with Captain Wait Dyson dri\•-We returned to the atatlqn at Ing. Also in the ca.r w~re a Marine 9:50 p. m. Chen went out ag&in at Shore Patrolman and a local re-' serve· officer, Frank Gla..s,er. 10:o:5 in Car 203 with Officfr L. the week As we were driving toward Bal· V. Cornecl and re.erve officer Blll • I The real tragedy of takes place every evening at the boa where most or the tro.uble Foot e. They had .JJ.Ult arrested a Newport Bea.ch . police station uauaJly Is centered Dyson said .he very drunk 16-yea!\old boy lfrom when the shocked parenUr: come to I thought Balboa Island was the big-Paia.dena llnd had a bard I tlnie get their a.shamed children who gue111t bead.ache this year with the over the phone ooravinclngl th~ committed some crime -usua.Jly penin.ula jmt not( as loaded with parenta It was there eon. dr inking or fighting -~cl take va.cationtng high sch ool and col-· t.aiuna ~ble the teen-agers home.. lege students as before. H ,, ' 1 "_ • · · card a · call ,.1om the .._guna. Police seldom book ~e j.uve-Once again the cars took to t he police sending a * to ere8cent nllu ror the minor law vtola.t1ons. a.1 1ey11 ~ we nf.>ared Balboa and bea h where boy1I 1 w ere tep figuring th.at calling tbeir par-did a very thorough job of watch-dO~ th life guard tower fo fire· enla and having them come 30 or Ing for eranksters, wild parties or wOCKI ~eel .aid Laguna wu fO miles ·to get the ·1·oungaters ls youths with liquor .. P~ Officer \ ~·catc.hitig hell" thll year:. enough punlshmenL Ed.Bates in the Pt>l1ce Jeep a.nd he .Passed a YOUJ\S ~COUple k1aatnc Jt's not a ~ieasa.nt job for the wu quite unhappy about driving I in a puked ca:f. FOote tlf:ahed otflcera to call the parenta tn Mon-llJ"l?Ulld in the open car on the cool ·the light on them Ud they ~~ rovia • or El Monte, inform them nlghL broke the embt.:ce. ~ "How l- Drove down the ~ean frent sidewalk and suddenly came up· on a couple 8t&nd.41lg in the middle of the wa11c: kl.satng. Our ltghta atart- led them and they walked abeep:- 1.shJy away, the girl's blUah even vt.sible in the light of the bead- lighta. Seemed to be more ro- mancers th1a year than la.st. B&C'k to the elation. 'Picked up officera 8tockdalfi and Chand-, they bad both been 1n the police car ~t rolled over the night before but were unburt-and took them w Dalbo&. Dropped them ott and plcked'up Det. Sgt. McManlgaJ and another reaerve offtcer. hel~ · FOOTBALLER Jalnea V. Bonda, 21 . Newport Beach, baa turned out for spring football practice a.t the Colorado School ot Mines. The 168-pounder will . play ind poel.t~Q(l· Young Bonds ,a senior in metal mining, is the 110n of l4r. and Mn. Mwa.rd K . Bonda, 1828 W eat Bal- boa boulevard. He Wu acUve with the 1950 football .quad. quite saturated with liquor at lbe crowd at tl'le ~desvoua to eee . Cant were lined uf. 09 A,ve.. that .Johnny (juat t·umed 17) ia Daace Crowd tarY," commen~ 0omec~ Saw a coupe with three youU.. nam:rwly mJ.sa a parked car and1 we stoppe4_ them on the pen1nau1a. to .aee it they were intoxk:ated.I They were cold 80ber and thel driver hid merely re&aed.down ~ ad.juat the beater ~d almost hlJ tbe car. ' ' ' sobbing mot.lier to come Unntedi-Dyaon commenting on recent , Ave. waiting to . th~ bOat Newport muon and aak ~\.n~ ·rranJd.e Lalne seemed slim and from the ferry~g to Bay at.ely and get Johnny who ia a very rowdy crowda lbere,, ·wiahed t.My and on.e l"U ex -lnto ln- Then McMaqlpi rec.I~ radio coll l<J f>bon• tile alatloa-H•1 c11d horn 111. Bala PaVIUoa said 'be ebould retum to ui. • aick boy. Parents \l8Ually expttu coo.kl get ha<* to ·th~ old di.ya tenect:lon. J'oote~ed th~pi to complete dLlbellef M. first saying wben dancers had to· We&r & tie move and not . the 'tnf1NeC-Uon 90 be could get more lntprma their boy or Clr1 would n,ever do and a coat or .w~ater before be-Uorl and the' ' '"they tfould. Uon on • cue. Oil .the · .. -t..r''!""!ll such ... thing, Th•n. ~Ibey !!S In&' ·o.lloW"(I Im • But t11e7 didn't eo u. ottleet-l'Ol P'l••d ottlcent -uct ~ topvlnced It la ~ they~ J'ollowed ·a ·euwown ;,_, wtt{l out of the car Wiili ldl U!bOclit =~~.,._ coldT!ley l&ld tlM)> - eltller very ""lJtl'-=-w!tll ~ no Jipt:a· and .be ataQed ju.ot be-anll the bo)'ll In ~,-Oftd -"-•~ to ·-~ ~; yaunpter or wttb New.,.., ~-lbe """'"1 ..., ,_ lilm. b\ a bwry. l,'b'f ~ l>ook ----._ a m ' pollce for &ml!ltlnC" • Bia ll&tlA!ey "lu. 9ut and. be'WU -.. Al4 Cor:i*lt 1 , warmu .. patnii car. 9o °"""fl .... ,.ie.,: ~· ' ' b71nS IA!.~ BalliOa'par~ . Saw '.lliree ~ M ~ . .oi. -.-Ille <y, °"" ~ . _ Aplntbla,_.llle,,..~;lot. ~be -,_ en~ lhelr--wtlllallottlO:·We and we ,~tln-... 1" ~~ e<lltor -~ ad ~ rttJq ID a Ille Ari!ly, the you(h 'oald; Uld Ille lbe lialll ,oa -..... IMy" It lloll. ' , . . patipl car witll u.. lff~ po-oinc;.rw 'let'blnl·I'! with a wam· up. 'it -....., ~ -,.... · , . .,.._, bull!, Hcetu-,pta,·11nt.--~-'Ofiq' .. ..., • · • • dlda"l ~" ~1 ~ '1')14' .Tllenf_.,.,.,,_= u.. ~aeuon..~,ntpt • oan came tor'all Can. to.,..Wi ....,.i. • .,.... ..,._...,.. 11at 1a-o1u.~..,..ua -~ and It -out to fO!j .-••llOJ• beadiq toward N.W· Coi:lleJ' Aid ·-.,..,-""'° taat lioa W, -..... _, - ·1oe ~_iroutlne • It -. ~ ~ ~ liaiboa. J'!I• ll02 (dnuak. !oola ua ~ tocil --• ~owns I .,. .._ t> ~ .. •• ,, • • r ' j •• FIVE CENTS J. BE~K~S BOOK Mesa Mother Says 'Not _Guilty'. AWARDED PRIZE Mrs. Cordelia Esther Green, 23-year·old molber, plraded not guilty to a charge that, she murdered her' three-month-old daughter by twalT Ing, Friday. The ca.st was not ~t foi-tria l. however, as Public 0 1:.'fcnder N . D . Meyer attcmPted lo obtain medical men to testify in th~ won1w1 ·s ---------------<'>lbeha!r. He indicated he would ask Joseph AllCn Beek, <110 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island, secretary of the Senst~. State or California, for his booklet on American Privileges and Responsibilities. ha& been pre-Pl D. t sented With • gold honor niedaI·by I ay. irec ors General· Omar N . Bt adley in the the board or. supervisors to pro- vide funds for. the purpose if th(· court could not order such ent- ployment. Bal&nce of M'ni. Gre<'n's a.rre.igrim('.nt was continued to n<•Xl Frid-aY l;Jy Superior .Judge Ken~ ne lh E . Morrison. second annual Freedoms Founda-f M k lion awards at Valley Forge. or esa Par In the presentation of awards. Mr. Beek's booklet was amqng JOE BEEK tho~ cited for 'being one ~t We •·out;°~ding contrtbutiona to free-dom'~ In 1950. Tbe booklet serves u a.n exCel· lent luide-bOok to our Constitution for e~' eryone, and with title "18 the FlaK Worth Flgbtlng F or? Let's Find 4 t ," la alao moet helpful1 to the uninformed and doubtful. M,~ Buys Boltkt; E~rs Up in Jug Ne~rt Beach police early Wed~csday morning arre~ted a Sacri!mento resider;it en a charge or pqrchasing alcoholic beverages for rhinors. He was James Riley Eve an, .25. Ev rman was arrested on ·Bal- boa land ab<!iit 2 a .m., police aa.ld. He was later released on $250 nd., He wu apprehended an;:;, ar-: reste after police picked up' a 18-y -old, Loa Angele• boy who_ inkJng . an alcoholic bever- e youth toki police Ever- had purchued some Vodka Supervisor Heinz Kaiser said MoUon · R~jef't.ed la.st week that th(' Costa Mesa Dep. Dist. Alty. Robert Knee- Park a.nd Recreation District Will land won another stage In lhe pre- employ two playground directors limlnary legal sparring as the for the community's organized I court rejected Meyer's motion ror recreatlo? PF_OJrl.n. , dismlasa.J. of t}\e cue on gTpund. He: A.Jd that the jdiatrict ha.al there wu "no probabie cauae'' to $1500 for paying the help and that' CorineCt Mnc'O~!f"Wtth the death the recreation ·dJrectOr and hl.s as-· of her child F eb. D. - siatant wlll soon be named. Meyer contended the child could Aiding them will be 12 volun-have suffered a fractured skull teer workers. pOw taking training In a fall from a couch t.n Mrs. in physical education courses at Green'& Costa Mesa home. tie Coast college near here. They a.re claimed testimony by Dr %; Rav- thus preparing Jor the three-mond Brandt, autopsy surgeon. did month summer vacaUon when not show the blows on the head full schedules ot organized play by the mother were responsible for programs will be arra.n.ged for the thP fracture· a nd 1·esulttng brain park. hemorrhage. At the same time, IC.alser dis-closed that the county \\111 divert Kneela.nd. ;however, WBS Upheld . by the court as the judge noted: $500, earmarked lor 1Jid ewalks and. "th d f d t d · t other tn1prOvef11ent.s. and U8t' it e e en an a m1t ed s he tor purchase Qf add!u onal park struck the chlld with her fi st . and playgroUnd ~uipmenl. Evidently she did some dan1age ... · .ln-ly Plea . . ' Sl50,~ Damages Asked1 by .Couple Damages of more tha.n $150,- 000 were demanded in superlOr court Frkla.J by a couple who were Injured in ~ autemobUe collision AprlJ 3, 19 oil the Coast Hagh· way ,near arine Dr., Newport Beach. ! · Meyer lndiCated he would rely on a claim of .. unconsciousness or tempo~ary inaanity," aa. he asked the court to wpotnt two psychia- trisU! to exam.lne Mrs. Green. The court, however, said be did not be- lieve such appointment could be - made unle88 a plea of "not guil ty by reason of inaanity•• were enter· ed for h~r. Meyer said he also needed "etK- J)ert medical testln1ony' lo provide a ''proper defense:· The court said authorization would have to come from the board or supervisors for such expenditure. Leo _K. ;·Pihllipson ask('d for $75.000 gen ral damages and his wife deman ed· a. like amount for Injuries in suit against Irwin Vic-UAIN)r ALL _DO\\'!\ 53% tor Norris, 4rlver, and E . A. Park-In Ora.nge county the rainfall to ford, owner\ of a machine which dale is approx.lmately 5::. 7r of collided with the Phillipson auto: normal. To build up tbe under- They ••:•f d the Phdipson car ground gupply and to comb•t salt waa driven rthwest on.the Coast water intrusion in lhe lower rc- Jilghwa'.Y we.s struck by the gions of the Santa Ana River. the other 8.uto which was hea.ded County Water Distric,t is buying sou~heu:t. I $25,000 acre feet of waler from the The hu1~d also aak.ed for lttetropolitan Water Dlslrict. e.l $15 $3000 for 11\fdical expcnaes, $2400 pef. acre fool and letting the wa- for loss .8t t!arnini".s as a LagtU'l j.er run into the chal!nt!I at Arling- barber, $£.r damage lo .ttttP' "ton, !Wwing thence to tbe spread· car a.nd $1 to\-Jou of its use; Ing unda at Yorba bridge. lt Mrs. PhtUi aought $1459.85 Is ho l.hat this will help to of!• for medical • and f2520 for eel: _to degree the lowering loss of eam f& water 'l -I • .. • 1 • f • .. I l > . ' . ' t ( J • ' • • • • , • 1 • ' I ~ . .. • l !. ' • •I .... ,.2 . ~-a't...J,~-INEWs:. l ' .. ' ---··-·•· ·---"-··t --. l I :'HARBOR ·SOO:iA·t EVENlS TrCJditlotral Bal ef . . 0 ' Jt.ecmt'"' llU7 t.111' 0-. um••'' ';.,,.,"a _rr j c ·· ~~-WU..~A.?H.-r .... ~4"1P1f.-t;o,.....,_..,.,.;.,._ ............ .r ...... l~ut ·.'New President Benefit Oi~r · '· flt,ogrammed . , 01 L~guna ,.., It • .....-. -ot .... -... ,, ........ ........ t --··11 :o... , ....... I .. ~ .. ' fo Entertain at F. A. Clubho~ .; ~i!"d'::!a1 .. .=n.. WUJ 1>0 Oll'ol Aan K • Kl . b ' · J ~~pllned tn "A.a ~·· o! Omaa1na U Pl&na have been comploted by _.,et," prograllUnecl , Tbljnd&y, the waya and meant committee or March 31 at 8:30 'p.m. tn the La.- Florence Chamberlain wUl be the. coeta Meaa "21daY Afternoon guna Beach Hiet'J. IChOOt r' tort· boa-Wbeil Kamaalna Klub 'Club for a ben~t . butle~ dlnlu>< vm by the i..a.w--°"" -'IJNneDJ; J4anJI • Ill' l'tlday, -sO, I"' tbe clabho-. 91 Ballot. --· SM Flower otreet, °""" !"--18lll'9nd An&boil)l·Sta.· Dinner Melinda Leltllold. ~lw.. ·"' ta -)(ft. Clwnberl&la i. n--.t1l be -...S flc>m 6 :30 until t p . Mr. onct Mro. -~ ~ ' • ,., .. fi«. bavlng been· fnotall4d• m. The pulllle ill blYlted to attend. 1808--Bay l'rollt, J!oiw... i,rm ...._ tair p0ttp met at the boaf E:ard& wUl. be played and a trav-li.a1'e om ot the IG~~ I dla.qc- ef ..,., Keene,.Bllbo&. w1t11 BMl-llOg\le liY. the . w-.i Alr Line>! lnS> a lltrauaa ..ita aam~' 9itlll '1 llnllMy U"4M:>lt~. Other otflcetB" wDl be pteeenled u entertainment. Karen Kerr and Tommy rind. ••*.S wen Laura de. k>e ~ ·..-~ post booeh, W'bere· an u--.. will aJilD do two IOID ~ wt I .,;_ lltUWy NollAt ~ WWW-~DIAt_ of rin packages may be tioa. · -._., a-; publicity. ,..__ ror 2IS 'COnla _,h, will Tbe adsool ..,... -t:he ~ .... were prdeil1. btl & teature, Door prtt~a wUJ be late TheoNotw 8 1'1W wJjc; waa U ,,,. ....,._er of ANll>eiln, ~t" •-dOd-trained an.I J&ter t11Ziiz~ In the -~ -tr~ ot" llomtl 1'lokela for adulta ""' priced at Imperlll a, .... -... and -$ll.!JO..llld ohlldnm, •1.00. 1a now ~ 117 11111 ....jmtant. M' ~· plaJ!a "'•h mAde ' ' Min -I ._,.. '?lelleta '7".9 on .., !!!.."" .blak ... to tbe m M .. ,,,_ Jar:i· e Re'id ..i. at aiu. au..···-r th• ztLM at 0'9 club'• "'~ •~-. IsJ.ancleon. Balbda &Jud. ~;,. ad besee of clothing and , =~~ ~.1:i. ~-Circle l'-\ostess 'residio Sites J .--.. dlilelllb supplies fTnb trait.· JIN. iti1ne Reid wu hoateu to · aad'•llolableo thNle ttme9 a wool&. ~ 11 of tbe WSCB of the Costa lor Local Cou le Tire clab quota ol 20 mm--ColnmunltY' cllureb Monday l i. .,.,. edmplete and a change ._, ....._ Jfan:b.19, ln her home on Honeymooninr 1n S&n ftan • .,._ 8tMe in meeting dat~ '° ~ St. · claco tor the put week ha: been once e99ry three weeks. President Othella Crane being Sgt. and ID'a. Arthur L. Batl. who ill, Betty Jenks pre~ided ov!'r the were marrted at 2 p. m , 8a.CUrday, · .. ~AWl'A CLUB truatneM meetmg and alSo gavt" March 17, t.n the Prea£clio ckpe1. A Mtshborhood canaata club the devotional8. During the timf' Mn1. Kall ia the tonne~ Miu ..., dterfained ~enUy by Hn. for tile miallionary leseon, each Marjorie Sm,th, daufhter Ol Mr. WUDMn .tmi.th or Coeta M'eaa. memllier wrote a note to be se'nt and Mn. Howard Smith "of Hemet. ~ f"'IA' wu taken by Mnt. P. to •artan Butcher, missionary Sbe hu been retidt.ns hef,e and U . ~and Mn.. M'atjorie ffalnat cMl:nnan, who has movea lo PM&· will return unUl abe and ber hwt· WM :ID1Ffso·Jert. Others In. the p-oup dena. band can ftnd a home tn San l'ran· w.N.Mmn. Bernita EaAm.ara. Ann An auction sale or , artic le~ ciBco. Sgt. Hall ia a ,.,.aduate ot lll1ton,. lean Smith, Jean Hidden, brous)\t by the members created the Newport Barbor Hiib '.IJICkool ....... McGovern and Molly . Bu-•teH.&imnent and raised fundl'I for and ill. the .!On ot Mra. Trene Woods ttlll'd:; the Circle. ~7 20Ut street. BENEFIT TJlA pl.-are l>ela1 mMe bJ t-..,.mllet:o ol tiM. Altar -kl)' irf o_..r i-,. of, !llt, ~ nwl churcb, s:neeU.nc at the Isome: of lira. I. Arthur Taylor, Lido tale. , Left tB rt~ ue M~ Tay~, Mn. Fraak Roeco aad Mr& Leonard Perruzd, aocletJ prealdenL The tr. wtB bi llliP-ld Aprtl 12 1 •t B&lboa Bal' chlb aad prneee:b go to the bolldlnc tund of tbe new c.hlJJ'ell._.,...... for a., ftM ..._, 1on Eat.for Sunday. Tbe prolf1U'9 "'Ill feature a N'9dlnc ot "~n In thf! ~ bJ' 87111..., ~. cNetr&-'nrhH ~) , Benefit Tea at Bay Club ! Festive Doy . for Mickey Brown Dramatic Program Pan WJtte and Robert Wentz 0( Newport Rulkw. Coam>Uftity1 ' l • ·~ . -.... P Ovide . For Th.eir ~ Now! .. ' lnvit.ationa are belns recrived by ... member• a.nd )I.arbor ·rrtendB of the Altar Soclf'ly or Our Lady of M ount Carmel and St. John Via.n· ney churchea to the Bene.tit T ea to be given at the Balboa Bay c.lub on Thureday, April 12. Thi.I is for the building fund of the new church. Mra. C. Ii'. Brown of Monrovia Playen "10 ~t' ocerpta from avenue, ca.ta M e-. arranged a a group or play1 sir program {or gay feat.lvtty reeen\ly in obffrv-the general meeting of Lido ISie ance oi the. four)U:a birthday or her Women's c'lt.lb, meetlng at• 1 ·:so son, Mickey. Gflmes afforded p.m. thi.8 coming Friday. There I IJ11c:==>a!==:xiic:::=::lt11C==-==:xiic:::=::::111e=:::i•==l amusement wltli priua: going to will be a short b\UI~ meeting- Diane Hilton, J eanie Hklden, John· followed by th.e program and tu. I • • • - .. • , t.NSURED SAVINGS • CUllllNT IAININGS '9rAnnum ~ ----. I •• F = • • , • Heading the 1iat In charge of arrangements Ls Mrs. J . Arth,ur Tartar and her committee which Includes Mr8. Colin F. Brown, Mrs. J . W. C&mmack, Mrs. Holt Con- don. Mr9. J08ephlne F~ley, Mrs. A. P . Hall, Mn. Leonard PerT'tlDi, Mrs. Elmer 8 . Poirier and Mrs. Frank Rocco. ny Terutent and Rieky Weist. Guests are i l'J'Ytted. r ,. I . . E:l'HEL ~AY Birthday refrechmentJi were serv-At the Friday luncheon and ed from a table adorned with a ane rnoon of <;ards, 76 memben H opaJonr CWldy crepe ckitb. · .and KtJeste we)e preseilt. Spring Bklden were Mra. Paul Hidden colors were cartied out · by thf' &Dd children, Jeanie, Timm~ 1.nd hoste&841s, Mrs. P'Ordyce Boyd, Sherrylynn; Mrs. Walter Hllton bridge chairman and hei commit· and children, Diane, Johnny and t ee, Mroea. Warner Gates, Vera Randy: Mrs. John Tennent, Doro-Munson, Kay Cadwallader and I I ~REHm'1r . ~Ofjl#la '&JIJ eotNflP11'1 I i -In - E'YDING OF ~ thy, Johnny and Janet; Hn . .:fames Juliet Millikan. ' lllAllVR JI, -• p, .. VISIT IN SAN DIEQO I Lllg'W!• Beach Hip lldlool Audltortum Mr. and. MrL ttocky Ballman ,.,, j Adult. S-1.28 8tudenU Ne -- l j Mrs. Holt Condon w111 · ·have charge of the Ucketa and Mni. Brown and Mrs. Cammack will be In charge of tea tables. Wetst and Rltky ; Mrs. Maurice Fellman and Joan; Mrs. Robert Ha.inet, Bot1bfe, Kathleen and Jan· Jee; Roeemary Chri,iiten!lell, Billy To1nmy and Charles Brown and Pat Smith. ' and Mr1 and Mra. John Becker of Tickets on Sale at The Blue 9alla. 30I Maia. Coeta Mesa viaited de,.ttves in 1.._ ___ _.J _____ or_at_•the-·Box--Off-~I""-------,,.,,,,--+ San r;>ie10 la.st week. The receiving line will Include the president, Mrs. Leonard Per· ruzzl, Mrs. Theodore 1l0bin8, Mrs. Doyle Hatch. Mrs. John R . Dan- IC'll , Mrs. J. W. Thornton. Mrs. K . Doane, Mrs. R . J . Reffner , "'frs. C. W Hart. Mra P . P'. Fernan and M,i-9 . Nicholas P . Brettner . The program will feature Mrs. Ro.seine Fecley reading "SC'aM>n ' In the Sun·• written by that very w1·1l known literary dramatic c rlllc of the New Yorker maga· %lne, Mr. Wolcott Gibbs. The play Is currently playing on Broadway in New York City and Is being i;itagcd by Mr. Burg'eM Meiedith. Mr. Rlchard Watts or the New York POtit h .. thl.a to say o( It "Written wtlh vace. humor and satirical inam;,.;~-~ il~Mr, 'J hn Chapman oft \ / . lff News claimil tb · . ~d f.J funny, sp«l&l,.wtt-4 aUb\lt-. wit }- humor at ll.8 best.'' ., Acceptance of the lnvitaUon may be telephoned to Mrs. Brown at ~&eon '116-J or Mrs. Holl Condon. Harbor 1017-J. Mothersirigers in P.-T. A. Benefit From lhe momtflt it opened With beautiful eongs by Motherstngera In charming old c~twnea until It closed two boun later. "Oh, Th1t Pity of lt" pe:rtonned u & bene· ttt for the Newpori Harbor antl Coata Mesa School Pa.rent-Teach· er Auna. at the bl8h ichool qn March 16 U4 18~as a ~ooth, quickly paced 8\IC . Stage manager, Angelyn (Mrs. Roland) Wrtcht and her wbole crew did, a superb job u dkl Mn. A.I Horvath • ticke.ta and Ute committeea tor the Ale or candy and popcora. Gnat CJ'<dll la given to Mra. RoMJd Barlow, -era! di- rector and . ....._ at tbe melo- -Mn. Lolo---. mualc director and cllm-&nd ¥rt1. Ralph Deawr, actcAll't£ e=Wt,. to mem_beft of ta.a ~ ..,. all who bad. ~.la~ porbmanc:e. • A'.t tb8 cJ0M al t9t drMS re-I ~ Kia. ... rttsr ... , Mra. ! 8tett. j I fl•t'W a. ..... cake dleUiQid· .... , G' (F• ud CQf't fee tot __ .._ ol 'U.. CMt -and ft*>' e1 I s -tloo perform· ance _ .......... -t'to th• .. ~ .... &. ·. . • -. ' • • • • ' T~ANKaFORDMOTpRCOMPANY .. • I Christian's Hut Is def!ply grateful fl the Ford Motor Cotnpeny and artist Ya!e l Gracey for the beautiful full color water cblor re~tion of our House of 'GoOd Cheer (pictured above) and the manr kind word.I about our coll)Dlunity in the Olln'fltlt imue of 1 Ford'• Times, (March 1961) ISTI.AN':S~ H. . ' "-, . . l . t T CH .. OPENS THE 1951 SEASON WITH· A BIG: NA'rn · ' . ~ : . . j • • ' :hUAU O~ .· . ,.SAT R,PAY:, ·M~~CH 31st ' -t • . .. I ' ~ ENt j_ TROPICAL PUNCH·.__ AN~ FOOD . l , ' ..,. rid G'r,,9'. far.fth., Way.fer-! tn the -• ' r " .• ' . S..utifu T8Jliti•it Sky ,Room. ~~~1i·r' ' -... ~.Bay . r :· I • ' 325! ••1•w.t• r 'ta• · · · ""' ,..,..... • : t. , , "••• Nia:IW 1'1 ' ' t ENTER-TAI . • 'J ... ,- VIS . . . . ~ ' .. . ' • • , • · . • I 1 · I I -..... ------... -.. -.......... -.... ,.. ...... --. -... ------.. --. --... -.... ---... ------·--,,..... ----· ..... ------.. --·-.-··-.. _ ---· -----~---~----·· -. • ·! .. .. ' ' -. ·.··-·-}.;• r -··i.~- • . . • ' \ ' \ Tu~doy , Mare;~_2'7.' 195 i • " • ' :-Ebell Juniors · f lect Officers ... .I ,, The Junior eecUon of the New- port_ Beach Ebell held their regu- lar -meeting an# elect.ion of offl- C~rs at the c·ub house on Thurs- day, March 22. The meeting wu. preceded by a delicious aa1aq lunchron served by Mrlr. W. E . Fisher and heJI' committee wh~cb conaisted ~of the Mmes. D. V. Ha.Yes, "Horace Parker, Howard !. • Burns, F . W . Kuster, Jr .• Caroline. ·. . • I I 1. .. " I " I• I ' 4: ,. • ' 1, !• • " " ,, W UJlartts. W . J . Veneman, Everett. Ross, Howard Williams, o&vid Fraser, Sterling Paris, T . P . Reed- er, Robert Crowner and H·. L. Bry- an, Jr. Tb.a meeting wa.s presid~ o•er by tbe chairman, Mrs. JQhn It Da.ajell: Mra. Walter J . Cole raad· 'the report of the nominating com- mJttee and•the foCowing memben. were elected unan'mously to offl· ces: Mrs. J\rthur Burr \Vhite, Jr., chairman; Mrs. S. '¥· Ric:hardlon, first vice-chaJunan: Mrs. c ... R. Staal, S«:ond vice-chairman: Mrs. linward \·Villiarn8, iecretary; Ma. Edwin H. Finster, treal!lurer; M:ra. Oirtis H erbcrts. Jr., director; a.nd Mrs. W. E. F isher, difector.. Mrs. C. M. !>eaklns, Ebell presi- dent, wa.s intrQjluced and descri.b;o- cd the booths wt\,ich the Ebell club is planning for their Spr.in1 Festi- val to be held on A prtl 26 tor bene- fit of tt\e bui:ding fund. l.t-wu .a nnounced that Mrs. s. \V. R ich- a.rdson would be chairman ot the Junior sectioa booth, and she a.sk· ed all the membe.rs to contribute their discarded costume jewelry to be sold on that day. PAOE GlRlo -0o._ Al..;.....t, _...,...,,pter QJ A.amnbipnM and Mn.~ 8-J; oetiMI • ..; a, 111'1"-1.,, the S.te .,_,.bly "-*"• W<ek. Blnsr.d about hoe are /loft .,.. r!pt) lloaofM,ie Tlu>- A. Ma.lot1ey.. •peaker JTO tempo re of_ the .'\.Membl)', ~blymaa aad ~ Stlllnley-Uld. apeaker, of. the llauae. A.Memblymaa. Sant L CoWns. The chairn1an reported that the Junior section was-able to tum S255 ov~r to the Se<! Cross fron1 the sale of tic;:kets to the Red Cro&s tea, which wa..a held at the Balboa Say club on March 8. After the meeting wa.s adjourn- ed Mrs.. Walter J . Cole, program chairman, introduced Mrs. Rose F t'nton from V~cent's Lido Drugs, who gave a very. interesting de- scription of the coritents of per- fumes and cologries. The d·oor priZe of cologne lo''h.:ch she contributed was won by M rs. Saint Cicero. ·E.piscopal Rites at Hermosa Beach . K-atherine Achey Repeats Vows • Altar vases were filled with white gladiolus &lld._ white and purple stock decorated St. James Episcopal church for a recent wed· ding V.'hich qnlted ~at)\eripe Leora Achey, d&ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A c he y of H411tlngton Beach and Harry Theodore Caae, son of Mr. and Mra. T . V. Case of Oceanview. The Rev. P&Ul J.toore Wheeler pert'oirmed tbe double ring aer vice in which K.a.therine was given in keeping by h.er falbe.r. She wore \o\'hite ta.t(eta •tail.le in Nn&issance style, and a short veil. Sh~ car- St. CroS3 E piscopal chu.rcb , Her-ried a prayer book on which was mosa Beach. wa.s setting on Sat-a white orchld arranged with urday t>venin g, M11rch 17, for rites stephanotis. which unJted M ias D erry Fulton Attendants were gown,ed alike ln Ct!_amberlain, daughter of Mr. and .cbartrell8e . waffle pique and all Atr.s. Norman S. j::ttamberlain, 717 carried violet t'lrnieg&ys. M.n. RDn- Ja.smine avenue, Corona del Mar ald Schryer was matron of honor and Hermosa Beacb and Will&;d and br1desma1<U were the MLlse.s P. Marriner, son of Mr. and M.rs. KJWe. Cue &nd Barbara $tea. Richard Marriner of Laguna Little Franc:ne Wheelec was Bow- Beach. er girl. Palms and flowers in 'bridal Ronald Schryer ,~aa beat m&n white providad background for the and u.shers were Robert Walters, gin¥h!-ring ceremony 'Performed hr.other-in-law ot the: brldegToom by the Rev.:. R. I. S. Parker. .and John Achey brother of the \"lhite Sw-iss or!arldy, embroid-brid('. erl'd in P,e&.rla and fBllhioned with Preceding .uie ceremony Jerry a lo ng train was chosen by Miss Hall sang "O P erfect Love." Mrs. Chpmb<>rlain for her' wedding Pearl WIPidm&n pla:yM t tie organ go\1..-n. He r veil was in fingertip ::i relude and the wedding, marches IC'ng th and she carried a colonial Jn Parl.!ih H ouse bouquet qf \.lthite, orchids, carna-The reception was held in the tions and sweet pt>83. M iss Jane pariah house. Assisting in receiv- P etty of Laguna Beach was maid iag wer8 the brilie"s mot her, Mr.s. of honor. Her gown of misty gray Achey, w earjng & navy faille suit o rgandy was enhanced by acces wi th chartreuse felt hat and a cor- sories of Ame~ican Beauty red. i&ge of green orchids and hy_a- anc! a bouqut"t of American Beauty ::inths; ·and Mrs. Ca.se, ln a gray roSC's. ~ult, g_ray hat w ith lavender now- Dav·d R. Marrint>r served. his ~r.s a nd a corsage of' Cecilie Brun- brother a!l best man and· uitbe.ra er roie&. wt•re ..P~'ph S\\·iflgle and Danny F or thf honeymoon at Palm Day. 3prinke the ne,,_.. Mr.a. Cue chose A reception (or 100 guests wu :i navy ·print bolero dreea and ruJ.vY helc.1 at lh¥ CJ\amber1',in'~mosa-1traw hat a.ccen~ed wiUl red and ~ hom~ Wbae :t,M b64Mu re-white, anQ an ol"ll:h.id COll'ACe. ehe ce1ved In ~.gown of .rose I~, while lot.tended Fullerton Junior -college ~-Marriner was 1n· poWder blue. U'ld Whittiitr collegfl, trom which Both wore orchid t;t>rsa.ge.s. !he will. be graduated 10 June. Mr. The new Mrs. Marriner w.ore ~ c ue alao graduat4id from Fuller- cora1 suit with na"-y accessorie• ~on Jtmior college and i9 now ata- "'"he n she and h.er husband left for Uoned with the 4Dth divialon at a week at Yosemite and north~ ::&mp Cooke where ha haa the California. On the ir return they .ra.rijl of corporal. He expects aoon will resi~e at 245 26th street un-to be &enl to Japan. til M r. Marrtner Is graduated in J une from University at Southern Th .. e Unifari"'"''"' CaJifomia.. After that the young lift,'-" couple will make their home in LaguM. M rs. Marriner attended Laguna Beach sc~ools and waa g:r-.duated fron1 Redondo Beach b.lgb school. Her husband attended Laguna Beach_ schools and ' attended Unj- •Verstty of Nebraska and Untver- . slty of Southern California.. Dur- ing th(' war be was staff sergeant with the fleld artillery. The ncx.l meeting of the Uni- tar.tan Society; ot Lagun• Beacb wUl be held on ThUnd&lf. March 29 at the home of Edgar Smith. 1559 Catalina St., Laguna Beach at 7 :..4~ p.m. The. Rev. Harold Schmidt will give the thi.t.d of hil .series on "Men Who 'Me.de Unir lu.:iani.sm" entitled "Ralph· Waldo Emerson, the MDra.1 Challenge r." The public la invited. SI •. Hof.riclc. Th.me lor Bil>-' n-T uc: !er· . j Sp#ilH) Do nee MISS BETllY ALLE~ fa& Wedding for Miss Betsy Allen · Mr. &nd Mn. Bewley Allen of Whittier and Balboa lala.nd are an- nouncing the engagement of thei.T daughter, Betsy, to Rhyn~r Jay Ohlund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rhy- ner John_ Ohlund of Los Angele111 , Tbe brl<l,e-elect, whose Balboa Is'.and honle 1.9 at 118 Sa,ppblre 1\ve., Is a member of one ofl Whit· t~r's pioneer r&mll1es-the ~and­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos C. Maple and the late Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J . Allen. Her granduncle, T . E . Newlin, was one or Whittier's founders. ' ' Miss Allen attended Whittler schooll!I and the University of Cali- fornia at Santa Barbara being graduated from Woodbury C0I- lege in Lo8 Angeles, whe re sb.e WU president Of Eta lJl'pslfOn Gamma AOrorlly. + H er flance attended Loe All- gelea achool.8 and the Uniyerstty of Southem California befotJ gTaduatting from Woodbury where he was preafdent of Phi Thet11 Pt, an international commerce fraternity. An early fall wedding la plan- ned. Tbe Bib-'n-Tuckei: club's an- nl141J ~ring danee held Mat'ch• l7 at Santa. AJta. Country club w.-. Qna. of th• St. F.t&tr\9k 's da.)I hic;P- llgbta, tw the llJ,rbor are.a.. SuJ>:trl> .. UIJ~ by Stan Kellogg_ a.nd hi$. or- Qhe:atr&, form.arty of t he NorcoNM and Oakmont Country cluba and a tine turnout in many pre-dance pvtiea com billed to make it a lr\Uly enjoy.able evening. Tbe "wearln~ of the green" was motif of the evening. "Sure, and it was a fine time had by all." Chairman for ,this dance W€!r e- Mr. and Mra. George Winter and Mr. and ?tlrs. Rhodes F inley or Santa Ana. On the host and hostess com- tnlttee were: Dr. azl.d M·rs. Emme t 8e&A:Ord, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sell- set, Mr. and Mra. Carl Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stamp, Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Smith, Lag\lna BeM!h; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suth- erland, N.ewpo~ B each; Dr. and Mrs. A . E . Stockton. Mr. and Mrs. La.rr)t hylor, Mr. &fld Mra. ~­ mond Todd and Ml:. and Xra. Jamt• 'l&n Dyke, Corona de.I ~· Frida.y Supper f Or Servers Gw.ld 'l'Be·Co110oa de1 MAI' Gvden club ta sponaorlng a P.rovaitt at, Ille Co- . ' rQlla. de1 """' oleqientac:.y lCl!Oot The Boys Serllce Gu!!d ot St. e.uditoriwn Wednetda.,y, March • Jamea Pa.rt.It will hold the.Ir at a. o'clock to wblqb the cqmql~ monthly mMUnc Friday, March al~ iA. ta.vUA4 when ··~" 30 at 6 :30 P·"1• ln the 1 pa.r•tll garden authority natione.Uy k:no.we house under the dlcactlon 1 of the on rad lo and ln T. V. will, tell in co-chairman, Dean Beaum«tt and her deligbUul way of "All Year Malsolm A.apll. ')!lothen lot the Flowering." Mra. Maud Powera, members will aerve supaer at 6 :30 president with Miss Eather Devine p.m. under the_ ~e.n.t ~~ aa chairman wUt pret11lde. Welcom- ahip of Mn. MDcei.d Leltllold. q.g the 'peats will be Mre. Clar• The oader Qf b~ !qr the Axtater, Mn. Bartlett Hendenon evening will be., the tutructlon .ol a.nd Mn. EdiJ.b. Pieter Nelson. with tb~ members w.hq were. confirm-Mra. Cardoza Sloan, Mr. and Mn. ed on Palm Suoday a. to aerving Uncoln Norman and th~ Brita .i Holy ~""'1Dll· i'ollowtng Bros. local nunery growen u the dinner &n4, ~ meetlnc honored gueeis. Md the a.uiplnc of the ""rvtnc "Mtrandy.~· Mn. Frederick · S. ecl\edule for Aprll. tbe· boys· wUI Bauerfleld in private Ufe:, la known -& tum (ll'OVl<!ed Sy thp Callo-!'" the laat 20 yearw for ber pro.- fomla Highway Patrol obtaJned ening· advice lnte.rapened with U!rOU&ll u.. <O!lrte.y of sgt. homoly pbilooopby. lilr ~-~s Brlc:bon. aout.bern volee maic~ ug -. ~ aonallty beloved by her listener.. T _ t .P., IL 1 · Ip~ th«>USli the p<onoonal 'et> raV~ I 0"'-"tOJ' torta ot Mn. Maude PoWen that F A ,.. .. ·-• bu >pouor, IN S-dlal -W..r • • ~ "''°"'!Ors II compony mad• uila ~ • .. fw ''Xlrandy .. •• appearance.. r · Tbe J)uilo~ Nto"""" -~on Of P'Wlln • ~d of ::!:f'1 the Fria_, 4~ club at-<it> ,_.,....,, Idle" hu -a ...,,bje In mar.~ -lo \}'.&. mueh,80UP~ atter loctllt.-oi. µ.i. nMda)', lllrpch ~at I p, In Uto ... bj0<$ which a-ta: "8r ~ <Jubbll\l8e. !!~will be rp ·--b&a. •• b .... _~ TOWJ"e ot·~ father-at meul-. ...,._ .. ~aeariy aoG. Nt1~ .... Xn. l!lc¥,rd , ...... wlio wip. ~ Oii blllaide -.... t~ ~t.I ~ O:'.recent;l--i-.. Uy had lite honor'o11u. !l.ot ,eluded b1p I!>~ Alnerlci&. ~-prtae ~ ,_.In """ ~ T,owne '!'Ill~ blo .!&ik ·'!'It!> Am--Oat -atter J.... -~~....i..-~u..~· ·1 llroo.pt 1*l< ~M?: ..,; ... ~al ~ '~-.. '* tM . q>qc-.. -.~ • £.p.;,.-. ---· ... .1 ,ri .. 111 .. .,,..,.,.J """ittf ,. .,,..,,,, in, ..... ....,,., ~...-u. ~.,.,. Dri ....... al.., ... ,,.. co.i ... ell .......... ,, ~~·gu:ea~ng "~t'' E.upoe-- 1tandollf ~adcr io hio-h romnft.uion! ... :. '"'!l r· --- Brilti.apti qc:w Bodv hy Ftii;her-' . . , _ hi~cr:-"~der-smartf'T, 100! ltfore beauty-eomfuct-nlom and vie~·! ~ . -. New cb.u1111s-an even so1<>0ther "Rocket Ride''f lmpMv~d Oidt1mobilc~~·dra-~latic Drive•! 'Sto the new all.timr 1grtat Supt!r '"88.,- ~I.. j;pur _Oldsmnbilt rlf>alPr 'it h o 1ot• ! • - A.GENEIM. MOTORS VALUE NEW SUPER "88" OLDS.MOBILES ••• Now 911: Dia.~l&y lr • . SI E Y 011 R N ~~· f S _T . ~ L_D-S_~ ~~r t~.~ . .lJ,l',A.\ I~· C: ... ~u--· i.BEBTSON·'.llOTOR ' co .. 2Ul Coast Hi¥'-•Y NEWPORT HACH . Pi.-leacon 6447 ' ..,.._ea Tel81tbl.ioo! 'l!be Sllm t.e~·eni+on Sh o\\1-ThU,.,;..~y ul 8.:SO p. m,, ~UR ¥.TJ\11 Cluulael LL Qwrte-s.,.-of )'our Okbimobllt> dra.ler-'', AN& EVEN LQWD . ,_,CESI ... .L. ...,,I ... ~ .. ,. 9' ... •• ()116 .:_ ..!.. • , ·1 . .,,. GIVES ~OU ALL THAT'S NEW AND SILENCE, TOO . . ' :tr PIS.NII PlOUll .. 4 Milli COMPANY --'"'111. ~. ! 1:1»' ~~ "'~ <:"'ll!'t = ...... wuaaja VM . cw .,..,,c:t:' - Kn. It, v. "'"'*' ~ &. ~ . 'WIUI..' ' .. ... Spotb --* Al llO ....... ·111 •h•-. ' . ~. . I ' ' I • . I ' . I_.,._ •• • • .. • ~ .. • ' . · w • ., • • ----· -··~----·----._J.. __________ . '' " ' • ~ e I ' ' • ................. ~ ...... ,..-I' -. • I Page 4 • ~-EWllT.: ~ a& lfewpon Bznell. CUllenla ~-U.._NEWPORT HABBOa :>ulli.rlJRJlfq _rollPANY Nern.be< or CALIFORNIA NEWl!PAPl':R PUBLISHmJIS lUIS'K. .. County W~op 1 to be H~ld f;iday at Cos~ Mesa Worktto 1)1 the ea.ta M- Communlty Methodist church will ~ bolt.a to the Children'• dJvtston ,worker. of Ole county at a work· ahop tO be held Friday, Muell 30. ··A Potluck .UJ>per wtll tumlJJb tel· T uesd1y, M1rch 27 ,·I ' -- ·:plMo J;uuiio/Jo;. . TERESA RENNER. (Mr': A. Renner! •J••··· .......... ,,,.,.,.. f,.... ......... , ......... tl(ip .. , ,,,, ..... ~ 4l6 Serra ~· Harbor 1171..J .. -c~oito· 91i\ghlaadl -cor-., ~- Jo(em~r of the · NATIONAL EDITORIAL ~SSOClATlON lowahl!> tor lttegroup at 8 :30 p.m. _1----.-...,..------------------·~ In the kinde~guten room of the Ottice and Prtntlng Plant at 22U Balboa Boulevard Telephone Harbor 1118 children'• bulldlng. Entered u Becond--Olaia Matt.er at the Postornce In Newport ea.urornl& '!under the Act of March 3: 1170 Beach, .. Gordon Birkey of the HunUng· ton Park ,Methodist church etatf w:iU be dinner epeaker. There will follow &ge·grpiup workshops under able leadership from the confer· ence office. A local oomrhlttee ln charge of arrangement.a lhcludu Mrs. Jae Jone•, children'• dlvlalon Superintendent: Mrs. C. l!f. Nellon, chainnan of <Unner arrangement.I and Mrs. J . H. Thomp80n, chalr· man of the tioard of education.~ •• RUSSELL L. DIETRICH. Edlto< RALPH BORGE&QN, Advertising Manager Quallfled to. Publbb Lepl Notice9 and ~dve.rtllement.a or au Kinde SuBscBIPrlON RATES: Nl!:WPOaT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES everj ~1 l.n Oran~ 00\lftty', '3..51 pPr year: b.00 AL~ mo•tb:a; 81.!5 _ill""' months (Al!60 lacludes the NEWPORT·BALBOA PRESS,. ftW"9ClaJ) DRn'ER BOOKED Edward S. Dixon, 53, 123 Gar· net St .. Balboa ·1s·and, wu book· td Friday night at the cOu nty' Jall oft a drunk drjvlng charge. He wu arrested b>' the constable's office tor Newport Beach township. -OutMde Oran~ Cou.Dty f'..00 per year -. Ladies Race at Win'ard Y .C. • \Vin'ard Yacht Ctub I Redondo Break\VAtf'r I ha., invit('d au South· rrn Ctt.lifQrnia YAC'hting A380Cia- l inn Clubs to partlt.•ipatf" tn its Fit!-ll Annu11.l LA.t1u•tf lnVlt&tianal, tn t)(" held Sunrtay, .\prtl 1. Ewnt "·i11 i,.~ an ellmination st"rlf"!l din):~· nrh~ to ~ :saUt'd in \\·1 n·ar-,1 $.Abo"'{.s 1 llll,:.i;:t-r • board l'.'l'f • h,· -...~ aild f'lrls reptf'St>nt· uu: S c.~ ,. .\ rlu ~ Course \\'ii.I ~ {'fl .:-.b<11f'n"'t ,,.,.teon wilhtn Re- .~_,_, ~rl'>-'11" • \\'t.11. .Ant , . ..,.. l f'lub "'1 11 provh~,. .ill .,._.,.l$ r'..:).....,,f SUYI ~dy to sail. .siDA! •tU $..·t ur lrt>phk"tl for win- tt-·D. T1wn-no f'n.try. rtt. l"r~l •"11 Of)l"n at 11 a. m . '-'.th ~'l~N· n1ttt.Ul,; at 11 :30. t· ,J',,"·,...1 by $n.&C'k luncheon aL \\·1n an! ('1ubbou....._, 00 tht-break· "·...t.t l'r Ftntl tact> w1U start at l pm Eaf'h -S C . , •. A. club i.s invited to St>n<t t~·o sk1pperetlf's. but one "·111 qua.hf}· tht' t-ntry. \\·1 n·an:rs Con1n1odort', Ar c h J ohnston. and nag officers of the club, \\'Jll bP on hand tu greet en· trants and their guest.a. -SQt.AOR(lS C.'O'.\tatASOER A~sii;:nm1·nt of Maj. Ht>nry W. Hai .st. 225 MarJ:Uf'rilt" Ave., Cor· onn dt•l 1-'111.r, as commanding offi· cer of th€' n('w!y-or ji\'.aniz.ed Sta- t ion 1-laint e nanc~· Squadron l , was announced Jt'rl(lay by authorities of El Toro ~1'a.rln e Corps Air base.. Maj. H orttt, who ha.a been a l.l,a.rine for 11 ye_ar11. tterved a11 & lran!'port pilot during-World War l I Anrl participated Jn the Guad- u.lc&nal. 1-far.shalls and Okinawa cllfhpa1gns. Dur1ng lhf' past year, 1'.t1tj. HorMt has bf>en assistant In· :.rector anti offlcer·ln-char~e of the Staff NCO and Enlisted Men·s c hfbs . COl 'ST\. TA..XES ;Propl'rly. ltt.Xt'~ in Oran~e county ttlls year a vf'ra~r $93 05 for each o f lhe 227.400 pl"Ople rslimated to bf' 111 thf' county at J:r.nuary 1, 1951 California Taxpay<>rs' association l ('pO!'ted Friday. Total property ttuc: lt'vy in the county for 1950-LJl r('l:l.chcd $21 .159,4-4 7. Results come frorp constant Practice! An ad regularly in thls paper will produce resul ~a ror you LET 'S PLAY CANASTA! Tftle; le "'-,... .. •'•'" •t1kl .. •••l•lnlne •II U.. -~•I ""'" 91 Can•.U, •"<Ill ffMrMtl"9 fully • 181ft• ,,..'" th9 ffal te lMi Ker• Ing in Which YOU .,.. the N41fUo lll•yer. In 1oini out, a player may meld all his remamin1 cards -lte need not D•e a card te d.llcard.. When any player 1ets rid 10f a ll cards in his hand., play ceases and the deal Ja :scored. • Now let's score your cards. The first item is the buic ceunt, as u follows: Sw aelar oat ..... ...... -tn7 r ..... aa ......... --Ht Ht .. , .. Red tre71 count 100 ndl (ex- cept that It all four an held by one •ide they count ffO eac:h for a total of llOO). Tbe score ia. plu fOI' a aide that bu man at 1-an Initial meld, but mhou for a olde that bu melded notlllnC. 11le canuta bonu.n are: mixed, 300: natural. 500. To. the buic count r1 now add. the total Point value. of all the cards you haw mel4ecl, 1 ... what rtmaim in your pvtner'a band. . Your melds total 40S: South h.u left only two lO'a. so that the net ii 385. Your acore for the deal ;. 500+3n-~. , The subtraction ·tor earda re. malnJn& in the hanc1 i. done simplfft by throwinl out cards of equal yalue from the melds and then counU... tha residue. East· West have no baaic count at all. only 100 in melds, and cards left lotalinJ: 115, for a net a.core of -15. Your-relative Cain. ii thua 900. The aide that ftrst readies a total of 5,000 or more points wim a 1ame. There ii no bonus for winnin& a same. Settlement is made on the dif. ferenee of ftna1 KWeS when. a 1ame ernt.. , . . DESERT S'tA \' ~'Ir . and Mrs. Don Barrick and children of Miner St., Costa MeY. pa.sS<'d a number of rect'nt daya al Lancasted on lhe Mojave Desert. Tl.RE REPAIR "UNJT desfPrd by Ed Shdl LI pictured 'tn use. The rn.Khlae rnnould!'I the beads of ti-reran t:ttt..~ Prto)< f.o ttle lnveGtlon of ttrila unit. alrcratt ttrt'S with broken ht-ad~ "r re !jCrap- Pf"Cl SheU'• la,4fb:{lon (at the cost of el&ht Cf"llle for raw. ma.lf!'rlal•) NJvacea ex~nAl,·e 11.lrf'raft llr~ fer future use. ED SHEL~ HAS TIRE REBEADER UNIT, SEEKS U. S. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT Ed ShcU uf 1612 Ocean Front, Newport Beac h. 1 wner of Newport J cw€'l<'rs In Costa Mt·sa, Is in very 1nuch lh(' sarnc situation ~ a 1nan out1:1\de a rabbit hutch with a bHgfull or lettuc~~ anll carrots. The man lg walllng lo get the 0. K. of lhe H ('ad Rabbit l n the fa.ct that rabbll'J would like to n1unch Qn his ,sack·full of 8ala.d. only It aeema that thl" Head Rabbit ls down ln a ftve·•lded building In Wuhlnglon. D . C. The rabbtta ·art gtting hung-l'y ; J the man can't rind a buyer for hi~ tC'ttuc~ and carrols and no one Is very happy about the whole affair. Ell Shell's particular 88.l&d Is a ' LEGAL NOTICE ' N011CE OF INTESTION TO ENGAGE IN THE S AL!!;. OY ALCOHOi.iC BEVERAq ES ' March 24, 19:>1 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' Subject to Lssuance or the Ii· cense applied ror. a:nd commenc· Ing not leM than t:> days after the date po8ted, notice Is hereby glv-1 en that the undersigned propoaes to l!lell alcohollc beverage• at these pre mises, de.scribed aa rollowa: Sporlflshing Boat "KING- FISHER". 400 Main Street <Pavillion) Balboa I Newport Beach. Orange County . Pursuant to such intention, lhe undersigned 1.8 applying to the State Board of EquAllzatlon for issuance on original application of an • alcoho'.lc beverage license for these premiSt's u follows: On Sale Beer License Anyone desiring to protest the lsauance of such license may flle a verified protest with ll'\e State Board ·of F.quallzalion al Sacra. mrnto. "&Jlfornla, staling grQunda for denial as provided by law. The . ' . premises are not now licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverage.!..._ RAYMOND C. BUCK No. 192-Tim<'s Published 3127 /51 CEll-TIFICATE OF BUSINESS t~lcUtlOua t,rm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here· by certify that they are conduct· ing a photo studio. ·f!lld photo 8Up· ply bu8lne1JS ' at 30:S Palm A venue, Balboa. Callfornla. under tbe fie·· titious flr.m name of HULA HUT PHOTOS and that said firm ts I composed of the following persona, whoS<' names In fu :1 and places of I residence are as rollo\vs, to-wit : ARTHUR Sll . .VER. I 509 1h East &!boa Blvd., Balboa. California I machine or his invention whll'h Is drs·~nt·tl lo rt>vulcanlze and rc- nrw tire beads (lhe hltl.er edgt or n t1rf' whlc h contacts the wheC'I rln)l. H ill machine hu been te1ted by lht> N'avy; ha..'i bcfon used by th'° Navy and bf-rn round irleally Sllit- ed to IL!; purposes by the Navy. • •' 1'tERVYN FREEMAN ACcording to Shell, h i& machine will (In 35 minutes time 11.lld u~Jng about elg.ht cents worth of raw I n1aleJial I salvage alrcran tires that would ordinarily.~ have to bl" thrown &\1/ay . Avl.!rage cost of these tires to the governml'nl la about 150. . . -. i\ 1• .... ~· 11 ':ff -:. ·~ ' ./' . .. . .. ·.' .. . ''''· . .. .. .. '1 I 509 "".i East Balboa Blvd , .. I.. ~ ~· ~ Balboa. California. .,,'l: ._ 1 I I WITNESS our hands thlt!!I 16th 1 day of March. IY!'.\1 • ARTHUR SILVER. j MERVYN FREEMAN. .. State or California. County of Orange. ss. ON THIS 16th day or March. Seek Change . in Ordinance During World \o\'a.r II Sh<'ll worked as a chief petty oftlcer for the Bureau of Aea;onalltics. A& such. he ran .Into lbJ problem or aircraft tire repair and n1ainten· ance. Ma:.;lmwn 8alet7 A. 0 . 1951. before me, HARRY ASHTON, a Notary Public In and for the said cOunty and State, re\ siding therein, duly commluioned and sworn .. p"r90nally appeared ARTHUR SILVER and MERVYN FREEMAN known lo me to be the persons wl)ose na.n1es are eqb·' ttcr ibed to the within instrument. and e'.cknow:edged to me lha.t tht!y executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ae:t my hand and affixed my official aeal the day-and year in his Cer· lificate first above written. Prohibiting Fish Cannin. g .. ~~/:~;~;:~. ·~~!;. ~~~:::·~':.,~ ly fixed to lanBlng wheels. Also, An amendmt>nt to lhe existing fish canning ordinance to permit in l~e lnterei;te of safety, these sport f1tiht"rn1t'n to have the use of a community cannin,i::: kitchen tires must be taken off regularly N Be h I B k I for lnapect i~n purposes. , HARRY ASHTON (My CommisaiOn Expires 6/18/53) (SEAL) 1n e"-·port at aH n <'r e cy a.nd Eureka in the norlh<'rn part Shell says lhat in remoYing of Ca.lifornia Is being ur~ed by J . M. Duignan, 505 ·• 29th St. these tires. the bead is ripped .. a .. We are planning lo open a large pE"rcentage or the time." No. 189-Tlmee . Publish >tar. 20-27 ; Apr. 3·10, 51. -. NOTICE TO BIDDERS rcommun lty c&nnlng kitchen in the I trails. hearl and blood berore bring-Thf'.se ttres are lht>n scrapped cty·s Jnclustrlal district at W5 ing them in. eliminating the refuse rather than salvaged. The former 21Jth St., Duignan has l!ttated ... The and odor rrorn the kitchen. We petty officer explain& lhat "rather The Board of Trusteea of the city councll has given us permh1· will can the albacore tn tuna·slze than risk lhe era.sh of an alrp_}ane-ELWOOD .. ED" SHELL Newport Har100r Union H I g h .sion to can vegetable&, rruits, cans. giving the fishe rman bac;k worth many thouaanda of dol~n. school request.a bids on the tollo\\'· meals and rowl, but not fish... his own fish. the Navy decldl4d to use pe w Ut1e1." With him, Sh.ell has a stack of ductlon of .his unit whkh would lng l!lprlnkllng 8Yl!llem equipment: Some 10 or 12 years ago an .. \Ve will put an attractive latwl EfforUJ had been made to saJ-documents a.nd letteca attest.lng to probably save that branch of ser-282 -#22·21h Gal. Carter ordinance wu pa.ssed bannlng the on the cans advertising the 9P0rl vage the lirea by re· gluing the the usen.JlneM, efficiency and n:e ma.ny lhouea.nds of dollars. So Full Circle He&<b canning of fish bccau-5f' or the way fishlp~ at Newport Harbor and a bead to the l1re wall but had been worthiness of his tire beading ma· far he's met witb little luck. 171 • #21·2 Carter Halt Cir· the commercial cannerlee must place for the fisherman's name WU1uccesaful. chine. Aller a careful perusal of 'fhe former chier petty officer 1 cle Heath OPf!rate. he explained. Many people-and date of catch. This makea a Thia wa1 the problem that faced these paper1, It seems that there 111 ha.a tried to m a k e ht'adway 26 • #21-3 Car t er Comer we have diacu88t'd it with reel better gift to send ?o friends. than Shell tn 194.3. After a year or ef-no earthly reuon why any ofllcial through legislative ofricers who Circle Heade there ls a genuine nrtd for a place picture postcards," Dutp"an added. fort and thought he developed a would deny the ueefulne86 of thle have shown Interest in hie device. 28· #82·1'11 .. Carter Auto· to can the sport !lehermen·a fish, The canner urged tealdeote of ailhple appa..ratwi, which by ueing invention. Very little luck along those lines, matlc Valve he ad<fc-d. the«:lty to send him poetcarq, re-e.iUJer rlectricity or live steam The tire beading mach.ine saved too. • 6 • #32·% .. Flush•Hydranta No Co1nm.-ttlal Cannery ~we do not plan to operate a comn1erciaJ cannery, Duignan weRl on. "and no food will be for sale. Each person will partially process hla own flfllh by remoVtng the en- qut"sting tbe city council to amend actually remoulded the bead.of air· the government the c08t of an ex· We believe that there's ,someone-Catter all Br. the ordina.Ace which prohibit.a the c raft LI.res. Shell points ou't that penelve ·aircraft Llre which "'-ould in the Pentagon whcfs looking for 28 • #185· Ce m en l Valve • canning of rish. Three fish c&n-In m<>11t cues there ts lltUe o r no otherwise be IC tapped. The uae Ot Ed Shelf.a tire-beading . n1acblne. Boxn nerles now1in operation in the ell}' surface wear on the.Be broken-the rriachlne would cut doWJ1 the So d<>te Ed Shell. The queBtion '\.8 l • #50~ Pulsatoc. Control do so as they were eatabllilhed beaded tires •nd that ren'ewinlJ the need for altocaUDg shipping l!lpace boW to flAd him. Anyone seen a Boo9tt:'r prior to the adop~lon of the zon· llre bea.d giveai the llrea ~any tor new ttreL Ed Shell'• machine · , 60 ·a.#500· .-Ubing Connector. ing ordinance. more mile• of useful Ute. • I ,worJU, and does a commendable Head ~abblt? 130 • #327· Tubing Nut "c;;jiiiijiiiii~lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.:-;----:---,::--.---.-~:--~-:-:--:--;::-:; - , . For S.lh .I Job according to the letten in hia . ,1.120 -#328· Tubing Sleeve • briefcue. TUN .AGE CRASH ,... 60 ft. ~"' Copper Tubing. Shell made·• tire re-beildlng out-_..,. ..._. Jtalllll~ , Angie M. Sciacca. l1;, Orang<>. ~896 rt. 12• .Galv. Pipe flt tor 'B·:VS and hta ealvage lfOrk • i received .._cttAtlon tor drlvinx lhe DM ft. %"' Galv. Pipe ft.oeived h.Jih commendaUona from · BUt. 8het.1'1·problem Ue. pi· 631· ft. t i Oalv. Pipe ~y~-·~lng .. otf~n .. '-'e.U llog t.o the Bead Rabbit who can wrong way Ott a Cne way •~t .. 319 ft. t\4• Galv.·~pe -wu~ bo~ Jn· Anaaka anp in do eomethlng abou~ hia jnachlne. ~~::~e';-;~;,:. ::~~ 1,; 49% n. 1 ~-G&Jv. Ptl>e \,he eacitlc arid tda aalvaged tlrh He hu negoU&UOm underway an 8ccide:nt at lb lnte ti ol SOO fL r Gatv. Pipe bporaled, well lllldef, ~ :ri.:. with Illa former .-mandlag of· · Puk and OW..:nd A'""°' 0~1-. It.emlaed blda ahould be .. m.it.. _lbq_.....lt!Oni; ~~ -·"'-ln the Na-.y lo re-ln\.er..L •--•--'"• . ""'" ··~ --~"" -~ ••-in.._ ,.=.:;;--~u .... Qf ••-~ ~......._hr-''-,._-•• uni ..,. .....,.. at 3 .~ p. In. Mooday. ~. •-..-.;v ,._,_ -.npt > ~~" , ~v. , -~11--~ ... ~.,--~ ~" ~~~ L The other vehJcle lnYOlved wu to acce.pt or ~to reject~ and.'a.u _alp of l!hella ln¥enUoa la ""f of u.....,,,.r, It_,.. lllat.l!!a fonnu ~ven by Nancy Tru ~· 18 blda or any It.em .therefrom. 1ta ·otrona-itqlnto.-It la·~ C. 0 . -·t have, the nOe.a.ry Paad..,. ·Bothe .can ;.I....; Bids wtn ;be ~up to u ulildund, wUI atand up rank to 0 . K. a cantnct for -llilgblb' ~ """"' In • lh<i offtc .. of the ~ l<IUSll ·~....i.1 "1"' loft of Shell'a madllnea. . IChool April •~' ·1151, and wlll 'bo. 1 , -be~ ~..,.day' In-SbeU bell•-\bat the Air opene<I at l :w p_ JI. In the lloud rurn,-11usJNW J.&.iDiraa • 0m • at"'l:tlc"I!:~~ pdlata ~ Ollf ~)d,han a-~~.-for , ~ 11!1' DOG . -of 'Ille ~ .. -ca !be loRt •. •. Eo !'-'• ..,.. Y~. -OM:I& uh.; ...-JI( '!'< -occup14'1 • um ldO lil-ltoa. ,Jiu~ ·;,.,·~\De.a looli· Allla. W~ daUfhJ"!' of -date. I , 1 le' 0 -v...._ T ' 1 "°"' Boa ~ QrnbS._., • ~ ~ &. ~ ~ JiiS ~ (!II' a tong time lac, Mrs. Peter WIU!•-uo Apte ULLIAN uu:n.a. 1 IM ' . n • •, °" . ' · .... ..,.._,,.. lnfo-..-;air t'lft -. "-fr ~ of Deer wit.II A oe. 8'l)loa hlluici' waa reported · · J · • ' ciertt. -..,._,. C.0•-100 .. ' ,,.,..,: -._ .. -_. ~ lllllt ror outlri>s air dolde... _,.. raftlt and -rtt7 to g1.., to bl...,_ b:Ms>J>it.leii on ,u,e race )lo. 1..._Tllsleo. • . .• - ,.,, • .,, -~ ~ • .• •.. -. 'Ii--~~~~ .. Ille ......... ~d ~\. ... ~ b)'" dl;s. ~t-2:-. p.. ';"-.~1· ~ ~:--~~!-~~' t I ::.T • '·t1 ' l (" ~ , , I J, .i • < • . . • • ZONE • .OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, S~TURDAY ' Giid SUNDAY BALBOA fOI fOOO YOU WI.I. - . Cirtws •00.11 . II I AMlllC.Uf •r -nan lONG BEACH RIBPAalONg NUT DOOi TlllPffONt 7· 1091 IOI llUQvATIONI By CLA VTON THOMPSOX llak1 Easy-Carry Drain Pan Fmn 5-Gallo• Can We've bea.rd about a lot or makeehift drain. pana -many or. them troubleeome. But bere'• one (below) you can make that can be pulled from under a vehicle by the handle, then carried with 9ne band. CUT OUT SICTlOtf MID llMO OVIA IDGfS CllANltCASE OllAINllJIGS U you want to do away with ens(ne troubles on your truck or tract or, try RPM DELO Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil It will uve you up to 60" on· eqine maintenance CMt.I. RPM DELO Heavy QuU" is a hip performence level' oil, com- pounded. to it.op ring-etickiq, piaton Q.eposite and corroeion. We recommend it partf'cula.rly for farm traciora. Cali ua. Service i.a the ~el aim of our local bu.inea. . . ,,s......,Oll< s s -.. tilli•• Prmct DidrilMIMd ~ CLAYTON THOMPSON 18th &. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 155 • ~· . + ~ .. . , HM {o make joo4 telefMne seJVice even 16etfer. ••• • A ti/> you eant"ve . a talhlti.-e 'teen ager Wonder how many people have been tryinJI to =II this tclcphoDe sinc.e Ann began doing he~ algebra l~n with a friend who livesjU>t down the block. And. you know, incoming calls are often 'more importll1lt than the ones )'OU niake. This is just: ~ suggestion, of course, but if yoo have a problem like this a.rountl your )l<>use, you n1ight point out to )'our pa.rticu1ar Ann thar if 5he 'Pi'ccs'her cills •.. and talks 'only as loqgp 'rally necessary ••• she won't run the risk of missing a date. bccluse the bor. who was trying ro call could ger nothing but a busy signal 1· . ,.,;., . j~-"' ,Jf';_· ~ • •• .. •' ' • • .. ' • ·'(-' I · t I • " ·' •• I • 1 • 'I • l . - . .I • .. ' . NEWRORT-BALIO~, ~EWS.TIMES I ,i .. ·-· ·.Emergency' Bo b 1?!~~ ~~J.a ~outh.· ls lnju~ tdM9~~ ... ~ Instructions ' Giv 11 i~.":M$. si::·.;.":., ~ fter'· Dive in Bay of ~ele ,t ;c11-W:ch-. 'Use · :'!'-!--~-~~ l I The citation accomeanytn1 Ute 1 • ! Mem~ ., _---.''; According to L.A. (Di:µt) P r tch award reads ln patt: "For mert-Do\lglae C!ewett. 17, Temple Helgtati Se i:1:~-ln charge of Civil Defenae tor torlous ·.CU while. pa.rt1clpa~1 ptty, suffered a poealb1e fra.ctured Church ·wm ' ·~f. Orange county, much conflid.tng 1f! aerial flight. over enemy ter-~ when be dove into tb~~y campaign t.urday. M&rch 24:~ ;t lntormaUon hu been given to) th!!! ritory from 2 November. 1950 to 1 rrom •.float at 3~ E. Eds~;· to extend th ·use Of te~evi9lon: tot . public aa to emergency ProFed· November, 1950. let Aw .. Balboa, at 1 :18 p.n;i. e Cbrli:uan e . geliam. . ure1 .to be undertaken by ind't"l9· Capt. Hammerbeck, succeaM· Guard Capt. Jack Jonu· reported. Ill coo tlon With other A<lt- '"ua.ll tn regard .to water, gu and ly ':F."pteted · bla \wenty • nn:t Ba"':'rday. ventlst co~eg-aUona In North electricity upon rccelvin~ W&rnlnR \l)rOugb tbJrUetb combat mtutona .L.-~·ewett r•• pulled ubore ·by Amer~ th church will make f of an lmpetlding attack. The In· again.st the enemy aver Korea V""'Ple in he vicinity ·~ = special _ fin clal contribution to . etructlon& below have bc4?q crre· where lone.my ~Ire WU ·either f'e.o ~ea.led _for shock by the l fe expand cove age of the denomtnaJ tully compiled by tt•ponslble µtll· celvi:>d or expected. Hie actions ~ng depar~ent. He b~h ~ tlon'a netwo k t'levl8lon pro~ ity authorities. 1 throughout w.ere ln keeping wttb ported_ to St. Josep 8 Ot:IP • "Faith forq:ay." : . Your gas, eleclriclt,>•. or watt>r the highest tradlllona of .!he Unit-Orange, by an am~ulance. Th~ pro la the first to be uWtty haa emergency operating ed States NavaJ Se"lce. gponaored._b any denomination on procedures. which are dt-slgned to His 1wife, Ruth A. Bammerbeck St'. James· Recto r 8 regula.r'"n twork be.Bia, and bM beat safeguard the commtta.lly. and son Edward, ~. llve at 1812., already rec ved an appropriation When_ aatety measures are neces· 2nd Ave., Corona del Mar. to Attend of more $300,000 tor ""1951 . aary, utllitY suppltctt can be cu1 Beginning New York on· Dec. oft ln dang~r areu moet ('fft-c~iVC· I RISE TO R~ o· M t' 3rd, the tern section ot the ly by utilfty BCrvlcc crews. Fol-' 1ocesan . ee 1ng nalion·'A-1de telecast now cover• tow the advice of )'<;Ur local utll· 10 prtnclp cities of the Eut, The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, tty manager. Ry ftept'M4!nlaUve .1'ob Pldlllpe rector of St. James will be at St. South an~ ld-WesL The W~&tern Doa't Ahut off ynur ga~ IM'n•lcr &eetion, Jori ting in Los Angelea ---· 1 :· - ~~ L :'L'_,,.a. ~I 'oock.! You may need the ht.•at dur· "So are they all, all honorable Paul'a C&thesir'al Wffinead.ay, Mar. on ·Jan~ t • covers the Pacific 28 atten'"ding the department meet-ing. the emergt>ncy o.ler\ and dao· ml'n." lngs or the diocese. He wtil give coast. Two ~tions are nece1S&ry IN THE CLlITCH of the t.emptreu (played f'"Olhu51&11ticall~ It)> ·..- BACK HOME-Capt. ~rllr,! DetbJer, St, wu we&comed back home by his laughtrr, Sm..anM, 3, ~ be airlv-ed at El Toro from Korea Saturday. IJt>lhler u,·e11 at z'888' Rftlla.D:Wi Dr., Cb8b Mma.. Be was one of a -contiagr.nt of 181 reernt.ty n-tumrd 'l&rinea. . PETI'Y THEFTS PLAGUE POLICE Frozen mt>at valued at $70 wa.s I 30th St. and R"iver Ave. and Mari- stolen rrom a de£>p freeze in her ly_n Omeara.. North Hollywood, . . \Vlth fo ur nltsslng from her car garage, Mrs. Dudley Jarrett, ~ _..eyked in the rear of 1508 S. Bay Beacon Bay, cotnplained ~o Nl'W· Front. Balboa Island. • port police Saturday as they rC'· Two light·cream fender 11kirl8 ported a group of pt:tty thefts. were takt>n from his ca.r parked H ub cap thefts were listed by in the rear of 3221h Marine Ave., A. S. c ·a-rk, Monterey Park, with Balboa Island, W. J . CUrry, Long four missing frorn hit: car in the Beach, complalyed 'to police. Two "---Balboa parkin~ lot : M ~. H. E . headlights were taken from a ca r f(~r. Los Angt>l es. with thrc1• of the Gent-ral Sheet Metal Co., m1ssifl,g from her car park€'d al 2807 Villa Way, police added. JSJl.'RE~ ARl\I NEWPORT t'OSSILS gerous accumulallon!'I of ga.:.-1 rnay It ha~ bl"en alm°'l two thousand his report on the Long Beach con· because of t chnical barriers. be released Into homes or b~ild· years since those word& were vocation to tbe Department of Officers.. o the church televlslon ing1 If serv!J:c Is restored by un-spokC'n tn the Roman Forum, but MIS8lons ln the morr.ing and at-commluton !report that re&~n&e trained people-. the> spirit of Mark Anthony would tend the ite~lons Of the executive to the televl¥1on program is p lo Don't 8but off ynur t'lt'ctrfClty! have smll£>d, If it had been tn Key council in the afternoon. 15 timea Jre~ter than response re· You may '.''&nt your rad·o which West on March 15th. The Preli· cetved from a similar radio hour. may be your on~y mea..ns of re-dcnl as.sured the pr~s that hia ad· The denomt atlon a.lao maintatna celving offic1a1 in!'ltruction. or your vtsors are a11 ho norable men. Jn Miss Carol Terry an 1nternat¥lna1 ..radio program. clock. or a hot plat~. or light tn r<'ply to a demand by California's "The Voice CJ prophecy," heard on your home. most vigorous repre!'lentatlve In H F I d • 700 stations over the world. Don't shut off )'Ollr \\·att·r M>r· f.hp Congr<'SS, Senator William Orne rom n la Success of the televlalon pro- vlo«>! You may n£>1~d your sanitary_ l~nowland, that he should "come M lsA Ca.rot Terry, daughter of gram has ~n attributed to an faCllitles or wate} n1ay ht.' needf.'Cl home from Florida, and clean unusual appl,loach used In present· nulckly lo put out small fires. houite," the Prc!'lldenl Is reported Capt. V. S. T e rry of 219 Pearl ave-Ing rell.,.ioufl subject!'!. Real-life • 1 nue, Balboa l21land and the late e Don't. dra\\' quantllltos of '''lltrr to have said, "My house ts always charactf'r8 :r;:• s1tuatlons are dr&· Wilhelmina Terry, ·arrived Friday lhto bath tuh8 gr oth4'r ('ontalnt>rM: cl£>an ." from India. where she hu bee n matized. and from a buis for the This would on:y reduce . preSRurc Let us consider this queatio.n of for tW.p years at a mission school. tele~n mibistt>r's remarks. BotJl in ma.Ina and also result tn an un-honor and mpralR: The Pre&ident E8.8lern andl \vestern sections use nec:essary waste of water '"hich took office in 1945. Jn mld-1947 It Mrs, Terry died March 8 after a the same ti\lc and lollow similar long iltnesa, less than a year be· may be badly nf'Cllt•d. Storage was -discovL•red that \\1a '.lace Gra-pattPrns, bu} With different casts. water heater• h&\'C sufficil·nt 1rup· th fore she and CapL Terry would "Faith fo Today" la heard in han1 and Ed Pauley among u ers have observed their :>Oth wedding , plies for emergency fll'inkln~ a.nd had been spt'culatlng profitably In anniversary. the Harbor rf'a On ~hannel 7 at cooking needs. grain fu"turf's on Inside Information 12:30 Sunda n1orninge. t"e9.. do ~ut. off l rou~. tna."ll1•,-,., secured \hroui;h White House con· CARS 81 ;~1P 8tov~i. and otbf·r appll&n('i'.s 11..'t nf•ctiOQS· The Preaident announced t.housh you '''Pre going-a"·ay fur hC saw nothinb wrong wi th such th~ da.)·! speculation.-. Mrs. RaymOnd KP.at Han-·ry) lM our ltt'ro (playe4 \\i lb. equ~ de"\·~ • tlon to dul)' by Martin Ingram). St-t•ni-,,·as from that fine mel-· '-i &erdrama "Oh, The ·Pity of It..'' (N<•\vs-Tintes Photo) MACJnNE STOLE1' BISHOP DONALD H . TIP- A stamp vending machirie wa.s PETT, Bcrkt'lcy, on return troiu stolen from the office of the An· world tour of Methodist mlsala_. char Tra1ler park, 1527 Nl'wport ~~"Th(• Chinese Commanlsts ha~ Blvd., Costa Mesa., accordin& tn developed C'ffcctivc propagan4•• a complaint filed with the sherj.ffs an<I l'ducationa.I met.hods -wh~ office by William D. McTaggart, .<:vt>r thf'y have taken over the-_,: park operai.or. Value of the ma-havt:' r..:!t'vcrly c:>l.abtished many bf. chine. including the stamps it con· lhC' principles \\•c've c!aimed for! ta.incd, was estin1ated at $20. : DcinocraC'y:· 'r' • HELPFUL· HINTS For Homemakers • -'" -AD LIB Robert Ow(•n, 1u. Los AngcleR, a passenger in il car driven by Gene VUlett(' Rowley, Los AngeleN received a cfe('p gouge ·on his right a.rm when the car was involved in a three-car accident at 12 :46 P·Jll · Wednesday at 17th St., and Coa:st Highway, Newport Be_ach. . Newport Beach and San Pedro ·J The "fivt>·per·cente r" investlga· Rowley's . car failed to slop in tlme, accordlng to police reports. and smashed into the rear of a car d riven by A-fa~ Duggei:: \Vall, San Marino. Her car in turn ran 1nto the rear of a vehicle driven by Harry J . Vick _or Los Angeles. d<'posit.B.of microfossils were g iven out as souvenirs Friday to 1500 geologists attl'.'ndlng the 47th an· nual meeting of the Cordilleran CW('Stern mountain) section of the Geological Soc1c~y or Amerca at the University oi. Southern Cali· fornia. Four diffefent sacks-of material came from4 Tin1mas Point silt, the "'est sfdc ' or Cabrillo avenue 75 feet north of 4th strt.."f't, 2nd and Pacific avenues and Cabrillo Beach, all in San Pedro: and an· other from a road cut 11.4 miles north of the Pacific Coast High· way on Palisades road, Newport Deach. Surprl'se Shower uon. a little 1a1rr. linked General Harry Vaughan with the influence for Mesa Matron peddlers. Vaughn, from M lHourl, served with Truman In W. W. I • and was discharged as a Captain, Invited lo the horn(' of lrehe 130lh·FA. In 1914 he e-ot a job Morr is. Dorothy I Mrs, JudJ;On 1 with thC' T ruman War Contracts, Sutherland of Costa Mesa fOund Investigating-Committee. and her8elf surprhw honoree at nn in· when Senator Truman tx-came ttcipation Mhowt.•r on Thursday Vic(' Prcsidt'nt, Vaughan bt·came evening. his •·military aide." Thi.s was th£> Court Whist v.·as play£•d, with first time in hi.story a vice pre11l· first prize J!O!ng to -Grl'la Tubbs, dent had a military aide, or · ee<:ond lo J ean YounR an<! co n· thought he needed one. Vaughn sofiltion c I aim e d by Marilyn followed Truman to the White Whe~ler. Befort• thl' dessl'rt of icf' House: was made a Brig. General cream roll and ..:ookit·s wcrl' !i('rV· In 1915 and a Major General in ed, gifts, pU"d in a nf"lw high "hair, 1946. The revelations of deep w1::re brought tht• mothrr·\o-b1·. fre<'Zer units, u gift.JI, of ••fixing," Owen was holding a fishing spear out.side of the ca r when the suddeness of the impact forcC'd h i.s arm into the wind wing. The window broke and cut a chunk of flash out or Ow1::n's right fore- arm. I-le \lf":\s • tat~£>i1 t--0 Con1n1u11 ity hoi:pit&l tiy" Seal's arfl.buUDl\:e. .. Present were: Agnl's Blf>om· and of "Whl~c House innue'nce" Th(' soUV('nJrs Wt.•re made up by qulst, Peggy P.b"· Jean Youn~. have followed. The Gt>neral 'IB stlll the SC chapter of Sigma GH.lll1na Sue Horvath. Gretha. Tubbs, Eve· on the White House staff. Epi,illftf. natlunu.t geologkaJ· fra--lyn Van1E'r. Kay Vaui;thn, Curhlyn One> of Vaughan's clo~st friends tt"rnity. -\V~~r. "Ma'itlyn \-Vht>l>ll>t; · Rlith ""'fl.'I a character nanted John Mor- Ol"rri~h. ~tr:;i. Suthcrl.antl And 'Mrs. 1 agon. H(' w&11 from Missouri, a Morris. Unabl•' lo attr nrl '-,Vt'r l' forinPr boot-bla ck, and the in":e.Stl- Mrli. Ht>len Engdtthl. niolhC'r o( th1' gallon showl'd he w ent in and out REDDY KILOWATT YourS.rYClftt of th• Century Who does the work in YOUR house? ' - If ,..;u 'say. "Reddy K;lowatt", you score 100! Reddy is you< sffl-1 of tlu c-, who is · alway> rady 10 tab o-your household work ai tbe ljp ol a 1Wia:h. He'~ fast, ·clean, dcpeodable and willing He's a whiz ot otherjobo, toc>-911 ~ the towo- in factories, StO<a, and oa the fum. llo!'a Edi-· Company's MJg/>17 Alo• ;,, P1m09, aOd be wwb ,f0< the lowesJ wap iD. town! J ' ' IOUJHtlN CALIPOINIA -, . . iDllON COMPANY . ' .. ' • , • , • honoree : /\I rl a ·Gorton, Belly of the White HoUSe at wlll. H e Handy, Natha lie t.·flchau<l , Sal:y "''as convlt..'tt·d or perjury before Newlin ,and Mildrt•d Stanll'y, thi• investigating commilt('e, a.nd ()()(IS 1-'0R IJF..f·F.~SE Discussions of tht· placC' or dogs in the dt>fCnsf' progran1 w i!J f1·a - ture a public· nW>.CLing uf lh£> con1· panonn dog trainini:: r"lai.i> at Orange Coast collri:;-t' next W ed· nesday night, il was annoup.ccd today by Don Short. instructor. Speaker.11 will include Capt J . 1 S, Living.stone, rad1o logical ' tl e- fense office·r at lh4.' Santa Ana 1 Marine Corps Air Station; Calvin Pier&on, chairman of ·the Canine I 1'ra1nlng ASJOoclation of Alr ?C-Rn· dria, Va.: Dr. Horace Pa(kcr. men1ber of th£> Cnast 'collt'j::t.' board of truslet·o and-Seven ;Bro: die. jai" l;'d. There wa.11 no evlde.nce of t·n1bttrra.ssment al t. h c White House. over the revelations of o. lush Influence bUBln cKS . Mnragon's nan1e Is in j.he news a&ain. in a story ot his earlier connections with a British ck!aler in wai-surplus materials. It waa Vaughn who established Mara· gcin 's contact with the foreign liquidation service. Maragon had a job with the Verley Perfume Company at $1000 a month. In 1945 h(' was arreMted by cuatoma ai;enlt; for lTying to 11n1uggle C'liSential oil into t h e Unltftd Stat es. W h 11 e still on Verley payroll he becan1e a State Department employee, as admln· istrative assistant to the U. S. OccJdentaJ Girt> ('lub )t:an'h SO, ·Mi88ion to Gre<:e. to "observe the (Fri~). 8 p. m ., Hlch scb~•I. 'Mission to Greece, to "observe the - ATOMIC BOMB · LIFE SAVERS* By 1'faj. Gt>n. \\'alt..r M. Robt>irtann. Calllom.la Director of Cl\•11 ~feMe What specific things should I remember in connection w;ith • my. household? There a re five keys to house- hold -safety. I-Strive for fireproof hoU8e- keeping. Don't let truh pile Up. Keep waste paper in coverect containers. When an a l e rt 90unda, shut off your utilities just as it you were going out of the house for the day. .2-Know your own ~ome • particularly the eale11t . part1 of your cellar. If you have onc,i or whatever other part of f:be • house provides beat pjotectif>n- 3-Cloae windows and d~rs. Draw blind& u~ tlme allop1a, when alert eounds close t.he hoUle a.a tight aa po88lble. 'Jlhi.8 wUI keep out sparks, ~uCe ~n~. trance or ndloact.ive ~ta. .f11d inaen chance of being cu~ I.by ny1ng gtua. AI)lo keep hobrie clboed untu advlaed that danger b&tp&lllO<i. ' I-Store emergency eq lp- lnel!"I" .a good flluibllJbl lb extra ~tuiee., nm. ~ Po' meiat And canned ~ , 5--Uee. telephone ~ oil 11ue ..,.._.,1e., N~ ~ -~ ~--~p '!" J.· elections~" That wu ftom No- vember 27, IIM.S to March 14, 10.6. During that period bd col· lected $10,000 travel expenses from .Verley. It was Maragon who produced the deep freezer units for Vaughn and others In t.he influence group. Mn. Loretta Young wu Mr. Truman's secretary when he wu Senator. At that time her hua- band, E. Merle Young. from Mla- souri, was a government mesa.en· ger in the General AccquntlDg Of- fcie at $1080 per year. Mrs. Y o u n g accompanied Preaident Truman to the While House and became General Vaughn"& aecre- tary, and her hu&band bec&me a loan examiner for the RFC at 17100 a year. The FulbriJht Com· mlltee reported e.v1.de.nces of the aale of in.tJuence to secure RFC loans: the Prealdent said the re· port was "ulotne:" thi• J rked Senator Fu1brfgf\! and ln the en- suing i,nvesttgaUon. it dame out that Mr. Young had become a \."ice · pre.aident of . the Luatroo CorJ)oratton and, at the ·ame tlme. ot the Jacobs COrporlolkll\ 'or Detroit. at a.· comblned aWy ·of $(8.oilo. all ',the . wblle rt.toe conatden.ble Ume to the De~ era.UC" National eo,nmtttee u a IJ)rofe.uional tnnuenoe peddler. :nie: LUatron O:>rporatlon ~ $37 llllUlon from the JOW.,,,.,...t before. It folded. and Jacobo Oor- P.,ratlon '-'"'4 mcap from Ute RFC. Jo(,,. Younc recel-a Ill< coat. fthl!!d' at f.9,500.. u a ''gift... Kn. ·Toun« ls still ~· ployocl at th• White --. 1 .am un~ tq. ·1epol t Oii lilt. Younc. '-. . ·-· Bunin.I_ u .A~ Attack, ofllci&J U. Go.'!. -let • : • '(l•IDtonvpt' 'U\I& -"lY llttet; !» .. t & ........ daya al)la ........ Aµantlc ~. 1but I Wiii -lllluo. S, W. ID~ • .....-·• llono<'. &I'd -fll" la • "":""'• -. -!· ·1 • RAVE Y U AN EXTRA .SOMETHING OR: OTHER? • WHAT HAVE YOU AROUND the House that You're · N~ Longer Using? ' -. ! • • .. , • APPLIANCES, R.UGS. FURNITURE, TOOLS ' ' ' . BOOKS, SILVER 'ANTIQUES, etc. • .CAU HARBO J616 . AND ~LACE A WA~T AD IN THE .l'fARB R .AREA'S GREArEST C~ttill~ATION: ' ·~·,·~~ • .RT • BALBOA .. NEWS · Jlttj~S . . ail ;POs1:~. • :. sfforrlNG·' NEw·s :. , ~ · ·1~e1tioA ~f!ifss' ; . ' . .. . i . f • • • ,. . ' l • .. -. I f I I I I I I • . - : • .. ' • f ' ' • ' ' . By M ' • • • • • • • • • • • ' . . ' T"'qE'8 'l'Hj!l SMOKl!I 9~AL 'J'Hftll !!&Cf.,. of UW~Trim. • \Thunib 'nox Included.I Leave WI not 'Tf:IB PALMETTOESI 'l"BSRB"S ·J·THii atop 'nOW; u lonl'·U we're fOln' .a cuc>d! .Je:nye RJchanllOn ha.a l'UTzyE, DRUM BKA,'1'11 RO~· Hartex drJipeey· r&!>ric• IP \8 cojcira 4BSQLtlTELJ: OQA.&AJilTEED-l!iOMJIO! BlJ)o( -um.bl -BOOK! !' ·NOT to FADS &Lft3.2S yd, lo ij" wide .. Al .. very Jl(Y ,lo 1!10\l•m W..UWO:S! DO YOU OIVI' THE ' i>l4td> &bower, curtalno at s:l.116 ea.! pi.ta\ ""trimmed Dutch muolfn ~ ! !"! IT'S LUAU ~! ,, ¢url.a.lae 4:, prtuy 1Prt.clllaa. Co\lne prima..cSon.nu; make you11 cur- 'MN."11 HUT, llAUIOA Of'EN8rS, tal'1 call at RJCHARD!IO~S CURTAIN lo ljlRAPERY SHOP, H?03 MnlWAY. IM1ICH II wJtb a . Coul Blv.du Corona del Mar. . IUt.\lllAllAN Ce,_Ollfal! Gather • . e e e . " ~. .make wttb the lei .. luck HI u.cua • I TOO& A. P<\SIT!ON behind a telepharwt pole aad· wa..tched a.s . ' behind your .shell-like ean! Once PU\. coldly, calcul•~gly the man cllmbed the ladder. Step by steg . DOUG~ LONG. BEA.CB IS, NOW HIJIING ~ --The Miqh.ty Mid9et ln Adv~· -. , \\~ I-~v~.'f , · · 1. · With s1ip~~ :EW-PO-"T B~Y ~ ....... W11l ;r11'a;p . YOUI WUl:~ ~ ~-BAWQ~ --~~ While YQal ~ N•-8'ly Poot CJaaaU!oo..,.,....,.._to.~··-· ~~·"W• , News-Tl.._ Of tM·•enlg ~ ' Thia. uce.l?Uaul: oti~IJ1 ta Mumrui(.D;a~~· J_ · --. .., to-llMlR-'4!d~ ,, .,.., 1 c1•••1fted acamuat. be .-k.•o~ °"' ~9'J!P'ri• .cs: ansac'M.. m¥.-•4"r.&J. or. Uop1 .,..Tj-.re.. ( 1Jaes 1 .... _, · I f •• , . "'-111' to 41l. , .. 4 Unes ·2 ....,__; ~ , .. -• Qllalttio<t lll!Pllcanta "!ill i.. bJttd .._ ' ..,.... &lido att,er t. -!\» -·!IC job-4 Lines . I 3 2'1!•1!!1! i '·~I . -tv promot!Qn) • publlahera wlll not be ruponBI~· fO< t1Mll'e .1~~1.ncor1:'¥'t P~ ~L(j).~ ton or an advertllement. reaer.v. the. ~ w., ~ OFF.ICE the traditional_ pit routed' .uckllnl'-pts. up, up .. _ bJgber, hllJbec unut &1 Last he waa potNd. on the very - Humah.Umanu.ka.Du.ka, IaJa.nd PGI! Whal a feast; such a ce~ony? ·root top! From a ama.11 vallae, 1 saw him extract a llquld filled All you nativM c.ommandffr k.JU:a, out-rtcpra. yacbtl or dlJii'hie., c~e and a paee.r bar. Qh IO caretully h.e emptied the contents of .BUT Gl!IT TBSRE fi:ABi.Y! GROG BARS OPEN AT 2 P. Jlf. BAT• the botUe lnlo the half. Then bslanclnlf on the parapet, he poised ~ ; _ ~ ... THJJ l{'A.MOUS HAWAIIAN PUNqH ~TS baS Ln hand. He paused momentarily ... then "BO.NBS AWAY!" and zl1 -and to reject 1any 54~ ~ ~ ~ -fuJ • and regulatlon.1 . Advertl3eroent. ~ ~N~· will) !!'I J..A.XJ;WOQI> It C~$>N a pled up to 5 p.m. on the day ~ Jll!llll_~jc!f! .... -. we. ~ ........ -~:3(! p.m. aa:6JZllLS ~67.Pvt. ...,,._ · FLOWING ABOUT f. p. m .. Fun llt.arts the moment yoi.J set the~ he ~uted merrily as the bag buz;ait and .pl&abad oyer: the unau.- ......, D. ~to. llOD ot Mr. aa4 Luau diJlDU served from· 6:30 p. m. on ... Then bil show time! pectiiag head-of an elderly Teen-Ager. Then drunk wttll power, the Ma. C. 8tw. UC> WNt: ll*' St,_ Hula O&Dcera. $ini•n. Nallv,e carrylnga on! TIUS IS 'fOUR man deecended the ladder and r.'eeled ·1nto a charmiJll'" little WAY· Costa Mesa. has l"f'eeatJy re-MOMENT . . . get wt th lt beach boy.a and girt.. 'CRJU8TJAlr8 side lift abop. l followed him. "HO:'lf ARD ER WOOD YOU ARE portf!d to K~ler Flekl, Blloxt. HUT, BALBOA THIS SAT. BIO LUAU TIME ... FOOD A GROO< AN . UNMITIGATED CA.b!'' I scolded. "Well I try," said Elrwood MJM... to bestn tza1llblc In the • • · • • modeatly ... "and l am aJ90 trytn1 to sell theae exquialte Huldah A.tr t"Ol'ct"S Radar iw:hool whlc.b LOVELY LADIES OF THE NJNETIES upon retuintnc _froJll a prtnta at 1.4 off ... as even you with your 'prying manner ca.n ta a. p&r1 of the tar~e techn.leal carriage ride Ln the pa.rk: or a rolJ.&h day droppinc tl1elr , ~alllng see; they are gay, colorful and In channing antiqued frames. The~ ~OO:I or tbt" A1r Force .<\Jr carda would climb into a .pelgnotr. Thia pelgnotr uaualJy welshed rorpoua Lumart alllmlnum trays are alao knocked-off % .•. and Tralnlnc Conunantl. 10 -12. lb& and wa.a about as relaxing a.a a hair shirt. Today 'smart a.a for m~ beautiful shadow box mirrors ... who knows???· If I De """ l~~W~~ ~~~.::..a,·· 1 'Mr!ll •If" '1 'DOitG1lS :n11 BAI-Blvd., N--•• ,.._.c.i~~:" • , ~raft Co.;; Inc. ~-~h Elivialolt • i7c:S9 EXJ>Eim:N~lfwat~reu w;,.te<1 .. -atnN19.ffl. ---""4*= I ~"""-'!!''f"ert"" 4 • !II • • i J.ta-~ ..,.... iiiXJUIOS .PAJ;NTING ~lillll) -IJflllJBICJi» USINESS GUIDE • gTandes dames come home from a ha.rd day a~ the Bln10 ~lor or have a good day on' the roof t9morrow, I ~y trade them tor blgge ••••••711!••••••1! bridge table and Olp into a bright UtUe Television tea ro~ from bag•!" Erwooda .•. 407 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. ' • the POLLY APPAREL. One in particular favor la the ~reaay • • • l.llrl'll HOUBll CLlllAl<tNG rvtce. P'urnlture 1 and nap ampooed. Fhe utlmateiii- lly tnoured. 's House & Rug ·Cleanin~ Co. Glenn J<>hnston Wl -Slat St. Newport Beaoh Apply SNACK SHOP, 1619 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. WANTED MOTEL MANAGER- Slngle m8.Jl or couple. \Viii pro. vide apt. plus salary. Write Box E, this paper. . 96c118 NOW ~110\VISC.i Everglaze Chints.. Thia hostes.s aUair ls made of washable. wrlnkJe.. "IT'S THE U'M'LE THINGS IN LIFE THAT COUNT." The resistant flowered chintz with front zipper and is tres chic at S10.9:ii. little niceties that lead to the g-raclous way of livlng! You too can Another &m&l"t consideration is the Polka-Dot rayon house coat at live a life of refinen1ent surrounded by little luxurle•! The price? $·10.95, or lhe colorful and slinJf:y moore or less boudoir-confined, Pooh! For example, you too can know the perfect peace and ray~ pelpolr at Slf..96. Other rayon &: seersucker robes $0.95 up. Lranqullity that comes from setting a bottle of old Crayfiah-on the On the ba.r&aln Acounter at Polly 'Apparel. you'll find eome \'EBY JraJn.iboard a.nd not leaving a ring. The Coaatlln@ FJgor (love.rin• Go. GOOD BLOUSES. plal.n. fancy or tailored, odd Jots. some sllchUy ls getting up off the. floor tar enoul"h to in.stall wonderful FORMICA soiled MARKED DO~ as low aa $3.95. Polly Apparel, 183lii New .. DRAJNBOAKDS & COUNTERS. Formica comes In about 50 color Harbor ftW1 ..J Stc4t "TOMAHAWK" In Tf'<"hnll'olor ''Ith Van HPnin &: ,11,·onnf" J)f" Cnrlo • AIM "OPERATION DISASTER" COMIXG Sl'XD . .\ V •. .\PR.. I Bl'RT LASCASTER ROBT. \\1.,1.KER 'YENGENCE VALLEY' -PIUA-- · ''lHE MGM STORY'' port Ave., Costa Mesa. ::omboa and will blend in with any other color BCheme. Formica ts Bellr.On e 111 F r Venetian Blinds, S ades and Drapery Hdwe. T SHADE SHOP • .-• !!lain-proof, fire-proof, het-pan·proof, ice-cube-proof. How much 51 estimates Ph. Har 884 -29th St. Newport Beach 93tfc LADY! IS YOUR HlJSBAND HAMMER-SHY!! proof do you want anyway ! Coutllne can make waterproof For- Does he carp and. cav:il or (TOW coldly Indifferent mica ln11tallat!Ona In one day a t a price less than you pa,y for when l)'OU suggest he· apply the businesa end of ceramic tile. Coastline &180 does low coat linoleum draln boards &. SHARPENING a hammer to a nail? Then bewa.tt, as many a counters. You can get estimates and see · aamplea !or free at the marriage has gone on ·the rocks because once {oo COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING C0.1 18th &. Newport Ave., Costa Al tools ~ lawnmower& • pinking eilrs, knlvea, l-9 p.m . &: Sun. often a woman nagged a man! List to the caM Mesa. Beacon 0201-J. history ot Letitia Creak.Qaum of Upper Beacon Bay. O.ne day Letitia demanded that her love- partner; Frambe#'g Crea.k.baum ln~talJ a curtain rod . . . a. simple ~t.er or pounding a. rew nails into a.. v.ia..ll. Fratnberg demurred but Letita demanded. The rest or this story is history.' Framberg Creakbaum hit his t.humb with the hammer, fell ofr the ladder. packed his bags, and left for South Africa tn the order named. The moral of this tale o r domestic strife Is plain · enough! If you have any c urtain or drapery problems, needl drapl- ery hardware ln.atalled, or any odd window arrangements, OOflfSULT BELEN WOLFARD A.T THE SHADE SHOP. You'll find It's muc h easier than feWn& a new meal t icket or eendin&: out a tra~er: on your old one! SHADE SHOP. MA !ftb, Nf'"·port. Bar.bor 8&I • • • • • • • • "BRIGHT LIGHTS It BLONDE HAIRED WOMEN" .. The aonc floated down ·Mariner' a Mile thle warm aprlnC' Thursday. "Whal poignant muaic that Tennea- see Ernest wrings out of a juke box.," I remarked\ to Gladyl!I aa I scampered to a stool at the A.NCH.Ole. CAFE. .. "AND what soul-ftll food you beat out of that stove, girl. I care to dawdle over your renown Mc Swiss Steak lunch." I ate slowly loving every minute Theo I c-.d \he joint. ntERE WAS T.llA'.7' SAME MAN A.GA.IN! "Gladys," I whispered conflde.ntlally. "Who IS that happy-raced. rosy-cheeked mkn I see ealin&: here everytla.y ? Is he your -husband, your FIXIT SHOP ,609 Coast Highway N ew~rt Beach af Frodsham t Direct 92p6, OXY Glee Clubs. ·WE RENT • ELECTRIC paint. apra_yers. fioor sanders, polishers and c~eutng . e41ulpment. stroOta TeWlnkle Hardwa.re, 1802 Newport Blvd~ Costa Mesa. Phone Bea. 5222~ H.H.HOLBROOK . DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Seivtcf Maintained Phone: H&J:borr 1_.is..w 280l Balboa Blvd., N""'POrt Beach PAPER HANGING and P AlN'rlNG Kenneth Quat-ry 1516 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Kesa PhOI)e ~con M04 • 79e92 PAIN,FING EARL SHEFLIN . WE HA VE l!'ULCOLOR, FULL- ERS New wa.ahable wall flnish. Also Jewel caSe of colon. Free palnUng inlltructton• and color planner folder.a . BALBOA MAoRINE BDWE. CO. Ba.ain Branch, Bay.aide 1'rlve Your f\lller Dealer A Good Place to Go 9Se6 . · li'OR SALE. OI'. TR ADF; 6A1, or camp trailer, alum. box, bomber wheel&. air shocks, '4' x 7'. Wgt. ;iiOO. Good Urea. · WANT Boat, lumber, or? to $200. 218 -29th St., Newport Beach. 96p97 BABY BUGGY, Hartman, collap- &lble, like new, $10. PbDne Har- bor 2969 .. JK. 97c99 . 2n >'&Jmer SL. Coot& -30--APPUA."CES Bea. llt57·M -------------TABLE TOP GAS RANGl!l lu good COME WI'1'H' ME ON A TREASURE HUNT! The end of the l'"------------1 !rainbow Is for sale ! Thia gracious four bedroom home IUl.dlDrd, or the State Auditor?!?" Gladys casually tossed a st.ack or buttermilk hot-cakes in the air. Then &he replied, "No, that's The Man Who Came To Breakfast . . . 3 years ago ... he likes the rood. here 90 he stayed for Lunch ... he refuses to leave ever. Ir he get,s lonely for· his frie.nda he a.sJc.s them to come over here lo the AN'CHOR CAFE.'' So that's the life ... once you eat at the Anchor Cafr. Gladys says the n•hlng Is good noW and her early bird breakfasts ar('even better! The way l see it, you can't mlM a meal at the Ancbor Cate. 7110 Coast Hi\vay, Newport Beach. Open 6 a . m.·7 p. m .... weekdaya. Sat. & Sun. 1 a. m-.8 p. m. The Occidental College Men's and Wom~n·s Glee Clubs, w))ich will appear in a combined concert l:J;ere on March 30th, at eight 0°clock, in Newport Harbor Uni.on High sch90l auditorium, are direct- ed by Olaf Frodsham, who la this year servin&: as conductor ot the Occidental Glee Clubs, taking the place of Boward S. Swan• who is on a nbbatlcal ·Jeave.--- 14-PBlllSONA.l.8 condition, $60, Kenmore agitator w&Bh.er $25, Hoover vacuum reconditioned $15. ~ E. 19th, Coat.a Mesa. · Beacon 64.90-W. THE NEW HAMMOND 'CHORD ORGAN $995. $29.50 per month YOU can play r ich ore.an m usic at once, '-"'ilhout leam- lne-a sing le note. Come hean and play the Ht1.n1mo nd Chord' Ora gn. Danz-Schmidt , . Piano Co. -~~ .0 1'. M>lln ~treet 1 ~rnflr 6th !'anta Ana Phone KlmlM-rly 2-5140 1-r A. Becker, D. D. 8. DENTISTRY 1780 Nf'wport Blvd.,Colita.Meu Mrdlrl'll Sidi. Beacon 87~ 6CJO It. Bay A •e., Balbqa a..rbor S27 ·l Harold K. Grauel Chapel Is designed for your plea.sure. peace and perpetual enjoyment ! Walk with me thru, the large lanai patio with the ct&nt rubbe~ treu .into ·the spa.cioua living room. Modem furnishings are the• motif here ... a long custom-built divan. a corner flreplaoe, a radl~m­ bination . . . everything for creature comfort. And best of all. gaze thru' the wld&, w.ide window..& al a broad beach and unexcelled ocean view!. '!Ila ~ *•~ ~ of th• dining area lends a quiet elegance .. dJ .;. ~ tbat t:b.-llitlltlut m-1 . wouJd seem like a banq\l,tllt. • a-, W &Plll_• wi~ 4 ~ aa ,.. tha main noor . . . whU. up • abor.t Dl.&'fli Qf ata.1a. t.MN!• a. hu1,.e B'Nv.incial bedroom- den wilJ1_ bM*t ... 1!hta. l'QOIU. .,.U.. d:\M:zn t.ae momeat you enter. Tbe EldoJ Atm.Mio.ani tu..rmiallinp and: ••paQ'Ji¥•· ~. view altd the pri)iacy maM tbia ·a.w~ from It all' spot the ~. one fQr guests. Back dqwnaataln. -..m: there Is a CllD'lp.letely equtpt. kJtchen . . . l retna.. -.0.•1 &. dJsposal and even poU .,.a, ~ Oh you can lb'e with you.elf in this house! As a. mat.tu: ot. !M:t. yo1.1 can slU!t ~ SVerythlng's all ready for a m~eJOUJli.du.ip. tor •living! Cait s..Hrif Newlin a t Harbor 1607 or go see ~ at thQ J ohn Blln\h&m office. ~07 E . Balboa. Blvd .... Alao walxllL. tbia 'Eburs. Prua,, foll • Treasure Hunt Ad with pictures oonetmit\8: th.I& 4Naniy bouae! • • • "LET 'EM EAT CAKE" she said .. SHE was Marie Antoinette, I think. Marie rioJ doubt waa being kind to the ra~le and sug· gestlng the dellghtAil Banana Nut Cake !ron1 the Newpar~ Bakery. Wow! The Bananas are baked Tight In the cake treah every day .. No wonder Vlrginia McMahan has been famous for LO These Many Yea.rs. The Banana Nut Cake has a butter cream center and chocolate Icing with nuts on top ... 59 cents a copy ... YOU'LL be a constant subscriber once you try one! SPECIAL ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ·AT THE NEWPORT BAKERY -FRENCH APPLE PIE WITH A STRElJSEL TOP th. (Streusel is a Dutch word which sounds somi:tihng like -."Crunch on augar and butter." And thefl there's Cinnamon Bread. And oh my Uie Duto.h Rolls ... (more crust tha.n a Louisiana Senator!) Dinner Rolla, Butter Crust Rolls . . Salt Rising Bread On Fridays . . . Cakes decorated to e e • order~ IThanka Virginia !or the Banana Nut Ca.ke & the Dutch DON'T BE AFRAID TO TEl:.L TOUR Mq:THER\ Rolls! They were wonderf'!I ~) Newport Bakery, 2112 Ocean Front, DON'T BE AFRAID TH.AT SHE'LL DISCOVER Newport. Open 7 days a week! that you ha ve had a lltUe COLOR -FOAM JµNSE~ • • • Honestly 'ladles, you'll be really light beade~ after ''THIS IS EASIER Tl-IAN I THOT," said a 50c Color . Foam Rinae from RiUTll'S B~AUTY Harry Kingston as he rapidly fired a DaisY SHOP! I me&n' lightheaded In the sense of feeling air-title into a wooden container. Stepping giddy and happy even tho' nature may have made • • . ~·..,·· into the Bayalde Mkl. refrigerator to a vol~ y.ou a., bJUmett.. The Color-Foam Rtnsit put up by the Rayette Co. ~~.,.>.:f-stray slugs, I peeked gun-shyly out and said. is bl~ to-",IU.{t ypur individual coloring. People wtll no longer ~-"It looks easy, Harry, but whatever are you com.t up. to yeu and say quizzically, "Well, Dolly, I see you've been doing?" Harry drew a bead oh a pile of mackerel and replied, ~dUAI' 4P. )IGUll hair again." Color-Foam simpl~ lights ~p and "I am shooting fish in a baJTel, &illy." "Oh eo that'• how It is," I bl'in&!L out tba, ~ beauty of your old tired head-piece Vfithout remarked eruditely, "but what'• all this yak you've been foedlnc' me givlai. it a. 'Dl'941 ID Tbe Wool Look:' Ruth'• aeauty apeclaJl.Ze• in about your own boats, and your daunUesa flahermen braving the RayMfa ~ '"'-oration treatment.... etc. Even If you've depths with hQ:9)t • ~in}SeJ\ to, lp"ipgi ff't!lll} tl .. 4&J1y~tp us populace? considv.d. :M\~tee.lf. ._ ~ssa.n ce piece ror years, RUTH'S BEAUTY Yeah Ir what about this Abalone at $11.60 a lb.! I pursued ~elentlessly. SHOP Cal!l ~ YOU AT 338 POI'NSE'T'TIA, CORONA "Every word Is true," explained Harry Kingston. "Now about this DEL M.AJJ; ~ 2907. Abalone you just mentioned. Every day my diver• dive in diving · • e e rlga to Dave Jones' Locker for suaranteed fresh Abalone. You can Professor Frodsham ca.me thla year to Occidental College after serving u director of choral music at tht' Long Beach City College. There he directed the A Cappella Choir, the Aten's Glee Club, &nd the Madrigal Singers. ' # A veteran of Yl or id War ll, he se.rve<;S better than three yeaf.e overseaa with ~he U. S. Army in the Pacifi c area . Prior to his in· ductlon In the service he was a tea.cher ot music at the Kame- hameha Schools. Honolulu, Haw&iil. Alcoholic& Anouymoua Write 'P. 0. Box 2CY.S Balboa Island, ezllf. Phone Klmt>erly 3·~9S Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone. Beacon 6451-W 92c7 !~RARE YOUR CAR 95dl7 WE REPAIR all makes ot washlng machines, lroners and vacuum cleaners. STROOTS TeWinkle Hardware,.._ 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon ~222. 86c99 APT. ~IZE OAS RANGE, oven CQnlrol. $00. Beacon 6lMI or Beacon 6572-W. 95c97 ' WANT RIDE nA.iLY from 1100 S2-FURNITURE FOR SA.LE blk. W . Balboa Blvd. to Corona del Mar (9 to 5). PbQn11 Harbor 1146·W. 96tfc LOST -Tackle· bpx with name "Van¢?" on lid, left Tues. e~e . in McF~dden St. parkip&. area. Reward. Notify J_ Ji~ 1luce, phone Logan ~5. <1olJect. • 96pl8 Buy Your TV NOW! See t}\ese LOW Prices: ' . 2-New Admirals Jl)emaQl!t.ratol'.S. Save $70 ea. ~· Ai4:1mlra.l pbo.aq -combination AM-· PM radio, \.record player wu $469.i5, now $.199.95. SAVE $10 Professor Frodsham is a gradu- ate of the University of Redlands and has done graduate work at Occidental College, University o·r Southern California, University of Hawaii, and Columbia Universlty.i&-SITU _____ A_T_ro_N_s_w_&~NTU---·-'_1 1'4.'' Admiu.I TV phoncrcomblaa· He hu studied voice a~d conduct-EX t.. tion. In FM radio, record play-. . h w B Old H d PERT' pnleDoe ~·tru ,, .. ,.~ I mg wit . , . s, owar , Has poweli machiner-v PL Be• er. Wu 1369.95, now $~.96. Swan, Harry Robert Wilson and ,,.. ~ ~~~ mVl • Lara Haggard'. · 5283·_\Y· IJ;tts: f 1' .. · • . ' A·t Occidental Coll ege he ia the 'WILL C4RS. rq. 2.. ors am&ll :i,,! '.,· '1.,·r ~. ~·.t j: !4 '. regular conductor nf .. the A Cap-ch.Udrea ta. m.,: ~ldent~al homP. Good 7" Mptorola TV with ex-~lla Choir and teacher of voice. Fence;d -y._ outdoor play equip. p&nded ' mui<. NeW· plctu~ Re&SOAable ~ bx. hour, day tu~. l Y1\ (U&IllDtee on tube, or week:. ""'-Jjfontgo~J'l'. Bea. Only $59.&G .. EASTER WEEK .,..v-..oD ... ! ·a.Ytml·•• JUl&D> ALL ABOUT. IT! NEW HOLD-UP aee the boats come in at 6 :30 p. m. lf you can eee then. It's Ii , ~' ~ -J b (C.Onllnu@d from Pa~ 1) AT THE Mie!IQ• ~ 4 101 I"loat the dishes in the sink'-dolls big expensive o to get Abalone. Got to c•t It out of the shell. 0021-Wi. ,..,B. Mo"f'l"'". e...ts Mesa. 9:tp97 whlle I tell -JCMl all ~ tba tamous STARDUST BRAS$1ERES· at got to pound it, you know. Nbw a lb. of Abe.lone at $1.!M) will serve for near!)' a halt hou.r, whom he the ' Balboa 5 a, 1111 TMIM ll!'l'i receivers are extremely well t,>ullt In 3 good dinners or 4 chintzy ones ... and boy! la that Abalone ever suspected oI havlng marihuana. %&-HEl..P .. !~ white satin -'¥'&Ji._ _....... with adjustable shoulder straps and delic .... " Harry Kingston was still taJklns as I stole quietly Ironically, it waa just around the RCA cONIWLIC 16" Tv, Uke _,) witb. A.M·· • Fll( radio, t.eautttul mahog&n)t cabinet wlth dooftl ........................ ,.................... $3:U.Oll ~-,._ --.., t f th Ba sld ~-h ~-L ••~ La On corner from where we · had been elastic on bo1*, lkilt&. The Stardust Brassiere u advertised In ou o -e Y e r ~ >nK , aL "°"""" fayMte. the Bay, New- Mademoiaelle, ~m. GJamou.r, ,Life, Olook, Peek. and Sneak u port Beach. stoppest a few momenta before ex- goaranteed tor ~ Ji.,. Md cost.a, only ONE DOLLAR! I guarantee cltangi.ng officers. you won't get &. 1-l-down. feel~ in lhJs brassiere buy! I Ba1boa F Q h \Al: D.et. 6"°. Upson joined the er~ :i & 10, US WOm•1 ... fricd1 .l\J,a01haa a new shipment Of rayon !panties amous re estra ~ 1115 l'°"2e. Star in the car aJ\d W& Sped back to 9c Sl 19 the scene but by that lme--nearl)r with lace & nyl• la#'-· aA9 I.at 4: .ribbon trim at 4. to · · + Pl f B II Mutne Second Lt. John Morgan 30 rltJnutes had elapsed _ the For amaller ladle .. 06 tM sturdy. s&fldpile set, say ages 3-6 there are 0 ay Or a of l!i07 N,ewport Blvd., Cost& Mesa. youths had gotten away. The Of- ' sun-suits in colo~ deoi.ml. pl&id.i trimmed tor $1.98. For I grand-b.u been a~arded the Bronze Star !leers shook down the cotla&'e mother. a spr\nkltnc ctta f A package of petunias! Oh there's The sensational "Fire HDU9C Medal for: heroic achievement in where ••e su~-0. ad been vi· alt· bod •• Balboa "' & 10 •oo Main BaJhoa. Five -Plus Two" orchestra~ al-u• "l""-... u:. I eomething for every )I .ii ... e u • <> • ternate with Chuck Edw&J'd'a or:--connection with operations a.pill.at lng some girls but no evidence wp • • • 1 cheatra at Balboa .. Bay club this lbe enemy whil~ serving with a. found. . S~dud. St.ip.;.g, Inc. USED WlllE-RECORBER. Goo4 value .a.t-·._ ............................. $99.50 Keep ln touch wittk U• tor good buya In TV sets being traded in - EASY 'llERMS AR.RANGQ DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885 ~~!!'VD. hone: DeAcon 5810 " ............ n~ T ..... 'C'ONTING THE PAS'TO.. coming Friday, night ot the Black K " TW BlT MOVIE? ~ '""'....,. ~ '· and Wblt~formal apnng ball. The · 9fe&. leaving two officen behind in cue 1 COST A, 'l'""i"' Phc>n• 81il:oon .. 6821 • • I WHO REMEMBERS 13:111. ~CIGAR! THE lOc BEER 'r THF. M ,art .ne infantry battalion in Th<n we -turned to the st&tlop 111 Broadt.\'&J' Ou.ta Me8a FRIENDS! I GOT Bllilo !fSW&! MSW HOPE IS ©N THE HORI-Clta.tlon accompanying the the suspects -turned. . •c ~. WITH u· s• TH1n KOT buffet .supper will be eerved at -..aR ·~ Who-ace llJO)ting !Qr perrp-.ent empla¥.fllent wiYI; excellent _ op- poriuntty leP advancement. i1 to 40 preferred. Paid while tra.IDing. Appiox: $270 month ~ •lf4 ~ wqry a•1"- anc... Ill. ,.....,. ml!llll\!l"1 dealred.1 See Supt.. at tbe ·:::==========~~~ ZON! THE latl H• ·l/M~--8........,ELLING G".;..E.--A,-, 'U' ..... -7:30 p. m. with dancing all eve-a~~~red~!npartM : tin ltwunowa..tterlLm.ahdV(e r. TAGE KAFE IN ~ ~· la. ruu.J n.n.D'L* ~n -· orcan.. ac &' M d.,ecided to fa.JI it a night. Aa· we BE SURE INSURE I BURGERS BY ~ ~ 1!'1)11; lk EACH! .JUST ~ OLD nlnir. ...11t&Pl forward lir control of· left th• station to '1> home Officer • ~ llf4'1'¥l~$. Jack's F'.urnifure l~ ~ S>LRQA BLVD. BAJ.IO~& In .-, and unpa~ ~llli!e -TIMES, IS'NT IT! . . . 'l!llS SRNIE-BURGERS ARE EWEN fk;<r, diaplaY.e<l outllt&Pdlnlf pro-Montgom~ry on the radio wu try-Dahlia lo •eout Hichway • Wit.II I BEl"IER THA.N 01.A Mt mq ~e .Mattox aell.a ! a lot o barn-SPEECH CONTEST ' f~nal •kill and. tnJUatJ.ve lq Ing ta stir up one of the ~ u-, Corona del Mar 1111.ArrRfll:, ST-ANL&T l b~rs out the wt.ndG• ._, -. mnaU but well ronned .Kai~._' He Five younptera competing in &, Rl'Ovkiing ~la batt.alkm wttb close signed tc, Balboa Island. Tbey1hfd 'Between l:lliuA ~,-... _.. laan.Doe OnJ::r 1 doem't clutter up the place with eaay help .. no mid e-~, eee ! LlObJI Club •peech contest on Tu_.. ~ •u1n~aod. both gone! 1.o quell a nght so ~· ...--~-,, t7c3 I 8'13!. ~or.~ Pbme 1Jr1 ~'Kt :llQZ-8 · . 1 HOt coolla t:hue dollclous. Jtl&JU>ln&"a Beof·Burce.., ~a !"' bla. da7. night ~ prM<llt the !&lb MllF""'" o..,. .,.., tea bef · d hadn't bee heard' 1%6 ~e A':."°~: hlaad ~ hom.-made-nllah and ·11.u1da them t0> yqu. Th~ ~~ra are •hlcll ~Y. have won tbeln jDa»lte n~ro weatb.er and 1:rom .1n~!. an n ----.-,.--m,_-. ~-.------· ..;...:_a._:-.. ~.:....inA. -============:;=2tencoura,ctnc ... they encourap you by !fl,fklng )"9U f~I _Y'f>" pt honon In thetr rupectiTI!! cit.tea ~Y wcvn equJp.men~ be keP,t b1a ""1Jl-ln-aQ Easter Week w .. n't NUR8lll ·~·----· llA r ~~re~.---.:""' ,: a hKlt ot • lot mon tor your -th&\I ,.,... ev~ apt loot• ... wtl• the local club playa boot at. ~"1 "'~ conttu~ part7 wit!> the sol bad. whi1e police nportedl 712 ~~~~ 11'fY.~~2Jl:~ Gf'FEIU1'fl'111ra pc. mN!og. D!ln- E'mie al.lo aella divine Taeo. fer l6c eacb. 'a. = an ~~ U." .Friday Attem9011, Qlib , 1m fq~ ~ta at the QlQI& advan-~many were routine ~f U;u! "atlerJ&:IQ , • .-~ can Pbyte ....... rm. eet, Ike W. Shlart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE Coumoua hif""""-tilm 1111-Blvd. T<mpten with ~· Beet; cheeoe, OP!on.s. 1e1 tuce. &M_ l'.""r membeN and svestll from ~ 1~ o~ ~-Vo!wi-thta! wu well ·below tut >'-• . ·. "·""' · new. $300. (laa th&n ~·Wf4e). o--·'o100 1a your fUlclO °" ~ bot aa11C1t rl'~ • tr.-.Grove, Balboa, 8ea1 S..cb ""f ~ --~ ot-~OWll (>Or-831. · • !; ~ ilRW ;...,, ei.a. ~ • qU; ~ Nllqll re~ J>&dU!llr roe,.,... lo oat oa ... J>l!!lllJ of cold .drin!ja;'majl.a, ...a .. HunUncton Beub. 1 """'1-aatety, be -heavy _ ~ • '>mz!r"--y.or, 1 .m<>. old (~t .l300-wlD •. . i'ry1ti••-1 IM!l:S*·ILU'S ... 1~ 111¥d., spe.i.erw an11 their.._-.....,,,,. &D1all _. aru1 ~ • ~-.._...~ ..... ~ •-'810. .. • -. f "N..._t-ft.9u.~ ~')(-(1 bllL beyQnd Mes Theater) , . '[ • clube are Connie Cope, ~.t\'I' tlf-lo ~ ettec:~e cl-NO ,OVEJIGR01!(1)1NO_, . ~ 1il.~l_t.,,Bolboa,_ Ph. • U' :r, J,a.li' ~tll,,.,.,. "'C Ao ·. . • •• • • .Gron; PaUI Leo, Ba°'°'; 111!1 ~ Qf 'I!' tntuitn oon>Jl&Dy, No "'"!als for1over.crowdl!!i In· . -.. • ' ..... pad. J>otb ,$llO . .108 V.la Xu.,.._ '. ~ O~! EMANCD'ATlON! '1.lllo la ... .--... Ooota K-: ~ ---~ eniapl with _. ... ""\aand1"t.eloonr~ wANTin'BAi.a ODIL en t.ldp.Jtll. llrcht-W.,, .... 1 • • -.. -· • .. ~ ....-..,. ~ -u.. ~' Aild ....,.rt. -"Boacb: ea,o1 .lloif ~ ...,..,,._ . wee>. w .... m..i;. J'fr• ~ -• . . • to .;;•i!i!ii~wiijliiiiniliiiiraa4"UP~ ~-... DaAPQJ" UGI' bat tJ>e JN'!' • . o( from ellht lo lll'Diln ~ elf1lrtl' zad zd\QM wpe 711 II!• la& ~ and \ ftlz ~ • • . 1.,_: _ -dlalr. 2 6utt.rtl,-wl tq1ez lt'.a zl1 done Wtth ;;;;;;;:; tacb! -·~ fro, _......, BMcll. Tbelr ...... '"HJa,.-apt, YicllWe. untlrjNj Ji'l!ilo ~~ ~· 8t&le ...... ' :....~.::. ~ i iir!· la ... ' ·~ aia:YliH -UNol. 1'RP' ....... md>li\C UUlc>'1"l'irz la ---wt1J ~.:"'th Ammcan ~ aplfau.i-t,o.-11 wbo o~rtt•ed hbJ\ ""!!! .m..i;.j ~tl°"f tor;-,-=·~-:~""""" 1~ ·---~ -.,. ~ 11!>'4R D:llVICI! a llEl'AJJl8 n.-... tllU -ZllJ' -• 80 ==• ..W-.....,.. .._-11111tlM Tiie -.... .ocl -""7~ aljled \II tlle _. <W••il!N dUJill( -. ..... 1" , '~ -U-: 1-.•·W.. 4'e. 8 . I~-I~ .....,_. .-..., --· p1ctnw -•-•, da,-wt11 comP,'lk at u -CPI!---.. ot t1oe obJectln. "--.Id _.. slol!!!o IDo KAW\ iiliill. > liiP~ ,...._ ·ea.y W-\J">• CMT·WIL ' Waler Healers N ~-m1m>n, Jlooc ~ ....._ or ...,. old ltfDd. Qiow -la -ta AM April._ ~ 'lz!* 'l Lt. ~a -. -l"'I'-· ._ - ---If llW ~ J\!Jlll" of" Udo .aart..,_. N<~lf'IS -lo ":IN~ ft, ' -~:a:t ....._ clDllz qi ~ ~ '!W1 l!I ~. '!ltll Uoil 1*'1!11 ~ f 11"~ la ~ -~ ' . p · 2w ·~~ ~ 1 _.J.vu -cut It to ,._ You ..., -a _, ,,,. . ....... ..... Pldl 41illllt ~ .. '!lllz5' ·~W ~ tlOai ~ ::, '""" ....-, ~ '+ QQ!' -.:tz!l 'IHOQ·:. I fjlf!. ...., • .. ,._ • r.cu ... -. -••t wltb wa -1a ~ MCI. ..-or <iiift z; n -.... ..... *"'ll la•Wr; ... C!iiHliz l j •· • -., ..; tr.:;:r-.,_ . ..,._,,_vs,.....,._ , ••• c ••lrt, .... v:. .... ..=jor_,;-. --..:t•••••;.T;~~ ... ~no'·---~ .. -I ~~-=-Jf':..~~-:-.:. =~21w4..oa.;.tz-.;: ....... ----------·-·,,..,... __ ·_ ........ •tr Maek ...... ....,., ~ w' _:P. .,.. .. . rt t ol&&.i 4 I 4 (ft' tr), I ....... I.' &lo .... • ,. .. .... • .... n lf°'i'f ' • ........ . l .. ~· • ' . • ' ,. • • • • • • ' ' . I -1 I 1 l I I ...... ----·r ··-· • • • • • • • • = .,. • • • =• • • ••• "= .•. -·----------· ·-..... ---' ' ( ' • I • . ,. I ' • , I ' _. f. · NEWPORf. IALJOA ~·-i~ Tuetil.y, ~-li 27,:195 ( '1 · • • P'9e--1 '· WHEN . YOIF w ANT I TO . BUY, SELU-E > -.u>AaTllO.l<TS a BOUSllll OClilAN FRONT APT, Siii.tabie "for.2 adult.a. ~;mo. "r"'"'r rate or MS mo. yearly rate. · UUt.1-----------;~­ pd. Jl')(M-w. Ocean Front, New-Wh B . I! ...... l:8TAU II ftl'•L llisTATE ' ' ' . TREASURE HU?fl'' . . II 9r;a1. bn] t e R,, ._...d. • ~. · • ppv .. :&'I'll ~· ,.:., ), l •• . I • MORE CtASSIRED ON PAGE SIX -llOA'r llUPl'UES Chrysler · Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey • at Seacraft port &&eh. • ~ y e ATTRACTIVE. 1 bdrm unturnl&b-"Half" Dressed ed apt. 311 M"ulf\lerll.o Ave., ThlS' Easter?. Corona. del Mar: Near ocean, .hwd. noons. We, yf'arl}' rental. Phone Harbor O:S74-J eve• or week end.a. 96c98 Surely you can match your budget and· bonnet lwith one of these dozen beauti- RENT AL •1 ful cruising neceasities ! SPECIALISTS · '35 DE SOTO cpe, ..... $, 45 Call -Cnl& ' -Linwood Vick, Rltor. 38 FORD Sedan ·········· 295 B&ll>oa laland. Har. ~2 32oM '39 PONTIAC cpe. ...... . 295 SINGLE APT. rumlshed, utll. pd. '40 PLY./ club .............. 295 $30 mo., yearly rat•. ~ B. '41 STUDIE . sedan ... .. 485 Bay, Balboa. Ph. Hubor 74(1..W. 97c119 '41 PLY. , sedan......... 541i '41 DODGE sedan ..... 585 '· C;ill ·l\t our !)ffice for final clues , concerning these outstanding properties BALBOA PENINSULA . 2 Bedroom with BUD deck bayview ........ $13,500 • 3 ·B. R. two ~ ,sun deck ocean view $21,llOO . 2 Bedroom ocean. Front .................•......... $26,500 4 Bedroom fumisbed, Ocean front ..... : .. m ,ooo CORONA DEL MAR , • 2 Bedroom, 200 ft. th ~ay beach ... _ ....... $1>t,750 JOHN D. BURNHA¥ $4 ,750 FULL PRICE CUte beach houae 1 blk from~ best bathing beach, gbod condltloft. $4,7M rum.' • LIDO BLDG. SITES 55 ft. bay rront choice loc. $27 ,MO 625 COAST HlGHW A Y NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 CORONA DEL MAR, 820 Marl· ~oJd. TOvo bdrm. unturn. li'1re- place, Patio. _Garage. Yearly lease. Owner W. B. Fairweather , 2400 Lambert Drive, P&Mdena, SY 2-58119. 17p99 '46 DODGE sedan ..... 1095 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa J 30 tt: bay front R-~ ............ 9,000 Harbor 0645 or 1607 1•5 tt. inside ............ ,............. 3.0<!0 94ttc '47 CHEV. sedan ........ 1185 '47 CHEV. club ....... 1185 1 1:1 %-tt. iruslde -······•·-·-·-···:... offer MOORINGS '47 PLY. club .............. 1185 Sarah W . Newlin-James C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen McDonald I s:i.:i ~~iv.i~ i!,~·2M2 Pleasure and commercial · . LIDO PENINSULA YACHT ANCHORAGE End of 3111t St. Rarobr 23!51 NEWPORT BEACH 92c6 SNOWBIRD super dJx red cedar, lnclud. trailer and covf.'r, $500. '50 FORD 2 dr. . . . . 1765 EL TORO MARINES Q% TERMS Available on ail - New amall furnished holllk! In Moat cd'NI fully equipped with Coeta Mesa.. Only three mtles Radioe. Heaters, elc. to the beach. ~ hr. drive to the base. No increa.ae in rent dur· SHAVER MOTORS ing summe r season. Utilities In· Your OOOOE ·PLYMOUTH Dir. clUded. SM mo. P hone Harbor 1931 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mt>sa 1607 (Eve~ Har. 227S.W) 97c99 Star, a.I most new sails, $4SO. 909 ~Coast Highway, Ne"·port Beacb. SMAIL NICELY FURN. APT. 1948 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE-- All extras. Very .clean, white aldewalls. Owner n-iu.st sell. P~ Bea con 6.150 beto-re [) p. m. o~ (eve&. Beacon 6572·W ). 9i6c97 Beacon 5033-. iHk:98 It' 1111J81CAL, RADIO TRADE your old piano or band IJlstrumeot for Ila .full cash value on a Packard Bell tele-l t vision at SHAFE~ MUSJC Co. falnce 1907) 421 N. Sy cemore, Se.nla Ana. Kimberly 2-0672. 83t!C' Private entrance and ya.rd. A.u- tomaUc beat. ~ mo. yearly. Util. paid. 3M Broadway, ea.ta Mesa. 97c99 LIDO ISLE you wa.n.t a rental on LIDO ISLE aee UI. Several lovely &Jlt.I. AJao home& available. P-. A; PALMER 't9 DeSOTO CUSTOM donvert.lble white wa.11 tires. Radio, heater, 1 owner. Excellent condit ion Low milt-age. S2295. 606 Acscla. Corona del Mar . 96c97 1950 CHEVROLET Dix. Coupe-- Save sales tax, private .party. LOVELY HOME, with view . . OF OCEAN, BEACH and BREAKERS ... 3 B. R. and large rump"I room. ?.;/" baths. ,All .:arpeted wall to wall. Owner living out of town desires to sell quickly. ' DON'T WAIT. Exclusive with us. Priced at $28,500 Another Lovely View Home OVERLOOKING OCEAN, BEACH and Bi;tEAKERS 5 bednn. and de'n, 3 Y2 baths. A rare buy. See this today. Eaay tem\.s • PRICE T. McCUISTON Realtor CORONA . DEL MAR REALTY CO. 503 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar Ph. Har. 47 COME in ll.1\d play the wondertul N ew H&J!1mand C h o rd Organ. Even If you don't know a note of music you can play beautiful muaic ln ten minutes. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Plano and Organ Co., .520 N . Maln, Santa Ana. Dltt>RPORA TED 33U Viii t.kfili Barbor 1600 ~°ii;:,'~sst.. N•"VJ>Ort ~:1 NEWPORT HGTS. Newport Heights USl:D PIANOS rrom $69 U.P. Good playing condition. DAN Z· SCHM.lIYT, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana_ cor. 6th. WANTED: SO piano&. Trade in your oJd piano on a Grand, Spin- et or beautiful t elevision _ High- est cub afiOwance. Terms, DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. cor. 8Ut., 520 No_ Main. Santa Ana. LOVELY BUNGALOW siz.e up· right piano In fine condition. $195. Terms. $20 down &: $8.00 month at SHAFER MUSIC CO. tSlnce 1907 ) 421 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Kimberly 2·0672. 97trc 22Uc YLUtLT 1 and 2 bedroom apts .. rum~ or unrurnlshed. Large fenced ya.rd. 41" Poinsettia, Corona dcl Mar. Ph. Harbor 1269-M. 97c3 BALBOA -Yearly rental, 1 bdrm rumiabed apt. (except linen11). Pbone Harbor 0331-W. 91p6 TWO BDRM. It PA TIO. Fumiahed house. Penlnsula Point. Years lease, $100 per month. C&ll Har· bar 19.(1. 97c99 BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL See GAIL CARNEY with ·49 FORD Conv., •adio. ht• and $8,950 whitewalls, 203 Grand c&na.J., Balboa Island. 90,p91 ElXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT one-bedrm .. one.year old home. 19'10 MERCURY C LUB COUPE. Large, well landscaped lot. F ire· Excellent coaditlon. New tires. place. ample 2·car garage, plus Harbor 12&0·R . fl7c3 msny,ma.ny fine features. Ideal 1949 CHEVROLET Stylt>llne t ·dr. deluxe sedan, SJ.(N). Bank will rtnance. Original owner. ~eel· lent condition. Phone Be•con 6:>26 after 4 :30 p. m. 97c99 for couple. . - • ALSO Newport Heights $12,650 VERY FINE VALUE! Two bed- rooms, stall shower, dinl.nC rm .. double garage, nicely landscap- ed, lnch·thick hardwood noora; Iola ot cupboards. Patio and barbeque. Don't pa.u t his up. , Al.BO Nelda Gibson, 'Re~! Estate 306 ?tfarine, Balboa !Bl. Har. :K>2 I sgttc M-MONEY TO LOAN Corona del Mar Ocean View ~~~~~-~-~-~- LOANS For Homes REGULAR 4%7c (10·20 yr11.) G. L 4% {20 y ears) 2 bdrm. home ln the best location. 3 yn. old., hwd. noora. dbl. gar . bonds paid. $4,3!IO down. $8,950 New 3 bdrm Home On Broadway In Costa Mea amons o ther lovely homea. Best tlwd. floo,_ alld e:r.cellent tlniah work throu-out. A beautlful home .· Si,400 down on F .H.A., $1 ,760 on G. I . $11,500 G. I. Resale 3 bedroom home only 4 yn old. Larp comer Jot in pod loca- tion near Khoola. Submit your offe r t or ownen equity. Thl.s may be the best in town. Beacon Hill Realty 466 Newport Blvd (Nea r Arches) Phone Bea con 5713-R Only 7_ mo. Old Complet ely rurnished attractive 2 I. bedroom home. nled stall show· er, di8posal, large double gar. with room tor laundi-y. "euUt (OT permanent home w ith good heat. Owner muat leave area . $14,000 B!ly & Beach Realty Gloden Fay Elb.el Shlrley 14M> Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 NEW MODERN 3 bedroom hquoe, patio, fenced yard, 2·car g&nlge. 320 Lark.spur , Corona del Maf. Phone Harbor 2973-M or Ana.. helm 4887. 96c97 ' Selected by Multiple Llating As Outstanding Buy OF THE WEEK ... \ M'odern 2 bedroom home in loYely BAY S HORE ESTATES. Needs int~rior decora tlon. • PRICE $9,500 Multiple Listing No. 1725 ·Ask About Tllis at Any MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR 911c:97 SMALL 4 ROOM HOUSE, I> ac. $3700 tumished: $3500 untum. Low dn. payment, t erms. OWn er. An.er 6 p. m ; 2629 Santa. An.a Ave, Costa Meaa.. 97c99 BY OWNER -Lido Isle. 3 bdrm house, 60 rt. lot, enclosed gar- den and patio. A lso large cor· ner lot. Call Harbor 1953. FOR REAL LIVING! 95c97 -LOOKING FOR REAL VALUE? ? ? IN CORONA DEL MAR 2 BEDROOM HOME -$11,985 Com¢et:ely" ftinl.i&hed ! ! -- With all these features -Better thaa. new. -Bea.utifu1 hardwood floora. -Large kitchen, double comer a.ink -all tile. -Lota of cupboard epace. -Btg llvtni rOom wtth attractive tlrep!ace. -Fenced, yard and doll~ garage. -Fresh' p.en lawn, fiowers and shrubs. .. -Clase to shopa and Uleatre. -Can al8o be bought unturnl.shed. -Terma -11' down. • TOM PAYNE, Realtor 318 Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar PHONE HARBOR 0961 or HARBOR 2883-W BALBOA PENINSULA, EXTRA SPECIAL Buy now and choose your own co1ora tor this loveJy 3 bed- room', 2 bath home. Parquet noor in living room, fire- place. P'umace heat. Lota of 8torage. Double garage. Excellent location. Full price $15,000, with terms Don't wa.it on this! F or appt. to see, Phone Mary Dlck.!JOn, Harbor 1013 (Evenlnga:, Hubor 2092·W ) ALSO choice oce•n front comer lot. A reaJ buy sl S3%!SO. ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach • BACK BAY RANCH BEAUTIFUL ALL REDWOOD RANCH HOUSE wltll .unaurp&ued view . ot complete caretaker's and crou--tenced. We the back bay are&. bay. Separate guest house and quarters. Over 5 acres, fenced consider this the finest ranch in • SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY EXCLUSIVE LISTING ' STANLEY HADFIELD., Realtor 2.1& Marine .AV&.l, Balboa Jal.pd Ha.rbcir 20 .. - 'T'he Island 3 BR's& Den 2 Baths Lots . $1,200 DOWN - New 2 bdrm home, very well. con- structed, wtde lot. Hardwood, tile, easy FHA paymenta on bal. Full p...,.,_ $8,500 Eastside -Close In SPINET. Brand new but cas~ 8lightly damag('d In shipmt'nt. A wonderful bargain. Save $140 GenuUle. Terms. Danz·Schmidt Santa Ana, 520 N . 1-faln, corner 6th. Over one hundred pianos. SPINET Reposs .. Pay out balance. SZ8.'5. Anot he r repossession at $395, cost new $61 5. Just like new. T erms, Danz·Schrrijdt Big Piano Store, 520 N . Main, corn. LOVELY upper 2·bdrm, unfUm. apt. 105 N. Bay Front, Balboa Island. Per fect sun decJ<. $~ per mo. References required. Harbor CM67·J. 95c97 EASTER RENTAL 2 bdrm house near beach -avaH· able •tu June 15 or Easter week. FHA 41', % (20 years) Construe. LOans C..O!ioi %1·14 yrs.) No Commlss. chg. on .Metro Joans We buy and· sell Trust Deeds CALL BOB SATrLER Har. 2661 for ~ree Appralaa1 R<op. POIRJER MORTGAGE po. Metro Lite Ins. Funds Kl 3·01& MOST OUTSTANDING new 3· .bedroom, l ~ bath "luxury .. home. Finest ot material• u.ed: flagstone. hardwood. mahocany panellng, Sola..x glass, aluminum sash. fiush ltghls, silent swtlch- e&, e!c. This is QUALITY al an attractive price. 6 Units ~ in heart of Balboa 95c97 THIS DELIGHTFUL HOME hu just Io~ and lot.a ot CHARM ON Balboa P oint In best ret1· Oential area. 2 B. R., llvingroom with attractive fireplace, nice patlo, large 2-Car garage. Th.i.8 of Real Home Good Style- Very nice 2 bdrm home in excel-' lent location. Hwd. tile, cheer· tul k itc hen and most livable. Separate laundry room, garage, guest room. This la an excell~t ' . · 6th, Santa Ana. GRAND PIANOS -Used, Knabe Chickering, Muon and Ha:mlin, Stein'TaY. Everett, So.hmer. ~FJr.i~r~lj~ Sthmidt Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, ~20 N. ~ ( corner 6th. LOVELY USED SPINET PIANO, fike new. T erms $50 down and $15 mo. lit SHAFER MUS!C CO (Slnce.-19071 421 N. Syca- 111ore, Santa Ana. Kimberly Z..0672. 93t!c RENT .A PIANO. $5 per month All rent allowed Ir you buy wllh- ln tt>rms. DANZ-SCHMIDT Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana_ · &LECTRIC ORGAN. Ukc new, tamous make. Save $200, tcnn11. Electrilled ol'g&.n, Wlffi only $175 Ft>r church or home. Danz. Schmid~. a2o N. Main, cor. &th. Santa Ana. GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS rrom · $19. Terms as convenient aa SI month l:Ll SHAFER MUSIC 00. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca- more, . San~ Ana. Klrnberly Z-067~ 93tfc ALSO BA YFRONT APT. 2 bdrm, 2-bath ,, 'ti! June 15 by wk. or mo. Gftti:NLE>J' It ASSOC. 3112 N ewport Blvd_ Har. 2M2 TWO BEDROOM FURN. APT. Frigidaire. Util pd., $60 mo. to June 15th. 1045 W. Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 1270.W. 97trc Balboa Island Attractive 2 bdrm modem home. FtttPface, tm.ft.lrn. txcept Ben· dix washer. Linwood Vick, Rltr. 31 2 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 204 2 A1TRACTIV£. llke nf'W. 5 rms, 2 bdmui, unrumtahed. P'tre pla.ce, dbl. garage, patio. Adult, no pets. $90 mo. yearly. 711 Iris .(lv8., Corona del Mar_ AT. 1-5983. 9ecjl8 RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Bhd., Balboa Harbor 1607 LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE, BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE ALSO Ocean Front Room Rental Income $18,000 • 'Ylon·t Jut long. Only $1t,OOO. Good Construction- A Good Buy For Showing Call buy at- $8,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison W e Buy Trust Deedl > NEWPORT BALBOA FEDER.AL SAVINGS It LO/Ji ASSN. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Har. 1600 . NEAR OCEAN FRONT -Within a few teet or a lovely beach &nd fin est Ocean Swimming, Pishlnl' and Clam Digging too, we otter you this exceptionally fine prop- erty -An attractive and com· fortable 2 bedroom home with fireplace AND a large 1·bedroom apartment over e. 2·car p.race. Redwood exter ior. Best con- atructlon. A H OME with JN... OOME and PRICED RIGHT at $19,000. . G. T. EverspIJ,. '' ' REAJ>TOR 1!4if4l. ! J . A. BEEK Office 490 Newport B1v.i. ' ~'Mola REAL ESTATE LOANS interest Rate ·~ -5% Loana quickly made ln the IBay Area and Laguna. Bingle or multiple units. New or old1 Be wUe and save by re-flnanclng your present loan. Minimum. ex· pense. No charge tor pretiml- nary appra.taal. Phone Sfnt& Ana Kimberly 3-SS27 or write: ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Correspondent Two Call-!. Ute Ina. Co.'a 1414 South Ma.In Santa rna 51-REAL ESTATE WANTJ11D P. A. PAI,MER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach 91ctl9 Balboa Island TWOGOOD BUYS 3 BR. Modern $17 ,950 . CIOM! ·lo Bay and Shopptn, Byf rnt. Home $24;000 Balboa Realty Co. 700 I!. Balboa Blvd., 'Balboa Harbor 1~ 93tfc • Owner Says "SELL" l~m&culate 2 bdrm home, clo9e I ln Eut 91de. Oarace. latb hse., and hobby room. SEE THIS, then malc.e otter- UNDER $8,100 ' -- Irvine Ranch View AND around the corner on ~ OCEAN FRQNT this dellgbtt\11 2 B . R redwood home otten a magnificent view and p 1 a y groUnd! Very tin esror conat..nM;- tlon, clever use ot color8 uut wood panelling on interior. Cop- per ~lpinl thruoul, lMUlated, fireplace with h~atolator. M't.DY other : Interesting t eaturea lbat you muat 8e4' tor yourwlf. Tastetully furnished -A Real Buy at $15,000. BREATHTAKING! Tills 40 x m Balboa Island Ferry • For Sale by .Owner LIDO ISLE HOME, t5 toot 1 Jot, 2 bedJ"OOms, 11replace, wall~ patio barbecue, double garage- $13,750 ' Available at once. Ph. CRestvtew :5-i789 or Har. ·1~2 Wk. enda 116p9 Upside Down House on Balboa Jsland Listings Wanted r,_sTATE -fully turnlahed. 2 •rm toot lot otten an UNSURPAllll-uvl.c ·quarters ond :i bedroom• h1"1, noor tum.ac:_e, t i replace. ED OCEAN 6: BA y VIEW. Sit-llfST AIRS Beautiful Beach, Mooring. Terina. ot COU1'3e. J hn D B · h • Nelda Gibson, Real Estate Only $8,500, full p'1ce, your uated on Clltt Drive In N"ewport · 0 • UrD am terms. ' Height.a. Prlce4 ~low marllet 1 %-~ma: and rumpua room , 1 306 J.tarin~ Ave., Balboa Ialand DOWNST·~• Phone Beacon 623-t( W Harbor 31~7-W or Beacon 54514 Today's B_est Buy . lD CORONA DEL MAR $10,800 F . H. A. RES~ 3 bedroom home in Corona del M.ar, Hdwd. n oors, noor tumace. Large lot. 2% yrs_ old. Only $82.78 monthly with small down payment. Multiple u.ting No. 1729 Ea,_1 Chamberlain rt07 E BALBOA BLVD Harbor 0602 tor qWck ule at ·$4200. • ~. 4·ROOM house, untumlahed on liA.a.eoa 1607 · 1 92~ See ua tor the best buy• ln homea, . ' P'lreplace., patio and barbecue ntfc Newport Blvd., ·ne&r bu.o stop. . 1\>U. acreage and bulinea prop-South C9ast Realty ~~Wlld ·on tront ot lot ;----·------- OOll Coat Bl>d., Corona del Mar !C>ppoelU Nowport Ha.-Bank> Phone Harbor 2281 $50 mo. Ph. Beacon 5713-R. 466 $ erty. "Multiple Listing Reattora" ....,,.,.,.,, euy termL · -BUSINESS Oppo•"".'1-"_ .. _ Newport Blvd., Abo,ve Arcbea. It-REAL UTA.TS D ,. G& 1,{)()(} down B A NER..,."'"'N 30i M-1n St., Balboa, Ha."· :zaU ~L..ril F · Lei.:iy For Excelle~t Buys . LADIES APPAREL sHor, good . • . 97cll9 Will trade mall home, cl 2 =··~"'; i::,=. .MRA M.:iupte u.:::V ottlce : "Near Pavilion" ........ ~TOR . 't , . in1 CDM, See ~ ! M!':"~h'::'p, ~i~o;>~ •• location, sac-EL TORO MARINES Lido Isle-for ocean fll,llOO. ': 1982 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Me.a . -I S15 ~ AVE., Balboa Iii. lD\'JJ:LY 2 -· -i: to • rttlce, '4.000 Low Wm' ter Rat..;. . Balboa. J. a-~ Coata "'"-'.!'i:r" Pllone Bes.con 62ili , • • ·LOOK . • • Phone .Harbor 1115f-_ .._u.a:. ~ 1 1aceo, JAMES C. HOWARD """ B-lbo R :... C 2 -· B<ft, -· ' . ~· enc!o"e<I patio. PUTS tun. apt. ~ a e .' ty 3 ts. Income $1211. $9,500. l .. UNITS ' $12 7;.,,, 3 B. R. "l· ba.I A IJ•. apt. Oftr Pf· . ,, o ... r ai. _.. IO ti. -· kit 3116. Newpo•t Blvd. A wonderful chance tor a vacation 700 E . Bolboa Bl'fd, Bal -.. , 1\111. Jl&;llOI'. • ..,. · -, UV' lvl J ' modern a.-' .o. ·-t add1 I 95<97 at 'the beach tor your family. • Hatllor' 1113 l NW llome on ·.obali.DeJ; •t~ rivE RM. HOUSE; \WO ii).:'.; oc.... ~w n"'T -_ -r -·Look' This Over So. of hi-way.. or --------i-----Many ·other Marin•• to aha.ff I' , I unJ•-•• A ___ on 1 1"¥-~ •-l;lomp. ..._ ·u _:.. HL. '. 1 a lit"··--·-~. ~ '1'.J\:llO, -. .cilli>Y STORE. "prime ·1ocaUon. hr drl to th -N B C. RJ:ALTY 00 ~ -a-~~ 1711 Eut •-....., '° Clo -~· . Jlbr leue, pro-.. money maker. . ve e • . . Blvd. . '· (IO x lOO)j at find A Balboa . ' I ~-oll ~;:" bilme, you'd ,~ IN Corona Bipwl;.m. . . , Will sell lnvetory plua rent Furn(~) ~-apartm-· °'.':r--..._ ,_,, WILL TAKE a 2 bedroom boo~ SUS Nrwport ~ I Blvd, Newport U..cb . For ;appoln~t love W. I . P"'-1111M>!M ..... S bdrm ....,...,_ lboa>e. • "' tavoi'able ,..ny. ~ kit.,;;:;;mti. ID'c.'i.6 ,.,,;_ Newport Beach • part po. r-'....------'--'--' _. _,..•.....,._ N• -· ~lr,•tl• . ~ Bar. ~r.*. Jlall 1111<. ti! ~J' &8'! _. -4 • """" tot, .. ,......., ·;:;:.., -' • Harbor Investment 18 1 .'l'ft --. llftBC-. . ;'-"":"""'~ w~ ! _$2,000 OOWN ', · Phone .w-; ~ ";'.:. ~ · .' ., .. 1 .. • ~ ~:~~--= l ?.-' loftlJ' ~-· ~ rm. SQtb -::.~ -=.s. ~ ~~ uWltloo . In-:;,pNpel:ty. , Phone ~iOOOI mw!LT """' a -. (J) --• -Jfwl,.horJ mautw j ' la ~ ...OO.SO, . I ~ -... , .• ~ S 1lldml N7oa.ltana--.wnn -------~~--+-a;h..a , .. 011.tOMt!O ... Jo.: ·COSTA vmJa.. -'!'.~ ,r ,flS;IMIO·. •--· ·•-- uquoR UCENSE WANTED -l'llooia cJa7.a --=~· I T ll'ID A nE ... ""' a, -· Git Park vr.-r·' Of-..... I • ; ~ ' ' 'I ..,. ---.... ~ tom I ' .. --•· n--e ~-tv "--·. ·1:, •• ,.....n b1o 17 ... WI,,,•~ 'Dit..._ c. v. -unw. l'llf•t;n1 II·--.,._. ...... -.. ftlh• ... n ... v -a.·eeach·Re-'t., ~-·-..::::":"~ w~r1•-'_.:::;:::::_ LARG11: cicL\N l'RONT.B . · '".,.. I)'._, a.,R. -.1" ~ --.-1<1-.·-~ Dfl.J--~-J I.MM• wac.1--Alilii ir 1e1e --..~ -.--...__ --._ ..... __ .-----.., -,--mat '87 ,. · -.a-· k,t •...:., :-__ :.l ... lan to Box: Cl, tide pjlper; . , ..... ftW •.MS fllle • alCM•, f!lr' _.Dw -•• u..-. ;-. w....-S..1 ~ -'Wt .. ... -t4il •p .... ft & I 1 iJl6 _EPllilf8mithi _ _.-no ' ' • ' , , . -y.aoit.1P.t.e11111-,iz'..n-~~,._,. . SAVE'$5500 --1 .~·~~.%":,;. '1"81 ·rRICE ~.761> l v • .-'' ,£..., • ~ewtm:c;.Cii , .. ,!. . ..ca •a···-•••P..,.. •...-...--kl •n-a..B .. tt.-1'1&£4'• a·-.-Lllt•ar0 1 "LblWbo4Vb!k;IUtr..; • .. ,•·~~< .•• ,. .. ..._™..,..,.. ., ·.> ;rl•• ...... Oood.,,. ......:-..._-.u.•·, a._.~ .eaca "!"I ,va ,,.. .... ,.,::: f •••i:t••,::-1mx a...-.: rs ass r !....!.!'~.~;!=:;.• ... , ... ~-~ ..., '• .. Is' fh eblll & or! ~ CZltili" 311ZUIS--.<J · 1asl ~ ....... ~ --f > i --.-" , ...., ~ .~ ----'-" ...a.. -A 97dl '> -S-. -·~ ,,__W} .. •• ---!ft.. -OA&L • """ ....... -"-- --· eo., .... • .. ~~ . .: -Hao -m..i; " ' --.-·-• r , , f _I , , , I . ' -i l I • • "- .. -' ' j I ' . ·' 1. . ' ' • • . . , . I . . ' ·' ' 9f°""9i AJ,1~~·~· o. ·;!..i-:.~1 .. T. Two juvenllu t .rollii :'illp· ~ -·'treehd.her with men· -Park and 'Loo Anplu, -· ta! cru.o/lf, ,.,.... ~ A . Omulby . Ud With !let place to .i..JI, l"0 "' ftled lllllt -tA oupertor court for arrqted ln a h9UM wtder OOll.. • . ' ' , •tnactlon at 900 a. Bay ll'lont; Ml· di~ 1\',ednood&y. They man1ed -laland, at 11 :s:l p. m. Ule nicJ>t at Lia Yegu, May 31. 1941, io;pa· before, Newpo~ pOllce report<!d; rated. In Coot& Ill"'°' Marcl> 20 and Saturday. · have; a t-ye~-okl da~ghter and PouCe a.1tesed the two had been community property comllt.lng tit drinking alcoholic beveraces · and !4U4t1• in •. residence and tur· laad bttn •tayrnc In the beck bay 01ah1ap. She uked tor cuatodY or ~ •lnce lut Sund.ti)' nipt: Ttaey UM: chi;d and $200 monthly for -,ve~ held for Juvenile authorltleL 1Uppoct.. • LEGAL NOTICE , LEGAL "O'flCE " AJ>VEllT18EllZNT roa BIDS Nott~ ta hereby. elven that the Board ,ot Trustees of the Orange Coalit JutiJor College otstrtct of Orange County, berelnafter referred to u the "Owner." wtll receive up to, but not later tha.n 2 :00 P .M., April 20, 19M, sealed btda for the.....award of contract fo\-&lteraU?n~ lo the exiatting Gymnuium Bulldlng located ln said school dlstnct. tnYOlvlng aome demolition; repair and atrengthenlng at wood frame ttructure· aome new cement and uphall tile tloon; some new pluter wall.I and ceilings; wood cabinet.a. ala.ire, railln~s. and benches; metal totlet compartment.a and protective .Cnens: pa.tnttng; some new hard· war'e; ch.angea. and &ddltiona to ~ball back boarda; new electric scoreboard; cha.pges and additions to plum~ing; complete automatic eprtnkler system; conversion -of ex~Ung boller from oil burning to gu burning; changea and add:IUona to heating, ventilating, and mechanical equipment: changes and addltlon.1 to electrical ~~ing an~ equJpmenL Buch bids shall be received ln the office of the Owner. in tM AdmlniatraUon Building, Ora.nre Cout College, 19951 Harbor Boule~rd near Sant& Ana, Orance County, Califor:nta, and shall be opened .and pubHcly read aloud at the above stated lime in the olficC' of the "Owner" in such butldtnc. Each. bid must conform and be responsive to tht!! invitation, the plant. speclfka.Uona, aa,d all the other documentl!I comprising the per· t lnent contract documenta. Copia of the Conlr&ct Document.!: arc now on flle and open to public Inspection LD the said offices of the Owner, and ot Robert E . Alexander, Architect. located at 365.7 South La Bi;ea. In the City of Loa Anplee. in said County and State an~ may be obtained at either place by depoetting 126 tor each 8el. Tb1e d.eposlt will be retunded it lbe set or seta of Contract Documents delivered are returned tn good coadftion Wittlin flve dit.)'11 alter the bid open~g. Separate contract bide wlll be received covering Gene ral Construe~ tlon; Dtumbin&: Aut-Omatic Sprtnklera; Ou Burner Reconversion . Heating, Ventilating, and Mechanical Work; Electrical Work: ':'nit prices requested tor excavation. concrete, steel. etc. Completion time to be set by bldde.ra. A statement of financial condition and deposit of tO 'H of the total bid by certified check or bid bonds is required wtth each bid: labor and material bond and performance bond required ot contractor selected. Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at either of lhe said offices ln which the Contract Document.a are on file. Each bid shall be accompanied by a ~ertlfied or cashier's check payable to the Owner. or 1&tiafactory Bid Bqnd in favor of the Owner. executed by the bidder a.a Prlncjp&l and a ea,tlefactory surety company u 8 urety •. in an amount not leu tNln ten .per cent ot tbe bid. Tbe check or bid bond 1hall be given u a guanntee tbat the bidder will execute the Contract if It be awarded to hbn ln conformity with the Contract Document! and wU1 provide the surely bond or bonds as ipecltled therein within five days after .not\fication of the award of the oontrac t to the bidder. _.t The OwneJ' reserv~• the privilege of rejecting any and all bids or to waive any trregular(ttea or infonnalitiea In any bid or. in the biddin~. ' • , Pu~uant to the Labor Code or the State of C&lit·ornia. the S&ld Board of Tnuteu ha& ucertained the general prevailing rate per diem wagu tor each craft or type of workman needed to e xecute the- contracla which will be awarded the successfu1 bidders; and these prevailing rates are . cont&ined in said .,,eclficallofl8 adopted by the Board, anft {l.Te as follows : , C LASSIFICATION: Apprentices -May be employed in conformity with 1777 -~ ot the Californill Labor Code. C..ri)e:aten: , Carpenter ·····-···----·-······-···········-··--·········· .. --................................ $2.35 . 'P'loorlayer ., ................. ····-······-............ . 2.55 _ Mlllwrtght .............. .. -·····-······-........... ---............ · 2.5.."'> Sa\\.' Filer _ 2.43 Table Power Saw Operator ........... ···-·-· ..... -2.43 Cerr.tent .. ~lnbhttlll Cement Finisher ... ····-·-· .............. $2.38 Cement Ftni.Bher (Coropotdtion or MiM!ticJ ........................ 2.50 c!em8nt P'loor Finishing Machlrie Operator ............. ....... 2.50 Iron Worken: Reinforcing Iron Worker ......... ----·-······················ ............ $2.38 Metal Pan Setter -"··-·-·· .. ··"··'·····-................ --········ .... 1.93 Met:al, ~&fl. S;etier1 Worki.ng rorem•n ---··-r···"'······· ·· ·. Metal Pan Setter Hetper · .................. : ...................... . Structural Iron Worker ................................. ...... . ..... - 2.05 .. 1.70 2.50 Fore man -25 cents per hour more than Journeyman Fence Erector .... ............... ........ ..................................... --2.4P .. Laboftitn: L&borers, General or Construction ........................... . ... $1 .75 Operaton1 a.nd Tendera of Pneumatic and Electrical Tools, Vibrating Machlnefl, and slmll&r mechan~cal tool8 not separately clualfted herein ........................................ 1.95 Miner (Hand or Machine ) ............... : ...... -~---·-····--···-·······-.. ··· .. 2.10 Motorman ..................................................... : ...................... --2.10 cem:ik. r:!~1:~) ( ~-~-e.~~-.~~ .. l.~~~-~--:~.i~~~s--~-~ .. ~.~~~~~n~ 1_95 Asphalt Rake r and Ironer --··-····················-.................. 1.95 Buggymoblle Man -·-····-···-····-···---·· ............................................ 1.95 Concrete curer -lmpervloua Membrane ................. -.-· 1.93 Drillers (Core, Diamond or Wagon) ................................... 2.18 Driller• (All Other•) ............................................................. 2.03 Gu & Oil Ptpellne Laborer .................................................. 1.80 Flagman ............................................... ~ .......................... -.---······--1.75 Guard and/or Watchman .: ............................. ~ ........................ 1.67 Gas A OU PtpeU.ne Wrapper -Pot tender and Foreman 1.95 Gas le Oi}. Pipeline Wiapper -8 inch pipe and over ...... -.. 2.08 Sewer Pipe Layer fezcludJng Caulke'r) ........................ , ....... ·~2 .05 Sewer Ptpe caulker (ualng caulking tools) ........................ 1.93 Sewer PIPf' Caulker (Cement Joi.at.a) ...................... ,--1.80 Tarman and Mortarman .................................. ······-····· ........ 1.80 Window Cleaner --·--·-·-···-·····-· .. ··· .. ················-···-·········· .. ··-.......... 1.90 Operattns Eact....,n' A -Frame . Boom Truck -·-··-··--···-······-·-···········-··-.................... $2 .30 Air Compreaaor Operator ........................................................ 2.05 Boxm8ll. or Mixer Box Operator (concrete or asphalt plant) .-·•··-·-··-················-·······-·····-----············"·····-············· 2.15 Concrete or Asphalt Spreading, Ktthanlcal Tamping or Finish Machine Operator ................................................ 2.30 g:~~!: ~= =:~: =:'~.-~--~~~-~.-~~~~·. ~:~: Concrete Pomp or Pampcrete Oun Operator ........................ 2.18 Heavy-'Duty Repa1rman -··-···-----···············-·-···-·······-··-······--··-··· 2.30 , Heavy Duty Rep&it'man ·Helper ---·······-·······-·-···-··············--1.93 ~ Elevator 'Holst Operator ---··-·---····· .. ········-.......................... : ...... 2.25 Hl&hllr\,e C.bleway Operator ··-·---·-···-·-····-·-·················-··-···-··-2.43 Material .Loader or Conveyor Operator ·······-··--·····-·····~······· 2.05 Motor Pa.trol Open.tor, lncludJng any type of power blade Oll\lloab or DWlO or TourDMpull Operator ................ 2.43 Pa...,.mt Bnake< Operator ........... -..... -..................... -....... 2.2!1 R<>ller Openf.or ............ -..... -..................... : ...................... _. 2.25 -eam.r l>rl-............ -....................................... -.... -....... 2.18 Skip Loader Operator • Wl>eel Typo" ..... -.................... .... ..... 2.18 Ser«<! Operator ................... _ ................................................. _ 2.o:i Stationary Pipe Wrapp~ and Cleanlng Machine Opera- tor .. ,... ······----·---·-·-·-··-·--·--· ---... ·-·-·---.... --·-..... -------------2.SO Surface He~ and Planer Opcretor -------··--······--·: _________ .. 2.35 Tow Bl&de qr. Orad8r Operator ................... _ .......................... 2.18 Tractor HI-Lift -()peNtor --····-···-······· ................... 2.DO Tractor 0po.---. Tamper. l!craper or • Dras Type -.., -· Attaclnenq ........... _,_ .. __ ,, ____ 2.30 Trattor Bcnper Oii llnc T>'Pe Blln<l • 'h.ndem ..... _ ....... 2.811 ~b""--'"--' ..•• ~ -•cine ..... ,,...... ___ . ____ ...,.._.,.. __________ . _______ 2.- Tnek. Dlll••t • \ - pn...,. ot Dwnp· Thcu ot 1-llian-t 7da. -ter o1en1 ..•. 1.811 :on ... of.~p t-1<8 ..• yda. llut -than 8 )'di. w .. ter leftl ___ :_···-··-··-----·--·--······ .. ---·--.... ·-1.11:! . pr. .... .; ~ 'l:Ncll8 •• ~ --llian 12 1'la ..., ~ trrel --.t,._,.--··---_:_ ... :.... _______ ..... ~------· 1.90· ;0r.,.....o1 o,mp ~~u. Jda.·•t -llwi ie yda. water~ ""'------....--=---Y---·-----···-··"---•1.M °'"•* ot D!Dlii• ,.,.,,.... -1• ,... "' -at.or io... .... t.11 0rt.m"' T1wc1ar, .lllPl ~ -.pHtt). ...... """' • iw ua DI:!_,, ot '1'1..,.,·ltpl P'l1IN4 ca,...ity ..,_ tcwl .. . . .. ... , ., .. .... _,_.,. ... -........ 'I ~. t • I I N~POit:r-lf.Lf()A NE.WS,.TIMES • . I I • • . ' I . ' . j · :i~: ... ·:::~~~~~::~::: \.IO 1 r. ·~;i;;;,;~:~=i~~~t~::~;~ ~fa ! I I • -f '" I 20 ton.I ... ·-·-··---·--............................. _ ••.... ---.. ---·-------·---· 1.91 IN--char,ge men of 4 or lee. Joumeym.9a ta 12~ c~nta per Drtwra ot Tnlicks, le pa,yload capacity of 20 tou or hour more than the-foumeyman rate. ~ more ... L ........................... -........... -........... _ .................... 2.18 · Pluten ............ _ ...... -.... ! .............................................. -........... 3.Ulii Drtft?.I o~ ~ type preader Trucke ···-·:·-.. ···-··-············-:i.11 •· Pluter Foreman .............................. : .. :-···~·-··----'-··--1 -.. -·--------·-3.JO t DMVers of Qumpster .............. -·--·-----····---··-·----············· 2.18 Plaater TWdcr ............. ,.,_ ......................... , ............ 1 .... --............ 2.875j l>rlvera of ~ral.Wit · Mbt Trucka under 3 yda ..................... 2 06 P:umber ' ................................................................... -... : .............. 2.:;i:; · Drtve:ra·of Tnllatt ··Mtx de.a a yda. pr mora .................... 2.18 Plumber P'oremu ...................................................................... 2.87~ Ou and 011 'Pipeline -orklng Truck Driver, incJudlng Plumber Gaa or Line Sprinkler .............................................. 2.825 Winch Truck and 11lsea of Trucks -······--···-····-·········· 2.00 · Plumber Lead or Cement Caulker ..................... -................. 2.825; Boatmen ........ .! ................ -...... ·-·-········-······ .. ·-··-···· .. ················· .. -· 2.00 ,, -steamtttter Foreman ...... : ......................................................... 2.8115. Dumpcrete 'l'rqck, leN lhe.n 8 %-yards wBter level ........... 2.05 Steamfitter ............................................................................. , .... 2.825' Qumpcttl.e Tr\ack. 8'it-~· water level· and over ............ 2.18 Lead Burner ....................................... : .................................... :-:: .. 2 875, Rou Canter Driver · Highway -······-·····-··-······•·-········-.. --......... 2.18 lndUBtrlal Genera.I Foreman .. , ................................................. 3.00 Water True~ Drlftr -utjder 2500 ga.. :···············"·················-l 88 Industrial Plpefitter Foreman ···-···-···--··········-························ 2.875 Water Truck Driver· 26po ga. or more ................................ 2.00 IndUBlrtal Plpefilter ·'·-··--·····~-----·······--······ .. ···· .. -····-·············-···· 2.825 lnduatrt.1 Life-Truck Driver .. : ..................... : ....................... 1.83 Induatrial Plpefltter Helper ........ , .. , ........................................ 1.775 Truck Oreuer Uld Ttretnan ·············-··-········-····-········-········· -· 1.9S Journeyman Pipe Line Foreman ......................................... 2.875 Truck Repalrman (jo~-,lte) ............................................ ,._ .. 2.30 J oumeyma'h Pipe Une ............................................................ 2.625 Truck Repairman HelMr fjob •Ile) ........................... ··--·-·· 1.93 -Helper Pipe Line ........................................................................ f.775· Warebaueemaq ·Clerk r····:······-·······-······-··············-·······-···--·-·· 1.88 Sprinkler Fitter ............................ , .................................. _ ......... 2.625 Aabeat.ol Worker Sprinkler Fitter Helper ......... , .................................................. 1.575 Foreman rate, un'ess specified, shaO be 12'h cent.a per Roofer Foreman · ........................................................................ 2.75 hour more than the Joumeyman rate ........................... 2.50 Roofer ·········'········ .. ·········· .. ······-··;.·····-······ .. ·················-····-······ ...... 2.50 • Bricklayer and .8tonem¥°n • 8 hr. day ................................ 2 75 Sheet Metal Worker ................................................................. 2.40 Brick Tender ................... r ............................ -f .... : ........... '.... _ ... 1.83 Tiie. Marble, Terrou.o: ·:r~k~!!rr ;r0reS~teanr ~ ... ·f:-· ~ .. --·c .. e .. n·-~·~···pe· ... , .... h. 0··u···,····m· .. 0·-:·.··-·,·h··an···-2.70 Tile Setter l-lelper ..................................................................... $1 .875. -,,... fe ...., \.15 • Tert'07.ZO Base Machine O~erator ............................................ 2.125 Journeynian Base Machine Operator· first 90 day8 .... _ ......................... ~ 2.00 F.Jectnctua: Floor Machine Operator and He lper .................................... 1.875 E lectrician· General Fo(eman ............................................. $3.125 Floor Machine Operator and Helper. flrat 90 days ····-·-··· 1.625 Electrical Foreman ...... [ ....................................... _ ............ 2.876 Bollermaken: l!:J~trtcal Sub -Foreman -··-···-···················-·····-······ ····-········· 2.75 Foreman ···-····--··············-····· ........................................................ $2.78 Electrician ·························-·-·-... '.':. ....................................... -..... 2.625 Aselstant Foreman or Pusher ............................................... 2.63 Cable Splicer P'oreman .......... ·····-··-···········-·-······-··· ............ 3.125 Boilermaker ................................................................................. 2.53 Cable Splicer ................... 1: ..................................................... ' .... 2.925 Boilermaker Helper .................................................................. 2.23 Lathen; -0Ye:rtlme Rates for Sh: BaAlc Tndett: Metal Furring or NaU -· •-···· ··-.......... ··-............ : ............. $3.125 Carpcakn: Double time for all overllme, except for PUe Driver Foreman rate 33 ~!I centai per hour more than Jdurneynuw Men • Bridge or Dock Carpente rs on tide work where the overttffie Palnten: rate will be time and one·half: providing that when men •are called Regular Brush Painter -. .. . .................... .\. ........ $2.15 t o worr outside of the regular work day they will be guaranteed Brush Swing Stage ..... .!.. .. ................... ___ .............. 2.40 six (6) hours pay at the overt ime rate. · Steel and Brld•e ......................................................... 2.40 °"'1tent t"lllllhen: Time and one·half for the first three hoUNI Steel aitd BrJdce Swing Stage .................. !........ . . 2.M arter the regularly coMtltuted s traight time shift, and all other over· Spray Oun or Sand Bluier --··· ....... ·-·--......... _ ... 2,40 time shall be double time. • ::f!i ~~:~. ~~ .. ~~~.~.~--~~.~~--~-~~e. ·. ·:·_·:::::::~::·:·:·. :~:::: ~:~~ ~lgh~,~~·l~::a= ~~md:;':!d0~:;ht~1! :1~rtha~~eut~:~:~ ~o::~~a~~ _P_a_ve_r_H_an_&'_•_r_• ___ -T-----·-··_._ ... _ .. _ ... ___ .. _ ... _ .. _2_._21_~--~ouble time for the aeVenth consecutive day JNorked. Watchmen shall • Tllte I I , Newport Harbor . . ' . . < l ·T .. y, ¥~2»~ . .' . t :~ ai.o rece1J tbe: _. me--11alt fi>r-.Ot&d&)'a ~~ipt where a ~y f*.~ onl 'tl!e t.t11 )-~ day wwted. wl!lch ..Wr lie. *"ble tlllle. ' • : • , 'li;:ai,:.:"-•l>oldl'e•tne f°"all owrtlme. . · ·j • I . ~:--~~I pt .~~ HolldaYJI Wblch are doll le l.llDe. • , ~ • ~ >Wtnz1m1 "nine •d one--twJ.t for &11 OYer:tlrnid excepl Sundayafaad'ilolldaYJI wllldo are double tlme. 'Where OperalSng Eli· glneenr, j1ur1D1 ~Y one-1day, are workhig cwertlmel on th~ same unit of .. -project OD ~ich &ftOU.er ·cratt ~ woridnf overtime ~ the double ttmp· rate, then the <>PeraUnc Bnglneera on IUCti 1 uilit Ot work 8hall 1allo ·be "1d at .Ille dOUble Um• rate. A unit ot ~ projec( met.ns any allicle bUlkling, fadllty, uUUty, or any other •Ingle at1'1c· t•re Which la Jn_dependent of. any other unit ot the· project. The oper~· Uon ot a ci;tfsb~ plant for .-tock pile and the a.ervtclnc, repairing UM\ maintenan~9-ot;equlpmenl on a pmJec:t •hall be at time &nd one-:-halt, .except In the 'i:ollowtnc two instances: (1) Sundaya &nd Holldaya; f2) Where the ·equipment operator la repairing hia equipment on a uAlt of the project where double time la be.Ing Pl(ld in that calendar day. When the Operating Engineer la working on a project as an integral part of ! c~w where another craft la receiving ovirthae pay by vlrtue of a boUday not specified in the Master Labor Agree- ment, then the Operating Engineer •ball receteve lbe aame overtltiie rate u the al.her era.ft. · Teunaten: · Time and one·ha:f except Sundays &n:d Holiday.- which are double time. Except u noted ~ the wage &ehedule. the rate of per diem wagf'S for each of the various cla.salflcatlona of work ahall be the herein· before eet forth prevailing rates of hourly wagea multiplied by eig-ht f8). Eight houre aha.II constitute a day'a work; It being understood, that in the event that workmen are employed leu tba.n eight fi) hOur per dayil, the per dlem wages shall be deemed to be that fraction of the per diem wages herein established that the number of hours of employment bears to eight (8) boun. O~ertime ahall ~ pakl for work perfromed in exceae or the ~gu­ lar day's or week's work and at the rate for overltme ot the craft involved. , . Holidays as herein referred to shall be deemed to be New Year'• Day, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Latkm Day, Armiatlce Day, Tha.nkagivlng Day and Chriatmas. It any of the above holidays fat) on Sunday, the Monday following shall be corulidered a lt:gal holiday.. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a contract Is awarded, &nd upon all aub-c.ontractors under him, to pay not leq than said general prevailing rat.ea. of per diem wages to all 'WorkmFn employed in the execution of the contract. • No bidder may -withdraw hiB bid for a period of 30 daya alter the date aet for the opening of bids. No. 191-Tlmea BOard of Truatess, Otange Co&Bt Junior . College District, Orange County, Calirornla Signed: BASIL H. PETERSON Published March 27 and April 3, 19~1 hamber of ommerce • ' Announces ·. ' . . ' "~ ' .. ' ' . ' . The F R·ST INAUGURAL • ·' ' • INTER-COLLEGIATE .I ' 8 -0AR SHELL, CREW REGATTA $81arday Afternoon, JI 14~ 2 P. M. -JUNIOR VARSITY RACE 3:30 P. M. -VARSITY RACE l Stanford University, University, of California at Lds · Ang~les a n d University of Soi;tt~ern California • · PLA~E -North Lid~ CJJannel j , I, j • ~TARTING LINE .-~ido . TurniJ119 Ilasin University of Califorl"!ia, Berkeley, . ,Stanford University, University of California, Los Angeles, and 'Uni- versity of Southern Califori:iia I FINISH Ll,NE -Off West End of Harbor" Island ' . ' . CO!JRSE-2000 Meters -poth R•ces I ' . I . '., '..) Tite Chamber rttque1t1 loverat 4f thia . king · of aporh and ~: ' • c1v minded people .and firm" '1!ho deaire t' .-dd,.glem~ur ·tend respect to the. neme . N~f! Harbor op ,the Na~io11el . l:>e'a , to c~.nfrlb!'fe .to the Re9etta ,fund, t hicfi must 1l:>e · · t•i d i-to defray -the ~eceisa expen1e1 for tliia first -:re tte'. ' I. .. " I I , • '