HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-03 - Newport Balboa News Times• I . I · • I I • ~ SHRIMP GETS A BIO 01''"&-Wee Shrimp , of Riv~ ud New· poft ~ pro11dly ·e:rhlblts hie M\'eti pouad apotnn ('n>&k.Pr wbJe.11 M r:Mht"d out or the Rlvo Alto chan"'I IMt. Thu~y. Lc:l<$I n.hllls r.xpert. proaOOllCt.'d the croaker "one otlthf' blcreet taken this year." (Newa-Times Photo) Mesa Mother • WEDD Ot' CIRCUMSTANCE , Trial May 14 Accordin« to tht-bulktln of the :'\"t"!Wport ee-h City Em- pJoJ~• A.""~latlon, City En- ctneer Brrt. Webb haa ~entl~· beceme the owaer of a four montb111 old Box~r pup named "Brandy." Somehow, the bullf'- _ttit MYS • new """ hydftUlt ..... reoNltly •prung In the vtcln.lty of the Webb rmldence. Any tt- latloruthlp between thffe two Incidents ls probably pureJy co- lnci<kntal. Mrs. Cordelia Ealher Green will go lo trl&.I May Jt on a charge that ahe mllrdend her lhrce- montlt-Old daughter . Jury trial was Jte'-at superior court by-Judge Kenneth E . Mor- riaon. A ~eek ago the 23-year-old Costa Me11a woman bad entered a not-auilty plea, and setting of ..U. trlal date had been deferred Red Cross Fund Nears its Quota ' 7 J>ermtt Publie-De.lander N. D. Myer to arrange for employment of medical expe.rta to testify in her beh&ll. -Fund• Apprepriat..t ' Only $1000 t o go t o meet the' ne board of supervlsor-s this week approprlalt!d fund.a for hir-lng the med ical wltneues. quota was the word from Carl Meyer asked for about 6 week.;i I Hanna, Red Crou fund chairman. to prepare tor the trial, ;t.ating Monday. The dr~ was extended th t h planned to mak some "ln-because of the fact that many Red te:mC:iary motions, .. efor which Cross solicitors had been ill and he would require time. He did _not ~ad not been able to make all of enlarge upon what type or mOtion:; eir calls. he w ould ·ma ke In Mrs. Green·~ All those connected with the behalf. drive exprcsMed confidence that LJttle Patric ia Ann Green dif'd lhe quota. would be ryched short- F eb. 9 In the Orange county gen-ly; Just as soon a.a all~'lbe calls had eral hospital of a brain hemor-been completed. The quota for lht" rhage, caused by a tracturetl skull. area WBJ! $15,600. . The atale chargf'!I that Mrs. qrttn aclm itted strilring the child Op • Ure head with her fl.ala. The public 1 d~tender, hOwever, con- tj(\dil the child fell from a couch ·aiid the fall could have cauaed death._ Mesa Council Meets T~ Neff and Mn. Beute Louns- berry headed the a.genda Monday rllghl at the regular semilon of the Costa Mesa Ci tizens Council. Neff reported on the progreu ol the newly authoriud recreation pro- gram a It relates lo the Costa ------ Dredge Channel Under Viaduct Engineer Morgan Noble ot the Orange County Harbor Commis- sion wa.a drawing plans Saturday (or dredging the channel under the Nt•wPort viaduct, to permit e&aler access to the RJvo ·Alto Channel, which waa Improved'. some time ago and where intensive develop- ment of residences o·n Its ba.nks is un,der way. Mesa park. Mn . Lourutberry, secretary, re-The work will coat not more ported, on. the work of t he tree than $2000 and Will be financed pl.antlng and beautification com-party by the city and partly by mlttee which ahe"heada. She a lso the county. told of he r recent trip to lt1 £>xico. A channel 20 reel wide ahd at -least six feet lower than mean PoetaJ authorillt=a are revising I Jower low tkie will be cut under their system for eending money the vladuct, which links Central ...._throUgh the mall. Ave.. with the Arches overpass. • .. - ' ' 1- • \ ~oval ot<18 Ii mites 'I tri>Uey 'wire, 1n • m11ea ot tran..,,1101on NUMBER1 14 FIVE' CENTS llnes &nd about 900 telepOO.e poles• -:------~------;----::-----:------,--:-----i-!f-..:.-,i-;--""-..:.-+------_:. ______________ ..::_:...:_::,_:=.:..:: trom the PaclfJc Efectrfc rtg-ht of r way between Ntiwport Beach and Surf•tde and Newport and Banta Ana will' be accompliahed before the ttrat of the Year. Actual ached-1 ultng of. the work and commltt· ment to the removal Qf the Santa Ana 'return drcutt' running from 13th and · Balbo& Blvd.. lo the county aeat wu contatned In R release from the raJtway company thla week. Eventu&Uy all of the pole• and wtrea from tpng Beach (Wil)ow atreet and Long Beach Blvd.) to and lncltiding Newport will be re- mov.ed but lhe ftntl aecllon to be cleared w ill be from the local 1&.rea to Surlslde. On March 16 the last Electric car left Newport Beac h and alnce that time aJI freight haa been car- ried in by diesel locomotive. The generator atatiOn at 1~26 Balboa a :vd . ha.a been inoperative shlce mid-March and Its circuits t.re now only being ~ for signal pur- poses.. The l.ut passenger car on the local line r eturned to the Loa Ange-lea car barn on July 2, 195(> and since that Ume all travel Into and out of Newport Beach and the cou:tllne on Pa.clflc Electric hu been via busaet1. Rig-ht or Way City orrlcia's and Pacific Elec- tric officials have bt-<!n complet- ing plans for 80ffif tlme for the a.c- qubitJon by the city of a right of way for the eXtenalon of 3111t St. through the utility company's property between Balboa Blvd., and Newport Blvd. The street, whrn built, will permit the eliml- natlon of series of traffic conges- tion in the area and wlU open much of the o'd railroad r ight-of- way t o use for business. ' Preaent plan of the PE to re- move their power polct5 and elec- tric facilities will reduce consider- ably the cost to the city of remov- ing Ul.E" depot yard operation en- tirely t'tom downtown· Newport Beach to a site at or near '58th •treet. ' •· Cleaning up or· thelr .right of way by the company will coincide with the final improvement of Balboa Blvd. between Newport and Balboa. by pa vlng ot the la.at lhrtt blocks or the former right of way purchased from the company by the city years"'8.go .. Although Newport Beach had been served by rall before ~ad .. • vent of lhe ·J?aclf.ic Eledrtc' It wu the latter which made a direct connection with Loa ..Angele• pol· alble. S'-11112 Freight &nd pe..uengera 1anded in Newport Beach at McF&ddena Landing had been carried to Santa. Ana on the Santa Ana and New- port Railroad. The road wu. be- gun in 1887 undet' the dtre(tion ot the ownf"rs, Jame.a and Robert McFadden. Construction work wu carried on from both ends of the line . .Materials were brought ln by ship at Newport and .over the Santa Fe railroad at Santa Ana. The first train over the raJlroad W&1 nperated on January 12. 1892. The Southern Paclttc acquired the road juat before the turn ot the centurY. Its Ihle later abandoned bl deference t o the Pacific Elec- tric coataline: which la a wt.Ole owned ~u b8ldary o! the S. P. 3 Marines Hurt Three marlnes from Camp Pen- ddelton were Injured and their car demol~hed at 6 :28 p. m . Saturday night just past the intersection ot Balboa boulevard and Coaal high- way. The •4g sedanette, traveling west. was said by pusers by to have failed to ·make the slight turn beyond the trarftc 1\gnal. It climb- ed the bank, then rolled b&ck down onto the highway, "pancaking" from the lmpact. Driver of the car, Sgt. J . Shepard Findley, re· ceived alight tnjuriee aa did W. L. Araencau. Joaeph Colelll SW!Jtaln- ed head ltfj urtes and received a broken arm. All were'·t.aken to E1 Toro bue hospital . $AVf;D f1WM RIPTIDE WM Earl E4a.o. Hicks, lnstntct.or at Nortae Air Fol"De buer. Saa, Bf>rnardlno w~. had jone down for .the third Ume 1'-be• he WM ~ed. by Dee Zirkle-. 17 of %•1& Or· I • ' &as"e aveaue_ Oosta Mea.. ZtrtcJe first N1ICUed HlckA' <"Ompanlon, fo Ann Pattenon. of Pue•1-i Uld returftf'd for tM Air ~orce man. . • . . 1he at nnt belle,·f'd to ~ dl,·tng for elam.s.. .lack .ione-8 and trne ·of the fire df'p&rtmrnt inhalator· 8Quad gave artUfi.laJ I on to) nearly a n hour bf-fore Hlc~ respondt-d. He ~'M la r t to Oraace Connt.y hot1~lal. (News-Times Photo) I - I Dee Zirkle, 17; He Can't Swim But Can Float Dee Zirkle, 17 , year -old Costa Mesa youth who says "I can't swim much, 1 but I can .'float" rescued two per- sons from certain death in the ocean off 19th street, Newport Beach at 1 :30 p. m. Sunday. · Caught l.n a riptide \\'ere Earl Edi.!IOn Hicks, 23, instructor with the 29th lnatruction Squadron, Norton Air Force base, San Ber- nardino and hia girl friend, J.Q Ann Pattereon, 17, of 1Ml3 El- liott street, Puente. Zirkle, who ts the son of J . Zirkle, 2416 Orange avenue, was the only per.!IOn close to the beach although others were lying Of\ the sand higher up. As be walked along, he watched the swimmers and, hearing the· g irl call fer help, plunged in and swam to where they were. JOO feet out. He brought the girl in and returned !or the man. Hicks was weari.ng C:living gog- gles. apparently Io o k in c f or plsmo clams. He went under several times and Zirkle thOUJ:"ht· him diving, but went back to give aulstance If lt wa.a needed. He had been under the water several minutes, Zirkle' estimated, wben the latter r:eached lhe spot and dove. The Mesa youth brought the man to shore but was So tired from hi• double rescue that he had to have aid in~ gelling the man troro the-water~ - The girl suffered no W effects. ~ k D o s t ed Jack ~onea and Don ~urns of d. ·y l""'l ''1''•w; ~~~nc~ t!'~~~;. p~ a~P: Quentin Fri· 'E~~gi:r~ ~~ rrl~ Court Judge Kenneth E. MorrOOn. WC.fllley Elmo later ta.ken lo Community ho&- aote , ot .Balboa. who had pleaded guilty of felony drunk driv-pllal. lhgi tt:tlon with an automobile collision on the Coast H ighway ___ _:::::::::::::::::::=. ___ , in Beach last March 9, was ordered to San Quentin, but -.-: I -+the cour t said he would rccom- sl 000 D mend that Sorenson be transferred I amages to the California lnstltutiOn for As late ,.... noon MO n d • .. l· r Men (prison wi(hout walls) at thf!re wu no,lndicatlon of a.ny · ~ I l Chino. reconciliation between I o ea I in T affic_ Death nu~~rc~~r~r::~~ ~: ~:,d~~io: =~:-:rettheo~r;:nc•e~: .since 1947 and he recommended Union (ALF) SU whose mPm- BUL.I...ETJ'N' MABIU:T STBil<E Ju 4i1't for $10,000 wu ren-that Sorenson "Ca n get help front krt1 are employf'ld ln food I dere by ta jury In Superior Judge tlle Alcoholics' Anonymous pro-1toreA ID Oran~ CA>unty, Long Ra. nd j 1!'hon11,>.son's court Fri-gram at Chino if you want to ky.'~ Beach. Wblttler and,Lyn~·ood. . I MWD WATER ~LOW IS INCREASED Flow or Colorado river wa~r purcha.aed trbm the Metropolitan Water Dlllrlct by the Orange County Water Dlat.rlct, wbJcb began a week ago at a rate of 60 &econd fttt, wu stepped, up to 80 second fee~ Tueeday, lt WU announced t'rklay by Pre11tdent Jack '\\', Crill or the water Platrlct. 11 the Santa An& river cha.Onel. .._ ______________ _ which le carrying the Colorado rtver water from the MWD aque- duct near Arlington to the spre&d- lng &'f'Ounds In Ora..gge county. ac- commodates the now of 80 second feet, the rate may l500n by lncreu- ·00 to 100 aecond feet. C rill said." That increase' a.l8o dPpenda on whether the releaae valve of the aqu~uct ha.s that muc h capacity, he added. At a rate of 80 ~cond feet, the Colorado river water la arrlvwg at the spreading grounds tn San- ta Ana canyon ln the amount of 180 acre feet per day, leu wut- age from evaporation. etc., it Wu pointed. . The hlcrea.ae rate was dec§dcd upon because of the ,rave "deple- Uon Ot the under~ baalri Ln Oran~ county by a succe.mku:t of dry yeara and an annual oWrdra.r.i of waUr pumped trom the bllatn·. The. wa.ter d.18trkt dJttcton. 1 Mil- ler, tteCre~ of' lhe · dlltrtct. Said, . ' decided to "get the ZJ,000 acre feet or water purchaaed from MWD un- derground ae quickly u poulblc." 125 Day Run The 60 S@OOnG &ee:. flow would have completed delivery of the ~000 acre-feet , in 208 days, or about Nov. 11 Stepping up to 80,- 000 feet wtll complete the run in 1~ days, and If the .rate were 100 second feet the run would be com- Pleted ln 12~ days, Mil'er said. "We nttd evm more water tha.h the ~.000 acre feet purchased, b.._t where the dhitrict would" l e t tbe addlUonal money to buy more. wa- ter, we don 'l know." Miller #id. e di.strict ta. paytnc $10-per acre foot, or $250~q<>O tor the 23,000 acre. reeL But 1t the newty· foi'ftled Or· anp County Munle!pal Water Oto· trlct doe• not annex to MWD .by Dec. I . a.nothe.r Ill per foot or $12:1.000. total """'• wtU be added ' to the bU1, ~ya~le ln 1953. 1 , day · 'f1r•. Vi9let Mlaene'I' and Costa Meea At tac" Blllllnf!Ni u u•ua I wu the Th Ore ll.lbert fTedl P onting, Basil John Hunt, 27 , of San Jose order of the day for local ,na.r- for e ~traffic death ot their was sentenced to concurrent terms keta. Meetlnp between thP daug ter ~ Mary Loub1e Pont Int. tn San Quentin tor companion clerk.a. market operatora and 1'9, o N~ Beach, ln & eta.sh charge11 of robbery, aaaault with federal UHi atate oonclllaton Nov. 28,1 1949. ft'h e verdict was Intent to commit rape and felony 'weM Rheduled for Monday &galnlst IJenry D,e Olivera of Cot· a.<JS&ult. H e had admitted taking a ftemoon. ta Me3· one or the driven i6-Audra Ethridge onto a lonely '--------------· •olved the ~lllaton on Balboa Co8t.a Mesa roaq Jut Jan. 2 and ' Mlirl:R8. DAMAGED Blvd.t n . r F Stl, Newport Beach attempting to attack her criminal-Fifty parking meter11 on the at 2 am.: ..pf th~ date stated. ly. After he was unsuccessful. he north &Ide of Newport boulevard. Richarf W. '4Jhmer , the other robbed her of $.1 5. Judge Morrison between 22hd and 28th streets, driver lri the ctuh. wu relived ordered that~ the terms be concur-were damaged some time Satur- of res~nstb!llty v.·hen Judge rent. da~. Police estimated the damage Thompsop granted his motion for Before sent ence, Public Of>(cnd· at S200. non-suit iCarliet \in the trial. The er N. D. Meyer urged disml888.l of -----· parents 4f, Maryt Louise had sued the felony-assault c hargP, claim-DOG BITE both drtY~ra1 tfUng a total o C i.ng It wu ' duplication of the at-Kenneth Snoke, Jr" 10, was blt- $40,000. ~ templed-rape charge. J udge Mor-t en on the right shoulder a t 4 :15 The jury of_ eight moo and four. risun, however , said Hunt '!might p. m. Saturday by a dog bt>longing women cfeltbera d nea rl y 2 hour~ bC getting off light," saying the to Everett Morris, 811 Via Lido before r~achihg the $10 ,000 vcr-district •attorney could have ao-Nord. The dog w.., phu;ed under diet, i cused him of kldnaping. quarantine. • ' t • . . • . I i .., ' I ' , . . • ·' -1 Page 2 ' , • I • . • • l . Hi School'-Parents c. 8 · ·s. Avxil!ary AdYehtists. Make · · Plans Expo.ns1on · . . · Hear Peterson on .,~;:e;p:i::";.::~~ MissiQn :Appear _ -R serve Program = ~ :· ~-s::. ..=~eir ~:.ta-:::::. e Home Society, held at the home of elon AWeeJ i,ere on . .t.pnl 7, _local' . Mn. H. E . Cbrlatler. Coota JlleM, ollurdl put<* Kenneth II. PetTY . ' On Wednesday evening, March Co--hoeteaea were Mn. W. J . C01e, announc~ today. , 1 29th. a pieeting of the Senior llDd Kn. Kennetlt-Boettcher, and Mn. Lut yeaf'a drtve ... to which 900 Junior p~nte and fi(c!'lty met at F . ~."Hu1*. · ' realdente · colitdlNtacl liberally, 7 :30 in U.. 1""reetlon ball of the The -to ~ actlvltlea netted U,182,000 f« tho oupport blP ecbool for another fl"t·bettel' Iulo ....., f•lf by the •wdllary, and of medical, ollllcaUonaI, and ot:ber uqua11119d .. Mlon. >Uo. Roland a committee wu appointed by acUvltlu ctrr!ed -by Ad"fenttato Wn&ilt. Jnde repreaeittatlve waa Kn. ~ 'v. AA~. preoldent, to around U.. world. Th• chibcl> ln charpi of UW!: eV'elliDg'a Pr<>-: ameml>le lnforrriai.toft and anake ~ seek• a •lmil&r 1 amount , from gram ud 11he llltroduced M.ra., report at the' April meeunc. The friend.a and Mfghbore UU. ye*"·· Ed~r Hill, Pa.i:ent-Teacher prest-membera appointed to th.la com-"Membera themaeJvea each .pv~ dent who presided. mtttee are M~ H. E. Chriltler, $138.29 to the work of the church The apeaker of the evening, Dr. Mn. E . C. Mai'Un, Kre. Wendell Lut year • .Mr. P,:erry explained, Basil Peterson, president of C>r-Ctlkina and Mra. Challen ,Landen. "but the need la 10 rreat that our ange. Cout college spoke on and Tbe Childnn'1 Home Boclety of 'own st:tta are not enough.•· arlawered queatlon.s about available California ta the only llceued pri· Lut year'a contributions by brahchea of tnlllta.ry training for vate adopUoJ\ agency aervins the members and thell trlendl have men .tudenta.. In the naval R. O. entire atate. It.-!e not t.ax•tsu.pport-been earmarked for new hoepitala T . C. and R. 0 . C college can be ed. butt. malnta.lned enUrely from tn Pakblton. and the Fftnch completed. The army enlisted Re--voluntary contrtbuUona received Cameroona of Atrlca; training. serve program la easy to enter, ac-from cit.lune throuahout the Stat4t IChoola hi Borneo. Tor&djaland and cord.in&' to Dr. Peterson. He ad-ot CaJitomlL For &O yean the T&hiU; a prtnUna1 plant tn Pa.ki- vUies all boya to stay in achaot · u GhlldNn'a Home Society ot Call· it.an and an en.npU.Uc cen~r in . lone as possible. In thia way they fomja bu. been l'ivinC' careful. un-Manila, In l.ddJtloh to supporttpg 8.l"e better qualified tor the best dentanc11n1 . adopUon aervice for project& already t.n prosreaa. mllltarf posJtionJ1. homeleai children of all race., The local church plan.a to reach Mn.· Hill introdu~ed Sidney creeda and, naUonaliUea .from lta $15000 goal th a. tour week David,lton. principal; Joseph Hamb-every part of the It.ate. eollcttatton camp&ip. Dr. •Paul lett, vice-principal and Mrs. Fay Kn. Ora Chipman at the Santa Butcher he&da Ule committee ln Ha.rbtaon, dean of girt$ All Junior An& otflce WM prue:nt at the ehy-p. '\ and Senior facuJty were preo.aent meeting. Tbe ~wnth • pay· Adventillt and aa pa.rents asked questions, church hu C&(?1ed ita work. of Mr. Davidson called upon and in-n W' H bb d mercy into 228 of tbe 282 official· trod~ced teachers to answer. Thlfl ur • • · U ar ty liated Cbunt.rlea Of the world. To i• t11e first 1un1or-s.n1or dlscu•-to s·pea·k· Apr. 1 O promote tbla prosfam. the ,organ- mon me;etingt and It ls hoped that lsatton m&intafM I Ml major ln- BENl!PIT 'TU PLAN$ ""' --'i ~ ......... of <ti.. .\Jta'r sulk! ef OUr .Lady ot MJp,,_tl~ lljod st.1+-V-y cbu~ -1-at -Ba,y el~b. The t.. will be llNcl .., TlllundJiy, April IZ'la a.I-llay club and p .......... WU! ro to tlle,:cbur<I> ~iq 11t..i. .,....,,,.., row, loft lo rlCttt .,.. Mn. Holt .~on -Mrs. J, W. CU!umek: •taodlnl, (!left to'<tct>t) Mra. Cdllil 8. Brown ~ Mn. I . Art-bur Taylor. ._(News~Ttines Photo) there will be more. Mr. Devldeon a·t Santa Ana •tltutlona, Inc I~~ Ing Hoepltals, and Mn. Harbison explained tully . achooll a n d publishing hoU!lel. the vocational aptitude teat for More than 2,900 Adventtat ml.Uion • f · students and invited any lntereeted Dr. Walton Hubbard, c . s. B. echool.I are al.lo 1nl operation. leaufifiCCltion ll"tontesf Trophies paren\g to call at the 8';)'tool to He a.n4 Mn. Lout.e Hurford· Brown, Dorcat Welfare Sodleue.; organ-1 the eh.art and learn more about the CSB Chrtat.lan Science teacher-lsed ·tn nearly every Seventh-Day Mary Tuller Topper, ,Newport Beach, cha1i;man of Otance County reaulte of his .child's test~ Coach from Los An.pie$, will addrea a A.dventJct church ~ North Amer-Civic Beautification Comiµl\lee, announce1 that' one of the higftlight.8 Albert Irwin in answer to que&-m~ttnc ln the lnterut of Broad-tea, have collec(edi and ahlpped a of the April 24, membership ~et>-ting of the Aasoclated Ch'1Jlbert of tioDB gave a talk regardfug ath-view, the Chriltian Science nun-larte "I.hare Of the 110,000,000 Commerce will be the avfarding of trophies to the winntng commu- letic grading. lng home for So. 'C&llfom1a, in worth of relief aupplie!J the church nity ln the BeautiftceiUon Contest. Jud~s for the contut wtll be: Parenh' RespoDfllbl.IJty the Muonic Temple, 306 No. bu Hnl a2'road lince the war. At Mr. J . w . IIull, Santa Ana;: Mr. It· waa stressed and parenU Sycamore tn Sa#la .Ana, Tues-home the church le aetting up dis~ George Kellogg, Yorba Linda a.nd ~ should under!rtand that theiJunlor--day, April 10th at 8 p. m. Recent uter -relief centera ln lb cburch Mr. Hov.-ard Cook of Placentia. Senior prom held at the high color phDto&Taphs will a.t.o be bUlkSlnp and tn.ining its tnUre The Civic Beautlftcatlon Contot achool la over at 12 o'clock and at shown. The public la cordially membenhlp in 1rt.?t, aid proced-cloael April 10 and "reaulll will be that time the school'& responalbU· Invited to attend. ura in order to b8 ready to serve reviewed by the j\ld(U according ity for studenU attending the Broadview, a non profit orpnt .. in-local or natlohat "emergencte1. to the" followinc IChedule. danc~ i9 pver a.nd becomea that ot sation, i9 QpeN.ted by The South-Re lative size of tbe community parents. All high school actlvltl•• em Callfomla Foundation and "' Rossm' ore Cafe . will be taken Into conslderttlon sponaored by the school are held at autbort.ed by the NUl'Sf.nl BomN wlth eompleteneu of report, pror· the .ahool with the excepUoa. of Committee of The Mot.her Chureh, t 0 Th d ress made and met.bod of presen- the senior breaktasNLnd the foot-The Ftnrt Church of Cbrllrt Sclen· 0 pen ' UrS ay tation given a Weicht of 150%: ball be.nq:uet. t1at in Boaton, Kue. It wu tJ ~--.. -lore Dining Room. local partlclpa on, list of names .....-. Wright expreued appreda· built in 1947 and la located at """""' n.oam -· f th ••~ Newport boulevard, an-or all .organizations taking part in twn 0 ~fine turnout of the tac· 4570 Grlf~en Ave... Loa An-lea. "'°"'"' . 25M d t' r b ult t th. ,. · h •-nouncea their o~n;ng date as the pro1ect ~ an ex ent o pu · Y ~1 t.s mee 1ng w ere par-lt'a facilities are for the uee of ,...,..._. le~ f ' d th t a. · Th.urtday,.Aprll 6~ Mr. a.nd M rs. !icily 25 '#. en n m . e answers o prou-Chriatian Scientist.a who are 1n 0 A, will th It Is the ho.pe of the Civic 'Qeau- let'rul of atudenUi In school need of nursing care a.nd all statl ........ p~ Covington manage e tification Committee that all Or- Beach Girl Scout Councils to Hold Joint Meeting On April 3, adult representative! ot Girl Scout councils from New· port Beach, Costa Mesa, Hunting- ton Beach, Laguna Beacli. San · Clemente and San J uJJ.D Capistrano wUl meet at the Scout ,House la CO!lta Mesa . Established camp and council area problems In general will be discussed. MUfs Ruth Kinny. naUonal field s taff member and Mra. P. M . Ker· ridge, regional committee member will preside. Commhlsioner Mra. Ever dtt Nunan, Mn. Lout& Csenar, Mrs. Ted Ham brook, flrat and sec- ond deputie.s and Mn. ic.ther Chapman, c<Ulllcil assistant will at- tend from Newport Beach. SQUID , CATCH The common aquid--has b«ome such>· valuable commerclal fish· ing Ulduatry that the Bureau of Marine Fl.sheries has set up a f~l­ lowship study to learn more about the habiui of Utis 11trange creature. If thtt domestic market were to react more 1aYorably to 11quld U an ltem on the Friday menu. or if economic conditions ahouJd perlh.lt export to foreign markets, a great· er _portion ot the capacity of the sardine fishlnr; industry might be turned against the squid. . LEARN HOW PRAYER CAN HEAL YOU . , ' How doe• Chriatian Selena. ~heal? How does It remoft fear, .mve perl!OllaJ and bu.t n._ troublea? U you want_ to know aon\ething a b o u [' the be&lln• power of prayer I u t&U1"ht \n Ohrlatiah Sctence_ COJDe tO • A Free Lecture "Clllrietlaa 8clea<ie: Bow It Worka" by -Clarey, 0. 8. B. . af Detn!C, -.... ~., ......... ,., ........... ... , .. n. .......... ~n.. Ant Qlwdi .. amt, t.clMl&t, ............. KONDA Y. APlllJ. • at ..... p. .. ~uclt .... -Vla,LNo . -(lli--"' Ofllltot, 811 1 tW, .. ~"l'M't • ··-<lallf- nurses are graduates of the Chris-Roamore Newport for C. H . H ut-d chins and Florence Snedlgar. Mr. ange County communitlea, regar • tian Science Benevolent Associa-•· -r · Ill t k · th" ancrMr!". covtngtdn were ·restau-o....ess o size w a e part in. '-" lions in 8¥ Francisco and Bos-rant-owners In Fullerton the past contest. The cooperaUon of local . ton. 10 ytars. The ho.Ura bf the New-garden club11, Chamben of <?om~ port 'Rote]nor. wtll be dall;Y from. merce and other gToupa. will re- 5 p. m . to 9 p. m. f Sunda.ya, 12 t o .Wl not ~nly lrl a IUcceufutt con- 9 p.' m . · · teat , but in atlmulatin&' intereat in Underground Vet to Speak Thurs. at Laguna Beach Ma.rt.in Hall. world tra111eller, lec- turer and writer who joined the undercround movement against Hitler in 1933. will lecture before the Unitarian Society of Laguna Be-.ch on Thursday.., April 12 at 7:415 P _.M. at 1559 Catl\llna street, t.guna Beach. Mr. HalJ, a native ot Germany and a.n American citizen by nat- \ll'&lizatlon toured Europe In 1947 on both sides of the "Iron CUr-- taln," and haa lectured at many collegea and univeraJtiea in this country. He i.e at present Direc- tor ot Unitarian Student Work for Loa Angeles County. On UitB occuion he will dlacu.u the World SJtuatlon from the point of view of liberal religion. The meeting wUJ be open to the public and there wilt be no charge tar. admlufGn. Local Youth to Sing Wed. With Oxy Choir Robert Alfred NOel, son of Mr. and Mr1. A . I. Noel, 901 Balboa Blvd., will take part in tbf! annual Occidental College A Capella Choir concert to be preaent'"ed in Thome Hall. Wednesday, Ap111 4, at 8:1a p, tn., aceordlh1 to Olaf - of the.mUlic faculty, who wtU dl· rec~ David Cratgl> .. d will eerve aa accompaniat on .tJle orpn.., · Noot, a tenor, LI a Junior at Oc- cidental majoring In education and I.I a raldenl ot WyUe HaJl, one of the dormltori~ on the 120-acn, campue. ' · FfNE01$150 earl Pearce, 63, 129 -24th St'., Newpoct Beach. wu fined $1~ on an intoxication charge in ·New- port City court Saturday. Pearce entei-ed 4 plea of guilty before a court t.rlal waa schedUlt:d to Start. He had entered a plea of not p ilty earlier and Judge Frank Linnell had • sch~ed the court trial. , t P~arce 'WU arrested by Newport police Mof\day aboa.~d the flshin~ boat "13a.be ll" after it came &V.O\liPd Jn the aurt off Ni!lth St. Poflce tald Pearce ref'uaed to leave tbe boat and was removed by for ce aa the craft was 1 in danger of breaking up. The U. S. Coast Guard succee<Jed lh removing the boat from the be&c.h and towed It into the harbor. ).lore than two hundred volun- teer ruerve. wArdens, serving Nithout pay, aaailt regular war- 1.1en. ot tbe Dlvi~dn of F isJ:i and -..lame in their I patrol duties throuchout ·caurornla . DEA TH NOTICES ' Dora May Twlgl'er Dora May TJigl'er, 74, died Sunday at St. Joseph's hospital. She realded at 182t Vllelte Place, Newport Beach for the put 11 ye&n1 and waa a native ot Mis-'• .ourl. She iii survived by her bus· be.na, Edmond, ot the home ad- clrua; one deitct>ter, Mra. Vl Hard· "'11 of Balboa; twq gran~ and ont· .,...t .-d...iaupter. . Servi-will be l>eld Wedneeday at 2 p. · m. at Orauel chapel with the Rev. Tbomu Peftden· ofticiat- • Interment wUl be tn We•t- ml:nl'ter li{emorl&l·jiuic:. 1-H. IUlllpp Jarnu H. Knapp, 90, died Sun- day atternoon at hta borne, 214 Buel Drive, Coro'na del Mtr of a •eut ailment. A.nan1emenl1 a.re pendin&' at .¥m ~j>eL making beauti.f'ul Orange County MARY !i'Uu.EB TO.~' a garden spot ln Caltfornta. , , Justin M. Oennady, President or BrowTI bring• with her a Walth of the Associated Chamber. co~lal-experience m communJty planning ly envitea the entire membenhip gained in her eapacttlea u 1 Com- and all intereated friends tit attend mission er for the Department of the April 24th meetinr. Recreation and Parka ·in Loa An- Mrs. Rollin Bro'!"1l. President or geles and Chalrman of the Legia- the California Recnation Commis-1 lative committee tor the Natlonat sion will be guest speaker. MPS. Congress of Pa.repta and Teachers. , Tasty Tuna Patties The cook who can eome up with a tuty tmia patty oflmelthur tendemeu 1hould be :reverea in aone alone with the laa who1 coGia bake a che!Tf pie. For tau pattie.. cern)>inllc ~ delicate goodAeU of tuna llsk• with -nlnp ·and CNmbt, are truly a gust&to17 deli&' ht. ~ This tuna pstty, with velvety tenured niayonneiM baked In thould • make the bardeat-to-pleue """! •lcb with contentment. BroUed Tuna Pattie& ~ ' ~ hard cooked OCP .1' teupoon ·blaek pepper 1 6~-ounce can. tuna, tu.eel 1 cap mqonn•iM 1 '4 cup• fine d'7 bread cnnnbe Lemon olicea 1 tablespoon tlnet:r cut parsley Psp~ '4 taapoon.aalt . Flntly dice the -and ~lne witb'tlte ~ i cup of the b-d aum1-,'tlle pualey, nit, pepper and·Di.of""""*· llold Into 6 ·or 6 pettiee, aad eo'ftr them onl both aldea; Wlth tho : ~maining enunba. BroQ under lqw heat until .pl den b""!!' and hMIOd throUib. Ga,,.W. wltll lemon lllcea aprhik!ed with pep~ r . 1 I f • , !•' . : ': . .. . ! . '. , I ~. 1tr... · ·-;,... :•:c:', · Leider ~ • & .P'llber, -' aa;..-aa. • on if'I; thlf """~ o1 Brownl /WI~ their i.edero d ... 11 .. m , the pranre eounty -.. pita! HjbtNI '8Cr&p4>ooU for ebildre l'i!"I< pf CltrLltJllaa cardL Aftu l~•\nr ~· h"'!'ltel lhe (lrl.I W•N ~"I\ ~ 'AJ\abelln Park. for a, picnlf1 .....,. and loads of .flln. ij l:-5 ·' r...op ~' I , ....-- 1-dtt!Mra--"Jleet. ~ moon. St AJl .. ~ .</:~ernben or tbla Browntt p-oop recently b onored their Jtiolhera I by painUns ffgur· lnea ... ~ttr,cUve Euler c&rds 80 &in+ On March 71 the lfrDUp took a itUre bike to gather teavea and fl era u materi&J tor the next,. m Ftlnr when they expect to do rnort spatter painting. < -I Elsbth ~pa.de club , 1-cier ~M,,. Cbar!eo Lamb Meeta ll"!t and Lblrd Wed-J. Glrl llcOO• ,if .... , :IO • I . In litle with the year'• pro.tram each gt l lh lhi!I club sent tor-~P. or Eu r 1rreeUnga .to her particu- lar girl bi the TB ward it Ort.ns~ eounty oapita.J just prior to ~ er. Ne officers have been elected 'and ar aa follows: presi4ent, Ann: Stewat ; aecretary, Judy Sl&eperr treuu'11", Barbara Little; sergeant at arn1,a, Jane Stetaon; refresh- ment \!halrma.n, Bonriie Young;, and t elVphone chairman, Mary Gil· by. I -. Troop E-Third rrad• Brewnloo Leader rs. Robert Gardner • • • ;t: •' i ' " ' I ,\\f . -. • "YOU-GET TO WORK!" ... Yea, you worked for yoUr salary, now it's time your ulary worked for you! Put it to work in a Savillp Progr:am .at N,EWPORT BALBo:A FEDERAL! Make your avinca goai one year's income . a tidy llWll f~ · financial peace of mind. You'll like the aafetY •. profit and availability of saving here. Try: It! ' " CURRENT DIVIDEND RA TE 3 "lo " • 1 ' J Meete olldlly &t COM eohool . , . Thia ~roop ot fifteen. ~la... UAe~ l ~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ troop ~· S , calendar procecdl to fill Eaf.er bukel8 tor children In: the Orange county hospital. At· each ~eetlng they complete a handle project, lets of <:rei>e paper e latest accompllshmenL New o cen a.re Nancy Gardner, presldeit; a.nd Holly Ingram, aec: • , P1a"" 4~"'1uclio" TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner') on.en Ptaalat of 'l'lln!e Oo..U-to • ONduate lftude•l of Bela llu1all retary. i Troop i1 sixth,_. mrt Scout• 436 Sena Drive Harbor 1171..J· Leader~ Sidney Sandert c_ orona Highlands~ Carona _clel Mar . Sebofl I I I I I l • Mee,. '!YedJMWday alte radon COM ~~~~~~~:;~~~~;:;~~~:;~~~~~~~~~ An tN.ter vacattion field trip " and w(ener bake tor thlil ~p j · =~Pt; ~~~~ta~v;~=; .·F U .N Z 0 N E "Somoit•" for dessert. Game1 were pl).yed after lunch and speci- mens or nature -study ,exblbllll were ght and found. Troop Foo.rtil pade Browlllf!e: t.e.der Uoy4 !Jopn Mee~. '· -y an.....,.... Newport. 8c~'1 . ... For ~ wearing, troop 26 made ijetty pastel felt wrist pur· ses tri1¥med with beads, slnce the proV&J11 for the year has been ba.ndic•rt. Copper i.9 the next pro~ ject. ~. cook·out in the Lacuna: ·bills w•;a ·greatly enjoyed by tpew BrowniVs recenUy . " 15 ij-HlT-RUN ARRESTS Fitte{!n per&0na were arrested tor felifny hit-run driving during Feb~aty": the Highway Patrol, has nporteijl. TheN! were 25 cues of hit-run reporte,~. So far this year. S6 hit~ run c~s have been solved wtth· 14 mo"F still under Investigation. I H'rold K. Grauel · ! Chapel ,..,._, BeMoD 1111 j 111 Y.-WllY Cotta M- •• , . OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY .· and SUNDAY ' BAI.BOA -. r,....._. ft[''''• ,i;,1 ruuu JOU ....... , t· -1_ -··~·. ~ ' , • . • • ft ... liRmQ. · .-1Rws ·· llOOM ·· Ill Allla~ l •1.• nun ONG ·BEIClf na PAlllCING Ill ' · NUT. ~l!'HOla ,_,.,, . · ~ fOlt lllavATIONI • HELPFUL HINTS . For Hom•lnaken ., . "!""" hi ;_ I AD. LIB .. 1 .. • ly ~~0 1 • 1 k .. Tllli qf ., ~ ' .. • !!'__ • • • •. • ' n-' 1 e r r i I Tlte. N~Y'PP.rl~lpib.04 ·p,.~·1 · , .. r ,, ~·. .Ntw r.fim~~-, ~f "-1l ~ .. • • 1~ ' ·:'., ;~: '/il~w'aort tav Post ond: ' " I ' '"" ["'"-· \ ' .. , Slto~Pfng,New~ . • •• :oranoe Cou~f>''s (j,iot.s# .AdNrliflng ·~. ... "" . t - . ' • i I . I ·-1 ' .1 I j I 0 I I 1 • I I • l I ! 1 • • !l ~ l I ... ···--·--·-··--···-. . 'f'*day, April 3, 19 r -, ' oO'illY~-~'"'"'~~-~~'Wl-._.,.~DW':d~ State ConventiOn RePcirts ~ Heard ·When Local 'OAR .Cha'pter · Meets Membera of the nlW, but tut · • ' : IT'Owtng Col William Cabell chap-!'spolle on 'Demottacy -Live 1~or ter of the Daughten of the Revo--·Lose It.'' He sa.kS that commun tution or Newport Harbor held mu.st · cotne by revolution. · 11 . . me&ruJ dictatorship by the prole. their monthly rqeetlng presided tarla.L over by Mrs. Charlu Boatdman. ..Dr. Mo,rley of Califomta and regent, March 28 at the beauUf\11 of na.Uonal repute spoke at the tut , home of Mra. W . E . Fisher in Cor-,1 meeting of the conierenc"e. He had ona del Mar. Co-ho8te.lea with ju& retumed from hla fourteenth Mrs. Fisher were Mrs. A. E. Btock-assignment around the world. Ke ton and Mrs. William B. TritL 1 •tated that the OAR WU the Mrs. Jesse. Wolfe, chaplain, read rr•test organiZ&tlon of wome.r) the scripture followed by the tla~, working a.gain.st the menace of ta.lute and the creed. The seen-' communtam. He feel.!J that the oply lary's r,port given by Mrs. H. P. thing that Is preventing Ruaaia Yarnell and the treuurer's report from war 1.s our 1tock pile or atom by Mrs. J amea Webster 'with di&-bombs. His parting w orda wert> cuuion regarcUn1r a. money rlJa· 'stay away from world aovemment Ing event durlng the aprtnc lo con· and from Genocide Treatle•. W !! tribute lo the national bulldlnb have more to loee than anyone tund conc:uded the busine:n1 of th'! else. There ta no such thin' ~ One day. · World with Com1nunllm. "'fhert- Mrs. Boardman, speaker o f the can be only one world, a slavt: day, reported on the recent. state world or a fref' world " conference in San Francisco which . lhe d'ttended b repreeentatlve or Tea Sen·etJ Col. William Cabell chapter. Fol-Tea wu seh.ed from beaut.lful- lowlng a.re ucerpta of her speech. ly appolnteq tables with 8prlng. St.ate Conl,.~nce ~ j flowers, lace cloth and silver can- . delabra.. Mrs. James Webster and "DAR hu 117 California chap· Mn. C. F . Landerl!I poured. Mem· te?'8 and 6407 members. Col. Wil· bera attending were the regent. l1&m Cabell chapter was formed Mrs. Boardman and Mmes. H. P. With the moet new members. There Yarnell, Mrs. J . L. Beach, .Mrs. C. are 25 national projects with F . Landers. Mr!. War<.J Porte r, Amertcanl!!lni work out.standing. Mrs. ia.mes Webster , 1.-trs. Harry Head1ng the 11.st a.re ~2.000 hours Welch, Mrs. J esse Wolfe, Mrs. Ed· in Red proaa. On citizenship hun· na Marx, Mrs. Mary Sands, Mrs. dreda of phamplets have reached Carl Ha.nna, A1 !ss Bes:oie Skinner DPs who are seeking U. S. citizen-and the hostesses. Mrs. \V. E. Fish· ship. I er. Mrs. A . &.. Stockton and Mrs. "Dr. Carl Stocking of California ~ William Tritt., · Luncheon Meet for P.-T.A. Board ' ' . April Showers Ball to Aid New School Plans and preparation are near completit>n for the April Shower The last board me4iting of tl!le Ball to be held for ,the be nefit or Newport Harbor Union High the library of Orange County's Scbool Parent-Teacher Asaociatlon Mater Dei Catholic High school. for the year took place Monday, The Ball la being sponaol"ed bf" March 26 in the form of a lunch, lhe Mother's Guild of the acbool. een at tpe home of wr.ra. !kl.gar The Guild was not organized un- H.!ll, prealdent, Udo Isle. Mrs. Hill tll late' In the year and Is made ente rtained the current ye&{ menl· up of a comparatively small group bers of her board and tho.ee v;ho of · mothe rs under leadership or as,,Uited her during-her first yeo.r the president, Mrs. WJl:iam Callan. in office. Mater Dei High school Is young The tables were lovely with and lacks much n ecessary equi p~ .eprtng flowers and the Utemoun menl. The need for rf'fercnce books wu spent u a coMbjnatlOn bual~ and other Ulerature for the bar- nEJQ· and ,aoohlJ &!fair. A gttt. In mi l!lheJve.s of the beautiful H-a.pprecla~on of Mra. Hill'& g eat tirary aroused the desire or the WO· effort during her ptirlod of offire, men to formulate some plan ·or wu presented from board mem· proj~t to pro..-ide funds fo~ this bf-rs by Mra. Roy Roush. pur-poae. Mrs. AJ H orvath, tn charge ot' From uil~ need ca1ne the idea tale or UckeU for the recent PT A of th~ Apr.J ShO\vrr Ball Ep.ct: benefit "Oh The P ity of l t " pi.;t I ticket sold wi I purcha~f' a bo~I; on by lhe high school, Costa' Mes<t. ferr _t~: librar y unJ will also bP. I Main school and lhe Newport E l<'· admLSs1 on for one couple lo at- mentary achool.s, announced that ttlnd the Ball. whlc~ la to hE_! ht>l<I $1 ooo waa cleared by the two per· on Satur.:lay evening, Aprtl l-1 , fo;m-ancu and the l!lale of candy in the delightful sett!ng of the a.nd pc)p.ocom. Sant& Ana Country· Club. An ex - Although the P. T . A.Mociation's ce lent orche.!tra. hM been engag- cake did f\ot wtn the prize tn the ed lo furnil!lh mu!lic for the d&nc· r ecent Lldo Market conteet. it will ing and elbaorate dccoratlona, suit· receive a certain amount on each able to the 1.heme or "April cake ·sold. The dellcloua Golden Showers" are being designed . At· Angel cake was made and entered tractive-door prizes will be award· in the contest by Mrs. J oseph ed. · Stawicki. . On the committee arc: P..Irs. It wu announced b)' Mra. Hen· ,Mark Bu.!lacca, general chairm~; ry Eggert, aafety chairman, that Mr11. Clarence Sac.kerson. as.s1st- the '!,~r ~.I~ ha~1t-kept open &nt &"Metal chairman ; Mrs. Vin· all JJi:roNti 1 . ' • ·~{Each cent ~Borchard. general tlcke-t eventng1r 1pin ) qt1 ~ruptu ch&t~and ~-Thomas Hef· d&Jttee were gt.Yen Wtllch·were well terna.n. · ~tant general Ucket attended. mostly by o\lton.ownets. chairman; M w Roae Callennt, art Plans for the yearly QAA ban· teacher ot Mater Dei, cha1rman ot. quet were made a.n a commltt~ decoraUon.e : Mr8. LeRoy Schroed· appointed, headed by Mn. Al er. co--chalrman: Mrs. Riley Huber, Horvath. I chatrman of pub!iclty: ~trs. Lolita Oeobegan and Mrs. Arthur Brad· Rev.Tom Pendell County Delegate to State· Meeting Rev. Toma. -Roy Pendell of Newport Beach, preeldent of the Orange County COuncll .of Prote• tant Chtttcbes, w .. named Qy that body th ta put ·week &o repruent them ·at a atate-wlde gathering ot dhureh COWlCU. ID 8acrarfumto Thurf<!•Y \o coJlalde r public moral l.saUea, upecfalty: at the level of state legt&!&tloJL Tba rathertn.f WU ~.by the Nortbe.rn Cali· fonlla-NeTada CoLIMU ot Churchff in cooperation wttll tl\e Southern California Council of Prote.ata.nt Churchea .. Mr. Pendell' ill pastor of Chrt.t. Church by the Be. (Meth· odlat) In tbe 1-eh city. ley, co-chairman. Chairrnan for Our Ledy of Mount ca.rmeJ parish.is Mrs. {lob- ert Heffner with Mrs. Hal Weiss and Mn... Karl Reid ·co-chairme n. Birth_day Neted · in . Mesa Ho'irn! The e!eventh birthday of Bunny Hiatt. daug"hter of Mrs. oOrothV Hiatt, 528 W. 19th St., Costa Meu 1 came in for happy recognition Sal· Urday eVentng, Mat"ch ·24 , when & r.ntfly gathering took place in the Klatt homr;ClJ..fn.ying feature wa.e a decorated birthday cake, the contecu_on being" s~rved w ith tt:e cream. - Helping Bunny celebrate were her grandpa.rents, ?.Ir. and Mt's. A. L. Monia. Mr. and 'Mrs. J amea Wella Uld daughter, Lynda LeW, Mr, and Mrs. ltobert Perry and d&urttte'l-•. Sandra Lee, Mr. BUl Maahburn, Mrs. l'llat~ Betty and Ed Hta.tt. Other a.ctlo.na ot the oouncu ex- ecutlve cdnunlU.. included the d&o veloptng-ot final plana tor the Orance County Protntant Mini. ten' Fellowahlp to be held In the Fl?t Pru&yteria.n Chun:·h ot . Orinp on April 18. Dean E&rl s . s .' Cranaton ot the University-of ermon erl.eS • :U.,:::~~0"'1• wtU be featur-at Christ Churc~ The~-.... ftJ:el•ed a . repoet.08 U.. tw6' -rohlp train• Rev. n-,a. hndo!I ot C11rtot -~ ~ba· It -at IMI..-. Church. Ir)' uie lea wtD open ito \hft -~ AJia. -J&nllatJ'. April --~ Oil U.. Ufo --ud ftl P ol UN: PNflllt J...,. ~' m1ab ~ -taa wlUI U1e -.......uwv I VDld' w:a ""'*" ........ v-.. ., God. .. ..,,._ _Kr, .md''Mn. l .... t:oci.--... ~----- .. of N••l*t Dr&I., OiMa -. -ui. IA> tallow ,,. o .... -- Jeyed • °a.ti(, ----Iii .,. ---Illa .. 0 " J •t.;~~~"'-wwu., ... .....,. ~.,_..OWT tn• 121,.. aa-M Pill& 91. Jt1ra. &er Wltll Ge Pll" CJ ,.,_ &n ~ ,._. -..... Jo a--... ~. ' ---;,~:· ....... .-.... -~.; -\iia • ~ ,..,.v -.,.,,, .... . . . ,... ' ' • • • !Job's Daughfers Dinne Meeting • A -ahettl dinner will" .proced Ole ra,wat ~ .. tllll' of Job'• Da..,itton; Coeta M-Bet111l 1DT, to be belcl Tl11lncla7, April &, In tlle Cool& .._ P'rld&,1 Aftomoon club. lnltlatlon wtll .feature' the Ralon. ~ • t r . New!IOAT:.IALIOA N!WS. Tt~ES . . . ' • ' r ' ' , .... 1 I , 0US11T1 or~-l1 11011&.'QN rmu.ocoa . F'· ·t .. I, '" .1 " '' N · ... J Li.-= "'~ JL L G' / .. w•-ll!!!--11oow.oi. .11mm1'ri.o1s.,...,.01~11p11.1.w ir~. rhversery .... e~-~Jei;n~ , ,.,aruorougn 1.rs end In u.e liifte o( lllr. llnil ~ •• Ooota K-Wllo ... ~ .. Obse . ~ et Di"""'.:.:i..t~:' fo J Sh'1p·"' N .. : .. ;:.ll • ' ~n· te""-1'---' H•' re· .... w: l. ft"l'lllo, .Ill .. lttll -~ at camp Roberta, ,llllJo1ed • ,... • -, ,.., . .. ... g rrv l1'IV COOi:& M~ wen tbelt ..... 1n.1aw, c<nt tutlmlgh at ~ -. I · Iona were ta -1 • -J • and c1au,i>i,er. Kr. and Mi'o. Duld A ob«t tut~ vtUi bla•~ lot lllr. ~-8-rt Pef'l'J' Mariner Ship Naiad at tta recu· J!:l Wftk waaa buoy me aftlle \Va.d (Mary Lou HeYIUe) o( r ente, Mr. and iii-., Ed 'eo · (~ B l !ii ~n~on U..•~ Jar 111fttlng Jut Tu.y -.,.. of lllra. -~ ~ An,..1... ' 1112'7 Santa Ana A .. waa·oP*> oUloD ol r llril~ -.i11en' at 7:30 · at UI> Girl llcobt hoWle •t 170I B. Bay """1t..BA-Ia- • · • . bJ Vlrgll CofDnan, n,;;,YOUDI,,..,, ·n1~.-' I\.. 1T.'1ri hO-of, lnv~tecl three new· mem.,.,:. '!'be ' land,. On}'h~, ~'JI, her vuTl oJJU.8 • .....,..., 1 11 a\atlone<I' al rort Onli•IMra '11e UM ,.....,t tJn. )'orr7'a' mother, J DU~·' .. "•-_;, .._ y dauahter, Dlaqo, F>l~ her ' ' -r--· lllra Hiatt, °" ·'w llth wete an •wortJI, _, ....,,.)' llelllor . claa ~ Marlboroup Lolly and Lola Boll havt N""Jl• ;_:1nr with th•' A!n>Y f.'· &L:.'Coot& enterta1n.od.J!\th '"!'d ~nn Boucber. ··· • . with a lwidleoli fo~ 'by a . eel IA> their homo In Voot& ~ , ; a" dollab lit~· dinner. Oil.'~ . After ll1lo ce~on~ Ule _rear al =lie around u., Ila)'. • HOME FROM INDJO betna entertained aa bouM 11'°'? • . ' were Mr 'i" Mra. Perry i yd th .. eVenlnJ '3'U apont In .practlc-\ OU lat\Uday ~ lllra. of Penni lpo~ daw~ or Kr. 'TO EN'l'.EBT~ 'ADf1l8 •,I.tor,: Lee, Betty, Bun-Ing Semaphore· 'and, recelvfnc 1n: bop1en entertamlid a group_ot her ~ co!. lhreeHot wap°!!l::.'°, JOU.Ind rnlo •col ~·t.,7, and ""--rt Speth, ,ion . W, Mra. Dean SQ\ltl1, _135 It'. 1 . th ny and 4rd Hiatt. . ' •lnrctlon ·from Sklpptt Mn, Te<t --with a cocktail putj;. r-• ........ l&t.h CL. 'Colt& Kua. . . St... Coeta . Mea.. wlll be hosteaa · ·· Hambi-ook on pptni. ot the· .cOm· baa 1>H11 COnc1Uded )y Mr. and ------• ,· I Tln¥•day, April 5 at l p.m. IA> Ille -~ _. pw. "The ship ... ~ueytng lteelf R..wteS eome, ,Jll!!>in ...;, .. Ht Mri. Andrew J , -llett of 1800 New>'flD!M ode hate ~ ~ .Adah A.-:latlon of Oranre Coull, , eoot Uttlo, do m..ct.. .to partlc,tpate tn the pine which Practice! An &41 ,...waro. bi tlWI N_•_wpo __ n_s_1_vd_._._eo. __ ta~M-•_ ... ____ 1n __ th_•_Har_. -bot--f_o_r_o_ver 40 , • ..._ ty. 1 ( ':4 the t1a.n\ ada.. \vill t~~ .J>l&ee in ~&y. , __ P..per·wtll p~ n.un.-ff" JOU.. • • •' l ' • • ' \ • ' \ ' • • rJ'he first Step in oil distn'bution is control of the flow by the stecl -Clirist:mas Tree lfl!P an,oil wc!L · ' ' .. ' ' r ,, • • ' • • • • --- ' . . ' • -• -• • r1s· .mas . ' ' " , ' Trus assortment of gauges, pipes and vilves econ y, comfon, pr~tcction. It f1 roduccs more With p_l'oduct{on, relicing, and disttibution au joined controls the amount of oil a flowing well pro-than l\alf of Amc!ica's power. , "under c;ine roof"-teamed to exchange ideas-Shell duces. It~ called a Christmas Tree.. Co-ordinated Oistri~ution is ano er .example of ;· . doesits pantoassutethcmostefficicntfiowolpctro- how the.oil industry gets ·thc uni usefulness . ICl!ID products to_ you. · It is the first step in a sensitive system known out of onr pcuolewil supply. • , ' ,, · as Co -ordinated Distrihution-which keefis , r.-....... L-n .. __ ... __ rr And oil companies, to do this, w rk on 3. fioncs: · , 4 • • • "" ....... -~ , ctude oil supply, refinery output. and dclivco/ production, refining and distributioil. , ' • , B~ thciy; h~vc plqwcd ba~k over 16 billio~ · ~f finished products in. balance. This system;is l Joined~ ~rv• Yo!-'St . .. dOllars 'in~o neW· plants and. equipmCllt-iif the the usential link between thc'di$tint'olI ficl c!s ~11etlon ~~new l!J .Jicid.{ gets ~c-niost possible., past S. year5, America's privately~ oil -and the petroleum produtts;~~by·~°"' . oil from emnng wells. ' : . , I . · ; companies eut-produce !he world...'.are better tty,~: armed fo.(Ces, and byf~~ { .. ' . •= of~.~~~-~ji ~m-every ·, I pCl~~Ti:iedan.tdo~r,,taryth.an0~e;-,beforc: to meet:~~ .. Molilrtfl qll ........ f!l"l_lub . ,:: • '1• I , llWJ """" ···-c;r-Dilfrllnition ·lln~~"tbc users' nee!ls. and delivers · l . . / , 1 • Oil con~butes·in hundreds ifvnp t0 ~~of;s .l . ·mc,pibduet.Wh'Crc.uiil when it.ls' i~ded.. , · • r:, ' :·, , , ~ . , ,. .----· ---·--.... --'·-.... ---------+11--'-----. ' ·3 • . . .. '-.• ~ ... -~ •• , -1 ' ' • , ' ' • .• • • .. • ' .101N1D -T01,,Stiv1 1YOU -1UT • • • ' ' \ • •• . ' •I I -· • ~. ·. • t ,. • ... ~· • • . -i ~ ... • i -. 'i .. "" ' • ' > . . ' • > ·' . • : • ., "[ , I • •• • f I I ' s .. - I Pege 4 • . - • • I. ; ' . ' --·~·····:.. . , A Dep!a • bh LeicM i..uta.u.ita ror 0..-PwtJ Y~ .. ' . ·~ hblo.hed Evuy hMdlq &t -Nltw'!ft lt!ldl. a.at ...... by tloo NEWPORT tµJlll9R ~O OOllP.ut'l . Mem~r ot CALtFoRNIA NEWSPAPER. ~tlBLLBHl:RS A88'N. Member of the: J'ATIONAL'_ !=DrrolUAL A880ClAttON "' , dtttce and Prfnllng Plant .~ · UJi'i B4111.ia lloulnVd Telephone Ha~ 181& • • , ~ • .. .., I • ' . , NEWPORt · • NO More &tlli ·for '. Fishing ... Cat · ' ' Wbat Baby Is gola&' to do ~l ' ,her uaUai 1illlln&' trip when ;yic nut ~Im. Ume cbm.. I ht -· to apeoulale about -cau.ee, I hUe ah~ doesn't know It 1 yet., ~Y la gotng to mon a Jo C' ~ from Ute beach. Thatl\I. a long way for lier. o elucldate. ..Baby.'' lf the yo~ gnmton-ttahlrlg . cat that belo Enterrd aa Second..aa.a Matte~at the PoitOfttu IA Mewpoft:•Beacli.,, . ' . • caUfornla under the Act ot )farch s, tm ,,,, • lq Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bcb:i•r- holt or Corona deJ Mar. 1Jtle Schlerholt., who came here · liX yean ago, have Juat lllbld ~ftr 'lhl"ff -bedroom home and ~ apartment.I at 812 Carnation ave- nue and are moving into a new RUSSELL L .. DIETRICH, Editor RALPR -BORGESON. Adverti8lnr M~ . Qualln..t to Publlllh LepJ Nolk:<o aad Ad-lo of all Kiada SUBSCBIPnON RATES: NEWPORT-BA.LBOA NEWS-,TIME8 eveq Toeeday • Ip O.....ge County, 113.50 per year: $!.00 alx cnoatm: fl.D tlliee montb9 (A!ao lnclwt,e11 the NEWPORT-BALBOA P1l&88. TIManda7) Out.hte Oranre County tA.DO per year 061"'91 D19trldl. Unlverolty of Soutf,ern Colifomio fourrt0ll1m moioi, who w lh represent mem- ben of' the Coltfot-nic NeWt· paper Publtshen Association a t the Fiesta of Spring in Mexico City, April 7 to 15. She will attend oi '"Ml11 Newspaper of Callfornla.• ' home In their 87-lliitt aubdlvi.lbn on TUstln avenue. Costa M.esa. I Baby Is that oddity, a wal~r­ lovlng cat and delight.& In playiflg about under the lawn sprinkJtr . Whether she will take lo swlm-' ming IJ) the pool which her o'w.n- era will construct on lhf'lr o1fn gerunds remain• to be seen, tfit it 18 almost certain she will h,ve FOLWW UP NEEDED CJ-IPA SELECTS QUEEN ~';..~\:.her trips to the beach ~r The Kefauver Investigating Committee hb removed Selection ot .Dolores Dietric h, Aitcmpts have bet>n made to f~l- the glamor ous (acad~ from the underworld and has re~ Journalism senior at lhe Untvera1ty )ow her, for Ahc alway!! brt"& d · th l d · h of Southern O&ltfornla, to r epre-baclof bigger grunion thah anyone \•ealed the s tinking crime an . corruption . . at_ ea . ng t sedt the C&llfomJa Newspaper on the beach, but \he. ·eludes ~et' to the door of some of the highest public offices m the bit.hers A.saodatiOn at the an-Purauen1. She. leaves home a~ut lancl -I nual "S'prlng Fiesta tn Mexico City 10 p.m. on the night.a grunJon !Nill ~ · . . . · . . . .. A<prtl 7 to 15, 'waa ~ounced Mon-run', and returns two. hours taler "" The Question now 1.s . Wtll public opmton force local~ ,.A b J •• 8-Lo al wet anfi ~vered with "6&1ld tiul . . . , . . uay y Ou11 . nr, g ener • state and ~nati onal authont1cs to ·break up the mult1a)1iJlion manaier of CNPA. with a ine fiah. This i8 tmmp:Jlatr- d o llar rackt::ls? Organized crime can exist only through Named as "MJ.ia Newspaper of ly ta.ken away from he r by brotlle r · · • · · · · d C&llfornta," the 21-)•@~old c<>et1 Teddy, who 111 too lazy lo go fi.ah- the connivan ce of public o ff1c1als llDd the mdifference, an wu 19~ winner o1 the Edith Allan Ing and who doesn·t Ji~e the wa- the weakness. of the people themselves. -I ailholarshlp ot '300 apon"°red by h1r, any\vay. & Baby , ... bal:k Has the public been sufficiently shocked and aroused CNPA . The brown-eyed brunet~ and gel& h..-aecond tiah._ .wblch · . ., will be flown to Mexico with a hoat •be eate _henelt after having ~c- t o demand a genuine h ?useclean1ng . Ot were the Kefauver of queens and stars representing celv~ pra!Ms and petting frdm hearings .just fascinating performances to be forgotten 8B industries and cities ot the u . s. her.rnl1treu. I soon as they're over? ' and other countrte11. Accompany-The Shierholt. have one son. . . Lng her from SC wlU be Mrs i.-Harold, now a Phi Delta Chi 1at Let u s hope that . the light has fmally dawned on the vonne Gates. also 8 senior 1~ the U.S.C. after ~raduatlng from H.lr- Ame rican people. Let, us hOJ>e that they now rea.µze that SchooJ 1 of Journallan1, who will bor High school and attendlb, they cannot wink at the little crime~bookmakii1.g and the •erve as a chaperone. Cout college for a year. N+.w -·t · · . . . . The. annual "Fiesta de Ia Prim-owners or their Corona del Mar l1ke--wi hout fostering the btg cnmes of corruption, bnbery av~ra• 18 regarded at1 Mexlco',11 home are Mr. and Mi;,s. W. · ~· and murde·r . Let us h ope that public feeling will force a moat colorful International good-Brown of Hollywood, who h~e m opping up n ot only of the undecy.rorld but of the ''upper" wlJI fete. lt will tnc;lude a full bought tt t or a vacation home. . . . . 'Week of noral parades with march-The Brown• ha\le a daughter lot ivorld too, and bnng a quick ending to the shady procb51"' Ing band8 and decora\ed no•"'· 19 0J1d a aon. 22, both atl<>ndlpg and downright dishonesty that flourish on our ,highest Water and athletic tournament.a, Santa Ba~b&ra college, who. Will level of government. olgtiit-tlme celebration• and hi&-be Joining tbe young college crowd . '· torical pareanl.9. Guests win be this summer. If the people of this natio~ are not ready now to ~ feted by leading official.a and or-------- this thing through after What they've learned · in recent (a.rtlzationa at a aeriea of nine weeks ~ they had better just crawl in a hole and turn the ba11a, Including a 8Pf'Clal reception . . . at the Palace or the President of country over t o the gangsters and those public off1c1ala MeXico. Following the teatlval lhc who are their pals. vtlilora wlrt be guests of the gov- ----'• ernment on a four-day tour of the country. . . . The Chinese philosopher .worried about having po shoes until he met a man with no feet. Perhaps your LEARN MORE; worries would seem a bit lighter if you would consider the EARN MORE • plight of the Michigan man who already had four childrerf T)ie State Perooncl Board ~ made it euier fo.r ,at.ate-employed ~d -a past.due mortgage on his home when his wife teeCher• to earn mo~ when they presented hiry with quadruplets the other day. -!Reno lea..,. more. Gazette) The board established a .11lx sa.1- . . ·California· Traffic Clinics Planned Direct action to halt an alarming upswing ln traffic accident.41 In Nurses Mobilize Nurses and other professio nal groupe on the medical &nd health ttoams are _energetiC'ally mobillzihg for civil defense in Orange county . a ccordlnJ:" to a slatl'ment rele..,.ed Monda}' by Mn. MUdrOO Croddy, prealdent, Orange County Nurks Association. I "The awarenea and energy of the nur11lnr profeaelon in. perfect· Ing their program Lo meet clvll defense needa should be &(l inspira- tion lo the general public, wblC'h In some communltie11 is d!splayrng aP41thy which could bring tragic resullfl," ahe said. .. t. California wa'.'11 pla nnPd Frida)· by Go\·f'mor Earl . Warren aa he an- ary range.a for teachers tn the ,,tale's h08pital11 and correctional lnatJtutlona. A teacher goes lip lQ the next salary range in line ea ch ~me h~ compliotu_ an addition•! 11 lx units of college lf'Vel collr8es ,Here in Orange county, active reg1!!1lt'~ nurses and inactive nurses are orpnl~ing for ' civil ~e­ fense a.sslgnm('nls through vie a.saignmenta through the commltee on Nunlng Resources to meet civt• and mili tary needs of Ute Orange County Nurses Aaeocia- tlon. The voluntary rf'gistration of • nounced a .Merles or one-day safety clinics to be held UJ roughout lhP stall'. "Safety ta everybody's business arid the purpose of lhe&e-cllntc11 will be tq enli8t stalS?wldt public support behind a never-ending pro- gram of traffic accidt>nt preven-. tion ," ht> declared. tale Offlclal8 on Tr&ffk ~fely "Traffic deaths on rural roads and Jo.;:ar P.Ublic offlcl&li and pri-vaCe agencies. f08e more than 27 pE"r CC'nl in the first two months vf this year over the same .period tor 1950. and the san1e genera.I pic ture was reflect- l'd In urban area.a. At th~ same t ln1 e both In jury and fatal accl- dt'n~ Increased and the 11ituatton dt>mands attention." Warren said. The .m eeting& will be ht;Jd 4Jkier the joint sponeorl!'hip of lhe Gover- nor's ' Coordinating Committee of The Human Race The cllnlca, starti.Dc In May, wW be under the dlrectlon of W. A. Huggins, executive secrettr:y of the Govemor·s Coordinating Com· mittee, and Mfely education of- ficer of th~ Hlghw•y Patrol. , He will work with official.I, aafety groups, mllltary Installation•, au- tomobile ·clubs, women'• orpn!R.- Uons, trucking groupa, civic clube and others. In general In the California teaching system, the set-up ll!!I on the basis of complet ion of 12 units. However , the personel board found that at.ate teachers have a more difficult 'time In obt.&lning leave to take &ddltional academic work. 1 nurses for civil defense l$ moving a.head with dJ!lp&lch throughout the entirr state C1l Callfomla, Mr11. CroCldy explained. Group Wants Gas Tanks Gone . A complete inventory or regis- tered nun1e11 to Calltornia ls betrrg proce&Md at the Sacramento bead- qn&rters of the Callforn.ta State Tbe eo'rona del Mar c tvlc aaao-Nurses Aaociatlon. and. the sum- cJ&Uon group supported a tffOlu-mary of regla~ered nurses for lion from the Central Newport Orange county Will be M:r\t to~ Be&ch Communnity 8*8oclatlon tq dlatrtct office !IOOn. Mn! Cr~dy remove storage laJl.ka from al~~ enaphutzed that this Information Balboa• e :vd .. lnalnt.ain~ by th Will gTeatly expedite contacts with Staiida.rd Oil Co. ot California at the ina~Uve registered nurae8. their Thut'iday night mef:Ung In MeanwhJ.e, in_actlv~ . nurtea who Ute Corona del Mar gn.mmar are ,not regi9tered wtth ~e Orange ach.ool. Ccjln~y Nurses AA&oc1atlon are Edward T . Healy, president of urged to do so by 't:~lllnK in per- the Newport body, charged that ~ at 131 roadway, Costa Mesa, the tanks were an everyday hazard telephonlng Beacon 5848,; MMI. to the community and illegal In Hen,ry R. Hall will hf" in charge • every way, being above giound. or ~•lratlon for the fiJewporl, "If the Newport Beach c;.lty itaJboa and BalbOa I~and area. -~ ' , courtcll gave them a nudp lbe Standard Oil Co. would remove the tanU, •· Healy told the meetCng. The main water line to B&lboa Is: only_ ti feet from, the tank.a, He&ly ,llllld.· .- -· VT SOa cmin..P 't ~AxiJ.y ~i.m+f ' . l .; fAo\VQ ~"'Jl::~~ I IS( TO~ • ....,i.i cal. wfoen! · -·flloonH &eaUllJr • Miii Mn. Bett7 Ru11eU of~~ , ' " ' t --In U.. •lclnlt7.ot bp7 ........ tu. ~of M~ vi.ta 'Newport Helpto, ~,a f-tton -•F FIIA....,._.. I_ ..... P'"-rirouljla. ..-. -au--St.. piot.a -"'-~ ..muns qt> (or ~ v~ to · • dren .,. t to ...... or oa the!< -Gay In Santa Alf u guelbl vllll h•r m-.1of • k!ll - 'Tblo Is a -llnU&llc!a ,of lbe -, or r-..lde11tlal dlotJtcU of Mn. Koal!JiC'ti olater &Ud tam; '~ • ' 1 " ' dlocu.loft. of monJa .. Interpret· ..!'re are playlns aloQg ~Y. fMr. ,and ·Mn. ~ Cocllran HOMS OOH lllVD8IDE ed by tbe preoent admln~'}tlon. Ille "-Yi · U.. l'atk>naJ An· ,and 'cblldno1, Jimmie an'a Ronnie. A week'a "°~ Ill RI~ Tile Pl'ft.ldent. perhapo iuumow· tomoblle'. club. Whenew,· r ·and baa been brought.id a -ci-.... ilr. lna-ly ·puapllrNlng Mar;:,.j An· .~·-· .~u•-•· N --·· "' -ne.~..-~ ~-.u are at P-Y· ew ..... um:. ada have been read and Mn. Jamea Wells -of ~~ tony' a l.ddi'eu over the Y of •0pl&7 It " ' lb the Harbor fat .o~ 4.0 ye&n..' Maple Ave-, Costa Mea. --,- the dead Caesar ( .. ~ are they all. all J\onorable men") ...Ured the 11i====t-,,.,,.,,es1:J1=e==ee!m=e=e.st;.,,1:J1='!::e=lll:St:'8"'\':st::li',:,· 1c:11.,,.'2z1&::1ll:5lo:lt=:=""'==Sl:iz=~ prea that hia ~vi.Ion we~ all I l . 1 , ho b ·r . ' . . I ' . .. nora 14\ men, and that b.ia J:'ou.te · 1 • .. • ~~1=~~~~~~ ttent. ion,··--,N. ewp·.·0_·11 HaFbor The aame lnve1ttgatlon, ..rhlch ~ made the Younp ramoua, &Jao ln- dicated that Mr. Donald Q&waon, from MLaouri, r.he Pruiden\'s per- aonnel aecretary (¥.·hk:b m.eana patronap) ulled h1a office to in- Oucnce IOa.ns from the RFC. Thia appUed particularly lo loana which had bttn tumed do~ by RFC ex- amlnens. One of theae loan11 wu for the Saxony Hotel in Miami Beach, built by George Sax, the punchboard king. Daw80n wa8 a frequf'nt "gueat·: of Mr. Sax at the hotel. Mr. Dawson ia stlU one ot Mr. Truman's 8e<:retaries. On .March 13.lh, last mdnth, the St. Louis Poet-Dispatch reported that a retired income tax &gent had Wrttten personally ' to Judge Moore of the Missouri Federal Di> trict to co'mplaln that lm~tant CAM"fl, recommended for pnleecu . lion, were being "fixed." In one c&&e, a prominent Missouri bu81- neal!!I man, a friend of Prealdent Truman ..nd of Se<>reta.ry of lhe Tl'euury Snyder, escaped proeecu- Uon for Income tax evuion "aft.for preuure was exerted In Washing- ton." The newspaper said the scandal would l!!lhake the natlonai capital. ~ · Three week• ago, the two Sen- ~tora from MiAsl81tlppl charged publicly that jobe In Federal ad- mlnlalratlve agencies werC' for sale in that slate at prices ranging from $2~ to $1500 each. It WB.8 reported that $300, paid to the Den1ocr&tlc S la t e Committee would buy the chalrm&h.ahlp of a county wige and price control board, a.nd the patronage . which went with IL Vete rans entitled to such joba were compelled to pay cash tribute to get them. The Sen- ate invesllgato~ are: chccklng this story. The While Hou..e hu .main- tained a discreet 11llencr. The Kefauver he8.ringa in New York ~ompletei y stopped the nor- mal current or trade. Houaewlve1:1 end bu11ln"u men ut before their TV. ~ta. (or somebody el.ae's sets} when the hearings Wt're on. The lnvcHtlgallon 18 uncovering .aom C' very odd alliances. Dr. Alan Valentine, president of the University of Roche'st.er, wa.s brought down lo act u director ot Ui.e Economic SlabUIJtation Board. al It. lricepllon. He l"'Yigned after a few weeks, compktely dlaillufl· toned. He said It wu neceuary l11 curry favor wtlh organized labor, with the Demlcrallc National Com-1 mttlee, and with men he Identified only a.a "cloae to tJie White House.·· He 8&.id further, "The under-oover I government ia largely non-es&enti- al In IU! standing; anonymous In ill! membership; undefined in ll.8 func tions; and nf'bulons tn Its actual leadership: with few rec~ ords, few scruples. and little or no I sense of puhlic responaiblllty." The li8l· continues; my space 1 doea not. In the Harding admin- istration, Albert M. Fa.II. a.a Secte- tary of the Interior, WH..6 accused of ecc<'pllng a brlbt> or 11 00.000 In connection with the TeaPot Dome o!I Jeaaes. The resulting tndlgna- llon would have defeated Presldeot Harding tn any further attempt to hold public orrlce, end unque.11- tlonably hastened hla death. Thal amount would be peanu~ ·today. I rl.Be lo uk what hu become of the "capacity of lndl.gnation" which Low~ll 88.id waa "part ot the outfit of every honest · man?" Where la the righteous lndlgnatloq ot the American pcop · e? D~TH IENEFITS FOR ·VETERAN'S KIN • • I. · MRS. ·Ro~LIM · BROWN. Chairman !State Rec~. Commission will address a · I PUBLIC MEEJl'NG ' • • I "Initial Planning for ;arb an~-• Recreation'' I ; I Mrs. Edgar Hill, president of Newport Harbor Union High School P.-T. A. will introduce the speaker. 8:00 Tuesday. Apfil 3rd. Newport City Hall • You are urged 'to be present ~ .. Sponsored by Newport ar~or Women's Civic League, Balboa Island, Corona del ar Chapter. • • . ' • ••• -'INSURED • • • S'AVINGS I CUii.ii.iNT EARNING$ • l'erAnnum·· SIYlllS IOW .- IDUUI,, ·up T.O •.• , ..... I "I .,- --• ' • f • • • •• • , •• ~·· '.Tvesclay,1 Apn1 3, 1951 ' · Ap!IJOD•a•i.e OPS ISSUES ANSWERS to . . RETlll PRICING . QUERIES • • • • Answer• to fl'equent.. tnqulrle. being r«:elved on Cellinc Prlef: lle('ilatk>n 1 were l•ued Utill Wffk by the Reg:lonal Of.rice of Price ' Stablllsatlon to aJd retailers of coOIUJller 90ft and 1durable eooda tn aettlng-up price charta u required by the regulaUon. · (OPS defines "CODfumer eott and durable goods" to lnclude the -following claaeea of merch&ndiae: apparel and appa~I acce.Marlea; textile, pluttc "nd rayOn yardage; l)ou.sehold textile pod.I: drapery hardware; window sho.del. blinds and awntnp; houaehold tumtture, except appliances; noor covertnp; texUle wall coVttfnp; lampa and Jampehades. I Retailers are reminded that April 30 ls lhe deadlli\:e date by · wblcb t.IRy mwit file celling price chart.a with t.helr Dlatrlct Otfk:e of Price Stab1lhalldn'. The margfn-~rce.nlage reporting form {Public Form 3l mua:t accoropany price cha.rt.It flied by the retailer. Tbe OPS will not l.sale a'ny ipectal form ror uee.. by retailers 1n reP.Ofllng price lilt.a. However, OPR 7 contalrus detailed samplea to aid ret&Jlen ln preparing lh.elr individual chart.a. Every efforl Is being mei;:le to ~t copte.111 ot uae regulation &nd emendmenl.!, u well as lhe margin-reporting form, lnto the hands of all retaJler• through local cbambt>rs of c:Ummerce and' trade &M<>Ci•- t1ons, the Regional OPS states. Any retailer who does not have copiea of lhe regulations, am('nd- menUI or mergin-reportlng form should get In touch immediately with the. Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. The DI.strict Office of Price Slabillzatlon serving this area' is localed at Central Bldg., Room 233, 108 W. 6th St., Lm Angeles, telephone Prospect 4711 . Quet1tJOll9 •nd An.swen oA CPR '1 ( l t. Q. I will begin to price under CPR 7 on or before March 29. How mw:t I sell merchandise in my stock which I received bcfo~ th.at date? • A. On the day you begin to price under CPR 7, yOu mUBt price all your goods according lo the requlremenUI of the r:egulation for gooda r'eceivcd before as "'A"Cll as a.fter •that date. Until you start prlc• lng und('r CPR 7, whic h must be no lalt>r than March 29, you must . atll the good& only under the regulation (General Celling Price Regu- lation t.ssued January 28. 10:.1 I in effect. '.J . , • ' , . ·p~·· . · Rorri~tictoitiedy -.1f Padua. Hills . ' • • First' otre11nr ~ Ille 1901 .... a n on an Earl)' daulor;nta u..em,. :•Que Mucbac:hL" (Wl>&t • Gl!111 ~. gay comedy foma.oce of Loe 'lngelek In pueblo da,,. '!Ill 11& .. Ito lnltl&l showing <in APr\I .4 at the P adua Hills )hie~ -~ ' Ba8ed on an origla41 • 9lory by olr..clor Hiida RamlreS1 del J..,.., ·"Que Muchacha ! " conqenil the ro1nance of a high gpt.rttecl lllftOoo rila WhoM unpredictable tonlboy.i .lah prope.nstUea deveJop8d au eorts of trials and tnbulatlou for hereelf a.s well aa her family. While the story ta comp&etely fictional. the play lnlroducee hili· torical eplsodea. in line Wt.th th4 poHcy of lhe Padua lnltltui._ sponaoring the players. to pr9- eerve the ron1ance a.nd lradttloll.a of Spa.nish-catlfomla through the mNttum of the stage. T'1e romantic comedy will be ~Yen in English. and the cap- llvatin~ .HOnJ;"& and danoea of ~ days nf lhe va.st ranchos in -the Southland will be Introduced ·in a jit"la.morous betrothal fiesta. Fol\owtnir the opezµo.g ,.Que Mur hacha!·' will be ~-W9d· nesday throuJ!'h Sat,.urda.y eve-· nlngs . .i nd We<lnel!lday &n.d Satur· dav aftemoon.s. throu~ May 12, with a mericnda, or atte'f-t.heatre • party . · APRA YEAR BOOK Thr 1951 edition or the Amert- c1tn P ov.•c r Boat assoclaUoo year 12.) Q. Where a retailer hu two departmenta in his store and a particular article was sold on the II.st day ln one of them but not In the other. may the retailer use th~ chart of the department which ha& the article, for the purpoee of pricing that article in the 'other de- ' parment ?. A. No. Each department must preyare and use it. own pricing chart. If. howe ver, the article Ui t raMferred from one de partment to Mother, the latter USC!! ~ own chart to determine the ceiling price but uses the "net cost" on th~ transferring department's i.volce. WATERBORNE EASTER "'M lbe word for eklppen (ta ltOate In H e'9vew) \Vhu tel!led thf"l r iallamamm.Jp lut Saturday and Sunday In the Balboa l'.'M"h1 C lub'!' annual Eult.or l«'ptta.. Shown &bo\'e are the ocean raclft&" cl&M. itoatA . ,. . . Lark. Ettlalle Mld ~~Y ractns coedltliom were &lplo8t ldt!af' "'·lth a brisk aaUlnl" brtt"r.e ~·hipping tbfe boat. &Ion.I" at a knoi-.unc cllp. I " book .. available without eoat to mcmbers•of the APBA. wUI be 18-~sued within lhf! next wed<., accord- ing to Carl John.Bon. 'execµUve aec· retary of the. national raclnJ ar- ganiution. Other tntereated par- ties may secure cop1e,s or the. 278- page book, at $1 .M each, by writ- ing lo: Sl"Crl'tary, American Pow• rr S<Jt Associa.tlon. 700 C&nton Avenue, ·Detroit 7. Mich. t 3.1 Q. My list period pricing chart does not contain the cate-, . gory for boys' civilian uniforms (category ID) bec&U!le: I did not offer any article In lhat category on the li8t date. I now wbh to pricf' 80me -uniforms in that category. Wh&t IA my method? · A . ·You first look in Append!x C for a "comparablto category." The first compar11.ble category you see llat.ed there 19 Category 101 • 1111en'a tailored topcoata and overcoats). If your chart shows that.. category, you use the c h.art in pricing the unlfor1Jl8 just a.s though lbey belonged ln that category. If you do not have category 101, .... you proceed in o rder to the second (109 ), third (106), and subae- quenl choice8 lndiclrt.ed in Appendix C, and the first one whlcb does ,appear on your chart iJI the category which you use. -(4.) Q. Is jewelry covered by CPR 7? . A. No. It is covered by GCPR. Therefore, your cell ing prices on jewelry are ba..sed on the highest price charged in the period Dec. 19. through January ~. Section 16, GCPR tells you what records you must preserve &nd what records you mu.st keep and have In readlneM aa of March 22 which is the-record-keeping deadline under GC PR. R"f&"linl" SaJe11 I 5.) Q. After' your pricing chart is being used, a three-day sale l.s held and cat('rorlcal articles a.re marked down fbr the sale. At the end of the aale, can the articles be marked back to the regular selling-price? A. Yee, they may rem8.rk al the aeUlnC price ued prior to the aale. ~--x::. ,._ - 18.) Q. On the list date, February ,24. a particular shoe wa• orfer.ed at a retail price of 510.~. A new lot or the ~me shoe at higher coat come.a In and I.a offered at a retail pr,ce of 112.95. There are atilt $10.95 shoes In stock, can you mark up the lower priced° shoe? A . .No. Under CPR 7, you make. take no 1nventofy mark-up art.er your pricing chart ·is In effect. 17.) Q. I wl!lh to p0rlce artlc!es in category 111 but that category and a.ll of It.a comparable tategor ie.s (101, 109, 1~. 107 or 112 1 do not appear on my chart. Whal muat I do lo !Ind ceiling prices fer artlcle.1 "1 category J 11 ? Fish and Game . . Body Is Named W ith California leading the na- tion both in number of llccns<"d sporbt fisher men and in lonnaE:e and value of commercial flsh cals,:hes -and over half a mill ion CaJifomians liccn!'IE"d as g11.n1c hunters -fish and j;"am <" aclivitlcM have resumed such importance that the Calirornia State Cham- ber of Commerce has .named a perma.nt>nl state-wide committee on fish and gan1c. Th.ls con1 millc~ wil l advise the. State Chan1tx-r's state-wide natural resources com- mittee on all fish and ~amc mat- ters of state-wide interest. Eugene n: Bennett, San Fran - cisco attorney, has been named chairman of t.he special comm ltlre by Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul. Univ~r.11it)'-of C&llfo"fnia preside nt and chairman of the State Cham· ber 's natural reaouree8 commit· t ee. Bennett Is a. former exf'cut lve officer of the State F ish and Gan1e CommlS!lion and former head of the Duck Hunters' Asstl. of Cali- fornia. He is a member of the Pa- cific 1'farine FishC'ries· c;ommis- slon, wherein Wuhington, Oregon and California pursue research, ' etc., t o malntaln a balance in the FREE SPORTS BOOKS j RA~ON A OUTDOOR ·PLAY Pacific Coa.atal fi.11hcri,es resourcel!. Caltfornla 11porl8mcn and .those . Wll am Pullen, widely knoWu Other mf'mbers of the aubcom-lnterestf'd in cons:crvatlon of the youn ac_lnr of stage, screen, rad.lo n1lttee on ft.sh and ga.me appointed St • h " B ates fls and game resource.s and (rlcvr.on, wUt play the ln-by Dr. Sproul are: Roy eaton, have been Invited to take a look " Long Beach, executive vice-pres!-at half-a-dozen official publlca-dian er 1, ·Alessandro, for tb.e dent California Flsh canners As-ttons now on the "best seller" list fow-t year• in the 1951 Ramooa 3 PITCHERS NO HITTERS - of the vt.slon of ish and ame. Ould r lay, Dlroclor George Newport Harbor High school'6 soclatlon: Elmf'r Bos:s, Stockton. DI · F c [, - leading sportsman and member. of The agency's central public in-Gerwi 2" nnounccd today. Pete Morris, Dick Lane and the Sierra Deer H erd Study com-formation, offi ce distributes free Tl't('/ Pareant-drama of extra vi-,..__ , _.,._ 11 bo t~ l mlttee: E .. Larry Myer;>, Klamath. bll 1 . · • """"rge .....u>VOO co a ra ........ o . . pu cat ons at e. rate avci:_ag1ng ganza~ '*porliona will be 8t.aged' . . • . resort owner a.nd prominent North g 000 a month The bookJel.8 and f "' 24 A 11 21 d pitch a no-hitter as the Sailors C l l m P• 1 Needham · · or 1 1eason on pr an 0~ apor 8 a.n ; u ' mimeographed articles are financ· 22, A 1 ~8 and 29; and May 5 and blanked Corona 1-0 Friday afler- profeS!or of zoology, Unive~lty of ed with procct.'<ls of hunting and & in (he Ramona Bowl mountain noon on their home diam.ond. Mor- Californ:a and foMOerly with tht• angling license fc~. a~phiihc~tre here.-, ris hurled the first three ln- U. S. Fish & \Vlldllfe Serviec: By sending a po..!Jt card. or let-· PuJl.(>n, !who won the part In ning. Lane the next two and La- Robcrt Lorentz, San "Fna.ncisco, lh DI 1 1 F -• d • "t. Bo · ter to e v ll on of lou an o~ri m.U.titlve t~out.s, will play no the final pair. honorar11 pre31dcnl, Tyee club and G F B 111 s F r •-·' Bob B k lked · h · lh " , ame. e rry u1 (. ". g , an ran· oppd,s e Dorothy Bailey, 22-year· ur<ti c wa tn t e six leader in deep s ea 8ports fishing I 1 l t d 1 b ~ T-d t • d d d c sco, n ere ~ c c1 1zens may ? -old ram~ student at the Unlver· an s o.e secon an score on aa g roups: Emerson Spear, Los An-lain ~Ingle cople_s of the following slty 0 Californi.a at Lo8 Angeles, error with the game-winning run. TREAT SPEED WITH RESPECI' The v.•i.se motorist has learned to treat speed v.rtth the respect lhat is due it. declares the Na- tional Automobile club. He ill al- ways alert and keeps wide awake to e very possibility or change In the flow of traffic o r ln the tum of the r oad. He knows, and h e knows full wcU,' that if he gives speed a chance, it will kill him . CROITG HAN CAI.I.ED SC'cond Lt. J ack W . Crough.a.n. 402 Clubhouse Ave., Newport Beach, forn1er Newport police pa· g~les. a State Chamber Of Com· popular )>Ubllcat1ons: p!ayln the heroine, Ramona, (of-Box score: me rcc direct or. . The \Varm-wate r Game Fishes the 1 l time. Ccwon• Importance of f ish and game a.s or ca.lifornia ; Ba.aic neet Manage-1951 Alea.se.ndro ha.a ap-C•itlllo. lb All H ' 0 0 ' ' 0 ) 0 0 N••poi't H•rbor lrolman, has been recalled to ac-AI l H a California recreational and com-t c ll f I Fl h d G -men ' a orn as s an am~ ....., in 'dra.malic productions at Mc:C•l•r.1l merclal re80Urce -and creator of p A Re lh Wild f""-' '•llJ•do If rogram, port to c · the adena Playhouae, the Play-\ Hrld•. · Income through boat o~era.bjps life <;onaervatlon Board; Fish and era' }''"-' Theatre and sum.men ••tid•f•. c: and renta.le, tackle 8&.les,lr&\!"el a'nd G La ~ ~ Re r .. 06 ' ' c.fT•11t.1 rt ame Wll an ..... J. ne aeons or •toe . ue w.a '• --"'uated •frft!l'\c C.lri11,.J.; ~.,._..rt. .. .,.__ .. dlturea, -etc -fa &t~ Th Edlbl Bl I d Th · •·--~-. ...---~· em:-e va ve•: an e U. . A. last )'ear. PuTien made "'~·lb t eated by lMuance in 19:i0 by lhe Striped Basa F ishing Map. a Ji ot 'friend.a In the 1948, 1949 ~~-:::'.\,, c:J State Div1.slon of Filth and Game and lD:Ml l-proauctt.ons or the Ra-"'•'••QINlr, c: of over 985,000 sports fishing II-REPAIRING STUCOCJ mo p,IaY,• which ealabliahed rec-~:te.~ censes, :;()5,000 hunters licenses A mortar made of one part ce-ord ttendance. " and nearly 14 ,000 fishermen's 11· ment and three parts sand can be kel.8 ! may be purchased In Toot•11 \ ' 0 2 • 0 l ' 0 I O. 0 ' ' ' 0 0 ' ' 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 17 ' 0 w.n.1 , 2b l 111k, 1l Abott lb s .. 1 ... 1 •• cf Cr•h1~ If l11rdlc;k, c; .. i....1o .... , 1111-p Wdho•l•, rf "•rkilU, l b Monll, p L•"'t. P-ll Tof•ll Sc.or• br li1ni"91 J o 1 live duty with the U. S. Army and <1 o o reported lo the San Franciko Pre--~ g ! sldlo Monday. J A reeerviat Lt. 2 o o Croughan 18 tn the M.Ult.&ry Police I I I • • 1 o o bra.ncn of the Army. • I D D I 0 D I 0 0 l 0 0 20 I l 1-A. WEEKEND certscs. In 1949 C&llfomla's com-1.used t o repair craclu In atucco. A rt Beach at Vincents Travel mercia.I fisheries landed 1,133,000 special stucco patching mixture u, 3t 61 Via Lido. pounds of fl.sh with a value of also Is available. Coron• 000 000 G-0 0 2 M••PGrf H•rbor --···---··000 001 .--1 2 2 A plea.unt week end wu en· joycd by Mr. and M.ra. Charles B. M(•lone of 51~ Redlanda Ave., Ni!Wport HeighUI, who were1 en- tt>rtained in Los Angelea u guemta of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaw. more than $82,000,000 at landing. ProcCNlng in California plant.a •dded many mUliona In total value. -A. It you haye at Jeut th.ree categorit"8 tn the aame group as c ategory 111 (that Is, ln Gruop 1. which includea categories 101 -807, excludlng catl!gories 105A, lMB, 105C, 105D. 2CM, 215 and 3:53 )' you must use all qt the cate-gorle.s whl<"h you do have in tha t group a.s a bul.a for determining your markup for i;:ategory 111. ROMANTIC PAGE.4NT-DRAMA _ .... _. .~ . ,. Proceed &a tt.>Uow!'I : 1. A v-erage th~ category J)f!rcentage markups ot t~e Categories which you do hav! In Group 1, t'Xclusive of the ones mentioned. 2. Next, use the table ln Appendix D. Flnd the bracket at the top or the table which includes the percentage 'you toµrid In 8t e p l , run acroas the line for ca tegory 111 until you reacfli the column under that bracket. The percentage sho"7' at t~lnt la the ger- centage whJc b )'OU may tWle for category .1111. CS:" Q. On Dec!fflber 28, 1950, I recetved a quantity of s hirt.a at a net .Jnvolee cost of 51,c..50. I marked lheee ahirta tor sale at $2.00. On January tl, l.951, I remarked t.be..se ahlrta to $2. 75 and continued to offer them at that priee through February 24, 1951. How do I Uat coa:t ahd ·"Ottering prices for thil particular ahtrt on my pricing chart. A. You list your net lnvOlce -coo of $1~ ln column 2 of your chart and YOUl' Initial offerlng price of 52.50 in column 3. 19. l Q. Where ~seller adjuata an orrerlng price 1.1nder Section 17 IC). and f!nd!'I that bb price is a "equeese" price, may he apply Section 16 1 A I, to relie ve that squeeze, if Section 18 (A) la then applicable? • A. Yes, example, on December 24 , 1950, a merchant received an Item at net Invoice cost of 80 cenU which he marked 0at .• l .50. O n January 5, lDfll. he received same Item at net Invoice coat of Sl.20. He continued to sell that item ror $1 .:;() until January 15 when be ~~marked Jt to $1 .95. Under Section 17 . <Cl he t.s required to list inJUal off('rlng price or $1 .00 instead or Sl.95, but aince this hu e.fect of_putting him In a "squeeze," he may apply Section. 18 (A ) &nd. lilt ln column 2 of hla chart a.a "net cost" the amount of 80 cenUI. which la the ne.t co8l on the next to lhe lut invoice. Ca' l!for' n·1a Road 8. D .. :~O~ld Ave .. n Coron.a del Jh.r, reported the. theft Of hia wallet containing ldentiflca-Bul•ld•ing Lagr lion papen and h .. drt ... ·• l!cen .. -). from b1a home Wednesday. " Sen. Randolph Collier. one koc:Vl..AB8 STOLEN author Of the 194.7 Collier-Bums The.ft of a pair of blnoculara and 1 • a heavy jac.ket ·from his 40.:.ioot lllghway act, ea.ys hiwh-way con-yacbt, the Lancer, moo~ at the atruct~ in California Is lagging Lido Penlmula ahlpyard. wu re- 33 ~an behlnd BChedule. ported lo poltee Friday by L. J Collier ea.ya the State la aa;o1&.· Whitney. Jr .• Loe Angelea. Wblt.- .37 800 "defi, 1 t " In dit ney ea.id the artlclee were appar-,. . . c en expen un!B mUy atoJen earlier ln the m0t1th ol for adequate h.lgbwa..ya. ln Ne-March. vad& County, for example, Col~ .. lier: aa.ya the atate bu .P.,.t or ... CU. llLAZE8 plan& ..-to spend 1999.000. But be ~ har , being cut .for ac.rap "at -.ya anotber $24,692,000 LI! need· an auto worb at JZ4 30t.b St... ed ·IO ltn tlle.co"'t:r "lldequate" N..._t ~ -ICO_l'clled bl rooullb At ,I.JM . P< at rate of !Ire abo!ut 12:U p.m. w--.3 u_.m....--tbe -Put n~ wben OIJ&rb fft>!ll .: cult.Ing l<m:h ,,...... 'II -telta -.... 123.'l ~ .. :oil ,..., ,.__ ~ 7Mta to catch up.,_ · • JGtr.e,.., ~1--'ot Ute woru. ... • f'A!lier .. _a apotidlturoa --· °""'9 ~ "° ......,«• .,._ Sl.IU.»TAOO -1n tile .~-W..,J>!llna'-rorec:np. , N~ 'put._ ot U.-lllata • aad .' ' ~ • . · U.4q,NO.-In tbo k"Mnl ' ·••.-fR• . .,,&•-.~ JIU1.t, • C!lliif ~ / oabr A7 Clu'k. olilor' .,.. o._. ~ lo --· ... lloioN bl '"'"'" wtU-••..i•.-drlf'lci9t .acl It would 'U. '9M~I -..,.., _.... .,:. -17.a ................ 'loltt ""°.'!' -llllo-• .... ~ "' otb T'D• u> poo•ldil • tbe ~ • _,. ~· nu .. te __.. ~ ~-:--. :AD&~ ·o.ta~ ' .,'~ .. . ...~, ,, . " • . . • You-o""' it 10 younell •od your f•mily . . · .co 1see the·oew automatic gas ranges. i'ht~ ~Ii£ uYn y~ such-an lmazing • atnOUDt of U-&nd work. You'll like ;~~ :"""" styling. too, their .._m: 1;n..i design •• .land their gleaming fin" iltils.. wh~ .,. oo'~r. 10 keep bright ilOil lpOt...... . . . ' v.,..:u ~ ;l.t ~~ ;re-wide. Vilit di. C..H...·5f,o.;jn• Of oew 'auto-• ... ..... ..... t ~ •• 1;j, 14 -• • • • ") • ' matic gas ranges be ing held al' all • dal•n' and yoµr Gu c.ampany'1 lhow· roomi ln1poa •.. compare •.. 5'!lect !be particular make and model that fiu yOlll iteeda p'"nely. You'll be ham to learn tha141u~ for'feanire-the'new ·automatic gi• nngft cost Ins to buy; ·' .,._ ,, They •lso coic 1-to o<w>rat:e. rlr T-~r-, -in: ~ition CQ.dte -.kh o/ 1'11~~ i.llutrrated.· _,.,..·u obo °"~loric. lf'udwick, M-.;c a.cl; Ma ...... ""11!r· To.,_, • .. • j·; . . ' 'i..,· • ~@ ) . .. Lo6k for dt;, -1.•h 't JOU suidt ID cU • ! wry ,_ ill ....... ....,..,., oppliia<a ' •· ' • ~ . . .... 1· . . .. ' , • • • • • Page; , .. ' I . ' • • ' ' ' I ' . ' . . NEWPo Rt.aA t ' . . .. • I • • ' •' •• • ..., ....... -. ........ -.-. .......... .-... ._ ......... -. ........ ~~---f!"""'....,":"" ... ~--------------------~ir'.._..;. ................ ----~------"°!"'l--"'!""----~..,.WID-RELP WAH .... -... ·:r .. :_-~ ,, ", · ... €LA ·:ss 1· t1·:J!:-o ., . ~~~ii!··; • ' •• • • • • • ~ ~ • • . By M ARGO ' ~ ·~ 11 _The ~hf). Micket ~~~o: .1 r ,. ! TiAiN• . ~ -l ' 1 -, • , • • • , :ap:N•' I • • • ' '------~.-------.....;-----...:..-~.-------;...... ""-~,_.._Ir NEWS-TIMES -Eveil:f-Tueedal; < ' With Shop 1:wperience . -CALUN~ AI,L oooai ou.•mo ALL · waic LQ~• .1.01<1o iu.puti SU., NEWBOBT BA"ti POST ..-..i .. · ~ You Will 0~ P<>id DOGS! 1 want all 7ou d .. s and puppleo lo all BUNJIT l.IN!lB AGAIN!-Lo..n of "l" . . . · f ~ .., l J~ quleUy and PO sllo'flll6 •hll• I lfll you all .• =:1 ~~ ~-~ : .. ~ ~· ~EWPOBT-BALBOA PB~l-Thunclaya While Y:ou Learn m &-'.tul =t~-=~ ""= :ci::. ':'~ . ... .Bunaf w all yO\IJ' favort"lt .... ~'.tt. N-pott ..,., P•' ~ ... -.I,;, ..... !l'~J : Assembly' Work and pay alW>Uael I ..... jult eome from the <I" lllCA • " rpm record-. The B011U .()IP ' · .,.._ .. Ille nw.. · r This • ex~al oppomwtj Is I.a M.,,. Baacb for Dos-·wondorllll ~home far )'OU ~ea, -(>KY ill cO.ta Mea· bu '~.~ · JON~ AD 18 l • · • f ._ ~ m911 wltll l'enftal JllS\. lmal(lne It, fell<>w_.219 acre1 IP Ille c:o1111t1')'I Wbat a place lo llock of 44 recot'da oh lhe Weft ,. OOuL All C'ew"'"1 ... m,.t bo .-..i for ~ la· of pulillMh mecbankal. or allop' oxperlence. ·...auon when the foJJU are away? Such aecomm-Uona. ~.ry ti~. rooord expert al lhe Ho1iM1 of H.r 4 I..IHa 1 Paper $'. T4 Agell 28 lo 40. bOarcler feta an Individual 3-0 x ao run. own b~·room and fttsl> mo111 ow-. thal 45 NCOrda .,. !he S-l· 4 I.Jw 2 l'llpen . 1.JIO Qualified &PJ!lk:aPt& Will be hl....t runni.DJ water. And "8 I menUoM<S, to -.ob IWI oWn prtvate lhad'! ••t ot all boon.a to the mualc world. F,ltty· ·' ,and &tter 2 week.I tn.1ntn1 job- t:ree. Not that any one would be fbollah eAO\l.l'b ·to run &W&)' trom thl• abt recofdlng comp4.rilu a.-. noW maklnc . 46'• ln everytb.tn.f f'toJh ' Uaee . S Papen . 1.00 rated for promotlott. . peal bl.m•. but j\lllt In caae of a dellP<!Uenl. eadl run Is anclooed In hll'hlY hoated Ja.u IO ci-i. Obami.t' mu.ofol Susy •5'• lh• ~·· ;1J!:.j\•bllahota will not be ....,panolble for e than one lncbft'ecl · PLANT EMPLOYMENT 8 ft. dffl · mull fenelnJ. And you Tall·Wapte .. llsl<l> lo thi.-1 AH belt beeauae Of no dla\OrtlOll/ and no surt ... DOJ,.. 'J'urtb~?. o; :fi ailda advd"t:"'~ ~~ lll,t!! ,t ;o-C0l'='1 ~~g •. omCJC , guarantee you'll never haVe a dull, hornetlck rrmment! Aland Dru. the la'• are &U one tlny aiu Whether populu or' era.teal. ·1'bq~t ::f. ~ • •n re.,-. any-" en °0 0 :::;f , .,17 .. 1,.moQD & l"'t.t.bal"\N n.ompaon, the log .. tovintr owners"' of thil country eft&te rtve you &11 neaUy ln the am&lleat ol atorap apace-and are very p&~te lu U and. reau1att6ria. Advtrtinmenta an ca.ncellatton1 tM! ~ ,.,. ~ the pamputng and con'fersalion you want.. Ot If y9u want to be you have to lea\te town ln a hurt")'! Now here'• the nU.t d.'1.: accepted up to Sf/l.m. on the day pttcedtn1 ,lillcatlon. Ph. Har. 1818 Houn 8 a.m. -4i3o p.rn. alone and try and th1nk wben: you buried lb.at bone, that'• O. K. too. Suzy · can supply you with an R. C. A. 45 rpm. automatic neO'fd Pa.om Bar. lite. uk for .. A4 'l'akr' or ... ad· &lld remlt:ta.Me to Monday tllrv turday Al and Dru can put you up at their La Mesa. Ranah ju.at over-n1ght, chllf'l'er Ulal pl&ya tbnt any cadio or TV •t for only 111"6.' Oo NEWPORT BABBOR PUBL18 0 oo; JX>UQ AS weell~dll. or by the week or month. The place la nan on the Americ&n buy ''Tht Bea.nbas 8onl'" or the_ "WelJ Tempered Cl&vieJ" but be· 1111 •Balboa Blvd., Newport o..utoPllJa. Ai aft C Jn Plan ot coune, and l underatanii the me&la &l'e acell•nt! All rtrht bll •Ure lt'a trom 801)' at tM Ho-'! of Harmon1, 1817 Newport A.Vt., rcr :., C. d-, UtUe do-and puppl..,, you've been very food, 701.1 may run •..A Beacon D73'1' or Beaaclb N&S.. -a.. .--• _L y tJB · ,Long Beach vbllon --.,.. -.,.. • '"-any a ·big deal hu been made .--o~ O CAR pl&y now-and next week I'll tell you about Da.t.ly, DoUar'and Abipll, · '• • • 'thru a 1111.&ll Want A~ Hett tmt remember about thl1 dog-heaven (weallhavetop.ometlme()&.nd O~"E OF THJ.: rNJbEsT STOPS on my PAl'l:R ROUTE. LI lbe WA.NT $E DAILY from 1100 tell aU · yoUt friends that tor ra rollickinr vacaUonl In the country, it• Newport Bakel')'. Bob Krull, Vlrpnla McMa.ha.n'1 1an and the k~n ·· blJC. W. ~lboa Bivd. to Corona the La Memo Randi fOI' Do19 In Costa MM&o Do( trot to the phone b&ker at the tt&kery k"pa ha!tdltl( me 1tuff ·to eat and I kee.p lo-lllJ'SlHUI QUIDS del l.larl(9 to~). Phone Harbor boolt an hew out thla important numbeT, BMeon NJ3.R. gnbblnc It ! You don't have to twtat my arm to •et .me lo talc:• OOlilPL&Tm BO.Ud CJ...&A.MIHQ 1148-W., 96ttc thll\ga from the Newport Bakery. No tlree Bob!. Lut wee.k J ~t • • • tn on some e\ep.nt blu••rtY muttln1. l heated them , up f<!r dlnnltr lllnkla. l'w'nit\are and rup ts-LOST 1 .L,0 FOUJ(D I CARE TO TELL YOU ABOUT HELE1' McDONALD -WftlY and they were n~ lll!Je._~ndel'll ni.y•,.. 6 for il5C . I<> )'l!U ~~~ ll'rM M,tlma-.... . -•• -·. --· .__;.__ BOLDS A WORLD RECORD I Ponder lhl1! Helen'a been ln the real common folks. 'l'kJ8 FRI. A.NU SAT. 81'EC1AL IS HUO• DEUb-• ......,1 ~ FOUND -Pair of cla.iiles. tor- e-it.ate buSm.ea for 12 -'years and haa never lost a key or forSot to lock IOUS COFFEi: CAJl.£8 fUled with ora.nse, rt.fiPberry, , aprtcat pr AJ•fi H~use & Rug lift aheU frames: In cue On Bal· a door. To a penon like me who'a loet 3 keys ln a month, t.hU la • almond foi; Me e&dL Sa..>' ~ry 80me KruUera by KfU-}J. Divine: jelly, CJ • c boa Ielahd Sunday. Owner can pretty shattering Ullng! Miss Helen McDonald u a "t ot you know twlaled and 'rlued donutt dally or Iced one1 on the' weelJ-end. Or ~t eantn~ 0. . claim and pay for ad. Apply wu &MOCiated With the Jordan Real Ell.ate Co. ln Balboa for many tome hot oo.null rtabt out of lh•f 1tove Bun. momlna. l'ou can Beacon 81l1 12tfc Preu otflce, 2211 Balbpa Blvd., years. NoW Miss McDonald lfl in the new Joh.ft Burnham Balboa Re&l order French putrfu tor br1d('e putJu OI' buy .t0me keen kook.let ~ Newport Beach. ltfc Estate office along with ·Sally and Jim Newlin. The tdea lt. lh~t tf at 30c a do•-YOu shouldn't need your attn twisted to order 10rn•· For Venetian Blinds, ! you have property to rent, or that need•. mana,itnc. or lf you want to lhiPI' from the Newport Bake:ff, 1111 Qeeae Pl'ont. NewporL 7 . Sha eS and Drapery HdWe. µ>ST -Gold link "bracelet-In buy a. hunk of soil or a house. see Helen McDonald. She knows thlti e · e .. -f · 1 • Shape o~ heart.II. Friday evehlng area and moot ot its !Pbabltant.s very well and aa for betnr•a very "WHY HARRY KINGSTON," I ClttRPED gaily u I lowered THE SHADE SHOP In Ballloa. Sentimental value. reaponaible person-well "judge for yourself-. You'll get your k eys ii.y tace para.sol. "I a.11 do declah you 'aJI have Wen sprayt,ng Frenth Free estimates Ph. Har 884 Reward{ Ph. Harbor Sl·J. lc3 back. your windows closed and generally wonderful treatment when E".au de Violette around your little · ole BAYSIDE FISH MKT.! br 514 _29th St. NeWPC>rt Beach you do bu.slnesa with H~len Mc Donald. Call her at Hatbor 1807, or r u have you all been d1pplnc tllem lheh Red Snappers ln Canal No. ti. !3-SITU.TIONS WANTED Sff her at the John Burn.ham Offiat!, 507 East Balboa Blvd. vou thot'fuJ man!" H&l't')' Klflg11ton ttopped fllletlng a halibut .~3tfc • • • OLE' Sl!:NORS Y Sl!lNORlTAS. MUY SABROSA COCINA! ..nd pointed heavenward. "Gone wtt,h. the W1.nd, honeychtle," he aajd· 1 "See those ga<1ret11 on the ce.llln,.: Thoae &re odor eradlcatora n~ vented especially for the Bayside MkL by 0 . E. 6 Dupont~ I per-, JOnally offer a aecond ~ shrimp to anyohe who sa.ys the Bay1l~e Fish Mitt. smells IUre anythlnc but. the perfume counter at "Macy's!" And Harry Klng11ton 11 IO rlfht! Madam, It's a pleuun to ahop at the Bayside. So please ro buy some rock cod (Red Snapper! at Ue lb by µte whole fllh or 70c lb. if you don·~ wa.nt any skin and bones. -The Bayalde Ftah Mkt.. at 2800 L&fayette, Newpo,rt, bu JIO m&ny Red Snapper• they ma.y start thrpwtng them back In the bay. • • • IS YOUR LITJ'LE BASIC BLACK DRE88 SHARPENING All tool• • lawnmowers • plnktng ahe&r-a, knives, 1-9 p.m . A: Sun. FtXIT SHOP 609 Coast Highway Newport Beach IS-BUII.DINO SERVICE!.' 92p8 ---- FINE LAµNDRY or ir ontn1 only . CUrta.1114. He'p with din. partie.1. 'Plck-up'I and delive r .. Mrs. Wil- liams, qs.11 Har. lll9~. ' 9801 EXPERI~CED man wa.nta J0b &a skipper.' WiH do malntenarlce work o'l boat. kave 30 yi1t. ex- pcrtencei know fishing In local waters. I Be.st of reference•. Ph. San Pedro, TErmlnal 2-~185. Jp3 ' li:XPERl'.ENCED OPERA TOR I<> cut up A: pa.ckap ch.lckena. can at 2235 Harbor Blvd., Coata Meaa, after 8 :30 p. ·m. 98cl SALESMAN EX CE LL ENT OPPORTUNITY with w e l' I e11t&-blt.sbed Coat& MeB& firm handling Hoffman, RCA and Packard-Bell Televis- ion and Norge, e'endix lines. Call Mr. Berry. Be~n 5653 tqr ap- poinlment. . " . le! POOL TABLE, re&'. lllze, ball re- tum, cue1, ta.ck. R.ea.&onAb1e,•wlU trade on televlllon or what hav4!' you. Ph. Kl. 2-7887. · 9Spl l'\'E HA YID FULCOLOR, F'lJLL. ERS New WUhable wait ftnlah. Also Jewel cue of colOl'I. Jl'ree painting inatructlon and color pl&nher tolden. BALBOA MARINE HDWl!:. CO. &sin Branch. B&yti:tde Drive Your Jl'uher Dealer A Good Place to Go 9Sce ' ' ~ • • TllRU PC. MAHOOANY - &el. two • x 12 "'Po pair of .... bopny ...i tabloo. wnp&. •o Hill>or Jllt<d., Clol&a MeOa. 9TdKI SERVEL,. 1 cu. ft., pef!feet,. opor- . auoo, IX.to wu1on 'nit.' Sun- beam food chopper, table llnons. Cabinet RCA radio, ll03 Po!P- "'."tlla. corona del Mar. 98<1 - SS-BOAT SIJJ'l'Ull8 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns ·-Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 6211 COAST illGHWAY NEWPORT JlltACH PH. -BEACON ·5111 MOORINGS • 114\fc 'Pleasure and Commercial LIDO PENINSULA YACHT A.t:JCHORAGE End of Slat St. Harobr 23&1 NEWPORT BEACH 92dl WILL TRADE 'U C1ub Coupe for equal value. Ph. or Harbor 154-W. PLYMOUTH 11maJJ boat. Har. 2802-RI 98c1 1949 CHRIS CRAFT 17 fl. Speed boat l with trailer. Hu had very Jillie u&e---$2100. fUchard .. t0n Yacht! .Ancbon.p, Bayside Drive. Ph. Harbor S69. ' 98cl WANT TO BUY used Ckrylller .. crown with 3 to 1 reduction gear or ? ? ! Drop c&rd to L. E. Wilson c/o Richard's Y-a.cht Anch., Balboa Island or ph. Harbor 389 and leave No. tbetween 9_..l 98p3 couldn't be happier if l 'd dJ.scover-ed a uranium field. t just locate<' the caaa don Carloa. The reuon I didn't Bff it e<>oner is that It LI juat around the corner from the Newport Preu Wh ich is l'l_Jht under my nose ao to s~ak. Well here'• this charming rosy lighted litll• Mexican restaurarit. Very nice atmbsi>bere and 11potleuly clean. Anc" amlros the food In wonderful! I fancy my1tlt a.a a connolueur ol Jdexlcan food, and I want to lt.Y this i. rully JTe&t. The fr1jol4!'1 refrttoa (!t ied beans you know) a.re terrific. I hMi a taco, 4!'nchil&da, and beans and a.ti 3 were excellent-Charlet Hall ls the owner· ma.nag"er or this little bistro, and in the kitchen are the mo..rvelou1 cooka Ula Banda and her daughter Connie Alvarado. You can order a1 dinner or &la carte. The prices a.re ridiculously reasonable allho l really ahouldn't mention It as I plan to eat there reaJ otten. A com· bination plate dinner la 95c and a dinner with practically everything 19 $1 .3G, &nd a big Top-Sirloin dinner at $1 .7?> A la carte tacos are only 20c, beans 15c, enchiladas 2&:. 'chUe rellenos ~Oc. Spanish rice l!k. See what l mean? And another thing, you can get Mexican or American Cerveza here to go with the dellotoua food. Now this Is rrally a good deal. for you ! So aee you there for aure at C&M. don cartos. 11 3· 22nd St., Newport. Harbor 2838-M-Week days 5 p. m . u•ually worn with CT'&vy accellSQrie• T Being messy ts your cons tltutlonal r:ight, but honestly don't yotJ think you 1hould eo over to the Balboa 6 and 10 llld l'l!;t youreelf a plutJc apron f The Balboa .5 I: 10 haa a. fre1th ahlpment of P\altlc Aprons from ,9«'.' -t8c::: A wal•l apron If you're a carefu l cooker. lr a. bib apron If you really aling your huh. Th'!se dick aprons are very decorative. Some ha.ve ruffles 'lnd polka.dots and other11 are in fapcy prints. You'll INTERJOR -· EXTm!UOR p AINTING ...._ln:LP WANTED LIKE NEW, Proctor dial control -MUSICAI.. RADIO LI~B:D -lNSU'IU::D EXPERl&;iCED WOMAN wan.led electric Iron, $0 and General TR.ADE your old piano or .band to S> p. m., Saturday ~-10. Closed TUee. • • • HUZZA ! THERlD'S A UGHT lN THE Cl..EARING ! Thank f b!'aven's we're saved ! That light shines from the TeJevtslon Rental Sets ln the HOUSE OF HARMONY, Costa Meaa! Now we can be JJke other Han94!'J and Gretela and openly dillCU8s· TV programs on the achool play-ground ! By now everyone hu teen the light ! If you haven't got a TV set, you might u well lnveatlgate the Jay away pi.,n at Forest Lawn-by that I mean you just aren't 1Jvlng! The .. ..J!et..., of Harmony is nqw Renting 'fl. C. A , and Hoffman 10" and 16" V noOr model eels for ae Jew u 11 a day. Seta are de11vered and in.stalled free, &nd full out-door installations are made wht>re necessa ry tO insure perfect reception. You can rent a TV •el front H OUSe ot Harmony by the week or moilth. 1f you pt at.tached to Berle, Groucho. Heany or any of those TV buffoons, all your rental will app1y u a payment on the set. This i. a straight rental de&J howe\rer, wtth no !.tringa attacbed. Ir you have already accepted the inevitable, aod want to buy, Hou.e of ila.nnon)' can 1upply ..)'OU with a brand new TV set by D\Jmont. Packard Bell, fl. C. A. or Hottman with budget tenN. This rental d~al 18,..Rally great lf xou're vaeaUoala.a here or pract.Jcin1 !:ilaying home at llJght. Call HOUSE of HAR~ONY, 1817 Newport Ave. Beacon 0737~: &!aeon MU. -e e e I THIS CONCERTO FQR THE TYPltWRl'l'l:R In UpJM"r &: Lower Caae b ded!cated to tbe White-Collar girl. I mean the kid that hurla henelf out• of bed at 6 :30-a , rn. and tean around look Ins tor aomethins to l,o the C?fflce. I ha•e a IUfl'eltion t.hat will h elp t to work on time, m&)'be pave the lhy for a ce-pttsldency of the company orbeJp U8 marry t be J'onman or aomethlng equally dramatic. Here's 1'1'..,.;..rJ the pitch: Polly Apparel ha.I a hu,.. llfte ot Son-eJ Shirts. 1lle Sorrel Shirts are be&Ulltully tailored bloll.le8 and the Ideal mate for a alllrt or auit. AU the 1 Electric Hot Point wa.tne Iron, instrument for ttS full cub Glenn Johnston . · I to do lloueework 2 momlng• • with heat indicator, •&. 106 value on a Pad<ard Bell tele· 501. -Slat St. Newport Beat:l'l Wttk. rhone Harbor 2•11·;8cl I Acacia, Corona. del Mar. 99ttc vision at SHAFER MUSlC Co. Harbor 2297-J 34e48 I ln 1907) 421 N S ----td---------SA VE 5'0 on I cu. ft. new-u1ed 8 • ce · ycomore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-06'12. WE RENT Stan ard Station, Inc. Hotpoint refrigerator. s&ie &l9o S.'ilfc ELECTR.tC pa.lnt sprayCr!I, noor • fireplace acceaaortea, breakful l----------,----.,--~ind chlld-slse aprons for little drooler11. too. So put on an apron tnd go set the· table on a fntllh new pla.tlic table-cloth from the 8a.lboa 6 &: tO. The table-cloths come in colorlul fruit dealgfts, brirht patteMlJI and eome look UAe real damuk, sties 54 x. 54 &11d ;.& x 72 al 89c • 11.59. Ollm-chewert can •ve at tht!! BALBOA &ill:IO sanders. poll!hers and gardening Ha~· a few operiings set, coffee & end tables. C&ll for COME ln and play th'e wondertul equipment. ~troots TeWlnkle appt. days; Har. 2826. (eves. A New Hammand Chord Organ. Hardware, 1802 Newporr Blvd., i FOR MEN week ends. Har. 14S1-W.J 99c2 Even if you don't knoW" a note CO.ta Meaa. Pbone Bea. 0222. l of mwilc you can play beautitu1 Who are ~ looking for permanen 1937 WILLY~, COMPLrrE MO-music in ten minutes. t>A.NZ-It's 3 pkgs. tor lOc &t SOO Main 8t.. Balboa. . .. . . , PAPE~ HANGING and P AlNTING employment with ex.cellent op.. 'TOR A: transmiaalon. Alao chu-seHMIDT Big PiaDo and Organ portuntty. for advancement. 21 Is. 1191 ~•d. North, LA-Co., 520 N. Main. Santa ~ YOUR HAI.II WANTS ctr'ITINO: Remember Rapunzel up ' in the tower who had IJOlden hatr 20 ells long? According to Grimm's Fairy Tales, the witch got In a bee! with Rop and whac.ked of! he r Kenneth Quarry to 40 t preferred. Paid whlle guna Beach.• lcS USED PIANOS tram $89 up. Oood training. Approx.. $270 montl'I playtnR' CondJtton. DA N z.. ladder. Your hair may not he ladder length, but It no doubt needs .1015 Santa Ana A•e., Coata Mesa ' SO·B-APPUANCES to star,. Liberal :e.undry allow-SCM>.aDT, 520 'N. Main, Santa ·.rtmmlng and thlnnJn3. Well It's no fairy tale that Ruth's Bfiauty 1 Phone Beacon M04 ~hop speciallh1 In haJr cute and .styJlng tor 11.2&. It'• espectaJJy \ 79c02 ances. iHigh school mini.mum WE REPAIR ~ Ana. cdr. 8Ui . ' dcwlred .t See Supt. at lhe all makes of wa.ahlng rriachtnes WAN'JIED : 00 p;anos. Tra.de in Important for you to have a good hair shaping before a permanent. >r you might turn into a witch your own self. Ruth and 'Vlrgt.Qla \ISO cut children's ha1r for $1 .16 (you'd think they'd charre double). So corne lo•tlie11 climb out J>f your Ivory towers and heave ho over to K.wth'• Reality 81top. 338 Polneettta. Corona del Mar, Harbor. 2007. PAINTING EARL . SHEFLIN • 1 ironers and vacuum cleanen. your old piano on a Grand, Spln- STANO,ARD STATIONS STROOTS TeWlhkle Hardware, et or beautiful telev;ston. Hlgh- 2U Palmer dt., Coat& M.-• • • Bca. 64$7 -k . IMcf DO \IOU PAC£ THE FLOOft ! . Dahli~ : &: Coast Highway Corona del Mat Brt\lfeen $.Jo and 12 ever,Y Friday l 97ca BACK AND FORTH. BACK AND H. H. HOLBROOK FORTH! DO VOUf In that case you'd DEPENDABLE PLUMBING MAN w~NTED-Dlgnlfled pool· 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. eat cash allowance'--Terma, Beacon 5222. llfc DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO , ELECTROLUX· Rli:FRIGIDRATOR 6 cu. ft., 2 yrs. old, In exaellH1l condition. Re&llon&ble. 327 Al· varado Pl., Balboa. Har. 147. 99p2 cor. 6th., 52:0 Na. Maln. Santa Ana. better r•t tome good carpetln1 under , A Prom~t tlon Opefl for man to expl4J,n you. The Coaatlln~ F"loot Covertng haa Baltz fkE-fJEED plan to In-I------------- a apeclal deal on ,..Park Ave. Textured Reppa ir Service aln~alned tere11ted ~pie Leads turnlmh· LOVELY BUNGALOW slae up- right p'ano In flne condltlon, $195. Terms, 120 doWn A: $8.00 month at SHAFER MUSIC CO. '<Since 1907) 421 N . Sycamore, Santa An&. KlmberJy 2--0672 . · Bl dloam f •• •• A SQUARE YARD hon4!': Harbor 1410-W r-"' · oa or .~.-.. · 'J801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach ed. Cal ne<:e11sary,. _Age no bar-tnatalled. 'nlia l• J'OOd looking ·carpet-rler . lply lo Mr. Hartwell, 10 iftl and come1 In .haJldtome decoN.tor a. m ., ~5 Newport Blvd., New- . colora You can't beat It for the Pri,ce! Somebody Wants port e ach. 9Tca You can aleo ret ALUMINUM: WALL ~ tnst&Lled by lht¥ atat-• i. · wart men and lr'ye. • Alwntnum waJI tUe I• woftderfUl around be.th-Th&t u&ed turnltore, brtc--a-brac. I GIRL W iNTED. to work in 1llk tube. ahowera, or for eotnpl•t.e bath-room wau .. l ~it>.&fuflllll.i.An tile pAlnlihp, etc'., now taklng up screen ~rinllng plant. No. expe.rl- oomu In 12 co1or1. n doellft't crack, peel, or cor-rode, &na"' you can . apace In your garage. Find a buy-ence regUtred. 4.15 hoPr• da.ily, " IWin• and IW&y wtth P'.11.A. terme. Al) you need to pay on any er with a r claaaified ad hl th! 'daye wttk. 1015 ViQ.lorla, Costa tile job la 10% dow;n. AbK> •Xct1lent .Potm.IC. ud U.ole.um Drain Hewa·Tlmea, Poat, and Preu com· .Mesa. 98p1 Board lhlltallationa by Cl0~8TLINI!! nA>OK OOVERINO!I, 18th and *atlon. Juel Phone Harbor 1816, .h.1-. Newport Ave., Coata Mesa. a.aeon 62&1-J'. : "I warit to place. a Clualtied ASSIST~ 1 to busy office man· e • e · · A ," and a oourteotU ad-taker wiU agf>r. q::oJJege graduate or eqUI· GLADYS TbJNKS -YOU LOOk SORT OP' PALE AND STRICT-help you wTlte a.n effective ad. valent. Capable of meeting pub- LY FROM HlJNOER. She uy1 you've belft eattns too much junk lie. Over 25. $45 -SM§. 0 day No • 97tfc _...,.____ SPINET. Brand new but cue Buy Your TV NOW! See These LOW Prices · SAVE $80 NEW U" ADMiRAL TV -beau· tiful mahogany, modern style cablhet wtlh comblttation AM A FM racUo and record player, wu 1389.9~ ' alightly1f\amaged ln Jlhlpment. A wonde~f "\b'!l-Jll<'i 'ifaii• !'1.IO Genulq,: T•nn•. '~-j!\:IJmld! Santa Ana, 520 N. 'Maln, corott 8th. Over one hundred piano.. SPINET Reposs., Pay out balance, $285. Another re~11&ion at $395, coat new '610. Just like new. Terms, Danz-Scl)midt Big Piano Store, ~20 N. ltain, com. 6th, Santa Ana. '· inside aearna on a Sorrel Shirt are ftnllbed and hence no ra~I. They fit Perfectly and have an acUon back allowing tor a fast get-away and ~ day comfort. Sorrels come ln Nylon 18.9~; long or &hort sJeeYe•: dressy white crepe with crew neck and colored med~or. 15.9D ; and a vartety of rayorf.crepe11. wuhable ttuue failles, and t - . tona In ptnk, yellow, aqua, gt'f!en, rt!d, etc. Very good tops for us ship rttia u you can waah the heck O'Ut of them. 'Ibe idea ts that you pt °"er to PoUy Apparel and stook lip on Sorrel Shirts. Buy 5-- one tot every work day. Then you ca.II tJeep till 7 :30, have a leisurely cup of coffee, 2 Che1'1te.rfields and appear .at the office dewey fr~.sh. POIJ7 ~ppll'PI, 1833 Newpott A~e.. COit& M~sa.. and what you nffd ls a cooct hot ii.ourlehln1 meal at the ANCHOR • ..__.EJ&80NA~ week. ~ply 1928 South Main, CAPE. You ~utre a palatablt bll ra.noh type breakfa.at. and after Sa.nta . a. lp3 ~hat a 65c lunch which includt.e very deU ciou1 soup or salad. Gladya AICo~o~ca An!>nymoua WA~Ei>=sktpper for private 40 te&ture1 ev•nin• ~ia.la too-A 1malJ t:ilet minute . stu.k (not a · Write P. · 0 . Box 205 fl. cru~r. Must be capable and cube steak, Pleez}, Salisbury eteak,, ~rk Cbope, Shrimp or Abalone BaJDo& bland. ca.u.t. reUable. Sportfilh.lng exp_ necl•• . . . served up to 7 p, m. Or maybe YoU'd like a hol rout.,, beef Phone Kimberl)' S-.Mll aary. ..N,.ellent all year po.ell on or pork sandwich. · "BY THC OOOD GR.A VY" Gladys •YJI l1 the for thrnght man. Write q\lall-I way you tell tqt women ffrom the rt-r"lL You can brin• all th• tarn-p t. F 't ficatlo~ giving reterence and Now Only $289.95 . -1211'" TV Philco ConiOlettt. Ex· panded 91 aq . Inch picture, re .. conditioned. '$189.95 GRAND PIANOS -Ueed, ~abe · Chickering. Ma.son and Hamlin, 8l-elnway, Everett. Sohme.r, Wutlftur, Starr Kimball. Many , • others. From $!95' up. Dans- Scbmldt Big li'lano Store, Ranlo Ana, 620 N. Main ( comer• 8th. • • • lly lo the Anchor Cafe and Ml U c:hMply as al hOme. And enjoy a 10 Urn! Ure salaryfwa.nted, Write Box D·I It a lot more u you savor .Ute taci that you won't have to bend Over p AJNTT.,D t.hia p r . 168 the dlahe• In Ule ti-Ok. Enjoy .ut._-.J:at <>ut. 'Often at the A.Khor .P Ca.te--open S a. m.-7 p. m. dall1. kt. ta M. thru' Sun. 1 p. m. Reautf4 come rrom constant 111-0 Cout Hlway, Newport Selldl. Closed Wed. . 1 Phone Beacon 6451-W PJ:acUce ~ An ad regularly In W. . • , •. • 92ci paper wtU produoe rault.t tor you. WOMENJ Mll:VER ASK J. MAN TO LAT DOWN THJl Wall St.reel Joumat and pick up a .bamfner! ti )'Otlr nlentaJ ffa.nt ehows Ille allfHt""\ bl-IP malt!Ai' pot& ot lnOll•)'. do not make the mlslalte., ot &&king" him lo stop Ud put. UP]• -•eek brt.cket! ~ you think for one mad monian.t that the Ap Khap. '°t 11tch lnstalllng traverae rods lD Illa ..,..110 t Do1 JOU tbinlt p.. Bt~ OY11r Paffed HD( lnlo maldnf ' 0 ..alance -! Of courW 'i<>l- eoooey! So clon'l brow l>Ml ,.,..,. male .lat<> • def~ -&llltljdel MaGam. your IJ&lh llaa' dM"\Y Wore ,.,..._'l'llE llllADI: • 811,0P ollm.bo llle laAl4att. ~ Ille ltt.-l'O<ls. m&llN the •al.bee bolt ... ..,..,_. lb. fJ>ller .,._ -11-lhe Venetian bl!Nla, and lteepo oul peeplnl' totn8.\ Po I mi.Ito 'Rl,..if plalnor lhan usu&J -I say llle Bllado Sllop .. ,t.t llf -~. "~•pOit 8eacll. ~ llK. I ' • • •• . ' ' ·.~·: ~-.. II I I o. r••-.C-o .-...••·-• • ...................... . "' -.··as> rin · _. !l"lm~. r .-. . • . > ' . • ics 71 1 s • n ••, t 121>" g~onde Conaole TV $17~.95 10" table model TV ... _$1M.50 1" table model TV .... $32.llO RCA0 CoNSOLll 16" TV, like ....,. with A.M: I& FM radio, beauutut m.&IMJs'&ny cabln•t with doon now only ssoe.oo USED WIRE IUDCOfll>B:R. Good value at ...... , ............... : ... ·-····'"·~ · Keep In · touch with 110 fM sood buy• bl TV .. ta belnl' tnldeO IP -. . • EASY TICRK8 ~GB:D • LOVELY usErl SPINET PIANO, like new. Terrru $50 down and $1~ mo. at SHAFER.. MUSIC CO. !Slllce 1907) '21 N . Syca- more( Santa An&. * · Kimberly 2-0072. t3ttc RENT A PIANO' .. 15· pu mo~llL . AU rent allowed tf you buy with· In lermo. DANZ.sCID!If1r CO., 620 N . Main, Santo ~na. ELSCTR.lC ORGAN. Uke new, :amoual make. Save •200, tenna.. ltlectrllied or•an. uaed amly $115 ' For church or horo~ 1 Dus.- Schmid~ 620 N. Main, oor. flll, Banta Aha. '/· ' I '· I I I I • - . - -• - -• • --,---• -· "'"!' ..... ,_. : . . -. . ' ' . . l .. t ,,...,;,,....,,,1.., . . . -.o<T-~~...... . . .J1 .· .... , .. • . ~ IVe ' .,. ~· ., '?; ~. ~ .. ~~~ • WE TRADE "ONLY" FOR THE BESTt -; '47 CHEV. "fieetmutel"'' Sed. A smart &tt~ctlve 2-tone metallic blue and silver finish, bu radio, l1tr .• ·fog lites, .aearch lite, ~tc. Thia week.8 SPECIAL VALUE! $995 . '38 FORD "Delux" Sed. RadJo. "0rlg1naJ" paint and up- . hOlster.Y. One In ten thousand! $365 '46 DODGE "Custom"· Fluid Drive Sect with radio, htr., etc. An unmarked Beige beauty-a sound inve!:tment at-' $1,095. '41 PLY. ''Spet'la1 Deluxe" Sect Radio cl: hlr. r..µBtroua black f ini.!h-the ex.ample result of flne care thru-out! $495 .. '50 FORD V-8 "Custom" Tudor Sed. Fully equl~t with Ford acce&<rorles. Low milee..J._Hke new. Y.ou believe that we will let this one go for juat $1,695 ' won't • '41 STUDEJ Sed. with "OVER DRIVE," cllmatiz.er, etc. Sparkling N,rw, 1st class 2-tone gr~en flnlsh--<:lean uphol3lery! One you'll be proud lo own! $495· P. S. A FEW NEW 1950 DODGES AT THE OLD PRICE! IT COSTS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE• SHAVER MOTO~S 1936 Harbor Blvd. Your Dodge-Plymouth Dir. Costa Mesa THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS '49 STUDEBAKER Commander, 2 door ·······"t" .. -~ ........ S1795 '48 STUDEBAKER Commander 4 door ...................... 1395 '47 STUDEBAKER Champion 4 door .......................... ~129:i '46 CHEVROLET 2 door Sedan . ····················-···-··-··· .. 995 '46 FORD Club Coupe .................. .................. .............. 985 '42 CHEVROLET 4 door .................................. :......... .. 495 '40 CHEVROLET 4 door ............................................. .. 395 '40 CHEVROLE'I' 4 door -·· .............................................. 290 '39 B,UICK, 4 door ....... .................................................... S45 '39 MERCURY, 4 door ................ :.................. .. . ........... 295 Many other transportation cars .................... SM to $1 :>0 T i'rms l o suit. We carry our own papers. • MAC'S CAR LOT 1906 Harbor BouJevard f ·Costa Mesa ' '49 CHEVROLET DELUXE Con· 1948 OLDSMOBILE convertible. vertlbl~ all "in perfect con· hydra.matte drive, radio -.rid htr. dlUOn. (1 owner) Going into $1250. 907 Poppy Ave., Corona aervtce, Priced tor quick Ale del Mar. Ph. Har. 28U-R. at 11696 ($225 under-ceiling) 416 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 98cl LETS T!tt.AOE-----'39 Lincoln Zephyr -4-dr. sedan. Xln't. tires. 1 owner . WANT Servel Electrolux or ca.sh . 352 Hazel Drive. Corona del Mar. Harbor 165 2--J . l c3 Everybody read.a the classified ads. • 98cl '41 BUICK 4-dr. aede.n. Good tires. Good condition. One own· er. $350. 918 'E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 1902-J. lp3 19:>D CHEVROLET Dlx.. Coupe-- Save sales lax, private party. 512 -38th -St .. Nto\Vport Beach, EVENINGS. 98pl -RENTALS Apartme~ts & Houses • 4%~~~-~~J w1i! WANT TO RENT 'a 2 bdrm t'Unlisbed ttouse In Costa Mesa. Contat't C. A. B~ma.n a.t ABC Lumber Co., Costa ~eaa. Bea. :;681. 99p2 ,EXCLUSIVE ln C. 0 . M.-1 and 2 bedroom tunnahed apts. Yearly or summer. ''autltuJ bay view. Private beach. $175 mo. and up. Harbor 3147-M. 99c2 WA.NT 3-BDRM. or 2-bdrm. and den; turn. or unfurn. By April 15. P ermanent, no small chil- dren, Ph. Beacon 597t) aner 4. • p. m . lp3 U-APABTMENTS ~ HOUSES LIDO ISLE ' RENTAL 1' , SPECIAI.ISTS can ll:dna crais Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa lalan4. Rv. ':IOU 82<64 BALBOA -Yearly rental, 1 bdrln turniahed apt. (except linens l. Phone Harbor 0331-W. 9lp6 It JOU want a rerit&l OD LIDO YEARL y RENT AL-Furnlahed 6 181Jt •e us. Several lovelJ rm. boUN, MOO Coast HJ&hway. Phone Harbor 1992·J 98al apta. Abo bom~ ava1la.ble. .·._ P.~ro~.At'~ Yearly' Rental 833a Via !Jdo Rlll'bor !llOll CORON A DICL MAR fuml.lhecl nuc apt. 2 bedrma.. one with twin ---.,.,------,,....,-,--=-::-beds. Lovely view, 183 month. ·TWO BEDROOM FURN. APl'. Adults. Ph. Harbor QIOO.W af- ~ FriJli<laltt. Utll pd., $60 mo. to June 15th. 1046 W . Balboa Bl'Vd. -Phone Harbor 1270-W. 9Ttfc -.. ' • ter 3 p. m. -' . . , ___ ... _ ... _ ...... ..__. ______ -... -____ ... ____________ ----- 1c3 Today's Best Buy8 · in Corona del Mar. $9600 te1tm8 -new 1 bdrm gan.ge apt., '1dw-noon, l"' bath8, laun· dry trays, 2 car garage, R·2 lot. Room to buUd borne on trnt. Sl0,500. Small home on. choice 45 rt. comer lot. Garage with elll:tra aleeplng room attached A extra bath. Room to build home on front of lot. • $11,600. Euy Terms. Two unlU South of highway, roruitsting or 2 bdrm home, bwd. floors., fire- place, fioor fumacf'!. Also single apt .. furnished-plus garage. Today's Best Buy in Costa Mesa FHA Resale $10,800 -3 bdnns, hwd floors, large lot, 2-car garage, located on Flower 1treet near Irvine. Multiple Listing No. 1729 Earl Chamberlain 500 Coaat Blvd., Corona del Mar (Oppoaite Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 22.88 SEE IT ! ! BELIEVE IT I I . . EXTRA SPECIAL--5 B. R . home; furnished, within few feet of Bay. A aweU deai for large tam. ily. Owner s&':/• coat $20,000 In 1946. Needs a little ext. pliint. Well constructed. STEAL THJS at $14 ,900! BALBOA PENINSULA -Charm- ing 3 B. R. homt', patio, frpl., close to nice Bay bathing beach. Be sure to see this? Only $1 3,- 000. . OCEAN FRONT -A ORE.bf! Lvrgrm. with frpl., 2 nice bdrms., dinette, beau. kitch. Delightful use of wood paneUing a.nd colors. Redwood exterior. What a vtew'I! And what a wondt"rful place to live! Thia ls furnished at $15,· 000. Or buy It unfurnished at $14 ,000. SWEET & COZV ~ 2 B. R. almost new turnlshed cottage on the .. POINT". Cloae to Bay A: Ocean. ThJa wiU go quickly at $12.000. South Coast Realty ''Multiple Listing Realtors" 302 Main St., Balboa, Har. 2034 "Near Pavilion" 6'7-REAL ESTATE WANTED Small Home Wanted FROM OWNER. Have $2.000 C8.8h. Can make good monthly pay- ments. Phone JOHN MO'M'- RAM, Harbor 1500 days, Ht.r· bor 1442-R evenings. 98cl 61-REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Ocean Front Furnished Two bedrooms up, one bedroom down. 2 ~ bath~ouble gar., can be used as duplex. Will lake clean modem cruiser to $8000 a.s part payment. RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 Newport Blv., Nwpl. Beach PHONE HARBOR 402 98c99H 56-MONEY TO LOAN . . I • TREASlkE HUNT -I Call at our office for fin'iLl clues . concerning these 'outstanding properties BALBoA PENINSULA • 2 Bedroom with sun deck bayvlew ........ $13,500 • 3 B. R. two story ,sun deck ocean view $21,500 2 . . ) - Bedroom ocean Front : ·--·----------·----·-·--·-·-$26,500 4 Bedroom furnished, Ocean front ........ $40,000 CORONA DEL MAR 2 Bedroom, 200 ft.,to bay beach ............ $14,750 JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 0645 or 1607' I Sarah W. Newlin-James C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen McDonald BACK BAY RANCH BEAUTIFUL ALL REDWo<11:J RANCH HOUSE with unsurpaue<t view of bay. Separate gueat house ·and complete caretaker's 'quart.era. Over O acres, !.meed and crou~fenced. We oon1ider thia Qle ftnest ranch ln the back bay area. SHOWN BY APPOJ;NT?.IENT ONLY EXCLUSIVE USTING . STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Harbor 20 , (C) THOMAS FOR BALBOA BAY SHORE PROPERTIES AT MAIN GATE NEW 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOMES Now availabl~ with Bay View and deluxe feature&-5 % financing · AbSO FEW GOOD RiESALES -Priced from $12,500 to $25,000 CaU Beacon 57 48 days or Bea· con 5823-M eves. EARL STANLEY, Realtor 17th and COAST HIGHWAY, NEWP,ORT BEACH LOOKING FOR A GOOD BUY? WE HA VE MOST of the places listed for sale on Balboa Island and many other good buys in the suM"Ounding area. IT IS OJJR OBLIGATION to help you locate the place best suited to your requirements. May we show you around? No Obligation of Course. 312 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor Marine Ave, Balboa Island Harbor 2042 Newport Heights CHOICE BUYS 2 bdrm. home in the~ l~ation. OLD, Btrr what ~ to be had In 3 Yl'•· old .. hwd. noo#ira d~~ P!~, .5~t bonds paid, $4',s·50d, 1 ff~t : Ji1 Ji"'" ~~ . TOO ront home. . "\ r11 l 1 rch. &&ndy <1!12 95 ; .be c . ' cl . elghborbood. ~' • • 11 , t . 1WOU\d CQUl<{v SV"f,aller 'heme in -thi1 atta aa part. See thla soon New 3 bdrm Home .. baytront homes .,.. eelllng- tut. On Broadway. Ln Coata Meaa among other love.ly homea. Beat hwd. floors and excellent flniah work· . throu-out. A beautUUI home. $3,400 down on F .H.A .. $1,750· on G. I . $11,500 1' the Island BAYF !ONT O~ortunity I Two story.~ six bdrm house, with . t- I ' Newport ·Heights -Brand ,nevi 3 bdno. home on, beaufiful comer lot. Th1ll bome,haa-everytbing. Likeable floor plan, 1% bath, tiled atllU llbower, separate ·din room, fire- place, aelected hudwood, extra large 2-car PT· Protected patio. 5% finance on balance. See this now. Worth more than the ,askfug price of • • . $14,750 A PLEASURE TO SHOW :f>HIL SULLIVAN C. GALEN DENISON G. T .. EVERSON REALTOR 490 Newport Blvd, ·Costa Mesa Bea. 6243-W . Harbor 3157. W or Beacon 5458-J F. H. A. BUILT AND FINANCED PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $49 per month tPLU§ IMPOUNDS) VEI'ERANS FINANCING ALSO AV Alt.ABLE Before you buy -aee these new 3 bedroom HOMES with real fireplaces. H .W. floors, tiled kitchen & baths, huge cloeets, cove~ patlo·porches, wide lota (83 ft.), land~ scaped yards and many other dealrable f~atures. CHOICE OF SEVERAL PLANS AND ELEVATIONS Selling fast . . .. Select Yours N 0 W. ! MESA HOMES, Inc. NEWPORT BLVD. & 22nd ST,. ,COSTA MEsA R. W . PE'l*l'l1', Realtor Ph. Beacon 6597-W - • '.• playrbo"} and separate bath over the double garage. Large lot 50~------------------------. feet wld by 95 feet deep. There are man{ fine features to thb1 South B'tfronl loco.lion. Superb view. I I For detattatof acco~modations and price calt Hu~ Powera . . A., .~ARBOR 83 J. A. ~~EK OFFICE Balli>a !slant.I Ferry ~ 98cl ' $1i~OODOWN RANCH YLE, 2 bdrm, hWd., tp., furn-,.. ellar, completely .!urri. 3 yrs. o~. E&aUlde. Full price $8,r;OO. Ifala..nce like rent. $1,$oooowN TWO LOVJiLY 2 bdrm HOMES on large ea.$ side lot. Dbl. gar., 3 years oldl Priced at coat of one .home atJ $9,500. can get 112& per mo. 1"€nt . See thb today. - LOVELY HOME, with view . . . OF OCEAN, BEACH and BREAKERS ... 3 B. R. and large rumpus room, 2 1}2 baths. All carpeted waU to wall. Owner living out of town desires to seU quickly, , DON'T W ~T. Exclusive 'Ol<ith us. Priced at $28,500 ·, Another Lovely View· Home -- OVERLOOKING OCEAN, BEAClJ and BREAKERS 5 beano. and den, 3 ~ baths. A"rare buy. See this today. Easy terins PRICE T. McCUISTON Real~or CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. 503 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 47 -' CORONA DEL MAR Modern home of dl~tincUon ! Built 4 yn &&'O by Lloyd Wood for his own home, its dl(lllty and cha.rm are re· nected in every feature. Nestled against the hill on large site overlooking Corona del ~he ocean and Catalina ls~d. Walla of plate l'lass deslp.ed to brlng exotic tropical paUo Into every ~ .. Beautifully appointed kitchen ha.a ·disposal. fa.n, dlahviuher. car. ~ pet, drapea, cuet&m furniture included. Luxurloue pri- • vacy for th~ with di.8ert.minatlon. This exoluaJ:vf! dt(e~ J · '. Ing ls priced right. , I i ' Wi~d ... , I • •I~ PHONE HARBOR 882 FOR AP~MJ!:NT > \, TO SEE THIS UNUSUAL HOME! . 'STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor • lSl 1 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar I HOME & INCOME Peninsula Point Immaculate ·completely-fl.,1nliabed home, 2 yn. old, A·l conatruc· tion. 2 bdrma wtth twtn beda, tdeal tor perma'nent home or profitable rent.a.I. $13,900 with 1maU cub payment. lmmediatf' poaealon. WM. E. ANGOLD REA)'.. TOR t)l5 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. UJll..W 9tc2 G BDRM HOUSE, only f :Jn. old. Completely turn., near bay and exoe11. beach. Only u~.ooo. JCuy term• . ( ; • ' , I I 1· I I I • .. Judge Accepts Lady's Excuse The court f• convinced that s proepective juror was not just trying to gE't out or serving., A woman, Wiwse identity wa." not disclo8ed. who had been sum- moned for jury duty returned an afflda .. ·it of Inability tO serve be· caU8e of physical di8ability t c Pr.esldlng Judge Robert Gardner of Corona del Mar. Along with It :the Sl"nl a doctor'! statement that BhB is auffcrinµ from corona ry thrombosis. Thal wu not unusual. but the affada vit had orte more item of evidence- & photestatic copy of a complete electricardlograph r~ord of thf patient. Without evCn taking the photo.- State to a doctor for interpret&· )!on. JudgC Gudner ruled the lady ""1uJd be excused for ''good 1lhd sufficient rea.sons." · •Source: Survival Who to Contact for ·C ivil Defense Work Atomic Attack, ofricial Cov't booklet. Under u. s. • • Any rntdent or Newport Har- bor "'IMhlnl' to take. part ln the ~vt>r-r-owtnC' clvll deferuie pro- cram abould contact Newport Ha.rbor Cl\•ll Oefeose Director .lotm Sallors or the deputy dl· nctor, C.rl 11u-.. at the city b&D, phone Harbor SlSI, be- h\.·een the boun of I a. m. and 5 p. nL Maim Street :!SD LARGEST COSC,'RETE UA~f Shasta Dam, lhirle<'n n1i1es north of Redding In Shasta coun- ty, Is rt'ported by th(' National Automobile c~ub to l)(' the !tt-concl Jargel!lt concrete dam in lh<' world . It is five hundred and sixty'"feet high, three thousand five hundrt>r:t feet long, and five hundred and eighty feet wldt> at the base. . by Ra lph Stein ......,"' E: ooc;roR 6'11110 HUMOR. HIM +IE' ~~T ~ He LOST /o, ~AGE WITH A 1'RIJCX A'f UM AN1> "Fll"Of • • i'. . • MESA FLIER IS ~ADE BOSTONIAN BY MAIL ~{Arine Lt. Col. £<tward Menden- tlall. who livea at 496 E. '49tb St., Costa Mesa., can now bout of .beln~ an "honorary Bostonian." The colont!I Ls commanding of· t leer of a Boslon Rc!aerve 9quacl· ron acttvale<I la.al ~plember and now trainin5r at El Toro Martne Corps Air-trta.tton. At the ur-gtng: of one or the men. Lt, J<>Rph H. Strain. complained to Mayor John H. Byntt1 of Boeton that It "just wUn't right" for-th(' oommandinjl" officer not lo be a Bo:1ton man. A8a rmult. the m&yor answered ' • • I f l - ' L