HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-01 - Newport Balboa News Times.. • • A LEADISG CONTENDER ln t.hr big: Nf"wport.·E.w6enada )'Mf"ht race Thunday will be Bob l\1llk.or':ot 66-fool 81oup, W E'tit \\·ord "·hh·h \\·on thf-Ne\\·port Harbor YIU!ht Cluh'"' flnit Ship fU>e k Ra.f't' ~April 22. "'ntward "·111 <'OffiJk'lf' in thr Lon~ l>i~ten<:4!• Ka<-ing H :Jl~·s. rlas..~. Scr.-l<"h bo"t In the ShJp Rock MM.'f', i\11111•r's )'ll<'ht '4·a~ rln1t to fi.11.bJl and \\'Qd ("l&M A f'lapsr<:I flmf" \Vln~f'r. I BC'ckner Ph"bto > ~BOARD PLANS LAUNCHING RAMP AT NEW C. G. DOCK • •• Quick artion on a small boat,....-----~--------­ la.unch ing ramp for th(' Corona clE-1 1'-tar area has bf•l•n taken folloY.ri ng a protest to Newport Bea ch c1t.v councilmen last week regard ing the a bandonment or the Carnation A venuf' ratnp, S upervisor Heinz Ka18f'r tol<I t hf' Corona del Ma r Civic Association al a m eeting Thursday nigh t at the g ramma r school. Kais(•r explained lhat a r:.1_mp has bee.n inc:I Udl.'d in the p:ans fn1 the new CoaSt G uard d ock and p :o- poscd Harbormaate r ..;;tatibn near the Balboa Yacht CJub, Officials will be on duty at the s tation . 24 .hOUT8 a day and wlJJ be able to conQ:ol..U., DOIM,..,,,.· nating from fisherft\(n 11ihilng" the facilities early ln the moming, Kalser r xp lained. A $2500 lt<'m in t he budget waa set for tht> ra.n1p at a n1e(•\1ng of lhc county harbor con1mi.1islon Tt1r !!day. Kai· ser told th£' galh<'rinb . The Cle live ry of steel siding, t x-_ p.·ctt•d in J une, is the only ca use of delay in tht· projPc.:l, Ute super- v lf:Q.Ts t')tplaint•d, add ing t hat as snc.n a s the str€'l a rrive" the-wo rk w ill u1r1cectJ. Two hu1ulret.1 ff'el ot t he ·100 fe<'l of bay fron ta ge ·"'·:Jt b<! used U,y th e Coast Guard and har- bor <lLpa"r tmcnt, le-avh1g the bal- ant·t.• of r><XJ fct>t le r the boa t taunt:!1mg ram p o r olh~"'r U~3. Plan Ordln&n<'e An ordinance is being worked out to limit the drtJltng ·of o il w ells in the coa s t.al area south fron1 Newport Beach. It will have tY.·o public hearings before the county planning commla&lon and o ne befor e the board of supervla- ( Contlnurd on Pa~e 6) _, San Quentin Term for Bunco Ar tist Sf'lt-stylC'd "captain " Harry c. Wilson. 45, who was convicted o f four counts o f mulcting aln1ost $6000 from two Nt'w port Bea ch sportfisherme n on a war surplus dea l. IH enroute toda y lo San Quen· tin Prison under ff ur sentences. Lut Thursday Superior Judge Kenneth E. MorrOOn, who sent- en ced ... Wil8on ·to ptblon, order~ concurrl'nt te rms or from l to 10 y ears on each conviction of grand theft. Geor~e A. KarJ and Everett Karr, of Balboa. the latte r a for· m er Los Ang<'les policf' officer, are partners. In a fis hing boat venture 1n the harbor anct l C'Slified that thf'Y g;tve Wilson all tht'i r ·ready cas h. and somt' t hey borrowl:"(I. on hiit allegetl promises to buy Navy surplus craft al San Francisco Bay. ,. Their s to ry was that Wilson was lo rent nne c raft to th<' n1o vif's fo r a fabulous fee, so the pair w ould get back their lnvcetm('nt in the war surplus 'A'hich WiOOn usertedly claimed ht: could puf- ch a.ae through a m_ys~erious "Ma- jor Sharpe." It d eveloped thal Sharpe was an a cquaintance o f Wilson but was not In on the deal and knew noth- ing of the plans to ge t the boats out of J.tayberry Slough near San Franci&eo. -.. -, . ., 1 • EM'-'· llPllblo tl&itt At -n •wrtcmi • ...,.. ..... ,__. ......... Puww, .,...,...... .. I" ••• ca Vn11•·-.U. ,t -prlnp .... traw.t 1M1mU , ....... Crr 1tr fe l~ ...... ----.-•Utp. A'·s -te ·· tlielr ... ,,.,. wera ...,_ en' aN ... _... "'1 Jira. O:eHet -~-..................... ____ _ --lllll..... l (N-Tlm• l'tloto).-• . ' ·NEWPORT· • 'BALBOA· . ' ' • • • 43rd YEAR-,--NUMBER 18 • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY. MAY l , 1951 ' FIVE CENTS STORM, 50-MILE WINDS LASH CITY; BOATS TAKE BEATING W ind gusts up to Ml miles ~r O>---------~-----------------------------~-----~-----------­ hour an11 ragjrrg .!!le&H nver the werk enfl turnrd over the LCI fish- ing barge anchored oCf Huntlng- •un Ot>ach and J>O!l8ibly caused th .. d!'sl h o f the barJ:C kl:Pper : kf'pt the loc:\J ~porlfi8hl ng bosl'i from ~oi n g out Sunday, and ra l~ gcn- e r11I h».vcw·. r·oast Guard at !'o"t:wpor t Harbor W 8.."i ('all"CI out Sunday to aid thr H l\ntlnj.:lo n Beac h barge, but could only mKke thrPe knots against !hr wind. The Coaat Guard arrlvt..-0 off IltintinA"ton Bea ch t\l noon Sun- day bul thr barge thlC'rC had turned t.u rUr "cvc !"a l houra prt>viously. Out> lo the rou~h St'lll8 lht' Coast r.11ard was unable l o n1akc " lhoro4 gh invrN t\gstlon o f th e ba rgr 's ovf'rlurning, a"d at In.test rt:'ports, l hr burge kcl'p('r, Wade J . Showulte r. Is stlll n1\IJ!ling. How- ever, It ls bclit'Vf'd that the barge o vf'rturncd bec ause It was an- chnr('(l a l both f'nda and the wind an1l wavrs caused It t o overturn sldc~:a ys. Coas t Guard craft and a hPltroplf'r circ led the a.rca for scvr ra l hours but saw no signs of lift'. Sa t urday n iE:ht. th.-. CoMt Guarrl rcspondetl lo frantic lantern sig- nals fron1 the ball barge lwo J lma, GIRL RP'..SCUEll THlS WAS THE SCENE at the start of the 1950 Ne,~-port to EnJWDBda )'&cht racf.. \\"hf"ll IM )'&ehla IPft Ne"'port "larbor'11 noon whm 136 boats bfo«ln "'orld'ti larpttt yacht race. tbe O\"t-r-nlght, J-lO mile haul of the 1 MACOil~Co: TO BOTTOM 2 WEtLS 11 cirv LIMITS ;\-f•·r•-.1.l'th Sa,·ace. 18, or San 84--rnartllno, '4'88 pulled rrom a rlpUdP nPar ttw-Srwport P\rr ll t I '! :2:5 p. m. Saturday by !\°f'w· llort Bt·ach llf.-p&ard Oa\·~ El· llott. Th.., yotllll' rtrl MUffrrt'd from rxhaus.tlon and \\'&• c blllt"d dut' lo rxpo~M" to tht> cold watf"r. Shf' was t'1'1M'.Uf'd afte r It \\·a." notk'f"4t rrom the plf'r that 8ht'i " .. " ln net"d of u•t11t.ance.. Two n'w oil Y.1e\ls will soon be .~-----------------~---~---'----c·-------------- . I ~:,~:;:;~ ;.;~~~n ::,~0~~gli:~;~0~~ Oft1·c·1al · Ensenada Race Entry L"1s.t · anchor<'d o ff Newport Beach , and ization of the O rang t' County plan~ ~~:r;~~l.h:~lt~:c~~:~:g h:.<!.s ~~~I :!~c;~m~~;~~:1 ·~~i~~~ :=rdt~~ , Co mplet e o rricial entry list for the fourth an(lua.I Ncwporl:.En-der control when they arrived al T · the barge. .supe-rvisors uesday. senada race UI printed below. Included a.re 66 Long Dlistance Racing At 3 a. Ip. 8 Oout The ;ommlaslon ap'!roved ... the ~U}e.tt c1!-...,..entrles "119 !O A.rbltr_ag clw eotrt~. Smallesl boat ta the G ard m ~.:C-U-t kl te4w9t of" the Macutt 8otp. fw-... fQo1. ..(uaa owned bY 'Charle!' Miittn of PaCrnc PaJisilt16. Urgeat _;.... u " en &.n a ca or a Aupervlsors to g rant a use variance City Welcomes Race Entrants from the barge OlxJ• off San Cle-1 t U both t •-la t ('raft 115 the the 107-root Gloria Dalton. tik.ippcred by 0 . L . Dahl or Newport Ocean Salling Assocla-or wo we a, o ucsn • BEGIN l~MILE • RACE AT NOON FROM JETTY One blllldftrd tlalrtJ..SX entriH la th aaaual 140-m~ Ne\1\-port- Eueaada ln&e:matlonal Yac:.bt llaC<' apln .... bl'ok ...... ,...,. ord 1l8t of yaehta for tlw fowtb eonMCUtl\·e year acconn.1 to Cliff Cbapman. jEellf!ral coroml.C- t... cbalmlb of I.be Newport 0..... 8alll.og Aaooclattoa. • .,.,,.. sor aad ortctnator of t M '""°"· The Ne~-E.uenacla ~'-ent I• the "Wo·ortd's .. larcest ou.:an. ..Wn« ""·mt and wlth lt. spectacnlat lbt of f'ntrlN ls UMted M tbe mos& popular ·event locally. Boats reptesentlng the Yacht Clubs of Japan, CanaJ Zone, San P'ranci8Co, and Seattle are tallied among lhE' 136 enlrants that have ~l('ared f<'r the race. M ore than 2000 persons, crew members and fami lies, are already In Newport Beach completing arrangements for the gra.nd event which will start at 12:00 noon POLS time. Thursday, May 3. Upon an-lval in Enae1J_ada, BC, the finishing yachts wtll~ greet~ ed by merrymaking Mt·xtcans cele- brating their natlC1nal holiday "Cinco de Mayo." A U. S . Navy destroyer will pick up &.he landing yacht°'as lt puses San Diego and h1 achedull'd to precede the yacht in to Ensenada Harbor where the warcraft will lie at anchor and hold open house fOr both M exlca.Q and Americans enjoying the boe- pit.allty of lhe-1t0Uthern city. Wiii Ylnbh Frlda1 It is presun1ed the first finishing yacht will arrive sometime l'~riday a . m . May 4. On that evenln~ will be ob!ierved in Ensenapa a "Noc.he Mexlcana:· fcsUve occasion similar to our folk dance sessions at coun- try, fair~. The event will be in Hidalgo Square. ereeent.atlon cere- monif>s to the winne rs of their awards will be Saturday, May 5 when the Pre&identlal, Guberna- torial and Mayor·s trophies will be officially pre8f>ntcd in Ensr.nada Park. The Fourteenth Battalion M ilitary Band of the Mexican Army &nd the 70 p iece U . S . Naval Training Station Band from San Diego will render a pre-presenta- tion concert. The presentation ceremony Will be followed by the President's Ball at the R iviera Del Pacifico H otel, Enaenad&. Entert.&ilunent will be provided dlrect from Mexico Clty. P'Lrat.. ,yacht to flaldt. laat year --·..: (Ooiom."116a-on Pac• a> mr nte but foun~ that It had gone drilled from tht.' t op of the Coala Long Beach. .lion, or iginators and ~ponsors, will iuhore. According to• spokesman MeA bluff oppo8itc \Ve,t N'ew-WNG DISTANCE RACING RULES be hoHt to 144 skippe rs and crews. for the Co~t Guard, "We werf' port~ 57lh St., undt'r Coas t High-Kaci! of the Fourth Annual Newport luc~y :o llCt' Newport Beach our-way and into Bannln~ prop<'rly re-:So. Y1M'ht 1\"amt: · Rtr; J.,.ni:;th Owner Harbor to EnS('nada International St'l es, w ith all of that rough cently annex ed to the city or NeW-C-32·2 ...... Alta n1ar Sloop 46.44 . ..D. Do uglas. Jr. be held at the Balboa Bay Club, weathe r." port Beac h. . N-15 ' ........ Top11z .. . C 11ltt>r 154 ' , . G. ( •. Carrington Yac ht Ra<."C, at 8 d innf'r dance on Harhor J:~p\. BuA.V A reprciret\tatiVl' o! the Macnll 174 ............ Ca.vu Ke~h 40· -· Homer Laughlin \Vedn(•sday nlj!ht, May 2nd. Thf' Harbor d f'partment also had a Corp. told t he Nl'W!'l-Timel'I today 8 ... Jasado ··· ~~~ !::4 ·Dr. Donald Spiers In addition t o the &a iling fratcr-k l d N -6 ... Odyime,v .,<> , Mr~. H . G. Stef'le rough t1 n1e or It, with about 30 that wor on one well 11 a rca y ~8 .............. ' . ."Apache .. Sloop 72_61 . Phyllis E. Brunson _nity and their 1adit's many offic ial call11 reported over the \.\'ttk end underway and the S<'Cond w ill 6 ._ _ .. Atorra.nte ..... Sloop 46' _ .... Ian Murray and ho nored gursls will be present of boats nee-ding aaal!1lance and start in a frw da ya. They w ill both 15 _ .... ~iara _ Sloop 32.06... -· U. C. &. Barney H u ber to rece iv,. a w elcome from Mayor boats adrift. A Snipe b<'l onging lo be boltonll'd al ~00 ft•ct and wlll be 12 ............. Ballerina ....... Sloop 46' ... , -·. : .. E . G. Gould Lester Isbell. Captain and Mr&. Paul Han1llton. Ba.J boa Yacht Club. about 25 feet apart. A portable R-8 · ... Debra ................ S loop 39.8 .. Dr. Chester 0 . Nugent AcuU, USN, chief of staff of~ the at 2 :30 p. m. Sun day after a col-drilling rig w ill be WK'd and wlU be K·38#~ .... Nepenthe· ····-·-...... Sloop 38.20 ........... .Dr. Henry Randel 11th Naval DU!tric t , rep r es enting lision w ith the auxiliary c raft removed afte r completion of the PCC#O .... t\ntlgua ................ S loop 46'4 · ·· · ........ Harold C. Ramsl"r lhe President of the United States; Philadelphia, sustained a broken well.I!. ~ ................ Gallant · · ......... S. Sch 64 ·40······· ......... ,}{. 8 · Wyeth, Jr. Captain and MrtS. John Trebes, j "b rl bl Ctt Alt H Blod tt 1 ......•..... u. s. s. Saluda .... Yawl 88' ··········-·-·····--········-·u.1. s. NaV}" th 11th u 1 an ca ('. y ..ti orney arry 1 ge ............ Flying Scotchman ... SI 3!\' , ... . ... ·-.... Portu H. Sinclair USCG, commander of e / ReporlJ! Wt>rc also received by said t he Vfl company cou d legally K38#4 ...... '=>uchess ........... -.. Stoop 38• --··· ...... Dr. Jn. M.~ Rumsey s. Coast Guard District and of- th£' Harbor d£'partment of two wh lpstock unde r lhe c ity without 290 .........•.... Sea WitCh ............ Ketch 31'\'9 .1 ••••••• A. L. McCormich fl cials of the NOSA will be in at- boats going aground Sunday tM'· first obtaining tht> city's permh1-52 ............. Varya ........... Sloop J8J~7 ............ Geo. c . J Pssop tendance . tween Crystal Cove and Corona alon if the w ell did not go yndf'r 16 ·· .. Lark ..................... Sloop 46 '4 ..... --····:-.. Gari T . Long Many dijit)litarl£'s from south of d el Mar. Because of heavy seas city owned property and tr1 this PCC#6 ·· Kitten .................... Sloop 47' ... ·-·· ..... Frederick W. Lyon th~ border 1,vill be guests of race the Harbor De pt. could not offer case It will not a11 only Banning X-4 ····· ..... Jada ···· S. Sc h 56" ......•..... IMbelle --Belyea officials, idcludi n~ Consul General assistance. land will be errectcd. 21 ···-· ·Skylark .................. Y'awl 03' · ······ .... oa,..ald B: Ayres Salvador Duhart 'M .; Gen eral and N ewport Bt'ach police received MacoU Corp. has dolled the 11 ······ ....... Silx>ney ··-.............. Sloop . 44 '3 ......... ·······-.Fred W . Logan Mrs. Carlos Reyes Aviles, com-i 73 ............. Andiamo .............. Cutter 40"6 .............. _Norton R. Miller rt>por~ or wind damage in the Bann ng property on top of the 834 ............ C(>ronado ......... C,utter {2' . ·-·······:~-··Robt. c. Herrmann mandante of the second milltar)' local ar<'a . At 2 :40 p. m . Sunday bluff with wells all drilled str~ght Ql2 ............ Stella Jrj arls .. _ .... SIOQp 40.4 .................... Robt. L . Forkner zone of Mexico ; .Mayor and Mrs . the glaS8 door of Lea Ketch~m . down but this ill the first of their K38-1 -...... 'Pomboy ................ Sloop 38' .................. Paul Kettenburg Emesto Zenteno of En.senada.~ R ealtors, 910 Coast Highway, Co-w e lls to be whipistocked acrOS3 the PCC#l .... :.Eulalie .................. Sloop f6'6 .............. Geo Kette-nburg, Jr. President a'nd Mrs. Guillermo Bote- \Contln.ued on Pace 2) highway. J ergi.ns 011 Co. at the IC·4 ·· -.... Plelades ................ Sloop 44 '3 ................. C. F . Landers son of t he comm ittee in Easenada: bottom of the blurr Is currently K-38# 10 .. Nova ···· ................ Sloop 38' ...... Walter T. Whltn~y Mr. and M'rs. Rlc haTd Hernandez; Building Code Change Asked working on il3 third well, all slant 38 ...... ··· .. ~Medley ................ S . Sch 38'3 ·-········ ······ Dean Hartel ·Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tavarez~ Lie. drilled unde r the highway wlthln G 4 ····· ...... Tamalmar -···-·· S . Sch. 57'6 · -·····-····· Jn. J . Swigart and Mr8. Rivas Cordoba and Mr. 10-3 ...... Hiiaria ........... Cutter M 10 ....... -······.Ken. P . Schniir:lt f t he city limit@ and bottomed un-N · 10 ........ .Soliloquy ............ Cutter A1> 98 .............. Wct:ilcy O. Sm.Ith Este ban Skut.sch, all members o dcr Pacific Electric Land near 58th 81 -· .......... <:;pa rkle ................. Sloop 39'6 ........................ Alex Irvin~ lhe yachting committee. St. Negoliatlbns for community 10·7 ........... "lra.n tfl ....... -·-····Cutter t'i8'1fl . 1 ..•• ~Dr. o . w . Barber Dr. Salvatore Mo naco, en ter- lea.aes in the affected arf'& seem 60 ............. ~vcning Star ...... Yawl 154 33 .. Chas. H . Sf'hin:JPff tainmcnt chairman and .fTl&Sler of to be evenly divided fo r and :l -·· ........ <;;eJene .................... Sloop 46 ' -···-·-· ........ Ed. N . Valle ceremonies for th£' festive occafk 1 against the appearance o f the" oil CC 37 ...... Primavera L ........... S1oop 37·4 -····-····---·-· .. PA.ul H url'lt lo.n v.•1 11 have the chi~ decorated ' Nt>wport Harbor Bo a rd of wells. 6 ·· ··Scandia .................. Sloop 38' · -·· .H. C. Erick son and music in keeping with the R ealto r11 held their WKkly break-DrllUns {,'u rb Seen 17 ... CarolS\ · ···--····· .Yawl 41 ' · M rs. Patrick R yRn 1tfex lca11 holiday, Cinco De Mayo. fast meeting at the Balboa Bay R2t-30 -· .. .'..ancer ······ ............. Sloop .e rr ....... L. J . Whitnev. Jr. club Thursday and at the meeting sa!f'~u~0i:;!;k ~:lni~ge ~=~~!:: i 7 ··::::::::::::~~n~~~···.::::::;::~!~h ~~:93 ...... ·_:::::;:~: ~~.rl~~ ~~i1;;1i~~ a suggestion wu made thal the sion's ~ cbairma.n, Charles Digga; Y-3 .......... Staghoun d ............ Ketch 3A'2 ............. rra p _ Fulmor board .suggeBt to the City Council favors keeping oil drilling b&.fk ot 99 ............. Faitweather .......... Yiiwl 62."83 .......... _ ........... _.Fred J . Nlen that the building code be amended the hills and out of sight or the K38·8 ........ Teeyal : ................. g1oop 3R.2 ............. : .... Howarrl B. 1..ewis lo bring It more up to date. coa.t. · A new ordinance Is in the K·38#9 .... ri11"te,. ................ Sloop 3R.15 ......... ······-···-··.Robert Sumpf It was &tated the present re. a.kl h t ed t 1 ti 11 ~2 ............ -White Cloud ...... Ct1tter SO' ·-·······-··---·-····David Barcla-v qulrement that electric wiring be m ng, e (~a~un'U:so~ cp::e ~) 77 .............. ChlriquJ ·-····--··--·-··Ketch &n'lO ..................... Tucker McClure enclOAed In rigid conduit in an ab-811 .............. Dolphin .... , ........... Cutter 4R' ····-··-···---··-·Albert E-Hansen kolete rule, 18 not required et..e· Revoke Probaf1"on •,s, ······-·······~es,twa.rd Ho ...... ss1,oop 36' ....................... .Mar~ H u lsf!YUl ................. an ey .................... oop 46'8 ·-········-··-·D· D. Wilflam~ .. Tr. where a.nd IA costln1 the home 23 .............. Westward ............ Sloop ff&' --·····-··--·---~ ...•.... R. S . Miller "No new developments." was No Developments· • in ·Arson Case · ' < I ALL EYES wt.II be os tbe U. S. Navy's bup 81-foot yawl Saluda durtac the Eoraa.da. R a c e Tlllll'Oday and Friday to -If tbe ftrst~to.-ftnlAll boat of lallt ~ ytJaf"a Nee ean repeal. With ls.5 · other top noldt .... boata com- petlilc 1t wt11 1>e a tousti )ob for the N&\']' cre-w. • builder rrcm $100 to $.100 extra of Do;'+ Susped Ba.yadere ...... : ......... Yawl 51'4 ·····-··-···---···J a.B. H . Nicholson t he word from Fire I ns pector Phil op each house built. whereas a Trudy II ...•......•... Rloop .......... ..Edmund s . Chapman llaydcn conce rning lhe tbx.ee re· H Id H--S home builder can crou 15Ui 1treel 4 ............... .Mickey · ····--·····--.Sloop 46' _ ................ La\Vf'Cnce A. Barr cent fires on Abalone Ave .• Ba.I-0 SUJ"lftCJ into the county and aaVe thla Paul Edward Flowers. 21, ot Or-57 ............. .Mona ······---~ ........... Ketch lfi' ·····--··-······-······-··-W · D. Vogel boa I sland believed to be t he w9rk 1• M I • Case amount. a.nge had probat.ion revoked on a Bagatelle , ............. Sloop ,.4. . ................ W ilfred ' Zins meye.r of an arsonMst. ,. ID ora s . Also the rcqul.tement that only charge of posseuion of marlju·ana Golden Bird , ......... Yawl 44' ··-····---··-·--····--··D-W. Der.l<Pr Hayden said th.at an in.veatlgator • ca.st Iron acwer drain p'pe from in Supertor Court Friday. He had ~g8 ·---····-·~mi ····---····--·····-5Y1awr ... 4 4°6: -·--··-····---Dr. ~W 1 ha F.T •. Hall rroin the National Board of Yire Prclimtnar)' hearing of Robert h been &rruted in Corona del Mar -----------ero ······-··---·---·· oop .. ....\.. ...... _, ____ ,..... "teT l'"ll:n"•" Und Jte h bee iLIJed ln "'-~ 19 t 152 Menill, the ouse to the matn eewer line t -·-·-·-·-·---Gayle ---··-····--··--··Rtoop 44.' ................ --....... ¥-• P . Smith erw~ re as n c . Eugen e e • , o to la unneceasary and add1 to the April 13 and accused by Newport 18 ·····--··-·--"'roUc ....... -.. .'.: ...... 810op 44• • ······--···---···-··-·--···AndY K irk on th~ cue. PL, Costa Mea, on a lrlatu ry coat of construct.km, n wu •tat-Beach police of havtQ,& forged nar· 17 ..•.....•.. --Breakahe&rt .: ...... Sloop 44• --·-··-·--·--·-: ..... _. __ .J. o . fWl.U To dale the only" clue unearthe<\_ rape charge wu .cbeduted for e(1 that contracton and ucb.ttecta coUc11 preacrtptJona. ltS ---·----..Fourwlnc'I ..... ..schooner GO' ·---·-.'.:.---··--·····-···-Cul Heinz has been the tac~ that· a il three Monjiay att.er:poon In Newpo~ have been consulted and woukl be Superlor Judge Raymond 'l,'bomp. 1 ARBITRARY C1As8 firf'.S were started with matchea. • "Beach Tow,n.ihlp Court. tn favor of the cha:ap. ao~ tound. hlm to have y'lolated 1 tr. • ~ , The latest tlre .occur~ Thuris-A.waiting c<J9SideraUon b7 ,hlv-& .Tbe board w-.a ~lded to uk probation which wu granted him --··--'Y'P9Y Clipper ...•.. -8c.b. '-3'7 . .::. ..... ~·-·-Vernon T . Kelley day at 206-Abalone Ave., Balboa nlle authorlt.ia Tbund&y af'e four a ttp.....,tau"" of llle cont.rac-Jut Nov 24 89 -.. -....... R&mp&nt ·-.... -.... Bloop 311.ao.:_,., .. _____ ..s. R. Tolhunt !•land. In a home o""""" b7 K. R. , co-d•feod&n .. &llqed;to i..n been lead · · · hJ 1 .... OS 18 ··----Kukr1 n -·-·····---CUtt.et' 28' ..... St~·JeaneUe o . Bafrd Swift or Loi Ani:ete;·;;;. reaulted involv~ ID mo~ otfe~ wltb tors auoc:J&Uon to a.t an early At ·that lime ~e court r I".,,., 9 ····--·-··_j(fecbM!,YOWS ·-·--·-Yawl w ----··-·--.Dr; Gen. R. Obara . . Lon Beach -'•LI. meellnir and ......... In. detail Jl'low•rs probation for 10 Y'IUI on IK .. --.. -..Clood Nine _:_ ___ .. ,Yawl o•t-J ____ MurleJ IL GenUd Kini(, m approximately '200 dam&geo. two 14-year-<>ld C •~ I what benefit WOUill ..,,.. tnim condll.lon he c:Omnut lllaultlt ~§1. 21 --·--·'n'Uo Wlada __ .. Ketcb 31 '9 ___ !:_.Funuin ll PbJppi T!ie bouoe waa unoccupied and In-, · 'l'!lree 14-yeu-old 1:?..fi• ..,. llll<b cb&DP. ;:; • ~to a atete • rw t.r0at 21li -.. --lame Belle :-·-·lllQop llO" ~-~· .,:~~ohn_,11'.:KJmble •eSuP!C>n found evt-. that ,cwied ~f'.ltatutory off In the" 4-eot -made -~ lt\ect u a <tnqr Qourt JalO•d Bini II :_s1oop1 28' -~ .. W\lllam W. -r ....,,f!<>De lw1 l1>r1>ken ·"Into the &ft.erm&th of & .. rlea of Patu.. In ·the hnn Lando tn.uhata ---~ N.......,. ~.Ketch 311; ,.... · .. ?'-v~ boaoe. , I ·· . . th• N,..port B&rl>or ~ Two. en -bcild • _ .... ai. -ta -U1e N_..,..._ 'liazt I ~IQ' ~-,--8Jl!oP U t * "-•~--·-----~.Jlollii Ort Aprll L1 a $3000 fire bumed )'O<!llur are In euotody; °"" '19..yeu-Ana. -.,. I. Br>!a-wUI bo ot. I Alld Ulolt bo W aot ._-!Al ., ..,.---~-.lhJlilad ~~-~ot4 'Ill.. •-__ .11any, L BlodPtt the -up1.~ Of And.-·old boy. -tlle t-LoQr' Beocll 7•80 • --~-~•~'-I ~ ~~"= ~ --•·eze• 11 .. _, .. , ,.., -_ __._ lll' _._,.,_. _ _Jofm .. Bl C.1~ n--o( a.... at :aoT Ab& .:.;.:i: bin. ~ -1MW lo tJlelr . --~ -,..._,_, ~~-. ...... , • Aini.a ·Luda IJ . .:.Jll\!Op ilO' -~--~ OoUld "" ~ ~-~ 0 • 5'"" ...... ~-pu at l:IO &.&. 4 • P\ 1,ttlne oHlc'rb eaicl -= Ill ~--Moel 1 w --~ I llJ• -.;,.-.,.___~ ~ lone Aft. and ~ ~ %:l .. dire ~t.'"'11;::--~eourt ~ TIM ,.,,,,.. -218 adr ;rr -....,ital ~ -. u . -.L.-!Pal-. llkMiP w _ _._ ___ ...,o, Bl!iDo7 -ca.-~=a wallot a , on.. 17-• Nild ~.:;,::;:: rop..-t&ttre of'_. ~-1...,••• bo-.iMd '""..:= ~ ' ~-.. • ·,Slo!IP ,tl"clci _____ ~.l.tlo ~-·at_-A 4"'.--nlle ll&ll. JMliDI' a .,.,,., -Uoa-."' alt to bo ~ "'::,. ,,._. . 1 · ~ . .. ,, . (0 !. t •• -.... I)~-~ ~('W. . I., ' -I ~ "!'~~· . •' "j " 1. I . I ' . . .. • , ,...~--.-~-,,~-~-----·-·~·-·-·--·-·-·-·----------~---"'"···--·· ·------·-------..-----.--.. -;-----·--·~~~'i;'::::11~~.·;~--~--,...__._----------..---..--.. ---.. I ' . <l •, •• • .. -. ' j ' ..... ' .· ... ,- NEWPQIT-IAI IOA NEwS.11ME$ • • -KRS.-wtNTFRED BARBRE, Society Editor .....-..·~-~~-·-""'"'"'"'~""""'""~-..-.-........ ~ ...... ,,...,.~., Guard Wives . Form Auxiliary Mrs. C. F. Landers Hostess to DAR • ' • Newly formed auxlUary group 'Fb~ fourth Wedne2Ktay of the -. ron1posed or \1rivcs and pa.rents ot months findis Newport Harbor Or..tn ge County'J11 former NationaJ DAR Col. William Cabell Chapter Guardsmt.>n now st!l.tioncd somE'-meeting in hDmes of member s. \O.·bi're 1n Japan with the 401.h April 25 at 2 p.m. was no excep- OivL'fiOn. met la.~t week 4n the lion when Mrs. C. F . Landers, C<.o m1nunity Ce.ntrr, Santa AnA. 819 Bay avenue. Balboa. was hoat- v.·ith t.trs. Carl J . Mille r, acting eu foe the day, asallted by Mra. A 00\'NER BV th~ ''boa.."·" O. \\'. "Dick" Rfcbard si'\"f'tt at Balboa Ba)' chJb. honortd c hair1nan. F. I. Morna and M rs. W. E . Blinn. Sel('Ctton of o fficers was held and OpeDtng the rn~ttn.g the regent, trophy 'wtu.&ac lady's Bowllng: Team of Richard'" Udo llarkf't on ~)'. Ap'11 14. Sbowa be re, h'Om iert: Team Captaltl MadeJ(~ftl! T•ylor, Durot-,. Nf'11'-man. Grace Spella. Lenta Culollto aad \' .. ult.a. HlfrtM. (Beckner Photo) the follo'4·ing were named: Mn. Mn. Charles Boardman, call~ Earle \\'eddle. president: Mrs. Mil-upon the chaplain, Mrs. J esse le r, vice president: M'r.s. Willia m Wolfe to gtve the !!piritual reading r~. Faulkne r. seert:lory -treasurer followed by the prayer. flag sa- Rn<I publicity : Mrs. r\c·al ~rck, as-lute a.nd Creed. A short buslnesa sistant publicity; ~trs._ C. R . Guir-period followed r eading of th e binu. hostess. minutes by Mn!!. H . P . Yarnell and Next meeting or the auxiliary the treuurer's report by Mr11. v.•iJI be \Vednesday, ?o.iay 3, 8 p. m. Lander& in Mrs. James Wt>b.!lter's at the Comniunity C 1•nter. 1108 W . absence. Chapter by-laws were Slh St., Santa Ana. All wivt>S and read and di13icussed. Comment was par•·nL<i or lht' CIJUnty's Guards-. ma.de on the speech or Gener~l 1n1 ·n are invito>J r•u rpose of thl! Mac.Arthur and Mrs. Mac Arthur s g ruup is Lu bu1hJ up tht' n1ora.le of tal.kl ln ':he ea.st before the D.~R t h1• nu·n in Sf'rVl<"f' and the ir loved orpniutJOn. Storm, Winds (('ontlnurd from rai;:-t" I ) rona clf'I Mar ~·o.!'I b loi .. vn in by the wind. Al 10:15 a . n1 Suntlay, the v.·111~1 bh·w uul lh,. n•)rthwest slde oifJn r of Ail A1n 1·r11;an Market in C'urona df'I &1al'. Thto· pol1l·e alS41 rl'C"civC>d reports •lf t h<'" tri.r pap1·r r1;i-1i at 4711 Sea - sho r~ D r., \.\"1 •st Nl•wport being lJluwn away by th1• ~·ind. ·rh1·re v.·t>rt· n<> tto·po rt..a to the Ni·...,·port Bt·at·h -f1rL· department cnncerning the .<!torn1. However , Saturday's raL.Ilfall was recorded as 30 inl'h \1.-'hi<'h bro ught the sea- sun's lolal ra infall to date to 8.19 inc·he.<i. Las t yi:ar at lhe time, the rain fall ~·as rf'CO r<.led as 8.93 In. ArJd it ionally. the v.·ind created extra work fur the street depart- n1t-n t who.st' cn1ployce.s were kept busy clearing Lhi' ocean front strt'"cts of sand blov.·n up from the bt·ache.s... t"'.XC'El.LF..XCJ<.: In 1 · PlfOl-liiiTERV • • • KIMMONS Cu: tom 415 E. Fu1,,ih1r•. D••~1i•'· C1,1rtltlo11t ' IEACON S4:U. 17'h STJtEEl, COSTA l.IESA Vice-Regent Mrs. Landers in- lrodueec{ ltfrs. C. F . Baxter who revft>Wed ''Mr . Jone.A Meets the Master" b)· Pr-t cr ).la.rsh&ll. This fine book which heads the best seller lUt ls about praye r -a timely sub.jecl for today and was pre9Cl'lted beautifully by Mls. Bax- ltr in a way that held he Inter- est of everyone prest'nt. Tea wa.s served at a charmingly decorated table with Mra. H . P . Y&nleU pouring. Present y,rere Mn. J . L. Beach. Mrs. Braden Ft.nch. J.fiM Besse Skinner, Mn. A . E. Stock ton, Mrs. Willl&m 8 . Tritt, Mrs. Lester Vierling. Mrs. Jesse W olfe, M rs. H . P . Yarnell, Mra. Edna Mane.. Mrs. Louie S&nds Sr .. M rs. C. F . Baxtt>r. the hmt· e.a&eti and the rt>gent. Guest.a were Mrs. Charles Boice and Mrs. \\'il- liam Poore. Jamea T . Van Dyke of the New- port Harbor bank of Corona del Mar represented this community at the April dinner m eetlng of the Independent Bankers Associa- tion of Southern California. More than -1~ Southland community 'bankers were in attend ance to bear the forum discussion of bank operating problems led by J ohn N. Hunt, assl.stant cashier , the Farmers and Merchants National ~-------------~1Ba.nk of Los Angeles. who ac ted BUSINESS SERVICE REASON ABLE RA. TE's Bookkeepini' by the Hour • M ultlgraph as moderator. 18 City Emptoyes Visit Bloodmobile Mrs. Roy Roush Presides at P.-T. A. Board Meeting I Starbright C lub JApril Luncheon Twenty-t'lght member11 of Star· bright clt.1b, 0 , E . S. were pr.esent Mra. Roy Roush. n£w pre.sid£'nl for lht-April 18th luncheon' mef!t- of Nt'wport Harbor Union high Ing In I . 0 . 0 . F . hall. L&ura M~­ achool presided at the first board Ch~lran prt'Slded U. a s ho rt busl- meeUng of the yea r held al l p.m. ness mettlng, a.n artcrnoon at Monday in the teachers' cafetf'r\e.. cards following. Mrs. Fay Harblsor1. dean of wo-On ihe luncheon committee men, addreaaed the board and dis-,-..er e·: Bt·ttye Fink. Bernice Cran- cuaalon Cente-red on plall!I ror lht• da'J, (;1'0rKi& McClellan. Doris Ra- epming school year. Memb<"rs al.Ml gan. Tablf'S were _.!:tlracUve tn approved support ror the new ad-lht'lt spring t.lreas or swf'el peu. dition to Ne..,-porl city library. ft·m . "'"h!t•• dalaiea ~d lri3. All PTA members v.•cre urged to I ?'ext meeting will bt> May 16 at attend the meeJ,.tng ·or Fourth i.>la-12 30 p. m. On the Juncbeo-P. eom- triet, California Cong-re.as ,of Par-I rnittf't' art: Ltola Mcl\10.lan. Delphic ent.s and Teachers. to be held In Hf"pPf'rlf', Polly Owen and L&\Jra San Die go, May 2, 3 and 4. MeCJellan. On Friday evening retiring f ------ president. lfrs. ~gar R. Hiii and Tro"ans of 'AL PTA members cook¢ tht' turkey I ..,g dJnner and home-made pies and • R • M S did the serving at the annual ban-in eun1on ey qUet of the Girls' Alhh~tl c uaocl-· atlon. In appreciation ?\ofrs. H ill A we!<:cJmc \ltill be extended all wu Jlrcllt'nted with a lovely tt'a ·rrujans Saturday night. May 51 by cani.ster !!let 8.nd the re w~ a blir: lht· University or Southern Ca.Ii- box of candy to be dl.,.idcd t)('ty,.•t:>en fornla's Cla.sa or '46 . Tht> C:l&JlS all the mothers. will b<· celebrating its ~-year re- Those ua!.sttng Mrs. H ill v.•err union that night in the Gold Room Mmea. Roy Roush, Al H orvath. or thf' Ambassador Hote l, Los An· Paul Huffman. Claude Ande rAOn, gele•. Ed Walt.era. Thomas J esko, Har-Fur the informal dance begin· old Bc>~y. Ba8il Pf"ter&0n , E . v . ning at 8 :30 p. m. no advance rea- Raga.n. li:dward Mirkovich, E r-crvat lons are necessary and 'bids nest 1rfcClellan, Parker Penct>, v.·iU bf' available at the door. In- Stuart Diehl and Haviland Rogers. vitations are In t,he mail to mem- Kansas City Folk Visit in Balboa Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison F lettl and daughter. !.!rs . Phyllis ,_fu.~­ ser of Kan~ City. v.•ho have bet-n gut>sts for several daye or 1'lr. anll J.1'rs. A. Alexander Hamilton, E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa, left Monday for Pll88dena where they were din- ner guest.a ot Grace I Hamilton) ant! Georgt' Cofftn; bet0re goln~ bers of the clau, but H eber H ei-t- zog, <:lass president, stresses that all Trojana a.re Invited. I Among those from N ewport· Ba lboa who gratluated in Die S C class or '46 are Mrs. \\'illiam L. Jont·~. ~frs. Prlscnla FrC'ebe rg. J.trs. Ar,Jr•·w W. \Vllson, J . R ich- ar(I Sin1pson, Dr Charl<'s Spnrkuhl and Con1Jta.nce V. Sn1ilh. Balboa Inn Cafe to Open Wed11esday on to San Francisco. 'rhe Balboa Inn care. Main St. • Tax Returns • Harbor IS!5-M The three wert· on the coast to anti Qcc an Front. Balboa operui ror Eighteen members of th'e New-bid goodbye to Mrs . A-fusser's hull-Lhc 111~1 summer season on \\'ed- port Bea ch City Employes Assn. band. A Lt. in thf' Marint>s. \Vho ne~dny, ~fay 2. Dick Dent , mail- were able to donate ~ pint or blood saUed Saturday f_or ~orC'a. ;l.li:t·r uf th<' t·att'ry, said today. The each al last w eek 's vUJit of the l Mrs. Hamilton 15 still rt"cuper-Inn \\·ill fC'a lure the piano stylings American Rtld Croas bloodmobile at1ng from thC' fra ctnred root ~us· of J ac.:k Russell and will serve from lo the Ne~·port Harbor American j ~ined the day sh_e. left Kansas I to 10 p. n1. Kate ~nt v.ill. &Cl a.q l...eiion hall, J ess Brewer, pres!-City where she v1_s1ted her son h01!t t-S1J . dent, said today. Four other mem-and her many rr 1C'nds for s:x l ------- FOR SALE BY OWNER hers were not accepted. weeks. I Those \~tho donated · included I H oward Berry, BrcwC'r, Harr}' A. J&apt'r, Sr .. Melvin K iddie. Dt'nver Kin&. Lewis ~1erre11, H. L . 1'10rton. Leo J. Omhmes, Dorothy Palen. Tony Rausa. Morin Root. Walter Rupp, Thomas Shorb. August Standage, Dur! Tipping, Myrtelle T ipping, Mary L. \Vt>stcolt and Sptt!&I prl<'t" for quJdc: sale.. t-brdroom M~f'; • doa.ble ~·ra~ ~·Ith-t"xtra. room. SO rt. lot ftontlnr; on Grand ('ll.Dal, Bu.Ibo& l!!oland. Call lit•.tM..'UH 528-4-R. I Carl W oodmansE'e. --------------------------- TlllS SP,\C.'IO t ·s RAY FR01''T HOME IN THE MOST EX- C.'Ll'S l\'t : 1,•,\n·r (ll'' BEAUTIFU L BALBOA PE?\'INSl1LA ll.-\S Ht :?-.:.\' t-•f{}c..•t:!J TO SELL AT 80% UNDER TODAY'S HEPL..·\l't.:tit;_'\'f t"XlST. • • • ,, ' EIUtIT\~ .... F:t:T or choicest Bay frontage with private ~ach I 8as(>.(I on rPCcnl sale of adjoining vacant lot I A con.9Crvative e&timale .: ..... _ ......................................... $ 55,000 Prlvat.e pier· a r.d farge !I.lip noo.t .................. _ ................ . \Valla. fencin•. landscapinc --~--·····-··· ................................ . 6000 square' t eer or best construction ............................. . 7 bedrooms--6 bath.-2_bathing showers and dressing rooms-Living room. dinlng ,room and muter ~room each hn\•e f ireplace&-kilchen with disposal, dishwasher, stainleSR steel throughout . built in charcoal ba.rbecue. etc. -Forced air fumaoe3 tn ba3eme!nt -all copper plumblng-.-3 car P,rage and a host of features. ( U grade of ril.ateria.ls uMd were atW ava11ableJ you micht 4.500 3,500 dupllcat;e foa·. ·················-·--·-·---····--······-·····-····-····-·-············-··· 80,000 r Est.illUltod Replacement· -·-· .. ·-·-···-·-····"··-··-····-$H2.000 THE PRIOE ON TWS ll&A.UTD'UL HOME JS $95,008 .. · llAllE AN Al'l'OINTllENT TO 8ICI! TIUS PllOl"EaTY -' TIU!-'1 ORF.OK 't'Hl!l noUJID ON ESTDIATED llU'LAOZ., • IDll'!T -008T • LOUIS W. IRIGGS (l:XCL1JSIVI: A.O&NT .-ftlll: O~) , !Jlt J:A8T llAIBQA llL'fD. --· ' • • Dollge has moved. Watc h It! • l Retir_ing PT A Head Fetes Board at ~uncheon Virginia CMr11. Denni&) Ho_g- lantl o r 266 Broadway, Costa Mesa , out-going president of the h.1aln School PTA , presided ,ovet· a · 1uncheon or attractive details last Wl'ek when she feted her retiring board mr tnbcrs. On th~ lunchl'Ol'l menu were meat. loaf, vegetable•. jeJlo salad. h ot rolls. rresh strawberry pie, mints and 11ut.s. Mr.a. Judson Suthe-rland. who was unabl.e-to be' present, gifted Mrs. H ogland wilh a lqve!y cor- KBge of carnation&. Mra, Edward Mirkovich 11ent a (."01orful bouquet ' . of blOSllOma, which len( additional charn1 to the room.S which were b'T&c ed w ith vari-hued q>rtne-f1ow- er11. The. boa.rd members prcaente-d Mrs. Amelia Drumn1ond .with a gift in a ppreciation of her h~lp during lhe past year.· Enjoying the dellgbttul affair wer e Superintendent Everett Rea and Mra. Rea. Robert Browne, -11chool principal, Mmea. Gertrude Myers, Vtrrtnta Ktdcier, Ro~rta Copt.~haver, Amelia Drummond, Helen Trautwein, Lucille Knight, Neo~a Kraft,· Lolita Oenpach. BiUe ThronM>n, Mary Knipp, Mary Elmer, Helen Mirkovich, MUdrt'd Hayward, El.Jen Cl"OS8, Viola Smith, Freda Cozad, Meurs. \Vright and Ray1nond V3.Dtler- burgb. • Delta . Gammas Plan Ann. Benefit Plttns f()r the annual bent>fit lo bt• prt'sentl'd by Orange County Della. Gamma Alumnae Assn. Sept. 18 were di.Bcussed when member• were cnlertained in the home or Mrs. Harold Harvey of Balboa Island. • The affair, proce«ds of which will b~ presented to thC Nursery School "for Visually 1-!andlcapped ChildrC'n In Los Angelru1 will be given setting in Balboa Bay club.· An 11 o'clock breakfast' wU! be follov.•ed by cards. J J.itrs. H . Pay ne Thsyer , was hoa- tess with Jtfrs. Harvey. During the t ea liour Mrs . Frank Everett poured at a. flower centert'd table. . l • t.Ars. .lames R~vely Honor Guest · at Storie Shower _ . • Unwn.ppmr yardl or pastel pink an~ blue rlbl>oil Tbunday eve- nln&'. .A_prfl 10; · WU Marp.not IMrs._~&lliH) Raftly,.-at a pret\y atork, shower hoateilaed by; Mra. Claire Ml.rt.1.n_. Jr., at_·ht.r hotne. MS El 'Modena· avenue, Newport Hel&"ht.a. Roome were gay with aprinl' no't(i'en:. . Games curied out the theme eet by decoratJons on the ~uti­ tulJy appointed buffet table whe~ a stork and ba.ulnet were sur- rounded with white iris. The ba.utnet was a minl&tt.l(e replica of the one pre.ented the mothe""' to-be. There . were ' alao ·many /i'llaller g1lta to be admired and exclaimed ovitr before Ice cream. cake and coffee were served. · ThoR attending were Mary Warne, Pat Rumsey, Barbara Johnson, DorotJ;.y Lff Horrell, Shirley Johnson; Mmes. Harold Ravely, Mary Foote, Eva Lou Beach, Bot>ble Blakey, Barbara rteleon, Nita Dalton, Dorothy Horrell, Jean Horrell, Mary John- tiOn and Mildred Warne. Moose Lodge Fetes Officers and Wife Carefully la.1d plans of Arch ie Ostrander, 1875 Harbor Blvd., to surprise hh Y..'ife on the occasion or their thJrUeth wedding anniver - sary, resulted in a most enjoy- ab'e party J"riday, Ap r l 12CT. Mr11. 011tra.nder wu· pretty close to speechlesa when, on a pretext, she entert'd the darkent:d . NeWporl Beach Mooae Lodge t:aU a.nd was suddenly greeted by lights flashing on a.nd some alxty fi:i ends singing ··H ere Comes the Bride." Archie Is the Incom ing governor of tho.> lodge. / A delicious dinner climaxed with 11. decorated cake wa.s in readi- ness for the surprised honoree. A wide a.uortment of lovely gift.JI v.•as deluged on the couple anct after dinner, canasta and lively chatlf'r filled o ut tht> happy £'VE· ning. Ebe ll Officers to be Installed The 52 new members of Eben · club will be guests or the club for the luncheon or May 3. when of- ficers for t he coming year will be Installed. Luncheon will be al 12 :30 and program at 2 p. m. will featur e the mue.!c and d rama de- partments: of Orang-e Coast college. Hostesses for the day are Mmes. Harry Welch. J . L. Stamp a.nd J . W . Thdrnton. l>odge ha.a moved. Watch It! Leiner A. Beeker, 0 . 0. 8. DlllNTI8TRY • • l~ Newport BlYd.,eo.ta Mea M .Liica, Bl<J&, Be&l.-oa 4 7 02 -It:. Bay ....... -- RNARil KAHN M.D. 800 N. Broadway Sanla Ana nounces opening of office P ctlce l.Jmlted to Boae a.nd Joint Surcery Ph nea: Kl S-i591 and 2·1151 - . I • ' I., :w 1.c :"!'.-..,, ~···· ARE YOU-· A SMART 'SHOPPER? If so, then you're probably' always on the lookout for a sale. But ·When you ;find one, do Y<?U really sav~ ... or do you· simply spend the inoney you ilon't Spend on one thing or another? Make sure your money is rea.Uy saved by putting it into ~ Savings Prog~am here. Curnnt high divi- dends ari. at 3 ~ Make One V ear's Income V0tw Savings Goal! ' NEWPORT -&41./laA FEDERAL SAYINGS e,~_,_ l"J..,...,e ·1··t.1·0-.. ffi"~=~.,.. P. A PALm • R., PUtoDQIT '="'=-.!fl!. JJJJ Yia /.Jtlo • Ntwport 8uelt •Collfornia ANNOUNCING Mr. Ray Hill INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN CHEF AND MAITRE 'D HOTEL Will BE AT YOUR SERVICE AT THE HUNTINGTON INN CHALET DE ROU.LET ROOM • ' Shows Every Friday and Saturday as Usual 804 Ocean . Hun~on Beach, Calif. Phone Lex 6-417 2 - P~JHJ~ TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner I ~rt PtaoiMt of Tb,.... Contt .... nt• Gradual..-"Studtlal of Beta Bartok 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171-J Corona Highlands -Corona del Mar ------·--·"··===-=-=···============-:! arold K. Grauel Chapel I F ·UN ZONE I B Plt:one: &e.con 6819 Bn&d•·•r SURE-INSURE with MA l '1U Ill liT ANI .J!: Y lt1"'1nlllft8 ODl,y Pltnne Rarbc,,. 1 '774 Mart'u .. A •1e. Balboa l111and • Stucirt Foote ENERAL INSURANCE OUrtaotl8 hl/<>rltUUion %111 --Bl\'d. N vport Beach Ph. llar. !4 MATI'BESSES eu.w, iloa1e. Tra.ller11 Imoplar Sha,... lia&OON &a.I poo11a •--Oo. USO Nowpoo1 mvd. aler . Healen i!1~~· ....... ·~aJlllM"f7' a ·'.... 1 ~--·­~~-~. ¢77 ... " ' ' ' I OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA ONl>._,m..,,..,,r.M..wr . 4 7 ......... ,. f'tt ·-· ArVn?r ac ' dW \Jest :511) StrUt atRadioTowm ,__....;;..._SANTA.ANA .. MKI 3-Un 1 '--~~--~~--~--------- . i ~ ~ l1i91t :Qwlity Prinli11g_-P.1t. l;lar. fff' HigA .Q11afity . Ptinling~Pb. l;lot. ~'~ ' • • • • • \ • \ ' ·-... • . . ·T'*dey, Mey I, 1951 A NEWS.TIMES . HARBOR-SOC'IAL · EVENTS . . -; . ' . ' san Diego v;iit~ Geti Cesll Priie MRS. WlNIJ'BED JiARBitE, So¢ety llldlto< -• ~ ' ~ Wa~ J>eCl>oCC.•~ •-m two -o( mlncl la. Mn. 11*rt lla,,,lt1, Ul Ji. In. •-ue. C<>toU Ciel J«&r. l'lat-·Capilla Ci~e.Ai~s Church Program The butldlng. t'Und for the new addition to Coron.ta. del Mar Com- munity church received a notable addition -when proceeds were add- ed h:om Capilla Circle'• apring card party held ta.st week at PPil - grtm baU. . The decorati've theme featured sprin_J flowers. particularly sweet peu and p&ru1lesk Table priZes we-re attract ive aprons :-r:-:pped in pan'! paper. !.{rs. \Vend1'1 .... Boyt circle ~residqit, grttted ruests &nd introduced way s and m eans chairman, Mrs. Paul Moore, gen- eral chairman. Otht'rs assisting were Mrs. Newton Cox, re~rva­ llon; decorations and prizes, Mra. George Davies: Mrs. Rooke, Mr!!. Lottie H!\gen and Mrs. Maude Sanders; rerreshmenui fthey serv- ed s rresh strawberry shortcake whipped cream and correel Mmes. Margare t Fuller, Vought, Allen, Powell and La Spadra. Door prizes Wl're donated by Norman nursery, Rankins. Crown Hardware. Brookings. Kay Finch, All American and Cave Pharm- acy and w er e won by Mmes. Ar- thur Kemper, Margv.ret Cox. John Sadleir, Gerald Ritchie, W . A . Mc- B ride; Paul Babbitt and Stump. Circus Motif . for Natal Fete Frk1ay. April 13, was a b ig day in the life or little Mary Lou Jl.fc- Clelland, daughter of Afr. and Mrs. Harvey T . !.1cClelland o f 169 Costa Mesa Rtreet, Costa Mesa. It ~as Mary Lou's seventh birth- day and in honor or th e event young friends y,:ere bidden ro help celebrate. A variety of games af- forded amusement for the childrf'n with prizes awarded Susana Smith and Alicefaye ~ancebo. Major attraction of the colla- t ion whic h c limax ed the afte rnoon was a birthday cake adorned in the clrcua motif. The confection was served with Ice c ream bricks and' candy. Gay balloons w ere among' t}Je favoni which delight- ed the small rry. Youngsters shartng the merry occasion included Rosemary Chris- t eruJon, Pamela Miller. Geraldine Rfiineburge, Patricia Wa.ttenburg. Anita Wattenbu rg, Patric k Smith, Glor!jean I\{ a n c e b o, A licefaye- ManceOO. Suiana Smith , Bernard Zimmer!}·, Kathleen Vardy and Donna H ertz. Adults on hand in addition to the honoree's mother,. Mn_ Mc- Clelland, were Mrs. Georre P : Smith, Mrs_ Elme r J . Vardy, aunts of the celebrant. and Mrs. G. R. Christenson, ~lary Lou's great aunt. • C0Ue99\-A WS. to Fete-Mothers at Fashion Tea . ' Associated Women Students of Orange Co&{lt col1eke wl.11 be hoa- teasaa to ·thetr mothe.i:s at a tea !.nd tashlon show to be held Thurs- day, May 10 fror.q_ 7 to 9 p. m . in the college chapel. Invitation• are being sent mothers, who may bring friend.a. 1 un.lly 8be WU p)eaeed :wrM!a W mother, MN. D. 11. 1-1& ot Ilia Otego vWted her tor a weelt (re-- Wmlnl' Kooday) ~--Lewie, r<>lnl' Into the Port theatl-e r ... the ar,i time, woa tile S2ll door ~· ... And I so J:YDY 'l'll...-Y ·-nlng. U4 uv..-set . IUIYtllillC" ii Walla Kn. Hawley. • J e a. n Bartine of Newport Heights la ln charge of th~ show and June Knight o~ Laguna.tJeac)\. ot the program. Flo""er arrange-,_ me.nt.s will be by Thea Henning of Anaheim and refreshments'"8.re un- d er superVtsion of Margaret Mc- Dougal of Costa !.leu. Styles will be d~played by O'Briep 's of Corona del JI.far and ft The· Man o f Costa Mt:sa. Student.!! n10deJing 14-·ill include J oy ce Pur- cell. Kathleen Urbe. !.tary Lou Jackson, C&rol Clark. Mary Bar- rett. Joan Sullivan, Sari Alcorn. ... Parker Jac kson, Bob Eberhard, Grant McKee and Mrs, Harold Decker. ' Balboa Matron Named President of ~th Assn. April meeting of the Ruth As- sociation or Orange County wa..s held at the home of the vice presi- dent , Joseph Peck , 1114 \Vest Bal- boa boulc_vard. P t esident France" Graham of Fullerton ha"Ying re- signed at the March n1eet ing. Mrs. P eck v.•as elected president to fill out t he .unexpirf'd lern1. Nominat- ed to fill out Mrs. P eck's team as vice president wa.'i Leena Keary of San Clf'mcnte. Pres£'ntations will be given by Vista Fay Whitt.an of P la centia to Grand Ruth A g n t! s Caldwell Barne.!! when a reception Is held ror her May 10 at Glendale. The meeting was followed by a social hour with the hostess se rv- ing dessert. May meeting Will be held at the home o f Virginia Moore. Place ntia with all prese nt and past Ruths invitc>d to be pres- ent. La st Pot Luck for Star ~h9pter Lut pot luck suppec of Harbor St.ar chapter until $('ptemMr will ht-that of Tuesday. May 8, an - noUJ>Ces Worthy Aia t ron Ruth Dei.ater. Reason tor diScontinuing the supper is the many parties scheduled, she .stated. Dodge h.&8 .inoved. Watch It ! ... , ... ' XE\\' SKY GIRL Sall)' KUgott To"•W or\ Balboa Is up ln t~ air l.n n .rnPSt th~ days. A Df'\\' 1rnltf'll Al'r LlDPS Aifo'"•a nk:M. sM just has hM-n asslped to 1U1bt8 at ChJcago rollo\\1Dg gT1ldu-.- tlon from the -eompany\s Cheyenne. \\'yo., s.te\\lU',tf'M 8C'hooL 1'11s9 Tu\\'le 18 the d&ug-hter of Mrs. M. D. To\\'lr of 720 \\'f>"l'lt Surf, Balboa.. Shfl gn.dua.Ud from Newport hll"h Khoo I In 1&t7, studi.!d at East Lo§ An«rlell; Junior collif!Ce and at OraJl.l'f'" Cua.st. lo- lor coUe.~ Bethel Mothers to Install at Country C lub Santa Ana Matron Honored at ' Anticipation Shower Mothers c'.ub of Costa Mesa , Evelyn f Mr9. Paul) Wheelei of J ob's Daughters, will install of-Santa A.na was ho nor gueflt re- ficers 1.tay 2 at a 12 :30 luncheoJT cently at a stork shower held at in Sknta Ana Country club. Card~ the home of Mrs. Dort>thy Cox , will be played afterward. 2M4 \\'estmln.ster Avenue, Costa Balboa Duplicate Bridge Winners A . W . Tummel and H . S . Hollis were winners east-west and Mrs. Arnold Ga.!ser and Mrs. Charles Boardman were high SC"orers north -80uth , In t h e duplicate bridce game held on Monday afternoon In BalOOa. Runners-up eut -west were Mesa.. Jeanie P erkins was &Mist- ing hosl csa. Guests were em- ployees at Richard'8 Mlrket . Gam('s were appropriate to th"' theme and-prl.zes were won by Ruth Wheeler and Betty TOZl'r. Conso!ed were Pt~nny Mynettt' and Madeline Taylar. Besides many smaller glft8, a hand.some bathinette was present- ed the hon oree. I~ cream m olded ' like a cuddly baby In !ls crlb was :served wtlh cake. . From Santa Ana were Mra. Durlq' ..... •lay lll;ro. 1-1& ..... ent•rtalfed ~Y Y.• Hawleyo at luncheon. and cUnn-" ln Balboa Bay <Jul>, &n4 • olgbtMe~ ··- CUNll<*. in OM of t.be Hunl·,.. ping .-PM>" -t.a. Kr. and Jin. wmi. Hunt clroppod In. tor coc:k- tall.a, u did many other frifncb at a aem1.part7 a.tt'alr. • • ( . .. FIRST G-RADE CALIWOOL I 00°/0 ALL WOOL Mrs. C. E . Irvin and Mr.e:. E. L. Hackle)': MrBJ A. G. Ooesburg and MT9. Mildred L}'tle; Mrs. M. B. Campbell and Mrs. Lillian Escholz; Mia LJ1a Emerson and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy: M rs Kathleen Walsh and Mrs. Carl Veneman. Runners.up north -south \Vere Mrs. W . W . Wilson and Jl.lrs . Mollie Ballard; Mrs. H . S . Hollis and ~f rs. Roy Strotz; Mrs. A . W . T umnit:I and Mrs. George Carroll: \ CARPETING ' • • • • . .. . . " ' ' • ' :-_, ·9 _ ~~~·~· :t\~,Q\V~M~E · .. ~ f~i' Yow .Old Gas lla~CJ~. on~-Bta~d New · ·' . . ' ' ' . ' , ' C. P. GAS ~NGE llRM~ICED AS LOW As· $189.50 •TERMS ' ' ~ . . ' .GRANT'S FURNITURE l'MI Newport llvd. Bea. 5707-M COSTA MESA • My dreams ·came true WHEN I SAW THE NEW · AUTOMAnc OAS RANGES • They make cookin9 as easy, as fast -d as economical as I've always hoped There's a world of dilfccena benveerr the new automatic ?s ranges and the Models of ~n ·a few yean ago. That's why you should visit the Spring Showing now being held ar ~rs· and your Gas Company. On display are rhc most versatile and the most beautiful cooking ·appliances ever made. Discover how much tiine ';,.a work one of these new ·aurom8tic gas ranges will save you'. Discover iu economy • roo, because you'll find rhar fcarur ror. 1featutt ir coses Ins ro buy and to operate. . ,. Amon• the ciaany m11bs or ... ,..... on display is rh is bcaurifuJ new · O'KEEFE & MERRITT .• •• ...a CP model. Otbch you'll see indode · Caloric, Gatrm &: S.nle.r. Hartl.Vick. M..pc Chef, Maytag, Ro~r. Tapp&n, Wcdaewood, Wesr~HolJy. ® looli ror lhis seal. 11·1.rour au!de: to Utt •ert • illltll io ntOdtto coolu., apphu cn. , . CL.OSE OUT SPECIAL! Only $395 per sq. yard 1 Installed to Your Floor Not Remnants . or Roll ·ends C. H . Johnson and Gerald Mc- comber : Mrs. C. H. J ohnson a nd A-frs. Gerald Mc<;:omber. Whttler and her 1nolher·ln-law, Ruth Wht>eh!T, Georgia Ro~rte. Dettafae Wheeler and Roxlcena Goetht>l : from GaFden Grove, Stel- •a Co'llns and from Huntington 3each , Larrie CUsollto. Other11 present we~e Penny Mynettc, Madt>line Taylor , Grace Speth, Ruth Bean, Ann Rogers. Adele .Brodome, Grace Heron and Grae!> Weaver. Costa Mesa: Betty Tozer, Joayne Rorick. Adelaide Porter and Flo Cunn!ngham, Newport Bea ch. IOUTHllN COUNTlll CJAI COMPANY COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING Ilea. 5251-J May Day Brunch Prizes Viewed by Lion Tamers Meetink Monday night at the ;;;;;;;;;l;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i I home of Marjorit Peterson, P earl avenue, Balboa l.8land m embers of the Lion Tamers club had an en- thu.slastic preview of door prize!'! which they will diapense at their big May Day benefit brunch Jn Balboa B&y club. A !.1a.ster dlsh- wuher, cosmetic sets. ceramics, jewelry and personal a rticle& are among the many attract ive awards. ' Everything Goes-Hurry Pho"" Lag'UDA ~H 384 N. Coast Bivd.;_,Latuna Beach StudenLq of Dorothy Jo Dance studio will give the program. Opening number. Tea for TwQ Is a toe dance by Patricia Ragan, Wan- da Trautwein and Sandr-a. Swan- son. Tamia 'and Kathla Ho~ will do the Mlniatu're Ballerina, Gev· erly Lund an acrobatic dance anrl Babs Peck a Toe Valse. Changing trom the dance, Sauh· dra 8W1ft and Sandra Swanson will play two a ccordion · due ts, If, artd Mocking-bird Hill. Barbara Burn.1 and Jan Threl- klld 'A'ill do the King and Queen of May, foilowed by the cloelng May Pole dance by Gall Ebberts, Patsy Manns, Llnda Burdick, Pamela Hadley. ~rrt Lon Wright, St1i1l e P eb'ocdM.• LiJldl.. Pirtle, MiclMalJe Nuztim and Nikki Lippitt. The &!ta.It la a benefit for Uon Tamera' project, tbe ca.rt Harvey School tor Handicapped Children. a.lboa Marine lack From War Among the Marines who re- Nmed · to San Diego from Korea Bunmy abOard tile. USS Sgt. Syl- -.A.nl.aloll WM lllt L&. R. A . lhl6es IPQOd:" 'r·nbr'ld "at ~a tlnOeiwood, Tot W . .__ Blvd., Ball>o&. - Sending gifts but unable to be present were: Ruth Wall, Ethel Watkins, Gladys An.spach, Flor- ence Copas, Ellen Levering, Ve- nita Hlggl.ris, Nadine Hawley, J ean Litts. Martha Vest . Dorothy Wat. kins. Haze l Clark anq Jennie Richard. Winners · ~t ~~idge Friday Evening Mrs. Robert Dischner and MrA. Margaret Holmes were winners east-west and Mrs. C. H. John· son and A. D. Wetherby weN! high M:Orerti north-.90uth In lhe duplicate bridge game play~ on Friday evening l.n Balboa. Runners-up east-West were M.r. and Mrs. EdWin Sylvester; Mrs. Thomas Kennedy and Mra. A. D. Wetherby; Al rs1 A . W . 'I"ummel and Mrs. Robert Luak; Mrs. Carrie Saunders and Mrs. Cath- erine Smith; Mr. and Mra. L. V. Brown_ Runnets -up north -aouth were Mrs.. A .. G. Doe.sburg a.ad Mrs. Robert Brown; Mrs. W . W. Wil- son and Mrs. Mollie Ballard tying wtth Mr. and Mra. George Jftt- c.h•ll: !.Ir, .and 'Mrs. James John- 90h; .Mra. Edna McMuten and Robert Lusk tyi.ag with P~y McAdoo and Robert Diachner. Int~sted brldi-: players are invited to join the group wh!ch meeU at 414 Ea.st Ocean Front, &•boa..' wtth play st&rt..in.c at OQe o 'cloc.k ln the atten;aoon game and' at 1 :SO on Friday even.in.I"· For lnfonnauon about the pmee .,,,, Harbor 3228-W. CDM Post Office I ' Nee• Trucks . · ' .. ' • ., , '' . ' . .. .• • • • • .. •• ' •. • YOll'I do ltin.t.-,becallse ·we'¥e gone cil out to · brint • ' r yoa bnawcl,,~ . .._"Fhcunllse ••• at prices • . .,. I , to ... •.••! ~ .. be ... tilM lo •tr' .• -al. ,.... -~ o! '... • • • 0 ~ •I •' 4 f '• • ~ , I~_.; ' • ~ , , -~•••· c•11:.~-.".Y~ c1.,,~~a1~ -~ ti :store._-·. , • ' l,, .. • f , . -·~·7 ll--. '· • • ' • ' . - • • • • • ' " "·~ .. -.. y..,. . .-...:.... T .. at New..,n Btt dl, Olllfe .... .......... _ -'t"C-#Jl ET , • ., ' • -' OOllPA1'11' by .~ lawr_()RT ILUUIOB P UllLl8BINO Member or CALIFORNIA NE}\'SPAPER PUBLISHERll Alllj'N. Member of the NATIONAL Eb~R.IfL A880CIATJON Office aad Pru;tlng Plant at 2211 Balboa Telephone Harbor 1818 • - • ' Second-Cl&88 Matter at the POBtotflce tn Newport, Beach, California under ~e A ct of March 3, 1879 RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor RALPH BORaEs o N . AdVerU.lng Manager Quallllt'CI to Publlall IA>pJ Notk::es and Ad,·ertlaemeat• of all Kinds S UBSCBIPl'ION KATES: . N EWPORT-BALBOA NE\V8-TIME8 e'-eq, Tuaday ln oranl'e County, ISM per year: $!.00 •lx moatm; lf.%6 three monltua (Also lneludft lbe NE~~T,-BALBOA PRl'.88, Tbunday) Out~lde Oranp County U..00 per year ADVE~T ISING TAX The p roposal of the Johll. Congressional Eeonomic • ..--w ' • • • , ' .. • HIJ'HE THING-" • NEWPORT-IALaoA ~~TIM~S • • • R•bJ·~ Pl CoMJ, ~···s.111!1•"' ~-._ 1 • ..,...,_ 111 Dhorce s.ft . ...Oklme• .. • 8o a..,. . The elna ot Ol1r 'poet-war extra- vapnCet ,iouucal expediency and extreme mismanagement a.re con- •tontly •larill&' u. ltf tile face. S&ymour and ·Morr-la Green of Chi· cago Q sUfiecJ: betOre a House Ex- pendltutce Stibcdii\mtttee that ln 1947 they purch~ from our Gove rnment 870 truck.a, whJcb were left In thi! Phillpplnca. 1b~ purchulng prtce--wa.s from $200 to 1250 per t.r'uck. Later 110me of the&e truck.a were aold ):tack to the Gove rnment for from $3.000 to $3,· ~ ea ch. W• thing ll la scandal- ous. It IH! But look a_t t hia ... During this war In Korea ~·e have bf.en eel ing 19Crap iron left on Ok inawa to the Red Chfnese, and shipping It dire<>tly to Chinese porta. Our military authorltie-s know a ll about It but are helplcM Some of the U . S. oil companies have been &elllng thClr product.B to lhe Red Chinese. The scra p Iron and oil wU.h which t o k1 U our own so dlera! T h08C are sad tscts. Approvaf of .a propcrty-l!k'ttlee ment agreen1enl was sought by Mra. MarJo'1e N. ·Moore aa &h<': filed .upedoi' C01trt action for di- vorce from J ,ames. R. Moore. She charted cMJelty and &aid they mar- mied ln Banta Ana N ov. 7, t9t2, separated tu t March 30 a nd ha ve no children. Under the property pact, Mra. Moore W1ll r C'Celve t'ouschold furn- lahinga In Coron& de! l-1er arid Sant& Ana, a share of C&llh from the sale of the Corona dcl Mar deed. The husband will r eceive " ca.r, Insurance pollcieB; a aha re of the home .sale proce~. The couple w ill divide their 25 per cent inte rest in a Santa Ana botUing firm. Arrest Mesan for Auto . Theft Benjantln Earl Peters, _37. 673 Victoria St., Costa 11.1'esa.-WIUI a r- reatcd by Newport police Ju t week end on grand t he ft auto char gee. co!llmittee to put a heavy sales tax on advertis inj: is both Ap.-Jt 18 100 1 i------------- stud1Tbe"d andcodmanmg1ettreedu.sirnows, or should know, t hat adver-Deiara:rJu~~d~ic~,~ anlUSl'd ~.Y s ll 1 New Bo. ys Club W hat right have we to conde1nn t he BrJthsh ror their trea chery in constantly itl'lllng all sorls of goods to Red China ? Such intc rn,.tional polit ics a re beyond" com prehenelon. It 111 really tr ue that t he a lmighty dollar IB the supre1nt.> tiy mbol of ln- t ernallo11 al "honor "? Pol!cf" alll'r.;rd r•ct1·t8 t ook thC' c:ar of Harrlt·t A. Bloom, 4<>:> Eas l Balboa Blvd., Balboa, fro"tn in front of a care at 632 Con.st Hwy. He was arrest1-<l in hii:t hr111se 'tra ile r, with the Bloo1n t a r parkecf nearby · t h(' hullabaloo about <'f'Slo'J>OOI~ bt ·-~ Stu<lf'nti.. and \Var tising, m ore than any other 'o n e fact o r , is respo~sible fo r Ing a me nace to pub.le health. the hig h st arldard of living which this country e n ]oys. An y 8t"C'mN a bit ridiculous to n1e whC'n s d b Shac k\CS put 0 0 t qe full Use 0 f advertising therefore, WOUid ~!fee;, a good \Vh if~ of the a ir in our pqnsore y definitely be adverse t o the natiorial w elfare. . . 'fhlJI beH.Ut lfu l struclU rf' flt•t•nl'I Island Church Th<' latettl Innovation s cgregatf's I he s1n11.rt students ft l'ITI lh08e not l o .sn11:1.rt to dctcrmlr.c which s tu- dent.a will be induclc<f Into the A rnled For ces , &nd "~lh ich w ill re- main in 8Chuol lo become 11till sniartc r. · .At this particular t ime when inventories are heavily to be Corona dt'I Mar's _Publlt: Se r- . · · · 11 •t 1 to th process o f , vi ce Station. Located in the alley swollen advert1s1ng 18 espec1a Y VI a _e between Dahlia a.nd Fcrnlrar. it reducing these invento ries . There is n e v er a time. howe~er. has been ver:y handy ror city and when advertising is less than vital t o sales, t o production, other . truck drivers who hav,· · · d.ti made 1t a regular s top. t o income and to sound ooonomic con 1 ons. 'The other day a s mall boy came In protesting the proposed tax. Graham Pat~erson. and wirC'(l t he door shut but lhe h · f the Boa.rd o f Advertis ing Federation o f exquis ite structure still stand~ artcl - c ai rman ° , . . I t sales t ool int its arc hi~tu ral beauty t o our America. declared : "Advert1s1ng 18 a OW·COB . · a lley as It hu ror over a yC"ar now. I f advertising were hamstrung or decre~~ by !!-tax._ per· The n1a n whO owns It wa." pass- 1 selling ef forts would have t o be inc reased a t ht~her Ing out cards for _one of our cou n- sona d f ' 11 to th on ctlmen la8t election. Some years costs to r et aile r and manufactur~~· an ina . Y e c • ago this san1e ~ounc ilman caught sum er. Thus i nf~tion w.ouJd be 1ncrea.sed instead of re· s ight of my children's pet lamb d ed Moreover if sales were lowered, unemployment t·and Immediately -got out an lnjunc- uc · ' l I ·b t · many t ion against lambs t Sh<'ep ~. ~-fa y-would result n o t only among sa es peop e , u ln · 1.be if 1 passed out rard• I c?ulrt o t her fields." have 'a pet lamb. Maybf 1r I It would be hard to imagine I. mor e disastrous type of p8.S8Cd out cards I-cou ld havr a ·· Jamb and a Chick Sale too. Tho • It u,, in lhc opinion .or ~a.ny. Recently a boys ciut-'s ponsored undemocratic and un-Amf'rlcan to by the Balboa lsland Melhodlst ha'Xe 11eholasllc ability alone de- church was launched, having es t ermlne reuons for def erment ilB • purpo~ Suntlay momlng tor-from milita ry se rvice. Why should um ot di8C'usslon ~roups on ma t-scho'utic aptitude dictate u to t cr111 of tf'ligion, community life, Y.'ho a re l!IUpt>r-citlzens wx.t as tiuch ~lhlcs and sports n1\\nship and .the have prolongation of lhC'it military p ron1otion of outdoor a ctivities rraponsiblllly? Regardless of edu- atid ath letics for boys. ca tion, wealth, or &OC!al position, Al an organizational meelini we a.re all equa l in our obliga tion.'! Sunday m or ning It .-.a s formally toward our nation. Those Who ar" namcd "The Biscomb Clu b'' a nd no t so fortunate a:s to be "cun1 the fol'owinjil: officers were elect-!iiude" st udenUI should not be so ~-President. Robt-rt Coane: vice-unfortunate a.a lo be e:iposed to pre!llide-nt, Paul Lorenson, treas-dealh before thel r colleagues of ur~r : Roh<'rt ~-farton : and secre-J,:reater scholastic ability. Many of_' tary, Fre-t'n1an Coa ne. • those who have contributed lhr policr cha rgC'd, - Pele\-s t old pulic1· fu ur n11•n i::-ot into a figh t w it h hi1n aftt•r hi' Jt>ft lhf' N<'WptJrt r ating placr and y ter th\• fi~hl ...,,a._ ovel-hr thou~h t h(' had driven ow11y In the sa n1l" car in wh:ch hc had &rrivt·d: 1 BOB HOPF., H v I I y w oo <I "Wou ldn 't it be funny if the Rc·- publl ca na got in just as th(' wo rlt.I went out?" taxat ion. ----·---- The following W('re al<M prl"Aent mo~l to our Am<'r ican way of life and tx>eame chart,..r m t>m bt'•rs or Wl're not "cum Ja udc" student.a. , . '' the club: N+·al Metcalf. Michael Valle. Dick P 1ckrtt. Charles Van-So-1..o ng Iran \PREVENT MASS EVACUATION I wou ldn't k6<'p the Chick Sale a." Ion~ as lhis one has ht>E'n k C'pl. Thly do ' g et awfully smt·lly. or cours(' ci t y people lion' knov.· how to takC' proper care o f thC'n, either . \Vhen I \\"&l'I a child on tht> farm I remen1ber by father made reF:'Jlar use o r ashee and lime. dervort , J ohn M. H rnroten . Rod-Thr s lluft l lnn In the Middle East , n r y z...,·<'i hc-1. Donn Waldren. Den-namf'ly In Iran 1 Pers ia), Is out 01 nis Bro~·n . Phillip Brownell, Tort ha nd. The. British a nd American W hite and Robf>rt Ibbotson. Th<.' busln('HS intt·rC'sts arc out. The club le adf'ts a nd arlviso~ _w ill ~ l Iran governn1C'nt . nationalizl'd t h_e P . F. Baine!'!. Others jo1n1n g the British and Amer ican <'Xplolted oil clu.b In thP nPxt four weeks will indul!lry. 1 • In event of atomic attack, uno rganized mass eva cuat ion must be prev<!Qted , warns Maj. Gen. Walter M. Robertson, State Civil Defense Director . The care pr ogram has been carefully wo rked out. · Jf attack comes, stay put until told to move. ----·---- . . . Aftel' reading their mttional health ' the government could spent more fo r food. •• about food rationing In Britain and program. one piight conclude that s pend less for h ealth services if i.t • NIXON SUGGESTS APPOINTING MacARTHU~· FAR EASTERN ADVISOR by U.S. Senator Richard Nixon The emot ional impact and clash of personalities "'.hich at first cha racterized public reaction ·to the president'• 'dis· You can t ell at a t1nlff that nu one ha.'\ taken such sanitary •HC'BI'· urt-s her". Tht"re wouldn't be so in.any fllcs iJ they did. O t ber aimilar structu res hn v.! come a nd gone -CU"· oour8e in • neighborhood wherr thC'rc ha.11 been -flu ch construc t 10n but thi~ one seems to bf> pt'rn1anent. I epeak for the other neii:;h bo rH at-. wrll as myself. whe n I say we a r . all ~lck or tht' sight ant.I t ht· sn1t>ll or it. • · St•e n1s to nl(' th" c ity <i::it.itar.v dt-pt. Is str11i11in~ at gn,.t,... und swtt'llo...,•1n g g rt>at big lJIUl' buttll' flies. Yours truly, T . JIO l'I-: missal of G<!neral MacArthur wiut, to a great extent, di-L • t 3 Th fts minished hy tillo general himself in his address t o Congress. IS · e The s peec"" h served the purpose o f bringing into _sharp T hree pC't ty thefts were lls tr d h k d f by Newpor t police over the week foc UB the real basic issue of the controveroy-w at m o · . • • ? e nd. a poli cy are we going t o adopt t o end the wa r tn Korea _. Robert Dunlap. San Ma rino. At first t he issue seemed t o be the Wisdom of the Pres1~ complained o f the theft or an out- . · led board l)'lotor fron1 his boat, 27 H dent 's dismissal act ion and the manner .rn which he ac · 996, moored at a· pier a t Lindo But now it mus t be seen that this is all water unde r the Avc. and Edge'wa te r Ave., Balboa. b ·ct d ·th t personal and partisan conflicts must be l A heavy c~v&JS <-er cover .was rt ge an ~ . . h . I taken sometime Saturday nig ht. forgotton as w e set about the task of d,etenntntng W ·at 15 M. D. Thompson, 219 Dia mond best for the country. .... A ve .. Balboa Is land. told police W e a re faced with this choice-the present Acheson ~:~~ ~~~~Y~nT~;emg:;;r.pla ccd a policy of continuing t he war in Korea with n o .real plan JOe Laurect'lla , 2&1 coas t Hwy .. o r hope for ending it and the MacArthur program t o end Newpor t Beach. sa id a· sta pli ng · · machlne a cellophanr tape. ma-the wa r victoriously, without appeasement. chine and two c!a"'· hammers werr W ars are epded either by military vi ctory •D the taken fron1 the fruit and vegetablc battlefi eld'ar by political settlement at the conference table .. tlrm l."ca led al that. addceSB. As MacArthq_r so well said, the c~unista have made it · Dodge ha.a moved. W atch It ? abundantly clear tha t ·no_ P;Olitical settlement with· them. is~-----------­ poS&ible exce pt by appea~ing them-by turning over For- mosa to them and by admitting Red China to the United ~GAL NOTICE Nations. Nor is military victory possible under the present 47589 policy : as G<!neral Ridgeway, Ma:cArtbur's succesor, bas ' NOTICE OF INTE~-r1os TO SELL -admitted, the war cannot be won oi) the battlefield as long NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN as our forces cont inue to be hamstrung by the pre:A-lt pu.rs:uant to the provisions or Sec- u ·led Nations' restrictions on their operations. .t lon 3440 or the .civil Code of thC' DI · State of Ca ll fornta, that HOW ARD Whether . w e agree or disagree with all the iegments L, CAVE, Vendor. of 1615 P acific of the MacArthu r policy, the fact remains that be has p ro. Drive. Corona de l Mar, .California . · h S · Depart In tends to sell to GEORGE HU. posed a plan fo r ending the war &.nd t ~ e late • BERT P EIRSOL and ELEANOR ment has not . It is now their responsi,bility either to adopt c . PEIRSOL. Veendees, or 135•, the MacArthur program in whole Or in part. or to come u p West Badillo Street. Cov_ina. Cali- f th · beca. t 0 tinue the I fornla. all that cer tain personal with a bett:er one o . etr O~ use ° C n .. . I proper ty conaistihg generally ot present policy of war without victory can result only In a ll aI.ock In trade. r1xt urea, equlp- disaste'r for our c ause. me.nt. and good w ill of a certain Rel.all Drug business known as Where the re sh ould be a p0licy Piere is now only a HOW ARD L. CA VE PRESCRIP- void in the . State Department and adnllnistraUon circles. TION P HARMACY Locoted at I th f bel. th t th-greatest nruud ble service the 823 Coast Highway, In tbe city of • ere ore, 1eve a 'll;l r---· . Corona deJ Mar, CalifornJa, and President could now render the country would for .~ to ihat tile .purch .... price l.lt•reof call General MacArthlU' to the ~te Holllle u one of. hill Will be paid at 10:00 o'clock a . m. d . t . the country the benefit of hill experience on \be 11th day of May, 19~1 at a ~1'8 o give · . the Eecrow Deepartment Qf the and counsel on Far Ea.stem policy. The fact that ht docs e......-1 o..ug oompany, 4701 not completely agree with MacArthur ia an ~t . for Soutll Bonta F e Annue.,ln thr cit y th than. .,._," .. such action. There are too many "yes of Vernon. Oount;y of Loe Angei.., -ra er .... -· Stale ot C&lltoml&, men" _around the Preeldent. What we . need m08t 111 Wuh· Dated Apnl Jetll, m1. '" ... ftn today ia new and ihtelligent ~p. BOWARD L. CAVE. ' '-"6¥0.I" • '. • .. v'endor ' Certainly General MacArthtlr'a ~ to Cdngrees .BR~G DRUG .OOMPANY, qU8lifled him, had there been any l'Jicn: doubt. u -of &aow Dep&rt.n)ent · · • the beat informed men in the C11WltrY on both military and 4101 -th Sonta r. A ftDue foreicn policy. IA theee perilOua ttm+s, llUCh a man ·Bh04lld Ne~"="' ~..!~'1!,'&-, not be alloWed to fade away. , PubUlb xa.1 i; 1911~ ' • -. '.;. .. • • b(- 0 rrCo rdl"!I as c.:hatl('r members. I n a ll pro babil ity this ikl lhe <'nri Tht· firs t or the outl1oor acllvi-or fof.clgn Investments In Jran, t i .. H Qf the c lub Is a "Surprise Should t he Brlt i&h protect their in · Package'1 deal fo r Dads which teresLB by· force of arms lhe re · 1.8 will b<' held on Saturday aner-1 scarcely any doubt but that the noon and &vening, May 5th. No Ruula.ns would either Invade Iran further dt>t•i's can be given u or a t lea.st furnish military leader- only the bofs and tl':elr mothers · ehip and material to the Iranians . know what l.e in st ore for the boys, While our attention has been cen- anri their dads on that day. The tere-cl in Korra, even t hough the comn1ill<'(' f,1 a rranbemerits fo r ,British and Am erica ns have been 'hr ··~on dai 1tt Sonny Coane, Tod watch ful In the Middle East, t he \Vh1te and ikC' Vaile. Russlana have been n1ost succe:ss- A ba,111eba tC'atn is a lso plannf"(l ful In Iran w ith their Communi~t ·1n ct thf• ttt' tiring of a coac h t!I followers and Moha.mmcdan re- bc1ni; stud1Pd. ligloue fanat ics in llrlvlng out th.t A bR~cball lt"Htn i" plr nne<I anti An3lo-AmC'rl can o 11 com panleit. ·..::l1tt l11J:i 11 t:oa<.·h is b;elng studied. T he Iranlan8 a re not capable or Bell Addresses Coll~ge Club Be rnard Bell, con1n1andc r Amrr· 1can Lt:-i::ion. Newport Beac h. i;trC'.sserl the in1 poc.tance or self- ar;aalysis, aspiration. and seU-wlll when hC' ·s pok e lo the Flll u rc Busi- ness Lettdt•re Club at Orange Coast College, last Thu rWay, April 19. "K now what you .... ·ant, believe In It ; s nd then you can do it," he exhor ted. 8C'll , fa1n iliarly -known 811 the "J c<'p King" or Costa Mesa, i.11 new assqciatC"d with Richard Tay- lor of Corona de! Mar in a business cnt~rprisc which, a ccording to Bell pron1otcs "other peo ple's lde&a." T heir latest idea is concerned with the n1anufacture a nd sale of artic les 1n a de of reinforced plastic· C'a'.Skl'ts, j eep cans, ·navy boats, to list but a few . Call Stanley:s · Revenue Bond Bill Needed, Sound succcasfully Of)('ratlnJ;:" thl'ir oil fields and r rfincrles.· Russian and othr r ex,.crls a re bound to replace l hf'm . W il l thl' Brlti~h a nd A1ncricana rial< another KoreH. in Iran? T he answer Is "No" -«l leas t not t hE' Americans. T his w ill be a most ln- tf'restlng dispulf:' bc twee.n t h e A me rican8 and t he l!'ritish u to w hether t ht' Ame ricans will sup- port lhe Brill.eh It they should crea te their own Irania n Korea . Ir the British &Mume mllitarY action In Iran, w bat proportion will be Brit ish soldlf:'rS, a nd wha t Ameri- can ....: if any ! The fea r 111, w ill t he Amer icans again pull t he ches tnuts out or the fire for t he Brit ish In the. Middle East as we have done ever i;iinct 1942 ! Remember, our policy in Pa:estlneo. whether right C!.t wrong, l.s mi15firing. The A..rab world dlt-- t ruata and d islikes UB-w ith the only posalblc ex'ception in Saudi Arabia. M~rchant. Marlne The U. S . Merchant Marine, first in the world. and the British Me r- chl'ln t Marine, second In 'the world , a re f&cing i;erious compet ition in the rebuilding of the German Met- ch.atnt Marine. _Asacmbtyman Earl W . Stanley's The H igh Allied Comman•J in revt"nue bond bill, to f inance selfr Western Germany now aUows the llquidsUng projects. wu hailed Germa.n.s t o build vessels unre· publicly today as "most needed" strlcted in every respect as long u legls a.tlon which is "sound ln pro-t hey won't be readily convertible ct"dur~... for mllJtary putpoeea. Dic k Gr avCB, for mA ny years the 1 Our shlpplng interests, lnc~udlng gC'neral counsel for the ·powerful I labor. a re.oppgsed to German com- Lea gue of Ca lif ornia Munlcipa.11-petition aa tht\ moat eertou.s men- Ues. made the t ribute to the New· j ace to our own shipplngi bwlinees. port Ha r bor 118.wma.ker '• bill ln a . In aJl probability thls la the be- diacuSBlon before a CUlver ~lty ginning of the German rebirth of Caucua of the Orange , County their Merchant Marine WhJcb wjll Lcague ... or Citie• and the Loa An-again be fol.IOwed {juat aa after ge1es County d1vlaton.. Graves .. ter the F1l"fft 'World War) by the limlt- claborate-d on the .meuure. ed rebirth of the Gennad War He said that Stanley's bill would Fleet. , provide short-t erm loe.na: at low ln-Political ic:leo~ogy and monopoly tereat for municipal a.nd other gov; of bualne.a are the onJ.Y I.two real ernmenl&l projecta which ·can pay reaaona why lbe world la cout.ant· out on bub or earnlnga and 1y engaged in wan. pron ta. An example. he ~d. la expian.. almi or a wate.r ayatem, wb&ch could be financed on lbe renbue Richard B. BaU. 83, aoa ot Mr. bond meaaure, Stanley propoied. and Mn. H. O. Ball of N:e•port and which could uqu!date Ila debt Jle•<b, .... ...,.,.Uy -&l>POl!>lr from It.. profit.... Trodlt-Jly, eel Ollet Piiot of -AU. .water department.. In moot ~ U-. It wu ....--byll!d Con. and county dlottk:ta -.i profit., ......,. ~t ot U>e conlJ>M7. one ot tl>e few go-tal Ball wUI be In cMip 9f &II fllpt qencS...whldl do. • ~ Offl' Ille Jlr llne'• roulA!, · . -ni-. tr0111 Rooo, NOY, .to ~ 11ao moved. Walck I&! Pli'>d'a. ~ ' , . , ' ' . I I I • • ' .. . T uesclay; M.y I-. "5 I -' C:~M loy '.Appearecl .at Sis.., ll!illlY CCl!ftPCligill 'Kick Off' .. ASk DOubli~ . of MWD S~ppJy Glam<>T'<>WJ Rooa'lnd RuJoeU-, ~um star, apd Art Linkletter, top .. ad lo ('nt.ertaJnu, "Were featurca 'Mt 1'londay C April 30) whin >tater El~beth Kenny FountS,atlon 'klcks ofr'~ ft.a . 19~1 campaign fo r )300,000. Th" eve nt took place ll the Park Manor, 607 S. West· ::-m Ave., Loe tA ngelra, ~gtnn\ng: with • dinner at 6 :30 p . m. A numbef of surpriAlng !ea~urca were planned, lncl\ri:ling a per80nal neN&ge from Siste~ Kenny from \ustrali & and 1'('8ponsee by Mi.88 "lussell and some or the state's 1ut.st anding leaders. · P r act ically every community in '.he -Southland was rcprescntrd ~,r, th~ atfnlr .. ·incJuding Lt. and vt rs. George Dauphine and S<Jn '-1 arcli (ron1 Corona del Mar. TbrCi• l('ar old Mardi ls one of tht" num- ·brr of chi dren who cao1c lo lh<' !1.uth Home-Elizabeth Kenily In- il itute with the prediction t hat 1 he)' would never walk a gain. Hr ls now a normal walking child. free of brllces o.nll artifi cial a itl!i . SEEKS QUIET TITl.E Qtli(·t i it le lo a h'asehold inlcr- ·st on a parcel of Ne,vport Be<ich ·1~a1 c:;1tate' was r<'QtleSl<'d in sup<'r- or court b.v Mrs-. Marguerite W il- ·nol -She fl h·ri her a ction a ga :ns1 'he Uni tell States of Arncrica ant.I 1 he s tal.(: qf Californii; on g round that bot h g·ovcrnmen ts c-lairn lax Urns agltinst her lca l$ChUld in- ' lt'ITfit. ______ , HF;RIJER"r J:fOOVER. i~alo Allo "As one fan1ili ar with Lhe pres· ur<'s of the pa t rona gr sys tf'm, I brli r vf' the-Gov<.·rnmcot n eeds rli rf'c tion by ,tr a int>d S<'rva nt!J ra the r ~han adn1 .i n1stra t ion by hap- haZR rd pol itiral appointees." Purcbue of anolbet:" 25,000 f<:te feet of Water ftom MettopoUtan Water D ist rict. was propoeed to cl'· rectors of the Orangt County Water Dis trict at their meeting in Santa Ana Monday alternoon. The reQUC'St, to double the pres-.. enl • purchlLl!!le o f Colorado river supplict now beinC" rcieued in the Sanla Ana river, 'woukl coat 1156.- 000 at the p revailing $10-per-acre- foot rate. The 1;roposa.1, a dvanced to the local district 's directors by rancher Walter Schmid of Garden Grove, Brad HcJ1i.B or Irvine and John Murdy. Jr .. or Huntington Beach wd others. "''&S predict ed on tht- '.ht•ory t hat the wstcr dbtrict -.,•ould devc lop adc11lional channels , in Prado Dam Basin undec. a pro,- -;ram c urrently await ing approvaJ. Thi.a calls for eXJ><'ndlture of 1boul $10,000 in channel work to "usurc that the Cuk>rado river sup- nly, r("IC'uat:d In Santa Ana river ·tro&r A rlinJ,:lon , wou·d flow into OrllJlge cnunly. At prt"scn t, the lmrortcd water 1>1 Oowini: trom an M\\'0 feeder inl' at lhf· rat{' of 140 acre roet -,er <IRf · Pl11ns are to stl'p up the intake to 200 Rl:--tl' f(•l't )M'r day. If lh,.. channel \Vork is done, an O:v('n ln r~t'r (lo"' might ,be pos- ublt' so that the additional water Cf1uhl he rt'lcasctl in t he c hann<.·I bt•forc Ot.>c. 1. STANLEY T . W ILSON. Pub- 1shrr, Mill Valley Rf'Cord "Th,.. Japane3<' "'ho thought they bad \Von the war because lhcy got MacArthur and we got Truman- 1nay now be wonder iJ1 e; it any- hot.ly v.1on." • -- INSU·RED • ·sAVl.NGS • • I CUR RI NT .EARNINGS Per Ann11m '· SIYlllS IOW ··1uum · \ UPTO •. ., ... • , , " ' I j ) ' • , ---. --------.,.:----.. "?----·---.. --~------~ ... -... ..--...... ----__, .... -;;:,....~~~-::-, . , Tuesday, Mey 1,-195 1• KNITrER . PINSER-Fe-atuf'f"d ln W n~·s from Tok)•o. lit Jud.y s :um, 14-~·par-old daughtt'r nf Lt. Col. Allt>n L Blum.· now st.a. llonf><I ln Korf&&. The Blums ha\"e a home at 126 Collins AY("ftue. Balboa Island .le \\'hi('h thf")' lntend to n-turn altt>r the .COlonrl'11 tuur or duty \\'hich hr. :startt"d about 2•!1 )'eant Bl'O· Judy, a student at a T okyo high ~hool, jolnt'd ctas~mates In knittlnc ~\\'ealf'rs fo.r rt·rugt''""' In Korru.. · Sht• l!!t sho\VR rt"Ct"l\·ing a production pin (~ huur.-t uf ni-.'1111· t•lic·klng) from ~t"d -Cn>Hs , \'oluntef'r l\lra. I. . . ' SlntllJtP. 'Jhl' Rlums tui\·c lhrft' daughten., tht" other ~·o are JMI. 10 &nd Jan, IS. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l\OTl('E TO BIDDERS N'OTICE OF ELECTION ' • ' • • • I : . .:NEWPORT~LIOA' N~TIMES .• PUWISN!>'l'O~TY 'CoastD.:.SinaClaiiJ FUTVllllRADIOST~.JioN j51peclal :Tramp•1alloft. r ' ' I,''' " Pleedlfti', !'Gt pUty to lrlvtnr ' ,John Puole ol Corona del Mar , · \ • . . · ' ., -...~ Oct. 21 nue 1'la PP.Orator'• '-thts.f'lnal Procl1lc uJd 1111• weetc U...t he 11u received to M.y's How May 6 · · SMART · .-HOP.PERS ltceue ,... ......ad and watvtnr ± Foders'\ CommunlcaUona Comml8· ' . . · a Jwy_ tiul.:wu Jil&'colm JJart.e)' I l}nder lf'e dlrectjon of Mni. M -· lion~ approva.l ' for a 10,000!watt .. \. capadty crowd of 100,000 pe.... 1 · l ·~ Nelson, 'Ill, or co.ta K-. In Ban· Jorie Williamson, 'prominent di otaOon on <fatallna lalllnd at 140 sons Is exJ'!ected to attend :Mary'• • SC '"'N ta Ana court. T\l~y. Trial WU tor from Laguna Beach, L!te eoaf.:t kllocy.Clc frequency. / Hout jn ~ Angelea eo·taeum "- set for M&y 2-He wu arreeted CoUeae ~l&.58 Will t>egtn~ lta thlM Re sald he #.ll _have studios In Sund~ M'~y 8 at 3 p.m. • by caJlfomJa .fftpway 'patrol of· , "" · l _ Avalon and also· on the mainland. Y. , . I flcen at JloLI& Ave. (W. Flrat St.) and finkl production of I.be cu.r-reot posS-ib y tn Orange ·county. He To r<'duce traffic and p11rk1DS and Wrtcbt st.'; year. Com.m~nclng at 7 p. m. qn h opes.to have the s tation in op ttr· pt'Oblftms for the thousands wlsh-1 ~tond#ly. April 30, r c•dlJt&s "We~e atlon early in 1952. · • inr; to ".ttend. Pacific EIP.Ctrlc has .. he)d ln lhe Chapel to tlcte rmi.Qe planned spE>Clar charter motor I ~lht t/ It made him hap~y tht' a8Signment _of 1olca. \nteresl· "Inflation ls every b it ;l.8 danger-coach and rail 11er\t'lce direct to -fine! -8bowgtrl Rosemary W :l-• ed o.ditlL"I are cordle.l!y invited to ou8 as lnl€rnal rttt>n1y as any for-the coliSeum, f U~. telllng why she accepted I participate in. tht'se readings. ln e'gn egi;rcMSor."-Defm~, Mobil· Mary's Hour 18 BJ\ annusl gath~ 1 • I mink coat from youth accused of addition to the dramatic ro'es, po-lz.er Charlc1:1 E . WI !ion. erlng of tt?e rour-cOunty area or fraud. s itidhs ttlallng to ~tai;:e n1.-.na~r -~ ... the Loa, Angeles -\rclidioce&e to 1 ment w1d set constr uction w ill be DodJ:'t> ~ moved. Wateh lt! pray together fur world peace' and j ! available. Do<lgt' h'P· moved. Watcb lt! I the welfare of America. · 1 +--- By MARGO IN THIS PA~ER Dodge hae moved. Watch It! --------·-· --. -------------------·-------------------------• • The Board of Trust ees of tht' Newport Harbor Union H i g h School rcqut'sls blcls on the rcroof- ing "of the followini:: 1''ur ~fembt>f"8 of tht-Go\'ern.lng · Board of th.-St-\\"port BclM'b EIPfl'W"ntary Di8tr\('I. 1. P ort ions of n1ain build1ng- caft'l<'ria area. ~. Woorlshop. 3. P ortion of boys· gyn1nasiun1 ar<'a, nu rsi··s office. S 1lccifieat ionJ> n1ay ~· ubtainC>t! in the office of the' hig h school. Area~ t o bf' rt•roofC'd n1ust be sur- veyt'Ct by the biddt>r. Bu.is will be-r<'ceivrd until 12 noon in the office of the high Nol 'ce i.s hereby given t o thf' f'll"'c lors of the Newport Beach F:lemt>ntary District of Orange County, California, that thf An- nual E !ection for members of the Board or Trustees of the Newport Rea ch Elementary District will b~· held on the third Friday of May. vfz, May 18, 1951. It will be nC'cessary to e lrct oue member. ~ • • ' school May 14. 1951, and will be opened in the bOard room at 1 :00 P. M . on the same day. The board r('Sl_'rV<'S the right to rcjc1.:t any and all bids. The polling place for eleclon!I or the Newport Bea c h Ele m entary Precinct No. 1 f Precin ct.s as in City Elections I. 2, 3, 4. 5, 8, 9, 11, 15. 18. 19, 29 and C 'iff Haven Sub- division) Distric t w ill be at the entrance, Newport School. 14th &: LILLIA N BUTLER, C le rk Board of Trustees Xt'wpol't H arbor Union • Hig h S chuol Nu. 203 1'1mP!'. Pubi1:-;h April 21 : i\'lay 1. 1951. '.\'OTIC'E T(> BIUUEKS Tiu· Buatrl of 'l'rustl'es of lhf' Nc\\'port Harbor \Jnion Hi g h school rt·qursls bids un 30 or 35 n('\\' s ta11dntd n1ake tyf>Cwritf'rs for school US<' of tht· fol O\ving makes: Royal, L . C. Smith, Undt•rwood and ' Ren1ington. Bids \\'ill be reccivrri until 12 noon in lhf' office of the high sclwul 11-1ay 14., 1951 , llnd will tx> npenf..•<.l in the board room at 1 :00 P . M. on the san1e day. The board rt·~('rVt'S the right t o rcjt·ct a ny tt.nd all bit.ls. LlLJ .. IA N BUTLER, Clerk Boartl of Tru~tt·es NPwport Harbor Uni.on H igh School. No. 202--T intl'S. Publish April 24: l\fay 1, 1 9~1. ·~n. l'-5464 CF.RTll-'l(',\Tt.: f)Y JK)lNG Bl"!i'ISF.SS l 'SllF.R t-1(."T ITJOt'S SA)fE \Vt' lu·r1·by cert ify that we are transacting bus\ncss. prlncipally at 2 19 Coa~t H ighway. in the City o r N1·wport Bl'8ch, County of Urangc, &lal{' nf California. Ufld{'r the fi1:- t1tlo\IS firm name of HARBOR r1,\IN't AND WALLPAPER CO .. u111.I that th1• nan1cs in full of all of th" o\vner.!:I eof said bu."lines.s and th•'ir p l&t.'l'S of, residen<'e are: 1--JtANI< A. KATNIK, 127 Soulh Lincoln Stree t, Orl'lnj;;,.., California. ELIZA HE"PH 'KATNIK. 127 South. Lincoln Street, Orani:.i:. California. Dated Aprh 2nd. 1951. FRANK A . KATNlK ELIZABETH l{ATNIK Slate of Olliforn1a , County o f Orange, ~s. ' On this 2nd day of A prU, 1951. befort' me, David D. French, a Notary PUblic in and for said County an(\ Slate. personally ap· peared Frank A. Kllnlk and Eliza. beth Katnik. knoWn to me to be the persona whose names, are sub· acribed to the fotegping ln.stru- ment.· and acknowledged to me that they executed.· the 1&111 • Witness my .band ,.aJJd offidal &ea.1. • ... • . DAcVlD 0 . FRENCH Not&IJ' liJUbllc In and f°' slild ·,County and State: (SEAL)! No. 111&,.-'T\mea. _ \ . Publlah Aprll 11-U; Ma) 1-3, 1951. • , .. Balboa. Blvd., sehool in said Dis- trict. l The polling place for said elec- tors of the N ewport Bea ch Ele - mentary Pr€tlnct N1.>. 2 I Precinct s a..~ il'I Cit y Elect!ons 6 , 7, 10. 12, 13. t'I. 16. 21. 22, 23 ) District will be at l h(' entra.ncf', Corona del Mar School in said District. .._ 1"he polls will be open Oetween the hours of 7:00 o'clock A . M. and 7:00 o'clock p. n1 . The returns of the election w ill br canvassed at ~:00 o'clock p. m . on 1\.fay 2.5. 1951. The officers appointed to con- duct the election· ·in the above- qamed Elementary School Dhi:tr•ct are: ~o . l -1'-1rs. Julia Mae Eggert No. 2-Mrs . 'Anne C rowl, . · Inspector No. l f.-Mrs. Nina K. Holtby No. 2~Mrs. Jane E . Morgan JUdbC No. I ~Mrs. Autt>lla Niemiec No. 2-1'-frs. Martha M. Cunnlng- ha1n Judge (Signet!) MARION C. DODO, C lerk/Secretary ~tarch 16, 1951 No. 198-Tintes Publish April 17-24; May 1, 1901. CERTIJo~ICA'{E 01" BllSINESS f 'letllloU& Y1nn Name 1"n. P-Mi,7 . THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify lhat he is conduct- ing an t'lectrlcill contracting buai- ness a~ 1204 Coast H ighway, Co- rona d'et Mar, California . under the fictltk>ua firm name of LAN· DA.KER .ELECTRIC a1t<1 that said firm ia c.of'!lposed o f the following p€'rsona, wli'oae names ln full and places of residence are as follows. to-wit: ARTHUR M. LANDAKER,. 000 ·Dahlia. Corona del Mar, Ca,llfomia. , WITNESS my hand this 10th day ot April, 1951. ARTHUR M . LANDAKER State ot C&llfornia, County of Orange. as. ON THIS 10th day of April. A. D . 1951, before me, .HARRY ASH· TON, A Notary ~lie tn and for Ute said County ind Sllt,tA>, reald- ing therein. duly ~ &nd IJWoni, personally 111 •pPea.red ARTHUR M. LANDAKER; lmown Lo me \o be the peraoo wboae name ta subllcti.bed to tbe wttllln !natrument. and uk1!9wledpd to me that he exec:ut«I the ..me. IN WITNESS ~.I',• I; ~ hereunto set m,J band and &tftl¥d my official eeal Uie day and y.u in uµ. CerfWcate ttnt above Writ· ten.. ,· , I (SEAL) •. • HARl\Y ASIJT()N ' ti«¥ Coln"'1 ......... ~) No. 189-TllMo · , • . Pullll/!I' Aprll lf•Zll .x.yl-8, .llOl. • '' . ~ llao ~ 'i!atdl It! ' ' .-: . ' - Every time )'Our oil man.delivers a gallon of gasoline.or fuel oil to }·ou-hc sets in n1urion a chain of events reaching,;o distant oil ficldS. ,. our purchase is registered through a sensitive S}'Stem of Co-ordinated Distribution, which balances supply with demand. • Your ,gallon sets the"chain"i,_ motion No matter ·where you !iv~. from ~Iaine to Cali- fornia, your call for any oil product has its echo hundreds or thousands of miles away. The fact that your use is multiplied by nlillions of other · people-in. thousands of places-means that the chain of distribution ~ust be kept going 24 hours a day every day. To deliver the required 290,000,000 gallons of petroleum products "to your door" daily , the pctru- lcuin industry has developed its own special system of tran.sJ>onation. Your gallon sets it in motion. I Maldn9 oil more useful: Oil contributes in hundreds of ways to the nation's • , .~Ol~ID TO Sil.YI~ YOU I.ES T. ' ' ,' I . . • .. I economy, comfort, protection. It produces more than half of America's power. Co-ordinated Distributi on is another example of how the oil industry gets the maximum usefulness out of our petroleum suPi'ly. And oil companies, to do this, work an 3 fronts : produqion, relining and distribution. Joined to serve y ou best ) Production finds new oil fields, gets the .most possible oil from existing wells. _ ieflning gets more •nd better products.from, C\1ery • gallon of crude petroleum. · . Distribution anticipates the users' needs, and delivers the product where an~ .when it is needed. .. ~ \Vith production, refining, and distribution all joined "un,der one roof " -teamed to exchange, ideas -Shell dpes ir-S part to assure the niost efficient flow of petroleum products to you. . To strengthen America: Because they have plow~ack over 10 billion dollars into new: plants ani!_eguipment since the end of World War II, America's privately manrged oil companies outproduce the world -are better prepared today than ever before , to ·meet both civilian and military needs. · • S~ell_. Oil :~c.~~dny. ' • . ~ . . . ' \ • '· • ~· • t-• ·~ • ). "1~ "'eat 6tii -Stfte' Loe. ~;14,~·<iaiJronda , t " ~ c • , ' (;. ' • '1~ 'tt '. . j . ' , , . . • • .. '" • ·• -,, l r ti -~~ • . . - ---------- -------.. _ ·-. --~ -------. -. _ .. I ~ ' . --~ --·-. " - -- ----------------- ·• ' • -- ""· • • • J \ --. I ! . I ' ·I ' . ' ' • . ' l • .. NEWPoRT-BALIOA NEWS..Tl~ES ' ' ' • • • THJ8. WD.L Pl.IT YOU IN STITCHES! Or a yam, well calcu- lated.. wtll keep you from suapen9e. Knitting is -good for your nervoua eyatem wfllch la all the mott n;aeon for yoµ to drop a Btltch and' ro over to t he new BIZ·MART KNIT SHOP' ln ll!Llboa.. BU (tor !li.1BOn1:tle l Hartlein and Martha Taylor. 2 adept ctrta •th a. need,Je bave opened a new knittery. They carry a complete Une ot Fleisher"• ya.ms, metallic lhrea.da. Bel&.3traw, and cotton Twtnk.lt · sheen.. Hand knJt suit s are very elegant thia or any year, and I was ame..zed to learn that you 'twlnkle-ftngera ca..n make yourselves a devastating dress !or under StW). I notice many of the teen-age needle-plyers go a woolng with knit 90Cks. Biz~Mart carries th'i Grace Ennl11 Graphic 80C'k patterns whJch stop men rirht In their tni..cks. Biz and Martha give instructions and chart patterns. When the Nev.rport Harbor Lady Anglers convene a.t thefr Balboa Bay Club fashion Junc::heon Thurs .. May loth. the Biz-Mart will show the latest twi9t In knit attire. You may attend. In the meantime- learn to knit at the Biz-Mart Knit Shop, 813 Balboa Blvd. Har. 0776. • • • I REMEMBER MAMA ... • • • • • • • • • IS MUM GOING TO BE THE WORD! 11" YOU'RE BLESSED EVENT SHOPPING, POLLY APPAREL. the. won1an's ·friend hu a complete baby department. .Here you can find anything a baby needa. Diapers creepers. infant gowna, sleeper-. droollnl' bi~. bonneta, rattles, baby gt!U, oh everything~ Polly ha.a Mn. Day's sctentiflc IDEAL Baby Shoes which are ver-y I ' • tin{!: tor little walkers. Beacon Baby BIQ.llketa"'are $3.49-$3.9'5. And ror btger girl bablea, very dainty Loomcraft party dresses. echool plaids and ginghams, sizes S -14. These dreues are ~anteed washable and are In neat styles at $1.9f5 -$4 .96. You can't baby a baby too much, you know. They realize that it the POU..Y APPAREL 18SS Ne"""JM>rt A.ve •• Colla Me.a.. , • • • ARE YOU A NIGHT-BLOOMING CREATURE! Do yoll beat your mothy wtnp a.ga.lnat the brl&ht Uirhta! 1WeJl hurry honey there'• a la.a.tern lD the wtndoW lor you at the K.pt·tap Kate. Tb.oee nicht owls, tbo.e keepers of lbe name are w&.1Un1 UP for OF COt'R.~E 1 DO ~ . · • you now until 2 a. m .. You can tank up all everdn( \\'ITH fo~LO\\'ER.fS BV MOR.RI llnd still get a hot lac El'Dle-burger a.nd a 15c ' The Mighty Midget In Adv.erttsing . NEWS-TIMES -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST -Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thursdays Newport Bay Post ::l.Malfted Ads must nm lll the Tues4ay · Ne\\'9·Tl.mes or the 'Ibunda7 Pren llllN1M'7M AD IS 4 LINES All Clu!dfted ad• muitt be paid ror ea. .. h la ad,...,.ce of publlmtlon. 4 Linea 1 Paper $ .75 4 Unes 2 Papers 1.50 4 JJnes S Papers 2.ob The publ 1 iaher11 will not be rcsponsib1e tor m or e than one Incorrect lnaertlon of an advertisement , reaen>e the right to correctly cl!l&91fy any and all ad!: and to reject any advertisement not conforming t o rule• and regulations. Advertis~ments and cancellations wlll ho · accepted ~ to 5 p.m. on the day preceding publication. Ph. Har. 1618 Pbone lla.r. 1818, ask (or ''Ad TakN"' or send ad and ft'mlttanCt> to ~WPORT HARBOR PUBLISHING CO. .!211 Balboa Blvd., Ne\\1Mirt Beach, Callfom,la.. ....... t:~. Balboa 0 ... ·d. Ralboa Jlu.rbor •OTO • """' -urio~ -sackful or French Fries for ballut. And you'll be a better clt!&en 10--BUSINESS GUIDE • 9 • in the morning for ill And for example .. If 10me convtvala drop ln ·-·------------ IZ-BUll..DJNO SERVICES ''THIS MEANS CL'RT,\INS FOR YOU," said Jessye. "You on you. or if you"re behaving yourself playing carda and suddenly COMPLBrrm HOUS!C CLEA.NlN,ti :p APER HANGING PAINTING 1n ?an . ?.' I quavered Incredulously. "Y:es. lt'.a curtains for you hunger strikes, whip over for a bagful of ;i5c hamburJ'erB. The eentce. P'UmJture and rup ar anybody else who come9 stumbling in my shop." continued Jeuye Kottage Ka!e is standing open from 11 a. m.-2 a. m. ju.al tor you. lbampooed. Free e•tlmatee- Richardson, miatresa of Richardson's Curtain and Draper)' Shop. You get over there late p.t night even If you have lo pinch youAelf P"Ully tn.ured. Jesaye really means business· .. so ahe'• selling some very flne to stay awake. Kottage Ka fe, \920 Newport Blvd. l blk beyond AJ'g House & Rug MUSLIN COTTAGE CURTAlNS (technically Priscillasi for $4.29 M~sa Theater. tCLOSED TUES.~ and -I{enneth Quarry pr. tor 45 "; S4.59 tor 5'4!'; S5 ror 63". Thia muslin Is very good • • • Cleaning 'Co. lf.15 Santa Ana Ave., Co~tu 1'-fesa Phone Ilea.con 5504 goods with an attractive provincial print ruffling, and these aame HJ>:\·! TOSS Jl()TS! Bee.con 9111 curtains grace 90me pretty snobb)' homes. \\'hy not }•ours?' J essye 72t!c 12tf~ Ir Yo'' are apt to ti)' In a ra.ge and Y/ant to thro""' aomethinv-also has a buy in Pla.atic tie-on pillows at 69c. These make tor in-· • 1 expensive. loafing In patio or kitchen. And ple&Se inspect the be sure it's a potted plant fron1' MORRJ'S! (This week'• a~~· Sweet Peas 15c a bunch, cash and carry. I FLEL'RS BY 1!'.0KKJ~· drapery and slip cover material&. Richard!On's has the LINEl\"'l'EX • MODERN AMERJC.<\.NA FABRICS as modern ~ next year and 509 E . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 20i 0. probably ga)·er. This Linentex looks like hand-blocked line ~. and • • • the new pastel color combos are terrific at $3.79 yd.; Glosheen. the I THINK THAT I SHALL NEVER SEE A Telephone Pole 8JI hi-powered sateen is $1 .98 ; and aa.ilclolh provincial prints are S2.98 lovely a.s 8 t~ee ? Trees? Wood? AH YES? I tl"Ank that I shall yd. Jessye R ichardson is a mad girl on a sewing machine and never aee any ·lovelier furniture rrom a tree than tha.t made by dreams up beautiful cust om ~ bedspreads. draperies, slip covers,. CARLYLE'S ! These f urnishings are beautitully put toptb.er and etc. at Richard.son'• Curtain &ad Drapery Shop, 1203 Coast Blvd .. custom built of mahogany. a.sh or gum. You can get elega.nt, mod- Corona del Mar. ern Mr.· and Mn. C'hests. Holl~·ood head b08.rds .record cabinet.a, • • • dining sets. and a.ny r.umber of pieces In t lnished or unflnisbed. For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. Sympson & Nollar . THE SHADE SHOP ·PAINTING & DECORATING Free estimates ' Ph . Har· 884 "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38tt1 St .. Newport Beach 514. 29th St. Newport Beach PHONE HA RBOR 2404 . 93trc 1 !tfc Ense~ Race Entry List ( C'..uotlnllPd from Pu~.. I ) • 111 ............ Viking IV ......... Schooner 54'4 Dr. Troy L . McHenry 100 ........... Novia De1 Mar-._ .Ketch 88'4 John P . ScrippM 28 ............. Windfall ............ ·'·u"•l 39'39 Rob•t N . Williams , H.H.l{O,LBRQOK · DEPENDABLE PLUliBING' . A P.ompt Repa.lr Serllce Maintained ' Pho~: Hari>or Hlll-W 2801 Balboa Blvd,._ Newport l,le&ch tt--rEBSONA.Uli AlCllholiai .An~D)'lllOWI Write P. Q. Box 206 Bolboa laliDd, CAltf. Phone Klmberl1 a.5398 t~C.OST AND FOUND LOaT-Ladies n.avY blue nap purse contai.w!I· wallet, Identifi- cation, keYs. etc. Probably al Mesa theatre 01' Laguna. Fri- day night. Phone Bea.con 643-4:-'J . 1Llc13 -Be .wiae---l ell people--8.dvertlae! U-&ruATJONS' WANTED NURSE -California registered- W ould like work' in doctors of· !ice or private-duty locally.Call Beacon 6i76-W. 8pl3 \\1 Al'.IED-General Carpentry & repa ir work. Harbor 7of'5-V.'. ~ 13pl5 EXPERIENCED Gardene r want.ti garden maintenance by the mo. or by lhf' hr. Spraying. Renovat- ing. ?-;rw lawns. Har. 1967·W. 1:l't>1 5 WHY BE A LONELY WALL FLO\VER? Carlyle'll Fumll"lltt> 1tu its own factory, to you can SBVP at lf".&At YOU TOO C.i\N BE THE LIFE or~ the party. ,'\O~o on any of these mode.ma or prov'incials. Carlyle's Furniture ts k ick your b.eeli'. snap your ringers and yell nbw in large new !.how rooms at 1990 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. "Riki-Tiki!" I propoae a simple hon1e charm Beacon 6739·\V. Go stroll thru this v.·onderful furn iture forest! course. The first thing you must do Is • • • P 10 ........ GuJlmar ......... Sloop 44 '01 J . G .. Johanson Ut--llELP WANTED. achieve rhythm. Go over lo Suzy's record AWAY WITH GROUND HOO DAY, ARBOR 36 ..........•.•• "fansu Ya...,.•I -39· ... Peter ·Grant P .............. Wew Moon Schooner 42' . .Vernon S. Ruppert 7 .............. Naka.ira · . Ketch 36' .... Or. Geo. R. Wall O .............. Gale .. . ........ Sloop 30' Gale A. Ford 25 .............. Coraa..\t ......... Yawl 63'9 .. Robert E. Taylor 33 .. ltta.nnaduke ... Ketch 40' .... Willis E . Short POWER MACHINE operator for cotton sportswear. Experiencet.l work, Work in Balboa.. Ph. Har. 1095. llp13 ' ' fuesdoy, Moy I. 195f ....... , . . '· ~ Outboard Motors" · l:LGIN ~% If. P . ltft "1odol. like new, -$65. C--'11111-• ~wath& 5% H. P. lMI -l l1!lld. Sl!O. Used dporo. ia·-. General Electric mup_ .A bay • $50. Phone Harbor ~M. Jplll EUREKA vacuum wttb-attaeb. J~. eo:eman port. atme, '6: Inaulate<l portable Ice box, JU; Paddio board, $20; S!lverllp fox tuno, $75; Mah. dlOJ~ est: ta- 'ble, $75; and varioul chain, etc. Phone day~ Harbor 0002. 1.lcl3 REFRIGIIBA TOR. S doci,-rud>·ln. $300. Fria.Jator, 18 x 18, 2 An~ 1on1. deep fry•. 14 x 14, sn -.. All three fryers tor $200. 2216 Santa Ana. Ave-,, Costa M-. §ea.con 6227-\V. • 13pl5 SMALL CRIB, $0. Boa ls!atid. 201 Onyx, Bal- 1Sp15 ~~~~~~~~~~~- GOOD USED 30 gal bot water heater . Down. tleeping bag. Down jacket, size 42. Rollaway bed. Ph. Har. 13,bl-M. J3cl~ T\\'0 GIRLS' BICYCLES. Zt" and 26". In excellent condition. with extra.s. Phone Beacon 5887-W. 13p15 PLAY PEN, $7.50 and mattrea ti. H igh chair. $7.50. All in C"ood condition. 2M5l K inp Rd., Clift' Haven. Ph. Beacon 5634. 13c14 11>-A-SW APS HA VE 4 -pc.. walnut dble. bdnn .i;et . WANT twin bed.rm set. 412 Westminster. Newport Heights. ~aeon 62.50.Ai. 11cl3 .Ho I \VE NEED GOOD USED RE· FRtGERATORS-Can make big lradc·-in allowanCes. See the new Philco r efrigerators thi.8 \\'eek! DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 shop in the House or Harmony. Purchase an R. C. A. ~rpm auto. record changer to r $12.95 alone with the Mambo, Sahibo. Rhumba albums recomme.nde<t by Arthur Murray. Play these over and dance wildly using basic D\lnuet steps. diminishing or Increasing your velocity DA Y AND WASH DAY~ Let'a make every day MOTHER'S DAY! Some or· us might have a tendency juat lo remember mama when we need our nosea blown, some money, or some sewing done. A Mother's gift ex- pectancy is very low, bt1l her (ift apprecia- tion n1ns very high. The ~ &: 10 has a sloreful of use!ul and trivolous litt)e 1 ................ Hurricane ...... Schooner 27' Stanley 0 , Jacobs WANT DENTAL ASSISTANT , TABLE TOP 33 ·· .. Lusty ··· ....... Ketch. 43~,: •• _ ··Robert -A. Joyce I some exi;ierience deiitrable. Local RANGE. fully automatic top $50. Ph. Harbor a..s the music demands. You'll never again have lo WOJ'T')' about being .asked to dance ~ Then Samba over to the L. P. department tor a Long Playing attachment and the complete score of So. Pa· cl fic. Guys and Oolll!I, and Annie Get Your Gun. Study t he!le lyrics and learn the art or conversation. Hear P eter·Pan and learn t o fly out the window! For a music-love r is never lonely. 1'-fa.ke life one !N'eel song from Suzy's House or Harmony, 181 7 Newport Ave .. Cos!a Mesa. Bee.con ~737 · 5653. • • • "BOY! ARE ¥0U EVER IN THE DOUGH!" This wa.a,the carefully planned speech v.'hich I tossed at Bob Krull. master baker at t he Newport Bak~ry. I love to go --back in th1s ba.ke-houee early In the morning. lean on my elbows in the· tlour and wa.tch the dough·nut.s twirl a.nd spin them.ml'tes into gold. The n1ornin& [ragrance of the Hot Crullers. the Dan.lab Cotfee cakes &Ad the cinnamon rolls Walts up and down the ocean rront like a spice)' dream! Strong men of the sea abandon their boats. aha.Jon• Can- ners drop their shells, raithtull wives leave home! For all roada lead to the Newport Bakery tor the early momln&' hot stuff. And mind vou this goes on 7 days a week. Later ln the day. these same irou~mets can be seen mooning over the cold case. eyeing the l"rench pastnes. thf' "'hip cream putfs and eclalrs, the lemon tarts. Most of theSe people go out or the Ne"·port Bakery with a loaf or 1oor4 wheat bread under their arms. This bread ta 8() beneficial because the "'heat germ is left right in the flour. All t he g90dne88 is left right in e\•erything you buy from the ~e"•porl Bakery, 2112 Ocean Front. Ne'.'<-port . Harbor 1442-R. • • • MRS. A~f ELlA BLOONlER ADVOCATED A S HORT SKJRT \\·orn daringly over loose trousers gathered at the ankles for hoop-rolling. But Hip! Hip Hooray! LE'e Stroup advocates the dashing new Mam-7..elle Bask-ette shorts in pastel pink or yellow P icolay These superbl)' tailored shorts· are also available in "'hite or navy twill at $3.75. But maybe you're more or a spectator sport, say one who goes in fer verandah athl~ics like tea sipping and whist. In that event, let me adVocate a gander at the Jo·Lee' Sport Shop's °':ti' Ale¥ Colman creation . Coln1an has designed 90me very smartly clli.iif. itay and chartreuse cotton skirts with unpre&11ed pleats at Sl0.95; an unusual Navajo coordinate with bead detail : highly polish- ed cottons a nd g"'.Y chintz skirts "·ith a variety or contraating blouses in ver:v lush colors. And I hope you crean1 your elbows every night. ~tost all the fashionable new blouses are sleevE>Jess you know. Jo-Lee e\'Pn ha.s 90me maddish little sleeveless ginghams at $2.95. Jo Lee Sport Shop, 183:> Ne"•porl Ave., Costa Mesa. • • • IN A SCENE \VHlCli MUST HA VE BEEN COMPARABLE ONLY TD THE LAUNCHING OF THE QUEEN MARY, a Mr Moore pre~ntecl a Mr. BUJ Querry with a s pecially desicned utility ._•rench. Mr. Querry is the popular m'echanic a\, lhe N EWPORT MARINE ENGINE \\"ORKS. Mr. Moore is the owner of a 50 fl yacht. ~fr. Querry ground the valves and tuned the. motor of lo-tr Moore·s 'facht. Mr. Moore was so pleQsed he gave Bill this prize tool which looks \ike a la.rge can-opener to me. And you too can live happily ever a!te.r if you take your motor car Qr boat to the • Newport Marine Engine Works! Here men or steel, Bill Querry and Howard Dennis rebuild motors, grind va.Jves, gtve tuo~up&, weld and carry on like crazy with boat and car motors. They are ttle agenlt for the Federal J eei> ~larine 61 h. p. boat motors a.nd a.'8o Mil WM!d engines. So if your boat Ol" auto is becalmed. e.nd ~·ou're in a fix- Call t.hese fixers at the Newport Marine Engine \Vorks. 2810 Laf- ayette, Ne\vport, H ~r. 1143. • • • THIS IS THE STUFF DREAMS ARE MADE OF! I wee.a the i'lexa.Jum Venetian bll.li<ll: tha.1 vou can ra.iSO? or lower at WW. (Ol' what's hi: namel. Flexalum is the new flexible V. blin1 material made of special formula alumlnum. Ym r:an perform all manner of decorator tricks wit! the.w custoo1 11\flde fripperies. Fle:c:alwn blinds ar' ava..i lable in dark or pastel gI"ttn.s.. mulberry red :.bocol&te. pa..U)l blues. duck etc. You can ma.let or use contra.sting washable plastic tape with these blinds. They say advice is cheap,. . . well I car. ·get i t (or you under wholesale. I mean free advice or estimate! on Flexa lum Venetian blinds tOr any type wliJdow. Go ahead, pleaat have a little blind faith. The Sha.de Shop ls at 514 29th 'St., New · port Beach. Harbor 884. - It ems llO inexpensive you could "'·ell affcird to jolly up your Mother every day or ao. Some augcesllo'ns it you please: The 5410 has a v .. riety or Pyrex cooking dt11he.s ta neat gitt for lining up some homemade food tor yourself! ;gay boxed statlonE>ry 49c-98c ; li ttle silk neck squares and head 11C&TVe.11 ; Utility Carry·All be.gs; lacey handkerchiefs: bridge a.nd Canul& decks: cookie cut ters. Jello moulds. You'll tlnd a million and one gadgets for your MOTHER includlne-greetlng ca.rd.a at the BALBOA 5&:10. 300 Main. Balboa. • • • "QUE PASO~ UN MOMEf\.10! I'm lh<' custom's officer hert>. Where were you bqm ! Oh! Ka.naa8 ? Mighty tine state. Go on in." Thia l.!1 a. scene 'Whfch doesn't take place at the Caaa don Carlos. You just walk in the door a.nd lra.ruiport yourself below the Border! And don't' change your nloney lnto pesos. Your American dollar g-oes rarther here tha.n when George V.'. threw it across the Potomac! Behold ! A muy sabrosa soup or green saladta hot plata &domed with an enchilada, taco and !ried beans PLU t ortillas, drink and dessert all for 95c! The rate o r exchs.nge is c rtainly in )'our ra ... -or at this mellow Mexican menage. I. Margo Hin s Duncan recoD'U'Tl.eDd this Casa don Carlos for tlne Mexican food pleasantly preaented. Bienvenidos! Casa don Carl~. 113 . 22nd St., Newport. H&.rbor 2638-M Open O -9 "'eek days; Sun. 5 -10: closed Tues. • • • • SIC GLORIA TRANSIT! Last of the Mohicans~ La.st of Mrs. Chene)· ... Last Rose of Summer'. And now we are f&cln, the L.A:"OT Ol~ TlfE ('ALJ\\1001~! ('ALl\\-'OOL, my sweets, ia all wool pile textured carpeting .... :hich is rast dwindling rrorn the market. The CoulUn.e F1oor C9vPrtng haa clutcheq its la.st clutch on tb.i.9 first grade carpeting a..nd is selling it out !'t SS.JM yd. INSTA:LlXD· ThiB is handsome, durable long lutlng floor wear and ordinarily sell s for around $5 yd. This is the t1lralght goods and no roll .ends or remnants: Hurry and get those rug-cutters at the COASTLINE FLOOR COVERJNG to roll out the carpet for you! 18th a.nd Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Beacon ~251-J. • • • CAN YOU READ THE HANDWRITING ON THE Y.,1 ALL? Jt's all very plain when it's on a Hottman., RCA. Dumont or Packard Bell TV from the ' Hot:iiM' o r Hannon.''! The moving finger al90 wrilu that If you don't own or rent a TV set you m ight BA w ell be sumrnerinc in Siberia~ No one will stay home with you nights. No one will come to visit you. Oh li te w\11 just pass you b)· In general! HOUSE OF HARMONY will UST \'Ol' A HOFFMA..V or RCA floor nlodel set with tree lnata.Llation, or .sell you a brand new on budget lenns. TRY ONE FOR SIZE FROM THE HOUSE HA.RMO~Y. 1817 Newport Ave., Costa. Mesa.. a,a. '5737·~. • • • •el OF HERE'S A S:iUG HARBOR! A seaworthy place ' =====-for you and your crew to drop anchor. This home port was built tor people who love the amell or the salt air, the .;ound or the surf a.nd a view or passing ships. For this comrortably fuml•h.ed beach house Is situated close to the Harbor's e.ntrance. The living room ls large and rrleftdly with a gray- slone fireplace and bulll·in bar. Tl),ere &re two at- tractive bedrooms and baths, and the clo~ts are REAL ESTATE spacious. You Car) pile up a lot or aut t ina• )tours ln t.he large e nclosed patio with barbecue! And :hf're's a two ca'I' garu.g-e with an extra parking ramp. Ir it 's fl hospitable home, by the aide of the aea. nteant for re&ax!l'\C" iodOors 'lr out. that appeals Lo you . . . call Sally or J im Newlln. J ohn Burnham Real Estate, M7 D Balboa Blvd., Harbor 160l. ·• . . · There a.re tiles th&l 11'..a..ke u.s happy, there a.re .ile1 that make u s blue. But the Tile lhat fills yol1r walls \\.i th gladness Is the TILE I'm Mlling· rou? Apologies to Anon . . . but I'm ..caroling \bout AJtun1"11111 'WaH 7Ur. Thia wa.11 tUe ta ptutte coated aluminum. an economic durab'-e waU lftat- -nent tor bath tubs, showers or k.ltchens.. It come• ·n 12 decorat.Qr cotore and .)WW not n.iat, peel w make Penicillin! You ... may u.ae t.hi• on a.ny fiat wall surface. Installations are 8lrlctJy waterproor ind gt'l!at for--remodellng or new con.at.ruction. Thi• la an inexpenaive colorfW way t.o clean up depreu·. • • • ?d bathro6ms and ldtcheru. Call Douglu James. the Smiling 'n.Je Powerless. 1 wal.cb~ with weird faacin.aUon as the rnan raise<' man at Co&stflne 51.oor Covering for a free utlmate or a dJ.ltcuMkm the keen gliro.merins kalfe. 'l'bea be plunged It home again anc' of rHA lenM. 18th Ir Newport Aw:., Co~ Meaa. Beacon a!Sl-J. again! Ho bum. ,Harry Killgat.on bad j~ ftlleted another Halibut • • • Halibut lo tbe noost ex,.nal,ve fioll at the Bayoride MarkeL Don't ~':If BAILING UNDER FA!41E COLORS IS uk my wb.y. ~l Ute_y .urt ~l'e plenty for iL "Now you lake ' NO Snl ~ l mean If you -~ like the Color •baione for-m.tance • . . Nd Fil 'take all I can get too. TlooH Of ""11' •w. LE'I"S CHANGE l'l'! Pwlw""- i. a deli.,..y! ~ la p -..nc OaYOr! .'l'llat know .1t oil. UUJo Sl.'93 lhrMda ara _,.,,, Uuu' your Harry "Klnptoa ~ ti.at -, lot of flaccid people will wake up proud Ch.-ut mane! ~ ,...... bal!!·"' January 1ll to tmd,JM .Alp---clooed lll&bt now you can • ~ . otNU*1 flan an olCI ~ J*~ Pett.ape ""1 , pnaer Junior ~---•· r ... TIC lb. at the Bayolde. Ia ao ~rd mlnd m1 OW11 '"•rnnn! Whldlnv yo11r 'l*'>&P"' ~ bo -(try 30'--... --Z0 --.io Oil the other) yo"u ••• -out --It -•. -. 4 ROUx ~ BB.UolPOO can llava an ·~ --. tempt!.oa than a JllPHnplt'• wllJ . sift l/OU a bnad -• "'&' -• Jar lll6 lift -~ eut of --But-"" you ll&ft•olhiir ftM to try. But Into your old -! Bo So _. r>w bMd at RtJTR'8 _BaAtrn' ... """ they're the --tllat clock ~al Ibo ~ Pl* SHOP. You'll -llOllX ,it... d&1 1-1 k ea•plete UM-l 11kL, J800 ~le. M"'l'Ort. · ' " . ' at 838 fl>IDMttl&. OOtaaa cW Mar. Bar. llOT. : • t· ~ ' ' • • • y ' ' 28 ............. Allure .... Schooner "" . Leo Reardon ff St rr· 1. d D 4 ......... Anitra ..... Ketch 32'10 .Ed>A•in S. Wright o ice. . a te. qua I ica .tons an 71 .............. tsland Girl Schooner 4!1 ' ... J . Stanley Anderson I age. \Vr1te Brnc: N-1 , this papf'r. , Stormy Petrel Sk>op 42· . . . .. Chas. L Reynolds llpl6 96 .• ..... -..... lantha ... . .Ketch 39'10 C. A. Hincock #. l l ............. Nomad \·awl 35' C. \V. Kokanour \VAl'lTED-DISHWASHER. Pre· 11 ........ '{aihala .. #. Ketch 40' Rob'l C. McGwire ferably a worn~. Hours. 2 't.o 9 enamel line-d . llshting, pricE>, 93. 12Cl4 1950 EAfERSON table model lele- v1s1on . P t>rft'.'Ct condition, $75. Phone H arbor 1934-R. llcl3 7 Astrild . Sl'hooner 83' .. Frank Hooykans P . f\{. Apply Regan's R estaurant Ocean \\'aif ..... Ya\l.·I 4:l ' CJep. E. Jones Cororia del Mar. 13c l5 B . 1 B · 1 5 ................ Hunolu .. Sloop 3~· .. C.· Emmet argalnS. argatllS. 11 ............ 1 ... ittle Dipper .... Cutter 2i"3 . Eugene \-\'ells ' . s .. \'agabond Ludy cutter 34· Manuel Ne!Mn Board Plans See These LOW Pnces Jll .... \.V1t.nllerlurc II .... Sch: 2i"10 Landon R. Gra:v 't2 .... Atlas ... Sloop 26. ..Char. Ma rtin (Contlnufld from Page 1) Easy Wltirldry portable wubillg Gypsy .... Sloop 31 '6 .. Chas. T. Steinmetz ors beforf' being adopted, Kaiser n1achine .......... . ................. $34.50 X 2 ............ Trunnt .. Ket ch 44 '4 ..... ... R. A. Davidson "-I J ed A -d . •~i• d 29 C be K t h 37'90 Al · D J · ex., a n · .. ~u Y is ""',,g ma e Near!)' new C.E. refrig. 9 ··· · · 001 r. · .. · .... e c · · onzo e essop of such ordinances in other coun-AL -..... F'llckR .... Sloop 31 '7 ,Gene G. Curry cu. {t, .............................. -.$119.95 16 Sp kl tt SI 2., R" h ~d ~ D ch tiCfl to arrl:ve at an ordinanc(' .. . .. . ar e .. oop i ic a, ,. . as ne r 5 .............. Oa\vdler Schooner 28' ................ Geo. H. Banning \Vhich "'ill work, he MW. Philco lo·· table mor\el TV 7 ... ~ Sitra . Cutter 28' ............... Ralph J . Bogardus President Verne \\'at.son presid- US 18 .... Bold V.t!nture Sloop 48 ' .-.. ···· ... Robert K. Holbrood ed at the meeting of the clvu: 29 ............. Sea Gyps)• ..... Yawl 34' ............ Ralph L. Longenberg groups 'A·hich passed a t"esolution 00 Seal.harp .... · ...... Yawl 32' ....... ... . .J ohn H. Porter favoring the enla.rgcmeut of thf' 1 ............... Cibola . .. .... Sloop 29' ....................... Eric Ericl<oon Ne\l."J)Ort Beach library biiilUing <"'n 49 .......... Blue Jacket .. Schooner 49'9 ............... William B. Palmer I la d A 8 Ibo R Br d 11 ............ .'{elem .......... , ......... Ketch 40' ..................... David Commons s n ve., a a. ex an t. 4 ............... .ldun& .................. Cutter 36'6 ....... ' ...... Gordon N. Steele a men1bf'r of the Newport Beach Gloria Dallon Schooner 107' .............................. 0 . L. Dahl library board, explained plans of automatic tuning tone CQn- trol. A t!tac. modE"m islic mahogM!.y cabinet ........... $94 .5o EZ Tt>rm~ B londe Console TV - $179.95 13 .............. Little Tramp .... Ke~ 48' ..... ········· .... .Emerson Spear the board to ·enlarge the main o· b od TV $94 50 111 ............ !ndifferent ..... Cutter 40' ......... . .... ·.Fred B. Hunie library building before p roceedinw 1 ' ta le m el ···· · 106 ............ Atkane ~ ...... .. .Kttch 30' ................. W. K . Thornton with branch libraries 110 ............ Suez . ... . Schooner 60' ............... .J. L. Abemathy 71 .............. \finerva .Yawl 39·1 1.... . .. C. R . Ch_apma.n 33 .......... t .. Pipit Sloop 30.33 .. , .. Marraret a: Boyd Lewis Macoil Co. 5 ................ Trade Winds .... Ketch 28' ............... Gordon P . Hubbard Four \\'In da .~.Schooner ~o· ......................... Carl H eintz (Contlnurd from Page 1) T&n)'8 ............ Ketch 30' .. . ....... ! ..... Nevelle Nebeker CS 28 ........ Contlgo ..... ~ ...... Cutter 40' ........................... Frank Vrantt 826 ............ ~ti Lo(o ............ Ketch 36' .... : .......... ·-············John Ke llog . Pairsano ........... Kelch 60' .......................... Ed Munsey Y 12 .......... l'ra.dewlnd ............ Ketch 41 ' ....... -.............. Ken Dickerson drilling to proven oil fields t two inland. one at Huntington Beach an<1 one in Costa Mesa) with special permits require& fo r other drilling. The wbipslocked "'·ells of the :Same of yill' .. t OAL °"''""r From \'arht Club J e rgen.s Co. opposite ~th St. in Stranger ............. 138' N. A.. Kessler .............. L. A ...... _Corsair YC West Ne"°·poi-t were not Included Escort Vessels iB the 19.5-1 E•._ada Race Lady .... #. ... , '·· 65' Richard D\\'Yer .......... L. A ............... LA YC in maps Diggs displ8yed before lhE> Vtdee 11 48 Dean Campbell . . Balboa ......... ,\\'CYC Coastal t Committee Against Oil Harmony .. 63: Art Willian's .......... L. A ............ ·.wcvc . WE;lls meeting in Laguna at thf' Llnoeha ~a · Grorge T. Pfleger ... L. A ............. CIYC homf' of.1t.s president, Mrs. Joseph Queen of Sheba . 10~· Jules Roth .. . ..... L. A. .. Cor. YC Kennedy. The meeting was e.t - Monsoon 105' J ohn R. \\1est ......... L. A . ..Seattle YC tended by interested Corona de\ RACE <;O~fMl'MEt:: \'ACHT: Mar rtsidenLlf and Supervisor ptollape .. 110' Paul \'"\'hillier ......... L. A. . .... Cor. \~c 1 Heinzz Kaiser. K Pcp in t ouch with us for good buys in TV sets being tr,aded EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 LARGE 's1zi: EL~Lirx ..... [rjgerat.or, S75; .1.yr . .<>Jd '30" O'Kf'efe &: Merrill stove, $80. Phone Harbor 2128-R. llcl3 PHILCO 4 \'I cu. in 1947. $85. Beach 4-4220. ft. freezer. New Phone Laguna 13cl5 More t~la.sal.tled on nest .-ae SEE THE 1951 BUICK . • HIT OF TH£ HIGHWAY ON DISPLAY ' SOUTH COAST BUICK SALES AND SERVIC_E DEALER AT UGUNA BEACH ' . •• • t - • I I· I. ' • ------·-..,,.-.,-~----.,....._ ..... .,.. __________ . - ---. --. -. --. -................. -......................... _______ . _________ - -........ - • • • , ---.. -.... -----.. •;·-- • ' -.MANY .CHOICE SELECTIO NS, OF ·Rf.A.l.· .EST ATE ~IS T .f I, N J.H·I S .. S E1C T 1.0.N HAY 1, liill PA.GS ,. , Nl:Wl'Oll't ftJU.DOA NEWS· ftllE8 ' . MORE CLASSIFI ON PAGE n-HOUSEHOLD LIKE NEW portable Hot Point ironer -eon.ole Stromberg Carbon radio · -playu-- Maple bre&kfut ta , f. cha.in -cofttt table, end ble&. comb- ed plywood book -· J.l\>C. items., 517 CanaatJhn. Cororul de) Mar. Harbor 3193-W. llc13 ADMIRAL 121>" TV, iaple model. lncludinl:' antenna. ·8 mo. old. Guarantee . is s_UU effective. $99.50 cub. tl7 HeUotrope, Co· rona ~el Mar. llcl!> NEW 9 x 12 Chinese Hooked rug. Phone Harbor 1 159-MK. 13clfl. CUSTOM BUILT Lawson daven- -port and :.C.haJr. all s;iring ~n­ struc .. $275. ALSO Lawson love seat, roam rub b e•r cushions, newly ttcavered. $76. 396 Ea.st ~5th St .• Costa Mesa. 10 · 11 a. n1. or eves. after 1 p. m. 13c l5H ~BOATS. SUPPLIES Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See J ohn . Harvey \it Seacra~t • 62fi COAST HIGHWAY NE\\'PORT BEACH PH. BEACON, 5771 94tfc -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SNO\VBIRD No. 1 .. "Head of class" Jl50 or ""'ill • tradt· Gn snipe. Nt>wly. recoffiditioned. Complete. Ph. Harbor 1370-J eves. 13p15 .. Marine Engine Specialist Se.rvk;e at your noat. or mooring . Prt -summer tune -up -ready your boat for the coming sea- son . Cust om engin<'S for runa- OOuts. Phone H ar. 19-\V. &21 WANTED Small ma'""rin\' engine 7 . 10 H . P. -Beacon 5881 After 5 P , ~1. 13p Outboard l\1otors ELCIN, 5 1Ji H.P . 1849 model, like new, extras, $65. (Cost nr w $1 35). Hia watha 5 1".! H. P . 1948 mod('), good, $5-0. Phone Har- bor 2865-M. llpl3 04 MOORING, off Via Barcelona, Lido I1d e, suitable for pleasure c raft. SJ60. Ph. Harbor 2293-\V. 13pl 5 FOR SALE-Nt.·w 14 Internation- al, fully equipped. Salls included. $800. Write own<'r , 1200 -40th St.. Sacramento, California. !2ct4. SNOWBIRD. "Little Twitch " fine racing record. dolly included, $475. Call Harbor 21 42-W. 1lpl 3 SNIPE. sail boat and trailer, $75 of make offer . S<'~ Larry, Slip 53, Richardson's Yacht Anchor- U-MUS~O.U. RADIO GRAND PIANOS. UllOCI. Knabe Cblckerlng. Muon and Hamlin., SUnway, Everett, Sch mer, Wui:Ut&u, Starr, KJmball. Many others. · From $39~ up. ~­ SchmJdt Big P iano Store, Sarita AJUI, 620"No. Main, comer 8th. SMALLEST Studio 'Upright Piano in fine condition. Fully guaran. teed. Terna. U0.82 down and $14.28 per month at SHA.FER MUSIC CO. (Sfnee 1907), C?l N . Sycamore, S&nta Ana. Klmber· ly 2--0672. 97ttc HURRY ON, THIS-SllgbUy used blonde mahogany liipi.net piano. Save $280. Ter~ $75.82 down a.nd $20. 70 per month at SHAF- ~R MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 N .. Sycamore, Santa Ana K.lmberly ,2-0672. 97tfc USED PIANOS from $60 up. Good playing co n d i t I o n. DANZ. SCHMID'f. 520 Nu. Main, Santa Ana, corner 6th. ACCORDION-140 Bass. !amou~ imported, Italian jewelled Da.1 - lape. Cost $600 nev,r, will sacri· fice fo r $300. Har. 1153-R. l lp13 Everybody reads the clasaifted ads. S~DOGS,CATS. PETS REGISTERED C 0 C K ER PUP· PIES, blondes and blacks, j20 and $26. Ph. Har. 2552. 11c13 4~BUSINESS Opportunltloo SMALL SELF operating business ror lady or man;, t o handle in your spare t ime. Age no object . Xo merchandise. I f you can count money, you qualify. A proven money-maker . S975 in- vestment. Write Box 01, thi.s paper . 12pl.i ~lentinq ~/Problem 83 !z$\i I ~ I j 1] U-STORES I< OFFICES FOR RENT--==Sma\I bldg. suitable for store or restaurant. located next to Union gas 11lation, Bal- boa, B lvd. &: I sland Sta., across from library. Good visability. \Vil! consider remodeling. Phone G. B. Barna.rd, Har. 145Q 1lpl3 DESK SPACE AVAILABL~ 306 J\f11.rine Avenut:' BALBOA ISLAND P hone Harbor 0502 U-WAJIJTED TO RENT 1 l c l3 BACHELOR, employed, non smok- er or drinker, wishes quarters and garage, SiO mo. max1mum. Furn. or unfurn. Write 0 . K. Cargo, c/o General Delivery, Balboa Island. Jlpl3 PHONE Harbor ;1616 to place your want ad on this page, tS-APARTMENTS a HOUSES CLIFF HAVEN F OR LEASE 3-bdrm. h om e. This is a beaut. place. Q,vner furnishes stove, refrig .. d ining rm. furn. and drapes. The rental or $150 mo inc~udes garden services. 2 y r. lease. Call Fred Barker , at Bea con 5795. ' EARL STANLEY. Realtor 15th & Irvine. Newport Hgts o~, p y c•·n~ afte,, ~ pt.;rn. fi 1 ~'"' .:, i.~ )°o'i S~d1JPl~e do~t:ciill ' .~ ~ ~'.' NT!i\ T !.~ ~ ,' t ~ , Ii t ~. ~J i-1c:1 3 . ;,; ~--, T.ji'!f t f~ BOAT SLIP FOR RENT -~u;table 0 JOHN D. BuJtNHAM • ,.,.. boat Up<to 3'5 ft., 521! month .• 507 E'. Ba1boa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 706. 1 lc13 . . 34-MUSICAL RADIO RENT A 'PIANO, $5 per month All rent allowOO if you buy with- in terms. DANZ-SCH1.fIDT, 520 No. M ain, Santa. Ana. ~PI N ET piano. Brand new. Slight- ly damaged ih shipment. Now only $395. Smallest size. DANZ- SClUllDT, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, Harbor 1607 YE.<\.RLY RENTAI..r-2 rm. cot- tage furniahed, $10 week . 35'9 Avocado St., Costa Mesa. 1 l c13 TYlO ,BEDROOl.f fui'nished home, la rge living rm .. fenced yard. Yearly rental. 806 W. Balboa Blvd. llarbor 1587-J. 11pl6 TWO BEDROO~f HOUSE partly fuml.sbed. Dbl. garage. (across from Ric hard's Mkt.) 506 Club- house Ave., Newport Bch. 13cl0 W .aNTED-50 pi'lnos. Trade ln 1------------- your old plano .on a Grand. Spinet or beautiful television. Highe.8.t eash allowance. Terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT P!ANO ·CO .. Cotner 6th. 520 No. Main, Ssnta Aria. ... FIRST TIME In years that we have a vacancy in the LIDO A.PT'S. on LIDO ISLE. Single turnished apart- • ment ide~I for 1 or 2 persons. This .ts a ."hooey" for the right tenant. Aak for Mr. Grohman. RENTAL t' SPEclAi.IsTs eau lldna C1a11 Linwood ·Vick, Rltor. Bal-Wand. Ru. ~ Uc!IC YEARLY REN'l'ALS -2 loveljl bomea In CO.ta M..a. 3 bclnrul fUrn.lsh.ed and a 3 bdrm home parUally tu.rn.lsbed. See Blanche Cates. 311 Marine Ave., BalbM lsland. Harbor 1871. 8c10 LARGE TR.AIL.ER ln lovely court $30 mo. Small traUer 122 mo. Also 1 apace .available. 1741 Po- mona, Coat& Mesa. Ph. Bs.con 67.f7-J. !Stfc YEARLY COMPLETIO..Y FURN· ISHED-2 bedroom,home-Wre living room, dtn. rm. A: kitchen, 11erv. porch. Ga.r. Etec. It water paid. J 660 Tustin, Coal& Meaa. lSclS FURNISHED or UNFUR~ISHED Roomy 1 bedroom apt. Ga.r.ge. Modern. Available May lat. ./yearly lease. Near stores, tr&ru1- portatlon. Harbor 293~-J . 4p15 U.A-TRAILER SPAC1: VERY NICE SPACE available ln lovely quiet trailer court. Shrubs, flowers, trees. AdullJI. 1741 Po- mona, Costa Mesa. Bea. 6747-J . Otte «-ROOMS FOK RENT FURNISHED ROOM-130 month. Employed person pr.:ferred - man or woman-51 0 Sanai Ana Ave., Newport He ight£. Phone Beacon 5691-M. 12cl.f PLEASAJ\'T fu rni.shed room . .suit- able fo r employed girl or couple. Kitchen privileges. Close . in . Harbor Blvd . Ph. Bea. 5317-W. 13c15 AUlOriiotive. BETTER CARS FOR LESS 1950 PLY!\'IOUTH spec ial deluxe 4 door sedan. 1949 CADILLAC 62·"'-4-dr . .sedan, comp. equipp('d, inc. auto. win· dows a nd \\'SV•l, 1948 CADILLAC 62 -4-dr. sedan comp. equipp(·d inc. auto. wind. a.nd WSW_ • 1947 CADILLAC 62-4 door !tedan. Heate r , radio. 1949 CHEVROLET deltute style- hnf• 4-door sedan. Heate r. radio "overdr ive··. 1948 BUICK Super 4-door sedan. Factory radio, TheS(o cars are all clean, one owner Jo\v mileage cars and have been thoroughly checked Absolutely in the finest mechanical condi- lion. Bank term$. Newport Auto Sales 260,1 Newpoort Blvd. N eY.·port Bea ch Har. 1407 DODGE Is Moving , • OCEAN FRONT ·BALBOA PENINSULA ; l?ON'.T TAKI: TIME TO BUILD A •i:.rrn.£ ORA Y HOGAN IN Tllli: WEST-rve gut one r!Pt bere tor you ..• Drop that T.eqU&l'e ! Here'a a chance for )'OU to become wllat lo kn~ ,.. the landed ll"fttry. Thia desh'-. a.ble little ocean fKmt houae i.. on the Balboa Penlnmla . and h.aa a sweeping view ot. the Pacific. I 'd say the owners h&w had a lot ot pleuure and comfortable living in thia 2-bedroom beach home. The large ll:vlngroom la arUatleally panneled and haa a high beamed ~Ping. The kitchen la &n ell .tlaped affair ju.at off the livjng room Which allowa for audience participation "1 the cook. And of coune there's a big! n.~place. The bath aepa.ratea the. 2-bed.rooma and bu an outstge ahawer for bathers oonventence. There's a cement porch on the ooea.n aide and a large l&Jldy sun yard aa you enter. Thia is ~he Ideal home for & small family. or it ha.a all aorta of pouibllitJes for enlarging. There's room for two aulo8 1n the garage and room for plenty of happy home life ·tn the ,house. You'll agree that the price tag is c9nsidt>rate . at $17 ,500. JOHN D. BURNHAM REAL TO~ 507 E. BALBOA BL VD., BALBOA HARBOR 1607 (EVES. HAR. 2278·WI SAR.AH W . NEWLIN', JAMES C. NEWLIN. Jr., HELEN M.cDONALD Newport Heights Special 2 bdrm home-Small but cute-75 ft. lot. Beau ti.fully landscaped and fenced. Ha.s outdoor patio and BBQ, Full Price $7950, terms Cliff ·Haven Panoramic VIEW HOME-2 bdrm.s, l ~ baths. dining rm, large fiving rm. Fµigstone ttreplace, patio a nd barbecue. This home Is exceptionall)' well built and designed· for gracious li\1ng- Price $19,500, t~rms Only $2000 Down ON THIS G. I . RESALE-I.pealed in beat part o r Costa Mesa. Ha.a 3 bdrrns., separate dining rm, lge. liv- ing room, !i!rYlce porch. B-Lot all fenced and.landscaped, -Outdoor patio a.nd barbecue. This won't la.st flt $11,500. • F or details concerning Barker. Beacon ~79~. above 3 properties call Pred EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine fopp. High school) Newport HeighlA ·- Real Values Costa, Mesa $5950 Full Price Close in. 2 bdrm home, built In 1937. Lge lot. gar. fruit, berries and ch icken equipl. EZ terms. $6700 Furnished Older 5 roont., n ear Newport Blvd Firepla ct>. hwd, lge. lot , nice • h Om f'. • $8950 2 bdrm s tucco. b4\tb and atall ONE LOOK WILL CONVINCE YOU that the following are "BUYS." 1. Lovely new large 2 bedroom home just completed' on LIDO ISLE. 'ibis is an unW!uall)· Clf'ver home in a prime lo<:ation. Light. cheerful \\'Ith nice sepa- rat ion from neighbors and lat- est features that ""•iii win·.your heart." Priced at $18,500 thl..9 Is good . Su -. ' LIFF HAVEN vn,'W HOME .. Open House ., ¥ay 6, 1-5 p. m. 72 S. E. Kings Rd. (Not .~old) • THRll!:E latge bedrooms, 2 bath· rofm.a, oak nobrs. forced air ting, sprinkle r '>)'stem, ba.r-·...a..,,., grapeatal<e fencing are a of the , features of tb1s fine b . The full price' is $17,500 wi h terms. v&11:ce •hewing call- r. Kempton, Harbor lM>O . A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, C&lif. Harbor 1500 Rustic Style Home In Newport Heights. Charming ls the word tor this 2 bdrm, fire- place, beam ceilings. BuUt 2 yrs. agu. Must be sold to settle es- tate. Submit offers. Over $9000 SEE IT NOW! J • Newport Heights Brand new 3 bdrm home near Hi school. Flagstone fireplace, bwd. . floors. pie.le glass -..:indows ·fac- ing patio. Really a lo vely home. W ill bt>nt anyt}ling· you've seen lik e. it . ( . $12,000 ·New 3 B.R. Home BC'sl location on Broadway, Spark- hng ncv,.• and an rxcellent buy. 111 O sq. ft., hwd. floors. FHA •I ~"/. . $3400 down. $11,500 Beacoh Hill Realty 466 Newport Blvd .. (Near Arches) Phone Bf'a con 5713 -R . Newport Hgts. Gem $1500 Down NI CE 2 BDRM G . 1. resale-4 yrs. old. Dual furn ace, wood floors, large '1oi:.. double garage. Best location. 510 Aliso Full Price $8760 Would consider good Jot or car tor equity. 3 B.R. VALUE VERY A '!'TRACTIVE &nd brand new -Large rooms, mahogany paneling, beautiful firepl&cE:, hwd. floors, lots of cabineta, tile ln kitchen and bath, double gar. Lot 75x1Sg.....'...Atf for O.Qly $10,250. Good Terms BETTER CALL NOW ON THESE TWO! New ly decorated Hwd. tile, full shower. Double ft>nce . T('nns. gar., chain Jin.k 2. Also on LIDO ISLE. a charm- ing 3 bedroom , 2 bath Rlcharrl Pleger designed home. Careful thought and imagination ha~ been given to this home. Bar k;tchen. un;t heat. beamed hv· Phil Sullivan· Ing room ceHing, huge fi<eplace, ·c. Galen' Den!S· on lots of redwood 8.nd ceramic tile Income Lot a re a few or the many r;ne fea· G. T. Everson 1• • BUYS __:_ BE4C!J -J;JUY~ . -' NEAR Bli:ACR .AND lf.A.IUCl!IIL-2. Charmlng Ruadc Cott.qu, oilly • yrs. old. Ex<:dlent Coad., Dbl. G~. $11,300. l"Umlobed. ON THE' .CHANNEL. ctoae-tn, Ideal VacatJon Home. SlftPll 10.· A·l .eon.tru.ctlon. BULKHEAD. PIER AND l!'LOAT. •t3,li00. Furnlahed. . ' ' . -ICX"CllP,..."T"1·0N AL BUY In older S B. R.· Home. Good CQDd., Garage~ Cement Patio, Fenced, lJood Loc&Uon. Full price f77li0. WATERFRONT LOT, 127 1> tt. on the . . . Channel tor $4 ,000. Wide lots 11400 and up. · For the.e and· oQler good buye aee ltfary C. Dick.son or can Har~ 1013, (Eves.) Barbor 0092-W. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport BIV<P Newport Beach LOOK THESE OVER SMALJ'... WATERFRONT HOME with pier and float Owner S&Y!i ··Make Offer." FOR BEACH OR YEAR ROUND LIVING-atlracUve 3 bedroom redwood houae, close in. Large rear patio. Dbl. ga.ra.ge, tumiAhed, including new Servel. Excell<'nt buy at $10,000. . ON THE BA YFRONT in choice location among othM' fine home.s--uli\lSUall:Y well built and maintillned. 3 bPdrooms up and maid's room dow11. Large Jiving room, fir1-place , dinette. Kitchen, 2-car garage. · W ell turniShed. For quick sal(> $42,500. BAY & BEACH REALTY Gloden Fay Jack Miller 1450 Balboa Blvd. I Ethel Shirley Harbor 1264 OUTSTANDING BUY in Corona del Mar NEW 2 BDRM. VIEW HOME, oversized 2-car gar. laundry. This home must be seen t o appreciate. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 12-5 p.m. at 716 Jasmine, Corona del Mar EARL CHAMBERLAIN 500 Coast Blvd., Corona de! Mar (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 Balboa Island INCOME TWO 2 BDRM APTS-So built and zoned a.s to pern1it another inoome unit or business if preferred. One apt. is rented until J une 15th, 19.51 , but imn1ediate possession of the other· may be had. This has been an exceptionally good investmenL • ONLY $t,900 down. Full Price $15,900. Act now-No ~ need t o uk whyl LINWOOD VICK, Realtor • 312 Marine Ave. · Balboa Island Ha rbor 2042 • Good Buys in CDM BALBOA ISLAND Near Nort.h Bay • 2 BEDRMS & guest rm. .... 9,.(50 2 BEDRM. frame furn ······-10,750 2 BEDRM modern 'µ&tio .... 14,000 3 BEDRM, 1 Y.i: baths, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, furnished and PRICED RIGHT. forced heat ........................ 14 ,750 2 BEDRM t 2 bdrm apt .... 16.250 2 BEDRM t furn. apt, 60 ft. corner ................................. 17 .250 2 BEDRMS & den, ocean , view .................................... 2.f ,750 3 UNIT income ocean view 32,750 . NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 306 Marine Ave., Balboa l s1&nd Harbor 0502 tlc13 100 ft. frontage on Broadway. Ex. tures. SEE this . at price of 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Xeaa Ernie Smith, Realtor And so will our used cars when apt. 1ite. Close in .Only $.f200. ONLY $23·500 -Terms.: Phone Beacon 62.f.3-W ~ 1205 Coast Hiwy, Corona del Mar LET US KNOW what kind or real estate property you want. We have all kinds or property' listed. we reduct• th1·~ in price NEXT A Bargain. 3. Super special waterfront home. Harbor 3157-W or Beacon 5458-J Ph.one Warbor 2667 WtlEK. l• ' · ~ fy t · ff d ThJ h . If we do not have the kind you want, w e Will leave no atone un-' t~~eP; ~o 1tind i t for Y°'f~ : , ~m.;: ;.i,an<l.~••t'~~-l.lgge~~: ii-;, n ta\t_·:_. r'dr bnt T Ul '.} . ·• '¥'~! ~;;. ~0,'~ h..t ~~ t '.." N0ti¥qCEM:fuN±i ' I~ ~ 11··; ;, ;' ·)I.· f'ij13 1· lf1' tns ~~fhrr@ kt M"th U' ~ Cl ~ m l®d ISLE on tile 'NO . . . .. . .. ;. ~ ,. .o; • ~ I H ' ' " .., r· ga e r e Npt. Bch above Hwy., a c;om, g BA YroNT. Comfortable, · 1 : n and after May 1st, Are you · u.r Of . 30 .... · tl; · art>&. ' ' di.stJ:i,ct ,With, SOfTle nlC'\_..h OnJe8 ~ ·~ t 4 ••• 3 ·-th -th . '-D "'' -I ~ "f room to B. A. NERESON I · ~P • -rooms. -8 ~• so·UTH 'COAST REAL, ' T.Y O ,ou Oug or '' MRA M·u!Uple Li_sUng Office . "We' Tr~dt> to~ the Best" near. Full price, $600, terms. splendid patio and yard. All t ilf' · thr t h st d kitchen. hardwood floors, bar. CO. d BALBOA REALTY ow .ou your c e an 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa -SHAVER MOTORS After May 1st 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA l l cl3 ~1-TRAU.ERS 20' LASALLE trailer. Excel.' con. Sleeps .f. $700 or consider trade:/ on car. 373 Vi ctoria St., Costa ?.fesa. ' 12p14. I -~~~~~~~~~~~~- S.,__MONEY TO LOAN LOANS For Homes CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5--5 \.'i ~ ~4. yrs.) B. A. NERESON M.RA It. NpL Harbor Multiple Listing Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa. Mesa · Phone Beacon 5225..,. Open For Inspection Saturday &. Sunday 228 Via Koron, Lido Isle CORNER OF LIDO NORD & VIA KU RON . 3 BORM.S, 2 baths. extra stall shower, fir.eplace, unll h~aL An excellent location a ff!W steptt from the beach. Come by and see the beat buy on Udo ls:le. pier and slip and home is furn- . an . take a ,deep breath of Phone Beacon !>225 !shed. ALL this Is a BARQAIN CO. will o~rate their ~ fresh al.r? 6t!c at $65,000. estate business under the . ., ALSO A few choice building sites for sale on LIDO ISLE at p?tces you can afford. These lots are sell- ing very fast. The law of supply and d emand must certainly in- crease their value. Don't get shut out. Remember· we are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE where a UtUe buys e. LOT. P.A. PALM~R INCORPORATED 333S Via Lldo Newport Beach, .Cl.lit Harbor 1500 Balboa. Island name oj Balboa Realty Co. DUPLEX-Balboa Prninsula. In choice r esidential section. Lower 2 bdrm. unit i.e reserved at sum- mei-rates. Upper 1 bdnn. unit is available now. Garage, walled patio. Both units -attrac tively furnished. $15,500. BA YFRONT -Chc.o!ce Balboa lo- cali~n. .l)lrnished. This older .f bdrm. home has lots of possi- bilities .• Frpl., large ... veranda. Good pier . and float. Be sur e to see this! $30,000. Then drive up to this charm. ranch home on 100 fl. frontage at 358 E . 16th St., in the t:Jewport • $21,500 WILL BUY ·BEST INCOME . In Heights district . Drive into the Corona del Ma.r. T\VO 2.-bdrm. cement drivevvay lined with houses, TWO, 1-bdrm. e.pta. over baby palms and under the .vine garages on 60 1 120 ft. loL Com- . cqvered carport that leads to pletely turnished, incJuding ga.r- old fashioned countrY living and bage disposal units, stoves and yet ta just S blocks from tbf:> r efrigeraCOrs. Income $320 per high school and l blk . from mo. T . D. $10,000, payabje at freeway connections to Los $73.80 per mo. at 5 % tntlreat. Ang-eles. Full plji.ce S31,500. See . Neal Hougan and Jack Gr4ene at -'00 "Be a country genUeman" and Coaat Blvd., Coroua del Mar. enjoy livinj the ca.spat way-. Phone Harbor 1862 or Harbor all thla for only .$10,500 with 2202. llcl3 $3000 down, 4% interest. May ·--~--~------­ take late model car as part pay- ment. Choice Bayf ront ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN. Repos- sessed. M.agnif \ct•nt tone. Jo"'o r church or home. Pay out baJ. ance. T~rms. 1'hia wonderfUJ in.8tru.menl is jwlt like n ew ., DANZ.SCIDIIDT P1ano and Or· gan Co.. !lZO No. ).fain, comet 6 lt, 3 .:?.n!..a }.!'A. P. A. PALMER· WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DE'EDS SElEl BOB SATTLER GREENLEAF & AJlSOC. . 3112 Newport 81¥<1 .. R&l-bor 2562 WOULD YOU LIKE" good 2 bed· room beach house which will aleep a dozen people with a minimum of fuu and work! We haVe one tor- DELIGHTFUL-This lovely home has ju.~L lots of CHARM, On Ba ·ooa Peninsula Point. 2 ·B. R ., SEii; OWNER at 358 E. 16th Sl ., Costa Mesa. llc13 home under construction. 4. bdnns ,3 baths. Every deluXe feature-. Most out.standing view Jn New· port Harbor. Will be completed for summer occupancy. l -· COME tn and piay ttie Wo:td.-.rr..1 New I!.u:1anu.."1 'Ch.Ord' Organ. F.~ it you dotl•t know· a note ot nib.sic )'OU can p1-,y bea.utif\1.1 mualc lo ten ~lnutea. DAN£.. SCRIDDT ,l\i&'. ,.Plano an!J_ Orpn Co.. ll20 .No.. llaln. Santa Ana.. • INCORPORATED 3333 Vlit. Lldo Newport &ach, Calif. Barbor 1500 lllfc FURNISHED---2 room separate -bousc. p tillUea paid. Yearly rental $40 mo. 228 Ogle, Coal.a )(-. ·11p13 • 1 BE>RM "-ff""'t apL Udo Isle. '70. mo to J'Wle 15. Summer ~atidQ taken now. 1 and 2 bdnn. unU.: Plioae Rarl>or JMt 'and ""(Ba.rtlor 2914-M eYH). ll'ITC BALBOA ISLAND • ,- , .l4lft'COAST BLVD. Corona de l Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ute Ins. Funds Kl 3-618& LOA.NS TO eutLO. OIPR.OV& BUY, MODERl'!IZI!. OR ltEFINANCB We Bu:, Tni..lt1 ~ Nllw.PORT BAU!GA n;J>SRAL BA.VINOS·~ &aSN. · Ul3 Via Udo. PIL Bar - , . OORONA DEL lilR-llodem lge. s 'bedroom borne. Beamed cell· lnp and wood paiiellln&' Uuuout. Dbl pnge.· Ji\lmilhed or un· tum.Labed, Phone owner. Har- bor 30Sl..J. -• 8cl3 ., BEACON BAY • ·- Only $10,500 ~ DQWN ; Jvgrm. with unusual trpl., .nice Resu.tta come rrom conataut patio, large 2-car garage. Thi.OJ. Pract.lce' A.n ad ~gularly tn thl,. \1ron't le.at long at $14,000. · paper will produce result.a for ;mu. • • Balboa Realtv Go. ' ROSS GREELEY JOSEPHINE WEBB Newport Heights? REASONABLY PRICED . GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER REALTOR t.IIJJAN McADOO. 700 Eut Balboa Blv<,I., 'Balboa Harbor 153 · NEED z gOOd alze bedrooms! 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 .. , • • " ' . THE PRESS LIKE walk-In clooeta, bre&kfast alcove, briCll'patio and-barbecue, 1arC" well • bindacaped lot1 WANT ~ tlo!>fa, oepa- rate14Jning room. attractive fire- place; bib AND · at&u abowers. plenty ot cupbciit.rda ! Clew city .water and ,_..en In.. All thla THE N~WS-TIMEs· ' TH E POST • . and ·B>Or&-('nlla )IOU, will love) ' ' --...t ., rockllOt!Oljl plice Of-' Prange Coun""s . ,\1,tlli ·for quick Ule ., • _ • · '1 O uts t a n.cl i n g · ·Re al Ettole -. 1 ~ AtJY.rtising r Me.di11m \ • -1 .1 t l • • • -. I 9 • . --·-----·--------~----------------------------~---------------------------. . . -- , -----· -·----------~---""'----_________ ....___ ________ ~-------&---------~---~J . ' • 1 I I I. • ' ·, • ' ' • , . • NEWP.ORT.ULIOA N~TIMES., . ' • • , • .. ~ • -- ""'-is"2!~7 •• GE'ITISG IN A UTl'LE PRACTISE for the \\'omt>n'8 Amatt>ur Hand'6r Stake \\'hlcb was part of the field trla.ls hf-Id on t 'p(M"r :Se"·port Bay l.a..'t WM:k, ls Poac her, a Golde n Re trle\'f'r. owtlt"d by Mnt. lr\inl' J ordan. Poache r 18 pictured n-trle\•lnl' a duck from the \\•ater at a alKfUl1 from. Mra. .lorda.n. Winn.er of tM Women'8 stakr "'&8 Sungo, owned by Mrg. Guy C herry, Jr. of Altadt•na and Mrs. Sandy .MM'Kay, 15!1 Ocean Blvd., Balboa, handling Pantht•r'i1 Mounty, was second. New Lifesaving . Course Begins May 1 at ·H.S. All persona wishing to apply rot life guard jobs on any of the local beac ht>s this summer must first . pa&S t he senior lifesaving course and that COUrsC is now being OJI'· ganlzed Rt the Harbor High pool by Red Cross Wa.ter Safety Direc- tor Earl Prtcrson. h<' told a R ed Cross cha'ltler directo r's m t>etlng at ~ the Ebel! club last Tuesday noon. C lasses will be Instructed by Coach Al Irwin Mondbys and Wed- n e8days from 1 to 9 p. m . and lfl persons are needed, Peterson 11&id. First cl.ass will be held next Mon- day, May 1 and will continue for tour weeks or 16 hours. Pete!"son al.so sald that the rt'gu- lar summer program wilJ begin June 18 oii 9th St. and Bay Front. primarily for Costa M esa children and for Newport ~hildren on July 9 at China Cove, Corona del Mar, N. Bay Front and Ruby Ave., .BaibOa, lsland and 9th St. In Bal- boa. Cla.~cs .,, .. ill continue until August 31. Dlrt:ctors Wf'rc told by Mrs. ij.. L. Keppen of Balboa. instruct or. ~hat a class of ten mother8 ·h a<l gradu- ated the first aid course Thursday morning. It was a regular first &ld cla&'J plu8 civil dcferuK' Instruc- t ion niet>ttng mornings from 9 to 11 a . m. at the Tar Pit. Two oth<'r first a id c lasses a r e now In progress~ and 'all gn1.duatea were urged to register with tl1e civil defens<' grou,p at cit y hall. A new cl&SJ Is being ror1ned on Bal- boa Island. Blood Re port Blood Chairman Vince Cusu- mkllo gave his sad rt·port on the unsucces.."lfUI bloodmobile ~visit the previous wee k when Juat 113 pints of blood were collect ed. R<'asons given (or the J)Oftr reapon.se were 11 I r~cl"nt flu ep1dcn1lc cut quot.as everywhere. <21 no f'ivil def.:-r.sc w ork e rs going (joor to door as last t ime a."king perSons to don&tP. 131 fear of congestion as at p re vioug visit whC'n niany returnt•d hnnit: rather t han wait In Jong lines. This has bf'en completely allt>viated \Vllh the use of the J&'rg er Ameri- can J...egipn Hall. f <f) Recen~ suc- cesses in Korea. A s thf' war gr'i.•S , so g·oes th~ Bloodmobile. donatlonf!. The currf'nt big Red drive Jid_n't -t_ Start unUI after the ... i5lt. Cusumano said tbe next visit will be J uly 19. Wt-akest reSPQPSE' came from Balboa and Balboa Island, he added. j Fund Drt,·e Fund drive c haim¥ln Ca.rl Han- na announced late.st figurE"• on t hE' 8UCCeS3fU1 drive 8.8 $16,208.50, M rs. Laura Warreh of county headquarters said ~e chapter's goal or $80.000 h not been reached wtlh but $71417 collected. · She then told the oup that one of the two ro011t im rta.nt fune- Uon.s ot Red, cross. ome Nursing, had no chairman in ewport Har;o bor and a progtam c 't be started until one ta chosen. She empha- eistd th.at a pro must be at&rted soon. So Jocal branch c.h&lnnan Harry Mb n. In ch&lV of tbe &e:ISllon. appo led Mra. CUI Axtater and Mn. R. L. Keppen. to \Dok ih.to t.be matte and flnd a IUltable cbalnian. ' The dincton1 ruoluUon apprqvfo... e ettortl'"'Ot the IJbrary baud to -feCUl'e a new addition to I.be ma 'bulldlnc ...a tabled ;until "'l.be · meeth\g ck until • -be fOUll4 Lloyd Lonland'• patlon ,,_ llle ~jer ~f ~ .... 0 .... ot p.-.;I' - I l . Recent Arrivals BIRTHS SCHULTZ. To Mr. and Mrs. dward Schultz, 512 W . Bay Ave., Balboa, in St. Joseph hos- pital, April 23, 1V51 , a son. 7 lbs ... 1 oz. LOHRB..lCK-To Mr. anci 1\ilrs. Merwin Lohrback, 1961 Newport Ave .. Costa M esa, in Santa Ana Community hospital. April 22, 1951, a son, 6 obis., 216 oz. ARNOLD-To Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Arnold, 1662 Newport Blvd., Cbsta Mesa. in Santa A-na Community hospital, April 25. 1951. a daughter. 8. lbs. 10 ozs. EASTMAN -To Mr. and Mrs. Gordo{} Eastman. 2221 ~ Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, in Orange County hospital. April 12, 1951, a son, 7 lbs. 1 oz. NANNEY-To Mr. and M rs. Barry L. Nanney, 622 C ll\bhouse Ave .. Apt. 2. Newport Bee.ch in St. Joseph hospital, A.pril 11. 1951. a SOI\. 5 lbs., 8 oz. Dt;ATHS DEATH NOTICES .lanH-S Uonakl Woods James Donald Woods died at Community hOllpital. Santa Ana on Sunday·morning. ff<' "'8.8 50 years olct and rCBid(od at 114 1-2 -30th stre('t, Nl'wport. H P v.'as t'mployed with the Newport B<'ach strc€'t d('- partment and had r<'sidcd he re for 21 years. There are no survivors. Funeral services "·i ll be held Tuesday at 2 p. m . from GraU<'i chapel. Costa Mt·sa \VJth the Rev. Paul Moore Wheele r orficiatlng. Interment will be in Wt:>stmin.stc r Memorial park. Ense'ikfda Race (Continued from fioa~ 1) was , the Navy yawl Saluda uni! the bt'st corrected t ime award went to H eber E rickson's Scandia. Both will be principal contenders again this year. Final Lecture of Spring Forum Scheduled Wed. Dr. J . Anton di:.· Haas will pre- sent an address on "Europe's Pol- icy Make rs " at l-h c Coast Cull<'gr ~\udi to rium at S p . m. on \\'ed- nesctay, Atay 2. llt'his prest•ntation w ill mar k t he fourth and final' meC"t:ng of the spring forum 8erics on World P craonalit!es. Dr. de Haas brings to thig com- n1unity a wealth o f Information acquired by him 'through world travC'I a nd advanc('d training dur- ing the j pa.st half century. F o:- 20 years Dr. de Haaa was profes- sor of International R elaUonshlpA at the Graduate School ot Busln<"SS Adminl.!ltration of Harvard Uni- DR. I. A.'ITOS DE H~S ve r.sity. He 11!1 curr~ntly a profe~­ sor on the faculty of Claremort Men's Collegt?. Set June 2 for Legion Opener , Tar Swimm~ts Dunk Oiler~ Orange county's annuat A meri- can Legion Junior ba8C'ball season will open June 2 and conclude July 3, according to the ·official sched- ule announced tut w eek by Com- m ission<'r John McDonough. A SC'ven 1 team league includes Santa A n~. Orange. Fullerton. N<'wport 1' Ir b o r, Huntington S...ach, La~na Beach and Ana- heim. Playing f-l~IJs will be as follows : Santa Ana -Memorlal park; Or- ang<' City park; Full<"rton -Am - e ri~C' park: N t'wport Harbor. Lions fie ld, Costa:. Mesa~ H untington &-ach -HUntington Beac h High : Laguna Beach -Lag11na Beach High; Ana.J:i:eim -La Palma park. Games will be playf"d on Wttk - eiids. Hom'e-and-bome-se ries arC' scheduled e"'e ry Saturday and Sunday, in addition to Wedne!Klay gameti beginning June 20. Theo Robins will again sponsor the Newport nine, whi~h le coach('d by Rod MaC Mi!lian of Costa M esa. N ewport opens the season June 2 a{ Huntington Beach and mC('ts the same team a l Costa Mesa J une 3 at 12 noon. . ;1,j . lb. CROAKER YOR K£SS~L8 Ray K C"S."if'Js, r ecently retired captain of the J.,os' Angl'll"s Fire Departmt·nt, now living at 66 Bal- boa Coves, Newport Beach, ha~ achieved one of the things that many fi shermen jus t dream about. His home is r ight on the channel op~ite Balboa Covrs and at 8 p.m. Thursday he hooked on to-a 71h pound Spotfln Croaker whJ)e fLeh ing from in front or his home. Ray batUed the fish fo r about 20 minutes With the line getting tangled up on a buoy, but finally manaJ;ed to land lhe huge croak- er. He we.a using a light nylon line at thfj time. Dodgt' has moved. Watch It! Harbor High's steadily ~improv­ ing swimming team score a c lean sweep 'of their m eet with· t Hunt- ington Beach m ermen ·w esday. April 18. w inning the varsity event, 38-37, the Bee me 50-16, and the Cee m eet , 23-16. In the varsit!'. meet ~ scored six firsts t o the T Oil<"rs th re<' but the Newport team pl . d sec- ond and third in aln1 rnit'~ II the evt•nts to edge their op~ flt s by a single point. ! Tar wii'ln<"rs were Btl , Sta- wick i ~and th(' 4-n1 lln ri;l ti t eam. Pr(•s ton scored l"'o IA·insf r the Bc: 8 edlcy R :~:-::Y_ Hr' ngton Beach 1 :33.4. 50 yd. Frei' -Bct'k ( N l Balrd INHl, Aarvold tNHl. 26. l 100 yd. Breast _.:_ Millig~ (HBI . Hig~t'nton (HS ). J ohasoii (NH ). 1 :12.5. ~ 220 yd. Fret: Belshf I H'B l , Baird tl".ril. A,::-ur 1NH). 66. 100 yd. Back -:-Shee (HBl , -M.uon (NH I, HolUJ tNH> .1Ja . 100 yd Frt"e -~16~ ,(Hl3), Bt"ek (NHJ . Aarvold <NH . r· 9. I Dlv1ng-S tawick1 I N H , taat.s (NH), Lindwall (H BI . i J Individual Medley -gtcnton (HB l. Milligan 1NH ), J h.n~n !NH . 1 :36.6. ' F our btan Relay-New t . l :47 Bee Re8ults i . Medley Relay-Newpqr .. ~ :36.2. 60 yd. Free -Presto jf'NH I. Otht"rman (NH), Hamn f ~-26.7 100 yd. Breast -Cas n !_4'. HB). Hambrook {NH ), Albrlgttl f{HB). 1:24 9. .A I 200 yd. _Free -carrd:i. l NH), Daniels (HB), Barlow! .NH). 2 :24 .9. f 100 yd. Bac k -Prest<ii '\NH}, Smith (NH ), F1.tzgl"ralcl ~NH"). 1:13.9. 100 yd. Free -Othme r t NHl , Ca r rol (·NHJ , Castaln -{HB ). 1 :02.r1 DivlnJ;" -Danit'l.s {HBJ, tsley <NH ), J ohnson'1NH). F our-Man 1 :56.D. • Relay -Newport. 50 yd. S tl•wart 28.7. Relay-Huntington. 44 .7 Frt.~ -Gibbons (NH), t HB ), -Ibbotson (NH). ;-,o yd. Breast --To neU !NH). Snips tHBJ, Coanc (NH). 39.2. Meet You at ''the Inn'' Henry's Famous Food Introducing: JACK RUSSELL at the Piano • &0 yd. Back -1--:lodgcs 11-tB I. Higgarn1an CN H I, J acori~on (f';'H l. 34 . ' Four-Man Relay'-N~1 port . 52.2. DodgC' Dodge has h .. n1 uvt•d. m ovell . • ' 'atch It! atch It! Phone Harbor 0963 for Reservations·-or Just Drop In I r In the Balboa Inn Arcade, Surf and Main, B&a Erickson received the Prcsi- d<'nt ot Mexico trophy: \Valt El- lio tt's Escapade (Class B win- ner ), the Governor or CaliforniA trophy; Don A yr<'s' Skylark (Class A w innerJ , A-fa yor of En- senada trophy: Stan Jacobs' Hur- ricane (arbitrary winne1·l, Presi- dent or U. S. trophy; Chuck Ull- man'& Spindrift 1arl11 tra ry Clas." B l, Governor of Baja Ca lifornia ; Gene Boltn 's Ecstasy (Clal!s A arbitrary), Mayor of Nl.'wport trophy. H is birthplace \l.'88 in lhc Netherlands, and thert' h~ relTUliJl - ecl until he harl completed his scc- onftary educati on. Then, in 1904 he came to t hC' tJnlted States an{I con1 plctcd his studlt'S at Stanfo rd and Harvard UnivcraillC's. For 20 yea rs he serVC'd aa thf' s taff or lec turf'r5 of the U. 8 . N•val Wai College. Newport, Rhode Is land. • I'd Like . to Know ... You may have heard that a suit hail Ileen filed by the Antitrust Division in Wuhingion to break up Standanl or California .. well aa m other W.t Coaat oil coinpaniea. Many peop~ ~ve writ. ten ua pro~ting tbia action. Many laveuked. pertinent qu•tiona. We believe we ~aid amwer U.-queotiqn+forovery- . one. We do 10l1 th.ii wa:y. u you have a quetltion. we urp You to write: '~How much c petitio~ i~~~~~ !!~.n!~~~~.~~~~~~m wn ®ea actually exut amc"I/ the major oil companies? Price1 Service? &s.nrch . If it's Dodge has muvt·d. Watch It! New Home. for Shaver Motors ' (>1n t~f"drral Trade Comm. During World W e.r I, hl' wa~.ex­ on1111f'r of thC' Federal Tradt' Com- ml.sslon . and during World War 11, hC acted as consultant of the War ~partmcnt and or the Oepart- mC'nt of Int<'r-Ame r!ca.n Affairs, The r t>eo rds or the many and varie(i ~ucatlonal a ctivities of Dr d._... Haa.:J, and of h is many contribu- tions to his field, a&Surea his list· eners ot iLfl excel'ent presentation Shaver M otors, !()('al re pre~nt.a-ul his top;c. Thia lecture is open live tor Dodge. Plymouth an,1 to the public withou.t charge. 11 Dodge trucks. will move to nrwer afford~ a JPl~dld opportunity t o and larger quarters today (Tues-• gain an eXJM'rt a evaluatlon ot the day) at 1680 Newport Blvd., for-indlvidUals currently charged with mer home ot the' Costa Mesa Fur-rormulating polJcy in Eur,.pe tro ~iture Company. day. !11en wboee aect'ons Wl!I m~t ·Shaver Motors 18 the only "ew certainly alf~t the whole W'Jrld. -::ar dealer located in <Joela Mesa. It hu been located in the ·town "ince Sep(ember 1949 under the JU-lding band of capable David 8 . Shaver, Wbo baa been engaged in the automobile bualneu aince 1924.. The new site Will have 200 front reet on whic h will be located & new car 8howroom, a large: used c&r lot and Cuetome( parking ·~ According to general ales man: q er, Art I.A.non. toryu~rly with Bulck lq. Laguna Beacl!. 'Th•re will be no format opening; just a better deal for ~ne." BW Sddenbur&• la parLo and eemee mane,pr for the Sbanr Moton orpnblatlotl. Dodse .... moved. Watch It! DodP a. mowd. Woldt Ill Recover Lost Ring ~ two-<:iuat diamond ring val- ued at betwetta 12100 and $2500. whkb wa.a reported. IOlt by M.i"a:. Cwa Loll"'I or ta Beoeoc Bay, waa round Wedneeday, po.Hee re-- ported. Mn. LOpn, wbq ~ th~ lo8a Tueoday. 'cucelled I.be NpC>rt oner th< line bod be<!!) lOUlld In a ·PW'3e bidden unqa-101De clothea la bor ~roonl', \.Mey ~ l -' . Dll. RQBT. 00.1\DOK 8PROtn., -ley, PrM. t1. c-·'11- llH are ~ .., .... oi a-fteo -'""1 """ Ille ~ -webft ot all of • -...._ W•t""'d wtta J u-m~ . .. : -.. 1 1 "l'o LIU ~ !<Now" 22S Bueb !itn.ot,' San FranCloco 20 I ' ,_rr:)i, we should find one oil company's brand of ff 1 ' oif• for ezample, gives better e/llfiM protection." h"--nt '1", 7."'ff-. ·n.-r bl tlli$ qlliStilm is much tbjt oame Co< the oil induatry u for moot o~. J_. petition is intense in all operationa.:ln pll. operations group under fo~ broad bea i'.~. • -.· • • I, -