HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-08 - Newport Balboa News Times, 1. • ...... • • • .. , E D T IME WINN£R 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 19 WIN1'-.;R ~F jFIVE TROPHIES ln the En&enada ~ was Don Ayr~· Skylark, fla.CHhJp of the TrarufP91Clfic Yacht Club. shown in the fore~uad. Skylark fln18hed with !llplnnaker flying at lO:S'l:SO L rn. }tttday, j~t two minute& beforr-the U. S. ~avy'1 Saluda. .1950 e.lapM"d time "'Inner. 120 COUNTY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN ENTERTAINED BY LADY ANGLERS Anyone vicwLng the festivities at Bay Shore Park Friday would have ·t.hought .It .was an ordine.ry school outing, as children u.sed the slides and swln~s and played in the sand. This party '''B.a a bit un- usual, though, u 'lhe happy children were the hand~capped of Orange County from lhe Fr&Jtklin Lathrop, J ohn Mair J!nd Carl Harvey schoelB in Santa Ana. • Approximately 120 children.' at--$--------~--------------'------- . tendants and mo°!ers were guests I charge of the group, aiQ.ed by Gor-Balboa Island GI for )Wlcheon and a sight-seeing don Spivey, director o! 'ipecial scr· tour oround the bay . Members of vices. Now on Okinawa ihe Newport Harbor Lady Anglers Members of the Lad)r Anglers playedl hostesse11 for the lunch, committee who arranged the af4 while lrv Gronriky of th~ Pavilion fair lncloded Olive MdKenzie tw>.ted the group 04 the "Ba1boa .. president. Erm a Lachenmyer: for the boat ride, which w~ the Julla sawler, Eva Graham. Myra fl rat tor many· bf 'tft children. SpragUe Stella Gaines Betty Of- Tavors of bucketa a.nd &hovel.a. ferle, oick Greeiey, Cl~ra Keeler, -~ks; balloons and hats were pre-Lem non.er,\ Dorothy Stleve, Ida sented the children by the Lady Naylor, Dorothea Kinsfather and Anglers. . _ Marie Kaleer. Tr:an.sportation by bus was fur4 ------- nlahed by the Harbor Area Boys Club, through the courteay of H etnz Kaiser and Fra.nk Sawyer. distributor for the White Truck comp&n)'.'. arranped ll new 38 p&.!111- enger bus. Mrs. Marjorie Dudley, principal SAW STOLEN Bernie Hottinger, 221 -19th St., Newport Beach, reported the theft of a skill aaw and metal ca&e from his unlocked garage on the night of April 30. Monda).'. The articles were v1.Jued at $120. OKlNA WA-Private Thomas J. Brooks, .23, son of Mr. and MTII. N . H . Brooks, 113 Ruby ay.enue. Balboa Ioil•n<I;, h.. ~ved -on. Okinawa for'· a'"" f.oti(" of oveieeu duty In the Far East. H e ia pres· ently aaslgned .1:0 Company D, 29th Infan:ry l:.er.ment., a UI}lt ot the Army of Occupation ln the Ryukyua command. Agraduate of Newport high .school and Orange Coast colleg e, Pvt. Brooks ~as inducted into the Army in Oclober of 1950. Prior to his overseas assignment he· completed a cooka' course in Fort Ord, Calif. of the John Muir sch~!, was in<i-----------------------------,- PV'ITINO ·os Ttll:" FEED, BAG at tbo outias for ......... ped dllldftn held 'at Jl&y Sho"' hrk Friday under the mpoaaoMllllp-of ttLe Newpcn1: Harber.Lady ADsl@.nt were tbe8e happy kid&. From left t.o right a~ Pahy OlbbA, Cbthto_pb.er Ro1ner-o &ncl Ian Beek. The cbUdrea are from the E'NaJl, tln School. . {New.·Ttmea Pboto) ftmsDAY, MAY 8,,1951 _ 'FIVE CENTS 4 ;. week end \ Rollin ritidal con- dition at i" !Toro hospital after he suffered a skull p ctu11e, an<i multiple. co fualons. Hallett, and Cpl. JOhn E. Mac nald;. who received a m.pound fracture of._-'-----~---1'--~--, ' the right lef;and minor cut.a, were D' f T apparently ~tch-hiklng • rt4e on e er ·r"i I of the Coast "1ihway near the Inter- section wltft! Marine Ave. when • they we.-. ~i by • car driven by M M h -' Kenneth· D ., fAdmirl', t 9, a sa.llor esa 0 er from Sari D~~o at 2:20 a. m , Mon- day. ll Accordln~ to police reports, Ad4 mire sa)d tJ:t&t he dld not see thf' two Marine' \until It waa too date to apply: thl!' brakes. 1 MacDonald was hit by the right front fender. I of Admire'& car and was thtbwn 25 f~t by the Impact. Hallett wu•,dragge-d about 75 feet by Admlre's vehicle. • Witne88e&" to the accident aald that the tw:o victims had appar- ently been hitch-hiking and were either In the first traffic lane or on the J;'Oad ahoulder. , Slight lnJti?ies were received by r-vlng Gra~. Los Angelea, and BettiW! Scotf?' Long Beach, a pa.ss- enger In a tar driven by William Dean Jdrgeneson, Long Beach, u the result of an accident at 12:M a . m, Sunday on 22nd St. and Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Granz had stopped his car on tee highway to allow a car in front of him to turn, when, ac- cording to i>ollce reports, his ve- hicle was at.ruck In the rear by a car drlvrn J:Jy Jorgeson. Granz' car· was only slightly damaged, while J orgenson's waa extensively damaged and had t o be towed from the scene or the accident. Both cars had been tra\'ellirig ~eat on Balbo& Blvd. 1Murder trial of Cor elia &ather Gl"ttn, young Coata esa house- wife who Is alleged to · ave beaten fal8.Jly her three - onth -old daughter, ·haa been eferred to June II. ~ Superior Judge Kenith E. Mor- rison reset the trial I t week at request of Public De nder N. D. Meyer. Mrs. Green ' wiU face a new charge of fel nlousl;.v s.s4 sulting little Patricia: Ann Green with her fist.8. I She la alleged to hle admitted a.ssaulting the child th her fl8ts JUt Feb. 0, the child ylng 'tn the county hospital of . fractured skull on Feb. 9 . How ~ ~r. the de- fense contention is t t the child had fallen from a c uch in the Green home onto a co crete Jloor, and that the fall ma have been the cause of.death. The court disclosed hat reporUi . ' of two psychiatrtsl.8 ht'-ve not been received. Meyer had ~ndicated he might enter an insa~ty plea for the young · woman on a the 8.88ault charge. He told the J;urt he "re- served the rtght" ·to . ter "tl dif- ferent plea " after the medic&.! ex- aminers' reports are rjled. ,. Previously trlar on ~tl;ie murder charce alone was to t+ve ~en set tor May 14. . i STELLA MARIS, KOBER L. FORKNER 'S .f.O foot sloop, plc- turned above at t he •tart ot the Enseuada clall:alc \l''&s winner< of the Mayor· of Ne\\·port trophy for the lone haul to... l\olexlco. The Stella Marla had a S:20:48 time allowa.nce. (.News-Tln1es PhOto) . . Ass · mbly .Votes Lee Reache State Final . . -· -. Cl 1 Season-~ :.~.t~~W{>O•I H '.ho~: Mesa1t:Adn1i·ts:-S-hoofing·1t · for ·Purse SeiAers ~~~:~~~~:il~~:I~d~~~ "*c-.e·rs:· ,· Cont1·n· ue· . 2nd Charg· e + ventlon at Palm Spri g•. ' UI 111. _ .,__ Good .. newa for 11porl8flshermCn Lee, speaking on e res~n&i-John. Willta.rn Gibson, 60, of Costa MeM., who allegedly fired three laat Iaat Thursday when Aa-billtlea of citl~ns .ln democracy, shotgun btaata at officers before he was filled himself with a pistol sembly Eari Stanley's btil J.eatrlct· won over compeUto from Ne-tng u~ of purse selnea ~r ring va.da and the southe portion of slug, admitted guilt Friday to a felony charge of assault with a nel!J in an offshore area adjacent C&lifornia. He will resent 1 8&14 deadly weapon. to the . Orll!lge County c08.8tllne boa Bay Lions _ C lub the ate.le In Judge Kenneth E . Morrison's squeezed through the assembly by finals ln Stockton to held dur# criminal cott:rl, Gibson won con-•. a vote of 41 to 26. Ing the Lions con'-'en on in June. tlnuance, for an indefinite time. The bUI ptovldes that purse and Lee wiH compet e an Stockton of the, charge that he feloniously round haul nets may be used in with three other caidldatea for &888.ultl"d Stanley T. M eek, 19, of d1atrlcla 17, 18. 19. except • that the $1000 university ; 1eholarshlp 1 Costa Meaa, In the Gib8on yard purse or ring nets may not be which Is awarded by the C&lifor-. on Victoria St., Costa Mesa. uaed i n the portion or district 19 nla Lions to the sch , youth e8.~ Constable Frank (Tlny) Vaughn lying within three miles of the Or-year'who ls judged lh best speak-, of Costa ¥esa ha.d .gooe to arrest ange county shore from May 1 to er on a topic of pa' iotl.sm and Gibson on the ~ha.rge ·that he beat Septem!M;r 10 civic responsibility. Meek. and Sheriff·s De p tit I ea · -Oliver McCarter and AJ Allphant Thomas ~loney <R.-San Fran-D ST I were called in. Gibson allegedly ct&co) led _op~tion to tlfe bl~~. ope ro en threatened them with 8 shotgun by contending it would create a r:osta Mesa D and then blasted ·at tl)em lhree. monopoly for sportsmen on mack4 1" times, before Vaughrf shot him In erel flllhlng Ip the area. Thieves -believ drug the side with a .38 calibre f.evolver. -Vtncept Thomas (D.4 San Pedro) addict.a -stole am cal kit con-Judge Morrison. will hear Gib- e.tao apqke against the blll saying taining narcotics, oth r medlcinfoa son'a plea for ~probation on May it would cla&e, an• area :15 miles and ·aurglcal lrultru.m bl 'from a 18, when he may be aentenced. At long to Commercial fLsherme.n and car OW!led by Dr. Le G. Netaon. that Ume. the court may require tha( the cloee<I area wu part of 120 E . 18th SL, Colt.a . esa., police him to plead to the felony assault the be•~ matl.kerel flsbing ground reported last week.. cbarge. · on the cout. The machine was rked in the ------- Speak,er s6m Colline '(R.-Fuller-600 block of E . W ngton Ave.. . ton) 8 ui)porttd the bllt and polnt-Sant.a Ana, near the Community SUPPORT ASKED ed out the alrea orlglnally waa a. hospital, when the th ft waa per-Award of a 'reasonable amount' game retuge but was opened dur-petrated, officers sal .. The cul-for support wu requested in su4 Ing the war_ prits forced a door ge,t ut the periot court by Mrs. Fa.rel Walk~r -car. they added. ' as she filed petition (or divorce Burr+ Toast A forgotlen toaster set fire to the kJtch~ Cupboard in the home of M.ra.1 R.i Smith, 2825 New- port ~le . on Saturday e.ve- nlng caua damage e11tlmated at siooJ En 'e 2 from the New .. port rtri. halj reaponded to .a calr at 6:55 p. m . .,.ct quenche\I tho bla:&e. • !• • · • . I !~ DlsQ.Q1 ExtenclillCJ Mftfi · 11 eeh · ... a.-1 --.. ;-:.: .... ~L: • ' • .. . - -l _I • Dr. Nelson said the kit contain-from Samuel ' J . \Valker. She ed a 20 c. c. vial of rphlne and charged cruelty. and said they a bottle of demarat i _ were marrjed at Carmel Feb. 8, The bag waa reco~· later by 19:i0, separated la.st April 17 and Ed Friley, an empJoy of the ~err th.at C9ffiD1Untty propefty includes Glue Co., off the on-Mcfad.·-household fumtahinga at 224 Poin- den S( near Halladay t., ln Sant.A eettia Ave., .Coi;ona del Mar, two Ana. avto.rnobUea and accounts in Ana- OnlJr the morptuii.e. u mtulng! helm banka.. ~ .:..-~--- ' l .. ES MU~l~ER; 41 IJ Ma&'nolla A\·e., Cotiita Mesa, put preal- ·dent of Newport Harhcir-cMta Me.a Lions club, and faculty member of Newport Harbor Union Rtgb Mihool, wu elt;eted district eow.mor of l.JqoA clube at the recent Palm Sprlnp 'oon· 'venuon.. ·. · ' MARA .IS. .. I T ON HAN C P TIME RU ES . ' Don Ayres, a~ip~ of the 54 foot yawl ~lcylark, IJas five more trop~· ea to keep brightly bllrnlsh a8· the re- sult of Skylark' sho~g her stem to the ~ire fleet of yachts in the urth Inter- national Newpo ·Beach to to .Ensenada which fin- ished at 10 :37 V,, la. m. Friday. ' ' Loc&I ·peat Winn~r of the \.ace art.er the computation of hl..ndJc4pa was Barney Huber's Miu-a. t 32 toot sloop sailing unde~ the !<colors of lhe Balboa Yacht j;lub._ \ • The competing ,..achlf'!lm re- ported that the rai:e waa· an ex- ceptionally pleasa.ht iuill, with slelJ.dY westerly tinda 1 w h t c b freShened as the fl~et nm.red En· senada. " ~· ; Skylark finished the race with eplnnaker ny:1ng j t two mh.."'lutea ahead of the U. S. avy'S 90 foot yawl Saluda, wtnn~r of the 1960 racing cluaic on ela~ time basis, and acratch boat In this year's race. ~ ' -The steady win gave an ad· vantage to the am lier boats and explain their ]a.nee •of the cup and trophy er1 listed be-· low. Seven HollnJ Flaisb ' ' At. noon Saturd~, 127. of the starting yachts hadi completed the course, most of th,m under can .. vas. Some of t unfortunate boats fxperienced lull In th.a winds and had a rd tube mak- ing It to the fini Ralph and Harriet Bogardus· little 28 tooi sloop Sitara. spent. a game 4'1C'Ven hours trying to tjnish the lut halt mile of the 1· ee. · According to the reports of the Committee boat, he first ten finishers were: · Skylark, Saluda, !ruiarta, Bran- ta, Antigua. Ev ning : S tar .. L'Apache, Atorran Mickey and John Griffith's fi2-Long Beach ketch. Nam Sang Off[al re-'!ults: Race olte Flr1t t.11 YKlilb to ff lk: {ff ....,_, . tldlt lfld fKllMJ It-, fl""'-e.::. .... er, rKM ~ • .,_. ,.._, tee. 1'"1 r.tit19, ......... ..a _ .... • '9• "'11i:cla 'l<Ott4J ~·ii r.C•4.~ 1. sq.1.,• ftlJ, m . 11m., JOI., Do.. 1. "Jt'•I, lot A11 .. ln, • ·ft. l'ltftt • .... dH 2. S.lud• (lllJ, . 21 .JI ~ I. H1111•11, U.' S'. H•~. 90 . ff. r•wt, 67.f. 0:11 :12. Cl••• A IOll) I. Hll•N (104), 44:12, 9d.1t1tttti . P. S<hmldt, · Wnt C...t, er tl-p, 4'.2 l:C7:4', Cl•u A (Oil, 4. lr•ltf• llf.1), Z1:51: J, Of. De11 .. ,Ht, Loi A1199'11, 10.nteter oop, "'·2, 1:47:Cf, Cl111 A !Oil). I• 5. All'fl11o1• (PCC SJ, 22:Sl :JO~ _H•I p. .-:•mser; •Ibo., PCC _ lf0;op, .a... J:J1*. Cle1s I (Ott!. t 6. f••itlitt t•r 160}, 22:Sl:G6. ClrleM•1 Joi. SchlmpffJ. lo1 ·~1 ... r 54-ft. .,. ... 1. 4J.1, 2:21:~. ~leu A (Olt): 1. L'Ap.t<k (51)/ ~-52 :S7, P.11,1111 I!. •rv1uo11, C.ttlln• Is •nd 5'·ff. 1fe,op, U .S. 1:01:12, Cie11 A (Ott). _ I. AtlM"r•lltt (C-;61. ll J:Oe, 1_,. Mltff.,., Ne•port t-IMbet e.u 111•·12• 1loop J7.!, l:JJ:50, Ci•1s l"iOlll. ~ '· Mickey (,Cc .. I. , :SJ :l7, I U.,.e~ l•rr, S.11 Dleto, re(; loop, M.t, 2:l2:06. Cl11u I (Ott), 1 10. N•fl'I S.'"f (F·1}, ll:Sl:J7,, Jotlt1 S. ~!fifth, He•pof'f H•rbo Sl·H. •otth, 51.J. 1:2t:21, Oe" A JfOll . 'llmUA( Tl 155 POSTB> Ar1t O<Nn . led"f I l11t fld:t ltfl COl'4 rtct11d thM -'''"d• "tJf Mffl<o tro-ply •on by M.,• (JS}. ey Ho~•. &.!bot 'l'C, doubl•--d 1loop, .7 rittf119, ':tt:f1 """' •ll-•11<.9. l Flrd Arbltr.,.., 1-tefldl~p Y•tltt -<Of· rected tllM-fr•tlde... of U11ltff St•t•• tropiy -· lty 6 •1• ( ,, 6 01.• v... Ford, C.l:trillo left.It, JO.ft. rp· 1:.lt:Jt "'"' •110••11<•, Cl•u C. • Flnt yedltt to flnl1 O•er-.1ll-H4wport ~ .. ,. S.111'"1 A110d.ti ,.tropfly -" lty ., .. r•t dl...iffd ti. y.c.~e• Ycwt Y .. cltt Cl•• ................. i Ar1t He•.,., dl1pl•t • M y~.0.S.A. tr.,oh,, Skvl•rt. Fl°t'it N.0 .S.A. yec:llt N.O.S.A.. troplly, uy1., •. h it COft'•d•d Tl!Mx Cl•11 A f1111f I 10111 l•cllk -Go tlO< of · C.llfcwfll• • froptly, •tit••. Cleu I l11t Cotrect Tl"" rbltr.,.,. H•J1dkaP 'tf CleH I •Jld A Y•< I -,.,.fflde.. of '•I• C.llf°""''' troplty, ~01,,.. (Deirld Co"i· ,..,,.., C•brUln l e•th C. Time llo•IMI \:'iJ:IO, Cl1u I . .. ,t Con-e1t Tl""' ,.,..,;~ Cl11u, ')tl yecM -M..,.:M' N-troDfty, O:.tell11 M.wi1 (Q.12) 11u A, blf't L ~It.nit'. St. Fftf!Cl1 .YC .• S.11 Fre KO, 17., ·•tftt0, J·Xh41 ·tf-. •I •11e•. ••d c.,,.ct n-''~'"~ e•11u. ''bltAff Ke•d~-'f« -W~ of E,.... ~•tfe troof;y. Skvt•I\ 11 A. Flrd '~Jff< C..it •'• .. fli... -, ... ,..... . Flrct ld•itd CllPNf' fhthlrl- llC.CI . Cllell911 F. l,.fl N ... lC.7 r.tl,.., J:SS:IS flFM _., .... _.. " " j • •••••••••••••••• r ,· ... '. .... -.· ..... ---~---~--.:·--·;·------. ' I ' I i ~ I • ' • ' . I 'I . . • ______ ....__ ~in Dri e to Help McC~llahs ft• _,e\~ C'lOU\al ato:nn of April Utlt crlpp!~ tJrie ~ aldfl Sportl1ahlnr ~ "1th I.lie McCuUab Drotl.. o n., form- Prl,y of N~wporc. Beach, Jost · four boaU.. thl"fle d stroyed and • oof' sunJl. . A aportADmn'" ""'1e"re behlnd you" drlv~ ls belnf ~· d by t.ht-0t.."f'SMld~ Lady An&'- tf>.n " tNy \VL~ t Mow th.eh' cipprfflat~on rar th f!Oi• flihlllc . Wt )'ra-r, a.nd . lht~· feel ot~r nshlnr entbll!ihl_<i,'t-. }ulU "'lUll to 1hare la w~ d.rl''"· ! To ahJ ln kt-ttln(:' the fleet b~k in oprrar 1nn.1 lht• O::eaa- stil=-Lady Angll"r'§ • c:ub., tocf't- her \vtth tht" 0o<'6.llllde Cham- ~r ef ComDWrce, ba\'fll eatab- llabed the Oeean.icf. Boat Dla- 11t!ltf'r Fund. Contrl~tlon MdU.ld be madf'll pa.yablP t4 tlw-Ooean· ~ldP Boat DlaPlf'r Fund and ma.llPd to thr Oct>tiMlde Cham- Mr of Comn1t>~. Ocea.nslde. Armed Fort es Day Activity Pl.nned • Ma. Gen. \VUlian; J . Wallace. w ith headquartt·rR a El Toro Ma- rine Corps A i r Station. Col. P. E . Conradt. commanJ i n~ officer of t h e station and their staff~ will !M"rve as h o.c;ls at thC'tannual A rm-- ed Forces day celebr tion May 19. While the Ct'lt·brc.t n and other activ1lle!: will be 1.·uf1r1nro large- ly to the Santa Ano.-E1 ·r oro area, invi\aUons art·· bc1n~ extended t fl citizens throughout I t ~e county who wish to VIH1t lhfl west cout's principal b'larin(· A it Station and gaJn sonlt.> k nvw1r,lgi' as to what prE'paratlon, tr:i.i nln~'l and activUy is necessary l(J !Jl't·pdre pilots and others for lht· KorL•an war. Included in thP ngf'nda or .ac- tivities sc.he<tul1 ·t.l for that day a.re parades, an o.ir shuv.·, display of the Pt.>W 10-passn.L·nger helicopters Wbic.h a.rrlvt.'i..I her"' Only t;,Pcently, as well as r.on1c• l!.i;· ~er en\ertain- anent . Civilians wil.l be tl.llowed to inspect many uf the planes now on ~e station. -_-!,__ County Tax Rates Show Inc rease Orange L'1,unty's $21 ,168,447 p roperty tn.x lHll f11r the current year means an av{•rage tax rate ot S4.84. p~r SI 00 of RRSl".SSed value nt taxable prupt>r ly it!. the county, Califo rnia. Taxpa.y1·r·~ association ('~timaletl totlay. Prope rty in the county wafl a.&Kt'!~!h:J at $437 .123,- tlO for I9M>-~l . I Last yt-ar's propf'l'ty tax levy of $19,104,252 rueant an average tax rate or $4 .42 µer $1 00 of tl.X· able valuation 1n th .. c:ounty. Tax- ablL' propt>rty a1nount l·O to $439,- 154,190 rur th .. year. . F'or the 1916-47, the fi rst post- war year. thl" SI0,927,124 prop- f'rty tax l'r'vy t hroughout the rounty nll!ant an 8\'C'r age of $4 .46 A..-ntants Host Cowaty Bcners Onutge eoUnt:Y-CbaPter -Ot the Society of American Accountant• waa hoet to Orange County Bank- era at a d.Lnner meeUng ln Santa Ana Monday evening, ~pi:il 30. Among the Newport J>a..nkVs and accountants of the mutln& we.re: Jf.f.rb Ho Uc; er, Ed floe be I, Howard · B&lmer and Oeoige Bassett. John Boyce-Smith, au!at&IJI vice.president, Bank of America, Los Angeles, presented the bank· er's view O?'l financla.1 . statements when preaented. tor loan purpoaea. Although the tlnan.cl~I 1tatement ls not the sole crlter!on on wb.lch a loan ls jlJ!jtltted, he Ukcned It to be a akelet.o.n Lo w~ich' muat be added the Oellh of ability and clothed ln the lnterr1ty of th• butineaam~. Adequate inform•· tlon ln financial •tatement.a wa.r slreuod by Mr. Boy~mlth in aaklnc the rurther cooperation of public accouni.rtll. Karl Darlln&ton. •lat• chair- man of accountln&" education anc1 pro.teaaor of accountancy at Po- mona colle&'e. presented the public accountant'• viewpolnt 9n lhf' preparation of rlnanclal •late· menta and explained how th~ banXer could bt of grt1at ht-!p 111 ll)at respect. Sl 1, 101 in Uquor Fees for Newport Liquor license tee ea.rnlnra tlur- inv the 1ix months ended Feb. 28, l~l . rtached $~.420,890, e•ccord- lnir to firure1 rt:0letyed toda,v by WU!lam G, Bonelfl , member of the board of equaliu.tion. The entir" 1um Lil aoon to be dl1tdbuted amonc the citte.a and counues of the 1tate, brinJinr the amount to be paJd local government.a durtnr the current flacaJ year to $8,- Me.683. 'fhla total includea feea earned in the 12-month period be· .uuimr March 1, 19~. Or&n&"e county will receJve $66.· 588.14: from the preaent alloca- tion, while t~e ci ty of Newport Beach will obtain Sll,101 .25. Methodist Group at Confe rence • Four younr people from Ch.rial C'tUlr'Ch by the Sea attended the annual di•trict convention of the' lntermediate Youth Fellowahlpa of the Sa.n Diero dlltrict recent- ly. Speaker for the. occuion was Thomas Roy Pendell. pastor of the Newport church. Those at- tendinw included Darrith Sherrill. Linda Adair . Carol McMillan a..nd Ethel Stone back. • · 11le gatherlf1t was held In, the Park Blvd. Mqthodi.st church of San Dleeo and ~t.!'-re• hundred w e re in attendance. A trip-through the San Diego zoo wu Included In the full day's program. Dodge has moved. Watch It! Trompeter Gets 4th in Beef Judging pe7 SIOO of 3.S!IL'Ssed value. ·Asselii-Grand champion honors In thl' ~J valuations n·ac"ed $24:4:,857,· \ Gallforn1a State Polyfichnlc col- 685 for 1946-47. lere beef jUdJ:"inJ contest this Threats C la imed in Divorce Su it Alleging h f' r husband has thrt'Btenetl Lu u.st· physical force against her, "1lrs. Margaret A. l<:rk ha.'!' pt•tiliont·tl SUp<'rior court to restrain iilim fron1 molesting hf.r and fron1 cHsposing or com- 11\unity PruPf.'rty pt•n<lir.~ a divorce wetik went to Jack Jansen, Shat- ter, \\'ho placed tir1t ·with his ahorthorn yearunr hf'lfer. He alao topped all In the Ht'reford two- yea.-..old heifer (roup. The judging event l8 part of the Poly Royal liveatock aho\\•. Over 40 boys com- peted In the Judging.' . a~tion sh£' rilro. The result• included a fourth place in •f\orthom 1teers tor Ed- mund C. Tromptetf'r of Newport Hatbor . - 'I ' I She a ccused h1 n1 of cruelty &nd f.a1d they wet1' niafrlt"'d at Yuma l.ug. 17. 191 !\ Jc~·na:·df'd In Santa >.na, AUM. ~2. 111 15, ¥J separated :o.st Friday. She ltsl~tl t·on1n1unity property :::s cnclud1n:: approJ1t 'n1ately $3:>00 tllte on th~· sail· uf a care busineaa, bank accounts, two .automobiles, holl.IWbultl rurnl.Shin){li at 1831 Pla- c~ntla AvenUf', Cu~ta 1 M esa, and f r esidt>nce on t\VO nt rt•Jt held in joint tt>nancy. : ---i--- Dodgt" has 1111 .v1·U. \'atch It! ---- Dodgf' has niuVf•d. \1ntch It! ' ----• THE NE\' • HAMMq ND cuo1io ORGAN I • M0trls, Loveland-o.,.n New Office Everett Morris, realtor, haa an- nounced the opening of a real eatate office in uaociation with Lloyd t.. and Benita S. Loveland at 4:08 ~· Balboa Blvd., Balboa. The new office wU1 be particul- arly concerned with the purchue. sa.le and leue of b~ach and resort propertlea, and r&nche• & g-rove1. The office wl1J abo specialize In land inveatmenta In properties in the Imperial, Mojave R..i.ver and San J oaquin . Valleys, with' par- ticular interest in cotton, alfalfa grain, vegl!table and cattle prop- :?rUe& The partners will use ,. Stirulon airplane to facllltate trav- el betwetn the areaa. Ootlge ha.s moved. Watch It! ' MESAN' DI CllA8H Jamn B. Edwa.rdl:, 29. · 206 Fal~·ay Pl., Coeta Meu, WU booked at the oou.n.ty jaJl on a drunk drivln& cbarce after ·th• car he wu dr1vinl' f"lrured ln a colllaion with another ~lM ·at Frist and G&rflekl Sta, Santa Ana. poll«> reported. tnw.upunc omc:m Mid lld- wardt: wu headed west \on ,.Finl SL, and ran into the rear ot a car driven by Jobi\ a. Huct>u. 24, 1013 Hal•adt,y St. Both ma- chlnu wen fllll>tl.J damapd. . . ' Ml!S•N 9-lt GUNND 4 C..ta Xoaa man i. -a m-bor ot OM Of U.. U. 8. Air r-.· bombiq teamo -UJ .,..iu&tad at Randolpil Air ......,. -· Tu.. ........ otller --.... bola&" -Ba .. Pre. J-11.. K.W.. -ot Mr • .... --"'-of 1"' YlillfltoD a-. ....U... a I' =,ta a =•-rr ot .. et ......... CNW9 tad .._.UT ~ a parlod ot ........,, 1111:•1'01 tn ...... at U. ,......_ • ( • I I , ' . . ' -' • { ' • (. ' ., . TWO QF voua ITlill!O .PF TICKETS '.Tf. YQU INTO THE C.ulE' WALK aboot.d 8IU Tobi It f""" back eDd of a otkr podlOe -.t..i the pt&Y.Jl'O¥d of Vor CUb S<ottt olrcuo, Atul\ putlelpantl la tho lettn.d whoel on del Mar cnmma.r Kbool durlq the · · (New•-Tlmea Ph,oto) truck u he •upervt.ed the mu.UC for t-he •" s of cakee and British Co.·nsul c. M: Girl Sc Troops Notes Newport Circle Beets Off ice rs ' Spe' aks a· t" Sc' hool Dr. c . c. meraon 8.nd Dr. Meo1bera ot Girl Scou"t troop f) · · : c. L. Smllh ot• h• local S.vanlh-were given a b&rbecue ·~Y their Dey Advent'lst Church will leave 1ponsora. the BW!lneu ftld Pro-· NeWPOrt ' Circle .of Chris l Robert Hadow, B_rlli.sl) Con•ul llhe harbor tre!a~.bn Thursday, May feulonal _Women'• club ~f New-Church by the 8ea met M&y 1 General of Loa A.nielea for South· lh h " I b M D W H I b 1"18 17, bound tor e NavaJ9 Indian port Bea~h at e ome ~of •1.l"'S. w l ra. . . . o t y, u Pm Calilornla and A..rizonlt, ap-RcSt"rvatlon at nyenta, Arizona. CIJfford Varner, 4:38 ~lmwood West Ocean Front. Election of peared before the N-:wport Har-They Will deU a. eecohd truck Drive. Mrs. Va.mer WUf&Ulsted Officers featured the aeulon and bor •tudent body on. WednNday, load ot <:l~th · g anO fa:od that by Mrs. A. Volrath and Jfrs. Lau-plana for the coming church yt!ar AprlJ 2!1 in a b~UliaP~ lecture Oll have been dWl~ted by local reai-ra Porter In aervlng a.nl lrana-lwhich be,-lil.a June l .' lhP present world •ltuatlon, .u denta. ~uch m<xr~ food Is neeped portaUoo. Mr•. AIJce j~bbeck . ·1 Jfo"l~Wlnl' report ·of Mra. Holt- aeen from the Bri't..ish polnt of suc'h as dried 6;ult...' beans, dried Jr., as.si•tant, lead the ·Jrlrla lh by, c'haJrmAn of the nominatinr vie\\'. \ corn, canned frI. vcr~t._abl~ and playing glll'D ca and corn~leted a OOmmltlel", officers we're elected Mr. Hadow'1 toBpicJI ranaed ufl"Qml m!lk. happy day In slnging o:d r.ong•. I.., follows: Miu Elsk! Newland, a cornparlaqn of rlliah a.nd n t-Thl" Indians e tn a deatitUtf' --Ii' ·chairman; Mrs. John Pfiachner, ed State1 policy In ti~ Far ~t condition ahd ally appreciate Members of Girl Scol.9 Troop ' vfce·chaJrman; Mra. May Delozter. to the dUM:u.ulo.n of natianallu.Uon >.A•hat t\.elp ,We tre able to send. 12 he!d thelr annual metnbershtp secretary and ·Mrs. P. H . Hlg"gin111. in Great Brllf.ln. · -Anyone wlahln~tp donate p·eaae party lo celebrate lhe3 troop's ;-reuurer. · He analysed the reuo.n1 fO! the call Mrs. E nerson. Beacon birthd.y. The members !l1so re-Ch&lrmen and membera of com- Brltl•h recoenltion or Red China, s022.\v. They t. wiah to thank celvt'd' tjlelr )951 meiibberahtp mtttees will be · selected by ottl- and ~>eplalned the· probletnti of ev~ryone for pUt donations. cards. C bea.utlfully 4l+corated cers and \\'Ill be named at the atoppln,-trade with that wunt.ry; 1 sheet cake, with each gltJa name JUne meeting. Plans include nam· he di8cuaaed the tirinJ of Mac· GJ d I . ' Eld ~·rittt:n upon It was Krv~. Com· ing of two hostetiAes tor each Al'thur. elating that this . W&I & en a 9 er mitt1·e Women Irma S~w and meeting becaUM> of growing 81.t.f' atrlctly Unit ed Sla~es affair and f $ . k j H · Frances crane a.ttended e cele-of the circle. that Brita.in had liven l u, tl'.le 0 pea ere bralLon and Mra. Crane ... in-I As .June 5 L!! birthday annlver- nwht to choose the United Na-. I • veated Into the K01lt m V8JOeJ)t. s&ry of the .cl~e. each member tion1 conun&1uS.r. · In ,...,.et to Tht! Miaslona~ Volunteer So-Others ,ruealt were· Lin Shaw will bring a bir~day offering. Xhe Brltiah Fortlf'O poUcy In_ 1critral. clety or the ·Sev¥nth-Day Advent-and Carol Ann Crane~· session will be held at the )ton\f' he 1tatt0 hti tHllieved .the ..ine lat Chu~ ot Newport Hetghl8 Fifteen Scout.a 1 clpated. of Mrs. Pfiechner, 3014: Weal Bal- road would be tbllowed: WllleMw:r have a Vf!fy flnejprogTam planned Leallers aDd. u•latanta re Nel-bha Blvd., wi.th .Mrs. Oetozte"t act- party la ln power. · fot Friday ~venipg. Ma>:: 11. 7:45 Ile Long, Mary Hilliard Sybil in·g as oo-hoate.ss. A.tter the m..ln' le!JlUH the (•Di-o'clock. T'tM! eJHiaker of the t>Ve-Nonnan. f. \ Mra. J. A. Bodman .led In de- al Brttlaher 1,ant two hoµn wlth fling WI.JI be Eld r P aul Camplx•ll votlons, her subject "With Heal- arnaU (1"9\1,pa of j\lniQI'• and Mn-of the G:~ndale Sanitarium church. a· c B • Cl tb intt In His .. Wtf'lg•." -Aa ·thie-wu lora in an Lnforql~ que~ &fld Elder Campbell ~..,i ll· also Sp('ak at • • ruin M closing meeting of tnc year, Miss answer session, which the ato-the-Sabbeth mom!ng ·!lervl.ce, May t Newland. chairman. gaYe ·a •um-dent~ greatly e?ljoyed. The qiJes-12, l l :OO a . m. 'th(" public is ('Of'· Ann Dinner D ce mary' Of the year'•. work '1td the tlo;,s a.sk~d by the J1Jtud'eni. shOw-dlal}y lnvlted ..... ~ .-· t;easurl!'r, Mrs. P .' L. Higgins, ('d great lntE>reSt in 'a.nd 'a kf'e n In cclubrallon of two ' uccesa-&ilVe the yearly report showing grup or Mr. Ha.dow's po!nt.a, as Fencinn. H~nors Won ful year• since Its ora: lzatlon. a1L -a~polntments met &Dd a.JI aa-w~ll aa respee;, htr hia tremen-':I' -the Orange County Br club sf;(ned work coffipleted. Jncludlng doua ))ackarow:id of knowled•e of by . Newp~ Youth will hold Its annual dlnn dance atU.d1 bool<s for th~ year. world histor)' and 't':Qrtd .it'alra. · Twenty-rour1:rt.nceten'. unlver-at the Wlilowtck Golt b at 7 ,>frs. M~i.e Hav\ca,. cba.irman Tbe' dl~Ungulahed .... ·embly p m .. Tttuf'tlday, May 1 1961 of'the Ways a.nd meana ·conUnittee, 'io:n..aker was seeured through the "''ty fenc!ec.1. e from N'e'fW'port M b f h B · cl ' l . '-~ed r· ""'It ,..-Harbor, be&d~ bv v&r&ity-c.aptain em ere o t e ruin , a um-rct.....,. ~ 1ne , progreaa on . "1'6-1 efforts of Mr. Hughe&, Mr. Mag-~ ni and friend& of the lver1ity 11'\a..ki.ng 1'0d llrtiJ::l~ !or tbe wm-Chambleu R.. Johuaton. NCAA nuuon and Afr. Gab:e of the hish are all Invited to attend .~ short :tr bazaar .. An all-day meetin~ ... _. i!abTe cham~ion and 195.l i-eciJ)ient t scti:ool social suaule1 department. bu_,iness meeting will to ow th(> 1· be held soon by the work ti~ dipl omaUc career dates back of the .. Fencer o( the Year" trop-dinner. after which dan · g will g-roup, tu 1919, and in_<1ud~ Service in hy, have been , ;warded athl~tic "'-j ed r t• ld r .~e pastor. Rf.v. Thom .. Pen-ln1lg,nla in re<:ocnitton. or. their ut" en oy or ne rema· er o ... >• Palestine. Washlngton. Tehr~n. etfort.B O\'e r the course of the 1951 the evenings. · dell wa.s present and presented th<' Vienna. Prague and Buenos Aires. wulter sports a:euon. R{!ser.,.tion1 n1ay be i>ta:noo circle With a copy· of Througn He has been CpnauJ Offie"raJ for Amon u the &lX recJpienU of var· by contacting the club's , retary, Christ, Our Lord by Dr. Georgia this ft>ctfon since 1948.. • Ethlyn Ward. 604 E .. ~Ol.Y street , H•rkness, gtri, in appreciaUon for aity letters wa.s. the captatn~ect Santa Ana. [ the clrcle's cooperation tn the at- StllT FILED (or tht:" 19~2 JtC&60n , J. Edrar T. _1: t®dance contest at the 'recent Suit t o forecloee a deed ol trust Rutter. an out.sla.ndlng performl'r STUDENT ~A.Mifu · p.reachlng mission. ·T1!"e boOk wl;} on a pa:rcl!I of Newport Bea.ch re.al of lOS Via L!doj Nord, Lido ~ll'. Wayne Alley, 18, PorUJd. Ore., b~ used in the circle's devotional estate was filed in euperior court• ro El..;£CT o•TICERS will bt': presidt!nt or .A$ociated work. . · by Dorothy McKe.nita. She alle1cd . New officers •wifl be elected Student• or Stan!ord u.iiverslty $_prlng flowers, Japane•e Ian• Mr. and ~trs. Hugh Cairn1 had whe.n members of Circle ~ o( Cos-for lhl' 1930-fil t1chool yeai lt wa.s ~ prints .sent from Japan by Da· falled to f\l&kt monthly payroenU ta Ateea Community church w . s . announced today. 'i vtr Holtby, ion of the hoatua, as scheduled on a. S20,000 ·proml-C. S . gather tor 8 breakfaat meet-Graduate repreaentativaof the m~de the rooms gay. During th~ sory note. Also name du defend-Ing Thursday a( 9 a . m. in Mesa ASSU executive committ is Do-SCfiaJ hour refreshment• ln-the ants are Bay Escrow Co., Bulld-park. Ho&tt:'ftses \viii be Mn. H e r-vid Curty, 24:, son of M . Ruth. At-.,y day theme were Ber(red1 f•· ers Acceptance Co., a.nd othe rs as bert B. McMurtf)' and Mr&. C. ).t. C. Burns, 1703 W. Balboa ea venue, v~s bei!tl' tlny plaatic buke1-ln claiming liens on the property. Bunc h . .., Newport Beach. ~ puteJ shade11. f'llneteen member1 ~ were preaent and Uie paator wu Dodge has moved. Wat' a 1ppeci&I cue.,.t. ==========-===::,.,--;:--:;--;: < ~~~ ' ~ ' ' , . . I • Doctor to S'P-~•k !!t P.~T. A.. Meet ' , -ltlf: , •• ,_to ,.,. .w • or."'He1en-n:~-wm-rtVe '"'AU membera~ or ~te HarbOr aft Wuatrated talk. OD llanduJ&r Area BQya' Club bavel beaa lQri~­ diltUrbaftcea tn cli1l.drtft at a d:teet-ed to a ttend tl>;e ten' Club inc of the CO.ta ."Jilua. Undbe!'ch-Beach Party Saturday, M&7 u at Harper P .-T. 4 . Wedneoday, May Corona del Mar'• bucb, it t at 2:30 p. m. ln the Maln .chool 1'&& &nnounced tbil ~· by Roy audltorlum. . • ' Daniel, cbalnnan· ot the bMct. Llndber&h kJ:nderp.rlen cbhdren party for the Booete club, , wtU preoent a Man>ol• dance• u a Daniel added that It Will be ..., pNYlew of lhe ir..y F .. uva1 lo tie eventnc "of tun wtth all •t&pd 11iunday of thta week at aorta of came.a, conte and INf'- 1.Jndbersh ~ Tu wUJ ,)be pr&a9 in atore. One o the hlatf •erved atte.r tbe pro(f&m. ltcht.. of the evenln.a will . be a Bridal Gown Show at Church Banq1:1et BrklaJ rowna, both oJd and n'w, will featUJ"EI the Annual Mother- .I>auchter banquet of Cb r I at ehurcb by the See Which will be held at 7 p. m. in Qoodell ~ Tue.lday, May t5. PartJcularly desired by the progn..m chaJrman.. Mra. A . J. Rutter, are go_wna of bridea who have been married in Chrlat Church, &nd. ahe may bf' called at Harbor 899·M. Tioketa are $1 .3~ eaet) and . may be .re- .served by calU!ti Beacon Ml7 or Harbor numbete , 699-M, ~092·R, 1811-J or 1326-W. · ~----- MESA WOllLUI BURT Mrs. Carmen S . Yanez, ~. who realde• a~ 17th St .. and Pomon11. avenue, COeta Mesa, suffered b2Ck 'tnju"rie1 when the car in which »he wu rl<llng collided with an- other driven by Willi.am R. Wal- 1ers, 39, or Bellflower, on L&}te· w.ood Blvd. at Harvey Way ln Norwalk at 10 p.m. Tuuday, x,.y 1. 1Drtver of the n:iachfne ln whJch Mra. Yanes wU "riding wu liai- ed u George M. Yane,, 30 of the Costa Me1a a.Odrc.U. Dodge-has moved. \.\'a.tch Itl ...... qr :mfr' + I I ftre•de pa.ntoml.he qu_ p.me. Feature of the nt1b ot ~ wtll be food -all tblo f~ Y"I' can eat lbr llO cen_~L-Dank,I •taled thal the t 1"'°aJ *<Ii party ret-'>menta wtuld bo .. hand with an overdose lot weine bWlJ, mu8hmallowa, q<>ld plcklee and aalada. !:f Each pereon m.akln the tri · Will be uked to pre l llO oen which wtu eo to ott-aea the cost the party: Any profi will IO ln~ to the Booeten' Club d for new buktlb&ll ouitJo. All lhoee inttncllJis o co m~ algn up by Fr~y nic t, May Ji -----r-·· ~i:~~E8;,:;;¥~~ entrance Sunday ntrh Aprll .;_B during the blc etorm bi Ute~ Capt. Jack Jon.ea an~ Ne~ Beach harbor dep&rtmu.it emploJ1 ee1. C. H. Phinney .. d Dou1.., Prieat. Tho lwo, \lilallj Cl!IJ>IO'!"I JS, Alhambra and Rat:Ballarinl~ 17, Loi A.n1e)N, we.N pped hl1h wavea breakil'I _over \Ii Jetty approximately Ulne qaar, len of lh• way to wi ·end. Botll1 were forced to jum~_'1_to th<o· ~ ter to reach llnea ·~ a. harbo departmen.t patrol bo&tlln the ~r entrance at 7 p.'m. • 41 I 0 '*--ioJ -· ' i '~WE ;RE :SAVING ONE YEAR'S. INC~ME ! -. THAT° WiY WE FEEL WE'LL BE REALLY. S.FE " ' I Why don't you take a tip from th!s. smart jlady and do the same. And it's 8o easy to 8ave l°nce you acquire the Savings . Habit.· Just put aside a definite amount of your salary each ' pa~day befon you ~tart epehding ! l INSURED SAVINGS ••• OJJ RRENT IDGH r3 , D~ENDS ! I ~gr · . 1 '~~~~~.~Y.tl~ ~,,.,,..,,..,,,;~ttA.f.l&•,••a;'¥1:•1• IJIJ ~l.lt/o•.fl&•rt--· p14.114 Jl.i""4cllo11 ' TERESA . RENNER f Mri. A. Renn• I · . ' °""""" ,_ ... ., ,,.,;,,. o--.. . Cl-le ....... ,., -....... 436 s.rni Pme · Hmtaor 1 c~ H1t .. 11• -Cora•a cW ,. FUN Z0 1N • OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SAT~RDA -SUND~V . . . ··~~· 71.J • • • .. '/ • . ' I • • • • J . I • 1~•~•"!''~j~'~.e~e~e~s~c•e.,.seee:~'•a .. eeeee•1'5"£•2~2ee2.,.2ee~s~!"!~·~·uss•~~·~·~· .... •••~·~:uss .. •s~s~a,.,•a~·~.·~·:--••••~•~;~·-·~•~•~·~·~,-··•-·~·~·~···....,,~,,.... •• _,~,~~~·~·r,··..,~Tr~=~:~·rr-·~·-·~·-·~~-·~··~~--:;"°""-;:-::-.~~--.-..,..-,,"""'T"'~ • • ' . • • \ • Tu.Ley, Mey 8, 1951 H'ARBOR I SOCIAL : EVENTS ~ MRS. w~tfRED BARBRE, .Soelety Edllot' . ~,,..................,.... ......... -.-. .. ~ ... ~--~..-~,.,.- Ente~ains With Tales of Hawaii ~rs. Dauphi e ~lamed Hea of Inte. .. tlng hlgh·lighto on h.r I, recrnt trip to Hawaii were told a. group of trienda by M.ra. Leelle Kenny Cam a"1gn :::~~· en~:'lnedM:. h:rr~~ I Isle home, 113 Via Koron, April Mrs. Georgt' ~-Oauphlne ot 231 27. Mrs. Anderson wu fortu- Driftwood ·Rd., Co1"'9na del Mar, nate in becoming a cquainted Shore Clif!s. has a rt'al reason for with many native Hawallana dur- a cceptlng thl' chairman1Ship of Or· lng her three mont.ha viait with ange County of the polio hOl!pltal her son Jack, who teaches in the can1 pal~n of the S i. er Elizabeth pub'lc 11chool . She waa loaded Kl'nny Foundation. '1own with gttta during her ao- The Dalphincs' yo_911g son .Mar-journ, enjoyed many native luaus, di, 2. has rrci•ntly t>t--.t•n dischargc<t and learnf'd to p repare miny of frum thl' Ruth H on10 --Eli:iabelh the pol dishes. K enny lns litUll' in El Monte. hJs Attired In a native costume, batt lr &J!.Ri nst po lio \Von, thank~\ complete with lets and beads, 8he t o Sis ter KC'nn.v. gave a graceful exhibition ot the Prior to K'•nny trt'atment. native dance11 which she learned \~:h lch in lht' "1"l'st 1s g1v(·n only at from her son, and which 8he cx- tbt> El ~tonle Institute, Atardi's plained to the guests, are full of parents had bern t old that ht> meaning. m ight ncvr r walk ltJ.:ain. Yet af-Mr. and Mrs. Anderson haVf" t e r six mont hs Jl,far<.li did walk-been the hou8t" guest! of Mrs. An- ri~hl out of the Ruth Homt'-dt•rson's sister. Mrs. Boyd Rob· ElizRbt•lih Kenny Inst itute. t-rls on 16th street, Costa Mesa. Mardi"s dad. a fi r st heute>nant l.n Mr. Anderson drove down from the ~fa 1·1n l' Air Cor1x,, shart's Mrs. Utah to mee\, the Lurline, and DauphinC''s £'nthusia s111 In the Sis-jo in in the festivities. Also honor- t t•r K('nny cal1se. ing the traveler were Mr. and Mrs. The fund <lr1ve, w hic h is now In Robert.8, Mr. _a.nd 1'frs. Francis 1progrt'5.". is scckin~ •$300.000 fo r Ho rvath. Mrs. Margaret Aldric h. the operation a.nrl exponRion of the 1rfr. Anderson and the hostess. . S istPr Kr n ny polio hospttal. Tht> Cana.at& and refreshments com· Kenny Foundation plans to t~quip pletcd the eve ning. tWn &dd1tiona\ \Yin{;.!! Of lhC' hos- pital, Yo'h 1ch arP now-Standing idle du<' l et lac k of funds. Mrs. Dauphine urgC's persons in· t e-r csted in voluntt•e ring to help in the Sister ~C'nny app<!al to call her al Ha rbor 04.94. Awards Presented Cub Scouts of 106 Awarde: were preflented when Costa Mesa Cub Scout Pack" 106 , -FLYING THE . .\IRWAVS i1t 1'-llM Do&orn Elder, daukhtPr of Mn. L. L. Isbell of IS05 !Ea.At Balboa 81\'d .... Ralbna.. !-;hr-hM brf>n ~ at ChicaK"o. Altf'r snWuatlnc from \\'~tlakt-School for Girl& In llMR, !\UM Eldt-r rntf"n'd the l fni\·e.nlty I nr SouthPtn California. r-aduatlnl' Omep; wa..' a<'ll,·e In and Y\\'CA cablnt•t.. In 19.SO. She b1 a mem~r er .o\.Jpha Ch.I Spur•, Kappe. Pl, tht" l lSC J11dlclal Court ~United Alrilnt•s Phdtol ' t . ~l <l:hurch Circles l. · • A ·1· · , at Costa Mesa e.9.100 UXI ~ry v-~-of the W~n'• ~~f's ·Poppy Days Spclety of .chrtatton Se c.,. JC 1 • ' Oocta 1!feaa Community "!'•!. od· l'oppy da)'ll are rolling around Wt cJ\Urch. met recently In , gu-once again and call. more than la.r eeukm., • ever; tor '-tbe support of each one "l Circle Orie auemblcd wtth f U-of Wto do such a amail blt for ~ Moore, .f45 Sa.n ·eem our h roea;'Bo remember the date, PL, when nr:offlcers ·were May and 38 ! ed., Named were Ethel R D1d10 you know _ that the PoPPY chaJnnan; 1 rlet Johrulon. progrtm la e:trlctly a veteran a.t- cba.lrman; Lota Meek, aecre taJr: µtat they receive every pen- kathryn Dial, treuurer. ny wen by you wbo purchue Rhode9 led the mlaelonary the little red memorial nower on Chtna and Mabel Jarnu ave e ve ry•j year? H oapltallsed v'#er .. the devotlona. Francea P toer ans r~eive a stipulated awn for was welcomed into 1 the me maki'lg the poppies, and any pro- eb.Jp of the cln:le. Ethel W fit det lved there ane r muat go Semone Otto, former me rs. Into t~e rehabilitation fund of the were guest.a. . 1 • · uni-l 'elling tJle poppies and ·that J.. Circle Two met with Mrs. I lay fund can only be spent on veter· Bennett. 20:5 Flower St. Th~ ?e· ans and t.hCir children. There Ls votloM were glvf'n by irrs. no operalional cost, no handling Blanche Aaderson and the ri m is· c harge, or . "middle man" profit. sionary talk wu presente<f' by Volunteer· workcr8 ot the Amert- Mrs. Mary Gallwas. Metbers can LC'glon auxiliary carry out preaent were Mmes. Mar 8r('t this program year after year u Long, Mary-Kuhl. Grace yd, their n1aln contribution to the Oallwu, Della. Cook, Bianchin· vet eran.s to whoin they are dedl- den«>n. Minnie Meulnjr and· 'arR cated, Rollins. Mrs. Opal Goody or Ulat y ear, in the state ot Cali· flower e:l rt>et waa a vlsltor. rt"J. tornia alone·, over $1:5 million dal- c:ace Boyd, 2070 O range a nue, Jars y.iere paid to h08pltallzed wtll ('ntertaln th(' ~roup a~ the vc tt>r&ns for making poppies and next meeting 1'-fay 10. a tolal of 12,700 vets and their The e:tudy book review "Ailca" children were a.lded through dc- from "Builder!! or a C hr\,tlan partment and unit rehab tunde. World" ':"ILS conductf'd by tMNJ . This year Korean casualties and Regna .Re.a for Circ le Three' 1'hlch 1 their families will !)(! added to the convened with Mrs. Lucille ~Fer • list of eligibility. nandrs, 1906 Orange avenue. ~rs. W ill you be among those to ex - Ida Tousley was welcomed lls a prt'SS your gratitude for l "our nt'w member. Mrs. F'IOrf'nCP \Har· boys i'· ' rison gave the devotionals. ~ght· ' be co-h08tess. State· Director. • I • 'I I r I I IACll DAllT !f•C•PI SM"<ilOYI Ol>tl •'-· do)") ""'" ''"'"• l=, ,._,,,, ...... , ... ~. ,21 I I .J , Faculty Members Guests of Prexy held a Pack mee ting Thursday, April 26, In American Legion hall. Mrs. Oouglae:' Den 1 had charge Y's Menettes Club OCC Mo~hers Honors Member to Be Guests een members. and two vi~tors Close cooperation am011g rtetgh- were present. The r.ext m&}ting bors -both people 11nd communl· will be hf'ld at the home ot1 Mrs. lies -· Is t he foundation or Civil Ethel Cooper, 129 Short s rr et , Defe.rlse, 8.ccording ' t o Maj . Gen. May 10. M~. Velma Compto "'ill Waltt.r ~I . Robertson, C&lltornia The beginner's room of the ---c-----------------------·---------------+~--" ' Alv.·a ys a g racious hostess, Marie I ,_.lrs. J a mes • Pearce, act· ing principal at the Costa Mela Llndb£•rgh school, ente rtained re· .:t'ntly at he r homC', 126 Broadway, with a tea for faculty me mbers. Flo ral tH.pe rs in a sparkling cut glass bowl furn ished a strikin,:: Ct'ntral mot if for the face spread t ea table rrom "'hicH tempting a350rtcd sanclw1chC's, d.i.inty cake.!'. grapees , mints, nuts ~d other daintit>s were syrvcd. .iA& Viola Twnmonds as.slstt·d guests in making sclcctiona ot be daUca- .sies. Lending fragrance &fd color to the room it were clu.,t efs or roses, $WCt'l pea.a and yellow d~iaies. Sharing the hoapit!lity were Superintendent of Schobls Everett R ea and Mrs. Rea, Mmea. AmeUn Orummond, Minnie E . Crain, Julia ·cammon, Isabel Kehlor, Hazel Cumiskey, Geneva · Ingmundson, Virginia Ortbcrg, Do[l>lhy Whit- aker , A·largue rite Connor, Ethel S chafer, R ose Sc hiller , Barbara A1Eignusson , Doris \Vood, Stella Cain, Alberta K ohl, Daisy Pres- t on , MIMes Barbara Tuttle 'and Viola Tummond. Slumber Party For Mesa Girls of the openlnJ ceremony. Opening with induction o f new Boye: winning awarde: were Den-members, continuing wtth a pro- nia O 'K ee!e, W oll badge: Cary gram and closing Y.'ilh a stork Grahan), B • r badge; Doger shower and rl'freshment..s. the Douglaa, Wolt e:ilver arrow: Lar-April 26 meeting of the Newport ry Holma, Aa. Denner strip;_Jlm-Harbor area Y's ~t enf'ttes club my Gallacher, Denner Strip. proved an' especially inter esting Den Chief Howard Graham w on event. The home or Doro thy Bra<l- a first aid kit for 15Crvice as Den ley, ~07 Aliso etre("t, Newport Chief. Roy Danleb wu awarded Height..s. wu the sct>nc of the hi!I Den Chief Cord. The Skit Flag session. Afyrtle Long was assi.!ll- was won by Mrs. Davis' Den 4. ing ho.'lten.. while Mrs. Douglas' Den 1 cap-Club offlC<'r conductt.>tl lnltia· lured the attendance award . tlon r ite!! wtth Ha..z<"l Burt, Mar- Rall Rdllding wa8 lhe theme garet Thatcher, Marian Overman for the month with Mrs. Davi!I and Vlrglnia Lodgaon recf'lved using a little train for her skit. into lhf' membership. PteHidenl Paul Stephens announced the Alice Yourstone had charge ot ,wim training course at the rugh lbe business. school plunge for the Cub Scouts. As the program feature Fritzie He also aaked parents to help lhe Jackson showed colored elides Scout.a sell Uck~ta for a Youth taken In Japan by her eiater. Benefit Brea.k!ut sponsored by .Marking the social tntf'rtm wa.e: the Coe:ta Mua K iwa.nll Club Sat-tbe layette shower which sul·- urday, May 12, ln the Costa Mesa prised Betty ( Mra. He rbe'rl l park. Jenke: and Frltsle ~Mrs. Virgil) The c losing ceremony was in · Jackson. Girts for the two honor- charge ot Mrs. Stephens' Den 2. ees were piled In a baby buggy. Girl Scout Council Training Plans Roll call opened the regular board mt""eling of thP N ewport Harbor Girl Scout council on May 1 at the Scout House. Commis- sioner Mrs. Everett Nunan, presld· ed and announced that Mrs. Pat After the packagCll had bet-n o pened. refreshments were served. ,Qn the menu were n1 oldt.'CI fruit salad with whipped cream, home· made fruit bread, date n1utfln:s, coffee· and t ea . Tht>re W<L:3 loL, of fun but not Sc hindler haa been appointed u niut·h slr1•pin~ done at a re(.·ent Leaders' club representaUve at "slumber'" party arranged by Mrs. board meeting. Besides lhos<! m entioned, m cm- hf>rs pre~nt included Laura Jont'8, Doris Luckhardt, J erry Davia, Grace \.Vrlght, Kalhryn Dia I, Elizabeth Zimmrr and Hel('n Brown. Nf'xt nlf'Ct inK, May 24, will be with Mrs. Brown, 628 Cenll'I" street. And ?-~w E . BrockC'tt. 16fX) New-The first grade mother meet· port Blvd., Costa Mesa, when ing date to be held at the Scout she broug ht to~t'the r a group of House with Mr8. Ted Hambrook giril~ in celt'bration of the 17th I as speaker wu announced for birthday o f Sus I e Brockett, May 3. Basic trairiing for leaderti tlaughtcr uf lhe hoUsehold, will be given by MINJ Ellis Lox- Dihnt'r launched the t\:>st ivities ley of Laguna on May 11, ten to \\"hLc h included cana.ata and chat-twelve o'clock. May 18, nine to tcr until the· wee sma' hours. twelve and May 2:S, nine to twelve, Ht•lp1n g Sus ie celebrate were all meetings to be held at thP. classmatl·~ at Harbor High In-Newport Scout House. The con· e luding 111 a non Ba.rer, Connie ference at A.sllomar will be at- Gunn. Pat Frahm, Joan Dupray tended by Mrs. Nunan and Mre:. and Joann Bake r. Esthf'r Chapman on May 24 . RECENT ARRIVALS THOMPSON -To Mr. and Mrs. Robert T hon1pson. 312 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. at St. Joseph ho~Pita l, Apr'\l 28, 19~1 . a dau ghter. 7 lbs .. 11 oz. ~O U NGBLOOD -To Mr. and <\frs. Undsey S. Youngblood, 248 Driftwood Rd .. Corona del Mar. a t St. J oseph hospital, April 29, a daughter. 7 lbs .. 12 oz. CORNElJUS -T d Mr. and Mrs. ~-S . <;ornelius, 349 Magnolia St .. Cost a ~tesa, at Santa Ana Com· 1nunity hospital. April 30. 19~1 . a daughte r. 7 lbs .. 2 oz. FOSTER -To Mr. and Mrs. James H. Foster, ~21 Poppy Ave., _Corona de! MHr. at St. Joeeph hos pital. April 28, 1961, a daucb- . ter; 8 lbs., 12 o z.· Dodge baa n1oved. 'f.ratch It! Dodge tla8 moved. •watch ft! . . RICCIARDl'S SHOE SHOP Shoes R<palrtd ) Whllr You \\'aJt Attw • ...__.,_.,,..., Cor•..c:tl0tti Ortlrioo.dk Wetl OU• MOTIO: Notlllft9 ffllpeulllol• teen N~wport BIV'd. . NEWPORT BEACH . -Thanks were extended Ray Mid- daugh for the book s helves in the office and hla work on" the bar~­ cue. Dates of the Mariner Garn to be held in Santa Monica we rf' givt>n u May 1.l8. 19 and 20. Ship Na.lad and skii/pere: will attend. Civic League Body Visits High School Mnr. Paul Daviee. chairman ot Women'15 Civic League and mem- bei's ot the education comfJllttee had a tour ot the high &ehool re- cently and were luncheon gueats of the home economica class ln lbe cottage. Remodeled from a barracks bullding, the cottage has kitchen, bed, Uv:tng a.nd dining rooma. All the work of decorating, paJntlng and furniehing the cottage wu done by atudents. Old furniture waa. purchued &nd rf"novated and becaWle It met certaLD require- menta. a irant waa given them by a large Santa Ana st.ore. Princtpal S id.hey H . Davidaon and Dean 1'l.y Harbl80n eaco:rted the V"OUP on a tour of the ICbool &Dd answered qu9tiona on me-- cbanb of the -=hool from the tax J>&YV'• ancle, ouUlnlnJr tbe ""11<1· Ing prosnm. atU<lent government, pollcioa ot tbe acfaool and fllnclloa· Jncof !be board. Preenlt oa tbe lOU1' wue. Mmn. O.vla, Belen -Inna 0-n· ........ 'DoroUaJ' -.. -)( ..... iromotll. Paul D. Moon, Jury S-. N-DnM_ llttooei-WJ:lte IMSd x ...... ~ . I H~ights Circle in Election Meet Newport Hf'i~hlB Circle of Christ Church by the St>a WSCS held il8 late8t meeting In the home of Mrs. Flora Harris, :518 We1Jt· m1n·8ter avenue. "Faith at Work" was th<' theme used by Mrs. Frt>d W()(,ldworth for her devot ional program. Nominating committee chair- man Mrs. I.Ron Ferguson pre- sented the following panel of of- ficera. t>lf'cled by unanimous bal· Jot : prt .. ldent, Mra. \Villlan1 H . Truzty: vlce-preAidcnt., Mrs. l.,,(>s Nott; secretary, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Millan; treuurer, Mrs. H. I&. Mc- Qonald. The e:tudy book "W e S~ek Him T ogether" wa.s reviewed for tht' group by Mra. Rugh McMUlan. Mrs. Anna Bodman was a guett. The May 22 meeting will take plafe In the home' of Ml&1 Clara Kohlstadt, 719 Poinsettia avenue, Cor'\n.a del Mar .. Costa Mesa Pastor Back from Chicago Rev, P . G. Neumann, pastor of the Flrat Baptl~ chu~b of Coe::ta Meaa, returned lae:t week from Chicago where he attended the American Baptt.at convention. He waa aw.y 10 daya. Dodge bae riioYed. W&tch It! at Fashion ·~ea church wae: the setting for a fleet· ing o f Circle Four. Nora l.JJt.nge presided. F or h er devotional !\.opic Mrs. Sadie Bland choS<' " aily Assoclatl'd W orijen Student of Prayer." Mrs. Kathryn Ma cn· Orange Coast coU~·gc will enter· :z:lc gave a talk on "Three t"li· lain n1othcr8 of bblh men and wo-gions." Mrs. Ruth Barnett r 1n cn studt•nts at '/! Mothe rs tea ed for the nominatln~ com1 and fa11hion sti oW'f In the collegt! and offiCer!I Wt' re c lectf'd : chap(.'I Thursday ~Yt·ning, May 10 MacKrnzie, chairman ; Mrs. from 7 to 9 o'clcx1 k. Barne tt, vice-chairman: Mrs. Br· O'Brien 's Spcetatty Shop of t ha Moore, trea.surrr: Mt!!. at.r Co rona dcl 1t1'ar and The Man of Hirtler, Sf'c r etary. Sharing h lt'S8 Costa Meffa will ,present collegl:' dutle8 we re the Misses Ellzi.beth models In a. shoring o r spring and Mary Hall. When the ttrC'le and fall fashions df'signed for gathe rs May 10 at 2 p.m . ti thr both mothers and 18tudt>nts. Eight church hostesses will be Ntn1es. OCC co-eds will ~e the model.11 : Ma.xey, K irks and Plumsteal Joyce Purcell 1.farilou J ac kson Circle Seven met with auht and Carol Clark of Balboa; Joan Sanborn or Walnut Pl., Mar , An· Sullivan or \VcA~mlnster : Mary derson presiding. H elen own Ann Malon<'y and Kathleen Erbe and Ann Lilley d i.scUSl!ed the, book or Newport: Sari 'Alcorn of c08ta i "Rural Prospect." ~ Mt>l58.; and Mary Bartelt of Bay Election or._ ortlcf'rs mar¥d a ShoreB. meeting of crrcle Etght wl~ Zue OfflCf'rs ~f A WS serving u Ha.II being named the new ~halr­ commlttce chairmen. assisting the man. The busineas lnterlud fol- preeldent. Mrs. Thea Bcanman lowed a pot luck supper a thf' Henning or Orange, are • Juno churc h. Other new of!leer arc Knight of Laguna. program; Joan Arlene Christen80n, ivlce-hair· Sullivan, corsage•;' and Margaret man: Phoebe Balch, seer tary- McDougall Qf co8ta Mesa, re-treasurt'r. Proceed8 tota.ling more freshmt>nts. tha.n $60 were rt>al.zerl fr9 the FAC Juniors Elect Officers Rounding out 6 most succeBs· ful year, some ~O membj'rs and guests or the Costa 11-ft'sa Friday Afternoon club m <'t Wednesday, April 25, for luncheon in the love- ly Flre.s1d(' RQom o f _the Laguna ho tel, where springtime wal!I ex- prcMf'd In e tfrctlve decoratlon.e of purple and white stookA and larks pur. Elt"Clion "'&8 tlie aftermath of the Juncht·un ,w ith the following slate of officers . elcctffi: Bonnie GN™o•, c hairman : Doroth y New- man, vice-chairman; G e o rg I a J ones, secretary: La Rue Danl- ger. corrC8ponding secretary: Barbara Coe, tf'f'uurer; Jeane Minee:Iy, partlameniarlan; Dok>ree: Irwin, publicity chairman: Vir- ginia Lodgsdon, )>rogram chait- man. , Al the conclusion· of the bua1- ncs8· .eeSslon. bridge and canuta were playe-d and refreahmenlAI .served. Rewarded\ wllh prizes in brktge play w•re jBlllle Throneon: high; Blanche William! and Mabel Schachner. Ann K opeuhefer took first prize in ca~ and J ea.ne H.lne.slY ~a.s awarGtd the the con- solation token. ' Californi a !Sector Meets Ma~ 19 The 8Dth Divi4n Society, C&ll- fornia Sector. wUl hold lta meet- lug Saturday, May 19 at Martus T~ ~•taunnt., Loa Angele.a at 1 p.m. n e m~Ung will al8o Ln- clude enterta.tnment. All membef'1!L and their ladlea he invited lo at- tend. f'. I ' Dodge baa movtd. Watc.b It! .dodge h.aa mOV'i!d. Wateb It! rummage sale held by the irele. Seventh Birthda for Mesa Lad It was Indeed "acC't•nt on uth" recvntly In lhf' James J . Hart home. 1M4 Fullerton Ave.. 0:>1la Mesa, where Mrs. Hart turn the patio ove[' to the eon of thr US<"· holq, James J . Hart. Jr. and j young echool matetf at St. J o chlm Parochial school, In gala o serv· I ance of hie: Sf'venth birthda '. [ Gamee: eped the hours wi r f'-1 freahmenta of decorated btr hday cake, lee c ream, popcorn, pe'nul.l!. candy and soda pop conclrdlng the en joyable event. Sharing the celebration and wishing James many happ re- turne of t he day were. Denl~bro· mekl, Mark Albert&on, J ohn Mar· kel, Billy Markel, Gorey nck. David Campbell, Patrlak 1.(,.-nch, Bobby WlUtten, Denis O'Keerc. Robert Siegel, Patrick ith, George Marcu.sus. !-flchael Van Heemzkerck, Merle Pear8Qn, Bar- bara Ann Hart, Marie 1/an ecm- skerck, Janice Jenaen .. &1 hara Norton, Donna Ba.llMkl. PtilJricia Guthrie, Geraldyne Hart, Pa1.rtcla Wattenburg. Lynd I a Horvath, Maureen Tarbet , Mary ~ Ha· venstrip, Katherine Ande-eoo. Pamela Mille r. Tonia Lee Muniz, ' Mary Lou McClellauct, PtznUa Lynch, ThreM Landry, J\eggy Harudn, Laura Lynch , M4rtha Lynch, Mary Yynch. Glor jean M.ancebo. A llce-faye Man c b o, Nancy Laurie, Suzanne Cam beU. Jane ,Laurie, Michelle M ely, Jacqpeltne Makely . Native Daughter to Enter Float in Mesa Fish Fry • Conchita Parlor No. 8 4, NOOW, elected to en!A!'r a oat IQ Ille Coot& Med annual f~· fry to be Mid ln ea.ta Meu. •the int put ot June-Committee. ave -aelecteol, beaded by UtUam Bally. ldeu we cllan~ u to what Ille WOUid bo, but It w.. de<:ld<it wttllboldlbe-us:Wa clde. ,Delop!Q .... t*.t.d 'g part -and-· Belen !u>-J-. Kn:. -Pollard of !'f" u ...... , ... Kn:. - -"' CliJl& -..... ..,_ l . . llRIU.mT WIN"n:RA. Bo!b-· '"*' ac:trw •'l wut t.o 9llCCWd. ., bodl7, l"m wOlfn¥ lo -for it!" ~. ~ . ",MHiomm dmldle ,_. -o.. o1 u. .--'*'"' ' -•hw -• 117 • _,.,. --.A.rij ..;·-,Illa ' ha ............. ---~ no.asit, plclmef -.................... .,.. .... ·~· ?,,, .............. -tllo ....... at I.be tlea lo ioe -la . ~'88Ji~' Ill -..... -l'lldllla i.r port a-. ---..... i • . • Daqo llaa -Watcll n r . . l ' ' t ..... "~-. ~1..~--'-• . t·til. I , J ' , • Dacls9 .... --w-ti , • • --.--.:-·· • • .I r , INSURED SAVING·s ; • CURRENT EARNINGS I o " I 1 PerAnnum ~ ~· ------... ~ -- ' ... • ! ·~ ' ' t 1i ~ l 1 1 • i ~ • l " . . J I !. ~ . ' ' I .. I l ' • l ' • • ! ' • I i ' . , ! • ~ ~ .. i ' ' I I 'I ' I ' i . i ' ' " ~ I -, l ' ~ I • :r l ~ l l J l ~ " " ' ' • ., ' 1 ' • ~ .. d s i i • 1 r . I f. ~ ;I . i .. i . ' ~ ' I . ~ . • ij • ' ' • ' ' I . I ' . -. ·~~~~-----.--~~~~----------~--~~.......-...-~----.i'.";;~~C:::':J:;r:';-;;::" ......... "".' .... l"".'~~;:1"";::7:~'::':l~ ... ;'J'~ ...... "ll' .. ~:!'~"'.'.~'.':"~'.;:~","-~:'!"~~~ . - • . ' I ' : : • I.. ' .. " . I , I Publ..Jbed Every Tueeda7 at Newport llM'' •Odfonda bf tbo Nl':WPORT llAJUW& Pr1111.,.RINO OOMPANY ' Member of CALIFORNIA NmWSPAPl'lR 'PUBUallJDUI A.SS"N. Member or the NATIONAL l!IDITO~ AS!IOClL\TtoN _ I R•W.uJ "' CIJ#IU. by loba I. •a! 2•1iciti. , • ''The UPw.tmoet ..-Uon la Ule mtnd of Ule world la-when Will RllMla •trike T Naturally it can happen at any Ume--tomorrow or a ye&r after! Ru.ala but.one.pal· tern which she bu followed ever alnce the creaUon of the Com- munist government tln Ruula aftd ever alnCe her flnt ecqu.laltlon Ot the aatellite natlona. The same pattern predomlnat.M today. 1-NEWPORI>IALIOA; NEWS-TIMES : Office and Prtntlng Plant at 2211 Balboa Boulevard Telephone Hubor 1118 hcond.ctasa Maller at lbe Poatoftlce in "Newport Beach, C.llfomla under the Ai:t of Ka.rd:! 3, 1879 R USSELL L . DlETRIO!, Editor RALPH BOROl!:SON, AdvtrUsing' Mana .. t SU8SCIUPl'ION RATES: Nl':WPO~T·BALllOA NEWS.TIMES every 'l'boolla1 The very creation of the Com- munl.at govemment In 1917, the ~volution of the old Bolahevtke, wu made poalble Decauae of chaotto conditJ.ona fomented by ln- s!djoua propaganda and brUllant p~nlng lnclu41ng the !on:e or anrui. SJnce that lime until to· day, the Commun tat. government In Ruuta ia kept in power by a mercnesa police force and contln-1 uoua propaganda. lo ONnse CollDty, $3.60 per yrar; Q.00 slX monttm: •1.u thrM moatlu (Also lncludN the NE\VPORT~BALBOA PRESS, Tbunday) · · · OUtakte Oran~ County U..00 per yew OUT-OF-TOWN . BUYING Back. in the horse lllld buggy day• there may have been definite advantage• in shopping in larger neighboring toWIU1. The bigger comm11Dltiea did have better •tores, better service and a greater variety of\ goods. But that waa in the horse and buggy days, Today the perilon who clings to the notion that he can get better bargaina by trading elsewhere is woefully behind the times. The small town of today is not the small town of yesterda:y. No longer is it more or leu laolated, no longer behind .the neighboring .cities in mei:cliandfalng, in service or in any Important ph88e of community life. .. The advent of radio, and in many places, television, the rapid expansion· Of news COYerage by -the local P"."'88- these things have .forever ended a'ny degree of isolation. l'he development of modern food, clothing and supply stores, the establishment of the branch bank which provides the same service a.s in metr6Politan cente,.._these things, along with the modern movie theater with the latest from Hollywood, make any town a "big town" regardless of ia population: What advantage then ha.s another community to offet over our own ? The grass always looks greener in the "..other field-at fit'!!t glance. But if you'll take another look, a closer look, at our own you'll find it just as &'ood. !n fact, the things you buy elsewhere are all available here, probably at better prices and certainly without the added expense of travel to get them. What's more, it's the local merchants and businessmen whose taxes help pay for 'schools, streets, and public health and safety services. • • • T}le aecond phue of Communlat penetration lnto all countrle1 ot the world ts thel'r ao-called Inter- national Planning through the ln- atallaUon ot their agents, In the beginning 1n the ranb or labor and the .ttudent element and later enn In the rank• or governmenta. It holds until this very day-and most aucceasfully. Juat look at our own country, which la no excep- tion. • • • The third phase. or Communlatl planning ~ to create internal tur- moil such u atrtkea, political un- rest. r eligious and racial differ- ences by creating national and cl&ll.8 minorities. Here In our ·own country until not so many years ago we were never cognlu.nt that there was such & th.Ing as a national minor- ity In the United States. ~a:y . that ugly word of national mlnor- ltles I! or common ueage and as !UCh LI effective in splitting our nation into !actions .. Today we have Ne.-ro.' Jew11h, For.lgn, ;Slavic: L&tll'I, Mexican. Italian and all aoru of ao-calJed minorities. It la a bad omen. • • • In other parta. or the world, eapeelally In Aaia, tbere la an ea.a- lly developed hatred ag&inat the White, the exploiters Of their lanct... ReUs:ton I• aJ.ao an e t!ectlve tool tor Communists conspiracy. Ef. reca of such propaganda are evi- dent all over Asia, with the ex- cepUon of Turkey. Every other ~latte:.' nation ls fundamentally opJ>CM!led to the white supremacy: that Includes more apeclflcally In- dia, l\arklstan, Philippines, all of the Malayan Archipelago, Burma. lndo-Chlna, Slam, lran, Iraq, Transjordania, Af&'hanlatan, Sy- ria, l..ebanon., and every other cor- ner of that great continent _ .. lncludlzts Tibet, now tn danger of Jmm'lnent invuJon by the Red Chlneae. • • • "' Y'S MEN 0 CER8'w.,.., lnOtalJOd':~ _ ...... i .· al., th<>~ C.le. New and old ortlce'fi' are (troot row .. 1eft .~~.ript) 1t_ob.rt ., ,"'....,t pie.ldent; Biii Bu.rt, ln~comJ.ns p...id..,t; H"W Kla,J, llt-oomlal' '~: (batk row :Bill .. Wl'l1bt.' oat-svlnc "°""'tvy; Ftuk Dial, new -Jftaey: Vaughn B""'foy; ..;.. , trMo-t;. Iii .. Ollhna, oat-pine \ie&p,...ident. IA- comlnl' Yltt~p~ent. Cbarlea1 ~ WM nOt p~ ·l{t the tbnf' the photo WM taken. l ! ' · CNewa-Ttmes Photo) ' I on lorel'11 · PQllcy Will tgn. su-PoraJ'lly, a Republtcan move !or. n preme. fuU-~ale, "P earl Harbor type" ln- Hlatortc&I Weel vestEi atlon .by a joint Houae-Sen-ate orornlttee of the Adminl~tra- The put we~k will ! care-tion Far East poHcy. fuUy noted by 1\t*tott:e.it . • · • Gener&! ¥"acArthuf'· e to ·Complete ln\•estlpUon Wa4:l\~ri.g~on and n:flde_ ~ hiltOJ"!~ · T e will be an investigation, 11peech to C_ongresi. ~ , com ,etc with testimony by Mac- CongTe.,.a' waa still rtcoverlng Ar 9-f but It wJU be conduc.ted by from the 11hoek ot his dllfJnlasal as the enate .Armed Services and Far East Commander bylj>reeldent For ' Affalr.a Committee, joint- Truman ror· having dtaaU1:eed vo-ly, th the r eigb.8 held by Armed Foreign policy la by tar the hot-cally and cleftantly Wfth:) the Ad-Se , es Chairman Russell (D-Oa.) te•l top~c In Congresn now. mtnlstration·R stand on lt"ar East who Indicated he does not pre-- policy. • · fer klei_g·Ilghted. televised in- That was true during the put The Prealdent'11 actje ta shat-quir ~1 week and will be true for several terlng blow to what w left of M Arthur, when he arrived, weeks to come. It ha.a overahadow-Coogr~nal btpart foreign cam 11 not only t o defend' ·himself ed. everythl.nl' else and will con-policy. The atehltect oft t policy, but Uio u an ambalaa.dor ot the tlnue lo do ao until Congreu be-Sen. Arthur H. Vande rg, lay mlll Ca in the Far Eut, whom he gin• debating the cost or living_ dylng at hta home In Mic tgan. ha.a )'t'd among for n:iany years. · The Senate Banking Committee General MacArthut w en rout(! Wit freat eloquence and sincerity wu slated to begin hearings May to Wuhtngton to deten hilt own he \Ced a plea that they not be 1 on thoae sectJons of the Def .. nae policy-which he decla d to be vtrt~Jly igt)oted while we help the Production Act that are scheduled military rat.her than pol~ lcal-be-West1 p.n the battle against com- to expire June 30. These sec:llona fore Congre88. mu~hi-He stressed that-they Include. among other thing11, price The night that the G eral ar-valu food. clothing and shelter and wage control provisions. rived in W&Ahlng'(on, ~.publlcar. abo 1deology of an;· style. Extension of rent control, al.so &-nator Vo.ndenberg dl"e4 -nevE>r Mdet of hi.!!I Congresaional audl- due to expire June 30, will be con-to know how the blpaj:tisansh\p encef:not to mention the millions sldered at thf' same time. that he had done the mlto rorgE' at ~dio anll television sel.1!-ha1 Prcsldt'nt Trun1an will send his might weather the cArthur nevc* 'h~ard MacArthur before and conlrob revi.8ion mes.sage to Con-crlsl•. toun~ l.hi& magnetism powerful in- deed • · gre,ss during the coming 'A'eek. So There appeared to be l~ tie doubt It Administration leaders and Con-th.at Michigan's O<>v. Me~nen Wil-e future may well 1Jhow it to gress generally will know what tht:> Iiams, a Democrat. wou'l' name, 'a hav greatly influenced U. S. ror- Prutdent wants by the lime hear-Democrat to l!l\Jcceed V ndenberg Hey. ' Inga get under way. And argu-and, ·therefore, that w Senate · days that policy la spelled ments can be prepared early. Democratic m&jorlty wtld shift out · ostly in dollars. And Con- a e w _con nue roug most !eels o! that on blpartl shtp re- not all or May and might go into malned dubloua. 0 AGE RECIPIENTS Our town--any town-11 on~ u fine aa its citizens make it. And the greater the loyalty of our citizens, the greater their !lllpport of ou r merchants and tradesmen, as well as their backing of all worthy civic endeavors, the ~tter_ our town will be. ----•---'-- END OF THE ROAD? l H ea1r1i1na-s 11n1 tile 1Hhouseha.nd Senlf-from 49-f7 to W..4e. Btt the et-gre ·~rtl.ll holds the puree strings. June. When the;· are over. the The l_tepubllcan race or Van~ 01 (age recipients In California Let 11a IO back to Europe !or a House and Sf'nate Banking Com-denberg'i former seat 1. the Sen-in M:Brch . 1951 , numbered 273,- moment. Every aateltte natlon. · mlttees ¥t•ill ma~e their recommen-72e 1!bff which 5,753 &ppeared on such u Poland, Hunpry, Alban-dat1ons. ate Foreign Relations mmlttee Ora'1*-county's public asal11tance ia. Rumania, Czecho.lovakJa and After that, the debeite w ill start. was wide-open. But 1Wi1 ,illlng by rollfi r,rhere Is apparently a tem- Yugoslavl.a Were brou,.bt Into the It will be long and heated . tor the Senate Republtc&ii leadenhip por~ leveling at this point, re- Communlst fold du.rlnr the gTeat ! under dlscuaslon will be the 1.sl!lue certainly would be lnfhffnced by porte!4 ·.the California Stale C~am­ upheaval of the lut ten years. -cost or living-that afteets the• ettec t.s of the MacArth1 incident ber 10:( Commerce from. lt.B contin- Western na.tlona. wch u the voter. Nothing Will take precedence on bipart!saruihlp. uou~J ~tudy of gov:-rnmental ex- Any day now, possibly even before this reaches print, the Britiah Labor Government may hand in its resignation and call for new election•. Proopectll of surviving the cabi· net split whlth brought the resignation• of aocialiat zealots Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson from top'national posts are remote 1ndeed. With only a -allin majority of five votea in J;>arliament it will require but the slightest shift within party ranks to bring about the downfall oi the Attlee regime.. Both Bevan and Wilson know this. They are apparently quite willing to have the Labor &'Overnment collapse hoping that some day it may regain power under their leade'rshlp. ; ; Bevan want• no deviation 'l!(ha.tever from the sociall.at Pr9gram. When Attlee propoaed charging the people for some of the many government aerviceti in its National Health Service Bevan bolted. He would have none of it. With tbe nation's rearmament budget cutting Into the funds which might otherwllle be u.aed for socialistic services Bevan advocates less rearmanent. He professes to have no fear of Russia although he i1 not a communist. A cliange in government should do Britain a lot of good. The Labo rites have failed in their Utopian schemes. It would take the Conservative• a long time to unsnarl some · of the mess the Labor ;>arty ha.o created.· But to stop the march toward complete collectivization would be helpful, to reverae it would be still better. Britain is in no condition for further experiments. ----•---- mouGHT CONTROL The American mind rebels at of "thought control." even a faint suggestion Yet unl<nown to the majority of Americans today, a veritable army of publifasts, IO-C&lled public infomiation specialists, are at work on the federal payroll drawing their salaries from the income tax dollar you paid. United State. a.nd Oreat Britain over this debate, short or a drastic Meanwhile, standtng '1 hind the pe~~~. rc,.s. wer e totally adole•cent In coping ne\Y internatio nal t'mel'gency. Presid ent, Senate Th>m raLs hth:f , 1 with the Eaatern-Mongollan-Rus-Until that time. hO\\'ever, debate managed to block, at ,1 ast tern-e hB.!J moved. Watch It! slan treachety. No nation hu be-I 1 , • coine a Communlllt nation in a time of trahqulllty and a normal cour1e ot event.a. Internal unrest and oonfmlon fomented by clever Communist propaganda are re - !ponaJble. • • • Today, Kor-ea Is the latent bat- tlfit>ld where RUMia is fighting :~~v::ar0~·~~eer~·ln 8:{1°;er~:~ blllty the Uftlted Natlont. wt!) be- come enpged in Manch'bria and China. At the same tlme 'I1bet mleht be lnftded, whJle great po- llUcal ,µnreat. will develop ln Iran and Iraq With probable bloodshed, •htch might develop lnto a revo- lution or SOviet Intervention in the same manner 8$ in Korea. Should the Western powers at- tempt to engage in a.n all over war in Asia as they are In Korea now, plus exhausting them.9elvea at home with political upheavals such aa are now tran!5pirlng in England with realgn.atlora ot ca- binet members, ln France with coruitant demand for a. vote of confidence lrl their p&r1lament. ln Spaln Wllh' economlcaJ .. poUUca.1 1 demon11lratlona, in ll&ly with ten- eeoess ot communJtl aggreulve- ness,-all qt th~ at the u.me Ume -on.Jy then, when the world i. ln turmoil and COl'ltualon-when · lht: We11tem Powftll are at the peak of their indeclllveneq, when the naUOlUI behind the Iron CUrtain are beg1.nlliftt to become convinced that there ta, no bope tor u.em ea More than 45,000, to be exact, are at work on pro-tar u the Weatem World lo con· grams costing taxpayers an estimated 105 million dollara ootned-then, tn all prob&bWty, all -· I wtll be the time for Ru.uta to at- annu y. · . · I tack the world. , • Nearly three y..,.. ago I got the ten1fytng W<lrd Oiat my-oldeat llOD anii hW two children.. one 4 yeani old and one U "m&Xithl old, bad come down with polio and were In General HOlpltal. Tbey were num~ b<n 125, 126 and 121 or tile 5,000 who later d~veJoped polio. Be- Ll•1llll• &.·~, DDTUITR'f: .. 11"5 New .... t Bhd,~ma.~- 11-Bklllo - ' ' cause of the Kenny treatment ========::i~:t=~ they were home ln 13 daya with ~ ~ .· .. ·I • no paraly11ia and no m\18C\llar cur-~· I'-' tallment which exen:IHll failed to BERNARD ,~. D. remove. 800 N. Broad ~ Later the over·'Worked. nuf"le8 Santa. I were unabJe to give-' each patient . p-=-=~~~m' '°"::.. ," ~. aa many bot blanket.I aa rby chll· .Solnt Su.rceh' dren received and recovery wu Phooea: KJ. S--9691 Fe! 1141 neceaaartly •lower. J I know the Ruth Home and how perfectly It hu been adapted to I ·: My little fellow• were lucky. aro . r~ e the care of polio pa\Jenta. H Id K ~ I l ~ Their Daddy could see them thru Chape I the glUl!I partiUcin and talk to them. Imagine the feelings of a Pb.one: Beaco 581, child ten alone in that austere J hospital. The beautiful surround· llO ~,ro&d""af ~gp H-. ings of the Ruth Home wUl be rii.uch leas terrifying. It la more home-1Jke. , The plant I.a there. All it need!'! la equipment. When yQu are asked to work or give to thia drive to equip this wonderful work of mercy you may .think you are doing it tor some one else. , • It might be for you! MRS. C . K. BOARDMAN 117 Turquoi&e, Balboa laland, GaJlt. Resources of Loan Assn' Up 1'5 Percent News-Time. ads have been read in the Harbor for over 40 year11. Dodge baa moved. Watch It? LEGAL NO TICE No, p.114e4 CERTlFICATE OF DOINO BIJSINEsS UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME ) I BE SUR~;.I s RE j MAURIE ST . lnsursnoe f I Phone Ba.bor , 1118 H4 Matbte Ave. Bai""'1 1- W. Stuart Foote GENER.U. rnsult.ANt:E CourteOUJJ Jn;orlnatw.. 2117 Balboa lflvd. Newport Beach ~ Bar. U I • .1 I· ~ '· ' ' 1 .. ' We hereby certify that we •re transacting bualneaa, prlnclp&lly &t 219 Coaat Highway, in the City of Newport Beach. County of Orange, State ot California, under the ttC-' titloua firm name of HARBOR PAINT AND WALLPAPER CO .. and that the names ·in run of au ot the owners of said business and their places of re11ldence •re: ~ l FRANK A . KATNIK, 127 South Lincoln ·street, Orange. California. ELIZABETH KATNIK, 127 South Lincoln Street, Orange, California. Dated April 2nd, 1951. FRANK A. KATNIK ELIZABETH KATITTK State of California, County of Orange, !Is. On this 2nd day of April, 1901, before me, David D. French, 11 Notary Public in and for said County and Stale, pereonally ap- peared Frank A. Kitntk and Eliza- beth Katnik, known to me to ~ the persons whose name11 are sub- scribed to the-foregoing 1 tnetru- ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Witness my hand a.nd official sea.I. ' • . DAVID D . FRENCH Notary Public in and for said C-Ounty and ·state. (SEAL) No. 196-Ttm.ee. Publ~h April 17-24; May 1-8, 1951. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Fl<tltlous Finn N"""' No. p .. 5417 TH I: UNt>ltRSIGNED do e'11 hereby certlfy that he lll conduct- ing an electrie&.l ·con.tr&cttnc bust- neu at 1204 Coe.at Highway, Co- rona del Mar, Calltornla, under Ute fictitious firm name of LAN· DA.KER ELllCTIUC and that Bald firm LI compoaed of the foUowtng" pereona. whose nunee In full and plaee. of ruldence are u tonow., to-wit: - \ I • I 20 Daily Trips from Los .A.,;g•ln il(d11ti;,,K 7 "Fast-Tbru" EX SSES ·-. - There Ar · I· No lowerF resf - ' l I I • L i I l . I J l ' i I l- } f ' Chicago •• , •• -, $36.85 ; 'i ARTHUR K. I,.ANDAKER, !>()() Dahlla. . Corona del Mar, Callfonaia. 1 WITNQB my -W. 10\b day of April, 11161. ARTHUR I(. LANDAKEI\· I Detroit ' ..... Wash.iagroa, D.C. 42-80 J '47.45 -I Their "thought control" work, ao labeled in the bi· I• • • ~ ... , •• _ Hoover Comm!Mion Repo... reaches into tlle ~·· lb •pile of~ all that knowledl'•. _e-&w.oa.u .'"' e·-Utt United r<•tiona are atW the roots of individual stata, many tune. lightly on a thin line •IOtlJ>tted nation., alld u.e w-m • State Ot ·C&llfornla, County of Qran~ ... Newvork: •••• Boston • • • • • • 49.80 -r ' 52.60 ·of their legality in spending public funds for an activity not world lo •till; kidding' ltaolf "7 be- th rized. ' b Co . Jle-.!ng and hbplng' aplnat llOpe au o y ngress. . that any of' -many colifer- -One of th!! more costly "tholliht control" p~ 431 -wllll u.. lloriHa _,. ,.. be&utl4illy printed, not mimeographed, p&g"8, WU pu'bll.b--In -· !!o .,, Ill IC •to will ed by the Bureau of ReclamatiOll on the Califomla Cen•-• -tllo -•• .,,""'-"'the u:-... 8oyiec:. •lit •w t1111: W'kl 1a Vallt!J Project. Thia promoted, dlrectly or lncllrec:tly, that ... ..,_ or °"1' ~ are bureau.· ,.,....._ . , ---------Aa one California editor recently -.id, "The oat UUat oil LOOl'D we'll baft a eo~mt -.. bctrealt u If -clidn't al-illllldl a.1 114 '1-BllO. re- read.y, 'Pat 1ritll all .the Jll"'Papnda ... ,. l!CW.,.. ill :-i.;.:-.:i;,."'~':i =: the-b:lpta__,.~,lnthelJU.111"-', --l*Wl9et p -- ftla editor sratlb"llJ _,_., "I ~lb> ---, :• = i •• ~ ..... niJC •·~·up owr penw 1at w .. tad 1111• a M:;. ~} ~ :-'w"'t ~.:""'*! reaUI MVMw'lf tbjl dhw at tile eillt l/l tM ••...a .• .... -•lat• a I pot ' l ' ' ' ·~"'-""'• ..... °"nm LMW •• ., ...... ,..,. • ..._ 19.,. .... ts '71 .. a&'Ft a ... r W •a ... f I.. el .. II Q l ..... ' St ..... tlft la •ti' a ... n 2 St I Ma ............. lai •ca ..... , Jla. Is'\ , ,, I •al , ' • • ON TIUS lOlll d&7 ot ·April, A. D. 11161, -te me, 'ILUIBY A8H· TON, A N0Ut7 Public la and tot the -OOUlltr alld •tat.: ~ la(. ~ "811 ...,,ml- and --111' -i:oa ARTHUR II.~ - to ' -to "" ·u.. ..... -. --··-to---1,-Uii~to me!MtM_llle_ IN WITNW· .,..HWWW, J ba" Ml•J••o ..c. ... ,. .... &Dl1 eftbtd "'1 -· ~ tllo ., -·_.. la IJ1lo c.,tlajcate -~ Writ-... ~~~I; <••u,l •AMT &6 ION <Ml 0:..WIMra 7 S l• 1/11111) -~ -. p I ....... ~~41; • W. um: ... • l.- ' • Des Moines •• , , 32.45 Miane,polis ' 34:65 0 0 I New Orleaas •• , 34.40 . ........... _,.m1m ... • ..__ Mn. c.·c. s~ ;~;~~=· ' .' " ~-.:--... ..,._......._.. ..... ~----------------:-.... --........ ~-------------·r ._: p -~ -----p -1-· ·----,,_------· .. , , ' • • f I 1. ', I TueMlay, '"4ay a. 19s( , C~Uege Pla~s Full Course in .Practical Nurse Training J • • • • I • • • • • • • . ' . • _· '. \ ... 1 • • ' ' '• • 5 • • • CLASSI·FI.E ' ' • By ARGO The Mighty Midget In Advertising · 1 · I . : A propo9ed program designed to .train pra.ctical nurses wu sub- tnitted by Orange €out college ·to an inJU&J adviaory committee of ·._ ______________________ ;.. ______________ _. ____ _;,_~--------! pr~essional men and women. and con.imunlty repruentatJves at a d!n· - ner meeting at tl'le college on Thunday, Apl'U 19. As a reBU.lt of thl., meeting the college expects to in&UfUr&te a full year's course in thlft vocational field.. beginning wtth the· fa.11 semester. Present to conier with_ Orange Coast administrators and faculty reP,.esentatives· were Miss Joseph- lne· Cor.1en, superintendent of nur- ae1; Sailta Ana Community hoa- pltal; David Goodman, Orange county personnel manager. kra. ~M Udred Creddy, president , 4Jst..rict 16, American rNurses as- apc:Lation ; Airs. James Anderson. tnstn.lctor of nursing arts, Fuller· ton Jun!or coUege; Mrs. Maybelle SnQdgra.ss, director of professional nunies ng:Ultry, Santa Ana; Mias Evelyn Ericaon. public health nur.se, Orange qounty schools; Mi.sa Edith KerJ. director of Visiting Nurses a..seociatlon: Miss Vera Jones, member board of direCtors. Visiting Nurses association : Mrs. Bernard Ma_,on, citizen-at· large: Mrs. Sam Miller, Hunting- ton Beach high school PTA: Mrs. Faye · Harbinson,-dean of women. Newport Harbor high school; Mrs. C. · D<>dd, Newport high school PTA. . De81de tu Cooperate heaUh and they should take a ba.tiery of tests to determine their infclllgence, maturity and aptitude tor nu.riinc-. An Adrn lnlons Coun- cil is to be appointed to interview each applicant. Finally, all applt· cations and recorda ot education should be In the College Adimis- sions Office by Sept. l , 1961 . It WU agTeed that ... to0n as final plans are made, full details will be sent to high schools and the community at large. Coast Completes Summer Plans Pl¥s for Coast college's 1951 summer session were completed last week when the college board of trustees approved the courses to be ottered and the in- structors who will ofter them. The summer term ~-ill begin on Monday, June 18 and end on Fr"i· d,ay, July 27. Registration will be conducted on June 15 and 16. The .purpose of this session ls Slater J ohn Joseph, director of threefold : { 1) To perqi.it student• St.· J oseph's hospital and Sister to continue thei r college careers Bre'ndan. super intendent of nur-without Interruption and thereby sea at St. Joseph's , were unable complete their training more ex· 'to be preat:nt at the meeting but peditiously than under the tradi- aent word of assurance or their ,tio.nal pattern: (2) To provide an interest and desire to coop.eralP apportunlty for high school and In the plan. college students to make up de- ~epresenting Orange: Coast wt;re ficiencies t>r shortage.!J; (3) To Dr. Basil H. Peterson, president; provide vocational, cultural and Dr. James W . Thorton, vice-pres!-avocational training for both ~nt; Dr. Bill Priest, assistant su-temporary and permanent resl- pertntendent in charge of voca-dents of the south coast '-rea. tional education. adult education, During summer seas.ion. six se· summer school; Mrs. Ji.tarie Howes, mester units of work constitute a deaii of wom('n: Mrs. Martha Mase full st udy load: rour units quall- oche>ol nurae ; Mia~ Nedra Thie-.fy a .student tor full veteran's mig and Don Bridgman, counse-benefits. No student Is permitted lors"; Miss Patricia Moor(', lnstruc-lo carry more than sev·en units. tor .in home ttonomics: and Fra.nk Most classes are held between 8 Shaw, llfa:tructor in life sciences. a.m. and 12 noon. Appropriate li- A,s the plan.a now stand, the brary fa cilities a re available. nursing course will be offered by Courses are offered in several Orange Coast coll ege in conjunc-fields, an1ong which are business Uon wlt.._hSt. Joseph'a hospital and education, science, niathematics, Santa Ana Community hoapital. a rt. foreign languages. English In planning thls program, a.uthor-and social sciences. Additional in- itiea wttl endeavor to make It of formation, including brochures. auc5 calibre that the course w ill may be obtained by contactinl{ be approved by thE' National As-the direc}or _of summer session. 80CiatJon of Pnctical Nur1es and --- by· ~e CJllifornla League or Nurses ~tat ton. .Speakinir for the college. Dr. J a.me3 Thornton presented the pro- posed pattern for curriculum in pra ctical nursing; Mrs. Martha Buas outlined. proposals for his- pital tratnlng; and Mrs. Marine Howes offered a policy for e n- trance requirements. 12 Months Tralnl:ng First Aid Class Completes Course The Standard First A id class, under the direction of Mrs. Rob@rt L. Keppen, hu finished" it'• course. Thi,s class is the first. in Southern Ora.11ge County to have the Nat- ional Atomic First Aid ln addition to the regular course. Thi.s train- From Dr. Thornton and Mrs. ing come~ through the new sup- Busa cam e the following sugg('S· I plement to the Red Cross Fir.st lion: the training to cover a. pe-Aid Textbook v.·hich is jU-'3t out . rio4, of twelve months with the I The four hours extra t ime the first semester of 4 ~ monttui to class felt was more than worth ~devoted to ;pre-clinical Study in the effort. . ,.,. WHAT GLORIOUS STAR OF ll'N.OB AND SCREEN (Initial• G. S.) HAD HER 28 'FT. BAR· ROOM WALL HUNG WITH LEOP.ARD SKIN! J'm no tattle taJe -110 I won't teil you, but I " ._ • ...... .,,, haJI divulge the name or the artlnn who dld the work. Mr, Cttrlati&n Oellrlcha ta a decorator With many talent.a. He does wall hana1ftp, murala, aug1cat. color schemes, doe. wall paperln1 and painting and can &dvlse all manner ot tndJvtdual t ouche1 tor your pa.rticular home or building. In the past, Mr. Oellrich baa performed unusual decoratinJ feat.I 1Uch as restoring the Old Maaters In the dome ot the Greek Cathedral ln N. Y., and designed unusual moUls for the dwelling of The Crooner. Mr. Chriati&n OeUrlcba believes that homes or but1dlngl old or neW Mould have personality. It you're remodelt,ng or ~ecoratinl your home or edifice, h ere's your man. Mr. Oellrtcha may be reached for discuss.Ions at Harbor 3009-W. ' . • • • • "CAST O FF THE MIZZEN! THROW OUT THE FOC'SLE! AVAST THE JIB!" I yelled into the teeth of •the gale! I was the only woman thing aboard that blowy day I strOde the deck at thP NEWPORT MARINE ENGINE DOCKS. But quickly enough, I &et the sea·lubben at eSIBe wtth my merry chanteys &: ama.ll ahtp'a talk. Listing to starboard, 1 plied H oward Denni.s and Bill Querry with technical bolt and iron questions. Soon I was satisfied that these men are master mechanics. What's more matea. they are honest mechanics. When you pay for an hour's work on your boat, you are gettlnJ a full 60 minutes -whie6 i• quite a bargain If you aak me. Querry and' Denni.s completely rebuild englne.!J, weld, solder, caulk and .create a!l lnanner of nautical nuances. For exan1ple, If yOu want your gen· era.tor concealed ln some strange place or some tricksy bracket or weird toggle-bolt, mfg .. these are the men for the job. Shove off Sailors, to lhe Newport Marine Eng, Works, 2810 Lafayette, Newport. Harbor 1143 .. • • • COME FILL THE CUP AND IN THE.FIRES OF SPRING YOUR WINTER GARMENT OF REPENTANCE FLING! Maida and ma- trons -whether you \IJe&r an A or B cup, your answer to the supreme silhouett~ ts the P t>t•r Pan Brasslrn-. P eter Pa.n la the built tn bust~ line bra \\'ilh the cruiniving contours! This under cover apparatus makes you look fuller without foollng as there are no noatin&" pad!I or gad&"ets. Just a ~rfect mating or the Peter Pan Magicup and you. The Peter Pan HIJden Treasurf> Brassiere cornea In Nylon at $4'.ho, the cotton is $3.50: a.nd the fervently fashionable strapless or plunger !or sun-gown!'! or formal wear is $5. Also a variety of other styles and bra.nd11. Poll}' Apparel Is the exclusi\!e agent for this P eter Pan secret 9ervice. 1833 Ne\vport Ave., Costa Mesa. ' . . . .... GARVIN "GOB" MORSE IS AN EAGER BEAVER. His bu.sinesa card reads like lhe direc- tory to Roc.kefeller Center, I t aay.!I : Paint Re- moving: ~etinl.shing : Boat s tripping; Carpet and Upholstery cleanjng: Antiques -Chinchlllaa. I propose-cl thRt he round this out with ;·nute lessons and gigo!o service," but so far, Mr. M . hasn't taken advantage of my kindly suggestion. Mr. Morse'fll specialty is paint removing. You may have pa int and varnish removed from furniture, antiques, shutters, metal garden or patio set!. et c. This 111 quickly&: inexpensively done with.a magic 1'.'.hemJcal formula that doesn't harm one spli.n~er of the wood. The Morse Co. does boat stripping and can remove paint. shellac or v11.rnlsh from ship'.s portables: You may have good rurniture !urking under many layera of oll.l paint. V.'by don't you find out ? Mr, 1'-torse can strip It !lnd refinish it tor you in a twink~ing. As for the carpet and upholstery cleaning-, that's done by Mr. George Ora.ham, who does quality v.·ork. Thf' antiques are supen.:1se_d "'.Ith loving car by Ethel Rlcharda. )Vhy don't you tour this fasc1nat1ni-bee-hive ? The Garvln Morse Co. Is at 415 Newport Blvd., Co.!tta Mesa. Beacon 6677-J. Next week weather pennlttlng l"ll find oyt about those Chlnchlllu. ' • • • llEAllTS ASD Fl..OWER.~FOR MOTHER ,0!11 HEH DAV CORSAGES- l10t!Q1 "1ETS ()R t\. FJ,O\\JERY ARRAY- Phnnf' llarOOr t 070 -t 'W\\'ERS BY MORRI • • • regular classes sJa.nted to meet the Dr. J ohn N _ Osburn, the head needa of tbe student nurse ; and a of the local Medical Civil Defense. DQN'T FLY SOUTH TO GUADA - cJinical practice period of -7~ directed the local needs and de-LAJARA FOR A MARVELOUS MEXI- months, to be held in the hospital mands taught in thf.' course. Carl CAN" DINNER! Just drive down Bal- and if posaible. in homes. under Hanna, of the local Civil -Defense '-'-boa Blvd. and turn at 22nd St. For aup:ervlslon of a nur.glng arts in-office. gave t he class the informs-'°' there placid & seren'e s.e~ the Cua don 11t ructor. The practice! will be ex-tion heeded to be a ctive in ·an ::arlo8! A string or chili peppers adorns peeled to include sucb. types or area emergency. the door, kerosene lamps fflt:ke.r on the experience as care or rnothers and All Standard and A<ivanced tables and there's mellow marimba newborns. care ot children. care F irst Aid classes will have thi.:J music on the n ickel-grabber. And the ot cbronlcally tll and aged and training npw. In this way the food ia muy sabrosa! Lila Banda a nd wthopedlc or similar service. student will not only be able to daughter, Senorita Conni• hav~ a very Tiie college isprepsred to set up do the right thing at the right 1 dehghlful way with enchiladas. chili rellenos and trljolea ~toa. a nursing 1ab0fatory with ~cts time at the scf.'ne of an accident. Charles Hall, owner manager has' a very delightful way with the a nd clinical equipment and to em-but ta able to better protect him-dinner cht>i:k. Prices are incredl~ly reuonable. 'Dµtnen ~T&ngl\_ troqi gloy a , nursing arts instruc t or to self and his town in the event of 95c to $1 .75. Thf" $1 .7~ dinne r beaNt a good s teak. The a 1a Carte aupervl.se tht> collegt' program and 'ln Atomic Bombing. pril't'S appart>ntly Werf' e"'t ablished ln 1936. Hola! lt's F iesta night to handle the lecture-laboratory The eight women completing every night I but Tues. I at Casa d<>n Carlos. Open ~-9, Sat. !S-10, course in nur!ling procedur1.>s, I this morning class h&ve a record 113 -22nd St .. Newport. Harbor 2638-M. Afte r joint con.sJaeratlon or en-ot perfect attendance. c!asswork. • • • trance requtremenu the group examinations, skills and final OLD WOOD TO BURN! OLD WINE TO DRINK! OLD propoeed that cl&s.ses be limlt!Ki to grade. They are: Mmes. J . Y. FRl~NDS TO TRUS't! AND OLD TREASURES FOR YOUR HOME! 30 in number and that th~e ad· Bell, J . R . Evans, H ugh Ha ley, S!Y an Iranian vue excavated int.he 16th century? A Maude Harri- milted a.houki be between the ages Robt. Ht.>t'k, W. A. l.fcBride. W. H. eon milk glass plaque? A brass and pewter lnl&ld table from lndla ? of 18 and 49. Applicants should Nichol.s, Arthur Remley and Peter A very old Bristol Ship Plate? E'lbel Richards lovea the old things have a twelfth grade education or Stein. best. She's bttn collec ting ramtly heir looma. and see.king out rarP Its equivalent. They should present !oat for a number of years. Ethel ha.s just opened a &hop at the top satlst~c;.tory evidenct' of good Students to Handle CJf the h ill on Newport Blvd. This ts your own invit e t o go look and long over the l\ntiqU"es .llnd Imports. Among many lovely old lhtnra Store's Advertising there's a cherry love seat, a J ersey e;arlhenware spatter pitcher, hutch • Gifts & Greetings for You -through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly. Businen Ndabbon and Civic and Social Welfare Leaden pie cupboard, and 11. SWedish helmet bell. P ersonaJJy, I cho.e a ,Grey- Proof that all ·educa tion is not beard Scotch i1g that a St. Bernard once wore tot' a necklace. ·Ethel !ontlned to the c la.s8 room ls ev> Richards im pr~ed me as one who would give a bargain to an ap· Jenced by a proJeet Just pegur perceptive collector. I Say again-Just eo look for unusual rttta and between members of the retailing decorator touches for a modern or provincial home. Ethel RJ.claard~a Uld adverti.sing classes of Orange Antlqutt and Imports. 475 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa.. Bea.. 8877-J. Coast coUeg" and the-Costa Mesa • • • '3tationers s tore. During the entire YOU TOO CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! YES. BREA TH- month ot May eollege .students un-TAKING BEAUTY ?ttA y 'INDEED BE YOURS. Beauty Jer the direction or their ln8truc· t R D Ro d W that drives spurned Jovere to the Fo,relgn Leg1on. provokes ors. . . yce an . w . Whitney, will handle' all phases sabre duels at --daWn. cuts crown princes at your feett >t advertising in newspapers., mail Fair ladles, the Balboa 6 I;.: 10 i1!1 loaded with beauty a1dL Uld window di.splay for the Costa You wi'.l find a complete line of Pond's, WoodtturY and Mesa fiml. • Ca.shmertl Bouquet cold cream, 1oUon1 band cream.,,powrcler. ,'7hrough the cooperation of 1,ipstlck o.nd roure-Now the nice tJtbal" about ahc:ippl.ne at the dtm(• 'J\18 firm, .. state. Royce, "our re-$,$.ore la it you're ac&red of being toof:ullNl. you ~ al~a buy the ~a.lling and art atudenta will ha'\le 10c Blz.e. Oh, yes -you little beau -C&Q &et N3 polJal\ tkat WOA't an ogpoftwtlty to "teat their ideas tip over ! Cutex hu .a tlple.BB bottle,. ~teit tktn,. 1 e .the In· again.at actual aales. We hope to ventlon of the toe-natL · And lhete'a Kaybe.IUM for mak:in&" ~roe ' up la.st year's May sales at this: eyes.. Powder putts and plenty ol Shampoo. Bui bWTY before all store by a wtde m.argtn." tbe Vanlahi1'~ cream dlaappean at 1';.-.1t.1 a It, 300 Matn..Balboa. --·· e e e . -T- STEAL GUM MACHINI: "WELL! THIS IS A PRETTY Krl'TLE OF ll'ISB!"' eatd Harry A four-wa,y gum ball macl\lne KIJ!pton! "Oh. quit· bracgtn;, Barty". l llglltJy -Uo4. "We all valued at '100 wu .Wien from In know your tlsh are pretty, -clally the .blU~yeci ·-·1 Tbe·BQ· l'ront of hla care at 102 McF&d· •Ide ll'lah Mitt. la the cle&rinr h.._ f0< ftelb ~ R!Pt .-tilt den Pt, Wayne McGbee notified choicest sea-going in.aek la the Abalone: StfAJlr.a &l 76c lb. Tbei11 arr- Newport potke. The man ll&ld kindergarten me otoalca guatantffll dellclou1, llAll ,..-ee•on' the machine wu taltOn -•time h\llld~ hyaterk:alJ7 happy people=~ -141. lte&I Wedneoday nllbl.·A-prtl a Poll1:e Admiral ·or the Ftah Fleet. Klltpton, •)"lt they will ..U U..,. barpbl Oa ''' •<<••i•• of: ._tied. !l wu the nlSflt nadalB steaJuo &pin this Ml<, -tbet-. 81 tbal· be ...,.,. If who broke .......... llchta on tbe rDO 00 mile wind ~""" up -""'"'Ith• ...... -'~ lbe -The Birth of a Bab1 end ot. u.. n•rby Newport p1.,-wlnp ott tbe ~:,"' di-. Alo1"J' flut.iaJI -. lo Ille llaJ.llldjl Enb .... .,.~ .. i. INI . ~ lllo tW.. lncldenta !or eometlllnr m.. It lt"J oiilj KfloPtoe'• dlllJOPl ...... -i CJ>onie of.residence togetbe<. ,_ IDiL le --.,. a wk.I L!m.-4:IO p.a. __ tifi.,.ew, ~ . of ISleweoinua to N_.-t. j . " ,.--- ' ll:iEWPORT ' ,..,.;i1a --_...,, . • ' • 1 • I Tbat'a where RUTH'S B Y SHOP en ta the• picture. Good I-rooming bectna at the top. r a curly head ' a proud· one! Ruth'• spectaltzea in Rayett.e perm enta. The Ra,.-1 Penetretne la especl- 1.t:y fine for dyed; bleached, lnted or c-ray li "r· Wilful wanton hair that won't U1ually take a Z.1. The Penetre conditiona: your mop ~d fives It a lustrous M curl and a he thy look, all for $16 The Rayette"Prevlew or a orty wave ia $1! the Deluxe is $12.ao. The summer su.n la bard o ·a girl's hair, '..'.; you'd 0 belter prepare youraelf !o~ the sea.son wit some hot oil t~~tments or steep your bead in a steam cap. A mtcure wouldn't ~ amia• either in case you're tnvtted out to lunch Thru these •porrtfls pass all the gally- (p"OOmed and giddy g1rla-R 's Beauty Shop,il 338 P o"inset tia, Corona l;lel Mar, Harbor 2907. j ' , . • • • t ~ BE'ITEll IS BALFE A.. AF THAN !\~o READ! But I'm wam- lnl" you now. sreedy, you WI 't be satisfied wi h halfe! A halfe & loaf of err·twlst bread trom th Nf"\Vport Bakf" like owning halfe a $1 ,000 bill. You crave the other halte. ' er Bob Krull, Bread- beater lat Ct.t'sa, beat.a out raisin bread c ' mon bread, date nut bread, and healthy bra.n br d. (His sour ry~ bread Is so crusty it screams for ham and chees~ and beer). Tti.eh1 too, you can e-et ec-e- roll.I, Dutch rolls, and wie~r rolls at the Newport Bakery. Bob's 9readattcks snap back at y u-and the whea~ bread is loaded With wheat germ. It you know which 1ude your ~bread is buttered on you'll gel in the Breadline. atche NE\\'PORT ~KEKV. I)(l you ken i %11% OCEAN FRONT. NEW ORT. HARBOR.!U%·R, ; • • • ii . DID OUR MOTHEJt COME FROM IRE· LAND, ar Glendale ?_ N~· .. matter where's she's from, ne~· t Sunda)' is· the Hay to remember her ? Sµzy ot the House of airmony says Mother·a like . pla ers. Suzy me~s that any Mother would a reclate an aJbufu of recO!'ds cla.saical or popul~r. Statistics -shOf that nine out of t en Mothers ~1ke the "Tennestee Waltz." Houae of Harmon! carries a huge Selection ot records in all three speeds. Or per!1!j-ps your. Mother would like a c ina platter? House or Harmony has beautiful sets of Ha,·1landi, and Limoges as well as all sorts of burden-llgh n ing electrical itadgels. Your Mother should not be w ithout an elfctrlc pop corn pQpper. a waffle 1ri>n or a Toastmaster. Ob you'.J I flt1,d all sorts of wo?derluJ &ift ideas ... oo!fee ma..ke_rs, planters, elbtric clocks. Motller's Day is a day for the records . • .. or 1<>me oth momenta tram \he Houl'M:' of Harmony. 1817 Newport Ave .. Costa esa. Beacon 02~1-J. • • • • I \VANT THE \\'ORLD ¢' A STRIXG'! Want the soft shadows or a brilliant fla.s.h ot sunhg t ! The tsshio~Je Flexal.ufn Venetian blinds respond to your sligh est whi1n ! THli: SHADE SHOP caters to plain and fancy windo3 Here you may lind gay colorful win· dow shades in jaunty pla.1 s, provincial pat,terns. chlldren's story book.a prints or poetically tel solid colors. Helen Wolfard can sug- re1t decorative window tr$tmenta that a.re attractively unw:ual. The Shade Shop alao cleans ~attle tale dust ·and dirt from V. Blinds, iepa.irs and mends ·any k incj•of shades, a.nd can equip you with any kind of drapery hardware. ; Unless you're living in a packing box with no windows, you ne~· the SH • .\OF; ~..,OP for a fresh view- point ! ~14 29th St., New rt Beach. Har. 884. . . .. ' ' -GOODBYE MR. CHIP~! Do you have fiaklng a t the tub! Ba:Joom or kitchen · ' walls that chjp and peel a plunge into your' 1··\\ , /J .(I milk bath or dishwater ca be very dlscon·• lflrt..~ (f~t1111<io-'""~ certlng! Here's a thrifty f solution ... 11! ~ Aluminum wall t ile costs ~u( one· half th~ ;i ~ price ot ceramic tile yet ~·t 81l'l crack. rust or oorro(le. ALUMINW ALL available ln ii decorator colors. and can Installed on an:{ , -..., nat .. wall surface. Old chi ping plaster an~ ---... dank, dark walls are un ary and may 'I the cauae of your Me lan~lia. So don't Ropping ~wn on a sogC')' wall complexes! Te are EZ . , . FH ' it you h ke. Coutllne psychiatrist's bench ! Call uglas James ln!t?ior a chat about your Floor Co\>'l"rinl{, 18th & N~~port. COita Me k1 Beacon 5251-J. ' • • • I . A CA COD COTTAd NEAR THE SEA- .::::_ SHORE.' re's a blithely brlarid ne~· home waiting to welcome !some young hearl~ family. This bright, modern houie y.·as designed rot comfort, convenience . . ~ ! ' and a mm1f:um of housewor .1 The living room and dining e ll s a knotty pine ~teriQr and high open beamed cei hg. There are fo ~rooms. One a 'step-down'.!...is a cheerful s~ roon1 that would make an ttleal den or ru~us room. There are REAL ESTATE large. slldlitg door v.•ardrot:fs. f he kitchen is especiaJly char_m ing with a P.icely \l.indowed VjleY.' for the dishwasher of the day. One very exc\ilng feature is t h~ large sun deck over the pra&"e· This de<"k a!1Jlrds a. good vleW I of the Bay and can e~ly be' converted into aq extra room. AJ1<> ln the rekr of the cottage is a large patio s ace. OH this i~ a haf>py little house that will_ smile under a b e's ruffles on "° ~atron's needlepoint. The conaJderate price tag I $13,500. Hurr:r ~o Sally or Jim Newlin for a look. John Burnhan1 ea! Estate, 507 fil, Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 1607, ! , ' " • I • • ~!' W ALK SOFTLY STRA ER! AND YOUlf\.\"JLL TREAD ever so lightly ot this Ca.l.lfurnla T\\•t"f"d Colonial type carpeting! H{t'e's real charm and lux- ury for an Early Americ&.D or ranch style: ome. This magic carpet is a g l<l-i fied t)lending ot 100'# wools. There's a Blue Mix. l>r Green, Red, sAtge, ·or . General . Mix . . . each one ~edley of lovel.Y !~olors loomed in the Provincial m er. California p:'w"eed Carpe_ting is not only han. rne to see, but lt ha.a the strength and durabilit~ of the pioneers. 1, Lux- urious , .. Lasting, it's $9,4~ a square yd. AISQ \\'HlLE IT LASTS: OA.UWOOL all wool pi le te~uretl broadloom at SS.96 yd. INSTALJ.... ED. This ls quality carpetfig at a · bargaih ,~ice. GET A SNUG RUG from COASTLINE FL~OR COVERING. t8th & Newport. Costa Mesa, Bea. 02.51-J. p OOJIPLSt'& ,ftQUDl Cl.llA.NINO , eenlce. IJ'umlumt and rup 'lltampooed. Jrreo ----P'lllly m:......i. Al's Hol1se & ~ug Cleanipg Co. , -8111 72lf< For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapliry Hdwe. THE SHADE SJIOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 • 29th St. Newport Beach 9Stfc It-BUILDING SERVICES INTERIOR -l!!XTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURl!D Glenn Johnston · . ~OJ· Slot St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297 .J 34C<l8 PAINTING WANT DENTAL ASS ANT, some experience destra e. Local olfice. State qualifica and age. Write Box ,N·1, paper. SALESMEN -Excell tunlty with well el Costa Mesa firm handl llpl8 man: RCA, Packard-ll teJe-. Visions and Norge, B:e 'dt.x ap- pliance'-' Call ~1r , Ged <!es. Be. ~3 for app't. 1&:17 POSITION open tor cho direc- tor in Harbor area church. An- swer in full, stating' age, ex- perience, qualiticaUo ' reter· ences, sal~y expect Wrtte Box QI, this paper. 16c17 WANTED MECHANIC, blle dealership. Call 4-1084 before 5 p.m .. tomo- Lagull& 18clll L SHEFLIN W ANTED--Oardener's 'h<liper at er St .• Coeta Mea Orange C088~ College. ftarllng M.57-M 94c9 salary $205 montil. _ _:::::::,~~::._::::_=:::_ __ ..::.:::::~General Maintenance wit practl- Univeraal Building ca1 k nowledge of hea g and plumbing, Start1ng aal y $216 Maintenance month. Appljr in person at Busl ea Ot· Floor waxing -window cleaning fice, Orange Coast Collf' . .A.p· wall washing. For Bldgs .. Stores plicat ions clQse May , 19~1 - 0f!lcea and Homes. 823 E . 10th l6cl& .,_st., Long Beach. Ph. Ha. 116.· -------~--+--­ Hpl6 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintain~ Phone: Harbor 1418-W 'i!K>l Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1515 Sllnta. Ana Ave .. Costa .Mesa Phone Bea.con 5504 12tfc Sympson & Nollar. PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 51'2 -S8th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 13tfc CALL . • Christian Oellrich for 'exctUsive Jail decorating W e apply all wall cover ings 520 IRIS. Corona de1 Mar Harbor 3009-W 14c19H 14-PJ;R.SONALS Alcoholics Anonymous Wrl~ P. 0 . Box 2~ Balbba Island, Calif. Phone Kimberly 3--6393 t2-LOST AND FOUND LOST -Sack full of spear fish- ing equipment at A.rches over- pass, reward. Write Box R, Newport-Balboa Press 15p LOST-One cultured pea rl drop ear ring, Thursday evening, May 3rd at Balboa .Yacht Club -probably nc~r phone or in parking lot. Sentimental value. Phone Harbor 1616 days, or (Harbor 1474-J eves.) 16tf • !~ruATIONS WANTED CHILDREN'S GUARDIAN ror summer months. Recent college graduate. 22·yrs.-o)d, with ma- jor in elementary education and n1i:nor in child psychology, wiahes to care tor child or ch H- dren at beach or mt. home dur- ing summer month&. Will give servic.e.s in ex.change for room, board and .small salary. Write 1240 W . Balboa Blvd.. Apt. B, Newport Beach . and interview wtll be arranged. 16c18 Ull TABLE SAW 8", and elec rlc mo- tor v.'ith 50 ft . hea\'Y du,ly ..cord. Call Har. 0732· \\' after r p. m. ' 16cl7 ' I RUMMAGE SALE of personal t,e. longinga: oil pa.intinP,;· book.8, kitchen utensils, dish~ linen, knicknacks, clothing, plants, plllov.•s, fruit jars. Clot es dry· er, folding drawing d;sk and other miscellaneous hqusehold items. 1l2 • 25th ~t.. ewport Beach. 16pl8 80-B-APPLIANCES • 1950 PHILCO 7 c". rc,j retrtg. Cost $234 . Never used. C&ah price $185. 700 Orchid Avenue, Corona dl'I Mar. Harbor 05-41-J . PHILCO 4 1;.! cu . in 1947. '85- -Beach 4-4.220, ' j l~c16 ft. fre r. New Phone Lacuna lkll! • Ho~J;,. VERY NICE modern sofa .. bed and pair of end. tables. 503{ Acacia, . Corona. del Mar. Harbor 171&.JI . ~ ' 14cl8 CUSTOM BUILT Lawso daven- port and chair, all spr g con- strue., $275. ALSO La n lave seat, foam r u b b e r hlona. newly recovered, $75. 396 Kut 15th St., Costa Mesa. 1 -11 a. m: or eves. after 1 p. m . 13cl5H SERVEL 11-cu. ft. refdarator~ Excellent condition, $200. i • Bolsters. spring unit t 1t1.Mlif> couch, never used, $30 Harbor 2887. 16e17 BLONDE MODERN Dll)TJf,;. ~ Set-Table, 8 chairsl~'i ~u.fe.L Al30 green di ning rdO , Ju:/ 6 "8-d. 2-i4-2 Crestview D e. Bay. shores. 15cl 7 FRECTORY TABUil r - 2 benc,hes, 2 chairs, aolid m&hog· any, dbl bed coil spr~ and innerspring mattress. IO'Keefe & Merritt stove, 4 bur r, oven control 114 Amethya Ave .. Balboa Island. llcl8, BEAUTIFU L c ustom bu!Jt mod· .em sora.. 162" long,, ey and red. $300. 105 Vta Remo, Lido Isle. 16c18 MOR TIME SPEND. making your garden grow ... it's a gi,ft fr<Jm your 'ELECTRIC RANGEi • n.. time you devote to your garden is mighty good for !he II~ and ifs good for you, toO. So !he fact diat yollr electric range ,;v .. you time !'way from kitchen work is one ot its nicest fea\.iu. . Wbetlier it's gardening or soinc other. hi>l>by activity you mjoy;1 your eJec:iric; ta11ge will let yoo mjoy ii more. Free from1he need f~ :°'~~~~!!e':. be SW: dinner gets mdy ~lime'. yQ11l ~ p~ the.dishes, pop •eift in tbe oven, set the ~aoi.-ud ~ yoiir. ~ way ri&bl .up until serving time. Your electric tu~ will ecc tbe c:ootillg-you can depend on it. • -,..._ · - j , • l I ' . ,, • l - I'll l~CH l'netlc,! -'•"114 np1U11·1n'tllll WICIUC TOU ~ UG,LT DuosµNOf ~ at111T~OP TBS t~~(N~·=-~ec;~-~·M~·:·~t ;;;;;;~''" ~ wllJ, Pf'llClueo •...alta far JG0. Lfi"l'lllR! ~'t wtllT)' ......,., tbe ,..i pnttJ' -an Wiiy -It! ·, ) ,JC Iii I • I But ·-& wd•pooitted· wocn-. OM wt.o aSdii Ad &brta ...... al I bodio U. ~ Walcll ltl,. enry tum u -~ palm -oft M .....,,... ~ AUi..CU-..1 ' i , . -I I ~ [ ,• I • .....• _L ______ _ • . -·- • ~ ( "\ • I ! . 11 ' t "' I ' ' , I i • I ' l i I • I ' ' , ' ' ..... t · PAOii • Ha7 .. itfi M. A N v· ·c H o 1 c E Nl:WPOBT·BAI.BOA NEWS-~ . . . SE Le MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE FIVE 1»-BOU!IEHOLD GOOD!! Bargains! Bargains! See These LOW PriceB ~ Whlrldry portable wuhlng machine ............................. $34 .!IQ Nearly new G.E . refrlg. 9 cu. ft'. . ... . ... -· . $189.95 PhiJeo 10" table model ~ automatic tuning tone coR- trol. Attrac. modernistic mahogany cabinet" ·-·······$89.95 EZ Terms Blonde Console TV $179.95 Keep l.n t ouch with u-. for good buys in TV set.II being traded in - \iJ;tEBSTER wire-recorder for dic- tation, etc. Complete with ex- tra wire. f~t control and car- rying ca.st>. SACRJFICE -An excellent buy! EAS~ TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 18.86 HARBOR BLVD. . COSTA MESA Phone I!.eacon 6821 Ill-BOATS, 8UPPLlES WILL PAY CASH for use<f 12 ft. Wizard boat or equivalent. t•83t E&Bt Chapman, Orange. Ph. Orange 1372-M. 14c l6 Marine Engine Specialist Service at your float or mooring. Pre -summer tune - up ....,.... r eady your boat for the coming sea- son. custom ('ngines (or runa· bout&. Phone Har. 19-W. 8cZ1 Chrysle r Engines Used Crowns -R oyals See John Harvey at Seacraft 620 Co.AST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH ' TWO LOVELY u8ed spinet planoo botlt like · new. Big aavingl.. Termo. Stl.82 down and l lT.:i!I per month a t S HAJF'll'Jlt MUSIC CQ. (•Ince 1907). 421 N . 8yca- more, Santa AnL KI. 2--0672) 97t(c Al..L ELE<:I'RIC ORGAN . Repoo· ~~-Maghtflcent tone. For church or home. Pay out b&J· ance. Term•. Thta wondcrluJ Jn- atrument ts ju•t Uke new. DANZ-SCHMIDT Piano and Organ Co., :>20 N . Maln, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. WlLL trade brand new beauti- ful Spinet. piano even, for equ- ally good used grand piano. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO Co .. Santa Ana, 520 N . Main, cor- ner 6th. -• BEAUTIFUL home-tlize K n a b e gi:and piano, like ne't'. Save 1,2. of new prtce, liberal lrade. con- venient terms at SffAFERS MUSIC CO. !Since 1907). 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klm- ber1y 2--0672. 14tfc ' • . 40--BUSfllii"ESS Opportunltlew USED FURNITURE STORE for sale or will trade for a boat up ·to $1800. Phone Harbor 2502-R or Harbor 015-4.-W . l4cl& ESTABLISHED small ·pottery. Well equipped. Very good con· dition. Will !it In gl rsge. Sell at less than inventory tor quick sale. KI 3-6476 after 6 p. nl. IOp!T I 411--'J'iumlll:NTs A llOUSD TWO YR. OLD HOUSE and Pr· Knot ty plPe 'Uvtng room. Ule ln kit.cben le bath, cloee t o atore1. Leaee for year or aummer moe. No children. Inquire Sunday• only. 808 -34th Bl., f¥wpor t Beach. 14p18 CORONA DEL MAR -a bdrm. tur nlahed ,,_y f ront, prtv. bch. Summer or year leaae (Carn•· Uon Cove) 116 .Bayside Place, Corona del M ar. H ar. 033&-R. l t cl9 RENTAL' 1' SPECIALISTS Call llidna er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa bland. Hu. 2042 32cl>4 YE'ARLY. furnb!hed 2 bedroom apt. Fenced 'yard. Child. N o pets. At 414 PoiOftetlla. See owner, 408 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar. Harbor 1289-M. 16lfc NEW FURNISHED 2 bdrm. h8t.'. In C08la Me88. Available for June, J uly and August. Phoru• Beacon ~765-R. 16cl8 ~ A l"TRACTIVE Fur,nl.shed Studio Apt., suitable for l perHOn . Yearly -Modcratr rent. 710 Marigold, Corona del Mar. J-lar- OOr 302.5-W, I6cl8 -~-~-------~ YEARLY RENTAL -New un- furnlah411i Apt.. garbage d lap. 11 blk. to Rtchard'111 Markt>l. Adull.8. no pets. :;01 -34lh St .. Newport Beach . 16cl8 THREE YR. Business Lease for aale at $60 per mo .. a mo. In ad· Ir vance. Now uSt"d as barber shop. LIDO ISLE you want a rental on loveoly LIDO ISLE aee ua. Several good home.!! available. Also apart- menta by wee k or month. On Poinsettia, Ju.!!t off Cout H lway. Inquire at Moody Drap- ery Shop. 215 Coast H iway, Co- rona dcl Mar. 16pl8 41-8TORl:S II OFFICES OFFICE space for rent In InM. Of. on Newport Blvd. N . B. Excel. Joe., for r ealtor, acc., e tc . i20 mo., t-ele . lnclud. Har. 2203-W . 16pl8 -1!-l''A NTED TO RENT WANT EXCH. ·usE MT. ~on1c for beach home 2 wk.!!. ln Aug. Mt. P .A. PALMER 1N'coRPORA TED 3333 V~ Lido ,Harbor 1500 16tfc 4S.A-TRAILER SPACE VER~ NICE SPACE available ln lovely quiet trailer court. Shru~. flowers, treea. Adults. 1741 Po- mona; Costa Mesa. Bea. 674 7-J . 5tfc home 1 !,! mi. from Lake Arrow-«-KOOM S FOR RElt\"T head at Sky Forest . beaut. view. 1-------------- all conveniences. Write N . L. COMFORTABLF; ROOM ~-Pri· McFarlane, 3~20 Castle Reagh. vate enlrance a.nd bath. 21 5 E. Rlver.!!lde. 15p17 Bay Ave .. Balboa. Phone Har. 2ro. !Ev-es. Har. l 520-M) 1-tc16 FURNISHED R00~-$30 month. PH. BEACON 5771 94Uc tS-AP~NTS II HOUSES NEW J!lo. 75 '"'I)vist Grip" Mar- lin motor. Used oncet-$175. &18'ii W . Bay Ave .. Balboa. t2nd floor.) lr>p17 U-FT. SAILING dinghy, brand neW nylon sall. S7S. 165 Dum- ond Drive, Laguna Beach. 15pl7 04 MOORING, off .Vi.a Barcelona. Lido Isle. suitable "!or plea.sure craft. $160. 1 • FOR SALE-Nearly ne-w 8 ft. Dinghy Wtth hardwood finish. $75. Ph. Harbor 2293-W. 16p18 PLASTIC WIZARD 8 ft. rowboat for sale. $100 including hand traller. You 11ave Sl!W. Llkt: new. Harbor 413-W. 16cl7 .14-MU81CAL. RADIO SPINET piano. Repos&essed. Pay out balance 1387. Ano tl1.er re- poueaaioo. S 3 9 O. D A N 3- . SCMIDT Big P iano store. <;>ne hundred pianos from which to chooae. ~20 No. Main, corner 6th. Santa Ana. COME IN and play the wonder· ful new Hammond Chord Or- gan. Even if you don't know a note of music you can play, beautiful music in 1t e n minutes. · DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Piano .&: Organ Co., ~20 No. Main, Santa. Ana. SMALLEST Studio Upright Piano In fine condit ion. Fully guaran· teed. T erms. $40.82 down 1.nd $1 •. 28 per month at SHAFER MUSIC CO. fStn<!e 1907). 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber· ly 2-0872. 97t!c RENT A PIANO, $5 per mo. All rent allowed If you bey within Lerma. DANZ-SCHMlDT, 520 N. Ma.in, Santa Ana. SPINET piano. brand new, Slight· ly damaged ln shipment. Now only 1395. Sma1lut elza DANZ- SCHMIDT, Santa >.n&. _520 N. Main. HURRY ON THJS-SlighUy u&ed. blondf' ma:hoga.ny spinet piano. Save $180. Terms $72.82 down and $20.70 per month at SH A F~ ER MUSIC CO. tS lnce 1907), 42~ N . Sycamore., Santa An•- Klmberly 2-0672. 971fc BALBOA PENINSULA-3 bdrm .. l ~ bath on Miramar Drive for qualified renter&. 3 MO. 8 E 48QN RENTAL SlOOO Call Mary pick80n. Har. 1013, or Mra. M~ 4: Mr. Neighbor Har bor 1716. Earl Stanley, Realtor 225 Marine 3113 Newport Blvd. Balboa bland Newport Beach 15c l 7 YEARLY RENTAL -New un- furnished apt.. garbage disp. i,.J blk. to Richard's Market. Adult.a. no pets. 001 34lh St .. N ewport Beach. 14c15 ON NEWPORT ISLAND -t bdrm"" unturnisheod. yearly. Clo.!!· ed ln pafto. 2-car ·garage. 412 39th St., Newport Beach. Har. 1046-M. 14tfc YEARLY RENT AL Furnished single apt., suitable for employ- e,d person. So. of highway. Cor- ona del MM. Si5 mo. Phone Harbor 2373-J. 14c16 YEA.RLY RENTALS -2 lovely homea In Costa Mesa. 3 bdrms furni..l!lhed and a 3 bdrm home partially turni..l!lhed . See Blanche Gates, 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 1671. 8c10 LARGE TRAILER In lovely court $30 mo. Small trailer $22 mo. Al80 l spa~ available. 174t P o- mona, Coeta "Mell&. Ph. Beacon 6747-J . 13tfc YEARLY Balboa Peninsula 3 bdrm, 2 baths, living room w ith fireplace. kitchen. 2-car gar- age, fUrnlJhed.,. $100 mo. JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor M~. Eves. Harbor 2278-W 15c17 LADY WITH 2 bdrm house wlll share wltb a lady. Lark.!!pur Ave .. Corona del M.ar. Call eve- nings: Phone Harbor· 2225-MK. lSp RENTALS JQHN D. BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor .1607 ' Employed person preferred - rnan, personal launrlry included. 510 Santa Ana Ave ., Newport H eight.a. P hone Beacon ~91-M. 18ct8 ive. BETTER CARS FOR LESS 1950 PLY. Spec. Dix 4-dr sed .. ... ..... $1695 1940 FORD 6-Tudor -Htr .. 1205 1949 CHEV-. Styl. Cpe., htr. ...nd radto ... 19t9 CAD. 62 --t-dr. secl. pletely equipped lnclu. button w1ndow11. 1948 CAD. 62 . 4-dr. sed. pletely equlppeod inc.lu. button Windows. 1495 Cun1- push Con1- pW!h 19-17 C AD. 62 -4-dr. sf'd. Hyd., heater, radio. All_ the above are near new In •epe•ranct>, low mileage and in fineat mechanical conditioft. Bank terms. N ewport Auto Sales 2604 Newport Blvd. Nt>wport Beach, Har. 1407 19SO PONTIAC -Chie ftain, 2-dl". se-dan, radio & heater. Xlnl condition, like new. 410 Hard- ing. Balboa. Harbor 1788. 16p18 65-MONEY TO LOAN LOANS For Home~ CONSTRUCTION LOANS I at 5---.5 \.1~% (14 yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB S ATTLER HI& COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ufe Jna. Funda Kl 3-3186 LOANS TO SUll.D, IMPROVE, BUT, llODl:RNIZlll, OR Rl:FINANCS , W•· 11>17 Tn1ot Doodo • J ·< • ' .. ' ' I ' ' • ' • • ' 1 C 1· 1 0 ·NS 0 F R E A L . . tsT ·A lE LISTED IH TH ~l _S· $fC {ON~ Balboa Island INCOME. TWO 2 BD IU{ APl'B-l!o built and ooned u to t another income unit o r buatnea1 if preferred. One pt. la rented until June 18th. 19G l, but immediate poaeJplon of the other may be had. 'ntl1 hu ~en"&n exceptl~y good lnveat menL ' '" ONLY $4,900 down. Full Price $16,900.' A.ct now t.No need to uk w hy? ; .. l LINWOOD VICK, Realtor. l_·. 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Ieland Harbor ~2 • TODA Y'S BEST BUY 11 in Corona del Mar Only $9500, terms . NEARLY NEW-2 bdnn home compl etely relieco-. ' rated. Fireplace, room fo r 1 more uni t. WELL LOC ATED." I , E ARL CHAMBERLAIN l 500 Coast Blvd., Co rona dcl Mar j (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank ) Ph one H:rboL2288 BARGAINS Rustic Style ome G. I. RESALES Newj)o r t Heigh ts / $1500 down TWO BEDROOM• HOME -Top location. Excellent condition, 2- car garal":e· Approx. 4 yrs. old. Payment.!! include taxca and In- surance. The full price ls onl)' $8750 This Loan Is Worth An Extra $1000 Today THREE BEDROOM -Close to shopping and transportation. Approx. I yr. o ld . Hwd., tile, ex- cellent laundry, facilitit>&. Dining area In k it e.hen. Easy 4 ".4 terms $2300 down and $58 i ncluding taxes and in.tiu r. Set> this today. To morrow may be too late. . Phil Sullivan C. Galen Den is on G. T. Eve rson 4.00 Newport Blvd. Coata MCJ11a Phone B e•c-on 6243-W Harbof 3157-W or Beacon 54.58-J OII:. LAND SELL OR LEASE for develop- ment, ~ mile •trip from Santa Ana river west on Cout High- way. Write P. 0 . Box 52, New- port Beach. 1-ftfc;; BALBOA POINT -3 bdrms, firrplact>, furnacr. hwd. f!Gt>ra. sprinklers. fenced yard. Near bay and OCl·an. Sl 1,000. 1 t26 Miramar, Balboa. 16c21 LEA VINO ST A TE -2 bdrm, can be 3-Cape eoct. fenced yard, Cin e locatio n. Furnis he-d or un· furnished. 36ti Br()jf.dway, C08ta Mesa. 16p18 The Island MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS ' A fine South Bayfront location . ;>ix bedrooms, two stories, 50 feet. $38,500 Two Unit-Duplex each 2 B.R. Top location Only $14 ,000 A very special 4 BR. 2 baths, in a fine location, bright and ' cheerful. (n Nt_wport Heights. c;&armlng IR t he word for this 2 tdrm. fire· place, beam celltngs.1uilt 2 yrs . ago. Must be sold t ~tlle es· tale. Submit offera. Over $90do SEE IT NO\\'! BEST B In Newport ights Lovely new 3 bdrm hfme. Flag- stone fireplace, h floor s, plate glus facing he pat io. Th\111 ls way ahead anylhl!lg you've seen. Will F H at 4% %. $12,000 -1 Open for Ins ~ction SUNDAY ' 226 Tustin A. ve . (Above All-Amcricanl -Market) OCEAN VIEW . 3 Bdrms & 2 IRaths On the cliff in Newpo~ He-l ghts. Brand new. Beautlfuiy design- ed a nd built. All q ality fea- ture.!! With unit fur ace, fire- place. beautiful har~ood and lot& of flagstone ..J)rk. Most down to earth va lue in an oct>an view home in the hafbor area. $21,000 ; Beacon .Hill ~ealty '66 Nf'wport Blvd (N~b Archet1) Pho~e Beacon 07 r-· R SPECIAL LISf INGS ALL on LIDO ISLljl & ALL PRIME EXC LU$VE of· · fe rin gs. ! 1. Lovely new large l bedrpom home on choice s~eet . ,Hu everything. Easy wo,~h ·118.500. 2. Charnling 3 bedrooqt, 2 bath -home with latest h features. Prtced to sell, $23.M<t, See this. 3. Just being complet«i:t. URique home on SO ft. !pt. 3 ~rooms. 2 baths, u nit heat, clfver color- ini;::-and ll wonderfu~ BUY at ONLY 124.500. ~ 4. Being built -strPet stre.,t- also on 1.400 ISLE a 4 bed- room, 3 bath, 3 car g rage. u nit heat. dlspoaal. large tio 1tnd " MUST SEE home "t ONLY 128.500. • 6. Nearly new 4 bedr home on SOUTH B of LIDO ISLE. Exe tion and home you wt to own. Priced at $ 2 bath YFRONT 6. Super special NOR H BAY· FRONT .home. Be11 location" large lot. 4 bedtoom • 3 baths. bar, pif'r and 11llp an home all furnished for specla. prlce of $5'\,000' -SEE T HI ALSO l on LIDO ISLE aomf: bulldlng "Ilea, eilhef" purJ>03e11 or single THINK of buying lo ISLE from the D at pr ices below their On LIDO ISLE .-11 LOT. P . A. PAL IN CORPORA 33"3 Via Lido Newport S...ch. ondertul r lnco.m,t homes. on LIDO ELOPER eat value. e bu.YI a 2--0WNlllR LEAVING lmme· dlately for lb e E;u:t ha.a reduc- ed the i>rice of this attractive Shore !frliff home, with hard- wfOd clDo ra, Oagstone fl replace. separa~i dinin g room, break fast nook, e . TO A NEW LOW! All s Ions · rboms, blg win- dows. P artial .; ocean view. Dre.pea Included. A real home i.n a.fl exclusive · neighborhood. W e have t.he~.ke.>t- 3-INCOME-3 rental units on 45xl 18 torner lot. Good neigh- borhood.. ocean side of highway. All unit.a 1 separate with indi- vidual fenced yards. Un it No. 1 2 bedrms. u nfurnished. Unll No. 2 2 bedrma. partly fumlsh- ecl. Unit No. 3 bachelor apt., fully tuml8hed. 2-car · gari~e. $~07 per mo. Income. Priced 120,500. Good terms, only $80 monthly payments. The John Vogel Co, 1301 Cout Highway. Corona de-I Mar HARBOR 1741 or H ARBOR 14.77 (Ev~. Harbor ,.393-Ml 15cl7 WHERE IS THE PARTY? Wbo uked about a good G . I . R esale bargain In Costa Mesa? .We have lt -$9450--$1800 dn. $58 mo. Too good to last long ~ 2BdrmHome cloae to everyth lng. Extra lar~e lot. Thi.!! I.!! ao olrtcr hon1e but In very good condition. FULL ·PR1C&- 0nJy $6,500 SEE IN US FOR BEST BUYS COSTA MESA AND HARBOR AREA B. A. NERESON MRA &. Npt. Harbot Multiple Listing Realtor . 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Beacon 5225 MetJa LOOK What You Can Get ,in Corona de! Mar A 3 BDRM HOME-one blk from oce&n-W ith garege apt. now rented. Large fenced yard, love- ly p!anta a nd &hrubs. Don't mi88 this BARGAIN for home PLUS incq.me! $7000 Full P.rice 2 BLK8. FROM BEACH-2 bdrm. be,ch home. partiall y furnish· • ed, garag·e. Big lot. Needs som~ flldn '. Exclualve with us. TOM PAYNE, Rltr. 310 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Har. 2774- ~C) THOMAS FOR ' BALBOA BAY SHO~E PROPE TIES AT MAIN GATE NEW 2 AND 3 BEDROOM H Now available with Bay View and deltlXe features-5 % financing ALSO FEW GOOD RESALES -Price l rom $12,500 . to $25,000. Call Carl Thomas, Beacon 5748 days or Beacon 5823-M eveB. EARL W. STANLEY, Realt r 17th and Coast Highway Newpor~ Beach BEACH HOME and SAILBOAT LARGE FURNISHED BEAUTIFULLY u:xiATED HOME. one block from bay and good swimming( beach. Flve bedroom.a and den wltb slceplng accomra~tions. F;rep1ace. thermostatically controled floor fum-1--. ~de ~rchea, dining roo~. l deal beach or year-roundf _home. Pi·ice incl. 22' sailboat and m{>Or lng. S21.50<r. -E Xfluslve. ,I BAY & BEACHREALIT I Gll><:len Fay Jack Miller Ethel hhlrley 1450 Balboa Blvd. Har ' 1264 I . S~ARCHINQ CORONA DEL ' AR jfor a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home? 1 HAVE JT! Huge living room , dlnlng roorrl Oak :"?°rs. fireplace ; alt cloaets llned in Tennesset1 ~ar. Big u_wuy room. garage built for apartn1ent a~ve ; 45-Coot fen~ lot, delightful patio. A pre-w&.r, well- buJlt home; excellent noor plan. New listing e1cc1u- sively \\-ith f J STANLEY A. SMITH ·'i 1311 Coast Highway Corona del Mar ! 306 Bl k. ~T tpphire BalbOa lsllu!d $7850! The Island Open House Showing Because · - - Close to NortJi Bay Courteay to Brokers Phone Owner. ~rbor ~IO I . 1~ When Summer Comes ' • CASUAL living on falboa Penin- sula. Spacious 4 bdrm, 2 fire~ places, big cl~, 1 story, freshly redecorated: with tut.e. Lovely garden & ~atio. 2 lots You are going to need bdrtns., ~t le88t three of them, and posaibly a den ,to sleep a fevi extras. Then )'O\l n1ust have an adequate living and dining room wtth- spa ce for televlalon and s everal davenports to enjoy round the hearth, fireside evenings'. The klt4hen-it will have to be ui\ra. ?ots of cabinets. tile and an electric dishwasher. Several bath~ms. patio and . garage with torage space will just be . dy., Now we twant you to come to 20} Emer~d Ave .. on Friday, Sat- urday, ,or Sun.day, May 4. 5 and 6 af rnoons and tell Hub Power1 that you agree thift home i s ''Worth the mony, to you." t hats w hat we want to hear. I J . A~ I Harbor 63 ' BEEK Office . Balboa Island Ferry I LOOK! I ONLY $~000 CASH. Cute 2 bdrm home, } ocean side of highway in Coirona del Mar -PLUS detact1bd guest room. I' Total Price $9450 Sl3.500 d n., $85 me>. Total price $25,900. Sandy MacKay. Hu. 464. • Hcl8 ' Choice Ba~ront · home under construcJton. 4 bd.-ma 3 batha. Every d~uxe feature. Most outatanding ttew ln New- port Harbor. Will ~ completed for summer occuJ1nc;(. ·REASONABLY ;>RICED • GREENLEAF "'I Assoc. BUILDER -fEALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd.,t H.arbor 2M2 • I Open For In~pection . i Saturday &!Sunday 228 Via K9ron, µdo Isle ' CORNER OF LIDO $ORD 8< VIA KORON-! ' . 3 BDRMS. 2 bAths; extra •8fall shower. fireplace, Wtlt heat . An excellent location la f~w ateps trOm the beach. ~me by' and see Ute best buy tn Lido hie. . GREENLEAF l<i ASSOC. 311"2 Nf'wport Blvd., )Harbor 2362 ' 'Balboa Island UNUSUALLY WE4. DESIGN· ED 2 bdrni. 2 battlJ h Ome in ex- cellent condltk>n,; a ttractive flrf'place. Sleeping Jott for over- flow gueffta. Two ila rce patioe for outdoor ll•lng . Prlc~ below COl!!lt forj quick aale.r Stanley H~ield REALTO ErniJ Smith, Realtor . r . 1205 Co&lit HJway, Corona del Mar $3250 216 Ma rine Avenue BALBOA ISLAND Pbone H art>qr 20 Now Buys -Ocean Vi.ew R-2 60xl0.0 Corner . Seaward Rd. & Serra Drive Phone Harbor '2667 . l;iO't,· 195 DOWN $995 FULL P RICE Vlctbrl& St., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293· W lk16 LET US KNOW wbai klnO o! real eat.ate property yop wanL We ha V• all k ln<b of p~perty Uste0. If we do not have t he kind you want. we will leav no 1tone u.a· turned to find IL lo you. , ___ ·_H ____ .,_______ CORONA ID GHLANDS . :By Owner • * OPEN "1 * . couJTESY TO BROKER.\; ' $20,000 B.A..NER~ON MRA Mu!Uple Llll\ing Ottice . ' U 82 Nsvrport Blvd,• Costa .,_ BeauUtully tumltlled round LIDO I SLE 2 bdrm, 2 bath, J lf 4 bclnn, ll" be.: home.." iir.4itc:&1ly , lots, large walled paUo .• FUr· new MODi::R.N.. wt' enclo&ed, I ••• """ P-; one 11 .. c 52211 8Uc J. A. BEEK OFFICE WANTED: W piano<. Trade In }·our old piano od a Grand Spin- et er bMutlful televtaion. <fflch- est Cf.9b allowance, _ terma. DAN<l-SCIQ(IDT PIANO Co .. comer SUL, MO No. Main, S&nta Ana.. . . • patio, 2,<:ar pr. B.,.4 for coon-COMP ARE tills · desirable ~ nlahed~ Near club hou_ ... ·~~. NlllW duplu, 1 dell •lei•, plete living. Jl9,6'oo'. 112~1~.. .P.ro,' perty .with JUIY 6o ft. HOR~ 'CLI.FFS -,Cliake ocean· db'!'" pr. R-3 lot. ..:~ !tom 1 BDRM bayfront &pt. Udo hlr. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL llarbo 63 BIYCL. Balboa. ,., -fron t ~ near -W.~ beach. nel'!'. boq>ital alte. Cloee tntui. •'lo mo to J une 15. Summer BA VINOS • LOl..N Al!8N. r --------+--ll--=--12tll--c U!Jt you can buy for I $20 000! • ' and ~ Good In •• fll,IOO reaervallon taken DOW. 1 and 2 saas Vta Lido Ptl. Bu. llOO • ' *"""" In ,..__ d I Mar ·~ . t ....... Would fa1!< -... Baibo& Island F•""" G I ~~J< · ~ _.,.,.-una e · ' Phone o..,,.,_ Bar~· u~r •blo lot. on Lido •-~ • .,.. ...... bdrm. unit& Pboae Harbor 2552 bm•L ' . -·, , • _., .... _.., -"' w ~- USED PIANOS from $69 up. and (Ha:rbOr 29lf·ll .,. .. ). """" ESTATE ·WANS t BDRll •S-aqd • T • R iv -.·ror IDfora& • lnq.· :ltlil <;l&J, Clltt' HaftlL Good p'laytng condllklo. DANZ-U TFC Jnterest .. Rate 4\.2 ·.l>ll'· Veneue -· ~ erma, .,l450 cul!. $22.50 I or •piftntmenL •·• ,llp21 -llOOl-11.. [ Upll SCHM:IDT, 520 N .. 11a1n. Santa .._... qmcklJ -ta .u.. .., 11 aut .ssrATS 1'Aiit&D Wltlt ..ie.-run per nionth. ~102§ M · In . ..,.t. A.Ila. cor. 8th. BALBOA ISLAND ...,.,. and LquM. mqi. or WANT '"'OM ownu-2 or a -Pa-ta, 11!11 I . "' o. come OCEAN l'_:~ONT GRAND PL\.NO. -and HOUSES Al([> APT& I ... u1up10 ""11& K-et old. Bo. hoe, i.1t _.,. eo.ta x-. un--"' -· . a tuml81Wd apar(mftta, -NJtt-Al.lTallNTIC CAPl:iOQD Bod Haml!h. u..a, 'Jilt Juot HI<• YllARLT OR.llEABONAL -and ... ~ ... -n<ln& dtt'$l0.000.-11u.t be -'-., 1~ Mr. Houpn ''" R. A. CASEY ed~t teducod renta,_ I'!'>'·~· -.-lo)' Ill~ 'INllt Q-. Aao mqnltkti>t Stein· Bee GAIL CARNn wltb "*f '*' •t loaiC lllAlmwn U· pymli Prtnle part>-. Call Rat. -· ODroola <Mt · ' T · Tenan P">' utllJUea. b)' Yale. a bc1nm · • iau.i. hUo W"3 at Q .. rty ball price. )(aQ7 N-U• G·..._~ "-al Estate -No ........ ,.. IJN)lml· . 731..J. i•-1• OWNliR-110\IJH'fl -..... Dr,· °"""'8. Hl&l'I-Pn' ce$9600 ' put17 .t\lnL Inc." . "1'lllloO -••erw·. Kim~" __ .._ Bu-•. aoe"""'-.._..., ""1a1. ••-.a-'-' ~ Buta • • ' ."" · ~ -•t..:..."1.~ I . ' ' ~ I J' --..,_,_ ~ -_.., ·---~ tt---_, ..,.._ • -.....,.. ·--tt-~r -~w Only ~ a~.-wtU < ' tt-r. -. .,,...6 ...._. ll1aA.. WurUt:Mr. alidc:eortn.s. . -.,.,.,..._,.~ .&..na Klr'srtJ I W" or wrtta: lllOdel'a ·Jtome, i % •r-~ ~ u.erat.. uvt'l'-._.. • B vo lt aod Lan,o.l.DANZ· • . 4R'l'llUJl ._~KAY ~1-ft .. DDll ,. ·•. :~1 Aim. ..... nfl"ls" ' . b k pay . ' • ··B&lboa ·~ei,.itJ~ 8CHIOM' ma l'I .. "'° 8T01m, APT :roR JlSN'l' wttb t11e a1n1t 111 · .., 11 • -.or Yt ur... ro e_ r . T , e8 c. -Howard· ·-o.=-.. · •-~-Nr f:. ' "'-'-• artpp '-0.iJ i-l ., AmrllO~T 11 t\. ---o.JJ • .,. . , _,. •--.-. -AM, -• llUa, -· -· -toat.b..;....,.-. NR Twit Olm. U11 la. Qo,.. -au .. 1•pnaL "llff ~ It., .K•"JIWt llcl. I • 10(!6.W. lllil•N -., 1'eWpqrt-. , lP"aa . tu.. r ir..,_ .KeW, po."l B 1cb llpU HU .... 11J11a -. -llld.• • - 1 .Bar. lltt..J. U.U• _ -. JI " 2'IJI -e. -~ ,..11 'ad>mu.ol , • 1 te0 &.· ......... • -..... f • .: , ·~ -• 1 I! '"! ) r ;· ,...., ~ l I