HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-15 - Newport Balboa News Times' 1 I. I t· I L ' -'\ • - • .Q.IU>UND WAS BROKEN lut Friday tor the tutu~ Oorooa del Mar P.t otnoe to' be locatel ~; ~COl'llet' of OrchJd Ave. and Coast Rl..,;:::y, (ron~ oo Orehld-Su.rveylN' plaal tor tM IMdldl•c_ whk:llw1n oonta.ln 1%8% square feet of ·(pttaent office bu onb 931) ~ COM ·p....._t;er . ' Vttae Wat.sop . .lames Gallag'lwr, Corona del Mar lbwlu.m.rnan. aad Fl'Ulk Hu.bhard,, owaer of Uae pntpe'rty. Hubbard wUI &ea.Ml the butJd.lq to the Po&t Office. It Is hoped the IDOd6f"D ba1Jdl"I wtll· lie 'complol<!d by Au&uot I. Frederick.. u..i1doa of Balboa !•land Is tile arclllt..c:L . ~New• TlJn• Photo) MESANS HE ·R ·FREEWAY PROBLf.MS·· 'ffAR .·toss f .PARKING FACltlT·IES Sanitary . Districts urprised With New Low Constr ction Costs De.!!pite rl8klng costs in con ruction work, Orange County Dts· trtct directors Jast week were azrd. to find that instead or being abort of tunsts' there Is enough +ney a~Jl.ttble to buUd the original sewage plan ot Engineer Vinton !facon and Sl19~401 to •pare. With tv.-·o years elapsed sine .. Orange county voters approved $8,038,000 sewer bond Lsaue, disl' · trict dtrecton were apprehensiv , T H rt • 1 that a current survey of proJ>OM'4 WO U In Wo•k and cost.. would turn up d _ red ink balance. , ~· . ,!,":; ~~~·":;:';"'"~.::·:"';.~.::.·~ s·1x Crashes Arb., and Harrtaon and Woole ot Santa Ana, after s tudying Ba-i con'• survt'y.s, m&de lower. est!~ Two pereona were sllghlly ln· mat.ea in five of the di.strlcta and{ ju~ as wce.k end accldenll!i to· higher figures in two others. Thel tailed 11lx l.n the Newport Beach differenc;e wu a 111g0(01 surplua. area. At 6 p. m. Sunday at ~e In eummartzJng the new re-east end of Corona del Mar on e pol't, Eocln!,tf (:;arrollft._H!d the Cout Hlb~way a .r~ur car" pile-up MOrtag'e1i1-bl"a r .. °f':)kWt.ting-resulted ~ an lri]Ured -k1tiee 19ftd toa Beach> of $71 99~ under Ba-head brtuae for Grant Holcomb. con'a eBUma.t.es w~ ~ined by Jr .. Burb&nlc, driver of one of the the (act that tl\e ea survey car-a lnvolv~d in the a cclcM:nt. wae baaed on a s&-la.ch. line. Holcomb a wife. and three amatl At that t ime Diatr\cl '4, (Seal chUdren were badly shaken up In "Beach) was tnctuded but later the era.ah, &nd the front end or hi~ witbd ' car was gttaUy dama.ged. H l8 car rew. ran into the back pf a car driven .• Balance Ooa\ by Rua.sell P . Grimea, of Downey . Changing the llne ·would' bal· In turn Grimes' car piled lnto the ance lhe coet with available rear of a car operated by Theo- tunda, he f"SUmated. dore J . Sourbler, Norwalk whic h The fund deficit in Dl1trict 6 rammed the rear of a car piloted fC911ta Mesa) amounted to $18,· ~ Thomaa D. Angela, Bell . . 304 but certain modifications The ears had ~en stopped for could bring the work •in line with e .Poppy Ave. traffic signal available funM. to1ether wtth hen the crash occurred. supplementlng state f\lild8. James F. Keithly, a pMaenger The engineering re]lort showed n a car operated by Frank J . the rotlowln'g varlaUoo.a from the enn.lng, N. Hollywooo recetved a (Contlaued an Pace S) I (Continued on Pac• 3) • • • l I t • I I ' r'7"7~---..---------------:---------............-· -'I" -------------------------"' • ' ' • • • .. , Pege-2 I . . Sirigil' Gatherin· is Spring·Progrem . MRS. WINIFRED &>clety F.dltor at High School NtiYC_Op_:..;~-~-1i"e:°1;id7nh" .... -.,, ~;::i..=~ r&:: Entertain 'at port Hartior union e111> .. 1>oo1 341h Season .. -.. -.. ,, ¥ .. rh .. ..... ' . . Norw.-.iAft Fete I&. .C 8 ---ill -... 8 II . · xr ..... -~~00..aeo.c.~ ,.,. n' --·-1111•1 Newport ll&rbor Yecllt a1lllt · at ,.. llt:tV1 "8:f .-Ge • M .. at U , ._ a '"'-.. Ilk,. .,..ollla)t& &d-~ .. ,....._ UI ........ t$"m1d --OWlllDCI' -.. fol -In ~ -....... a aod to W"itb tirst. ~ ~ rtae ~ e.Mtoa '+·d.. ~ ..,. .. ·•• 1rlll'. ---0( S&blr<isy .... ·-~---Kr. -t'<lM>., -..._ ....... ~. nu.a U tbe S4.th . ..-., Jin. Fritz Er'.clteon &ad d&QP• "' ¢ .lflt ....., el .. 'l9t •Ill .. venary ol ti.e club, W'IL'dl oune ter, Kn.. E. L . Harvey ot Bwtill.. •el rrtia. f9lll ..... w!tl -.a. Jll'O" 1.ato ~in January .o:r 1'817 • .,a.mie.. _......., •• Ft awl a.._. wltlt Dr. Alllert Soiland u flHl j lllvitecl !or U>e e-~ al Nor-af Cloe on 1rJ. -..... ~tie -.., Uld a feWltt "" Ole •qioll tood, ~ and ...... -"' .U.,. -www' 'C • -~ year lJI tlw! -.. ,0. _...tile N~ _. wM'.c ............. -..a..,.-U~ al tlw! IJlg Mrtbday calre. a 1.-......... Md liN wifo, )fr. _.--.. 'lf6 ---~ wm be In -----m.tnp: Jlr. ---ot> • ...., a • 1.-~ .,.. ... al/ -Uld ... old. -,... B. o. ----~ -..... -b$ '---• -IGW' l'09el an tbe ~ tiet11.!!P ...._wt Mr. and lira. RMd RiQ( . ..w4e I "t.IUil fct ........... guNm f.apfts in bkae casuDe l!titb, ~ lloecll ve 9eW' 1 d t r•• • CDCe 81111 I j, ..... ey 0...-. ..., _. oar-.ce I« d9e WOlnell.. scatt UM llland:, Kr. lloec brdlllC aew .Je ft--. ·a ... 0 ••• ,, .. ~ oUhlerS, 4kectorfl and ....... ••--Ill 8&tboa Bay ~. Tbq ·~ , ~ 0 , D .... comm-will be -te<I, at ta-. -..-,,_.Jot.. be 6"--~ -~ ' • • .- -• • -. • ,. . '••i•.,. NOW THE SMITHS A9'£ YE! . . -·.• ~ ,., - -,..,.. -tbe-~lil llillo. ~~thme ~ DOW, two boP·,..od a IU)o pt.· r ' • • -~'II -. ~•jut -t atrt ~•· bpW ia;.,-UM1 • bles ~ N> Commodott D. W. ~ ~ ~~~.._. • .._ a t .. NW.,C . 5 , _, ., u ,-al/ Jin. ~.,llollb>P--".' 7. -• 7 E:LUott, Vioe-Oommodol'e ~ ~ ot 8-tboa Wand &ad a.rot.111 .. 1 W 1111111•1 .. ll p 41 .... ~ pa)'ment 'lrit!! their! ~'rings and ,ft>' gobig tO lielp them.finance ~'retit ,with ,our 'home ~an. . . Rlltt.er and II.ear Commodore Wal· ., ot JIN. Ha.id R1r>S et Udo 1*. 'l1'o -ot ll>o -· .. lo:. :iw l~ Fa.a.I:. lfa.nlhall Niedock« I# 5 ._._ .. J 91711~ W .. rm, D I U. ~ '111 &n'&ftgemenla aD4 =· •F..ric:lbcm lJ Mn? ~a ._ N1ll1a, 0.-..... m.. ._...or--. re9ervatiom .are lknited to %50. · -. lard ar:-1. J=-I! 2C ·• s1D '!'be S.'dney Za;.i ...,......... from ..pi.. ..... In -.,;...,.,._ Ciro'• will p1ay rw dancing. Heads Cowrly 1a MM"m '° dl.w .. rt·>•d °" -Y tn>n> 10 a.m.-ta 2 Art Ass""'":•fion l>N : '· t» ~ <AA _. p.£1. theft wW bP the annual •-""""-9'lill GJrra Olee Cllllllit .... tt.e a... ~ ~bl-Plaque4 will A DeW panel ol oltioen WU ~ ... .,r: !I t ....... CIGm'• be awarded <be best sail boat ~ ~ Ttaunday nlgllt at the an· ,bined aDlll ludlw:klael t .. . be8l Ct'Uli.w. owner kew>t &ad tie• nu.I b ct-0.. rneetin&' Of t.be Or· Tiie eMl.h cut ot I.Ill C.1tw'1 yacht, pUd bandA. ~ticm .am,ce County A.rt Aaocla:Uoo.. wtU br c.uJll•hM • U.. 1 Ct Ue °' a..arda ...w, be at I.be <I P-"'-WiDlbed W -''* ot &16 Prlnoo--ol IM ._.,_ ~ J -blltt« 4ilmer. . um Cirde ·..,,._. -..F'a:UertlJa.. wO AYDll:Mn ..._._ __... •s_._ .. 4t 3 :JO fUD-~ wW '-e pre-Ille tk ~ pr" ti tent of UM! or-t!cm • tta-Uae. aet" W U.-. .a .,._ ........... at o«-.. .... ...-.. pnlpt ... wlta,. Bur. Santa;:;;::...-. ~ ....... of flap. Staff .Commodore Slllir-AM.. as tint vfce p!"'f."Sident : M.ade- Jey Me9erv~, who is judge ad•o-Jyn Short, Garden Grove. second 'nw tct.ooil ''f'Oeat department, ca.Le, will gi~c lhe ·~ of weJ-vice prf'Sldcnt: Oort.s Carl9on, Or-9'der ~ 0~ -..Ctlaft « t'~le iu1d _mLroduce .Commodore ange, recording-attrctary; Helttn Mias Marie Hi bwt\, ilU kml' bad Ellioll; he m tu.rn v:11l i!ltroduce Gt-i.er ol 31 ~ Nut.wood Place Ful-l.8e rtj>"le'Me "1l ~aeDUac' al- tht'' ~ta!(· officers and directors. lerton. retain& her poliltt.ion ~ car-roost proluaiOD&J per(QrTT\ADCea to With presentation or plaquea and responding secrPtary and ·adds the the publtc. The unusual arrange- the buffe t . dinner. 1J lrsl eveut of :luties of treaeurtt. me.tao/ familiar music. comt.i .. what pronuses to be an active sea-Neb Y. Nelson, past presJden.t, wltb 111.Ultul lftterpretat.Km --' 80fl for NHYC will .have taken G&rJen Grove, Peter Jenaen, La potMhed presemtation prgmiae .t.o place. Ha.bra, and MUdred Lyons. P'\1ller-make t.lt1a another musical tre&L Meyer-Green Vows Said at St. James . Making their home in Escondido are Mr. and ,Mrs. F rank Me.rvin Meyer--;-who were n1arrlc-d in aft- ernoon rite& in. St. J&llld )Epis- copal church, the .al.ngte-ring service being performed by the Rev. Paul M oorf'" Whct:ler. 1"be brid~ is the former Mis!'; Doris Green. daughter of Mrs. Lenore Gr~n . 312 Diamond ave- 11ue, Balboa Is land and the bride- ton, Nill ml!he up lhc Board of Many local Harbor 1tudentAI win Direclora. be featured in eolo &Ad dramatic Nex~ month's meet ing, which part.II. E!;a:ndy Denlln~er, Elf'&no1 will ft-ab:lre the elchin.gs of Peter R.11.gan, Fraak ~weln, a.ad Jeuen of La Rabra, will be held Gina Gritath wUS mrppear in ''l on Jwae 7th ln~tead of the regular Love Utde Willie." 1..MJrle Cria- June 14th dale, due lo graduation sen and Bob Burdick have dJffl- eserct.: I in FIJJertc.n. cWt'et • "'TM Old w--U'ld tM P~01•." NwJ' UQcD. Dea- Antique Shop Opens at Mesa ~ Ric:b&rde a.rmounoea th! Gp'Pil\I ot bft' DeW mop, ·~ Af$ "d'a A.ntitW .... 1mporta.•• DDI' RJtpa. n.we Be•adry. Alm ~d -,._ aum. ~ taM> ---... ""Red P.J:"HC" Vallq," °'BU"tHa A.llea, .. &ad "'C.arelem Low." 'I1Nft; are ruaay ot.l!la' ......... 7 taJ 8Glo part.a --~--....... .... . • . I I • LITTLE MA!OPl·DAtJPBINZ.. '%, of Corona del Jile.r, w .._ w .. ¥5 to Sl•tf!.r Keu'y-&OOPptA eoocrabllaUom rr.. larte . • l'ICfl'-11 1 .er,· cba1nnan ot the. 9httt Zlb.abfth Kellll)' Foundation drive, which aow la p ~ ~ -•--~. ' ' ~ cha~ from Ruth Hom~Elldbettt Kenny U1H1-wt.e ~ El Moa.te, · , the WMt wlaero8 aomplde 9 ...... Kf'.DRJ ~t for po1lQ ta elven. P rtor to K8111'-trM t ''8 pareat.a, • ·~"-' " i i. Mari.afJ tu ~ and Mrs. IMu.Phloe, nown bH'e, wf':'\" t..ld that ~ m& t vrr walk apJn. Wqn't you let us guide the financial fUtw·!-of _y.OVlf· . . .. ·--" ? .......... y_. • ~ • I . DRIVE CAIEFUllT •.• AlERT. TODAY,· AUYI TOMORI W! : ~ ~ . ~ . . . . . \. FE,~Clilt.;·'' 5 I ~-JI . "''~ • • • ... _,,,.,,_ . I ~....a1t~#9.,.f'!~ .t?l!C ~ 4 ·t fir~=....;.., __ . itA.M' •a ,''l'lllSIJ' , , .. . Pi4'fll. .. JIU~ • '1n Cone~ Cinde rella: Patripa H+-ru. Little 0 0 at t:'l"t Rf'(] Rkling H6od; K.:thy Raub, n;e TERESA RENN""' (•"-.A R ) t M Cl bh UUle Mias Muft•t: ~ny RW<-F II t 'C'i'\ • JVl'l'I. • en et' a eSa . U OUSe ,.,II, LitUe Boy Blue : '1.d Phillip re ,· e e ·<'1•1 d "-1 of n.-Coo-.. : Russell will be Jack ttt Nlmbll'. .i...uth ""e a CUMa .. le Sa.e.& u1 BUI llartoil I "Old 1r1 .... Cole.'• Concert" will ~ tt ...,., as host:esa Saturr ~--. Another tea.lure or the eve-dairi ven~ at 436 S....a Drive H.rbor 1 J7J.J be a featured part or the prog-rarn nlng WW be a ~up ·of Chopin ,. 1• t."l;"h a gay buffet ~p-.. ...... . . . . . -g room La aon of Mr. a.rrd Mn.. Frank R . Meyer. 210 Garnet ave- nlk'. Sb.r wore navy blue shant- u ng with matching accessories and an Ol'Chid corsage. ~{rs_ Rob- r tt Crawford of Rivera, i1ster of the bride. v.·as marton o f honor, wearing gray satin. Arnold Statz, Jr., u ( North H oll,Y\vood, brotber- 1n·laW or the brill~gi·oom, wu bt>st 1nan. --"'---...... -al/ bmlly --ODd olt-Jet,. d"art, and foe )lW 17 owned TlcUta -"" --at th• ________ , -~ _..,,., Ill -ftoort: •f'G• e1• llL tlllit ......_ xt .. -• ,_,_ ~-!I • • •· • peI n 1n:-, of Mr ... nd Mra'. "" ~•Y ••~-r;. -Y a..; pl..,.. played by Bill . ,rtlett. Biii w lter ha Corono Hinllla!Mfs. -C«ona del. Mar w ht..'11 a gtoup of lM! piano pu.pib H ~ Doan ff~ Ani , Fem!eat. aventM', """7 ., of MMI. Kathleen Colt'fnan wilf be am et. • on, ta Ool-ona Ila the affair hooM-1 l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;t~~~~~ prene.nted ln reclta1. ~fl~lcll~d, Carol Art.Q Shaw and ln~ Mart , I M e) Cline ot Fem- TaJ&· Tohill I \eeaf. wh ' is vtng .shortly for It will bl' held ln tht! \'lc.mCn·s Othe n1 appearing "4ll include his beau 1 1 me on Lake Pat-. IJle Vllloc'e Gift Shop ID .....,__ Jil.d,. fl,M • rel'• aew a:a~ wti featuft ........r. dooorator tG¥dwl I M4 c:i1b for ~•em or~ --,,,., ..... ....,., lJI located at t'r.i Newport 8hod, Ooota JI-. Nexf' Production . Friday An.emoon Clubhouse in Torry Da.l!a.s, Terry HJ.U, Nor~L zcuaro. M lco He will spend the •:o~~a Mesa at 7 :30 11. m . and tht' Ann H•f••r '·roy H o l&nd V•r· . •· •n:: • .LA" ~ .. • eu01mer re nd may later at· of H _..:L __ Players pattH.: l.s cordially in,·:trd t o al-• ..i0 1a u--11 Den'-·lie• and 1. ClrD«JI"" &' • . ~. u ' .. ~ t~rfi the nf rsity of Morella, FUN ZO- The new Mrs.1 Meyer attended Newp::wt · Harbor Union htg-h n.·h~I and her lrusba.nd at t~nded Ca.Jtfomia Polytedhnic: · Birthday Honors for MeS.a Matron lnsptred by the birthday of Mrs. Van D. Robinson . a group of rela- tiv~~ arranged a dclighlf\11 .sur- prise potluck clinne-r April %!. 1'1le home ot Mr. and Mra. Robinson_ 824 :\\'. 18th St .. Costa ?wfef8, pT'O- vlfled tbe party s.:ttm¥. Old tim~ 1nu.sic featured th.8 houn a/l.ef'. din~r. The honort·e rl'ceivl'd many: lovely gins. Among lh~ well Y.'1shcrs were Mr. Robinson, Pt.tr. and Mrs. R. C . t::OQley and fainily of Lo! Angeles. Afr, and l"l'tr~. Ut-Storms ot Downey, Afr. And rs. C'urtia Coo- ley and daughter icki of Loa An- geles. Mr. and M D. W. Holk er ot Cliff Haven. l\1 . .!Ind ~1rs.. A . L. Carney and_.Jaug tt:'rS 06de and Margie ut Buprbank and Charlt>s Robln50n or Portalpi-, N. M. RJSG WST Tbl' los.s ot a Joan1ond ring val- ued a.t belweton $500 and S600 hu ~n reported by Newport police. Mrs. Frede.rick W. Keyes , lA'.MI Angeles, no tified police she lost the ring somewhere in the harbor area a week a.go. She said the rlnJf conslated or a three-quarter carat ' dJ,_roond in a platinum mounting w :th thrc<-small aide diamoo.da. 0 ' t eM. OllVUl Wdde. fOUfl<ied I 1 . A 11outh-of-lhe-'Ni...J...4. Mu$t fall' · Evt-lyn 'TayJor will take the part The J>rogram . wil~ ~1y~c with n bo~er lMj e 1 evailed fn decora~ Costa Mesa WSCS to Elec_t Officers '.1'11 or Oki King Colt> hi1nself: Lynne group of Duo-Pia.no p1c~f'!4 follow-ti . ttw> !nri menu and In mu- ~ dleU' 1*>@ ff'Olrl. Ule I Cooper, the Knave: Mra. Ootis (>Cl .by' retreidlnientjl 6.11 e. social sic which ' h'I away later hours. tt,ctlt oomedy fare aM: the ~t Tnylor wUl be the Oki Woman p<.riod. · mong tho 1 • pre9ent were drama. tbe Newport. Harbor" Coln-Who Llvt'd in a Shoe, her children : Mark Sod . . a.nd MN!. James SUNDAY BALBOA ""'DccHon and m.t.allation of. ol.- flcera will spoWght the next i-en- era1 meeting of l.he Coat& Mesa Community Church WSCS Thur.:t- day, May t7, at 1 f". m. in the chapel. An i.ntPreslir:g program has ~e-u planntd by M :·~i. C'hcst~r F'IM\er nnd her committee. Ten munity Player.9 are~ tbr include Jenaloy Neruoo, Je&.nettl' Staff Sgt. Ramon ird, 1561 Moon. Mrl and Mrs. Don Wbit- lheir fourth major~ for Riller a.nd Linda Shaw. "Vi.aitors Orange Ave .. Costa !tfc ., recf'ntly !Ock , Air. d~s. William 'Crltt, the 1~~1 eeaaon ti:_e wen lm<J9.'!l from Foreign Lands," include returned. from six monyiM duty In I A1r. and s. , ' de los Rios, Mr. l!ttspnl8e thriller, Night Must Terry Dalla.s Sherrill El.lick and J apa.n and Korea . i.s nmf Ht.ationl·tl I Clinl', Mr. d rM. Gerhardt and Fall" ~ Emlyn "W10iamt. • Nancy Walls.' at Gt>orge Air BaM>, Vt-1.urville. l 1 hnsl€' I Dil'ector Mal'jofte WU ..... 91lf\ of • BllC.THO.~ Y DINSE& Iruipired by ~ recent birthday of ber-husband, ')frs. orm Liak en- terta..ined with a. Spilni&h diMer. Invited lo the Lisk home, 471 &oadway, Costa Mesa. for the oc- c a..slon were Mr. a.nd Mrs. Pa.ul Nissen. Mr. and Mrs. Dougla.s Hi.nesly and children Connett.f' and Te.rcy. VISIT'"' \'Al'/ NUYS 1..11.guna Beach sakl, '1'1.a wu a very difficult play for me to ca.st ~ becauae of any lade: of tal- ent, but rather becauee ot ttu" abundance of very fine acting abtl· tty among thia gt"oup at Newport Harbor. 'nte excellent cu:t fOf' "Nlgt\l M'Ult Fall" ha.a Gertrude Born of Corona de-1 MU u the lead · ot Mrs. Bnmson, and 01Ten Brook.1 or Newport u tM lead of Danny; Margarf!ll RoM.aftd aa OUvla, V ir- ginta. Royce u M:rs. Terence, Mar- jorie Stafford as Dora, Bob Wentz a.a Hubert, Nancy Andrew• u Nurae Ubby. and Benny TUmer I U In.lpect.or Belalse.. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, Mr. "NlVlt Muat Fall" wW be pre- and Mrs. J ohn Jacobeen and 9ented to tbe public on June 7th. dauchltt Helen a.J'.ld John n Y 8th and 9th at Orange Oout Col- Scruua. all of Coat.a Mesa, spent l~ Chapel several recent day• at Van Nuy11 ___ _ vi.siting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bomboy, fonner Meaa realde.n.U. JN BALBOA COVES M r. Alld Mrs. Bert M.UJe and daugbtcr Lerna. who b&ve lived fcx many yeara on 19th street, &re moving lhls week to a new home In Balbo.i Coves wbere their boat, the Lorn.a Pat, cin haw "fl'oat door" ancllon&'e, 'My Sister E.1een' Next at Laguna A .ueaw,e agment of the Bra- zUlan NaVJ and a "bonat&ntly thlnty and unemployed football pl_.-c.lled Tl>e Wreclc are lm-C Ute ._..t_ed cbuacten r.vbo lava&t the at:r.anse Ckeenwicl'I., v1u..e apartment bele>n&tnr to -two a1ttua from Columbua, Ohio, ·n tile hit ooruedy ..ne<1 "My .Slll- 1 '.er Eileen... ft1a farce.-comedy JUCceu which pla.yed for 888 Umes Jn Broadway aSone, wU1 p:ay tor ~eftll performances on the ~ >f ti!• l.aguna Beach ComlnttnltJ ~ ~ May 23nl anJ ;lus.lna .lune 2nd. Noth1A&' that ever noppened t? llem -In Columbua bu Pftpared Rt:ill and IClleen for coplnf. WI? .be IOrlu ~ bllarioul •-riellc;ea :bat betal! tbem 111 tile buement Jj)UUMnt tll"1 "".. 'been ln- ot•lled 1n by tllolr --- 'Old, Mr. A~ -tile 6-tnar -tlMlr Door ror • --7.an.su.._..w .,.,_ of -flat:un .-...io" ,, tile -lf•"'7 .... -&a atrlde .. mo.t ·o1 tM •ttm•· -of tile Ylllap -ID tloolr , ' • .• A oor.1 Co ts .:.. ..... 4.o..;.~••• ~, ... ...J, .. ... -. "'t ! to ... _. ......................... . • I ·~ . . \ £yeryt•i111 Is NEW for Ol•s•o~il•'s leYalutio11rr IEl "licl1t lil1''.l Th# /art,,.....ti.. FEATO~fr..._"'-! lo tlm new S.nper "~,"' y.u eee ta yeen• -..jar advancemc~t1t 8+'..r: iow, wide, .... ,. , a ~ .... CJaoaai.•: Rprifip. .. I .... ·--· all .W1 •JtaiclMr":. I .., . i . I! that famoll8 map u.t ,.s±k. f 1 'I-.. eoooomy. ·,,_ depend1bilityl &.IR,_.._,,,_...__ :I iD.1J1ariianeoo. rev~.-~-1 S 4 'rm I am--am1&ingpou.illp!T?ierft•-. ,aJJ ~N in Oldmnolile'1 ~ "'llr"l C- iato our shoWf'OOIJI Dmre tile 11 • 14•-t NEJI Su~ "88'f,, ! • H 4 V-•&i2& ugn., ., .. ~ Q I a TMM .... J meel-1"el •' ........... ... .......... i.o~ -.. t no pto,-fllllt • ~ -, ... t.11111 Po 117 Po ..... - --... tlle .. ,__ u.o " ,.... ltDDI u a na.. ud UM. 'wtF t1.•r.et nm.1 Wz"ss llJ h' ... , • ._. .. , W • •t-. -.-.. ~ "C).• Ar?I? 4'·-h7 •••• -' ... s'c ,__... , ... n a.an ·'• 1 2 II••*.,.... .-:., .. .,_. ... (I 8 ....... I G ..... ., .... • &ti 5 '-* -. (i'Wo '11 Br •w) -prlJllflw ., ... -s.atl • ' . . ' ' ' J r I I j • j • ' . • • ' ••••••••• ----------------·-----~-------. -• , ' . I • • '~· HARBOR .. SOCIAl EVENT I • • r MR&. ~ ~ J!dllor ~ . ... " I '· i ''. ' ' I Harbor Stars Pl.n: ,-8w Chas. Mart· ' Memorial Rites to Speak Friday A. memortaJ •t'Y'lct and tnlU... tJQia Ot member.e will feature the to Adventists llfR 22 .-u,.. ot HVl>or. ltar Elder ~tea. Martin. ...._ .... 0 . i:. s._ ......Sins to an· uy 'Yohmteer Becmary ot nou.ncement of · Worthy Matron Soutbe&atem Conference, w I ·Ruth Dtiater a.t the lf.ay 8 chap-speak on l'rlday, T:45 p. m. at W .., 1ocal Seventh-Day· Advent t • Eicort bonora were elven put ~urCb. announced Mn. Vir Sa -U..U 8"" patron•. Gu.ta In-eJT)', l()\:&I M. V. leader. troduttd were Liiiian Hennebet'ry Tiie SabboUI llChool Wblcll 111 ts · C"lea, oldest tn Bouthem Cal.tfOI"-· Uon of Dr. c. t.. SmJtb. l· ' hi& and now oblervlng lta diamond G.csa a cordial lnYltaUon to 11 . anniversary; Ora L. Falqul8t or rtentb and relt.tWes to vtJjt e . Cata.Una chapter 570; .MamJe Ha-erent departmenta, adult, - vice, Valley Falla chapter ~03, f1or, primary and klnde.rp.rten, Kan•••: Je1teen Sutton. Friend-~e how the cla.ssea are conduct ehJp cbapter 115, Portland, Oregon ~d to UBten to tbe lUBOns whJ b and Esther Stiles, Elyria chapter ~IA quartera aM on '"The Finis - 365, Ohio. ~of f.b.e Work." CUha Monia announced->. pub-'Iber.e an tour adult ela.aau, t o HA> cad party t 0 be given 0y San unlor, three prtmuy and Clemente chapter on May 26. ergart.ea lUMf each cl.au w A pot l\lck dinner preceded the •Jll>M!Ciate vtaitOn. meetmc and a new member, Em· 5 ma Poupart, .brouctit a beautitUUy ~· I I •t• t• decorated cake ' ornamented with nn1.1a n1 1a ion pink roaebuda, name and number · K • o! the chapter. • '1 or amaa1nas Hostesses tor the evening were Ruby Crawtord and _Martha Hos· , Date of the annual lniti&Uon teller. On the refreshment com-~ner for Kamaalna Klub wUJ lbe m.ittee were Georgia MoC!lellan, ~~ June 1, the place the TO'T"ft Del h H 1 La MeCI 1 lub at Long Beact:i. according Ito P Y epper y, ur-a. e • Jans made when Boota Keene rn· lan. Ellyn _Neilt:en is refreshment ertalned Wednesday evening at chairman for the year. r Balboa peninsula home. Ellht em·bers Will receive their form&l Exercise and Fun I nductlon. . ij Florence Chamberlin preaiQed on Trailer Trip foa pre.eat.a the speaker. 1'r1. -cla Vandercook, teacher o! elh· ·~ Dr. and Mn. w . R . Coleman ot l ological ct.ncin.g, who bu just NeWport Heights had a recent rteturned from the islanda. She trailer trip to Lake Wohlford. l~a.s ln Hawaiian costume a.no not With Mrs. ColemJVl rowing while nly gave a most int.e.JutLnc talk the doctor Jished there wu plen-n dancing, but hr.ought records on ty of 1 exerciBe for both, but no ao'np and ancient ch.ante. fl.sh! The tun they had more than 1t:AA Mildred Vanyi of C9eta Mesa made up, f-0r tbe lack, the-y re· I gone to Ventura where ber ported. I usband la now employed, t.be club Jiu one membership vacancy. An· jPlher member, Val MQOre, left last •lNeek to spend a month in Ma-0. W . Richard j.all. at Convention 1 • Mr. and Mrs. o . W, (Dick) ,Rites Today for Rlehar<I of Lido marl.et left Bat. !Mrs. Agnes Barker urday by plane for Chicago where I' ' they will' attend the national COD· ! Funeral service for Mrs. Agn~s v~tio.n ot-retail grocers. Mr. !)Natson Barker·, of 2162 Cllf'f Richard wu one ot the moat ~rive, N' ewport Beach are to be prominent speakers at last year's j onducted at 11 a.. m . today, Tnes- convention. y, May J~. from the Mottell . I ortua.ry in Long Beach. Mrs. Ebetf Soerd lflarker died Saturday. May 12. . t j[ The Barker family came to to ,Enterte1n hurs. tiewpo~ Beach three years ago after a ruldence of 33 yeara in Mrs. C. M. Dea.kbl.a, her corp• Eg .. Beach. Surviving Ule de- of Qf1M:ers arid uecutive board ased are the widower, Fred H . will be hoeteuee at 12:80 p . m. on ker, ot the famlly home; a Thursday at a dessert luncheon u&trter. Mn. Lucille Ubl of AJ· and card party in American Le-hanibra; and brother David Stitt gicin club house to the member-br Canada. ship. Those plannin& to attend fl Inte rment win be ln the Sunny- l!U• la.at party of the year are f ide Memorial Park, Long Beach. r~ to phone a.a:epta.nce to 11 Fred Barker ls usociated with any bo&rd member. 1Uie Earl Stanley real estate of. f lee. UNDll&GOl!lS SUllOJ:llY Nancy.Long-, youn;t daughter ot !s, on1·a Hen1·e )tr. and Mra. Arden Long of E. 18th St., Cost.a Meaa has been If. Att d Di contlncd to St. Jo;; ,~h ·' Hospital I: 0 en nner where .1 .. unaerwcol m•jor •• ,. for y aeht Clubs g_e_r_y_. -----------J offm ' Jroattt· •• • • ...,111111· •tlltlbC a •f eout• ......... ,., .. .......... ~ ......... ... WQ, ....... .... ....,. ; 1a'A• lea•• IM11l>'lza ___ _ ..,._,. 'r" •. t toJ>wW•-8•*'' ~-. -' I SonJa HenJe and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck and Mr. 1 d Mrs. Maxwell SU.Jes wtU tSe ll!ii'!"'"l the ne1t&bJ.es atU:f>dtqg the ~'Nl&t>t ot Walkllcj" diDnor daaoa ~ursctay evenJng at Batbo& Bay tub ~ W-. Hollywood Yacht Club 'U J>e -.i to tbe 11 ya.at eilli. rtlcl~tr In tM Tnn•Paclfic acht race. Harry Owena And hl.s Royal 1 a'Wll.U&fts are IM!Ua@" ttowa 0¥8I" to 1"y fDr -UMMl .-U. who will in Ha..waliaa .awt¥me. Uohn Richard bserves Birthday • . MN. 0 . W . •lcllar.d .ent.el1&lnect ·&at»rdo.y. May ' ....... home f"' Cl. otreet, Newport-Helght.o, f~oring •w ._ JM•le GB kla 1 vet:rtll ~Y-'ftlere WU cake d loa ..-, .,._,,1.o tor John a f&Y<tn for u.. -~- .A. C. C. Women With the rock garden for ~k-•--------"------ll-- Q'0"'1d, pacel»I br&11cl\e~ rot a T Hurt pepper tree tor natural irreenery WO •' aDd roaea .adding glowing ~olor, l09'n.Uliaed from rap 1) . Miss Patricia Balasa, ctausi)~er of cut Jm~e l:J ari acCloenf.. wtlii:;.h Mr. and Mn. Tb.om.u C. Malone place at 8 :18 p. m. Ba.turday •i and Sgt. Ture Job.Mon, 8011 or .Mr. at the lllteraectk>n of Poppy 4 . ~-Tu J h . w ' I a..i Ceaat Hlchway in c..rooa. I a.nd nu"-. re . o MOD, a~er oo, ,..__ The H•ru~F Iowa, repeated Vowa at tour ~. car drlvea by - • k rammed a car operated by H o cloc on Baturday, May 5, at thf' man o . StroQ., ~. of Long Bea Malone home, 635 RJventde a:ve., Newport Helghta. and knoicked U •ldaway1 for Tht Rev. Paul Babbitt of ~ feet a.oeording to po!lce report.I. rona del kar performed the double-.Ontllk Drl\'fnc rlq ce.remo~y, the bride beiJ1s Htw11Aac W.U boo Md oo charg JI given ln k~ by her ateptather. · Of clNnk drt•lna' and bl• pie& &utt!N La<i ooottnued un1IJ TbundaJ May ~­ Ii• ... _ ... $250 l>alL l Patricia was a charming/ b.rtde No one was IiiJurMI, •Urprlsln - ln her gown of Ol"g&n.i.a, ~fled Jy enough, in a.n aocldent at 11 : 1 tieN of lace potntJng upward from a . m. Sa.turday at the llltersectt the off.shouldei-ntt"k:IJhe ahd eet of Riv.ere.Ide and Clay St!!., Ne tn rows on the quaint apro~ effect port Heights. of the skirt. Sleeves were NJI. and Alfred Stewart. Long elbow length. Her flngertJp veil bad stopped his car fo r the st WI.JI ~eld by a heart ahaped coro-stgn when his vehicle was hit net and she carried a bouquet of the rear by a car dt'lven by Ge. e white carnation11 and stephanotit. E . Leatherwood, 111 Mei:a Mrs. William Vail, sister of the Coata Mesa. Stf'wa.rt's car w bride, wu matron of honor. She hurled 'forwaro so feet by t wore pal~ green eyelet embroider-force of the impact . ed org&nza and canted a nosegay Stewart's car received 8 ~t of variepted yellow and plhk car- nations .with white swee~ peu. trunk lid, while Lealherw 18 I vehicle was badly damaged ;! Mn. Joan WtddeU, sister 1of t.be tront. bridegTOOm, was brtde.amaJd ln pink embroidered organ&&. Her At 12 :15 a . m. Swiday, at bouquet wu of pa.atel 1we:Jt peu. corner of 32nd St. and Ne t · WtJttam Vatl was beat man and Blvd .. Newport Bea.ch, a car o • Robert Chapin we.a uah~r. rated by Haro'd E . C&.se, 27, ~f Mothers wore dreues In a.ilk 0)(Cord piled Into the rear of )I. pr'.rrL<!, Mrs. Malone in blµe an<l vehicle driven by 'J erry D. M&t· Mrs. Johnson tn_ yellow. flhes l, 21 , South Gate which hliCS been stoppeQ at the lnteraec tto6, htlo R.eeepUoa Given Cltatkya ~ The rt>eeption we.a held in the Case wu given a c itation for patio, where the buffet table was speed and following two cloae}j. decorated with anapdragorut. sweet His .car was towed to Newport peas and lilies in redwood bu· Auto Works. I k ets. Besides the three-tiered wed-Clyde K . Bush, .ianta Ana w" d lng cake there wu a bride's cake cite<J tor failure t o yield the rllfll beautifully decorated ln rose and ot way 88 a result of an accidedt !lilver. Mrs. Winifred Llewellyn of a'.t i0oa..9t Highway and Mar*· e Altadena and Mrs. Mardelle Gal-Ave., at 1 J :35 a . m. Ss.tUrd . ley of San Gabrie\. aunta of -the Bush's.car rammed a v('h icle dri • bride, assist.ad J.o aervilli"-en by Rot.b E . Wiemer, San Diegtt. For th~ bolHrymoon., epent at Both ~ w ere only alJghUy da~· Carpinteria. the aew Mn.1 Jobo· aged. ~ son wore a pict.urrellQu.e RNUOt A.t 1:2.S P· 01_ H:unday at the i~· frock. greeo fQ\" tile bod* and t.er..ctloo ot U~µr,lll\ld . aqll gteen 8Ad bl.I.ck cmtbiaed in UM" COt.st. Htp.way. iD Corona del Mir •klrt. Tbe Yeua&' couple returned care d.rivai by Robert a . Maynat, Thun1d&y and are aow at b.qrne at South Paadena, and Lowa .Jo 416 East 32nd Kreet ,N•wport. aUt11van, IAcuna Bea.ch, collid ' Uinc:heon Meetln9 for Ebell Gard~•rs . i Mrs. Mabel ll4>)<lan. 19'2 LA Lam.a Drlv~ will be 'boat.au on Wedneac!ay at a Pot luck ~ for )memberw ot ICbe11 ~ pr· dcn.ae<tlon. Cor .,.... wtll, meet at t.be .olMb bollN: et ll a. •:, Kial Lilian Daniell, ~halrman, an- nounces. --DIVl .. ONIOCBT Orange Count;y 40th l)tvlsion AMII. wW maet; at I p . m . Wednes- day, May 16, Ill Community Cen- ter, Wot Eight 'f(reet. Santa ,....... Regular -tlnp .... op -and OOrd w-i-,. oL ~ roontf ud wtvu. pu•• •d ~ ceta-u-flt -,. l:lle .W. cllwtalo~ a.re tnytted to attend. . ' Maynard W48 ~ a left tu9J aorUt ft om Acacia .4. ve. with tti" gr..e., llPt. poitce Mid. llulll~ pulled out from ¥,acArthtll' Bl . Wit1' tile . c-n 14lt>t when e accldAont oecurre<I. AcCO«llng to po:tce reports neither -driver r .t.be other car. Bot.4 car1 we e taken to ,St.ov.• J.ra tef.&~f'. • • l ------------~---~-·-----?·-------------------------• • • • '~ • Page, 3 ., i . . ' f · !IT:. --. •.....:. . - ti 11 i ng ! I . MllOMA11C GAS RANGES! COMPANY i Am rica's I • La +est an·d finest L~w· t -~riced ar! \ I -1· I They're so beautiful ••• and they make cookhw so eaiyl ne mo« .eru.tile, m .,. bnutifu.t coo.ki.Dg applia.Oca evu made are the Dt'W 1951 automatic"ps ranps. They'te now on :disphiy at dealen' and your Ga 1 Company during Sprina Showing.· Be su.re to tee them. You 'll be ch.tilted· DOC just hiy their modern scyliiig a.ad their shioin1 c!ainliness, but also by their truly pttcde pe1 fotm&ntt. For pl alOM iiva JOU m .. m choice of any top burner lflllpa'atll.te. If ftS(>OOda inmotly to your a>mmand. It broilf wirhou.c smoke. It provides vencilaud ovm bl.k.iq and routing. It cmcs las to oj>craie. And fnture for fcan&rc, lhc ntw au«>matic gu =nnps con lea to buy, coo. ·So tee _ ~_1flltm and le'lecc yours now. .. ·• i I LARGE.ST':.:~,,,.=~ .. _ : • exfnl 11&9 and Wel1t' . LONIJEST in the low-price fleld-a full 197% incliw-wilh the adde~ measure of comfort o~d style that its length provid~. 11 ' HEAVllSf in the low-price fleld-,..a ,oolid 3140 pounda*-with th big·car feel of road-hugging steadiness! WIDEST TREAD in the low-price fleld-a rood-faming 58 % iro<h cent•n of rear wheels-~r stability on curves and ¥N- Most length. Mc.I weight: Most width where it ~. They all extra o:xnfort and riding ease ..... extra value for your money. And surprising fact! The Olevrolet Une actually cash leaa than any other 1 price fleld ••• Com I-; gives mast I •Styt.nr. De Wxe 4·Door WO!\. th! I Wght. • WNIP•ll. 9.ICllt* ~ .. , . ' J • • I 1 ~. i • I i i I • ' • l ' l l ' ' } - .. • • r I . " • • • ' . • • . 4 DopndNle 1-i !Mu -O.W 1'Wl7 1'.,. Pa.._Jllled Evuy ~_,.7 ~·Newport 11·z ". ~.,... ~1 t11o NEWPORT HilllO~ PUlll.IlllllNO OOllPANJ' Moml>er of CALlFORNIA NEW'PAPl!:R PUBUlllUCR8 AJt8'N. )(ember o! the NATIONAL ii:Dl'l'ORJAL .ABSOCIATION Offk:e and Printing Plant Ll 2211 Balboa Boulevar:d Telephone Jhbor 1818 • Cbtued u Second-Olau Matter a the Postotfk:e ln Newport Beach, callfornt. under the • ct of March 8. 1871 · ' RUSSELL L. Dl~l'RICH, Edll<>r RALPH BOROESdN. dvertlalng Manager c;au:.w1m te' Publish LepJ N otieu &ad AdnITTIMmeate of .ii K.ladl 8UB!ICRIPTION RATll:!I: NEWPORT-BA.LBOA NJ;.WS-TIMES every ~ . ' •• ' .. i • ' ' I ·I l . lut.d.y,' ~y' ts. Ifft . , j . .. • ..eJJ.t•loU.UU..·Mo~ftAllS .t ~~=~· . I" . cv....-..~;;:.n~ .. ~"'--·~41;'11<*18* Dar Mr. Jleddlelc1 th...o..·-h Ban·--'---"-.... Po't:W emt.11 for aoNJ o~ ~ M,, mT. · tbe lftJc wu hanlly ,....,. . ~ ,.._ ~ ibe OOnuil-la ~orea. )(ojor .._on-• po""" V(. hen an offlc;er ond 'Mojo..,, u;;:~~~ ""nllUn D _............,,. M b•--,.., ·--· -Red Rocle . wltll .. ~ ,... ·• • ·=-:-y;e• • ~ Olriftd to find aut all otii>Ut the tacular ·~ -,.,.._ -Of Xro. 1't80oijli AJ:motrong. dllclc ale ; I wro~ 'you obout. I opec co--. --~ 136 Plower lit. Oc>ll& -. bu wu ourprloecl u I ~ certainly ered to ralc• plcturoe. ~lq · ....,1-1 blo ~ Air Medal wl!Ue -expecled ouch qulcJt octlon. our trip we hooded llralpt -·•-• 8 .. , BUit~ a....,, %7 I 't • MoJavo Doeert .. Uttle lAlte. .~ • dldn """" ~ It woe· In the At Gront, ;i:!' t ·us -trOm -of Kn. 11.. y o. a,_,. poper oo f bad to think lost to Little Lok . . lt.ed .-1 floli--I Ut 8. Shelton 8( Sonia Ana catch up 1fith the 'Officer. e. ~ • l'U awarded bl8 aecoad medal The pollt• m.uot 1natch th• pa-•cman, John G"!"L .J'b1I f~.llcot llotb aro .memben 4* the "Dnll· per aa It come8 fM>m the press. a.nd, his wtre • .., amblmoon ·~'" dat .. llll\l&d.roll Of 1 Fi:nt Marine The atructure sU}I standa and traordtnary ~0r I• country W"holie Air wing. • now the door u usual la hanging people have~ya appreclated· a wide open. I gueu eomeone m!llt mo~tain • ' •lngln&' lta waf A Clumtted Ad ta j the m.Jpty reaent the 1lttle boy• action in w lr· loG • -.l ,_ I l _,_ '-lier midget tn Adftrti.llnc tnc It ehut. ran w a (rea -.ury tc · Whatever hap~ eventually It His talel of ~ng oYaten ! from ta a pte.-ni aurpriae to have a tree In the ajf of. CaUfomia, IM>me acttOn atar"'ted s6 Very quick: of tarpon filh tn '1ortda wa-I I 1)'.. ·· . . • · tera. of bear !I ttng tn ..IJ¥k&-r &. 8eok11f, ·o. D. S. -'' .--..-... · ~ whei: ct ba:c)(-f~ Vlrglnla-they'd . be Iner 1 lbte -cominsbtrom I am goln~ lo write you a n ice scunrone el8e, ~t Grant 18 known long I [I 'about th.Ji gully, tqwn U'le country ov.:r u a real out- --dumet -k ~OI'. -~at.ever. ll'or or-doora man. ' . fourteea.cvem::o"'"' I have been L•ft ~laetUt11 told that it wu ·g: g to be a W~ left. Grant re·ucta.nUy and ~·-··· .. ' . J . 1711 Nowpan BIWCL,~ .......... JDda. 81 1 ~ ITU ' .... _ . ._ .... --~ lD Orsa,ce CouaQ', $3.M pPr year; U.00 als moaU..; IJ..JI tllree moath.9 (Aho l.:.lude. the NEWPORT-BALBOA P'BE8& ntanda7) Oa:tllde Orsnse CotIDty ....,. per YMr ON WBIOH SIDE One of the nauseating phases of the war' in Korea ia Britain's booming rubber trade with Red China. During the nine months ending March 31 British Malaya shipped 120.000 tons of rul)ber to China. That"s five times the normal shipments. ln the same period 40,000 tons of rub- ber were sent to Russia. DISPUTED LAUNCHDiO RAMP -11e,, .. a bird'• eye vtew the ear...tloa Cove -t-n .. boat taw.ctalas ramp wbksb Ila.a mueed Hae atty aouncl I eome momeak ef co•ters&tloa recenPy when they conea.rred wttb the aeut>y l"Nldents who objf'Cted to tbe taunchlns nolttes In tht! ea~ hour. I . Councilmen doAed tbe ramp, t.ben recdved a new flood of protftt from nwldt'latft who •ured. It all appN.n to be oa tl.e ~y to a itetUement. bu weveor, followtnk the connt,y 8Upervt1tOn la.a& to lnclude a ramp at the new C-.t Guard dock a •hort clbt:an<'f' down Bay•&&t drive from ''1 ori(tnal park. headed for Bl8hop, pa a 11 in g through Lone P ine, Independence Editor'• aote: S ' the re-and Big Pine ep route. We madt headquarters &~ the fa.moue Rock- ing K Ranch, owned by Bill Kin· mf'nt. It hu a cquple of mile. of trout 8lream8 'f it. own and three beautiful lakes~ well stocked with fl8h. Bill knows U'le entire region, eel.pl of thlif tef,te • from Mn. Hope.. the' "Ullc Sa hM bttn reported mo,•ed by t~ Orance Couaty "'!i-1tb d• .. tmeat- I •. ' Harold K. Gra uel Cha~l ramp. Lack of adequate parkln• may thM be the only probWm. S . 0 B 1 k · I i ll"I streanl.8 and l&kea and water ...._. lterr. 1111 How does the British Labor Government justify this (fading with the enemy' Defense Minister Shinwell ex- plained lamely to this question in Parliament. "We have done everything possible to prevent such materials from reaching China." This statement implies that the Government has vir- tually~ no control over private exporters. · That just isn't so. As Anthony Eden put it.. "Surely we must not pretend that this is anybody else's responsibility except the Govern- ment's." ·It's about time then that the United States made an isst1e of these shi1>mcnts tour Govern ment has surely known about them all along). The British are in a de~ just as guilty aa the Russians in supporting Chinese Reds with vital materials. They're more hypocritical however. in pretending to support the U. N. cause. No dobt the British people themselves will provide the swift kick needed to put the Attlee regime on the U. N. side in practice &Swell as in pretense. ·----NEW PRINTING MACHINE Not in the immediate future but probably before many more years have elapsed the laborius mechanical chore of newspaper printing seems sure to be simplified to a marked degree. BOOK REVIEWS LEGAL NOTICE by Ed LeHoven NOTICE INVmNG 8108 N•tural eotor ... roori-.e.. Car1· ton E. Dwln., American Photo-. Notice 18 hereby given that the sraphlc Publ'8hlns Co .. Q.00. Board of Tru8tet-8 or thr Orangr Th18 fact-packed volume by Coa!lt Junior College Oiatrlct or Carlton E. Dunn l8 coat.om latlored Orange County, Calif., wtlJ receive to the need• of the profcaalonal or bids up to the hour of 10:00 A. M. advanced pbotograrher looking on the tat day of J une, 1951 , at ror a, refl'rence work en the m08t the office of Miki M::hool District. Important phues of color photo-located at 19951 S. Harbor Blvd,. graphy. .. Coat.a MeK. CaUt .. a.t which time It's worth may readily be said bld!I will bt-publicly opened judged by the (((cl that a book Of t for the fUrniBhing Of the fO!IOW- SUCh a h ighly technical nature l!I ing: Plumbing flxture8 ·for tht- already In Its filth t'tlltion. Oymnulum Building. The 88.ltl Moat noteworthy ill the author 's Board of Tru8tcca &hall be t he 8tep by step analyl!l8 of color 59lc Judge or the meril.8 and proceMes which 8houkt prove in-quatlfle9tlona ·of the equipment Valuable to the color _ •teeped offered. and reserves the right to photograpber. The author'• ex-rejeat •II bids, a.nd to waive any hau.stlve coverage or the subject Informality In auty bid. matter of the b9ok should prove a Adv.: May 15 . 22, 1921. worthwhile guide to lhf> moat ex· Opening Date; June l, 1951, acting . experimenter with color lO:OO A. M. proceaatf8. Signed: .J BASIL H . PETERSON. Sec. Board or Trustee8. No. 205 Tin1t>s. Pub1ish Msy l:"• • 22. 1051. Sh&lk>w. Wattt Dl,·lnc. for fo~ua &ad Pronto Hll~rt Schenck, .fr •• a.nd Ht-nry KMd&U, Cornell •tart-........ -.30. ..... XOTIC'E Of~ INTENT101" TO It you've got the urge to sub-CHA TfF.L MORTGAGE mt>rge 1 either for run or profit) An electric typewriter has been invented and was re- cently displayed to the American Newopaper Publisher's Association which· elim~ates all type, typesetters, llnotype machines and much other costly equipment now necessaey to the printing of newspapers. thl8 small volWlle 18 worth its TO WHOA-t IT A-1A Y CONCERN : weight In gold doubloon8 or ton8 Notice i.s hereby given pur8uant of fresh ca.ught lobster tro'1t tM to the provisions of Section 3410 Pa.clrlc. The book ts de8 igned tn of lhe Civil Code of the State of help the a.mateur (with an under-Califoml.a, Lhttt on the 18th day of water bent I auemble a aafe and May 1951, lhc owner or the here- depe.ndable unde,...water rig ror lnafler described rlxturea and akln-dl•lng, helmet cttvtng, muk equip1ncnt of tDa.t ce:riain 8porl- dlving or 9elf-contalned diving. Ing g()()(U "buAlneu' &Jtuated and Th~ author!I are primarily con· located at 222 Marine A venue. cerned wtth shallow water diving Balboa ~s!and, City of Ne .... ·port and wtth an unrlva.lled enthuale.am I Beach. CoU11ty or Orange. State of Btate In their preface ·'To those California, intend!'! to place a chat- lucky enough to live near tht> t('I mortgage \l pon the said fix- The typesetter . .attached to an apparatus about twice the .size ot The fa..mily refrige!:alor permits a wide variation in size and style of type. and turns out a photographic film from w~ich an engraved plate can be made for tbe printing. eouthern coaat.e of the eastern lures and Cqu1pmt'nl. / The new device gives promise of lower newspaper pro. duction .costs-----something that wot1ld be most welcome in these days when many.;publications are being forced out of business bfcause of such costs. Untted State8, or In California AAGE H. RASMUSSEN and shallow water diving 18 a spor{ ROSA A. RASMUSSEN Ls th(' and hobby w1th no equal." mortga11;or of the said prope rly; The book is e88ily read, Anr:I ill and his addreM is 17 Ethel Ave· apt lo give the more adventurous nut', City of ~1:111 Valley, County reader an Itch to explore the llh&I · or Ml\rin, State of Ca 11 to r n I a low depth.8. ThE' authors have a.p-HAROLD J . HIGGINS is thr proache-d the whole 11ubjttt from morlgag"<' of the said property: & practical 8landpoint !with oc-and hi8 addreM is 222 Marine caatonal lapses Into whimsy when Avenue. Balbo6 18land, City of they devote a paragraph t o oil-Newport Beach. County of Orange, Pays Fine; Faces DamaCJe Suit Le!llle Llnrlsey Patch paid $5 fine la.Bl week for driving on tht' WT'Ong side of the highway and then faced a suit for $l3.290 in conn«tlon with a collll"llon. H e had pleadffi guilty to tht" driving C'harge -and was finW by Ju8Uce Howard Gameron In Santa An.a Township court In connection with a colU!lion April 19 with an auto drlvrn by Cl;larlt'" M. Gomez of Cost.a MeM.. 111t> accident wu at Newport Blvd. and Oyer Road. At about tht> same time. Gomez filed !'IUit for damage8 for hlm&elf, his "''tie, and hill 4-year-old 90n, Charle8 P. The father Asked for $1 0.000 for his own lnjurtes, $1000 for the vq.re. and S2000 for the boy, plu1 I . Gets Medal for Radio Navigation Marine Ma8tt"r Sgt. Donald E . patnttng under water~ and ap-State or Callrornla. Warn bold of 467 E. C<>11ta Me88. proach their subject (In the cue The propt:rly. fixtures an cl St., Costa Mesa. ha.a been awarded of underwater diving) rrom the equipment upon wh~c h the said a Gold Star in Heu or the second Lop doWn. Worthwhlle for the ad· chattel mortgaji!:e Is to be placed Air Medal by the c6fnmanding : venturoll8. consllll6 of the following : g~neral. ] All showcaees, BhelvinJ:". fur- The award wu made for the No Trip Uke Thi,.., and oth,.r nlture, Pquipm~nl and fixturt>8 succeuful completion of his 11th storlH; CUfford c. Crawley. now in said premlfk"s, lnclud· through 20th Combat miaalon Tl)e Houae of Edinboro, Publlah-ing the furnish!01;s of apart· against the: enemy over Korea. era. 11'.15. ment in rear. MMt of tltie Oi3hl8 were made at Perhaps a beltt'r aame for thlll The said chattt>I mortgage l.s to night, with anti-aircraft tire volume might have been ··No Trlpe be ('Xecutf'd and the consideration either being received or ex~cted. Uke Thia." tt ls a collection of therefor .Will ~ pa.Id on the 25th Sgt. Wambold08 "o utstanding five storle8 designed fjudging by day of May, A. D., 1951, at 1415 knowle:dge of radar navigation It. jacket propaganda) ror LhotJe Cout Highway, Corona del Mar. and devotion to duty were in keep· sttklng a slight amutterlng of sex City or Newport Beach. County of ing with the highest tradltion8 of under the appa~nt guise of sym-Orange. State of California, at the United Statea Naval aervtce," boUam. None or the stories are 10:00 o'clock A. M. the citation rt'ad. noteworthy except for the fact Dated : May 7. 19~1 . undetermined amount for medical "Out of the mouth8 of babell expense8, $100 for lolls of earn- 1 come words we !lhouldn't have ings and $190 for damages to the said In the first pl.ace."-Ruth T. Gomez automobile. . Renkel. that they, with their Southern AAGE H. RASMUSSEN California backgrounds !Catalina ROSA A. RASMUSSEN Island, grunion run), might have • Mortgagor some aort of a minor appeal for HAROLD J . HIGGINS the . reader who enjoy8 tht> 1t8ting RUTH M. HIGGINS, • • • ' ' % ·;<JJllENt W.&S of places he h .. vtaited and en-Mortgage~. JOY• the nostalgia of It all. No. 207-Tlmes ~ Btorle8 were moeUy point-PubU8h May 15, 1951 . leu. the lea.at dleappolnting of them a1L The Loet, deacrlblng the lntnnal .tn.aggle of a 12 year old toy trying to reconcUe a c.hlklhood ti·itondlh ip •!Ith the diclatea &lld pnthwaya of hl• religion. Aptly ~nougb, lhe J a c k e t recorda the fact Ulal the author .ts now completing h.la flrat novel. "Fool's Ht-ave:n," Any port tn a •torm, pa.rtlcuJarly when the au- thor lacka the f\rm dl9clpl1ne ntt: EMAry tor a mastery of the abo1·t att.ry form. C:owt C:ontl•••s • • Ptobatlow HearilMJ 'p,,,batton heartna for Marine PJl'C 'Dayld ~ Lonprake. 22. of Cos&& )(eaa., WU continued lul we'e.k ·to next P'rida7 ln aaperior court to determ.Jne 'Lonabnke'a lllatua In the -.. Atty. Uoyd Verry to!d the cou:.·. Loqt>nlte I would be stven on undulnllln clla- dlarir .. from the Marine corpo bo- cauee be hod pieodOd ~ to lNraluY of ... a•~ ...... ,_ la wldc:b -ond -_..to __ ~ . Veny ..,....S Ille .court to snnt Lon,-ite pntllatle ond ponnlt b1m to retum to b1o -ID 'Tnu. I • 1 • NOTICE OF Dl880LUTION Ot' P ARTNER8HJP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice 18 hereby given that the partnerahlp heretofore e:xlating between the WlderRigned, Norman Hagen and Don Rlcbards, both of Newpo.rt Bt!ach. Cal1£omia . en· gagt'd In thP rlshlng bu8lness and, more particularly, In the operation or the veMels ··Emma H" and "Standard,.. hu been dluolved ' and termlnattd .. or the ZZnd day of April 1951, by the mutual con· sent of the p&rtlea hereto. ' The tiustneq heretofore con· ducted bY •the partn~rahlp at 411 31.at 81rftt. Nowport Beach, Cali- tomla.. w!ll be henceforth operated 110le.ty by Norman Hagen. n.t«I at Nowport Beach. Ccua· ty ot Ora.nse. St.ate .ot <:allfomi&, thla 3nl flay of ,...,, 1961. NOfP(AN HAGJ;N !'.!ON RICHARDS. No. 306-nme.. Publloh May ~ 1~51. NODCll OJ!' llALI: Oii' noc:iiii IN abJ.ii, l TO WHO)( IT lllA_Y OONCEllKf T1fJS NOO'JCS of· ln.tmtioa fO ..u • iotock of '°""' Iii -1 Wlta ta ctb tat lllOtlc:.. • ..... by p,,. -Ille _....,.. _, ' . , . r- HAROLD J . HJGGIN lntend8 to n· 00 s ves condillons. 84>11 all that certain 8l k of mer· From the R.ocklng K, we vt8lt~ chandlM> conai!ltlng gffnera.11y of c· L.b ml'llly fi8hing spot.II on LM l&kes leaM', name. stock. (i~turea and at 1tr I ary-· nnd on the Owena River and It. "'fUlpment or that cer"i'n •porting · '"butarles and we saw oome nice ROQ(IH business known M BALBOA trout taken on flle1· and worme. ISLAND SPORTJNGf DS. be· New boo 's R.ddC'd the llbrRry Two 8talwa rt fishermen claimed longing to said HARO J . JOG· 8helve8 du ng Apr_ include th'e their limit, an4 the 8ky WU still OJNS and located at 22 Marine roJlowlng in fiction: high in· the h,eaven8 when they Av~nuf', Balboa Isl , Orange Brand, fhe Ha.Ir lgger Kid, headed out. One waa Dwight County, Californ ia. a d that a Chase, Ne'f York ; Lauritzen, Roberts, the other Cecil Seara. ·ue~ BE SUR~;.l~SURE llAURR . .,. -SU .::::: A~n.~1:~:! tran.sft•t and &.'\Slgnm~ t of lhf' The RDM a.nd The ame: Lewis, both of Lo8 Ankele8 a nd they were 811.me will be made, e. the pur-World So fide : M11 nald, Blind fi8hlng Bi.shop jCreek.. . W • Stuart~f:oote chue prlcl" thereof, II be paid, CartrldgeatMaclnn · Neither From Rocking K &nd envtron8, on Friday the 2~th ~y ot May. P"lve Nor href': Ma en, Rain On WC' drove up to L&ke Sabrina and GENERAL IN RANCE · 1951. at BAY ESCRO CO., INC .. the Wind Priest! Ff'etival: thence to North Lake. The 8now1 Courteou.8 lttf ma.tion 1• 16 Coast Highway, rona del Shepard. J kins· and Tabori, in the h igher !mount.8.ins haven't ZllT ll&l:J Blvd. Mar, Orange County~Call fornla Thp Caravr.n PaJiSl's;. . i;tRrled to met u yet and the at 190:00 o'clock A. That the New myhterics ard.i Cairns, Mur-lakes Rre VCljY low. However, Newport BNc:ta Pb. Rat. ". addreM of said vendor 18 222 Ma-der Goes ~o Press~· Chase, Too many limit ci.tche8 were taken I~=======::!======'. ange County, California, and the They Cs. .. 'f to Ba dad: Eh<'rt. thought lt W&8 cold.and snowy. MATl~<it>E:S rtne Avenue. Balboa !11land, Or-Dangerou.!LTo Be <'e: C~rislif.•. f from LakC' Saf.na opening day,J, addrl'M of said vf'ndee ls 17 Ethel Broken Irrege: Hall ay. Framed Boa~HODM!&"ir'Trollera ty, CalifornWl. • Trieste: a.li e, The1itfarling Sin : Returning to Bi.Khop we talked ·~~N : AVenuf', M iii Val ~ey ,• +rln Coun-In Blood ·~nard, reachery in Knows gion Well Dated, 7 Ma.v, 1951. f . Marlett, D ath Is Iril the Garden; to Charley H!fron8 who knows Coata Meaa Ma Co. RUTH M. HIGtINS, ShaJllt, La! y, Don' Die On My the re~lon like the palm of hi&' HAROLD J. 1-ilGGINS. Dooratep:· ~herldan, The Kahuna II hand. He says I there 18 plenty of %150 Newport Blvd f Vendor Kill er; S~ln. Shoo Me Decent: ~ood fl8hlng wtlhln 'hort dllltance ROSA A . RA$MUSSEN, StranJlt'e, asonsblc Doubt; Tay-of Bishop, notably B18hop Creek. AAGE H. RAiiMUSSEN. lor, The G Inning G mo and Ull· 1 L.a.ke Sabrina. North Lake, Pine ~ Vendee man, Ni_gh Man. "' Crf'ek, Lone Pine Creek, George Slstr of California, l Non-fact n ln clud : Ball, The , Creek, Kearsarte \'alley 8 n d County or OranJ?e. HM. : Compound g and H phf'nation of 1 . Sovth Lake. which won't be open- On 7 May, 1951, ~t&re me. the Engllllh 01·de; B edict. Your ed until May 26. EXCELLENCE in · UPHO(.gTERY ' • • • KIM..-ONS Cwt-. fwl'llfllt•. Dr•Plft'ifl, Cwflttotrs lfACON ~ 4JS £. 17tl! STlEET, OSTA. MESA undersi~·nerl, 8 NotaryJ Public In Begt Ftlerld.8 are Y ur Children; j If _you have tlmf" to pack tn, tilld for said Cou.nly End Stal('. Chapman, PflotinJ:, Seamanship Thunder and Lightning Lake can ~·rsonally appt>art'd a.role! J . and Small Boat Ii , dling; Con-th.• rt•acht>d in 2 houf'!I and 30 min· Hl~gins, A11.gc H. Rae UMcn and ant, Sclen anrl Cfmon Sen8e: ules: Desolation Lake, 8 hour8: .RICCIARDl'S S O.E SHOP Ruth M. Higg-ins and R 88 A. Ra.°'· Cook. Mor FiHh to ry ; Drapl'r, French Canyon, • ho urs and Baker muMen, known to n11to be the Ballet fo lk>glnn rs: Edward l...Rke, 2 tfour8 and 30 mlnutea. ,:,r;: :!:".!'~"':: ~Ni<lns whos.. nam~ a•e -·b· VIII. A Kl g 's Story Heard. Mor-Gilb(>rt, Flower. MaUock Heart, ,. .:,A' ,~ ... •· • "'"' I SI 00 H AJt•r•tl-...... •-dell"9 scrl~ to the "''1thtn nstrument a 8 nee : le l'Y. lnlroduc-and· ·Pot Hole t Lake8 are only CenKt'-.M i and acknowlf'dged tha"l they exe· Ing the Un.ver!M.': Hl,~ine. W~r In short hikes from the road. ~pedk Work I cuted the same. ' ~orea : Hte. cai;n 11as: Hutch-Th05c \vho made Bl!lhop their OUI MOTIO: Hvttd• lmpouU•I• WITNESS my offlt'i~ seal. ts0n, Eve Days a Ho~lrlay : lhi:-adqu.:.rlen ~re not J~ppoint· H0% Newport' Blvd. I SEALl DEAN C BRlDFORD Kamb, W Kept 11fth""r SlnJ!le: rd. Sno ... · fell 1n the higher mou.n-NEWPORT ffEACH Notary Publh.: '1n a for 88.id McCord, y ' Patlerfs Were Zu· ta ins and some of t he i:u.rtle8 nw County and State. lu8; Mitchfll. Yacht\rhan's Cam-I into dilficulties and dlC.:n 't have No. 208 TimC's · ('ra : PapuhviJ,,·, Th..,ks to Noah; 1nuch t.o £how for their trouble. Publish Ptiay 15. tOJ l . Partch, He~ We C ~Agaln ; Pon1-\.\'e f i:iRll: turne-:t f-,;tc.k Lowar{! WATER H ATERS eranz. Th FamilJ Physician : Lol'! Angeles, the distance from 11si:; T-•·L 1-~on Shaw, Sev Play.8 With Prf'faC'C's Bishop being 275 mile.1!1. Tbe trip ATHLETE'S l''OOT and Notrs:: Sun~t. ~~nset Planl· 1 madt' for a very pleaaant week erid Rf;CAtJSE-ing Ideas f Your rulhcrn Call-and we returned t o the cit y re- fornia Gardt'n and 'inslow, Big 1 fre11hed by the tlne mountain air ., "•l 9'••'•' ,ENEr1 ... T1N ,o ..... Wtt"" p 0 t I · d h thin O'X. 11,.dllllf•d .f<.oJtol b•l•, If ~•••I~ ttt. j an· u . I an t e soo g something one •ctl•• .... dif•tio" oEE,lY, t ~n1 Ht• t••M 1 • gets from walk ing along a bub- '" coryf•ct. &el "•PP1 ' i.td IN ONE 1 News·Tt e& ad8 h ve been read I bllng trout stream tu from th~ iOUl or yo11r 4lk b•ck •I y rlHll lfor•. . roder el NEW'°lT IEACt1 HAIMACT. r Jn the H er 40 yeara. affairs O( an Upset world. I . I'd Li toKno You may have bojltd o llUit ~ been the Antitruot Dillloi Wubington to Standard of C Coaet oil com Many people ton U1 proteotln tion, and ma thii ac- bave Wed perlinentcjj.elltiono ::: .. 'I activp .. w. • Cill£ ~· • ' " • - • ' • • ! -· • . ( 1 ,, ! . •'Mat are you doing · 1 to save ou.r oil resources f '' People are concemed th ... dap abo..t A....,.im'• _,xy .,..,,u oil. They aay, "I/ petroleum ,....,.,,... are IJ<wil&~ to ""'Ol<l, wr O<,;rt to be rore{uJ to mako ~ fQ,. cu -i/W. Wllat aro""" bi6 ioom · doirw to saue our oil · '' H-·• ttie auwer te t11et •Htl• .. ){,_.,, ..-oii' ... actually 30 3 -todoy iboa in 1940. Aad ia addition to moJdnc - coveri,., tbe oil ind...qy-Standard Oil COmpony of California aiont with otben-ismakingeatAwtlJ apd mcA Wnl oloi.1 yield man and mOre. CoibpeQ.. tion mabo ua produco and rdno t.llkienlly. Here ore.,... oft.ho-yo ~do ii: • i- • •• ., • • • 1 .. I I 1·. -..•• -•• -......... .,...--~---------· -1· ~,-. ------. ---. ·-· . ~ ~1 ~ ' • I • _T_uesd._...:..y,_M""". -'•y'--15_, _l-96_1_ •• • ~-• \ ,f/ • • • ' "BE'rl'ER DRAW FAST .• COW·POKEY! AJ'OIUC 'L I BLAST Til wrr ONE OF Jl:Y DOZll:N CAN· NON-BARRELED, SAWED '. OPT BHOOTINQ IR9N BEE·BEE SNIPERS!" The apea.ker 19 a atalwart, hand80me man with, amalpm baJr. and a platinum horee. Idol of a m.lllion children and 2 mllllon manufacturers.. The scene I• a lurid IN'C'! out of lhe old \Ve.at cowboys, Indtan.a. and fore· closed mortgage• . . . Curio431jt enough, the bero'1 name la Hopalong Cualdy, and the whole U•eJ.Y affatr la color-e.mbosaed on durable plastic flnilh 11noleun1. A II I can aay la, It wa1 bound to hap- pen! Hoppy ha.a been e~rywbere elae! ·Now clon't riddle me with ·buck-shot, mothera! Be ao klndJy aa to lay down your holate.n orf the ranC'h house floor, and r11 continue. The eo..utae noor Co\'ertftl' Co. hu HOPALONG CASSIDY LINOLEUM RUGS for chUdren'a dena. hide-outs Mnd la.Ira. These unfortunately ccune Ln · all e.ise• A 9x.t2 is only 114.93. When you delight aome Ultle buckaroo or baby bunk-hoUMI queen with one of these rtl1'8. you C'@t a full length portrait of Ca.Midy aod a C&SSidy Button, and · may you au live happy ever a fter. Coastline Floor Coverinl' la at 18th and Newport Ave.. Costa Meaa.. Phone Beacon G:mt .J , . . ' . QUIT IT! CJNOERELLA! QUIT KICKING THAT PUMPKJN ANO STEP OVER HERE FOR YOUR GODMOTHER'S ADVICE ... Don't lake chances with that next' s1lpper fit! See Mr. Harry Bar· her of Barber'• Botlt4-ry: He'a been flltlnc slippers tor 40 yea.r11, and has 21enl thou&al\d.li or merry feet down Ufe'• hlshway. Now you don't have lo st~d tippy-toed to eee Ut.&t Barber'• fa.mlly ahoe store: Is !1.lOCke!I with men. women and children's toot-apparel ror every orc&J;lon ! Summer Sandal a and ca.auala are runnlng foot-looee and fanc iful all ov~r the place. These 1ummery run abouts are ln w hile. ,i:Tttn, ·r~. Sun-Tan and multiple coJora and are a cool $3.95 . $6.~. The ever popular Saddle Shoes In brown and white or bTue and white for c.tl lldt'eii. "1Jrls and growing women are 18.DG and $7.9~. Then t here are KEDETrES. whtch any well read 2 year old knows Is U . S. Rubber .CO.'s answer for eerene eea·•lde itrolllng and sailing. Kedettes are colorful canvas lubed to a bouncy crepe deck sole. fi'or tiny tara, women and aailore. S2.9~$6.60--$6.9n.. Barbf'r'llJ Roole.ry 179~ N'ewport Ave., Colla Mesa. Op..a UWitll 9 p. m . !Sala. • • • CHU..OREN! I WANT YOU ALL TO ST A Y AFTER SCHOOL! Now write thla meuage 200 lime• on the top of a wet R~ Krtap. Ready! Here goes: The Balboa 6 &: JO haa sharp Swim suits for .atripllngs and ati-apllnga age• 1·14 yeara. Any little 'toad can be outfitted for the Big Puddle! LilUe uncover gtrl'1 t A 2 ,a. 11uits are very nicely made and nautically decorated at $3.lft. lnfanl'l'I s11ils, the Born Yesterday sizes are Sl.19 up. Boy's trunks Sl.69 up. Big Jtllllgly men'" Fluorescent and twill trunks look llke a barpin at $3.19 ; Boxer satin shorts are Sl.89. Xiao tn the swim tteene- K.ida BaJboa Tee-Shirts 79c---89e1 And just for laughs. you might give 80me Fisherman a Crying Towel, complete with anappy saylnga ror 69c. Balboa ~ & Io. JOO Ma.Ln, BaJbo&. • • • "KIND HEARTS ARE MORE THAN CORONETS." Ttna bea· con light In a naughty world ahlnea for o&d people seeking a nice hon1e. A few elderly persons "'"ho would like to have 11<>me ' ·good con1pa.n ions. f~sh eggs every day. maybe Co fishing, lake a picnic lnnch to the mountains or go exploring. I have jwrt laJked to Mrs. Chrlaliao Oellrich Who owns an apartment houee In Corona del ~far. She wants lo s hare her home °"'I th a few old people Who enjoy some fun and outings and a feeling ot belng wanted. Mra. OelJrtch ls quic k lo explain t hat thie Is'" not a sleepy old rest home, where: people int and ·rock all day. Thia la a real live home complete with entertainment and rrlendahlps. This la not a mercenary •ltua- t lon-so I think yotJ 'IJ find costs very lhotful. Mra. Oellrtch. a reg- istered nurse Incidentally, calls her haven. llktdekel Manor, c. s . In· \~sttgllte It's located at 620 Jrta. Corona del Mar. Harbor 3009~W. • • • .. T O LOVE ONESELF 18 THE BEOINNINO O F A LIFELONG ROMANCE!" U you can no longer look ln the mirror and fee.I a flne. fierce rapture, then too bad for you! Summer la no time for di~nchantment! But don't blow your top.' glrl, GET A flAIRCUT! Rutb'a Beauty Shop la hep to the latest lre.nd . in hair styling! One new-hatr-cut ln particular might gtve you that aought after '1larlled faun' look. Virginia describes It u a sort of Winged-Wind effect. You mlrht achieve this by standing 3 days ill a wind-tunnel, but who ha.a lime these days? Better go over lo Rl1TH1f BEA l.T\' SHOP. Haircuts are Sl.~$1.60'. Otd faahtoned HQt Oil Shampoos are Sl.50. SHE WALKS IN BEAUTY WHO WALKS out of !38 POISSEITIA.COROSA DEL MAIL HAIL %907. • • • • DO YOU lAKE TO SIT ON YOUR FRONT PORCH IN A ROCKING CHAIR AND GOSSIP? SO DO I: AS fate would have It. J dis- covered a rocking chair over at Garlyle'a Furniture Store In en.ta Mesa. It's unturnl•hed. b4Jt aUJ"actlve and sturdily built. Carlyle' a !'!as custom made finished or unliniahad furnlt.ure to suit ·any puree, Son1e . or the cheata and Hollywood headboarda could well grace ihe boudoir of Princess lofargarel. Or C&rlyle'a e&n lhow you well ma.de Mr. and Mrs. 8 drawer cheat.a for aa low as S34.5o. J saw a neat pine spoon taC'k with planter pan for $4.TtJ. WHETHER YOU WANT t-0 fumlsh a small or large home. you can .,.e up to 50% on theae modern or pro"tnvlal pieces. You'll find TV tables, corfee tables. dining sets, ~an1e tables and moat anything you need. cOuldn't you U&e A LOl.'\'ERED SCREEl'tri' SOMEPLACE? CARLYLE'S HAS th('m in any number or panels and inexpensive too. CARLYLE'S FURNITURE, 1990 lJarboi' Blvd., Coat& Mea.. Bea. 8739-W . • • • • .AB.E: YOU UP AGAINST A B.LANK \VALL? Well. don't cry on my shouldPr ! I've told you ti.me and time again lha.t you should buy aome c: Aluminum l\'aJI Tiiing fron1 Douglas Jan1es. This Is )'O\Jr' economic mean.a of securing bright new waJl• that are aparklihg clean and brilliant wtth color. ALUMIWALL ta entirely .. rustproof and waterwoof-can't be harmed by water. steam. creue or acids. Thhr 11\Je ., 15 euy to k.ee_p clean and ta guaranteed not ~o chtp, crack or peel. If you're plahning a new home or remodel· tng yot1r present Lean-To, lnsilll, aim.ply IN8.18T on Aluminum Wall Tile. Then lake the money you aave and Co to Hollywood Park COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING, 18th A N'ewport Ave., Costa ?.fesa. Beacon 52~ l ·J· • • • 1 -HERE'S A GILT EDGED INl(E8TMENT th&! ~ Will never seU you short! Thi• la a home ror you plua an Income ln the lhape of a 4 unJt apartment bulldlnl:". The building la located In a very de.eir- nble neighborhood. bt1t within walk:lnc dl•lance of BaJboa'a shopping dtsfrtct. A very few .tepe wil' put you at either., bay h'ont ar ocean aJde, and _ there·s a view ot both. The 2 story apartment" UAL ESTATE Itself haa three, I-bedroom apt.a., and otie bup . I -bedroom affaJr. There are tW"O lu'19 patio. ID back . Thia ~ma ll)te a natural for a eami·nitlred couple. or any. body who nal!ZQ the i-tblHUes In • bl&' hlllllc of building-and Iota o~ earth for S30,000 fwttb terma to IUlt). Jhqu;\h .fmther of l!all:r or llm Nowlin. John Burnham Real Eotate. WT !!!. BaJboe Wvd.. Balboa. HaTbor 1807. • I • • • "I LOA THE SEI!!INO YOU JN TH.\ 1: <JRI0:N EYI!! SHADE. AR¥.AND: One "'°uld thlnlt you ...-bae11 at your old poottloa u premte't croupleP al Konte carto!"!. Me taunted. Pleue! t be« · f>f r"'-doo't let W. morbid -taM ~ la your -..1 If you •• ...... fortunate IUld -"""""" to """""" ~ • -· •w>-<lrendted bome by tho -be _.., ~ to p.oc,are - Sun-Gard l!hadell trom tile ..... -,. --Oard -.,. tllo tranapvent. ci.... ·-pi-.. •'ii"" Ulat tilt« l.ut ,........,.. T)>e lklll ~ that -tllo .......... ~ --,.... myoplcl 81111-0aril -·an --Qy pwui.' fl> be H -; "'°"' -lft I.ha& aotbtq. ~: 1-'t It?' Or -be you ~~ Ill.on wttb -la tllo •IRlo~. ~ .. I _., ~-you'N a clll(lt, .ton -. JV.U. )'Wa !'I .... i. be a tJW -tr you --'t tbrllt,Yh. .,._-Oard ........ ,...,t8ot' ...... b...11 -f ~ "9Cellt .upta &qd ...... ! n. plaltle .... ta dark ·-' , ' I ' -, • • •· ' I • • • • • • • • • • . .. .. :· ' . , NEWPORT.Mt IOA NEy.ls.~t.A~ By MARGO t • .., \ C. ~Maine ler Collfns ·~ Geh , . DFC Pipe . . . . ..,. .. .. ,.,,. llerolll!ft wlllJe ~::!pat· Judgment for tHD. phao la· 11q' la urial lllrik,. ot t the tettst from \Dec. I, Ht. WU enemy tn Korea.·· Ila e nr.t granted Wedn~ iltsd•n Lt. -.. J. Toupo, b -d of Pipe • Supply i;:o. , W. R: Kn. "Lella Toupo. ~11 Colllivl. Coot& x.-, ~be<. on &ad llll!t rreen. amber and pale yellow. They an toe a ....... Coot& IC-.,._ been a an accounl 'ci&tm'!9 ~ him toot a.t the ~ ShOp. Don't Jet another evenln• 8Ull ro 'downf DllttnSUiabed Flytnc r~r ptpe and other_ ""P1.bins .wp- our Oki ~ never die-they Juat fade 4way! 8laade 8~ Oli ·OFold Stan ln lieu of Plea. • 1 29tb st., N.,ewporl, Harbor 884. • and third Air Mecl&Q. Supertor _ Ju~ee ~a y mo_ n d • • • · ·The Diltlncul.ohed l'ly r <;roso Thomf"'On ·g~ted tl1 Judgment "YOU IMPRESSARlO. YOU! YOU SVISN· WU •warded LL Tou .1 for bl.a against w .. R. ColllriaJ . althourh OAl.t!" J cried. Harry Klng•ton wa.e bent ,action on two eeparate iulona. the plumber ~tended~ materl· over an early 191fi bath tub making bathln& Tbe citation reach! ln rt: a.la we-re purclued w e be wu >eauUea out of .some rather liomely Chuckle-"On Oct. 9, wbUe·tn port of not connected, with the rtrin be&r- le&da, members of an old ft.lx:k Cod dynuty. the nic-t Cavalry dlvbdo 1 ... Lt. lng hi.a name, , I lou Juat never know what you're Colnr to Toup. d•te enemy a.n(-j..aJrcraft Atty. Royal Hut» • repre- valk lnto when you walk into the ~ and small amui tire, 9CO~ed d irect aenttng· Collin.a, contended that Ute nu Mkt! You can usually walk into Fftnk hit.II on enemy emplacemilnta with matertall were pu~h'.l.ed att.er Suttora tho! Frank ls the ahy-eyed, plea.Sant depth ch&rgu, rocketa 20mm. Co1lina had 90'd out ~LI lnle.reet ln little man who sells you the divine cracked cannon ... deatroytng t e enemy the flrrn July t. t~' 'and tbat crab, the abalone atea.ks and other deJlcate whk:Jt w•• boldlng up th advance. JOMph Rapier andttAnken)' denizen.a or the deep. Mr. Suttora ha:a com-"On Oct. 11 u the le er of a were the ones re: Ible atilce plele.ly replaced the Ancient Mariner. P'rank hu been a flahennan, helicopter eacort ln eea ch of a t hey were. operatinc plumbUlf and in the fishiftg business one way or another for 40 yean or more downed Brltllh pilot beh. d Com· bwrine&i under a pure ap-ee- rtgbl ln Newport Beach! Frank hU undoubtedly caught,. eold or munlet llnca, Lt. Toups eucceM-ment. Dutlhg' that peNod Colllnl lost bigger and ,Mtter fish than any one of ,Ou! Beildea llnowtng tully located the pilot, lntalned wu operating a uran~lJm mlnVtg a.II about ftah. Frank speaks 6 or 8 languages Including Tagalog. air cover and directed J1t> hell-OPf!r&lion at hi.a Coa:ta kesa place, Better leam to like flllh. Ute's rare, racey and a&lty 7 DAYS A copter to the man. thcteby er-he said ! WEEK at the B&yalde 1',_h Mkt., 2800 Lafayette, Newport, 8 a. m.-',~~Ing the. rea~te dcaplt~Hdct~~~-Atty: Robert Webb, contended e :30 p . m. n~ enemy re.a.,, ance . . e uren Colljtra was reapo~I e , havtnc • • • accompanied the hellCop to Bll· taken back Che farm fter about I'M FOREVER STUMBLING OVE!R these i!l8l In navigation and to sure its 10 mont8 of operati n by the aafe return de.aplle a mar lnal fuel other men. booka ·that a~ titled "Eat &: Be Jolly," "Eat &. auppl\', .. VISITS AT ST AN•' RD • "' I ' .. 'L_. to Hem a ·Good lll:A& 'lBS 80. (lAID', llDILI!! COLLIWI!!' llALE q ., lbe ASSEMILY OF GOD CHURC . ZIJM W. oor:AN FRONT. ' s ' , • S...day, May 20th at 11 a,m. & 7:1 . i p.111. REV. T. A. KE88E4 DEAN, WILL MINJs):EBi BEV. DANIEL PEOOTA, Put<>r " . . • FOR COMPLETE llARBOR NEWS OOVERAqE • -TWICE A WEEll -I NEWS· TIMES and THE PRi:SS $3.50 per year for BOth .r NEWPOllT HAllBOR PUBLIMHING CO. t Be Thin," "Eat &: Be D.&rned." The one that really taaclnalea tho' la the one called "You Are What You Eal!" Which Ia fine with me as I have alreildy decided to be a COCOANUT MACAROON rrom tbe .Newport Bakery. By abttt diligence I have worked by way up to t,ecomtng the chler lab. technician of lhla Batter Parlor. I teal every- t hing they make there. Lut. week I waa Cookie Teater. I stamped a.JI the cookies "DELICIOUS" Mra. Ernest Saftlg of ldo lslt> hu retqrned home after pending a week with her d•ugh er, M iss Jean Reed, ~t Blanford 1ivei-slty. %%11 Balboa Blvd. Phone Ha r 1111 , .. The Chocolate Chip, Bulterecotch, Fruit Ba.re. Sugar, Dutch Almond. Great Gobbling and only 30c a doz. And the Rusalan ( ll you'll pardon t he expreuion 1 Rye and Pun1pernlckel breads, and the 1PQ% wheat laaf will make you Eat .t Bf> Happy. Open l day• a week. .. NEWPORT BA.Jlt:RV, 2112 Ocellll Frojit, Ne°"'rport. Har· bor 14t2-R. • • • HOW TO LEAD A OOUBJ~ WFE ON DAYLIGHT SAVINGS · · OR BEAUTY ANO THE BUDGET. Alex Coln1an. the ingenious •·abrlc-Calor has designed t10n1e Seat10n In Th ~ Sun dreues that lure warm glances by dsy or night. The Jo-Lc-e Spurt Shop hu one Co'lman crell.llon In the popular summer while Plcolay with guehlng skirt, overcaat with bright noral patterns. The aklrt Is only Sll.lft, wil,h matching, aleeveleM blouse at S4.9ft. Then there's Glamol,Jr be~ fore and alter dinner In the boned bualllne, polished cotton 11un dte88 ht eolld Violet. Kelley. or Plum. Thf!:11e poli3hed gcJna can ·be worn "'Ith strap.a or very decollete ... budget.. tagged 11.l Sl&.95. An· other -Sun up or Downer I• In rJoreJ c hlntx: at S1~.9o: Gild your1ielf In one of these lovelJes. Then watch out for enchanted daye a.nd evening•! JO-LEE SPORT SHOP, 1830 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. • • • HOW'S YOUR T.ASTE. BUD? Don't be down at the mouth! Here'a a \4'B.Y to perk . up your pancreas ! Mexican food. contrary to popula.r opinion Is not a merchant's 4 bell a larm on a hot blue plate. It's delightfully spiced food lhst 1s difrerent! But a word of warning from an old addict. o nce you cultivate a taste for the Mexican dinners at CASA DON CARLOS. you'll be trying to grow taoo weed under cqver In your own back yard: But rKlher than risk a ahameful denouement. cultivate this esoteric taate In 1"8 natural hablta.t. A 11n1a.JI bi1tro. clean anri R.tmoephcrlc ... if you enjoy 81'.>(l lights, a beer, a.nd a nilld mellow glow from L.a Ba.nda'a enc hiladas, frljoles and chili rellenos. PrJce1 are of the quick Jundt coµnter type. but rood and It's reaulta a.re Hotel Re.torma-Muy Bien . . . ?Caaa Don C&rloa, l 13-22nd St., Newport, Har. 2638-M Closed T\Jee. • • • ''THEN WHO WILL TAKE THE CRAIN TO THE MILL ?" said the Little Red Hen. U my memory serves. the Uttle Red Hen Was forced lo do the job hentelf! But never . mind. you may learn the Inside dirt on lhi• blt..rnyard fltlaco for only 26c! The Hou~ of Hilrmony has a large library of n1ldget music lovers Playtln1e recordings In unbreakable phutlc 45 and 78 rpma. Oh. I tell you us kids never had It ao good! Children's favorite stories are now produced in combination record e.nd 'story book albun119. Great tor 1&udlo-vl1ual training a.a tiny kids aoon learn to read. One cl&salc tt.lbum. ''Hopaiong C&&aldy and The Singing Bandit" tells the child that everytlme Topper whlnnJea on the record, ll'11 time to tum the page or the story book! Any or these fascinating children's records or albums make gi-eat girts and educational entertainment. The RCA Automatic •a record change,r Is only $12.95! The deluxe model with portable carrying case, amplifier. and 'Speaker la $34.93 ... an ideal gra.duation gtft! Music of the ages for any age Is al the HOUSE OF HABMONY, 1817 Newport Ave .. Costa lt{eaa.. Bea· con 6737-3653. Cornentone (Coatlaoed from Pase 1) boa Ialand, In a store building on .\sate avenue, acroea the atr~t from the new churcii . Previous to that time chJklren had been picked up by boat and taken to ChrlBl Church,' Seeing the need for eervlcea ror adults u well as children, Mr. Goodell eecured Or. White, whose home was on the ialand and who had juat com- pleted build'lng the first tmll of the t..kewoOd City church. u putor. Flrst preaching service was on Dec. 3, 1944 and on 'Dec. ~. 1949 the group organized aa Balboa Wand Comrtiunlty Mel hod I • t church, purchaaed a alte and started work on the· church the next year. Asked by the conference and home . miaion board to 'rai&e $9000, the congregation. h-paid to dale $13,425 on-the building. On the bulldinl' committee are Clem Cbrtltle, Percy F. Balnes, George .Jones, T . R. Hauser, Mra. Baines, Mra. Hauser, Mra. W. E. Bowlea and the pulor. Introduced were membera of the building committee. Rev. Goodell, Rev. Thomas P@ndell, present pa.a· .. • I I MftClns Hear (Coattaued rrom. P•C1!J l) fy aa federal aid secondary roads. Sellm Franklin, president or ~e chamber. presided at the n1eettng. He said the state hJghway de· parlment had made substantial ln1provemenl In their earlier pro- pouls for the freeway, which called for no parkJnr on the free- way and for a fence through the town. DRIVING AT SAFE PACE Knowing that you should drive at a aare pace ia one thine. KnoYo"• Ing what that pace should M , lie· cordini;: to the National Automo- bile C lub. ta ,oflPn quite anothtt. Since r oad and traffic conditions vary greaUy and frequently malle 1evere teals of a driver's judg· ment, the wise driver will alway• 1>1'1 It sa.te by undereaUmaUn,r lhe speed at which he should drlw. H e will stay on the &IO\Y 8lde and keep hirrutelt sate. tor of Chrlat Church by the Sea; Architect Frederick Hodgdon, and others who helped efltabliah the church. The ceremony ·cJoeed wttb benediction by the Rev. Roll&bd M. Tincher, Jr. of Oranre. • • I • • i I BY THI · FAITH WE . LIVE I . . OUR Ass ATION is a fellowship of man, for th st who worlt, economize, saving, an fl1trcha11disers of hofl1este 1 I / • . I "ian btings fo,. hu"ian beings. jV'e exist for the com11101J d saw. We are educalon in habits of saving, trustees fi I tis in bthalf of families ,;ithout ho111es. · · . ' R FAITH l I . : WE BELIEV ~ in Sa vings and Loan A I ociations as institutions for safety of savings, promotioi of th,.ift, P,.t tection of capital, and ts blishmtnl of howus.. I ~E BELIEV~ in th~ sanctity of the ho t , in tlH stu,.tfy pat,.iotism centeri11g i11 a hom~'. i~ t~ ,.,ght of tvep family to ta,.n pnd owy a home, an'llthat the suprt"lt test of an A ssoczat1on 4 tht m.tasu,.f if its str-vi(t in teaching ihrift habits and maltingfa1nilies investors in Ame,.ica through in tfl1tnt in homes. I , t I WE BELIEV, a Savings and Loan A1!fiation is a publi('ff'llSI, that all i11 its ser vice a,.t truste$ Jo,. othtn, 1"d that consent Jo any It . ,,. ser-vice J/"m public stnJi(e is a violation of ou,. t,.ust WE BEUEvl that ca,.tful app,.aisals, s nd inwmiunts,. constNJative dividends, a1nple ,.eserve~ t;tnd adapl,ttion of policy fo changi•g social nttds'are fu11da"1ental to fulfilllnenl of our sttwa,.Jsh/!p. as a Sa vings and Loanr ssocuuion. l i ' ' WE BELIEVf that safety of satiings is I first responsibility of a Sa vings and Loan Associatio1~ that /n(omt and dividends art secon~ry, and that any Jisbuntmtnt of funds except for safo. in(omt o,. i~t welfare of wumbtn an tlH (Ommunity is intkftnsiblt. I WE BELIE~ tht Association that se,. s btst, and Jht best tkst,.JJes suc(ess, holds ho110,. abo gain; (htr~hes equal ethical standa tis in b111iness and personal lift; a((epts and meets 1 ,.tsponsibifttits to its (Ommun/ty; ,.tsp ti its shartholdn-s, its employees, and itself; guidts a , adJJists its embtn stljltssly; prott,ts ;,,,,,, in tlH profits of thrift; gua,.Js thtm in ownmhip ' thtir hom . ; is fai,. with bo,.,.owen, patient with tk/inqutnts, but ntvtr neglectful of dut · sel"fJtS all . n wiihout bias_ of ,.tligion ~,. ,.ace Of' pol_ilics; is not movtd by ambition for influen or lust for owtr; is not ballttd by ct~re· nor bought by JWaise; is an Association of humani and of an fo,. the people of today in t Uniutl St4tes of today. 0 To this f tN h ,;e dedicate oJrstlJJtS • I • • • I NEWPOR VINGS AN ., •• o .... Dt•~OTO T•tt.t.•u .... ,. v1ca ..... , • • ••• ... ,.,. • .e..~ ta4 ...... • I • ' , ··-· -· __ ;.:.i.. __ - . R PLEDGE ! I I nd ouf' Association. 1 n this faith we serve and ho p f. By it tw livt. BALBOA -FEDERAL LOAN ASSOCIATION II'. &. ltA\.MC•. ~•1:5•Dlt"fT ' . ~ ····••he• .......... .. ,. ..... ! ,; .J. ..... , \ ...... ..,. l . j ! l I · I -' l- ' J • ..I i '1 1 I I ~ ·I I j \ ' ' •• I ArNlf . CDM Wom• ,,. Js t Cllrck e-.. · lllA•Xvsani M~ 31, 1 • Seavfew Ave.. Corona del .. "'11..iuJed to appoar ID "!ti-T.,.,.~tp court _,_. to taee two chu&u 'ot '8ou· •• cn .• ,~•tJou. checb. _.., -l80u<!I dgllt tic· w"'"' dlecka ln tbe harbor area loWlDlr ~tely $11QO. Po- lice pu. ,Ect--Vincent McMantcaJ alJepd IUt Wttk. She WU booked P'tlll&7 by Newport pollc:e and RDt to 0rann county jaU With b&il ot '5()00 .. ti by Jud6• D, J. Dodr. She waa atll1 ln cualody s.tur- clj7, i.I ncoroa aho"!ed, not llav-* •••811 ._.. , ' / .. /~-- ,(/ • Tbeft.C:~'::i~ a .•J>&re U.... and -.i .,..... .._ted bJ Newport P.Ollet W~•aSq. SEU~ · ur&n: ....... • ,...g -~ itni.i; Fo....-<JL.a-·nlc'allu Mn. -It. -..bNll ot ~ Two qulel·tltle. aplnlt &•pared ot ~ 1-4 --1A118, Coe!&" W-, ¥-tued 'lut WeoJ\•ln eu ruJ -te tor Sl4•.11Jn lliW _. ,.UtleMil llljlotlor cootrt ~-l!t· by ~ Newport-M matf.rla.l9 wu .ou1ht In .upu1or te,.. of ~tlOSl of the dt.trtct, eeekln.I' .to c court laat week l>J Harold W. 1'111· llllaU o( ber Ill•.,...,, tjharlee H. to two pocela ot N ney Of f'ih.ney'a: Auto OlUI and Jtorat.cb.. wbo ~ away lut real eat&tt;, Def~~~r Coast JPMJe A. Wo1.;w.-1116 Second Ave., Corona del ~· complained to poll«.a apa.re; Ure and whttl wwe taken ftom the "'ar of bia car parked at tha addreaa . 801 McCartney, 202 -U.t St., Newport Beach, said t. car radio wu ta.ken trom ht. car while It w.. parked in the Udo theater Mtrror Wot-Jt_. of Santa . .\n&. H..:-A,pril %74 She MJd tb~ e1tate J.n .. W . and Peart 0. Ande 1n one named Dr. and M.ta. CbauncKord cluda penon&I property 'Valued at action and Roy W. M",..---th and M"""'l' .. .,,.,,,. ... ot U.. pooperty ''leaa than $10,800". and re"1 -Bu-Mor Pelrolewn . in U.. I lllllU6• and R.>bert s. i:loldm .. ccmU¥-tate Jn Lot AJJ&e ... with fM.O an~ other 1uJt. LOT. nual rental value. Other hel:n arr -----~ two daughter, her , ~Utioli aet HOLLISTER N .. l;g]D rorth. Hollister: located ght mllea parklns IOL McCartn•y aald tho HOME FBOH o .uu..um radio WU taken by someone twill-' Mr. &J\d Mh. wuuam Staqullt south of the Pacheco &II Route • in& the bolta atta>!hing the radio I and dal!thter 8llen or Law& Pl., ON VACATION to the car until they broke. T:-ie Costa i.tba.a, &re back rram Oak-Mr. and Mn. Lee Barna of Udo ln San Benito county, reported The tomla Sta ca.r was rone lhroup but nothing land wherl.! ttwy pa.ued a n ,.aber Jl\le left la.It week on a tour which Ne wu t&ka., M 1 ad4ed. .. ot : . C!..lll t'r ya. \vill take tbem acroaa ntany of the -\Y f:Slern •tatu. They CXP4,'Ct lOJ ~ -People do read t.M want •"!-Claaattled ada co•t lltUe. do much .. I back by .lune. 1 by the N alional .A.uto obile 'Club Civll Dec.+J.se say1: • to have been named or c.o.tonel j la ln.u~. We hope W. W. Holllaler, an e ly pioneer. have to It, but have It. OUt v«y ...... -, -Peoplt! ao read th want ad._ may pres'' e peeulH ' .. . ....... ~ i ' • I f-B1l81NE88 01JJDJ: COMPJ...91'11 BOUllJ: CULUCJNO ----..... .a.mpaortd. ftee .Um1•x ran, Im Jod. Al's House .& Rug Cleaning. Co. '8N:ccm 9111 ntre For Venetian Blinds, Slwlee and Drapery Hdwe. THE ,SHADE SHOP Fl'ee estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach 93ttc . ·.T .... y, p EARLS y ll, J91f 1'11 P&lm'!F St., !:la ... -.&u1~ - DON'T DELAY. 1LL TOD_.\%' . . , tor an ad tn th Uvelf da.MI· tied aectlon ot tbe · • . ' BIG THRllit- New.-T1me1, Poet Jru.pplnr Nf!'ft and the q;;; om 21 ,500 .cmfunoN .rs THE ANBY(EJi! ' PHONE Harbor 18 to pace your wa.nt ad on ~ H. H. HOLBROOK P~nDI.-iJXll'NLA!~ DEPENDABLE PLUMEING "The ee.t ~aoef Call B"''' .A Prompt · -'V . ftepalT 8emce Maintained fil2 " ,MtJI et. ft '8earb Phono: Harbor 108-W PHONE HAI\ OR MCU 2801 Bllllboa Blvd., :Newport Beach lStfc Wlae peopte do ,..S the ada. UITll:RIDlt -ilXNRIOll PAINTING LICICNl!l!:D -INllUUD Glenn Johnston ~01 • 31st St. Newport Beactl Harbor 2297.J 84c441 PAPER HANGING and P AlNTING Kenneth Quarry 1516 Santa Ana Ave., O>eta Meaa Phone Beacon 6604. I t-PEB.801'1 AL8 Alcoh.olica GENTLEMAN drlii!ng to Van- couver , B. C., sobn -dal~ passenger &nd~re driving. Reference. exc g.ed. 6lf Or~ chld, Corona del Mar. Harbor 1159-1.U{. I 11p1s 12Uc !z-LOST AND FO DON K. BUTTS LOS'l;-One -cultu.r pe&rJ drop 4 Lie. Genei:al Contractor Residential--Commercial Ran9deling e&r ,.mg; Thur ay evening, May 3rd at B&l~Yadtt Cub -probably near phone .or in parking lot . Sent ental .a.lue. • Phone Harbor 6 daya, or • • • ' I . 'l . Through a closely knit .i;~·st1..•111 kil '~'n as Co-OTdinated DistrilnuiO.~, ker.ps t~tr~leurn pro<lu"-·t~ ll ~1\\'H) 1>111oUCh~y fron1 oil fields and re6 to 1ndustr), the AnneJ J.orces. a1 motorl!tu throughout the counuy . . " IN IT TOGETHER -to fit your ·pee~s Every daylthc petroleum industry delivers over 290 million gapons of petroleum pro.du cts to meet •the nation's needs. rou expect and you get your share when and lwhere you want it. · To lit your needs, Shell employs a sensitive system c:illcd Co...erdinated Di.rribution. This me~cs 'crude oil supply, tn~portation, refinery output, and delivery of finished I pcoducts. It knits the inaicate machinery of petroleu~ production and delivery into an efficien.t =mbly llne stretching from the oil fields to you. And, as 2 result, petroleum products Cost Jess here than anywhe~ dlse in the world. _, I . . .1 ~oil-UN/vi: Oil contril:ftcs m hund~ds of ways t? the nati?n'~ • cconom1'. comfort, protection. It produces mo~ than half of America's power. Co:ordinatcd Distribution is anoth.er example of how the Oii industry gets the maximum usefulrtcss out of our petroleum supply. And oil'companics, to do this, work on J fronts: production, relining and distribution. Join«/,. ..._ y-,_, Production finds new oil fields, gm the. most p<>sliibic oil from cx1sting w~ls. . Refining g<ts mo~ and better products from everv gallon of crude petroleum. , · Dlatributl" .,.tic.'ipates the men' needs, and dei~ers the p~uct where and wha> It is llftded. . •• , With production. relin!g. and distribution all joined "under one roof"-rea.J>cd to exchange ideas-ShelJ. does its part to assu re tit most effici~nt flow of petro- leum products to you. ·1 I . To -11riflten Amwial: Because they have pl wed back over .1 O billion d ollars into new pla_nts nd equipment since the end of World Wat II, Am ica's privately managed oil companies outproduce the world-are better pre- pared today than ever ore to meet both civilian and military needs. ,. • · i I I Shell Oil . r , ~Company • I . . . 1118 W• M lta 111t, ~ A.ltPlcz 14 GIOllM .. 111111 1 • ' lit ' . \ Phone Beacon 6406-W 17Uc CALL Christian Oellrich tor eu1uJ1ve' wall decorating We apply &ll wall 1cover\ngt1 &20 IRIS, Cor.ona deC Kar (Harbor 1474-J .e..) l ltf LOST-Diamond "'41"4irell-x cinli in platinum sett• ~vet) Edith a.nd Fred 1. tABt vtc• lnity or Lido i.1 -Bay Oub or Bay.shore Rewe.nl. Be-- public Z·7~97. 1 llc29 Harbor 8009-W 14cl9H U-&ITUATIONS .. Rev. White ~Continued, from Pl.le l) a18o ae.rved u pUtor there in 1897. ·ID 1918 Dr. White WU named supertnte.ndent o! lhi! Freeno di•· U1cl which contained a.bout M churcbea toe.a.led in the Fr.eaoo. . Xoroed-and-Ow.e11..>Yalley ~J<;!.s. Dr. White rememben ;thoae dayi very well, particularly the won· derful tiablng lD that aectlon ot CaJ lfornia. · Dr. Wbile returned to Alhambra ID 192(, an,d enjpneered the build· Jng o_t the $2!;0,000 Alh&ml>ra church. Several week.I ago he had the opportunity .to return to that Church and pl!Mdl tbe llilver an- niversary ~re. la 1921, he serv· ed. In -¥0»,lca. followed by ti ve years lD aun.ank. q.atellllrlp H e thm -fo Long Beach Grace cbllrdl ta wsa· and recalllJ the earthquake ~s.e. ••0ur $100,000 educational pla.nt WU .0 abakeD that It waa condemned by -aull>oriliaa. It -$60,000 for repair work;' he a.ya. He waa a.ulped lo Qkndora In. 11137 and atafed at that church for four yeara. In J.j4l lie WOllt lo TllJ1Mtp and raleed lb• debt a\ !Ml clnu.:h. Due Jo hla ap. he wu .automatl· calljr reu~ &Dd 1p011t tJ>ree Idle .t'UIJUJ)tt mODtu, later recei.vin.( & call· IP Co to I:.e!<ewood. SUll not bellerlne llllneelt re- tired he wcot -aad wl1ll typ- ie.i •nora save Ille lmp<t.ua IJ>at ....utt.ed bl Ille )>Ulldlnc OI lh• churc!lat~ .. WOM.A.N e~rien d wi::tuld like day work, ING -Aleo "house openings." Anne Pel· kus, 350 Avocado Coat& JM#. Beacon 691•-W. Utc21 LADY w ...... hou+ .. k by the da~ or hour. llx rieneed. ca,... able. Have t rtatlon. 1164 w. N~IC'!\l'fl · ,.t,J>~ '.·I~ G. L apLJ..EP' : . . ~ job for summer OJf bMt. C&n do navigating, radio.;mech. Pleue write K . i'!. M.ea , 6:>03 Mala- bar St., Huntin n Park, CalU. 19j>24 -llELP WA AIRCRAFT PROD CTION Ma· chiniata. wanted t once -all shift.a. Capable IP&D for 3rid lhift. OffJoe Saturday and Sunday. i3 W . 17th st., Costa Meaa. lktl AID MOTHER---Gdi'I houaewOJI<. tive m. Prtvatefm • bath. under 36. _$100 o. Har. 0380. 19pll WE HA VE AN o..m.Il.a for an Aulatant Boo~~. ea.bier .. Experience probobiy n_,,. but might \>e ortoet I>)' .....,,.. tlonaJ alertnea. A QUlcJme8a lo learn. Position ta per;manent to the right app otflce la comfortable, equi meat ia new and modem. We iUPf>tr -coffee OI' coca--cola twl a da7. We do not tole.rate k>af g er chatter. but we. &re JW!lt loJ'ely people to work tor. SJ:Z.- P, A. P~.a Newport Bal-J' ral 8&Ylap .. Laea latloa USS Via Lido -lllO .irott1 Dr. Wljlte" ~ canie lo New- port -Ill l.H& ... -le putor rL 'Qrlat Cllolrall ~ lbe Ilea al lhl! time w11m Rey. B. D. Good•ll .... pUto>. Dr., White aid· lbat It. WU at Ille --WANT Marine -Die Of Rn. GCJOdoil! u.ai ,... ~ IJUlt "" tint "taat~=.· P<-·o,jcm a.-.. ~-la.., llMcraft, 8'6 .,.. -"7 -. at di Apl.e .~ N-i>ort &aclL ,..17'11 ..,,..... ..... QlllY ~ ....... -oi t1¥ ~ at' Ibo WANT Or:ieiital for'S ataft,• M '¥ 1 • .: • 11\Ult& Haun l 'IP. II. dollp, :r~ =., ':6;: ..... ~:=-~~=::-::t~1j~=~=~~)'W~-~~~-~lt..~t· ':":'":·:·:~:' .. =· . , ::.-:,,;p~~ -=-T4m;c -!OP 11.48 ~~~= . ........ .. .._, ·..: •A '-f' fj ")I ..... W ..... ,,;·~~;;;•;;•;¢~ ,.., to DI 111 1111& ........... f9 Vb-.,. :.+--'"!",;; 1--·· -._. ... . ... ,.... • ... • , • ..... .._. ----. -;-·--.-----..------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-----·--·------------ - - - - - -... .. ' - - --,.. - -.... -• T ....... ___,,.........._ - --- . - ' , • • • . I ·1 . ,,,. ~ , EL -Etl-IONS '•of RE-A[< ~·s ·tA ·TE ' LI . TE . M.A NY . -; it HiO ICE • ' . • JI &UC, ROAD. llUPPµD . ALMOBT · Nll:W .. ood a" Ml.nn~ ij;;girie ·.::· · Wt ar-llOWU PW d " h. p. ·s ~ ~· t .motor. Vflf'Y r ble, 09 • peel lB . · ., lluguuite., Corona I de! MU .. ·semce al your t .. mool'klg. Harbor 1083-R. 17cl9 Pre-aummei' tune--up.-_ ready • 1 ' your boat tor lb~ comtnc aea- • ' -¥.! block to bay, • ... "'.MT.An: .. " • • ~E ARE BtJrS! · $12,500 EACH • ,.,. ?lhLco table mOaei · radio, cot .on. Cu.st.om :jtea for run.a· mat.treaa and alrp:a.ne Jugpgf.. I... Pillow 12. Phone .Har. 1317-W. "bouta. Pbone. 1 1-.w. k.21 17cI9 INTERNATIONAL 14, like new. 8 yean old very neat and cleair 2 bedrooms 4. bedrooJBa 11h 'batba I older, but cooc1 dean and -it built Ideal far family . ' ·• -----------,.-Reaaanable. Call 1440 W. S., Television SerVic'e Ave.. Newport c11. Barbor· May we check your televlaton to bring back ··new-aet" pertonn- 0896-M. 9eB 8.Q.C• ! For prompt service Pb. at--Mt181CAL. RADIO VINCENT'S T . V., Har. 3003. 1------'-------- 18c20 ~ Complete insta.llatio.n, Tepa.ir and • -aenice ot 1111 trailer equipment. ORANGE COAST · TRAILER SUPPLY 1~10 HARBoR BLVD. SPINET piano. Repouessed. Pay out ~ balance $287 i • Another re- possession, $ 3 9 15. D A N Z· SCMJIYr Big Plano store. One hundred ·pianos from 'which choose. 520 No. Main, corner 6th, Sant.a Ana. Iota of tile fireplace, panelray nice patio • oorn:er peninsula lot l'h ~ks to bay BAY and BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. ' Jack Miller Gloden Harbor C-. ...... Phone Beacon 622._R COME IN and 1'14Y the 'IO<IDder· -WA:Nft:D TO USI IT WILL' PA YOU ful new Hammond Cbord Or-1-------------The Island 31-WANTl!:D TO lltrY w A1f'n!:O--- E• RLT OOLT REVOLVERS . . l'tlol>e ff..-1•%7 17p19 . Bargains! Bargains! See Tbeee LOW Prices BDlDIX Automatic wUbe.r, re- OWM!ltkmed ............. .BARGAIN Ea.or WIUridry pon&ble washing -................................ $34 .50 "Near!J DeW G.E. retrig. 9 gan. Even ii you doa't know a note of muak: you c&D play beautiful music kl ten mtlrutee. DANZ.SCIDUDT Bl&' Pl.uio a Organ Co., HO No.-lllaln, 8-nt.1 AJ\&.' HURRY. ON TBJS-.allcbtlF -bl<>nde lnabopny opillet ,..... Save $180. T..-S'/2.81 -.. ..... U0.7e --at 1111.u>--KUSic oo. !8190e -11. Ul N. SyctlDMle'e, Sut& AM Klmbe.-ly 2~2. 97U.. RENT 1' ~o. Sii per mo. All ' rent allowed If )'Oil l>uy within ternul. DANZ-8CIDODT, !illO N. lolaln, ~ .... P:;., ";;: ~-~-T!18995 _u_s_mo-~--P-,-.-N~OS--,.....,------up-. Good pla}'lnc ....tltlcw.. DAN7r automaUc tuning tooe COil-SCHllIDT 5JlO N .,.._,_ ---Ud. .-. 1l>O<ienUstlc • . -· ~ Ana, cor. 6Ul. naahogaay cabinet ......... '89.95' -~· --~~---~ EZ TenDB LOVELY MD>rmi: &lU: ~ 1%\j, •• RloMe C-Oruoole TV -· PB:RMANlCNT Rr1"Lf-t-a-eed minimum I bdrm., dbl. -. prefer a.rse -.. lot. P. 7" 1rid mwiclall. VUot -· N• drink-. Boy UI, s1r1 6. Furn· -or~-C&ll Kim· berty a.-1. i1p21 ~~ a HOU!IB:ll RENTAL t' . TWO lJ1'llT DUPLEX, each 2 IL R. Top Location. ' You can't beat this for only . $14:,000 . J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Island Fen-y to tab ad11:antage weekly SPECI CLUSVIE offeri t of our L EX· LIDO the ISIE has i-n "Southlanda moet l>ea.uW'ul ooaatal oommunit '' Be.re you have f'me h wil.b size and prioe to fit your pncltetbook. L 0 K a l. : SPECIALISTS C&ll -~ BALBOA POINT -3 bdrm.o. fireplae<!, furna.oe, hwd. !loon, Llnwood Vtck. RI tor.· aprinkle.., fenced yard. N .... · lheae: 1. Low!ly new large home on choice everything. Specit;l . bedroom t . Hu ...... , ... Bv. 1N1 11c64 bay and ocean, s11;000. tne 2. Ju.wt being comple ..uqu. CORONA DEL )(AJl -% bdrm. --i.y. r-. """'· bdl. Sammer ~ ,.... ..... (Oln>a· tlon <¥> 114. &,-Piece. Corona del Mar. ff&r. -· Ucd )llram&r, Balboa. J8c21 bome on ~ ft. Jot.~3 'bedroom.I., 2 loatha, l.Wllt beat, cl oolor· ~1000 down ID&' and a woo BUT at SUMMER COTTAGE, fum.iohed. 3_ ~~~ b~il~~ ru..Jto otN!e.t Garage. 2 yea.rs Lld. ~ &aY .zi> ALSO 3 bdrm house, Costa Meu lot -alao on LlDO ~ a • &6000, EZ terms. bed.room, l ' b&tb., 3 pn.ce,. D $1!>00 B. $179.95 · piano iD perfect coodi:Uan. Tenna $22.87 down and SI.SO per, mo. at SHA.FER MUSIC 00. (Silwle 1907), 4-21 N . Syca.more, Banta AJ>a. Kimberly 2.(1172. 17U. Summer Reservations · ,. NBC REALT\' Co., 3116 Newpor1 unit heat, diapoeal, ge p&tlo and a JWST borne .!al!.,1-lMt-::rt;' , Blvd., Newport Beach. 17<:1~.... O]tJLY,. Ul.!iOO. Keep iD tOllidl with m: for &' ...,. ID TV ...,. being ~ in - WllllllS11!2t ...... recorder for dlc- taticm. ek.. ~ wl th ex- tra wire, foot OOl1t.rol and car- rftnc caoe. SACRIFJCE --"' ~t buy! &A.ST 'l'l!RMB ARRANGED GRAND PIANO. MMoo and Hamlin. U.oed, ~ W.. new . ...._ ~ macntf t 8teia- -y at'-......ty hall . Many 'otben: Klmiwll 'Jlwt:s.. man, Wurti~. ~-.id...,;q Bush aad Laae. SCHMIDT WG Pl.AN<) Santa Ana, 52'! N . 6th. Olb JiA'ND ' '· ....... , -,,•il !'A!Q! ,,;·~~~80. SELL OR LEASE for ~ t:.o& and -you ment, l;-i mile strip from Santa to °"'"· Pri to Ll<lo ble B&J' ra-t -.. I Md '· 2 --'7G •-11p. llar-!502. e'ftS. Har. 814-K . tftl<' LIDO ISLE · ll you want a rmtaJ <m low:ly UDO ISLE w ua. 8e¥e1-a! eood Aometi avaltat.W. AJ... aprn.. mcmta by week or month. Ana riv•r weat on eo..t. RJcb· 5. Super ape 8pid, spa.a way. Write P, 0 , Box 5!.:: New-NORTH B ·YFR home. port Beach. 1'.f.tk Top location largllHt , 4 bed- OWNER selljng sn1a1J home oo slip and horn all r' shed for rooma, 3 s. ,fip.ler &.Dd rear of 1ot. Room to build, $4.800 attractl vt> v ue $55,000- DA VIS-BROWN Co. ~ H.ARBOR BLVD. 008TA KESA Phone Beacon 6821 411 0 '.d County R<l., Cosla ~~s~ SEE THIS. i' 1 P. A. p A L M E 'R .. -REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE A so i' INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 WANT TO EXCHANGE modern Somf' ver y desJ hie fo.-.aale NEW Kaytag WUbe.r $90: Chlld's TWO LOVELY ued piano& wardrobe d>etlt $10; % Montere y both like · ai-dl&ln 13 ea.. Roper range $10~ · DeW. -& •vkl.p. PllioDe Beacon 1111-w: J8c20 T erm.M. $ft.ft dowa $11~ ttuc 3 bdrut home in San Bernardino on UDO I~. :;t water· for Newport or Col!IU Mesa front lots fo unit.ti ot IN CORONA DEL MAR-Home _ Ownt>r , 948 Coilma Rd., cross s treets &_a , W<ell 8l9i,t Poppy Ave., wdwulllhed 4-Sati Bernardino. 17pzt under mar rm apt. w itb tirepJace In larce ---~-----'----we arc the EV of ----''---·-------per montai at BflAF'Eli MUSIC MAPIZ ootftt table, end table CO. (•ince 1901), fZl if'. S7C1&- andl what..aot sbeU ._ AIBo more, Santa Ana. KI. I %-Ol72. liv. rm. CHARMI NG income and home LIDO I..SLE.~ prottt t:»y ALSO z bdrm and tuU b•tb on completely furnlahed. Ideal for comln,g-to · Here & :;:~:=7::~. ~ fm:C£J'.~~li~~;:~;;::~D ;~s.A_UY; ·~ L y ER 'amps aDd Hotpoint ironer. :>11, ~--------+--97_U_• ~k'C!. OoNna del Mar. Ha. Slft... W . 18c2G EASY-§JPINDRIER V.'&shing ma- chine, good condition. One rat- tan chair. :Ji Agate, Balboa l sland. l 7c19 ALL ELl!JCTIUC OR.G"i. Ropoo. seseed. Ma.gnitioent t.Qne. For church or home. Pay ~ bal- ance, Terms. This wonderful in- strument is just llke . new. DANZ..SCHM:IDT ~ and Organ Co., 520 N . Mia.in. oar. 17ct9 ON NEWPORT ISLAND -2 Mrm unfurnlahed, ~-Cl0!5- ed 1n patio, 2-car garage. 412 39th St .• Newport Beach. Har. l&t&-M.. lftfc · S I N G L E innerapring matt.reas. ~.... "''--ta • -I Mahor . banging abelYeB. AD· v~. ~· ~-.. Summer Rent.a.ls tique •wiAg ta.we. Prac. new Wllh trade brand~new: bewtJ-Udo hie -4 bdrm. 114 baa. le· lge. white.,Nffted curtaina. IClec. tu1 Spinet piano eYem eci--Jiot. play yard. Sped&! rau few , _ beater. Small cbetlt. Harbor ally CQGd. UMd pi&ne. ....., or by mon.Uli. 2467-J. · 17clt DA.NZ-8CIDUDT Co... <:21im. 'Cove _ Brc•itv.J view . BEAUTIFUL Ref rectory Ta.b1e, Santa Ana, ~ N · Kiin. eoc--1:1.ome. S bdrm uacl JDald•a room. solid .rna.bopny. ~ 10 oom-ner 6.tb.. ! 0¥erlooQ jetty, • few IJtepl to fortably, % beache8, 2 cbak'a Lo V E L T S'nJDJO vi>lijGHT ' CD~yf _ 2 t>dnn _. 114 A..meUlyvt Ave., BaJboa l&l. piano. P'ully ~ Tenm root , t"" -vatAe 0' Keefe A Merrill Stove.• f $!6.37 down ~d lJ i _5oT per mo. beaclt. New• ~ Euy to burner. oven control, f.63 West-SHAFERS MUBJC 00 care for. · at ' · GREKNLEAF 6: ASSOC t'n.inster. _Newport Heights. <Since 190'7), f!t N . sJ.camor,e, BUJL6ER _ REA.Lroft. . . 19p21 _Santa Ana. Klmberlyl 2-867%. SlU N"""P<>rt Blvd., if&rbor 2052 15 STOJ' ~ l;'EDA.L ORG-v'· ' .............. . ~ ..L_271fc JTUc : 'PHON'E'3ncoN 60ll8-.i' . iii'!!ii>• •50 pl~.l''Mlde •ii. - _________ ap?...:__l yo<ll' old p<ano on•• ~ lljlllll· ~B: pt~ U..,l<wely ~ et or ~ tel-.· . Hieb-SS0 mo. &na1t . t.ral1er '22 mo. SMART cdtom Built SotL A.I-e.t cub ~ u..a. A.s.o 111p1.ce available. 1141 Po- most new 102" in. length. RM.-D~Z-st:BluDT I Pf.A J.0 Oo.. mou. Co.ta Ke.a. Ph. BttM" sonable. 100 Via San °--, ~ ---+ -·• .. t-.,,0 ·~ .....,.,. CU., HO No. -. 8aA1a ... ,~. ~ Lldo IBle. Harbor 0581-R. 19c21 Ana. ---, ------------ _CHESTS, lampo, /dlJlbea. pan11, etc., baby bed. biP cbalr, toy., - and endo. All '~. au W. Oc•an ~ N""'P"rt Beadl. 11lp28 113-BOAT SUPPLIES Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harv~y at Seacraft • 025 00.t.BT HIGIJW A Y HXWPORT .B&ACB • PB. 11£400M .ml Ntfc &6-DOGS, CATI!. l'!!:TS " REG, TOY MANCHES!Eit dogw and puppies at your own price. "26 Bernalod, "-6 Meu.. lip20 FREE lo good ll<>DMI -'nm-ed cocker apan.tel black male, 5 J"l'L old. Wen trained.. Vft7 mrart.. Ideal pet tor older i-p&e. - con 6841· W. 1kZ1 . -· .. • , RENTALS 507 E. Belboa Bhd.. BUlloa Haibor· 1897 . BALBOA ISLAND HOU9ea and Apta,, yearly or sea- sonal. See Gau Camey, with ~£t2r~N . S0!1 Karine, Ba-~ Har. IS02 . - ------~--~~----------------------• ----. -. ---- $1 5,000 cash plue vacant or Im-leased. 1 btk to be.7 & ocean. INCO~ proved property. Balance Joan. 3.S33 4 ~. ..OWOt'r, Rm. 21, 9-40G Brighton '. Newport b, Mwit. W ay, Beverly Hills. CRestvlew Har·bcfr l • 4-6131 . (Courte!ly to brokere). 19ttc U-MON:r;V TO LOAN LOANS For Homes CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5--51/0 % (14 yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER . 1+15 COAST BLVJ). Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. .tiletro Ute Im:. F\uide Kl 3-5185 LOANS 'IO BUU.O, IMPROVE, llUT, MODERNIZE, OR . REFIN,uiCE We Buy Truot Deeclo • -; ' l, 1· Ch150 ced to • Mesa •t, COi"· k aai.. down, .. . .,. ... ~ ·-. "'1 • -I • • · 'BALBOA .~IfAND Choi~ South. B&yf ron~ln<".ntrt mmgr 1BNT DtJPtil:x-.PrJmo loca --Sui-• ¥Inc ~ Broch· lliodl· llllll bu ' opacioW. Ying room, ftlw.' .,._, 2 B. R., 2 batl>a, priVato , plwl J'D&D UD• uoua1 foatures.; Well built with 3000 oq. fl. total area (Arclllteet'1 piano and,~ loQa av tor W'ft t ... ) ......... Ry aood ftlue! Prlce -$45,000-TN'lr'A Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park ..... at Marine Harbor %H2 &Ibo& load Have You Bee.~ WJiting? ! Far a nRllT CLAS8 3 bedroom, 1~ bath * Oil B•Ul!OA lllLAND in a nNE LOC.\flON witb C00D • Jl'UR.NITUR&, anpfortabl~ beds, attra~Uve interior{ dec:o--i ralloll u4 TWO PATIOS with built-In barbecue. 4>ta 0(. -and p1aata. _ ll:uy to take ca • of. and 1.::: US,Ull,E GARA.GI'. lo llhort Jf YQU want a HOME t« ol>ly $19,500, call 111 immedtate1y becar um -WW ..U qWeldy. STANLEY HADFIELD ' . ! --rand . . 21Glllarine.4.....,.. REALTOR Pb. Hl.rbor 20 IN CORONA DEL MAR 1 . A'M"lµC.Titi 2 BEDROOM HOME, l 'h bl::J from , ooeuai South ol llichway. 46' Jot. Large living i room. Beami oe!lt'IC'· Hardwood floon, ' unusual dining , room. ~ aad battt with tile. l!'IUCE REDUCED to1 qWck 8aJe! M~ -UB:ting Na. 1621 Home and Income ! ONS: BB:DltOOJI ~ and 2 bedroom a:r•t PLUS b&dwlOi" apt. Hlgtl retw-n . oo i.nYestmellt. Fine Jocatlan. Pfioe, $11.500. attractive terms. ,.~ dftaD• caU BW Shuster, Harbor !f7f EARL ·w. STANLEY, RealWr CJ.5 Oout Hl&'l>w&Y Corona de! Mar -~Pl!. H+ ~7t Quality .. Quality · BRAND NEW .,._ ID 2 bedroom -· Luaoe .....tiangialc -eave. WW. a ~ brick ta.oe. " ' LET US KNOW wba eetate p~­ ' have all 1cinda of p U we do not .have MR.A MulflAle LIBtiao 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Beacon 5225 Mesa 8Uc . -• I Hu kMliftdu&ltt.7 ' .•. Ma a lot of eye appeal. F'iDetl WOl'kman- ahip. A ma.t Ilk•.., larce liv. room w~ Iota at wtadow-a and a fireplace. Full slu dining are&. Acouatie plaatered. Eelec- t.ed tnr-d. floonl, pullman tik>!d tm:Jl. CuplJictud apace galore, farced air beat. VJe oouJd raw • . . . but why Get. take a look . . . no oblip.tlon .The bMMty"' __ price at only $10,560 WANT TO ·~· ADE? I We have several properties listed for exch ge-- $1200 down lo N-i>ort Helpta ... G . I . !:!*- -· 2 --· Xlnt. loca-tiwl. Good aorA1~km . . . • yrs. ald. !<ar ,car. Full price only $8750 ·charming & 2 Lots ALSO I HA VE SEVERAU good buys · in ~~unities For Fu,.,_.. ~SEE Ed Sedelniei~r. Rltr. 15%8 Ola.st Blvd., Oofona del· Mar Harbor 1e · 2 BR, Pier & Float noar •hopping and ~tion $5000 DO~N $125 mo. on , oe GREENLEAF .t. A.SSOC. BlJIU)ER -TOR I • • • I · I ·1 On a beautiful ~er lot in New- port Help.to. with &n extra lot. 1"!"0 bedroom bome. Lolli of tree. and abubbery. Ooean view. Hwd. t1oora. redwood· eJ<terlo<, patio, 2-car garage. Let us ....-JUI & tiMl buy for the total prioe of. 3112 Newport: .. Hari>o< 2M2 ,~ • Phil Sullivan f 300 Bil<. 'on Sapphi~e t 1 $8500 C. Galen Denison Balboa lsltnd , G. T. Everson $7850 I _dO Newport Bbd. Coot& Mesa Close to Nori}> Bay Phone ~, e.24-3-W Courtesy to oker8 H&rbo(.311\i'·W or 'Bf!'~ SJll!.r , _ 1 Phoq~ ;Vwner, H rbor fljl ' _ .. t~ .1. f .-!~ ~ J ft-} " . ,.,,,~,,, tr>c * *'OPEN· 1 I . 5 '" * Beautlttdly tumilhed year round ' bdrm, Jl ba. Mme. Pra.cUcaUy .DeW MODERN. '. with enclbeed patjo, 2.car~r. Ready for com- plete living, 29,l>OO. 1711 Ocean -.. Bal . Har1>or 2451·M. 12tfc 1.-P.600 down will l?uy thia !Ur· D.bihed l bedroom home, ocean aide of highway.1 R-2 zone. Room to build · on rear ot lot with unobstructed view of the batbor, $8,.500. ' . ---~~------------------------~-· i By Owner <X>URTESY TO JaoKERS LIDO ISLE 2' bdrm! 2 b&tll, 11> Jots, large · walled.i pat.Jo. Fur· nlBhed. Near club ,,..... fll,i!-00. SHORE CLIF,FS -oe ocean front lot, near lhinJ. beach. f20,000. Phone OWNER, B Riverside 28M t or appointment. BEST bor .1"5 or lntorm&Uen ~p21 -1 t in ·eoropa 1 Mar ( I . $8950 ~Y erms ·- • \ • • , Sno\\·-cappt,-'d ~lount Tom 1.8 ln backs-round. I IOIE PIME ROUTE -Thb ~ the route taken b.v t torlorue party to fi 8htn1 ,-rounds la ..m. ' I ' ~. . .... ,.. t '· . ' 15, .t951 . )• -.. "' ·., . • ' ' ... ' '. ·.· . . . 1 · I •, I . • ' ,, • ' . . I ' • •