HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-22 - Newport Balboa News Times...,r.,... • .,.,.....-.::-·..-~~.,.,-.,......,-:-::;-;-::-:"::""'-:=-~--:-i--r .. I ~· • I . • r . , I ' , • .. , ' I. 1 • . t I ~ ' :i ' I . ' • .' . j ORT - • • • I W. NEWPORTERS DISAPPR HEAR PLANNER ~ ·" · -1 ~ . AL OF I NEW REZONING .·A ·~T~~~~nng~dWlU~~ ' NEW 0MEMBER8 or tJw. aewly~rrstMI Pal'k, Be9cb F . ftatlo• Oommt.1oa ..ekl Ule.lr' ~ merttnc Friday nllbt lo tbe ofrkie of t~ City ~Daet""· .. rt to rlJht. ftn& row &ret Vice ~ man U..yd W...,. CUlnnan F......,18 J. Hon'Otb, S~ Mn. M:trtJe lloderbof'l'.'~k ·"""' ~ Ra.rnM-:)·, J-iionn Miiier, St.d.Df'Y Da\·kbon, Marion Dodd and ' ASexander Bamll&on. Nl*U. memt.ier of tbe conu:nlulon, Helm. llalMr. waa unable to. attrltd the th.a. (N~'I1me1 PbotoS · RECREATION COMM .SSION MEETS; SUMMER PLAY F Nos· PROMISED . I . ..---• Pat k Commtttel':, wa.s elected cbalrm&n of the th;lr first meeting Friday night 1n the o(flce Francis J . Horvath, former chairman of tht> defunct newly-(orm,1-'d Park, Beach llnd Recreation CommiaBlon at of. the City Manager . Ray Wins School ·Board • Lloyd Wood wu named .ice .cha.lrman and ~n.. Myi:t.Le. Sodtt· berg wu elected RCTe\aJ')' 1 of that orga.nlzatlon. James D. Ray, CoNUt& del Mar. ' Wf?TI the conletted po&l on the Ne\vport Elementary 8 c h o o I Board. in Friday's a.n.nual elec· l lions. Ray, who pUed up 223 votes. beat out incumbent 0. Z . Robertson. Corona del Mar who garnered 122 votes, and Robert L. Allen. Balboa. ¥.'ho recelved :f7 :-- votes. The polls which were open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Friday accom- modated 40'2 voters. Incumbent J . A . Beek, Balboa Island, was unopposed for the high school board post. Also un- . oppo&ed wu O. D . Lawhead of Seal Beach tor the post on tbe board of Orange Cout College. James Ray ls a contractor and has done most of h.ta wOrk In the Newport Harbor area. He hal!I been a resident ot Corona del Mu since 1949 &Jlhough he and his famlly have. been -eomlng to-Bal-, boa Island aince t&u. · The Rays have fo4r chlldren stx-year-old James. · Kalh1e. 4 : M ichael. 3. and Roxanne, 1 y•r old. Ray's father was superin- tendent of schooll!I in Marion County, Kansas for 28 years. 9 Vets Return From Korea War Nine Newport Harbor men a rc among the 2257 !eler&nA who docked Monday at S&n Francisco alter a tour ot duty in Korea. They will be given a quick proce!I · aing and then wlll be relea.sed on 30-day leave before being assign- ed to duty in U. S. Listed as retuminr aboard the two transport.a Crom OU. area ar.e : Maj. Hugh · E . Calahan. Costa Mesa: CapL LaWTe.Dce R. Hart. Costa ·Mesa: C&pt. Kenneth A. Matheson. Costa Meu; Capt. Grover C. J. McClure. Costa Mesa; First Lt. Leo J . Corboy. Corona del Mar; F irst LL Ed- ward J . Nooney. Coat.a Mea; First Lt. Gerald F . Schul&. Co.sta Mesa: Master Sgt. Robert S. Hall. Newport Beach: and Tech. Sgt. Ole R. Woods. Costa Mesa. • , Comp\.ete . ~ia~ . of Cop Sh ot tng Made by esan When· WUllam J o n "Otleon, 60. of Costa Mes&, tu wee1' denied having fired a shol~1 n at IJ>ttlcers, he wu permitted to p~·~ad not guilty to a.ssauJt Ith ~ deadly weapon. t Two w eeks &g 1 he ~pleaded guilty and applied or pt.obation, but in euperlor co rt ~In Fri- day, he denied he had «tred at officers. He sakJ be had sf:\ol once through the root of I.& ho9e while officers ,were there , l sa.1.~ "90me- one else must have fired tib.e other shot.a." i Gibson was arreJied March 12 on charge.s that he had 1·1ontou~ ly assaulted Slanle M . eek, 19, in h ia yard. and lhat he ired on Sheriff's DeJ>l!I. Ol~ver ~cC&rter and Al Oliphant ~d donatable Frank Vaughn wheft. they a.me to hU. home. j .i' The officers cla~ed Glalon shot (CoAltn"fd OA 'Poe<> 6) Term& of office tor the mtmbers or the commlasion were determin- ed by lot. Thbae member• who-:wlll serve three years a.re Lloyd Wbod, Dale Ramsey and Vr&1>cl!i Hor- vath ; two year serven are A . Alext.nder Hamilton. Marion Dodd and · Mr11. Soderbtt&'. One year- men are Norm MUJer, SidRey Davidson and Helna K.alBer. Dale Rarneey, new councilman, opened the mettinl' u teo:iporary chairman and told the comml.ulon members that he had "acarecf.up a little money, I have 'lMO p!'om- laed from the· city councU to be u.,,ed by the oommlulon." t"tDll Fulld V.e A place for the e:a:pendtture of tund.8 wu quickly found when a letter wu reeelved. from Mrs. L.. J . C1Jen&r, preaidt111l ol the; ele.· ment.ary echool PTA, req:ueatlng action on a eummer recre.tlonaJ program for eJemen\»,ry 9Chool children. Togged oato the !!_lier wU the NqU~-W..~· f>tlrn the cornmlMion that ooµld be ob- tained before the lftihday after- noon mrf'tlng of the el•mentary school PT A at Horace !:Ml.gn ac hl>oi. Lit.st year a sl:a: wee.Jc recreation- al prognun had heel\ lleld under sponeorshlp of tbc elementary 9Cbool board. It wa.s f ell by members of the commi.a8lon that a lon~r program would be more deelrable. Speaking for tbe elementary school board, Dodd Mkl th.al the board wodld permit uee of the echool groundJI and would prob- ably -.eume some of the flnanciaJ burden of a 11umrn• ·recreational program. B&ckPropMI Decl•lon of the Park, Beach and Retreatlon Commlaaion wu lo back a program tor tlWllmer rec- ~atlon to lhe extent of 11250. The money. of courae, wtll be part of the $1500 promised the .commts- aion by the city council. The ~ark CommlMion will pro•lde the fUnda lo match a almtlar amount in money or services to be provided by tht elementary M:hool board. It wu lhoJJght by the comml.aalon that tt would be but to hold $200 In reserve funds for additional ex· (CoDlltlllfl~ ........ I) EXPLAIN ORD. • Expo11ttlon ot a new amendment to the land use ordinance to be preaenled ehortly to the county planntng eommlaalon wu made Friday night by Charles H . Dlgg•, pl&nnlng director of Orange coun- ty, to West Newport Improveme nt ueoclatkm. meetlng at city hall wllb a Colona del MU. delegation ILi guest.II. bf Wee NeWport ·and 1Balboa Cove.a reaidenta left ~ city plan- ning commiuion m~fiJ'\g Thura-- day ntght after the pl&nne~ YOt.ed against a m&Jority of. thelt . vieWa and approved ruonlpg 91 the StaJttey tract on Cout Hlchw.y neal'. the Balboa Blvd. ·Jupcuon from R-3 to C-1-H. I After Cbalnnan Walter\ Lon1- moor explained that tht action wu not final but me.rely 1 a 1~­ mendaUoO: to the city courlcU one of the audience!" piped 1 up l .. that•a what we're worried abou~ tt.bey're pollticlaii.8 -you're 1enUerhe.n!" I On the disputed tract 1• jlocated Protuta had been ent('red 'th.al anemoon to th(' county planning oommlaalon by a coast protectlv(' group, headed by Mni. Amy Ken- nedy of Laguna Beach., on giving a permit to Shell OU Co. to drill a seconcf well In lhe Laguna hllla. ClaJms were made that their pres- ent well wu in violation of per- mit requl~ments u lo elevation, whlch makl':s the rig vi•lble:,,seep- age of oil from oil base mud used ln drllllng: and other nulsance factors. rt Bara.or Yacht Club"tOok p~ Sunday. wit -ralAlnc' ceremonlM. 8taf~·antmodol'ft and na,. offlMn. u.tute th .. colo aad pet1tA stutl at att-doa. Gally decorated boat.II of the N. H. Y. the Mo-Bo'teJ, 23012 Coui HJ&h- way, and Steelcratt Co.,! 20018 Cout Highway. 1'f:o-Bo'tell o-.vner .tNed Newcomb (who hat a 50-y• lease on the land fromi Eari St&D.- ley, 45 years still to go) +ta to put ln additional boat altj>I and perhape a coffee shbp. Eln•non Charles of Sleelcraft haf a ~t brokerage and aeve.D rental boat.a for tht> e\·ent. (Photo by Beckner The co.nu>any Is aaklng permit to drill another well at a point two mUea tnland from Crystal Cove and Corona del Mar. To satisfy lnterealed peraons an · IMpecllon lour of the site w111 be made W ed- r.eeday, cars leavili&" Merle's Drtve-In at 10 a. m . EATH T A ~ffi 2 ~ROMINE~T HAR~OR RESIDENTS ~ · · · ·Seek . R~~oning ' ' and has no immediate elq)anelon plans other . th.an en~rgin1-b.il present buUdµtg upoi;i Which work h~ already begun. Everyone involved when the tract wu. anne:a:ed to the city (the own- er. leuee, city ~ncQ -and plan~ ners) had all pruum~ tt t.--an- nexed u C-1 or com~rci&l prop- erty and the 0W1tet11 were ~ppy when it wu made R~· wben th• new zoning ol'dthance Wu i.dopt.ed recently. So Uley ultied for the ?-1-H cl&88lncaflon. · ~ Eshluas t'1ekl1' of Bluff Lots Diggs showed map1 on which exl.allng oil field areu w ere out· llned, including Brea-Olinda, Ful· le rlon, Atwood, Huntlngtorf Beach. We•t Newport and Coat.a Mesa. In lhoee area.a oil companl~s may drill without permlt: In &ti other county areu a permit mual be o b-I tained and a 20-polnl d irective! pr9vt.lon muat be complied with. the company p0i9tlng a $5.000 bond for each well to cover failure lo comply. Theae provtalons cover' auch lteme u well blowout.a. wat.el'i polluUQn.. «:reenlDs, delivery at The Corona del 'Mar bluff dil!l- pute threatened to\ flar(' up anew ,this w eek followinf a petition to rezont> eleven Oc~n Blvd. bluff lots from R-t to -2 which was presented to the pl nning commis- sion tut, Thursd y by George P~nny . 14?5 Qcean ~lvd. Asked to be rez.oncll were I.lot.a 1 to 11 of Tract 1028 which !" Ocean Blvd. opposite Jasmine and Larkspur avenuea. Penny _ ~!4 the mlulon \lull on and clMll-U'jr.---• "That We will ever have a StgJ na1 Hill in Orange county la rldi· culoua" said Diggs. "Thal oil can be . drilled properly under control La eomelhlng we should all be In- terested ln. If theae. la.nd-i.tae dis- tric t. be ado pted. all out.aide drill· Ing must adhe re t o regulattona.'' In cue of the Corona H ighlands ~page, it ia important thl.a be in· (CoaUnued on Pa1t:1 5) Horvath;Renamed Assn·. President Millie crio$ier I o. Pion1 er ies at • Ont-of lhf' 1n ost o ta le ploneel'l!!I Election of officers and con-t Orange countY as aid to rest slderation ·ot routine bu•inesa l-londay when Ml! ·e :Mount Cro- &bared wtlh constderatlon of oil •ler. widow of . Vj . · Crosie r. drtJlinr matJ,ers the attention or early-day luniber n , ~as lnter- Welt Newport Beacb Improve-ill al Fo~t'.'st wn.1 Glendale, ment auociatidh members at the fl~r one o c lock rvt~. at Baltz ortuary, Corona del ;.mar. R ev. Friday. evening meeting. · ward Gondrll officiied at the Francis Horvath wu reelected 1 Prealdent other officers bein graveside. Mrs. ~r08 r wu 92 ~ ·w Lo v1 gl yea.rs old and dea h c me Satur-.m.orran . wery, ce pre• -"' . f ·i h •-t Bl•••h Lytl din _ ... ay morning at t ~1 y qme, ucn ........ e e, recor g aec Jl l Island Ave. ret.&ry and treuurer: Mrs.. JoMph ' Guerin, .ecreta.ry and directors t The Crosiers c e ~ Los An- Mra. Hal T . Shaw, Michael Soren· ele8 in 1886 from lev~land, Ohio, eon, A. B. cu b bag e. H a r 0 Id here they were arrfd in 1882. Tbornpeon, Fred Kriete and Ten years later l':Y :emoved lo Qeorp Sberrill. ~&nta Ana where r. Crosier was f-Onlracting treigh agf nt for lbe- Oranp: avenu• re1'11ldenta aaked Santa Fe. In 1 he t ntered thf' that the fl re rtnc area eatablisbed olil Newport aeveral years aeo by the city be bd operated the ard. later sold spread out, with two rtngs located to the Hayward mt*r Co. Mr. at other lt:J'fft ends ln•tead of be-Crosier ueed t o eep t goat.II and in& conf:ent.raled at Orang41;. Not rabbits on t he grtunlnow occu- only carele.Mnese. reg&n;lln1 gar-pied by the Paclf l El trlc depot. ! bate dillpoul, nolae at late houn and .tea.Jing ot fences and aide-ln lh08e early da Newport walk• for firewood were charged. was re&ched from S Ana via but one owner told of havtnc a trau1 that sw tcbep. in from •tah.t ca.n moved before he could Huntington Beach It Wu not un- nt out ot bl.a own garap. Ul .J.910 tltJ.l livtn t~ltuea wen iii.ven IJUCh fire rtnr areas are provided so Mr• c~ier could loc&lect oa. the beach rrom L come to Newport . The de- .treel Balboa to Orange avenue. ceaaed wu one f E-e founden with the latter 60 toot area .eem· and • Ufe m~of Sant.a Ana IJIC tO be the moat popular a.,Jt. ~u and Ne h Ebell "Tblt ctty man&Jer· will be contact-clubs: a charter e ber of the ed. ~ placlnir of 0 t b .i r ti e w p o r t J;lar r ~Llt&nce rtap. · ! League: a Ille of the PN&N& Ne PoddaJ Bfnto Ai\& Fb'ot church; Jtl.dde4t.a ot Newport Ja1&nd on file of Uie found n t the C_lt)' ...;; ~ ~ th• ,,. por~-Library of Ne h.' °" ,_. r« .a.t -ot • I Adi.., to ~ Ind ,._ tllOt It ~ on • -M'.ra. Crooler -~· oo °'""'r• con pt out ~ lnt,r..t In of u.oW pn,_ · ;meow. In the "'I""'!!' a.mp. -.in, reportial' fdr opoken but 1na1s ta. ema.mttt. oa ltf.Wpmt.tel• ... and molded the }i.;;µ~. '~ --c l.lmberw ot lbe orpntut.lona OW pc 11imt ~ at 8th .triet t: ~enut!ed.. -.. '*'""' <-ittloa \"'l tho "' In. lbe ..,..~,. -J!llliis -* Mrbor but did .. I 15 ,tlio lloldp LI -t.4 \ID inagnel.IC In Uii a'MI of o -·· pUI)' ptted by ha tsne ,.i .,.,... ..,. '**"' a .., ~~ Ber beut ...... ... ~ 1111 wliiit - -·-.,. -lo ...... ,. ..... ~ lloitlcoo ot -a. ..i ·., va--. i:o ~· · f. Of' t11o - -='s ·-~ ka~ ~· ~"" • 'a ~:-'1n~ .. • ..... ~ ; - , .. ~ ..... , .... ., .... Mee~ w -..--.--.... ~ .. Ille F ! ' iM1 ta. kF$'. s fll a fi'_ ~ •qd .... -llMI•· ..... ~ ,. ( -1 ll -.• - . . . ---t . . . I t~-7~'4 .no ~ JJ1t ~P~ wtt.n a tlm~itbOft-tri·· 1•h""'11. ' ' ,.-the property ownefS all agreed tp keep the bulldini toots be.low: the level of qtta.n. Bl~. At that time he wa.s &11ked to wall unUI the new zoOing ardlnanee ! was approved and the bluff acctf¥5 road decl!llon rendered. The time has now ar- rived, he said. ! Originally the ~ct was zoned R-3, ll'enny stat'*t, then w a .s changed to R-1 to ·"'hlch hla group had no objection ~ut they would now prefer two tarpily unit.a. Pub:lc hea.rlng Of1 the rezoning was set for the n•l two planning comml&Slon meettap • .June 21 and July 19. J Slight mlxup Occurred when P enny presented !his fee along with the petition ;and discovered IL had riser\ from SJO when he had flrst made the petition lo $26 now. The planner• gave: him his extra $10 back and he conlmented "this is the first time ~ ever got any- thing oflt of a put;llc body volun- tarily!" I - ' Morg~n ~peaks at COM ·pinner I . Speaker at the onthly meeting of the doro'na del }'far Civic aao- ctatlon next Tbtlnlday wlll be Geoffrey Morgan, President of the Shoreline PlannJ.11g assoclatlon. Verne Wat.son, Pfe&ldent of the CDM group, -id the meeting would be ln the fmttn of a pot luck dlllner beginning rt 9 :3-0 p.m. at the Corona del M&r crammar -,chool. . Morgan will $!llllCU&I .the acq,uJ- slUon and deftloPment of Call· fornla's beachea WJ11ch 19 foremost in the mlnda~ot CDM real· denta because of e· ChinA Cov~ -.1tuauan. W ~aid everyone la we:come to att nd the mee.Ung .'Uld 'I.hose Jujt g lo bear Morgan.I• tJpeeC ehould come at about 8 P·'1>- Trat"'f ·t- Resldenta in \ the near com- murilty objected mainly hcausc of the lncre~ boat tnltttc ln the channel teald.lng to lb~ yacht brokerage. ! · Larry WI ... 'Planhin¥ domuit· ant for the clty1 Ald the l~d wu I neVer legaUY"CJt:-~~ lt ..,;a. ol)ly. etTOftOOllal:t ~t lo be~ that ell laad ~ ~· •• \l-c&Uy"tl·t~"tt ... ttbUae<li fo ft-8 (multiple unit idwelllnp) 'by the -new ordi,nance because the . con- sultanU don't 1leHeve In any more commercial pro~rty on tr major (OoilU..ued on P,.p I) I . I R. L. Bacon of ·· 250 Sea Scouts . . ' Hoag Hospital · Plan Weekend Dies .Suddenly Encampment · Robert L. Bacon. 51, admint.- lrator of Hoag Memorial hos pital. died Saturday night after a slro}te suffered earlier on the golf links ot the Santa Ana Country Clut>. Bacon, wh~ lived at 111 l!:merald Ba)·, Laguna Beac.h, was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage a t l :30 p. m . while a member of a fouraome whose other m embers were Ben HefiingE"r, Ernest Win- bigler and Ray Couch. · He had stopped to mark his b~ll on the second green when he clutched his side and feJl forward. A caddy wa'a sent to the club bguse and returned with a doctor. Bacon was ruahed to St. J08eph hospJtal Wh(.re hl8 condition wu deemed critical. · Th~ hOtipltal reported that Ba- con died shortly after 10 p. · m. Saturday. Bacon had been appointed ad- mlnlatrator for . Hoag Memorial Hoepltal In July 19:>0. Naitw of Ot•Ml,a Robert· L. Bac9n waa bom April 24. 1900 tn Hunt.Bvllle. Canada and came to Caltfomta in 1923 settling in Loa Angeles. He moved lo Po- mona tn 1931 ·and was employed u a -manager.of Arden P'arn:ia ezo. 'In. 1937 he ~ appointed ha. ptl&l adn'ltnl&lr&tor for the Po- mona Valley eoinmunlty hospital. ·holding that P,oalllon untll bis ~tgnaUon in JUiy J 950. Sea Scout.a, ~ strong, Will pun Into port at Newport Harbor'• Sea Seoul ba.ee for tbe Orange-RJv~r­ slde county regatta Friday, Satur- day and Sunday, June 1 to 3 ac- cording to Comsnodore Willlam Spurgeon m, .dlrectoc of. ae.nlor scouting in Orange county. The. encampment will be open to visllors on Sunday from 11 a .m. to. 4 p .m . (1100 to 1600 hours, lf you insist on nautical ttme). Participating unit.a will include Newport· Beac .. Ship• 8 and210, Laguna Beacbf Ship 2d7. Santa Ana Ship 24, fHunttngion Beach Ship. 77, Oraqge Ship ~. Seal Beach Ship ~l .• Garden I Grove Ship 73, Fullerton; Ship 203, Ana- heim ·Sh.Ip 280, Plicentl& slilp 288, Rlvertede Ship 7~ and ~dll Ship 1. J. t President'• l r op h y ~.ill bt' awarded to the1 unit wllb l,. bJth- eat acore ln t:ompetltlve !event.a. . ' . Scoring wUl M baaed on UL aveT- agtng buLI .. , that a mi'1i 1blp will have Jut ~ mUch cb.i.Dce of winning u a 1 tarse ehlp. l The compettttve eventa ~ in- clude M~i!'1 problem, . crew. pulling, skiff ~lllnr, mmmtn&'.- knotJs 1!ftder "'8te.r, be.a.vtn• line. .boatswain'• cbalr and carao net and •~gnalina. Commodore' ~Y will be ·prt- sented for the \mil. ac\>rin4 hlih- ~•t on tnlpectlon U: to cuitp atte arran,gemmt., neat:neu r of te.nt.,_ peraonal ~Uon and 8cciut~Hk.e conduct of JndfYlduala, • ~' ., J;>u.~g World War II he was ·a supply 'officer a~ Fltz&lmmona G4meral HOKpital In Denver, Colo. and wu separal;ed from. the set· ~ "' ..... ' CfL • . H-'~ '~ wu 11. member of the BOanl ~l.~•r ~ ... otl-~ of the AlioocLIUon of 1 ._..:.L._.J_ •u..:::..I , ~lfomfli H0op1taLI and qt the· .... ~ ft~,· soUd of Dlreeton ot the Hoa.-Flrt:t quart.,rt:y pndal: mama pJtol ·Servla! clt 8obtJiern;Callfor-beroltlp IUncJuion ~f Ille lf~•port nl& flll)le <Js:oloh ', , H&rbo,r Cl!amber of O>nmMroa; ta ,He wU ,..~ pre9dent ot the 8Cheduled tol tllll wn 1 -· ~ Klwlutlo and a,1 m<Jnber 'May 23, 12 +.ii ~•Joo · .ot Ille ZIJW·~ In tllat Cotn-Horbor Yodl& ~llib, ~· -8'7 -tty. He wu a• .. a ..lember of LU1genbelm l!lil , · , -J-lball'. Clal> bt ..... .A:ngel<io. An In~ -...,ai.~ ~ --jlft)falfld wtt!i_ the ,,..,,. J>Ol Jet,t~ -II.a ~-Cloafdl ot LoiUDa _, .... ""-... .,/'cw .... 81•dl • ~ ~-... ___ la· 8teff11.•• ~ -~: • 'IA!l•www :, ';. · •. eel,._. II: !.:l•t -~ I .Jl<I llt WWWt!HtLlly "'"'-O.:'Wlfil-for %"'1· C. ... 'P • -L:·-:'.-~I ~ -'wlfll ,_ ~ , IJ':--...... ~~ -w·i. ... ,...._ .. -....... " .... _. n ~ He ............... c. llrliir . • .,.. or Ion a ,._,., "* r rta ..,. '!!" • Jiil ••••• -·, • "'1M ai1 '•IN lie 11 rt1111 :x ,., 111-.,--be -Git ... a r11• -"'" .. /.. .. .l •(0 •.• ·-'....... .... tie-) . ~,, , " - I • ' , ' ' ' ( . • • ' ....... -----.. - ' • .I • , j .. , p .... 11 2 ~ ~,....._:.~~~~~~~~+--.i!-"-=--~--:-;-~---""~1 -:--~~-'"-~-.--~~~_..,:.=.:.:..L:.::.:,:;:'.-=lf.=;~:.;:.:::::+:::I:!;.:..l:..~ •!Pili CoUrich , ' I t~~~-ta~.!~-~! • MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, &ctet~ EdltoS --.. ---c;;~1.d·;~"'$;+;i~-9 ···--VFW'"~"·f'~·.n.~·~~~~ S~fi.tr:-~=~ ...-iau-" tile -lllern for chsta Society Plans p pp Day cautoml& couneU at • ....,.U,,g to I ~ l>e held •t the llome of Mn. J'raak ~ Ga11f •re-in tlioir gar<lenloc ,,_., ~ .. io I' Jrf u.. v. K. Llltto; llt q,ilt&I, n '-i. cl~ _and atraw hats, membmt S'. W . .A.nywa~ No. wu Mid ~ TbUndaf., ila.7 Si at 10:• . ....S fl;knda G( the Costa MM&< reemtl,y at Oool& LeJIOn a.m. · 11&1 cities Branch ol the Call'°"' HalL -Timmi.II... -"l"'t Mn. 4£~; -t. Loa ~, ... ~-Society miet Tuesda)', p~ed.. r. . , ... ww ~ iMt.dJtd 1u new May 1~ tor lhtir .lpOQlhly ••Soa Pfau: were ma~ f.ar Poppy· dlalrinan ., t:lle eound&, succeed· ln Legion HaJI. Day which will be .M~y 2~ and 28. ln.& Mrs. l.JtUe .. Other bU11neM Mrs. Jean Lawrence, member-The ladles hop~ to ~U 3600 pop-wt:I be a repo'M by the by-Jaws sbtp cbalrman, intrOduced t be Pies tn thi.s c1"n=rm ty. AJ.l who oommJttee lil>d. aeleetioa o! toPfc• guest.a Charles Guthrie gave an can ftelp are r to co:ita.ct tio bt lDCladecl in tM .MWS-1etttr informiltiw tlllk on la.th house Georria Ban. · to the ~ l!Jlembeni:dp: construction. polnt-ing ollt the r~ Ha.plta.l chalrmantuter Tall-The nominating committee tn- quirement from n cs.r pen'ter'I!! Dl&D reported .that Auxiliary duded Mm• 1...oW.I: T. Trapp. Loa point of view, tt.S well as the bad elven Sl&fl .~ . materials ........ WUllilm Burce.. ~ needs of shade plant~. ~""eervieein ..... _ ~ .. the ~ bol-*-&Dd Mp IQ ll ~ Nc.G Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss, program va-w-= ..-Yelljr Wiwou iii u .llalt)'wr t II · .......--. t.tr.e '1- chalnnan. le<l a pw>el discv.sslon -••"""'c :h: Coot& .,_ eea•ltte~ _,,. M8- on ''The Lath Hou~e -its Care ~ · • Mt M 8 • La C'w• J~ B. and P1anting." Members. on the • Ma)' Buckl•nd, · · · actl1fi.. .......... Gl.;dll.le; Md ·~ panel were three local nursery· Ue9 dl&irm&D., 1 tat loot SWM, Aamk&. Kn.. .c:.er-a men, Leo A. {....ee, Al Hollister and ~ lliaye~be«I . ha JMTM~. P'wtw1. .-., Uw Jack Lowe. Pant'I partlcipanl:P Lllit put J"!lU'" tbe varioUI ~ • · stres9e<i re:ul.:i.rity !LS the chief ~ c:hlM oto.la Alplla ~ 'attza#n1 '11•• ·~usL" in" gardening. Without -Alice n.uetl~ U ~ dil.J'a ~ e.meltl "f•taa regularity in v;atering. feedine ol e«mmvalty wtU M Ge -.•• t•t ~. MWV" n.nd pest con.lrol. best results will l4il» KfilJ~ .• wu re-elfleCed P"'9' .r•ta _.. the ..,,. not be achieved, it was said. ported to be NCO .. -S DJcely aDd .,..M •t km= el tbe __. Interior arrangement of the ft:oi:D 911.J'Sery tbe 1~en.t two member cit&pUR aD4 dllab&. i...,. · .. lath hOllSe WaJ!l a r SQ dfSCUS.!fed weu.. ..,-o.. ~ Bwb ftPl"eJJ 'etiftll Will 8ef'W • 1 •A.l1 •• . Much pleasure in u.rranging the TM: meeti:a.&1 wu ~ at u --·=r• M tMo DOOa .. 0 1$100. ~£~ELECT Marjorie &wia. aeoond \1tol1ri1sl \\'I the St. Louis i S)iin~·~·· ... · · ~ ~·1b0~,.· lath hou9e comes from seeking 1:30 and re~ w e r e A.lpba PM tau .ot ._. ,._. ,......_ • ._.,.I! at a ~pt. ·1"ibo\\'Pi-. G t~j rtgbt an: Mr~· '*iii'.~· ·. ~·ot el.., out aiid using ne .... · plants. it was ~.:_ed n..'!-laea k and Ilia Ye taa:... Uie form of .......... ,.,. tti: ..... LeM·.bi aad U1 r hostess. :\(~. ~ Grl~·ow. !04 c. rr~.· A~ •. ·'·. tN'.i~ .... t ·'Mm,, ', H: __ Phri$o"'J.' - . pointed out. ~ ......... :ett . .Nut will Mut: hmellt'nA ....... lllow. -------------4'----"-~-'-+-+----__:_ _ _i.:;::_2.,·:'....:i::...C4.'-~ll'f.,L~i:::·="-::::i•~- M ,... S mily Moorhouse, refTe•H· be ~d Kay 181 ""'"-·MW -r.~ d • Fi cl. · : &('~"-,·,-•• .,, \ . .; ·ment chairman. served donut•, pally for eal"Cl4K ar ~ ~ ven.tur.e Sto to i a · . · ·:·· , t ·l°rdt: ~ coffee and tea. Concluding the Mr. & Mrs, Dorie Id Otto UUOll'o U~al 'lliri)pyc St,._.,__. _rr H' p0ffal" -, omen ,t"o·,· ·~ e' .. e.Y ... ·.p· •. ;,' ... ·, ~.·.·Y.!4. ~ .•. ~~-·_:'y''f' ptagtam was a ple.nt sale. Mems p t f D • ht c~·s .~. MJ.gelea, agea an 1t ' d i ~ u .. ben contributed a wonderful aren $ 0 "t9 .er bu been th~ main r C_ipient; with I , '•· I I ! I M S t Ei!t G ifl of t t.e vision aeta to selection of plants which ~illed . Mr. and' Mrs. ld ·Otto f'Unds aJloted tor p rmanent en-y IS er 11een :..he cont4gi.ou dli«iMe department Friday and ' 'u~ l(a~":"-·25 tP!:tte large tables. M l Fuller dowment of a bed a d blue baby I th 0 uJtv ~A I b and 28, wilt~ o.Jr. .... ...,...., .tn 'New-( uynel e ) e recelvinl( atrgery. In•IridlM.llJ ·and .llDlete The lncre<llble adv~urcs of 2 ° e ranget._~Ji y g-cuera os-· ~ • .. ":"r.r -v-1 N COM A • condcratull~_on . an-l~al of chapter.s ha Ye l\l:rthe donated 11er-girls from Columbtu, O .. who go p1t:i.I was ace~~ with ''lhank.s'' P.Ort. ·Beach·· an~·f~dsb°out ·ue: ame ritStS aM augbter, ~bee . NelI, born vtce, party f&Yont. treai. t or eut to eonquer New York wUl bP by the board ot-!perlvison last United State. ~ Darutn'.. Up· A. Sh . J ay 11 Jn San Joae. r . and Mrs. the litUe pal.len_tll_ .. I takln th t -WC"1>k . . -sai, j>re&id~t·1 of 1~~ Hai'bor on rt OW ury· Otto an le.mer Meaa ftll-g over e stage of lhe J..oa· Sup<>rvi&ors He· .z Kaleer said unit ;. ol Ure ~can . 1£.cton deta. n.. boll 7 ,._ h f\&n&. ~ 00 Wednesday. thf' se~\1;erp g1.Jen by the wo-au11:Uiary, wbU.b )rJ:ll, aponaOt: ·ob· Rex Brandt and Burt Procter ot 10·14 os. .Y w ivs .. ranhellenic ans iev~. Kay %3, when the Br-0adr-men·e ~illary ~r the O range •er¥~ ot the ciky here, h.O··an-~~°:: !e1tn!.1j~Yh~;re th~ann:i ..... ~ T: ~ 01·;~ ~: Harbor Are Unit =1a=~~6"!.P~';,' ;~=~ ;::;:~~ulin;;::~, r.~c~:: .::O ~PPr <1a;'bon~ wm• be prize August,Si'ptember ahow at Jllll at., Co8ta )( . Mr. and are mosHy childr~. aeked td wea~ a 1bi·emor1el p01pj>y La.gwia &&ch' Art galll:ry. Chair· Iii-a. Cly~ C. of Colton, The llnPo1'&nt q of form-~ :!: E~ .,,.:ed:Wm~~ In tribut.e to ~tri~Ca·l tw&r~'dead _man of U.e Jury u. Robert Wood Z:,'· are the pa V&Jld!>ar· Ing a oep&rate Barllj!I« area unit --~--• In a.-wldl v•u-~ Disappro_J_I ..,. ~-"""1~ ~-w~l!UP and other meru~rs are G&Jen Of P&Qellenk wil_l bf bl'oug:bt. up ;:---~-= Yll of .dlahled · ~ · vetenaia: '.An.rt Doas. Margare t Sheppard and a1-wh.en the OQrl.iuty ~-meet.I w,. invaded bf all kinda: Of usilikely (C.ontlnUed from 4'ce 1) n~ ah1ldren o'f:,vtta .. Pqppies te.rqates Voniia Ow~ngs Webb and N T J f night t_or a "pot luck Per at the peop&e--from a. atzeable aeiqnent hlghway*Haweve4 Wise ~said the wil:l be ~J.aUibute4 ~ori JUI~· 11tteeta Leonard Scheu. arrie eactter Or bQD"le ot. M.ra. Cecil ~a:r.ter, 2420 ol the Brazilian navy to lht> ar-planners ould acqiaally have more thrpughout the ~-by YolUnteer ni.e boa.rd of dir ec tors will be Vacation Sc f"l ool ~!~o~:'~--B~~D·· ~u~-.a~~~ :::~~ named Mr. Ap-~~~~:~~y j7 i;h:jt~~·~'et~!nlh~ g~~:~~~.1 t¥1··~~·: ~ jti.ry tor lhe Junl'-July show. An ..,.. ua:i --__, ue . ·,;r • invitational preview tor members c&uae ot the lugei number of Appopolous, having rented to it remaillt'd R-3. ~ ·:With' Out douJi~ry_ pr.epuipg· to , wilt be held nigh.t before the ah.ow Krl. Walter Corb~t: 1008 Balboa members in t.bJa ~· the hapleml sisters a sub-,gtreet 'fhis was bees$ if the occu-q_.efend ~taelt. mnew d~&et11. opens and b<><:ause repair work on Blvds. N~wport Be&C.b. baa been Mrs. Kenneth Sle~r of Cor· level de'1 which ~ calls a J!tudio. pants wanted tu pand the bmi-weulng of .~e · y Will have the bu!Jdlng has been delayed, the ~med director ota l95l vacaz ona del Mar, alatei-law of the subsequently hi toy concemed with nc·s.'l~ in 1any way hey would '"tirst mcre~sed . sigrµfJ e . thlli year " opening dat.e will ~ announced tion cbU!"Ch school the board ho.std., will asaiat, get.her w1lh hia one-man "&.rt exhibit" to ~P ha Vt.• to ~btain a· ~s~ permit fro1n Mrs.. UP,.soD s&ld~~l:Ttte 111-tJ.e r~ tater. J'he sales gallery in the :e ~~ ~ · Church by Mn. John }$:eeler, M . Raymond ~e lflrl.s to repel lM mystet iot.11'1 the comMlS8lon 8lld in granting memorial flo~!r ' min~ ua.ot .Ute n.ew adclition w ready fo .. buat-~boo~I' be open K . Harvey Mn.. W K.nudt-molttUtt that toe.ms on thetobaae-this pernitt the pl.i..-era could add saccifl~-.ma4e, .. t · .the ·ftet?dom. • to an ~p:Un to en-· ' ........ ·' ~ · ment waJJB to ut t ~· --"" ~-bowever. and pe.lntinga f'Gll, 1 .-d' will beJ ........ ~ ..... ~. ,.-~e.r:ick KJ.l:<>w •. and •or P n a .!lh&de controls 6oL naw itexi.sten ce. Also ..,"'!· ~urit.y . fYl (~ertQa .f.n _the prteed fl'om $!; to $500 an on foi 'hro-weeJt .,.. •;Jb . -~,...,. , boiBlil mem-on 2 the window tlli"oug'h whichA ~cwcom1 and Ch New muat pro .. p,ut an_d···~ :"'4~iratton-_tQJ" sale. • , · e ~ct a. pea ere-by ean (&nc!il do) peek tn. V1de thr feet. of ff-•lntel park-N:ry,tces. ·tp ~ ~tedW\trY ;ln ~•the dates of the ac~ ~v~ not as Allo to be oomp are p.\ans A.a fOf' tbe bluting for the new tng to1'" ~ ery two tet of new bWli-Pfe6CRt ,enlerg~. .• : . · ·:---People'<lo'. reed u., want . ' BEii.i: '1io111 VJCl'Oll<VILLE CpJ. and lln. Ed.w.ard Andel'90n .pent Ute week end .visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrit. George An- . detaon, 27-8 Broadway, Oolta MeM. Cpl Andel'90n 18 stattaped ".f!. 11.t George. Air Base, Victor~. ' • ... "HERE'S MY RECIPE FOR S~URITY! I . pved ayatemalically at ~wPQRT' BALBOA FE!DERAL· until I'd reached my Savings goal ... the .. ~Yal!!llt of Of\e year's inconie. I know, now, tllat 111¥ tutw:e is re9.Jly ,safe!'' Tliat's ." recipe :~orth notjng. ·Start to save h~ tOdJly for your tomorrowi;! '. · + .... ,_ \-<. '-·~~ ........ : ..... -· . . "INSURED SAVINGS ', • • . . CURRENT Biou s3 "owmEM>s1 - M Ch M I yet bffft determ..ined.~ tor the annual P~~ic moth-!Nbway under their ,floor. and the ness und r J.he C-f-H regulation. ..The poppfes .W~ the -~m.eris "rs. ais. cA ary ' er.<Jau"'1t<r tea '"' hl&'h .echool W>Oapected arrival of the Bra· 'e.:u ..... q,.n1.re1 'c.,,. Leglott •tlx!llifi':Y .. l(V!U ·..tioti_ib-Feted at Dinner T ra inin9 Conf~ence girt. en(erinlr colieJ"'!jwherl tllere zlJl&n navy, they are only a frac· A majority o~ the platne ... ute hero hav~I be,.., made ~' dis-. ' ._ Ml!//1119A. ' _11!1. r . ·~!.... ' for MYF Summi.r Camp are naUona.J ~ltief. Tbta la to tfon of th~ P!:itarious event!! tP!:a t thought ~was be~ier to hav1'-lh(' &bled veteranJi o£~"19f'kl -:y./.~ a t tr5W.rw5 ............ tertained a family group 9unday summe r camp at J~llan, Call!., Santa Ana. Oo the lttee are ' rat<' unu r R-3 'A1Vi no eon tr°' as · gi.v-ing them oppo .i1:1'Ht.r to e1i.m Mr. ~d ¥r~. Jac.k AtcAlary of fC' be held ,June'2 at the -oole of Mn. keep Ruth and Silcon on tht• q 1~ ui-business 'linder thJkr control than Sawtellef ~lta~ .J'be w~k ,.b&B FEii-.··~·,,._...,_·Ll'/._~ .. :-&H,." 'I'· •• '·_,_. -~~• __ GS : 173 Del 111-ar Av1·, Costa MA>sa. .. en-The tccu l~y ot tbe~junlor high C. E .1 Thomu, 2i34~1e Brae. vive! lo get thj bus:ne¥}ontinuetoope-~~ benefi~ t~I ~ U-y.oeU as " .• .1-• wfifl:i the birthday of Mrs. Cllu'.Jes sponaor~d by the Mett::odlst church ~·· Walter WUaon, lnvitaUona; Recreation Comm a. ·'non-c~nforml n§j' bu 8 1 n e a s. mone~ for t¥m•fl.,es and th.ell" .._ MCAlary of Newport :fteigbta, will meet at Christ ci).ur ch by the Miu Ana. Trythall. teglslration· j • Con1ml~~ners I..o:Eoor Copelin fanlll~s. i •1 ~ • ~A.PA&.nlaR. .. ¥.t~ '3 • motber of the bOBt, waa celebrat-Sea, Saturday, Ma'.y ~6 tor their Mi.Sii Lo!a Blythe, •peaker; Mr•'. (ConUnUNJ from l'ase I ) Ellerbroe-~. Reed . . Wigbtma~ I "'Contl1buti9na »iede by tbose \ilDD 11•1JtJo•""1portl/ltlllt C.Ji7or.n/4 Pd. Seated around the ' dinner training conference. litev. Pendell Claire Jordan., mualc ~ Mrs. C. E. pensea for re-creatlonal ~ctlvltics. voted '··y~ for the;irezoning, Louis who •·car the t>oP'1ea .form -a prin-. .' -. I . . • table were l\1r. and Mrs. Charles will be the Dean and~Mrs. Joeeph Thoma.a, re~eoce; Mr1. W. A. The corn.mi.salon · decided that Briggs vdt'!!d "no" ~d c . B. Rudd d p&l s~ .e~ ~pport fo1'" the ~l.!:111C==:>ac:::::M11c:==•==:>ac=~.C=:::iac==:iioc:!~I McAlary and daughter J ane, Kr. Thompson ot Costa Mesa Commu-Cruy and-Mn.~bori Rod.rt-they wtll hold mont hly m eetfjl.J:~ said "no l vote.'' Q)ek Pleger and vast reh&bilita~"°"I and c.hUd .wel· r·· nnd Mrs. Rotxirt Harbich.t and n.ity church wtll iteii've aa head guea., tea arra.ng ts; Mn. H. at 7:30 p. m. on the second Wed· \V1>s Sm~· h were ~sen t fare wor,k carried-Olllt by the Le- cbiJdren. Bobby, Carol and J ohll zounselor of lhe cam1 .. Tile camp G. Wilson, publl~ity. nesday of every month. Due l&-lhc· M i.t,.fi · ion and Auxl\i&rt\ eo by wearing Dale of Duarte, the hosts and their will be held August to 18 and CommJttee appoln enta were press of u~gc_n~ bu~ln t:ss, hOW('VCr. Q.it lhe ··i~sl Newporters~ a poppy e¥ery~ 'la ·a idl.nr the · da.ugfit~r Martha. a group 0 ( local you . people are made at tbe pr~ue l'eneraJ the commiskion will hold special ft' 1t lh~ .same as dJ. W. Shrimp, Ji ving victims of ~}var -w.bile they --t-----........... ~ ... ,. ••Id ·t •• YWCA weekly meetings every Wt"dnes-381 2 Channel Pl..~ who said the honor the war·d ,,. .. . · p .annlng to a ttend. ~ -~._. • e St J ft ta! 'bo e ' · • • l I _11 with Harbor mem;;· 1 attending day. e '.! era rental ;]I ats were 8 • , Mesa egion Auxi iary -t---Mmu. Harvey N Williama, It was i.trP!ISrd at the r-:'l.c-etlng .. plain d*'1 nuisanj.t.e" and a haz-R L D-l to Elect Officers Children's Honijp Dir. EleaGor TO&~r a .... FarTell. that lhe $1500 promis.d by the a rd lo ·~men~ had to clear • uu.; to Address Ha,~borites Fay Spicer, Mildred Mtcbaelaon: council will not come out of next the channel at 4 pi,.m. daily when (Coll.Unmed. *. • Appointment of n nominating 1, Roberta Gutbe:rie ly Bo year's budget. Ramsey said that the boat~. came 1.nu 4 :30 p. m. today, 'sday from ~ • cnmmlttl•e n1arke-rl the lateat Manuel Siegel exe~ut ive direc-Velma Keeler and oi' t!' 81e:;:1· "more money will be available to H o\vev~r. it was pointed out by Todd Memori"1, ' 1 Pomooa rn!:'t>ting of Costa Atesa American tor of the Citizen3! cj)m m.lttee on r . Us next year. when il \Vill not be Larry Wist> that Steelcroft Co. The Rev. Harland poCue, Clare~ l..eglon Auxiliary 455 P!:eld Jn JA.. adoptton fo r the Chi•!lren·s Home E•rly pa-L Bre spent for drectglng canals and was at t t !ocatl with its seven mont, will oftitia jTbere wW-be gi:On haJl Mr8. Ann Cramer wu" Societ y ot Caiifotnia, will be u gnt: cleaning up bea'ches but for rec- named chairman, other committee .speak.er when New~rt Harbor for Coste Mes r~tlon,·· wru-sta and a l~residents knew te:ry. . n1embers being Mrs. Grace Thomp-braneh meet.a at 12 nobn for lunch----of its ex tence. ~ said the Hany Welch. ! eta.ry of Hoar. !llin and MrS_ Ed ith Dulaney . Presi-eon on Tue8day, Ma* 22, in the A morntns watch b ut w 118 Millie Cros• \ 1 increasOOftrafflc wts from the new Me{UOrial HOSP.it.a ~ tbal Ba- dent Alma S\\•.a rtz presided. Elec-home of Mrs. E . C. _Martin, 900 enjoyed rec::e11Uy ~~the Youth ler · bo,t~ of ~e Coves ~nd oth er near· con ''Wu d<>inC a lendtd job. and lion Will take place Monday, J\11\e' Soutb. Bay Front, ~boa laJand. Fellowlb.lp, at. tb~' ta Mesa tConUaued from l".,.e J) b)), t"'('Sidef~-~ W&ll Yery weu . . He will be 4, a~ 8 p . m. A.&s1stant hoetessesi.wtll be Mr1. CommunJty MeUlodU church at now ret ired. was reKistrar of Vir· Gf"Org(' W""eat oa 3906 Channel 5Gre:ly aMad tfl ,area:-. u "RIVE CRUISERS ------Wendell Calkins, Mr;,{, D~vid Cor-, Hlllcreet Park, Full D. Leaving gil Jr. High aod Roosevelt High Pi. ag that th~ yacht broker· . A apeclal meetl ; ot tit• board "V , AT APPLE \'ALLEY BOn and· Mrs. Horac41 Theet ge. tog-enahrouded co~ Meaa. tbe achools of Los Angeles. there ~&>re the Covet!! at diftd.ors ~ · MeJllOl't&I ROW IOATS .• 0L!!!.~?',.., Newport Is land were ovemight c·1rcle 5 Ele ..fLS shb'le on the hill and en bad &ll J ones of Balboa lala.nd a.nd t.frs. olher s! of the~. channel were 0 Ne.wpw't Beacti to ftDd • : ~ guests ls.st Wft'k of triend!I tn ~ lnaplraUonal service · ollowed by Berna.rd Huenfeld of Costa Mesa.. there lo before ;;teelcra!t came me-t 1w to llr. . -,, I New . Dodge_ Factory . Delivery SAYE UP TO $283.00 • l ~· lN\'J!STIGATE 'AT SHAVER MOTORS . . ~ DODGl!l -rLYlllOUTH Nl';WPOltT BL VD. COSTA M r . and li1rs. Charles Hart of ~ young people found Etlf\JJ sun-Two ~and children, Mrs. Evan but not that.th~ homea on the HOlpf.tal wm J be beld Ill their ~ ~·~ ApPle Valley. It \.\'as lovely there, t p k M A• break.fut. Adulta t:bl&' ln 1urvive, with great grand chiltJren !n and -~oUld be ;'ri ven oon.tlder--, 1 t I · ~ but warm, lh•Y report ed. a ar ee11n9 chef dutlea incl\lded ;·and -Mrs. James and J ean Jone• antl Rich· nlion. ~said thl :rbrokerage and llOIO:.nli>ll '. &L 1l LL Is I 0 i.., 1 T REN 'llA ~ C. M. Nelson. Ml.as M rca.ret Nel--ard &nd Bruce Hosenfeld. ~he motel ~ei-e no roblem btit the Roy Crac& at t?; ~·WU.-84 SIM o..is ..... ,. Newpart BreM* PIL ..,,•J,.., Mrs. Olga Cn.wffkd was re-aon and Mr. and :, Paul "'••-1n creased~traftlc s. .--... "M--.' ~~ .. .._......... I •• G11.•--~ n..,. • ayo._ __ _ lectod . hal f 'ctrcl • ...--' --....-.--• ____ .:;-;.:•:..::::-=~:.::.·-:...·-=.:.:u~:::,_:-=.;::---:;:=~B=·~ID(J=~J!:._~-L-~ e c rm• o ~ ~ .., ot tidy. ProCeecb from the break-MAfUNE GENERAL OLIVEP. Weat ewporter~ will probably SUUday. He 'WU · 1 to tbe • THE NE\V HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN r~· per 1D011tb YOU I can pl&1 rich orpD QlWIJC. at once. tbout lear&- tnc a olltgle no"A!if>nCO;;,;;m• bear and Jiloly the " d Cbonl 0...,.: ' the Co• t • Mesa U-Communtty fut tleketa 1"tll go ln the Met.ho-P . SMITH, Berkeley, on return turn out Pn mas5e '~or a tfna.l ay bo9pttal -..cm 1 lltriellea witlrl -;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;===::::=;;:;::;:;:;;;;~~:;~:;;;; Churc:h: WSCS when. rf\emben met diat You.th hand ml.ul pledge. trom Korea-'The Chinese soidler on Lhe tratter wb it comee be-mdl:lt1 .IDD,Nt .1 1 I ., in the Costa Me~ Pa.rk for la no superman -all be ~ i<t tore the lty counc next Monday, 1 . ---;:,,__.,...., __ br<oaktut Thurada1 DjPmlntr. May lu--'-e p I nwnbero." May 28 . I •fi;~•'.!>~~~,!'~"~I:'.,' !t~~~~ 10. Other ottlcen #1.ected. were nc.n on re u e ' -f - Mmoa. Steil ""'°ch, >vice efialr· to Card Pfay mu; A2lno H&nd,~taiy and Cbalrman of &ocaI • c acuvt- tles: Iva Coe, r : Viola Becket, ~on.a.ry · a I r m a n : Plonllce ElJl>mey, t cllalr- maa; l•a Roe, ttou and membenblp dlaJlrnuii! The regular work -ting of the ctn:lo will be bel I May 31 at the dlun:h. It • bo ... -aB day .-On. ~btntn ., a pot luck diJnl.t:l' a.t noon with qullt6n -' ,,,., iinakiut ... by Kn. Ci&ra Melli and Mn ---by and Kn. Roe. -·-~ r -"· ·----~Kr. c. .ll. aad ~ IJt.. New,....~• 1111. sr]xyu11'-' --~ . ~-lit llilP twfii· I en ·~-z• D. 'ftiw_pioo. Bertba . .b0anao11 lfl11M! • .,P :t' ~·=..,. .... t Jtteuor u~. ·Do1Dn8 Moft1 .. a *'• ,. ,,, • -··•?· W.. Hulld& Y-. _'1fl!J>la Lop: L. r . MP'[~' la .I. --....... .,,. ~'.........., --., . lltt... Dr1·1s• ....._ )' B r•Jt. • U!Y f1= cl I b-."'.Nert••• llr"ek,, llN. ~ lrii ID& hn ._._...,_ °""'*·' 1et A -•er.,_ FU ·N ,...,,_, the· ... -. -,., .. -~.,, ..._. "-~===.!=:t:~~~-J ::1:-Kl'a.wl!h _,. ..... = .... ='" ~ ~ ~-· j •' I ' • ' l I • - I., .., ! .. '-' : . • •. • • I . , •, • • • Desse rt Bridge , at Bur l Grow Home One of the pretty affairs of the ..--put ~k wu the dessert bridge ho8le88ed by Mrs. Burl C . GroW at her home, 464. Abbie Way. where colorful arrangement. of Iris and: daisies were employ- ed deoorat1ve1y. Sharing Mrs. Grow's ho11pltaltty were Mmes. Blanche WIJllama. Laura Adams. Phyllis Dunlap, Jean Bernard, Ruby Berg. Pamela Danl~ls and Bllll~ Thronson. Prize awards went lo Mrs.. Ada.ms. hll{'h ; Mrs. Thront'On. second, a.nd Mrs. Berna.rd, conaolaUon. Surprise Shower for Ed ith Dulane,y Mrs. Edith Dulaney, 1880"2 Newport BJvd.. Costa Mesa was the honore.e at a surpriae friend- ship sho.wer arranged by members of the Past Presidents Parley of the Costa Mesa American Legion A urlllary. After Mrs. Dulaney opened her aasortmentl o( attrac- tive gifts. refreshments rounded out the evening. Included were Mmes. Hattie Ta.it, Florence Davey, Berineace Fox, Una P~tmor. Jo Pe.Yfte, )(ary Payne, Ann Cramer. Cora Bomboy, Alma Swarts. Seridinl g1n.. but unable to attend were Mmea. Dorrie Ludl. Emma Hull and Geraldine Grupe. Tiie Most Service 20 D•ily Trips EAST fro• Los A.#g<Us i'"huii111 7 "P1U1-Tbn1" EXPRESSES ~· ' Tiit Most Miits for Ynr MoHy . -~--... Titer• Are /!!!! Lower ,,.,.,, Chicago • , ••• , • 136.15 Deuoic •• I • • I I I .c..J.'° lll'Uhiagioo.D.C. , "7 .• 5 New York • • • • • •· 4(9.IQ. liostoa .. • • • • • • ,.J.60. 00 MoW.. , , • , 32 . .U Ni80ttpolil • • • • 34.65 -NewOrl-•••• 34..40 \ ... ~ .. : ---··-···---\ . ; Mrs. c. c. s~~r.d. ' ....... . .\~ .... l ~· ... ..,. . ~ ~ .. ~ ·~ ( -~ ,°' ~ .... ,.,_~ \ • -1ti • -----.--~ . -. • • • , . .... ' '. -., 'ti 9 I • Special • valaes • be"er I parl~llCJ "I . . • save time • -better ~ service ' .. st.art in g May 21st and money 11ii~Gins ·'.Be;;.UtHJ;L(;HONE~,:iiliiirl·: . ·, · ·. : · · · . . I Theirs ~~~J~~'.~~~~~~d. they do them we~ ~ 1. Here"s 0110 bwia .. ~,d;~.;,,;,.li&\>(ijb!iy . 2. Pnctically every son of job-fro accowma, on women. Bea~ of • nature of teltfihobt'·'!(i>!jl. to 1..ming-an be found in our b ncss. ID .. \, neatly !WO out of tvery ditee ·telcpti~ ~pie /oft dition 10 good pay, !he girls have !he ·s·I)' of~ women -a high pcrcen 8"· And. the)'. '!i.~. be ~pt,; ~mpuiy-paid Bcncfir Plan •nd enjoy ho 'doys aad ~­ hie, well-cn.ined wom , . '° han<!Ie ·)'opr.dlis-dli' atioos wi!h pay. All know !hey ha.ve a cbanqe 'ciemly .. d serve you ell in °'1<, 9~cei:'WC ·~ to advance as !heir abiliry grows. Perl:U.ps !he b<!jr them, acour.cxp•or.oEf<>une. And:tli~.'<i!.m ·~ evidenq of !he imponance of womca to us ii~ money m thiJ iml'l';xworlc.: ·. :. , : .·· bundredJ b&ve nanagcmenqobs. . 'r 3. Ir would be hard t Imagine woik for·""°"""' roday more impo"'f'' a job ia·our ·nation's tde-Price increases since 1Jl40 ti phone service. For now, ~!than .ever. pw: cou.ntty Jooo ur 1W4 • oecds swift, reliable cofil' muniations to help speed !he job of defcnse.1Andl rs r:eassuriag to know !hat in <hcsc doys of high pri es '1" mosr ""crydiiag, you still get a bar~ when :~ buy telephone service. Here in the ~!,\op !he l.vctagc, telephone ma are up less than half u m"4i u !he cost of livin&. • • i ' i: l I' • ' . - .. ' • • ' I I I I I ./ • • • 1. • • I • l .[ l'Ullll ,b,,.j Every TueOaay u Newpon B• dl,j!onda ~. the NEWl'ORT IJAJIBOR P1Jlll.11HIN9 ANY Merti\Jer of CALIFORNIA NEWS!' APER PUEILISB~~ ASS'N, Member of the NATION~L EDITORIAL 1 TION Office and Printing Plant o.t 2211 Balboa Bo evard Telephone .Harbor 1618 ij Second-Cla.v Malter at the Postottlce .u; NeVport Beach, californla under the Act ot March 3, 18,:~ R USSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor RALPH BORGESON, Advertising Manage~ ... ' ' .'YOU 'ud . YOUR . ' CONCRE S eon...-t. ~tt1n1 down to cases again on coet..ofi;g Iegta.. latlon. • · , SpeclficaJly, It's be lng ac- tJve consldera.tlon ot hat to do about. or with, the Detenae ~ ducUon Act <DPA). "F.I Members wtll •tep · gerly ln the proceu. · Politlcall speaking, the situation is loaded. i For, being the main pieee of &4ti-lnllatlon leglslatlon on the bool<a. the DPA ·One l"nOni lved a ~ty J&U ~ apd al ••"4 ent,!red a plea of nol gulllf to c!IArsM of. .. vealed 1ut llttoxjcatl~ and I . -cy In -52 ft"""1 -N-rt City c" ' laat week.· county Wijl ,be Lola May Wat , 15, 910 Coast lhla tjoca1 H,fy.J N~ h, WU IOll· r '"""r&l JOV• t~ to .. ...., 1 d&ya In county _,.,eat ._ but -JaJI after a Pl"• guilty to the tll&&.efforll w!U t made to ,.._ • ......,.. The<jdore Tompktna, 62, dutioi It. 119 -23rd St.,INe rt Beach, en- Bome expelldltU o-f .. ca'pltal t•red a plea of n gullty. Judge '~ due :if<> be trlmmod li'rank LlnneUJset ~ ~w-y .trlaJ for llOW <lh&t tll• fed~~aJ KO••rtUDA<nt Jlrid,.y to hea~ ht. .f~· · Ma: clamped prioil.ty controt. on The two were a~~ted together ¥al'\<JUO purchueo.T '6y Newport p<!llce pl\ tbe be&Cb at But aome expe~turee -for 23rd St. at 1 :45 a. r· Saturda,y. aal&N1, ll major Lt.e m -wtll be - hll:he• by IOllle l~,000 next ti. •. MESA HOVSJ: GUESTS Quallfit-d t-o PubUHh ~al ·Not·I~ and . .\.d\'erti.ementa tor an KJndtl Is a imed at the Amert~n pocket-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~·~~~~~ book ~ a touchy tarCet at beat cal Y•ar bec&uae t~t board of su· M.rs. Ruby ~e.y of Flower pervtaor1 autboriUd Wary in· St., Cost& Meaa, hl.s as her bouae CM..._ to 90 pt:rjnt o( the coun-, guest Mrs. Ann D•fv of Alhambra ty workers.. mo t!\&n 1400 Of iv · !'IURSCRJPTION RATES: i NEWPORT-RAl~HOA NE\VS-TIMES ewry Tue:w.y ln <>ranee County. $.'i.50 per yt>ar: $2.00 six montld:~ It.JS three moolh.<J (Also includt>S the SE\\'PORT-BALBOA PRES~i, Tbunday) I Outskle Orance County U .00 per year ~ County May Pull Su from Shoreline Associa , on W ithdrawal of cr.ur.ty financial support to the Sh~re.Jne Planning Aasocia.tion v.·ill be r·pcommer:ded when the association.rs statement for annual dues con1cs before the boa.rd of .supervisors, Wil' 1lis warner, chairman of the county i:?OOY to'.d the Orange Covnty ·Association meeting in Laguna last week. t Warner, ~uthem vice-president or the ahoTeline gr1p, said less tba.n a quorum of directors ot the ~ _ ' usociation teok action recently to bltrary attitudes of Jef;tslators and -halve the l!Ut!S of the organization. atate bureaus, who he~sa..id dJct&te citing war e<:onamy trt-nds for to the people. Whart h contended that such. a condltlo 1 Ls the re- trimming the scope of Its a ctivi-verse of w hat actual y should be ties. Warner said that he penned the situation. t a notation on the memorandum Support for pta.ns r for estab- announcirig the action that a job Ushlng line for ext~on of Se· worth doing shouldn't bt.> halvt:d. pulveda Blvd. ~gh Ora.ng"e The county's annual contribution county was expreue{I by Harry bas been 1800. jlerrb of the Counfy Planntnr -The Coaat Association members staff and by Pl'eslden~ Herb Ken- a.tao were informed that the ac· ny, Who i. also actlig u chair- compllshmeqts in parks and rec-ma.n of the Board ooalmittee, who 1 ~ational facilities for Orange stated the requut ~ recelvinK county bave been the result of caretul conaideratiori d that ln- Orange county's own efforts with formative data and ~picture• ln no assistance rrom others. support of the plan ~were beln& Stat.:-Budcet presented to proper ~fficiala. Warner also took occasion to Pu.ne Selae iBlll I comment on the n1~ke-up of t~ All pr~eient were W",-ed to write current state buJg('t \\'hich totals state Senators invltinfr support of a: billion dollars. He obsen>ed Assemblyman's Earl S)tan1*y'1 bill tiat one-third of the budget i!'I: 188 to curb purse se~ng off the fJ r w~ltare purposes and 'that O.r&n«• oounty cout. t cont.1.nued pressure ls evident to AJ>pi;:oval of reque(~ts to State incree se thls situation. .liiUtway d&p&(tmen ror more The observations r elative to the signa'.s In the Huntlegton Beach Shoreline Planning Association aru1 lhe Cap.ialr&no ~b. areaa tollo~ed a report from Ralph P. waa unanlmouaty· gr911ted. Mas)Cey, of Newport, chairman of The committee onJ "water" re- th~ association's parks and re-ere· ported flne resul\s ilfdicat.tnc full ation committee. that legislation cooperaUon followin&fl" the aaaocia- t~ered by the Shore.line Associa-Lion's recent letter af'ging f.c!eral tion has been d~feated in the leg-and state i.natallati>M to uae iAlature. Mayor Frank Wharton of I MWD water in thei development Laguna Beach la.shed out at ar-p rojects In Oran1e unty. Cancer Crusade Shott of Goal .;. ~ bouki M.cCallum and Wa.ltt"r Splcrr, chairmf'o for UK" (,..,_er C~ In N@W)M)rt a...ea.. CoNta Mesa. Balboa. Bal- boa LiUao.d aad Corona del Mar, ...jlort..i •ha• $866.91 had ......, ra.IM'd u ot toda.r. Althouch Aprf' Is C'anC"f"r month ~r.· Spker and Mrs. )f~lum Wd~ ~1· wert'l contlnuinl' the drive throught !\lay \\!llb tbtll bofk' of topping thfsdr goaJ of $1,000. Give to Conque-r Cantt'l'. 111B f"° ha.-e oot """"'1,)· dbb«i)o! an-ur gt"ll to srnd their cOntributton to \\'alt~r Splcirr. !3 Harbor' (Rland, N•\4tport ~ or to )1rs. Oo.oa.kl l\1c- CaJ.lum., 415 San Bernardino avf'nfJl", N~wport Beach. If ~ l I t New Li9 for • Main Mesa S<•ool New 11th~ in t.he ~jclnity Of the Costa Mesa Main sjhool were or- dered installed by }the board of s.upf'rv•rs on requ,5t or Everett A . R C'a, su~rinleSl.dt'nt of the Costa Meu. SC'hool ~istrict. ~ Rea forwarde(l tO!; the s upervis· or~ the request f~m h is school board th.at new ~ 10.000-lumen light..s to br install4id in front of the school at 19th ·st. and New- ~rt Av~ .. and at .al1ey on 19th bet~en Newport ' and Harbor Blvd. SUpervisor Hein.?.! Kaiser said the area around t~e school was not lighted and that residents of the area had expre89ed a.l&rro over the dark condition. ~ • tor Congress, , DPATHl!Jn"!l'Y ' Days or teatlmony On how tbe DPA, which beea.me la}¥ last ~p-­ tember. h.aa and sboukl have worked, will be l&ken "durini' the hearings ot· the Houae d Senate Btnklnr committees. l Tile committee cur~ rallero \fill !>., the cb&ncee th• DP A which the Pl'ea1~nt proposed to eon..,..._ I These already han1:ed a ~ many membel-a ot Co eu to' de-~e what tbey want· do about e J?PA, tor the ~ belnc at aal. They 1lmply +~t to ex- -tend It, for go da,ya dr ao -to l'ive Concreu more . fme to ln- veatls•L• the entire owrn.ment control1 aetup. Th'eae memben coateftd that Co~•u can't, or ~t ut won't nn.1ah thrublnl' out all I th• nr- loua propoaed amen nb to the DP.A -many mdr. w be tntro-- duced as the commltt.. hearings move a lon.c -bet~ the '"'9-Ct's present expiration date c t June 30. They point to both ,te breadth and cont.rovenlaJ nat ot Mr. T'rwn&n'• recommellda 00,9, They &rt broad ladff<I. Their hifbpotnta conr: tUm 'partty, subaldiee of vartoua t)tpa. rent and credit conlrola, f:,""""nt conatructlon iln.d opera. Jon of de- fense plan.ta, tl1hler e forcem.ent of DPA re&'Ulation.. 1 ' Tb@ Ooatrovetiy As for controversy ~well, takE' j~t the Pretident'1 ,..,ommenda- t1on on parity alone as &n ex- ample or what could gfierate d e· bate of maratJwn propafUon.a. Purity, briefly, ts a ~rinula de- vtaed by Conare .. ta... at.a.in the buying power of the f er's dol· lar. A baalc ln(TedieQt of thlB rormula la the cost of th'.Jnp farm- LADY ANGLER £lalDf'J Walker models a bathing 8ult for tM fuhloa &bow 1t8ced at Balboa Bay club. 1 Both shop o"'llerl and •models ~,.... ch1b memtwrs. Two Hurt in CDM Accident Two persons Were injured u the result of an automobile a ccident at 6 a . m. la.st Thursday on the Coast Highway near Avoca do Ave., Corona del M ar. them sb&rinar in .raites. ~ · wbo have been ~ln& up t~eir ...... A,. --· n D. .. He4ds of coun depa.rtmentA, I ~ J budaet eeUmate1 :f.r aome week& . I now, were notlt~fi ~t the board I O~Y of 1upervlilor1 w~i be(in b.e&rin&'I on tbeil' pre~y bud&"eta on Kay 23. About tbJi)e daya are ex.- peeled to be co~ed with aucb hearlnp, which ... not public. MAN INlvuo A coll1.sion on \bout Hwy at Marine Ave., near ;Newport Bea.ch Wedneada,y nlrht • eauJted In in- jury to Emil Mlt , 620 N. Hel:. ena St., Ana.helm, lghway Patrol officers reported. waa a pp.s· se.nger IJ'\ a car d ' ven by Cart J. Wriesa. 43, of Pen ylva..nia, which collided with one rated by U>e H. Jayred, ~6. of :f211 E . Balboa. Balboa, a.bout 9 :0~ p.m. ' -People do reau the want ad!!. ~GAL ~OTICE '1CYrl~!;. INVtNG 51us N otice Is herebyd given that the • I . Harold• K. Grauel Cha 1 ' Phone:! oft 611.._J. - j - J Co.ta Mesa f BE .SURE~ INSURE ·"'"a . ! MAlTRIE S .\N1ZI I• lo•u'?l'nce Only Phone Har r 1~18 I !'!6 Marbt~ ~ve. '3-lboa hJan4 I MA TTRE."ES Boat!t-Hom~Tratlen lrregqlar Sbi\pes BEA~OX ~001 CoAta MrSQ t reu Co. • 2 150 .~e\\'PO Bl\·d. Board, of Trustee•~ of the Orange , ~--~--..,-~1-------­ EXCELl.EX_2E tnl . ~· l'HO/-STERY • • • l(IMMONS C11dom Furnitur~. DraJ.rl•i Curtition1 IE~CON ru , '4l5 E. 17th S!llEET, ~OSTA MESA Coa.st Junior Col!fge Di.strict of Orange County, C~lf., will receive ~ids up t o the houf of 10:00 A . M. qn the 1st day ofi; J une, 1951, at the office of said gM:hool District, Jocatf'd at 19951 S:. Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Calif.I at which time said bids will be ~u blicly opened for the fumJ.shing;< of the foUow-1 ------t---t------ By CLAYTON THOMPSON Here's A Tip On GasoUne Quality • And t>ecause CheTMn Supreme d oes have these 8 eesentlal qualities. it'• bette, baJs.nced an~ thus more dependaible W> der any conditiona, anywhere in the West. Give us a call today. We11 aee that ycrur bulk tanks-are filled promptly. Judge for yourself what a di fference Chevron Supreme Q3soline makea iD your driving. ers mu.at buy. i Proportioaat.ly, ~ c 0. ts have riaen futer than moet farm prlcea aJ.nce the flchttftj ln Xoi'ea beaa.n. Tise DPA. no\1( prohJblUt tum prlcu tro.m be.ln.r~controUed whJJ-:i they're below parlty. Ronald S. Williams, Long Beach.1. was driving east on Coa.at High- way, when his car was hit ln the rear by a vehicle drivm by C harles R. J ensen. Camp Pendle· ton Marine, who, according t o po- llC'e 1-eports, had fa!len asleep at lnt Plumbing f11'tures for the Gymnasium Builq1n g. The said Board of Tn!st~ shall be the sole judge of tile merits and qualifications o~' the equipment offer ed, aad reser es the right to reject a.II bids, to waive 8.n y ln!ormality in' an • bid. , Adv.: May 15 -2 1921. RICCIARDl'S S OE SHOP I ' ·shoes Rf'ir1 alrt'<I Some gaeolines are re fined to etrees one or two special features •.. V the expense of othel"l!I. No g&line gives y~ all·around perlori:nance unlesa it h&e 8 imporfa.ot qualitiea ... 8 that make Chevron Supreme: e Area-blending qUality j • To Vreeu Put~ Mr. Truman want.a tto freeze parity temporarily, let qte lag.-lng farm pt lees catch up lo lt ~d •then k t'<.li> them even J1th it for a while by wiine controia . the wheel. · J ensen received two broken teeth and. a cul lip. A pa-Slienger in his car . Ed""·ard H . Cobb, Camp del Mar Marine, was cut above th(' right eye. Both cars wt>re badly damaged. U controls didn't .1.o 4the trick. Mr. i:ruman told O >n!Jr! .. recent-No Vacation Relief ly, government •Uha.~~ea might Opening Date : J e 1. 1951, 10:00 A. M. Signed: BASIL H . Sec. No. 205-Times. Publish May l~ ETERSON, rd of Truste('s. rerence between act11e and eeil-NOTICE INTENT l.rlg ptic.1. . . ft has not ~t'n the custom lo TO MOfTGAGf: have to ,,. used to ab..,~lh• air-for Constable Vaughn M.oit. farm ata.tc 1ri "l.ibers ar employ vacation relief for con· Notice is heret;W i"iven. pursuant Con~res~:, \''ho prefer ettered stables or their deputies, the to Sectjon 344~fif the Civil Code parity to subsidlea, o~e that a boa.n:! or supervisors ruled; this of the State o.f C Jifornia. that the parity freeze would r.f.nf&ir be-"''eek, as the county board re-undersigneJ, DE H. WADE and caUle farm· pl'icee (. w rather fused a request by Constable JACK TARNO ' KE whose ad- tbcan l-!ad lnflaliona1y !rala. Frank Vaughn of Newpor.t Beach dress 18 429 -3 Street, Newpor1. These members tell the price t ownship for vacation asSistance. Beach, Californ~ and whose bust- contr<1ll»rs. In effect ; "'C'alte care Vaughn notified the board that ness is that of.-Machine Shop o( thoiltt ~·tber coats tha' inllue.nce his deputy, F. L. Glaser, is leaving and wtiich busi.riess ill known as the partly formula .!l.rci fOU won't on his vaca~f) .1 J~~ ·•I .~t l).e ·Tb.e ~Sp~ty 1 ~, lntends, e..s bave t ,) worry about t?te formula asked for a. replacement. · -mo.rtgagor, to rtgage to Bank ftaelf." ~ Supervisors commented that of America Na onal Tru!t a.nd The price controlli Nply: they had never made pro vision for Savin~ Assoda.thi. whose branch "How c&.n we UJc.e c e of the paying for vacation relief for con· address ls given 3herein below, U coab of t.he thlnJI t.a Ml buy stables a.nd their deputif's and thal mortgagee, certahi personal prop· when labor, which bl? ps make the practice was for constable.s erty of ·which a @ene ral statement those things. demand age in-a.nd de:putles to relieve each other. of the charact er J.bereof ia as fo l· cr-eaM's beca.U9t' rorxt prces are lows: ; up!.. I Takes Truck, Nabbed Machine tools !f.nd equ.tpmen.t And so thtt argunicnt will go-which persona.I Pfoperty ts locat- on and on. 1 . by Newport Police td at 429 -3oth.,Street. Newport Other que.stlona alao ~m lik t>ly Beach, Callfomil!, and that any to touch ott ien,thy de • t~-such A 32-year-old San Bernardino consideration to.( B&id mortgage u thetie: ma_n was arrested Tuesday night , will be paid at :t.e hour of 10:00 Shaul· I t·:-.!dlt tn the !S: e of u&tad and bookc<l for g rand µ;ieft of j A.M., on the F~at day of June, hou.ae• b...· t.'Onlrolltc'<i : auto. parole violat ion and intoxl-1951, at the l"lewport · Beach Is mot e 11:nt control 1. L'CS8ary? cation , N('\Yport Bc>ach police re-bra'nch of Bank 'iof America Na- Should a busine8.i cl08ed ported, tional Trust and 'savings Associa- down tor vi olating prlc~ ontrola 1 H e was John J oseph Ht'nnesy, tion at 2200 W ~ Newport Blvd., Tb.ere will be ana.ny dlhen be-wbo admitted stealing a truck. Newport Beachtt]' alltornia. tore 'Jun~ 30. ~ from San Berrtardlno by "jump.-Dated at Ne rt Beach, C,.U- in&"' the ipllion wires. Police ar· fornla., thia 18th y ,of May, 1961. ruled him at Via Yell& and Via DEE H. ADE ' COltl Cd'S?'ty $!f00 Udo Sow:! about 9,25 p. m . Tues-Mort~or to Op I I d day. JACK T,)UlNOWSKE ••• While attempllnc to put Hen· Mort or Orange county m.ta~r aa well nesy in a squad car, be broke and No. 209-Time. tolget the SllllO It coot ihe coun-ran. police· said. Offlqers finally Publill!ed 11122/5 ty road deputmeot to Ofe.ll Fair-tackled the man and b&ndcutfed. le Rd ••--•• . d S him. NOftCI: BIDDllJlS v .., ., -..._...... ..... ant.a An& 4"""' Air -· A cheek with San Bernardino The Board of -of th<! County Comel Joel S. police revealed that lbe. truck was Newpon ~ ~Un.km Hip lb ~ 'ltolen there T'ueaday and UJ.at School t114UMta ~ on ma.terl&Ja U.:t ·ui.; :!.~'" Hennesy, had violated San Bernar· and labor for U.~ conotructlon ol money \from tbe govern-dino pa.role orders. • • ... cance· un1tl &Ill follows: . ment .anc. tbe co_.~. cu't .kl 1. P~ 1*ide .ad out.stde " .....rwiu-i tu t aad OI. !Sen•t •ock on ' Pr"ce!Wllta. (la-IA· tltere &roD't ""l' (eden.I to ,., . Meta Fhll Fry 1 =! f<>r -Ullita. --tile ~ f tile ,... t . • ~-· .. •· for opalQI. • ~ ~ -for t pr· ~ 114. .._,. J:lcl!teenth -t wtl! lie block-' ..,.. Wllt&, ( -) at.. wlioa tile .U.y Air ~-eel ott! by tile -ty for tile atxth ~ &lld -·t:::~ may " orated tilt bo!lle ....._ ' .:;, """-' tlllt ff'7 of tile <;oota M-· •M••-la tlle ~ . d( U.O lllCh connect& 11uQ 4M wt eo.ta N~ H&tbor Llano club, JW.e 2 ~ M-by -or IM COUil· and 3, tile board ~t •~ra .. will loo ft.II .. •W ty fa!~ and coueg.,. r!lled 1ut week. lJ:tn P.ll: oa 11, lMl. la . n... bou-d lnltruct<d Ille counq th<! -or ~--'fb<oy •i:No M>IN'l'"'l'llN ....i 'c!el>&r'.lment to ctc.e ottj.Utll wlll_M _... J :OQ P.ll., GD lit.. train Newport l!I""-to ~&· tltat'aa&o-1a -· · .._: Jolat-l•t 'Cl' pro-¥Jm An; In Coot& -0-~ "-1<1 UM! llbt to _,,, ID .U.. eoiau. ol Or--.., "°''!M l until tile mobwic re.feet or · -ill -_ _ .. .,., 'l"A-, ..... ., _ •. :--! . ' ~ ·;--Ill --llHw.~ottlle = ·::u_ bTS:-.::"'· lleld ~ ~"i:..-:,_ U:..S..,:. r:!:: :::-..,:=•~u~:r.._:* .. -r:;- JIU'HI of Coot& X.. .-1 wt11 1-lleld Oil tile Utl\ SL -· ""-~,,_. la joint t&n•eey. · -lj -. . _ ~....:._,_'. P11h'I¢ ·d 1/21; • • ' While Yo Wal ~ Alt•ration-R• deli n4' ~ Co'"1" ( Orthop•d•e Wor~ OUR MOTI Nothl 9 ' lrnpossi bl• 2602 OJ Pwpol'if Blvd. NEWPORT l3EACH WATllR HEATERS j:eS)rpoo t Re~~ PJ-t·~ AuthortzP.CJ ~ler Day ~ Ni~ht eater11 TERMS 10%, O,•n on •II M••l•rt Phone jHarbor !54%-\\1 • Mileage quality • Power qualjty • Anti-knock qualn, • V •por·loclt prevdttion • Starting quality • Warm-u~ quality • Acceleration quality • • • - Distritllutecf by ' CLA YT.ON THOMPSO 18th & Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach m A Y ~ 1 ~~·~iif!; w~t'f tor eCi . REGULA ' PRIQE. $83.30 • $6875.1 ' · -. · PONTIAd 6 I PllRTS A..'ffi LABOR ALSO BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES ve Grind l , • < : • ,• I r· f . I ' I Tuesiil1y, ~•Y 22, l95f • [ .it ! .I • • I • CLAP HANDS ! HERE CO~fES CHARLEY! •,,,.. J "',~~at~ 00bop1 p11hly 1thumpr c'h.#ii:r1 t~~oodt'~ ':-;:~:--L~';:.· __ _ o ....,.ore a u e ang o &re1·& ~ . -.... Oo shore, Charley Drake ls serving zeattuJ selllood by lhe aea . _ . lndoors or ouL Char· ley•s' b.:ick pat.lo overlooks the Bay, tbe Fish~ log Fleet , IU'\d a... ~I g oldfish poad. While. overlooking lhese wonders, don't overtook Charley's deluxe dot:ar luncheons. Here you can laurch yourself or impreM inland guests 0 7 a :: w tth Harbor a tmosphere. You'll t.hin.k Charley Is the Inventor ot' the lunch hour ,arter hls Jllllllbo Sllrtmp _ wiill ~ Fri.,.. Cold Slaw, onion rings, cocktail sauce, roil I butter . Seafood Salads and Cock tail~ go good her~. Oh, you migh just u v..>ell stay ror dinner! A complete-shrimp dinner is only $1.2 . Whole L.Obste-r w ith all the t rim is $2.25. CHARLEY'S SEA.FOOD I RIOllT NEXT TO l""ORT fJJC.ASfit.: . open 7 day !ll t 135 Cou~ Rtway., New pvrt. B+•at·on 683.4. • • • F'A'fH i-~R. DEAR FATHER. COME HOM'f: WITH ME NOW ! Don't send your Jilt~ one1 to the ne.,. M.EN'S llAlt a ft t·r papa. F a ther will neve r atag ger out ~or }Jere ! 1 he l\11•n's Bar Is Ba lboa 's n ew ~portswear !\l'lf>P ! Bob W llt:a n1s has oPened a m a.'lly bazaar for sporttl bloods. Th fs It:e n's Ber carries sport&hirts, Ca talina & cK eevC'r ·!!lw1 rn wear. Balboa Blues, sport coats &: slacks. ome of the sport shirts are slig htly terri fic~ I we..s ve tsmltten with the cotto ns an~ cbambre:ys. Smartly ignified new washa ble pattern~. n1annish and not guady -$4 .9 . · $6.9!5. T ee-sh!rts a rt! $2 9~ 11p -Hand300lt:' casual !lpot'l J&Ckels i butchf'r line11 are $17 9t> J f yCJU h&Vt! son1e n1&n hanging around t!1e house a t n1eo.I tin1c, pin a re.turn address. On t:.inl and !fend hin'! to the )fr-n'"' &r, 703 ~ l!albua 81\·d., Batbou.. Harbor 1720-M. • • • • WHEN \VHlPOOR-WILLS CALL A ND 'EVEN- I NG IS NIGH, t.lo you hur ry to your Blue H eaven or to the nea r('~l pub'? I r yo u owned your own hom t.', there'd a l,vo.ys ht• a ligh t in the .,.,.indow ror you . I EdLSOn Co. willing). I am o ffer ing you TWO Big Chances un T\VO FINE HO MES! 2 Houses so fre.11hly brand nt>w, th1: gift wrapping is sllll on the bathtubs! Sally S t>W.in toak tne-un a tour of these two ho w.es • ,. 'I now un der l:C1nstru<.·t io(\-_If you choose one now , you REA[ can p ick uut yuur ow n color schemes. The one hous~ • ~:STATE rests on H. itpac1ous corner lot. 2 blks. from the ocean and ju11t across from a smaJJ Jant.lscapOO cit y park. There's going to be a.f5 ft. 8" wa-H en closu re. You'll Ieall a ve ry private life here, excep11. for the sun w hich '"ti ll &l\1fays be seeking y ou out. The inte rior rk>or plan is m06t Intriguing. The re are 2 bedrooms, large living rctJm w ith h uge w indows and a red &: gray brick fireplace. Either of!o the two houses bas a lot to offer ... 2 car gar., outside show e r and pt.tio. The ma in difference betwttn the corner house and the one next: door is Sl.000. T he pric~s are $I i.~ -$16,500. S&!ly o r J im N el\rlin w ill show you t he wa'y. J ohn Burnharil' Co., 507 E . Balboa Blvd ., Har. 1607. . . . ; • ' I . ' • • ., •• • • • • • • • • • • ' . , • I:. ,CL .~s·s .LF·I 11 aou.-Ow GOON -.F or TV Service . ~~~. largeot Inventory ot ports II BOUllEllOW OOOD8' TWIN OR BUNK BEDS - spread.II &nd buread, 'each flnlah. Patio .. t with cw~ ... overatufted coUcit, cbalr, By MARGO The Mi1hty Midget ln Adve 1--~~~~+-~~~~~~-+-~-+"!"""~J in Harbor a.re.a · CALL man, t'le-1306 Cove SL•c.. 'fblll• Cove, l!orona del Ku, 3147-R. Evea., Sat. P- "TALES PF HOi"FM. " a· current ititi.sh rurit la being con· 11lde.rably dlacu.ased. ;.. you ow, Michael Po~well and Emeric Pre.8.s- burger who al.lb co-produced ••· ed Shoes" ha e tran11pla.nted the opera to the screen.. Tt.e B.nllle of · uny now ha the London ffrr Rttard Co. recorcllng1 of, the comp:e ortgtnal clnerrla eound track. Sir Tom Beecham, Bart. condw.cU the oyal Philharmonic orch. a.nd Sadler-'a WeU. Otorus for thl11 set. This "'T ales of Hoffmann". recording! aid to be a. quality reprodUctlon ~· available on LP or 4~'•-Fdr your lighter moods, get OerUe LaWJe.n ce and "The King and I." lt'I going grea..t on 45's and 33 Y., '11. Be~ie Goodman's Carneg ie HalJ Concert la •till aolld LP entertalnm.mt~ Sf,zy, record exper t at H ouse of Harmony aaya Fran.kie Lalne's "Jezebel'f ill hitting hard. No matte r what type of mu&ic mobs. )'OU guys and dolls may be. consult with Su zy. HOtlSE OF H.AR..\1.0~~-. eaters to hlci low or middle brow t astes. 1817 New- port Ave., C osta Mesa. ~5731 -;SMS. . . . - NEWS. -Every NEWPORT BAY POST-We NEWPORT-LBOA PRES.S -·Jin~~ Newfl"l"'l Bay P t ~lnN ~ mc:mt ftllt la 37 New Tlml!9 or the 1'1tuncla,J Pnu NTMUM AD 18 4 LINES . . / All ctaaslned adlt m t be pa.Id for Cuai bl ~vaaee jof puMI Uon. 4 Uoes·i' 1 Paper r · 75 4 Uoes 2 Papers 1.50 4-Lilles~ . ,S Papers . 2.08 The publlt1hers will t be responsible for more th'V1 one lr!<>~oct Insertion of nn odver S(tm cnt, reserve tbe rtg'ht to c.Prrectly fy any and all ad.11 and . o reject any advertisement ltcon:t'o ln&-ti• rules and regu1atlont. Advertis~menta and cance Uona Ill' bf accepted up t o !5 p.m . t,n the day preceding publicaU . Ph. H r. 1616 Pbooe llar. 1616. uk!!for ''Ad Taker'' or lif'Dd ad remlttanf!f! to NEWPOJtT HAHROR l'tJRLISllL'IO cl>. ! ~----2211 BA.lb'la 81\·d., N~\''~~ Bea~~· <Janror_IL • 10-BlJSINESS O '!8--llillTl.lATIONS1WAN;:JJ; , YIPES! WHAT A CLOS SHAVJ;~ J allno.Rt br ushed b y that Big Wl:\iaker Specl.&l at the lboa 6 &: 10. Ct•t tt'r get yourself in a lather over t his deal! W1th every glu.nt t>conomy sizt~ of Palnullive or Colgate Shaving Creau1 nt .f7c, you gt>t a fr'* bottle of sha v;ng lot ion ! And other good oews t The jell n1a.rkt!l Is sho.k ey~ \'ou can gt:t a big wad of jelly beans for 19c! ~ a \Vho ·e J1ound or sp ict:d jelly d ro ps Cor 19c ~ Other aeU·out swe~l values. 19c! Pin-up girls! Hl're's the biggest pin-up value of the y r ! CL()'fJIF.SPISS, hardwood, 5 coll COMPLE'fBl HUUSlt ANING spring 6c a doun! \\/hos! j-it a m in ute! One nlore buy ! Balboa aervtce. Furntture and rup I.sln.nd Marlin deca!s l&c. Don t lo~c your hi.>a (h1! Jlun, dcr not w nltz I ~~~~-li"rt!e atlm&te&- G . l . COLLEGE ~ UDEi,. want.II job tor summer on boat. Can do navigating, radi , meet\. Ple.ue write K . E . Me~ra, eM>3 Mala- bar St., H untind-on Parl C&Uf, to the DALBO . .\. 6 &: 10, 300 1'1.AI~. DAl~DOA . A· r. • ~ • • Al's Hou!le tJi Rug VIVAT! VIVAT ~ VIVATf "fha t's 3 rou:oi1ng cheers Cleaning ro. (you nuty count then11 ror qtm dun <~rli~'. Cu..sa lJon f" Carlos is the small Mexican cale t hat's as n1erry us a hat Beacon 611,, 72tlt' dance! Talk about having ~ bt:•tter r11du~~t1·ap! Ca!ia don Carlos .. has Bett e r Mex icttn dish~s. so bright peoplt'." nre beating a pa.th to this lit-le hroy.•n lllld yello''' t.loor~ P rices a re pre-Civil Wa r. J ust lh;ten to this a plate or F ried Beans. real rerritos Is olll y 15c. A T aco i• 20c. An enchilada is 26c. Or fo r 9!5c yl)u can have yourself a l"ea l South of the Border Ball ~ A t'bmbinatlon pla te with soup or s.alad, drink A de88ett 95c ! 6t.he r f iesta dinner s a l'e $1.35 and $1.75. The $1 .75 di.nner 1 bears a good steak. Frosty Carta Blanca or t.lomeM tic beers blend beautlrully. -Bet ter s tart hitt ing t he trail to Casa don Carlos, 133-22nd st .. Newport. Hci.r;bor· :!638-J\1 . For Venetian Blinds. Shades and Drape Hdwe. THE SHADE[ SHOP Free estimates Ph.; Har 884 514. 29th St. Newp\irt Beach STATION W !GONS REFINISHED "Open 5-9 p. 111. w1d 5-10 Satu days. C losed T uefolllay.9. • • • ]:>hone Harbor 2-e12.J n 22p24 FOR IT' A Lo:-;c, LONG \VHILE t o D<.>Cc lll· ,______ __ ber, May, bu,t you haven't got t irr1e for the \.\.'uitinf ~ ga n1e! I should say you Haven 't ! E vei·y d t'cent. t!.-RUILDL~ SERV~8 self respecti n~ ho use\vife is shaking he i· d ust n1op, Spring renov~t ing aJ'.ld r aising Ca in in gen era l. Here's the ne~test c lean-u p trick of the \l.'eek. You can give yoUr house a fabulous face·lift w ith the !!' o-c~ new Columbia Rollf>r Shad~ from the S ba.<k-sno1). W/;)7 Tbe!!te Shade~ a re in v.·onderfuJ Spring ""'ildflo .... ·er- H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PllUMBING A Prompt S Repair ~rvice Maintained Phone: Harbor 1~18-W 2801 •Balboa Blvd., Ne'\'P<>rl Beach Wise people do read!the ads. INTERJ OR E>tTltRIOk P AINTTl'.tG I l9p24 EXPERIENCED young f.'oma.n w ould lik e position ln sn)a11 of- f ice o r as receptlonlat. cpmptcr m eter experiencq and Hg!~ typ- ing, vicinity of COM. p&rbor 284 7 ·MK. I ZZp24 ?S-l!ELP \VA NT.Eb I EXPERIENCED w a It r 1e s .9. Apply The Snac k Shop. 1619 Coast Highway, Co. r ona del 1'iar. 20c22 WANTED-Experienced ~ea girl, part time position. Ho 1 r11 In· c reamed thru t}\e sum . r. See Manager. 10·12 a . m. ' KAY N ELSON, Inc.( 3440 Via Oporto, at Lldo rt-anc~ ' Pho ne Harbor 1216 2lc23 EXPERIENC ED car hops tj wait- resses and dis hwasher. D\VlGJiT'S , DRI VE INN, t H I· way 101 and 39, near Hd.ntlng· ton Beac h. 1 20c22 SALESJ.tAN WANTED Davis B r own, B. 6821 lUO Barbor Blvd., Costa Mesa %0c22 Sunday. . DON"T DELAY, CALL . .. for an ad in the lively fled section of th7 BEAtmFUL LAWSON B ed·Dav- enport. Uke new. Cost $150, will ~e for $75. 163 • 22nd St., COlita Mesa, after 4 p. m. 2lp23 BIG THREE- New11-Tlme111, Post Sbopptng ewe and the Press EARLY .AMERICAN twffd gen· era.I mix rug and pad l2x.18. Reuona.ble. 239111 Rochester, Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5048--ht. OVER 21 ,500 ClRCULA TION IA THE ANSWER! PHONE Harbor 1A18 to 1ace your wa.nt ad on this pag~ • ZZc24 More Classified' on next ,,. fbr in i11 THOROUGHBRED ef HOLLYWOOD PAR« 0INYITES YOU T8 °An£NDJ f; ... ih twelfth •eG•On of thorougM>f"ecf roeh11. ~f ... 1•• "'ony of Americo'1 turf cho,.pions ond ft •\ltllonding jot'-ey1 in 50 day• of eaciling ~J <CHllpelition. OJ ,, Sii THESE TillllllJllG FIA.TUii IACfSt $otur4oy. MAY 26~ HOUYWOOD LASSIE STAlCf$ s,,.,1.1 Ho11o•r ,,..., •• •• •1•011Al t.trr1 1 Wodne1doy, MAY 30 -AIGONAUT HANDKAP nllPHONI MOW JO& llSllYID SfAfS I IACIS D A ILY IE•cept s • .....,, & .. .....,,..} Ne toCh19 t_,.,, Mor 22 ' \ • "WELL, WH.AT'S OLD WITH YOU ETHEL '?" I sallied as:I sallied into Ethel R ichard's new a n tique shop. (I wonder what's r;~come or Sally? I Ethel Richards \Viii discuss your or h er a ntiques at :the drop or a bone hairpin. Ethel hns a lot of new things which a re 4.Uite old. 'fht:re's a raTe apple g reen, Grant P eace Plate for $10.~0. >.nd thi11 was a revelat ion ! I saAA' a fit tle china mu s tard bar with r:h ina lid and ·spoon for only Sl .00. I \Visti one of .)'Ou couJd g.:t that V1at ching µair of old b!n scoops ui ma plt• And brass! A copper mug trailing ivy-adorns ea ch shiney scoop-A buy in beauty at $12.:>0 tiach set. Here's anoU1e r Quaint t.ho t '. I pa.ss on to you with no think in;&" charge -Ethel has a tint: oh.I maroon and turquoise shaving mug f~$6. Old spoon·holdt:rs are $3 up. And don 't. you need a very old hair holder inscribed ·· a won1(·n ·s frien(!"? fon'y $2.251 Life has love iness to sell and .so has Ethel . Rlrha.nt'.-Anl"lqllf"8 and Imports, yro u're so welcom e to look at. i7~ Ne.,.,·port Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Beacon 6677-J .• patterns. c inrham check s, stri~s. plaids. Iv:r. and even IQ Mother Goose designs ' for Nu rsery rooms. These gay colors a.nd fres h new textures w ill give you a brighter outlook for as little u $3 a window. Then too, you must protect your draper ies anct furniture from the su mmer sun 's fierce rays ...,'it h Sun-Gard Shades. Sun -Gard Is clear vision plaat ic t hat filters out fade ra_vs, 65c Sq. rt. Helen Wolfard will m euure, esti m ate and discuss your v:ind,o\l.'!-l LICENSED --rJSURED Glenn Johnston ?-.tan or woman for outsldei-work to folloW up leads in Co111ta Mesa and H eights area . Good opportunity for one with ability to sell real <?~tale. --I • • • • • • ~SA i' T«)! ~ ! S:"OA.I' AT THIS S ~AZZY SNA.P DRAGON stu'IAJ.: SPt.:('IAI .. Al.i. THI~ \\-~El{ .. , Snap Uragon1' . -. 59t!: Oozrn. •·l,(1\\1ERS HY '.\101(R[, 509 E. Balboa 81\·d., Harbor ~"70. • • • '"AIR! GIVE "A-1E AIR'." ga s ped the 'anguU!h - ~ woman. "I am lo\I.·. V1'ry Low'." AND SHE .,...AS TOO. But ne ver tea r . T his poor soul .came out of it sar!l)·. S h£' not only got FREE AIB in he r t lrt•.!I , but her y,ri.Jldsh lC'ld wash ed, and waler In he r radl.a.tor. Ke.nney &ta.rkham operates that ' • • S hadP Shop. 514 -29th St., Newpor t Harbor 884. • • • "DEAR GLORlA ; REMEMBER "O liR OLD DA "'t'S ON THE MACK SENNETT LbT? I THOT" j r--,_" ABOUT YOU THE OTHER DAY WHEN I GOT A ~ ... dencious custard pie at t he Ne wport Ba ker v. Love. ~ ~"' Phyllis." Ah )-es, Gloria, bur this custa~d pie is ~.~ .tf" (;}.., _,_ •· · .,,.. "' .. not for throwing. Bob Krull's pieftl a re s t rictly for t.JJij;;~; f pa.late pleasing! The custard pie at !55c has n di s-~~- t inc t homemade touc;h, and t'he Apple Turnover~ M l 12c each ) have bet ter c rust lhllJ\. you or I o Grandma ever baked. lncldentally, tT you're getting up a Euchre P a rty, order 80m,e da inty meringue ~ shells rrom this ster ling bak ery ... very t emptin g filled wtth strawberries and whip cream g loop. Custard filled cream puffs are only a dime. Old fashioned &s80rted cup cakes are a n ickel. Bob's fruit pies a re available daily a nd the banana crean1. cocoanut, lemon a nd otht>r froth fa vorites are \\'eek -t'n11 sJ?ecials. Or buy some old fashioned Stra\l.'berry Shortcake. Xrl\'purt Bakrry II!' OJw>n '1 clayi:. a ""t>t•k. Better put this ne"•s rag do"·n and trot over there !or a hot doughnut. 2112 Ocean F ront. H arbor 1442·R. Oil Control Law (('ontlnued from Pa~e I ) Taj Mahal o! • Mobil Gas Station at t he corner Mantz Sh.if ts or Balboa Blvd . and 101 ·Hiway. Kt'nney is pass- ing out a cnmmodity th a t you probably thot w ent • ntrt· w ith the Pony Express! I •mean Cheerful, smiling ser vi c. I w as ~ o nly. in thill Stlper sc-rvic(' s tand 2 minute!! \l.'hen I had my "in dshield Headquarters to Vi·~ti~a ll'd and c-orrf'Ct Pd, h~ said. \'las hed, shoes sh i ned, g la.sses polish ed , and a fresh outlook f servicl> Couoty plann ing commissibne r, stations! H er(>·~ the gladsome gimmick : Kenney 'S Mobil Se vice w ill \\'a lter \\'ein)er, 182 F.atlt 18th g ive your car a supt'r 5JM'('lal "'Mh job "iLh fl"t't:' pick up · dPll\·ery c A l'll r\'<'"l. Costa MC'sR, \\'A.~ introduced for SI .50: This: nleans a t hor ough, exterior & interior clea ing, plus ou nt y •1rport and st att.0J h~ .,.,-ould al\l.•ay" be all c hro n1e polishal and white 'iid ewalls beautified. Don't~ consider a vallab~e to ans\v~r qu(·:!!liOOs re· this jwt a class appea l. I have no sidewalls or chrome . •. but I ga.rding la nd u~. wouldn't hesita t e t o trust l.h Pm with K c·nney . You've got to :go some · Speed Flie r Paul Ittantz, ot Bal· .Jrrg1n~ RPport place ... so go \l.'he rc t h1• ~oing is good! Kenney's Mobif Service, boa Island. wil1• tra nsfe r his op-E . E . Pyt.~s f"/f F ullr rton . repie- Balboa Blvt.I . .t: 101 H iway. Phi.int" Kewu•y, Har. 0469-.1 r;r a rut erations from Lockheed Air Ter· sentati,•e of J t"rg-ins Oil Co., ga.v~ pk·k-up! i minal a t Burbank lo the Orange a r+:•port on slant drilling op~rL e • • e County A irpert, where he \Vll1 atlons In \Vl'!lt Newport by J er- HARRY KINGSTON S 1J ARE D ha Ye a headqua rters o ffice . {I gins Co. and ~umblr Oil and Re- ha.ngar and estab lish an aero-f.i ning Co. The rirst '''f'll. d rilled ~1 000~(.y OUT ACROSS T~.J.E BAY. n a utlca1 museu m. It was disclosed to 1000 f<'et in the B zone last "Th.at ole Debll ~!" He spe.tiand t hen • · this week, Sept em brr Is pumping 35 barre ls :01 -3111t Sf. Ne~rt Beach Harbor 2297-J; 34c48 PAPER HAJ'fGING ahd P aIN'fjING Kenneth Q~arry 1515 Santa Ana Ave., fast.a Mesa Phone Beacon f504 DON K .. BtlTTS Lie. General CoQtractor Residential-Col1fnercia l Re modeling P honr Beacon 6f06-W · l itfc . ' PAINTING ~~l:r ~.~!J'~L..~ Bea. 54~7-94c9 -Sympson &f Nollar PAINTING & DECbRATING "The Best !-foney*an Buy" 512 -38th St .. New rt Beach PHONE HARB 2404 I !Jtfc 14---PF.RSONALS . . i Alcoholics Anm~ymous Write P . 0 . Roik 205 Balboa L!land, ~&li t. Phone Kimberly ~·~S m uttered other im precati ~s . . . A-He took ......a 10-year lease on a day: l\'o. 2, d rilled to 2000 fef>t .. •-I.OST A .''D FOU.D so1nethmg a bout .sons or ¥=a-cooks •-... 11, !IJ)Qce at the county field ""'here in C zone. 1s m aking 15 bafrels a ... and ground swell!!. It woum appear he will spend $6000 on construe-day . N o. 3, going to 3590 feet in thA the.great variety o f fresh~ish that t b 'Id ' M w H i l ion o u1 tngs. -anager . . D zone, was barren. Plugged back N . B . C. REALTY Co. • 3116 N ewport Blvj:l. l 20c22 LADY TO TAKE over eatabJ .A-von buain c•ss ~n Balboa 11i..ndl Call Harbor 2S81-.J_before 9 a. m . 21c23 w ANT ,oFFICE ' Gm.L for ac- countant's office, Balboa Island. Must know book-keeping. Ph. Harbor 2!55. 21p23 Auto Mecb4i.nic Experienced ' . ; Top Pay -J'ermanent Lots of !work Replacing Ma Averaging $4 ()() Vacation Pay Cleaning Paid HAR ISON Pontia!c Co . SANTAI ANA EXPERIENCED .l!tera.Uon woman to take over alteration dept. No charge for work room and equip mt>nt. See Mgr. 10·12 a. m . KAY NELSON, Inc. 34,10 Via Oporto, Lldo entrance Phone Harbor 1216 W A NT EXPERIENCED Store Clerk, fUll time. Box V. this paper. 2lc23 Dru~ Wrlte 22c24 U~"Ually find their way to th ~i Bay81 df' Nic hols of the port disclosed. to 2280 feet and with 7 ·inc h ta.sing ,. .. ish :\.lkt. a re play ing hardl to get. The Mantz lease began May 16 cemented a t 2100 feet , it was ~ __:_--But th en there 's a lime ror fi~lng and and is at a rate of $50 per month,' In g pumpe<I a t 270 feet from th!:': • ~ time ror di-ying the nets. t\ceording a.nd in addition he will pay the botton1, producing 57 .barre ls. LOST -Small gret religious ICS l pam phle t w · h clipping attach ed in or · ne Vincent's J.. .. ido Drug store WedEve .. May 9. Reward. PIPase ph ne Harbor 7~5-W aft('r 4 :30 P!.! . WANTED -Lady dispatcher tor afternoon shift. Mtist be famll~ iar with area. 1 Apply Yellow Cab Co., 537 Cout Highway, Ne wport Beac h. 22c24 ~o an old Chinese proverb \\'hich I C'Opied off a tan1-tam. ·And no doubt by the time the ink has d ried from my libelou11 quill, the?cocbina, county lO per cent of the gr~ W ith the pum p low ered, la.st admissio n fees to the museum in w eek, it _is ex pected the wel, l will • YeUowtail and Roc k Cati will be flopping their tails at the :'n-yslde. hi h •· , I .~ b ' w Id w j..Dll w c 11'11:" Wll e-~i it or ar do bt>tt t>r. Oil is of 14 or 151 grav. ln the meantlm<"'~ you can get Bonita Shark. You cook Stf-.rk like 1 plll.neS of Allied and German lty, thelower 8t"'ll ing for SI.SI a %3--SJTUATIONS WA~O i 20pZ2 WANTED -Experienced skipper for 38' prtvati=. cruiser, S)>Orl fishing . Reply box W , thl.8 paper giving qualifications, age, salary expect~ %2p24 • Swon.lfl.sh . It looks H)(e s .... -ordfi11h . It tast es like S wordfishJt So who forces, War II aircraft and his barrel and is h..ing truck ed t)ut. --·· -&.----~. k nows the difrerenc~ exc•t ano ther Shark! But a .M,.J,..ro Bay I .....,. U • } B~A. d" _ ;-f own aerial ,.apeedbu.rner11. a o n g J c rg ins Co. had refused to open IllVerS. a ~ lll 2° Crac ked C rab! There's nothing like that ! Buy a cleaned ·cracked wlth hil'ltarlc pictures and me--their r <'Cords tor tns"""'tion by the -...J . c rab, • pint of ma .. ·onnaise, and a package o f pa~r nap''•. Th• .--Ma1'ntena'• ce GOOD 20 x 30 fr·-· • ··"room -AU:. Ml!WfLlANEOVB ..r r~ KVl me.n toes of aviatio n's early days. West Newport Impro veme nt as-. . J> _,....,, 1,, ~ ~ Ra:plde •'hh Market has its hook! out 7 days a week . tl-Gi30 P-m. Fro th o Co t Al t holUle, needs lltUe work. 200'tt.. •800 , •• N , m e range un Y r-sociation, but Pyles statHI tha.t Floor w·-•·g _ W~nd w Cle••lng • ~•y•tt•. ' £"u•nnrt. t I --1 llLA&ll ..... setback "785 dell•-red Alao -port. Ma.ntz. who lives at 301 owners whose property wasi adja-' "' ... ~ · • • • Ea.st Bay Front, Balboa Island, cent to thelr Un~ of 11la.rtt drilling . Wall Wuh" , 20 x 31 dbl. •tucco garage and FULL AtOON AND EMPTY ARMS! Fashion wtll be operating charter fllghUI could come to the office and se-e For buildings, Sto , Offices workah.op, $7M dttllvered. ~23 •---1 and homes. Phone bor 116. W . La Palma, Ana.hem{ 6404:. ,. for ttulJt tbaL you ue out at the elbows! --~ther and contract.a for motion p eture the record.a. Association preaidenL you're a mu..zblk matron or a disarming Ve'\ua type, work. He does many movie scenea Franc is Ho rvath, thereupon ~tated ·~ 21p23 ... 20p22" a r m.a mns t be battd to the hilt! POLLY uPAJlE.L and Airport Man.acer N lchola aa.ld he would appoint a commtUee of SALES OR office wo(k _ Buai-TRAILER, wood body, 2 . wheel, • • • .. • _'!"eel3 th.is chllllenge W1th & stupendoua ~lock of that they wUJ be "shot" at the. three owners. nea administration hralnlng. 5 good condition. ~11 North Bay iueevelesa blOUftes ~ The aleevele• Sorrel h1tt Le county field under & per-diem_ Lea.sea ln ! &toilitb.9 daya ot part Ume. U\Vrtte Box Front, Balboa llaland. Phbpc da.ndy ~ama.rt in broadcloth Jlme, l.ave.nder1 J(elley, rental ba.sls for use ot local facil-'l'l ~ Harbor 132~0-W. • 20c22 ~. white or yellow. with button-cute attida. The tties. Pyles stated, in &nBw"er to ques-, this paper. i1 i2C)p22 ~ ... tion from the audience~t tbe · , ,,,,.,..,,......... .. ...... ~. _ '"'"'"I:'. i8 krut too. only UJS. I suggeat you get your OM bullcling Manta will erect I CAN HEL~ ,,~ .. .c..1LA.1,.. 8--Neacoe~ I. 1 woe-Ua were not now d g " oil P OU tri Cook · .. 1lt e coin purse from under the mattnaa + twitch will be 100 f~t by 38 feet ln . · c er, trunke and barftl8. -• ovet" to Polly'8. Polly has P'aa&nt blou-. c)n or off olse. another 70x19 "feet and the trom adjoining land but t they Cajiable Busin Man 1300 W . Balboa-Blvd, Newpprt • .t;.ltQt11dt•r atralrs ... aome tn• eye.Jet or eyeiet trim, lhtrd wil be an office buUdiDJ. would do .. In Ume. Tb.i3 'I" no~· , -Avai'lable ll Beach. Pb. Har.1 IS32·R. 22c24 .. o thc•ra WLU• *' in purr sleevU and' aqfl;:ecka. belng given consideration a.Del tllf" fl I ~ Th~rt.•'s noth.ing t.awary &bout any of theee (or C le~ DeniaJ company will within the nixt 30 lnte~ in locac!:l ln south '30~B-APPµ4N• 0 · "' 12.95, and I !lus~ct you can. find most any color. Maybe a ,eeyt11!M omp R · to 90 daya make plans ~ to · Oranke County ~area.. Age NEW STYLID a::rftap .. May• : liUmtn~r w hite-piqut> seems l!ke a cool rejoinder for $3:%9. ~ t.ad.i._ (0-Uaue4 from --1) whether or nol tbey will ebrpand 38. Un.lnnity -.-:i·•le. F\j~ tag wuber, ~nab'-E. j A. • f ·£1t~ r • .._.... -y otteriqg; community lea.aea to •• _...,.. Ae. .. or a uu t..,,. ront. matt:b to Polly A~l.. 1833 N•Wport tAW!Due. once o"r their beads, on~ mer operaUnc aecultve of one V6!Ttd., 912~' OoJdeD.rrod JJL, ~. Co..-t.t ....... • • • . ~ through the root and once at °";':_;i,.i Into the p....,J.,1np or aa!iloD'o largat '*1>ontiono; Corolla deJ .... : (Call llay lttll • -• • Viuchn'a automob ile befon ..... readll\g'ofalette.rtrom't...S.. now esm.anag-er t.erflmL &tter3:00p.m. Sunday, Kay • I WAS CO.ING TO MENTION that Claftace Pap ball~ V-"'1 triapd llim wl!h hla IOI'-Ylllontlne of Mnd street, an ... mc· Tho""'irbly ,trained experi-20th). n- -motntac.be, but lb.e lu:t._Ume-1 looked for I~ It WU pne.. tlt.&t'8 91o1 ... 1 ..... t.ba be enced in t= "IDchatrial r f •• lite! Ch.In Op! \Ve can't ait .aroiutd mo•1· .. -. N-n1•·v I ..___ &etOIWI. ' ..... t. '\ntmded drilllng under and pu..b!fc . : _.._ P'°""" I! lioveaeotDl"OOOM ~ .. _, · ...-. ~ -·--AU:y. Donald Dunw-. wl>o bad hlo --•b •~ atton.e1· •• ...__ ~ -your &t t.e:'luon while l dJr111u a -...-c-.t w-. ...... -., ~ It .-----~~= ... . ... ~. ~-... , duct:Jon. ""CO''atln•. nl'ft-FJrni· • ..,._r-.. -,-"'Pf"BL 1ted ·Ola.on pte~, ~ .u.w-.-.~ ""' ....... , --,--~--Dal ' t _;.la my nnn bell<!t that lt'o, only CrlcMt td """ •11t,a•t . ... ""-·--tho --tho ~ permllo and ,__, -eedure, 'etc. Will ni.' Ia· e 8 . ure , tloont o6 bMcll -& The Coo•Hpa Floor ·°""""C --tlllo nol..,.O!J' plea....., eotencL Pul>--.. · T•-ter-...s la ui:y ..,;,p-NEW 187 • OOOA~ l •• 1'ellof and ~ la oeJ!fns fnlll ._ IL&HiQ f>lr le a :le -1 1t N. D. ·~ wu W. G.·,.,,., _ _.De Ooroiia .,.i ..i~i-""'""'.__.I:" and • =t..:-•.._ •• -"' ~D or blaclt .,,..,,._, ...... -.... ii"'!'-....,, N-to .,.. , It --jluy Mar Civic A-. bndec! u.., CDK l _..wnll)' -•uaK ref· '......,or taU:lile. 'nllo"•'.'•Ofll•t ,_.. -lllril 1 hl•IM. trlal'wu'oottwJa17llaDopt.S. co1aaltt• --. pi'ot.eotlal( tiW Oood••9-'' '' Oolita ' la <aoy to .... p --_, ... --.... • •• qoe-..... all4Pd --"'· ell -.. "" --· .. ..,.. Coll 1Dlit-r~:Tj~~~~~~~~;:1 ' 1'1oor ~ "1ll -.u upllalt:W. tar JOU w cl .. ~ ..!!El!'r• hill• -,_. ·-••• Hlpaa-•ell -ta 1-1 llerl)' ~,_,or Ill. o. Bea VA1'11Tr, -.., I -· ,.~ -•u11<ir1 ... so x., on MeeDlllfl o ,; ._ r1-1 ""ad~ bl thi. ud be .,.iu-r-•• ltt Ille 410. -ta..._ JOpn ;: :,. -•. : ... ~ • ~_._...., la i1t 11th Ii< N_..i,4_, ?"' V-'1ne• J ...... wtU l!ft'do1• •-tlll'too. priltoctl>e ~-. -1"°4>' ,_ i:ae·et ftiftfq 'I&'. ~ .' I · · ~· r: 1 • • -, -• _ - • ..... . CllJ;_Chedc .for your • • Vote the-stra.ight 0 Santa Fe ticket and make tbt> most' of your-vacation rrip chis summ~r. Ride Grear Trains · through a G~ Country. See aU thes< grear west~, r •wondcrliods o~ your way-visit great cities and hisr > ' points of the East. Cb«k bciow rhe· vacation spot yov I ·.prefer aod mail io this ad for foll derails. t I I I I I I I I •• 0 nu• CANTO• UTIORAL Pill •• AJ a di.rilling part o( your vacuion pacb&e. I Jout Saoca Fe P11llman aJc:es JO\I co dart • I ScN.tb Rim. Enjoy rim -driYcs &Del mill I mp., wftb bfeuti.ukJng •ie'ws. I I \?m~:!!!!o!•~c~~~Tr..ddi I nadoo ..a.· yeu. S.. th• chrillio& paao:\ , I nm• o( OUago's skyscnpers and ~l I I · 6cent parks from the 17-milc OuW Dri..e. .,.1 I 0111 •u.111s & mu PMTS ·I I O Cll.IUllSPllllS &ioml , I I c.c.n ... ,,,,_,,.,,,,,..,.., .. s....,..,..._u... ~I ...... ~ lt1 ... Sld,lt., &.. ~ , ... c.llf ..... I ...... ~. ---·-I 1-........ -o I ....... 0-a. ... c. I ............ .-........ ...,..,..,. ........ t. r.J .. ....c.. .....-. J..w I • ,.,,.._, ..... _ ......... Mv.. J I "-I 1 -... -···· tt.I I · .. ~ I ' l ;_ L ' ----.~--• --_____ . _______ ----~ ---·----.--L'--------:...~-----~-~'....._....:::_c=-_ _'.~.:_~-.o..-"'L....!.-~~~-'"""""''...i:._.JJ:"'-"'-'------':___:.~i--;:.___.:.:_.:._._"--":_.._c..c''...:...'..:;;,;_:....-""''-""" .... ._""'.,;.; ... ____ ....... _._ ... _. ..... M;. __ .......... •' • - . ' ' ' - • •• llOC9EllOLD OOODS "1y 'yo\ir . Home Freezer • NOW aQ:RE la the seuon ot bargains in berrlea, fruit, fl8h, etc. -Be t.Juifty -enjoy the convenience of your own home freezer! BENDIX Automatic wuher, re- condlllOQed ............... BARGAIN ~ Whlrldt)' portable w .. hlng machine -~---·-·························$34 .50 Pblk.o 10" table model TV automatic tuning tone con· ....--.trot. Attrac. modernistic mal!opny cabinet .... , ....... $89.9~ ' 'EZ Terms _ 121,i" B10nde Console TV - $179.95 Keep in touch with us for good bu,_ In TV sets being traded in - WEBSTER wire recorder for dic- tation, etc. CQrnptete with ex- tra wire, ,foot control and car· rytng case. SACRIFICE -An excellent buy! · ' EA.SY ~ERMS ARRANGED DAVIS-BROWN Co. 11185 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 DALE'S new location ' 1874 HARBOR Blvd. New Furniture Bird Cages, $4.95 to $5.95·. Apt. range, $79.50 Berkshire set, 5 pteces. Davenport, 2 pieces. !K'ctional. ENGLANDER mattre&Ses and box springs. CALORlC RANGES Uaed 9x12 rug. R.ollaway bed and mattress, $19.50 1874 'HarbOr Blvd., Costa Mesa F't.JRNITURE -Anortment of tables, chair&, 9 x 1 ~ rug, etc. very in~xpenaive. Phone Har- bor 1142 or call Saturday or Sun~ay. 1803 E . Bay Front, Balboa. 20<22 SATIN FINISHED Walnut Dbl. bed.: Simmons box springF.. and lnnerspring mattres111. XJnt con- dition, $50. 1708 W . Oeean Fr , Newport Beath. Harbor 1486·\\'. 20p22 . chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 8211 COAST HIG):{W AY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON ~771 94tfc . " . I • I . EL.ECT I 0 NS --S OF ~RE AL I' tST Al E 1 LJ s EJt"Ul .. :lHJS S E,C:r q. ATTEN'llJON c!Jii ~li-YERs WE ARE 0\1EIUl'l'OCJ(ED · •. . : • · PlUCE ·R.::;~;~oNs . ASJFOLLOWS: '50 CHEVROLJ!)T LINIC COuP!: Wu 11eeo Now 11495 '49 CADILl.AC 4-dr. s.jl. fully equipped Wu '3295 Now $3005 '48 CADILLAC .. dr. Sf<'-tvll equipped Wu tte85 Now $2495 '48 CADILLAC 4-dr. Sejl. ftllly equipped, W&a t1995 Now $1895 '49 CHEV. Slyleline ~ .• Htr. Ir: Radio Wu 11585 Now $14:50 ' . '49 FORD Tudor 8, H..,.er ...................... W&a tl29S Now t1245 '48 BUICK Super 4-dr. '3~ .. Hlr. -Rad .. Wu 11495 Now $129.5 '48 JEE.P StATION \'MGON ................ Wu t1195 Now $ 9M '42 CADILLAC 7.5 .f-dr.j tRSed . Htr. -Rad. ·wu 11290 Npw 'SllD.5 '41 CADILLAC 82 .f-dr Sed. Hyd., B·R Wu $1093 Now $1046 'H BUICK Special Bed , ette ................... Wu S 595 Now I 49~ '39 FORD Tudor, Radio • Heater ............ Wu S 33ft Now $ 29.5 '40° STUDE. Champ, 4-. Coupe ........ Wu I 295 Now $ 195 '40 OLDS 4-dr, 9r1an1 lo .......... _ ........ Wu S 345 Now S 2V.5 '40 FORD Statio Wa ........................ Wu S 395 Now S 295 The a e p ces for ONE WEEK ONLY t ENDIN Wed esday, M11.y 22 Bank Terms NE P RT AUTO SALES 2604 W. Ne Blvd .. Newpo~ Beh .. Har. 1407 ' . 14-MU81CAL. BAlllO USED PlANOS *om J69 up. Good playing con lon,. DA~Z.. SCHMIDT. 520 Malil. Santa Ana. cor. 6th. ! !' GRAND PIANO. I J.{uon and Han1lln. Uaed, Jtut juat llke new. Al~ ma~icent Stein· way at nearly ha'f price. Many others; Kimball, 1'nabe. Hurtz.. man, Wurlitzer.: Chickerlng. Bush and Lape. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PtANO STORE. Santa Ana, 020 tl. Main, cor 6th. I 1951 PLYMOUTH Suburban Here's lhat vacation car, practi- cally new. Already broken in ahd re~ to '?11. Green. Radio, heater, roam eu1hlon.a, root lug- ... ~ carrier and other extru. Owner aoiil• overaeu. ..S2.i85. 3900 W~t Ocean Front. Iir.tve, N•wport S-h. Ph. Har. 186-4-J. 20p22 . l · I TWd H~ ONEs·!· . r • Two bdf'm houee ~d i . U ye~ ha.-. a r~Uy 1ehll· tncome. Beauutul locaiton. dren or ,grandchildren, ii ta acroaa at.reel (Tom ba~ an ideal' summer or y ·rnd . Rooms are good alse. ! Not home. Not new. but !cooo.. new, but ln good conctl \.Qry wtth plenty of aleeplAg ac- ntce 1 bdrm gar. apt. "Live ln comodattona. Walled } patio. one, rent the other. bwner Midway betn. bay and ·ocean. must eell. MAKE OFFER. Comp. f\lrn. and a a~a! at I $12,000. ! 'BAY and BEACH REALTY cb. .JACK MIIJ,.ER, ETHEL SHIRLEY"·• • 1450 Balboa· Blvd. GLODEN FAY Ha.rbor ~264 A HOUSE WITH CHARM You \.l.'1 11 ad1n lrc the artilltlc t~ucb that hu gone ~lnl9 the decorating and furnishing ot this atlractlve!2 bedtloom co ttage. To make LtUe place even more lnt~restlng It !tu an exc('llenl' I bedroom garage apt. ~ a'"ice lfest roon1 and bath. ! · • < C lot>e to th~ bay, REASONABLY PRICED~-t $2 1500. ST AN LEY HADFIEL · · . REALTOR I 216 ~lanne Avenue Ph. Harbor 2() B -AUTOMOIJILES, TIKE8 I . Newporti eights WE ·TRADE FOR THE BEST!, '47 GHEV.-'OIU ~.--~ '4~ CHEV . ..d&Jl ........... \995. '49 CHRYS. '6 ' sect. ..... 1495 '50 PLY, suburban ........ 1995 '48 FORD conv ............. 1295 '35 FORD sect . .......... ..... lDts '34 FORD se<l. ....... ........ 127 Nice 2 bdrm ho*1t. oltJy. 3 year& old. Good loca•<f· ~wd. tloor111, _·_dbl. gar., all ~, paid. 'Sub- --~·ur.mii. I· . --· $8.56 · - :-t: New 3 B.j R. Home BEAUTIFUL bun,falow upright piano. Cue and ~tlon Jtke new. Fully guaranteed. fTerme: $30.32 down and $10.54 ~r month at SHAFER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N . Syt;amore, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2·0672. 21lfc 1~1 HUD8Q~ HORNET Convf'rt· '37 BUlCK &."C!. ..... ...... . 95 Newport Heigh~ .. Best ot co atructlon wtth hwd. floors, flag- stone tireplacei plate glasa win· dows facing ~he patio. 4 94 rk FHA avalJabfr. Beet ln the ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN< jlepoe- sessro. l(agnltlcent tone. For church or home. Pay out ba.l· ance. Terma. Thia wondertul in· .!lf:rument ia just like new. DANZ-SCHMIIYI' Plano and Organ Co .. .520 N . Main, cor. 6th, Santa· Ana. WILL trade brand new beaull· tul Spinet piano even tor equ- ally good uaed grand plano. DANZ-SCHMIDT • PlANO Co .. Santa Ana, 520 N . Main. cor· ncr 8th. L 0 V E LY STUDto UPRlGHT piano. Fully guarfuiteed. Terma $38.37 down &nd ,11.50 per mo. at .SHAFERS t MUBIC CO. ( Slnce 1907), 421~ N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. .Kll;tberly 2-0872. ~ 17ttc WANTED: 50 piap08. Trade in your old piano on·a Gr!lJld Spln· et or beautltul t91evialon. H1gh· est cuh aUojance, terms. DANZ·SCHMIDT0 PIANO Co .. corner 8th, 520 NJ>· Main, Santa ,Ana. • , ' SPINET piano, bralld new, Slight· ly damaged in @fupment. Now only $39~. Smalleit size. DANZ- SCHMIDT, Santa! Ana, ~20 N. Main. f ible. 1-tydr.arnatlc, radio. heater.. OPEN TO 8 P. M . white wolls, 800 miles. COHt SHA VER MOTORS »700. ·Lt:aving 1tate. will sac~ Your DODGE· PLYMOUTH Dlr. ritlce for $3,000. Will finance. 1680 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa 14'2 w. Bay, Newport Beach. Phone Bea con 6907 , Ha.rltor 1327-J-. 22c24 1942 CHRYSLER New ork.er '51 Ford Convertible Purcbutd Tuesday, May rrom local d•aler. Under 600 mtlea. 15th GREAT SAVINGS Write Box X·l, thia paper. 22c 24 PRIVATE ·PARTY -1900 Ford cOnvat.lble Coupe. Original qymer. 9000 miles. R4tH, a beau- ty, ae-11 or trade. 139 • 27th St., Newport Beach. 22p24 1949 MERCURY Conventtble. No salea tu. Radio, heater, ovt>r· drive, other extras. Low mile· ag~. Good 8hape. Call K.Im- berly 2-7803. 22p24 U-AP~TaUNTll 11 ROUSES Summer Rentals Lido tale -t bdrm, 21,i .bath, IJ(. lot. play ya.rd. Speclal rate for aefilBOn or by month. COOV('rtiblc COUpt'. Radio, nice and clean. A·l OQndJtion. Pri- vate party. $700. 2CM Onyx Ave. Balboa IHland. Harbor 2342·J. 20c22 '50 OLDS 88 • <t-d r. Sf'-dan, orl~ln· al 9000 milcti . Nt•w rub~r . Sac- ritlct". W ill accept trade. Write box U-1 t his pii per. 22c24 .St -TRAll..ERS WANT TO B U Y older house trailer ~u !table for living quar- ters fot· nlilO. ! appt'OX. $100 t Ph. Har. 1020-W eves. \ 20tf &6-MONl!:l' TO LA>A.N LOANS For Homes CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5-51 c'/r (14 yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATILER 14 l!'i COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life ins. 'Fundf Kl 3·61~ LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE. BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE Heights. Its a jbeauly, $1~50 Qcea.it°View . Newport Helghl. "'Well designed new 3 bdrm h me with 2 bathe. Many quality atures with hwd. floors, tlrepl~. Z furnace&. Ex- cellent floor ~r"· $15\000 _._ • Home &. Income Really an attra~lve properly nr. the new A IP,_ha Bela, Coeta Mesa .. Nice 2trm home and 1 bdrm guest oui:;e foi" rental. 100 ft. front e lot. R~dwood fenced, ·pav~ patio, 9 fruit trees and sprinkler system. Small hoUSe It furnished. This la a real : do~-to-earth value. $8tOO ~,... New 3 IB ~ R. Hom~ Best buy l~ qoellL Mesa. On Broadway ambng other lovely homes. Hwd. 4oore. lots of tile· wBork, dbl. 1ga'11kge, fen~ed yard. t"autlful ! wo! mansh1p thru· out. ! ' I • $1Jt500 Beacon ~ill Realty '466 Newport Bl . !Near Arches) Phone Be . on 6713·R a ew:a1, . FORG~ IT U you · are looking for cheaply built I house In 11 cheap distri~RGET . Don '.t read balance this., BUT if you want la QUALITY built home thtt /las charm, cllarllcter ~ value then ~ this, perfeet sp<>t on BAuloA P~· SULA. I Here la a home ~at loving e and devotion hM given m.,W fine qua11tlee. On the BA~ FRONT with plef and float 'd on a large lot with aptend view, Ha.a 4 t>et.;rooms, mal room and unlqu:f1 layrQOm. aeq. a.rate dlnlntioo ,,unit heat.~elf• tra large 1118 carpet.a th"'- out, · lovel kltc~en, bre&kf&4l ~oom, com odlo41 cloaet spade and "OH" "° .11tany dealrab~e teaturl!s. ¥: eee pita home ii to BUY It. 8 le.I Rrlce and 1hown by appoint ent Only. • A~ . On LIDO SLE several lovely home& for aalef-2 - 3 -or 14 bedrooms. Pr~c;s to fit yoJr pockettJoo Al8io Iota tor bUU4,- lng elthe tnjome or stng!e homes. u,.7 aterfront or Ui- side lo~ a W[Ow_~•rket prt~. Living o ·1~7ou can e.a- joy th I llBHOllSE >fiui lt8 Bl\i(ck· bJlr, 8andy batntng ~~. dreuing ma, tennis courO, pier and 1 ndlng float. You will enjpy LI ISLE. Here a little buysaLO. ~ P. A . A L M E Rf. IN~' RPORATED f 33 3 Via Lido New rt Beach, Call!. j 8rrbor 1&00 VO ·vAuUES na de! M-ar " ---$7.000 buys :attractive beach cot- tage, oce;n aide of · highway, with larg1t sloping front lawn, flagstone ~rch, 16 x 18 living room. Dufl floor furnace. Lge. bedroom 'fhich could be divided into two. I Harbor 1~1 or Ha.rbor 1477 Ba~ Shores Attractive !redwood and brick ranch ty~e 2 bedroom home. Unusually I good landecaplng- green Jaw~ and flower bordered walks. S~ack bar with plant- ing box. ~ell to w&ll carpet- ing. Etee. 1titchen. Mercury swttchea, +a dre&m bome," I s15.1w (Harbor 444 (Evee. Bea. 6480-J) Balboa BAY FRONlf bargain-2 bedrms. and den Home on front of lot. Ph:r and float. New garage apt. for Income. $4.0,000 . .lfarbor 143 Shore Cliffs OPE HOUSE BAT. A SUN .. 2 to 5 . • ....... ·-t•• • • .,.. .. • I I , , }4ve Many Cb~ice Homes .on: Bal.Do& i811tD.d .12,500 to '$85 ~ ,, • . . . ;· .,.·, . --I . • I ll'OR . ~: 'Vay attractive f bedroom home ii" so 'rt. , JOi' -llUI!>. year round bouoe, fumo"I' HL B~~a-18land Dplx. 0~~~a H~~ U&oo MOuNTAIN .lodge type · llvln& clown an a $81.80 111ontl>Jy. rnt.\-t.oulder fireplace. Ezcel-TIUS YOU CAN'T BJ!1Ar ~ At- Jent viiw ot. &ut Bay. J"reach tractive z bedroom bopie. 11.re· doon: · to baleolty acroae front p~. on one of ~~-stftete of liolae. \'.l'wo _l_OWI 'bed• near North Bay, ll<lcili: patio. ~· :Wiut ' ~· ~te Room tor addltton&I tilr.rtJdlng . bather'• __ er, lU•. Wub Ma · A T your dJilit. . w1111e ww1ng on nne ve.,, passing tallboat.-, BALBOA ISLAND 8 ... lnese buildings. All OCC'i'Pied PLUS . · With A·l tenants. Attractive • · l n come. No Pho1'e palls MODERJ'f 1 bedrooID apartment pleue. See Mrs.· Maroon pr to pay ta.xu and UUlltiea with Mr. Neighbor· at 223 Marine money to sP-re-· A venue. for _detaiJa ph. Hrs. Maroon or Mr. NelchbOr, Har. 1776 EARL W." STANLEY, Realtor 223 Marine Ave., Balboa Jaland ' B~OA ISLAND Most outstanding Bayfront ,Value!!! JT WILL 'sooN BE IMPOSSIBLE to dupliq<te this Jµxurto1111 l!ofllll;--4 B. R., 3 richly tiled baths, servaiJta qiia~f!I. · 2 spaciol18 patios, 5-car garage, re-inforeed . c0ndrete construction on choice comer Q9 ft~.oq ba!,1)file!>ea~h, unsu~ view. Privat:e pier & ~re a'i(p float. Pi'esenMnce makes thIB the year' is '1est value! Wm. ·w. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2i82 Balboa Island WANT INCOME ·ON BALBOA ISLAND? WE lf-4-\Tl!;· 11 dttplex-2 bedrooms. each side-- which we think ·le the finest income buy on the Island. • · Priced Under $16,000 But Y.o~il Have to Hurry for Thi~ One! LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 t.!afine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX Beautlfuliy furnished-unit heat-fairly new con- structlon. There la plenty of room for another unit and w& have the plans. Wonderful income. F. P. WALDRON 308 ~· Avenue ·. Phone Harbor 2lU I Balboa Island I Real Values in Costa Mesa Corona del Mar Full Price $3950 Only 1 ~ yrs. old. 1 bdrm, tile, kitchen and· ~th. E.t.st Slde. E Z TERMS • SELL OR TRADE for small boat. -Be wiae-tell rw-dn1e-adverliae' Have 36-toot raised deck cruiser 1 r -"".'" ' Chlna Cove -Beautiful view home. 3 bdrm and 1naid's roon1. Overlook.a jetty, a rew steps to beach. ~ We Buy Trust Deeda NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS It LOJ.N .CSSN. S333 Via Udo Ph. Bar. 1&00 Quality r Quality 239 MOR ING CANYON RD. New 2 be m and den view h me, J25, 760 100' fron~ge; Newpt. Blvd. wtth 3 bdrm borne, newly reno- vated, 2~ar prage. Will trade. for income or: home. Better see lhla one tod&y- CHARMING home, has 2 bdqns. llvtng rm, with beamed ceUlftg and firplace. Dining rm, kitchen, bre&kfut rm and bath. Aiccesa. to lovely patio with fireplace from kitchen and living rm. Re· decorated in a.nd ouL lneludes W tp \'{ carpeting . and drapes. PLUS tum. apt. o\--er dbl gar. On 60 ft. corner, so. ot hlway. Room t~r add'l unite. Harbor 1 41 or Harbor 1'477 tnme. ready for planklQg, dec k and cabin aides are on. Will 41-STORES & OPTICES CDM B&ytront -2 bdrm. private ~h. New, compact. Ea.sy to care for. REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 4 l'i • 5% BRAND NEW close tn 2 bedroom home. Large clverhanglni boxed eavell with a Vartlal brick face. Hu individuality ... has a lot of · eye appeAJ. F lneet workman- •hip. A mostJtlkable large llv. room with lo ot windows and a fireplace. ~II size dining area. Acou.stiq pl&.6tered. Eel~· t~ hwd. n00f'8. pullman tiled bath. CUpboal-d space galore. forced air hea\. We could rave on : . : but ~hy not take· a look . . . nd obllg•llon .The LiJo Island give or take any dlffe~ence ln vallle. Write Box Sl, this paper. 20c22 18 FOOT BOAT. 10 hp Evinrude, tl"'aller. xlnt. cond. $350. See at 1703 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 17:5o. 20p22 SAlLBOAT -W0A N T'E D TO ' RENT-Over 18 feet. Experi· enc!ea local resident will take gooQ care of boat. Phone Har- bar 1652-J. 20p22 STAR BOAT BARGAIN. mBke of- ter; Call OX!ord 41-2560 or write 30M Las Mari.as, Puente. Calif. iop2'l KEEL-TYPE SNOWBIRD • Roomy Sate for Children. Call Harbor 3~ 21c23 JEF1'ERY'S Plyvvood 26'. Very tut open cruiaer. Only 45 hours on Chrysler "Royal." ln top condttlon and very reasonably priced. Call Harbor 2853-W. 21p23 10.7 VENTNOB 19 tt. speed boat. ExCeue'nt ehe.pe. Private p&rty. Pbpne NlCW'mark 1-2653. 22c24 J.lAHOGANY 12 ft. speed boat. (Speeduner) all hardwood. With Sea King outboard. 12 H. P . motor and traUer. Exceptional- ly fut. 1140 Newport Blvd .. ·Co&ta Men. 20c22 N f'lllSIOAL, llADlu apnfi:r piano. ,Repoaaened. Pay 90t balance S287. A.not.her re• po•e:•lon. I 3 9 5. DA NZ- SCMJDr Bts Plano atore. One hmtdred planoe t:rom which to chlnoM. 520 No. M&ln, comer sdl,··11anta Ana. COJi[I:: IN and play tbe wondf!r· flll new Hammond Chord Or- pa.• ICftn if YQl1 -·t know • .... note ot mute 101J. can pWy ' -.autul IDU8ic in ten rnlnut... ,. 1>~8CHMIDJ' 'Bli' Plano .. ~ Co,. 620 No-)(&in, Santa •AM. AITRACTIVE 0 OF$CE SUITE- Excellent locatioh on Harbor Blvd. near 19th t. lmm~iate po88e88ion $55 mo. Long or short term leue. INQUIRE Beacon Hi Realty 466 Nf'wport Blvd. above Arches) Phone Beaco¥ 5713-R ! 22c2.f SMALL OFFICE' FOR RENT i LEASE -New wf.-11 lighted -IN- DUSTRIAL Bt .. taclng Newport Blvd. Coeta Men. Ample parking. Phone Beacon 5M5 or Harbor afu6-J. 20c22 • U-APAA~ & BOUll~ BOUSE FOR REl'(r-Year lease. ~ per 1nonlh. f Key at 8300 Coast Hlgbway, iewport Beach. · 1 21c23 CORONA DEL M4.R -Summer rental. 2 bdrm. >hew apL, com- pletely turnlsb~ w.all to wall carpeting -l d ma.Id ~tee. LlnenS and uU pd. Harbor · 3009-W. · 22c24 I can Cral& Linwood Vi k, RJtor. Bo'-bland ....... :IOU Uoll4 ' ' ' suJD.4er. - Reserv~ions Lido We Bay t unit&. . I, and 2 bdnt11t,--t70 !Q!• Harbor 2552, ...,._ Bar. 1914-K. 1'itte GREENLEAF I< ASSOC. BUILDER -RlllAL TOR . 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2~2 17ttc RENTALS JOHN 0 . BURNHAM . 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 • BALBOA ISLAND Hou.see &nd Apt.a .. yearly or sea· son&!. See Gall Carney, with NELDA GIBSON RlllAL ESTATE 308 Marine, Belboa X.L Bar. M2 69lfc USE OF Peninsula Point beach. rrwtm ln bay or oce&n-only 1 blk. No. t--a bedroom lowe-r'. Loa.ne quickly made ln the Bay Area and Laguna. SinG'le or mulUple uiilts. New or old. Be wise arrd save by re-flrianctn1 your present loan. Minlmwn ea· penae. No ·charge for preltml· na.ry appraisal. Phone Sant.a Ana Klmberly 3-~27 or write: ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan corresponaent Two Calif. Ute Ina. C.0.'• 1414 South Main Santa An• 81-REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WANT TO EXCHANGE modern 3 bcfrm home in San Bernardino tor Newport or Costa Meaa Home -Owner. 94@ Collma Rd .• San Bernardino. J7p24 beouty 18 $t~ft;oo of . only ' Charmin' & 2 Lots On a beautltultrner lot in New· port Height.I th an extra lot. Two bedroo home. Lots of trees and sbuibery. Ocean view. Hwd. floors. @flwood exterior, patio, 2-<:ar pfage. · Let us show you a eaJ buy fOr the total price of 45 FT. BA Yr FRONT LOT $12,600. H"°ry on lhla! ~bor 2478 <3!?~IJ jVoG~~s ~?.;ne Newport Betcb Balboa Island 100 Main St 1301 Cout Hiway Balboa · Corona del Mar Lido uilding Sites Bay View lo street to street, cor- ner 52' Sacrlftct for q1uck sale. $8600. Comer Str a elle, .1150 down, $40 mo. 45 ft. Ba Front-R-1 , $18,000 30 ft. Bay ! F,ron~. zoned for in- come, orrtr ~ GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILD ' -RtµLTOR 3112 Ne Blvd .. llarbor 2552 B. A. NERE&ON OPi;:N EvicNINOS MRA ! NpL Harj>or MUitipie Lllotlng Realtor 1982 Newport BJvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon sn6 . CLIFF HAVEN FOUR ' Fine Homes 2 & 3 bedrooms. Also a G. l Resale Ai.o ~eel 2 bedroom rent- als,· SM per month. (,Act quickly on Ulla). ' · For full detalla caJt Mr. Kempton, Harbor 1600. ! ' ~ P. A. Palmer, Inc. 11S83 v1a -Lido Nd. 2-2 btdroom upper duplex. Nl~ly film. July, Aug .. B•pt. 111ai ,.rjramor. Balboa. Harbor 0812-W 19ltc CHARAflNG income and home completely fumLllhed . Ideal tor person alone or ~veral tamUies. 3 and 2 bedroom duplex and 5 rm. home. Always rented. One leased. 1 blk to bay a: ocean. $15.000 cash pluS vacant or lm- provt"d property. Ba.Janee loan. Ownt:r. Rm. 21 . 9406 Brighton. Way. Bevei-ly Rills. CRestvtew 4-6131. (Courtesy to brokers). Phil Sullll an ·N l _ 5 • • , . ~ C G l J 0e 18· u.,100, . tsL , . . a e., ' n on Beautifully turulahed year round Ne~ lleacll G. T. terson 4 bdrm, 1>a. home. Practtca11y 3 BedrooID&-2 Baths FURNI8BZD 2 bdrm. 2 bath 82-R.£.~ ESTA'.tE · • i new MO 1 ERN. wtth enclOeed C ;l.y Be f"l-h home :-Summer rental. 420 ..,_ · 490 Newport Bl d. Cos a )! ... · patio, 2-r gor. Ready for CODI· OrQer~t .. r. at DC , A'YOC&do, Coton.a del Mar. Pb. Phone $.con 6698 plete ltv • $29,600. 1711 Ocean 'D-ht u· u L.d Hart>o. il!f,.w, 3 B. R. l 1/2 bath Harbor 31~7-W lor Beacon MllJl-J mv<1.. boa. Ha<bor 2451-M ~.. ~ .. Y .on 1 0 20e22 • I l2lfc · exclUfVe Jlatitl .. • ' Balboa Island Home I ' ~ * .ls'8oc. ATTRACTIVI: 2 'bdrm turnlabed Two Patloe. Furnlahed " BALBO INCOME ~-:'-~ bay 'troat '•pt. Private 1>oacli. F. P. WALDRON DUPLEX oN 'OCl!lAN BLVD. Onl $95Down ' 3112 New;ortBl~.~21162 Avallallle inonth of June ond 308 ,.._rln A Balboa •-•--• 1-er 2 'bd , unit renu.t ot BUYS ~iJs FINE LOT . IOal lk!pt.· lol'Oft yurly rental. Har. """ e ve., --u . . U ~bd 4 . : \ , " j\. Phone Barbor 234 lllJIUDtt ra pper • nn. tlUl~ on tctor1' St., J>tt;roen \ --'"-~+~7"'7.'1-71-"---:IM-_ 20c22 unit .... for 11Uyer. At· Barbor .Id l!lewport Bl..S.. l'u1I CORON.A. l>Jll,. Jlut~2 bedrom1i OIL ,LAND trocUftly fltr11. at Sil,000. · price ~-• ....... '"-· beach POUR MODt¥UNlTS on .Bal-·--""" ft-I, priv. " BELL OR LEASE for cle•flop-boa BIW: tn e rental dla-Phones: Jliea.:ion -ii or 8U1JIDMr or ~ -tCUna· • · • I Uon °""") 115 llaplde-l'lace. ment, ~ mile •~Ip from Banta trlcL Near • -. good In· Bijljcoin :5--W cw.-.. .. , ~--a.. 03BtMl. Ana river west on Cout Bi81I-~· · 1291~ --·,-,,... -· · _., · -y. Write P. 0 . Bos ll2, N--· · > ------~-~---" port Beach. uuc Balboajealty Co: 1 • .-, • .... -o...iey , __ w-.B o.n.er.· • '· d faoqlil!i ma aDT THREE BEDR<>qK HOME, "l"' ' . LIJ1 McAdoo Cl'>IJJl ' T TQ, IR<4UN 19Ur. . ~-llOolc bath and kltcllell. Larp-fenciod 700 l!l. -Jiu. lM LIDO nru ... 'iina. ... 1"ili,•JIL · ta1 .., loftl)' · , • corona n-nl· 2-car -i;arap. Down ,.,.. . Jot.; • ...--~ ri;. •l0-90.a_;__, 'dol , I J'Jiii& .. --anJ m-t ••-l'u1I p~ ~A-• , > • ... ..,,,,,~ -~ ~· .. -·-~ .. ....... -. ~ ·~-·~ •• ,........ 2 B ... R e·r & """oat nt•u4 --~ .A.Imo ~ • , ~~-~ -!'bone . 'Ylll talre In e1... !all> -.•· • 61 • -th. . : ... ~'fll!'Nt..·' . , . 20cJ2 . Cll.f. (03 ~ BL, ~ ~ OOWN ' ,., ' ~ ' JI-. ' ... .-.uvvu . ¥ER ~.,'P'\J?!!:!~. oWJO:R wJ1uic -ii -.., Im =~~ .... 11 .. IM:e ...... · ~:ioaotPOµn:D -l'W0-0A&.-~-"9t rat. TU ...... of lot. -to 1lalld, ~ ' f/I .Au6c. 3181 'll1I Lilfo ll&tla l,Jll!O Jd« l:l fl $2 ~ lta. --·~l Old Couzil;f lld.,"()DN -• iron-•!!SAi,~ _1 _ _'.' • • HI.I~ • • • • _;; " IDo2I .t.o.... .~. ,. -·-.':.. -~ Jfwplft ~ 111111 • • ' j • ..., f , f ~ ~ _:·,_-~ •• • • . ... ,. • .... l '. .. • • • • • i . . Only $17,250 Listings Wanted Selea: and Rentals Ernie Smith, Realtor 1205 Coast Hlway, Corona deJ Mar Phone Harbor 2667 Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar ,. $8750 Only $1500 Down • • Beach cottage, 2 blka from ocean. 80-fl. frontage. Extra lot In- cluded. Room tot expa.mion. Needa a little fixing. · SEE Earl Chamberlain • 600 Coast Blvd., Corona ~i Mar~ (Opp. Newport HaJ.im ll&Dk) • Phone Harbor 2288 Open for Inspectlon Sunda,y, 2 to 5 o'clock 1423 West Bay Ave] Two bdrm summer or year ~nd borne. Large Uvlns-dintnl'r~' &nd kitchen. Wood Ooon. lvene- tian b1lnch:. Completely f'uft:li8b· ed. Nice rear ~auo ·and barbe- cue. . • J . ' ' • I I