HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-29 - Newport Balboa News Times• L.. I . • • r • w :; e e;u -· ' '---'-..::.....~~~~~~~~~~"'-~~~...,.-~_,,:;"""'"'-'-....._~__,.....,~~~-'-~~~---''--~~~~~~,--~-'-~-++-~ NEWPORT. BEA~; cAtIFO~ T.UESDAY, MAY 29. 1951 f CITIZENS SEEK : SOLUTION TO SEX . CRl 'MES BIACHES IM ST .I • BRING REVE E ACllIEVEME AWARDS FOR THE YEAR Were prtMntf'd t.o studen .. at ti.e NMVpOl't Harbor trnlon Hieb llChool l:ut "·eek before u aMNnbly ~··~ to recognlz;,. thf' ~~mt.it of LndlvkluaJ stadeeta. Hip ~ wa. paid Paul Lee, .ellior 1l. udent who bu a\\·r pt all contest.a 11ponaored by the UOb Clubs ta ~them Calllornl&. Arb:ona and N.r'-ada. Nrxt mopth he ls to com)M'te apdut lb: ftnal:lsb for a Sl.000 11Cholanhlp at Stockton. ~~If. Lee demomtratr.d not ~nly Ith 11pealdnc ablllt;y bat bh Wit when be endeavored to 1tltttch to 'MJper size' to carry the bl.& trophy pictured. Lett to rtsbt ani:· Hal dlaMr. ooatest commlttttman; Barry Lou.chltn, nr u · rlfo.cted prnldea.t and Dr. Ed.ward Jn &MWer to ' the m&!IY aroOMld citizens and eom-· munlty leaders who 'contacted Mrs. Louis Ceenar, p..,,.(. ' · 1 dflllt of the Newport Beach Elementary Schools Parent-GRO UP TO Li\ Teacher· AllllOCiatlon, to uk what mfl&llUftll can be taken II ln1the bolllfl, In the 8Ch9"1, and In the community to ward off suCb heinous sex crlmfl8 as believed committed apin•t little Patricia Jean Hull laot week, the PTA unit la Invit- ing the ""'ldents of the Harbor area to an ol"'n meeting • Miium, prtsldf'n~ all Of the Balboa Bay Uons Clla b; Paul Lee and Robert \\'eatz., hlCb IChool tpeeCh cO&<'h. \ • 1 (News-Times Photo) --• ---....~-I, __. ~ :-r-. r~:::_-~-~ ----.--~ ~,,.. T , --t ~ ~ • ..... ... .... "! • < ... r..... «; .... ~·. .. •.r.~ •,•It ' .. < ' ., ' ' PRESESTAT,10 of Bank of :Antierica A....ards for scholaattc achlf"Yrtnent. were made at t.he hlch achool Wf"Chl by Ne"'POrt Branch maoasrr llobt.nd \\'rlcht, pictured If-ft to rlChi above, BUI Douclliette, Doa µ.ip. Bill WIUman. Maaacer l\. rlcht, Eleanor FersuMtn. <tt-ne Craln and BUI Pmce. .. ,. -; ' . ' - ADEQUATELY TKAJNED i• tbe -· of -hlJll ochool'• ·-ta fllUl"'J' ot the demon d • automobile.· Moft than. UO atudenh have pM8eCI throul'b dMa bltored bJ" Nonilaa 'FJemlDc with. u;e belp of ~Sia 8Naa pnvlded for tbat me by Harvey Somer., auto df.&ler. .. ·"'f Plctw'ed left to ~ )Mtmetor nemt111, nr...o r Fef'l'1180n. wtnner of the Srd pla.ae prodciHiCJ' award Of tbe c*a.t)' Sclloeia; Paal DaaJap, wiantt of Rnt place for boyw La the oont.t. aad Banet • Somen.. / (News-Time• Photo) . ' tonight, Tuesday, In the Corona del Mar Elemeatary 8Chool at eight o'clock. Frank M. Linnell, city judge of Newport Beach, will Inform the meeting on. present legislation relative to sex offen8fl8 and will &ll8M'er qut8tlo1111 from the floor during an Informal dl!ICUll81on P"rlod. Members of the PT A board are Inviting other out- standing ·c1tben• · of tbe area to he present. Horace Enslp, district ooperlntendent of &ehools, who arranged for the meeting place wlU attend, a.od Lyn Crawford. roort~ Dlt!trlct PTA legl81atloo chalnn"1 18 expected to he' pn!8ent. Mrs. Louis Csenar will pltl81de and Mr. Porter Sinclair wlU Introduce Judge Unnell. . Some of the club directors ca.lllng Mrs. Cse~ •ug- gested more rigid 8eX offen8e law•; others felt tJiat tho • trouble lay not with the laws but laxity In ~o.,,.,ment, and still others proposed some kind of a precaution pro- gram handled through .the &ehools. It wu onanimoll81y agreed, however, that the problem of ..,,. crimes can he solv!"I only by the thorough cooperatlon oo the part of every cltheo. Driver Crashes After .Wild 80-Mile an Hour Chase Sun. An 80 mile an hour <'hue in the sml!Lll hour& of Sunday morning ending up with the pursued car cf'&8hlng Into the gate a{ the entrance to Emerald Bay w8:9 one of six week end accident.a in the Harbor area ln which three persons were lnjured. At 4:29 a. m . Sunday, Newport.,_. ___________ _ Beach police reCelved th~ rfiport of a po.Ible drunken driver head- ed -.< on the COUt Hlll!way wtthout ll•hte. A pro-wt car #took up the churie when the car sped lhrou•h the · ttd ll~t at Mac- Arthur Blvd. lnterM"CUon. Driwr of the car. Richard Allen Cook, USMC. San. Diego pushed hlJI apeedomf'ter up lo 80 mile• per hour ln the chue. According to police report.a. Cook weaved &11 over the road during the purautt and forced oucomlng vehlclea off the road. Cook's auto threw a . rod at th~ creat of Abalone Point and h• con- tinued driving with amoke pouring out from the car which flna.lly went out of control and cruhed to the Ea.at gale of the entrance to Emerald Say. After the ilmuhup Cook'• ve- hlcle bu.rat Into flame and the driver wu pulled from the wreck- are. He had no vt.tble injurtu but went into shock. He wu turned over to the Shore Patrol. and when recovered, will report to Newport Beach police for ar- reat. Two Hurt on Hlctllwa~ Two persona were injured In a.r1 eurse.m Bill Hit by · Delay State eenale fia.h and g&me com- mltttt renaled tut wttk that It had delayed for a wttk any ac- tion on a bill o•Uawtng IUJTlmer· u.me commercial mackerel fllhlng .long the cout of Orange county. Already puaed by the ueembly, the meuure, Introduced by Aa- &emblyman Earl Stanley of Balboa Ialind, woul~ outlaw purse aeln~ and rlnf net.a within a three-mile zone !rom May 1 to Sept. 10. Stanley saJd the prohibition la neceseary both u a conaervatlon mea.sure to protect the mackerel during the spawning ,euon and to give sport.a fishermen a chance to get eome fl.ah. - OppoeltJon to the measure bu been voiced by John Re&l, apok~ man for the Fllhennen'• Cooper•- PIER f'U!llING , PLANNERS DEFER OIL WELL ACT.ION aCcldent at 1 :52 p. m . Sunday ln permitted under the zoning, he,..______________ the 6300 block of the Com.at Hlgh-Another round In the risin1t cl>e.stal oil well 1 iittuatlon took place tut Frklay when the county p1-,n.nlDg commi.Yion held ita weekly aeuton. and decided to defrr any acUon on the propoeed Shell C.. well twol mile. from lhe Coa&t Hl,ghway WtWay between Corona del · Mai and Laguna wlll not be permlttl"d to make u~ I Shot an Arrow way, N:ewport Beach. Walter K . A bill ponnttu.s apona tlob· .... la 1M -from ,..MJe plen wtU.OUt llce•11111 w a• P.••~d. by tM .U..bly and. _, .. ___ .._,,, Beach. . .1 Plann~rs defer action until •proper vithortty'~ from the Shell Oil Co. provides 1etter stating that j>rovlalon& of 1 the pe-nnlt and of count• ordlnancet will be com· piled with. \ . . • ·A caravah of 25 lntereated per- llOM hi'd made a !trtp over· POUgb canyon road• to ~ propoeed lite Wedneecja.Y~ In " STOUP WU County Planner alter Weimar and Sh~ represe'lta.tivea. ; Member• of th' newly formed coutal commllt~ a1ralnat olt wetta were aJ_,o p~nt..on the trlp 'and atte.r vtew the Jpcatk>n wt\bdreW ebjec · to the sJte provided condlUou for '"prOtec· Uon" were meL ! However. 90lftf' Corona del Mar reeidenta at the _p1aruien· -~objeclA!d to ·tbe·well 9ite. . 1 .._ ~.,.,.,.. ". . . A1..o at Ute p••nNar cOnuniuion iMetln1 B-...,,_, l'rancU. X. j1bDon, Sr .. wltbdreW hlll &111>llca· Uo. ·.that t~--~e ·of ~ ""kllrief ,,.. . -"t.d • ·-lfl'llt b!dliattW SOftlng. lit.er t»1 planner• ~ del!lal "' lllo ~~ > ~-' : --....,...,h. -ID stUlftl ~I ~ Newpott -· .... ~ B4. In Coota -·, ..,.;..i iJJi. lid ... ,.,,. --· -;: .... ..,._ !!!~ -1119 IC~ a1-""'ldlnp ii ·~-iliibt· ~ to Ille ..... ., ta '"l/IM llllood"; -r tl9W • .. • • " , of the property u he hu planned. Me rcer, San P'ra.ncisco. received a , •-t the Al deep guh. 1n hill forehead when Memorial· D--m 0 r • • • hill ca r ran Into the rear of an--l " other '7eh.lcle. A pa.asenger In hla Details Given A nylnc arntllf 'tfti.tk!d ca.r, P1orence Dahlrup, L 0 n I' throush the ah and lato t~ Beach, rtt:elved a b&d bump on her l~rt UPPf'f arm of lanwi. Otv• head when her head bro1'e the Final detail& of the Memorial Day program &eheduled for the Balboa pier Wednesday morning were announced today by local American Legion Commander Bar· ney Bell. The parade wtll fonn at the Fun Zone. and march to the pier . at 10:30 a .. m. P rogram at the Balboa pier f'agpole will begin at 11 a . m . With an tnvocatlon · by the Re v. Tbomu Gibeon. Then Howard P'otaom of Corona del Ma..r wll\ •lng ''There Ia No De:alh" ac· companied by 'Mr,. Kenneth D•ll on piano. Addl'f:Mi by Father Step- hen Kiley will rollow after which Foleom will alng the Lord"& Pray· ... . ta.Ung of noral wnaths on the waten wtll be accompan.i.-d by a salute to deceased veterana by a Camp Pendleton . Marine flrln&: squad 'iaftd a Marine bugler will 90und tapa. Bened.idlon wm be glnn by 0..plaln IL H . Twit· chell of El Torq_ bqe. All ... .-l"""'P" and In• teroet.ed --ba ... been fllYlted Id partldpete ID the P"'l"'\m llil' UM Nowport ll!wi!t!' American Legion"poet. - . • .... it•un,aROC ................ --... , ..... Ms. W1' II¥• lle-1W ..,. A.I ,, •. ,...._ ...... lolt,Xe..,.. ___ _ ··?·..: ........ ..., All•'rt I I ft' L .. C)sftM. ... _ .... _ .... ._. IS I- of Con1pton Tbu~y at t:.M wlndahleld. She waa knocked un- p..m. u b11 wu drtvtnc WM't •• conactous by the tmpact, but wu Bayllld11 Drive abou.'t 100 feet (CoaUnued oa hce 5) "~•t of Jaamla11 aveeue, CoN8A &-I Mar. Tho nall·W... 11...i ot -.... row bw'led ltRU an lnab la Gl,·en'11 um and. he recehed med I e •I trealmieat for tlMI "'oun« H11 ~ to ~ ~ char ..... N•wport -polloe -IDVf!J8U,ptioa dMM-erff t.llrMi tff......,.e Ooro11a ... Har ,. .. &11a .nu... -0... of --,_to ...... --.... roW lakt tlwi air w"'9 Jt WM deddetl biat U.. UTVW ... -1o...,. _..... Tllo ...,.. ...... waned ........ aaelletJ F_.. wlW.U..dQ~ ' live Aun. He auggested that the mackerel do.not necesaarllrsp&wn In Orange coµnty Water and that they do not spawn. during the whDI~ Ume Stanley ukJI that flllh- lng he cloeed. Aleo, Real &rl"Jed that the !lah and game commlulon would need • new $100,000 bo&l to patrol the area. (Co•-........ 5) Hopes or some Corona del M&r residents that China Cove be made a.iitate beach received a • ight jolt Thursday night during a meeting of the Corona del Mar qtvtc As- sociation at whictt. the prtnclpaJ speaker wu Geotrrey 1Morran,. presid~nt ol. the Shorelble Plan- ning Association. Morgan told tbe audit.nee the 1tix major need& ot a beach after It ha.a been iicqulred by the elate. They include: 11 l acceaa ro&da. (2) parking a.reu, (3l comfort stations. (4) dreSllinJ roOma, (!i) living accomodallons clhcludlng dining facilities), (6) malnten&nce such· aa police protection, Ille guards and clean up macblne1. Many peraons who attended the pot-luck dinner are now wondering just how thf': tiny beach ¥'111 look after these factllUes have been in- stalled at China Cove . Morgan also emphuized Utat all state beaches must be revenue producing, the main sou,i-cea being from parking and dining fac1Utte&. Parking at China Cove would be one of the biggest probleme. Acquisitt9n of .. call for n I a beaches by the, stale has been held up by a lack of matchinC money or land, the apeaker told the group at the gnunmar &ebo:ol. He said that of the 1131 mllea of beach rrontage In the atllle only 350 miles is In public hands and 600 miles are n~ed. Project lllitory He ~1,.ted the llli5tory of the $15.000,000 ~tale project 11t.a.rted in. 1945 to acquire beach and ln· land areu for ala~ part'-under .':he • matching f u n d principle. I' There are no ·~ parks \n 20 Of the ~~m ~"'the l!I~ _Mor- gan said, beCauae the lnl+nd coun· ties have no land to malcih and no matching rnoney to put 1 up wtlh $5,000,000 of the '$15,oob1000 of· rered fo.r Inland parka. I , Legislation to enable the uae of state fUnd• for smaU boai harbora along the coaat was labl!Ld ln the legialature after membef?' of the <itate park commluion· prole&lb:i, ' the shoreline planner sta.tfd. There should , be 25 small boatl harbors slong the 1131 miles of t.lifornia coast. Morgan said and a ed that Newport Harbor was the nly ma- jor pleasure boat harbor the en- tire coast. · A proposed s tate maSter plan of beach deve~opment waa aJ8o tabled ,, by the slate legt&lature on action of the state park corllml.aeion. cDdwell Leads in Trophy Race Morgan charged. Millions of dol· Iara of tideland oil l'OyatUu which U8ed to ~come to the St.ate and were used by the state par.c: com- ml&sion are now lmpoun~ in the federal government, he alided. final leg, ~-mile to Long Beact on Memorial ~ay. Well .on bl.a way to ti. aucceiiatul efeue of the $5000 James Craig tophy la lhe· Winner of lut year' a ~l.ed lol · rlce. lArry M c- eU Lon,c Beach Yacht club f ~mmodore, tn hi.a swift 34- foot u:preaa crut.aer, Veralee Il. M:c~°:"e-11 WOt\ the first leg Of the power boat. race. from Newport to Coronado, Lut Saturday. Resulta of .the southward trophy race leg: More people viait ~omia Craig beaches on 1. Fourth ot .Ju1y than viall all the nation&! park. on the :wne day, the &peak er j ueerted. Ten mi.lea of ptlbllc beach ca.n ac- commodate 1,000,000 peo~le and 10 mt1ea of .private' beach nty 1000' persons In residences:, explaln· Cb.MA . Veralee, Larry McDowell, :31 (per cent of error ); Rewller iv, Frank C . Ruppert, 2.77; Tak. Car- lisle Tharpe, 8 .81 ; Paw.lea, N . M . Rogers, 4.25; Adara, PbU Warren, 7.09: Bob-A-Dee, Frank Moyer. 8.19; HarmOny, Art William&, 17.6. C-B 1' Tho winner nad an extre'mely low .34i percentage of error com· pared wtth the second place boat'&- 1.77, that belrtg Frank Rupperl'.E Reveller IV. Regina, A. C. McQ~at, 4.70; The minute error give& Mc-Cuyama, E:d Slmonla, 8.03: Vlde Dowell a IU1ty edge, though far \ lll. Dean Gampbell, 14.8; Lucky from JU&r&Dteeln& victory, for th·( Lady, Wilaon Ferrill, 25.2. "'· Allen C. Ste·1~. vice: president. presided in the a~enee !of Verne Wat&an, pre&ident. Mual~ enter- tainment waa provided by Rulh Huffman, vocalial. Costa eaa and Peter Welgan, aocord.lonJ.et. New· port Beach. ' I 1 J • f ' 1 • r ,. • I . • P•~2, • • NEW10Rt -IALIOA' NEWS-Tl tiij ES .-,~"c"I' 'f-~~.,. .... t •~;-•,..··•e·" .. ·• ' ~~--t-~~~~~~-=-__;--:~~~~~~---''~~_::.::.:.:.:.::.::c~==::::_::::.::.~~~_:_ Elementary P.-T.·A. 'c ourt of.Awards : Donna. Lee. Rock a-' D~ Sco'tt ·Deav.~s . N•med Hears Summer For c;. Mi Scouts 1 1 N 11\M:iJ I· 1s Ckoirmen Playgr;~11nd Pl an s ci:.~~~~~=111:.0:..~ Ji! Repea t . Vows at 'Mesa Churc' h . : ieloetlooj of l(r.' OD4 Mn. Ralph B0rae• ENllJI, 11Upmn-t, 800 Ol~l fcouta ond -.i1e1t'ot •. Deawr, llf ,ApoMma a ......... Bal· ; MRS. WOICOllled UM N~ ~ de-Qoo\&. Mea .....,lved award.I and 117 -.0,. •lrllJ' boa hland, u ·i-J cll&lmlan for ~ ........ ..-......... ~,,....,.,.,.,,....~..,..,. ... ,,~~ mentary echoola PTA wbert rt met •c:tw:ance 1n rank. at the News>Ort ReflecUng. the beauty ot spring-' IcitnUC&l Sn 'plOde wen the ..,._. A.lu.mnl day &t ().Qclden_tal:collep, 1 Need f 'h d' St .ed May 21 tor the tint tint• In th• Harbor Unlan B l ocbooL Twenty-~lrne Wet• nuptial rlt" performed I CNloelt. trocka ot tho brldeamalda, June t, !>al been woWiced by Or ere an 'Se ress , Horace Eml&D ochool. The pro-to~r. of tbe J1r1o recelvect tbe Sunday, May 13, at 2 o'c.ock In tbe Miu' Sooy~ 'lfulma, ID p1'>J<, ·and Wllllam lrllll', teneial cb&lrman sram, which brouaht to a clOM "CUrved Bar" hJrhest rank in Cotta Meaa Community Methodtat . Miu B&tbara Reed, ln lawnder, · · the memberahip meetlnp to'r the Girl SeoutlnC'. The ceremony Church when Mia bonna Lee Pink rtbbil'N accestted. UM bo\I· of the day. · . .. ' at Ass.stance League· Mee_t.1ng IO&oon lnclUdecl _pbyall:al edue&<-19<>k place on tho ... ,. bet~ !Wek, dauch\•• of Mr. and Mn. queto of yellow ..-bucli which Tho alumni wlU ·.roll back the the d.iNdt.!on of K1u J'ean Culler Unl~ HatJona flap. The pre!I· repe&ttd ' vows and o:cUnpd rutfled vtlllnf tn umr halr, the llnnlnl at t p.tn. With Ute prul· and WUU&m Burdick, tn.tru<!tors tntatton ot ! colora WU m&de by M p with llober,t Raymond Soott. headdreaMI trimmed with ~ dent~ rkeption Jn Prr Oarde'ila. ~s~:::,,,of;:,a.t~f::'r .. l:i..~:c:gW'r:•.-u:~!.,: tlon e?ua demoutze.tJona un.dtt' a 'beakfl"ofutd ~of the colorl'ul Cl&~ce Rock, 1811 Meyer PL. they carried. All wore matoblnl Ytal'I wt th fl~ boure of tun be· M e. •, L G E I at the oc:hool and a musical pro-It llrowni.. · Rev. Thomas J. "'not Mr. &11d Mra. Bedfo,O lcott, ·buda like thoM tn tbolr ah-•• Pl'O!rid•nt and Mra. .\rtbur 0 . r.-CI' MrS. ~ • ar ey ·&Nm by the Harmoneers under Nevtn pvt the 'tnvocatJon. WS0 Maple Ave., Cotsta ~eaa.. The cluaten.. Coon9 wtJl receive. . held Tuollday, Mu,y j 16, at St. Annour.·:·e Daughter, the 111pervi.Joo ot Jame• Fib-A oumaiary ,,, tbAI year'o work rnp::eulvo double ring ceremony Jerry s. Hwm·e uownod but At 3:30 p.m. an outdoor 1upper J&rnes Parish .Houite Mrs. Wil-gerald, vocal mu.ale teacher. The wu made, wt.th a brtef outllne of NU read by Rev. Charle. F'. Hand. man dutlea: while JUUL\. were will be aerved in the central quad- lard Killion, 'f hrift Shop c hair-M r. and afrs. LG. Ea"r?ey, 713 introduCtlon to -the· HA..rmoneerS the pui-Ji>&e--ot· the-awards, by Oracen.JI bukets brtmmtng wtth uaherid by · WIU!am Mueck and ran1Je. At~ p.m., &n ortatnal m\1- man, atrt1saed lhe need ot new Larkspur avenue, Corona del Mar, and their eeleatloM w:u made by° Mrs. Do1"Qthy Holms, ctiaJ.nnan• of .vhlte s~k. c;a..Uu at'd aladio.U ln· Dan WIWama. Mtn ~m..-the Wtd· alc&I ahow -wUl be pruented ln merchandise pointing 1out that the a.re announcing t.he birth of a the group "ltlelt singing an ori(i--lhe · Lul:lers Auoclalion. Some teraperled With tbe cool &TeeD of dinl fl'OUPlnl" won Ufht blu. aatta Thorne hall. 11tt abow'la bued on exiietln_g stock of s1'ch popular daughter, Suu.nne Therese. on nal song .equence. -123 Brownie.-were on the at.age rern ma.de ·a.n effective background 'and boutonnJeree of whJta cama..· stare productiOf'\I that have been items as men's suits. dresses. chil· Saturday, May 19 at St. Ja.eph The ouatandlng announoement at one time receiving their mem-for the 11ervice. A.dornlns the tlona. stve. at Oooident&l ln other yean. flren's wtrar a.nd hou1hold articles hospital. She w €!lghcd six pounds, at the meeting wu made by Mrs. btor&htp pendants. kneeling bench were w!1!te l"08eS, Parent.I of the juatwedl headed . was rapidly dlmlnisl'IL g and need· 11· ounces. Stroller White. juvenile protectwn Hi&"hli&ht of -iht awarct.. was ...:arn,atlon• and ~m. The flowers the rectivtn1 line wtlh the brid&l Bridqe T ou?k .. men+ ed replenishing now. Thit ia first child for the chairman, when t.be Informed the reached when tbe fathers or girls were grown by Mrs. Roy J · HickA party in the church chapel where Mrs. Killian annourr:ed arrange-Ea.rJeya and •he WU chrtatened mernberahlp that the newly ap-Mtef!!llvlng the "CurYed Bar" pin->( Co.Ila Heu., &"J'&ndmolher ot thP the younJ' couple were deluged 0 n Tn is w e k ment.a oould be m!19e for dona-Sunday, May 27 at St. Qatherine'• pointed P&rk1 and Recreation ned them "on their daurhter•. ~ride, who arranged the decora· with · good wlahea during the re· tlons lo be picked up from any-CathoUc chUrd\ Laguna Beach. Commlulon, ot W\llch· Francia Th9e gtrla have each completed ~Ions. qept ion. Both mothers wore cor· "\vhere in the Commuptty by call-Gr'1'dparenta afe Ml'. and >.tr•. I Horvath 11 chalrinaa, h.u ....Ured five or slx full yeara of scouting. Marlenr . Jacobson, ao~otat, aang sa~s ot baby orchJd1, Mrs. Rock ing the Thrift Shop t.Drect or Mrs. W . 0 . Kue of La.guna Beach and I the Ne"1VJM)rt ~h. •elementary They were Diana crane DoMa ··t Love You Truly," "Becaw&e," with her att1'active rre•n crepe Dale Ramsev. Harbor lQM-M. Mr. and Mr•. Robert Padrll'o of aohoola P'tA Y'at thO cit)' will heJp HamUron. Ma.ry Jean l(e~·I, Mir· ind ''The Lord'~ Pray!?r .'' · print, and Mre. Sco\t with h•r be- who I!: In .cl{nrgc or1 this Mervice Coat.a Meaa. support • summer propam at the tha Norman, caroJyn Ragan, Sun Advoncin' tq the altar on the comlnl' b1ue crtpe dreu. White or any me1nbcr of h~r committee Newport Beach e'l em en tar Y Thomas, Judy Frame, Ruth lien-.1rm ~t her rather, who ga.ve her In ha.ti and, &aceN<Jrle1 completed the which tnclude;j ~r.-s. Pa~11 Rogers, . G ra duation Dance schooi.. The .IOhoola are ready t o derson. Nan~y Long, Erin O'Kee.te, :t(X"pine-: the lovely young bride ehlemblu, Mrs. Alexand"'r Ha1 n1lton and , -cooperate to the uu:noat •be 1tat-Lynne Schachner, ore t ch en V.'ati an t>xqulsite picture in her , ~tr~. Ph1Jllp lia,.sctt. Slated for. Friday ed, fUrni1hln• buee1. equipment Gqlnes. Betty H iatt, Marlalne ;own of filmy white marquiaette Reeeptlon 4-latant. .... Jo'or the cunvt>nH''1f "" or people and peraonneL Ml•• Norm~ Per -1.-torrill , Charlene Purcell and trslgned \V'ilh lace panels and ruf-The tour-tiered Wedding cake, viho ai-~ un:iblt• tO visit the kin•. band and orche1tra auper-Carol Ann Shaw all ot Troop 12. rled t rain In Vlcto. rla_ n atyle. H er topped with a rnJnlature bride and The annual graduation danceo for ii f 11 t fin h Thr·itt Shlll> bt·cnu~e of their vlaor, haa announc~ that •he wt.II Their lenders are Mmes, Nellie .;e e 0 gertip iengt from .a g room, WU cut 'by P ete Howe, .. the eighth rrade will be held Fri· J I t t dded l wo•klng hours. 1t -.1ili; decided to d 1 J 7 •o otter a mu.ale Yt!Ork.lhop Lt the pro-L.ong, Sibyl Norm{lll Ellld Mar)' u. " cap 8 u w th seed uncle or tbe bride. Lendin.-hOO· ay even ng, une l , from :~ IJI A t 1 d etay open eac h Tuc!K!lly night, to 10 o'clock in the Horace En-poaed prorram receives •ponaor-Hilliard and they are sponsored 9ear · 1 ng e etran or pearls teas aid were the bride's co.U!linl, beginning T ueHduv. r.-tay 22. be· sl&n achool caliP:t.eria . Mr•. Ken· •hip. bv thf' Costa Mesa Friday Afte r-wa.a her only o,rnal"{lent. Her bou-Ml1&e1 Bubara Jean Roade. and lwe.n lh. ho''"ll o• .... ven and •• St h The. meetlna adjourned to the noon Club. quet of white carnatiorui with France• Dee .Rook. Mrs. Mariann • " ..., ne~ are&e. ome and ta.mUy ,m r nine. Thill would tJe u particular cbalrma.n of the Newport Beac.h ~~·1 hew cafeteria where finit I The other troop of Gitl Scouts C!..Wtr ~ 5;tln1 brocaded ribbons Mueck , ll•ter of the bride, had :.i~<.""Ommodat.i,pn , 1l Wll.S felt, tor elementary schools Parenl~Teach-...... e room mot.hen .erved punch winning their "Curved Bar" in ~·SJ: ccn er e w th a white orchid charge ot the l\Jelt book. VlrJ1nla men shoppers llOn\e or v.·hom had er a.ucociation which la aponaor-and •n.dwlchel. ( the ln1pre~ive ceremony waa :l coraage1 e~e~. Thia . corsage D..ie ~· another qouatn, caupt rven sent written cornpla.ints that in&' Ute dan~e. announce• that Troop t under the leadership of er comp et er amart appear-the brldil bouquet. they were unabll' to tuke advan-various commltteu are at work Bridg tJ G roup Mn1e11. Macie Parker and Nettle lnce for traveling when acJded to 8 FolloWln&" the church reception, tage or the regular daytime hours pl&Mlng corilarea, boutonnierea S \Vlllian111 Rn«;! spoN ored by the '1 Ut· vahardlne aUlt complement ed frienda and relatlvq were invited of ten to four. !Uld decoratlona for the artatr at Revea l Winne rs Volunteer Firemen of Coate Mesa. by red hat and sllppera.i to a amaJl e.tfalr at the home of President. J\1 rs. Edgar Hill, pre-whlch the Horace Enstgn IWln(C These girls were P.at Parker, Lll-. In PrOOONiona:· Mr. and Mp, Roqk to 1ee the new~ sented tour ·new n1en1ber11 who, band will pl&y. Mn:. Zdna McKuten and Mrs. lltln"' Shaw, Florence Wheatley, Attendtrig her sister aa matron lywed• leave on a honeymoon to" -having con1pleted their required GeF&ld J,leCom~r w ere winner., J"udy P..ei?a.n. Jeannette Shaw. of honor Mrs. Patricia Hulme lent Sequoia National Par~. Buffet re· provisional hour~. hod receivl!d DIVORCE t't."'TITJOS north--aouth· and · Mr•. Thomas Luetta Williams, Mary Sinclair charming conlraiil to the procea-freshment. we re aerved 1n honor the staluti of active n1embershlp. Kennedy and Jlfra. >.{, R. Nutting an cl Martha Whelchel. Rev. 1ional In an a.n kle-!ength creation of the mothers o~ Mother•' Day. They were : ~tnle:d Edward Brooks. Seekinl" cuHtody of two children were hl(h acerett. eut-weat In the-Thomas Gibson atave the benedlc· 01. pale-green marquisette detailed Mr. and Mra. Scott, both ll'adu·· Richard . P h:rcr. O. \V. Richard Uld funda ror •upport, Mn. Anna dupilc•te brldfe &"&mt held In Bal-I lion. Mre. Edith Ludl. progrncn v.·1th taffeta sash. She carried a ates or Newport Harbor Unton a nd George 11ic h~ud. 1trs. Hill Mora.lea petitioned superior court boa on Frida)' eveninf. chalr1na.n. arraitged the Court o r ~howt.:~ bouquet of pink rosebuds Htrh school, wtll e1tablllh re1I· a lso expres$ied the best wishes of ~or divorce from Oeor1 e Morale•. Runnerl•Up. nortlt·ec>Uth were Awards proiram. tied with greeP tattetJl ribbon. dence In COil& Meaa. t he IAaifUe to Mrs . E. c. Twtch· lb• charl"ed h im \Yltb cruelty and Olm In_1Jee and A. D. Wetherby : ell who plans to joi n her husband !&kl they wer~ married at San Mr• .. C. H. JohnlOn and Joe W!l- Lt. Commantlcr T\\'itchell station· Otero May lO. 19361 uparated luC COJI; Mn. Thomu OlU &nd A.Fnold ed tn Ala~ka tor a year. along 4,;prU 11 and that community o ... r lytftf with Mr1. Arnold with re.(!.f'l at her ltaving. ;>roperty lncludea a re•idenoe and Ou.er and Mrar Roy St.rota: Per. Luncheon heist~~ were: Mmes. 'umllhin&•. and a · vacant lot in ry McAdoo a.nd EJ. E . Bruce. "-d H T -• -'ltwpart Beach and an aulomo-J'l.Jymon arvt'.Y. LA;.'"ster LA.l'we. one. Runn4t,n-up eaat-weat were Mrs. f'.eorge ~1 1c haud. a nd Howard Mar&aret Church a.nd Mra. Mollie Mesa C "b Sco uts at Be"ch Plu nge · Weslyan Gu ird In stalls Officers Lodge Notes From Mesa Rebekahs Due to the anrwaJ National and All·Western championship bridge tournament being held In Los An- gele& from May 28 to June 3 which Will be attended by all local du· plicate bridge players. the regular Monday and Friday &am.ea WiU&l· ly. played In Balboa will be can· celled during the comlng week. The paup met u usual Fri· day evenin&" the 2~th . On Monday Jwie 4, the at\emoou group will It.art an etrht-week aerie.a. ... •. 'tu11i.y: a.r ... ,,. I H1rb0r Counc11 of Church ,W,o.n-. Meets June ~ . N~ i!art>o1' ·I oj,1nct~ I of Church Women will .i.:.;.: V-r. iune 4 at Balboa ~ c-Dl\1' nlty Methodllt churC~f"lllo ~­ tlve board at -10:30 a.nt. Tbenl Will be a oack luncbeon at ;,-~ open mee.Uns tor ~ 1 cbUrch we- men ot the area CODl~neO at 1 IO p.m. ~ Conductlnl" an open torwn will be · M.ra: Robe!'{ Moo~. 1:p 1 t and Mro. Lewta a°"'-""°t Rtoai· d~nt ot Bouthem-eatllorma qoun. ell of CIJ,urcb Women. Both "*ve ju.at retumed trom th_e n&Ucmal council mMtinl", held ln P~l- vanla. I , ------· MOVE TO BUJIY. A~ Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Griaham 200 Pearl avenue, expect .to OCfU.PY a home at 306 Ruby avenue &tte.r the middle ot June. Former ireai- dent.a of Downey, the couple nave th~e children, a daughter and 2 aona. Mr. Griaham ii employed at Arrowhead Rubber company. OPEN ISLAND IWME Mrs. Mary Johna of Los Anjele11 ta week ending at her Balboa b- lflld home, SOt Ruby, espec~ to come down permanently with her tamUy about the middle of Jwie. o....,..e Co. 8ympboay O~tra Toolle 8:16 p. ID. HI...._ Audr -a-... • ' Petersen. Ballar:(!; Mr1. Carl Be.Man and --------HO~fE roil WEE.KENO Mr1. C&rrie Saunden; Mn. Faye M~mbershio Cl ass at Mesa Church . Barbara Hand came down from Schlueter and H. M. Wa.lllnrford; ·Loa An&"elea to spend the week: end Mn. Geor&"e C..rroll and Rober Nith her p1J·enU, Rev. and Mr1. Brown: Mr. and Mrs . Edwin S.yl- As a specfal treat for aome 2~ members ot Costa Mesa Cub Scout f-'ai:k I 06. whose achlevement.5 in Cub Scouting won them re<.4l?nt award~, the pack commitlet> e.r- ,.an~Pd a s\vimmlng party at th<' Huntington Beach plunge. Hot dogs and oort drlnka \\rcrc enjoyed al the evening'a cloSt'. In an impressive c&nd.Je lighting ceremony and dedication service the new offlce~s ot ,the W esleyan GuJld of the Costa Mesa Com- munity Churtjl were installed by Mrs. Ruth Barnett when the Guild met In the home of Mrs. Marie Pearce Thursday evening, May 17. Corsagea were. presented to each ot the new ott'lc.ers. The aecond nomjnation of of· ticers wu held Tuesday evening at the r ecular meetlns ot the ltlea Rebek&h lodl'e w ith noble srand Bertha Wat.Ion preaJdlnl'. Mn. Mamie Water• wu welcomed u a &"Ueat from Shelton, Walhlnrton. WANT UAL PROTECTI O~? • .Sund1ay v.•ill be n\cmbershlp day at the CORla. ~'Iesa Comm~nlty Church. A clas.'4 or young peopl€ who ba.ve co1i:•)Teted training, to· gether with ~11 1e 1:Ulults. will join lhc chui-ch at the close of the 1nornlng wo rst11p ~ervice. The pastor will -;~·a k W'L •·Heroes of Cod." Mesa M en on VFW Gounty C oun cil Two Co1:1tu .~£'Kil men are on the slttff or new officers ot the Cjrnnge Count y Cc.iunci l of thr VF\V. The:r ure Charles Smith inspector. an<1 F'rnnk Moore. ser· vice oft 1CL'r. T he ne,,..· s taff. hes.d- ell by H. J . K r·1 ·i!-;~h:r of· ~press 1net Thur:il.la.v 1n the Anaheim unit's clubhouse. Monday Afternoon Participating lh the outing were Charl.ea F. Hand. of 1918 Chur<'h ve•tl'r. :Jt .,. CO.ta Meaa. M1N Hand la a I ttudent nune at the Ca,Jlfornla 'M.r1. il. T . Mc:Manu1 and Mre. Mrs. Earl Douglas's Den 1 Mrs. C. H. Joh~n were· winner• In the Paul Stephe"ns' Ot:n 2, MrS'. Neal duplicale.1>Fklae pme played u; CarMOn't 1>£.n 3, f!ftd Atrs. Thomar Balboa. on Monday atternoon. Davia' Den' t . CUbmaster ea·uJ Runners-up were Mra. Roy Strotz S.teptiens was also in attendanbc. t..uthuan boaplt.al. LUNCHEON ltOiJTS Mr. and ~rll. John M. Cooper of 610 Santa A.na Ave., Newport Heil'hl•. were recent Junch90n hosts when they ente.rtalned Mra. Cooper'a mother. Mra. Lal.ire. Bell Robert.; T. A . Hanna and 90n Robert. all ot Lone-Beach. NEW YORK GlJEliT S W elcome guest.ii at the home of Mr•. Berta Tlllotaon, !21 Flower '3t., Costa ~tesa. a.re Mr. a.nd Mra. Ward Unsworth of Tarryt.own, New York. The visitor• plan to be here a week or ao. · 0""1J'8 Co. S)·mphony Orcbet.lra. Tonite 8:1~ p. m.. Wi School Aud, and Robert Brown:°"Mr•. C. E . Ir- vin and Mr1. E. 4 Hackley: Mre.) Gerald McComber and Mrs. Charle• Boardman: c:. H. JohMon a.nd Gerald McCpmber; Mn. A.my Wolcott &nd Mrs. George Carroll ; Mra. Robert Rau and Mr•. May Berry. REMODEL BALBOA HOME Mr. a.nd Mn. 0 . C. Ford ot San ~farina. wbo own two homea on Mlr&rnar Drive, Balboa, are re· modelin1 the one a.t 1 Tll Mira- mar. Mr. Ford, now retired, was formerly with the J oyce company. ahoe manufacturer•. 0 ITESTS t-ftoM uPLANIIS .Mr. and Mra. Leo A. Lee of 285 Broadway, Costa M~sa. were en- tertalnetJ Frkta.y. &s guests or Mr. and ~frl:I . H. F . Lehman of Up- landJ1. • S l 'FFl:RS Mli-iHAI• Mrs. Lillie Cooper of 265 E s· ther St.. Costa MeM, is confined to her homr with a sprained ankle and laCftl'"ated knee suffered in a recent m1ishu.p. ()rang1• Co. Symphony <•rch~tra Tonltt• 8:16 p. m. HI School Aud. I ncluded were Mrs. Grace Bill- ing&, c~•lrman ; Mrs. Helen Pohl- mBJ1 , ttf!cret.ary; Mrs. Florence Flaherty', treuurer; M.rL.. E:lva. Kipp, vice chairman, Mrs. Maude Davis, promotions c hairman ; Mrs. Emma Stev~ns. cheer c hairman. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Grow Brown of Loa Angeles, Mrs. Mltl"tha Dickey and M rs. Ma ry • Taylor. Mrs. KIPP gave a I talk on Mary or Jerusalem a.nri ~trs. Flaherty chose aa her topic the story of the beginning l>t the \Vesleyan Gul1d. it \Vas decided that the Guild buy a stained glass window for the Ae\v social hall. The metitlng night was changed from the t hird Thursday of each month to the fourth Thursday. An announce- ment was made or the annual convention of the Otilld to be held at Pacific Palisades on June 16 and 17. The June 23 meeting will be hosle~sed by Mrs. Doris Wood of 311 East 19th St., with Mrs. Margaret Nee a.a guest speaker. Harold Holbrook Birth da y Celebrant The lodl'e mem ber1 w ere re .. minded of the annual picnic to be held In Irvine P&rk, on June JO. Mra. Alma Black llDd Mn. Hen- rltitt&. M"onkman, who have been on the atck tlat, went reported to be lmprovtd. Membel'• Mr•.-Ger-- net McCuUouob, Mn. Shlrle)J Smalley a.re hotne fFom the hoa- pital wt.th their new ba\llU. Flor•nce Swlt.&er, Muy TayloF and LiUla.n 8mal.Jey reported on the Rebekah Auembly which they had attended in Sa.nta Crus re .. cenUy .. Jean Ro.. ot G<l6 • 36tb St .. Newport Beaah will enterlaln the Tr.iple Link Club on May 18. Spring flower• were ued to deeorate Ule tablea lo the banquet ha l · wher¢ h<lltl Mr. and Mra. Frank Oln&"er, Mr. and Mr•. Elmer Smith and Mamie Williama ae,.ved strawberry short cake to memben and peat.II. Lutheran Women Plan Next Banquet The Women's Missionary So- ciety ot the Newport Harbor Lu- theran church met ·recently at the home ot Mf'8. Ruth Kingman, Panoram• HelJ;"ht., Santa -'"na Mrs. Gene Roth acted a.a co-ho1- tcss. M"rs. Mildred Truaty pre· sented the Jeaaon, Which wu on Start to save systematically now at· NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL and make one year's income your Savings goal. Then you 'll know that secur- ity's yours ... and you'll know that your mon~y is safe. too, for all Savings are insured up to $10,000 ! Current high dividends are at 3';11-! OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY, MAY SOTH! Pi.aN> !J-ubzudio,. TE RESA REN NER (Mn. A.' Renner I· C.1nc~rf ,.lanblt or Tbr.e ConUllfOttla Gradual4'l SW4lrtnl »f tsela S.rtoK ' 436 Serra .Drive Harbor 1171 .J Corona Hig~landi -Cor- Harold Ho"brook, son o( Mr. and Mrs. H . H . Holbrook. 212 -23rd St .. Newport Beach, wu feted Fri- day evening ot a mo~t enjoyabll' oarty arranged by his sister Joann. The seventeenth l:ilrthday 'Jf the young .man wu the lncen- ~l vc of the plee.saOt affair. the missionary work In India. r--1 ----------·-- The Mothers and Daµghter1 t U DRIVE CRUISERS ba~quet at tbe chu,ch Is always In • memorlum ot the mlu!on work ROW BOATS •LI.VE BAIT. among the mothera of" India ..and /di • OUTBOARDS the " offering is applied for that I · • TACKLE D•p'artur.es ' . lllLY 1'0 SAi FRANCISCO ·"-'-........ AllftOlt Iii. e1tthin11 stietltarl Cholcl ti 32 scMdUltl doily H<h ..,, indudJ .. 7 draJPMhnl~ ("'11ocol I....._ •. n .. i.~). Coost 1od Y1lloy roota. 0., $5.65 "'1°WIJ,$10.20roand1rl9.pluo II&. Mn. C. C. Swaffard, A,;-H\ 0 FORD;fALITY DIDN'T DIM the p.koty of NHYC's .-...on openlnI dlnoer Saturday, Ma;v 11, u 18 e\'l- denClMI by tb1a cn>UP. F1'011'i le.h t M.lp T8'1it& Manh of Balboa kl&nd; LL .:uk Rtchard9on, on leave at bl& parea1~11 borne on Balboa la:.&nd;. r.tra. Art L&Shelle of Udo l•le; Ernet 8attts (t.b.0 .phot.ogra.- pber's htfpe.r ) of Udo b)e; .lames Rog-era of Udo l&leo; Mr6. Saftl: and her dauibter, .JNO ~:t: Robert.~ J..4raa; &ad Mn. RoJen.. · (Photo by Beckner) • At the conclusion ot t he even!ng Miss .Holbrook provided retfesh- menUi or blrthde.y cJ1.ke, Ice cream Uld coffee. On ha.nd to help Harold cele- brate were Diane Sander s. Sonney '.Jrant and "Frank Alben.on of Newport Beach, Rlllh Cooper, Do- 1ore• Friend, Be'Verly f Llltle Von ) Vauehn and Frank DePontee of Ooata Kea&. Mrs. Joh~ West :S'Brid'ge Hdstes_s Luncb.eon, WU the pftl!Jde to an atternoon of brid.p When Mn. J'oh(t Weat of J'lowu. St., Qlot& M-. ...,..Uy . U.mbled membeN of bu ca.rd cJutt.-In the company "'" Mmea. Arliene span, l e.r, .JOMpb KcClall&n, Clauc!o Ando.._ BOmor Mellott, Keftaollo • 8tawvt. 11.Jcl\lltd Dill· mar &1!11 ill'Mat McCloll&&. r1nt fw(ae WU waft by M:ra. 10Mpll Mckll&IJ41>: -~ WOpl to Mn. •i.w.rt; Mn.~ took lftnl ud Mn. Dlltinar wu con-oolOcl. . ' - • purpose. Rev. Herbert Roth con· l . • Sma.11 dloat ducted the B ible Stucly hour. Launching Mrs. Corinne Qua,.y, preoldent. I E L L I S 8 0 A T presided at the buaineu meeting %80% Cout fflway N~wport flr;a.eh Ph. RarboF and.pl&n.1 were laid.tor the Father AT SOUTH END OF BAY8UORE 8.RJDGE and Sons banquet ·which will be +• • • .. • • • , • • • held Monday, June 11. Paper Drive Aids Lin dbergh School The treasury of the Costa Mea Lindbef'l'b·Harper PI'A. thll w eelii wu ewelled by inore lh&n 1100 u the rBIU.lt of a recent' tw<Mlay pa - per drive. with 8 '4 tON of paper coUeoted, Undberll'h mchool •tu- dente won over Harper by % ton 40.d wib be •wN'ded a priae by Uie PT_,.. ·liln. l<lbert Hollllter wu cen· era! chairman In CJw.se of th• drtve, . aaf8tec;I by Mmt!:e,. J'ack Harris, Dou,clu Hin~, Harold Hohl, Don llertWolt, CharlN Jacoba,--A1111Dr Kl t!d, ICllward R. CUr &M•Clilffl Hoon. Sewing Se ssion s f or fe~owsni p' . .. ' . ' I l \ • .. I l • I I .. • .. 1 · I - -• -• - - - - - - -• - - - -• -• .~ " --- - ---• • • --• - - - - : - . - - -~ - - - -: • f" • • • '.: • -.~·-•? •••• ••-;.,-,,--;--;:-;c-,---.- -• i ... -,C • -·· --~::;:[.""-:;;~:::::~_:::-;;;;:-;;;~,:-"':"":'';;'?"'7~~"'!:.:;""-°":':'-::::';:~:""-'::"::"!'':~:"'ll'."~~~~!""~"!!I""! i/ · .. Tu.sdav.May_2_9,:___19_S_l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-------~~-=-----......... N~E~WPO,..,...,._R~T~~~A~l~~~A ......... -N~E~W~-S.=-TI~M~ES~~~---~~~~~~~~~~-~...;.,.,1LI-_;_~~~~__;~.:._~-.~.~.~~ HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS . MR.Se WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Edllot' Players Preview 1st Perfo rmance of 'Night Must ·Fa U' Da y Camping Planned f o r Local G irl Scout's "N igh t liotust F a ll",'the next Play Planning ahead for the time for the N~wport Harbor Commun!-that ls \he most fun for Gir' ty Players, directC'd by Marjorie Scouts, Newport Harbor Day W iiliamson. will be given next C&mp committee met May 10 &t week at Orange Coast College O'Neill park in the Laguna hills Chapel. Members of the Players to look over lbe site of th!s beau- grnup 8rt~ invitf'd to a.ttl'-~d the tlrul camping. place. Trees. green play on the n!g ht or 'fhur&day, growth, -0-pen space, 1Jinging birds J une 7th. anti the performances and warm sun make Trabuco can- given on June 8th and 9th are yon a delightful place for Brown- open to the public. ies, lntermf'dlate and SC'nlor Girl Sturlents admi.~ion to the play Scouts in Which to relax immedl- is 50<' and the gen1>r nl admission is ately at the clMe of the-schoo· SJ .00. Tickets will be on sale at year every other week day ro r two the donr as \.l.'C'll as at R ichard's, weeks, June 18, 20, 22, 2~. 27 and Blue Sails, Balboa C\eanf'rs. Earl 29. Stan!C'y ofl1t4, Hampton's Drugs, F or this m eet ing of instruc tion Tommy's P ipe Shop, Grant's Fur-to adulUJ Mrs. C. W. Crowl of Co- nilure, and Christensen's Pharm-r'o.na del Mar and Miss Ellis, Lox- acy. Inforn1ation rl'garding t icket.R ley of Laguna presided. The im- may be obtained by calling Bobbie portance of outdoor Girl Scouting Sylvc·slt'r at &aeon 6701-J or Nat · v.·u strf'ssed and information rrom ]1.-fichaud at l-Ia r bor 395. books on the subject was Jtivi;n Costa Mesa WSCS In stalls Offi cers • P r1'Sl·ntatiun of a life nl~mber- s h ip pin lo ~f rs. Sa die Bland and inRlallatiun t•f o{f1ct·rs hig hliRhlNI thr ~1f a}' 17 n1ceting: Qf the Co!'lt a ~lf'sa c; o rn 111 uni t y ~fe thod iat church v.·scs in lht• churc h. Rev. J oseph 1-1 Tho1npson \Vas inl'!ltal- li.n~ off1ct~r. Mrs. <;Ja ra !\-1 r·f\.furt ry "'RS in- duclt•t.1 fnr a SP\.'nnrl yPar as presl- dt·nt. H •·r .<.;U='porting staf( in - c luch·s J\{111\'S. l~cgna Rea, vice presidPnt: \\·llma h-t yrehn, record- 1ni..;-sf'l'rt'l~ry: J!,ln(' R1·1d, promo- tion S<'crC'tary: Liicillf' W£'ather · \VflX, trt"a surt·r: Royl'C Gilb<-rt , srcictary nf OliS!Sionary M ucation: Rut~ il'ldd•·r. ""crela.ry of Christi- an soc."al 1·c lat1ons: Ruth Barnett, local church activitirs, Florl'nce Harrison. spjr1tual life; V!'lma Compton, stutl1•nt work; Doris Lut.:l<hardt. youth w ork: Paula Sanborn, c·hildrl'n's Work; Alene Chr1st\'nson. litf'ra.turl' and publi- cation : A. Johnson. supply chair- ma.n: Sil.H y Hinf'!'ily, s tation of won1f'n : N('l la Fuller, Ol<'m bership; Mab-·] Jam··s. cOurt<'Ry: Ber!nC'ace F0x. publH_·ity. Corsag-es we re p• (':-0\'nled tJ1•· •n1·w nfficprs. ;\Jr~. Grn'v l3ru\\"n of Los An- ~·"e~ ""'IL'< lhc s p'"'aker. Dut·ts were H"U/lJ.:' by l-l t>IPt1 ~Jro\vn and Doris Lucktmrdlt. Dt·votions were Jed by Mrs, Blanch(' Andt-"rl'on. ~t en1b\·rs uf C'irclt' Ont> servf'd ten frun1 a tabli;> decked with ~weet P'-'as. Arrs. Sadie Bland a.nd ?1-lrs. Btht.>l Rhud\•S poured. BANKING SERV ICE ~omplete TO THE LAST DETA I L! those women attendin g. Trails were laid, fir r s ~ullt, songs and game lnstruction werl' given -In fact. thC' whole program of Day Camping w al'!I diSC'us11ert from t he sta ndpoint of fun for the Girl Scout Campt"rs. S ixteen "'OOH•n from Newport Harbor werl.' p res- ent. A foll ow.up 1n1>etini;:: on J une 17 a t the Laguna Girl Sc nu t HouS<' for t he Day Cam p committr,<-dis· ct1Sl'rc1 the. report of tRc Junior Day Camp comf!1-jttet> marte up or Girl Scouts and their "'iRh•'R and rl+>sires to ht'-put intn C'ff£"cl a t Day Ca mp. Flexibili ty o( ,.amp program is dPsirabl £'. W cathC'r change-s make thnt n1•C('s.<1a ry. Hiking a nd types o( craft inf()r~ matioa was d lsC'USSf'd by Miss ' LoxlC'y and Mrs. Crowl. On June 7 the last me<"tini;::-o( thi,; Day Ca mp instructi~will be conductf'd. Anyone' wish nJ,:" to at- tt>nd ma y do so w ithout In~ at- trnded the previous n1ceti.ngs. Those who attendcd the first two meetings be sure to a tend the Ia.st. No special train ing is neces- sary for adults wishing to ht•lp with Day Camp, no r dOC'R onr havf' to have a child In lhl:' progran1. Registrations' of Gi r l Scouts for the two week Day Cam p a rr pour· ing in beca use it is thf' best pos- slble (un and perhaps thr m ost im- portant par t of Scou tin~. but it will b~ a bso!Ut f'ly nec-e.<1.<1ary to have enough adults prf'si·nt tu hav<' the cllmp. Any intcr·r5t cd pPrson Wif-lhing t o help. even if for just one of thP six da ys, plt·asP call l.1rs. A. J . Gruwell ut 1-larbor 1805-M. OCC Dinn er for I Board and Fa culty Board me1n bers and facu ltv head.!5 of Ora1~e roast i.:vlle~f> rf'- cently enjoyed what pro1nisi'S to be-come a n annual cvrnl, a di nn,•r aervt>d by studf>nl.s of th£' cook in~ clasa under d irect ion of thrlr in· structor, Ml.ss Patricia l\.1oor('. This year two student host!'sses and the one "host" sat at each table with thcir guC'sts. but aL<10 served the food w hich t hey had previously prepaN'd. Aftel"'A·ard a tour of the new li- brary and a presentation of "Eve- ning Of Ten.. by \Va1t£'r P rill's speech cla.8!1 in the college chapel completed the event. Present were Louis Conrady of Wf'stmins ter. pres ident of t he board ; Mr. and Mrs. D. D . Law- head o! Seal Beach, Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry LeBard of Hunt ington Bellch, Dr. and Mrs. Ho race Park- er of Balboa lslam:t,----M r. and Mrs. Walter Longmoor of Corona d('f Mar; from the staff. Dr. a.n d Mrs. Ba.all Peterson. Dr. and Mrs. B ill Priest, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wilha m Kimea. Mrs. Marie H owes. ,,_1r. and Mrs. Fred Huber and Miss Moore. SISTERS \'ISIT FRiESD BAI.BO . .\ ISl,.ANJ>~RS t-njoylq p~er fr.sffvltiN at the · Ntr-t ln W alklld pa.rt)' at Balboa Bay club i;ttt"ntly ano: It-ft to right. \ta.ndln~. R&y Rtt\'M. Dr. ~ R. Wllkenaen. Bill Sanford, W. E. La<'hl"nmyt-r, (..eatNI) !\Int; RttvM, l\in. Sanford, Mn.. Lacbenmyer and Mn. Wllkensen. (I. Mull Photo) AT H . \', C. Lt.J AU-PhUllp 0.. Bt•lxt'ltlon., of Balboa Bayshort"": 1'ln1. Jack lhrtti.-ld, of Corona df'I !\tar; l\tr. and !\I~. \\-'ln~hrop Gardlner ·(Art~ Sonja llt>nlf'); Mr. Jlartflrld, and 1\-tn. De 84:-lxrdon, join the gay gro11ps at the Holl'·"·ood. Y. C. lua11r held Thursday at the Balboa Ba.J Club. (Photo by B eckner ) luau held at the Balboa S.y Club tut Thunday. From left: !\tr. and Mn. Byron 08bome, of Balboa YM"ht Ruin; Lonnie VlnOPnt~ of Balboa PMllnMila; l\lM'. and :\Ir. H U\\-'&nl N°"f'i,;hbon, of Balboa Island; Mra. IUlld Or. Ho\vard BakPr, of Balboa Island; ~lnl- \'lrginla Cai;tle, of Balboa; Mr!i. \'inet'>O.t, and Byron OMbo~*'· Jr. . (Ph'o by ~ckne r ) Fourth Nata l Dav for Li n cf a Ne ls on· v.·hen a very young lady rC'llChcs th!' agr of fo ur it is importa nt that lhf' birthday a nniversary bf' n10Rt happily celcbra trd as It was for Linda Lt>e Nelson, winsome lit- tll· daul!h tP r of Dr. and Mrs. L. G . Nelson, 23651 K ings Rd.. Cliff HavC'n. Mrs. Nelson arranged a patio party for young friends who f'n- joyed a var ie ty of gamee: with re· fr/'shments as climaxing feature. Major attraction was the birthday cake i;::l1'a1ning "'ilh candles. Biddl~n to the frstivlty WC're l\1 ic hacl Pelis. Mic hael Hughrs. Christ inf' and Phil lip Pete rson, Nanc_v a nd !-Jelen J ohnson. Nancy and Philliji Pearlman, Leslie An- d rev.•!'!, Anna Partch and P eggy H uddleRton. Detroit Guests Mrs. W. E. Nickell at Neumann Home is Bride Hostess Covers at a dinner table pre- ~id1..•d ov('r t'E'<:enUy by Rev. and h-1 rs. P . C. Neu mann, 2619 Orange Ave., Cost.a Mesa. w ere laid for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harri80n, J oan .and Paul Neumann and the hosts. -The Har ri.sons ·arrived a s ho rt time ago from Dctro lt, plan· nin1t to establish reside nce in the Harbor area. Fishermen's ·club at .Breakf as+ Meet A talk by Rf'V. J oseph H. Mrs . Will iam E . • N ic kell, 221 Broadway, Costa Mesa. enl<'rt ain· ed her card club re'cenlly, when two tables were comprised of Mmes. Paul V. Parkes, Bertha Til- lotson, Nellie Ridley, .Ar 11 n e Spangler, Charlr11 F . Hand, Elm er J . Wright. Boyd Robert.a, and the h011tesa. A dessert course preceded br idge play, Mrs. Tillotson scored high, Mr1t,. Ridley took second prize and Mrs. Spangl~r waa low . Legion Group in Social Evening Secre t pals wer e d isclosed when thf' P ast Presidents Parley of the Costa Mesa American Legion Aux- U.lary gathered in the home of Ber· ineace Fox, 177 E. 17th St., las~ week. Brought togei.her for the ·Brides~ Program at Church Dinner • Technically programm~ aa tbe ~nual Moth.u-baughltt banquet lf Chrlat Church by t.he Sea, It ~uld well have been ca.Ued "Bride's Day" for never in the hls- ~ory· of the church had so many brides paced the white 'carpet u on that recent occa.slon. UGAL NQTICI obtained In the otti~. 'r Ille l!llh -------~-~--18Chq<>I. . 1 • NO'l'ICI: TO; BIDDl:ll8 The Boan! of 'rniill..... or the Newport Har-Union High achoo I .requeeta bids on materials, and labor for the conatruction of 4 garage units aa follo,a: l. P luterjng in1lde 'f"d outside on 4 garage Unit.a, (labor in- cluded.) 2. Lumber for 4 garage units. 3. Concrete tor noon for 4 gar- ag-e units, (labor included.} Plana and speclflcaUons may be Bids' wUl be recelv~ up until l 2 :00 P .M. On June 11, 1 1 in the office of llle, high acbooJ. will be opened at 1~00 P i.hat date in the boardl1~m. The board rtserve:1 ~he rl t to reject or accr pt any a.nd &U bl~·- LILLIAN BU1'LllR ' Clerk I 'Ne\vport Barbi:>r U"on High S chool Qlstrtct! No. 210-Tinlt'S Publishe·d 5/22-29/51 While 200 moth~rs and daugh- ~ers were enjoytnl' the baked ham jinner, a real ceremony was being ADVERTISEME1'i'T FOR BIJ)S. !'leld ln the church silnctuary when ·Noti~e ls hereby given that the Board o r Truste<'i> of lhe Orange Mrs. Kemp Winkler, wtdow of a CO&llt Junior Colleg-e District of Orange Counly, hercin Q f~er re~red 'ormer pastor, plighted troth with to ae the "Owner", will receive up t o.>, but not l ater than 2'.ool." M .. ~he Rev. Franklin Harris ot Wa.sh-June 13, 19!il, e:ealed bide for the award of contracts f or (1 the ngton. D . C.; and it was the tall re-roofing of the Gymnasium Building, and l2) (or a campus glng candelabra and baskets ot. !low-system to be lmtalled in the Library Building-,. a ll a t Orange co..i!t ers for that .ceremony which pro--College. Such bld1 eh.all be recelv 'n the officl' of the ""Ownei-", in tided d ecoration for the stage the Adminl.atratton Building, Orang oa.!tl,_ Coll,·J;(", 199.'>\ R~rbor Nhere brklal rob<'s of the p&.st and Boulevard, near Santa Ana, Orange Cou California, and llh&ll be ?resent were displayed under di-opened a.nd publicly' read aloud at th bovc stHtC'd time 1n the ~ec tlon of Mrs. A . J . Rutter, pro-office of t~ "Owner" in suc·h building. I ram ~hairman. E~h bid must conform and be rcsponsivl' to th is lnvi laliOrJ , the Out11tandlng were the older plane:, s~iflcations, and all the olh<'r docun1f'nL'i comprisini the gowns, beautiful and elaborate, pertinent contract documents. Copies o( t he Contract Document!s are such a.s that of Mrs. lone Sprague, now on file and open to public inspection in the Sii.id o:ttice o'f the m,frried in 1893 and Mrs. A. P . Owner, and of Robert E . Alexander, A rch ill'cl. locat('d al ·3657 South ~ntenza, J 902. R eversing usual La Brea, ln the City of Los Angeles. in said t'ounty and State, for the procedure, Mrs. Jeane tte Beddome re-roofing; and at the office of the Owner only for the campus paging modeled the formal white satin syste m. robe worn by hC'r ,jtranddaughter, Separate contrac t bids will be-r!'C<'ivcd COV(•rini::-t l l J'psroofing, Mrs .. Melvin Sandwtg. Newest {2) campus paging syste m. Completion tinu\ r\·q111·:;t .. d to be set by Wl'r<' gowns of Mrs. R obert Trusty bidders. A deposit of 10~µ of th(' t11ta l bid by (•1·rt if1f'd ('heck or bid. fJ ea.n!e \Vh it £'), married In De-, bond ta required with each bid; labor and n1<1t1•r 1a li,; bun<.J and ~r­ cem bJ:or of last yf'a r and modeled formance bond required of contractor ~Plr·clrd . by ht'r sistC'r -in -law, Barbara Each bid 11h.all be made out on a fo rn1 lo U:· 11bluincd a t any of Trus~)'. and Mrs. Robert Becker the said offices in which lhf' Con trar l D1·parln1Pnts ar~ on fil e. /Joan Jluntr r ). bride of Feb. 16, Each bid shall be accon1pa.11i1'CI by a ccrl1!1··d or cashier 's check \V ho n1nrlelcd h£"r own. payable to the 0 -·1.rner. or· s11.tisfact or)· B id !;ond 1n faVur of the Owner, O t hers who loanrd gowns we re; executed by the bidder as P rincipa l O'.lnd a ~<1li:-fa1·l t11·y ~ur1•ty company Mm('s. A. $. R r dfe rn, Rhoda as surety, It\ an amount not JC'Rs than tPn pt•r c1·n't of t h!' b id . The Vea ch, HC'rb<>r.t McDonald, Fred check or 'bid bond shall be given a.~ a g·uaranl•·1· that the b~dder will Woorfworth, Arte Areys, Robert execute the Conti:acl It it bc awarded t u hin1 111 confu1·1uily \vitb the Glas.-;, Oliv(' H11<1P.ard, Angold. Contract Documents and "'iii provi d(' th\· :.urPL.v bf.Ind or bonds as J ames Shafer , Willard Barley, li.peclfled therein w ithin five.days lit e r n0t1f·cal111n o( the award of Rnbcrt Thnn1pson a nd two siste rs, the contract to the bidder. , ~h(' fo1·n1f•r M lAAf'!S Bl'tty and Bar-The Owner reserVf>6 thP prlvilei~(· uf rt'J1•ct1i:g u11y a.ni..I all bid~ bara Blivrn. 1'1 tXlt•ls were Mary or to waive any irregula rities or iufor11;1::1.J·t11.'s 1n ·a11y bid or in the Wilson. J L·a n 1'1('0 ona ld, Betty Wddiiig. Hagl'n, L::-slie Fr,.itai;. Car ol Fink, Pursuant to t he Labor Code of thr Slalt· uf Califoi-nia. the Ione T rust)•, !\'ancy 1'tc0onald, said Board of Trusle£'s has ascC'rtaint-d lilt-~· n•·r al p1·,·vailing rate of Barbara Hu~h(':... Caro·yn Wood-per diem wages for C'ac h cra ft or t ypt ur v.·orlonan l!''t'LI~ te eX('CUte \\'Orth , -Phyll is F i(· ids, Eva Farns-the contract.8 which wHJ be awit r<!,<'d l ht· i.ill\'t'.,•:-;;-;tul b11hl.,r:$.; and these worth and s1·vl'ral who modeled prevailing rates are col'ltained in said ~pCl'll lc<tl tnn~ adopl<'d by the thPir own f,;0""'-'ns. Board. and are as"'follows: Mrs. T homas P end C'll, wife of Cl~ficatlon: ~he pastor, was one of the latter. APPRENTICES -May be en1plC!yed u1 1:011forn1ily v;ith St-ction Serving a.s 1nistress of ceremonies 1777 .5 of the California Labor CCM.lc. 3h(' rl unnC'd hC'r O\\."ll gown and Carpenters .................. .. walked to the pla tforn1,.where she a Abo G I r c ,. t ' ... .. .. -· . ............ $2.35 .... 1.75 ..__ rers, ene ra o ons rue ion ..... \Vas r~lt't by her husbanrl and C'S-E loclrlclan8: ..:ortcd back down the "'hite aisle. F-.:. Electrician -Gene ral orC'n1a n ····-·--S urpr isl' finale was tne next El F .... $3.125 2.875 ectrica.I ore1nan .............. . 'bride," Di ll ?1-f c Do na:rt. tripping I Electrical S ub-Foreman ligh tly In p1c tur<' hil t and clabo·; Electrician _ ........... __ _ 2 .75 2 .6ZJ -ate drr::,;s of l ht' 1920 period. In- ter~pt·1·c1·d in l hf• processional wcrl' solos by l)hy ll is F ie lds and 1 Leslie F r\'i tag. Old1·sl nlolh<'r prPs1·nt was Tem- pera nce De Mundrun1 of Balboa Island, 91 and yuuugc1-;t Wll-l'!I Mrs. Ro~rt Thompoon, whose baby 'N BS 18 days old and who n100eled ~1er own gown. Man'y n big deal has been made thru a sn1all Want Ad LEGAL NOTICE J\"()Tl('t~ 01'~ 11\"Tt:NUED SALE NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVF.N : That THOS. DUGAN and DORO- THY A . DUGAN, husJanti und wife, Vendors. whose address is 202 t,.:.: East Balboa Boulevard, Bal- b<la, in the City of Newport Bea ch. County of Orange, State of Cali- fo rnia, intends to sell to MARJ- L YN SMJTH, Vendee, whose ad- d1·C'ss is 503 East Bay Avenue, Balboa , in th<' City of Newport Bea ch, County or Orange, State of California, the follow ing descr ibed personal propC'rty. to· wit: All stock In tradP, good w ill or a certain beauty shop business, known as THE BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON, and located at the Balboa Inn Arca.de, Balboa, n the City of N ewport Bea.ch, Coun ty of Orange, Slate of Cali- fornia, and that a sale, tra.rui:fer and assignment of the 88.me will be made, and the conBideratlon therefor will be paid at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Lhe 9th day of June, 1 9~1 , at the es crow deparl- mC'nt of Bank of Ame rica National Trust and Savings Association, at the Balboa Branch No. 37, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, Stat<' of California. Dated May 26th, 1951. THOS. DUGAN, Ventlor DOROTHY A. DUGAN, Vendor Roofer F'oren1a.n Roofe r Sheet Meta.I Workker 2.75 2-.50 2.49 ()\.·er.,tlme R8te8 for Ba8lC',Trartrs: CARPENTERS: Double titlll' for a '1 ovt·rlune. t>Xccpt for P ile Driver Men -Bridge or Dock Carpt·nt\·:·i> un Litle \Vo rll w her e the overt ime rate will be t im<' antl unc-half: t•roviding that when men are called to w ork outside of lhc rcgula.r work day they will be guaranteed e:ix 16) hours pay ut lhe ovc.rl tme rate. LABORERS: 'Time and one-half except Sundays end 'flolidaya which are double lime. Overtln1e shall be paid for \vvrlc pt:rf0r1n(•U in· exc£'ss regu:ar day's or week's work and at lht· · rall' for OVC'r tinte craft involved. bt t he of the Holidays a.a hcr{'in rt•f('I rrd to !:iha/J b•· tlt•v 1111·d lu 1->e" r.;C'w Year'\ Day, Decoration Day, lndrpl'ndr11ce Day, Labor Day. Armistice Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christn1a.s. If n11y of lh1· 11bovt· holidays fall on Sunday . the Mohday following-~hl:lll be 1·011..-1tll'red a h·ga l .holklay. It shall be mandatory upon thl-' Cn11lrtt l'lnr to \.vhuni a corittt..c t is awarded, and upon all sub-contractors und1 ·1· hrnt. lu pay not lcBS than said ge neral prevailing rates of pr'r dH 'lll \\'at,;t·8 lv all vturkmen em- ployed in the execution of the cont ra1:t. No bidder may w ithd raw hii:; bid fur &. pt·riud uf 30 days after the date set for the opl'ning of bids. No. 211-T imes. Board of T rustl t'!:i. Orangt• Coru;t Junior CollcJ:e District. 0 1·ani-;c County, Calif. Signt'd: UA81L·H . 1::01!..IERSON Publish May 29 -J une f\ 19.ril . Y our local bran~h 0of Bank Ofr Ameri'co provides Lif• Insured Savings Accounn. Ten pion Checking Accou,.ts, Commercial Accounts, 7U-.(v Personal Loans, Form and Business 1.oon" TroW1lers O.eques, a nd many The Missel'!! Lyda, Edith a n d Sarah-Conant or 506 Cliff Dr .. Newport Heights. went to Orange Sunday where they visited Mrs. Helen Foster Elliot t at the Leon- ant Sanitarium. Miss Sarah Con- ant and Mrs. EUiot roomed to- gether for some 10 months .,, .. hen Miss C0hant was confined to t he sanitarium with a fractured hip. Now <"st abli11hed in their new hnn1 t> In Lakqw ood Villa ge arc Mr. and l\.1 rs. Frank Knaue'r , fwmerly of 228 1.tagnolia Ave., Costa Mesa. Thompson. a poem read by Rev. Charles F . Hand and a duet sung by Mr. and Mrs. Gt>0rge Plumstea d were some of the pleasant p ro- gram features at the latest met>t· In g of tin> Flsbermen'A Club of the Co.-,ta Mesa Community Methodist church . The group a.ssembled for breakfast in the Colonial Restau- rant. business and social event were Escrow 37-2575. other bonk;ng servictis. Ai d l11t of A•rke J!flYS ~ flftrtsf fl a/1-,.sshet Hriltfs . Your Bonk of America branch is staffed by Y""' friends and noighban- 1.s IOcol in management, yet pt0Yides you and your community wlth the .world'"s mcst complete bonJi:in; .servic .. r t Dl1Zl.UOSl!l8IA K ~ CoMt Collop! ~ ..... Ute -·-~ ·~ GAMM& .81611& fOI' 1111 61. :l'Nta_ ~ 1 ... DI M14 MM WWW ~ 'hid ¥Maw' ,,_.., h ,,,._,., .n-eMa ~• , 811trkle L•••!) IJ&r7 Au ll1:1rl1-. a.. 8Utaae. IArnlllii ,..._a.. ~r, •.tr 7 .n... .......n. LMC. • • ... ., ... , , .. , " ............. ~• l'Yl'..S."1'1w ... Da"7t Lole.Mcs• •• i.._ ...,..._ 8« sf ·...-: :ftr• W~ .. llW) ...... ....,.. •-Jszw, o*'•1 .., ...... .,. ..,.._ D''W ltR• • • ~&1 'a ..,_. CM~tps • • ,l. ... t \ •• • . . . . ----7 -7 -7 - - --- - -., __ ... --··-~--- - ----• --~--------- 7 ----7 7 7 7 7 7 Una Patmor, Jo P&yne, Mary -No. 212-Ttmee:. Pay~e, Ann Cramer, Alma Swartz;. Publ!.ah May -29, 1951. ' In those b.,.Y tdcphonc clays, ..;hen so many calh tJi:.t bclp build oar riation't ttrengtb are.going over Long Distance lines. you11 find your opentor can give you much faster service oo your dat- of-txnm calls if you give her the number you want nther than. just tb name and address:;nu.t way, you see, you "'On't b.vc to wait whil< she coils "Information" tX> g;t the number yoott calldss- So why not stut your own out--0f-rown number list right •way~ i o~~.cown numbers is izl • han"f booltlct,, kept near your ut.p 5Jdo woy ro get the numbcn ii~ ~ your friends (or .m.;,r 1 • ,0...-vcr "you'.re io tDUdt wid1 • f I -' .@ ~cific ,J•llPb!lt 1 _... --:: l. , • • ' l -I ' - ,_ • l I 1 · I I I I - ~ Every Tueecla7 U Newport lle.e-, Oalltorllla by the NEWFORT RAJIBOB PUBl.f8BINO OOJllP~ - • Member or CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N, Member of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Office a.nd Printing Plant at 2nl Balboa Boulevard Telephone Har..bor 181~ '3:ntered a, Second-Class At.alter at the Postotftce ln Newport Beach. Calltornla under the Act of March 3, 1879 RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor RALPH BORGESON, Advertising-Manager QuauntMJ to PubllMl Lqa.I Notlcee and Advertbemeate or all Klnda SUBSCRIPTION RATES: NE\VPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TlME8 every Tueoclay hi 'Orsnp County, $3.30 per year: $!.DO alx montba; •1..za thJ"M moatb (Also lnclud .. the NEWPORT-B..u!BOA PRESS, Tlturoday) ' Outlllde Oranse County U-0«? per year ME.\IORIAL DAY The 10,000 new white crosses which have appeared in American military cemeteries since last year give this Me- morial Day of 1951 an especially sober tone. It. is our privilege and duty to honor those who have fallen· in battle. But a greater duty, emphasized by our losses in Korea, is to help save more of our boys from the grave. This reminds us that giving blood is more im,POrtant than giving speeches. that putting effort into Civil Defe9se is more important than putting flowers on headstones, that devoting our lives to helping others is more important than de.voting our lives to grief. By this we mean no disrespect to the dead. But we know that the highest honor we can pay them fs to serve the living. We are sure that those who have gone on would want it that way. On this Memorial Day each American should d.o some real soul .searching. Our Nation faces momentous decis- ions which will effect the lives of countlesa numbers here and abroad. We cannot leave theSe decisions solely to th'ose in authority. We must _grapple with the issues and con- tribute our thoughts 'to 'the welding of sound policies and practices. • · The heartfelt eulogies, the solemn ceremonies and the flowers of remembrance are a fitting part of Memorial Day. This is as it should be. Our point is that these are hollow gestures without the daily deeds which give them meaning. ·---- TO THE GRADUATES For some of the tens of thousands of young Americans now preparing to graduate from high schools and colleges it is the final goodbye to the relatively carefree life of the classroom. For others, especially those finishing high school. it's a matter of choice whether to go on to higher learning dr to enter the business world. The temptation is strong to skip further schooling and rake advantage of the well paying jobs created by the 're-armament program. But however attractive the im- medifle gains might be in taking a permanent position, the high school graduate should weigh the long range factors also. In this day of specialization the fellow who cuts short his formal education may find his opportunities cut short too, unless he has most unusual talenU. Economic • necessity in some instances, of course. dictate the pattern. However. scholarship grants such as the statewide Achieve- ment Awards prbgram are helping to fill the gap. Too much cannot be done to encourage youngsters to continue their studies and to make it financially possible. H igher education alone will not make a man successful. It's what he does with his training that counU, But all thingsi,peigg ,equal. the fellow who knows the most has the best cliance to getting to the top. • We recommend that for the consideration of every high school graduate. Seek Whereabouts of '41 Harbor Hi Graduates for Class Reunion June 9 / A promise made ten years ago will be fulfilled Saturday, Jun,. 9 when the Senior Clu.!1· of NE""wport Harbor High school of 1941 wlll hold il.8 ten yt>ar cla.ss rC'unlon and picnic at noon at Co.!lta MeN. Park ( 18th St. and An ah rim Ave.) Entltt f&mllies of the atudent• .. -------------- are Invited to the picnic and there )VIU be a dinner re~n Saturday night at 1 at t~ high schoql c&fe- terla. Fo11owtng the dinner, the Brolher, Sister Gracluale in · Ariz. !llgh xhool swimming pool will ~ Patricia and Thomu B . Birch. open for swin1mlng. Th<>M tn-daurbter a.nd son of Mra. Florence terested !lhould bring thl'lr own Btrch of 800 Begonia Ave .. Corona 1utt.s. del Mar. w111 r~eJve certificates The program Is the result of a ot graduation May 2!) in gradua- proml&I! made to the senior c~a.&9 tion exerclaea or the American ln- of 1941 by Its president, Edwin H . atilute for Foreign Trade at Thun- ''Ted" P'trulter. 23512 Pirate Rd., derblf'd F\e.ld, Phoentx, Arizona. Newport Beach. In addition to the ce"rti1'icatea, Ted says that he still lacks the Dalj will receive Bachelor of For- addre:wH of the. following mem· et«n Trade decnu. bers or lhe .194-1 senior clus: MJ.u Birch ls a graduate of Red .Jean Allen, David Almond, Jack Sank High 9Chool. Red Bank, New Barbar, BUI Barnett, Do"tOthy Jeraey. Bha hu been dolna dreu Beardsley, BU! Bryant. Mary designing for the paat three years . Bridges. Bob Becker. Carol Cor· tn California. son, J1.m Carrlllo, Nettie CuUe, Thomu Blrch, a graduate of John Chambers. Ta.k Eu.kl. Min-Red Bank B iE"b 1ehool and former ... nie Frazier, Zella Frasier, Bob st:~t ot the UntYersity of eau .. ~n. GaOU Horner, Jacbon forn.1& at Lo. Anolea.~ U.. Jay, Jack· Mitchell, Joan Jenkins, UnlvenJ.t7 of C&lltomla.., kele7, BUJ Milllpd. Bolen IWll, CUI wUJ join the ro<etp of the Roeenbaum, Ap" Shain, Ethel Goodyear Ttre -.nd ftu'ebt.r corn.· Spocinh&uer, Jay. SU&rna, flen-pany. - mtta . 81......, l!)'ble Stewart, While at "nlmidoJ;blrd Pleld, Alfred Tum.er, Ch&l'lea WU.On. AJ B1reb h&a been an ecuft member Wurdlng<!r, San camartllo, J'loyd or the 9pMt Euy Society and Kock, Ome•a LllJy, J"ranclo 1-De'Jta Phi !Cpo!Joc. n&tlOnal for- .Jimmie Benedict, and Lda Wu eJcn ~ fnl&enll~. · Dix.on. Tbe -"' ~ &t tlle In- •· any Of the above po..-. are urpcl latemat!maJ '"*--tiolotloa-' -~ _.., ..... to loeate,ltituto ......,. __ ....,.. 0( • i l'.o ..., .... t Ted 8'1not.-r at ea, tlon, -.,. ......,._-...i d>ar- 'I -Ulll-W. . ' ) .-cl ff>Nlprtrt.. • • ' N~PGRT-BALIOA ·NEWS-TIMES Newport 'Man LoMs $4000 Sult .-~ i)Ullh of Manhattan Beach 1ut week wu awarded Judsm<Dt ror s«>oci Jn oult iiplnat Wade lit Miller or Newport Beacb. PrHklln&' Superior Judi'• Robert Gardner made the award to llalsb ¥d then rave MJUer judgment for "41 •l'ain.llt Malah on a crou- eompl&lnt. Malah cl&imed Mfller owed him $2000 on eaJe of a. Bic Bear lake camp, $1000 on a loan and $1000 for eervtcea Ln opera-ting Miller's camp In 1H7 and lHS. Of the to· t&l of 14500 he ea.id he had been paid only '4000. A GIFT to the retlrtnr commodore for work well done l9 trs4J.. tlonal l\t Newport Harbor Yacht club'• formal opelllnl dlnnf!f'. 1 1951'8 e\•ent, which took place S&turdaJ, May 19, .aft· Commodore D. W . Elliott (at microphone) preeent a :.a.nchome b&rometer to lua-- lor Staff Commodore Ira P. Fulmor, rll'hL Mn. Elliott and Fkiet captain Harvey Somf'1'9 jola ln Ute ~ww.. (Photo by Beckner) Miller countered by denying all except that 'he had paid ~ for 1ervlce1 and that he had agreed to pay Matsh t2600 It the camp were sold. He claimed the 1&1e had tall· I en through and that he wu not JJ. abJe. In a ~unter·clalm he aJ. le,-ed Mat.h had ~ withdrawn pro- ceeds ot the ca.ll'lp's operation. Death Takes Oscar Wilbur "Uncle" Oscar C. Wilbur a...s he was affectionately knpwn to his friends passed on Wednesda)' morning, May 16, at the home o! his daughter, fl.trs. Kathleen EB..!lt in Colton. He would have been 92 next month. June 16. Born in Fall River. Mass., he came to California at the age of ~ by way ot "'The Horn." "'Uncle·· Oscar, his long mack· erel pole and smiling race will long be remembered as he had fished from the Newport pier tor the past 31 years. He would catch fish when no one else could and then give them away. He .!!pent his summers with his sisters, Mrs. El sie Starck Of 1912 Cou rt Ave., Newport Beach and Mrs. Hattie F. Van Wig ot 207 Edgewater. '8.alboa. During the winter time he stayed at the ranch ot hll!I late brother·in·law, J. E. Van Wig ln Puente and the home of his daughter. ~lrs. Alta Bri90n or Albany, Calif. . -· 78 Attend 1st Sciwyer Speedboat Chamber Lunch to Race to Eur-a · . •rv Seventy-eight_ membera a n d Paul Sawyer, Jr., who drove hta ruesta were present· la.at Wednea· Oivl,illon I 22'~ cubic Inch hydro-day at the tint quarterly general pla.ne "Alter Ego" to a new clW memberehlp luntheon ot the New· record ot ll~.045 m. p. h. la.at No-port Harbor Chamber ot Com· vernber, will represent the United mttce ln the Newport Harbor States at four regattas 1n . Jt.a.ly Yacht club. and Switzerland' within the nut President Tom Norton wel- two rnonth!I, accordini' to George corned the group and Secretary \V . Sutton, Jr .. ch&trm&n of the Hay Langenheim gave a resume In\e.rnatlonal Affair&.. Committee or ttie Chamber of Commerce ac· or the American Power Boat A.a-llvllle!I tor the pa.st year &nd the sociation. pros-ram of activttlea for thia year. Sawyer will aal l from New J. Le1Ue Stetfen.!len wu tout· Sf'ork aboard the liner "ltalJa." muter. May 28. Dr. Ed~ard W. MJllum. presl- Both ot Sawyer'l'I craft were dent or the Balboa Bay LJorus club. built · by Richard Hallet ·0r Dow· Introduced. Paul Lee, Newport ney, Call!. The boats are powered Harbor Union high school 1tudent, with Ford engine. a.nd l!lde with who competed Friday In Stockton proP@llers de8Jgned ~by Harold J . In the flnala of the Lion• club "ffl'' .Johruton ot Newport Beach. oratorical conleet. Each boat haa recently run under the bursee or the Southern C&lt- fornia Speedboat . Club. South Gate. Calif. Car Hits Bridge, Driver Unhurt DIVORCE ACTION Sur\•ivorA include: four sisters, Mrs. Alice Ingersoll, Minter St., Costa Mesa; Mrs. Abby Sllff, ot At 1 :03 a. m . May 19, New· Los Angeles:. Mrs. Elsie Starck. port ·Beach police received a re-- Newport Beach; Mrs. Hattie F'. port of a car turned over on lt!I side 'on the · Santa Ana riv-Van \\1ig of Balbon : four daugh-""' Her hu11b&nd hu struck and in- jured her, Mr11. :Emma Willlam!I charged In superior -court as !!ht! uked the court to restrain Robert Williams from molesting her. She asked for divorce on ground or c ruelly, setting forth that' they were married at Monesano, Wa..sh ., July 3, 1921. separated lut Aug. 10, ,_nd have two adult daughters and another t~. Bhe· diced for cu.tody or the younger daughter and funds for support and listed community property u two au\o· mobile•. money ln the bank and tn U. S. Postal notee, real property at 1810-14 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. and a hou11e trailer. ters and three sons : Mrs. Alta bridge. Upo n investigation tt Brison of Albany, Mrs. Iola Ash· wu found Ulat the Car had been lock of San Diego. Mr!!!. Irma driven by Roger W. Sodentrom, Smith a.nd ~trs. Kathleen East ot 19, 386 Broadway, Co.!ta Me!!&. Colton , Sanford Wilbur or Oak-Sodtratrom said that he wa!I la.nd and twins. Arthur Wilbur of drlvlvg ea.!lt on the Coast High· Colton and Clarence Wiibur of way when "a car cut In at me Los Angeles. with hi• li1"hl1. I swerved to Ute \JJRL H tTRT At 10:10 p. m. 18.l!lt Wedne8d.ay, Holiday Driving Care is Urged Meinortal day traftlc la expected to be heav:y. even though the boll· day taU. in the mJddle qt the week, Commtuloner Clifford E. Peterson ot "the California High· way Patrol warned motorists to- day . .Heavy holiday t raft'ic ln thP put hu me&nl a. large numbfor- of a.ccldente, he pointed out. "It b not our purpot1e to dt. courage holiday driving," Com· mluioner Petel"80n etated, "but we do want to impreu ue;on everyone the necessity for grlat care. "lt should be obvious that the more car1 on the road• the gTeal· er the exposure to traffic haz- ards. Ir every motori!lt planning a Memorial day drive will assume personal responsibility for hi.9 own aafety, accjdcnt.a will be held to a minimum." He 1tresaed the following points for a safe and enJoYable h'ol!day .trip: 1. Allo\\1 )·ounelf ample time to rtmeh your de11tlnation and abo\•e all, a\·old tattrue at the whee~ %. Hold down your •Pffd- execeMlve •peed ·tt tbl-principal came of hlchway a.ccldents and fa tab tiff. I •. Be re~us with your courtf'l9y-stvr olhPr drlvrra and ~Ntr\am a br ... k, 4. Befon-11tartlng, be sure your car lR In. safe mechanical condition. LYNWOOD GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Dan Umathum of Lynwood were dinner gue11l!I 'T'ues. day ot Mr!!. D. B. Swope of Park Avt>., Costa Me.!la . . , - He also leaves 14 grandchildren right side of the road. a~plled the and 20 great -grandchildren. brakes &nd the car tum rd over." Nieces in the Newport Harbor The vehicle .•lid 15 yards before area to miss him are: Mrs. Elsie slamming into a bridge abutment Patterson. ~frs. Josephine Oqulst: and travelled 26 yaTd.!I after ·the ~fr!!I. T ickie Story. Mr.I. Alma ~{. impact. The vehicle W8!1 exten• Craig, Mrs. Clara Lindberg. great· sively damaged but the driver niece Mrs. Dorothv Palen and a escaped Injury. host of friends. · lnteresUng !!lidelight on the ac- Christlan Science services were cident wa!I the fact that the car held Frida:,.· nt 2 p. m. in Col ton. was registered to Gus Clark, Newport Beach. Clark won a Cigarette Lighter Mistaken for Gun brand new car in a drawlng at Richard's market last Dece1nber & c&.r dr1vf'n by Harold E . Bene-- dlct, 44. of 427 NarctMUa Ave., Co· rona del Mar. wu slruek by a car operated by Robert M. Green- low, 18. of 1422 S. O&rnaey-st., Santa Ana. on MacArthur Blvd. at Acacia St. in front of the coun· ty airport. Injured In the cruh waa Shirley Sinclair, l:>, or 20th St., Co!llla Mesa. She wa.11 taken to Santa Ana Community hospital for treatment of minor injuries. ' ' ' and has just traded in the car for I' a ney.·er one . . . the nev.ter one I wa11 the vehic le being driven by Soderstrom. I I-Ur A.. Becker, D. D. 8.. DENT18TRY Mistaking the click ot a ciga- rette ligher lor the sound of a gun hammer being drawn back led to quite Ii'-ml!Hlnderstandlng at 204 Lido Nord at ~:10 a. m. Sunday, May 20. Police Recover 25 · Stolen Cars I 1786NewportBlvd.,Coota- J Modtcal Bid&. 8eacGn 87G:J l506 I:. Bay An., -- Bar"°1' 827-J Two stolt>n cars were rC'ported Charles V. McCarty. Jr.. Los Angeles Police Department, had ben given permission lo sleep in a roorn of the house bv Mrs. T . Irvine, owner of the prOperty. In the small hours or the morning, he was aY.·a kened b:,.• a noise which sounded like the click of a gun hammer. In self defense. McCarty drew his own gun and confronted P . L. Janssen. who appeared to have a gun In his hand. Janssen also had permis- sion to use the house. re<'overed by NC'W]>Ort polic(-Sat-I~==============' I urd•y. one tor a Newport Beach I resident and the other from Lo6 Arter m\lch contusion. Newport Beach police were called to the scene. lt 'A'as discovered t h at Janssen's gun was only a clga. rette lighter made in the form ot an automatic. Angeles. Elmer L . Barr. 202 -43rd St .. Newport Beach. reported hi.9 car ~tolen from In front of his houBt>. It wu located approximately an hour later parked In front of 628 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, with a.n overtlme parking ticket attach· ed to the wheel. Police located a cu parked at First Ave. and Jasmine Ave., Co· rona dl'I Mar. reported stolen fTom NoN.:alk. Owner Robert L. Stot- ler, Los Anireles, Wll.!I notified &nd recovered hiJI vehicle. 8ClQIS8 LUIS Tml -a .._.. ....... -.. , • _,. .. L.UO .. Jtfwwpwt rM.. b1 ....... •-a 1f ¢•I .t Nwpwt:P.rMw. YMlil .... ntaa--,.e ,, .... .,,_..., ••• - .... -N•'""" fM IM -~ -;:r 1, W ....... -:l °' tM -.it rw Ill -arr a -. .. ~ lt21I .. ..,.. n. -••• ••' ..... --..... .., •• .. ...,... wttllll ...... I -·1 I ..... ,.... ......... ........ Ti '' tnt,mll tlle A.i\Ma..,. en... (Pboto by Becb@r - HarQld K. Grauel Chapel Phone: Deacon 5810 110 Broadway Co.ta &leu BE SURE-INSUR.E wltb 11.A.UBD: 8TANLJ:l' ............ Onl.J f'llooe Barbor 1111 na HarWe A•e. Balboa lalaad , MATTRESSES Boat.-Romes--Tralle" Jnecutar Shai>el! BEACON 5081 • Coeta Me.a Mattreea Co. !150 Newport Blvd. EXCELLZNCIC In UPHOLSTERY ---KIMMONS . . cm-ht•itw., Dt......... e-tltloM II.ACOM MM .. L IM mm. COSTA WISA ' WAlll HIATBS , -. ... , ... -MI Int I.• 8«:/lloJJ ft.UJOlbfG Aa'' I '8 ... ~·~·a111r1 -ft"'t.!""'"' ... -............. • • • l ' \ >o • FRANK ED'fARD WATl'S, M>n of Mr. ~ Mr&. Ooy E. Watts of 91Z Eut Surf, Balboa., bao l>oea aalp.d to Co. F 0 bL Infantry rectml:!nt. Sls:th IDfaa- try dl\islon at Fort Ord. Prior to ~nt.erlng the armed fo~ P\'t.. W•thl a·tu-nded Newport Harbor high. Oranre 00&8t col• It-Ce and UnJvenlty of Southern Callfomla. GETS COMllOSSION Jack H . Richardson. son or Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Richardson of Rich. ardaon's Yacht Anchorage, on Bayside DriVe, has been commi.s· sioned a se<'ond lieutenant and pilot in the U. S. A ir ·Force. At Reese Air Foret Base, T exas, he completed thirt een months of pijot training which especially pre.,,, pared him to fly multi·engtne air· craft. Lieutenant Richard&0n Vl.'as active in yachting and the Junior Chamber of CommerCe before qualifying for cadet pilot training. He is a graduate of Newport Har· bor Un ion High school and .a vet- e ran of th<> li. S. Navy. I • ·-T~11y,_~1y-29 l~T1 -· • • • Marine-Di~pl y·1 .to ~igblig~t r Mesa Fish_ Fry , ' ~, El Toro :Karine Air Statlon wW take part in-the •ixth annual o. ' ta Meaa Fi!lh Fry, it was repo~ tpday by First Lt. H_ K. Renll'o •• public Information ottlcer . for •"' AlrFMFPac.-..... :, A dlaplay or Marine aviation ., equipment, a fighter plane of the " .,. type now in use by Marine unlta • in Korea. and one of the new 16-• pa.uenger helicopters · from the . Marine Corp.! Air Fa.cllity at the old Llghter-tha.n·Alr bue will be a part of the annual eWnt next week end, June 2-3. In addition, the El Toro Marine Corp11 band, winner of ~ com· petition prizes throug'llout the Southland, will parUcipate In the carniva.1 parade which will be a hig.hligbt or the two-day celebra· tion., It Wh announced. Featured I n the Marine Corps exhibit will be aviation qrdnance gear, training school e-quipmenl, SUTvlval gear carried on a irplane• and a photographic •display which • will portray the history ot Ma· rine aviation and will include pk· tures ot the First-Marine .f.ir Wing's activities in Korea. A special feature of the dLspi&y wW be the Arctic survival kit now being used by Leatherneck nyen:. . . BACK FROM FRESNO Back trom a fq_ur day stay In Fresno are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waterlue of •379 Costa Mesa St. Costa t.tesa.. The Coupie, wh~ made the trip by motor, visited Mrs. Waterlue's brother whJJe away. ' _. • INSURED .- SAVINGS • ·1 i'i : 11~1 • I II ... CUIUNT IAININGS \ ,. Per Annum ,_ . ' . ' • • •• T...Clay, i.Aay 29, 195f I - • • • A smVEK JUST RAN THRU THE BOOM! ! ! Don't atop It! That ah.Iver la on Ila way to a Big Blood CUrdling! Me&l'ltime, you take a good nerve tonJc and draw a ring a.round· June 8 .t: 9 on your calendar. "Night Mu.9t FaU" a deltghl· gully grueaome play ts next on the boards of t he Newport Harbor Community Player•. This Em- lyn Wiiliama' ahocker ls a guaranteed Goose· Flesh Production , . , suspense neatly combined with 90me prt>lty roJilcklng dlaloC\Je. Nat Mic h· aud, Pl"Ull agent and premier prop-holder tor the Players says that MarjoMe Williamaon hu done a ma~l!lcent directing job a.nd that the entire cut 18 terrific! Orren Brooks, an ex· tremely ta.lenled Balboa Island native, ls ca.st U the lovable tho' ma.n.ta.cal 1'anny. (l1n. Beek remembera when Orren wa.s young rnough to bottle .snake a. l Gertrude Horn gtvea a mutertul performance 8.!I Mn. BraJTUK>n. Gertrude incident.all)" la one ot the or~al rounder11 or this a~tora' voup. Margaret Rouzaud, a very capable young a.ctreu portrays Ollvla. Other top thespiana Jn this Spine-Cruncher are Vlrgtnla Royce who hu the dl3llnctlon of having played Mr. Pimm ft.he Mr. P_ who Passed By) at a girl's school ln Switzerland, Marge !!tatford. Bob Wentz. Drama Coach ot Newport H igh , and Nancy Andre'Ys and Benny Turne\. And now an a.side to you kindly 1rea.ders : Yoµr 11ttle the-ater group hu the footHght feve r In a blg way ... they•re-turn!ng out some really poll.shed productions. Thi• p1ay's thE" thing! So get behind it and shove! You'll en joy yourself. Tickets are S1~ and students are only 50c. Tickets are on sale now at every turnstile. Call J;Sobby Sylvester. Bea~on 6701-J If you want to know where ... • • • INTO EACll LIFI:, SO~tE SHADE MUST FALL. Well, mOlt people pull down their shades at night anyway. I rueu ('Yer since there have been windows, there have been window shades. Mrs. Crcr ~fagnon (a very early geltler) proba biy had some leafy Pull-Down over her cave for that matter. Unaware a.s you may have been un till now, sly overg-rown minx that I am, I want you all to get fresh new spring roller .shades for your hut.9. tgloos or tent!. They'll makP such a difference In your life! H elen Wo~fa.rd says none of you •hould laj<e la. dim view about your source o f light. Helen's ShadP .Shop Is happy lo furnlah you with hand-painted shadea iJt 8pring paltern•- Flowers, ivy. plaids, ginghams! Bring your old roller--<>r get a new one for two bits. And can it be, )'OU have fa.shioned drape:rlea with own loving· handa? Shade Shop '~"ill »ell the ba.rdware thu .. to put them up. Need drapery har~ware, traverse tracks, bracketa? Surely you need a toggle· bolt someplace? Sha.de S hop, 5 14 • !9th St .• Ne"'port. Harbor 884. • • • DO \'01: EVER WISH YOI: WERE A HORSE A.'110 COULDSLEEPS'.J'ANDING UP! ~his wlsh fantasy iB not uncommon in certain tribes where lumpy mattress ia prevalent. Since sleep is a vital factor to man or horse, both of you ;1hould have a good ma ttress. C&rlyle.'~ FurnJtul"P In Costa Mesa has some wondertul mattress buys. T op quality box springs and mattresses in twln. dbl. or king !lze, and surprislngly rea!Onable. If you always win First Prl.z~ In bad posture contesta and have an aching, swaying back. Carlyle's has a dandy OrthOpedJc maltrea, 11clentlfica l!y designed to take the kinks out of you. Another .!lleep special at Carlyle's is th• couch bed-which can double a.a a. dlv&n in the day- time. This is Ideal for stra.y guests, traveling saleamen. apt. rentals, etc. The couc h is beautifully built on legs complete tor $47 .~0. Go bounce and then buy one of Carlyle's mattre•se• e.nd then .sWeet dreams. CARLYLE'S, t990 Harbor Bl\·d., COfita )ff"SL Bt>M:on 6739·W. • • • SO MANY GRADUATES HAVE COME TO ME and said, .. WHAT SHALL I TELL MY PARENTS'?" ... My answer Is this: 'l'eU the11_1 the-truth! The nicest gTB.duation present they can JJ08· sibly give you is a portable radio from the HOUSE OF HARMONY. Small personal portables are $34 .95 up. Suzy says that the RCA Globetrotter I• the paragon of all radio portables. and that t hl• 11uper walkle·talkle will even work in Palm Springs! The Globe· trot~er Is SM.25 Including batteries: On the other hand, tell the old folks about the RCA 4~ Qlm automatic record changer. This small jewel or an attachment is any music lover's delil'ht at only $12.95. Tlle RCA record player Is also available In smart portable carrying case at S3"-.95 If by some miracle, you don't own a Ukele!e. House of Harmony has this splendid stringed instrument in pr1ces $6.9~ on up to $24. And yes, you can widen your ~pertoire with M>me new Uke Song Catalogues! Get ready for concerts on the sand. HOl1St; Of' 11 . .\Kl!O:"IY. 18Ii Newport A ve .. Costa Mesa. Bea- con 5 737 ·~3. • • • ', .. --. ' l ~ .. ,,,i. I~ ' /• ...! ' ...::·-~,;;-- !Brother: Have you heard the word? ANY· THING GOES AT CHARLEY'S! I don't mean you ca.n pell on!?' another with Lobaler Louie -a.ltho It could be an exl)ertment ln Wtetul living. I mean that CJharlf"y'~ S4-afood R.Nt.aurant boxes up wonder- ful shf'imp and seafood lunches, dinner s and salads for you to take out. Charley says a great many _ J)d>ple !!top ln ror one. or hi• divine shrimp $.1 .00 luncheons. Charles u c ks up .t giant shrimps (I saw aom&-they have .about an 8" wing sprea.d)l french fries, cold slaw, onJon rings, cock- tail sa.oce, ron ana butt er. Then these very same people take thls sake luncheon In hand and go ait on the .,trand or aand and wait for their ahips •to co:ne in. Other hungry people order big vats of seafood salads, or ahrin1p cocktail• from Charley and serve them at private partit•s and balls. But I'n1 just t elling you how the other half lives. that's all For my half, ( prefE"r to sit in Chat'ley'S back bay patio under an umbrelia. and stare at the sea gulls. Charley Drake ta on good speaking t1>rma with · evE"ry fisherman in the Harbor, 110 natch they Bpeak only ot the freshest fish! Ch&rley"s Se&.ft]Od-7 days a wttk lnext lo Port Orange). 1I35 Coast HWy., Newport, Beacon 68!4 . • • • MAKE WITH THE iHEY WHlLE THE SUN SHIN"ES," A SHORT STORY-BY JO-LEE. ~uw com.;!& the summer solst ice. Lis.some la· dit'i, ahed your sl\ackles! Slip into sho{ta and steep yourself In the .sun! And mind you al tho' ba(e 'a" a. certain old lady'& cupboard, you 'll atlll fttl well-<lreSSl'd &nd winsome in the sporty aborts from the Jo.~ Shop.. Sun-Roae of Cal. ha.s tume<I out1 a "very sllck summer butcher Unen coordinated deal. There's a pa.tr of jaunty aborts. $3.95, matching battle jacket $5.95, and Com.ea a 8quall. pull on a akirt at $4 .95. Th.bi outfit Ls a triple ,lhntt at any r Qri811M't In navy with red, white 4: blue trim, or in re&"a'tU .red with same trim. Other Picolay, twill a.nd alt sorts ot short.a, plus Rose Marie Reid-CalUx and Parform swim wear. And I predict. &eer that I a.m,· that Tee-Shlrla will soon be worn at all Comma.nd per- formances. Jo--1...ee ha.s tee shirta from $1.95 up-ln al.1 manne r of elegance. I saw a racey Crulae Aid polka-dot aeenucker wiUt ralctah .'-matching cap for $3.25: turtle necks, &nd even a .equlned trbn tee-- I sbiirt. Now lha.t we know it's going to be a Short aeaaon, let'• make: it a nu~rry on~. Ht>;·! J o-Lee Sport.a Shop, 1835 Newport Avenue, COsta Alesa. • • • HEY CHUBBY! YOU / IN SHAPE FOR THE BUMMER SEASON ! ? ? Or a~ you ttrbtlnr the ~l tkli of the bull"e? Thi.a ie tne Um& of the ye&r when most of wt crawl out of wt.nter dr;y dock to dlocover Ulat our ngglnc 1...-trlmmlJI&'., Wtjl .. bete'a 90met.htn1' you won't-feel UIQky about .._,. Ing. THE P.'EWPORT BAKERY turns out & loaf of ~~ '4'bole wheat bread t..bat conta.tna no wp.r or .blte flour. This lo&t le aweet.e.ned wtth boffy, th• wheat g-enn t. ieft in tbe Opur~ &14. a ot thla bread st-YqU · & lot of bo,_ 'llillll low calorie content. AJ4o &Joac th.la UM. • ...,. deUctou bealUl and bran inutfte&.~' t \Mn -..,._! 4 plwnp strl Y & !"•ITY °""t I p U111nC ~. lo let'a Ml -of , ~KN!!'• Bes.~ &Dd ron., &Dd the ociur ..,.. &Dd pwnpol' • • }'r.h ! '!VOek-·l'l•W)Gd 8ilmrJ' .. ,,,._ - ' bUrPt -&Dd chocOlata, oiaap • .,.,,,_ ..... 'nlo Apjjla Tun>oven 'are CRUJITWORTRT eNryd&yt Dally ~U. ' _.. .a w..a. at the If ., ... ,,, nu o.-a .rr.t. ...,.. -Hil•JI.. j -' .. ' NEWPOltT..aALBOA Niw>TIMES • • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO 1 NOTICE TO ALL MINKS, HlJSKRATS. SABLES .t ERIUJ'lw~! GET OUT OF TOWN BEFORE rr·s TOO LATE ! ! ! Ladles. do you think enouah Of your fur coat to send it away tor a wtnter vacatll>n ! Do You ? ? ? Now Is the time: that your f\lra should be cleaned, «lazed. repaired and put in . cold storage. THE WASHINGTON CLEANERS now otters you a complete tur eervtce. Your tl..lra can be stored In the: largeal moat modem ot vaulta wlth the new humldlty<Qntrolled ' cold 1torare 1y1tem. And your pelta are tn1ured at your own evaluation. The Waahington -Cleaner• haa a reputatloq tor 2~ yeara of qualit y ~aning. No~· thia same carefu1 attention will be giv•n your tura. Furs can be kept 11.ke new by correct clea.ning and gluing. Another thing, If you have eome old fUr piece: lhal look.s like a disgruntled <lead bear, don't bury It! It can be brought back to life with repalra, ne""'· deslgna, and ~juvenatlng procepe.s. Bring' your tura In ladles, or call the WASIDNGTON Cl.EA.1'rt'ERS and ha.ve a driver 8lop by. Harbor' 348. 329 Marine, Balboa bland. t • • • HERE YOUR HEAD WILL BE IN THE CLOUDS. IE=-YET YOUR FEET WILL BE ON THE GOOD ?ROUND! Here's the perfect pattern for living m your own private dream world! A •pectoua, tour bedroom home on the ocean front. Thia houae wlll suit your every mood ... there's a la.rge lanai patlo with barbecue as y9u enter. Inside, modem fur- nishings . . . a long custom-built divan by the REAL ~TATE fireplace, a radJo-combinatlon & large, large pict ure frame windows for an unexcehed view of the broad beach. Adjolning the large living room Is a dlnlnr area with high, peaked roof. Three bedrOOmlt and l\.1:0 baths are on the' main Ooor. Up a small flight of stairs. to a large bedroom den and bath charm· lngly done in lhe Early Anu~ncan nianner. This room has privaqy. a wonderful view, and Is the Ideal guest aanctuary. Make thla yoUr home and you'll find ever)"lhing for your comfort and euy living do~ lo the last pot & pan. This hOUM' al $40,000 will l"ive you a. li fetime or value. Go see It! Sall)' or Jim ~e"·lln has the key to your future bliss. John Bumhan1 Real Estate, M>7 E . BalbOa 1'1\•d. Ha.rbor I 607. • • • 1 DREAMED I \\fENT TO THF. COST A ~F.SA nsH rnv ln nly Taylormade slacks~ You too can make this lovely dream a ~allty! POLLY APPAREL \.\'ants you to attend the big Costa Meaa hoe-down and have a keen time! Natura.Hy, you'll want to be perfectly garbed for this bewitching affa ir. So Polly offers a num- ber of suggestions for properly polite fish-grabbing costume8. For example : a trimly tailored pair or Taylormade or Collegian slacks ($7.~0--1 2.96! topped o ff with a natty tee-shirt or blouse. Or anarl over your fish bones while attired In wrtnkle-reaiatant. walhabJe plaid pedal pushers (S7.~0t ~tiss Polly Apparel also has a neat new teblllzed butcher ll Den skirt in red. lilac. cocoa. or navy tor $:5.9~ Y!&lt a minute! Before you rush off to the Costa Mesa F ish Fry, be darn .sure you have your little $3.W atraw hand bag. You'll ned It for your Bingo winningH~ See you around on Ole groundl!!~ Poll)·· Apparel. 1833 X f'"'port Avf>., Co8tn 1'f~a. • • • Ql'E· PASO, .o\MIGO ? Oh. no tengo tabacco, no tengo papul. no tengo dinero? CAREFUL! Watch your language! You don't need many pesos to dine divinelv at the CASA DO:\' CALROs: Yo u can eat ·li ke an eagle a.ny even 1 ing a.t this little Mexican ~harn1 care and get a bill '-~;;:>"l~ ...... that probably amounts to Jess than the cost of 2 lbs. ot bird ~ed. And the food Is something to write name about! Don't hesitate to wire be.c k about the fried beans. chile rellenos. the enchiladas. the salsa. This is real ·Mexican food at its finest. You'll like the atn1osphere, too. And "'·hile J'ou're having a cold beer, notice that the place Is Immaculate: You can «et dinner11 or order ll·la. carte here. \\"HY DON'T V.OU7 ? ! C ASA DON CA KLOS. 133 22nd St .. <Se\\"port. Harbor 26&3-M . OPf"n 5. 9. Saturdays ~ · 10. Clos.eel Tul"tKlaya. • • • J THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! ThJ!l an a{ert to -.JI Book-Womu! CRAWL TO BIG" BOOK SALE! AT THE 'PATIO STUDIO BOOK STALL! Vera Wlllian1s is closing out any book In her shop at 79<- each. Mrs. \\'illiams needs the book ·room for her new Art Gallery and Objects d'art. So hurry on down to this sale. Ve ra ha.s a lot of wonderful rare, old books on the lheatf'r, blOgT&phles, tra.vel, philo- sophy u well a.'! current bE>st sellers. fiction and non-fiction. Even If you can't r ead, txx.~ks lentJ an air of refln('mf'nt and are very deco- rative. My dear. sl 79c a book, you can reek with culture! A.ISO at reduced price~: All Swedi~h pewter and copper , Angel Chimes, Swedlah Costume dolls and a variety of unusual ceramtcz and bric-a· brae. Also priced to )("Pve thr shop arf' th(' Portugal tear glass wine &: llquer.s : Enl{lish R.R. pottery, &nd all long burning CANOIXS ARE I 1 PRJCE. Big Bargains all '-''eek at the PATIO STUDIO & BOOK STALL, 313 1.: Marine. Balboa. Isla11d. • • • "WILL YOU \·VAW< JNTO A£Y PARLOUR!" ss.id a spider to a fly ; .. I HAVE THE PRETTIEST C ALIWOOD CARPET THAT EVER YOU DID SPY."" Now you don't want a shabby parlour. even tho' you may have no 1uch tlevlous reasons RA those intlma.ted ..... ~~:;;~above. A wall to wall carpet should be at (he bottom of e"ery decorating scheme. The Coa.stlice Floor Cov· ering still has a few bolts of CAUWOOL; ALL· WOOL pile textured carpeting. You can ret this handsome, floor coverln&' INSTALLED for 3.95 sq. yd. That is tr you HURRY and don't ahilley·shalle)· about it~ And you can still get in on the ~und fioor with a couple of other good deals ... lnlald linoleum lostallf'd for aH llttlP as $1 .95 MQ. yd. AND a & ft. FORMJCA ORAl1'~-BOARD for 11.round $.'-I\. \.\'ell, don't stand there trembling wit!'\ excitement! Call the Cou.8111nf' t 'loor Oo\•e rln1, 18th &: Newport ave., Costa 11-tesa. Beacon 52:51-J. • • • '"WATERSP()l iTS TO L'rrr·rrr 'w 'd! LlJFF IT t lP !" This tht' lusty cry u water·logged men of the !!lea dump their precious cargoe& on the docks at the Bay8'dr. This week they've Men dumping Rock Cod like c razy. Harry Kingston who's full or sail water taffy, says Rock CoJ is fine, delicious eatlng. But I'll go along with the ga.g. Rock Cod (or Red Snapper as lt"s known on Jand l Is only 25c a lb. At this price you gel lt t he way It appean out Ot the ocean-which I pre. sume means wtth head, tall. fin and sad brown eyes. Th4' Baywld4' Mkt.. cleans the Rock Cod r~ee or charge. Harry's favorite Rocle Cod recipe w~lch appeared-..here several mon.so<Jns aco ts a.a follows: Buy a bottle of Mtlanl'a Garlic Spread a.t Ri~a.rd's--.-amear thla on boUt aidee of flJh, dry flour with Dixie Fry and broil or fry as usual The Fish Mkt. being at the merC'y of the ocea.n, you might drop ln there and run into Sea-BaM. Barracuda, o r a trolled Chlnook Salmon. And' then again, you mJgbt run Into Harry Kingston or Frank Suttora.. Bayside. i'iah Mkt ., 7 days a week 8:00 • 6 :30 p. m., 2800 Lafayette, Newport. Driver Crashes 1c-U.-,_ ...... 1) tt'vived at the acme. .. Thf: olhu car In tl'r accident wu driven by Patricia M. Arnold, Loi Alll'e:lea. He had been travel· ing eut on. the Cout Highway and had 1topped to enable tht ve-- hlole preceding-him to mfke a. left tum. HI.I car wu hit In the rff.r by the one driven by Mercer. Both lnjured peraona we:re taken to St. J09eph'e h01pit&l. A three car accident occurred a.t l:~ p. m. Sunday on Ne"WpOrl Blvd. n4!!ar 22nd St. Can drdven by llay F. Berrym&n, Santa Al)ll and Sa.rah Ann Filne, Glendale were •topped for trafnc. A vehicle operated by Fl'ederick Ha.mlyn. Anaheim, hit one of the other cars which lO turn hit lhe third. A11 three can le:tt under their own power. In a similar accident , ca.rs driv- en by Dawson G. Ba.ggett. Long Beach an~Artllur J . Tessier, Sa.n Diego received mJnor damagez. The craah occurred at I2 :30 a. m . Su.nday at the lntenectlon of Mac - Arthur Blvd. and Coaat Highway. Sl<lpat UJbt Baggelt'a car wu' slopped al the red signal on Co.a.at Highway when be was rammed ln the rear by Teuier's vehicle. Both cars received m inor damage. At 12:50 a . m . Sunday, near Hazel Dr. on the Coaat Highway a car driven by H . Raymond Greene, 513'-' Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del Mar tumed onto the highway and rammed the side of a car operated by Ethel L. Mat- the\\·s. San Dieco. damaging Its right side and front fender . After the collision, according lo police N>port.s, Greene's ca.r con- tinued to make a. U t um and park· ed at the Intersection of Poppy Ave., with the Coast Highway. Greene's c•r had a dama ged left front fender. Greene waa given a C"itatlon for multiple violations of the vehicle-code. The rlgh,l front fender and end of a car driven by Au.stln Bell Sul· livan. Lido Traile r Park, was dam- aged a.t 10:26 a. rn. Sunday In front ot 2110 W . Ocean Front af- ter ll had a coll ision with a vehicle operated by Trude Bonds, 1326 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. The accident occurred when the car driven by Trude Bonds was coming out of a diagona.I parklng space. her vehicle sustained slight damage. Purse Seine Bill (CJonttnued from Pai-e I ) Sanctuary zone1 closed lo com- merctaJ nellers and1aet up around piers, k elp b:eds anO other a reas in which sports boa.l fi.!lh "·ere sug· &'e&ted by ReaJ. Sen. J esse R. Mayo, committee chairman, asked Real for a com- promlae proposal by this week. Stanley hB.!I Indicated that a par- ley will·be held, probably ln South· em California., to dlacu.as the mat- ter. SMALL F1RE Spontaneous combustion started a fire in a box of aawdust which caused S:> da.mage to a back door t o the residence of Walter Cole. 449 Seaward Rd., the Newport Be•ch ffre department reported last Tuesday. The sawdu.st fire burned paint o ff the door against ''"hich the box was resting, fire- men explained. The house was un. occupied at the time firemen ex- tinguished the blaze at 6 ::26 p. m . Tuesday. Corona del Mar Flier Awarded 2 Medals A Corona del Mai-Marine has been aw11.rded the D[ftlnguished Flying Crou. and 'the Air Medal by Maj. Gf;n. Field Harrla, com-· manding general of the First Ma- rine Aircraft Wing. Muter Sgt. J ohn B. Holloway of 108 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar, while participating In aerial flight aa an airborne intercept op- era.tor attached to a Ma.rine all- weather fighter squadron from September 20 lo Decef1'!ber I , 1950, BUccesatully completed 35 combat ml.salons against _th e enemy In Korea.. Gen. Harria, alted the nylng ser- geant for hllJ "O\ltslandlnJ knowl- edge of rada.r navigatlonf and u .. ~. votlon to duly.'' Loughlin Nctmed Lions President A new slate of officers was elected Wednesday night by Bal- boa Bay LioM club, which will be headed thh coming year by Barry Three Cars Crash in Corona clel Mar Men 's Brotherhood Loughlin ot eorooa c1<11 M&r. &erv· lj>g with him will be: I>unc&n Mc· D·inner Progr.a.!,.,., Alpine, tint ·v1ce-pl'Ollldent; How· u 111 ant Balmer, eecond vice-preskDnt: Three cars tangled in an a.eel-Al' ClemeDce, UUrd '1<»-prealdentfo dent ln front of Merle's Drive In. The Men's Brotherhood of the Stnest Soderberg, t.reuurer; ctar- I C·LASSIFI:E.D The Mighty. Midget'ln Advertising NEWS-TIMES -Every Tuesday I NEWPORT BAY ,POST-Wednesda)11 NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Th111'8diys Now.-< Bay Poot ~lled Ado -· ...... Ute ~I New.·TI-or tlle Tbuhd.7 PNM I MINIMUM AD 18 f LINES AJJ Cl&oinect ada must be ~d for• C..h la advaaeli of. pabUNtloa. 4 Unes 1 Paper $ • '75 4 Unes 2 Papers 1.50 4 Unes S Papen !.00 The publlahera will not be responsible for more than one .lncorrecl insertion of an advertisement, reaerve the right to correctly cl.uelty any and aU ads and lo reject any advert.l.eement not eonformlq to rule.a and regulatlona. Advertlsementa and cancellaUqna· wtll bt: accepted up lD !5 p.m . Q1I the day preceding publication.. Ph. Bar . .1818 Phone Ha.r. 18I6, uk for .. Ad Tak.nrH or leftd 1Mf and remttt:aaoe to ·NEWPOR'.1' HARBOR PUBLl!IHINO CO. ' !211 Balboe Blvd., Newport Beach. Oallf'ontla. l~BUSINESS GUIDE COMPL11'1'11 HOUSll CLll4NING ..moe. Pu.rn.Jture and rup &iwnpooed. rr... utim&ta-- ll'lllly ......-. Al's House & Rug , Cleaning Co. Beacon 8111 T2ttc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Dral'l'ry Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Fr~ estirna tes Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach lZ-BUILDING SERVlc!:S INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INBURl:I> Glenn Johnston ~01 ·31st St. Newport Beach Ha.rbor 2297-J 34c4.8 PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarrv I5I:S Santa Ana Ave., Co.!lla Mesa Phone Beacon 5~04 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling ·Phone Beacon 64 06-W 17tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St,, Collla M.ua Bea.. 6f.57·M 1Mc9 Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING ''The Best Money Can Buy" 512 · 38t h St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 13trc • REP AIRING and,;- P AINTING Reasonable. Large o r small jobs. Free estimates. 'Vi'alker, 108 18th St., N..,,•pt. Beach. Har. 2581-R HAULING Any kind, trash or? WALKER, ' 108~18th St .. Newport. H . 2MI·R H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 1418-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea.ct. Wise people do read the ada. 14-PERSONALs Alcoholics Anonymous Write P . 0 . Box 205 Bal-!•land. C&llf. Phone KJmberly 3·5393 !8-SJTUATIONS WANTED WANT HOUSE WORK by lhe hr. Have own trlLnsportallon Phone Beacon 6524-ft. 23p25 EXPERIENCED woman wtU do houaework and baby -'lltinl'· Phone Beacon 6407·R.. 2tp20 WANT POSITION u companion. W A NT EXPERIENCED . Drug Store Clerk, tul) lime .. Write Box V, thia paper. 22c24 WANT Combination dishwasher &: v•ge-table man or woman. Hrs. l -9 p. m. Apply Rossmore Dining Room, 2800 Newport Blvd., after· 10 a. m. 2"-c26 RECEPTIONIST, Stenographer- Small office-typing shorthand, 5 day week. Write '&x w ," this paper. 25c27 . llO-&ALS. ~UI THREE PORTABLE RADIOS- Phllco plaalic, battery only, $1 0 lo SI4. Ph. Harbor 2070. 24 c26 SO·B-APPLl4NCES GAS RANGE. Wedgewood ·~1 model. Ita the: good one. Has clock , lamp and that wonderful chrome broiler. Its just like: new only used 2 months. But mu.!lt sell. I take for equity $38. Yott pay contract balance of 1112 or $8.17 month. l pay delivery. ~ It where I sent it to be 10ld, 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton or call Fullerton 21 ~2 ( 9 a..m . to 8 p. m .) 24c26 SERVEL 8 1,1: cu. ft. gu refMg .. about 31h yrs. old. Ju.st 'like new. Save nearly 11': pMce. Ph. Harbor 1574. 23c25 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR. 6 ft. de luxe m odel, with vegetable trays, $85. 6 mos. guarantee. Beacon 6009-R . 2~26 BUY YOUR . Home Freezer NOW HERE Is Che season of bal"gaJns in berries, fruit, flah, et c -Be thri~ty -enjoy the convenie nce or your own home freezer! Easy Whirldry portable washing machine ............. ....... ..$34.50 IDEAL EXTRA SET r· television with magnifying lens, complet e with new pie· ture tube. Attractive mabog. wood cabinet ....................... $:>9.95 Keel\.ln t ouch with us for good buys in TV &els being traded in - Servel ga.s refrigerator , very clean condition ............................ $I34.95 Philco new I I cu. with horizontal part ment. Was $269.96. fl, r efrigerator freezlng com· $324.96 NOW EASY TERMS ARRANGED• DAVIS-BROWN 188.5 HARBOR BLVD. COS1'A MESA Phone Beacon 6821 Co. ANTIQUE marble top c heat of drawera, new 17 cu. Jl, Frigi- daire (2 dr.). Dumont televltlon aet. 16 inch, remote control. Daven·bed. 9 x 12 figur~ rug. 309 Narciasus, Corona del Mar. Harbor 2919-J. 23c2!5 DECORATORS attention: Smokey Pine: Hutch-7: hJgb 60'' w ide- .,14 shelves-2 cab. and 2 draw· er1 be I OW'. French Provincial BoUywood bed headboard, coral velveL Brand new. Har. 44. = Ugbt house work. Llve in. Do not drive. Over 8 yra. on 1aat. I ·B-ED--D-A_V_ICNPO ___ R_T_S_Zll_; -bed--rm-. Job. Call Har. 50, uk tor Allee set, vanity and bench, chest of Stanton. np2T drawers •. dl>I. bod •. boa ·oprjng 6 Corona del Mar, at 8 :19 p. m . Ftrat Baptist church of Costa ence Ht&ble, eecretary; Gardner M•Y 18. No one wu injured. A Mesa held their monthly banquet King, taUtw1ater; Kenny Dell, lion---.HELP WANTED car driven by R. Unden Bo~-Monday night tn the church.. Din· tamer; Gordon 'W&lker, Harold mattreu n~. Llpt -wood dbl. bed • .pr. A mat., $25. 4 new chrome bar atoole wftb b&Cb, $48. l.Awn mower $20. 201 Onyx, B&lboe. X.J•nd Hat. 2f82, 90D, 100 Acacia. Ave., Corona del ner wu aerved by the ladiel a:nd. otus, Bob Jayred and Al P legeT, OPENING for real eat.ate broker Mar waa stopped prior to left lhe prosrazn wu 1n cb.arle ot cllreclon and Tommy Foste.r, edi-or alesman. W'ell eet.abllUed tumlnc onto Acaela from Coast Woody Coope.r, pruident. tor. • 0~;CON HILL DPnTY Hlchw&y. ' An on)llnal poem WU pYen by ~ -~ A vehicle operal@d by Jack :M. Justin Palle.rlOll. "nte 0.lory .Qoe.. HUJn' IN PAU 468 Newport Blvd. ..A.bov..e Afochea 9 x. 12 RltD CHENILLE Twlsl .Aclwoll, Loq Beach. braked oud· pel "Trio of th• Cllrbtl&n Train.Inc A fall ,,_ bJo -l docked &t Beacon ·~7U.R · f\IC. 3 moo. ·old. Jut deued . denl7 and al.wed sllcbtly crou-lnlti~ute of Ed~ A.lberta, 24:08 Newport Blvd.. al 10:1S a.:m. ~ Four 18" l'luoreacent. 1'st\tl. -to the hlPWl!Y· Adwell'• rendered •ven.I n~ ,,,_ 'l'hu.rod&y coot 41-y......-. ~ WAmED -L&dy cllopaldler fo; Harbor 300$-W.. -2312" ~ Wu lllt 0 by & third car driven younc l&dleo an mak~ & -Comldl & -nCl>t wrlol and ~ lhlft. Mut be t&mU: . J k' ~ • ....;.:.' ... -... L by -.,. A.. Bourl[, Compton; at the States. Dr. J-l!'or.--. elbow. ConJck lilt hlo <4J>t &rm Jar wftb area. AlJPIY T.-ac 8 S! .U:lliWU"" and wu th}'OWn Into Borguan'o t.er, former .,...-t ot W..t-t qa1mt oomet111q In lllo f&ll &D4 (lo Co.; 531 Cout &tcw.aJ', WC BUT llelJ or mode, 1llOll W both '""' ellJbUy dam&,..i. eonere of B&llt& Barbar&, ad-......i-~ 11\JUn• • Newp0rt Beech · ltdt S.-Bhd. --· JIOf.R Sours'.. .... ..... extenoively -tile -. -d&m&pd u<1 .... -to stow. . . • US&. T+L :toa mGH BCHOQl. bo)1 to ';Ori[ ---· · _ f ........... -.. ....... cs-& ~ 80]\l --1·.,,,.._.. ~ . day motnlllp. Calltact .&lie lli _.. aid.-Jl8l1'.0o Nllllil~ o1tat.1na 11,-"-' PoUce for Mr. and Mrs. c. R Tl:tlor, an PBr-'118-Lamber eo. uo -l'ltll. ......., ...,_ 4-oot. tjnJ _..,.too .-y. • llut ~ _.__.. ~ ~ __ 1 ,. ._ ~ ~ ........... -.c..ta Kea.• Jtd4 ~J.:'oo4 ~ •11:111t Gilk -rn ·~-~ ---· ll!f. ' - -to -._..., -.... ~., O,W . -Ui"' & -·bona_,, u ta -·--·· ....... .:: il!'"' ... 1--• ...... .. ..... Dawwwpcwta -.... 0-Qa."71 &•••10!•• In llut& ;Ana Ooaunlllllty lloopital. ;;:,..._-:--~ :=-...... IN= Pnitlee:t b lld ftCUlotl7 ta 11118 mloc. U0t --Jll>d.,-ff .. 'l'Mite 111& ... -.Bl IHn .. ADC. He '!Riped I J>"lldt, T!i -•-. -t-., r:i'WoO'af ........ ~. papor_wW, umlla for,,.... piDrt s,. .... Bar. IMO. :Ille • '' > 1 : %3i:25 l '" .. ... • _, • ' I • • -. , • • ' I . Pqa 5 llOUnRoU> ·~.,;, _·' r BD:'RIOl:R4 TOR -Phlleo it inodol 4elwte. bU IMIJuftallre ~ft&. All cbrome racM L a!d trim. ruu width ngetable 'cti.--~ top freezer cbeOt. Bit me:at keeper and utru. 111 the one where tbe ddor P!t8 clear to the noor. Used. It tWo mOntm. You can take payrnen'ta of •11.29 pet rrio.,. balance on your contract wru be $156. Eq- uity la $52, See· me 9 a.m. to 8 p.m . at 40. So. Sp&dt&, ll'ulJ- erton d r phone Fullerton 21:52. :Uc26 10 IN. G. E . TELEVISION. t&bl• model, excellent condltiOn, $75. Harbor 1473-M. 25p26 TWO CHINESE THROW RUGS, '2 ea. Cocktail table, maple f-5. Dinette set •12.50. 3·pc. aection.- &I ch&ir aora, $45. Oceulonal chair SID. Johnaon '"32" Out- board $126. 419\0 Marigold. Co- rona del Mar. 2SP27. ANTIQUE Maple dining rm. table. 3 le&vea, mahogany dreaee:r, Jood condiUon. NEW atUdJo couch wtth 2 large pilloWI. 221 Morning Canyon Rd. (Shore Cliffs), Corona del Ma.r. Harbor 32112. 25<27 WOOL R UG, 9 x 12, 2-lone green. Practically new $.30. Phone Har- bor 1386·R. :l6c27 U-BOATI, SUPPLIEI Chrysler Engines Used Ctowns -Royals See J ohn Harvey at Seacraft 625 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 94ttc SLIP SPACE available for pleU- ure boat up to 45 n . 3300 Via Lido, Newport Beach. 2-k26 BAIT TANKS- Plutic bait tank!!, available now. New modern, non-corrosive. Or- der your.s now. 102 E . 16th St .• Beacon 6562. 23p25 SMALL CABIN boat ::'..... Ready for albacore, Bait tank with aux. motor. 85 hp v.s conve.r- slon. $MO. 217 Cabrlllo, Coat.a :Mesa. Beacon 5131 • W . 23<i25 SNOWBIRQ With All F&1r cbn-1 • dJtion. Can see Saturday &nd Sunday, S12a. 337 Via Udo Soud. Lido Isle. 24p26 14 ft. SAILBOAT with lJ'ajJer 115. 382 E. 18th St., Costa Meaa, Ph. Beacon 6044·R aflE>r 5:30. 25c27 MOORING for sale. Near L ido I.al e and yacht anchorage, choice locat ion. Just overhauled. Avail- able at once. Write-Box X thiz pa.per. 26p26 26 rt. Twin µigine Cabin Cruiser, fully equipped, radiophone, bait tank, etc. Will sell for less tbl.ll J,.t replacement cost. See al 3ti2 Ma.rcus, Newport or for infor· matlon after Sun., June 3rd, call c~Jlect OXford 452·2:>9. 26p27 26 tt. COMMER CIAL fl~hlng boat'. Heavy ca.bin crui!W'r . ~,rnir tor and paint. JJ\cJudea Jail equipment. Ph.' BeacOn1: · -·· .. :i!scl7 ..-USICAL, llADIO SPINlL"'l' piano. Rej>oMessed. Pay out balance $287. Another re· poe11eulon, S 3 9 5. D A N Z... SCM1DT B ig Piano 4tore. One hundred pianos from which lo choo.se. 020 No. Main, comer 6tJi, Santa Ana.. COME IN and play the wonder- rut new Hammond Chord Or- pn. Even 1/ you don't know a note Qt muaic yoU ..c!Pl play beautiful music in ten minutes. DANZ-SCHMIDT . B•g, Plano •o!k Organ Co., 520 No. Main, sanf;: Ana. RENT A PIANO, $~ per mo. All rent a.llowed if yQU buy wttb.tn tenrui. DANZ-SCHMJOT, ~20 N . Maln. Santa Ana.. USED PIANOS from $69 ~· Good playing condition. DANZ- SCHICOT. ll20 N. Main. Sent& An&, ~r. 6lb. GRAND PIAoNO. Muon and Hamlin. U&ed, but Ju.It llllO ne1111. Aleo magnificent Stetb- way at nearly half price •. ~)' othen: Klmb&ll. Knabe, Huriit- man, Wurlltur, Cb.lckertnC, Buab and L•lle. DA.NZ- llCHMIIYI' BIG PIANO STOJtit, llut& Ana, ~20 N. Main, 1cdr. Ith. I I ALL ICL=rRIC ORGAN. ~ , ..Nod. Jlapltlcent ~ Y0r " churcb or borne. Pa7 out· b41·"' &nee. Tuma. !I'his wonderfUJ 11b-- otnunent "lo juo( Hka ..... DANZ-SCHMIDT . ~ -"114 Ors'!' Co,· 520 N. ~ -· . ltll, .Sant& Ana. • f wn.i. •1.r9de braD4 --U- flll llpillot p!Uto -,. • 9llf ""'4 . -_. ~ {~. PIAJIO ,oo. -AM, uo l'I. --. ..,.. "Mt -; 1 (Jliv'e C'a IW .• .... , l)J -· . 1 .· . ' ' ' ' 1 • • r I • • • .. • I - • ~ ' .~ · ... : .. :s~~~1111 ·1 WHEN ' vou WAlfT 1 ro BUY. SELL .fMPLOY, a. ·oR TRA U MUSICAL, RADIO L 0 VE LY STUDIO UPRIGH"l" pi.a.no. Fully guaranteed. Te.rma "6.37 down and $11 .50 per mo at SHA'FERS MUSIC CO fSlnce 1907), 421" N. Sycamor (', Santa Ana. KJmberly 2-0672. 17tfc WANTED: 5-0 pianos. Trade in your old piano on a Grand Spln- et or beautUul tclevisioD. ·High- est cash allowanc(', te rms. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO Co., corner Slh, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. SPINET piano, br&nd new, Slifithl- ly damaged In Mh1pm('nl . N ow only 139~. Smallest size. DANZ- SCHMIDT, Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. BEAUTIFuL bungalow upright piano. Cue and a ction like new Fully guaranle<"d. T£'rn1s: $30.3 2 down and $10.54 per month at SHAFER ?tlUSIC CO. I Since 1907 ) 421 N . Sycamo re, Santa Ana. }S:lmbt.·rly 2-0672. 2ltfc 40-BtTSINEMS Opporluntllt'8 LIDO ISLE It. you Want a rent.al on lovely LIDO ISLE .ee ua. Several sood bomea avatlab1e. Alao apart· mcnta by week or month. P.A. PAL~En INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor lflOO 16lfc Summer Rentals LJdo Isle -<t bdrm, 2 1h bath, If: lot. play yard. Special rate for .eeason or by month. China Cove -Beautiful view home. 3 .bdrm and maid's roon1 . Overlooks jetty, a few s teps to Qcach. COM Bayfront -2 bdrm, prlvat~ beach. N ew , compact. Easy t o care ror .# GREENLEAF & ASSOC. B UILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 17tfc RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Bal~a Blvd" Balboa Harbor 1607 NEWLY REDECORATED turn· FROSTY ICE (.'RgAfl.1 ancl sand-, i~h ed apt. By "''P<'k. n1 onth, Ctr LOOKING BACK How manr times do you bear folks say ••1 wish 1 had 'bo u g b t i.hat house" or "Why didn't we buy that lot when it was availo.ble." MANY TIMES we all re· gret having passed ·up Of'.- PORTUNITTES i n r ea l estate. Profit by past ex- periences. Look ahead and BUY NOW. Our real growth on LIDO ISLE has j u s t started . Don't call ·· other people lucky. Ma ybe they had foresight-· maybe faith maybe so me cou rage. Here at LIDO offC'rini;: isLE We t. Lovely new JarJ:c 2 b!'t.lroom home jU8l complf'lPd. This Is a.n unusually Clf'Vf'r hom1· in " prln1r loca t ion. Ll~ht , chl'<'rful . \lo'ilh nice separation rro1n you r nt·i~hborM and lalC'sl fraturcs that "will \Vln your h1·a rt.'· Prict-d l o srll. • • THE ISLAND YOU DON'T NEED TO BOTHER BUILDING - -- • AV AlLABLE, an !'-tlractlve •tyled home with a Plan, that really appeala. A .Mode rn kitchen with dish· washer, loads of cabinet• and tile. Therr are three ~~room.11 and a Den with 2 batha. Fireplace, good hoa.t and oak floors, There ll'I a t6vely Alplne styled Jlving room wllh open beam ceU_lns" and unpalnt~d mahogany pane l walnacotlng and dlnlng alcove. Here la room for everybody and at a prlce that meaM business. SJ0,500. A ftne Balboa Island loca· tlon, ca ll for appointment. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa !Jllland Ferry Harbor 63 Balboa lsland FOUR BEDROOM HOUSES They Are Selling Fast!- wlc h clo.'>c to thf•a t rl' and ~chool Vl•l\r around. 3-412 Ma rcus. Nt•W· Stainless stf'el fixl!ures, o nly 3 i)("lr t or ca 1J collcc.t o xror<.I 452-2· yrs. old, ~ood )t"'a.f', a 111on<'y 2!'19 llftt·r Sunday, Junt• 3rd. Suprr SJ>f'Ci al watcrfr·ont honll' l.c><.:Rtffi in one of thr "CHOICE SPO'rs ·· on th1• \VATER.· FROf'TT of LIDO l!'\LJo: "'c havr a nt'Rrly ni>w 4 twdrourn anrl 2 bath hnn1r that i!'I a "honey." This 1~ no t an' "ult! b"ar h hou!ie" but iii a n•·ar1y n"W. clf>vrr yPRr arr.und hon11·. l lnil hf'al, i;;:arhlilC l' cl111pnsal. Ho tpOint d 1shw~hrr. 2 ~un A '4 bet.lroo1n' home on 62' B a I b o a pentneu_la lot. Purtla!Jy furniish~. In· clut.lini::: f'l•x:trlc s t o v e Unusual detdgn and very modern with bfoautlful living room and bar kit· Chen. saY view. One bedroom and bath up· stars, 3 bedrooms with outside entrances and bath o n lower floor . Ideal t o r g r o w n children. gueslJll or tenants. Com- pletely 1111d artlstlcally furnishl"d. This h o m e must be 8t"cn to be appreciated. Very W<'ll localed on Ba.lboa pen· lnsula. $19,950. -I n~ makt-r. Only S6fJVV pus inv. l --~~---------flJ1d refrige rator. An oldt•r hon1" with spacious. sunny roo1ns. Lari;e fanl - lly dining r oon1 AND brcakffl.!ll room. large llv- tni:; ruon1 and 2 large ~d· roo1ns do\vnstars. St'rvice porch, huJtc cloS('ls, lolll of cupboards, dbl. ga.r., hobby s hop, pato, rose i::n r ilen. l\'onderful fam- il.v hu1n!'."12 b'ock to bay. terms. B. A. NERESON O PEN Jo:VENI NGS MRA & !':pt. H a rbor Multipl\' LiJJl1ng RE·a ltnr I9S2 Nf'wport Blvd, C n!'lla ]l.(r-58. Pho ne 8 ('acon !'122:-> • &1--STOR~"\ & OYFlt'ES ---- SMALL OF'F'ICE FOR RE:\T R ensonabl,v 28~6 Newport Bivcl., Newport Bch Phone Har. 2~5 2 l.lr •I1:t.r. 2!170 l 7lfc ATTRAC."T IVE \\•t•ll ltJj'ftlt·d Bal· boa office ror Jawj'<'r. a ccr)unt· ant, insuranc-e, buildf'r, erchi· t ect. etc. ~7 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Harbor 1607. 2•1tfe I U-W.ANTEIJ TO R.E~T WANT 3 or 4 bdro1. furnished house In H arbor' e.rt~a. \-\'Ill takr. 1 lo 2 yr. lt'a.se. Phonr Ha.rlxtr l 606· \V. 2•1 p26 FURNIS HED lnri;l' 8 ruon1 l"ul· tagl' tralh·r. runninr llnl \\"lllt·r. private bath and J~undry . ~Ppa· rate yard. ZOO r:. 16th SL. Costa Mesa, adults. $37 .50 yt•arly rC'nt· at 25p27 ta--A.PARTl\lENTS &: llOllSE8 SUMMER RE!\'TAI .. -li.1 arvelous vacation house. 6 D.R .. 2 12 baths. Overlooku1g l'h1ntt Cove and entrance to H arbor, Serv- .nts quartr r!:I Available for &e&M>n at $2000. P hone Harlxlr 1037. 24c26 SUMMER RE!\IAL -Lido Is't• Attractive hon1e ha.q t"·u bdrn1~ plus bunk room adjoining: pati9 Double garagr, season . $1200. Reaponsible pt"Oplr. Cttll Harbor 1405. NBC REALTY-Newport Beach. 23c2~ AUlOmotive. SPECIAL! MUST SELL dl'c ks. !ovt•ly vii·"'· Hr!" u f1·w or lht• lllR.11y u p-to·1ht t•• f••a · turP:.t. Thiil h; a quality B LI Y 194S BUICK SUPER " DR. Radio & ht•alPrs. Local 1 C'r. Vrry lo\\· mileuge, I Prlt l·U rig ht. S EO Al.SO 0 \''ll· $1295 No. Dt-aler!'I No Tr:ade Can Be Sl.'en at 2601 W. N rwport Blvd. Nt•Y.'port Beach H ar. 1407 19 t 7 LINCOLN CUSTOil.f SEDAN radro, heater, overdrive. fog lri:hts, undl"r st:al. P •·!'fect con· ditiun. A b4:'aut1tul blu,., Vf'r\' Jo\V mlll"H.,t:e. Own<'r will sac r i· flC'f'-81 l Via Lido Soud. Lido A r""' l'hflicc 1Juild1n i;;: !'llt'B for sa le o n LIDO ISL~ al priL'!')I y•iu t·an afford. Thr-81' lol:1 11r1' ~ellin~ v1•ry fast . Tht• la\\' ur ~11 1~pl y and dPn1and mu)lt l'l'rlainly in· cr(•ase lhf'I I' va\lll'. ~"l' LIA a~ Wt· llr1• thr> DEVELOPER~ "')r L1f)U ISLE \\'hCrt' a littl~· bU,Y!4 a 1 ... 0 T . P.A. PALMER INrORPORATF:D J3JJ \'1a Lido Nr\\'l>Orl Bea1·h. C'allf. Harbor 1 :-10'1 $21 ,500 Very nlct: hon1e on Bay A ve. Large llvlng roo1n , cheer · ful klll'h<'n. hardwood rtoo r!!, nice patio, double garage. Stu cco construction with tile roof. Ve ry well located. $l2.500 BAY and BEACII REALTY Ethe l Shirley 14 ~ Balboa Blvd. J .M. Miller BALBOA ISLAND VALUE PLUS! Gloden Fay H arbOr 1264 ble. Hubor 608. Harb<Jr 326f>. 1 FOR QUICK St\LE Call fo r app't. 21 c2G 1\rr you lonklng for a GOOD 3 B. R ., 11'111 bath HOME ? Choicr location -perff'ct conrtltion -taMtefully dt>corat- ed nkrly fur11!19hrd -Wl"ll la.ndscapt"d -deslgnf'd for <'n joyublc )'l'ar 'round li ving. Priced below the 1nsrket at 19•l7 C llRYSLER T uwn anti C'cuin-CORONA DEL MAI~ ' S1nart s1nu·1 r•·•lwood h,...1111• u l 11101\••rn rlf'!4ii.:n. Sturdy 1·o n!'Otru t·llon ln- NU \ate1 I walls. ;\rt 1:-il1rally .!1•1.:0- rated. F'irepla1»' Jo~ul\y t"'neloi;o•d pR.vcd plllln with harl;>Pl'lh' Only lrv. Qr1r.1na l O\\"nl'I". l 111111al'U- lalC'. $1!'\00. 261!j P oplar Blvd. Al ha1nbra .. CUn1bt•rh:1nd :J. \fl:t?. 2~27 19.lt H UDSON HORNET Convert· ibh•. H ydra1na t ic, radio, heater, \vhitt• wall!4. 600 miles. Co!'(t $3700. Uavini:: 8tal1" "''Ill sac· rtficc for $3,000. \'V'11l fil)&n t c. 1132 W . Bay, Nt•Wport BeaC'h Harbor 1327·J. 22c2 1 SPECIAL! • • $19,500, • 1 1-.: bloc ks t u cx.·t>an In h1 J:hly de- Mlr<1hlf' nf'IJZ"hbo:-bnod. lon11)t>t f'- ly furnished. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor s&lboa Island Pa.rk Av<'. at Marine Harbor 2462 Linwood Vick • Price only $9450 Call Bill St·huster at Har. 2474 W. A. Tobias Earl W. Stanlry frntuclng REALTOH I PROPERLY 615 Coast H IA·y., ('oronll t.1€"1 1;~~~ I PRICED ~ -PROPERTIES HI-RF.AL F.STATE EXf'll1\NliE 11. EXCHANGE $23,000 equity -Lo.\I F'l•l1z Blvd . Lo.11 Angclt:s. Six. bdrn1 house. bi~ lot. INC0,.1 E : Corona. de! Mar ONLY 1 '~ YRS. OLD -2 bdrn1. hon1e. South of Highway. R·2 i one, room fo r anothe r unit. $7500 Full Price Submit trade )n Costa Mesa o r Newport Heights area. Balboa Triplex Three 1 bdrm apts., furnish P.d. $115 .000-$5,000 do wn. Beautiful Ocean Front Balboa Peninsula OGEL V ALUF.S Corona del Mar . buy1 new 2 bed.rm. home, - d. tloora lfX21 ltv. rm., lot. o colorful tile. Furnace heat. ore than ample clOllel space ew ot the hills. 113 00 buys this apactous 2·b<1rm. me on a 45 ft. lot with a eep· ate din. rm. Lee. dbl. c•raae. rvice porch. Fenced p a t l o. pnly of rm. lo bulld a rental. MO buys completely redeco- led 2 bednn. home, corner lot, tra lge. ktt. A: aerv. porch. dwd. t'loora. Lge. cloael.8. Ven. inda throuchotil Only '3000 wn. $1 900 la the complete price of a w attrac. 3 bedrm. t •1': bath me. Uv. rm. 12 ~ x22 wt th t place. Dual t um. Elec. heat bath&, walled patio and the 3rd bedrm. has a separate en· trance for a r ental or mother- ln-law, Keys are at 1301 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. ' JOHN VOGEJ_, CO. 434. • 32nd Newport Be-ach Harbor 24 7& 100 Main St. Balboa Harbor 146 208 Marine Balboa Ulland Harbor1 444 1301 Coast Hlway Corona de l Mar Har. 11•1 or1477 CLIFF HAVEN 2 bdrm & den $13,500 H Pre is the on~ you have been \V.!liling to buy. A large home with all the teaturf>s-flreplace -hwd floors I carpeted )-sep· a rate d ining rn1.-large kitc hen -bafh "'Ith lots of tile, inc l. Pullman Jav--LgC'. bdrms with plenty of cl081'l 1-1pace-atep down dt>n 4 wonderful for tele- vision) ANO bes t of all a $9500 FHA loan, Shown by Appointment Newport Heights $1 500 dQwn or trade ro r car, trailer. lot. 2 bdrm hon1e. 4 yrs. old- furn&Cl' -dbl. gar. -best Hgts Jocatlon --4 'f, loan. Mull.· List. No. 1822 See Your Realtor t o· day. Costa Mesa Lovely, brand nc\\· 2 bdrm hon1P 1 19:;0 sq. ft.I Fire place, beautl. hwd , t ilf> bath. sep. dining rn1. I blk. frun1 npw Alpha Beta~ 3 blks. frnn1 downtown, 'among . 11.ll llf"\\' hon1es. Price $10,500. Attract . t ern1s. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6698 Harbor 3157-\'Y or Beacon S468·J LIDO ISLE --~ . """l • < -• . . ' 2 ~ House, Newport Height.$ , ONLY 3 ,...,.. "old. Hdwd. floon, dbl pr, gocOl loca· Uon. Very clean and attractlYe.. 1 $8950 3 Bdrm.Home, Newport Hehrhts . BRAND NEW. Best of construction with hdwd. floor8, flagatone fireplace, plate glau windo\va facing the Pauo: '"-% I'. H . A.. ·Joan ava.Uable. It's s beaut)'! . $11,950 Ocean View Newport Heights NEW 3 bedroom home w tth 2 ba~hs. W ell designed bdwd. floon, fittplace and many quality features $15,000 • BEACON HILL REALTY th 466 Newport Blvd. (near Arches) Phone Beacon fl713-R BALBOA ISLAND 3 Bdrm. -2 bath -corner • attractive -furnished -· $15,500 A FAMILY HOME In Corona de! Mar, on a 60 ft. lot. 3 bdrms. 11 ~ baths. Hdwd . firs. Beautifully carpeted. Plenty ot room for your family and well located for shop· ping and fun . See this multiple listing today #1814 .. NELDA GIBSON 306 Marine Balboa Island Harbor 50? • HA VE SOLD MY BUSINESS- Now Will Sacrifice My Home! With lovely bay view . 2 bedrooms, (one lo a large mas- ter bedroom), 1114 baths. Living room is 22 x 14. Flag- i.tone flrt>place. Lge. windows, "'Ith vcnetht~ blinds. Extra large kitchen. L&un~ry r oom. 2·car garage_ Patio with flagstone B. B . Q . lieautlful landscaping. 2141 S. E. King's Road Cliff Haven, Newport Beach ·Phone Beacon 6939· W BALBOA ISLAND ' THREE BEDROOM Hf.i!ME In good condition on one of our qUtetrr s tre:eto. Very close to fine South ba/ beach. Uti&ble double garage a.nd roon1 on the lot for expansion. Full price ONLY $13,250 Low Dov.rn Payment . . STANLEY HADFIELD REALTOR 216 Manne A'°enue Ph. Harbor 20 Balboa Island - Costa Mesa Income I STILL TIME For bargains at CHARMING we ll bullt 2 bedrOom home. Hdwd floors. Fireplace.. CORONA HIGHLANDS PLUS 2 bedroom apt., separate laun~ dry rooms. Garage. 'Corner lo- cation. Good dlatrlcL at the Laguna edge 3 Bedrooms-2 Baths of Corona de! Mar Mull. Listing No. 1776 Full price $16,250 Corner-Nr. Best ~ch. A few 60 ft. LOTS Be~~c~~J; ~::in~ido from .................. $ 3,250 HOMES Te rms. For appointment to see Contact Myy Dickson at Earl W. Stanley OFFICE 3113 Newport Blvd., N~rt Bch. · 1 I RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna cn.tg Linwood Vick, Rltor. MUST SELL 1950 C H EVROLET STYLELINE COUPE, whit" aidt.· walls, very low mileage, llkt' ne\lo" .. \VANT 3 btlrin or subnlit. On<' of lilt· lx'st built and must attractive home and apts on Balboa la· la n d. Th(' apartme nt alone Is Jf'ascd for $1 50 1nonth . SEE TH1S TO APPRECIA1'E ............... $34.750 TWO STORY 3 bdrm, 2 bath homl' 2·car garage. Beautifully furn. Landscaped, Two fireplaces BBQ. GREENLEAF &: ASSOC, BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 N ewport Blvd., Harbor 25~2 20c2l from ... L ........... $14,250 ' Dbn't be too late! or Call Harbor 1013 ( (Eves. Harbor 2082~ W) \ . 26c28 Balboa ~jAnd. Har. 2042 32cM Summer Reservations Udo Isle Bay F ront units. 1 and 2 bdrms. $70 "'eC'k up, Harbor 2552, evea. Har. 2914-1--1. l 7trc 2 B. R. Beautifully Furn. ON YEARLY LEA S~. Starting June 111t . 1 \.i blocks to main beach. Corona df'l 1--1ar. $110 -pet' monlh. Call Harbor 169:;-R -24 c26 LOVELY VIEW HOME, summer or year round. • Furnished o r unfurn. SpaclOUJllJI ground14. j near Arches) 85 1 Cliff Or., New port a.each . Beacon 5510-J or Bea - con :;958. 25p27 Just above the main beach Corona del ?-1ar 3 Beclrma . 2'-i balhs Servan~ quartf'rs . AYailable July and Aug. at Sl5W Phone H arbor 169ft·R 2'4c26 FURNISHED l bdrn1 house, $1.'r· vel, washing 111achine. fencro yd. .S~ n10 yearly leaSE' or "$&:; mo .. rrummu. Adu;ts. "5111all pets o.k 704 lrls, Corona del ll.1ar. '23c2~ --------·-·--WlLL SH.AR.E my borne with en1· ployed lady. ln Costa J.tesa. near bus. Beacon 6035-J . Call after e. 23p~ BALBOA 'ISLAND Hou.ae.a and Apt..', yearly or sea· aonal. See Gilli Carne y, with NELDA GIBSON REAL l'JST ATE IOll Manne, Balboa "bl. Hu. :502 68Uc tlllE 011' Penlluula Point beach, awtm Jn bay or ocean-only 1 ~ No. 1-3 bedroom Jawrr. No. >-J bed.room upper duplex.. Nicely turn. July, Aue .• Sept. Ula Ml.....,OJ\ I Balboa. . t..... _,. OIU·W little $1495 Ne Dealers No Trade can &2-s e('n at 2604 W . Newport Blvd. N c"·port Beach Har. 14 07 '39 PACKARD -l·d r . super deluxe serlan. Brand new paint. Good condition, $250. '3'\ FORD COUPE, hot, j::oo<l run· n1ng conditi.on. $50. 382 E . 18th St .. Coata Mesa . Bl'acon 6044-R after 5 :30. 25c27 M-M()NEY TO U>AN LOANS For Homes CONSTRUCTION LOANS at :>--5 ;~% (14 yrs.) \.\'E BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS Contractors Attention! 1 BLDG. Lot.., PLUS new 2 bdrn1 home In P omona. WANT HOME on Island or Cor - • o ns de! )far . F or FurthC'r Detalls -SE:E Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 CoaHt Blvd .• Corona de! ~tar Harbor 2776 ('HARMING incnmr and horn C' completely rurni.sh0f'fl. ld1•al for per80n &Jon!' or s~v<'ral fan1\ll('s . 3 and 2 bedroom Uup!l•x tt.nt.I f> rm. hon1 e. Always renl('tl. One lf'ased. 1 blk to bay &. ocean. $15,000 cas h plus vaCant or inl· proved property. Balanc•' loan Owner. Rm. 21 , 9405 Brighto n \Vay, Beverly Hills. CRestvlew 4·8131, (Courteay to brokt-rs). 19tfr- 2. BAY S HO RES : On the f ront street with a virow of the bay. A new ho mE' complete In every deta il. Fireplace, forct>d a ir heat, enclosf"d patio, 2·ca r gar age. HtghJy re· strtcted. Buyer mwst be a pproved. GOOD FIN ANClNG .... $16,500 3. RED BAR"N : S ha.ke roof, large lot. ~O n<' of thoae much de- !'llrf'd ranch s tyle home11 w ith oversized brick fi rt>place as featured in liome m aga.zlne. In best section of Cmta Mesa. IT"S A DREAM ............ $ 9,250 . -and many othe ra. We have most all the better buys listed. Our time is yoU1"8. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR SEE BOB SATTLER 1415 COA~T BL VD . 1 312 li1 a r tne Av~.. Harbor 2042 17-REAL ESTATE WANTED BALBOA ISLAND Corona del Mar Harbor 107~·J Rep. POIRJEI< MORTGAGE CO. Metru l.JJe Ina. F"unds Kl 3·~1M LOANS TO BUILD, lMPROVE. BUY, A-1 00ERNIZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Tn.IJ11t ~ NEWftoRT BALBOA FEDERAL sA VCNGS It LO.IN ASSN. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Har. 1000 Use the News · Tlmeti, P0&t and Prue comb1na· Uon w1th ove.r 21,$00 clr· culatlon: REAL ESTATE LOAN~ Interest Rate 4 'h . l>'JI> . HA VE cash buyer fo r homes about $4000 (1 or 2 bdrm) B. A. NERESON OPEN EVENINGS lttRA cl: Npt. Harbor 1.fultlple ~llng: R eWto.r 1982 Newport Blvd., Co&..._ Me.88 Phone Beacon b225 31-TRAILEBS 1947 • 23 IL CORONADA all aJumtnum. 16' awning. Bac k- able. ·dOlly. E lect. refrlg. Brakes. Heater. Lot 34. 7204 Coaat H l- Wa:J, Newport Beach. 2fe.26 Loa.na qutcJc.17 made ln the Ba) w ANT TO BUT older bowie "'-&n<1 Lquna. :s1nr1o "' . mu!Uple unlta. New or oJcL Be t.ra.Uer suitable tor llVlng' quar-- WIM and UV4: b1 ,..tlnandn1 ten tor man. (approx. f100) Pl>. flar. 102(). w evM. 20tf )'QUI' pretienl loan. •Mtntmum ea· I------------- peDM. No chars• for "prellml· 11 !IT. HOUSE TRAILER, Vlklng •&1'3' appralo&L Phone Banta IH7. Compl equlpment. Dn· Ana KimbetlY 141127 or write:' tnaculat.. <lth""'gbout. Prlvat.. ARTHUR A. MAY party. :IOMI Bouthweot Blkh M~ i.-a o.r...,.,......t Bl., ·Santa Ana H•IPU'. 11 % Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar $21,000, terms '2 IJDRM. pa.•elled den .. I blk. tro.m ocean. Su perb ocean .tew. Auto-- matte heat. 4!5 ft. lot .• ~U l&nd- acapod. - SllE Earl Chamberlain ~ Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor BaDk) Phone Harbor 2a&I Owner Selling N•ar!Jt · MW LIDO ISLE I bdrm 2 bath home. He&\'7 t....med living-room cdllnp-Cknr bar type ltltcben-<Ul.IDlc We bathroom ll<>On -Wilt lleat - tt<>pk:al napt.one 1J&1IO -'-etc. Sac;rlflce at '21,MO--Tetma. OWner Home Sat. Ii &m, ~ caut. uto tu.. O..•• mU.. &pt of Banta Alla Coun· l~H -1'&la l&Ai& AM try club). 2ilp2'7 100 Via 8an Remo, Bat11or Gell.a ' . . ··-. • • $33,500, good financing Coast Properties Co. 301 E . Be.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2658 Lido Buifding Sites Bay View lot, street to street, cor· n l'r 52' Sacrifice for q_luck &a.I~. $6500. Corner Strada site, $1150 down, $40 mo. . 4.5 ft. Bay Front R·l , $18,000 • Corona del Mar CHARMCNG home, hu 2 bdrma. living rm, with beamed celling and flre pl. Dining rm, kitchen. breaktut rm and bath. Access to lovely patio w ith fireplace from kitchen and living rm. Re· decorated In and out. Includes W to W carpeting and drape&. PLUS tum. apt over dbl. gar. On 60 ft. corner, ao. ot hlway. R oom tor add'I units. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Listings Wanted Sales and Rentala E~nie Smith, Realtor 30 ft. Bay Front, zoiled for come, offer. in--120~ Co&J1t HiW!-Y· Corona_del Mar GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR ' 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 2M 2 INCOME OCEAN FRONT -~1 unlta. Show1 good return, ~8.000. BAY FRONT -6 unite. Choice location. private beach. Schf'd- uJe Income over $14,000 y~. Price $87 ,000, conalder aome trade.• GREENLEAr "' ASBOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 8112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 • '2 B. R. Pier & Float $5000 DOWN $125 mo. on · bal&nce OREENL!lAll' ... ASBOO. BUILDER -REALTOR SU~ Newport Bh•d .• Harbor 21152 Phone Harbor 2687 .Owner ·Says "SELL" -This Balboa · Island beach home hu large llv. rm .. bdrm .. bath and convenJent kitchen, upat&J.rs AND 2 bedrooms wtth bath down· •talra. Garage. Full size lot. Nice patio. '.top location. Im· mediate poueaslon. Asking $16,000 <_;>pportunlty for a "Buy'' Island Realty Co. Realtors -Multiple Liiltlng1 Park at A.gate, Balboa t.land Harbor 377-W \ • • OPEN 1 ~ 5 • • For Information STOP AT Tract Office Coe.st Highway at Se.award Road CORONA DEL MAR PHONE HARBOR tH·J • EXTRA SPECIAL! ~LBOA PENINSuLA POINT- Charmlng mod.em 2 B: R. home. Flrepl. 'Patio. Many nice tea.· lures. $14.000. ' CLOSE TO BA Y--5 B. R . furn. home. WeJI conStructed. Owner aay• "Sell''. See this and M#JCE OFFER! DISTINCTIVE -Thia beautlfUI 3 B. R. home ls bUut around spaC· ioU& , patio for outdoor living! Located on Bay Ave. ln El Bayo tract, close to XloL bathing be~c'l, offer• real pride of po11· seuton! Balboa. Re11lty Co. Rou Grttley Joaephlne Webb Lllllan McAdoo 700 E . Balboa BlYd. Har. 153 Three Bdrm Home . . beautlrully fenced and land.lea~ !!d. 3 yn. o:d. Hu 600 oq. ft. worklhop Wltb % bath. Excel· lent loca.Uon off Broadway, $18,700. lldll7 a lowly ;home. G. L Resale $1800 Dn. · 2 bdrm home, tile and hwd. 2·c&r garage. Best dist., Ea.at" Side. Bette r hurry, this won't luL 1 B.A.NERESON , OPEN EVENINGS MRA & Npt. Harbor Multiple Llstlng Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa Phone Beacon 52~ LOT 20 -Hazel Drive, Corona ~I Mar. Ocean view for 121fl0, $.500 down and $20 a mo., incl. lnt. Sign Is on tht lot. Ow;ner J. H. Carroll. 5847 La Mirada · A.ve., Hollywood 38, Calif. P.hone HI. 1589. 23c28 SURPRISE you how a little Wte and ima· gtnatlon plus palnt and ~ort wtll Change thls well C'onstnact- ed 1 bdrm furniahed home on corne r lot to a htghly desirable and <iharmlng belch bome. In- terior flni11hed In . knotty pine. Fenced patio. rooai. tor addl· tlonat unit. $6500. Terna. Charles E. Hart 3UO W. Balboa Blvd. \ Har.1 1"21 ll: ... Har. 2145-J'. N•~rll Bc!P