HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-03 - Newport Balboa News TimesI . .. I :·HOAG MEMORIAL Hi>llPITAL'S .... pu1'dlalilnc -•I. Mro. Wlnlfffil. L """""' 11118 "' .......... la lhe ho•pllal orn.,..., U02 Newport Boulevard, w ...... bu.W-pertaining to tbe hoopllal Is bela( ~ oa. Mn. Bacon b widow of the lot IL L Bae~ fortner dmlahltrator. She wu ln cbal'fe of (Photo by Beckner) • . r • . •NINETEEN MRCUltY OLAllS 8LOOi,l put Ill a b&rd w-of rsdq -week otfNewpoit Har- .. bor. The prtr.e at Make ~ ... the :cn.e.t'NUDCI Perpetual TropbJ' for tlte cb&mploa lik.lpper of the ·fltiet. Shol4"D here Me Bob Gaeatet of Merced. tbe wtnaer, out tn tront with Illa RHYTlnl. No. !O, -'.foUowed by°"aim "'n•"Pf'rKer fl'Om SIM1M11to lo P'B.E..."iZY, t.hlrd plMle in the eeriee. No. SJ, the # . l • · WAYSO, flnl811ed kl·tourtb place with Bolden Saalonl of Fresno aldpperlng. (Photo by -kn•r) . . U?lti"ED UP for tbe· fanious ~on Bre&ltfut PaaC9kH ·~ Mn,.' llany Wllllam.!Oll aad Mr. Wllltam· eoa, fonnr-r mayor of Newport Beach, of a.Ibo& Md lln. IL·'!( Baeta &ad Mr. Baetz of Newport. Of- flclatlllg al Ille crldille • ..., Mr. l. Bott -Pat 0''-'7. (Pho'4 by Beckner) YEAR · 1N JAIL ·FOR HINESLY One year In the., c~ty jail· I.Of' contrtbuUnl' to Use dellaquency ot a 14-year'"°ld glrl \Vho acted as • baby altter In hla borne w..-Ut~ een: tence drawn .by Douglu H. Htnesly, 37, prominent Costa Mean, Sat- urday. Supertor Judge Raymond Tbompeon dented the proba.Uon plea ot Hinealy"a attorney, Ma.x Hurwtta.+1------------- The judge aald h e believed the crime called for severe punishment since he had alJegedly been 1n at leut six lnctdenta with three dlfre~nt girls. In meUng out M"ntence to 'the form~r M:hOOI bns.rd member, Judge Thompson Aid, "T his cue t just can·t bf' ov"rlook ed. There muat be a public "xan1ple. Frank- ly. I question If probation la ind.I · cated:' StrOftl' Plea Atlorney Ma.x Hurwitz had made an impassion~ ptea for HJne•ly a.eking probation wtth no jall sentence. The la.~er said that Hinealy and hla family had been punlshed sufflclenUy by mental strain. Hurwitz also . said that Hlnealy' would Jose hls bo.slne81 and hla fam ily would suffer I r he were aent to jail. 'AR CRASHES , URT THREE l Three penDNI were Injured tn eek-end accident. In the Ne..-port Barbor area. Leonard P . Jamet1, 17, of MOO Cout Highway, · Ne-wport Beacb rece.Jved a deep cut on hi.I right leg when the motor ecooter he wu riding ran lntb lhe rear ot a car operated by Pblllp W. Hukell, t3, of Gardena. The accident occurred at 11 :46 a. m. Sunday near the lntereectlon of Dahlia Ave. and Cout High- way, Cor ona del Mar. ~ Both vehicles had be-en traveling eut on the Cout Highway. racial tnjurtea and a 'lacerated left knee were euf(ered by Donna D . Panona. G02 W . IJa,y Ave., 8'1- boa when the ~ar •he Wu oper&t- lnl plied head on into a vehlele drtven. by Olen Leon. LifthUe, of San Bern&rdlno Sunday. The accident took place in front of tthe Newport Beach fire h~ at 1 :20 p. m. Both cars r~eJved damaged front enda. · A two car accident resUlted in & bead laceraUon.a for Jacob E. Webater, 219 Garnet Ave., Balboa -• •l 3 :32 p. ,.. Saturday. The colll1lon occurred at the ln- !enteetJOQ of Pa.i-k and Opal Aves., Balboo hlond. A car driven by Roee B". Klln- geMrnltll, 130% JI:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa_ waa the other vehicle ln- • < TUF.,'lDAY, JULY 3, iOOl . . -' l!Cl!:Nl!: OF THE FLASH FIRE ot tho Narm<» ...,._, Co. Ill Ooata Meea Lut Thunday wu thk lmprepatlnc tower. Smoke MarQ caa be aeen on the mel&J vente.. Three workmen were barned la Ibo .._.., whk'b did .., .. 11ma~ 91(.ooo ctamap. (Newa-Timea Photo) I • I M,san Hurt in Plastic Plarit · flash Fire ' . Three '!'P•kers were blirned in a flub fire at the Narmco Plutie11 plant at 600 Victoria -' ' street, Costa Mesa, Thlll'll- day. The blue which kWTed in the impregnating tower of the plant (where cloth is im· pregnated with plastics) is eetimated to have cauaed ' $5000 damage. Hospitallaed were D. Koontz. 2183 Minter Street, Costa Me1a with aevere burna on h1a left han<\ and Al Ballog, repruentat,lve o( Fireatone Tift and Rubber Co., who wu-bumed about the band• an.d i face. Kooi;ttz waa the more severely burned of the two men. and ts Upected to re.main hoa- pltallud for 10 day1. Sllgl!Uy burned WU 'William Hatlest&d, Santa -Ana.. who. re- celved medical treatment and !th~ WU permitted to go home. P1l'e Flptero Volunteer flremen answered the alarm and uWislng new spray. type noalee., brought the fi&me• under control . Firemen from Costa Mesa ata.- Uon joined wt.th tJtoee of the State Dlviaion of Forestry to save equip- ment and machinery eattma.ted at Open Bids for Hoag Hosp. ital :~:.::di:!,,~· ~i.~~ = t~ ln tbe tmprecn&Ung tower ' yolved tn the accident. · Webeter'a car bit the Hght front der .pl , the other auto and -· --to.Ila . · • ·aft ICtieduled to ~·r<0Ume4 In ten ~"' ~ .. --.. Final pl.a or tJ>e Hoag Momorl\fJ H,-~ 'Pn>obyterlan, ha"'° +. An • lnft0\lial10n .la ~ been t accepted· a.Ocordtns to a ata.tement m~ by George O. H.,. ~ to' uoertaln. tbe ~ ~o~.1116-"9opital--Boar<t ·of~ ·Willi' t11e 91"' . ...!!'e ftN.l=':'..c r·--f-"' --·-., ••• -..• ,1, -• •• ,-,'De p.-....,, u-u~ • proceainC proval of the pl¥J which occurred on Wedne&day Jut, they now go f~rtc foi aircraft tuc!i cella on • to the contract6n for bids. Bidding will remain open far thlrty--day• MjtM:ontract ~m l'ltaton:e ·Tire t • DOUGLAS H. HJNEllLY Dep. Dial. Atty. H. Walter S teiner argued that there ahould be "aome jail sentence" and that to free the man Without, a term, "prob&ly would not be a.ccepted." He pointed out that it wu "not juat a single lsolated incident ." The court agrttd to a 1()..day stay of sentence. after a long <!ia- claslon and H lnesly waa ordered to report to jail a l 9 a .m . Mon- day, July 9. He remt'ina free on $1000 ball. Kid. Glovbl During the con~uct of the trial Judge Thompeon aald lha~ H ines· ly "has never been ln jail yet" a.nd lndlca\ed that he thought the Cos- ta. Meaa buat'ness man ~ been "handled with kkl gloves: Charges had been filed against Hinealy after three girl baby sit- ters had complained that the Mean had fondled them ln his home. The tnctdenta had ~ reported July 4 Regatta and Roobber Co. --'-----'--------.. and July 26th has been f!JJed for • at BYC & NRVC · Hold Down Speed • • • ,,,. July Fourth e.ptla. Join•-f S f F th ~e~~~e:rt!~ ~h~ :~ or . a er our be held here on July 4, 1 and 8. Reverse scoring will be used for the evenl.1 wtth the warning gun sounding at 12 :50, wtth the flnt class atate at 1 p.m. Nine claues wlll compete on the Ocean Couree. Included wtll be Statp. lntemattonal 1108, ThlaUea. 1Utode8, PC'• Albatroaa, Viking•_.· L\Jdera and Ughtnlng. Ba'y racea 'at the N'-ewport Har- bor Yacht cJub will be held for Snlpea, Falcons, 111attle•. Mer- cury• and &II ln•ide cla.aees over 14 feet. "If I were peJ1nitted only one plea to ' motonits planning a F'ourth or JUly drive, it would bf! thll- "Hold down your speed!" That statement waa made to- daY by Oomm'taatoner Clifford E . Peterson ,of the caltforia Hlgh- viay Patrol. _ · Every l.ndtcaUon. he said, points ~ h~avy lravet on the highways over the Fourth. e'6en though the tiollday comes .lb-the middle of the week. Rerriindlng· drivers of the dead.ly combination of immod- erate speed and heavy traffic, he declared: the clo.5lng date to receive btda. Hold OPS Clinic H . C. Chambers, the Architect who prepared the plans, wtth of- fices at 124 We!t Fourth St., Loa I 1 A t.hree-man "cllnlc" cove .. "• Ange es, wi l have copies available a ... ._ for contractors interested in sub-all government price regulatlcm• will be conducted ln Dodc.e H&U ct milting construction bid!. · The Newport hip acbool, Monday eve- plana require 28 large sheet.a in ninC", July 9, all, and because of the general In-Hay LanSenhelm, Chamber of terest in the hospital project for Commerce eecretary, Aid the V&a· !ting OPS apectalla:ta will be avaJl- the coast of Orange county, bid& &b.le from T:30 to 10 p.m . for in~ wW be opened at the City Hall. dtvtdual que1Uon1 and comulta· N"'i>ort Beach, Friday, July 2Tlh Uon.s. Three clul rooma h&ve been. at 2 :30 p. m . The Board qr Dlrec-re9erved for the project. tora of the Hosplt.a.l may accept Orange county, h~retotore tn the any ot the blda ·submitted or may Lo9 Angelff · OPS ; district, hu ca.II tot new bide it they 80 decide. been 1httted to the 8an Diego dta. Le • Br akfast u having occutTed with a 15-ye.ar-g10ft8 old·glrl on llec. 1 and Dec. 31. '"The determination to drive caref\llly and paUenUy_.,,d un- Bay racea at the' Balbo& Y acbt club will ~ competJtion. amoq Snowbird, Lehm&n. P·14, Intern.a· Uonal lt, Sabot, Balboa Dinghy cla.ues. Aleo included are all cl••• 14 f t d 49 der no clrcwneta.ncea ruler lhe.n I ' D "l'lo.-.:..-ncl 1950 w1th a 13-year·old and May raws I 11V91-5 18, 19~1 with a H ·year-old baby I · 11tter. Two thousa.nd people atarted the ae:.U.u':n :.: ~ be Mt. ocndttk>na wuran.t-wtll 'do more up at both clulM and entry blanka. than anythlns t-be to ln8ure a -·In• 1 •-· U · d safe trip tor you and your faml1y. •-. •-e Mu uC Ol\a Nt COUl'8e •·Rem be ~ kl"-Ex charts may be btalned th em r, a~~ lilll. ces· A ra.ce dinner 0and dance ~i be aive •Pffd bi the pricipal factor held Saturda Jul 1 at th Bal-ln one out of three fatal accident.a. Accordj.ng to Mr. Hoag, the tr1ct. ot wblcb Imperial county spectflcatlona call for the UMe or ako la a member. Wllliam C. Moe- &bout 100 t oru; of steel tn shapes ser Is &C~DI' S&n Diego district a.nd sheets wtth 240' tons of rein-diriecter, with be&dquarters at forcing steel. The amount of ce-121!§ Seventh Ave., 8a.n Diego 1. ment needed reaches the tmpoelng The price panel cOmtng here wW total ot six thousand seven bun-include ~e J. Singer, tn con- dred barrels. Over five thou8and awn.er good.I ; Leon A. OeVuyst. square feet of plywood will be food.a; and T. A. Mitchell, lrutua-- l'Tequlred in conatructlon and other trial goodl and eervtce t.ra.dea. Import.ant items are 25 tons of 7 steel pipe. fifty tons of eoil pipe WHO 8...,., " ...:. puas• 1 and fltllnp. • ' .,....... ·-· ~ • • day on Saturd&~, by eating pan~ cakf'a and sausage at the break- taat In front of Jl,ic ba.rd'• Lido Market, an annual affair aponeor- ed by the American Legion Poet 191 and the ma~ket. l Commander Barney Bell ot the poat waa general chairman and wu aMtsted by Legion members and th0&e of the Women's auxili- ary. Hugh Mynatt of the market wu chairman of food wppUea. Hf' provided 375 pounde of •uaar•. Z!! pounda of coffee. $86 Worth of ayrup and $15 worth of orange Juke. F or an ~llriate on the pancakes, each al the 2000· had three for a atuter, lhoee with good appetites 'went back for more. On the ~ were allcea of criap t08.St wilh jelly. Children and ~ulta alike were delighted w ith the c.ntertainment of Frank J;lerman, tbe "Mr. Mag.le" of radio and te~. Owner Protests I , Boat Tax Bill y, Y e Your chance• of surviving a:n ac-~A .. :~.:~ clldb9. Dinner st.a.rt.a at cident depend on how fa.at you &re • ._..... • a · drlvin " Trophia bearing the butgee of g. bot.b clubs wt.U be presented at the Commlaaloner P etereon atr~Aed Newport Harbor Yacht club Sun-the following other point.I for aatr. day July a. and sane drlvtng over the Fourth: • 1. Never overtake and pus an- Recommi5sion Blimp Base dther vehicle unW you a.re abso-- lutely certalft. the maneuver can be accompl19hed safely and legal- ly. 2. Treat e v • r y lntersecUon with extreme caution and don't ln111t on YOW' rlCht-ot-way. 3. Avoid abniet llt.opo ond man- euver. -signal yolfr-lnlenllOlll well. bi advance. Electric outlet.a number 1860 -All for naught ... mtgbt be tbe with 30,000 feet of conduit to con-thought of the ~ef who pilfered. nect them. Over 700 lighUng fb-!three pocketbooks from a ca.r be· lures will be needed and 260 1 1longtng tO Grace F . Johnaon, 420 .plumbing fixtures wlll be required W. Bernard St., Costa Mu&. S&l- for the new hoapltaJ. project. lll'!J&Y. The main bulldinl" ot•the Hos-the car bad been park9d near plla.l ls 350 ft. long and aervee to ~e lntereec:Uon of Shore and Irta gtve eome idea of the lmpoeing na-Ave.., Corona del Mar; ture of the main structure. Cap-Punee taken belonged tD A.rm. aclty of the hospital 18 aet u T5 1 odd. Long Beach .and Donna beds but there wUl be over oft.e Slife and Kathryne Long, both of hundred rooma in all, tn the maln Beunower. building ·u bOW planned. Provt. Accordln,J to the women'• report ton for adding addlUOn&I rooma at no pul'8e caatained any J money mlntnuun coot.of time and mat<irl· allboup --.n thoQgllt \bi al hal' been lncll!ded In the plan-~ mtpt 11&...,beon a ~ la nine. ' rer-' . ' • l -~ I i .... "' • .... < Pege ~ Balboa,lsland ~fi<iiers United · ln lmpressiVe ~ Cerem<>ny -Tbe Di>nanee Kc:Clure, "-'· :VS5 Onn.p, awnu., Colla ~. iru & '"""" .oC *'04'!11, ll&JM>I d:U.t~. ferns and other summt-r ~l >Wen f or the quiet but lmprf'• sive cen!mony on Sunday, June 24 wbicb united Mr. MeC~ure's motJi.. ~·r, Mn. Paullne D. McClure of l ~.2 Emi rald avenue, Balboa 1.8· land, and Ames M&diaon Clay• brook, recfliuy or San ~ Fireplace and ma,ntel of the apaclouS ·Uvtng room were adorned \\"ilh n ow prs., fern& &nd tall can· dr·labra u backcr<>und for the rt.~. porformed by Dr. Harry W'hite ot 61.lboa !&land Community Melh- od l8l cbn~h. ,. ~ were m•l'lll!e,. ol Ille Mi.and· one c!kiee Crtend, Mn. Lona rlf!ln o! Bal-Ial&nd, l"ro t of town were: Mr. &nd Mn. . H . Dorrance of b.gle Rock ; Kn. Dorothy H. Robln.aon, OJ-; M.-.. R. JD. L. Falrbum, Burbank; Kn. E . 8 . ODberl, Ban· I& All&, nlffu of Ille brl<I•. "°"""r -ts NCYr BEAUTY OONTEllT.U."'ft! BUT .roDOIClll.._:'ftoJ .... The .rew Mra. Claybrook la m·asf•b' el ,.....,. '""98t7 e.ntNta baa ~· ~rolr:e& 'l'lle9e widow ot the late Joftn Rayner '"' p raec• ~ Jl.'ante.r •1111!19 Mii Wp ~ ...ria KcClu"', B&J-bland pionffr. A-,...,,.., •. I• ....... al ..... HNI -I Loar -·Eirpo- Kr. C1&7b.-ook la 'alao a pioneer ~ ,1.,.-;,..te. 1(....,. ... 'I .,.. -17> w~· M _L-· It, Bo._ blander and l'rlend of &II tlloJ'll '!i!~t. de .. lool< 111 Ftptiner.,,.. ~~~ maa1 7oan atandilllr-Now "'Ur· ..,., loft. t4I. npi,· r..... lllod...,, lanlee i.....i..,"M&i-(..,.Jin.U U.-1 ed,, _ be wu formerl)'\ a Lo9 A.a· · DraJM"d Satin and l...M't" pJH real Mt.ate dealt:r."'11\e two · J aalte.""8-.·.;·_. ·1 ·,. j· Tllf" brltte W'&.!!I gtven e8COl't by reqtwd fellcltatiou at the bridal ., . 1 .,;... • • • ......... "' • ~r g:~t~.:;;~lfil:~[~ ~~~E~~~ ~auti~:tQ ~loomin .Long lfeat~-·-. and rare hcil'loom Alenco.n lau On Friday nmlnC, June 20, the ·Bea.ch COf'D.Jl\1'!1tU..trom Santa M~ica . t~ La. Jolt•. ~11. be• rep. rormf'J n loose panE-1 frr:nt fo,r lhc cOup~ cut a tiered wedding cake· .~~nted by beautltu1 bathtna' beautl~~ at the Loni' Beach ~pcMlt~n skirt, was draped ov<'r one sho~k:I-.at Cutaways club wt.ere .xn qU6cll ecmtut, hly 4.. It wa1 &nnounci!d today . . . .' er and fell to floor length in ba'ck. Cla:ybr'OOk bu been bookkttper · The pat'92Se''ot kWely ladlea a.rid ~ltttlon of a . wlJ\ner will. ht\ h~ld at the wtlistlinc with a bc&vy ainee it.a beatnnlnl'• Thla wu sur:• one of the b.ciililt\.u' of the Can.I· . .=.l • • • • , ' ,: • s 'lk cord. She ¥.·ore an he!rloom prs.e notice of_ U.e m.arrt.are to ~ of l"tre. ~.by th~ 2(b. 1 -· BA.1''IEa8 'MEET' · n ~cklac<' or KOl•l· and ))('Srls and UMt' club perwmne.l,. the. weddtn1 so ·club ot LlDC' Bea<h at tht-~ · · cn.n led· a bouquf't of gardenlu announcement and at hoine carda Memorial Stadldm. Jame1 ~· Van D)'ke 1 repreMnt- 17'd Ahatterffi pink cuns tlorut In. being auachf'ld to• dfte of. J"eg!"fJt Tbe wlnaer oC. the July 4 ~te«t P.d the Newport Harblir b&.nk at t: ?r hair was a sing le l'"ose. of leavtnc.' will then rule the iO-day Expcwl .. 'the annual 1ndu.try 4tn,n~r end Th.ere wer e no att(>ndanLI! ex-Kr. and Mn. Claybrook att Uon duri.QS J\flJ to-29 b ·~KlM cn~erenee of lbe ll'Klependent .2 ··-. ___ i·-.. Co.unty Oldtirner s Picnic at Pa rk ·· c i• July 5 Mee t for '·AnnuaJ -·a~danc~. :at. 'Oran&:"• . ,· County-:01'1 'l"lmera ·ptcitlc-at.Ir-Lutheran W omen .viae·P&i-' lo &:ll!UOl for chlldren . .•"'! lfN"d~hJl<!Ten ot Judge and The \\'.'omen'R Ji.fluioliary 8ociety· A.fr& D., J . J:bige 'or 'Co9\& Mea, or the Nf'wpqrt HarbOr Lv,the.ran tor l~ .ttlao ~' a cel~bratton --• h 'II ' Th -·•-1 .. h; ot th~ · bl<il)day · annlve,...ry of ep.Un! WI meet u.--y. ...., M . ~::-t rt. ................ . 1 5, at 8 p. m. In t_he hom# or-Mra. Other ll&tborU.H. att~ing .U.,. Virginia Hoffard. ZMJ . Magnolia recent· ev("flt ln~~ed flay Copt>fln , - - • • r ' • ·-• ' ' ' .. • ' •. .. -~ ct!pt the two floy,oer.i1 gtrls, l{J'and,. IMYIAI' for a )re.Liu.rely Ulp thf'Ou&'h Atomic Energy." Her klnl'dOrn ~erR ~uoclatlen °f ~uthern <t. \UChte.rs of ,lht bride. 'Aley Wf"l"P nortbem Calltomta. plannin1 to wtl)' be the 62. &ettfl of exhibit.a at CaJltomla tliPkl In RoU~ tut J anet McClure, 9, and Nancy. 5. aiee many of the beauty spot.a and the Men1orial Stadium powtda week, Wlttli morr-~"~ 200 com- Both wore f~ks of datrodll ~I-visit old friend.I. J'or ~ trip the reprMenting the moet. modern m\lnJty bankPnt In, •ttendance. low 1ilk and carried colonial ro-bride wW wear a suit of navy blue. product. ot Southland lnd.Wlt.ry. South~rn California 8 important S<!tte bouquet& of pink and white On. their retum they will be at Shf" wUI be otnctal hoA.Hll to OW' te~vla.on and radl~ industry wae U a l"<*'s and Esther R <'t"d da.lJlie!:. borne at 112 Emerald awnUt". expttted half· million Expc>1ition featu.red at tbe eol(fcrenee, which AW., Co8ta '-l<'Sa. All women or and-..· group_ of fricnda; alao Mr. -. ~'· ~ · -and M:ra: John JOllMon and. cllll· I 1~,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,;,,;,,,,,;·,,.,-.,«,,· ..... ,.-,,,,,,,,,,;,;,i,;,.;o...,~.m,,,;,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,.,...ijr~ lh£> chureh !re cordial_ly l,nvlled to dren of C_p.rona de-I M&T ma Mr.' r l attend and. brln& tlielr frlenda. :;-tN!!;,..~rlea Porter and ·llOil. /)ialf.O "J114J.~ltli/- vbitons included inspection tours of broed-01-:!'. 1~';:.?i 1~1 =:m~ FUN roa suNi:iwous TERESA . RENN~R · (Mrs. ,A. R~""'r J: bf'Ought a reconl·bJff.klng S2.715,· +· ct.e&k ,_..,. ~ waa one ot th~ Cu a eon fts , I ., ~ Q;aJtr • • -" •• ~ U. D. C. ChapteJinsfalls· Off icel'S at Pat io Luncheon in Balboa En~nt.I will be judged by tM casting atudWM and attenda.nce at rive top modf'll or the Dorothy a popular te~f'vlAlon audlf'ftf'f'-par- Farrier ModPJ 'Agt>ncy of i.o. An· ticlpaUon show. gElf"lll. and Inc lude con(.(>atant.a from WhJttier, Huntington Park, Fuller· to.n, Anahc>lm, Santa Ana, a.a Wf'll a:q all major bt'ach communJties. 000 . to thi, l\&tlonal March of ~nt pl_euurea .enjbyed by mem· O!• ale 14 'rs' . ., Bela •rt¢ Dl~ a.U·tlm• hlglt 1<>1&1 ot $38.· her• of the· Bu'l"rgoua !ll'O"P of 4"'6 Sina Drl•• _ -· · H•&a. .J 171 J I 1 263.000 to h•lp In the flglit apinst !M C<Mtl& Keaa eotnmWllty K•th· _,, -" pollO, It WU ~ported -today .~y· odl81 clturcl!. · i'he 8'07 rlf&lr Wu ..• eor--. itl41l. l1nils ~ c_ •. 11. 11. ·_; _J U.:.:... • • f -Opportunity l'I knoeklng In CLASSlFIED ADS. e:.ve..,.-y rudl Ule cJUolfted o4 L. >l. QJa.nnlni, atate Mirch of held at-trtie ·Orange -Park' Acre9 ,.,... · RI • ... _- Dlmi t .c~aW. .home-'or Wilma a.i)d Emil ·)(yrebn. Orttcers ot Emma Sa.nlOrn chap-,._ ____________ _ :P..fa yor Burton Ctlacl" of Long Beach ptf'di('ted .tttat th" Exposl· tk>n woukl bftif:ome a national tour- ist attra<"t ion a nd glVP Im petus to PV•"'¥':J phiUte of ai'Vif', ~i™"M and prof.~M:donal life of Long Bt>a.ch t ~r. United Daughters of the Con· r ~eracy. Wert" iAslalled at a plan· r ed. picnic h01teSSL'd by the Mls&e9 C'-ertrude and Lc;u!sc Mont~mery · t their Balboa peninsula home. · ixty members, s t.nte officer$ and 1-ue-11t.a were Sea t.NI in t he b(aouti· fl\I patio ~ct servt><l rrom the . \\reakfut liar w).th a sa\B.rto and oabd llan\ lunci>eo,., '"l'wo birthday cake& bore cand\Da I "4honar Ot the natal annlvt>raarl~ 1 (M'ra."Ne11ecam f'y. l.o8 Angeles · nd M~ J . D. SJM'nn t>tta, Santa ,n._ SeoateJ at th" heed tabll' W<'re ~clal guests, 1-li.ss &Ina Ho\vard ··owler, htstoriCal gt>nf'ra) Ot i.h£ 'l.Conal U. D. C. and h•r sister, · f ra. Ruth K~u~eh@r, Lo!: An- 1:eles, presid1·nt of H ollywood chapter and ('Ustoclia n or nag!ll, Callfornla division; Mrs. Potter Kem~r. put California division reg1.strL and Mrs. Cf'Cil B . Grove, i-an Diego; ~lrs. Robert E. Loii.Je uf Santa A na.· president of Emma :1ansom chaptf'r ; Mrs. Roy Black n ( In,lewood. division cu..etodlan of nap; Airs. N('Jlc Carn<'y, a ctlng .djutant In Org'&Jllzing Sons of · !eterans in L:>!! A nj,'1.'lesi and Mrs. E. B. DcuPrf'e or Santa. Ana, put diV'illJon eot'T'f'sponctlng secretary. The h011tus, Miss Gertrude Mont- r,om ery, Is past prf'Sil..lf'nl or Call· fomla <'hapter. N""' orne"'"' SMted chaplain; Mn. J . D . · S(>f'nnf'tta. p&tli&mentar1an : and from Sil- verado canyon, MN!. F.. B . i:>r-u- Pree. nporter. Mt1'. C . P. Van DwM'n of Alta· dena. who wa.a a ecom paniecl by her hu~band, gave the progra111 '"In .Memoriam," l\av.tng known· in- tlm.a.tely old Chapter mt'mbf'rs. TltoM .preH.Dt 11.®d while names we.re read of thO•NJho had pa.Med away. • Among lho#c presrnt \Ya~ Mrs. A.nria Nattra.u, Co.-.14 · Mella and two gllf!Ats. y,·ho a.re pr().'IJ>f'C'tlvf> m em btrs. F'ron1 Balboa i.q an- other PrMJWC liVf' mf'mber, Mr:i.. Bennett. A beautiful con.ag1~ or red g lad- iolus W&• pttaented the ins talling officer by the h0Ates11 commltte". whJch iJlC'l uded;..Mrs. Robert Grl'gJt and Mn. Ralph Sf'WBrd or Lo! Angeles, cou.slnJJ or tht> Afiues l(ontl'omery; M in Cora Lre Rlt· ter of Santa Ana, Mrs. Martha Newman and sister of Laguna Beach. Mni. Alfred Parka of San Pedro, MJ,,,.11 ROIK' Mary Parks of Balboa. Asslating w I th servlrig we-~ Mrs. Tatv<'r J.fontgomery and Mr1l. Clart'nce Nis.cirn, SantR. Ana. • ftU: BLOODMOBJL.E I TS IT wt.II bfo at thf' Anwrkan Lr-Pua Halt, 1.51h and Ba3• St111 .. Xf'"-port ~h oa .lul3• 19th. I to '1 p. nl. lurclses Described For letter Poshlre ;::l~:i:~~~:i·~ 1 This Week at South Gate · Thfo flh An.nual Fuch1la Shnw ,\·ill b<> h<'ld July 7 and 8 . in lhf ~ioulh C att• Civic Audllo rium. s oulht•rn an<J P inf'hunl iitr-et>u. South Cat.A>, Ca.lit., It wu an- noun<'<>d tttis Wf'~k. by Emt'lrt B. Chf rry, pre,Mdent •c. th~ Natlo~I F'Uchs ia Saclety. oC A.mertea. Jn~. Other shade planLI!, Including bf'gonlas, rems, African vlolet9 o.nd rare speclmena; will be on fl ls- play, Flower arr&n&ements, cut n ow f'r.i1, dlllh ganlena, and cor- sa.g<>11 will be featured. A section "'ill be "el asw~ fo r "xhlbiLI! by juvenilf'a. A gold cup u •pedol award will go to the beat Oowe r arrangement and juvenile entry. In addition to thf' Cup Awarda. tint , MCOlld. and third prbt> rib· bona a.re to be preAe nted on the de<:~lons of compelf'nt juclre. The 1how RC.heduJe Ult.s 12a separate claas.lflcations, and entries m open to any and all noweti,eft'tttuel• ut3 -information may be ob· Lalned by writing h£>adquart.ers: NaUonaJ Fuchafa Society of Ainer- l<:a.. Inc., 1188 Lex.lngton St.,· Pua· clf'nl. CAiif. In the absencC' of 'th<' st.alt" prestde-nt, M b." Vivian ConY. .. y, M.ias F owler in.st alled ne\v or- flceni. They Include: Airs. Robert Logue, p res idl"nt: Mrs.. Virgi.oia Carpenter, flrat vice prcsld<'nt and l\o!rs. W lllianl Batei1, AKOnd vitt prC'!rtdf>nt,, both Yorba Linda : Mrs. In spite of ..continued. e-mphul8 Ma"rgaret Evan& of Santa Ana, re -by docton &nd health uperts on cording. eecret.ary; Mn. J 0 h n rood postutt, ff!'it people-demon· Younc, Santa Ana., cor!-eapondlng Jllrate it. eecreta.ry; Mi.-.s Oi-etrude Mont-Thia la the opinion ot Dr. Nor- gomery, registrar: rrom Santa man P. Miller, au.lstant proteuor Ana, Mrs. Mamif' Chandler, his-ol physle&l education on the Loi 1",orian; MISs .Ctara Dt>an, rf'corder Angdu campu11 ot thf' University Thursday Picnic for DAR C hapter - Capt. Alexander C l e v e. 1 a n d I chapter, DAR. wUl have a , picnJc luncheon on July 8 at the SIJver- ado canyon home oC Mn. E. B. DeuFree. The chapter wu ~ecent· ly entertained at a patio Ju.oeheon by the Ml.Mes Gertrude and Louise M:ontiromery, --with M,.._ Roy Black giving lbe hlatorlcal • of C.alifornJa. of CT085e9; ~. A . A. Blythe. ---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J He said tbe ,reason Is that people • -'t fUJly ufldenrl&lld WUl •ood THE NEW • ·HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN $995o . . tit.GO per .-*II • i... .,. YOU can plOJ' • r1cll orpa --&1-wltllout.-..... & ....... -.. Oome~ &lilt-pl&Y, Ille -Clllo'll ~ •• :; ,.... c.. ·'\al llnll!" I I ~----ft•••=Fn -··· • posture LI. Here i8 how be dc-- -'bea il• ''St.a.adtP«-an lmag1naTy plumb Uno abould run dlrecUy throul'h tbe ccnttt of th~ body: sltttnr- upper Mid lower bock should toucll Ule back of lllle <!hair With feet Oat Oil the Door.: "'alklnl' -l.o@8 wtralcl>t ahead !With be<l •triking pound nnt. •Miid of outer bor- der ot foot, with abdomen flat, bead high, chln tn and :irms IWfng .. progT&m. LUNOll IN CITY Mn. Jerrold Spueler ot Udo Isle and lilre. Rlchard Dittmar of Co9t.a Meo.a went to Los Ange.left ortft ~y iut week for .tlopplng and luncheon. := '?S~ -c~t--.. • Lat:al Sailor • 1. F'or I.lie "heel cord atretch." ::::.4 ~:mi::.:~~1 fa~"~ Takes Training ~ tAl<d In. WWI the b&nda • I.lie wall ot .-WO.-help<, fee oa the WJi>p Mid & do&d looD4 ..,,,. will! <bo¢ ~ ee(lne recenllJ _,_'*' .....,,. wan. k~ 'tb• -1L i...., -&il&Ule ~ tlM. *'°" .tmdl can be pilled m&ll. Wrd -UBN, -fttl'Kt'. Wltll fee( _, """' tbe wall. ---Earl ~ ·1-UI r ·,~ "~ I. flor the wfadmJ.P,'!. alt Oil the Oout Htpwa,., Newf'Ciil'l . !!oar wltb ...... --Cllllf. .... "" ..-.ii&te., -irard, lop ..-Wide &pert. flJ'IDI "1 lli<b•I Mia ...,.. ;- Twitt to Ibo npt, ,.....,Ins ""' familiar temila. · t ..... rfPl ~ -uto -ftnpn; ll -...,. ... ,,. ...... fJlslll ~ ... loald Ibo ,..--11o & 8&"J' an,"ar -II&-IM ~._&I....., i-vd U.·fll. _ ... ~ ........ Ille '"" ............... rWrt -. ~ Oii'. ···-· --INll\-lr I 1177 ........ •,. lllJQEP 1 ..... jabftcw .. ,...,.. ..... ..... &o~Nlfa... ra1 1ru ·=•s\ s••..._. -~ ·~" ... , ..... !If •..-nl!!il: 11•1 ~1 ..... ntnl"e 1M lnllw 11 • li!i-~..: !IA ,j _ • .fm l 1i11 J •41k --'1* IM plw f ,7..-= ..... -:';.~·,!': :r;::..::• E E &§II .. • ' • .I ' ~ ~·. Co n9retul•tions ' to the GAL:LEY CA:FE • ··~ M~ine Hardware Co. • RARllOft !Its 181 RA l 'SIDF. DROT. ,, ';~I #·, ti I 1'l°~f~~"iti· .. i; ,_.....,._ ,· •. ' -~·. ' . 1 • 1 / •• , 1 l ~ , • . .""1, f1 f' i NOW OPEN -The · ·Hp·;bor ·:Areq's111/ewest Cafe - -FEATURING ' . , RE~L IAQECUE Sftlt :·; . • CHICKEN 'AlllD LOIN SPA.RIBS . . . .aAi.LiiCiFa· i~ ;.:;;;1_:~~ : . "'~LIOA Y~C~ 'IASIN : . ~(~-.s.~-~1.,..,~ '· .17,-0.1 .faPideJ>nw.• .. .. . , _ .. ~ -~ PWtte ~arbor 955 • , HERE 'S . WJSHING SUCCESS to the GALLEY . CA FE .- • PHONE :~IMBERLY ' ,-, 2--6534 CONG. ' tTUL~Tl0':4S . . · .. ~ · ..a YERY BEST WISHES • . ? WISHING SUCCESS ·ro THE GALLEY CAFE . . -.• Orant J. Coqnty _ ,~,,rq.lo11 'wl . to the • , , _.. ~--';,,,, :· I .. --~-~ .. ~ .. . ' •. ~A · ANA: -ll!"h&tJ l·l•t ~----..... ------~-~-.... --......... -........ • __ ""'!!!"""IP'--'!"11'"'!"------· • •• • YACHT BROKERS " MARIN~ INSURANCE :" . ANCHOAA~ . ~ 1 .: -· .. l l \ • ' I • :i: HARBOR: SOCIAL EVENTS T aleftted. .oy Play,s . - Lea~ in 'El Gallito • , r· · .. • r ' • \ l Legion Auxiliary Aids Post With Richard's Lido Market Breakfast Cooperation ln Pa.l affairs •P""••~\ -----------~­ pe:ared to be lhe forem<N!lt order of for the h0&plt&I workera, Mra. bualneM for members of the New-Bonde added. port Harbor American Legion For the flnaJ lorder of buslnea, Auxiliary u outlined at their the Unit Voted to endonte Helen regular . mttUng tn Legion Hall Randel u candidate for 21at Die- Mond&y night, June ~-tr1ct 2nd vtce prel!lldenl. Mrs. Ran- Heading the liat were final plana del is a put president of the local for ~e Legion Brea.kfut. which unit. and h.aa held varloua dtatrlct waa held June 30 ln front of Rich-cba1nnanshl1>3 for aeveral years. ard's Liilo Market. which called Guest.a for the: evening wae Mrs. tor a large number of volunteers Sophi Kelley, of Hingham. Maua- for M.rvillg and general ualatance. chusetta, 11. membt'r of the Legion 1n addition. Auxiliary mern~rs Auxiliary there. who Ui: viai ttnr have bttn maintaining a ticket relatlVe:!J In the Harbor area. booth in lhe market the put week._ At the close of the meeting, CommJttE'e8 were &~pointed lo membf-ra of the ritual team led the meet w1th sltnllar POflt committees group In an impromptu "commu- to make "plans for the disposal of nity .sing." accompanied by proa- bonda recentl1 lBSued by the Le· pectlve member Gloria Mc Kinley gion, and for drawing up suggea-on the accordion, as hoeteues tlona for furnishing the new hall. Adrain Joyner and J ean Markham The July meeting of the Orange prepared refreshmenU! of cherry County Council will be held ln the and blueberry tarts and coffee. Newport Harbor LegtOn he&d-Thoae ln attendance were: :t.fe11- quarters on Tuesday, July 10, it dames Alma Thompson, J ean All- was announced. baugh, Lucille Gehrr11. Geneva H osp I ta 1 chairman Mildred Bell. Lydia Brigga. Billie Perruzzi. Bon<UI again called for relief vol-Helen ,Randel, Wilma Murrlson, unteers for Tuesday hospital work Mildred Bonds, Viona Burdick, u sonw of th€' "regulan" will be Blanche Benz, Eileen lnM. Ber- away on vacation. Other volun-nice Opel. Marion Noel. Mrs.' Kel- teera are needed u baby-slttera Icy and the hoste88ea. Rev. Paul Babbitt Elected Head of Harbor .Council of Churches Election of two officers and vol-~---~--------- ting of yearly awards were chief iteffi.!i on the &gE"nda when New· port Harbor Council of Churches met June 26 under final chairman· ship of the Rev. Joseph Thompson. family Life, the ecumenical church movement, community life and ChnrlUan ml.Mtonary work. • After the council selecl8 three top men and women, (lnal choice will be made by a board of judges, sugge&ted members being Judge Morrison and Dan Rider of Santa Ana: Warren Rogers, Santa Ana YMCA ; Carleton Buck of Fuller- ton: and the prealdent of the Wo- mt>n 's A.!l80Clatlon of Orange county. Alyn Nielsen Home on Leave, Observes Mr. Thompson, pastor Of Costa Me88 Community ~t e' l hod I st church, hq been tran!lferred lo Brawley and therc>fore tendered his resignation a..s chairman of t he council. "·hich wu accepted with dttp regret. Elected to !IUcceed him W&!I lhe former vice-pre!li- denl, Rev. Paul Babbitt of Corona del Mar CorRmunity Congregatio\t- al church. \vhUc Rev. Herbert Roth of Newport Harbor Lutheran church wu named vice-president and chalrma.n of special eventi. Ml\S. CHARLES MOSllHAN OK"IDE""°' Natal Anniversary <Maxwcn Brenneman Photo) ,_ ~ v-ic..,..,.. old, will pl&)' the role ol U.., bo)' =.:~~~~-~~~ 8-ter1, rollkklng corned)' ol Yu- catan. to open Woctn-y at the Padua HiJUI Theatre. I UtUe Jc»e will be remembered for hit ~nt.ed portrayal of, lhr child. · Panchito; In the Mexican Player8' famed · Chrt.tmu' drama, l ' .• "Laa Pa.adN," for the ,put two years. . ~>-;-. • Willi Vida AJIWt,. &ad Carloo Licon playing the romanUc ... roles, leading charaet.er part. wtll be taken by Fn.nclaco Veluquez, J-. O"lle8o an~ Concbita Gal- lardo. , Interpolated ln the action or the mel'.Tf 11lage play, lo be pre~nted in the Engllah language, will be • the beautiful jara.na dancca and ·engaging songs of Yucatan. W ith the Jamacla poet-curtain carnival in the patio, and the Thu~ay evening fo:Yer programs featuring mariachi mUAlc lo be continued, "El Galllto" will be .!laged Wednesday through Sat· urday evenlnga, and ·Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, through August 18. Mesa Homemakers Hear Abo~t}Camp Costa Mesa ..Jlomemaiter8 Club and the> BeaCon Belle1 gathered recenl)y for a joint potluc~ lunch- eon in the Coela Mesa P'l!l.rk. Of especial Interest were the report.5 and pic turea preeenttd by mem- bt>rs attending the Farm Women'11 Camp at Forest Home. . Betty Nichols gave a report on the county committee meeting. A film was shown under the aua- pl ces of t he American Cancer So· cietY, followed bY a dlscuBBlon led by Dr. Mildred Wehrly of Santa Ana. A complete-cl layette f o r a Navajo baby wu turned ln to tht' county chairman. Election 'or of· ficers for the coming year resulted in the choice of Paullne Mlthott as ch.alrpi&{J of the. Homemakers: Betty Nicho.,!I, vice chairman: Em· ma Poupart. itecretary. and Ethel Sherman. treasurer. The n e x t ff'gular meeting will be heJd In September. Any Homemaker williJi,g to as- sist in th<' booth at the Ora.ngt> County Fair is uked to please call Betry Nichols. CARPENTERS AUXILIARY New officers of the Carpenters' Union Auxiliary No. 216 will be Installed Satu;day, July 7, at 8 p. m . In the American Legion Hall, Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, rec· tor of St. James· Episcopal church, WM appointed chairman ot the "United Every Member Canva..u," the Religion in American Llfe pro- gram. An ofter gTe&Uy appreciat- ed wt., that ot the Y'• Men's club offeri.t\g to help churches with their summer youth progn.n\a. Co8ta Meaa. ~f: ~~~~:.:~~~r.0~.~~,:~ Barbara Ries-Charles Grande Rites . ~ ~N c!=~: :~~': .. and ~~~!:c:~..:·~~~lad~;7' .i!:. G"1ven-·l:ovefr Sett·1.ng · al · St" -Jam· e· s ~=-"'.'~~~ ~:p':',"' "~·~~,;;,~ ;; 21n8g, t 0 ovre:_:eteun-dtoayK 0 lre••.•.e before go-1 · • .~ach rcc_•_n_t_ly_.____ HOME ntJM Df!~k ,., Denver, Colorado Springs and The Fourth of July holiday will A lovely bride wu dark halrt'd,.__ MOlTNTAlN 'VACATION other poin ts we re ·on the travel To Olve Awanla be 8pent by Alyn in Los Angeles dark-f'yed Barbar& Roberts R ieA, to Sequoia and Yoaemlte National Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crawford of itinerary of Mr. and Mn. Ellward wtth his sister Bart>&ra and hi.! daug~ler or Mr: and Mn. B<-rrell parks. She wa.s gradu.ated from Coau. Mesa left recently by motor Carr and son Dick of Hamilton mother may entertain later for R. Ries of Huntington Beach when Occidc>ntal collegt" and la a mem-for a vacaUon In the Rocky Moun-St., Costa Mesa, ju.et back from a Go Santa Fe io Oiiago, where there iJ big-city c>:citcment day •nd night. Or if you arc iii • lazy v•ca.tioning mood, stop a off ot &ny of the delightful vocation attractioru along the scenic Sant• Fe route. Grond .Fred Ha.rvcy meals ... grand service ... grand sightseeing. There'' .Iways more to sec, more to enjoy, when you go Santa Fe. IAIL AUTO SERVICE ~~ Travel by Santa Fe iostead of driving and sav~ days for fun at your destin.atjon. Whe.o you arrive., have a. We-model a.r waiting for you to dtive. Then~ in restful comfort on the tttin. Your Santa Fe ticket 1.gcnr will arrange rbe details. irn auromobile from a Heru Rail -Auto ~on will be waiting when you arrive. Rena.I Tates a.re low, and several persons can ride for the cost of one and share the npcosc. Hertz stations are loared in nearly every luge ciry o.nd popuhr resort .,.., Ask your Santa Fe agentJor information. • C. D. LINDSEY, r. P.A. IDJI E. 4tti St., f'tlon• IU'"b_,.ty J.5JS4 or S.nt• f.e o.yot. 91:1,,,berly l~ SANTA ANA, CALIF. • ., • " I High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1i6t6 The council voted two ye&rlJ' award! for the "Churchman a.nd Churchwoman of the Year." This will take the form of a plaque and will be presented on Reform&· Lion Sunday, October 28 ot thilll year. .. ... , .. h im if she recovers sufficiently ~he repeated vows with Charles ber of Beta Phi Delta sorority. talna. vacatio~ outing. from her two weeks of "flu ." A MOASma.n Grande, 800 of Mr. and Mr. Grande, a graduate of Stan· ----------------;,:-. -:--:-.;__-:-:-----,.-----~..:..-----------------------~--­ gnduate of Harbor H i and lle'C· bfrs. Lloyd Gr~de on June 23 ln .l ford university, is a member , of Each mlnlSter p&rtlclpating in lhe N rwport Council of Churches may nominate a man and woman from hla church, an outline of ac- tlvttlc!I to be presented with the nomination. Theee will include contributions to local c hurch and ond ye.ar student at OCC, he La a St. Jame11 EpLM:opal church. 1 Theta Chi fraternity. real golf enthbiant" *'4 ill JitJ.ing Barbara was given by her fa· M~mbers of Los 'c:omtsa.neros, junior riding chlb of the harbor area, will participate with other ridlng gToups In the •7th anntull Orange County Fourth of July. pa· rade to be staged in Huntington Beach. the idea of parting from his clubs. thc r in 811 eight o'clock !i!lng.le -tlqg RIDERS IN PARADE ceremony performed by the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, rector of the THll BLOODMOBILE U N IT will be at the American IAicton HalL 15th and Bay Ste., Newport Beach OD duly 19th, 3 to 'J p. m. church. Hf'r bridal gown wu of ,-------- Bi8SV.'' ( delicate wbite lace and net, the lace appltqued in irregular scallops on the net yoke of t he fitted bodice and lopping the verY full flar<'d net sk1 rl, posed over a 11atln slip. Hc>r fingertip tulle veil wu held by a Juliet cap of lace and her bouquf't was of whit e orchids and stephanotis: A single strand of pearls completed her ensemble. Main of honor, Joy Witwer and bridf:'smaids Kathf'rine Achey Cue and Patty Cockrell Schryer. were gowned alike in lime green organ- za. Contra.sting note wu their nosegays of shell pink. HARBOR AREA · QvJ 11,coid hew4 • IN All NYLON A TOTALLY NEW APPROACH TO FIGURE CONTROL Only thrtt ouncft of fabric Kimtifically dnis-1 to lift .. , tupport ... fl111m the abdomiin. control the lhl9ht and contour the fipe. ' Tho t«ret ft In the potmttd Bowrfy v...., dal9n and con11111Ction ... the ... •y• , ,shaped front poNI. ,, "-'"-' l4rdl< .. pan<I< ....... Nylon ltno IMtft. nylon ..,,,.,,.., ................. Land .-RY·- '""" -nylon ............ INdc. $8.50 Richard Coletti was beat man and uBhers were Alan Rlea, broth- er of the bride and Robert Miller. Shell Pink Tbeme F'loral setting of th.e church was carried out In s hell pink. only note of .,~:hite being the altar vues of . gladlnll. Elsewhf're, mingling with ~rf'en(•ry lo twine the many tall sR.nctlutry candelabra. In the chanc1•l boXl"M and caught wtth pink satin bow3 to pew ends and candelabra of the center aisle. wcrE' a n1yrald of ~ladloll, Elether Troop So. '1 %nd Grade Brown.lee 1 ~r: Mrs. Broox Hoyt Browntea of Troop No.· 7 · coll1"' pleted their year'1 aclivtliea with a visit to Knott.a Berry t.rrn: with all 17 members attending .• li"lne oooperaUon and 11teady attendance at meetings have . matrked' th~ year's activities. Their \ea.ders .a.r.e Mr5. John Shield, Mr& Bull Wil- lhtmson, and )fri . B"'OX •H<1yt. Ne xt fall Mrs. William H erndon wtlJ take Mrs. Sh.feld'a 'place and a well rounded prbgraro. Maed on Indian lore 11 planned. ~ Re1'd dall'lie.11 and stock In palest r Trntp No. 6 pink. eVf'ft the canva.s of the a lsle 6th Grade Scoub l'>eing in the same !Iha.de. LraMr: Mn.. Malcolm, &rcb.lbokl. During the mll81cal prelude -~ Kitty Cast> sang, "O Perfect'Love" Girls of Troop ?iio. ~·held their !lnd a.s the C"ouple knelt on satin cl0&ing mtttlng ln June, all r-e- cushions before the altar, "The celvlng their 2nd clau and cooking Lord's Prayer." badge11. To the mother8 aUendlng Guc>sl.8 were received in the the par"', t.he g'frla Rtv~ pU,nc.b i>&ri.sh ho~e. A..68Ulting were Mrs. &nd cookies and caJ<ea made from Ri es. molher of the bride, Cbann-their fa\'orlte recipes. •Aeling" n lng In IK'&fo&m gTttn chiffon over Big Sister for Troop Nd. 30, •th tafreta. with shell pink acceuories I grade B1"9Wnlea. cOmpleled their a.nd pink orchid corsage. Mrw. year'• work. Mn. Kenne:Ui Ker~ Grande chose a amart combination rtarn la co-leader. • • • • . of citron taffeta with cinnamon acceaoriea. a.nd brown a.od ~ orchld corsage. \ T'"!> No. II Sn! 0-lkvw-, , ( ......... Mn. -eoi:r.. • -n... 12 Browntea· flnllb..S. tile tolden: oJ t.hetr yu.z' Work ·and clooed tllelr , acu.iU.. . wtUJ '8 eVty -plcnlc In Imne Park cm June 11. · . "' .· • • II • ' -- • ' • . ' t /• ' • • With a Servel Gu hfrigenitor, there's DO ' • J • No moving ,.rt1 to wear out~' ~ no.machinery. Tl"l tinr gas Same io die '" ' freeziiig Sysaom mikes ice and cold , .• t · · ' · moving puts thac wear out and make ..Oi8t. , ii why Servel 1caro silent and 1a1t1 longer. YI* • yean of proteaJOtl· when you buy a Senti lltftigenitor. . · · ' ' . And long oa worranty-10 yeari . w~ you -the .ei&ht models, you'll... • Servel is LONG on beauty. When you lotilc :ii you'll ~ It LONG J!"' ~ "°!'-_ · • more ltOragt IJ*2. , . more fioaa ~ sPM'* •• I that'11at••'-And nen !owe< prlcal Set m, · · . at dealers' or yow Gu Company, ud ~ Senel Gu. Jld'<itenitor -n. I '" \'. I . hp•,;,. frNW I Nolloe -me.,_ I ...... Slt-ttt........ "iii.1 --·----.. ·.., 1,. owa .ioo..·ni. J.aiW< ...... will llold . • ' .ssSp 04, .... ~ .. .... ama.,,,,., r ......... c .. .-............. ;. ';. 1 . . 1 • • ' I ' • -,J • • I I .. • \ • • • ' P~ge~~:.;.~;:-~..:.---;~~-:-'.;;:!'.'.;;:::7-~::-:;--"""j:;-·-:---:--::-~~~--:;;--;-~·~'~-;~~-:'~~-=~~~~ ·Hn ~tions • . , ... r. 1Jair0ld lt. Grauel Chapel ,._, •r111•: Nit ~ • Course. at s & .IC fta On.-I n'tr -......... fo\J bis w II' 1tW m-I' C A Depe h "'e JANI t. Ml M• -.Otto l'orV y ..,. .~ to °""' t1111r oe1111 tllit ..... Ill • 1121;,, ~ - · ' -~-S 'CoUep tralD"'I' fM a~ lllo a-, -'f to W i ......U.....,,.J:T017 ._,._..; Ne~ 11 /1•. Clollfo;,,.. mWWY J>O""nntl oW cl.Ujal!jl p-Qlir ...... lllo _, _. ! br t11e Nn'POll'I' BARBO& P1111L188Dm i°'*'A.NY ::11 ~;>.'!..-::1 !"ie:.•C\ftu~'::.~ ~ ~:i ... ~1•11111• "" , • Ir o..we ember of cALD'Olll'lli NHSPAi'ER ,111n.1-,a a RB ASS'N. ""°"a OOUl'9e In "Applied Buman Jb..,, Of u.., .._ ......., Md 11 .1 I ( • , , ... ___ M_e_m_bor_:..;.of_:.l.be_:.1'_A_'TI_O_~..J~..;L.,.·.,.;~;-:.il'l'Oll_,.,_l1'..,.-U-~-...L.--TI-O_N ___ . ::!~o~;;: al Santa Ana m.-11-~ I.lie ~ W Cll.WAJlllWll otnce .,.d Prinllnl' ~t '•t.m11,Bollioa Boulnard Meeting eae11 Mo...s.yl Ind -b7 :J:......,........ .,..,. wtl11 fttlll-_. '!'Ill i Tele~~ 11.11" TlluncWY """" T to 10 JI. m. In ~..:. ... to~ In •u·,111 .. ,. 'l'l'M .... st•. ~ .. Bul1dJnc tt, the new coune wtU ,,..;: ~ .wt a ,:.~-1~ °"-~ a!wl. Eaterod as Second-<:tus Matter.at lh• Poltottlce In Newport Beach, be lnllf)lol'ld by Dr. Han\Uton u.. dallJ' _..... teol llM! _,. Al's Houee 6 ·Rug ~ SURE-INSURE • f" ~ , I -' . llAtlJllll llTA!IUIY. I f 1&-. ...... ._ • . __, \.-.., = ....... 1'1' --~ ........... ...... • ca11fo!ll1a under the Act of March s. um. ,,_,., lflafl t11n1ce1 peycllofoslot ._Of....,._..,~ mu· Cl · i ~Co • ·~w·no •. IAB.~. • Edl~r al tlle Lon.--Veurena Ad· lltlalll, -··· -~· maM· ean ng ' . MATnlJ'SllP _.., _... T ....... -au-. ,..... minlatratton h...-1tal. ' •• lkietl Rcrilrs Tn.llera' J . M. FRANCIS: Buslnell:s~ Mana,.er .... .,.. ct...-. ...,...... and anlm&l •11 a• 11U Tltto Formerly an lndualrial •ftl'laeer, uta·...S OCMr otqe "*laity f•a· .,..,.... _,.. • < ~".._. lo PublW. u-• Nott ... and Ad,..,rt..._n,. nf all Kl -Dr. ~~y haa done work In OC· -• j F V ti BJ' ds U!A<JO,~ -1 .,._.:::::=--::.:...:.:.:..:_::::.:::..:_=:::.•-....:. ________ _:_~---cupaUonal analyaht Ind per.o..,.el TllGM In-.d.ould contact Or ene &n m ' C0ota -Mait.-0o. stJllS<'lllPTION .JLll.'l'll81 reoe&"'h for the Bell A!n:.-.ft Cor-JOL w-ot lanta Ana. man· Shade11 and Drapery R~. 1ue N-..n · 111..i. NEWPORT-BALBOA NE\\'8-TDIJ'll ~ TwN1 'J' porallon at Marietta, Ga. -of -lal evenlo at the' THE SHADE SHOP 1•-;;;:::;:::;::::;;;:::;:::;:::;::::::;:::;~j I~ Orup County, S3.M por :r<Vl f%.M tlix -· St.15 ·~-Acconllng to Miu Margaret Oranp _,.1:y fair crounda tor 88' if -nth• \Aho lnelu-th• NEWPOAT·MIJIOA P}IEI!& 'l'lourwdaJ') Wotton, heed of .i ..... for uni· alldlU... and 'pro~ oc:hedule. ll'ree elltimatetl P h. Har . ~ • OutAld• o""'ll'" (Jouaty ~~per _. .. ...ity extenalon In the Soutllern Ad4roll of •Jll• flir 'VoUnda, lo-514 . 29th St. Newport Beach ===::::======:;:::;=:;:;::;:;:;:;::;:::;:;:::;======== CalltomJa area. l.he bwnu rel•· cated Oil Ule former· Santa Ana lions clua wu orpnlzed 'at the Ai'm1' AJr Bue, la 203tl Newport i-equ .. t of the •enlor training 1u-Blvd., OOota Men. Clllf. Phone i.1 ;1;:2:;....~.Bu=lld=J=nl'-"S..=rylcell'-'·"'·=---·-· pervlaor. induatrlal relation.a de· KJmberly S-1216, INTSIUOR _ &X'tiDUOR • S.S. UNITED STA~ A beautiful ship with a . nAJile that haa come to· mean .Ometll~g In the past '175 YeJll'S waa chriatened Saturday at ·Newport News, Va:. The S. fl,. United States .atands blgh partment, U. S. Marlne Corp• Air Station, E l Toro, Santa Ana, lJut .. ~ AIN'TING it la also delligned to m<et civil· ' N, Y, • N. I. J:'IONIO Ucmlf~ . ..:: INltJ1lm> ' . Ian n••<b. Moro Ulan .• thoupnd peroon• Glenn Johnston The st-au will contJnue for l<t froin n.rloua point.a tn Southern ·-• ll-Bt.' ...,_ .... Blaell in the 1'1Lter. She is a slender slliP fore or _aft, a long ship meetl.np at the college. Callfomla a.re exp«ted to attend '1¥4 ... .. ....... _.-. the New York and ~ New JerMy Barbor 1297.J U M8 abeam. She suggests spe'ed. She baa a sharp clipper bow &!id two huge streamlined _stacks crowned With red, white ajid blue. She thrilled spo:ctatora who came to the ceremony and her beauty will thrill all . who meet her ·on the high sea.. . ' The Fedt>ral Security Acency has acquired a new loca.Uon ln With this ship this nation is back in .the speed com· Santa ~ for lhe Social Security jletitiori in the i'>tlantic-reminiscent of the 80's when the Adml•latraUon'a Field Office of St. Louis,· the New York. the Saillt Paul and the Philadel· ~~ B1%":,'~.:':eOld Age and Survl· phia of the old American Line ·competed with the Cunard· Ga'.rrett w . Llat. Manager of the ei-s in bringing immigrants to this. country &.nd carrying Santa Ana. office, annOW'lced to- jolllt annual plC!\ic tp be held at Blaby Park, Lons Seacll . all day sunaa,., July Ith. An ouutandlnr; two hour variety p1"0(1'8Jl'l •tartln1 at l :00 p. m. wtlJ feature the avent and will be open. to the ,ceneral publJc. Re(iatratlon 1heeta .wtll conventenUy placed where all may rq'Wtu and make It euy to meet friencb trom the old home-el8tl'. Lunchel may be purchu('d on lhl' gl'Ounda by thole whq do not bring t>t"k•t dlnnero. _ DON K. BUTTS Lio. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon . M08·W lTUc Gl!:T RID OF ALL ANTS A aand nea1 penn&nl"ntly with one application -Fr('f' esttm~t.-. Harbor Oll89-J. S8pt0 day that starting July 2. the of· trivelers abroad. The S • .S. United States will carry the nee of the Bureau of Old·Age and WILL DO h k · tat wt yo_u UCIAL NOTICI $Ame hou~ flag. · Survlvo.-. Inaurance wUI be iooat-want done _ Ja of· all Th · 'peed f th U 'ted Slat d h · h 'II 'I" at 810 N. Broadway In Banta -------------! tradea-m' a1'ntenan e work. e s o e nJ es an ow s e WI Ana. Tho telephone numbers are . bee k u· All h h ,. CERTlFIOATJ' OF CESSATION Have tools and mIX· era for achieve 1t have n ept a. m 1tary secret. t at as Klrnberly 2-7272 and 2-7271. Tll• ov llU8JNJ'88 lTNDER any J'ob. been announced is that she will do about 30 knots. It . is office aervea rellidentJJ of Orn.nil" n Cl'ITIOl 8 FIR'.\l NAME . County. It la open to the public CaU -BILL Beacon 6451-W believed there is some,thlng new about her propulsion. It Monday through Friday from 8 ,80 The underlll.-ned doea hereby 38clll may be that for the first time since that .. rio.'! of 70 years a. m. to • :30 p. m. certify thal •he la ••ulnr; to con· , . . _ Bu duct the bu.ineu of employment M ago she w. ill bring back the. mythical blue ribbon for the • ne reau of Old-Ar;e and Sur-M H. H. HO ROOK · '-f vivors tnaurance Field -'ttice U· apney, under the LlClitioUI flrm fastest crosaing-now held by the great queen~ of Great •••'-" claimant.. In filing appllca· name of Nl!:WPORT HARBOR DEPENDABLE PLUMBING Britain, the Mary and the Elizabi.th. Uon1 for retirement eod survtvon IDIPLOYMICNT AGEN'CY, at A Prompt So th. k th t t to peed t• · Insurance aa provided by the Fed· llOO% Eul Bay Avenue, Balboa, Repalr S.rvlce Maintained m.e may Jn a our re um 8 compe 1tion eral Social Security Act; iuuea California, on and an:er June 4, Phone: Harbor lfla.W ia in the twilight of the ocean liner-that the blue ribbon new and duplh:ate Social Security 1831 : that Mid firm wu compoa-2801 Balboa 8ivd., Newport Beach n ed of Gl&dy1 Lanclla. of '505 % Eul ada. for the four-daysroesing is unin1portant when planes make Account umbers for worker1, and Bay Avenue, Balboa CalUomia; WLN people do read ~e :.. · I th 2• h B t t ·1·t · · · the self-employed who a.re now r ---------'----'" 1n ess an -z: ours. u recen . m1 1 ary expenence IS 1 covert"<\ by the law: and uailt1t that Kid buaine• wtll hlreatter S & N ll a relI\inder that the day of tbe ship i~ not over-and that employero and ernployeea In secur-be eonducled by Mro. Joanne ympSOn 0 ar Briggs. of Santa Ana, Cali fornia. p AINTING & DECO RA TING a great ship. a fast ship that can carry & division (20,000 1n1 1nronnaUon concerntn1 the WITNESS MY HAND thi~ 4.th men) to an.rshore of the world and retum without refuel-Flted.ral Program of Social Sccur-day of June. 1951. • "The Best Money Can Buy" J y 512 • 38th St., Newport Beach ing is of national importa.nc~ in giving the announc err\ent Mr. GL~DYS LANDIS PRONE HARBOR 2404 . The United States was· christened a.mid controversy-List said the new ofriCe at 810 N. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 9s. 13~/c . . Broadway ls on the ground noor COUNTY-OF ORANGE ) a controversy that. regardless of the merit.a. WU bound to ror the convenience of lhe public . On tht. 4th day of Jun@, 1951, anse m a period when private enterprlae 18 a ,,ood I term Many elderly 1people who are re-before me. HARRY: 1ASHTOl'f, a and subsidy a bad te. Despite the controvery the building qulttd to come to the Field Office Notary Public In and for the 9'1d {. bl 'h . . . ; · hM'e complatned, In the pa.st, County and State". residing lher<'in , o t s 8 Ip JS an . chtevement in which the Nation can about the neceutty or climbing duly commlMinn~ and !'Worn. t&fc:e pride. America cannot only construct skyscrapers and !!'l&lra to get to the office formerly peraonally appeared GLADYS atom bombs but-a bit belatedly it may 00.:-it can build a located at Room 232. the Seeond LANDlll. known to me to be tho • 1 • • and Broadway Building tn S&nta per.on whoet> name la subscribed sh1p to compele with any from any port. Ana. The office In the new toca~ to th<' within in!l!trument anct ac- • • tion wtlt eliminate thf' hazard or knowll"dged to mt" that she t'X· the atalra. Anyone desiring lnfor-ecutf'd the .11ame. IN \VITNESS matlon concerftiog ~e F~eral 1 WHEREOF. I have hereunto set Social Stturlty Act, ehould go to my hand anc1 affixed my official the office at the nt'w addreM. se&l the day and ye•r In thl3 C<"r· S. P. Anonymous . Club Formed .. llflcate first above WTitlf'n: HARRY ASHTON My CommiMIOn Expires 1.-fey 18. 1953. No. 216~News.Times Pub. 6/12·19-26/7/3/:;\ · PAINTING, ' EARL SHEF'LIN :rrs PaJuier Bl .. Costa M- BeL 11457-M 84<:9 14-Personals Alcobolica Anonymollll Write P . 0 . Box 2o:5 Balboa loland, Calif. Phone Kimberly 3·a393 15-Share Your Car \\' A1''TED -Ride to Anaheim Monda.y lhru Friday. Harbor 0786·J. 3501 Finley, Nrwport B('a;ch. as~o ' ~!!~f£'o=~~ .. THE PRICE WE Ml]ST PAY • JULY FOURTH C.llll~n1e<I Statrmmt of Condition ]11n~ 30, 19,1 a11ouac11 Casli i• Va•lt ltUI i• la11b • • • ; • U•~d State GoYentmtat ot.li9atio111 • • . . • • • . . • • • • • . ,. • r ft $1,lSl, .. 7,521.56 l,455,0U,l12.'6 00.60,117.41 297,6'6,]75.21 l..Nat 1114 Discttmb • ; ; ; : ; • • • • l ,3'9,0St,010.11 51)24,521.59 • • • t C:•hmtf'I' U"ility • Lettm of Crtclit, etc. : 1'2,69],724.1 2 l6,5H,7'7.Sl J'XOJ'LLENOJ' la UPHOJ.8TEllY • • • KIMMONS ' c.i .. .,.. '1mtt+vN. lk•'9fJe•, Cwrfltlotu 11.ACON 54» 0$ I. 17t91 STlllT, ~OSTA MUA • -• '• ''* .&. •• ,_ • • ' BALBElA 'tUtoRiNG SCHodL OWERS -I. A SIX WEEK SESSIOS IN ELEMENTARY & HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS I 8:00 A. M. TO 1! !100N roLV !nd TO .~UOUST 15th THE EBELL CLUBHOUSE, BALBOA I I F OR J!\'F-ORMATIOS, \l'lUTE 820 SARCISSUS, COROSA DEL MAR or Call ~ -·W . , FOR REAL 8ATl8FAl)TIOY IN SHAµ. BOAT & MOTOllS I • , , ·INSURED. SAVINGS C:UIUNT · IAINING$ ' Per Annum TOTAL llSOUICIS I ; $7,021,544,397.67 • /~ ----' ·/ • . ' t • Fo1111~ "'''','""" • 'l'llJ' llLOODJIO._. 1J N I 'I lie aitloe -i......, .... I.Siii ... llo7 I~ N .. ...,t --l lllF ltt ... lo\, .... I . . • • • • ' . • • • • LtAalLITll-1 • • • . . . • • • $150,000,000.00 166,000,000.00 < UMitWHPN!iln Ma-'7.I00,'61.71 TOTAL ~:~'I. FUNDS • • • • I • MIJ,100.-71 ..... fw i...i.-; •• ; : 40,521,lSl.65 i~4 • • .• $J,l,,,Al2.772.ll t "'2•••11m;i.1 ~..1r ... J,916,tM,9S7.41 i IJoloilly ... {.;..,} tf Ctffit, of<. ; ; ; • • 1.l1'JJl,nut '".>9t.MJ.n ·-..r ,,. T • I • • • ~,N ..... .._, ·~ ... ...... ~ etc. • • • • • • .... .-.. --'-'-- TOT AL LIAl!LITlll ; i $7,021,S44,S97.67 Jlol1'o#«< ii ·--Cll/n f{CM'fo<• Mii llUllCIKO • IOI ...tut • . j ,....-, ,,,,..,,.,,, C.Ufors/:a • 911n,.., -..tH c L••JH, llfl••ll-, ,....Yl•trtw4~• a' t;.c;... • 4 • J • 1 J ' ,----• -..... ...----..-..--.---.. ... J-...... ·- ' I J. ' . .. Tu.lday, July 3, t9Sf -• 1. - ' By MARGO · • THAR SHE BLOWS! A PIRATE 8HJP UNDER• FULL RI001NG1 MAYBE THE FLYING DUTCH· MAN! Vera WUllama bas a very old, ve_ry tabulou1 (ripte ..Utnc her mantel W1f1er the Fren.c.b · fl&&! 'n\e Patlo Book Stall Gift no; nu other rare Item.I u well! The new shipment of Italian' ware ahouJd interest you. There are gay mup, anack •la and in· div1dual dishes. And better thumb thn1' the boOk 1talls. Vera has a sale of old and new books . . • \.. 1 unusual fiction and non-rtctlon al 79e 8t"h. List now • to inalde dope to visltors: 'nle Patio Shop la the place t.O glam onto intef't'.sting and qua.int gtn1 from all nattona. (Cbri1tmu I• comtns.) This little continentally flavored shop also bout• an Art Gallery. .· FIE~. Hewpcin ._;. ~ ::11i1111ei1 .W. _ _.,.. Ill U. hsnllJ' H...,_;«'lllo-1'; PIW ~Alt••Lnml J All ~~ ... """"' ... ..,. 1 ... °""' ..... _ ., ..... ·- ' ,,,. 1 Paper •• "15 j ' L.,es I <Papen LG0 4 lhee a Papen 1.00 The publlahoro will not be --e for 111<n U.O onal lncolNCt in.llrtloo of o.n o.dvutJo<mant, '"°"" the rtpt to correcUJ dullf1 any &Ad all ad8 and to l'flject any adwrtiMment not contormlnc to rulu o.nd rqulallono. Advertl:lemanta and cancolt.U.... will .,., accepted up to 8 p .m. on the day .ptteedinc publlcaUoo. P!I. ·Ba.r. 1111 Pbn11e Rar. 1e1( uk tw "'Ad Talc.et" or 8Md. 114 l.Dd ftllllttanee t• .NEWPOll:r HAJIBOB PUJIUSHJNO CO. 1111 llalllaio lllM.. N""11Grt llMcb, Olllfoml&. Paintings are by famed ca.tifornia art.iBt.a, and you'll dlecover a fine • collection o! rare prints. You can suit your fo.ocy and money bell I -More Classified OD Pag~ 4 and 6 - .with paintings rrom $3 to $600. Go look! Browsing ts fun and all!IO free at the Patio Book Stall ~ Glft 8bopt 313h: Marine, Balboa lsle. 1 • • • · · 2t-Loat 1!11\1 Found WHO SAID, "SUPS DON'T COUNT't" Well, whoever said It. . take tt back at once! If your alip Isn't 8howing th.Js sea!IOn, it ·won't I LOST-Black le&tber bill fokl ln- be Lee Slroup'1 ·fault! The Jo-~ Sport Shop haa just unpacked iUa.led A . E . L. Drtvera llceue, the tinal adjective in· summer ,.martness! This aftaire de couturtere t A.ugu.tt.a Equen Lelmberg,J tri· 28--SltuatlODll Wuted ·. Universal Bµildlng Maintenance . ' • ., ' ......... ,~_i; • ""· l l ' • !!!!!~--IP ..... ~!I!! . ac w·z1rzr. lliiifl " !c !!! !:!!!!!~Be .·. ! MEXIcm BEAcB HATS ·Chrysler.· En~ .. ~8 ' nµ. olWT ~ 8"i4D •· ¥EARLY RENTA.f., tr om '2.lle! In unlllUal 6... 000 and BamJla GfaDd. -~ ., 2 lledmom Apt. atylea and Colon. . qse<I • ;:[' ~ ::..,":;,,X:: • · 'J'urn1llil~dT$18 Ito. Cl!:RAMIC SALT and PEP· 11&n 11p to'two-tldrilai P.AMS-• Call Barbor S45 PERS for collectors, Cr9wns -RC?yals SCHMIDT 'Blc 1'laDo -• · pair, • Banta Alla, 520 No. ~ -· TLU.U-Y-Untumlollecl I .bedim. Dick Knox dinnerware See John-Harvey &th. l ~ 1 rr. old. .Jfo ll'4all 2nda -aervi<:e' for ( $10 USED PIANOS from se;.up. Good cliUdren. Jnqulre 608~ ~IOld. •99 Newport Blvd., 'J. ~:-at Seacraft ·-Corona 4•1 Mar. Rar. 285S0R. ;. Ulllta , playing COD 9 It Io ft. DAn~ . . " , , £40cl2 --· 38p(-O 826 OOkB'I' mOHWAY SCRlllDT, 6t01'lo."~ln. Santa - R --· --Ana, cor. eu.. . • ON THE OCICAN FRON.T • Swim Fins N1l:WPO T ~..... 10. 2 w.elia In July ... d 2 In PH. Blt:ACON"5771 RENT A PIANO Sft 'per month. AUgult. SM per w..it.f Hll We 1Ull liave tl>e good rtlbber IJlel TRUScOTr -" "·•er. 116~ All rent ~·11 you buy With· Seullore Dr!w, Newport Beach. We give BAH Gl'ffft Stamps ~· ·-• tn terma. D~, 820 · · i. ...... 2 Chrysler crown motor--:-2 C"',... Gunderson Drug Co. head, plley, etc. Like new-No. K&ln, Banta An&. I 1 117 Main Street Bargain from own.r. Har: 898. RENT Jc PIANO for CllllJ' ~_per RENTAL i/ Hubo""'515 Balboa · !fc40 month. Rental appllM on fUtme SP·'G]CJA.L.I 34p42 ------------putthue o.t l!HAn:R'S MU· .IC P.uR R. It L. Flagship llO h. P· SIC CO. (Si®e JllO'J) 421 No. c.11 -cn1S loCURPBY unit • 2 gu bumers, engines with reduc. gear. $750. Syco.more, Banta Ana. Kimber· Lm" 'd v· k, tor· link, electric r<"trlgerator, stor-Factory appr.oved Johnson Otlt· ly 2-0812. w~t--IC I ' age cabinet, complete, new. boa.rd. S.lbo& &a1aU4. Bar •. 20d ata6I. never uncrated. $450. Write Box BALllS A SERVICE ....... 12, thill pap<r. '38p40 South Coast Co. !l~to~ T-~. . PENT HO.USE and a rm. cot!tacea. STORE fixture•. prac. new, wall Harbor 2600 Newport Beo.ch ATTRAC'l'IV1ll well Joco.lA!d JI&!• On Collin.s laland _, Sltfc boa otnce tor lawyer, account-Each apt. hu water .. frontap1 calf'S, countera. miec. A..11 havr b Ud bi Aecom. 1. Weal end Park Ave., adjustable •helvea. Bargal.n. call 11 FT. SAILBOAT, Sni'-design. ant, iMUrance, u · e.r, arc • Balboa Island. Hubor 2962-w. owner, Beacon 8990. 39c11 t""" tect. etc. rw7 E. B&1bo& BlYd., 1 .. n.JU. In, perfect cond. Malr:e offer or Balboa. Harbor 1807. 24.Uc rsv.--.: • will trade for outboard and· boat. Lot 25, Municipal Trailer Park, STORE at 91t Cout Blvd.; Corona BALBOA ISLAND summer rent.at Mewport. , · 40p42 del Mar. $TS mo. Phone 1t«r-I &: 2 bdrm "hornet wttb u.e ot is a , re4lJ\l'Ole in cloque pique to be worn skittishly over a ~ham-bama. Eye gl&u presc::r P n Floor Wu:tng-Wlndow Clf'anlng bray petticoat. The mo•l genleel lillle lady will be tncllned to high ' ~ "';ftllden,..:'I~ monoy tn;lde. Wall Wuhtng APRICOTS jinka ln one ot these charmers! The redingotes in white. Pink or 1 ~ rewa t or :t;.m.; ~ur For Buildings, store•, Offic«:B We epecialize in tree ripened ? bor 2DDS.R. f0e4!5 sailboat &: pacSdle board. , navy are designed ta show the flash and nare of a candy striped gueat 1 pz:oper y. • c n-and hemes. Phone Harbor 116. chambray pettillklrt, a while wllh pink detall, or a rurfled slip o! ney. Pb .. Horbor llOS·W. 40c42 · 38p40 ROYAL APRICOTS GOOD BUYS . . ted dotted Swiu. COata a.re s12.9!5 ... petUcoa.t.8 are 16.M-$6.90. •"' 1 -------------for home canning Thue striking r<'l·ups are the famous line or Marjorie Montgomery 2.....SCl!ool • InstnctlGn I 2S-Beln WuW 25 lb. Ill"" and 5 lb. baskets IN SMALL BOA TS Town &: Co1mtr)-" Clothe&. You'll pay the same for these al Jo-t.ee·s ~ a~ .. you would al Bullock'• or Robinson's ... be•ldes culling out the n.rroR~G YOUNG MEN-High school or Hillside Orchard SAILBOATS carbonmonoxlde overhead . .Jo-1.A'f! Sportit Shop. IRS."i s,.,,·port ·"-'·P., Elen1entary rrade teacher wllh • college gn.duatea-~rn up to 22:51 Tustin Ave .• Co,.;ta 1tfesa 20 ft. aux. sloop, xlnt. con. 2 &ult~ C'Mt:t. MPM. yr. Bachelor of Science degree $100 per week 8elllng television 38tfc f sa·1s i:ileepa 2 • $1400 • • • will ·tutor up to four at~nL'I and appllancea In and arolmd 1 22° rt. ~I~ all m~h~~y:· good ··SHE WAS BRED lN OLD KENTUCKY, BUT SHE'S part br all or tl)e aummer; Ph. the Harbor area. ""'"° excellent ELEC. cabinet sewing macbln<', aail.8. alee.pa 2 ...................... $1600 ONLY A CRtn.m OUT HERE." A1J BaJter Bob loudly \ Beac<in em-R. 37c42 · opportuaity for door to dOor. Kayak, elec./Hawa.ilan (Ultar 23 ft. Albatrou. xlnt ra.clrie-record sanl th~ haunting refrain. I could scarcely conceal a sellinr. Rep~~Unc" well Nab-and ampllfte:r auto record 'f $167~ smile. lo.!> a matter or record. there was no v · olin Lessons llshed Coirt.a Meaa. f"\Ml}. Call player . Vt'ndln°g 1 tnachlnes. misc. 24 rL···~~~·.···~i~p:··~;ey···g~ con- place to hide anythin&" in lbe big, imrqaculate bake l 1t{r. GtM!dea. Beacon 5737. 3Scfl Ph. Bea. 6493·J. 38c40 dlUan, nC'w sails, alttps 3 $l860 room at the XP•'pnrf Bak.-ri,·. The place was bursting~ Public achoo! mu.sJc .,,t.u.cher ha1 25 tt. aux.' sl.Oop, very good con- wtth activity! The Dutch bread was rl.!ing In the oHpenlnl for a 1 1 rlnew vloallln 1 blpupflla. COMPTOMETER OPERA~R.S-PAl1.r: .. ~~ .. P1'~M~a~·~N~1 .~.lgh~~ ditlon, sle<'ps 2 .................... $ll50 proot box. ovens were rotating with chocolate chlp cookies. the ave l\\·o ·v o a av a e or Four experienced need Imme· u ru15o .. Dollygia.nt mixmasler waa throbbing. The heady, spicy a.ron1a or student ttse. Ph. ~a. 6376·R. dlately for seasonal work. Apply torlcal relic&; convertffi from banana nut cake Vifd with the fragrance or devil's food and chip-37cf2 to Penonnel Department, Coun· oil to clec. Chrome. Laguna POWER BOATS peel almonds. Gold layer cakes became yellow lngol.!I before my eyes. ty of Orange. &44 North Broad-Beac h. 4-4:W3. 40p4'.? Remembering my early training at Miss Harelips on the H1id~n . I Wbe people do read .the ads. way. Santa Ana. 38c40 l.f ft. launch, 18 hp Gray, new canvaa cover, good cond. '550 I!> ft. runabout, :> hp outboard gamely rou.ght back the drool! And bere a word to cake eaters: You can check Sali\•ary Glands by· ordering a cake by phone for your 128--Sltuatlons Waated next birthday party, top-bat hoedown or &hucking bee. s.-"·port • W.A.1'~ -Part time bookkeep- eT'-.aeeretary, ~{es.a. Theatre, Bea. ~171 . 38c40 BakP!"}'. !I I! ()('oren Front, Harbor 1-14.!·~ 1 dayi;i a "'N"k. EXCELLENT COOK ii:. nur!'JC • • • Mgr. houaekeeper tor one or two AND.<\ T'JRF.ROS! YOU SHALL RECEIVE 2 ears and lhe tail ot el Vacbo! 't..ovely ladies \\•i ll pelt you v.·ith paper roses and hlth heeled pun1ps. ln short, a tficion.ados or excellente Mexican food will fuwn at )'Ollr feet If you shO\\" them the way to CaAa don f'atlD": Altho. thla bright llltlt! bistro ls tucked a.way on a side street. a v.•ell·bealen path and a (ragrant aroma lead lo this house ot savory reputation. Here the modest tortilla becomes & glortfled enchilada or a taco, the pink beans turns into frijoles re.tritoa muy sabrosa! The beer is cold and prices are bargain basement al the Casa ddn Carl°' Oinneni are 95c up or You may order !!Ma ca.rte. 113 22nd street, Newport. Har. 263B·M. Dally 5-9., Sat~. 5-10. Closed Tlte."I. • • • "RF.ADS on T.4.ll .. ~~.. RAID HARR y , "NEITHER. VQU PIRATE!" I SHREWDLY RE· PUEO ... 1·11 TAKE "THE MIDDLE." Always re- member, fellows th~l the nUddJe ot the t18h ls the best. That·s 'A"hJ' It costs more. Now take Swordfish . . . tal(e &11 you caJf' get.· ~ aay:. adult.a. References. PleUe write Box H2, this paper. 3Sp4-0 EXPERIENCED hotf'1 maid would like' 3 days a werk motf'I or hot<'I work. Ph. Beacon 6914-W, .... 39p<t 1 FINE lROmNG will call for and deliver. rNo houaecleanlng). \\'ANT MAlD tor Ken Niles Ville · 1tfarina. $1 hr. Phonr Har. 1800. 39cil WANT 01iddle aged couple for light work In f'Xchange tor apt. and salary. Man can be employ- ed e i.twhere days. Pleue ln- clude phone number in t.'f'plyinJ! to Box J 2, this paper. 39c.fl H!'lp with dinner partit-8. Phone . \VAN'r pxpe.rtenced. woman for Afrs. Williama, Harbor 1.595 be· C'OOkinr a.ad pnera1 houac work. forr 10 a .m. or aftPr 6 p.m. Live In or out. RcfrrenCf'S. Ph. 38p4(l H.a.rbpr 888-J. 40c42 ------------HOUSE\VORK or Waltr('M. Orange, COflla Mesa. Ph. con aoM~M. 17M Bea· <Op GIRL 18 or ovf'r as nursemaid, part time, 11Vf' out, call Harbor 2'189-w . • °"' 2 • . -- DEXTER DBL. washing machine, only a couple year& old. Beauti- fully kept and in· top condition . A real bargain at $50. Ken Nile!!. Ph. Harbor 1968. 39c41 .............................................. $300 16 ft. runabo~t. hopped up jeep motor, 40 mph ..................... $760 EILEEN B. RICHARDSON RICHARDSON'S Bayside Dr. YACHT ANCHORAGE Har. 369 PHILCO REFIUGERATOR 1951 . . modC'l -that big 9 cu. ft. model SHORE MOORING -North Bay and has the cross top (rcez('r front, Balboa I21land. Ph. fl&r. chest-nice keeper for meat and 2910-J. 39c41 cri.lper for vegetables. A butter l&-FT. RO\V BOAT and mooring kt>eper and other reatur€'a. Bal-for ~le or wi11 t'XChange {or an('e I OY,.e on it la only $188.36 box trailer. 501 . S4lh St., New· -cash or take payment.a of port Beach. Har. 2~29-\V. S8p40 $10 . .57 P"r ma. My equity tree . .L Sec at -1<M So. Spadra, F\lllerton, K'ELSON KRAFT bo&t -14 ft. I 9 a. m. - 8 p. m. Ph. 21r12. 40c42 cover, steering whM?l, light, A-1 condition. $347. 20 Beacon Bay. LIDO BALBOA · NEWPORT R E N T A L s A ,PTS .. • CORONA DEL HAR -1 It 2 bdrm reiitals, SM week A: up." Phone Harbor 1520--J. 35p40 BEDROOM FOR RENT In eo .... ona del Mar or wU Marie my homE' to laciY or gOod chlll&Ctet: Phone d&}'B Har. 2802-W 01" eve. Ha.r. 222~MK. 38p40 Also Large trailer ~-. $16 trio. l'Ml Pomona, Costa M.-,. Be&.. 6747·:!--38c40 APT. in Beacon Bay, tumlahed complete. No J>fls, summer or yearly. Ph. Harbor 0546. l3Sc-10 NEWLY tumiaht'd apt -Sleeps 6-':1 blk to bay swirb.mtng bea,ch. 1300 W. Balboa 'Blvd.; phOnE' Har. 1332-R. 39c44 2 BDRM unturntah~ house, year- ly rental, ~ mo. 605 -38lh St., Newport &ach. 38c:40 • • Summer Reservatibns Lido lsle Bay Front \lll1te. 1 and 2 bdrm.a. S70 week ap. Harboi- 2M2,, evN. Har. 19H·K. 1'Uc BAY FRONT home for JlJly - it bdrm , pier & private beach. $150. BAY ~ BEACH Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. . Har UO~ i ~a ... gldfo Mark.-t has the best swordfish in the coun-" BARGAIN tor quick sale-ft.acing Sloop, 30 ft., 2 bunks, head, atainlea st.eel rigging. Barpln $950. Ph. Harbor 1503-W. 40c42 • HOUSES SUMMER oh. YEAR'S ~ Ocean vtew. 1A:i blk from beach. Comfortably tum .. lge. ltv. rm. fireplace, i bdrou, I ii-batlul. prage, fencea yard, 1n: ~lk to bus. Owner. 224 -48th, Newport BE'ach. Harbor 0849-W. 37c42 ( ty. This particular S\vordflsh "·a!-1 caught by angle artlsta. Wa.lter and Morrl~ Souder art lbe boat '·Loui~' ThlM gem or the Mean clre!L<4ed down to 200 Iba which ls con11ide.red a perfttl bathing beau- ty or a Sv.·ord!ish. Tender? Ye~ Flavorsome~ Ye:J. Now lf there are no more questions, I recommend that you fantail over ta the ,Bay- side. A.sk Harry !Could that possibly stand tor Harold!) for a free printed COP;}' of a ~clpe he'11 dreamed up. Use it at your own r i."llr. of course. U..rkidf' FL"'b ~fark.-t, !800 l.Mt11y•ttP. O,.n P\'Pry d.aJ, 8 a. m. to 6:SO p. m. HAVE 3 ~2 H.P . OtrrBOARD for $60. Wiil throw in a ~'h ft. boat. Lot 25, Municipal Trailer Park, Newport. 40p42 MOORING for Commercial Fish- ing Bo.at up to 30 ft. \\'rite 1!513 Hollywood \\'ay, Burbank. Calif. H FT. JOHNSON GULL -Round bottom, center board. Very .,ad condition. Motor attachment- with trailer. 918 Ocean Blvd., Coron& de! J.-tar. Har. 2831-J. BAY AND OCEAN FRONT JIM & SALLY NEWLIN -.i:tth I JOHN D . BtmlrnA;M t>07 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa On Peninsula ,Point NICEL-Y fURNISHEq' 3 bdrms: available Jul)r lat. ._.yearly or . monthly. B~kera lllt. 1a32 Miramar, Balboa, owner. Pbone Huber .oeu.w. 1euc LIDO ISLE If you want a rental an 10ft11 l.JDO ISLE ... 118. .~raj good bomH aVllLt.ble. ..U.O apart.. menta ,bY week or month. P.A. PALME·R AITRACTIVE new apt., µntur., -:;:' 1 blk. to city hall. Adults,• year· l)' rental. 501 -34th St., fomer of Finley. Har. 252g..w. 38c-tb BALBOA ISLAND Hollsei and Apt.a., yearly or sea .. sonaJ. See Ga.ii Camey,. w1th NELQA GIBSON REAL 'ESTATE 306 Martne, Balboa 181. Har. 502 89tf c COMFORT ABLY furnlsbed room. Prtn.te entrance and ba GOS, ~4 M.arigold. Corona del Mair. Ph. Harbor ~·R. i S9c44 A ITRA..CTIVE • room for ~t ln quiet family home, c.osta Meaa . Phooe Beooon ~ 39c41 j • I I J • • I • • 1 · 1 · I L • .-J · ·~ ·-· 11!1.'I' .. u.i!WHEN ·-you aaw:t0n a.a•.woA . . -, 1'11iW8 • 'l'dUll . 'i WANT ' TO ' ' . BAL.BOA ISLANO...:-D,UPLEX 8PACIOU8 MODERN larp rooDUlo Lot It patio. One lr ' bd1'Jl unit. One two bdrm ud mrtn sueot room. 2""'1 _.. plua parktnr. Good ..-ot the Barbor trom the partly onclooed · declL • 72-ft. frofttap.. PRICIID TO SELL at •n,GOO. . BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Modem 2 bedroom hotne. flaptone front. %.-car garage with complete apartment .,bove and 1 bedroom and % batb be.low. Both co"nipletely nunt.lbed .. Hu excellent in- come record. Owner took it ln on tnrde and want. an offer. PRICED AT ,26,11-00. BAY SHORES Brand new 2 bdrm dream home. Shake roof, fieldstone front and fireplace. Thia one you'll love! $12,750, Good Tenna. W. A. TOBIAS EDNA CRAlG Sales Rentals LINWOOD VICK, Realtqr 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 FOR SALE IN CORONA DEL MAR - ·' ' 2 bedroom horn~ on 46-foot k>t:, dbl. pr: hwd. fioort. 112,000. $23!50 will handle. f SEE US FOR FINE SUMMER RENTALS Open House at 200 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 4 bedrooms. 6 ~ baths, ma.rvelou11_ ocean and hill v)ewe. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Real Estate and Business Brokers 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2152 60-lacome Property COURT with 11 furnlahed units, plUM owners apt. Trailer space11. Shows $100 per week lncome. Will take some trade on down payment:. This place Is epotlees. Alway11 rented. See owner, Col- lege Court, 350 Avocado St., Costa Mesa. '40c.4 2 , CHOICE INCOME PROPERTIES -3, 5 &: 8 unite. Showa better than 10% net return. JOE CALLI Real Eat.ate Broker 2822 Ne.)WPOrt Blvd. Newport Beach 40c42 A Ive. ITS HERE TODAY! For Superior Performance • DRIVE '1lllE NEW 1951 HENRY J at this 'A'ITRAcpvE PRICE $1498.92 ' The Fublon Academy'• Gold medal Award winner for 19~1 ... the a,nsational """ Henry J . . . is YOURS for only 11498.92 delivered here! The Henry J , a big tamily-aized se4 d&n, won ita division in the MobUgu Economy RUil. Test the Henry J today , .• for STYLE! for ECONOMY! tor PERFORMANCE! • tor COMFORT! for SAFETY! The Henry J . delivered here for only 11•es.e2--at your Kai.ler·P'ru.er ~tlealer. KAISER WILLYS CRQSLEY 506 E . FIRST FREE! • Week Ends -Small yard. Your weekends are Free- Go boating, fishing, bath- ing. No more back bend· ing yard work -No J>ore weed pulling. Look at these EXCLUSIVE offerings: 1. On the-NORTH BA YFRONT ot LIDO ISLE a charming and Impressive 5 bedroom. 3 bath one story home. Good sized lot with pier and slip and home has no stairs to climb. Tip top condition and partially furnish· ed. Priced to sell. 2. Brand new • bedroom. 3 bath home-prime location. street to street lot. Many DELUXE tea· lures such as unit heat. gar. bage disposal. 2 water heaters, wired for electric range, large patio, 3 car garage. light and cheerful room.1 and kitchen that MAMA wtll k>ve. All thi• and on LIDO ISLE ,.. at ONLY $28.600-Lenient terms. ALSO Several new 2 a.nd 3 bedroom home• tor sale on LIDO ISLE as well as a tew choice build· Ing sites either on the BAY- FRONT or on cross street lots. Prices tar below value -easy terms. These lots are e;elling f~. Remember we are the QEVELOPERs of LIDO ISLE where a little buys a u::ir. P. A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach, Call! Newport Heights New three bedroom home with fireplace. tu r n a c e. hardwood noora, garbage disposal, double garage, $11,000 full price Exceptional View 2 Br. home. View of bay and ocean . Master Br. 14 x 20 ft., private bath, play room 8 x 24 tt., lge. shop, 3-car garage. Terraced fiower gardens, large lot. Con· siderably under market. very easy terms. ALSO Stxty f~t of Industrial property on 31st Street Is a 30und lnvest- me.nt tor id.le money. Sixty foot pte<;es are Bearce. Santa Ana Kl 3-9688 Ralph P. Maskey ------------34.11 Newport Blvd., Newport Sch. ,..)60 CHEV. 2-door deluxe eedan Only 8600 intlet, perfect condl· tkm... Save money from private owner, 11673. Ph. Har. 2-4:04. 32ttc 1900 CA.Dru.AC Serie• 61 sedan, light blue-white 11idewall.8, ny- lon eeat coven. RlrH-&11 ex· U..-leavtng town July lOt,ts.- 531150, terma. P-e Har. !198. 38d0 Phone Harbor 402 !!-Real Esta~ Exchange CH.ARMING income and bome completely furniahed. Ideal for penon alone or eeveraJ famJUes. 3 a.nd 2 bedroom duplex and ~ rm. home. Alway. rented. One leaaed. 1 blk to bay A ocean. $15,000 cub plua vacant or Im· pro-property. Balance loan Owner, 1532 Kir&ma.r. Barbor 0812-W. (Court""Y to broken). 18ttc . ... 1 Pretty as. A Picture, 2 BDRM HOMlC oft ~ acn tn Good loe&tlon &bo.. the lliM:k ~. Surrounded wttll ~ero, is loeded tn11t 1.-. ..... P'\' den, paUo and l&lllllouR. AD t•nced. It& buraltnr at th• .. ..,.. wtU: nowen It v.ptablH Houee and llV&P are W<!ll built (lHl l and ~u hWd. noora. ti... place and ~· rm. ft.ea.lly u outatao.dtn1 -place and a wonde~ (ul buy ~t •10,GQO. • Newport Heights Beautifully buUt 2 bdrm home. Has fireplace, hwd. floors. love· ly patio. Very attractive, $10,7!50, Newport Heights Nice 2 bdrm home, 3 i,t year. old. Hwd. noore, dbl. gar., excel. lo-- cation. $89M. Newport Heights · Bran<f new 3 bdrm home. Plag- stone tlreplace, hwd. tloore, lob! ot plate glua, P.•tlo. Beet ot conttr~ctlon, $11,i!)(). If Beacon Hill Realty 466 Newport Blvd. (near Arche1) Phone Beacon 3713-R S.fj;E THESE! Duplex near bay, 2 bdrm down. 3 bdrm \JP, very ntce ...... $26,000 2 bdrm hOme plus rar. apt and bachelor apt. near bay. MAKE OFFER. On ocean f'tont, 3 bdrm, 2 baths. furn., lot 31Sxl00 .............. $18,:M>O Attrac. 1 yr. old 3 bdrm home, neat and colorfUl, near b&y .............................................. $16,000 3 bdrm house rurn., 2 Iota, 100 ft. from bay, also moOrlng $21,600 BAY & BEACH Realty 1•00 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126t 35c37 Home and Income Well bullt 2-etory duplex near ocean. Extra large rooms. Fu.ti tile bath, 2·ov garage with nice sun deck. Wonderful rental 'property wmmer and winter. 1 unit alone neta $1100 yearly- otlier unit owner occupied and • BALBOA ISLAND Carefree. natural redwood home on "Little Island" Spacious living rm with fireplace and fiirnace beat. All electric kitchen, 3 b<lrms, 1 Y:, baths. Lge. patio, separate shower and dressing room for bathers. Usable garage. ALL FOR Only $15,900, terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND J;larbor 20 BALBOA ISLAND A'ITRACTIVE, WELL PLANNED COLONIAir- 4 bdnns, 2 baths, ample atonlte space,nice patio, outside bather's shower and dressing rm, double gar., excellent location. Close to fine beach and convenient to shopping mstrict. PRICE $23,950, terms W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Balboa Island Har. 2462 Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 13800 DOWN. 2 bdrme, furn.lshed home__..:.Paneled living rm, tire· place, bar kitchen, BBQ and en· closed patio. LIDO BALBOA NEWPORT Balboa Income 4 Unit.II, 3 completely turntehtd. Excellent condition. Prtce only $11,600. Immediately available to buyer . Only $8850 $15.000. Will taJc.e email clear Hundreds of Listings home in Weat Newport Beach 2 bdrm home on Balboa Blvd. u part, or wUl arrange euy Nice beach house. , Fireplace cub t•""'· partly turnlahed. I Call Mrs. Sheeley, B. 6108-J with WM. E . ANGOLD. Realtor 516 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 38d0 A Real Buy By Owner N eaTly new income property, cor, lot. 2 bdrm front house. Knotty plne and plaster. Lote ot Ule, hwd. floor&, furnace and fireplace. Nicely tumilhed. Double garage with 2 bdrm apt. above. Knotty pine cupboards Ir: garb. dlspoe:a.111. Off garage is 1 'bdrm and bath and laun\'.lry room. Near city hall and Lido ehop•. lhLa prop· erty la priced to eeU. Will ta.k~ small place or lot u part. GOt 34.th, cor. Finley. 38p4.0 FOR SALE BY OWNER -Open Sat. &: Sun. New G·rm. bouae on 1 acre of land. $84GO, $3300 down. 16•• Placentia. C.01ta Mesi. Bea<:on &8'9· W $1000DOWN 3 bdrm houae, partly tumiahed, quiet .ectton, ·Colla Meaa, price 16000, euy payment.a. $2000 DOWN 3 bdrm h00., near Newport p~r. parUy turnlshed. ,7000. -· $10,000 DOWN :S hciu.u, income 1280 month, rm. for 20 more and 100' vacant buatne .. rronta, •. P:rtce u•.-I N. B. C. REALTY 32nd '1t Nowport BIYd. ,NEWPORT 8£ACH 38ctO SMALL "l'cal,lon bouM on '1Cttn tronL Take It U la lot' "8,500 cub. This Is Choice! 121,000 -3 bdrms, 2 bath, unrur. home, lge. enclo&ed paUo--com. pletely elec. kitchen, etove, re!. dlah washer and gar. disposal, 2~ar garage, landscaped. Ocean Front, Balboa $33,500, terms Cb&l'mlng -Completely and at- tractively furn. 3 bdmul, 2 bath, 2 fireplaces. gqod tumace. Bar· becue, beauutuJ land.ecaplng In patio and tront terrace, 2-car garage. _, Coast Properties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor %6M ONLY AT Corona Highlands r· Ocean view .' 60 ft. or more frontage r AU utilities (no assess- ments) .' Convenient location ' .' Overlooking Newport Harbor r 'Private beach .' PRICED TO SELL ONLY A FEW · HOMESITES LEFr · MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TRACT OFFICE at Laguna edge of corona d~ Mar Phone H&rbor il 4-J We haven't the Key to the dity APT S. HOUSE'1 INCOME PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS Consult Us about. your Realty problems JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa -Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 64:5. l!:ves. Harbor 227S.W PHONill Harbor 11115 to pl&ce your want ad on this page. A Real Buy Large 2 bdrm home on "6x118 lot, close to ehopplng center, nreplace, bwd. tloor1, furnace heat, ventlan blinds tbrouthout. Large dining rm, 13' tile sink, large cloaeta, service porch, en- cloaed yard, cement covered patio, 2-caT garage wlth ehow· er. Walks, drying yard. A real home, reduced $1900 for quick, sale. Price Only $12,000 Euy terme about $3,000 wtll han~le. See thia today. JOHN VOGEL Co. 1301 CQAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar Har. 1741. or Har. 1477 . $6(J50 FULL P}\ICE Open For iI)spection Saturday & Sunday ' Cor. 43rd and Balboa Blvd . DROP BY '\and aee how much we're offering in a new 2 bdrm beach honie -A tew atepe fron1 tbe !Most ocean beach. A·l con· structlon throughout, corner lo- cation, attractive modefn colon. Term.a approximately %-down. New Lido Listing Just completing 2 bdrm home. Still time to choose your own coloMJ. 21' llv. rm .. trple., tile feature•, bar.type kitchen, prl· vale patio. Priced below the market at $1 5. 7W. Euy term&. Bav Shores FIRST TIME OFFERED. One ot the flneet 2 bdrm homf.S on Bayside Drive. 2 baths, .large rooms, lovely patio, beautifully furnlrlbed. If you are looking for a home with charm &: llvabfllty. Jet ue show thla property to you. Price .$24 ,500, turn. Ranch 20 acrea-12 in perm. pasture, abundant ct\eap·wa.ter, property piped tor Irrigation. Three h~e•, good ham, equipment for 11,000 -Chickens. Will Bell or conslder part trade tor Santa Ana or Newport Beach prop· erty. Prlce.140.000. GREENLEAF I< ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 ~ewport Blvd., Harbor 25S2 COSfA MESA . '3000 DOWI>! FINEST Residential atreet. Near· ly nd 3 B. 1lt. home, 11,.i baths, large llY. rm .. • fireplace, 2--car garage, big lot,. fenced. Price reduced again-MAKE OFFER! HORACE S . MAZET 306 Marine Ave. Balboa laland Harbor 3028-J 31c39 Newport Heights $9,350 Ba.Janee $fl. mo. 4% G. L loan. ~ice 2 bdrm. on larse fenced lot. Possession Aul( 15th. 519 El Modena, Beacon G316-J. 37ct2 BACK BAY RANCH- Beautiful view. • Here ts room for ever7bocfy and at a price tba.t meana bulllneas, '19,llOO. A line Balboa Island locaUo,,_.:. \ • Call for appointment. . J. A. BEEK .OFFICE Balbi>& IBl&nd Ferry H&rbor 63 Balboa uland NON -VETS • BEFORE YOU llUY -Be sure to inspect and Compare these beautiful, new 3 b<lrm . homes! F. H. A; Built ·AND Financed Minimum down and mo~tbly p11ymenta as fo w as , $53 (Pluo llppowllla) Some of the many desirable featurr• are: M&SSive brick flrepll'.lces le: plaat~r boxes Dbl Gar~es Hardwood Floor• Lawna, Sbrub1 le Trees Tiled Kitch•ll8 It Bathe Wide Lota (M ft.1 Wardrobe Closets Immediate occu~cy to qualified buyer1! -IDEAJ. LOCATION - Newport Blvd. & 22nd fit., Costa Mesa ' I · • Broker Cooperation Invited \ B::u~~~~;u""T, ;:~~RONA :1:1:::s . . At the South edge of Corona del Mar. 60 ft. lots -Ocean View. Private Beach Privilege. 8 Brand new homes Priced from $12,750 Minimum down payments. F . H. A. or Veteran terms. - Come and see for yourself and compare prices- . or ask your broker, PHONE HARBOR 414-J Todays.Best Buy in Corona del Mar SHORE CLIFFS For discrinl'inatlng buyers BEAlJTIFl.n, 3 bdrm bome-Per· manent view -Parquet noon, cJrcular driveway, patio.. nicely Jandacaped. A Real Value Ill $22,500 Multtpl• Listing No. 1889 SZE ' Earl Chamberlain l500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Ballkl Phone Harbor' 2288 38ct0 720 Goldenrod, C. D. M. $9000 FuLL PRICE $1850 DOWN G. I. RESALE -A very nice 2 bdrm home. Excellent location, &&tractive and wall..._ built. 2-cu garage. 3 yrs. old. P&ylnents are only 558 iJlcluding t.axe.e A: tns. ' BRAND NEW . ' FHA Built ~ 3 "ildrm bf>me with lndtvlduall~y "Ill" · J:dually buUt. Vf/.fy attractive. op loc&· Uon. Flrepl&ce, hwd.. ....., pr. ·"You'll be crazy aboUt tbia home! ' Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison . G. T. Eversdn 190 Newport Blvd. ~ ~ ... Ph. Bea. 6698 or Bea. M:;l·J WHY PAY RENT? . . ' ,,. ' .