HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-10 - Newport Balboa News TimesI, I - I ~ ·"···~·_J·,. 'nu: NEW EDUCATIOit.\L BUILDING or st. 1...n.. z,-pa1 cbuftlb ..... lte of-alart '":" Sunday Wtien the KL Kev. Freel Olark, -.. of Koo-, q.,.oda. turned ""' nnot ebovel of ~ From •left to rtpt _,A. Alosaador Rudltoa, ..,.lllor warilen: Eogea.·G.......m. oelllor ~ .... ·ft;'' a..·. PauJ Moore Wheeler. ""'tor ot tho ellvcb; Blabop CIMk Pd William Hololeln, lNllllOr.' la llljo . ttM ...,, ""1tf>"' Braden t'tnCb Mid llowjand llodeki•-. . (Newo-Tlme·oPbolb)_ JULY 29 · IS -''FLIGHT OF SNOWBIRDS·'~Af)).~1f : Final arrangements f~r the 16th Annual Fliglit of the Snowbirds are tap!c!IY nePzing completion, this spectacular event is scheduled for July 2!!• 1951 and will ~•held on the beautiful blue. waters of Newport Harb<ir, C&li.fornia. • Member21 of the general comrutt-•----------------------1..-+' ---- tee . who will direct this years entries, has grown continually un-ch· c 1 p ·-tJ ~~~:m.~c~~dt~e :=~r·s~!1:~~ ~~~~~ "21:'.~f°:1.dte~eth:r-,0~;. 1na · OYe(·. ·O. lb.g committee; Jamee M. We b· nation. The event lbelf baa been ster, Converae Wurileroann, J . A . a most Important contributor to-st•ill Bo•i1•ing .· Beek, Ruasell Craig-, Sandy Mac-wards the development , of "saillng Kay, C. F . Land.era, P ete ,Ficker. ln· Newpqrt Harbor and ii reapon- BW B&xtet. Dr. 0. Q . ~ueu. Mark aible tor the early training ot boys ~ea.ly, Ui-btn L. Beh. ~bert and gtrb who later have turned Bttch. L. S. ~rry .. Mayor Lett out to be eome of the most capable Isbell and Hay-.lfMS"enhelm. 'Bee-and experienced Mllotil on the Pa- retary or the Cliamber of Com-clftc cout. merce which olj_gtnally ~gurat-A total of 20 beautiful trophies ed the event ln f936 and ha.l!. l!lpon-are donated each year by promi- aored each annual renewel of the nent cittsens. busineu concerns race. and the City of Newport Beach. Th1s year Commodore Walter Thia year they will be presented Elliptt of the Newport Harbor by Mayor Les Isbell on the Har- Yacht club will a ct 118 Judge of bor Mal!lter'l!I dock at 5 :30 lmmedl· the Start11; CothmodOre Clay ately following the race arid the Campbell of the Voyagers Yacbt ptlfUc la invited to attend the pre· club will act as Judge of tbe Ftn-aentatlon. Specla.l tropbiee will be tahes: Commodore Clitf Chapman awarded to the youngest · girl and or the Southern, Calttomla Yacht· youngpt boy who must sail alone Ing -Association wW act .. Patrol and nilJBb tbe cour1e .. ' I . ~~!:;ett6:: th~~;.cl.~ will ai:t a. Judge of tho. <'.'>",..· All 'SnoWblrd oklppera from ap one l'! O'lJ' hlll)d~o'll<! '·1 ~~~.'!'if.~~l' boy1 and girill, are "liint«T to-:.i. ter the race. TbS at&rtilla guh 1a echeduled fOI' l :30 p.m, Entry blank.9 and course <t:bart.s may be secured at the Newport Harbo r Yacht club, Balboa Yacht c lub, Lido Isle Yacht club, J . A . Beel<'s office on . Balboa Ial&nd, the Harbor M&ater'e office, the .. ,McNalty and v'aije.iy Boat Rent· alii and the Chamber of Commerce oftice. ·All entries must be tumed into one of the diatrtbutlon -p¢nb prior to 10 a.m., July 29. Late en- tries will be rece'tved at the Cham· ber of Commerce olfl~e only up to 12 noon. July 29. Mr. Langen· heim requests that entrtea be· turn- ed in u early aa poMlble in order that Skipper Badges may be se· cured for all entrant.I!!. No award will be given lf entry blanks are not filed prior to race. The Flight of the Snowbird•. Which was aalled ln 1934 with 48 • • • ' The Red Croaa Bloodmobile Unit HalL 15th and Bay St.a.. Thul'15day . will be at tl1e American Legion July 19, from i to 1 p. m. In the.put three months, m em· bera of 48 famlUee 1n t"e Newport arbor area have !teen hoepitallzetl tor varloua reaaana. They have r&- qulred 113· pints of whole blood which mea.ruJ that 113 donors a.re needed to make lheae replace· menta beto're new · doitors can help build up an ample aupply for people who might need blood in the near future. In addl~lon to tb.18 we mUl!lt help nieet the blood needs for the servicemen who 1 are returning dally to oUr military bOl!lpital•. Volunteer to be a donor! Cal1 Harbor tMS. • -~ ''!!~~!Y !J~---old Coot& Meaan aband"'\ed bill In· aanlly ~eftllle In SUJ>Ulor Court ""ldA)' and .accepted tw,o aaaault charges.-one for beattn~ 19·ye&r- old Stanley Meek lturt ¥&rel> 12; tbe other, a ·felony cou.n;t. &rill!' from Glbeon's firing at· Con.stal>Je Prank Vaughn and h'-1 depa!,leo ·wtio had come to arrest·! bim• 'o. The jury, which had ~en lm· paneled f0t the lnaanlt]t;.,tf1ili after -·~~ng ,convicted Qlbao~ or. the uaalllt cbargea wu lr\vlted by Judge Robert Gardner tb·,rema.ln tn the bo' &fter dlamlual and Qb. 1.erve. the proceedings. • Moolba Jall ' ' ' ' • .. • j • • • 1 ·1 ; ' • • • • • • • a. .; • • • • • • • J • • .• .. ' -• • . ' • • • .. •• • .• • • • ' . • • , • ' ••• 9llCl.ilne1t n<Mhlft.•llttl1tl at lowe,1 •.•it, wfl1' Presbyterian tv,f en Meet Thursday Th<!: ' Men'!I group of St. An· 'drew's Prewbytcrian church will ho1d a dtnner meeottng Thursday <!Venlng; JuJy 12 at m32. SL An· drew'•· Rood, Nowpol't RelgbU, w1th the Women'• FetlcMlrahlp 'Pf'e- pering the rood . ' . _, ' ' . ; . . ; . .. ouisMOBIITT FAMOUS . 'RllKB' ·. ~-' . -•' . \· . . . -. • . ~ ' -I • ' .!' • • Speaker Mil be ,D. 0 . Koe.b~r ' or t11e .Public Inromiauon_ Of.fie• ~~~; .o~('lfj~~ ~ ~~~~ ___ .,....__.-!,.,..y.,i_..._. in·its fielcll ~·~.;;. ma you the ouUlaodia& ~ ii /Job by Fish.r •.. · the ...,..-dftc:ieat perform- ance of a Yalw-i..HHd Eltghw ••. the cradled comfort of'tbe ~.Mtiml Ride . , and . the vital &a!ety of ~ ~"'-' Wi•dshi<ld witb P""°""""" VUill/Jity and Jumho-Onun Brole1-la,..est ill iu field. . r ' lnl.J.fMM, coupJOd 11.p. Yol>-«•41""4 liA~iM, ai•es unboill~" and fiMst 110-shl/1 drivii.6 4111 lo~'t'd cou-111lu1 W IDOlf. pow-ful pcrtotmance io ill lddJ -c..-.,,,;.,, ~ ,~,-A-... 1111111t Tr••1•111i .. ,uiJ JO.J.·'"· v,111,,.;..11,.-&•• .,,; • .-•• D' l..ait ...,/tlJ .r ttlN UH, •' J" "t Yea. .... ~'p:r, -•iuqtir..I.. .... ...., _._ ... ~ .... die ... a1.,sieM-.._ ill.._..~ • Moo8')Ver, ..,-=---il:al to··-7 ,. Oil .._..,._ ..... _ ... .. c-e·1s •.. -....... a... loltt ...... ~ lla•,A'I I fd/• ....... ,.... .. ,....,..,. MOii PIONI M ......... lllAll Jill ·CAtll ', . ·~ . ~ m~oo, ~ .i,.; of tJle moOt IDU.-t- ing-deftlopments In llle tolepllone lndultry. Till.I 11 a 1,.um or polat-to-point .-.dlo tn-•·lon d..Sp.d to cairy ·-o6 ~ ..no ud ~I'll ---..... -•..-..i7,· fti --ii st-w lay I-!""· i.. -.. -. ·-117 _.,.. .,, --~ GI b ' t'sas ud MCtat g; a· M~ta 9 . 17 -<>llf.mla.._ ~.-.-~u ., ,. "~· .-,u-~ .. 1· ;· H. B. Swim Clc4:> · ' in Kecent Mem ·:' • ,• ' r •• -. ,. • . . •• . ' -. ' ' =-· • .... --·-· ., ' =· - . - ~ . . . • ., • • ' • • . • .~. r· • . " ·.· • :. tuesc1..,, J'w., 10: 19sT ___ _:__.;.__-"'."-"'--'----------~---=:-.....::.......;.,.:......:::::=:=:=:=!::==:!""' 1 Nenfiction .. Wrtters Get . Smart . . . ., . in Choosing Tit~ for Books RlJh smart ~ tbe wrlten ot non-1\ctlon __ ,_, comln& up tho Natlonal Park.o; lJpllaer, I wfth Ut!Q that mlll<to one go and Took ~t-Lytnr Down; Tbaytt, set the boob Juat to eee what's ln Beare ln the C&Via¥ and Trimble 'em. ritnstance. ''A l'ew Button.a Phil Rla&uto. Mlaolne." Written by Floher, J. '------ Would he be a ·~Jor by any Denver Re· l•tives cU;nce! And anotbtt, by rtaher. "' x : "Conokl•r the Oywter." Penon-at E. A. Rea Home Ally, we ju.st love to COM.Ider the 9yster, when wrapped Up in bu:t,-P'rom Denver, Colo., came Mr. en e&C' and crackers and plump and' Mn Mlllord BlMell and cbll- after .autelng ln butler. Or even , d Phyttia,. How•rrt and ll"red:' au nalmel, with a cl.Uh ol Mlt. I t~ait Mr. and M7..-Everett A: • Com~ theee w:lh lhe honest R o1. 2Dl Broadway . .-Mn. Bf.I! to goodnee• myatr:rlrs, Uke '"The ea h Gf'ffll Plaid P&nta " Not much to : &ell t. • •later ot Mnt. Re&. .t:llg - light of the stay wu a dellgbttul chooee between gueu • what's . tn-tam.Uy ~tori staged ln Ule Coeti ·em lntereat. la there 1 And Har· ' ' . .. -. ' Y's '-Menettes; Meet New_ Secr.etary , of· Girls' Work • -\ . Oondtlta Parlor No. -· ~w The Coot.a -nome ot HueJ "!'111 llold 11te1r annual IM!aU.tJOnl Burt wu the ~ ror ~ la¥ ot ottlnn on JUiy 2' 19111 al a meeting yr thil, Newport Har"°' p.m. Int lbe f'riday .ui.e:m~ dub Atea ra Menet~ Club held - r Thunday June • Introduced to . ' Tbe 1Mtallatlcm wl11 be an open cl¥b mernben ,._ Kta. .Jean """ anct oftlehda and relauv.._ of Windsor, 11..,ly 1e~ u ~lrlll' the men.hen are tftvtted.. Work Mef't'\Uy ·for the <>range Ollft Hadley and Santa Ana COO.I YMCA. Mn. ~ wUl Parlor Wllr provl<IO tbe 1 .. iauatl91' coon11nata and ~trect •the a<tMttea ceremony. Ottlcen to be lnltalled of the Tr1-Hl .. '"f':elubl In the New· are the fol)awln1: prealdent, Buel port Beach. Coot.a x-and Hunl- Pollard, NeWJ><>h Beach· flMlt lngton Beach nchool dlotrict.. Ylce-prsldent. Helen Ml;kovlcb, Mler the buiJ\ua eeeMC>n and eo.ta. Mcaa; 119COftd vtce-prealdept, goodbye· card and gtft tor Ith. Pearl Wheeler, Coit& Mea; third JOll!eph H. Thom~ we:re declded vlce--praldent, Audrey Cott 1 e. upon. Rev. and Mn. Thompeon Newport Beach; manhall, Velma. ~cl.pated ,tn lbe .a 0 cttvtUea . ot Pa.ttenon. Coeta Mesa: tn.lde Mn-lhe Y • Men.1 and Y • Menette. tin 1 Katherin Be n New-.clubs unW the.tr departure tor • . P1a11o J111:""4clioM • • • TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Ooiocert PIMlat ol 'l'lu<!e <JoaU-Uta · ' --0-Studeat oJ &la Bartok 436 Sima Drive Corona . Hlglilands - Harbor 1171..J ' Corona def Mar · bor font. !summer vtsll.on. tool Mesa Park. On hand for the ci-a.n-,athertng can get ~em now at the city 11-were Mr. and Mn., Everett Rea. brary and find what it's all about. J t Westwood, Mr. and Mn. e.., e rgero ' Brav..·tey. """ oort Bach: ou~de 8enl1n~I, Belly SpoWghUng the tM>Clal phaae or ... New fiction lnclude11: Abel, The ~r:e McK~han and daughter Cueet of Summer: Bab8on, I &rn Sandra of Sherman Oaks, Mr. Udlan ; "Ballard. ~o-Edged Ven-and Mn. Ralph Schorle 'and ch11-~ance: Basa. Umberto's Circus: dren Tim, Donna and Nancy; B&ssetl. Echoes of the Tide: Costa Mesa: the Blasella, Mr. and Bourne, The Golden Road ; Buck, Mni. ft.ea, Sr. and Ralph Rea of God'e Men: Burns, Hopaloni CU· the home t'atch, Newport Beach; recording the evenlng wu a au.rprtae stork eecrt:tuy, Nora Melcher, Newport Shower honoring tbe hOltea' Mrs. Buch; tlnanclal aecretary, Lillian Burt who recClvcd a "Wide .:.Ort-' Bailey, Colla Mesa; t~ca.aurer, meni of pretty and pn.ctlcaJ gtrta.. Betty Ogden. Coeta ~csa, organ-DciJl:loua frozen lemon deeaert wu lat, Edna Nollar, Newport Beach: served with candy, coffee and le&. trustee&, Lllll&n Gant, Newport Joining In the fe.Uvttlea were Beach; Nellie Ogden, Costa Meaa; Atlee Yountone, president; Myrtle Alma Tbompeon.. Newport Beach : Long, Katherine DI.al. Vlrgtnla pa.el pruldent. Dorothy He rms, Logsdon. Laura Jones, Do'ria Luck .. Balboa.; Junior pa.al president, hardt. Doroth)\ Dallu Nella Ful- Bealrice Lace, Newport Beach. let , Frances Crane, IAirene Watta, IY9YAWJC . ·· PUBLIC' GOLS: COUASll' ""'1111MYM~uM..-· 4-•11•.M.dlJ•'• sldy &nd the Trail to Seven Plnes: ___ _ Carae. From lhe Sea &nd lhe Jungle: Coppa rd, The Collected Tales; Dunn. Marta and the Cap- tain; Echard, The Return of Chria- topher: Feuchwange r, This 18 the Hour; Fox, T~l Man Rldlng; Cer- eon. The Mohawk Laddt-r; Heckel- Master Point· Open Winners for Sunday Game Mother Parlor Guests of Conchita -mann, Fighting Ramrod; House-Harry Sprtnpeyer and Mra. F. hold, A Rough illShoot: Maller 8 . bBa.r-F _ Brinkman.were winnen of M.u-J.tember• of Conchita Parlor No. bary Sbore; M.· er, Ca.med; aw, ler Polnta playing eut-we11t ln 294, NaUve Daughters of lhe The Troubled Air; Street. The Section 'B ln Sunday'• game and Goldm We.at. held ,their fifth High Calling: .Summer, Sudden Ray Sllllinp a.nd Percy Crawley birthday party and were honored Glory: Thane, Klalng Kin: Walk-we~ hlgll llCOren playing north· Gordon W.',Gr· un·, dy and sr·1de Re' turn by membero of Santa Ana Parlor er. The Southwe&t Comer; Waller-aouth. No. %3:§, their mother Parlqr. by stein, The Demon'• M.irrot'; 'Worm-Runnere-up eaat-weat w~re Mr. a plea.ant viatl and a huge cake ser The Lonuome Quarter ,and provided ~ ~their deputy. Mrs. w;ue. ea;,dleo for Tbereee. :i:.:.: ~o!~. ~::'e'~o=y From Honeymoon at Lake Tahoe· Olive Badley. The evening w .. a M)'11teri .. recenUy acquired are : Hohne8; Mr. and Mn. H . M . Wall-_ _ tun feet with many game•. •klt.s, Ard, The P erteet Frame; Arm· lngford; Mn. Jolm Merrill and and IOMp and much fun was h~ atrong; The Black-Eyed Stranger: 'U'-A. D W ·~-b M c E Back lut week from a honey-<l>--------------1 by peel.a and members. -.. .., . euw:.r y; "'· . . • Bracttey. ~th for My Neighbor: Irvin and Kra. Loulle.t.ee. Run-moon at Lake Tahoe &nd San H R s· Atte.rw&n:l Ute lovely birthday Brown. Dealll Hu Many.· Doors; nera-up nortb-aouth were Mrs. Francisco are Mr. and Mra. Oor-• • 1mpsonS cake "u served and the social Co18. Nod OI' Never; Crane. the Robert Brown and A.. D . Wether-don WWI.am Grundy, wbo wtU be Q N H hour wu enjoyed by all. Polka(lot Murder; Fqx, The Aleu-by ; Mrs. John De'Vico and Al among newest reaidenta on Lido pen 8W Ome Betty Patch, Bea Lace and Elen- tia.n Blue Kink: Garoner, The Caae Jacobs; Mn. Robert R08I and Mtt. l9le. Mts. Grundy la the former f · H I d f • • ore MacGowan entertained the ot the Fiery Fin1ero: Mltcllena. B. M. WUaon; Mra. J'r<d RoUM· Audrey Elaine Terry. diwgbter of Or 0 i ay est1Vity girlo with & b<>wery dance, wearlthng staJrway to An Empty Room; Yil.le and Mn. Mollie Ballard; l"r•. Dr. and Mn. A. J . Tert)· or San appropriate coalumea for c Hocking, KJJltng Kin ; McDonell, 1bomu OW and Mn: Peggy John-Gabriel and her hu.aband ,. · ll'le The home of Mr. and Mn. H. number. Betty Ogden and group Althea; Scherf~ The Cuen Plaid · 4 1 son of Mrs. Gol'don M. Grundy, 924 R. Slmpaon of 1121 .West Bay St. prepared a song, and il wa..s ren- Panta; Wentworth. The IvopY 90~tion A winners and runner-West Ocean Front, and the late ~ ecene or a hou.ewarmlng on dered by -chorus compoged or Al- Da~or ••d Whelton In Comee D G-•·d July 4th when. frienWI from Los ma Thomru1nn, Elenore Ogde n. ea -· · • · upa were players from out of Or-r_ ........ Y-. ~ DeaUL The wedding had an all while Angeles, Compton, Her m o •a Mrs. Nel,lle Ogde n and HPlcn Mirk-ange county. • n---h • ........... Be h L Non-Fiction booka are: Calvin, setting ot gladioli. dal.alea and ~... ~ ..... a ac . on g ovtch. A pantomlne skit wu given Ueulenant Emory ReporllJ; cur-candelabra tn the .Church of Our Beach, &aota An& and Bellflower by Irene Wileon and Audrey Cot· ran. Inaect.s .In Yotrr Ufe; Den, Mrs Peggy Johnson savior. San Gabriel, with Rev gathered wuii a ·covered dl•h u e. Much tun wae enjoyed by. all. quest. United Statea Coins; Fi.her-. • Q if>aon officlaUng. The. reception luncheon.. Aft.er dinner they pla.fed The evening wu climaxed when J ., A Few Buttona Mtulng; Fi.ah-Leads ,fn ~ Series wu held on the terrace of Hunt· card.a. The Simpeonii are new Lillian BaUey presented the group er, M.,_ Consider the Oyster: f D I G lnglon Hotel, Pasadena... residents who moved he re from wtth the speclai award from lh<' George, Your ·Wefsflt and Your 0 , Up icate 4JmeS The tytde wore ChantUly lace tn Long Beach. • Coata Mesa Llona club for their Life; Henry, Tbe white Continent; prlncesa '8ty1e, t.ft.e tttt.ed bodJce Preaenl were Mr. and M.rs. D.·K. entry Ln the annual Llbna club Horan, Tbe Pinkerteri Story; Bui·· Kn. }>qsy John.Ion ot Sant& had long pointed .iee.vea and but-Gtbb., La(lµ\a Be8ch ; Mr. and IN.sh l"ry. .bunt. ... ~ !;I•e~n~ 1D. E'uade:na; ~~ ta,"&eadf.J\Jl 'tn Uw mx week toned up the 'front to ..,·.man col· Mr .. E. P. \>-aime.r, Mr. and ~t'9. -----..-- Jaeger, OUr -ne.ert Nelghbon; sen.ea naW tn progre118 -in the~on-lar. Fullneu of the altirt WM held .B_ H . ltlder, Mary Ethe\ Me.zgar, 60 M Jordan, The Amerte&n A.ftnuai of day afternoon Duplicate Bridge w ith ga\hera at .the hlpa ~nd tell Floren<;e. J:leynolds, Mr. an~ Kn. astel!:pLares Photography: Kohl. Ga.mes for game which concludes after two backw&rq In a. long tr&ln. A lllUe H. H. Messner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray I" I\,\, Grownupa; Loewy, Never Le.ave more seaetorls. Mre. Gerald Mc· bonnet appllqued with lace held H~lon, Mr. &nd M.re. Milo Pot- Well Enough Alone: Mayorga., The. Comber is runner-up. • . the fingertip veil of brklal' Ulu&-t er, Maurice Fitze, Mr, and Mr•. at Art Fest·1val Beet One-Act Plays, 19M-~1 ; In the game played Monday a!-Ion which WM ltimmed with of-W . C . Quinn. Maude WlllW'n., !.terchtt, Modem Publicity 1900· ternoon, 'Mrs. M.lldred Lytle and ange blouome, Her bouquet was-Blanch Slanda.nl. Harry Wentz, 51 ; MUler, Tour Teeth and How lo Mre. Robert Brown were w lnnen:. or while orchida and st.epbanolta. Lulu Curll5, Dan Carney, I~ne Keep Them; Oliver. The Pacific Runners-up were Mrs. C. E -Irvin Bridal Eateunc Gu~dry, Mr. •nd Mrs. Ray Jotin- lalanda: Payne. Red Storm Over and . Mrs_ Marc Soderberg tying " •lon; Harry Campbell~ Ida Strode- A.Jila; Selvey, And My High Tow-wtlh Gerald McComber and c . H. Mrs. Ray Te.rry (Mar7I~ Mc-towns, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barring- er; Shankland, Steve Mather of Johnson; Mrs. George Magruder Clellanl wae matron of honor and ·tDn and Be.II Oliphant. Long •·t brldemn&ids were R9bcrta. lnplla. Beach; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Charles Wal- and Mrs. B. M. Wt!M>n ~ Mn:. Ger-Ann. Sayre. Janet CrWly and eon, Capt. and Mn. F, C. Duncan, ald McCom ber and Mrs. Pegg)' Lan ad <au Johnson; Mrs. Fred Rounsville and Mme11. Charles gm e r and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wertz, San- 1-ter A. Becker, D. D. S, DENTISTRY 1783 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mesa of the bridegroom), Conrad Briner ta Ana: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Crock-~ ~~ ~~;~ game Mr&. aqd Robert Moody. '!Jley wort> ett, BellnoWer : Mr.'and_.Mrs. C. C. Arnold Guser And Mn. Charle11 orchid• marqul9ette w.1.t h ah~ Garber, eompton~ ·Martin Luther, Boardman were winners eut-weet sleeves and matching m l.t t 11' Hennosa Beach; Mr. and Mrs. H. and Fred Morriaon and Mrs. Betty Sa.she• were of satln and on their 8 .• McO~or, B. L. King, Genie M~cal Bldg. Beacon 8762 Duncan were high llCOrers north· head! were matchlflg circlet. of King, and Mrs. Betty Handy and _ bra.ld<'d tulle. children. NeWport Beach : Mr. and 606 E . Bay Ave., QaJboa Harbor 327-J Harold K. Greuel Chapel llOUth. Dr. Charles ·Langma4e:'t!ro~e.r-. Mra. .Ed P'Uod!n, Artesia.-Runners-up eut-west were !.tre. In-law of the bridegroom. wu beat Catherine Smith and Mra. Carrie man and uahere ~re Robert. Saunders; Mre. Este1le Lavtne and Moody, Georye Ane~ P&ut Mn. Louise Lee; Mn. Margaret J "'•-Do" Ro'-rt S<:hmlu . r ., _,, -~· -Holmes and Tommy Holmes; Mr. Hayes and Ray Terry'. . , • . and Mrs. A. W. Tummel; Mn. The bride'a mother wu ln Robert Roae and Robert Brown. powder blue wtth crl!'Pe top and Runner•-up north·l!IOUlh were J..tn. chiffon l!lkirt wblle Mrs. Grundy Stuart Dunlaps . Don't Like East, Feted on Return Robert Brown and Arnold Gu.er; wore steel gray crepe trimmed A welcome home lti.ncbeon wu PltolH!I Bl!'aeoe MIO Mrs. Peggy Johnaon and Mn. E. with AJencon lace. given P"rlday, JuJy 6tb at the Bal- , . T. McM&nua: Mrs. Ivali .Hooker The new Mn. Grundy attended boa lllland home of Judge and Mrs. 110 Bl"OIMlway Coeta Me&& and Cha.rlee tooze; M.n. Gerald Drake university and wu cradu· o . A. J ones, honoring Mts. Stuart Living modet. will create 60 muterpleces in Laguna's natural out.door amphitheatre during the ltSth Annual Festival of Arlll and Pageant et the Mutere, July 21st through Aurust ~lh, an artiatic event Which each year attracts more than M>,000 vieltors lo the aouthland. The Pagea.nt la a full-evening dra.m9.tlc spectacle, top flight en- lerlaJnment w1th narration-con- tinuity and background music. Innovation at thl8 years F estival or Arla will be Laguna'11 Nation- &) Art Exhibition" Callery which will houae J>.&inlinge by nome or America'• foremost a.rtlst.8. ExcJUn.g vacation tun for au the family will be furniahed by dl\•e.rait'ied "artialic exhibit. of more than 200 bootha, dlaplaylng palnl· Inge, photography. hanl:lcrafla, and ceramlca. u well u a dellghUul puppet abow from the world of make-believe and a junior art gal- ' ·' ·-· d'llt~Rtld f .. .; .. Grace \Vrtght, Margaret Thatcher, Dorothy Bradley, Jean Wlndaor. \ik$t stn·strut at Radio ro\..ters L-..:..-SANTA ANA PH.Kl ~UH '-~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~;..~~~-'; ·• . . Blnlc of lmeric:a will remain · open on Saturdays \ fmyour accommodation Bank of America will continue to render hanlring . . . ·1ecviceon ~~y. · This hank OODSidem itself a public ' len'ice histitutioD, rendering service at 1Uch time and in such manner as the people determine best suits their needs. Since. Saturday is the busiest day of the week at our bank, it iB apparent to us that many worlrem, farmers, smaJJ and large buainee1men-and othen-find it most.. advantaqeoua to conduct their banking bu1inea OD.. that days •• ~auk o{ lmtrira NATIONAL JlWN•,n ASSOCIATION •l•lll rllllAL ll•at•' t•t••••CI Cl••ll•t•I• . • • •• ' • ' " ' ' • • · '=::::::::::::::::::::::::===~I McCon\ber and Mn. Efeanor New-ated rrom USC where •he wu a Dvalap.. Other . guest.a were Mre. ; comer; Peggy McAdoo and George member ot Kappa. Kapp& Delta Nell Donker. Mr•. Fred Pooley and Mitchell-1 and Delta Psi KappL Her hua· Mn. Ruth Preaton. -BE SURE -INSURE lery pttaenting the arllatic palnt- 1.np created by Orange county "arlillta o( tomorrow.'' . -~--'-~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~-'-· - b&nd ia a graduate of USC Khool Luncheon wu eerved ln the wttll Women of Moose Of engineering wttb a muter'• de-P'Ud .,,d the altem-..... MA UIUE STANLEY gree In buslneae admlniatntlon. paged In a good natured ribbing Inuraace Oaly Pl S • I N• ht He Is a member of Pht Oamma of Mrs. Dunlap, for the , reaaon Pb,oae Barbor 1'719 an .oc;1a 19 Delta frate rnity. U\•.t when the Dunlape left tor the !U Marine Aw. B&Jt..o. laland eut two montl\8 ago, it wu with ':::::=:===============~I '!'be Newport Beach. Women of the. tn.l-el'\UOn of. mMiflr lJt'ir ~ome ,: the Moooe, will bave a ehort bWll· "Report of ' Death there among many friend< and. neaa mtttiftg on July 12, 8 p.m ., relative.a. MAnu:ssES foJIO!"<d .by a IOclal program. iS Exaggerated" Twn incmtlul ·of the eutem Boat. llome1 Trallen Sentor Re(':Dt Wtnttred Randd, weather With lt. high ~bwniditJ -lrreplar "•Pff Junior Reaent Clara Le'ach,. Chap-Edmund Buma, owner of eua and general di8comfort of aleep- BEAOON 5111 lain Alice Young, Recorder Viola de Manana tn Balboa and Cua leu, hot night.a. more than over· Coet.a Mea MattrMa Co. Com.eel. JuniOr graduate Re1"erit. Verde In Newport. ta ~ttlng a &ol balanced the pleUUf't' that they llM' Newport Blvd. _ Allee ..Andenon and Treuurer of amiqement thetie da,.. out of had ·wtlh the com~ ot old •=======:;=====:'.! Joyce J:dicJt w1ll be hoete.uea for an8Wering Jett.en ot condolences trte.nde and rd&U~ and ao ... a ; , the llOClal nlgllt. Tile o111cen !lave tor the 1oaa of hl8 wtt.o, Rutll CUr· wm bound "plan6 bn>ugltt tbam ' delicfoua menu ot rdrutunenta ry Buma, who ta -.ery much. attve. bOme aptn. -EXCJl!l.J.ENCE la UPHOLSTEllY ···.KIMMONS c.t-hnMhife. Dt•,.n... Cwfite... llACON .... 415 L IM STUD, COSTA WU.A to be .erved during' tl\e evening. The: alluation came about For lhe Preae.nt. they are mak- Membl!'n that tran&fen-ed lnto through a mixed Up~euap .ent tog their home ta HuntlnJton tbe Newport· ~tei&re : Gum!e to Mra .• Bumi' twi> -.(ohn and· &ad>. I f [ Drolki, Bobbte Mueller, Mabel David Q.arry, now work1nc in Yo-• lloore and Joanne Harris. The co-eemlte reeorta started ilO JHrO ago Reilroed Men Launch•s workmi gave th<m a hearty w.1-by their gran.,-,t.. Kr. and 26 ~. Cabin Cr~iser ============='I come. , Mn. David A. CV17. , ·· I" ~ SHOE SBOP Accordlns to publlclty'Chalrman' · Mn. Bu""' ku been .. ..-ir A ....,. ,., roof c...in cnillltt, --.,.ired . ll'lora Y&UJhn. tbe n-offlcen m In at. .1..epti· ~Ital f91' two Kat!Q< II. wao Jauh°* T11..-y -1'• wan . .A ve to be eoqratulated oo tile monU..'WJtJt·-:-i...=-1a at. Sou!lt Cout ~by F. o. Attwwllsu ' 111110•11... way ~ 'condllct.e.d. tbelr ftr:et followed by aeute: utll-Pilf:rce. Jr .. ot 8&h Bentardl.no. Kr. ·Cw·--ir~......i.,... 111&Uld·aJluaa.~otaa Pierce, wbo a.~ for tbe "'""•j"' ..,... . Tbe entire cbapter -·.,,any .:ttacl< ol Vlrllo x:ne ~ ~ Sonta Jl"e '-n-A ballt t11e .... t ~ OUl "°1ro: ........ I •I •r t henb \q Jvd7 Dnenon. Peter WD~ for tw$Ce tn two Weik.. the J11lm.1181t~ u;-..., wlated la ~the ~..!°":-~CH • Wt!lpn and Kennetb Wortanaa, -m-e ~ • lljld al-lalmchl!ls by -~ ot tJto .. -~~~• " for'll>e m-of.,.. tftd;y'.-d &W1111 7. 7 -·otflce of SUta Jl"e. -;;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;::;::;;;; 1-put ...._-. lbe It W1'11 Ullo-~ !bat -to ' w·-.._ .. _,..-_ ... _ -.. AJao -In tlle ~ -rllnthw llAlfDls #OM,...... . "''-._,_.., tooillelfwwwiiwtX-1.odp ·H61 In -.....,.·.x-. Kr. -II ---lllfW-aolietad ...... • ... -• sO. l6r-tllo delk• ... -Q __ UaoJ• 1lrrllls 111111 ...... :'loo 1111111:,,.,... 117 Ciljlts ... Mn:-P I) ....... . • -Hd ud U..1 ~ ~acw -to tloe Me1aof•4 'V. die. IH It -It.."'°""'"-. ·h .. 8.o,f.t/J-.o..,,.... t..i to tJto-.. Uld .... -11• ...... -. -fw -- ---... 1#' :.-A'ai---wlU lio lloid M tMt .. -a' •w« ID -_,. • I ..,., .... lltll, la Get asi -<. l _ electric home :foocl . freezer no\Y •• ~, . . • , ' • ,. .... TIMS or T.SAll. days are far too beautilul to spend' a lot · o~ time Iii the kitchen pttparins • nil!ala ~hen then! are "' m.nr~ .. otl••r thin11 to do. You. can • , MJiava your cab and elat it, too~ ~Mil :rouJiave a won.,terlul> · .,... electric ·bcine food freezer. J ~ ' ~ ~ With a &wt, :vou cm "-a _. for • dtl:v ..... ._Jar ,.. .......... _.._...Ina,,...,.. • .-,i-r ~ mni.laad••·1 YCllD'fiW ' q h ....... fnlla ..... ..... f p I ....,. ''l'IEiia ...... .,. ' . ~. ;' ~ " -•. • ) . ' . 1 -• ~ ,llalmdq a!Pl lif' tPoo N---I , V· , ' a. .r.1 i:O'o t ...... ~ :o. tip. •A • tI1I D >p .,_. -lodp ta tPoo -,...,.,_ ..... at T JQllL; lll-. ......... " I 1.-•. -.\a 7_,llnh -.-, tor 1JJJl'I fta _, II i.lllilir f I NI 117 ~· ·1~ • ~ ... ~1-'(\i _lllo.._. ... _.,.. . llie dfLOL M 1•• ot Iba lodp, If' .... -~ 1111 j , '?~ -;., nnr0: ... 1tt =-~~.,um ·~·.~·=-~ .:.f~' ..... =O::! ~ ~~- • ' \. " -• " • • I J., \' .,_ ~ • ' • • • ' I .I • • . r • • • [ I t • • • ' ,.' "'" t a1 El'ft7 .,.. •?~ a1 N_...rt: -*· c,r. " lo7 tlle Nl:WP()JIT.llAJUIOJi Pt;BLllllllNO 91)MPAXI' Member Of C~R.NlA NEWSPAPER l't1llLUIHERS ASS'N . :r.tember or the NA'nONAL .EDn:oRIAL AMOCl<''nON omce and PrinU~g Plant at 2211 BaJbo& Boulevard Telephone fla.11M>r 18.lC - Entered u Second·CJa.u Ma.tter at the Poe:totllce la NeWport Beach, Ca tlfomia under the Art ol Ka.rch S, 1871 . EDWARD A. LeHOVl!!N, Editor J . M. FRANCIS, Buifneu Mana pr - Women Golfers _ Announce First · :hwitalional Event . C~sta Mesa Boys. Home From Camp Flnttn tlr.d but happy ·Coat& ateu boyw 111Tlft<I home -.....ic ,_ Sant& Ana Country club women r,.,rn a vaeat\On In Ille Jilfll l!ief'. gt>ltrn: announce ttle-ir first lnvtt&· ru. Theae boys · attended .the Jt. tlonal two day.,,eda.J. event .July )(. Pylea BJgh Sierra camp 12 and 13th. The llmlled 120 en-through the courteay and coopera- tries were filled tmmediately on tlon of Kr. R. M.. Pyle• and em· . announcement aad J.8 different ployees ot BunUnaton BMc:h. the clubs atrlll&ted with uu WollleQ'• Oranp County JllWnlJe BUreau of Soulhe?11 C&llfomla ·Coit .U-la-Ille aherllro ottk:e and lllelr 1-do . ti 11 ,.._..._ --~ R_, C&mpMll and JJm VuoldL • on wt be rep.....,ted. _, ~ n. 11o--ware ci.o-.... Kn. .'1 many BpKlal pril.9 .. wnt be "&1V'if'd.. ,,_ ~ ed. • Oertr:.vde Mye~re of the· au-nu of· . · lb et the eo.ta.M-11:1-..,tary The nlcht oC Ille !%tit tl><n lo to ..-U and 11y --Area be a cock_!&D an<\, dinner ~>' C« !Jo1ol Cl\lb. • -- - -- all -wllo participate. 1n· <Mi'c-o( v ' · tile affair .. -..... -cOIJ!:¥~ ~ t!'IP .... - T. W•lloa Jay -Mm. l:Mett Ou1lt 8!'!1~ ~= )o(Qrda; pr\leo, Kn. II. c. Jlol.:.. • ~ ){ .. John Dnley• publldtJ Oq .Bomia•, .._, , • \Kr&. ~ Hfi»da ~· 1fll t • V Illa MN. ).ittirll, a...,. Lat. •JDe8b. Kn. .. , o.da:'-*-' 7 • ~ -~· ..,_..,, .......... ~ ,m..t, M)'s. M•¢e!Jl-ar· Ao lip --"Cl, l:ul-a..-.J11'11Fct ..... ~ llra. Jack Partte. 'i ...................... . MoaJ -u.c-,, -..,_,. ftllo lo ..... 1 · I ,_ - -""' olpod to ,..d'dpate. -:=.. ·-......... c.otcbN ............ for Ibo --·--to ~ -• ..C. ue.,.--' . ,_,,,..._LEI.,.,..... ......... c. ..... ,_ •-nc••• tr w 'Arii • ~--•-•u'nld .._..__ .U-...... ---.-1111 ........ , ., .. _ • k .. """« Ulll. ... ,,. .. -.......... -.... • .. • > • .. • • • :...:.r. Tutiif.y, .;iwro,. ·1wr • . ' • • ' Put your · dollars where tbey work herder for you. Invest them : where you kno y or sofe. Deposit them where ' con withdrew them ot-'ony time. Regardless of your gool- • I ~ •. ,. ' ~. . .. • ' • •• •• trovel:.... educotion -be lier livini;i -future security. start ;oving systematically today. You 'll oe .. .. ~ ' .. . . -. .. ' ··. •' , .. · .. I . • • • '· • . 1 ., .. . . ' . • . ' • ' ' dmozed how losl your money grows wi1h compounded irtteresf., • -•-lf I· ,..., ·'"' .As l11tle os .$5 ope"• on .account!· Coll in person or m_oil the coupon below., . . • • so·uND MANAGEM'ENT M-A~K s· PO.SSl.BLE . . THIS _ GRATIFY.ING SEMl .. ANNU·. ·L .STAlEMENT --. . - AS OF JUNE 30 1951 AFTER PAYMENT OF DIVID DS . . ' AlllTI . ' . I . LIAllLITlll . (Whot Members Own) • (What We Owe Others and Our Rfferves) • ' . ' FIRST LIENS ON REAL ESTATE .'. .••••••••••••••• $5,667,9,7.1) n. A1tee'-tiM •-1•nt Trvit Oetch, prifl<"ipolly fl" homn iri th• · Newpl.tt Hcu'-'-C•lfa Mt,. or.a, litf11lor 111011thly pey111trih ort ..ci. trt= tfMi Mt-tit 111l'llil .. loa111 t t• f111Uy paid. ""' LOANS ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS .•••••••••• •• • •, S...., ftfM ~ .. 1-tttors w-ho do !'IOI wi1h lo dilf11rh lhtir 1ovino1. M<•rtirl ~ ~ -' their ecco111111. T~ lool'4 -01 Ml "'''d ll01, ~ , ... ......, ., ·~ """"•" o«.ve1:' ~ . ~ : ' ' '• • .• t i I! ll'IVfSTM!NTS'AND •SECURITIES •••• , ." ••••••••• . ' U11i1•d StoPfl C..•r-tflt 'i-d1. U0.0 .oo. Slock m fehrol Home loo11 .. 11•, tto,200.00. ,,,,_._,1hip "" 1h11 ''""'' bon•iot~ 1yitt ll\ .. ~ •• '-'it ollCf 1hel't If"• leo .. ' .... a.W. to tkt AtMXiefiOft, et it1 """"*"' itct•""· ;.. Mc ... 6-o 'ii.i'lh tho ... ~ .f tho ft4efol H-• l-1'1 Act. . CASH ON HAND AND IN _IAl.IKS •• 1 ••• ; ••••••••• I 1 · C•sh h Ofl dt!poi.i1 ~ 1ht !Njor ~·~of O)lf ~ty end of tht Notr: ! ... ""' f\IJINITURE, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT •••••••• , • This iftlft is rtd1Ktd ite(li ,; .. -..th1 to ottow '°' "'""tcietiO<ll. • 2,650'.00 • 120,600.00 17~.~27.33 •DEFERRED CHARGES AND -OTHER ASSETS ••••••••• · 1,920.58 __ ..;.:.;.....;..;;;,.. -.... ~ ... TOTAL •••••••••••• , ............... , ••• , , ·' • LI.DO . .. '• . ' ' SAVINGS A~COU~TS ••••••••••••.•••••••••• $4,265,011.00 Thi1 reprfl•fth th. '.f"illljll, ril• inV'11nltlllt 011d tlw rt1•rv• rund1 o( indi .. iduol1, corporohom, 'trtdil .,·riiont, iri1Vro11.t• ce"'pe"i•1. lreternol .,!JGnir•tierit e11cf 11.,lst fuft•lh: ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK .•• , Thi1 Auocioliot\.hot J ~ecfi.N)1'availo\ll• • (int of crt dot with ..U ''''"'' bo,,\int ,,..,. ,., ;i ••<itH of r>Ol"Mo'I req"''''"''"''· L 614,750.00 LOANS IN PROCESS •• :··•.······:·.······· 1 ;' ~ ·iL :'~',4Jf.13 th• A1.ode6-Jwt·i.i.~~,.,,. ltvild , MOC!ernil't. 111\nooc• ~.~ • . , I , ... .helftf,,enw~~~~f_.., -~~~,!ed"".-,.t•' ,· ~ ''I • I • ' ................. ._ .. .. .. , .. ~ ,-.... ~ ~- OTHER LIABILITIES .................. : •••••• Mi1e•ttof\HW itHIJt f!,ot •.al M ".i4 •"-" M , •tcrow occovn1s, • diK0111n1 .. '-'"" pllr~ e"4 ocfvOC"t« '°'"'tflh b)' bouowtrs. . . . . • I ' SPECIFIC RESERVES , •••• , • , ••••••••••.••••••. . . ~ ·, ~. .. l•Wf?'• fOf' ~,i11~!ffj-<<:11ttf.•Ol'ltht1r ol'ld coJJecttd ff"'i· cit1n1t1Gllr "" lllroifhi'SOl't~.~M._\ . • '. • • r • • _,. GENERAL RESERVES ••••••••••••••• , ••••• , • • 370,000;qC> . -. . . ·"" I•,.,..,.. -~i..;,1 in.": eaO!llMr•~~h.. tfw, \l111lts ond legwlotion1 .... fer inswofl<"I of .ccout1ts oftrll t'fttfol ft'Wt'f•• f~ c.nllngtncie1.. 1 1 :""' · .,. · • • • • • • UNALLOCATED HSERV!S .•••• , .... , •• , ••••••••• '· ... . ')' .. _.,, .... .......,__ . TOTAL •••••••••• ·• • ............. , •••••• ....... • •• .... . . ' l"'H • p. MA....,,. -..... c ..... _ , .. , .. I ~ .... ,, .. . . ..J.. ..... 1111 •• a;; · l wl ' '611] •·./ ' • . AU-NS/DENT -. WA&9 t. lllNM; -'f'CE·NESl,DENT .... ii ... 11EASUlft Al 1 •IHll•I pcllfJNY .. , • .......... JI• .-.~~~ -&'RA.... MWINT $KIETMY .. r •• ,. • • ~~10·\1to•IHN•••_111aaw~~-7~·-:~ocl\;-~ ' • • • J ' • ··~ ·-• • . . I ' ' r • .• ' -· • • • • ' • • • • • • • I t By MARGO . A.HOY THERE' SKIJ'PICRS, coxsW AIN8, L&m>'. Knox. J wnut you -the otber IW1m .,...,. by :tEmn~ dt- 1tl1BBERS, SEA· COOKS AND PHILO VANp;l have lllnpr, ~ "Reid. .JO-LEE Sporta Shop baa r l le 2 ~ i;n• to find out wbat hAPl!<"ed to WAETER ,.... llUltll ror SlO.IJ p. • ~ body beruUers com , l!I camella +ND. ANNA BEAN. SAJL'ORS. ~IU.JU(· THtl!. IN piaJI. Jenh!traon. luttjUOlle, IUl'O', wblte, mint and aqu~rtne. KIM TOUR LOG BQOk . . . Walt'• ,.,..... ll'coiit "' now Rad acbleVtt a Ions torso, oom_pl)-dle•ted •effect )Vl~h th oculptored . · ca the on.rboard -of 30t.b 'St. at-. Mtlt SI., n .. r swim auU.I in tleltlcl-' n)'Jan faille or &'lued atl~eedleu fu tbe lee bouse tn Newport. Thia ta8ClnalJn.c mariner'• say, Y9u1J be .. Queen Every Day"' tn a· Roaemarie ld from the ... biU&Ar utet.l ,lo be near Ute Udo Bridge. Anyway, lo-~ Sporta sa... ... IW Newport A~·e .. 0-ta M ~re she blows. the nea.te.!t layout of qed, marine . • e e • I gear A-equipment lop side of Davt1 Jones' ground floor. Walt'e "O TH.AT TIDS TOO SOLID FLESH WOULD MELT. Trading Post h._. t!Verytblng .salty includin.g the 'THING" ... brrrr! Thaw and resolve 4Uelf to dew.'' Do yo11 feel trapped? ..aee It at your owb. risk .... Now maybe you need a load used la the vtt>rant,, pagan peraonaJlty that ta REALLY propellor, do Yu? Or a 01bson Olrt. or a South Seas throw net! ! ! )"OU trapeed behind pounds of unneceuary Qeah ! You Some of you Ii.dies will pop your corks when you aee the nautical ""°men wbo micht th.iAk of yourself u ' a "•tyllah nua.nce1 you can make out of net, rJua floats, Sta.rflab and lhip'e ltQ;\it'• are only klddlnr. Let's face the fact•, Nell bell.I. Walt also has a ~ cyl. 16 h. p. Hlck.9 ).fotor in perfect con· .; a.ad iet·you up to the Stauff«"r Sytdem h1 Santa Ana. dlUon. \Valt · ~ke of thilll motor with great emotion. "It'• a Uv.-f / You. ean. take a tteductn,-courae here that wUI perk Ing jewel." he said. lncidentalty, Wa1t.' Tradln• Po..t tumdlee ~ I. 111 up your poature, llftn your liver and mike you Uthe marine rqulpmfnt, on ron1'1&:nm<"nt. Ca.st otf .•. the addreM l.i .. U! , ~ u a panther °" al Jeaal a mother puma. There are ' 31th ~t.. Newport Beach. J!arbor 2470~ O'Nt' 250 Stauffer BaJons thntout the 1.1. S.. 10,000 • • • women a day are t.aking advantage of these hialth . ONE TWO THREE! OUT GOES SHE! WITH A DIRTY DISH It reduclnC wonders. &rnlece A~ has the only Stauffer Salon RAO ON HER KNEE! DON'T YOU BE COUNTED Otrr BECAUSE ln Orange OOUnty. If you get on the ball r1cht ... a~y. you can OF DIRTY DISH RAG! LISTEN WHil..E I DISH THE DIRT: still ret U.,8"'4't.I MmtWr rateil. Don't forget, you ,can take t.hJs FRIDAY SPECIAL AT BALBOA 5 .l 10 couno "ly!Jir ·clown." It'• reducing. It's relaxing. TTY It just tor DISH RAGS _. FU1L SIZE , •be. 8tMdJrr 87SCNn. !121 X. Main, Sa.nta Ana.' K1 3~7010..· GOOD QUALITY. COTTON $'!'RING 7c Each -OpoJ1 EYeL OTHER BARGAINS EvERY D,\Y : BOY'S · 81..ACK SOCKlt-4 .• . . PAIR ·GUARANTEED to wear 4 MDNTHS $1.26 tot" pkg. ot •• . . . • ' M>Ci{.s ~pJace1t Free if t.hey wear out. And lnq11lre a.bt;>t1t the 1brE ., TABLF. ..• a tricky folding table for J)itttos, extn d.Jn lng He. Balbo'1 5 .l' 10 -300 Main. Balboa. • • • • . ' • • • FOR !lnl:lUC'.AN FOOD CASA DON CARLOS D~°"''Ellil P110M i3c , .. or A L;\ CARTF. , A SACK •OF FRENCH flUES. A HAM· ~~\. BURGER ... AND THOU /'? ClMa DM Carino. llS !fnd St., N•wpert -- . BESIDE ME LOLLING ON THE BEACH °""" 1-10 Cllow>d Tu... Harbor !838-M AH SESAME IS PARAbrsE EN'OW! e e 0 ' Don't Mo .t!ngtnc the .. Roltback ·Blues" HAVE YOU MET THE TABAKS ? THEY'RE DOWN HERE honey. Tip yo1tr lid inRt.ead to Florea~ FOR TIJE SU){MER YOU KNOW. And a HvJier family group Mattox! Prices Rt the )(ottar Kar,. you nevet' MWf .lll py companions. each sttms lo compliment the have been Mil~ ba~k to eira Igfj3. VOi.• can other. -IUdQ''• Shep (fom1f'rl)· Rk'ky-Bodman) has lbe TH}>ak co· b.u.r a full size H:unh11rxtt on a ~la-_ ordhlates that w1II sa1l you thn1' Mlmmer with the trimmest rigging t1011_ ieue JJesame ,bun. laced With home made relish for l&c. Same ever! R.t.CKY'! flu Tabak'• sailcloth skirt!, jaunty JiackeU:, ah.arp price for a bi.I' boat of .:f"reocb Fries. Florence 'Ser.ves .thette •lQm&Ch· .aborts ln. blue or white with dapper hip tape $4.96: alert whl'te waffle \vunnel"S out the windo\v, So yo11 grab your 118.Ck and make a home· plql1e e4orta with rickrack trim S3.9ft. Spe-clal I-catoher11 are the rurr·lJI' 'at on the curb, or s'\t ln the particlng lot. It's your atflrlr. Ta.bak ltneo Jackels wtth pocket crests $18.91S. Oh you can P!&lnly It's my affair however lQ tell )'OU that hungry people play io In Bee that 'I've tallen ID love \Vlth the Tabak!! Of C0UT'9e Rlcky'11 a.nd out. the window 1-daya a 'A'eek mm 11 L m.. _ 7 p. nl. at the h.aa other l'OOC1 family connections ... I know you would like the l(ott•Kf" Ka;tP, llnO ~<"'!''port Rl\:t1., COAta Mf'tl."l ( 1 blk. bf'yond Mf!AA Ora.ff•. too. The Crarf rayon gabardine jacket• for $10.96 tn red T~Crr.) · · or navy tre ·a spruce buy ... Graff bloll9es are top-tops ... Toni e e e ahorta hit the right spots in jeraey or lintn at $3.¥ up , .. You may -L>Oh.."'TOR. ERWOOD. INVF;NTQR OF THE ELECTRlC FUDGF:-!lee Sundl'ea.<tCS and other far l'llghtt(f tashionl'I al Rl"k.)'"li (fonn('rly COOLER AND the S'TlcklCRs Pogo h .. openly endo~ a stl"Oll•e ~Bedrw:nia) • • -1794 X:,.wport ld\·d., '1Mla Mrtta RMl('Dfl U4• .. . .. . . . . . new uev1 ce. Men c;all It a ''Darmar" I befleve. On thf! other ftand. I hear many \vomen .MY they're golng home and turn on TV, 8'-y MM! \\'OITLD \'OV DAKE TO l,J\'E DA.~GEROt'SLV P..ega.rdle~ ot what yt)u • call it , Dr. Elwood is now a full-blOwn Md match pf'O{.lles with a Swordfl!l.h ! Herl!'s the gtmmlck : Reel representatlv:e ror 1•nrknrd Bfoll. Hoffman, nc~ Vl~tor. and Diunont out to t.ht canJ'e tpd gn.b }'Our Rod and cast your9etf over to U1e _ Tf"lf'\'l"on. Dr. EN~ su~'s tor you• to scrape up one4rourth . and BayJ&ld~ •"IAh Marllf't. Walt a 1nlnute, Bring aJoag a pbotOl'1'1lpher. then pay $16 a month. You suve this Sl5 tor your p0.ymcnl by.stay· Then all you do lJi nuzzle up to thJa 300 lb Swordfi.ab that Harry Ing in off the streets and not caUing attention td you~lf ,ln public h.as hang.lnc up. Get. the picture?' And say, tr the al~re a.re run· places. \Vatch and. Save See? Go into ErwQQda' anY. day &nd ftlnc', you can watch .them 1utloa.d lhl11 glorious t\ma at the Baylride ask for a demonstration. You ma~,-al!IO tap ou.l an s . q. S. to DoekB vsoally from noon. oo up to e or 7 p. m. Johnny Albers is Erwoods for onfl day .-n'1tt on T\' l'f'~· AJI Baba FIW~ la back peddl\nl' .(iah at thta arld aquarium . . . M Johnny. Frankie at .w.1 & Balboa .BJ\•d.-Open Eves. . . or Harry will swap flNt &alee with you and even sell you Salmon. • · • e HaJlb\ll, Swordfish. or local White Sea Ba!UI. Horror11! They l!wn NOTICE TO TINELOA • E!SCELLIELLA: aeU Tom..cod! FervenUy Ft'e8b: Ftah al the Ba)'Ahll" FfJib Maf'kf't, BETrER TA.KE JT ON ,.~ LAM! No longer !800 .l...&t'7'.C-if' •. 7 llA;)"lf a "'f'flk 8 u. m.-&:M 5-. w. can )'Ou , "greedy molb. eMlc · around In doMtl • • • , giving banq~.-~Q11Qll..'tp~;" ·14k<1-• TOO KAY WELL LAUGH. CLOWN! PAGLIACCI by the arOmatlc b~f"'ro·m~'--'Nart.'h--W~lWft ~rut ~wio." Enrico or Marlo LI available at the Bottlll" nf the marvelous new CP!DAR·LUX! -.,...,. la a.a Rann...,-. S~, Uwi alJl.& .. song pr1 at thta musicaJ ~ t.oll• amazing dlacovery that makes it a. .9ilmple. matter me Me baa.-Lanza on 15 single.a or on • albunu ln 4.a's or 78'11. tor you clothes horsel'I to \have cedar...flned clo9eta. Just tor the.. sheer, happy agony of It. go O\•er ta the !IOund chamber Cedal"-Lux is • oompound of crl.Mlbed Ted cedar at the H. of R. and compare the old Victor orig;lnal C&.ruso recot<111 wood conlatnlng 8.6 1* non·volatUe cedar o\l. You add water to this' wlt:h the aew variations by Mario. Or be Independent ant1 pl&n your ccmpound and slap it on your cJost"t .,.,.a.J.iS. YoU get a wiltten guar· own fllll. Susy has ukeleles, portable radios. RCA 45 auto record an.tee of an ahMolut.>11· molhpl'09f, fireproof a.11'1 oh 80 fragrant clot.bel ~ llll.901 and .the mhfft rnlUllC for Goof\a. So the music press. I can smell it nov.•! OeligbUut also tor rumpus rooms. goes round and round. and it cornea out at 1817 Newport Ave. House drawers, chests. a ttics and studios. An.d you don't have to be a of Hannony, Costa Mesa. Beacon IS737-Mft3. Diego Rivera ... Cedar-LlL't can be applied oyer wallpaper, Paint. • • • wall· board. plaster or any smooth surface by anybody. Your cl08et OH THE CAPTAIN RIDES IN Will smell tike a grove of cedar trees. Your clolbe.s .,.,.iJf\smetl dlVine, oe. A MOTOR BOAT. THE ADMIRAL and moths will leave tov.'ll deteWng you. InqUlre ·today, May! RlDES L'l A GIG! It doesa't go M«"DonaJd Plllnt Rion-is the exclusive &g'ent. 181'!: Harbor 81\'d., a bit tut.er. but · It D'l&kes the oJd CMta Mf'tl'a. Bf>al'Oll 570S. blighter feel btc! Yea. Big Brass, • • e lllUe brass and apprentice &ea.men "I TRIPPED ON A FOOT IN THE BAR·-are in a hurry to make Port R001'1 DOOR! And n1lne was t he ·rai:e on the Orange ln time for dinner! •Word has p·~pt the entire fleet that borroom floor." In ~he v.-ords ot the Immortal , Oaa~• 8MfMd KHtay.raat serves the flnest ti.ah dinner. In any bard: Drink to me only v.ith Thine Eyes and latitude! Sea-Bau and Halibut are fresh "?~~ of the briny tbeee I'll furnish the breakfast. Preferably at the day& Dinners at CharleY'• a.re $1 .2$. lncJudmg .tOUp, a.lad, deuerl An~hor Caff'. Gladys invented · the Exie'D.ded-and drink. All day peop!e tout each other w1tb 0Jarley"1 Shrimp. Breakfast Rour. You can roll into the Anchor Oyster, Cra.bme.at and LObster cocktails. And the Lobster Louie cate at any unrighteous dawn's crack and Salads are a Broadway product.Joft on a 14." &hell plate. Here'• -lg~t ~ big r~t tJ~llkff.s.tj Glad)•s' "Buttetmllk -· • . ·--seat:Aal ~ or outdoor e&U~_c~~ 10 L "!· unU) ~. ."'-NT ~es beat offbut1!lie11 in your bread buket; As I said. HUn 4t BE AT ~A ""ABOUT~,!~~.EA.~ ... \ --,o;' ·-~ \Eggs are the order ~f the d&y here; r )"du ·.caa~fa:uu4111 · · ... !! !1~\,~...:.._~;{1'f, bot IUJlt'h for 63:c-People with jaded" appetites, Jl'Own weary, of 7 aaya. . • t " 'I countless debacles ~ith vtarmtga..n pompano ll.ll:d pheaant ro to the • • • Aq-cbor for a. new taste 3ensaysun. the "ABALONE BURGER." 'll"y W~'T TO BE A MREFOOT GmL Wl'J'H SHOES one over on your papilla. Now here thUs : TM Anchor Cafe ls open ON? ! 1 WANT TO BE FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY 2 a.. m. -8 p. m. Satll .• Sun_. 2 a_, m. -7 p. m. Other da_y• from FREE! '! ~· BeoliP...ry believe.a ln the 15 freedo11111. 5 a. m. CloMd Wed. 7110 Coast Hiway, Newport.. • 0 . K. count then. yot1've Col 6 toes BAVJ!:N°T YOU? ! • • e You are cordially invited to eqioae your ~enau.t , ~ A. GOLD 1111'-:E IX THE TWGH! All you do at the md oJ to the sand, aea and alt tn a pair . o( whi~e·Ue..on ; your brilli.e.nt 1JUmmer sea.eon is melt down your sWim .wt in the saadal9 at tbe low tar ot $!.M. Th1a Ls heel toe and~1' -.; ~ aAd relljeve $.fO worth ot COLD! No, rm not hJttiag the junk, away J'OU Co week at Barber's. Never h:&Ve I aeep 'C_.Q1,f ~\\ ~ ll • true •.. Lee Stroup haa a $1G 1'ose.marie ~id baqliDg au.it auch an array of aummer footwear. Barbe.r's haa the 'L ':,~ \f~"' · CLA:.SSIFIED: . .. . • r The Miqhty ),(idqet In Adverttlinc,i ' -. . NE\l'S-ftMm. -,Jmry Tueeday NEWPOR~ BA.¥ Pos;r-Wedneaclays NIPWPORT·BALBOA PRESS~ Thandiys 1.r-.,.1 111.r.,... ~· aw· u. --.. ,... ~, ,,_Tl_ ..... ~.... . llONlMmoi",AD .. ' Uln:ll -. All~ ....... -be .. ,..,~,...,...... of,,...,.__ .• Uaee-i ..,..,., . ' .11l • u-·t Papen 1.!ICI ' 4 u-. s Papen ~-·!.00 LA"Dil:S L Miller le ~ :!Si' SllOeO. Brown, bli\e It 7%A.\A 1e 7\iA.AAA. ~ ly new. Call Har. lt'74-J e-. ~ · i3tte ALBATROSS, A·l condition. The 1Rlbl18ben will not ~ r•n•bla. f0t mON thtn one lnCO!T'eCl lnseriJon Of :ll1 advert.J.Mmcnt,. ruene tbe rfght to COTTeCtJy claulty any &nd all ad8 &nd t.o reject int• ld\rert.Jaement not contormm. to rulu and rerutattora. .Atlvert!Mmenta and canceu&tton• will .,. 116-B-Applialleee · · · · accepted up lo 5 p.m. on lhe day Preceding pubUcatton .. Ph. Har. 111a Ready tor racing'.. Wonderful • reelng record. 2 oulta or aa\)a, •-Har. llH, uk for ;\O ,..,._or ieof ...... ....,_to IPHILCO REFRIGER.ATOll 11151. . NEWl'ORT HARBOR PuBUSHING CO. · model -that big 9 cu. tt. !"od•I ttll -lllycl.. lfewport'-... o.ut,,..., and hu the cross top ,.,....... . .. lncludlng nylon BPlnnaker.. Ph- Harbor 1296-R. Uc-t4 'MiRlf'IN 60 <>Utboard motor with 12 fl boaL 117 E . Bay Front. BaJbo& 'lA!ancl. -I 41p4S -• 0 cheat-nJce ):c:eeper for meat mnd ' 1_~ __ u•_ln ____ o_u1c1_e ____ 23,-Sltuatlons Want..d COllPLS'l'll BOplllll CLEANING FINE ffiONING wilt call for 'and llerttce. l'Untlttlnt and np .deliver. (No ~secleanlng). · llhampooecl. Free Mllmatee-H~tp wtth dinner parUe:s. Phone J'ull7 tDlluNd. Mrs. Williams, Harbor 1595 be+ Al's House & Rug toro 10 a .m. o• atter 6 p.m. 41p43 Cleaning -CO. WILL CARE tor smal) child in my · BMND •111 TJttc home. Ph. Beacon &849·J. 41p43 For Venetian Blinds .RELIABLE mGH SCHOOL SEN- t IOR wan.ta to ea.re for children. Shades and Drapery Hdwe. or will be mother'• heiper. Uve THE SHADE SHOP in or ouL Harbor 2559-R. 4~~ Free estimate• Ph. Har 884 F . c . BOOKKEEPER -Sec'y. 314 • 29th St. Newport Beach deAlro• permanent full or part· timP position. Exe. refs. Phone Wise people do read the ads. 12-BuJJdln,; Services IN'l'Elll9R -l<X'l'll;R!Oll -PAINTING LlCllN~ED -.INSURJ:D Glenn Johnston aOJ -Slat St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 34-c48 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential--Commercial Remodeling · Phone &-.aeon 1!14 06-W 17tfc Harbor 2273-W. · 42p44 WANT BABY SITTING' and hOUSf'Work. Ph. Beaoon 6407-R betwef'n 8 • 8:30 a. m. or 6 -6:30 p . n1 . \ · 43p UNlVERSAiJ BUILDING ll.AINTENANCE Floor Waxing, Window Cleaning \Vall Washing • · for buildings, stonos, ottioe111 Ir: homf'R C07 I!:. !Jalboa Blvd., Balboa. caur. Telf'pbone. Harbor 1 J 8 '43p45 WA.l\I CARPENTRY and Cabinet work. P'hnne Harbor 74~-\v: 43p45 crllper tor ..... tables. A butte keeper and other featurd ,Bal ance. I owe on lt ii: onlj_S1$8.38, -<:aalt, or take paymenta et .~ifusleaJ. "Radio $10.57 por mo .. My equity tree..l~"'-===..._.;;.;...,......_ ___ _ See at 404 ·So. Spadra, Fullerton, "1L ELECl'RIC . ORGAN. For 9 a. m. -8 p. 'm. Pll. 2152. 40c•2 home or chui<:h. Sllghtly cue damaged ln ohlpmmt. Bl&' uv- lng. DANZ-SCHXII>T ~O AND ORGAN 00, 520 Nq. Main cor .. 6th; Santa. A!l•· BARGAINS ~ndix ~Automatic w&sher, Good con~n .......... :. ____ .$79.85 i LOVELY! plain case ' bunplow piano in ~rfect pla)'ln&'. condl- Uon.. Terms $27.50 down and $9.88 per mo. · at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Sine. 1901\ Ul~N. Sycamllre, Sante Ana. Kimber- Euy Spin Dryer waeher ...... '89.95 Handy Hot portable wuher, good condition. idea.I for apt ..... $19.95 Range and. 1't'frigerator comblna· ly 2--0672. . tlon, all electric .................. Sl19, Keep ln touch wtUl us for good buys in TV set.a traded in- E.UY TERMS "ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 18815 UARBOR BLVD .. OOSTA A!ESA Ph. Bea. 6821 PHILCO REFRlGl!:RA TOR w l t b aeparate freezer compartment. New model J 211. 12 cu. tt.. uaed l Wttk. (Cost $-490), will Hll for $38.'J. Also G. E. portable di.shw~r. Usf'd twice. (New $179.00}. Will s c>'ll for $140. Har. ll!G3. 42c44 ANTIQUE GEORGIAN CHEST OF DRAWERS in mahogany. PR. TWIN BED METAL Frames tor 11prlng and matlreu. PR. CUSTOM BUILT P'IRE8IDE WING CHAIRS. FINE PRACTICE uprtgtit piano tor only $9.85 down .and J?S,.35 per mo. at SHAFER'S KUSIC 00. !,Since 1907) 421 N. Syca- more. San~ Ana. Kl. _2-0672. RENT A PIANO. $.15 per month. All r.ent allowed If you buy with· in terms. DANZ-SCHMII7T', '520 No. Main. Santa. Ana. RENT A PIANO for anly '5 per month. Rflnl.&l applies on fuqtrf' purchase at SHAFER'S MU· SIC CO. (Since 1907) .f.21 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana-. KimbPr· ly 2--0672. COME 11'{ and play th~ WONDER- FUL NEW H~MMOND CHORD ORGAN. It you don't know a note you can play beautttw mu· 11ic " In ten mJnutee:. DANZ- SCHMIIYr BIG PIA.1110 STORE, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana.. WILL DO that work you want done·-Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for Con.suit 81tuatton wanted ad.!I Qr place a classified In the News-Tim~. Post and -Press oomblna· tlon at $2 per week, min. Phone Harbor 1818. any job. Beacon 6451-W :19-H~ Wuted ___ -• CU ST 0 M MADE GEORGIAN SOFA. carved trame in ~ut. 3 loose down filled 't-u8hion& Private party, 438 Gokt'lftrOd. Ave., Corona dcl Mar. 4.3c40 USED 120 bau Wurlitzer acCor· dlon. St.el reedo, $75. Call Har. .1148-W nlghbl, Bar 2llr74·M 11•7• • , ' &Stt • . . . -. Call BILL 38qlll WANT MAN eilperie.lced in caot- ------------'-tng" and applytnl'-glUe tn cer· O'KEJl:FE _A, MERRITT RANGE. n •a 'the~li.tat.~1951 moc1e1 4etoxe CP, all automaUC, hu wnp and clock. That pretty chrome grid· die ln the mlddle-an 'Outlet fof touter-and the chrome gri(J broiler has been used only. 2t.i months and I only owe $14'd.53 on the contracL You can have my equity free lf you take pay· ~nts of $8..38 per mo. See at 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9 a. m. • 8 p. m. Pb. %152. 40c42 BEA~ wa\llut c&a. ~ Sympson & Nollar ,amJc man.U.,turtng planL 427 I:. 17th St., Costa M@sa. Phone low~llt-p!ano 1rr.,..ffcl;...,,_ dltJon. Tern1•.· pf, 75 doWn &110 SU.50 per mo .. ot SHAFER'S MUSIC 00. (Since 19071 421 N. Bycamott, Santa An&. Klmber· ly 2..(M!72. -· PAINTING & DECORATING Beacon 022$-W. -41c43 "The Best Money Can Buy" • 012 • 38th St., Newport S..ch PHONE HARBOR .2404 13tfe PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 .Palmer st .• CGota J(- 8-. 11457.J( ~ H.H,HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prbmpt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor lflS.W !801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beacll Wloe people c\o read the ada 14-Pel"llOnahl WANT WHITE COOK for private home. Uve in. References. Write Box-K-2 µits paper. f2cf4 Standard StatiOllB, Inc. Has a few openings FOR MEN Who are looking for permanent emplo)OT'lent with excellent op· portunity for adn.ncei:nen\. 21 to f-0 preferred. Pa 1 d while training. Apptox. $277.50'm"'1.th to etart. Liberal laundry allbw· J ances. High school minimum desired. ·See Supt. at the SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Spinets, Used. frqpl $267. Spinet, new, $3im. Uprlgbta rrom "9. Used Grand. Sohmer, $395. Others $4815, $li65, '685. Trade B8NDIX WASHER -It's that I in your old piano_ ·~est casl1 leftl automatic washer and I allowance. Easy tenns. ftpGS· tiHd Lt three -mont.ha. There's sessed Splnet., save, $300. bANZ- not a occatch Olf lL Y<IOI -·t SCHMIDT fIANO CO. Over JOO have to bolt it down. Ba•ance I ptanoe trorn wb.tl:b to cbooae. IS20 owe on It Is $14.9.47. It'a a won· No. Main. oor. 6th, Santa Ana. derf'ul washer and you can have • lt tor cash or take paymento of 40-Busln-qpporinnttls $8.31 PeJ' mo. See tt at· 404 South Spadra, FllD~rton. 9 a. m. -.s ' 7 Busm" I es p. m. Phone 2152., 40c42 S TWO ALL WOOL "ve~ rugs, .Opportunities _8TANT)~JlD !n'~TION~ . 9 x 15 and 9 ~ 7. 63 Balboa Idea J f; Co .1 -~;q.; ... }fi.'ii'~~f' i 9~'1!~:?w·~t~ '. ! ~·:;~:;G ~{' r'. 'up,,.e ' ' .... .... ' . liiERt 1!.EUGtfi.,Jl-iPi; -~ J " . . fllki>p, ,_.,,.,, ~ " --..~-a=...~ ..U..'4..ol.... . ~ . < of <I_ l ... rv\ Between 8 :30 and 12 f'Vf'ry Friday ~t doadiltHn: Roal 9111>le ..,,_ ...... ' •ac•s yoadl IM!il. u n Pali.a<1e11-"'*d. Gift shop, good shopping Z2-Lost and Found W~ANT--E-D-3--,,,.,,,--o-v_e_r_!l!i_to_ex_-Banta Ana Hdg!lto. · (~ center. , ~ • ::.:O.-":;:.;:,;:_.:=.:;;o.;;...::;:::;:._....;....;_ plain prean'anged burial plan. WlLL LADY WHO found girls' Experten~ -no~ n e c e a .• a r y. !talnles.s eteet ex.pa.ll.llon brace-~ TeachJng or coaching experience let watch at Van deKamp's, helpful. Mwit have car. Pu,tt Cost& Mesa. Saturday a. m., time permt.Mnt poettJon. Com· J-une 9th, pleue contact owner. mtaaJona paid twice monthly. P!toc.e Barbor 0739-W., 42c44 N~ lioUclµng allowed. Leadl fumtahed daily. · ~!;"£ llLOODHOlllLI!: 'tl N 1 T lee cream and frozen foods. wM• "" a& llbe ...__ Lqlon• ,.. _._. V I ~ 11111 .... l\ay ·im., Newport uvuu 0 ume ~ .. '"" 1tt11, ·s t• 1 ,. m. Ceramiea and gift shop' Hiway Lc>catioii ' . DN!IW shop, gooa 1ocalimi. .. . ' ' ' - .. • • that's 24 karat gold tn her shop wtndo1w. Thereby bang• ·a merry very populu SUN~SANS fn>m Uttle lllze three'• to ]' " ta.le.~ One of Lee's customers, J.irs. Merriem TruebtOOd wu res:enUy bis ~·1 $2.45 ,up. Dressy spectator• by Vitality, Kolor· crowned .. Queen For A Day." Along witlt a ml, a .refri,rerat.or and tul Keclettu w1tb bOuacy cnp,s 801ee few men. worn.en. 999 other pde'ta. Mra. Tnaebk>od received thJ.a fancy swim coe~ume. Cb.Ddren a.ad others. Strollers. moocasl!la - . . fta.t.s. 1 • Zf 8ehoal -&straetlool SEE MR. llARTWELL ·~~;::::::;::..~=::::::.:::::::::::::..--1 ·10 a ..... anlJ>--lfa!l. Umt ~y Lady could handle. . . ' ' L - .. • In cue, ... YOU don't want to walk around making like Mia Fort weq., dra~ Sa.adala, Ballertnaa. There are you CDD.· TiAced ! ~· baa llOmethlnr for EVERYBODY at 17115 Newport Ave., eo.ta '"MeaL • • • .. I BULLETIN QN BULLETIN BOARD: TO ML THoSE IN'.l"ERESTi:D IN GoING ON A I PICNIC,. bulldlnlf a fire, .-.uair hOt dof•, rry- inr hambtlrlf..-., and U.vln&' -·keen tlm&- sfand b)"' for &nJMnmCement: ; • &U'OllT AT ONCE TO ftlZ NEWl'OllT umv. FOil JUJNS! 'ftie New,.,.t ~ la .capitol of Ille Pl<lllc WG!l'l4. · n.1a bakery 1a repo: ·-W by u.e1r nllter and hamburpr buaa up alid 'down tho eattn ,cout.. ilc>b KnlD'• u.>rted cup caltn are4 ottl the UllOrted !lpo ol .happy Jllaltcnn from Lolls Bach to SUI ~ Ao a matter or .tact, If --'" ate the lOO';I; -t or the, 'Br.,, health 'bn9d ,,_ ,tbe Jl'ewport Balre 8bop. U-.'d lie •..:;._~~· pal..., l'iwll fi'Ult ' plM In SolDr like prefernd ICocli • ~ -Duldl -pop In and owt or ui;e .,_ mid tiato -an Mr i.&. ~ la ~ lm't. s.peciAlly t.be •'l'Ple. N...;.,t 9" Fl· mt -~ ()pm_ eftl')' day. liar\iOr L~-R. • ; . . . . ..... ,.,.. -ftlo --_, ~ww•w• • auaan:a." r Nf@I' m ,.,. $ P ) it•• -. UM uldlnl.med ,_.. -at c .,.... CUlrSe .... oll --Ill ••·•s:_Mt ... Mr. It Mn. .:-tsN with 1 · -m=••• -.. ... bMdbomtte. ... --" .... llallP)' ---... ...,. ... '"'--:.x-al -...•.. ,... . ,... -,, .. ,._ .,...,... .. &IP I 1*1' EL TV *ltli, -tllain. 'rJW11 t ~-mn111 .. w-pts? drb .. .. itl' 7,, er I 7 'C ..... ftlf a-? ILi .... & II a l?' ... , ...... -i ......... .... .... ._. 'IW~=••IP .. Ill ,7 lljlil'a. •••••' r1 a -• l llr ..... c ., ...... d CJ ,,.!El f I nt•W. I ENROI,.L NOW .. 2915 H-.ort Bl\ld. I can talce a rew mote piano and N"'fl"'rt,-•2c4BH49 ~ •1tudeJ>ta io bep let week 1n All~ Enroll before July 19th. Acconllon furnished free tQ practice••h ~~e. DORIS V. B¥ 217 Cabrllki. co.ta,jtf*. Bea. 51ll1-W. 43c45 •U• tbe lf .... ~ Poltad __ _ -1"1111 -t1.llJO .,,.. \ .... ao--·r . , , - WANT El.'PERIENCl:D •II It e ,..,...... -cpok ad dowaotaln worl<. Lift In If -11tle. :Bal· deata Lido I.lie. --w. r Uc44 WANT KAill ~--r 45, to --pelnt and <loan! Gen- eral yacllt malnteilaJJco-.Penn&• nent · poaltlol). Write -·1.-2 °"" J>90r. ;. 43Pu ·1. WANT ·AD ~ill ~ost y:u" only 52 ~nd; ~ will , run l -. In eH J . loc•I· ~ptN. . , . I\ ' A "'4iniea•• eel is ,, n.... ' Ed · Sedelmeier, Rltr. -1521 OWt Blvd. ~ :.B!&ta. s~ . ... oo:,-J~;:': . . . ' . -----"'--,----.,c..--. Chrrsler Engines-· ~ Use·a ··~~~·1 .. ·A'l'l'RACTIVE w~ ~ Bal· Cr__._. _::{AR --.lor !*,wyer, ..:.:...fun. • UWU.IS o ••OyalS ant. lnAftnoe, baUder, arcbl-0 ~ lohn Baney ~~ 1=.-·:;:; at~ heraft l!rou .t •u ~ -. 0or•,;. · • de! Kar. '1~ -Pllone lfar. -'f'All'! IbdaWA-T ' -~ll. I tee4& ~ MZWl'Gtr n•ar . · i!tl;-...OO!f mt : owncm,BLDG . .a..vAn..,m.a al. .. , ""°'--.. Ntte. .JIUl &lld ~ tn .. ett.M • · B. UU.. Colla~ Pllila 8"- PADt it. • r.-,,. Hq..tio 11. p. .""" 5'!11 , L ·~1 ..... • wttll nd9e. ..... __ l'flO. . ·-• ,.., 1 • "=:: AJ•-1• !>' ~ ~ l~~~!~:l!;;~'i;;i'~!~!!~--~-;·~·~-;··;;·;·; . . o~T -c•-YJClteo.· ~~,~.~~~--· QUU~~· ~ --... · 11w""1:: Cluis • . Apta.? .,.,....,..,,,_..,.. ____ ._;_;:.';__;..;.1 ..... .. --,.. II ft'. JUrTA.I[, --... -._'!!eji:-t.:-P.!:' ,_ ..................... _.... -·-119'1£ .... t2a4 rs ..... DArr ..._ --ii n. n: a l!8i u 1ti-·W' ............ "' ' ... c ,,, • .,.,., .... .. .. , 1 • • ' . • - Six New 2-Bedroom Homes • Priced from $7450 to $7950 . ' ' .. • QUALITY . ' . • • • . Inc. ' , . . There ·is a difference , . 1 • 1· 5 • $1950 Down HOMES I . • .. AN ATrRAcriva: llTYUl:l>1 ROJO: wltb a lllu tho.I really a~ A modem ciklt"-1ritb ~~·· 1oada of .ca~ W.. ~are~~ ...s ·a 0... 1ritll·2 ~-lrlttplacf'., good _, arus . .u, no:... There i.· a loftly Alpine otyled II~ ioom wltll .pen bNln cetilai and miPaintec1 mabopny panel walmcotllll } Mo.,Pymts. -$55 to $60 • • • LO'I'S 75x100 -, Spacious Bdrms. -Large living room -Big kit<llen, nice tile drainboar\f -Plenty cupboards & cloaets-Near Schools and Churchea Shopping. See These Fine Values From 1 to 5 Daily at 21st St. & Orange Ave., Cogta Mesa • COSTA MESA REALl'Y . Barney Francque -Fred Crosier -W. C. Gabbard , 400 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa -Beacon 6818 Yearly Specials 1 Bedroom rum . Apt ......... $4~ mo. 2 Bedroom tum . .A pL ........ $88 mo. 2 Bedroom turn. hodae .... $75 mo. Brand new untumLlhed· 2 ' bedroom, lower duplex on Balboa Peni.Mul& ........ $115 mo. JIM & ·SALLY NEW!..ffi with JOHN D . BURNHAM 507 l!l. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Barbor 64~-Evea. Harbor 2278-W BALBOA lSLAND, by year, .,mall apt. l pe.rson or employed couple. $4.2.50 per mo. on leue. UUL pd. :!S-;A~l8 and H!>~. RENTAL r SPECIALISTS OllJ -er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa l•'•"d Bar. 20(2 lkM ' YEA.!tL Y -2 bedroom home, un· furn. on Newport Island. Fire· place. bath tub & shower, pr. Fenced yd. $70 mo. Bea. Mii61·J . tOtct ONE BDRM. UNIT in court. tile, stove and refrigerator. Ga.rage. Close in. Inqulre 4M ·Westmln· ater, Costa Mesa. Bea. 7~W. 43c48 44-Rooms for Bent PERMANENT Rental -Large sleeping room, 2 double beds - Private entrance, ideal tor 2 men, g&ral't;.· BLUE TOP, 401 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. 38ttc COMFORTABLY tumlahed room. Private entrance and bath. 008%: Marigold. Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor 2853·R. 39c44 CHEERFUL 'ROOM, private bath. Twln be<b. Ocean view-Use or den and sun deck. New home on Balboa Puln.eula. Kitchen privt· A1ao latgef apt. al~pe S.--.Ummer Jbly, $75 wk. .. 4u•, 1100 wk. Very nice \.i blk. to So. Bay. Har. 2128-M.. 31c4~ ' Jege•. j.dulU only. Ph. Harbor 1238--W. 4lct2 * I • . Opening First . Utiit of Our ' ~ New Lido Listing ni.t CCJ111plettna 2 bdrm home. BUii time -to -~ )'Qllr own caloro. 21' ·u •• rm .. trple., tDo f .. -. bu-cype ltltcben, prt- qt.e p&tto. 'Priced. below the market at U5.7il0. l!luy tenno. BA YVJEW HEIGHTS· TRAC~ <911 Palisades 'Road • Bay Shores • . . . 3-Bedroom Homes ... Select Hardwood Flooring Double Garages ... and Many Other Fine Features ... ll'IRST TIKll OFFERl!:D. One or the· ttneet 2 bdhn honte. Oo Bayald• Ori.... 2 baths, larp room.a. lavely' patio, ' beautitu.dy tumlllled. Ir )'OU are looltlng 1or • home wtth charm A: llva,blllty, let WI llhaw tbll prope.»y to ]911. Price S:U~'-'Um. .. . • Priced at $9,485 Low Monthly Payments • DIRECTIONS TO TRACT First road North of Santa Ana Country Club . . . tum East from Ranch 20 acree-ll tn perm. puture, abundant cheap water, property piped for lrrlcatton. Thrtt houses. Sood barn, . equipment tor 1~,000 chickemi. WUJ RU or conaider part trade for Santa Ana or Newport Beach prop· erty. Price $40,000. • OREENLZA.r, A: ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 Newport Blvd. on Palisades . . . to Tract Outstanding Ocean View Salesman on Tract * * * * * * . 100 FT. TO BAY 2 BEDROOM fUn1i..t\ed home on 2 Jot.a -Additional bed.rm. and bath attached to double rua.1e. La.rp UV· lng room wtlb fln:place. L&rp covered patio. Room for ruut houe. Good loan can ~ arran.ce<t. ,21,&00. Plenty of Room Here Tiler• ue 5 bedmta and den u well u larre U vtn1 room, dining room, kltcbe.n and porch. A perfect borne for a lar(tl family. Sailboat a.nd moortnc included in prtce of $21,&00, excellent tln&ncinl". Nice Family Home 4 bdrm•, uvtnc room, dtnlng room, kitchen, (a.ll la.rg'e). Plenty of bat.M. Partlally tumtehcd, 2100 eq. ft., double pr. 6' bobby lllop. Lot 52x75, half block to bay. U0,000 BAY & BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley 1430 Balbol. Blvd. Harbor 1204 * ... * * * * IMPORTANT CHOOSING a homeplace is IMPORTANT business. W b e re v er you go P.E- M;AND the M 0 S T for your home, your family and your investment. Insist on fully protective l'el!tric· Be&utit\11 new 3 bdrm home with 2 batha. eo n. rrontac~. Hwd. Doors, flag•t.one ftreplac'e · and many lavish· feature•. Very fin· est coniitructlon. Nolbln'g in this an.a wtll compare for'the money S21,000. Distinctive Ranch House ' Moat attractive new 3 bdrm home that h ... re.&J •tyle and features galore. Bwd. floors, tlreplace, double · garage, etc. In Newport Height.a near Cout Highway, '12,260. . tions, complete improve· Pretty As A •Picture ments, community pl'el!tige. Nle<0 2 bdrm ru1tlc houae 1n New- Here on LIDO IBLE you port Helgbto, only 2 yro. old. have all of this together F1 .. p1ace; beamed celllnp. wood with privacy and q u i e t, panellnl and double garage. Thia bu real cbarm--itOmelhing where you can still buy at many hom .. lack, U0,960. sensible prices. LIDO ~LE Beacon iim Realty hu much to offer ... for ·-Newport Bl'\'d. <-. Arolleel It meets the D ~MA N D Pbone BeaCQn 5713-R FOR THE VERY Bi;:BT ...S tllnlnl ·- . Here ta room for everybody and at a price 'that mean. b~ Slt,500. A 'fine Balboa hland locaUon.!.. Cell for appointment . J. A. BEEK OFFICE • Balboa Island F•IT1 Harbor 83 Bal-laland 8-rm Country Home, Tustin Area IN A BEAU'l'IFUL SErtING of orange mies, and away from the fog is ·this stately 2-story older' home on an· acre of. ground. The house has 8 roo!DB · with 3 '11drms. wall to wall carpeting and is in ex- cellent condition throughout. Outside is a 20'x40' rumpus room, barbecue, a large paved· area for parking and entertaining and there is plenty of room on the acre to have horses. At tbe price of $~7,500., this property represents an ettceptional value. , Phone or write us for an appointment. , JOHN A. SIEGEL, Realtor 250 D. Street, Tustin Klmber)¥ 2· 7608--Eves. KI. 2·0012 or KI! 2-9886 , BALBOA ISLAND SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE solidly built 2 bdrm home -Only 4 yrs. old. Completely furnished • and in a good location. Large rear Yatd w'ith ample · room to build another unit. Price· $18,000 Generous Terms. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave: at Marine Balboa Island Har. 2462 • BALBOA BARGA.IN 5 bedroom beach home, 1 blk. from Bay, close ta shopping, fumisheii. A real buy at ........... $13,500 'BALBOA ISLAND 3 bedroom home o'n comer location. Owner says sell and means it. Kake offer. , HAL HOUSER-Sales GAill CARNEY-kent.als J CORONA DEL MAR-Unfurnish- ed. Dandy 2-bdrni. home. Hdwd. n 90ra, fireplace, dining room. Nice yard. Covered .,P•Uo . Gar- ace. Yearly rent.a.I. lleterences. -'17 Orchid, Corona del Mar. Call Harbor 2233-R or Harbor lMO. (F. C. Andresen). tZc44 NEWLY Decorated Room.1, good ------------------------ bed• - .at the m o s t ·reasonable Balboa Peninsula prices. Only $13,000 · NELDA GIBSON, Realtor LIDO ISLE U you want a ~ta1 on lovely LIDO ISLE .ee ua. Several SoOd bomea available. Ai.a apart· menta by week or month. P.A. PALMER • • • IN CORPORA Tl!lD 3333 Via Udo Barbo• 1500 1ettc AT 111 Emerald. Balboa Island A.VA.ILA.BL!: NOW -Choice yearly rental. unturnlM.ed. 3 bednna., 111' baths. tlreplace, 2 tu maces. dispo88.l, dl•hwuher. Large patio. Owner 130 So. Bay Front, Balbda llla.nc:i. Harbor 21M. 43p4~ FOR LEASE-2 bdrm. nearly new untumlahed bome-exlJ"a bdrm. 1 and bath available. Furniture may be purch.aJled l1 desired. '"Near Udo Shope. :Kt1 .. 3-ilb St. corner or P'lnley. liar· :1629-W. · -t3c45 Summer Reservations Udo lale Bay ll'ront .unlto. 1 and 2 bdnm., ~.~ wk. up. Harbor 2502, evea. Har. :r914·M'. 1 Ttfc BALBOA ISLAND ~ and Apia., ·yeuty or eea- 80nal. See G&JJ ~ey, wtt~ NELDA GIBSON Rl!lAL EST A T!l IOI Karine, ~ 1"L Bat. 302 tl8ttc J'URNI8BED bachelor apL Prl- nte entrance &Dd be.th. Yearly or w.m.mer-. INQUIK1C at 415 Pu~tUa, Corona def Kar. 41c'3 Tra.naient double ............ $ 2.~ Monthly ........................... $30.00 Daily maid service. 123 28th I ~fW!>!I~, la¥a.;h. Phone Harbor 1 i•Jlii"WI ' ~ ' •· ' 30ch f 1jJ ,• j I' '•• 11 PLEASANT ROOM -K l tchen privllel"ea. Reuonable. GaraS"e optional 1612 Eut Ocean Blvd, B&lboL Ph. Harbor 02t:S·R. -:.. t2c4.t FURNISHED ROOM-Private en· trance aild bath. Convenient lo- cation. 508 '1) Ma.rigol<S Ave., Corona. del Mar: Harbor 2863·R . 43c4~ 19'4.8 FORD •lat.Ion wagon-Wood ta completely reflniahed. Excel- lent condiUon. -Phone Harbor 2297-J .tter 5 p.m. 0.,.3 LA. TE 194.8 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan, like new. 18,000 actual milea 11750. Prlvat.e party, call week end.a. Harbor ~2. •venlnp. UpU 1938 BUICK 4. door aeclo.n. Quick . .-Je. Serviceman. eliT Narc• sua. Corona del Kar or call Harbor 2&24·J. 43plf5 55-Money to Loan LOANS For Homes 5%-20 yr. Regular Loano CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~1>% U4 yni.l W!: BUY AND BELL · TRUST Dl!lEDS Bl!ll!l BOB SATl'LER H15 COAn BLVD. Corona del Kar B.Utaor 1077..J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAG!l.CO. Metro Ute las. hnda KI. 3~1A5 LITTLE ISLAND BAYFRONT offering for the first time-· Charming a bdnn. 3 bath and den home with apt on extra large lot in one of our very finest location.a. 1"'o accee- aible prace11 and a line workshop. Two patlOI, prtvat.e pier. Shawn by appotntment. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 218 ~. BALBOA ISLAND Barbor 20 Tij.IS IS IT! Rl!lDUCl!lD from $10,500 to '8,500 on nice 1treet ln Colt& Mesa. 2 bdrm, breaklut room, double 1arage, anpe covered patio, fru1t tree•, po\lltry bouae-- R. W. BARTINE W. U. Pauon, Allloclate F .H.1. RESALE Very attractive 2 bdrm home. Only 6 monlha old. Hwd. We ln kit. and ball>. L&nd.ocaped. prase. fenced. Pymt.1. are only $M.fll wblch tncludea t&xe• and lnaur- ance. Owner leaving and will make a deal at a low down pay: ntent. Combat Living Cost 1807 Newport Ave.., ea.ta Mesa Telephone Beacon 920 Beauutul five plu. aCf'el of level producUve land and & nice two bdrm 0home. Larc'e prap. Oa· Jore of rrutl trees. wb.lcb will net .omeone almost a $1000 l1 bought t1lll week. Illxctllent lo- PHONJ: Harbor 1111 lo place your want ad on pm pase. ~---------- 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Har. 502 LOOK at these SPECIAL S3800 DO'Yff. 2 bdnno, tumillhed l EXCLUSIVES: home-Paneled llvb)g MI). tire---------,,---------------- place, b&r kitchen, BBQ and en· SEE THIS 1. Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath . home on choice lot. Lfte. cheer· fW rooms. unit heat, brea.klaat bar, lovely kitchen. apecioua walled ln patio are a few or m a n y out.ltandlng features. This I• a ten1tlc BUY at' only '24,750. closed patio. Price Only $6,500 Nice beaoh. bOUH in ft...3 zone. Room to bU1ld lncome unit. Only $8850 2. "CHOICE SPOT" on the BAY· 2 bdrm, home on Balboa Blvd. FRONT of l.JOO ISLE a nearly Nice beach houee. Fireplace new 4 bedroom and 2 bath partly tuntj,.lhed. home that 18 a "honey." Thi• is not an "_old beach houae" but ta a nearly new, clever year around home. Large .rooms, unit heat. ~re dlopoeaJ. hotpolnt dllh- wuher, 2 tAlD decka, lovely vtew and many other •mart teature1. Thl.s I.a a quality BUY. Prlcied rtcht. • ALSO A few chotee buJldtng sites tor sale on LIDO ISLE at prtcea yau can. afford. Theee lot.I an sell· Ing fut., The law ot wpply and demand mu.et cert.alnly lncreue thek-value. See WI u we are tile Dl!lVl!lLOPl!lRB of LIDO ISL& where a little buy• a LOT. This Is Choice! '21.000 -3 bd...,,., 2 bath, untur. home, lge. eno&o.ed · paUo--<:olh:· pletely elec. kltclien, atove. rer.- dtsh wa.iher and pr. d18poea1, 2-car r·· landac•ped. ·- SEE tJS FOR cholce-wmmer rent· ala. AU -•l&e• and prices. Coast Properties Co. 301 ll. Bal-Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2IM • • • • Home · with sweeping view of hills, ocead' and ·coast. Built on level 50x120 lot. 3 . ' bdrms, fireplace, 2..c:ar gar. Completely, & nicely furnished and landacapj,d. Good location. . Pric.e -$22-,500 W. A. TOBIAS -EDNA CRAIG Rent&IJI LINWOOD VICK, Realtor Harbor 2042 312 Marine Ave., Balboa' Island Today's Best Buy Corona Highlands MODritmSTIC -Wiil> view or ocean and hill.I -Deelgned for Indoor 6' outdoor ll'l'fif&'. 2 bed- rooma, 11> batbt, Iota of We. Selec,L o&k ftoora, Payne F . A. heat, aluminum wtnclotn. Lota o! gl-. birch paneling, bu, cement patio. A quality home on a large lot. Kuttiple Ll.atlng No. 1888. See Home and Income Well built 2-etory duple~ near ocean ... Extra large rooiru. Full ttle bath. 2-i:ar prace with nice aun deck. W.onderful rental property summer and winter. 1 unit alone neto Sl100 yearly- otber unit owner occupied and immediately awtl1hle to buyer. S15.ooo. WW tal<e )Ima.II clear bome 1n w .. t ~rt Beach u part, or will arranse euy cull Lenna, . • I • =~~ .=1:,i.,.Ling:~:~ P. A_. P ALM,ER Costa MFsa Bargains Earl Chamberlain • • OPEN l .• 5 • • wel~ which cooto nouunr to INCORPORATIID • •/ '!' • 500 <:out Blvd .. Corona del Har 81-Beal F..iltate EJ:Maap Call Mrs. Shel(ley, B •. 8108-J .iiJ. WM. ll. ANOOLD, Jteall.or . operate. Thlo property 111 undet' 3333 Via Udo TWO =i HOMll, wall to wall. (Opp. Newport Harbor Babkl Bea'~. !UbLra~ Jar round pi-teed at leut SMGO. For an Newport Beach, Call. carpe"·-. cbolce dlatrict. 0_.,. Pllone Harbor 1281 _,... • -e. PracUca.lly excellent blJv--•••-a• -•· H•·bor 1~ -••-fO 1 MOD-~ -".. .___. ' ~ • ...., --dbl I . Eltlra •·-loL -new ~·· ~·~ -~ ·su~ -•· PRICED FOR QUICK",.'"' patio, 2-<&I' pr. Ready rw com-• ~ Com lnclllded '6750, a.II _ • ~ plete 11~. nu 0oeu Blvd., -Real · Values I 1 cub. lucky looker geta Sound Ian. d inw.t,mm_ ta-• large units, best location, Balboa. Harbor M5l·M. 12lf<: · • • It! 8 latoi-here'1 your • :t 3 B.R .. Newport Hgts. NEAR BAY-Attnc. older cot-chance! .Imperial Va.lloy and MCIJ&".• Rf"!er · block, to ~·and bay. EXCHANGE 1n excellent condltloa. We are las•· 2 bdnnl.., •leeplns porch. -:V.Uey rinc~~;t.!l"'"'M! Beautifully furnlahed. Won· prwd to offer Urla beautiful a lse. kltdlen w I t fl brealdut -ter. C..\LL -LOVJILA.ND, . derfu1 In T'"~ P'Ull.Y turnlobect -· tl""J>lace. bdrm bome wttb a Jara'• dining nook. ·Dining rm., u~. rm. Harbor 3llll(!. -I , CCIDf'.:_ Olfl1el' Slttpo 10, atlJllD. pand road. 1 ,......_ llec<!n'"-deCoratod wltll t~· AND FUJINIBHED ~'"'" __. .. ,..,_y. Everett Morrill .. AMOC 'for detalbr &Itel' 5 p;m. b11l to •tore and dub bouae. ..~ TOO' Only; '10 600. __... -r---..... • P"--· .. _....,_ 1270.W ·~-· • excellent tut.e. -rw...c.r-.-.. · • Prlc. ... ooo. 408 ~ ~ Jil>«. • ~boa """"...,....,.. • ~~ .. --fl500. back ~... -I -·· SUbmlt., -., or U.C-e. ya..i _,......, f"""'1, OCSAN l"!WNT-Cozy cottqe utfc • •· '~ Ed Sed lm · RJt paUo, JlloNl..Q. 8in,t -• 117 the -. A '""'11 ..,cation OWnera Ult -blJ1f wltll UL . • 15'3 eo..t Bml., Corona del Ku ~ -.... tbe -·t1 -. r N a. c a•••n ~ JY ·I -,,.... ' ' 515 l!l. Bal-Blvd., Balboa. U.,.8 e . eter. r; ~LI are paid. A )up a:.~ -I ~ It .. Irr for ... 500. • ' ....... er BO .... Buy In • -COST'A8V!i1SA BUY, MOD~ Oil cludlna Ille'--.,-· a,.. Ouale;y ·1~. Webb · ~T lllµCB . i· J;>:EL ,";INllll'? ~ llreeL, ~ m:nN.A.NCll . WART ~ Tb.Irr Ill a top ""'-""' h1I -l uwon, -PIOD-......... lllle • ' b'-I 'a l'l.J.-.. 1_\i ~ L04N8 TO . Btm.D, DIPROVa, -ITll ~ at Oftb" .-r .. mO 'tn· ~boa Reaft ''Co ~· • -Hr.poi\ Bml. CORON . -. ~· -. , . 48000 WN - "" -n...t -ww..-... ,..,.i. .... •-2 -. pr1ce ·11oa11 100lll'.Oi..ams.· Bar -1 oPDl-·tu.i.•nwA'r;' ~,,..,.,..._, .. ..,. 'lAl:P ,lfT. ,..·.~ - PENT HOUBWJ -~a nn. eottac• ..... ....., .. ~ -pUtlAll1 -..... Sll,IOO . • -· • • . • -. • . ,;rb Gl:'iiiftn 'Uil --li!t; ~ - • On "'IH .. lal...S ,,_: __ . mi: .. ·~::laaa:·~~ r::a.~ !"_.~ -~-fw la~ -. --. .CQBTA,-4. BilaT BUT!, ~-.1. ..... 7ltr '; "t ' ...... ,K41DI' <MnRI -apt: luio water nvplap. --Udi! .... Bar. JW · .. -. --~-·Colla . Phil' Sullivan Waterfront Home ... -. d>. ,....... IWoni 2 far· •. '1',... . • . -llOltACS"' l4 4 R!T . A..,...., 4. Woat -Pwl<'Aft, -"*"" . -All ·--"*•= I -ROB, IT L., aom . -.. ...., .. .., . ~ IirlaDd. Batbor -1-w. REAL ESTATE LOANS , . G Galen TlPniann' a IMll.., I i.tlio,.~ ud lloat , old. .,._,..... ... --, .._..,... _. -• ~ • ' •1 , Br ,,... _,, ____ _, _____ 4Gi>M__ lnteretlt 'Rat.·~ ·Ii." 111-,.,...,. . ~ T . "'.i'~-J ;.... ... r.ctt11 oa,, a. ... N-K' I ,., -.. ··~ -~ a.., ..... dOt_,. .... -. ., '-· ' • On P • uJa p • • t '--·~ -la tllo -u. • Eftrilon -llll,p•I, ·.,.u. fW-o. -.. llrll7 ftlA lat . I ~ , • · , -• ~ -' . en1ne Olll ........ LaiaL -...-., UN& VAO,.B(>IQ> r•" ft. al ..... "NA;sat ..... "i~.... . ltenar,111111.•'."Mar'lor-Ma ' ;:1· . -~ "''""""· --price. • • .JftC&LT •1'tlRNIBRJ:D j a~' -~-lf-r ·w old. a. aJ!w1avm ~·.._._or ' ft. .... -~ M•l ' $2{ '7D0 , ,,. ' -· 1 =-· ~ ....... .,,.._ ... at C'llrp ...... · '• .....ualll• 1114' lJtll, ii ' or -liad • .,. 117 ............ wm -•~II> -"!'I"" . . . ' . ' . 0000 ,,_ _... .._. . ....c:· 1119ds;.-. ... t o.la ,_..ft.Bradui _.__w. " -lllly. -.... Na . ,.... ,. 11&-. •1• !----..... ......,. •lttt* I~ ' :\.:: •• ft!~.--·-..,, .. ' -·Ill -..... -.,.., ... • .... -I GOM ~Mir-~ --........ ctn= llnt r. . • ..... ...... • • -__ ,.., ..... (.,....., ~ .,. 815 lit .... • 'W . -~ r I ,,.....,__.-.._ 11 JT. TR#ft ....... t. llOI ...... lft"!I fP. --...... ,__ lliill"e r\i I ''n ,....DID-. Har._ .. 1..,,. 1ltft: ... x4,.., I Ill--: :--~a;·= =~ l':i .... =now•-Dql•--' . ~ , MANLY ::V 'Eft..,... m P • '0 AlllBU& .\. liu.Y , •• • Ria • ..-_---........ Olia ffW:ill K 'I ; ..._" .. ~ •-..-·-1 ~ ~~ ounp 11 1 ti ~ ~--·a• -n a -: •-~ Miii\ .. _ rM. ---. .... Iii 7ni ~ 'I -• --. M~.._ ...... 0.... •n?I ~-... ft, 11 ·~7 I -------~· Onri1a ..... 'ft. Ila..-;'. ,._._.1 uaa.. ' .... ~ ..... ._ a1 a • ·, ... ,, ...... 10', 'M1n .. .._. .. _.,. ,,......, -> • -.. :f "' --• . s • , ~-• • \• •