HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-17 - Newport Balboa News Times' .. ' MOBNINO STAJi-AltloouSb omNe lo -t -r-....ril _--... la --&--.' ,, ....... Bkll- ard Rheem'• ~ ""MOnd.ar Star" ftalshed tbe preeeat rsee-aUU Well alM!9d of Ute · ~r ~ Due to extremely~ b~\;y MIN at the doae of the rSee, Motlllol' Star w.. W;l!!IU•rU7 .aw ...... eho~llf'd r11': ~br m1Mlnc a aew r9aorc1 by only a few ltoun. Sbe la a fMnlltar elSld ,a.· NewpoR -·· 11!£ ~·,..... (Pbolo ..,. Beckner) ' . • b t ' . I '· . . I I I Drunk Driie1 In 'Hlw.ay ~~ . ·I Brother 1and, . ' 'Sister E_scape ' . Four pereona were enve1)' ahaken up tn a two cu accktent at 5:08 p. m. J'rtclay at 17th s i'. ~d Cout e1pwa.1 nMr the Bay Shore brlcSse. , Hea~y S~rf A. c&r driven by Howard J . Burno. of An:adla, beardln&' - wae halted oppool~ the trailer park wtt.en lt wu h!t iJ:l the reu by a vehicle operated by Travlll Wiiiiam Baker, Ill C.jon. P~en ln the Burn.1' v.. hlcle were Mn. Lyda Voll, of m Margue rite Ave., Corona del KU'; ' Mn. Mae Burna. ot Pa.dena.. and· th~ driVH'a wtre. All ln ua. ear' were Md.l7 ahaken up but eaCaped UtY. apparent injury. • ' The ear drtve·n by Baker left 4ft feet-or a'ktd mark. befOn the pMAt. of impact. Droak or1- w1tneeeee reported that Bo.ku had beei\ driving erraitcauy be· tore , the atcldent. Two men aald that, prior to the crub.. they ~ been run off the road by BaJcer'I · car and had turned around to tor. low hlm. They had •topped Baker--. but he had pmceeded aft.er flnd- lng out that they were not police otficen. . Baker· pleaded guilty to drunk drlvtng In Newport Beach city court Monday and H<:elwd a choice between payinl' a $200 nne or 1pena1ng liO claya In Jail. He a.lao received a llcenae euapenstpn. 1 Year in ail . for Mesa: o-'·:''-'-1. . .J>lfllMC-UloK or'nm NEW .OLUfT 411 _ ........ MU"" ... ,,.. .. -711·-.,, Ulef~ oeMeo ._ et.!(-" 8"""" -_.,. ll'+'ll!i ........ -~ ~-T aW .;;.,;,.iii.It .mlEe Five yean probation·, "'1th a year In. the county j&ll W'&8 the eentence given Oordella £ether Green, 23, Coat.a Mea mother wbo admitted strlldnr hf'r ltltte- month-old daupter wtth her flat.a. Mrs. Green wu Benle:DCN! by ~u­ perk>r Judge Kenneth E . Mofti .. eon. weet •f tile Arct.M. ftetm-ed left to rtpt atie ~ta ol d.e ~ etoa. t.. be ·N;. WW: Mn. I . B. lllod4a>d. Zoata; I . B. i..u,tdla; -· H ... &eUef. K-; M. H. H-Op-ta; Mn.&. F. WU!mee, --ud Prof-W-a; Boland WrfCbl, Rotary. . (News-Time.a Photo) ' .. CHIRIQUE TAKES CORRECTED TIME LEAD The young woman will be given Taking the lead 1n the corrected time for the Hbno1uiu Race waa Tucker McClure's k etc'h Chtrlqu< credit, however, for the five mont.M ahe baa bttn· ln je.tl •lnce whkh croued the finish line at Dlamond H,ad at 9;.(8 p. m. Sunday. her tittle Patricia. Ann Green died Howner, .RV!lr&l otbel-boat.S ·m Ufe race l\aye l\&ndlcap11 that,.. still make It po&Bible for them to win. Feb. 9. A murder charge previ· Total elapaed time tor the Mc-.. ---"-'-.,-'''--------------~------- Eleven • yw · old Mfllvin Tackitt of Bu~a Park waa the seventh drowning victim of the season-.in the Newport Harbor area. The boY, drown- ed in the surf, after being swept from rocks jutting out into tlle i>cean 'llt 5th beach on Irvine propi,rJ;y south-. ·west of Corona de! Mar, ,at 3:45 p .. m. Saturday. According to Wilpesses, .the eleven-year old bo)r had been out on the rock with bis younger atep-brotheF-and atep-aister. Melvin. accompanied by, the two other. youngsters, was com- ing back Into 'ahore, when a huG'1' wave. swept them all into the sea. The younger boy, and the little rgirl clung together and managed lo get be.ck on the rocks. MelVin could be aeen · tor just a few momenta and then he was swept away by the heavy surf. Oouldo't Swim According tq the boy's pa.rents. Mr. and Mrs. Duma.a. the boy wu unable lo .wt.m. :Accon;llng \o Newport • Beach , llfe guard.a. th~ rt>cka 1 on w~lch ti>•-children · had been pJa»ng liad jutted , )>i>P!l'xim.,tety. jioq Y&l'dl! 1nto th ......._ n waa• ~thatW~b.4 'Wlilked~-< on. 'thr rOcU ~When "' the water wu calm.· · - Life ..-i ~OUl(d'.1116 ~tit the elevea•ye&r Old boy at a :37 L m. SuQday momlng after a trutUesa aearch the day before. ' The body had been badl)r cut rrom the action_ or the sea.s pounding the roCk& When J'e- covered, the body had been noat- ing aoo.ut 20 yards oft shore. oualy h-4 ~n dillml.Med a.gain.at Clure ketch w~ 11 daya, 12 hours Stud · .'? ' ~ PubUc llearinp ::e~:rr:e°..~e ~~;:i :!; and 48 mlntitea. She had almoet _ · y :, :·~M ... , 1.ng Public hearinp will be called on doubt that the blow• the mother a ,three .day ha.ndlcap makfug her .., LY' 1 t he proposed new zones as with Police .Seek . Hit and ;Run Car D.river. admitted •triking had been the cOqected time 8 daye., 21 hours f. o·r n .. ·11• · other amen9Jnents to the County'2'! ...... of death. • and :fl -d& or ·' . :_.,._· 1 I 1ng larid-u .. ordinance. Fatal Fall Bciatcb boat fpr the rate was Conalderable d1Bcu58ion w · ex-Newport Beach police are aeeW- Publlc Defender "N . D. Meytr, ~cit Rh~'• Momin« Star whlch Following the, joint di.lcuuion pect~ to be brought from real-lng a hit and run driver who contended the chlld died of~• trac-bad an elapae<t uine of 10 days, OD the aubjeet ol eat&bllahlng dents of the soUth-coaatal e.rea made his eacape Sunday at •:<&.6 tu.red a>w.11 from a (all ot1 a divan lt boun and U % mlnut.H. ~ea for oil 1srtlltng and explora· who have been objecting' to oll p. m . after .triking an eleven· onto a concrete floor a few daya The M:orni .. ~ Star eel the actual i,.ton . Wedneed.ay, by the county wells tn tln!lr area. A coutal com· year old boy at the top bl the before the death. He ...erted the ....._ pl&nntng commlllton and the mlttee op'poelng oU well!!, headed· riunP 'leading , lo the ma.in beach 1trtkin.g of the cblld in -4 ftt of time recqrd for the 2225 mile Los board of &Upeniaon:, the planning by Mrs. Amy Kennedy of Lagu,na ln Corona c:Sel M&r. anpr "becauae Me cried" lLad AnaeJa-llouolulu COW"M in 19•• eommluion ' n\tt 't'ttunday to Beach and group. from Corona The. cycllat. hi the eon of Bill occurred aJ:toui the ftnt ·0r Pie With a croiult.ns tllneti &t·-10 il&Y1, 8tlldy the 'poell.bllltiel Of 1Uch del Mar area have been urging O'Hara, ot Dennie'• Cate. Corona year 10 boUra, 13 ft!lnUte. and O~ He· sonJng. the wpervlloni to ban all oil drill-dal Mar. 'Ille boy reported that fte court orde~ that Mn. oftdL . • At the informal confl!rence, il tng on the ocean aide of the cout· be had been 11truck at !,he bead Green rentain In Ute leYen eou.tb· Up uatll the final day of the wu und1et;stobd planner• and SU· al range In the entire area south-of the ramp· by a car with fOlU' em counUea of Callt°"'1a, and 'ri<>-race, Mornhlg Star . aeemtnl)y pervtaore~weie tn agreement u to eu\ of the Santa Ana river. .. men tn it. late no lawa and uM no tntoxl· threatened to bftak her own rec· propoeed zon.ee' to be eet up where Several wells have been allowed The t:ycfist ·ai.JUer~ minor 'in- cant-. aJUtOllch tbe Jobnl' woman Md. f>Ut bad weather alo~ed her oil operatora would not be. reqUir· on · special pennlts ln. the Corona j uries, a lklnn.ed efbQw _ and ·denied Me Wled •llqliot. . .... ed to obtain ~ce permit.a in dEd Mar and Laguna,,Beac h areu • a'.nkJe. The tp0kes of ,the bicycle Onl7. witneu In ~ beMrlt tn " ~ w •llaer . _ order to df'lll ~ • despite o~Jectlona ot 'the re•ktent&. da,mq~. ' • tbe ~lion he&z1n« waa Iler -Half "1 ....,r behlnd Chlrlqua .bMl:l\ind, Franklin P. Green. JIOllllf' WU rred -Allen'• ~at.her of roo!dlnc 1n O!:e&n vi-• ...._Mid. DtOco wttb an el¥oi-d Um~ .of 11 olll l>a4 -a "l'!Od wife" a114 d&J'o. U boun and D mtnuta. Her Md newr been tn tfou1* before. ~ time wu nearly two P.~ne.·Cra~es;. ~ Pilot Reco ers ~' , &lgleCted ·to flnlab ooon are Doe ~ -· Blt11ark And Walter TNJ\U'~ ,&wt Enninc Btar. Botll boita bow.,er, have a smaller· baDdk:ap than Clllrlque and ·can not __ her on a ~ed ume -. . ~i...a'..-.i.~ littu In a ,pooltlon to win tl)e. ·-.14,.·,-~ -Ill· ~ on c~ lime 10 tbe ·at J1irloo """-,Wl!!in ' .... i>taae foot -ll~ aid~ -----~---------....:,..,... _____ .,..., ___ ...,.....,,,r..,..::-:-.,..--:...:...1..-· ~·at~iai a laDd· "7 lfewport !lirbbt' Yaclitj ~ ... at .,.._ Jliijo au,o.i • "' c--. 1n ~-qr l'lljplor. Coot& Meot ft~lo°;J'I-Motl.er hot con-r fof Ille l1;.J(.iN.1q. Jr., ot -....it. · lluldlcq> e...-10 Seo. ~Itch. ... =·:.t~v""'~ BL iii.~ :: ;:. :..-.r: ~ DIONIWc. lle~lo .. ¥i:Wp.s . . '811 . ~ ·/!'•"~ -.1J llL . 'J. Here '19 artniiw-...._ '--,. IM pllM -"' -:.\f. ....... et , • IM~-._,, -.. 1t1t ._ .... OIW. , ... ·-:=a:r.:;:~~:.: :: :-..::. ·..:-.:: i;• a.1ac11a--., ..., ..._. ,.._..,,. ,,, ,.. -, p ::-... -:. ... •U: ... I .. _,,,,. -.. ~: .. :5•f« "''. n ., -.. ,.. --!! - -.. • •• ~ 7 ... 'l\i . Pl& 0 .. ~...... PS p• .-.1111-.-. -, .. ~ ......... !El . ._.. I, . -~--t'-· ... ~ 7 "'p' .. ... -n....,. ,.., at,._ llti :.'!.. C:: ·""" rm ... • ~ . ' 'I . I J • ' • • • • • v. • • ~·mont1t-o1d Da\.i d Pat.rte~ Prtttp <and hls little coullln, two-. month-old Pam<"ta Ann ThompAOD. Wt'ft baptiud Sunday morntng by Rt>v. Thoma.a Roy P'1\dell at Chr.t9t Ctlurch by the sea... They art the children of Mr. and Mr& David \\'. Prl.%1o or santa:·An• and ~fT. -and Mn1. ·11911cr\ -William Tbotnpson of Newport Heigtlta. Mr. Pf'nd~ll had been the ott'l- cfatlng mlnlstcr at the weddinJ" of bolh couples. Mrs. Prizio ~ Mra. ThompAOn are daughter& of Harry \v. Campbf'll· of, Rivet aw- ntH\ West .Newport, athletl~ cO&C.li ot Loo Anpleo City ~. · '111E ~ HAMMOND .. . CllOJW O.aGAN • ...... • , . '.· .. ,..- • • < ...... • • ·' . • -. l - • • " • r I • I •• ,_:. "'l .. . . • • -• • ! ._ TllfSd..,, Julf·:..:.~7.:...:; .J:..:.'5:.c{__._........:~:,,,..· ...--..-..:-----r ~rooi Sta~ Observe' Date of ,,_ • • . . I , • Second ~lnsfit ~iOrl Anniv~ry : SeCond anni""l?'! ot 'ihe Iii· atitut1on of u.rbiir Star c11&~ D• aTH , u011CES ..... Oboerwd 'WI~ Jilnlor put -"1' matron. Ec:lythe.K&nper ~ jUn.. .. , 1or put patron CUba Motrlo pre-~-IL -. sldlnC and courte"l( omcen ~-Ar<;bl~ M. l!trollg. of 320% 1ng all otattons. • ~ NaUn 114i"• •llgln..,. and Given eacort wen Ruth _and ~ pe,1ed away Sat·"' Henry Delster, _ worthy malrM urda,y .night at li.la home in Bal- a.nd wortby patron, and O~ boa. Be ~ bo~ tn Westmlnat.er, Scott. deputy grand matron: ....., cautomia. June 18. 1878, the eon vtaltlng past matrons and patrons of -Robert ancj i Villa Marquis Arthur and Estelle Ha.rt.well ot Strong, early "1.'t\lens tn that Buena Park:· Wilma L&utent of a.re&. nte famllt moved to Pu-. . ' South Ge.le: Walter Donnelly, aden& · tn 1888 where Mr. Strong Harbor chapter. ... wu gradllaled fro m Puadena 'Introduced and serving a.a cour-HJI'!! School tn· ,896. One of his teflY offlcerS were: Id& Naylor, boyhopd job& wu the pla.nung of asaoelate matron: Sam Ktnafatbtt the tall Wuhingl.onlan pa.Im &880Clate patron: Etta Mae Kauff· tree1 on North Madimn avenue. man. conductrea: Arthur Fits· After graduating from Lel&.Dd morrl.a., ch•P~i!'; Sylvta Place. Stanford Untvertlty ln 1899 Mr. trea.sun!r; Mayme Donnelly. war-Stl'Ong .-pent hie early business <len: Walter Peck, flag bearer. Ufe ln the OW.ns VaUey a.a a Mrs. Naylor and Mr. Kinetathu: mining and ctv11 engineer, and told ot·how the chapter waa start-where he met and married Mary ed and ot the dltticultJes ot lta Watteraon. He alao served u tlnt year when tbey headed the lnyo County SUFVeyor, cltlet. en- ataff of officer& ·Mrs. Kemper and gtneer of the fabuloua Sero Gordo CUba MDrria &1so told ot work of mine and made the early aur- the chapter during the.tr year of veys of the Searles L&ke pot.a.sh leadership. deposit& In 1911 he moved hll ~ Otgantzed with 92 members, f&!JlilY to Loa .t\ftple11 where he there are i:;iow t-40 on the roll artd' worked for many years u a eon- ailc: candidatea -.yUI be received at suiting" engineer before retiring lhe flnl Seple"-ber mttting. The to Balboa. 1chapter will be dark now uptil In retirement 'Mr. Stro91r con- Auguat 28. when the asaoctate n\a-tlnued In hia earlY love ot shell tron and U80C1ate pa.tron. Jean collecting and became widelv rec- CotUe and Harold Fink, wtll be optaed u one of the world au- bonored at a birthday party. thoritlu on Pacific Coast shells. Special thank.a was given lhf' Re hu cia.lfled the ehell11 col- houae committee for the new car-lected by numerous expeditions to pet on the eut dais. · the Southern Americas a.nd pub- ltha Hom, Polly Owen and lished many t~cal pa.'pers on Louise Ra.sch were birthday cele-concholoey. branta honored when the decorat· Mr. Strong was a member ot t<I cake wa.a served after a com-the American Instlt,ute of Civil munity sing of old time sonp. Engineers, American Inatltute of Tables were gay Wt.lb bouquet.a ot Mining and Met&llurgical Eng-I· summer flowers and at eac.h place neera. the C&Hfornla Aca.demy of were card.Ji m~de by Ellyn Nlelaen, Sciences, Pacific She:Jl Club, the chairman of the bollteu COllUl'lit-San Diego Soclety of Natural tee although she wu atlll tll al Hiatory, Scottish ftlle and the her, home and. unable to attend. Newport Yacht Club. For all put matrons and patrons He le wrVived by hie brother. there were al80 little pencil g&v Robe~ M. Strong qf Pua.dena. a ti~ wttJi ribbon bowii of their u-daultftter, Mra. Marian Strong sociatlon colors. Acting u hoe-Clark and grandcblldren. Lincoln, le88t'S were Maude Wood. Frances Carrolle \ a.nd' Anthony Clark or Morris and Etta Mae Kauffman. Balboa. MasonJc merttWfal aervices will • be held on Wld., July 18th, at Anaheim .Member BaJto Mortuary •n Corona de1 Mart. Interment will be. private MRS. DON I. CANTRELL (Wanek-King Photo) Rites at All Saints Church Unite Don Cantrell and Sylvia .Wnlets is Hostess to :;:.;:t~~~muy P,101 in Hollywood Kamaaina Group si;'h~!""' i.:e1;:;-..... wao born , The chapel or All Saints Ep18C'Opal church In Pa.sadl!'~ was &el· ting at 4 o'clock on Sunday. July 1~, for a '!"eddlng df lnterf'St to Harbor resldenl8 when vows were repeaW by bon L.. CantreU, aon Or Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Cantrell, 316 Alvarado Place, 8&11¥>& and Sylvia Wlllet.8:, bea.u.W'Ul daughter or Mr. and M~. David B. 1 Willet.a of AJJ members of Kam&aina Klub Jan. 20, ttM5 In Honolulu and were preeent when Arna Dare died July 12. 1901. In a.n Orange BaibJc wu ~eu laat ~edne ... hoapftal. She ~ dau~hlet;,, ot • •lfay~at beT''ftOi'ne tn ·Anal)etm ' and Mr. Uwf Mra. Ridiard M. Melrose. ln addition there was Mn. 'Elva lft.29 Miramar Dfive, Balboa and Poquette of Jackson, Mlchipn, la 1urvtved by tier p&renta. al8o guest ot club member Mre. Hazel mater n a I p:ID'ldmother1 Mrs. Souder of Hollywood. Elizabeth Flach of Costa Mesa _ Bylaws were revtaed during the a.nd paternal grandmother, Wini- ·-social evening which ended with fred Melrose of Anaheim. Pa.sad~ Tbp..,42.Y}!$_tl_i;tg cere-, . mony waa performed by Dr. John I graduated tram Pasadena City F . ScotL ... colleKe and attended Wllllamette Sylvia wore a summery brldal Unlv@rsity, Oregon. ~er hUAband gown o! white embroidered or-graduaterl from Newport Harbor gandy over taffeta, low neck and union High 15ehool and aUended short sl('cved with full ballet Willamette. University where he length skirt. Ov('r IL wu a tie, on was artUiated with Sigma Alpha overskirt and ~rain of organdy Epsilon. He wt.II continue his &lu- edged with embroidery. Mitt.A cation at Orange C088t college. were of th~ embroidery and lac(' Now honeymooning al Lagwta rrom 1 her ,mot.her'e wed<Ung veil Beach1 the couple .will·make their serving of a delicious reput by Services were held Monday at the hOateaa., · ' 2 p. m. ln Anaheim with lnt.er- For the meellng of August i at !llent In Loma Vista cemetery. 801 CamaUon avenue, Corona del David A. Hacennan. Mar, Ttiancia Vandercook will put on a akit "Trip to the ls- lands" by her dance pupUa. Previous meeting of the club was a caauta party at the home of Jeannie Clabourne, 104 34tb stret and for lbat week membeT'8 were busy gelling their "adopted family'' eetUed ln a new home at Costa Mesa. David Alfred Hagerman, 13. '°" ot . Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hagerman of 1727 Iryine Ave .. Coata Mesa. died .Wednesday in Ora.na""e County hospital after an extended 111"eu. The youth, an tnv&lid, waa born ln Orange llJ\d lived there his entire life. In addition to hi• parents. he is survived by ·three brothers. Frank ~------------· 0 ., John A. llnd ThotnaJt A .. aJJ . Lester A. Becker, D. D. s. ot the home addreae; &T&ndpar- enta. Mn. Jennie Hagerman of Orange, F . ~-Hajt'erman-o! P"ul· held her own. of n')'lon tu~le. home in Balboa. Miss Barbara Long-, maid ot ------- honor, 'w&.s irT ballet ~ngth' palt · A'L·L IN A PICKLE green organdy and ·June Cantrell, ~· sister or the bridegroom, was The succul~t pickle i8 high In flower girl, also in pa.le green. vital food properties. Pickles con- Michael Smith asaistcd with taln vitamin.a A. Bl and B2, llnd best man dutlea and Richard Wil-C In quantity. They also contain lets, brother of the bride, ushered. calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper A reception for 5() guest.a, mem-and salt. They add zest to mMy ber.s of the family and cloae kinds ot tood and are low ln cal- friends was held afterwa.rd ln the orles, &bout 12 to one large dill patio ·~t the home ot the bride's pickle. parenta. The new Mra. C&ntrell wu do read the want. ada DENTISTRY · 17811 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa lerton, and Krs. Ma.ry E. Korse.1 ----'"~------------------,-=== of Ve.nturL · Modica! Bldg . .-Beacon 67G:? "1meraJ services were h e I d s&turday at Brown Colonial mor- tWlr)'. Interment was tn Melrose Abbey Memorial park with the Rev. DanJel Pecota ot Costa 606 E . Bay A Ye., Balboa B&r-327-J Harold K. Grauel Chapel M:eu omdaUnl'. 111,.. !!:ft Leoere' K•pllart Plloee: Beaeon .5810 tl•~J' C..ta - Mr& Eva Lenore Kephart. 70, of 907 N. Lemon St., Anahelm, died Thunday In · the home of ber eon. Alex E'~ Kephart In Palo Alto after a llnJVinf lllneaa. Born in Kan•a abe had Jived ln O&Ufornta ~ YMH-She was a mem!>f:l of the EYanpltcal Un1\fd Bretheren ch~ oC-Ana" - BE SURE -INSUR.E wttlt MA.Ullll: 8TANU:Y --Olll7 PltolM! lla.rtlor· 11'Tt I~ MarUoe A.._ a.-._ belnl. . • , Survivors are three IOllS. Roal E. Kephu.t of 0.l<land. Dean A. Ke]ihart ot ~ and Alex Kep. ha(t of 't>alo Alto: -two daug)ttere, Mra Georsl& A. ,Jones of Detroit, Mlclt.. and Mn. Lettie Lenore 8&61 of NOWJ>01t Beadl; three '=====~======'.lbrothero. Berl ~•Y of T.U.. ;. Ben McCaney tit North Dakota EXClf!IJJl!NCE la UPB OL8Tr:JIY and Jeu M~ of MlMOurl~ 1even • ..,...~~~ and five • • • KIMMONS an•t crandcbll~. •. 1 ._ P'vneral ~ . were . held c..i-• ..,....i,.1tt.--. 0r • ..-_ c.rfff'-Monday at 2 p.. m._ 1n tbe ...flllgen- 1u.coN _.. feld mortuary: 1A.nahelm. , Inter· as L 1m. ntff1, COST•. MESA ment .ta Loma Vtata cemetery. '===========:::iC:I~ u · •1ilote1J111 · RIOOIA.RDl'S SRO,: 8JlOP, Cl!atlft l!'.dln.J.i lllo.rdlolil, 79, -Befal""' . . . WMlo y Wall J.A~ ot Ut~·Mth 8'-Ni~-~~M .... ,Boeeh. ""-"•ffl•• 4:-. ..... .. died • l"rlday ~ Oru\re COun,_(y C.•..ctlw · nmeral bolpttal ~ ~ brief W· OM 1pallk WM . ftW.· · lj~ , . ou• MOno, • -,_ , ' • 'Bunt....., Jnc~ ·.,... aon. .1obn -N'-po.1' 9"C. I H.'lloftflOld, AJiboim; -grand- HllWPOIH' BllACB · dlidrell: o-p i'Jov -a-lee :;;;;~;;;:~::='~==f,i"-'Kol.ethH, ~Ana; :J-n I W"'-' Ulla. ~ Jr,. -1-c. ~ >-· ,.,.,. .--1m,. ...,., -. ~ ~ -·--..._ ...... -Ill • "* • c,a. a.a...i,· J. llu<Clolil, . 6M A1oJ.lia1l t_11-·~ All-o..,.. :' -'~ #,' ~ ---L ........ --wire -at, ·~:~~ ·U a.:&' M .., • ..... GI' Id , *t•-e W , a 1l I ', -Am. .... Kr. 11iv•-...n1 l • =:a caar<;ll at · a,. -. n·a 111 ;,~ ••• J 2 a I ~--t ... __ ...,.. .... Ell 0 li~J .. • I • • • • ' MATJ'BZ881!:8 Boa..._RomMo-Trallen lrn!plu 8hapeo BEACON llOll Costa ... KattreM Co. !l&O Newport Blvd. Get an ,• .. Dist. MYF Officers Mee t Here Sat. Officera of the Northwest Sub- dlatpct Metbodlst Youth Fellow- ship of Loe Angeles held their annual plannirig meeting at Christ Church by the Sea Saturday. Morninc aftd evening were given to planning their organlzaUon's program f~r the comlng year. 'l'be afternoon w.u apent tn water aporta in Newport Bay. News-Timea ad»' have beeq read ln the Harbor for over (0 year.. o~ ,. 1 CU'RRENt WNINGS eledric ··home food freezer n~w ••• aMrt .SR./U).fl • • ~ l'Y---4-77_ ,_ m MIN U VAlt.J!1'Y is what it tak~ to keep appe- ti~ up in meet families. Tastes seem to go down unless you ke.p serv~ "templers"- and ycJu ~ do thiit be3t when you' have an electric home food freezer. With an. el!ectric home food freezer you can k•ep e vuyt hina in aeason all the t lme. I t does n't ha ve to be 1p rin1 t o m ake aprJng c:hic:ken .!Ute. soocl -and· it dooan'I have to be aprflM' when you w rve tt. either. Same thing --ftw &e.h -'>•and other frulto-dley &Te (r('sh and delicious 1n Janua1'y or July. Your food f1·eczer,assurcs,1L '. Another homt> freezer benefit is the money you save. ln-scason prices are lower than out- of-season prices, and by "buy.ing ahead" and filling your freezer you store up savings right- along -with foods. It's nn economicJll way to• · better eating. ~· J 't1 .... , -• Summer time is tlre very best .,,liW,~ tq bQy .. , . and 11tock a ho'I'• freezer. 'You>.d~,hoo a ., variety of styl_es ahd modefs including the qne . :· that is just rlgh_t fcir you. He can show yol( b~w food budget savings will pay.for Jt. too~w1iy· wait?S eeyourdealernow! -,. ) · I ,,J ,c;>UTHlltN C:ALIFO,RNI~ EIUSON CC?MPA~f . . ~·. • ... : • ' . • . J . • . ~~ ••• I ·~ \...... i ' .. . --' . . • j .... l ,, , . ·" I ~ . ~ ; oi1o0\\9··~ Ola conwl\\81\ce -• • \ • ,. ~ ,, . • . -' 1: . --· r~:__ .... ___: ' I ' I > " . . • .. • • • .. " 1 ·I • ' ' ·1 • I . ' • p~~·· I ~p-. • ' • • • ' • • ' -· • • Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLlllHJl:RS ASS'N. ·M.,,.ber ot'the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ABSOcIATION · ,ornee and Pr!ntln1(1'Jant •at ~ll ~-·~uleWrd Telet>IM!fte Harbor 1816 • . I . Eat.red as Second.Cl ... Maller at-the Pl>aloUloe In Nowport Boach, • . C&lifornta iinder the Aot of. -3, 1~79. EDWARD ~. LoBOYEN~tor '! .. ' J . M. FRANCIS, Bu8iaeu Manap~ , QwOll-te P811A1o IA'l{lll Not1-a9d AA!ft~ of Au IDnclo • • SUBSCRIPTION UTE!!: 1 · · lawPOllT-BA.LBO,~ Nl:WS-TIMF.8 evttr lTu-"'1. · la •Olup County, U$ prr 1-: St:• Ills -Ula; Sl.!3' da..,.r moalh (.U. ..... ,.-tile NEWPOllT-MLllOA PRl'.SS, Tb....-y) . ' Outolde o .... "' OoG8t)' "-M .per YN/' -. ---.... . ·--· . •• -v• f-. ~ ten Sa,ety C0n1~.0dn1ents With sWnmer lttff"lC expected to ·fNFJi~ ~ a~Ume peak.. th" Calitornia Highway Patrol today wamed.\h&t--traU"tc aceidcntt-may a.bO reach ~ vacation-~ason rt'COrd unleu indlvlau~; motorielar d?'ive u careruuy aa.. tbey kn.ow how. . ' . , To avert tregedy on the h.lgh\\•aya the patrol l lsted "<t.h~ (ollow- lnc 10 commandments ot s&fE' _ drtttng (not necessarily ln order 5--Watch ~· lJI tra.ffl<" .. of their importaoee) : 1--i>rutt rM!f'.. .( .j · t-~ ·e.n._ of your NJ". 1-ll~bff ·.the otlit? fello"" ~...,. tra111c ••P" • o1rnai.. s-:s1aw .io-at rilpt. ~ ISn'folly. : . ~'alert. . ( . 4---fike /Sft> '!l lat•-tloos. l&--01\•e .jnper. h"l'!'1 •I-)?. - • • YOU . • • YOUR COflCR.E$S .. ) • , ' "l .~ ., -. ( By 'cLA YTON ·THOMPSON . .·. . .. • ........ ... • I • • ,. ' f I I . - I • • -l . • -' ' . ' . By MARGO • • • • • • • ,; . . • • • • •• • . . . . "JCSCOf'FJER" KINGSTON Is banding oJt fonn· ,"\'OU MIGHT OOllPAIUI: THlS TO THE FOREST OF ARDlllN,'' .du Uke mid at tb~ BAYSiplij Jl'tSB MAJtKET! Mld I><. Erwood bomfjUdly. ''BUt Qf courae, the ~ have - Thlo actf-&ppalnted BrOJat-Sava.,., Is aetting him· h<;Wft and faoh!<med Into 110.iou. traditional. and modorli -tumlt~:· at.If up u a one,ma.n Ba.reMa ~ latttmal a.c:Jpft. Dr. !:'rwood cu take you by your\n101Jit palm and guJde yau thru Qe 'Harty. clalma tllat a llllyol4e Ji'Joll properly pre. ...-.i .. Furalluft Mrg: C». or you can go alooe. The Anl"lua (lo. paffi/1 wUJ mal<e• you hoaltlly, b"'lney and In de--coven 3 acres Of Loa Anplea. H ere you can view ball a mUlloq Csol~ mand\u a bol9\eaa! eere•a bls Aertilade to a Sword .. ·worth ot tumlture from all part.a ot the nation: SaJem lt(aple, wah\ut, tl8b. &: be-lleve me. I quote: ··Buf a Jar ot Woody's chf!rry, blonde. mahogany.• Angelus de•lgnen and Angelhs. cra.tt.nen Barbecue S&Ycc-or. an,y otlter ~ue aauce you Jtn you your choice 6f. beauUrul fumtture tn tnnume..able patteftlt find cin the .heJt of your tawrl\.e nt&.rket-apread and wood.I. If you nttd1.turnlahbip tor tlvtng, dining or bedroOm, . on bOth !ldee of your f.lall~ flour with Dlxle you can -~ up to "5'* wtth this "Factory to you ,Plan."\]The An~ 'Fr)o--oot with butter or m&rgertne and bl"ol.l edlum name. DO CO. hU bem famous for fin_, turnl.ture for halt a cen.turf,. De11nry fl· NOT BROIL QR FJIX ANY FISH TOO LONG. It will taste like tree. Ooneult Dr. ~ tor rurthcr information. Erwoodll', 401 E. sawdust." . On ~nd thot; ~rhnpa we should ruame tbla. "S.w-ftaJbaa Blvd .. 8a1boa. Opton ~nlngw. du."t ala Swordfi.Sh." But at lea.at. the man'& candtcL Here's the • • • ti!n&ttve ftlh fore<':ast: Albacore ... el uaJve; Sea Ba8.'I, Ra.Ubut., Yellow· , tail, Swordf!M ... J>Nbably; Abakme Steaks at 7G< lb .... definite-A CHILI) SIZE WOIU) TO THE WISE tor ly; Slnoked Fish .. ·. T .. ; Fl'e!!h Ft .. h dafty .•. st the llaJ'lllde t1ob liny TEE'1'£1\ TOTTERERS, Sand -Pile Sllten, M'&rkf't .•• beyoiid Lhe ehadn\v of a. doubt! 2800 Ufayt'ttf', ·Opt.U J and HoP9CQtchera. Do JO\t extremely Junior MiU«:R tln:N-9 a werk I to G:SO. { '°"&' for an atl . around smart. "'l&Shable frock that • • • can endltre cuTb-ailttng, jack-pla.ylng .. hoop rolltng and ttill wa.~ up daily-treah for Sunday School ? . 1 HAlR TQDA Y -GONE TOMORROW! Wlll you ladles !tep Long quel1es of yotmg ladies from g n1oa. up to t 4 behind the barn with me while I d(acuu a little na.BObaJ matber with V?S. have •-a•·• to me •• the babies' n-1e"nc1a- you 1 Mrs. Ellen L. Bryant, an experlebced e1;-b-oJog1st la now at f~r a tip o~u;'iner and ~hool tuhlon~ I ha~; . .ifu · .j~ ~!)~~88bW:.:_.Pttd:).i~~...,f:~p. the Udu Sit.Ion of Bf'aut3·, Summer sun, sun olls and lotions are cruised the Harbot Area with thl!I aaUa.tytng re•ult. •-'= ftV!~,''of \rtfta . ~ .• "#..~r ?:Jk9. ~r:::._:.11,; c"1b. la apt to encourage the owr-prodtK:tion of hatr. Maybe yo1lr eye-brows I find lhat Pol•y Appan-.1 hu a wonderful arn..y ~.' it''";!{-"~*,~.i.trJ lQ·J,nJ.1o~lf.~»e .. s, ~~ZJ'e.·.sa"-.ti> .. ~. '"' • ...,,· 11 are-a little too heav)·_:or maybe you'd like a widow'• peak or a new ot LoomCf'9tt dHNea tor '""'Wing temalea. These -, .... ~-'""-~ '"'""' :~ h 1 r , Ell Br t 1 ~-t red 1 t-•ogt th ~--• •· -· .,i·u..ier. w,,....1...,....,'..,hed · o"i•l!J·Q..,.....,,.Co"'1Q;-'l!'Alf, a r lne . f'A · yan s a rea ... e e ec •vo . at au o. ~ by Betty Bate&' Fairy· Tale eowna are ln ever-ao-styli•h plaid&, gi.ng-Ab.F.,'... 1~419;~; .r~ff .-Ho.n@. .Shi),,.; ,,itl,(. •'ti"n.•"at.~·ii~a: ni •. ; JS.td&y, the State of, California. She is thoroughly e.xpm1encoed in the per· hi.ma, llOlid broadcloths. piques. plain, ruttled, and fa.ney. Loom-· ~-, .... -~ • ~ 1" ·,. •• • ""' • ·~ .. manent removal or unqNirable hair by electrolysis and thcrmolyBis. cratt.a even come in "Rlater acU." Every n umber la so well t&J lored Adt.·11 .andl 4'Q111:1..-.· t•rnucta 'thrt'_.,.~~D .~ctn.titraK t apln at You may have hair removed from 8.rms or lep nr any part of the :ind 89 'Ao"ell made 'that it is uncondltlonaJly, guaranteed. Price• l P-t.,ni. A~~i~O,p·;~\~11 :~ fn-e ,t,o'"tNs ~-Ptt.~t f'V~t..\ ~~ .'· -~ facill.I area. Thla is a scientltice.lly sate, painless method ot redeco· range from S2.29 -~.39. Better dip Into your piggy bank and I--..,.;'----'--'-'--'---'----'---------'--~--- rating your phy~ognomy. Mrs. Bryant will give YOl.I a free private veloelflCde to 1•o11,. Appa""I. 'w SP.Wp'lrt A.l'f"., Co8ta MHL L . se· . 'h Be. .. .. ,. Ok .. ..,:.' . consultation in her own ·prtvato chamtaen. Let'• avoid tha.t 7 o'doc1< agyna', ·. oc arh' o.;_· 'f~ (daylight savmgs) shadow. girts. Be halr-t ree and ca.re·free. Con-I • • • ·. "· ~DU Cl ' suit Elh-n L Brya!'t R. F .. at Udo SAIOb or ~uty,. Harbor 2578,, • "COOKERY IS BEC01rfE AN ART. A NOBLE SCIENCE: "GOOD ' • .... ., , · H40 Via Oporto. COOKS ARE GENTLEMEN." Indeed yes •. lh ... noble line• were no Pr'·e'.·p·_ a· r' es 'for·· B St' t'; ·c· .. f I: . e e e . doubt \\-Titten abo\1t the muter baker at the Sf'wportl Bakf'r')' • • • y a·. d ; · 0 " · I Bob Krull. Bob Is turning out mah delighta dally at tilts savory shop. ~. ,' . • HERE'S A BUY COMPARABLE ONLY TO THE "LOUISIANA Newe:st beadllnert here are the apple rolls (6 tor 30c l These come -,. • • PURCHASE.~' LEE ~OUP '.fHRU A Rharip fl.nag-le and courtesy steam.Ing out ot the oven around noon every day .. ·. sugar crtep Art · f. · · t' I ThousB.ncts of 1t ourfsti arid real· ot ~uity and J . Petrillo presents 90mething ne':" in sun1mer stock. I Dani.!h Cottee cakes are 2 ror l:k and "'Orth more if you uk me! . ~ 1lis I'*? d&Jta Will 'a Ock. to· ~hrs al.Qng N<_> playing at the .Jo-'"J.,.re Sport• Shop: Two p1eee do~ted Swiss in Sour Rye Bread and Pumpernickel help make successful Dutch Lunch "\;; ftl C&ltfomia's l,l~Q mile coutllne navy or royal blue with a supporting cast of red chen1Ue dots . . and P8.tio parties .•. -&"ood with beer. Cinnamon and Raisin breads t:aguna Beach·, ~fomla 111 t he thla. se&SOI\ to; en~y· clJ~e and this frolicsome revue number Is practically a Aellont at SG.95. An· are awfully good tor break.fut. rie Dutch Bread 18 ~ any time 1 rim ln pUrt In yachtinf, ~tipl', aigbt· otRer '""""Cialty act rod -• by Royal ~ t I d sbl 2 I 6 .......... acene of ~ un q~ expe · ent aeet• ... , •.....tmm, •·~ •. ~urf-rl. ding, 8UD g'i h -r -i d Pbl uch~ k Th b~1 ·~ 9 1' 0• ah ng 1 P ~e or day. Everybody Including me goea !lue·fooUng around the back art (or' t ve'ryt:Jbd3, Which rurit de· batiing~;;d .apo-"'rt~fiahlng. ng am n re or ue c ec s. e ouse s auc o sty e with d •• ••-Ne~rt Bake y 1 a b t dou-..... ~ .. __ _,._.,, ot mom-v lo~ th ug• tw d-·d .. until I I d t -• ba k fl Th lull ·•·· Id I II oar u. "re -,.... r or o & .......... , ..... vvu a e t""'"" ro '' o ~ "-.a •-"pt!ll -•Id-.•-~""'ornla ong s eeve~ an u~eu c cu a. e . l"A1rt , cou i an ing. Krullen by Krull eepecta.Uy with Jelly ... hot every morning 7 ~.000 spectators-from. Virtually -.. tl\:3 ... c. "' \.ALIU; orc~estra. pit. as lt9 a complete dress circle. Lees ~o scalper, daya a we<>k. N~wport Bakrry !11% 0<"8n Frnnl. HarbOr 1442·R. ewry sta.t-e in.~µnti;:.n annually be&ch·C"~!'Si thej CallJornl& State shes only demandinl' S4.95 for lhis. You'll get an additional cur· ' ty Qlam)tel'.of Conll.nerce Tra.ve1 -d lain call In this one too, Dolly .. _ widely eyed and aJBO starchy • • • vlait lhb ~de c:i · to·.wttnfSB Recreation dep&rt.ment liaS pr:e· pique skirts in .pink, yellow and aqua at $2.9~. Full circle skil'ts DO l'Ol1 WISH YOU'D 1\'EVER BAD VD'A-lhe1 ... Festival _ot ArU ,~d Pageent pared .\.a ... bookl~· titled .. Ocean in d bl d -k wl'" i t l Im $4 ~ i t · · ... _ .. --P I of u•_e Mpt.ers., a. ~unity-wide· '°.--ches'of ~-•,·••rn· ia· • "·tin. r i-pow er ue-an pu1 ul eye e r . .v.., . . n r1gutng ~ MIN B--1 ! The rea.90n I aaked ls ....... t ~ au rOd t.to 1 yi th r gca. ...... 1y &n.:1 e ..,,.., s kirts of v.:hite broadcloth with switcheroo' stripe~ . 1 . $3.96 '\.~1 I .. a.nd Marv Ford (How High The Moon ) have a p .uc .~. emp 0 . ·"1' e . lne ~rts retk>.rt · &nd be~h ·t areu in-the l r 1il'ftfi_._ .,..__ t••• N .. A ~-•· M , -.,.. ,. '-"'sh l'd N 0 __ ot the l]t~tre .. pa.mtlng_~~mUJlc ·and ~•. coun"·-·.~ertng Callf.:~'a'• <>-_,.., • ...,. ....... ~p. -. f"Wpe , ..... ...,_.._ f'U.. ~ ~ new com ball oot call~d "I ., • ever ~n ntw.tu ru ~ uo..u . U£ru e a e ~ .,, Sun.sbtne." The HoUM of Hannoay. mu1tc n1e<;ca sc...._,... ~. · · · · ~ · OOutflrii i the pabphlet , gives in- \ eel I ;.,.~J .started .. ~C~·,in.,lhe c~~.Y ·for.ml.tien~ 'bh: .accOmmodat:iOn.s,. DON"T TURN UP YOUR TOES! . can supply you wlth thiA t ender mor any 19~b'~ w;hen: a.~.JI . .ot depr~ss 1on . """"r9at.'ional ·. facilitfe.s. W.a t er <TURN THEM lN ON A NEW PAIR OF ci-.. f n1i.nute ttow ... also \\1th .that strange m~tlng struck.,.artl1'ls refused to starve in --,-' . SHOES! Be footloose and com-tree this !:.tj C.: , ot Saroyan and Clooney eclept, "Come On·A My the , cqnventlbn&l Pr:.j+.t. · 1Jut in':. spott;e., t>est .seaaon.s ~or ocean .and summertime. If the pace ts telling 90 ,_!'!-.....,: 'House." And ma.ny excerpts frorfl the "Great steaq~~ a.Fes_tt~:.amdku~g ~=~i~g-and po~ts _0: :1oc.al s.s I ! ·rm telling you that the way' for _tn tY I --. J Carlutc,,:· too. Here's llle piece de rutstance: lhe'lr . pal.ntings ~a.lone a ~ro . . .~-. . . · _ you to be lighthearted a.nd li the of foot ..-f'~~· ~ ' . • \\'ttb any ft{'A \'le.tor Tf'lr,·l1don set you' purchase fence.. From SuCh b,umble ortgtn· ,_'Qie: COl!iP,rdtei;s~ve ~~Jet ha.a this summer is to get your feet on the ~4\ £ 1 here. you gel an RCA """°~ pla1f'r and attarhmrnt FJIEE. H of H began thfo 'f£rat F~Stlvat of A~.~ ~ ~t~rtbu~ to ,trote\B. r.n9tels, gn>und in a pair of sandals from ~~ ,"7..i4 has a hup 1tock of TV 1ets and more records than the library or TI\la.yeac heaJ:tY.~n hupdfed..~t;.8'1:1 ~en_cfea,;~ chl&ITibenr of BARBER'S BOO'TERY. Barber's is a .,,_}ii' ~ '\ Congress. "Show Boat" Is ava.ll~ble in 4~'s and LP. ··such volqnti:):f:r :~~~e.rs , cirimp_rl.s~ 1 t11e e;c>~~ttce' and-. a,rga.rtlft:tiq"• and b&g fa.nilly shoe .!lore ... shoes tor the .)) sweet compulaion doth in music lie. I hope yiou feel ~ompelled to ca.at·_ aAd er~w .fcjr Ute , letpl ·~· c,iv~c :_~!~ci!.11 _d:ev:o~:_to .• ~u~s~ enUre famtJy. For you, Alam l .. san--undulate over to the Howw of Harmon)', J817 Newport Ave., Costa nuat;~val.(o ~~be.I(l..J)lly.Jlat .~i:&il~ a~ fri:ve , frifnMn~Yoft·A daJs ot every descrtptJon. Fiala, wedges. ba.refootr casuala . red. MHEL. Beacon &737 or 5883• · • • • .through.. ~~guat. 5(h ... Beene ot t.hia • .:..~~J!trtb.t~:r:'lf ~ ~~t t. white. green, •multi-colored Ja.98 on up. P-cMapa )·ou'd enjoy extra~ of~*"" 'Uta \fl:•........ u.u.urr1 ~ ,,,Q.n ~. • ~tft ~~~-- &IJnking around with the loose jointed grace ot a. Pocohontu in. a ·•A FIG ON HIM WHO FRETS! IT ISNI RAIN-i '1 Dvln' PUk: .ahd Irvbte ~f;l~e" at ~.~· -, .~~· ~-of pair Gf hand·sewn m<>ecasins in white, red. or piri.1omino at U .4.5 ! ING RAJN TO ME, IT"S RAINING VIOLETS!" You'd Bowl' 1aY :ftac.u.ral"' &tn'ph.ltheatre ~'"~-1!-~n~~~.~t· For the yotmg set, Sun-Sans ln white, red or brown .•. then lhere.'1 nevt-r gutu Where!· Oa1'1y, It'! ra.lnlng spr1ng nowcn ahettir~ by-r0ut:ng~l8 and•roor.· 41" ~~~.an~. ~ ed" .~ ot dreSAed up comfot:t and dignity in a pair of Johnny BelindU at $4.45 at the BALBOA GalO! A gay spr1g or carnations Or a ed ODIY by the> 11\artltliky. ~Woml• ~~te ·. ~~and Bls'- or wa.sh.able ke<lette ballerinas . . . Ba..Wr's Bootf'f')' make your clust er or garden.las wlll rancy ·you up. A no8'gay o! M08t tf:'amattc e\l-ent ·or the F es-· t~~el. ¥Q.l).WJ1ep.t.a. A , ~ta.I fH-I I t d . k h lb" U.8 tln\.)s~the P~ant··Ot the Mas· chapter ia .dey~ to all tY.pe,t .of t fPf' ft . . 1795 Newport Ave.. C'OJ;tn ¥e.'18.. Polenty free brlght cornOowen or )"OW' reSLung ~c or a 18C teni. Unitlet:i by the ·co)ortul com-ocean fisblf>:I': surf, c1eep..ak. aba .• parking. behind ~ur ceullflo\ftf' ear n1a y bot-just that needed 1 1'id l 1n 1 t t iO e e • touch. Flowen for rne.datn a~ 19c to 89c and quicker ment.a o'f the Nft"rra'tbr. the Page-onp '• · c ~m g. -.n ~rma n CHEERS FROM THE BALCONY for the GALLERY! Vera Wll· 1iams' Litt.le Patio Studio A 1·t Gallery Lt causing many a cultured eyebrow to elevate with pleasure! ?tfrs. Williams' new picture palace adds a den touch tn her ·charming Balboa bland gift Mop and book 11taJls. You'll see oils and water colont by such famous CaJitorn.18 arUsta as Thelma Paddock Hope. Joan Irving, Burt Proctor and ReT. 81'91\,dt: unu~ual oils by Louis deMnurtt of Sa.ntll. Fe and colorful Balboa print!! by Ph.ii Dike. Especlally notewof'thY are tbe Mediterran· ean aeuc.apes by the l&t<' Edgar Payne. Thelma Hnpe display• one retreshing Virginia scene that has a rare delicacy and a. delightful put.el patina M"ldom sef'n fn an oil. Rex Brandt has a few cholc~ watercolors on sale at a low fee. Thelma Hope is ava.lla.ble now at the Pallo Stud.to for 011 portralts. ThJs mi.rtl'f!'ss ot her art can sketch you tn 35 or 40 minutes. Fot-SIO, you can be Immortalized! See her when you viatt the Pat.lo Studio-Gallf')' llDtl Book 8tall. JlS"l MariM, Balboa L-.la.nd. than 'PlAntlng seed&. But enough oC this millh-mush. ant· 111,a 'fuJt-ew.n.tnt4• !pf!clacle in on' chartt.r. lµld · party boat· co8t 8 nu-Ba1boa ~ A: 10 \\.'ishes it shouted from all minaret.3 wtiich cla.Sslc · aiid contemporary .is ~t'~U~Oli: 1 th.al a. goodly supply of dOubte.botl('rl!I are at hand. Ala<> art ·1s·recreatM"Dy '"ltViifg nlodels ' -.---. ---- colored gll.llefl. corn-pa.cl.a .and Mum are in aeason. And expertly made l!P. 8!'d authe.ntlcal· A SJIOWER ·JN HOS:fE.RV hark: FRIDAY ONt .. Y SPECIAL: LADIES' TEE... ly cmiltm,ea .. B&Clt.(roUnd ~ery SHIRTS ·-FIBST Ql'ALITY VALUF.S Ilk -.I.ill •.• (llDl&ll, Is -paJnll!d 'to scale by 'Laguna medium and large I qs-Ji'ALE FOK 19t' Nch. Limit 50 to a c:;um.omer, arti.a~. The .perfkted "living, pie· TEE-HEE. RAl.1\0A ll &: 10, SOO MAIN, BALBOA. tu~&" are sh.own -.gainst· a musl· cal bac~drop of rare tonal beauty • • • under ~t\(' balon or 'dUtian Brodets- SE.."ID FOR 1'1E IF \'Oil GET WORK! On ky, whose "Ensembl"(' gives a per· 11:econd thot; I 'll pack my. mucara and go with forma.nce t;emarkable !or l he-wide you. We can alwaya afford to buy a winning variety .of n100<\Ji and styles re· meal t icket at lhe KOTTAGE KAFE lN qUired. OOSTA..MESA. We can't l<>B;e. you kilow. We During the 16 afternoons &11d ·. A · new idea in ·bridal : showers Is .the ho8Jery SH'oWer. V&ri~'ty 1n hosiery design t008"y peml1ia · an e.i\tn-,e. br\dal ·sbO'wei-built . arbu)ld the new etocl$:ing: faJ1hions.· A 'brkl· •· aJ.,spray of pearl and rhinestones hand embroid_el'e<f on the e:tOck· inp haa . been deSigned . by Wtµys of Holtywood tor such a shower, ju.at step up ta the window and put 15c a c"""s evenings or· the Festival beginning • 1 . 1 the boaJ"4 on HAMBURGER sired by Manning' a July 21st, visitors will see· more ~ .\ · \ ·, • • • • y . _.\f)qwt 1wum rlluR HANKY AND OET-NERVOUS JNDf. GES'l'!ON 'BECA lJSE TOU CANT qoo~ 4t .Cll&rlt,y !19,. \ll _ Clkrlf'.J•'11, MParood 1lhtaurant hu loweN!d the dlYOrce rate oanalder- ably . Dubtous brides and even over-trained matrons ate finding .the joy and rel~Uon that comes from A pleaMnf d.lnner by the 9eL Charley's shore dinners of Ftesh ffaJjbut, local Sea Bass . • . or Fried Shrimp~ Scallops or, Abalone or evtn an. entire Lobster add a zlnl" to dining out. Fi.sh dinn&rs ·are only $1.2~. Lobster with all tbe trim is $7.25. Someone else's cooldri'g atWa.ys ta.steS better. CharJey•a seafood salads for lurlcheon or a Cntbmeet cocktail apertit pep up the whole day. U you're only mildly huncrY, a bowl of Clam Chowder for-lunch improves your afternoon bridge. Stomachs are improved . • . mysterious yerui are aaled. Clharlfiy._ , Sr-9 food KNi._a .... t. J 135 C'-0a~t. Rl\\'a.Y (.neKt to Port oi-ange} 1 clays a Bttt. YeJJ, tout, you always,tote4way & good th.an· .200 !lr~~ic· .exhtbl~, to.m-.. :.'-' :\t-.... ~ . ~ ..... wn _,~i;..,"@~. • · · .'lo911t~.-~r1 !J!!ff.&~~·· P~r+ ,... .. " ~. . . • week. Beacon 683.f. w•m r..~-tr'M t"JJl!l'~ft ~:·~"'t)i~, ·. ·~ · ., ····Kottase.Kat.e ... 1e.roM » P.• aa'* . .,_,,;1,,.. lji"f'\· · · o.ti~· · ' ~ ,. han<ltul. of F~ Friee for 1&e. ... tarp malt gtiri8. l ia1 tamotU:. -innovation a ~ ';"'T'-'"o:it'rB~~f' l&e. AU you have to do ia figure out a place to eat the~ delectables. thie y.e•r's F estJ.Val wUJ be . tlte ~ · You're a citizen! It's a tree cowttry! Eat Blanding u.p or lying down NatiQn8J Contenipofaiy Art Gal- in your toga. Walt UPt I'm going too. It's a. !aat tnck to the Pay-oft tery .hoUstng an. Uluisu.al collection' window at lhe Kottace Kai•, J9%0 Newport Bh1L, '"Vo.a M-(l blk. ol ~· story. telltn:g. palntinga. en- beyond thP MHA Mo\•14"). tere(l by artist. from 26 s~~ · • • • WOMEN! AVERT YOUR EYELIDS! THIS IS FOR MEN New•'ttmu a'di:.liave ~ ret.4 ONLY! I MEAN' THE ODDS .UO.'D BODKINS BARGAIN TABLE In \Ile B,arJ?Or. for •oyei (() .,..,.. AT RICKY'S . .I (fortunately Ricky· Bodman I. Here's a It.bl• of" first ( --::;,...,c-'-''"°'::-:-f7':,..,.-'~,,..,,,,,...c.:_,;:.._--.,..c,,:.....:_;..,:.:...L,.+.;.--'-.:::.:~­ • • quallty atutf, ·but.. odda and ends of lo~ see! Look on ~ table ·for Men's apqrt.s shfrte ln .handsome cotton prtnlll at ll .98. Some rfli.Jly amootb. et.riped chambray shirt.a at $8.U 4 Other niftles1 arot•nd fl.98 • There are a rewi ahirta, alighUy sbop-owOm Of' faded (oSd lthtrts never I , -~ STRADl,)l.E l'OUA !9080ATSt FEATB-die) at 98c (maJCe keen work lhlrts. Let me see ... there a~ a few ~YOUR OARS! Big sale1 of a:lighUy u!ted Gaatner Wikles ~oureacent aUn, trunJca at $5.'9. And ~ WbOle slue -Port Holes at \Valt's Tradliic Post. Maybe of ltent•s rubber:..ated canvas llhoe11 at $3.49, a big ran~ ol\ •'bes to ' -' it was Port Light.a. Obi; well • i . W&Jt these ... 'nlat ~bol1t takes care of the barp.tn table.. ~cky'a C&J.!l"!i has .several thouaand ftem• o~ marine .. big line of men•s wen. Arrow lhtrts and under-g&rmenta, •laelta equipment all alphabotlcaOy filed. I aoked and •sport jao)<ct .. 1l1cky'a hH a women'• dept. t.0 In cue you care Walter Bean how lie cOuld be ao neat, to la]<,, aome Ut~le woman along wtih you. llJel<J'• (fo~ lllo\ly- . and he said it was , ~Use be WU trom ~maa), 1'20.t-N~w~rt Blvd.. 0>sta lle9. ·.u+a GMl. • Matne. Well that fi&'UJ'N. It also figure& that you can find·a.a.ytbing 1 • • • ~ f ln the line of marine gear t)r gidgy.gadgeta be1e. Take me for - exampJe · · . Walt niade me 4. bea.utff\11 Bta.LnleU-.flteel barbecue _BULL nGHTERS. IADJU • • • skewers for 21c. And mon Capilalne, you Bhoul~tfontlle the tools TONDUIU~;,mI~:S~R :>~ on the bargain count.er. For 10c yet, yo\l, can bu)'! hammers. acrew.. "-~.... · • e P l"" .... drivers., spark. plug wrenches and other stran.,.i Ices. The Trad-tng4 ~saa"'fs ~ .:'-!!::!~ n:; -~ in~ Post has a. Chrysler ~ 110 b. p. mot.Or-perfeet shape, ol\ 3r • -llml1 ,._..,hem • ~· )Wit overhauled witlt 2li-1 ~uction. · Which 1 llOpe means more ~ the alt ~Y Of ~ c. ~ to you than it doea to ltllle old me. Otlter oddltt .. Include ..., almost Bal~~~~,. .. 1~ U.: ~ ... ·""' new "mu.. but.'"' utpa' •taff.; pr. Ironwood *1arda; 8cotlaad ·~ ........ .,. ,... <!eat; nnd. _. n umber of c-1 t.ranam--~ Wll F Oltjoy feet blondlnp the way o( v..xtcan food browoing lhn1'. th~ sallon' l1t.lcln. Make Walt's· ~ PM& your llllff, Mmcaa Wnnera ID ln autllOnttc fiNlt "'>rt of earl. · 422 ~ St. Newport. ~ -~ and ~ style ..., ferwd at tie ... • A ,-I _,k•lsys except Wed. from 8 ·~ p m ~·k1'l · . 8~ ~ d._ i.,f1.7S •··ala c~ , r j . . . -. . . . --.... ..,.« ~ """"' -"OU!!" ""' eo.. -• .• -: • . • l)a!4M. tll -~ !Ito. lf~ ~ 1-lt. ~....,;. .... .._,. . i · ... look ,.a. ... ·u-11-. Cast :X0.-1t> .., ~ aora ""1lle • • . ·r, .. ---,, '' . • t.n&lya8 you; :ui,.;Bnh ;, • , I ,_ It all ..;,;r • l , Y'!'I ... -dwelling , ; ' ~ ' ll> the 'dgllt ,tok>r echOme: .You;1a. lovaly. tOOI tel....,.,. .... Uvlag • t• .• with..,.....,, colon. w..,,, Colon are (Gr ~I.a ... YIM/ ----• I I ha .... l;locqrolllld 'l'1 -t: .._ .. ..,.,,., ........ K7 -· ,..... AD UB .. •moflonat• ~-..,.be diJeetly ~to l!""' wbe-• dlsllko for-the COion wllldl -)'OU. _,_, -u •& " -"'[atmol1t; 'Ila lt'a ~true, , , Oallr ........ ...... I . ..,aucy, ll pk -°" '",...._ •. , .N-1"19 .... -I -tor '*" Toa ...--,. ,.,._ 1a i.. ._.flt .. •a· 'I ~.....,-~-.... a .. 1;1,..1111ft'f11t-G9 ot 11 S0.C,...... flll F'I UflW • ~. 8 ltl ~,... .. U9 ..... ---.. _ ., ....... ,... _ ._ ,...,, Gt Ille-......... ,.._..,,,., .. ,...._ e _,,lil:Nem di I Fd'WFI t "80111 .. JW> Ji Fi,_. aqlll( .. -. _.,.. r .,.. -. 119 --• MS: "" ~-· ¥ ---ft&\1'. -.... it -.-. •• _., . ...,,.. ... :·_ ._. . • •. -lly· llA/lGO. • ~.:. i ... j"-: ~ Ctf~.SS.I:.F ~l!.H · ' ' ' ~ ~}Jty Mld~4't In "4'~-'119 .. . • •••."!•.•••1 ···"""" .• 18-'Bollbtl!M GBlde · 1!8-Situadons Wanted ' •• ,': ""*""'' '•1 ........ •• ........... . OOMPL&Tll BOU!llll Cl.11.UUNO' ll'INK moNING. wllJ call roe .and . -l'Umlture aild Nia I deliver. fNo bou.oecl.ean'ing). • , ete•mPo""Cl me ..ttmit• Help fWith dinner partleL Pbon~ l'nD,7 J1uUre4. -Mrs. "'UllamA, Harbor 1595' be· Al's House & 'Rug' 1 .... iq a.m. or after 8"p.~8• Cleaning do. 9 ! I Miil 1111 'lltfo F6r Venetian Blinds, Sh•des and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE. SHOP Free eettmatell Ph. Har 884 ' 514 -29th s~ ·Newport Beach ' WOMAN wants general hOueie: work -785·W. 18th' St., Coota Mesa. Phone Belt. 5219.w be-:· fore 11 a.m. or after t :30 p.n(. • ' 4!$J!<17. -P eople do-'read the want ad& • • ~lld6.!1.Se~ •.. ~~~=:::=-===~~ " INTICRIPR -inxTl:Rroa -.. , PAINTING . UCllNSEI>·-tNsmulD Glenn Johbston :501•311& llt. Ntwpc)i\ -ch Barbor ltt'l ..J Ud8 DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General Contractor ResidentW-Commercial Re~odeling Ph<»te ~ 6'06-:W 17tfc WILL DO that work you want done -lack of all trades-maintenance work. Have toola uid mixers for any job. . Call BILL Beacon 6451-W ' 38c51 PAINTING I ~~ th -At.,"Oelta -IleL lif57-ll .... Ant Exterminator service . No Bott.lea. No Mus&,. No Fuss Safe tor Pet." and Children 100 ~ Guaranteed Fr<'" EsUmat<'..s Harbor 0589 .. J . Hp46 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt llepm Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 1.ftS..W 2801 IJ&]boa Blvd., Newport Beach WIBe people do read the ada. 14-PeiMMh Alooliollcs Anonynioua Wrlie -P. o. -20li J!iaD!b& Illal1ct, Cll!f. ·-R!inlMlrl:J U39S ' . -. . LOST ~ M>UIONJC RING-RE• W>\'.RD.-'.'Plea&O p-. Pat °" ' DMD. )1 ... .-'111115. -~ LOIJT-1.Utber eue ·with .aenral aptomol>li. Utleo, etc., Reward. Harliar Utt-W. 4.8]>48 . ~ ~ Standard Stations, Inc. Has a «ew opefiings 'L • FOR MEN Who are Jooklng for permanen\ employment with excellent op-· portunity for advancement: 21' to 4-0 preferred. P at d while-, tr&ining. Approx. $277.50 month to start. Uberal laundry allow- ances. \H igh school mtnil'n~ : desired. See Supt. at the , ~ . STANDARD STATIONS · Dahlia & Caast Klchway Cnrona del Mar BetwcC'n 8 :30 and 12 every li'riday -. . •Se(&:~ . ' -~ l W ANTED--3 men over SIS to1"~-: • l>Jain • .........,.._ bu1'lal pion. Experience not ,n@"ceaa ... r.)'., Tel>ching or eoaeblng experiO!\~. h•lpful. ~ haw car. Ff111 time permanent position. Com• mlsslons paJd twice monthly. No • soliciting allCXft'.d. "Leads • tuml.!.1\~ dally. · SI!:!!: :MR. HARTWELL · . ., . 10 a. m. 6nJy-Mon. thru Friday . 2915 Newport Blvd. Newport Beech 42c43H49 • WANT SOM.EoNE t o care t'or ,my 4·ye&.r·old child 6 evenlnp , I\ .. week (every other week) ii} • your home. Phone · Harbor 871 . atter 5 p. m. 46p47 WANT WOMAN to help care· tof chi1dr:en nights whll4'! I w011i: Live in. Salary. Phone Ha.ibor ., . 1649-J . 46df" • . . ' Go!NG CAMPING T .Here are 2 ·:~ G. I . COieman etovea.wblcll were u.oed only two weeks .. Har: :nJ\2.1-i • 4-tc4<1 BEDROOM frame house lot·-. acreage, $900 delivered. !Ox.31 stucco businesl bldg. or garage, $7815 delivered. 733 W. La Pal•. _ma. Anaheim. 9-4 p.m.. PKone• \ Anaheim 6404. . 45c47 ARGO • FLEl'c CAMERA, $40. 9 x 12 IM.bre rug, ~16. Wlcker Chtld'~ ward~ $6.. ~ ~aeon 8771. ·11~ · o-n. PICKEi' tence. t "''""' ~ "''"etlan. bllnda, ~ able? 119 coral A.ve,. -1"" ·. land. . ,, 1 •eits . ,.., -. . • ' ... .:-; I ~ . j ' • I . • • ' ' . \ ~ ~· . . , . . ~ !-~·-:=:.~~~1wa YOU WAlli'-.m BUJ, SELL 'EMPl.OY ••• OR .1RADE,· .. l TIE ' s • • • • Qj t':• 2 ~ £ 2 2 2 2 I I I 2 5 2 1 I ' 1 1 I I ', • . 1 -·:"·"{~l":--·,-·-.. --.. ll"!••"!llm""'••••911!,!*'••--.. , ""'!•• · , ~ , !! .!!??!~ ••••. '·. ,. !! ~ ~-,-s~ie. '.~. -·rz1.~f ... • · • •!1'.! · .. · .. a ••··.~ ':p""'"" -· -••••.•• ·~ • '. fr . -.·!JI~. .. .. CLASSllllD "':'1t:%.:i..~~= 1 ...,.0 ·. s BALBOA PENINaULA . 2 :JJ. R i'Beauty• ··ARE .You LOOKING FOR: • ON PAGE RYE pun..... at; llBAl'ICR'8 MIJs L u I N....;. n-. dam.,-i,., ,.,._ I ----. ci-la -!lllclO locaUonl -• L l. . ..;..;· a bdtm ....J. la a.. ---'hl&Ad •• me co. t.._ 18011 01 No. A · "''*.OU. Prlt red,_ to au.JOO. Oood n..,.,...,_ ,_ -llill -d•n!nk-nn. s ~;• ' a ~ • sjQmo.., l!Anta AnL ~bers B -A LI ·B -0 . " s • P""-tile blllll. plenty of -. - lY' i.-71 ' O I O ""'"''tt"" cabil!N In !lcllen. lleJeoteil 2• • l:xtra -' O ~""" q..uuc· N-E w __ PQ RT' . . ON BAY k.YJ£,jJ,'flJ'r. hwd. --sravtty now beats s." Aiinl1.um.-pt'90f bive<itjnat? . • "Pr!Cht piano.· ' _ _ \ , ~ tw.i' bdrm home. ~ patio. Owner would Ing ll)'Olem. op location and • U you "°' ;you'U' Ilka 111~:. a year old _ duplm\ on LttUe RICA80N ABJ:;J: • ' conolclat vacaat lot put --t, IUblllll offtn, A.II<· only a couple llloClca ITonl Als llland wllll I hdmw, 1 ". • Illa In ll:ACH ualt. COms Barbor <lnt·W · Summer ' · Ing pnoe 111.aoo. J>ha Beta'• new •tore. rtreplace. ptetety tu"'1shed 1nc1uc11ng tranne dr&J>:Oriu, Indirect WANT ;'/, BUY -good .-d I t-4p4e • • lndlvtdually ilunL J'or a 'top U(htlns, Jl'Ulel ray heat, cu.i-Ja. Bztra c1oaet .. u or -snowblr11. Call Harbor-----;------n-t' . qUallty home,1-thla Lad tlle 234 or ev... Harbor :1771-M. COllDl IN """~' lay th• WOND!:Rs .....,,serva tons -. . NEWPORT price lo rtsbt. I """"° and 2 llo-pllall -ter -ten. All for only ~ ·. •~'T J'UL NEW OND CHORD --•:aa.aoo. l""ftoua l.enna. -_, ORGAN. u l:rou don't !mow a 8IJlaU a\tractlw--i..rtrnot l>each home .. Pier and ftooL -_ note )'1JU can play beautlM mus Yearly Special I •1•.llOO 3 B. R. Nwpt. Hgts. S'rANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor •le in ·ten mtnutes. DANZ-' · ln excellent condition. Vfe are 218 llA.B.tNI:. BALBOA ISLAND ~ Barbor 20 SCHMIDT S,G PIANO STORE, Brand •-·untumlahad 2 BAY & BEACH REALTY proud to offer 111:. beautiful 520 N . Mal,;. Santa Ana. -' Ethel Shirley Gloden hy home. Sepa<ate dining room. bedroom, lower dliploll on Ul!O B.Jbo& Blvd. Barbor 1284 RecenUy redecorated w-1111 eJts USED 120 ._ Wurlltstt accor-B&lbo& Pm1nlU1a ~ ••.••..• 115 mo. ---..,---------------------ceJlent tute. Two car ~e, O°KEEP'E 4 MERR1Tl' RANGE. dloo. 81.od ..-SO, •T5. Call Har. ' • Back yard eompletely fena!d, WATERFRONT HOME, With Income lt'1 the lat.ost 1951 model delUlle lHl--W nl&hlo, Har 2674sM daye JIM & SALLY NEWJm "COtJNTR.Y ATMOSPHERE" paUo, BarsBsQ, Street ...... s CP, all automatic, hu ta1np and 36tf bHA.RJaNo \A.ND Wl:LL BUILT 2 bdnn. bome on % meat. are _pe.td. A iarce G. L ,.. ck>ck. 'Ibat pretty chrome crid· ------~,~------wlll'I ·. Loan that CftJl be auumed by , Close in 3 bedroom house, fireplace, sun porch. Laundry. Double pron. l'IWI roomy well arranged ap~ PIP'Ually tunilah!"1-li'ull price •u.ooo. $5,000 down. ' I I dle ln the middle-an outlet tor BE.AtmFUL walnut cue bunga~ JOHN o . BURNJLUf acre above ihe Back Bay ln rood location. e ... very anybody. Payment. are only tout.er and lbe chrome grlll low uprtgbt piano in perfect con· lave1y patio rOom wttl!i bar-~ fireplace, 19 fruit treee, $87 per mo includlnc taxee &nd broiler hall been used only 2% dJUon. Terma, $84.7~ down anci :w>7 IC. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa ' flowen, vegetablea, etc. You can have tun l'f'OWlng part insurance. Thia lt a top buy. monltul &nd I only owe $149.53 111.50 per mo. at SHAFER'S Harbor e4t1o. ~. Harbor -H'lS.W of your rii~ here. 'A beauUtul buy, $12,&00. FUJJ price oflb' ._ on the contract. You can have MUSIC CO. (Stnce 1907) 421 N. • ~ ' $12,500 my equity free If you take pay-Sycamore, Santa Ana.. Klmber· · , mento of $11.38 per mo. See at ly 2.-0672. ' NEWLY DE!lCORA!l'J:D turnlahed $1950 DN., G. I. RESALE 404 So. Spadra. B'ullerton. 9 a. _S_UlDIER ____ CLEARA ___ N_C_E_S_A_LEl_ 2 rm. hou.ee. COUrt facUlttee tn-NEAT AS A PIN. Thil 2 bedroom home l8 only eight m. -8 p . m. Ph. 21~2. 40c42 cl""ed Hot water -•rtgerator Combat Inflation Spinets. used, from 1287. Spinet , ....... · • ,..... ' montha old and has h&rdwood noon. la fenced and land-$37.50 mo. 174.l Pomona. eo.ta ,.., /-TWO BURNER ,.. Murphy new, $395. Uprights from $69. Meu.. Beacon 1'1tT-J. fiDcfiT tk:aped. In new Costa Mesa IUbdlvialon. Payment.. v.lt-- Wiil, electric refriger-ator, sink, Ueed Grand, Bohmer. UD~.. $~1 .61 lnc lude tuea: and tnaurance. JU nice, $8950. Beautif\11 five plua acres of level productive land and a nice two bdrm home. IA.rge garage, ga- lore of tnitt tttea. ExceHe.nt lo- cation. c:hieken equipment and rabbit hu~. Private well. Owner now Hlllnl' water which covera all eJqMnft of operating. Property u.qdtrprtced a.t ~ul s~. Yoq'll acre~ thla la a good buy at only- stonage cabinet. Never used, Other1 $48D, $586, $685. Trade $450. Write box 12 lhla paper. in your old, ptano. Highest cash fi4p48 allowance. Euy terms, r epos- sessed Sp~t., save $.300. DANZ- SEVEN FOOT-D1·v AN with tnner SCHMIDT PIANO CO. Over 100 aprlngs and rour root ottoman. planoe from which to cbooee. ~20 Aleo mosa IT"tln carpet 9 x 9 rt. No. Ma.in. cor. 8th, s+ Ana. Oa.11 Harbor 21~2. 44c48 ALL .ELECTRIC ORGAN. For Jack's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade lftM Weat· Balboa Blvd., Phone Harbor 2502-R '4c"8 J!:XTENSION DINING TABLE, and 8 chairs. Ph. Har. 1097. , 45cf7 home or church. Slightly cue damaged in ehlpment. Big MV- lng. DANZsSCHMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., ~20 No. Milin cor. 8th, San.ta Ana. LOVELY plain cue bungalow piano In perfec~ playing condl· tlon. Terma $27 .M> down and $9.8& per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. SM.A LL bla~k lacquer breakfront Sycamore, Santa Ana. ~ber-m : Lge. brau hall rack, $10. 1y 2s08T2. Other pJecea, 2140 W. 17tll St., ==---====0:----,----,-,---~ Santa Ana. .f5p47 FINE PRACTICE upright piano for only $9.M · down and $:).~ per mo .. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 4.21 N. Syca- more, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0872. FULLER ·BRUSHES Harbor Area Dealer E. L. CLARKE 340 '11' A vacado, Corona deJ Mar Jlarbor 1808-J after 7 p. m. t6p<8 YOtITH'S BED maple flnlah. Like new. Kantwet mattress, $2:i. Call before 11 a. m. or &t'ler !'i p. m. 120 Amethyst , Balboa bland. Harbor 2883-R. 46c48 RENT A PIANO. $6 per month. All rept allowed if you buy with- in trnna. DANZsSCHMIDT, 1120 No. Main. Santa Ana. Business Opportunities · R.eault. -come-trom con.Rant, · Prac:Uce• An ad ~ptarty 1n 111.. Ideal '.for Couple paper will produce NIU.Ila tor you. Malt and short order shop, best of locations. Gift shop, good shopping center. NEWPORT 18LAND Untutnlahed 2 bedrm.-2 car p.rap. En- ck>eed patio. Yearly rental. t12 s 38111 !t. Bat. lotllsM, -BEACON HILL REALTY fi68 Newport Blvd. (near Arche&l, Ph. Bea. 5113·R or Evea. B. 6832-\\' \ 40<:69 ONE BDRM. UNIT In eo<&rt. Ute, stove and refri1erator-. Garage. Cloee int Inquire iM Weatmm- at,er, Coeta Mea. Bea. 1036-W. , tacts LAROE 2 bedroom apt., turh.leh- ed. Nice fJDCed paUo. Yearly r ental. 604% Nal"ClNua, Corona del Mar. Harbor HOt-:J. 44cte YEARL y -3 bedroom partially tu.rnlehed bouae ·on ....,boa ocean front, SAO mo. Ph. Hubo;r 828. 44Ur New Lido Listin~ Juat completing 2 bdrm home. Still time to chooee your own colors. 21' llY. rm.. fr-pie., tile features. bar-type kJtchen. pri- vate patio. Priced below the market at $16,760., Eby lemu. ' GREENLEAF .i, ASSOC. BUILDER -·REALTOR 3112 Newport mVd .. Harbor ~MZ * * OPEN 1 - 5 • * BeauUf'Ully tumlshed year round f bdrm,. 3 bL home. Practically new MODERN, with encloeed UNFURNISHED _ Corona del paUo, 2-car car. Ready for com- Mar. 2 beautltUI new apt.I~ Near plete llvlng. 1711 Ocean Blvd, Balboo. Harbor 2451sM. 12Uc water. 1arba1e diapolall, veae------------- Uan bllnda, water pd. Yearly leue. 2 bdnn, 1100 per-month. 1 bdrm, 175 per month. Harbor 1671. 44c57 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. 1»ttagea. Oa Colllna ~d - Each •pt. bu Water frog,tage. Aecom . '· Wcwt end Park Ave., Balboa laland. Harbor 2962s W. tOplH On Peninsula Point NlC!lL y P'UllNUSHm> 8 bdlma. available July 18th, ye&rly or monthrW. Broken 1111t! 1632 Miramar, Balboa. owner. Phone !far. 0812-W, Hu. 2001·J . 19tfc 61-Real FA!tate Exchange EXCHANGE Fully tu.mlshed house, fireplace. Slffpe 10.._ all uUl. paved road. t blk to etore aiid club house. Ar-rowftead. $8500. SubmJ.t home or income. Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1~23. Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2761 LONG BEACH -2 boueea, home and income, clear. WW trade for equal value, Harl;k)r area. Phone Harbor 0383-W. (4p61 RENTAJ.. J FOR SALE OR TRADE for amalls r er place. close in. Have 4 room IMPORTANT CHOOSING a homeplace is IMPORT ANT business. Wherever you go DE- MAND the M 0 S T for your home, your family and your investment. Insist on fully protective restric: lions, c o m p I e t e improves ments, community prestige. $11,500 _Phil Su~ivan C. Galen Denison I G. :r. Wverson 490 Newport Blvd. Coot& MeH Pb. Be&. Mii or Bea. 5458-J . Here on LIDO ISLE yo• ---------~­ have All of this together with privacy and q u I e t , where you can stlll buy at sensible prices'. LIDO ISLE has much to offer .. -. for it meets the D E M A N D FOR THE VERY BEST at the m o e t reasonable prices. 1 LOOK at these EXCLUSIVES: SPECIAL 1. Brand ·ne'w 3 bedroom, 2 beth home on choice lot. L«e. cheer- tul room•. un.tt heat. br-ea.kfu\ ba.l'. lovely kitchen, apeclou& Balboil, r.'eninsula Only $13,000 '3800 DOWN. 2 bdrmo, furnlahed home--Pan~Jed living rm. fire.· plac::e. bar kitchen, BBQ and en- closed ~ti~. Price Only $6,500 Nice J>eaCh bouee ln R-3 zone. RoOm to bUUd Income uniL Only $8850 2 bdrm home on Balboa Blvd. Nice beacfi. hOuae. Fl.replace portly~ walled in patio are a few of ' m. "y J outotandlng features. This re Cl;loice ! Thia le terrific BUY at only $21,000 -3 bdnn•, 2 bath, unlur. $24,7M>. · home, 1.ge. encloaed paU~m- 2. "CHOICE SPOT'' on the BAY-pletely eJec. kitchen, stove, ref. SPECIALISTS houee on 11' a c re. All fenced. Ice cream and frozen foods. 25t !!:. 2Jot st_ co.ta Meaa. FRONT of LIDO IBLE a nearly di.ah wuhe.r and 1ar. dlapol&l, new 4 bedroom and 2 be.th 2-car prage, landK&ped. BOAT OWNER'S SPECIAL ALMOST NEW waterfront modem 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with fireplace. Gvbage diapo&&l, dlahwuher. Patio with ba..rbeclie. Pier A: Ooat. Cor. Joe. PRICED RIGHT! Call Mary Dlckoon, Harbor-1013 or Eves. Har. 2092-W EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 "Newport Blvd. · Newpor-t. Beach Little Beauty oµ Little IsJand Really one of the most charming small homes in the area. Lovely patio and "lots of clasa." Corns pietely furnished and -ready to movi: right in - $16,500, liberal terms W. A. TOBIAS· Salea ' s llDNA CRAIG Rentals LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BALBOA BARGAIN 5 bedroopi beach home, 1 blk: from Bay, close to shopping, furnished. A _ real buy at ___________ $13,500 BALBOA ISLAND • 3 bedroom home on comer location. Owner says sell and means it .. Make o_ffer. HAL HOUSER-Sales • GAIL CARNEY-Rentals NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ·Har. 502 COSTA MESA WANTED Buyers wailing ~or low pr.lted home • tn ' nice .aectton &1ao far 3 bdrm modem houae which $3000 down will handle. LIDO ISLE Lovely 2 bdrm, tuml&bed home plus bunk roopi attached to garage, enclosed patio. Special buy, only $17,500. . Open House 1-5 p .m. Saturday & Sunday 211 Heliotrope Ave. Corona del Mar Flneet location, a few steps from ocean· bluff. Br&n<l new, two bdrm, two bat.hll, hardwood • floora, fireplace, 2-car gara~ ' 81' frontage. Come eee it dr' phone John Mottram. ; . home that la a "honey." Thia ia I · ---· $40 000 Jn t t not an "old beach bouae'' but la SS!:S!: US l"OR choice aummer ••nls _ , VeB men Good Volume -•call -CNIS t5pt8 Linwood Vick, Rltor. --------Ceramics and 'gift sholl· 1, Balboo lo1aD4. Bar. IOU UCM · P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED • .r . ChryBier Enginefl · Hiwsy Location 1 ' , ~ _ 56-Money to Lou . • \ · : I HA VE you aee the neweat mOOern ------------' Used DresS sliop, good location. tumlahed-· LOANS For Homes Lady could handle. Chris _ Dean Apts.? 5%-20 yr. Regular Loana Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 826 COAST IUOHWAY NEWPORT BI!:ACB PB. Bl!lACON 1771 Hlfc '~----------- P AlR R. .i, L. J'Jophlp 80 h. P- enitnet wt th reduc. &ear, ·$f:SO. Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1623 Coa.t Blvd. Corona del Ma.r Harbor 2768 41-Stol'elJ and Offlce9 «.c46 OFFICE!: &LOG-AV AfLABLE!: •t 18th and Fullerton. Inquire 1 t8 E. l 8th. Coet& Meaa. Pborie Bea- con 5792. 42c47 Factory approved Johnaon OUt· ===-==-==-=-=-:--boan:t OFFICE!: SPACE!:. 12x20, downs SALES A: . BERVICZ ataira )ocatlon, corner of Palm South Coast Co. ~~ s.~~. Btvd., Balboa. f6':::; Barbor 2900 Newport Jka,cb 31tfc PHONE JJarbor 1616 to place your-Want ad on lhl• page. · CONSTRUCTION LOANS Sleepe 4. Introductory rat.e1 tor at 6-Sr,.s% (l4 yr•.) July, $86 per week. A.U uUlitiee WE BUY AND SELL paid. AdjU<ted iatH per year. TRUST QS!:EDS 15M> Miramar, Bal~ Penlnaula SEE BOB SATTLER Phone Harbor 1491-W • t41ft COAST BLVD. 4Scl'.S7 Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J YEARLY-Unturn. 2 lidrm. houlie In Cll!f Haven. P'l)oeplace .. Wall to wall carpet. -Bend6t. ll'enced yard. See own,r,· 424-E . Coeta Meaa. Coot& Meaa. t8pt8 Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE!: CO. Met-n> Life Ina. F\uido Kl 3s6186 LOAN& TO BUILD, IMPROft ,JIUY, MOQl!lRHtZZ, OR Rl:FfNANCB COMPLETJ:J..Y ..uRKISHS!:D I Wa B11JI\ Trust Doedo bedroom apt. uw: tnct ·sum-" •~e:~wnro~ RT BALBOA n:oa.AL mer OT ye&rJJ rental .. Contact SAVINGS It. LOl...N 4.88K. owner at 900 £. Ocean P'ront. IU3 Vta Lido Ph. Har. ·llOO · Balboa. ·Barbor 1111. 45cl'll Choice Yrly. Rental Available Now' a nearly new, clever year a.round a.la .. A.U alka and prtcea. Bualneu building• leased, pay. home. Laree fOOrit&,' UDll heat, -• , ~-; ••"' , # I l.ng ll 'Ji,.per Cent net. • -':.".re 2d•apooa1d · .~o1po1n11 dlahs Coast Properties Co. N. B. c . REALTY co. wu.~r, sun ec~. love y view iJI 2 d Nef..por Blvd ••1 ~ •--Blvd Balboa 3 nd an t ' and many other alliart features. ~ .,, uu-. ·• Thi.a I.a & quality BUY. Priced Pbone Harbor 2158 Newport Bea.Cl\ right. ALSO A rew choice building Allee for sale on LlDO IBLE at prices you can attord. That! Iota are sell- lng rut. The l&w ot eupply and demanCI muat certatnt:Y lncnue their vaJue. See ua u we a.re fhe DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE where a Utt le buy1 a LOT. P .A. P~LMER INCORPORATIID 3333 Vta Lido Newport Beach, caUJ. HarMr 1600 OVERLOOKED ALMOST ... A vacan~ lot on Balboa ' Island . . more specifically I See U8 for g<><id summer rentals. For sale tn CDM: 3 bdrm furn. houae OD lot 105x.118 feet. Dbl. gar., lovely garden. At special cub price mpch below replace- ment. on the "Little Island" ... , _ Fitzmorris Realty Co in a v""1 qui<it location. 813 Cout mvd. Corona del Mar It'1 worth the $7,500 price. ____ Har __ ._2_15_z ___ _ Let's m&ke an offer! COSTA MESA - J. A. Beek Office $8000 DOWN 3333 Via Lido, Newport .Beach, Harbor 150(). Evea. Harbor 248(\-R MOST .COMPLETELY 9ERs FECr 3 bedrm. home in Newpt. Hts. under $15,000 Shown by appt. o_nly. ~ Call ¥rs. Sheeley, B. 6108-J w1th WM. !!:. ANGOLD, Realtors 61G E. Balboa Blvd., Balbo&. • ffcf6 EL BAYO TRACT GOOD 2 bedroom year round home PLUS bunk room rind batb. in l&J"age. 3 yrs. old. Nice pa t I o, attractively turnisbed. $16,50(). OCEAN FRONT .fiO tt. lot on Bal· boa P entnaula among many nice hornea. PRICED TO SEIL, $5,000. -Will Trade for Trust Deed AT 111 J:mera.Jd! B&lttoa l•land UNFURN1811SD. three bef:l.rootna. Phonr Harbor 63 Balboa Island Ferry I FINEST ReaidenU&I •treet. Near- ly new 3 B. R. home, I Ii b&thll, large Uv. rm,.. flttplace, 2-car prose. big lot, fenced. Price reduced apln-MA.KE OFFER! -. Almoet new Truecott Sport J"tsher Used leM than &O boun. qiry.- ler Crown, Galley, $3960. Small down paym~nt. Bank of A.mer· lea tenn1. See boat at 1301 Cout Hiway. Owner, Wolman. &M4 Wllahire Blvd., / Beverly Hilla. 42p58 ~A~la wt~'!.-_ BALBOA ISLAND Houau and Apt.B., yearly or aea· .anal. Bee Gall Cantey. wt.U. NELDA GIBSON I Ii -b&ll'oo ""'1>i.ce. two fUrs nace1, d t a p o •• l• d'9hWUher. Large PfotJoi OW.II' 110 So. Bay Front, llalboa bland. Harbor 2155. 49Cd HORACll 8 . MAZET 30tl Marine Ave. Balboa laland Barbor 3028-1 40tfc G. I. RESAT.ES 3 bedroolno Oil 'Kagnolla, x ... -$10,450. $2750 down • Balboa Realfv Co. Roee Greeley Joeephtne Webb. · · UUlan McAdoo TOO ll. Baiboo Blvd. Har. 32TT OPICN -•M -U!Bl!lY WAY. -' COSTA ~·s Bll:ST BUY! , . 3 bedrooma. hdwd. floon. 2 fUrs nacea. All St.el kitchen. 2 ,yn. -old. II'~ l>tlUo Ud -· Near ocboutalnc! ~ '4,000 down. SUy 1'll.f. trr,ma. Owner. Barbor 1990s)( .. Barbor-2422. - • 1 Ulfc I .1 I ' • •