HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-07 - Newport Balboa News Times' L ... .. • . . [ PlAYDAv ·· ENDS SUMMER PROGRAM llJ -· -. • I • • • ... • "Can't ,.. come back ~ W..1<1" BliU Burdick, c,.,...:.n cecnuton -)'e9d. -ul<ed • ctooen 11m .. Jut Friday durin& ibe Ptayd&y 'aettvttteo ot \be ll~ Enolp _1,_ which e~t eMed I.be atx Wffl<s oummer recrullon progrom of tbe Newport BMch elementary oc-. The ~00 ehlldren among whom the 12 waterinelona and 13 cueo of ooft drlnko bad been dMded -" .. luctanl to briq la'-a ck>R a eummer or auperYlaed play and sport.I and a.bop work. - -... P)aydayerw bod .arrived on foot. bike and bua by 9 :SO and before belonged to Mike Bacon ln l'f'OUP 10 o'ck>ck Dlck Sweet, Ith gTade, 1 and GaU Whtte In Cf'OIJP 2. Com- leocher, had ohot off lhe gun Ing occond. third and fourth In wblcb. 1tgn.aled the eta.rt "Of the 50 group I were David Blalr, Bobby yard dub, the flrat race Cor which Brown and 1C4tle De.enberg. 8tev• thne were 112 entrant.a. Butterworth, Stephen Norwood The children had been dlvtded a.nd Donnie Ga.tea were MeQnd, into four different age gl"OUps and third and fourth in. group 2.. competed witbln theme d1vtalons. Myrna Bouchey beat the girU High 9COren within each (l"OUP ln group 3; but Glorla Cbapmu, received e:peclal prtze& along with "Ethel Stoneback and Susan Brown the ribbons tbey had won for each r8.n ha.rd to .core 2. S and 4th event.. place. Bob Milum won for group Whmen 3 boys, beating Tod White, Don The i.llt ~a.nd prize winners Beatty and Eddie Pope. who cam~ were John -GrieUf!r, group 1 lsix In In that order. Beverly McCoy and seven year-old8) who captur-dashed to victory over C&rol , . awa.rda made th~ Morace En.alp khpol alhleUc netd which owarm- ed with chlldre.n waa e:mpty. The tut of the atnjrglera who ljad etayed on t(,, uk if they mlgbt ' take home a P't::ee of remaining '3rd ~AR-NUllBER 32 NEWPORT BEACJI, ·CALIFO~lA, ' TUF.SDAY, ·AUGUST 7, 1951 CENTS ed flnt place ln the sack race Doane ln group 4 and Dtck Dor- fln,U and the bike race: Gail kin who was first In Sh e boy11' nap. White. high acorer In v•up 2, win-dash .. beat Bob Sqolrea. Marvin ------~---------------'-------·--­ watenneloit to their f&mllle• dJm .. appear«! over' u\e groen toward the W&ttlng Kh0ol 1"18 and BUI Burdick u.t down among the wa· termelon eeedl •wlU. a alch. 1b.e voice th•t "-CS boomed 90 clear- ly and con1iiltently over the me_. phone announcing wtnnera. en- coi..arag1ng contestant.., giving di- recUoM eounded a little weary. Mr. Burdick thought ths\ maybe he would go b'ome and take a nlng the ~ yard daub and com-Lusck and Dlck Booth, who cunt1 ing ln second ln lhe bike race: in respeeUvely, aecond, third and Tod White, who entered three or fourth. the events and · scored highest Sack -~on~ boys ln group 3; Cll, 12 and 13 yeara) by coming ln iiec- ond In lethf!rball and the d&&h an<.! thlr-d in the bike event. Among lhe girls competing In -group 3, Myrna Bouchey won lhe most points. She waa first In the dash, s econd In the sack race an<l c~ In third on her bike. Dick DorkiJ) WU: the teen-age boy ln group -4 to receive the grand prize and Bt-verly McCoy wu the wtn- nlhg girl in this group. Both look first in the 50 yard duh and tht> B&Ck race and Dick was third w ith his bJke and Beverly second In tetherball. Thf' boy finalists WE"re awardE"d diving muks: the girJa were pre!'enlcrl wilh badminton ra.ckel.9. Johnny Grit!'uer, young- est tJlgh ~orcr. r('celved a sur- facP noat. J\.le mbcrs or the Newport Beach elE",..cntary school1' PT A who with Dick Richard were co-hosts for thE" Playday )>arty, were ready, knife in hanrl. to cut the water- mf'lon wbt'n the hungry crowd of children were ready to eat. Spon- sors of the summer playground wert.-repn:·3Cq_tE"<l at Playday by Mrs. L . J , C\enar, president of Newport &ach EI em e n la r y Parent-Tea<:her Auoclation. Fran· els Horvath, Park, Beach and R t-ereallon Commission and Hor- ace Eru:lgn, district superintend- ent of schools, Newport Beach, along with the nqmerous teachers and fri<'nds ot the prognm whose combined effort., have made il auch a succ E"u. The 50 yard duh which was the firl'lt of the compeUttve sporl8 had recorden1 Dick Sweet 4Jld Norm StJJ,,-ell a little cont'Uaed at flrat. .Jt1.1t wh.lch 60 yarda the 1l2 en- tranta wete daahing wa.m 't a sure thing, but -tt wu cl.Ur that the first noeea over the ffnlsh line · The sack racea are alway8 fun to. watch and run to win and In 5fl'OUps 1 and 2 the winners were J ohnny Grleaser and Dennls Poet. Second pl&ce werit to K&reu Brun- ing and Bo8coe BUJ'M with Robert Gannon and Monty Guild winnlnK third placea. Bobby Brown and Beverly Booth each .took a fourth place. The bike races were a high point and only one crack up and that wu not serious. John Griea- ser and Bobby Griesser both pect. a.led to victory in groups 1 and 2, followed by Kathleen H obel, Julie DiK.on in group l and Gall White. Geraldine Nack a.nd Dick Tarnow- ski, g't°"1> 2. 'M!;e boy to , win ln group 3 was Bob M Uum and the girl winner was Gall Collins. Ron Newlon, Tod White, and Dick Overby new around the track In second, lh.lrd and fourth in. their group and Jean Swaru1on. Myrna Bouchey and Susan Brown pWJhed their bikes into second, third and fourth place. None or the· girls were willing to tackJe the requir- ed lap for group 4 but Glenn Thbmas burned up the track for a good win over Bob Squires. plac - ing 8ttond, Dick Dorkin and Mar- vin Lusk, who came In third and fourth. ·Tether ball interest~ anothE"r c rowd of both spect.atora and par- ticipant.a. Tomm¥ Ol90n and J erry Nack stood first and second In group 3; Jean Swanson and Betty Quen won flr,at and .ocond for the girLs of group 3 and lh'e male win· ners were Peter W elga.n and Tod White. When grqpp 4 competed. Carol Doane and JJeverly McCoy s tood first and RCOnd a.long with Marvin Lwlk and Glenn Thomu . Within tlftttn mfnutea &ft.er the contests were over, the re-- freshment.11 conBUmed and the JAIL SENTENCf_ Book Marine On FOR LOCAL MAN Drunk .Driving ON ARMS COUNT Larry G. Sommerville, 21 . El Toro Marine, wu booked. on charges or drunk driving after an Thirty days in the county jail accident at 33rd St. and Balboa was the sentence drawn by Rob-Blvd., Newport Beach at 1: :2~ a . m. Saturday. ert N. Reilly, 22. or 423 ~ Dahlia Driver of the other vehicle In- Ave .. Corona del Mar Saturday volved in the accident was Gail G. for carrying a concealed weapon. Reilly was sentenced In t n.e New-Gifford, 18. A pUlenger in her car was Carol Vandenberg. Both port Beach city court. The sentence wai suspended According to Miu Gifford ah<' one year on condition t hat Reilly girls are from Fulle'rton. waa turning onto Balboa Blvd. serve JO days in jail and that from :Wth St. when she saw Som-for a one year period Reilly does not violate the concealed weapon erville's car coming towards her. She said that she could not avoid law. a collision. The can met almost Reilly wu taken Into custody by NewpQrt. Beach police at 2 :45 head-on. MW Gltford received a a. m. Saturday. He had been bruised eye and noee from the ac- asleep in a car parked behind 814 ,cldent. Cot.st HI hway A police officer After the accident. witn~s said thaf the ·weapon, had been said that the Marine ran from the found in the glove compartment lite of the coll.U.lon but wu later of the vehicle. =~h~e ;:e ~':ru~ ~~~: When you drive a car, you're lng. a lot safer a.mong the tall build-Both cars received damaged ings than out in the tall corn! front ends. ' , , • CHINA -COVE ·LOT OWNERS BRING COURT ACTION TO . OBTAIN BUILDING PERMIT ' First flrework1 over th~ proposed plan of the City of Newport Beach to acqutre moat of the prrse:ntly vacant lots in the "China Cove area were lighted over the week end when Mr. and Mrs. Dudley R. Furse 80ught aoUon from the court. to force the city to luue a building pcnnlt. The Fut"9e8 own lola Ii and 9.•--------------. ' block B-33 bluftwa.rd from F~m- leal streel and which lots are partially under water at high luue pe.rmJta for the bulldlnc of any homes on the beach properly which the City propoaed to ac· quire. tide. They aasert in their petition Purchase of lhfl Ruuell Craig to tpe Court that they have com-property has _been completed and plied with all laws of the City arrangements are pending tor the and provided all engtneering data acquisition of f urther individual required or requel'lled. further lots In the Chln&1 Cove project of that they have made changes 1ri the Park and Recreation Com- their plans fqr building a one mlaslon. Recently a Sl J)flr month story frame houae, and that the aseeument wa.11 ord~ed levied on city still refuses to 188Ue a build-each Water ueer of the City to ing permit. provide tund1 for the a.cqui1ition Named In thfl petition from the of China Cove and other Park Writ o f Mandate to compel the Purposes of the Municipality. iuuance of a permit wu A. M. Dudley R. Furse la 8Jl attorney Nl!lllOn, Buildln1 Inspector. and rof Loe Angel~& a nd brought the the City of Newport Beach. Nel· legal action him.elf, on hill behalf son, according to City Hall re-and that of his wife Loutae D. ports. hu been instructed not to FurM. • Marine . Halts Hit· Runners After Climbing in Window An automobUe collislO{l 1pelled trouble for' Raymond P . R ios, 20, of EA.st Loe Aagelea and a 16-year-old boy from Loe Angeles. The • pair were booked 'for .. srand theft auto. bit and run, and ·-··It ~d ' ' battc;.ll...,. • .,,.,, ... -\ -• ._ At &:17 p. m . Surlday, a C!&r drlwn by R.lba hJt a ear whl~b 1iad stopped for a red upt 't 17th St. and Cea.st Hf&hway . Driver of the other vehicle wu George Stapp of Mluourt. His wife and two IOM were pa.aM-nger• tn the car at the time ot the accident. had been riding had tteen J~ted u stolen. I t w.. impounded Ill Stower• garage in Corona del Mar. Slapp·s car received a damaged left rear fender and side. It wu tlft'n11 to ht-the chlf"f objf'Ct of thb Nttng-tf'IMl'l at lut frida) .. 9 Playtlay at thP Hor&.C4" EMlp Kebool. lA':ft to rt1ht a re Nl<'k)· "'oodbury, Bill BaJIE'y, Chris \\ .. oodbur)'. Mark"'I Woodbur,· and Kalhlf!lf'D LoAlrr. <NE\v.'s-TimeJ Photo) # • • • ,TAKING Tlu;pl CUE FROM die y.....,..,.. .. lathe a t Playday M Horace ~ ~ laat Fri· daJ' llOlne of tllme rnpoldlblie for the ttne Mllllftler recreation pro,rrun die In to tltelr Ol\-"11 .Uces of water'llM'lon. Lett to rtpt are: Fraacl!I Honat..: ~bai,,.... of the Park. Beacb and RecrMtlon. Com- ' ndMloa; Mn. Lou .. Csenar, preeldellt of the PrA ; Dick Dlcbard and Horace Enslen. superintendent of NN-port elementary 8Chools. ' (Neww-Times Photo. Work Gbes on is Word From -~·Hoag _ Permit from the Federal Governmen t to proceed with the Construction of the Hoag )'.lemorial Hosf,ital-Presbyter- ian is still good for 20 days and under that permit it ia planned for construction to proceed, according to Geo. G. Hoag, Ill. ·Reiteration ot the plans for i.m· mediate .. construction was made lollowlng release in Washington D. C. of a two month rreeze order on all new building specifically naming ·schools, hospitals an d other large buildings. Belief that tt}e hospital v.·ill be able to proced was expressed be-cause of the permlt alread)' ob· tained. and the fact that the ground ha. been prepared for the construction. It was pointed out tha t a relatively small amount of critical steel ~s to be used a.s the Hospital ts a one stor)' structu.~. • La.st week, contract was let lo Means and Ullrich or S a n t a Ana for the 75 bed hospital in t he amount of $1.093.00. The Santa Ana· firm was low bidder of more than a dozen who re- sponded to t he Hoapltal Boards lnvttation lo bid on the Hospital. q 1l\t'lficatlon of the new govero- mert frees.e will be sought froJ;I'\ w~. ston ono t\19 od_vlice of W . J_ -"""'. AlleeleO of. fl · o th9 ~N'atton&l fiN>duction Au rlty. " Site Preparecl After the collision it ls alleged that RI08 and ht. companion jump- ed out or t heir car and ran from the sce ne ot the a ccident. They were both caught, how- ever, and rt"t urned to their car which had been pushed off the street. Once rn. the car, the pair sta rted up and started to driv"! ::~i:w•:..:: ~::<::.:: 1 : 'THREf BOY JOY•RIDERS mlsdemeanor chargee in Newport -- &ach city court Monday. Hit'! to Newport Beach in the dinghy, rented an outboard motor. (which they later returned) and ditched the dinghy on Lido Isle. Because of ~e fact that the rolM1 into the al.te ha.a been pre- pared. the s ite cleared and the preject contract awarded a n d work ready to proceed It wa.s doubted whether the preliminary authortzatlon to build granted the ho1pttal board would be rescinded. Text of the Washington freeze order as carried by the Interna- tional News Service follows:- away. Charles . Stapp,~ a Marine, and son or the driver of the other car jumped on the ruMLng board of the car being driven away and climbed In through the window. S~pp forced the pair to 1top thelf car on the hW between Bay- side Dr. and Marine Ave. Sbo\'91 Weapon Aner the car camt1 to a atop, it ia alleged that the 18 year old jumper out of the c ar, took a shovE"l from the back of It and at.ruck at Stapp through the wln- cl;ow cuLUng him &c10lf. the um. He ls tlen said to have uaed th" ahovel handle u a club and h1t the Marine acnlila the neck . Upon investigation lt wu found that the car in which the pair ~·~.:;-:.,:;,for 9 •. m. Tuesday ADMIT ''YIPPEE'~ THEFT 'An application for petition to . • juvenlle court wa.s flied en h lt , . After their escapade, the three boys went to Los Angeles to encourage another boy to join them. However, they were" un- successful. The Government Friday order- ed a two-month freeze on ljlCW- constructlon of schools. hospltaJs and other large buildings and an- nounced a sharp curtal1ment of most building projects after '=>c- tober }. eompanlon by Newport Beach police. AUTO DEALERS PRAISE NEW CREDIT LAWS Tbe 18--month mJnlmum for comPietlon of tn.tallment pay- ment. on new and used automo- bUH, ,provided for In the amended Defen.ae Production Act., will en- able: many wage-eamers once again to ac quire the dependable can they need and wlll partlally remove from the automotive ln- duatry the tight 1trait-jacket of dLecrtminatory Clfllrols, R . D. Mc- Kay, pre1ldent of the National Automobile De&len Aalloclatk>n, declared today. Economy -.nt "Conrreu 1houid ·be highly com· mended for ,...making automobile c redit cuth9 more realiltlc," Mr. KdCay added. ,.,,,. nalloo'• econ· omy will bene:flt by the .remonl at the drutk: term• which were aer- loualy &ffoctlng our ldduotry and. u a ruolt., empk>ym~t and tbe national economy. our economy l9 ., geared • that' you cannot put crlppllq' curbe oc ~ naUon'a oecond • largeot lndaotry without a.i.-11 attecttrir c1t11er lnduot· r.._ I • .. un<ltt t11e r1ew credit c11rti un.. ttat10n, 1 for w!>ki> N 4DA, fOUJht ~ on l>fkll-of the u- Theft of the 33 toot yacht, Yippee, Wedneaday frof!l Owen'e Pacific Yacht Salee, 717 Coast H ighway. Newpart Beach wa.. ad- , milted by t hree Los AngelE"S boys Saturday. The thrf:b boys, two 13, ' ' They then went to San Perlro where it Is alleged they stole the cruiser Cefalu owned by Graham Broa. Rock and Gravel Co. and one 11 . had ll"ft the S12 ,000 yacht moored a mile out or the barber The'" National Production Au- thority all!IO moderately lifted a nine-month-old ban on construc- tion ,pf night CJubs. gran'8tands and other entertainment and rec- reational projecl.8 using s m a 11 entrance after the veS11el had run out of gu. They told Sgt. Up80n that they trailed a sportflshing boat to find their way to catalina Island. Detective Sergeant John Upson..-------~------­ of the Newport Beach po 11 c e fo~..A lnterrog-ated the three boys in San Pedro where they were taken after allegedly stealing the Cefalu. a 33 foot cn!,lser, from tha.t harbor late Thurllday. The detective indlc;&ted that Newport police wi11 nte petlttona tor the appearance of the boy• 1ufflclent r elier tn many cu es, particularly in aectlona of the country wh ere transportation coeta add 8Ubalanttally to the amount of monlhly payments.." he added. "However, It doea made automobile credit te rm1 more re&IU.tlc'. W:e hope that the Fed- eral Raerve Board will be equally reallattc In provtding relief where lt la clearly warran~ and that It will take neceuary ltepai promptly to anun that buyera in all aectlon1 of the ·country may acquire. the care they need an equa.I monthly term&. "Suppllea ot-good automobUes1 both new and late model used can are ample ln moet part. of the oountry to meet all immediate needs and the automotive lndUltry will be able to Ueemble a reuon- able number Ot new can even un- der cutftlll Governme:nt re.1lric- t.fom On materUJa.. Meanwhile, the autolnoblla which have been .erv- lng no JOOd ~ In dealerw' In· venlori.., will go far towM'd meelo lnf our ID09L ~ttal dvtllan in juvenile court in Los Angeles. Aneoted The three boys were. taken into quantities C?f scarce materials. custod,Y , by a Los Angelea con· . NPA banned the use of aluml· AlBO taken with the cruiaer, stable who became su1pl~lous of num ift all construction except their activities. They were !lr-ot I to f ct ' d I The three eea-faring younpter1 were arrested at. the Isthmus on Catalina I sland, where they were believed to have taken the boat. Ytnr-, were an ell'ht foot dtnchy n app y manu .• ure a u-.,__.-reat.ed on Cataltna llland. h wlndo rtcged for a.ii, thr&e life pruerv-mtnum product.a sue as w en, and auorted oara and fishing Upon investigation., It w a s frames. tquipment. found that the ringleader ls ·on The new construction freeze Yo-c Blag'leadet probation in Los Angeles COUftty affects all new buildings using Ringlea.m,r ot the trio, a 13-with seven grand the'ft auto large quantities of steel, copper ye&r old boy, told police that he charges on his record. The other and. aluminum whose: foundations had cµ-opped anchor when t he two, who are brothers, had no have not yet been poured. The crul.ser had run Out of gas. Hf! previOU8 record. order remains in effect until Oc- explalned to w11ce ofMclala that .The cruiser, Yippee, was found tober 1. he didn't want the boat to run adrift by the H arbor department Builders using small quantltles aground. Thursday and returned to tta at the .caree material& a.re ex.- The three youncatera rowed in-erp.pt from the freeze.· - ~~~..;....,..;~~~~~--,-~~~~-c:;::=========== tlon'• --'~ ..,.. ·en Will be •hio! to ~ ~ I , -ta-for tbelr · wv "'!"o MON Di•* Others ---O('ftlcll --llept • ' bl::; tee bJ -=-•t'l)r W. ~Dap .' .,,.. Callfomia Bl~ Patral .. , ~ ... llO tonSer .. --to a""""'4 a.n• .,.._ for dnlalr ....... and. ·Ja --' -""' driftlg durlllg -Ilia ob< monlllo dl:fftewlt tO "·~la ta *• ..,._ of u.e, 7t!&f', an t.Dcrtue at 14' at• N1i1C ~ ....ta, or H .lt per -i. -. the Mr. Mc:IC'q em~7 ±1d Uit tact S..OTS drtfth cited for u.at Of· u.&. 11 m 1aU.. la "9 ••a•-fmae ta the ~ ~dod of UM. ---... •i•• .. •t It .... -~· ..... ... _.. ........................... _ ..... ., t ......-::: ~-'"";11,Hlj t/le~ ~~ ~--:U. IL C, 'r. •zptlll ..... • ' . \ !"F.zl>ftliolr•'tl)d (LOft'1e ...... ) IL::"· -of ...... Ule..,-J._! 1 •1..,..··"'!'-m ~ °'.,__.. !'_ eilCOI""' I' lo .~·.~ .... IMJP> ••-G L .. lirllllit 11111 .... .,.... tllle of = 1•rh• Oo:f ~DI, .t ' ' ..... %¢L ~· W s ,..,., ' -·'1'1 f llt Yi.MO*.-' lll4lilift ___ iW17•Jrw .... I, ofl'f[B'.-J'.(l.; ~ 11 .... eemst lie Pa&raL ()wn•' ' w Qlftocd" s. 42t , -, _ ~· • COlllllln'ni..ai~.,..,. Nenpio polmted -tJiat' -.. ;...... • ....... a ..... ..,.._ ..... ,,. llfr .. _,,, -.. C;.~•'A, .. ... • ,, .......... ~r= esn ,_,...,......, '*' lia_d:rtJlk-• o •••;· a is tr •z • ~ 1 *a. ..... ,•••:•• ..,. .., w • ~ -wlD w.·•tatt•• r.•.• ..;-1111-.a . .111t ~· ·i! a V ,..·.·._ •. I , . ~"~> ' > ~.~ I • -_. ' . • • • • ) , ~ .. . . . • • IALIOI" NEWS-TIMES . s Prize Exhibit 0peos Wed. ~t Laguna Beadi Art Galery , .' .. _, e r AN EL.EGANT DIPLOMAT ••~ P¥ c•Jtortl8 sirl •l'it Mr. Mn. .JoU ~ GI .GJm ·•.,;... •• M,iac a ~~A:al tlnie && U4kl •• c My....,.,...__,. dlWr ....... ·1New11·'Mmefl Pboto) 1 • k altn. -f nte · a3Td Annual Prize Exhtbl· ... ------------- ;tion ot Members "rill open on Wed· [)r Hor 'Hall Speny Graduate Fellowship Received Stmner fli1 for Liclo Isle f ()lk ~esday, Aug. 8th et Laguna Bl'ach • ace Art pll..-y, clo_, Monday and t<>-Sh T el ~-at Gay ~·Dinner-Dance ,<lay for hanging the new exlilbl-~ 1rav 'IW'M "lions. The Permanent Memorial · r _._,,_ t::.,.._...:,_ ~llection wilt continue for "the to ~,1 J ....,. ~ 'tnontb of August. In the Lower :-Caneey there will be one man ~ JdwWB by Galen Do811, Dean ol ._l.acuna Artist.a and Dorothy Keer! : ef Laguna. "oho 1s fast making a •\op name for herSC"I! as a water· ._..._.emeat. ot ~ award of 111 ~ aJMl t% telm·· aipo ,,,.. u.e mt~ a<».<lomlc J"W' at Stanf«<J ~Wet sity WU ...... today by P1-..ident \Vallace Sterting. laducled in Ow list wu ~ a.arte. Renipel1 of Balboa ~. te Wbo1D. went. a Spen-y p-actuaU fe-Jknl."8)Up ta electronk:a. SUD , ...... ill ,,,.....,, W thr .. -----·------- py time .. ~ i.,. Lido -.... 1. cko<nta at the eMIE9'M' ...... 4a9cl" Of J\l.Jy 28, SfTZ aftil 9'y'.Udo lei<' Con:tmwlfty a"'l Wion Mld -.per· vllted by EldDe aBd •'Lefty .. Kur· apurs which cl.inked u e.ll~ and 4'oh.n daroeod.. New ~ldcpt8 Mr. aiid ltlrs . .L. F. Elter f'ntert&ined .a part,y at IO . and ..Mc. a.nd Mrs. F rancis AtcDowe-11 had a pa_rty or •~orlst. !, The Art Clas~s for junior hich ~hoot age and oldE"r win 111tart at -'jhe Gallery on August Tth at 10 :,a. ni. They wtn ht-held on, Tuea- •'day and Thursday during Augu."lt •;1rom ten until noon. Miss Gert· ~& Gardner wtll be \n charge. "rite 6l>1Y """'c• la a ~ ... ~ce ot one dollar far ma.tenata_ . f: Since the openJng o r tbe G&l· fiery .JuJy 7th attendance hu wr- •}>as.ed all previous .-.,...,,,, Laot' ~day waa the largest paid at· ._.c.e ndance ln the _Gallery's llURQry. :--~· one ot California's top art.lats •wrote Ws week. "Peop~ who •;nave visited the Gallery come back • ~ Loa Angel ee with glowing d('-- •Sc:rlptiorui of it . And it ce.rta.4nly ·maintains La..guna's leade rship .. "' never befort>. Wt> are looking' for- ' ward to Stt.ing it.'' Comment.a lik~ this make all or u.s "'ko haw "'orked to a ch ieve O\J r a im feel rE"palr. 'I!'he u.aoclaUon has not rece ived any blanJ<s for the Ora.nge Co~ty Fair Sbow, but the d C'adline must be.,dr&Wing nea.r. The dates of the Fair are Aug. l&th througb the 19th. So if you wish to ~nlt>r the Art Ex.h~. contact tbem dlrttt. The Oakland Art Gallery is beldtng Its 19tb Annual J:!xh,lbiUoo ot Watercolors, P astels, 11 f Con· aervatlve 12) lnte rmf'd.iate (3 ) R&dkal. We are g·lad they call the _ultra · modern "Radical" for t.hat is thr V."&y we feel about it . The pr-.S are $200, •too, $50. If Intettat-ed contact the Oakland An. Gallery, ~funtclpal Auditor· tum., Oakland, Calif. " IEBPHOLSTEI YOU& %-PllX.JE SE'&' FO'K AS WW AS I •• lnrludN Labor and lnsklt- Mattorta.J . _.__ ..... _ '= :,, .. 1 {, tl•: ··~ilj I ---'·--· ·-·· ---:..~ T 11 91 ' It IC.. --· --·· -• 0 ......... If .... ________ _ ~ • ·----.......______ • 1 -'Ttlle .eemHT'led W11iTF'ry Vel· --., 0r-...· (la. 1Mit. .... & joi:ilt • E rtiac" at the <Jll.rdm Qrvw 8e1isiatt1 • Day Ad· V8ltilrt Cbul'ICb Oil FTW:ay evenins'. -""'· 1 \ Dr. llM'aoe A. RaU ., New,_-t RECW• M•z ed pid•ee in cxMGir, takiS ill the . twd'ff differeet -................... aad \ Ma1il Dubach Visits Relatives Mn. RaJ:l travieW -a reoeat. 1'«Ti.U Dubadl.. HanniMJ, 110 .. trip. 'ftley .,_ ll:urope and -·--._ et: Iola unCle .... ~JAM ---.......... ,_..:Ml:!: .... •--:~ ........ _...,;. 1*;!!• •ie• -~. ~ +-c ~::Jrr:a:rwr.. """-· • .. • ,....,.. 'ft-om. ___ .....____ wtlleN! ' oefD-. .,_ ~ . ..,_.,., . 'ftie l*!bl• Oil tM JWy Laad .be. 1a ••'"'• a JifalW Office:•' ~ wtM!re"" \. Jeae was born. t.raUilng coune. --- Where He laboft.d'-&Jld wt.ere He ll~ _.Dubach .le .tlance ot Mi.Mi died. ~ Peggy A»bQtt. fo_rrrwrly of Ba.lboe OM J!ddm"e showt=d an orphan· Ial&ii.d., a.Dd-the ~wo plan a Sf'pte-m· •• in CaiN, 9'ai9tamed by a her ea<!lng .. ' ¥.'*"8.1\ who llta.s a p-eat love for wnfertWRM-e cl\Hdrett.., She finds the chi ldren. raa.ny diw•sed and bUJad, wandenn& uacared for on ~ desert aad brla,p lbern in to her home. At times abe ia very bard pttSSed !or enOU&"h food and money to care tor them. At the cltiMi of the meetln& a collection was taken aad over $50.00 w~.!t raised to send to htt for her WOl'lhy aelt-aacrWctnc work. Dr. C. C. Emmer-won had char,.e of Lbe meeU.g. Food & Rummage Sale Planned by Oorus Society n.e B«rior Dorcaa Society met • Tti.ur8day, A.... 2 at the NEW -CAMPUS AT:tONG .BEACH CoNltru¢1on Oil the rlew .Long Beach State Ootlegre camP\fB at Anaheim Road and PaJea Verdefl promil!les r elle.t tb1! rau from the: crowded condtions · •:h\ch the col- lege peraennet expnt~ced In the temporary horuJing tacilltk-8. Thr college wa.!I "'bursting at the 9f>t.l'ftl5" during-the SttO'lld summrr .ea.Ions with an enrollment <t O per· cent above that · ot the first sum.mer wuieni 1&st year, Dr. Ka.rt A . Ru.sscll. Jr., registrar. aid today. Tlw largest group of stu<knlR ·-. 6. • An1ong othere .present w~re Qrin•i-"&' ma*8 and klloorls Messrs. ind Mmes. Jim Lewl.8. provide4 tllie dfooen.tiw Uw-me. Krn Smok1:\ J~· F crrtJMn: Spud Two bf.C' ettlfreid dow:a tM!an werr EJ.a~tman, ~-W. E . Smith, -RObert Of'C>te:~ f« \.M: "8tkt t&bl<' Rjl'C'd, Ed i~. Doug Wat'd and par-. and WCt'e afterwanl awarded tho!lf" tt of -t : J ohn Ge lger, John Chest· M.Yhs.g be• .....,....... Orae went n_ut, Wlftia' BuchaDPalJ. -J....Us to. MW"'dodc:, ~ • pay &lid Ad'B.m : a.180 Mra .. ScaoM Md p&Tty IR&f'OOO •triped ... h'':J ..St. ..._ d .... ... ,_ " --""'-or ~: .N.l"\ ,.n .• -r11. -ap~ ....... r . ~ llllltoN-' &....,_. -. .._,..., and Mr& Mattram and party of pad ..ct taladr. llllil:lll ....... ·nu.• . d Mr d " • ·tt' d ~ .. a & !'5, • &n • ari , ni,r"S,. ~ 0 &.n ~ went 19 ---....::' G Q nart,• Q( 6 -.vlct ...... ·-doaln ud ball I ~ . and bla.ck barred cartOn for head· . Mr. and 1.frs. Bltl Jahns _ had gear. Her number was 0-112. ex-gu<"s~ as ~Id l'tfr. a nd l'tfrs. John pr('M'fnl' a sutrtrle desirl" f or wtlat ~rant. Mr. and 'Mn. C. B. Rudd thr other re-llow wu having. WE'rf'.' there, a• W""'1' Mr. a nd )i.trs . 1·., n.... Gii)' • Da VICI SpJff. Eve Laagenbeim, ln white ducks , came as M&r.;y M.t,rt.in ,.,.ilh Virgilrla UK! Bobi FOT"bts CAm(.> a •i~n !"f"ading, ''l'Dl in Love \Vith in colorful gypsy 'costumes and A Wonderful Ouy."l Hay Langm· Or. and J..tn... C. E . ThompAOn \\'ore heim came u a aaJ:kr." his sign leill and llbelb. With them ~re rl:'adlng. "I 'm the Ouy." Mary ~ John DeLong of ffi.en· 1'fa.rtba Lewi8 precf!4tl~ lter par· dale, u a rtliocus g irl and dip to·. ntat. Julia Llnk<'r wu In a blacll ents, Mr. and l'tlra . .A. W . ~. d h h om e from Hawaii by a day or mo, MUn Chinese out!lt an . f"T j u.st so she could come t o the guest., Helen and Ray Cope, ~ dancf>. 90 the pass *irtJI a.nd ga.rbf>d aa a acnorlta and caball· flow~ ~• wmn by ller8d:f and 'E'ra. Erl Lf:>Hoven was in <"haracter ber eacorl Cbuck Laa.tte-r we rP a.s an overalzed caTm"ra especially authentic. 'AJso in Ha~ coa· ~u lpped for b'londes. brunettes. tum e were Marian and Craig Cad-redheada and blkJnt Qa.thing suits, \valladE"r and pestA. .of whJcb we are glad to announ~, Vrtg1nla Clotltt wore a beau· were none prt>se-nt ; tho he did llt\J.I formal gown with matc hing enap hi.!! wile, June, tn a bl\le aea jewell'd turban and her husband. bag. Van, waa In a ray print shirt t o ~ Stud.In Party match hie mood. Betty JarV'l.s a.nrl An1onl' the many enjoying brr party ot a1x were dreued as \\1edne&day night's pa.rty at Ar· kindergartener:s and Carried over· 1' lhur Murray lltudlo.s were Judge stz.cd lotllpopa. I ud Mn. Goodwin ol ~a:odl. the ~ ~ Ho1tie 8mit1Q from lmperia-J and were fTenl Los A9rlea a.ad church and plans wee d lSC\198!<1 <lraA&"I! · coUfttiee; 11lo~r. "ae:u - f.er a comlnc !Md sale to ~ dent.. fToln 12 atatH olber than >teld OD Aupat 1a •t&cUn&' at 9 Ca.ll!ornJa were on the campus for Art.et Cottv1!r came tn a harem L IR. oa Newport Blvd. near lhb aurnmer aeemons.. skirt and 'r&. with heavy ailver the Lee Bamee of Udo Isle. BroadWl&y, Coat& Mesa. AJtboup most or tht" at.ud~nt.J Jeweeiry and aatbi head eca.rf, Bob Atkinson Passing Cigars Besides the ale 411 home made w~ working for the b&chelor's wtille Dean ca~ u Nmaelf~ A19o cak-. pies. oook.ies, bread, rolls degree·« teaching credmt_iala, 85 &1. t.Mlr patio table were Edythe and candy, there will be a n1111-cractute student1 werr doin&' ad-Bame&. W'81&Tb\c aomelhtnl" low Jn&ge ea1e ot ma.ny .¥8eful car-Y&aced work tor t.,he ma#lerofaru necked and attrtctJve and I...tt. Peter is the name given a son raemte. degJ.'lfle wtnch Lolng Beach st.ate wttlt a n m«mous false noee. With born at lli :Zfi a. m. AU~-2 in St. Mre. A.Melia va..-, )Nde.r, an· collegt' first offered during-the Lhem WC'T'P tk Orville · Browne, Joaepb hoaptta• to Robert and nounced that all the proceed9 wMI 8'"'-C 9e!lteller of UU. ~ar. glad t o be heck on ~Udo ~alter an Marian ..\tkl.neon, 320 Fullerton be U9ed tn child wettare wortc.. 'Phe epet'littg ~ate. for the ran tt.b8en~ of tteYe'IJ yean and now Ave. Re weighed 8 I.bl. 1 oz. Mr. Birtiad&: lor tbe 111 wc11 91. •• 1'« M ~ oallt:p Jaae Men bulJdlng' a MW berae there. Atkinson. member or the Newport ......... .::,.. ~ wttta a ~,. Ht hf ~ 17· Jane Boyd waa a cute cowgirl Beach police force tor seven.I """·sy <*re. •· CNUQ Mill: l-1 1.l_i. iiiiiiiiiir::;;;;· ~i;;~i!i~~1n~iiich~•l:paiiianiiiidrnis.......,.~·r.;:.il0gum;:--;~;s·!!"':i1iiiii1..,.,i:ir:ir"';-;n;:•w;;-°"-;:-;:-v:;-'4'_•_':;""'y·T:.iim * .... £i.W ~ and ,;_' -~ iew. .11ari9 ....,.. ..... ••Yed ' .... ..... , ···:: ... ...._~_. .. :1•1• -·--.. !Wt-..-· -at•-. .. ..,., au ·tt-•"-••: ... -. -'F .. -. ... --a;\.,...._ • ....,_ _,. ..... J<: ! ,,,,,_ • -~ ...... .. .... t fO?IF t, S. L t•. . .. ( . ' . Social • CJpilla Cirpe in Au9ust Nteets Circle S ef O..pAla circle, Oormta del Mar Community ehvi'Ch, wit! ~ W'eane.Jay at tlte heme of M:rs. E . 8 . Ceop, 215 Fem.leaf, at 11 a. m. Mr•. Nefte Ha.cenb'llck will H ClO-hOSk!sa anti a wltlte •le- phant We will be a feetut'(" event. Circle 2 mttts '?\aeeday, Aug. 14, 11 L m . at the horn. ot Mn. W.. -Swiger, 314 t..arkapur with ,Mrs. Da'rid HalUlon 'and Mrs. Earl Vougtlt u co-bostdke. Circle 1 will be f-nter'tahted at the home or 1tfrs. Harold P. Myers, 424 N.arciaaua, at 12 nooa. Mra, H. P . :Allen will be eo-boeteaa. ~e ""111 be ne AugtMrt &etlfrion for Circl(' 4. Calcutta~ Sports Dance at Cowitry Club • Important event this. week at Sa.nta Ana Country ctub Is lhE> Calc utta dinner, 7 p . m . Thursday, a ~de to ttte Thh-d 8a.nt.a. Ana 11'1.vlt.atlofllal tour•ament in W1rlm 32 t~ will -eempetie. AIM on the socie.I cal-endar is tlte annual lfPO'l"l8 d&l!et-to ft hekl thls cem· Ing SetttT"day. .· "--~-- ' 1 ' I' . Da•z·Sch•idt . Piaae CO. . . ·s20 N. Main St. SClllhl AllCI ' . : Will EVERYTHl.NG BE R0SY •.•. :,WHEN YOU. REftRE? ~ . ' -. lt'11 b&ro . to tell whether yoor · pension will be eJICM.Jgh;jto meet the cost of li.vii\g then. So plan a · nPl!ementacy retirement fund NOW. ~Id -~ ~ savings ~ equivalent to one .~"'!'·here at .NEWPORT BALBOA . . , . . . , I -6-,-. -•. ~Gll-R-1-.-Jl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A 6 pound 7~ ounce baby g1rl J ~ was born in the U. S. Army Ho.'I· 1 I p1tal on July 23. 1951 to Sgt. an~ p,;,,.,. """"· w:Jitu.i. Mn. EQ,gene R. Bar~l~t. ....,.. Ji _.,. Sgt. Bartlett '' ua1gned te the TCRE.SA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner ) Hq. Co .. Army LaTiigu•l'e School, ~ Presidio ot Montcl'('y, CaHfomta.. (',once.rt Pianl"t of 'J'llN'f" C,ont1Dr1attl The new add1tton to the B..-t1ett Graduate StudPnt of !Wla Jla-:f.ok family is Y,e ir 3rd 'chtt<l and ha• l S D..._ H .. rbor 1171.J be•n named .f•cqneline Linda. 4 6en'a nY8 Their in-nt •••w 1• 511 C:O..... Hitlllu11ds -Corona del Mar Monterey Ave., Pacific Grovf". J ~==~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~=~ California. j' , The father •s the ~n of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F . Baltlett of 1580 Irvine SL. Costa lii:eaa. The mot'her La ~ 4a1'Chter •f Mrs. E . H . Onstot~ ot • t MOtl- terey ~ Av.e., Paclftc !Grove, Ca.Uf. • I 1 J • • , 0 0 0 0 ' ·- At the r egular meellng ot the chapter, hekt ln lhe Moose hall on Ule ocean front. August 2, com- n1lttee chairman rt'ports were giv- en by Flora Vaughn, publicity: 0 • • • ... ' ' ' "' . . -• ·, • Dotty Carter. Mooseheart alumni : and Wilma Corbin, membership. Junior Regent Clar&.-. Leach re- portl'd that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muller, Moose members, were in- jured In an automobile accident 1rl Costa Mesa late the afternoon or August l and that Mrs . Muller aurfered major injuries and ls con- flnl'd at St.. J oseph hospital. The Ora.'ngw County Art a.uocla- llon announces its August exhibit of paintings in tbe Fullerton pub+ Ile library, tram A uguat ·1 until August 31, dally except Sundays. The arttata exhibiting this month are: Mrs. Elizabelh 'Winkler, 11670 Skyline Drive. 11870 RFD, 1. San· t a Ana; and J..fra. Doria Carlson, Orange. Thia iB the tut two of the four artl,alta who won the 3rd an- nual juried art show certificate of merit, 1951 . the first two. in July, were Misa Madelyn Short, Gar- den Grove; a.nd Mrs. Jane Porter; Santa Ana. Betty Winkler hu servt'd fo r several years aa secretary of the Bra.ndt-Di.ke Summer Art school at Corona del Mar and has stud- ied wlth teachers Pbll Dike, Rex Brandt and David Scott. Her Nu- cational background includes Po- mona college, UC at Berkeley and adult education cl&MeS at Scrtpp!'I college. FAl.R PERFORMER Judy Erntr80n of S t>"'port B~h, clevPr lap da.ncer aad b&ton twlrie.r who, with aceordJon.lst Peter. Wel(&ft. \\iJI pe.rfonn at the t'r"ee Staie Show• belftl" pl"l!H:nted dally a t the 1851 - Onuice County Fair, Au1. 15-19, at former S.ota Ana Army Air 8a&t. Tbe two wtO appear for fair ,1utors from t~ blc outdoor '-tale on "'~DP8d.ay, AUK. 15 at 1:15 p. m. Clarence Young. coordinator be· tw'een lhe Moose Lodge and the Women of the M OMe, visltl"d the c haptl'r meeting and asked for the cp<>Pf'tlltion of the co-workers ln serving fish and coffee In thf' lodJte booth at the Orange county fair. He also announced that bar- becued spareribs would be thf' entre' at the dinner to be served Saturd11.y evening, Augu!lt 4, to b<' followed as U!!IUal by dancing to the very enjoyable mu.sic of the Costa Mesa Acea. She has had piCturea In numer- oUs exhlbtta. including Scripps &nd Pomona college11, Laguna art gal- lery, a one-man show at Santa Ana COQntry club. and for four years in Newport Harbor annual art show. La.st year she won the Nellie Moulton purchue award a:. Orange county fair and has had two ,'awards In Orange county art aSsOciation's juried show. Mn. Car18on ha.a studied with Milford Zorne.a, Burt Proc t e r, J enny Crawford, Lela Norto n and l...t>onard Sc heu and received a cer- tificate of merit and the third an- nual juried art show at 0 . C. art association. Islander "Ad.opts" Italian Girl " Robert C. Durkee of 210 Onyx f'l"":"'I'"'""""""""'....,. avenue, Balboa !Bland, Calif .. has ··ado pted" Marla Datodl, a aeven-1 year-old Italian c hild, through I F oster Parents' Plan for War Children, Inc., It waw announced I yestrrday by PLAN headquarters at M W~st 42nd Street, New York City, 18. I Since Its incf'ption fourteen yeaM1 ago. Foster Pare nt.a' Plan has cared tar more than 80,000 I childN>n. It is now o~ratlng In Bflglum, England. Fran~. Greece , 1 Holland, l~sly and la hrlplng un-1 fortunate and Impoverished chil- dren or fourt£>en different nation· 11.lltie.11, without regard to race or \ A rttord • crowd attended thP dinner and dance held Jul1 28 and many out-of-town Jrllf'8lll are no\o\' attending theae regular Saturday evening affail!I. They are opt>n to all Mooee members and guests. Co-workers Myrtelle Tipping, El- sie King, Dotty Carter, Nickie Edgt'.'rton. Edna Ph('gley and Val- eda Workman were named to as- sist w ith serving of the dinner Saturday. Cof't-e and Sand\liches .Junior Regent Clara Leach sug- irsted that the Women of the )foose furnish sandwiches and coffee late in lhe evening on Sf,t- urday night.a, and aner the daifce. This .suggestion met with enthua· iaxm by the co-workers. Dotty Carter is to be in charge of the aocial night to be held by the chapter on Thursday evening, August 7. l1> which all co-worken and friends are invited. Mn. Car- ter hint.8 that the program plan- nea. not yet divulge<!, will be "one that should not be missed. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ostrander, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, Mr. and Mrs. Hav('n Holbrook., Mr. and Mrw. Droeste and Ray Hoff- man, attended the Moose conven- tion in Santa Cruz this past week end. Reaulta come rrom conatant Practice! An ad regularly in this i-per wfJI produce relUlta tor you News-Times ada have.been read In the Harbor tor over 40 yea.n.. Lester A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTR.Y 1785 Newport BJ-Yd., Co11ta Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 67152 600 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J Shower Honor Event for Mrs. Jan Nettles Mrs. '-t&ry Nelle Otto and M rs. Cleo FUJler 11ha.red hostess duties when they entertained recently. honoring Mrs. Jan Nettles of Cos- ta Mesa. Theme WN revealed by the large stork carrying a baby doll and nut cups were litUe be.by car- rla.ges. Angelfood cakea were Iced In pink and blue and w ere served with punch and loe cream. Gifts >A'ete placed In a large c radle and included such Items a.a polka.dot diapers and a balhenette. Games included the gueasing of Identities from baby pictures ot everyone. present and the honore~. gueaing them all, won the prize. Mrs. Joan Horrell was ano ther prize wtnner. Present we re Mmes. Maxine Ez- le.n, J oyalne Rorick, Hattit!"'--Wlld, Joyce Otto, Helen Wild, Dick Tal- stra, Monroe Nettles. Frank Hur- aya., Nancy J oyce. Joan Horrell, Mary Nelle Otto, Cleo P\.lller , Jan Nettles and Misaea Ann Pollina. Mary Robina, Jeannie Ta.lstra and Carol Talstra. Stork Favors · Girls for Mesa It wu all girlB and no boys for welcoming Coata Mesa parents on July 26, wtlh three new arrl- vala. Bom an that date in Santa Ana Community hospital wu a creed. Foster Parents' Plan-for war • children does not do maaa relief, f'&.Ch child is treatM u an indi- vidual. "Adoption" 18 tlna.nclal, not legal. The foster parent tnerely promises to contribute $15 month- ly t owards the child'• support, for at lea.at a year. In return, the fos· ler parent receives a photograph , and brief hiatory of lhe child. And correspondence through the Plan offi ce Is encouraged since the children need the feeling of being loved and belongtog to aomeone. 80meplace. Thoua:h . the war ln Eu- rope h~ been bve.r for five years, It has never ceased for theee. chil- dren. Home Department Maria DatOOl !\lay ;, 1944 Jl&llan . Maria nt>ver knew her father, a bookkttpt'r who before t.he war. provided a nice little home for his family In Naples. He became a serg~ant major in the It.a.lian army but joined with the rebel3 when all the inhabitanl.8 at the city revolted against the Gl-rman army of occupation during the famous "four days of Naplea." t S F d Aftr r the Germans had evacu-0 erve 00 ated the city, he tried ta reach t C t, F · I his family who had gone t o a a oun y air country d~tric t with other dia- pla.ced persons. On the way, he Committee me mbers m et thl8 met sonle stranded German aold- week In the Garden ~rove h~mc lets. Seeing he wiui armed, they of Mrs. Earl Laux to du1<:UM1 !tna I shot him down IUld left him lying plans of the H om e Dt'partment of beside the road. the Orange. County Farm Bureau who wlll eerve cooked foods at their booth at the Orange Courtty Fair. Beginning Monday, Aug. 13, breakfast will be served daily from 7 to 7:30 a , m. followed by sandwiches and a 11pectal plate from 10:30 a·. m . Uhtll cl01Jing time. FIRST AIDERS Another Red CrOBS Standard Firet Aid counJe was ju11t com- pleted at Newport Beach. The itu1t ruc tor, Mrs. Robert Keppen, certified the following people: Pen&lon The widow receives only a small pension of $27 a month, and so ~e was forced to place one child, Giorgio, 10. In an institution. She k eeps with tier the other two, Nicola, 11, and Marla. 7. They a.11 live with a grandmother and an aunt ln Naplca. The five persons share one room and--lhe bathroom and water supply are In the hall. to be used in tommon with the other families living the the bulld- ln,._ daughter to M.r. &nd Mrs. Andre Y. Egaue, 221 Eut 19th atre-et. r--------------.1 weight, 8 pound.a, 11 ounces and Jack Consyn, Lyle Dunn. Ma- mie Mathews, James L . Miller, Jacqueline Phelps, Alta Whitmer, Margaret Wllkl.naon, A m e I I a Vaught and Viola Lindsay. In addition to the rt"gular course In F1rat Aid. these •tudenl.!J were given and teated on avu Deren.Se supplementary matelialA. Living condition11 are most mle- erable as rhay be underirt.ood trom the fact lhat they' pay 40 cents a month In r~t. but a. l t la, they can scarcely scrape along on the little money they ~ave. The gT"and- molher receives an old-age pen- sion, $1 6 per month. The aunt makes about :>O ct>nll a day sew· l.ng on children's clothes. The Harold K. G ra ue l Chapel Pbone: &a.con 5810 110 Broadway Cotta BE SURE -INSURE wlt)J MAURD!: STANLEY O..WllBee OaJy Phone Harbor 1778 ZU Marine A '-e. Balboa la.land to Mr. and Mn.~ LJone.l Haner, 492 Magnolia awnueo, a girl weigh- ing 5 pounds, 14 'As ounces. In St. Joeeph hospital It was a girl tor M.r. and Mrs. Clyde Z. Spinge, 160 Eaat 19th atreet, weight, 6 pounds, 9 ounce.a. TWO NZW COSTA MESANS molht>t Is a good typil'!'.t but with Two new <Joel& Meaa. citizens economic condlUons what ·they art" a.rrtved on ·August 2, both at SL. in Southern Italy. ahe cannot find JORph hospital. One wu a eon. a job at preaent. weJ1ht. 7 poanda, 12 .ounces. born Sht" aacrltices her own good for LO t.lr. and i.tra. Eugene Wells. the ch ildren, but they are often 2325.-A Orange avenue; the other hungry. theoir mea.111 •re u.ually a girl, wietght, 1 pounds, 14. ounces, thin 90Upa. bread. or aome vege- born ~ M.r, and Mn. Hale L&ndry. tablf& picked up around the mar- On Kon.day, .July • 30, Alpha 75e Wat tlth street. ke.l. Marla ill in need of eo many Beta F.ood Marketa. Inc., formally things her mother cannot give her. EXCEUZNCE In UPHOLSTERY announced the wtnning design for u -k p· nciurishing fO<KI. good clothing an4 th<lr ... try -In the Tournament or p Por r·1ces medical care. With PLAN ald, th• r-------+-------,1 Rowe parade next New Year'• chlkl will be able to receive these day. Many entrtea were submitted , . thl.nga and stlU remaJn in the' lov· • • • KIMMONS c;...,.. hraltw., Dr•'9riet. c.tfffMI IUCOH 5"06 QI I. 17tll STIEET, COSTA MIS.A to the judgillg otflciala. Higher ceUtng-prices for pork. ing care of her mother. And if: The winninl' noat deaigned wu which wW caWle a rlH ot 3 to 9 Maria Ls aided by PLAN. this ~­ Bob Xallna. who baa ln the put cents a pound in the C09t of pork tire deserving ram Uy wW ·have a entered eome ot the ~arade'1 fin· rouUi and chope at the retail level chan« to Improve tta: Uvtng condl- eat float& Ottkl.Qa Of the Tour-have been eet by the Office of Uona. llArTBE8SE8 Boat:.......uome.-Trallen lrreplar ...... name.nt of ROlel expretllltd great Price Stabilisation, &eeordlnc to Marta ha.a beautiflJI large brown '=============:'I Joy wh@ft notffted of the design Wllllam C. Moeaer, di.rector of the eyes and brown hair. She ia well ..-------------.1 and Utle of Ille floet, all ,of which j!an Diego dlatri<:t office of Prk:e built but nervous &l)d ·a11ows t,he will" be 1oeJ!t -wnpo unW JWlt Blab~Uoa. · effect. of m&IJ)utrlUon and lnllo- a few daya-INlore the parade. Tbe tncre.ues we-re allowed. curtly, She aaya she would like to • Muell .'preparation le already Noeeer aid. to meet µie lncreued work.. In a coffee ah.op where there -~ on the parade wlllch LI coot. lo -Of Un "°P LI lot. ar food. ~he \a In tJ!e oec- lo bo -.W -t Ju-.y 1.·0.· •-Jail SA11DU7. Tbe b11h cell· oad gnde at -ilnd Uk .. writ· -are belns lot for the ftl'loul lnl j>ricel lofted pork lolna Ing and readln1. She c1reama of floeti uot ,.._ .,. ~ .....i. t« .,..!Pinc 11 pounc1a or '--Tiie being u1e lo illa7 '"!lb t <toll tut llEACJON -· ~·~••tJ-C.. ha 'N ... pe.'\ .... - .'======:;::=====:::~~~ "'°"" ftewqa to come In aew pt1cee ~ Ill ,piece of price. ~ .. Mula·. Ille WUJ be m..te r7;j;;"&;ji;ii"~;j;;;;~-. P'~";'.-t tMt l'8!: 'Die --tr-.at -""""111 low i....L1 by 1Duch happier °"""lb ·tbe ft .~'lld­" wa-.u.·•·as •-• .. ~ Toansament ot t11e OenoraJ CelJlq, Price Rqu• lhlP a..i 1eu.n or.,... f..tu"""'" .,.,_~I ..... .,.alaatwtUl~;i.... latloelmuoillutJu-.y,-~ .._ • I ..._ ls:•lw ... W11 Int 10 _....... tile ........... -. ,ot -.Id. ~ . · \ ~ 8 I. I~ Ule. -• tN -4 ...,.,_ Tiie new eolll-Will ..,. efl<e· •. eCl,:11 •II!" ,_-,""'t..... · Uft, .,,'Tr -· Jiii/hi -, ........ _.._,,...~"'I ml ot -...... ud l'LlmS!fQ -. -........ , .................... !or parlr ~ , ,, rfr 1 D ._ I'° , S . ~-... ._.. wm ,_. ,ndllC l &i El d.I ~ ..., a ~= .a • Wisl -..,._......, ot ,u,· " .... ,. -* -.Act...i in:': ~· Jlllt,' -..,. I ss tw on c m 1• a ...,.... •-wRI - '1z ... lop ..: ~--zit -M -of ~ "'"""" b S•lr' "Im -I .• ~wtaw& 'I ........ ~-· • ' ' . - I • , • ;_DI c,&r.gUOo nem1111 -'""' a .... of --air Uc! ~ i..;a .... 1o ·0o----1o '"Ille -.I I•' d•s -4 -..~ ....... .. ,.,._ (or .... lllrl -. llt BUiJIDrlw.C...4111-. ' . I • • • • Mt . Ca_r mel Guild Has Informal Patio Session A large group of me mbers the Altar Guild of Our Lady Mount Carmel gathered at the home ot Mra. Agatha Fernan. 403 39lh street, Newport l8land, on W ednesday, August 1. The lovely patio wu setting for an informal &nd delightful deSJWrt luncheon which had for· its maln attraction a huge bowl ot lc1•d fru it punch . Mra. Fernan was asHistcd by Mmes . Leo O'Kelly and Leo nard Perr:uz.zl. Afte r the m eeling was ca.lied to order by the president, Mrs. Pf'rruzzi, a rl'pott wa.... me.de on the birlhday party ~lven tor Fa- ther Stephe n Kiley at lhc home of Mrs. Jamee S. Barrett, Bay Shore Drive, on July 9. At lhls time Fr. Kiley was prescntl'd with a beau- t iful combination radio and rec- ord player by IJlCmb<'rs of the guilds of Our Lady or Mount Car· mel and St. J ohn Vianney. Plans were made for the food 11-ale held Sunday, w,hl ch . equalled succe.u of the previous one of early July. Next meeUng will be held In the nf'W remodeled pariJh hall · a.dja- cent to the new church. o n Sep- tember 4. SON FOR CD~I C:OVPLIE Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cuida, 421 Marigold avenue, CoronR. del Mar, are parl'nls or an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born Auk'usl 1 in St. J oseph hoepita.I. 0 .. • I " • -• --Opportunity lo knocklnl' In CLAS S,IFIED ADS. News·Timea ad.a bave been read 1n the Harbor for over 40 yeara. ' • 1- ·I • ~ I . ' IUIUST REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• • ICll '6875• $ -PONTIAC 6 -PARTS AND LABOR . ' ALSO BIG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES 18 POINT OVERHAUL 1. Complete Vah ·e Grind 2. Clean Carbon S. Replace P iston Rings 4. Replace Piston Pins 5. Expand Pistons 6. Replace Connecting Rod, ' Insert Bearings 7. AdJust Co nnecting Rod,._,_ Chevrolet & Buick 8. Align Connecting Rods 9. Replace Head and Pan Gaskets l 0. Change Engine 011 · l l. Clean Oil Pump Lines, Screen and $ump. 12. Ridge Ream, i;lau bust, cyllndera 13. Clean and adjust spark plugs 14. Replace Dlsbibutor folnts, retime motor 15. CIP.an Air Cleaner 16. Adjust Car~utetor 17. Replace Manifold Gaskets 18. Top Radiator Hose No Down Payment 12 MONTHS TO PAY No Dowu Payment G•n•ine Factory Parts 2nd & Sycamore Work Guaranteed , I Kl 2-2375- ' Vitia 3 1tlme1 fa1terl VYou spend le11 to opera .. , I . - VYou ,,.nd le11 to hutalll : . • • • ' J • I \ • I Member of CALIFORNIA N'IJ15'S!'AP'Eft' l'Ol!U!llmft.9 ABS'N. Melll-of -NA'l'IONAL 1!lDN<alAL A880CIAttON rune.. and Printing l>laRt at !211 B&lboa 'Boulen..d Tolep-8utior Mll . Enteftict • Seoon6-Cta.M Mattft' at ttlt ~la N•port Dench, cattfomla ---Mt or -3-1919. • EDWARD A. LeJllOv:li:N, EllllM' J . M. FltANCl8, Booiw v.w-&'!I SUll8CairttOS &Aft81 Nl!W'PoRT·llAUIOA NEWS-'111....S rNWJ hll n 'sy In Oft111P C<>dty, is;al -:rar; '1• Ills Wiiii;. tL!6 -.. ;t (A'-f1KtMr1 0. Ni~W'Na;.&&l ?IA Pens. ft1111'1~1~) Out.tdo Oranr iJouty ..... per., .. , FEDERAL PAYROLL GROWING As the defense proMm abaorbe more and more of "91eric&'s labor· force, the number of civilians employed ii, tlie Federal govemmenf ie ~ steadily. Late reports Indicate ttle C'J'n!l'lllllilllt ·Ma •'lllOre than 2,.00,- 000 -plo}'eel!, to 'Whom it Jl&Y8 .-000.000 a rear ~w. and for whom it is ulting satary !Bcreases. This rise in Federal employmMt has taken place de- spite es~ates Ulat the government could save more than $1,000,000,000 a ~ar by 4tappblc 305,000 unneeded elnployees from the projedea paF.Clll for fi9cal 1952. Yet ' . . to avoid cuts, many peae<!llme ~ts have been ·makillg every effort to have their .ctivitfes classified as defense work , hoping not only to keep all employees, but e9en, to do a little "empire-buildil!g" by getting more personnel. • • This bureaucratic expansion program should be stopped m its tracJ<s. When every W'Orlret-&Rd every Feden>.l ~Uar are needed for defense, it is no time for personal "1lmpire-building" at· piWic expenae. ----·---- OUR TOPPUNG GOVERNMENT 8y Mort• <."•1tsnu•' I ~.·tAl.ldl(·~: ' . . . ' ELKS MEET IN SANTA· MOHICA SIPT •. 26 An estimatM 10,000 Elk.a and their fa""lles arc exJ*?ClPd .to throng to Santa. Monica for the 17th annual convention ot lM Calt- fornJa Elks A~clatton, Sepk!rn" 26, 27, 28 and 28, a'ctordtng to Ek>n Ostrrman ot santa. Ana, pretklent or the h.$816t-1Bt idn, ant1 V irgil Kinpley, Exalted Ruler nf the bo9t lodgf'. · Thr p:>ur-day conclave will draW . .. .... a-&--lhl•g delegate11 from some 9'5 Calitoml& T I"'-' ....._. --••- Elles Lodg<s, Osterman aald. Hoiit-More ourJ·"_ts -l'""'Y of .-ty...iae Ing the convention w\11 be Santa J Monica Elks Lodge, No. 908. P'GfMJI~ t-ax Nl-e ~ 1'y Onaf'l' \l'ioank Hull, P .. t Exalted Ruler of V"tSJ. •t Southland .,_l:F oil 1--111 valu-S&nta. Monica Lodgr, t11 general ~ a kvy of $43,111 baled on convention chaJrman, Oaterm&ll 11NW)..St \li&luatkJna oi UJ7~tza..- announeed. w e 1 110 . ...._ __ l_ """"---· •-•· alter vraunschwe g;eT, presi• .._... .. _._ ... ......-,,~··· Pia.JU for the con~ntion t1all tar dent of the All-Year C1ub, toda,y ti(fft Ml4 tolh.y. . a hORt or events. lncludlng band 0 ~ ''ll -·1-'"'• ,..,_ ........ & ·--'uatMwn N'portc>d a 1 J><>r <'f'ftt g&lh tn tn€' 1ou ....,"), .....-.JJIK' v .. <'O nceTUi, parades. • mu9ic•l fest.I-now or dollars spent here by out-fYC paq:fl!tty ln Orr t"OOltty tt l"Mt- val, a golf tournament, bOwllng of-state tourbrts during J uM. The ""ttaift fair ~l, ttwin. ~ ef!ftt and blJllard cahtcsta, skeet and lhCTeued now amotmtro to &38,-t:Jt (OllB:t;y.w'hle ta.x ratlf 'WUl ~ trap shoots and a vo.r1ety of en-933 842 Milt ta a tltill «r'f*tflf' Mery," ~ (EDITOR'S NOTE: Morton Cl&O!en WU for many yf'ar~ Pdltor tertainment de-21igned lo pleaae • · & __ ...... _ .......,_, -The millions W(T(' spent here by _,,___ ~ v-.- and publlsh('r of the Hamilton (Dllnela) PreM). <'veryon", H ull said. a total of .f3<1 ,7fM vl.Cation.J8t.A, he 1'te -.-ltoNe t« tl'loe tu: , The music f~tival will feat1ll"C M ~1 _.._ ~ oit.._ ~ ~. There are eeveral good l't!UOllJI for believing that the tho c.,..,_..i ~· ctvba or every •&Id. Moot ce.mc from tire 1~ •----~_::..al :;::: __ _ We1'1t and East, alt hough d'orlng ~ -..-TI...__ government of this nation may topple, causing untold hard-Dkt Lodge In tho lt&te end will t he summer .. ...., the Southland -_, <ff ---1aX lttlp to all Americans. It is also conceivable that such a !'; :1~:~~~~.1Zf" t~e ~~per!=c:i Is ho.st to a large number o·r "he-at Mte ffJr tt4l-'2 ,....., a levy d. catastrophy may occu.r in a not too distant future-unless warld a.t gue&t 80Joist. The band rt'fugees·• fr 0 m S outlnvesll'rn ~'.·r2.42 Ito _iM COYl'ty for that !rt.ates, "e cxplatned. "" something ill done. concerts f igure to be E>qually ~ ·'This wa.s the same !!ling a.s a Each cent of county-wide lax 0 t t Pp! '---u you and I have important, with som(' l50 Elkl thirty-seven million dol1a1' dran rate for 1950·!'.ll meant a levy or ur govemmen ma.y o e ~ se bands already 11ignt'd up to attend drawn on the f&rM.l!I and f&ctoriH Sf3.7l2 in lhe county for the year neglected our Ship of State. Directly and indirectly we 8'.re tl!e conv.ntt?"· · Mid b••I...,,... or the other 11tate11 J .. t ct....i. · abotaving that al.eek awift v--1 ..1-....;-~ Oy the fra.111· Conlme>nllilg on the conventk>n, ln favor of Southern Cl.Ufo rnl&.," Ho~r much each )M'nny ot coun- D" ' -.-~ aald: "While we are 1 • .._ •• .r.a_ .... II _, r 1••1 era Of the OGnatltntion \o .. .,.,ullir ... llllCCeaafully take plutblftg many Wondertul en~-~n~hweipr"""1alned.t H .. _ ...,-w·~ rote w• P•~uce or ~ -• . .._ --• · · ~ money they apcn W1uua 5:? -depends on the final valuaUon tile lead &l'DOla:f wortd IOft'mlDdlta • Ure race for a better .... i .... ng cventa, the real work cl Southern California -f'•thmtve ot taK.ab\fo property. i.n the coun- ld. W "'--n---" "'-~j -·--•-te h thla C<IRV ... 110'1 Wiii be to t<d""'·' In . • •or e ,,.we ......,._,.. uu-.c es te &C\.-..-uJ& · on er cate ourwe!v to the tu d tal of the cost or mak g the tt1P· ty. hull and~ tiMben anc1 ·plnJdag to rtlt. We llave rigged princlptes orJtl .. dom-;.~~hlr-he~A &nddthhom ... e_nagaln. wld I te~~tlyra:::u inpe~~!~~~ ~: be with . and ___.. h .... I --·-ly Ammc..ni.m" n c ~ .... were e y r 1gnoranoe man1.cu er M"'91 nc..,.~_,..-........ .. · 8CAtterf'<I through the r nlire PCOn· ablP valuation, rathf'r than by 001- . . ·-• • In these trou.bJt"d times, it b1 l $1 ooo ·· th Taxpay<'r•' What will happen to an ~stqut1on vested with so important that every Elk rl'afflrm omy -for. food, Joclgings, motor ani ?"r • • e ~ • • • 2...i-. expen9f' puroha.se of clothing a.nd a9800Wtkin said . .much authenty that it IS responsJUre -for goed fortune and his devotion to thr greatest prtn-gifts, thf"aters book.A, a ewspaperB. ··And tax rates creep upward tiad fortune, for wealth and for destitution, for eQUalit.y ~le.~ 0;v~:r-;-10;: 0~ c;vn; laundry, dry ~leanlng, all manner by cent.e---t>~ch ot th~m seemingly and' f Or i,,....,uaHty for virt'ne and for vice? h destroYB life.. 0 • a 0 or periJonaJ and prote.ssional ser-.-. 811'NU1 thing In tu.elf-but all , ...... "t ' · vtce>. contriM ting to a rol-Rlkleblc tax itself. fl'RE PROTP.CTIOS . "'l'he touristss' /!pending acted bill In California. N o government institution, nb· matter bow brilliantly Earl \Ve.rren ha• sl.glted a bill a..<i 'a po"';erf'tll stimlllallt for all ot "lf taxes a re to be held. doWn, manned and staffed, can ever for long successfully dia· wbtch ap,proprt•tea S.fl.OOO to 80,_. Southern CaMfonila's buslneAB and budgets must be kt'pt under con- poirt: the Dtvtaton of Forefllry In employment." trot. Valuallons and tax ra~ are charge such obligations to its citizena. No mari-made insti .. provkftng addftk>oal fire prote<:-The AJl-YeaT Club b now e>n-Juat t he f'nd result of how much t\,lt jon can ever play GQd and be succe8!fnl at it. tk>n ror lallld w"k."li may be e.-~r.ing rt!ll 30th yeer as t'he com-money mu!llt be ralsed-whtc~ df'- U as individuals or as a. group we '&re successful aR·d d~red by bru:flh burbtng proJ-1mm1ty orwuizallon rar handling pencts on trow mooft • bUdg""t~:· ' ' J E>Ct.s. the Southland's t091"'h!l travel ad· 1 suffer DO .seriou.· se~backs, such a governmellt may for the T'h<' btll also pro\•ide!I for ad-v~T"tUltng" throughout the Unlte>d 077 ... t)I .,,;,. £fut .. ..&' time being be ti.e object of our gratitude. But if we are llll-v1_,. ..r:vtceo to ranclten on Stat... ''....,. r t..XIUflun.NUm fortunate, if we suffer material reverses Mid if our na-range lrnJ><ovenent projects. •• 8n.a. f>MO.Sn• tional economy ahO'Rlcl receive a serious setback. then sucti Safer Driving ~ , · gOYernment mll!lt 1-r Ute Naae. ATOMIC BOMB l When government C!'elltell a ll'lonopoly t>f education, it $ b D. ~ u· ·d must anawe.-to the hopes or t1'e parents wboee children LIFE _AYERS • . y r """'-rge ~ it edocatell. B7 Maj. 0.... Walter M. Callfornla'a trotflc tall wlll con-i.\\c:i';;;'\,,;, When JoverD-t llllderta.kes to maintaln and .protect Robortson. Cloltfo1'111a Dl,...tor llnUe l<> mount un'tn each driver ~our health,. It mut ~ • well, )e answerable for every of Ch<ll °""'-u.oumes personal te&poDalblllty for his own safety, ec.mntuloner ailment we cOl!tact t.nd 111..t •-.fully treat those ail-Wi..t ......,t """''me ....t.. ai!tord l!l. Pete....,ft ot the eau- me11ts. actl,itJ· 1 fGmla Riebway ·Patrol, said to- Llnse...... ~•1'7 lllf-<lay. When government undertakes to r"eglllate and petn industry, then it also contracts to make It pl'08pel', other- wise it would be absurd to deprive indlM:ry (if !ta liberty. · ·In meddling with the balance of tracSe tlarough tarifta, executive edicts and bureaucratic direct!-. it thereby e- dertakes to guarantee more trade alid ~ ~ty. U this results in reduction and destructtt. of tnde, whOlle f~ult is it? In giving protection instead of-libd~ to tndi.stry for defense, it co~ w maltte lt prefllUle. Ji U!,at ""-tea a burden to the taxpayer, who will get tllie ... ='! Ill~·-to ce1e111 'lllGl'dl, ••h• Ult Wlkvlor of the people, if such laws make things -ae, w•.-falllt wiJI that be? ·a . Today there are Cew gri~vances for .wt. ta ~ettf· ment does not try to make itself respoil.Bftil!. .... _,. new responsibility there ill another extension cl ~ i!Nn•tn. of law and force, and thua another potential for' failure. • If govemmeilt unilertak4!!!1 to coatr..l and cannot coa- iro beca~ of bei11g ill ~tioll l\o 8oae \llller law and . order; if .It uqclertaw to ~ tor us .n i-cndle to grave and-·•ot do jt; ll it ...i.rtaltm to ..,..,._ e:e.-,. ~ and ~ and c·aa1t'• ._ if U.. paMnl!at. undertakm '° ••'lgtl'I-. dttlil... 0 .................. ltnaHr.e .. U1 _-, tile ... of .Gle ~· MIA ~ \I<> it, what Ula'! • ' HWtory ~\ml e1a·i lf>'h(lmet l!lllt 'bU 'llllder- taken tlo l"eJll)ate, conl!ol and a-a beJODd a nam>W1y UlillW ecope bu failed and tltst · wh llUCb falure ,,.. at- h!NI .. -a 1"0luU.. ._' . • , ' · -'fttt time • here for e•wy po11 ••: 1 bit to so to t11e , *.,Ml •-qm v..rn • _. 1r *FF "' ala.IPl~llit• I I 4 j a II •n TllCR II' uaaw a. ....... ;-...... " } - twit fh>m f'X.plo.a\"e at.tf\•lty lb "All UNI . policemen ln the st&te ewtt)' the nt.M'Mlet' tbl -.ne are not Wy e.nough tf motorlstl: ' J • L td. to "latte positive steps to re- ExJ' ,,.f'I ra.AlRMth.try. 19 duce tratrtc accidents," he de- • £\: W wlthln ..,.... el clued. "That mcana drivtftg de· tr.a llillM: while tM lltilMlilac fenttvely at all Umes. tr'8 .. y n-ma1n f'toGlll • f~w · "'No one so far hu est.abllsbed D Ctl\I to We.Ju. or 11'6iA; ar tm.1ru1nlly to traitlc · aCeldenta. e'\91. ,....,.,_ Eh!orcement, e~ and edu· I hQltt.. radloactlvtty -.. oattoo are of ... aftll tt the in- .._, 1 .. attf'lldlnc ~r dlvtdvaJ m~ i.lrea the aitl- -., A--... are expl .... -tllde -. .,.Ppen ont¥ to ae •• 0 \ 'fDderVotJ.Dd. or .. other drt.... o.ly you can keep wot ... , -lll oot -·• -)'0-1f trom ~ lnvolv<d In a --S. new tlMy waat to ~ • few ••necftMl'J ml"'-9 t• ..... •nnff••••r7 Ba r•a•• OOT ef Waaltiit.ston ••• to ••lre rOO• for mon Vftftfreftla1'1 JJ:utu•• tN \1'.nl""9n !" DIME DISKS POOR .RISKS *._As, m1eM rain falltt ....-tn.tlllc accldenL · M'uS'lc bath charma, bllt not. liltG ssa.... "It ta cba.racterW.ic Of most mfttd81t to j'U.slity a 190 per 'Cent ft < d a!., C!OJI....._ .... 'drfftra t.Mt they fed tbey are do-prlce boost on jQ1c:eboxC11. -. ff( ..... I-W ,.._, Ill&' .U ll~y can If they obey trar• SIJch WU a rullilg thla Woek fff. -I'll~ "' la U... ~ l'lc "'I•• and regulaUans. Ill gen-bY u.,, omce or Prtc.. stablllatlon ...... ll la tsti.,, .. "*"' ...._, uaJ that la correct. but It ts not .moae d19t11ct., counael 'W&l'Dlld ... le ordlaal!r, _.,..., -. etw*gh. Tiie fact 1tbat 'you &ff !!an Ilf•a'o. ·onnge and IJl!perlal W11ee • .,,,. RI la.._,. JOi11 ~ ilrh1ng weU wrtlllil \lie otated "°""" tavem ownera that· moat ttty -\,..tldo. -• J!Pe<d limit -not ilw """-the 1~ ,,,....., c:11..._ are ~ -la ~ --a l tigli't to 1'Wl down a per9Cio wbo Tlla apeclllc "flol&Uon la In-· -• '' jR..., ..,.,,_, may" llUddon'ly dart In -41\>ftt pf -jubbolt litnl~rs ~ 1ai. t~ au -.1p>ts llxc P"~ your car . .II\ OIMto !" a~t you 'od prl..,. trOm S to 10 -- . tloiot -• ot ~ may ~ lepliy \1.,.1 ... lltlt )'OU Use ~'l -)'Ille - n'oa ... , ..... ~: -.Id ..ct .. ~ -tJIRlo4. -~ 19, ,_, l • ._ i.µ:1• .. -or .,. Yoo muat "'-~ In -a • · --. to -•anor a.t, .,..,, cat la under "A:nOlllber of i-... In till• , I'•'-_. W .,......,... .. -°' tlitte t Utnl M all tlmea. Tllat -a'pptat to be In ~loll of -a. 'sf 1Nl ,_ Ulftl6 •... mt a ••"'8 • u.at 7dlJ can ~ 'Prtee Jte&'Qlatloft M. cm -.... .. l1•i"f. . ... ·-u.w.,. ·-bldltl&' • aer"1ee tr.beo,-~ ;J. ...... 'I.• , •t':\ 1118 .... pr ''' •u •·~ ww. ..... dPle -~. ~ .11 ,ta.,,.,,, --., • " • --u • 71 ~ ·-t.aM. it Wbo ,_ ...... ....,.. "We 1q1e .... I lit h11110,... ~I# -.. -llan'tJ.o rtcfll• )till d ~~I.~ -· ~:· , .. -utltllll'.I 'lfMt lo ..... a• L ~-=,:: :"!-=' = -umR ~ ~-»Ge•1, aa.trlet ~ ' •on= Jr ' I .... .... . ..& Mil priil1WS fW -... ~, ... ofltilil ta - - ....... ".-. ...... :•• _..,,,,_ ......... i<t l ed &. ......... 11 1, ....... __. b" ·-Wllldl 11141 I t ,.1trMn 1llr. ft f ....... .............. ,...... ---~ ., ........ .,--. Una1at ... n., a to 11 1*1 • a. '111 1 ~:.-:?~-·'' -·--ad f'tl ....... __ .. ... .......... . -~ ...... ?, .... _ -.··· .... •. ... ...... ,.. -~ t >1 WM err rt1t. • ' I . t ,• • , .. 1.RAL llOllCI ' , , - . I • • Spe~ for the M0\1ltt .of Autmf '. • • PA ·l~.y --SPECIAL Ftrst Class •m.t Job . • . Any Coler STA.TF. SEF.Ks BEGINNERS . lN FIELD EXGT:\"EERINO Culbertson ·:-Motor Co. 2411 Coast Higliway Applicattons a1:e being received for u.nder engineerlng a.td, a be· JiMter's field position wlth the Divtakm of Hlgh.,...ys, the State .Penonnel Board announced today. Newport l1•c1t The job requires s c ho o 1.f. n I' lhJ'ou&t1 Ule elevent h. grade or OOlftl>ellMtlng e x p e r I e n c e., &Rd pay• $210 a month lo start. There are i;e&Ultr rai&e!ll and promation- M opportllnlttes. A))plicatl9n may be made lmtll 8eptemt>er·'22 lo personnel board offices in Sacnmento, or any d<'- ci&e» or Los Angele•. or 8.ny de- partment of employment ortice. On Augu!llt 9 appl1ca~ions 'illtill c101e for s choOJ lunch nutrition- ist, which pays $358 to $436 monthly, Md for senior librarian 1n Mate institutions, ¥.'ith 8 AAlary at $2811 to $3M. ------- P!lSADENANS RE'M!RS A Balboa I11Jand va<'atlon ha!! ended for M r . and Mrs. J . W . Car- ta and daught er&, Nancy and Janice, who returned ta~t \\'N!k to th<'lr home tn Pa.5adena. N~o _w is the time to transfer your funds to ·insured SAVING:S· ' .. . • .. -'CUUEN1 EARMIN&S •• FOR REAL SATISFACTION JN SMALL llOA:T &; MOTORS • IYTll11TI ' l llOlll•l'nl Iii.mi •• .,~.,,. ... ~ ........ ,.. • • • • • ) • • ' • • J -.. ' -'I • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ~ ' By MARGO • • • I l~Galde ' . .. . " . ' • . . . $4211 Including -· 2811 B&:r-l!lhore Ddve, Bay SHores. Be&- con M~W. ~1 MESDAMES! wHO AMONG-YOU HAS NOT J'l!:LT THE SURGE OF CREATIV!i AmLlTY PULSING .&cT '!,'Ol1R ll'l'NOER· TIPS ! Say w.hca you prss you:r trin"tt ~ _. a cft of Reddl- whlp Cl"Mm for f'DmJ'lP T Here'• an in.."'l'Ovadon that \\dll .llft )'OU to enn gTelller helghlR! The McDoo&Jd Palnt Co. has Pl&aUc-KoU self spraying' enamPI In 16 dt""COrnter colors. Thia nue mamel In a pint can has a t.Tlgger spray attachmcnL Presto! Y'pu puah. and a tine apray ot enamel tx-a.1.rtJtully coa.t.t a table. l!lbeJf, cha.Ir, chut or cupboard! I believe tbla to be the gTe&teat Aaveaitton COi • woinrn Ain~ t.be two way strt'tch ! Think ot lt,. Joveliea -lh1a atuff 111 cheaper than. a 'good pa.lnt brush -and no stoop or atra.ln lnYOlved! But the Pfutic-KotP people dt~ stop here! <ltl, 'no-- you can g"el Plastic Spray t'hat yatt ·!tpl"iy on u proted.IOft for palnt- lngs, pllotographa, duome oztd copper. AB<! ttle Ploale-., tran.1- po.rent V-2 (.applied by bnl!fl or paint appticatora) gives a glouy, non-alip fl:Di.ab to woodwork. ba.r..tops. neon. liaoMwn and ao on. What w1U they think of ne xt! Ladies, 1Pt WI spray! M"Donakl Palnt st~ 1112 Harber m,·4., eo..ta ~&!!a. ~ nu. IT ALL STARTED~ DAY AT BRJ:4c. FAST~ I LOOKED AT 'FILBERT AKO SAlDo "rvll ·oar TO HA VE A NEW KJT. CHllN n.ooB Oil l:Llll'JI 0. el .. I'm _. break my l'c ud all the cbloa ·W&te we pc>uu1!'' Filbert looked thotrul tor aeveral l\ bottl'W. We ~"' ua.Sns hla mother's Ha}'11and Y at the tlaw:. The very M.Xt day we went to our 'KenUle dca.Jer, a Mr. Clarenoe Page ... Who O~J'atea a sma.IJ, ~ cave In Coat.a · Mel&. Mr. Pagf' aid tllat Kntlle A9phaJt ODlll'!&'m llO.._. Cl&UIINO WAU\Cli88Ell ANTED -Jluat • wolO& --rap loe ei<p<•O: NORTON'S LARGE DAVENPORT -. two ,_ plli-. of -.. "'i'ri. aL Oood coodltlqn. Aloo twin bed. Veey deu, encl-.! box llprillp and mat~ 2062 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach. M~7 LOVELY 1m1all llllldlo. uj>rlg!I\ piano !ft perfect condltl(j,. Terma '39.115 down and SH .it per mo. at SHAFE~'S MUSlC co. (8'nce 1907), 421 No. Sycaj' • more, Senta. Ana. Ia 2..oG7!. - . ~ J'fw .t•-OI BAY880RE OAn:, lTU. &ad 1'ldl)r •zOCS. Clout Highway, N.,;p.rt -· ~ f;oc, "'"""ed ~ a pc. 111...--d1111nc .. t. pluter -table with matdl· Ing deAk, lltrUy tabl .. «td ... d cOrner tablea, stQve, refrtg., plutftd maroon leather kitchen ~ wlth table and % matcbln& cbatn. 2 H oWywood type bdrm. aeta; dnt,peS. rup.-boy1J bicycle, typOWrtter, .u·. l!ac:rtflce. 4M E . 11th. Cmrta 'Mesa. Mc57 Al's House &: Rug I 55c&7 Cl :-·w Co B:XP~ DISRWABHICR, 511tfc ' e&nllle; • macbiao'. ..., f°' WOlllAll. Apply 8 11ccm l lll nttc ftOSsMORE DININQ ROOM. R.l:POSSESSED! Beautiful ~ tric Organ.. Famoua make. ~ church or home. Pay oo.t b&I:~ ance. Big saving. Like aew. DANZ -SCRJlJDT PIA.NO al1d ORGAN CO., &ant& Ana, S!O No. Main, ~p-Ith: ,.. • • • YOU AND YOUR FAMJLY ARE INVITED TO J>9Ll Y APPAREL WOMEN'S WEAR 1833 NEWPORT A VE. cmLDREN"S SHOP COl!TA -MESA FOR AN Ol'F.N HOUSE rntDAV F.VE AUGUST 10 f :30 . 9 :30 p. m. Thr" remodrling ia finished anti w.e are N&dy to lil'rve you again.with quality mercband!Ae. Plt>ase no snll's tonight-Just get acqua.inted and eee our Jlne111. • GILBERT AND LEAH BROWN NORA CTN£AL AND PATSY DWYER • • sowm G SEEDS OF GLADl\'ESS! THOSE LOVABLE BIRD-BRAINED BAICERS, Bob & ,.. Tom a.re .tcattertng aeeds of 11un~ on ever')'·~ · thing at thp Sf'\vport 8&krry. ThE'Se two .,it'd.a ~ Ule was c:Surable, decorative and d~nL Mr. Pap ol!feft!d te ln· 9talJ A.apb:alt t~ in .oar h:tt kitchen for S2f .ll complete.. EftD 5'1Jbert wbo'• .a tJcbt.wad tt I ever n1an1ed one, wu impre~! We dtose a nice color that would blend with lhe erg yolk• and p:avy. Mr. Page and hia merry tile layera put ln a \Vhole new kitchen noor for tlA. Brllitve you ue-"•e like tt. A mania.re lh&t wu Skidding on the rock~ la noy.• tiappUy firm on KenUle A.,.aa.Jt tJ~. C'a..tltae FIGG' C'..cwf"rlnl(, lllh and Nf"wpnrt, O.ia ---4!&1-4. • •• • FAIR BLEW THE WIND FOR THE llA YSJDE! Walk h1 theN! At Augwrt CVPn and thal big wind is atJll blowing 1lfarry, fOt;C'IVf" RW'I . I n1aan what with the g'a1C' sweeping h'ffih IM'MI. ft'ff CJ{( tbi'-docks, Ou• plac·r alw&yH glve9 ~ nostalgia (or SdliapareUi's Smart 8c£'nt Bar on the East Rlver. Highly <::om· WH!Rdl&We aad unu9\l&J ln a fish markl'.'L Harry ,.a.ys to pu.11h "llAJ.A)Xfi: 81'EA&S AT 76e B pound and Bwot-dtillk ••. ntese ~ 0( tbe dff:p don't 1K'Crl puRhing, If ynu don't buy then now, I'm •atty, 80ITy fo r y0t..1 bolh! Frank Suttora Introduced thf' Ancieat mal'l'fner to the Albli tro&'I, and Johnny .Alben lmawa .a dorsal fin whm be S<'f's one ... anJ Harry's thr re too to tl'll you all about AJ.ft . .\.OORE f"OR CA'S:SJN<t AT SPECIAL PRIVI'.:& ~SH "1!H AND PATTER RIGHT OFF THE BOATS AT THE R:&J11Wr ~1 . 2800 LaftlY"llt', N.-.wpo rt . 7 times a week, 8 to 1:.30. • • • "("e(li.. Tbey'r" planting sesame and poppy STAR.BOARD PORT AHOY ! MR. ROBERTS HEAR m1s: hl\Ve apparMUy been !Vli!llng too many poppy ~ ~N"ds on everything In sight! Oh,' what will the ~ ship ~nioe reoorun1e nc1" for civilian SE>:t-golng. no11t\cnl harvf'st be! I confe!lls that the Frenrtr· bread knlrbts ••d harbor harbaige~: A freah C&1'l'O ot ~ Blw For Venetian Blinds, .Sbadel and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SH6P Free estiniates Ph. tfar 884 51i . 29th St. Newport Beach PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 111 Palmer 8l.. Ooeta Meaa Boa. 11<57-M ' 84c9 INTERIOR -EXTllllUOR ·PAINTING LICENSll:D ~ INSURllD Glenn Johnston ~01 -Slat St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 84c48 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-CommPrcial Remodeling Phone °Bf'ftcon 81De·W 17tfc with poppy stuff is overly delicious. Speaking' of bread , .. the 0.: .... DA! Theae heavy \.Y'eight, trupple drape slacks {$4~• w.iUa cornmeal bread makes dandy tout or dreBaing or ea Ung. Or u match-up jackets I Si.9ei ) will caMt' off aa.y doubts about your being Overbrai.n Bob ay!I, ··Bulter it and haAC lt owr yoor dreuer." (Set" properly and casually attired. Ricky's Shop has the savln( gr:ace hOw he gels the name?) Bob's while bread made with unbleached of a Coast Guard cutter when it comes to smart ri~I' for dd -----.,.-------- flour and powdPred milk Is conaiderE'd most' healthful The IOO'i} hands or llkippttS. Ricky's denin1 ~hart s 1$3.95) are tailored to WILL DO t hat work you wheat made with honey will do more for you tha.a a rich uncle. the cut of your jib. and comes a mistral, Rickey's sv.reat shirts tn want done -Jack of all Sour Rye ks still on the Best Seller Llst. Oh, yov'll Bing and carol navy, powdel' blue. gray or yellow wea.thef' the gate tor a calm trade&--maintenance work. like an ornithorhynchus if You get bird seed bread at lhe NE\\TORT $1 .9~. Put Into port and pop Into a pep.over Hawaiian priat shirt Have to61s and mixers for 2800 Ne.._ m'Od, N<WpQrt Bt>ach. ' G• p58 w Al'nlElSS w AN'l'ED -Short order experience preferred. Uv· Ing quarters ~vallable. 1 child 82-A-Antt.on..& " 0 . K. &-e Mrs. Hunt. 72(M Coat 1.;,,.;....---==-'--"--•----· GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, ~9, "7. $83 and up. Let the kid· dies leam. Pay but U pe-r nlO. 2 yr. ex~a.nce at tun ~ DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO SALE NOW ON. Sant& An&. Hl~wo,y. Kewport S.actl. l53cM • LADIES I, Miller ~ Laird Schober ShOf>S. Brown, b1ue le black . 7 .. AAA & 7 %AAAA. Practical· ly nP~'. Cfttl Har. 147 ... J t!l'ell. •Stfc STORE ftxtllreti, prac. new, wall ca Jllfil. counte rs, ml8c. AR ttavc adjustable shelvra. Bargain. Call OWTM'r, Beacon' 8990. 47c62 JOHNSON Seahorse, 5 h. p.-acx air vacttnm cll"anrr, ml11e. old p1e<-e!i of coto rt'd glas.a, Fn>nch bisque, 2 old prlnt.s. Ship mod· el~. Collect.m's Items. Many odd a.nd enf.M. Private party racwing. no rl('alff'rs. Phonp Har. 1610-J. 53c.'l5 FREE EQUITY 1951 JDOdel ltlr· by &Weeper -,all a.tiachm<!:n lM. A~SUJTl<' 8 pymta. of $10.30 mo. 4!\!! E . 18th St.. C...t& Meoa. -55<57 NEW TWO BtmNER elf!Ctrlc plate. 3 speed... ft<!:BIOl\&b lr. Hart>or 086&-J. 56<57 llAHOGANY Clu!st, olde board. dreu&nc table, rocker, pine drop ieat table, bea.uUful astral lamps. Very rare. Private party. Harbor 2098·M. 52c64 ANTIQUE DISHES • Bric-a-brac, odds and ends. C'lc. Set> at DALE'S FURNITURE. 1874 Harbor Blvd., Costa ME'sa. Beacon 6637-J . ~('51 G20 No. Main, rom er Ith. · MAPLE KIMBAL!, r.?'TE, $700. Ph. CO NSOL- Harhor 1618 ~c57 COME .fN, HEAR ond Pt.A Y n~w Hammond Chord OTge.n. Nd m\lSic lessons neces.u.ry. Any.; _one can pJR.}' this ln~trn"'""""ti DANZ · SCHMIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO .. Santa Ana, !;ad No. Main, COl'T)('t' 6th. HARDMAN t..'prlght piano, exeei.: lent condition. $75. 312 Apo· Jena, Balboa !<land. ~2")6 Chrysler Eng ines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey " GRANn PIANOS. Big Summet' Sale now on Steinw&}'. Ma.&0n le Hllnllin, Knabe, Chicke.rin&', Cha&e. Wurlitzer, Sohmer, Fish- er 8.nd many others. Some neq.•, some uacd. Prices start at $895 DANZ-SCHMIDT PlA!:fO CO., 520 No. la.fain, Santa Ana. at Seacraft · •AKMV, !ii ! °'""'n Front. lbrlMJr 1"4!..ft. Open 7 da)'8. from $3.50. Snlooth sailing sailor "'hen you trade cocoa.nulR nt any J'ob. • • • Rlcky'R. 1704 Ne\1,:port Blvd .. Costa ~(esn ... Beacon S!J44. SO·A.~~ana __ _ Call BILL Beacon 6451 • W 1 "-":..o::;.._o.;:.=.=:.:------·------<"~·~·-·-·-·· 62~ COAST ffiGHW A Y NEWPORT BEACH PH, BEACON !ml SPINET PIANO, Pay out balan~e $26'5. Another Spinet, b8.1. ~81 Kimbal made Spinet. $493. See our list or returned rentals and repossessions. DANZ-SCIDDDT \\'hPn thf" ""ow" fall In tltf'> Tyl'olf"aft AIPf't say in far away • • • 52c66 WILL TRADE _ Smitb and \Ves~ Orti~i, the natlve8 af thl!t Italian 1'ittare take ploeasantly to wood Al..COROLJCS~ \"Oli CAN RF.MAJ~ ANO~"VMOU8 it y.ou set -------------son K22 for mC'dlum marlin . BlG PLANO STORE, 100 l>U, p ins, 520 N . Main, SAnta. Am ... corner 6th Street. carvini. A Cf'l"Uln *"1ditt visited Ms u~ in OrtJJtei duting the your Cl&Mes down on a KUEHNE table top! Dr. Erwood ha a S & N II tackle. 501 • M ttl St., Newpdrt last world 9Cl'immage and diecoV'eftd the WO~ pe&SUlt made fia.ahy chrome and yellow Kuehne made dlnln•· or kJtchea set tor ympson . 0 . a r Beach. 53c5ei 94tfc hand·carvoo figurines. A.!11 a tt"Pll the Patio G.weey and Book Stall uAe! A wry aturdy handsome affair ... the table has an extra PAINTING & DECORATING now ha"' tbeS(" charming little ha.nd·painted gnome•, ange~. Tyro· lea!, and the.re are 4 comfortably padded chalr!t and a matching • , I HAVE EAiS~PlNDRIER, 9 NO. ll'an childrm, 11kiers and pnwi~ flp-es.· ~ are dlatinctive china cabinet. Thia set nlM> In chrome yeiktw, ltftd gny ordirtarily "The Best Money Can Buy' old. \\·~1 reuonable or trade little gifts, conversation and shelf pieces. Vera Williams h1 al&O sell!I for $400. Dr. Erwood k>at.hes green DlOney, ao he'a sellinr 512 • 38th St., Newport Beach for aut.omaUc washing machine. 29' COMMERCIAL FISffiNG BOAT, equipped for albacore, mackerel, swordfi'Bh. Chrysler ~gine., Sl200. Call Kimberly 2-45116. 50p.'i5 M-Dogs, Cat>1, Pets KERRY Blue male puppy, AKC champion stock , reasonabW.. 131 Opal Avr., Balboa Island. eves. :llp,~5 featuring f or your grnttine plea~tl'rt'. a special sbowtng of Helen these sets out at 1199 ... Kuehne chrome eet.. are Amelica'11 PHONE HARBOR 2.f04 /Prefer Kenmore). \Viii pay dlf- Smilh's watercolo?'s. Mrs . Smith, ::-tr of H'&l W i H Smith i!I beat ae far a.a I know Md are Jiquorproof. waterproof, ~roef. , 52tfc ff'r("ncr. Ph. Bl'acon 55•D·WK. well known on Balboa Island and there . ut.a. Mrl; W4lliam•' ~tile staJnproor. I doubt If you could st>t fire to It, trut dcm't try! HUTT}' 63c55 nJ-lery contlnues to a ttract art lovers ith 0011, water colors and· and ~t yG\I!' feet tmder the table! F.rv.•ood'a Fabuk>u1 CifU . . . H . H. H OLBROOK ST AR BOAT -good condition~ $350. ' prints by famous Californians. In tbe sttt. rooms there ls a galaxy art ... fabrics ... 407 E . Balboa. Blvd. O~n eve". Ha rbor" 0168·J. D""""NDABLE PLUMBING ~B-.&pnllances •• of new imports. Swedish Crystal, pewter and European Chri•tmas e e e .c..r .c.. _ S __ ca rds. Aho many. Intriguing buys In old books 1and rare print.Jt. A . Prompt OKEEFE &: MERRITT range ALSO South Bay mooring off Bal· boa laland, $150. Ph. Har. 2807 4~c60 SIAMESE KITI"ENS:-Deep bk1e eyes. $lei. Ph. Harbor 1521-J, Mall? Easy stroHinc thru the raHo Glft an~ A.rt Gaftf"ry. SISY1 Martftf' RAH TORO! QUE PASO?"! UN QUITE~ Repair Service Maintained .Its the latest 1901 model c p UN PASE NA'l'VRAL! THE CROWD IN THE •w LYMAN Islander, 18-rt., 25 HP gnt¥ marine engine. Jdeal for sporta fiahing, 1 yr. old.. For aale or trade for, property. Con· tact Mr. °&ck, Fullerton 2713 . A.vf"., BaJbot\ J8llmd. Phone: Harbor 1410"' ah autome.Uc. Haa lanlp and • • e PLAZA ROARS! Another tortUo drops · · : _2801 Balboa Blvd.,, Newport Bea.cl\ clock. All st.aiDless ateel grid· TlUS MONTH OF THE YEAR HA VINO AN .. A '' IN rr. YOU Charley Hall doesn't drag hie steak.a home fa-om Wlae people dp read the ada. die, also a.a. tbat dlrQme grtll MUST EAT HALIBUT, SEABASS. ABALONE AND SWORDFISH tile OUU ring. Matter of fact, hie steakll never broiler. B•'tnce I owe on it is 8ADDLl!l HORSE --ll ~to man!. Reins beautifully. s!..J:- rif'ice. Phone Bee.con 87SS-.J. • • • Cllarley'a SM.food. BntaM.raat ha.a the inside cbannel on the clid a decent day's wack in their lives . . . l 4-PM'90ftah $lf.8.66. Pay ,me cuh or take freshest fish that come out of the brink ... You can all outdoors too tender. Ca• do• Carl~ dlspatchea a fillet payments of S1.l31 ~ mo. Used 52c57 here and smell the tang of the fresh sea air ... Charley's $1 .26 steak dinner for 11·75 · Guaty aoup, green en· Alcoholics Anonymous it 3 montM a,,nd Jta Ulce new! dinner !!I uruii.1rpassed for quality and economy . . Soup. 88.lad, aalada, fried bean.s, tortilla&, Spanish Rice, Write P . o. Box 2M ALSO my CROSLEY REFRIGER· 14 FT. BIRCHCRAFT and trall<'.'r, McSf fresh fleh. main course. dessert and drtnk . . . lhe fried jumbo deuert and drink. I climbed in the retrlCi'rater Balboa laland, Calif. ATOR 19e;1 model, 9 cu. ft. Pd. shrimp luncheon tor Sl ls also very Impressive. will!. French fried a.nd inapecled lhla brave beef. They marinate Phone Kimberly 3.5393 ov<"r $346 for It and owe Just In good condition, $,350. 211 Pal· 40-BuHiDess Opportuallies n1er, Costa J&>se . Phone Bea- onion rings , shoe strings, cold sl&'4' and cock taU sauce and roll. On the steak in wine. garlic and oil. Cape don Carlos spedaliua in $269.'93 on it. CUh or take pa~ these warm days, a marine salad. or Shrlm1t eoektatl p~aaea the M@."l(:lcan dlnners or ala carte at mode!Jt prlce8. Real!y Flema Food! menu of Slf.94 on It too. Set> con 6621-W. .... 53c55 CAFE AND OAS STATION tor lease. Fully equipped. Nice fOl' pala.le. Sit by the seaMore !or delicacies of tbe deep at CKA••.El"S :~v1._; (~~~~!')rim( 113 • !!nd St.! N'f"\\·port. Har. !IS&-M. Opem A;;:;R_T1H!~11 ~~T:;,:~':!~s;~~~ at 404 So. Spectra, Fullerton. SF ... .\FOOD RESTA.ll RA.!\"T 1next to Port Orange) 1136 Coast Hlway. • • • for any debta other than my 9 a.m. to 8 p .m . Pll. 2152 Mtfc Pair of 169 hp Scrippl!, /couple. Adjoino trailer park on R&:L, direct drive, fine condi-bnay Coast Highway, Newport &ac-om 185'. 7 dayA a week. own. John J. Bloom. ."l5p e e e XOBOOV llE . .l\.LJ~V LO\'F.S A FAT GIRi..! Oh it's all "'ell and ECTOMORPHS! ENDO.MORPHS! MESOMORPHS ! Are you SQOd to be known as a plnmp, jolly !IJ>Orl but When the rest of the haJr·conditloned ! Now don't run off in the bushes and sulk! It ia CT'OWd goes home, a wen.padded gurl usuaJly coes alane! The 22--Lo8t a»d. F ound TOO m y buatneu. \Vhy 1 woulda't harm one hair OD your pretty only wrong thing &bont being excessively overwetgbt ts sta ying ·LOST--<>n°nge and-white kitten head-But I know ~omeone who should. Ellen I. Bryant Is ln thf" that way! There i& only -0ne authorlud Staurter SJ·•k>ln In O ranr on Balboa Peninsula Saturday, Otiftaty. It's net In the phone book, so be dam sure you"Te getting liquidation bu!liness. Some people liquidate a.ssets, stocks. bond.a or in the fiCbt door. Berniece Adams' registered StauUer System is A u~. 4th. Child's pc t. RE"VARD. other people. Ellen Bryant, Hqui.illlates Ya.delirable balr on face, neck at %0"....3 X. Ma.In.. Santa Ana. .Please bear thl.a tn mhld at all times Ph. Harbor 2052. !>5p57 and arm11. Mrs. Bryant is a qualified regbtered electrolystat. J! you have neanderthal hail' growtt\ that 8he¥k1 be bletted out pain· if )'OU ex;pect. to become wtnenme, lean and alluring. The Stauffer LOST-Ladif's red linl'n coat. Ac· lessly and permanent.ly. Mrs. Bryant ts your sir l. EIJeft L. Bryant )I.et.hod is a scientifically .planned health aysUm of paui•e ttercise, cldentally removed from Vaux' R. E .. ls onJy a hair's breadth away at the I.No 8alea et Beauty seaeral and spot reducing. JI you want to get In shape for tall offlc<'.'., \'\'eel. Aug. 1. Plf'ase re· In h 1 fashions. e&ll now &ltd g'1t apeeial summer n.t.ee 09 tow as $1 a tum to Vaux White. 55pl>7 C&lJ and make an appointment now. Mrs. Bryant 18 · er 88 on treatment! Relaxing-exhilarating. Get Utat punt ... wtth the . wtad every Tt.~s. &. "nlurs, for cons1lltation! Ha.rllor 2576. 3449 Via Opart.o. • • • feel~! StaulfH' !ilyM4'M, 1021 N. Milin, Ran ta Am. OfM"n ,.,.,.nJnl(L 28--SituatJons W a n ted HAVE YOU FELT YOURSELF " SUPPING KJri.bf"rU' s70IO. e e e 1-------------- LA~Y! ? ! N ot q~le in the old p-oove! WeU. FINE IRO~'ING will call for and eat p,1,enty ol fresh fnaila and wceta~lee and get FEEL THAT DOWNBEAT, JOSEPHINE! Let'8 Riff! Well deliver. Curt.alns. yourself a NON-aSKID 8HA.G llUG . FROM THE Whe:n ttle sun's beating down, It's a pklaa&nt feeltni to etlp Into an Ht>l p with dlnnf'r part.Jc,.. Phone BALBOA e; 6: 10. Thl.8 sterling emporium of a 1001 off'4houlder mid-riff. .J.....i.ee Sport Sbop hU tl\e meed·reef \n good Mra. Williama, Harbor' 159~ be- gee-.gaws has a new batch or cbeftllle throw nip lilrro9dcloth witJt ,eyieJet trim on aale for 97c. Buy Gne of ~ and fore 10 a .m. or after 8 p.m. with rubtwrtzed backs, 24 x 38. Whoops •my deer, watch out fot" 80'tl shouklers! Another hot weatlrer bcuyajft: Balboa 44pa8 u you slip on one-ot these, you'd better give up beer ... t!tieee In B1ue denim short.!! reg. $3.~ now $$2.2~; Denim velocipede pushers decorator colors at $3.29 each ... cbe.nUle 2 pee. bath aet.a $2.19. $2.75, (marked down with a cruet relentleu peacD frem $4.50) Sue Hand acret"ned h8ch towel.a In seashore print.a. 39 x 72, $4..19. Other A Vbyin.Ja.. brilllt-eyed ""111.in,s saleagtrls here say that Jo-Lee has bea~teoUs body blolttts at $1 .79 up. And Drand new shipment of a bay full of excellent Kleinert Swim cape that malte a gtrl'• head 1Mm1Ulta fOt" boy • girl u.nd-cutlp builden, sizes one to atx, $1.29 to Jook more like a pumpkin than a &quaah. I !ind that hard to $%.98. H8.t.s. back rests. rubber t oys and everything for a smooth believe, bu,t lite capa are Ynusual what with newer ponli.poms and aunny suftlmft. BALBOA 5 ~ 10. Ste ~ •alt1a. a p.l"den variety of colon. Kleinert f<aps have inner llninp that e • • protect a twin_,,• Toni 7~ -$1 .7~ Trickiest of aJJ ••• r&Y'Ofl jersey FOUR &ELLS! AND ALL'S WD..L! shortle~ p. J's, blue, yeijow or mint only l!. F1attertng In bed or for 4 There were five but they sold one. Walt's 'l"ndlltc PMe: hu a rut baclt fmce gossip eortie. Mostly f\ri clothes at 6o-Lr.e Spnn TWO EXPERJENCED colored cooks OT maids, one prefers live in. poattion or work. by hT. Kim· berly 3-&M, 53p55 shl p'e bells. with v~ry pleasant, pear·lhaped tones. Walt M,a the S2to:p. 183,lJ Newport Ave., COsta Meaa. d&:mdest things you ever saw. AJld he penonally invites you to • • • l -.!:=~~=t'::':::=::::==::.!._ corae in and walu around with Fnmken.atetn,-see the mackere\ aeu WHEE! • NOW IS THE TDlE FOR 1' • racks. or; try on a pair of boot&. uttle ladles a.re cordially re· A.LL GOOD WOMEN TO COME TO THE quested to come tn and feel the colo1'ed claaB Ooata and yanta . ot AID OF THE p AltTT ! u your part.1e1 fish net and hunlc.l!I or cork ... And while you're cnllstng around have t urned dull and drab lately. eon.ault poautg and ogling, 11ee tbe Large hardwood fJmlng cblair · · · very lhe PARTY R OUSE In t.8.guna.. The Party good buy ... Abo a ahips.bape ice-cbt"St 20 x 2.8 almoR new .$30 • · • House can Lum any day or lbe year IAto Let m e -.e. plenty of sea and Danforth .ancho!'I and a goodly 1UJ1PlY 1. Mardi Oras.. You can nab nJck-nacka of batt tanb and boat fenders. · . · 4 burntt apt. 111.ze lmtane stove t.o flt any mood at this f\m. 11ou.e . • . wtta Oft!l'l A grUJ f$M). Ring for the Bell Buo1! W.W. Tl'IMllJIC ,PoAt Birthday party cake decoratJons. party aa~ hi at 4S! • aet• m.., mr. 111..""' -· N.,......,n. Ila-tt'!e. Open kins, favoro, llata, blorwouta, cup-IQlll, clown.e. SUL end every day but Wed. from 8 to •· ~ya. Backward _,,atu aee 1 the bride: . • • • and JTOOm decor here and run out for a . HOUSE WARMING SPECIALS ALL TRIS WEEK AT "" llcenie. People l&Jllp the bon voyqe f1fta POLLY APPAREL! : ! and ctmci-acka and phone the ne&J"e'9t traYerl bttre&ut l"lm. rtft• fM .l/S OFF , . an eYenta .•. tack-up board• for llddeo, -· .,.. ~ •• · . ON A1L SWIM Slll'l'll -and rt"le lltldta. Hand ltolncked •lrtall ~ tllat •)' AlllD CJOTl'ON D••-s • • "Na Zdrowe" and other approprlata S-la. l'lltrty kolioo -a· THE" swnr sur.rs -ARE REGULAR STOCK -~ ton ..m ~ for y.u •.. rut 100 Mad party aet -or·11ve NERS. AND A WG V AAIE'l'Y OF DllBS8llll!t IN you lree ad\11.oe. Ea~. Drink and Be Kerry Cl0t1ridy ol> t.11to 1'111'1,J COTTON, CllAJlBRAY, P I .F:JS!!lil, BROADCLOTHS. -· '* CMll -. IA,._ -j PIQUES. SEERSUCKER$, ETC. !µZES 9 to 22~ , , ." All bl&bwa"' ll!84 to f'oll)' A-~ Uts N-1; A.tt* .c-ta l(eAa! • • WR.T 7 7 7 7, 7· 7 ' ' . ' . ' ~ ~ . ' An Opportunity NEED A MAN, familiar with fra- ternal or eocl.aJ. organ1%aUona., to manage club and lodge facilities of a local group. Thia ls an ideal spot tor a retlrftd ma.a W'hb de- sires fellowRhlp. Limited sa1a.ry and d~ Hours mostly In the eveninp, ti daya t. week. Age no barrier. non~tar:lan. Reply beld eon!lclontlaJ. Write Box 02 thla ,..,.... liStfc WANT WOMAN to cooll dinner, month ot AIJ&'USL Higb..tt llour· ly p«y. C..U at IOI •Jumtne St., 0.-clel -· ll5p51 W AITRDl8ES WA.HTIID -Jluat be Uperlenced. Bte9dJ 1"11'1<. Ooqd·pe1, ~ lfarbor H 72. • ll3cM CICPIUWCNCi!iD -JI.Piii:!' nl9 8KACK'SBOP, MH OD&lt ~. a.-.... fl(&r. Ph. --1m-w. - • WANT TO BUY screen auitable ror projecting 35mm. alldes. Ph. Harbor 19%0-W, eTeninp. 53tfr. WANT TO BUY-Mahogapy drop leaf or efpe.nsion dint1tg table and chairs. Ph. Harbor 1649..f., 66c5'i • SEE Necchi a nd Adler Sewing. Machines AT HARBOR YARDAGE 135 E . 17th St., Coeta Mea. t9ci!3 tiCJn. ca n be d emomtrated. Beach. See K rs. Hunt, 7!0i SOUTH COAST CO. l_c ... _,_a __ ;gh_wa_y_. ___ 53c:_56 Ne\vport Blvd. at 23rd Har. 2600 41--Stcires 11114 Offt-53tfc OFFICE SPACE. 12.x:20. down· SAIL BOAT for sale. Snipe No. st.airs JocatioA. corner of Palm 4211, ~mplete with sails, 88.nd & E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph .• doJJy, etc. $350. Boy haa gone Harbor 2821 . 4·6lfe to war. See at 1104 'i· BaJbon , -------------,... Blvd., Sat. & Sun. 53p58 WDERS 18 SAILBOAT. No. 188. 42-Wanted to Rent Has 'motor well. and is com-WAl\T"f % -3 bdrm. house, furn. or pk..-tely equipped. Ftrst· claas semi .. encl. yard, gel. heat; view. condition. 74-0 Via Udo Nord. , N •· h COM Y a Jy Jeue r . ....::ar , . e r . , Udo Isle. Har. 3115-W. $3p55 1100 mo. &opt. 15 or! Harbor GOOD SOUND 18 tt. t"WW>g boat O:i19-W, :llp!lll with almost new 4. cyt. Gray ' RESPONSIBLE school emploj6e marine motor at sacrifice price. · desires rt!fltaJ of large S or " This i:s a steal! Set it at 217 bedroom home, year's lease If , Edgewater, Balboa. 53c5:'i ·bte w "· Rt. I ~--•• • po88l • l'l""' ' DUa ou, 12 F'I'. DINGHY, almost new, !Utt· Sant& P.aula. Calif. Mt60 &Me f« 'outboard, $126. ALSO ELDERLY COUPLE desire ' be.st 8 ft. fo1dl"lat and p.addleboard. 2 bedroom unfurnished 1.otJse n6 Gokieftrod, Coron.a del Mar. Co d I Mar ••• •·--· , rona e . 4'°"1 mo. ~. Harbor 770~R. 53c~ Pbme Har. 1521-J ~~ MUST SEIL AT ONCE-2 'NEW DINGHY, been In water WANT 4 BDRM. winter rental lQ . pc. only I hoQni:. F'ac::tory made,· • boa I I sectional, chr;ome dmette set, Wt!:ll buJlt. $SS. 212 Amethyst, $150 mo. Pre.fer Bal 8 and Frigidaire, O Keefe • Merritt Balboa Island. Harbor 2179.J. on or near South or 'Eul. Bay. table top 1tovie. maple ~. Mp.56 Private ply. Refererroes. Wrtte 2051,~ -39th St., :Newport Beach. Box Q·2 th:i8 paper, or phone • ~3pM w ANT TO BUY Ballloa type aall.· CLeveland 8·11561. Mc~7 lag dinghy, A·l <Onditlon. Call BERKEY • GAY 9-pc. walnut Harbor 270.W. 115<57 l.4~S~~A~oa.!?!!r~la!!-~·~8~·!!·~B!ea~~·!!e!!!·~· dining rm ... t, $250, 9·pc. rat· I· = t.,, Hiring rm. [set, '1711. 2101 28 JI"!'. CoMVERCIAL HANSEN Sevjlle, Balboa. I 53~ cabin cnl19"r, bait tank. sword tlah plank and gear. I Beacon PHILCO REFRIGERATOR..-It& 93Sf·W, l! no an.a., call alter the 11 cu . ft. 1951 model that 6:30,p. m. I, li5cli7 t.aJrea no mor~ tban a 7 ors 011. tt. u 1t 3~ monlhll Slin<i Available' and tt hu a dUe on 't -r- DELUXE 1 bdnn. apt., ga'-ge ....., pa,Uo. _UntumlAhed. see 'at 2311 Ii Rochester, Costa Meaa, li5tfc FURNISHED 2 b<idrm. apt. yem:. ly bui>. S7~ mo. %11 • 32nd !,IL, Newpdrt --Mdl7 of $229.83. ~. 511 lb. freeze For bo&l.o up to 50 ft. Water and' cheat. All ~ .i.etvea and P""er fUmiabed. LIDO Pl!IN· UNli'URNIS~ -Corona del crillper ,tor ~tabla. Ita a IN8ULA SHIPY41!D. Pllone Mar. 2· beautlt\JI new apta. N<1ar "'9.uty and not ~ tctat& on It. lfw'bor 18L ~ttc. water. ga.rbae-e dl~la, vene:" "-1 -c:Mb o~ -pa,mentll 12 tL WIZARD 1111er claa IM>at Uan blind&, water p.j. Yearlf. of $13.'2 ,Per ..,._ -....... J 113 h. P. -outboaild -. · 2 bdrm, SlOO per a...,th. bought ,-. •IM ao. a,u..: IMlor; 2 Wbeel boat traller. Car 1 loclrm, $7,6 per month. Kart>ot ll'llllerl<a. 9 Lnl.-to 8 p,M. ftl., top camer for -Complete 1871. ' I 4~\15~ 2162. 1 J . • · -, <Mttc -only i yr. old. KAial l!'URNISHED HOUSE aocm&. ~ • Bill's-Furniture , ~uth Coast' ·. Co. "°° tor mant11 01 ....._. lhN ,.., B Q..11 ....., LUor o.r. vu1. pUd. eq, • '' e Uy,~ OI' Ttade . ' !tewP*t ·lltfd, at :Drd -417 • M.tli. St., N_.-t -· l!IOG Weot. llal1iOa BIW.. -Mew~.---*'° Hatbor .9111.w. , - , 8-250UI.\• . M .... 1 '-, . · ., l*fc CORON A DEL,MAS~ KArL ,. 1 ... c ! at er. a "" * · , fllnlllhed .t bdrm. ·11oone Oil -1wu >• waa t l •I' s M 4 M .•z kel, 'le& . Loftly teneod .Jn l!jltlo.~ ~ ~ --· '-· •• -' • OOWen. .Ju.t llke.. --·--$1<1. P. o. --. Loe ..._ •ctr A 1'liRO .• :-tJ Ill ~ 0oap1e on1;. Ko peta. m -. . -·--••• 1 .... ,..,e.t -...... ..... •._ •cs _, Wa -I S' -&u. -_.a J......., ~, A I CdJ EE bY el .. Niilt el a w . " ' I ..... •t1lll R .,, «Jf " •....,. • 7Nr -._ R.cffteoo4 ...... DFl*IPW<W) Wlptert le ~ . ~rs1 at ..,..... JRr-1ladam-218..,,. -.a rate _. m=fn h h ... 41,...tt. N1IW ...., 1tc •· ... +' p illC CO. ~--!IOT)· -ill Xo. • wan .. ..,.. u t tan GUAllA.M'l'm IS IROS. L • w•ll•. Good pV. Bu. J417..W. --H 1& .... a 11 -.. 11.,. lkala AM. F\t WWWL'I' BOll.t' I-· I -' ·--. -S rriji -i r ' ... •11. ,· -.. lw, I ........ 1!11 fl m- •-.. ---,---~---.. ..-... -.,. ..... --~-''l i~:;;~ ... ~ ...... .... -.......-_ Cl ... 9R ... ,.'a 'rtst oa 7 s ...... -.~ . · I llAJ'U_,_.,.._ .U ~1 -..-m I•" I DS !w ..,_. 'Wl!lla I -91. --.. Ygst ..... »or S 5 l l lML - u... i.. .....,.. -.. Pl--· o••-.,.+nrw; -::;jiii;:~-;;i;;-.;;;;-;i:' .,., ..... llarti:ar ~. -...... •>t .-a "· tMi11 ° ·w • .... ~ • I • , • • 1 ' I I I · 1 • I 1· • •• • - -. c ON PAGE RYE • • 'g......:.&fu1ne!t& ud HoW9 1 REN';I'AL •' NOW 18 MONT$ SPECIALISTS TO PAY 1 CID lldna Cl'alS '47 W,ILLYS .fi·cyL atatlon wagon Linwood Vick, Rltor.. wlth Overdrive. radio '1k heater. 11a11ao& bland.. Bu. 2042 S2clM Clean and well maintained. R~ cent set new ttrea. HA VE you 1ee the newest modern !Umllhed- Chris -Dean Apts.? 8lffps 4. Introductory ratea for .July, $65 per week. All utilities paid. A11juated ralea per year. lMO Miramar. Balboa Peninsula Phone Harbor 14.91-W 1---0n P-eninsula Point NJCELY FURNISHED 3 bdrms. available July 15th, yearly or monthly. Btokera list. 1532 )(Jramar, Balboa. owner. Phone Har. 0812-W, Har. 2001-J. 19ltc ..PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottages. On Collins Island Bach apt. bu water frontage. Aecom. 4.. West end Park Ave., Balboa Island.. Harbor 2962-W. :IOC69 Bay Front Lido tale -l and 2 bdrm units. July, $:;9.50 up. Aug. S90. wk. For rese.rvationJ!I H&r. 25:;2 eve-s Har. 2'91.fi-M. SOtfc LIDO ISLE It you want a rental on lovely LIDO ISLE aee us. Several good homes available. Also apart- ment.a by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 1333 Vla Lido Harbor 1500 18lfc BALBOA ISLAND :lfOtl8e8 &nd Apts., yearly or sea.. .onal See Gall Carney, with NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 108 Marine, Balboa W. Har. :!-02 89tfc WINTER RENTAL -Oct. l8t- June 1st. 2 bdrm. furnished 'bowie, $75 mo., plWI utilltiea. See owne r, 110 OpaL St., Bal- boa l8land. Mc68 NI<;ELY FURNlSHED 1 bedroom apartment. Available Sept. 5 for winter. Suitable for teacher or workinK" couple. 114 Marine Ave .• Balboa IJ:\and, Har. 183-J. Saturday and Sunday. OXford 9-2Ml week day1. Mc 57 ONE bdMll .. .sleepa 4, select turn- 1.ahed apartment, quiet, yearly, wtntev or 11Ummer rates. Har- bor 28.5-\V, 204 -t2nd. Inquirr 204 1', Newport Beach. Mp57 C. D .• M . '--' llJnturnished' 2 or 3 •)ldnll •. Tif"!' ~Otne. Adull.. 1 girl 1 ]~ or o.Jer'•O.•'K. ALSO·!J. txtrm.' vtew hol'ne furnished. Adults. Harbor 0167-M. 55<:6-0 .YE.ARLY -2 bedroom duplex, un- furnished. Ga.rage. Near both achooJs. 22M Clay, Cliff Haven. FO!' informatlorl Phone Harbor 1297-R. 55<:57 ; $995. 'H STUDE .. Champion .. Sed. wlth O'drtve (motor and clutch JU.Ill rebuJlt by our shop) Famou.a for economy ~ attractive "cream"' flni..sh. $1095 ·•9 DOOOE "Coronet" Sed. with auto. fluid trans. Radio, htr. etc. A beautlrul 1-o*ner. new car trade-in -Metallic blue with while side walln. $1595 '50 CHEV. Convertible "Seam•t" green. Next to new! '$1795 •• 7 DODGE CU.Stom Sed., BalboR Blue. Fully equip., ,clean and neat. $1095 ·-'-42 DODGE ''Town" Sl"d. (Dodgf!'l'i best) Fully equip. Overhauled motor last year. Untom .. origi- nal" upholstery -Lu.strons "Dominion'' blue finish. $595. '40 CHEV. Sffi., radio. htr. SoUd body -sound engine. $450. '41 PLY. "Speclal Deluxe" SED. A smooth riding popular pre- war model. $465. '49 JNTERNATIONAL 12 -ton PICKUP. Low mileage, private- ly owned. $1095 ·~7 DE SOTO "Suburban" with ever:rthing! Muet M"e to appre- ciate! Cost over $4200 to re- place new. $1475 '37 FORD Club Coupe. A running Fool! $95. '35 OLDS 6-cyl. Sffi. Neat and respectable. $135. '33 FORD roadster. Good motor. Just the thing for a beach run- about. $145. We Trade for the , Best.. SHAVER MOTO~S You~ DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dir. 1680 N ewport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6907 '50 CHEV, P ower-Glide, every extra, l:':i,OJ)O ml., $1700. Com- pare with used car Iota. Harbor 2.ft.3. eves. 203 -39th St .. New- port ~ach. 53p5,) CHEVROLET Pick-up -Shows good care ............................. $765 FORD Pick-up -New exchange' motor and clutch. Above ave r. • $3700 -CASH PLUS $32.60 per month bu)llt tbl1 attractive neW kach home. lo- cated one block: trom the beet ocean front beach. Two bdrma, clever llvi.ng room with lnak:le planter, .large wardrobe 11 and extra storage. SW1 shower, car port. A six wee.kl IUITlmer ··rental should make tbe YEARS payments. Aho an e~llent property tor income or specula· tlon. Full price '6950. $4950 Dn, Lido Isle New 2 bdrm home, 21 ft. living room with fireplace. bar-type kitchen; dinette, 2 bdrm.a. gla.as- ed in tub, private patio. large ~-car garage. Full price $1'5,750. BayShores Bay View Deluxe 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Beautiful view or bay from liv- ing and dining_ roomg. Oul8tand- lng floor plan and beat construc- tion. Really one ot the nk:er homes in Bay Sharee. Price u~.ooo. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 31'2 N ewport Blvd .• Harbor 2M2 Home and Business for Lease 6 rooms 1 \,/, baths -wonder· ful spot for office or pro- fessional man. Lots of room for parking on busy 17th St., Costa Mesa. Will remodel to suit tenant. See 387 • 17th St. and call Har· bor 1990-M, or Har. 2422. •we Balboa Island N~arly new 3 bdrm. 2 bath homf' with a 3 bdrm. 2 bath rental unit. Complete with garbage 'disposals, panel ray heat. sep- arate 30 gal. water heatere. large car port. $23,MO furnl.sh- ed. Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 216 Marine, Balboa Island Phone Harbor 20 REAL ESTATE BROKERS ESTABLISHED OP'll"ICS: plu• 2 B. R. home, fumlahed. Beet lo- cation 10 Harbor Area. 200~ Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. 5Jp5~ EXCLUSIVE ' -. WELL-BUILT 2.bedroom home on ~ ~ acre ~ CoM:er' Pl'.a'c,ntla 8.nd 18th. Full price St2.MO. For de taiJs. call W. Kempton, Har- bor 1500. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Be&ctfi Calif. Ocean Breeze ! ! THIS COZY 2 B. R. Cottage Is BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- Stt and reserve now. Choice new apt.a., large view windows, fireplace, garage, Bendlx. FUrn- bhed ln maple. Winter or year- ly. Clifton Apt&., 1609 E. Bal- boa Blvd. Harbor 2&(9-M. Mc57 tires and paint .... ·~ ................ $395 ~ just t,.; blk. to good ocean swlm- mlnlng and fi1hlng. Stucco and pluler con•lructlon. Dbl. l'ar. FUrfl as per Inventory. Ideal «--Rooms for Rent PLEASANT ROOM and board In private home tor ambulalof¥ person. Practical nurse in chg. • · 1790 Whittler Ave., Ooeta Mesa. Beacon 5219-J. Mc57 ELDERLY GUESTS appreciating environment-May furnish own · ·room -lease optional. Refer· encea exchanged. Box P-2, thl.9 paper. ~p:;; BOA.RO and ROOt.f. for lady penaioner Phone Beacon 63•3 Mo-Money to Loan LO,ANS For ·Homes 6%-20 yr_ Regular Loana CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~\il';i (1~ yra.) 'l'l(E BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB 8.ATrLER• 1•13 COAST BLVD. I 09rona dd Mar !Tarbor 1077-J --Rep; POllUER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Uta Ina. Fundl Kl 3-Slllll WAN'& TO BUJLO, DIPl\OV&, BUT, MO.Dlllalfum. OR Rmnl'IANCll We lllq ~ -aan .. "W"l'Ol<T BALBOA l'll!>ll:IUJ. BA VIN08 6 Wl..l'I AUN. -Via Lido Pb. Har. ~· -. A FE\V transportation cars un- der $100. 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupe, fully equipped, new paint " ........... $~5 ltMl <;bevrolet F1eetline Special deluxe sedan. Excepetlona.Uy clean ........................................ $695 1941 Chevrolet deluxe club coupe. new paint ·······-··········· .. ··:-····--$675 NEWPORT Auto Sales 2604 Newport Blvd. Newport ' Phone Harbor 1407 ~-People do read the want ad.a. for summer and yr. rd. living. Only $9.'IOO. Home & Income A 'ITRAC. DUPLEX cloee to bay front and good bathing. Upper 3 B. R .. lower 2 B. R. guelll rm. a: bath adj. dbl. rar. lge. patio & aundeck. Fum. Thia ia an excellent value-at $22.~. ·Balboa Realty Co. · Rose Greeley Josephine Webb Lillian McAdoo 700 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. 3277 a._.,..,. • Bl,TY OF THE WEEK $l800°DOWN · Very iilce 3 bdrm home. enty 1 yr. old. Hardwood floors, tile double alnk. Garbage dl.Bpoal, tub and shower, dinlllg room, large wardrobe cloeeta, gar- age. Excellent locatl<111.-near high achoo!. Pay· ments are otlly $56 mo. including taxes and irulUr. Why rent-Don;t forge~ your taxea and Interest are deductible from your Income tax: Full price . $9Wo $200000WN Brand new one bedroom home .with a 2-car gar· , age. You must see this for the money. Near mar- ket. Full price Is only . $5500 PHIL SULLIVAN C. GALEN 'DENISON G. T. EVERSON 490 Newport Blvd. 1• Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6698 or Beacon 5458-J - "TAG" YOUR NEW ADDRESS BALBOA ISLAND ... Here is a 'FINER LABEL'_ fo r the place called home in tbe years to come. See our Special Sample listing today: Here is a fresh, clean home. Three bedrooms plus, witb two baths. Fireplace, good heat and oak floors, garage. An efficient modem ltitchen with electric dishwasher, loads of cabinets and tile. Now is the time to establish the "Good Life" at Balboa Island. Most reasonably priced at $19,500 and includes furnishings. This may be the buy you were hoping for. J . A. BEEK OFFICE Harbor 63 Balboa Island Ferry Balboa Island's Most Outstanding BA YFRONT VALUE ! ! ! ' -IT IS NOW IMPOSSIBLE to duptJcate this luxurious honte--4 bdrms, 3 richly tiled balhs, servant. quarters, two ·11pacious patios, '5-car l'&rage. Flncst conatructlon on choice comer with 60 ft. on the bay. Fine beach. Unsurpassed view. Prt\'ate pier a.nd '6 fL slip floaL Price $88,500, terme. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue at Marine Balboa Iela.nd Harbor 2•62 ONLY AT CLIFF HAVEN Corona Highlands r' Ocean view r' 60 ft. or more frontage r' All utilities (no aesess- ments) r' Convenient location r' Overlooking Newport Harbor r' Private Beach r' PRICED TO SELL ONI,Y A FEW HOMESITES LEIT MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TRACT OFFICE at Laguna edge of Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 414-J ~eautiful Bay Shores 6 rm bungalow, "jwrt fl.nllbed. 2 bdrm year-round home. Garbage dillpoeal, dlBbmuter. St&tiQnary tob!. Furnace heat, glue encloe- ed over tub. Completely fenced, patlo, dbl. garage. Price $13,750, terms Phone Beacon 57,3-J, owner. 63cM * * * ExJra Speciale * * * 2 new 3 bdrm. homes R-2 lot, Flreplacea Double garages detached. 2221 Clay St. and 2225 Clay St. $14,000 each Attractive Terms Shown by appointment Call H. C&irns, Har. 1119-J Courtesy to brokers NEW DUPLEX -15th and Clay St. Cliff Haven 2 BEDRMS. each. Fireplaces Double garage detached . Income 12% per annum. --. ' ' Impressive Indeed Some ho~ I are .simply bet- ter than others. Vision and ~ip conceived theae cololJM sunny LIDO . ISLE hour•· LOOK Arr THESE: I 1. JU1t flnlabed a lovely 2 bed· room 2 bath home on L 1treet to street lot. 'rt.La 11 a charm· inc home that would be Ideal for wttk-enda or tor year .,-ound llvlng. Priced at only fl 7 • .'IOO. ' 2. Brand new B ,bedroom, 2 bath home on chotce large lot. A try •pacloua room•. unit h e a t, breakfast bar, glau door stall tile showers and large step- saver kitchen. Every room planned for better llvtng-leu work. Priced at ONLY $24,760. 3. 'lben on BALBOA PENIN- SULA we have an extra fine BA YFRONT home with pier and 'float ..on large lot wllh splendid view Hu 4 bedroom11, maid& room, abo unique play· room. AleO haa separate dining room. extra large rooma all carpeted and commodious cloael npace. Al 1l5.0oo th!JI la a real BUY In a QUALITY home. ALSO Some very de8trable Iota for sale on I.JOO ISLE. Choice waler· front lol8 for .1ncome 'Unil8 or inside Iota &t prices well under> value. LIDCi ISLE la a SMART ADDRESS. Always remember, we are the DEVELOPERS or LIDO ISLE. H ere a little buys o LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Ha.rbor 1000 Balboa Island Charming 2 bdrm. home In fine condlUon PLUS a. separate gueet room a.nd bath. Good lo- cation cl<M:le lo 80Uth bay. Will exch . for prf>perty In Pasadena or vacinlty. Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 216 Marine. Balboa Ialand Phone Harbor 20 SOMETHING NICE INALOT--. We have a beautUul site, 80 ft. wide b)' 1•0 ft. deep, with treen alrea.dy planted and growing. One aide Ir. rear redwood tenc· ed. On a quiet, paved atreet of lovely new homes, near to the high school, Coeta Mesa. Pric- ed $1600, tcma. · On Little-Balboa Ialand, We have a nice comer lot, we believe the only one available today. A quiet spot. Could appeal tn build and reaelJ. Financing could be arranged. J . A. BEEK Office Har. $3 Balboa lsland Ferry FOR SALE BY OWNER-New 3 bedroom home, Lido Isle. Car~ ner Orvteto and Lklo Nord. $21,500. Phone Ha.rbor 1726-W. a "-•tJaaa. ~. .• • a.lbbitti •• I • -oN WATERFRONT 8m&D ..,.,,. wltb pier Pd ol(p. Not new, but ~ly painted. Mica tm.... onrlooklnl' water, proen and - prage.fl~. • CHOICE INCOME N-ba.y. adloolo, cllurobu, tranoportatlon. Upper and lower duplex and additional bdrm and bath attached to l'VV8· Sundeck. Owner lea.Yin~ state and muat t1ell. . Reduced to f22,SOO. I BALBOA PENINSULA Excluatve area of year-round reatdenta. 2 BR, nicely tumllhed. patio, garage .................. US.000 2 BR. 10 "'::ti tumlahed, lg-e. _., ......... -...... $13.200 a BR. ftry • .-atreet, attractive ................ $16.000 2 BR, new,. never occupied. Near bay .................... $16.600 3 BR. under oonstructlon. Choo8e finish ................ $19,500 3 BR. odd. bdrm. and b&th. Lg-e. patio ................ f21,SOO BAY AND BEACH REALTY 1456 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126-t Ethel Shirle?' J . M. Miller Gloden Fay Fra.nk Everett NEWPORT -BEST BUYS CHARMING. 2 bdrm. It Den Home, localed close-in on two beautifully land8C.aped Iota. SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM with Beam Celllng . .(:replace. Outside Guest room. Garage. Bar-Q. Fenc ~ant AN OUTSTAND- ING VALUE at $12,500. ' CHOICE Newport :Uland, WATERFRONT with PIER & FLOAT. Attr. 1 bdrm. Apt. over Dbl. Garage ii: Guest room. Tne Kitchen I:: Bath. Wall furnace. A-1 Conatruc- llon thruout. 4 Yrs. old. Room to buUd. Fenced ya.rd. Patio .. Bar.Q. EXCELLENT LOAN COM.MIT. Price $18,500, wtlb terms. NEAR MKTS. A TRANS., Attr. Older Home. 2 Bdrms. Firpl. Cement Foundation. }Vood F1oors. Fenced Yard. Dbl. Garage. Good Con.struction. Needti a lltUe paint. $7,500 full price. For appl. to see any ot these EXCELLENT BUYS, call Mary Dickaon at Harbor 101~ f r (eve• .. 2092-W. . ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd. · I Newport Beach Rustic Ranch Type -$7 ,950 This channin1 2 bedroom home la 1 year old and pretty aa a picture. Haa massive brick: fireplace. Large win- 'dows, 57 x l~ lot in Newport Hetcbta area. Only S26li0 down. Thls pric£. CANT BE BEAT! 3 Bedroom Home -$11 ,500 t:ew and beautilul. 1100 eq. ft. Beat hdwd. floors. Dining area. Plua break.fut room. Choice locaUon on Broadway, Costa Mesa. $2900 do,vn. • 3 Bedroom Home -$11,950 One block lo high school In Newport Heights. Brand new, beet hardwood. Flagstone fireplace.· Large plate glass windows, facing patio. F . H . A . terms. BEACON HILL REALTY 466 Newport Blvd. (above Arcbee), Ph. B. 6713-R or Eves. B. H32-W SWEEPING VIEW OCEAN & HILLS, Corona del Mar. Charming small hillside home. Patio and small garden. Nice- ly furnished, ready to move right in. Priced for action. $13,250. W. A. TOBIAS EDNA CRAIG Sales Rentals LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 Today's 1 Be'st Buy SHORE CLIFFS Reduced to Sell! "-Not Three Rooms And A Path -" 53c~ 3 bdrm home on large loL Con- venient to beaches. Fully land· ocaped. W.. S22,500- But a very' nice two bdrm. ca.nal front ·borne. Large beamed cell- hlg tn living rm., new pier k noat. Choice location. $15,500. Will eell 20-ft. cabin boat cheap with home. Sleep1 3, 4 yrs. old. Sale or Trade 4 ROOM CCYM'AGE, Arrow· head. . N I c e I y furnished. Will consider late model Cadillac, chry.1er, or small house. Ai.so have other exchanges and husin~llB opportunities. Ed L .. Sedelmeier Realtor 1623 Coht Hlchway Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 2768 55<:67 Now Only $19,995 ·Multiple ·Liiting No. 1889 SEE • Earl Chamberlain 500 Cout 'Blvd .. ·eorona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone lfarbor 2288 Costa Mesa .Duplex BUILT 190 -Stuc:co, and red- wood comtructlon . • Panel ray heat. 1 bedroom each unit. 3 garages. Block to cttY center. SJ.•,ooo. Cona:lder trade, ama.U home. Owner, A.. llndell, MS Park Dr., Co&ta Kea&. 54~ Costa Mesa SMALL 2 bdrm. oott&ge, near everyth.J.ng. Ideal for couple. Very IOW down pe.ymenL ~ .&nd submit otter. Ph. Mrs.· Sheeley Bea. 6108-J Wm. E. ANGOLD, R<altor 515 E. Balboa m..i .• Balboa • Paul· C. Jones, Rltr. 2307 Ba!bo& Blvd. Har. 2313 Ne~rt Be~h 5JpS5 COSTA MESA '3000 DQWN P'INUT ReSldential ·street. Near· ly new S B. R. home, l % bat.ha. large llv. rm., fireplace, 2-car garage. big lot, fenced. Price reduced qaln-KAKE OFFER! HORACE S. MAZl!n" 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand · Harbor 3028-J tolfc New Bay Front HOME. tarre lot, choice klc:al'on: • bdrm and den, 3 baths. Fine uncly beach, pltt and float prt. You muat aee tbil property U you are looking for the flneat In BAY FRONT. PRICE '611,600 Tuma. '· GREENLEAF " ASSOC. BIJILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., IIMbor 259 ' • •