HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-14 - Newport Balboa News Times• • I • r •• I • \ .. • >. ~ .. .... .... • t .0..-t.·. lNTRODUOED BY B. Y. C. COMMODORE BLOD(lETT L'! t~ "snu>d old me of yaob~.· Jim . \ Webster recei\'4!!d a atandlnl' ovation from the more than t-hree hundred ,.-chtmae• and pat. "'ho attf'-Ddrd thfo 8. C Y. A.. Trophy dinner Frtday nlKht at B. Y. C. Webstf'r (rorec">und), the only man· to hold ~ dtle of Honorary CommodMe or 'tbe Southf'm California Yacht.las AModattoa.. took this opportunity to thank the hard worklnl' commlttefo• and the saillnC' ...,.tidpu:t. for &belr co- O(M!f"BtJon In a m<t9t 8UCCe8SfuJ ~ptta. Seated at the Cummodore'a tablt'" are, from left: Mrs. Robe.rt . . Bayd. assil!lbnt reptta c-halrm&n; Mr. and Mn. Onlllerlno BolwK>n, of l.:111W'nada; Commodore Cllff Chapman, of the~-C. Y. A. and Mn. Chapman: Commodore Ed Rettw-n •. or the Pactrlc Cou.t Yachtlnc AA.'JOC'latlon. co-spot'90rs of thr reptta; Mr&. Gene Bolln and Vice-Commodore Bolln. Of 8. C. l'. A. (Photo by .Be<:k.ner) Trophy Dinner Ends SCYA • PCYA Regatta By 'acquell ne Beckner A gah1 dinner at Balboa Yacht Club Friday nig ht n1arkf'd the complt'l iol1 of a week or sailing and social t'VC.Rl!'I \VhiC'h "·as eMil)· one of the m08t successful in Nf'"':port Harbor yachting hlatory. A rec- orrt ~urnu•1 t ,,f 399 boatl'l ranging from the t iny Sa boU! to lhC' 60-root 10-metr-rs made the Balboa Yacht Club a b•·chivC' of activity from early n1oming uro ti! lat<' al niJ;'hl. Co-sponsored by the Sou therni>-----.-------------------------- Callfornia Yachting Association ••tNAL RESULTS OF S.C.Y.A. • P.C.V.A. MID-Sl!MftlER REOATl'A and the Pacific Coast Yachting LARGE BOAT DIVlSiONS A&ilf"<I Monday throu1h Friday A~ialion. with B. Y. C. as th~ Otta.n RaC'lnc host c lub. th(' Mid-Summer Regal-3 entries: lst place---CORONADO, Bob Herrmann. CYC la drew entries from 27 yacht 3 entries: 1st Place-BRANTA. Don Barber, LAYC club6, with volunteers from ea ch 4 entries: l st place--EULALlE. George Kettenburg, SDLC club st"r ving on many of the num· @rous commtllf'es necessary to a 2nd place-MICKEY, Dorothy Barr, SDYC puccessrut regat ta. CallfomlK S2 Compliments tol each and every 4 l!:ntrles : 1st place-ESCAPADE, Danny Elliott. NHYC one or the hard workirfg commit-2nd place-ANDALE. Wa lter Franz, NHYC t e, men and women a re, of coursE>. Island f'llppt>r impos8ible, but Special mention 3 entries: 1st place-CONEJO, Ken Davis, NHYC ahouJd be given to Staff-Commo-K-S8 dore Robert Boyd, of B. Y . C., for :; entrt'°!s : l st a maste rful job of organitatlon M Regatta Chahman. Ou the social 1Hde o f the picture, the entertain- pf ace-TOMBOY, P aul 2nd place-DUCHESS, Kettenburg, SDYC J . Run1sey, SOYC Rhodr11 ment provided nnd the appearance 11 entrie11 : lat place---NIMBUS. Earl Thomas, NHYC and place--ll_ANAHULl, George F1elU, 3rd place-RUTH, T om M!!:yers, BYC of the club were due to J&n Hen· der.son as entnta.lnment cha.lrman and Gertrude Carpenter as decora· PC CIMA LAYC . tfon commiltee chairman &nd their 11 entries: tat place-PAMWN. Fred Smale&, BYC a.bJe ass:istanla. -·Ciifca-·' The entire fleet of Lehman dJng- ... 2nd pW:e--H.APP DAYS, Dr. 8. 'lbclmJ*X>. LA,YC 3~ place-PUFF. Kinneth Wit;l.,.uu:--· · • Loden tfiea and lhelr s kipper s were elev· 11 entries: lat erly caricatured in six foot post- ers and moun'ted on the walls of the dining room u a backgTound for the. small boat series held Sat· place---LITl"LE LU LU. Keith Herbert. LA YC 2nd plac~JOSEPHlNE \'. Robert Collins, NHYC 3rd place-KUNIPO, Walter Sn1lth, NHYC A.lba1rMll urday and Sunday, August -4 and 6 l!:nt rie11 : 1st place--KALEA. Dr. Anton La'\.lbershetmer. NllYC 2nd place-G ITANA. W. l..f. Allen, NHYC 5. When the big boats took over on Monday thr entire d("Cor was ch&ngC'd to confo(m with the type 3rd place-KOHOHE, Albert Benny. NHYC of par ty which climaxed ea ch 3 entries: 1st day's race. Monday, the almoi:r phere was Mrxlcan, wtth serapes .Crbltrary Hllndlt'Rp place---TRUANT, Ron Davidson, VYC PN:dlctf'd Lo11t place-LUCKY LA DY III, Ferris,, BYC ( 8 e ntries : l st and brilliant bouquets o zinnias lending the fi es ta touch. Tue.sda.v saw the yachting 1notif bac k a.gain, which c arri ed throu~h the week until the an· t icipated Trophy Award Dinner on Friday night. F or this seml- formaJ occa.sion tbe Walla o f the big room were covered with gaily colored paper fish interspersed with large mate on which were mounted pieces of driftwood sur- rounded by garde nias. Table cen· terpleces were alllo driftwood and gardenia,, making a beautiful pie· lure. Behind the Comn'l.odore's: table a large palm tree a(tded to the ga.rdt?n the me. More than 300 yachtsmen and guests •ttended thl.e, the final event of the series. Another social highlight of the wet?k wa.s the barbecue p resented by the Irvine Company on \\'ed· nesday. This event WfS r estricted to 500 and \Vas sold out on Mon· day. It wu surprlsing to see how many of QUr prom inent yac htsmen blendPd In with the western at- m osphrre. Highlights or the actual racing were many. Monday wu a bad day for Axel Stordahl's Saga and John Hurndall's Vixen. The lumpy see..s and nukey winds resulted in both these boatJi being dlsmaated. Saga wu out for the rest of the series. but Vixen waa back Tues· day with a new mut. and took first place Tuesday and Wednes· day ln the Luders Class. How- ever, !he was unable t o make up the ·points lost on Monday and fin· ished the series out of the running. S. C. Y. A. Rear Commodore Fred Smales, who i.9 also a •Staff Commodore of B. Y. C., made a rather poor showing thr first of thr wrek. but wound up ht a blaze of glory t o bring his P C, Pamlln, In to another series first, while the 11 boa.ts In the battling Rhodes c lu.• provided many a thrill as Bari "'Tommy" Thomu in N imbus and Gt'orge Flcit.z in hi.J! famous Hanahull foug-1\t fer first place. Tommy miseed winning this .series last year In San Otego by la1tng to George by only % point, but he established a food margin thla year In Tueada,y s race and heki It th!!: reel of the week to take tint by 4.,. polnta: Another close one wu the vie· tory of Ron DavtdAon'a «·foot ketch, Truant, oVcr her nl!:&t'eat rival, Dr. Robert WUllam'a Wind· fall, by a mere 29 eeconda in the Arbitrary Ka..ndicap Qua. ... ~ _.. ..... ~ .. _. ....... Mzz• .... .,_ ~ •ek••• Hew ...... ft ''' 1 'f I 1', -11io -ti l'I I · E o pe mt fw · -........ II. d.r. A. -P. C. 'I', A. NS Jtj ""! '-'° • PJik•e& M ._-..:-1s1 2Tlll fl'\Wt ,&Ma .. .._..,_ lb-.,. _.. lnlm~ C' I tf 1-. ,-..... -_,. -119•' Ont Pf--plo..r ... -.... ""!'f" ~ .. 41 • I .. • ............... ..., .. ,, ...•...•.. ....., .......... ,... -.......... ~ .•. 1n111it b.. .rrt' ~ llftr • Y.C. ..... ;O ~ M • tsrt ..;..·· 11\ta b Ip t•a O...,' ••• ,, ..... P' 3 •• ., .. IW(Ae o..s: ~-•.•• 'n I • '0 .... '-m • EFL .. 911! ...... ,. &·rv·, %• ''' s '••• 111 ... , .... ·a, ..... Ylllllli' -.. -..pu; -o 11se re >"'•as sdt ., • • 12 19 a t • • I • • r • • • ' .. ' • • • ' ., . . . . ·; . -· ·r· ...... 4·~.. ~ .. ., ~· ~ • .--f' OffANG ~ 00tJNT'f: FAIR 10.PE.NS G/\TES WEDN(SDA~;,AW ~USl.1~ :.NEWPORT, • ' • • , . ' . I • . .. ~ ,. -I • ' . 13rd YEAR-NUMBER .J I • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST \4, 1951 . FIVE CENTS ·Zoning Fumble I Draws ·S200 · Fine Initiating a , "get-tough'* policy vlth "riolators of city sonlll&' ordl2 l&Jlcee, Judge Frank Linnell gave ~. K. Nickerson, 701 Acacl.a ave- 1ue, Newport Be:ach, the choice >f paying a $200 flne or 40 day• ·n jalJ for a zontnc vlol&tlon Mluractay morning In the Newport ~•ch city court. In puslng aentehce, Judge Un- 'lell sakl that he wu tired of hand- ling zoning vtolatlons with kid "love~. He added that Newport police are too buay with regular police work to be occupied check· Ing up on zoning vtolallon.s. Investigation of the vlolaUon in 1uestlon began Friday, July 21. A. complaint w~ filed "tith the Newport Beac h pollce lncUcatlng '..hat Nlckent0n wu advertising a third tlnlt for rent on property (Lot 10, Block 729) that WU In an R-2 ~ne. Hd'1z Kaiser in Car Accident. . . . Girl ·-Injured F.dith Brown.. of Illino1!r re· celved head lacerations aa the re- 1ult of a collision between the -.u- tomobile in which a:he wu rtdlng ilnd a veht~e operated by Orange County Supervisor Heinz Kaiser. The accident took place near the lntel'RCtt,n of 17th St. and Coaa\ Highway at 2 :4~ p. n>. Sat- urday. Kaiser, who Uves nearby· at the Bayahore Trailer Park, was head- ed eut on lhe Coast Highway atr the time of the accident. He told police that he wu making a len turn when his car wu hit on the right side by a vehicle operated by Joseph A . McMtllln, at Illinois. • In Front s..t Tile property Is a two.story 'itucco building with a one-story frame house In the rear. The rear section ts occupied by one family and the t!patalrs front, by another. The downatalra aeotion 'of .the front building\ had been alte red to make anotl\er living unit and and been occuplrd by a woman. City Building Inspector "P!!:te" Nelson said that at the time the residence wa.s being constructed he had wamed the owner against Inc luding a third Jiving unit. .. PIRATE Gow.~ ln the form of candy coins,. ls lfl\·cn to the Oranl'e (',ounty •"air Beauty Queens by '1 o: W ... Dick" Richard, "·hfti the trouJM' ,·tslted Rfchard's Udo Market on Satn.rday. left to rtsht. !11.a.ndJal', are Ba..._ra DoiOee, \'a.;encia; C.rylyn \\'elmt'r, Orance; .Joanne "'ells, Santa Ana; Mr. Rtcb&nl: Barb9ra .Juveneo. TU5tln; Pat Calloway, Hunt~ngton Beach; Donna Schurr, Garden Gro\·r; 1\larfrne Andenon, Newport Beach. KDoPf·llnc ~ Barba:ra Plett11, La'guna; Darlene Bergman, Brtoa-Ollnda; \\'a.nda (:)oJfman. Fullerton; ·M.attla .Jrnsch, Capistrano. The fair o~Rloj Ile doon1 to thP. publlc on "'ednPMlay, Aue. 15. (Photo by Beckner) Mlss Brown, a p&S8enger ln Mc- Millin's vehicle. wu sitting in the front seat next to the driver at the time of the collision. She waa rushed to Santa Ana Community hospital for medlcar treatment by Seal Ambulance. It wq believed at the time that her injuries were slight. Kaiser's car received damages to It.a right front fender and door. He 88.id tha.t his car wu station· ary at the time of the collision. .. ·- ... ,. . ' KUL for the ttt.t of bullt by the South Cout c,mpany for the U. S. Navy ls «1\·eo a cloee lupectlvn b)· Captain E. E. Spruna, of the Lone Beaeh r;a\-al Yard; Walter Fram, bNd of 8oaU. Cout. Ud Lt...cmdr .. R. P. Nol&n, MSlatant to ~In Sprung. • (Phbto by Beckner ) LAY MINESWEEPER KEEL The kttl of the MSB 19, a :S7·foot wooden mlnesweeping boat of the M88 5 .Cl&J)S w¥ laid at the Boutll Coast Company, Newport BNCh.·Callfomla. 01' Friday morning. Augi\at tlO, 1951. Thi.a ta the first of four vea.er for whlch South Coast Company ha.a been assJgru.-d the construct'°" contract by the Chief of the Bureau of Shlpa. Depa.rt~ent Qf thto Navy. The contract for thes:e vessels wa.s Jet in February, 195!. a.nd much.---------------- prellminary work ha.a been done. Theae four veue~ are 1cheduled for completion ln 1952. and are a part of the Navy'• new ship con~ •lrUcUon program. Tb e Com- mander of the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. Capt. E . E . Sprung, hu coUattt&l dutlea u the Supervt90r ot ShlplNlldlng, USN, and Naval lnapector of Ordinance. Long Beach, and u ouch ta deolgnaUd u the field rtprNentattve of the lluR&u 6f Shlpo In Ille admlnMotn.· Uon and ouperrialon of lbll ton· .triet. The comblntns" of the• e t\lhcUona wu done tof' auatere ~nomy of ma.n,oWer and facili·' tJem. \ Tiie • Supe...UOr of Shipbuilding, USN, and Nal>ai In-tot-'at Ord!· ...-. i..o,,. Beach. baa coplAnce \loo of llle· ~lion of llle t\M8 eo wtlOden mlr~ra at llarl>or' lloel BuUdtng CompanJO, hrm!naJ. laland, Callfoml&, . and ~AX 421 Claa wooden .- _.,.eepero at w~ - W.U,. Inc. WllnllDglA>a. callfilr- ;do.. Re wt1J ban' --ot .lli,J' 114l" N&YJ' ahlp -...:tlon --.,nu; pt1,.i. ... pyUdo !II .Ille Lons -..... • . . ...... oft II . ~ o ....... ~Of OooU; -.·. -. '-""'· eMrpri wtUl & .man.II oU 7 I I la- wlWllC a 1•~ 8tm"'ra ••• -..--·-... -1!18'-..... ., Md ... ..., ease..., to --Ba"Hei fW....,. tr .,,., •• """' ..-.. ......... 11r n 1 ltoe ,....... -O&rd: -.--...... -.... Whiskey Stolen,. Police on Case A -cue ol whllkey and tour ad· dtUonal f ifth w.,ere reported ~ a&)lrll· ed away trom .. a deliVery•truck· at ~:08 p. m. Fpday. Acconllng to the truck driver, be was parked on the Tualtn Ave. side of tbe All American Market maldng a de- Jlvery. He returned to h1a truck and when he made b.18 next de- livery stop p.t Vlnce.nt'a Drug atore he found the •lde door ot the truck ajar. ~r cllecldng, be found that approximately ~ worth of l>of· ued goode WU m'-'ag. Newport Police ..., COildUctlnl Oil lnmll- pUclll. • · Ylda1• ·Circle -U ... Flt" ...... well ..... -., a le.....,. le Ult-ef11'oEp(lt; A -of1-........... Ai l ....... ft 0 8-a.....-e ·te .. 111.,... .-f..-'--.. -fw • ' 11 ........ Gt9e ...... ....... , .. -... . .. -.111--..~----... --. ·~ ................. . ............ Isa• .... • ............... [ .,, .. lilft ..._I 0 rv 6e1 1S I .... .,.._,,ut"On --·--·--"' a·•• ~ , . • DeLeon Arraigne~ for Manslaughter ,. Mr8. Helen Mary deLeon, 21, or San Gabriel, charged wltb man-' slaughter after a h ead-on crash or her car into a parked machine July 4 at NeWport Beach, will be arraigned in Superior court Fri- day. I Audrey J'an!f: 1-kCafferty of Riveralde WfJ.B lillled in the crash. The a.rr&Ign'me.at had been sched· uled for la.st Ft?day, but wu con· ttnued at requelt of Mre. deLean's atto.rney, Robert Jacobe.. Man Dies Aboard Rented Sailboat GOP .NAMES . . Whilt? operating a rental sa.il-FUND DRIVE boat. Lewis John Powe .... 65. or ' . Lo8 Angeles WM the fatal victlm or a stroke at 1:06 p. m. Saturday. CHAIR.,.ME". Dwight Gibbs, 843 Lido Soud. . Lido lale, notified N ewport Police that a man in a rental aallboi.t Tom .Hette'man, Corcp~ _<\el waa lylog motU>nleu on t.he~~.S..C~k~·~M~ar~·~· ~ .. ~ ~ • Gudlner, Bay n.e .,.... -bn>olglll to • !ale dock by & pa.salng boat ope:. COiti M@K .. rato"r and was given artffic.la.I. res-chairmen for the pJratfon and aJao oxygtn by · the rund drive tn their respective fire departmenL Pdfvers we..s pro· areas, accdrdi"« to the Orange nounced dead at 1 :30 p. m. He County Republican Central com·· wa~ taken to Baltz !iiortuary. mlttee. Mesaft Faces Trial Sept. 4~ on Morals Count Clifford A. Russl"ll, 53, of Costa 1'-lesa, accused of statutory rape I and a felony moral.,. 11,ffense in· Va lving hls 11-year-old stepdaugb· t er, has pleaded Innocent and will go on trial Sept. 4 before Superior Judge Franklin West In Sanla Ana. Freak Accident Injures Balboan 1 Mrs. Eleanor Martin, 79, of 921 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa was takl!:n to St. Joseph's l'!i08pltal at 4 :06 p. m. Sunday with a cut head and a posalble concussion as the result of a freak accident. According to th e Newport Beach police report, Mrs. Martin was passing ln front of 507 Edge· water Ave .. Balboa when a pad· dle-boa'd Cell from a iocke-i where it waa stored 'and hit hl!:t' on th.c }\£ad. She suffered a three inch guh on the upper lert side of he,r head. She .waa rushed to 8t. Joseph's for trealment by Seal ambulance. At the Tuesday meeting o f the Republlc&ll group, Robert Ban, yard, c,tttral Committee· chair- man, exAtaitted the United Finance Fund drive. . He exf}laJned th.Ill the Republi- can party, trom the national to the local levela have developed the United Finance program 80 that only one fJOllcltatton will be made each year for the tunds necessary to carry on an aggressive polttl· cal program. Banyard also stressed the nee· eulty ot reaching every registered Republican to enlist !upport tor tb!a drive. "He warned thOBe pres· ent that many persons use the approach of electlon years to llO· licit money for varlows paeudo- politlcal organizations. One Drive ''There is Only one Republican party," Banya rd em_phulzed, "and this it its one rund drive." Solicitors will carry official r"· celpt books and all check! a.re to be made payabJI!: to the Orange" County RepubJlcan Central com~ mittee. Conlribtitlons may ~ man. ed either to 145 East 18th street. Costa Mesa; P.O. Box 42, Costa Mesa; or to Fund Drive Head- qWLrter•. 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Present at Tues- day's meeting were, Ralph Mas- key, Halsey Denmazi. Mrs. Ro~ ert Barnea, Lloyd Loveland. F . B. Owen ... Waller Splcer, Walter )(,, Lo~oor and Dean C. Bradfoid.. • • .. • I . , l • • • , . ' • , .. • • J.P~-l~,__,__·,__,__....,-:""*""-":--~-r---,__~-:-'--~..:..:::._;__;_:_~~...:;.;._::......::.;.~~N=EWPO~~R~T~-B~ALBO=..:~A~,~N~EW~~~TI~~~~~·_;,.~ ~ ' • • • • • • ' . • llOUI. WIN11'ftED' liARmm; -ti l:dltai' ··~·-«)& ................ o#l!lt"-"1W!~ ...... .,. --~."D1C'""91~~ ~Thurs. ,Bridge-Canasta· [uricheon Is wart ~egatta Week ."Event at BYC :S.1tooata and flowers.,~ pretty &oeka and jeweU 1et the acene f4r Tllunday'a 'l;rtdse -canaata • 1"'1cheon at Balboa Yacht club, Cjllle ol the attemooD events which ~blch marked 8CY A .. PCY A re· gatta week. Hostes.sH were ~ Boyd, reptta vice cha.lrman anti .Bckl.e su... hospitality chair· ni'an. Lending a.udtance were M:'rs. CurtJa Muon. weartnc an a~ti:actlve bl4ck· and white check .tatteta piped In red pograln, an~ He.Jen (Bunnie) Wurdemann, wife l?t. the v1ce comm<><Jore. . .. Gettn.ide Carpenter was Teapon .. sible for the decorations an d o~ra on the ho11tess committee w;re· -E;velyn Campbell. Pes Ma~ 9GQ, EveJyn Young, Betty Graber Md Jame• Jamison. BIYC Awards Presel)ted Friday rnday alpt at Bal-hland • ~a<b( club mee.~ tint place rl-.-..-tor the .,..k of A\llQll I were preoonl<d to tho fotlmrins • p e o p I e.• In paddle- tioilrda, to Mark Scucldtr, Donna Bartmali. Hank· K,yl<f, .Mona-Rae Ba!'JoW, Tod While, AM Rawlins. a.ad Tom Jone& ' . .. ., Twday, Al!t-·~4. '1911 ~ eoio, PlctUr. FLOOD · m:llEF, Brinr. P-•:t'· -1lL ~t '~'! ,.,~.!. -HOME SERVICE,- ~-~1:;·~~ ~:: ALL"PARJ. ·Of ~·Of !Ml• ~ i-·m::f\ CRO(t, JOB ~~.!;.:"":ii!:~m"::.i; ni;.u·. _ lJ .' , Not only ·b&t. a conawil otrean of , 1 -tori uk<td to i.,..... t~ -Illqlllri<o ..-omlns -lbll-boit old trlelldo"Wilo ba4 l4lt con-11 .. In u... mld--tem flood .,. ·~ With Ute )(dA.ugllllna fowMI Ila" be.n made. OR, ~t of them aplil. Oranire 1:9unty tomui.,; It -!Ji~ . thms about 111e leamed ~Y by 11ra. 1"* ._. -.., , la • thet· no altfrijpt -looh,' ......,tary at the N-port 11\ado to remodel' Ii; but the pre.-Harbor , Branch of ...,Uleni mt ""'trul mod~m Interlo.r wu O\:""lr" .Coonty chapter, Amer!. b.e lHl!lt of .a wtae ·-of color can 'Rl!d Cn>i!IL and nice cholCe' -in , turDlQinp. A"uwera ree@lved from Armour- b-rlpUon ·of tJieC\oouoe w .. by <laje, Manhattan, :MIMlon, Rkh· Hane)' ~gley, wllO opej,do moot mond; and Fort Riley, Kana., In· o( Iler time on Lido Penln.l'U.la.. dlca.ted tn all 1Mtance1 that t,M. ' It wu on a cold,, rainy day iut fatDU~ Were well .and aare.. but tall when we ( spe&1tln1" editorl.aJy) one bad k>et all posseuiona and told Nancy about the houae. She thelc horne. · bad just returned trom an unpro· Home Service departm"nt of the auctive vtsit £.o a house away out local 'ch•pter a(IO sent 14 tele- lo in the country, and after Re-Ing grama~' d\lring July on welfare the Langley home wu: most en· prQblem.a involvlng,. mrn in &er- tbusJu«.fc. Nancy descrnwa It aA vJce. In m&Jly of thrse, Red Cross "Cape .Cod_." but, we ~ sure she St"Cureq verif.lcatlon for lhf' nef'<1 " \viii forgive us i/-,.,e say its a for l'Ortougt\s • throllgh conta<'t. blend of Califorfli4·C.,pe Cod. ..J w.ith the faml1y 'doctot;'. an attor--•.Attractive door prizes wert awarded during play, and were claimed by Mmes. R. Repinski. VI. ·A-1 Feifla. John Walsh. \V, B. Rundle. Walter Seibert .. Gregory, Robert' Graber and F. E . Birtche/ . Pink Linton I Mrs. Birtcher wore 11. most at· tractive watennelon plnk linen dnu tn.el with matching lace. At her table were Atmes. C. B. Cunpl.qham, AJbert Robeaux. R. G. Budrow, Bill Webb, Kay Oun· fP'l1, B. Z. M cKinney and Richard Pleger I the Jatler was in a leaf prtnt skirt with yellow blouse.) In rc>wtnr. to Mark Scudder, I Gell White, Biii Lloyd, Mona.-Rae Eiark)w, Mickey Smith, Ph)'Ula ~wrw, .~n R&wliq, pd John IGDMy. Jn dlvin&, to Carol Wii- iiama, T od White. · Gall Wblte, Eietty Beck, Biuce P 1 t t m a n. Mona-Rae Barlow, Sorifty Coane. 1n.-aw1mmln1', to Bobby McKen- ze7, Tod W1'Jte, Donna. Hartman, Betty Beck, Hank •Kyle, Pat Dyer •. 'and f!ob Jbbot.x>. Dl the Balboa dbirhy class, first race was won by Mickey Sm.Ith aild eecond by Rorer Boy· vey. In the Snowbirds, firat race wu won by· Tom Froet' and eee· ond by Commodore Benny ,BenJa· min. FAIR PRE~ -Civic leadCrs of ;NeWP.,rt-~ an4 Co!!ta Hesa area look o\·er prime liaby'~ anifuu whl<lh will be one of thO&e auctioned off aWlill.f Oruage c;.iunty Fair, Satunlay,. Aug. 18, at 19 .;:{~= Tex Condon, popular !'lout hem· Califom l& · to ri)tbt, are • fo'.o"t't' ~en, i,o~·.i~i.': Ge~~il~, :· Dick Barrett, DOD Huddleston,. Tex',~"'1.,lif~~·. ~gen. ~elm, Dl<1I< ·Richard; Charles TeWhll!le, G., N; · \VeQs, Bob J;.'errln, Arlie Swartz, l>On Jacl<Soa, "Efl;ln Hall, ,.Dd oe}Vlti ·.Smith,· ·supeniso'r ·of' tile..· fairs juniJr depai;bnent. • ~ • l ., : " ' No YankeE-.. · for Iii.stance, would npy.or ,w mortician. Jt-wu learn·· haxe built · th03e f!feplacea -"d ed. DonatiOna for e~e~cy Oood what Vera tiaa· done to bring them rel~f are now bf:ing received. at into k ttping •With the traditional the. th.~' local ba.p.ks. and the Red atm~ph.ere. of b;eam.ed ceillnp and G:ro-of_!lce al. 207, l~and. avenut\ maple furniturt"· required not only Balboa.. " good taste but a spark of real ------.-. -.- genius. · · ., · FROM , PAU1 SPRINGS Mr1. Paul Davia was hostess at 11 table where players we~ Mme.a. Floyd Buell. Paul Moore and Helen. Randel. Mrs. Carl Hanna ffttertained Mmes. Stroller Whl\e, Cla.!"lftCe H igbie and C. • G. Dwlrht. nee Boyd, in a white sharkskin "1tlt With pink store and coru,.e. Kra. Carpenter, Mrs. Hubbard Howe and· dau1hter. Miu Shella Howe, the latter striking in Man· rtarin red shantung: Mrs. Earl Younr of Santa Ana "ad with her Mmes. Keith Dtvi.s. C. H. L urkee and George Hatfield while Mme& Replnskl, Stem, G. Dooley. L. Boyd, J . C.tark and C . .Appleby were with Mrs. Robert Graber, .the latter wu.rinl' a fine navy .cot ton skirt· and blouee trimmed with red. white and blue anrt -em· brotdered with name of the I r yahct,. the Georgta Bell. Violet and A:nwt'1At Another hostess w a s Mr•. James: Webster, this time In white linen with navy hat. With bere were Mmes J. \V. Condon, Walter H. Seibert and W. Peete. Mas. J Ohn ·Liveday had as gtieals her daurhter Elizabeth. Mrs. Alan Post and Mrs. Copeland. t he lat- ter noticeable in a Panna violet 9\llt with. which she were a ca- bochon ameth}•st pin and match- ing earrings. . • ·Mnr. Herbert Sattler entertain· e<I Mmea. H arold Finck. Kenneth Swift and Leslie R. Tarr while at another table were Mmea. W. A. Farria. Clem Christie, Irvin Jones and Margaret Dearborn. Mrs. Earl Hukell was hoateu to Mmee. Walter Ander80n. Fay Manhall. H. L. Bird and Carolyn Haskell. Mrw. Harry Campbell enlertAin- ed for Mmes. John Walsh, Jack Moorhead and Blanche Rosen (wearing a lovely gray sharkskin suit with tiny black velvet hat.) • SU.ll another hoeteu was Barbara Bri4&e-. at a table with Dora May ·Auatln, M n. Ed Allen, Mrs. A. G. .Scott and Mrs. Jea.ste Sar~r. ·Boy, 5, Runs · .Into Auto Here Presbyteri~n$ Plan Churches & Schools The Presbyterian ehutth in lht' U, S. A. has ~fdrmed a 22·member Building Funds CommiMion to aid in the raising ot $12,000,000 for ne'W churches and nrw 8f'minary buildings, accordin&" to word rr· celved here this week ~y Dr. Glenn '!{. Moort>, Southland denomina- tional executivl" secretary, from the, church's headquart<'rs in Philadelphia. 'Ibe $12.000,000 building fund drive will beg1n Jan. 1, 1~2. and will Jut for 30 months'. ~ mini· mum goal will be $7 .M0.000 tor 11ew church building and d evelop· ment. and $-4 ,500,000 for the church's • nlne seminaries. one of which is San FranciACO Theologi· qal Seminary, located In San Anselmo. • Preabyterians of California re· chUy aet & goal of 100 nf!w chut-cb~ in the ne11.t five yNrs. with eight or nine 8ChcduJed for orraniza.tion in the Souihern Calllornia area. Newport Girl Receives Trophy in Swim Event Sunday, Aug. 12 in the H unt· lngton Beach Rot?Dd -the • pier swim, Joan · Nunan of Newport Beach received a trophy for third junior girl to flni•h and aJBO a trophy for the first Huntington Beach Swim club girl to flni11h . Laat Wednesday and Thursday the Huntington Beach Swim club men's team received a trophy fo1· high points. A.lso the H. B. Swim club received a trophy for the most contea~ts entered ln the two day meet, l held at Plendale. BtiJLDING PERMITS Tbe Orange County Planning Commtslon has recomM«"nded ap· proval" of the a.ppllcaUon of Lillian W . Reitz for 9t. permit to build !iv· lnl' quartera attached to the medi- cal office at l~th St. and lrvinf' Ave .. Costa Meat. nie board of supervi8ors is expected to act on the recommendation Tuesday. Also recommended by the plan· ners wa.s the application of Ala.n P . C. and Maurine B. Craig to permit t.he erection of a. 4 ft. by "20 tf. neon sign for a service station to be establl&hed at tht' southwest COl'fter of Harbor Blvd. and Ber- nard !jtl'ffl. Flve .. year old Larry Zimmer- man, staying with his parents at the Ocean Front hotel. was ap- parently uninjured after running into the aide of a car at 2 :30 p. in. s-;:::Y.:..1dent took place at Uni ·rhiAv.es Steal St. and Ocean Front, Newport "'- !".:,f'Yed r::·· K~ .. ~:. ·~;:~ Tw·o Su· ·its from Loa ADpJes. Accordlns to the police~ 1"eport, Catlin WU drlYinl eut on Ocean Front at about B I Dr Shop ftft mlln per bour. ess n.. boy nn out tn>m botweea • • • . ~tioneer · wielding the hamm~r. Shown . arove,. left . \ ~ .. ' . I Harbor T earn Wins at Dahlia Show Combine-ct skills of Aforrl, Bal- boa r1onu l.lld Gay-Vern Gardene. Co11ta Mesa dahlia gro\V<'r!'I. w l're M'Sponsible ror winning nine out of ten pri%es of:ferf'd at the 10th annual Orang!.' County Dahlia show hl'ld r<'CPntly in Santa Ana. With the Mesa gTOWers provid- ing· fiowen1 and Morri doing thf' arrangements, the t eam took six first awards. two second awards and one thin!. Th<'y cspturcd the sil~r tray which is ,the Saiitn ,Ari6 Regl.st~r award for most ar· tlstlc gen~ra.I dl.eplay In the i.how and also. the Sunset mtdaJ for mOl'lt nov<'I display. Tht> latter wu a cornucopia of yellow and brow n dahlias, spilling from it fru it! in thf'ir natural colors. Local Methodists '• to Hold Picn·1c N.wport Beath Melhodlsts will hold a church picnic on We<Jne111· rtay, August 2'2nd, at the Coat11. MeSa. Park. Members of the Navi- gators c iau are making cofftt, ice crt>am. and cake avaUable. Th<' c-hurt'h Men·~ Club under Hal Lacy are looking after t ht' <'Vening's en· trrtainment. Former Residents Welcome Daughter Capt. and 1¥1-Ml. H. t.: Sharke)', former residents at 433 Broad- wa}·. Costa Me!'ta, are announcing the birth of a daughter, Margaret Johanna, who arrived July 18 at Corpus Christi, Tex. The little lass tipped the scale!! at ~ lbt1 .. i oz. The Sharkeya have t'-VO other children, Stephen and Anne. -----~ O:S \"A(' . .\TIO:S • Mr. and l\frs. J ohn \Vest of Flo~· er street. Costa A1 esa ha \'e been enjoying a trip to Vallf'jo. Reno and points north. ' • : " , .. -· ..... .• • .. ··-• XII\"(; C(Jl .. l .. F.GP: GlllL."\ ntoth•lf'tl tlM"lr o\,·n <"lotht'.'ft t 'ridaJ· at ~,.,,•port •••rbor \'acht C'lnl''" hrhl;t1• lttnrltt'Ofl anti ann1mJ fub- lon 8ho\V 11tylt'ft f~r rall. Lt·ft lo rls-ht.' ar1•: '•ne Rti~I. \\'hm1·r nf fll'!llt (>rlF.f' anti a n10th•lllng f'Otlnu•, .''1to ,,·or"" a knit t\\"tt-plt'("f" ontflt of '''hltf' i4klrt, n•d and \\"hltf'I blon!M' compl('- mf'.ntN.I b;r n"tl MtOlt>i and sh~: Tt•nlta !\fantF., third .,,·ard, ln a brleht blue shanlunl' dtts§ anti matchlltl" Jack~t~ and l\farcla YounglO\'f' ln • n&\"Y OT'p.Ddy f'fJlbroldPn-d and band('() In,,_ \\0hltf'. S ol pk:tur-rd bl. 1'1a.rt;r l.A'\\'I~. fourth prize "1nlM'r, \\'ho \\'Ot"t' a omtart charcoal vaY suit. 1Ne\VS-Tin1es Photol . . ' ' . ... . '(oung· Me.+ho.cl ists o-ff :for C19mp . · at Ceda r·Glen~· . ' ~ine boys ll!'ld girls fron1 thC' Harbor A"tt>a left Saturday for their annual summf'r Camping C!X- periencr. at. Ca111p Cedar Glen, near Julian in San Diego co4nty. Rev. Thomas. RDy .PPndt>II of N C'Wport's Christ Church by the Sea 1s thl' camp dean, Mrio1. ftobl'rt-Speth of Costa MeSa Is a · 'faculty mcllibf'r. Rev. · J~sej>h Ttiomp.;on~ form·~r paatOr oY the Coat.a 1.lNJa Com- munity Church is S('rving ·as thr camp managE'r, and Mrs . ·Thomp· sor: · i~ the head couns~IQr. -Ar· prox in1~tl'ly one _hundred tflirty boys and girls from i;ieventh . eighth and ninth gr8.drs in South· ern California com munitirs arc 'in attt>tl dance. The' grot1p · returns hon1 e. next Saturday . A new swimml.n* pool Jus{ com · plf'ted highlitC"s the cen1p sports program this yte.r. ·The -camp is sponsprod by the· Carup Commie· !!ion of the Soutbem CaJlrornla· Ar~na cOnfcrebCe'o'r the Met~o· dist ChlJr<:h . _ Young pe6J>le attcn<ling .from Christ · Church by th"' S<'a includ<' Bob McDolia\cl.' Stuer Boyles. Con· nie Seel<'y and Nancy Bryant. Tho-se atlendtng from -the Cost.a A1 e.sa Community chut"t'h includo Bill y H art. Bobby Spe th, Mary Sii\. clair, ~largaret Clark and Bev- c r!.Y Beebe. ----·-- I:'\ s~s BERSAROl!'lr.'0 1.{r. and Mrs. A. L. Pinkley, their ctS:ught<'i-Lucy ~nd son Vir· gll, 153 Broad\vey, Co~ta Mesa. spent a recC'nt week end In San Bernarclino visiting Dr. and Mrs. V. M. Pinkley and 1o1r. and Mrs. George Starkl'y. • Al\tOSG PASAIJESAS'S Among the' many Pa~adenan$_ summe ring o.\ Ne'-'1>0rt Harbor are Mr. and l\frs. Paul Clark, Mr. and Mrs . Haik Braun fnow rf'· turned) and Mr. and 1.frs. Paul Bryan. , I the can parked on the .outh sldil · . ol tho -t and • lato the ,.... Theft of two,~ Milla valu-, , ran ed at 1121 eacb wu reported to der of CatHn • •ehlcle. He .,.. He,,port poUc. 11y Jack Hanatn, not.._bly laj.....i, hut hla JIU'-1114 Mar1ae A ..,_' hland Mila ... lla'rill6 him -at .;Iii II-= ~nlll.y. ' by a Jlll)'tllelan. • , ...._.,, '!&Id that a .M""1can <wple yloll<d Ille -and tho A'r CA'l'ALnfA -"*ed to.~ an-.; Nita Wed! -s al ea•albla -""" aa llootant. tlle deJ'k waltJaa' , lllr. and llra,)f&!'1'7 WJftb, + en t11o .,,..,0 ....,. to \M. -r of bM u pell• ·oa. boerd. t.Mtr u.e eton. Wben ~ derts: ftblm .. telwl I tr QeDent ... f 1 ' fMI._ Ule ~ 'W9'rlC SW. and•_. -==:::::::::::::=::::;::;:::::::::::~1~ ~ t!'Q autta. . .. ~ lllott-... ... ......... rlpt -lltooio w ' ' hi i • Q •WllF Md •--od aa of· ....._ .... M , 5, • 12 J n.. at u. w al.,,,,_ and • .. ... Jo& WP I "' JI --·-4e he wu ta ... •aez i 8 ' $ ; ..... 1IJW to the ... k'E'W a-P .... a .................. _ -*""'.. . .. tM tw9 ·2·2 l'rP Rte ............ ~u .... n. ... .!:.'! ... -~ . ... ..,......,.. ··-~ • d II __, C I a tsl ..... llt:(lls • •• --c •t•a C•Y .. II• ----fi:= ... ·11 -U-= • 1:.1•-r ·e1t1jt ~ 1•111: _ __,,_I 0 & ....... ~=rt• Ila ' I I -...... W 'I• ..... ...._. .... II)' tllO . I _, 8J -_ ... J;,:e;;..•_•_• __ • __ '.;,..i_•_7 ___ .. ·_JJ1'•A • tk tllll8. • • • • -. l'Al!C. .. IOI I M, -Via ~ 1Me .. -'rl 1? t ,.,, ... --. -.... & ... .,, .._ •~ ... .r ,.. .. • 0 Othe~ hoVtes in the Hubor area f ; Mlur :Jl!eU M:~rbatier. wt1ter and have beep described .by Mr.a. Lang-!~er -,~tor . ,of the ,Press hu lf'y, and sev~I"S.l . gardens. This Just rel~med to b~~ CQ!lla .Mesa, WE'i'k she will . be looking al two hoine from a stay at Palm spnnga. on Lido ls}e. 1 Also among those · · · · which she pla.J)S to see ls the n ew .HOGM" F.mdl ):ak~ T~, . Balboa home of tbe Victor Mc-Mr. and· Mrs. :i;>pn Donaldson of . . . "/ ' Lagtens, who are old frlendn of Coaita Mesa are .home once ·more the> McLaughl~ !They claim r e-,after' va~liori.lrig ~t Lake Tahoe Jationship way back in the past). and northein .pleastire spotS. .z - HOME LOAN It's Economical From A to Z ! When, we help you finance a home of your own yoo .can do it without butchering you~ budget. After a reasonable <!own payment, monthly payments are often lower thal) rent. Come in for complete details, without obligation today! You'll Like Our Friendly Service ' presents I ' ·! • " FASHIONS IY . MAllON -·McCOY I 1 • ~ • et tf'.ie ·11l.OA IAY CLUI . Wednesday, Au<just LS " . et -flftMn q'clock In +lie clini.119 se1oti ~ . . . -By JIA1l$O . ' ~ ' --, . • • .· • .1 • f I • ' .. • •• • • ' ,. • ! , . I • • ' •• ! 1 ,I • • r •' J: ~ .... •. t .,,scley, AJg. 14, 1951 • NEWPORT' IALIOA NEWS-TIMES • • i , HARBO:-=-R--=-·so=-=c:-:--:-1A-=--L =-':EV=EN=·rs~--==-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiT:c-:::oAS-;:;;-T "!::-. O~LLE-:::GE.i:=u=-DRIYE=. 'C=·•UIHl=·. ,=i=t====== , Mi~ ~~~~r:; ;;·:LLIS'~•EN~A~S P,g+ -- . . I Cha . I L<>ilgmoor, member or th• Board %11411 ~t mwa7 N-r& _,, PIL 11a..-11114 Rl'fes at· M·1ss·1on nn pe of Ti;u.teea after examining the. AT 80VTB END OF B"!YSHORE BRIDQPJ . ~ual tePort o~ Dr. Ba.all H . Pel· '3non, .cOIJege president. " • 1n ot intereat lo friends tn thc.,_----------,.----- Hatbor area. many of whom at- tended. wU the marriage on Sal- urc:t&y, August 4. of Mi.68 Barbara CUndiff, daught..er11 of Mr. and Mn1. Stuart Alb6rt Cundiff of Riv- erside and Newport Beach to Leonard J oseph Ktstlt-r, 80 Retlro Way, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon· ard H. Kbstler of Portland. Ore. Thf' ·double-ri.n,J: rite was perrorm- ed at 8 :30 o'<'"lock by Dr. Keagy ln the beautiful chapel of Mission Inn. Bar~a was lovely ~n ""'hlte t~e . the full skirt held out with large hoops lllld caught up with llllJes of the vallt>y and white sat- in bows. A little pleated net bon- ne-t hE"ld her fingertip vt>\I and ahe C#rTied a shower bouquet. Her attiendant3 were in pink net, bouffant a.e ki skirts, with strap- lesa bodice' and matching net ~tolea. Mrs. Hugh Berkley. matrof! of honor and M1as Verena Kl!Uer, n1a.ld of honor, carNed f>ink car- nations &nd white delphinium. tied with wfrite r ibbons. Brtdes- malda wore s.lmtlar dre88ell and carrif!'d pink car'natloM, but t1ed "'Nith pink ribbon. St.anrord Uni- versity rriends ef the bride. they were MlMea J ean Reed f of Lldo Isle), Mila:ie Reichling, Marilyn Dana and Mrs. Walter Rutled~e. Jr. Mis& Peggy Wheeler wu jun· !or bridesmaid.· Howard ImhOlz was bto~t man an<t ushers w~rP C. Thomas WhPt"ler, ParkCr Howt'll, J&mea Caldwell, lvR.n Mikolavlch and Walter Rutled#:"e. Jr. The rect'ption was heltl around the pool In the patio at Mission Inn. Afterward the youni;t couple Jett on lheir wedding trip, their deatinatlon rtot being dlsclo5ed to e-ven closest relative.a.. 1 Newport Chapter Women of Moose on Grand Regent's Honor Roll Nt•wport Beach Chapter llr.8.---~----------­ \Vomf'n or the Moose. held a regu- lar meeting Thursday evening. August 9th, in the Lodge Hall on the oceah front. Newport. Senior Rt•gf'n t Winifred Randall an- nounced that !S he · had reccivC'd .. program for t hC' annual confer- ence of the Womf'n of the ~toosr. v;hlch i.s to be held lhis month in Buffalo, New York, and was Ve!")' happy tp r~port that the Newport ~ Beach 'Chapter ap~ars on 'two honor rolls. One contains the names or the chapters which had In.creased th<'ir membership by 15 ~r cent, and had delinquencies of 10 pt>r Cl'nt or less. The othe r list is the Grand Regents Honor Roll on which thia chapters name ap- pea;s . As this chspter is a com- parative ly new one. these an- nouncemt'nts were received with pride and applause. Flora ,VauJ:;hn, ritual chairn1an, announced that &frs. Ray Hoff- man 1-seriously ill with pneu- monia and 'b conrined in the Com· ' . IDl'Jllly hoapltal in Santa An& night after th~ dance was verr succe8srul and everyonE; agreed the plan should be contintwd. At M008t"ha~·en Moosehaven Chairman MyrtPlle Tipping ha.a ·written te Moose· haven and obtained a .list of names of men and women residing there with whom the co-workers may correspond. Chaplain Alice Young announc- C'd that the Women or the Moose will hold a ba.uar one Sunday In September In •the royer of the lodge hall and asked the co-work- ers to donate items to be exhibit- ed and sold. A former member and officer, Florence George, and hPr mother were introduced during the social portion of the evening. Dotty Car- ter. sociaJ chajrman for the evf'· ning, and her committee se rved cake, cookies and coffee at the clost' of the business J!leeting. Ritual Chairman Flora Vaughn urges everyone to attend the mft'tlng on August 16th, u much needed ritual practice wllJ be held. . ' . . BEAUTY HARD AT \\'ORK? Thfr-9e four NPwpo rt Barbor Yacht Club ~ of the y ouaP, ~t form one of tht> <'ommltttta now ln the mkbt o t preparlnc for the ~uaJ Co Ueclate Dance at :S, H . \'. c. to bf-bt"ld Frida)·, Aucust 11. Fro m lrf1: Dorrie Lewta. Mary Ann PNrCy, Martha Lfo\\•ls. and .Janf't \'ounc, «?httk o\"Pr tht' 10,itatl1>11 11•1. (Photo by Beckner} ' • • ., i? •• \ .. ' •. • Retired Teachers Plan Oct. Picnic Tht' cxecutiv1· board or t laf' Or'· Bnge County DlviJ.1ion or the Cal l· fornia R etired Tt>achers Asaocla- t ion met 1n SRnta Ana at the home of Mrs. B('_llt• Bardv.•ell. .18852 East 17th strC'ct. The prC'sldr nt, L. L. Beeman .presided at the 1nrcting. Business and Fial l'Vl'nls of the fiscal year just l'ndcd were reviewed and sug· gcetions ror coming events were off<'r ed by lhe various commltter!'I and were disc:uMed. Plans, were made for lhe annual noon picnic to be held in Anaheim at La Palma Park on September 6th. A large attendance ia t•xpect('d and fri ends or tht-organl;atlon will be \vcl- <.'Omed. To plessantly close the tnectinh. Mtll . Ba.rdwt'll served punch and cookies. Mrs. Wm. Mcintee Leads Miss. Union Dw1nl' 19.50-61 a total of &272 different per90~ of the commu- nity-attended cl&a8e.8 at Coa.st col- lege. Jn regular day claaaea 816 stUdenta were enrolled during the year. A tolal or 34MI e.tudent.s at- !.ended evening classes and ap- proximately 1000 were memben ot tho evenlng forum aeries. Aa a Dtatrtct Junior c6llcge, Orange Coaat strives to meet the" post hJg-h achooJr educational need:!: of the people of the community. In touching the llvee of so many cilizene, the local Institution la ln a meuure achieving lhla end. Fall M"mester at Long Beach Stale college will O)>t!n Tuesday, SeplE"mbcr 18, Dr. Kar l A . Rus- sell, Jr., registrar, announced to- day. . A run week of act ivity will pre- CC'dc the rormal opt-nlng of class- t"s. Fro1n I p.m. Tupsday, Septem- bC'r 18, to 1 p.n1. Friday, Septem· bf>r 21, mf.'mber5 or the faculty will be . av.liable t o counsel the regular day students and to as- sist ltfc1n In planning their pto· gran1 of study.11 A ll extended-day stuUcnts. those y,·ho will lltlend only e vttning cla8SC's, Will be coun· seled on Thursday. SC'ptember 20, from 1 to 9 p .m. , Rf',..is-t.ratlon Rpgistration and enrollment in cla.ssr .11 for all students who have previously attended Long Beac h State college> wlU be Monday, Sep· tcmbcr 24. New studenU!, just en- t<>ring Long Beach State, will reg- ister and f'nroll on Tuesday, Sep- tember 25, and all extendt'Ci-day stUdl'nts may re-gistcr on Wednes· day or Thursday. St'pten1ber 26, 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. Cadt't teachers, who will do 8ll· pervised teaching in the public schoo}J5 of the surrounding art'B, will pre-register for cla.~scs dur- ing lhL• 1nornfng of Frtday, St'p· lcn1bcr 21 . All counsl'ling; anrl registering v.·ill be don1• at th<> t~·mporary housinJ:" facilitll'tl at 5401 East Ana.hPlm street. ClaMe.e for the regular dHy students will begin on W ednesday, September 26. Mrs. William M clnlcC' was ln char·ge when the \Vonten'lf Mis· s lonary Union or Co~ta. Mesa First Ba.ptlat c hutch m"et lut week, and Mn. Cooper gave lhe ecrlpturc COSTA MESA.NS . VISIT reading, In Palmdale for several recent ' • t_: THE WIL,011 HOTEL ·• LOllS IEAC·H Southern California's most Alw•r• ''"' 1lanlt of .Amerita TRAVELERS CHEQUIS B lue and gold Bank of America. Tn.velets Cheques a.re issued by c:.a.lifomia's stJ.tcwide bank. They're Me<publ• throughout the wodd and proclaim you a cart-ful Californian for they protect your tn.vd and would appreciate receiving words of encouragement .from t.he CO·Workkers. Co-worker Margaret Thon1paon ~rted' on t.J"l.e condi- tion of M.r. and 'Mrs. Robert Mul- ler """10 were recently Injured l.n an automobile accident. Chaplain Alice Young and a group of co· workers are going to visit Mrs. :P.tuJJer and wlll present her with a Women of the Moose Pin as a gilt from the chapter. Assistant Guide. Edna Phegley , reported that Beth Walker, "'ho recently move<! lo Grants Pass, Oregon, was involved in an automobile ac-- cident in which her young daugh- Saturday . evening, Aug. 11, a ham dinner was served at the lodge hall, followed by danctng. another succesaful and enjoyable f'Vening. Anyone who is not a Moose member but has friends who are. shouta wangle an invtta- llon rot one of these Saturday night arraif. uy those who are en· joying them. The musical program waa by days \Vere Mr. a nd Mrs. WIUlam Mt&. Thomaa Price, vocaliat, with Keuther and LuciUe Skinner of Mrs. Howard Rolshclnt a ccomp-2060 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, a.nylng al the piano. Mrs. Mar-who we re guests of Mrs. Hanna funds -.g>.inst loss or thc£c. Buy them at any Builc 9 . tcr wa.<i killed instanUy. The chap. ter voted to &t'nd the Walkers a specified amount or n1 oney to help lhem at this time of sorrow .• Junior Regent Clara Leach an- nounced that the sale of sand· wiches and coffee la.st Saturday Lester A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY- 1786 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 6752 ~ E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327 . .J Harold K. Grauel Chapel Training Institute Held at Mar Casa • Wt>ekday teachers of religious f"ducation from many Southern California communities conver~Ni on Balboa l.sland Sept. 11th, 12th and 13th for an 11..nnual training Institute which was held this year at Mar Casa. The institute .ts spoMOred by the Depa.rtment of Chr'UtiAn Education or the South- C'rn Ca lifornia Council of Pro· testant Churches. Teachers for th e Nt"wport I Beach and Costa Meri& aystemli for lhe comin-g year participated in the inatltule. Local classes are 1 sponsored by the Newport Harbor I Council of Churches working Jn i.-cooperation with the Catholtr. I churches through an Inter Faith Council. Former · Lido lslers Off for Honolulu Phone: Beacon 5610 110 BroadM'ay • Costa Mesa Pat and Alyne Highley. former Lido Isle residents flew lo Hono- 1 lulu Wednesday evening, Aug: 8. ·=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:: They are vacationing. but ar~ BE SURE -INSURE "1th MAURIE STA.."'LJO:\' lnaun.ace Only Phone Harbor 1118 !.!3 Marine A \"e. BaJOO. bland f:XC!:J.JXNC~ ln UPHOLSTER\' • • • KIMMONS c..u-Fwwtt.•. Df•pe~ Cwtlll- llACOH 5.4.:u G L l1'tti STIUT, COSTA MESA thinking seriously or locating thf're. Mrs. Highley la daughtPr of Mra. Allen Marurur, 308 Fernando, Bal· boa, u ta Mrs. Henry Bruderllne or Beverly Hills, now vacationing with her husband and three chil- dr en on Balboa lBland until &ehool starts ln the f Al I. C ircle North on Vacation Trip Two weeks ·-of vacation pleaa- u.rea have been ended by )tr. and Mn. C . M. Harri.a of 1818 Fuller-'..:::::;::::::;:::::::::::::::=:::::'::::=:'I tort 'Ave .• CO.ta ~eu.. who vtaited llA Tl'llPJSSPJS ---· Trallon U...caJU 8llapea • BlllAOON sin o..ta -•U... Co. 1111 -.. " Bh4.. ttlattvea and frtend.t wb.Ue on the jaunt. Via· the alrwilys lbe M e&- ana headed flrat. for Chlchago. bthor atop0 being mode at• Kalo.- muoo, JltlcJI., G-t hi¥. Mont. and Spokane, w-. · · ) .. New Metnb~rs at r--w-,.,-,-.... -H_u ... r .... a_s ...... 'M..ethoqisf Church ~ .......... •:Jrn. . ··/·8~. • l'l,.VllOiLXO . A I rrl:lel .,_,_. .Dor• lnstlt·n ,,,,. ...... .. -s "'-•• ........ .... j ·~---- MR. A.:."iD 1'1RS. KEN \YOODBtJRY ' Else Kabath & Ken Woodbury Wed in Candlelight Rite at c .. M. Church Candlclii:-ht rites at 8 :30 o'clock,i.--------------- in Co.'ltR: Ml'.sa Cnmn1unity church nn Sunrlay, AUJ!. 5. unil crl Miff.'! El~e Kabath. <1aui;t htrr and Mr. and t.1t!t. Arthur Kabath of Balboa ttnd Kl'n \.\'oo<lbury nf PaJm Springs, snn nf Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Woodbury of that city.1 The doublf' ring ce rC'n1ony was p('rformed by tht> Rev. Charlrs Hand with thr bride given kc<'p1ng by h('r falh<'t . Floral setting wu white carna- tions and ivy. Elire wore traditjonal white sat- in with shel!r yoki' and ovrrskirt, the latter appliqued with satin a.nd swr('pin~ to a long train. A satln eap held the r1ngertip veil and her bouquet "'a..!I or white car- nations. Mrs. William Barnett. mttlron of honor. wore pale aqua tulle anr1 carried pink rosebuds. Darlon Ellis 14.•ag flower girl. Thomas Toon of Bakerrield wa..-. best man and us.hers were Jack t.1urphy or Corona clel Mar and Lt>slte H11rr1so11 of Balboa. For h('r daught1•r's wedding Mrs. Kabath wore a street length dress of pink cn:•pe while Mrs. \Vood- bury wa..s in gray lace. Both ac- cented their costume.a y,•ith cor- sages of pink rogebuds. Peter PauJ L inder. tenor soloist. sang favorite numbers. "My Hero," RJld "The Lord's Prayer." The reception was held at the Blue Roon1 tn Balboa. where a.n orche~tra playf!'d ror dancing. Thf' new A1r~ Woodbury was originally froin BrookJyn. Ne\\' York. Mr, \Voodbury la manager ot a court and park on CatbedraJ DriVe, Pah11 Springs a.nd after a San Francisco honeymoon they will be at home there. am·s FISHING tJAMP J. D. Jeanes, 1939 Maple ave- n~. Coat.a Mesa, ha.a reamtly purchaaed a flsbt.p.g camp on the Colorado river aouth of Blythe 'lftd la divjding his time between ·there and the coa.at. • , VACATION IAUNT . Kr. and Mra. • Jooep"h · MCCieiian md da11ihler Nancy, 1182 .Mag'· aolta avenue, ea.ta Me• had a dloltChtlUI i.., day trip which tn-c1.-San FrancloOo, Yoeomlte, Lake 1'allo!o and-Sequoia .JlUlt. -• • Birthday Din11er Honors Guest Mr. and Mr". John Cooper. 536 Sant a Ana av<'nU(', Newport Hei~hl<i, had ai;i rC'l'f'nl Wf'ck ~net guests Mr.. and Afrs. William J ohnstone of Orange. Highlight of the vi!Jil we.a a dinnC'r, in C<'lt'bra.tion or to.fr, Johnstone':'! birthday anniversary. TransvaaJ r1aisl<'s and roses werE' U1'<'d as dttcorativp a.ccent. Place& were laid for A1r. and Mrs. John- .stone. Mr. and Mra. Erneat Mc· Clella.n and children Deni.s anrt Ka.Y · of Newport H elghU; Mn . Laura BPll Rob<'rt~ .. Mr. T. A. ·Tanna and son Robert. all or Long Beach, and the host and hosteN. Food & Rummage Sale Thursday . Miniature dish gardens and PQt- tcd plan~ will be attractive a<ldi- tions to• wares orfered 'fhur&day ·by members of the Dorcas 60- ciety of the Seventh Day AJ'vent- isl cburc.h. In addition there wUl be detect.a blc baked food.I and a rummage sale, the latter incltld- lng almoat e verything from v_-cu- um cleaners to old but at.ill wear- able shoes. The &&le ope.na 8.t 10 a. m., Thursday of thi.a week, on the vacant lot next to Wedeking'• baktery. 1838 Newport boulevard. Coat.a M-. CAMEBA 6TOLE..'V Thert of a C¥-1dld lYJ>(! camera valued at S3M aJQllg with a cue of beer and five half:pint& ot rum wu reported to poJJce b Lou B. Damron of Fresno. Damron 'said that the artJclN Were taken froln hUJ unlocked cc Sund11.y, Aug. 5. At the Ume of the. theft. the C'ar was at tbe park- iJtg '°t of the Balboa Yacht Club. WA'J'CH STOLEN J . A. Stamp, J r. of Loi Anld .. reported to Newpor~ poF1ee that hla Wife'• watcb (val\ied 'a\ $1DO) WU atoleu from the beach betWetn Sapphire amt Q>ral ~voo., NorUI Bay, at ii;(~ p.• m. S.turo.y. • of America branch or through other authorized sel.J .. ing tgencies. 7S cents~· gu~rite Owens was guest sp<'akc r. Guenther, life long frJend of the Recently returned from China, shf> Keuthers. A former Mllwauk('(' told delails or life undPr commun-rf'sident, Mrs. Guenther and the Isl rule. Arter the-proJ::tam came late Mr. Guenther hom<'sleaded a a social hour \·l'ith re~rcshmcnts I place a few miles fron\o Palmdale MIMlll fllll4L Ol •O •IT lflllUIAfllCI COll'O•ATl l• servf'd. a nun:ibe:r or years ago.• '• ·. ~ •.,. . .. . : " • ' I • I • .... " ,. . ·. '1: ,, V1t'13 tlme1 fa1terl yi' You 1~nd leis to operattl V~ou 1pend le11 to ln1t~lll Slop ..... "'' ..... how IDally times " day do you wub your bands?. You need bile _,,.r e.ety time for .real cleanli· • .. and you get it when you beat rer with pa. For gu ;. al-y• on the •.. beau water three •times fuui ~ any otlier pnaical,....l lt -ily • ~-aheac!Ol die clapalJcls o( an auto-. ..;aic· dodiel Waaber, diolrwubu and ~ &mily. Gu worb a ..,'little .. ..,..1. ii aadt. bupia ,._ -. "';. ~ ' _l)ave to be spuing in your we of i..t warer.· 1-y~ pnMnt healer ad<qUa,,. 61~ )'OUI -.Is?· The cban at left gi-,.. ~ sizes aad shool4 be ,...,it guide whon aelecting a ""'\ auromatlc gu _,,.,heater for jovt pmient bcmw pr wbeil :yqu build. Set uy de.t~ cir • your Gu Company, aa<t leaio. bow mud.-1111 ..... --tic ... -· hlacer com ·ro bay ucl !Nall : , . ' r .. : • •• • , . ' • • I ., . I • I ' • I . . ' • • • ' • I • I I • ' NEWPO ~T WJc>.A . !"~S-Tlt.4!5 . · r Tuetdey, A119~ 14, 195 1 ludtutloa for Oft• Foriy y..,. Pulllloh<d E...i,Y ~>' at N-rt -.h_ ~ by tho NEWPORT HARBOR PUllLISlllNG OOMP~NY Member of CALIFORNIA NEWsP • .\PER Pt.ml..IISRERS ASS'N. Member ot U1e NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Office lUld Prlntin'g Pta..nt at 2211 ·Bal~ BouJevard Telephone Harbor 1616 Entered as Second-Cta.'l8 Matter at the Postottlce. In Newport Beach, CaJltomla under the Ac4t or March 3, 1879. EDWARD A. LeHO~N. Editor J , M. FRANCIS, Burdne!IS Manlig-er Qualltlfod to Publh1h 1-"cot Sotlc-es afid Advt'rtl'8ftf'b1-of all Klnd• ' Sl'il.<!CRJPTION RATF.S: NF.\VPORT-h . .\l...ROA ~'T.W~TTME.'J f"Vt1ry ~a.y In Oranr11 (lounty, ._,.Ml prr )"Kr; S!.00 I'll moatlu: 11.U thl't'fl n10oth~ CAIMI lncludt>8 thf" NF.\\'PORT·B.,LBOA PRF .. ~8. Thnnday) OutMltl~ Orani:P C.Ount)· s-t.60 JM:r y~r SOVIET SYSTEM FOR US Speaking 'in San Francisco on the <;:entral Valley Water Project, Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio Democrat, declared : ''True it was Goo who constructed the Shlll!ta Mountalns -gave the snow, rainfall and everything that made this huge reclamation. project possible.-but the instrument He used to bring it to you was the Democratic Administration." If it be not impious to comment on this version o{ the Gos- pel according to Saint Kirwan, it should be pointed out that the "instrument" of Providence bill! somewhat botched the job. When an Administration spokesman in the Sacramento Valley was direly threatening to sue the State of California on the claim that farmers of that area were being gypped of water flowing on down to the San Joaquin Valley, farm- ers of the latter area were complaining of a terrific gyp the F.\'"ES THE \VA\'!".8 lltted thrlr "·htt~ <"aprt ln salut"' \l'hen ptttty .ff"l.n ~loorh.-ad, !0th Crntury-Fox AtaJ1Pt, po!W"d on Santa .~fon!(-a twarh lo dl-.play thf' form \\'hJt'h ,,·on Mr thf" tttL.. of "~l"• ~." and thr honor of artln~ u ornclal hO!'tf"SS for Santa Mnnll'a ElkA l .. od~f', -S"o. 900, at thp, •bt.fr con\·t-ntfim of Csllromla Elk" A111· !U)('latlon, to be hf-Id In Santa l\fonk-& oh Stoptf'mhPr Z6, ~1. !8 anti !9. ~fo,... than L0,008 F.lk"' from 95 f'allrnmla 0lndg .. ~ :ir,. f''<(W'ctf'CI to attmtl th,. S7th annual rnn<"lave nt thf' 111tatr a."'!'Ot'lutlon. • flerlamation Bureau is putting over on them. State Taxes .Increase 100% The nature of water contracts is the San Joaquin area beef. Under Federal law, the Bureau builds the local water transmission systems -and the law provides that the irri· gation districts shall, over a period of 40 years, repay the entire cost of the transmission systems plus the cost of all Stat(' taxf's doubled ovrr a six yt'ar (l<'riod f'nding July t , 10~1. arrortling t o the California Slate Chamber or Commett'C. A stud;' by the> organization showr<l all l'!tale ta.xe.s C'ollrctrd In Califo.rnia In th<' fiscal yt'ar t'nding July 1, 19~1 rrachrd $1 ,115,000,000 a n incrra!'le of 100 per cl"nt ovrr the 1914-4::, fiscal year. Compared with laRt Yf'fl1'1!t tntal tax bill or the wate r that flo\vs through them . The law seems fair $91f\,11l9.-t26, thl!'I r('prr~nte<I a.n enough. 18 [ll"r rt;>nt inC"rC'BS<'. H1)wevcr. lhe water co"ntracts go on to provide that . l .Iny.I \\'. n inkl'l spl"1· · of lh1' C"hnn1 h,..t 'l'I statewitle tax chairman aftcf the 40 years are up, and the taxpayers have 11aid in ln1·rrn~t> \''ent for subvf'ntlnns anc! run the cos ts of everything, both the water and the trans-l'lharrd lRXf'S "'Ith county and ci ty mission systems shall remain the property of the U. S. Gov-gover·nmt1'nL<i. ernment f o r a ll time to come! This is as if the people o f S nlivent1on!i and io:tat" ,.hared f lttxf•s int·rrai:;rd from $16!'l,400,000 any area should bond themselves to build a bridge, pay off in 1 9 11 _1 ~ to $~i5!'i.l 37.oon In 19r,n. the bonds and buy the bridge through tolls ·ror its u se ~ '"· °' 23c, pee <·rnt. and still not own the bridge! l"rnpt>rty Tax ... It's quite a mess ! _ Pl'nf'!erly taxes J('Vil't.I by coun· A11U tt is still only part of the story. In Fallbrook ty anJ l'it y governn1f'nl8 and today a ngrcssional hearing is under way into the school anc.1 l'lpc('ial dl!!trtcta during. thi!i !>A ff'h! p<-t·inc.I rosr rrom $34~.­attempts ,of the United States Government to steal the 972.190 tn $806.000.000 according 'water r ights of the JX'Oplc of that farmirtg area. Nothing to Stat .. Chamhf'r r 111thnatr on a -would be paid, no salvatio11 for ·lands, persona or 11roµerty jc; basis nf uc-t11a\ IC"vieN. This was an 10\'l"l'ft!'!(' of 133 }>f'r crnl. proJJOscd. It iH tl1icvery Bnd murder ... murder of the soil, Ra.IP~ ti~1'1". by rar the ,l(T<'atf"st its p13nts, and the persons whose· lives .. depend UJ>On the !"<1urt·c of rf•vf'nue for lhf' !'ltate, wateFShed. The attempted theft is pu.r1JO rtedly because brou~ht in s-1 01.218.928 in I9W~5I . l h1s \\':J.t. 167 p1•r rc>nt grt'at<'r than Camp P endleto11 and the Marine Corps need the wa ter. th(' $1 :JO,J t4 ,2~S t·ollf'rt("(I in th<' That is a Jic'. A 1 lie from tl1c Navy, a lie from the l:t..c:t Y•'ar <if the \\-"ar a 1111d n1ore than. Bureau of Rec lamation 'and more directly a lie from t lhf' i•ntirc 1"tat .. tax blll or a di'· cade a ~n. In IDI0-11 th<' total or Department of Justice! If tl1c need really existed, if t all Rtat;o taxf'!lt "'all .S36 1 .11o1 .~88. need were that urgent. the Navy, the Bureau of Recla ink"lsp1el addC'd . ' tion and all of the other boon doggling.-Burea ucrats wo rnemplnyn1ent ln"u rance taxes aft,•r droppini:r from Sl&i ,162,201 be fast at work o n a11other leg of the Giant Aqueduct fr m In t 91 4-'1!-l to a lo\1r or St 13.237,675 the Colorado Ri\'er . dtJring the J9-t8-·19 po!'lt-war r('- The Navy the Bureau of Reclamation and t . adlJuio:t1nt>n t P<'rlod, t.:linlbcct b<-· • • • yes, e yond th1> World \Var II lev•'l to go'lemment itself has shown its hanp. The CVA, the 1 1 11;2c.oo,102 In 1951 . Tidelands Seizure and the Fallbrook Fraud, are all part and Ga..,unr Ta. parcel of the robbery of the States by the Nation. Through Other s tate taxes which show- contro1, and psuedo ownership, and fraud, the United States r<l consid<"rable gain over thr 11ix Government Bureaucrats are perpetuating themselves a nd }'f'a r p<'riod were: GMolJne taxes h which rose to $14.j,016,360 ln 19~1 . l eir crazy schemes to Sovietise our Country. a 227 per cent inc rf'ase over thr However, aside from all that, the mere fact that for $•13.9H.036 collec t ed in 1944 -45; . ' tbe firat time in New Deal _ Fair Deal hi.story, a Democrat bank and corporatlo}l tax••. $98,· U · th F d ed 427,994 , or 69 per cent over lhe " IDlts at a e eral Bureau accept outside help on· a 158,017.0!lO levy during U\e laBt project, may give n e w hope to the GOP. · The Fair Dealers year of the \var. Personal lncttne may be lcsing confidence in them.selvee ! taxes showed a 60 pe r cerit ln- WH Y WE HA VE INFLATION The total public debt is nearly as much as the total valuation of the country. But the production of wealth Is a t the rate of more than 250 billions per year. R.l.P.• by VIP y • , • crra.~e with $75.516,4-48 collectf'd In 1951 a!'! compared with $47,1:13,· I 088 in l91'4 ....j5. · School clfslricl taxes, the lnrg- eal sing lC" itt>m In local property taxes rose from _ Sl2,.,Q20,44 l in 19«-<a 1<> u20.ooo,ooo tn 1ew-a1 . a galn of t48 per cent. . • • • ANOHOllS AWEIGH -Barbara PIP-tt11, quMn candidate, ln,·ltn Callfornlan11 to 1951 Or•n«e Coun- ty 1-·111r, Aue. J5-J9, at fonnf'r San· ta AD3 Army AJ.r Base. E\"f'Ot ,,·Ill fr.3tur11 'dully ostrich raf."f"S, na- tldnal borMi sho\l'. flo,,·"r 11hoW, hnrutrNU ar exhlblltt natl ot.her spedal attractiOn._ ' so~n: 1101', SGMI!: COLD A bo\vl of good hot soup looks so appcoaling Wh Pn the rr st of the m!'al is ma.de up of cold foods. Sule enough. you want tbe chillC'd Wada and reftesfung dPSkrt... o n .ummer d•)'!I. But these tOOds taste C\"eft betl~r when the re's one hot dish to go with th('m, BrlghtPn a warm day with • mt>ma likf" lhl15 : big bowlB Of aoup I to- mato, chicken noodle, or cr eo.m or mushroom); egg salad sand- wich with plclcJe chtp.11; water- melon or cantaloupe, cl\ocolalc cookies_ • Calif omia· Has . . Top Old Age-Aid . .One out of every tot:n people get- Unf old ago aid in the UnJl<!d at.aft.a la In California and 6l197 of them a.re aetiJhI aid through O~ange count)'.:-Calltomla Tax- payera' a.uoc.la.tlon Mid today. Throughot1t the United Statell, U\ere WON! 2,TM,iM people re- celvtnc old qe ald ln May, With lot.al aid paid out ot $118,929,307, an a.•rrage payment per JlE'r90D ot SO.IT, During the month of June, there were 2'14,490 pPOp1e pn callfor· nla'a old are aid rol\A, getting an averace pa,.ment of M7.02 per perwon&---to a .total roet ot $18,- Sllll,lql ror the month. Jun;e. 111111. aaw 5,707 people In U\e ~nl)' getting an average or see.' pt't pcnon, or • tot.a.I aid paym nt· of 1387,110 fur lhf' one month. ' _._Callfornta'1 274,400 rl"Clpl4!'nls for June wu 10 per cent of the natton&J ceJ111e .toad ror May .. Its S18,391J,10S pa.Id QUl wu 16.1\ pPr cent of th<' total aid pald to the agod In thr c~un,try durlng May. Calitornia's $67.02 average pay- ment pPr pt>r~n was 55.2 per Cf'nt grC!Btl'r than thf' nallonn.I averag(•. · :Callfomla hits .more-peoj:>le on agrd ald, pays more per per.90n, and baa a far' gtf'&tf'r total ·old ag,. COAt than any other !'ltlltf" In the Union . "Ho\v long can any state ma1n- taJn a relief pro_gram so rar out of line with that of other p&rt1' of the country ?"· thr Td.xpayE'f'ft' u- soclatton ukE'<t Red Cross Chapt.r WIH Send Student Leact.rs to Cent.r R89~.tr~ns Being Ta ken .for \Y -Boys C11mp Os,oeola • nie Y-Boya ~mp "•ill take ttgl.8tratlona up i nUJ the 15th of August. 'ntla Is the lut oppor· lunJty_ for ~ya o1 this atta to go to the mounta~ ·~fore the acihool tei-m opens. The ~ya go to Camp 'Osceola, th<' Oran.re coUnty YMCA camp near Seven Oak.A. It Is a beautiful altr with good hiking, swtmmlng, trout fL~hlng. honeback riding, nature crafl and &JI sports. The ~Ol'lt 11'1 $18.75 for the We<-k lncludtng traitsportatlon and lrml.rtl.ncf'. R-0g1stta.llons may be addrt"Mf'd to Orange ' Coast YMCA, Orange Coast Coltt.ge, Coeta Meu. Boys from lhlA itrea alrPlldy registered ATE' Bob Pt'rlen1en. GPr- ry And.rrSf"n, Dave H•rshbargt>r, Franklin &hulti, R oland and Richard P C'rry. l..arry Harris, Don Morgan, Leroy Mogland, James and Bob Le.wrPnfe, ~nnls Wil- Uam11, Bob Rod1nan, Manha11 Zacavlch, David Pettit, Don11lll and StPVP Kimble, F.rle Von Eh- rE"nberg, Steve Butl,.rworth, John Van Dykt\ Snudy Knflpp, Don Gutf'1'. Bluart Cooper, Toni Brick - ner, [.,(>on Atvoodd, Tony "'hill', Drnn!s ThompMOn, Alan Me.s.11 ing, D&nny Arthofor, Dick Palm, Bill Bacon, i.e,rry Lahodny, Roger liiores, Gary DuM, Terry Dallas, Gary Wells, Bill Tho"'- A .fine group of counselors ar<' aupervtalng the boya lncludin~ Bob Long, put prt'tlldent of Y 's Men: Gene BroWn, Cub Scout MMtcr: Dick .. Innerst, Rl1ey J ack- eOn and Robbie EMtman. \Vith Paul Df'lp, YMCA l'KN't1tlvl' 'a ;i dirf'C'tor. OPS Survey Here Seve ral Orange C'ounty high A sunr('y to drtennlne ho\v ~chool .,tudl'nt'! ll"at!C'rs IE'ft for W (')J r<'lallC'rS nf clothing, furni- Bluft Lakf" n C'ar San Bernardino. turr, hoUSC'Warl"fl, radios, lele vi Rion ror this year'A M>conrt wr!'ltl":rn Jun-!'lf'UJ and Rimllar IJnf's are C'om- !or R<'d CroM IC'lld<'r!'lhip tralnlnl" plying-with OPS r<-gulations has ct>nlf'r, acrordlnK to r hairman. ix'f'n slarled In San Diego, Oran~l' Mrs. Vic tor Hupp, of tht> South-and I1npC'rlal C'ountil".!11. C'm Oran~r County Rc>1I C r!Y.'i.!11 \.Villlam C. Me>t;ser, dh1trlct di- chapter. rrrtor of OPS, said thr surv(•y is ThPy lr11clu'1f': J.yn EllEAIX'th a part nf f\ nl!tinnal nlove t n ser \VaL"°n, Sant11 Ann high !ilc hool :' If th<' 1norl' ttia.n 2 7:1,000 r1·taih·1·;o1 Patricla Berry, Oan.Ic n Grovr ln lhf'S<' lln£>s throughout th<.' rci1111- hlgh 11ehool: Joan lsley, Nt>wport try have· fllt·<l prltr <:harls, whi1·h Harbor hll(h fJChooL and \Vllllan1 wrrt" chlC' May 31 . Boswell, Huntington Beach hl~h MorC' than 2r1 per crnl nf th~ schOOI. t.:harts filt>d have be€'n rrlurn.~d The Blurr Lak~ 11ummer train-to rl·tail<'rs for additional inrorni:i-• ;ni:: ·crnt<'r , which oprn!'I August t!on n r <·orr<'ction of rrr·or~. J\1 01 - 10 fol' an Int ensive 10-clay train· i,('r Mitl. All arC' oovrrecl hy J11·ii:•p ing progTam, will have a roster·of Rc>nulation 7. 104 HllJdt>nlA IWlt>ctOO for their In c&IWB \Vhf'rf' r etailc>rs fa il t o out:.tandlng leadrni.hilJ qualiflca-h<"ed warning IPller11 within the tlon11 from ~lg-h ~hoots or Ari-. gracc p<-rlod, the mattr r will ~ zona. Ne\ttdl\. and that part of lUf!!OO ovl'r to the Dcporlm<>nt nf CalifOrnlt1 .!toUtl'I Of Sarramento. JU!llticf' for action, MOC'l'!lf'r Aald. Train Inc Acror<ling to Chaim1on M Mll. Hupp, the Junior Reil Cross train- ing cc·nlt>r <·urriculun1 will includ<' discus.<1ions and dr monstrations on Cirst aid, watf'r Mfrty. acck1ent pr~vention, horn<-nursing and lo- <'81, national an<! inlf'rnational R N I Cros."' actfvitft•s; lll!i!(·uss1on of lht> role ot Junior Rctl Cros.' In lh<' national e 1nc ri:r ney and instruc- tion in !'IWimminJ!, junior and S<>n - lor life saving qualification teslll and can1p rlre a ctivitlrs nnd out- doq,r Rports and gamrs. New~-TlrnP!'! nrls hnve b~n rrnd in the H11rh<1r ror OVt:r 40 yeHr!i. LEGAL NOTICE Sn. A 20.~sa ORllER 1·0 sHO\\' <'A 1-sF. In lhf' SUpt"rillr ("ourt or lhP Slllf4' o f Callf••rnla. In nn1I For th1• ('onnt~· of ()rnng-r. In lhr '.\fatl t>r of lhf' . .o\1tplh·atlon or ~IAXl'.\'F. Dt'OC.AS <JAl?HISON', rur rhonc1· of naml'- P1a11i)J1Ut,,,Nelio,. . ' . ' • , , TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renne r I Clon~rt Pianist ot Three OobtlnPot:a. 1 GradUDte Sfodeot of Bela Ba'riok 436 Serra Drive· ' ' Corona HigNands - Harbor· l 111_..) CorOiia -Ciel ~ . ' ' %· CURRENT EARNINGS ~fl-- By C LAYTON TH O MPSON I • • How To Stop Fuel Spi llage With Funnel Made From Can. A rarme• frie nd who !ills bis tractor by bucket with Standard D iesel Fu<'l showed ua the funnel drawn jn the di3gram. It was soldcr:cd together from n 5-gallon can. Slanting baffles stop fuel from slopping over the sides. I \ \ Another sure wny to keep yo\Jlllo. di('scl dirt free is tel uaeonly Standard Diesel Fuel. It's care- .--------------~ fully d istilled and bandied te solckred at joints ond to edge of funnel funnel He keeps a ·rag in the f'unnE'l 1\·hen it's not uged-as rag is pulled out it clean• oft' injector· "·recking dust and grit that migbt collect. • enter ynu.r engine clea.n and burn clean. Jl'ry il You can bet. we'll answer your order fast_ We figure our •ervictt plue our top quality product$ are the reasons our business baa grown. SWJDAU DIESEL FUEL A Stonffrd Oil c...-r .r <•lif•r•i• ,rM11tt Dish'lbuted by 'Y>"';;-··.~ ... •• 'CL/lYTON THOMPSON Thf."St' Junior Rt>d Crogs sum- mer train ing Cf'nt<'rs, h eld annual- ly througho ut th<' nation and of whic1l th<' Blurr Lake session is one or th!·ee for thr Pacific area : ar(' dt>sign<'d to encourage leader- ship aptitudes by Pnabling high school stud!'nt lead<'rs to parlicl- patf' more fully In ('ommunlty af. fal1'3 through a bl"ltt-r understand- ing or International, national and regional problems, :P.trs. Hupp said. Maxinr Duj.:!'g an Gar·ri!'lon, n r esident nf the County of OrnnJ?I>, State of Califomia, hns this day fil<'d h('l" appl!caUon pra~,'ing for an order of thi!'! Court c:;,hangin~ her present nnmr to thC' propos,'d namf", Maxlnr Duggan. 18th & Balboa iilvd ., Newport Beach Har. 155 LouiA H. CarU.On, director of Junior RPd Cross activities for Pacific ar<•a , will l'!erve as .direc- tor ot the Bluff Lake center, aa.- slstrd b}' a start of 12 other adult lf'&dt>rB and couns<'lnrs. Including n n •&'Jster€'1l nur'!f', IL was an- nounced. _Gal'Ollne taxes p.nd other levies on motor vehicles 'Will raise 30 billion dollars In the ri'ext 12 JT IS ORDERED that all p<'r- sons lnt<'re!'ltf'd tn tt\r above C"n- UUed matter appear before lhC' said Sup<'ti'or Court in OPparl· menl i, thereof, at the Court· house ln said Count}·. on the 31st da}' of AuguAt, 1951 at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, to !!how caU!f', if' any they have. why the Mal<' application fo r change o f n,am (' should not be gTantf'd. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of thl& ord<'r be pub- llsht'd In the Nev.•port Balboa Nt>WS Times, e. nev.:spape l" of gen<'rnl circulation print('{) and publishf'd In said County of Or· ange, Jor four ( 4 t suc-cesslvt• · Wl"eks prior lo th<' 31st day or Augus t , 1951. Datro: July 26, 19!'ll . FR.-'..NKLIN G. WEST, Judge of the Superior Court. No. 222-Press No. 222-New.s Tim~• Publish July 31 ; Aug. 7-14-21 , 1951 NOl'ICE OF lNTENTJON· To ENGAGE IN" THE SALE OF ALCOROUC BEVERAOl!:ll Augullt 8, 1951 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:' Notice ts ben?b~ gl\•en. that ftf· teen days 'alter the date posted, the undenlped p~ to aell aJcob.ollc ti:everagee at these prem- Saea, dellCribed u 1tollow11 : · 2408 NEWPORT BLVD .• ~R'lj BEACH, . ORANGE PQUNTY FISHING BOAT "LADY IJANE'' . Punuant to such Intention. the undenlgnod IA 'pplylng lo U\e ~ltale Board or Equallu.Uon for lmuanoe on original appUcatlOG o( "" akoboUc .beverage_ llced!le , tor~ promi.e. U.tollowa: ON iAJ4: Bi:l:ft LICKNSE Anoycna deokill&' to prole.t. the 1oM10rw:e .,, -1>" i-... may n1e & Wr:ifle<( ~ With tlle State of Jfqo•l~llon at Saera-_.o, cautonu.. au,,.. grouaa. tJiw ileldat u prMlded II!' law. 'l'he ...,.._tile= h'211•1&1 tor Qe.ie o( ..._...... L.BORNA Bo.ID--• ~~"1 1•1. I • • ' Long O!sllmce ~. isi fasler :: ~:,~:!:. O~roror ca~ put your call cfirongh much q ickcr if you gi••c h~r th; out-of-rou'n nun1hcr )"Ot1 ''' nt ... rather than just the ' . name and address. That\ ay, y.ou see, you ,,·on'r have to ll'ait.for her ro get rhc n mbcr from "lnforn1:ation"' ,_ in the town you'rc .calli g. So why not .brr ii .. Long .Distance list ..• by otting down tha nwnl!er ~ben che operator mlt to you. '..: ; ,, ,..,t..,· • ..;.M'-~1 You ioow, lt'$awfully gtt telephone-numbers "tu oround" in your bead. So td ' riptt1Ufiber,it'sa_good i_ ,looliit;ap mpe tc~~ -•.. ~it~~ a 5!iP of pa?cr ... . ..__ 'thai imke voar call .i. ,. r ·. ' • -. • , ... r11-..~,,, __ . ·,~~ ~-~~ • ·I • • • • • r-~-.........--.. ---.-· -----......---..---.. ..,... ........ -... .....--~~~~~-..... ·~-...--.. :;,-r;c:;'"'":~ ..... ~:';":.~.'.'!'".'!"."','.";""'!"'1""~ ... ""!!'!!111!11•~·11111111111"1•••••11111•"1111111!11••1!1~ • • I • • ' • Tuescf.Y, Aug. 14, 1951 I I • • • • r . ,.,._, . ' -• • i • • ' -c ·1A.s,s1·F1to ' • 4 • • • • •• -. . . Selle, '1Joer"az1a• • * • ' • • • • WRY DON'T YOU! ! ! ! WHY DON'T YOU TURN YOUR GRANDMCJll'HER'S CUSPIDOR INTO A PLANTER! Why don't you uve acn'fle pie in a pie-saver! Why doo'l you have your shl1tters dipped? Your entk>crlne• wlll become 88 over active aa mine after a tour of the Oarvln Morse MalU. This labyrinth hou&e!l Morse•s \"&t dipping proceu plant tor ttmo\1DI' paint and ''mhlb from anUques-and furniture; offers Ethel Rlchard'!I rare antiques like that blg, old chest.nut sideboard with marble top and hand carved walnut game blrtls; a plne bonnet bolt, pine drop le.Al table and pine commodes . . . copper and bra.~" ... GAR hu Q)d New Orlean11 shutters for ule ... llnd then there's the DriftWOOd Room which i~ not a tropical bar , . , tt's a room full of flotsam. jctMn1 driftwood, cork. neU and patio planter&. Here also hangs J ezbel, a face you're l\ot likely to forget. Go ... Go !or tho sheer wantoness or it and peci" ot the pince. G&rvtn >dor1'e .• _ And Co., "'4i6 Nf'Wpol't Blvd., C'osta. lt{esa . _ . Beacon 6677 .J MOU: • • • COMF. HF.RF. 81.ISKEV! Why should you live like a mole and keep )'Otlr cave hern1etically sealed like it wa~ a stonn cellar or a speak-easy when a wf'll·truined Venethtn Blind Jet '"' In sun- Bhlno. ufr und privacy? ? ? The ShudP Sbor1 spccialiu•"° In hran1I n4'w ll~le:<alurn Vf'netinn hllnd:;'. in gay, s 1J1a1'l coJors or will brow beat .vour old blind!'! Into complete su b1nis.'~ion. Whopper-ja\\'e<I V. Blinds Lhal tlroop liritles.qlYi on shr~lflt"d string can be repaired with nev.• plastic tape here. So :.-an recnlcitrant blind!! that refuM-to budge-in ~llher direction! Life's little ups and downs !lhould be regul~te<l be.fore they ovenvhelm ... Let the Shade !'iibop lighten yo111· Jot . Drapery hardware, Roller shades. Columbia pastel .print shades, light-proof shades anrl folt 1'S-G.4.RD plastic ~harles. Ring up the f'Urtain, but be sure-it's fro1n the Shade Shop, 514 29th 'Sl., New· port, Harbor 884. ~VE CAN'T MF.NO • • • YOUR WAYS, YOUR BROKEN VOWS BUT OREAM~ on Y01'R \\'p ('an ~ff'nd \'our Ho"lpry· We have arlde<I a ne\v service to our list or larlyllke accompll!ihment~ fl iterviC'e for Indies with runny ~oses. LA'nv" your .11toc klngs \\ith 11~ for fast, n>asonable n1n repairing. ,JO-l~t:F: !'"P'ORT S llOP IRS/I '.';F.Wl'ORT AVF.., C'O~TA ME8A • • • • DON."T GE'T STIR .CRAZY! BECAUSE I KNOW OF AN EXCEL- LENT NON-STIR AUTOlt-fATrc CORN POPPER ! TH1S LITTLE GEN11JS AT $4.98 MAY. WELL PUT THE FINISHING SKlDS TO THE MOVIES. THE B . ..\l..BOA Ii~ 10 WHICH IS GETTING BRAVER, BOLDER. BIGGER AND BE'M'F...R BY THE MINlJTE NOW HAS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. FOR EXA"M;PLE : A SMALL TRAVELING COMPANION OF AN IRON FOR $3.<19: AN ELECTRIC TOASTER $3.69; I BURNER HOT PLATE. CHROME F'INISH $3.49 : \VAFF'LE IRON \VITH BAKELIT~ HANDLES AND F'QO[.....PROOF \\rAFJ. .. LES $8.9~. THESF. HO~fE-MAKERS ARF. GUARANTEED FOR ONF. '"EAR. PLUG IN ON SOME FOOD AND FTJ N APPL11\NCF..S. R:\l.ROA 1\£'IU ... 300 MAIN, J3 r\l.BOA • • • A SMART GJRL QUICK \\rITH A DAGGER .<\ND preferably one wilh 6 or 7 finger~ on each 1A'ri!C t in case of an f!rror, can,. get herself a job nt Lhe BAYSIDt; FISH MAKKF:T. If )'011 know any cut-ups fond of 88lt air and biology . But more Important IS that Kingrish Kingston, for some de- vJoua rea.'M>n J'OU may be sure, cares to pt<Jdlt! Albacore In larK"' lut11 for rannlnJr. It you would like to have 10,000 tuna sandwiches this \~tinter, t"suggest you Investigate! Harry has some mag· nn.nimous off"r If you buy 00 lbs. or more. I tried to tell hlm · about won1en suf(ra~. emllncipatlon, etC'. But HE MY~ it's easy. All you do is gel a preSKure C'OOker and .duddenly Boom! you have a shelf fnll of Albacore a nd n broken bdck. OK 90 I told )'QU. I don't mind telling you however. Lhat the Bayside h8'! cornered the AbAlonr marke?t and that all us pea.c;anta can afford it at '15c-lb.. You can feed 3 people' on a pound of Abalone or 2 people It' tbey cot hke Kingston. There are olher fish from the sea ... but the freshest fli ppe"'t ones flop on the c1oc k .:it the Baysitle. 2800 Lafayette, Newport. 7 dnys. 8 • 6 :30 p. n1 . • • • ''THIS,'' SAID THE SERIOUS YOUNG MAN JN \VHITE. t'JS BE- YOND THE SCOPE OF' THE HmtAN !MAGIN A TJON' ! Come with • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO . l'he Mighty Midget In Advertial.ng '":l'llE .JIG IS UP!" GRIED ERWOOD 'AB HE UNLACED HIS TAP SHOES and bolted towanf• thel door. ••t (\H!!u I'm re.ally ·caucht with the goods thla time!" · The l'good dOCt.or ls flounde:ri.JlS u uatut1 ln yards and )'arda of beautlftil !abrtca in one. .yard to •lx yard pleces. You can wangle beautlf*I material& In aollda or patlern.8 at o,...baJf prtef' .• -mMt at tllfl food 1rood1' IA at leas than cost. Dr. Erwood cares to clear the. store ot all materials. These fabties will niake wonderful drnpe.a. .slip -coven1, Aklrts or pot -holders. Please note al.o: a pacetut BOtld oak drop leaf t11.ble with 2 extra leaves (seaLq 8 I legs ala Duncan Phyfe with 4 e-lep.nt chairs ... oo~nc aobu CL1IAMIHQ Fnlil: iru;>NING ...111 call ror and ....sea. 1'W'n1tUn Md n1p deliver. eurtat~T 1111am_.i. ll'NI --H elp with djnner partlu. Phone , l'ull7 ~ Mrs. Wllllamo, Hllrbor 11195 be- Al i H &R -w~~~o~ S OUBe Ug upas Cleaning Co. ~ l1ll ntro • USO .. t fol' $99. Wonders will nevor ce .... at l:RWOOD'S, 407 E. I For Venetian Blinds Balboa Blvtl OPf'n f'VPt:. Harbor 0166-J · ' EXPERIENCED I o c a l bUllnea couple deslrf' to manage apL or court, Palm Sprinp area. Re-!erencea For lntervlf!W write Box T-2, th111 pape_r. Mtf~ • . • • . 'Shades and Drapery Hdwe. ~~~~Ev~~1~N~~:~R s~r~~L~s~~~ THE SHADE SHOP 29-Help Wanted RACES! Let's not bf' .1dovenly at a lin1e like thl.!1! Free estimates Ph. Har 884 REMEM'BF.R! Fine realhero put the,. birds on the .'114 -29th St. Newport Beach An Opportunity right track lnldead ot on a hat-rack! UICKY'R NEED A MAN, familiar with fra- 5'HOP ha..-;i counly folr special"' that arc blue ribbon l2-BuUdlng ServlceA ternal or 1ioclal organtz&tion.9, to wlnner11. 1 rCf'omn1en'I Rl l'ky '~ tartan pie id pedtt.I -----.. manage club and lodge tacllltlC's pu~hers with ~lightl)' peg leg nt $7.95 for Dire! rtON K BU'ITS at a local group. Th.is 18 an Ideal \Vatchlng. Anti it i:r. my bt>llf't that you 11houl.J '-f' • spot ror a rC'tlrP<l man who dc- show ll!l nl the= Nutlonnl H01'1't' Show In 3 pnir of J ... ic. General Contractor FilrE's tellowahlp. J ... lmltf'd Mlary ::;.-urr Rla1·kM .. ~ny In ~111ooth shnrk~k ln \Vllh ReHidcntial--Commercial and dutlf'!'I. 1-:fours m ostly in thr- fft inl o\•erpl11i1I nt $10.9!i. Top lhC'Ke slacks \Vlth u evf'nings, 5 days a week. Ag«' 'lleveleo.'ls doubl~t in gaudy guy plaid "'Ith patch pockf'tA and i1irl@ Remodeling no bal'J'ii'r, non·"M'tarlan. Reply cinch buckleM ($3.95). Now for the Livestock F;xhibit s. I prefer the Phone Bl"aeon 6tj)6-W held C'onfidcntlal. Write Box 02 Graff ~lrutter .111lacks: In rountry gentle\\•omen checks or plain bro,vn, 17tfc this papt"r. 53ttc navy or green. Graff Rinck~ ar~ "'ell tailored and thank heaven11 the)· run from si7.e~ JO. 20 ... fron1 $~.9llo on up ... Helgho! Come to the Fair ... but Con1e 10 lflt'kr'-. f ir!'lt. 1'1f1·1 X'""·port 81\·d., ('~fa MNt&. l\tonl'fln 6.'\44. SKIPPER to run 40 n. boat for 2 months. G. M. HOLSTEIN, 212 Lido Nord, Lido Isle. • • • • "HF. \\'AS A 801.D MAS THAT FIRST 010 F.AJ'._>\.'.'\' OYSTER" but now that the tlelcl had been pioneered, you don't ha\•e to be brave nt all to i.it your~lf downe at ('harlt"Y'" S.-afond ~taurant for an oyster cocktail. Not brave. m,\' friend. just smart! Charley's a sea going cook who ha11 an 1'ln" with all the fresh fh1h catchers 156cll8 and mixers for--,----------- EXPERIENCED alteration wo- WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all tradee--maintenance work: Have tools any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 57c58H In this area. Charley serves clan1 cho1A•der all day ... fresh sea I Sympson & N ollar basl'I, halibut and swordfish luncheons ... Scallops, Abalone and ever)' delightfully edlble that con1eos out of the deep. For $1 .00. :.·au PAINTING & DECORATING may si~ outsic!e ~y the :.ea und enjoy a jumbo shrimp luncheon "The Best M o ney Can Buy" plllte with shoestring~, cold ~law. cock tai l SR11re and roll ... dinner!( ri12 • a8th St., Nrwport Beach lnl'ludC' most C'\'t>ryth1ng . 11t $1 .25. The RPn foorl ~tad!i! here are a Pl·fONF. HARBOR 2404 cool dC'llght. All the Btg Bralnl'I ent at Charley~. Foo<I to Take ;.2tfc man to ta.lee over alteration dept. l\'o charge for work room and equipment. See Mgr. I0-12 a.m. KAY NELSON, Inc. 3440 Vio Oporto, Lido entrance Phone Harbor 1218 \VANT F.XPERIENCED M'rvlcc ."itation attendant. Yt>ar around. UNION OIL STATION at Park -COMPLETE BUILDING -$1500 R~ady to Make $ $ $ for ·You!, All metal rittproor bulldlnp,_cok!red whit.. Fluor~t · Jlghtlng, lari"e capacity cabinets and at.once. complete e.tectric refrtgertUon. Suitable for Ice Cream. Bot Dog an4· Hamburg.el" and Soft Drink Stands. ·.Just the thlllg for Smoked and tresh Fi!h Market& J<leal for Poultry, Egg and MtJk depot plus Fh>zen Foods. Orlgtna) cnst $4500. All thL, requireA a .!llpace of 10 x15 tt. We have four units to be &old at ONLY '1500., wltb a gu.ah.ntec. Mrs. X 1nade $~ last monlh from one of our beautitul bul1ding1. . Open House, and Inspection lnvired at 2822 Newport .Blvd., Newport Beach JOE CALLI Real Estate Broker HARBOR 2248-J • OKEEFE k MERRIIT ·range Its the latest l~l model C P · aU automatic. Has' lamp and clock . All stainless steel grid· die, also has that chrome grill broilf'r. BR.lance' r owe on It bt $148.56. Pay n1f' cash or take payn1Plll'l of '8.31 per mo. Usf'<I It 3 months and Its like new! ALSO my CROSLEY REFR.IGF.R· ATOR 1951 m.odt>I. 9 cu. fl. Pd. oveor $346 for It and owe just $269.93 on it. Cash or take-pay· ments of Sl.f.9f on it t6o. See at '404 So. Spadra, Fullerton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2152 54tfc DISHAMATIC AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER Booster heat~ water that real- ly cle-ans dishes a.nd silverware. Cost new over $250. Will sell tor LESS THAN 1h PRICE. Ha.<1 bei'n completely rechecked. By fa.ctory r<'presentatlve. 100!1 W. Balboa Blvtl., Nf'wport Bch. Harbor 1399·~. r>Bp60 !12-Household Goods SEE Necchi and Adler .sewing Machines AT HARBOR YARDAGE 135 F.. J 7lh St., Co.c;ta Mesa 49c63 , HEY\\'OOD \VAKEFIELD couc..., '35. Wing chair and club.chair, soiled but In good condition. 120 Amethyst, Balboa Island. Har- bor 2693-R. :S7c58 ALL NEW_:Bloncte console nulio- phono. 3-pc. sectional, Chrome brkfst. set, tw. beds, dbl bed. desk, blonde tables, occa. chair. 156 Roch<'ster, Costa Mesa. Bea- con 6511 ·J. 58p60 Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade Jr10~ WP!!t Bnlbnn.._B1vd., Harbor 2f>02-R. Phone MpM A\\'fi.\' Too. At 11:\fi COll Rt H i'i\'UY Inf':<! to Pnrl Ornngel i dny~. Bca<'on GJil34. ·PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN ' & Marine, Balboa l!'lland. 56p58 S.1-Wanted to Boy '"'---'-';._.;.=--"----82-A-Antlques • • • WANT TO .JOIN THF. 1-tIGH BROW SET? WA?\t"f TO THROW ARC H PRET'T'Y GLA ~CF:S? l knO\V or no won1an who get mor<' boo~lR thru' science and skill t hiut does 1 }.t~. ~f. "M" is for•--·'"''"' lofother 1 Nature. Tak(' lhe science of EIC?ctrol)•Si!I for exa1nple. If you h8VP a hnir line thttt sv,.oops below and beyond the C'llll of rlut~'. or eyebrows that flou ri!ih in unlrulyllke n1ttnner . or nny un· call6'1 for hhir on fu ce , arms 01· legs. It's H. fu lrly ~in1ple manner to hnvP thi11 condition rect iflefl. .. ., >:llrn I ... e~·unt i ~ a. regi~terec1 Elec trologist ... she can skillfully painless!)• and pcrn1anentl.\-rem.pve hair. Don't go around wearing a. linen du.!lter and !'(Wathe<I in \'Plls . . Let'!'! be bare-faced about thi• litUe n1atter. Ell4'n L. Br~ant is at the-I.Ida Salon or Beauty ever)'' Ttle!I & Thllr.!1. Call nO\\' fnr a n uppl . for n frc>f' ronsultntion . 3440 Via Oporto. Hnl'bor 2~76. • • • • • YOU CAN LIF. ON A 811 ... l{F.N SP.TTF.F. LlKF. THE C~\LIPH OF BADGAD and pl11.n a trip to Beehuanaland ... or Bi!lmar<:'k for that matter. Because I know where you can get a m11t'al n1ap o! the world in color or sapla. al.lout a 4x6 that wlll cover a benroon1 or den \\•a.U and gi\·e you a very worldly wiSC!' outlook ... 'n1e l\frDonnJd Pa int C.'u .• purveyors of fine pd:pers for the wall have th"se map&. I think it would be very handy the next tin1e you gel in an argu- ment about Sa.sebo or Saseno.to have one of the~ wan guide.!! handy. The McDonald Paint Co. has \vallpaper~ by Wallcre11t. Clendura lm· per1al, Varlai, Hollycraft llhd Birge to name a few. Yo1t can find amusing modems. pro\'incll.lls, perlod!4, chintws, scen lC8 tor children·~ rooml'! . , . and most a ny t.Yr>t' paper· flt any price. Get )'Our papers in or<ler at M1·Dnnald P:tlnt <·o .. JK72 Hurhor Rl\'tl., f'Ofoiln Mr!ia. Jif•a- ron l>7o:?. • • • RIF.:'\\T.:'\JOOS ! (':\S,\ no:-; ('ARI.OS . w B.nt Experienced Carpenter WANT TO BUY Acreen 8Uitab1e l------'.:...;;'------- r J ti 3• lid Ph ANTIQUES -Private collection. Phone Harbor 1270-W or pro cc ng ,,mm. • ••. . 'Harbor 102()..W, evenings. 53tfe Delft, Demitasse and Steins. 273 Palmer SL, Coat& J4eA -------------~-7_c_~9 ALc;o num£'rous bric-a-brac and D•• •••7 M ••~ WANIT TO BUY •mall play ~n Mme early Amf'rif'an furniture. ..-.. ""'"" -.,\; .. WANT ASSISTAN'r to boOkkecp· . ,.. .. INTERIOR _ ~·oR .er (female). Private club. Writ(· Phone Harbor 817, or t>Vf'S, Har-By appointment. Phont' Bea-~·~ ( ••-bor 2•20 M ••-so con !\527-J. 58c60 p AIN'I'ING Box S·2, hi• paper. ~so " · · - LICENSED -INSURED \VA1'"T GIRL to Mfll!'lt with C'OOk· GI J h t ing and ho\,!~l'WOrk at Bay enn 0 nS On Shore.• until Labor Day. Then 501 -31tt St. Newport Beach ·PaM.dena for the winter, $100 Harbor 2297-J S4c-48 month. Beacon 6038-J. 68c60 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING ..\ Prompt Rrpalr Sf'rvlce t.talntalned Phone: Harbor 1418-W !801 Balboa Blvd .. N('wport Beach Wise ,people do re.ad the ade. Alcoholics AOonymoua Write P. 0 . Box 2~ B>lboa laland, Calif. Phone Kimberly 3-M93 Re1ultt come rrom coruitant Practice! An ad regularly in this paper will produce result.A for you. ' SO-Sale, MlllCflllaneous J ... 4-DIES I . Mille r Shoc.111. Brown and Black, 71i?AAAA. Practical· ly nl'W .. Call Har. 1474-J PVC.II. 43tfc sroRE c.xturea. prac. new. wait c&JM>!!I, counterll, mlllc. All have adjuatable ahe-lve•. Bargain. Call owner. Beacon 6990. 47c62 REA UT11'UL Russian red. fox fur coat-stroller length, wonderful condition. Size 12 -14 (Only I{ th or original ro11t). 2265 Clay St.. Nc~·port Height a. Bea.con ~789-\V. 56c~ 8 ft. DA VE1'TPORT -Atahogany Lsmp Tables, Light green bar-3S-Baat~ S11pplles rel chair, Rose occas\onal chair, 1------'---"''-.....;; ____ _ Boudoir chair, Table lamp, pr. Pair of 169 hp Scripps, Cotton loop rugs, 74''x60" -- 34"x24", Kitchen table. Laguna R&:I.-, direct drive, fine condl- Beach •·1986. MpG9 tion. can be cf<'monatrated. W Al.NUT Dltjlng .. t. table, 8 chairs and uffel $125. 6 cu. n. Colt!spot freezer, 2 yrs. old $150. 2101 Sevin~. BnJbo:t. HOLLYWOOD spr ings and tress. $25. rollav.•ay iuid inner s 808 W. Bal Mc!IS BED v.rith box inner epring mat. Jso bra.nd new '48" with coil springs ing mattres~ $4~ Blvd., Balboa 156c58 SOUTH COAST CO. Nf>wpnrt 'Rlvrt. ftt 2Srd Har. 2600 53tfc 29' COMMERCIAL FISH BOAT. equipped ror mackerel, albacore, Jll'A'OrdfiMIJ. $J2()0 ternlli. C8JI KI 24556. G7c62 2-l·ft. CABIN cruiser, Mercury motor, 100 hp., navy c~ar hull.· Sle<>ps 4, ht'ad. SI!>OO or mak<' offer. Will exch. for Jot. 223 3!'ilh St., Newport Bch., f'VCS. 22-Lost and Found NEW SIGNS painted &. trimmed . two blackboar..d signs suitable for real· ('State office or? \\'ill ~acrificf'. Vene tian blind11 and FURNITURE! f-Davenport and valance bo~es, metal, almost matching o'stJ.lffe'd chair, paint· 57p59 me to m.Y laboratory and I'll show you Y•hat I mean!" Quickly donning cloak and dagger. I !ollowed cautiously thru' the weird 113 machines and huge n1otors. Sure enough! The-re \\'as a great long table loaded \Vitti fresh frozen fruit pies ready for the vast ovens~ s 1·rF:RR.\ M-•:XJl'A:'\ l."OOD DINNERS OR ALA CARTE 22nrl St , Nl'wport Har. 2638-M 5 -10 p. m. !Closed Tnf>s. I • • • • ,.,,, COME OUT SWINGING WHEN YOU HEAR r .1 THE BELL, CH1LDRE;'\4! Yes. little ones 1A'iil LOST -BLACK mal<' cockeor spaniel, 10 yt>ars old. Blind in onro f'y<'. l~IBERAL REWARD. Cllll Al Ander~on , Har. 597. 57c59 LbST Chili1's p!?t, Pt>kine11e fe- male Brindl". "'1th black f&cf' & \\'hlle forepaws. Answers to nknie of "Toy Ming." Rf>ward. Phone Harbor 2939-W. 5&59 new. 213 Sapphire Ave., Bal-1 ~d brkft. set' 7 chairs, banquet boa Island. Harbor 92. 56c58 top, rocking occasional chalna, gate leg tabl , tulip tand I•mp. Fri .. · Sat., or unday. 316 Coral, Balboa Islan 56c58 MAHOGANY 80-inch desk and swivel c hair like new, $94.50. Ernie Smith, Realtor, 916 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor 2443. 56c58 SNOWBffiD "No. 376", sail and boat clean, f'X<'<'ll<'nt condition. Phone Harbor 6'40. 68p60 TWIN ENGINE Chris Craft - overnighte,r -Very tine condJ- tlon. 36 m . p. h. $3760 terms. See at 395 Bay Shore Ave., Belmont Shores. Loftg Beach. Ph. Long Beach 90-4431. As tar as the naked eye could see \Vithout banging up against the refrigerator \Vere cherry pies. apple, boysenberry and apricot pit-s · 1· ~ ... pies ... pies ~ \\'hile the eager young scientist was bent over """""'T'f' ~ an apple sauce cake \\'ith a spatula, I hastily inscribed the se-cret · ·, be swinging and hippety hopping dO\YTI the .,path to the little old school house ... ChH- \tren skip merrily as hop toads In !lcbool shoes from BARBER'S BOOTER\'. Rarely is a child tardy or a truant \\'hen shod in a pair of Ullle l 'ank.11 or Rt.:D GOOSE SHOES. Bar- ber's, your big !all)ilY shoe store hM loaded up on children's ahoea in all a'izes and descrlp· pie formula on a fat !oar of potato bread. I knew full well if caught and apprehendeU as a Pie-Sp)-. I would gladJ.Y eat my words. Grace· fuJly bo1A•ing and scraping up bits ot jelly donut, I made haste to my own te~t kiln. Alas'. No ONBcan make pie like the !\"E\\'PORT 8-4.1U:~1·. '?I I~ On-an F'rant, Xf>\\'port, Harbor 1442-R. 7 days open • • • LOST YOUR BEARINGS. BUD? ? ? \\'"a lt'1' Tnu:llnK Pm.t h~s a.· contraption -~ called a "Direction Finder" \Vhich might· ·:-~ help yotL .on the other hand. get lost •~"' whi.le I tell the others about Walt's '~ 9imply elegant teak boat windshield with -~~.::;::::; !:.k--...::'-.:~ nlatching bait tank! And if you others want to be really dressy, you should pruases,is the teak belaving pln.s and steering wheel .. An<l here'111 something cooking : · A stalnles.9 steel ele<'tric galley 28 · 32 volt with generator for $109.GO. Cargo nf'tN (6x-8) that hold ev~rything but air are a buy this week. And be certain to view Walter anct Anna Bean's proudest posaession ... a jewel hox full ot rare gems such ag baby shackles. cleats, chocks, pulleys and fen~r hooks. More fun here than the Smithsonian and Ad- mi~tance i~ free. \\.'nit's Trading Post, .f22 30Lh St., Nt'ar the ice hou~ ... Newport. Hnrbor 2470. Of)f'n Sundny!i and weekdays t excf>pt \V~d. J R :30 to 6. • • • SOTF. OS" BLACKBOARD FROM TF.ACllF.R: \.\1hen I rail the roll' up yonder at ye re<I schoole hou~ Sept. 10, I want )'Oii Ava IUJ(I you Shelley onJ you El:rie Dinsmore and you LltUe Eva to be wearing bright new Betty Bate!ll gowns from the 1-QLLY APPAREL! The kindly . Polly Apparel has a special •epartment' for. little women talk . . lt.'s k>aded wtlh Loom C1'alt Fairy ·To.le Frocks. lbette are wonderful, washable dresses tor ~ing girls aced 2 moa. to 14 yrs. There a.re plalda, ginghams, broadcloth1, piques, plain, nitne:s and Fancy. AJJ guaranteed for lastinc pleasure from i2.29 on up. Now gmalJ Oirl.9, inscribe this thol' 20 limes on the back of a s1igar rookie; PollY. Appat'f!I la the smart place to go for slip' pon\Jf!11,, an't RC!'velry bobby-aox • • . Sox are plain and trtvolowr siY.H to 8~ for 39c pair. Polty Apparel 1833 Newport Ave., Costa Mes.'l. lions . . . These !lhoe experts have ABCD a.nd some E widtha In theae nationally adverti3ed branda. BARBER'S BOOTERY Is also headquarte'is for the OFTICIAL BOY SCOt"T SHOES with official !teal. All klnds of good ahoes here for happy hopalong feet. llar- bt'r'11 Rootf'ry, 119.'i ~f"\,·port A\'P., ~ta MPM- e • • You We.re Only Fooling, Pretty Eyed Baby. But J'll See You Again on the Atchlson Topeka &: the Santa Fe where the Smo,ke Gets In Your Eyes. Just pick out ANYTHING ju.Mt anything, record l\virl· ers! The JlonNt" of lfannony wants to make your life just one sweet song! "Too Young" is still selling here like it v.·as a plattel' or uranium ore ... The ne\v Les Paul, Mary Ford ''The WOrld Is Waiting For The Sunrise" i~ 1 another big hit for these electrified guitar twangers. Af'lD if you buy a 10 or 12" LP recording at House of Harmony, you get ABSOLUTELY FREE a 7" Columbia LP clas.1ical or pop! Frankie Lalne's newest ode to a strange woman Is entitled "Girl In The Wood." ... like a bold she 111 wit leaves in he.r hair. House of Ha1·mony lloe!'I Not have "Bor.cht Riders ln Tbe Sky." But Suzy can orcler you anything ... you f~ like Including "Fi~h· tail Boogie." I817 Newport Ave .. Co!lta Mesa. Belloon 5737-6653. • • • • CHEERS! MY DEARS! I HAVE REVELRY FOR SALE! Rt1('('f'S."lf11I hostc!l."IC!4 are not born, the-y study for It. How do you think Perle got to Luxembourg? Now I know of a place where you 41" can acquire accessories that will lnsplre you to fll""' launch wonderous birthday partlea, weddlng show· y;- !rs., and au manner of galas. The ~ BoUM in I(' Laguna de<:orate• home•. clubs. ball parko or a-.. ;v,,," out.I for all apeclaJ events ... These tun•ten make l'I/ party favors to your order or can supply you wJth ~ '""" IQOfy gimmicks, hats, ballooM favors in a trice!~ ., Party Ko11se also carries llJIUSUal rttta like ha.nil.. -aOfl'tas't made straw bap with colortul felt ~ppllqu's (ll2.M-) barbec\te picnic trays with throw away paper filters., trolllcktnr coiclrtaJJ and paper napi!ln ""ta. Can:uta a.."'1 tmys, and per!llJnod candlM. Viall ihl• mel'r)'·making menage, Piµoty Ko,_, 71!' C...t lllnl. ~'*­......... 4.-. LOST-Tv.•o fish poles and I reel in Balboa parking lot I by Ren- de:r:vous). Reward. Ph. Buena Park 5806, collect. 58c60 LOsT -Ladleo!IJ' Tiffany diamond 1A'rist w~tch Sat. Aug. -Ith. Ruby o r Martne Ave., Balboa Island. ··ca.rollne McPhall" ln8Crlbed on bac k. _ Gf"nerous rt'ward. S e e own<'r at 309 Ruby, Balboa Is- 1and. 5&60 LOST-Man's diamond ring, New- port Fl!lhing Bargr. Sub!lt..anlia-1 reward. Call M r. Hannum col- lect ANgelu" 6292, Extension JMI or (eve11. Kl'T'ball 8671 l. 58c60 TWO PAIR hlg.h grade chinchilla.s for sale or trade tor car. boat, or what have you! Phone Bea· con 6i 33-J. Mc60 DELICIOUS GRAIN FED TUR· KEYS, ducks, geese, fryen. Live or dre&11ed . Wilson. Coat.a Mesa. chJcken 575 w . 58c6-0 HOTPOINT retrlgerator. Excel- ' tent rondition. Harbor 53f-W_ 57p59 EL.EC. REFRIG., bargain at $50. Fine porclain enlmel box, too large for present Own er. 2021 Eut Bay, Balb6a Harbor 14.27. 57p59 FRIE 1neals every s~ ofteri! _ ............ ~...... ! NORGE REFR GERATOR 8'h cu. ft. It has e side space for frozen foods. crisper for vege- tables. Large meat storage tray and It is st>f.f-defroattng. Used only 1 mo. Take for $219.89 ca.sh ' or take pa nll'I of $11 .86 per mo. See at 4 So. Spadra. Ful- lerto 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 2152. ~tfc SECTIONAL SOFA, pair uphol. chd.ira. coffee and !amp tables. large ottoman. pal r • modern !amps, birch dinette eet. mod- em desk. All Xlnt. condition. 227,I Kinp Rd .. Phone Beacon 700:5-W for. appt. l)fk58 RADIOS, bNl sprinp and Jnat- tn-ss, rugs, lamps, drapes, f'tc. 120 Abalone, Balboa Island. 08c60 _,,,,.... ... ......... _ ---.. .... you can d~ it, ~~~-.-~--7 ,..--L-..,...L--; ~~~ with an electric Nom.-_,, • foOcl .freezer • • •onn• .. ILIE 11 IUCB ...... ;.t... s11*inecl food bud&•! u. f.,,,Uymftlotiio. l!l1ptcloll7whtn lt~o Ulllyonci ~lclolll mMl that'ewryoae 'l"lciYs. Oh yeo, u-.·.,.. woyalt can be clane"-wlth on electric home food freez.or lo help. . . Tab.O.. WU,. trip "catch" Of'tbe l>untlni trip "liq." Slottd away lnyiludiiine II•-. It wtlf,keopar.ly lcir.mths. Andtbe.-.iilncwffll ................. -,_ ... bq1t . fmla onoldol-fiir .-.. •• -· • • lleft'•llNid.or• ......... ,... .. "' partiomo/-tln. , ...... , .. -..... ~ .... ,.. ..... _.,.-,. ... ...... 1o1iie• l11f'1m_,....y ____ .. .- l'aols-km ... wllitt...,.....,ll .... 1i... .... -.,. thft111> ..... _..,._.,..,__1e&tllewA .,.,~,_ b11..,.ll't•lllfzntliei-znwllJ_,IM,_l1tlr-1 I • • . ·. • ' ' 156c58 BALBOA DINGHY (McClu're) ... '- Fully equipped. Excellent 'coftdi. Very reasonable. 229 Pearl A.Ve., · Balboa !Aland. 56pM STAR BOAT -good condition, $350. ALSO South Bay mooring off Ba.I· boa IJ!land, $150. Ph. Har. 2807. • 46c60 .Slips .Availablei . For boats up to 50 fl. Water and power f'Urnlshed. LIDO PEN- INSULA SHl PY ARD. Phone Harbor 301. 55tfc . . .ldore ctaulfted on next page. . . • l~vtHnN ·CALlrOINlA l9110ll C•i!PAllT • I .I I .i . 1/7 ( . ' .. • • • • I . . • r • . -. I ' ' PHONE llAR. 1616 d _J j 7 I -I I MORE CLASSIRED ON PAGE RYE SUMMER RENTAL -J!\lm. 1 J • COCKT,AIL BAR bdrm. apt. 1n corona .d.r Mar. $2500 Down -Newport Heights $3700 -CASH * · * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ntneaa.. Pb. Lexlngton 8-.9039 2~5 Available now unUl Au&" 19th. ~ 3 BEDROOM HOMI:. H .. oce&11view,1li 'b&tlJa, \PLUS $32.50 per month bu)'9 thJo - ALSO yearly rental avallable flreplace, garbage dlspoal. Owner wUl finance at UOO attractive new beach borne lo-RE.QWOOD BEAC'fi HOUSE after Sept. 3rd. Harbor 1077-J month. Wou1d cons!der Tr111t Deed u down payme.nL cated one bt0c.k trom the 'bnt Nice 3 bdrm. be'ach house of redwood siding. WelJ. and Hlt.rbor 152o-J. 56c58 ~ ocean front ~ach. Two bdrm.a, ' J ted · d R ' ti R h T tr7 950 clever uvlJfg ·room wtth lrulide oca near ocean an bay. Just reduced to $9350. p.m., Mr. Riggs. · 57p59 Chrysler Engines Used $ MAKE. $ $ ' BALBOA ISLAND us c anc ype -'I' • planter, large wardrobe• nits charmlng 2 btdroom borne t1 1 year old and pretty' and extra storage . St.all shower, ON LIDO ISLE . Come and ask me how you can own an all metal fireproof build- ing. Complete wtth Electric Re- frigerated cabinets flld •~orage wtth li1uorescent Lightin g AND make up to $SOO a month for only $1'°°. Let ~ pro ve It! E19uae.a and Apta.. yearly or tea· aonal. See Gail Camey, wtU. u a plcture. Hu maJU!1tve brick fireplace. Large wln· car port. A alx weeks summer dow&, :l7 x 125 lot tn Nl!lWpOrt Height. area. Only $2660 rental should make the YEARS 45' lot near bay. Two bdrms. and 1 Y,, baths. At- tractive provincial papers and furnishings'. Fire- place. Beauttful walled patio and garden. Reduc-Crowns -Royals See John Hariey NELDA GIBSON down. Thia prlct: CAN'T BE BEAT! payment.a. AJ90 an excellent proi>@rty for income or specula· tJon. Full price $69~. at .8eacraft . 825 COAST WGHW A y NEWPORT BEXCR, PH. BEACON 5771 JOE CALLI Real Estate Broker Ha.r. 2248-J 2822 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. D4tfc 4~Wanted to Rent -~~~~~~-'---=-:: REAL EST A Tl!l 306 Martne, Balboa LIL Har. 502 119ttc ONE BEDROOM· Aparlment, $1D per month. All utUitle• paid. 920 Co&l!lt Hwy_., Newport Bc'h. r.tlc60 3 Bedroom Home -$11,950 One block tb hlgh achool ln Newport Height.. Brand new, beat hardwood. P'laptone tlreplace. Le.rge plate glaaa wlndowe, facing paUo. F . H. A. term•. BEACON HILL REALTY '88 Newport Blvd. (above Arche•l . Ph. B. ~713-R or1Eves. B. 5632-W $4950 Dn, Lido Isle New 2 bdrm home. 21 fl. Uvtng roorn with fireplace, bar-type k itchen. dinette, 2 bdnna, glass".. E"d in tub, private patio, large 2-car garage. Full price Sl'fi,750. ed to $17,500. . , OCEAN ,FRONT HOME Newly painted inside and out. Icfeal beach house within walking distance of pier. "Neat as a pin" Three bdrms., 2 baths, very nice. FALCON-Phone Harbor 0197·J be.fo re 10 a.m . or 6-7 p.m. Mc58 Bay Front Owners A'ITENTION! CORONA DEL MAR -Lowly 1 bdrm. apt. P lcture window. Bra nd new maple furniture. 165 mo. incl. utU. Phone Har· bor 388..J. Mc80 ADJOINING BALBOA BAY CLUB · BayShores Bay View WATERFRONT HOME Pier and slip. 3 bdrms. plus maid's room. Modern with every convenience. Attractive colors & decor. Nice patio, flagstone BBQ and garden. $39,500. 12 Pr. SKIFF, alm03t new. auit- a.ble for outboard. $12!5. ALSO 8 ft., foldflat. 228 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar. Harbor 770-R. 56c"8 14 IT. JOHNSON Gull . G . 17- round bottom center board. Sall and boat In ver y good condttlon.. Motor attachment-with trailer . 918 Ocean Blvd .• Corona del Mar. Harbor 2631-J. 56c58 SAIL BOAT tor sale. Snipe No. 4211 .. com plt"te with sails. 8&Jld dolly, etc. $360. Boy hu gone to war. See a t 1104 W . Balboa Blvd., Sat. &: Sun. 53p58 Hr.., tt. WIZARD f iber glass boat 0·1; h. p. Evinrude outboard motor, 2 wheel boat trailer. Car top carrter for. boat. Complete and only 1 yr. old. MAKE OFFER. South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach at 23rd Harbor 2600 66tfc OUTBOARD MOTOR, 7 1> hp. Martin, $70. Excellent condi· lion. 33 Beacon Bay. Ph. Har- bor 2369. · 58p60 M-Muslcal, Radio small studio upright ln perfect condition. LOVELY piano Terms $39 95 down and $14.14 per mo. at SlIAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907 ), 421 No. Syca- n1ore, Santa Ana. Kl 2-0672. · ~tfc REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Elec· trlc Orgit.n. Famous make. For church or home. Pay out l>Jll· ance. Big saving'. Like new . DANZ -8CHMlDT PIANO and OROAN CO.. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, corner 6th. RENT A PIANO, $& pe• mo. All ter-m rent allowed when you buy. DANZ · SCHMIDT. Sant& Ana. 520 N. Ma.in. RENT A PIANO for only J~ per m onth. R ental appltea o n future purchaae at SHAFER'S MU- SIC CO. (~nee 1907 ) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmbt'· ly z.o812. ._· • COME IN, H>:AR and PL.A Y ,,.W Hammond Chord Organ. No music lesson& nece888ry. Any- one can play this in•trument. DANZ • SCHMIOT PIANO and ORGAN CO .. Sa.ota Ana, ~20 No. Ma.In, corner 6th. GRAND PIANOS. Big Summer site now on Steinway, MMOn &. Hamlin, Knabe, Chickering, Cbaae, WurUtzer, Bohmer, Fbh· er and many other1. Some new. some used. Prices atart at $3!}6 DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 320 No. Mall\, Santa Ana. SPINET PIANO, Pay· out balance S285. Another Spl.nl!lt, ba.l. $387 K~bal made Spinet, $493. See our Ilst ot returned rentals and repoSJfeulona. DANZ·SCflMIDT ,BIG PIANO .STORE. 100 bar· gains, :520 N . Matn, Santa Ana. corner 6th Street. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS. $49, 167. $83 and up. Let the kld- dief learn. PfY but $5 per mo. 2 yr .. e~change at tull value. OANZ.SCHMJD'l" . Bib PIANO SALE NOW. ON. Santa Ana, C.20 No. Main. corner 8th. SIAMESE KJTTENS, 2 month8 old. Fine apeclmen1, $15. Ph. Harbor 1326-R. Mp60 OFFICE BP ACE, l2x20, down· stain locatk>n, comer of Palm .. E. Balbo\ Blvd., BaJ-. Ph. Harbor· 21121. ~tfc GOOD omCE or 1m&ll businesa bulldlng on bu•y Newport Blvd. Above the Archea; ST& or aub- mlt. Inquire it Be&con HW ·Realty. ' 448 Ne..port Blvd.. Goota Kea. oecM IN CORONA DEL KAR -At- tractlYe. •tore raoin. eacellent locoUon In new bulldlq, J75 per -UL . Who will r('scue the Wllsons ? Don, Midge, Kenny. Gary and one old dog . Come Aug. 19 .,qr wtll be without living quartt'r3 in the heart or the sca."<>n ! Siner the Bay district Is to be our home for at least the next 8 mons., and we &.re not here for a vacation. your prices fo r sum- mer rentals are very d isconcer t- ing! Therefor e. "'·e hum bly off~r our services and will gladly re· decorate your home l.n order to partially make up the dlff. in rent. Of cour!K' we would liv1• "off the bay," but w ould IOVt' to have the care of a pier, float . tx>at or ? Thi! chic k B, agea 3 Y.: and nine are neither Inhibited., gentle, or quiet . They are boys. How many bedrooms? Would like at least 2 but very happy with 3 and d('lighted with 4 You name It ' and we'll s leep , for with the exception of our pocket -bOOk. we a re very flex!· ble people. Any offers , ideas, or 21uggestions , ("but we don't want to_ drown the boys, o r shoot the dog"} will . be most gratefully received at Box 466 Balboa Island. If we don't hear from one of you befor-e the 19th, look for us under the first rock going 80Uth on 101. References may be obtained from Marilyn Leidy's Real Es tate office. Har. 1958-Har. 1008-J eves. P . S. \Ve could move 1n tomorrow! 56c"8 --~----------' RESPONSJBLE school employ<'e des ires. r ental ot large 3 or -t bedroom horn(', y•·ar's lease if possiblt>. W r ite Rt. l , Box 86, Santa Paula, Ca ll r. 55c60 WANT 3 BEDRM. furn. house on ll!la.&e with option to buy , tor occupancy on or before Sept. l st . Phonl!l Ha rbor 1797-J 56c61 Yearly Rentals N EWPORT BEACH -A vallable Srpt. Isl . Furn. 2 bdrm. house, garage. Owner pays gas. Yearly lease $66 mo. Beacon 6467-M. 57trc WINTER RENTAL Reserve now, Avail. Sept. 9 . New nice· ly furnished 1 bedroom Apt. Twin b<-ds, ahower &. tub. Good hea t ing . Ext ra beds ln living r1n. 1811 W . Balboa Blvd .. N PW· port Beach. 68p60 4_S·A-Traller SJ!JlC!l LARGE TRAILER ln lovely courl e pace Inc luded Adults $30 n10 . 1741 P omona, Costa M esa. Ph. Bea. 6747-J. 66t fc 44-Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVE ROOM comfort· a bly furnlahed. Private en· trance. private bath, convCilent location. WS ~!z Marigold, Co- rona del Mar. Harbor 2863-R. 56c58 F URNISHED ROOM in Balboa. Private entrance, private bath. $2~ mo. Harbor 817 or eves. Harbor 2520-M. 58c60 Automotive • 48-Automobiles, Tires LlNCOLN '40. Sedan-a fine car-. only $1493. Prlvat~ pa rty. 402 Serra Drive, Corona Highlands. Harbor 2330· W. 66ca8 1941 STUDEBAKER COUPE - Re built engine. lfGO. f66 New· port Blvd., Col:la Mesa. Beacon 5713-R . McM ~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~ 1940 FORD r \Ullom Tudor, O. 0 , low mlleag1'. private owned. Call Ha.r. 2123-J eves. o r week e nd !fl. 43-Apartments and HoWieS LIDO ISLE Smartly furnished 1 and 2 b<'d- r-oom aparlment.s with garagr. Sept. l~ to June 15t h. 1 bt>d room f twin bedsl $75 mo .. 2 hE'd rms . SioO~nio. AIJ u t ilit ies paid. 1Ci(.a.J for &ehool teachers or profe.s- sionaJ people.· .p. A. PALMER INCORPORATED. 3333 Via Lldo Harbor 1500 Newport Be4ch, Cali f. 58tfc BALBOA-N ice on~ room Apt. Suitable one pPrson. Refrig. Util Pd. Yrly . $32.50 mo. Good location . Phone Harbor 1839-J . Call 310 .lal~d Ave. :>8p60 RENTAL r SPECIALISTS cao lCdna Cra11 Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa ~d. Har. 2012 32cM WINTER\ RENTAL -Oct. l s t- June I.Bl. 2 bdrm. furnis hed house, $75 mo., plus utilities. See owner. 110 Opal St., Bal- boa Island. M c68 ------------~~ YEARLY-2 bedroo1n d uplt>x. un· fw-nlahed. Garage. Near both &ehools. 2260 Clay. Cliff Haven. For Information Phone Harbor 1297-R. • 58c60 .~~~~~~~~~~~- :;&"8 '41 FO RD S11pc r ~luxe 4-dr . se- dan. $3:>0. Al!o brand new 7.\)0 x _16 8-ply truck tir e with flip, $30. :l:i Balboa'. Coves. Ph. Harbor 706 after 5:30 p.m. 56tfc '47 CADILLAC CONY .. 32.000 m i. Very nice. Every a ccesMOry. May take "!><f Fo rd Coupe o r Tudor In trade. Harbor 1342. {>8p60 ·:;o CHEV. P ower • Glide, every extra, 15.000 ml .. $1700. Com- pare with u.M>d car Iota: Harbor 2313. evea. 203 . 39th St., New- port Beach. 5&:60 55--Money to Loan LOANS For Home!! 5')0-20 yr. looana CONSTRUCTION LOANS &t l'>--5~ % (14 yrs.> WE BUY AND SELL TRUST OEl!lDS Sl!lE BOB SATTLl!:R 1415 COAIJT BLVD. • Corona del Mar Harbor 1077·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life Ina. F'Unda , KI 3-6186 LOANS TO BUlLD, DI.PROVE. BUY, MODERNIZE. OR REFINANCE We Buy Truot o.oda NEWPORT BALBOA Fl!lOl!:RAL SAVINGS t. LO/Joi ASSN. 11333 Via Udo Pl( Hat. 1500 On Peninsula Point . REAL ESTATE LOANS NICELY FURNISHED 3 bdnua available July 15th, ye arly or Monthly. Brokera U.t. 1532 Miramar, Balboa.. owner. Pbone Har. 06J.2·W , Har. 2001..J. 19ttc C. D . M. -Unfumlllhed 2 or 3 bdrm. view home. Adult.a. 1 girl 12 or over 0 . K. ALSO 1 bdrm. view home rurnyi.bed. AduJt.s. · Harbor 0167-M. MceO CORONA DEL MAR-Untllrn. 2 bedroom home. large ltvlng rm., W to 'W carJ!el, venetian blind!!. tUe bath. Adulll. Phone Har- bor 386..S. ~eo PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. coltar;eo. OD Oolllns l.aland Each apt. --ter frontage. Aecom. 4.. Weet md Park Ave""' Bal""--lolud. H&rbor, 296lt-W - · Interest Rallll t 'Ai • 5'!1> LoaN quickly ln&IH ln the Bay Atta ahd i....,una. Sln•l• o.- mulUple unlU. New or old.. Be w1oe and •ve "1 ,,..flnandnl your pre8e1lt 1oen. Minimum O · ponae. No cllars• tor pttliml· nary appraJl&L Pbone Santa A1la Klmborb> 8421 or '!'rlt.e.: ARTHUR A. MAY Kortpl" LoD Co.l'l'eOpondellt Two caut. ut• J.na. eo:a • 1414,Bnutb M'"al1' Ranta AM • 61-Beal llltaie Esclwl1e ''LET'S TkADE" HA VE JH,000 equity In 2 ,!Urn. """-(.-HDl&lli) Balboa Bouten.rd.. · wm tr'a4e for a bdrm. --. liar· bor area. WW a-.uae. PboM 3 modem homes, 2 brand new. All have 2-car gar. in this m06t desirable, highly restricted residential corninunity. Private beaches & lots of advantages. One 2 B.R ...................................................... $14,500 Another ......... , .......... y .••.. : ••.•••.••••.•.•••.•••••••••.••.•• $13,750 One large bdrm. (beach home) .................. $10,500 They all are on large lots and have enclosed· patios. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 • BALBOA ISLAND Choice South Bayfront Income EXCELLENT DU PLEX-Prime location-Superb vtew Fine Beach. Each unit has &paclous· living room. fire· place, 2 0 . R., 2 bnths. private garage, plu" many un- usual fea t ures. Well built with nearly 3000 sq. ft. total area ( Archltects's plans and &pectflcatlons available for inaJpcction ) Exceptionally good value! Price $45,000-Terms Wm ~ W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A Vl!lnue at Marine Harbor ,2462 Balboa Island LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! U you liVe in a home that has beauty. charm & other things you have dreamed about. One of these could be it. ALL on LlW ISLE and ALL EXCLUS'IVE listings : 1. S parkling new 3 bedroom , 2 bath hon1 e on choic(' lot . Large chc>erful roon1 e, u n It heflt breakf8Jlll bar. lovely work Aaver k itche n, spaclou.s Willied In patio are a ff'!W of many out &tandlng fea tuf('s. This la a terrific BUY a t o nly $24,7~. ' 2. Our latest and nE"weBt on LIDO ISLE. On 2 lol8-60 fert with that extra large patio you have wantC'd -a ll big, light, cheerfu l rooms. H ome has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, unit heat, bleached gum doors. Chinese elm tret', walled in space for boat 21tot- age and place artistically land 8CBJH!d . This ls a BEAUTY a.t $32.500. 3. "C HO IC E SPO'l'" on the BAY - FRONT of LIDO ISLE o nea.r- \y new 4 tx-droom a.nd 2 balh homt' that is a "hoiley." This ts not an "olrl beach house" but is a 8nappy, cleve r year around homf". Large rooms. unit' heat, g arbage dl11})0flal, hotpolnt dish· wuhe r, 2 sundeck1>1. lovely view and many other smart features. Thia la a. quality BUY. Priced r ight. ALSO W e a.re t he DEVELOPERS of lovt:!ly LlDO JSLE ~ where a little buya a LOT. If you prefe r to build we have &ome good lot.s on LIDO ISLE. As the DEVELOPERS we· can otter you low price. and euy terms . It will pay you to check wtth us on UDO ISLE. COME LOOK. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED • 3333 Via Lido Newport S..Ch. Calli. Harbor 1~ Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally 'r\,!ce 4 unJta -2 &tory atueco. only 1 Y.. yra. old. 4-car garage. Three l bdrm. unlta tumlobe<L One 2 bdrm. unit · unfurnished. Close lo bay and ocean swtmmlng. Excellent income. $36,500 • Balboa. Older Home Very nice ~ bdrm., 2 "-Uut, IArae Hvin& room With flttplace. A o- .,_ the llreel. from thO ... ,. • and _, ~· to <Balboa and IOOpplq ..... ·Only $15,000 fU'rn. • LOOK : $1800 Down And ll.8 a 3 bdrm.-Only onr yr. old, near the high school. Hwd . floors, dual heater, garbage dis- poaa.1. Just Imag ine the pay- ment. .are only $56 Inc luding taxes and lruiurancc. The full price only- $9750 WHAT A f!UY! CIOSe in location near Broadway and only a couple blocka to Alpha Be la. Br-and nE"w quality conatructed . 2 bdrm., la rge dln· Ing room, kitchen hu galore of cupboard 21pace, fireplace, a c· coustlc celllng. Thia Is an oul- standlng home for the price of $10,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. Bea. 6698 or Bea. :>4M-J ' f .. ~ ' ' ' ' Plf01'fE Harbor 1616 to place your want ad on this page. * * * * * CLIFF DRIVEl View Lot * UNOBSTRU BTED VIEW o f har- bor a.nd ocean. Double fronta ge 76xl6lx240 R 1 & R 3 $8,600 Ter~. Rancho Santa Fe 23 SECLUDED Acree, near golf couree. Ocean and mountain view. Several building sites. Can aubdlvlde. S9500 Terma. Ramona 8 ~ ACRES right in town. Beau· titul hilltop for home & grove. $4,000 Tenn&. Owner Box 343 Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1960. * * * * * * Do You Want A Cute summer Cottage? We have it on Balboa Island, near the Bay and shopping district. 2 bdrms, $10, 750, terms. NELDA GIBSON aoe Marine Balboa l.al&nd Pb. Har. 502 Today's Best Buy .. SHORE CLIFFS Reduced to Sell! I 3 bdnn home on large lot. Coft. venl~ lo beac!IQ. .uDy land- 11eoped. Ww $n,ll00- ' Now Only $19,995 Multiple u.tlq No. 1- U:S • Harbor 20M-M .-tnp. aopet Bay Front -. Coast .Properties Co. • Udo w. ~ r and 2 bdrm 111111a. VIEW HOME ao1 c. a.a.o.:'llhlL, Blaboo w~~?q·.~l?r · •1• Ooul 111-,.l --2«3 co...~- ll'l'OR& r<>A timrr -u • " u-Alis, ·'80. •k. ... ,_ ... ._ ~ ~ -• Earl Chamberlain -Ille r ... ...., Inoa ts±-,Bo.r. ~ ·--. Bar. 29H-lll. ONlll BLK. -_...__-., w. ' • -OOUt -.. o.r-dot Kat Deluxe 3 bdml, 2 bath home. Beautif ul vi ew of bay from llv· Ing and dlnlrig rooms. Outstand- ing floor plan and beat construe· tlon. Really one ot the nicer homeg in Bay Shores. Price $25,000. GREENLEAF .. ASSOC. ·BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 2552 COSTA MESA. $3000 DOWN ·FINEST Realckntlal street. Near· ly new 3 B. R. home, 1 ~ baths. large llv. rm., fireplace, 2-car garage, big lot. fenced. Price reduced agaln-MAKE OFFER! HORACE 8. MAZET 306 Marlne Ave. Balboa laland Harbor 3028-J fOtfc BEACH HOME 3 Be<lroom houl!le, walking dis- l~ce to pier , partly furnished, only $6300, terms. $2500 down. N . B .. C. Realty Co. 32nd and Newport Blvd. Newport Beach ~c58 Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW lhree bedroom hon1e with fireplace, t u r n a c e, hardwood floors. g&rbage disposal, double garage. · $11,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. Muter B. R. 14x20 2 baths, large playroon1 and shop. 3 car garage. -$5,000 will handle ' Ralph P. Maskey 3411 ·Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor 402 56tfc Balboa Islan~ Cham1ing 2 bdrm. home l.n fine condition PLVS a. separale guE"st room and bath. Good lo· cation close to south bay . Will exch. for property ln Puadena or vacinily. • Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 216 ~arine, Balboa Island Phone Harbor 20 ~ANT TO TRADE? OWNER wi.sbea to sell or tre.de Xlnt. income prop. tor a home in Hubbr Area . 11 rental unlls furn. % rme. ea., and the man- agera home. Large refit. rooms and showers. Laundry room. Room tor m ore u.ri.lts. Shows very good income ot $4 00 per mo. A&king price only S25.000. A true value! 300 Avocado St., Costa. Me.sa. 53c66 O\VNER leaving state. mu&t seU 3-yr. old 2 bdrm. home. Hdwd. fl,oors, floor tu.rnace, dbl. gar. Fenced ya!~· Lot\60 x 120. $1450 down. S9.000 full price. 423 Flower, Costa Meaa. 58p60 ,. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT Choice part of bay with pier and fl oat, wide ter- ra!"' overlooking bay activities, choice plantings in gardens. House in immaculate condition. Large living room, dining room and master bedroom. Three other bedrooms and maid's room and bath. A . truly choice propertl;" Exclusive. BAY AND BEACH REALTY 1450 Balboa Blvd. Ethel :Shirley Dick Fay J . M. Miller Harbor 1264 Gloden Fay Frank Everett ************ * * * * * * BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 baths -o Vers lzE"d 2-c e.r attached garage. Located on tree lined gentle slopl n~ corner l~t. ALSO JUST COMPLETED TWO BEDRM. with spac ious 2 Qdrm. apt. garage with view of ocean. ( ~H HOUSES are RANCH S~LE (Ith t ile baths. garbage disposals. large l!lnclosed patios, ovl!lr si.zed p3.n · eled' flreplacea, decorator colors and wall pa pers. Sepe.-. rate laundry rooms. 500 • 502 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Phone Owner, Harbor 1521-J or see your broker. - Pick your location ... at a price that's RIGHT NEWPORT HEIGHTS -C'1'J m- fortable 1 bdrm. home. large lot, only .......... ········-············--$ 7,000 CORONA DEL KAR-Near new 2 bdrms., hdwd. Ooors, fireplace. Di"{"'sal. Only ··~ ...... ~ .... $11 ,900 CORONA DEL MAR-3 bdrrns .. Q bath8. Forced air heat,· a real buy, only ............................ $15.900 SHORECLIFFS -Choice of 60 ft. bldg. lot . Magnificent unob- structed view, only ........ $10,500 For these and other superior !lat- ings throughout th e Harbor Area. call John Mottram, Hal'- bor 1500; eves. Har. 2.f80-R. ' P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Bea~h. Calif. Harbor 1500 MODERN DUPLEX I PLUS 4 GARAGES on cor- ner lot near Yacht Club and good bathing beach. 1 unit a vailabie Sept. 1st. Owner says "SELL." Listed for $15,500 Balboa Realty Co. Roa.a Greeley Josep~e Webb Lllllan McAdoo 700 E . B&lboa Blvd. Har. 3277 56c6I Cliff Haven RAMBLING RANCH TYPE three bdm1. home on 70 ft. Jot . At· tractive kitchen. use either gu or-elec. range and refrig, H eavy 1:1hake roof, rnany othe r fea - ture•, only $15,SOO, te nn&. Corona del Mar Ne\Y 3 bdrm, C8pe Cod, fo rced a ir hE"ating, ·Jar~ living room, fireplace, double garage. Desir· able location, immroiate possea- sion. $14,5-00, ex~el. terms. G. I. RESALE-2 bdrm. stucco, dbl. ga r .. R·2 lot. Pymts. only $5:> per mo., includ. taxes, f.%' int. and inaur. Why pay rertl !' s ee ' this, it won't la.at at ohly $10,500. W. E. Fisher; Realtor ERNIE SMITH, 916 Coul Blvd. Corona del Assoc.late Harbor 2443 Mar JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffs THREE BEDRM., 2 bath home on la rge 80xlJ8' lot 1660 sq. tt. plua muonry g a'rage with radio controlled door. hardwood floor& Forced a ir furnace. U>t.a ot tile. Completely fenced and landscaped. Priced at $27 .500. 1,2 down Call owner Harbor 2941-J or see hou.se at 134 Shorecliffs Road. :57tfc ' THREE BEDROOMS! COSTA MESA'S BEST BUY Hardwood floors, 2 tumacea. All steE"I kitchen. 2 yrs. old. BeauU- tut fenced patio and barbecu~. Near 21ch ools and &hopa. $3,liOO down. E&Sy FHA tenna. OWner Har. 1~0-M. or Harbor 2422. 4.3tfc· Corona. del Mar BARGMN .Home and $9000 BUYS ~ 3 yr. old, 2 bdnn. I Business for Lease garage apll l!lxcell•nt loc•tlon. 6 ,rooms 1 ~ baths -wonder- New Bay Front Very attractive. Lots of Ule. ful spot .for office or pro- Room to build home in front of fi · ' lot. $4,000 ~UI handle. Balance , e&111onal man. L o t B of leSB than • t. room for pari<fng on busy e, Realtor 310 Cout y •• Corona del Mar .• 56c58 •• OPEN 1 - 5 •• S..utltul[7 tiirnlohed ;year round 4 bdrm, J ~ home. PncllcalJy new K00'8N, with --patio;~'*':· Rndy for com· ·P~ ~-nu oee..n mvd, -Batilor 2tlf·K. Utfc Special . 2~ &er-.~t~ dJet•DM to ilbopplns lil Coota -This •la llD 1 'btter! J . 17th St., Costa Mesa. Wi!l remodel to auit'tenant. See 387 -17th St. and call Har- bor 1119().M, or Har. 2422. • Stan ~.lladfield, .Rltr. r"'Jt• K&ttile. ··-T+nd .. ,.._. &itJor IO HOME. large lot, chplce location. f bdrm and den, S baths. Fine sandy beach, pier a.nd float prl. You mll8t aee this property lf \ yoµ are looking for th..• finest In BAY FRONT .• PRICE '69,500 Tenrui. • GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDE:R -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 2652 Beautiful Bay Shores ' HOKE JUST COKPLETED -:1- bodrooma. DbL gar., ltreplace. tu.mace heat, prbage dtspOeat. dWhmuter, • t • t lo n a r-y tub. Completer')' fenced nKtwood. Nice patio. Year round borne.. Price $13, 750, terms ~ ~ 17'3-.J, OW..r . - l.Mated at fU .. ..._ 111¥d.,•, ,, '1 50Ue ~ l...,.-. ..._.,. NICll ~ HOMS, loclwd. (Opp. -=rt~-~ --~) ~ ···-• ~ .... Proo., a llf, • Ma: ~16 yn. old. noon.. Ula Jd-. ...... n • ..-~ .._...... - " ~ -· ONa BSl>ftOOK API' . .._. 15 to -... .. 11• IL -•-1 ~ ----~. > .._ --. -0it:iiJ-~f~;°ii;;;;;;".:::::i~~ owncs wt~ ""· .,.._ pu117 ~~ ,_. ~ uo 11tt mo.~ k:t'." 'Tr8d. ... .., • "'5lar ~ ;-k, j,-f;.-•iii ~a:n1 1·nnummm-----.1"-.,,._--oottop.---._,-R. W. · e, Broker· f'()lt ~ llr -----~ ....,... ' lam., 1 or , Pl'~ 1"111 ,mo. Would ClOftllCler J•rlY -al ..... 9' .... ~ plw. Owner, 1-. ruu. Jillicll '11.IOO ..... to 1naJ 1-p . w. U~P N," a ....... -c_·,.~ si-----~ ~rt _., ~-~ ·• l'!blodr ,,_ 11e,y: -UTt -... ., L. ..... DU. 6-ar, •n Sant -··· OINsla• -._Cl( .. 'OlrMr:-:.•:.;: 11i!t N A~ ca.ta .... -• Pa 7 Aft,, • ltnnb, --·-'--'U·l. • _ J-1-41M,ca,~11µ. ..,. -...:..: . • , .... 4..._-.. --· · t111a "1•-c-..-. .... _. ..... ..'.!; ·~ --r !'" , ~ -•. _ ... , .. ,_. __ _., - ' ' ' • • • ; ' '