HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-25 - Newport Balboa News Times' ) t I ' I ' r I I • • • • ~·-.. -----... ~-:l""":--~~·~--;c;~~~::;,:::;";;'1':'1i1'~~ir::""11""':';:;""1"7":1iY'-•~-1\T;;~:-::;7'""-:--~~~;:::!'..-,~: ~ . ".. . • f . ·-· • = ===•a s ' , • I -• t # • .. Freedom· BiH to be D~bated· in Santa Ana • " ' • • ' BAL1$.0A • ' Pros and coru on the Freedom qf Choice amef\dment proposal ";11 be pte.sentcd at a public de- bate Thursday under the sPonsor- ~hip ot the Santa Ana unit of Pro America. 43rd Y.EAR-NUMB~R 39 . I NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 , Jack 8 . T enney ahd Aldrk-h Blake will argue for the addition of the aml'ndment propogl to the State Constitutlon while Loren M•ller and Clore Wa.rne.wtll op- f>OSC' th(' moa.sure. The purpose of the proposed amendrgent ii to peemlt operators 8n.. .lack B. ~y OCC TAKES 13-7 VICTORY FROM SANTA ROSA BEARS By Rod MaC'Mllllan Orange Coast College won its firl!lt i:"&mr of the l'lftaaon for the fourth straight year by overcoming overyhelmlng oddl! to take Santa Rosa, Northern California's defending charnpions, Into camp 13·7 Frkfay night In the upstate to¥.·n. It waa the flf5t l!lf'lbaclt handed the grid powers or the North in three ye&J·s 8.fld oractlc•lly snuffed Fire Prevention Week Scheduled to Begin Oct. 7 any hopes they may have enter· tained for a bid to the Little Rose Bowl. Thf' Bears fought hard at every juncture but coulrtn't muster the power to cnpe wttb Cout's ahltty def<'n se. The Pirat('s kept the de· throned kings g\.lesslng m08t ot the night as they drove four times d <'c p into the land of the Bear. Two tlines It paid off-two times thc> local boys fumbled. As an annual reminder for the Sanla Rose scored first after re· need of caution by Newport cnvt·ring a partlaly blocked punt Bea~h residents 'In eliminating d<'r p In Pirate territo~y.. They fire hasards and attendant per· convr rtt:'d t o make It 7·0. The lo· sona.I and f inancial losse!!I. Mayor cats couldn't gather coal enough L. L. Isbell hu proclaimed the to acntf' until . the third period of hotels. apartn1ent houaes &nd week beginning Oct. 7 a.s "Fire ~·hrn Howard Miller scooted over other housing accommodations Prevention Week." on a quarterback sneak from two and or.~ restaurants, dance In .a· proclamation lssue<I fron1 yards out after running 2:) yarda ha.Us and similar places of busi· the City Hall, the Mayor Sllfd : and picking up 12 yards on &n ness to choose their own patrons, "WHEREAS. fires claim lives unneCf'8Sary roughness : penalty permit emplny<'r& to decide whom of oUr citizens each year; and against lhe Bea.rs who had only thE"y ¥.1sh to hire l\J'ld to • allow ·•WHEREAS, many deaths from two players unde r 19~ pounds on home ownrrs to enter neighbor· fires are those of children a nd thp s tarting team. Thf" other Pl· hood a grf'ements regarding oc· the t ires causing these deaths rat,.. S<'Orc camr u Miller pa.ssed c upancy of the houae.s. could be prevented by eliln inating to back Howard Wagoner tor 35 1'f N"t ln Ebdl Club fire hazards; anJ yards. Mrs. Laura Leak, chairman of "WHEREAS, de struct Ion of rrnlt--Game Re \'lew the Pro America unit, will be in either indu8try, business or homes Monday morning quarterback eharge of the meeting, scheduled Is .~ vital loss to our cit y; and Jim Keellne played hbr best game for 8 p. m . next Thursday tn the WH;EREAS. most ot the states ever at de fensive guard. The 23().. Santa Ana EbeJI clubhouse 62~ ! and many of the m unici palities of pound veteran couldn't be reckon· French St. Moderator wlit be the nation, have, during the pa8t c.>d with , .. Bob V..'oodhouse look· Frank (P et e) · Cooey. managing few year~,. ?rganized and estab· ed as goo<l as a.ny lineman on the editor o f The Register llshed tac1ht1ea tor more effective field ... Sid Manning saw stars The amendment p;opo881 has fire protection and fire prevention: for a bit but wu back in the thick bttn placed on t4e November ba.l· "NOW, THEREFORE. I , L. L. or It in a abort time _ .. injuries lot through the work ot Ame rica Isbell, Ma~r of the City of New· to Hal Smith (bruiaed hip), Har· Plus:, a new masa movement em· port Beach, do her~by designate low Richardson fl?rulaed knee). phasi:z.ing free enterprise and the week beginning October 7th, MeJ Smalley (sprained thumb) are property rightir. 1951, as "Flr:e Prevention Week." expected to be worked ott by game ' : FIVE CENTS .. • ' ·~ •• : ~ifi • . . J ~·~ ., ?·:..;.) ' .. 'f.'::. '!'i ... }, ' ' • ., . • • :-... . . ~l . . POLICE. Sf EK PROCTOR AS ·NEW COUNTS-FJtED • N~rt Beach police and the DI.strict 'Attomey'a office ye11te.rday continued a three--d•y aean:h for Troy R. Proctor, 47-year-old local resident, who waa freed 11wnday by Superior Cour't Judp Ke.nneth It Morrteon on chargea t.hat he murdered Mr.a. Dorothy Schindler. 37, hia common ?•W wife, last August 2:5. ----~•---------+•· Ari.er it.idp Marri90n releQed N • p • Proctor, ruling there wu "no ewport air probable cau'"" "'1own In the pre. limlna.ry hearing tn Newpbrt · Beach Township Court, the Di•· Ch I lleng •ng trtct Attorney'• omce ftl<;<I a new I complaint which waa signed by Ne.,.-port Pollet_ Sgt. John Up!!On. Z • L The complaint eels forth two onln I aw new charges. manslaughter and '"a.uault by means of force li k!ly , ' to produce greatly bodily injury." Validity of a Newport Beach Township Court Judge Frank M . zoning ordinance approved lut Linnell issued a warrant for Proc- Dec. 28 wtll be tested in a court tor's arr~st aner tiling ot· the new action fUed in Superior Coilrt in count.a. Santa Ana. Arra.Ip.meat Pla.ns Plalntif!s are Gladys and Fran· cea Edith Sidler. They claim that Sgt. Upaor\ a.nd officer.a of the they are being deprived of thelr Di.strict Attorney's office 90ught constitutional rlghtir 1.o uae their the balding carpenter In the New· property on t he northeaat eOrner port area a.nd In Santa Ana over or A St. and Balboa Blvd., Balboa, the week.end, but without 1uc· for buslneSB. Their action names ceaa. If he had been foun,1 in u defendants the City of Newport time, plans were to have hln1 ar- Beach. the City Council and the ralgned yesterday ln thP. ToWn· City Planning Commi88ion. ship Court. The Sldlers allege that their Although Proctor wa.s freed by property, for ye•rs zoned for Judge Morrison, his freedom lVU commercial purpose•. was re· viewed by aome as temporary, zoned on the December date for pendlng an appeal of the judge'• multiplc--family residences only. ruling to t~e Dl8trict Court of Thia was done, lhey &tale, despite Appeal.a. According to Aulata.nt the fact their property is on a Dll!ltrtct Attorney J . Parley Smith, corner opposite other. business other courts ha.xe held a rieath en terprleea, that it Is across the certificate &dmlulble u evir:lence. street from a night olub and ca fe Judge Linnell had bound Proc- and is adjacent· to the A St. pier; tor over to Soperlor Court aner 1.he Balboa Angling Club and a preliminary hearing In which' a dock& for an oil flrm and a. sporl..8 minimum of evidence wa.s pre· fi8hLng busineu. sented, lncludlng the death cer· OnJ,y fo r Bustne. tlflcate, testimony by Deputy Cot· Attacking the ordinance as "un· oner Roger Burnham, a.rid the justifiably restrictive,'" the action statement of an arresting ottiCer contends their property is usable that Pr,c>clor told him he had only for buaine88 because of tt8 "beat the hleu out of'' the woman location, and that they planned ! who W&8 reported to have been building mercantile eatabllshment living with the accused. there. The women 8&.ld they Coupki Quarrel • would be unable to sell. lease or rent the premi&es becauae of t he new zonili.g la.w. The court ta asked lo clear title to the property. whJch is alleged to be clouded by the zone .reguia. lion. Tenney, national chairman of "I direct all. the munlclpa.I &C'en-time Saturday niaht .,..in.st Oft- the Amertca. Plus Orga.ni&&Uon, ciea .of the city gov.ernment. and gon Tectl, . .t .·~ Miller, ~ma.lley and has been a member ot the· State particularly the fire department.. Ned Pareona ww.-tna\.rumental In._ legislature 15 yea.re and b.u servC(1 and schools, lo &Mi.st in a.rousing the Pirate 'f"'ln will\ head.I up pa.a 88 chairman of the State Un· the public to the aerlousne88 of dd'en.se work. Sari.ta Rosa only Amertcan Activities Committee the fire problem. I earnesly re· collec t('d 27 ya.rda ln the air lanes for .eJte ral years. H e Is a lawyeri quest every cit_iU:n t? do his or on thrt'e paa.s completions. by prof('saion. her part ln ehm1nat1ng all pos· Ed ~fayer had a lot pf power at J oining him in the debat wilt sible ca1,1se of fire in home or Lackie . . Coach Ray Roeso re· W. · NEWf.OIT ,GROUP OIAYS Chest leaders ~~~! ... ~~~-~!co~UT .Off PLAN Announce Plan .IUNA · GROUP .. -...... _ ~~ ...... ·~"- WILL BOOST CATCH SALES Pollce said Proctol-told · thegi he and Mrs. Schindler had quar. reled Jut August 24 after they returned from a drinkillg party and that he had beaten and kick· ed the woman. She ha.d d1ed about 10 o'clock the next morning. ·Burnham .aa.ld her "'body wu a mua of bnJ.lteL The court ordered Proctor, a carpen.Ur, releued over objec· tlon1 of the proeecator. Foundation Holes ' Ready at Hospital be Blake Who is' executive :ecre· business. I urge that the school ported the big former Harbor tary of America Piua. • children of this comn1un ity be I H igh liJ)ebacker played hl.8 best ·Mill ln 0 _ _ .. .I. given appropriate instructions to game in two yeara at Coa.st , .. prehenslve report of the proposed pr•·-· p t d al r f S I ....... e roper y an remov o • •t• 318• •treet cut-orr pl•n .. outlln.., or O ICI Ing only two housea, In compa.rl80tl to by publishf'r Ben ,Reddick and an moving eight on thp alternate alternate plan for widening 32nd 32nd stl"t't"l project~ !3) alJ Work (Ed. Note: Becawte of wide ln· t~rewt here In promotion of U. S...ca.ocht twa va. .lapaneae Im- ports. the New..-Tlmee reprints Great care wa.a exercised dur- ing the ground-brea.klng tor th• Hoag Mernorl.a.l Hospital·Presby· terlan at Newport Beach to see that nobody fell into any one ot t he many deep foundation hole1 scattered over the entire area. • " ppoa.IUQDI enable them to properly inspect Huntington's Jerry Bodtrie and Miller, who has pract ced law their own residence. and that the Ron Kredell ai.o came in for com· in Los Angell's since 1937, ha.a flrtt department assist them tn m('ndation on the p'rt of RoMo. ma.de seve raJ appearances before thiS effort. Bodine w orked at a defensive the United States Supreme Court. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I guard 8lot with con.slderable ef· He wu one of th~ attorney• in tbf' have hereunto eet my hand and feet •nd KredeU loom.a al!I one of 19'48 case In which the Supreme caused the Seal of Newport Beach the moat promialng backs on the street, presented by Realtor J im Miller, members oJ We.st Newport can be done with state ga.s tax runi;ts. Improvement Asaoclatlon on Fri· day eVenlng unan1mowily ap· proved the formf'r. Court forbade further judJcia.l en· to be affixed." team. His defensive work la well forceme nt of raclal res"trictive r.... L. ISBELL. ?ttayor alon~ for a. boy rfght out of high The 31st atrc('t plan wa8 officl· ally to be presentl"d the City Coun· ell last night, It ts the result ot two years o f study on the part o f a committee composed or Cit y Manager John Sailors. City Engt. neer J . B. W ebb, City Attorn"}' Harry Blodgett and Reddick . covenants. He i~ a member of the City of Newport Bea.ch school according to Roa.so. Roaso board of the Ame rican Civil L iber· _ __ used 33 players and took every ties union. Southern Calttorn1a New Bank Bui'ldi'ng mem~r or the l'IQUad except those Confe rence of Chrlltians and J ews who had to work. and th• national l•g•I committee Construction Begun sul.tlotl<a lo•ued of the National A.ssociaUon for the Advancement or Colored People. He is •presently publisher of the It is a part of the master plan for 1treet iinprovement which has already brought about the wldeh· Ing and beautlflcation of Balboa boulevard eut from McFadden Place. California Eagle. W\l"he la a law partner of Iaaac Pacht in Loa Angelea and serves as attornE"y for the Anti·Defama· lion League. COAST GUARD LISTS NUMBER OF POWERBOATS Work la underway on a $100,000 building lo house the Newport Branch ot the Bank o f America. Ground waa broken Friday when the Alllaon Honer Company of Santa Ana began the project at lhe corner ot Newport Boulevard and Via Udo, oppoalte Vlncent'11 Lido Drug Store. The new 8tructure ·is atyled to be in k<'eping w ith the present buildings In the Udo Development and will contain 9.418 square feet and wUI cost, exclustve of fixtures, $99.089. Bidde n on the atructw-e in addition to Roner were, Earl Grundy SIOl,032; Ray Andenion, SIOJ.937; South Cout Construe· lion Co., $JCM,7'44 ; Griffith Com· pany $1&9,600, and C . W . Driver, $119,:500. The P irates outgal.ned the Santa R088 eleven 277 yards to 219 ... The statistics favored Sant& Roea on the ~und, 182 yard.a to 1'52, but the locals outgalned their_ op· ponenUr 12'5 to 27 through the air lanes . , . ea c h club made 11 first downs · ... Santa Ro.a completed two of 13 puse• tried while tbe Plratea connected on flv~ of ien atte mpted. Next s\ep pl&nned ii the con- stn.actlon of a cut-oft between B&lbo& and Newport Boule"Va.rda and widenlng of West Balboa boulevard to Cout Highway. West of 32nd street all houses ex- cept two hkve been moved from BEL01"GCS08 STOLEN the north side of the street. and Anthony Semonella, 608 Jas-at thla time property hu been m ine Ave .. Corona del Mar, te· I found to which theae may be portf'd theft ot a flAhlng rod. a moved. 2M·yard reeJ. a jatket and hub· 1 The 31st stree~cut-off wtll : (1) cap fTom h18 car "'while It wu coat little .for land, e&Mment hav· pa.rkM. l.n front of 416 Poinaettia Ing been granted by the, Pacltic Ave., Co'rona del Mar, Sept. 2, j Electric railway: (2) neceultate police reports ahow. 1 the acquiring 1ot three pJece. of • ,\\'ant P . E. Out Both .sides agre<-d that the ms.in object wu lo get lhe Pacific Elec· trlc out of town. Proposal ls to build a. terminal in the vicinity of 58th slrttt. They ask C·l zoning for thelr 31st St. pro~rty, providing additional tax aaaeaaable property. Rt'ddick urged prompt action In taking advantage of the P . E. pro· position becauae of the coming freeway which will end In front ot Vincent'3 drug store. With the Arches torn up for a year, an ade· quate bypa.M will be necessary. He proposed extending Balboa boulevard up the bluff and con· nectlng with one of the Coeta Meaa strt"et. believing the 8tate would favor this u a n emerltency mE"a.sure. 1 Much of thll work can be done lh.U!i year. he aaJd, with no &Mess· ment.a, no bOnd iuue a.nd by U8lng little ' general fund money. T h e whole development plan, which In· eludes the opening of Weat New· port dead·~rid atreeb aed rr- &rran.girtg ot that section to the west ot McFa'dden Place, can be done in five years. 'lllf we accept \V ASliJNGTON, D . C. -There Are now -461.~ numbered motor~ boat.A -inboard era.ft 16 feet or longer -In use on federal water· way3 in lhe United States and Jta possessions. acrording to the U. S. Coast <;uard. Th.la represents 1a net increase of 9,2()8 boats In the ~ J 7 Cout Guard districts rt-portlng1 I durlnJ: the' J2·month period from June 30, 1950 to June 30, 1951. :. . . , theµ-otter now, we can continue '• lo negotiate to move the P .... E . "Perhaps mo re than any other f fi~rei" the CoUt Cua.rd compila- t ion "5 the most accurate measure of the stf'1'.dy gfowth of recrea- t ional boating," aa.ld JOM:ph I:. Choate. secretary ot the N~tlonal A88ociation or Engine and Boa.t Manufacturers.. Choate uld the total of nwnbeft'd motorboat. ng11;tered wtl.h.in the paat year wouJd probably have been &realer if many bullden had not.. cu.rt&.iled productjon In. the f~ of_ abortagee of critical mate.~. The Coast Guard lolal. Choate _ a&ld. lncl'!'le only cntt uRd on waterways under federal supe:r- vil!llon ; tt doe9 not lnclude an ..U· mated 3~.000 lnboard nmabollta and CJ'Uillera. bt uae on neo·fede?sl watef'Wa)'9, not doea tt include ..u-r. wllbout _ .. --out- boo:rd 'Cl'atl at -than 11 fed .. overall 1eftgtb. At, pt e11nt. u.n are an Ntlnwtod :&.U4.--bciud -... ...... ~ ~-:. ~· 0-., ..p....; ~la tlle N1atk 6*t -DlllriCI', ........ ........ -....... .,~ ... ~-.-. ...... -.--· "' i.aa. 7 -. .... ~ ........ c.11 ....... . .. """.. I I I I I & ...... WI, ..... .... E' ti W. Ps ?0 , ...... .. ... _ .. _.,. Oz'2az,·--.. -.. - ~Tlazoa l'llotol • • .i • back. U we don't. we will have to go back to condemnation proceed· 1.nga,'' concluded the publleher. Wet,backs CciucJM; Esc~ido Man . · Gets 60-Day Ter111 An unst by two 1ocaJ patrol otflcen yeat.erday ca.Wied eentenc· lnl' of an EacondJdo man to 80 do,yS In. County j&ll and apprellen-ator of two Medcan naUon.al1 who Were lumt«f OYe:r to U. S. Immla:1at1oe autliott~ The trio ,..,.. 11.rrWled Sunday. bpen.lln&" bto . .,...· Without • dri_.a llcenoe ndtA!d Lloyd Wt>odl-Potter, £ocxw!l<ln, the ~ I '->'-WU m,toti .;it. t.o -,...., 1ly JlldP ,,,,,_. It. ,U•a,11 .,. 017 eou,t. :;i--• ")>riot" --~· • -~ l'Wllo --'--J.tlJUo ~ i!ml I , 9"° --.. lllo-..tlw -------lo ~-.;-ta. 'l'bo>' Jol!ld -1 l'l'1lca u..,, ..... -- J ~ .... ~ at ···= d• ..... --.Caaot BillrwiJ. • • 1 I \ I Warmlii.g up tor the Community Ches t klck·off October 1, cam. paign heads met F'Jllday morning at Hlnkley's drug store, Balboa Island, to hoil!ll the N ewport H&r· bor Community Chest's banner to . t"" followlnc San Dlel'o Unlon - ne"'88tory.) Southern California's tuna clip· per owners, who bring Into port a large 8hare of the nation's tuna catch, have adopted plans for A a prominent position above the ha.lf·mlllion dollar annual program stqre where the 1951 headquarters to lncreue consllmption of the office' is located. product. With the advance gl!ts pro· Frank Perry, president of the gram. directed by Robert Ca.llla, American Tunaboat A880Clatton, well under way. campaign ens.tr· said the , plan will Include an in- man Judge Frank Linnell and hi~ st.ltutional-ty-pe advertlslng c8.m - ataff are turning their attention .palgn designed to increase sales to plan8 for general ·soliciting of or •all brands ot American-caught the Harbor area. Mra. Harvey and packed tuna. Somera, presldt>nt, reports that "American caught and packed the budget pamphlell! are being tuna," he declared, "18 an·econom· distributed and that a.rea majors lcal, high energy food that should and Cf111Pt&lns have been named. ha ve an Important part in every Canll>algn officers announce family menu. There la. no waste that further lnf0rmation and In· In a can of tuna.. Every bit can be l'lltructlona tor Che8t workers will used." be given October 1 at the Balboa" A.Me88menta Piann.ed Bay club when chairmen, offl· Fund!! for the program wtll bP cers. directors majors, ca.ptatns rail!led by a per·ton usessment and other volunteers meet for again.st boat •wne ra, on the hula noon lunc heon: ot tona delivered to American Mre. Clarence H igbie, secretary packer8. to _ the campaign chalnn,n. ia re· George Baker, bualneq repre· queetlng that volunteer workers sent91lve of the lnternaUonal As· make reserv&UOlll!I for the Mbn· ·eociatlon of Machtni8ta' tuna cllp- day, October l dollar luncheon With their captains a.a early ·&c). poulble. · Area majora named by Mrs. per engineera unioo commented: "We are heart.Uy in favor of such a program. We have voted uria.nlmouaq to negotiate 'With . . ' the boat. 9W1tera on setting up a Architect H . C. Chambers ex· plained that the scores of founda· lion pita penetrated 16 feet Into the hilltop and "at that depth they 11p'read out ranwise. to provide a 8eries: of broad baaea upon which the 100..room hbapital bulldln'g will rest sate and secure against shock and atresa. Some utonil!lhment wu lndl· cated at the l&rge. expanse of ex- cavation which Is to provide air space under lh.e entire building. It wa.a expla.ined that thia five· foot . cleuance between ground level and the main floor of the hospital il!I to insure thorough a.tr circulation a.nd water dralna'.ge and allow ample room for servic· Ing and.inspection of all pipes and • other utilit)' iines. These features llDd. other Innovations, while add· Ing to the lnltial coat wUI prove economical ln the long run, ac· cording to Chamber1 ... PC ·. SKIPPERS [)QWN RHODES , FOR 4th YEAR Somen 'are the tollowinl': Balboa, Mra. Ted H&mbroolr. Newport Beach, Lua Liavagnino; Marlntt'l!i Mlle, Martin_ Hll'8ch: llal-Ia· land. Mn. Nelda Gl.baon; Corona ,del M~r. C. i.e.ter Jone1. prOgram to promote tncrea.sed uae of tun!\." ~e detatla ol the program Marking their fourth straJpt j remain . to be ~ out. Perry victory, PC aklppen of the New· -Indicated that it woulcf lnClude a port Balboa fleet on SUnday teat )dtehen for developinent and downed the Rhode!! 33 cl&&& hi SIL Ii /,. testing ot recipes uatng tuna. u their annual team race. .. lie ~roup weu· aa a "public relatlona program Four oklppera of the 42-foot • D that will tell housewtvea, through PC'• ea.med 13% point.a under ift .. Nantes · irectors newsp•pe ..... rnaau1n ... •adk> and vertoc1 -rtng '° 22 point. for tljo --..•·•levtaion. new way8 to Wle the IUJ<>de9 aailora. The Pea were Elected t.o aerve UM. Sborellne product. led by &elmaman Fred Smalea la A.MoctaUon of C&llfomla u Di· '7he boat owne~." Perry aid. Pahli.n and Mike Burke wtb. rectora from On.rap · COuaty re-"are fac~ wtth a eertOws prob-Paloma wbo ftnlahed 1·2 in a ~t-' cenUy we.re ~.aora Willia H lem. lmporta or foteilft • caught mJle ocean 'race. • · • Warner of Hun~ BeaCh and tuna . and alba.core already have Ractn.c. tn 12·m11e •iu'wnte.itJ HelJlll -of ·l(..,pwt a-IL n!duced the Amerll:an flohermen"f wlnda. with moat of lho ·~ othen elected, t,o .. ..-n. ... direc· relaUve ~ ln the reta.u market. to windward 1.n wet. ~PY a84 ton .,.,... R. L Patt.,,_ for the --raua for-D\lsted -.. Pamlln t w I Ci• City of ·!f-port Beadl ..,. the • "Salea ·of · uma ba" been In-l&Ot the lead -... ,,,,,.....,, • Oranp CouDt.J .Ooaat .4_..tm, creulnr otaadll)'_ -World War minute ihNd of Pak>ma f<>r lzi. Wm. R. QaJlMDM. "'"~ • ot U. but klntrloU llloat. owlh!'ra and dlvldual hoaora. · "'" the ~latl Cbaa-. oi ·Or· IWlerm<n u. .. -their relatin' Tblld Mil fourtb <Wer the ... · anp. ca.ti'. ud.· -.,. .w-. ibare of W. matket 4bnbdlh eon-were the -aloopo Ruti\. _..,. "' tlra ~ Claulily llnuall7. . • ' aolloil} .l>J ·DarbJ" KetcaJt. a4d llUbal' 0••1..... "l'hl8 ~ bU' ~ relied ~ '1'bomU Nim..._ mMa .O&oftl., M -ol ••iota 00\aAJ<me -to OO!ft IU,...... came1 two. Pea.~ O. <J. 8_. -,-iu tu~r· tlra -., Bou.·~. OftA10 .oted Ga:r!M 04 Tommy Looll'• qlill· -p!e•tas , ..... u. ~ Ilda -la Ola ... "' ... ..... ....-u. -· olil>U.. fDOlt ffWD. u.1-.. ............. .,...,! .,.. ... ~e.ca····· .. ~ tMlr' ~ ..... I~~-..... _..... t. """7 ,. 111at ~ t.aitt 1a die ~w t "' t1!i111-..,.. -·• MU Ml', "'• 4 JIOWard otftca tlor at" ~l •Mtt1r ~· 111-J tf7, ... ..,_., Ullty" .t.lf e.rts .... *•41 ............... Tllo7 -•mas at lira roora4 Ilda lo a ..., -zilll'..C-• · • ,Jwr -..,._ "Willa ~ · •...a ~11'1 .. M -\a 'BuWI&. ol. tM 7 9 ltJ." . ' "' ..... f IW hicuee: ~ . • r , . ,, ~ .,. I '""' . • . ' • ) >\ I I ... -~~~~ ... ·------... ---. ;-... ----... ' f • i.. ' • ,. ' ' I • • • • ~ ,.. ... ' ,...! .. .-.p .. .....,... ....... ""11> •• ··--· --' • • ' ' • 'MRS. WlNIJ'RED B.UIBRI:, _,. _ _ _,,.,.4"" ... ~._.. ....... ~"""'"~-....~ .. ,"'"'""',~"'~' .......... ~ • 4 • Harbor Pan .Heleric President fi> Entertain Board ·and Cha~nen Mn. Raymood Kent Harvey of ... ------------- Coron& del Mar will entertain et at the luncheon. They tnclode: Wl!'dnftday, Sf"Pt,. 26 with a buCfe\ Hostess, Mn. Mah~ld ; publtctty, 1U'llchean far officen and chainnel Mrs. Harry Casey: tf'lephone, M r.. c>f Harbor Ptin H ellenic !M>Ciety at Cut.le.man Smith; w a ys and her home, St6 Poppy Ave. me&ru1, Atrs. George Guthrie; Xrs. Hal".Wy and hn c~ of membership, Mrs. :at. A. Ander- offict"t'I were tn~lE'd rttentty by son; project, Mrs. John T. Kec.4er th{' neWty..organized Pan Hellenic, Thirty members were pl"etent at meeting fJll PilgrtJR hall at C(lT'01\& thf' last meeting and more are ex- ·del Mar. They Include: Mrs. Har-pectt'd on Oct. 10. Nationa l SOI'-. vey, pftflldent: Mn. Martin Man-i ority mt"mbers are invited to con- .goMI, vice 'President: Mrs .. Thomas tact the membership chatrman -or B. iFroal, rE'OOrding ~retary; ) any member or the board regard- Bf'tty Donn, corrrspondlng· eecre-' rng ·eligibility and wi11 be corcflal- tary and MM!'. Leon WUlil"l.ms, I l'y welcom~. - treasurer. Hostesses at the next meett:ng ... ... ~- • Rll ·fitans tor , ~,,,._ . . Girl Scout Assn: "-' ~ An lmpottal!t meetlllg took ploce1Mpt. 17.at:tm.o'clock at the , ~:rge of Mn, P , V • .Peterson, N e 1 p>rt BMc~ wt;ie the adUlt 'meni ,bers of the ~zatlon com8ttt-.i toe of Newport 'llarbor Glrl Seoul' naoclation mf't to df9caa b'oap' ~ for t he coming year: Mrs. P et t-l80n wU 888lated wtt h the -bttstn"31 of ' thr ·day by Mn . T ed ..ffambrook, llM!COnd deputy of New- ]>ort counc11. Neighborhood chair- me-n, a gToup formed to uslst Glrl Scout leaden wfth l.'befr 'J>ro'l;lems, w~re present u follotr11: l.lrnes. ·lrt. 'B. Delerlberg, Corona deJ Mar; Grace Ebbert.a and R ob-- ert A. Ol lpbt.nt , Newport H e1gtlta; Fronk Bia&. Newport Beach ; ~rge C. 'Stt'Vens and Ed Hlr'th, SenJor Scouting: Arthur cr.amer, Balboa Island and Frec:I Wood- worth, Balboa. The t roop Leaders are u rged to t o call t he above named Neighbor- hood c?latrmen for Information and help ••it'h all tlooop J:{rOblema fruil('8d of -ea lllng the-Scoui 'officr. l 9!1i2 Calendar .. ~Girl Scout) plan.<1 w r re dlscusSed_ as well as -. ' ' ' . b' ' . . • . • ' -!-' ' -· • • -'·' "SH YOU .AGMN. SOOHr'. Save a little of your income 'f« ·a 1ll'ip to eee ~ family. Start t his 11pecial ftnc\ here so "that ·our high .dividends . ' .. currently '3 7<-per anmnrr ... will give your savings an extra boost. : A C'onstltution and by-laws for '\llrlil include Mrs. Kenneth Stange, the nE'wly~rganized group \\'ert.• J Mi-s. Anderson, Mrs. Fra:nK Uttle approved as subn1itted by Mrs . .:nd MN!. J . H . Riggs, Mrs. Harvey W illiama, chttlrman of a constltu-·Did. tlon tmd. ·b)'-la~;s commltteE'. Mra. Miss Jafleftaiey Repeats V~ws in ,High Mass at L A. Chtrdl ~-~--;---------::=::::;:::J troop 11ponaor11hlp. Man y troops rutve no s)'.><71'l'SOR and need t h em. Adult members of t'he Harbor councn -wt'l·e urged to volunteer as workc!ts for the Community Chest drt"e. A new Senior Scout Service troop IB tM>lng formed. Your funds will be available as soon as you :re rearly to make · the ~rip.· .Start today witti -$5 or more !. r 'M. A. ~derson. chairman of a I .-Y.FRESCO Lt."NCHEOS :nl>ml:nating committ~ . .submittH! ( An. alfrfllCo lunehf'On wu host- the iila!e of officers who Wt>rc ed recently by Mr. and Mn. D. elected. Hoste!5.!M'5 for the evenlnfiC' C. MacKenzie of ColJla Mesa for b1c1Uded 'Mn . James Ra~·. Mr8. R .. I out-of-town guest8. Included WPtt P. Yarnell. Mrs. Strolle r Whit e, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Latterall, Mrs. Castleman Smith and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inman, Mra. JacK Newton. I Mayde Rosevere, Mrs. Evangeline At thf" next meeting. to be Mld Utter, LOs Angele11; Mni:. Eltu.- Oct. 10 at the hall, Mrs. Hanl'ey , beth Coburn, Mr. and Mrs. N. 'fill introduce her standing com-Par80ns. Paeadena: ft,1rs. Gene m ltttt chairmen, who w!O be pre~-·1 Franz, Anaheim. HIPS reclucecl N ow makJng t'he ir home in Poc-,0--------------- atPllo, Ida.ho aner a honeymoon p9st honort"d ~n ot Bethel 91, at Santa Barbara and Balbo8 are International 0 r a er of Job'1 M t . &nd Mn!. Humphrry F . ~fu r-....._ .- phy, J r .. ¥tho repeated VO'A"S in a lat(j 11ummer wf'ddlng a.t Prt"<'lous Blood Catholic churcti. Los An- geles. The Rev. Kie ran Marun1 of- ficiated at the nine o'clock nuptiaJ high maB S. The bride is the former itl11" vaUir;••t<'~. 'Horborites Home From Po. v,,c-a ti on Back bome jU9t ·In time to ce1e- 'brate .Jin. But1er'11 ~y an- nlv«UT)(. cm. Swnd&y we-e ),fr. 8'nd Mn.' _,.,,... Butter -Of ~et ~ 'nie O!JUPle. -t llelr -~·· J'-. ~and Saie, .mw ~ irt heac)llvvi.la !far Umee Week& vt.8tttng" ~Ive! and l"rhmdw . , ·In slse • ... J8l'lf' Bailf'y. daughl<>r of Mr. anfl Thf' bridegroom m th" son Of Dr. and 'P.frs. HUmpllrey F . 'Mm-- phy. Sr. of La Ja'lla. He WU graduated from Loe A.ngele11 High f;ChOOI. and U. S . C . where he wu affillatf"d with Sigma Nu tr-ater- nlty. H t> e<'rve<I OVereH.e with the U. S. Army and la presently 11t udy- ln~ at Idaho State Pharmacy school. Ne"'f>O't ~ lnitMite-s O.u r~ J ' An Anui:Ung New Way In Your Own Home Marie ·rn. BoJy• McDonald • -··-· .......... ~'""' ... •WOYlnano• •110 ... , ,, .• , •IF you want a prettier ftgure -do 11- m any f amous movie stars d o. MA.Ill McOONAW "T.he Body'' says: "No wonde r your R~lax.acizor has taken Hollywood by storm-it'• the eaaie1t way l lmow of to get and keep a prettier figuro." nn: nu.xAc&Zo• actually tightens in ex .. c~u in cb ea from hips, wai1t, thigba and -,abd,omen (moot parts or the body) .•• .imoat like MAGIC! Does it while you ,...1. No e1fort. You RELAX-it RE· Dut::ES size of bipt1, waist, thighs a nd tummy! Many women actu&lly SLEEP- -while t he Relaxacizor trims, tones and MucM. Reduce Size of Hips, Tummy, Thl11bs, Jf7oi.st, etc., While You Relax-Even Sleep! n9tntNs, n1•1 .•. really makea tbeee areu tighter. trimmer and, thu. often helps you look yea.n younger ! Doe1 NOT ca,_ ugging li ke severe diet• may. Now-AT LAST -an •"*r. 111ore pleasant way to llrm. tighten and trim th ... llcure .,_ WHILKYOU REST AT HOllB! \ • • OllAll'llfUl-IAR ... thla lo the · EASY, qulcker. EFFORTLESS way. No drup, no ~t. no heat.. no vibration. CONVENDtNT- UM at borne ln •p&re Ume ! Re- duce ·l'iM tbJ• 1~'4!: ·sAFJ: way. We lhow YoU how to 1oee . lncbea AT H OME .. JAT NO ,COST ... NO OBLIGATION ••• NO EJlll!ARltABSlllENT I . . All 2 •••If' Limited offerl Telephene today fort 1 .... a...tffvlly 111 ........ ~ ... . 2. flll ... z: • .....,.ls. i. fW lnal ·ant (_.....4S.OO), r ---.FREE-MA.IL TODAT -.. --·v AXAOZOlt, O.pt. 1£ 1 •1 ._, FUtio St. • • ._ ·a->, c.1•. I .. I Q l-okoFUE .... tno_.,.,.....,_.,_,. ... l ....... ta •• dl•t ~ ...... --..........._ . a ...... _ .::"..,nn... Net ... 'I ; DO t ................ ftaiuc& ~ ' ~ ,,. --. .._c-. "-c.U. JI., ............. ...._ ,_ l'l.AIN _ .... ~. . . • v ., .. , .... v • U---------=--~--------··-~-.... ,_, ... 3 ...... , • ........ .,, ... _Ibo _____ ., ..... ... T ., .. ...,. eac.r--._ ll:t • rt w ·6'111 ass•• .... --. .. •• •.::.':..,. ., .,. ___ ,, sa.,_l ...,..-11. JWb:tts•1· ClrflllMw 'k&._._Qlla &""'-.,._........_ mq.otcomW. ...,.. '(o. mqlla--...; • . ,.,....,-•ou:1 . . ' Mf's. Andrt""· Batk>y of Los An- geles .,.nd 2296 Channel Road,· Bal- boa. She wore a Cehill gown of White Chantilly lacr o\.'f'r satin. made with a short train, fitted bodice with cvrving necklinP and k>ng iilttves. She carried a 11how- er bouquet of '"hitt· orC'b lds and 11tephanot is. &pending a few d&)'B •t Del Monte lodge. are Mr . l.l'ld M:n1. N st S£"a I ·of the H arbor area. MiMJ Joan Sisemore v.·as n1ald of liar.or. Her bolt'ro frock wa11 ot blue organdy •mbrokleTf'd In whltf' and ehe ca~ a showf'r of yel- J<w.' l"Olff"&: BridM maids Anna Alf'x- ander and. Bp_rbtlra Hof.nung worf' similar frock s in pink a rid carrit"<I sbower bouquets of blue flO\\'t•rs. The N-l't Moose ~ eel•· 'bratf"d theft-9t'C01td alll1~ry Tuellday t"'V~lng ttt. Ote >loose 'home. A mea fnftlattan dl can- dklatftll waa "-eld Wfth t'he. SDl.tn Alla M'009e 'lodge rft"'1 t l!IDn-eon- docttng tm-ceremonies. They h ad an «JlnfVt!t'•:'ry cake v.."'hlc'h . t>tey eervNI. Cf1ffee and ~Ms fol- lowing tbe htlUa tkm. Bite King Mrs. Parrie RobbHMm of Costa .nd Dol"othy Carter of ·the NE!Y.·- ~TeAA ha.a brt>n enjoying a visit 'P<frt WOTM helpt>d with the T t'- 1n Bro ..... •nv..•ood. Tex., where tihe ftf'fJbtinmta. has bevn ent ertained for the past ff''A' \vreks by her sisters. Mn. J . A_ccontmg 'to t:hoee pre.tent the Rn:y Cawyf"t &nd ).frs. R. B . S nllt'tl . lnlt1atton was very impreutve. Jack O@chel, B Sign& Nu ~ US(·1 brother of ·lhe bridr~oom. \vss beat man and ush~s wrre Hobart MC'Allister and Davit! OobrO\\'. • ·-tl.9. \"er Gtrl Another attendd'ftt WM little Jane O\Jskey, daughter o'f Mr. and Mrs . Earl · Guskey of 68 Ylt\\'I Road, Beacon Bay, wu a dainty Oow"r girl tn a gref'n embroiderNI ankle length ' frock. In her hair was a haJo of yellO\\' carnal1nn!'-I and .'the carried a baskC't of ~ta.I~. Mesa Foutsome Celebrates Dates :P.tr . and :P.tn. H:·e . ~lcMurt'Ty of E. 20th !ll~et, and Rn". and Ml11. Charles F . Hand of Church street. Custa Mesa, celebrated tht-ir wed- ding-anniversaries together Fri- da.v by dining at a Los Angeles rc!'ltaurant and later attending a P"rforn1ance or the IC'e F olll£'s at th€' Psn Pacific. ~unior Matrons Meet Tomo rrow Tu·o hundred ·guests "''er:. rc>· ceived in the home of t hC' bride's pan'nls at 503 South Co1nn1on- wcalth Ave .. -Lo~ AnJr1~J es. Thi!'! ii1 the fo1,nwr ltpmf' or thRt fl\111011:<1 Southern Califon1ia b1•a11tv 14ut·,· Banning. daughtf'r or th~ lat".· Phineaus Banning of \\t\linin~tnn 1'ht-ju11ior matrons section of tind once owner of Cata · l!-1-lhi~ Costa A1esa FTidav A/ternoon land. Ancl it wa~ from a la inA club 'A"ill convene .Wednesday. of the 3tairway, \Vith its bt•sul rul S('ptC'mbrr 26 al 8 p .m. in the handturned n1anogany ralls, ( at club house. The meeting will b4? the bride tossed hl'r bouquet t o. thl' an especla.lly interesting one for ga.y cro,vd assembled in' th<' larj::'f' gui'st~ as thC' evening's topic \\•ill hall. bl.' ':·The Cl\allf'nge or Being a Assisting tht> young coup!~ in Club \Voman." The program will receiving were ~trs. Baile''· be presented by ~1rs. Arthur mother ot the bride. 'A'f'aririg ·a Crom, state chairman from San Moose R~ for . . . 1 Lodge ·htner Sixt.Mn n~mbfr. (!t -the ~t:W­ port Mooee Lodge last week con- ducted C'anijt~i:e -g1ave· side ~­ vice for a ·ttepe.rt.eH Mbose '·'lllt'm- ber. Mr. 'Frank McConrtell. ·at \Ve.stminster MemoriaJ P ar-le. ·)tr. McConnell l)ad been a member or the Iowa City, Iowa Moose Lodge, for 40 years. The member8, from Ne,,.-port Lodge also acted .as poll bearers. Thill 'vas 'tb_t tir!lt. btn·ial. ser- vic-(' the lodte had coltducted since It wa• instituted tV.:o years ago. They condncted thi11 aervtee like vetel"Ula, and felt hM ored to be lnv-ited by Mr. McConnell's family to pa.y this lut re11pect to a departed lodge brother. Ebe11 Juniors to Meet With COM Matron I I t b Di('go. ove Y ro}'a !UC' lacr gown and . The Junior Ebell will open the Mrs. Murphy, Sr., ln beige lace. club yea·r W'tlh an Informal tea on Both~ moth.ers \.\."ore prchid cor-Card Grou p Meet s Friday, Sf'pl. 27 at t he. home of 8age11. At the bridf''li table Mni: Mn. w . E . Fiff'hn-at "147 Shore Anna Cl"aWfo•d poured from thr at Nwpt. He-'1g hJ.s Cliff Road, Corona dcl Mar, •tart-sllver coffee eervic" while Mrs. 1 Ing at 2 p .m . Plan11 for the sea-Ea.rl Gu~key pre11ided at the punch bov.·l. Luncheon was the prelude to. son were discussed la.st Tuesday Britlf''~ S..hool" an afternoon of bridge when Mrs. evening at the home of Mrs. Buri- A rtic,i1e Spangler of Newport 'White, ctta.tnn&n of the junior F or t1·avt!ling, The new M ra. H l:"lg ht.i; f'ntertained her caT'd club seetion. Murphy changed to a two-tonC'CI last 'A'N"k. Mrs .. Ken neth Stewart Presut wcr'e Mrs. Howard Wfl- gray 8Uit with which she 'A'Ort'.' took first prize; Mn. Ernest Mc -llam11, Mra. C. R. ,Staaf, Mrs. W ar- black accessories and white or-C lt>ll8n won 11eeond honor11: Mra. ren A. Scott. Mr11. Edwin F ins ter. chid11. She was graduated from John \Vest won the travel awatd Mi-Jt. N. H . Roberdea u, lt-lrs . Fred Los An11e_les High 9Chool ond Un i-whlle J.frs. Homer J.fellott was: KYster, Mrs. Th"omas HacMSster, versit.y of Southern Callllornla. cot?J!Oled. Completing the guest. Mn. C. w: floJ1oway, all an the where sbe was a [nf"mber of Alpha company W'E'tt Mrs. Richtrd Dttt-~~tlve boal'd. They wtll act ae ChJ __ o_m __ •_g_a_so_r_•_"_.t_:y_._s_h_:•_••_aJ..:.:."°:_.c._m ... •:::r..-.:an:::.:d:..::Mrs;::::.·_:J::_. N. McClellan. hostesses for-the occasion. ,- ' . ' • SAYIN~S INSURED .. TO $10,oi'o It was announced that J..fra. H . P . M.J!'Mlfttlt..AT- Yarnell has been appointed P .T .A.. / tr~W~ ·coordinator ror the new year. ( FEDERAL Many Corona del J..1ar gtrlJt have , · , , no proper place to hold meetings /I ·;;,,, • ,, .( and due to lack of transportation e, · l&lf,,,;,Y,, .. ~M1.i'..lt;IC'.c: ... 1& ~ . ' .. •!' cannot .get to the Scout H OUSE'.. n P.A.'PALlll•tl,fllalDMT I I fl where these troops may meet reg-._ I""""' _ Anyon• Wl8h ing to off.r quarters ;~SJ.·fi•/.H/o•/fur~ 8deJt~CoJ.. ifomiA utart:r plea M' ge t In touch with J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mn . Peterl!IOh a·t H ar'bor 2819-M . I j . ._ ftet!Ulta come rrom ccmrtant Practice! An ad regularly In thla pa.per wm prod~cc resuJta tar you. STOCK MARICIT A FREE lrc1ure will be 1ivcn on ••How lo lnv••l aad T nodc ft> Stc;i<k ~fa r krt'" brtrinninir /:JO p . m SA'NTA ANA, 'Fri .. St-pt, 21. The Ebell Chi'9 Hou1e, 625 Fre nc:'9 51. LONG BEA.CH, Wetil ~ !Q.t. %8, Town Hall, aJS l.oc:u•t St. l·"f<EE leclu"' on '"Commodity Market"" only. •LO~C BEACli. Mon .• Oct. t - Towft Hall, 83) Locu1t St.. 7:JO p. m . • -· tf.eltWfr Vi8'( • \ ~, ' I DONALD J~ GARJCH Doc'tOT of Optometry Announces the opening af his profession11I offices for the practi~ of OptC\metry in all its wand.es -at- 20<4 COAST BOULEVARD (GALLAGHER Rl"li,llll'ro) CORONA DEL MAR CAUfORNlA • Practice limited to examination , eMly.is .. m1 reh11bilitation (If the Visual Functions ''l!;iual 1'ralnift~ f or ftw Cor~on of DPf'N"hL Lfo.1nW'11 Prl"'IM't-lbrd l\11f'b numtmatlon l'llldl~ tbe N'f""d Ch~dren's and Gerier11I Practice BY APPOIN'l'MENT Harbor 1780 Office Hours : 9 to S Deily . I • TO 11fE R~IDENTS OF SEA·SRORE <roLONY WEST NEWPOKT If )·ou desire the drilling for oil In the Sea-Shore area of West Nev.•port------0n the far side of the hi~way. we need • your signatttre on a petition to the Ctfy Council for a chabge -~t1i~ordtnance to pe1-mit same. Petilion may be ~~ signed at 213 Colton. C. H . Mc- Kinne_\' TeSiClerice, \Vest -r\11.'po11 or at Coastllne Motel office. ' <~. H. M"Kl~"NEV 1 Pia"" !J1e4t;,wJitut. . TE~ESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Coa.oert PiRnlst of 'l1rrPfl Cont.ine.ts Ondute S tndf'a t o f Bf'ln Baf'toll • , 436 SeaN Drive Corona NigJHnds - Harbor 1171..J Corona del Mar. . ND t U-DRIYE CWISERS TheH'o .-tthina•boat a 0rey. bound that Jll\akeo it the {rWJtdly way to tr.ave\ East! Fellowpaa..b- get"I are moN neit}lborly ... your drivel' is careful, coatteous ... you enjoy friendly •ervice all along the way. Aad thoae lo• Greyhound -will -u1 -,... ....,,,., ........ !r:ll•• ,_tun- · Clde• ...... ~ •. 11l1& M.it ......... c. • 111o • 1 .... D.C. 11.116 . a ' . . 1'19· YOltt •••••• •.eo .. ••• 'Qty ........ .. . Ml I Al • • • .• Jll•·· ,..,..0:1 JD 7 •••• "'° • At'J ... • ••• : .... _ --... f , .ROW BOATS : ~~~~~s e l"ACK1.F. e S,,...l Boa-t ......_ .. , • . IL·LIS BOAT RENTAt.S zao: eo .. , mway· N_,.,. -PIO. tla-ma Al" SOtJ"Tll END OF BA l'8110RE lllUDGE . • - BIG'-l'llREE - . N-.i · 'l'iooB, Ptlllt Slsqpplag N-.i -,I tlte Pn!ll8 ova n,ae CIRCtllATION 18 'l'llE ANSWm ~uee Btn1r ltl.6.....,. and uk for the llCJ.tabr. • ' ' • 1 I I ' • l f ••• • i -. ..... -....----.....--~~~---~--­• s s o o a •.j Tuesday, Set>+:..:· 2~5~, ~19~51~~-------....:·:_ __ _:_-,-,.----,-~.-,..;:·...:.:N~EWPO~~R~T-·::BAl.IO=~A~-....'.N:::EW:.::.::~::.Jl::M::ES~_..:.,.......:.·--:--=-------=---:=--....::......-'l·':=~==--' "-"----'--'-~-P~il9~•_:l~·:L. ' . ·HARBO:R SOCIAL -·EVENTS 'Greetmgs! Wo .,.. llappy t. be ... k .,..,. ... .ac.ucm. Md _,.. -/ ••• MRS. WINIFRED BARBjUl, SOClety liidltor So. Calif. fpiscopalians to · He~ · Bishops from Braza Alaska & Wyo. Twenty-three giant ml-u1lonar·v">--------------- ta..llles which wiJJ l>rin« .logethC'r j M F d V!..:. Sr ~ th.aa ~ 00.000 mrnl.bl·n or • • rs. re "-H'19' • Eplacopal cbul"l'hPs throughout H G Souu.crn Cali1ornia win ... 1com. onor uest t o tbr Diocese of Lem A~k>s $ • 1 F lh, .. ~t ..... ;onary ";'""""" of rat urpr1se ete lh<" A rrwricen Ep!111COpa I church , <Nrlng lbe Wffk ot September 30 A surprise birthday party wa11 to Oclobt'r 5, accordin'g to the Rt. held fo r h.t:M!I. Fred King, Sr., at Rev. Donald J.a.mes Can1pbcll. suf-the hom<' of Mr. and Mn.-C'larencC Cragan bishop of Los Angelrs, who Young, 2~34 Santa Ana Ave., ls ftTTangtng the vt!'riL~. Costa M r.:a, Prlday night, Sept. B!ehop Loui.iil c. Mdcher who 14th. The parl..y wa.s planned by orpniud and illrttled tN!-Episco-~frs. King's famlly and friends. pal church of Brazil and who L"I T he room was attrac t ively d<'CO- now head of the church ln that rated wllh g-ree-n and white pa))l'r country, will fly tn from Rio de sltf'9..mf>rs'. The table was gay Janeiro tor thl!"se n1e-etings. Bi8-with a birthday table cowr aad hop WIUiam J ones Gordon or Wa.'4 dC'co ratPd wl.lh tall green can- AJaaka. whose diocese cm brace8 clle.o1. 'nie center piece., made \y more than 130,000 mnee, much Mrs. K ing'a daughter. Miu Luclllr ot It within the Arct ic Circle and King, W1lB of lovely nowera a.ad Bishop J . W ilson H unter of the fashioned to rt'preaent a bird in a. lCIUionary District of Wyoming, guilded cage. , ~ birUtda,y cake \1l"Ul join Bi.shop Melcher here. was ba.lt~ and dfoeorated by Mr. Epl.acopa.L c hlll'Ches throughout ·J oe H omann. Tbeo dtlicioua food the-eigllt<OU.ntry dioceee are eom-sf>rved was cooked and brou1ht tty bin.ing for. the rally meetings, those attending the party. '9Ch<'ClulNI area.-wbc. Bh1hop ~el· Mr. Ffflt King, Sr., very clcftrly cbtt Will open his meeting{!, fol-talked Mn. King into going out k>wtng his visit in Loe Angek!a. to visit Mr. ind Mrs. Young. so at Redliutd.s Bowl. Redland8 at 8 that .she never auspected a tktng. p.m. SepL !O. dtber seasions will \Vben &he entel"f'd tbe room anrl ~ in .the "Va~y" towns. every one shouted "Happy Birth- m.hop Cordon, who was the day," she wu so · SUfl>riMd she ~t bishop ever conseerated wu !!lpttehleu. t>y the lllpUJcopa.l church In thl' The m emben.. of the N"11X>rt United SUle!!I, will speak at Moose lodge and Newport Women Coronado, la Jolla. Br'awley and at the Moose gavp Mn. Kiag a Vista. In.Los Angeles a rea he will lovely W . O. T . M. locket as a 9pea.k. at Grace church, St. Paul'11 gift. It waa done up ln eigtlt dlt- Cathedral and at All Saints' fere.nt boxeti, one Inside the other. ~hurch. Bev<'rly Hills. and each box gift wrapped. Much Bi$op H unter will ~ak in the fun .,...u had &.'4 Mrs. King unWTap- Santa Barbara area. the Long ped each until she finally cam p t o Beach area. Santa Barbara. Santa the last box that contained the Maria, &nd Santa Paula. P.feetings locket. She reC(!ived many other have been scheduled tor thC' lovely gift.'I. Church or the Messiah. 8 p .m. Oct. A dance followC'd tlle dinner ud 3 In Santa Aiia for Orange coun-pre.sf'ntation of girts. A very en- ty Episcopalians, Hermosa Beach joyable evening wa.s had by every and St. Luke's, Long Beach , 8 p.m . one, and M~. King-said it was a Octobf>r 5. happy birthday she would never forget. TO ELE{,'T OFF'IC'ERS The party was attended by fifty- Election and installation of olfi-on• gue9t.s. Ten of those pre!!lent cers will highlight the monthJy .,..·ere member!!! of Mrs. K ing's m.eetlng .or the Newport Harbor family. .Mrs . Fttd King Sr., Mias Y ~ Menett~ club to be hekt I Luci!Je King, Mr. and Airs. Ruasell Thur~ay, .September 27 at 7:30 Eaton and two children, Lucille p.m. lll tbe home O{· MML 'Frank and Elsie Dlton ; Mr. and Mh. Dial, 532 W . 19th street, Costa Fred King Jr., th~tr two chftdn!n. MC'aa. Charles and Linda Ki.nr: &lao a ON VACATION litr. a.nd Mrs. Claude Knox of 1115 Sant.a laabel street. have been nnd'ing vacatioh pleasure!'! visiting friends and relatives in Ne\\" Mexi- l!'Or. Ohio and Missi~ippL 1-'ISHING TRIP Sam Crawford and .!ack Raub are back from a fishiRg expedition nf'Or B i.shop. '5TOCK MARKET A FREE lecture will be irJven o n .. How to lnve•I and Tra4e In the Stock Mar. ket"" beainnina 1 JO p m. s.AHTA ANA. Fl"L, S..pl. ::9. Tll• EMii Cl.. H-•· GS F reacb St. LONG &EACH. 'W~d ~ 5.,1. H, Tow• Halt, 138 Lecu1t St. fREE lecture on .. Commodhy ~tarket:· Only. LO'IG 8E.o\CH. "ton .• Oct. I - Town Ital!, 8JS Loeu•t St.. 7.30 p. m Lester A. Bed<er, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 1785 Newport. Blvd, ~ta Mesa Medical Bklg. Beacon 67!52 ~ E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J V'Pt'Y ~IO!lle trie..ad ol t1t.e fat91J.y. JI.f r. Ted Ivy o! Cardena. There were forty m.emllin'a of ~ New· port }.toose Lodge and Newport \V_ 0 . T . J.I . preM'nt. ~(rs. King ls a me-mber of the Ne.,..rport W. 0 . T. M .. is very ac- tive in the chapter and iR lovrd by everyone. Starbright Club Has Luncheon Meet The r egular meeting of Stn- brlght Club oC 0 . E . S . was bekj Sept. 19th 1.n the IOOF Hall, Coflta Mesa. A 12 :30 p. m. luncheon. Tm> luncheon committee Y•ere Opal West. chairman : Jean, Cottle, Clara K~r and Edith Voorbtta. Laura McClellan. president, pre- sid<'d over the business meeting. A committee was appointed to draw up new by-laws for the clu)t,, consisting of L e 1 & McMillan, Esther DevlnP, ~fable Fitz.morris, Sylvia Ptace and F1ottnct Ander· 900. • The-remainder of the attf'rnoon was spent playing cards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Those present \\'ert>: Blanche L. ; Lytle, Esther J ohnson. Jo Peck, Erm& Lacbenmyt>r. Ruth Deister. EllY'ft Nielsen, Mable F\tzmorrta.. Ba.rriet SmJth., Pauline Mi lhoff. Ilha Home, Edith Holte, Sylvia. Phle!:, Bettye Fink, Delphy H ep- pcrle, Laura McClellan. Gt>orgta McCk-Uan, Maud \\'ood, '1orence Anderson, Lela Mc Millan. Opal Herold K. Greuel Chape l Ptton!:: Beacon 5610 110 Bro3.d,,•ay CoAta Meu '==============:'l \Ves~ Jean Cottle, Clara keeler, BE SURE -INSURE Edith Voorhees, Connie Bnce. Cha.tlotle ~fcNair, Esther DevC»e. The next mtttlng will tte OcL !7, with tuncheon at 12:30 p. m •. the commlttee being Esther John- son, Sylvia Plaee, Ada Orth and Blanche Lytle. wt .. MAURIE STA!'o"LEV -Owly Phone lbrbor 11"1$ HS•~.&-. ... aoai.....- -MA'l"Tlll&'<ES Boab-HoD1P8-Tral1,.n ~siu.,.. BEACON 5081 C...la 111 ....... _ Oa; !t•Nw,_llhd. All ~ Nation~ Fete . at Santa Ana , Y The AU·Natlon.s FPstival wll ~ held at the Santa Ana T . W. C. A.:. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 ... 20. Ddp&ays ot tru.sures from 20 countries will be shown by th!: peopl!: In their native coctume. W ... TER HEATERS and a program of aong-a and "" dances from many countries will sal ... kn'ke -8-iN be prov1'1fd. •• ' •/j I ".I~ I ~ "ooc1 bootl\o wat be .. t up in oe \ '1Cltll04C. u.e pat.lo ,,_ -• '" •••• s...dlal!.• Chili.... Mexican and PUJMalNG ~ --•-•M. A r 1•e1 Drier Willia ~ and llr.. .... ., ._, a 1'ftiM ,.__ Tr1CMy ... ~ for u.e .... . --· ~.._........... e ... --~ ft 7 --lltt-" 'he .. -.-. .. -ot ·-~~~~5~;;;;;~~~~~1" m . .., ~ -l:tO.,. a Oil la"'""'1, -,., •• -ot f:llt ,_ m. ' ~;n;:;--;;-;;;;;;•;-;;;•• It D . Pt' .... ,. tlll a ...... ... ftmk X. I' I\ elCJ - ........ , 111 .. ,.... -::Ji#\:, w.'\,.-:,:r.':'; __ .._.tlno __ ..,. ....... .,_., .... ~-, 2 :a . ~ • l'{.. . .\.NS FOB 'ntE F ln1f A...'VNUAL CHRISTltAS PREVITE of~ Nf'"'por1. Harbor BUAlnN§ and rroff'Mlonal \\'omen's C lub "'""'',..,,.._led lut •"'rlday ~. J">llP Of kw-al WH'rchanh by thl!" ('Ofllfll)llt>oP ' la l'halC"· AA la t~ past. tkf-m•·rrhants' 11bct\\' "'IU hf. hi-hi In thl" Rf' .... \"OUA aaU d.atf"tl "" arP N•Vf"mliH SO ._. l~ber I. Plan" AM" tlll(ft'May nnw t o 'f'f'UN' a nBllW" -.d M famou."' t."ftt.r-rt.&la~ meat l1'<MtP fM thr Satunlay night pr'Nk'otatlon. Ttwmf' of th,. itho\\. \\'Ill bi-'Oomlt.ln.g \'our lloin"- &own. DooAA \"011'. Pll-b1rf'tl at tfw. .......... r l'oAff'r~ A"' ttw-planaln« board of B. &: P. \\", LPft. to rlrht abo\"r ~y Nrwlln. lff'nP )fq"""-DGmtta}· Suth,.rland, ltf.tt)· Jan·is, Rub)• St,.,.,.DMD alKI , . mklf"f'tl S lanll"'}'. Othf>r"!I tn attt"ftdant'f' at thf" "'"'tine ,,·f'rr-. Club Prfi1toldf'nt Rath \\'Hlmf'ta, El'"">'• Vat1V'r, RPlt>n ~ort on, and mPrrhantc Hamid C'ttrhtlfor, Hay l..&nR'"~• J olla ~non. OU\·f'r Broom· hPad, OIC:k Rlc-hanl, Rny G~nJMlf, Jr., and On·IJW Sl'hJnf't f"r. INews-T1rl1e11 Photo) Gly11n Ross to ·Direct Two Operas Oct. 4 One of grand opera's youn~st st.Age dir tttors, Glynn Ross, ot the Los Angeles Conservatory of M u- i-ic and Arts is well known to Orange county mu8ic \overli. Ross ls t he first Amer icsn-born dlrN'-, tor to stage f\11!-scalr major pro- ductions for scvf'raJ of t he ·tore- most companies. Some of his out- !llandlng achieVt'menUI Wt>re with the Royal Oper• House (Tettro San Cl.rlol, in Nsplt's. Italy. · Ro.as teams h'-"' talpnt.s with the emlnt'nt Herbert Weiskopf, tam- Oll.8 musical dirrctor. In bringin~ an outs la.ndlne cut of young sing- er• In .. cavallrrla Rusticana" s od Anaheim Hosts for Kamaainas A lonr table, low ahd beautiful- ly S!:t in Hav.·ailan style. centered the studio of Val Moore, Anaheim dancing teacher when she !:nter- ta.tned ~mbe.-s of Kamaalna club Wedne!!ldny evening. Guests sat · on plllo~·s around t he tabl-e. lt was ccnterer1 v.·i th a palm tree a.nd further adorned with flowera. cocoe.n utl\ bananu, ChiM!M' tiqr1ne~ and little H ula dancers.. All membet!'l \\"f're present !:X- cept Thelma Ricketts. Specltil g.uests \\"ere Margaret Mokekou. who wfLq born in Hilo &nd who Is bow.e gliest of the club pre,:iident, Floren<'e Chamberlin of Co !!It a Me~; and J.f"rvin!: Franks ol. "Pagll&ccl.'" ·in Engli_.h, Octob<'r •. In the Santa Ana h~h school Beverly Hills. n. former member. auditorium . W ith one vaca.ncy in the mem- Both opera.a will be romplete bershlp. Dorothy Bell of Co!'lta with full orch<'stra , choru~. stag-~fesa "-1 11 be voted In st the next ing and •ew comumcs. m!:eting. This .... -111 be on Ckt. 10 at the home o f Laur& de los Rios. Tickets are ' on sale for lhls opt>ra <'~nt at the S IM-Note Mu--- l'ic atore, 304 W . ith atrel't, Klm-W I G 'Id "'''Y 2·2393. A)J .... ,. ••c SI plus es eyan UI t•x ·Entertained at Broadway Home Harbor Star, O.E.S. Holds Initiation fpr Male Members Harbor Star Chapter, 0. E . S .. m<'t Sept. 11. at Odd FelloW3 hall, Costa Me8a. Ruth De-~ter, \Vorthy Matron and Hl'-nry D ., Worthy Patron. pr<'!lllded. Grace Scott, dl"puty grand n1atron. Hunting-ton Bett!'h, "''!JS l!"srorted, ll.'I was Myra B<-nt, worthy matron of Lagi.tna B<'OCh chapt<'r . ' Initiation was held for th e fol- ft>wlng men : Everett Brace. Mel· w ood 9'oJTY, J ohn J . McGann. Mil· ton Stell&r. Trader Horn, Virgil Smith, Bernard McNair and Sn.m K inst&tht-r, <'.'OUM!tf'y <'Anclidstf'. Rl!"ftl'shm<'nts "''ere servro In the dinfng room, dC't•oratlons be- ing school days thC'mC' \\'llh lunches in paper b!lg!ll and red SC'hOOI house motifli. On th<' refrt>shment committee we'tC': Bonnie BetTy, Earlyn Al· bright, and ConniC' Bract'. \Vatter P<'Ck made the coffee. Hoatesses1..for thf' eve-nlng werl" ~larcelle Stellar and Eva Mcbann. Mt'.!'I. Deister &fV\OUnC'ed the re- CC"ption of IHputy Grand Matron Crace.Scott on Saturday, Sept. 29 ln . Memorial Hall. Runtin&"ton Beach. Chapters under her •UP""" Episcopalians.. __ to Attend.-Mission Garden Party ~ , vtelon will give the ~ptlon. The \\ l".!lleyan Service Guild of I The nt'Xt meeting, Sept. 25th the Coata MC'sa Com mun 1 t y f will bf'" members' nlght with mem- church gathered recently at lhC' l bfor!'I filling stations as courte11y Broad"''&)' home ot ~irs. H elen omc('n:i. A l"IO therr will be a F lftee• or moft memb<-rs of St. Pohlmar<. The clC'vollonal lntc>rval birthda_y tab)(' for tho~e having James Epdcop&l church will at-"''as C'onduct('(f by Mr!I. Esther blrthrlay~ in July. August and leftd 'the annual gardC'n pacty of Do<!<-f' who al•" gavf' the mis-~ ' .-..... Sepll'mber. the .City Mismoa !!IO!'iety, to bf' Fionary lt'~son. Th\.s was a resump ------- hrlc.I Thursday Bl th(' Los Angelel'I of two ehapten ot the book, .. Wt' hon1r. of Mrs. Ly11rro1an Pa~·l"IJ, Lor-Ar1'crlcans" by George Ho'4•ard. r:'l ine 8"\"enU('. I Af rs. Crace Billings. presldt'nt. Among thf'l"ft Will b(' th<' rC'ctor . I rcportl'd on th(' activilit'"l' of di!- the Rev. Paul Moer<' \.\.h"ekr a.nd ferent mlssionaric11 supported by Mrs. Bert Brewer, "''ho 1s a mem· Lhe Guild. RefN'-!lbments wer(' bet ot lhf' board uf dirf'ct ors of sera·ed at the evening·s finale. the SOC'!'f'ty. Woml'n of St. Jan1t>s Present "''ere Mmes. Gertrude JOI:'\' f'O..liJTA ~rES."-CHl"llCH New members Into the . Cos1a Alesa Community :P.·1 et hod I at church rt!Cently Included Mr. aad Mn. \VUHam Tracy' Harvey of 1561 Orange avenue, and Mrs. Ros<'. Prict' of 1933 M;aple avenue. parish will have a doll boot'1 at . Edick, Martha. Dlcke-y. Billing1. PHOE!\ri \l'.M;ATIOS the party. I Dodgr. Ruth Barnell, Nelli!: HO\Y-Mr .. and ,J4.n. Hugh McMillan On Wedne-sday of thi~ "'"eek ~fr. ard. Irene Ahl•trom, Virgini:a and two chUdren of \Vestminater .Whel'lf"r will be at the cathedral •iSeal, Doris \VOocl, Tllt-lma Griffith Aw. returned ,home Saturday &ttendlng depart~1f'nt mretings. anti J ennie. Turner. . I after a v~tion In Phoenix. •• .~) . . ' <, ........ w._twoekt.--( ... , ......... , _ .... , •. -........ -h • aploadld .... .,.,... -fall olub -. , 'Sime uf u.m.t 1"'e do not m.w, for 09C!t! .. a wtllle aa ~~ ... llT •rlttra ....., .. pwWlolty -In \riUI -umit Oil' .... wh•f' a b!:r • ltL Pbw. .,..._ ..... __ ,_ .. .. p .. nnt-. W••lcll• •tooell bt NII. •P a .... t -..... .._ tall To t.lltotlP -9 M!f!9t-.ed .. publ~dty, rem,..tler Qr mr- dlllal ......... I) """bl• _ .. all tnmac : !) put • M mme lllHI ..... _ ... r: 3) do ---,.iaft. aa1·thlt1.K .. xcr-pt moalll et yN.r . ( ao a.-.d to put In ;rear· dMlfo): ,, ..,.,,..,. 9'e ~-... ...u-.'" AD4 nlmt IMportaal. ,,,,....,..., tiat ............... ""hP"' a nd ,,.-...,," p m flr'lt S-rac-ml>I'. ao4. a me•&a of most tmpnriaat 11""'1 or ..._.., R•U, "·bk-h 800.._ld f)lf' PlabGr&tNi l9 UK-..-.con4 PAta«rapla, Cl8tt ftf""·s hi ealy D part of tltf' ,.P"' ,,·hJA: Is ot intel'Ht ttt Wol'Dt'n: Small '1-eDIA a)Mat yWn.etf. ,)"8'1r auf"Kb .... )'Ml' f"hikhfo11 .,.,. :ilim)'!I t• hr .... flll'f"d. l\lnn.r C"91&f.«f" and M"h~ ~·ottDlf p4'0pif" l(f>t tllP loml piipP"' and Hljoy "-"l!Wllac about tlwlr frif'ndfl. Lari-" M<"lal af- falrM shfMlld tM> tf"hopMnNI It)' tbf. ~t~. \~,-., miKltt. knoM• thf" affair WRH to -.... hf-.kl, ,.,.. ftni flJMI you honM> whHI •·P ptfnnt'. l"'k-iu"""' of affal"' I" prl\'lltf" hnmP" arf" ef partkular lnt...~t. \\"r M·lll i;opRd oor own phatographf>r, If onP i!'i a\·atlabl<' at tlw> M-!dT"f"tl ltour. D1..-lnl( mtr ,·at'atlon "'" dl!il- f"ft\'N'l"d ttw :Srt~ -T~ and PrP8" to hf' l'f"ttH;r lntf"n-sttni;- p•hlk-atk>nH. "'Ith aH of }:OD hf'lplng, ,,.,. ran makP It mon- M, .4.nd If "•p Rl"f' l'tOlftf"thftf'H "'6'1\· in ,l"f"ftlnlf ltf"'ftl8 In, ,..._ llW'trtbPr ttlf'N''!I onl}' enP of '"' to IW'\'P-tal thoftlllaltd nf J'&U! Oh, y~. wMN' did 1•r!: i:o o• ettr \'BMllion ! 1'li thfo ~\-orftf' P .. "' of n irn"Qt many pl"Ophoo- rftflit hM'f", In Nf'1o\'fl0rt 8fo.:I~ ! I.a%.'" da)'H, l·yln.-"" th .. and. n-a.:lmi: Mtr fa\-orlt. book1t, hl'ftrlni;-011r fa,-oPitf" min.Ir. \\'hat t"Uttkl bf'o hiPttrr~ Voun for a most Slltt'l""!l~ful )'f':lt, \\'inif"""' Ba rbn- N""8·Tlmes ads have been re:.1.d ln th!: H&rbor for over ,.0 yea.n. _j -: . Nylon Panties . . • • • • 1.19 SRF..ER BRIEFS Nylon Crepe Slips . · • • . 3. 98 TATLORF.J)-WHITE ONI.Y 32 -40 NylQn Half Slips . . . • • 3.98 WRl'I'E and PINK -S • M-L Nylon Slips ~~~ • • • 4.98 LACE TRIM -Bl.K. n n<t Yi'HITE Nylon Gowns :\ . . . . BROKEN SIZES 1 nd COLORS • 7.98 (All sbovf" Limited Quantities) • 1209 Coast Bh•d. Coroaa d~l Mar Phone Harbor 1308 I +---.. ----------·-------·'-----t I I I . v. E. KOEPSEL, 0. D. I J OPTOMETRIST I ANNOUNCES THE MOVING OF HIS OFFICES .I I TO 3016 NEWPORT•BLVD. HOURS: 9 :30 TO 12 :30 -1:30 TO 5 :30 SAT. 9:30 TO 12:30 I EVENINGS BY APPOlNTMENT- i TELEPHONE ffAIRBOR !511 • ' I ' L I . ! l FRIENDLY HELPER .,TO FAMILY BUDGETS Your ,telephone dollar(" 1fO fbthe~ today th~ they dill in 1940 ............ • • • • 1 ; , ' • • • • -·~·9• ~ The Dalit•r o1 GlviRa ., ...... <>;,;.~ --r-. . ' . (Editor'• Note: Morton C1aUleft w-. tor many yean ed1tor and pubUaher or the Hamilton. DJinolll l'reMl. . ; POIWted Evvy Tueeda)' at Newport Ike+, calllonla I • by the NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLISIDNO OOllPANY Giving q one of the ma.t dan- geroua u well u ma.t bl~ of human gesture.. Glfta te~red tavtahly and without "•trlnp." more often than not, become a curae to donor and. recipient allke. On the other hand, lf tendered u a necessary adjunct to greater achievement on the part or the re- ':Member of CALIFORNIA NEW!JPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N . ... Member ot the NATIONAL EDITOR~ ASSOCIATION • Office and Printing Plant at 2211' Balboa Telephone .Ba.rbor 1618 Boulevard u Second-Cla.ss Matter at the Postofflce ln Newport Beach, clptent through hla own efforte, Calitomla under the Act of March 3, 1879. they become a bleubtg of tar- reachJng coneequence.. WILLIAM A. MOSES, Editor • J . M. FRANCIS, Buslneas Manager ln all history no naUon hu llO dangerously and reckJeuly cfven of IU! resources a.a ha., America. Quall.Oed to Publish Legal Notlcee and Advertl9eme.ni.a1 of all IUade Because of thla, we have fo.t..ered a preponderance ot resentful, en- SUBSCRlPTION RATES:· vlous and parulltc couatna wtlhln . NEWPORT-8ALBOA NEWS-TIMES every. 1'uMdaJ' 1 lhe family ot tree nations that, for '-•zoo Ill Uu· l l !5 Uuee many yeara to come, may. be a In Orange County, SS.60 per year: • · x moo ' · aerlou.11 UablJJty to ua anti to the moDt.b9 (Also locludea the ~"E\VPORT-BALBOA PRESS. Tbunday) rest of the world. OutAlde Oran.re County $4.00 per Yflal" \Vhen. Franklln D. Rooeevelt ;::;::;::;;::;::;;:::::::::::::::::;::;;::;::;;::;::;:;::;::::::;::;;::;::;;::;::;;::;::;::::::;::;;::;::;;::;::;;::;::;:;::;::;::::;::;;::;:;;:;:;;:;::;:::., I sponaored the shovel-leaning PW A,. on the theory that It mattered le11.11 TAKING ANOTHER LOOK what WM actU&lly being accomp- k on the faces of most llshed than It mattered that pub-That relieved loo you seen Jlc funds be put Into circulation. he m o thers is quite unde r standable. The kids are back in committed a crime upon public school. morallty that to thla day le Three months of li\'lng with 1'ild Indians Z4 houn stamping lt.s paraly<lng etfect. ~ upon nearly all phuea and e.n-a day is most trying. It is well that they have been sent deavors or labor. back to the reservation for furl.her civilizing. That same aort of lmJ'l'loraJ and As t he new school year gets under way the public reckless giving of our reaourcea to othet nations and peoples u should take a f r esh look at the public school system a nd "pump-primtng" tor their econom- rc-assess its purpose, value and achievements. Our le& hu In many Instances had lt.B •ohools have com e in for sharp criticism s of late and in dernorallzlng effect.a. Since the """' . . . "priming" wa.e so generous, why some instances these may have been JUStif1ed. But the apply effort and energy to the ~ public education systcrn as a whole is sound and effective. pu.mp-handle ! Why. not Ju•t drink · · f ' the "pr iming"" It has trained youn~ Americans in the . tru~ trad1.tions o It l8 this ~bu8E" of giving that d e mocracy and has given us able leaders 1n science, industry has characterized our present nat- and g overnment. · Ion&.! administra tion u one not · ·00 f -d only lacking In the traces of mor-Teach1ng methods change O\'Cr a per1 o time. an allty but also aa one to danger· these changes n o t infreque ntly are res is ted. But the actual ou.s 1; undermine our own and LhP. method of teaching if it is n ot used for subversive pur-world,econo1nies. · · ' h h 1+-If t d t Moreover, It ha.a been a "robber poses, 1s o f less 1mportance t an t c r esu ut. . a_ s u en baron" giving-robbing the people does no t gain a vast knowledge along academic lines, but of the United States to tavtahly does learn to get along with o the rs. h o w t o live an orderly and often foolishly give to other · I h ' ed " · peoplf"s and natlcns. It la the caa.e: and useful life, then the schoo has ac lCV tls primary or Injudicious "little" ~n behig end. drunk with a pswer they have not A youngster "'110 Jeams res~ct for others, \\'h o rightfully earned and therefore • · cannot wisely wield. .. 'lequires a senHe of .tl1rift \l"hich the school savings pro· This does not mean that Amer- ~ grams encourage, who gain s a respect for law, is like ly tea s hould taolate herself from tht" ito be a good c itizen, C\'M ~f h.is kno\vledge of S hakespeare reet of the world and become in- ured to suffering and want In 9'is not extensl\'e. other lands. We must and will ; .J Of course, the school alone cannot d o the whole job. continue to give and help. even he home and t~ c httrc h a~e equally responsible. . But, Ing dangeroW1ly and recklea.sly. No . generouely, but we muat stop giv-~verything considered, the public school system has achieved greater fallacy was ever pcrpe- ...nuch . And it deserves full public ~upport. trated upon our own and wor ld ~ • morality than that of ··buying" friendship. That le immorality of itARsHALL RETIRES.-AGAIN the loweet onler. . · We ml.Ult wake up to the tact ' ._ Defense Secretary George Marshall is one o f the "relir-that what the world neect. tcr-a gest" men we have had ~in public life. No doubt, he would greater deCTee than gilt& and · · -· f f ff ha.nd-outJJ from lhle country to our ~referred that hIS first retirement as Army ch1e o sta own detr iment, la that we keep ~llowing World War II could have stuck. o urselves strong, vtgoroue, healthy S._ But men of Mr. Marshall's ability and experience are and lndependent enough to sue- '. · • I bef p 'd t Tru • t h · ce88fully meet a.nd halt the foe ew. So, it wasn t o ng ore rest en man sen 1m common to all free natlons-~n the China mission and later appointed ' him Secretary Rusata. Upon that rest.a the :>f State. When h e left the latter post his public service workfa gr~atest hope for tiurvtval. "' ed t d B t 1 Th K d th America La uncomfortably close J ,-ppear a an e n · u ; no· e · orean war an e to the econom.J c danger point. ·Any J ~moval of Defense Secretary Louis J o hnson created the add.Jllonal ta.x revenue must from ~-eed for a successor who would have strong support from now on come from the average b · wage 1?&rner, a.nd he la down to • th Congress and the pu lie. rock-bottom ability to pay. Any -:_ Bac k from his farm in Virginia came Marshall. During further weakening of our credit ~he past year as Defense Secretary he has helped t o...,.t>uild •tructure through lncreue ln · · f · . public debt may accomplish for the .;tlP our fighting strength and t o prepart or military even-Kremlin what all of Stalin'• armed '11luality. Now he retires f o r the third time. Maybe this I forces nevtt could--collapse of our ~ime his country can permit him the rest he deserves. CapllaJU.ttc Syatem and IOOB of ln· *' • · dlvldua.1 liberty. . • But Utere Is an a wakening EFRESHING COURAGE Senator Knowland's forthright praise of Secretary of tate Dean Acheson for his handling of the Japanese abroad In our land. People a.re be- ginning t o ask queeUona. · We are no longer indifferent. PubUc con- fldel}.ce in elected and appointed otftcTala ha.a reached an hlalorlc low, and in ratio to Jou of that confidence, u a tree people, ·we eace conference was a statesmanlike gesture. ' • The fact that the California senator has heen a sever e 14 ritic of Acheson's as well as a member of the opposition y makes his comment alf the more noteworthy. In peaking as he did, Mr. Knowland has not changed his mind n the pointe of difference between him and the secretary. ,,. ather, he has simply given credit where credit was due. • Unfortunately, there are too many men in Washington ~ho feel they must condemn everything done by the other arty and praise everything in their own. Senator Know- d and a few others have dared to be different. I . .....a,· ··_ I '" • I are lncrea&lngly refusing to blind- ly follow the leaders. At Jong tut we are W&klng up to the etarlllng truth that gtvtl\I" la dangeroua -especially the giving or too much power to our leaders. At home and abcoad the American 1 people are learhlng the bitter lea- aon of the DANGER OF GIVING. Richard's Enten National . Contest· 0 . W . (Dick) Richard, owner of Richard's Udo Market, a.nnounced today that hla store ill jolnln( w1tb members Dt Super Market ln- aUtute &nd McCall'• ~e In a , national ._ies e~t. demtcnect to underscore the contribUtk>n of ad· verliaed producU to America's higher standard Of Uvtna. "More than: 4.000 super m.ukell n the United Stalet, C&nada and Mexico are ta.k:ing part ln the "Harve.lt of National Brands," aald RJchard. ''They will feature tamou. brands of food producta. as well~ as dll"ect conaumer·a at- tention to the unlfoqnly htgb •tandarde of qualtty that have helped make America the belt fed nation ln the world." Tbe ••Baivest: of Nat I on a I B....,do" will bfl t .. tuted at Rieb· ant'• thru. the ll!Oflth of Oc\oller. More than IT~ talnoao fOod - adftrtloed ID 11.cCall's ~ will be r .. tw:ed In tile •nat. . --Opportunll)> la ·-.., ID Cl·A 1181 Pa!> ADii. ' • I 'NEWPORT. BALBOA .NPNg,: Harry S. Triunan White HoW!e Wa.ahlngton, 0 . C. Dear Harry : , ES Tuesd4y, S.pt. 2s, 195 1_~ • PLAN.NERS ·QKA Y. :'..-::d ~'.1 ~==~n YColo. ~ Two NEW SITES H..,.,; L. Hanoo,,; CbalrmlUl of Jamee V. Bond•; 22, Newport lbe Treuury'a Orange County J Beach, 18 registered as a aeaior FOR BUSINESS ~a?, E~;"i~~.~1: :~0~~~1 !~~a;r~c:; · Serles E.... F, and G Defense Sav-Bonds Jr., 1326 W. BaJboa Btvd ... . · ' . Opening of two n ew bu.slneuea, l);tp BondL he l.s seeking a degree ~ metal Don't reckon I ever saw so much money in circulation one for llgtlt fetensc manutactur-, Of this. sisi.•70.21 wu invest-mining engineering. and have it ao danged hard to hold onto. I know you've Ing, w .. approved at Thursday ed 1n Serles E, and $20,847.00 In "Mineo" hu a 77-y..ar record got your problems to ra.sale with ~d that right now you're night's meeting ot the City Plan-Serles F and O Bonda. ot gtvtng practical tr&.lntng to ning Comml.ulon. The County Bond Chairman Its mineral industry engineetB. beset with Boyle trouble, but I feel this inflation matter . Rosan, lnc., makers of various stated that total county sales The majority of its gradua.tes ln ougbt'nt be pa.Bsed back and forth like a b ot potato. When Jocl<tng ring lnsert.s for wood. since the first of ~the yeAr geophysics. met.8.Jlurgy, mining. 't "'-t tarted I f ' red th t I'd ~ O eatin' beans plywood and plastics used by the amounted to $1,912,501 .47 In the petroleum engineering and pe- I AU Rights Reaerved ) FILMING TO BEGIN SOON ON l '"" 8 1gge a P n military, wu granted pennlsslon troleum re fining' stay In the '-b h 'f th · I to three cl&a8e8 of Treasury Defense and spuds and taY y enoug o a o ng green see to produce their productfi at 625 Bonds. United states. but others are. me over a rainy day but danged if I can save any atall Coe.st Highway. The firm agreed employed In developing the re- . ' , b h to provide off-etreet parking for sources of 36 friendly foreign bere lately. Not only that I cant IAlve any ut I ave to ·employee .. can. · NOW rs THI: TIME countries. . go into <II)! sock fer a little extra till there's hardly any left ' Plans tor a 4200-aq?are foo~ To rent your bome or apt.- in the sock'. So 'Harry I'm appealing to you , . . do stzucture to house a laundry and Ph. HARBOR 1818 and place your . '. , ' cleanJng establlShment a t 2741 Want ad ~? Ev~rybody reads lbe clualf'led &da. SOJ!lethmg before it 8 too late. Coast Highway were outlined be- Your ole fren, fore the commlSBlon by repreaen-.---------------------------, FARMER McCABE · tatlvea of the Irvine Co. The plans Were approved tentatively. CARELESSN E8fl 18 CHU:F CAUl!E 01" FOR.t:l!T t,RES LEGAL NOTICE The company Intends to buUd the structure and lC'ase it to op- e-ratont, Before final approval of the building plans, the commission decided to ask a recommendation from Planning Cons ultant Larry Wise, Redwood City. BALBOA aild COSTA MESA KIP MOVE • Although California had rewer roreat flrea In 19~0 tha.n In 1949, haza.rdoua weather conditlonA caused acreage loaee11 to more than double. A total of 488.590 ac ru waa burned by 3.838 fires last year. California'• average forest rlr" In 19:>0 burned 127.3 acre.11. Ap- proximnalely 1.1~ per cent or the elale'11 tore1ted area wu burned during the year. AU of Ca.Jifor· nia 'a 42 .:w>&,OOO acrea of foreat - land are under organized protec- t ion. While nearly two-thitda or the state's 19:>0 forest fires wer" man-caused. lightning wu thr largest alngle cauae or fire. A tot.at or l ,341 Jlghtnlng-cauM'd fi res were reportt"d. Smok1?rs caused 813 forest flrea and care- less debrla burners 441 . 1 KEEP ENGINE TUNED • There le a world or difference In the performance or an l'nglne tuned lo concert pitch a.nd on<' that la ju1t 1llghUy out with re- spec t. to &dj1,l8tm~t of a number or features. In view of the ramlli· arlty or motoriata with thiJJ: fact; It la an endless source of surpri~ to 11ervlce authorltlea of the Nat- ional AutomOblle Club that car ownere wtll put up wtlh the wute- ful Inefficiency of maladjusted vaJvea, timing that la .slightly rut or slow. dirty and pitt~ breaker po~. fouled apark plug11, and carburetoz: adjustments that te nd to produce aluggteh performance. The coet ot cor recting lheae Oaws, or tuning-up the engine, usually la leaa than the price of t en gallons of gaaollne. Opporllll1l!J> la bocldnJ ID . CLAB8lP"Ill:D ADS CERT£YICATE OF B U81Nr.88 FlctltloUB Finn Name • THE UNDERSIGNED doe a hf'reby certify that He la con- ducting a Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods bu.sJneM al 17th le Coast H ighway, Newport Beach and 102 N. Main St., Huntington Beach, caurornia, unde r tht" rlc- titious firm name or Bay Shore Tac kle Company and that Mid firm la compos«t of the following petBon, whose name In full and place of residence are aa follows, to-wit: I KERM W. RIMA, 510 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. WITNESS my hand thle 14th day of September. 1951 KERM W. RIMA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE l ON TH1S 14th d\Y of Septem- ber, A.D., 1951 , before me, Robert F. Wlllmea, a Notary Public ln and for the qid County and Stiite, residing therein. duly comrl}ts- aloned and sworn. personally ap- peared KERM W. RIMA known to m(' to be the pereon whose name l.8 subsc ribe-0. to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WJTNESS WHEREOF, I have herrunt o set my hand a.od aftix- f'd my oficial seal the day and year In tht.s Certificate flrat above written. ROBERT F . WILLMES. My Comm!Nlon Expire11 November 16 . 1951 . No. 227 -Times Publlshed Sept. 18-25, Oct. 2-9 You'll ftnd ma.ny nice homeM and apt& advertlAed for re.nt- ye•rly or winter-In the claa- slned K'Ctlon today: ' THE . FIGHT IS NOW ON ·Let's Restore Our Rights to Choose Our Own 611 es ts? Patl'Ont? Tenants? Neigh- bors and Employees! HEAR THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE DEBATE concerning the propo1ed emehdment to the Celifornie Stete Constitution, which will . REESTABLISH THE INHERENT RIGHTS · OF PROPERTY NOW STOLEN BY A SNOW- BALLING·)BUREAUCRACY. KNOW WHERE YOU STAND ON THIS • ISSUE THAT HAS ALL OF AMERICA AROUSED. HEAR THE BETWEEN FACTS . AT THE DEBATE SENATOR JACK· B. TENNEY .and ALDRICH BLAKE n. . LillEN MILLER and :CLORE WARNE THURSDAY~ 27th SEPT •. 8 , ... , a111 Halt. 625 Fre•di ·s1• ••• ' . Smala Ana , ' . . _Spo!"sored ily the Senta Ana Unit of · Pro-America , • Admission $I :oo plu• tax. Tic~eh at' ¥e!;bj11's Realty, 620 lf,.M.io,' S.nt~,~ne - •.. • . . • • • I • I A committee including Philmer Ellerbroek, 0 . B. Reed and C. B. Rudd wa.s appoinled to cQnfer with Wtse on the laundry-clean- ing ealabllshn1e nt plans. Consruc- tlon on the building is slated to start before Octobrr 1 af~er final planning.._commls.slon apprqval. The laundry-cleaning firm ln· tends to employ five persons. Theme Set for Religious Classes "Our Bible anrl bu r J ... ivrs" will be t he lhPme of l'la.'>!'iCS for Pro- tel'tant youngl'ltcrs and ''.'Church Ooctr!ne" '•\'ill be t he> subj<'C't of Catholic boys and girls as wwet-k· day cl&a8(>s in religious education open next Wcdnrsday IOct. 3t:d) in Newport Bt>ac h Mfl Costa M<'sa elem entary tiChols. All parents of eligible boys a.nd girls arc being contacted this week an1t thnS4:' 'A'ho have · their parents' Rpproval will be allowed lo take lhi~ onr hour training a week in nearby churches. DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY ... for an ad in the livjlY cla..ssl- tied section of t he. Scenes Ulie this will be seen on Balboa SOOD HEY. KIDDIES in GET! IN THE MOVIES-BE AN ACTOR! F111 out. blank below and mall or bring to· nrlghbor- hmMI thPKtre U"ie<t : LIDO THEATRE, :St:\\'PORT Rf<:ACll MESA THEATRE. COSTA M•;SA BALBOA and COSTA MESA'S own JUVENILE COMEDY Starrtn~ bo.''" kDd glrlM bPt"·f"f"n thn't" and fourtttn )'car8 old. :SAftlE ______ _ AGE ___ PHO~·E ·----BOl' or GJRL ADDRESS __ BIG THREE-- News-Times,· Post Shopping New1 and the Press :-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:-~~~~~~~~ OVER • 21 ,500 CIRCULATION THE ANSWER! rs High Qualify Prinfing-Ph; Har. ,NQW is the time . to _ transfer your fu .nds to insured ....... SAVINGS CURRENT EA~NINGS I ' ' r / SIYllGS IOW llSURE.D UP TO 111.-.aa • MOllY RE.CE.IYE.D IY THE. I OTH OF THE. MOITH URIS FROM THE.. I ST I C~e io ••• We will arrantrf tlte·tran'sfer pf y.our funda wltltovt fnconvenht~ or expen .. 1 to you I . ,· .1·. . ' ' • • 1 ... l I , ' l • I . ' ! -::-~~-. ~-·-~.-. .. + w s 4 ·r *I ~ ROLE Of RED FEATHER . . .. AGENCIES DESCRIBED l'.d'-i Sote: Thia t. Ute tlnt la a 9ttlee ,, &rtldee about the Rrtl Feathf'r Aseode3 of your Commwa.lt7 ChNL) • -' ' I I . ' • • I •• St. ·James Guilds ' Opening Se5sions • St. Marprel'• Guild of St. Tamas Epllcopml 'church will nteet Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2 p. m . at t.be , I home of the chairman, Mn. E. , Costa Mee.a. New members are • • If you are one of those people who believe that Red Feather serv1ceos are only for the PQOr and !htftleu, alma for ~e underprlvl- legsd, It may come a.s a shock for you to realiu that they are com- comunlty St>rvk:cs from which a croa'°6eCUon of our people dertw direct bcn .. fit and from which all benefit indireetly. In Los Angeles C?Yd H11bbt.rd, u1 sl)ori •treet. By ~ARGO welcOme. 1 I'•-;..._.., _______________ .;._.;.. ______ ~ one out of every fo ur Individuals uaea lhem. Not so long ago, when a nei,rh-•-------------- bor wu "ick you turned nurM: in on a non-profit b4,ala. which ill the emergency. tended the cbil-available to needy client.I, unmar- drcn. brought ovrr hot broth, did tied mothers. delinquent or neg- lhe ironin~; in short, you helped lected children and other apeciaJ- lhe family ovt'r lhr hump. They i:ud tomts ot institutional care. gav1;> you hrartfrlt lhank~ and you Thf' Orange county branch can in tum wished you coukt haV'E" use reeourcea tn Loa Angeles, •Uch done mQrr. . . ns St. Ann's Matem ~ty hoepltal. St. Ellsabelh'a Guild of St. James Will meet on Friday. Oct. G at 12 noon at the home of Mrs . Ji.mes Glven, f13 Jaamine ave., Corona de1 Mar. A uck hlncheon. and ~ffee by the hoet.eas.. Mem- bera wilt make party decorationB and favon? lhetr fund raJslng J>rp· Ject for the year. New members arc welcome. DIRECl'ORS TO MEET BUSY VACATIONING SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! MARGO ·Pirate Football Schedule Sat .. Sept. 29-0regon Tech. at Huntington Beach Sat., Oct: 6-at Fullerton 1··r1., Ocl. 26-at Rivers.Ide Thurs., Nov. 1-at Chaffey Sol .. NoV. 10-at Santa Ana .. Today you have it 1n your power I Throughout the county the to rtn morf'. You h1t.ve .created ·two problems brought lo the Catbolic 8j::f'OClt·~ lo br rull-t1me, allJ?OW • Welfare Bureau have increaaed erlul, good nt:'ighbors. The Protea-over 36'h-In t'he last year: in the tant ~h{lrr h Wel'l'are and lpl! Newport H11trbor area, the num- Calholrc Welfare ~ureau. ThesC' ber of Individuals a.uil!rted nearly A meeting ot ~he board of di- rectors of the 'orange County Coast Asaociatlon wtll be held at noon, Wednesday, In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Harry Welch, secretary, .announced. Sat., Oct. 13-at Mt. San Aul. Thur111., Oct. 18--San Bernardino at Huntington Bee.ch S1:1.t .• r'\o\'. 17-a.t Boise, lda.h.o ·rhu.s .. :\""uv. 22 -at Harbor J .C. .agf'nCif'.S take care Of f.>C?Ple like doubled in a )'1!&r. Y.our,.e lvrs who man!li'::f' ·n1ct-ly un-A s hort time ago a young vet- t1l the unexpected happens and eran was rPferred to the Catholic 8 pay O'" p<'ns1on c h~k Is delayed. We lfare Bureau. Thla man had These a~encie!t meet th<> emergen- cy with financial assistance and rxpert rounsP!ing. Almost al) tht>se Pf>oplc Ir.on out their diffi- culties and nf'vrr have need to ask recently moved hi.I wife and fam- ily Into the Ha~bor area and he was experimclnt ,80me difficulty obtaining work after his arrival here. When he finally located a for help a sf'Cond tin1e. And many position he reallud It would be of these aided pPople refund that two weeks before his first salary aMU.tancr. All of Lhern express check would be received. He their ~ra#1lurl,.. needed assilltancf' for bMlc malt!· AM~f"rJi nn Ac,.nciM tenance during that inJ.erlm. The ''our Jnlrr~!'lt is. :inrl shourd bf>., agency provided him with money hrre 'n thr Newport Har!lor Com-fnr food and rent lor the fir.it munity Chrst and · its direct con· I month 8.8 well u approaching the nf'Cl Inn~ with these agi>ncit's. merchant to wl\om he owed pay- \Vh1tt 11.rr tft,.y doln;::-fo r New· ment on furniture. The temporary 'port? \\'ho· arr thf' .people admin: emergency was handled by ca.se- isLerln~ the" funds you provide? workers and the veteran has al- ls your mnn1·y \VCli epf·nt? Here ready made a part payment on arr your an~wrr~. the ·a.ssi.alance he received. A youn,::-vcter<1n, back ·rrom There are many stories to be OVi."rMeRS, w'Ss Obligt>d lo ffiOV{' into told Of Unmarried mothers-to-be, this area ln be nt>ar the milifary running away from the home bM!' to which h(' had be~n as-state, deaperately aeeking help. signf'rl. It wa~ an 1•xpensivr move I The catholic Welfare B~reau ha.a for th·~ man. his wife. baby son · handled these cues with t hor- a nd two daui;:htcrs under nine. I oughness. Arrangemcnu for clini- Th"'rf' was a full Wf'ek 's rlelay be-I cal and c?nfLnement care are fore his last paycht>ck arri•ed. 'nie I made &nd 1mmedlalely"p<M1lnalal rent had bo•f'n paid. but there wa" care provided for the baby. Rclually no money for food . The . Th\18 thf' Red Feather agenclc~ Ptotf'stanl Church Wt'lfare in-care for those not ellgible for pub- fo rmcd of this emergency and food lie aid and strive to make llfe for the family was provided Im-fuller and happier for more fK"Ople . mediately and until the overdue And to make our community a check arrivl'd. stilly better place in which to live. t"RAGRA~T .. ~LO\\.ER /f'ls a.re part of the litt• at the Royal Ha~'&.llan on Lu rline a.rri,tl day and Mn. Charll't' )tcCactney and her 800., CbarlN. %718 Bayw.horfl ort,·e, find the aloha "Plrtt a <kllC"ht1uJ onf". Thry madt.' tht" round trip ~rui8e aboard ttwo Lurllne and apent th" ln- tf'rvenlnc tlmt' at the Royal H&\\'alian. Charlt>~ found the !S~·lnfnllna-, 8urllft6 and bl'tM'h a.ett,·ttl~ tint> \-ac.atlon fal'f'. I Royal Hawaiian Photo) WORK PROGRESSING ON 4 ·LANE, DIVIDED ROAD Balboa Isle WSCS Circle Meets When the WSCS of t he Bal- boa lsland Community 1'.1elhodlsl churc h gathered l.n scs1:1ion at tije, church, luncheon was served by Police Recover Stole!" .Auto, Book 2 Sailors Another family was prt>tty hun- gry until a call sent Mrs. \\'endell Calkins, voluntet'r Sei:retary for the Prott•stant Wt>lfart>, hurrying to tht>lr door. This cue involved Unf'mployed s£>nior, parents, a de- layP<I check due the junior par- f'nL~ and an iU baby. Thl' Rev. M. C. Cronic, chairman of the com-A88erted theft of a 19~ 11t'd.11.n mlltee appoinlf'd by the Council ln Huntington Beach Ia.at Thure- of Protestant Churches which ad-day night by two sailors proved ministers tht>. agency's funds, of short duration, police reported. found a job for the senior parent . Patrolman Merel N. Coe. recelv- br-.11ides meeting ·the immediate '.ng an all-car radio bulletin . wam- situat1on with money for food and tng oftlcers the pair was headt>d medical care for the baby, until I south from Huntingto n Beac h, ap- Newport Harbor Is moving n earf'r its inland nC'ig-hbors and at ll a committee from Circle One. In rapid rate. Thia wa.a revealed recently when· Statt· Highway officials c,harge were Mmes. Robert lbbot- staled at Orange that work on tht;: Santa Ana Canyon Freeway Is aon. George Jones. Louis Sands. Clinton Coane and Arthur Scben-now In progresa of widening lo a four-lane dlvldC'd hlghwa_y between 'B kel. Corona in R iverside County and the Coutl1nc at Nf'wport · C'ach. Mrs. Harold Fink. president. Much ot Lhe .... ·ork in the Ganyor .. .---------------conducted the b11sines.."!. rt was &Jready has been completed. Soon Al h Ph D f ' 8.nnounced that Circle Thrc-e had the four -lane divided roadway p a i. 11ene it met and organized .,n the home will be complete as far as Olive at Ambassador of Mrit. Ted Hauser. 323 Crystal lhe delayed pay arrived. pr.e hended them on the · Coast in the Canyon. Ave. Prott'f"ta.nt Aid T old Highway at El Morro Bay. The hlgh"'•ay Is officially de~ Mrs. Neal Oonker ""·as appoint- ignated for legislative record and Southt'rn CalUornia Alpha Ph\11 ed supply chairman. rt ue to the I Booked on grand theft. auto Somf'limc• a young mother is charges. were MariQD Ray Loe of)ltged lo be tt\e breadwinner. In and George Edtaon Upshaw both one .11uch Cas€' the working moth-of 8. naval boot camp. 'After t'r was notlfikl by tht' school nurse qu~tlonlng by the Shore Patrol, that h<'r youngest child had poor they were turned over to Hunting- vision . Tormented by the thought ton Beach officers who al.80 took appropriation purpose·s &.ii Stat!" and lht'lr friends will crui11e the illness of fl.t rs. M11.rtha Allen. Roule 43 and is entitled "New-Sevl'n SP&S in a ma.ke-belll've Members' decided t'l 8Clt aside port Beach to Vi ctorville via luxury l'n1'r at the b<>nefit party SlOO tof. l h'e next huildlng pl"oject Santa Ana Canyon, Baldwin Litke lo bt> hrld Saturday. October 27 and to pay fo r tiling the fioor in and around Big' Bear Lake." in tht• En1bassy Room of the Am· Dearborn hall. Locally the route is known a~ basaador hotel. The a ffair will The program "'as ar .. engefl anol Highway M "'·hich ls the posting constitute the fifth annual Alpha directed by ~~rs. Per"y Bainee. ~ designation. The route is known Phi-esta to raise funds for car-vice president. Dea.Jing with the that his t>yes were causing him custody or the car. severe headaches she was. how- l'Ver, financially powerlesa lo con- sult an occulls t . The Parent- T eachf'r Assoc ~ation of Newport Beach rlf'n1entary schools was in- formrd of the ca.sc. The Protes- aa 55 from lhe Arches to the dlac ald for childre~ For the society's work and the ty,·o maga-COAST GUA•D TOWS juncture with the Santa Ana Can-pa.<1t two yrars half of the pro-zlnes lssued by lhe organization, IN DISTRESSED BOAT 1 yon road when It beeemes High-Ct>cds hav(' bf.en earmar~ed for skits were presented by 'Tienib<:rs. way 18 .as far as Riverside and the Univ{'rslty of Southern Call-Next meeting will be held Oct. 3. tant WelfarC' was contacted and In diatreas off Newport Beach ts then co-identified as U. S. 91 fornia Chaptt·r·s building fund. jetty Thursday night, the ~-fool a.Jld State 18. Serving as a l'ileering committee for the -event are Afmcs. Ogden Shutes. San Gabriel : and Stewart Bowie, Los Angeles: co-cha.irmen and l\.{rs. Harley Taylor. Beverly H ills. assistant chairman. the a~ency provided for the eye sailboat, Whlte Cap, w&a towed Frtt"•ay Extension examinations and the glasses pre-scribed. . into the harbor by the Coast Presently the Santa Ana Free- Very often the case Involves Guard cutter. Engtne failure and way from Los Angeles is being considerabll' conswltatlo n and Mn. no wind threatened beaching of extended through Santa Ana to Calkins. a trained social serv'ice the craft. a juncture with highway 5:5 near .. t.~.. The Coast Guard wu &lerted Tu-In. This wi·ii ~ve Harbo' wo~. givf.'s mfllly hours of ex-·~ @>' t d . B by city police who received a call ,esldents a r••ter access to the per a vice. ut the most impor-_, ta.nt feature or thi8 agency's ser-from Albert M:cCUtchan, 1814 E . Freeway and will puah the need vice is to help during the emer-Balboa Blvd., Balboa, of the for tl'le Harbor Freeway along gency period ao that the family craft's plight. J . R. White, 43:> j Route ~:§ (Newport Boulevard I. \viii not ht' forced to apply for Georgian Road, Puadena.. la llat-At the la.st session of the State County Welfar e jreneral re.lief. ed a.s the boat owner. Only two Leglalature lh~ Sepulveda Free- The temporary 8.88istance is for persona were aboard the White way was officially o rdered ex- basic ma.Intenance; prlmarlly food . Cap. tended from Long Beach through Clothing. rent, and incident&] Orange. County. A trade of r;o utes medical t'xpenses are considered I I Was ma.de in order for the County part of s uch basic nt>cessity. Cookins Capen to wume maintenance or some Working on a somewhat big-'· -------------~ former Stale routes and for the ger scale, the Catholic Welfare State to a.uWlle the buildlne; of For a tuty, economical picnic I th · 11 · 1 1 Bureau has a larger advisory treat •.. put 1 i,; poundi of •pare-Sepulveda. t eo.;et1ca y w 1 board. The Rev. \Villlam Barry ribs in a •hallow dilh. add. a S-come near to the Township of ls director of the Orange county ounce bottl• of Newport .Beach at the Intersection ,office, Mra. Florence Burrows is 1oy sauce. %_ of MacArthu"r Blvd .. and Newport 11Upervt30rs and Mrs. Ar:..hur Tay-cul? p ineapple boulevard at Santa Ana Main lt>r. Tom Duggan and Mai'tin juice, r roond streeL R ichards are Newport. Balboa rinser and I New plans for h i,hway connec- community r epresentatives. chopped carlle tlona between Orange and Rlver-clovea. lAt atand \\'ork or Cathol~ ievera l hoan. ·• aide counllea, vta Santa Ana can- 1Jtis agl'ncy. wh.tch also ac-tu:;mins ribl frt-yon have bee.n disclosed by state ti th ill ri•-highway otflctals. c-tpl.-!i referral" regardless of race. quen Y · · · en rr1 u. Oller an or cn-ro. can be conlactE!'d by any outdoor ftreplace. Sen1 with rout • Yorba Brt.dr indJvlduaJ In the Newport ·Harbor corn. Long-awaited connection or rm-• . . Entt'rtalnment will consist ot a star-studded fashion show in which famous California. designers will pre.sent their latest creations. Models will be movie and televi- alon stars. proft>s.sional' manne-· quln.s and Alpha Phi.11. DEATH NOTICES FRF.D llARRISOI'< (SllOWJ;LL) Frt>d Harrison Showell, ~tter known in thf' Harbor area by lhe name of FrC'd Harrison. died Sun- day. Sept. 23 at his home. 2W41 22nd strl'et. Costa Mesa. He was 63 yearg or age. Born In Salt Lake City, he had bef>n a resident of Costa MeM for 12 years. H e Is survived by his wife, El.Kk- May and by his mother, Mrs. Mary ShowctI. both of the home ad- dress. Services will be: held at f 1 a . m. Wednesday in Grauel Chapel wilh Elks Lodge 888 bf Long Beach ln charge and Uie Rev. Chari<'& Rand officlatlnlf. ln- te r1nent will be private. Mesa 4-H Girls ' Elect Officers Marton Koerner Is the new president of thf' Stitchy Stl.tchf'MI ot the 4-H club. Election of of- ficers highlighted tfie initial meet- ing of th.e aea.aon in Lhe home of J oyce Vitte, retiring presldent. Oth~r office-rs named were Sh.irley Lewis, vice president: June Payne, secretary; Helen Blehm, lreuur- er; Evelyn Taylor. preM chairman. Mrs. Ralph Taylor, leader. gave I a talk welcoming new members. Speaking on the club aims and aumme r activities of the 4-H group were Alayne Compton, F!o Lou ThompAOn, Evelyn Taylor and June Payne. A really with the opening of on ace<ant here S..t con"i~I~ of m•tchin~ (I) Prop~J-repcl Pencil (2) 0 .. 11 Point Pen and (3) Con\'t:n!ion:il t'ountain Peu in the amount of S50 or more, we pre- 1ent you Free of charge this fine 3-piecc aeL We were able to secure only a limited number of 1et5-To avoid disappointment .•• OPEi YOUR SAYllGS ACCOUIT l\'olfl -and takr .d•1r::a;e "' lh!! •1ntdrrful otlrr. You caa oprn '" attour:I tilhtr hy m•il nr in prnoa. Yow acrr"'f• .,.. inwred y lo fJ0,000 -eN/ M• Mw rid ~ leu II.on 3% Pit ANNUM . :·.. . . .J • . • ·• ' . NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL ' . . SAVINGS '"d LOAN ASSOCIATION ---, .. , ... , .. , .. ~.,-3333 VIA LIDO, -NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. ALL . OF TBI: NEWS of the Newport Barbor Area ALL TBI TIME EVOY TUESDAY EVERY THURSDAY \ BOTH FOR $3.50 A YEAR-' in Orange To SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM the NEWPORT • IAUOA PRESS:- and THE NEWS • TIMES . Please send The Press and The News • Times to Name .... ---·--··-.. -----.. ··-·----............. :_ ............................. . ~ Address. ........ ·-····-··---·---.... ~: ............ -................ _ ... ____ , .. .. Postoffice.-.. -........ ,. __ ........... ___ ......... ___ ,, __ ,, ........ -........ _ ....... -·-·- -.u to If-port Harbor Publhhlng Co., 2211 Balb-BIYd •. area. at the Spurgron Building, When 700 fry foods, ta_pa a piece peri&l highway wtlh Santa Ana 206 Wt>st Fourth strttt, Banta nf newipaptt to the wall behind canyon treeway; once planned to K.ENN£Tll IA&IES MILLER Ana (phone Klmberly 2-4747). y~ur atove ta cateh tputterin• lata. be made by extending Imperial Kenneth James Mlllei, 21- AU ca.Ms a re immediately cleared Ute cellophine tape for euy r• highway across Santa Ana River month.ti-old son of Mr. 'and Mra. EASY way Easy ? Say-there should be a new word invented to sing the praises of carefre., effortless cooking on a modern electric range! Millions who have tried It sa.7 ' it's even euier than easy. A modem electric range ia completelr automallc and absolu~ly depeiidablo. through the county welfare first movifta wlthout mub. at Eaperan.aa road. aome distance Clarence Miller, died Friday, Sept. to ascertain if any act\on ha.i • • • upriver from Yorba, now h&a been 21 In St. Joae.ph hospital after a been taken and thus prevent du-Lettuce, tan ·or eorn, 1trawber-changed to· strike the river at brief lllneu. Bei1Jdee his parents pltcallon of service a.nd wute of ria and other fresh ve.-tabl11 a nl Yorlia br1<t1:e. · be i8 aurvlffd by a brothet, ctar- tunds. Oft.en the CatholJc WeUare fruita ia YOW" ~rt.tot will tt&J' It would thus meree with Pia-ence Otld; hla grandmother, M1'a. B\Jreau worka ln coope:raUon wtt.b fnith ••ll7"'1t cenlla-Yorba road and uae tJie Freda &cke.r of Omaha. Neb.: the County \Veltare. but al no IOD61f if 1011 alne. juncUon with the cany.>0. ' gl t-t ••-m __ .. , th,rer uncles and flVe aunts. Se.r-tlme ta a caae ne . ected beC&uee -::--~ ......, _.... rreew_,,. "" eel a 190i..+n-.. vicee were be.kl today at 2 p. m. • a contact cannot be made imme-~ 81;-_7;:;0-:-,,__....,...,..,., 'boulevard. ea.st-In G •• "~ -·-.·--,-, rauel chapol wl~ the Rev. dlately with the County We.Uare, QllUa. wut route ~ paralleling Herbert fto\.11 qrtk:lating.. lnter- tax-.BUpport*' office. The bure&u·s tM }ind ;.o"u;; .. Im:pert.eil ~ to the ectutb-ment wu ln fVestmlnsler M&- alm i. to hdp peoplil help lllem· a:rou!.,~ •!~!t WU'd, would meet Ille frwway at mor:ial parlt. ..i..,. and to bocome aelf-oupport· TU& .,.., ... , the pwnl .lelfel-'lilt. 4>rldge. Ing w1lh their own re90t11'CM. Be-~t~ U:\l;W. ta. Tb.la W'OUlc;:I requtn. lltUe new eon-C. Pa£D,KJ:•R aldea flnanclal uslol&nce, the coll9phane -U.. ilolibiH ii .,_ neopt -111o - to'·cook ••• • . OJ course-. it's electric! • i Electr~cal controls are accurat.e-ao Y,ou just prepare the foods._ turn 'em over to th4 ' ' ranee and 10 on •bout your other actlvities When you're ready to serve the food lo cooked, a.Ml C<>!>ked rishl " • • • ', -u 1s .--to render ..;r-btifle held-.. r•"-· f w II ere ~ -van! ,_;-v~ ~ llOLtdi:=.~: y ft, k..:r does It and dbes It riebt. with • modenf electric ranee. lt'a lha -k1.,. motboclyoulvo been -11nc-IO-)'OUI' eJ~ appllance dealer DOW. . ,_ .. vice pn famU7. be&l.th, ChUd uM1 •-~· ~ • .. • \, dciu Pli..-U&.;Yorb& toad. ,__, 1 . -· •--a•~~ , , ~ nJDit at bis h<lme with a ,...._ prob erna. J'\utds are med boill .~ ~--fit 1 ,..._ W aUmen Th e lftha.lat« ,to ma.Lotaln a •moo In U.. 11.,.,.' x .. :fb!. "j! ~.-.lilcUb, ':ts'°'"" · Oanlillt 111~11qa iraiit.d -or ..,.u ...,.._ to a call.• blit 1>r. ~.,_In prolJOrtioa to t11e caUo tloo!!t' lat. a _.....,.,..., ~ ,... a da 11W ID tM N-R. Tanlowokey p-'tb e U!'/'ft -the ·~ ror a••a-.............. " ........ Into peo ,_,.,_, feot -""':L':"""'na-man dead. l"UneraJ ..........,..,. .. ·Tlje C..thollc bu,..u bu a larp talo Ml.a;~.,. tried aa,.. Uon, t.t· n per W-. Pllaae are·~ u Mdollllea Mt!Jtu-TMDal ~ -~ Q-.r*"" . ·.-.· .1 .. --.~~ ·' ~ . ~!C..~ ' . ,. ~ • '. ~ . . io UT'4 .. i(CALnO •N'l)I '• ~. s,~~:,', q• PAl Y . ' ', 1 · I 'I I I i I 1 ' I I I • • ~ Playwrights Set for 'Drunkard' is Bambo.o Room · The Playwrights W o r k shop, 1tewly reorgnnized local theatricaJ orpnlr.a.Uoa, an:nounC('d Sunr.tay "8Mft& that tMir flrst lll'Odoc- ~. "'Ttle Dr1u1kard, or The Fa I- ._ ·Saved... win of)en at the ••ht & Room Yt BaJboa. The ftnt pttformance is _1Whl'.'dlne<1 to t&ke place around the flr~t of ·November. · Thi.R announcement was n1ade at the preliminary casting rneet· ing a.t the .tiome or Mr~. Ruby SteYeD.8011., 215 Mari.go!<! avenue, Corona del Mar. F'ut'ther 1r:1c:1ts will be held at thls locati0n on 1"~ay •vening of this week The ca.st will lh<'n co into re- hearsal. AU persons interested in a c1i!- rerent type or Little Theare ar<' strongly ur&-ed to attend. 01· to get touc h with Lillian F'ox at Harbor 1281-J. Members of the temporary board or directors are as follows : Frank Shanks, busine!!ls 1nan- age-r; Lillian Ridenour Fox .• Ora· ·matlc director; Wall)· Gerhardt Public relations; Rub'.\· Stevenson, Treasurer; Doroth}' Jo Swanson, Dance director; Stanton R. Fox. Technical director; Lyell Butter- more. Scenic dfsigner. On Friday night, Sept. 28. at 7:30 audition ~-ill begin at the Bamboo Roopi for the Olio a cts. Needed are :· singers. danC'ers. musicians, speC'ialty acts and in particular demand will be a bar- bershop quartet. Ail those inter- ested should be there at the time mentioned. The PI a)' .,,. r i g h t s Workshop will provide material suitable for the pe1;od if the acts do not have their own. XOW I S THE TIJlfE To rf'D1 your horn,. or apL- Ph. HARBOR 1618 and plnl"f' :.'our \\1aat ad today~ News-Times ads have been read in the Harbor for over 10 yean. STOCK MARKET A FREE IKtti1e will be 11iv~ on '"How to lnvt"St •nd Tr•dc in .51ock Mar- k•t"" bestnning 7,,0 pm. SANTA ANA, f'ri~ S..t. ZS, Til• E.._11 Club Hou•e, 825 Fcench St. LONC BEACH, W•d .. Sept. 29, Town Hall, &35 Locust St. FREE lecture on '"Commodity M•rkel"' only. LO!'OG BEAC~-t. Mon .. Oct I - Town llall. 9)S Locu•t !t , 1 JO p . m --.. ~ - -. ' • CLASS'I ~FIED . ' The MighJy Midget In Advertising NEWS-TiMES -Every ~e.sday NEWPORT -BAY POST-Wednesdays. NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PRESS -Thlll'Sdays Ne\\'pcllrt Q.My Post ~ll'lird AW.. mulrt run I• UNI 'l"Ue.e.7 Newa·Tt1Df'8 QI' tllte Tllunda.7 l>rua MlNiillU~f AD 18 4 LINltS . AO Clu"}ft Pd a.ch mn.•t be pal• for CUh ta adft.Dee GfJJablk!etiOL 4 Lines 1 Paper " $ :'75 . 4 Lines 2 Papers 1.50 4 Unes 8 Papers 2.00 The publishers will not be rcspon1'llbte ror more than one tncol'T8Ct Insertion of .:in#adveFtlsemcnt, rf'.!!•rve lhe rtght to c~7 ct&Mlfy &ny and all ads and to reject any advertJsement not contormtng t•· rules and regulat Jan~. Advertl.semf'nts and cancellations v.•11.l t).. accepted up to 5 p.m. on the day prccrding publication. Exct>pt delldline for Nrws -Times ts 11 a. m. Mondays PhonP nar. 1616. a.111k ror ''i\(1 Tak.e r .. or M"nd ad and f'f'mlttanae to NEWPORT fl . .\.RBOR PlTRLl~l-llNO CO. !'!1 1 Ralboa Blvd., N,.,,vport'Bf11.t'h, Calltomla.. Classified Index 10 BuslrH"s.' Guidf'! I l BuUdlng Ma.tf"tlals I ! Building Sf'n'l<'f'1' 14 Pf'NW:Jnals 15 ShaN" Your Car 16 Tran~portatlon. Ji' R oofing Conlra<'font 18 Jlk>&uty Aid" 19 1:pho lstr ring 20 H ealth Aids !.! Lost all() Found 2-& Scltonl!\, Imtnt<'tion 28 Situations \Vantf"d 29 H elp \VantM SO Sak>, .'.\fi~PIJ&nP009 S&-A S\\·a~ 30-R Appllancf'S :ll \\'antffi to Ru:r 32 FUmlture for Sa.Je S!-A A.ntiqu~ 33 Boats. Suppl'" 34 Mu~ Radio SI Dor. cat§,, Pet.' S6 Poultry, Rabbits 37 U\"Mltock 38 Special Announ<'f'meat •o Bu.'1neM Oppqrtunltte8 ti Stotts and Offlef"11 •2 \\iant~d tn Rent • 43 Apartmf"nts and Hou~\ 43-.<\ Trailrr ~pa<'e « R~ for Rent Uw:\. Rest HomP!I 45 Rf"nt, 1'fl~f"11aneon~ 4' Room and Board 47 Tnlek.' ; 48 Automobiles, Tlr~ 49 Autos \\1antP<I 60 ·Auto Srrvtce 51 Tral lf""" • COKPLlll'rlll BOUSJll ClJIANING .. ntce. P'Un>ltUH and I nip llhampooed. Free ~ ~' lnsUNCI. I Ai•s Ho~ & Rpg -Cleanmg Co .. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Beaoon t.111 72tfc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton ' and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WJ\LLACE CALDERHEAD 81 i Coa~t Hlway, Corona del ~far 70trc VACUUM CLEANERS , I Electrolux and otht>ra. $6.915 up, 100 to rhoosc from. HANK"S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Main St., Santa Ana. K!mberly 3-2968 70trc ~2-BulJd~ Services FISHER Drafting Service ................ ,, .......... -,, .... -....... "' ... 'I '"',, ....... "' .. ,, ............... ,,. ........ ,,.~.,,......"'r'" ............. 'W'.'W ......... ,,.,,. ....... -.... -. ,, . • . NEWPORT , •• ,1.'" • A NEWS-TJMES ' ' . . . SO. CALIP. BmLS cor.r.-WANT";z'O BUY -' --rug In 1'1EN A WOIOIN ll'l'Ul>ICNTs ~~ , ...,dltlan. Phone Barbor ~Want pqt um. worl'. Jjaby J~W ev.alngo. 74\l<: •WA&'· R Mt; b--rl<, .Yard WANT FIJI.I. -office d•Bk. Sol-Musical, Bldlo work, etc. 'Kl. S-1,' Ext. 11. Quality and ,flnllh, suitable I··-·--·•··•---=·-'"'·"·"·"'·"'·-·"'~-'--- Tlp'lll tor tho llbrvy In my home. Ph.· H"'°'OND all·eleefr1o chord or· I Barbor 1099-J. 7<1<'7'1 gan. You can play In te.q mln-90~TMAN, •ce 28. Top notcb.,______________ ute9._ Hanunoiid _Great Spinet BoUa ope:raUoe A m.alrilmance. Organ. Terms. -come• In and C'a.n oft'ier exttlle:nt references. play. DANZ '. SCHKIDT BIG S* Pl""" MOllll'l. C.11 or wtl.t e r1ANO AND ORGAN CO-. 52t> Box F" Ul.'8 p&per. 74p7t • No. M.a\l'I, Santa Ana. , DANISH GUU. • .....,i,. bowoo-1-----------'-- kttt>inl: ~ ... Udo --Som• ceoltia.1". No clllldren. · Phonf' MAGNlFICE'NT EIPCtric Organ. -2130. 74p7C ~'ED wklow. 3dliool ar de\&gtllter, OHJ.re . management ol &pt. WRJt. i:x:a-llet\l bAck· ~ ch&ractet" tt(. Write Box J , w. ,,.I"''-74p7" CAJU.-rAKER, single, l'-lln tumb1h klcal ~f~. Plf'a~ wrilt' Box I, tltb pa.pe1'. 7tp7G !ilXPERJENCED bookk""P<'r·IC· countut. Can handle !K'Veral mor~ accounO.:. Call Mr. At~­ me.r, Hu. Ql.3.4-R. 7~p80 WAJTRl!:SSES WANTED -Ap- ply Cape Cod Housl", ~!boa ill.and, 8".con ~74-5. 74c7t EXPERIENCED Ml charge book- kee~r-eecretary. Write f'XJ>eri· lence and detaJb to Box "G" this paper. · 73trc Experienced real estate brok- er to work in an estab- ti.sbed offiee. Writ<c Box H , this j3aper. 73c78 MlD.P,LE AGED woman. Tele- phOlle servic-e for large ineur- an-cf." compa.ny In 1Harbo1' area. Phonf." Klmberly 2-4594 or ·see Air. Tipton, 9 to 10 a .m., Rm . 124 Otis Bldg., 4th and Main. Santa Ana. 74 c 76 WAITRESSES WA1'1TED. Apply Norton's Bey Shore care. Ph. Bearon 57 1!".i. i4c76 cpoK. and light hOUSl'WOrk . ..Bf'ndix . Must be young and likl" children. 12 boys, 4 and 9 yrs.) Liv(' in or out. Phone Harbor ~5-R. 75<'77 TABLIE. drop IHf maple, 318• .x sr Mid S chairs. fteif'd ~fln.isttlog, m. •11 Bay a-.. ,Dr., Bay --... DH.con .. ~w. 1<c11 EASY WASHER with oVHajud wringer and pump. Good for lots ot tiervke. Stl .50 or ~ our other M<><leM priC<'d $15 Up, , 5TROOTS TeWINKLE HOWE. 1802 Newport BM:I ., CoMa Mt-so. · Phon~ &aeon 5222 FIVE PIECE dining set. In per- fiC'ct condi'tiOn. fte&!IOnablc. 442 El Moc:tma, N<'wport He ights. '73c87 . ,. CHINA -Fin<'St quality. Open atock pattern. avallabl~ now. Serv~ f« 6. Ha.Jr or cMt .. 2'611 Bay Shore Dr-., Bay Shores, Ph. Beacon 6480-W. 71<'76 ONE DBL. BED, 3 pr. spring!!:, 3 · iMenpr1ng m'attreMeff, 1 rot ton pad. All good condition, S.50. Mrs.. 'Jlaytor, 3300 Via Lido. HarboT 609wW. 74c76 THREE SE'tS iron bunk beds, $2~ per set . .See Minney, 907 Coast H~y. Nf."wport Beach. Ph. Beacon 6281. 75c77 BENDIX WASH ER thf' 19~1 de- luxe automatic with the agita- tor and th(' \\'ater JJ&Ver. You don't bave to bolt it dO\\'"h. U~ oniy 2 moo.tbs and not a scratch on it. Bala.nee dUf." is $188.36. Pay me cL,h or take-payme-nts or Sl 1.99 f)f"r mo. Sc-e Mr. 8.aughn. 1CH So. SpadI"l\, Fuller- ton, 9 a. m . • 8 p . n1 . or phonf' 21~2 . .-· 74tfc T\\'0 MAPLE BED DIVANS ·- almost nf'w, 1nakf' ofJ('r. 1609 E. Balboa Bl vd.. Balboa. H arbor 2649-M. 75c77 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft. goocl condition, Insured. $1~0 . 9xl2 gray green rug and lpad I $37.50. 719 Poin!-ff'ttia Ave., Corona del Mar. Har. 0829-R Reposaewd. Btg Mvinp.. A bargain of a lif<'lime.. Terms. DANZ-SCfllllDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. Maia, cor. 6th.. Santa Ana. ' SUCBTL Y USED Spinet 1Pian('t. Na tionally known 'l"'lte In per· fert condition. Te1:ms., $47 .50 <town_ and $17.02 pe-r mo. at Sharer'$ Mualc' (Si.nee 1901)~ '421 N , Sycam~. Santa Ana. K.im· berly 2--0672. 59tk TRADE your old piano on Electrl1· Organ. Piano or Television.. Big- ~!t cash allowance. OANZ- SCHMIDT PJANO-CO., llZO N . Main, Santa Ana. GREAT SALE. or Summe.r return· ed SplnC>t pianos. Save from $100 to $200. Ltke ,.new. Full guarante-e. Rental terms. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 N . Main, cor. &tb, Santa Ana. RENT A CLARINET, trumpt"t or other band instrument for S5 n1onth. Rental applies on rut11re purchll.M' at SHAFER0S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Syca- more, Sant.A Ana. Kl. 2w0672. GRAND PIANOS, ~ makes. Used from $~95. Tl'rms. Steinway, PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 A·(aso n & Hamlin, Fisctile1-. Knab<', Chickering arid many others. DA1\~ -SCHMIDT, 520 N o. M3.in, Santa Ana. Rl'mem- bf."r : corner 6th. PRACTICE pianos, $59, in excel· lent pla)•ing condition, $1 .25 pt'r • wet>k . Terms. 2 yeaTs excha.ng-: of full purcha'le ~rice. DANZ- SCHMTDT, !"120 No. Main, Santa Ana. RE:-.T A PIANO for only $5 per month. Rental applies· on tutur" purc hase at SHAFER'S MU- SIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamort", Santa Ana. Klmber· ly 2-0672. 76c78 Is~ A 1'10NTH rents a good piano ~-------------> BED DAVENPORT. ex c e 11 en t All r<'nt allowed wt'K'n you buy. condition 326 '-:: On).·x. Balboa DANZ-SCHMJDT P IANO CO., • ( • . • • Tll!Mday,Sept • .U. 195f 1 WANT AD wit! ~ost you ; . only $2 end 0 it will run in all 3. loc:af papers. · , A. Minimum ad is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 -• Newport-Balboa News-Times -Newport-Balboa Pnss· Newport Bay Post (Shopping News) ,. , tS-A_e~.l~ an~ ~0!18':•. '48-:-~"!m"!I."! !'!'~ H .. ~ Balboa ·Island WC' have sewral attractiv<> apts. and houses for winter rental starting et $15 mo. and a (ew .yearly rentals starting &t $6!'"1. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Merine, JJAtboa Isl. ~er. 502 69tfc BALBOA BAYFRONT -Nicely furnished 2 bedrooms lower, Oct. lst -·June 1st. Reasonable. Ph. --2:.arbor 1587-J. 7jlc76 FURJ\'ISHED HOUSE, 4 bdfms .. 2 baths. i.ge. Jiving rm. Ga~gc . Newport Beach. Harbor os.tP-w. 1j1c76 ' Bay Front RentaJ¥ _ Furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Private #.h. winter $75. Also 2 bdrm., 2 bath, fireplace, $125. Slightly higher by year. Har. 2552 or f."Ve."I. Har. 2914-M. 69tfc \VINTER RENTALS PENIN- SULA. Furn. 2 bdrm. apts .. ocean front. RE'frig. Reasonable to Jun~ 15th. Util. inclu. Ph H arbor 1270wV.1, 6ltfc WINTER RENTAL -PENIN· SULA -Furnished single apt .. tiJI June. l~th. $8 week. Util. incl. Adults only. Phone Har· bor 1270-W. 61tfc RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS WAl<r.'T TO SHARE my 3 bdrm. homC' witk eniployed lady. Ph. H~rh?"r 2897-J ev<'nings. 7.fci76 WELL FURN. l bdrm. house. ServPl, servic(' porch, fC'ncf."d yd. N('ar OC<'Bn front. winter, $50 mo. 108 27th St., Newport Bch. 74p76 SEASiDE APTS, nicely fUrnlshed. 1 br .. utilitif."s included. ·v early rates. 1628 W. Ocea.n Fr., Neww port BC>ach. Harbo1' 2395. 72p84 !\'E\V 2-bdrm. unfurn duplex at 601 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar. Phonf." owner, Harbor 1195-MK . 705 Larkspur, Corona del Ma.r. 74c76 Want to Move? ' \Ve have an excellent selection Apt. and houses Furnished and unfurnished Winter or )'early Call me today - Ed L. Sedelmeier Realtor , 1523 Coast Corona de! Mar Highway Ph. Har. 2766 i4c76 BALBOA ISLAND Furn. 3 ~rm. N'f."\.\-·. Yf'ar lease or winter rent- al. Rf'asonable to right party. Call L. A. OL. le88. 73p78H .. 916 Coo.st Highway, Harbor 2'443 \llJ ANTED Corona dt-1 Mar -Man for general nursery "'ork. Apply NOR- MA N'S NURSERY, 1313 Coast Highway, Corona d€>l Mar. Island. 76c78 520 No. ?t1aln, cornt>r 6th, Santa Ana, ca11 l!:dn& eratc Linwood Vi~k. Rltor. Balboa Jalalld. Bar. 2CH2 8lcM WINTER REJ\"'TAL -1 bdrm. furn. apt., Newport Island. $50 mo.. utll pd. J\To pt>ts. Phone Harbor 1217-J. 73tfc . ' I • '' . l '' Meet your 'No. Freig~t Information Man Yoar Santa fe Freiglit iepmotative tnows rite answers fO yt1r ,,,..,,. Your Santa Fe fre~t repreoentative is a professio nal ••answer man~·· witb ready access to the collective iofonna- tion, knowledge and "kno:w-how" of Santa Fe's entire organization of traru- pottation speciaJUts. . He is ci~ in your town, or has your town assigned to him. Either way, he is no funher away than your telephone. Call on him freely for upert tdvice oo your· shippiag problems. find our 'Why# t•71 lt1 ,hip U IN 'fl• ,JJ lb6 W"1• R. s.. mll8Vll l"'rftpt Tnltne -rr ._ .uc-.. u . Oallt ........ • El.MER IL JOllN&ON. "f'lrtliPt Trattlc Ma,...e.r saa ................ Callfoisla , 'Ship Via I . era~h CtlleMWSt l 72tfc ExPERIENCED CARPETERS Want \'v'ork by Hour or J ob. Cell Harbor l l64w1,f 7ttrc Sympson & Nonar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 • 38th St., Nf'\\'port Beach PHO'.\l"E HARBOR 2·104 • 52tfc B & Y House Movers AND General Contractors 650 F'irst St., Tustin Calif. PhOn;;> Kimberly 3-1885 t Hom p Phones JAsper 9-2773 or JAsper 9-2687) TJc86 1 H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service At:alntalned Phone: Harbor 1118-W 'Z801 Balboa Blvd., Ne\\-port Beach \Vise ~ople do read the ad& INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -rnsiliui:o Glen Johnston ~01 • 31.tt S ~ Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 34C48 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 --St., °"'"' -!lea. 5-l:rl-M IMd DON K . BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacoa 6406· W 17ltc REMODEL and REPAIR Residence or Commercial R. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr: Gefte.r&J Building Contnct.oT 63.8 Fullerton, Newport Bel.ch Free Eltlm•SM Beacon 6179-W 73p87 22-IAat a.J Found LOST Ma> S&pplllr<! aad Bal- A ft. sci-I bua atop, BAU><>& Wand, Hom lllm. G!Uae!i will> Up or one bow broken off. Re· ward. Call Barbor 276r, 76p78 · 14 "-'•Eh ·== • .:w_ll!I '~J;i; • • • Wltle•P. 0 . ·-1011 .,. •'PR "4. olllL ft•1 = D Fi) 11111 \ w-.. •'-'~~w-- 75c77 WANTED-Reliable girl, 17·20, to baby sit 2 or :i tinl('S Wf'~kly in late afternoon or evening. Will bring-h&m<'. 104 -25th St.. Nf'\\'port B<'ach. 76c 78 WANT crew for 40-fool boat. All {'quiptcl. 435 Agate St., Laguna Bf"ach. Phonf." 4-13.28. 76p78 Jt.tNibR CUSTODIAN. Orange Coast College. Hours : 3 :30 p. m. to Midnight. Rate : $190.00 plus $25.00 cost of Jjv ing bonus. Apply in person Business Office betv.'een hours 8 .00 a . n1.-(}:00 p. n1 . Persons 55 .rears or rnore need not appl:y. 76c78 3G-Sale, Mlsrellaneons STORE fixtures, prac. new, wall cases. counters, misc. All have adjustab\e shelves. Bargain. Call ov.•ner. Beacon 6990. 64tfc YOUNG MAN'S SUIT, about 16- 18 yrs. Dark bhJe pin strlpl..,___ only worn :l times, outgr<>"'n . Less than 1.t:.! pric(>. Ph. Harbor 2649-M. i1c76 CHILD'S ELECTRIC JEEP. 6 vol~ battery charger and bi.ttery. Orig. cost $175. Now $~. Ph. Harbor 238-4-\.V . 76p78 TWO NEW H ollywood bed rram('S $15. Carpet 8' x 3'4", $7. BuiJt- ln i1·oning boa.rd $.5. Overhead garage hinges, $5. Phone Klm- berly 2-2935. 7Gp78 CERAM.IC KlLN -10 cubic n ., ' good cond. Large metal hood. Sh('lVC's &:. stilts. SecrlfiC(' St7~. Harbor 2990-J. 76p78 PIANO, Upright. $60, Corona portable typewriter $40. Bcd- rouch $17.W. 1327 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Bch. Phone days Har. 2258 (After 5, Hur.l9M·J 1 76p78 S0-8--Appliances USED REFRIGERATOR (Servel) A p_L siae, t. cu. rt. Perteet, con- d.ltSon. Very -clean throughout. $69.9~. otheni: trom 179.9~. tenns. !ITROO'J'S TeWINKLE BOWE. 1802 NeWpor\-Blvd., Coat& Mesa Phone Beacon = O'~EFE a MEIUlI'M' RANGE- that 1961 deluxe C. P: all au(.o.. maUc range with lamp, st&lnle:a steel grkklle and that chrodle CJill broil..-. P'uD alae oven &nd 8lmmer bu:men.-Balance. due on Qiy contnct la $139.IS. 1 Ky ..,.ity fl'ff It you take -mta or '1-48 per .mo. u...i It mJy a p!<lllllla.' See •Mr. Bauglln. 41M , So. SpeMa. hllerlOn. 8 a. m. to 8 e· m ,,,. pboa~ 2152. 74tl't -KJCLVIMATOR rdrla-tor.-1 ca. It. ~ nmnllls ordol' . _..If __ ..., M'IM, -OU..,,, rt.. ...... llTllOOT8 ~WJNKLID. HD-'"W"'B.• I-N-port -.. eo.tli --n.aa. a•>• am I CtJSTOM BUILT 3-pil~ce section- al. chaTtreuse plas tic and peb-- blf'~"e&VI', LJKE NE\\r. S265 val. S"ll S60. Harbor 1503-\\.'. i6c78 MODERN blonde fin ish dinetl<' sf't, oblong table>, 4 chairs, up- holste>re-d srats, $50. 100-4 \\". Oc-t>an F'ront, I\·e\vport &ach. 76p78 l-'RIGID1\IRF.. Tappa n range. nl~· hogany bedrn1. d ining and 1iy- ing rm ., fut·n .. like """'· Bat- gain prices. 621 Orchid, Corona df'I ~ial'. after 4 p. n1. 76p78 R eBults come from constant Practice~ An ad regularly in this paper will produce rf'sults for you. 83-Bo&ts. Supplies Chrysler Engines .. Used Crowns -Royals See J ohn Harvey at Seacraft 625 COAST ffiGBW A Y NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only factory w approved Sale~ and Service Station in the New- port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. N<'wpoi-t Blvd. at 23rd St. Hart>or 2600 . 53tfc 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT speed boat. Chrys. Ace. A·1 mech. cond. $l450 Free slip renlaJ for boa.U ottered for sale up to 26 ft. I Wb:ard &: Rowboats !or R ent Keil ScQtt'a MobU Marlii.e Dock Next to f'erry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 69t!c Leaving Town 27 FT.' CUSTOM mahopny <Ml· loer, twin Gra,y Phantoms. Ben· clJx conholled. S.S. nldlo. Slip No. 2, Ken Niles Villa Maitna, nr. Bal-lallJ>d ~e. Bar. bor 1~16 or fCRfftYlew 11-rati. Automatic Pilots PHOTO PILOT , 0'1pw C6ot ~TOO • 75c77 . . ' $17Q . ~-SUR.PLUS -1lalllo&Bl"11.. Newpor:t 8Hdl • .. , ' 7.lp'l'8 11' LUUIO.f.T, -lfll!'r _.... • deck. Price PJ'. ft. ~ 1'31-'.llV· • ,..,. ' 85-Dogs, Cats, Pets BEACLE, male dog. a mo. old. Free to good home. Phone Har. ~-8-·R_. ________ 7_6c_T_8 ~le"niin9 ~JFrc>l>tem 84 !si\i I~ I j 1] 42-Wanted to Rent \.VAI\.7 TO rent double garilr. vi- cinity of 17th St.. Newport Beach. Apt. 7. 1703 W . Balbod Blvd_ 75p77 TWO \\10RKING adults, no chil- drt•n, n o pet11 , dcsir• winter 1 bedroon1 furnishC'd apartm{'nt v.•ith garagC', vicinity Corona del Mar. Box 363, F'ullC'r ton. 'fip78 41-Storeo and Off'ices IN CORONA DEL MA.R- AitrectiVf' s t ore 12 x "0 in ne\I.' bldg. Excell('nt location oppo- site All-American Market. $75 month. · W. E. Fisher, Realtor ERNIE' SMITH, Associate !116 Coast Blvd. • Harbor 24-43 Corona dcl Mar 69[!~ LIDO ISLE Sparkling 1 or 2 b<>droom tumiBh- ecl apartments. -One bedroom t twin beds) $75 mo. 2 bedrooms $100 mo. All u~ilities paid, Pti- vatC' garages. P .A. PALMER INCOP.PORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1600 Newport Beach, catir. 3 RM. FURN. APT. Water paid, Newport Beach. For informa- tion phone Kl 3-2'070 alter 6. 78p78 • RENTALS 1-2-3 bdrm. hollSd Winter & Year Round PAUL C. JONES .• Rental ~Dey 2307' Balbb& Blvd. :. Harllor zh~ -• , . • MAGNJFICENT VIE\lo'. Bay front ~ier·float. 2 bedroom rurnlshed apt. Winter rental Oct. 1st. -$100 monthly. 301 Edg-ewater, Balboa, 76p78 FURN. APT. New 2 rms. a.ild bath. Utilities pd. Strictly pri· vale. Garage optional. 721 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. 76c78 Amazing! FURN. APT., Nev.i>ort Beach. My best summer Tental-----due to ill- nf."ss -goes on year's lf."ase. 2 bdrms., gar. &: util. incl., $85 rno. or $75 on 9 mo. lease. Call Bea- con 6467-M. 73tfc VllNTER RATES, 3 rn1. fu.m. &pts On Collins Island. Each. apt. has water frontage. ALSO P,enthouse on lease. West end Park Ave.. Balbofl. Island. f!h. Harbor 2962-W. 76tfc BAL~OA ISLAND-Very attrac· tive 2 bdrm., plus garage. Avail· abl~ Oct. l to June 1. $65 per rno. Key at 205 Diamond Ave. 76p78 LARdE Studio Apt., partly furn- is"hed. Private entrance, S50 mo. incl. util. Phone Beacon 6488·J . 76c78 OCEAN FRONT f\lrnl!hed apt., suitable tor 2 adults, $45 .mo .. yearly rental. Util. pd. 1504: \V. Ocean Front, Newport Bea cb. 74c76 UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt., ~st loca- tion. H ardwood noors, t 11 e. Garbage disposal, auto washer. Yearly. 311 Ma.rgueritP Ave .. Corona del Mar. Harbor Ofi74-J eves. and W<'ek end!. 71c76 NICE 3 room furnt~Jted apt., year· ly, utilities, adUlts. 305 34th St .. Newport Beach. 75p77 LIDO lSLE-Attractiv<'ly rurnlsh- ed 2 bdrm. home. TV -·Close to bey, large patio. Ph. AXminster 3.i31:;. 76p78 THREE' B!p)ROOM Film. House. Large fenced in back yard. Close to ac°hool. H&rbor 3246.. 76tfc TWO BDRM. Furl>. House and bachelor apt. Y.early. 111 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 78p78 • BALBOA ISLAND We have apartments and housca- Avallable for winter 9e&!on or yee.rly lease. Wrn. W. Sanford REALTOR Park Ave. at 6alboa Island MaTlne Harbor 2162 r>9Uc YEARLY UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt. w ith gar., floor furtlace. water softener ... _ Near Beach, $60 mo. 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 or Harbor 890·?.I. Sitfc BALBOA PEJ\'INSULA OCEAN VIEW, furn. apt. suitable for couple. Winter, $55 mo. Yearly $65. Utilities and garage inc. , Harbor 2001-J. ~/64tfc FuR.N. 2-bedroom apt., upstairs. Also 2 store bldgs. for r ent at 419 E. Balboa Bl\'d., Balboa. 75p77 SMALL HOUSE, $40 mo-2179 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. SN> belv.'ren 9 & 11 a.m. 75<77 ATTRACTJVE 2 bdrm. funilshed Balboa Bay· Front apt. Rf'uon- able winter rental. Ph. H~rbor 2269-R. 77e79 SINGLE end double apts. Also trailer spacf.", $16 per mo. Win· t.er rates under nf."W manage. menL And('rson Motel, corner of Lake and Atlanta. Hunting- ton &ach. L<"x.ington 6-3160. T~p77 FURNJSHED 2 rm. house. Court fac\litie.s incl11ded. Refrtgenllor, $~5 n10. AduJ~. AJso trailer space available , REST HAVEN TRAILll:R PARK 1711 Pomona., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 6747-J FURNISHED -2 bdrme., sleep 6. Spacious encl08¢d patio, real home, Lido l8le. CoM!der yearly leue, $125 per mo. Write Box "E': this paper, 73p81 LIDO ISLE -2' bdrm. turn. bome patio and b--b-q, $95 mo.., Winter or reasonable yearly rate. PtL. ffa.rbor 1562 or CreaMew 5-4 789. ~5p17 ' -· • • ~~~~~-----.....----------------..---~-...,. ·---.....--~..-....----.-.. --. -· -· -· -· ·-•~•~·~ct~·-·-r-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· -· -· -· -· --• • • 1 • • ¥ • o ..-....,............-..... , ., , .. • I . -. . . • ' • . . • . . • ' . • • !!!!l.-.&a~!-~-----.-!ft-!!:;:!R-~Mil~M!'!~"'!!l•!:-._:....-'--a • '!!"' l'4 n e _ • • 1.!l!:-!?t!,Atla1 ! · · . . .. a '"" ~~~ YoU .. ASK FOR rt . . . . : . sHoRECLl"'FS..' -~J.i' • •• ., • OUTSTANDING BARGAIN BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 2 bdrm., livillg .room. dining area, bath, kitchen, laundry, patio, bwd. noors, automatic panel heat, garage. House on one k>t with vuant adjoining Jot .for expansion ·or lncamc. Entire property is com- pletely f<mced . BIN NOW. Winter or yearly rental guaranteed by rent .paid in advance for full term of lease up to 2 years if wanted • Sacrifroe Price $12,000 'JIM & SALLY NEWLIN J oh11 D. Bu.rnlwn 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Rarbor 1607 Eves Harbor 2278-W NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lge. 2 bdrm. home (1180 sq. ft.) dining room, lge. kit. with breakfast nook,, fireplace. Heat in e>Yery roolD,' large bath with stall shower, hdwd. ·firs. Dolible garage. Only $12.600 Terms. COSTA M~A New 3 bdrm. home. Dual furn., fireplace, hdwd. firs. Gar. Large 1ot. Only $9%50. Elt<cellent terms. 400 * C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 I * * ~~~ ~!!,.~ _Exch~ • FOR SALE OR TRADE -lluai- nes.s propcr'ty, house and 60-ft ·Jot at 231~ Newport Blvd .. ~HA VE:IT . 1 ~ for· p.cioua llvinr, thla 4istinctive ~ . • ranch type home lltl ~ lot.j)aa 3 ·~bed· DESIRABJ:.E lots In clioice l'Obma, 1 ~~ baths, •pegged hwd.. f!Oore .. Forced locations. air heating, Iota of tile,, patio with barbecue. lge. LIDO ISLE waterfront Iota for single~ ·er mo..e ~ :A.LSD~ St. • ~ at p1 ioes """ll ..- wllte and -to .,.;it you. ~ we a·re I>EV'E'LOP- FlRS of lovely LIDO ISLE_ "- yeu Olf'ft a1eo 'Bl.TY honies at tnMt .1111y ·Priee you "-nt. M"OW' . we have Slme llf>lel\dkJ ~ -3 o-r 4 ·-~ that bogpT tlie9dr' rpt.klll: You lffUST • .SE£ U-. Our l!Atmp arc €)(. a:x:rsroE wifh. ll& ·tt will JR"O(lt you kt come to 'OUT otttce. Jkre a little bu)"9 a LOT. P. A.PALMER L"ICORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Bea ch, Calif. Ha rbor 1500 South Exposure ... Wf' have theS€' residential lot !'l')X'Cials: Two separate view lnt8 overlooking th<' harbor Mlra<'lc Mile ar<'a, ea ch priced $3750. One IS :'iO x 91 (('et . On(' Is 80 x 1 l fi f!"f'l. G 1>nd !IOUth ('X- ptl!l\11"(' - T""•o 60 x 'f27 feM. lot.8 on JC.th Strf'et E.Mt nt Orang<' Ave., ·Costa M f'S8,1C'8 Ch $148~. Can us a t H a rbor 63 J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Island F e rry Landing Modem redwood and glass Two bd'mi. &?Id servant's quarters. Flagwtone and w ood n oora. Two yean old. Jn grove ot trees. Beal!tlf'UI view o f the west ern htlls -In cxclusiv~ gec tion -2 miles trom ocean In quiet sur· roundings. $25,000. C ood terms. 1987 Irvine Ave., ·costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W 59tfc $7256 Full Price Clevt'r 2 bdrm. cottage "Mar oeean &ltd bay. Sparklrtr.g new-1...et • lJll pron its the be.!l buy In tM Bay area . GRElEN~AF 4 ASSOC. BU1LDER -REALTOR 8112 'Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 FOR VALUE dbl. gal'., heavy shake root, choice 100&., $24.1500. OORON'A... DEL MAR <Mt:'t J'AY RENT!· G.I. RESALE -Pay only $2llOO c&sb and move mto '!Ma '.2 Mnn.'~ on R-2 lOt. Excellent loca- tion. llltll,. g&l'., t ':k-Joan includes taxeli, tnsurance &lid .iilU!reBt. See tibia, it won't Wit. at 'Oll!y sro,500 • • ·. CLIFF HA VEN ~-' ~· Wrm. illd den ranch type home. Heavy . ~ root, f&~ ail' heat, 2 baths, kits of tile, ~ 'Al. ., patio.· .Just =mpleted ·<m large :v;ew ~ .... '&1'1118. . • See 2352 15th St..'Open Sunday, 1-5 ." • Listings Wanted-Rentals and Sales W. E. FISHER, Builder-Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Realtor-Associate 916 Coast Bl'id. Harbor 2443 Corona de! Mar SPECIAL THIS WEEK (Owner Leaving ) 3 BEDROOM G. I. RESALE Costa Mesa $1500 WILL HANDLE A lovely home on a corner in a good district. Nicely landscaped, with -chain link fencing. wonderful place for children. See this today 1 A 4 r1, Loan, $55 per mo. inc. taxes & ins. HENRY C. VAUGHN,•Broker 1626 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 584S.:J (Eve. Harbor 1070-J) CORONA DEL MAR THE PRESS Costa M esa. Want J"Opert'y in I In f.'ine lge. ocean view hom~­ desel't town or? '! Phone , 'Bea. NEARLY NEW r wen designed and constructe'd, this spacious 2 bdrm. home plus . separate gueilt room and bath affords every convenience for year round enjoyable livirig. Well located on . wide lot, south of the highway, nicely JandsCaped with ex- cellent patio and many unusual features, it will ap- peal to the discriminating buyer as representing real value. M7~J. !<c7e sites conveniently located. THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST Si>-Money to Loan LOANS For H6DleS 6%-20 _yr. Loan• All utilities. Terms. Model hemes to show. PRICE $15,000, terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue at Marine Balb<ia · Island CONSTRUCTION LOANS at :;-a·\i~ cu yn.) WE BUY AND SlilU. Corona Highlantls Harbor 2462 • • -. -. Bay Front Income 8 Uni~ c:om~y tum., 10-ft. •Bay Frontage. 3 2 bdrm., 2 be.lb apta and 3 1 bdnn. apt& Finest ·location ln Bay area. Showa good tnoome. Price $87,MO. Con· 1ddf'r part trade. Bayshores- View Home Neow 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with fine view ot Bay. Best constr.ue- -tlon. Fireplace,. to reed air heat, attractively decorat~ •. lots Of tile features, large rooms. Thiti h1 nnl' of the out8landlng floor plaM In the area. Prfce $Z2,r,oQ. $4,950 Down NPw 2. bdrm. homr on Lido !Ate. Prlvatr pat!o, rirc>placeo, furnace hPat, bar-type kitchen, glMS PncloRerl tub. Full pri<'e $1!'l,750. ALSO 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Excellent noor plan. Outstanding c'olora thru- out. Forced air heat, flrepl&cfl and patio. Loads of storage. 11pnc1" and built-Ins. Pric::- $22,000. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BlJJLDER -REALTOR . 31 12 Nrwport Blvd .. Harbor 25."}2 • Balboa Island ~yfront - - -F"~ur/ bdrm. North 1 •yfront two story ranch style home, plus <'Ompl<'te 1 bdrm. apt. all furn. ovf'r double garag<'s. Firc plac<' in both units. $\O,Ooo doW1'1 paymrnt will make a dflal here. A rrang-<' for appointment. Bayfront Almost Two bdrm. home. fumi.Bh cd. Good heat, two-car garage. Adjoins bayfront and b<'a ch. Need!!I touch-up and is pric<"d to sell at $1 l ,2ft0. • J. A. BEEK Office Harbor 63 Balboa Island Ferry l\'E\V 2 BDRM. BEACH HOME l BLK. TO OCEAN &:. BAY $7,250 ' FULL PRJC~ -TERM'S Har. 2552 or Har. 2914-M Ev~. 89ttc PHONE Harbor · is16 to place your want a4 on thie ~ge. 1 l Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW three bedroom home · with fireplace, turn a c e, hardwood floors, garbage disposal, CJoubJe garage. $11,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. Master B. R. 14x20 2 baths, large playroom and shop. 3 car garage. $5,000 will handle s~~~~.:k · Ai Laguna ~ge of Corona <tel M'ar. Aek ·~ tract offiee. Today's Best Buy -in Corona ·del Mar OPENING SPECIALS $1000 Dn. Ralph P. Maskey i > r: 3411 ·Newport "e1 ' : Newport . . • ) • . ' Orange Cot1nfy' s Outsfanding Re a I Estate Adverfisinq Medium * 1416 COAST BLVD. C<>ron• del Mor Barbor 10"11-l Phone Harbor 414-J Clever Modern Home ft<!p. POIRJER KOllTGAGlt 00. ' Metro Life Ins. Fund! JC: a-6186 OOMPLETELT F U RN I S H ED. I ------------"'Lal"(e krt., patio, barbecue. Oom- 1 LOANS TO BUIU>, WPRO'{g,. $12,500 pletely lo.ndsca ped. Many other BUY, MODERNIZE, OR !eaturea. a&:~ BAU30A ~ rm. h ome an• guest $l" OOO \Ve !Ill)' ~ Deedo ~.u ... 2 Yr•. oM. Pauo. rencro.. \ 1, , terms ~ liAlaA fl'lll:l£!1Al. $3-'''"'"'·. 4 •• '" !ht. a-.. See ...,,. . Tod I .&AVlN'"8 A LQA.N .A.llSN. 11.'16 E. Ocean Blvd., BalOO&. .lUIS ay. l333 Via Udo Pb. Har. ll!Ol> '79c.,llH Earl Chamqerlain 51-Tralltn HOUSETRAlLER---46 Llberty- 27-!t., apt range, eleoc . retrig., """'IY pa1Jlt<d. Gooo con•ltlan. 902 W. Pi.lmyra Ave., 'Oran1"e. TWO LOTS IN BALBOA ~ Coast Bltd., Coron& del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 68<70 CORONA IDGHLANDS lt~'2 view ldt Oll Mettling. caayon Road, New 1 bdrm. home-Redwood, nic<' appearing. 2-car garagf'. Close t o new market on Eas t Side. Paymf'nt approx. $ft0 pf'r mo. Full Price Only $5750 • $1800 Dn. New 3 bdrm. -F ir ('p!ac€', hwd garage. Approx. 1040 sq. ft Nice location'. Can you imagine lh<" ruJJ pric~ la only $9350 ' 'lllp17 On .. a. ........... blk. to ti•• bt.y (no 11lreels to <'rou). IDEAL roll MNTALS 'Or :tlome ftJr fan'MO' with small chtldren. 2onffl n-2. 80xlll0. 'Pt>lvate beach privilq••· New 3 Bdrm; F.H.A. Bargain. Qwner LbhJt Beach· MB. !564, 1'8<1 o ...... r•: 79<78 $2650 Down 'A1110iiibtive . .. -.. .. . . ' CADILLA'CS l9llO cadillac, 4-dr. sedan, whllf' sidewall~. -• Excellent condition ( 1 owner) ··········-·-··-········-·$3395 ' 19" dadillac 608 Fleetwood 'ledan, orig. black obony flai.h, l -. .... ~-d--$Int 19112 Cadillac 4-dr. aMan. ~ ~t.r- Exce11Pftt condit'ton ······-r···-·-·······----······--····"'nfe:; 11141 Cadllla~ Cdrlv. Caapo, l'sdlo, he.rt.,.._ Fully C'quipped.. New topj ...... : ... ·--·---····--...i.-$1005 ~6,000 Balboa Realty G(). ~oss 'Greeley l~• Web'b LDllan )(c:Adoo ~80 lil. -Ill... .... 11r11q Pretty as a Picture C'hirmln.g 3-bdrm. .bome, 2 yrs. t>ld. Its the rustic ranch type u« bae ft~lace, het.'Vy shlrtele root, large pt~ture wlllld.owa end i8 'beutrMly Ian~. One of the loveHeat homea in ~­ ~ Heigh I-. $12, 760. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Large home with many f'Xtra features. Beautlrul liv. rm. wtlh flreplaC<', dining area, hwd: floors, lot.II of tile, covcrt>d patio, dbl. gar., extra wide lot. Full Price Only $11,300 Attllable to G.l. with l960 clown, plus Impounds. .. Phone Ha •02 "A Costa Mesa SLEEPER" li<llfc G .I . RESALE -3 bdrm., 1400 sq . f t . _Fireplace, double garage, t rees. patio. etc. On 112 acre com er , close in. Excellent term.s . A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - School lunch bUSine.sA, excellent location. A good llving tor a small lnveMment. R. W. BARTINE BROKER W. U. Patt.on, Aa:soclate 1807 NeWport Ave.. Costa Mesa ' Bee.con 5320 - COSTA MESA Owner has left for good. Fine 3 bedroom house. Fence<t large Jot, 2-ea.r garage, all &'ppolntmmts. Your Offer Considered For Appointment to See- HORACE• s. KAZET 808 Marine Aw. Ba1tJoa lllland ~ 3028-J 69lfc . .\ • -• .. ..... . • j ., I • Little .BalbOa Island · Ba~ront : Flneat location with own· pier and li0at -ThJS charming home situated on ·an extra Jarge lot- Consists of 3 bdrm&, and 3 baths., including a: -• I • very spacious and a~tractive master bdr:tn., The' large living rm . with high ceiling is ideaf'i'or en-. tertain.ing but . for the pertJOn who demanfls a . quiet room there is a den. 'lbe many <;yPbOards and closets proVide &mJlle storage space. A: com- fortable winter is assnred in ,this fine home be-. c11use · of the large forced air .furnace. If all this is net enough, there is a separate apt. either for guests or income. Make an app't. to see this out- standing bayfr<int home at your earliest conven(. ence. Price $80,000. Attractive terms can be hiui. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa IBland Harbor 20 • • TO "CLOSE AN ESTATE BAY FRONT With Pi.er & Float- 4 BDRM. HOME plus maid's room and bath. 45 ft. frontage with bulkhead. 2 bathers showers and dressing rooms. This type of property is in great demand. We know of no other at anything near the appraised price. • $42,500 See W. A. Tobias right away at LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Mamie Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BRA,ND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 baths -oversized 2-car attllched gara~e . Locat<'d on tree linNl g<>ntle sloping cornPr Jot. ALSO JUST COMPLETED ~ TW'O BEDRM. \\ ith ,~paclou~ 2 bdrm. apt. ovt:'r 2-car garage with view of OC('S.n . • BOTH HOUSES sre RANCH STYLE with tile b&.ths. ga:rbage dlspo~als. largE' enclosffi patios, oversiz.ro pan- E'led flreplace8 , decorator colors and wall papl"'r&. Sl'p&- rate Ja un<lry 1rooms. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona de! Mar ' P>tone °'1.'ller, .Harbor 1521-~ or seE' your brokf'r. OPEN HOUSE 74c76 at 223 Tustin Ave., Newi>ort Height;g . Be the first to enjoy this delightful and cheerful home. Picj;ure windows th,;,ughout, with a 270 degree picturesque view of Newporf Harbor - plus a comfortable sundeck on top of garage. Itl a pleasure to show. • Follow. the open signs _to entry- PRICED RIGHT Salesman on duty week days -1 · 5 p. m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a . m. to 6 p. m. . ' Ev~nings by appointment. CAN ALE REAL TY, Real tors ·· 1319 So. Main , Santa Ana Also open eves. till '9 p.m. Phone Kimberly 3-3957 SHORECLIFFS BEST LOT BUYS ~ . LOT No. 15 -Frontage 85 ft. ocean and jetty view. Priced at $6750 LOT No. 129 -81 ft. frontage-Outstanding view of ocean and breakers, overlooking "Little C.D.M., beach." Priced at $10,500. These are the choicest' ....• lo~ available in $horecliffs. OWner anxious to . ' ' c • sell-plliced for quick sale. Terms can be arranged See Price T. McCuiston, Realtor • • • 503 Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar Ph. Har. 47 · Balboa Peninsula · Corona del Mar See these for sure! $14,900 .. .. • Well built 4 bedroom home', one run and two ~ baths, 2-car garage, large hobby house on ve~ large, lot. Hdwd. floors. Partly funi. Plenty of storage. Many extras. All electric kit- chen. Nice patio and &(tractive land.sea.plng. Easy terms. 4 4 rJ, FHA )oa\I. • $1'8,500 tN BALBOA-2 beyfront lots, 80 ft. 'fnmtage. $"18,000 for both On Ball)()a Peninsula "J'llR'tE years old. Unturn. 2% bdrm. home, 2 baths, fireplace. $12,500 full price cOod tenn..-. Will oonaider all offtn. Coast Properties Oo. 301 E. -Blvd., Balboa Phone lfarbor !1658 Beautiful vi<'w. new ·2 bdnn. & den, l 1h baths . .65-ft. lot, movo right in! $9150 Cozy 2 bdrm. garage apt. Ffae location. Roam t o bUtld for add. income. Terms. $9250 $-4000 down-CUte 2 bdrnl. home. Modern deftign. Many extra fea- tures. $10,750 J3000 1 down-Very •ttractJVe 2 bdrcn. -. •• Flnplace.' ~ dl8posal and dilhraut«. Wired fCJJ' elec. range, dbl., garap . Fenced ya.rd. Tom Payne,, Realtor ' 310 _Coast Hiway, Corona del_ lil'&r f ' ' • JUST COMPLETEE> • • • • • . . . . I 1. I " • •• • ' . ~~· 8 State to Ask Civi• War . ~·ebt Payme.nt • ... California roay be getting cloeer to· ttcovery ot over seven million *'Uara arUlng out of it.a CivU War claims again8t the federal govern- ment.. Attprncy General Edmund G. Brown ~lated today when he ~vealed that lhe Unitedi, Slates Court of Claims will begin ta.king evidence in the CRM! on Wednes- day in Washington, 0. C. The Attorney General stated that a representative of hLs of- nce would attend all the hearings. 'l"hls lonl' dnwn-out matta-, extendlnc a°"' o'~r ae\-eat.v-nve )'ffn. ortrtnat«"Cl whm C.IUor- nJa.. tlf!ctnnln&' In 1861 , ad\raoc- ed moAI~ to the fPderal cov- Unnwnt rut the ouU'lttlns. pay and maintenance of Callfornla troopot for the d~.fe~ of the llta1e durlnK th~ Clvll War. At-tJM, time-the money was ad\'llftCCcl by the Jttatfo, -the Sec• rrtary of War of Abraham J.ln- colri'M rablnf"t, &A.-.ured Califor- nia that """h lo&n8 would be onJy a "tr mporary tuw .. of CalJ- fornla funds -and that Con- ~s '''nuld quickly relmbune thf" statf'. , , Brown ~1d lhal with the sched- qled hearinJCS. he was hopeful that the M"venly·fivc yf'ar old claim would finally be collrcted. '"This," he declared. "is p<'rhaps the lonh· est dunning job in the history of bill collecting." Washington , D. C. Edito r t o Address Pro-Ame rica . • • Prelutl" to a coming Heason of activ~ty 'A'Q.,q the ~ro-America boarcr mE'{'ting h('ld at the Balboa Bay club. Gathering around the luncheon tablf' WC're A.{mt-s. Alene Baldwin Ehresman, cha.irman; Norman ~tiller, J . Aurthur Tay- iOr. l..A.'wi11 Gardiner, E rnest P oir- ier. !Colin Brown and Hal Wei.83. First opening mf'eting will be hefd Friday, Sept. 28 at 10 a .m. in; Pilgrim hall, Corona del Mar. The public Is invited to. all meet- 1.nis. They arc h{'Jd on the fourth F~·day of eac h month at the same t e and place. rs. Ehresman will prel!lerit a.._ guest speaker Rob(.>rt Kumayer. editor of a. news leltf"r from Wash- ington, D. C. A wo rld traveler and lecturer', hl• wl\I acldre~s the group on subjects of present political 1ntere8l. M~s. Miller. education chairman .and Mr.t. Gardint•r. leglstlative chairman, will announce their plans for tile year. Mesa Rebekahs Have New Member Mrs. Hazel Fulmer was admit- ted into the )1t:'xa. Rebeka h lodge by Initiation at a recent meeting with Noble GrRnct Pat Churchill pre11idlng 1n IOOF hall, C08t3 M...,.. The lodge colors of pink and veen Wf're carrl('d out in th(' deco- rations of pink amaryltls and fern. District Dl'puly President Mae Man11J)t:rgcr made an unoffici•I '.tJsit. Mr. and ~trs. C. C. Covey ot Desert Hot Spr1ngu wtre welcom- -ed as gue.sls. ' After the meeting members and gueets adjourned to the banquet hall where lt>mon b11iqlie and cof- tee were served by hostess chair- tna.n Lois Stewart and her com- mittee Pat Churchill, Ada Paull. Garnet McCulloch and Gertrude Edick. Birthday greetinp were sung io. Pauline Rains and Gertrude Will- cut. The tables were prettily deco- rat~ with dahlla.'5 and porn pons tntertwlned with ivy. . • • I .• ,{ J~ol:>'s Daughters dbsel'Ve-fifth· 9rangization . Date Job's Daughters. co8ta Meaa Bethel 1~7. meeUng In regular 8e88ton Sept. 7 J.n the Friday An.· ernoon club. celebrated the ntt.h birthday of the organlzatJon with honored queen Connie Gunn pre-- aiding. M rs. Grace Swartz, grand deputy guardian, Wai Introduced lllld honored. j Principal' buainea.s dlscUJ18ed wu the mairt project of the year which will be ln the form of o. ham 4inner to be given at t he Friday Aftem oon club in October. Those having birthdays and re- ceiving c o..n gr a tu I a Uons were Carol Thomas. pa:st honored queen; Carl Thoma&. Bettye Fµlk. Carolyn Pridham and Martha Nor- man. Hoetesaea Ca.rot Thomu. Velma Pridham, LeNelle ·Gay. Eleanore Ragan· and carolee Bur- d I ck served rerteshmt!!nls from tables dl!!corated ln a "back 'to school" the me. Motion pictures taken whUe In the Hawaiian lalands recently were shown by ~tr•. Esthe r John- son. Plans .for a week end-at Lake Arrowhead are underway for th4."' members. • Rev. Paul Wheeler at San ~rancisco The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler. rector of St. J&mes Epl.scopa.l c hurch, 'will be one of the speak· ers at the conference of Graduate Sch~I of the Prophets, W est Caul addition of the College of Preachers in Washington, D. C. Bbhop \Valter Conklin of Chi- cago will lead th<-conft'rence. Sessions will be tield In Grace Ca- thedral, San Francisco. Oct . 1 to 5. To be Invited to si)eak l.9 a hiih honor for the local rector, who is also missiol'\ary dean of the Long Beach Convocation. Young Easterners y.led a.t St. James Two young people from Ma!lsa- chulff'lt.s repeated vows Wednes- day evening at St. James Episco- . p&l church. They were Mlsa June Gonnan. now of Laguna Beach. and Armando Petrino of El T oro Marine base. The ~v. Paul Moore Wheeler perforl'n.ed the ceremony and the bride was given ln keeping by a friend from the ba.se. There were fl owers on the altar and .. becaUBe it wa.s choir practice night. speci&l music by the so- prano soloist, Zola Wright. I Lady , Anglers Have Fair Booth Among the ml!!mbers of the Newport Harbor Lady Anglers who have cbargl!! of the Ocean Fish Protective AS80Ciat lon's booth at the Los Angeles County Fa.i t this week are Lucy Nosen:r.o, Eva Graham. Rose Nosenzo. Rusty Johnson. Francis Pulaski. Clara Keeler and Olive McKenzie. The Lady Anglers hold a 100 percent membership in the 0 . F .- P. A. which is an organiU1.tlon formed to preservl!'! sports !!string along the coast. Kappa Sigma Rush Party One of the gayest of early school events wwi the recent Sun- day rush party when Dick Higbie entertained rushtts of his fratern- ity. Kappa Sigma of USC at the home of his parenl8. Mr.,and Mrs. Clarence ·H igbie, 328 Amethyst, Balboa Island. Sixteen rushtts and an equal or larger number of fraternity brotht!rS enjoyed the aay. spend- ing . moat of lhe time at that favorite spot, Littll!! Corona beach. . Las Amigas Plan Mesan and Friend Canasta Party Home From Travel~ Las Amigas circle or Christ RE-turned last week from ex- t ended motor traveb are Mrs. Cornelius PW, 311 Coeta Mesa alreet. Costa. Mesa, and Mn. 0 . Folkerts of Huntington Beach . Beginning their . trip they drove Uu-ough scenic tJtah, slopping at Salt Lake City and on to _ the Bad Lands and Black Hilla . of South •Dakota, througb the Min- ne30ta lake country and into WL8consin. Yellowstone National Park was alao viewet.I by the vacationlata. In Luv.er~. Minn.. they vieJled reta.Uves of !.fr&. FolkerU. Jour- neying into Canada they were en- t e-rtalned in \\'lnnipeg by friends and relatives of Mrs. Plaa. . . MYF Group Elects New Officers : ~. . Officers for the new year wen:o --.?ected by members ot the Higb _$cbool Methoditlt Youtll_ Fellow· M.lp .at Cb.rift:· Church by the Sea ~unday evening. Pruldent for~ ,,_ term Ill Kuy Allee Baller, • eenlor at Santa Ana Hip ~·· . o!ber orilcen lllellMle Bubua .JIUCl!a. ,.i<e ...... lldent; Kenyon · ,_u,y, ""'"""P cbalnnan; ca.. ~ Woodworth, -..tary; Paul ~ban. treuurer: Jim l:¥au j -Qlrley Tyler, recroatto.n .ll.-•-·n; &Gd Ronnie J-. ·.~ cbalrmu. I . . . .. - • • . ~ Church by the Sea were enter- tained Tueaday l!!venlng of last week at the home of Mrs. Kenneth ,Farnsworth. 1019 Wt!At Bay Ave Devotions we1e led by the hoate&s. Thirteen members were pre.sent including EloiM Owen Baker. ab- sent after a JOng · illneM. Final plans were made for &. canuta party. to be held Sept. 28, 7:30 p. m. In Goodell hall. The public is m'\-iled. - Robert S. Wilson Heads Scout Troop I Robert s. WU~ or Costa Mesa was named ScOutmuter of Newport Beach'• Boy Scout Troop Ftve at a· meeting of the tf.oop 1 committee lut week under the 1 cha1rmanahip of Lu Nott. The troop meete Monday nlghi. at the Tar Pit and ts sponsored by Cbrut Cbui'ch by tho Se&. . . Y<"o to Coatact for . Cid Defe111e Worlc --' • W6W rJ • • • • \ • • ' .. ' • . . , ~ . • -. , • f ronkie ccm. Franki~ . Carle · to Play at Ball · of Peace Officers NEWPORT li\l..Jo • • ' ' . ' -. LOOKING . for · . SOMETHING ' • Well P ARDNER you can dismount, lay down your tei,.cope, ·reach for your 'Phone and uk the operator fo r HARBOR 1616 ane plaee an ad in the county's i-t advertising combinati<>n. It's u euy u that.. On~ phone caD and you .....t easy becaUlle thme clusified Ilda will go right to work for you. G· Newport-Balboa News-Times . ~,. The golden touch of Frankh.• Carle, h!JI pl&no and orchestra and group or enl6f~alners, cur- rently at the Cocoe.nut Grove In l,..os Angelea, will be the featured attraction 11.t the Orange County Peace Officer's annual ball. which w:l1 be held at the" Rendez-voW1 Ballroom ln Balboa on · Friday night, October 5th. LARGEllT .ENROLLMENT lo date -ed. ltM! .-.ad• meettns of Ille P DW1!r 8'1ua4ron pUoUn.-claM at. Ne-wport Harbor Yacht club .. 05 pt"l'llOM enroW. ClaM beard Ray Dona.Id (•land- ing al left) dbcu.sa 0 Satety at S...." CUrtta oa.b, chalnnan of local board of admlAMon and head of claM. 11tanda at rl&bt. Gerald tSparks Wu lo ..,eak on "Rules of the Boad" at lut nl&hl's meetlng. Newport Bay Post ~ Shopping News W&D!1cla19 P'rankit> carle hair' AOld more rr>C'Ordings than any other ba.nd lradt'r· in t he put ten years. One of the top bands In the l~nd, the Carle aggregation Is currently set- ting new box .office record!\ In theater!! and ballrooms from coast to coa.st. Alien Boat Sales Now Regulated Although evl'.'ryone knows F ran-A new regulation gove rning the kie a.s onl!! of the "nation's most salf" of powrr boat.e to alicrui was popular pianist-leader. few realiF.e annnuncrd lcxlay by local Coast that he ba.s established equal MllC· Guard auto1;t1e11. • ce11s as a composer. 1 His "Stm -Th(.' Cuai.t Guard Hlated that rise Serenade" which aervcs Ill\ sinct• th<.• Unlt("tl Slates has bef'n a theme song tor the banrl Is dC'c l1:trt'<I to be in a state-or llmlt- ratcd as one of lht! mw t popular cd natibnal <'mcbgency It is Illegal songs by ASCAP. Lo9'!i ra Lulla-for l:ln Anlerl41ao cit izen wlthout by," "Falllng Leaves," "Oh. What prior approval to sell, le.a.ae or ll Seemed to Be" 8.nd the "Busl-charter lo an alien a boat .f O feet est 1n My Home Town" are just or more in length equlpped with 11 few or his many eon&&. an "nJfine of !'.>O or more horse- . Ticket& may be secured from fl(?Wer and whfch at any lime hu an)' menlber at $1 .2:; each. be-en .sold by .the U. S. Maritime Sheriff Jamea Mu.sick 18 serving ComntiMion or Lh(' U . S. Maritime as co-chairman of the ball, along Adt'nlnlslralio n. · with Chief or Police Thomu V. It WWI pointed out that the To~ of Orange. Lt. Fore•t Duke seller of a boat falling under thl..s Is chairman of tht! ticket 11&,e11 catc~ory should apply to the U . committee and he report11 that IS. Maritime Administ ration in lhowsanda have already been sold . Wa.shlngton for an order approv· Penguin Nationals Set for Louisiana Scene for the 1952 natlona1 championships of the P enguln Cl8-M dinghies * probably 'will be Lake Ponchartrain, La., according lo Charles Rook. Balboa. He 18 the newly el~led prealdent of the Penguin Class Dinghy Assoc.talion. Rook, v.-ho succeeds R . D . Israel of San 1:>iego, as head of the nat- ional organization will take offi ce next Jan . 1. Site of the Pl!!nguln nallon~ls follows a plan of rota- tion for holding the annual con- test. in a different aection of the country each Y!!•r. Rook said. COM Civic League to Elect Officers Corona de! Mar Civic League will elect officers when tht!y nleet Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8 p. nl. in t be COM ele1nentary school auditorium. C. L e st e r Jones will preaenl the program, s howing plcturl!'!s and discussing conditions w h I c h he observed when he tourne<i En&"land and Europe this pa.st 11ummfir. DAUGHTER FOR MESAl<S Mr. and Mrs. Cha rlea Short. 721 West Wilson 11treet, Costa Ing the transaction before making an agreement v.rilh the a.l ien . Failure 'to comply with t he Maritime Admlnlstt ation's rliles will subject the S<'lier t o p('na.1 - ties or Imprisonment, the Coast Guard uld. · b producer and dl""°tor of a.. ~·o-rttl rnovte to ~ filmed In Newport Bea.rh this \Yttk f'nd with a cat1t or ~ M\"Pflrl Ocaeh and COAta ~fNa "'~hllttreft. Tiiie mO,ito will be ttho"'• latrr at t~ Lldo and M'l'f!I& Tht-at l"'f'A. Meea. welcomed a six pound I C t• F L I daughter on Sept. 21 . She was as Ing Or OCa born in Santa Ana Commun.lty F"I O Th hosp1ta1._. 1 m pens urs. SE\\" !o«>S ARR IVES Mr. and Atrs. Roy Woody, ~ Hamilton street, Costa Mesa. are parents or a son, bom Sept. 21 In Santa Ana Commlmity hospital He weighed 8 pounds. 4 % ounces. TRAVELING BAG. T AK EN' Theft of a travt!llng bag from her gar9ge aometlme during the put week WU reported to poltce Thureday by Jean J . c&rtyle, 27 Harbor ls le. The caee bore the inlli&ls "J . J . W." and wu stitch- ed in red cowh ide; ahe Nfd. MANTZ BICYCLE MISSING Mrs. PauJ Ma.nu, w ife ot the noted pUol. 301 Eut Bay atrttt, Balboa Wand, reported theft of her Engllab~bullt bicycle to poUce. She .aid the wheel, a. boy'• model. was taken from ln front of the Jolly Rogen Jut Tbunday nJghl. Casting \VIII begin 1f1unday for a twr>-rt•c l movie which will be filmed In -Newport Beach this week f"nd. Boys and girls from Nt'wport &ach and Costa M esa will m&kP up the cast ... ·The Lido and Mesa Theatres are spon- iroring the movie 8.nd will show It afte r its completion. William D. Patton. director for Melton Barker Productions. will audition cblldr l!!n .who have r('giatered tor a part in th<.' two-reel comedy at the LJdo' Theatre, and bi8 schedule ls u follows : Children who have rep.-., tered at the Lido and Meaa Theatres are to rt"port Thunday, Sept. 27th at the L.ldo Theatre. Cast'ng hours are betwt-en 4 and 5 p. m_ and between 7 :30 and 8 :30 p. m. Thoae who have not regtst- 0?1-ed may atUI do so at lh• Udo Theatre. Children should be ac· companied by parent.a or guardian. Rehearsals and shooting wUJ follow immediately alter ca.Ung. The echedule baa bttn a.rra.n.ged tn order / not to lnterfere wttb (Photo by B<?ckner) Higlt Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Newport-Balboa Press n... .. ,. • • • Advertising Is an Investment Toward the _Peri>etual Growth of Pre>fitable Bus i.ness ' • • •• This Man Doesn't Believe • In \ 'I ADVERTISING . . ... yet, he hos just ori5en from a well adirertised metal bed that corito ined on advertised mattress, sheets, blankets and pillows. He is now remov ing on advertiseiJ brand of pajamas and is about to enter the bathroom, the fixtures of which have. been advertis.ed for more than a quarter of a century. He will ~.. ,S09~-"~"°'f~edi.fed-brond of soap and later pick up a shoving brush that is '"°~l:!IHIWIVt~i \jc)rld over because it hos been. advertised. He will use a razor, · · · · s/iavihg soap; massage cream; toilet water, ~ootli brush and paste, as well as a comb and brush which hove seen the light of advertising before he puts • on his well advertised clothes. • ' ' . . . . • . .\..'.":: ~ . This some man will eat ci well advertised brand of cereal, bacon, bread and coffee for his breakfast. And· just before leavi ng his home, he will put on a well known and advertised brand of hot. He will step into the motor car which he purchased because its advertised "points" sold him, and upon entering his office he will light on advertised brand of cigar and sit down to function his doily administrative duties amid advertised office furniture. His stenog· .rapher, secretory and office associates ore al ~ wearing clothes wh ich were purchased because they were well advertised. ~ • • • Upon his-return home, Mr. Man finds a great deal ·of comfort in a notionally advertised chair qnd almost mechanically ~ulls the cord to an advertised brand of floor lamp. Soon he is called to dinne{ and must cross over well :ad- vertised rugs, and upon entering the dining room finds the table temptingly filled with many ancient-long advertised fopd products. •• • • After dinner ha fills a substantially advertised pipe witn advertised tobaccp, plays with Junior with his advertised toys for . thirty minutes while Mother and the girls are doing the advertised dishes iii an ad~ertised metal sink . • • • After the play .,_riod with the kids and a littie family chat, it is likely this man wil l gq in the ga_rage and. use the advertised brand of tools for an hour or so, at which time he re-enters the house and reads a newspaper filled with stimulating advertisements and finds there is O· good movie advertised that · the family must not miss seeing. : • "· • · · • ·~ • I • •• • ' -Upon hfs return home, the family makes a mad raid for snacks out of the re- echool work. • " frigerator which he bought because.the af(.:ertisement pointed out many economy feahlres; plus a price which appealed to him and his entire family. ................... c... .. -....... ~ .... ---·~-..... ••• lllu'W .... .. ii -...... IP t ..., . • • .. RETBl':AT A.T llAB CA.8.t. R.ari.,r-church women an ,. minded of·the ...,.ual relrul &Gd tJtate board meeting ot. Soulllera Caltromia Council of Chvrcb Women, to be beld W~ and Th~ of this 'll(Kk a.t Mar ca.a. .Balboa llllalld. .t.lJ an l\>vlted to llllald: • • • • • Antd not too far into th9 night, this man,oiice more gou ta b8cl and is remind- -ell agajn that this domed contraption Wfiich . cradles his back as if ,n a cloud was prefty,.._11 odvertited. , · • • • •• • • • . . Ho, hum ••• aod he don not believe in odv.nisint! i • •--: •' t r'f ' • ·~: -~ • ' ~'t • , • ) • • • • "' • '• • •