HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-09 - Newport Balboa News Times' ' , .. l ·------------------• • ' . ' • • , ~EWPODT 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 41 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, fJDloAY, OCTqBER 9, 1951 FIVE CENTS I AT SCENE OF TRAFFIC TRAGEDY Friday momtng ....... Offtcer M. N . Coe and Dr. Gerald Rau-.. benclln&' oveor Ronllle L HalnP8, u tkaJ Ambulaoce attendante carefully placed Chari.ea C. ' . ' COS.TA MESA YOUTJt .,QIES~­ TWO'"INJlJREO lN-tRASH A Costa Mesa youth wu fatally lnju.red and two others wer'? hurt serioWily early Friday morning In a apecta.cular automobile era.sh into a garage and several other ob!lrucUons at 29th St, and Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. It was the city'a second traffic fatality this year, police said. Dead was Jack William Turley,,...-------------- Jr., 17, of ·2331 Sant& Ana Ave .. dbsta Meu.. Hia body WM taken to Baltz Mortuary. Turley lived only a few minutes a(!.er the crash. Newport police .said. He called the name of one of hie companions be· fore he died. The injured: Pvt. Charles C. Chapman. 21. driver, ot :US18 Or- ange Ave., Cost& Mesa. and head· quarters squadron 43. United States Air Force Base, TuC80n. Ariz., and Ronnie Louis Haine•. 21 . of 2~72 Eldon Ave., Costa Mesa. I Inveslip.ting officers reported ll)al Chapman, driving a 11Ml sldan coupe owned by his father, R. E . Chapman. was speeding south oq Newport Blvd. The car plowed into a corrugated Iron building siding adjacent to Hank's Radiator Service, 2900 Newport B~d .. then bounced off two park- ing meters which bent under the pressure. Additionally, Wle car snapped off an Edison light pole at its baae.. knocked over a city "No Parking" sign and a mer- chant's sign before coming to rest in a vacant lot next to Hank's. Bod Reed, owner ot the struc· lure Into which the car crashed, sa.ld prelimicary estimates fixed damage tti the Iron siding a.nd overhead door at about $200. The Injured were treated Im· mediately at the scene by Dr. Gerald Rausa, whose emergency hospital i.s near the scene. Chap- man and Haines were sen l to the Community Hospital, Santa Ana. after Dr. Raus.a gave preliminary treatmenL , Chapman's injuries Included a double compound .fracture of one leg. a compound fracture of the other plus internal injuries. He was transferred to March Air Force Base hospital in criti- cal condition. Haines was treated al Community Hospital tor a broken arm and a.a ot yuterday had been sent home, police said. Force ot the impact could be estimated by the tact that one of Chapman·• shoes was thrown' 80 feet from bi• body, bis wallet .U feet. Chapman •. lf'JCOnd lnJury victim, on stretcher. Td Jen, blanket CO\'MS body or Jack WWlam Turley, Jr., who dJed 8C&Dt momenb after car (left) cruhl'd Into Iron-aid~ buUdlnl', numeroll.8 polM and parkl ... meten. (Photo by Officer Roger E . Neth I By Rod -Mllllan Ray Rosso's Orange Coast College Pirates proved lo themselves a.nd 3~ spectators lh~t they could play football Saturday night as New Time, Place for . Island Race Starting time and place for Ne~rt Ha.rbor Yacht club's S&n Clemente laland race have been cha.nl'ed. It wu announced today. New at&rting time will be at 9 p.m. lnetead of 6 p.m., Friday. New 1tartlng place will be at the tuming b&lin at the eut end ot Udo Isle tnatead of between the Ila&' off Balboa pier a.nd the com-. mlttee boat. Motora will be permitted to .within 60 yarda ot the starting line or two minutea before the •tarting gun. Entry blank.a must ~ filed M.fore 6 p.m. Friday. Either end of San Clemente Is- land may be' rounded by yachts· men making the race. Flnll!lh line will be between the light at the end of the west jetty and Qell buoy, leaving the bell buoy to starboard. Safe Proves too ~uch for Burglar An amaleur cracksman 's efforts to break into an office sate at Van'8 Bowling center , Costa Mesa. early yesterday were crowned with failure, Sheriffs deputies re- ported. Tools for jimmying the small aafe were strewn around lhc man- ager's office. ()ne Iron tool had snap~ ott between the sate and its door on the hinge side. The hinges we re bent out or shape but the handle was untouched~ ' The would-be safecracker open- ed the office Ooor with a. jimmy, aceording to spllnl<"r evtdence. r -. . '. ' •• they completely oulcluaed a game Fullertqn Junior College 20·7 on '' the loser's field. It was the opening EB15tern Conference game for both. t.. The Maroon and Orey appeared._ _____________ _ to be a different -. team aa they to say which ran better ... Hal slashed and pounded at the Fuller-Smith apparently ha.a lost aU et-r.' ton defense lo roll up 4~ yard• feet.a ot that hip point which kept I in 64 offensive plays. Actually, the him out of the Oregon Tech game score should have been greater for last week and Jess Smith shook ·' ' .. the locals. They had one 'touch-oft lhe flu bug . . Harlow Rich- down called bll(:k becaUSe of a ardson is still nursing an injured penalty and (umbl~ lhrt>e times knee and will mjtyi action. Satur· as they apparently were headed day night ... Bob Woodhouse for pay dtrt~ach rumble waa re-played h.Ui best game of the ·year cove red by Fullerton. according to line coach John Standout ln the local ft.ltack Owens who also had kind words " f was J ohn Black who rambled 118 for Ed Mayer, former Harbor ' ya rds in 1-4 pl&-y1 .on the ground tackle, and Jerry Bodine of Hunt- for an 8.4 yards l'ained per play lngton Beach, who made six average and caught two pa.Ne& tor tackles ... Mel SmaUey was 35 additional yard.1. knocked "ga-ga" in the flnl Four See~_ Okay FEED~R .. AIR LINE SERVICE . Four applications to the U . s . Arlny COrpa of Engtneera .for per· milt to construct moorage plent and noata In Newport Beach watera were announced today by Lt. Col .. John R. JMUlarone, execu- tive officer. Drawinga showing lOOation and plan of ea.ch · structure are on file at his office in Loe Angdea where Interested parties objecting to the propoaed ·atructures have unttl Oct. 29 to make their prole3t.& knowri. Decisions on iuulng per· mlta will be hued on the effect 6t the proposed work on navlp· tlon. Applicant. listed are: Henry Erbe. 4208 River Ave., Newport Be&ch. who plans to buUd a noat and appurtenances in front ot lot 5, block 242, Canal Section, be- tween 42nd a.nd 4.3rd atreeta; Ed· ward Back.a, 6301 South Kraemer, Placentia, who plans to construct a pier, float, etc. ii\ front of lot 7, a.nd a portion of lot 8, block 25, Eastslde &.ddit(on lo B&Jboa Tract: Knut R, Sjorgren, 149!i Bedford Road, San Marino, who ask8 per· ml88ion to bulld a pier, float, ramp, etc., on southerly side ot Lido Isle In front of the aoutheBSterly half o ( lot 905 and the northwesterly halt ot lot 908, Tract 907, Lido Isle; Dean Saum, 1816 South Third Street. Alhambra. who plans to build a 1nooring float. etc., on the southerly aide of The Rialto, speci· flcally in front o( lot 3,. block 636. Canal Section, extending into The Rialto a distance of 26 !eel. BUILDING BLOCKS REPORTED STOLEN Someone was short a row on the residence or business atruc· ture they are building of inter- locking concrete blocks. At least 2~ ot then1 were m il!laed from 6110 Coast Highway on Wednesday ·mom Ing, reported G. E. Perrott ot 7110 Coast Highway. ~" -.. ~· .. County Airport, Santa Ana. So said W. H. ·Nk::hola, alrport.-------------- m~er, today u he dlaclosed plans to take the matter before a CAB hearing in the capitol on "October 18. County airline paaaengera are put. to needle.le waste ot time and money, It la amert.ed. The county airport. Nichols Representing the county in Its 11aJd. receives dally a considerable desire to have feeder a ir line ser· number ot calls,lor air service out vtce at the 'airport will be James of Santa ·A~'{? Utt, attorney, who hu been ap-He polntea' out Up.l the CAB pointed by the Boe.rd of Super· cerUficated Southwest Airways viso(S. Ht.a expensel!I eut will be Co., a echeduled feeder llne. to tie. defrayed by the AviaUon commit· gin operatlone Feb. 18. 1949, from lee of the Auoclated Chambers of Loe Angelea to Phoenix, making Commerce of Orange County, Inc. stops at Orange County Airport, through private aollcttation. 1 Oceanside, San Diego, El Centro, Utt wU.1· &pJ?e&r to plead the Yuma and Ajo, Ariz. A week be· county's caae at a final oral hear· fore service begin, the CAB can· ing. To aid hla presentation, all celled the certtflcate, lndicatb\g publlc and p~lvate groups Interest· that Weetem At.r Unee and poa; ed in having airport feeder service 1 slbly t>thers oppo.eed the permit. are aaked to prepare lelt:ers ad· The CAB decided to hold a new dressed lo the CAB, outlining the hearing, giving all air lines In· need. for the facility. The lettera volved an opportunity to be heard. should be maJled to Nichol.a at the Alr Une Desi airport or to William 6a.Uienne. re. executive secretary, Associat~ Subsequent RMiona have been Chambers of Commerce of Orange held in Wuhlngton and Los An· County. Inc., City Hall, Hunting geles with Westem and Bonans& ton Beach. Air Line.a and others asking per· The CAB examiner recently misaiOn lo aerve Phoenix from Los recommended that no service be Angelea and l.&a Vega.a.·. These Instituted in Orange county be-lines. however, all malntain that cause ot the tack ot need, no service L8 needed from Los Afi.. gelea to San Diego; that Orange Adequate Support ~unty i& near enough to t.oni This, Nichol.a maintains, is not Beach and Loa Angele11 for a.de. the case. Ora.nge County's more quate service. · than 240,000 pop\,\lation could well The CAB'S' favorable dects:ion support any pa.ssenger and Creight granting a ·certificate to ~outh· air line feeder service, advocates west Airways was based on 1940 claim. Because of ·constantly census figures. Current popula- woraening traffic congestiOn on lion, considerably grealer, add.9 highways and roads to Los An· tmpetua to demands for feeder a.ir gcles Municipal Airport and l.Qng line service through Ule county Beach Municipal Airport, Orange airport, experl~!'aa:)r. PLANNING COMMITTEE VOTES FOR GAS TAX ALLOCATION City councilmen were expected last night to order the city engpteering department to proceed with plane for widening Newport ll~d .. from Finley Street lo 3oth Street ln conjunction wllh the J-ogram for widening Balboa Blvd., from 30th to the Coaat Highway . Member.e of the Newport-Balboa..-------------~- Street Planning Committee, recent· ly appointed by the Mayor voled 'l'!iUr9111.y ·-to reConfmelllf"'IA>" council that all city gas tax monies be budgeted for the cur- rent period and for next year for the improvement. M6re than $60.000 will be available in the fund for the next two years it was estimated. The committee is recommending that the council in· t1lruct the city engineer to draft plans for the Improvement and have the allocation of funds ap- proved by the State. It will be necessary to provide approximately $10.000 from gen- eral fund sources for street lights and drainage to con1plete the project. The committee believes that these ·lY>'O legs of the over· all improvement plan Will furnish aoine interim relief unW Newport boulevard can be widened and lb• ~~·~~ ...... I'!. <1&11 Dwlen, land lllld tax agent of the Pacific Electric Oom• pany met with the Committee and provided a list ot approxi- mate v)Lluea of land owned by the company and needed by the city for the improvement of the community. More tha.1' $860,000 in value ts represented and tbie dO@S not include the $100,000 necessary for track removal and depot buUding. tf, as and when the railroad yarda might be re· moved to West. Newport. The Railroad compaay has re- peatedly lndJcated that It deatres to trade lan.d rather than aell be- cauae of 'bondholders' intere6l and tax obltgattona. JARS BEAT BEARCATS 13-7 FOR TEAM'S -FIRST VICTORY A game and heavily outweighed Newport Harbor High .Varsity Football team wouldn't adniit defeat &a they faced a strong Bonita High el.even Friday night and consequently came out of tt with a 13-7 win. • The victory waa one with m~re,,.--------------­ tha.n a single mea.nlng for Coach Bell fight tt out wtth Bonita'• Al Irwin'• fighting Sailors. It 200.pound plua blO<':kera. (Adndt- proved to them C 1) That hard edly thia la the best Bonita team work l• the only thins that paya Uce the d&ya of Glenn Davia and off; (2) wu the ttrst time µiey Compu\y). . L.A. Daily News Writer Opens for um Series at Coast College Fuller~on jumped to a fut lead quarter but will be &E'l tor Mt. Sac. early in the tlrat quarter a.a Paul J eu Smith took over hia defensive Dearth pa.sscd. two ,Yards to end h-1{back slot .. • . Smalley aver· Dick Hartman. Hartman then ageji 47 yards on ht. kickoffs , , . booted the extra point for a 7..0 His ·punts were better than ever Hornet lead. Cout came back: to W'llh a pair ol 45 yardera and a 23- knot the count lt'I the second yard attempted coffin corner punt quarter with a M·yard march in . ·· . With the score 13-lf and Ful- lhree plays. Quarterback HOward lerton dangerously near the goal Miller tossed a P&f8 lo h.a.lfback (10 yard line), Ed Mayer broke Jess Smith who went to the Ful· through lo nail Jewell Oweu' lerlon 18. On the next play Ml-tumble in the final qUarter alter back Hal Smith powered through K&.nh had stopped Smtth-from Lbe middle to l!IC~re standing up. there the Ptn.tes went to their Jeq Smith kicked. \he extra point third TD 86 yards up field ... to tie the score. Charley Black played a (ine de- Cout bounced back tor another fenetve game &a he Btole the b&ll TD at the start ot the aecond half from Jewell Owens (He must have aa J esa Smith capped a ntn, play been the goat) on the Pirate 23 74-yard march-with a twO-yard during a Wrd qu·arter Hornet plunge through the middle. Mel march · .. ''He WU ca:rryin.g' the Smalley'a try far extra pou1t ·wu ball like a loaf of bread." replied had scored thta sea.son; (3 ) was .Coach Irwin 8&id that it wu their first wtn of the eeason: the crtm detennlnatlon when the (4.J proved that 31ze doesn't mea.n · chlpa were down that cotml~ aa much u desire and a com-'"'nley came through in t h ~ EXAMINING SAFE la V•a Bowllns' Alley ta BW KloU., rnaa--petitlVe spirit.· , clutches -and never gave tn,'' ap.r. Amateur crack_.• f&Ued la effort. to jlmmy ·~.pox Newport Harbor tans eat with reported 'Irwin. '-rhe boys have Southern California livea in the · blocked and the Pirates were· tn Black to~a queatl<ftl concem1.nl' 1-be ~ckwaah of worldwide events as With television speed, tmpacl front, 13-7. The Ctn.al Plra~ acore play a.ft.er the pme •.• Slack lar as Interpretation ot news is of news is gone from the paper• came late in the. fourth ~od. carrt~ Ule ball twice near UW ~ven by its newspapers., opined but they have an important role John i1la.ck ran ovir ttom 28jyarda encl to pick·Up five ya.rdlt·and one Robert E. C. Harri&, chiet editor-in interpretation of events with out after being stopped three yard • ... Smalley WU 9tCODd. to iaJ writer of the Los Angeles a BCope. depth and tangibility Umea ·en route. Hla run cl~u.ed guafd Fred Owen8 ln the ~~ g_..7 al&'ht. (New.Times Phot.0) awe a.a they watched 130-pound worked hard and have lmpt"O\'ed -,-----------------------·-·---•Bill Hopkin.a and 135 poupd .Rex much aince the first game at Rive?'llde." ...,, Daily News. which suits itself lo the reader's an 86-yard drive which toiok 12 depart.rrum.t-Smalley pulled down Spe .. king \Vednesday evening at coavience. "A reaJ problem." he pJa)'B. Mel . 81f'alley booted the eeve.n Bomets· while Oweoa ~ the first ot three lectures in the said, "t.s that our cotoplex modern ext~ point. 1 ~ brought. In elgll.L ~ kqocli.e¥ Coacll Irwin will &tart that ame combination against Lyn· wood it Harbor High Friday night lf inJuriu to aome of tile player• permit. supt muacle etralna and brulaea yuterday kept the workout down a ij.tue but Irwtr& baa elated be&vter workbut RUIOu today and· to-. • OranP Coast College Forum ae.r-civtltza.Uon hu sho't into the C¥1-Fullerton h-4 a c;hance to~ flniah the ball out of a Fullert.On ball ies on Communication., the editor tural bloodstream so much ad· the game or at )east tie tht; ecore cvrier'1 arm. tn· the. MlCOlld qurt- •look as his subject '-r'he. Function renailn \. trOm so many eources just before the Pirate's 81~ya.rd er and 230-pound t¥:kle Jlln. K_.. ot the Newapape.r ln Today's So--that we are all hoppe<I up. Presa drive. Wayne SmJlh, formtr 0r~ line .cooped. lt up and "*9 otf'~ ciety. ·• and outlined how• it ta. and govtimment a.ge.nclea. bureau an.ge high qu~k tnt~pted the n.cea when the otttctala wtallt· and Is not. tµtttlllnc tt8 rote. on b u .re au, each diacb:a.rgfn'g a KU1er pus ll'ltanded for Black led him dmrn a.nd ruled the ,,....... ••n ahould," h<I ll&ld, ;report Uuough pobUcatioJls great block• tn the flat ud took off UJ a had blown bet-the l.lun~ · what ~ on. lmpart.f&Uy. accu· of indiJ'll8'l8.ble mate.rial .. wtth ,all blocker ln tro1lt oC him a.nd one . Qu1c1t W)lJ.stles ~ to i-. Urie. n.tel~ and truthl\lllf." In th I• of wlttch edltoro must bo familiar. between him a1'd the goal 0. GU. Ot'dtt ot the ~·' 'Ille ~ light be, compared ... ~per re-One fault with newwpapen. "' Mllrah. offeJWift Pirate loot C41t Oil. plN -(la ,.,._ ~poftlnjr In a totalltarlall' -1ety claimed. lo ~Nol; enough letunl "*" the play -.,.d a\arted o 15 tlon to Jlunl!o .nin•• TD ..... ) with lb• Brillab, AmeriCan and to the editor. and Ibey are tar yards bOhlna l!mfth-aM t -of qu1e1t ·-· , • European trM prua. .'1-Da UJ., too tone. -ot the -)o<lr· lllm on the Plnte 11 . iw. tbeI aloo Cot tbe 1ir , .,. - world of today, .. be atct. 4Wlr re-qatlam ln tM country ls in mnal1 (Had 8m1U. ~ t.be c;ount .... aa J'ullertGa z11a uwliiie " of ma1n1nr ~ P~ 11u • ,,...1er 11•_.pen -U>eY conr the -.1c1 """ ~ u.111, ·-P1ntet1nr•._ ..... ,_.,..,. obl\Pllon tban It llu ~ llad ID local .,.,,., ""!I-"-. !l&n1o -the_ eatn point ~ .,,.,.. Pl-"nae win -ri-ap Olll8' • our entlr<t cultur&I lllOWY when a. ~-by•cillllplllnentlJIS" tbe, rateO ,...,..tcl hil._'lieen ...... wlUI U.-lllr -jililce'w!UI -.... •many forcel ... ~ q, "'"" p.N.P.A. for llr &ml""'1 ··-Old)' toor nUnuC. Iott ... ~ --·-tint plaee •.• a - prus, alant and hlOt .fUt allc>-~ , : ·Qd l'OlleT\Oll , _.,. ...... w AMmJO. Bl-••• -~ 4- gelber the aeWL" !" • , . · Ule) •.• -~s::; ...... ..., .... I' "",.._,, 'llegai:<llq people, Battie Mat.eel -.imua BJ8 .... ' :rear---•. 8llll1h (If) -.J'b:Mao .. by -. - they .,.. -~-'.iin-.Rlibt :i...a. la -"' u.. .... at ~ 1ll&lr. ' . • -........... t,llo7'ptll - - 'by the oPiAlcn :ot !lie ptw llUt JifflCo, --oli Jl"tl> J~ Blliiil! Ii°\-' • 2 ,. I Ill-.,.ii.t -..... mo.-oo -J>y t.M ..,... ltalf. fw l'elloW *•--II. · it -~ Ille .. i-' Ula ......... , ·--i. Ula .... I ' . -. . ' • • ~ loo" ..... -I .i..-:. < ~, ... • .. .. _,,.., ,. . • l • ' • ' • • • .. MRS. w:JND'Rl!:D B.UIJIBJ:, ,,_..,. Editor -~~-..'-·''"'""""""">Jf'""""""""'" .... ,........~.......,~~""" ........ 'l'f"~ lions Governor to Be Speaker ' ~t· Elementary P.-T .A. father's Nite So that fathers may attend. the .tint meeting or the Ne\\!']X>rt for chlldru and the family. A Beach Elementary Schools PTA ttCUlar-feature is devoted ·to baa been eSJ)t"Ci&lly .!Cheduled tor what's happening ln education and "t.;30 p.m. Monday. Oct . l~ at the facte about important chiJC:l wel- Ne.,port Grammf'r school auditor-· fare billa before Conlft'U are pre- 1\fM. sented. During 1951-52 tbe map- ' Rev. Alex N ichols. putor of the zine .... u1 carry three study coul'9- i;,,..t Methodist church of Santa es on pre--3Choo1 children, echool- ~ and Ftiurth Di~trict (Cali· age children and adoleacent.a. fernla) Governor or Lions. will HoeteMff for the Oct. l!i eve- Afe&)t on "Children Still Come ning program are fifth «Tade room rtrst." both state and loca.1 PTA mother& . . Ueme tor lhe year. ' •' Dr. Nlchola wa,., born in Eng- 1*.nd. raised ln Toronto. Canada, and educated at the Univf'r&ity Of Southern Calilomla. His com- ~uni ty conaldera him an out.tand- lllg cltlzen and his popularity a.a t,· platform epeaker brings so Ji!.a.ny invitatJons to speak lhrough- du.t Southern California that he is ;.ble to accept only one out of three. 4' 1 ' Both the advanced ba.nd and f.he swlng band will b<> h \'ard dur· illc' the musical portion or the qrog-ram. Miss Norma Perkins, ~perv1sor of band and orchestra. S1. .the' l!IChool district, will direct Oie adva.nc~ band in tour num- bers: Syncopated C lock , \\'uhlng- ton and Lee sv .. tnk. Comedian's O.;}lop and Notre Dame-Victory March. The swing band will play Picture Progr:am at Christ Church Kodaalidc pictures Of Cre.ter Lake, Gla&<i Mountain. The Devtl'" Post Pile. ML I...usen. the Red- woods. and otl'ler •cen.ic spota in Northern California and Oregi>n will feature the monthly Family Night Dinnel"' of Christ Church by the Se& ne xt Wednesday evening. Oct. J 7. a.a the putor. Tho mu Roy Pende-ll, telb the lltory ot their re- cent vacation trek through that territory. The program le preceded by a pot-luck supper at 6 :SO. ........ "Loveliest Night or the Year." Community Concert Wor~ers to Meet Thurs. Afternoon -PT A committees featured al .. I I • • thls opening program will be wel· fare and magazines. Wettan-Propam Th• wellare committee of th~ PT A. under the chairmanship of Mrs. Don Hall. Corona del Mar, meeta emerg-ency student weUare need.a. It prepa.re11 for activity by becGmlq' fam iliar with servtceai ava..llable through public and pri- vate local •gencies. For example, pe;.aomMl of varlou.a Red Feather a~nciee ot the Newport Harbor Co\nmunity Chest lnfonn the com- mi,ttee on services tbey can give. Welfare, ln turn, works wtth anti through these agencies &nd ·on it.a'. own budget, l o provide emer- gency care In mfflkaJ. dental and optical work: tran8portatlon to up from elinics, milk and bot. l~ dqthl.qg &nd 21hoea, car- fan ~ 9Choo\ acholanblpa. foe-te9':~e• and child 'care and ~vtng and Chri.tltmas be..&- ketii. :A.kl ia direcUy K)vf'.n when need.I!! a~ -ee:rtifted to by prin<!ipal, dean or nuree and or course names are treated with, confidence. Lut yee..r several c&JJe• wer e handled wtlb the help of the Protf'stant CbUJ"Cb Welfare and at different tJme• needy children w ere provided wtth hOt lunchefl a t t he !Chool cafeteria from the welfare budg-et tund. ·Mrs. S. Newberry head.a th• PT A magazine committee_ '"Na- tional Pa14F11l-Teacher" le t he of- ficial maga£ine or the National Coo.cress of Parent8 and Teach- en. Jt la a monthly periodical a.n<1 conta.ln11 articl<"s on parent educa~ tlon, radio and book rt-vlewe tor pa.rents and children a.nd evalua~ tiona of suitable motion pictures Lester A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 11&3 Newport Blvd., Cost.a-Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 8752 • ~ E. B4Y Ave., Balboa Harbor 32] .J : Harold K. Grauel • • Chapel Phone: Beacon 6610 Broadway Colla Mee:a Lad7 Attendallt '10 Coast mrbwaJ The initial meeting of the Com- munity Concert Serles will be. held Thursday. OcL 11 at '4 p. m. Ln room l"l of DodC"• Hall. New- port Harbor Union High achool. The hall is in the new bulldln« tacing on l~th strnt. Tbe -annual membenhf'p drive wiD be planned at thi.9 time, ac- cording to Mary-B&tten Steffen- een, president. Th.18 will be a short and important meetLqr, and all workers or Jut year and others who may be lnterNted, are a.eked to attend. If member'' are not able to be prewnt, pleaM notlfy Mrs. Steffensen, ·Harbor 28'17-J. Members who aell ten ticket.8 will be allowed to free one for themeelves,· 1'1'1'a. Ste~ aaJd. 'ftls was a plan. which proxtd"'eo ~ular last year.- Circle 2 Serves WSCS Luncheon The reJ[Ular mttting' of the Bal- boa l1land \\'. S. C. S. waa held at Ule church Wt"d ne&day. October 3. Lunchron was serwd at 12 noon . Tbf' lnnch(>()n committee were Mrs. Stephen Smith. chair- man: Mn. C. B. Barnett. Mr•. T . DeMundrun, ~fra. H . Blackerby 'and Mrs. Harold Fink, Clrcle Twu m~mbef"!'ll. There was a short buslnen ses- sion after luncheon. Mrs. Harold Fink, preelding. Mr8. T ed Rauaer was pretJcnted with a Lift-Mem- berahlp from ,the socilty.J Mn. Percy Baines rllaktng the pruen- tatlon. There were 22 memben and t~ guel!ll.s present. Mra. M.. Harper a.nd MM!. Sylvia Place were guest.. Mn: Harper 'WR.I a member yea.nJ ago with the original Balboa Ia- land Citt'le. At 1 :30, fifteen or the group went to Santa AnA to vi!tlt the Goodwill induetrlce. Mrl!I. Percy Balnea. profll'am chairman, ar· ranged the trip and lt proved a very intercetlng and in.slructive program. The next aession wUl be a Chrh~tsnaa party to benefit the supply project.I!! for this year. ll will be a luncheon meeting No-- \"t!mber 7, 12 noon and wlll be In cha.i:ge of Circle Three. Teaching Staff Assumes Duties at Christ Church • OORON A DEL HAR DAY AND NIGHT New te.cben aad offtttrt for Pltooe Harbor o tM Newport Kethoditt. c.hurclll • ------,.------·1-t ... ---took 0-tklr ,___ -,.. Clot. . ~ SURE -INSURE • with • lllLt.VIUE ST ANUY • 'JMuranee OllJy ..... .,.... .,,. . . tu _..,.._,Ave. Balbea &•e=I t. al Cllr1lt Cll!lrdo b)' -- 1"° -ot&tt -IN f--lac: Actlllc llllperillt-t. llev. T. R. PeoickU; ...-..,., M.1u - Newt ad: .~ ...... Mr. R.a1 -· nstatrar. Kn T. H. -t.,-: •= .. l••t ..._..rar. Mrs. 1All :::~~===:;:======.1~; ...... dllldroa'• -r: lira. pi..,. Holtb)'; .,.to Y<JUlll • :.. IL\Trili:ssJ:S ............ D*'fu l'relt,c; ---• .... ......... Mr ... ~: :·••• Bca11 1Trallen ~~KN. •: .. lnllplar Sb• r 1 wa. MeJ>oMM; ,.. 1ry nptl'tll·. :• W.OON WI. •a a q, ,..,_. a cam: ,_.. .~~.~--!'~-o.. 1 a At•t MIP'd'nt•t•st, .... • ~ n--.-• .. Do? ..... 7 1 tarn ue: •™J, ~ I.&-; •ash , ... Jin. •. DI t i • let II•• .... ....,. ..... , ;_ ......... ... ••• , 7 : ............ w •• ill; -··~ ... 4. ... ,., r· .. I t ... ._ . ' ................. ~-......... * .......... • .,, •L .... ..._. <lilloa- U.; ........ , ... ~,. »-Qau; a ;qi; Jllil --JO. b." H D If P; ,... a 1 'I elUI. Mr. He•crt.. ' • • OAR Caro Party at Bay Club· is Benet it for Building Fund , ··-·-•r ·--·····--~---·······--······· -..:~r.,-··"q~.....,,.,~~~··"'"l~~:b~~~.;;.~~m!-IJ:i.'·~~~~~~,~• ~~~·~1~ ' ) • J I f D..A.&. • Cel~~·b lkr,New;rwtMaOer, I ' • , l . ' . , •• GET SET FOR THAT· RAINY OAY , Lib ID umbftl)e op!-WOUJ and NI, ,....., ••lop """""'' beN wW 'jm>ooc1 JOU la _,. "pacia. Slut. ••lnl now;· odd a Ihde _.., pay day. Your ••iqp lino an J-...1. SA VINOS INSURED UP TO .10,000 • wne .-...... for the ~ftt 1-idp hmr:W-. whklli ~ •• tred N -.•, • .Ila>;·~ Sated (L to R.) ue: Mn. c. IL 11-. ' e, .. _t;. !lln. A. J:. St«ll-.......-.. -ftta'J'. 8-S· (.Jft'to rtpt): Mn. Carl Jlanm, SI 1NI -; Mn. H. P. Y.....U, ~~;Mn. -I!:. ~r. vloo ......_ ~: Mn. CM.'lra LaMP .... ''k-e ttl'ftS.. alld. Mn. .Jtm "'~>' ~. • (Photo by Bec~er ) Tbe, crowded roome of the Bal-+---------------------------------------~-­ boa :e&y Club Oct. 3rd attel!lled the· ai.lcce• of the bridge and can- uta. party gi.ven by the Cot. WU- liam Cabell Cbapter of the Daugh- ters ot the American Revolution Society. fQl' the National Building Fwld. lt ·is. not generally known that the Society la under charter from can.gre.-and turnlahea valU&bl• data. when requel!lted by merbber• or commltleQ of. Concreu. · Because al) records or the So- ciety "re valuable and In many C&JteS irreplaceable . It became neceNary to build a la.rt'! new butld\Jtg , costti:ig QVer a. mUlioJ"I doO,.h which could atore -records under condilioM In whic h they \vobJ<! '"not deteriorate. 0.ne.. _oi thf" mO!lt utl.ereaUng rooma for the pubUc is a Hlatort- c&l room with prittlf'Sl!I itenla from colonial timH. ~bJeaia at the 0.)1 Club were ~ntettd with b.auurui · arnaU mn. doftated 'by ~y.'V,nch from her own. etud.JOll. ''J"tMy Were fWeod with flOwen ·anct becuile the prop- erty of the high scofre winner cit t'ach table. There w~re a larre numbeT of r1oor prizes dona'ted by me-mben o r friend& and by. the Balboa Bay club. OttlceM!' and commltltt mem- bet11 who ('ontrlbut~f to the 11ue- Cl'Sl!'tul planning or the f'Vt>nt were: Mra. etuu-1e11 K . Boardman, reg· cnt: Mn. Challen F .· Landei-s, vlct>- rel{ent; M.rs. H. P. Yi.mell." record· lng MC.~lary ; M.ra.. A. E. Stock- ton. correspondl.'lg l!l~retary ; Mra. Jamee E. \Veob8te.r. treuurf\r; Mra. Bndtn Flnch. hiatortan ; · Mr9. \V. !:. Fillher, Mn., Cai-I Hanna and lint.. J . L.. Beach. They Wiah to exte.nd• their thank.I!! to thei}:" ~any' frlenda for m&klng their rlnt J*f"ly a financi- al as well u social e11CCeu. . Catholic Youth to· Observe Anni. 0-lebrating the 211t anniver- sary of the 'Catholic Youth Or- ga.nl.zation in the United States, National CYO w1.U be observed Oct. 21 ... 28, It wu announ<!ed by Rev, John J . Birch, CYO director In the Loa Anrelea area. Special week-long protn.ms are being planned fat-CYO settle- ment hoUAe.a, centera &nd p&rishes throughout the Archdiocese. Fa- ther Bk-ch said. The CYO Federation of Young P ooples club wtll t.unch the ob- scrvan<:e with a rally a.nd da.nce at the sOna o r Herman Hall, 120 E . 25th St., on P'tiday, Ocl 19. &nd will clo9e the Wft.k with Ma.as and Communion at SL Vibla.na CathM.ral at 8 a .m. on Sunday. O<t. 2~ More thaa six million boy. a.nd glrb of aD races. colon and creedll are dettk>ping into better 1ture-cltise:rui u a result of the YO rour-point prosnm. covering re-llglou.. cultural, 90Cl&I and alh- leti(' activities, Falh•r Birch said. TAYLORS RAVE DAUGHTER. Mr. and Mn. Vaughn Taylor. 3.M Ea.at 19th Atreet, Coeta Meaa, ~·<"lcomed & new daucht er. Oct. 1 tn Santa Ana Community hospital The little girl lipped the 5Ca les at 8 pounda, 11 ounces. DA.llG.HTEB. FOR BALBOA.N'S Mr. and Mrs. A. Sterling Pa.ii.s are parents or a daughter. born Oct. 1 In St. Joseph hoepltal and W¥ig'hl11g 8 pounds, 4 ounces. The SalboaM rrl!lidE' at 1726 Miramar Drive. ------- Many • blg deal hu been maae Chiropractors Hear Howard Gilkey College Prexy to Present Dr. Raymond H .Hou.er, Dean a nd Acting Pruldent of the Loe Angelea Colie•e ot Chlropn.cUc, wu the. epe&ker at the monthly dinn•r meetlnc of the Oranp County" Unit of the California Chlropr&etic Aatoclation, heki at the Chimes ln SUita Ana. 01". W . If. Town.tend. pre1ldent ot the Orange County Unit, pre- sided. VarlOU3 Jaauee of Interest to the profeulon wete . dlscuued al the buai.neaa ee81ion and inatructtona given. Dr. F . 8 . Arvin, Orange County Director on the C. C. A. Board. The next meeting at the same place will · be held on niUmay. Nov. 1, 1951. SON .BORN-'l'O MESANS ~ It wu a aon tor Mr. and Mrs. Char1e.s G . Frel, 2499 Santa Ana avenue, COl!lta Mel!la. The young .. man firAt saw the light ot day on Oct. l ln Sahl& A.na Community hospital. He ~ighed In at 7 lbs., 8 ounces. ---·--- \'ISITS IN KANSAS Mrs. Carol Curtis or El Nido Trailer Court left Friday on an ex- t ended visit to her father and other relatives in Garnett, KanB. She wtll viAlt other towns in Kan- ~as and '1\ Iowa. ------ \'181T IN TEXAS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Looney and Mra. Looney'.s mother, Mrs. Julia Thompson of Newport Heights, lert le.s t week for Tex.as where they will spend thr('e weeks with fri£'nd11 and relatlvel!I. S. C. Flower Show Southom californl& Fall now.r and Garden Show will untold In ~ beauty be.fore the eyu of all Soul.hem Calllornianl: Nov. S UU<>ugll 11 In the Fannie I:. Morri- son HorUeu.ltural Center at Brook· aide Park, Puld~ Howud Gilkey, naUonally re- nowned u the oricinalor and manager tor lt ye&rs of the famed Oakland 'ahow, ts In the Southland al the ~t of the sponsoring Pue.den& Flower Show Association to talc.e over u man- ager of t.hla e~nt . In makinc ~he rtrst announce- me nt ot dramaUc plans for which h e le noted, Gilkey at.ates that th• fa.JI floral spectacle . will reach height.a never before attempted in Pasadena. For the first tlme In the hla- tory ot. the B.MOClatton, the show will extend over &n entire week to give an Southland rtower lovers an opportunity to view the beauty of ' fall blooms. All nower IUT&Jlge-- ment exhibite will ~ replenished with a new 9Chedule and new en- tries midweek of the .show. Honor Award for Balboa Y o~th Paul G. Noel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrien L. Noel. 901 E. Bal· ,OOa Blvd., now attending Wood- bury College, Loe Angeles, hu been awp.rded lhe Bron.se pln or the Phi Gamma Kappa Honor Scholar.ship Fretemity. PiallO J1Ut.Mclio11 ·· TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner I Coaeert Plaalot of nu-C..U-lo Graduate Shlde•t of Bela llartek 436 Sina Drive Harbor 1171..J Corona Hi]•laacls -Corw de! Mar ........ ·. . ~-: THE WILTON HOTEL LONG BEACH ..,. ... : .. . ,., .. EnjOy a d1UcJou1 d!11ner and dancing In the beautlfuRy appointed Sky R99m 01 sK an4 •IVJG<i>'lawrll•1;oclltalta In the amart rrwi Sly louno•· Both room• conunend •11 un1urpe11ed view of the oCtan, harbor ind Intend c1t111. CurrenU, /11lurit19 "'/!.. 811whlf M114io 'Jl..J. II. &l.w" by Dave Hutkins and~J.4 (Jalijot11io"' .... ___ Al~....,, ~-----~ BIG THREE - th-· a --" W••t Ad Ev bod ad th 1 ''led .. _ To attain thla honor Noel'• .. ,... -..-.u -. ery y re a e c M!u aua. -'ii::!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;:;:;:;:;;:;;;:;::;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; grade• were ot_ the high ecbolutlc st.anding required for member- News -Times, Post Shopiftng News and the ~ OVER 21,500 CIRCULATION IS THE ANSWER Phone Harbor 1616 today and ask for the ad-iaMr. ===-·=::~~=~-:-=.... .... :: ... =~-=-~-= ..... ~-=~ :.. ,.,. "5811, .. -.-... q ,.1111 ...... • ... ' -· ' ehip in this orga.nlza.tlon 'for one quarter's attendance at Woodbury College where he is majoring ln Sa.lea Management. A graduate of Norma.rdin Jr. High school, Noel aerved ln the U. S. Marine Corps during World \Var 11. Kesel-Wood Rites Revealed, Shower. Compliments Bride Mrs. Merlin E . Kesel. 302 Anade street, Balboa wa.s honored with a poet-nuptial ahower w he n friends surprtaed her recently. Hostesses at the atta.Jr were Mra. R. G. Wood of Balboa, mother of the hOnoree, 'and Mra. Oougla! Wood of Sea.I ~ach. l Mrs. Wood bu ju.It an.noun~ the April wedding of her d&ucti· ter, the f'orm~r Barbara Wood. Both youn( people are gradual., of Newport Harbor Union Hlch 8Cboot The bridel"OOm la now a:ervt.ng ln t6e navy . Newport Youth ·to Tour West With A Capella Choir · STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEM£NT, (JJ]l()UIA. TION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACI' OF CONGBE88 OI" AUGUST U. 191!, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MAllCll S. 19", AND ~tlLV Z, 19" (Tltl" S9, Unltt'd St:a&tis Coe*, l'lectlon 233) Of Newport-Ba.lboa News-Times, publlshffi weekly at Newport Beach, California for OC'tober l , 19:)1. • 1. That the na.mes and addre!tSU bf \he publisher, editor, man- aging editor, llJ'ld bu.sineu managers alr1;: Publisher, Ben 0 . ReddJck, 2211 Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach. Calif. . Editor, Wm. A. ~roses, J702 Park Ave., Ba.lboa !Bland; Calilomi&. Business Manager, J . M. Francis, '120 Golde!J,rod, Corona 4kl-Mar, Calif. • . . 2. That the awnei is: (It owned by a corporation, Its name and ad~reas must be Stated and a1ao lmmedlately • thereunder the nameii, and addresses of stockholders· owning. or holding one percent or mOTe of total amount of 1tock. If not owned by a corporat.ton, the names &11d add:reuel!I of the Individual own.en Must be st.Yen. If owned by a partnership, or otl\er unincorporated ftrm, It. name and addrea, u well as tha.t of each individual member, mut be glftll.)· Ben O. Reddick, 2211 Balboa BM!., N .. !J>ort Beach, t:.ltt. 3. That the known bondholders, mbrlgagee•. and other MlCUrltJ boldera owning or holding 1 • percent or more or total &JnOUAt .ot bonda, mortp.ce21, or other 9eCUritlea. an: (lf lhel'fl &l'e DOM. 80 Ute.)., ... , · Jenni• S. Cnt~er Fc;tund.atton, ·Irle., WT Cou.t Bl.,,S.: ~ diet Mar, Calif. • " • I~ -• 4. Pa.ragrapPa 2 f:"d, 3 Include, tn ~.-where ~ atoe»o'i1er or leCUrtty holder appeara upon the boo!'-of U)e. crn.aa-Y-~ ~ or b\ any otl;lcr flducta.ry relatlo11. the ~e .of Ute "npl ~ ~ tloli for """°"' "'""' ~ee la octJnc; al8Ct tho litll-•lo bMllo~ Robert Bee~, Jon of Mr. ~ ~ UOo alflaW-'• '1uJI, kaootledge ~ jlioller,....-.·\lt i.- and Kn.. IC. A-Bec:lmrom, SJ.I 1:1 :trcurutancea and .1tofd1Uom under Wtddt *""'boW' .. M4 111 •• =·t!.OW.::: ::""~ boldiln-.bodo nat ·~ -tM -of the'_,_,-~ .. .Ille tint baoo -11c1i of the ~ :.Old otodC and oecuriU. lif & ~Jty. olber Illa U.t ol ,. -fWe .>.. eapdla Cllolr. a owner. . > 'J".!le-lllclllllld Cbolr, -r tJoe 5. '!'be. a~ IWDlbtt ~-eepleo of. · -of.tJdo ~.,.tlai clllectfoe ot Prot1rx Juiee a. IDld or 41ltributed. tbl'OQlb Uii-malll or otbenrtl9. to pUO>•'s atrh r--.. ~-i, ...... u.u_111o ______ .,..~-:an • Padftc: • NGl"lltWNl **dJ ('ftll ..,.., sf-.. ~,.... dallT. •e t~. wwia ·, .k., .. -lllo -,-..-I'd ..... -~._.,; ...,.) ~ • caw at ran =•r Ila .... .. Ba' 0.. ........ •wa.to Mii a ?1...,..Wore ~ tlllll .. , • .&... -ozt ·_,,, --"' Olf •••• ...,.. ' ,_ _, --..... -....._._ W n o1 Oil•,_ I~ , ftll . r I'. 1'11&2 CT ... Bar;;.....,_;.,,, ·n::.. ... ' ...... , • t t 911 Oet. 1 • t11o ~far -_ • ._ i..,..., Ws1 J •re' W. JllJI ..... ,... ..... ,, , ........ ---< • • .. -lb. H01. ·1 _, ..... "" ., • .... • • H·-" r.i .. --.1:.u Plln'ti ~$ 1Mf~'4!_~··~ .. fV!! ~' 111.~ -· .. , I • ' ' .. ,,,_,, _. ....... r:.~~c:.:-. ~:::;~:-~~~-~ ...... ~~""' ....... ~...,.-..,.~..,.. .... -~--~-. -••. -•,; ...... -~~-' . ·-· -..----;--~--. -----·:;. -.--~ .---~-.. - ' • ' , ' ' i ... • • • I -- ' . MRS . .wIN1FREil BARBRZ, Bodety J:dlt« ~--"°" .,,...,,y-..,""....,noo""'.......,._...,.~~"'toO",.,.,.. Promisi~g Young Artists Show .. This Month: at Laguna GaH~ry An interesting feature at th .. ______ _:_ _____ _ Art OaUery lhla month ia the pruentation o! work by four youthful and promialng artlat.a from the Laguna Bea.ch are&.. ae: Iected because of tbelr ouUtand- tng exhibit.a at the Featlval ot A.rta thia summt"r. They ~ Frank Hamilton, Leonard Kaplan, Anne Von and John Bean. .. Thla ls a departure -from the time -bonored policy of ,exhibiting pa.intinp by "eatabll.atJ,ed" ut.18ts and by artist-members of the A> aoclation. most of whom ILl\tedate thl• era dominated by high taxa- tion. social security, national ten- eiona and the atom bomb. To thiA writer true American contempor- ary art la not exemplified by the work of oldatera who h a v e changed their technique and style to mttl \he accolade or vt critlca, and ln affectation of today'11 men· tal ag1tation11, but rather by the work of young artists who knew not thr day11 before the lncOme tax and otlu~r lnnovation11 which have chanted materiaily the American outlook on living and exiatlng. To say the lcut thia exhibition 1.8 in· vlgoratlng. and may serve to in- atiU aew and more exciting Ufe In an Institution that has leaned Ur ward t.he Gallery and made thle commt1nity rainous a.a an art cen- ter. Frank Hamilton. who hails from Balboa ts a atudt"nt of archllec· lure. initially at Stanford and now at Kan&U Un:versity. His etch· lng!I have been exhibited ln two national ·print shows at the La- guna Beach Art Gallery, and It was here two yeara ago that he got his start ln watercolor a.s a atudent of Eliot O 'Hara: but un· lik~ &0 many or O'Hara's students he -1).a.&._ broke n away from -lbe O'H&ra technique and establl.shed ln hi.OJ watercolors and dry-bruah paintings a quality of his own. Of the tour young exhibitors hia work ~ the moet conventional. Leonard Kaplan's paintings and drawing• are definitely indlvldu- all.ltic and inspiring. He came lo Laguna to make a living at a.rt wqrk seven years ago, rollowln£" a Course of study In New York at tbe A rt Student~ League. ~e Von, originally from Philadelphia, ha.a been a commer- cia) artist living in Laguna Beach foi" the paat five yeara. She studi- ed at the Art Center and JeP90n Art Inatitute In Loe Angelea. Her atyle and technique 1.8 atrictly her own, decorative and fantutic yet ln no way tainted with the dema- gokery and false myaticlsm found 80 frequently in the co-called con- temporary art. and Jepeon art irulUtutea with such Well·icno'Rb teachen u Rico Le.Brun and Henry Lee MeFee. ·He ttudled al8o at the Art Students League In New York. In 1948 be won firat prl.ze lh the Los Angeles County Exhibition held at the OU. A.rt Institute. The same year be • uhit?tted ln the Santa Paula Annual Exhibition and at the Callfomi& State Fair ln sacrunento. In 1949 he WlUI repreMnted ln a group ahow al the Creative Galler/ ln Manhattan. and the following year held a one- ma.n show at the aa.me gallery. Hie exhibition at the Art Gallery thia month lncludee paintings, drawtng and silk acreena, all ln· tereatlng ln design and concep- tion. T]lree of theae four young l'X· hibltora have applied for member- ahlp'ln the Laguna Beach Art As· soclatlon. and all three have been accepted by the jury. County Art Assn. Inaugurates T rayeling Exhibits The Orange County Art AMOCl- ation ii pleued to announce that the first ln an annual series of Juried Traveling Exhibitions le now avaJlable for showing by civic organls.a.tions, private club!!, ho- tels, schools, gallerle11, llbrariea, and others deal.ring to di8play recognized works of art by ~gu­ larly exhibiting artiata. Any number of paintings from one to thirty may be requested for one evening or up to one montlt. No charge will be made tor thilJ new service other than minimum tranAportation and a small lnaurance fee, determined by the value ot the paintings selected. Each <eXhlbitlon will be made up of carefully selected palntlnp, many of them. prtae w1nnera, or If anyone would rather ch008e their ow'n,. a photographic fUe contaln- lng all lnfonnatton aa to size, med.tum: award.a, selling price, and biopaphy ot the artlat, as well u black and white reproductions of all available paintings may be seep. by eonta.cUnc exhibition 'Chair- man. Mn. Mildred Lyon. 1223 Frances Ave., Fullerton, telephone 97().R. In his 26 years John Bean haa lived ln New York, New Jereey, Cape Cod. Brazil and In Loa An- geles where he studied at the Oti8 . . Bookings ar& now being made on two weeka' advance noUce !or the .seuon of 1051-52. ln order to insure the beat possible selection tor an exhibition, It Is suggested that all m~ thelr requests ea.rly. It ta ihoped that many will avail themaelves of thia 'opportunity to bring the fineat ot Oranl'e County Art into their corom~tle11 ·by span.soring one or more exhibitions lia.ch year. We know that both they and the public will be: pleued. All-Nations Dances at Y Festival Tbe YWCA AIJ-NatiDna festlva.I on Oct. 19 and 20 will feature two progn..ms, one on Friday and one on Saturday night starting at 7:30 p.m. Folk dancers from Loa Angele• will be preaented by a Swedlllh group, a Cz.echoalova.k.l.an.-an Es- tonian and an laraell gT()up. ytyn- ema Archambault of TUattn will present Indian war dance11."' Miss Mary Chino of 8'nla Ana wtn ling Japaneae .angs and Mrs. Val A.ndenon af Santa Ana will atng Amer1ca.n nerro spirituals. Jani• and Roaaly• Kokx of Orange will give Swtaa •d&nca a.nd Italian 80.!'P will be sung by Dolores GI· udl.no. Other features wW be S&inoan ~ Mex:lc-.n folk da.nces, P~ llah folk dance• and Greek dances presented by a eouthland group -------'--------,. of young people directed by Mr . ------------!and Kra.. T .. Lambm1. •• 1·9fU-l .A6xlel ·JlutJtOND 0BCH -~ ..... St. Iii••··--- ~ All-Nations 1 .. uval will be held in the Sant& Aria YWCA, 1411 North llroedwlly and will be open h'orni 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and 2 p.m . to 11 p.m . .on Sat~, OcL 19 and 20. It U. opm to the public. Traffic: Award Offered Women • Glenn Daun of Santa Ana, -pro-- gram chalrman, introduced the adult chqlr 'or the host church, which. undl'r the dirt•ct!on of Max- son Foss and accompanied at thl' organ by Louise Foss, prrsentcd an excellent program of anthems. • ' Mrs. Sloop announced that the next meeting of the Guild will be held on1 November 26 at Christ Church by lhe Sea in Newport Beach. She stated that all ln- tere11ted choral directors are in- vited to attend. Mothers Club Makes Nov. Plans An evening meeting of the Mother's Club of Job's Daughter&. Coata Mesa Bethel 1~7. wu held Oct. 3 at the home or Mrs. Van RobifW'On, 824 W. 18th St., Co.ala Me• a. Mr8. Kenneth Jobneon served a.a co-hosteas. Mrs. Charles Taylor presided over the buslnesa meeting. It wu de<":ided to help with the expenMs of the Qul'en and Senior Prince•• on their trip to Grand se.uion in Novl'mber. Mrs. Taylor appointed a noml- .nating commlUef', Mrs. A. W . Gunn, chairman with Mrs. P . V. Peterson and r.trs. Max Owen. Mrs. Dean Srn.ith reportt'd on In- stallation luncheon plans. The af- fair will be held at Santa. A.na Country Club on November 7 with lunCheon at l p. m . Mrs. Smith and Mrs. P . V. Peterson were ap-- polnted u decorating committee. Refrt"shmenlll W<'re l!lerved bf the hoateuea at the conclusion of the meeting. Those present besides the hoe- te88e8 were: Mmea. Charles Tay- lor, Maurice L. Bandy, Kenneth Slel'p<'r, Edward Dudley, P . V. Peterson, Herbert Peterson, Cor- win Horne, C. M. Tucker, W. B. MerrlJl. Max Owen, Rex Albright, Dean Smith, Roy Watkins. Louise Crandall, E . V. Ragan, Ai.va Gunn, a.nd Harold Fink. W anaiki Plan ladies Night I • • • • • •• • • • • , • • •• .-time • STOP!. K! AND READ! DEAR PATRONS: Tbe~11 be a cban1e in the weather a.ltd a change ID you. Starting Oct. 10th ·w~ "'ill be ~lad to welcome you to ou.-Beauty S&lon to take advantaKf' of vWtlnc and talkla« over your 81d• beauty problems "''Ith our PrlnCi'11 N3•la espett make-up artht.. wt.o \\iJI be \\'Ith us \\:.ed., Thun., Frl., aad Sat., Oct. 10. 11, 12, and 13th. · We are lookhtc forward to thf' ptE"a111ur.-of seelns yoa on your 'ialt to our Salon. Why not m11.kr an appola._..t now for a FR.Elf make-up. penoDJlllu"'() just for yoa .,. our es.pert counetlc couultaat. · If you have •PpolntmE"nt troublf'tl our make--up arUlt :!L make &ll evelllnr appolntment after .5 • p. m: ti you wlll Remember our Speclal1 11 for the l'tt notb Waves $8.~; other permanent& $6-60 up. Sincerely, Dot.tie EllPn All Cold DO'ITIJ; ELLES'S BEAllTY SALON 11-& Ea."it 19th St., f'ru.ta MN& Phone Beacon 6!47-\V ' I P<lllt Tlli-: 1 :30 p. m. Tues. U.ru Fri., 1 p. m. Sat ·., Hollda1'9 I I , I I General Admission $1 plus ~alt , I •' I ,,,.,.,.,., by I I w11Tt1N w·•1N1s1 IACING Assoc1•t10N l '- 1 I --------------.-----------------I ' , - NEW to b .uy a AUTOMATIC .GAS RANGE • ' f · Y111t .... ,, ., ..... -· Alie for,,_"" ... ,, .. ow ...... 1......wp ltoeldet et w .. ,_ ... ,,.. ..,.... ~ c..ic •••let, -. ' . ' - • ' • ' • ~ I , l I · 1 1 I 1 J . I I ·1 - I · I " I I ; ' ' I' ' I, I I I I ~ I • .. • ( • . .. . > • 1 • I ' • ' • ' . , . N~T .IAllO-'·r ~TIMES ~· . .. -. TUESDA~\-OCT~ 9,,i 9S ~ , . ~-... -. • • PnNhlw' EvefJ" Taae r•q at N~ri B•elt, Clallfonda by tM ~~ RAllN>Jt P11111MRING OOJIP~ ·wernbor 'or CALIFORNIA NEWSP<\}'ER J>tim.ll!HERB ASS'N. Member ot the NATIONAL ED?l'ORIAL A.SSOCIATION ! Ottloe and Println&' Plant-&t 121 i B8Iboa Boulevard Telephone Harbor !810 . ... ere~!!~~ -;;&es.~.· 3o ·:9~JI : a1o~: ~ ' Elks Sponsor · EUtel-Jane .Worley; 51, oi 4ot .. r ::m:~ ... ~~ ~~ N~ au~ Publl.ablq°"='~· 1T1 ,Chari.t_·y .0 ~1. I boeplla!. Now~ -cli. C&ll-·, OOI II~ n:,u~~!:~!r:B.i°':a ~ Dear ~ly ;.u wtti. ..... ·.,. .. ~t odltonal, and )'!>UJ' "lilfl&Uon at . Ba~y,. Club . yean. Strllr4o A.piA'; In Tueod&Y'o Nowo-~ broupt ·to mind oometllln& Burvtvlnc &to her h111b&nd, Roy I h&\ro -thlnklq' &. veat doai &bout late17-automoblle prt-~tera Worie)I( Balboa; a ,daueh· You know,· I .am 8Ul'er ~ tb~tomoblle ta a molt .balvil¥ Co=~~~i:!k e=t ~ °:°tf: Thaller, '~d ,.nde fWorle!.,t· Banckok, taxed f&mlly -ulOIL TOil juat .'Pow how heavy. $300.00' 1:11<8 lodge Charity Ball at the ... n an our a ... era. .1 ••~ 00 • · ~.. .· · , Cremation waa ·held Tbu!'llday o .uvu. on a· 'low prt~ tarT e taxes tbat a.cewnulate In Balboa Bay Club on Friday. The ~ternoon at Melroae Al>My. Blow· the ma.ktllr of a car, wlUJ it 1• dellve~ to .an owne~ adda 4.0% to ~d annual tun fest ta a joint tr 8J'oa. mortuary wu tn· charge the cost. Bill. today U an owner pa.y~ $2000.00 tor a car approxl· eftort of the five EU<JI Lodges of Entered a.s Second·Cla.M Matter at the ·PbstotOce in Newport Beach, of arranwementa. matelf $584.00 la t&xu tn one form of another. Sounds (antaatic, lhe county to TB.lae tundJJ for their · 'cautornla under ·the Act of March 31 1879. doun't It f Let'• ~ bow 'and where: Chrlltmaa qha.rity. WILLIAM A. MOSl!:S, Editor J,.M. FRANCJs, Bullaw ... _ • WILLIAM BUlta FOOT& Chairman of the event LI Rob- WUllam Burr ll'oota, 72, died 1. Eatimat<td tax .. &CctUed OD in&terlalo, part& and thttr 'tranoporta. ert A. ll:utman, Leading Knight Sunday._ Oct. 1 at hi.a home, 331' lion prior to rocol'pt by automcibtfe manutaeturer ................. 128.00 of Newport Harbor l,<>dge with . .. By .CLAYTON THOMPSON . ' West Ocun ·Front. Dom In MJa-2. Eati' led In d th •··--•d b• bl \he Leading Knights of Orange. siBBlppl, •e •-• JJ·-• In C-"~·-ma . oome an o er _.., ,_ y automo kl Anaheim, •A-•·· B•··• and San-Qua.Ulled to PabllU Lecal N9tlce. aad. A4nrtlrenna&a G( all IU.n4a 11 ..,.... Ycu -.auvoua muutactarer ucJualv. of ~ Excl.8e tax. 12L..,. ..._..,.......... ..........,. "'"" · · tor 47 years. eight of whfch were ' {""" --r·-• .·-·············· _,. ta Ana Lodges holding similar Here's _A Tip On : .;:.T.::,e::·:0.~~:;~ Ga. ioli. ne .. QlalitJ. : qualitie., i•···M,.rbalu.eed l SUBSCRIPTION .BATES: spent in .Newport Qeacb. He la S. Federal Exciee tax on e&r includtac_ radio and heater ... -... 1U.31J ipota for their towns. survived bY hil wife, El'uheth •· Dealer'• property income and other tax.ea ................ -.. , ......... 120.&G ' mntertatnment. in addition to NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TDIES m.,. ~ Helen;· a son, W. Stuart Foota, ~. Slate and City ..i .. tax_ ................. !........................................... 80.00 Vt• dance band, will be proV!ded Ii ;0ronp fl"-'1· -per )'Mr; Q.00 llS _.,., 8l.U three N•wport Beach; a daughter, :Mn. 8. Ueen.e pl&teo &nd title on ear (at UU. Ume)........................ 18.00 by the Roguett .. of the In& Ray mouth (A.190 lndodH the NEWPOBT~BAJ.JSO.& PRESS, Tbunda.7) M&rJorte Fota~r~ G&brteJ; two 7. Federal And State Ex.else or S&Jea .tu QQ pa and oil ... -... .40 autton Show. ·Dinner, dancing ~takle Orance Ouwaty ..._00 per YMZ brothers, ToWe B._ ot Loa Angelea &n.d entertainment. are all provid- ::::::±:;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;~::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::::::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::;::::::::::::;:;:;::::;:::::;:~ I and John L. Of Te1U1eaaee, · alao $584 00 ed with the tax Included on tbe t.hree grandchUdren. · '6.00 ticket price: Tickets are Masonic •aervtcea were held to. Yes, B111. a.n eatlmated total of $584.00 ln taxes and $1416.00 tor available from any Elk or from NO SUBSTITUTE ., • aJJd thu 'm0re dependable .az.., der any coJIClitioo.a, any.rbeft 1c the Weet. : Give u.a a call today. We"ll aee • that your bulk tank-t are 6Ued promptly. Judge for younelf what a differe6ce ChevTon Supreme Gaaolihe· ma&e1 1D day, at 11 a . m. ln Forest Lawn the cat. Really not · 90 much more tOI" the car than your 184.l the Newport Harbor Publlahi.n.g , "lt.•is up to those who love liberty and believe the cemetery, Glendale, with Grauel UOOO.OO price tag. Let'• look at oome food prl-; company offle., at 2211 Balboa • State· was created to serve the people, to see· that they Chapel of Co.ta Me11a offlclattnc. Blvd., Newport Be8':h. • your drivlna. · don 't get m ore local government jn their perSonal affairs, MRS. MARY STRONACH •JHJ 1961 Other centrally located tlckei Some ga1oliuea ate refined • more .siate gcWeminent in their local affairs, and above all, ~ ~ Stronach Malin 38 ~::e ... ·.~~·.·:::.·.·.· ......... ~-.~~·.·.:·:.·.:·::.'.:·:.:::·.:·.·.·.·.:d!~ !::=~::::::::::::::::::::~~~-:!~ ~:~r:,.. C:!7 171.omandN~=· HI~: 1 ~:.::::~ .0~t ::~~::fr . : ::';' :::~':~t g~~~':'~~~~k~e:'~t ~:m'~o~:~~~~ ~::.i ~~\';.r ~:,e,::~e~n ~ 3~·~.~ := : .: .. : :::: : : lo .. i~~ !~ : :: ::: :: :·iii i~!: : · Fil~l~~be;;:.r~~ ~::.· ~\:.; f~~~~f!a~:=~~ · Chamber of Commerce, sun!med up the challenge which .. Jong Ulne ... She h&d been a l'MI-Miik ................................................ qt. Uc ............................ qt. 21e that make Cbevton.Sdpreme: faces the American people t'ooa·y. dent here for six ye•n. Private p h. I s· h 1 · Ar °.bl di quaJl servicb were held Oct. 2 in BaJU For a fair comparison, let's forcet the t.a.x. for a moment. $1416.00 arOC la C 00 S • ea en ng ty I • · ••we search vainly ·through recorded history," said Chapel, Corona del Mar with C&n-tor a ~'low prt~·~ car-looks ltkt! a barp.ln nut to food prteea. b • Mileage quail~ -to e D• d • Power quality Falk, ''for a single instance wherein government, in any on R!ch&Td LI.et ot Paa&dena ot-Yes, and food prlcu mtcht even ~ hicher tf taxes-yes. e'/en auto-ISCUSSe • Anti-knock quality forni, has ever aChieved absolute or lasting security for flct&ting at Ept.scopa.l rite•. Mn. mobile tax.ea weren't used to pay farm subaldte•. Look at the Im-. W ..I d • Vapor-lock prevention Has4'1 DeJl WU organlat. Inter-provemeate an automobile buyer ~t.I today for hi.a addJ(ional cost-on e9nes ay e Starting quality its. people. Our personal experiences, our common sense, meot waa in Mounta.t.n. View Mau· performance. oomfort. 88.fety. atyllng 8.Qd mecbanJca.l development.». •Warm-up quality tells us ·that security lllU.St t>e-·b'U1Jt from · within-+-aeeurity soleum. Pasadena. They're U\e aame e,.., bacon, milk, etc. we ate ten. yea.rs aco. Yes, Important to all church people • Acceleiation qua.lit:, • buttressed by Self·reliance, morality and' faith and recog· .IACK WILUAM TURLEY, Ir. BIJJ, the autornobUe ts a bargain lf we could do 1ometh1nr about ~se:.S;e::~730top.~.h~~ds~~ J!e::~ ·~ • • • • nition of the obligations we owe our fellowmen." SERVICES HELD tho .. taxea. • Parl.lh hall when the Rev. Thomaa Dlslrl~~ i., . M "'alk . ted t that the eru•-""•.-. f food d Funeral services were held Sat· , . C . Marshall i.! spea.ker. He will .. . r. ~ pom OU a--ll.ICllC'o an urdaya.t2p.m.lnBa.ltz:Mortu-Letapbacktot908. lhavean..au.tomobUehandbookpubll.Bhedlddress th w . Axili CLAYT'ON THOMPSO . shelter to others · by tlfe· stronger or craftier in exchange ary, Corona del Mar, for Jack Wl1-that ~~e cheape1t Studebaker, $3600.00. The ~eapest Packard. :nd all tho.=e Int~~~~ ln ua.tte:Z N: fdt .... labor · llQd subeerviince - a practfOe dating back to .ltam Turley, Jr., 17·year"ld-youth $4200.~th F. 0 . B. factory. American tnrenulty &lld engineering lng on the pros and cons of church . '· the cave nian era -eventuaU'y became known u slavery. :'~~~~ "~\:.'.o~~b~e a<:cldent genlllB -!'~ brourht the .. prices down to your 1uu $1000.00 price sponsored schools. Tea and a so-18th .& Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Ha~. 1 SS t•But in 'our modem economy,'' he laid, "it ia. referred to The Rev. Paul Babbitt wu of· tar. Tu.ea, and intl&Uon bave brought them up to almoat $2000.00. clat hour will follow the meeting. I . · · 1 • Ft A c~er told me the other day thatt automobile prices weren't ' . by the more enticing term 'aecurity,.'' ticiaUng clergyman, Mr& orence hl(h. "'it wu JU.St lha.t the rood old American dollar waa only . . • . Anderson Was organ.lat and Mre. Certainly, every tblnln~ ~an would agree with Willis Ftelda wu oolol.lt. Inter-worth 80c and they've taxed It beyond good Judcement. Mr: Falk that there is no sube~tut.e for self-dependence. ment was heill Monday at 1 :30 • · ~ ~ b.__ And that's not al~there'1 rnore to come. Your boy frlend8 No assllr8Jlce by government. of fllture aecurity no form of p. m. In Melrose A ~Y cemetery. · , ' th. ..'...,: . ' Besidea his father. Jack w. Tur· Ln Waabincton CBd's note: U\ey're not my boy trtendl) are probably handout, ~an take ·~ P1811e of & q ..... tiea Of Industry ley, Sr .. the 'youth Is survived by ro•nir to lnCl't!aJOe the exci8t tax on automobiles from 7% to 10%- and thrift• whJch inspire a man to WOr)J; hard, t6 build up hla stepl)1other, two brothers, about $40.00 on your low priced" e&r-<lbout November I, 1901 . his b&nk ·aceount, paj his bills prom!>tly· and deserve the Bobby and Karry, a sister. Pa.tty, O._ P . S., I understand. didn't allow ear manufacturers all their coot ra+-ina 6f• a "aolid citisen " I and bis mother and maternal lncreaae• a1Jowed under the new Detenae Production Act. More ....... ""'6 • gra.ndmoths, who make their increues scheduled , . , T1ming ! Probably next spring. • In ahort, th<: government cannot staiid on our feet for} home in Lo> Angeles. I . . · US -with01,lt tramping OD our toes. Ii Where did the ,1000.00 car go! You answered It well. Mo1Uy " • • W. J, O'Keefe Dies taxes and infi•Uon. But the price tac would be higher It tt weren't. . ,.. _L L for the efffdency of American automoblle manut&cturers... I can't SHOULD TAKE FRONT SEAT in· T~·Car Crash 'understand why our eovemment tmpo ... auch high tax ... on oome· ' thing •• eseenttai to the naftona..I eConomy u automobile&. ICJ?O·" of ·Cartoonists of the past have bullt many a gag op,>W.O· Newport Beach !rlMd.t ot WU-a.II peasenfer-ears ,U.. employed partly or wholly on l'ec•u!tY. trips.· men driV"""' back.seat drivers and otll.er real_ or •-•""'fted llam John O'Keefe, 37, heir of a ....... ...., • • , . u.Mf"'6 .. ~ wealthy stove manUtacturing fam· 66% of ' car:: mJleage la for neceul.ty U.!le. 59% of car tripe in large foibles of ·the fair sex in ·relatjon to. the automotiile. Uy. were ••ddened to hear of ht. cltie• a.ni for the purpoaea of maklnl" a llviAJ'". OCTOBER REGULA1l $83.lo PRICE ••• r ' __.So it was a little unusual and deeidely refreshing ,.when death last Wednelday nl&tat in a Only a couple of exceptlon.1 to your editorial, Bill. 11000.00 i.11 the National Safety Council announced the-establishment head-on colUslon with • truck and quite a bit more tha.n the down payment-actually $668.00 on a c of an annual awar<Ptd the woman who cotttributes the most =~~;n .a desert hlgb.wa.y near 12000.00 car. o . P . s . eaw to it, and rightfuJy eo, th.at the to· traffic safety. O'Keete waa a former summer can on our show room tlOOr dld not go up. Only thoae shipped to PARTS AND LABOR • • ~. ' . It is .called the Carol Lane :AWard. .aitlce the project is resldent here. Uving at Beacon u. after "12:01 A. M. on SepL 17, 19~1." There are IK>me left and Bay. Also killed In the era.ah wu I'm saving one for you. being underwritten by the Shell Oil Company and . Carol Mn. Mary E . Worth. 30, divorcee Lan · th f h _. I di"-• f ..... And, Bill. don't think we don't rea.Jlze that newsprint ha.a cone e IS e name o t e worneu s trave · u=tor ·o u•at of Paaadcna. She w .. his opeclal up, but at least the boya haven't exciBe taxed It. Or have they? company, nurse and h.&d driven wtth him t o the desert to in.spect some mining We can only compliment the Shell people and the properties in which both w ere tn· Councjl for this recognition of th~ role women can play ir1 terested. They were en route making our streets and highw,:ays safer. home, apparently, when the ac- cident occurred. O'Keefe wu drlv. Dorothy Thomps6n said:' "The history of the reforms Ing the car. women have advocated is the history of the humanizing O'Keefe leave• h is parents, Mr. of our society." and Mrs. D. P. O'Keete. J439 Old The traffic toll.~ reaching such proportions that major ~n~h!'': ~~~~-:1!:': reform is called for., Woinep can and ahould' play a leading tarlum. He. U<;&P.td oertouo In· part. . , I Jury 'In 1947 wbea •hi.I om&ll prl· · vate plane era.sh landed at the If women have been hack-seat drivera in safet)'., here eut end of Eut Loo A.ngeleo Air· is~ ifvitation to them to sit.up front. port. At tl!ft ttme he aoved bl.I .,, -.cer; ·Mlrf ,Nejllon;--211, carry· tni b~ to ~(y l!efOft the plane WHO'S WHO .IN· 1952 exp1<><1ed 1n ~... · Tats Win .. . ....· ... • • • r . . Sincerely, " HARVEY SOMERS Letter from Far:m~ McCabe . Somewhere on the West Coast ,, . ' ... I ; Harry S. 'J'nuhan White Houae Waahiilgton, D. C.' Dear Harry: . I knowed it :.Voutd hap" • d I kept warning you it would but you kept on play\nr' the piano or going on boat rides down the Potomac till our Treasury is so low tliat the Federal Reserves are having to ration pennies, quarters and niclcela t.o the banks. Congresa keeps on digging up evi- denee but they caltt stop 'em by theirselves and I don't mind telling you that the people are getting mighty dis- tl!rl>ed. Sometime. ·I don't think you're agonna run fer re- election atall and. a lot of sharpie. in Washington know it and ~ they figger they might u well hale hay while the sun &!'in~ .. , B(G SAVINGS ·oN ALL MAKES! ·11 POINT OVERHAUL ---' 1. Complete Valve Grind 2. Clean Carbon S. Replace Piston Rings 4. ~place Pistoa PiJl8 5. Expand Pistons 6. Replace Connecting Rod, lnllert Bearings 7. Ad,jnst C)onnectlng Rod9- CheYJ'Olet I/; Buick 8. Align Connecting Rods · 9. Replace Head and Pao Gaskets 10. Change ·Engine OU 11. Clean Oil Pwnp Lines, Screen and Sump; • 12. Ridge Ream, glue b118t, cylladen ls. Clean and adjllBt s~k plop . 14. Replaoe Dlatributor Poliats, retime motor 15. Clean Air Cleaner 16. Adjust Carburetor 17. Replace.Mulfold Gasketa 18 .. Top Radiator. Hose · · • No Down Payment 1 2 M 0 N-T H.S. T 0 p··A Y , Wmfl Guaranteed · . ;( r • . + , .... Genuine • • • • • ' r I I • . I. - I. •••w••••••f+UUUU¥¥UUUUWU49••UUU•••••••••~-----,~~c: ..; ~ . • • l • ('!'· • • • • • ' t TUESDAY, OCT. 9, ·1951 NEWPORT IALBOA NEWS-TIMES , PA6E 5. • • • • Rola! BIRDS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES FLY- ING S01JTH THlS WINTER! Connolsseura of truly fine Mexican food are nock.ing IOUth to Nela'9 In South Laguna. This really charmtng bistro i.s on the ocean aide of South Coast Blvd Nela la juatly ramous ror ""';a,_..._.ber Albondiga Soup, delicious homemade Tamales-ma~ from Mesa watepgn>und meal, and Chorizo Tostadas. Din- eri enjoy the varied restive d.ln:ners served ln th:J.s gay little aetting, 6: a Sood many people order Ne.la'• wonderfUJ food to take home. Nela will tL1l order• small or large up until 8 p. m. any eve. You may order beer or wine to accompany this fiesta food. Dining hours fbrl dinner or a.la carte are ~:30 p. m. -9:30 p . m. daily and tivm 15 p. '1.-9:30 p. m. on Sunday. Closed Tues. ?\"EL.A'S 31121 8. Coast Blvd. Soutb La~ Pho~ 4-08!'2. • • • HEl' SPOOK! Are you equipt for lhe witching hour? Becaun I want everybody to have a horribly gOod time this Halloween! · I just held a seance with myself and learned that Dona.ld80ft'.s Balboa 5&10 has owls, bats and skeletons flapping all over the joint! They have tbe cnmmest, IT\lCSOme OUtlay Of rubber and lumi- nous ma.sksyt:ats. jack o'lanterns and witches. Yo~ fly·by nlghfs: can get wonderful deoora.Uqns, party cups, noise makers, tablecloths, napkins and gimmicks "Fly By tor All Sai.nt'a Hallow here. The 6 & 10 also has Nt1ht" co.stumu slus 1 · 14 that wlll make you look like the devU, Minnie Mouse, or a sack of bones. Get On your broomsticks and aoar over to Donakhto•'• Balboa 6 ii: 10. Gf't t!e-rl~! Raise a rumpus! Scare people •illy! '00 Malo, Balboa. - • • • DO YOU HA VE TIPPLE NEUROSIS 1 ? 1 A_re you afraid to go out for an ~ . .r ~ eveninc-of fruit juice drinklng, simply r...--._:~ ~ause on your 2nd or 3rd round you -... ~::; spill your drink! ? ? H ere' a good _ · _ news! More and more smart borne- -:::. -makers are covering coffee tables. :" ~ --- -noors, bar tops and linoleum with PLASTl-KOTE transparent V-2 ! No llkiddinr fellows, this tittle wonder worker is a aa.teguard awain.t grea9e, acids. cosmetics, alko· hol and fruit juice stains. People who preserve i.nd protect their furnishings and floors with V-2 just dare you to slop your liquids al'Ound! This fl1endshlp saver comes with a free velvet applicator. Mcbon.aJd'.s Paint Store a lso has Plasti-Kote Marine Transparent ... a Jo11y good f ormula for a tough, brilliant boat finish. This gupp • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO , .n.w.,,,. were Mt i.o,. to blWlb llll8een ••• SPECIAL ON BlllG_HT BABY CHRYSANTEllltlMS 1 '9e a buach JI you tell Morrt I ~nt you Flowers by Mont, .6()9 E.. Balboa Blvd , . - flubor H'IO • • • HERE'S A DOUBLE PLAY THAT WILL PUT YOU IN THE ll.A.JOR LEA.QUE! Steal several bue& 'nlen put tbem all ln a u.te at home. Run Ilk• .Jack Robillmn over to the •o Ltt Sport Shop. Ask to eee tbe new. Marjorie Mont- gomery corduroy crava.nette coat.a. My dear, the9e toppers pinch hit beautifully rain or sh1ne! Mlu. M. bu dashingly desigtled theae cloaks With a nare_ skirt, tab collar and cuffed elbow -. • • • .-- length sleeves. One model bu slit s1de pocketa, the other patc.h. In gala green or raspberry red, lined with ruJtling black taffeta ... only $29.95'. lt'a no aecret that corduroy ls obv1oualy the paaaword this sea80n, 90 JirLee ha.a Alex Colman and Sunrose corduroy coor- dinate8\ by the s hoptull ! Skirts in vivid autu.mn punipkin, mwitard, chartreuae, reds, and purple range from $6.9S . $11 .90 Pedal pushers are from $7 up and super sharp tJlght jackets at $9.96. Furthermore no girl dares be caught at the cider barrel without a cashmere sweater. .Jo-Lee Sport Shop has cashmere beauties fresh ln from Scotland! 1836 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. • • • • WOULDST THOU BOTH EAT TRY CAKE Al\'D HAVE IT! H ere·a the reCelpe: Cakewalk over to the , Newport Bakery · and pick up 2 angel food caltea , .. one Iced with cocoanut, the other with strawberr}•. Whilst eating the one con~mplate the otlter. Bob the baker is making 13 eg1 &nJ"el toods. Airy aa milk w eed pods they are. with cherry, straw- berry, orange or berry toppinc-. Large one• are Sl.10. Small 79c. I dare you to duplicate them for this even tho' you own your own hen. These cakes are dandy tor birthdays, threshing bees, and croquet suppers. Bran muttina are good for everything (6 for 29cJ AND LOOKIE! COOKIE SPECIAL EVERY TUES. 2 dozen tor ~4c ! Closed Wed. Open every other day Including Sun. 8 :30 -7 p. m. Newport Bakery, 2112 Ocean Front, H arbor .14t2~R. ... • • • hardens and waterproofs and is very keen tor staUon wagons too! Nuw you may hJ>ve the vel\'f't t ouch. You can took 'TAKE MY ADVICE:" FINISH IN THE CLEAR! M cDonald Paint as lovely at the cocktail hours as bubbly, vintage Store. 18'7Z Harbor Bl\·d., <Mita Mesa. Beacon 6 '702 champagne ! Lee Shipley ha.a designed aome brilliant e e • ne~ taffeta skirts for sundown wear. The.e sparkling POLLY APPAREL IS BURSTING AT THE skirts are acene stealera on every occaaion a.nd made bf SEAJ.tS ! FURTHERMORE, If all the dresses at tlne taffeta enhanced with permanent finlab velvet P olly's were laid hem to hem, they would reach 'flocking. There is one stunning model ot green fro"\ Natchez to Mobile (a di.stance of 9 hours taffeta with gofd painting and black velvet. The98 and 20 minutes by .sulky). Mls..9 Polly believes it ~td~-..!~· lovelies may be topped off with one of Lee's sheath toi:-. And mind w ould be a dull world if all us chicks were the -you. MamseJJe, theae are custom made and fashioned with fitness to same size. ao she stocks small, medium, large, regular and half sizes your specirlcaUons. Lee al80 is featuring her new corduroy coat in a most goodly and charming assortment ot dresses from SS.9~$25'. dresses with matching taffeta petticoats. Mother and daughters I beg pardon ... one exception : Polly Apparel hu some new Botany para~e proudly l1l identical coats a.nd dresses designed and executed all wool knit creations by Barbara Carol (straight out of tJarper'1). by lhe talented Miss Shipley. Custom made suits are as little a.a $M One ot these lovelies will make you look like Miss Landed Gentry tor at Lee Shipley Oriclnals, 1106 C08At Hl"·ay, Corona del Mar. f'llone sure ... these knit gowns have a tar more expensive attitltude lhan Harbor 2848-J their a.ctual tag which Is $39.95. Let's see-Teena. Page, Joan Mllle.r • • • Jrs., Judy Lynna. Sergees, and lots of others i.n ·failles, corduroys. "YOO-HOO~ CAN I COME ABOARD COM- Jerseys, flanneJa, gabardines.. My di.scription is defl.ed! Do0n 't hem MODORE!"' I bared my teeth to the gale, cupped an1 haw. Get dresaed at Polly A~ t8SS Newport Ave., eo.ta my palms, uncupped my thermos bottle and "Jet 1 ~ -· out a wall! Commodore K.lngston. rear admiral or /, · e e e the mackerel neet atood high atop the mizzen.poop . ;1 -AH, ·THE BEA~ OFTl'XLL. ..J...... of hi• mighty-rrtackerel -tnach!ne. Th.ta machine ta •. Do you have elbow flake? Are chipped, chap-atrlctly the to~r ot London for fresh mackerel. ped e1bowa menaclnr your birthright to beauty? Tons of them are carried aloft. weighed, sluiced Well. don't wor?'y honey! Yo.u can always hide around a_nd lben dumped into Bayside trucks and • your elbo'tl:s, but you can't hide:Your head! That's 0~ to the c9:1111ery. This Is a mght well worth ..:--··--., where •Sm's Beauty saJon. glowingly enters thlll vtewing especially If you·re upwind. Harry says he's expecting a.round picture! Jim's Beauty Shop is a spotless, bright SO tons of mackerel in Sunday. So you're all invited to the Baya&M modern h&lr dressing house. Mildred and Thelma Flsb Co. docks to see the sights. I Imagine more cats than people here are expert.SJ in h&ir styling and penna.nent eat mackerel, but then cala know how to fix It 1 auppolM!. Highly waves. Shampoo sets begtn at $2 ... P ermanents recommen~ed : FRESH WBSTER alive or cooked! If you don't like are $10 up. Chances are your ~air looks pretty this ~y~1de lobster, you can have your money back rree plus an dry and seedy after & summer in the sun. Jim'B examiaatton for the hole in your. noggin. Bayaldf'I Fltlh Co. 18 open recommends the W~la Kolestral eondltJoniDS constantly at 2800 Lafayette, Newport. ~tment which wtll enable you to proudly toss 04V..U Cotilllon" • • • ..gQtri mane at tall" cotllllona. S~ \\--.lks la beauty who w.Jks from .Jtm'a Beauty Salon. 204 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. HARBOR I wlQ.. LAUGH AND MAKE UGRT OF YOUR 18'78 DA\' OR NIGHT FOR APPT. BLJND IGNORANCE IC you wlll sit quietly and Ils-e e e ten to me! If you're window .shopping take It from CASA DO:S CARLOS me, or better still from the Shade Shop ths.t Fle.xa.lum Venetian. bltnds are the blinds that you should pull strings to obtain. Parents have been known to wilfully blitter CbUdren's finger• becaUBe they know these aluminum window charmers a.re ao eaay to clean. These hardy blind• are available in many decorator colors and rilai.st dust and the element.a. U your children are beyond the gummy stage, you may enjoy laughing-at life thru' Ha- wati&.n Sunvue matcha:tlck llhades. These are made from machine spilt bamboo A cable stitched for long Choice Top Sirloin SU-ak. . , • r $%.%5 SUPERBA MEXlCA..V DI~! COMBINATION MEXICAN DINNER • $1.10 up SpPda.I Pla&e for CbUdren .86 MEXICAN BEER C109ed Tuf'Mlay . 113 t!nd SL, Newport Beach. I Ha rbor !838-M AD Ll·B is where Seier tells Buyer. For information and rates, Call •11aao IUUUIOa 1616 wear. They •re weatherized and lacquer protected in 6 enchante' colors. Be.tore another night fallB. c~ult lbe SHADE S HOP. 514 !9th St., N~rt. Harbor 884.. FOR COMPLl':TE HARBOR NEWS COVERAG!1 -TWICE A WEEK - NEWS· TIMES and THE PRESS $3.SO per yam for Boll• NEWPORT llAllBOR PUBUSRINO 00. -------------------------. I I I I J I . CLAS.Sl.E.-IEB The Miqhty Midget In.~rti8h!.q . . ~ ~ • l..._.osbo_Oalde For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Bdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches · Christma.a Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERREAD 817 Coast H tway, Corona del Mar 70tfc VACUUM CLEANERS _ Eleetrolux and othere, $6.9?i up. 100 to choose from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Main St., Santa Ana Kimberly 3·2968 70tfc 12-Bulldlng Services FISHER Drafting Service 916 Coast H lghwe.y, Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar 72tfc COKPLS"1'1?: ROU8111 CLlllANINO terttce. l'Urlllture and n1p lhampooed. Fr-.. -~ J'Ull7 lnound. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach 8e&coD 6111 72tfc H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rep&Jr Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 141S..W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING -' "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 240< 52tfc B & Y House Mbvers ANO General Contractors 860 First St.,. Tustin Calif. Pbon'e K.Imberly 3-1886 (Home Phones JAaper 9-2773 o?' JAaper 9-2687) 73c86 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN na ~ St., Coot& K- Bee. M5T-K H<:9 INTlllRIOR -l!lXTERIOR PAINTING UCENSEO -INSURm> Glenn Johnston 301 • 3lot St. Newport Beach Barbor 2287-.J 34e4.8 EXPERIENCED CARPETERS Want Work by Hour or Job. Call Harbor· 1104-M 7ltfc REMODEL and REPAIR Residence or Commercial R. L . 'Dick' Nelson Sr. Gene ral Building Contractor 638 Fullerton, Newport Beach Free Estimates Beacon 5779-W 73p8T DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial , Remodeling Phone Beacon MQ6.W 17tfc GENERAL CARPENTRY. EXPERIENCED. REASONABLE. Harbor 745-W 82c84 Alcohollca All~nymoua Write P. 0. Box I06 &n.. IWnct. c:.ut, -Kl-, 1:-61111 j t. 9 FIRST Claoo ....... c,_lng and ironing. Prefer Udo Lale. $1 hour. P-. Beacon lllOS·W. • • llp83 li:XPERT w ASlUNo &Dd honln&". Brfn&" to 1&22 VUelle Plue, Newport Beub. Hu. 12117-W. 82p84 ~~~--------~- EXPERIENCED Muter ot &all or motor available ~ to ruaater or ·crew boat "to Acapulco: Capt. M. G. Ta.ncrel, Hot.el Southern, San Pedro. TEnnlnaJ 4·11833. qpM • • GENli:RAL HOUSEKEEPER and cook, 2.5-45. Experienced with children, Udo Ule. Permanent. Llve in. $130 atart. Reference•. Harbor 0699~R. 8lc83 LARGE YACHT anchorace wtabes to employ middle aged man ror maintenance work on _property and docks. Good ea.lary. Must Uve on property. Cottage tor two provided. BALBOA MAR- INA, 2802 Coa.st Higtiwly, New· port Beach. 82c84 WANT RECEPI'IONIST !or doc· tor's office. Corona del Mar. Write, stating age and quallti- cy.tou to Box M c/o this paper. 82p84 MAN for U1ht .f~tory work. Call in person. N.UCLEAR PROD- UCTS CO., tllM> Newport Blvd., Costa Meea. 82c83 -CJassttled ada are n!&d by folks who a.re· look:IDC" to tray. SO-Sale, Miscellaneous COMPLrrE RC>pM ot rattan fur- niture, table, 6 chairs, 2 loung- ing chain, ne•t of tablet, stand- ard lamp. Wall bracket with glass .shetvea, 2 pictures, knlck- nacks, draperies. ALSO girls' bicycle, good condition. Phone Harbor 3161. 80c82 FUR COAT (ab'.e 12-l<f) $36; roll- er shoe akatea itze 7. $15; Ice shoe skates, size 6, $1 ~: small siSe violin, $S5. 2708 Bay Shore Dr., Bay Shores. Beacon 5528. 8lc83 SMALL nursery or camp Ice box, •mall elec. waeber, man'• war· drobe suitcase. Otber ltema, a.11 reasonable. Harbor 0281-M. 81c83 12 PR BALBOA BLUE SLACKS and peddle pushera, lg. alzea, $2.35 ea. 2 -nylon uniforms, ai&ea 20 &: K $7 ea.. 18315 Nev.•- port Blvd., next door to Costa Mesa Bank. 80c82 DISHWASHER, Portable C E, nearly new; poker table; IJonel train, 0 ga.ge, track and a cces- ories. Phone Har. 1718-R. 78c83 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER- $175. C&Jl J . F . Carlisle, Harbor 2192-J. 80c82 7 For Better TV Reception Replace your"weathered A.ntertna With a new V-cone $9.50 incl. Mast TV SERVICE CALLS Day or Evening Mesa iµ.dio and Television 109 Brpadway Costa Mesa 81c86 HORSE, addle and bridle, Buck- aktn mare, e yni. old. Exceptton- a.lJy well trained. Har. 828--W, 'or Ba.r. SS, !i(r. Jay. 11c83 EKERSON Radio Record Player; Kiddie Koop· crib; two maple bedsteads; fire screen; ~ bed with springs. Harbor 1233-W. , 82p84 16 INCH BANDSAW -Heavy duty Walker Turner, '1 hp., rno- tC!r. all In excellent condition, $200. See Joe \'ande.rMolen, Udo Trailer Park. Phone Har· bor 0917 after 8 p. m .· 82p84 ''TROLLER-ART', all round ftsb· lng b o a t. W l t h equipment. Speedy and •tl'on&'. 100 hp. ll&y e&cha.nce for 1 .A. L. Xarka. 509 29th Bl., Newport Beach. 12p84 BJ:m>IX W ABBJ:ll Ille , 11&. de- luze &atoma11c 'With ule acua- t.or and the· water •nr, Tou. don't liave to )ICllt' ll -UMd only 2 monui. and not a w:rwldl on It. Balance 'due Ii s,,18S 31 Pay JI• caah or talte ]>A1Dl&to of $11.911 per --!lee Hr • Baughn; (04 So. ~ Fllllu- ton. 9 a.. m. -8 p. m. or pbone 21ll2. 7 4 tfc DOUBLE maple bed, box sprlng. and mat~ $16. ~ a.a. MT&-J. - 4 CU. FT. CROSLEY Froot Jl&I.. l•P deep free&e, bolda uo ?ba. like new. AlllO dinette: 11v. rm. and -turn. Slqle bed, leather bar, 2" atoola, 2 book· ca.ea, cload walnut ae"er and other items, etc. All b&rpin..s By priv. owner, 1752 E . Ocean Front, Balboa. 80p82 APT. SIZE stove, 4 cu. fL Servel rehil"., Crane alnk and cabinet. chest o f drawers. Har .. -{399--JK. • -..aoc12 GAS HEATERS (3) a bathnn, a · medium mu, and a large clrcu- latlng heater. Reasonable and like new. Harbor 2247-W. 80c82 ~VINATOR refrigerator, 2 yrs. old. Western-Holly .stove, 1 yr. old. Ml..sc. · tu:n:Uture. 414 H eliotrope, Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor 0094-M. 80o&2 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - for sale CHEAP, 517 Carnation, Corona del Mat. Ph. Harbor 1256-W or Har. 234.. 80c82 COLDSPOT refriK"erator, ~pt. aize high oven range, dbl. flood light etandard. Reasonable. Ph. Har. 01112-W. • 80cA2 FULL SIZE ROLLAWAY BED. Special mattreaa BARGAIN. 411 Heliotrope, Corona del Mv Phone , Harbor 029l·R. 8~f Chry8ler Engines_ Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT B&ACH PR, BEACON 0711 \, 94tfc Reaulta come from conatant Practice! An ad regularly ln .. th la paper will produce rewlt.8 for you. JOHNSON Outboard Motors The on1 y factory -•Jl'PT'OVed 8&1e11 and ServicS! Station in the New· port HarbQr Area. South Coast CO. Newport Blvd at 23rd st. Hubor 2800 li3Uc 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT ,Bpeed boat, Chrys. Ace. A ·l m ech. cond. $14'50 Free .slip rental f or tto&U ottered for sale up to 26 tt. Wizard &: ~wbo&ts for Rent Ken Scott's Mobil Marine Dock Next to F erry Landing, s.Jbol. Harbor 2720 69ttc MOORING for 20' boat. Main channel near terry. Make otter, call AX 2-6352 or write D. J ephcott, 3833 Redondo Blvd., Los .Angel... 81p83 M W 'al. 'aille Tll:LEVISION! Trade your oUt plano on bea.utltul television. Big allowance. F&moua makes In-televtlikm. l>ANZ.SCHll!DT, 5?p No. Main, cop, 8th St., Santa Ana. . RENT A CLARINET, trumpet or ot.ber band lnatnmient for $5 a month. Rental applies on tututt purchaae at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Sy~ more, Santa Ana. KL 2..osn. . BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPINET Uaed. Save $200. Term.a. Sub- ject to pr I or sale. DANZ· SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th, Santa Ana: S{.JGBTLY USED Spinet Plano. }NaUonally known make in per· · feet condition_ Terms. $47.M> down 8.nd $17 .02 per mo. u Shafer's Atusic fSince 1907), 421 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. K im· berly 2--0672. 59ttC 40--Buslness Opportunities . KIDDIE RIDES AT PLAY HARBOR FOR SALE. Coast Highway at Bay Shore bridge. Good location for same · can be had in thi.9 area. Sacri• ' flee to close estate. Phone Har-· 1>9r 1345. 82cM COCKTAILS, Dinners, License. fixtures, equipment. San Ber-' nardlno county. Small down or trade. Har. 3254 -J. 82c87 ' 42-Wanted to Rent WANT TO . RENT a garage for storage In Balboa lslanQ, O:irona · del Mar, Newport Beach or Cos-- ta M.esa. Harbor 14.74-J eve· nlngs. 82c84 Balboa Island We have .everal attractive apt.a. and houses for winter rental atartlng at $45 mo. and a few ' yearly rentals atartlng at $15. Nelda Gibson, Rltr: ~ ~ sot -·· Balboa hi.· Har. ft02 a9uc RENTAL ,t SPECIALISTS Call Edna er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bal-Wand. Har, 20U ID<6f ' CHEAP winter r ental to rtgh.t . party. Furn. 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. 370S Channel Place, Newport l.s:.la.nd. No pets. Harbor 1217-.J. 78ttc BALBOA 1S1tAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. uw .. paid. Garage S76 mo., yearly or $.50 mo. winter. Ph. Harbor 1871. 79tte BALBOA -Nice 2 room .apt' Good loCatJon, new' stove and refriJ"., $42.50 mo., util, IM'id· Call 310 I.eland Ave., phone Har. 1839-J. ' 80p82 $55 FURN. studio apt. Lge. Uv. ACAPt.n..CO BOUND. Crew mem-rm. with alcove. Hollywood ber needed to share gu and twin beds, kitchen. Ample clOB- food expense8 on 37 ft. cruising ets, shower bath. 1311 • 3rd St... • ' sailboat. Prefer knowledge of Corona del Mar. Ha.rbor 0829-R ... · Mexican waters and Spanish. 80p82 Call Harbor 282~J Or write I -CO--R-O_N_A __ o_r:_L_MAR _____ C_om_· John Gerke, Gen. Delivery, San pletely tumiahed apt. for one D1~go. 82p84 •• - M-Muslcal, &dlo BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. Repos- sea1ed. Pay out balance $387 like rent. Like new! Another, blond nahogany cue, gor&eous tone, $4.95. Famous make! Also nla.ny rental returrui. Save from $120 to $300. All tit perfect con· dltlon. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO' STORE, 020 N<Y. X..!n, cor. 8th st., Santi. AnL subject to prior sale. per80n, .-.0 mo .. utll. pd., year-- ly. Ph. Har. 0174-M. 80<82 NEW 3 rm. turn. apt. Utilitlefl included, yearly rate. 2210 HIJ"-' bor BIW.. Costa Mesa. 80p82 · 3 BDRM. Untumlahed bOuae. Hwd. flooro. Firepl&ce. Dual· beat. lease $90 mo. 443· Flower St., Costa Me&&. Phone Beacon 8291. 80p&2 SKA.LL APT. ror two, clean. prt- vecy. Near atorea 4 bus. 700"' Begonia. (a t -ith st.) Corona del· Kar. 80<82 LIDO ISLE I Result.a come from constant l WANT CAR POOL to Cmnp Pen-Practice! Ari ad ftguJarly In thl.I I dleton, main atta, trom Corolla papep will produce -.Ito roP ,..._ U--8J!ue Yoar Car RENT A PIANO. Let the K""'" learn, $5 per mo. l"l1ll t.ft1ll rat allowed on an,,-piuo in ou.r atp0k. DANZ • 8CHllID'l' Bia Plano Store, 620 No. llaUs. st.., Sot& Ana. Spukllng 1 OP 2 bedroom ~ e<I apartm_enr.. One bedroom !twin bedo) f75 mo. 2 bedlooma '100 mo. All uuuu .. pall!. Prl· ''119ht C•• •t1wa" "PW ldtd • • with lialwirw wliicb wlll ab c1ie'w. ,-..,..i diett me pe... ... m111 ~ - You'll &ad that !'*I ~liAla ~ cwn;og up are llllldi Im work wbeo die liaJ>r ia rip. W°ith DO Ptt Of ........... _ e,e- "10in aocl ~ it'I..., IO md m<il'"' IDtllW't last1 §·Mo.-d M incodra-. wt~ Good ligl>tiAghdpa •oc _.., IDll ~ W"adimo.,.. ...... IDll..,_a,~cleNp..tfoJ.,.:• ,_,....,..,...,.. .,._.,. 'hm· ,_ lcitcllell b #cir-, •. ....i _,,_,.., 1w1;,. uro. dais will spNll.,. 1lnl• of,.. ......,, 11111 .......... Kt • .,mi;. dou ............. elm will lie•1l11_ .. .,...._ ·• deJ Mar. Jloun 1:30 L m. • ~ f p. m . Contact Lt. EdwlU'da, 912 -.B-.A ~> • RENT A PIANO for ~ Ill pe< I -vtew, Corona del Mar or • • ft_l!'!'! . month.-Rental ~ .... -P. A. p A L ''·ER I camp Pendlet<>n, IClrt. TU. 82p83 WJ:DOJnroOD ~ , purchaM at ~'II llllU-JU I 111111 model ..,4 •·-.... · ~ .... ~. SIC OO. (!11-1'0'f) U1 "I; INCORPORATED ., l R R .tv • ••--.,--. lly<amOl'e, Banta Alla. Jainllor' ~ """' ~ ;;:!!':;1 ........ lanOp ..., • cloclt, cPiddle In t1w 1,y 2--0llTJ. SW Ylt. lJdo Hu-, louu ,J . ·superfl~owi Hair ' :!.4t ... ~:~ ~=: GRAND PIANOS: Baby Onnd, ~-: ~;,,.,~ --~-- ' • n ,... -bllrnen uid ~, pfll "'P~•&e•ed, Sf""' .. T~ Aloo I ~ ,.,_,1.__ ~-._::;_--apt. .-ec11111 so .. ., remoted tr,. feet, broiler y ..... -·••• -;,· ~ """"--............... ~ I __ ~--~·-· ou,_caa -" DIJ' ...-..-otmn-ud _. lt1~1wa,. • ---~WOWI --,_ If ,,_ ta&a po.J111eftte al Cl>k:}<eriJos, W•-· A. B. U. -trcJlilqe. , I -*•.,..__1foo_.. lwuabc. i •n' w --hAU--a.•-. ,....,. ~ ~ AIAO ..,,tbauoe ... i... ''li'..t I I .,.,_.. L 9l'l'Alft ILK. .. Ml0 1 .., eowtrlicl ... 1111. ~Pom -.. ~ ~ _....., •::;;__~-1•1-zr• T, .....,. ..... ~ _., 2g aJ *• I LIL to I p.a. Ill -n-'VC! 511 lfci. .. ....., CIOI'. ..._ ...,_.........-. I Udt"• IUaa:af 811tlb' .a..~ * lo: _ .... _ ~ Pll. ..., •-•-: .a-·-,... ·•· I y .....---. ....., ---w • -II~. Vflr7 Dolme, ..,,_, -• 7111!1 JJD. • ---• .,.. vate gvac ... / I . ----. . ' . . -alllll I tlle lletll -- · I I!· !!!l.!f!l't. • • ~,.::n.:-11~.".;::t~ ~~:.:~°if:.:= . ;'Z •1::!:~111?:;•."."'.:..~. r uwr: .,, t c ra ta ••'sf W'7 •t1L pafWt I M'M, ....... tw. ....... s ,__1111 ,__ ~ W tnordie-.ui ..... of,...,,cl,..,...,....,, rwJ.. itil•E•'pl-11 :wlail ............... ...,, ••llrWis ILDiofl.'1,_. 'ts ,au ·-~ .... -· ' f -._-._ WAllQ, -m. CID1D I t 119, t lo l:IO DAJ9. -· 'i' JU" Me I I Me J HI• m'6 ~ ' l •I 'W"t,0 1 EM-. .... ..... ORCIAJI-1111 £--R 11-,·0ttla .... 11119' • -r -. ii • . ~ .... ....... . . ...tttle* ~ "' •• ,, • i . · . aoutHI~~. ~ toa111A IMMll_ ~O~Mll1r • ' ~ Tl,:t,~::r':¥S ~~!~ =-= ":\lit§t!{~· . !?!~!P.tiJ~Vi!·; ---------~-----:--~-----~---··-··· ...... -----..... .--..---.:-:c:.~...i.--~~ .... ~ ; ....... ar' ,,. ,.. ......... _ ........... ZJ?EFM -... ,..-:· •• ' • .- ' • • • ' . r I • I " • • 't · I I ·- : MORE C~ED 1 ON PAGE ..,,E · NEWPORT ./R w I N T E R E N T A L s y E A R L y SPECIALS Winter 1 Bedroom Apt ....... $ 48 mo. 2 Bedroom Apt......... 68 mo. 2 Bedroom House ... 75 mo. 2 Bedroom House.... 100 mo. Yearly 2 Bedroom house • Livlngroom, bath Kitchen .............. $70 mo. JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with J JOHN D. BURNHAM 607 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 645 (Eves. Har. 2278-W) ~ MO. YEARLY rental-Furn. hou.se, utll. pd. 614 'i; W. Balboa Blvd. Call Harbor 2664. after 6 :30 p.m. 8lc83 i MONTH Rental, beginning Oct. lltl\. ~en 3 bd"". home, ca- nal frontage, prtvale beach. Beautifully furn., TV, Spinet, fireplace, deep trttZe, auto washer, gar. AdultM only. Rea- eonable rent to right party. 4010 RJver A Vf!'., Newport Bch. Call Harbor 2062-:K 81c83 ATTRACTIVE Ocean Front upper 3 room apt. (extra la.rge rooms) and bath. Sleeps 6. $60 mo. yearly or $~ mo. winter .. Ph. Beacon 6493-J. 80c82 ONE BDRM. hoWle, 2-car garage, very clean, 1 blk. trom ocean. $M mo. yearly. Phone Harbor 2M2. 80tfc BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn. 2 bdrm. home, ocean fronL Refrtg.. laundry, waaher. $66 mo. to June 15th, util. tnclud. ALSO Balboa Penin--Furn. •lngie apt., 12:5 mo to June 15, uttl. tnclud. Laundry avail. Adults. Ph. Har, 1270-\V. 80tfc BALBOA PENINSULA, 3 bedrm. frpl., thermo heat, laundry. new ly tum .• gar. $75 mo winter. BEAUTIFUL 3-rm. apt., thermo heat. pvt. patio, gar., $60 mo. winter. A.Lso studio apt., view, thermo heat. gar .. $80 mo. winter. OR AVAlLABLE YEARLY. 1753 Plua. Del Sur, Harbor 2937-M. week end.e. 81p83 YEARLY UNFURN. I bdrm. apL with gar., fioor furnace, water eofti;ner. N~•r Beach, $60 mo. 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 32'17 or Harbor 890-M. Mtfc BALBOA ISLAND, Beautiful dbl. apt. for winter. Ph. Harbor 297-J or Bea. 6788-W for appL 80c82 roR .RENT--4 nn. turn. cottage, garage, on 23rd St. near ocean. $38 month. Couple preferred. Inquire 115 -lard St., Newport Beach ' -82c81. Couple of Children! Yard! . ' BAY BEACH! In Newport. Fum. 2 bdrm. apt., uUllties pd. 167.00 mo. Ull .Juty 1st. Call Beacon 8487-M.. 78tfc • ' • • ' • • f ' . ' . ' • WHEN YOU WANT TO BIJY, SRL EMPLOY• RENT. OB . TRADE USE THE a ASSIAED. PHONE ·. HAR :16t6 . ' . ~ . . tS-~laudB~ , BALBOA ISLAND w ·e have apa.rtmente and h,ou.eee- A n:llable tor winter .euon or yearly Jeue. • Wm. W. Sanford R.EALTOR 1 Park Ave. at M&rlne B&lbo& Ialand Harbor 2482 ~9ttc SEASIDE APTS, nicely tumlshed. 1 br ., utilities included. Yearly ra~tet. 1828 W. Ocean Fr., New- port Beach. Harbor 239:5. 72p84 BALBOA PENINSULA-3 bdrm. tum. hoUM. 2 batha. Winter rental. $1~ mo. Wrilf! Fem While, 137 Mesqulte, Pa 1 rr. Springs or Ph_ Palm Spring!'! SM<. 77p32 FURNISHED cottage, 1 bedroom, llv1ng rm., tub bath. Kitchen. good refrtg. and stove. $~-Ap- ply 122 -24th or Ph. B. 5225-R; Newport Beach. 82p84 $67.50 Mo., furn. 2 bdrm. ApL In Newport. Yard, bay beacb. Oar., util. pd. To July 1st. Ph. Beacon 6467-M. 82tfc 1 BEDROOM APT-Kitchen fur- nished. 508 PoinMttia, Corona del Ma'r. Har. 1310-R eveit. or week ends. 82c84 BALBOA ISLAND -Sn1all turn. apL Employed person only. Yearly rate $4 2.50 mo. 135 Topu, Balboa Island. Harbor 2387-M. 82c84 ONE BDRM., furn. Rear apt., $85 mo. yearly. No utiliU<"S. Corona del Mar. Call Har. 1975. 82p&\ FURNISHED APT. yearly rent. utilities paid. Tiie kitc hen and bath, lots ot cupboard space- It you want son1ethjng nice and clean, ca.II at 309 -3•lth St., Newport Beach. 82p84 ATTRACTIVE 2·BDRM., 2 bath home. Partly fum. Large rooms. $75 mo. ycarl)'. 512 Larkspur, Corona del Mar. For appt. to see, ph. Har. 1978-RK before 1 O a. m. or after 8 p. m. 80c82 «-Rooms for Rent PERMANENT wee k I y rental &leeping room. Private erltrance. Garage. $10 per week. Blue Top ;Motel, 401 Newport Blvd., New- port Beach . 69ttc GUEST H OUSE I no cooking I. Private bath. 1 blk. from b<'ach and shopping center, Corona del Mar. $10 week. Phone Harbor 1524·R. 82c84 44-A-Rest Homes BOARD and ROOM For elderly people In large private home. Good meals and C"are. Phone Laguna 443?6-79p84 A&tive. 48--Automoblles, Tires '49 FORD Convertible club coupe, radio, heate r. overdrive, nylon seat covers, original owner going overseas. Mechanically excellent. Private party. Harbor 3468·W. 8lc83 '48 WILL YS JEEP -Good con- dition. 3900 Seashore Dr., New- port Beac h. 79c81 '48 ENGLISH '125' motorcycle. New paint. pert. rnech. cond. Will take $130 for quick sale. 1229 w_ Balboa Blvd. Ha. 563-J. 79p8J INTERNATIONAL '40 -1 1,:!r t ol\ truck. 170 in. wheel baae. 7xl2 toot heavy steel bed. 1621 Pla- centia Ave., Costa Mesa. 79p31 · BRAND NEW 1951 Cadillac con- vertible, fully equipped. Must aell. Private owner. No dealers. Call Harbor 0632-M. 79p81 1960 PONTIAC Super Catalina Ruet and Cream. Eto'<ceptlAlly clean $~. Bea. 5677-R 82p3< 55-Money to Loan REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5% Loans quickly made in the Bay Area and Laguna. Single or multiple untta. New or old. Be wise and save by re-financing your present loan. 1.finimum .ex.- penae. No chargf! tor pre.Umi- nary appraisal. Phone Santa Ana Kimberly 3"'6027 or write: ARTHUR A. MAY Mortcage t..oe..n Correspondent Two Ca.lit. Ufe in.. Co's HH South MalJl Santa Ana • -.. READ CLOSELY ' . You ""1't find a better BUY. Brand new ho~es on lovely LIDO ISLE. 1. For thoae looking for an extra large lot and patio here ta a beauty. Home , bu 3 spacloua bedrooma and 2 baths. Eve-ry- thing about th.la home 11 big. light and cheertut Pl&ee all fully ,planted' with lawn, ah.ru"' and nowera together with walled ln apace for boat stor- age. Bleached. gum doora. unit heat. tile atall ahowers, dLa- poS&l, dlshwaahet are a few ot the DELUXE teaturea. Th.la home la CLASS and all for ONLY $32.~ -By all mean.s SEE nos. 2. Clever 2 bedroom home lhat hu just been completed. Forc- ed a.Ir heat, step .. vlng kitchen, large garage. neat patio and all modern appointment.a. Thia Is a steal at ONLY $1~.000-Ap­ prox. S4SOO handles. ALSO W e h&vt> jlUlt opened a NEW ~c­ tion where some very c hoice lot.a can be bought "from lhe DE- VELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Here is a ch&nce to get a LOT at rock bottom price• aJ1'd terms. Come to lhe headquartel'8 ot LIDO ISLE where a little buys a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1600 The Home Stretch- To help your chooaing, eee these listings on Balboa Island. Two bdrm. home furnished, with two·car garage, close by bayfront, $11,250. Al.so a special for lncome- 2 bdrm. home with separ- ate apt. over 2.car garage. The furniture is worth $1500. The total price is $16,750 Iavestigate Today! J. A. BEEK Office Harbor 63 Balboa !eland Ferry Balboa Peninsula Attrac tive redwood, bric k and shingle home with 3 bedrooms, floor. furnace, large living room, opening to patio. Double garage. only $ 13,950, terms. FI VE RENT AL UNITS on corner close to bay. 2 Iota. Good in- c~m e. See thi. for an invest- ment of $17,500, term•. Balboa Realty CQ. Rou Greeley Josephine Webb , lJllla.n McAdoo 700 E . Balboa Blvd. Bar. 3277 PHONE Harbor 1119 to place your want ad on thl.8 page. FOR SALE gy' OWNER-Tower Hauae-&OQ Poppy, Corona del Mar, 3 Bclrma., 2 b&the. 2 IP. decka, Ocean View, dbl. gar. Phone Harbor 182·R ~2c84 Modem redwood · and glass Two bdrm. lnd servant'• qua.rt.en. Flagstone and wood floora.. 'two years old. In grove of tree&. Bea.utltul view of the western hJlle -l.n. exclu.lv..; eectlon -2 miles .from ocean ln quiet wr- roundlnp. $23,000. Good term& 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5298-VV litttc JUST COMPLETED In Exclllllive Shore Cliffs TBRE!: B&DRM., 2 bath borne OD latp '°"118' Jot 1850 oq. rt. plua muoory -with radio controlled door, hardwood , noora. Forced &Jr tum&c& LoU of t.tle. Compl&Ul1 fenced and 1&11.i.c&pod. • Pric.d at fl'/ ,000, Ii - cau o_,. ~ '"1..J or - ho-at 134 -· -. ~ • 67tte • • • 8.allRale ANOTIHER OUTSTANDING BARGAIN Balboa. 'Peninsula. Point Thill hoU&e is only 2 Y., yrs. old. 216 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Livingroom with fireplace, Panel heat. kitchen, fenced patio yard. Garage: Full Price $12,500 I BRAND NEW PRICED TO SELL Balboa Peninsula Point Coeta'M- The ~Town on Earth_ · $1000 down Completely, fUrnlahed 2 bdrm. home (2 yra. old) cloae to Blvd. and store. Total pr\Ce-- OnJ y $8200 - Right in Town Well built 2 bdrm. home. L&rg~ aervtce porch, lot 51x130. Be•t of locatlona. $7900 wtlh reuoa- able terms. ' G. I. Resale 3 bdrm. home cloee tO Blvd. and ahopplng center- $9950 Down Payment SI950 Mo. paymlL $64. 70 inc. tax&: lne. Income Property Nlce 2 bqrm. home and 3 rental.8 on large lot with room tor more. Walking dist&nce to center of town. Estate sale: "Price $15,000 cash • • •• Diiate. • *· * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BAY AND-BEACH BARGAINS OCEAN FRONT HOME TWI> ,._... old -Wide Frontqe • be<IJ'oom-. two-car -· $18,&0G, t..,,.. Near Bav Two bedrooms -Fireplace $8750. torma OPEN HOUSES -Sun. 12 to 5 p.m. 607 LIDO SOUD. Fµie older home. ' bdrma., den, pier, sandy beach and patio. M and BALBOA BLVDS. New 3 bdrm., 1% baths. hwd. noon, beautitul ftrepla.ce, forced alr heat. BAY AND BEACH REALTY 14'50 Ba'tbo& Blvd. Harbor 1264 ****** ***** ****** F or Busy People - - - Thie house rests on a spacious corner lot near ocean and bay in a quiet location facing land· ·' U you lack the time to do a lot of work around the hoU&e; this is for you! A big friendly 2 bdrm. home on Balboa Ialand. Rustic shake exterior which you never paint-a tree in the large bricked patio whose leaves you rake only occasionally-A few plants, bushes here and there your guests can wa- ter if it doesn't rain-The all glassed-in porch and lge. living room with beamed ceiling, big fire, place make you feel cozy and relaxed. Two large bdrma., dining room -A home with plenty• of ' scaped city park. 2 bedrooms, large livil)g- room with dining area and fireplace. Kitchen, ulility room, bath. 2 car garage, outside shower and fenced patio Price $15,950 The adjoining new house with same plan is also for sale Price $15,450 JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 Eves. Harbor 2278-W CLIFF HAVEN G. I. RESALE -Large combination FHA G. I. loan. Lovely 2 bdrm. and den home. Dining rm., lge. kitchen, pullman bath, large brick fireplace, double garage. - ONLY $13,950 490 C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd.; Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 Three Best Buys in Corona de! Mar $9950. New 2 bdrm., plus rumpus room. Furnace heat. $10,750. New 2 bdrm. 'borne, fire- place, shake roof. $14,500. New 2 bdrm. home, lge. living room with fireplace. Ex- cellent bwd. floor•, forced &lr heat. Bearing trult trees. En- closed patio. Don't watt untU these are gone ACT NOW! BUY NOW! $2600 Down Very lovely 2 bdrm. home. Only one yr. old. Completely aiid nicely turnlshed. Hwd., tile, lot.a of closet 11pace, leather uphol- stered breakfut nook, large lot, covl!'red patio, landacaped. F\1.11 price la ONLY $9500 FHA paym.eol.8 $38.12 per mo. ' $1000 Dn. New l bdrm. home -Redwood G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Aesociates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 BUYERS. WAITING! U you have property for sale- Bayboa Island Bay Shores Beacon Bay List it with packing- Vick and start We will glady give you an estimate of today's mar· ket price. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR W . A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 M.arlne Ave., Balboa lsl&nd Phone Harbor 2042 "Look for the Green Lawn" On Balboa Peninsula THREE years old. Unfurn. 21h: bdrm. home, 2 baths, fireplace. $12,500 full price Good Term8. Wlll corudder all offers. COSTA MESA . G. I . Resale -3 bdrm. home, on a large corner lot, only 3 yr8. old. Hwd. fioora, all concrete block fenced. Patio with barbe- cue. $11,990, J2680 down. Coast Properties Co. 301 E . Balll&a Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 26M Balboa Island Special "Little Island" Earl Chamberlain · nice appearing. 2-car garage. C' Cloee to new market on Eat The home of your dream l.8 wait- Side. Payment approx. '38~ Ing for you. So completely tur· mo. Full Price Only nb~~~ 3yoBu R.only need a tooth- MN> Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Banltl Phone !{arbor 2288 118c70 -----------~ . Corona del Mar VVhy Pay Rent? ? ? $2500 Handles · 3 bdrma., cosy 'borne. l..ct'· cement brick paUo. Excot n<Jabb'-· · Hu.tty on thie. $8750 Full Price Another Good Buy $9000, Terms . 2 bdrm., •vage apL Good alR room& Modem t••tureo. V- of rolllllg hlllo. Room Lo front for add.lUonat income or home. Tom Payne, Realtor 810 0out BfWay;c..-c1e1 au • -· . up, I B. R. down. $5750 . Hwd. floora, jlendlx washer. dbl __ garage and patio. Baths up 4 · $1800 Dn. New 3 bdrm. -Fireplace, hwd. garage. Approx. lCM~ aq. ft. Ntce location. Can you im•cine the fUIJ price lo only $9250 down.. Thia la a very livable and exceptionally well turnlahed home. Price 1IJ right, term• are right. Ralph P. Maskey i!Ul ·Newport lllV<L, Newport I . fbon• Bu.l>or '62 --· &lttc New 3 Bdrm. F.H.A.~NEW 2-bdrm. home, Corona dd ."$2750 Down · ' ~. complete I!' eftry <let&ll. LOW MONTHLY ·PAYKJCNTB Hdwd. floor•. l'on:ed air auto. -beat. J'lreplacp. J:ncl-1 patlq. Large home with m&Ay extra fea· G&raCe. N I c e I y Wi.i.caped. , twu. BeautlfUI !Iv. rm. With Bearilqr fnll& u.e.. WW · take fireplace, dlnlnc area. hardwood late mocld traUer u part pay- Ooora. lot. Of We, covered paUo, menL Owner, Hu. 1188. 82ttc double" prqe. extn tride lot. l"lllJ ".1'.loe Onl;y $11,tOO G. I. Resale · Phil Sullivan ,..,. n d 1 Mar ATI'RACTIYE .....Uro a · e · Geo. Ever8on · 2 -· -1a ._....t 1ooa. c BAI.B()'A· ISLAND -' llM w_,..t Bmt., eaota -Uon. ,dlol. -· Pay Clllj 2 -.... J"ll !Um.' -'l!'llli ~ !i; j-7US U84!!1~ and Mlonce Uke I 1ldrm. apt. Oftr ............ (Aaam r...,;. ~ ,._ BmllcJ ~ J prl<!. fle,&ee. ,_ -Ir.....,_~ ol We. -J1L &la7·W -. Miii i I.lot.__ w.- ft61floca. A~'-at...... , ;iielltdl"'a.· - _NELDA ·p~·..:_: Nkr Ocean A: Bay , 'W. E.Fiaher ---. lll!: a& I -I , -...aep. lup )lictm'e ---Plllme .......... .i.. ........ <:linw-...-.. 111na.. ~ t"-tA' a -ui. -~ ............. •.!II• ~ .IW:Ulll:I _....,, tar ta-ii• at 11a • == -.,_ .... ..-.. 'shso1 l\ a.111t •vsct1le- Clllta ..... oaa ..... .,,_.. -................ n. Cllzllli&··-...·e.1 -... .. ._,. .... • ' nut < ~ •• : ..... ' ... · space. Completely furnillhed. Price $13,900. island realty co. Park at Agate, Balboa Island Harbor 377-VV BALBOA ISLAND HOME 4 bedrooms, 2 bathe, and maid's room • A lovely warm home with large studio-type master. bedroom and fireplace. Patio. Near South Bay. $34,000, Terms F. P. WALDRON, Real Estate 308 Marine Ave, Balboa Island BA&OA ISLAND VALUE! ON LI'M'LE ISLAND - 3 bdrm. 2 hath modem. Only 4 yrs. old. Nicely furnished . Large patio, good location on quiet comer close to beacb. This won't last long at - Price $20,000, Terms \Vm.1\v. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue at Marine Balboa Island Back Bay Area --1h Acres! Countrv atmosphere with 'peace and quiet-yet close to everything. On private stree~, among other nice homes, 132 ft. frontage. On Tustin Ave. (between 22nd & 23rd) Call Harbor 369 ~ or write P 0 Box 35, Balboa Island • Ranch 20. acre! 8 mile. from Newport 12 acrea ln permanent pasture. Equipment for 1~.000 cbickena. Three houaee, good ham. Abun- dant cheap water. Conalder part lrade bay area. Terma. Bay Front· Income 6 turn. unlto. 70'-n. frontage_ Thia la one of the ltnest properties in the bay area. Conatder borne aa part paymenL Price $87,600. Full Price $7250 Clever 2 bdrm. beaclt cottage nr. ocean amt bay. Best value tn •reL $3930 down. $32.50 mo. on balance. GRIBNLIC.U' Ir ABBOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2562 • $8750 Sturdy 2 bdral. llOm• on large Jot on good -t bl Coot.a M .... , Oak noon.. rWnace. mmt fUr· ntabtnp lncluded tn price or -. w1t11out: 1a-. 0awm., ohrubbeey, fnitt>tre.. NOt new but .. ..,ti&·-"-· . N . B; c;, MALTY J...~· B2:Dd •• Jlt•"""" llnG. New ... t-- BALBOA ISLAND BT~~••l), . ,....._ .- --v a .a;;:-• aa W7 R II • ~ • Peninsula Point Authentic· Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat. & Sun. 2-6 or by app't. Ph. Har. 1238-VV Approximately 2200 oq . tt. 1 year old, 2 bdrm•. &: bath downstara. 1 bdrm'. and lge. den and bath upatatn:. Sundeck 30 x 30, excel lent vtew. Large living room fireplace, dining room, gorgeoua kJtcherr • nook, oak floor•, fore ed air heat, u.t.raa galore. Priced to sell quickly on very reasonable terms. lmmediate-poe&efMlon. N'ew 2 bdrm. home l a block tram Ocean Blvd. ln Corona. del Ma'r . 'nu& attn.cUve boua baa 1 % bath.. paUo, dbL. pr and ta well bullt of the beat ma terlal. Price. '19,!500, 'good tenna. Fitzmorris, Jl,ealty Co. Real w.tate It Bi1r1re• Broken 813 "Clout Blyd., , eon.a de! Kar . ~ a.,,_ t-I&1 ·. j C. Gden .Dellisoh . , Realtor .A. E. John,loD : >. ~ ..,.. ...... -Ii..-. -.,.OOol& -~--.. .,.., -~ It •