HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-16 - Newport Balboa News Times{' .. .. • ' Chest Victory Lunch Today . ' A victory luncheon will be held today In the Balboa Bay Cl,ub for -all Community Chest officers and a:>llcltora. , • . ' SPRENGER TO ASK 'OKAY. . . ON $181, ,000 PROJECT 43rd, YEAR-NUM!lER 42 NEWPORT BEACH; CAUFORNIA,. TUEsDAY, ocToBER 16, 1951 FIVE CENTS The event· will celebrate the '(¥:CUlon of Ne~rt Beach'• an- nual Cheat drive · going over the top tor the· second year and for belng first in the at.ate to raiae an a.ulgned--quota. Immediate eJ[tenalo!l of Bristol street from Jui present dead-end outside of Santa Ana CO s.n mtersectlori at Newport Boulevard and Palisades Road was to be &!lked of the Orange County Board of Supervisors today, Tuesday. l{arold Sprenger, County Roa.er Carn- 1 mlsaloner. told the News-Tlmes late yettterday that he would a.sk ap- ANTIGUA FIRST .. TO FINISH IN. Ill.A.CK SETS NE\\' COAST RECORD--Orance Cout halfback John Black set • new OlfMSl\'e llCOr- lnl' tteord ln le9dlnc the Pirate. to a M-14. win O\'er ML San Antonio Saturday nlpt oh the 1o&er-• ""Id •. Black rolJ4od ap iS! ya.r(t4 ~· the crouDd a.n:d ca&.ll'bt two pa....-a for S4 yartls. Hf" IA plc-turt"d jtnt af~r be broke tb.{'°uch the-Ible for his 8&-y•.rd touchdown pllop. (B onda Photo) BLACK · SETS RECORD -AS , . COAST TRAMPLES MT. ·sAC 34-14 BEFORE 3000 FANS Police . Officers Will Attend Training School Four policemen trom · Newport By •Rod MacMlllla.a . Beach wLU go th.rough a poJlce Johnny Black aet a new Orange Oout -ot4Mfve ruahing record tralnhlg ec.hool Ln SacE'ament..o u the~ 'w"wl,llL filq .,.IDAfoi.J ..... O!IJq,,...,_~ ... at.11.,.ms next J'ebn?UY,-~ Oty(°"'-l Saturday night bef°"'. a crowd of ov~r 30oo r&n.: The P1rata rolled oraatnK ~nlgtl up a tot.al of 493 yvdJI on the ground and through the air and BlaC:k At request or the chief of police, accounted for 287 yards with a recOl'd of 233 :yards gained runnl.{lg thlf men will spend one month be-ing trained In up-to-date police in 19 plays &nd 34. yar~ ga~ned on two pa.58ff. procedures. The echooHng will c08t The former Palm Spnngs .half· the city -with employment of back scored twice-once on an 18-Weems to Foutz· set up the t hird temporary repla cements -$15"00. yard pass from How~ M iller and local tally late In the ftrst half. Councilman Dale Ramsey con- later on a 60-ya~ sprint through Parsona took the ba.Jl on the 20 vtnced the council that t he four the middle of the Mountalnett de-ancf r eturned to the 11 . J eu Smith officers to be .11ent north ahould fenae!I. . plowed o ver afte r the Ptrates sign • plcl'lgt' affinnlng that they . Coast gTabbcd a 7-0 lead .in the made It a 1flrllt down on the one-will renlain In city employ for a t f1r&t qunt('t u J ess Smith pUed yard ltne on repeated thrust.a by lea.st one year following th<> con1- lO ya.rds over guard after Bob Hal and J ess Smlth. J eu Smith pletion of the tr•ining court!ie. Woodhouse recovered · M o u nt Y addt"d the t'Xtra point to ena'ble Thi.!!, he said, wo uld allow the city . Dick. Foutz." fumble on the Mt. the Pirates to leave the field y.;th to capitallze on the Investment. Sac 27. \Voodhouses' recovery a 20-7 le.ad at intenniMion. Black Chief R. R. BodcklnBOn an- came-on the first play after t~e made hi.8 60-yard sprint mid-way nounced yesterday that th08~ at- hometowne rs had stopped the P1-In the third period as he broke into te nding lhe school w ill be naml"d rates in a drive at the 26. J eM the Alt. Sac secondary and simply at a later da te. CAT ALINA RACE N~wPort Harbor Yacht Club's "San Clemente race around Cata- liqa laland" flna.lly aurmounted all the trlala and tr1bulatfona which bef!et It 9la.at week end and tlu bu>n entered ln the Club annal.I aa a more or less successful event. An entry list of 19 boat.a con· trlbuted to the more aucceuful aide ot the ledger, but ·the poor co- operatk>n o( the weather m ad e things a bit dLscouraging for the ullors. In spite of fog" and scarce- ly any wind 12 yacht.a had tinlahed by Su.nday night, lwo did not start. thrf'e did not flnlah (legally, that Is) and two were sUll unre- portt"d at 11 :30 o'clock Monday morning. Aner the many changes ln tlme, plac.. and coune Wbich "-ere chronicled here, the start actua.lly took place at 10:00 p. m . Friday off the Newport pie r. A t 2 p. m. Saturday, no ya.c-ta had been re- ported • roundtri'g either eod of CataJili.a., IO the folka at home had a p~tty fa.lr Idea that It w ould be a long, slow race. C~trary to the 1949 raee. when the course was rea.ll y around San Cle.mente and lh which thE: Conejo set her 20- hollr record, the nrst yacht to tin· l.!.h thf." 19~1 event was .Hal Ram· ser 's Antigua after 42 hours and 41 m t1.1utea of drifting a.round Catalina. Only 8 lh: minute.a be- hind Antigua came Ian Murray's A ttarante, a aurprlalngly cl<>k (Continued on Papi I) Bloodmobile Unit Here . Od. 18, The American Red Crosa Blood- mobile Unit will be ai the Amerl· ~I p..... Ball. WJla~ and Bay -N-rt BoadJ.., ,,.,.,.._ day •• October 11th trom s to 1 p. m. The Re(i.q:nal Blood Center la urgtng all the Red Croaa Branche.1 to increase their number of don- ors 100 per cent a.a only one tenth of the blood needed for our armed forces and loca.I need• i.a comlnl!' Ln at lhe present time. In a recent broadcast from Korea. Gen. Ridgeway stated that 98 out of 100 wounded men a~ being saved due to Plasma and whole blood. Plasma Is ~ve.n for shock at the front, while who!' blood ls u9ed in the hosplta.ls be· hind the lines. Ma.ke an appointment now to be blood donor by calling th• local Red Croas office-Harbor 1863. MOR~ THAN F IVE t"EET OF BEACH "'Uohetl off of "'est Ne"'i>ort ~Beach tut 1''ttk when hl'1l\')' underto"·s on a hJgh tide carried the sand from )-a.rd.9 and Ubdf"r fences. H ei&"ht of thf" man In picture •bo''" te.tlfy" to the amount eaten a"1lY In a few short boon of hlch tldee durlna-tbe "'eek. f News-Times Photo) BANQUET FETES WINNERS OF BYC -ANNUAl AWARDS Banquet room or the Balboa Yacht Club was filled to capacily Saturday n ight when members gathered for the annual awards banquet. More than 4.6~ entries ,were tallied in the year's races by members carrying the ensigne o! the BYC and 146 trophies were etnied plua talllea tor the 26 Perpetua ls ga rnered for ~he Club. Commodore Harry Blodgett pre-- aided over the eeaslon with Vice l Bart HendersOn ; 3. Bob Christen- Commodore C. V. Wurdemann and sen. Race Chairman Peter Fic ker mak-Junior 8crle8'--July lng !-he awarda. Snowblrda 1 .• T om Frost; 2. OUtatandlnl' waa the calhertng Bruce Twlcbel; 3. Tony Torrance. .,. at "'°"",.. by x~ .K11<e. Balbo&~....,1 .. i. Roeor Post. Burtce. 11.-ittlit &f Ba7M01a and · ,. ~, Jtudent al Montebello Hll'h School. 'u•10r 8ef'lell.-Au.,.t who carried arm Joada of trophtea Snowbird• L Joh n Kepsey; tallied ln his ttrat year of racing. 2. Bruce Twtchel: 3. Tony Tor· tn an old bo&t with ragged aa.lla, ranee. ~e eon of Mr. and Mr&. Louis Balboa Dinghies 1. MI c k e Y Burke took all comers. He a c-Smith ; 2. Roger Post; 3. No. 147 counted for a second in the P . C. Noolard. WiQter Serie11 ; firat In the same CM.tallna and ~turn clU8"'for the Spring series; a sec-Rhodes 1. Geo Mott: 2. C. V. .ond for hi• P. C. in the. Catalina Wurrlema.nn : 3. Bob Christensen. 8.nd retum match; he wa.s a mem-P . C. l . Fred S1nales; 2. Mike ber of the team In lhe Rhodes-Burke; 3. LJ:>rrain BoVflUs. P . c. PerpetuaJ: and he annexed Ma.rk Healy St-rlf"8 the Hillman Perpetual T rophy for Lehman 1. Chick Rollins; 2. t he P . C. race to San Pedro from 1 Bart Hender&an: 3. Wm. Lind~ Balboa; and t he Fred C . Smales blon1. Perpetual for the P . C. Stn1le Handed race. proval of th~ $181.000 Ft.-deral Aid Secondary project. Pur~C of the road is to l"Ollte some of the through coastal traffic a.round lhe central Costa 1'.{eu. area. Rlgh~ of way ror the road have .. -------------- already been obtained, SpreQger said, with the Irvine conrpany giv· Ing an outright grant to reroute Palisade.a Road throui;h their land at tl.8 dead l'!nd with San Joaquin roa.d t o a right angle intersectloh at MacArthur Blvd. In addition . the Irvin(> company ha8 given a 20- foot strip the full length of Pali· s&deg road for the widening of that street to a 70-foot 'width. Sprenger said that this road when connected with Bristol street and then ce lo Baker street, and to Harbor Blvd., will greatly ease the! traffic situation ln Costa Mesa. H e a.leo stated that he wu not ad- verse to eliminating the proposed 16lh J11trect roadway from the county plan for imincdiate de- velopment and endeavOrtng' t o pro- ceed with the Pomona Ave., Su· perior Ave., cut off to the Coast Highway. Comternatlon Felt Great con..sternation has been felt on the Mesa and in the entire Newport Harbor U n Ion High School District about the bisect- ing of the ultimate High S chool Campus by the major thorough- fare which 16th street wai destin- f'd t o become. Eliminating thi.8 roadway from the im~ediate plan for development sets this unea.si· ness at rest . - Whether appro val of the St.ate H ighway Dlviaion and the Federal Public Roads Authority can bf:! ob- tained fcir a re-allocation of the fun~s already l!Ccured for the P o- mona A ve.-Superior Ave. link is unknown, Sprenger said. H e said he would endeavor to have the project reworked and approved for only the portiORS scheduled for immediate work. Although the county official said he is opposed to ma.king 17th street. a major thoroughfare be- cause It is zoned for busineas, he did point out that this wu hi& or- iginal plan for development. of tht;. r...i •Ylt<m or 'the county. The road, for wh!Ch apj>roval was to be aought today, will fur- nish aome tra.Uic easement at once tor Laguna. Corona del Mar a n d Balboa Island residents traveling to1 West Counly points or Los Angeles via the Freeway. To Aid Motorists Building of the Superior avenue, Pomona avenue link to Harbor Btvd.. would greatly facilitate lravel from West Newport, anrt Balboa around Costa Mesa to either the County Seat, \Vest County areas or Loa Angeles. All the projects a.re part of the Cowtty master plan tor hif;h- way!'J.. It w as a portion of this plan into which t he proposed 31 st cut-off or the City ot Newport Beach was to fit. However scut- tling of this project b~· the City Council after a right-of-way was offered will delay this project for some time. ,Last week, !rt.ate aid in pre· venting 16th street from cuttinir through the high school propert.y wu pron1ised High School Sup- erintendent Sidney Davidson by J ohn Br8.nnigon, assistant chief of school house planning for the stlte Department of Educa,tion. GRENADE HITS . . . LOCAL .YOUTH IN KOREA Pvt. Paul Adams , 22, or ~4.3 San Bernardino Ave., Newport Beach, received shrapnel \•.'ounds In the back and both legs while fighting· for "Heartbreak Ridge'" Sept. 23, It was disclosed. Now in the1 Swedish Red Cross hospital at P usan, Korea . Ada1na wrote his friends. hf.T. and Mr·s.. Cyril B. Norris ot the local ad- dress that he had been hit after five days of f igh ting. Said h is Jetter : "As we were going up a hill to reinforce It, the Korean s got above us and one of their hand grenades landed ne ar me. I got apra;yed w iUt shrapnel from my ankle to lhe middle of my back." He worked his way to a forward first aid station and wa.s removed to the hospital. Adams wu Vlducted. tut March ~. ~ hi!' --at-,_ Ord. Hi h!:ft for Korea in August. Hta parents now live tn New Westminater, B. C. He wu for- merly employed by Nannco, Inc., a Cost.a Mesa plastics concern. RABBI TO S PEAK Ernest R. Trattner. rabbi cit Westwood Ten1ple, will be speaker on Nov 7 at the f ive Dollar ban- quet of Christ Church by the Sea according to the Rev. Thomas Pendell, pastor. Smith kicke<i t he conversion. outran all of them. J eN Smith ----------------------------- The prize Ba\bo&. Yacht Club Perpetual Sportsmanship t rophy wu awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Chuck JamllOn for their out- standing work during the whole sea.eon In autst lng the race com- ro lttee in their work. CITY ASKED TO OPPOSE OIL FIELD CONFERENCE HONORS UP THURSDAY AS . PIRATES FIGHT 'BERDOO AT H. B ~ ArchJe Nisbet'a boys bounced back added the extra point. to knot the count moments later Gil Stern intercepted a pau on aa quarterback Darrow Weems the Mounty f9 to ~t up the llJlal puscd to F outz, who wu all-TD. · Hal Smith went through league fullback last year. The rrom the one-yard out and Jess eight-yard pa.u play came a.tter Smith apllt the upright.a to make Foutz had run 29 yards over tackle It 34 -lf. TARS WHIP LYNWOODERS 19-0 IN THRILLING GAME -the 1&.rtest Mounty ground ga.l.n Kt. Sa.e's 8COrinl' of the aecond ot the ii.igtrt. Bob Ostrander kick· TD came u end .Jtm 8 1uelhman · N.ewport 'Harbor Union }flgb"a .. -------------- ed the tielng poU,L broke through to bloc)( Mel Smal-terrl!lc Ta.n tutied th(IJ heady Laud Barney Huber Particular tribute wu paid to 8arney Huber \tho won the Presi- dent of Mexico' a Perpetua.I Trophy Opposition· ot the City Council Ray R&sso's Orange Coast Col-... ----~--------­ lege Pirate football club tak·es on s}>"t with Charley Black slated for undefeated San Bernardino jaysee early a ct ion brhind h.im. ley'9 punt and" W eema anea.ked wine ot victory again Friday night over from the quarterback alot as they uncorked a 19-0 w in over Coast came back in the second two ya.rcla out three playa later. LynwOOd Hl(h'a batUtng Bearcat.I quarter v.·ith a &I-yard sua:tained betore mor> th.ah 3000 spectatora Giblet.. ~ Id drive with a payoft .pitcll from 1 at DaviW!on c iJ . Miller to Black from 18 yard.8 out. FM O\l(ens was once again the Coach Al Irwln, pleased w ith Fnt1 OwenA recovered a fumble on defe.utve aP-rkplug of the Pirates the manner ln which the Tari Nte Pirate a& to atop a short lived with 10 tackles in addition tq h.Ls d,.alt with the inland Invader&. apark on the site of t})e oppon-Umely recovery ot a Mount)' tum· ~id of the aqUad : '1'hey &JI stood en ts and open the way tor the bte which set up th~ second score out.· It wu realty a team "victory. Pirate's drive. N ed Parsons' Inter-... Sid Mann.lng, defen.llve l~ The blocklng wu. good and ' the ception of a pus from Derrow (C.UD.uecl oa Pap f) tackllnr wa.a ~I rlghL" Be l&ld -=-~~~:__~~~~~~~~-,-~~~--,..-__... • ' • he could not aingle out top play-for the first Ume on corrected w as requested last Monday by the t-rs ln thla game aa It wu a ga.mt-tlme in the Ocean Racinl" Dlvls· League of Civic As.90Clations of that aaw the whole squad ~ Newport Beach to the proposed ••lion. ton of the 1951 Enaen&da race , in In t W t N po t area -hi• boat Mara.. nam g o a es ew r "It wu a good apectaton' Cliff Chapman wa.a praised h igh-a proven oil field. game all the way," he added. 111e In a letter to lhe coun cil, the tum. which he •YB ta impro\'lar ly for hi• year a.a Commode~ of League ask ed the body"8 support each week, wUI have tt. ftnl U.. 8 · C. Y. A . and u head of before the county board of super-• the Enaenada Race. leaguE" game thUI Friday' nll'ht D\ck Fenton, ataff commodore vi80rs on the matter. Such drill· with Orange High School a\. Or-ot the BYC, wu hono~d tor his Ing would damage residential ange. · • work aa director of the Newpoh values in the area, the Jetter con- The Tars' Te'd McM.uter .. ~d. tended. broke the lcr Friday night ln the OCean Sallinl' Auoclatlon, Sta.ff Flore.nee Cooling, ape a k in g eecond quarter when he lnterceJrt• Commodore of the SCYA and del-a.pi,.a:l narnlng of the area. a ed a pam ln the a.econd quarter for ecat• to the North American provln field, said. "Thia particular hia team'1 ttr1t touch down. A. 'facbt Ra.clnc Union. field eXtends to the edge o! Santa conversion kick by Rex Bdl Pra1ee of the Commodore ~~ . An& river and a llne para.llel to brou""t the -re •· 7•0. 1t&lt of tbe BYC waa tendenr<.1 th bo e•• . -"' 16th street, with the o er un· A"·· a -··•·•n '· drive In the the foUowtng : FAI Riuen, Commer ·~ o_...,. ea da.ries next to the city." She tame period. Rolly Pu.tukL Tar <lore of the PCYA;....Jamu Whyte. added that the Maccoll OU Co. tl'eUUrer of th9 8CY A; Fred quarterbe.ck. went oveT for lb• had 110ld leaaea fu Dave and Sons ____ .. ·-·-~--, on a -·•..+tt-Sm&Jea. Re&? Commodore of tjhe ded _.,,"UQIU -.....-..-•• .. -.. ,.. __ ral for a large 9llrn. Sl\e conten ••. ~ ---~ ~-... on---'"··. &CY A and Bob Boyd. ~• d t -~ &1vou II.DC ... -J-"' illl'C that the new owner'li woul no The cobttraioD kJc.k. waa: off to the Race Chairman of the SCY A. -'•'t. Wiater lloriea lNl be content with desult<>ry drilling. .... Rhod To a• --' 2 ''Thi• West Newport (l:eld la -· --· Wrd" tally "came In .. J. m uep.--: · be ·• Id ·~ ·-· Bob Chrtat juat one of a num r," ., .. e aa • tbe third P•naa wben Pu.luk:I T . Tbomu; S. e11ae.n. "but It aeema Very import.ant to rttled • 21>-,_rd -14 Bdl In P . C. 1. Joe Kaltenbach; 2. Mike us.'" ••· end ._...... ------• ....... at· 'Bulite; S. Dr. O. o . 8uea.. . th ,.._ -..-.&IM:I ~•..:::.: ... -.. .•. \.._ Alter aorne dt9cuuioo, e coun-•-pt waa ·•·rt. P ·IA 1. Rowan w....,.rg. J •· _. .. ..., -......I a-._ --L'f 2 Cfl lnatrocted City Manager OllU . Only T••' •••n~ -··-•·•-~ Ldlmall 1. y,~ -·n~. · . _ ... _,_# -'-AU-88.llore to pt a map of the oil by Rm Bell .. wbo-io maklns wMt Illas BlmpmrL aone IU'Jd to report back the re· lrwln ~eel-the -block ol -• 8prlar; lie"°' wit• of bla invetltlgation. The lbe pine. came up_wtU\ a cut ~r R.bodu L Tom Sheppard; 2. J . counctl actually baa no ;ower to hlo rtaht -. .,._ atJIA:hee """ Piercey; a. Tom MJ>fra. Jlnvent the aupeTV!aoN f"r om ~.,, and will~...--_.. P. C. 1. )Ullo BurU; :I. J~ naming the field a proven one. 'rvw. Bell"• b1oc1r aldod a Tar ""'1· x:..it.IJ9ca; I. -llchmldt. but thO i-,ue felt a counctJ. pro- .,. ··-.... jUilt latercept.ed Star 1. Dk:lt B&U; 2..· Saint teat would bear -.e welllllt with !.Jn.woad ,.... • Clem>. ' the COUllty ~ ~-Tb• ·ft«• .... ~ -·nt ol 14n· 'Uptnlna' I. 1\-· C. Barbi-: ~r 'l"' i.n bafore u,. ooanty -. 1"11& aid. "lt·-·~ -· ,. Jobq lCarietla; •I. Erte Wela-pl&linlnc COllUlll-. .. " -. -ni>tt.I,.. tlit' Ws-• . •. bnUonlceandearVIBl.M-P. LC. 1.Doe Job.._ · ' Thursday night in t he game which The line will be the sa.me with mos t acribea, COflCh es and self ap-Don Paxton and Glenn Woodard pointed expert.a tab as the Ea.stem at ends: Bob Woodhouse and Ed :onference Championship ga.me of Mayer at tackles: Fred OwenH and 1951 at Huntington BE'a.ch High Gil Marsh at guards and J ohn Mc - lchool Stadium. Kickoff is slated Hargue at center. tor 8 p . m. San Bernardino is rated as o ne Although mo.st of the "ex~rlll"' of the outstanding teams in Soulh- ~ate the game as lmportuit in the cm California 8.5 a result of lheir fight for first' place, they heait.ate pre-season showings. H owcvC'r, it o state that the losers will be out has been pointed out that mosl or >f the battle. A capacity crowd is the opponents of San Bernardlno \htlcipatcd at the Oil City grid· a.re still winleaa &fter a month of Iron to see the battle between the .,Play, San Dlmu defeated P&lo- .wo teams which have shown the. mar ]':S for their only win and nost In pre-season game~ and Chaffey beat East L. A . tor their ·cague openers. only win. Sa.n Diego i8 !Jllll wln- San Bernardino hu crushed Its Ie11s and Pomona • Claremont ii Nay to four easy vfc torlea with having tough sledding ln their \5-0 and 67--0 wlna over Chaffey four -year college league. Lnd .Cal Poly's San Dtmu Branch The Indi&J\8 have a loaded aquad 1uring the put two week8. Ray or P ennay1va.nla and Ohio prei>: Roaao'a Pirates have impressed .sters which have hom etownel"l!I lD ".heir followers with a 13-7 over a high l'itat.e of cheering optimism. ·ugged Santa Rosa, a 20-7 defeat Quarterback Don Meye r. half- Jf Fullt:rton and last w eek's 34-14 back Perry J et.er and fullback .vaxtng of Ml. San Antonio. They Walt Gaffney along with end WJl· ·ooked h&rm.Je81 tn dropping a 14-lie Mims and defensive .al.Alwart.a ' J decision to Oregon T ech ln their John Trlvonovtch 1245-lb. tackle1 mly home game of the aeuon. a11d WIU(am Rout (223-lb. t.aclc:le) The Pirates will lo Into Thurs-11.re th e "lmp:>rtee"' •tandou.t.a. \ay night's game at or near fUll Jeter was aJI atate at Steubenville. itr .... >ngth. Harlow Richa~n Will Oblo, and the ~t are top-rated 1till be aldellned, but he haan't high achool.era from PennsylV1lnlL ;>Jayed since the operllng game The Clyde WIHl&ma ""1'" machine with Sant.a: Roa&. Duke Sanders bu never been stopped t.hJa year wtJJ be \>&Ck at a ruerve ~ according to Be.rdoo back~T&-Uld llo( and llOlltiack ~ltn Hagey .t&LIBtlca bear Uwn iJut. Jeter la shoo.Id be ready to roll tun blut tbe brother ot Oregon Tech'a Lar- llfter being llbeJVod $,. aJi; elboW ry Jeter, Who dJd 80 WF I againal tnju.ry., Ttiere were no tnJUdee In Cout a ff!W wee.Ira· b&dt. • Be 19 the Mt. Sac -· raiod a bani runner and a bet42' n.~tMflroa!lloflq&Llil" VlldloJr l . J,._ Ramoey. ·JIANTZ1'tu.a TALU ~ lll'UWllta -" 1. c. w. 1-· Cot Paul ..... ot "11&1-la-' . -s.-.-than avuqe s--er. Mlml'. a Clp'-foot. tw<>-IDch colo<ed• boy r.- llarrilll!Urr ...... oonat&nt target "' l ndl•D ji&mma ahd Jut ,...... all ieop4 ""4° Jaba Ruohl1J¥ ... back to J'.lw Uill IDdla.na. all - ~ .. a · a .. =••• ..._: 1 Paul Fwtliw: a. ~ ~ ~ rtnOWMd ariator ud 1touo· will -Aart ~ ume com· • TL!'udo a.mod II• • s-111 -. , -o1 --114• ~ -.i.. binatioc l'llleh -.olled _ .... u.e .lk--'l'otel Yudo Qtolud ·--llY -cmy 1. ,a.t. W' 11Jer; a. ,... -1<tt ,.._,. at tM Mountleo Baturday ~ o ~d • 11..;Yudo '.oa1ao11 ,.. 1l11J .. • ~ Jlwot. • 0pe1,.. ~ 1 ....... ,... Rio toN ~ ~ u;,o -"""" .. ""'--.,_•Ii I Ul4 -I P·It 1. ~ -; S. kqw ot -~ "Cl( '*3 --lfowvd -will ~ t---. ,.._ O ,llUI ·--I Wet:~ ' •• z•W ,tiainckN ~"'llls die .,.. 1'1\b .J-lill;aldl at left ~'l'arde ~ w P 1 -• ..,_,... 1. ·1. o. --... '-.-=•rn. ~ lllclit. MU'Ud J--~ rlPl llall'. _..____ -.I>••• • -DI 1. .... "tnWWW; 2. -..... ,.,.,._ Bal ·-ilrill ... al u.-, .. · •. ~;. t-1 • .. ,,,,. •. ~. ,, •• • " ,-.. ,I' r 4 ~ ~ ! .. • • -Dop!ilten rate tbe outcome ol pme a tigew r . wltll. tbe Uem wltlt !Iii! --. ·lbi .. lris "" .. • • UCOU¥UUD$WCm ucwww ••••• i ' .. ' I - , • • MRS. WINlFRED BAlUIRS, llocielJ J:dltor FILMS, RADIO. TELEVISION DISCUSSED .BY FORUM -TALK • b7 Ruth Hill Th; man who points the camera live telecuta and that better ed1t.8 the television program &c· lighttn1 and editing i• possible cording to Thomas Brown Henry. when the feature la filmed flr•t. Pasadena Playhouae 1 um t n & r y, he plugp! mo\'~ \Vhich he be· who di.cussed the role of theater, lleves are far better t han they mOuon picture. radio at1d televis-Were wve.n a :ve•r &&"O. • Ion a.a communication ch~ela at Drama can be a great forct' the Orange Coast Evl!'n1ng Collee-e for good or evil he stated adding Fall Forum Series last \Vednesday that the •·audio -visual audience nlgbt. ca.n become a "sittinJ duck for • •• I I ~ .,. "": loo.. t ..., I ., '. " . -.. -~ . '" ._.-~ ~·. TUESD ~.OCT. 16,.1911 • ,. ·. · COMMUNIT Y l'.llllf . -- (Thill la fifth In. oeri .. of articles &bolrt the Reel Fea~~ In your Community ci-t). '-1 A '-eftt perf'ortm:nce ot ~. ~ -=i<'l!f_.. .lljl WalW. Bui· By Rulb BUI lOck 'lllld. DUlel Ardior wU1 'i>e · ..,.,...,Nd . at ~ P\ayhouoe Po)"'dlnJ otapl.. Into 1our Jes th may llOll"4 like medleVal tortllre. on • ovonlnr Gt. Thuraday, Oct. b~\ • paln .... ly and benetlciailY, 11 accof'Clilll to plans made .. Mn • Oran Oo t Al · Chll<lren1 Boooltal In Loo Anpl•a. ge un "I Ul'IUaAe 'club, a Red Feath_ef' Afeney of the New- Kappe. Alpha Theta, met on Oct. port Harbor Community Cheat, re- l at the home of _Mra. ~bum cenUy perfeCted thla .urgtcal tech· Harvey, 315 Welt Waahlnwton. nfque for the correction of 'an Of'- Sant& An&. · '"" ' lhope4ic cue. :, Mr&. Fred A. Hendrick• p.re9ld· An 11-year-<Jld boy was admit:- ~. at ':?1e nrat m~UnJ after the tK to th9 llo9pltal with a MJiOU9 lllll\lllt• vacatlon. l>trlocL ~nt.v -cu.e-Wblch bad ca.....S his illJI 1J14111-,n were -~. " rlflot ·i., to be two lncheo 11119rter Kn. ~ Cbapm&A. 3rd la c:halt· than ~ lelt. Faced with tb .. au .... man ot the benefit corumit(M. llbe n-or wallclnr with • limp tor la llolnr aul.ted by JtrL WllllaJn the ~ of hill life, h'la puento Bolat.eln of Lido tale, Mn. R»th appealed to arthopaedlc ~no lV9dder ot CoroJJ.& del J4r. Mra. i.t .Children Hospital to corl-ect &lier w .. toon "of · Qnnso, Mn. Ulla condition. Mr. Harry opined, ··There are the m01t inaldlou1 propaganda. tab ma.ny people and not e nough Under the guise of a release film people handling television." 91echanlsm. ethical living can b<' Tbe danger ln that ne\vest field of made to seem worthless." He communications, he believes, Is reels the lnipact of the g11nn1en that opinions may be talsel)' dramu are d e t I n I t e I y bad, crtawn b)' watching the facial ex-e&peclally for children. Tagging pre'ssions ot a man \vho has not a gangster drama with "ortn1f' been tralned to ac~. He cited the does not pay" does not off&et the recent trials· and ~ace conference glamourir.lng of the badmen on which made television histor;i.· sa:i,·-the impre.uionable radio audience ing that the idea \\'35 ba.sically who offer no resistance tO\vard good but that the public think111 a program. h.e said. THJ: "008 GKANDg," u ~-yKbt ,..,..tty pun!truod hf M•xlcan blte"'9bt fop a n-pnrtf'd •1ta.OOO, c1"1ra Newport Har- bor for Acoapti1lco. A~rdlq to 1hc N~kan AMIONI bandHnc ,..., i-t1orr, ti... yKht lo .... tlrlrd u a '!"'"°aal (lft to p,..1. dent .Al<mlln of Mexico. LU•urtoua na-a... ooatlnl ST.oot ...,.. lmtala..I oo Ille yaclll ~ the N..vpor1 ll@IM!h tumllure oto..., B ..- and ~ hf'fon-thr cnft aalk-d:.owtha a Mrxlcu N a\-y crew. -OllYOr 1'och or NtWl>ort llelrhta Doc:tora UAed the our!Pcal 1taple and Mrs. Henrtclu. Plant were t method t.o atop the rrowth ot his cqmplotad on Tue-y •voninl' rood leJ until equallly In length wben the_ committee met wtt.h wU reached wtth 'lhe attec~ leg.· Mn. ·Hendrtcka. La.at year the The l'W'a1cal 1taple1 were pounded poup. 1pon.or.d a llmllar per-for· tnto the irowtnr 1,1art of Ute boy's man~ and UMd tbe proceeds to &ood les. Doctora •taled that the purohut iUI ~merrency re1plrator 1taple• wtU remain in h1a tee and ror the' Cfl\llllY ho~ltal. Th'tlr thet he will feel no d!ocomf\ture. project a. the polio fund. The relatively new procedure Is erroneously It can a nal)·t.e C'h:irac-The speaker described his ex- ter front facial t"Xpressio:i.s. periences with drama groups com- P.tr. H enry. \vho L'! an actor, pro-posed of cerebral palsey patients ducer,"" and dlre<'to1· and has and blind actors. He concluded recenUy retired to110,,·1ng 22 years hie tal)c. wtlh his belief that the wtth the Pasadena Pia}' HouM. methods and uael'! of drama have believes that the legitimate thea-been con8i!t ently bt>ttcrt'd O\'er ter w ill never die and that while the years. radio may suffer son1e loss it \\ill Tomorrow night. October 17. always h&ve a magic 111bout it. Richard Neutra reno\\·nect arch\- "Radio Is like the imaginative tect will appear on the forun1 Shape.s:peare theater." he said. platform to dlac11u The Abundant "Some things should be heard and I Lite in Architecture. On October not seen." 24. Frank C. Ba.'Cter. Un lveralty Pointing out that It is not eco-1 or Sou~hern California educator. nomically feasible to do many I will speak. Newport Elementary Schoo l P.-T.A. Establishes Record in Membership Mem'berahip.s havp reached anW------------- Wednesday evening, OcL 17 to·dts· cua what further meuures must be taken to mef't the overpopu- latf'<I school condition:. all-ttme high In the Parent -Teach· e r Association or the Newport Beach elementary schoola accord- ing to the prt".s1dent, Mr•. Louil C.se nar, who called· upon membt"r- ablp chairmen to announce their _ Arbor Day quotas la•t Thuraday at the board A decision to participate in Ar· meeting held in the Hora ce En-bar day. Nov. 3, sponsored by the sign achool. Balboa. Impro\'ement Association, A total or nearly 2000 member-waa made by th(' board folowin't" ships reaulted from the drive held an announcement by Mrs. John tbe tirat week ~ October and Shields who attenrled a n1eeting brought $985 into the local unit., ln the City Council chaml>er• Oct. Halt ot this &mount will be tum-. 3 to plan a program ror purpoee11 ed over to state and national ot planting the bells on Balboa treuurles. Blvd. She .stated that a landacap- Mrs. C. E. McNt"il reported 720 Ing plan had hf-en df'vf"loped by memberahip1 from the Newport Paul Howard and that about 26 grammar echool. Corona del ~tar tri>es would b{' donated by Frank· turned in 71 5 according to Mrs. lln Wilcox. M~. Nnrmlln Hagen Carl '\Vollf and ~frs. \Villiam Colt>-offered h<"r car to be-d£'<'oratt"'d inan reported ~~ mrmbt-ra at lhl" for th<' p&Mlde which will tx-part H orace Ensign Sl'hOOI. or the tree-plantinK progT"a.m. In lint" wit h. thP 20 Pf'r cent Reportin~ on the succrse of th(' increase qvl"r lafllt yCA r'a mt"mber-summer pla.y&Tound. Mrs. Stroller i-hipa \\'~ the announcf'mt"nt by While, juvenile protl"Ction chair- H orace Ensi~. district Alperln· man... stated that 7000 children tendent, regardinl' thf' large in-' participatt"d in thi11 city and school crease In pupil l'nrollment . He Rponsor('(f projl"<'t. atate<I that the sc-hool district ha• llt>ntal IA'Chlrrw A l('ries of dt•nlal health lc<'- Cooking Schoo l Features Ho lida y Mea l Planning . Rebekahs Initiate Capilla Groups Fo ur New Members in Oct. Sessions 0 . \\', Richard of Richard0 111 Lido Markt't annnunced today that Mr111. ~tarjorie Hat'pt'r. district homr f'conomist ror Geonera1 S:lec"· trlc Co., In the li'i &hl Wf'atem slatf•a, w\11 headline tht> ThurMtay cooklnJr school program prt'1Jentf'd by Richard's Ma rkr t, Lido Elt>c- trl<" Co. and thl:' Southl'rn Cali for- nia. &11.e:on Co. Mr.e. Harprr 1,1,,•iJI prrS<'nt up-to- dal(' mt'thod~ and timl"·aa"fi.n,i.:- ldt>as for planninf{ holiday mea.la. Door prizes and a radio proK"ran1 are al!IO part of the program. Tht> cooking school ls to be pre- sented each ThurMisy, 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Lido theatr(' next to Richard's Market. . Lindbergh PT A Plans Annua l Four new members were admit- ted to the Meaa Rebekah lodge .11.t lhl"ir• reJUlar meeong Oct. 2 In lOOF hall. Gladys Wilson and Georgia Grave• were taken in by traru1fer a nd Nancy M.aaon and Vlrrtnla Overt on by lnltl&t lon. It wu al.lo Good.fellowship nla-ht "'Ith Dorothy Greer of San Diego, Ooodff'llowshlp chairman ot Art"a 10 preat'nt u a 11pecial guest. Vh1itor1; from Silver Gale lodge of Na tlonal City preffnted thl" local lodJre with two dolls. repre- senting Rebekahs and Odd F el- low•. They entertained wnh a black fa ce comedy aklL Ont> of the guealll from the eoutbem lodge Y.'a! Pt"ggle Soller!. preas chair- man of Area 8. l\tae Mansperger1 dilt?ict deputy presldent, made an unofficial vi.Bit . P.tarie Doughty wu reported ill an<! Lydia Hamm1 ia home from the hospital after having under- 'g-one t..n eve operation. Hollowee n Fete l About 7"~ members l<nd _guesto enJoyC'd cake and coffee 1n a e Plan,; for tht> annual Hallo\.\·een banquet hall following-the meel- rarni,•al sponsored by the Costa Ing. Tht" tables were decorated M£"88. l.indbergh-H.arper PT A were \Vi th dahlias and crepe paper dolla. f\1rthered whPn the commltlf'e met Refreehmenl hosteu wa..-Mayme with itr1. Jack Ha.rrt.. PTA presi-Grc>enlea t. assisted by Flora Har- dent . Mrs. William Huscroft la Ms and 1.tary Taylor. ).Ira. J ohn Kiiox , 223 NarciMWI, \vho wu recl"ntly given acclaim In the Loe Angele• -Tl.mes when She-wu featured in a one-man exhibit by Orange County Art Auoclatlon, wae hoates• orl 1'uea""' day t o Group Tw'o or CapiUa Cir- cle. Corona del 1-tar Cornmtmlty church. Members enjoyed ae~ing her plcturea after the sack luncheon. Croup Threr ~et Wedn~day at 11 tf.m . in PilfTlm hall. A sack lunch~n wu served at noon and des!<'rt and coffee \lrt"re scrvid ·by the h0$teaeca, Mra. A. A. Kt"mper a.nd Mra. George Grat"ff. Group Four also met for a morning 8t"Mlon and lunc heon, a t the-borne of Mrs. J ames H. Mc- CaJJum. 609 Ocean Blvd. Mra. Pttry Schrock \Vas l€'ader in de- votions. \\111 :\lett '''t'dDCliday Group One will meet Wedn~s­ cteiy, Oct. 17 at the-hon'lt' of Mrs. D. \\'. Sanders, 603 Larkspur. There \\•l.11 ' be a sack luiicheon at noon. Co-h08leasea Mrs. R . K : Cave and Mrs. D. R. Rook ""-A:ill serve dE>saerl and coff~e. Mrs. Sea Waldeck will .begin a review of the study book, "We Americans. ·North and South," by Georae P . Howard. gPneral chatrma.n ot the attair to be given OcL 30 In Le~on hall. Coat.a Atesa. Or\t> of the feli:tures will be a spaghe-tti dinner to be served un- der thr supervU!lon of 1'tme11. Hat· old Hohl and Don Stcveru. A1r11 . Al Hollietl"r is In charge of ticket sale.s. Entertainment will lnclurte a apook house and a fortune teller. • • • FAC Bridge Group Note First Natal · Dtnn£"r tickets are priced at 40 cenU-for <'hlldrf'n : 75 cent_,, ea ch for ad!JIL<11. Reads New Ru les Day of . Mesa Boy When the bridge secUon of the Tht" first birthday of John Dal<e Costa '-ff'sa Friday Attemoon Club Harblcbt. 90n of Atr. &nd Mrs. gathered In rt-gular 8easton at the Robert Hatblc ht. or Duarte, wu clubhouse, members and put.a the incentive or a tamlly observ- Wt'rf' se rved fre•h fruit '"aalad, ance recently which wu attended crisp cra C"kers and coffee as a pre~ by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.tcAJary, lud e lo card play. Host t"l.Ses \\'~re maternal g randparent.a of the- Afmea. Calla Viele, Bertha Tillot· &mall celebrant ; Miss Jane M<'- M . S h I PTA son. and E. I. P.foore. Alary, Newport Height.fl ; 1-{r. a.nJ a ln C QQ During the bualne.as interlude Mrs Jack McAlar.Y and daughter Board Hoste ssed llf"\V rules wert' diacuued and Martha, COtJta Mesa had to institute halt-day u saions and that repre11f'ntativea or the lc>- cal PT A \Viii meet with ot her t:ivlc group11 at the Ensign school voLr-d upon. They "'ere approved 1 b V. p ·d· t 11.• read. 1-fembers decided to dis-BREAKFAST IS Fl1N" tures schedUlt'd tor lhl" f'Ve ning y IC€· rest en pense \11:ith the November and De-Six Newport Harbor High school of Oct. 22 and 29 at the N('wport c~·mbt>r parties thl1 year. I cl&.a•rnatee at 88.rba.ra Trus ty Lester A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY J 78S Newport Blvd., Ooe:ta Mesa Hllrbor Union high school wu an-!'.irs. Judson Sutherland. first Mr'll. Ray Saxman took high \\'ert" rt><:ently 858embled at the nouncffi by Miaa Emma Mattlll. vie" president and provram chair-p tz l th b "d tab! J ... r (' a e r1 ge ea whl e home of~ her parent., the W. T. Khool district nurlK'. Thr 1e talks man Ot the Colt.a Mesa Main J\;frs. Grover Snyder was Jaw. Ca-Trust}·•. 330 Santa Ana Ave .. tor parent.s and teacher!!! art> pa.rt S<"hool PTA, wu hoatcu at i.. r"t'-na.!ta prizes went to Mrs. Ruby N"e""'J)Ort Height. where a corne- a! a prevf'l'(lativr program beln~ t•enl con1mi ltee meeting. P-.. nt Ch d M ~-k Twt h II ' ' • ~ eney an rt. II.',-...,, tc e · 1 u -you -are break fut afforded sponsottd by the Orange County "'Prr Jerome Edwards, school prtn-Nf'xt meeting will be held Oct. amu!K'ment, Dental A.s.!tociation. clpal: Supt. Ev<'rett R<"a. Mla.!!i 26 at 12:30 p. m. The hostess t rio Roll ca.II \.VSJS made ""''hPn nff i-~1aria.n Parsons and J ohn BUPll, will be Po.Imes. Jean Lawrence, J. SO\\' 18 THE TIME I Friday AHernoon Club Opens Fall Season Costa Meaa Friday Afternoon Club book eectton member• and guesta heard an lnformaUve &nd enteflalnlnJ talk by Mra. John Ch~l of · Tustin, former IChool teacher ln Csechoalovakla, who re- lated .ome of her u:pertence• there. when the section convened recently. Mrs. Chuml 1rave a •ln- cere, authoritative picture ot 9zechoalovakia, ~eacrlbln( t )I e life ot the people aner the tirll World War and the yea.n of 1trtct rationifli durinl" World War ll. Mra. Chum! told of the Com- munist.8 takuie-control of Czeeho- slOvakia in 194.8. overthrowing the government, and the changes that were enforced. on the staff and pupils at the university where she taught. She said, "the thing that am a us rne most ia how such. a smalL, well organ~ JTOUP of people ooukl gain control over such a large number/' Three year.s were spent in the Un ited States by t he speaker aa an exchange teacher and it was then that she met her future husbaQd. She was married ln her homeland . in 1949 and came to this country shortly afterward. She related her difficulty ln ob- taining I! pa.saport even although married to an Amertean. Tea was served following the program and books were sold at the book mart. Church Women Plan World Community Day A-teeting Oct. 5 In the Cliff Haven home of Afre. P. L. Baine• on Pirate Road, board members of the Newport Harbor Council of ChUt""ch W8men made arTange· 1nen ts tor W orld community Day set for Nbv. 2 in the Newport Harbor Lutheran church. Mlu EJ- sle Newland-' president. presided. Ttcketa may be-· re8erved by G:pected to replace fo.nnerly used e&llbt.r Mrs. Arthur Kramer. Har· method.a In which ooce powUa was bor 999-ft., · ) aneated. turther ~wth could not Preetftt from the Harbor area take place. / ~re Uni Ml•Mt Isabelle Bowle•, "It la very poaalbte·tbat 'thta new Nancy Lewil; Mmea. A. Kramer, method wW auure the boy he wtll Ba'lbO& Ialand; Jooeph Ftr(UOOll walk norrnaljy In adulthood;" doc- and William BDlltoln. Lido !ale; toNO 1lated. · Edward Cha~ 3n!, Corona del Thia la JU1l one 1tory, but even Mu; Wilm& Cuy, Balboa Bay tb!o one ttory .la reuaurlntt to the Shore• and Oliver~ Koch, Newport famllle1 of Newpqrt 8-rbor who Hel&hta. · know that Children'• Hoapltal a. a N'•'-t meetinr wUJ be on·.Nov. 8 Red Feather api\ey ot tta: CbUt. at Ute home ot Mrs. Ruuell Crata, , ChUd~n'• Hoaptt&l waa 1~ Chlna Cove. 1D 1901, ln a aman.four-roonvbomf' New Minister Performs First Marriage Rite. where there waa one doctor, one n.ur.e and 46 patient. the first year. From , th1• · becUmlnl' the hot1pltel hu rrown to a modem, 2:06 bed l.natltvtton, wtiU~ more than 7,000 children we...,. boepltal- i&ed lut year.and nearly,.100.000 vtslts were made to their spectal- Wllllam H. B&nniaUr, chaplain tzetJ clinics ot the Out Pat!int De- ot Newport ·Harbor Ame.rlc&11i P.9-rlment. Legion Poat 291 an-d. put junior ~ To contln\Je to render the finest depa.rt.JQ,nt chaplain tor the Stat.P of service. C'hlldren'• Hospital re- of California, last week excb&nCed ce.ntly announced plans tor Ute his ·uniform tor . a black· aoutane conslNction of the M.tchad J . and officiated a\ a wedding. Re-Connell Clinic Bu'1dink. The new cently ordatne<J-. ~ U\f! Unt\ed Full structure, ma.de poailble · by a Go!pel, _!:flnlstera and Church_, the la.rg:e 1?ri_ya~ donation, ~ e.st.f.b- loca.1 Man rs hq.Ar the fteV. VfUP&tn 1 l1ah the Children's Hospital u one Bannister. 1 ot the most modern pediatric cen- On 'Friday, ·0ct. j'"S. .Bannlater ters ln the nation. · performed b.lp~flfSt Ql&ITi"~cere-Chikk'•n'• Hosplla.lr celebraUng many in 11 m~er1 wtµ.ch brough\ it. 50th year, ia the only general him many c;:o~llrne!fts._ It wu haJpital exclusively for ehUdren tn held in El Cajtin .American ~on the Soutftwea( and accepts chll-I hall, San Diego ~d waa wltneued d"ren-·to· 14 years o! age regardless by oveF aoo ~'"-:· 'fh•· b,ride wu ot race, creed, ·or the-abUfty to M'.111 • l'olagnj' .MaU-and I.he ~X· · bridegroom wu Rlchard D-.ne., ctlntc.houn ·~ from 8 :00 1n tbe whoae ..at~ptather c~e froJll Bµl-m ornlnr to 3:30-in tbe &ftemoon Calo, New York to serve &I best (new p(lllent1 from 8 ;00 a. m. to man. An alta.r had been uranged 10:00 a . m.) Mond.f.Y through Frt- at one end of the hall; and there day~ Every child must be accomp-- were -beautiful floral decorations. ~ie4 .by one parent or legal The new rrtinist~r pvt a ahOrt guvdian. ChUdf.en's Hoapttal ts but Impressive talk after the cere-located at 4e14 Sunset Blvd .. Loil many. After ·the reception, be WU Angeles. The telephone 1a OLym- "kidnapped" by a. group ot yoijnr-pta 1181. er LerJonnatres "1!d WN t&Mn to Ne~rt Ha.rbor sick and crlp- dinner. During -hi& stay in San pied ·c hildren Ia.at year received. Diego he wu gue•t of the bride's •158.11 worth or free services from parent.a. the Children's Hospital. In an ef- Coitwlt 1ituatfori wanted atu or place a c1a.u1f\ed .tn the New• Tlme1, Po1t arid PJ:-eu combtna· tloil at $2 per week. mln. P hone Barbor 1911. fort to financially aid the hospital ro~ tree services rendered to the.lie children. your Community Cheat named the hospital a Red F eather Agency and hu a.Jlocated $190 toward il.8 1upport. U·DRIVE CRUISERS ~ow BOATS e OUTBOARDS e LIVE BAIT e TACKLE • Medical Bldg. Beacon 8752 cers and f'Jt l"<'Uti\'e bolrd C'halr-faculty members; 1'tnir!!I. HC"len C'. Payne and J. 0 • Cooper. Re .. r -T I · roctu hC' Tr • .. o rf'D l·wr home or apt.-men lnl cf'<I t m9E'lva by autwe1n. PTA Prf'sidf•nt and vations are to be madt" with•Atrs: Ph. H.<\.RBOR 1818 and pla<'e your Mrs. Percy · Baines wa• named chairman for Community Day, third special day celebrated each year by the. United Church Wom; en in oblerv8llce of liYlna-and praying together. Purpoae · ot World Community Day LI to pro- mulgate understandlJ'lg of world problems to bring peace, It was point~ ouL The offering of the day i• divided between aid for the homeie.ss 1U1d foreign acholuahlpl. "~Ive Thy Faith" will pe thetne of e Small Boat 14J!mch•nl" ELLIS BOAT RENTALS 505 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa Harbor 327 -J Harold K. G rauel Chapel Phone: Be.aeon 6610 110 Broadway BAl.TZ MOBTU&B"I' Lad,y A•telldallt tl 0 C..t Bl(bW&J' OORONll. DEL MAR DAY AND NlGBT Pb.ooe Harbor U ·BE SURE -INSURE with MAUJUE STANLEY lnaurance OnJ;r PboM Rarbor,Jlnt H$ Marilre A"°' Bal-hlaod name and offic<'. Special Intro-Carl Trick, mPn1benihlp chairman. Charl<'a A(cA lary. "'aat ad today! ductlon.s \\'ere gi\'en to ne .... •ly ap--:;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;::::;:;:::-;::-;:::::.,----'--:--:::--:-:;:;:::::,.-=:~===--c=.,-_'.__--=-:.==----;------~~ pointed chairmen. inC"ludincr MMl. ~ or.~-,. •",,-:_-4. .... Edward Milum . home and family; Mrs. Smith Ne\\·berry. maguines : MrL Don Hall. \Vt'lfare; Mrs. Ra.rry Schroeder. rounders' day; Mni. i.A'onard Gravel\, \\'&ya and mean.a : Mrs. Mort Porteou.s, cub •cout coordinator. Pack 110 ; anrl lttrs. Robert Crowner, co·ordlna· tor, Corona drl Mar. Pink & Blue Th eme Used at Pa rty fo r Mesa Matron All pink and blue as to d«'COra· tiorus throu,-hbut the house and to the yards and yud.t ot ribbon with whJch attracUve cifta were wrapped. So were appointment.a keyed to the theme when Mra.. Teddy Howard of Costa 11ea waa honored Wedn-.day, Oct. 3 at a atork ahower. . , ' • The atf&lr wu held at the home ot Mn. KeJ'li Claborn. 308 34th SL •::;::==========~ IMra. Pete Kimball W8'I ... toting r booteu. '.Dolio d,..-u bablea. atorl<a and • -de<0<ated doll baby. b\IRY were '°"" ot the atractlve de, tan.a. Ol(ta wef'8tpUea on a cotfee lal>le. draped like • buolnette, A pretty g.oture .,.. pr ... nla• tloD at '! ~ to each .. r bet' -blfl &11• peat or bonot', • MA Tl'1IES8ES -~-.. tnquJar Sl>apoo Bl!:AOON 50ll Coola ---°"' U. Newpen lllft. WATER. HU .................. ,, lo. 8ecl.'6/J. ft.v.mNO .... , ...... 11"1'•MIM B I w -.......... ~ ft I 't;. ......... ~ the bappy ownt were ret:reolrplent. of cal!•. d<co- raied wtU to<>1-IC<I cream and -. ""-"' 1'WO tM -....._ lier ..,.. .. ,,.wll111tu. waDCY ~'Vma Jllll Qrailarl" Balllra Je!&M ~ ~­ ,.._ CK • JlaaP4tt Pdp•1; lwu'.ft*!I -~ llllllZl7 et "'·-·tr11z, ....... ., ~ ._. -U. >n .. rn1 Ma -...,.... -& Sift "" -• ..... to &tt•d . • • the obs.ervance. . Election and !'natallatloo of of· ticen wttl preceed the meeting. M"embent present were Mmea. Wendell Hoyt, W , A. McBride and R. B. brin• ot the Co.ngreptlon- a.l church, Gary Fredrikaen, Ken- neth Quarry, N ewport Harbor Lu- S-. ()out m-1 ' N...,..rt Beac~ Pb. u..rt-U15 .t.'1' SOUTH END OF BA YSHORE BRIDGE - p.iaMD J11J'~«ui TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Re nn er) Conoert ....,.ht of Tlaree ContlDflnta Graduate Stod•t of Bela Barlak ' ~:';';' ~~~i.~~~N;; ·-436 .Serra Drive Harbor 1171.J Chflat Ch""'1> i;,, ui.e--, x....w j~b·~~c~o.~ ... ;;;·~-""~~ll~ila;~·~;-;~C~or;o;•;a;· ~d~1~1~a~A~ar~d Fink, Percy jlatnao, 'hd Her:nlt, l'lll! BalbQ& '~II" Xetbodlot; ~ -, Pattloon. ~ .Jpiea Splaoopal; lCdp,_. Bill, 'l!t. ~ ~--· ' . ·Bay CJ~b -'-"ncheo~ .fQr ibell JUniors · ... . .. ... . . . Jlltl!OO ~ ... & "'""" --lllr Oii ~ ~ltll .t. u.. ._.... a( Ill?> 8awanl •Wllllll!na cm UO w:ac.u n.rnt·to -·.- tor tM Oct. • neoU.ns: It wU1 be ._ ... ~\---=•~er a t Uae ' ... ,, ~ °""' ' I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~ JIMnl .. ...._ prt11at were 1· ::..:~~~~..::· ••r..r.•··•ua1a111 ~··•• ••• ::::. t.._a.;tm!i,,..~t!:.i::: ...... , ••• ·······-···· .... a .... .,,..~.-.. -..c &. a 0 l s1q . • • .. • • • ' I I 1 I I • I - • • 1 • . I ~ I •-. I TUESDAY, OCT. 16, 1951 · J • 1n M..191 Patr&e!a Ruth Rumsey, 'mllJl'I• a\lo rompthed their Oora.I da"\htu or Mr. and Mn. H. C. arraniemont.o. Rwnsey, W~ Elden Ave., Colt.a .Carryloc a White baaket tilled wl,tb • f\leblaa, Dlaa Lee BaekwJ Meu.. was a beaut1t'UJ bride when was cJ&d tn a dainty Aowe,rid or· she recently repeatE~ vowa with gandy fw her role u Rower (it-t Bitly Ira Miller, USN, Gf San qtck Hamoac.ker seryed u beat Diego, tn the Chapel Qy the sea. tn. O\)eSt.11 were ushered· by l:orona del Mar. Tbe brldeg.-n uglaa H .. t•r. USN, aild Dean la the run Ot ¥r1. Jeasle Miller ate.a, USN. · or Fort Worth. Tqas. f1ua.nUtJcs or-white (bdloU ' /, ( ,. ' Rings \Vete e.x.c.tianced bv the acaJ,n preclom:nated In \be-home of young coupJe as Rev. Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. Runutey where a rt· Thompeon conducted the Septem-copUon waa held after the-ww ex- be-1' rites o.t 3 o'clock at aa altar· change. A tiered weddlAI' cake WU adorned with bu.kel.8 ot white the central mot.It on the dinittl •la4.loli. G 1 ea ml n g candelabra table. added to the cha.rm of the setUng. Mra. Rumsey selected a smart White satin bo.,.,1a centued with two-toned t?-D gabardlDe auit and o&d-fasbioned nose9ys defined the brown accessories. Her corsage Ql.IJ.a aisle doWD which the bride-was of yellow and whJte carn.a- waa e1eorled by her !other, wbo tions. Mr-a, Miller, mother of the pve ber ill keeping. bridegroom, wore a becoming LA!>Y ANGLERs -SUJI brlastnir la lbJll ""' ............ .. ilie Newport Harbor Lady AnCU'"'- SOme. a.re J}latured at Norm•• L&ndtac, Newp9rt BEOClll1 Milt a catdl of lara-e wbtte sea baa they eaugtit abtianl the Uve Nit bont Sport KJq. Left ti> rl&h' are &.tell ManbaU, ~on Fontel,. OUve UcK09i,., Ida Naylo .. Fro..ntts Pulwikl, Thelma Bradford, DorU· Powers. C1llra Keeler and Ambrose-..,.. (Zl.:ppo) St.rallnl', ralley cook with hl§ 1pttlal pole uared for ftahlnc'tn ero\•d& Koef'llnr are Manu("I Cordeiro. If-ft. dttk hand and Saaimy . Cordf'lro, •kipper of tlie' Sport Kloc. (Regtster Photo) Mias Helen Keating, soloist, black silk crepe dress with white sang .. Because" _jnd ''I Love You ani:i black accessories. A corsage Truly." o! white carnations provided a. complementary detail ln Orpad:y (fowa White flowered or'gandy over ta.tteta fashioned tbe lovely bal- lerina-length bridal gown. An il- lusJon veil cascaded to fingertip lenrth while white carnations cen- tered with tlny red rosebuda top- ped the white Bible carried by the former Miss Rumsey. FoDowtng tradition was her blue silk hand- kerchief more than 75 yean old. A stranq,,..or pearla completed the ensemble. "'ti'' at Re<epUoo Lending hostess aid were Mmes. ChUles Moblty, Gene Fauoner, Parley Heaston and Louis Auter-- son. Ml.ts Sandra Waggoner pre- !lded over the guest book. The bride's blue GlenplaJd gab- •r<ilne sui.J. had red acceRSO:-les aa accenU:n« color,. attra.c-tlve choice tor the ·BoUywood honeyp1oon. Red rosebud$ made up her corsage clWrter. · The new Mrs. Miller atl1:r.ded Newport Harbor Union ff i g h School,. She 18 atnltatcd \\ith Job's Daughten, Costa Mesa Bethel 15i. 1-Ier husband, a merr.ber of De M o· lay, waa graduated fror.1 H arbor High. Burt Procter Signs With Cowie GaUery Burt Procter's exhibit of paint· incs now sho\oing at Vera. ·Wil- liams-Thelma Hope Balboa Island A rt Gv.l)ery Will be his last in the Harbor are& tor a long time foP the ·Corona del Mar a.rtlat bu signed up with Mr. Cowie of the Biltmore Art Gallery In Loa An- geles. "Just a.s all good people go to hiaven, 80 alt good painters Gf the Weetern scene go to the Cowie galle ry sooner or later," says Mrs. Hope, con&Tatulatinl:' both Proc- ter and Cowie. \he artist Is adding many new The popular pa.Jr havf' no'v es· t..lbli.6hed residence in San Diego. At tiied in blue organdy over taffeta was Mrs. Joan Hambacker, matron of ho..9\0r. Lending cantr,ut W8.f! her bouquet o! yellow Fugil chrysanthemums. Miss Con n i e Gunn and M .l88 Mary Mobley, bridesmaids, c hose ldenticaJ rtocks ol yellow organdy over taffeta, ballerina length.. Yellow F u g i i p lclures to lhe Balboa Island p.1---------------------~------lcry, some (lf lhem with the paint P • R d N f still wet. His canvuses have ro1ects, eports an ews o f!~:~ ~l"~t;~ ri~i~~·:.~~ Harbor Women of the Moose · av;~~:· Mrs. Ho pe, "W e hope he ma.kcs so much money that he can buy some fancy diamond studdeJ tools w ith which he may ru'rth<'I' Indulge his passion for turning old wreek.s of care with powerlUl mo· tors into Procter dcaigned custom built models." Monday evening, Oct. 1st, three ... -----------· committees of the Newport Beach Women ot the Moose, Chapter 1158, met at the home or Junior Regent Clara Leach· to d!scUM projects !or the year. These com· mJt tees were Membership, Ub•- ~ al')' and Homemaking, chairmaned Associate Officers Initiate Members in Star Chapter by Wilma porbin, Lena. l.f.a.uey Auoci.ate llla\rot\ Repn& ColUe and Selma Jones, respectively. and A980Ciale Patron Harold Ftnk At the r egular Chapter meet'-had the honor ot lnitlating three ing. held Thursday evening, Octo-h ew mem~rs when Harbor Star her -4th, Mrs. ~ridges was voted chapter met Tuesday nlght. They into membership and will probably presided in the absence of-Ruth be l.nitlated October %0th. and Henry Deister, worthy matron SenU>r R eaent Winifred Rand.el and worthy P!-\fon, who are at· read to the Committee Chairmen, tending Grand Chapter at San "New Horizons," a program for Francl8CO. • Chapter development, particularly Candidates were Doria Powers for committees. Monthly bulleUM at Balboa lsla.Dd, Mildred Myrehn wlll be ~nt out b)I Kay C&ncle, di-Hobel ol Newport and Marjorie rector of Chapter Activities in the Joyce Loud of Costa. Mesa. Marie office of the Women of the MOOSE' Kaiser marched with them as at Mooseheart. The program will courtesy candidate. After t b e continue throughout the year with ceremony Eddie Moore, on behalf Increase<! -activities of Lnterest to of her husband, pftiiented Mrs. all members. Loud with a beautiful Eastern She al&b wa.ms his admirers that if\ they wiah to see h1s paint- inp t.L, th,e Bllt.r'l}.ore, It me&ru!I braving trafftc and smog and tha\ the la.st "faded jeans and a. bath· ing suit" chance to see them Is during lht> balance or Ot:tobt-r al t.he Island gallery. -------- Joins Caltech Air Force -R.O.T.C. Charles McKlnn90. Jr.. .90n of Mr. and 1.t ris. Charles McKinnon. 432 Goldenrod Ave., Corona dPI Mar, has signed up for th(. Air Force R. 0 . T . C. unit at C.lifor- nla Institute of Technology. This ;---- RICHAJUI. NEUTRA Neutra to Talk . Wednesday at Coast College The thirtl free lecture ln OIC' Or· ange Coast College Forum Serles "Communic ation" promises to bf> very un.ique. Richard Neutra, oqe of the tor> architects in the Unit@d StatN, will l!lpeflk on the subject ·What do we me&n by the Abund· ant Lire tn Architecture 't" at 8 p.. m. Wednesday In the College Audi· · torium.• Architecture and· the other vls- ual arts bt!eame a n1edi.a. or com- munlcatloo for Neutra. J·:~ sees motll"rn problen1s vowin~ out of the failure or 0 1an lo blcn<l with natur('. 'Ne utra says ··Nature I• my goal. I may have to use corP- pllcated, unnatural JneanB but the natural setting n nally en1e11gt..11." Anyone \Vho oceuples a buJld- in g, wht>ther it be his homr, or his place of business, 'vlll want tc hear a.nd see Neutra bring abund- ant life lo that building. Cok>red slides will also be ttscd to iJlustral ... ~eutra's lectUrt'.'. Reports were submitted by the Star ring surrounded with dia-• C l"f H l"d roUowing cb&innen: Llbral'y, Leno mo-. a I • 0 I ay Massey; membership, Wilm& Cor-Gt.en officia.I ~<>curt to the East W d p bin; Moosehaven, Myrtelle Tip-for the last Ume wu Doputy , On e .~ ro9ram ping, and Publicity, Alda Gorton. Grand Matron Grace SootL Also J ' Ch Ch h Elsie Porter, Moosebeart chair-escorted were two pa.st niatrons at rist UrC man, will be in cbarge of the aoaial and threl!: pa.st patrons ... Servlng a.a ' evening, next Thursday, Oct. 11th. eot.Dteey officen were Illa Nayk>r, I It's a "Caliromi'l Holiday'' Wt'd· Sunday evening. October 7th, ,mother matron of the chapter, n.-sday evt-nlng at ChrlSt Chur~h the bowling teams of the Women nning• the station ot n.ssociate by the Sea as the ra.rnily pecks a of . the MOOSe and the Newport 'nlatron; CUba Morria. junior plU't covt>red dish sup~r and jolns tbt' Moose Locice will meet in match patron. u U90Ciate pati·on: Syl-run. food and fTivolity that will games at Van's In Costa Mesa. via Place u marshal and Dorothea. mark October !nn1ily night In Theee contest.9 wUI bear watchtn~. Xina!ather as prompter. Goodell Hall Chapla.i:D. A!ic.e Young baa u The aetl.llg worthy \'l&tron an-Scheduled to begin at 6:30 with ho.use guest.a. Mrs. Kootch a.nd her lnounced lha1 lbe ~t meetlQ&'. a pot-luck supper, the evtonklg's three sons, a l\.toose family ttom OcL 23, would be AdWnce nJabt ente rtainment will include ''Ton1's San Diego. who are awaiting-tbf' for ot!~ers. There Will~ be a Terrine Tales or his Trek to thl' return or lU. Kootcb fftun Korea. birt.hday table ror tho:ie. wt.th an~ Tall Timber," a report on a re- The Chapter extendB Its sym· niversartea in October. cent vacat!on trip to the Modoc palhy to Senior Re&:en$ Winifred The cbapter room v:u adorned Lava Heda. Mount Lusen, GlaBI Randel wh0&e elderly grandmother with bi.g' vuea of bea~tldvt mem-CMd8 Melllaaoa. Ir. Mountain. Devil's Poat Ptle, Bir- pn.sseq away the day before ~er moth dahliu and thP same flow-l9 tbe first time the un\t baa been ney Falla, and the Mendocino 83rd birthday. era wen: used in the dining room. madt avallable fOI' freshm~n at Coast, together wtth colored plc- Co-worker M'ar~t Tb9m,peon Aa a surpriae for th~ir nlotber, the Caltech. . turt>s or that region of which so Myrtte Slaughter Accepts Ppsition at Texas A.&M. Mrs. Myrtle Sla\.ighte r recently YiBlted her daugtltt-r, and Pa.n1ily, Mr. and Mrs. Yl. E . Fisher, 149 Shore Cllff Road, Coron.a d'el Mar. She left SUnday nl,ht for Tex.a.., A.. and M. university to joln the st&!! at the College Un!on as ex· ecutive housekeeper. During her three weeks stay Mrs. Slaughter was e ntertained both here and In Los Angeles by h.er many t rit'nds. Tbls includ- ed the recent 0 . 'A. R. benefit luncheon &l Balboa Bay club, Mrs. Slaughter's daughter having been one o! the hostesses. . ' •• • PAGE J' -. •,_.,. " .:.o_i,,,=~--~d;;,.t . _Jf!i~pir· W•'re·•tntch,il\f 01'7 a:vOiJClbt. I Up ply Of IMlaU and 9fM1' clitica:l material.a by euery nte<UU iclentt can deviN. . . . MOR~ STRENGTH FOR OUR NATION How we're saving the materials our country needs for defense ,_:t~ j 1. Copper for cables and "''ires ... rubber for insula- tion ... aluminwn for d.ia..ls-che celephone system re- quires vast a.mounts of the materials which are also ~ badly nttded by other defense products. Narurally, since the telephone is such an imponant military and produaion tool, we get a c:i;uora of these materials. Bue co keep building a scroog comm?tnicarions sys· rem, we must censerve in every way we can. 3. Efficient telephone service,. the kind that can pitch in and help all the nacioO in rimes of need, is the result of just such little things as using steel in· stead of alwninum in a telephone dial. It's rhe result, also, of k.~ping rhe relephone system financially strong. Over the years, such financial srrcngth has been the foundation of our aJ:>ilicy co serve. Jt baa en· abled w co pi::odute telephone service that's better than ever, produce more of it rh.a.o evu, and sell ir at prices which haV(' gon~ up far less than other chin&s. ' @ Pacific Telephone 2. Scienusrs ace at work on this task ... in telepho~e laboratories.and man~cruring plants: By subst:irutin~. orher materials for cr1t1cal ones, by dtseo,·ering ways • rouse smaller amounrs of the shorµ.ge items, fhey'vc • come up wich some amazing savings. It's estimated that, in 19~1, the Bell S~s:e-~mill save 2,700,000 pounds of rubber, 3,2~~ pounds of copper, 210,000 pounds of aluminum-co name jusc three. Youc telephone is one of today's · best bargains I '"" mt II~ 1tn1n llllll! -.U odu.."41' •"""" • '""'1 d Ult-o/ ~I 00-_.,.-•-lolf<lw~ I•,_, IMO, ......... iw.. ~,...a fll«OS. For Printing of Highest Qualify Phone Harbor 1616 rJUI ••• TIME•PROVED POW~RP'~ AUTOMATIC T8ANIMllllON Is Ul witb pnewnonia.. Govel'DOl'· acting worthy matron. Audrey ~McKinnon~ a student in engi-many Southern Cali!prnJans know Archie Oslra.Dder, of Newpbl't ~ Harrie Cottle, Jr . .;erved u " nee:rlng ¥d reakle.s on the cam-80 fittle . .,. Beacb Moose Lodge 14~7, and co-c:balniien of tbe refreshment t:om-pu.i. at Blacker boUse. He was one Actually, the story spills out of worller Blnlle _Ostrander an. en-ln.lttee. Aa&ialtinc them wefi Etta of five stl&den.ts trom the ienior Cibitomia at spots, a.s It dips into joylnc a vacation ln SU Dieco ~ Cottman and Eat.her Johnaon. clys· at Ha.rbor Hl&)t who wu , that clty ot stn, Reno, and cllmba l -. • viaitlng tbelr dau(hter and fun.. On the receptiaa oomrnitttt clsoee.D tO viait Caltech on Stu-up to Crater Lake and then floats Uy. •en Annabelle Fullerton. Esther dents" Day and aft~r hls visit down the Rocu~ JUver. For thoae Beverly Comecl. ~ ot obnaon and BenUce Crandall. there--rttllaed it we.a the •chool w"ho have_~ever ~ in the Sonth- Re<onler Viola Oonl<cl. lo °" • . Nen Wedn-y will be ,,_t. ol IWI cl>olce-•m Calltornla-Ongon country, It tr\p to--~tta .&nd WUl M ID&:.ot t.be Starbright club l:l:SO j , .' will be an exciting introdUction to gone about tlLree w.u:&. ~· M be ill ' .... _ its bea.utiea, and for thoee who The "e1t1•; ·-1111-1· 8tpt. ~:\1-i.":.. "' w vote OD -Alph.a Phi Alumnae have been Ill (hat coUntl'y ·~ w'IU Sotb, waa ~~ed. oa P"t"'•."'*'~ I · '"• , bring bad< 11W!Y fond memorye& ~ 8 & p W"'men . Meets W-.i-~sday ,ft connection with tb• ram111 v eaf1e n'lght, there wUl·be • c:allecU6n of U: aofU ON J.Q!O F · d F.oo.1.L II ' ' uoed clotblllg .Wtab"' to 10J1d to Mr .• Q4 JI.-. Ruot 'lllfti_ af 88 ma 8rS Al The_ -:1 t~ Ali>ba Phi Kona or Germany. llV..,one It Lido 1lle obt•rNd Mr. 8aft&ra Ul1U1&e c vb m Orance ~unt)' a.aked to bring bta: own Able &!?'- •natal analw~ by .,.,...... a 9 i;.c111 ._, Pl:ofi11l:nel Wom-w.Ut meet: at the ~ of Mra. vice, Oottee w11·1 be pr:ovtded.. .._, -y 1a Loo ... ..,.._ .,., clllb e&rriMI ca u.. Sood wor11 Frult ¥. LltUe. 10 cryota1 Ave... ~· ----- With ,,_ 'l'l>ey an .w..--oE _ _, -~ .... 'food so1.11oa 1a1an.i. on ;w~ ••e-M . • er· k to 11e ,'beck 1n tbolr-. aner • ,.,. ,........ • ....,.._ at 11Ufior ~.Oct. n at• o'l>loc:lc. accord-. ~rgae OC e_tt .......,. la Loo ....-. ...... ¥ !Mt~. ""--....... ling to tho prN!dmt, Kra. Paul a ··c1ub LJ_,_,, saruir .-i • -la ftlll> ilo ........... --a-..tll, Balley or ll&llta Ana. . s noness Wiien -dM!sbltt, KID .I.a 0 I I• Iii' .. ••t• .... J..... -'fill be__.. r~r &t• • • Reed ........_. to Bl&lllO<d 11111· «Miii,..... Ille -·-...kiloo tendln&' the ...-1 """"' Phi· ·Jfarsle _.;,.tt ~ <*& ~ •"'"it¥· , _ u. ----~o .-,.. illt& to lie bold at U.. Am-· ~.., n.'tllllif P,•nwltb . ... dor Hotel p=M,DI)' ....-. 8&tw'l' & 'EIS Fl coune U ~ l1itksre -soN roa BA•J!OANS C D M F :t. :lay, Oc_L\,27. The Phi--thll -... _,,.d uio 11 .,.... ~r: end Mn. Q!JQcJ&a aowa, • • • O~llY """' Wiii take;. ti>e tornL.ot • ~ _., . .,..,,,, ...-Cl&rtt tt4 WMt Be-lllW'. ~LI-· ~ r: .. ·tbe·World .,._ .-.,. ...a111em1nu Clo-.Q111M1 ~·--0rt.~•W&a rlQme ,.-rorn ca:st . t11e a L ""'' -.--,... a.e oc •m-... owr1 , ....... 0 0•"7 h~""' ~ 7 ,_ ' • "' ~-Biiia .. , ........ ,...,.... -"'"""a.."" Colla balij' wel&Md~~~·iipaoii-~~· ~· poo•D<IO Tllo~-Of 4N ........ Ol'dlDoitar. · litaft "' ·-....... ...,.: ~ --......... • • ·~ ~ <1111 ...... --~ Will -'""'"' ...... --... ~ e•*•~eall 1 • .. ... ~---·· ... -··-dsd.,,... .,_, .. ~ t» .. t.. Mr. Mil ~ ~ !~"'.!?! ::-• -•\Mn ,,.. --AD Alpll& Piiio In u.. Onorp a•• a • t 111r 1> , a -a.-, .._.. ~ -._ ....., .. ~-.D. I,_._... ..... _., IDYlted to at.t.eoi' CIUa Pn :" ,,..,. Sft 24 --~~~.!"' .... GIL"' • ...... ~ .., ld?P •t,t._.,n 1 _. a. •rad c '!-'IVodnndO,J .-IA" -, a:-Lut:z111, -~ ...,.--;; 1-;;.:;-1" =: -.::-::;ee.+ a::=..-.=.,. ..... -.. Little .•t1:=.'Ne'!'!!t =· ..... I . ' . • ~.. ~ i' . "\ • .. It'• so easy! Iwt"set the lever to "Drive," pea. the accelerator, and you're olf- swiftly, smoothly, without eflo~ FOl]!'Ct the clutch pedal-thae isn't "11· Forget shifting -~owerglido ·doer away ;with iL You just "sail •W>IY" at a lollch' of'your toe! · Only Oievrolet offers Poweialide - teamed wiib a big, speeial lOS-h.p. engine. ' Y Om: "diJcovery drive" is waltia& for ,.,a::eome ·11y it~.•. IOl!lll · I 1411 C1u11 ii( sar. ••• 11 m·+ ~ ......... ,, ............ ~-...... . _. I , • . JOS •·P. VaMta N1cm ,foil'M • lc~MMllW lw Aale . ._ '· ........................ ,au. • . ' ' . . COa -\ ..-ol1' 'UCH . . . I .. • • • • • • • .. . ' • .PAGE 4 • NE.WPORT IAl.IQA. NEWS.tlMES I I ' . I < TUESDAY, ocy. 16', ~~51 ' ' I ' Letter From Farmer McCabe YOU anc1 · f T 11 i :,~:M~R1 ~"·~ -. ~A t , I ~ to Get ao~her9 ·on the w..i CcJ¥t L.;._.....,..-~..,;~---;__---'-...;;___.___.....,--.,,-' .S623L50 from • PHlllbed E\'eJT Toe9da7 at Newpott .._._ a.w.m1a hr. the NEWPORT HARii<>& PUJIU!!ell\G OOllPANY ;Member of CAi.IFoRNJA NEWSPAPEI\ Pl1BLlllffERs .ASS'N. . . Member ol the NA..TIONAL EDrroRIAL A.880CIATION ' ' Office a.nd Printlick Plant at 2211 Balboa Boulevard TelephO~e Harbor 1818 • · ; YOUR · CONGRESS . - r THIS SESSION of COql'eU bu featured a ,Ooa deal more talk tha..n. action about federal economy. There ll 'nothJ.na particularly &:b_tered aa Second-Class Matter at lb• Postomoe ill N~rt Beach, unuaual about that. · . CaJiforni& under the At:t of March S. 1179. · Howe:ur, •there bu been more WJLJ:.Ll.M A. MOSES, Editor talk about economy ' ln thla eu- aion ot Congrea than-uau&J.. One reaaon l9 that thia Con,.reu Qualllled to Pu.bUsh LepJ N?UCM and A.dverUwne.-te of all lllildl hae approved ependlng at a. rate SUBSCRIPTION RATES: NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES eve"'I Tae9da7 ID Orange County, $3.M per yMr; St.00 Ux mo•U.; Sl.%4 tJlnle mooth9 (Also lnclud~ the ?lli'"EWPORT-BALBOA Plll'.88, Thunday) Out.Aide OnilKe County $4..00 per year higher than any ever ..prerioualy known ln the country'• peacetime hl11t.aty. Thls hu caueed considerable concem among those members who really worry about the future of the country's economy. But most of the lncreued •pending Is for military or related purposes . IN UN~TY THERE IS STRENGTH and, not belnlf military experto. Harry s. Truman White Ho'ua • W ubJni'ton, D. C. Dear Harry: . , I'Ye !Mien down 'on' the'street comer by the Bank chew· ing the fat with aome Political Experta (you know, them' ole boys that don't WOrk ADY, moi:e Who. now lpend all their • time saving the country from the polltlciana). They've all come to the conclusion that you'll nevh get rid of "Boyle_ Troubles" till you get rid of the Boyles. You know, .Harry, they've got aometbing there . . . remember when we WUJ: klda and broke out With boils our Ma's said that WU a < shore sign our systems needed new blood and promptly give us a· .good round of SulJ>bUr and Molasses. Well Sir, I figger since you're the Head Man of the Democratic Party that it's up to you to start giving the ·Sulphur and Molaases treatment t.o them that need it. . Your ole fren, FJtRMER McCABE P. S. Don't spare tither the Sulphur or the Molasses . C All Rlght.s Reae~ed) A diamond reflects ,quite a bit of light if you rotate those members who would like to effect Po88lble economies f I n d the cut stone. But it can't be compared to the intense thetnM;Jvea equlpped to do llttle g ~'i· Jd. the hancta of a few. The rule . beam thrown by a mirror's light reflection. exc~pt 1-lk about lt. fJ '.19• ag-aJnst ~rpetultles, Inherited by So, diameter of . diamond and mirror being the same, Another reuon tor the greater ~ • • • U9 from the common law of Eng- than usual amount of tlllk about land. forbids tying up the owner- WhiJe the precious stone is...rnore valuable intrinsically, the economy 111 that members ot the By Robe.rt e.. Drf:Mer ship ot prope.rty for a longer per!- · mirror will show more light on its single facet. House got a vacation la..!lt month od than a lire or lives tn being .. \Vhioh is to say that a multi·sided object may be> ""'1 bad an o pportunity t o tet II nd · twenty-one yeare. In other back home and flnd out what the • The Federal Estate and words, an p11tatc muet be divided prettier, more valuable, etc., but its usefulness may well reople are thl.nklng about Con-Gift Taxes &mong the heirs or ~netlciarlca -be less. gi-e~. • In the second succeedln• irenera-,_ f th t th t (Mr. Robert B. DrCMer of n z;; --··. --. ·-~ .,.... • • N •-th C't f N rt Bea h h · II A num"""r o em repor a tlon. From that time on the e~· · ow l at-.C e I Y O ewpo C . geograp Jca Y· many of their constituents are be-Provldcnce, R . I., ls a member 'Here. indeed is a s tone of various facets--each shining in ginning to associate the fourth-of o nE" of the leading law firm1' ~:~~d~:~10';: .;~~je:.:c~og:n!~~i~~~ .a different direction. With Newport, Balboa, Corona de1 co ming tax increase with the or that city. He Is the author 1r It should happen that there i.s The R ock On Which An1erica l& Founded h I I fed I di of the rt>eolutlon prn1'>1Ulng a N• ... ·TJONAL BIBLE WEEK . M~. Balboa Island, Lido Island all being in the city and ' ••P roe n era open ng. conotiluUon•l •mend,;;nt limit-any of It l•fl to be divided. If the b: . That 80rt of public feellnC' 111 apt large e-sta.tee are to be broken each possessing its own commercial and residential areas, to make a man who dependa on Ing thfo power or Congre88 to up, It 18 obviously better that th{, National Bible W!;ek will be observed from October d f .. 1 · · bl t th I f 11 In B t ta."< lncon1es, Inheritances and 5 2l b . It · ed b h La • e lill e c1v-1c J>ro ems presen emse ves. votes or a v g nervous. u . ehould be done by naturel forces 1 to t 18 year. 15 sponsor y . t e ymen s tlh both th •--ri d d gift.ff, whic h hu been pasaed by • Each of the city's commercial facets is interested in w e ......... se an epen -than by taxation. In the rirat cue National Committee, a non·scctarian and non·profit organi-{J. i.ng 'increase now practically a a number of s tate legislatu.res. the capital continues In the hands 1,rofitable, year-round business. Yet too often the differ· nlAlter or record. about all he cA'n He hu wrl t~l'n nlRnY articles on of lndlviduala. In.the second It Is zation whose missior,t is to encourage belief and faith in ent business' districts proceed in thei r own· particular do at this point la llllk about the this and other tax qut'stlons. taken by Lhe government. God, daily reading of the Bible and reliuious education for This 11ericl'I of articles states In o· directions. 0~ for more government econ· sub!Jtance his recent tutimony ANu~ly, the harm done to the all. The work of the Committee has been endorsed by the Cle I t d f · · •t · eeded M omy. before the Scnat .. Fin*"Ce Con1-economy by the present high rates P · · ·dent G be f Co d I d ar y, a grca er egrce o civic uni y is n . ore \VHEN THE BOOKS of this ... ..... i• out ot all proportion to the rest , pvernors, mem rs o ngress, an ea. ers .t .. t d bt di Id d h t . C I I l d mlttee on the pending tax bill . I , • d I b d h f . ~ommunt y sp1r1 un ou e y wou o muc o overcome ong-reM ona session are c oee revenuE" produced and cannot be tn 1n ustry, a or, an t e pro ess1ons. h d I·" th It wilt '!be; l"''YlllC ol Mtate and sift . b ' 'Liquor . Fees 8&cra.mento, October 11, 1961- Liquor ltcenae fee earntnia during lbe .,ix montha ended August 31 , 196(,' amounted to $2,SOCS,009, &e- ,coknnc to William G. Bonelli. member of the State Boa.rd or Equallu.Uon. Thia sum la eoon to be dlatrtbuted ~ the dtle• and counties of the ·State, and will briJI&' the total ~ents duriair 19111 to $8.2».89'. The unincorporated area of Or- anp County will' receive 110.- 001.26 from the preaent allocatlort, while the City of Newport Beach w!U ·obtaln $6,232.W. Llcenae fee earnings during the past Bix monttµI were 10 percent below those for the corresponding period of a year ago. Deaplte thla drep, allocations to cltiea a.nQ oountles during 1951 will exceed those of 1950 by about SS.000 be- eauae thls April's distribution was ¥.•ell above tM.t tor April 19M> . Commenting specifically on the 12.806,009 to be dietributed within the next few days, Bonelli pointed out that almost one-seventh of the fee8 will be pa.Id to the consoli- dated Ci ty and County of San Francisco, sli,£htly above one-fifth to the !§7 other counties of the State, and almo8l two-thirds to 299 cities. The City ot Los An- ~ele11 will receive 20 percent of the totaJ and Oakland 4.6 percent. Los Angeles County and its citle11. including the City of Los AnReles, will receive 38.9 percent ot the tands available for distribution; Alameda County anr1 its munici- palities 6. 7 pen."ent: and San Diego Coun ty and Its cities f .6 percent. • Five Balboa Island Students at Pomona • differences caused by geographical separations. a.s sc e 11 ~· next mon · Justified Y any argument b&&ed Today. in a world which has been corrupted by cyni-be seen that Congress succeeded ~es by ttw t~ederal Go,·en-on flacal nttds. Even with the \ Possibly adoption of an all·inclusive name such Rf only slightly ln reduCine-the total meat •hould be ahandoned and very high rates .,now In force, the cism and fear, a thorou9h knowledge of the teachings of Newport Harbor is a move in the right direction. Obviously. budget requests ot the various thl.8 fteld 01 taxation ahould be rf'venue from thest' ta.xes ta but a the Bible is more import.ant than ever before. The world's CLAREM01''T, Oct. 15 -Five Balboa. I.stand residents are among the 400 new students who entered Pomona College thls fall. tflgh school graduates and· transfers from other colleges and junior colleges made up one of the larg- est groups entering the college In recent years. • • d r th left exrlual\'ely to the at.ate&. 1 1 1 greater civic coordination will produce greater benefits for ~vemment e partrnents or e tr v a part of the total budget-most terrible problems have resulted from the loss and II f h curr~nt fiscal year. Under cxlsttng laws the tax on lt-ss than i r;. I understand, at th!.' a i t e ci ty is to see a steady, unified growth. Onl) Moreover, some ot the trimmlnJl' the f'atatee of drcendenta run11: to preesnt time. I am advised lhat 4estruction of these spiritual values which our ancestors through united civic effort can the city's separate fa,.etr "llmo;t certainly\ will be nullified " high of 77'/r and the tax · on rhe revenul' collected from these held to be preeminent. As Walter H. Judd, National Chair· ·be blended into one bright surface. by the granting ot supplemental gitlll to 57-34 'fr. These rates are taxe1' wu S6:>7 million in the fi"-man for the Week has said, "Because American pioneers "'>r extra appropriations before the manlfe•lly contlecatory and they cal year 19W and '610 mUllon In • 1 risca.I year end• next June 30. It have very harm(ul economl,c ef· the calendar year 1950. With the had a firm belief in the spiritual fatherhood of God, they .COUNCIL SKEPTICAL OF PROMISES t hat doe111.-t h•ppen. Lt will be fects. They not only oeriously Im-/ proposed budiret "' '72 billion for put first in their scale of values the freedom and dignity I the first time in many years. pair the Incentive to work. pro-the current year, this would pay f · di 'd I · · I be. As I h · I o m V1 ua man........._ a s. p1ntua tng, a resu t t e1r "Don't do as Daddy does.-do as you're told" is an old While Its use 80metlmes Is nee-duce a.nd save. but they are ex· the expenite8 of the Government · ~ 'f m 'l' <l 't · ted 'th ph . h Cit es.qry for special refl80ns, the tremely destructive of capital and for a~ut 3 day11 . political system released, for the first time, the creative Among the new stu'dents are 286 fre11hmen and 130 transfers. The total student body of 10~ In- cludes 39 foreign students from 13 countries. a t 1ar saw an 1 \Vas rcpca WI em as1s W en Y 1 supplemental appropriation also Is will in the long run. destroy lhf' 1 The 1mpo8itlon ot death taxes Is capacities inherent in men everyWhere ... We shall not F athers of Ne\tport Beach met in council session Monday " handy device for appearing to accumula.tiona of capital that are not conttnf'd to the federal gov-1· · · I •th · d. ·d al Balboa Island students entering Pomona this year arc Seymour Beek, Doro t h y Grcltenberg, Thomas Grettenberg. Donald Lin- gle, and Barbara Winckler. 1ve v1ctor1ous y, e1 er as in 1v1 u s or. as a nation, except , night. Reason for the parental order was the authorization economize but not actually doing ~ neceMary for 1.nduatrla.1 actlv-e rnmenL The Individual state• &a • f f ds t . to ~1500 to d th bo 110 lty &Jtd exp.an.ton with the result-well Impose either est.ate or lets-&B we come to know God and His eternal lawa and love 0 un amoun mg '° sen e ys away tc GENERA.LLY SPEAKING, the ant beneQc,lal et.feet. on our cy ta.xu on death. The duplication through enternaJ searching of the Scriptures.'' school for a month. The boys are new members of the oubttc Isn't aware or Joae• aisht ecOnomy • and the people u a oc t.a.xea by tbe elate and federal Th tes ·:Newport Beach Police department. ?t that. whole. governments has beeome-a mat· . e grea t strength of a people lies in the realm •of Newa-Tlmea a<111 have been read Chuckl th h th d ·en h 't . ed Nelthq doe.a It realize lhat ){oreoVf'r , the heavy ta.xatlon of ter of grave concern and,lt ls lm-the spirit. in the H&rbor for. ov~r 40 Year.. es r a n roug e au 1 ce W en I was point rnuch of the federal budget each large est&tee compels the rich to portant that steps be ta.ken to en d!---------~------------------------------- up by 'a councilman that the boys ought to be asked t c vear is for l!lpending which Con-seek comparatively safe. liquid It. The fi eld of taxation should be sign a pledge that they would stay with the municipal lp'ess has authorized In previoua lnveatment. in order to provide divided among federal, state and d f f h vears tbe heavy laxes that will be tm-local governments In such manner gen armes ~r ~ year a ter t e schooling period. Fo~ example. Congreu pa.saes a posed upon their eiitatee at death. aa to eliminate dupllcatton as far lt was intimated that oral proll)ises were not good law aulhorlzing the construction 'hus rurther reducing the capital u po88ible. The field ot d eath . enough -a pledge should be had! of a dam which will cost. lljll'..}&·vaJlable tor hazardous businen tax.ea should, I believe, be as- Co ·1 f $2M> milllon But IL doe• not p-venturea which have done 80 signed to the states, t he laws of . unc1 men o course stacked the cards to their own propriate sUo mlUlon for the much to Improve the lot oC the which determine the right or dl8· shapes recalling ·that their word, whether written, oral1 work that will be done on t he Ame rican people. pose of property on death and pledged or affirmed is clouded with great question. But dam the year that the authorir.a.-It should be realized that rich the righ~ or Inheritance. th t Id th bo k ff lion law Is passed because the men, such, tor ex&mpl•, u the The gift tax is, of courae. mere-ey o e ya t o .pac o .· to school with a pat on. the dam that fi·rat year.will coo\ only. late Henry Ford, play a very ly aux.Uiary to the death tax, and , the head and a })rom1.se on ftle, say, $4 million. So It appropri-Important part In our economy. they ahould both be dealt wtth ----• ates $4 million the first year and They a nd their fa1nille.s can pel--&like. then. during subsequent yea.re, spnally consume and enjoy but a I eubmlt. th~refore. that thc- other appropriations must be trivial part of their wealth. The levying of taxes by the federal n1ade to progressively pay off the balance Is In effect held b!' them government should be abandoned baJance of 1246 million on that as trustees tor the public. It Is and this mc&J\8 of la.xatlon left dam--or. which Is hl«hly unlikely, thia wealth that has supplied in ex.elusively to the st.a.te11 . Com- work on the ,da'm moat be •topped the past much of the venture or petition a.m ong the states would by repeal of that original aulhori-risk capital'' ft<IUlred by new a.nd lend Lo keep the rates within rea- zatlon law. · h.azardoua enterprlae•, such 88 the .eonable boundB. rates which would LET UNCLE SAM DO IT ' ~ Fron1 South Pasadena Revtew) One hundred thousand British coal miners have de- serted the trade since 1939. This is one of the reasons for ~he great coal shortage in Britain, Arrangements were , made for many thousands of Italian miners to be brought to the British pits. Union officials bad accepted this ar- ,rangement. but now the men ha\.e voted overwhelmingly '.against it. It is much easier apparently to import coal ·from America at our expense. France also bas an acute shortage of coal which is slowing rearmament. British coal, if available, would cost $16 to 17 a ton in France. Coal from the United States in· ~ding transportation costs at least $21 per ton. Since .. ;is not available from Britain, it will probably be sent m here at our expense for both coal and carrying charge. LOOK OUT FOR THE HOLE! ' WHAT IF CONGRESS wu re-raJlro&da the automobile tndue--be more ln conformity with the quired to approPrtate the entire try, the' aircraft lnduatry and exciBea imposed by our federal $260 million for the dam that many other•. u well LS for the , and states government.a on other fir•t year? ~xpanalon of ex.ilttng enterpriM!a. transfers of property. Chairman Cannon ( D-Mo. l of By thl• means jobB and good the House Appropriation• Com~ wages have been provided for mil- IT\iltee believes that in 11uch cue lions or workers. Congress probably would be in-The automobUe lndwrtry tur- cUned to approve lea new dame n18hea an excellent iIJustratlon. and other long -range ependlng Sued upon 194.9 reports. thr projects. !lumber or Jobe c reated directly Rep. Taber {R-N. Y.),top·rank-and lndJrectly by the automobile inl" minority member or the Ap-Lnduatry, which ill only about proprlatlons Committee. agreea. fl.tty y.eare old. la over 9.000.000. Congress should present the coat Thia I.II one out of every seven picture of a new project a• large penona now employed In a.11 as it actually Is, •Y• Taber. cla:ues of employment ln the "rather than in ama..11 doees." UnJt.ed Statea. THOSE TAXPAYERS who, &e· Such enterprUtea, however, are cording to their me.mbera tn Con· p.aky. Many ot them fall and ln- greas. are beginning-to auoc.late veator loeee ht e investment. federal expenditures and taxea. Hence, he muet have tunds that may now be reallsins that thoee. be can afford to rLlk.. M09\ people "amall doses" Taber speak• 01 do not have such fund.!! and banks. finally add up to very large onee Insurance companies and truat If euch a fee.ling lhould be-tat.ates a.re not pe.nnJlted to. make c:Ome wtdesprea.d, there may be TIJCh ha.r.a.rdoua lnvatments. High less talk a.nd more action ln Con· death aa well u high tncOme tax- g-resa regarding federal gpendlng. '!S destroy the incentive and the ability to tneur su(.h riakl:. Gehres Withdraws From So lon Race At lea.st one of the candidates prcv1owily slated to be in the run- ning tor the newly created 28th California Congreuional District. compo8ed of Orange County and San Diego coastal area, baa with- drawn. He is retired Rear Ad- miral Lealie E . Gehreii, USN, who m the last election came within 3739 voles of . unseating Clinton l.fcKinnon, representative of San Dl~go's 23rd District. ; Gebrea' announcement that he could no. longer be coruk1ered a candidate for 8.1\Y pollUcal offlce came after he acc,pted the pMi- llon of executive vice·preeident of the Con.sUtutlonal Foundation. .. 1 Three Newpot len Named to Couricif Does anyone doubt that the wealth of Mr. Henry f'ord wu of far greater benefit to the people '>I thia country .In his bands than Thia theoretically lea\J'el in the running only Earl· Stanley ot Bal- boa 11land and Ja.mea Utt of Sa.ota AnL Others have been discuued and ue feeling t.belr way but none except Stanley and Utt have open- ly announced t.heJr ca..,dtd&cy yet. \ , 't would have been ln the handa Three University ot Sqiuthern .,( the Federal Ooftrnmenl ! .He California atudents from · the uaed It to cln'elop a cre&l lndlM- Newport -Balboa area haw been try whk:h bu gtven emplayment announced 'U new ·~btn of the •t good wa.gea. dlrec:Uy and indt~ SC Collep of •Lelten. Arto. and recUy, to bWldr<da of i-..s. &:loncu •b-l council. of people. In Ute bands ot t.be Tbe.y are Bubua ,_ Bam· r-..i <loftnunent I.be monq bouoe of lU 2'lh Stroot. N-· would ..-ban --p&ted port Beacb, a junior In UM "T" In tlle -ot --pn.luc· putnfent or icn.i..., alld nleo>Wr Uve pool ornc.. ..,.. otbft a••eru- ot Gamma PliJ Beta -ty; ilt .. l Wlldlnp and ID !*11nc Ibo nva ~ lloU>amlq o< ieao weot -or an -.J7 ...,.._ Oceon 'Front. Nwpoot 8Mch. a ~. -1&1 ........ -and ......... tt --~Illa Ibo ol Dolt& Dolt& -t,y; aad JU--°""""-.._ "' kart --OllHWeot8-T, Jiu>; _, • ._ U.. ~ flA'bM, a Junti-' lD ec<IDOlnla ud piukl mrmh Ill -TU ~ -·•-• at all rtpto at • 1'1d7. Ml;"s :•" ~ ,_. , ...... ---1 "Ca= ... ·=--.. Rewtta w i.-oarntnt u..at 119 fl6 •-.,. rzt nl --=9; AL.C:.: =:""win~~,:= ::a;,:,-='":::-•-: r::.,...,a --....... ,. . ' . . Peop/.e . ''0•1 p ? Sh Id 1iave asked... · I rogress. . OU that mean something to me?'' The cm com.,.nla of Amertc. are now obiiervi"I Oil P-W.U. &,,.. people ou'8Uk the irubutry haue aaltel. ~oa Pro,eu1 ShouJ4 that mean oome- fhi"ll I<> ,,.,,, .. The •nner la "Yes, ll1clffCl l"-for oil p,..,.,... directly alfecta the liveo of all Americans; and th8 reot of ~ civilimd world u well. One indication of the etridOI the induatry bu made ia a count of ita product.. Fifty yean ago, "" were ptting only about a dozon dilfenmt producta out of crUde oil Now Standard produoeo mo"' than 1100. What.., ow..lveo produoe, plua what'• made with the li..ip ol producta we provide, adds up !<> a _.,,ingly end!= list of thinp that dlake yaw: life better. ' • I .. f ' • ' ' • TUESDAY:ocr. ll>, 195 1 • • ' . • •• • • ' . • NEWPORT llALIOA NEWS.Tit.4ES HATH N.OrlCES nzonm · ... P"rod WerU, llW 19th. ~· Nowport BMGb, dlod wblle &1181<1· ' •• .. • -.' , • • .. • , > PAGE 5 • 1 0081'+ .... Local Girl Scouts QilJSooMJ or-, N"o. u.-Jtio -~-·~ .. · .. • 1 em•!f': ..,.. ''t?;J' A. Ses llen AJ ·.~ 0.-l=f"rt IJlft. DnY - • • • , • • t.nr OUr L&d7 of Mt. C&nnel , • I , chun:h bn ~. Cl!:L H . He By MARGO . • • • • lr.•"911 Meeta: WNll r v . 1 :45 at eeroma • dei Mar 8cb1 DI - 5750 C•tJ· _ , Aged Get Aid -;..-----------------••----·-· ________ ...,. ____ ._ ______ .,....., ___ ....,.I 1a llUM-by a .tater, Mrs. Mary o....,,, of Columbus. Ohio. ~ will be recll.ed TUeoc!&Y at 8 p. m. In Grauel "chapel. • Meae will be celebrated at t L m. Wednuday at OUr -Lady of ML Carmel and lote.rment wtll be at Holy Sepu1-· cber cemetery, Orance. Grauel, ~es.. Cba.nces Child& and Boa 7 The numbc~ of people reoelvtac renla Huffman we.re welcomecj &I Glrl Scout Troop No. 1 held aid u . needy aged tn Oruce i:ew members lo till vacanctea ere-thelr flnt meetlng alnce, the aum-county seems to be, tevelllllr oft tt.ed by the real1ma•t--of Km.ea. mer vacation at·\b,e home of Mn. t d • 7 .... ,...._.,, _1• ---\ ARll> -i:ou TOO BIG FOR VOUI!', BRITCHES! It la n.Ot my Intention-to 1 pry • • . but pray tell me Ulla\ i. 'it becommc a test of .brute atrensth tor· you to make your alacttt nt around your nUddle and hlpa 1 ! Do you loOk lumJIY ln your suit.a and dreuee ! Well don;t anewer these queatlona . • 1. simply consult Ben).iece Ad&ma e.t her ,Stauffer System ln Santa Ana. Mrs. Adame will treat ydU to a FR.EE treatmait and explain how the Stauf_fe.r Sy.Lem of pa.salve weight ' reduction c&a help mould you into .a vtbrant, pagan broth of a female! You can re.Jax while exercising and learn how to correct your posture, tone up your muacle~ and get yourself a new des1p for living. Get Shlpebape with1 Stauffer! The only authortU'd Stauffer Salon la at !O!S N. Hain. Santa Ana.. Tattoo this number on your tibia .. , It's not ln the book-Kl 3-7010 • • • I I J;llf!88 Llfe n1ag. really told you housefraus "what 'nlE lllL\DE SHOP .DRAPERY UA&DWilu: VENETIAN BLIND8 llOi..u:R 'SllADES TBAVE.Bl!IE TllAOllS 6tt !IU. SL se'ADt: SH O P Newport lleacb Harbor 814 . . . . . . ~ AFFICIONADOS OF FINE Ml!:X.ICAN FOOD ARE TOSSJNG THElR SOMBREROS HIGH IN THE .AIR AND SHOUTJNO "VIVA NELA!" NELA'S CH.ARM· ING MEXICllN RESTAURANT IN SOUTH LAOtnl!A "io...llL.·IS THE ·RENDEZVOUS FpR LOVERS OF TRULY ., WONDERFUL·MEXICAN DISHES. NELA'S CHllZ RELi.ENOS. ~CA MOLE •. CHiLE CON QIJESO ... IN FACT EVllRYTHINQ HERE IS SHl'!ER DELIGHT! DlNNJ:RS ARE $1 .IO up, or you may order aJa cai,rte. NEL.A FILLS ORDERS FOR FOOD TO TAK£ OUT UP U NTIL 8 P. M. EVERYDAY. NO ORDER JS TOO S MALL OR TOO l..ARGE. ANO BELIEVE ME NELA'S ENCHILADAS AND TAMALES MAKE ANY PARTY A SUCCESS. NELA'S. 31721 S. Coast Blvd, South Laguna.. Phone 4.5627 --Closerl Tues. • • • "BEA UTY NEVER GOES OlfT OF i'~ASHION" chapel dlrecUnr. . ,- ·---~ A G II Su .. 'In Un a aroun u , ""· '\,.o&&llo •• .....,. ......... Nellie Lon&, and Berlneace J"ox · rue · oceeu g mee ga payers' U30CiaUon said today •. when the ~Coat.a Mesa Oirt Scout will be held lD the auditorium of For Augu.t, there were 8..T&t · the Corona dcl Kar achoo! from Board ot directors 'Pet tu\ "Yffk S:4.3 to 4::4.5 p.m... _ · • . peopJe in the county od the a,.ed ln the Scout Hc:Aulc. OrpnbaUOn • -aid rolls, compared wttll 5,781 for Chairman• G-ce Speth --Tbe.ee 7th •gride girt& have a . d • 790 •• ... .....,. .. cu. July, 5,762 for April, an u, that mOl!lt regtste.red t1;oos-are very ambltiOUI program for the for January of thla year. reactivated, but th&t a fewr are coming year and expect to com-Tow aid paid the needy qed 'OHN w. NO:r:. . wt••-··t 1··•·,.., 'plete the Badge requlrementa for • ~ ic:eoc: ln tbe county Is flatt.e!tlnl' out John w . rek, 7~. t>39 San Peraom Interested In worldn.c flT~ ~1-: :J':i~n they prepar-too, the uociatiori said,• compar- •-'-·~1no A.-.• N~rt ~-·-h. with the scouts were. requested to ing the S383,318 total --nu u.r11..--u 1---r-oc:-...; all 1n. • ed. an e:dtlblt forthe recent Tteaa-..-..-..-died Thursday tn h i• residence. c Ml'll. Speth, Bea.con M \l""<I, for Augi.a..t, 1951. with the He wu a retired Ice cream manu-Leaders heed not be pattnt. of ure Daya lobsler.bake--the ~e $385,177 for the month ot ~JUl.J', · Ls N Brownl troo blri.ng · bullt &round lntemational ...... facturer and he had llftd in New-young gir ·· ew e pe t'rlend.ahip ' and .the part that the $388,VOJ for April, ·and $390,736 port Beach fJve yeara and in C&li-wi.11 be organtzcd In the ~d and Girl Scout movement plays in' thi11 for January. fornla t or i3 years. He wu a na-third grades next month. The or-cause. The slogan • wu: "Girl Statewide, the n un1ber of pea-- live of New' York City. N . Y. ~ ga_nizatlon of new troops hi<ttor· Scouting Butt~ International pie rece"'lng akl a.s needy aged Mr. Norek l8 survtved by his merly been held In the schools but F appears to be leveling off ~ Wit.. Fr.nee. Ell.abet• No'-k. qow organization of troops will tl' ricndshlp." The exhibit included T • •• , .. h Id I th Sc t H a dlsplay of cardboard dolls dresa-about 27i.500. the ax payers two l'IOn11, John F . Norek, Jr., New. e n e ou ouae. ed in the scout uniforms ot the &S80clation reported. l 0 ·a h nd H •nry N orek Mrs. Sorena HuUman. new Juli-27 'JO I por P'I:' c a • countries represented. The booth F or August. 4,., peop e wen Long Beach and three grandchll-l't tc Low chairman, wtll attend waa donated by Mrs. H . Swanson on t!1e a i;('d aid rolls tn Ca llfoJ.la. dr•n conference to be held in Pomona, 1 27 271 • uJy · of the Dorothy J o Dance Studio, compare< v.:ith 4. ,or . Funeral serv!ces were held at Nov. 13. Mrs. Mildred Mathews whose daughter, Sandra, ls a troop 273,306 for Apr·il, and 272,~76 for 10 a.m. Monday In Grauel Mortu~ ITplaccd Mrs. R. Chapman as mctnbcr. Januat..'". 1951 . tor" concerning the care and handling of fish. Llfe says, and thank you Henry, ''Today, fish Is more than ever an econon1lcal occasional 8ubstitule for meat. It ts as ri ch in vitamins and protein content as meat, besides being full of minerals which no other fo!ld supplies." It Just so happens that I know of a place where you can buy fish 30 fresh it wiJJ stare you down! Boats leave the Bayside docks daily to bring you Sea Bass. Swordfish, Rock Cod, Albacore, Yellowtall a nd Mackerel. Personally I'd forget theae and buy a fre:AA-irappe<.I 1..obster. Harry says to com~ down to the Bayside Fish Market for a tree page of Lobster recipes even if you obt.ain your Lobsters elsewh~re. Neither tloes the shlrtmRker dress ! Lee Strop has ad1feved another coup and catch for her .Jtrl.('f> Sf"lrt ~hop. Lee ia now dis- playing the t.amOlU• Lordleigh line of dre~s. The comely Lord.Jelgh. ny f-ront sh irtmaker is of crea!M' resl:Jtant rayon gabardine in beauti- fully blended navy and green shephard checks, or in checks of grey 81\d brown. or aqua and brown tagged at $19.9~. Anothe r Lordlelgh charn1er is a two pi ece red Rnd black check at $22.96. You'll agree with me that this sleek llttle sport shop ha.s big fuhlon ideas , · .. anrl thrift y prire lines In Colman Corduroy coordl.nalea; Sunrose of Calif. Round The Clock get ups and a complete line of sweaters and blouses. J o-1..ee Srort Shop. 183.5 Nr"·port A\'te., Cotlta Mesa. ary Chapel, Coal& M esa, w ith Re\•. hotll¥' chainna.o. Mmes. Grace Working towards lhe!r Com-"Total n.gcd aid paid out stands Charles Hand officiating. Inter-Speth and Sybil Norman will at-munlty Badge, Meg And rews, Pat around the $18,400,000 level fbr ment wu In W eatmlruiter Mem-tend Vc lunt~r Trainers coune for Arnott, Doris Backes, Judith California \f'Or one month, the ~ o rlal park. thrC'e weeks at the headquarters Brown, P cgs-y Bush, Ca rolyn Cal· association said. Total aJd pa.Id I l wonder? I But don't you wonder about where to buy fish girlie The BayaiM f'~l"h MarkPl 15 •l Z800 ~layette. Open dally 8. 6:30 e\·ery day In plKatorlal yf'ar. • • • I JT"ST Ht-:ARD ABOUT THl8 \\'OM1\N that lo-;t 5 lbs. runnini:' up the walls .. Hey'. Watch it, M ay~ Come back dvwn oft that ceiling while I finif'l h. se" ': Well, this here woman rented a wall steamer fro1n McDonald's Pa.int Store. She r an it up and down the wallpaper and steamed the old paper off the walls. Gel it? Anrl that is not the very half of it -You yot1r own self can f"l:'nl. a floor waxer that will ~lish your rloors )o a ballroom brilliance. Mac sa;·s arf;. 6 year .. Ballreom old can operate this wa.'Cer. (If you haven't one, send BrUllan<.'C!" out. I F urthermore , you can rent spray guns, wallpaper- ing tools, and fJ,por sander~ and edgers. All of these right here at this sterling, Paint Shop. ALSO GOOD USED CLARINET FOR SALE SIS. You can plainly see . the Mrl>on.a.Jd Paint Stoi't' a.Im" to pleaM. 1872 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA. BEACON ~i02. • • • IF VOli \\.'ERE TO POU R A PINT OF WHIPPING C'REAM o\·rr your head and vigorously apply an egg beater. I aer1ously doubt if anything lovely would come of it . However, Jim's, Beauty Salon i.s featuring the new LADY CLAIROL whipped creme hair lightener which when soz.zled with a nou.Je gives you .a r 1oriou.5 moonbeam mane! All n ice colors including a delicate ash or perhaps a silver blonde effect. This kindly Lady Clairol Whip shampoo1S, lightens and conditions. your mop with one fell swoop. It Is war- ranted.; to be especially fine for streaked. uneven hair. You ma)' also avail yourself of the Roux Color Shampoo here at Jim's. ~ither way, you can depend on a high-toned treatment. So to make men'.M eyes wink and glin t. apply at Jim's for a shampoo tint. 204 (A>Wit HJchway. Corona del War. Harbor 1876 day or e\·e. for a.ppl. • • • "AN TllE GOBRLE-UNS '1..L GIT VOlf EF l'Ot; DON'T \\'ATCH OUT!" OH MY ,YES! E verybody who sacks up on pies, cakes, doughnuts and bread from the Newport Bakery seems to ~nd up' wjth th.e . 6 c gobble-una.. Gobbl1ng Is particularly good now on ~ tbe 6 or 8 varletles of homelike cookies. Vlrginja McMahan hu set aside every Tuesday as National .... , Cookie Day. No matter where you may be this next C' ~ Tuesday ... in the first grade, digging ditches, or In Congress, pause a n1oment and feel in your lunchp<:1.il for a Newport Bakery cookie. T \l'O DOZEN FOR Mt' 11, on Tuesdays. Be sure and '-'·atcb this space next • .-..• week far Information on National Hob Goblin Week. "Gobble-l'n " Newport Bakery. 2112 Ocean Front'. Har. 144%-R. • • • ROSY~ ARE RED, AFRICAN \'IOLt..'TS A.RE l 1Sl'ALI.\' HL1 't.::, GET A PLA.STIC FLOWER BOX IS Ml' ADVICE TO \'Ot:: Self lrrigatlng planters 79c F1 o"·ers by I\lorrl 509 E. Balboa 81\'d. llarbor 2070 • • • ARE YOUR FEET T OO BIG FOR THE BED'? ? '? \Veil say then Ma.c, you're li kely to get Thron1bosis of the Prehensi le, a fate worse than Plat ypus., F'our out or Five quacks will tell you that feet dangling over the edge of the mattre33 cause a feeling of insecurity! But steady on. fellow,.s~ Mother's right here beslde you with a cure. Carlyle's Furniture. merchants or carefree sleep, can provide you with excellent mattresses -mattresses to fit YOUR personality! Whether you're a slant-wise sleeper, toe·dangler or; pillow puncher, you c8n have happier aack time on a Carlyle: mattress. King size, regular size. twin slie or extra length ~ze . Right now you can get a $138 value box springs and matlreSs set for $99 ; S99 value for $69.50. Other bargains too plus budget terms at Carlyle's. \990 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Meaa.. Be-.con 8739. • • • j THE GHOUL OF MY DREA.'llS 18 SOME P UMPKINS : . On with the masquerade! Comes soon the feast of Jack O'Lanterns a.nd Dona.Jdaon's Balboa ~10 is loaded to the rafters with everythlng for a frighteningly beautiful Halloween hoedown! Me.ska are ~ cents up, so appear two-faced in front of your friends! Children's clown. pirate, Red Riding Hood. Allee In Wonderland. etc., etc. costumes are $1 .9&-$2.98. PUmpkin.s are 19c, 29c, 49c. Pumpkin candles l :X: a box. Paper .. Some Pumpkln8" hats 5c up. Witches caps 2&. This !life f ive &: dimerv also has cups. tablec.lolhs, napkins and aJI sorta of witch crafta. ·Now don 't be little scardey cats .. nap on down to the Balboa., 5&10. SOO MMD. U the spirit moves you, put 90mething In Lay Away for Xinas! • • •• SOON WINTER WINDS WILL BE HOWLING. RAIN AND ~NOW WILL be falling, baron1eters will be dropping. And UtUe ole Junior wlll be nmning out to the old red barn for hi.I toboggan! .Well. no matter why Junior goo out to the barn, he will be needing a \Ya.rm jacket! Polly Apparel ha.a anticipated the ineviiable change in the equlno."t, and has a huge stock of JoUy K ida' Fine\ Toga. For extremely Uttle he.Dts Rbes 1, 2. 3. l here are red or blue lined, water repellent Jackets at l2.9a; front zipper overalls of corduroy, sizes l lhru 6: 12.M: warm a.ad mannlah corduroy blouses in 2 toned brown and green or red and blue at $2.0~: Chambray coverall• \\'1th two pa.Jr of pant.a Sl.96: and fm&JI boys 3 to 8 •wtu Jove the ski pajamas U.76. Let '• aee lltUe girls m\18~ also prt!patt for the winter, say wttb red dot nannel p.J'a size 2 -14 J2..60. Sl.~. Remember they a.re not TOO YOUNG TO KN0W tbat Polly Apparel ls the place to go for klda' St\,llf. Pody A~ 1813 Newport A'\'e-, ea.ta MNL P. s. Th Bubettee are ecamg r ! • in Los Angele8. This training ~Ill l!s, Mary Dudley, Laurie Hcn-to the nre<l.\• ap,cct during August, qualify then1 to conduct BBJ:1ic dricks, Bonnie Lynn and Diana 1951 . "'ns $1 8.344,71 7, compared Lcadf'rshl1> cnuriwS for local lead-Sanders assisted the Women's with S1R.:JS5,704 for July, $18.- er.:< nrw in the work. Civic League in wKi t tng on tables 367.008 for April, and $18,468,728 1-1rs. F lorence l<uzn1a n, Uniform on both F riday and Saturday eve-I fnr Janua.r.y. noss o. Ct iNNINGHAJ\I Ross B. Cunningham, 59. dlf'd euddE>nly flt hll'I home, 309 Golden· rod Ave , Corona de! Mar, Tues- day afternoon of a heart attsck. • • • A LIT'f[_,£ NF.GLECT MA,. BREF:O ~tIS· CHIEF': LIKE. F'OR \'VANT OF' A NATL the ~hoc was lost : for .... ant of a shoe the horse was lost. etc .. etc. A sad talc 1n<tectl ... yet a lot of you a re breerl ing mischief by neglecting to ge t fitted In proper anr1 com· • fortable shoc!t. You may he the worst olrJ grouch in the world silnply bccau~ your fcf!t hurt. M.Y advice to yon is to i;ct yourself over to RartM-r'"' Koott>ry. This large fan1 Wy shoe store has a tremendous variety of shoe3 for every occaaion. For grt>od ta~te &nd casual comfort, you can't beat the ne\v Grace Walker Sabots in rich russet brown or red wr\h wedge heel $8.9~: or then too: there's the new Guardsma n flats by Hollywood Skooters in two tone brown suede or black suede $7.D~; Cheer Leader loafers are ge tting a big yell a lso at only $6.9~. For yo.ur dressier moments. there is the Classic Grace Walker black or bro'NO suede pump at $9.9~. No matter \.\'hat size shoe you wear, you can get fitted at Barber's Bootr ry, 1795 -Xf'\\'port A\'('., f'.o•ta M6&. • • • Bullf'tln tn 81L'l)'bodlf'~: t.fere's news fo r lively ht.rtlefl \\"ho must run from J ell y -makin« to J unior r~ague. f rom Parchesi to P.-T. A .. or from seashore to sub- urbS! Lee Shipley had you lovelies in mind when she designed her new gadabouts of Bates cott ons. These handsome. creaae resistan t fabrics whip up into very elegant one and t"•o piece dresses in solirls or prints. One especially sharp little commuter outfit is a sand and. black tailored overblouse worn over black peg- lopped f1ared skirt. Custom n1ade just for you at only $16.96. Ob yes, Lee's Bates cottons get Invited everywhere! And better consult LM Shipley about her · other custom made original• at ready mll'tle prltes . . . 'cordUro)'s, cocktail costumes, suits and gown& Lee Shiplt•y 0r1glna.IA. 1106 CO&At Hlg:hwlly, Corona del Mar. Rat. IMW. COAST GUARD ENFORCING LIGHT LAWS Ell'vc-nth Coast Guard District riff1cia l~ said today that they were ::losrly ~nforcing Jaws t•oncernlng violatirins of rcj:'ulatlons In the use of llghts ort navlgabh1 waters. Tht> act "'as prompted by com- plaints receivcd from ves~ls f'n - terinJ:" local harbors of extremely bright, un!hielded light.B on har- bor craft which interfered with proper navigation. The Coast Guard's authoriza- tion for the ttghtenlng of Jaws concernln~ lights is found In an =lrt ic le from the Code of Federal Regulations stating that "all floodlights or ~eadlights which may Inte rfere with the prope r navigation of an approaching v e11- sel shall be 80 shielded that the lights wtll not blind the pilot or suc h vessel." Violators of the regi.tlatlon will be dl'cmetl guilty of a di8demeanor and liable to fin1•s of $5,000 or Im- prisonment. the Coast Guard Mid. OPS Conducting Community Price System Survey Auto Club Will Set Up Off ice in Laguna A ne\V district office of the Automobile Club of SouUtem Cali- fornia will be opened ln Laguna Beach on or about Nov. I to serve motorist•membcrs In this area. accordin~ to ~ announcement by Charles R. L~dbery, field secre- tary for the motoring organlz.a. tlon. The new office-the 57th to be est.abllahed in \Cities Utroughout Southern California -will be lo· cated-In temporary, leued quart- t>n at 289-1 e out Highway South, Laguna Beach, at the In tersection of Hinkel street. Eventual plans call fo r erection at another site ot a. new building wtth ample off. s treet parking faciUUes .. Manager ot the new office will be E. A. Hoffman, formerly of the auto club'.5 Anaheim dl.atrict of- fice. He will be a.sailstcd by a staff of five. Territo ry lo be served by the new office will extend along the C08.."!t from Newport to San Cle- mente a.nd wlU Include Doheny Park; SM Juan Capistrano and C011ta Mc.ea. Thia area formerly \VU served by the Club's Santa Ano. district office. Reason for establlshment of the new Laguna ~ach office la "the tremendous growth of territory and service demands" In thl8 area.. according to Llndbery. A native of Indiana, lrtr. Cun- ningham had lived In Corona dC'I Mar for one week , coming there a fter retiring as a hardware and furniture dealer In India,,ta.' Hf' is s urvived by his wife, Ha- zel . and one son, Cecil, or New· York· City, who Is enroute to Cor- ona de\ Mar to make his home th~re. Funeral services are pend- ing al Baltz Mortuary, Corona. del M8.r. HERBERT H. HANNAFORD Herbert Henry Hannaford. 86, of 583 Plumbe r St.. Costa Mesa, died Wednf!sday In his home after an extended Illness. A reUred rsncher from Tulare. Mr. Hannaford had lived In th£' Costa Mesa area one month. He b survived by three sons, R. E. Hannaford of Oregon; T. R. Hannafo rd, Escondido; and Her- bert H . Hannaford, Jr .. of T ustin ; thn!'e daughters, Mr.s . B. M. Afad- dox of Yucaipa ; Mrs. R. L. Ap- pleton, Oregon: and Mrs . Albert E. Farnsworth of Tustin ; also 11 grandchildren and 10 treat grand- c hildren. Funeral arrangements are peud- 1.A.g at Brown Colonial Mortuary. ' Saturday . Closing Date Announced SACRAMENTO, Oct. l~A. H . Hendef'80n, Stale .Olrector of Mo- tor Vehlclee, announced today that In,. llnc with a new law passed by Ule recent Legislature all offices of the Department of Motor Ve- hicles will be closed on Saturdays' effective November 3, 19:)1 . Saturday morning service. be.- tween the hours of 8 :00 and 12 :00 noon will be continued In all of- fices of the Department through October 27. An exception to the Saturday closing will be made dur· lng the annual registration renew- al period, whic h next yeS:r will ex- tend from January 2 through Feb· ruary 4. Additional houn or service to the public are being offered In all offices of the department u the result of a revision of .office hours that has already been put into ef- fect, the Director stated. From Monday through Friday, the o(- flcea are now open from 8:00 a. m. to ~ :00 -p. m . UntU this e hange wa.s made la.st week, ~he Depart- ment's hours were from 9:00 a. m . to ~:00 p. m. A survey ls · brtng made to d~ tennine lf a community pricing lystem s ho'-',)d be .Q;l&oed in effect by the Office of Wice StabiHzallon for grocery items, according to \VW ia.m C. Moeaer, director or the San Diego P istrtct ottice ot ''The rC.t1ult of these changes in office hours," Director Henderson pointed out, "Is actually to pro· vtde mOre hours of aervice per week to the public than has been the case up to lhf present time. We have made these changes in harmony with a new law passed by the Legislature at the last se•- slon. The trend to the five-day week is general tn bustneM, Indus- try, and public service. To com- pete with private enterprise and other publlc agencies in eecuring and reta.lning capable y er50nnel. the Department of Motor Vehicle• WSB O . mu.at keep ln atep with the trehd.~' pens Office , 0 . P . S. "Right now, community pricing The ~glona.1 Wage StabUtu.- in Los Angeles . Sardi~ c-.niftCJ Runs 7,526 Tons la ill effect only on bff.f," Moeser tkln Board yesterday opened an &11id.. ··A surv ey Is ta.king place office of the ecvenlh Ooor of the '-Terminal lala.nd -Callfornla here. fllld ln other parts or the Cairns ButJdin,g, at 108 Wfllll SixlJI ·dftnen and procwors received • nation, to 8t'e it it ts adviaablt: Street. Lam Angeles. totai of 762$ toq of eardlnea dur- to e:stablish Ute same ayatem (or . It will• be the alternate heacJ. ~ "Die monUt of Augua~ accard- grocery items. Orocen. at pm-quartera for the Regional Board., lJiC to the Department ot F1ab and 'nt. set their prices on a per-which ta a trl-partlte body macfe· Game. ' ' chairman stre86c8 the great need ning. "The t axpayers are beginning for uniforme and requ~ts that ti') r.-et so:ne ~nefit front th& re-- anyone having an out grown uni-Area D'irector r<'"l of the rostly 1'1r Lain invasion forrn of e1thE'r a Girl Scout or into aged aid in California," the Brownie to call Beacon 5788-W. t Add Ta..Xpay<'rs' as..~:ation s8.id, wam· Because of the rapid grow\l}, of 0 r~SS in&c that another McLain propolJQI membr-rships and In antlcipltion G' J S A \viii be on the next statewide of t!avinj:!' upwarua of :;o tr:_oops · Ir COUt SS O. ballol in this state. by Nov. t . plans ~re formulated to maintain office hours at the Scout Hou!\(' ?ofonday through Fri· day from 10 a . m . to 4 p. m. The entirf' Girl Scout organlzatlon wishes to cxprrss their heartfelt gratitude to the Kiwanh1 Club for thC'1 r gent'rous donation of $400 which clea rN their Scout House of de bt. Costa Mc-!Ja Brownie t roop No. 6 held their first mN'ting of the fall at the home of thf'ir lea de r. Mrs . Myrtle-Glyn. with Mrs. Mar- ion Max\lo·ell, as.8istant leader, aid· ing in the program. The me mbers made plans for a cook-out and to make puppel11 for a play lo be held soon. Tht' F"irls also related their various summc-r activities. The new spon~or of troop Is the Har- bor Rolle r Rink. Visitore at the meeting were Diane Papineau and Delaine Cavanaugh. A1 -e mb e rs present wer e, Nancy Maxwell, Carla McClure, Judy Hand, Doyne Ladwig, Linda Glyn, J & n Ice Mathews. Linda Mclntoeh. Mar- Wayne CaVaniiagh and Andtrea Paplne&u. • COM Cub Scouts Induct Largest Bobcat Group The first meeting of Cub Pack 180 sfnce it.A orga.niz.at!on fof 1951- 52 was held In the auditor um of Corona deJ A-tar school on Friday. Oct. 5th . According to Cubmaster Bill T obltt, th~ 16 new Bobcats w~·re thi> largest number or ~ys ever t o bl> lnductrd at On(' time. They lnclu drd : James Delligatti, Michael Majrir. John B . Smith, J ohn Sco ~t. Gary Caldwell. J oel Miller, Craig Balley, Michael Smith, Jon Whet"le r, Richards Hoffm11n, T im Noack, Lorren Flet- cher. Pe ter Morgenroth, William Carpenter. Dale Workman and Kenny Huff. A wards were made t o : Ricky Crisfield, l Bear sliver arrow : Jim W interbotham. l Lion badge. l gold and 3 silver arrows; Tad To- bit t. l year service star; Davtd Drury, 1 year service star: Donald Swanson , l year service star ·and David Meyera, l year service star, Bear badge. Fifty-six boys make up eight dens with several prospective Bob- cats attending den rnectlngs. The Den Mothe rs and ua;Ul:tant lead· ers of the ~lght dents ace: D<>n 1, Mr~. wBen Douglas, Mrs. Roy Mather :4bcn 2, Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. Charles WUley; Den 3, Mrs. Warren Fletcher, Mre Richards HOrrman: Den ol, Mrs Ben J\cddick , Mrs. J . H . Caldwell; Den 5, M rs. William Carpenter. Mrs. Raymond 'Schwartz; Den 6. M1s . W. J . Crkler, Mrs. Vaughn Blanchard and Den 9, Mrs. Mau- rice Miller, Mra. Russell Work· man. Boats, made by the. Cub& to ll- U8tra le the "Shakedown Crui8e," .heme of, the month, wer1: dUr "Jlayed. Theme for thC con1lng montt Nill be "Strong fQr A1nerica." At ·.he next Pack Meeting on Friday '.'llovember 2nd, the monthly dP.n _>rojecta will be dlilplayed. F irst meeting and luncheon uf Gi r l Scout Association of New· port Harbor is announced for n<'xt week. Mrs. "Lo;raine Ames, execu- tive director: of Santa Ana area council, who attended the inter- national encampment at Wind in Washington state this summer will give a report on he r wonder· fu l experience with Scouts from 27 ditCerent countries., Every registered adult and any one interested in scouting Is as- sured of an enlightning n1cet ing. All are cordis.Uy invited to at· tend. Tht' m~E'ting will be held at the Girl Scout house on Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 10 a .m. and will be followed by luncheon. 41 County School , Boards Sign Up . Aid Agr~ements County Superintendent of Schools Llnton Simmon.a hu announced that 41 of the i8 school boards of the County of Orange have signed the 41'1UtuaJ aid a~ments re- quested by the Civil Defenae and Disaster Relief Council of the State of California. All 41 have been sent to Sacramento for ac- ceptance. The remain ing seven school boards have not had op- portunity !or executing l he i r agreements but Simmons expects to receive t hem most any day. These mutuaJ agreements are identicltl with those which n1oi.t all cit ies and .CQUnties within the State have executed wi th the Statf! Clv;I Defense and Disaster Relief Council. ' They agree to assist voluntarily each other In the event that a disaster should occur by the intercl.tange of ser- vices and facilities. Such agree- ment may be cancelled by serving notice and awaiting 20 days' elapsed time. This' Is another ·step In the ,perfecting of plans for Orange County in the event Of a major disaster from natural cause! or during a state of extreme emerg- e ncy when from et1emy attack. All the cities in the coqnty have long since signed their agree- ments. Many De fense J obs Operi in Pacific A cr itical shortage or · certain typrs ·of prof('s.qional and !!killed - workers is slowing important de- fense "·Qrk in the Pacific Islands, Ray Mathe'-'·~on, manager of the loca.1 · State Employment Service ornce announced today. The Navy needs civilian worker& for asslgn- n1en t to important defense work at P acifi c Island deferuie bases which are now being rebuilt and c'Xpanded to meet the demands of defense preparation in the western Pacifi c and far eastern areu , Mathewson said. • Failtire to staff these Navlil establishments with the. needed workers ·could result In serious c urtaihncnt or pl&.'Uled improve- ments to our defense project.a in the island15. Engineers, draftsmen, diesel equipment mechanic&. auto n1echanlca, e1ectrlcls.na, and many kinds or skilled craft.J!lmen are urgently needed. ·Excellent wages with o verseas pay bontlSeJ!I, 30 da ys' vacation a year wJth pay, and other advantages are being of- fered to qualified workers apply- ing for these Jobs. Every effort is being made lo make life in the Pacific lalanda compa.rable to that in the Uplted States, Mathewson said. Full in· formation about the jobs that are open, the rate of pay, the provts- lons for dependents. and 0th.er facts about these jobs can be ob- tained at the California State Em- ployment Service Office at 701 North Flower St .. Santa Ana. Steele's Adios Now in Capetown Harbor Tom Stet'le, hahdsome 24-ye&r- old bachelor of Newport Beach, now sailing around the wOrld. reached Capetown, South Afrt'ca over the week-end in his 32-foot Tahiti ke tch, the Adios. The voyager amt hi.8 Australian crew member earlie r had put into Plettcnberg Ba)' after belng re-- ported missing In a South Atl&nUc stonn. St eele lett N ewport Harbor in March, 19~0. Ill f/ • • • I .. EAST lly GIEYHUll ...._It's ... FllllMY•llY 19 tninl • Gft)'hound !PW. yoa, lho "'°" Car the i.c.1 on :roar trip Eut , .. and that lnclucleo _plent7 of " ·- ) • 7 \..../" • centage markup baais." up of 12 memben.. tSiX of the Wit!' the sardine flAhln&' aeuon 7;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~(j ·· Under communJty pricing. membe:rw and two of the &lten:aatMi open only in northern C&Jifomla. • ..,......,. oxplajned, each dlotrict cqme from Ille .,.... Wbldl Ille ol· Monterey took I.be l<!od u lllP would b&Ve a eet of prlcell for eacb f.te wot auve. ~ rot the month. A total of croceey Item and tile price wuuld Tiie of!lce Will ~ -ot 72M -Wtft l&Nlod there and be the eame .In all atora In the tho' ~ for W&c• ~ 107 loao In San J'raDcleco. communll)'. The prlca """'1d bo mat.a, wbldl ......,,..., · -~ ~ loao ot tho August aboUt the l&JDO In all eammunllia. UAlona In ooutMnl ~ -fola1 WU reduced -pem>ll but variat!ona would be permitted mlt for Board .,,..,al. A•-p lalo -and oUo. Tbe bolance In Ille nrloua dllltrlcts_tn accord· all petlli-'aro l•ltlelr ;:;.,.,.~ !ff. nu._._ co-forbU- frindl7 -tloe and •. ~ cl>Oico of i:outes. ~, .-"' •22 Wy Trt,...WT " . . ._ LOS AllllLIS lllCl1l1r JlD .. LIB is .... 5* tils •. F• ilfnalill :Ill rm, c.1.1 •i.•co ~ W«'ZUlaJ• .. \ -. """" with dlfrett..,.. In -., In San ~ ~ JI I • .. -r;:.., , ~-~ and othtt-loea1 Ir~ -bo ...... ,,,. -117 tlla -- laclon. ocl to Ille 1-~ -A I ulM ~ -tllat "-Y W. J-11't11a eJlair ... 'tllo •11 'l•lr .... II ,_i to IJ'I,. -.. tho r.. ....... -""'-"'· ... , •• -i ...... Sb< -.....,. d.:. ~ ,•' "It'd I ........... ;,ir~; < ~ caJltarala. -fl"IU• U.O ~ IW ____ llY'~ C":l:l-~ia ( apprp--..... ?. . ., ... _ ,, . •• • .... 1 • --~~--:-__ • • • • y .... ~ llWl1' *'9 • I ! ...... ....._ ........... for , •• ,_,.,. • ... ee,_,.., .. ....,_ .,. __ ...,.! . I I ' • 1 • 1 • • • ' ' 1 •• • ~· • 1 • ·--.... ,..... .......... .. '°"' .~ '· tuM ~11UO Delnll •• ·. -M' 111 oilO -w ' ..... 47-46 ......,._.., ; Hpr 'lmk .: .._ A•'-. .... 40.IO • ,..,.ff:.,.. :--;:.a;=-~•=.,&m.; ···~r- ' 7 • • .. .. I PAGE I OCTOBER ,IG, ltlll NWWPOJIT BALBOA ~roms • '• ,I Z ' • •• • -"*' I • ' , • , • ' , . .._ ~ I'• ( ... ; ,., J ' .. , ... t ,, ~ -· Ml.UY.-RENT, OR . TRADE-. USE . THE CtAS5tflfD. PHONE _.ffAR 1616 . -.. • • I • • • S. f. COticlave Draws Newp(>rt ,Officialdom . . . CL·ASSIF.IE .D . .. ,. . . fq, Mighty Midget Jn Adverlia!ng NEWS-TIMES -Every Tues~ay NEWPORT BAY POST -Wednesdays NEWPORT.BALBOA PRESS -Thursdays • Standpd Sfatlons, Inc. I -.. ' . J • 1-. , HE.A \r'Y SEAS OS A HIGH TlDE undennlned fen tts and carried t~d!I or' )'llnl" ot ll&Dd Into the briny during tbf' JJ'Kl "'~k. )tore than ft\-e fttt of .bfoach 'A'M "'a!thed DWU.)' in thre W est Newpert &f'N.f Tht> abo,·e plctW"e show• tbe lft'f'-»ery of a yard In the 8600 b!ock on St-a.-~bore Ori\•e u. lt h&Dp do'''" ovPr the blulr er 8&Dd where tbe troo.t .)'lU'd waa M"&!tbt>d a""ay. In the t.ck&'rou.ad are Uw ff!DCftl In Ow-S100 and S800 blocks standing I~ skelttoni.1on flit-eroded bf'&ch. (News-Times Photo) Guest Artist From Mexico at Padua Hills Need Teachers for Red Cross Nursing Classes • Concert Assn. • Kickoff Lunch That more Volunteer Instruc tors are needed lo teac h Re<l Cross at Bay Club Home Nursing Clasoes throughout \V ilh the opening or the falJ Orange County was emphasized "KlckofC" for the Community !leason on Oct. 17, the Mexican today by Milo K. Tedstrom, M. D. Concert &$80Ciatlon membenhlp Players have introduced ·an ln-for the Medical and Health Ser· drive will ~ a compllment.ary noval!on In connection with their vices, Civil Defense; Mrs. Mildred luncheon for workers, according to -Croddy, president, tllstrict 16, annual n .. ~·1uc tion of "F estiva.le!," 11lans mad" Thu-"ay when the u-,.. vu California Nurse's Association, L . -1 """' panorama or Mf'xican song:!!I and L. Beeman, president. Orange sociatlon group met In Dod(e Hall. danc1>s, at the Padua Hills Theatre. County Retired Tee.he rs Assocla-"l'he luncheon will be on M.onday, For.three performances a week, lion, and Mrs.. Robert Null, vice Oct. 22 at Balboa Bay Club and. Wednesday nlalinee and Wedne• chairman of Home Nursing tor at this "tjme orflce.n tor the new Southern Orange County Chapter. year wlll be elect ed although the day and Thursday cvenii;-gs, Sen-and the other four Re<.I C'rosa present board will C&JTY th.f'OUl'h or lta Amalia ~f ill&n. nationally chapt ers In t he county.. / wilh the campaign work. AU known ~Ie x ican folklorist, will ap· Women who are either rC'gist cr· workers who expect t o attend the pt-ar a., a "uf'st a rtist. as.slsted by ed. nurses or have had t t'aching E.'X· Iunl'heon .should make reservatk>os the. Mex ican Players. Widely known tor n e r appear- an<:f's before university and club groups, Senorita. Millan will pre- sent song!i of var ious reg ions of Mexico, accompanying h e rs e lf w ith hf"r own instrumenUi a.nd dn·ssed In authentic regional coa· perlence may quality for an in-with }lrs. C1.inlon Sawin. JteCN"· structor's course of six day's tary or Mrs. J . Leslie Stertenaen, tralnlng, to be·g\,ven at the South-' pn•sider.t. ern Orange County CAApler Head-Each ot the old workers la Uk· quaTters, 1104 W. E ighth St., be· ed to attend and lo brlnc a new ginning Wedne&d•Y· October ti. worker, Each ten memberahlp• Scheduled trom 9 a. m. to ~ p. m .. sold ent itles the worker to a fl'ee the cla.sae9 will m ttt October 17. membership. Student ticket. Mll 18. 19, 24, ~ and 26. tor $3.. which I.a half prtce, and any tum_es from her own private col· )-frs. Gertrude Andrew, R. N. student sefl lng 10 wtU recetve a lt'Ction. . will conduct the countywlde t1·ain· free cne. At Jeut three loca.l con· Augmenting ~er songs and dis· in g conference for the new.Home ct"rts wiU be programmed anti cuss1ons or sect1o nal custom.s, the / Nursing instruc tors Y.'hich is spon-nrtlsts will be selected a.ner the Mexl~an Players will prc~nt au-sored Dy the Red Cross chapte rs In mt>mbership drive. lhenttc <lanct>s or the various Orange-County. T he class is limit-I Memberships entitle the bolder regions t reated by lhe se;iorita, ed to 15. Wome n who are interest-to attend Community Concert.a ln assistl'd by th(' Pat..lua orchestra. w should contact \bi?lr local Red other l'lwn.s. Downey hu invited For the other three perfonn-Cros.s, or Southern Orange Coun· I the Harbor membe.ra to attend &nl.~. F'rlt..lay anti Saturday eve-t y Chapter H eadquarters In San,ta their coricert.a.. Laguna, althou1h nings and Saturday matiJiees, the Ana. 1 •old out, will seat a.s many (CURIU Mexican Play~rs unaS3isted will a!' possible. as '1(111 Fullerton, jntr<x1UCf' an entirely different p· w· where Caroll Glenn, vtollalst, ii rcp,.rtolrl'. lrafes In billed on the Opening program of 'fhesi' programs \\'ill include Oct. 22_ Those holdlng renewal songs ant.I llances represent 3.live of (Continued from. Poll"! 1) ca.rds inay attend thla and othe.r n1any .stat··~ of ~l<'xico presented end, and linebacker Charley Black t'a rli' Concerts, Mr&. Steffen.sen u1 th~ n 1 ann~~r that ha.<i made the each made seven tac kl es· and Don I F · I Wagon'e.. 111.ncb'<"ake• I, and Bob s a id. annua " t'st1 va ~·s" produc tion~ • • ,\ppointed . were: Zoe Ba.rlow, favorites with playgoers. Woodhouse I tackle) l'&C~ math· membership chairman: C 11 nt 0 n "La Bamba," comedy or Ver&· rive. tackles ... J erry Boehne wa., c-ruz, now in its final week. will close with t'bur ... Coast's tin<' I Sawin, contert chaJnna.n; Blanche . . . , , Rogers. luncheon chalrman; Mrs. close Saturday. "Feslivales" will manedn ghentcbaf_<rk ee'n"ouo•nhl y ...... lt·tt,·,at'"tht ~ J Q.'Jcph &>e k, appointment chalr-br-· staged W<'dne!«iay through ... »V n1an. Satur1!ay C'Vcnings and \<\'ednesday ha lfbacks and safeties had to and SaturJay. afternoons, through make tackles j an<J one or tht>!'lt' Nuvt>n1tk.•r 2i , follO\\.'ing the op..·a-tackles was made by halfback J\.1 1'1 tng. Smalley behind the line of .scrim· Mountain Lion Now Shares Spotlight With Bob Cat Pro America National Board Asks U. N. Probe 1 ' Boarrl members or the National .AS80Ciatk)n of Pro America yes- terday a.skcll Congresa lo investi- gate th•'. d&r1ger" or law making through United Ntt tions trentic!J a.s tht· b<' .. 1.rJ conclul.lt•d a three-day mf"t•ting In th .. Union League CTu b at Chicago, IU i11<1is. "\Ve o.grt"-e with Senator Brick- e r IR. 0 . 1 that fl"t..lt>ral and sta.te constitutions arxl laws could be up3et by such treaties a.s the draft covenant on human rights," said Mn. R. S. Knappe.n of PTulsBt Oklahoma, association presldenL "W f' want Congns.s to set up a COffi1!1illee to find out how tar thi.3 natk>n is committed under the United Nations and to explore an4 cLari.ty our position. A C&llfom.i8 court has hPld that Untted Nations acts can be grounds for holdin1 a state law unconstitutional. If that is to be the case. treaty law makl lng should atop now." Opp<»&e Global TrMtles age after a pas!! completion) ... Ned Parsons probably laid lhP he.fliest tackle of the night as hf' knocked Orin Allen rOr a loop af- ter & pass completion . . . Halt· back Parsons had been waiting so Corona tJel Ma.r's mountain lion long to make a tackle that he put 1na.de the police blotter yesterday everything he had into it . . . , morning but disappeared before Pirate quarterbacks set some kind offiC'<'r:!!I coutfrioot h.lm. of a Tecord u thC'y threw 10 ~1:rs. Elvin uer, 278 Morning passe!f, completed fiv«.> to Mt. San Canyon Roa , Shore Cllffa, tele· Antonio de.fenders and four to the phoneJ the station &t 8:30 a. m . lnte.nded recelve.r and only had one to onnounce that the cat wu oul- incomplellon ... Coacta f\ay Ross afd~. licking his chops. And would was pleased with the improved oomront' please shoot him ! Pirate play eai>«lally the down· Officers Warren C&uell and Don fi~ld blocking on the part of Di('k Burd!ol&ll and Reserve Officer Bob Francis and Ha.J Smith ... 1-Ie Carter, armed with a rtn~ drove noted the tmprov<'<i tockllng along to Lhe scene. But they reported wtlh better-end play. ~ later they saw no mountain lion. "H e was an orange-colored bob . . I cat," they lnsia:ted. So, it look& Sailor Who Beat like the .wud te~ne popu1at1on .. • incrc&."ling, police decided. Tbe an· Beverly Hills Man lmal Oed Into .• raV!ne before they coulJ Moot him. Apprehended Here Newport Beach police cut •hOl't Comµs Club Da!1Ce a ruse In ... t.olen car Sunday.when Set for Friday tbey ureated John WU1iam Hut- chin.eon, 21-year..ald sailor, w !! o admitted, beatJng a wealthy l'e'" tlred hotel man of Beverly H illa and taking ht. automobile after hltehlkln&' a lift. · &dward 'M. Pnther !Ml, ot 806 North Rextbrd o;.{fe Beverly Hiiia, told ·suta llonlea pollce h• -plell:ed up the aallor on W!l- alilre lll"id.. Bever\y Hilla, at 4 ::io &. 1'l-Boca alW, lte M kl. ... WU Comua club will bold their tall dinner-dance Friday at 7:IO p. m. la the Santa Anl.•Oountey C..b. .Roeta will be memben of the board or direct.on. ' 1•• •0AN_ptOMOTID wtlLE iN «Ol•A be&*• ud thrown fl'Om lm car WJl"li TH& lat CA.V. !>IV. IN by Ille man wbo llo wu tak1Qg to XOR.IRA-OU-. B. On ~ Boll- & 8-ta Monica tius st.a.don to -' wbo wu ncer1lJ fll•t'9ed te ~ • buo ror llaA Dteao. TIM ~ lint -law• .. -&11.,..i attack occurred at Uneolll Illa lit c._, 'I*.._ • tM -OcMD Plutt -........ ,_t"' -. ~ --at at. Vin· Tllo tll<' ....... .,. ... hbi'll7 Ollll4a Rm .... tw .a 111*-let\. .... _, U.. • I¥ W; .. • wl'lit ... -...... " , be 0 tt Ute._ • 7 s•tr Newpun ..... cYRiiA' R, 71• ._ 0.W "1111iil ....... aonatl&.& .... wreta.rMd' ••Ill's' n k 177 I' • ,to .......... -lie .... - -........... ,, • _..., -~.of pand Ore ... -·· ..... ,.. ..... l1left, -.... ' • ' • Has a few openings • FO~ MEN S2-H 811c1a • CLOS.ING ESTATS -D19.,.1 Newport's elty eGWtcllmen and city orneta1a today nabbed elbow• w1.th tbouande of their ·counter· ps.rt..~ u they att~nd!Ni ·the League of Callfomla. Clt'ee .c:onwnUon in San Franctaro. They len here Bal- llnllly tor t.be copVention Wb.leb opened yelterday and wtu run through tomorrow. Ne,Yport a.7 Post !..'IU..ned Adll m•t ·,... l9 lite ~J MMn-'l"tmee 01' tile 'l'IMt.ndiJJ Pra. W!:lo a re looklng for permanent ' . · high oven ~ tlte.ve, c:rQtalk:· lee box. Hoover rictum.. WD1 take re&.80oable oh'er. ~JlartM>r 2849-WK.' 83,cM 1n addition t.o lbe council. Cltx -M&napr John B~llora, Cily Engi- neer !krt Webb, CJty Attorney harry Bl.odl'ell, city Treuu.rer Arthur J. Gant and City Clerk Charley Priest. mad:! tbc trip. Most or the wtvea ot councllmei1 and o.ft icl&J.s went on lbe junket. Durtns the Bbaence of SaUort, the council appointed Chlcf of P~ lice R. R. Hodgkinson as city man- ager pro tem. The council also granted Mayor L L. Isbell pen:nis- ak>n to leave lhe at.ate on a bunt- ing trip. Re.creation Group to Name Leader at Next Session A meeting ot Newport Beach and Coat.a Mesa groupe inter e•ted In setting up an oft-base recrea- tion community procnm for Ser- vice peN'lnnel will be held Thurs- day at 1 :30 p.. m. ln Goodell Re.II, 15th &t.reet and Balboa Blvjl. At la.st week•s session of the city park, bff.ch and recreation ~omml111lon, Francis Horvath was named lemporary chaJnna.n of the oft-base recreation committee. A regular chairman will be cho9e11 at Thuraday night's m eeting. Some 20 ors-anlzatlon.1 attended la.st week 's preliminary meeting. The city park, beach and rec- reation commiuion at Its regular meeting recommended that the city council purchase 100 knock- ed-down park benches. They woUld be uacmbled by city employees during the winter al a COAt ot $11 per bench, an estimated $18 per bench •vl nl' II they were bought alree.dy assembled. ~ b e n c h ends are of Concret e. Antigua (ContlnUf>(f on Pap 8 ) finish tor a race ot thl!I l~ngth in lhi» kind ol weather . °'"""' In - ~IMUM llD IS ' LUIM • AJ1 L-.i..i a.lo mmt be .,.id ,.. C.. I• ..ivU.. cf ,,__ 4 """"' 1 rape;.~ . $, .15 ~ - 4 IJIM9 :l .Paperli l.M' . 4 Un~. a P11pers . z.dil . . The publl1hen wlll not be reeponsJb&e tor more lhait one ln~t lnaeruon ot mn advertlMmcnl, reM-rve ttie rtent µ, correctly elaallfy uy,. and all ade ana to reject 1ny advertiaement not contormlnl' t'' ruJu tDd regulatlona. AdverU3em1?nt• o.nd CllJ\Cdl&Uon• wlll bt: accl!!pted up to a p.m. on the day precP.dtng publlcatton. Except deadline for News -Ttme!I t.s 11 a. m. Mondaye f'bone 11.ar. 1018. uk for ''Ad Tak.er" or aend ad and ttmlttaaoe te NEWPORT RAJlBOB PUBLISHING CO •. - !!ti Balboa Blvd., N~,,·pon ne.cta. C&lltornlL Cla.sslfled Index 10 Bualneu Gulde l l BulJdlnl' &latertala It BuUdlna Servltt• 14 Pe nonah 16 Slit.are Yoar Oar II Trusportatlea 11 &oona. Coatracton 18 Beauty AJds 19 U pholiitertns U Healllli Ald• !!' Loat and Found !4 Sabools. l.nKnK!tlOD JS Sltuatlou Waated H llol• Want<'d Sift Sale, au.ce.1tboona •A· Slvapll\ • »-B ApplhrH 31 WuW. to Buy , n t"'uraltve for Sale !.•·A Antlqut•tt S3 Boats. Supplle. S4 MutNcal, Radlo S5 Doc•. Cata, Pete SG Poultry, Rabbit• 37 U\•et1WC.k • 58 Special Announcement 40 BwllneM Opportunities 41 Stord; and 01nces 42 Wantf!d to Rent •s Apartment• and Houaes '3-A Trailer s....,.. '4 &Hml for Rdt .... A'. Red DOIDN q: bat, Mhtct.>lt&Deous 41 lleom U4I Do&rd 41 Trucks 411 ..\.Utomohil"'· Tlrf'!!I 49 AutO!!I Wa.nted 50 Auto ServlCt!J 51 TralJen. 52 Alrpl.anf'M REMODEL and REPAIR Residence or Commercial • R. L. 'Dick' Nelson· Sr. General BuUdlng Contractor 538 Fullerton, Newport Beach Free Estimates Beacon 5779-W 1Sp87 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Re8idential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 64.08-W 11ttc Painting an.d Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 508 · 31st SL, Newport Beach Phone Hn rt:ior 2418-\V be.tore 8 a . m . or after 4. :30 p . m. ·83tfc COMPLETE HOUSE CLl!!AljlNG Furniture and rugs shampooed. Free estirnates~Fully insured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Others ln order of rlnlah WH't": .' M Money &.o Loaa 51 Money Wanted IS1 Reel FAtate Waa:t.ed IO l.Deome Property Bucoa e111 12tte Dr. Burton Hall'• Sooml ; Chuck Ullman'• Lerend; Bob Allan wilh Bagatelle·; Don Elder with Esca- pade; Gene Trepte's Evenlnc St&r: Ken O&vb' Conejo: Earl Corkett'• F!ytng Ooud: R . B. Lewis' Teeyat: Fred Lyon'• Kltt@n, and G. L. Car- rlngton'• T opaz. Unreported weN" Kenny Schmidt's Hila.rl.& and P o .... ter Slncla.lr'a Flying Scotchman. but 1lnce lhete are both. r-ated u extremely fa.at boats, It ta poMible .that Schmidt and Slnclalr wa.lted until Monday to report their re- spective finish times. Trophy Wlnne n Overall-Antigua.. Hal Ramser; Attara.nle, Ian Mun-ay, Suoml; Dr. Burton Hau. Clue "A"-Legend. Chuck tnl- man; Evening Star, Gene Trepte. Cl&M ... B "-Antlgua, Hal Ram- eer; Attarante, Ja.n Murrar: Esca~ pade, D. W. Elliott Miled by Do.n Edler Cla.u "C"-Suomi, Dr. Burton Ha.JI ; Bagat elle, sailed by Bob Allan; Teeyat, H . B. ~& Arbitrary Claas -Conejo, K en Davis. 81 K<al Eat.ate Exclwar• 82 Keal E&tate I 0--BminetlS Onlde For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE ..SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 81 7 Coa.sl Hlwo.y, Corona del Mar . 70Uc VACUUM CLEANERS Electrolux and i>thcrs, $6.95 up. JOO lo ch<>O&e from. H ANK'S VacUUJ1\. Cleaner Co. 001 S. Main St., Santa Ana • Kln1berly 3-2968 70tfc Spark• cau.. Ft"' I IZ--B ildln Se loe8 The U-.inl' room in the real--U g rv dence of Mra. Mary M. Guild, 1319 FJSHE-R We•l Bay avenue and Los A.n- &'•l•a. was ready tor p&Jnters on Drafting Service \Veqtieaday evening of last week 'flttl. furniture piled in the ce°"-er 916 Cout Highway, Harbor 2443 • n d covered with newspapers. Corona dcl Mar Spark.a from the fireplace 1rn'ted · 72tfc lhe papers in early morning, cfe.. atroylng the furniture and cau..slll:g EXPERIENCED CARP~ERS coll3iderable damace by smoke Want \Vo rk by Hour or Job, befo~ Engine 3 from New·port Co.11 Harbor 1161-~t PAINTING COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL I RESIDENTIAL Frt-e Estimates R . And rest>-n Harbor 320.5-R 85c99 14-Personals Alcobolics 11.n~nymowi Write P . 0 . Box 2°' Balboa !&land. Call!. Phone Klmbuly 3-5393 NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts contraclOO by Winifred A . Camp after Oct. 16, 1951 . Ralph A. Camp, Jr·. 85p .... - Superfluous Hair Pennanently removed from face, arms. lei's. Ere.brows and hair-- line sbaped'-No more twee:rlng. ELLEN L. BRYANT R . E . T ue9day and Thur,8day only L ido's Sa.Ion of Beauty Har. 2~76 , 79c93 2%-Lost and Found LOST-Gold St . .chrtstop?ier-med- . al • inscribed. to "John, Xmu 19SO" on Balboa 18la.nd. LIBER- AL REWARD. 903 N .• Bay Fr .. Balboa Island. 85p87 LOST -Ladies'-navy blue box purse. R eward. Phone Harbor 2620-JK. 85clle ~ ed 71tfc a.l"r1v on the ecene. Wu Wu 24--School • laatructloa utimaled at $2600. .· Use Classified Ads • • • • B & Y House Movers AND General Contractors GM .First St., Tustin pa.Ill. Phone Klmberty 3· l&M (Home Phone& J.Mper 9-2773 or JAaper 8;2e&7> ·7~ PAINTING EARL .SHEFLif'.l In ..._ at.., c..ta --.M"-11 Hc9 LlllARN SPANISH G. C. FAJARDO w ill tea ch you elementary or · conversaUon&L Call eveninp, Harbor 1463-R. 86p81 WOMAN wlt.h 5-year-old dautrbter dealrea poaltlon bouaekeeper or caretaker, bo~e and garden. Ltve in. References. Ph. Bea- con 893W. 8Scll6 EXPERT WASHING and Ironing. Bring to 1122 Vllella P1&ce1 Newport Beach. Har. J!l57•W . LICSNUll> -Df&mml> 82p8& employment with excellent op- po:-tun.1ty for advancemmt. 21 to 40 preferred.· P a I d white training. Appro!'I. $277.50 month to start. Ub.?ral lauildry allow-.. anccs., H igh· .acbool minimum ·desJrect. See Supt. at the . STANDARD ST~TIONS Dahlia & Coaat Highway Corona del Mar BetwH.n 9 and 11 every Frido.y • . 85c90 W.ANT 8. clean-up man-nlcht \York. C&J.I 'Beacon 6203-W and leav~ name and address. 83c85 WANT WHITE· WOMAN, experi- enced wit.Pl achool aged cblldren, aa housekeeper -cook, Private room and bath. References ·re- quired. Good sa.lary. · Balboa Island. Ph. Ha.i-bor 1511-R. 83c86 Your ad Appearing ~•· ularly in these co[um1111 w1U bring you many new customera. Harbor . area tolka are 1n the habit ot "looking 1n the Claai· fied" when they need these aerytcea. For Better TV Reception Replace your weathered Antenna With a new V-Cone $9.50 incl. Mast ·TV SERVICE CALLS Day or Evening Mesa Radio and Television 109 Broadway Costa Mesa 8lc86 ATTENTION GIRLS: Tb.la is a challce ot a life time. I'm forced to se.11 my bea- tiful Russian Red Fox. Stroller. See to appreciate. First otter takes. Be. 5789--W. 2265 Clay St. 83p86 GENUINE No. Minnesota musk - rat ladles tur coat in A-1 cond. Appr&lsed by Olive Duling at ·. $400. W ill sell tor $300. 233 '..ia East Bay Front, Balboa Island. 113c85 House to be Moved Fr&rne and stucco, hwd. floors. Moving permit a.asured to Costa Mesa area. $2000 full pr ice. In- quire Lyle Finley, Ma.rket SpoL Balboa Island. 83c85 vquNGSTOWN double sink top ( 66''), $20; Ships 7 ·in. compass, $25: Thor Gla dlron, $20. 2107 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. 84p86 10 IN. TABLE· SAW, 6" jointer. 12'' wood lathe, 14" bench drill. All h ave indivldU&l motors. Many hand tools. 526 Bt'rnard St., Costa Mesa. -85p86 SOLAR ENLARGER-2 14 x 314 . a bugain. 4, W . S . W . t ire!, 7.10 x l:'.i . Very good. l New 7.00 x 16 W . S. W . tire. 348 E. 19 St., Costa Mesa. Phone Beacon 6738-M. &p87 • '50 .MODEL OROSLEY Electric Ranl'e and "Retrigerator. Uke new. Uv. ~ and bdrrp. tum. 2 Duncan Phyfe table&. other mlsc. ltems. 118 ~ ·'36th St .• Newport Beacll. 83pM RUG. 12 x 16 reversib~. Chffter- field, 2 ch.airs, metal top kttclwm table. Reuonable. Phone Bee- oon 8321-W . 83<:65 GAFFERS & SATTLER-My ·~1 - G· P. •U aut.am.atic stove witb chrome lop, lamp and clock and &"riddle ill the cent.er. Yes, hu. that grlll broiler. Balance I owe Is $159.23 -can have equJly FR~ lt you take payments ot $8 52 per month. ALSO my nice new 1951 Pbllco 11 cu.· n.. refrigerator that ha.a M lb. cross top treez.er cheat. All st eel shelves and criSper for veg etables. Balance on th1a i8 $239.83 . Also equity FREE if you take payments of $12.92 p@r mo. See Mr. Baughn, 9 a. rn. {o 8 p. m. at 404 So. Spadra, Ful- lerton. Ph. 2152. S!tfc SOME ANTIQUES -Drop !eat kitchen table, $27:50. AllUque r ocker, $10. Uned drapes, $2 pr. Table top ra.nge, $3.!i.. Ser· veL $75. 517 camalio•, Corona!\ ~JMu. 8Sc& MAPLE BED divan sota. acentJ priot, J:"ood co..nditlon, S80. 2611 Bay Shol'e Drive, Bay&hotta. Beacon 6480-W. ' 83c85 . BLACK MR. '& MRS. CHEST, with mlrror (sllVer fox fini.U.). Beautiful modern custom ma.de sofa. Ph. Harbor 0581-R. 85c87 SS-Boata, Snpplleti Chrysler Engines ' Used Crowns -Royals • See John Harvey at Seacraft 625 C~YAST ffiGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON ~m ll&tt• 18 FT. CHRIS <'!RA.Pl' speed boet. Chrys. Ace. A-1 meeh. cond $lt50 Free slip r ental for boata ottered for sale up to 26 tt. Win.rd &: Rowboat.a for Rent K en Scott's Mobil Karine Dock Next to F erry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 59tfc Results come from constant Practice! An a d regulart;y ta this p:iper will produce results fbr rou· JOHNSON -Outboard Motors The only factory -approved. Bale11 and Se~ce Statkm in the New- port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. N ewport Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbor 2600 53tf• 36 FT. HlOOINS CRAFT equipped for jig fishing. Small b&lt tank.. GMC diesel. Oood ,condition. Price $2100. Phone FLeetwood 1 6·2326 or LYcoming 2..&f.93. Al· ter 8 p. m . 85pt0 BOAT SLIP FOR RENT - Now available. Har. 2979-lll 8llpiO • Covering f he Entire Harbor Area, and More . . News-Times I ' N"ewporl Bay Post and ' n OZ .,_. A• "MN11Ule--: I .... ii "' ... :MJ .... , Glenn \Johnston· COLO~ boy wanla JeJ1en1 ~·:l).lt •··I NewpG<t -deonlngbaltda19oapennaaontl -_,_, -· -or will "'°"' ,,. U... bdlr. B. H. HOI~ROOK -~ ~ Pllone ~ Shopping News • • . . . The Newporf·,alboa ~ress . • • al--· . Use .. :-1 .. Cle11if",.cf Acts . ...... " .. P;ll!I 1C.. : 2211 lelbM llvcf. Newport hi D" Ph. Hert.or 1611 • DIJPKNDAJUJI PLUJIBING REljlABIJ!! Younc Kar111e -A .,_pt )IQrt U., ._.. _._ « • I Ir 8 tit» ·"9Wd5J ti week eDda. Wrtte -Boa N, tlals~ ..-:-iaa.w -. -· ....,.... .. •.. ~ ....... ---·-------~----- S)iiiplQll 6 NoOar Somebody Wants PAINllNO 6 DmllllfiJIG Dal _. '* 11 '" "":,• l u , "fte 8mt Jlallf'C.. ...,... ~ ... .._ • I .. 111: .. a. :I"'·,. r..;;~::; Et'=--'": ....... __ .... .. . .,, .. -._ ... _ ,e , .... :fb ' ... ttzrzz.,lmt ..... Prstz1--. .. Loo .......... ~~~-' • ' . Or""t• C°"Jt;' 1 Gr•at#•d • • · Adtelfising Bq • I • • • • • • • • -. , .. . l -E.,i . f S"TA .. TE 'Lt-5TE1 IN :ra1s. . ~ "• . . . ~ ~ -· . -c ' . IONS ·of R ' . . • . ' ' . . ' \ . . / . ~Aerm=ta ~·a-' ..!..,a_.l!:!:::::.~Beal~, .!!!:.!J..,.~!!la~!!a!._ _ _.., ~-:....!ft-!!::~a.~~~'11.t.~!!te!.,.,,..,-~ ... --..-; ._j_ 1 a ..., Jllr.1 Mi , ... -~ --. . -. RENTAL •' ; • . . . . Speculq.tors. ATT.ENTlON . · .RJCAD.' ~y 1 ·'#ANT. AD'will cost you . . • SPECJALlSTS .. ,Nll!WPORT BLVD. kerltlee. Out of town owner MY• • · •· ·, · 00 llldna erais . · · • "srm,1, • ep .. 100 ft. lot e&. or t7tb St.· Only $2700, Y:ou ca,n't tlad· • ~ BUY. . only ·'2 a~d it will run Linwood Vick. ~Jtor. thlo won't lut. T<!"'"-. : . '. . Brand Dllfli ~on lovely B&lboa l.ol&nd. Har. 104t 32"61_ -1 ""' ISi .z. · ..,. 11000 DOWN bu19 a nearly new. comp1ete1y "!mlahllkl ~ ----• ' in all 3 local papers. FURNISHED E'xtra clean 3 rm. apt., elec. ref., utll pd., $40 mo. 2 ~rm. home It p.~g-e. Eut Side, &'ood ~tS:n.· l . J"or thoM ~I 'f~ I.a extra 14ri• lot ""' J)&tlo ...... lo • ' ALSO room with kit .• ~trig. frlv. entr., bath, 120 mo. to J une 15lb. 301 E. Bay Ave., Balboa. Ph. Harbor l9~9·J. "83c86 1;1950 DOWN on a brand new t bdrm. home and garage. beauty.. Ronae bu a ~ Total prtc. Only $7<156. • ~ and I bat.¥-ID¥ery· A Minimum ad is . . 4 lines. BALBOA PENINSULA -At- troctlvely fUmLshed garage apt. Suitable <!ouple. Avail. <>ct. 16th, $55 wtnter, $M yearly, uUI and I gar. Included. Harbor 3019-R Newport-Balboa News-Times -Newport-Balboa Pre~ 1 _________ ._7_8_tf_c Phone Harbor 1616 Newpo_rt Ray Post (S\opping News) F URNISHED nice clean large sleflplng toom, kitchenette, trig· S4-Muslcal, Radio OET THE TOP DOLLAR for your ol.d piano. Trade it In for iU full • caah vaJue on a P11.ckard Bell television at SHAFER'S ~tuSIC CO. (Since 19071 . 421 N o. Syca · ;nore, Santa Ana. Kl. 2·0672. 73tfc .-nti . ftCJ tre>l>lem 9 4 t.S\i I~ Ii 0 fS-Apartinent& and Bon- Balboa Island BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. Jlepos- sessed. Pay out balance $387 like r ent. Uke new! Another, We have .several attractive apta. idalr~. bath, sun porch t2nd fir.) $45 mo. Phone Harbor 691-W. ' 77tfc ------------- BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm , 2 bath apt. F'ireploce. good heat, Sl25 mo ti! June 15th. ALSO l bdrm. bayfronl. $7~ mn to· June l ith. PhOne Har. 25.52 or Harbor 2914·1'1 eves. 77ttc A 'M'RACTIVE pracllcnlly n e w home reasonable to de11irable couple or 3 pt.-oplc. 112 Garnet. Balboa Island afte r Friday noon. Phone EXbrook 4·7310. 83c88 blond l)lahogany case, gorg~u8 and houses for winter r ental tone. $4:96. Famowi make! Also sta•tlnir at $-46 m<!· and a few SMALL HOUSE, bdrm., dlnln.g many rental retuma. Save from I yearly rentals atartlng at $65. h t N kl rm .. a ower. e c. o. coo ng. $120 t o $300. A)l In perfect con· Nelda Gibson, Rltr. $30 winter. 125 Jade Ave., Little . dJtlon. DANZ.SCHMIDT PIANO 306 Marine, Balboa lal. Har. 502 Island. Harbor 2652. 83p8a STORE, 520 No. Main, cor. Efth G9tf ~· ------------ St., Santa Ana. Subject to prior c F'URN1SHED 125 Via J ucar, Lido ~e.. CHEAP ·winte r r ental to right 1 fsle. Attractivt' 2 bl·droom In- . party. Furn. t or 2 bdrm. apt. cludl nR' TV. Large patio. Owner R£.NT A PJANO. Let the Kiddies 3706 Channel Place, Newport he re Friday. AXminster 3-2315. learn, $5 per mo. Full term rent Island. No f*la. Harbor 1217-J. ~p87 allowed on any piano in our 1sttc •lock. DANZ -SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, 520 No. 1.faln St .. T\.\'O BDRM. i.~umlshcd House. . C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mella Beacon 6698 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT TWO BEDROOM !fOME &.nd 2 ~room ap'artment·-bolh With tine vif'w. Th.ls late m00e1 well built property has hardwood fioors, tumace heat. Fenced yard and patio. Laundry room and euUy a CcesSl bie double garage. EX· C"ellenl rental rec,ord. CQlnpiett;lY furn. only $10,000 down. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 NEWPORT'S BEST BUYS • INDUSTRIAL ZONE -Small furnlshed home, garage, Work bench and storage. Lota of space to expand 11' front. Full Price $5250, small down payment! . CHARMING 2 bedroom and den home. Located clase 1n on 2 beautltully Landacaped Iota. SPACIOUS LJVING ROOM with beamed celling, fireplace, outaide ·guest room, garage. Bar~ue. Fenced yd., ou tstanding value $12,600. For these and otlitr good buys, see Mary Dickson, With • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newpor(Blvd., Newport Bea.ch. Harbor 101 3 (eves . H . 2092-Wl Sant.a :A.na. BALBOA ISLAND _ Attractive Util. pd. Childr en 0 . K. A vall- bachelor-apt. near So. Bay. uii1. able Oct. 21at. Inquire lower • paid. Garap t(O mo .. yearly • rear apt. 140ll w. Bay Ave., $1 •00 Down· BALDWIN .o'CROSO!<IC SPINET Uaed. Save S200. Terms. Sub· ject to pr Io r .sale. DANZ· SCllMlDT Big Piano Store~ 520 .No. Main, co r . 6th. Santa Ana . or $50 mo,· winter. Ph. Ha.rbor _r<_·e_w_po_r_1 _e._ach_. ____ 85c __ 88 <I 1671, 79ttc CORONA DEL MAR-Attractive 3 bdrm; 0 . I . Resale. Very nice> 150 BUYS a good used piano.' Otb- era for $&8, $76, etc. DANZ-- SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. Santa An&, 620 No. Main, cor . 6th St. GK.A.ND PIANOS: Baby Gra.nd1 repoaaeued, $495. Terms. Also others new and used . Steinway. . LIDO ISLE Sparkling 1 or 2 bedroom fumli1h- ed apartmenta. One bedroom '(twin beds) 175 mo. 2 bedrooJM $100 mo. All utilftles paid. Pri- vate carages. • P. A. P A L MER . INCORPORATED CbickerLPg, \Vurlitze r, A. B. 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 Cba.ae, Knabe, Raworth. Lund· Newport Beach, ca.Jlt. strum. Fr o m $585. · DANZ· -------,----- SCHMIDT, 520 No. i\lain, cor . WINTER RATES, 3 rm. furn. apts I bedroom nicely furn. rear apt. home in beet Eut Side area. Pictut·<> window. NeWly decor&l· Hwd. floors. brk, nook, t large cd .'.lnd clean. $~ fJ\P. by year. lot, dbl. gar• on pav~ alley. ut11. pd. Harbor 0386-J. 85p87 Full Price .... $11,250 FURNISHED HOUSE-Nice, llv· ing rm. with fireplace. La.rare bJrm., kitchen with Servel, etQ.., S~ m o. to June 15. Call al Bal- boa Motel, next to Phone Co. 85c87 $35 ?.fO NTH , clean furnished apt. New 3.Bdrm. ?.II.A. $2750 Down C hild O. K . Yearly le.it.s~ If de· sired. Mrs. rio wland. 320 Al· varado Place, Balboa. 85c8~ &th. Santa Alla. 100 pianos al· On Collin.a hland. Each. apt. 1------------ LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Large home with many ext.re. fea· lure.!. Beautiful llv. rm. with nnplac c, dining area, hardwood floors. lol.8 of tile. covered patio, double garage. extra wide lot. Full PriC'e Only $11':400 waye. has water trontaae. ALSO Penthouse on Ieaae. \\test SLIGHTLY USED Spinet piano, end Park Ave., Balboa Island. like new. Big savings. Conveni· Ph. Harbor 2982-W. 76ttc ent turns at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (SinCE' 1907), 4.21 No. Syc8.· DUPLEX APT. -Yearly rental, more, Santa Ana. ft!. 2-0672. large tour room• tumlshed. Ga· 83tfc rages. 414. Y.i Polneettia. Inquire HAMMOND ORGANS! The great Hammond Chord Organ. lf you don't know a note, you c.an play thla! The Hammond Spinet Or· gan, World's most beautiful tonea. E a s y t enns. DANZ- SCHMIDT Piano &: Organ Co., Santa Ana. ~20 No. Main, Cor. 6th Street. TELEVISION'! T r a d e your old piano on beautiful teleylaion. B ig allowancP. Famoua make• ln television. DANZ·SCHMlDT, 520 No. M$.in. cor. 6th St., Santa Ana. LOVELY bungalow upright plano · µi perfect playing condition. 'l'erma, $32.50 down and Sl 1.85 per mo. al SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Slnce 1907). 421 No. Syca· more. Santa Ana. KI. 2·0672. 83Uc •t 408 POinsettla. Corona del Mar. Harbor 1269-M. 83c~ R e•ults come from tonslant Practice ! An ad r egularly in this paper will produce results for you. BALBOA ISLAND. ~o month yearly, including utilities. Furn· lahed duplex. Inquire 120 Sap- phire. Harbor 1374-R. 83~ VERY ATTRACTIVl: 3 bdrm. lower duplex. Glused·ln 1.lvinc rm. , Lovely garden. Utlt paid. $100. 12:5 Jade, Little Balboa l!land. 8Sp85 FURN1SHED 1'-1od. 1 bdrm. Apt. ALSO 2 bdrm,. upper apt. Winter $45 mo., utll. pd. or reaa. yrly. ALSO 4 bdrm. furn. home. $80 mo. winte r r~ntaJ. Mr&. Conrad, 312 .Alvarado Pl.. Balboa.. H. 24.96-J. 8Jc85 ReauJU come from constant 1 BALBOA PENINSULA ~ Furn· Practice! An ad regularly in this ished s lngle apt.I. $25 . and $35 paper will produce results for you. mo. to June l~lh. Frigidaire, 3$-Dogw, Cats, Pets Laundry available. Utll. Incl. Harbor 1210.w. 83Uc FURNISHED AP'l'. ·-4 rooms, show er, adults only~ $36 mo. water paid. Can be attn week ends,_ 105 • 32nd St., Newport: Beach. 80p87 SMALL 3 room apt., fumldied. Yearly rental. Adult!I. Kl. 3·2070 Key 126 '~.: • 42nd St .. Newport Beach. 85p8! TWO BDR1rf., 12 duplex, clea.n, 2 blocks bay. Children 0 . K. Lge. yar(I. See Tue.s. l o' Fri. morn. Owner lf02 Seaview, Corona dE'l Ma.r. Mp87 44-Rooms for Rent PERM.ANENT w e ek l y renta1 a.Jeeping room. Private entrance. Gu-age, $10 per wrek . Blue Top Motel, 401 Newport Blvd., NeQr~ -• $36.12 per month Lovely FHA 2 B. R. HOME. Leas than a year old. Hwd., llle, covered patio, largf' lo\, excellent location among new homes. 1856 $8950 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Newport Blvd., Coat.a Phone Beacon 7123 (Across from Calta Eves. Ha. 315T·W Me• Bank) Bea. MM·J port ~ac h. ague ------------ 2 LAR'GE b<lrms. with private bath In nitely (Urn. ocean front -home. Ideal ·ror people in busi- ness or service. Board i t , re- quired. 1704 \V . Ocean Front, N ewport BeaC'h. Harbor 2999-J. 8Jp&:I BACHElLOR . a pt. ror man or bustneM woma.n . 223 32nd St., 2 blka: City Hall. Har. 295·J. , Mp86 BALBOA PENINSULA BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dutch Colonlal. naptone rront. Pl'tva.te patio, fo~ed alr heat. Fireplace. Garbace d l 1posa1. W eather stripped. Large 8\.1.n deck. This Is an out.!ltandlng value and a tine home. Price $21,500 Consider Small home u part trade. BEST BUY? SEE TlflS new home in Newport Heights. Then you will be thP judge. Check Utese features with anything near the prlce-- r' Quality ContrucUon r' Ocean View { Three Bedrooms ,I 2 sep. bath, (2 shower, l tub) • { Hwd . flOOl"S, Inside planter { 2 Floor Furnace• r' Lee. fple. with gas lighter r' Garbage disposal, lots 'Of tile r' ~ ft. lot, paved st. &: alley tf N ear schoo1-" &: s hop. center and pricM at-, ' Only $13 ,750 - $2750 Dn. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR W. A .. TOBIAS, Salesmanag er 312 Marbie Ave., Balboa hland Phone Harbor 2042 "Look tor the Green Lawn" Confidentially Now is a good time t o buy that BALBOA IS,LAND HOME. You might just as we11 de- cide now, for your family. Here, bay living is definite· ly a mighty fine c_boice. We . can help you. Home and In come ·is popular and we have a · choice of low priced two-unit proper- ties that are p~ying well. Wnc fllout tbl8 ·-.. bis . lipt . -.cboortul: Pleee all fllll7 plated w!U. I&.,., •ru111 &!Id flQw..,. toplller • with Wl\IW lft ip&Ct for boat lllor-.... Bl-runi doon. unit 11oat, •W.e. ltaU lbowori. dll>- poo&t, cll.lllWUl>ot are ,. few of the DELUXE featuru. .Tblo home II CI.ABB """ all tor ONLY $Sl,l500 -By all means SEE TIUB. • . 2. Clever I bedroom hOJ'Jle that hu Juat been completed. Fore· ed air heat, ltep avtnc kltcben, lar&e re.rare. neat J)laUo and all mQdern appointment&. ·Tbi. II a 1te&I at ONLY l~.000-Ap­ prax. '4!500 handle1. Al.SO I We have juat ol>eJied a NEW aec· tlon where aome very cbolce lota can be bought from the DE· VELOPERS of LlDO lBI..E. Here la a chance to ret a LOT at rock bottom price. and term•. Come l.o the headquarter• of UDO ISLE where a little buys a LOT . . P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 yta Udo Newport Beach, C&llt. Harbor 1600 SPECIALS BAY VlEW AND DANDY SWIM· Ml~G BEACH! Thia older home is only 100 ft. or so back f rom the bay. Large living rm. with fireplace, 3 bedrooms -and 3 rm. apt. in rea r. NeedJ!i some Ea Inti!\,'. and fix.in'! Its tumtsh· 1 ed and a bargain at $12.500. OCEAN FRONT-t bdrm. home e.nd pr&.i'e apt. tor income. All l'urnlahed. Fireplace. Pat Io. Barbecue. 2·car garage. Choice Balboa location. Close to shop· ping and transportation. Price $18,500. . PENINSULA POINT -Adorable 1 bdrm. home. Lge. llv. rm. with f ireplace. Dinette, kitchen and bath. La.rge outdoor p&llo, Jlv· Inc area. Barbecue. Rear patio, 2-<>ar carair•. •u.wo. BALBOA COVES-Beau. 2 bdrm. 2 bath water front home'. Lee. liv. rm., frp1., d.Jn. rm., roomy kit. Breakfa.st bar. Ample room upstairs tor 2 additional bdrms. This prop. Is truly distinctive. Phone now tor appL lo aee. $35,000. Balboa Realty Co. Rose Greeley Joaephlne W ebb 1.J.lllan McAdoo 700 E. B&I-Blvd. Bar. 8277 Three Best Buys in Corona del Mar $9950. New 2 bdrm., plw rumpus room . Furnace heat. -. $10,750. N ew 2 bdrm. home, fire· place, 1hake roof. $14 ,500. New 2 bdrm. home, 1ge. livtng room with fireplace. Ex· ceUent hwd. f loors, forced a ir heat. Bearing fruit trees. En· closed paUo. Don't wait until these are gone ACT NOW! BEDµNOTON Te rrier (ma1e) excellent watch dog &: pet. Also , yellow pt>rsian cat. Reasona1?1e. 11112 Rt-gent Dr., Santa Ana. Ott Smeltzer Blvd., 1 blk. from Harbor Blvd. Sot p86 I.ARCE 3 room cottage trailer, private laundry and balb, f'Urn- ished, hot water. private yard. A&tive. 200 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa. 4S-Automoblle8, Tires LIDO ISLE $4.,160 down. New 2 bedroom home near best beadt. Full tUe root. Patio. Furnace heat. P"tnpl1.ce. Bar type kitchen. Glau en- closed tub. St>e lhls befote you buy. On the _Bayfront we can Earl Chamberlain •how • a v,;i:y SPECIAL '!500 eout Blvd., eo....,. del Mar mon.ymaker. It's a home (Opp. Newport Barbor Banl<) • ~Buslne_ss Op~rtunitl"!' 8Jp85 • ------------- BALBOA -A-todern 2 bedroom n icely furnished apt. $6.5 mo., yearly. Util. pd. Phone Harbor 2791-J. 83tfc CADILLAC. 19-tl Conv. CQ4! .• mO<l· el Q~ Immac., jet black with white tQp. Must be •een to ap- prec.latt>, 501 Orchid Ave .. Cor-- ona d~l Mar. Har. 2869-W. Price $15,750 and separate apt., terms. Phone Barbor 2288 88c70 J. A. BEEK Office Harbor 83 Balboa Island Ferry . . .. , ....... • • • •• . . • •••• . ·~ * *· * * * * * * * :. * • * * * ~ ... ' ' BAY &: BEACH BARGAINS , -· 4 ~"o. Financing . . · on.u.l. 2 year old, three bedroom ho.,..._ the pOoinsula. Modem with iood heat,_ l'li -,U,llllO. Spectacular View . Cb&nnlnc horn• oveJ1ooJUAr e:nt-tre area. Two bedrooma. • l 'Ii baths. ·Well built. nicety .....,god. Good finaD<lng. I . $19,760. • • OPEllt HOUSES Sunday.12 to 5 p. m . liO'f LIDO SOUD, Udb Jale, 5 B. R. older tyi>e. f,'ier • Cor. M and Balboa Blvd., Nfl!Vl>Or't. New 3 bdrm. --. uao s~!! ~~ACH REA~~R 1™ .. * * ·* * *. * * * * • * * * * * .• I • . . . S~cial Offering in Corona del Mar HERE· IT IS: Newly decorated 3 bdrm. home in excellent location. Hwd. floors, fireplace. Lots of tile in kitchen and bath. Priced at only $12;500 tor quick sale! Listings Wanted -Rentals & Sales W. E. FISHER . ERNIE SMITH BUILDER-REALTOR REALTOR-ASSOCIATE 916 Coast Blvd. Corona 'de! Mar ' . Phone Harbor 2443 . BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL Designed for enjoyable year 'round living, well located on a double width lot, richly furnished • throughout, the quiet charm and distinction of this luxurious home will instantly appeal t o the di$- crimiuating taste! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, maid's room & bath, plus extra bunk bedroom & bath, large living room, dining room, fully tiled kitchen, beautiful lanai opening on spacious patio, 3-car garage, many extras. By appointment. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Exclusive Agent Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Island Back Bay Area - - 1/z Acres! Country atmosphere with peace and quiet-yet close to everything. On private street, among other nice homes. 132 ft. frontage. On Tustin Ave. (between 22nd & 23rd) Call Harbor 369 or write P 0 Box 35, Ba lboa Island Real Values Costa Mesa 2 B. R. Home • LUXURY needs NO APOLOGY 2·ear garage, lot size 120xl50. East Side, this Is a real buy. Full price- Only $6000 , Terms Z B. R. Older Home ' With 1 bdrm. rental. Large: gar. on l acr e, Eut Side, close to everything. Approx. 60 fruit trees, chicken house le tool rm. Full price only- Luxurious living is a natural ambition. Those who 'aspire to comJorts a n d refine- ments can fulfill their mOBt cherished wishes in one of these H 0 M E S at LIDO $7950, EZ Terms See us for your . needs in Home Incomes & Buslneu Property. B. A. NERESON ISLE . e . 1. A 2 bedroom home. U\a\ la DE· LUXE in · every detail . Thi.I "beauty" is beyond de.scrtption. If you want exquisite coloring, lovt:ly planted patio, unit beat, hardwood noon, large rooms and everything spic &c · epan, then SEE thia. Priced ~at $201- 000 and worth every cenL 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 2. Nearly new 4 bedroom, 2 bath Phohe Beacon 5225 tfume. Ideal tor children u 1t 68c69 Modern redwood and glass has 2 large bedrooms and 2 1 small bedrooms. Only few stf;ps trom lovely PRIVATE BEACH Imagine this at ONLY i19,500 Two bdrm. and aervant'li quarters. -Excellent term.a. 1"'1.agatone and wood noor.. Two " yeat• old. In grove of tree& 3. Our latest EXCLUSIVE llstlng Beautiful view ot the western· BA YFRONT home ln one ot the hllla -in excluslvF section -2 best JocaUom on LIDO IBLE mUes tram ocean in quiet SUT· Tfiis home was buUt in 1950 &nd roundlnp. $26,000. Good terms. has the tine.st and best of tea COCKTAJLS, D inn1>rs, License , tlxturea, E'qulpme nt San Ber· n•rc!lno county. Sn1all down or trade. Har. 325-4-J. 82c87 CORONA DEL MAR-Ocean aide of H ighwa y. Furn. 1 bdrm houae with fireplace. Cloae to ahoppln1 district . $66 mo. yrly Phone Har. 1077-J daya or Har. 3171.J eves. .83c~ Mc86 Ranch Balboa Island Special "Little Island" 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa turea such as 3 18.Tl'e bedroonu: • 2 batha, spacioua JJving room.. Phone Beacon 5293--W dream ot a kitchen , unit beat fl-Stores and Offices -ATTRACTIVE OFFICE on New- port Blvd., near the new h<>&- pJt.l. lb:cel1Pn t location with pa.rkin1. Also perf"l'Cl for flor· Lat a.hop or othe r small bu.sinese. 146 mo. 486 Newport Blvd., Cos- ta Meaa.. 8'-acon [>713·R. 82t!c FOR LEASE} -Store room on Blvd. ln cent.er of Corona del Mar. Call Harbor 3265, Everett Morrl• ti: As.soc., 408 E. Balboa. B&I-. ' 83c&:> 20 s t.0 Store o r office. Fine-vi.sl· lllllty. Balboa Blvd.• C&ll Sat. or Sun\1&¥. Barbor 14156. 85p86 U:-Waated to Beat TtlJlU or 4. bedroonu:, f'Umlshed, near bay. Ru.son able rent. Can t\U'aWf re.re.rencea. Box \t·'t thla jiaper. - W .uiT TO LEASE unturnlllled -· ~ l'1lUDd. S75 mo. Ex· -t \MIAl>la. Ad!llt ""'li>I< GlllJ. '°"'"' 0 . «. --~· .... ~aillt Jilon9 6 Awwt 44111 .... _... Blft.. -~ ,... • 9!'d' '"''" .. BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tracUveJy tu.fnlabed 2 bdrm. du- plex witb Jllfldec.k. Winter or )·early. Reaaonabte.,. Ha.r. 3019·R SS Uc FURNISll&p u 2 bdrm. apt. Lge rooms. Bay view. Winter S50 mo. utU. pd~ or wt11 rent yearly. (inqulfe 'tower rcar apt.) l4.otl W . My. Ave., Newport Beach. 8Sp88 $50 MO. Util. pd. Bff.utitui lfe. 111ft rn1., beach tront studio apt., knotty pine wall.a. comp. "kit .• tWln beds, 'lfUdlo couch, carpeta, ample c:loilet ~ shower, Every convenJetlce. tor oomt.ort. ae. 1t. ~ 1104·w . o.ea.. Front, NoWpOrt Beach. Ph. Har. 2999-J. . • • . A!plll YEARLY --pU"""1JY nice. Untum. 2 ,bdrm. d\lplez. Kan1 extra t .. -Near botll 9CMoli "1Ml?feb1e. 191 Cla7 IL,Olff-- l!H I FORD COlJPE i<\iA. Owner mu.st go In the service this wttk. 414 Bt-1 Vue La.n e, Balboa. or Ph. Beacon 858().J. &:>p87 20 acN'S 8 miles trom Newport 12 acru in pe.nn.anent puture. tqutpment tor 15,000 chlck.ena. Three houses, &ood bt.rn. AbUn· dant cheap water. Consider part lr&de bay att:e. T erma. OCEAN FRONT-3 bdrm ~ borne, I The home ot your dream I.a wait- den, 2 bat.ha. Lge. living rm.. tng fpr you. So completely f'Ur. 59ttc and a pWr and sUp that ls one • le.need yd., dbl. garage. $l-6.000. nlsbed you only need a tooth· By owner . H ar. 3100-W. ~ bruah.. 3 B. R. up, 1 B. R. down. ------------Qr-the-ks\ on LIDO ISLE. You Newport Heights JW!lt h&ve to aee _ thta home. Priced to sell. • ~---o--~-~----MUST SELL----'50 Ford Convert· rad.lo, f'le9.lef", overdrive. Private party. Ph. Bea. Ma·R. 85p87 '39 PLY. EX. CON. Overhauled motor. Good tlrce, upholstery, new paint, radio, heater. 318 El Modena, .ffewport Hetghta. . -85c87 61>-Money to Loan LOANS For Homes GREENLEAF • ASSOC. BUILDER -REAL TOR 3112 Newport B lvd., Harbor 2562 ATTRACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND 2 bdrm. wtll tum. boUS<-.,.ti> l bdrm. a.pt. ov .. ,........ plua guut room A bath. Lots o r We. nreplace. A ~ buy at $28,llOO 0~-20 YT· Lm.n9 . \ • CON~U~ON LOANS ~A GIBSON Corona del Mar $11,000, EZ Terms Attractive 3 bdrm. home wm heated ln ~ch room. Fittplace. plenty of Ule and cupboa.rda. N ice fenced patio, cl03e to new poot otflce. SEE Tom P.ayne , Realtor 310 Cout B lway, Corona ckJ Kar 83c85 EL BAYO VALUE at -l!o~ (H yr11.) REAl..'l'OR W».atIY AND SELL 308 ~ Ave., Balboa loland w1u. permanent view Of !lay and 'TRUST DSl:DS • ~ Barbor ll02 'Lido Lala, thll quality 2-- " aft BOB 8ATl'l.ER · -· home .U be bought for $10,000 c..-a 1:i0 ~Aft ~v;; iqn..i 5'1 Real Eatate Waated ea':f7oiu. M«tram, JWbot 1000 Rep. POllUl:lt KOft1GAGll CO. llll:llPONBmri: 'bllyw baa pooo p. A. p A L M E R -Ufa -hlldo Kl MUI -to pay .io*Q on a I lldrm. CioRPoRATSD bouoe. I-car pnp. Not °"' JN LOA1'1S TO BUILD, DIPllO~ $14 000. Want CDK or N-· • 3333 Via Udo, Newport - llUY, ~ oa ' . .port .....,to. Coll Tom ...,.., ----.------~ Bar. me< ... a... ~·, aw 1-_., BOIQI, ,_ Hwd. noora, Bendix wuher. dbt garage and paUo. Bat.ha up It down. Th.ls 1..8 a very livable and e.aceptionally well tumlahed home. Price 111 right, terma are right. + Ralph P. Ma.skey 8411 Newport Blvd., Newport Phone Harbor i02 lllllfc Near Ocean & Bay 2 bdrm. cottap, ...... plctun wlaclow· Cleft!' lnalde planter. Good beat, 'lltall ,-.., S3leO clown. SUllO -OD "9!el""L Bar-IMS or Bu. 2tH-K .-. · · · nttc $6500 . ' Attractive 2 bdrm. borne, 4. yra. old. Hwd. floors, dbl prage. Very good location. All bond& are paid. $8500. Phone Beacon 6467-R or Bea.Con 5832-W. 83<80 NEW 2-bdrm. home, Coron& de.l Mar, complete ln every detail. Bdwd. t}ooi-.. P'erced air auto. heat. Fli'eplace. Enclosed patio. Qarage. N I ~ e 1 y landacapell, Bearing-tn1it treea. Will take· late model trallee u part pay. ment. Owner, Har. 1984. 82ttc Newport Heights Larp I bdrm. -.,, hdwd. floo .... • fireplace... 1' h e r m o controlled: ALSO For thase who want to bulld some very desirable lot.I aN fOI' sale either waterfront •ilea 'tot income units or crou atreet Ml • at bargain pricea. Any 1ise Or price. REMEMBER we are 'the DEVELOPERS of LIDO Ult.a H er e a llt.Ue buya a LOT. , • ' P.A. PALMER INCORPOl\,A. TED • 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach, C&llf.. Barbor 1!500 • In Corona .del Ma • f'anulce, 271t. IMn• nn., dlnlnJ N 2 bd -" ~?~~ ._,.. .-, Pk:tun -· 'nlo pull· • ., rm. e, ,. ~ man bath, ~ • wer, electric , Ocean Bm!. Vocy •- . -.-KltebM .... lOta Of t1lo ' -. .. l'li batho. patio, ab!. ""'· ~ _, pier ··---la· '*""" -0. & --· +er. Well 11u11t <It', -ma~ -... -pllat OWWll Lure J-eai pNp. C'oftr..S plUI l'rfco, '1f,600. Good -opt.__, all "' --fll .. -paYM -patio. -Ms-m .. la• I &!IL Qwa. .-, -)IVd. f11a, - ..... ._ --.... all •"'lfld. _. • ~Realty 09. . . W. ..., ~ Dolll ,-.. ,,... !!lllCOI -. ~ -·--1 Wl90QM'a1w Va6.valrbld ••WKSt ••'W\4 »•F ,,, · ... a (.-r 0. rp A..._1, ... .-tli. -_... &Af°"'9 ~ IA+Jt ....... I)-a au -• ... Ol!!la -ft, ------16p81 ' -YlaU..ft.-.-__ ... __ ,.... . T- ~ ~ ,.· &. rt :.._.-l"c"I& TI I art I. IU ad.. ....... 0.W ltli .. .-._wmlredo.r.~~ -~i~l~l~Cll~te~'p~s~A~;~1·1~1~til=~~~tl11M1 'a1ate-P I w a 11 :s , t ' ' .. · . ' .-. w, -.....••jlW --"" ' ~·pcwt ..... ... ,...., ......... '"--. ~vs...-l1M • ' • ' • • • • • ' • l I I ' - ( .. ., • •. • J.AGE 8 - • • .. • . . N£WPOltT IALIOA NEWs.TIMES . .. • TUEsoAY, OCT: l6, t~r ~ . . .· , •. ' ,....:d..i In Book 38. ~ 13 and I ~tded tn' Book 38, .,..... l3 a.nd recorded ID Boo--; 38, pq& 1~ ~ 1 .ctass u ot the -~ pe. •• ot the MJocelfan..iua llapo, H of tbe _11 . ....,.,. X...., --, -------"---1 R«oroio of ·an.a_. Oount7, ~ qt Orange County, Call-Reeorc!O of Orance ~tJ'-U?f· I No. --• font!&. tlNDO'ROVEI), fom!a. UNIMPROVED. . ' IMP¥>~'J!:Ii. ' "' c-, "· · o . ' . LEGAL HOllCI 'I-.: t!Ul'l:aroa Ol>UJIT or Puod lf: Lot 29, Tract ra....i 161. Lot '36, Tract 1133, l'alftl ll;Lot ll, Block l , Tract ·1 stat ·for ·ocf'.· TJIE STATE Oii' OALU'O~NIA Beavlew Helebta AddlUon In Seev lew !;lelghto AddlUon -in Or· 019, City ol Newport Beach, u . · \I 1N AND f'C,l& TR.£ COUNTY ange County, u lhOM\ ott a p a.ngc: CoWlt1. u ah~ on a map ah~ on a Map recorded ln Book • , ~ OF L08 ANOELJ:ll ~ In Book 38, page• .l.S. and recora..t,tn Book 38. pagee 13 and 29, pa(es 31 lo 34 lnclu.tve. of ·ID ~ lo a '"'ll'e8t from . No. UllTI ... 14 ~t tbe. M&.celiafteoue Ha)s. 14 of the Ml8Cellaneoua Maps, .lo{Acellaneou.a Mapa. Reoords of ·memben .... of tile Women'• Civic · in the . Matter or the Estate of Record8 of Orange County, ca.Ii-Rccorda of Orange County, Cali-Orange County, California. UN-League, ON.nee CoNt Evelllni CATHERINE A. SKITH, fomta. . UNIMPROVED. . I fdrnla. • UNnlPROYEIJ. . IMPROVED. College will p..e.8nt a abort coune , D<ceued. Paroel llO: Lot 30, T!-acl 1133, ....,., ~8 1 Lot 38, Tract J133, llarcel SJ: Lot 12, Block l, T!-oct In PadiameP'J' PTactlce. Mrs NOl'lCE . OF SALE OF Seaview Heighte Additlon In Or· Scavlew Heights Addition in Or· 919.~ City of Newport BMch, u Flo~ c00Hnl', prominent Har~ REAL P&OPICRTY a.nge County, u mown on a map ange County, u abown on a ma.p shpwn on a Map recorded in Book bor Atea club member,. will ln· Good cause being ahown there-recorded ln Book ae, pa.gee 13 and recorded lg Book 38, pages 13 and 29, p3gC8 31 to 34 Inclusive, of •lrt\Ct the group eacb Mo nday ror, a.nd It being fQr the beat 14 of the MllceUaneous Maps, 14 of the Mtacelblneoua Ma.1>3, M 0 Iscollanrous Maps, Record!I of trom. D:30 • U:30 ,a. m. at the lntereste ot said estate, the under-Recorda: Orange County, Call-Recorda of Orange County, Cali-range County, California. UN-Corona d'e 1 M• r Comniunlty iigned, Ben H . '.Brown, admlnlstra-fomlL OVEO. fornla. UNIMPROVED. IMPROVED. Church. tor of the estate of Catherine A. P&r"Clel it: Lo 81 , Tract 1133, ~ Pared Z8: ·Lot 48, Tract 1133, , Pared 84: Lot 13, Block 1, Tract Thia courae will be ~poeid of Smith, deceased. wW aell at prl-Seavfew Height.a ddltlon ln Or-Scaview Heights Addition in Or-919. City or Newport Beach, u eight two-hour eeaalons and will vate sale, to the highest and beat ange County, as shown on MKp ange County, u shown on a map shown on a Map recorded ln Book begin ·00 Monday. Emph&lia will bidder, subject to the conti.rmaUon recorded In Book 36, pagea 13 and recorded ln Book 38, pp.ge.11 13 and 29, pagcs 31 to 3·t' lndWliVt'.!, of be placed on parliamentary ruin. or said Superior Court. on or after 14 ot the MlscellaneoU8 Maps, I<f. of the Mi~llaneou11 Maps. MiscellanroU!'I Maps, Records of techniqu.e. helpfUI to club officers. Saturda.y, the 27th day of Octo-Records of Orange County, Cali-, 'Records of Orange County, Cali-OranJ!'e County, California .. UN-1.nd ~herencc and succinc:lne:u tn ber, I05f, at hi.a office, 808 North fornlL UNIMPROVED. 'fornla. UNIMPROVED. IMPROVED. expressJon. Adult. who believe Spring St., City of Loe Angeles, Pareel !%: Lot 32, Tract 11 33, I Paf'Cf"f Z9: Lot 40, Tract 1133, Parcel 36: Lot 14, Block 1, Tract they can profit by the tra.iaing In the County or Loe Angeles. Seavlew Height.a Addition In Or-Seaview Height.a Addition In Or· J l9, City of Newport Beach, u are cordJally invited to enroll at State of Ca.lifomla, all the right. ange County, u shown on map ani:f' County, as shown on a map ;;hown on a Map r ecorded In !\oak the first meeting ot the class. No Litle and lntere_,t or !!laid deceued r@COrded In Book 38, page_, 13 and recordf"d in Book 36. pages 13 Rnd 29, pages 31 to U Inclusive or fees are charged. at th" time or the death, and a.II 14 of t.he Mlacclla.neous Maps. 14 of the Miscellllf't('Oua Maps. Miscellaneous Mapa, Records of --------------- the right, title and lnUrest that Records of OrangP County, Cali-R("Cf)r(!s of Orange Coumy. UN-Orang" County,-C&Ufornia. UN- lhe l'State of said deceued hR :oi by fornla. UNIMPROVED. IM.PROVEO. lMPROVEO. OJ'.K-'ratlon of law dr otberwlae hmel ZS: Lot 33, Tract 11 33, Parct>J SO: Lot 53, Tract 11 33, SUSJECT TO curretit . taxes, acqu.trcd otht'r than, or In 'ddlt lo n Seavlew Heights Addition l.n Or-S<"avicw Hf'ight.5 Addition in Or-' CQndltlons, restl'lctlons, rese.rva- td , that of said dece~ at the ange County, •• :iihown on a map ani;::f County, as 11hown on a n1ap t 1on:ii, rights or wsy of record, If t(1ne or death, in and to aU of all recorded In Book 38, pages 13 a nd recorded in Book 36, pagrs 13 and any. of that certain real property dt"-14 or the ML8cellaneous Maps, 14 of the Ml.5cellucous Maps, The terms and cOndltions or sale :iicribtd a& follows. to-wit: TO BE 1R ecerde of Orange County, Cali-Records of Orange County. UN-are c8.5h in lawful mon .. y of the SOLD AS A UNIT; fornla. UNIMPROVED. IMPROVED. United Stales upon lbe conflrma- Parrt"I 18: Lot 28, Tract 1133, Pa~J Z4: Lot 34 , Tract lljl3. Pa.n·e,I ~I : Lot r>S, Trllct 1133, tion of sale. Bids or offers niuat be in writ~ 1ng and will be received at the aforesaid office of the under- signed admlnlstra.t.or. - Dated Urts 4th day of October, 1951. B.EN H . BROWN, Administrator of the ot said deceued. estate SE-avlew Heights Addition in O r · Seavlew Helghtll Addition In Or-&avlcw Heighta Addition in Or-Ccrllficalt' of tiUe at the ex-No. ~2-Tlmea. ange cOunty, 8.9 Mhown on & map ange County. a.a shown on a map : angc County. a.a shown on a rnap pcnse of lhc purchaser. Publish Oct. 9 -18 ~ 23, 1951. I CR UISING TIG; SAN f"RA.."'i'CISCO rt\·er country aboard the 80-foot c rulMr, Le "8erf:'n€', "'hlch mMes he r home at the Balboa Bay club, are, froot left : Dean Ban:i», O\~one r and •klpJ"'r; Mrs. Banks, Mra. Harold Ca•·a.rd and Mn. \\'lUls Hunt, Mr. c·"'''anl and In fort'ground, Mr. Hunt. NEWPORTERS CRUISE ·up SACRAMENTO ' B.r "acqurllne Be-c.~r Some Antiqµes Can Be Useful Antiquf' shops, &.'5 many ll wo- man knows, are full of quaint old objects that ca.n be a lot of run in home decoration. The Less use- ful the object, it sometimes seems. the more the collector wants it. What could be more incongruou.s.. or more amusing. than to place a E ight lucky Newport Harborites butter chum, or a cobbler's bench a re right now rcali:&ing /l long an-In a city apartment 1n the 20th ticipated cruise to San Frailctsco century? Bul some home owners mix and environs. Aboard the 80-foot . . practical conatderatlonM with the C\rutser , La Serena, Dean Banks, joy of antique-hunting. One of the owner and skipper and his wife, I combin.alion business ai:id ple~­ ~&rie , gathered a group or friends ure objects they go looking ror LS and look off fo1· the northern port I the kerosene lamp. Many a wl.Re home owner has on Sept. 23. The Harold Cawartl.s found how u&eful a dependable and the Willi.!!1 HuntJll, all of Lido keroeene lamp can be when storm:ii tale, madf' thf' trip north with the bring power failure. One man ha.s Banks, and lhe -party was joined wired his antique lamps for elec- tn San Francis~o by the Ed Fra-tricity, but ln case of emer~nl'y, ur.s or Balboa Island. he quickly reconverts them. The Leaving Newport Harbor on oil lndwtry Btill supplies plenty a Sunday afternoon, La Serena of kerosene to keep all these lamp:! proceeded to the Isthmus at Cata-burning. H.n.a which was the lake-off spot \\'ith two million homes minus for Santa Cruz l:!l&nd,. Santa Bar-electric service, the kf'roscne lamp bara and other stops along the far from go4ng out 1s the st•co nd coast until arrival in San Francis-most efficient lighting method we co the following Friday. After ,a have and In some ca.ses the very few days at the St. F'rancis Yacht best. ' club, during which seeing the sight." of San Franci.sco was thP News-Tl.mes ads have tieen read ordt"r of the day. cam(' the real In the Harbor for over 40 year:ii. objective of the cruise ~ the tr1p through the delta country and up the Sacramento riv('r. It was fa·r . th!., part of the voyaJ.re that the Fruers 9'olned the La Serena. After the Sacramento river trip, another rivPr cruise is planned up the Sain Joaquin to Stockton. Three "'r-ek Trt11 Thia part. ot lhe trip is expected to take approximately three wee-k'a. after which the La Ser- ena will reiturn to the St. Francis Yacht club for an indefinite. but not too long, stay. The Fruel'8 will return to Newport immediate- ly' alter the river cruUJes, but the re.st of the party will stay with the ~t. at least mo:iit or tlie time. Caward, who Is associatE'd with thf> Western Alr Lines, is inter- ruptlng hi8 part In the cruise at r:egular intervals to main tain his filght schedules. \V hilc Hunt is keeplng In close touch with hjs bu:iiiness enterprises in Newport iind making any nece88ary trips 50ulh. From thls It i11 easy to see that the gal8 are gettjng the mO!lt out or the , trip. . During her stay at lhe St. F tancia Yacht club, ~ Serena is occupying tht" Mllp *hicb ordinar- Uy berths Gf'orge Gaudln's Canlm, which is a happy sJtuaUon since the Canim Is at present In New- port Harbor and ill occupying La Serena'11 sJip at the Balboa Bay club. AF> long aa Dean and George 4on't gf't their wirC3 croaed on anival dates at uieir home ports. ~verything should work out fizfe. with everybody having a good time. • it·s a 11\trt-thing, from the mea- pr reports received by friend! in Newport that the crew of La.Ser- na, includlng the two .Siamese ~ta. Die and Dal, are having the !~e 'of. their llvea on a trip that wUl be long remembered. LEGAL NOTICE I"i.OTIC E 01-· SALE ()t' STOCK IN' RllLK TO WHOM lT MAY CONCERN: THIS NOTICE ot intention to sell a stock or goods ln bulk Wit- n<"sset h that notice i• hereby given that the undersigned. KERMIT W . RIMA, Intends ~o sell all that cer- tain stock or merchandise consist- ing generally of stock. fixtures and leue of that certain tackle !tore known u Bayshore Tackle located at Bayshore • camp. 17th and Coaat Highway. Newport Beach, Califor nia, and all 11tock of the tac:kle shop located al 102 North M ain Street, Huntington Beach, California. belonging lo said KERMIT W . RIMA and lo~ cated at 17th and Coa.!t H\ghway, l'ewport Beach, California and 102 N. Main, Hun ling ton Beach, Orange County, California. and that a tran:oifer and assignment or the same will be . made and the purchase price thereof. will be paid, on the !6th day of October-. 1951. at Bay Escrow Co., Inc., A-taln Office, 14J!i Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, Orange County. ca1Ltorn1a, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. That the address of said vendor ls Bayshores Camp, 17th · a.nd Coast H lgh"-ay, Newport Beach. Orange County, California. and the nddre• of said vendee la 1202 3. Bay Front, Balboa Island, Orati.ge County, Ca.liforrilL Dated October 12, 1951. KERMIT W: RIMA Vendor E. RALPH SCHISLER NORINNE M. SCHISLER Vendeu '!TATE OF CALIFORNIA )• COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ' On October 12, 19~1. before me, ':he undentgned, a Notary Public la and for said County and State, ;ieraonally appeared KERKIT "{{. RIMA, l!l.. RALPH SCHISLER. NORINNZ: M. SCIUSJ.ER, known Lo me ,to be the pereom whoee :wtnCf... a.re .ab9crtbed ~ UM wttho- iA tnotrummt and ~led&:ed tllat u.q. ex.C..ted u.e eame. , Wll'llilfLi' l1'J' band and ottlcla1 Seel. ..... . V IOIOt ThOnn, Notaey Pu.bile In and foe aid Coul>t,y and Blale. NO. ~New.Tim• Pllbl!ol!od 10/lt/lll • >. ·1 , ' (Photo by Beckncr1 Newport Re~lty Folk to Attend L. A. Conclave Plan8 for thei 4 7th annual con- vention of the CalltOrnia Real Es- tate Asaociation to be held Mon- day through Thursday. Biltmore hotel, have been completed by James M. Udall of that city who has been appointed general con- vention chairman, accordln~ to Barney Francque, president of the NcY.rport Harbor Rea.lty Board. Attendance is expect~d to PX- cecd 3&oo according lo the ad- vance reglstratlons lhWt far re- ported, Francque •tat.ed. These will Include the tallowing expeclf'd to attend from this vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maskey, Barney Francque, Mr: and Mra. Lloyd Loveland. F . C. Andresen . Carl Thomas, Ed SN'lelmeier , Harvey Pease, JosC'phine \\"ebb. Fare! Walker. Mr. and 1.-fr.s. Art F itz- morrls.~r. ud Mrs. Earl Stan- ley, Verne SnodgraM, Ivan Mac M•llin and Mrs. Ruth J ayred , eec- rrtary of the Harbor Board. "Thi~ will be lhe m08t elaborate convention in the history or Cali- fornia realtors:· Francque an- nounced. "In addition to eight fea- lUrl'd :iipcakers coming from all ~ctions or the nation. the pro- gran1 include11 rour meetings spon- sort'd by techll'ical and profes:iiion- al ~roups, 12 panel discussions In which rcaltors will i>artlcipale, thrre dinner programa, eight 11pe- cial featurCf such u the annual golf tournament, home town .Spe<'C h contest. granting or schol- arship to university students. ·eco- nomics roundtable.' an achieve- ment contest to delermlni; out- standing local real estate boards of the slate and awards In an essay contest among high school and lil'rammar .school pupib on t he sub- jN:t ·why I Want to Own My Own Home: Five different occa.sion11 will be devoted exclusively to th!! entertainment of the ladle11 and delegates to the convl!ntlon. "There will be a total of 31 non- rt>altor speak€'r8 t>ngaged in thf>sc discussions," Francque aaid, ··and a total of 183 ree.ltors will lake an active part in the convention program." Bean Crop Takes 62,000 Man Hours Nearly 62,000 hours of work were provided thia year by the growing. harvesting, canning and freezing of Orange county's snap bean crop. accordlng to the Ameri- can Can Company. Gto\lo•lng and picking the 11nap ' bca.ruJ d'uring the-aeuon now <!nd- tng took 4.7,495 man-houh of \\'Ork ; canning and frcezlng the vegetable requlred another 14,490 man-hOura Dr-. H. E. Mlchl. cab company economist, explained that the 61,- 9& hour-. of emplQYment supplied by the map bean C'f'OWers and paekerw la l&.rgely attributable to the development of contaJnen and can.nine metboda that· baYe open· ed new market. for packaged pro- dllcto. He oontrut«S the 2,100 acres of map beeQ-deYOted 1.o processtna lo C&llfomla uu. year with lht ....... uo &CTa'planled ln- lVIS. the tint ~ for wlllch et&· uauc. .... &nlloble Tiie 18CIO and 1961 ...-. Wlleb ,me about equal. an_,... to be the 1usoot. In u.. etala'• blot<>ry, be added. • --Oppoi~ .. -.,.., la a..&UEl'i&D .t.Da. • • morrows • f h ~ err --------· Californians know that it takes money to educa.te today's youngst.ers for tomoi:row's responeibilitlea-money for cl~rt>bms, libraries, playgrounds and other "tools of learning." A lot of this money comes from Bank of America through investment in ·school bonds._ Thia financial support has helped "'l"'t.e-in.hundreda of California cities-the modern ech?°ls eo vital to the development .' j of today's children: • J . Everywhere in California the great resource& of this bank are working for the development of communities like your own. Schools and other public buildings ... streets ... sewers •.. waterworks ••. muniCipal swimming pools and other civic imp">Vementa are being financed with many millions of Bank of America deposit dollars.· Here 11 1totewide branch banlcing in action-wo~ing for you and your community, building ALL of CaHfornia. Here is a banlilng Mrvice made pouible only,by prOflr-.•lve po/ide1. : • vo1t rwourca ••• a~d lfatewide branch facfflll ... ~ · • • ~ ~ank of America'• bond portfolio In· eludes about 450 school bond inuu ... in additioft to· bonds for every other kind of municipal lmpr-ment. llank of America also lends to a.,:hl- tect1, contrOctor1 and manufactvren engaged. In th8 important work of deal9nln11 v bulldl1111 and equlpplR• •-achool• and olMr 'ubll.c werb. • ' • ' •