HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-23 - Newport Balboa News Times• • • ' • •. I •I • • ·' l 'TWO JAILED ON CHECK, THEFT RAPS .NEWPODT COUNCIL APROVAt ON PURCHASE TO -.BE ASKED ' A utborizatJon to purch&le four &ddJtlonal Iota In China Cove for Two Costa Meaa mecbanica were ln jaJI tatlay on chargea ot petty theft and pa.sslng !ictitioua checka. Police said both were pa.role violators, &nd that check!! were given local merchants. 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 43 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, OCI'OBER 23, 1951 FIVE CENTS a compromlae ftgure of $13,000 wu to be asked Of the N e\\-port Be&cb Ctty Council by City Manager John Sailors 1&at f Monday} night. tt "wu learned that SWford W. Bixby ofllf8 Garfield Ave .. South Pasadena bad finally accepted a tent&Uve offer of the cttx for lhla ount fO{jllll lots. SentencPd. to 80 days in the city jail waa Max Kenneth Covey, 31 , Qf "4-48 Sa.nla Ana Ave., who ple&ded guilty to the petty theft and check counts before City Court .Judi;-c Frank L innell. DE't . Sgt8. John Upson and Vincent McManlgAI 11aLd Covey had about $123 worth or fictitious checks "out." 'T o bf' arralg-n£"d yest erday ln Newport .Townchlp Jwtlce Court wu Lloyd Cecil T e rrett, 26, of 680 West 18th Street . Sgts. Mc· Manlgal and Upson char,:ed him with two counts of . flctlliout1 checks and a petty theft count wtth a prior frlony conviction. . T errPtt. \vho denied it, was ldPntified by W. A. Wilgus, Jr., 1722 Ea.st 16th Street , Los An· geles, a.s the man who had taken him bac k to h is local motel June 5 following a fight out.side The Arches bar. \Vilgus was bcat£'n by one or more men. pollct> sa id. Covey dented ·being connt"'ct cd with this affair. which \.\'llgus cJaln1s cOs l hi.m the l9u from his car or lwo bamboo fishing rods. two jackets, a plaid steamer robe and a boat batte.,.. charger-all valued at $300. Det. Sgt. McMani· gal said that nearly all this prop- erty had been recovered with the arrest or Terrett. The officer~ said Terr('tt had pa.ssed at lea.st Sl-45 worth or bad checks. Terrett t old police he had been trying to take Wilgus from the man beating him la.st June 5 and had merely driven him home to the locaJ motel wher e the vict im WM staying with h.is wire. W orking since June on Wilgus' early iden~iflcation of Terrett. police received a tip on the where-- abouts of the ' stolen flshlng and aport.s equipment and arrested Tttrett last Thuraday. Covey WM apprehended Thuraday aha. OCC Tackle Hurt in Auto Crash Robert E. WoodhOUR, 18-yea.r- old tackle on Orange C08-8t Col- lege'• Pirate squad, was injured Sunday morning when the car he wu driving era.shed into a build- ing at 515 Coaat H ighway, polico reported. Woodhouse, of 620 West _19th St .. Costa Mesa, apparently fell uleep al the wheel u he traveled north on the highway. H e was taken by SeaJ"9 ambulance to San- ta . Ana Com.munlty Hospital where he wll.a treated for a pos- l!lible bro ken rl ght foot. a lacerated chin. Injured left knee and right e lbow. The car he was driving !JWcrved to the w est and ran over the side- waJk at 505 Cea.st HlghWJY before smashing into the building, of- ficers reported. OCC DROPS HEARTBREAKER 14-6 GAME TO SAN BERDOO By Rot.I MacMllllan More lhun 4 ~00 fan.tJ jsmrned Huntington Beach High School'11 football stadlun1 to wRtch Orange Coast College drop a 14·6 ht'art- break~r to a tough San Bt"rnardlno jaysee team Thurschty night. Th" und('rdog Coast boys kept the ran! on the edge of lheir seal.'! all night aa they repeatedly sloppcd,the vaunted Indian attack sparked by fleet William Mims and "J itter Bug" Perry J el t'r . Twice the Pirate defense bogg -,...---------~----• ed. -only .slightly -and twice Coast offside nulllflerl the break the Indians scored lo take o ve r which canlf' as l.h e Indian ct.•nter the lead or the Eutcrn Confer-shot thf> ball over Mlm111· head on ence. a fourth down punt play. Mlm.S C~t's back was broken as Sen wa.~ downed o.n hi111 own five but Berdoo scored only a mhlutc r<'-officials saw offside and gav<' the maining In lhe flr&t half M 1'-tims Indians ano lhE'r chllllcp on the SB look a punt on his own 15 and "O. So Instead of a Pirate flr!!lt !!IWivel·hipped tht" f'ntlre ~ yards down on the five It wa.~ San Ber- to pay dirt to brea.k the scoreleM doo fourth on the 10. Coast miss- df"adlock. J ohn Rushing klckf"d the ed another scoring chanc(' ~ extra point to give lhe lnvadC'rs a Mim-"I took a punt a few minutes 7-0 intermlMion lead. The l!econd later and ran rrom one side or the Brave score came In the early fi eld to the> other In the end zone stages or the final quarter a.s "·hile t"!Ucling Pirate tacklers after Jet"r faded beck to his own 30· a momentary bobblf'. The fact yard line { 13 yards behind the line that the headlinesman (-40 yardl! of scrimmage} lo drop a pt"rfect up ·fie ld ~ had better eyesight than pitch into the arms of Rus hing on lht' official right on top the play the Coa.st 12. Ned Parsons nailed of 8 punt by 1-tel Smalley Into lht~ r eceiver ther e but J eter scnred the coffin c-o rner coal the Pirate!! from four yards out two pley!!I 20 yard:I. The offi cial on top lhe later. play ruled the ball out of bounds Cout &-orrw Coast scon>d In the final 20 see- onds a.s Howard Miller faded bac k to set up a screen pass to fullback Charley Black who went 03 yat"WJ to a touchdpwn behind good block- ing. J e.sa S,m lth miMed the try tor the extra point and a subsequent "on-side" kickoff was recoverf'od by San Bernardino to .snuff out the last Coa.at hope. Aside from those two long ga iners, San Bernardlno's highly touted scoring machine was clog- 1ted by determined Cout players most of the evenJng. Coach Clyde WUUams' break away threat. were p.reUy weU. boltled-.wp by Ray Roaso'a crew wlt\,ch aeemed. to ame11 each play u ll aiarted and gave very little ground. Coast ends S id Manning and Maurie Langdale were aaaigned the taak ot turning tricky Jeter In and or stopping M iJruJ on his end around I which never had g one for less th&n 45 yards ln previous g&me!!I this season). They turned the plays In time after time t o set up tacJ<Jes for Ed Mayer and Bob WOOdhouse who. made l 2 and 11 tackles re- spectively. Mims lo.st ground on his ('nd arounds and Jeler seldom reached the line of !K:rimmage &."I Manning busted up his lnterfer· ence to open him up for .shots by Pirates. Y&nlace Better Slatlstica1ly the Indla.na had only a 15-yard advantage over on lhe two-fool line "''hile tht• head llnesm¥1 called it a t ouchback i beeauk It hi t the marker at the goal line after bounding out of bounds I and placed the ball in play on the 20, Coast Blows Cbaoc-e Coast bl"w another chancl' to placr the Indi&n8 against t he wall shortly later lStill in the flrst quarter) when Freddy Owens broke through to pin Mimi! on a rake punt on hl8 own 12. An off- side penalty (not 01'!..0wena) nuffi- fied the play &nd pve the Indiana a tlrat down Oil ~elr 30 lnalead of a fourth daWn. on 9).etr 11. Th'- happened aha!'l1y ·artO.. 'tlon'"W.S- oner Intercept~ pl\chOUl on U\e SB 28 and the Plrate11 were knock- ed back 12 yards on the next three plays. then Snfalley p u n t e d against the yard marker at the goal. Olblela Ol1TBUARD STOUS R.oNto's cnw-183 • 198. The Pi· Theft of his outboard motor wu rates h&d chance• to turn the tide reported to police by c . A. Harsh-&& early aa the fourth play of lhe game' but4were .stopped by pe~ Coa.a t played tine deferu1lve ball -In fact lt wu probably one of the best defensive tea.ml! ROMO has ever fielded. Tht-y stopped lhe Indians at crucia.J points several times. They lo.al the ball on fum- bles in their own territory only to hold for downs and get the ball back . The local offense wasn't clicking as it had In the pa.st two JC&.mes against Fullerton and Mt. San Antonio. Hal Smith rolled at an average clip of 8.22 yards per carry In 11 runs but the rel!l of the gang couldn't rack up many yards. Ot cour1e It can be U· sumed that the Indians wete well brie fed on halfback Jeu Sm Ith and John Black a.nd they were f"Oncentrattng more on them than they were on HaJ S19lth up the middle. In addition to the limes llllted above, Cout had .a 26-ya.rd ba.rger, M2 Westminater Ave .. -•u m •-•••dllng r UI ball dth &1e11or '-'»• .... • o e Newport Heighta. He IJ&i e en-too often at crucial moments. The g:tne h&d been taken 80metlmc elnce la.at Thunday trom a shed fourth play or the game coulct adjoining bla home. have been the decider -It could --------------<•,.ha-ve ruined the lndlam, but a CCo•tt.uied oo Pace 6) 12'9 ms --ftlAT ......___. TF11 -a io. -"' -I .. 11111 I .. 1,1 ,__tr·-· 8r ft I J'~ --( .. loRotip1 I) ....... --.- , II I .. ,. ..... II' .. "'· l · CB I I Piiato) WARD HOUSE REMOVAL 0. K. GIVEN WEBB • Ptrmlulon to move the R. I. Ward house at 39lh and Balboa Blvd .. wu obtained this week by City Engineer Bert J. Webb. The • Ward house la one of three necu- .sa.ry to be moved or acquired by by the City for the Improvement of Balboa Blvd .. from 30th Street lo Coa8t Highway. The Ward house will be relocated on an adjacent lot which the City now owna and for "''hich Ward ha.a traded hi!' ex.i15tlng comer. Yet to be worked out Is the relocation or lhe J . Q . Adama property at 38th and Balboa Blvd. The City last )•ear agreed that It would not disturb this home until April, 191i2. The plans now call tor the project of Improvement of Balboa Blvd., to be finished by March, I9:i2. Third property lo be acquired Is the Jeule R. Marble propert)' on Balboa. Blvd., between 30th and 32nd. Plans of the city engi· neer call for the acquiflitlon of the house and lot there with practically the entire land a.res to be Included in the street Im· provemenl. When plans are prepared It is expected that 31st Street, sea- ward from Balboa. Blvd.. will be opened onto the boulev&rd acros., lhe Pacific Electric t.ra.cks. For 30 years the atrfft hu bee.n blocked by the elngle track of the Pacific El~ctrlc. The Improvement of Ba I b o a Blvd., between 30lh street and the Coast Highway and Newport Blvd., In front of t.be City Hall Crom Finley street to 30th ta projected to be completed before the OQ. •l of summer eeuon ttm2. BOAT SUNK, D. A. REFUSES THEFT ACTION What lo.. do about his wrecked and aunk 30-foot commercial fish- ing boat. "Ann,.. puzzled Loyd Earl Paustell over the weekend. Pauatell. of 1415lf.t Lime St., Long Beach. told Newport police Jut Thursday that the c raft. which he had bought just recent· ly, ha.d been taken from Its moor· log at Bayside Fish Market, 28th and Lafayette street.a, Newport Beach. Then It was WTecked and sunk en route to Catalina Island. he said. Officers Named for Off-Post Committee A committee dedicated to the P.roblPma of Off Post Recreation for Service Men and Women In t he Newport Harbor area, took its first steps la.at Thursday night by electing officers and launching the tal!lk or providing hospitality and recreation for our visiting military personnel Long needed, such a program will open the hearts and minds of thC\uaa.nds of young service men and women to the reality that the people they have been forced to live apart from really do ap- preciate t heir sacrlfice.11 a.nd hon- eatly want them to share in the community's way of life. POLICE AND BYSTANDERS at df'ath IK'.efte wht-re f"•o-door ~an (abo\'P) drl,·eon by.J ohn Ho""ard Cul\·~r of Hermoq, Beach .. truck and injured fatall)' J ohn McDonald Wall.ac4-. St'\\"port Beach n.'fNdent, ait he ran &c.""88 Co&At H lgh\\'a)·. Nominations a.nd election of of· ficers being the order of the eve- ning. Roy 0. Youratone, of the Newport Harbor Area Y's Men's Club was elected chairman. Mon- ty R. Grimes of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce wu f'l ected vice chairman. A. B. Cubb- age of the Weal Newport Improve- m ent Association wu elected trea.surer. Mrs. Leonard Logsdon of the.Newport Harbor Area. Y's ~leneltes Club was elected secre- tary pro-tern. (Police Photo by Roger Neth) WALLACE FATALLY INJURED BY CAR ON COAST HIGHWAY Frances J . Horvath, chairman of the Park and Recreation Commis- sion, for Newport Beach called the first meeting order at Good.ell Hall in Christ Churcb by the Sea. The Interested citizenry included epresentatlve.s from a. majority of the harbor area's civic and &OCl- al organizations. John McDonald Wallace, l3, of.,_ _____________ _ 202 -38th Street, Newport Beach. wu fatally Injured early Sunday morning when he wu struck by a C'&r u he ran acroa.s Coa.st High · way In front of Hcnry'I! Crill, police reported. He became the city'• fourth traffic tat..alit7 thia yea.r. Ruahed by ambula.nrf" to SBJtta An& Community Hn11iilt1t.', WaJ- lact-waa pronouncNI deR d on ar- In °the shop or a local automobile dealer. He Is survived by his widow. Dorothy; hl8 sons, DonaJd. 71,2. and All.an, 8 ; his talh~r. .John Wallace, and b l9 slater, Ellza~th ean.-e. 'llOtir-ot·eeawe. The ~ )a at Baltz Mortuary where tunei"al arrangementai are pending. rl~~hn Howard c utver . 125. 21•t, Arbor Day Parade Street, Hennoaa Beach, driver of E f l• t G Others preeent were: Mrs. Paul 0 . Davia of the Women's Civic League; Edna Franklin of the Wom.en's Civic club and COrnmu- nlty Players; Mn. It. 8 . Ax.tater, of the Corona del Mar etvtC AA- eoctatJon; ,.JMnne Wtndaor. ot the oranire COut Y. K. c . A.; T od Nett of the Coat&. Mea Citizen's Council and Chamber of Com- merce; Ed )lurT"iaon, of the Ame rican Legion Post No. 291; Wm. H. -McDonald of the Com- munity Methodist Church; Hal Glass of the Balboa 1 Bay Lion• Club; Eclward T. Heally, of the Central Newport Improvement A830Cialion : James Karem of Bal- boa and Karl G. Axtater, of Co- rona del Mar. the car. told officers he saw Wal-n ry IS rows lace runninJt across the h ighway, weal lo east. carrying fl.shlng poles. Culver. "''ho claimed he wa.s driving 35 miles per hour, going north in the second lane. said he jammed on his brakes and swerv-ro to thr first lane to avoid hit· ting Wallace. His left front fen- de r clipped the man. A native of Scotland, Wallace had, lived Jn the United States for the pa.st <12 years. He had resided In Newport Bea ch over the past .six months. Employed as a body &nd fender man al a.n Anaheim garage, he had fonnerly worked Enlhusiaam la mounting a.a the list of entries for the November 3rd Arbor Day Parade grows, Ac- cording to Lonnie Vincent, prel!i· d('nt or the Balboa Improvement Association. the following ruleR must be observed . Passen~er cars but no trucks. Advertising slogans will not be pennitted. The caravan \vill convene al the Annexation Now Up' to Council City Hall. and the El Toro Marin(' A probable end to the conlro- Band will start off the activities versia.l annexation of the campull marking the plantings of the bells of the Newport Harbor Union on the nev.·ly, improved Balboa High School was expected lo be Boulevard. reached Monday night a.t the Already aignl!ytn.g their approv-Newport Beach City Council meet- al a.nd entry are the following or-Ing. A letter from the tnurteea ganizatlona: American Leg lo n qJ the High School Board was to Poat No. 291 and the American S'e read uk.ing that the city ln- Legion Auxiliary: Balboa Angling elude with.in tt.s corporate llmltl!I Club, Ba.Ibo& Improvement AMocl-the campua of the township's a.lion. Balboa Island Business AB-secondary acbool. · Prev100SW: ~ had been feared that condemnation of lhis prop- erty would be ne-ce88ary to clmi- plete the China Cove acquisition. The Bixby property Is involved ln certain of the late Howard Bixby estate probleoms. but the accept- ance of the City offer by lhe helrw has been made and a rteed will be ~xecuted throui;:h the office or At- torney A . Maxson Smith of Los Angeles. Lot.a 6 and 7 and lots 14 and 13 In block B·32 are lht' properties covered in the purchase which wUI have lo be confirmed through the Superior Court of the Stat.to ot California In and tor the County of Los Angeles. The Bixby purchase ,,..·ill bring to six the total number of Iola pur- chued elnce the city levied a sp;-cial a.sscssmt"nt on lhe water bills of the ent ire city for the China Cove purchase. The first two lot.a were purchased f r o m RuMell Craig, Harbor Master for $5,790. . I P ending in court is a condemna- tion suit o[ the City of Newport against Mr. and Mrs. Dudley R . Furse, Los Ange les attorney for four Iota he owns in China Cove. Furae is demanding $35.000 for h is properly, a r ocky portion dif- ficult to build upon and half sutr merged. The Craig and Bixby Iota are all good beach property. In addition to tbe above the city oomtemplat('s the acqllisition of the Hoffman property in Block C-33, lots 7 and 8 and 14 and 15. The H offman property Is consid- e red to be the mo."l valuable in the proposed acqu,isition. D. L. ANDREWS GETS CIVIL DlFE'4S~ JOB .... '·..:.c-i'_f .. '"'""'-""" ~ tG, .:::.._ j·'~ OfRC1a1 announcemcn Ulloll ~ .. been. made .by .L.' A. (Dan) Patch. ueletant dlttctor or cfvU defense and dla.ster relief or~ Orange County, ot the a.ppointment of Don L. AndreW11 to the position ot deputy administrative supervisor .on the civilian start at the filter center in Santa Ana. In hi.a new position, Andrews will a.uiat ad- l{linlstratlve supervisor Murr a y . Patton in the recruitment and giatration of the citizens into he filter service training claaaea., and will also assist in the super- vision of the civilian personnel in their cle.a.s ins(ruction. Don AJ:idrews, a resident of Mid- way City, and owner of the furni- ture etore by the same n&me In Santa Ana. la one of the original members ot the filter center, hav- ing given many hours of hl8 time over the put year. In tra.lnl.ng and eupervtaing the cla.88 work of the ctvtltan personnel. His thorough knowledge and t-xperlence at t.he filter center wtll make hlm a valu- able &88et to Patton. 6 ~osta Mesa Chamber Dinner Tomorrow Although Pauatell Identified the culprft to Auislant Diatrlct At- torney J . Parley Smith. lhe proee- cutor told lhe former boa.t owner he had no chance of making a grand thett c harge "stick."' He advised hlm lo file a petty theft or clvil action. the then. count to be baaed on the fact th&l Pauatell had been deprived of two daya' boat rental while the craft wu mlNlng and befoTe he knew ll WU 111un.k. Loveland Elected As~iation V. P. TARS LOSE 14-0 GAME . TO ORANGE 80Ciation. Balboa Peninsula As-Many meetings ot protest have SOC'iatlon, Boy ScouUI of America . been held In Costa. Mesa in receont Chamber of Commerce, Coron& del montha over the plaruied action. Costa ){esa merchants will Mar Civic: A880Ciatlon, Ebell Club. A saving of several thousands of gather at tht' Friday Afternoon Elks Club ot Newport Harbor. dollar3 annually in tnaura.nce ratee Clubh~ Wednesday for the an- Glrl Scout.I!! of America, KlwaniJ!I and utility charges la antlclpalefl nuaJ banquet of lheir Chamber of Club or Newport Harbor. ~ague by the propoted annexation, Commerce. Scheduled lo be the Newport Harbor's Varsity Foot-of Civic Associations of Newport school officials have stated. maln speaker ls Rufus B. Von Lloyd ·Loveland, Newport Beach reallor. wu elected u a regional vtce pruident o( the C'allfom\A Real Eatate Aaeoclatlon at the (l'OUP'• ·47th annual convention al the Biltmore Hotel. Loe AnJ:eles, 1ut week. . Jama M. Udall. Los Angele!! realtor, wu naraed president oC the &9QC.laUon. CbaJ'lee R . Brown. Puadena., WU fe-e.lected tttuur- tt and Eugene P . Conser. Lm An- p.kle,• wu re-elected a:tat.e aecre- IA•Y. ' A number of Newport Beach ....iton participated In tbe con· nnUon tut week. IAI •OA ISLAND MAH Kl.LED •. WIFE HURT 91 . Z.CAI ACCIDENT ballers tackle tough Fullerton Hlll'bor, Moosr tLodge, Newpprt KlelnSmld, Chancellor of the UnJ- High School at. Davidson Field Beach Firemen's Club. Power CAR CW UTEBS ACl'IVE veraity ot Southern California. Friday night arter dropping their Squadron, P . -T . A . Elementary A radio and front license plate Presiding over the session w1.U flrat le&g\le game of the sea.son. Schools, Rotary C lub (Newport-were taken from a temporarily be Selim H. Franklin, pres1dent lf-0, to oran.-e la.at Friday n ight Balboa), West Newport Improve-[ abandoned coupe at Crystal Cove, of the Coftlll Mesa Chalnber of at fog -shrouded Orange High ment AS80Ciation and Zonta Club John Stowers reported to police Commerce. Dinner la scheduled school before 2500 fans. J of Newport Harbor. la.at week. • , to be eerved at 7 p. m . Coach Al lt"Ntn'I! T&re took the l ___ _:_ __________ _:c._ ___________________________ _ openlng kickoff and went 11.ke a "houae a fire" to the Panther I.9 be.Core bogging down. The Panth- ers th.en unleashed their neet aet or back:• to ecore twice on the Tara In a hard-fought game which saw the local• do everything ex- cept IKX>re. Robin Fairburn KOred on a tw.:>-ya.rd quarterback snea.k in the flnl period after the Panth- ~n had alqpped Harbor. Dick McCarler kicked the extra point. -Oranp'• touchdown came at tbf!' end of an 11 pl&y, 81 yard drive. Their lllCOnd TO Cl[UM ln the . .ecMld quarter u end Dick Bmltll lllt.rc.plAld a RoWe Pululd ~ J -Wrtpt. Jiii. of -on the -ST. . J!'i.ed tu Rllb)' a _,ue, llal)>oa lalMd llatdJns -0.., pa.,.. lalAI• --at two -· 11111«1 --and KcCalW ~ the 0an...-pq -"'"' .... -"""'1 ...... -.. -.· -' ~ eol-Ill ..... ... Pulaaltl ---~ ' ~ lDl ---.... tlla f9tf for a --the_ La -WriP''•-. ~ flu! ~ at tbo -but ~ 14, ... talla lo ~ 0-· ftllaUY taepd ft-. M 91 on -llllllpltal -....... tlla <>rap. -....,. .... ........ la c:rltlcal I *""' JVdL - ' .,... T. • •tit., 19;_ af CJilil.a. • IP •t'm .. -. wu -fff tlla ••r t 1'.B. ,OL --.. -. m.. ,._ , "ll. u.. __ .Jlnt Dowu. 18 11. -A. PH4rr _ .......... Net Tuila pillad .• - . ol 111 ao.tla Pf u 21 • 1t,.... t T udil,0-'e II Pe ''C -·· -a1oo 1DJ01n11: 111---~ Tar\le· R..._'__.JOl. Tloa WliPQ -.-..._, l4 ___ ,..,...,.... ----17 lt.r, Kn.~--Fl rrfl L-~ 01111111tld -1 armsc '• ..-12 1f 1 . L..'-... a.lll'c11W o • > • • I ' • • I • • • PASE 2 • itRs. W1N1FUD BA1Ul!lE. ~ l'.411~ ~ . .:,.....,.,.. .... ....., .. ...,..~--"""""""...,..~-,,.....""""'""''" .. -~ County Parent-Teacher· Un its Discuss Matters for Legislation B.r R.uth Hitt PT A units should Inform them- Sfl'l\•es fully on child wel fa~ M d Pducation&l !MSUt'& of spKla.1 loca l importance he-fore pr e s e n t Ing measures to the 8tat1> lt""gialatutt advised M ra. William McKesson. JegtalatJon cha1nnan. California Congreu of Parents and Tea chers \\•ho addres.sed the fourth district meeting at Laguna Beac h high school lut Thursday on t he sub- ject "Unders t anding -Toda y's Greatest Need:· tendent of Laguna Beach UnJfled School Dt.stric:t. '"·ho welcomed t he assembly et attd that tlw- amou.nt or Ume devoted to tM three R'a ls four. tlmee that of 100 year ! a go due lo the lengthl'ned class and llchool t erm. The etatu1 quo on su1geslioris pertajn lng t o sexual deviates made a l the open meeting spon- sored by the Newport Beach Ele- mentary Schools PT A 1Ml May was discussed by Lynn Cra\vfOrd, district legislat ion chairman, who rt>ported that t he ~late lt>gislature had vetoed proposals ma.de tn haste and withou t stud)'. He urged th e local district PT A to conllnu1· Investigation Md TeN"arch on t hr subject. ]'li.'a-l"C'JOtlc Traffic Choosing four out or the many p~itl ons under con3idera tion a t Sacramento ""h1ch involve ch ild welfare, she discu&sed, u one ex- ample, the hand.l tng of milk in festaurants. L•ii dt•r di.'JCUS&J.on is. a pla.n to do &\\'B Y \\"ilh individUR.l cartons of milk and use a bulk- sc rvin g device in.!ltl'pc1 to cut costs. r1uo ridation of \\'att>r on a com· Special announcf'ments nlade al munily levl'I is anothri· pToposi· the meeting over \vhich the fourth tlon v.·hich loral units n1ust in· d,istrict president, Mrs. Cla ude vestlgate. Public or pr iva te O\\'n · Croeb}" of Garclen Grove. presid- ed, includffi an invitation from ership or the '''alf'n,·or~ is a fa.c-the Southern Callfornla Juvenill' t or in the approa c h to the problem of fortifying thP ,1,·att·r to prcvf'nt O!fict'rs A8Sociation Jo a ttend a dental decay, sh(' !~talt'ti . dinner and evening ml'l'ting a t Knoll 's Ber ry Farin, O<:L 25 at 7 PT A l..ohb.\"lng o'clock when Burnf>IJ fl. Blanch- A third t:xample giv(•n by Mrs. ard. ins~ctor statt> bureau nar- McKesson. \\'ho ,,n1pha~izt>d t hat colic enforcem ent, \\'1.ll ~P<'ak on lo bbying for PTA y.·as not an easy •·Narcotic: Traffic A 1nonl{ J uvcn· job. w as the m anagement of t raf· lies." fie offenMes by adolescl'n ls . The PTA members f rom t he New- p lah to take such o ffences out of port Har bor area. attending the the' JuvenUe court and into the meet ing \\'ere 1-{mes. H arvey Som· adult court msk~s the offellB(' a ers, Louis Csenar. L . \.\'illiams and crime-. she Pxplained. '"However . BorroUJ'!hS H ill fron1 N'ev.")>Orl t ht;, admonition through tht> juwn-Beach elementary schools and il e court offirl'r Is takl'n lightly Mmes. Ha rold Boy\•ey. Ra)· Traut · by the offender." "'eln. J ohn Keeler . Rayn1ond H ar- Citing the n(>f'd for additional I vt>y . Henry Eggt>rl. Charles Mc- s~hool buildings thl' speak er ex-Kinnon, Thontas Frost, Al Hor· plain ed tha t cost is the great de-vath and Roy Roush, from the tt"rmen t and commC'nted t hat in Newpor t Harbor Union hlg~ one area the lowest bid submitted achool. by contractors fo r 28 new · cla.ss- r ooms w u 133 a square foot. ••\\'bether t his price is due t o .cu.r- rent cost'-lavi.sh architectural de- sign, or the fa ult of the contrac- to rs L'! !K>Illethlng to be studi~ by a commitl('e \\'hich involves not only p r A but business orga.niz.a· t iOns and inform ed citizens of the iLll(.:..tion." Or. Al~rt ~t. Davis, superin- Pair Champ ionship Bri dge Slated The Balboa Duplicate BridgC' club will spo nsor a M en 's and \Vo· men's Pairs cha1nplon&h lp g a.me t o be ht'ld in Costa Mesa. at the Friday Aflt>rnoon clu b hotLSe on Sunday , ()('t. 21. The first sesaion .---------------, will s lt.rt a t one o'clock and the Leste r A. Beeker, D. D.S. DENTISTRY , 1785 Newport Blvd., Co8ta :P.lesa Medical Bldg. Beacon 6752 ~ E. Bay A ve .. Balboa Harbor 327 .J BALTZ MORTUARY Lady AtteOda.nt _ 410 Coast l llgh"'Y C.:O RON.\. UE l • .llAR DAY ANO l":IGHT Phonf'I llarbor 42 BE SURE -IN SURE evening session \VIII begin a t 6 :30. Master points and t rophi('S v.rlU be awarded t he ";nne rs. Mrs. Mildred Lytle and ?.1 rs. Fred Rounavilll' w r re. \\'inners eut-west In Frirtay e\'cnings game and 1-t rs. A . G. Doesburg and M rs. Robert BrO\\"Tl v.·C'rC' hil{h score rs no1 th -south. R unner.5-up ('8St·\VC~l were lot rs. Robert Ross a.nd l\.frs. Amy Kenned)·: l\1rs. CathC'rine Smith and Mrl'I. Grace Freeman ; M rs. Carl Benson a.ncl Mrs . Alinr Mer - rill; Mrs. Charles Boardman and Pl·trs. George Carr oll ; M n a.nd i\fr s. Edwin Sylvr•ter. R unners -up north-south were Robert Bro~·n and Ooy le ·cnbert : Arnold Gasser and A . D. Wether- by: Mr. and )'Ira. H . l\.f. Wa.Iling - ford; Mr. and Mrs. A . W . Tum- m el ; E, E . Bruce and l\lrs . Roy St rotz. liotrs. Thomas Gi ll and t.frs:. C. • • • TABLllP1JLL 01' MSAYMAllERS putidpallaS la tloe Db' 'Cluu1ty llall Friday nl~ht 15 plctuttd a.bo\~. ArMi.d Hae ta111e left to rtsitt-Mn. lla.rol:d l)rt.c:ker. Mn. Al ~fatbt>W•, 1'1lsl!' \'pra Bradd)'. Mn. OHR Walker. Gtt-l \\'-.Iker, lln.. L A. 8~. Dr. Bflcker, 0. A. 'Qud' Brtacoe, Dr. Harold Dec-kd', Md Mn.. Bud B n.e.ei •taadla& hi. the ttattt ~ltd. If-ff lo r1 1"ht : Mr. and ;\......_ .John Peden and Al M•tbcm-.. (Phot o by Beckne r ' 'Children first ,' Theme for Lindbergh P. · T .A. M.inatrel aong• by the tourth and fifth grade Harper .tehool stu- dent.a. 1«1 by W Ullam A llen, en- llvent!'d the Oct . 10 mriting of the Coata Meu. Lindbergh-H arper f'T A. . , H eld in tht' Alain .school a uditor · iun1 , lht' t heme-. "Childrt>n Still Com e F irst." prove<! a. decided al· t rac tion ror Costa ~1'eaa parent! and t eachf'rs. Mrs. Jack Hanis . pN'sident. presided ovf'r the busl- nt'ss a.seas.I on. at which Ume the Msembly voted t o sponsor dental ca re for Costa Mesa atudent•. Al.a announced wer e lectures on "Dt>n· ta l Care" at Nev.'port Harbor high sC'hool on Oct. 22 and 29 from 7 to 9 p.m . Mra. Ellward Carr, program cha1rn1an. introduced Superintt"nd· {'nl or Schools Everett A. Rea., who pr('ceded his tnlk wlth In- troductions of the prtnclpale and t eachers of Lindbergh and Harper school•. Mr. Re& outllned t he ex- pa.nslon of Coata Me•a ln recent yea ra and plans for the schools to kt't'p pace \.\i th rslng t>nroll- m Pn t . Dt-v1·loping the child in min d and body v.·a.s t'Xplained by the ~peaker. w ho 9lre88ed the need to t ea c h r hildren fair play. propt>rty protection a nd inte r -racial under- standin~. in addition to re gular r la~ instruct ion. Mr . Rea urged parents to \1.s lt t h (' schools, talk with the tea chen; a nd \Vork with them r egardin g lhrir childr('n'8 educa t ion. The Halloween ca rnival and !i!paghl'lli dinnt'r was announced by ifrs . Huscroft. She asked for par.·nts: to donate pies and C'&ke11 for a booth a t the carnival din· n <"r . Tick t>ts. pr iced a t 75 cents ror a dults and -40 cent.a "for chil- d re n, may be obta.inffi by callin g Beacon 6612-W . Rt>.servation.'! are urged 8JI. tut year·s tickets wer e sold out in advanct'. PT A Board Plan s ' " Hall oween Fete The Costa Me11a Undbergb- Harper PT A boa.rd met W tdnet· d&y, Oc;t. 10. in the Main school. to polt.h tlnaJ plana for tbtlr Bal- lowe.en carnival and lp&g'hettl dinner to be ataged ln American Leeton Rall, Coat.a Mesa. J,{re. Jack Harria, preeldent. p res.ideCI. Mra;. WUtlam Huacroft. earn.Iva! chairman, ualped boottul and d!.nner preparation duUQ to boa.rd n1embera. Mra. Loui& F ay, health c h=i.lrlJll.n : M rW. Chiaholm Brown. pa r liamt>nlaria.n .. and lira. R oy ''ourstont>s. publicity chairman. :-t-cenl appointees to t he PTA hoard, \VE're introduced . A dt!."ltal clinic for Cos ta Mesa .::hlidren, utilizing "the Nev.")>Ort Beach clinic, now under construc- t ion. w as approved bf presenta- t ion and vote at the g-ener-al aa- scmbly . Funds raieed b:-,· PT A project.a will under writ e the \vorthy cause, it v.·as announced. Pie Soc ial Fun for Church Class An old-fUhloned p ie social high· lighted the latest met>t ing ot the Builders' class of the Costa Men Communit y Church held Oct. ~ In the c hurch sOclal hall. A progTam Of games furnished &mUM!mf'nl aflE'r a s hort bU!iness session con- ducted by Raymond K . Eastman. cless prt"sident. Guests were Miss Myrtle T eller of Indianapolis and Mrs. Ruth Ht>nry of Ontario. lfembers pres· ent inclu ded llfessr~. and Mm es. Raym ond Eastman, J ohn Billings. Chestt>r Fisher. Cleo Fuller, ){rs. Lillian McClelland. ~t rs. AlicP Com pt on, Mrs. Frank Dial and son Tommy a nd Rev. J oseph \V. Mc· Shttn<'. PREXV AT BERK.ELEV Dr. Ba.sit Peter30n of Orange Coast college flew to Berkeley Friday where he attended the cooidinatLng council or tmiversl- t ies and Jtmior colleges. Frank Baxter Talk to End Forum Series . Dr. F r ank C. Baxter , one of the 10 outstanding teacbera sel"cted tn a nation;v.>tde poll by Lite Mag- azine, \VIII be the speaker at the fou rth and final lecture in the Fall F or um St>rles "Communication" a! Orange Coast Colle ge. \Vednesda y, 8 p. b. in Coliege Auditoriu.n'1 . Dr. Baxter '!! topic \\111 be "Why be concerned \Vilh J ite.cature when tht' sky is falling ?". D r . Baxter is a professor of E nglish at Uni- versity of Southf'rn Ca lifornia who has spanned t he fleld e f lit eratu re and m ade good writ ing son1ething to Ix-underst ood and enjoyed. No event on U . S. C .'s calend ar ls mor<' eagerly awaited than Bax - lt>r's annual Chrlstn1as rea cting of poetry and f able>. H e has taught for 27 yPars and ts, he admit's ruefully, t h e last of the senti- m<'n lalls ts . Thomas Broli'1ne H enry spoke of Dr, Baxter in glowing le.rm&.-"He is t he fine.st pla t fo rm speaker I have ever heard" said Jo/Ir. Henry at hiB Fo ru m lecture, Oct. 10. Admifllsion ls fret> to thi.8 final lee- -People do read the want ads. turf'. BOY'S CLUB BENEFITS·. FROM CHEST .(Seventh in a _.e• ·of artklel: a.bout Red Featller qenclea la your Commvntty CIMll) ·• By lluth HUJ ' F ortunately, fOT' Newporl Har· bor. there &re agenclee such aa the H a rbor Area Boye' Club wh09t' vie"A' ot ~ tuture tOC'U9el upon the individual and wbo are acUve-- ly engal"d 1n Uie bylldlns ot iiap. Pl' and u.a:etul ·yOUJll" cftlH:na. More than ISO NeWpOrl Harbor a.nd eo.t.a MeN. boyt: per day ~ for the put four yeara 1pen.t thetr. lt>lsure time in handicraft and sporta activtt les through the work of thj$ club. Thia non-~ Boys' Club keeps boys ate when ·they are away from home and school and aupplementa the ~ infiut>nce ot the home, echool and church through constructive ac- tivity and guidance. Because ot • Community Chest wpport, club !tt11 are t° tow t hat any boy, be- t \Veen the a.ges ot 8 and 19, can afford to belong. The $30.000 ·club !a.cillt iee are loca tetl on the north aide of Coll a. Mt>sa park and include a JYmn&I· tum, game room, kitchen, otticea, craftahop. and athletic room u well as various a.thleUc equipment !or use in the pa rk are&. The club roomfll are open year-around on a five-nig ht, six -day per week. The club ¥o'U founded tive yean a go by o group of lea.dine Coat& Afesa and Ha r bor educators. The club haa received 131JS37 member visits and Increased to nearly 600 m embers laat yea r. . T he 195 1 sports schedule has included. 2:;o inter-and tntra-club and recrea.Uon depart ment con- tests for 22 baseball and 90ftball team s. 18 baaketball team&, 12 flag football teams, and .evt>ral t rack tt>an1s. Officer'§ and Dlreclo n • Club officers art> Heinz. Ka.iAer . prt>sident ; Sid~ey Davids:on, vice- president : H o\\•ard Gerriah., secre- tary; Carl E . Somme r, treasurer, and Albert Spencer , executive di- rector. On the Board of Directors is F r ed Allen, GUB Beach, C. 'A. Beecher. F rank Chapman, K . C. Chung IM. D. l , Sidney Davidaon, Howard Gt-rrl•h. Francia Horvath, Donald Huddleston, J. S tuart ln- nt>rst. Al I rwin, H einz Kaiser, OQnaJd Kirkpatr:ick, Tom Norton. Forre11t Owen, E vere tt Rea , Ben Reddick , Ralph Reed, C. B . Rudd, Bert.ran Smith;· Carl E . Sommer, Char lea W . Te Winkle, Harry Welch and the Rev. P aul Wheeler. The Community Cheat, through you, is pledging this club $1,000 of Ila $16,000 quota. A lso receiving $1 ,000 of . the Chest's budget quo ta is the Com- munity \Velfare Fund. This pro- vldeg for t>mergency weltare needs to be administer ed by a ny a gency a uthorized by t he Cht>st Board. The Community Cheat doe. not handle welfare directly : hence this contingency tund la established to which org anl:&at lon8 whlch a.re not R E"d Feather a gencies. may apply. La.st ye&r, for example, the local Elks Club drew upon thU! tund t o supplement a program ot welfare during the Christmas aeaeon. FA C Bridge -Group Meets on ,Friday Prizes tor every table will be awa.rded when the bridge section of lhe Friday An ernoon Club • • -. • • • ' • nJESDAY, OCT. 2i, 1951 . . I eJ<.lliw•~t-'*"I '• ·--~···. , . How often have )'OU had someone hang up just as ~·ou llM\Vcred the teleph9ne~ It isn't ?l \\'3)'5 possible, you know. to get to the telephone the mome nt it rings-the folks ·you arc calli ng may be our enjoying their _ garden, or busy in some distant pan of the house. You'U reach them more often ... and av oid the disappaintment of an incompletld call if you gi "e them a full mi11ute to answer. ~fm'I~ ~is yours, if you give the operator the out-of-to\vn tcle pho'ne numb~r. rather chan just che nan1c and address of the part)' )1ou are calling. \"ou'll not only save your time ... buc calling b)· number means better service for C\'Ct)'One, especially now when long distance lines arc carrying so many urgent industria l and military calls. @ Pacific Telephone GJn II,_ C11 lllJ Clllsl .. W D .... F• By CLAYTON THO MPSON Speed Overhaul Jobs With Ho111emade Piston Cleaner If you do you T own mainte- n.ance on your ear, you may be interested in. making thie litlle gad,.et we beard about. It makes the llCt'aping .of pis- ton rin1 eroovea faat and e••Y· Ca.11 us abQut it. Fine p-rodllda like thi• plu• faithful .ervice are the mainat.aya ot·our local b uaine••· • ·• Pr-iwa 1\'JN •• .tl. ., ,.,........*' &11 tlle A.-nc.i11 htroUM• I,.aW... Of cour•e , you won't have to worry about this job if you uae New RPM Motor Oil The &rat motor oil dt""tfloped • throd'lh atomic resea.rc.h , New "RPM. .. compared with con· vend onal oila, • double• the life of average automobile engine• between major ov'erbaula d ue to lubrication ... cut. in half the weer-rate of vital engine parts:. : \ DlstrUtuted ~y CLAYTON THOMPSON "1 ath & Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 155 \\·Ith MAURJ_E ST A.."'LEY los.u·rant"e Only Phone Harbor l '7'16 ~ !Z5 Marln~ Ave. Balboa Ialaod E . Irvin wer e l'U t-west w1n ner11 in the Monday afternoon game and Mrs . Robt>rt Brown and Doyll' Gilbert were high sco rl'rs norlh- south. Golde n cbry~themuma graced th..:: hOllteu table at the tea. •e-rv· ed by PT A board membeni; after the mttting. Pic nic Pot luck for Cub Pack 186 Riding Clubs Sponsor Show for Casa Colina for 1 p. m. following lhe noon pi t barbecue. Al J arvis and Harry Babbitt of radJo and television fame hav~ been invited to serve as show an - nouncers. Spectacular quarter horse racing, cutting horse cluses, calf roping, stock horse and many other featured cluses includtrig English and har ness events will meets Friday, Oct. 26, a.t 12 :30 !'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p. m. in the clubhouse with Mmes. J . P . Cooj>er, J ean Lawrence and J. C. Payne u b<M1t esse1. There wUJ be no .ectlon meettnp in November.or December. MATTR E SSES Boat&-B Omf'!'t--Trallt'n Irregular S hapee BEACO N ~061 CoAta Mesa ?\-fa ttreu Co. Z 150 N elvport Bl,·d. Runne rs-u p ('&8t-14•t.•at v.-e re Mrs. Faye Schlueter and J.ln . Calvin Lambe-rt t ying "'ith Mr . and lt'l n . Robert Lusk : Mrs. Glenn Rust and Mt5. Mabel Boardman ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ro un!villc; Mra. Robert Ro..«s and Mrs .... La u r a Berry. Runnr rs-up no rt h-south w er e Mrs. H el<'n G ra y and M rs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;1lrene Hyatt; Mr. a.nd Mrs. C.H . Johnson: M ra. Betty Cross and Mrs;. H. Ander.son: Harry Sprlng- me)·f'r llJ\d B il.I Gilbt>rl : Andy ~{&· bley and Mni. Roy Strotz.. Hard times were g ood t imes fo t Cub Scout Pack 186 w hen a. "hard limes" party marke<t the opening tall gathering of tile pack . Scouts and their families assembled in th~ Costa Mesa P a r k foi the potluck a ffair. Prizes tor costumes w ent to the C&rey fam- ily of Den t and the Olin Ueka. Alice and Roy F ox direeted a ~ries of games. WATER HEATERS Salee_ Sen·lce and Rep&ln Joe BecJdolJ P LIJalBl.NG Autborb:.ed ne.>er Day & Night Beaten TUMS IO'J. l>o•n Ofl &II H..+.n Phone Harbor z.54!-W . ------- Mesa Ho memakers Study Aprons Reeeivtng aWarcta wer e Jerry W elty, gold and .tlver arTOW; Gary Dunn. allver arTOW : Mike Carey, wolf t>&ct&e: D. B. Be1*r, wolf badre: C1a.rence )((lJer, ailver &l'l'OW; Klke Phoenix,, allttr .,.. Tb.~ Costa Mesi Homemaker¥ row. AnnounOl!d .. \be ~ aew bad another tntereating meeUng den mothen are Mn. Alice Fox. with Mn. Q _ R. Mllhoft u project Den 1: Mrs. D. A. Whitney, Den 3. iee.der In the CotrunUJtlty church. ' Keny •1••.r """'""and -14l Donors Offer eoey ldeu' ~ abown· with pe.l- te.mo provided for th<!lc wlsblV Blood• 131 Chos ibem. Mra, Ralph T aylor report~ I en ~ on tbe acttvlUo ot the 4-H W lth.If.1 bk>od doaon ~ $Uld>,y SUtchera. The Cornily l!te to contrll>ut. wMll the blood· foplc "l(&klnt F<Jeodo" l"aa -MOblle vlalted 'N.wport -ch -'«I by Mn. Wtlll&m Nlchol&. lut 'l'h~. Ul .,._ ,..n Home P'Umloblng" ww be the acc;ephd. le al the No-.ember -Ion. Tbe 111 pllll<I of blood Ullea Marian PftnUa, Oranp were front 13 """ -. ud 78 coonty -~· -·· wW be tn .._1 blood ,i..r.. 'nlll1een ~. • .._ dty emplo)'M. U _,.. &om IUcbard'a ~ ..... w at' c esans ·Observe =~ ~~ .... ~~-:,:: dd • D t ftn wwe Baall. et A m~ .,. e 1ng a. e "'°?'•• ""9° .. s!zd1r · ..... dbl1;1 lllt.e ...... --· ~ 1'1511 "' ...... --11• at a t If UR .... lfat ""'1 el tilt ll1 a t dillJI ---~· 'WUlllP_ ... !?J'•ll.... CJ&ll••••• 221 ......................... -......... = ·-........... ,.. ••••• -...... " ,., .,, 5 .... . ....,,, ol ~ Jlll ... M pl'FR,,.. Olltatlo.. '>pp*• ~-... en-. t1oe ,... ... r~ -· ·-~ .. etaT 1n ~ -.. .,..._ ... -~ ottw -ctat-lioiaoo~ 11 A of Ulllr -an, Jin. ..--"-1" ....... ~ ~-..... -s-lo7 -daloPttt of tbe ~· -111'llap M1 { . Plan.s are now under way for one of the greatest exhJbi lion • H orse Shows e ver presented by compr Lse the afternoon progra.m which w ill offer mor e lhan 40 event.. 4 m on g Southern <;alifornia equealrtan group8 invited to take part are the Long Bea.ch ?.tount ed P olice, Buttons and Bawa Square Dancers on Horseback and the Rock 'N Ride all-girl drill team, winner• ot the State Champion- the ASIOdated Riding Club.I of Orange County, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 28 at the El Rodeo Club Ground two mUea eut of Brea , beginninr at 9 :30 a . m . A barbecue dinner will be se rved at .. ship trophy for preclsion horae- manahJp. noon. Entire proceeds from th.la t.venl, featurlnc prlu-wlnnJ.ng equeatrlan talent from all over Southern Cali- fornia n u be donated to the Cua Colln& Home for Crtppled chil- dren. J unior event. a.re ached to at&rt in the morning With a num ber of racea to be run, and the Grand Entry, Judging of Western R1diDg • Grw.ps a. n d awarding of · tropbl°' ad\~ Adftnce ticket sales a.re under way and may be purchued trom aevual buatneu tinru or by con- tac~ Carl Tbomu. president ot t.bi Aaoclated Ridlng Clubs o f Orange Cbu nty, at Beacon M23-M. ncket.8 to the barbecue may be obtalne4 at the Earl Stanley of· fice,,Balbo& J.aland ; Tommy"• Pl~ Shop. t--•. d•t Mar; Theodore -.:r,;;;1 Co., Nowpc4 i' l!llJQIJ!t) AID •lllllllil .. -ti ee ~ -... W'111 1 I tl 'c1st' t .. .._o n _......_. nt-• ,,.. ....._._ a .... •• ..... r· a 0111a .. «* • Or --• .. IN NEW ouw:•Ns ' P«aHO. J114~ ·TERE~E~~~' ~cZ!?n er l Vlolt with r-. In N-Or- leana and Chica&o Ma been en- j oyed durlJt&' tlle put month by Mra. WlllJom )IJ:Tanvt or 1~27 Newport BlW., ea.ta Meu.. G-te Stadeat or Bela O.rtok 436 Sina Drive . , Harbor 1,r1 7 i .J Coroea Hl'I:' 'ands -Cnaa clef ..., · ANN_OUNCEMENT! ' • ' . ' Sten Hen line .of Henline's M ~n's · Shop announces t he purc hase ,;f a n'othe r stor~ . , . -. P I P E R • J 0 H N S 0 N of Balboa which he ~ill co ntinue t~ oper;te u·nder the seme n111~,e ~ith the _same high q'lelity mer· chenaise in Men 's end Wom en's · sportswear. You are .C.Ordially invited -to inspect ou ; ' ·-new end le r,ger stock of · mercha ndise. .. , • I I ' • -. ---·-____ ,.. ___ .,_ , . • ' .. • tuESOAY, OCT. 23, 1951 HARBOR SOCIAL ·. EVENTS' I -. . JDUI. WlND'RED BAJIBR!l, Boclet7 J:dltor Rev~.· Alex Nichols Is Speaker . for Elementary PTA Rev. Alex C. Nlchola, popular Santa Ana mlnlAter and speak.er, urged-parent.a to treat thelr chtt.:. dren to frequent family outings. Spea.klng to a record crowd of more than 4.00 fathers and moth- ers al the opening meeting or the Newport Brach El eme ntary School.!! PT A In the Newport grammar school Oct. 15, ht.. drew freely from personal experiences to drive homf' the forces he con- siders pertinent to a child's ex- istence. Rev. N :chol~. who Is a 1port en- Lhualut slated that lhc family should plan adventures together. from picnics and tripe lo football 0game.s. He beliCves that children and parents b<'come cloSt>r to one another during thet>e shared ex- periences. l\lulht·n. at llome "~tothers should be al hon1e when children come in after school.·• he said, an<l then warned mothers not to be disappointed I! the child merely called hello and Immediately went out Into his world again, "a world that may ~ only two bloCks long. But you don"t have to give your child the bf>st piece of. n1 r at on the table every time," he saicl in a talk that wa111 punctuated with humor. Stressing again the security drive he cautioned parents lo un- derstand that a child likes the ft"e1ing of belonging to a group. "Don't dress him like little• Lord Fauntero;• when he's happier in jeans lik e tl)e r est of the crowd." Rev. Nichols recommends early se x information in order to ann the child with faclJI which may protect him from experiences with deviates. ' Muaic during the even ing was p rovided by the advanced band and the swing band .under the di- rection of Mi& Norma Perkins. Mrs. Lou~ Csenar. PT A presi- dent. announced room prizfl• ( S5 dollars for each room) for great- est number of PI' A membenhlps secured during the r ecent mem~ bershlp campaign. Wlnnlng at Corona deJ Mar wa.s the first grade taught by Mjss Laura Bar- num. The sixth gTade at Horace Ensign achool, under Lee~cClin­ tock, and the fourth grade with Mi88 Jean Beh at the Newport school were also winners. SJJsan Royce at Vermont College· MIDDLEBURY, VT. -Middle- bury college opened its 1~2nd aca- demic year on Sept. 20 with the largeiit freshm.it.n cla.s.e in it.a hi&- tory. A tota).. of 374' young men and women from 22 states, five foreign countries and three U. S . territories make up the record- size entering c la.s..'!'. Middlebury's enrollme nt remains, at slightly over 1200 students, the Jevel of last year. Eighty-one per cent ot the freshmen are from New Eng- land, New York and New J erse)'o Among the entering freshmen was SU8an Royce. daughter of Mrs. Virginia F . Royce, 30~ Ea.st Bay Front, Balboa. l!lland. Pfeller's Scrumptious ARE READY NOW • \1bdton Welcome • S81 E. !0th SL. COS7A MESA Phone Beacon MM.-\V . HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ALL El.ECl'RIC You can play l'tch Organ. mualc at once, wit.bout a alngle t.e.on: try one ht yuur own borne all by you...U. -l'Oil .nu:z ftlAL PllO!fl:U-.. ' fyiariner Scouts · Widen P.rogram . The Girl B<outo ol America wW broaden '*8 Mariner procnm tn 1952 to encourage natlon·wlde bt- tereat amons 8CCJ\1Unc units in all pb .... of -11 boat b&ndllnir and aeamanahtp, .... a.cconUng to Mn. Novetah Holme.a DavenPort of Haattnp--on~Hudlon, N. Y. The growth ot the M&rtiier pro-- gram .and It.a meaning to the com- munity wu ouUlned by Mn. Da- venport at the , annual national convention of lbe Glrl Scoµta of America In Boaton, Oct. 15--18. Mrs. Davenport serves u wing scout and mariner consultant In the program development depart- ment of the national organization. ''The pa.at year 1has seen a greater increase ln am.all boat activity among mMtner acout& than ever before," 88.ld Mrs. Da- venport. "The scope of activity ex- tends from clauea In elementary seamanahip to week end crulsee aboard chartered sailing craft." At preaent, there a.re more than 400 mariner ship.a, as each local unit Is called, throughout the country. Each "ship" haa a com- plement of approximately 25 Mariner Scouts, all of whom are of '1igh achoo! age. The ~ariner skippers are offered a comprehen- si\'e course ln rules of the road. saf~ty at sea, manners ·and cus- toms afloat, the reMllng of chart.a and the fundamental.a or piloting. 0. C. Nurses. Assn. to Se'nd Delegates to San Francisco . Fou.r regiatered nurses from Or- ange County have been named delegatea to the 48th annual con- vention of the California Stale Nurses' Aasociatlon ln San Fran- cisco, Nov. 12 to 15, Mrs. Mildred Croddy, diatrtct president an- nounced today. The delegates named were: Ml.as Gertrude Dubbe, Orange, secre- tary of the usoclatlon and in- structor at Orange County Cen- eraJ fl08pl1-J; Miss Mildred HeS8, Orange, echool nurse at Orange Union High School; Miaa Mildred lnhoffer, Anaheim, atatf nurse at St. Joseph Hospital and Mr11. Lella Bra.ban, Santa Ana, private duty nurse. The alternates were: Mra. Mar- garet Patton, Fullerton.. hear nurae at Orange County GUera.1 HoapttaJ: Mn. AUrled& Niewtg. Orange, supervlaor Orange. Coun- ty General Hoapllal; Miu Edith Kerl. Coron& del ~a.r. director of Visiting Nurse A880ciatlon and htrs. Cecelia Ford, Santa An&, private duty nurse. Alvah Ann Denton to Repeat Vows iri Early Spring Mrs. Carol Denton of 4.35 Gold- enrod Ave., Corona del Mar, CaUf. ~s announcing the engagement of her daughter, Alvah Ann to Stan- ley C. Van DYJ<e, Jr. Both young people are graduates of Newport Harbor H igh School. Alvah, who Ls the daughter of Mrs. Denton and Mr. W . A. Den- ton of SOuth Cate, attended the Univeratty of Nevada where iihe wa.s a piember ot Phi Beta Phi sorority. Stan, who la the son of Mrs. Philip B. Hunt, Jr., ot 15'13 Bradbury Road, San Marino, al· tended Orange Cout Collece be- fore enu.tlng ln the United State• Air Force. He 11 on 15 day leave rrom Robins Air Force Bue, th Georgia. /ii.. spring wedding la be- ing planned by the young couple . LaNelle Gay Pledges Sorority at Oregon U. La Nelle Gay ot Balboa wu one of 197 women to pledge aororttlea on tbe Oregon campua at Eugene T'ueMlay morntnc at the end of a four-<lay ruoh period. Miao Gc.y pledged Alpha Omicron Pt Sixteen aororttiea have chapte.ra l.L the ~venlty. Fall tum ruah wu forinerly held before achoo) 'Jpetled,. but W&a poatponed Ulla year to fit in with orientation and ~tldent acUvtttea.. Under the untvenlty'a living-in pro(r&Dl, trealunen pledgei will UvC lit the dormitories thelr flnl year. Sophomoree and upper clus- nen wbo pledged will move into ..be ~rortty houses lhis term. Candy Cane Ball, New Members Tea ·for ·Junior League w1.-111e1t ttnt tan -.i.,.- put. u. --wm pt IDto tu11 swtac" wbell the ••••nee J..eape .:Junior •11Jd11ar7 we1con-... -tomy at. .. too.. llor -~ "Wiiiiam Blarft7 wW .... __ at --.... -v-om.. 1lal1 .-. ... Of tmt1n.t .t U..htrw _.. --... i.o ~ Coat Ball, -..... Doc. H d -11 JIQ -ni. ...... ~.---........ ....-ci II b II•--· • .. _-!i~-----f l~ -'tit "' '1'!11 ... .....- • I I ( NEWPORT· BALBOA : ~WS-l!MES PAGE 3 ' -~ . . •. ' . AND ~IRS. ROBERT PRINCE ORVHLEl ' Crumley -Gooch Wedding Unites Two Pioneer California Families Keyed to the golden days of .... --~----------­ fall was the beautiful wedding, held p.t 4 :30 o'clock on, Saturday, Oct. 13 in St. James Episcopal church when vows were repeated by Mia Geraldine A. Gooch and Robert Prl(lce Crum.ley. Th e double ring ceremony waa per- formed by lhe . Rev, Gilbert .P. Prlnsie of V~ Nuy1, uncle of the bridegroom. Both young people are mem- ber& of California pioneer fami- lies.. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard T . Gooch of Udo Is.le and granddaughter of Thomas L. Gooch, owner of one of the first citrm groves in Whit- tler. The bridegroo1n ls the son of Mrs. E. Worden 'Crumley of Balboa Island and ~he late Mr. Crumley. H is maternal grand- father. Horace J . Prince. moved lo Loa Angeles in 1894 where he was engaged In ahlpplng citrus fruit. OladJoU and Muma Yellow and white gladioll and chrysanthemums of the 3 a m e sh~des in large, small and spider varlet.lea. adorned the a.ltar and J&nctuary a.nd were m&&&ed in chancel boxes. White satin rib- bons and tall candelabra marked the center aisle down w h I c h Geraldine was escorted by her rather, who gave tier In keeping. Ker bridal robe wu of Chantilly lace and candlelight aatln, ahort sleeved and en tralne. Lone mitts were of matching lace. La-ce was again used for the crown which was embroidered w Ith pearls rd which held the flnger- tlp vei. Her .bouquet was of water Illies and larkspur. Miaa Lorra.ine Myers, ma.Jd of honor, wore a gown of pale green faille and a hat of _tulle and spider chry&anthemum•. Her bou- quet Wa.s of slmllar yellow mu.ma. Bridesmaids were MIN Barbara Hoover and Mrs. Kay Wllliam.. They wore buttercup ye 11 o w faille and hats of tulle and while spider chrysanthemums. apd car- riett the B&me lovely flowers. In l'>arlsh HOU8e The reception \\'9.! held in th~ parish house. Again the nowers were yellow and white gladioli and chrysanthemums standing in baskets and, combined with maid- enhair fem, circling the tiered wedding cake. Assisting at the r eception \\'ere Mrs. Duncan J.tc· Alpine nnd Mrs. Sidney Hoskin8, while ~iisa Loma Kiech we.a in charge of the guest book, For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Gooch wore a.shes of roses sheer crepe and lace, with match- ing hat and gloves. Her corsage wu of brown Suvil orchids.. Mn. Crumley we.1 in chartreuse crepe with black acceSHOriea and a red rose corsage. For motoring to Carmel, San Fran.Cisco and Portland the new J.trs. Crumley donned a suit of Women of Moose to Initiate Five Candidates Newport Beach Chipter 1158, Women of the Mooae, wUJ have an oUtcJal vtaJtot at the next regular meetJng ·to be h~ld Thursday, October 25. according tO word re- ceived by Senior Regent Wlnlfred Randel. Thia vlaUor will be Lee Er1ckeon, Dt>puty Grand Regent. of San Pedro. It ta expected that five candldatet1 will be initiated in- to rpembershlp tha! evening. Senior Regent Winifred Randel reminded the co-workers of the SU.le District picnic to be held at • Hemet, Sunday, Oct. ·21 . (Folson\ Photo) navy blue gabardine with blue velvet hat and powder blue acces- sories. Her corsage w a s a Ja"ender orchid. She was grad- yated from Whittier High school fl.nd attended USC and University of California at Santa Barbara. Mr. Crumley was graduated from Loa Angeles High school and at- tended L. A. City college. He Is now affiliated with Western Air· lines Inc. at Seattle, where th~ couple will make their home. Library Chairman Lema Ma..s- sey. on bC'half of the Chapter, pl&.ru! to present a book · to the new library In Costa Mesa. The Newport B<-ach Moose Lodge bu donated th(' money to purchase the book t o be sent .to the Lib:-ary at Mooachcart. Co-workC'rs arc asked t o bring to the n('x t mrcting the Christmas gifts to be sent to the childrC'n at ?.fooseheart. Elsie Porte r. Moose.- heart Chairman, is tn charge of th.is project. Al oo.sc haven Cha}r-I man, J.fyrtcllc Tipping, and her committee will send gifts to Moosehaven, also, in ·time for Christma.s. The announcement was ma.de that the Moose Lodge is asking for donations of apples, popcorn, soda pop, etc., for the annual Hal- IO\Vel:'n party givc>n the ;·hlldren in the Harbor area. Wilma Co r b i·n. ~· cmbership chai rman: Birdie Osti;er, hos- pital chairman: A Myrtle Humphrey, and Trc su r J oyce EOlck, help<'<I .serve a fii;h dinner Saturday e\'ening, October 20. t ('I members and thc>Jr gUC'sts. These regular Saturday evening dinners, as well as the dance that follow:t, are bcco1ning Increasingly popu- lar. U·DRIYE CRUISERS ROW IOATS • &rlTBOARDS d ==~IT LaUDclllni; ELLIS BOAT RENTALS · llOZ Oout Ulway Ne.·port Beach l'h. Harbor Slll AT SOUTll END OF BAl'SHORE BRIDGE I go Greyhound because it's the FRIENDLY ~ay to travel And you get real economy too _ .. plus frequent scbedulea e•ery· where in air-conditioned bu sea ... Thru-Express service at no eztn fare. Relax as you 1ee ·as you save ... by friendly Greyhound! Mort Express Schedules , More Thru Buses, Mort Stniw lo More Places Than Any Other Travel Way l·"rom Xt•\vport Beuch: J\lobile, Aln ............. $~.40 Cranbruok. It ('. 2;; .. t-o \\'ashington, D. (' ...... 4 i .4-1 AUanta, Ga. ···--· ....... 40.90 Toronto, Ont. ..$48.!0 .·\lt11111111·r1111t" N. 1'1 •... ll.!O T1·~arkifna, T1·x. . . ... ·ss.80 \\'t•n:\trhf'••, \\'tt!ih .... -.... %!.00 On~Wll,YF~•,Plu• Ftd. TO-J:-Rtlurn Trip20%LESS ... on ROfl.nd·Trip TK4cts MRS. C. C. SWAFFORD • 53:! Cuai;t lli\l'a)·. . :\"t•\\•port Beach l'honc &•aeon 6422 GREYHOUND A lot More Travel for ti lot YE 'Money/ 1-1-----·-------------------· FROM NEW MEX.100 Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bunch of Tustin Ave., Costa Ml'U, have been extendJng holl8C gueat hM- pltality to Mrs. Edna Tinnell of Lovington, N . M. HOME OK F'l "RLOtJGl:I A 10-day furlough was 5pent by PFC Karl Slhilling at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Sihllling, 1920 Anaheim Ave .. Cos- ta Mesa. He is stationt:'d at Tinker Field, Oklahoma. WOUNDED flghtlnc on t~ Korean central front ""M S~. F1rat Class Bf"rna.rd Spjegf'I, son of Mr. and r\lrs. Frank J. Splt>gel, 2656 Ne"'port Bl\'d., Coste ~te81L Everybody reada the cluait1ed ada. • • . . /·--..:_ __ ·~·fline fo /Jul/ a MW . GAS llllNGE Teke a ...... leol< at your pre-t •-ge. Thew vblt ~y tlealer -.I lff his dlspley ef MW models. Get a free copy ef Old Steve l.....,.Up leeltlet ef West..,. leclpe1 from Sun1•t Cook ••oles • I • "Why pur up with an out-dated range another day l -JI.piece i• ...,.. with one nr the new automatic gu raaaa. whida ue the bat looking ..;.i bar mok.iag ~ ewr ~ They do nerytbiag .0 eliminate I 1wocl ••• 1D •-e·you rime and elOrt ... and, - ~ "'""' -cltliciouo -i. OQ the table. ......... for l'ie~ .dla -.. .au-ric pa ....,.,. • !"""' ...... bay. Tbey ..., COlf ...... opottce. .So .... ..., ps' .... cleale, w Y.,.Ga Coalpianr'• ....,._ · -~Old~ a00>..S:Up;-Seir me i..,d6al aew modola aiod pidr top,..... hoolrlot ~'lida.3S.ndpes Mlicad.6.. S-I I cOok ....... Its &eel . • • • . ( 1ew1a1u.cewinl11 ... J:.~-, .. I ii I I HEY, DOC! Check de Boigains AD LIB In BY MARGO +--·-------- Saq.s ESTHER WILLIAMS CO..tfU.llNO IN MnlO.-cK.DWTMoM&l'll'I "TEXAS CARNIVAL" COLOI IT TICMNICOl.01 • - i" I -I ,. 1 · • ·. ' • .PAGl '4 Member ot CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHICRS ASS'N. Member of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION . orttce and Printing Plant at 2211 Balboa Boulevard TeJe phOne Harbor 1816 I Entered a3 Second·Clul ltatter at the PostoU!Cll ln Newport Beach. CaJifomit under the Act of ~ a. 1179. • WILLIAM A. KOSE8, lldltor -. . YOU· and .. ' YOU,R CONGRESS oc...,_. a<ijoomed F r Id a 7 lllch• -kiirrledly P"•lac the mew tu blll &Dd. 11eW!ftl b-approprtatloe bllla, .. well u varioua acta: of mlaor bbpo~ -Cf'. The lecW.Mors wlU ~ CQQ\'e~ 00 J......,., & • \ NEWPORT BAJ;t()A NEWS.TIMES Qualified b> Publhlll Lopl No-and A-~ of all IUada 8lJBSCJU.PTlON BATES: T oo many Congretwrional inVff-6 t llgationa amount to locking lhe barn after the horse· baa been Jlo'EWPORT-BALBOA NKW8-Tllll:8 eOM7 TuM<la7 1n oraac• eoUnt)', sue per ,......, •z.ae lb moaU..: •t.!11 lll- montm (Abo lncludH the ~"EweoRT·llALBOA Pllt.SS. 'l"bund6y) OuWde Orange Count)' f',ot per :rear BUREAUCRATS FLOUT LAW st olen. That teellng la tncreulnc among inany members-ot Con- greu as they see on lnvestigation after another turn up ex&mplea ot waste and extravagance in the use ot taxpayers' mooey. One would expect the Federal Government to have TheBe dlsciosur .. are partlcu-be-larly &hocking to many memben anything but contempt for law. Yet, in the long fight of cong-ress today t..eau .. app,.,,.. tween the adminiStration and R. Stanley Dollar for con· priaUons have lncreaaed so tre- . trol of the Dollar Steamship Lines, the g'0"""1111ent re-mendoualy u a r esult of the de· leriae program. The see wute an.d fused consistently t o abide by the decisions of th!! Federal extravagance v owtng In propor- Court.s. On one occasion, the Secretary of Co:punerce was t lon to the lncre&se In the amount threatened with being held in contempt "Of court for f.a.il-of money autjlorized by ConlJ"'U. \ The chief complaint, heard ing to obey an order to return the company stock t o the wibt increasing frequency, 1a that Dollar interests. more ot these investigation• of · The man on the street is not in a position to know how federal tund.t are being •pent should be conducted before Con-just who is right and who is wrong in this legal battle. gress authorizes adclitlonal appro- B11t the courts have heard -arguments and testimony on prtatlona, rather than atterwarcls. it . extending over many years and the courts have con-The situation waa tllu.1trated most recently when Rep. Whttler sistently decided against the government. There is no !D-O...l d ......... an ordinary. legitimate reason why, then, the government .should not workman and vi.ailed the construe- . f h urt lion site of the new .Savannah i accept and obey the decisions o t e co s. R!ver. s. c . hydrogen bomb proj- Statements by statf members of the U. S. Attorney eel. Wheeler, who ducrtbeo him- General's' office that "Contempt of Court is a calculated ae lf as a "fairly good jack-leg car- risk we must assume" is evidence enough of their complete penter ," r eturned to the Hou.ee with r eport.. of "gross waste" ... disregard of the law. Attornies General of the United "feath.,bedcling" ... and "union States have been chosen not for their qualifications, but racketeering" in connection with rather for their bidding on behalf of the President's party; "1~.,:i~ .. ~!,~~~..,f~dlnp to the not bec11use of their ·moral stature, but because of their HOU!e Approprtatloru sullcommlt- flexibility. tee that wa.a cdl.lktertng an The Dollar Case is not alone in its demonstration of Atomic Energy Comrnlaton ..,,_ TlluMPINO AC'l10N of .-~ drl-~ pUlap hlto t -. placec -a.i site of DP\v Bank ol Amet1ca ·t.dldlnc, oonatt of VIA Udo a..t Newport Bl\"d.. t Pboto by Marguerite Colltna) Letter From Farmer McCabe Somewhere on the West Coaat queat for an additional '480 mil-the brazen contempt for our courts, our Constitution, our tlon to catty on conatrucUon Qr Dear Harry: Bill of Rights, of propriety and justice by the Attorney the Savannah River project. It's been so durned h<1,t today that I didn't go see Gene-1 the bureaus of government and all the hundreds Th• AEC satd the additional Mayor Bowron over in Los Angeles abont that Judgeship. Harry S. Truman White House Washington, D. C. & cu. money waa needed becauae cot!.· of thousands of federal employees. We can cite the sum-strucllon coeu. of the project had I jest pullaj my ole Rocker out in the yard on the .shady mary seizure of the 1146,000,000 Federal Home Loan Bank d .. n that much above the last side of the house and drunk Lemonade and swatted Flies. ' a "th p rt! d b k b th prev1ous e•tlmale. Thia WU In h" If I h I . th fl bed of Los Ange1es an its merger wt a o an an Y e fact. the •econd upward rev1~on 1 My ole dawg Tray dug ISse a coo o e m e ower admittedly arbitrary and capricious acts of the Federal of the project'• coot olnce con-and settled down to nap but the Flies kept on oother'n him. Home Loan Bank Administrator. We can cite the despicable struc uon w .. •tarted tut January. I At first he didn't pay em no mind but they kept on gettm' grab of Fallbrook Water Rights by the Navy. We can cite .. s~:,.;:~~!. 0~~:;, .. "'.' :; worse till he snapped at em a few times and finally be got the fraud which the Bureau of Reclamation is perpetrating ••ked the subcommittee to check up and started running around snapping at all he could everywhere it operates where people of the states and hi• findings of waste at Sannnan reach which sorta set me to thinl<ing that's about the districts pay for dams, waterways and power facilities and :i::"ritn!"'~..::'J"::~ '"h~! ~~ way the U. S. A. is .. We take a whale of a lot of bother then find that title still vests in the agency of government. whooe labor mu~t hu b<en before we get riled up but if fen our enemies keep on bother'n It is this contempt· for law, this determination "to get sharply affected by htrtng at the ,us, why they'd better loo k out cause jest like ole Tray we around legal statutes and provisions, which has contribu· P~~~lng back on the S'480 ~u. ain't agonna be 1>acifiecl till we're rid of em. ted greatly to the increasing moral laxity in wh ich the lion a.ppropriation, the subcommlt Your ole fren, nation is becoming engulfed. lt'e arranged to have investigators FARMER McCABE . d . I or the General A ccounting Office, Re d) A change in attitude--and a ministration-is ong an agency or Cong-reS9, check CAil R ights serve overdue. Wht>eler's findings. ----• Tfle investigators found, among JOBS ALWAYS MULTIPLY This cycle-as Americans have come to know over the years-is typical of bureaucracy in action. The bureaucrat, bnce he is settled in his job, wants to keep it. He hu security, aa long as the political power that "reated the bureaucracy is maintained. He does not have to compete for a living, as other men do, in the realistic world ol free other things; five m<>n changing a spot light on a pick·up truck : aewn men engaged ln cut.Ung a e x 10..lhch timber, w1th only four dotng the aetual work: grousi-of two to six workere toanng &round tool ahacka; "many pen.ton• et.and- ing around. apparently eupervia- on . . , the average number of woriters lo each foreman wen! EAGLE SCOUT Report Shows HUNT BEGUN; County . Fair BANQUET SET Growing Fast \ enterprise, of supply and demand-does not, in other wqnlB, about 10." Oh the bute of the f\r\dlnp, the subcommltt.ee and the f\111 ~mlttee recommended bOldtnc the •oo million requeet to S200 million, -dins fllrt.bo.r lnYNUp- Uon, and the Bpuoe actrd ll<Cord· It wu announced today by Jlm Oubblna. prstdent of the Orange Empltt Atta Council, that a bunt for ltqlea WOUid be instituted Ult s week. that 11. a bunt for l:ag"le Scout, not regbtert'd ln the loco.I ttleo. At a meeting of lhe board o! di- rectors held ln Garden Grove Monday n1ghl, a complete report wu made on the operalk>na of the recent Orange County F&ir. To •upporl the fact that lhie fair la the fulea:t growing In the Stale, \fave to sink or swim by the test of his own competence and diligence. If his job is completed he develops am•si~ ingenuity at creating another job, no matter how needless it may be. • GROWING, GROWING-GROWING! The British lesson iii most apt! There are now 61 county committees in the farm supervioory program, each staffed with scientists, technicians, clerks and stenographers. They ·tell the farmers wpat crops to grow, h.ir., out ma- chinery and casual labor, look after the subsidy programs, hand out new regulations and forms and control the alloca- tion of animal feeds. They opt only tell the farmer how to farm but whether he shall be allowed to farm at all ! • •. • . ... _, OUT OF TBlB WORLD! . . . ... . .. ,, •. • • lnllY. The hOUOe -. p-with llJI action. But many members re&- lized that the S:..vanna!ii Rlwr att- uation m.Jght not have come to light It Wheeler had not happened to vlalt the project. Their feelln& la th&t Congteaaional commltteei should have ample tnwatlgatore to check all such projec t.a in ad- vance. "Here we a.re going to -s>end S80 billion for natlonal defenae," Rep. Vunell ( R-Ill.) tokl bla col- leagues. ''Tbe thing lll&t bot.hen me ls that we could aave, in my ju~ent.. billions of dollara; we could prevent U'loee expensive ln- ft8t.iptlona that come up after Ute hone h.U been stolen out of the barn. it we spent only $1 mll- llon alone out of' the $60 bllllon J.n setting t"""u..r a •tatt lll&t WOUid work the ~ a.round. th.al would make tun lnnatiptlona and that would rttt the coromtltffa the tn.ronnatlon ~ neid betore YOUng for approprtaUona bills like t.beR.'' The Eagle SOout Award 18 the Roy Ed""'8..rda.. chairman of the hlgtleet gtwn to 8couta and it la board, stated that revenuee ol Dis· belieftd that more t.ban 100 Eagle tricl Funda jumped from $:l4.409 Scouta reside in thil area that tn 1948 to more than $'15,000 in have rece.ived thb: award in other 19&1. The 1901 fair rewnuee ex· parts of tbe Un~ted Statee. It Ls ceeded the Dlltrlct OJ>f'.l"&tlonal ell· hoped Ula~ -theae Scout.I will penclitur.. by more lhan fll,000, re:gtater wtth the local office. The which places the Ora.nee Opunt,y purpose of the • '11.W\·t" or regia-fair among the top 10 ot the at.ate, tration of Eagle Scouta le to 111-ln ratio of ex:pendlturu to rev· augurate an &1\llUal banquet hon-enu~ orlng all pa.at Eagle Scout.a as The Boa.rd expl'eMed prttle ln weU u the "new Eagles," bom the CTOWth ef lbe JW\ior Depart.- within the year. ment, wblch depattmen.t lir-H "A number of Eagle ScoutJI, the Oducatloftal factor In ~1- perhapa. will not know Of thia tUl"fl and animal ft\Mlbandry. 'nae planned pth~Mng and It ta hoped number ot beef, dUry cat.UP, that Wive•. mothera-tn-law. aona .wine, pat. and elleep uhlblted and daug bten of Eagle Soouta, tncru.eed. ft'om 912 In 18M to tm will call the Jocal headquarlen to ln 1831. regilter for thia new annual Tbe ~ ._ ta 1151 1iu .Uaie event," atat..S Royal Martin., local m08t. NCC 'ul to ..eate. Hone chaitman tor the bunt. U you abow pte NCetpt.a iac:r\r~ from have an Eagle ;d,:°ur family, •1111 Ill lHI to '1419 lit-11l6i: call Sant& Ana bec-ly 2--M77 Tiie ~ C..ty ....... -.. or send a pootal oU<I With thl.I -Of U.. aaly - -n lnformaUon to Scout Headquarl· Dlota k:l Ud OoUllt)' -.-.,.. en. 110l W est 8tb St., Santa An.a. out U.. lllat.a W'°9e 1e0Mt11M 91{. Special recocnJllon will be given coed lllelr #'11 1 ••· 8la ~ • lo the Clldeot Eagle l!<OU.l u w.U IUMtJ..,.. aat Ct ....... oa: wa Oll'l'80A&D TA.!IJtN , aa Ille JOUDfMl. ia ---........ # An ouUloard mbtot' n.l\N41 at In t•1-. ll1ldl1I IM:ry• .,.. '116 ..... taken hom the -Ille au 111'.Jilo. . Of RICIWd E. -. 1001 Norlll -!Ma ,..,_ -..... Bay Froal, --X.W.cl. be told ._. ·-Ill all ...,.._..,. poll<e. Jlllll'y lato hla -, a-.--11• -IW. 'ftt .... _ tbe""""" ..... -... a.rtotmM t.-lia .. --A ""al-lllllllM111t I made --llot•-Oct.. 14 cl"""ll7 ....,,._ ... ~rom pri<e -" --, --·U9. --• •• ~ •-•• -~ -~. ~ .... tJoo om. of J!riee · a. M. c. ~ ..... •n•• I. --· -~ -·~-·--., crawled .throuch .• -hlto 8tablllaatkln, ~ to WU-... t .. -.-for ... , I,., tM ~he aid. Dam c. Monter. dlred!JI ot the tlllt •·'*""' ............ s•• 5 laal)lolO~~O.P.& -...... ID bro 1' N_,_ lldl i. .. -,.. ...,.,. o. P. a. -that au-tat-1oc ,._, -t11o , nu ..... lltbo_fllr ___ -----•-latbe llM••• I • ..._..__ l~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ilOIMt fll u.-..• Mir111r m1i.t. otuct Ml '._ .... _,,, la I RP s ... IMS' .... --.i..s -.... • '" I 'A I -~ .-ral ...... •wet t p Ill • 8 'g .. -Ill lWA 11 to U. Qlr...i CWltas Prtot '2 'fr Jhstr _. ... ... • 1 , ,, • ,as11 -... .,.,·sa ... .. ,... 0. p .. .... • .... .. 7 .. ... • • •• t• 01 ?•• -po1oo ... 1n1a ""°' 1 ... QI t; a1 ., • •a• nrr •••• ,, flalt ....... a.• Ss .. • II O •11Drt''77· WI I ..... el ..... =:-"" ~:!_----I twaD p • ·--'"' ··-")tit • ·rm: a-.. ..... ,.,, n' •• s• ---••u.oas• .· ·SpaUJt;ld ... 87 ··!"'•' .. Da tr .. iu. De' ........ ,. o1 dt1• CW., ~"IA1111 a,ae•art&DI ; ' • tMl-. llolltrt>. 8.. DI 1 ir al ~-. a. f., II • me11111er ot cne ot U>e' ~ law nnu of that Cit). lh .. Illa .. ~ of U'le ....._u.tJon ,.._.... • OOlllll.l\rtlonaJ am-t "mtt-· 1nc Ille i>o,,.r al Qoncr-to ·t&X -... lnllel't--stfta, \lrttich hu bftlt "' I I d ~ a nlll1lber of state ~ Be bu wnllen" 111&117 &rtlcla .,... thla and other tJIJr. qu-.~ Tb.11 aerlea of artJclM atalfa lh .11\lbotance ~ .. -t --.y before the Senate nnance Com- mittee on th• pendlnc -· blll). A: Clattltai Gsllla AN N'ot.-•-1a: In tile Lop! -., tha Term, Bllt.Ooplml.' The phi l'ffU!tJng fl'om a l&le or a ap1ta1 &Mel ta. Ill tho eyeo of the law. caplt&l; and, except tor U\e purpo.e of tax:aUon, It I.a com· monty so treated under our lam. Accordingly, unJea lhe lepl con- cept or capttal Plnt la '"'°"""· a tax on capJtaJ p.iN mu.i be re- garded u a capital leV)'. Ir capital ga1Jul are to be tttal- ed aa Income ror tax-~·· tt la submitted that every corulder- ation of equity and juaUce requtru that captlAI looaea llhall be tttated u . the direct nepUve or income and that their deduction rrom tn· come, of whatever cha:.racler It may be, ah.all be permitted. Our tedenll lncome tax laws, Jn order to an1ve a.t the net income to be taxed, permit the tax_payer to deduct rrom IT'ON income of &JI torla such itema ae intere•t paid, taxes paid . (wtth certain except· Ions), depreciation., and various other ltema. What would ·be aatd Ir It ahould be propooed that In- terest p&ld abould be deductible only from tntereat received, that tiles pa.Id should be deductible only ttom income from the prOp- erty on which the taxes a.re pa.id, that aeprectatlon should be de- ductible only from lrtcoftle f'foom the property depreciated?. The t~payer might have no interest receivable or Income from thP. property taxed or depreciated. Certainly, any one of these pro- pqsab would be summarily reject- ed.. And yet, why should capital loSl!l es be treated differently? If ahort-terni caplt&J gains are "to be taxed as ordinary income, what possible justificatlpn I.a there tor not permitting short-term capital tosses to be deducted from ordi- nary Income! · It cap"ltal gaina are taxed aa in- come and caplt.&1 loeaea arc allow- ed a.s deductiona from Income by the Federal Government, In the light of past experience It is not unreasonable t o expect that the net revenue over a period or years would be nil. 8. The Economic Effect. of a Dip oap1.ta1 ~alnA . Tax Are Decidedly HannM. The capital gains tax: opera.Les a.s a serio\a dete rrent to the in- vestment of capital tn the equities ot buainesa enterpr1sea, and its ef- fect ts to reduce ete&dlly the fUnd ot "venture capital" available for lhat purpose. It leaaens the in- centive to invest capital ln exist- ing and in new enterprflles, with the resulting ill effects on em- ployment and wagea. ·A capital gains t&x le.ssens the stability and liquidity of markets, and by 80 doln&" aeriously deters ne.w capital lasuea which a.re eo euential to buai.neu expansion ' ' . ~ ·ruesw.Y -c>ci:•n: mr ' A LI.GMT WE MUST PROTECT and employment. The tax creates But Uttle Rn~aue. Oa tt.i frozen positions In securities and Other Hand, U tbe Rate h Low real est.ate:, and ,thereby restricts Greater Re\·enue \\'Ill Be Pro-- buaineas activity and the taxable duc.-.1. 1 income normally resulting from Thia is due to the fact Ulat the 9\Jch activity. taklng of capital galns la. dJm::re. Writing in the Tax Magazine for tlonary. \Vhen the t'ax rates att September. 1937, the late Monia S. high the owner erecti not to 9ell, Tremaim', Comptroller of the unless the sale will ~result• ,tn a State of New .York, referring lo OM. or a t lea.st in no"substantial the capltal gains tax, said: gain. , ''The la.W dams up the normal Our experience undlr the var- ebb and flow of trade. It affects loua revenue act.a in efrect, since commodity market a, eapeclaUy 1913 amply supports the cOnc1us- real eatate. BecaU&e".of this, many Ion that the lower rate produces real eat.ate owners have · retu.ed the larger revenue. For the ca.1- altractlve offers of purchase, with enda.r year 1940 the ~venue pro- the result that, in addition lo sell· duced by the capital gains tax, ers mlu:ing a u.le, brokers miss ' according to the TieasurY figures, commt.sa.1ons, the buyer ls prevent-WILi!! $12.,868,009, and for the cal· ed. from buying and improving endar year 1941 , $2,011-,000. The property., contractors miss a job, shortening of the hokling period a me.teria.lman misses the f!l&rket, from 18 and 24 months to 6 building c'!nstructlon. labor . and months by the 1942 Act, and the building service labor r~hlaln un-conseqtient r eduction d;r rates on employed, the city m.iMea -&11 ~-certain Pirui previously. classed a.s cr eased la:}t. on propos~ new short-term, resulted 1t1 a sub-- building, and, laJJUy, fantaatlcally stantlal inCrt>Ue tn t}\e revenue enough, the Government collects from the capital gains tax, which no capital gains tax." · had 8.bout reached the vaniahing On March 20, 1942, at a hearing point. rt LS my understarlding that before the House Ways and Means the revenue from this· tU for the Committee on the capital gaina fiscal year 1945 (the latest year tax, Andre Istel testified about for which, I am advised, Ule !tnal the experience of France. Mr. figures are ava.ilable ) was $721 ,• Islel, who waa Technical Adviser 000,000. to the French Ministry of Finance under Paul Reynaud, stated that prior to the German invasion France had no capital gains tax. In March 1941 , he said, the Vichy Governm~nt introduced a lax ori capital gains from stocks at a rate ot 331',Z, and without limit as to the period of holding, In the words of Mr. Istel: "The effect of the law was"' ex- actly contrary • to expect.8.tlon . The buyers of shares became more reluctant th8.n ever t o sell, as they wished to avoid paying the tax. Owing to the ecarcity of of- fertnga, the market thereupon l"Ofte even more ahu-pfy. In fact, owing lo the cf)mplete a.bee.nee of sh.area offered for aale. some stocks were not q1,1oted at all, for days at a time. • "As a result. the Vichy G<>vern- ment was· compeUed lo relax the provisions of the law. In July, 19-41 , the rate was reduced from 83 7r to 2ork, and the holding per- iod which was unlimited was re· duced to one year from the date of purchase. After one year, cap!W gains were free of tax. "In F ebruary, 1942, the law was relaxed further in order to ac- complish its original purpose. The rate was reduced ti.I> 10%. The time limit was rrouced to three months. No tax was payable on gains realized after the three months' holding period." C. A Capital Gains Tax, If Im- posed at HIC"h RateA, Produces D. Rttommendatiooa While a very good argument may be made-tor not ta.xing capl• la.I gains at all. nevertheless, I be;. Jleve that for the present at lea.st the tax should be ret&ined at a moderate rate and a. short, hold- ing perJod prescribed to diBUngu- l11h between short-term and long~ term capital gatna and losses. For thls purpoae, the aix montha' per· lod provided in the present law would seem to be reasonably aat• lefactory, althoµgb I believe that a llhorter periOd would prod1lcf greati!r rennue. Sill months hap- pen.a to be the period provided lo the Securities Exchange Act .u ll"te measure of a speeulatlve tum. In no clrcumstances should the hok!!ng period be le11.gthened. tle- gardlng the rate of the tax, I favor a fiat rate of not more than J 2 ~ tfr , which ill oo.e-balr ot the present rate. It happens also to be the rate unde r the 1921 and later aclB, prior t~ the Revenue Act ot 1934. I have 'ho doubt that the lower rate, through removing in part at lea.st the barrier to ~ales, would greatly increa.ae the sales, and, coincidentally, the gains and the revenue from the tax. A total of 44,812 United Sta.tee Defense Bonds were sold during the first eight months of 19fiil. Thia is a five-year record. for the totaJ number of units 90ld. Al;I, OF .TBE NEws~ . . . . . ot· the Newport Barbor Area &LL · TBB· TJlll:. , ' . • EVERY TUESDAY ' " nat THulsoAY . ' .,.,. roa •a.so ·& wc••~1a • ' Mun ••• I Oa 01• \ • • • TUESDAY, OCT. 23, 1951 ' NEWPORT BALBOA N~TlMES • • • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO LEGAL NOTIC~ NOTIOE OP SALE IN BOLK TO WHO!il IT KAT, CONCERN': WHEREVER SM A RT SOPHISTICATED NOTICE IB IDCRJ:BY GIVEN, pur1ua.nt to the provt.alona of Sec· • _____ :_ ___________________ ""'."_":=:":-O:::=::-:=:--::::::::-::::;::::----"'.:'"-...-I lion 3440.1 or the Callfomla Civil ·• Oode. that JullUI! 0 . li19erm.an, DOWN WHERE THE TRADE WINDSA whose adclreu la 12t91 Slxtll BLQW and the strong, heady •ce.nt ot old rope Street, Carden Grove, Calltomia, WOMEN OATl:IER.-in the snook.er parlor, at and k>bater eyeti tUJ the 'air, dally dramu are ' intend.a to aell tO Leonard L. atar amokens or at the come!' apiai-y. the talk beinc enacted. Capt.a.in Harry Bligh Klnpton.......-.... Newton and Marjorie 8. New- t.a not ae you mlJht suapeet ... of mice and It.rides the Bayal<le Docb beUowtng mightlly, ton, wtio.e addreu ii 2161 S . E. men and recipes. Au Contraire! The f'Oulp ls "Avut nte CHUM! THROTTLE YOUR BOOM! ca.at out YOU Klng111 Road, Newport Beach, Call- ot Hend&n ahlrta trom the P etite VUJe: Active SEXTANT!" Not that anyone ever pay11 any attention to h&. fomia, all of the perwon.al proper- suffragette. have come to realize that It mat-salty chatter. The fearleu fishermen that plumb the depths are too ty deecrtbed ~nerally u follows: ters not how you played the pme (bridge. pine pong. canasta. busy unloading tons and ton.a of mackerel. Oh my yes indeed, Cap'n All or the 1tock in trade and ahuft1eboa.rd) It's what you were wearing at the time. The Petite Harry l• so IMPORTANT theae da)"I you can't even touch him wtth wppJJe., and. trade tumiture, Vllle's new Hend&n plaids and checks are man.tailored with button a ten foot toc'1le. But good old Fl-ank Suttora, the friendly fl.ah· rtx)\.l:re&, and equipment (ex- cut.e, boys' round collars. Cqfors are guaranteed to be fut on any monger will sell you the -freshest fl.!h top&lde the Japanese Current! <'ept the Victor Adding Ma.. track, ea· put $3.9:5 across the counter on this one. Other hand90!'1e Bargalnt: now in whole Sea Bass, Barracuda, Alba.core and YeUO'Wtail. chine a.nd small radlanL gu: Bendana ln regulation whlte for the Sophomore set · · · she rt sleeved Yawl ihJver your t imbers over to the BAYSIDE FISH MARKET, h eater), located ln and about ~d sJeeveleu. rayons and cottons from $2.96 · $3.95. Hlrh school WON'T YAWL ? ? ! 2800 Lafayette, Newport. Open 7 day11 under the retail liquor store known can also be hlgh-1ifed with Lanamere sweaters from this swank the sign of P isces. a.s "Moerman•j Llquor Store," UttJe emporium (diverting fish-pond right ln the center!> Lanameres eBE'ITE• TO HA• VE !..OVED A SQUATl'Y attuated at the addreu and double for cashmeres at half the prtce · · · Short sleeved pullover.!! :R · premises known aa 700 Cout and cardigans s5.90-$8.95. Girls who have saved their allowance can GIRL TH.A." NEVEk TO HA VE LO\rt:D A Highway, ln the City of New- get the real cuhmere beauties here too in purple, oatn:ieal· green or TALL! Regardless of the length of your Flexor port Beach, Orange County, pink. Perambulate to the Petite Ville for dresses. lln~erie. suits. Hallucis Longus, your lt"gs will hang out just California, together with the lt'a at ·o21 Coast Blvd., corona. del Mar. Harbor 2332-\\ · the right amount In a pair of Tabak Ortgtnal good will at 8atd b!;!slness. • • • Proportioned Slacks from Ricky'•· Tabak The said sale Is to be consum - BEY MATEi \\.ANT A RISO FOR FREE~'!' Strutter Slac ks ($7.951 are designed and tail-mated and the conaider11-tlon or HERE ARE THE RULES : GO DOWN TO THAT FASCINATING ored tor perlect custom f it for Jong, abort and price for such sale U! to be paid MARE·INER 'S NEST CALLED WALT'S TRADINC? POST._ and ask standard womeri. You don't go flapping around trtpptng youraelf up on Novf'mber 7, 1951, at 11 :00 Walt to ring that 100 year old bell for you. This. line. clanon-toned with these sJacks, or looking tor them up around your knees either o'clock A.M ., at the office of Fred 20.. bell ortglnally came otf the oldest school in Orange County. see? And say now that the bowling aeuon Is here and the ptnboys A. Wilbur, 509. First National They juat don't maJc:e bells like this anymore. boy! Thi• one at are in bloom, It'll be easier for you t o keep out of the gutter if You Bank Building, Fourth and Main only $50 will make a wonderful bell warning, ranch dinner, bell. o.r own SEVERAL pairs of Ricky's 8lacks. Man-tailored slacks by Grs!f Stretotlll, Santa Ana, C&Jifornia. perhaps call lhe faithful vespers. And sailors beware .. Don t $5.95 • $10.95 In covert cloth, strutter. gaba.rdint', heavy wrinkle Dated OCtober 17, 1951. get lost In a fog on payda~-. because WaJt's has a chrome binnacle reslatant rayons ... checka, plaid&, solids. IF ANY MEN READ JULIUS G. MOERMAN complete w ith compass for $2~ and a 12 volt light plant. perfect THIS-GO TO RICKY'S FOR THE LATEST IN ARROW SHIRTS. Intended Vendor condition $~. The pair of 20 lb. book ends here woul.tl make a Rlck) .. 8, 1704 s~"'POrt Bl\·d., CoKta ~tt"U, BMLcun 6544. No. 234 -Timea nautically nifty gift. And Walt's Trading Post can give )OU enough TRJCKS OR TREATSY ! ' • • Published 10/23/~l rope ... Full coll ot % inch rope ~Ike. brand newp E;'eryt.hl~:2 I 3~~ You don't want to wake up No\'. 1 and find rings true. 80 ring that belt at \Va.lt 8 Trading' 08 ~c.lu.<Jln Sun. I your 2 whe-eled carriage on top of your roof or your st., nr. the Ice house, Ne~·port. Open every day g outbuiltlings toppled over do you! Polite Hallo- Closed Wed. Harbor 2470. ween blackmail will soon be upon you, so best get • • • l.n a supply ot cookies and cupcakes from the Nf'"'- MY DEAR! HA VE YOU SEEN THE PAPERS? ! port Bakf'ry. Bob is making special Hobgoblin ONE OF THEM SA '-rS, "La Vin de France cakes decorated with witches. cats and pu1npkin .. · babl means some old candles, These are real BlaCk Magic cakes made est le chef. Which pro :, . . from a secret Betty Crocker recipe guaranteed to be shuddering!)• Cliche about the proof ot the pudding. This chef supreme. The Newport Bakery will have plenty of doughnuts on ~allpaper over at M ~DonaJd's Paint .s tore 18 very hand and car) beat up any special order you would like tor party bright and giddy v.·i th little. appropnate ~n mot.a festivities. Prepare for the witching hour at the Nf'wport Bakery. sprinkled thru' it ... ~eat for conversation an•l 2112 Ocean 'Front. Harbor 1442-'R. This bakr sh9J11 opt"n 7 days No. 52108 IN' THE SUPERIO R COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA JN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WS ANGELES No. 28991Z ln the Matter of the Estate of CATHERINE A. SMITH, DeceaBed. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY , , LIG~L .NOTICI Record.a: of Orans-e county. UN· WPROVED.• l'M<el 11: Lot· 51, Tract 1183, Seavlew IHICllto Ad(\IUon ID Or- ange County ... abowD on a map recorded bi Book 34, paces 13 and · H of the MlocellaneoUo Napa, Recorde of -Orang"e . County. UN· IMPROVED. PaTooi '2" Lot 11, Block l, Tract 919, City of Newport Beach, u shown on a Map recorded ln Book 29, pages 31 to S4 lnchalve, of Mlacellaneoua Map•, Records of Ou.nge Count:)'. CalJtomla . UN· IMPROVED. Patt.e.I SS: Lot 12, Block l , Tract 919, City ot Newport Beach, u shown on a Map recanted ln Book 29, pages 31 to 3" ln~lualve, or Miscellaneoua Maps, Records of Orange County, Callfomta . UN- IMPROVED. · Pueel S4 : Lot 13, Block l, T ract 919, City or Newport ·B each, a.a shown on a Map recorded In Book 29. pages 31 to 34 inclusive, of Mi.scellanf'ous Maps, Recorda of Orange County, California. UN- IMPROVED. Parcel 3.5: Lot 14, Block 1, Tract 919, City or Newport Be~ch, tl8 :ihown on a )fap recorded in Book 29, pages 31 to 34 Inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, Records or Orange County, Calltornla. UN· IMPROVED. SUBJECT TO current taxes, conditions, restrictions, reserva- Uoru, rightB of way ot record, If any. The t erms and conditions or sale are ca.sh in lawful monPy of the United States upon tbc confirma- tion of sale. · Certific ate of tltl~e ~t the ex- pense of the purcha.cier Bids or offers rt1t1 be In writ- ing and will be received at the aforesaid office of the under- signed administrator . Dated this 4th day ot Oc tober, 1951 . BEN H . BROWN, Adrninlstl'ator ot the estate of said deceased. gay looks in kitchen or d1nnett~. Then there ai:e the a WePk from 8 :SO_ 6 :SO. - Howdy Doody caper papers ,,,.h 1ch keep the children • • Good cause belng s hown there-No. 232-Times. ln their rooms. McDonald's has wallpapers to suit IF YOU SHOULD LOOK UP FRot: YOUR NEEDLEPOINT every whim. room and purse .. Provincials, quilted ctlinlZ') Chinese j ONE DA y and see your Venetian Blinds wigwagging, semaphoring moderns, Colonials. There is the Glendura whi~h i~ absol~te_ly washab~e and flsshing an S. O. S .. perhaps you Mould &"i .. ·e up needlepoint in case your arm slips with an occas!ODaJ rh1sgu1ded tn1ssile .. There l.!I and call a. psychiatrist. On the other hand, if your blinds are droopy, al.90 Wall-Tex which is a fabric coated. washable wall covering. and dejected, djrty and In need or rehabilitation. }·au should call the Imperial. Hollycraft, \Valcrest and Birge. You can get yourself 8 Shad~ Shop. Mr. Clinton Wolfard ts now on call here for estimates. new outlook b}· slapping a little colorful wallpaper here and there or expert advice on V. Blinds. traverse tracks and au manner of ... also good for Ma}' Baskets. ~tcDonald Paint Store, 1872 Har· drapery hardware installation.s. As Mr.!I. Wolfard proudly announces. bor Blvd., Costa ~fesa. Beacon 5703. "Windows hold no secret from Clinton." Just in at the Shade Shop-- • e e ... DOUBLE EXTENSION RODS THAT GO AROUND CORI\'ERS. HEIOHO ANJ> ~t:ERRY DINGLE ·BERRIES TO ~HADE SHOP. 514 29th ST., Newport. Harbor 884. AVNT !\ONXIE ACROSS THE MILES! Don't giggle and e e e beat your chests because the sun ls .!hinlng like summer "COME INTO THE GARDE'N MAUD on your thatched little heads! Only 1,152 holll's until FOR THE BATWING NIGHT HAS FLOWN." • Chrfatmas! Divide this number by two, then subtract that Yes, Maud thus I am reminded that in re5ponse to an old uchet bag you got on the tree last year. and you will overwhelming beating ot wings. Polly Apparel has shipped havl! the approximate number of waklng bout's you have in a larce stock or the new Batwlng sweaters, or maybe left for mailing packages, addr e.ssing c&rd8 and getting lit .. they flew in on their own. An)"4•ay, theae new arri\1'&18 Frightening, eh May? Hence: The Balboa 5 &: JO invites have a wondroua winppread plus turtle necks. Bat.a? you to come over and pick out some double dandy Ruat· Turtles ! What will they think ot nert? These hl-nlel"f cran. Xmas card.a be-fore they eel all gummed up by mad, are 1009'-wool in navy. while, black, gold. pink, and ·rrenzled lut minul@ neurotics. Have 20-20 foreaight and sand ~.9.5. Other Scotctl Dew sweatera with wing collars pick lip a few seal.! and wrappings. Gala metal boxea for and button necks ln autumn browns. greens. yellow and cakes and pffernuss are 25c--55c. A.nd PACKAGES FOP.. aqua $6.96. Smart •horty jackets ot lOO"fi wool suede OVERSEAS MUST BE MAILED BY NOVEMBER 15. <:io on gtrl, "MACO" cloth with erests rampant of red, beigt and gold at S29.96. It's in the cards. Donaldson's BalOO. 5 & 10, SOO Main, Balboa. Betwixt a.nd between the Polly Appaft'I and THE MAN SHOP whictl • e • is nrht next door. you can find EVERYTHING. you need tor men. I SA y OLD GIRL! IT'S SIMPLY women and children .•. Pully App&N"I 1883 Nf""'·port A\·~ .• Cotlta CRICKET YOU KNOW! Put on your old MNa.. achool hair-bow and bowl off to the Jo-1..iefo S port Sbop for a fUll sized stare at the new Sunrose gray flanne l suits! Sun rose of Cali- fornia. hu Imported English cricket flannel t rom the isles and fashioned tailored suits "'----i • ,',11 ($27.95 ... 'ridiculously low isn't It!) Slacks , ____ · ($9.95) Pedal Pushers ~$8 .951 . S c nrose, Jong a .. NOT CRICK.Er' famous name in sportswear gives you another group of custom converted coordinates In this quality fia.nnel. In f'ach garment, suit skirt, .slacks Qr pedal pu.shers, you'l1 di.scover a small concealed pocket. Don't ask me why! It you operate on RaJl- road time, you could fob your watch l.n it -If you're the cautious type that ha.s to know where your next dollar'a coming from, you can hide one in your Sunrast> flannels! J frJ..eto. Sport Shop. 1835 N~·port A\'t'-. CostM Mt"S&. ' . • • ..n~. -·f!!I . -~--. t ·. -r:--"I .. ) I .,;,2-··· I •, 'I I .:• ··r.. ,·• __ ,... . . , • •.•. •/ '-' • > .:·-.#! . ;J. SAY MISTER! WHY DON'T YOU CALL YOUR FAMILY IN'l'O THE LI- BRARY for a heart to heart talk this evening? Tell your loved ones you want to do something nice tor them . . . like · g them to dinner al the CASA DON CARLOS. Tell the tittle, steamy mother to come away tram her cook stove, dry her warped. litUe hands on her apron, and pin up her wisps of haJr. Gather every- one into the old carryall and chug over to this charming Mexican restaurant for eome ....CARRYALL" unusual food. (Not like Mother makes ... for a ,..Cbange.) This fionest to good-ness Mexican cooklng Is sheer bliss... for old and young. Dinners or ala carte prices are reasonable, a.nd children's spechll plates are only Mc. Go on try it, Mister ... Tacos. enchiladas, tried beans. chile rellenos . . . Have one of each for everybody and a cold beer for yourself. Casa don Carlos, 113 22.nd St., Newport Beach. Closed Tues. Harbor 2638-M. • A DIRECT QUOTE FROM • • MRS. EVAN JONES OF BALBOA JSLAND- "I think Radio w.,.f'!il ar... "'ondf"rhlli. J!Dd I "'ouldn't ha\·e any other!" Mrs. Jones is Whole heartedly endorsing the Radio \Vave pennanen t given exclusively by Mildred over at Jlm'• Beaut)· Shop i.n Corona del Mar. The Radio Wave eliminates guesswork in permanent waving by scientifically recording the chemical change in your hair 8.8 It Is "Naturally being processed. Mildred guarantees this Radio Curly'' Wave an11 states that It ia especially dandy for difficult "hard to curl" bleached. or dyed hair. These excellent Radio Waves are $1!5 up. Mildred formerly owned the Beauty Bar on Balboa lsland. So if you've been looking for this expert Beauty Booster, Aile 's at Jlrn'a Beauty Salon, 204 Coast H ighway, Corona del Afar. Look natural, Curly! Call Harbor 1876 day or night for appolntmenL CDM Matron 'Home Bea con Belles From Mexico C ity Name Officers Mrs. Norman Nelson, ~16 Poin- settia avenue. retu.med Monday from a short stay in AfexiCo City in company with her friend. Mrs. Maude Flather of San Marino. Retumlng, they stopped at Lazy A ranch, Alpine. hostessed by Mrs. Nelson's sister, Mrs. A. P. Pratt. • -Opportunity ts knocking In CLASSIFIED A.f?S. New officers of the Be.aeon Belles, evening Homemakers' club of the Harbor area, are Mrs. Gloria Tuft.a, cha.trman; M n. Rae Buell, vice c hatnna.n. and Mnr. Marjorie Badger. secretary. WALLET WST Robert M'. Smith of Balboa yes- terday told police he had lost hts wallet, contalning identification papers, in the vicinity of Mesa Theater. fo r . and It being for the best Publish Oct. 9 ·16 -23 , 1951. Interests of said estate, the under- signed, Ben H . Bro"'Tl, administra- to; o! the estate of Catherine A. Srhith, deceased, "'ill sell at pri- vate sal~. to the hlghe.st and best bidder, subject to the confirmation of said Superior Court, on or after Saturday, the 27th day of Octo- ber, 1951, at hlis office. 808 North Spring St., City of Loe Angeles, In the County of Loe Angeles. State of California, all the right, title and inte rest o! said deceased al the time ot the death. and all the right , title and Interest tha.t the eatate of said deceued has by operation or Jaw or otherwt.aa acquired other than. or ln addition to, that or said deceaaed. &t the time or death, in and t o all of all ot that cert.a.ln real property de- scr ibed a.s foUOW.!, to-wit: TO BE SOLD AS A UNIT: Parcel 18: Lot 28, Tract 1133, ~avlew HelghU Addition in Or- ange County, as shown on a map recorded In Book 36, pages 13 and 14 of the Miacellaneous Mapa, Recor<U of Orange County, Call- !ornla. UNIMPROVED. • Parnt-1 19: Lot 29, Tract 1133, Seav1ew Heights Addition in Or· ange County, as shown on a map recorded In Book 36. pages 13 and 14 of the Miacellaneous Maps, Records ot Orange County, Cali- fornia. UNIMPROVED. Parcel 20: Lot 30, Tract 1133, Seaview Heights Addition ln Or- ange County. as shown on a map recorded ln Book 36, pages 13 and 14 of the Ml8ceJlaneou1 Maps, Records of Orange County, Ca.li- !ornla. UNIM~ROVED. Parc..1 21: L<>t 31, Tract 1133, Seaview Heights Addition in Or- ange County, as shown on Map recorded ln Book 38, }>ages 13 and 14 ot the Miacellaneou.! Maps, Records or Orange County, Cati· tomia. UNIMPROVED. Pzlrct.-1 !Z: Lot 32, Tract 1133. Seaview Height.a Addition ln Or- ange County, as shown on map recorded in Book 36, pqes 13 and 14 JJt the Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, Cali- fornia. UNIMPROVED. Parcel !I: Lot 33, Tract 1133, Seavtew Height.a Addition In Or- ange County, 8Jll shown on a map recorded In Book 36. pages 13 and f 4 or the M.i.scellaneous Maps, Recordll of Orange County, cau- fomia. UNIMPROVED. Pweel !4': Lot 34, Tract 1133. Old Sailors Ball NHYC Event "Reservations ,accepted by tele- pflone, mail, steamship or pigeon" --90 read announcements ot the Old Sailor's Ball. This annual October event, to be held Satur· day at Newport Harbor Yacht club, is one ot the Harbor's old- est, most traditional fall festtvl- tlea. For the most part gold braid is la.Id &aide and yacbt.amen come In eomethlnr that repre- eents a hidden and tnbibtted de- stre or just fancy Imagination . Costume.a are suppo&ed to per- tain to the nautical. But ft.II sur- prising how rfi.any things CAN be auociated with the nautical when one stops to think about it. Din- ner begins at 9 p. m. and a sur- prise . band will pro\flde music tor dancing . Costa Mesa MYF Elects Officers Ann Crawford is the newly elected presldent or the Methodlst Youth F ellowship of t he Cost a Mesa Community M e t h o d I at church. Named to 8erve with M IM Crawford were Helen Sands, vice president: Carolyn Overman, sec- retary -treasurer: Bob McClellan, camp promotion chainnan; Bob Sankey. recreation c h a Ir man; Beverly Thompson, world friend- ship chairman; Joyce Sands, pub- licity chairman; Donna Nelson publicity chairman !or the sub- district. Final a rrangements were made for a Halloween party which wtll take place Saturday, Oct. 27, ln the c hurch soclal hall. CDM CIVIC ASSN. Corona del Mar Civic A.Macia lion will hear Councilman Bfaden Flnch speak on city affairs when members gather for a pot · luck supper Thursday, 6 :30 p . m . In Corona del Mar !\(:hool auditorium. Everyone is welcome. Those at- tending are uked to bring one covered diah and their own table Seavtew Heights AddiUQll in Or-service. -----'--- ange County, aa &bown on a map recorded in Book 38, pages 13 and PURSE' LOSS TOLD 14 ot the M!acellaneous llaps. Loaa or a black leath~r puree Records of Orange County, Call-Friday night near a 1ervfcei sta- • • - PASE 5 CLASSIFIED • . . T~.-Mig~ Midget In Advertising NEW~TJMEs· -Every '.fuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thllrsdays Newport Ba7 Foot cru.tfled Ado m-""' 18 the ~1 N""ews~T1mea er Uaie Tb~J PreM MIHIMlJM AD 18 ' LllQl8 . AD C'e"'llNI adl mast be ,.ad for CMb I• advuee of P"bllcw"-- 4 Unes 1 Paper $ .75 4 Unea ·z Papen 1.50 4 Unee S Papers 2.00 tile publlahen will not be respon&fble for more than one 1n(9rT'C'Cl tnaertlon of 3Jl adverttaemcnt, re9erve the right to oorrectly claaaNJ any and all ads and to r eject any advertleement not contonnlng t u rulu and regulaUons. Adverttsemf'nta and cancellations will bu accepted up to 6 p.m. on the day preoP.d.lnc publication. Except deadline tor News · Time1 is 11 a. m. Monday11 Plaone Rat. 1618. uk tor .. Ad Taker-" or aend ad and remlttaaee to NEWl'ORT HARBOR PUBLISHING CO. HI 1 Ba.100. Blvd., N~rport Beach. Callfornla. 10-BWllness Golde For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE 8HOP Free estimates Pb. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar 70tfc VACUUM CLEANERS Electrolux and others, $6.9~ up. 100 to choose from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Maln St., Santa Ana Klmberly 3-2968 70tfc IZ-BoDding Services Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 :52tfc REMODEL and REPAm Residence or Commercial R.. L. 'Dick' Nel.$on Sr. Gen eral Building Contractor 538 F\lllerton, Newport Beach F'ree Esttmatea Beacon 5779-W 73p87 DON K. BUTTS Lie. Genera.I Contractor Resideutial-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6408-W Painting-and Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 17tfc 608 -31st St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 2il8·W before 8 a. m. or after 4 :30 p. m. 83ttc COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture add rugs shampooed. Free estimates-Fully insured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 15111 . 12ttc PAINTING COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Free Estimates R. Andresen Harbor 3205-R 85c99 FISHER Drafting Service 916 Coast H ighway, Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar 2Z-Lost and Found LOST -Overnight bag, leather. Left Bay St., near 14th St .. Newport, $10 reward. cat! at 13'4'4 Bay St .. Newport Beach. 88pB9 . LOST-Wedding ring wi£.h 5 em· c rald C'Ut diamonds on beach at Bay Shor~s. Reward. Phone Kl. 3-1448. 88c90 28-Sltuations Wauted • EXPERT WASHING and Ironing. Bring to 1822 VUelle Place, Newport Beach. Har. 1257-W. 80p90 YOUNG man wishes job with ho- t el or motel. Has had hotel manairement training, 6 years experience. National Hotel MB· chine. Write W. G. Kinney, Gen. Del., Seal Beach. 86p88 MIDDLE AGED woman in Co9't.8. Mesa . wants baby sitting eve- ning at your home. Ph. Beacon 5584-WK . 86p88 WIDOW, unencumbered middle- aged wants position u house- keeper (no cooking), chauffeur, personal secretary. Reference11. Beacon 5085. 88~ · Result.a come trom conatan,t . Practice ! An ad regularly in thi!i paper will produce results for Y9U-' 29-Help Wanted Standard Stations, Inc. Has a few openings FOR MEN -. Who arf' looking for permanent employment with excellent op. portunity for advancemenL 21 to 40 preferred. Paid while training. Approx. $277.50 mfmth to Start. Liberal laundry allow· a.nces. High school minimum desired. See Supt. at the STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia & Coast Highway Corona del Mar Between 9 and J 1 every Friday 85c90 SALESMAN -Tr ave I Arts.. New 1-(ex. Well est.ab. major gi.fl line. Furnish living and dl.9• play trailer to right party. Ap--. ply 11 to 12 a.m., 2092 So, Coa.at Blvd .. Laguna. 87p89 WANT Man to cook, drive and ca.re for house. Two adults. Live irt Private room with TV. See· Ray R. · Reeves, 1410 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island. Har. 2168 86c88 EXPERIENCED power macblne operators. Phone Harbor 3M6, for appointment. 86c99 72tlc SO-Sale. Mlscellaneom EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS Want Work by Hour or Job. Call Harbor 1164-:M 71lfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN . For Better TV Reception Replace your weathered Antenna ·With a new V·Cone • $9.50 incl. Mast · TV SER~CE CALLS " Day or Evening fomla. UNIMPROVED. tlon at Balboa: Blvd. and Cout INTERIOR _ &X'XERIOR l'alooel 26: L<>t Sil, Tract .1133, Hlgtiway wu reported to police PAINTING Mesa Radio and Television . 109 Bi:oadway Costa Me&ll 87cl!t - • ulltlht COINlltloftu y-dl11ln9 '°""' ro prowde araw visual coinf0tt and ro add an enlivening~ ro the &unospbttt. lt<membet, good light iJ lmpomnr in p<O«Ctiog your family's sight. ~ it•1 a full silt dining room or an aJcoore amWori ol the li..U., rocm, it's a place wbett your family and ftitnds gatbtt. And iight condirioning" can odd, mQCh ro the gatherings. • With oiw nlance IDd otllJna .btwu cles;gnod fm the ~.)'OU can urao,e a~ Q( ligbcin&"' fir ..., ocmioa, mood or -Yoa an hn~ ibe IOOal IDh and gl•mocOUf or brigl>r ..;.i cbcay-~ at fift&urip amaol. . Whunei dot sia and sbope ol lhe -IDd llO WWW how it io fw= '±ed, ,a. tk mbl dtalti Im 6w;.lif tio iu!p 1a. Tloo(ll it,_......., ----,..u..c1a1a-. • J CALIPOINIA IDllON COMPANY ' Sea view H eight:. Addition In Or· by ,Aline· Wagner, 1207~ Mullen LI,...._ .. ....,. _ INSURl:D . ange County, u shown on a map SL, Loa Angeletl. .....,_,,oa.u recorded 1n Book 38, pace-u and Glenn Johnston . 14 of tbe Mlocenaneoua Mapa, Pi"r.,.lets Lose 501 • Slat BL Newport Bw:h O'KEEFE A KERRITT r&nJe -., • • Records ot ~ Cqunty, Cali· llarl>or 2291.J -The luteot 19:11 CP all au-· fomla. UNDlPROVED. (C..1111• .. rr-l'ap 1) • tjc witb lamp and everythla&) , l'al'oo! H : Lot 38, Tract 1133, run by J-Smith, called t.c1c and H. H. HQLORQOK Stalnleu steel frlddle. A110 ._. Seavlew Bef&'hta Addllion ID Or-a l2-yvd plner bY. Jobn Blaclrl Y thooe simmer burners A chnm\• ange County, u ahown on a m-i> called beck --of offilde.. 'l;he DEPENDABLE PLUMBING grill broiler. Balance I ·owe oa reccmied In Book SI, p&g8 lS and he&dlinemnan caJled every play A Prompt . ? orove la $139.82. pan h&\'e .,qu!tl( 14 of the Klocell&neoua Kapa, lllat oerioualy hurl.' u.e P!r&Uo. ll<p&lr 8enlce 'Malnt&ln"1 FREE It you t&l<e _,,....11 of Records of <>ranee County, Cali-The locals had• Ia pena1u.. qalnat ~= Ha.-141&-W-$7.43 per mo. U.oed It 2 monU.. tornla. UNIMP!ROVED. / them and Ban -.,.. lrad .01 Balboa BmL, Newpqrt'Bf-cb but you coil't tell IL See Kr, .....,.. ta: Lot 48, Tract 1133, Olily lllne. Belrind r..i Kaye. and • Baucbn, 404 So. Spodn. run., Seavlew Hel&lita Addition In Or-Boll -... In wl!leo wett l~ . ~· , Im, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m: PIL :UU. use OoUDty, u aboWn on a map Dan W-..-u (T); llm JCeellne ·' -llttc recorded' ID Boolr se, P6CM 1~ and c&l; amen.,., Knnl•r anc1 o..w Alcobda A.aaa;,1 • K"lcNKou ...i-u. :"::I 14 of Ille .._. .. _ Kapa, <•I. · w-· p o --a~. ot "-·-~-•1 Call ~ •• • wllla ---· ·a ,... old. ~-.., .. _... ... ll.AND1, • .. • t a Cdetwww · ••• 'WM Call-' ~ na.--a-----~ •om!&. ~~~ · .,... otfn. ·-.__,. __ • " un~•-· 81 Rnp •' • W Ln..O.. ,..,_. SJm""'1 lllJl 1 ' ' ...... ....... •: Lot ... TNct,1113, ... --t 0 • • S.,-JlelPta A.ddltlon la °" lth•lide .__:.:_ •• : 2 t M tt • ' ' .. EWAKT-WAJU!mt -~ ::!::'':'~;::.::. = °'-Oout ---t 1 '° "!. !! !E S!t ...., • • ;I -..-.. ---.... •• H of tbe .._0 _ Jlejle, .._.AD& -·--r-· 1 1 11 l~ S --·--~ •ffjJr lb. t.t111r, ........... IW-W. •-do OI ~-~ UK l'llllonm -~-1 1 U II Q~~-, '!!ll!'f www ~-~· • Kt. Boa •-L> -0 I :ID A ilw st IJr 51!1..! a-.-. illl -* llllPBO~. ., .. aw...,. ---0 I M 118 -...,.; a6·:·--;![!;_ Of:!:J.Gt ~-::s ...... •: Lat 6' TNct __, ass ... Wlllli .. --Ill• ! Nru lJ « I' ~ '-Y-. --~ I 7 7I• llilllllt. + 'W._ la Qr-. K £~ Iii ' _,.I di .. ~ -~1:7. u ••• oa a-~. 01 ·••••NU' •,_e-+q;;:.;,::.• l:~B~s~zels~.iii~diiii~~-~- -- 18 -II. -u &nd -,., -. at a. -I ,..... . .!J..~i: .•. a...., 1lill =. F H'"'I -._~ of tlle V"lrrs% .... llapl, ~ ~.. ~ .. . . ,. -.. . .. . . ,.. • • • 1 . I • ' • PAR t • WHEN YOU WANT · TO BUY. SELL EMPLOY. R~NT. OR TRADE· USE THE Cl.AsSIFIED. PHONE ;HAR 1616 . ... . -. MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE FIVE St ll•ICU. R•dlo BEAUTIFUL Spinet p!ano. Re_. .-. Pay out i.i.nce $387 · Ulce rent. Ulce new! Anotlie.r, blond mahogany cue, gorgeoua ~Roaehold Goods . tone, '49~. Famou11 make! AIBo ;;;;-~""""=;.:;...o..;;..;....o.. ___ ' man.y rental returns. Save from NORGE WASHER -It.a the 1851 latfft all abtomaUc wa11her. Hu agitator and goes Ouah to the wall, h&i. overflow rtn1e &nd 1ptn drtea clothes. can put c1othea ln t.he top ~ forget about them. Balance due on contrac;.t Is only $238.86 a.nd l pakt over $297 for It. My equity FREE lf you take payment.a or St2 .~ ~r mo. See Mr. Baughn 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton, 9 a .m. to 8 p.m . Phone 2152. 86tfc MAPLE DINING TABLE and _.fi chairs and maple rocker. JUST LIKE NEW. Reasonable. 301 L&rkapur (lower apt.) Corona del Mar. 88c&; STUDIO COUCH, dbl mattress &: box Bprlnp, small tables, small sas room heaters, combination elec. retrig and 8love, rocking chair a. PhoQe Beacon 7m· W , 86<88 SECTIONAL COUCH and mahog· any 4 -poatcr canopy bedroom eel. Dre8.'Jf'r, high-b<>y, night t stand-. Mahogany corfcc table. 1011 Ca.Jlrornia St .. Huntington Beach. 88c89 SS-;-Boa~ Supplies -Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 COAST HIOHWAt NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 6771 IMttc 1120 to $300. All in perfect con· dlUon. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO STORE, 520 No. Main, cor. Sth St., Santa Ana. Subject to prior oale. ~ BUYS a good U8ed pl.ano. Oth- ers for $68, $76, etc. DAN7.r $CHM1DT PIANO CO., Santa Ana.. 520 No. Main, cor. 6lh St 41-Sto"'8 and Offl~.es -ATTRACTIVE OFFICE on New· port Blvd., near the new hos· pital. Excellent location with parklng. Also perfect ror Oor· isl shop or other sma.ll buslneM. $4 5 mo. 466 Newport Blvd., Cos· ta Mesa. Beacon 57I3·R. 82trc MACHINE SHOP SPACE. Low rental lo responsible party ""'ilh one er more machines. 920 Coast Hlwy., Newport Bench . 86pA8 42-Wanted to Rent LEASE with option lo buy, 4 bdrm. home. furn l~hed." .Ha.rbo:- Area. • Rt-MO nable pric·r Call Mrs. Rf'tmier, H arbor 27~1 . THREE or 1 bedrooms, fumisht>d, Harbor Arca. R<'asonablr rent. C~ furnish rerercnces. Call Mr. or Mrs. R etmicr, Harbor 2751 . 84tfc WANT to rent or lC'asc with option to buy. Unfurn. hous('. dbl. gar. In Harbor area. Mu.st be in ,:::ood neighborhood. Ph. Har. Ol95·W. 87c89 48-;-AJ!artments and Holl!leS -. BALBOA -Modern 2 bedroom nicely turnWie<t apt. $65 mo., yearly. Util. pd. Phone Harbor 2791·J. 83Uc LIDO BALBOA NEWPORT w I N T E R R E N T A L s y E A R L y SPECIALS Winter - 1 Bedroom Apt ....... $ 48 mo. 2 Bedroom Apt......... 68 mo. 2 Bedroom House .... 75 mo. 2 Bedroom House.... 100 mo. Yearly 2 Bedroom house Livingroom. bath Kitchen .............. $70 mo. JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BURNHAM ~07 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa $13,900 Th.la Balboa laland home, like aome people, makes friends. Whether lt'a becaU8e of t.he chttrlneas of the roome on a dull day or lhe nickering light of the open {Ire on wintery night.a, Uie casual vt11Jtor aaya, '"This ls really home." A majestic towering tree shades the e nclosed patio. Two bedrooms and aleeplng room for that guest you WML Tbe large living room and din.Ing room kept tor those quiet eve.nlng11 at hon1e v.•lth the fan1lly and friends. The home la furnished, economically heated. and arrang~ for comfort. Park island realty co. at Agate A ve~e. Balboa Island Harbor 377-W * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * BAY & BEACH BARGAINS DUPLEX 1 bdm1. each. Modern , br·ca.kra8l bar, tll1owcr. nicely furnis hed. Over 4-car garage. Good tlon. S 16.600. Mlghl consider BOme trade. B & B Bargains s tall loca· ON PENINSULA Two bdrm. house built about ten years 11.go. Good loca. and In good condi. A buy at $12.500. BAY & BEACa REALTY 14~ Balboa Blvd. Ethel Shirley Jack J.liller * * * * * * * * * Harbor 1264 Gloden Fay Dlck Fe.y * * * * * * Special Offering 1n Corona del Mar HERE IT IS ! Newly decorated 3 bdrm. home in excellent location. Hwd. floors. fireplace. Lots of tile in kitchen and bath. Priced at only $12.500 for quick sale! Listings Wanted -Rentals IL Sales W. E. FISHER ERNIE SMITH BUILDER-REALTOR REALTOR-ASSOCIATE 916 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2443 $1500DOWN Very lovely 3 bdrm. G .I. RESALE This home is only 2 moe. old. Spacious llv. rm. wlt.h beauti- ful fireplace, dining ell, cheer- ful kitchen with lot.a of tile. Colorful bath with tlJe 6 feet over tub, large back bdrm. opcM onto covered patio, double gar., with ample atorage apace. 80 ft. wide lot. Low monthly pay· mf'nt.s include taxes, tnaur., and t 'A-lnterc!lt. Price $12,162 . How in the world can you lose on a deal like thls ? $1900 DOWN C . r. RESALE -3 bdrm .. 31~ yrs. old. Top con dition, hwd. floors, tilr, lari;c dbl. gllragc. Bc!il E . Side. Price $11,250 $36.12 Per Mo. Is thc-einn.zin ~ paymenlt<1 on this Vf"ry attractive 1 yr. old, 2 bdcm home. HY.'d. floors, tilt'. lovely kitchen with br<'akfast nook. larJ:;:e redwood covrrrd patio, floWl'rs and shrub!!. Best neigh· borhood. J">ricPd lo 8C'll at $89&0 with '2500 down. This is an FHA 4 ~~ r;.; deal. Subdivided Lots Street11 -Curbs -Utilltlrs Top location among $1 0:000 to $1 5,000 homes. 13 lots al $1350. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Mesa 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Beacon 7123 I 1\cross from Costa M<'sa Bank) Eves. Ha. 3157·W Bea. f1458·J BALBOA PENINSULA . CL~'F' HA VEN-Only $l3,95t> G. L ~ -l:.arge combination FHA G. L loan. Lovely 2 bdrm. and den home. Dining nn., lge. kitchen, puDman bath., large brick fireplace, double garage. - COSTA MESA-Only $10,500 Nearly new 2 bdrm. home. Fireplace, hwd. floors, lots of tile. Large rms., dbl ·gar., lge. lot. EZ terms. 490 C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 • CORONA DEL MAR INCOME Don't fail to see this most attractive 2 bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old, in choice location. Separate guest room and bath adjoining garage. Excellent income record. Now rented at $115 per mo. It will sell QUICKLY AT- Price -$11,500 -Terms. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Exclusive Agent Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa· Island Looking for an Investment -- - and a perfect hedge against inflation? \Ve offer 130 acres of rich Imperial Valley Farm Land Now leased for 6 years at $7000 per year, payable an· nually CASH IN ADVANCE. Tenant-pays a.II costs ex- cepl ta.xes which are low. Total price of lhls farm is only $60.000, resulting In a secure 1070 net return on invest· ment. In addition. we expect this land to double in value during the term of the lease. For further inforn1a· lion call -' STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 • OPEN FOR INSPECTION -JOHNSON Outboard Motors KNOTTY pine bachelor apt., near bus. Bre(\.krL'lt bar. UliL pd. $55 mo . ..yearly. 1512 W . Ocean Frt. Phone Harbor 1677·J. 88p88 Hubor 1607 (Ev ... Har. 2278-WJ 48-Apartments and Hotl!lell Pretty As A Picture BEA t.'TJFUL 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dutch Colonial. Flag8tone front. Private patio, forced air heat. F ireplace. Garbage d I s po s a I. \Vealhcr stripped. Large sun deck. This Is an out.standinc value and a fine homC. , 1 to 5 Daily 4 NEW 2-BEDROOM MODEL HOMES from The only factory ·approved .5ales 3 and Service Station ln the 'New· port Harbor Area. bdrm. completely furnished house. board gentlemen. $35 a month rental. 3·rOOJTI trailer, pri. lndry. &: bath, $40. 200 E . 16th St.,"Costa Mesa. 86p88 South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd SL Harbor 2600 llJtfc 36 FT. HIGGINS CRAFT equipped for jig tl.shing. Small bait tank. OMC diesel. Good condlt ton. Prtee $2100. Phone FLeetwood 8·2328 or LYcomlng 2·84V3. Af- ter 8 p. m. 85p90 BOAT SLIP FOR RENT - Now available. Har. 2979·M 85p90 ONE BEDROOM apt. partly furn., utilities paid, only $4~. 920 Coast Htwy., Newport Beach. 86p88 BY OWNER -Two furnished apartments, 5·room and 1-room. by month or year. Modern. In- clude• refrigerator. :W2 W . Bay Ave., Balboa. 87p89 BEAUTIFUL NEW 3 ·bedroom turn. home. TV, deep freeze. auto. wuher. F enced yard. Children. pets 0 . K. 23581 Pi- rate Rd., Newport Helghl.9. Ph. Beacon 686l·JK. 87c89 DOWNTOWN BALBOA. Se veral apt!:. on 2nd floor wtth balcony o r view of bay. Clean, good beds, refrig. $25 -$•0 mo., winter. See Mre. Sulit van, JM 11' Main St., Balboa. 87c8n S25 WK. or special monthly rate. 2 bdrm. furn. apt. Laundry rm .. fenced play yard for children. garage. Utll. pd. The BLUE TOP, 401 Newport Blvd. 8'Ufc UNFURN. HOUSE. 1.Arge living room, dining room. one bdrm., bath, kitchen, garage. Beautiful garden. Near C. D. M. beach. $1!'), year leue. ~o pet.a. Har- bor 1"8--W. 87c89 FOR SALE-Mooring No. o.381 10th a.nd Bay Avenue. $126.00. P.hone LO : 5-8271 or LU 2M6. 86dll CHEAP winter rental to right party. Furn. 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. '3 3106 Channel Place, Newport PRIVATE FLOATS for boats up lela.nd. No pets. Harbor l217·J. Tots and Pets Welcome rm., 1 bdrm., furnished ~ dble. NewporL Play grounda. 1 blk. from ocean and bay. $10 mo. Harbor 987. 87c92 lo 40 ft~ Canal wcctlon. Reason-I 78tfc able ~-Ph. Har. 73·W, 88c90 BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive -'I'RO~LER • ART", all round bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Util. flah1ng boat. With equipment. paid. Garage $75 mo., yearly Speedy and al~ong. 100 hp. May or $M> mo, winter. Ph. Harbor exchange for. .A. L. Marks, 1671. 79t!c 609 -29th St., J',;ewport Beach. 88p90 T O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : ~~~~~~~~~~~- M-Muslcal. Radio RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddies learn, ~ per mo. Full term rent allowed on any piano In our stock. DANZ · SCHMJ.DT Big Plano Store, 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana. 1f a yearly rental is a must. ·This ls for you. Apt. rurn. for 2 Utilities paid and r a garage). 1240 W .• Balboa Blvd. H. 1072-J 88p90 LIDO ISLE Sparkling 1 or 2 bedroom turnl.11h· ed apartmenlll. One bedroom (twin bedt) $7~ mo. 2 bedroomi;i J $100 mo. All utilities pa.id. Pri- vate garages. . P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED COZY fumi&bed bachelor apt. Liv. r oom with htde&bed eofa. Nice bath and kitchen. Yearly rental. rea.sonabk>. 710 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar. Harbor 3025· W . 86c88 FURNISHED 125 Via Jucar, Lido I sle. Attr&ctive 2 bedroom in~ e luding TV. Large patio. Owne r here Friday. AXmlnater 3·2315. 88p90 Balboa Island We have several attractive apt.a. and houaea tor winter rental &tarting at 14~ mo. a.nd a few yearly rent.ala 1ta.rtlng at 165. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Marlne, Balboa lal. Har. 502 69lfc ORAND PIANOS: Baby Gra.nd, repoueaaed, 149~. Term&. Alao olhera new a.nd uaed. Steinway. Chlckt-ring, Wurlitzer, A. B. Chue, Knabe. Raworth, Lund- etrum. F r om i585. DANZ- SCIDtIDT, ~20 No. Main. cor. 6th. Santa Ana. 100 pla.noe al· ways. 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 THREE Bdrn1. aunny lower apt. SLIOHTLY USED Spinet pi"l'D· like new. Big savinga. Convinl· ent terms at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907}, 4.21 No. Syca- more, Santa Ana. KI. 2·0672. 83tfc TELEVJSJON ! Trad e your old piano on beautiful television. BJg a.Uq wance. Famous make11 in televtaion. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, cor. Ith St., Santa Ana. B.A.M:M.OND ORGANS! The great Hammond Chord Organ. U you don't know a note, you ca.n play lh!a! The Hammond Splnet Or· ran. World's most beauutul lone•. Ea 1 y terma. DANZ- llCHMIDT Plano It Ot-gan Co., Santa Ana, 620 No. Main, Cor. 6lb StreeL GET THE TOP DOLLAR lor yoor Newport Beach, Call!. WlNTER RA TES, 3 rm. rurn. apts On Collins 1sland. Each. apt. has water frontage. ALSO Penthou.se on lease. West end Pa.rk Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Harbor 2962·W. '76tfc BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn· !shed single apt.a. $25 and $3:> mo. to June l~th. Frtgtdalre. Laundry available. Ulll. lncl. Harbor 1270-W. 83tfc BALBOA . PENINSULA -At- tractively rurnlshed 2 bdrm. du· plex wttb rundeck. \Vlnter or yearly. Reaaonable. Har. S019·R 83tfc FURNI.SHED as 2 bdrm. apt. Lge rooma. Bay view. \Vlnter $30 mo. utU. pd. Or wtll rent yearly flnqulre lower rear apt.) 14.0:S W , Bay A~ .• Newport Beach. 83p88 old piano. Trade It Lo tor It.Ii tu1J NICELY Furnidted Cottage, sult- euh Tai~ oo a. Packard Bell able tor two people. Call at 3M Wevtalon at SHAFER'S MUSIC Broadway, Coot& Meaa. 18c90 CO. !Since lllOlJ. Ul No. Syca· --,"'_,---------- more, Santa Ana. KL 1-«.12. NEW ':I bdnn. unCurnlahed apL . 13tfe C1oee to ,ocea.n: No chlldttn or ~ Attr. furn. Gla&Bed In living rm. Fl'ncW garden. $85 until June l~th. EXTRA gueat houiw with bdrm., din . rm. le. shower Incl. at $100. 12.'l Jade Ave., Utlle Island. Ph'. Harbor 2652. 88p90 CORONA DEL MAR -Lovely 1 bdrm. apt. Picture window. Brand new . maple n.tmltun-. $~ mo, yearly, Incl. utU. Ph. Harbor 386.J . 88c90 NEW 3 rm. tum. apt. Util incl. Attractive yeacly rate. 2210 Harbor Blvd., Coata Meaa. 88c90 FOR RgNT-4 rm. furn. cottage, garage, on 23rd St. near ocean. '38 month. Couple preferrut: Inquire 116 • 23"1 SL, Ntwpart Beach. 88cOO THREE RM. untum. apL Liv. rm .• bdrm., kit., .tile be.th. Panel· ray hut. Stove A refrlg. rurn. 317 H•Uotrope. ll>qulre 319 Hellolrope, Corona de! Mar. Pb. Barbor ~w. ssuc NEW FURNl8Hl!:D 8 boclrooliut. '2 botba. Lido !Alo. Wlnttt rent- al. •u3"monlll-Pb-8Tlvan 0-34 71 or Week enct. Hatbor 2T1&-W. lllldlO --------------·• pet.a. Ko dri.nk.Lnc. Yearly rent- LOVJllL Y -plow upnpt piUo o1. ~ Oc:t_ 27th -alter 10:30 la per(ect playtq-coadltlon. a. m. I.Ill • 30th SL, Newport FURNl8.flED 1 bdral. apt., uW. Termo. w~ --SU-Ill s..c11 upeo paid. ........,. No dtlldna, no por mo. at 8HA.n:R'S Mt!BIC NEW llNPUJIN18HED pda. can 11e -H,,... aJ A 4. 00. C-lllCJJ). Ul.No..S,0.-With tarp w1..-i upper !lat Appl)'U.Cl>-Aw,IN-· "inon, llallta Ana. KL '-:I:c ba7 bl ffod noldont'::i°r= rrt -. Apt. t. • "' ~ a•r.DWJN ACR080NIC ~ ~~ ~ ~Nice apt., 3 b .. ~ • 0 ..._ ""' .. d Ou'lp " , )1oocl. &.•• uoq. ----pota. -~ i.t, ·~ mo. --.-... YWl !91.1 w 1111o jOd .to prior .i.. QANS-10. W: .., A-Nwpad to rl&lll ~.>!llilw.,;,.... llC:tl"11>T Ills Plaao "'-. 8111 •'di ~ ....... 117'1, ..,.. IJ'. -Mc-· A-. 81- 1fo. Kaia, -· to, -la Aa. (a-, ...... ) • -I 3 '\ .. h!I UM Je ... • RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS Call Edna CnJa Linwood Vlck, Rltor. B&lboa Island. Har. 20U 32c:M BALBOA PENINSULA -At· trfl.ctively furn ished garage apt. Suitable couple. Avail. Oct. 15th. $~ winter. $65 yearly, util and • gar. included. Harbor 3010-R 78tfc FURNISHED nice clean large slttplng room, kitchenette, frig· ldaire. bath. su n porch (2nd nr.) $15 mo. Phone Harbor 69I·W. 77tfc BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. F irC'place. good heat, $12:; mo til June 15lh. ALSO l bdrm. bayfront, $75 mo. to June 15th. Phone Har. 2!';52 o r Harbor 2914.·M eves. 77tfc -------------TWO BDR?i.f . Furnished House. Utll. pd. Children 0 . K . Avail- able Oct. 2Jst. Inquire lower rear apt . 1405 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beac)l. 85c88 TWO BED RM. F'URN. or unfum house, fenced in back yard. year lease or will exchange for hou~ (n Cherry P oint. No. Carolina. 810 Larkspur, Corona del Ma.r. Ph. Har. 1619·J. 86c8S FURN. COITAGE. elect . refrig .. until June let. F or 1 or 2. $30 pt>r n10. Ocean Front. 1129 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 88c90 YEARLY -Exccptlona.lly nice Unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex.. Many extra features. Near both I schools. Reasonable. 2265 Clay St., Cliff Haven . 83t!c 44-Rooms for Rent T\VO LOVELY bdrms upalalr.it with porch, outside entra.nce. Balboa Wand. Harbor 1129-J. 86p88 44·A-Rest .Homes VACANC Y for elderly people. Good m e&IB and care. Very lar1e gardl'n. Laguna 4-4.326. 88p93 45-Rent., Mlll<:ellaneoas FOR L.E.ASE;--C·2 lot in Laguna Beach, auitable for boat build· ing. auto painting, etc. Tel. Laguna ~~ 160. 88<90 ts-AutomobUee, Tires 1936 CHEVROLET Sedan. runs good. \Vtll ·~n or trade for what have you! Ph. Harbor OlSf·W . • 8&p88 1850 CHEVROL.ET Dix. f-door Sedan, Uke new. Lota of extraa. ww trade ror lot In CDM. Pb. Harbor 2288. Ndl8 lt:ll MODEL A pickup, ucellent motor, new paint, atffl bod. SoOd rubber. •1116. Pb. Har. leea-J. 87c88 llMl i,.Y. Con""rtible, eood nm· ntn~ order. New top ud up- bollteJ7. ... -IFDrd De- luxa Station W-per1-ot eo.d!Ucm •1216. 7U Broad Ill.. Newpo1~ Betpt., ~ • - 1 bdrm. h ome, perf<'Ct for a couple. Like out of a ham<' magazine. Its the ranch type wilh red"'-'ood fenc ing, brick patio and nice f:'arden. Sandy loam soil in good CMla Mesa location. A well- built .home and a wonderful buy at $7995. $3595 to $6975 Low Down Pay?lent -Easy Terms • Price $21,500 1977-91 Maple St. Costa Mesa Newport Heights Consider small hon1e as part trade. One · Block West of Harbor Blvd .• North of 19th 3 bdrm. home with hwd. fl oor!!, flagstone fireplace. large platr glaM windows facing the patio, ll!'I brand new and a. lovely homt". Compare this price with au o thers -$11,950. 3 bdrms., l 3/4 baths Brand n ew -Nl•wport Heights home with ocean view. It has everything, flrl'place, hwd. flrs., garbage disposal, low do .... •n pay· mcnl. $13,750. Beacon Hill Realty <166 Newport Blvd. {above Arches) Ph. B. 0713-R or Eves. B. ~632·W LIDO ISLE $·l,750 down. New 2 bedroom hon1e near h<'l'lt bl;>ach. Full tile roof. Patio. Furnace heal. Fireplace. Bar type kitchen. Glass en- ('losed tub. Sec this before you buy. Price $15,750 Ranch 20 acrl's 6 mill's from l\'c\1.'port 12 acres in permanent pasture. Equipm ent for 15,000 chickens. Three h ouses, good barn. Abun· dant chcap•water. Consider part trade bay area . T e rms. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 31l2 N ewporl B lvd., Harbor 2552 Income Property I OCEAN. FRONT-3 bd 0m . h·omc. O UPJ .. EX -Ocean side or Balboa dl'n, 2 baths. Lgc. living r n1 ., Blvd. Onf' and two bt·J rtJo.:l&. fl•nced yd., dbl. garage. $14 ,{K)(}. Good lnc0me. low 1·pk..:cp. By owner. H1:1.r. 3100·W. 85c90 St0,500. Tcrn1s. TRIPLEX -Ocean Front. Brand nf'W -!mart new furniture. Priced below cost at $25,000. Term!!!. FOURPLEX-Ocean 1''ront. All electric. R e a I money -n1aker. $29,st>O. T ern1s. Call J ohn Mottrllfl, Harbor 1~- Notice - to Trailer Owners Ownocr wiJI take $2000 or good trlr. 8.8 down payment on thi!> very nic(' 2 bdrn1 . hon1e . F'ull price $8000. ~ blk. to ocran, coin. furn., lnclud. Bendix ""'ash- er. Don't pay rent, COLLECT IT! Make the down p&yment and let the rentals pay off the balance . 2 bedroom cottage with fire- place and four separate units to rent on 2 comer Jots cl08e In, Balboa. Old. but in good con· ditlon. Space tor a little patio. A good deal at $17,500, furn. BALBOA COVES Just 1 year old, English sty!~ home on large lot with 2 bdrms., dorn1itory and 3 baths. Spacious living room, dining room, two fireplaces and lots of windows. Dbl. garag·e. Built for owners use. Hdwd. floors. In neighbor· hood of new homes. $35,000 Balboa Realty Co. Ross Greeley Jooephine Webb Lillian McAdoo 700 E. B&lboa Blvd. Har. 3277 Modern redwood and glass Two bdrm. and servant•s quarters. Flagstone and wood floors. Two years old. In grove of trees. Beautiful view of the western P.A. PALMER INCORPORA"fED 1 1 f you arc lnterci.;ted in this or 1 hills _ ln exclusiv.? section -2 nny olhl'r hon1(' .. pay Us a call . mlJes from ocean tn quiet sur· 3333 Via Lido, ,Ne-wrort Beach there is no obligation lUld we roundings. $25,000. Good terms. mighl have ju&t what you arc 1987 I . A Co M 57-Real F...tste Wanted looking for. I rv1ne ve., sta esa Phone Beacon 5293· W Paul C. Jones, Rltr. 59lfc TWO or 3 bdrm. ho1ne fro1n pvt. owner. Nwpt. Heights ur Co.'itl\ Mesa. Cf]. Vet. $8.000 c1:1.sh avaUable. Call Beacon 6168-W eve. or Sunday. 88p90 LEASE with opUon to buy, 1 bdrm. home, furnl•hed, Harbor Area . Re&80nable price. Call -Mra. Relm.Jer, Harbor 2751. 2307 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport Phone Harbor 2313 For Sale by Owner 2465 Marino Dr., Corona Highlands Large corner view Jot-by owner, Bay Shores 86c88 pr1cetl low. Phone Harbor 29-J. 3 bdrms., 2 baths. large lot. Rea- 86c88 sonable price. Excellent let~. 51>-Money to Loan I Balboa Island LOANS F North Bay Front or Homes I 3 bdrn1. modern. I 'ti baths. One ~~-29 yr. Loana I of lhe nicest small homes on CONSTRUc1'iON LJ?ANS lhC Is land. Garbage dlspoaal, at (>.....!Cii%;"1f, (14_.lrs.) lots of tlle, lar,;e fireplace and WE BUY A.ND BELL 2·car gar. Cornpletely rurnlahed. TRUST DEEDS $30,000 w tth rcaaonable terms. Sl!:E: BOB SATTL!:R , u1a COAST BLVD. ' Linwood Vick Corona de! liar Harbor 1077-J . REALTOR Rep. POUUER MOOTGAOl!l CO. Metro U!e Ina. l'Unda Kl 1-4180 W. A. TOBIAS, A"80Ciate S12 Marine Ave., Balboa I.aland LOANS TO BUILD, DIPRO"*. 1 Pbone 1:1&.rbor zo.t2 BUY, 1100~ OB Rllr!NANCS Wo 11uJ TNot Doodo iqwpQRT BALBOA n:DDAJ. llAVINOS A LOAN AMM. I 1111-1.-~llar.-• PRIVATE MONEY TWO B. R. garage opL, partly -ilb.d. 1 ~ both. a.loo 2 rma. ,down. '3,950. Owner, 614 )[art. gold Ave., Corona del Kar. ' 87p811 Phone Beacon 5733·W. 86c88 Newport Heights. $2750 down Bf.la.nee Like Rent- New 3 B.R. Home Exceptionally well built. Hu ocean view, 1 \i, bat.hs. large flreplace, garbage di.spoaa.I, bWd. floors, 2·car garage.· large 5()..fL level lot. lot.a or Ute. aervice pon:h, dlnlng Ir brealtfut areaa. You ailo&d ... It today. Total price $i3,750 LinwQOd Vick Rl:.UlrOJ\ W. A. TOBIAS, ~te 312 Karine A ft., Balboa Isla,,,( Phone m.ri-JOU THE "IT" HOME It's new. its charming, its quality, its on LIDO IBLE, its priced right. It has 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, unit heat, breakfast bar and rooms all large, cheerful and lovely. It has clever 1"'alled-in patio and home is located on good sized lot. 1t has "smart" features galore. 1t LS now up to you. COME SEE "IT." "' ALSO On LIDO ISLE property ovmers f'njoy 2 long stretches of private bathing beach, tennis court.a, quiet uncongested slreets, com· modlous community clubhouse, diving float and landing piers for plea.sure craft. \Ve are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE whe r e beautiful homes can be bought !Qr a.a low u $Jc5,000. Also a few rem&ln· Ing Iota for u little u $2700 wilh ra.sy li:>nn&. GOlNG - GOING -001'.'E Is tht-story ot lhe LOTS. You can now get in on the givund noor. THESE kind of BUYS w on t la.at tor· evf'r. Here a little buys a LOT. Come t>ee us. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via L1 jo Newport Beach. Ca.Ill. 88cll0 ~~~~~~~~~-~ NEW 1 BDRM. HOME, grey stucco finllh, $3975. 395 Vtc- torla St. (near College Ave.), COBta Mesa. Ph. "Bea. 5608·M. 78Uc $3000 DOWN New 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. 15().tt. lot-:--nice vtew. Very easy pay· ment... • Full Price $13, 750 Burry On Thia One! $11,250 Very veo-cute. 2 bdrm. Brick ce-- ment.. fenced, paUo. tub and lllall ohowv. tot.a -<>I tile. nre- plue, dbl garage, beaUtltully W>cloc•ped. • This is one of the best in CDM -. Tom Payne, Realtor 310 Clout B1wa7, CloroGa del Mar \ 1 l