HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-30 - Newport Balboa News Times• 1. -. r ··------···-·-·----------~--~--. •' • • . . . ) . • ' • • I ' • ' STATE'S CITY WEST NEWPORT GROUP ASKS bOVERNMENTS WATERFRONT PROTECTION LEAD NATION 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 44 NEwroRT BEACH, CALIFORN1A, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1951 ' ' . FivE CENTS City Councilmen and depart· meat headl who r«ently returned rrom. the 63;~ Annual Conle1'f!nce :Jf the ~ ot Callfomla CIUea -1.t San Francl.lco.. bave decided U.,.t the 300-odd munlclpalltleo In Califom.la are 1etUn.-the pace In progrue tor the na.Uon. CITIZENS' OUTCRY ·FORCES COUNCIL TO ACT ON 'OIL The City Council revereed It.sett' during lut week'•· meeting when · proteata by r epreaentaUvee of the Leape ot Civic A.uoclatlQM re- garding oU well drill ing control shook the body into atl1on. Early in the meeting, the clt,..------~-----­ manager's report on control of wellA by the county planning com- mt»ion wu !lied for f uture ref· <'rence. · But that didn't satisfy a num- ber of local residents who are working hard through their civic gro'ups to prevent all oil drilling possible In the West Newport region. Mra. Flor('nce Cooling started the ball rolling just before the council adjourn~-''There are a good many people here tonight who ca.me lo hear what you plan to do about the oil drtlling," she said, adding that she hadn't under- stood much of the council's earlier di.scuM.ion. Mrs. Cooling added that at the -previous council meeting, the clty *anagcr had been in.st.ructed to get e. map showing what the count)· planning commiMion had m mind. P~v l 'rKN Action Associated C. of C. t o Probe County $4 nitation Stat us Presidents of all member cham- ber11 of commerce m Orange Coun- ty have been tnvtted by the U- socialed Chambera o f Commerce of Orange County to attend a luncheon .Nov. 5 In Balboa Bay Club to di8CWllS the county sa.ni· talion problem. Stan Ridderhof, president, in Invitational letter, a.aid : "Today we find the santt.a.tlon boards or Orange County 1ta.Jemated &gain and the need lo at.a.rt construction l.s urgent beyond worda. •· H e re- called that hl.s group apearhMded two years ago the aucceaatul drive to vote $8,000,000 to build a county-wide sanitation ayatem. I Rewlts at the luncheon meet- _ing will ,.rted at the aaaocl· I ation's rec nr' m eeting that night. / '. ~· •. MOVING DAY l'OUND Newport Harttor Ctlamber of Commerefl starters Mr5. Pes Ese and M'-8 Penny Hairy carryllls the! offlee alp lut Friday aa they left the old Balboa headquarter-a tor the new, bul.ldlfll" ~ Co&At Hlsftway. (Newa-TUn~ Photo) . . ' PIRA ES TIP TIGERS 19-14 FUND DRIVE IS TO BEGIN AT WEDNfSDAY'S MEETING I lRD RIVERSIDE BATTLE Rtehard Graves, executive direc- tor of the League, summed up the organi&ati.on'a more than half a century or experience with local inunlclpal government.a ln hie an- "lual addresa to, the more than 2000 city officl&la preae,P.t. He said: "'We bave In our Sta.le the beet, moet competent and aJtogether the im.oat honest mun.lclpa1 government that e.xlats ln tbis country. Tb.ls l8 not aelt-congratulation. It la the truth. It ts not good enough, It la not efficient enough, perhaps It ls not even honest enough, but It la the beat, and working together we can make It better." Mayor L. L. Jabell and council - men attending tbe three-day ses- sion found that the trend, in sixth claalr cities at lea.st, la toward modemlutlon and lncrea.aed ef- ficiency . in the financial phase or munk:lpal -a.dmlniatrallon. John McQullken, city auditor and comp· troller of San Diego, wall one of the outstanding speakers on the re--oi:ganlza.tion of finance admln· latraUon. A general movement to- wa.nl centralization of flnanclaJ control, even in arnaller clllea, wu apparent. Harvey P ea.."e. Balboa Island rralfor, s:pokc up. Stating that hi8 g roup had appeared before the county planning commlaalon. He urged the council to go on record opposililg oil drilling before the commission and lhe Board of Su- pervisors adopted a propo!'led ordi- nance proclaiming West Newport a pro\'en oil field., He aa.kl, "We feel that any future oil develo - ment should be by permit only, giving citluna a cha.nee to com- plain." It the area is named a proven field, th~ couJd not be done. !Jy ROO M&cMililaa Signal for the start of a campaign to raise $250,000 to furn~h &nd equip the Hoag Memorial Hospital-Presbyterian, now building at Newport Beach, Will be givt>n at a big luncheon meeting to be held at the Newport Harbor Yacht club on WedneMlay. Highlight.a ot the departmental meetlnga attended by mayora and councilmen w ere the report.a by St.ate Senators and Assemblymen serving aa cha.tnnen of Interim Committee.ti. The que11Uon of tax- ation of unincorporated areas for municipal aervtcea wu high on this list. and advanced another step n earer solution locally with the appointment Jut week of a committee from the Orange Coun- ty Lel.gue of Clltea. Also dlacusa- ed in detail were plans for inter- city cooperation in Civilian De- fense, and the poaslbiJltlea of de· velopment of a state-wldEt aalea and u.se tax system which would be a.dminlstered by the State, re- placing the present variety of sys- tems and returning to the cities proportionate sharea ot r evenue collected. "We anticipate great Jk>pula- ~ion development," Pe~ sa..ld, re- ferring to tuture acquisition of Metropolitan Water D lat r I c t water, freeways. etc. "A city ring- ed by oil wells," he contended would hamper city growth. Tbe OCC Plrate.e !K"Ored twice in the second quarter and once in t he third period and then fought off a determined River11ide rally to edge the Tig-ers 19·1• at Rtveralde's Wheelock Field Friday night on a muddy turf. A crowd of 2500 watched tt\e thrilling game which wu much clOiter than the !itatlstlc.s indicate. An open Invitation to attend ls extended to all Interested and eapttlaJJy to f"{"pre!ientatlves ot• Coast's tint TD ca.me shortly,._ _____________ _ civic, aoctal, welfare and otht>r or· I Walter Mellott Tom Hendereon ganlutlolUI concerned with t he Don Hummel ' Otto CUlbert.&Qn° ruture of the a.tta.. In advance or Roland W rlghl Ulrry Brown K. the m~tlng the organization of ! T. Kenda.II. w ... M. Longmoor 'and the Newport Harbor area la pro· I a dozen more to be enli8ted u ceedtng w ith Dr. G. N . Pease u the cami>argn progTeasu. Udo chairman and Mn. Ua.bcJ An-I11le and Harbor Island will. be drewa u recorder. Peaae 8-1Serted that the latest oil field map is but a revision of an earlier one. the latest propoe&J. an in&dequa~ compromla. Hie- declared that all wells should be kept back of coastal slopes, and that any area conUguot.la to the city should be on a drllliag permit ba.sla only. Howard Wright of the West Newport lflUlD'.Jftment Associa- tion, said: "I think this Council shourd go on record aga.lnst the well" with both county bodies. Mrs. .Duncan Stewart advbed the Mayor that the county plan- ning comml.Nton a..nd auperviaort1 "have told us they would welcome our city council's wggea.t lona ... W e feel that no wells should be drilled this atde of .the sani. Ana river." F.c:1 Healy, preatdent of the Cen- tral :-Jewport Jmprovement A.8· 80Ciatlon, told thet<:ouncil that he felt the planning commission was "very oil minded," J,hat the coun- cil ahould make It.a stand known. He added that the cornmtulon had told hit1 group recently that it wu trying to grt something In which the city councU waa not interest~. FTa.n cia Horvath, aleo of West Newport Jmprovefl)ent Auocia- t ion, said. the original. proposed proven oil field Wa.t. down to the Coast Highway, but that he would like to have wells restricted 3:'JO feel beyond the inl&nd ,Up of the city boundary. After the sustained demand by the civic leaders that the council take action to ' protect the ci ty from oil well e ncroachment, the 1natt<•r was taken from the file and th~ council agree<I to study the propoeitlon at gTeater lf ngth. • OPS Price Expert to Visit Newport Again Nov. 8 after they. lost the ball on a. fum- ble a.tter gettlnl" a first down on the Tiger one-ya.rd line. Vlrgel Elwesa kicked out to Howard Miller on the Rlverstde 40. Miller slipped on the soggy turf and made no return. .Jeue Smith hit the line tor no pin and J ohn Black went O¥er left pant to make it third and tour on the T iger 38. Miller picked up the n.eceuary yardage on. a PUii op- tional play and then fed t he ball to Jeue Smith tor aucceutve runs of seven &nd eight yards which ma.de It a tint on the RC 15. Jesse hit the llne tor one and J ohn Black broke over left tack.le for the remaining l' yards. Jeuc Smith klCked the extra point to make it, 7-0. Local resldenta can aee OCC'i. Pirates ln action Thu.raday' night at Huntington Beac h High School stadium when they take on Chaf- fey College at 8 o'clock. Orange Coast la runnlnc second In Eutem Conference standings. w_h ere a a Chatley haa yet to win a game. A slick play by Cout end Guy Coata set up the aecond Plrat.e score. Coat.a tackJed Dick WU- lla..ma on an end run and came up with the b&U ln hla arms on the Tiger 31 , Bow he got the· b&ll remaln.9 a queatlon and t he Ptrat.ee worried little about It at the Ume u they went the route In eight playa. Quarterback Paul Chafe puaed a one yarder to right end Don Paxton in the flats tor the score with 1.5 seconda left in the half. Smith m i.a&ed the extra point. A 14-yard run by Ned Panona started the ball rolling and then Jeue Smith loet one and M!.Uer picked up slx before Chai· ley Black tOok a pltchout to the two.yard line. MUler failed on a. quarterback an'ea.k a n d J.eue Smith fell ld'lort on a line plunge before Cha!i hit Paxton with the payoff Ditch. Shortly after the third • period opened, Ri'Yenlde ee:rved notice Basing his dttL8Jon on a sue-that they were in the ball game. ce68fUI rf'cent appearance, T. A. They slammed the Pirate oftenae Mitchell. price analyst of the OPS, t o the ground alter the openin1 will stage a "return engagement" kickoff and tben took Me1 Sma.J. to Newport &acb Nov. 8. ley'a punt from the OCC '3· to a Mitch•ll. who wa.a alloted desk TO. Dick Blaine punched \Over space in N ewport Beac h city hall trom the three-yard mark. Don on Oct. 11. conferred with ZO Queaada ktcked the extra pc)lnl buslneumen and rftecha.nta during to make-It 13-7, Cout. that day and reported to Wllltam A Rlvenlde pmble aet up the C. Moeser, director ot the San tJU.rd Pirate .core. Instea.d ot Diego diJl:lrict OJflce of Price Sta· punttnc w1th a fourth and 10 on bUizaUon. that hi.I accomplish-the OCC '2,. they tried ·a P.... menta warranted anothett vlslt to wh.lch 'wu broken up by Juae the aamf' of!Jce. Smith an4 the Pm.tea took the Quesada kic ked the extra point to mMke It 19·14. Riverside kicked ott and forced Coast to punt. Westbrook return- ed the ba 11 to the OCC 40 and the Tigers moved to the 20 where it wa1 lhlrd and one. Sid Man- ning. defensive Jen end, came through to tag Blalne for a one ya.rd loss to ma.ke It fourth and two and Bill ~----tackled t hree yarda behind t he llne of scrimmage by Charley Black on an attempted end sweep and Coast took the ball. covered by Hadd Rlng with Mrs. There are five sub-committee• Edgar HUI, George Ward, Ned in the Harbor area and beadinl" Hill. Oeorl"e Hofsteln, Paul Balboa'• Ui WMl.ey D. Smith with Wbee.ler, Mark Pten:e, Mrs . .John Ralph Prtng"l.e, Sandy Mac.K&y, !k>yd aa well as more who ha9"e Mayor L. L. and Mn. Iabell, Lon-aa-r~ to a.ui..t aa 900l'I N the nle Vlnee.nt, Bob Mur,Phy, Mn. actual ca..mpa.ign geU under way. Somera and Mra. Brown and othe rs cooperating. On the Corona Dlatrlct Quotas , del Mar group are Bob 'Ma.n of The quota tor Newport Harbor the Year' Callla, Braden Fincb. Is 175,000 and each dlatr1ct is SCHOOL MEET SET Dr. Peaae, Lee Wilder. Mr. and asked for $1 ~.000. In view of the Se<:ond meeting of the CiUzena' Mn. L.. H _ Norman, J . S . Van 1 fact that Newport Beach. In the Committee t o dectde what new Dyke and still more workers. campaign f in or aix ye&n!I ago, eleml!'ntary school conat.n.iclion For Balboa Island with Maurice ra.ised 185.000, It woold appear should be built locally was to be Stanley heading the poup, a re that the present quot.a la not be- held last night at Hor'ace Enalgn Earl and Mrs. Stanley, Mra. J . A.! yond its reach. ~ dlecuaaing the school. A five-man study com-Beek, Capt. Beek, Mra. E . E . campaign. Finch, who is also dt- mlttee compo5ed of local archltect.J: Brewer. Bill Tobias, Mrs. George rector of the hoapltal board, polnt- was to preMflt pla.n• that can be Yardley and a number more t o ed out that Jr t he S~,000 could used to care far tuture need.a of be added. be ralt_ed on a promise, It 8hould the Harbor area's constantly Genial Dic k R lcttard of Rich-be ~ eaaier to raise tr\e fun<b: growing elementary school popu-a.rd 'a Market heads the Newport ne@ded t.o\V when the people can Jatlon. Representatives of a.II committee. Asaociated with' him see with their own eyes the hoe- Newport Beach civic organlzatlona are Lee Wilder, Ralph Maakey, pltal building going up stea.dily were asked to attend the seulon. Tom Norton, Ha,y Langenheim, knowing that the money to com-_ _:_ _____________ ...:.._ _______ _:_ __ _:.___ plete the building Is ava.ilable and all that la nedded la the money fnr equipment and furnlahlnp. ' NEW-PHONE BOOKS OUT TOMORROW Delivery to aubsc.rlber8 of more: than 60,000 coplea of the new Orange County t elephone di~c­ tory h1 scheduled t o begin tomor- row, lt wa.a announced to- day by T . M. Hambrook. manager Of The Pacific Telephone and TelegTaph Company. ReflecUng the co nt In U ln g "growth ol the county, the new book of numbers contain• morf' than 48,000 alphabetical LLstinga, an lncreue of 3,000 over lut Yftr'• laue. Simll&rly, the alpha· beUcal eectlon hu been lncreued by 18 pages. The dJrectory will be in service for 12 monlha. A apeclal ~ aupplemtonl of per- forated p&gea. the manager aatd, which contalm the prew.nt tete. pboae numbens Of f'1,lllerton ex- chan:.-e eubltcriben la lncluded ln tbe new grttp-oovered ~· 1n add.it.ton. new I,,A.mbert preflx nwnben which will iden.Ufy Ful- lerton exch&nse tidephonea are n.t.ed ln_ the permanent alpba- betlcoJ -tloit ot Ul4 directory. Tiie J>Orla.ated pq;.., cont&lnlnc lbe old aumbere, an dMl,ned for Councilman Dale Ramsey, who attended the departmental meet- lnge devoted to Parka and Recrea- tion, wa.s Impressed by the tre- mendous development evldent In lhta field, from the emall cities of 1200 population up to San Fran.ciaco, where a $12,000,000 bond iUUe baa recently been voted tor communJty· recreation and the dewlopm .... "" _...., ... Ram- aey a.hlo noted a general 1ntereet ln the special field ot recreation for· the S<M:aJled "Over F ifty" club!. The key-note. of the!ie 1es- alona was the lncrea.sine-role of recreation u an integrating factor in the community. City Man.ager J ol'ln J . Sailors, who wu lnstrumenW in setting up the central purcha.sing eyatem now uaed by the City, found. u d id the councilmen, that centre.1- lzatlon of ft.itancial adminU!tratlon la the objective toward which every ci ty ls now working. The League of Cities now he.a under- way a comprehensive survey of Clnanetal adminUltratlon in Coun- cll·Manager cltte8, and the results ot this survey may ea.ally form the foundation for a 11tate-wlde mod- emizatloo of methQda ot financial admlnl..stratton. Sales and use tax e.dmtnlBtra· tlon and collection wu one ot the main topics dl8cuased in the fi- nance offlcere' mtttlnp. They were attended by the City Trea.s- urer and Clerk. William L. Water- hou!e. supervisor of general audl- ton: for the cttY and county of San Francisco. where more than ~.- 000,000 ls collected annually from & 'Ii: •fr levy, pointed out that 95';'- o ( collecUorui come in automatical- ly, and placed tbe respon.alblllty tor cost of a.d.mtnlatratlon and col- lecting upon the remaining 5 ~ ot transient and delinquent accounta. City Attorney Harry Blodgett took part in a serlu of panel dis· cuulona, among them a review of the so-called "Aldandria" cue. It has a direct bearing on the local control of peddlera, .olicltora and itine rant merchant.a and may eventually result ln removal of the exemptlOIUI which many citle• now grant to 10\lcitore operating ln lntrratate commerce. Public worlui project.a were the principal topic• lJl the dep&rtrnenl· al meeUnp attended by Cl'y En- gineer .J. B. Webb. Much attention WN al>o paid to the lncttaltngly aerioua problemt ot t:rub. and sar- bage dJ--1 lh&l have ariler1 with" the oonot¥U7 sroMnl" pop- ulaUon. JeftW ~ugbbut t b e at.ate: . ~· ---~-- He will be again in Newport ball. .Otate tired a 1 T ya.rder lo Beach Thurwday, Nov. 8 trom 9-Je .. Smith ln the nata arid Ulen Lm. to 3 p.m. In the ame otttcu htt Jobn Blaclt wt.th a Mo-yard in Newport Beach clty hall peu for a. Oout f1tat' doW1l on .. Varioue probk-ma conce.miq the .1ltwenlde t~ HaJ 8mltb ~ price ·contro1a wtre brought to me raauned lhrQU(h the mlddla to by busl.nwmen and w..re -_. •-i·r up. A .U.lt contar out .. u.tactortly &lld to tbe ad-llart ~ • en\JU.'1 cllance of vantase ot the mridumto, • Mltdt--~ tlili! · -point Wlllcll .u~ -~11ym...- i'omO'ft1 at U.. time of UNI dial 8econil LL .RoMrt ll. DtckeY. eon-on. -at Xr: -Mn. -Dick· 'nlo m•paser aid cleUWJ'J' ot q, uo lb.rta. a-...,. i. tllo llOW booll,. dated • N-land. 11 -att-q a toJday 116.1. It~ to ioo ---0( -, ... -tary by -rrld&y. Police C'"i44~ --. at• UM MJtc.1'e.11 ~-. tDclultQaJ , '~ivr ttlt •=11 matff'lab ot all ,. att•la, WlUl ~ ecoN 1 ... 'f apinwt lumber, au-,.4111t•¥• t-, ~ ... -..;:-to ~ Urd, tann .,..h'9M7 -~ tM ~j ---las materla.ll &Id -tl!lll' -..,.. -.ty la u. llul ~ ooecernlllC" otMI' ......... ltp• caii.. .. 'sn.N =rsrt1d .. -tleldoo -..... --to "tJanlllCll to~ _.,... -t -will • llrooltM -to -......... 1-Jvd -· ._ the dlttrict -tw ....,.-; lie ... .-11a1o u.. - -aiid ' aid. \ 1 . ' ,&ii • It foe' tl4 TD. . . • • I He ..... reninded te' 11'1ll'W P.lo+Gll ....... '.Om?D'1• .....,,,l. '"' olllers to c&nflllly .._ otat c.mp 0oo-, a.: . ' tliecr ..... -... -· tun>-LC.. Dlea,. -'"--s .... --le !lio ·doll-7 --·tlio . -11111'" ...... ?re- \ ... lldO el -l"lwlMo. A --.a OJr 'tlll: .... JUbm ol ........, *Pd Giil .. ,, 7Mn _,., !(any Quit II '""4"111' of -•Ice, M .. -II -U. IDI' .at -..... ftu;ww1,i.. fit 04• •I ~ la U. .A.Uc Ooota-. -... a lllUt at· Pacific _.... Be .II a ~ bodt_ .. __ of -,_ -COllSI, ' , . . > Who la r~tble for the protectlon of Wut Newport water· front property and -can It be protected will be two ot the prindpal queatWmi ukt'd and to be answered Friday when . memben of the Weal Newport Improvement A.uoclatlon a.re expected to meet tn Ute City Hall at 7 :ao p: m. · Thelr guest.a to be questioned will be City Engineer. Bert Webb •nd Street Superintendent BUI Covert, according lo Francis Hor· we.th, president of the uaoctation. Although the city has a 'street' running in front ot their home.a, and has refused to permit the property to be fenced or used, the City haa refuaed to ta.y any ac- tion tor protection of Sea.shore Drive or the pr-lvate lands fronting ?n the ·atreet in recent eroding ac- t ions of the aea. Plana for future protection are being dlacuued by citizens of t he area and it la likely that the City will be asked to determine whe°ther ~roilUI or bulkheads wtll have to be built Co r tuture protection. In he&vy aeas recently the beach wu wuhed away along a ten-block route to a. dept h of fi\te feet. Homes on the frontage are set· ling high up on a 'bluff of sand.' Although no houaes were wuhed away, "yarda were damaged and fences were Jett standing in ekele. ton form. Another problem for the lm- provera to ~lacU&S will be eltmina- tlon of trash &nd garbage cans from street.a. Residents are now required to plaee rubb\$h contain- ers on streets in front of thetr homes. Some better locations will be aought, ~ccordlng lo Horvath. Queries ot the City Engtn,-er relative to the nunors or a ~ zoning of the so-called 'Banning Property' lnto an M-1 distrt.ct will be made. Rumors ala.Ung that an Industrial district Was planned tn the area have been ct.rcuJated for several weeks. Other West New· portere arc schcduJcd lo rrote&t lo and t hrough their association any Central Newport Improve- ment that would cau!K' the re-lo- cation In t heir community of t fte Pacific Electric Railroad yards. OPS FILES INJUNCTION . AGAINST PIPER-JOHNSON An injunction petition was flied la.st Tuesday against the P iper-- J ohnson Co .. 710 East Balboa Blvd., NeWP.<Jrt Beach. by the t>nforee- ' ment division of OPS, San Diego office, tor failure to tile under Ceiling Price Regulation No. 7. The deadline for tiling was last May 31. In a statement lo the News· Tlmes, Ned , Johnson, owner of P iper-J ohn.wn, stated that t he con- cern ls in process of being sold to H . Stanley Henline, who ha.a filed his. ceiling prices already. A s ' . Johnson had received an extension tor filing: until la.st Sept. J.. he .said he felt his additio nal filing action would be redundant in view of the fact that the store's sale will come out of escrow next Monda y. F ederal Judge Ben Harrison of the U. S-. District Court, Loa An- gt'les, has set Nov. 5 for a hearing date to see whether he will grant the Injunction. Specifically, the firm is charged with neglecting to comply with OPS regulatTons which askf'd fo r a report listing inventory, giving prices paid and sale prices on items. IC the injunction is grant- ed, the firm must turn in a re- port or be closed up, OPS officials said . Two other Orange county fir1n s, The Factory OuUet, San J uan Capistrano, (retail china and ccr · amice) and the San Clrmente Fu~ niture Co., both under Ceiling Price Regulation No. 7, also ha d injunction petltiona filed againat t hem . Hearing haa been set on the 8\me day. INDIANS SCALP TARS 41-0 AS HARBOR FIGHTS GAMELY By BUJ Mo.ea An outcldaed, outwelgbed Tar varsity went down to a convln~ inl' Fullt!.rton HIC"h School Indian a.ttaclt 41 -o Friday n l 1" h l at Davtdaon F ield, But the largest crowd this year to a ttend a local game saw Newport put up a whale of e. battle. Forgetting the a c o re board, which saw so m any Fullerton Police~Betover . . Autos Minutes After Bulletin acorea Jt blinked like a traffic Something of 8 record was sl!'t signal. t he Sailors fou'.ght gamely all the way. It was 8 caae of a by police yester,day ~·hen two courageous bunch of yeungsters autos were recovered, one within running Into· a .smoothly function-eight minutes fron1 the time the Ing team t hat has aeen several loss was reported, the o ther witb- aeaaons with about the same top in 13 minutes. personnel. • Left-halfback Duane Penning-I t was exactly I: 11 p. m. when ton starred throughout the game Mrs. E . Katnik, 219 Coast High- for Fullerton. Don Hudson. In-way,' Corona de( Mar, told police dla.n fullback , made the tribe's her 19.50 Mercury Tudor sedan first touchdown and conversion in waa missing fron1 a parking spot the first quarter. Later. Rex Bell, . Tar halfback. me.de a spectacular on P oinsettia avenue. Eight min· 20-yard nm before he wa.a taken utea tater Sheriff's officers pick· out because of an eye injured in ed up the car at Laguna Bea~h­ a pile-up. It wn driven by William Tallman Davie, J r., 18. ot 9089 Avocado Harbor got another bad break when Quarterback Rolly Pulaakl, street, Spring Valley. . At 10:27 a. m .. San Diego police receiving a. high-centered ball. got a Punt away late. Although announced a 1949 Ford Pic kup the Tars recovered the blocked atolt'n from that cit y. At 10:40 boot. Fullerton took over beca.uee Newport police officers Don B ird- the ball didn't make the line of sail and W . L. Caasel stopped lhe ce.r at 17th street a nd Coast H1gh-scrimmage. The second T D came way. The driver wa.s lAiward Wil-when Pennington passed over center to Al Boyd. left end. who Uam Carmody. 28, of. Santee, · ped th T 1 ilne Calif. Two hitch hiker s riding zap over e ar goa . ~ the eecond period, Penning· with. h im were released. , ton att thrilll·ng end llW .. p Both carmody and Davis will be . er a , hurled a 39 _ yard pa.aa to E it d held on a felony charge, grand Larry ·Kraemer to set up the In-theft of auto, police· said. dla.ns' th 1 rd TD. Pennlncton They will be a rraigned in New- port TownahJp Justice Court. (CoDUllued OD Pap I)'------------- ' ' • • • ... l ... •• I • . , • . ' ' . • PAGE 2 • • MRS. WINI1!'RED BAJUmB; ~ -. • J1a" e • """'" ......... M • oe .... ,. ... It• CoJ"~«•.:-:rz1...-:n~~ol'~"WW ·Lutheran Fish Fry · to Be Held at Mesa Legion HaU ·Red Cross DiMer Slated for. Friday Annual m .. Unl' of tile Newport Ha.rbor branch of the American Red Crou Will be held Jr'rlday at The annual fish fry, lpoA.80l'ed ·e :3'Q. p. m . in the Girl Scout Houee. by the Newport Ha.rboi-LutMran Newport Beach, lt was annouDctd church, wblch pceviou.s\y hu bffu today by Harry Aahton, chairman. beld in tbt> borne or Mrs. Mary L. An tntormaJ dinner will k W~ wU1 t&keo pl~ this year served tln!t, followed bY a ahot't in Costa Mesa American Lt-rton bualnua meeting. Guest speaker hall, Nov. 3, becaus.e the atteD.d-wtll be Robert L. I...anen, chair- anc• haa grown too large !or 1>4tlo man of the Southern Orange Coun- serving, aceordlng to Mrs. Mar-ty ha ter. Enterta.inmPnl aOO guerite Quarry, pr:u.s cbairman. . c P A bea•er will be staged in con-will M presented. ju.action with the dinne~ and there wW be games arranged for chil- dren. Cuds Mil be played during lbe evenUl.i:" at no extra charge. Tbe dinner will start at 5 p.m. and -continue through the evenJ.ng Roura. The public la cordially i.n- viled. Pro America Hea rs Norrlian Miller M ttlinS" !"rlday at PUv-im H~ Pro-Aroerk:a heard an inslNc(lve talk by Norman Miller. ~Ir. Mill- er deecrlbed state politics and now they operate. The-infl~nce oC lobby gro~ \o\.'8.S also e"plalned.. Mrs. · Ehrlsm.a.n.. Pro -Amer\ca chalrm&n, .gave a revie\\' or th<' re- 'cent lecture: "Ho\v Socialism got into U . S. A ." by ~1.ePle Frances. This vras glven at. the joint Pro- A111erka meeting ln Riverside re· cenUy. Two Balboa Girls at -San Jose St~te Two student.a trom Balboa are attending San .Joie Sta\e College, which began ita 94th year Se pt. 24 . Tb.ey a.re among tbe 1100 •tu- denta enrolltd i.n Califomla'a olp· est pubUcly~aupported coll~ge. Ba•boe. students at San Jo•(' Stat. College M e Slalrley A . Cran- dall and Dorothy Fowler. Enrollment at Sal\ Jose la about .300 less than it wu la.st Fall, but 700 hl1her than the number at- tending dUring the 1951 Spring quarter. Starbright Club Adopts By~L.,ws • • / • • • • • • NEWPORT BAI.JOA NEWS.TIWIS • Next meet ing of Pro-America. will k held Friday, Nov. 23rd, a t 10 a. m. in Pilgl"im Hall ot Com- m Wlity cb.urch, Corona del Mar. The reKUl&r mfflin& of Sta.r- brigbt cl.u.b waa ht.kt Wednesday. oCt. 17 at 12:30 p .m. The meet- was ht"ld at the Odd Fellow; ha.JJ, Cotrta Mesa. The ?uncMon com- mittee-included E:ather Johnaon, Sylvia Place. Ada Orth and Blanche Lytle. "" . .-'-~-~~-~<0-. AU women interested in pre· S@rving the Amerk:a.n way of life al"e invited t e> attend. Nursing Classes Start Today Home Nursing classes, sponaor- Pd by the Costa Mesa branch, American R ed C'ro48. will start Tl}esday, .Oct. 30, in the social hall ot the F1rst S.pUat chlJ.TCh at Costa Mesa.. The classes, open to both men IWld women of tt.e Har- bor aqea., wiU continue each Tue,a.. day and Thursday at noon for 3 ~ w eek•. Evening classes in practical · hur&i.nc will be conducled &t. the church. on the same day1 f POm -i:30 to 9:30 p. m . P"Urther tn- · 1o rmatio.n m'&y be obtained from · )frs. Ho~·ard L. Bryan. t93 Broad-- way. tAoose to Sponsor Children's Parade ~ The N ewpo?t Beach J...oyaJ Or-a er ot ?wloose. Lodge 1<157, wilt · agaJn give a Halloween party for the children of the Harbor Area on •?;ectnesday evening, Oct. list. A .parade of go blins. spooks. witches, ,&.nd ghosts will for m and start at Qte City Hall and proceed to lhe :Moose Lodge on the ocean tront, .~omer ol 23rd st reet. ·Tb.ere will be prizes for the best 'coslwnes, · the funnJest, m o s t : Jrlghtening, eto.. and candy. 6Qda .~p. popcorn, apples, will be d~­ •£nbuted \O tbe ch ildren .• Thia ts ;the third sueh party. and those .who attended the previous yea.r.5 •Will not want to m ls.8 th ia one. • • !Aster A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY JT&n .Newport Blvd., Costa ldeaa Medical Bldg. Beacon 87'52 ~ E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327 -J &ALTZ MORTUARY IAdy Att-tN ... ~~..., C0&0NA DEL MA& DAY AND NIGHT --u INsPECTL"\O SOME ot-THE PLAXTS t o hf'autlfl· B&J:boa 81\·d . \\Va IVy a.r., pla.nl...t on ArOOr Day, So'°. S, &r• (Jett to ri&"ht ) Mu..-Bini. of BU!tinefi~ & Prorf'!W-.i \Vomea; HeslfJ· T cc-.-l. act;t,na' park NJpNfntftMlipnt; Mn. r. )I. Dt-&kla.!5, p.-...Jdent. of lhP library hoa!'d and E~ <:lub. \\1th C'lty Manac-t>r John J. S&llors . and Ba.lit llU\Ny, COWK'llma• aad C'il"y Park CommbSloner. Laura McC\('11an., pre8ide nt, pre- 9'ded over the buaineBa meeting. The by-laws committee a ppointed la.st l'ltfftlAg submitted new by- lawa and they were adopted by lJte. ct.lb.. The remainder of the afternoon was sptnt playing Carda. Tnoee present besldea the lunch- eon COllllllittee were ltba Hof.ne, Roberta AnteRa, Edith Voorhees. Jo Peck, Pauline Mithoft, Pauline Juper, Maud Wood. Bessie Bene- dict, J"loren.ce Andereon. Bernice Crandall, LoWse Rasch, Eva. MOOtt, Esther Devine a.nd Ev•lyn DavU. Because of ThJ.nksgiving: the next meeting will be held a week earlier, W~eeday. Nov. 14 with a 12:30 lvac.h+oft. at u.e Ila.IL Mn, Babcoek will M•ctt C01'"8age mak· U>g. Pl Pill PL£llGE Shirley FranJtlin, daughter of Mr, &nd Mn.. Selim Franklin, 1928 Santa Ana Ave., ha.s pledgHI Pl Beta Phi sorority at the Unlver- •tty ot ArW.ona, whe.re she ia a tre@mu. Miu B"rankl:ln was gn.duated last June from New- port Harbor u,ion High SC'booL Arbor Day Pla11ts REV. STEWART GIVES I Hun9clmn Student Ready for leUs FIRST SERMON AS to Address Uni.ted a -•-t ST.ANDREWS PASTOR Ch h W SUJ><rior court Judge ~· urc omen Gardne r will ht! master ot cere-Outllning hi.a drtams for the monieA on Arbor Day, Nov. 3.. kind ot churcb he'd like wlo have, Wh<'n be:lla of Ba.Ibo& Blvd. wtll be ideas t hat \Ve~ concelved while planted by clvlc offk'ia.l:s. he ,,.a.'! s till in uniform on Guam. Cuuts ot honor \\oiU be Paul the Re\•. Jan1es Stey.'1U't. new pa.s.- Ho\va.td, Wf'lJ -known ?ands<'a~ tor at St. Andrews PN:sbyterl&D architect , who Clr•w and donated church. spoke t o a congrega:tlon the pla.IU!I ror the beautification of Sunday t)tat filled tbe church and the Bou.levard. Fra.nkl.ln \Vilcox. overflowed into the pat.lo. It was wllo pr•eenled the clty with tbe his first IW'rmon u ne\I.' putor. Italt.an. Ptnff Utat will evt.ntu.ally HJ..s plan~ t or a churcb call, for Ml a.a bug• IA&de tree&, •nd Don-men and womM wboae Chri.stl&n aJd J.ftta of tbe Alden Construc-bellef was no t ln.b•rtted. but forgW lion Co.. reapona1ble tor the planll' in lhe rlarnt"S or doubt .. he said. He -p.lnk Hltilacll.8, purple Lantana., expressed the hope that his people Geand ~e !'o.M'~~hin.k and .~hit~ll 1 :~ would plaee l,_elr church firlst ran1ums. '-.Mo er guee\.G Wl uo; d ,_ ·1lin k 1· J. A BHk Earl Stanl a.nd Lt>s a.n ~ ""A'l g to ta e an e.c tve St tf . ' ey s tand where confrontE"d by Issues · ; .. ~"Sct·~t· C ell t 1,_ 1 t I of rig~t and wrong. "l 'd like a ,.,... 1 Y oun .8 o..o u I church where eactt member f'X- meett .. g accepted lhe invitation of erclses hi.s right to vote, and the Balboa 1m_provement As.socia-wherl" the Chtl.3tia.n influence 19 g:n t o p,:rti~1pete In the Arbor obvious in the home," he told the J ohn Kereszuri. D P refugee from Hungary , Y:h o is a student :it Orange Co:uit college, will be ~t' guest _spe&ker at the Wo rld Community day service scheduled for Frtday,' Nov . 2, in the New- port Harbor Luther~ church.. 1027 Clift Dr., Nn.'porl Height.a. The observance, sponsored by tile Newport-Harbor Co Un c t l of Chutth ,Vomm. wlU. Deg1n at 1 :30 p.m . and will M preceded by a short bumness mtttl~g when tbe report of the nomi"ating commit- te-e ""A·ill be made. Elect ed officers wiU be installed by Rev. Paul Babbitt, presklent of Ole Harbor CouMM of Mlni9ters. Y cen Oil C8. , a udience. Some 'A'ere friends who Cttiz('ns 8.n'l urged lo . put out had driven from Beverly Vista H1'KBOR AREA flaga on ~hat day. particularly •Community church where, until al.ong-the Une of march from thi' I he a ccepted his ne"-' po8t . he wa.s n .• ... I @ ' City Hall dO'A"n Newport and Bal-a.u~t&nt putor .... The ho&teu church w ill furnish the mu.sical portion of the pro- g ram. Mrs. Gent" Roth will be solo- ist. Mrs. P . F . Baines, cha.lrm.an, wtll lead the program w hich is hued on the theme of the day. "Live Th}' Faith," or love In ac- t ion. The otf'Pring will be used to relieve suffering in foreign countrif's and to aid refugee stu- "fVU fQCOll' boa BlVds., t o Main St. , Troop No. tS. •tb Gnwle. .BroWllles Leackr: Mn. A.. L Robt-eon Co--~: ~ln. Glee Pun.'f'U 1'lei-te: Friday, 2:16 at. Corona df-1 Mar M'hool Dinner and Bazaar Thursday at Mesa . Job's Daughters to Name Officers . dents attending colteges in the United St.ales. A nursery will be provided for mothers wi.8h.tng to atteDd the aeM"lce wi\lt; -.all chJl. A baked ham dinner'. Christmas Election of officers for the en· d.ren. A. compt~ ,...... will gifts. truh and treasure, needle· suing term will be the imPortant lulve ctaarre ot UM ....,.,. nkll \\•rok, candy, luncheon and t ea-item Of bu&neu fo 11-members ot la eqUippecl wiU, a llPWI: ...,aer all this plu.s an entertainment pro-J ob'a Daughters, Coat.a Mesa. eyltem for ru.otM:ra_ WM wWt. to 'l'Niop No. t8. <ltb a.r.de 8.ro'A'llles gram ls offered. Thursday, Nov. 1 BctheJ 1~7. wll.en they meet ThUTs-runaia. witb. tMlir clMlldfta. l..ea*r: Mn. Ruth RUlllMOD. at thr all day bazaar ot Costa day, Nov. l.. at 7:30 p, m. ln lbe A •um.Mr of mi......,_ wUl par- 0..a.adtt: Mn. Thomas-Kelly ~tcsa W. S. C. s. Costa Mesa 1 Friday Afternoon tk:lpate "1l.tlle ~A. tffo and Moots: Friday. %:t5 at C-oro .. dP-1 The alfa.ir-o pens at 10 a_ m . in clubhouse. aoci&1 ·bow.!' la ptu-..d to enai.Je Mar llclltool the new eocia.I. hall of Costa. Mesa A fun-tilled week end a.t Lake wo«nea ol Ul local ch\l.l"Cbu to Brownle troopa 23 and 28 hold Community Methodist church with Arrowhead waa ape.at b}' .about 20 ~oma llaetler acqualn.t"1 and td tbeir m eetinga log"?ther. La.et Mn. R . A. Jame.a a.s general ch&ir· gtrls who were accompaaied by -~r com.m'\uMty fellowsJtip. It week they had an outing and h.ik-ma.n. There wUI be a va.rtety of 1'fr. and Mn. Alva Gunn, Mrs. ta hoped to have roernbera of all ed to the municipal reservoir. Tbe boolha wilh IWLlly articles for we, Grace Swartz, deputy .grand c•auches la u.. Harbor ,.na pns- gtrls showed much lnte reat when· including cooked foods. Lunchroo guardian; ltrs. Deaa Smith, Mr. ent; all a.re mo.t corditJ.lv lnvtt- told how i t served them, the com-will be aerved from 11 :30 a. m . to and 1\-{rs, Kennetb Jo hnson and 'ed. ......--(> - munily. 1 p. m ., tea from 2 to 4. Dinner, I Mrs. .Van D. Robinson. Greet cu.rloaity WU a.roU&ed e.n from 6 to 8 p. m., \\.ill abo in-N~'l'bnee &de }'aft been· re&d route when they diM:o.Vered t he elude an interffting program. Everybody reads the classlfied ads. in the Harbor fOl' ov•r 40 years. many &hells left by the ocean yee.r1 'l"O, w~ have now turned to toaUs .. -rllla pwtlctpating In the Olltlq .... tt: ,,_ boop "· .ran.t cuw.. -~Kay HeVfclt, Nancy °"1-dner, Pamela W-r. ~ -U, J1'd;y Col- llM. l.yDn Tbompooa,. H<>lly In- 1 F olso1n Photo) PLAYERS GET BIG RESPONSE IN PREVIEW F ivt> mrmbers of t~ cast from "GOO<ibye My P'ancy." N e110>0rl Harbor Community Players com- edy-drama due at the Chapel of Orange Coast College Nov. 7, 8 •nd 9, drew t.. warm response lf'ri- day evening when they pl"eeented. two play scenes to more than go. ptayen, member!!! and gue!lla &&- assembled at Betty Jarvis' Lido Isle hon1e. 1 Those "'ho ap~ared were Ma.r- thella Randall. Mel Berry1 Mary Price, Pati \\'itte a.nd Leu Craw- tord. Corinne Kellogg, Gene W&C"· goner and Warren Kellogg alao ap- peared, dotn.& a 1~-minute comedy skit und~ the directioii of Syd.ney Morris. The skit was the fU,,t ot the Players' workshop pf'OductioDs which will be presented throurb~ out the eoming sea.Jon at the Play- ers' montbJy membership meet- incs. "Mi>mberahip Chairman Jo Wild- er announced that l~ new mem~rs ba.ve joined the t heater group since Sept. l , and six addltlonaJ memben recet.'Md \heir cu-ct. Fri- day even.inc'. Leae: Cftl..tord en- l:i.sted talent tw a mu.t.eal .pro- duc•l.on wtl.kll ia pAa•aed M oae of fOUF~p.tobo ........ by the Pla:i-" '\"'ill&' \ho comtac year. , Vera. Met..aucW:ia'Md c:~ of retl"Nluneats w-.icb. ,_... enjoy· ed after the l'riday b·H0 ._ meet- ing, wbjcb .... .._ ,_ for • November membersMp p~g. N:EW~A~8 Among · newcomers to Q>Sa Mesa are Mr. and Bin. &bert S&.rnple "8d aon Robert,. Jormerl.>· of Pittsburgh, who ha.va ..tab· liahed reaidence &t 229 Coet& Jfeea 9lreet. "'.., Tm"I Lose (Coat•···· ft.-.... l) ~==::;=====~::;1-'?laa ll>unlol&'. Cllrlolopher ,. C.... U.-ll<>beeon, Linda Pur- ttll _. Ntn Cp. l'rom troop 38. YI-llrowa, Sbarou i..n.iga. Du9M Stoqer, · 1-a ~Uy. ,_.... Wa.lke_r, J~"rilyam. w~. ..... ._ ~. Dianne Bot-. ....... Mat ill! M008;, ~ ¥utoc· clll. .-., Qa-Ann Humuon scored qa' 10.yard Na. _.... pua, '5 ya~ to Boyd. ca .. ~ •la!· toro ,_ __ -· ~·Lin SU1oa, ..--cit. la .. end- -play --·Tao'• 12"· yard JIM, occouai.d 1'>r tM firth BE SURE -INSURE • JllAnsasss n _., ••••• 71 lrjr• •• ._ .... t, ., •• l!ISAOO.'< .-i c.. ... -. ... o.. llleN1a .... ..... '.WA•l•tm ................. ,.. ··"'" ...., Fl 111 *1 I a ... ............ I --Sate. . ~~M.-6-SeoDta , .......... ~-.,. .... ·-------M ..., ~. t:ll at' -. • nat-. ...._ ~Qlrt-oit._ H ... i4 .... "'7 lat9"Ytecl, ia WW Ma lllt .......... WI.-0(-. -....... la c. -dlel llM; ................. b •. DI. I 1d1U.-..,_.11t_ ................ __ .. c-.t •• 0 ol I\ ,, ~ ,...._. _ _,,.au. ~-= ~· 1)1!11 ---.. -==-. ,.:-:r. ' -r1 , ,.,. ... ...., ..,. -. ...-.~-.~ .... _.,..._ __ w••wzw I .. ,.. D iiN SS 'l I -•••• 7 I • Al Al J .. I .,, .... .•••-•ef~&.W':D•e '•-.._MO.aua Fu ............ _.,.&73" t aw: --•P = .. ,...,,T 73 11 • ua .. A=S L • .. fl1 •s4 p. 9 ° ., .. TD. ·,' I hllert.oa'a rtiM. MioMk.~ ror-r relt Touq#, ~pHd: ·• "fW by . Tv. ~. ""* Wood· . l!all .. t¥ -........ i. .. all u.. ~ --..n· .... ,._ .... -..... u.. -·-. Tho ~-.... ·-WU...-.~----~ . • -_, -· .. _.... will •• ·••+ ..... Au .... School' ct--. ... "'" .. \o. -....... flut ,,..,..... ..... ...... ; • Star· ct -. . .. . a...._.,,_. •aw r s'sc ·-t 1....:.....,...1.~··-.. 'i:sc -... 4 I.._. ftnl IJsa• 1n1..,_ . ..,.. 1 ., l&----""-IJq LI --lt ,. Ml -·~'Nlll~l IJ •• ...216 -1*1 .. '• l ............... 0 • •• - 1&_'Nal 'It' F SI C : ta 1.--'*-C•J'' I ._ t L7'Ml .-.?(I 1'' M Ill 'I I t i: .~·•z?t"• . -i.~ ~ .__ y~ JNt cm P• '!It* • •• •- lV"Olpte. • • •le•••• llll;, a.1ng1 >nsett ... llwf' _. -n 2 <N-.,,._ Piiato) , ........ do -. . • ' > • • 7 , • TUESDAY, OCT. 30, 195f ' -DORIS HAL~ An9oulke1 • • N.w· Cluse~ j.n Accordibii • • FOR BEGINNERS • 1A.C()()IWIQN8 J!118,ltl."J8P"J\· POii , , llOJo: l'JLUlTIC& ~.ll'E t.ESSON8 IN PIANO a &CCOllDIO.'I DORIS HALL MUSJC STUDIO -SA.NT& AN& &VE. Nl:WHWJ BEACH ~ --· . . U·DllYI CRUISERS • .. ' • ROW IOATS • oonMwu>s d =~B&IT ·--· . ,., ....... ELLIS IOAT !80! Oout mway. N__. -n. -w. AT 801JTll ICNJ> OF llAYSHORE BJW>pl: . TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner I Coaeert Pan.lat or 'J'llJ'M Co•ttqent1 Graduate ShNkDt of Bela Bartek 436 Serra Driw Corona Higldands - Harbor 1171.J Coroaci clel M111 fer • 'PL.I.A.SANT DRIVI ••d • ilARVllOUI Dt••_IR, 'c••• te • . It's more convenient and dependable to use . only one railroad, and on1y the nst network of Santa Fe .rail lines link California with Chicago, Colorado, Tens .1.11d odte.r important points in the Great Southw.rs / s ••••. • • .. Santa Fe'~ gi&Dt -•·of frei.&bt diesds aod mod· em cars of iii! 'l'J'C'o c:omb~ widl the know· how of skilled &uipt people ....,,... shippen of ,_.oo.a.r bandliog ud "0.:time" performaocs. ~ • s.,;,.,,; .• ,....~olhe ~di ~ tniJu-Nrill Super~ Tlle.Cloief; l!l ~ TU ~·CsJtJ~aQd. dae 'C••i+ocn• ii'Ei11d pro.riclo • ~ of. -=•ieclo. '° ..... yciV trnel ~ .... tnftl buclgct. Aad .. • ulwa7;, ·iai b*4 Bltw,Ji>od. ' .... . ~ . · . -. - • 1. , ' , • . - TUSEDAY.OCT. 30, 1951 -· 'HARBOR SOdlAL .EVENTS MRS. WINIFll.E1> BARBRE, Sqclety l!:dltor ' --~ -----~ -~--·--~---~-~~ ... ...-....--........... :........,.,-~ .. ~'"""--.... ~#1'("""711FOhlO<.W~ Harold Glass to be Toastmaster of Five Dollar Banquet Women of Moose Initiate Members Tbe Women of the M008e, New~ port Beach Chaj>ter 1158. initiated (our new m('mbc>rs at the meeting Thursday cveninJ:",·Oct. 25th. They were Sbirl('y Miller, sponsored by her mother, Myrtle Humphrey, Angie Bridges. sponsored by Doro- thy Mill<'r. Etht'l Gates sponsored by Gussie Oroeste, and Dt'lia Kel· ley. sponsored by Clara Leach. Lee Erickson. Deputy Grand Regent, of San Pt>dr o, v isited this mcetinj:°, and offered suggestioru1 concerning ritual. rte .. and answ- e red questions Mkf."d b y the co- worke rs. The Chaplcr presented loirs. Eri(:k sbn with a ~ift of ap- prttiation and nan1cd thl' class of four initiates for her. • Harold Glass or Newport Beach baa ,been named toaatmuter of nc?Ct week's Five Dollar Banque\ a.t Christ· Church by · the Sea. Speaker on the f estive occulon • will be Ernest R. Trattner, rabbi of \Ve.stwood T emple, Loa Angeles. and author or ''AB a Jew Sees Jt•sus." "Autobtography of God," ''Unravelling the Book or Books.'' and "Architects of Ideas." Mr. Glass ls well known in the harbor area, having lived in the community !!leveral yeara and par- ticipating a ctively ln community activities including the Lions Club and the Newport Harbor Players. • \ • -. I ,, ·'tQ;.G' .. <J ·-~ . .. • . - . . County· Dairymen'. .. c?sta M•sa , . , . · . Girl Scout Note$. Will Meet Today u:;::re·:; ... ::;~:n =~~ Dairymen of Orange county will en Of tbe aecond and third grade Join their fellow producer> of girls rrom Harbor and Lindbergh o~ countlea of tb'e Southland Element•-echoobt assembled in In a large tneeUng to be held today _, at knott'• Berry Furn at Buena the Scout Houae. Grace Speth, ~ accordl{'g to Dr. c . L. Ran· organlSaUon chalnnan, conduet- ney, chalrman ot t.tie dairy depart· ed the bu8ineu. uslsted by Edllh ment of the Orange County Farm Ludl and Sy bil Norman. Bureau. Siveral hundred dairymen from Loa Angeles, San Bernardino and Riveratde counties will join the I0caJ men ai 10 a .m. There a.re approximately 700 oper&Ung ttalrlea ln the Los An- geles-Orange county area, with the average number of cows per dairy being unusually high in re- lation 'lo dairies or other sec_lions. SenJor Service Scout Troop 3 partlctpa.ted ln a picnic lunch re- cently at the Sea Scout base. Girls and leaders found pleasure in sa.11- lng with a 88.nta A~ troop, and boating with' t be Huntington Beach Sea Seoul.I. Foldtng1 Christmas Seals wal'i the project of the day for members of Troop 29 who met Oct~ 16 in the home or Mra. Edwin Edick. • . PAG~ J NEWSPAPER, ~AD : . . CAMPAIGN SET BY JOLLY TIME lncreas<'d newspaper &dVertia· tng will be the backbone ot an ex- tensive campa.ign planned for 1952 by the producers or Jolly nme Pop Com, Mr. Howard C. Smith, co m pa n y president, announced "We wnnt to reach as many fatniliea w; possible," Smith said. "and we believe lhat newspapers are ld!'.a.l for this." "J olly TinlC" P np Corn h&B been on the n1arket for over 36 yeats. During this tin1 p many new meth-. ods of advC'rlising have been de· vised ... but I sincerely beli£'ve nt'wspap<'.'rs ere s till the great.est scrvicl' to the comn1unlty. the in- dividual, a nd lht• advcrtiS(>r. Elsie P orter . Mooseheart Chair~ man, gave a bric_f !It.pry of Moosc- heart and explained why w e hold their Christmas party so far in ad- vance of Christmas. Mr.s. P orter introduced Erne.st Stewart \vho sang "ltfy Happiness." Judy Emerson played two piano solos, .. 'Tea for l'\vo" and "Mockingbird Hall.'' Don Sand played two &e· cordion solos. ··s entimental J our· ni!y." and "God Bless America," then_Ju<ly favorrd the group with several tap dances. accon1panietl by her teacher . The annual dinner. which hU bren a feature for many yea.rs, is to be served by membel"!!I of the Won1en'8 Society of Christian Ser· vice unde r the leadership of Miss Clara Kohlstedt of Corona del Mar. A special n1usical j)ropram FOR SECoND YEAR RUNNING, Actor Humplltty Bopn ,..,,. the l'Hpetaol Tropll7 for tbe Voy- Chairman ot the meeting will be Ned M.. Clinton. W estminster dairyman who ts chalrman ot the regional da irY department of the Fa.rm Bureau and also chairman Ot the legislative committee of the st.e.te-wide organization. Clin- ton will present the county dalry- chatrmen, which include Dr. Ran- ney, who will report on the ac- tivities of their departments. Farewel l Dinn er for Jame s Webb "Ne~:spape r artvertising giv e s t he n1anufacturt>r real value for his mont>.v," said Smith. "It of- fers con1plctc coveragC', reaches the \\'hole family, builds good will and n1akl'S advertising appeal to Senior Regent. \\-·inifred Randel, . introduced M r. Ray Peterson, Grand Noble North 11.toose. Legion No. 6. and Pos t Governor of the Glendale Lodge, 'who spoke most interestingly about lhl" founding of Moosch('art by James J . Da vis in 1913, anti traced 1-lo<Jseheart'! ~rowth up to the present !ime. He statrd ther e arc 90 graduates of Moosehcart living in Southern C3.lifornia. Completing the l'Ve ning, Santa Claus (Ernest Stewart I gathered the t oys and left on his n1C"rry way for Moos<.'heart. is being arranged by members of the Sanctuary Choir . Proceeds from the banquet go to the recent all ey paving im- p rovement. Pathfinder C lub Congress at La Sierra Members or the Pathf1ndrr club from the Newport H e I g h t s Seventh-Day Adventist church will attC'nd a Pathfinder Congress at La Sierra Nov, 4 Thtt. congress will be he ld in the coUege auditori- um from 12 :30 to 7 :30 p.m. Path- finder clubs from the southeastern California area will partlcipate in the event, which will feature era.ft work, hobby collection!!, a review and dress parade and an amateur talent program. ace.n Yacht Cldb pnual ,San Clemente bland OCM.D race •1th h19 yawl, SU.tam.. P,....,...PI trophy Frld~y nJPt at Balboa Jl&y Club banquet wae Trophy Chatnnan Steve Croeby as Voyapn Clommo-- dore Clay Campbell Ahook hands with Bogart. At rtgbt I• Vommodore Walt EllMt t o r Newport Harbor Yacht Ctub.' (Photo by Beckner) Christmas Ideas on Program for Beacon · Be11es Project leaders Mrs. Gloria Tufts and Atrs. Rae Buell led a demon- stration of clothing accessories and Christmas ideas at the latest 'T\eeting of the Beacon Belles In the home of Mrs. Marjorie Badger on Flower St. The fa.mll y-ltfe letter "Making Friends" was read s.nd discussed during the social interlude. Mrs. Marian Prentiss. home ad- visor, will demonstrate "Home F11rnishings" f.t the next meeting Nov. 14 IA'ilh Mrs. J oyce Hirtler, Park Ave., at 7:30 p. m . Ques- t ion·s on appliances In .the home will be answered by Mrs. Prentl88. Warren Heading March of Dimes Drive for 1952 · New York. N. Y., Oct. 29 - Appointn1ent of Gove rnor Earl Warren as California's 1952 March of Dimes chairman was announc- ed today by Ba.sU O'Co~or, prell!i· dent of the National FoundaUon for Infantile! Paralysis. YMCA Boys, G,irls to Attend Y Day at Hollywood Bowl • More than aoo Orange Cou:t YMCA boys and glrla will attend tbe 19th annual YMCA Day in Hollywood, Nov. 3, Paul Delp, lo- cal Y general secretary, predicted this week. Delp said reservations so tar in· dicate that the big variety show at Hollywood Bowl ln the morning and the C&lirornia-UCLA football game at the Coliseum in the af. le rnoon are proving popular fa.re among local YMCA members. Movie, radio and television stars slated to entertain at the variety ahow include Eddie Cabtor, Art Llnkletter, Alan Young. Dinah Shore, Doris Day. Joan Crawford. Ronald Reagan, Jane Russell and Bob Waterfield . The national dairy outlook will Pe presented by George S, Bulk- ley . director of dairying of the Carnation Company. Sam 1L. Col- lins of Fullerton, who is speaker of the California Assembly, will speak on "A Dairyman's Responsi- bility in Legislature" in the after- noon seulon. One of the highlights of the meeting for several.~! those pres- ent will be presentation of pro· ducer awards won at the P omona talr. HALL STUDIO MOVES Doris Hall announces n e w cluses In accordion for beginners. Mrs. Hall has moved her Costa Mesa studios to Newport Beach and continues to give private les· sons also in piano and a ccordion. Mrs. Hall furnis hes accordions for home practice. The new location is 464. Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. ' A recent dinner at 'the home of the eye. For these reasons the Mr. and Mrs. Hadd Ring of Lido advertiser gets g reater sales re- Isle, was a farewell for their nep-sponse for h is dollar ... a saving hew, James Webb of Balboa he can pa.c;.,,c; alo:ig to the people Island, who left last week for who buy his product ." Texas where! .he will be in the Air This dec 'sion to increue news- Force. James is the son of Mrs. papC'r s<')}c-dul('s for the comlJ'lg Ebba Webb of Balboa Island. He year is based on more than 35 has a cousin, Eric Hoeg, now in ycars Or advC'rtising experience. Korea. Al.so in Korea where he during whic h ti'.rne Smith has built was recently wounded, is Mr. an enviable reputation for his Ring's nephew, Ralph Ring, Jr. ! proUuct.' Dole or Libby PINEAPPLE JUICE Mesa WCTU Observes UN Date Pathfinder clubs are open t o boys and girls of all faiths from 10 lo 15 years of age. Purpose of the organization is to p romote Chritian ideals and develop good character and citizenship through a church-sponsored activity pro· gram, stated Mrs. C. C. Emerson, dirC'ctor of the local group. Many ch ildren are expected t o attend trom this area. Included al lhe last gathering was Mrs. Dorothy Forbes, &visi- tor for the occasion : members Mn1es. Rae Buell. Mary Beebe. Kay Gibson. Sophia Schepe. Gloria Tufts. Marjorie Haines. Hazel Stephens. Mary Margaret Finster. Ruby Milligan, Robert Copenhauer and Joyce Mills. Aa start chairman, Gpv. War- ren will coordinate the work of campai~ directors in countlu and cities throughout California.. A veteran March of Dlme8 volun- teer, he has been active alnce the National F oundation wu found- ed In 1938. He was state chair- man through 194~1949 and tor the last two years hM been honor- ary chairman. Music will be fumi::lhed by the -People do read the want a.de. Unlted St&te11 Marine Corps band and the Sportsmen Quartet. The variety show w111 be broadcut coaat to coast by NBC and around the world by Armed Forcea Radio. 46-oz. can When metnbers of the Costa Mesa WCTU met Oct. 12 at 2 p.m . in the Newport Heights home or the Mrs. Conant, they found I he house decoratl'd with a 3 by 5 foot United Natioru flag and little 2 by 3 inch flags of the 60 countrieB in the U. N. for a cele- bration of the sixth anniversary of the U. N. Oct. 24 . Then president, Mrs. Elin My- rehn, opent'd the meeting with the hymn •·o Master. Let Me Talk . 'Vith-Thee." Mrs. J oa<'ph McShane had charge of the devotions. t ell- ing about a boy who overcal!\e tuberculosis by great faith, pray- t!r and det ermination. Miss Sarah Conant , dir~tor of International Relations for Peace. spoke of the great effort the friends were making against the UMT and for universal disa.rma- ml.'nt. She distributed foldt-rs by the Women's Int£'rnational League on U . N. work in the undcrprivi- le-ged regions. The program began w ith a con- tinued review of the address by National President ~trs. D. Leigh Colvin, followl'd by . a dran1atic skit entitl('d "Pc~ce Is Pp.ssible." Refreshments and a social hour concluded the · aflC'tnoon. Next meetil\g is set for Nov. 9 at 2 pm. w ith Mrs. 0 . C. MacKenzie, 436 Bernard str~l't, Costa Ml'sa. Sc ience Se rmons This Week at The local organization will sponaor a coll t'c tlon ot cactus, In charge of the C!Vent b Charles Martin, former putor of the lo- cal church and now youth leader ot the Southeas:tern Conference. PT A Carniva l at Mesa Hall Newport Matron is C lub Hostess Autumn nnwers g r a c e d the N~wport Beach home of Emma Poupart When ahe hoateued the latest meeting of th.e · Staggettu club. In the absence of Helen Clark. presldent, preliminary busi- ness matters were in charge ·Of Margie Brockett. A de!ISert course ternlinated the hospitality. Cap- Black cats, leering pumpkins luring the door priu was Clara andeig'hosts will soon be the order Ba~~bers present were Mme!!. or the night. Among the gala re~tivities planned to greet the Lou Lockwood, Ma e .Fe Iker, spirits: a.n d goblins thUJ Halloween Lou~se Green, Grace Khne. Daisy Is the , annual carnival tonight Sullivan. Brockett, a_n d Barla ge, (Oct. 30) Y:hich is sponsored by ' allot Costa Mesa. the Costa Mesa Lindbergh-Harper Elementary schools PT A. Th e lights ..-.·ill be brig ht and the spirit ml'rry at the Amer ic an Legion Hall, Costa A1esa, background for the public event. Mrs. Harold Hohl and Don Stevens are chairmen who will sU- pervise the spaghetti dinner to be SE"rved. Thl.'re will be dart games, a fish pond, pie and cake booths, a spook housr and fortune telle r to furnish entertainmE>nt for young and old. Mrs. William Huscroft is general chairman of the carnival. Seattle Guests at Newport Home Welcome guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E . V. Soderberg. 428 Westminster Ave., Newport Heights, were Mrs. Darrell Taylor and son Halsey Taylor or Seattle, Wash. NHUHS Auditorium All Sa ints Day The Soderbergs. former resi- dents or Seattle, took the visitors on jaunts t o scenic points in the vicinity. The friends also enjoy- ed d,in.ing with Miss Jane Soder- berg. daughter of the host couple, at Whittier college. . A HotlS(' of Magic 8.nd scientific wonder only partly describe the unusual and thrilling demonstra- tions of sermons from science which are being held Monday throu~h Friday at Newport Har- bor H igh S<'hool auditorium. Pre - sented by G1..-ors-e Speake, the pub- lic Is invited to enjoy a scientific demonstration that are authentic, a ccurate and presented in an in· teresting 1nanner that the layman can enjoy. Armed \"ith over two thou.sanrl pounds of specialized laboratory equipml.'nt, Spt'ake provides a thrill a m inute with suc h displays as a 1nilhon volts of man m~ lightening: liquid light prQduced from cold chemicals, ('tc. You v.rin hear the voice> with the helium ac- cent: lht> rush of molrcuJCl'I in a bar of iron ; the roaring flame of a fifteen thousand volt arc. Ceorgr Speake is a rormC"r Navy flier and a gradutlate of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor or Science degree. Speake has won nun1t-rous a\vard!t for bis scfentilic achit:vement. He holds the per1nailent rank of l.Jc-ulena.nt Commander in the r.~­ val Re:wrve. The demonstrat!ons a.te offered as a public service by the MoOdy Institute of Science or W eat Loe. Angeles, the weit coast b~ oi tlte Moody Btbte ImUtule or Chi'" ea.gp, · They were originakd by Dr'. lrwln A. Moon at the. San' ll'ran"'8<» W01'.krs.•Falr and' an now belng,-p..._,,t~ to Ullo com- m.unity. • .. -\•'. . ~ Services Thursday All Saints Day services wtll be held Thursday at St. James Epis- cppal cbUrch, the first at 7:30 a. Book Review for FAC Sec t ion m. for people who leave early for Miss Mary A. Bates ot Santa work. The second will be at 10:30 Ana will review "Louis Braille- &. m_ and this will be the Unite<i Windows tor the Blind," a bio- IJ'hank Offering of the Woman's graphical novel "'by J . A Iv in Auxiliary. Mrs. Josephine Purcell Kugetrnas, Al a meeting of the is custodian. The money is used book section of the Costa Mesa for mission work on campuses Friday Afterftoon Club to be held of UCLA and UC. .., Friday_, Nov. 2. in the clubhou8e. ae wiae--tell peoitle-adve.rt19e! • The program will be preceded by a sack lunch at noon. · At Sacramento, Gov. Warren expressed confidence that ca.u- fornians will meet the challenge of increased polio. He poi ntE'd out that, becau~e of the increa.&ed need, th• usual t\vo-week appeal will be doubled. The March of Oimea campaign IA'iU open Janu- ary 2 in8tC!sd of January 15 and continue through the re.11t Or the month. Kate Cr\ltcher Salvage Sale The twelfth annivi?rsa.ry ha.If price sale of the Kate Crutcher Workers Salvage store, 155 So. \Vestern avenue, Los Angeles, be· gins Thursday, Nov. 1. Sale wlll continue throughout the entire month 1A•flh new merchandise put on display as It becomea avail· able. Stock Includes furniture, hard- ware, household goods, men·a. children's and women's clothing, h.ats. shoes, jewelry, gifts. toys, magazines. books, buttons and various othl.'r a r ticles. The Kate Crutcher Workera Salvage store, which ls dt'pendent entirely on donations and operat· ed by volunteers, ls devoted aolely to providing funds for stricken children and especially for the ca re of polio and heart ca.sea, at the ChUdren ·a Hospital and Con- valescent home. To da~ they have contributed. over $300,000. to the hospital and conv&.lenscent born~ tor supplies and equipment. Contributions or salable aa.lvage will be thankfUlly received at 155 South Western avenue, or a phone call to DUnl\:lrk 7-524.4. will bring their pK:k-up 21ervlce. NEW CHQffi DIRECTOR Clarence Twigg, a graduate of Wheaton College, ba.s a.esumed duties as director the Mixed Choir or the First Baptiat church or Costa Mesa.. Knowp u an out- standing marUnba playeri. In U\e Chicago area, Mr. Twigg I.a cur- rently studying at the "11lerton Tbeoloeic&l Seminary, Puadena. They will have a special section at the football game!. whet e girls a.nd boys, leaders and parents, will see the mighty Golden Bears, now ranked 88 the top football team In the nation. Delp said the Hollywood YMCA, sponsor of the outing, which la the bl&-rest single YMCA event in the world. es:pecta more than 12,000 YMCA'era from C&ll!ornla a.nd parts of Arizona to attend. Immediately after the variety show, box lunches will be served in the bowl. The price $1 .:S,0 for Y members and $2 .00 for adults. includes the show, lunch, trans- portation and the football game. A rew tickets are still available and can be secured by conlactin~ Jeanne Windsor, YMCA secretary, at Orange Coast College, Beacon 8782 or at home, Beacon 5826-MK. Santa Anans Win Championship Play Mrs. Thomas Gill and Mrs. Mar- garet Holmes or Santa Ana were winners in the Women's Pairs Championship Game hC!ld in Costa Mesa Oct. 21. Arnold G&Mer teamlng with J oe WJ.lcox in the afternoon session and A. D. Weth- erby in the evening session was overall winner In the Men 's Pairs Cbamplonahip held al the same time.· Mrs. Edna MacMastere and Mrs. A. D. Wetherby were win· ners in the second session and Arnold Gasser and A. D. Wether· by were high scorers in the eve- ning session in the Men's Pairs. Overall . runners-up ln the Wo- men's Pairs were Mra. J ean Park· er and Mrs. 'Elling Thygeson; Mrs. P eggy Johnson and Mrs. B. M. Wllaon; Mrs. Morgan Howard and Mr8. Fred Ullrtck; Mrs. Arnold Gasser and Mrs. E. T. McMat1us: M.ra. Robert Rosa and Mrs. Fred Rouna:vtlle. Runneri-up in the Men's P&irs were Elllng Thyge80n and .Kelcey Peddison: Morgan Howard and Fred Ullrich: Elden Bond and Frank Fogel; Robert Diachner and Harry Springmeyer: P . Crawley and Ray Stillings .. In the · duplicate bridge game played in Balboa oo Friday ev~ n:tng north-aouth wiJ'inera were M.r. and .M:ra. A. ·W. TwnmelJ and ea.at- weat high aco~n were Mrs. Arn- old a.,... and Mn. Joe Wilcox. ·Rmmert·Up north-80uth were Kra. Edna KacM&ate:rs and Mn.. Rc>bert Brown: Mn. Jrrarol( Reed and Kn. PeQY Johuon; M n . Charlea llOvdman and JoE WU- (lox; Mn. B. M. Wu.on and Am· old 0Maer; L. V. Btown "and Earl Biuce. , . 11.......,.._up eul-wmt wm ¥ra. Karpret HOim .. ond Glenn Ruot' Mn.-Allne •mu -¥n. eau.-eriae 8mltb; Mr. &nd I("'-R . M • WaUIDP'-; MrL -.t - • t.ilil Mn. J..oorite L!!o: Mr. .., Mr& 'ht-'IL '!Al!i' ry. . HILLMAN MINX $1499 delivered here plua tax 11.nd llct'ruie Your Harbor Area Dealer NEWPORT AUTO SALES 260-1 W. Ne,,·P@rt Blvd. Ne"•port Beach Harbor 14.01 • NOW is the time to transfer your funds to insured SAVINGS CURRENT EARNINGS _, • • SIVll&S IOW llSUIED u; TO SIO,•M .. t.IOl.EY RECEIVED BY TJE llTH OF T.fiE M81l'H um . : ROM '"'~ ;(Sfl; ' • \ ---~ ~-,la "'beint ~led ~ Dig.bt -week; , otart1n, ~f mU.Oblp..- alldll.oti>lm. at 1 :30 p. •m. ~ atPt a. dilf•-t .-..uo.. o..n.u---~~ -................. -...... c ~ 1;t ~ ~,Weft iln:c.s._ ... .., __ • Adm __ .rriof-• . . • ' -' • ,..,.., Mn. un1pp-~,..i 111n. -..... ,.._ -a.-~;--.:--O"ra a,·..S Jlll~;.ibs.Mar • ( ' ...... ......._ .. &lid. -Clla, B•t:••a; JIN. Qeorpv.r;k M -Kn. c. ._.,.,...,.. ~ . t ' - ' .. • I 1 I j I 1; ,I I I 's .· • • • • • ' • .. ~ .. DATBJNE- WJ.g-tfNGTON Ebtered u Second...ctau Matter at the ~ in Newport Be1eb,, California ~ the Act of -S, me. . lknober ol CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLillHERS ASS'N. Member o! the NATIONAL l!:Dn'OIUAL ASSOCIATION f.., ..,. ......... W•IVHOTOl'l --llt'lo - •••• om'polltklt MMI ,....._ ..a ,.._ -tloiHW. et ---._._..... ... . ....,, of .-&L llo .... - tipt3 .. -......... lMlt 'huw &IWl ltooilewlt for Mlle DemocraUo atudud: beelilt'11a. 'J'bat's ~ D. ••••welt., Jr.. •f ~ Net cba,. NJ 1:-. 1lut -Of tllo -"' name, pats!wrr of a eloee ........ t109 of tbe a...& ....., veloe of, our U... t&U. "t'Wlile -.l • pro\-na. \·ote cMter ca .,... ...... tleuta la a _,,. ...,.... TAXES AND "POLfflCIAN-WASH" Fta.nklin jWllor la lJ1 ht,s ffCOnd term as a conveuman hom pol-y- Estimates of the State Chambl!r of Commerce taxas glot New York City. He b&d too tion c0mmittee show California will pay nearly $5 billion much tun at first being a ''Works ing" congresaman but the men ~ in federal taxes during the fiscal 'year 1952, or a 40 per hind the clo.itroom dooro !law cent increase over federal taxes the state's citizens paid t.ken care ot tllat In thhl oeu!on. in 1950..Sl. Junior's attendance record and voling record have both Improved.. The new tax bill calls for $23 billion more in collec· Rl~ht now Roosevelt 1,11 in tioas than the World War II peak of $47.7 billion. Individs EUrope on an extended trip. That ua1 taxpayers paid 31.1 per cent of income i9 taxes dur-:~-! ~:;.':';'t·~·0~0~~pe,:":. ing 1944s~5. fairs. ManhaD plan aid. EuropeU\ This year,. at least 30 per cent of such income will go mlllt.ry asa!stB.Dce 8.Dd internirts to federal taxe8, the chamber report asserts. lolllll politics. Here we have a paradox, or Possibly a paragon o{ YOUJO« 11oo-e1t llu ._. maldlac a •umber ol aoetu...U. federal spending. We a.re stockpiling for defense and mains ...... to •--11•• -of - taioing our armed forces in the Korean theatre. "!~l&e """""· Ho did ... t eo to Yet our military action in Korea, although it was ... bow the buUclJDS repa1-.-~ getting a1o11e .,.., to -111e man 'termed a "police-action" by President ~ and has Mio pro~ ap1n wlB lie • been called a ''ba1U1na war" by others to denot.e its small OODlll-...i wllo ~ w111 acale, is the only tangible evidence we know of that justis :t _ _,, .. ..., to -. tbe fies heavier spending. FrMkllll ls the IMdlng cons Without getting lost in the confusion surrounding the tellder "'• --• an the Korean venture, it is obvious that our overinflated curs ticket amoac memllers 01 Ille 'l!r·wu··uEUo:A"'-'!<OT AlpHA-wi..;:.z.....,tt a..~ bo1Wmaa:1i'ci.: usi:ii. sr<ete.t Jo!e wttc, aee Setty Nelton of 925 . ~ltio. Bl•d'.. Bal-"'Id their -....a-. Kelbida, S,. oa U..U aJilrh"al, ~-,In llaw:alL Nlemt., a Tttan. l& aervlnc aboard tbe USS · M.oily ae,nold5, • -roi·er eocort, with tJae hcllk neet. (USN Photo) 11 o - c a 11 e d "northern llbeftJ rency is being_ spent on a military campaign much smaller block" 01 _ • .,,.., .._,, than tboee of World War II. Despite the fact that the &lld polltlc...,,. wllo wut a wlas averqe American knows nothing of money spent on stocks -· Be 1• one ot U.. 'few "ao-eeptable" to them, very populal' pile inventllrift, be is beginning to feel the taxation pinch. with otlle"' who .....i 11aa1 .oells 1l be opens hls eyes a little wider, he wiU discover he Inc. is contributing, taxwise ·to huge non-defense expenditures. His libe"'I •i<ws have been Talk of fecteraJ ecoriomy by administration parasites is so shown, he stands for remnants of the old "new deal" and (or muC'h WELCH NAMED ARBOR DAY PARADE GRAND MARSHAL By Vl'flnla B, CUtle much politician-w&sh. of Truman's "fair deal" phtloeophy Harry Welch ... leading citi· After nearly 20 years of New Deal and Fair Deal, the but has not gone too far oo civil .. n · · · Harbo< Man of the Hour. ri ht That aptly describes t.h1s man n&tion still is being spent into "'•n"-•ntcy. The spending c • to be anathem. to tbe ~ "f' th H who for more than a quarter of a ""-·· bit ~-te,· county and local governments. "'· ·h --n . so u . e would carry a fair slug h . '-i d "",,..... :::w.a. ~ ~ ot the labor vote and the social century u devoted bl.I!! t me an itaetf, then the public on the ••services" the citizen must change crowd who have followed eNffort.3 towHardbothe bedttermhsenwit thof "'-""-u1 · nfused b yriad0 1-both hi.s fa.ther and mother ewport a.r r, an w o .uave. ne, popr 80 · , IS SO co Y· m •W'S enact-· I unaninious approval was chosen ed f all "'-· · '-k . bla. . The northern bloc will probably ~m ~tions' that ue nows no one to me Ill have to accept Truman whether Grand Marshal ot the Arbor Day particular. · · they wanl. him or not-II he de-I parade, November 3. Beca\18e of record-"-•-h employment he may think the cides to run'.-.as most folks here edTodt ay ~.t 75,idhe is ~evAer refer- . ~ . -think he will. But they want help ~ o as an o man. n amaz-country JS on Easy Street.. But wtth the debauched cur-on the ticket to carry New York mg combination of years of ex- reney, it is nearer Skidrow. Pennsylvania Ohio and possibly ~rtence, quiet w1.adom, and un- . · ' · · . . Ca.ltf· l w' 1 hr dimmed enthuslasm one is struck So the s~nding merry-gosround sptns its dizzy path-om a. th t ee ot those b th d 1 ' u1 le _ ' · · · · states they don't have to worry Y e apper mmac a appear never getting ahead, Just grinding deeper-int.. debt-about the south With It• fewer &nee and M6Y upright clu-riage Qf So we pay 40 per cent more federal taxes next year. electoral votes. the man. Time ha.a nothing to do 'b · . . R Jt bl with him. H e can laugh over lhe P oss1 ly when next year rolls around, br1ng1ng the ooseve as a persona e, past reminisce a bit, but. it ends . . . . , youthful contender of known name • . continuous high cost of l1vmg and more oppressive taxes, and lean.lllgs wouJd put quite a lhere. Fully and completely he l.s perhaps then the individual taxpayer will-wake up and teII derlt in Sen. Mundt's plaa for a concerned .with. the present. B th . l th t h ' bee th k bo d dlaaatistted Republican -di.881-Harry ts an Englishman by arry, e piano p ayer, a ~ 8 n . at e ey ar dent Detnocr.atlc coalition ticket birth, ~ American by naturattz.a- too long. because In one senae he would Uon. H1a pa.rents never visited ----• represent the sa.me "liberal" ele-the United States, but his grand· · • 1nenta pa.rents were California pioneen , • PAT BROWN AND THE ·REDWOODS aeoinphlcally such a. ticket coming to San -!™ Batista In the Not a.ft governmenW waste can be laid to federal· of-would give a spread which expert-l850's. Harry came to the United "-0 ence shows Is necessary. 'lite man State9 1'.nd to California In 1898. .a..:es. ur own state officials can take' a bow for their in the White House Is an. astute the year of a terrible drought. share. poliUclan. res&rdless of whatever Things looked bad in C&li!ornta Edmund G . Brown, California's Attorney General, has else you may think he is, and he but he d~~d to stay. Five years issued a "Memorandum to the Preas,'' Opinion No. 51/l =;,=;, Hkea to win too. This m~ never later he returned home to E:ftg-..-, bappen ot course but lt's been land at the death of his father, ,released Oct. 26. Poetica.lly entitled '"ale of Two Tree&," talked ~ut'too m'uch in tbe dark but six months later again set sail this two page publicity relase was rila.iled to several hun-not to come out tn the open soon. (or lhi3 country. dred California newspapers. uto In Pboeoix Ft1EL TAX Rl!:VEN111!l Althoull;h we haven't beard f~m Pat Brown's office . in some time, this issue ~ with bis decision as to which, the California Sequoia sempervireos, (always green) or the • Sequoia gigantea, both native California redwoods, should be the official state tree. · In 1910 he served as secretary Sacramento, Oct. 29 -Grou of the chamber of commerce in revenues derived from taxes on Phoenix, Jeri%., and it was ther e in August diatribufJons of p.eoline, 1912 that he married a native butane, propane and other high-Oregonian, Lillian Sysere. teat mot.or vehide fuel amounted The Welcha ref1l&ined in Phoe· to '1&,188,309, according to WU-nix untU 1923, when at his · do(- Brown's release portenously tells his ''Solomon-like" llam G. Bonelli, fourth diatrlct tor's auggeation they came to ttie .'decision, Which "~uired ~•"-• and. protract.-:1 reseal-ch member of the State Board of coast and to Newport Beach. The • --s ......,..~ . ..,_ Equalization. r, 11 wJ th · into !he field of botany 8Jld history'' before he could tell o o ng year e1r residence at -------, 309 Montero Ave. was built, and A-...blyman Randal F. Dickey of Oakland which is the Seriett Ii Def..,.. Bondo ean now that Is where you will auu find state's official tree. The Califoniia redwood. was named 'the be held an adclltlonal ten years tbem. Typiclll or Harry and the with e.ddiUonal interest accruing gra.ciou-a woman who shares hfs state's official tree i1I 1937 by the legialature. to tho bolder. llfe, the houae Is .. smodem , ... After about 250 words oj UBMrthed botanic.i )On!,, com!ort.ble and as. hoopitable as In 1933 the Harbor Issue came up again. Harry Welch was in charge of the educational program tor the bond ele-ction which was called on 30 days notice. The bond issue was approved in perhaps the most important decision made for this area. It js a cettainty that had it not been for the Har- bor program, there would have been little tuture tor this city. C. of C. Seeretary Il was shortly afler this cam- paign that he was ask~ lo lake over lhe job of chamber of com - merce secretary, which he held until Juty lat, 1949, when he re- signed, exactly 1e yea.re to the day from the time he accepted the post, He. was already secretary and !lilt ~ of the Cout ASsocia~ tlon. which he and Dr. F . W . Slabaugh, then county purchasing agent organized in 1927. When the present Orange County Harbor Commission was formed in June 1941, Harry became it's secretary, and has held that office eve!' since. During the last war, Harry Welch wa.s active in war work, organizing the ration board here, and the war chest (later the Com- munity Chest) and helped get the U. S. 0 . going In Newport and Balboa. H e is a member of the Elks Lodge. and a life member of the Shrine (El Zaribah Temple in Phoenix}. H e was ihstrument.al in forming and organizing Am igos Vlejos, and today true to form, living actively in the present, he is doing dialaon work for the new Presbyterian Hospital and heading the campaign to raise funds to furnish and equip it. ' An older f'}'lM you say '! He was the only ma.J.e present at the New-· port Harbor Yacht Club the other night when the Business and Pro- fessional Women held their Octp- ber meeting. An old man never, just an outstanding one, who has been young a Jong tlme. .history, etC. (ALL PREP'ARED BY DEPUTY AT'I'Y. GEN. -~ do _.. Ille want &4s. their outlook. · Al th tlm th 'w Jc•-rr1 -• FOOD OANNING ISDUSTRY ALEXANDER GOOGOOIAN in the Sacramento o'"'-). e • e e ·~ a •~ ._...,., •-•• NOTICE In th.is atta. people were talking MAKING RAPID GllOWTB Brown concludes that the legislature's intent was: to divide ~ ' Harbor,4 but tbe project had no W\\11 an , abundance Of food tM honor . between the Sequoia sempervil:ellB and 'licantee. , ' atanding with the anny eng1n .. ,,., prodilbta.fiowlnc from ita tlsherle.s So, now the public 1mo-. What ibey may wonder is NOIMS '09' INTENT 'ro Bury, deeply interested in It. lUld fields. California ha.II tiune<t h-m'!cil of public semit'a time and t"P":r.en' money N • .._=: t ~~.wt~~ ~~~~ ~~ =:;n!t ;:,.:e r::'i:::f~ is spent dishing out this sort of infonnation wlticb . coulcl ID' section -~ Ille C::.':i";;:. prepare & report. and accomp&D.i· to llnd 1'41'7ro<iltd 'market.. Slace weJt have been handled by California Save tlie ~ Of IM Slate Of Calltornla. that ::.::. ~ :::..::t .~ .. ~~ ~~ t.T ~':.:N1::.Z....U:i.. '":; League or any News Service. , . ' -UDCIOr.ol~ "J"'" si;.:. Co;:· reopen the case. 'but tbe s1.200.ooo increued riom 111s to arowtd liOO, • 1 = .: 1._T'~a:"si:et, Col~ bond t.uue loat by a narrow mar. according to the .American C&n ,lalllil. a.· Ca1ttom1a anc1 wh ... bulls g1n. • I Compel\)'. • · la that Of a ahoe manulactur-~E i=-0:::~ Letter fromfanner McCabe ot •• ,--N ..... 1 Tnut and I ~· s..i.p •••d•-· ·-.,,..,..,. • Som-~ on the West Coast -.. .._ bereln below, .. Harry s. Truman . ' =l'tfallW: eorta1n peroona! P.,... White Boas& ' erty of Which & pneral statemeat o( -· --.r.tbenof is!a.s f<lis Waahlilgton, D. C. ~ "tUrmtvtt. tlxturM. maChta-Dear Barry: .. • ·' : · ~ · ~ , · et'7 w1 .. u.,..,..nt Wlilch penclis -I-..,,~ you tQolt my adviee cm.P.illr~llr' ?Dd a1 ..,4 at;p .. i..1t • at H4 f 'llo1•=~ to get zid of Your boyle bWlm. _ ffoweYer', you -....... COiia .._. cautor-doa.'t need, to put Ute , Sulphur ud 't:lrun •-Y . . .. -·--I J'ilentiol> there'• ""-.tY -..,,__ ___ ._ -'---' ___ .. ._ ___ .. _ '· . rw ..... •• 'e I -·lie paid at ~ .,......,.,..,. ~ ..,~';""" ~­ a..111 •at.._ ...... aa 111e ~ Mtitd & little dQctoriD'. I"dioe't Ne~ .tJiien - -dlaT af •11•'•· 1901, at. ever-a time la oar ...... _ w"-It ••Dt • •• to • , • a. I •a ._ , a '".er Bqll ., . ~ --z . :-r. . . •••r"aa 'lllM .i ~ -flay. lllfllY ~ 'ar T 9Dm8"od)r •!Uglier .,, la &ct, ~ a pllilll ""llii91ia! ••."It• " Ill lfH lllllator ot Cwca1 j nlll' ~t clt_;Jm_ •1e'i iODd ~ I' • ; ... 4-co-. c1t1s •.• ~daatiplll:ll-cbt• e••:.. Y•lllr',llut7i -wlwtlnr JU11 ...... • tllaitWar'•IMt, ow•f %1 lntlla --. ~----~· .... , .............. ,. ·~! ....... iAMY, _..of a--•rr'11 ...... Arllrl• ofCt..,.,_116aa. • • . YClllll' ala ti..~ . • r.AltllmMeCABll '• (Al at(' 5 I • i4idJ • , . -. . . . ' TUESOAY,-OCT: 30, 1951 . • •I lllte...t a. 11%, 111e ue.oro will> ....,,t. let u. atGI> 4'1111&' tbe lblllp -J>Olllld1 intaHOt at wa ,.l<i t1iat make Jt 1m,...ib1e tor tll&t , • e wou.Jd. 1bave amounteo 'to but ~ perm.anel1Uy ·to ~ $48,320 ·at the end of 40 ye.r&. and · it.ba.t mea.u. amon,-"-other ~ Compare Ilda ·with. u.. ......,. tlll»p. to atop -conn ... u.n ol which mtpt. ha.., -olKalned ~¥ and Ille .......,.. ol capital (Mr. ~ B. J:>w 7, of froom an eetaf., OI; ~erttance tax by tfie government. ... p,..-31-a, L lo -ot, 1&y, 10% or 20~ ob f!UQ,s Let m9"' atteDtton '-&1.U to ·9 ™».. • a " G00,000, the ne• worth or tbe Duet-the cutting of ,,,..ft_.._ •Y1"1Aft-flll -. ol tM I-di"'' ... flrml • --·-· -·-Qt' tll&t. d~. Be i. -autllor Aesa at tbe end ot to yean with clltureo and lea to tbe Rlslns of Gt the rs?Gi'ltkn propollnc a no tncotne tax. revenue to pay for tbe bWk»\a that conoatutioUi:~t llmit· · W;th, OD 80% lru:ome 1-ins on -g wuted. lt 18 of gr""1 lnC u.e power 'Of Concum to stead of a 100% tax, the net worth Importance. ot. cour•, tit.at tbe ta .__ --and of the llualae1B at tbe end of 40 budgwt be balanced,. but tke nnt itfta. w1dtil -. -... pes-icl by _ yean Would b&'l:e been $11,700 and step ll to reduce expeodltures by a ~wa'lr ot ltUe '*sf±SUre& Ute gowr-n.ment ·would have col· eliminating ever~ UDDeceaaery Be ---....i;--on lected $82,600 in ta.UL With a item. .um aDd otMt-tu .,, ?Mon& !JO% tn the net wortil at the end The experience Of Engtanf1 ftia _.... of artldise .tatee in · at 40 years would have been $L· ahou.kl be a warning to ua. Foor •Winre k.ta ..-tntimony 4 70,000, and the taxes collected many Je&ra Rn&laod has had a betot'e tbe S.M*e .rm&oce Com-$1,470,000. With a 20% tax the heavy graduated: 'income tax on m.ittee cm. tM ......... tax. IMllJ. net worth at J.he end of 40 years iJldividuala &nd a heavy tax upon ha'w Dliw• ha of &Jw Cs ..... V'eela 8f Eys'S' 'y• 'faMllta (Kr, Boliort B. Dreuer of ~. B. I.. la & member of -one ot the leading law firms of that city. He ta the author of ~ reaolvttOn proposing a con· atttuttonal amendment . lirntttng the power ol Conaress to tax Incomes, i.nberltances and gifts. whJch ha.a been passed by a number of state legislatures. He has written many articles on ~hl.s and other tax questions. Th1B series or· articles statu in substance his recent tMtimony before the Senate Finance Com· millee on the ·pending tax bill.> The harmfUJ effects ot the ex- cessive ta.xa tion Of income Is well pointed out by Dr. Irving Fish•r and Mr. Herbert W . Fisher, in chapter 9 ot their book on ''Con- structive Income Taxation." It ia said tha't Jn 40 years the fortune Of Henry F ord increased from $1000 to $1,000,000.000, which is at the average annual rate of '41 .<12o/r compounded.J In tht! hypothetic case, using round figures tor Simplicity, it ts supposed that an automobile business wa.s started in JP()() with an investment of $1000, and that, w1th no income· tax, Its net wo'rth increased at the compound rate of 409'" a year. Th.ls would give It a value o.t the end of 40 years of $700,500,000.• Then, by contrast, it is supposed that th,ere was a 100~~ tax, and' that despite this the business continued to produce income before t axee of 40'7(-a yea r, or $400. This is admittedly an impossible case, since no one would operate without a chance of profit. It is chosen merely ·for simplicity ·Of exposition. At the end of 40 years. instell.d of h& ving a net worth of $700,500,000, the business would haVe . its original net worth of $1000 and the gov- ernment .would have collected in taxe, $16,000 at the rate of $400 per year. H&d the government not col· lected theee taxes, it would have had to obtain th'e money else- where. Assuming that it borrowetl the moncy'and pa.id ~ high a rate would have been "6.M0,000, and inheritances. These taxes have so the taxes collected $11,800,000. In reduced th• supply ol capital that other wo~. as the tax rate dt>-. there has not been enough to prcr creases. both the ·revenue a.nd the vide her industrlea with the ca.pit· net worth of the buaineu in.crease. al needed for modem machinery In a1J of these cases, tn addition and equipment. And now England to the revenue from. the income bas definitely accepted Socia.Ham tax, Utere would. of cotll'Be, be-the a.nd a part of her i.oduatries have revenue from the estate or lnherl.! already been nationall.z.ed. The ef- ta.nce tax upon trhe death of the feet has been to decrease produc- O\Vfter. , l ion and efliciency. so that today . ln his book, "Tuation: The th.ere is not enough even of such People 's BusfneM," published in necessities of life as food and coal. 19~ M.r. Andrew W. Mellon, To those who would have ua foJ- tben Secretary of the Treasury of low in the foot.at.E'ps ot Englan(i, I the United Stat.ea. in discussing caU attention to the following this question aai.d (p. 18): statement by Alfred ' Edwards, "It aeems difficult for some to forme r Laborite Alember ot Pa.rti- underata.nd that h.igh rates of tax-arnent: ation do not necesaarUy mea.n "The Labor Party cabinet ap- large revenue to the Government.. points our Industrial leadership. and tha t more revenue ma.y otten Hence the ma.n in ch.n.rge of a be obtained by lower rates. There .large depa:tment .... is a Conner was an old saYing that a railf'Oad taxi driver who became leader of freight rate ahould be '\vha.t the a taxi union. He undoubtedly has traffic Will be&r'; that Is, the h.igh-some talenl-8 u a union leader but est rate at which the largest cert.a.inly no qu&li!icatlona to nm quantity of freight would move. the coal industry ... success tn The same rule appliea to all pri· politics means a chance at some vate bU&inesa. lf a price is fixed big industrial job with a big a&l- too high, sales drop oft and With ary. That's the way it works tn them profits; if a price is fixed Eagland now ... The Hlatory of too low, sales may lncreue, but lbeae years must be terrifying to again profits decline. The most any man who ha.a dreamed the outstanding recent example of great dream of Socialism's brave this principle la the aales policy new world." of the Ford Motor Car Compa.tty. Since the close of Wor:ld Wa.r IL Does any one question that Mr. England has received bUlions of Ford has made more money by re· dollars of aid from thia country ducing the price of hla ·car and in-t o prevent the collapse of her ex· creasing his sale• than he would periment in socialism.. • have made by majntainlng a high It ts inat.ructlve ill this a.mnec· price and a greater proflt per car, tior, to read the following atate- but selling less can! The Gov-menl by Dr. Carl Snyder in his emment is just a buaineas, and can book, "Capitalism Crea\.or," pub-- and should be run on business lished in 1940, (at p. 345 ): principles.'' "The purpose of pregressive in· 'I'he time has come for the ques· come taxation is to strike hardest tlon to be squarely faced and an· at these large incomes. the ch.ie:f swered. "Do the American people sc.urce of new capital supply. The want free enterprise and constitu-State now expropriates a consider- tional government, or do they able portion of the income of the want socialism?" Let there be an rich. the heavy saving class. With end to the mistaken idea that we what result? The danger of ex· can tor Jong have tree enterpriae tinji!:uiahing the l&rger part of the and at the same time confillc&tory capital supply. This seems what taxes. We cannot have both. If has happened in England in recent the people, or a majority of them, yE.ars. Not merely an impression. want socialism, let the govern-It is tbe. conclusion of a competent ment take over without further !!tudent of thej distribution of in· ado, and let us give tbe experiment me in Great ~lt.&in, Colin Clark. a try. I And the out:cOihe has been just If, on the other hand, the people that which mig)l.t be predicted. a want free enterjlrise and our pi'es-s teady retardation of growth in ent constH.utional form of govern-British Industry." --------l~ FIN.EST SELECTION of • • PERSONALIZED • ~ By ·HAMPTON & SON NELL . DRDER ·NOW, ~ I • Call Harbor l616._.arid ·,a saleSinan ·wiJJ . ca·ll and· show .. you .samples;-or~ ~ee-these . -s fine ·car~ now on *pla~ at the .. , • ,, '~NEWPORT· 2211 Balbll • ' , . • , ' -··. • • • • • ' • • • ,• •• . TUSEDAY, OCT. 30,rl 9$1 , • • • • • • • • ' / .. • • • • • , - ' , . • .·'By MARGO DON'T FOBCE PATE. SJS'l'ER! IT'S ,...,.. tlae llu -.•the wa1 .... -, HOKE DEADl.Y THAN A COBRA! "To talk of ..,.ny tblnp: Of Ill-104 411111" aad Only the other war;m a.tte:moon. I was startled Mall.Qr wu-And cabb . . ." ·Stop right there to com• upon Clinton Wolfatd grappling with Waliua' and we1J take first things first! We'll talk this bl&ck, m&kellke obJec~. "Oh, I didn't ab6ut ol>Oe._ -11"""8 you'll ha•• a nt over! · Whlc:ll . , know you were an herpetologist," I nmarked ~ ttte mo.st Important thing about a ab.oe after all- . exposing my voU.butary. "Yes," replied Mr. Ute tlL Barber'• Bootery bas shoe• to nt Merybody ;:-..~ Wollard .aucelntlj : "I am committing herpl· in the entire family-Just ln for the dl8tatf llcie of \ clde.." Thereupon Mr. Wolfard seized the black 4 lllldlt the houae-Black suede pwhps wttb low i"Mnch ~1 whirrtnc tblnl a.ad won ~ toss, best two out Loule beet 'Mleae tovelie• are Holl~ Sk6otera and built for • ; I} ot three. You aee, Clinton Wolfard was merely atyU:lb comtoit at S-1.86. Other new Skoote'r (lat.I, V-tlaro&ted Johnny repa.irilJ.s an old rollel' shade at the Shade Sbop Belio.daa-ill blu& kJd aad bleek auede 11-95. Hen'• a 8,e±1 .., .. A CASE OF of all . place~ To my utter confusion, I dis-for you. m aa tnex,..al.v.e DWnber--a ballerina blad(. NonoM' IUf!de HEBPICIDE"" covered that inside every wooden roller. there e1oa1a., ~e or Dal la.eel; or higher-Heeled. l &trap wt~ llu.nf trtm is a big heavy spring Uiat snaps, bites and leads a life of its own. . . .aJ:lY ol uae1e s Moe "*YIM la onJy U.85. For llttll: kids .•• The. p&int ts-thb--lf you have any sn~aky, recalcitrant rouer shades. »eye O'Dell boot.a ••. ba.bJes i:ry for these! Keep FH At llaJMn that ha.ve b9eA &etlng up (Ol' .. down fer Utat matter) better call Ln Boo&e.,.. 1795 Newport Ave .. Costa MHL ' the Shade Shop. Don't ~ c.QJn~ee. These experts can control and • • • lhrotUe into su.bmiss.iOO ~er shades, Veneti&n blincl.s, extension MOTHEBS! or traverse l'Od.s, or oltl tO bolts. No architect has yet conceived IT'S EASY TO BECOME A QUICK CHANGE a windoW"' that caa't be fix ured at the SI.de Shop, 614. 29th st., ARTIST! The Balboa MIO now come-s to the Newpen. Buitoi IU. aid of busUtnc baby-tenders! Just i.n-handy • • • corduroy overall8 for little one to th~ year old& YOU COULD POSS~SS A FACE LIKE These are completely equipped with gripper fJU.o teners. Little dampened apirits can be wh..Laked ZSA ZSA 'S. Y-ou could be . gowned In Balen· in aAd out of these in a trice ... in blue, yellow ciaga's latest creation, and you cou.ld be crowned wlth Ha rry W inston's fla.shtest tiara.' or red tor $2.25.. Tia good old 5&10 has tots ot brtcht new corduroy overd.lls ror 1-6 ye._r oldtl Yes, you could too! BUT, my p.tt, if at the too. These are excel.Lent wuh &: wear ga.rm.ettts .. A Omo~ same time, your halt: were st anding crisply on I with elastic *¥ in f or 5 colors & Sl.39 a copy. Spllrfit' end, brittle as a deserted bird nest, th• whole These are lo be topped off by Buste r Brown Tee-ahJrts ($1 .J with charming effect would be lost! Get the pie-· matchllll" cardlrao.s. 111.691, Al~ ror 1 lo 6 yr. olds. Then consider lure! All is indeed Jost if your hair doesn't renect a na t ur a l s tyle, sparkle and shicitess. children's night Ute and suit the m in Hanes' sleepen Sl.98, or EZ , , , , light weight sleepers $1.96.. PJ..,..nty of thlngs for i.nl&.nll here too ... That s _why .there s a place ror )'OU ca~ed .itM"S B~AVTY SA~. shirts t.owela gov.·ns illld bla.nW ets. OonaldMn'1t HalOO. 5&!10 at soo H~re J im w ill shear and style your ha ir: experts Mildred or Thel.ala Ma.I 'Balboa'. Wlll sha m poo and wave your \1:ig \$2 up1; give you excelJent permn-' • • • nents j $1 0 upJ: or a glowing Roux or Lady Clairol color shampoo. J V1'\0A.? FQ:STA FOOD AT CAS . .\. DON CAR.LOS. HEED NOW -Use Your Hea d. pet your hair arr ~;ou r rn ind ~ Cull l\fEXICA.S DIN!\~RS OR ALA CARTE. D INl\'EKS $1.10 up. JIM'S B.EAl."TY 8ALOX. 204 Coast Highway, Corona Lie! l'viar. Sptdltl Top SlrtoiA Steak dlnnef. U.21'5. CbUd"s plate Gk Harbor 1876 day or e\·e for appolntmE>nL OLE ! CASA DOS C . .\.RLOS, llS 22nd St., St-wport ,, Harbor ,!638-M e e e CJese Tues.. DOS'T BE ASH..\MED ! e e e \Vhen that shining crux of your womanly Utl~ \\'b.IDen: M.-~. Jo, Bt>tb and Amy and you too, car eer arrives _ that glorious moment ..,,.heo Ml.8sy AJcott -A designer named Teena PaJ.&e had you. stand radiantly on lbe staircase and toss you junior misses and smaller women in mind when your bridal bouquet, fGr Pete's ~ke don't heave I ahe concoct ed her new da te dresses. PoUy Appartl some p iddU.ng parcel of wilted posies ' MORRI Ls displaying T eena's party tatreta.s In a dashing fl' LS a creator of wedding bouquets magnificent-re:<f. velve~ & rhinestone trimmed complete:wtth c-rin-Ja wedding specialist who !hy ly confided in me oil.De pelt1coat a~ $12.9a. You could ea&ly be tbe that he bad at one tune assembled the wedding belle of the· ball 1n one of these, or look starry--eyed flowers for Dennis Day's wec.Jding (heaven knOW.$ ln tbe copper-toned taffeta thats sprinkled lavtshlY w hen that was '> and bndal' arrays for numerous J witb gold stars $14.95) You've probabty seen some of socia lt ies lll th~ San Francisco Bay a re&. Morri these jaun.ty junJor.. advertlsell in Sevenlf'en ... one other not lcably can dream up the unusual a.nd the daring. For nice d ress ro r the ruoney is o r red and blue. or g reen fUld brown plaid taffeta and only $8.9~. r . S.. '"The &rbettea a.~ ~: Tbe example, he recently concocted a wedding nosegay of wa te r lilies 4.CTJ\'ITEE at $6.&6, KUO.rautM"d." Polly Apparel, 1833 Nf'wport and blue larkspur s ... Pretty daring, eh ? Morri can also fo llow the whims of an:r bride'4 to-be or her molher-in-law'!l. But rest A\'f'., Costa Mesa. assured, oh belhrothed one. you will get beautiful fresh bloo ms la FROST w ARNING ! • • • profusion! Girls, don't let this man's talent go. unnoticed ... get M.A.RK MY WORDS. when the North yourself enga ged. then follow thru'. U'edding flo\\'ers by Morri. 507 W ind blows a.cross the Bay this I Ea&& Bal.Ma Btvd. Harbor 2:01&. winter, you'll wish you had a wa.rm • • • nttte cloak to slip into ... The Jo-Lee~ WON'T YOU KEEP SOME DESERVING LOBSTER Sport Shop ha & aU maimer or FANCY --· ALIVE? For your.self, that is. If you will li!t your. FROSTBITE PROTECTORS -namely French phone rrom its cradle and breathe t heS« Coats ot many color s tn % lengths . · numerologicaUy n ice n umber~Harbor 81;5 any day These short coat s a re ju.st the right before 3 p. m ., the BAYSIDE TISH Mli.T. w1.U set &side . weight and length to keep you at a tor you any number ot li ve struggling, Dana Point 'comfortable room temperature on a chilly day. Lee ha.s oatty Lobsters . : . fres h from the morning's traps. Warmhearted Hany {lee<:e wools in solid beiJe or JT&Y. or some 1n giddy plaJds. Sorne Kinpton w ill split these here lobsters aliYe tor you· and then declare are smartly styled with raglan sleeves and ghawi collars, $19.96. them officially morUs. Or you can throw them in your own boiling 'ntere a.re al.so sporty pbardinea In chocolate brown. navy, wtne 01" 1'ettle if you're that kind ot a tosspot ... "Know-All Kingston" will greys., nli:!aly tailored wtth aharp y~e show.Ider and belt.a back. tell you how to prepare ,fn:sh lobster in a simple supet'b manner~ $11.95. J4aay at.her gabardines ill Mveral styles; Hunter gre.n. teal, In tact, guard :your reticule it you don 't want It stuffed with pages navy or blac k, and satin lined at $10.9'6; $12.96 and $1._9~ PN!pare and pages of Ha rry's recipes. Bay•kle F1Ab Mkt.. if you fH>I llke a1 tor the cold soap at .itrt..H Sp<>l't Slwp, l &sa Newport A\'e., Costa fish one of tht" \\'atf'r, %KOO Lafayf"tte. XE"Wport. 7 day8, 8 a. m. to Mt>sa.. 8:SO p. m. • • • YOU CAN TOO TAKE IT WITH YOU, CHUM ! THE COASTLINE FLOOR COVER- ING HAS A SPECIAL DEAL ON CALIMAR Vw'ALL TO WALQ CARPETING AT $3.85 A SQUARE YARD INSTALLED. This practical carpet stuff is made by the ma kers ot Galiwool and has NON-SKID RUBBER BACKING. YOU -::~~"CAN HAVE IT INSTALLED WITHOUT BE- ;:; ING GLUED OR SEALED TO THE FLOOR. Cla rence Page, the big wheel here at Coastline. said he ~n.tely noored a noor with this Calimar and used abso· lutely no glue. "This stu.ff j ust lay~ <fown and 'plays dead," say.s. Ctarence, "Why )'OU can 't even see the seams." HENCE. IF YOU HAVE TO BLOW THE COUNTRY IN A HURRY. YOU CAN SCOOP UP YOUR CARPET AND SAIL OUT OF TO\'fN ON IT. CAUMAR COMES 1N A GOOD SELECTION OF DECORATOR COLORS. INVESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE. Also a specla.l price now on WOOLTEX CARPETING by Mebawk AT $3 .85 a square yard installed. PRICES ARE RISING \VHlLE WE SLEEP YO\J KNOW .. COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING, 1791 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Beacon 6950-J . • • • SWEET ADELINE! MY ADELll\~! I THlS ,LOVELY OLD BALLAD HAS LONG BEEN THE FAVORITE ' OF Music lovers, t ippler s. t eetota lers, and barber shop quartets. Alld s~iDC of close harmony as ~-e are, let me1 tell you about Ren.aett's C-'oriaer PltJ.ntA-Next to painting your self into a comer, the second worst thing is to run out or some dramatjc hard to get color. Bennett's Colori2lef' system can suppl,i you with a choice or Vl,3%2 colors. Any cok>r in large or small amounts can be duplicated, •you always get a perfect ma.tch. Draperies, rugs-all can harmonize with your walls--Tbe nice pa.rt is, you can ,.et Bennett's Ln deco· rator deep tones-colors in high fa8hion today. Get yourseU a pint. aua.rt or pllon. Bermett's flat paJnt is •nly $6.95 pl; satin ecg shell finish Is $7 .45 : high gloss is $7.95. Me.DONALD'S PAINT STORE, 1812 HARBOR BLVD., 008TA lllESA. BEAOON ~10S. • • • STARTLING NEWS INDEED! IT \VAS MERELY ELECTRIFYING tor m.e to learn th.at the average person tlips an.d flops 46 t o 52 times during a night's sleep. This is considerable mileage, and it would SNm simpler to stand up in the barn and sleep like a horse. However, I believe bor9e8 have the franchise on this tnode ot blink-eye. There w as one case (No. 56342 ) in 1936 ot a trainman for the B&:O Rail-"'Fra.nehhe Hol~r"' • • • "HE HAS AN OAR IN EVERY MAN'S BOAT AND A FINGER IN EVERY PO:." I don't know the deal on the boats, but he has every right in the world to be in those pies! I mean Bob Krull. head doughboy at the Newpon Bakery. Bob works 7 daya a week supplyin( {be hungiry hordes with t resh. hot dougtmuta every morn- ing, krullers by Krull and fragrantly rresh coffee cakes. Bob squirts a mean pastry bae-, so It you ca.re t o have him dream up some special pat ty cakes ror your next party, give him &1'I order ... French pastrie 11. cream pies ... birthdaj• cakes with special motifs or motives. arbor day cakes. jailbird cakes y.rlth saws in them. Yo u name It ! And get something for the old man's lunch pail. Keen cook ies . all makes. Open constanUy i .daya a \\'ee.k 8:S0·6:SO. Newport Ba.kt-l'y, 2112 ~ Front. Barbor tf.tt·R Marine Air Vets Meet Thursday U.S. MAAilacoRPs AIR STA- TION, EL TORO. -Historic San Franc isco ha.s been selected a.a the site tor the 1901 reunion of The First Marine Aviation F orce Vet· erans ·As80Ciatlon. Nov. 2-4; A fraternal organization, the group is composed ot th~e of- ficers and men wbo served In Ma· rlne Corps aviation during and prior to World War I. Present commander of the AsaoclaUon la Maj. Ck.11. W . P. T. Hill, Quarter· master General ot the Marine Corps. Requirements ror membership are ape_n to any person who served hoeorably in Marine Corps avia- tion, at any one ot its station, during any period between April 6, 1917 and Nov. 11, 1918. Reservalion.s for the convention and appllca.Uons for memberehlp to the i"MAFV A ahould be made with MJ:. James E. Nicholson, 310 N, Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Md. Two Marines Hurt in Highway 9rash Two Marines w ere injured early Friday morn.ln' when the- car in which they we~ riding turnetl over one-halt mUe ~ut. ot Santa. Ana River bridge, police reported. The car hit a 80ft shoulder. lDJured were C. V. Smith, la- cerated forehead &l'ld Earl F . Buckles, who sutfered from aback. They w ere taken by ambulance to El Toro Marine hOllpltaL Driver ot the car, Robert Nava and Rob- ert L. Mull, both Marines, were unhurt. The four a.re-based at Camp Pendleton. Alpha Beta rood market.a held their annual aei-vice award ba.D- quet Jaot Wednead&y nlgbt. this time in tbe ma.in ballroom al the Pacific Coaat e!ub, Long llieact>. Dimler WU served to 430 people. road beinl' caught standing up asleep lt the switch, but that was an A~ND OONVOCATION' The membenhlp lo A 1 p ha Beta's Service club now total.a 204 employees. ea.ch With flve ye&ra or more aervfce ln the or .. ganizatlon. Many new plb.s were awatded, inclUCUnr a new SO-.~ pin to c. W . Edwardl. vlce-prul· dent and general _.._ nit tbe Umpany. exet:ption. These same bearded savants who conducted the Sleep-Tbe Rev. Paul Moo.re Wheeler, ' • • .. llkiES • ' . County Reeeives· S71fAl Check for Polio .Patients • t •. • , ' ~· -'• • • ' I The Mighty Midget In Advertieinq , -. NEWS-TIMES, -Every; . Tuesday NEWPORT. BAY 'POST--'W.edbe(ldays NEWPORT-BAIJK>A PRESS -Thmsdays • 'PAGE 5 Fot Better TV. Reception l\epl«ce y-weatller~ An- Wllh a _,, V-COO.. $9.50 incl. Mast TV SlUlVJCm CA,IJ.S Day or Evening Mesa Rapio and Televiaion 10& Broadway Costa Mesa A check for $71i50. to help pro- vide care . fOT' local polio p&tleata JiJ .. • been received by the Orange COUl:t,Y chapter ,of tbe Nattoul Flmdatlon for Infantile Panlyor., It wu an.nou.QC'ed .,todBy by .John K<K.11.Wck, chapter cbalrman. • Ne .. --~-·--" ... -...... -~, !11-~ .. -ft~p._ . 87cllll HllfDRJll AD 18 I LINEii .KJITB'l'ONE moTI& came... &nm. At pttMDt the Ora.nae county chapter i• providlftr fdnda 1tor the care, 1n w:hole or in part. of H pa.tienu a.f:fl:lcted t hi• )!ear in .a. diUon to underwriting the patf· ent care coete of 120 strtken prior to Jan. 1, 19~1. All ~eel -mmt be .-Id for Cull i. 14-of po-ti-M&gu!ne type, F2.5 lenL Like 4 LIDee 1 Paper S .'15 new. Sauinee. Betu:on 15386-R. 4 Unes ll hpen . 1.50 89c9l ' 4 Llaee s Papen ll.00 BINOCULARS, 7.W. Coated Iona The pUUahera wtlJ not be ruponalble tor mON than one Incorrect. wtth case~ Sf~ Bar. 2724.. «Sa-ya. lnsertt011 at. an adverll.lemcnt. reae"e the rtgb t to correet.l)' cJ•ulfJ: 90ct2 a.uy and all a ds and to reject any &dvertieem ent not contC»'lllin.g tV -. W'lten March of • Dimes funda are l'&llled. McKittrick explained, halt tbe money stays here with the local chapter and halt goes to national h.eadquarters for re- .aea.rch. proteuional educa.tion and emergency aid such aa the: check just received. , •. ruJu and f'tC'U}atJona. A.dvertbemrnta ·and cancellations will bf; BUUTIFUL full length mink accepted trp to S p.m. on tlle day preer.dlng publication. dyed Marmont fur coaL Almoat Except dMdllne for Newa . 'nmee 18 11 a. m. Monday. new, $150. Size 14-16. Alao 2 rtaoae Har, 1111.. uk fw .. Ad Taker' or wnct 94 and remtttanoe ie silver foxes in a stole $50. Ph. _ NEwP<>aT R•SB()B PUBJ..ISRINQ co. Har. 2't>-J, a. m. or eves. 90c92 H ll Balboa Blvd.. Newpnri Beech. QtJl.fomla. 8" T ABLE saw with mot.or. Work· bench and vise. ~" Thor drill. McKittrick sa.fd record·breilklng poUo LDcidence during the pa.st three ytars h&d exhausted the treuurtes of hundreds of ch&P" tt>rs acroas the country. 12-BoDdlng Services · · Pllone Beacon Mt4-W. 89p91 ~~~~....<:....;..;..;..;.;:.;.o.o..,~~- "Our OW1'l chapte.r'• pllght pro- ~des a typJ.cal example," McKit- trick. sakJ. ''The C>n.nge county chapter's share ot the tunda raia· et.I by the 1951 March ot Dlmes c ampaign wu $13,212.51. How- ev~r. this amount ln addition to funds wb.lch aad. accumulated from previous yea.rs and had not been entJrely spent waS exhausted by Oc~. 1 llnd we have conse- quenUy had to call on the emer- gency a id fund at national head- quarters." Cotta Mesa Girl Hurt in Crash Marlena Worsham, ·17, or 227 For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 81T Coast H:iway, Corona del Mar 70ttc VACUUM CLEANERS g)ectroltp: and others, $6.$0 up. 100 to choose from. HANK'S Vacuwn Cleaner Co. 801 S. Main St., Santa Ana Kimberly 3-2968 TOttc Pacific Ave .. Costa lt-tesa, received . 12--Bnlldlng ~rvl~ _ slight injuries _last Tue9clay nigbt _____ ,,,_ ______ _ EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS in a three ca.r sma.s.hup on Har-Want Work by Hour or Job. bar boulevard. no rth ot 20th St.. Ca.Ir Harbor 1164-M Costa Mesa. She wa.a riding In a car driven by Orin M. Hanson, 17. of 1~92 San Bern&rdino St., Costa Meat. 71 tfc COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rugs shampooed, Free estimatea-Fully insured. Al's House & Rug : Cleaning Co. BM r• Wl -T2t1'e PAINTING COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Fk-ee Eatlmates S ym p son & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th SL, Newport Beach PHONE H ARBOR :404 ~fc DON K. BU'ITS Lie. Genera! Contractor Resident ial-Commercial Remodeling Phone ~eacon 64.06-W 17ttc FISHER Drafting Service 916 Coa.st Highway, Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar Painting and Paperhanging GEO . BURKHARDT 72tfc 508 -31st St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 2418·W before 8 a. m. or after 4 :30 p. m. 83ttc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer at., ea.ta M- Bea.. M~7·111 8'dl ---- IN'n!l!UOR -EXTllRlOR PA.Il'frING Officers said the Ha.ason car era.shed into the rear or a car driv- en by Edward J . Destefano,-19, or El Toro Marine Corpe Air Sta- tion about 11 ~20 p . m . knocking that car into one operated by Geo. Dublin, 24-, or 203 ~pphlre Ave .. BaJboa Island. The Destefano car was plLlhing the Dublin ma.chine which had stalled on the highway, wben the mt.hap accurreo, It wa.e reported. R. Andrae.q Harbor LICENl3EJ) -IN8'.1Jl,U!D 32= . Glenn Johnston --~~--~~--~-~~~~--~----~ DOl-!Uft BL Newport BeMll TV· OWNEBSI HOW MUCH · IS YOUR TELEVISION SET WORTH TO YOU? ,j The ·answer is simple! If your Video set is worth so many of your hours of relaxation, ' it 's certainly worth the finest service .•. the kind only our TV experts can give it. You can be sure that we can and will make your installation, adjustments, or repairs with our . THOROUGHLY TRAINED and FACTORY QUALIFIED ELECTRONIC EXPERTS j FULLY EQUIPPED to SERVE Your I :TV and RADtO SERVICE NEEDS Barllof: 2297-.1 - B & Y House Movers General Contraetors 65() J'iret St.. Tustin, Calif. Phone KLmberty 3·1885 (Home Phones J Asper 9 -%773 or JAaper 9·2687) 91tfc 14--Personals AlcoboliCa ADonymoua Write P . o . Box 205 Bal-lalancl, CaUJ. Phone Kimberly 3-MQ Superfluous Hair P ei-manently removed from face, arms, legs. Eyebrows and hair- line shaped-No more tweezing . ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. Tu.esday and Thursday only Lido 's SalQn ot Beauty Har. "2ft76 LOST-Gold St. Christopher med-. al ln8cribe4 ~to "John, Xmu 19M" on BalJ>oa lsland. LIBER- AL REWARD. 903 N. Ba,y Fr., Balboa Island. Har. l320·M. 91pll3 ~~~~~~~~~- EXPERT WASHING aad lrbning. lllra. FUltoa. Brin&' to 1822 VtJelle Place, Newport Bea.eh. Han.or 12S.7·W. 9lpll6 »-B-A1_1p~ttan_ces ____ _ O'KEEFE &: MERRrl'T range T.lte laa:teet 1951 CP all automa· Uc wtth la.mp and eveeyt.hlng. 81.alnJus steel griddle. Also ha> those ·simmer burner• It chrome grill broiler. Balauce -{ owe ob stow is $139.82. Can haw equity FREE if you take pa,yments of $7 .48 per mo. Uaed it 2 montha. but you can't teU. lt. See Mr. Ba.v.ghn, 404 So. Spadrp., Fuller- tora , 9 a.m. to 8 p.m . Ph. 2152. 88ttc Sl-Wanted to Boy PRIVATE party will pay cub for sewing machine, drapes, pi~· tures and coffee:. table. Ph. Bea. 5443·MK. 89c91 SZ--8"usellold Goods W At.NUT dining set, 6 chainl, buffet a.nd table. Good condi- tion. 615 W . Balboa Blvd., Bal· boa. 90p92 FIRE SCREEN, brass, never out of carton, pull style on feet, (381> x 31) only $3f. Harbor 260-J, a. m . or eves. 90c92 BED·DA VENPORT, $30. Chair &: ottoman, $20; bed, spring and mattreu, $15. Rocker, $8, ma .. bogany chair, $10. ace chair, $8. 2 straight chairs. 213 J'em· leaf, Corona del Mar. 89p91 NORGE WASHER -Its the 1951 latest all automatic wuber. HAI agitator and goca fiuab. to U.. wall. has overflow rtnae.. anc!' spill dries clotltee. Call put clot-In the top and t<>rget about tllem. B&la.nc. di.Ill!· 011 contract is only' $238.86 and l paid over $297 for it. My equity FRE~if ou take paymeate ot - $12. r See Mr. Baughn 4'04 So. SpadT • Fullerton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phon.e 21~2. ll8ttc LOUIS xv armchair imported from Paris. Excellent cood!Uon. Phone Bea 6S45-W. 90p92 TWO RUGS, 10xl4 and 9xl2, both reYersible, $15 each. Also odd twin size bed, spring & mat- tress, $:5. Floor lamp, rf7.&0 Phone Harbor 05f.9·R ~92 ,WALNUT dining Btt coruilstLP.g of table, server, buffet a.nd 6 dark red mohair ch&lni. Alao double maple bed with box spring and mattress. Call Bea. 5476-.J. 89c91 SACRIFICE -Pair mahog.' tWin beds, tall spool style 8Jld pair French pear wood, plnJt marble tops, 3 ~wer" commodes. 68 Baltk>a Covea. 91p93 THREE·Panel sue. toot'h&nd carv- .0.wood screeh. $20. Sota. brok· en springs, $10. Hip oven l1U'lge, oven control, '10. Old p!ctUT<lf>, lOc. 304 E. Ocean Fr., Balboa. DAYS ONLY. 91c93 MUS'I'. SELL BY WED., OCT. lllat O'Keefe & Merritt gaa range, Westi:nghOU!!Je refrigerator, both 3 yrs. o)d & in Xlnt. eond. See" to appreciate, !2'65 Clay, New· • port Heights. Bea. 5189-W. Bu Complete Marine Radio Service Cl!ftd llll'tc'htia• • U. S. Goffrllment Lice11sed TecMlcins .. WANT Secretarial poolUoa.-P er· eonal or commercial: 12 '"'· .,..ertoa~. ~ HarllOr 11~.Jl. 90p9~' ' . Chrysler Engmes Used Crowns -Royafs See Johll Harvey • WOMAN in eo.ta Mesa want• houeew ork. 3 hrs. ~ ... Wed., • Thurs. &ttemoona. P60Ae Bea. ' MM-WK. 89p81 COAST ELECTRONICS CO , I EXPEIUENCJ!lD b,&by aiUer a vail· • . • . , ~. . • :.8:i.o!1:".: ~ =: 915 C~t Highway, Newport ltot• 91"°3 at Seacraft 1211 COAST BIGBW.A.' NEWPORT Jlll,&CB PH. ~OOH 0171 , Flop discoveries bave come out with further Information: I quote: Dean ot the Long Beach Convoca.-- .. A man's best friend Ls his mattress ft'Om Carlyle's FurnJture. Uon, a.nd a group of U ~1oo­ C8.rlyle's rua.ttresses are htgb ln qU&lity and "bounce-low 1n price and era will be present today ai the lnsomnia." Carlyle's aL9o baa a device for dayUrne relaxiDg-a. Convocation meeting at All Salnte eentour t)-pe chair that adjusts to your frame lOc:e. a skin diver's Church. Lone BeacA. On Wednes· aui.L It's $S9 and in many a color. Buya in P'u.mitur~Finisbed and ·dt.7 Jib, Wheete, wW be at-the Unfinished-at carl~s, 1990 Harber Blvd., C.O.ta Ilea.. Bea.eoa 11D cathedral. · 0EXP~ct!> Cotpm.ur ...,.to NOW11·T!mta adl bave been road TELEPBONl'J lll:AWN &1tl . w~y laaur or foll. '7ea ..u,. In the Harbor for aver 40 7MD. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~·~-~ JD&t-. No obllpqon .. Pb. Har. ------------------------'-------------------------~I bor lmt·R: ., · 8l p91 ~ . GO.ING! ' ' GO·l"GI ' o ·o -M St' . , BA.aOAIN8 . . ' • ·' Iii-;I # ." AD UB ~ai-Jt~ -~ J JohDsnn · 'T o.tbOard -: " ::,,•':..f. i:!. 4!\ ': . ~ COMt. Co. .,._,,,, 'w ''l·-.. 9' Rs Jut ...... _.. 1111'.- ~ ...... ~... . .... • • -. ·' . I ., f""""'.~~~~~~:;;;;1~#,;i:;;~;.:;~~~~·h ~-:;.·i.. ·; ·;. -; _,,.,...,~ ~~~A.""~'ft':,;J;C,~~:f-:::~~ ~;:;:.;"~~;,.:-:~::;.~ ~~~~;.:::;-o;;~~r:l~~ r • • , • • • oc • ocroau 11, Ult I ~ mnwoaT llALllOA ~ MORE . C~SIFIED ON PAGE. FIVE ... 40.FT.' COMMERCIAL apt." !lohtt. Reg. fo.r 20 puae:ngers. N ew Chrysler Crown motor ln •ug. Aleo g,..g.. radio. Sip& 2. BuUt 1sw2. rebutlt 19-48. can be bought on term.s. $6600. See Bob Enalgn, South Coast Co. Newport Beach Ph. Har. 2600 91Uc 21-FT. CABIN m otor boa.L "Kel- py't Sta.r engine. Albacore rig- ged. Make ofter. Earl'a Landing, C08.llt Highway, N ewport Beach. 90c92 FOR SALE-Moortng No. D-381 10th and Bay A.venue, $12!§.00. Phone LO: 0·8271 or LU 2846. 8&:91 34-Moslcal, Radio GR.AND PIANOS: Baby Gre.nd, reposaesaed, $495. Terms. Also others new and used. Steinway. Chickering, Wurlitzer, A . B. Chase, Knabe, Raworth. Lund- strom. Fr om ~. DANZ- SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main. cor. 6th, Santa Ana. 100 pianos al- ways. LOVELY bungalow upright piano ln perfect playing condition. Terms, $32'.50 down and $11.65 ~r mo. al SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), -421 No. Syca- m ore, Santa Ana.. Kl. 2-0672. BEAUTIFUL Spinet p iano. Repos- sessed. Pay out balance $387 like rent. Like new~ Another, blond mahogany case, gorge<>us tone, S-4 95. Famous make ! Also many rental returns. Save from $120 to $300. All in perfect con- dltk>n. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO STORE, ~20 No. ltofaln , cor . 6th St., Santa Ana. Subject to prior sale. HAMMOND ORGANS! The great Hammond Ohord Organ. U you don 't kno w a note, you can play this! The Hammond Splne t Or- gan, World's most beautiful .tones. E as.y te rms. DANZ- SCHMlDT Piano & Organ Co., Santa A na, 520 No. Main, Car. 6th Street. GET THE TOP DOLLAR for your old piano. Trade. it ln tor Its Cull cash value on a Packard Bell tcleviaion at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), -421 No. Syca. more, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672. R ENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddle& learn, $5 per mo. F\JIJ term rent allowed oh any piano ln our stock . DANZ -SCHMIDT Big P ia.no Stor e, 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana. $50 BUYS a good used piano. Oth- ers for $68, $76, etc. DANZ- SCHMI.DT PIANO CO., Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th St. TELEVISION! Trade your old piano on beautiful t"elev~lon. Big allowance. Famous makes in tele vision. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th St., Santa Ana. SLIGHTLY USED 'spinet piano, like new . 'Big savings. Conveni- ent terms al SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 19071, 421 No. Syca - -more, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672. BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPINET Used. Save $200. T erms. Sub- ject t o pr Io r &ale . DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, 520 No. ltofain, c;.or. 6th, Santa Ana. 40-Business .!>l'P'.'rtunltles • KlDDIE AMUSEMENT PARK- Latest equipment , Coast High- way. nea r Balboa Island. Sacrl- tiC"e t o close estate.' Phone H•· 1354. 89c91 FOR SALE OR TRADE -Mar- ket and groce ry. Good going business. Well e,ijUl p. Selling at.-c't ot illneSB. Ph. Bea . .!)6~. 89):91 41-Stores and Offices ATTRACTIVE OFFICE on New- port Blvd., near the new hos- pital. E.'Ccellent Joe.lion with parklnt;. Al!K> perfect for flor- ist shop or other small business. s-t5 mo. ol66 Newport Blvd., Coe- ta Me:sa. Beacon 5713-R. 82lfc FOR RENT-Small atorea tn new • I ( .. ,.,_ • ) • ... . ' # • wilEN Jm, .~ANT T~ BUY. SEil.~. Et;loy. ~ENT~ OR ,TRADE USE .THE a ASSU,ED. PliORE ~ HAR-1 6 LIDO- . BALBOA NEWPORT w I N T E R R E. N T A L s y E A R L y SPECIALS Winter 1 Bedrootn house .... $ 70 mo. 2 Bedrm. house ...... 100 mo. Ocean front ________ ,, __ 125 mo. Yearly 2 Bedrm. house ........ $ 70 mo. 2 B. R. Ocean Front 125 mo. JIM & SALLY NEWLIN with JOHN D. BlJRNHAM ~7 E . BaJboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor. 1607 (Eves. Har. 2278-W) WINTER RA TES. 3 rm. furn. apt.II On Collins Island. Each. apt.. has water frontage. ALSO Penthouse on lease. We8t end Park Ave., Balboa IaJa.nd. Ph. Harbor 2962-W. 76t!c BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn- ished single apts. $25 and $35 mo. to June 16th. Frigidaire. Laundry a"l(&llable. U tU. lncl. Harbor 1270-W. 83tfc BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tractively turnlahed 2 bdrm. du- plex with e:und~k. Winter or ,yearly. R eaaonable. Har. 3019-R 83ttc BALBOA. -Nice 2-room apt. Good loca . r efrtg., new etove. Util. pd~ $4 2.50 mo. Call 310 Island Ave. Phone Har. 1839-J. 89p91 RENTAL v SPECIALISTS can Edna crats Linwood Vick, Rltor. B&lboe W&nd. Har. 20<2 32cll4 BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tractively t"Urnlahed garage apt. Sultable couple. Avail. Oct. 15th. s~ w inter, $65 yearly, util and gar. included. Harbor 3019-R 78ttc VERY SELDOM do we have a vacancy ln the LIDO ·APTS. on LIDO ISLE. Fuml.sh- ed apartment on the Bayfront. Ideal for a couple. Must be con- genial Ask ror Mr. Grohman. P .A. P -ALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via. Lido, NC\\<porl Beach Harbor 1600 91Uc FURNISHED 1 bdrm. apt. on Grand Canal, Balboa Island nr. South Bay. Winter or yearly. Adults only. Phone Har. 548-M. 89ttc NEW UNFURNISHED upper flat • with large wlodowa ove rlookJng •bay In good residential dlatrtcL 2 bedroom.s. sunaeck. tlreplacti. Hdwd. floors. No children 01 pet.a. Ava.II. Nov. lat. $115 mo. 1009 W . Bay Ave .• Newport SH.ch. Pb. Harbor 3277, day•. (Har. 890-M eve.s.) 88tlc U-AJ!l!!El!!! wl. !14'•,.. I :·:!ll!:: 0 :!8'!:!!Ml!!,! ..... ~!:!!!·lm!e_:,· ___ _!II!:;::· :!!!8!!w~•~r.t.~~!9!...---· _ a.-a..l z.ca*8 . ,,.!,81!. !:il:!R!:!eal!!,Eilf8!';l!!.i!.t.,!!_ ___ _:_· _!111~•=.':!ite.J~.!!.!Jl'.ta~;!!tfl~------. -· sn WK. or _ ... montllly rate f bdrm. turn. ap~ L&W>dry ;.,,,,, !•need pJal' ~rd for children. p...... UtU. -pd. Tiie BLUE TOP, 401 Newport Blvd. 81Uc Tota and Peta Wl!lcome 8 rm., 1 bdrm,, f\Jmi>hod Ii dble. NewPort. Ptay gTOund& 1 blk. from ocean and bay. $-40 mo. Harbor 987. 87c92 FURNISHED 1 bdrm. houee. New. fireplace. adulte. lnqulce 213 Femleaf, Corona del Mar. 89p91 Balboa Island We have eeveral attractive aplft. and hou.aea tor wt.nter rental .st.a.rtlng at $.(5 mo. and a rew yearly rental.s starting at ~. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Marlne, Balboa hi. Har. 502 69ttc CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm. unturn. bowie. Nov. l . R eal fire- place, large c loset.a. $~ per mo. 718 3rd. St. Owner. Laguna <1 -0941 or Harbor 2919-JK. 89p91 VERY atiractlve 1 bdrm. apt .• very close to bus .atop on New- port Blvd. Unrur. Hu garage. s~ mo. . BEAOON lflLL REALTY 466 Newport Blvd. Beacon 6713·R 89t.1Jl THREE RM. unfurn. a pt. Liv. rm., bdrm., kit., tile bath. Panel· ray heat. Stove &: refrlr. (urn. 317 Heliotrope. Inquire 319 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar. Ph. ldarbor 2989-W . ' 88tt<' . ~~~~~~~~~~~- BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fireplace, good h eat, $125 mo til June 15th. ALSO 1 bdrm. baytront, $7~ mo. to June 15th. Phone Har. 2~2 or Harbor 2914-M eve1. 77trc ------------ CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm. un(urn. apt. Yearly rate. $65 mo. Utll. pd. Stove 41: ice 'box in- cluded. IU.rbor 1610. 89c91 BALBOA ISLAND -Cozy, w elJ tum b:hed apt. w ith gar. Ideal tor 2 or 3. can take more. Sep- arate entrance. Reaaol'\able . Ha. IM9-W. 89p91 NEWPORT -2 rm. cottage, partly turniabed. l blk. lo Rich- ards. Util rurnlahed. Yearly $30 mo. Inq, owner. 162 E. 16th, Costa Mesa. 89p91 ' YEARLY -E:ir.ceptlonally nice. U ntum. 2 bdrm. duplex. Many extre. feature•. Near both school.a. Reasonable. 22&.e Clay BL, Cliff Haven. 83Uc BEACON BAY -Furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Lge. living, room and k lk chenette with bar. $85 mo. Incl. utu. to June lGth. Har. 2970. 89c91 BALBOA !SI.AND unfurn. 2 bed- room apL Light and e:paciou.a, l80 mo. yearly. 219 Marine Ave. Harbor 1810-R. 9lc93 NEW MODERN rum. studio apt. Panel ray heat, carpeted. Utll. pd. Yrly or winte r. 411 Helio- trope, Corona del Mu. Harbor 0291-R. -91c93 A TTRACTl'VE S I n &"I e turnlahed apt. Elec. refrlc. Suitable ror one or employed couple. 719-W. Balboa Blvd., Ba.Ibo&. 9Jp93 FURN. APT. on water, paUo, ga- rage. Adult.II, ST5 mq. or wlll lease. 817 -lelh SL, Newport Beach. Harbor 891 -W . 77tfc FOR RENT -Furn. alngle apt . Winter o r yearly. P hone Ha.r. ();27-MK. 9lp93 YEAR LEA.SE -Balboa Island. New unfUrn. 2 bdrm. home with tl~place, nice patio, pra.ge . Call HarbQr 63 (Beek ornceJ. 9lc93 SMALL P"Urn. apt. New stove &: retrtg, Yly .. utll. pd. 202 -7th St .. at E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa. Inq. 511 -36th St., Newport. 9ip93 FURN. EXTRA CLEAN 4. room, NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1 . Brand new 3 bdrm. home, 1 % b&thlJ, fireplace, hwd. flOOT11, forced air heat in every room, lots of . ·tile. Extra large garage. Thla is really,nlce. Only $14,250 COSTA MESA 4 very attractive 1 bdrm. furnished units, con· structed for minimum upkeep, in beat ""!'idential • 4i.strict, room for more units. Income $240 mo., Only $21,000 full price C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, -Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 Looking for an Investment - - - arid a p,erfect hedge against inflation? W e ofter 130 acre1 of rich Imperial Valley Farm Land Now leased {or 5 years at 17000 per year, payable a.n- nuaUyjCASH)IN ADVANCE. Tenant pays all cos'ts ex- cept ~~lch are low. Total prlce ot thl.8 farm is only $60,000. resulting In a secure 10% net return on invest- ment. In addlUon, we expect this land to double In value during the lerm o( the )e&!IC. For further informa- tion call - STANLEY ·HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 THIS HOUSE HAS EVERYTHING Ocean side of highway, 2 blks. to shopping cen· ter, 4 blks. to schoo l. New ranch.type 2 bdrms. Tile kitchen and bath. Dbl. garage. • $3500 down / Monthly payments are. 20% less than)similar houses are renting. WHY NOT LOOK TODAY? ED -L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2766 61-Real Estate Exchange WILL TRADE OR SELL m y ne\v 3 B. R. Lakewood Plaza, corner home. C. I. -4'/, -$56 mo. in- cludes t8.)(es. F ireplace, 11~ baths, 2 car garage. Brktst. nook. lawn, fruit trees. rdwc!. · fence.' WOULD like Balboa I.1Jand -Ph. Harbor 263:1-M. ' 90c95 57-Real ElitaUi WanW LEASE with Ot>tlon te buy. ·4 bdrm. home, fUmlshed, H arbor Area . Rea.aonable price. CaJJ Mn . Retmler, Harbor 27~1. HOUSE o r s1lllall tncome n ear Bay In exchange tor 10 turn. stucco apt.a.. near Bixby Park. Submit. Owner Mrs . Fis her. M6 E. 1 Ith St .. Long Beac h. ·c a.Hr. 9lpH 56-Money WanW SMALL loca.l concern desires lo factor their receivables on 60 day recourse basil . No credit loose& in over two years ot busi- ness. Write Box "P '', thi..8 paper. 9lp93 5.'>-Money to LollJI LOANS For Homes 5%-20 yr. 1Aan11 CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5---"5~% (14 yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS BEE BOB SATTLER 1415 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ufe Ina. Fund.a Kl 3-61& LOANS TO BUILD, •IMPROVE. . BUY, MODERNIZE. OR REFINANCE We Buy Tru8t Deedo NEWPORT BALBOA J'EDl!:R.U SAVINGS .. LOAN ABBN. 1333 Via Udo Ph. ~ar. 1&00 BALBOA PENINSULA BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dutc h Colonial. Flagstone front. Prive.le patio, forced air heat. FlreplacC". Garbage d Is p o s a 1. Weathe r stripped. Large sun df'ck. This is an out.standing value a.nd a fin e home. Price $21,500 Co nsider amaU home as part trade. LIDO ISLE $4,750 down. New 2 bedroom home near best beach. Full tile roof. Patio. Furnace heat. F ireplace. Bar type Kitch('n. Glass en- closed tub. See thl.8 before )'OU buy Price $15,750 Ranch 20 ac res 6 miles from N l'wport 12 &cree: in permanent pasture Equipment for 15.000 ch.Jckens. Three house!!, good barn. Abun- dant cheap water . Consider part trade bay area . T erms. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 31 12 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 Canal Front Rental P ier and float. neat 2 bedroom furnished, $125 . mo. yt>ar round. COSTA MESA TWO bedroom on 'h acre $6750 THREE bedroom on 60 x 31?.. F orced air, barbeque hOUM!, etc. Completely fenced, $14 ,500. For details-Call W . Kempton, Harbor 1!>00 • P.A. PALMER lNCORPORA.r ED 3333 V Is L~ Jo Newport Beach, Cali!, ga.rag• apt. Lot. of Jlght and 48-Antomoblles, Tin& 48-Antomobiles, Tires ~r. Elec. refrlg. Utll. pd. $4 5 ._;o.,,~====;;..==---":.;:..-"=====-==-::.:;:.... __ month,. • ALSO 3 rm. apt.. elec. refrtg .. S-40 mo. to June 15. 301 E . Bay Ave., Balboa. Har. 1959-J. 9lc93 SPECIALS -This Week Only! '51 KA!SER 2-door &<tan-A beauty! ........................ $17015 ·oo CHRYSLER Windsor Hlghl&ndt'r Club Coupe," Cully ~Ulpped, A-1 thruout .................................. .,$2:04 5 '-48 AUSTIN 2-dr., heatn, clean and r eady lo go ... ...$ 795 $1~ Down ' Furnished •ery nice 2 bdnn. home. 3 yrs. old. Redwood aiding, tumace, tiled bath, tub, ahower, garage, laun- dry tray. Beaut. treeA, near lge. m&rket and bus line. Payment.a. are only $50 mo. The full prtce la only - • $6500 Call on This $36.12 per mo. This exceptionally well built FHA home with 2 bdrm11 la a real buy for 'someone. Very attractive. H wd. tiled kitchen and bath, l yr. old and immaculafe. Large cover ed patio. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. $2500 down and the ru·11 price Is only - $8950 Want Value ! ! ! &e lhls beautiful 3 bdrm. home w ith many featurefl. Lge. livi ng .rm., dln. rm., tiled kitchen with lo ts of cupboard space, patio, fireplace, 2-car garage. Built under rigid .FHA r equirements The ter ms are $27:>0 down a.nd the payment.8 are only $66 per mo., in cluding taxes and 1nsur. Full price - 1856 Only $11,400 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Beacon 7123 Mesa ( Acr05.s trom C0tila Eves. Ha. 3157-W Mesa Bank) Bea. 5-458-J REAL BUYS! BALBOA BUSINESS DISTRICT -o lder dup!C"x, 2 bdrm. lower. 1 bedroom upper. Has great possibilltirs tor busine88 locs.- tion. $6500 cash-FULL PRlCE -buys this! BAY A VE.-Attractivc 3 B. R .. 2 bath honlC'. turnlshcd. Firepla ce, patio, B. B. Q., laundry. dbl. garage t3rd bedroom and bath adj. garage). $15,500. BAY VIEW AN·D DA?\"'D Y SWIM- MING . BEACH! This older ho1nc is only 100 tt. or ao back tcom th(' bay. Large living rm. with firl'place, 3 bedrooms -and 3 rm. apt. In rea.r. Nc~s some palntin' and rixln'! Its fumlsh- <'d and a bargain at $12,500. OCEA N FRONT--l bdrm. home and garage apt. for income. All furnished. Fireplace. Pat i o. Barbecue. 2-ca.r garage. C hoii;e Balboa location. C IOl5c t o shop- ping and transporta tion. Price $16,500, ' Balboa Realty Co. Rosa Greeley J osephine Webb L illian McAdoo . GOING, GOING, - - - • they will soon be GONE!. Good Buys in Bay Shores OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY LOOK AT 2455 Marino Prive Shake roof, grape stake fence Enclosed patio, it's a beauty $15,500 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone. llarbor 20f2 '"Look for the Green Lawn'' CORONA DEL ~ INCOME Don't fail to see this most . ctive 2 bdmi. home, . only 4 yrs. old, in choice location. Separate guest room and bath adjOining garage. Excellent income record. Now rented at $115 per mo. It will sell QUICKLY AT-· Price -$11,500 -Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor . Exclusive Agent · Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Island OPEN FOR INSPECTION 1 to 6 Daily ' 4 NEW 2·BEDROOM-MODEL HOMES from $3595 to $6975 Low Down Payment -Easy Terms 1977 ~91 Maple St. Costa Mesa One Brock West of Harbor Blvd., North of 19th • CORONA DEL MAR I will sell my home in Corona del Mar or trade for a · good medium sized house trailer. 1 bdrm. neat home rented for $73 per mo. on a 45xl18 comer lot in choice location. Room to build a home on front of lot. · Price Reduced to $9850, terms Call my broker, Mr. Snyder, Harbor 1741 bor 1477 or evenings, Harbor 393-M. or Har- 89c91 Everybody Wants Two Units We have them here on Bal· boa Island, Starting prices furnished, $15, 750. $16, 750 $18,500 and you might just as well be on THE ISLAND. HOW TO BUY A HOME Select your location. Then choose your Real Estate Broker as carefully as you would your Doctor or Lawyer. One wh o has the best values and listings in the area. _'oo __ E_. _aa_1boa __ B_1_v_d ___ H_ar_._3_27_7 This $15,750 two·unit place One who arranges financing and PROTECTS your m· terests through escrow. Selected Offerings Corona del Mar 3 bdrms. . ............................... $ 8, 750 2 bdrms. ........ . .................. 10,500 3 bdrm., furnisht..'CI ............ 12,500 2 bdrm. & 1 bdrm. apt ....... 14,5-00 2 bdnn., disp. &. dishw ....... 15.750 3 bdrm.. view .................... 20.000 3 bdrm. & den, view ............ 2-4 ,500 3 bdrm. & den, view ............ 35,000 Have opening (or exp<'riC"nced aa.l cs1nall. L!B tinga Wanted Rentals &:. Sales W. E . Fisher Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith Realtor -A&90C late 916 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2-4-43 Corona del Mar $2500 Down ! ! 3 bdrm. collage. Good neighbor- hood, yard all cemented &: brlck - wa.Jled . Payment. cheaper than rent. $8750 Full Price is hard to beat for the money. J . A. BEEK Office - Harbor 63 Balboa Island Ferry DELUXE 2 bedroom (amid be 3 bdrm.) gorgeous vleW.-Huge picture windows. 25 ft. liv. rm. Muter bedroom. G. E . kitchen. F~agstone fireplace and plant- ers. Closet.a galore. Unit heat. 2100 aq. ft. Submit your own terrna. -4 30 Poppy, Corona del Mar. ' 91 c93 Notice-- to Trailer Owners Owner will take .2000 or g ood lrlr. a.a down payment on lhl.r. very nice 2 bdrm. home. Fu11 price S8000. % blk. l o ocean, com. turn., includ. Bendix wa.sh- er. If you are intereBled In this or any other home, pay WI a ca:ll. there la no obligation and we mlgbt have juat what you are lookkac for. Paul C. !dnes, Rltr. NOTE: Will co1111tder Co&ta Mesa 2307 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport lot on trade. Then TRUST him until you have found your home. The BEST BUYS on LIDO ISLE are m a d e tbro ugl2 this, office . · At this tin1c we have some extra 11pccial good buys in BRAND NEW homes any sir.e and any price. We ha ve what you v .. ant in either waterfront homes or inside hon1es that are the c ream ot LIDO ISLE. Al80 LOTS-here a gain you can BUY trom the DEVELOPE;R ot lovely LIDO ISLE. Water- front lots. in11idc lot.s. income lots-a.II at below market prices with generous terms. Don't be TOO LA TE. These lots won't la11t forever. Just LOOK .at -LIDO ISLE and 8(>C what's go- ing on-and then SEE US. 1 ·p . A. PALME1i INCORPORATED 3333 Via L ido Newport Beach, C&llf. Harbor ;..-.. ..;:; R esult.a come !rom constant Practice! An ad regularly ln We paper will produce results tor you. buaineSll centet. \.\'ill front toBA --LBOA------M-od-•rn--2-bodroo---m \ suit. Lota o! pa.rklng. -1595 nicely fUrnl8h<d apt. SM mo., OCEAN VIEW 3 rm. tum. apt.a .. lge. Uv. rm .. ln a door bed, twin beda in bil!dt"OOm. nlce kitchen. $40 mo. to $80 mo. winter , uttl. pd. Holiday Apta., 1007 E. Bal· boe Blvd., B&lboe. Har. 1378. . tlc93 '47 CADILLAC 82 Sedan. tu.lly oqulpped Including \VSW.and l'l~ nylon ~at covers. XlnL thruout $17-45 ·•1 FORD Super Del.Wt~ Convertible., beater, radio, Phooe Barbor 2313 • TOM PAYNE, Rltr. MARINE omCER TRANS· Modem redwood and glass Two bdnn. and servant'• qua.rt.erL P"lagstone and wood floon. Two year1 old. I n gl'OYe of tr-eea. Beautiful view of the weatern hllle -ln excJuslv.e section - 2 miles trom ocean •In quiet 8Ur- a ate&l al ~··-··-········:··········-·············-····················' -495 Newport Blvd. Sat. and Sun. 89U 1...-ty, UtU. pd. Phone Harber 8 &. m.-5. c 2791-J . 83Uc WATERnlONT 2 bedroom tum. 310 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar FER.RED -MUST SELL one Apt. '46 mo. to July l•t. No "Hillman Minx Dealer" Phone Harber :nr. yr. old 3 bdrm. 2 ~•th home In • 4%-WanWllO'~t LEA.SE wtth option to buy, 4 bdrm. home, tumllhed. Harbor Atta. Reuonabl& price. call Mn. Retmler, Hubor 2151. PI!:llMAN!lNT tomUy delire to • rent 3 bdrm. tum. or untum. boulie.. ~fe.r Newport Ht8, COn>na d•I Mu, Lido or Bal- lllood. Ph. H"fbo' 2190-M. • llc93 ·~-~~~~~~...:....~~- NICELY l!'llmlabetl Oottap. ..it· ol>le for t-pevplo. Ooll at·&M 111-••1. eort.. x-. ttcn pebl. 8708 Cllann•l Plac•. Now· • Coeta Kea. Forced air heat. BALBOA ISLAND -AttnA>Uve p0rt blind. • 78dl9 NE\~IPQRT ALJTQ SALES • flr<p1-, large com<r lot. b&chetor apt. near So. Bay. UtlL v,v Bay & Beach Bargain Venollan bllnda, weel.her otrlp· pe.ld. Guage STII mo., yearly ...8 f .. _. • 2604 W. Ne"""'rt mvd. Newport Beach ped thruout. Wlll .. n fUmlture or $60 mo, wtnter. Ph. Harbor l .;....-~..;:;.;Olo.;D-;:;n;:;•'-"'or;.;...;::,-=;;;•____ •• r-Nice cottage and rental, one half if detlred. $!3,?00. Approx. . rounding&. s~.ooo. Good terms. 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W ien. 'llllfc 'l'l!llU.tANENT or wedtly nntal-PhOIJe Barbor 1407 , block to bey on 1\i tote, !enc..i $6000 down. Bllence at se7 mo. and landacaped. Old<r f bdrm. Oil l!l. llltll St, Colla M-. B & Be h B · • SI .. plftl niom, .prtv. ntren~. 1937 DOOOJJ: eod Good "' '311 0000111 Sedan • doo•. ~--.' home, ...cenuy ffillodel°'l Ce-BelUlOll 704-W. • ' IJ9clll al:' &C argatn rarace.· 110 wlc:. BLUE TOP, an. "°'0 -1' -,. • ....,.,..,.. ment toundatJoo. Dlspoilal, dlall-LIDO ISLE - (,fuet ·-• u.. At-chMl , 401 condlUon. CloOO radio, '1211. 001 llollled motm, CloOO tra_.ta-Can you top thia waterfront 1 8':~;,~-=::: Newport_ ~·d. Newport ~ :-:: ~Fs;;;w11ar~1~: ::;.... ~rn~ 1"bone =~:~ ::;,~~ ... ··d~~~:!; Channel Front Home amoll ........ with p&llo f;oelng wa- (twln -) STII mo. 2 bedl;oomo tJon. --ot .._1 &lld 1 tidnn. opt. In rear. 6 boirm., --, atltlctiYe ter,1 BBQ, plu aJJp. a....., bu •tOO mo. All uWltlel paid. Prl-Nowport 81¥11., Oooia iii.a, •at FOiµ) ._ -di!&n, · -to.rge Uving .-a wiUI nJce -P. A......,.._PA.L -"',_E-R ~~ .... ~:.a~!':.!J;!~-· .... . · '°"" =~~.~= 1~a~-•~-~ch .. ~~ -._11oo1;;,r~_ ............ ~r .. · =.,_-'1lli•-o-. ond .LU "~u~•D nu . ....., w-core for 'ta CHlliV l -\i • t... ......, --.,..._ •· ... ---~ ' '1o.aGO : a6lloo dn. f100 m~ • ~•pet ___ la MloOWll --, ' .....-~ 'llL CBBVT. oD -..i, PueJ [le., • H. B.C . RMLT"( 00. UDd A • • ~ lNCORPORA=lloo 1_ Rn~1 wW,. '"""Ill --U l'ORD lO t... pldl-lf'NQ' tnc11. uite --N..,.. ear n.....,..," & Bay N~;+Nt-.. Jlewpect Bn<l>, ' ElscJnlPve • ~VlaUdo • --> -·e.·h1•lol -Cl'-• RII _ono. boUl ,_ -tloa. --...__ •-~ -u.;~ • ' -I Ba £:Be ' .Real ... .. •--.., ~ ..... _ _... --• . ........... ,. ~ l ~-......... ··-........... -~ .. _ .. ' ~ ·~ rt 'B • ~... ~ -•~-• -rn . ......, ,_...,.. wr--•-or '·--.. ~~ ---. -----•~ r-.-• .... -u newpoetc.n, ~.. ~~eriijll()M;. ra.. --e--T ... __ ~u--~ -.... '" • ·1--nee tor ,__ --......._ --·~ ..ia-'--........... -. -. . . ·•1-~-·--" ~ ..... ........_ ~ . . ·""""'· ~· -..... -. 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