HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-06 - Newport Balboa News Times! l I . ' I I ' , i.• i -·-·---~-- • . ., • : Bradley eontinues Rearing Date for Slot Machiners REMOVAt OF P. E. · DEPOT, YARDS TO :WEST NEWl?ORT OPPOSEQ· BY : LOCAL GROUP • . -Opposition to any plan for the removal of the Pacific 43rd. YEAR-NUMBER 45 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, N0~_6, 1951 FIVE CENTS Another continuance waa "gr&Dl· ed yesterday by U . S. Conuniaalon- er · Arthur M. Bradley in ~anta A.na in the hearing of charges of illegal J>08Se&Slon a'nd transport&· lion of •lot machines against ~l persons, many of them of Newport Beach. New hearing date ls Nov. 26. Electnc depot and freight )Oll'ds to any .portion of West Newport between 36th street and the Santa Ana River wa.a voted by the West NewJ>Orf Improvement A~tlon in • FIRST ARBOR DAY PARADE HERE SATUROA,.THRILLS THOUSANDS . . . session at the City Hall Fnday .everung. ' Further opposition to the zon-.f •. : $ ing of any land within th~ Cor-way. They voted _....bnguaJy t.o porat.e limits of lhe city westerly oppose such a mQlflt..- of 36lh street, for any purpose Plans for tmpro.ement of the other than residential was also \Vest Newport area ln general volcC'd. More than a half hundred were discussed at length. A reao- \Vest Nc\vporters attended the tution waa ordered drafted and regularly called n1e-C'ting presider! dispatched to the City_ Council over by Morgan Lowery, vice-s.eking the repalr of the ap- president of the &&'l~iation. proaches of the Newport lal&nd U81C was provided 8aturda7 by l!:J Tol'O Marine Bud.8men aa Utey atepped out in rront or the 60-ear carav&n which wn~ tbroup downtown :Sewport and Baltto. for bell planttnc. (Newa-Tlmes Photo) I CITY CIVIC ORGANJZA TIONS Protection of Ocea n Front Cos t Estima ted 1 GATHER · IN 60 CARS . FOR PARADE. BELL PLANTING More. than $600,000 waa the coet wblc.Jt city engineer J . B. Webb, eatlmated ror a project of adequate protection tor-the Ocean FnuiL p"'J)O<ty ot . '<fi4I,. ~ewport Bu.ch !'Tom 30th &t~ 1.o the 'Rrtrer Jetty at the West City ltmlta. Webb deACtibed his recent tnvestlgatioM of ~he area and of similar problems at Surfside, Seal Beach and intervening beaehes be- fore & gathering of 'the We.st Newport Improvement A&SOClation in session at the City Hall Friday night. Described as a. curreqt at right angles to the shore a.nll running wet1terly or euterly at different times. waa the tide wblch hu carried away thousands of yards of beach sand from the shore in recent weeks. Webb said that the present action wu not u serious as previous eroding• actions that have ta.ken houaes out to sea from West Newport . .He said that in previous years Seaahore drive bu been completely washed out and that the Coaat Highway was at timea endangered. Webb described a plan drafted atter the dlsa.lltroua Udal actions ot 1937 which called tor the con- struction ot a series of groins ranging in length from 3.'SO to 410 feet in length. A1ao included in improvement plan was 2,060 feet or bulkheadinR" from 30th street westerly to 39th street . Not in- C'luded In the cost ot the project waa the dredging of sufficient sand from the Bay lo rebuild the beach. Webb express@d the belief that ·Mother Nature'. would fill the groins and reclaim the beach as she has done In the past. Webb told the group that hl.s preaentatlon was a plan drafted in the cit~· engineer's office sev- eral years ago and at that time Wh in accordance with the de- signs and patterns of 'the U. S. Beach Er<JiiJlon Board of the Corps ot Eng1n@e.r~. U. S. -A.nny. The plan whlch Webb aid would have coat only $198.000 ln 1941 was also approved by the ClJJfomla State Lands Dlviakm of Bea'cheA and ParM. A q>eeial committee ot the Improvement poup was named to dl.scUa Webb'• propo- aala and encteawr to tind financ- ing for. the Improvement. Named to tbe comm.ittee were Grant Ga.r- ma.n. R. V. Pegram, Clyde Rex and )(. llllcalotl. Injunction t:iearing fo r Local f'.=irm Participants in their community's first parade along the citys' first Boulevard were the civic associations of the City of Newport Beach in more t.bAµJ three ecore automo- bilea j(>lning in 'the Arbor D,.y obilenllutce Saturday. Paced by, the M¢ne Corps Band lrom e aval-caae of co .. Harry Welch. . _ ' Every organization within thto._ ____________ _ city and a few guests and several buaines.s cars were loaded ln every seat by residents who were sur- prl.sed to see the line of march lined full with cheering children and their parenl.!J and lol.9 Of those who just ''like a Parade.' Shortly after ~even o'clock S'at- urday morn i n g the snappily marching Marin es from El Toro clad in drc&i blues JStruck up the band as they iitarted down New- port Blvd.. rrom 32nd street at the Ctty HaJI. For almCH1t the full length of Balboa Blv<J., from .P.fc- Fadden Place to ·Main street. the Marines kept their martial tune!! a playLng lor the enjoyment of the thol18&1lds who lined the route ot march. Aa lmprovloed opM!cen plat- form WM altuated at the first 'bell' la tbe atreft divklllls p&t- tem at Alvarado 1treet, Balboa. Onto the ~tform were lnvlted ttie dlsnltari~ of the-commu- nity &ftd tbo8e who ba\'e work· ed on behalf of the cl'ie beau- ttflc&Uon prornm and Arbor Day. PTt-akllng-o,·er the 1M.'tll8ion ",.. Supiprlor Court .JudJe Robert Ge.rdnrr. Particular tribUt.e was paid Harry Welch "'ho 111en-ed thfoi lmpro\'emeat of Balboa Blvd. Credit was given to all of thoee who supplied cars and trucka and bunting and npwers and beauty for the parade ot more than 70 cars. Particular praise wu given to Paul J ; Howard, Franlt:Un Wil- cox. natlonaJly known nureery- me n Who contributed pl&N and pla.nl.8 and trees for the program. Both are resident.a ot the commu- nity. Lonnie Vincent introduced Mr. and Mrs. Don Mets, new arrivals of Balboa who provided 1'wld.! for the hundreds of planta that com- pleird the planting arrangement.a of the bells. Tars Drop 28· 20 Game to Saints Newport baJI ~e&m Harbor'• Varsity foot- tak.ea on A.nahetm's league leader• at A n ah et m ln thelr next Sun11et League •lrug- gte attar dropplns a tourh 28- 30 •decision to Santa Ana al the MunictpaJ Bowl laat Friday night. ._ .. Grand Marshal of the parad.-_ Al Irwin'• spunky Sailors had a W~tch was secretary of the 13 point lead at one time on the Newport Harbor OhambeT' or -Salnla ·but couldn't hold up al- Cotnmef'Ct" for more tb&a • UJough they did lalvage a de- quarttt CNltury and baa bten claive edge ln both the f I rat most actJ,-e ln all coutal at-downs made department and lhe rain.. l\lonte Grlmes WM lntro-~und gllined end of the game duoed as C>fae ot the "spark-plup• The locals out flrat -d o w n e d In t~ actl\>1ty wllloh led to the .. Santa Ana. 9 -8 and oUtg&ined tnaalm'atl• of Arbor Da..v. them on the Jl'9Uf'd.217-224. Lonnie Vincent gave a brief htB· lt wu an 8()..yard kickoff re ... tory of the prognLm for civic tum late ln the ~d by fleet breautlficaUOn as lnslltute~ by the footed -Dick 'Benne\t ••lch . bri>ke Balboa Improvement ~iatiort the baclc: of t~e Tari' trbb wen during h.IJi: term o presidenL Vln-leading--20-T at the ttme. cent aid that ht& organlzatlon Harbor acored ln the tint qua:r-' had changed the National slogan ler alter Tony Pridham ~vered ot 'Plant Amerlca.~ to suit them· a Bennett tumble on. the Bflnt !O. selves as 'Plant N!!wport Harbor Pulaaki paued to end Jtoft PeWt -America's Choic('.' tor seven and tullbadl Don Aaro. Joeeph A. 8'-ek, developer ol void plowed for two be f o t e Balboa lala.nd, Meret.ary of the Puluki went the .remainin&' pne. califomla State Senate, !l"elated Rex Bell convertect,. · ~ .. . , the planting of the treeo oo Bal-Pulaoltl -...i I!'• --.i Tar boa Ioland and H&rbor Illland and toucl>down in llle oecood ~ a&id that there would be more of as he ran .aven yardt and BeU na.tu~s beauty to add to the nat • mlued the oan'ftil'Maft.. Su.ta uraJ: wonders of the Newport Har· Ana then c..,.,; tp oe pa••• 1 bOr area with eaell 'lleW tree. tram Saint ~~-" Bob llwtt· -I · The residents of the West· New-b~" ..... ge. ~· ~ port area said that the Pacific The nareup of the membetlt -Ot· ._,, Electric property was bad at best. lhe ·West Newport .Improftment but said they tould find no rea-Group is· expected to have deft- .son for degrading their lands and nite bearlng oo the plan.a which the areas adjacent to lheir homes. the City t8 ~own to be conslder- They also discussed at length ing for the creation of a sizeable rumored planis o! the city for area between 45lh 1tnet and Mth creating an industrial area in the street for a Padfte:, .Electric de- vicinity of the Banning Properly pot site and ra.i~yard. :,,_ at Balboa Blvd .. and Coast .High-The Pacific J:Pllctrtc baa lignt- PROMl1'-i:NT K!:MllZB8 OF THE STADl'll COURTS, SEN· p rognim -Y· la a1J 90me %0 tl'MS and more than a tllOU&- ATE AND ASSEMBLY were on ...., to pay.t the Kiwanis Club'• and plant& and shrubs ha\'e been provided tor the plantlns of Canary hla.nd PlaeJ ln promhM'nt places on the City HalJ srounds Balbc,. Bl\•d.. as, p result of the Arbor Day p&an ot the Balboa Saturday, Plctuttd left to rt(h.t are Superior Court lud1e Robert lmpro\'einent Auoclatlon and the Ct,·Je Bfeutlfica.tlon Committee Ganlwr, AMemblyma.a r.rt ·6taalry, SecrN:My of the State of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. E''ery civic orpnlzatlon Senate JDMph A. Beek, Mayor Isbell. and KJWIUllan ~lonte Grtmee. of the community cooperated In the program. (News-Times Photo) The Ctty llall •~ plaatln1 <'toremoay complete!d the Arbor Day • OCC COASTS 14-0 OVER ~~~~ ~:~ ~~~ ~~K CHAf FEY IN SLOW GAME w~ ?~:is:i~~~~ ~r~w'o 1ii.fEo7g~C!n~~~r!n~a~~ A elow · l'.<>lling orange Cout to~chdown in the third period u trees on either side of the entry walk at the City H&ll. The John Black went 14 yards around trees were formally presented to the City with marking College drommed up enough en-d h N H hi• own left end to end a 84-~acques by Herbert Kenny, presi ent of t e ewport ar· thu.1iasm to score two touchdowns yard di;:lve wh\ch took 10' plays. r Kiwanis club. . ln the second half and played the Jeue Smith kicked the conver-The Kiwanis club presented the breaks to atop Chaffey's offenae sion. The 5econd TD came in the MESAN'S CAR FISHED trees as their part in the Arbor Thursday night to rack up their fourth period a.a Charley Black Day program. The trees had been fourth Ea.stern ConlereAce Foot· went over right tackle and cut FROM MISSISSIPPI secured by Monte Grimes, chair- b&ll victory of the year, lf-G, at back to his left for 36 yards. man of the Kiwanis Civic Be&uti· Huntington Bea.ch befot'e a .Um Jesse Smith converted. A third A car registered to Carl B. fication committee. turnout of 2000 f8JU. touchdown Waa mi.Med in the sec-Lester •. 362 Costa Mesa St., Cost& The large trees were placed by The Pirates, obviously looking forward to their game 'f\'llh Santa Ana thia Saturday night at Santa Ana, -couldn't kindle enough f ire in the first half to atop Chaffey's offense. let · alone get one rolling for themselves. Chaffey had !ll'!V- eral S<:Oring opportunities early In the game but ran out of gu just when they needed the e x t r a punch. The~ ond period u fU.llback Hal Smlth Mesa on Saturday was d'rlven off 3 city crew!! with a crane and the ripped oft left tackle for 7t yards. btuff into the Mississippi rive r earth was then shoveled in around He waa In front of the pack as near Covington. Term., by a man ijle roots by civic dlgnatarles tn- he neat;ed the goal line and tum-in Air Force uniform. eluding Superior Court Judge bled the ball into the erld zone. So rC"ported T ipton, Tenn. Coun-Robert Gardner; A.eaemblyman He stumbled In tryi.ng to pick up ty Sheriff Jesse Sanders .. He said Earl W. Stanley : State Senate lhe ball and a Chaffey man fell the man jumped from lhe, car jt1.11t Secr£'tary J . A. Beek: Mayor L. on ti for an automatic touchback before It went over the bluff, then L. Isbell and Monte Grimes. -no paint& gpt ln another auto and drove 'Off. Large z!nc placque!I, euitably Chaffey had a chance to put The submerged vehicle and· Its engraved will be placed at . the the sldcb under the optomtstic California. license plates were re-ba.se of each tree to identify them (Coatillued OJI Pa•e 4) covered, dillclo8ing ownership. as having bee"n given by the New- ' port Harbor Kiwanis club. .Following t~ city ball tree plantlric all of these pre5ent ad· Joa.med to the Newport Harbor Yac~t club for a •ou.tch Treat.' luncheon to commemorate the occasion. At thlll liefllaiotl Joe fled that It wou.ar.I ~ wt.lli:ng to move Ila depot if the Ctty wopJd provide the necessary land onto which tt could move and funds lo accomplish the ;ro~· -The rau- way company has offend. to trade value foll value lta ~t bold .. Inga in downtown Newport for 'any others the City of Newport Beach might have or acquire." The relJidents of West Newport expressed the belief te.a~ lheY- bave suffered long enough with the Railway's unkempt right ot way and that the entire problem might better be solved lf the util- ity were to completely eva cuate the city. Several present express- ed the opinion that Newport Bea.ch freight users could better be served from the Huntington Beach depot. Attorney R. V. Pegram reported to the gioup that the Division ot Highways has conderi':l.ned alm0&t ~ of the P . E. property lying ~ their track and lhe Cout ~y between -Hun.tlngton .Beach proper and the Sant.a Ana River for the widening of the high- way. He said he doubted if it would be poss.1ble for the P . E. to loc&;te a freight yard Juat West of the Santa Ana River. Vote of the half hundred mem- bere of ib.e ~Uon to rop-poae- ~~ OODGf COURT· . NOW CLASS A, JUDGE RULES Newport Townsh.ip Just Ice Court yesterday w8.s in busineas as a CJ.a.as A justice court, follow· ing a ru.tlng Friday in Santa Ana by Superior Judge Kenneth' E . Morrison. In. effect, the ruling stipulates that Newport Bea.ch ToWtlBhtp ha.a a population of more than 30.000 and is again entitled to the raised rating. The writ of mandate to "com- pel" Juat~e Donald J . Dodge to assume jurisdiction of a Class A court came after Atty. Le.Roy An- derson Introduced witneues lo tell of the population growth since the 1950 cenws. Similar proceedlhgs two years ago resulted in eslab· Jlahment of the Cius A court, but 1950 _ ce.ruius figures -0f 24.000 Rhowed a ahortage tn the required population count of 30,000, Estimates of population at Fri- day's hearing ranged from 30.300 to 38,000. They were based on new building permits, county building record&. Lncrea.aed school enrollment., water meters and util- ity tteord.s. New cla.saification of the Justice court will allow Judge Dodge )to handle clvtl C&aeB up to 11000 and high mtademeanora. Und~r Clue B, civil jurladlction ls limited to $300. The county board of supervi&ora have altered the township boun· dary Unes, changing the Dtamand;o Greenville and Paula.rt.no,,. vottns preclnct.s from Sa.pt.a Ana to the beach """" bringing' the flg(u-w lo 27,300 on 19~ records •. BOW TO MEET Memb•n of · N~ Harbor elementary ecbool dlstrlc.t board ot trustees will bold their month))' meetlng at 8 o'clock tonight at Horace Ensign achool. They W'fU consider upecta of the p~ '98:1,000 bOnd i.ue election Called tor ljY the cit~" commttt°' which lo ur1iing eonllruetkin of more elemeatary *'1>!>01 faclll~ to bouae pupil ~verflow. . _. Earl W. :Stanley, .u..mblymao ... l.o end Monie !)a.ta. ' BWI~ 1from thD · area. wu 'introduced weal lri 1'ro,n. °"" ~yud put ADii and IJwlked all ol -preoeat Jamrtt ·'l'emlll ll-,u.. - w11o·b&d coopentled tn ma1c1ns I.he po1nt ·to J!l&ll.• 11 :u..1. w1ua,• sue<._ of ArbOr Day .-Ible. -·-111t IA 111o ftnt llalf Loo Steff-~-•~ -... to -a 1et eeromonleo, oltored ....,. addl· paoe to aon ,.._ -an &-. ~--wto_ll __ l9, ..... ,~ • • • -,..,.. -..... ,\;; ,_ -.. -..-ti•• -.. ·-·~"''' ,,.. __ ,..._ .... ,, --,., I II ....... 11•,... ll -Ill IW ... .................... _,.... ~- ........... Ill .. .. ... ._ _.. ~ ... ........ •••&. ...... I& -.ra P' ' I r:1::• 7 2 0; Pl ,_, -•At • -..... Iii t.M -~ __ .,. .... -b' ...... ,_ ........ ,,... ..... • . . ' ~ ' I ' t , ...........•.. I • PA8E Z ' .. · -1 f.ood Selection ·for Children Theme . : for Dentists at ' Hi· School · Meet ~ • :Tbere-wtll·be nO more tee crum,._ _______ .:.·..;•_.__~-- • cOokl.., jolly bread or eoft ~ Ju,ltlfY con.MlmptJon." he a.Id. ·: t~r Jun.lot" tf hla parent& take tq o..torie. \'I. Valuft ,. • ~a.rt the me1n.ce delivered. at • Newport Barbor Union. h1Cb · He explained th&t caJorlc lnta.ke • acbool. OctobeT 28 by four mem-le iil>t repruent.atlve of 'rOO<\ value, : bUa ot the on.np County ·and compared the far cre&ter nu- , Dental Society. 'nley itreaed the tritiona.l value of one lam.bl kid· 1 redUctlon tf not complete e11ml-ney a,galn8t one .alice ot white • nation ot' an concentrated, retlned bread, both which have appre&.1- .u.pn, white refined flour and ex-m&Uly the ea.me caloric value. He caa tau trom the f&mily diniDg1 also deacriMd diet.I which 1how~ table in order to ch~k d.eotal de· the proper foods and amounta t o c&y. l.nltud. the family will be ~ eaten for three caloric require- eatinC' kidney. brainl'I. Uver, or menta: 2.000, 2.400 and 3,000 cal· •ea.food at Jeut once a week and Ot"te&, the latter being the require-- will tncreue tta daily intake of menta for adol~ents. "You llvf' carrot.a a.nd greens. in an are& of abundant sea food." · The other part of the tooth de-he chided the audience. "and don't : cay control program tnvolvea a take advantage of fish which ls , t)liree-mlnute, sesston three times a high in vitamin D. the one vita.min .. dly with a toothbrush, the size on w~lch almost all people are ' oC the brush and mechanlai 'ot short. ' brushing being of great lmpor· Dr. Forrest Moodie, chainnan • tance, according to Dr. Lester H. and moderator. explained that ~ Vierling, Corona del Mar. who de· most foods an: nearly balanced scribed the brush technique. "Ro-tn them.elves an~ common sense tate the brush trom gum tisaue to eating calla for a ~lgh protein diet teeth, sweeping between where and one which ehminalea the re· cli-anlng la most 1rrlporlant," he fined carbohydrates. • said. "lt t.1 not important whelh· The program, sponsored by the • et' the dentilrtce la a powder or New Po rt Beach Elementary • a ' paste except in the cue of Sc.hooll!I PT A and the Asst.stance a~l children wbo m ay inhale a League of Newport Beach, ta part • pc;Wder," he 4'#>Jalned. "Not un-of 8: plan for preventative dentls- . ti(" -your child ·can do a satisfa.c-try 1n Orange county and provide!l tory SCTUbbtnr job on hla neck a.id not only for the leC"ture series but · ean la he able to brush his teeth for' dental examination ln the near without supervi.i!lion ." future of all achool children by a .Reterrlng 'to the nuoridation of group ot dentlata_ from the Oran~ 'water ~ still In the expert-County Dental SOctety. The open· mental stare. Dr. Vierling stated ID.I' of the dental clinic sponsor- that the varied gources of the lo-ed by the Newport Beach A.Mist· cal water supply complicated such anee League mu.st be proceded a plan here. by the dent.al httllh four-fold • Fl1"8t T ttth Dr. John Thornquist, !int speaker on the panel, emphaaized • the importance of the six~year · molar. the first permanent molar lo enter the mouth and whtch cornea into place at six years of age ... A child should be ta.ken to the dentist about his third birth· day since by this. Ume all the pri- mary teeth \1i:lll have erupted," he f'Xplain.ed. "A casual tn.spection at thla time will not only give a child confldel)Ce tn the dentist, but ahould there be dental defect.a tn the prtmary t eeth it may be poe- • Bible to ucert.a.ln the cause and t eltminate' the factors which would ' tend lo produce sim Har defec~ in the permanent teeth. But the ma.in emphasis of the two-hour diac:Usslo n was on diet which eliminates refined carbohy- drate•. Dr. CyrU Smith. Anaheim. • t was ready with tabulated results from the experiment.a conducted on two people ln the group who had volunteered u guinea pig• for the .Uva test. He explained the correlation between potential , dental carte. and a diet hJgb ln • refined carbohydr&tea which en- : courage. acld-forminl" bacteria which condition ln tum promotes .'• a ctive tooth de-cay. Dr. Smith. wbo lhlnU t he tooth decay problem ts moving too fut for the denli8tJI to cope with it. expla.i.ned l hat on low calorie diet.a ther e Is absolutely no room for inferior food8 devoid. of vita- mins and minerals. When the cal· oriea derived from allowable car- b0b¥drates (natural sugars) ere reckoned there Is no room in the diet for white bread, pie, cakes and the like. plan. Mn. Edgar Bill. president of the Aasta;tance League, open- ed and cJa.ed the meeUng. Advance Night for Harbor Stars Auocla.te . Ketron Jean Cottle and Aleoelale Patron Harold Fink adn.nced to lite East a.nd presid- ed. N worthy mat.roll and worthy patron wllm H&roor star chap- ter. 0 . E . S.. held tlaeir Oct. 23 -1.in&'- It wae the chapter'• Advance Ntctit and other line otnce.n who "atepped upward .. were: Lela Mc· Mlllan, &MOCiale matron; Ellyn Nlehen, conductreu: Put matron Etta Mae Coffman. auociate con- ductreu; Pa.st Patron Edd I e Mo\l~. uaoclate patron. Given es- cort .were P ut Mat.rona Rubye Ecke.la and Muriel Jobn.aon of Santa Alla. Worthy . Katron1 Ruth Del.lter announced that new off&cen wo614 be elected at lbe rneellrtg of Nov. 1.3. Both lln. Detater and Mra. Cottle reporUod OD Gnnd Chapter whJdJ met the week. of OcL ta at Long Bea.ch. Praise v.•en t to Starbrlght club, which turned ovl'r to the chapter the sum of S2M which they had earned thU! year. Both offkers and October birth- day celebrant.Ji were honored at the buffet r efreshment hour. Th£' table for line officers bad aa fa· vors dolls ln appropriate color~ which had been made by Bessie MacGinitle. The cake waa made by Esther John~n and waa deco- ra led with a star with potnts ln proper color8. Bettye Fink w&& ref~shment · chairmM and '-"b assJsted by l!lBther Johnson. Doris Rapn, Ber- nice Crandall. Esther Devine. On the reception committee \ll'ere F.arlynn Albright. Polly Owens and Louise Rasch. He aurprlsro a number in the audience when he added packagt"d ready-cooked cereala to that Ii.st. Using a cup of puffed rice aa an example, he compa~ it with four tablespoon., ot kale, a "vegetable that can be (T'O'N'n in anyone's garden year round." S\Jch b~a.k­ !ut food ts ~eleu. It doem't OES Leaders r===========::::; !Fete Officers .. • Lester A. Beeker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 1783 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medical Bld1. Beacon 6752 606 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J BALTZ MORTUARY Lady Att-... t •10 o-a&: rupway- CORONA DEL MAR DAY AND NIGHT Pb~ llaTbor 4! Ruth and Henry Det.ster, w or- thy matrpn and worthy patron of Harbor Star chapter, OES. feted Star offlcera and t heir "trailers" on Thuraday evening, Oct. 25 at, a .party in IOOF hall. Mn. Deister presented th(' wo- men with Chinese porcelain plat~ and bowls. m e n received lint chasers and put patrons had linen handkerchief&. Table pri.zea were eanuta setiii or cards and hoJd- ers. A color theme of sUver and green waa carrte<I out in detalla. At the n!t'ruhmf'nt hour caterer. served indiTt:dual hot deep dU!h apple plea topped wtlh ~ cream. Present were: Measn. and Mmes. B.attta Cottle. Sr., Harold F1.nk, Ray Nielsen. Arthur Ftt.s-'::;:;::~.==========~ I morrla. A"1n Voorbee, Watter :"' Heppe.rte, John Wett. and Orville BE SURE -INSURE with • ll&ll:Ull:~ -Oal7 --rlnt ft5 llutae Ave.. Ba1bo& ,.,._., ~tt. M.Olea. FJoi:ence Andfr- .90ft, Esther Devine, Bette Smith, Io Peck and Doris Rapn .. Alo<> put matn>ne ·....s put ~~ Mea1era and Mudamu R. L "CUba" Monia, Z . I. Mooft. Walter Dcmnell.y and W 1111 • m ~~=::::::::::::::::::::::::~I W.henm)'er -the boo• and r hoetea. ~ 11&2T"M8S8 ------- .J': • a .... Tn11en 0. C. Club Women · n;:'.~N9:" to Hear °":. "i:-n-;".. eo. Joseph Kennick ~1!1~~2!. r/• A.J.lolcl r,• ~ & 7 P JI ll'rdn ~·---,,,. -ft., ~;: '-' w ' -x.eu.c of ()nap cou... IT _.._ of' w ..... ·, a... -bo-NOY.9,at- Pari< .~ o~arcll. 'hath and Qnuod. Mornlac I 'tr 1a at 10 L m. !!__hr WOI lte Jc11pt kmwlell. ...-r••er'•t ..JUW.U. a..-u.. i.., •••• ~ # .tn.n.. I 're w9I fMtun: ---·•Cl•._ JCra. Jof ........... n.. "' am.--~·---­t-, Clltc wW .. ,,, .... • ' ..:.~~·~..: ... CIJ'ITINO THE \\'EDDINC? cliJD:· ... ....ept1on· In &Jl,oa Bay Rofta!'d. The bride ls 'tt.e• fO.l"Mel' MIM .Jane Norton. ~r motb.4"r. MN. for lbe nnt ptfece of take. are llr .. &ad Mrs. Floyd n...u NortOll, ls In Ible .(Newa-Tlmea Photo) Worthy Matron F~tes ·Auditors • • Mn. Henry Del.It.er, Worthy Atatron of H&rbor Star chapter, dtspemed rrac1otU hoeptta11iy On a ~nt e vening when the audit- ing conimlllee were to audit th" book& lnvtUng them to her home, she invited others in to fill out two tables of canuta alter the work wq done. Playing were: Mr \J and Mra. E . 1. Moore, Trea.s- u~1· F...slher Devine; Secret.arY Mabt>J Fllzmorrls, • Mn. Sylvia Pla.ce, chairman ot the audltiing committee; a.leo Erma Lachen· myer an.d the hOll and hostess. U finale ' to the evening Mr. De.later served delick>u11 homemadP Ice cream. Island WSCS Postpones Meeting Tbe.. recular meeting of the W . S. C. 8 . of Balboa llland Commu-, nlly Metbodlat church ha.a , been po1tponed until a la.ter date, Mrs. Harold Ftnk, president, announces. The executive · bo1rd meeting will be held tonight al the home or· lrllra. Ted Hau.er, 323 Crystal Ave., .1 p .. ni. aiid date of the recuiar meet.Int wi.U be set at this tlme . Tripi.. ~ C.lub Has F.estive~e . Kn. G~ Bir.I and lln. lft Coe were--• to tlne1Tr:lfle 4ak Club of the M-~ ~ii.I dWr-IJloothly moetlne ID line 11-• ol· Kn. Bird on o_.. Ave. Tbe roorna Weft attractt,,. ly d<'Co..ated ID. the . -"'°t.lt... Mrs. Viola ~ pruld· ecl·over the t-•nm. / • In t!lre p.meo "tbat to&weo &1. en Cawtboh and Ma.rfe Dou1hty WOD prlz.ca. G.UelU prMeDi wett Me9damea Beckett,, cawthon, Coe, Mary Taylor. Alma BW:k; )(..,.. km Rose, "orence SW1tzer, Ethel smm.; Tlni. Smail, Berth& Wat- son. l>f&iy Lou Cox. LIWal\ Smal· ley and Anna Watkllll. David Beckett Md "Hap" 8malley join· eel the lad.lee later ln Ute evenln« 1-or deuut of pwupkin pie and wtllpped cream aerved by the two ll-. Haul Dumont ot New· port BH.ch wtlJ be 1 bolt.ea at the November meetlng.' . Homj!makers to Hear Abo~t Holiday Ideas . . An exhibit of Holiday ldeu and gl!t .wrspplnga w1U hlrbllght the Nov. 9 meeting of the Coata Keu ,Homemakers lo be held tn . the Women's lounge of the Cocta Me&a Community Church startin« at 10 • Lm . Mn. ).Carlan Prentiss, Orange county home a.dvi8or, will 4lllcW11 Home Furn I• h l n gs. "Younc F'riendll" will be the famUy life topic. Anyog.e interested. la wel- come. Those planning to attend a.re lo bring a sack lunch and cup•. Coffee will be served. ' ' . BO"I NOW JIND '' SAVB UP f'O 10% , BXCISB l'AK ON Bendix BlectJtic: Dryers! • NOW IN Sl'OCll Al'. NE .WPORT FURNITURE CO. I t C1rcl~ 2 .lJ'et Oct. 31 at the 1loiiie.'•ot -Mn. Batlle Bj4cl<ff1>y. tof_g :ll:pdle1ill for a -rt meet· 822 ,._ !n.f.· Cfrcle s met the. same ·day . ...,.. .... Highway Beaeod5431 for a llmcheon at the home of M.rs. Betb 0Edwai'dl, 311 Grand Canal J '·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 MR. AND HMS. LES CRAWFORD, of. Lkto Isle •. borrowed an l*a from tbf-kkh for thNr d4'\'er ~ ~tlnJ·~1r. Trkk and Mn. Treat. They l\'ere amoo~ the py 'Cl'O\\'d attendtnJ thf' Surfslden' annual UaJlo\\·ttJJ party at· the Balboa Bay <"lub last Satunlay. (Photo b)r Beckner) .. Gyorgy Sandor Here Thursday Recording. con~rt ·pianist Gy· orgy Sandor , who opens Holly· wood's Community Concert Bea- son this week. wUl &llo be pre· sentffl on Thursday pveping. Nov. 8 as open!ng artist for the H arbor series. . Sandor is one of three perform· en!I to be featured locally this year. He will ap~ar at 8 p. m. in the auditorium of Newport Har- bor Union HJgh school an~ will OY~~ mMt. Ille audience ..,,.;. U.. - eat -Mn. J. Lealle --. p 11EM Of tiae. local M t ts tm. ud lloud .... ~ ......... coatt. _. taktr1 • Ge ..., tw1FIR,.. -fll .. ¢TEI ·-·-------· •str14 1t '!. UCI k 1w .. ............ ._, ...... . A. 811111 tialM. .... SI 0 ..... , ...... _ ... ? f aa.-.o. 1 •10 1a11 -........ ". ,,_ enna. ltw F '!: .... __ •• ,, -~=: ?llsrt •• ,....., .;;;;_ ..... -.... ..•.. ...,, . Methodists Honor, Local · Men Fout' loc&l resldent8 \\·ere hon· ored Sunday moming at dedica- tory serviceA of the new landscap· l.ng at Chrl~t Church by the Sea. I The dedication program followe-d the regular morn.Ing service. Those specially honored for their .e.h&re in the succeMtul completion of the program we re Ross .Owen. chair· man ol the landscaping Contmit - tee; Rarold Ctus, finance chair- man: Edward N ett, landsca pe archUect and Oscar Baker, gard· ner. LT. F'RANKUN' HOME Lt, Selim S. Franklin, \111lo is statlonf'd at Ca.mp Rober.ti. spent the week efld w1th his parent>, Kr. and Mn. Selim H. Franklin., 1928 -Ana Ave., Cooi. Mesa. • no • I wecrlhei worry'' when you .dry clothes electrically! ' '"THRBATENING WEATHER can't thre-aten a hitch in•your wash<la;· schedule when you have an elecuic aucomacic clothes dryer. You can be sure you·JJ get your laundry out on time, aDd with the g~acest of ease. Indoor drying does , aW2y with ~ nuisance of fighting wind aDd rain to get your ck>thes liung up.-and there's. never a doubt about the time it takes them to dry. When you put them in TD electric drytt, you • use accur.tte, anifotm heat which does the job thoroughly, tumS Olll clothes that are dean, soft and Sufry. Jo fair or sronny weathor you"ll smile ri&ftt nbrWgb washday, with ID electric dryer Oil the job! • LAST WORD ON DRYING: of co11rse...,..iJ's electric! SEE YOUR DEALER NOW S.OUTHEllN CALIFOllNIA EDISON COMPANY a · "' I I · 1 I r • TUESDAY, N9V. 6, 1951 HARBOR-. SOCIAL : EVE.NTS I _._-A,.· 14RS. WINIFIU!lD ~' Bocloty Editor Project and Convention. Report~ on ·Agenda for DAR Chapter The '8econd meeting for the f.U of the William Cabell Chapter ot the Daughters ot the American Revolution WU held Oct. 2-4 at t.be lovely home or Mrs. vy .. E. Ftaher Id Shorecliff1. Becauae of the length ot the planned program, re.fttahmentA were servffl at the beg\nning or the meeting. Aa- siating Mrs. Fisher aa co-hosteMeS were MNI. F. I . Morris of West Los Angele8 &J'ld Mn. H . P . Yar~ nell. Reservations Jor Bridge Luncheon B.Nen •tiom can 1tJU be made f or a few tablh at tbe AMIBt.-· We Lieacue'• be•v•, tuaebeOa aad bridco part7 oa F'1day a.t Ba.lboe Bay club, M!IO h>r the cocktail s-fty and buffet din- ner that .-Jnr . 1'hwe deelrlllg t:abk. !lhould call Mrs.. Austin Sturtevant, Harbor ~ t'>r Mrs. \\'-.lt~r Franz.. H&rbor !414. • , • • Presiding Regrnt, Mr!: .. Charles Boardman opened thf' !tf'.s&lon . Mrs. J esae W olfe, Chaplain, gav(' the devot ional" and Mrs. John Kin- c aid the flag salute. Busineu In· eluded the mlnute11 as read by Mn. H . P . Yarnell, recording secre- tary and Mn. James Webster's report concerning the treuury. At an earlif'r morning executive board member nleetlng, Mr!I. cart Hanna wu appointed to the office of regiBtra.r. It wu announced. Harbor Stars List Po t Luck Dinner Harbor Star chapter, O. E. S .. at its next regular meetlng. Nov. 13. will have a 6 :30 pot luck dinner preceding the 9eMiOn according to Mrs. R ent')' Deister, Wort:hy )ta- tron. Members a.re to bring a cov· ered dish and their own table ser- vice. REALLY ''HAMH{NG IT UP" WU Ulla l~P f'rom Lido hie at Newport Harbor Yaebt club'• "Olde Sailor's Ball." Df't!Ned In Jdentlcal red nlch tshlrta u d •tock.las caitSt tbe7 ~·ere amons . tbe , ftnal1Rl8 In the n>8tume prize con teat. Frum left :· E rnie 8attlc, Mn. JIU'Dee Rocera. Robert hylor, Mrs. Sarti~. T . \\'c-ston Jay. Mn. Taylor, Mn.. Jay and Jame. Rosen.. (Photo by Beckner) Several Im portant reports fol- lowt'd \Yl th Mrs. Wolfe speaking on Human Conservation, Mrs. W. W . Poore on planned Christma.s boxes for the American Indians. Mn. earl Hanna t old of her visit to Neighborhood House and the DAR Christmas plans there. Mrs. Boardman announced that the Chapter will be rt'prcscnted with a car in the Arbor Day parade. The Los Angl'1rs Southt'rn Ca1i- fornia DAR Conference of Oct. 16 was report<'d by Mrs. C. F. Land· e rs who atlcnd('(I. Ben('fit Tt'& St. James Women Mesa Circle 8 Meets Wednesday Circle Eight of the Costa Mesa Community Church \\'SCS will toTheHWeot··BiAsuxhlolla~y of St. nlect Wedne::Klay a t 7 :30 P. m. ~llh Fem Foell, 1758 Tustin Ave. Circle Ten will aOO assetnble to-James Epi pal d!.ttrch will meet in the pariah hou3e, 3209 Via Udo, morrow at 7 :30 p. m. with Mrs. Wedneeday, Nov. 14 at 1 :30 p. m. Virgin ia Hogland, 2~ Broadway. Bi.shop Robert Gooden of Los' Circles meeting Thursday In· Angeles will .!!peak on H}·mn.s or c ludt> Circle One, which will be the Advent and of the Christmas e ntertained at 12 :30 p. tn. l>y Mr!S. Season. He wl.11 also play many Lois M~k . 2044 Orange Ave. of the beautiful numbers on the C1rC'lc Two ~·i ll gulher at noon in piano. the church; Cirrle Four will COi\· A eocial hour will follow thr vene at 2 p. m In U1e l.adl!!.s meeting with Mrs. E . F . Allen. Lounge: Circle Five will ha\·e o Mrs. Clayton Deane. Mrs. Mark noon potluck lun('heon at the P . Beam, Mrs. Arthur D. Fa.rgher church. Circle Sev('n \Ylll_ be as hosteases. Mrs. N. W. Benton I hoste!ilM'<I by ~1 rs. Irene \\ood, will pre!ide at the tea table. 212 F\o..-.·er St .. Kl 7 :30 p. nl. Johnson -Davidson Vows Repeated at Orange Lutheran Church Final fi,11:u rr.s or th,. very suc- c~tul b{'nefit tea givrn ea.rlier in lhe month at the Bay Club to raise funds for' the National Building Fund were discussed. Local fund chairman, P.t~. H . P . Yarnell. reported on her attend- ance lrl LaKlJna on Oct . 2 at the mttting or Girl Home-Makers which was directed by Mi!IS Annie Laurie Lfocch. 11ta~ chairman. She also rt"latM fact.8 as given at a re- c('nt meeting at t he Horace Ensign S<.·hool regurding the great need for new schools in Newport Beach. Two sessions a day are now being held here fo r children of k inder-Sl&nding before the beautiful al- garten age through the fourth I tar of St. John's Lulhera.n church m<'mbers of N"\N}>O rt 8(•arh ~olice grade which shows the over-at Orange, Miss Donna Irene department. as '·' th~ bridt•,i;rroom. crowded conditions or Io w "'e r Davidson and Allen Leroy John-Master Paul Damitl'r, four-year. grades gradc8. son repeated vows in a candlelight o ld brother or t he bri<le , carried Mrn. Lan<ff?rs, vice-regent. in-service performed by _the Rev. W. the rings on a pUlow or ice blue troduced the 8peake r of the (l.fter-B. Gesh on the e ve nmg of "ton-satin which matched the satln noon, Mrs. J ohn H. Kinca id, who day, Oct. 29. kneeling pillow. L ik e me.n or the 18 the Junior Past Regent of La-The bride ie daughter or Mr. and wffiding party, he wore. a while guna Chapte r and at prescnt State Mrs. Paul Damite.r of Fullerton dinner jacket over dark trousers. Chairman for D. A. R . She gave a and the bridegroom ls 80n of lb<' Sa.Uy Brown, l!tree-year-old flowe r very moving address on American-Rev. and Mrs. Samuel J ohnson or girl. wore a gO\\'n which duplicat- lsm. North Carolina. . ed that of the matron of honor and Special guests for th<' aflt>rnoon Be<:ause her own father. rc!l1des her flowers · ""'ere red carnations. at.her than Mrs. Kinca id, the guest in I owa, Donna was given 1n ke('p-:r.trs. Dan1iter. molht'r or the o f honor were Airs. Marjorie ing by her stepfather. She wore bride, \\'Ore gold brocaded silk and c rumJey, Mrs. F . L . Lo"-·e rron1 formal white satin with appllqued a cnrsage or Talisman rOSt.'l'll. Hollywood Chapter , Mrs. W illiam lace yoke and standup coll~r. Slm-Flowers in bridal ..-.•hite decorat- Smart, Mrs. Harry Ostrander and ilar lace was !let on the skirt from ed the church and the center aisle Mrs. Anne Harbeson. the pointffl bodice line down the was roped with white satin. Regular members pre.sent w ere front. An ivory tiara he ld the fOf" Rlue Cakr- Atmes. Charles Boardman, Mar-lace-edged tuUe veil which swept Women of lhC" church a.."'-"listed g aret [)(>a rborn, w . E . Fisher, c. beyond the six foot train. She c~r-wilh the r<'cept ion, held in W alker F . Landers, F . I. Morris:, \Vard ried a white prayer. ~I( on which hall. The cake was a lovely ar- Porter, A. E . Stockton, Harry was a bouquet of hllt"S of the Y~-fair, frosted in ice blue a.nd wllh Welch, James Webster . Jesse ley. Following tradition. the ve1f sepa1:ate layers held above each Wolfe, H. p _ Yarnell, Louis Sands, was borrowed, the prayer book other on crystal t !Pr.!1. Sr., C. F. Baxter. Carl Hanna and wu old and there was a hidden F or the honeyn1oon trip north w . W. P oore. blue garter. the new Mrs. J ohnson wore a sutt GIRL SCOUTS NEED FLOOR LAMPS Do you ha\'e a floor lamp )'OU no Iona-er need and would like to donate lo the Glrl Scout House. They'll be l"lad to pick It up If you \\•UJ phone Harbor OM8 da3·11. ltlonda)· thru }liday. Bridal EntOUnlfte of navy blue with matching shoes, Ebell Club Hears \ Discussion by May Brown on foreign 'Policy Denounclng a short sighted ror- ele-n pol!cy In the Far East. May W iilis Brown was gue11t speaker brfore the monthly m eetlng of Ebql Club of Newport Beach. A11itl54'or the!' Asiatics, with the ex- r.t>pllon of the RU.l!ls ian.s, will be th<> 1,1ltlmAtP achlcvemt>nt of that continent, Mrs. Brown declared, Mellua Grac('y and Miss Lilian K. De.nlcll. In charge of the afte rnoon's program, Mrs. R . L. Allen Intro- duced the speake r. She later an- nounced that the I~lorys' Puppets will hlghlJghl the Dec. 6 meeting. anrt the blame lies on the door-I R bl" W step of the United Statea. epU !Can Omen Mrs. Brown with her husband , Attend Convention Dr. M. D. Brown, spent more th&n 28 yesrs In China where she en- ga ged ln medical relief work yrhUe he wu connect~ with tbe JOV- <'rnment at va.rlOU!i time&. ThuA, 111hr said, she had a wonderlul op- portu,nity of viewing our popular- ity. " From the days of hia youth when Dr. Sun Yat Sen dreamed of uniting China ln a governmt"flt l'imllar to ours. the Chtneae people have rt'Celved little of any aid from us, let alo ne 8ympalhy and under- standln~. In 19ZO RUMfa offered help. and the revolution -we•ry Chinese leaderl'I accepted. The Western power11 alone a.re re- sponaible for the 8pread or com7 munlAm, Mra. Brown stated. She bitterly condemned the eec- ret mMllnp at which the United Stat.es' 1cadera blythly.handed ~ three North China province. to the RUMl&n.111, and ,agaln 'wu ln- dlgllant when speaking of Gen. Grorge C. Man.hall'8 withdrawal of all U. S. suppt>rt tfCbl&ng Kai Sh ek. The picture Mrs:. Brown painted of the slJl,ture of lhe U. S. in Asia ""·as not an encoura.gt.ng one, nor did she hold out hop!!_ for a forth· coming rein.statement of our prea- t tge there. 0....nt Party Pttalding at the buslne38 M'&- !!lon, Mrs. C. M. Deakins disclO&Cd that the club will have a benefit party Jan. 17, procttds fron1 whic h will go towards fUrn.l8hl.ngs of the Hoag Memoria.J hospital. Olher future plans include a tea a.nrt exh ibit Nov. 29, a.t '1'hlch Art section m emben will be hosteues and exhibitors of their water col- ors. Mrs. Horace Parker la ch.air- man. M:n. Mary Tuller Topper, presi- dent or the Orange County Coun- c il of Republican Women , with Mr.!1, Robert S, Barnes and Mrs. Lewt.8 T. Gardiner as delegates of the council, attended the Republi- can convenUon held Wednesday at the Huntington Hotel in Pasa- dena. A group of local women, members of the local unit plan to attend the convention to be held Nov. 15, 18, &J'ld 17 in San Diego. . A meeting 'at the Harbor area Republican wome n will be held Nov. 15 at 10 a . m. at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Brown. 2282 Cliff Dnve. All women interested are invited lo attend. W EEK END GUESTS Entertained over the week end In Coeta Me• WN N&QCY Camer- on of Loa Angele11, who waa the bouse gueet of Suzie Kline, 878 W . 18th Street. • AT TECOPA Mr. and Mrs. Erne11t Poupart of Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brockett of Costa Mesa have been enjoying a desert so- journ at Tecopa. Aq\2ShoW . at Hi School · Once · apln the public la Invit- ed to the Aqua Show put on by the Girt.' Phyalcal ICducaUon ~ oartment of N-rt Harbor Unton high echool. To commemo- rate American Education Week over 180 girl.I wlU participate ln A program November 21 teaturtng original awlmmlng and danclng rouUne1. "A Naval CruJae" wW be the theme of thla year'• presentation. Harbor "Ballon" led by Doran Suess and Joan Nunan u11 from the Harbor with 14 other "Sallon1" and ba ve u their porta of caJI: 'Tahiti, a fre&hman routine direct~ ed by Marilyn Petel"80n : lndta.. led by freshman Judy 'Frame; France and South America., senior routines featuring Pat Dwyer and Nadine Mathew•; and A frica.. or· ganlzed by Sophomore Ga_ytha . Bouchey. , , The opening number ot "Har· bor Ltghta," coruilstlng of 32 fresh· men features Ann Allen· and la di- rected by Jeanne To u Io u a e. ''There'll Ocean of Love" wlll be sung by Donna Nelaon and will set the scene ror the arrival of the sailors and their sweetheart.a. Damon K e pp en dlrccta the "~·eelhrarl.8" In the sentimental number of "Red Sails tn the Sun- set." Life on the briny deep will be interpreted by a group tn charge of Leslie Ko!vigto and Kay Prld-1 ham. A diving exhibition will also be featured In this number. Mariane Diemer Ls in charge of writing the script and she will also be featured In one or the eve- ning's outstanding numbers, ''The Syncopated Clock." Ellen Owen is student director of this number. Thci program which will be free of charge will begin at 7 :30 and !!pectatore are warned that since the affair is lo be held at tile out- door pool they should come pre- pared with warm clothing and lap robes. Shirley Franklin is Pompon Girl I MiS& Shirley Franklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Selim H. Frank- lin, 1928 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, Pi Beta Phi at the Uni- versity or Arizona. where 11he 111 fl freshman. has been chosen one· or 10 Pompon Gltl.l!I for Homecoming Week Nov. 18 al the unlvenlty. She W&3 gradu&ted last June from l'Jewporl Harbor Union Hig-h School. Me sg~s Atte nd Live Sroc k Show To attend the Grand NatlonaJ Livestock show In the Cow Palace. San Francisco, Bill James and .his mother , Mrs. Raymond James, 216 16th PL, Costa Mesa., motored north la.st week. While away A!rs. ,<' PAGE 3 , Outstanding · Newport Heights Value Lov~ a bdrm. borne. flr-eplace, bwd. floors. ~lan.y cloeela and btllt ~ Im.. Flne&t ' worlanan•hlp throughout. Full prlce; .1%,ISQ. $l200 down. A bargain? BEACON HILL REALTY f.81 Newport Bl~ (above Arches) B. 511.3-lt (<":\'e&. n. 58S!-W = TV OWNERS I: POOR TY RECEPTION? LET U.S CHECK! Inferior video reception is not necessarily caused by poor location. Improper set ad· . justment or the need for a simple added appliance may do wonders to improve sound ~nd picture quality. Call us now for service. TEl.El'l lO~E 1ir·:1\('0:"\ &7G:; THOROUG HLY TRAINE D and FACTO RY QUALIFI ED ELECTRO NIC EXPERTS FUL~ Y EQU IPPED to SERVE You r TV and RADIO SERVICE NEEDS Complete Marine ltadio Service and lnstalla~ons U. S. Government Licensed Technicians •• COAST · ELECTRONICS CO. 915 Coast Hi9hway, Newport Beach James enjOyed a visit with friends l ~~c~~~~""'°""8Mi; in Cupertino. · SQJfS ESTHER WILLIAMS c ... ta,,;.., 5" M.rr..OoUwy"-May..-'1 "TEXAS CARNIVAL" Colw a.y Tec.h11k:elor Mrs. Douglas Ellar, matron or white a ccessor ies and an orchid ho nor, wu gowned in Ice blue sat-corsage. She \V&S educated In in almilar in style to the bridal schools of Des Moines, Iowa, while gown but with cap sleeves. The her hu.aband attended those of bodice was adorned with rhlne-North Carolina. He was with the .!!tones and she wore tee blue mitts. navy in the South Pa.cl/ft and re- She carried. deep red arnatlom ceived the bronze 11lar,. He attend- and wore In he.r hair a tiara or ed Orange Coast college and ha.a the same flowers. sen •ed three years 'Y.i.lh the local Merrel Coe wu be!lt man and police department. The couple wtll Mn. James Doyle wtll demon- atrate methoda of making novel Christmas decoraUona, and al.so gift wrapping at the Nov. 19 meet- ing of the Garden section.. This will be an open session at 2 p. m. in the club house, preceded by a sack lunc h at 12:30 o'clock. •••REPLACE IT WITH A ' HILLMAN MINX •tU9 dell\'ered he.re plua ~ and llceoae Your Harbor Atta ~er 1''1'.::WPORT Al."TO SALES %604 "'· Xe \\'port Blvd. N e'vport Bea.ch Harbor 140'1 THE HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN 1\LL l:LEGTRIC You Call play rlc:b Orsao mualc a.t dnce. without a •ingJ.e leuoa; try oae ln your own holne all by younelf. usher!! were Robert AtklMOn, make their home at 612~ Balboa Neth, Ralph Herr. All are BIYd., Balboa. --~ .... Rl!'scrvatlons for the third Thuraday ca.rd party and dessert Dec. l~.' should be made wtlh Mrs. L. W . Pettitt, Harbor 600. who recently wa.a appointed perm&J'lent re11ervatioll.l!I chatrll)&n. Mra.. Holt Condon reported a net of more than ~ realized rrom the Sep- tember card party. Proceeds from theu event.a are added to Ute or- ganlzation '11 building tund. Aga1n EbeU members and !Mends will be able lo buy Cross Chrilltm&A fruit calc:ea. MJ-s . .John Lamar an.noonced .. omen will, be taken by bu committee, Mmes. S. A. Cort. Nlchot&. Bttttner, Walter Hennings and M. R. Har- old. Speaking briefly of the need for a neow elementary 8Cboo1. Mn. H . o. Boyvey urged club memben to support the bond elecllom which probably wOl be .et for aprtng. Rttent leglOlatlon, lnellldtng the pending· genecide agreement tn the Unlted Nation.a., and the canromta joint tenancy •Ct 'Weft d llcuMed by Jere. C. G. ·W-. Welfare chairman Mn. Clarence Dodd opok~ of ' Ille club - tlon'• drive to ~u.ct f\IDda for !S0,000 CA8'l pacU,Joa for Kor• ~ JCembon coiltrtbuled al ThunlJla.Jr'• • e ••I DD. NeW ¥!'_I.I • .NEW AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE ' ' . r ~--J--~ ........... 4itflaJ "11111 ~.... ' WIDGEWOOD I • • I • POii nucr: TalAL N-........... latl-by. ... ..... w. ,.. Tritt _,.. ... _ Law& a.. llen7. Leo B. llcGafffn. •• :a CP modd. 0..... -·u -iadodo Coiladc, Go6ri • -· Jlanlwid<. MAP< Go(~~--....,... ' 't J , IL PtPn••. ~ J . ~ mu. J ... t Jnli nwa. R. 4. Blalr, Lelle B. .. -. .R. I.-. c. J ; Allall, -a.... R. x -· Waiter Black, Ud'Ge tt IE canf. ' ·Ana .J-.. ..... P9lrlda ..... Jam • .................. ~ PIW!d l~ li.i P*oCi ·---tw ~ • .,.,... ...... X 11 T. IL •f lb Out M . a , • 1 .. • • 1' I I •• •Hol.tr·. . . . . ... IS\ """ .............. ,..,., .......... \ZI .. --... ..,.... ... """- ' • • . . " • • so ' I I • , • • ·,P_A_&E~~--:--:-:~~--:;:-~~-:---:-~~.-~-,-~~~-'~.-..:----.:·~~·~=-=-·::...:::~'-.::=.•~·!!....._;::::..::»~11~··:!5 ~=-.:--:----:-"'.""-=:-:--~-:--~~-;-....:_~--'-~.:....,..=-"--:-~~~~~~~ ,_ ~"''"rvJ\_' """.......,"' "''"> .., ' . .~ TtJESDAY,'NOV. -r ltsf 'b7~;e .• ~!L~ Letter Fram farmerMcCabe' . 1 ~ Speakers' ~.!!~~l ~· -··Off-Post .~ Some J4Wipli-.. ~ re-Scl9ewbeile OD the Wewt ~ D. _,.., • f Plra~early In tbe pmo ltu~~ Meet Toofght Eatenid u -.i-ciw Matter at !ht ~ ta lfowpoot B11cll, • • , Ci.lltornl& -the Act of -.. im. :-= =:a:::~ .::n.:.:!: ~ s. Tr1imui I DIRGU . or =·· ru:.:1ear :.t ~ .. ~t. 22. s . tlle letten alla had liem aent to .. alte Booi. They Ulen -ID• ftvo &&A pro-:::r~::~~~~~= :=, o .. c. · .. _ Bond ... lssue -~t~:ri!~~== in Loca1 ·chiJrCh '1 varloua puaera-by llad dropped In Jfft hard that a huge lioc:ket laiilled ·with a Jowl _....._ o1 the ~ ...,,. the 17. A obort time later they . pennlea aod cllmea, and even a few bUag over wr Lu Crucea, -N-~co. and a IOt of ~ 1'llttoe wiiJd. 1a ~eo«tns tll• !'°~:.Ot~ ~ct':' = ~~ u:..::~-:~~~ O!ftce and PrlnU.C Plant at 1211 ~ BDalenrd Tok,,_ -1818 quarten. It ,.... the American re-liltty men c1imbM . out and --.-' .. I undentand the. drift for a New!><>ft ll'e.d. achool They wore forced back to the 1• paet recreation committee for .. r. action to any opportunity to ~ve -~-0 vice personnel Roy O y-.. ~--•• folb Oft!' there 'Were .. ;...t 'frorted up about (• 'erec!allv tiood -olectlon ,..urday aet where Rudy Va,ledu tried a field ' -· ~~-. - _Momber of CALIFORNIA Nl:WSPAP:&:R PUBLlllHICR8 ASS'N. awa.y money, to some auppoeedly ~..... ..., -r--., --~ goal wbtch fell lhort. chairman, confen-ed lut f'rlday "'worthy cauae." alnee they collldn't find tilde nor bali-of any of the littJe up • _ .... bOlreeu. aPl>JO•ed a -with Lquna Beach ottldala •n· Member of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION WILUAM A . ){0Sli:ll, Editor eongrea; operated on much tile men. I ftcger lt'a time to wlae up all them folka in the lett<r upla1hlzl&' ~ of new C.-hnlbleo Peed In the same PiVllT&m- amt e principle, the lut day ot the IAa Cruce& area. •~ •-" _ it --•t a -'-•p from ~--~ .~-·--~~Y Chafe fumbled on the Chaffey He will report tootght to his la Seu1on of the 82nd Co~-. .n:ai. u:::u ~ ,,.._. D&u · .. _. ~ .._. -------,. ~ 4: and the Panthers took over commtt•..ee at a meeting to be~ Qualified to Publish Lepl Notice& aod Ad .. rtlaem..,ta of .all Kiaa It oent to the White Houae a bill and ~ little men wuzn't from another planet. It WWI to call the -.i election. and went to the Pirate 1Ji before at 8 o'clock tn Clum CbW'Cll by SUBSCBJP'nON BATES: NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES eYe?7 TtP.4'7 for foreign a.Id, ependtng $7,328,· jeet a plane from El Paso, Texaa. that made an emergmcy ,,.::::1~-at u,,,...,. ~ Ray RoPO'a boys atlttened and the Sea. 903,G78 ; another spendlnC' $ol,128,-la di and all v.llUlft'" t ~ took the ball on downs. It wu Younrtone empb.utzed In a In Onhp County, 13.60 per year; S!.00 lllx month9; Sl.15 three mon.ttu (Aho lncludH the 1\"'EWPORT-BALBOA PRESS. Tb:unday) Outldde °""""' Oocmty .......... :rear 000,000 for mllltary conatrucUon,n llC them little fellenl nuullng U'Oll11d Wert Helene cw..r,. the llendlnc-oom-nirht after this that Hal Smith lrt<l.ternent to the N..,._Tlmea that and one for $1 ,678,246,976 for the real all tiiht ... they were TPnnti with all the hot air mil.tee d~ metllodl of ln· broke away for hia 74·yard pay-.all J)ef'IOns interested In promoting t.lphabetlca,l agencleo. Theae fol· Jet out of em. You see ·it's always best to let the people f"""lnc the cltlaem-y about tbe dirt romp (It would have Ileen a worlftwtute entertalnrnent tor .,,.,. lowed, rather ahorlly, the 1157,000,-kn be th th 1 need for Ole bond '-le and 9Chool "bum check" anyway stnce otfi· vice personnel in the harbor area VERDANT GROwm Now HERE 000,000 defense bill. and two aup-OW t tru • &l way no at.range tales can get •ta!ted.· conotn>cllon lbe *5,000 oouctit clals detected offsides on the Pl· will be moat welcome to Join tbe plemenW SJ>proprfatlon.s totall.n,g Your oie f~ would build. rates). Chaftey had another commJttee. It la now formula.tin« Hailed as one of the most suc.Cessful civic events cul-$~.822.6M,084. The year'a total FARMER McCABE The letter of nplen•tion tllll chance as Jim Kurtz intercepted plans leading to a positive pro- minated in the Harbor area since the dredging of the Bay will be over $!14,000,000,000. R ight Reoerft<ll ....,It wUI be oent :r7 local cl.,c a Chafe pass Intended for Paxtoo g;am for local putlcipaUon ln off· It le tJme for mr to write my (All 9 Organtu.tlorui with a copy of the on the Coast 10. The Pirates then post recreational work. ,. was the Arbor Day program of last Saturday. Residents annual letter, reminding you i.how five-man (uchltecta) tact-flndlng ! went to work once more to stop of the area can be loud and repetitious in their praiae of lo tra.nslale theJ!le astronomical o· ATELINE Then there'.e. another thlng--on coaunlttee'a report. Don Kraemer's club. Minutes the energetic Balboa Improvement Association officers who figures into something easily un -. _ _ a far different subject-wtilch got M n. Fk>rence Cooling and Mrs. later, Glenn Thomas intercepted.a derstood in making up your home our hackles up. That wu seeing H&rTy Fellinge were named to Howard Miller ~ to G 1 en n originated the program. budgets. Forget thOBe blg figure• · - -a young·1t0ldier with a strip across head the ~· bureau. Ber-Woodward and returned to the Everyone in Newport Beach is richer by 20 trees, 16 (and your compa.saion for a poor WASHINGTON hls left shoulder. saying "Regular nard Desenberg will schedule Coast 19 where Miller shoved him large shrubs and some 500 smaller shMlbS and more 'than decimal point, wandering around Army." or cour11e, the army iB speakers for varioua local organ-out of bounds. The Panthers then among them) and just keep ln Lrytnr to build e.prit in the eat.ab-i.zatiC?na de•lrlng ofncial lnfonna-gained a first down on the aeven 1200 variously &SSQtted plants. Although the planting was mlnd that. to you, an average In-By Roy Stf"wart li.!lhment-but who Is making up Uon on the bond issue and school d tried a field goal wtth only begun Saturday, it is scheduled to be completed this week: divldual in the 22nd District a w ASHJNOTON'. 0~ C. ..,___ the fighting and training army bUfldtng-plan. • four seconds remaining in the ....&... billion dlollars ls stO, and to 'the _,.,.,....~ now? Selectecs and na.tlona.l With public reaction to the pro-half. The-beauty which the green~., and growing plants will tlm.,. t wish W• ..-• .-.n•t .. darn --• bo average family, it is 135 or $40. IJberaJ ,,1th our fn>edom. for guardsmen have more men In uni-po-=u nd luue aald to be "very That was the first half-the create will be multiplied every year. When you divide a billion by the form than the regulars. fa?or&ble," Mrs. Csenar announc-Chaffey club threatened no more Th II t f I bo · d peopJe. who an> aldJDI' to the -.a th t •• _.,_ ere was no sma amoun o a r , promotion an population of the United St.ate.a, tie.t of tbetr eon.Mderable abtl-Puttlft&' special deslpat.loo .....i e nex s • .-.uuwig committee that n ight. The Pirates uncork- funds expended in -this project which cost the City of New-you get around S7. butt.bat aver-tty to tear.down the freedoms on men ht trylnl' to 11et them meetiq will be h~ Nov. 14 &t 7 ed the plug tn their offense and Be age ll'lcJudes men, women and a.part u 110mewhat dltrerent P-m . 1"n Horace Enaign school. The rolled to a TD in the third quar- port ach as such not one penny. But, each and every children; it Includes the non-tax-'l-e cberlsh. In u.~ old da.r• ln me mben1 of u·hat •h9uld be a standing committee will dbcuss ter and another in the fourth person who took part in the promotion of the proJ'ect, in p&ylng recipients of a.Id from a Olltfomla thf'l folks had • pm«y team. We never heazd of a bul-the bond lsaue , pi"opoaaJ with a then spent the rest of the ti~ eood IOlU.tlon for fMJfne of the member f th~ tat the well-run parade, and the planting, as well as all those paternalistic government: It In-sentry wbo t.ried to hide a tin-let that 1topped to uk a man • 0 • e board of edu-exchanging punts and giving-very eludes the voting and the non-If he "-as a rf'1M"r\•lst. cuards-catlnn • planning commlulon a.nd little ground rto the Panther. who can appreciate the beauty to be, are infinitely richer. voting realdents of Alabama and hon wnder a ien ... p.11oa. ha.t. maa. or If he slped on u1th local arch.itect.a. Eastern J C Con.fe~nee S.._.lap Richer with satisfaction for the individual, his organi· Miasl..wippi, and like states; It In· W f'IL we ael!ld 8UMfJ of that Uncle for thtte )"Mn plm one. W L PtAOpp d ... ~ natJonaJ.ly no"'• and We oucht t.o I zation, and pride in our community-all riches that can be clu es rtch and .,........ , workers and treat klMwn hoNe thle"" Uke '!'he marines took their large San Bernardino .... 3 0 101 8 easily shared. non-workers. Here ln the 22nd !My should be tl'Mted _ la the number of reservist.a and trled to AN OPEN t.E'ITER Orange Coast 3 l 93 49 _ District we will have to asaume .. t tiona.J make marine~ out of them. They AlJ Associations and Civic Riverside ................ 3 1 60 47 Appreciation of the citizens of the community can be a nn•sible •10 each to make up eraa · 9eftaif'. -lmtead. of didn't talk about their orlm". o~n•-,.t1on.s ·. Santa Ana l 2 33 46 r~ ,. &ctlnl' llkf" Wf' thourhi all the Wh 6 .. ' • o-·'-" ........... . best shown to those who oriuinated the plan by the imme-for the lower-income taxpayers lie we have a war going on &s Arbor Day signifies more Mt. San Antonio., .. 1 3 33 69 "' d th t1.me thfro,y \V,..,._ good boy 8 \\1'IO t h h diate unde__rtaking of a similar program for some other ~t<an . e non-taxpayer.a below the Just rot a lead roJM" stock to µ~!e t~l'J ~ 1 ~0~n~ 1~1;~~ ;;i~! ~~ =bker;t P~~~~7:g0~;:~• t';:~ ~~~;;e~n ____ :::::::::::::::: ~ ! :: 1;~ section of our town. Each portion of the community of So Congress, on that Jut after -their ftnp-MJ. have one army, with no mention men can work t ogether In unity Gamet1 thJs Saturday Ntpt Newport Harbor is in need of and can well use a civic noon, spent 1130 ot your money. Main reuon for this outburst la ot service or1g:n , then when we ot thought and action. Orange Coe.st at Santa Ana; Ful-l t ••~ f l too much Russian. First there was wi th thl d ttl d t beautification program. . or a mos ,.........., rom your faml y n e ng an se e own n We ot the Ba.Jboa. Improve-lerton at San Bernardino: Ml. If budget tor th.is yea.r. ~ 40 man delegation for the San peace, break uut the component ment Aasoclatlon are deeply San Antonia at Riverside. the ci\fic organizations will cooperate as completely Are you proud, that you are so FTanci.aco conference on tl'le Jap ribbons. grateM for the work, the ef- and fully and more financially with other sectiO""' our reaourcefl.11, and renttOUA, ·and peace treaty, They needed 40 men fort, and the strong faith you ._.., well lo-do th t . 1 f there like Wt' need a yacht. Any $ t F F beauties, and the satisfaction and pride and pro'-ts of the . ' a "' one .... on o an a e Orms expreased In _supporting our -'"'.... the Congress, you {the average one of their number could aay efforts. . organizations will be more abundant. family of this District) gave $2000 "nlet" loud enough. But 40 pairs Haystack Fi'rm for The aged aa.yin.,. that "a It · t th t M t mil't d • •<> ...... ot eyes and ears (:OUld see and rr. is rue a we cannot expect r. Paul J. H oward o 1 ary e~ense : around .->oJV cha.in is only a.s i5trong ..., Its for the war -K hear more around the country U • M• • and Mr. Franklin Wilcox to donate trees again for such In ore&; you gave Lha.n three pairs. and 40 bulky. ran1um 1n1ng ~akest ltnk'' ~ms qutte ap· the President $2."lO or matt to propria.te at this time. Th<.> projects: nor will we be able to find people like Mr. and apend on foreign aid; and you gave blowsy Rusakiee could intimldf'te chain of civic Interest and en- Mrs_ Don Metz of the Aldon Construction Corhpany to foot at>out • $50 to Mike Di Salle, Eric small nation delegations more · The Santa Fe Railway a.nnounc-thusi.a.am on Arbor Day we •--1 J h d Char"-w than lhree men could. _ed today the forma.tlon ot a new '~ the bill for the shrubs. 0 nson an ue ilaop? will grow strong and finn in You will also spend around $200 Then we go up to the Press club corporaUon to be known as Hay-the yeara to come. .. But we as individuals, and through our community on debt service, and then you'll b&T, for socia.1 purposes only on stack Mountain D e v e I 0 Pm e n t On behalf of the entire As- organizations can produce the approximate $50 per bell that have the ·domeatlc cost.a of the account of ukera, and who la alt-Company, for the purpo&e of min-aociation. thank you. It Wu it would have cost for the planting proJ·ect J·ust completed greatest go~ment In the WO!'ld , Ung there drinking that capjtalls-tng-the uranium ore recently dta-both a pr1vllege and plea.sure which average around $1000 8 tic concoction but MI k hat I -covered on property owned by the to WOl'k with had it not been for Messer&. H oward, Wilcox, and Metz. family. Fedorov, Lhe aeronauticaJ engtn-Santa Fe near Granta. N. M. you. We must not forget the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club-In ~ther words, as fam.Ules In eer who heads up the Sovitl'"s &I-The Haystack Mountain De-LO~~~~NCENT whose gracious gifts of the two 12-foot tall Canar I I d the Dts~rlct, on an average, we leged· newa bureau, Tus. here. velopment Comp&l'ly is presently Presid•nt . . . . Y S an are putttng up at le~t s37:w this And with him l.s Larry Todd. who negotiating with Anaconda Copper ... Pines for the City Hall site will be enhanced every year. year, without a war going on, ac-ha:s served TILS.!I for yt"ars and still Company for the sale and delivery Balbo& Improveinent Aasn. Those trees were expensive, but the expense is of small cording to the President, and I claims to be an American. of its ore when mtned. Tbe Ana-. h take for granted that we a.re all No\'<' ,,,-e don't car• what conda Company Is negotiating lDlport to t e men who have been "fined'' for the proW....t · with the Atomic Energy 'Comm'-. .J-... proud of our abilities to stand Fedomv dOf'll to his tummy, "' throughout the year. Their contributions will become finer pun18hment, tor we have, In put that.'s h18 o\l·n bushiesa. Potnt sion for permlaslon to conatruct a as time passes. years, elected ud re-t"le<:led the lA, he can go anvu.·here here mill for the procesaing of the ore. d ~ ·· Nation-wide attention focuaed To Address Coas-t -Unitarians "Unitarian F ellowship, -th e Growing Edge of Liberal R elig- ion," will be the topic of an ad- dress given by Munroe Husbands, continental director of F ellowahips for the AmeMcan Unitarian As- sociation, at Lhe OJd Studio, on the South Cout Highway at Dia- mond Street in Laguna Beach on the event'Q.g of Wedneeday, Nov. 7, at 7:45 P. m .. to which the gen. I era.I public ·is cordially invited. -Opport~ity ts knocking tn CLASSIFIED ADS. -People do ree.d the want ada. Ford and-Neglect Trial Conlln•ed TrlaJ of Herbert William Ford, 23-year~Jd worker. on cbargea ot child neglect has been continued. to Dec. 4 at 10 a. m . in' City Court. Arrested last Toesday night. Ford pleaded not guilty to the charges In Judge Frank Un.neU's court on the tollowtng day. Last Tburtlftay he WB.JI ordered beld on 1100 bail. but was releaaed on bia own recognl.za.nce, pending the December trial. Neifhbon las.t Tueeday called to report Ford's stepson, Robert Thomas Edmtn.ston., 4, was wan- dering the street.a; that such had been a frequent ~nee during Lhe past few months. When of- ficera took the child to his home, 226 -2oth St., they found hi• h&lt- brot.her, William Glenn Ford, 2,,_- yea.r-old, unattended. Ford told officers that although he had left the children alone in times past while his wUe worked, that on the particular night the chiklren were to have been cared for by his landlady. Mrs. Mabel Ai.res. Investigators could not lo- cate her immediately for conflnna- Llon of h~ statement. · Boo k Reviews for Church Gui ld ·The Church School Guild ot Co- rona del Mar will meet Monday, No\•. 12 at lhe home of Krs. Ken- nelb Hunt. 620 Larkspur at 7 :30 p. m'. Mra. Bea WaJdeck will glve a book rfview o( Norman DoucW' Miaeion to America.. There will al· eo be another review, Mra. Wllliam Davidson giving aefectiona on Wom en of the Bible. -People do read the want ad&. Perhaps it might be wise for our council or civic organ-spel~ ers, as opp<>!'Jed to lhe savers. Ulat &n)' p-nul~ oo~pondent on Grant.a: ~arller this year when • -• · l our wives say to us, "But ean. but the l\e(b put \\'Ullam 1zat1ons to set a goal now: For instance, to plant and dear. how are we to send l37W Oatl11 throush unrnJUpted ment-the rock beaMng urinlum ore was landscape Bayside Drive from Marguerite Street in Corona to Washington thls year. tn add!-al tortures and are keepln.c him dlacovered 011 Santa Fe property Uon s In Ci: by a ~9-yearold Navajo sheep del Mar to the Bay and, perhaps, even a.long Bayside Drive to tat.e taxes, and county a ech JalJ for tryLD.c t.o do rai.er, Paddy Martinez. Word of t M . . taxes, and city taxee, and school hla Job. As a "spy" Bill Oatb o ar1ne A venue and the Highway. dilrtrlct taxes, and library taxea, c&n•t bold • caodle to the Ta.u the find reached Thomu o . Evan.a, FINEST SELECTION of There are many other places, like the miserable sand and ,)at.er ~enta, and moe-a&"mta a.ere. But they mU8t ~~~e~~·~~n:!d:n~e:~~i~ stretch owned by the Pacific EleCtric and defacing our qu.lto abat~ent dift.rict &NU• llave all the berlr'llts 01 our tk>n and reported the find Justified . menu, and other taxee,. A'F"I'JtR treMor-.. countryside from the Santa Ana River to Balboa Blvd., we have taken out food. ·-• .-.n• further expk>ration. al . -iu ~ Maybe you an make a L..um-Reau.Its t th ddltl I •- ·ong the State H ighway. • -•~ there is the ..,.eat poss1·• and clothing. and 1nsuMU1ce and ,., 0 • • ona exp=· ~-...~ e-rd.I al1At -' of WW>8t a.n;,·thlnc but aUon proved the depoalt to be ot biJity for such a project in the park area westerly of River-our 0 nary Uvinz expenaes, and to tan • prefeMl.onal a.erona.u-wtncient. quality and quantity to 'd Dri . . - . . new shoes for the chUdren." our ttc.J _,, ln SJ e ve ,and adjacent to Cliff Drive m Newport Heights. only reply can be, "We11 just "•~...-to ont1 Is • blt JusUfy mining, and the Hayat&ck The City council will soon bave the problem of f i"nding have to owe It to ourselves.'' bard t..o undenta.nd. And lf you Mountaln Devel.op~nt Company tt.lftk Eddie Giimore Md thft bu been formed for thia purpose. places for the palms which need be moved from Newport Unfortunately, that po I Icy otller few Americans In Moooow and Balboa Blvd. during the wiA...,._i,....... A gt· f th moves ate&dlly towards & day of 1'0 to &Q,)'" Ruulan clubs. you GOLD WATCH STOLEN • ~· &nee rom e reckonlng. It neceaattates tnna-~ Ute whJskers 8lnrul off Theft of hi.a gold wrlat watch front steps of the City_ Hall inland t.oward the palms grac· lion. wipea out aavtngo, and 11>· your ~ Neither do they valued at uo was reported to po- 1ng the grounds of Richard's Market tnd Vincent's Lido surance. and i-nalona and annul-tralp&e 8Cl'085 the country whm. lice Friday by St.ewart Buchanan, Drug's might give tllem an idea of what could be d · Ue•. and. In fact, It Wipeo out the ._,. -Hke It. DM'o wh,-we 101 • 30th street, Newport ~h. b one m great middle clue of Amet1c&. tMall ~ Med NllDe ef lb8 -.me He Ba.id the watch had bttn taken ac.k of the City Hall. Since thla is the strencrth ot our eplrlt th• •4a.._-__ ... ..&.-Ir frl· rr. ~ ........ "' ...... ...,.... from a 9l.a.nd In hla kitchen the . Beauty is something that can be shared, expanded, fonn of government, It necesaar~ lowt1 had: nlgbt of Oct. 31 . and continually enhanced with such little expen8e and u,-bll~-~ttnt~_!0r the Re_. ---..:...--------------------~ ·• . pu c. ~~ry ..,.,.,.,,. that "°"'e care--and we of r<ewport Beach have llO much-and yet 11<>rt of ooc:lallslic experiment fol- so little need be done for so much more toww nm. n~ver •\lcee•tully, and -======::::::::::::;:;;;;;---------· ------,===--=,..,,.--then. lnevltab\y, dlctatonll-lp. It ~I)< l.Wt't a good dNI! , • • oOll\/ . QI/Ir PICKIN6 ON ME.' Try t.blnklnc 9f a bllllnn dollan, In Wuhlngton, o.. ~ from your pocket. BOillls N11d Tags. CrahJ · A•a•c:es Did ')oil !mow that "" July U. 1951, Sectloa 10200-10208, Ordln.· ance IW$ wu adCled to the Munl- ctpaJ Code ot Ute City ot Newport Beacll ~ all row~ lcyaka, et<. to bo ~ WIUI I the Harbor Do~ent and carry. at an U-. the metal ta 1wttftca.- tlon plate 1-ed llsr that O<pvt- ment 1 ·Far C... Mine a .. _.e-...,. duclJIS rqulat'°"' Rua Crala:. Hari)or Kuter, state. tt ii f• tJ.e benefit of the -I o-Ill u..t ltstveoU..Ru...r~a complete deacrlfl*M .-obo ol tile bcllat. --.... -If -adritL a eaa. a •ri•na.., ,.... tw-necl to .. -:rho omall fee of tlOc ,... bo&t only l*1V ........ --ol le&S. __ ... aM )UClllC tlle -u ,.,.. -;:.a..1,-ta« u ,... call tbe ~ meat. --m. -lll"7 wtD lie ... II_.. &a .,,allitmiml .,,.. l&fol••m. kft a iDaa -.b ... lloal, ... lb .... _,,... Illa :.-i -,_ -., ..... -.PET' The EASY·OOES ·IT CORNER By CLAYTON THOMPSON Hew Te r_, YMr. Oil H•IW CJee •• A dolliu'-_ ,....llm ol oan eonlcq .-...... ~oilbeoterrec· ~--oolilJ. - • B• eW• ~• .. alaer •• • ....._la-. ••raa-tlMt · . w.-._ Vat-oto•, too. w..._..._ • ._a• . n.-M II 41 .. bluwr .. po&•: allllood~ • .,_ .... "'"'" pot '".. : .. ................... . ............. DI : Of coar1~ 11•lD• 8&.aD.clard s .... OU. 100,. cliotillod .... ~,..... -.i ..,q Nnioa,par ~-_._..,..... U 7oa Ila•• a pNiMU9·Qpe ltaraer, tr7 New Staadartl :ru ...... Oil 1ritlr. TbnmiooL It ---c1oa1 .. ~ ....... I tl:.ollbmto:moo r...wldo_ol __ Ste..iu.I B~ Ollo. I-• •call •I 7 • _, , -. ~ ,. . .. ... , ..• ., CLAYTON THOMPSON • .. . ' PERSONALIZED • • By HAMPTON & SON .NELL . 'ORDER NDW ~ J Cati Harbor ·1616 and a salesman ·will cali . . , and show-·you samples; .or, see.-tllese fine c_ards now ~ 0n disj)lay at the . . - .N DRT·BA PRESS ·- . ,., ·2211 .· -, r.;,;;.,_ Illa to Ile t' S I .. .... ,,vw u ,... ~ ...................... ,. ....... 1 ... & I f •• • t, ... 111111 I I .... 1•, .._ '----~--~~---...~------.-....--~ ( • • ' • . • TUESDAY, NOV.~. 1951 • . it , . -• • • • • • • • • • • . • ' • • ' • • • By MARGO -. • ' \ . The Mighty Nldq~ In Ad~g . .. -- ,J -. PA&E 5. AJIS LONOA. VITA BBEVIS: &ND A THING WHICl:I GIRL BAB B11311N PLAYING POST- OR Bl:AUT1' IS A lOY FOIU:VER • • • • or OFFICE T T ! NEWS-TIMES -Every Tueeday ~ NEWPORT BA¥ ·POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BAilB()A PB™-Thundap SD THll: MSW Johnson "25" Outboard even lon.cer as ln th.la caa. v .. ra Willi&nu juat A nice q,ueatk>a-And don't look so piltyl sna.tcbed .:>me beauWul Jt.a.lian. import.Ii off a '!be TaDaee UP9Uck peoplt now have on the market. pa.asing-packet boat. So now l• the Ume for you the "World'• Momt Sntearproof Llpstlck." I auppom to treat yow' orbs to a peek thru' Vera'• Gift you could eat a dMe.n cream puff• and atJll retaln S hop an.d Art Gallery. Vera LI cllsplaylnl" your cupid'• bow. (Ctu.ln putts f1" to anyone ~ill!iilij~l(IL N•w .... faf P.a :'rz·<flel &•11Jw ,_la ... T ~y lf--.. ~~-HUIDOJll AD m 8 Lllf1lll at South Coast Co. ' be:autifuJ luater piecu from Italy, En.eland and carlng to wbrnit to th1a tut). The Balboa 6Al0 ' America.. The ltallan. L. R. luNr ls unusually bu thll; clook in ac. 2lc -49c atae.a. A.lao for klu- flne and really comparable to the Ca.po di Monte lA&' came•: Mlo.cle Chlorophyll tooUlpute f69c) AB ClrHRrl ada .-........ fw CMll a. ...... ., ...... ,,.. el J!b' t'-. ' ~ 1 Paper •• 11 f I bu J Papen IM . fU.. ....... I.GO Newport Blvd. at 231Jl Hu, 2800 l ltfc MOORING, suitable for pleasure boat up to 28 fl., choice loca.~lon Balboa Island. Muat be proper- ty owner. Harbor 1952-W. 92c94 . eome lovely Capo di Monte here too tor·you cOUectora. You'll tor teeth like polla and and a .cent like a new-mown field ot pa.-. be equally eye-gladdened by the Virginia Cumbow luster wa'.re , dell-nips! Other tbJnra to make you poaitlvely lovely at the 51c10 llke cately exquisite indeed. This little continental pavilion 111 a treasure for in.stu.ce Veto &-Mum--arul a liquid make-up ln haJf·cute aha.du boose for sure It you're seeking unw:ual and charming gilts from up to Alblao tor 39c. There'• a •tick cologne In 3 dellclou• a.II over the world. Other noteworthy gift.a such as the Venetian, navon for 26c and I t.b.ink you need a clean powdu puff. Other handblown glassware. divine colors. ahot witb: trrldescent gold . . . interesting Item.a such as ahoe polish, lemon aquee=ers, a.nd tea and a new line of Italian luncheon and salad eeta In bright and re-caddys. All under one big tbp at Donaldson'• BaJboa ~"JO, SOO Maln. n.e publlohero' will not be ,_.tble !or moni than one ln- ln8ertloa or an advertl».ment. ruerw the rtpt to correctl)' ....,, UlJ' and all -and to <eject &llJ' advertloemet Dot confonn!Dr tu rules and nlQl&Uona. AchertiaeMP.Jlt.I: and cancellaUwaa WU1 bt iu:cept..s up to 5 p.m. '"' the day p.......itng publication. E:X.cept qp.dllne for Newa a Tlmes I.a 11 L m. llondafl • .... .. Har. 111f - , .. """ 'hkeo" .. -lld .... .--to Nl:WPO!IT llAllBOB PtlllUSBlllG co_ FOR SALE -II ft. sail botlt. Needa new canvas deck. $100.. Phone Harbor 143S-W . 92cllt freshing fruit and nower deaign.s . . . Swedis]l lmpo~fts and Ba.lbo&. linens. If you rapture over a bargain, you'll probably flip your • • • au~~ N...,.rt-. ~ ~ rt. OOMM. FISH BOAT. M:otbr sailer hull. Star ma.rlne eni . $725. Inquire 3403 Finley, N'~­ port Beach. 94p98 switch over Vera's bargain table. Vera Wlll.la.na' Glft Shop and Art Gallery: 313~ Marine Ave., Balboa laland. Harbor 21U7-J, • • • __..-4. THREE OF A KlXD Dealer's choice this seuon Is a pat little ~ three piece outfit by Sunrose of California. The lo-la Sport Shop has a winning com- bination In these rayon, sheen gabardine coordinates. Put $9.95 in the pot for the flight jacket : $7 .96 each for the skirt &.Dd IUnd" slacks and Sunrose will cover you ... beautifully. I'm not bluffing podner. when I say these go-togethers a.re finely tailored with self stitching, back zippers and figure-nattering slant pockets. Colors are taupe, Venetian blue. a.nd Air-Force gray. Tht• Sunrose Veml- aet suit resists creases and everything but admiring glances. I'm telling you this is a safe bet that will put . you beck in the game. Raise the chips and ca.J I me on this. J o-1.t>t-Sport Shop, ISM Xt-"'- port A vr., CM ta Mf"sa.. • • • I WAS KNO\VN AS A TIGHTWAD ! T\l.·o :nonth..s ago, I forced open my money purse before a group or satellites. and ·a large moth flew out! Needless to .uy, cries or "STINGY" and othe r epithet.a fiUed the a ir. I wa3 so embarra.ssed that I immediately set about choosing some diabolic revenge on the entire moth family! Thus I chanced on a new discov- covery over at Mc Dormld's Paint Store... Thl.s new miracle moth combatant is caJled ''Cedar-Lux." It".s a compound of crushed cedar wood impregnated with cedar oil. You splash Cedar -Lux on closet wall.!I, dresser drawers, a ttics. and rumpu.e rooms and moths leave the cowttry. Cedar -Lux and moths are sworn enemies. Make your- &elf a mothproor cedar-lined closet with Cedar-Lux and at the same time enjoy the fragrance of the great North woods. You'll feel Uke yfu've had two weeks at Arrowhead! Crown Stamps Given Here! McDonald's Paint Store. 1872 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meaa. Bea. 5703 SAY NOW ISN'T ANYONE GOING TO B UY THAT CLARINET?? • • • co~·st:LT SASTY SHA..,"°KS OONCERNl:NG CHRISTMA.~ CARDS HARBOR 1811 .. Cbforub8'' Rt>tmlf'r "'llJ C'oun8el you•oo Chrl•tmas cardA. llubor 1818 • • • FASCINATIXG ~'EW FAD· FOR FEMALES! ANY1 Number of fairly bright women are g oing quite mad over the new household game called .. ASPHALT TILE." This was In- vented by a man named Clarence Page in order for him to selJ asphalt tiJe tor 5 ~ c a square. This ia an entertaining and challeng- ing game of wits and skrll and calls for very little of either. It"s to be played .Dn th.e floor usually by one or two peraona. Here. are the rules: Go over to t he Coaatll~ Floor Covering-and ask Clarence to sell you thi..9 tile and live you complete lllatructiorui for layln& lt on the floors. Tbe fun really begi.rul when you are able to create your own patterns . •. .and the first thing you know you have n brand new noor and houaemafd's knee. ~ eo..tllne floor Co\•erinc for A9J)h.a.lt tile &J)("("ial-6 Y1e a square. 1791 Newport Ave., Costa M l"AL Btoaeo11. 69~ •. • • • SINCE I HAD BEEN READING IN A CER- T AIN SHOPPING COLUMN, about the mer- its of A balone Steaks fron1 the &)·.8.lde-Fl11h Market. l finally succumbed to the written " " word ( L'le pen is mightier than the Sword-· ? ~ \ ~ f ish) and bou~ht a pound of the stuff-I \"-....,!~O~L-~ am here to state that it is all and more than l I ever wrote it was! Really a delicacy-and at 70C lb.-It"s cheaper and better than sauteed night'ngale's ton~ I followed Harry'.s recipe to the split second a nd as a result I tender this true teati- monlal on tende.r morsels. Also at the Bayside theae da.y&--Barra- cuda, Sea Bass-Rock Cod I Red Snapper) and fresh Northern Sal- m 0t;1 . See the "Way of all Fish" at the BayllldP Flah Mkt., 2800 Lafayette. Newport. Open seven days a week. • • • CASA DON CARLOS S'['l>ERBA MEXJCkV DI1''1rit"ER..~! C'hol~ Top Sirloin Stf>,ak ... Dlnnt>r 12 . .!6 C'OMBISATIOS MEXICAN DL'VSERS, 11.10 u.p Spttlal Pia~ for Cblldren .M MEXJ CA~ BE.EK , CJo&NI Tut'Kday 11 S '?2nd St.. Nf'wport 8Pach. Harbor !6S8-M • • • TOO LATE! DON'T WA.IT UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE N OEL TO ORDER YOU R CHRISTMAS CARDS . . ORDER P ERSONALIZE D SON. NELL Ir HAMPTON CARDS TODAY! HARBOR 1616 • • • DURING A RECE!<T HOUSE TO HOUSE SURVEY CO~'DUCTED SY A NOTORIOUS second story man, he dlscovered that the cedar-llned closets in Class A homes were hung with black underiovelles? I inter- viewed this 3 time loser a.s he was belng carted ott lo the Jug and learned that 9 out ot 10 men prefer black underwear-for women that Ls.. By an ~y strange colncidence, I discovered that t.tie PttlU Vlllf-in Corona del Mar is well stocked with black satin and black nylon braasleres • . ..as well as the famous Mojud fancy black alip.t. The Petite Ville di.splays the BROWNEE BRA tor that 'lift with ftary a let down.' Brownee Bl"aa are avaUable in white cotton or nylon at 11.~2.9~. Tbe atorementlont"d black satin and black nyk>na are 1%.50. For the • LADY YOUR LEOS ARE SHOWING! Yes, tha.nk h@avens we lovelies a re no longe.r hampe.red by k>og skirts and big bustles . . . now w e can. display our dlmpled knees! To commemorate the discovery ot women's pms by that famous explorer. Vasco Da Gama, THE POLLY APPAREL ANNOUNCES "Vaoeo A SALE ON LARKWOOD 15 DENIER HOSE FOR d& Gama" Sl.90 A PAlR THIS THURS., FRI., SAT. (medium lengtha only.) While you're buytng theae rood hoae, view Polly'• line of Serg-ee dresaea. They're fashioned tor remaJes 5 ft. ' in. and under, a.nd they are bunt to n atter where it matters. madam! A handsome assortment or classic and dreuy jack.et dres8U, 90me tal1ored Derring-Milliken wool-nylon s, pebbled satlna, and a lot ot others In blacks, p urples and coppers. These little specialty numbers l'un from $19.96 on up. Just unpacked here-Plaid alacks tTaylored1 in 3 brilliant plaJd blends ... New shipment of skirts ln ld.ze 1.f. Polly Apparel, 1833 Newport Ave., Costa Mf"88,. • • • HA VE YOU SHOT YOUR WAD GRIDLEY? '?' Carry on! And you may fire when ~ady! Walt·~ Trading Post has a ship's cannon ... a little bras.s beauty! I tell you, S&.Ilor if Wall doesn't have what you want, he'll tell you. where to go! So don't gu capering off. to Puget Sound or the Cocos tor marine gea.r. rt's pC>flillvely right here! For example: · A ·• barrel of bolts-\4" to 2 feet long; baby cleat.a \4 ·• on up to l~"; ~totora. life preservers. tlggles, taggles and glomps! Nice seaworthy gilt.I here for yacht.amen or puddle jumpers; bra.as book-ends, ships clocb. a neat colJection of shlp"s lighta. combination or s ingles .. Thinrs for mennaidJI here at WaJt's too like yarda IUld yards of net, cork and glus noats for decorating home port. lt'a downright amazing what goea in an comes out of lhi!t marine museum. WaJ.t '-. Tradl.Jlc Post "'M Formf'"J near the Lido bridge, but I• no"· on the Jee aide of the Ice HoU&e, •.n SOth S t .. s.-wport. Harbor 2470, Open every day A Sundays. Cloaed Weds. • • 0 LET'S HAVE A PARTY! LET'S HAVE A BALL! CpL Rollort a E\-onoa, 9S4th A11' Slrnal U nit. U. S. A.Jr Fo~ """"li1° tr.mpon.4 ,..,... F. E. Warren Afr Bue 1111 C*eY,enne. Wyo., to Korea, where he lA •tatloned at tlle University of Kora at Seonl. H e NY• that the llDl\•erslty 111 the only pl8Cf" that he has see.n ln Korea. which lA u.ot-Oucbed by the war. E \•er- soa paduated from Newport Ualoo blfll 9Cbool ln 1948 a.nd from 0r&D&"e Cout co.llece In 1960. He attftoded Un1venlty of callfonUa nae se.anmter before l"Dlh1tln1' In the Air Force. H e woa. the Ora.nl'f' County J'un.Jor Oolf clwllplouhlp ln IN&. His parent. am Mr. and Mn. •Geo. Evenoo, 11'7 -!6th St.. Ne"·- port n..eh. SEMI-ANNUAL S. S. REGA TT A ' TO DRAW 200 Lf't the-rafters rtng. And r et the Party With such chanteya t8:8 ··:a. H o. House on the wirelea lmmed1ately! The Blow the Ma.a Down,"t.nng'lng loud Party House is dedicated to thi• principle: and clear, 200 mem~ra of the Or- "Eat. Drink. Be merry, and Decorate the ange Empt.re Explattr Scouts will House. For tomorrow Ye have fu c}U.n up at.age a semiannual reg&lta. at the Ye J oint Anyway!" The Party House Fun-Sea Scout base this Saturday and Lovers w UI deconte your home, club or Jgloo for any occesion. or Sunday. 1upply you with· wonderfu.I gimmicks, favors and decor and you can According to P ort Captain have all the fun yourself. NO\V IS THE TUii! TO ORDER A FAT Ch&rlea L. Wigg, 19 units of Sea CUSTOM-MADE 8A1''TA CLA US. He wlU be a &ood .atzed . l<rla Scout.a from such inla.nc.J polnta as Krl.n1rle, beauteous boot.a. wtde white wbt1ker1 and wtU be' very Riverside, Placenua, Fullerton, popular with the family around Christmas time . . . ' Anytime ts hA!.Wletm and -~d.&, will COil- a good time to get 80me little Norwegia.n paper flowen ud a.otmala, nrce on N~ Harbor. First birda and hat.a . . . only 2 tor Uk: and they add a merry lilt to to arrive wru come Friday nlghL any party. Thanksgiving favors on hand now and more ('ifU and All will be served by Scout kit- gadgets arriving by every faitt reindeer. Pllrly llouet" . • . '7U s . Chen• a.t the Sea Scout base. Cout Blvd., Laguna. PllODI! •-&9S. With 14 boa.ta avaJ.lable for • • • large and small boat-ro\l[lng con- 00 YOIJ Dl\'IDE YOtJR \\'ORK FROM l "Ot'R test!, the Sea Scouta will a.I.so en· PLAY ! ! ! p.ge in contesta of heaving line In other wordt, I hope you don't have your and buoy, r1gging a boatawain's Bendix In your barroom or on your manrle in your c hair, swimming, under water Magnavox. Whether you dwell in marble halls. or In knot tying and other p rogrammed a cold water flat, It 's a simple matter lo make home featnres. life more beautiful. W ith a Flexalum Venetian blind 1n charge of the event la the from the Shade Shop, you cah dj vide and conquer, Skippers and Mate• asaociation pa...Utlon and ~unage. These blind.a in deep decorator colors under the supervision of Commc>- can be used advantageous ly to divide living-and dinlJllg areas, tum dott W illiam Spurreon lll. porch into paUo, blot out 014 water heaters etc. The Shade Shop The event starta at 9 :30 a . m . wUI install one or a. doun ot these--arid you'll have lo admit It's Saturday, but arrangeme nt.a have a good Idea.. If you want spaclousne.sa, rai9e the bll.nd .. \..._if you been ma.de tot many shipa of want to be cozy. lower it. Cum si cum saw. Flexalum V. :bllnd.s. ecouta who will be at the be.Be Plastic tape· by the yard. Drapery Hardware. SHADE SHOP. Friday nighL &t• !9th SL, N~wport, Hartlor SM. -------• . . HAS YOUR LOVE GROWN COLD? ? ? OH PRAY DON'T BE DOWNCAST, DEAR :>NE: Dorothy Margo Dix ha.a sa&"e counsel: It's 1ery elmple--OET THE Gl!Y A WARM SWEATER! "Ucky'8 has a glowing auortment of men's sweat- ·rs-guaranteed to heat a cold, cold heart u weU lS arms, shoulder• "and chest. You can eel a Jong -.: 1.-.Jleeved, all wool sweater tor your Luke-Blooded <?ne tCK aa little a.a $5.9ti. Ricky's ha.a handsome cable .. A Love Grewn Cold" knit.a, coat sweaters, and .sleeveless 'sweat.era . . . most all colors. And Rickey's lmported Chinese ea.ahmeres at $2•.50 bespeak no greater love when it cornea to gifting a centkman trtend. A tricky g1ft idea-at a mere coin-pune price is the mono- grammed t ie. The~ ties are in good aenstble, 80lld colors with snap on gold init ials and only STwo buck•. Men will hesitate to dislike these ties. For that matter, gente when tumed loose on their owa. invariably chooee Ricky's smart, washable • wool jersey shirts tor casual comfort ... rreY. green.. navy or red ($6.90). Or if you're still at the courting stage, you can probably l swing the deal with an Arrow, hand print lmported silk lhlrt for Nm ($10) ... RJcky"s I• 'or worqen u weU u men, you know. IUCKY'S, 170• Ne-wport Blvd., ea.ta MML Bea.eon 1544 • • • "AT Christmu play and make JOOd cheer for Chrlatmu cornea but once a . year. For Chriatma.. carda place on order here." Newport-Bal-~ H...-1818 Popular Cafe Man . Dies Suddenly Three ot Newport Harbors fin- est ca!es were closed Monday In rever ence lo the me mory ot Al- bert C. 'Berl' \Vhlte, for whom funeral ·aervlce was conducted on that day. White. aged •s. was tOUDd. dead in hia ho~e. 223 Pearl avenue, Balboe. Ialand, by his wife, F1'orence, Saturday momtng. The couple had w orked Satur- day mor'ning at 'Vaux' of Balboa whJch they managed. Both had gone home before retuming for the evening .shin. M.rs. WhJte left before her bueband and. bec&Use he had. been suffering from utb- ma., had not dillturbed h.lm. On ber return to the famUy home alter closing hours Saturday, White wu dead. 'Bert' White, togethe r wtth hUJ brothers, Arthur and Vaux, have gained wide prominence for their reeturanta. Surviving alao ln ad- dition to the brothera and the wt- dow are two state~ Mn.. Lee Du, rant ot Banning; and Mra. Wll- li&ln 1"awman or Richmond, Calif. For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. ' THE SHADE SHOP Free estimate~ Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLAC E CALDERllEAD 817 Coast Hlway, Corona del Ma.r 70ttc 12-Bnlldln~ Serytces H.H.HOLBROOK • EXPERT WASIDNG and Ironing'. llln. P'Ulton. Brin&' to 11122 ¥tJel)e Place, Newport Betcb. Harbor ~7-W. 91p98 CAP ABLE, reliable woman wants position as hoURkeeper for adults. Good cook. ExceUUt driver. Referencea. Mra. WU- liams. Beacon M;9t-W. 94p96 29-Help .w ... tec1 EXPERIENCED power machine operators. Phone Hubor 354:~. tor appointmenL 86c99 HA VE OPENING tor experienced aa.lee:man or broker ln active real estate office, 918 Coast Blvd., Corona del M&r. Phone Harbor 244-3. 92c94 WANTED strong woman'to help me ~th ca.re of my Invalid h\18- ba.nd and light house'N'OT'k. Live in. 215 -35lh St., Newport Beach. Har. %95-X . 1Mc96 DEPENDABLE PLUMBING en .. _. ... __ ,. ___ _ A Prompt ~~ ~08 ReptJr Servtce ·Matntalned Phone: Harbor 1us-w For Better uo1 Bal-s1vd., Newport Beacb TV Reception EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS Want Work by Hour or Job. call Harbor 1164-M 7Jtfc COMPLJl:l'E HOUSE CLEANING FurnJture and rugs shampooed. Free est.rnatea--Fully insured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. --a;;;;; 8111 ntfo Sympson & Nollar P~G & DECX>R,\TING 'The Best Money Can Buy'' 5i2 -38th St., Newport ileacll PHONE HARBOR 24-0f . 52Uc R esult.a come rrom conatant Practice? An ad regularly ln thl!i paper will produce results for you. DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial ' Remodeling Phone Beacon 1(08-W 17ttc FISHER ' Dtafting Service 918 Co&at Highway, Hafbor %(43 .... Corona del Mar Painting and Paperhanging. GEO. BURKHARDT 72Uc 508 -Slot St., N<wport Be&eh Phone ~bor 2418-W before 8 a.. m . or &fter 4 :30 p . m. 83ttc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN na ...._ 11t., Colla - -. MS7-ll - INTERIOR -ll:XTl:llIOR PAINTING LICllNSJ:D -INSURllD Glenn Johilston 101 • aut llt. · Newport 1leacll Harbor !12117-J Mct8 Replace your we:atbued Antenna With a new V-Cone $9-50 incl. Mast TV SERVICE CAU.8 De.y or Evening Mesa Radio and Television 109 Broadway Costa Mesa· n 90c92 MOTOROLA T elevision, !lne con· dltlon, 10" expanded acreen, 175. ALSO Conn Alto aax.ap~. $80. 60< Cliff Dr., Newport HelghtO. Beacon 6283-J. 93c95 FOX FUR. worn 3 Umea. Al.90 dreues and coat.a, •tu. l& -18 (aome practically new). 285 Broadway, Costa Mesa. 94 c96 FOUR SETS of double bung win- dows, 48 x 52, $20. 309 -:Wth St. rear apt., Newport Beach. 94p96 O'KEll:Fll: It KERRITr range. Ita the latest 1~1 cP an-auto- matic that has everything - Grtddle for trying..,ever,thln.c - simmer buraerw. ud t.bat gr!U broiler. Used it 2 montlu, but it's clean, like new'. I owe Sl38.8T. My equity all P'REE tf you take paymenta of S1 .42 per mo. See Mr. Baughn, 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m . Pb. ·2lti2. Htfc BENDIX WASHER -It's that latellt 1951 that ha.a all those latest features -Agitator that get.a clothes cle&ntt -Water saver that makes it waah cheap- er. The: man I boupt lt from will deliver it for you if you pay me ca.ah, S187 .39 or take pay- ments ot $8.88 per mo. You can tw,ve all my equ.lty. FREE. See Mr. Baughn. 40t So. Spadra, Ful- lerton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m . Phone 2152. 92ttc KELVINATOR REFRIG. 8 cu. tt., SM; portable. electric phon~ grsph, $10: !-way floor lamp, ill um. bue. S7 ; walnut chair, antique. 17: rattaa aofa, ch&ir, end table. S pea., $<5; aml. Dun- can Phyfe coffee. table. ~; aew- lnc cehlnet, 110; G. Bl. portable route-r, $12. Harbor 317•. Nc98 fO~PT. COMMERCIAL spt. fiah~r. Reg. tor 20 passengers.. New Cbr)'aler Crown motor iD .Aul". Also S -S-radio. Sips. 2. Built 1942, rebuilt 1948. Can be bought on terms. $6600. See Bob Ensign, South Coast Co. Newport Beach Ph. Har. 2600 Dltfo 114--Muslcal. Radio GRAND PIANOS: Baby Grand, repossessed, $495. Terms. Also others new and used. Steinway. Chic kering, WUrlltzer , A. B. Chase, Knabe, Haworth. Lund- ltrWIL Fr o m $M5. DAN~ SCHMIDT, 520 No. MaJn, cor: 6th, Sa.nta Ana. 100 pian09 al· wars. BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. Rep08- sessed. Pay out balance $387 like rent. Llke new! Another, blond mahogany case, gorgeous tone, $•95. Famous make! Also many rental returns. SaVe from $120 t o 1300. AU in p.-rfe.;t con- dition.DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO STORE, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th St., Santa Aria. Subject to prior aale. HAMMOND ORGANS! The great Hammond Chord Organ. If you don'.t know a note, you can play thi9 ! The Hammond Spinet Or-- " gan, -World"a most beautifUl tones. Ea• y terms. DANZ- SCHMIDT Pia.no & Organ Co., Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, Cor . 6th Street. FOR THE RUM us ROOlll - All -electric Arn o pla>"'lt-11<&1'° In perfect pla lion. Te-:ma, Ill) down, and S9. 76 per mo at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. Since 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0ST2. GET THE TOP DOLLAR !or yollf' old piano. Trade It In for IU fUl1 ca.ah value on a Packard Bell television at SHAFER'S MUSJC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No.·Syca- mo re, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0872.· RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddies learn, $~ per m o. Full ~erm rent allowed on any piario in our stock. DANZ -SCHMIDT B ig Piano Store, 520 No. Main St.,' Sant& Ana. . $SO BUTS a good used piano. 0th· en tar 188. 178, etc. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO., Sa?)ta Ana, G20 No. Main, cor. 6th ~· TELEVISION! Trad e your old ptano on beautitul television. Big allowance. Famous make& ln t elevision . DANZ-SCH¥1QT. S20 No. Main, car. 6th st:; Santa Ana. 8LIGHTL Y USED Spinet piano, like new. Big savings. COnven1- ent terma at SHAFBlR'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Syca, more, Santa AnL KL 2~7~. BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPINET· Uaed. Save $200. Terma. Sub- ject to prior sale. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, 520 No . .Main. cOr. 6th, Santa Ana. CUSTOM: BUILT TELEVISIOl'f- with record player and radio. 'Has 14" new I-yr. warrant~ P hilco picture. tube, remote TRF tuner, 25 watt amplifier and ~5" Jensen ID-Fidelity •p e ak.er. Jde&l for bulld in wall instatJa. Uon. $300 cull. Call Harbor tOO. ~ . B & Y House Movers General Contractors PRICED FOR QUICK SALE three 40-ButdnNA OpportunltiM . martlnJ bour, when flroli(ht filcken OD restleu en-white ol>oulders, LEGAL N011CE P. V. suggests the Brownee straplesa eventnr bra, weU-boned and ·-----------~· __ the purcbue price lbereot will be paid at 9 :00 o'clock L m. on the UHh day ot N<>¥tmber 111~1 at the oftlooof-.,BarochltOom- paay, '700 8ouUI Boy!e A.....U., in the City ot Vel'Dm, County of Loo ~ ... State ot Callfoml&. Dated~ 22. UIL Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, rec- t<>I-ot St. Jam.,. Eplecopal PNrcll conducted the tunertl service. In- terment wa.a priftte. 850 F1n1t St., T\Uttn. callf- Pbone Klmberly S-1816 _(Home PhOnes J Asper 9-m3 or cuahion tapestry aota and two uJ!b<>lotenld duJra. pair modem table lampo and noo. lamp. a polr lined draperies. P1L Bea· COD 5310-W after e p. m. Hc94 CAF1C l'OR llALE-Oper. 24 lino. per-day tor lat 4 yn. Uftat spot in Harbor Area, good I...._ 8eD -to )lln .... w: J . Crldft-. ....itor, 8S4 • Oout HlgbWay. Newport Beooch. Beacon 5'!8S. taJthtul, in white or black nylon for $2.96. Otber Aece.uonea tor day and nJrbt time-Mojud hose;-pa.n.Ue.s. ..U,,. and fOWn1 .•. a.II moderately prtefil becau.se every day la ladtu• day at th4! Pe-Ute VUlf', 521 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor uu.w. • • •• HEY! DUNDEfl: TOO-HOO MRS. BLn'ZEN! 01!=1' YOUR CHRISTM:AS cARDS AT THE NEWPORT PRESS HARBOR 1818 HOOT, MOI .! •••• ...... • ...... .mua.;- -NO'ftCI!! OF llft'ZN'l'ION TO llSU. NOTICIC IS HEREBY GIVEN punuant to the provlaloN ot Bec- tlon S440 of tho Civil Code ot. the Stale ot CO!lfomla, that ll't.OTD 11:. CU1'BUUti AND CORA CtJT- rLOYD, S. CU'"•·"'BlR'..,."I'H", CORA CU'l'BIR'lii, v-. BIRTH. V-n. ot _tol-Oa Padtlc • u.vor Cout llJcll~>'· Coi<lll&d to ~"Muto. CHARLES G-ELLlan', c.Jlfamla ln·ten -DUTB -··-·-.. o. llU.W!T, CILUU.sll 1J. -Vt I -·~ "' aiootoe (J. =1oc.t,'• • atrr11 o . -.u.arr. VMrte• o1 . . v -t '11s 801.0S hcUlc 0out lllsllwa>'• B.t.'ae, lU&VC!l a ~AHT 0oroaa c1o1 Mar. ~ au .,.. -..,.. •-. tlaat ~ ~1wcmal ~ Ye .. l>M , o drt•... ,_....aa, ot ONOMY, No. --~ , ~ v..-,· --,,,.... ..,.,,., -· e.-._ .............. ..... .... Oii¢•• ---~~~-~....;.;;...~-~ Gt: t HJ ... Plodlce D711 9 t --. aatw• ... -y 'U rs' fll a .... n1011 WWW& ~ Glae•r, ...,..,. •• tet''s, Kr.._. Mn. & a re 77 IQ -.... ..S ..... ,,.tkls• Im sa • ti • a. .. a.. Clilla llMll. Im. .. .,,,,..<-.... ... .................. ., ... • Qrrol ..... --'ollloj\ Ill Ill qit I I J' t I 5§p. ,. tM dQ fll OJ1 I ... -· 0.-.... Ja ..... z .. ----------------------·"''-OouM.t, ~ --"tr· '>st-. Oo I I ... • j • •• HROADLOOlll U X • 11 ~ and lf-P_..p>, • ,..s. a -.rues. Plber -~. O&PT. l. lllaDOWELL -t " 11. Beaat1tu1 bdnft. llllite, J.Yper 9-2881) 91Uc 94c98 Cept. Jamea lllcDowel~ 85. ••--.. al'-• dbl bed llPrlnP, -oprtng fl-st.on. aad Office& died Friday evening at S701 Laite •""""' -aDl:.'C)-matlftm nntty llelldl Ii Chit-,,,.,_,c->:..,· ,,,..,.,.,.,...,.....,,_. ..... ..,,..=-A....,ue. Newport. He wru a mem-wrft.o·P. 0 . ..,. • r..-. 'ni1 o.;.... -· Bal· i'ffi1i1i! · SPAClll, hlg11w"y tranr: bor ot Loo Angdeo police cleparl.-Roft • lw!Mf; Cll!f. -HUbor ua-w. He --. Coron.a del lllar. Will make ment tor 42 yoarw and !or. 22,...... -m Ri"1 I 111( · -IOQd d-1 lo rich• party. Ph. WU ln-chup Of tnUlc: IA 1121 , _ I T~ lied.~~~ ~ 1285. Hc9CI bewu-.-.StoltadJtnt· '! -=&Alia --. --~-- fto bi --ot --:::. ~ -J..l. -iroR RSNT-llmall lltono In -• H-.!-~ "9dnrss aeatAr.· WW float to a. .,.. 11om 111 Beirut,. lrelud, SuperfiuoUll naar Bl:AU'IU'UL x-. -• aialr ou1t. Lot. ot parldloc. 1fili .... -tn,_ all ...... i. .. -to-It ... , )l'<ldd. Be wu .-ey -In ~ -: ood -llMio, (-..-,_,.. Noupwt Jllft. SM. and -. -'Laa Anp1M ....s Newpmt .-, lop.• lliJ•owa ---fi9'2!1!10ie fw '1• ··-I a. m.--41. ' aetfc as·dl • ~ a..~"° man tw;rr•s. ..... '!at• Ulo TftDlr = ,.._ Be lo --b)' a .,..ler, , l!!ICN L. BltYm R. S. • • .. "-•• t I te'llea ...,. x-~: a -Al-'1"1 • -,__,. ~ n•*•"4Jl!lll. ·w-.•• ,..,. WAHi' 'l'O RmrT 1 --fftd A. "Mc"1s• al Bstud) Bl1la Udo"• l&loD ol JllutT Bir, 1111 FIE t i• ate•e. 8 ??II , ,· 4ldl' Md ... SI 7 ° 11 1 & CIJrWlut t SW, .. tw .... mt M . & :::--:. sd ~ ~ 9"•11 . ....,. ......... .._. A-.,. ••f11t •• ' .... e c a Ms: ... , _,. et ll a. a. la .. 'srrt o1. re , .. ... . '• "-1.-,, Bollis 1 rmrts&J wta 1111* UJn' .fp· ...._ ....... WI fi .. ·::s:-.... WAllT .... N1S1i ... '911t-: b ,.Git-: P .. ;,"': '~~ ~...:. ':.111.ii. ': :'.f:i fl'": Cu,;~..,-..: ·==~-~ Ncw"""t ~ .... --l.u ••• I 1 ,,..... 71 rrtol ...... 0.. I &, er .... • I -' .,......... Ct,•.-.Lll. m ... --.i. ._... ''"81: ,... ._, ·~-~...-. • • • ' ' ~"'~~:._:=::::..:~~~~~~~:.:..:~......:.'~~...:..:.:__ __ ...:_:..::.,:.._,_..:......-i.~..-. ...... --.;.,.:::.....;_;,•~.::....---=-____:....:_.!~..:....~-'-"-~~..:..::.~~......;;.,._~---'-...;..--.A.. _____ ... ___ ,,,. __ _ • • I • t I I .i:. I I I I I I I I ' . ..--.- ' .• , • • ' . --• < '" ·~ • NOV. l,"llP M . ~~·""· Nris-TDml ANY CHOICE . SEL~fCT-IONS OF .JIEAL . tSTATE ~ L ~ISTE·D IN THIS S-EC .TION • -' I • Modern Offices suitable for a doctor, den- tist, accountant or insur- ance, ete. Off Street Parking Priced Right ·to desirable tenants Balboa Palms Bldg. 900 W. Ba'a Blvd., Balboa One block W eal of NC'wport Harbor Yacht Club Phone Harbor 3484 43--Apartmenta and Ho"""8 BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll. paid. Garage $75 mo., yearly or S50 mo, winter. Ph. Harbor 1671. • 79lfc Balboa Island We h'llve 11everal attractive apt.II . and houses for winter r ental sta'rling al $45 mo. and a few yearly rentals 11tartlng at $6:5. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. . Call -er.it Linwood Vick, Rltor. ___ sar.2042 UcM FURN. APT. on water, paUo, ga- rage. Adult&. $7& mo. or wlll leue. 817 -36th St.. Newport Beach. Harbor 691-W. 77trc BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn- lahod single apta. '25 and $35 mo. to June 15th. Frigidaire. Laundry available. Utll. incl. Harbor 1270-W. 83tfc BALBOA PENINSULA -Al· tractlvely tumhshed 2 bdrm. du· plcx with wndeck. Winter or yearly. Reuonable. Har. 3019-R 83tfc . NEW UNVURNLSHED upper flat wtth large wlndow8 overlooking bay ln good residenUal ·distric t. 2 bedrooms, sunde-ck. fireplace. Hdw4. floors. No chlkiren 01 pele. Avail. Nov. 1st, $115 mo. 1009 W . Bay Ave., NeWP.Ort • Beach. Ph. Harbor 3277, day~. tHar. 890-M eves.) 88lfc FURN. APT. ( 111 duplf'x ), $48 mo. Utll. pd. I except ele<:.J Scrv<'I . WMh. mach. Children & pt·t!I O. K. 2163 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. 92c94. OCEAN VIEW-Attractive 2 bed· room upper studio duplf'x. Un- turn. Gas &: watt't paid. 710 Avocado. Corona. del Mar. Har- bor 2620..R. 92c9<1 VERY SELDOM do wr have a vacancy In the LIDO APTS. on UDO ISLE. Furnish· ed apartn1ent on the Bayfront. ]deal for a couple. Musi be con- genial., A.!!lk for Mr. Grohn1an. P .A. PALMER II'O"CORPORATED 3333 Via Udo, Newport Beach Harbor 1500 9 ltfc Collins Island 81 ..... WILL TR.ADIC OR llCLL D1Y new 3 B. R. L&k-l'tua. corner home. 0 . L 4~-$11 mo.. in· elude• taxea. P"lreplfce. 1 ~ baU... 2 car ,...... lll'klot. nook, lawn. lnlJt lnu. rdwd. fence. ' WOULD like Bal-bland-Ph. tt&rbor 2839-M. 90dl6 TR.ADE-Owner will trade 3 bed· room bome, No. Hollywood, val. 111.500. ror l'fewport area. Ph. SU 3-9650. 93c9~ 57-Real &tate Wanted WANTED TO BUY from owner, level lot In Ne wport Height. or Cliff Haven. near Horace En- sign 1!1Choo1. Har. 1718-M. 92clM HOUSE or amalt income near Bay Ln exchange for 10 furn. stucco apta. near Bixby Park. Submit, Owner Mra. P'laher. 306 E. 11th ~ St., Long Beach, Calif. DlpH 11&-Money Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NET YIELD 6 ';4 to 10~ A: MORE '"PLACE YOUR .PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST. DEEDS" Every loan title lnsured. $9 .r&-tst T . D. Pay1 $100 mo. at 6 ~. $3,381 -lfll T, 0 . Pays $'40 mo. at 6.-;.. All due 1058. $3,600 --lsl T. D. Paya $40 mo. at 6 '.4. Will discount. $3,9IO-l8t T. D. Pays $40 mo. at 6 '/,. S 926-2nd T. D. Pay!! l -10 per mo. al 8'fo . Free collection aervlce. BOB SATTLER, 1415 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro U.fe In&. Funda Kl 3-6180 MONEY WANTED -12750 - Will give 1st trual deed on bldg. and equipment -va.lue. $14.000. Top Interest. A-1 bank reference". Write Bux. R. th~ pa~r. 93c0fi 306 Mari.ne, Balboa lal. Har._~2 Wes t end of Park Ave., Balboa 69ttc I lsla.nd. 3 rm. cottage apts .. . Wct'kly or monUlly rates. Call $25 WK. or special monthly rate. Harbor 2962-W. ~ 55-Money to Loaa LOANS TO Bun.D, IMPROVE. BUY, MODI!lllNIZIC, OR REFINANCIC 2 bdrm. ti.Jrn. apt. Laundry rm., _!_.t'j'= We Buy Truot Deedll NEWPORT BALBOA rJCDER.AL SAVINGS " LOAN ASSN. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Bar. lllOO fenced play yard fo r childre n, THREE bedroom, 2 bath house, on garage. Util. pd. The BLUl: renced comer lot . Forced a ir TOP. 401 N ewport Blvd. 87tfc heat. Furn. $1 35. Un(urn. $120 BA y FRONT _ Lovely 2 bdrm. on year's !eye. 496 E:. 19th St., 2 bath apt. F ireplace. good heat, C08ta 1.otesa.. Bea. 7234-W. 94.c96 ~~~~~~~~---~~- I 125 mo ti! June 15th. ALSO 1 bdrm. bayfront, $75 mo. lo June 15th. Pho ne Hu. ~2 or Ha.rbor 291"-·M eve.s. 77tfc ONE bedroom cottage, near Lido theater. Fumi~hed or unfurn- ished. S75 per mo. by year. Bea- con 6097-J. 9~p96 46-Room and 8-rd COMFORT ABLE room and board for lady pen.stoner. Licenaed home. Phone Beacon 53'43. C~ta Mesa. D5c97 YEARLY -Exceptionally nice. Unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex. Many , FURN. 3 rm. apt .. $50 mo. yearly eXlra feature8 . Near both rate. Utll. pd. PEARCE APTS., Bchoob. Re8.llOnable. 2266 Clay 309 E . Bay Ave .. Balboa. Har- Sl., Cllff Haven. 83ttc bor 745-W. 94p96 44-A-Kest Homee BALBOA -Modern 2 bc<lroom nicely furnished apt. 165 mo., yearly. Util. pd. Phone Harbor 2791-J. 83tfc lN CORONA DEL ~fA.R -Two bdrm. furn. hsc. 2 blk.s from ocean. Sgle. gar. $85 mo. yrly. Children O.K. Call Harbor 2152. IN CORONA DEL' MAR-2 bdrm. tum. hse .. sgll". gar., 11,2 blk.s. from ocean . $125 mo. yrly. Chil- dren O.K . Also on same prop- erty-1 bdrm. furn. apt .. $60 mo. yrly. Got both call Harbor 2152. ---BALBOA PENINSULA-Charm- ing ocean view apt .. suitable for couple. Winter $45 monthly, uUl ATTRACTIV-E sunny studio apt .. furnished. Be ndix. Ideal for 1 or 2. Convenient location. S60 yearly, $~0 wlntt>r. Util. inC'I. NURSE will give exfellent care to blind or elderly gentleman In he r cozy little home at 683 Plume r, C08ta Mes4. 92clH. 411 Heliotrope. Corona def Mar. 44--Rooms for Bent Harbor 0291-R. 94c96 l--------------PERMANENT or weekly rental- THRU JUNE, 1953-Cute 1 bdrm. Sle<'plng room. prlv. entrance, cottage. Cum. Fireplace, patio. garage, $10 wk. BLUE TOP, nice yard. $75 month, water and (jW!ll above the Arches ). •401 gardener paid. Adults only. 604 N ewport Blvd., Newport Beach. Begonia, C. D. M . Inquire 602 91lfc Begonia. 94c96 That ueed furniture, bric·a-brac, FURNISHED APT.. tile kitchen paintings, etc., now t&k.ing up and bath, yearly rent. $60 mo., space ln your ga.raa:e. Find a buy- util. pd. Out.aide laundry room, er with a clautlted ad ln the newly decorated. Call at 309 N~s-'nmea. Poat, and Prea com· 34lh St., Newport Beach. 04p96 blnaUon. Ju.st Phone S&rbor 1616. " garage included. Ph. Hubo' 48--Aotomoblles, Tires 48--Automoblles, Tlrea 3019-R . 92tfc 1 -0:.......;.;=====:...::==----"'-======~;o...;"""--- OCEAN VIEW -Atlracttve two bdrm. upper studio duplex. un- rum. Gas at wal<'r pd. 710 Avo- ca.do, Corona del Mar. Harbor 2620·R. 92c94 BALBOA ISLAND 2 bdrm. furnished apt. 204 Garnet. Harbor 877-R. 92c94 UNFURNISHED 1. bdrm. housl", C08la Mesa, $<16.50 mo .. utll. pd. ALSO house trailer. $27.50 mo. 1741 Pomona, Costa. Mesa. &a. 874.7-J. 93tfc CORONA DEL MAR -unfurn. 2 bdrm. farmhouse, dbl. gar-age. Enclowd back yard, near beach, $100 mo. yr. lt-ue. Cat o.k . Ava.11. Dec. l . Harbor 1~-W. 93<:95 FURNISHED cottase, aultable for 1 or 2. Cl~ lo Alpha Bel& in Costa Mesa.. $-1:> mo. lnclu. gar. Be-aeon 5-469-J. 9~ CORONA DEL MAR -Furn. 1 : bdrm. a.pL, $7~ mo. Unturn. 1 bdrm. apt., ISO mo. Fumlabe:d collage. $65 mo. Stt Andreaen. &02 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. 93<:95 CORONA DEL JllAR -Lovely 1 bedroom a Pt .• Picture: window. Brand new m a p J e turnlture. SM mo. yearly, Jncl. utll Pb. Harbor 385-J. 9~ Look at These Prices! '50 OLDS 88 club coupe, low mileage, perfect con- dition ...... __ ....................................................... $1895 '50 CHRYSLER \Vlnd30r club coupe, Highlander, f ully equipped, low mileage, llke new .. ...... . .. SZCM:i '47 STUDEBAKER Chan1plon convertible. new ctean1 paint, new full view top, ntechanlcally A-1. fully equjpt . ... . ................................. 11165 '41 FORD Super deluxe convertible, hea.ter ra- dio .... .. ...... .... .. .. ... . ......................... _ .. $ 496 BANK TERMS ' "Hillman Minx Dealer" NEWPORT AUTO SALES W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1407 "For the Best Deal" a new Chryaler or Plymouth or a fine uaed car See Dick Ward LATE '49 CAD 62, 4-dr. sed. \V. on S . W ., ' elec. wind. Uft., twin speakers, spot Ul e, sun vi.sor. cwitom nylon .eat C'O\'e rs. radio. heater, defroster, w l n d a h,I e 1 d wuher. Two tone light gray Ir HARVEY SOMERS, INC, 2491 c-t Hlway, Newport !kb. Phone Beacon 1615 brown. Abaolul~ly In fineat • 93p6 mech. condition. U you want a ,-.,-..,...,--,-,-----,-----.- Cad that can be driven tboua-'49 DODGE t.clr. Coronet. all u· &ncU of care.tree miles, UU. ls tt. lru, like n~w, low mileage. Pt1- Betler look Ulla ooe over. Price vate party. to dote e.tate, Pb. $2995. Can be eeen at any tlme. Beacon 5716. (efta. Be&. ean..ll 1831 Placentia Ave. (near W . -. -92clM ' • - .. . ' NO CROWDING at Corona Highlands Large view Iota with all utilities No A 88e81'!lenta Priva~· Beach Rights From $2500, termB. . Stop at tract office for complete information. Coast Highway at Seaward Rd. or call Harbor 414-J BALBOA . ISLAND BAYFRONT WELL BUILT and well located 4 bdrm. and maid's room home plus 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of South Bay. Private pier and float. Good double garage. Full price completely furnished. $47,500, terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 You've Got to See the Inside of This luxurious new 3 bdrm. Balboa home to appreciate Ila flne qtl&llty and m&ny un1q·ue features. Eln1 pllnelled 32 ft. llvlng room with lots of glasa, ht se~rated from kUchen by commodions birch bar topped with folding plutic doors. Rich oa.k parquet flooring. ~II kitchen cabinel3 are custom built on birch with gleaming natural finish. Comer cabinet revolves for easy uten1dl atorage. Ventilating fan over r&nge space which ts plutlc lined. Conduit In for electric range and electric clothes dryer-Also plumbing In for dish wa.aher. Haa garbage disposal and abundance of electric outleta. * bath off kitchen. upstairs bath has tub and stall shower. Separate closet compartment, beautiful birch dressing table. Muter bedroom Is 14.x20 with roomy sun- deck and plate glus wlndowa looking out on gorgeous penna.nent ocean view. All decorated in la.atest color tone's. and wall paper (M>me hand-painted). Large con- crete patio, decorative Norman brick planters. $28.M>O. 2001 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY or call owner al Harbor 208. 92c94 $1350 down G. L Resale New Lido Listing U you are looking for a reaaon- ably priced borne on Lido lale. SEE THlS! . . LUC~? 'certainly are Three new exclwiive listings were broµgbt ~In this week to replace the three we JUST SOLD. We are proud . to present them among our other BEST BUYS. 1. Bra.nd new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on large lot on LIDO ISLE.' Beamed celling living room, Indirect Ughltng, co,Jor-· ful bathrooma, lot.8 of tile, utllt heal, d.l8po8al and bar type kit- chen. A.II land8c&.ped with at- tractive entry. Priced at only $22.500. 2. Also NEW 3 bedroom. 2 bath home on LIDO ISL.E. Herf'l ts a "heart winner" with large, chttrful, tcunny rooms. Clever • wal1ed·ln patio and kitchen that will be •·mama's dellgbL" Thia home haa many 811lart features. All for $24,750-Terma. 3. Here la what you have been walUng for. A home on the NORTH BA YFRONT of LIDO ISLE for ONLY the low price of $38,500. Imagine a 2-story home with 3 bedl'OOms, 2 baths, mald'ii room, 2 dressing room~. unit heat, 2 sun decks, bar and completely furnished for onJy $38.500. No offers on this price. What are you waiting for ? Hurry on this. ALSO -We arc the DF:VELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. We have for sale some cho ice waterfront lots, in· side lot.JI. income lols at a pris;c that will surprise you. Herc a llttlr buys a LOT. Why don't you look? P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vla L!Jo Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Everybody Wants Two Units We have them here on Bal- boa Island, Starting prices furnished, $15, 750. $16, 750 $18.500 and you might just as well be on THE ISLAND. I COSTA ' MESA Brand new a bdrm. llome -.2 N.tba, Iota of W~. large fireplace. Touch p)ate UshunP Dual futnacc. hwd. Ora. Dble. p r. Located near Hi School among the"oth~r new bomu ~ can't beat lhiJI for only $12,600, term.a. Brand new 3 bdnn. home, 2 bat.ha, fll'f'place. eclecl bwd. dual furnace, Utermoatat controlled, exceptionally well built. O&rage, near bua It market. Only $8950. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Brand new 3 bdnn. home, ·2 balhB, fireplace, hwd. floors, forced air beat In every room, loU of tile. Extra large garage. Thia la really nice. 490 I Only $14,250 C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 "Santa Claus has come to town e"arly!" Jn this roomy 2-story BALBOA ISLAND home near the North Bay, you have the bl"ach house you've always wa.nted. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living and dining area, furnb1hed. There b also :t nice tum. apt. ove~ dbl. garage, Ide~ for income or week end cue.st.a. Only $15,750-Tenns to suit Exceptlonal view lol-:-Corona Highlands ................ $4',000 island realty co. Park at Agate. Balboa Island Harbor 377-W BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Attractive 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home, plus new 2 bdrm. apartment, plus extra guest room and bath. Thie property is clean, conveniently located and bas proven income record! Now leased on yearly basia at $280. per month. PRICE $29,500, TERMS W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2162 . CORONA DEL MAR* $23.500 will buy a beautiful new 2 bdrm. home with view overlooking the Harbor. Has separate guest room and bath. Full 2-car garage. Close to beach and very desirablef. Inspect today! ANDRESEN CO. 602 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar •P. S .-We have e 'STE.!.L' in e 2 bdrm. cottage all furnished -on R-2 lot -Ocean side of highway - $9MO full price. MR. INVESTOR: • If you are int led in investing in a good sound income prope y in the rbor area, drop in and Here la a gOO<J buy ln a 3 bdrin. home. Only 1 ~ yrs. old. Hwd. noors, tile. kitchen and bath. Garbage disposal, prage, par- tially fenced, wide lot. The pay- ment& are only SM per mo., In- cluding taxea &: Ins. Full price only - 2 bdnn21., walled patio, living rm. ha.a beamed celling and comer fireQlace. Lol!I of tUe ln kitchen and ha.th. Glau enclosed tub. Attractive modern colon1 and paper!. Wiii consider a11 low &a $4500 dn. This $15,750 two-unit place iB hard to beat for the money. r-~'let "l1S tell yo~ about a "!ding which should $9500 Outstanding Here h1 a clean cut one bdrm home which is one of the flneat In the area. It has everylhlng- large living room. large kitchen, large bed.room. Tl.le kitchen and bath. A beautiful floor plan. Many feautrea too numeroua to mentlon. One half acre of ground with lots of fruit trees. Thls: home Ui only 2 yeara old. It you are interealed In the belt buy-let ua shew you thls: BAR· GAIN. Full price ta only $8250 Back Bay Acreage Located on a comer wtU\ 396 ft, ot frontage and 300 n . In depth. WUI cut up lnlo 8 'or 9 beautl· ful Iota. SACRIFIClNG THIS PARCEL at 1811<1 $5350 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Bea.coo 7123 Mua ( Acrou from Colla Mesa Bauk) • Evu. Ha. 3167-W Bea.. MM-J Results tome irom con.It.ant • PracUce ! An ad r-egul&rly ln lhLI paper will produce result.I for you Balboa Island ' Would You Like Somethlng Thl\t Will P&y For ltaelf? Exclu11ive listing-· , . J. A. BEEK Office Lido Building Sites Harbor 63-Bo.Jboa i.1and Ferry 30 ft. bay front income, $11,500. 40 ft. strttt to street ........ 1 4500 M ft .. comer ............................ $64.00 S k -•Would You Trade? toe Chicken Ranch . ' Your non-profit beach home for 20 acres, 12 acrea permanent pas-a bearing profitable avocado ture. 3 houses. barn, stables, grove and two bedroom house? completely lrrigated. Abundant c heap water. Equipment for 15.000 chlckena:. Price, $40,000. Terms, trade. GREENLEAF" ASSOC. BUtLOER -REALTOR 3J 12 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 2532 Bay Shores New 3 bdrm. home, 2 baths. lge. living rm .. fireplace, forced air .heat. garbage dlapoaal, paUo, fenced yard, dble:. garage. Only $14,500, terms Have opening for experienced ~leaman or broker. Li8ttng9 Wanted Rent.ala A: Salea W. E. Fisher Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith Realtor -Auoclate 916 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar Thl.s bayfront home has chaTm, graclousneas. excellent heat, lgc. rooms. plenty of baths, beauti- ful planted patio, sandy beach , pier and slip for large boe.t. One I of lovellcat hOmes tn' the area and priced right. A duplex at 112,500. One bedroom on each side. Nicely furnished. Clean and good renter". Wherelse can you buy a wate r- front home tor $15,500-$5500 down and $100 a month. Not new, but hu lhany· poMiblllttes. Lar9e living room and patlc overlooking water. Good pier &. slip. It is worth seeing. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. ~rbor 1264 Modern redwood .and glass Two bdrm. and 11e"ant'a quart.era. Fla.pt.one and wood tlooni. Two ye&.1'11 old. In gTOVe of treea Beautiful view of the western hllla -tn exchl81v-! aection -2 mtle11 from oce&n in quie:t sur· roundlnga. ·sio,ooo. Oood terma. 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa MelHI Phone Beacon 5293-W appeal~,.l'.:onservative investor.~, 1 EVERETT MORRIS, Realtor 408 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa .. ljarbor 3265 I 93C95 Near Bay Roomy old duplex on 2 Iota. just 100 ft. from bay In good neigh- borhood. Has po881bllitles. Ce· m ent foundation and garage. Lower rented till June. Upper available. T&kes $9,200 cub to handle. but lull price only $1 3,500. Manager Ne.eded For income property, cloae ln Bal- boa. Separate cottage for own- e r and 4 unite: to rent. On 2 lots, facing 3 streets. After the down payment. you can make the units pay for themselves. Old but clean and comfort.able. ,If you've,always wanted to own a little home and caah in on summer rents. come in and talk this over with ua . $17,500 furn· !abed. Terms. R·3 Corner Lot Near bay and ocean, with small 2 bedroom cot~e on rear. $9,- SOO, terma. - Balboa Realty Ce. Rou Grffley·. Joeephlne Webb Lillian McA- 700 IC.·Bal-Bl'rd. Bar. 3277 $5650 Newport Heights $2 ,000 down Attractive 2 bdrm. home with hwd. floors. dble. gar. Excell. location. Its a real value. $8:)00. Ranch Type Home Newport Heights. Channing new 3 bdrm. home with fireplace, beat hwd. floors, many cloeela and bulll·lns. Beautiful w ork- manship thru-out. $12,250. $3200 down. Outstanding Ocean View Lot 4'5x125. Newport Height.a. An un- obstructed and breath-taking view of the harbor and oce&n. Its the best buy In a vtew lot in the entire: area. $4700. Beacon Hill Realty '466 Newport Blvd. (above Arches) Ph_ B. 5713-R or Eves. B. 6632·W FOR THE DISCRlMINATING- One of the JoveJleat In Coro"a del Mar. 2 bedl'OOm-(could be 3 bedroom). Gorgeoos vtew. :25' lJv . rm. G. E . kJtchen. Flac· stone fireplace and planters. Cloeeta galore. Un it heaL 2100 sq. ft. Submit your term.a. 430 Poppy, Corona del Mar. Har- bor 1275-R. 94c98 A 3 bdrm., 2 bath house with dble. garage and bachelor apt. $15, 750. $l:wM> DOWN buya a cute 2 bdrm. home in nice localkln. Balance like rent. Move rlcht ln. Full ~$9,1'50, A ttractlve home for am all family ____________ 59c99__ In fine d.i.ltrict of Coeta Meu.. "A BUY" in El Bayo or • A Cute 2 bdrm. House, gar· age. JlO, 750. For Sale by Owner THREE bdnn. bouae with oepa- ra.te atudio-apt. • Reaaonable. Re1t.rlcted neighborhood. can at 2124 11. Ocffn Blvd., Balbo&. <rear •rt.1 aa.. 1-.a. 93c95 $1500down 8 rm.. haule, ocean ~tew, N~wport Helgbt.s, eubmlt offerm on price . '$6300 a bdnn. -. 1 block to ocean NEWPORT HEIGHTS-3 bedrm. home. tumlalled. PO mo. I Un- l'lmllmed leaal. Inquire at SOii Palm, Ba16oa. Harbor 8206-R. 17t.b), eo.t.a Kea. Mc96 Nelda Gibson, Rltr. PACKARD, 19118 8uper I dolUJur 308 Ma.rill<!, -!al Har. t!M 4-dr. S..UUllll. low mlleqe. - NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath horn~ !JllCWPORT llKJGBTS w 1 l h VUIW. Xlnt. I-lion. P,000 down, balance like "'°t. Full price '13.7l!O.-~y Oil thlo one! n:>R 8ALIC BY OWNBR-l"llm- lobed clupla, 3-car. -.: cOr- ner lot owrlooldnc l>ay. 82$ W . 111.y ...... 9tl-lC<>IJIUoy to . brok-). Bar. :llM6-R, CRelt· be9eb, --lion ot New- port. If. B. C. REALTY CO., ._ U4 lfwport" Bild.. New- pmt Bmdl.. 9'2dM Acrosa the •lreet from beach wt.lb perma.nent view of bay and ~ .late. lhla lovely corner home, 3 bedroonJa and den, & real nlue at $26,l!OO. Tenna. Call John Mdttram. Harbor 1500. -3913 SEASHOllJ:. Newport Beoch, 8 bedroom. ' bath ...... 0-t l'llmlahed. monl.h, to -111 rent- al, fl() per mo. P1L Har. lKft-W . . lllll8T ---------·~--~ ruRNlllBKD 8 T U D I 0 APT.-'- ' Idea.I for oouple. aeiu-~ U4 ~-. IG.80 mo. loid. uw. X.7 at 011 ~. eor.. del Mar. - • ' DODGE SEDAN-Good ~r­ tation, ltJOd Urea. Jl13. 'l'rlvate patty. t.asuna 4M71. 1~1 BUICK ~ 8'optt Coopo. Dynatlow. radio, -ur, opol· llcht. wtmmleld -.... Good- ,_ dllL ~ wt.it• wan. wtlh 11! .......... 1\aiea. Qric:lna1 -· Perfect .-dltloG. --1181. . . - n r4ft 'lO •s·~ ms ...,. • • car equlpl With R .. II. O"D. d..Cr., air can<!. -le clutcb. push button ..-.. w!Dd· shield _,.., alpal ll&ll.a, back-up U,bl.a, opot Up.t, new nylon conra. Owner mmt *11. 118\S • -It., Nowport B•c!L l2ptt BALBOA ISLAND tor al&--2 B. R.IUmlob<dbonM,S-SOIJDdl. lion, wttll Z<ar pnp, Sll,lllO. Lot'1 malre a ~r Bee1t r..., oltlee, Hart"'la. ~ y------alatl7 .. -~ -...... __ _ ""*1-km. •• • .. -....... _ .. "la ..,,.. Ill ... • ------U.WM!ll -• •• .,,J_ ' TOM P,AYNE, Rltr. 110 <lout H!Wa7, Corona d«1 Mar l')loae Har-:mt Ylew 1-. · v2p117. NICW 1 BDRM. HOMlll, Sft7 ;-----""T"----- -llelab, ~ 1111 Vic-llA:Lll OR ft&NT-120 Via Jucar, -at. 1-OoUop .A-1. Lido la1e. at~ a~ Ooota x-"'-·-. -If. film. T. V.' Lup encl ~ • 'llttc $1',IOO ·or HU. wlllter , rental. aw-..... "11'11do.ra and -ila¥ L ID. ~ 3-2116. I ..,.. r.. ,f I 0 ,.rd. J>M. pnp. lo. ~ _ Ill ~· IU lfard ' , pi.. ""-OtP-t;r la ~ 1a nel... ...... ""'· . ,.. ... ,...., Am. ' \ • • ' • $7250 FUD Price .2 bdrm&, 111111.. 'lo -lr<lllt. ----ID<-~lllJIU... ' llbould -l!> llJ'1ll ~ fr. '-~-­·Har. llft. 1--, -· -~·Kl P, A:PALMER INCORPORATED 3331 Via Lido • Newport Be9ch, caut. . . • J Nale or BS,\tJTD"t/L _1.t ......... - -N5R ~ lot ' -. .... -pica. - -••••• .-. w. ~ ~·--?\ , ...... -..... •... ......... ~-- ' • I