HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-13 - Newport Balboa News TimesI~ I I I 1· • ' . 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 46 City Officials Protest Well Drilling Here· 'City of Newport Beach has 1 made its rffofl to prot ect certain ~ W eat N e\~tport areas from being I del'lared a prove n oil field. ... Responding to request.a of local civic JrrOUps which recenuy urged t he City Council to take a aland j on the matter before the county plannin~g commission and board of dupervisors announce decisions on a pend'.ng oil ordinance, City Man- ager Jo hn J . Sallors t ook the city I mPssage to thf commissioners. H e gave them a le tter approved by the City Council which read ln part' "It is requested that proposed action ht-amended or changed de- leting therefrom the establishment 1 of a so-called proven oil field with-I in the area bounded by the Santa 1 Ana River, 19th street. roughly Whittler avenue and the City of Newport Beach. We feel that the rurther development of oU in this area should continue to be handled by the issuance of variance per- mits .u in the put. ~·The City yr Newport Bea.ch fee.ls that It definitely has a ma- jor interest ln the above mention- ed area, inaamuch u almost the entire area la s urrounded by t er- ritory that is incorporated,,. within the City of Newport Bea~h." This, ln essence, was what anti· oil groups asked for at the re4 cent councU meeting except that 8ome spoke!lmen wanted the drill- ing prohibited completely. Tbe News-Times asked the county planning copsultant's• of- fice what a ct ion will be take n in UtJ.a matter. It wu explained that ~ t~:::;: ~u=~ • SUFFRAGAN BlSHOP Tho IUatrt Ro•.~ )I. !Joodea, (rel.,) ntMJns p1'a7en for tlle Cbureb .. pord. ol .,W ~ t.Dud. tac or !It. J-~ c.!!a-..:l'!t"'!lk ~'-_ ·---------:· . ---~ ,, • •• ' • .. . OOOtE BUYS STUDibS FOR . . • '- ST ATION:KBIG . ' John 1 H. Poole of Corona del Mar bu acQuJred the f ormer 1tudloa of K FM V-F .M at 6640 8 u n • e t Blvd. u the Hollywood ltudloa a.nd general offlcea-tor KBIO, bia new 10,000 watt AM station ICheduled to Co on the alr early ln 1962. Tran&m.itter for the neW stattor\. will be localed on Catalina Ialand, , a n d procranD: will be microwaved from Holly- wood to the transmitter, aupple- iienttng broadcuta origtnating at Avalon. The lavish radio ·row studios. constructed. th.ree years ago at a cost of more than $120,000 ·were acquired by Poole from Harry Maiz.llsh, president and genera I manager of KFWB, wH.o ·recently purchased them from the Union Broadcasting Corporation . Ma.lz- lish ls al80 applying to the FCC ror tra.na!er of the FM station's . ' ' DISTRICT .. SOARD WIL~ . MEET TOMORROW '· NtGHT • Bualne• !eadera, Chamber of Commerce presidents and publlsht'r5 of Orange County's newspapers are planning to attend· the meetini; of the County SanJtatlo!'I Board tn the SupervlM>n nleelln.g 1'00m County court houae Wednesday night. at t he All will pre.f for an agreement that will permit th.e selling of the $8,308,000 of bond.11 voted nearly three years· a.go and progress to- ward the1 construction of the badly needed outfall and primary treat- ment plant of the County sewer- age dl.sposal system. At a m~ttng of the publl.shers I last week, a tentative agreement C.-Of C. RITES TOMORROW TO DEDICATE UNIT· Progress of Newport {Jcach v..·ill was proposed between members of b e commemorated Wednesday the Joint Outfall Sewer System with the opening of Ne\wpqrt HRr- and the County Sanltat~on Boards bor Chamber of Commerce's nt w that would 8ettle all presently oq.t-quarters on Coast.. Highway. 11t&nding disagreements. Willis Located on the. inland side ot Wa.rner, ehalrman of the Board of Mariner's Mile, the modrrn :Jtuc~·o Supervisors and by law 8 mem-offi ces are sltuaterl \•:ith a v1t•W ber of all sevf,'n Sanitation Board~ of bay activities. Chamber Seer~~ Uc=~ said his new station, op-balked at a recent plan to proceed: tary Hay La.ngcnhein1 alrf'ady C'n--... I •2 caus•, he said, t he pr•••nt JOS visions tt:ie Chan1bcr d'fficcs u11d erating on 74.0 kilocycles, w 11 ....., " .......,.. -_ _, ·agreement would cause all Im-its future press room t o be local"""1 cover all of Southern California from Santa Barbara to San Diego. provemenl.s made le r evert to the on the adjoining hills1llt•. as hl·ad- He ts se,11ing his Pa.sadena station, owner.ship of the JOS group (San-qu:rter~ for Olynt~ic c~ew ~ac.es, KA'Ll, to the Consolidated Broad-ta Ana, Ana.helm, Fullerton and w ich e hopes wt I la t' at vant- castlng Corporation Placentia) If the entire program age of the bay's ideal coursr, dur- Young DemocNls toM~ in 5anta Ana could not be completOO. Warner ing years to come .. contended this wa.s an unfair re-A large turnout is expected al strictive clause and that none Of tomorrow's open hou~C'. dNlical1ng the Sa.nltatlon ao&rd8 could legal-and Oa.g-raising ceremonies. T he Jy, or morally proceed under an Chamber staf f t oday put f1n11ihing agreement wherein they would in touches on office arrani;l4ln<'nt fur t he festivities. e ffect be pledging property of the taxpayers to a sectional group. Flag-raising crrPn101ti<'s will lie conducted a t 1 i a. nl. 1n front of Th(' Young Scores of disagreements have Orange County been Ironed out in recent months the new building with h'l yford Jr- Democrats have aet Nov. 2i as that would allow the over all i ew-vine raising the colors which w1U the dale for their fir.st major social be presented by 1-larVl'Y Soint·rs. erage disposal system to be built. event of the year. it waa announc-Irvine will then turn -kC'ys lo lhe The latest trouble.. wa.s caused by ed today by Carl Sanders, chair-new offices over to Torn No1·lu1 t, · only the votes of the one Sanita-man of the social committee. Chamber president. Norlon \\'!II lion Board, Number 11, Hunting-Oancing, group singing, games, ton Beach . All other boards were accept the keys in a s hort tall::., prizes, ~d refreshments will be thanking the I rvine Co. fvr 111ak-Willing to go along with the agree-featured at the Orange County 1ng the new quarlC'rs possible. mcnt and get the badly Qeeded Young Democrats Jamboree. ?,001'-foot long outra.JI under con-The company has ll'aSf'd the The party will be held at 8 :30 chaml:Ser land ncetlcd for thC' nf:W struction. p. m ., Nov. 24, at the Sani.. ~na unit and has loaned the necessary Communlt}' center, 1104 West l'tewport Dl•tren capital for It s construction. Thu; Eighth Street , and will be str1ctly Thc Newport Harbor District L~ sum is being repaid on a monthly informal. Bob FroeBChle and his one of the n1ost distreMed commu-basis. orchestra will provide music f0r nities in t he County of Orange, so Open house will be held in the the affair, which will be the first far as sa.nltatio n is concerned. riew office building tron1 l l a. 1n . of a aeries of social gathering& Newport Beach is not a member to 4 p. m. 'fhe ChambC'r'8 board designed ' to bring together all of the J oint outfall System al-of directors is eponsoring a fr<"C, young Democrats of the county. though cfOuent from the city sew-light luncheon which w ill be servC'CI Bob Campbell, of Santa Ana.. e-r pl&nt has been disposed of at 11 :30 a . m. will ac t as master of ceremonies. through the ocean outfall-line of Much greater service to ~e ReaervaUona may be made by the J'OS for eeveral years. At community and to persons m· , , ~~~~~~~~~·.~~~;~~ • .~~~o( the. ~-1..~l'l$W ~eement ta belng teyested ln t.h.e~ ~bo_r area will ~ ¥" &'&w'WliOtw.eii'. •l:Jle. Clt)r-..W~, """1'.~~ $11• ,mi~· -' when the commt.lon.'s proposed amendment to the oil ordinance is taken to the board. The planning consultant had no 'dea when that would happen. Sunday. Tlae Rev. Patll Moore~'" ._tar~~ f'IU.k ·-.. ...-~~~~~-"-r'-'-~--""-:o;'--~~~~~-'-ly acU. • . ciu!; at HM'. 23fl6.W. J'OS Board which wtn~corst the Mu·. 6er /.fm .. ~~fOO&~ prom:lnenUy ~ · nlclpallty a am.8.JJ. fortune each 'the Coast HJgbway, Langenhelm ' BISHOP GOODEN DEDICATES NEW ST. JAMES BUILDING R i chm on d Speaks PIRATE'S _ 21-15 VICTORY Thursday at . GOP OVER DONS MAKES OCC Meet in Heights SECOND ·IN CONFERENCE year unttl the new outfall ts built. gajd. Co\·ert1 Baa•tas ~ The request of the Cjty Council for the deletion of par{ of the so- , called "West Newport Field" cov- er 11 all of that area · of the Ban- ning Property enclosed by the one T her"e was no pagentry of pro-._ _____________ _ foot wide shoe 11tring .strip which ces.sional, but the impressive 11im-1 a. m. ·scrvice.s gathered ln the the clty annexed laat year. The shoe string connect.l5 the former pliclty of pre8t'nt.ation or the keys patio lo witness the ceremony, city dump, now city yards. to the and tlme-hor.,,-,red, hrart-felt pray-conducted by the Rev. Paul Moore Wht"t'lrr, church rector. Monrovia street reservoir high on Prs of the ('hurch when the Rt. Th 1 at-t 11 ed b th the Mesa at 16th street. It then Rev. Robert B Gooden, retired . e eMOn w 0 ow Y e angles off toward an intersection suffragan bUihoP of the diocese, Litany for the Church with congre- wlth the Sa.nt& Ana River at 19th dedicated. the new educational gatlonal respon.eA. George Hol- Atreet. The one.foot .strip of an-building or St. J ames church on slf'ln III, reprHenting the con- nexed city shoe string then comes Sunday. tractors, J:rcsented the k ey9 to back to the C08.8t Highway along Church school children, the Eugene rM&ell!, senior warden the easterly bank of the Santa robftl adult and children's choirs and after a congregational hymn. Ana Rl·~r. d gr gation f the 10 and 11 Bishop Gooden gave the Ptayers ____ " ____________ a_n __ c_on __ e ___ •_0 ______ of Dt-<ticatlon. ANAHEIM EDGES TARS 14·6 IN TOUGH GAME Newport Ha.rbor Varsity footballe rs played their fine11t gan1e •of the ae8.90n only t o lose to Ar.&heini's chariip1onship bound club l i-1\ at Anaheim Fr.day n ight. The Sailors out-fought, out-tackled, out- blocked. a.nd out statlstlced the Colonists but couldn't manage to out- score them. After the 11 o'clock service, at which Bishop Gooden preached. there was a coflee hour in the parish house and iMpeotion of the new bullding, which la nearly paid for. less than S2000 being lackjng from the $27 ,000 fund. It contains a children's chapel, nura- f"Ty, kindergarten, choir room, vtlftlal aid room; tht! rector's study and st'cretary's room, and spaci- ous. sunny clau rooms wbich will adequately Care for the 300 o'r more pup!l11 expected by end or the year. The unit haa been plan- nt"Cl (or addition of a second 11lory Anaheim scored on a punt block and a pass interception as they failed to fi'gure the tough Tar de- fense. Early in the first quarter. Ed Herrera s hot In from bis left end spot to block Rally Pulaski's punt on the Tar 33. Jim Hplve re- covered on the 15 and went all the way to scorfl. Gerald Rees kicked the· extra point. Srt yarda~ .: ............... 194 Number of~ attempted .................... ' '1 %()If but the next bulldlng program wjU be enlarging of Ule c hurch proper by adding to the eaat aide. JO 4 I 6 . 3 PaMl"S completed .......... ! Pa.OJSe1t bad lntercept.ed % t"lunbies . .... . ................ ... 4 °'4·n tnmb1" rttO\'ered ! Opponents' fumbk!8 • reeove~ .... ,............... I ' COUNCIL M1!:ft8 TONIGHT . . Gordon Richmond, state Repub-By Rod McMllltan ltcan cent ral con1mitteeman. and Orange Coast College defeated well-knovn Santa Ana attorney Santa Ana' Junior Colle ge for thf' will speak before a group of Re-first time In Ila four-yeaP hlt'ltory publican women at a mtttit:lg Saturday night before 6000 fans Thursday morning, Nov. 15, at 10 at the Santa Ana M"unlcipal Bowl. o'clock in the home of Mrs. Law-Final t&lly showed the Pirates rence Brown, 2282 Clift Drive. 21_15 In front of the Don&. New port HeighlB. The win auured the Pirates of Richmond hu had a wide speak-a second place in the final Ea.atem Ing experience and wt.II give some Conference Standings and a tie in Information regarding the work of the event that San Bernardino 1a organized Republl~an women ln edged In either of IU final two the coming campaign. Dr. J amesi league ga.mea with Mt. San An- Stewart, newly appointed putor tonlo or traditional rival River· of St. .Andrews Presbyterian side. The occ club wlnd8 up its church. "'111 also have a part on seaaon with a pair of road games. the program. 1 R.ay R.0880 takes his band· which The meeting will be prcs~ded loat only one game to a junior over by M rs. r..ewls T . Gardiner college team ( 14 _6 to 8E'COOd rank- a.s acting chalnna{l. ~s. J . M . ed national team of San Bemar- Drolet, acting vice-chairman, Mn. dino) t o Bobe, Ida. next week~ WllJiam Chichester , a cting treas-end and then invades San Pedro's urcr and Mrs. James Carroll act-Daniell Field to meet Harbor jay- Ing secretary. A nominating com-8E'e on Thanlugiving Day. mtttee will be appointed at this Santa Ana bounced back after meeting and election of orftcers Coast jumped to a 21_0 first half will be ma.de at a meeting·of the lead t 3C&re th.e Pirate.a who were. group to be heki sbort.JY afte r the two t~uchdown . favorites. The Pl-flrst or tbe year. The group I• known u the Ha~­ bor Area Republican Womm and publican campa'.gn are urged to be present at this week's meeUng. lnfonnal dltftnusaions are pla.n· ned following the program and coffee will be served by t he hos- rates scored their first touchdown In the first quarter as Howard Miller set them up with a 32-yard punt return to the "Don 10. Ned Parson!! waa stopped for no gain on a left end pltchout and Paul Chafe, quarterback, tumbled and recovered for a. two-yard gain be- f0r e Chafe faded back to hit Jesse Smith with a pa.as tn the left flat juat at the goal ltr,.e . Jesse Smith added the extra point to make it 7 to 0. ' Second OCC Score Col!ta Mesa has never had sew- ers until ju!lt recently. The under- ground system on the Mesa is vir- tually completed now, but it will not be possible to make use of the facility until connection can be made to the new ocean outfall line w hich it is p1anned to build. Newport Bea ch has been served an ~timatum by the JOS cities tha no further territory may be add to the city sanitation ~is­ poaal system until ti1e Joint Out- fall and treatment plant Is built. • Inland cities have been forced to bolt tbe covers onto their man- holea in orde r to prevent overOows from sorely taxed sewer systems. The $8,308,000 bond ts.sue was voted upon the basis of the so- called 'Bacon Report' which pro- jected growth figures and require· mf'nls for future growth until 1990. Various districts have en- eavored to change the program since the bonds were voled. Two The second OCC .score came weeks ago all were In agreement about three quarters of the' way to proceed as originally planned through the second period. Gil I except Willis Warner and the Stem intercepted a Bob Smith Mayor of Huntington Beach who pa.u and retumed it from the are the controlling factors on Cout 20 to 'the '42. Miller started Board 11. the ball rolllng with a nine-yard The changes and agree,m~nts )eft end run with a 'key block by rea ched at a meeting of the pub- Charley Btack. Black then picked tishers last Monday a.re supposed up nve for a first down on the to have cleared the entire sltua· (Oontlnued on Pace 8 ) lion. Tbe pass interception &et u.p Anaheim's second TD ln the second quarter. Jo hn StelAibom. defens- ive tullback. robbed the b&ll from end Lee Page. who waa trying lo c.atch a Pu.Jukt pua. Stelnlborn took the ball on hla own ~ and returned. to the Tar 29 where he Nwnriu or u._ ...--···············-··· . Yanb h»l oa _.u.., 41 s » Regular meeµng of the ptty ., a unit of the Orange 'County Council will be. held tonight ln ·t.be ~pubUcan W.omen·a organlzation city 'halt Btt;aue& of AnnlMJce of which Mr& Mary Tuller Topper day· falling on S').lnday, making or Marino Ddve ls . the president. yesterday .a·Ier-1 tt.oUd&y, lbe...es-..lu women of' the area interested eton wu put -forward one _,.. 1n the obtcome of tbe comlng Re- t~u. uststed by M.ra. H elen ft&n!. dall, Mra. Sheldon Riley, Mrs. John Rbumford. Mra. Dean Br&dfon:I. ~ • M'.ra. R . N. IA.gerlo! and Mrs. Wll· • was nailed from bel)ind. The )<>.. cal.I had bad tbe ball on .the-Ana• hetm 31 at the start of the play. Len Kolb connected on a pau b> Ira We bber Cor the acore and the conversion wu made by; Rees. Irwin'• crew went 85 yardl in 17 J>la¥• In the.I.bird period to gain their only ecore. Vu.llbaek Don A.uvold and balfback BUI Hop- IJ,ln.t traded off abot. lnto the: mid· die of the .line mo.t or the way with oae .pen-yard S>•ll throWn In to ke<p~def--· Pu- --""' u.. 'ball -· fror\I four Jania out '"' !be llC<ft. ' l!'f&DSTroS ' :nnt" ......... _' 11 Pint.--,Pl ., ·--· 1 1 T'PI -.... ··-'u!· u Y ... r tsr• I 2 $'" ttl ~-, ... a• ... ,, ·-. ~,,_ ... p' I . .He tt• ·" .... -· ,, __ -.. • • I • . .. fttd Berls. CDM Woman, Two Others Hurt in Car's Plunge Three young women. one of Ccr- rona del Mar, were injU.r<'d yes- terday afternoon when the car in which they we re riding sk idded on wet pavement off the Coast H igh- way and ro)}ed 65 feet down a ci.Jlf at C rystal Cove. Injured were Velma Cass, 21 , of 90i Ocean Ave ..• Corona tie! Mar; Dee Wall, 21 , of 1013 Adella Ave., and t he driver, Joan Dono\'an. 2~. of 728 "D" Ave.. both Coron 1do. according to Officer ~rt Schafer. California Highway Patrol. They were taken to St. Joseph ho!l- pital, Orange.-by May'8 Ambu- lance. The accidf'nl was blru11eli on s~nooth l lrt;s and the 1Jriver'!i use of brakes on the slick highv.·ay. BLOOD D01'ATIOSS Co8ta Mesa resldcnllf ll"U•niDK to CBS broadC"ast So\-. l.) for blood dona.tion pledPf' m ay <"al l Beacon M9S..J: for ' thcl.r loC'al number, according to Co8ta Mesa Red Cron. They muy alM> call •Mn. Barkman a1 1-hb:I number for date of the Blood- mobUe'• next visit. ... -~--····· ........... ~----~---·-·--------~r;""'-:>~...,..""7:~"'""1-r.::::,,-..,:;:r.,.~~·-~-~---~-~,....~~~......,.~---r~~~~~~·--:~;-~·-~-~----·---~-~~~~·~---,~~~~~¥~~, .. :;.'< • • • T ' • • ' PA&E 2 -.. NNWi ·aj~ City· Library· !.&tat addltk>n lb that d<Jl&'hl> . fill _. of a Canadian ftunlly la .the new De La Roche book. Ra>· ny'a DaUfhter, •elected among tk:tlon volumea-jutt added to New· port Beach public: library ehelve1. Tftoee who have toUowed the ~ i tory of this . unuau&l family wU1 , want to read it. The new nction list includes: Ashton. Letty Landon: De La Roche. Renny's Daughter: Falk- ner. MoonfJeet ~ Heinlein, The Pop.- pet Mut'ers; Hogan, Apache Land- ing; Household, A Time to KW: La.ird, James a.nd MacArthllr; r.a.-ence, The Picture Window ; l-facDonaJd. Ruger Man; Mar- quand. · Melville Goodwin USA; Okls, Feather Mountain: Ryan, ~other or the Groom : Shipman. Sister of the Br1de: Stevenson, Sho ulder the Sky: Stoue, The President's Lady: Thane, Thia Wu Tomorrow; White, Yloman at thP \Vindov.• and Wodenhouse, The Old Reliable. Mysteries are : Bradley, Murder In the Family;,Gardner. The Case or the Angry Mourner: Little. Thl' Blackout; Lorac, I Could ].(urder H l't and Spicer, Black Shrep. Run. No n-fiction include!: Anderson. I and Claude: Beaton. BallE't : Bow- mun, Sho rthand Dictation Studies : Carson, The Sea Around Us: Car- ter , Those.Devils in Bagg)· Pant~; Ha.as, Diving to Adventurl'; Had- man, A9 thE' Sailor Loves th1• Sea : H eywood. Thert> Is a Right J ob for Every \\'omar.; Janes. i\.. Bo:r a11d H is Gun; Kt>nnedy. ~1 y Hon1e on the Range: Lerrigo, Thp Bettt'r Half of Your Life; ~iacDonald , American City Gove rnment and Admin1'tration : MS"gn in, Hnw to Live a Ric her and Fuller Life: 1.foore, The Hun1an Side of St>ll- ing; Nathan, The Theatre Boo'k of the Year 1950-1951; Rigg, Ba- hama Islands: Russell . The Sat- urday Book; T oomb.!I, Honeyn1oon for Seven : Upson, :00.'o Rest for Botta; Walker. Portrait.a in the Making: \\o.allace, Dementia. Pig- s kin : Williams. Arner1c&n Society and Zolotow. N o P eople Like Show People. Evening College Registration 1599 With a record enrollment of 1599, Orange Cout College's Eve- ning Collegli' i.!I well lnto Its eighth week of the Fall term which ends December 15. These 1599 citizens are register- ed in 42 diffe rent classes includ- ing such varied art'as as band. drive r education, basic electricity, French, plaste r ing, firefighting and cre&Uve wriUng. New cJassea have been added since the ~ginning ot the tenn fn.. nn'ligat.ion (aeronautics), parli- a.m entary procedure, voc;:ationaJ • coun11elllng and fundamentaL! of ordnance. In addition to tht" re gular class offe rings, the Evening College jointly sponsored \vith the Divis- ion of Languages and Literature a vrry successful F orum Series in the area o r "Comm unication" and conducted four m eeting on "Mod- vrn Retail Produce ~ferchandls- 1ng." FTed Huber. vice principal of the Evening College announce.! that" arrangements have bt't'n made for the Winter tenn beginning Janu- ary 1, 1952. Furthe r announce- n1ents Will be forthcom ing ln De- l!dll.ber on the new \\'inter term. POTLUCK Dl~SEK When Circle Elev<'n or the Com - n1unity church WSCS meets Tues· day, Nov. 20. in the churc h .!IOCial hall, it will be fQr a planned pot- luc k dinner at 7 p. m. Lester A. Becker, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 1786 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medtcal Bldg. Beacon 67~2 605 E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 3i7-J BALTZ MORTUARY Lady Atte-t 410 Coui Hlpw.7 CORONA DJ!:L MAB DAY AND NIGB'I: • Phone lla.rbor 4z. : BE SURE-INS.WIE • • ' wlU. lllAI1Jllll STANLBY -0..,. -lliirll¥ lTlt H5 llartm Ave. .... Mi hlaM ~ _..........,..._ 1.r ... b' ..... MAOQN-~ "'-*". --..... 22 QI,. till M:apcft ...... ' • Kappa Alumnae Entertained at San Clemente • • • • ~nSS< JENIFER RHYS \l'll.Ut\.\f8 (Photo by CUrUa Studio) Mr. and Mrs. frayRe Williams ReY.elt Engagement ·of. ~ Jfmifeti· ~Ir. and l\fr11 . Frayne \Villl&.rns41--------------- o r Newport Beath and 3121 Ham-elect &re the. lale Mr. and Mn llton Way, Lofl AngNM, are lln-Gilbert Tonce. Mr. Tonp. ha~ hincheon met'tin K on ~ov. 8 at' the nounclng the engagement of their been one of the Nriy 8eltlen and hon1e of ?o.fr!!. G. Gat"90n Run1u.s-dau1hter JenJfer Rhy•. t.o Captai.a fOOndf'n of C'larit8vtDe ot Gold Wtnfleld An~l. son of lofr. and Rush fa.me.. Capt. ~1 I.I the sen at San Clt'mente. 'Mrs. Frt>d Mrs. \\'Infield ~forM! Angel of On-son of a prominent SeatUe flllnily. Johnson or Dana P oint and h-frs . tarin. ro;merty of S<'alllf' and Tu-His fat.her, a <'Dneert vtollniat and \\'illian1 D<'nn l11 or S anta A na \Vt•re cnma.. \\ash. former member ot. the Seattle 3Mistin" hn8tt'5!1t·s. it!~ \\'illlaml'I wa.s graduated Symphony orcbeatra, , bu been Th<' Kappa Ka ppa c!an1ma . .\lumnat• A .s1'0<;1a tion or Southr rn Orange C'OUnty haO a dE'light!ul Fiftepn mcmlX'rs \l/('r1· pn"g('nt, rron1 U. C. L.A. and holds a teal'h· active In musical circles In both with the Nt>\\'port art>a ~pri!&ent-Ing a ssistantship therl! while :oihe Seattle and Tacoma for a great ed by Atrs. Sutherlsnd Hutton of is currt-ntly worlting toward her mony yeara. Balboa Island: Mrs. \\.alter G. mastt'r-'11 degTee in English. Her ------- Hatch of Coeta Mesa; MNI. fie.nee i• an aJumnwr ot· the Uni-S + A Pl •rt K . Holbroqk ot Balboa' U.y •enlty of Waahlng1.on and re<:eiv· an c1, '-"'""' ayers Shore•: Ml"!I, Robert P. Forbe1 of e<f hlo "M,"D~ aegiee in Ifie acttool Open Se.as"'n w·1t'I:. Lido I8lr-; Mrs. L. Muon Galla-of m t'dicint t:hft'e,-He I.a' a membu ""' IN' fl ghE'r or Balboa: Mrs. \.ViUiam Chi- of Alpha Kappa Kappa and or G db M -F. chester of Balboa Bay Shores : anc! honon:ir:,.• fraternities Phi Bela 00 ye 'f ancy Betty Anne Albright of Balboa Ka ppa and .Alpha On::iega Alpha. Bay Sharf"~. Ht• completed lntern.!h~p at WaJ-Beginning their 32nd year -. an . organization, the Santa Ana Com- • • .. ·~· 1 lilAitt ~l IV·Eft.Y WlY.'· ~· As -rood--• oportJlng .Cy--..M • ~ ~ "911"1 That'• tod.sy'a formula for a new adveatme ill motoring! Here's long, low, luetrom buuty-.liotiacti>dy Oldamobilel lnurion are rich ond laxuriouo--teilored fOI' unlimited comfort! And to top it all. you've got the pGwer-famoua "Rocket'' pl~ Oldn:iobilc Bydra-A·f atic•J Smooth .. urgini action pWe. rul bigb-compraaion ,.. uvinpl Try !hie ,..,.;&....t ,~'• rodia..I "R°""'" 98"1 HI II ' • • ' ~i·n,11 .. t •f trhe 1 Rici1t 1 Cari I a .-l I S. M I 81 l: E B CQ., Th~ btlSincss n1ecting was con-t('r Rf'"d hospital In Wuhlogton. CC'rnt"d \Vfth planl'I for the c hari· D. C. and now b1 ln Academic .table al'tivl t 1e3 of the vear, and l\tr dicine at U : S. A. F ., 1talioned raising m on{'y for this PurpoSt>, at l"iunt er Air Foree bMe In Ala- munity Playero will present hyl a4• COAST mG•W.llY Kanin's popular three-Ii.ct comedy dr&ma. "Goodbye, M y Pancy,", -ON TWVll/ONI CH NiWS WITH DOUGLAS EOWAAOS-MONOAY TH RU FllOAY AT 1 '· M. STATION NEWPORT BB.Ilea PBOllS, •&COiii &Ma kNX-T, CHANNEL 2. COUlTliSY OF 'fOUl OLDSWOllLE DW.S- After a Vf'ry interesting E'Xplan-ban1a. opening Thuraday, Nov. "115o, and J ---------------------------------~-------------------- extending through Friday and Sat- urday. The Santa Ana Ebell club- house auditorium wUI be setting for lhl' play with curt.a.in tlme to be 8:30 p. m. Directing will be Glady& Slmpaon Shaler who begtna her 23rd year &I director of the ation of th(. \Vork of the Orang!' Tht' n1arriage \\'ill unite two Count:,· Society fo r Cr}ppled C hi!-pron1 inent \\·est Cout families. dren and Adults, by Afrs. Willian1 Ml!S \\'llliam5 i• thi' gn..nddllUgh- Chichester of Balboa. Bay Shore1', tl'r of tbe late ~tr. and Mrs. Mur- the group b<'CAmt' l'nthustastic taugh K¥hQe Barrett of Sac ra- about ta.kin~ a n active part 1n m<·nlo and or the l&tt> Mr and Mt8. this proJt'c l . .•\ ~1ft for, the ne\\· \Vllllan1 A p \Vi11iams o! London. hospital is a lso bt~ln~ consider f'd . England. The Borrl:'ttl'I were plo- The next l1\t•rt1ng V.'iU he at the ncf'r Califomians, Mr. Barrett home of Betty Anne Albright of havi.ng <'tossed the Unitt"d State.! Balboa B ay S hnrefll a nJ d reMing ft. In a C'OVt>rE'd wagon over the Ohio btoautiful doll toJ be rflfflt-d lat<'r. tra il, coming from Nf'W York. \\ill ocrupy the gruup on that day. Gr<'Rl grand-parents of the bride· Playera. Ticket.a may be obtained fl"Om the Santa Ana. Book store at K.Itn- berly 2~230. Ticket.a for the open- ing night'• perfortnance, only, may ~ purchu~ ttom members of Ult" Santa Ana Parlor, Na~ve Daulih- ters of the Golden Weet, with Mr1. Jame.a Requarth at Kl. 3~262 u chairman. Ticketa tor the. lu,t performa.nce on Saturday night wUI be avatlable from member• ot the Orange County Women's B'nai B'rith with county membert ID<luding Mra. H. Weinberg at KI. 3-74 715, Mrs. Harry Gerber of Anahetm 41~. Mothers Club Installs OfficerS: at Country Club. The Mot.her'• Club of Job'11 Daughters, Bethel 1671 held t.belr lnstall&Uon luncheon a.t the Santa Ana CQuntry Clbb Wednuday, Nov. 7. The tabJea we.re centered with fall flowers. le•v• and fruit in a. very pretty &rr~ent. Mn. De.an Smltb ~&I In charge of· the t4ble decoratfona, with Mre. P. V. Petereon and Mrs. Maurice Bandy as.s!atin&". • The new otfice.n elected and lnltoJJ<d wetoi: Mn. C. K. Tucker, president; Mra.. W. B. MetrUl, vice prnidellt; llts. HQlb• 'l¥hlte, .,_ rcta.ry~ and M.ra. Corwin Home. b'eaeu.rer. Eacla1 otlloer WU prt-- aenled with a corage. Tbme Pl'MOJ1l WON -· Roy Watltlna; Rex lUbript, ~ DudleY, Flprence Nei-, Lou!a _ • C?andall, .Jolla 8'-~ Burdick. liam erawt-. Tom oa,-, Han:r HllUard. ·-Owen, SU. Wblte, w, B. Kenill, c. K. Tloci, er, C. W. '"-7Jer, R . It. .D1 ... . Ht!rlle'ct Nenon. -......... . a.rt,, Cad Tt-n••. K_•m 1Ut ~ -· Kmnetll er-. -..... DMn ..,IUI, Ma-~. P. V, _....., L 1L Daoto,,C. ,. (la• --lluald 11!'11111. lln. c. )L Tqt11, ... .,..., .. pr1llt1me ,... P:•t•I .. wD sift.tr.., tM' ........... ~ ,,,,_...._. ·'·---·~ j., I' 111-.llllat,1' ......... -.A. •. O''°''wo, a,-"° a, C.VI 1 lloltr. llftlo --ed to'-dllor. •• . . • • • ore • IC . ,._·_,~ ..... ............... " ...... ., -_, .. ., •' ..,.,...,, " • • .. -· C?IU ...... , • • • , evro ets th Sz.e l!vp antf.,.yovl! .re.4 W.h.y/ _., . . I : ~• 11 r Chaivrolet'1 LOMOESlt Tops aU others ill, iii lleld· w1tl> 1 •'""'l!inl 19'7'° iiiches o..,_alL Ghevralttls Hl!MlllSf" More road-huainl weitht ... 3110 pounds! in the 2-door-SNM • (IShi ...... Weie!Q Ch~let's got the ,WIDEST TWl!AD Widest tread in ih ftcld • • • $114\ inches betwcco ce.nteJ:s of rear ~"' • i, "'1•Allf•seilkTm:llllllal911-le..,. ........ .,a.; •. ,. ........ Viilrw ""'"':1.,.._lt« • • i lta. lllw:tifi ?fl ......... ' I > • 'C nt',.s' f/f lcn,al: .liilas•r... -·....u·--·' "',_ ____ _ • • I ~ I • I --.. ---................ :-· --.,.,----..,·:""'·~·-:•!'."'• ····-·-·-·".'"".''~"":'"" -· ---.. --.... ---.. -T p .. -... • --• • --+ • --• ··-.... --• .. .. -------· -,. ~· ------.-- ' • • • • TUESDAY, NOV.· I), 1951 HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS lllRS. WINlFJIEl) ~ 8"dooty _ ... VfW AuXt'tiary ViSited by . · District Pre'sidertt Ddlficl Pr-eaJdent Edn:1 Claytoa o( Santa Ana paid her yearly of· f!claJ visit at the late.st meeting of tbe VFW AuxUiary No. Mas lleld In~ American Legion. hall. Cost' Mesa and presided over by lttne Ttmrntngs. pret1idenl. Ateo a vl9ilor was Thelma Crane or Santa Ana. The toca.l u11il is invited lo a dinner Ln honor of Opnl Watters. Dept . Sr. \••cc-president, 11cheduled (CW Nov. 15 in the IOOF hall, Ana· heim. Those desiring to go are to contact• Irene Tinuu\.ngs. Mem- bers who h~lped with the hospital party· Oct. 27 at the Long Beach Veteran's • hospital w ett' Alice Daggett, Elsie Hermance. Irene and Paul Timmings and P earl and Kenneth Brown. The party wu a huj:'e success and proved an ~en­ joyable occasion for the patients. Plans arc unUerway ror the an- nual Christmas party to be held at the hospital Dec. 22. Ftv1· dollars \Vas sent to the VF\V Natlonol Home tor Chri.8t· nas st-als. Announcement was moJe or the !lf'L·ond district meet- ing in Arlington Nov. 25. Four Carnetli~ Society to Have F"wst Me&t Thursday The 1'\nf. meeUn1 of uie Ce- mellla Society of Oran~ County wRI be held UUs yee.r on Nove.ro- Hr lD. 8 :00 p. m . at the Girls' &:out Cl\lbbouae, llXM. West Ith St., Santa AnL A bloom dl91tlay will precede lht 111~\!ng at 7 :30 &ad all atteading are urced to b r I n c ca.meUla bloorTUI tor tttl• display. The . program pro ml.ea to be or particular lnte"st to tboee in- terested iD camellia propa1atloo.. Since thb ls the sea.son tor startlns cameUi& cutt.iqa ao4 aeedlincs. the program has been planAed around this thome. Meaar"L R . W . Ragland. Allen Ctooks. and Arthur Wirt&, lht"ee top amatetirs who have had aev- eral years' experienc& in camellia propagation, have organized a panel 1 on lhe subject of "Camell ls Cuttiligs and Seedlings." They will not only explain the methods they have used, but will demon- strate how to make hard wood and heel cuttings, and will at- tempt to answe r any questions asked them on this subject. delE'gat re Will rt•prt"sent the local Ebell Jun"1ors auxiliary anJ any other member w ho wisht-!I to attend may do ao. Plan Bay Club The auxiliary Is Bending Yule- t it.le greetings to as many Costa l h M t Mesa and Harbor area service m6' ' UnC eon ee as is possible to reach, Doro~· t Gillespie, publicity chairman, an,.._ ,,.The Juni°'." ·~tJon. o r Ebell met nounce-s. More addresses 'lee: ~des' the d 1 re c t 1 o n of Mrs. n~ed. she said. ~ " ~~ Burr White for a board Reported on t he slek list w._tre:.. . . ettng la.st Tttesday evening al Oda \Velis, Hazel Young. P~rl e home ot Mrs. Anita Lee Mc- Brown St!tty Maitrcjean and Jp-MMters on Balboa Island. Plans seph ln~ 'r ogcrson. were discussed for the November Refr8hments w er e served by nteetmc. Thia will be a h.tD.cheon Jane Secor and Eula Pattenon. at the Newport BM.ch Yacht Club Next meeting will be Nov. 1a m Oifl "111.ursday, NovemMr 29 at Legion hall. U :30 p. m. Mra. Bacon will tialk on the Ho&c Hoopllal. Coast G uasd Aux. to Elect -Officers : Boa.rd mem"bera who attended ' a. buainpu meetinf weN Mrs. ~ th.arr White, president, lllrs. C. R. Staa!. Mn. Warren Scott, Mn. Howard W t l I t a m s. Flotilla 27, u . s. Cout Quan! Jlts. Bdwtn Finster, Mr•. Cor- auxiliary, will elect otttcera wHD netlus Holloway, Mr•. Fred Kus- tbey hold their annual meeting at. tu. Mrs. C. M . Deakins aAd Mr. Castawl\Ys Club. 7:30 p. m. on · R. L. Allen were ruests. Saturday, Nov. 17. This i9 an im- portant meeting and Cli.ft CaJ-. cta.res, Flot illa commander, asks that there be a 100 per cent at- tendance. Members are invited to bring their wivea. -People• do read the want ads. Fire Auxiliary Guests of Heights Hostes~ Bea Lace entertained member& ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ot Newport Beach Police auxllt-'U'Y at their lalut meellntt, at bet home in. Newport Helghta and Nith Viola Corneel sharing ho11tess HILLMAN MINX $1.f.99 dell\•ered here plu1' tu.x and llcen.Ae Vour lbrbor A~ l)ealer :\"EWPORT A[;TO SALES .2QO.l \\'. Ne"-port Blvd. Newpof't llf'ach H a rbor 1407 ' du tie&. Plan11 were made for a dinner tomorrow and a nominating com- mittee was elected, which will re· port at the January meetinf{. Playing Black Kitty, E lizabeth Waltze t ook tinlt prize, second went t o Mercedes Croughan a nd Lois Price was consoled. Gue.ta and prospective mem- bers were Pat Coe a nd Ramona Jasper. Members present included Aud rey Cottle, Bea Lace, Marian Atkinson, LaVe ta Lace, Mercedes Croughe.ft, ICltze.bet'h Walbe, Mar- ga.ret Pollom, Loise Price, Vlola Cornecl. Betty PhebtU. Mary Bates, Beverly Burdsall, Ruth Gerrist)., Violet Stoneback. Jane Neth, i:leanor McCowen and Jan Clausnilzer. Republican Women Meet Thursd~y H.arhor area Republican Women. a unit of the Or&n.g'e County Cotul- ell of RepubJican Wotnen, will 111eet Tb.unday at 10 •· m . at Ha Cliff Drive1 Clilf Haven. The rroup i6 p)edced to promote &Dd ~e the political edU<;allon and ...,tlvtty ol women. acconllng to Mary Tuller Topper, county oou:nctl pttaldent. Mn. Lewis T . Gardiner, H.11 Yllta Dr!Te, I.a <><gUIUtlon cb&lr- 11r:t.aft. All womea tnteffllled 1A .-t pvenuneat are tnriled to •ttelld. • • • I ' I • IT'S A WONIH!Jtrtll; PAllTY •7&...._ __ lnlse --~ .__ Mortlmtt Plum ud. Mn. --Q-M \lae <JMrlty ... __ '° ur Ne\vport Beach at Balboa Bq' ~ Education Week Brings Message From PTA Hwd "Public 11chools muat be a top priority. The importance or the public school ayatem to t,Ae g:roWth, prosperity, peace, a.od security ot our country can never tte over- estimated. Our pre.ent deten.se program not only tncludea ~&· tlon, but relies upon It, and the American people Should be u concerned about education u they a.re about the armed torcea, war production and civilian defenae." With this challenge Mr11. Edward T . Walker, prealdent or the Cali- fornia Convess ot Pahata and Teachers. called the-attention ot the huge CaHtornia membership to the observance or Amepican Education Week, Nov. 11 to 'IT, inclusive. A..~erican !Dchlcetion Wttk la cosponsoreq. by the Nat- ional Con.gyess of Parents and Teachers and the American Le- gion. Commenting on 8Ch001 building shortages.. Mrs. Walter aaldi "The shortage of elementary ac)lools warM us of an Impending akort- a&e or high school•. School• muat have high priorities because chil· dren and youth need full t ime edu- cation." "But our obligation" she wam1, "mllbt run beyonci paymeat or tax~s. Freedom re11l9 upon a lite- rate, and lntellilfen.t population. Our role during American Educa· ti.On Week and throucbout the year," &he laid, "la to answer honest, constructive criticlam '¥lth friendliness and fact; to condemn lrreaponalble uninformed attacka and to give Instead m ore opportu- nities tor wider dlacusalon and planning so that actual curricul- um and student services a.re known and understood by all se1- ments of the populatlon." "Thie Is a time," Mrs. Walker continued, "to review the aims and achiev~ m!'nts of schools, canvaa t.Mlr needs and problems, sharpe n pub· lie lnterest In making improve- ments and strengthen home-11C hool relationships." Auxiliary Units Plan Christmas Party for Vets B4U&• ••• Main School · Tea Qild Seoul i~ Enfo.yed by PTA Members h«4fll.. Ov~r one hundred membe~ of Maxhool P .-T. A. enjoyed t}le l'Nop No. 41. !od end<> Brownl• 1pect ""Gel Acquainted Te&"' Frl- .-: Kn. a. A.~ d&y OT. 2nd, f(Olll 3 to 4 p. m. 0..i....ler: Mn. .Jom Walp The Informal (et-toc,ether WM IWHh: 'IWeclaJ', il:ta ai ~ held ln the klndergaften room ~ home wb.lch wa.s beautl1"U11y decorated The firat. meeting tor ~p •a Wtth bollqueta o! rau nawera. wu lletd tut week. T'be &11"1a Mn. Ra,y -rrautW1:tn, P.~T. A. ttarted to learn the 1Jl'O'l6lle l>resldent, uaJBted. by P .·T. A. Promlae. Salute and Band Shake board member., creeted the ruc&te: rn ,:ireparatlon for their Investiture at the door. A further welcome ceremony. wu extended by Mr11. E . A . Rea This ceremony takea place aft-ua Mrs. Jerome Edwards, who er the girt. heve attended four presided at the tealable. A flower meeUnra -they then become covered born of plenty, filled with Brownle.. fruit, centered the tea tablf uJ O!t1cers were elected tor the helped t o carry out the colorful next aix. we-ek period. Tboae JirlB fa.JI decorating theme. holdtnc office a.re: chalrman, Kar-The guesta took advantage or en Kenney; secretafy, Marcia the opportunity to meet and wel- Rlchler and treuurer, Margaret come Mrs. Jerome Edwards. wife Ingram. or the Main School principal, and The girl& attended the movlea Mrs. J oseph McShane, w1te or which were shown at,. the Scout Rev. ?.tcShane of the Costa Mesa How:e. The pictures llh.own were: ~tethMl11t church. Teachers and "Care ot Pell," "Llfe o( an Ant" parente: thoroughly_ enjoyed the and "Finger Palattng." Much ln· opportunity for friendly, Informal tere•t and enjoyment wu ex.pre.,. talk which the meeting ed by all. J couraged. National Director to Speek on Prog: of 'Released rme I Dr. lrwbl L. Shaver, ~tit.Ive director of Week day Chr1atNin F.ducaUon tor the National Coua- cU of tlle C'tl\ll'Cbee of Ctu1M. ln t11e U . 8 . A .• W'lll l>e Ill ~rt Beach Wednesday morning fbr a meeting with local leaders and In- terested pe.nmta and cl~. Pto-.ably no other tndividual bt the c0untry i• .. wel.l acqualated with the philosophy, ptog?'ftS, problema and a chievements of the "re)eued time" re ligious educa- tion program I.a Dr. Shaver. All t..- terested tn the week-day r eligious education provam a.re Invited to attend. The session will be held (tom nme to ten o'clock at ctu11t Church by the Sea., Balboa Blvd., Arrangements for the tea were mad,e by ,Main School P .-T. A. board members w ith Mt1. Carl rrtck aa general cha.!rman. Mrs. W . L. Hepperle, a.aal.sted by Mrs. Harold Steck, Mrs. Ray Cozad, Mn. Albert Oltfen, Mrt. J ohn J-.colllleo, Mra. ~ Trautwe~ and Mt•. Charlu Beecher were In cb&tge Ot retrcstunenu. Mre. wm. Nichole, aaat11ted by Mrs. Dennie Bo&'land, Mrs. Orval Lloyd, Mrs. Robert Knl&"ht, and Mrs. Judd Sutherland, decorated the room . "n1e horn of plenty wu designed and made by Mrs. Tom Cay. As· a1sting witb plans for the meet- ing, but unable t o attend, were Mra. Burnie Balley and Mr11. Harry WhJtmtlil. Ruby Wedding Observed by Costa Mesa Couple at 14th street. Newport Bff.cfi. Looking back through the vistas The conterence ta spon'Bored jom.t-of 40 happy years of married Jife ly by the National. Southern Call-are Mr. and Mrs. H erbert L. Si- fornta, Orange County a.nd New-hllHng of Coat& Mesa.. whoee wed- port Harbor Councila of ChureMe. -ding anniversary wu given mem- Members of Coat& Mee& Amerl-ltev. n.ona. ~ ~,ill but orable reco111ttlon Sunday, Nov. can Legion Auxilla.ry 4M will u-putow MCI cll.alrWlu ol Ute ~a1 t , "'·hep itte .,crou*'1' were at home Si.st the Newport Beacl\ u.nJt wt.th week~ camm......_ all a.ttemoon to friends and rela- a Cbrtstm~ party Dec. H for Ives c&Jttng at 1920 Anaheim St. patients in the Lolal' &e.ch Vet-Eapeclally etfectlve in the flower erana Hospital, It wu dec::kaed at locaJ 'et..rch .appointments were clu.aters or the Now.mkr meet.in&: of tbe Geep red roses, lliymbolic or the Mea auxlllary. Aa put ol t.Mir to 1P•fk:~te in ruby artnlversary event. Mr. Si- tto.pita.I work, the fn>u.p. YOMd to ,.. •iUlng provided a corsage of or- &ld Ute past ta ptll'C1'uinc • ... . A.c:lwence ehlds tor hi• bride or 40 years ago packa of p}Aytnc c4rds ud a and there were acorea ot card! dosen crib-. bealsll ,_,, tM v.t-· • ...,.. ,. ••tein ..-. ~ bed. and citts. tncludlng a table tamp eMDa ln the Lon,e ~b ~ .ch t:Ull ITat .. " ~ Rev. With a ruby .We, ruby-colored llno. Allll Cnmtt wu affOlaled .,_ -of Oii--b l>ll 41.shee. a aUver percolator and reneral chatrman ~ a --.ClMoa Ule ... 1,...,, __ *'!. "'"'0tpa. .. ether attractive remembranc;.ea. meetln&' at for Dee. 11 whta \JM. Hoa ot Ule..,..,. ~.( plbi ii\ ~te tapers and a ttered cak~ loc&l uoJt wtn eatenala U.. ~-a ... ._ .. wtdil )•t'dld Mr ...._..,_"°piped wl~ a W11C\14~ bell graced UC\' COW.t,y OooulcU lu ._.--~ · the ~•red tea table. M:ra-~ -~ Coe\a *--11.....rlln. 1'1,uita--........... Wbel"&-i:mma Simpson, aunt of Mrs. Sl-~; :ad~ K .... t ... 1:!.t · w •:ar ~& -, • ..: :~= ~fa t::c ~~:.or; ~ t IMw'•-.. Mlon ~.J :::;;;,.,« '119,.W ~ng-tlme friend, prealcled •t the ccactuct~ by• Pw•••t 'M'Hlled lD two w12M. ti.a •111111 ... !i eottee urn. Among out~t-town ~. • poUtiidt dblM:r WU ~W. J.1 ..... .,ua•s e'IPrt Me9d psta present were Mc. and Kn. Wesle:t._en Guld t4ears Teton.UN· 1l,-la lllO ..,._ --\ Clyde Otlo. former CJoat.a II- "-• ~ ... -It F 4 tOil aow of Colton. ts. t.a ....... • 'IAl'i\ QaU.lrw-rou.r d.liqbtera and <me 90lt ot --!\BC bi a sf'W-.etot; the ce.lebmta, with their f&mlp Dr. -CJ L. W , p ia ~ Lita Mes on hand for the tet.e were ••\I• 1o _.. i•a tlfj' et U. Mr. and Kn. CUtJe Jlol'll. Mr. and • 114Hl<JftSRftJP Tlie Rev. WlllWn Bar:hlater. chaplatn of .Am*1cU Le;ioti Poat 2111: ._t a recent w.dt end at Yucca"'ValJey. On a prevloiu 10-day _.<there, ho arrived at tho •iuo. ClommwlltJ! churcb w11 .... "" -tutod for tile· Rev. Eddie Garver. Mr. a..rver hu made the church ta.moue because of Its lilU'ce 1tatue ot the E>e.aert Christ. I .. ~, ••.. , ROW IOATS r -. • : ~~~ PAGE 3 ~ · -.• e TAOllLE ~ IL.L i;ro!=; RENTALS 28et -fllw&J' Newport ·-fta. ......,, ZS!5 AT 80U?l'll &ND OF .BAYSllORE BRIDGE ID· U·E m IE R • REGULAR $83.30 PfllCE ••. • '6875 $ . . PONTIAC 6 PARTS AND LABOR BIG SAVINGS ON Al·L MAKES! 18 POINT OVERHAUL 1. Complete Vah·e Grind 2. Clean Carbon S. Replace Piston Rings 4. Replace Piston Pins 5. Expand Pistons G. Replace Connecting Rod, I nsert BearlnJ!S 7. Adjust Connecting Rods-- Chevrolet & Buick 8. Align Connecting Rods 9. ller1tuce Head and Pan Gaskets I 0. Change Engine Oil I I . Clean Oil Pump Lines, ScPee n and Semp. 12. Ridge Ream, glaze bust, cylinclen 13. Clean and adjust spark plugs 14. Replace Distributor Points, retime motor 15. Clean Air Cleaner 16. Adjust Carburetor 17. Replace Manifold Gaskets 18. Top Radiator Hose No Down Paymeat 12 MONTHS TO PAY No Do\\'D Pa)'Olent • Gen11ine Factory Parts • Work Guaranteed 2nd & Sycamore Santa Ana Kl 2-2175 Air De/en.se Filter Cenur: TelqihoM liltu lin.lt ilaue vital ,pr·defeMe radar po.U. .UNITING .THE DEFEtiSI .Of THE UNITED STATES How we've geared the telephone sy•tem to meet today's emergency I ' A t&llt .. i-. "u.il .. llat.lom ....,,: in 1a1•1--....... ...._ Manhall McGuire. Mr. and , wao r1-by 11119 -O=M* • . _..,.-,_.tre 'Sou\t llno. Harold lillmer, Mr. and Kn. l.Howfutanwe.spia.dtbewotd? Si=thcday_J 2.J!lilergeacy&cilitiesofourowna.rcbeing lilded, " llle !&loot -.. df ,.,. -o( •• 'e Ir -• tt 1 St,"""'"' liW!&m Wrlcbt and Kr. &lld llno. of Paul R.evett, <he nocidn"•-n&<h i1><im .. efaisiJ too. l'.i& this sundby generator which can produa ' leyu lkntee °"'* of tM 0.. -"fril •:ii:• -...... " Jolin .. hJU ..... 'h'o -. -L--d d-, --'"-__ ,,_L ' M-Oomm...i•• -o qz--· ~ 4 .. •& ---&art •• A J.ero _ _. __ with th ~ •pen "" 00 Swuo, rcllo.ul< rommunia.noa.. our -n electticiiy in case of nnwer line &ilme. ·v .._ ... Jcal!Q ' ....., 7, -..w-. . e Od r--- ed by liln. a.-MU p « N-- --"° $;17 ... -,..,,,ed h"""', were wa111o te be I ay,ihetclcpbone.i_,arwod<.helpingourmilirary ~plans have been p!&dc to rush "a!ephonr leRon Aw. ~,.... __. -·11il .. t.i •11: · prtwent but both ~ their men orpnize their fortes ... atwodc •Ying minuta· .:bisi!Otces'' of menaod materials into ttntegicucu, U.. '""'iletlll!P of~::; Jl&.. • •la• ..... "M Ji ·~ c-t. wtahea. Karl I.a .ft&t\Oned ID and houn and days in.slefCMe produqion plan!S,,. .if oeeCI blo. In .every .... y possible; we're making SUtt vlo. A. -pter of .._ -. .._ -_,. TC I 4 • ~:ap Oki&hom& City &lld Leroy ID Eng-_ lt work nearly -'Lett uni1ing the area..t. Of <he ca!k 'k...., ~;no duou...._ .. !he al4. wbi..., IDft.I '""\Vo......-_-• I ·111.• -... 1 -« -~land. -·-,-&---~D---o ,.,..... .,.. wu _ .. _II!' Mn. "';Y Mt,....,.. ... ,, •. -Ii : u~ ·IDICbt paadch1ldren bavlnc ourmillionsofpeoplc. ' somudi'toournation. -._ • _ SJ 1!J¥ · • • ,_n ID Ole e.Qc>Jablo OCC'ldml s· n •• ~ u • ..L. . Ja •t\•0•-_.. • • t' · 1·,. "A ~:::.-e -.,. Kn. Wlll!&m. IMn"f at. .&.iL&· • 5. 1ncer11:an~.r,we'veputwdl0ftt abillioa ., OWb ate P''!h, ...... Jim , , W21 au. aetm; Doaie, Jll't'J' 'Loa and Jean· dofkn into taepbooe,f&cilities in 'me Pac:i6C.,,.... ..._ Pnttze. -no ?' t111 . T ' ••· · w _ llarte ~ "'--• •--... _ .. .,. .,._ ~ --We're imde-11111I1,-..,. I<Chnial ~ C9 M'liDq ~ M ... •1 •• ~ ].. ...........Jo---.,.TefTJand8u----'--il°-.J-L-........ _~ ... __, .. -.. _ .. II 12. r=-•Ai, ..... IWw '9 Ito ll -U:!pqic. ...--llllQonuruu ...,.......,. •• ...,,_.. .. ,,,~ -Ii: ; . , .... 11 ~ ,U U. ........ ..., .. a ij elJi &r •"•i zz m.ia eta; doilled ia ,... .•. m: 1 "'"'W... --· ..U a .,iet 051r -In Ille -cou!d do it become, oou die,..... _·w.W die C°m-l:OP'IL ' -··a= 4'-mins by I.la d .> ---"'"""-T.....,.... me· • · At~ ---• .., lo.~ "' ... _ __,,w ID sana UW I •,_,,,.we ..... -... .... . -...... , drc ·---.,.. m-have co -...... nsiOG a.i, ~~al ..... WOl ... diillDl:r' at ...... IV (J = Oil "New' T.tc .. .. 7' b 11 ,,,. ~ ft'b'D ...... -. r"../ -r-- Aa r a t aat ... _.. II' 11' ''· CIEilllt O • ..,.-.,_ .,. ~ NOii'. «, au. Ot -,. ~ ill RM fUmre. ~ can CMEiow.,. tMr lM ... I • wttll • ioul' ., tlllll = -"':: 7 .... • •• d s' ... ..,. I ... ~ ' lbility to terW you ud cw QMioD, • 0004 ... w ,.... .,JJ::"#t1~.-..i.r;: -. m;., .. , ~Pacific......._. ..._______ -t ........ ,,... ~ ft191"'UI~ • -•-""'11M ....._ • •. ._,_ • , • • • • ' ·' ' ,yOlll' telephone Is • tf tedlj'I lltltNrplls -·-' ... .._ .... - ""=~----·­. ·------...... --...... __ , ' • , • • • ' . • . . ~AGE 4 ·-• ' Eafe.-.d u Second-Cla&& Matter at the Pm:tomce bl :Newport Brsch, · California under the Act. of Karcb S. 1111- • Office and Printing Plant at Dll Balboa BouleYU'd Telephone Harbor 1118 WILLIAM A. MOSES, Editor Qu.Jlt\11"'<1 to PubllAh l..rjt'&l S'oUees aad Adv~a. of all IUad9 Sl'RSCRIPTION KATES: ?\""l:\\TORT-8.,LBO."-:!\"EWS-TDIES e\-'ef'J Tae1'v bl Orange County. $1.:W prr year: S!.00 lllI moa~; Jl.15 ~_,. mo6Uts (Aho larJudH the 1\""1.:WPORT-BALBOA Pa.as. ftunda.J) Outtdde Oranl{e County $4..0I per Y-.. IDST HIGHWAYS The gloomi.;st prospec~ for California motorists that h~• been voiced by the highway expert since the automo- bile was invented came last week when Frank B. Durkee, a~ting State Public Works Director, declared : "ThU. i:cncralion of adults will not-live to see a really ;:;QOCI highway system in California."' Speaking before 500 AmericaQ. Canadian and Mexican delegates t o the Ame rican Bridge. Tunnel and Turnpike Aasociation convention in San Francisco, Mr. Durkee cited hard facts in support of his pessimism : "The State has s penf 2 billion dollars on highways so far. lh i~ ccntur_y·-but to modernize and rebuild them ade· quatcly would cost 3 billion more. The State is now spend· ing 85 million annually on her highways, yet traffic is in- creasing faster than the highways can be improved." It .is starkly clear that unless "this generation of adults'" takes firm and speedy action. the battered rem· n~nts uf our once adequate highway system will be gone beyond salvage within a few years. The great increase in motor vchi C'les in California-from 3,000,000 in 1940 to 5 .31~1.000 thin year-is not the heart of the problem. It is the destructive pounding of giant high-speed trucks. which comprise a tiny minority of the highway users. that spells doom to highways originally built to hold up under pa.•i;<>nger and light truck w.eights. It also seems starkl y clear that any effective remedy- whcthcr it be separate heavy-duly commercial highways built by the industry that profits from them. or wheth& it be s tern enforcement of adequate regulations against over- }(~ads and excessive sJ>eeds--<:an evolve only from aroused public opinion. And that opinion. to have practical effect. must be expressed soon. If Mr. Durkee is right, it is later th~n we think! ----·---- HOW'D llE DO IT? · · Some lime ago a San Francisco citizen wrote lo a f~ancial editor of l1is to't\'Tl asking ad\·ice on how to invest most wisely a thousand dollars he had saved. The editor passed Of\ the request lo top investment finns. and has bten rt1nni11g a series of articles on sound and prudent i~vcstmcnt volunteered by lop-<i<awer finaw:.ial brains of tile West. · > With all that expert counsel coming to him gratis, it s8ould be a safe bet that the inquking citizen will invest his grand wisely. But shouldn"t he, in return tell millions of )lis fellow citizens. not only in SM Francisco but over tlie State. how in the devil-between the butcher, the baker and the tax collector -he ever managed to save up a thousand dollars in the first place!? --~~•---~ QONE TO THE DOGS . Dr. W. T . J ames. University of Georgia psychologist. has made understandable the really simple meanings of 11(1rases 8Uch as "compulsive behavior," "introverted per- sonality."' "negativistic personality" and the "integrated project system." ·. He talks in term& of dog mind research .. Says they're same as people. There are top dogs, middle class dogs and m~der-dogs. Some have bones to pick. Some have barks we~ than their bites. Top dogs quarrel for power. Middle dogs. sore al lop dogs, take out rancor on under- dqgs .. The underdogs are sort of "negativistic." That gen· eral s1tuat1or1. 1n terms of human antics, are what all those polysyllables boil down to. So now we know where the world has go~e to! ' • • • •• . . -.r•· .. • < .. ' EIGHT WINNERS State (iYeS U~ S. PUPILS' PRIZE . ' . IN NHYC F LL S2.547, 107 for GOLD CUP CE. Oil RoYalties PHOTOS NOW · Zonta Members · Hur Spetker on Civil Defense IN HIGH SCHOOL 1111_, ... -&A~. NOY.11.-t•t. hftflt1·1W'O ...... WIMlnr pho· One hundred boota In •\Pt Controller n.omu B. IC\ldlel hu totir-1"'-made by l\lcll ocl\ool atu· cl._. tumed ~ut tor tile annual arulounc.d Illa -of • dtnla In all parta of th• cowstry, Fall Gold CUp oeri .. at the New· _,,..,,1 for U MT,lOT.Otl to Ula .,.. to bo ul\lblted al ll\e NOWJ!Orl port Harbor Yacht ctub, Nov. 3 • Harbor Union Hl&h 1ehool. Tbe and 4. One day's bri111ant w.n.ahtne federal pftmmen.t.. repreeenUnc exhibit Will be •hown In "the U· and nne b~ wa.a tolld'Wed... Ute tktel&nd oU royaJU~ recetftd by brary today through Nov. 18 next by a "come-and-~" pea-eoup the •tate dLLrlftl JU.ty, Au.gust and under the aueplcce of the High fog whlcb made tblnp a bit dla· September. TtWi brt.nC to 110--*· School Photo Club. couragtng tor the bay dlvlliona 000 royalty montee IO t..rantf'erred.. 8elertecf from among wtnnen and was a i.:tlattnct ha.ndlcap to the and brtnp to a lftl\d tot&l of tn the l"tfth Annual I t9GOI Nat- Ocea.n Racinl" clua. In aplte of UT.~.000 1 of atate royalllM 'onal Hi&h School Photo1rNlphlC' thia, the IH!rieli waa vol~ ~ sue-wblch the federal SoWtnm@ftt Awarda,, the dlAplay Include• the ceat'Ul la ewr by the coatendeMJ. claim.. PraeUcall,y all State Ttd~ Ftnt, Second and Third' Prl&e wtn- The trophy preaentatlon which land money ort(in&te. off abore In ner• In each o r th(' fo ur cl&ABea followed Sunday'• race& wu Mid the t•med HunUniton Be9ch Ttde· In to which the oontcet wu dtvld- in the attractive new Chart Room Janet Pool. "<I. All 81)4>Cla.I Ml"rlt and Finl of NHYC and incorporated the "'Lone 1tandlnl' p~nt and Honorabl,. Mention prllt'-wlnntng awards for the Bogart sertea for oUJ" own 8eNM' ol rtcht and wron11: !)rlnt.. ar(' •180 Included In the the Lehman claq and Uwo: San Cle-place tlUe to all thet1e monlea ltl 1how . The Nallon11l Htxh School mf"nle le:Jand rttce trophies. The Callfomla.." Kuchel said, "but a Photographic A wardll I• a plcturc- usual gayety and applaU8e of theA<" majority of UM' United State. Su· t&klng con1prtitlon sl'OMOred by occllsions wu somewhat subdued prcme Court changt!d all thaL And the Eastman Kodak Company. fls Conl modo~ "Walt" Elliott ex-now we pay them over to the fed· P'P&lUrt"d fn exhibit 111 the i;trand prl'88ed his appreciation and re· eral government M 11takeholder. prize wlnnlnR phntngn&ph made by g-ard ror his assoclatea and u-freeze some In our own treuury. Gffirgta Hsnvnofl. e. e:tudent l(lt sl8tanlA and remtr\ded the u-and await final judlci&I detennl· Mfld elra f!C'hoo l. Gri•rnway, Vlr· ~mblf><f skippers that this wu nation of what, If any, part or ~tnla. Thie phntnji:'raph "Summer t he final regatta lo ht-88.lled un-them IM-1ong11 to tltf" ~le or thlr Surf" show~ thrre young girt~ der the l('&denship Or the prc.ent elate. Mranwhil<', California 111 dt"· running btt.rf'foot lllnn~ a wav('- re~rimt'. prlvt'd of the UM' of 37 nlllllon dol· w•l!lhed bf'oCh. Thi.8 l.11 lhi• rtrst 'The Commodore e xp r f" a 11 I y lars which, even today, l8 no un· time a. plt·turr tHkt'n by R girl ha!'! thanked Race CommittPt• Chair· tidy &um . \ won the covrlr-11 tnp award~. total· n1an J im Sheppard, Vlce-Commo-"A_nd bencalh this controversy. Ing $600. do rC" Thomu Rutl<"r for hl!I work UA~~. t.he cause or It all, Is lhf' a.!J race committee boat and Jamee"! instdlliut1 and constant trend to-1-----S:.:.:.:h;::uh.·n(!ll' \\.'ork \Vc~ter , Harold Pearcy and Bill ward federal dominion over almoat Baxl&..w.t!o serv<"d u race com-('veryth lng which, tn the put, wf' mltte(' in l h(' various divisions. fondly ~lievro to be our owl"I l..a.st, but not least, he thanked the elate business." · participarrts for the wonderful , The present warrant wu drawn turnouts thPy have had In the 19~1 ln accordance with an agrccm<>nl racing Sl'a.s-On without which com· l'ntcred Into by the elate and fed· pl't1t1ve racing would have b<-cn cral govt·rnment under the U. S itnpO<\aible. Suprem(' Court "tideland's dccl8· Winners in the Gold Cup M'rics ion" of 1947. This decision he ld wcr(': that the federal government had Ocean Racing, Bill Zinsmey('r'll "paramount rights" over the Cali· 8&J;"8t('lle, LA YC; Star Clas.~, fornla lldC'land&. James Wyatt's Ae<>lu11 , SLYC : l.ocal Pool Sha~ Ludl'rs Class. Jim Gregory's Es California mU8l continue tf'O Valero. Voyager.!J YC; Snipe ClaM, transft.•r future royalties al thP Judy GrayP's No Name. SBYC; rate or about S~0.000 p<-r month. Lt>hman Class, Ja.nfes Faria' Cap-of which $600.000 com es from ·.ain Small, BYC; Rhodes Cius. Huntington Beach o:I lideland11 Howard Chastaln's Rowd'y, NHYC; pool. In addition, t he ft-dt"r&l gov· South Coast lb, Bob Carrlngton's ernm<'nl clalmt1 $27,244.000 ln Chantyman, BYC and Inlem•llon· olh('r oil royaltif's impounded by al 14. Russell Lamb'a Black ShCC'p, the ConlrOll('r and held In tht> BY C . l'ltate treasury. Costa Mesa Bride Feted in East In lieu or lhC' lost Udcland r£'v· Th<' pholog aph!C In thr l'Xhlhil- lon ttpr'('ll<>nl hr work o r 11tuJC'nllf from thr ni th lo lht> twelfth grade lnclusl . A lf>t:al of $3 .!lOO In cash We" dlvldrd Into 337 aWarda. \Vhilr prlnl!I rntcrcd in the conlt•Al 'A'l'rr no h1rgcr than 7 x 7 lnf'h1•.11, thr mHxlnium slZ(' p<'rn1ill<'fl, th,~ !'13h>n prlnli;.l'lcnt ou t by kOl'ln l< fnr lhil'! l'Xhibitiun BJ'(' enlargcnif'nt tlis played in 12 by l:')·inc h mount! .. The ••xhibit ft•atures a w ide' range of iiubjrct mnttrr. Evrry- thlng frorn pholo£raphR of i;1c:hoo! a c tivllll';, lo bra.utlrul sct·111c~. {'X- viting erlinn l!llUdlt•!'I, R.ntl sc·t·n•'!I of evf"ryday life ure inchulrd in lhf' display. JuctgPl'I In thb1 yrar's NalionRI High School PholoJ::rnphlc A'A·art1s Wf'r(' C. K . Eaton. d1rrt•tnr. <tf'part· Olt'n l or ·pho tography, Art Co·ntrr !'Chool, t .. os Angelt•R: Dr. J oRf'ph M. Murphy, dlrt·t'tor1 C11lu111bia UnlvPrsity $C'hnlaRllr l'rr ss A li· Jtociallon. and K . \V. \V illhuus, n1&n8)i!'.f'r, l.,hotoJ,:raphl1· Jl\ustre- tlon Divl8lon, Eu.sl1118n K odak Con1pany. • The 19:)2 National H igh School Photographic A wards Is already in progress. Further Information C'an be• obtalned from --..the National t}ctioia.!Jttc Pfl'l'!,e; .ASGPC\lltJon , l Journallan1 Building, University or Minnesot.&, Minneapolis 14, Minn. .. n can Happen H•l;.'9" wu the meaece brou«hl to &onta mem· bors of Newport Hai:t>or by Mn. Waltar Hartley. Bolilh Lquna, Autart.ant CO-ordinator of CIVIi Detenee for this area.. when she apoke to the group at their reru· lt.r luncheon mMtlng at Norton'• Bay.atore Cafe n1uraday, Nov. 8. Mn. Hartley 88.id every per90n should learn what lhey can do as lndtviduat.. and as organ I zed group.w to help ln the event of a di1&.ater. Mrs. Helen Stockton, prealde.nt. pre11tded over the bualr\eu ee.811lon. The club voled . to 1nake Ile Zonta J>ledge to ''The Hoar J.temortal Ho..ptW' lo endow a S3000 room. MrM. Miidred Bt.anh!)' and Mr11. ~tty Page rt'porll'd on progTCN for the Chrtalma3 (lff.rly for the boy's wanl at Orange County hos· pllal. Thi• la Mother or Zonla's aervtce rroJcel!t. Earr enthu~IR!'lm o'Jl'er e.n1u11ing plana for the Zonli:1 Annual Car· nlval dlMcr tn be ~l\•en nt The Balboa Bay ('lub F'riday. Nov. 16. ll8sure11 aJI Rlll'nollng 11n enter· talnlng evening. Gue11t11 enjoying the l1 1nrheon wrre Mrs. B illie TllornHOn, CoKta ~f<'AA : Marjnrt<' Cr11n1lcy, Vera S . Willlaml!l. Hilda flri'lroe Clf liitlh<J:1 t IHIRnd: Hazrl R:ty, R nth \Vl'll, itnrl R uth IJhrrunir of CornnA rl .. I P.1Ar; Lt1f'ill<> An~t'lJ anti M .vrllr 8orll"rh('rg or Nr\\·pnr·t l·lf'il:'hl ~ nnrl \Vinitrr'I T~a«on and Edith Harllc.v of L:1J!'una lkach. FANNING APPOINTED OPS TRIAL ATIORNEY Tho1n &1t J. Fanning fur 10 yPa 1·~ a drpuly c ity 11ltnrnry fur lht· ~ nf Rnn Ou."JCO, has bl'f'n appnlnt .. rl l rial Allornry for th r San DiPg11 District Of(icc of Prtce Slabili- znt10n, <'OVPrinJ:: Oran.':<'. San 1 Dlrgo Bnd l mp .. rlttl {'OUnliri1. \Villlam C 1'1o••srr. dlrerlor <1f th(' d!11lrlct 0 . P . S . ofric1'. whn n1adP thr appo.intm ~~n t rrnn1 a U . S. C'lvi\ Sf'r\'I("' C111111ni&r11inn el\J.!\- ble li11t , !ifllll thAl r11urt actions arr cnntr•l)pla:ctl u.c:ain~l m er· t•hanlR And bu111nc.'l.'4ffit>ll found not.- to i>1.' in cnn1riliat1l'I" a Pcor<lin~ to 0 . P. S. rt·gulation~. • ~1E/ol,\ \'. I".\\', A f 'Xfl,IAICY 1'l1·1 ·tin~ in r('i.:111111 SP!ls inn, thf' l<K'8) V}o~W Auxiliary ;~!"1:16 will asf:Pn1bll' Jo~r1day. N ov. 16, at 8 p. ni. ln Legion hRll. OLI> l:'\1)1:\S C'A~l'f;ft()('N'I J An Indian campi:;-round believed lo be from fi vf' to .seven thouMnrt yt.>a rR o ld has bet>n discovered two miles above McNary on the Co- tu~bh~ rlvi:tr ln Ort•i;:on, rl'ports lht> National Automobile club. The ~ite is now bt'ing-explo red by the Smithsonian Institution . • • • TUESDAY, NOV. 13, 14151 • A Uinl& PROM PARMER llk()ABE Dear Hany: . It's a mite bard to write with a busted arm.. Well Sir, that'• the . fix rm in and I'll tell you bow it happened. 1 was do'll'll 011 the street corner in front of the Bank the other day (that's aa cloee to Big Money as I can get) when &everal of the "Bo:v.a" come along and we got to talking. One of em was a telling us about some ole geeser who spent all of hl8 time je8t a helping folks. The way he told·it this ole man waa a regular Santa Claus 365 days every year. Well Sir, it got to bemy tum and I told em I knowed a man lj~e that, facta i• this man spent 14 houro every day a helpmg fol~ and the other 10 houro a thinking up new thlng_s he could do. I told em this ·10an not only spent all of hlS own money a helping folks but he spent all the folks had that he was a working fer ... on top of that he borrowed all he could on I. 0 . U."S. jest to keep this work going. Jest who is this man?. they asked. I told em, Harry S. Truman .. < well, Harry, that's how I got my arm all busted. Your ole fren. CAii Right.a ""''""'"" FARMER McCABE It's a Pleasure to LIVE GROW BUILD With, and for the Newport Harbor area. We are glad to be members of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and to congratulate our comm.llnity on this latest achievement, ~::new office for the Booster Group of our city. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL • NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 · 30th St. Newport Beach Harbor 2533 Fro1n \Val'hington. D. C .. comeM ..vorll from Mrs. Charles A. Con· vcrst" {MargH.ret N elson). daugh- ~"r of Mr. and Mrs, C. M. NE'l- ~on of 450 Bernard SL, Costa Mea, ot the pleuure• she haJ11 been enjoying becoming acqualnt- !d with her new relatives In Green- vtlle. S . C.; Tryon, N. C.; Tampa, Fie.; Williamsburg, Va.; Vald08ta, Ga., and other places. The former Miss N elson and Mr. Converse, USN. were married last August In the Costa Mesa Community Meth- odist c hurch. Among the many affairs compll- n1entlng the local girl wu a tea given in the Valdos:ta Country Club by Mr. Converse's mother, Mrs. R. C. Boyles or Wuhlngton, D. C .. and his slsler.!J, Mmes. Lu- ther Shelton of VaJdoala. and Lester Blaine of Plant City, Fla. 1•nue. the leJtlt;latur<' has used ov('r 7 million dollare or general funl1 monies for acquisition or beache11 and parks. The net e(f('Cl or stale financl".8 , Controller Kuch(') pointed out, has been lo deprlvr the state's general fUnd of over 18 million dollars which otherwlse would have been available for gen· eral state purpose11 {such.. M school•). and llkcwtee to deprlv; the Beach and Park funda of ap· proximately 18 mlllion dollar• which otherwise woud have been available for new stale beachu and parks. State Jaw provides, ex- cept for lhl' Supreme Court action, that the tideland royalties are to be divided between the g eneral fund, beach fund and park fund. N~\\IPOKT HEIGHT!!; CIRCLE 1'fra. Hainer Hargrove, 1627 Tustin Ave., Costa Me.sa. will re· ceive members of the Newport Heights circle of Christ Church by the Sea WSCS at a meetlng Tue&- day, Nov. 27, al 7:30 p. m. Welcome Neighbor! The Balboa Bay Club Mrs. ConVersc writes that her husband ls .still stationed in and around P earl Harbor aboard the Rochester. She expecl8 to return lo C08la Mesa "before too much longer." Everybody reads the claiuutled •d.8. GREEN JACKET LOST Mr11. D . Lealle, 309 Ruby Ave., Balboa lllland. reported to police the lou of a relalive's dark green hunting jacket, valued at $40, on Balboa laland, Nov. 3. NEWPORT 'HARBOR ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CENTER Of CMC ACTMTY TO THE MARINER'S MILE CENTER Of HARBOR GROWTH .. • Culbertson Motor Co. m.evaolel and OldaloMla •••" • ••••aea . •on-' . ' · 2411 Ce Bit Hlylwf Ne~J1ncll Is proud to be a part of thi' constantly growing, consistently improving Community of Homes and Boats and Harbor The beautiful new offices of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commer.ce is another indication of the progress of the C ity of Newport Beach. A Private Club Glad to Serve Our Community .-BAL BO A · .. • , ·. • ' ' I I . . To Your New Home O'n Mariner's Mi.le! \ ELECTRICAL WORK On the Newport Harbor CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOME • by STAFFORD ELECTRIC CO. 810 Coast Hi9hway Newport Beach Pho ne Beacon 63 29 ·----· -·--------··-·------·----.,.-------·--·-----·----_:_----·-- OF COURSE THE PLUMBING WAS DONE by SAM KINSFATHER PLUMBING AND HEATING FOR THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA I Call Harbor 0420 405 -30th St. . Not ice the LUMBER and MILL .WORK by . LAWRENCE LUMBER CO: 2200 South Main St. Sonta Ana Pho ne Kimberly 2-726 7 --------·---------------, I ---.. -------·-------·-·---··--·-1 'i. -----·~· Plastering Done by 11 SOREN ·and HENRY THYGESEN 1 1 1· Pho ne Harbo r 3063-W • 133 West 46th St. Newport Beach -----·------·---·--,------------------------·------ Heating and Shee1' Metal Work by • SMITH BROS. 15th and Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa · 1 I • Pho ne Beacon 6394 -----·-··-----------------! , • .Greetings and Salutations · from . NORTON'S BAY SHORE ·CAFE 2704 State Hi9hway Phon e Beacon 5745 Newport Beach Welcome to the Mariner's Mil~ BEECHERS YACHT BROKERS • , Servi ng Newport Harbor since ·1935 609 Coast Hi9hway _ Beacon 5133 Our New Chamber of Commerce Building is a proud Ad~ition to. the Mariner's Mile BOATSWAIN'S. LOCKER . -• + • . ' . -your Comple.te Y echt Service ·centitr . ~ .... CH~YSLER W.RlNE ·.DISTRIBUTOR,; , ' • •• i 'l -·' •• . . -I . .... ~ 1005 Coast Hligliway -. ··-· Jeacll• U73 • • ' From its inception back in 1907. the "Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce bil.s grown consistently with the growth of the Harbor area. Today, the Chamber bas 330 active members. This recent move was primarily to put the Chamber in a position geographically, U> serve t he variou~ ~lions of the city equally. w.ell. and this move' to the Mariner's Mile mto the beautiful new butldmg designed for that specific purpose was made possible by the Irvine Company who leased the ground to the Chamber of Commerce and backed them in this forward looking developmen t which will be a great credit to the city of Newport Beach. . The original idea was proposed by the Chamber's Executive Secre- tary, Mr. Hay Langenheim, looking forward to the development of .the Upper Bay and to provide an offic,. readily accessible to t he principal highway of the city. . The preseiit officers of the Chamber are, Tlios. F. Nort_on, President, Monte Grimes, 1st Vice President John T. Boyd, 2nd Vice President, Roland A. Wright, Treasurer. • CONGRATULATIONS==. ====----. . NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE From the General Contractor ISLAND CONSTRUCTION CO. 128 San Remo -Udo Island lox 275 Newport leach GENERAL CONStRUGTION WORK e Phone Harbor 2982-W - WELCOME TO MARINER'S MILE HARVEY SOMERS Inc. CHRYSLER e nd PLYMOUTH 2491 Coast HkJhway-on Mariner's Mile Phone Beacon 6515 We are Proud of our Newest Arrival on the Mariner's Mile • •. . TURNEWS ~Wlta.AN -STORE · . r • • < J ~ • .,,, I -"' .,.. . ~ ' ., "' . ·,_ .. ~ . 9" Coalf, HittiINJ. ·. ~ "• , : .•. ·.' I••~• 6240 .... . "( , ' I • at Port Orange e For Fun e Fo r Rela xation 1135 Coast Highway I -~EA~0-~~2~--- 1 ---.. . -·----.. ·-·-·-··-·-.... ·-.............. ·-··-"'"" ...... ---·- We ar.e Proud to be a Part of Prog ressive Newport I Harbor and a Member of t he I Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce I Greater All-American Markets I On the Mariner's Mile at 820 Coast HiCJhway Corona del Mar at 903 Coast Blvi't.-~ I • J Your Complete Family Shopp ing C enters ~---.. -~,---~~-~---·--·----1----···---*--·----'---; ! . Congratulation on Your ! ' New Home on Mariner 's Mile / ~ ~ i ' i i • • l ! Hardware 11 Everything Tools . i i • 1 818 Coast Hi9hway . Newport Beach I ~ • ' Phone Beacon 6025 ~ ~ ~ i--·--...... --·-·---· .. ----·· .. --'"''"'~""''"''""'"""·-·-·---1 t··----- i ! '! I ! l i ! i j i i i ' ~ I l ~ -----·--·-·-····-·""""''-·····-----· .. ·-·-··--- ALUMINUM WINDOWS ON THIS JOB FURNl"SHED BY ~· ! i ; ~ j I i SEXTON SUPPLY . CO. ;; l i i f i ~ 1 ~ j Orange County Oistribut9rs for METAL WIN~OW (CORP . • i i 649 West 17th Street Costa Mesa i ~ I l Beacon 7350 ' l I !----·-·-.. ------.. ·-·--..... -...... ,,,, .. -"-·., .... _,,_, __ _ i 1___________ . -- f ¥ ·-----·· .. --.... ,.,_,,,,_ ...... _,.,.,,,_,_,,_ ! ! I i i ! I ! I I 11 • i ~ i ! I • • ' I I ' I I . CONGRATULATION NEIGHBOR • . ON YOUR NEW BUILDING • McCALLEN REFINING CO •• LTD. I I · .. I 17th and Garfield Streets -. Huntington leach 1 • .... ,. , .. ._~ ••. -=-._----- WELC~E .NEIGHBOR ' We are Proud of our Naw NEWPORT HARBOR f \-.. " " CHAMBER OF co'MMERCE BUILDING! ' ~ , ' ' .. • • I • I I . I ' I • ----------... --------------......... --... ----,. --...... ---... -----. ----.... ------. · ... ---~ ----..----.. -.• -;, --............. --......... .,,,--.........-.,. • •• • • • • • I • ' • , , ' ' • ' • • ' • • . ~PA_G __ E_6 __ ~_,..-~~---""~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:---:::-::-::-'~~-~-::-T~B~A·~-:--A~N!WS-~·-·_TtM!S~._..~--:=-~~~~~~·,.-~.__~~~~__;·:.._._:_:lUBD:.==A~Y~;~N0=..:..~~1~3~,~191~1;_., ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~·~~· l ~r~rL .~·~-~rt~~~~ .. . • ' • • ' • • • • - • • • • • • • A FOWL -Y-I .. 1 CERT$ NATt\IES <Ji. S1JMBAWA 'II SHOT AN AMOW INTO ~ AJR • SWEAR'TJiAT 1'COCI' TO MISBION"AW. Yr FEI.J.. TO EARTH I KNEW NC11' WH:EJU; THEIR FAVORITE DISH IS terrapin • 1 necks. This fascinating bit ot in.formation GIVE A LOOK! compels me to 'add U.t you w_lll look like HANG~ A TURKEY BY THE HOOK." quite a laity dba Y•Ufself la one ot t,J\q&e SIRD LOVERS! Meet at the Balboa SA lOc! Yea, the racy new tutleril!:dk tweaten fJoJD. l'UN 51t 10 is llninC up Roasters tor your Tha.nksciving bird.a. Aluminum FASHIONS! ... These jaunty jot'.>s are 100 1'0Utel'9 are M.ff: Oralllt• Ro..-. an fl.91l. 'nm 1.a ai.d bead· percent wool ud kM>k very nttteit lMle Band knJtt. One Is pi white quarter. for lacing plM (Suture Seti!) I a.l9o put a :ao&e in yoW" with red Yee lrulet, the other la navy with white V (514..96). Let me aogiestion box suggesting you get a paper ta~ mu1 turkey eee now .. other super sporty sweatcnt-more tortoise necks, one ln napkins here. The tablecloth Is Mx90 and only 2tc . . . U.. 1n long sleeved m . navy or pqwdltr hlue aad only h-98. A.ad a ~t yourself a plastic apron for 39c. Set a match to t.beee ttdllp jleevelea one in same cokwe tor Ollly 13-16. Batwine turtlenecks at when you're thru splash.lag gravy on them. Otller ttoll4-)' ace•••• sr.• and white knit vHlts and ~ J"\m. h.ah1on'a larfe lll'T'IU' nea such as Rust<jn.ft groetln&" cardo. relllnlll ...... pie -t-y of llKka go Sood wltll .._ -•t-... lot. of sharp plaid l?"t· cookie cutters, candlee and Jello mGulda. ON"S 'l'OOIHf'l\.,~ ~ terM. '8.95 up. Then wbea you wiah to appear u a res.I little lady to every parent accompanied by a child. Donat••._ ••'t • 6 & 11. t,ype, t.ere's Ivan Fndertc'a SNY iown with 8unburst 1kiJ1. and SOO Malo. Balboa. clleck.d bolero jacket . . . tres smart at ~. Frolic to f\a • . • •" .....,._.ons For FINE J'EA'hDCkS. 1806 Coast Blvd., Corona det Mar. LADY ARE YOU UMBft t ! t Bubar 2322. T.he worst thing that can happen to you houel· wives is to get atttf In IOme joint! ~rhapa you -read about the supple younc matron of 88 who keeps ln. trim by studying ballet? It's. true -tor the body beautiful and generally healthful ~ the basic ballet's the thlng. Dorothy Jo Sw~ ii •tarting an Adult Ballf't Clue tor .......... ,.. You __,.'\ have had any previous dance educaWon ln order to enjoy and benefit by this new clw. BHJdla -im· aglne the eff•ct on yoW' friends It you awtdenl.y toss down your card8 m the m1dat ot • brldp pi:ne and perform an entrechat ift the middle of the floor. Misa Swanson also conducts cla.ues tor adults ln tap dancing, as well as ln children's tap, acrobatic. AlE MOL THlNOS TO DO wrm A WINDOW THAN .1U!rr SPY OUT ON YOUlt NEJQRIKlRS. The fact t.h.at the Shade Shop cab do altout 1§ or DO tbln1s to a wlndow ta proot enoucll for m.. Just tn tor brlchtentnc" your out· look an, lattlee ab•de• TbeiM! are roller 1or puU .strlle ·t·-. ta very atln.ctJve colon -walnut, citron, ol1 wbtte, wWow l1"ffJl and gray. The Shade Sbop takes prtdrit al9o tn & variety ot sll"8.n£'e win<k>w devices, (009en8Ck brackets, extenlioll rocM that eo around corners, and tra- verse tra.cks. Some of th.elr lnalallatk>ns are ao tricky that }'OU wouldn't believe me tf I told you what they ean do With sqtrlll'e, round, obtuse. rectan(Ular &ad pear-shaped windows. Dn.pery hard- ware· Venetian Bllnde. Roller Shadu. Dade Shop JJ14 29th SL., Newport.. Harbor 8M. • 'Ca Borrow~d'Ti~' ·Btiudif Gode "0.Jlorr~ Thne," ... at tb4 .Yfci. : toonf· 1l!lalll beloved-plays of Uae QIOdern American theater, wlH. ·be pNeent ... "4 ~ Ule Helor <ll-Nov. ·~. "* 's p .• m., Ill the hlgll. acbool -. ~ Ciur<; Ulal '411( be 11eld torlum. Ro~rt Wentz la directing Nov. 21 ln the cue ot F.· E . Blrt- the production. cher. 226 Poinsett.la avenue, Cor- Tlcket.s are 80 and 80 ceats, ona del ~r. He ls ·°"8.fged with WUll .iJ -.ta reserv.S. 1'elerva.-~tton 'Of *1 R-4 "l'e91.dential zone tlons may be .made b~ •lu>nlns lhe ... ~ falh1te . to *Ill!• a building h.tgh school, or through atudent alteration permit, ticket agents. ~ Ple&dln.c' not iuilty to both In top roles are Don Campt>ell, counts laat w..eek, Birtc.her waa u Cramps: Atike Vaile (t:ry.sh~ releued on bla own reeongnizancc man) u Bud. &Gd DoDA& Price -.a4. trial da'te was set by Judge "'9-1>,y. 'n.o,. -,U.. -.Jor-_ Umell. • rcWa 18 thia ~. a.-,..ft&Jed: • II accused by police of con- COJ'llledy tantaey. 'Fbe iUppOl"UltC' •fftblle a sleeping room Into a eaa&. tnclu4fa Tom Bender.oil u klk%1 n th a UJ!;!t built over a gar- Mr. Brink: Sd Becbbom • Mr." ... at .._e Poinsettia address. Po-- Grknee; Bil1 Bopk.lu u a doctol' llee. .W Btrtc ~r received a butld- froap a local mental IM&.lnt.ka; tac perMlt Aug. 22, 1946 to build with Judy Tucker p)laytnc """ l:D-tllle Ofillli&1 home. The follqwing terect; J&IUe 'th.me, the ~ l'D ' 117 ·another permit 'J'U ls· th .. t; Doni;a Neflloe. tile '!"fhna ...,. kt ltuild two sleeping rooms, la~r; B0'9 lllti'Wfl. tbe Aerttt,. i.tll ..,. utility room over the and .1okn Y-ud Ue .1-,yred.· -Ill the R·l zone. Minor chat&cter ro&ls. ~ claim that at that Un\e, la Ille ...,...._..act, Onmpo -A. X. N•lson. building lns~tor, Mr. Brtnk up the apple tree by a \Gld. Birtcher the sleeping rooms tmq piece of tricltery. TM ~ ecHd aot be made into a separ- lem la to k-hbn l&ftly Ill tM ate ult. Birtcher la charged with t.ree, while OnmJir9 acCompttohe1 tl'M&llnC' a 11.J)k, refrigerator and certain lmport.ant th1llp: tn l:ds litoYe la one of the sleeping rooffi8 lite wh~~ he had been postpon-. over the garage, coq.atltuting a !Ag. IOl1iltc violation and failure to ob- YoWlg Bud turll.ishe11 the eolu-lain. the proper building alters· tloll. He had ~ad U&at aftft' a .tlon permit. LIGAft NOtlCI MJ.acellaneous • "1rilape., records of Ubl On.nge Cowlty . o• » mucb."' ot Mid prope~ u ahall be ~ to' be -llo provide & .....-...mcltil\ td ,.7 the total -t "'"'u,,.. ~1 •Id Deed of Trust . 09'1'><1 November t. 19!51. (SEAL) BAY ESCROW CO., INC. a Calttornla Corporation By Dean c . Bradford Ed Jordan, tt-euurer State of Calitomla, County ot Orange, as. On November 8, 1951, before me. tho unde.rsi&ned. a Notari' Public in and for Wd County and s~.. personally ~peared o.... C. Bradfor:<l. known to me to be the Presldent.. and Ed Jordan, known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the witkin ln.8trument, known to me lo be the peraona who execut- ed the within lnatrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same1 WITNESS by hand and official seal. CSEA.L) VIOLET THOREN, Notary Public in and tor ).. sald County a.nd State. No. 238----Times · Publish Nov. 13·20-27, 1951. NOTICE OF SALE OF ltEAL PROP.EllTY av TlllJSTEI: UNDER DEED OF TRUST WHEREAS, ALAN D. ECHOLS and JESSIE H . ECHOLS, husband and wife, and MILLER F . WIL- Use Classified Ads ' • • • to seU your Cu to find a buyer for your home • • &o nat yow: .... to dispose ·• furniture ..S household go s • you no longe ... ueed. to find a g~ job Cllaoollh!d A d vert .... set.a f'ffUlta qulck.Jy amd at low cost. ·Use Classified Ads Newport Harb• Publlshln9 Co. 221 I Belb.oe Blvd. Newport Beech Ph. Harbor I b I ·8 ballet. toe and baton tWlrll.ng. A very popuJar speClal claas In ball· room dancing is Jiven tor Junior Rich student.a. This Is held Tues· day eves. from 1·8 and is only 60c a 1e890n. Now everybody on your toes! 1·2·3 kick and away to the DO&OTBY JO SWANSON DANCE STUDIO, 1416 Coast Blvd .. Corolla· de& Mar. CaJI: Banor U99 for . . .. . WHEN YOU 00 ~G '1'9811" 'l'llE WOODS TO G&A.SmlM· 4;"9 .l!IOlJU: tor Thanksgiving dinner, you'll waat to be war- lng 1ame light, .unrMtnlaJDC prment. The Jo-Lee Sport Shnp ta t•tvtnc Alex Colman and Sunrose corduroy COOPdtfialee as Ute per- goOd deed had been done, anyone W~-got Up tn that p&rtlcul&r apple tree would have to atay lbenl. Oramps had cb&n.cteriatl· catty sent s:w> td a preaclter tor a new 11lit, becauee, a.cconUnc to Ora.mp&, the worthy reveNnd look- ed uauauaJly SllHtdy wblle pl"eaehlng lhe funeral service 'ror Gramp'f' 6lltl. S()()llT LEADEltS Newport Harbor Girl Sc o u t J'Mderc' Club will have its regu- lar monthly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 1.3 at the Scout House at t :80 O"clock. SON and GEORGIA V. WILSON. c•--ifi d 'Ind husband and wife, "by Deed of ..... s e ex t.rthf'r lntonnatlon. • • HA VE YOU EVER CONSIDEREU • how many hours per day you spend drooped over the hot sink? Well don't. What with peeling, perlnc. dlshwaah.lng, and dipping your dainty thin&B l.n Lux, it's too frightening to contemplatJ. Hence~ as well as thua .. , a good dr&inbol\rd meant a lot tQ a woman Jn your position. The Coutllae noor Covertn« Co. will go so far off the floor u to lrui:tall a Formica Dralnbaard for'-you. Clarence rua.rantees satisfaction 100"k on this iutaliatlon. Formica l.s waterproof. ciga- rette proof, and wauail and whiskey proof. Of course you can get a llnoleum drainboard cheaper. but mind you, lt'.s not aa good. Call the Coastline tor a rea80n&ble estimate! Don't throw money down the drai.n ! Invest In a dtainbollld. 1791 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. Beacon 6960-J. • • • A NARROW SQUEAK! ! • ! ! NO, YOU WON'T B1C BOTHERED with shoes too narrow or shoe.s that squeak It you get fitted at aanen Boeie.ry! Barber's bu a tremendous 11)( selection or quality shoes for men, women a.nd children . . . eomethlng tor everybody. And this ts the time of year of course. when most "Narrow Squeak" 0people cross their toee. and hope-to get gifted with a pair or comfortable house slippers. Any woman would be glad to come home to Daniel Gree.a.'s ... ~ th!!! g;ala new cardinal red corduroy moccasins called 'Flirts~' or .pe winter green corduroy scuffs who answer to the name Of 'i'riaky.' Don't let these names throw you, Sis. These slippers are -....t bUt 1'0t b6Wdy. Oh lots of other slippers ... and plenty of ~vp U... , .. Grace Walkers. VJtaJllya, and H•ydays. The lady ·Qf ..... ~ wtll be lnterest•d todeed in a new arrival by Hollywood 11111oten '"Little Inch" navy or black suede pump ·. . . a Uthe and low ._ for dresaed up com· fort. I tell you, you'll all be as merry tad sure fooled as mountain s<>ats iJ1 shoes from Barbfor'a Bootery, 1216 Newpert A:ve.., Costa ...... • • • THE NEXT TIME YOU LURE SOMEONE UP TO YOUR PENTHOUSE TO SEE YOUR P ATh'TlNGS, show them your La.Jl'lb'a Wool Roller too! The McDou.ld Paint Co. has lamb's wool paint rollers th.at a.re re&l little doogtes when It comes to painting walls and things. You roll tht& Sad«et ill a pa.a •f paint. then apply the applicator to a nat wall. You just roll along, Prairie ·MOOll.. and tis said that you can paint with nary a streak. The mohair roller is tor daub~ Spred Satln and gloss enamel. Tbere'a erv•• a roller device that pours paint out like a fountain . . . (leaked 811l.ra.nge to me, but who am I to compain ! ) And have I spoken to you lately about turpen- tine and p&int thinner? No mat Hr how you chOH to apply paint. you must be little ta.dies and clean your btull'!.es and rollers. Keep this ln mind at all tllne;i;. Al-> thing• wtll go 1mootber for you lt you buy eome ,andpaper at the McDonald "Paint, Co. AND OET SOME CROWN ST.AMPS. 1872 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa. Bea. 5703 # • • • MANY BRAVE HEARTS ARE ASLEEP IN THE DEEP 0 ~Come. child, wipe your little nose and climb upon .. ' ),' ., Grandma's game old knee. My story today concerns a pstropod. mollusk lined with Moth.et' of Pearl. Where is Pearl ? Hu.sh chlJd . . . Anyway, this de-.:>J:~!i.' UgbtfuJ edible .sea aack is also known as Abalone. ... ..,;oli'(~~Brave men don diving suits and descend to the deep armed only with an old iron boot jack. They scour the ocean floors and plumb the dept.ha tor this treasure. The Abalone clings and ..clinp li~ crazy to the cradle of the deep- ~ut the stem plumbers jUllt pry away. When al la.at a boat load of these mollusks &J'Tives at the Bayside Docks, it Is unloaded, count· ed. and carted oft to be coerced out or the shell by brute fore!!!. Then the Abalone Is clubbed tnto nat ateaJrta, packaged and brought back to the Bay11kki F.,.. Market. And that, my child Is where ,Granny gets delicious Abalone Steaks tor ONLY 70c a POUND. 2800 Lafayette, 7 days a week. NewporL . . -. FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD! Yes, be sure and aave my childd a pair of thoae firemen r~ aki pa.Jal!las over at Polly :mi-•-,.Apparel! (-8·14 aad could nt a llttle fect Pumpkin-Eaters att'ire. The81!! are In a . profusion of woodsy autumn colors , .. Colman jumpers come In 3 styles, hi&h-neck or gulmpe, and you can choose frQm 4 styles of corduroy skirts. One skirt Is so artfully draped that you could stuff your face all day and your stomach would never betray you In this skirt. Then there arl!! pedal puahers and plenty of intriguing little jackets and box coats. In case or a lighl frost on the pumpkin. or perchance a downpour. you'll find th!!! A-farjorie Montgon1ery cordu- roy long coal the ideal coveraJI. It's water repellent, high styled in ret.I or green and has a nice rustling satin lining. Onl)' $29.95 and a cagey buy for you. .lo-Lee Sport. Shop, IBM Nr\\·port A\'f'., COMta M•oa. • • • \'l\"A! FIESTA FOOD AT CAS.<\ DO:\' CARLOS. MEXICA~ DIN~'"ERS OR ALA C.UTE. D1:S:'\'"ER8 $1.10 u,p. SpHlaJ Top Sirloin Slf'ak dlnnpr $2.%5. Child's plaff' G.'k OLE! CASA DOS CARLOS I IS 2!nd SL,• Nt'"'J)Ort . Harbor ?8SH-AI Close Tuf'~. • • • IT'S Ni:STING TI?.tE ! YES, S1ATISTJCS PROVE THAT MORE PEOPLE ARE STAYING AT HOME THAN ARE leaving. People that feather their nests with furniture from Carlyle's stay home and alt on It and enjoy lhem- selves. Take Carlyle's living room seta, go ahead ~ak:e an)' one of them. They are exceptional values in good upholstered divans with comfortable match· Ing chairs from S99 up to $149. Then there•s a dining !let that would go good with your smart Uttle supper so\rees. This is a modern oak ·affair with 4 padded seat chairs. You can have a choice or colors and fabrics for .these chairs and the whole thing complete for only $1 23. Or for stand up buffets, you might like the oak drop leaf table for $89.50. OR you can get some o( Carlyle's nice untlnlshed pieces of furniture. You ~ve money on theBI!!. Besides Carlyle has discovered .son1e wonderful finishing stuff that Is easy to apply. It goes o n quick and leaves a marvelous tough, protective finish. He "'"ill .tell you trade secret!! abotlt flJmlture finishing Carlyle's 1990 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Beacon 6739. aon. State PT A Board to Discuss Youth Probl~ms The narcotics and salaciou-8 lit- erature problems will receive ma- jor consideration when the Board of Managers of the California Con- grcsa or Pa.rents and Teachers con- veneM in Los Angeles, Nov. 14 and 15. Afrs. Edward T. Walker of Los Angeles will preside a.t all sea- sions. Mrs. Ralph Lewis of Los An- gt·l~s wUJ report on recent deve· lopmrnts and the extent ot the narcotics situation 1" California, a problem which is receiving ma- jor attention nationwide. It. Is expected that the Board w111 consider the current spread of olaclous literature serious enought to warrant a special com· mlttee which will concentrate Its attention on thls important prob- lem. The president, Mrs. Ylalker, will be reporting on her participation at the Governor's Youth Commit· tee meettrig, held thl1J past week in Los Angeles. Traffic safety will be discussed by Mrs. J ohn V. Quinn or Glen- dale. 1'1rs. Quinn wa.s recently appointe<I by Governor Warren to the Citizens Advisory Committee DOVS' CLtTB MEETISG Reg·ular monthly boar1 of dircc· tora Juncht"OI\ meeting or lhe Har- bor Boys' Club will be held to- morrow noon in the Boys' Club house, Costa Mesa. ------- CHUNGS AT MEET Dr. and Mrs. J ohn K. Chung, 211 Ea.st 18th street, Costa Mesa, at· tended the convention ot the Cali- (ornia Academy of General Prac- tice conducted Nov. ~ 7 at the Ho- tel de! Coronado, Coronado. Trust dated December 8. 1949, recorded December 22, 1949 In Book 1943, page 532 of Official Records o! Orange Cot.Inly, Cali- fornia.. dl<l grant and convey the property therein and hereinafter described to Ba·y Escrow_ Oo., Inc .• a California corporation, u Trus· tee, to secure, amorig other obll~ gations. the payment of a note dated December 8, 1949, payable to Donald H. Conover and Cecile A. Conover. hu.a'Da.nd and wUe as joint tenants, or order, for the principal swn of $2000.00, with interest from December 22, 1949, at the rate of five (0} percent per annum, principal and interest due and payable in installment.II or $35.00 or more .. on the fiftttntb -Opportunity Is knocking In day of each and every month, be- CL.ASSIFIED ADS. ginni11.g .on the 15th day of Janu· -People 00 reaa lhe W&lJt ads. ary, 1950 and continuing until said principal and Interest have betn paid:; and LEGAL NOTICE WHEREAS, default has occur- red in that the installment or NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL $35.00; being the principaJ and In· PROPERTY BY TRUSTEE teres:t due . on said note on April UNDER DEED OF TRUST 15, 1950, haa not been paid; and WHEREAS ALAN D. ECHOLS \VHERE.AS, Donald H. Conover ~ JESSIE H. ECHOLS, husband and Cecile A. Conover, owners 'Uld wife, and MILLEK F. WIL· and holders of said note, hereto-- SON and CE6RCIA V. WILSON, fore demanded that said Tru.Stee husband and wife. by,,Deed or sell s.aJd propert~. and on Oct0r Trust dated December 8, 1~9, ber 13, 1950 tluly recorded tn the recorded December 22. 1949 in office of the County Recorder o! Book 1943, page 531 or Official F-&id County, in Book 2087, page Records or Orange Couiity, GiPli· 319 of Official 'Records thereof, a fornia. did grt.nl and convey the notice of said default and of t heir property therein and her einafter election to cause said property to described to Bay Escro\v Co., Inc., be sold, and more than three 'l California corporat!on, as Trus-months have now elapsed since tee, to secure. among other obi!· thP recordation or said notlce. 'Mle gations. the payment of a note sum of $1917.72 principal, together dated December 8, 1949, payable with interest thereon from March to Cecile A. Conover, a married 15, 1950, is now due, owing and Pirates Win Br d · I ·~.-oman, Rita J ennings, a m'rrled unpaid. and there Is al8o secured Parsons leaped up to take the i ge payers woman. Jerald L. Biggins, a mar-by Said Deed or Trw:l the 'TruS· ball and give Coast a touchback T ried man. or -order, for the prlnci-tee's fee and expenses of sale estl- (Continued from Pag"e I ) Don 44. MUler went around right lhe· path or the• left end on the dead run. Smith then slipped along the left sidelines into the end zone for the 39-yard touchdown play. Jesse Smith added the ·extra point. and the ball on the 20. After at OUrnament pal sUm of S2S OO.OO, with Interest .-iated at $175.00, togethe r with three running plays Smalley went from December 22, 1949, at the 311.}' sums paid e.nd advanced by back to punt anl.1 was roughed. Thi? Pacific Southwest Regional rate of five (5} per<:ent per 8l)· the owner of said note In accord- The penalty made It first down to!' Duplicate Br Id g e Tournament num, principal and interest pay-ance with the provisions or said the Pirates with 11 seconds re-which is held at the Del Coronado able in installments or $40.00 or Deect or Trust, with interest on malnlng In the game and Mi1leT' hbtcl for five days starting Nov. more on the 15th day of each and said ·1ast mentioned sums. buried the ball long enough to tnd 7th v.-as attended by several every month, beginning January NOW, THER.EFQllE, NOTICE the game on a QB sneak. membcr11 or the Balboa Duplicate 15, 1950: and continuing Until said IS HEREBY GIVEN"'that tBe l!J&1d )fonday Follow Ups Bridge Club. Mr. and Airs. A. W. principal and interest have been Bay Escrow Co., lnc., a California Tummel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert pai<l ; and corpotation. by virtue of tbe au- 10 Baal11e99 Gulde 11 BulJdlnc Materlals J 2 Building Servleea J 4 Person.o.J.s 16 Share Your Car 16 Tra.n11.portatlon 17 Roofln~ Contract.on 18 Beauty Aids 19 Upholsterlng 20 Health Aids 22 Lost and Found 24 ScbooU. ln5tructton %8 Sttuatlons Wanted 29 H elp Wanted SO Sale, Ml8cella.neous SO-A S\\.'aps SO-B Appllances 31 Wanted to Buy • S2 Furniture tor Sale S2-A Antiques SS Boats, SuppllCA M MWlie.1, llHLo M Bop. Cata, Peto 91 Pottltrjo. Jlabhlta . S'I Uvn1eck • S8 Sptdal Amiouncement., u _.._ oi.ort11111u .. •t SiorH •Dll Offices U W-ed to ..... t &S Apartment. aad Houaiea ~ Trailer 8pue U Rooms tor Ren! '4-A RMt Rollle8 4.5 Rent, &ll&cellaneoua fl. Boom and Board '' Tnocko 48 Autoraobllm, TlrPs 49 ·Autos Wanted llO AHto Sen•lce 61 Tralle"' .5! Alrplane11 M Mont·y to Loan 6' Money "'anted 57 Ilea.I Estate Wanted 60 Income Property 81 Rea.I Estate E:t:chanp 62 Real Estate CARD OF THANKS The famlly of &-rt \Vldle wishes to f'X ptt88 tbPIF a.....- Clatf,on to tht• tnao)' friends wlao e:xk9ded symp&tJ!r)• at hlA delltb and ,, .. ho SMt the many beaMl- n11 floral trlbut~ ln a la.lilt rare- '''f'll to Bert. FWJIENCE WHlTE VAtlX WHITE ART \\'HITE It was onJy seconds later that the Pirates rTiade It 21-0. Smalley end for four yards and then faded back to hit •Jesse Smith crosai.ng kicked off and Wic kert returned six yards to his 28. Smith then faded back to pus to end Frank Freese. Smalley cut in and lntl!!r· cepted near the 40 and ran to the third score. Smith added the ex · Bob Woodhouse failed to suit up Brown, Mr. and ?.frs. J oe Wilcox, VlHEREAS, default has oc-thority vested in it aa Trustee tor the game because of further Mrs. Charles Boardman, Mrs. Rob--curred in that lhe installment of under-said Deed of Trust, wt.U 'sell 10--Bnslness Golde Injury to hls knee which "'as se-ert Ross, Mrs. Mildred Lytle, Mrs. $40.000 being tl}e principal and at public auction to the htgb.est Yel"ely cut in an automobile a.cci-G~rge Carroll and Mrs. Roy ~nterest due on said note on April bidder for cash, lawful money or dent three weeks ago · · · Rosso Strolz competed in the event.a 15, 1950, has not been paid; and the United Statea of A.meric&. on had planned to start Woodhouse with players from all parts of the WHEREAS, Cecile A. Conover, December 7, 1901, at the hour of but the former . Harbor High United States. Because of this Rita Jennings 8(ld Jerald L. Big· eleven o'clock a . m , of ia.ld day, grtdder was Injured in pre-game tournament. t! h ere were no ~n..s, owners and holders of said at the South Front door of the tra point. practices earlier in the week · · · games held in Balboa on Friday ~ote. herf'tofore demanded that Orange County Court 'HOWie in the Santa Ana·s first TD came after A th f T Ed M For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP hee estimates Pb. Har 884 no er ormcr ar, ayer, evening Nov. 9th, or Monday at-said Trustee sell said property, City of Santa Ana, Califomia, all they got a first down on a rough· topped the Pirates in the tackling tcrnoon Nov. 12th. wd on October 13, 1950 duly re-of the inte.reat conveyed to it by ' Ing the kicker penalty. Bob Smith depat'tment with 11 s t ops -five The Ma.st.er Point Open Tourna-coroed tn lhe office ot the County said Deed of Trust In and to all l2-BolJdlng Services punlt'd into the end zone and was ' short of the record 16 made by ment held on SWlday afternoon Recorder of said County, In Book that certain real property ettuated hit by one or Coast's charging Jim tceeUne lut week aga.i.n.8t was won by Mrs. Robert Ross and 2087, page 320 or Official Recor\18 in the City of Newport Beach, linemen. The 15 y&l"da 'gave the Ch&ttey . · · Chariey Black was Mrs. Thoma.s Olli playing east-thereof, a notice of aakl default County of Qrange, State of Call· Dons a first down on the Coe.st 17· second with nine and co-cApWn west in Section E and Mrs. Robert 'lnd of their etection to ca.use said fornia, described as tollowa: The Pirate defense held to make It left guard Fred Owens tied with Brown and Stan Huskey playing prcperty to be sold and more than Lot 16. Bk>ck IIO, Riwr fbacourthk land eight! wUhenhSmithinwethnt Wood.house's replacement, Don nortb-eouth. Runners-up eut-west. three month.9 have now elapsed Seetion, Newport Beach, as . o pass o mp ress · e Barnett , with ein-ht. Howard •r.11. ' · T e. ,..._. were Mra. Fred RounsvWe and iince lhc recordatlon ot said no-shown on a Map .thereof re· left nat area for the scc~o .. nv. ersJalcokn er and Sid Al&11ning made sev~n Mrs. Jifargaret Holmes; Mrs. tice. The sum ot $2408.:f<l princi-corded in Book 4, page 25, Wilcox'I attempted tac.kl-· each and Hal Smith COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rugs shampooed. Free estimaleM-Fully t.nwred.. AJ's IJ.ous~ & RQg Cleaning Co . Beaootl 6111 ntto ~man u well.) And now for your boll~ . attltt. Ml8s PoUy lta8 ll!ted up C"fft ba.tchet of new dresses . . . Newest arrivals: are the BA.RBETrES . , . a fine old dress. family .en ln all the big &Ad better • t o r e a. Ba.rbettea are in cotton plaids and dresaiy tailed .....,. Tbomu Kennedy and Mn. Cather-pal, to,-ether with interest there· _MlsceU&neoua Ma.pa, recorda ~pson & Nollar · brought down six while playing a lne Smith. ;Runners-up north· 011 from Ma~h 15, 1950, la 11ow of the ..id Orange County. Ned Parsons returned a punt 33 line backer posi(ion. Keeline made aouth we1e Mi-a. Roma Lober and due. owing an:1 unpaid, and there or ao much ot sakl property u p G & DECORATING yards but offic!ala detected a Pi-five stops.. Milton Ruglema.n: Robert Disch-is also secured by said neea <ft ab.all tie Deceuary to " eold to 'tlf'he Best Money Can "'-~· numbera too . , . $7.96--$8.96-$10.95. Kon new Teena Patee party dftue.s tor jaunty Juniors abe.a 9-14. 'nleee are py little party tattetu 10me with jacket.a and ar-. prettily priced at $&.~to $1t.~. And don't toi-(et if you'l'e awaitln,I' the patter of tiny footetepa. you'll flnd a complete materaitY department here_ Oh lt'a jolly to tttop with Polly! Polly Apparel. 18SS Newport Ave., Coata Mesa. "FWWEBS ul w"'8 Tlltl:sr µN01JAO&." nA>WEllS B'P MoiaU WEDDING 8PECIAUST. NT I:. --BIW. -· !0'70 • .... rate ln the act of clipping and Santa Ana must have thought o = h b ft--Uo ' _..., lb th "'! th rd ner a.nd A. . ,.et er y .. ace n Trust the Trustee's tee a.nd ex.-pro\'ide a1 .iwn llUfficlrellt to pay rr .. ., • ••Jh SL. Ne~rt ~-• , rave em e UG.I on e one ya that Manning waa a member of d U.L6 ""' ... ..,... ~ line. On the next play, quarter-their backfield tor eve.ry one of A winners were from Long Beach._ penses of l&le e11tlmated at lhe total amount ~red by aaJ PHONE HARBOR 24ot - back Pa.uJ. Chafe was nabbed u h e the aeven tackles he made ........ be· Winner. ta tbe l"riday even.b:J.g ll.76.00, tocether with any auma:. Deed of TruaL • _, tried · ht end ... _ pine .were Mrs. A. G. Doeaburg !)aid and advanced tor the owner Dated November 9, 1961. · c a tig · sweep out ol bl.a hind the line of ecrtmmage . . . and Mrw. Robert Rou pla.yfng ':Jf said note ln aocordaace with '(SEAL) • end zone. PauJ. Eullnger broke That might be the. reason that th• east-we11t and Mr.· and 'Mn. Joe ltle provtmons of aid Deed of BAY ESCROW CO .. INC. through to gel lllm ln the end zone Dons were caught twice with only Wilcox, north-eouth. rruat, wtth lntereat. on .,aid last a California corporaUon and make the 8COre 21...S. The for-10 men on the fleld -their Runne.-.up east-west wen Mn. :nentk>Ded IUJU. By Dean C. Bradford mer Ana.helm hlgh acatb&ck· coa.chea thought Manning was the Fred Rounsville and Mn. Mar-NOW~ TlilltEFORE. NOTICE By Ed J'ordan sparked the Doc's final touchdown eleventh. •t any rate, Dem coach pret Holm.n; .Mra. Betty Gould rs HEREBY GIVJCN that .the aid State of C&lifotnJ.a, drive and c"Pl*I It by going Jbhn Ward "i>"llt moot ol the ·oi.ila MN. carol •Labl&': Kr. and Bay Eaorow Oo., Inc. ti'. Oaltfornl• County or Orange. -. ' ' through the mlildle for nine yards eftlling counting-the man on the lll'.n. E. J ., Ma R.unner;s--dp corporat&o-n. by vtrtue ot tbe au-on November 9, 1tsl before alter setting· Ute payoff play up field and It was eVen noted on one north-actuth were Mn. A.nlold thorlty Tested In tt u Trwfee Un~ me, tbe "'"Ulldeni~ & Nata.Ty with " ne&t clllcll of • pua !tom play lhot Cout <flarle•baclt How· a-. and Ro Luak: MN. der Ald Deed or Truol, wD1 ..V ot Public Jn and for oald eomrty ~ 8mfth. Tbe drift went ~yards In. ard Miller WM counting '\>• Dona Peggy .10-&nll Mn. B. K. pull~ OUCUon t.q tbe lllgbeot bid.-SW•. _.,al)y appeared Dean •i.t>t plays. Wiicox added tile u be called tile defenai .. ~ WU.OO; LL Col. and Hrz. W. Hous-ler for taa11. lawlltl moriey of the C. Brodford. '"''""" to -to be t'Jtlr& point, trom Jbe . .,.. quutetback &lot. ton., !:rnltod 8tatff o( Amulca,,a De-Ibo -f. . .-.. Joo\lon, S. A.. ~ .1olul Bladt pined :U yards Jn onroU . wlnn.,.. Jn the pm< ',..,.lier 1. 111111, •t the -<.r ....._. to lZ)",to•~ tile -....,. DON K. BUTI'S Llc. General ContrsCtar Residential--O>=rcW Remodeling Pbono Beacon 64()(1..W l'ltfo FISHER Drafting Service: HI Cout .HIJ!lw&J', Hatbor MO ~ deJ Kar · • eo.ch BW Coolto club...,. iw.-' .. -~--lw'o llloJ'sd om _ _,, __ It •ie ... n ~·clodc &. m.·of -dq. cit the ·~ tliat -od rlPl baclt to :.e.-to -• llllTor -17 -·II 1VdO. aDtd -were Mn. JilJ II B•'"'· •t the Boutll" l'ront door o1 ~ t11e --t. 'gs I • to Doi Brom.U Jn pt..s a ~ ---ol ....i\lft. 'l'lloi -.ll(n: Robert --; lllr. """ >range Coaatl Court Howe)n the me to be the --exeeut-Painting and --In-... Dem ~-Plntai j>iclled up 110 yards In lln. ll'red RouiintDe l1ine" w!U.. :)lty ot --Ana, Collfomla .ii od the -~ ... - .._ -,... -Gt 1udo to tile -1Uea -plDa of at -that Mn. c. i:. ll'Yln 1111d ¥ro. Cbar... ,, Ibo ..._. -nyec1 to 1t b7 9r t11e OcqoratloD u.eni.. ·-· • Paperhangipg c..ut 119 wbere loo -~ bl', """'!.I',.. • .,.. nllllltled .....,,'!!'" Boo.rdmall; Jin. Amold 0 ·rt• -l>Md o1 Tna 1n ud to .ii ODii. ~'° • tllat.~ GllO. BURKHARDT tbeoaiYmultftbet•nBU.-ti' -· r . -....,.. up and A.,.q ......,, Mn.~ -.coilt&m ,.~7 oltU&tad .• o..,. ti.~ ... ..._ • IDl··u.tBt.,N-rt- • ....... tie ~r-'111111 ... Ana wWl & -.,....S Wblcll loo -1-hrt and lln.i'oCU ~Mntioft; Ibo Ql;J .Of .~ ......... B•dl. bz.. wrnlm my-aizit ol!lcl&i e-~ win. h"1 . 'I'1ilt 1--Ibo ,._ a-.<\"· Ji011or railed lln. --0.....,, -lift. -O&lat)' ~ t'" ~ wL · . ~ Har-Hl(l..W """'* .. ..,. *and..,.... ill • llnl • tor ••otal &&IM <m um too •• ...,_ --·· a.-: ' • · . ! 1n•1,; VIOuri'~. • L 'm. or.aw'*' P. .. ...., U.. a .,_ • ., lrtod ,& ,_ to -••. -ID mt-.. la 'l'lloi ....., wtD -Ill -Lat .17, ....., HO, l'lhw • Jfobir7.,_ ta -·ror 1 ____ ......_ _ _, ____ _ :n-.. -----~~-J-. .. mD·~·-·--.. Pl ?Sq ......... ,)£ ..... or b ~. .... .. .... 01 ...... ...... • , -~ -maw . __ ... ._., --fllir ... U •• -m-• nt ·~---............. __ mimmmm.,.mmmmmmmmoll ·>:., .. llzo_. __ •• --• llf7••"JC".11ztf:IOp.a. ., ---la ~---. .._...x .... U...-11,1111. • • • • I -• • 1 • I I J • - • ... ' ·.....----·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~·~·~-~-~·-·----~----·:-·-::··-:------::-;;·7_,-::----------; .. ------.. -----' I ---------------=-::- • • • • ' , , ' • , • • TUESDAY, NOV. 13, ·1951 NIWPOR.T , IA.I I04 NEWS-TIMES PA6E .°7 • 1 _n __ u_oa __ ..,_1ao __ ld_Gooc1s _____ 1 ~JSm'W-~ ~~~~~•!!::·~·~'~r..ta~~L...__::.:..__1 a~~Bea1~~1!lla~~~~~ ..... l••~~~·~-'1!!t~.~~~.~~~ .......... ~~ .......... -~~~!!!!'!i!!! a • gSemc- PAINTING EARL s~. 11'71 -lft.. Ollta ... -tltllt•ll Hd UtiUUOR -WWWOR PAINTING UCllNUD -INllUlmD Glenn Johnston • n.& st. Newport Beaell Harbor 2297.J 3te48 & y · House Movers General Contractors 860 Flnit St., Tustin, Calif. Phone Klmberly 3-1885 (H ome Phone. J.Asper 9-2773 or JA.lper 9-2887) 9Itfc H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Malnt&ined Phone: Harbor 1418-W 1 Balboa.Blvd., Newport Beach 14-Per90oala Alcoholics Anonymous Write P . 0 . Box 21m --laland. Calif. Pbo.oe Kimberly 3--5393 Superfluous Hair Permanent ly removed from race, arms, legs. Eyebrows and hair- line shaped-No more tweezing. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. Tuesday and Thursday only Lido's Salon of Beauty Har. 2576 22-Lost and Found FOUND-Large while cat. 100 . Via Palermo. Lido Isle. Harbor 1369-J. 95c97 LOST -Green hunting jacket be- l!ENDJX WASHER -It'• tl>at lateat 11161 tl>at hU all ~ lateat fe&I¥"" -Acltator tl>al gets clottie. cleaner -Water aaVe.r that makee It wuh cbe&~ er Th man I bousbt lt from . e will deliVel! ft tor you ll you pay me ca.h, Jl8t.39 or take pay· menta of $9.88 per mo. You can have all my equity FREPl. See Mr. Baughn, 4()( So. Spo4ra, FW· lerton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. PtUlM • 211!2. 92!1• MAHOGANY bdrm: oet, walnut -dlninc eet, tt•e chaln. nev1 tur coat.. 313 . 36th SL, Newport Buch. 9lp98 8-P I ll:C E Dlnln&' aeL ~piece chr0me dinette. 9xl2 rug and pad. 504 FUilerton. Newport Heigh ta 99p91 OVERSTUFFED DAVBNO and chair; red >Chrome kitchen table and 2 chairs, mahog-any ltquor cabinet. Pbone Harbor 3682-J. 95<97 LAWN SWING with innerspring cuahlon·. Excellent condition. $26. 2°'2 Cliff Drive, Newport Height. 95p97 G. E . 8 ft. refrlg., $100; ele<:. stove, like new (pd. 1.:125 ) sell $100: ·expensive modern blonde 8-pc: dining set $135. 1711 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Har. 0306. 96c.98 BECAUSE OF DEATH -MUST SELL Parsons unit, incl. 4 burn- er gas stove & oven. monly sink. elec. refrig.-Drawers .. cupboards S400. 8 ft. Electro- tux. bookcase, folding b eds, chairS, elec. heater. Elec. mo- tors. pipe connections, rope - lots more. 11.trs. Kimbrell, mu- nicipal Trailer Park. 97p99 33-Boabl, Supplies . 40-FT. COAfMERCIAL 8pt. fi•her . Reg . for 20 pa.saengers. New Chrysler Crown motor in Aug. Also S-S-radio. Sips. 2. Built 1942, r ebuilt 1948. Can · be bought on term~. $6600. See Bob E nsign, South Coast Co. Newport Beach Ph. Har. 2600 91tfc TRAil.J:R PARK, In co.ta -- lnclud.. ---op.rtment, cabin and ._ for -trail: .... Attractive 1100 mo. plUI p.rcontage. a s. OOodner, 114 % W. 4th BL, Sallta Ana. XI. 2-su&.. '96c:9'I .Modern Offices auitable fo:r. 'a doctor, den· Utt, accountant or inllllr- ance, etc. Ott 8µ-eet Parking Priced Right to desirable tenanta . Balboa Palms Blda'. 900 W. Balboa . Blvd., BaJIMia One block Welt of Newport Harbor Yacht Club Phone Harbor 3484 FOR· RENT-Small store• ln new businMI center. Will front to •ult. Lot• or parklng. U95 Newport Blvd. Sat. and Sun. 8 a . m.-!S . 89tfc STORE SPACE, hichway front- age. Corona del Mar. Will make Good deal to right party. Ph. Harbor 3266. 97c99 RENTAL i SPECIALISTS Call Edna er.ii Linwood Vick. Rltor. B&lbOa laland. Har. 2ot2 · 32~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Newly decorated 3 bedroom unrurn. house, carpeted bedroom. Stove and rerrlg. available, $90 mo. Phone Beacon 7026-W. 9.5c97 FOR RENT -2 bdrm. homf'. fumi.shed or unfltrnlshed, In Clift Haven. Near high and jun· ior high schools. Har. 1264. 96<97 NEW 2 room rum. apt. Include• kitchen. Twin Hollywood beds Strictly private, $50 ~mo. UtU. pd. Garage optional. 721 P oppy Ave .. Corona del Mar. 95c97 COSi:t4 .lQlSA Owner reAv!Jlc, pciolclfor quiCk> eale, good 2 bdrm. atuceo bomei dlnlq.~ ftl'. fllrnace, tile kitchen and hath! prage. Larp lath< holme, llMk yard fenoecl, 8&lldy llOll: I.Ota of' fruit; lh111bo and flow- eN OI\ one of hMt Eut Side ltreetlo with an addl- tl01tal Ii() ft. levet lot, only $8950. Can be purchased wlttiout lot. . . OWNER Wiu. SACRIFICF:. 2 bedroom home, 2 hatho, S yrs. old. Extra aleeplng rm. Only. $6850. . . • 10 acres lnd.ootrial property, cloee In. Ahlo See Ua For Good Bl.vd. Frontage. C. GALEN DENISON. Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 "Just Like in a Home Magazine" P.ERFECT for a. couple -Thia l bdnn. home (almost new) Is the ranch type with redwpod fenced pa,tlo and garden. Excellent location. Submit term&. $7996. Outstanding Newport Heights Value Lovely new 3 bdrm. home. Fireplace, hwd. floors. Many closets _and built-ins. Fineat workmanship throughout. Full price, $12,2&0. 13200 down. A batgain ! BEACON HII,L REALTY 488 Nt'W}>Ort Blvd. (above Arc hes) B. 5713-R (eve.a. B. 5632-Wl 48.-Aparlmenta _an!\, Bo~. FURN•HE.D 1 bdrm. apt., 1 child O.K., $47.50 wipter, S60 yearly lncJud. utll. Ph. Harbor 1264. 9!5<97 3913 S.EASHORE, Newport Beach, 3 bedroom, 2 bath ocean front turnl11hed, month to monlh..__~nt­ al, $80 per mo. Ph. Har. 34~-W 92p97 BALBOA Modern 2 bedroom n icely rumlahed apt. $65 mo., yearly. Utll. pd. Phone Hiubor 2791-J. 83t.fc BALBOA PENINSULA-2 Apta .. Good Joe., one dble., $42.50 mo. One single. $32.50 mo. Util. pd. Refrlg. Call 310 la18l"ld Ave., Ph. Har. 1839-J. 95p97 WE HAVE IT You've a.sked for a BAY- FRONT home on L I D 0 ISLE at a price you could afford. Look at th~. . ' Sacrifice Th.ii la a d~t.e cue. Owner'• are forced totKU th1a G. L fte.. aale t.hljl wHIL Rera'a Mt oppos-,. tunt.ty I• ~ton or tnw. tan. It ta s . bdpnL, only 1 ~ yra. -floort •• w. kJ~h­ en and b&Ut. prb&ge dlapoeal, _._ N..,-. lil&'I\ sch"!'!. ThJO property ~ be handled for u low u $800 do#n. Payments on G. I. Loan ""' -Only $66, tnclud- in& ~~ A , tuurance. Broadway Special Two-atory houae. a-In. Only 5 yr,. old. 2 bdttna., b&tb ant! % S..Utltul carpeta In living' and bdrm. Dream kite.hen and lot.a ot cupboard apace. Houae ls lm- macuJate. 2-ear garage. Covered patio, bar-b·Q. Sprinkling sys- tem. ni11 price only- $9750 Back Bay - 3 Acres On a corner with 366 ft. frontage a.nd 300 feet net lo depth. Will make 8 or 9 beautiful Iota. The full price is only- l866 $5350 . Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Beacon 7123 Mesa ( Acf068 from Costa Eve.a. Ha. 31!S7·W Mesa Bank) Bea. 5458-J TWO ;New Homes Three bdrm.-2 balhs-overslud 2-car altached gerage. Goceted on tree-lined gentle sloping cor- ner lot. THIS Has Income Two bdrn1. home with spacious 2 bdrm. apt. over 2-car gar&gE> with view of ocean. tween R uby A've. and ~tarine FISHING BOAT -22 ft., lap Ave., Balboa Island, Sat. Nov.: stra.ke. Model A conve rsion with Collins Island THE TRAVELERS' Motel Apll.- offers lovely 3-rm. furn. apt., and gar. Special week or month- ly rates. 2210 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. B. 5099-W. 9X97 On the NORTH BA YFRONT In Ideal location a 3 bedroom. 2 bath home that aJ90 hu maid'• room, 2 dreuing &: s h o w er rooms. unit heat, 2 sun deeks, circular breakfast. bar IUld JX>8· slbililles galore. Imagine all this and completely furnished at only $38,500. This ts rock bottom so no offers aa at thta price It I• a steal BOTH HOMES ARE RANCH STYLE with tUe bathS': garbage dispoaals, large enclosed patios, overei.zed paneled fireplaces, decorator colors and wall pa· 1 pers. Separate laundry rooms. 3rd. R eward. Ph. Har. 3295-J. Osco transmission. Need.!1 lots W est end or Park Ave .. BaJboa Isl&{ld. 3 rm . cott.atte apta., weekly or monthly rates.. Call Harbor 2962-W. 95p97 of work but ha .. _€ood hull. $38.'5 -----------or best offer. Phone Harbor LOST -Medium slze grey dog, 2351, Glenn. 96c98 answers to name or "Pancho." CORONA DEL MAR, Lovely Apt. $66 furnished, yearly, water in- c luded, garage. W4 or !Sl411' Narcissus, C. D. M. 97p99 Mixed alredale. Reward. Phone Beacon 5638-R. 95c97 Results come from constant Practice! An ad regularly in thl• paper will produce result.a tor you. FuRNJSHED l bedroom cottage. 500 -502 Poinsettia Corona de! Mar Phone Owner, Harbor 152J-J LOST-Large White female cat, Persian. P I e a .e: e phone Mrs. Logan, Lido Trailer Court. Har. ~S:!C=M~0~1~'cal~?._• ~Blld~~lo!!!,.. ___ _ 27151-Reward. HAMMOND ORGANS! The great Newly decorated. Adulta onl y. ~5 m onth yearly rental. Utlll· ties Included. Can see Sunday. 310 • 34th st., Ne.wport. 95c97 LI.DO BAY PR.ONT ~deluxe turn- Uihedl 2 bdMl. ground noor apL Fireplace. Dt.l'polal. Encloeed paUo. Pier and doclt adjacent. Rent reasona.ble to June 15th. Phone Harbor 2690. 96c9 BALBOA-Winter rates $30 · $40 mo. Incl. util. Singles and doubles. Se"el retrll'. Clea.a\. Good bed& 306\io Main St .. Bal- boa. Harbor 3160-W. ' 88lfc Aleo on LIDO ISLE near lhe Clubhouse a very clever 3 bod- room, 3 bath home on nice cOr- ner lot. Thia home hu many desirable reaturu, one bet n g hardwood 'floorL Cannot be duplicated at low pr I c e of ONLY $18.000-1\urry on this. or see your broker. 96<97 EXPERT WASHING and Ironing. Mr-3. Fulton. Bring to 1822 Vl1e1le Place. Newport Beach. Harbor 12157-V. ,97p3 EXPERIENCED MCYfRER will care for your child In my home, days. Reuonable. 142-47th St .. Newport Beach. 95p97 LADY WAl"o""TS general housework Mr21. Harry Bowen, 7~ W . 18th St., Costa Mesa, Phone Beacon 5219-W. 95p97 WIU.. cook dinner, serve, wuh dishes , l&rge or small partJes. $1.25 per hout. M'°". Halstead, P . 0 . Box 2346., Laguna Beach. 96<97 WOULD like steady J>C!8il1on qping housework. Have experience Ir. refer ences. L. Witt, 117 W. 28th St .. Newport Bch. 95p97 29-Help Wanted EXPERIENCED: power machine operators. Phone Harbor 3545. for appointment . 88c99 HA VE OPENING. for experienced salesman or broker in a ct ive real estate orrlce. 916 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor 2443. 96c98 ATTRACTIVE \VOMAN 25 -M , Capable of meeting public $46 - SM---6 day week. Call Beacon 6920-W after 5:00 p. m . tor in- terview. 97p99 TO BE MOVED .Almost new bldg. suit.able for re- tHshment st.and, office or coul\i be converted to small dw~g. Abo relt rooms. Good elec. re-. frtgerator It ca.sh register. Play Harbor, Cout Blway near Bay· shore Bridce. Make offer. See Sundiy, 2 to 4 p.m. or Phone Harbor 1354 tor app't. 95c97 Hammond Chord organ. lf you don't know a note you can play th1I ! The Hammond Splnet Or- gan. World' a · moet beautlf\11 tones. Eaay terms. D A N Z- SCHMIDT Piano &: Organ Co., Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln, cor. 6th Street. GET THE TOP DOLLAR for your old piano. Trade it l.n for it. tu.U cub value on a Packard · Bell television at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), .f.21 No. Syca.- more, Santa Ana. KI. 2-b672. ALBOA ISLAND-Furn. &pt ., 2 lge. bedrooms. Ftrepl&ce. Excel- lent view or No. Bay. $75. m o. to June 15th. Ph. Harbor M2-M. 96<97 BALBOA PENINSULA -At· tractlvely turnillbed 2 bdrm. du· plex with aundeck. Winter or yearly. Reuonable. Har. 3019-R 83ttc VERY SELDOM 44-Rooms for Bent PERMANENT 'or weekly rental- Sleeplng room, priv. entrance. garage, $10 wk. BLUE ToP. (juat above lhe Arches), 401 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. 91tfc LARGE FURNISHED ROOM - Twin be-els until June 1. $8 per week. 1129 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 9!5<97 OCEAN FRONT -l or 2 bed- rooms with private bi.th, nicely furnished In beautiful home - Pleasant surroundings. Good neighborhood. Kitchen facilities if required. Reaeonable winter rate. Address l 7CM W. Oceaii ALSO Some choice Iot•.for sale on LIDO ISLE. Several watrtront Iota for Income units u well as cross street Iota at price.a well under the market. We are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO IBLE. Here you can aee only EX- CLUSIVE ll•tlnp. Here a little BUYS a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPOR'.Al'ED 3333 Via L!.:lo N rwport Beach, Calif. Harbor lMO • Coron.a del Mar $100<l ooWN buys a cute 2 bdrm. home in nice location. Balance like rent. Move right In. Full price $9,950. NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath home-- NEWPORT HEIGHTS w I t h VIEW. Xlnt. location . $3,000 down, balance like rent. Full prica $13,7~. HURRY on thl.11 one! TOM PAYNE, Rltr. 310 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar Pljone Harbor. 2774 GRAND PIANO SALE! Baby Grands from $49:i. Beautttul Sohmer P&rlor Grand, $895. Othere atr 1585, $8T5 up. Wur- litzer, Chick;erlng, Kimbal, Starr etc. DANZ-SCHMIDT Blg ·Piano Store, Santa Ana, GZO No. Main, comer 6th St. Buy NOW tor Xm.u! do we have a vacancy ln the LIDO APTS. on LIDO IBLE. Fumlah- ed apartment on the Bayfront. Ideal for a couple. Mu.it be con- genial. Ask tor Mr. , Grohman. Front, Newport Beach.· Phone ------------- NEWPORT HEIGHTS-2 Bedrm. hdwd. floors, furnace, frpl. 27 n. liv. rm., dining area. Dtah- ·wasber, tile kitchen & be.th. ·st8.t1 shower .• 2 car garage, cov- ered patio. Enclosed landacaped yard. ~22 Gatalina Ave., Bea. ~248-J. -P.A. PALMER ,lfarbor 2999-J. 97p ~Money Wanted $10 WILL HOLD any PIANO for Christma. delivery. DANZ- SCHMJDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, 6th St., corner, 520 No. Main. 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FROM! lNCORPOlt.A TED 3333 Via L~do, Newport Beach Harbor 1000 1 ... !t ........ ~""'"'".;,...;;;and~&.rd=;;:._.-~~ Trust Deeds for Sale COMFORTABLE room and board B & Be h 91lfc for lady peMloner. LU:enoed m:J' YIELD 8% to 10'1o 1t·MORE' ay ac born Pho n--"PLACE YOUR PROCE&:DS BARGAINS UNFURNISHED 1 bdrm. bouae, Coeta Me.sa._ f48.!50 mo., util pcL e. ne ...-.~ 5843. IN GOOD TRUST Dlilll:DS" ~ Mesa. t.:kl81' ~ . • SPINET PIANO. Repoaseued. Llke new! Pay out balance SS97. Subject to prior sale. DAN Z. SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. An- other at $478. Rent.al retum at $496, perfe<:t! Lot. or other BIG BARGAINS. 100 pianos from which to chooae. 520 No. Main, 6th St., corner. Santa Ana. SPECIAL BUY -Full 120 bue accordion. Regular $27~ value, for $189.95. ~ Included, tenruo. $18.95 down. 110.78 per mo. at SHAFER'S' MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) Ul No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl, 2-0872. -ALSO houae trailer, $27.M mo. ~htomoblles, ~ 1741 Pomona. Costa Mesa. BeL l --..c....;..;.o..;;;==~=='--- 87-47-J . 93tfc 19~1 BUICK Riviera Super Coupe. ---.,.---------1 Dynanow, radio, heater, apot- BAY FR.ONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. light, windallleld waahera, Good- 2 bath apt. Fireplace, good beat, year dbl E&gle whJte wall• Jwtth . $1~ mo Ul June l~th. llteguard tubes. Ortgin&l owner. ALSO 1 bdrm. baytront, '7:5 · mo. Perfect condition. Barbor 21187. to June 16th. Phone H&r. 2562 t2c9I or Harbor 291•-M eve.s. 77ttc t"1IIAllL Y -Bl<ceptlonally nice. .Untum. 2 bdrm. duplex. Many eX.tra feature& Near both ocbools. Reuonable. 2285 ClaY. SL, Cliff ea...... 83tfc '51 FORD Conv., seatoam green 4 tan, tully equipped, been lea than 3000 miles. $300 discount. Owner. Lou Bla.ckbum, 2880 Terry Rd., Laguna Beach. 90p97 GOOD PRAfTICE PIANOS, $59, --Opportunlty la, lmoclclq tn 175. $87 up. Pay $5 per month. CLA.88IJJ"lED ADS. ':>O CADILLAC convertible., 194:7 CHRYSLER Tuwn 6 Country- Make offer-Phone Har. 2387-W 95dl7 "For the Best Deal" Full lJ'ade..i'n. allowed on new BALBOA l8LANt> -Attractive within two-yeua. 'DANZ-bachelor apt. near So. Bay.' Util SCHJiUDl' 'Big Plano Stott, pe.ld. G._ $75 mo . .-yearly Sallta Ana, 520 No. Main, 8th •~ .~-•---~--ho SL n.. f "---or _. mo, ...., ....... ~. ~u.. ..,... r on a new Chrysler or Plymouth . • com.~. guy now or -.......-. 1671. 79tlc or a ftne Wied car RENT A PU.No. u.1 the Kiddlea See Dick Ward· learn. SIS ""' mo. Pllll term Balboa Island ;HARVEY SOMll:RB,. INC. ren~ &llowed on any plano in our. We bave eevenJ auracuve apt.a. 2491 Cout Htway, Newport Deb. Every toen uue tnoured. Exclusive $3,381-lst T. D. pay• UO mo. 6tfr., a.JI due. 1QM. , 1. Small waterfront home. Pier, $3,665-lst T. D. pays S.f.O mo. slip, patio. Lie. Uv. rm., $15,500. 6cµ., $350 dlsoount. 2. Balboa 0Pen1Mul& home. Two $3,875-lst T. ,D. pays $t0 mo. bdrm.1.; gOOd heat, fireplace. 8 %. UM dlaoount. Nicely turnlabed. $13.000. $6,080-lst T. D. paya $80 mo. 7% 3. Ocean Front on 1 % JoU. Four $9,686-lst T. D. pay• 1100 mo. 8% bdfms. and small a.pt. FU.rnl8h- $3.300-2nd T . D. pays $33 mo. ed. $18,!500. 8 <;>. ~ discount. Ba"y & Beach Realty Free collection servl« . BOB SATTLER, 1415 Coaal Blvd. 1 .. ~ Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ute Ins. Funda KI 3-6185 M-Money to Loaa LOANS TO BUILD, lllPROVll. BUY, MODICRNizm, OR I lll:FlNANCJ: We 11111 Tnlot ~ NllWPORT 11,u JIQA ll'llD-.U. llAVING8 6 LO.Of A.MN. 11333 Via Lido PL Bar •• ~ Modern redwood and glass Two bdrm. and servant's quarters. Fla.pt.one and wood fioora. Two Ye&hl old. In grove of tlreea. Beauutul View of the weatern l\illa -. in eacluaiv\? aectlbn -2 m tlea from ocean ln quiet sur- roundings. $25,000. Good terma. 1987 Irvine Ave.. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W · 59dl9 Very seldom do you have the OPPORTl;JNITY to aecure "' l\o~~ on the ocean aide of highway, Corona del ~" 1!'$R THE$E PRICES : One ~. on.rear of R.-2 lot, car. port :_ ........ $6500 Oqe ~ l'OODl to, hl!ild in front ._ ... : .......... __ $6()00 $3500 down. Easy montJi!y payments on new 2 bdrm. home. dble. gar. Price ........ -......... $12,500 ED L. SEDEI;.MiEIER, Realtol' 1523 Cout Blvd, Corona de! Mar Harbor 2766· Newport Heights OCEAN VIEW Tlm!e bdrm. well constructed home. Hwd. firs., 2 fumaces. garbage disposal. 2 baths, stall shower. You should see it before you buy. ONLY $2750 dn. Full Price $13, 750 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Ph. Harbor 2042 MR. INVESTOR : If you are interested in investing in a good sound income property in the Harbor area. drop in and let us tell you about a building which should appeal to any conservative investor. ' . EVERETT MORRIS, Realtor 408 East Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Harbor 3265 93ctl5 BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT WELL BUILT and well located 4 bdrm. and maid's room home plus 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of South Bay.· Private pier and float. Good double garage. Full price completely furnished. $47,500, terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 Two Beautiful Lots On 15th street, Orange Ave., just east of among good homes, each 80 x 127 feet with paved 20 ft. alley. Close to everything and price is <ight. _ Beek li'erry Office Call Hllrbor 63 ' PHONll: Harbor I816 to place your want ad on thla paca. NEW 1 BDRM. HOM£. grey stucco nn.tah, $3975. 39:1i Vic.. tori& St. (near College A..ve.), Co!:la Mesa.· Ph. Bea. MQl...ll. 78tfc Xtra Special Values ~ WATERFRONT -Exclusivt1 Bal-boa Coves. thia beautiful home Is truly distinctive.. Spacloua:- livinC' mi. uid 'd.ln. rm. Roomy kitchen. Two frpl.. 3 bath&. 2 lge. bdrms. Immenae dormitory upstairs-would ea.ally convert DUPLEX, pier and float near "Shopping and bus line. Ex- cellent condition. Brick patio, fireplace. New modem kitchen. Euily converted to large home. P r I c e $18,850, unfurnishe4. 'f erms. New Lido Listing If you are looking for a reUon.- ably pricyd home on Lido Isle, • SEil THlSf 2 bdrm•., walled patio, JJvlng, rm. hu beamed celling and comer fJreplace. Lota of tile in kitchen and b&th.. Glau enclosed ,tub. Attractive modern colors • and papen. Will coneider &8 low as $4500' dn. Excluaive listing- Stock, Chicken Ran.ch 20 acres, 12 acres pennanent pa.s- ture. 3 hoU.le8, barn, stables, completely irrigated. Abundant cheap water. Equ.Jpment ·for 15,000 chickem. Price, $40,000. Terms, trade. GRB&NLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REA.LTOR 3112 Newport' Blvd .. Harbor 2552 BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm. hoUBe un- furnished, $2995 full price. 389 W . Vtclyria, Costa Mesa. Ph.one Beacon :;eoe-M. 92tfc Corona del. Mar TWO BDRM. HOME, newly deco- rated, 2-car garage on R-2 lot. Pay ·Ol'fLY $2500 CASH and bl.lance like rent. Total price ONLY, U0.!500 .. 1'h1I ts a G. I . Resale! W. E. Fisher into 2 ·comfortable . bedroom.. Hdwct. noors. BBQ. Arran.,e- ment already made for new boat sllp. Thi• property la a "must" .on your list! Priced at only $36,000, with very, VKY 918 good terms. I Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith Realtor -A.Mociate Coast Blvd., Corona del Mat Phone Harbor 2U3 ~-----------~ DUPLEX.:....Modern and atractlve. Balboa Lsland Each unit baa Uv. rm. bed.rm.. kitchen A: bath. Extra ruest. rm. A bath edjolM prap. Would You Like Something But Bat-Blvd. 1oeauon i.e-That Will Pay For Itself? tween bay 6 ocean. F.um1 Good terms available. price $17 ,!500. ARE YOU HANDY at pain '6 fbdn' ? 'nils older 3 B. home wi.th: attached S rm. apt. la " rlcht up your alleyJ 0 n I~ about 100 ft. from good bathlnC beach. Beaut.ltul ·b&v vMW' from . A 3 bdrm~ 2 bath. house with dble. garage and bachelor apt. $15, 750. or A Cute 2 bdrm. House, gar- age. llO, 7llO. Sl-Waated·to Buy._ __ _ 11toC1<. DANZ.SCHllIDT Bllf alljl -· for wfntor rental Phone Baaeon 8615 P!UO s"""', 520 No. --·at '45 mo. and .. tow 83p6 LOANS.·tor'Homes WANT TO BUY. Plng Pong table. Siht& An&. ,.orly Nnlala atartln& at $45. 1. 5%-yr. ~. Coll Boacon 5577-W. 116o97 0000' !!! SEDAN llEAUTD'UL BLONDE -Nelda Gibeon, Rltr. "" -Oooc1 uan__. coNBTRUCTJON LOANa op!Jlel pian'I> like new. llAVll lot lll&rtne, ""I-14 ea.. 502 talion, good Urw. '1l51 Pliftte at 5-11%~ "{H . ,....,. S1JB on thla, con .... i.nt t--. " , lltfc party. l.quQ& ~-' WE BUT .U'ID U:U, porch. ·Jl'uml.lbod s11,-· Nelda Gibson,.~ltt. BEACH C<Yl"I' AG•' -4 lot :,, 308 llariM, Ba1-l.d. Har, &ot mod Ye&3 i.tt tn the ·ol!l -1 . 92cH FOR 8ALlll BY OWNll:R-l'Um· l.lhed d\lplei<, 3-ear prap. ear- ner lot overlookl:nl' bay. 8t:J W. 11&7 ...,,.., 8'1-(cpurliOoy to brolgn). Har. 2K6-R, c:Reot-vl!" 1.-. ,,.,., < 2 .bdr7n-apt. DOWN UjS ~ al?l-UP. CA9 &loo be uaed u .,., .. ••,locliltoa. Price fllOC). • at -SBAFll:lt'B .l(Ul!IC 00. roa 8ALlll OR TRADIC-" -TRUllT 1>9-.. O"Kll:D'lC ., llBRR1"l"r range. <-1807). 421'1'o: a---. .. WK. °" • -1e• .......,1y Tate. ·--•-let -··· ·-·-~ W··• au -~ r<T ~'U -'VEN Balboa ·n..:-•tv rt~ Ito th latat 11161 CP -all-a to-8Uta Alla. J[J. s.dltt •• ~u ••• ~~ ~ -• lil6 OOAM' -.-. .._,~ ~ Pon. • · -' .r V'..'• e 'I -. . .I --fllr1L lljll. ... ......,. rm.. .....U -t and motor. W. Ir.. ~-~· .. _ • _;:_u· • ' -Onelq "'"'11t· W- ?lllltlc tl>al baa e...,.UW.c ~ .., -'*' plQ )'U'<I tilr ...-. 15th, ~ .... after I p.m. ~--~ w .ll'fT..J ·LOri:GY 2-lft'91lY IfOMS; -upm McA-• Griddle rot ftJlq ...,uitnli-'l'SLBVUllONI TrMe -old -UtlL pol Tllo. .lit.OJ: Btt"Oli" 111~W. -Rep. l!OJIUD _, ... _ 00. -...... a ---. -t:=~ =.: ;"!..,~ ~ '~aDc°"' J,-:-~ TOP, 401.1"'wpwt Jatd. mt• '5l ~ all ~ __ j_. ~ llotn> Lite<1'o, S1m11a ID WI• -; ... ••-• la,ce -!IL Bo-Bl1ll. -· ll{n . "'tll~ l>AJtS.8CIDID>T ....,_.......... _ r.-a --'irrot&M ~cor.a•r-trrAJI: or __ -·-0-1..1- lt'o c1-. like """'· l '"" U•J!Oa PSIUMllUl.6 -llllrn-Uftl7 lnldl like --·'"'1t .llllr. ~ l·hd: 1• ilOlt"t' 1>91 •• Y. CA''o..70DAY &aUI: ca~·~--~·- •1S1.8'f . .ICY"-"" all n.a 1r 5'0 __. ...-. --tt11 at.. -1111s1e -..,... • -116 - -..;..--, i-t-5 ·µ--~"'-"=~----'---- - -ta --.... '-· Udo 1'llo. -a )"Oii taiie. pa-to ot fT.U per -AA&. , • -to Jme J11-. ....,..IN. Dee for '1480-WW tMe _. . , • • • llDr u ad ta Go ...., 0 X a. 11. T. V. 1-.,..l. patio mo •·• --.. _._ -.... , , .. ~~-tlUI. ~• ~ ~ • ,,.__.,_,lit'__ ~-" ~.~ ~·-.!. ·---•'UMaf,Go . _ 111111 --'II -~• · --..-. ~· ,, •-~ pteu·1PNt'W: ~·•?..,,. .£..l"a1&911'" ~.~~ --~ . ·" ._ --5-="~ r;.--_ •_ • .....: :,,: ~_.•,a•-=• • .....:. . . · n. 1111-w. -. .._ q .., w111 ~,, .. , t: · . ;p ........ y, --a· ·:. .. -...-~9-:.,!'.~~,::.-r..:::=· . .,..,;~ >ii• -Ml\ ...... --.... lllmPDo'U OU'1'. Jl1JP'l' -J·I !IL NIDO .,. !2~ . -~ A"':'•-.,,.,, --• ...,.._ . . ti.-..._ ........ I. ,_.. -a P1" -• ,. ... ~ •• • -:a._ --'>•Ir• u' •• - --2~ . ' 1MCU1•1.~ • • 1.fij;jjiiiiiil•;;;;;-;i;~~;;; er~=•• :utl•" -J9a;9;, --.,,.:-.a. h iHl -..>nw, -........ tuft 0111a .._ DE ' . _,,__ CAM •,HI• !OIMJ Ill IDDl!b --.-. 1!11 .... ........ 8111• •1'4 1Te9 X-. B•mm:a 111'1-B. IT•.••• R11'Wll 111,·W. .,,...., Cl.II ~all·W. .,... T1ldm "Jfwpwt81a-.<*lr.. '1118..WWMI ,.. ................... : 1 J . ' • • __ ._,_..__. , , .• . . . . Newport I N THE VERY BEGINNING they ca lled it "&Isa de Quigara," which is a pretty name that means "Ba y With the I-ligh BankS." The name ,\Vas changed, not be- cause the area's banking institutions are mainly housed in one-story build· ings, but beCause of other and varied reasons none of "·hich are important. Right now name changes are still under discussion. The most apt pro- posals will be submitted to the local electorate soon. Old Spanish maps label the New· port·Balboaland "Bol"' de San Joaquin." -' Balboa • , • • A PLACE TO Li!E-YES! ~UT M~I • Ill~ -uoecl .. hd *~--In I892.a touibeu•ly 11on11 blew iii .,,.!'~heel the per. Some 600 feel of "it W.. ~ Ol!t. With it went tluee Bat can.. . . . ~ .. As the late Robert Ripley may or may not have noml, one of the MOOd; en-bed Bat cars washed ashore £our miles west of the pier, modier came in at what is now 23rd sn.ler-and!- on April 15,.1915, the third car which had foundered in t 892, came back SOUTH~N CAUFORNIA'~PLAY PO~T OF THE PACIFIC IS A SPECIAL W/(Y OF LIFE ••• · ' home to the 36th street pier in · sound condition. pueblos of San Dic)(O and Los An- geles, and fared so1nctimcs to the great, djstant port of San Franci!ICD. Iler skipper \Vas the good C..aptai11 Moses Abbott whose son, F. W. Ab- bott, \Vas among the fir~t of the early residents. out in a skiff marking the chaftnel for a ship due in the next day. Their skiff overtu rned. Ortega managed to swi m to safeiy. Ruic drownt."CI . This untoward incident had a far- reaching effect, and hrougl1t about the cstabUshment of the name of the place. a matter already rcfcnc<l to. When a new pier was built on the ocean side-people began referring to · the new landing as the new port. This became capitalized into New Port, and eventually became Newport. As stated, the name is still subject tn change. and among the proposed names we have T ..Maus Rooted· Be-· goniaville·by·th<·Sea. • • lts:·sou1 . 1s boats " • Power boats, too -thposa11.d1 ol them. Below it's Ebert Smltb'1 power-packed croiset EL VO- LENTE. ' ' That ma<lc quit{' a lot of 'it'n!oe hc- cause the bay is a hay (a holsa ) for sure, and it bit in10 rh C' f (ant.'110 San }OOf,fui,,, a property later acquired honestly by the Irvine intcr<.'SIS, rhc l rvinC'S bein~ f.1rmin~ folk \\.·ho k11c•w their onions, and their cattl e. In ' 1868 the heirs \vho inhcrite<l Raticlio SaPCta Ana dC'l·i<lt--d It• <livi<lc the land into i1l<Ji\'idual holdinjr.tS-- not of equal !>ile but or equal value. The mishap pointed up the dangt'r anti difficulty inherent in the nature c>f 1ke harhor, an<l it \\'as dcridc._"<:I 10 build a pier out on tl1c ocean sidt', virJually to abandon the h.1y J"Xlrt. Newport"s history is cho..·k full of excitement. \Vith shootings. \\'ith trade in beans. asphalt, eggs and lq;s. Man and the sea have loved and fought forev~r- The bal-k\valcrs of tile l>.1y \\'Crc originally kno\Vll as "Cielll'{!,n 1lc fa.~ Ranas,"-',...rhc S\.\'Jntp of the fr(~s." Nc"·port·Balboa -currently. tcc:h· nically "Nc\'\lptlrt lk·al·h"-has been kno\vn as Port Oran:;.:c. as (~pcl S\vamp. JS ~1l·Fa<llft..·n's Lan<ling ancl as The Swt-elc-.t Spi:'I ,,,; th<.· Fa<:e of the Earth. It \\·as also <1nce t·..1JIN ",1 hothccl ,,f Republicani!!.n1." hut 1h:it's an<1thcr matter. As long a~{1 .1~ I 8(1) 1 he ~rt \\las the gatc\11ay 10 the outer "'Orld fc,r the pc..'Oplc an<l the produl·t~ of the great ranches-San Joat111in an<l Rancl10 Sa111a ''na. The outg.Jing carJ.,,'(K'S \\'c._'rt· 010!->tly hides and tallcl\\1• Important incom- ing cargo "'as lumber. In the 60.s a s1n .1ll si dl'\\1 hccl steamer. Tt-1c VAQl•ERll, made Nt•\11- port-Balboa a rcl.!ular port of call. She would ncgotialc the trcachcr· ous entrance to the lxiy and tic up h> the bank near the \\'t~t t•ncl of the present. high\vay bridge. al·ross the north arm of the h.1rhc.1r. She plied bct\\'een the. cod~tJ.I It was, as they ~I )'. quite a l1a,!>ll', but a division elf the Ian<!:. , .. ·a~ <·f fct.1ed £in.ally. and in flue courM' the individual bcnctiriarit~ ~1l<l 1,fT lyn<I to damyankt.'Cs an<I other t111tl:in<.lt•r:s \\'i tl1 su('h n:amcs as llannin).! a nti Cozad an<l ~kFa<l<lcn. ~rh~ .... :ere cntt·rprising n1en. l "hl'y Wrrricd \veil and they traclt·d \\'ell. Bu!l'iness for the doughty \'f\QlJER() picked up. Other OOat~ Sf)OJ1 t'(llnpt..·tc<l. and the youn~ men <>f tht• l1J.rt.x,r fc111ncl good pic~inj..'S in the pilntut).: of the boats through the ixiy·~ trit..·Ly c._·n - trance. and throuRh its cha nnels. The boats came in \\'ith suppliet. an<l lumber. carried away the hidt•s_ Jaml"S and Robert ~1cl=atldcn. bro- thers, dcciclccf to fence 1heir l.in<.ls. .Tllc\' 1N"Jerccl fcnl·in~ lumber from San .Francisco. By the time it arri\'Cll, · mon ths late.r, the area \\.'as booming and building. The set t lers \.V3ntc<.I \\"oodl·n houses. ancl insistetl l)n l1uyin~ lhl' ~lt·Fa<ldcn fencinj.! for thl'ir lll't"tl!'>. Nc\·er onL'S to turn <lo\\·n a profit . che 1\-lcFaddcn·s found thc1nsclvcs,in the lumber businC!>S. in \\·l1ich thl·y <lid ri~ht \\·ell. as they did in m.iny an cntt'r11risc. Th<.'n Ont' cl.1y t\\'O ·run1 Rule .in<l 1\lil..e pilots nan1t-d Ortc~a \\'ere A pier on the C)(.'Can siclc was fcas- ihl<.· clue to a l·ircumstant·e chat sti ll prc\'ails, but is 11ot fully ~110\\ln to all. The ~M.'aS arc nc:irly al\vay!; cahn 1.,ff' Nc\'lfOrt Beach. 'f"hi s i!<. because the loc;1I co'ast is 1irot<."\:tt'1l tl1rou~h"Jn angle of 53 degrees fJf exposure t11 the rulin,1.? Pal·ific S\\·c lls hy the i~la11ds c1f San Clemente wncl (":atalin.1. fur- rhcrmorc there i~ o suhn1arine ravine t)ff Newport givin);! a '''atcr ,Jepth of 40 fe:ct. at me11:n tide, at a <li~tance of 1200 feet of!_ sl1ore. The circular moti<111 tU \Vater jlilrti· cles in a \'erli<.·al plane, whit·h cc1n - stitutt..-s ·an ocean "'ave, t·xtl'nds far belo\\' the surface!, an<l wh<.·11 in ter- fcrcd \Vitl1 by a s ha llc'"''in~ \"l(Jlto1n, \Va\·t.-,. bt..'1.'omc 'h4gher and ultin1att·ly break. Just as a <lcc:rca:-.ing <lcr>th rai~-s the crt'St-uf a \\'a\·t, Sll a ~u<ltlen dt·epcninK of the "'·atl·r ll·n1..I!<. 1<1 lu\\'l'r it. The point ·is 1ha1 a r;1,·inl' in the OC(·an botto1n parallc._•J to thl' shun.:. and just off shc,re. pr<Xlucc~ J i.:Jlm sea for this bk'SSt'<l area. The µier was,.built for tlic ~1c l:Jd den:-.. by a ~1a~>r ~1Jrncr, in 1887. It ~ piling pt.•nctratt·d 1hc (>Ct'Jll llnor ci~h1 fcc.·t . Its shorelines are boat-studded A rail"•ay of !i.f)flS \\'JS c:<lcn<lt.•ll rrom Santa 1\nJ to tltc cnJ of ~ll·· 1:a<lden 's pier-anti 11roclut·c \\':JS no\\' being shipped out of Orange County. (The roods, you understand, \Vere • iinJX>SSiblc in those da ys-tlurin g mn-st or the washed-out year,) Nineteen miles of calm-water shoreline provide slippage for mil- lions of doUars worth of fine sportscraft. The picture below s hows Evans' Bayshore Landing in the foreground, Richardson's Yacht Landliig left, the Balboa Yacht Club left center, Llttle Island on tJie right, and the bluff• on Corona deJ Mar ID the backgroUDd. The railroad was-well, hors<.'S an<l •' • Its girls are gorgeous ' Its homes are f~r livi 0 t1g . the Newport-Balboa life Big houses ~nd little one.-alI are built" to serve the purpose of funful living. There ""' oceao·froot mansiom aod bayUde castles. Inshore on Lido Jsie and on Baiboli 1.slaod, there "s always a prospect of a pcivate pool There was a time when the r.Wl - rood didn't operate On Sundays bc- cau~ tl1at was the Sabbatl1. And tl1crc \\'as a time when the gambling ancl gu~ling were si mply awful. and played together. Newport-Balboa'• major play Is boats. Below Is a new ooe christened. . Above It's the small fry asaU aboard the Snowbirds. The city \'0100 dry and ·wet alter- nately man)' times. R~ let's be on, stoppinR for hi!otnry onlr .to add that tl1c Southt•rn Pac._·ifi(· bougl1t o ut the Santa Ana-Ne~rt Railroad in '89 and the Paci fi c Elt..'C· tr~ took O\'cr in 19 11 , having already (in 1905 ) t.~ta blislH_.J a trollt')• c<Ar service to tile area. A real estate boom foll,>wed. T l1c area incorporatccl a~ Newport Beacl1 in 1906. The jetty that "'as to create Cali- fl>rnia's finest sports harbor y,•as <.-01n- plctcd in 191 7-and Orange C-Oun ty drc-dKCd the channel in 1919. So much for the hoary pa~t. Let us lunk at !\1agic 1 larbor (;.u1uther of 1hc na111es in the musty rt.-cord!t) ... a!o it ~ta<.·ks up today. Newp:1rt I larbor. CCA!ifornia. has t..'Jrnt'll the title "Play Port of r}:te Pa- <.·ific." It offers an amazing variety of r<.-creational facilitit.'S. -rherc's golf nearby • .ind riding. -rht•rc'~ tennis and a bo\11lin~ ~recn . 13ut booting and dt'Cp-SC:J fishing arc the paramount s1J1•rts. ·rhcre are nineteen miles <1f ~ht>re line in thC shcltere;.'C! harbor. an<I nl<lrt.' l't)n1in)( \vi th the dredging of the h.ic._·k bay, 1 ·hc s,11amp of the Frogs. ''"here onl" of America's most lush estate l'Omn1u rtit ics i~ in the 1nakin~. !\1anv of tl1c communitv·~ hr>mes have tl~eir U\\'O Jliers and y;cl1t !-lir'IS. The houSt.--s range from <1uaint l'(1t - tagcs to majestit· mans.ion~. 1\ll ~hart', in w mnX>n, "a feel " for their ~ur· roundin~. All arc built for the en- joyment of life, T l1c boats, too.' ran&"t.; fru1n b.i~ic to maj<."Stic. -1:.n·c re <Jre thou~n<ls of then1- po"'t'T boa ts, s3ilbnats. The s;.ii lboats vary from Ille !oi lTIJ llc .:Sailfisl1," a paddlcboar(I \Vi th a hroo n1stick mast carrying a fe,,· sc.1uarc ft't't ,,f sail , up through che tither cla~\l..~: the Birds, tl1c Sno\vbirds. the Gulls, S11ipcs and Penguins. 1-hcn c._·onlC the Star boats, and the Alh3- trosscs and so on-tile _Clippers. the hland Clippers, the Rhodes 33"s on<I d<1zcns of others including three of the SC\'t'll existing California 32's. Each class has its devotees. 1-hc lids ~ta rt fn sailing, and caring for their Snoy,·birds at an early age. And a!. 1ht·y gro\\' up, brown ancl healthy and strong, they gro\11 int<> the l.1r~l'r l'lassc~-and a fc\v gradu<itc to the <>"'ncrship of ships that can and so1nc - ti mes do sa i I the seven seas. Thi• page was provided by the Bay Window, monthly publication of the Balboa Bay Club. J ' Its commercial bu)ldings are clean-cut modern · Its politics is non-professional • It 's Ne_wport- Balboa ' . . • • ,. 1 ·11c huilding of the boats is a major local indu~1 rv. J\1an\' l)f the l·ount ry '~ tup n1 :1rinl' a~chitL'Lt~ a11cl hoatbuil<lcr~ Ii\ l' and \\'c>rk here. 1\~icli' fro1n 1hl' ll(1.1t building thcrc i.,n·1 muc._·IJ industry and tl1crc nct"t:in 't Ix·. ·rhis •~ :i pl:.icc to live and 1au~h an<.l lu\·t·-:.in<I play. The con1mcrcial -ti .. hing ncl'I that has Nc\\•port as it~ home harlYlr is so ~mall as to rate as .. . ., JllCl u re~ U('. It's the s1"Xlr l fi sl1in~ th at·s big l1u!-i - nl"'!>s. ~1illions ,,f dollars arc ~pent t)!l bo:its an<I taclll'. and a l1undrt•<I t·h:irt<.'r craft and puhlic live-bait boats pl y out of Ncy,·port. ·r·hcrc'::. the elusive luna, tl1c alba- l·orl', the gian t .sea l>ass. the halibut. 1hc llilrral·utia and all the rest. ·rhe ):..'Tl'all"!<.t striped n1arlin on record (fl92 J"1C:1un<l!o) u1a!o boo1cd just outside the l1arh->r entrance. The plact• is ~rO\\'in,g and the major cx1 x1 nsion mu!.t come on the bluff~ abt1\'C the ha\', \\·hcrl' both bay vit'\V~ an<l ocean ,:ic"·s arc yours through \our o,,.n Ila" \\'indO\V. . \\'hat bcg,;n as a t·o111mcrcial pt:1rt :.ind lx·carnc a !'>Un1n1l·r playground l1a::. lx:l·o1nc a \'car-rouricl communit\· \vith fine Sl·hoc:;ls. efficient fire and 0 Jx>licc !1I'Otection. Jil>rarics, gentlemanly 1x:ili· , tics. and a gny l>ut ,,·ell-c._)rdercd night "life. i\l·t·dl·<I li ;i~ hct·n a hospital . llndcr\\.,I) i.., lhl' no1able I lriag T\1e-'-- 111nri.il I lt r.-pit.il trc._·.ucd 1lf lll11re fully cl::.<.'\\ ht'rl' in this n1agJ1inl'. -, hl· :\'unlht·r ()ne atlributl' <'f the picturt·:~qt1c: .ind unique Ct)n1n1unity i!'> thl' h.irdt'!iol onl' to tll·finc. It's that t·phl·1nl·ral quality pre:-.c.·~t in a com- 111uni1~ 111.1<.lc up of 11cuplc ,,·ho make an art of li\'inR. \.\l hitc th.l·rc i!<. an l'lc1nrnt of 11ro- grt·~~ivc .n1crl'h:int!'-an<l <liligl'nt \Vork - l'f~ in the M.:r,·i..:c industril-S-J>rOmJlt plun1IX'r!<. th~ll i!o, and f..1 st dry cleaners an<.! a<ll'pl barn1c11 -thc._• typical resi- dl'nl i!'> a nut hrll\\'ll and healthy phi- lo::.ophcr ,,·Ji n l1a~ ll·a r11t.J that life is loo !<.horl al lx• ... t fnr ton rn::iny 11£ its lx:~I hour.-.. to Ix· !o !ll'nt at one·s labors. 'fh(• tn,,·n ba ~ a ~)ft 11f lan~uid 111ucxl '''ht•n it l'C!n1t.·!io to \\'11rk. and an an1azing energy \\'hen it comes to play. It·::. for 11(:11p\e ,,·ho don"t \\"ant ul - ct·r~. an<l f11r fX.'tJple ,,·!iu h.1,·c ulcers to Ji,·c <lo\\'ll . If n1o<lcrn Ji, ing t·.in Ix: l·nn~tru<.-d as ::an art -1\'e\Vl'M1rt l}alhoa i~ the rxilcttc on ,,·hic h th(• l'c1lor!I. of ::iul'h a life arc blended. Its commerce 1s quaint There's oo "'heavy industry" to ·mar ·the scene, b11t a sn1all commercial fishi111t fleet adds color. In the backgrowt4-• tin)· cannery. , ' ' . ' • ' ' -•• -1 I , •