HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-27 - Newport Balboa News Timesr. .NEWPORT Await Approval' on Purchase Pacts for JOS WEST NEWPORT PROTECTION . . CONFERENCE DATE NOW SET ComJ)f'!tent engln«ring help and Federal or Slate: Aid for the prote.c.tton of the Weet Newport ocean front wa.a aeen a.s a poas.lbllity here thla week u the result or work on behalf of the cllt-n memberll of the W@at Newport Improvement Aa&oclaUon. 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 48 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1951 B) Rod aitac·Mlllan Harbor Junior ColleJi;e or San Pedro unleashed a brilliant pass- ing attack Lo drop Ray Rosao's Orange Coast college rootball clu~ 14-6, Thanksgiving day al Bann- ing high achoo), Wilmington. It wasn't the numbt-r of pUSC'S completed or the yards compiled on pa.Mlt"s that counted for the Seahawk11 -It wa.s the fact that they provided rxtra punch to push over the two touchdowns for J~ Berry's underrated scrapf)f'NI \\'ho played inspired ball whilr lhl' Pi- rates were out for nn particular motive <"Xcept to plliy football. Bradley COntinues Hearing Date for Slot Mach ines The fourth contlnWlIICe wa.,, granted yest('rday by U . S. Com- missioner A . M. Bradley In Santa Ana in tbe hearing of charges o( illegal posse88lon and transporta- tion or slot m&c hines against 51 persons. many or them or Newport &ach. New hearing date is Dec. 10 al 10 a. m. Once again, a postponement was rr quested of Bradley by the U. S. occ 13 0 20 34 • 19 -- Coast St_'&IWO R~urd Santa Ro.<1a Oregon Tl'ch Fullerton Mt. San Antonio· .. San Bcrnarrlino Rivt'rsidc OPP Altornry's office. Pos.elblllty that 7 a federal grand jury indlc lment 14 may be returne·d, ma.king a pre- 7 liminary hearing unneces.sary, wu ti 1 seen as one reuon \\'hy those ar- 14 re!!ited last August aboard local 14 sportfishing boats have no t yet appeared befor e the Comml.ssioner. H 21 19 - 6 153 . Chaffey Santa Ana Bois<>. Idaho ............... Harbor ..... . 0 15 ---· --35 .. 14 134 OCC to Open Basketball Play Tonight .&OI;'" 'I TtlOSE MA\' BE OtlDS but tlMll'f!W..S 1:arrful handUn.s la ord.f'r for a couple of lNmm mlsslles which apparenµy bounood from a NavaJ AmmunlUon truck aJoal' tht" Co98t Hlahw&)· rarly Sunday. Sho~n polntJ.nc the lr~od 'USA Ammo 105mm' ht J'obn W eblter, left of BoutwaJn'• Locker, whlle Ota.I SaJ- nans of Cout Elect.roo.lca, erot~r hold& one •hell ht"ed and Offi('f'r Robert 'M. AtkiMon hoklll a.notbr.r. Tht> two Mle-11.a were 1W'1H.'d O\'~r to the Na\')' Shoff' Patrol Sunday M""1lll1"• (New11-Times Pholol B r r r ! Skindivers to Hold Midwinter Underwater Derby The Harbor loss drew the cur- tain on thf' first a ce grid cham- pio08hip since joining the rugged Eute rn conferencf'! four yea~ ago when It was established. Ros.so's boys fini..shed wtth a record or Orange Coast Coll@ge opens an seven wins and three loMes (with ambitious basketball schedule to- the aid or a forfeit. win over San night against the alumni t fl! am Berdoo which gave the locals the headed by Fr@d Par80na. Ga.me league's top spot). The three toss-time at the OCC gym ha.a ~n es came in prac tice sames -two set for 8 p. m. with the prellml- ot them In the la.st two weeks nary lntraaquad g a m e at 6 :30 COUNCIL 0. K. ON DRAIN PIP.E ANTICIPATED after lhe Pirates finished their p. m. N ewport's city council waa cx- league seaaon. Coach Mlles Eaton will open pected last night to 11.ut.horize a Harbor jumped into the l@ad with Dick Davi!! and Bill Feldner call for bids !or 2400 feet of drain at forward!!, Dave Peler80n al aner taking the ball away from center and Man.ua.I Ru 1 z an d pipe which wW be laid in Balboa the Pirates on their own two yard Harry Schurch al &'WtJ'da. Davi• and Newport BouJeva.rda tn the ~:-e. Paul ~!"ui~ad H~ar:!. ~~ is ·a holdover from last year"• tl~b wtden.tng and lmpro~ent pt'O- -cb&r::.:S hlrii.-wltJi auch Pury tfult ""Where he• wOT'ked at-cent.et' whii. ·rrwm--,,taruw!G tor ~anu trae th kn ked th ball out of h' the others are freshmen In from tint of the yKr. ey oc fl! I.! Orange County high schools. Pet· hands and recoverf'!d on the seven. er80n played on Harbor's champ-Bids will be aaked tor providing The Pirate defense held and Jack lonshiP tf'!am Ia.st wintf'!r and was 2000 fttl of corrucated Iron plPf' Allen went back to punt. He was the fifth hi hest scorer In th@ of 12-lnch diameter; 300 feet or roughed and the penalty gave the j 1 ague. Fellner r fl! p 0 r led for 8-inch pipe, and 100 feet of 18- Harbor eleven a flr!it down on beasketball last sea~n but @nter· inch pi)>". their own 24 . From there they I f'!d the service before competing. Laying of the pipe ta planned by w ent al• the way to score and He was a standout at Hu ntington the city engineer, J . B. Webb, t o lead 7-0. Ed Mayer had re~ove~ed I Beach High School for three carry all storm water to thf'! bay. a fumble to set up Coasts dr1vr years. Schurc h 18 al90 from Hunt-I Re says his plan will eliminate the which was stopped by a return ington Beach High where he led 'birrl baths' at 32nd and Newport fumble. the team In scoring last y@ar. Blvd .. and at Finley Ave., and Sid Manning set up Coast'.!! Ion€ Newport Blvd. h d 'od Ruiz. Top &orrr score in lhc l ir p<'rl as h<. The city planning commiulon rushed through to block AllC'n·~ Ruiz was the top scorf'!r In lhf'! will soon be asked to provide varl· fourth down punt. The ball wa..'t Orange League w h 11 e pr@parlng ances for tots ,upon which the two downed on the 28 of Harbor and al Tustin High last winter. He houses now blocking Balboa Blvd. Hal Smith went over five plays was selected on the Huntington at 38th and 39lh atreet will be taler from one yard out. J esse Beach All Tournament team ln moved. It Is a.nticipated by , the Smith's try for e xtra point failed. December. engineering department that these John Salvucci intercepted a Eaton has several other hot rt'movals can be. accompllahed at pa88 rrom Chafe to set up Har-prospects ready lo tight It out tor oncf'!. bor'a tlnal score which came five first Mrtng berths including Ar-Negotiations have been under- plays later on a pa.u rrom Don cata's Al Deniz who led hia team way between th@ city and repre- Woolever to Jack Carroll. Don with a scorching 16.6 ave r a g e. aentatives or the ownera or the Scales kicked the second or hill Newport Harbor's Glf'!n Griltlth, Marble property on the north aide two conversions. Dick Lane, Bob Sanders. Bob Bur-of Balboa Blvd., at 31st street for Statistically Coast was in the dick, Jack Clark and Phil Shafer It, purchase. The entire property game but all their long drives are aleo trying for th@ top spots will be used in the widening proj- started deep in their own terri-as are Don Williama and John eel or Balboa Blvd. lorry and f'!nded near the Harbor LeGross ot Orang@, Daren Houae Present plans call for the wid- 30. Twice they loel the ball on and Rudy Casillas of Va.Iencla and ening or Balboa Blvd. from 30th fumble• to end what looked like Ed Camey of Huntington Beach. St. to the Cout Highway before paydirt drivf'!s and. a third time Several footballers reported for next year's summer season. ln the they were stopped by a 15-yard their hardwood workout yeater-8&ITle project Newport Blvd. will penalty for having too many men day and will see action ln the be widened from 30th street to dawnfi@ld on pa.g play. preliminary game tonlghL The Finley Ave., oppoalte the Lido GIBLETS -Charley Black led Piratf'!S then will start work to-Drug store. the tet.rn in tacklea made with lfi morrow for their first Inter-------- 11topw to hi• c redit-He nL<io had scholastic game with Oceanside at the best avt'rage gained per run. lhe local gym Saturday nlghL lrmie Beall Hurt Two Costa Mesans in B. I. Accident 3.9 . . . Paul Chafe completed eight of 18 puses tor I 15 yard!' (Continued on Pal'e 4 ) PACIFIC ANGLERS TO Hurt in Crashes Two young cyclist.a ran into the aide or a trailer Thunday &fter· noon at NorUl Bay FrOnt alley and Agate avenue. Balboa laland. but only one received injuries, police reported. Dale Tedrow, 330 E a s t 20th HEAR OF FISH MEET str .. t. Costa Mesa. waa treated Membeni of the Pacific Anglers wlU meet Friday at the Balboa Bay C1ub to hear portrayed the thrills of the Sailfish tourney re- cenUy compl@led In Mexican wa- ters. Pacific Anglers' team an- nexed the Weal Coa.st Champion- ship ln the tourney when they placed fourth 1n the International CompetiUon. Members or the local team wen1 George Holatein, Gil Barbaria and Frank Uaedom. The Nov. 30 party will be the annual Christ.ma.a Party ot lhf'! A..ng1el"8 and each member he.a bttn aaked to bring a gift for exchange, according to R. H . Hottman, sec- retary. WEEK'S RAINFAU Late "'NO¥en.\ber ra.1na h a v e ral•'•d Mewport'Beach"• ralnfall flcUi. -&lion UM ame UDl4 JUt ,......, ,,,_ Collow: N°eY 9 I le ---..... -.!l N•• Sci 11 ---.JI NOOllle tN II .......-----•• ltl•• t . • II -.1t Jiiuu ?erM .. M I'S' s ---1.M~ ._ ,_, .• • • • • tor head lacerations Th u rad a y night at Orange County General HospiW after hia car went Into a. ditch at Sant& Ana Ave.. and Walnut street.. Callfornia. High- way Patrol officers reported. Pulling himself from his car, Tedrow struggled along toward hi~ home tor two bloc.ks before collapsing beside: thf'! road. A passing motorl.•t found him and he wa.a t.&k.e:n to the h o a p I t a I. Aner emergency treatrne:nl, he wu· rel@a.eed. Also of Costa Mesa, .Jame• L. Porra., 27, 14191 Baker street, ..tu treated at SL Joaeph hospital for head and pcNWble lntemal lnjurie• F'rid.ay ..n.t: bJa ear ran off South Main st1'l near Newport Road and struck' a polo. Be had bffn _,_y. ' He wa.s lrmle Beall, 5. aon or [. G. Be.au. 118 Ruby avenue. The other youth wu Billy Steiner, 121 Ruby avenue. Police aa.id they cam@ out of the alley onto Agate where they hit a trailer pulled by a car driven by Roland F .• Vallely. 508 Soulll Bay Front. Bal-ls· land. lrmle wu treated by a local ph)'lllclan for cut.a and lacen.Uona. Birtcher Freed of Zon ing Violati~n F. E. Blrtdler. :121 PolueUI& AYe.., Coron.a del Mar, 1ut wwk wa fl"'l!!e ot aontng viol&Uona counto In city Court "" ._... ~ "' u.. Cll.T bulldln• de-«181LY WA'ICll LOST partmmt. I.om or o,piatJnum wrtlll wat.ell Police had ~ed him -.. oet wltll d--&l 11000 Oft ~ !lat lie COll<'<rted t.11 wu nport.a la al ~ to R-1 reol-lato Oil R.-t llllll by Mowpoit Po11ca b7 ~ 'f'llma C. ll11••IH .. kltehl\ t&dlllilo IJt a cwt. "11 Bt.)tt 11w Drift. JCn.. 1lee,.... room.-. a.w~ a..,... °"7 -.. l1'n!Jll>l ~ lad at u.. -Ii~ -- loll tlle 4tdl bot---.. tmt -I m 1;ed Ille -- &Dd Ja l :•D4 ' .,_t. • Breakdown Shows Costs on Proposed School Projects Here Is the prelin1inary breakdown !or costa on the proposed new school north Ensign School : of Corona del Mar a.nd for thf'! addition to Horacf'! PROPOSED NEW SCHOOL Bulldlng• Architects and li:ngin,eera ............................................................ . Dlvialon ot Architects fStateJ ....................................................... . Dlvlalon of School Pla.nnlng iState) __ ........................................ . inapoctoro ·-----------· -···-------------·-------------. --·--·--·-·-·--------·--------·--·-. -. IAP,I 8ervtees ..... ~ ......... :-.. 7:".':: ...................... :::::-::::-......................... . Teat.a -Soll and Mat@rlala .............................................................. . Survey ............................................................................... 1 ................. . Furniture and Equipment . ... .. ............ . ................................ .. Site Development and Sen.'ices . . . .. . Insurance I Construction) .. . ........ . Bonds ( P@rformance J ... Contingencies ........................................................ . 3(,000 1,887 80 0.<00 llOO lllOO 111() 30,000 35.000 3.000 8,000 10.000 5:161,000 HORACE EN'SIO:S SCHOOL Bulldln~a $356.000 Archllf'!cts and Engineer!!. Division of Architects (State I ·····• ...... . Division of School Planning iSlil.teJ .................................. . lnapectora .. .. ........... ....... .... . ............................. .. Legal Services ....... . . ..................................... . Furniture and Equlpm@nl ........................................................... . ln•urance (Construction ) ............................................................. . Bonds I Performance J ....... ...... ..... .......... ........ . ............... . Landscaping ...................................................................................... .. Contlng@nclf'!s ...................................................................................... . 28,<f.80 1,<f.96 •• 3.8-00 600 26,000 2,000 <.600 3.000 10,000 $435.000 BALBOA YOUTH NOW AT RECRUIT CAMP A unique, comprehensive and fa.Ir contest to decide thf'! top skin- divers of Southern California was announced yesterday by the West Los Angeles N@plune.!1, one or the area's top under-water fishing or- ganlzaUons. 3M<> Overland Ave., Los Angeles 34. The competltlon, called t he Midwinter Skin-Diving Derby, opens Dec. 15 and closes Jan. 15 with prizes being offered to under- water fishermen bringing in the largest lobster, abalone and moat other species of .. fish. Prizes include an Aqua-Lung, rubber-aulta, swim flna and muk1 and other underwater IWirnmlng and ttablng E"Qulpment. More than 5000 entry blank• wtU be ava.IJablf'! today at the 12 checking at.atlon.s and at vartoua sporting goods stores in Southern California which handle und@rwater equip- ment. The entry fee ls $1 . Checking 8t&tlon In this area la Ray and Hal's Sporting Goods, 290 Fourth Ave., Laguna Beach. The rulea, which are available with the entry blank. provide a IU!t of the checking stations, re- quire a witness to the catch and further require that the competi- tor be properly licensed by State Fish and Game Commission au- thorities. The checking stations will for- ward their entries weekly to con· test headquarters where overall report.a will be Issued. 16-Page Booklet Outlines Hoag Hospital Plans W. S. Hardy Now. SeninCJ in Japan AN AIRBASE IN JAPAN, Nov. 26 .-~rgeanl W. Slltn Hardy, hus. band of Mrs. Mildred Sandatrom Hardy, 703 Goldenrod Ave., Co- rona de! mar, is now on duly u a motion picture camera.man with Detachment l . 2d Photographic Squadron, Air Pictorial Service In the Far Eut Theater. Undergoing recruit training at All donors of gift.a of $1,000 or Sgt. Hardy arrived In the Far Eut in July, 1951, &nd covered the first armistice negotiations at Kaeaong, Korea. Lately he bas been doing documentary motion pictures of air bases in Japan. Prior to hla teca.11 to active duty In December, 1950, Hardy was em- ployed by General Pictures Pro- ductions, Inc., Dea Molnes, l}l.W'a. During World War II. he WU a combat ca.m@raman with thf'! 9th Al r Force in Europe. He ho Ida the Purple Heart and Belgium For- reguer~. Ris son. Corp. W'lllam J. Hardy, la a •till photographer With the llll Photocr•phlc Squadron. Alu- a.ndrta. Va. Three oUfer children, Donnie, Ed and Betty Lou., rnlde witll x... Hardy In Coron& <!el Mar. the U. s . Naval Training Center, more to the Hoag Memorial Hos- pital, Presbyterian, ar@ rec@lving the new 16-page booklet which gives complete Information on the "Living M.emorial.9 Plan." Already Inquiries are coming in fL!king about this m@thod or perpetuating the memory of relatives or frlendJ!! by gifts or hospital @qulpment. San Diego, Is Raymond L. Herrs, seaman recruit, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sexton of <f.l<f. Bal- view Lane, Balboa, Calif. Berore entering the · Navy, he attended Orang@ Coast, College. This Initial recruit training In- cludes Instruction In such fields a.a seamanship, tree-righting, gun- nery, signaling. a.nd other course& designed to m&ke th@ recruit wen- versed in every phase of Navy Ute. Upon completion of their 11- Wt'ek training period at the train- ing ~nter, gTaduatee are uaigned to duty atatlona with the flf'!el or at Navy shore at&Uona. or are aent to eervfcf'! achoola tor advanced technical training. Ex·N•wporter Wins Good Conduct, Medal "Livlng M@mortala" that are valuable lo the alck and at the same time are fitting tribute to the memory or 110me dear one, and in addition, honor the donor, have a ainc@re appeal lh&t few can re- slat. Many organizations are plan· nlng donations or importance and will formulate plans to finance suitable memorial.8, spreading pay- ment.a OY'f'!r two or thrtt y@ara. I Con.st.ruction work on the hoe· pit.a.I ls making good progreu. Foundations are all ln and pouring concrete for wau. le well started The main bulldlng, auumlng ilt general outllfl.e and Ila alze, S86 CLARK AFB, Nov. 28.-A fOl': feet east to weat. tmpreues ar mer Newport. reetdent, .Pvt. Thom-who have an opportunity to in· aa G. White, hu been awarded 1pect the project and thua rea.llzf llle Good Conlluct' Medal -wlllle Ito ~t me and Importance. 9e1°Vln.I' a tour of duty wttb the The recent sltt of $50 from r U . 8. A.lr Force ln. the Phlllpp lne11. 1maJl · Cl'OUP of high acbool atu· POUCE FfRID ON IY Private White, who wu· cited denbo wllo b&Ye tllelr own oocl&l !or Illa ·demonllln.Uon Of -eoty. orpnla&Uon, lndlc&t.. lbe keer MARINES IN COUPI ett1ctency and ttdell17 1n ,the _. ..... l"Dtta1 ta~ whlcll to .,.. • • ¥lee. to CUZftlltl)' wiped u a ms ..-_,. Ille county-W\d< omcwa Jallli J. -and lllppl)' technician for Ille -llmd ......... ,...,....... A.a -u.- Willlalll -W-7-nialll lluP1>17 8q)lad.-at t11e n.trt.entll 1')' Wm. J'. Kimeo, cllalrm&n 0( UM reported tlleT \ -a_..,.U:f Air ro.c., on _.Clari< Air J'orce cuneaJp. "'Jt lo Important to keef !Ired -u 1.11q ~ Co&lll -. eo mu.. ~ ot lllaall&. 1n -u.t • FA 1a too oma11, mpwq ....,. llarlw'll ]l(Jle. G..-ted &om Mewpd mp -at Ule --. llO l&rcr Mo ._.. .... dllloo••.red. -1lefon mll•U.,. tw m11lt1r7 sift wtll loo ~· Tb< >. -npdot-..,-itns-lll<e a --nc. ta J-.,. lMI, Prtnte ---, lo -7· ... ---• ~ of Wlllt. ta .. Illa ---al dDt)' -... _,. lllllta -·ldllial --tlioo ,_of l --ti-In tile -· ........ WHllll la lo -.. I 12-lllo or llor Mu coape CUTJinf -~ Ila-Ha.....U .... 1at aw Meed • r s a IUp !II' me a....., -.. • -to ""' --........ tlla '!"'!."' ... -• 2 ilpJaac -"' 1w=w"" 'Die --pod la . -lM7 .............. -.. ~ -....... 2 "s' .... "' tlla -. rwportect. Laec• 'O · ., .,...Wlal '1"ftts1, ~ An early meeting with Col. Ed-.. ------------- wtn C. Kelton. Beach Eroaion Con- trol Engineer of tbe Stale or C&l.1- rorhia Dlvtston or Beach and Parks wu promised Uli8 week ~hen the' date ot Dec. 3 was lPnta- tlvely agreed upon in a communi- cation addressed to Reginald P@g- ram of the We.at Newport Im- provement A880Ciailon. Co I one l Ktlton, retlred chief or thf'! U. S. Army Corps of Engineers tor Cali- fornia, has agreed to a local con- ft-rence while he is enroute lo San Diego on the December date. He will discuu pl&ns and meth- ods for the reclamation and con- trol of the beach ln the West New- port area ..-.•hlch ha& been eate n away badly in recent weeks. Pegram is the head of the com- mittee of the West Newport /\S· soclation which was recently ap- pointed to work out a plan for reclamation of the beach and its future protecUon. \ • Go\'ernntehl Aki Hope or State or Federal aid in the project has been held out, particularly since the Navy ha.a announced It is calling for /'ids to construct a rock wall on tne Seal Beach-Sunset Beach strand lo protect that area. Since the con- struction of jetties tor the Harbor Entrance at Seal Beach Ammuni- tion and Net Depot, tides have constantly carried away the beach sand at Seal Beach. Complication or the eroding actions here Is be- lieved to be caused by the Seal Beach Jetty and by lhe extension of the Federal Breakwater off· shore from Long Beach. U . S. Army Enginee rs arc con- ducting a continuing study or the Seal Beach -SWUK>t area and It is hoped to interest them in the local problem. They have recommended that Seal Beach Harbor I Anaheim Landing Bay) be dredged and the effluent dumped lnto the beach there to further protect private property along the strand. Meanwhile. Supervi.aor H e I n z Kaiser of N e\l.rport"' Beach was named by County Supervisoni to join & committee from the Or- ange County Coul ABSOCla.tion on cout erosion problema. Othera are Mayor Frank Shufelt or Seal Beach, Ralph P . M.uk@y of New- port · S.ach. Harry LeBard of Hw>Ung~Bea<h, C. G. K.tmbl• of IA.guna ch and Mayor H. T. Read of San emente. The county contends that en- gineertng studies show the erosion problem la complicated by the Navy jetties at thf'! entrance of the war-dredged Seal Be~h har· bor, as well as the extension or the Long Be a c h breakwate r. Changing currenU! have threat- ened homes along \.hf beach and swept away much of the sand. Federal appropriations hav e been obtained twice to pump sand in building up the beach in front of Surfside. v ANDAU! FELL TREE Dr. E . Brady, of Corona del Mar, Thursday morning reported lo police that vandals had cut down part of a pine tree on his property, leaving the tree on the ground. GRANGE TO ELECT Elcc:tion of officers i.!I the lm- porant matter of business for members of the Costa Mesa Grang,. who will mee t Thursday, Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. in Grange hall. BICYCLE STOLEN Theft of his blcycle from out- •ide a local theatre Wednesday "'light wu reported by Fred Still· ings, 216 Dahlia avenue, Corona df'!l Mar. OPPOSITION TO ANNEXATION PLAN REPORTED Poaaibllity that plans for an- nexation of Cliff Haven to the City will run into opposition or some property owners in thf'! area w11.s reported yesterday as spon- 80r11 of the move were to hold a 1neetlng la.st night. A citizen.!!' committee was slat- ed to meel at lhe home of Rex Albright, 2~11 Signal Road., Cliff Haven. Annexation talk in the distcict o ver the past year last week pt"on1pted Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jerry G. Tufts, 23601 S. W . Pirate Road. and others to poll some of the residents on the matter. This led to setting of last night's meeting. It the committee determine• that suffic ient sentiment justifies circ ulation of petitions and adver- tising or intentions to seek annex- ation, the project will be boosted by Dec. I, Mrs. Tufts told the N ewa-Ti mes. Already In the city element.a.ry schools district, the area would benefit from city tire and pollCe protection plus refuse collecUon. Tw@nty-rlve per cent or Olff Haven's estimatf'!d 2.1)0 -300 real- dent.s must sign petitions request- ing annexation if the city counctl Is to consider the matter. Cliff Ha vf'!n is In Precinct 2, C o s ta Mesa and the precinct contain• 34<f. registered voters, according to C. K. Priest. city clerk. Should petitions be circulated in the district , Cltf( H8.ven dwellers will be asked also to support the pending $9~.000 elementary school bond Issue election on Jan. 18, Mrs. Tuft.8 B&ld. Clift Haven is spread -between 15th street and Coa.sl Highway and Irvine A Vf'!. and Bay Shore Drive {17th street). City ·council Will Stu dy Purchase of Used Fire Truck Membel"9 of the Newport Beach city councft werf'! to con.aider Mon- day night the purchase of a used Mack Fire Truck formerly in the ownership or the City of Monte- clto. This would take the place of one planned to built up to city specifications and tor which a cha.'!.sls had alrt'ady been purch- ased. According to City Manager John SaJlors, there would be a con- siderable saving, aJmOl!ll $3000 by purchasing the used truck r&thet' than building up a new rig at cur- rent prices. ' The truck is priced al $3. 750 has a 250-gallon water tank and a Hal(' pump which lB run tron1 the vehlcl@'s 364 -cubic inch dil'I · placen1ent engine. The tru c k would fill the nef'!d designated by the Board of Fire Underwriters l.n their recommendations to the city. It would be placed at the Corona del Mar fire station. The chassis already ordered can be usett by the street department to rt'place a truck in city servtce more than 20 years. Mrs, Constance J«yt'ed, West Balbo~ boulevard. is home from Sa.n Francisco where she wpent 'rhankagivlng with her son and family. • ; • • • Miss Ho lioay in. Mou ntain s , Mr. and Mn. Harry C&mpbell and cllll<lrm, 306 Femle&!, Corooa ""( War, wore beaded for a moun· tall> bollday at Lake A"""'l>4ad on Tbbndtj !Jut round the road Ill· cNl.et·n* d.ittlcult bec•ute ot nJrt ana lllfft. They !fually turned -and 11,le 11, "atmpl}' dellclowo" tUl'key d..IMer at their favorite ea,(lng place In Redlan.da. ' • ' later A. Becker, D. D. S. • ·DlllNTISTRY thll Newport Blvd .. Costa Mua !Jedl<lll Blq. Beacon 67112 • • 600 ll. Bay Ave., Balboa • • • • • . Harbor 327-J BALTZ MORTUARY i...ty Attendant •10 <Joest msbway OORONA DEL MAB DAY AJ\'D NIGHT Phone Jlarbor 42 BE SURE -INSURE wltb MAURIE STA2''LEY luurance Only Pb.one Barbor 1776 !'6 Marine Ave. Balboa Island MATTRESSES Boa~Hontff--Trallen lrreruJar s~ BEAOON 11061 Oo9ta Mesa MattreY Co. UllO Newport Blvd. ; WATER HEATERS • Sal.., Service Md Bepaln • :/oeBeckJo/J PLUMBING Authorized Dealer Day & !'ngbt Beaten TllMS l~ l>owl'I on •JI H••t.n Pllone Harbor ""2-W HIUMAN MINX $1499 delivered here plua tax a.nd license 'f' oor Harbor Area Dealer ·NEWPORT AUTO SALES %804 W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Ba.rbor 1'0'1 . ~ Jingle bells-~ J .n Ned and Nell · Shop careliee e1ery d&{- for gitts fliey sed<:. ~~eadt ~ iheB\NKof -AMERICA~! l . JoinNowl • J/flli:'ll yo~'re not shat· i n.gin this year's S27,000,000 Bank of America Christmas Cub, joi·.n now for '52 ! Save any amount per 'Wttk-from 51H up- and at the end of 50 weeks you will recei\-e the full amount .. ...i l'lu 2'Xt inlere1l. It's theeuywayto uve for gilt& ••• taxes ••• insur· a.nee premiums ... and otlter year-end bills. ~ave any amount t ~ ...................... ..... School P'!"1"am j ~~a.::.· \TI~ 1 :"'~I Mike DoJle en~ a, fnr of Ex I . eel . t hll frlel)da 11,t the --a., C111bo pain o =~~~:nn..: ro arents and Burt Corton. Joan NiaMn and f sh f Bradfof<l ond l(lko. Joaa X-... Jen-y ll:vana, MulJyn 9chllcl<en- ; Welcomlh "" -et group o~ meyer ~,...!-"';~ approxlmatel.Y lllO Frelllun&jl par-Swlmmtnc. playlq; tennlo and ent.a and tt&chers on Tuesday, enjoying a ahrimp dfnn9[ ·at a... Nov. 20. 7 :30 p. m. In the aocial f&rers' Lodge were the f'Ollowln.r hall of the High school. Mrs. Ray· gtrls celebiattnc Mary Run:y'a mond K. Harvey, chaJrman or blrthday: Mary. Oonnle Mangold, room repttsentatlves o r the hJgh Mary Ann RUN, Gaytha. Bo~bey, echool P .-T . A. explained the pur-Sally Stewart, Dulity Hayden, poae of the meeting. What started OloTia Beltran and Sharon Ya.r- out u an experiment three years nell. ago has no'!\' become an arutual Q1.11e9tJon of the Week affair tor the t!Xpreas purpose of What do the Freeh like moat getting-pa.rents and t eachers to· about the Harbor Hi(h Beacon! getaer tor a. d!acussion of Fn:>sh· Roger Bowen: "I like the sports man problems. page the beat." Mrs. H&TVty introduced as mod-sun.n Keim: ''Through the ~ erator or the Round Table, Paul con I leant more about echool Edward Babbitt, ministe r or the tunctlona," Coron IL del Mar Community D1ck Gallahan: "Ne"-a u 1tu· church, Congregat kmal, and tather dents see tt." or three Harbor High Khool stu· Judy Sleeper: '-rbe dltfere.nt dents. The beautlful social hall names In Tars a.nd Feathera." of the School wu i.nviting on a Sharon. Lynch: .. The Tan and rainy night, for a log burned in the Feathers." fireplace to add a cheerful intortn-Da.vfd Comer: '"Jlm Wbeeler'a at note to the gathering. spor ts column appeals to me the As it had bfoen decided t o make bet11t." this a non·soctal meeting to be Patty Clemence: "I like the diami&Sed promptly a t nine o"c lock , jokes and cartoons the beat." Mr. Babbitt made a very brief l 'onJ Christensen: She likes introductory spe-ech and followPd thE'm all. With pr@S E'nting the mem~rs or J oan Clarke: "Expreaaiona of \he i:*u"iel t o the audlenct>. Goss .fl.UdPnta" opinjons In the Letters Grable was the first speaker. &nd to Editors.'" in hla usual quiet but commanding Johnny Trautwein : "I really like way. held the in tert>st of the gTOUp thMe cartoon.a, they are great!'. 9.$ he told or the period o r adjust· Sonja Ha.nsen : "Tars and Fealh· menl facing the Freshman stu-ers.'' dent u he enters high st·hool. Dona Hoppe: ''Tars and F ealh- Mrs. Roscine F eeley \vas the ers because I g-et to know dlffer - next speaker, who told or the ent people thia way.'' English departmen ts' "·ork with Fu.ll~rton Sporbd.aJ• s tudents . She explained how a The· Junior. Sentor G. A. A. pa.rent may tea.ch his child to read spoructay tor ba.sketball wu held more rapidly at home, and dia· N ov. 14, at HuUerton High. F'ul· CU.88("d the type ot reading most le rton'e pep band entertained the deslr~d by the depa.rtment. but girls with peppy music and Uielr said that a.ny reading at all was ye.II leaders were on deck to lead bettt>r than none. the cheers. Harbor Se.nlor girls \Vhile a num ber of late arrivals fought Tustin to lhe bitter end 1,1,·ere taking their seat s, Mrs. Har-ot a 29-315 Jo u . The senior tiam vey introduced Sidney Davidson, includes Sandy Delin,-er, Betty principal, J oseph Hamblet , v ice-Davenport. Gladys Berry, Jean principal, and 1.frs . Fayr Harbison. Ta.lest ra. Donna Price, AJtn Mor- dean of g irls. The program then ris and Janee Hume. continued 1,1,·it h ~fr. Babbitt Intro· The Junior team made up of ducing J ules Gag~. who spoke on ?.larilyn Peter80n, Joan Nu.nan. the very interesting subject of Barbara Trusty, Diane Harri a, boys' alhJetics. The la.s t speaker Madge Fullbright, Jerry J e 1 k o, to be presented waa the school Marilyn Schllckenm•yer and Dot nurse, M iss )Iarg aret F reeman. Horrell, met defeat by Santa Ana Her talk was filled wilh informa-8-21. The next da._y, Nov. 16, the tion as to hclw act:ident.9 are han· underclasamen journeyed to FuJ. dled at the school and the st&te lerton. The 90phomore (lrls tri· requiremen ts for takjng care of umphed over Hltntington Beac h illness and emergency treatment. 24-18, and the freshman team Many pare nts asked questions drew a stand.!till "·ith O r a n g e during the question and answer 18· 18. period Whic h follo"'ed M.r. David· EX('.haojl:f' AAM'mbly Miu IClolo N-Ud Wm. ebuft.hmaa of yMr. • McDonald, ehurcbwomu ~ <New s-Ttmea Pboto) Church Man and Woman of Year Named by Council of Churches William McDonald Md Mlu.------------- Elale Newtanct: lioth member• o( Served as chairman ot th e Chrlat ClfUrch by the ~a.. were board of u1:1hers. presented awards 't Wednesday Active in boys work, h&Yln• night's Union Thankssfving Mr· aerved ~ teacher of an lntenne- vice by the ~e«i>ort Barbor Coun· dlate Bo}'S Class, and as auls-- cll of Chu.rchel, &I the out1tandlng tant cubmaster of one or the local churchman and cllurchwoman ot cub packs. the year. Member of the. volunteer fJre The award.I &l"e to be a.n annual department and secn!t.a.ry or the pre.aentatfon ot the Council of 1 firemen's club. Churche•. Nomlnatlona are made At the present Ume he t. lay by e.acb of the eight member leader of hie .church, supertnten- chun:hea to the Council, and final de nt of the adult division of the .eelecUon ls ~elermlned by a coun-church 8ChooJ. teacher ot the ty commltt.tt of repreeentatlve adult division of the church Cb.rtaUan leaden:. Members of th' school. teacher of the adult eta.a team of judsu tht. year lncludecl and member ot the offtcl&J bo&;d Judge Kenneth Morrlaon of the and the board ot Christian educa· Superior Court, Rev. Daniel Rider. l ion. H e ls one of the se n t gr putor of the Sant& Ana First ushers or the ohurch. Preebyterian Church and rorme.r In addit ion to the c£>rtiflca.tes secret~ of the Orange C~unty • p;t'~Pnlt'd t ho~c c hosen , 8. plaque Council of Churches, the pr~sad ent . ..,.. th , h m chutth which I h S la A C .1 . t~ ~ 1v('n c.r o e o l e an na ounci 0 1 i« kPpt until lh(' following year Church \Vomen and lhe e.xE-c:utivr whf'n lht• plaqur Is re-issued. secretaries of the Santa Ana Speaker for the union Thank.a· Y~tCA and YWCA. J{ivini:::-service, whic h was held at MlM El.lie Ne-K•land Christ Church by the Sea, wa.s Resident of Newport Beach for Rf'\'. J t1!-i('ph ~lc~hane of the Costa 15 years, and having been a mt>m-~l ('sa Commun1t;· Church. Tbe ber or the Community Methodist I program was arranged through church since comltlg to the harbor Rt'v. Herbert Roth or the Newport area . Hnrbor Lutheran Church.. Mrs. HOlIBY SON'S . • f AMltY ~OINS HIM OVERSEAS CLAJt,IJ Al'B, NO<V. :II. -Lt. David ci Jloltby, 10D or Mr. and kn. o. w. Boltby, ~018 0c .... l'roat. .Nftport. Bet ch, .-wu n-- CIDll7 jOIMd &t hlo -t ala• tlon with the U . S. A.tr rt>rce tn ~·-PhWpp!{tes, by bit! wtle, Mrs. Ethel M. H ottby, and two d auch· tera. Marjorie, 5, and Patricia. 1. Fonner reatdenta ot P aclnc Paliadn, the Hottb)'li wlll reaide Ill Ute mllltuy c!ependenta Mualng area on Clark .Al'8 during· their stay overac&a. Lieut. Holtby atart...s bla mili- tary eervtce with the U. 8 . .Air Force ln 1943. During lf.orld War ll, he wu a member of the Elshlh Al• Force and putlctpated In 82 aert&l combat mlalOllli over Dl· rope for wttlch be wa. a.war;ded a,n Air Meda,! with tour Oak Leal Cluaters. He re-e.ntered the MrYice in September 1900 a.ad ~w.. at&Uon• ed In Japan before ~ to tt>• P blUpplJ!u laat J!'ebruary wllere be la now .. tined u a navtptor for the 9204th 1'1\0to Mapping Fllgllt, U tb Alr Force. .A bolder of a Muter of Science decree ln Education from the Uni- versity .ot Southern California.. Lieut. Holtby wu a former hlr h ecbool teacher at the Rosem ead Htrh achoo!. Balboans Home From Week North Mr. a.nd M n . Harvey Somen1 and fa.mlly and Mn. Somers' mother, Ml"I. RoS8 Wuton, re- turned. Jut night to their P enin- sula home aner more tJtan a week tn northern California. They vi.sited Mrs. Somers' sis- ter and brother-in·law, the Jame• Lowes, at their ranch In the Santa Cruz mountains then, leaving the children ; went to San Francieco for a few daya. They attended the Stanford·Cal game a.nd Mrs. Somers a;r.te ded on Tuesday Ute Book.a A uthora luncbeon where Lu a Beebe and Arthur Marks were among the speakers. F ounder and first president of L i>!<Ji(' S teffcnM>n o f Corona del IT I l t the Newport Harbor Council of 1 '.\f ar lf'<i t he robed choir. The an-rave eC Ufe Church Women, of wh ich organ-nounccn1ent of the. churchman and Q p bl' ization she Is now finishing her churchwon1an ot t he year was pen to U IC aecond year a s president, In \Vhich made> by ?-.fr. ftaul Delp of the time this organization has bE'comt' Y. '.\f C A . . . . a prominent part of the lif<' of Oth1~r pastor!! part1c1pat1ng in church women of Ne\\'"POrt a nd the program Included Rev. PauJ Costa Mesa. Babbit t , pre&ident or lhe CoWlcil An illuatrated travel lecture showing unusual scenes in cities ot Brazil, Paraguay and Argen· tina is open to th~ public on Harbor Masons Entertain Guests • An· evenlnl" of rellowahlp w a• enjo~ tty~ l2t m e m b er• and 1 u Mt.1 ;i of; Butartn.g Lod&'e No. Priy :Day A, for -Riding~Club -- . 7~ FrM and AlloopUd Muona on A tllll day oC riding even ta Wedn.elday, Nov. ltth in their ~ked lh! regu~r. hOJ¥ playday SOd,.e" room ln the Co.ta"· Mesa· •taced Nov. 18 b9 tbe Kea Boot.a 8*nk auu<llhC . and-llad4les Club In tbe ~ at Of UU. number 87 were·v,.,,,a tb.e O?abp County Fair Grofrnda. reel ding or vlllUn g i.n thia · area M iefnben1 of Boota and S."'8'41\a, wbO are members of other M:~; Loa Companeros and other local 10nic Lodges. One ot the guests equestrian grou1>9 pa.rtlctpated. la a member of Tokyo ~e No. Break.fut at the cbuck wagon and 12& in Tokyo. Japan. Seatartnc a trail ride preceded 11 event.a ln lodge ·was most happy to be host skill in riding and horaema.ruihtp. to these ruesta. Dick Otto and Mr. Sellkirk were Turkey and baked ham and all judge11. Ribbons were awarded to the trimming• w~re served buffet fourth place . style. .Alter dinner, Brother The following winners were A.D· George Bosley master ot cere-nounced ; Junior Trail Hore-- monies gave a ~short ts. I k Steven Croddy; first ; Kay Bailey, outlining the manner tn w h I ch second; Gail Moores., third; David Seafartnr Lodge came into being Bagwell, fourth. Senior-Trail Starting with a member&htp ot 22 Hors~Jlm Bailey, first; Earl it has grown to a men1bership of Bagwell, second; George Baker, 128 ·residing in every section of third; Gall Ann Paris, fourth. the harbor area. Junior Stock Horse--Kay Ba.l· Melwood Betry, a member of ley. first: Sl@-ven Croddy. second ; Seafaring Lodge, gave a most in-Ottily Bayer, third; Sherryl teresttng talk on the a~haelogical Holmes, fourth. Senior Stock discoveriea in MexJco. During his Horse -Jim Bailey, first; Bill residence there ot several years Warne, !ltCOnd; Forrest Paull, he was privileged to enter some third; Earl Bagwell, fourth. Junior of the tombs during the excava-1 Pleasure horse--CaroJ Knuff, Kay lions. I Bally, Anne Croddy and Bonnie A vote o! thanks \.\·as extended George. first ; Ga.i,l Moores, Stev- to Brother Geo. Bbsley and his J en Croddy, Sherryl Holm.ea and committee for the splendid work I Ottily Bayer, second; Ruth Ori.ter they did in arranging this evening • 1 a.nd David Bagwell, third; Jo Lin of tellowah.ip. · Miner, fourth. Seafaring Lodge will have many Sack race-Bill Warne, first ; enjoyable social evenings during Gail Ann Pans, seco~d; George the coming year. Baker. third ; 1'fr. Soddera, fourth. Potato race -Sharon Moores, AT DtJARTE !first ; -Mr. Sodders, second; Gail Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAlary I Ann Parts, lh!rd; Kay Bailey. and daughter, Jane. or 536 San fourth. Co'ofboy's nlghtmare- Bemardino Ave., Newport Heights She rryl Holmes, first; Mr. Soddera, found plea.sure in a holiday re-second; Ottily Bayer, third; Geo, union at the Duarte home ot Mr. Baker. fourth. Junior Run, Ride and Mrs. Robert Harnicht. son-in· and Lead-Carol Knuff, first; ot.t- law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ily Bayer, second; Bonnie George. McAlary. third; Gail Moores, fourth. Bare- OL'T OF TOWN Costa Mesans concluding a re- cent sojourn at T ecopa Springs were Mr. and Mra. Andrew Brock· ett and daughter SU!lie,' Mr. and Mrs. James Lockwood and Suzie Kline. back Stake race-Sharon Moorea, first; Carolyn Pridham, second; Kay Bailey, third; Steven Croddy, fourth. Musical Hals-Sharon first : Carolyn Pridham, Kay Bailey, third: Steven fourth. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OFFICES -BY - ' F. R. H E R M A N, M.D. GENERAL PRACTICE 90il W. BALBOA BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH PHONE HARBOR 2804 Moores, second; Croddy, song' lntroduct lon of the FN::oihman teache-rs to the paren~. Mr. Bab- bitt cJO&ed the m eeting with a.n invitation to the parents to get acquainted \\tflh hetir childrens' teachera after the dismissa l. Harbor High was presented a.n exchanse aaembly tr om the Huntington Beach H I g h School vocal department on Nov. 21. Thia program lncludes two .!M>loe. a girls' chorua and boys' chorus. a girls' sextet (called the Harmon- tsl.s ) a.nd boys· Quartet With the latter bringing many rounds of applause rrom Harbor's student body. Harbor Htch. later on in the year, will take an 1!."'tchange assembly to Hunlln.gton Beach. She i11 pre..aldent of the Newport Io! Churches; Rev. James Stewart, Beac h Circle of the \\'omen's So· Rev. r•aul ~[oore \'1'heeler ; Dr. clety of Christian Se rvice. Harry \\.hlte. and Rev. Thoma.a She is a former president or the 'Roy P endell. host pastor. Tuesday, Dec. t at 7 :30 p. m. inl 'iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iji~ Ebell club hOUM. Lee WUder re· turned to South American coun· tries for material on hla lecture, ·HARBOR · HI LITES By ll:RRV ll:SKO A.ftt>r Garn"' Part)· After the Harbor . Huntington gamf>, couples d.ropptng In al Francis Klme·s home tn Cliff Ha· ven were: F1"'8.n Kimes anrl BruQe B&.Jrd, Janet Loucks and Frank Trautwein, Llvl.e \Vlld and Ja.clc Smith, Janee Hurne a nd Bob Ben - boW. R oxy A.arvold a.nd Pat Ores· den, Barbara. Starege and Rolly Pulaski. Blrt.bday Part.}· On the e!ening of Nov. 8, a birthday par\y was held for Sylvia \Vilcox at J oyce Allen"& home in Costa Mesa. Couples devour ing punch and cook'le11 Included D iane Pasc0e and Garb Hansen, Judy Gannon and Ronnie Reagen, Sa.ndl Thaden and Bob Ce.sey, Mary Wright a.nd J oe Lester. Ca rol Mc- Vay and P a ul Buchanan. J oyce Allen and ~lark Scoerield, Bobbi~ Haley and R. C. Crane. Ida Mc.· Vay and Bob Mean.a, Susie Ham and Jlm DUian, Eva Sutton and Calvin Knight,· Ruth Reynolds and Bob Haynes, Sylvia Wilcox ancJ Jlm Sullivan. Gay ole stage were; Bob Buell, Bill Gannon. Roxy Aar- vold, Bob Benbow. Gleaves Lowe, Archie H orvath, Dick Councilman, Virgil Packa.m, Geor-g:e James, Jlm and Bill Pascoe, Dick Camp· bell and Bill Ca.rroole. "'1brlpt Party Madre Fulbright held a party to celebrate the 1la.st game or the sea· 80ft bet'keen Harbor and Hunttng. ton tollowt.ng that game. Tboee ee.Ung almoet everything: ln sight were: Joan Niuen and Jerry Evana, Bob Gallivan and Dtane Butlett, Sharon Sh•rlll Md Lee Hambrook, P e t e Grah&m and Barb &arL Shirley Rua and Jtod&'er McK.tnnon. Tom Holla and lAbda H•lna. Ellie Ragan and R. c. Clu•, )(Ike Doyle 11,114 Ann Bradford, Jpfui ~-and Joan 1114!)', ht., Mom. -Martl)'ll ~ Day Koppen and Terry o~. Tcmj t.ance ' ,..tl liladp ll'Ulll>rlPt. 8-1'~! I ~-,if.,.., 11, 111 1,11e -: yard ot Joetta Wblttoa'a -· Id Coot& •-a blffilda1 p&tV • ~ -ID J oetta'a -· ~ P"• Uid roe•tn& wieDHs were: .J...U.. llWJ' Blatt. Mezy LI llao 11h 71,ll&r)'~.­llCOM. VaJd4 W-., IBUI Gould, _,... Lorlltr. Da'rid llbt.wllan; -JtnJ-it ud -,....... 8""dillr llOo 1'ltt l 'I I Ille to al- t.ad .,.,...~ I>eDnla, A- ' Balboan Named to Student Who 's Who Shirley Crandall. d&U&bter of Mrs.• Harry Casey of 2007 Mira· mar Drh.-e, Balboa, ha.a been choe· t-n one of the 32 San Joae State Coll ege student to be represented in the next annual publlc•tlon of "Wbo's Who Among Students In Amerlcan UntverSiUea and Col· IC'ge11," according t o E . W. Clem- <'nts. student council advtler. M iss Cn.nda!J, who la preaident of Delta Gamma sorority. ta a senior 80Cl.al KJen~ maJOr. Named to Council at Oberlin College Chrl11t Church b;l the St-a \\·ornf'n's society ,or Christian """''ce, 'Moose Conduct She 18 a former superintendent I Of the church school G rave side Rites Sht> Is a m~mber of the follnv.•. ing board and committl'.'es : official \'\'on'len of the ].foose. Newport board. board of Christ ian Pduca· Beach Chapltr 1!58. and Moose l ion. membership and e\•an~e.ll5n1 Lnd~e I457. ere mourning the com m ~tte-e. recor~s and h istory t death of one of their co-workera comm1ttt>e, committee on person-1 and !hf> \\"lfl· of Governor Archie nl"J. Ost randrr. Grave-side services For rour years she had been lay I \\·ere hrltl at 2 p.m \\'ednesday. dt-legate rrom Newport Beach to Nov. 2l for Birdie Ostrander. the Southern California -Arizona Thf'se Sf'rvict>s ''';:-re conducted by Co nfe rence o r l h (' ~f f'l hodiel 22 CO·\\'o rkt·rs and officers ot the church. rhap~Pr a nll approx.imately 22 She has been the p romoter and ITil'mb,·r.<1 or the JI.loose Lodge. the key Individual in the sucC<'fJS Pianist O!lv'" Miller sang "Bf'&U· or the annual F'lvt> Dollar Baa-liftJI IN!t· of Somewhere." quets. l\1rs. Ostrander. a.s hosplW She h&s always taken an activr c~atrnian, had planned to work to- int~re.st in local political life. I v•ards the purcl1a.ttt' of a "''heel Sht> ll Ve!I at 217 • 33rd St .. Ni'\.\'· c hnir fo r 8 crippled "voman and port Bt>ach, her con1mittee and lhe cha.p~t \\'1111.am McDonuld have pl<"dged themselves to com· Member of Chris t Church b y plt"te her project . the Sea. Ch<'f Ha rold Hawley is still pre- Own.s bome at 1536 O c ea n pa.ring lhOSf' delicious dinnera Blvd ., Balboa. every Sa turday night, asal11ted in Two sons ln local 6Chools. 1 ~erving by lht> \Vomen of the Resident of the Harbor area ror Ml)()se. 16 years. To g et in on one> or the.se dinners, United with the local Methodist 1 rlther become a member or the Misa Judith Crane hu recently Church In 1944:. Lodge or have a friend "'ho i8 a been elected to the dorm.ltory Served u a member of l h e member invite you. council from her dormitory at butldinc committee of new sane· Kl'xt Thut&day evening, Nov. Ot>e"'"rltn College, Oberlln. Mo. tua.ry of Christ Church by the 29, Library Chflrman Lema Mu- Ml~ Crane, a fe.rshma.n in the Sea. I sey has arranged a special• pro- Conttrvatory o f Mu.sic of Oberlin Served aa pre 1 I d en t of the gram and Initiation ot n ew mem· College, ls the daughter ot Mr. and Board of Trust~s. bets w ill be held. Refreshments lefra. Theodore J . Crane of 8~ Bea-Served u superintendent ot the w ill be .served by Mrs. Massey and con Bay, Ne-wport Beach. 1 church school. h er committee . • ' • South America Reviaited. Becauae the tilm is presented under auspices of Ebell club travel sec· tlon, he l!I giving it at a fraction ot his usual fee and the club is cha.rg1.ng only 26 cent.a admission. Dinn er Party at C hand ler H ome Mrs. Frank Perew ot Balboa Boulevard was m e m be r ot a family party which e n j o ye d Thankapving dlnner a.t the home of her daughter Mrs. Ira Chand· ler ot Sant.a Ana. Others present LESTER A. BECKER , D. D. S. Announces THE REMOVAL OF HIS DENTAL OFFICE AT 505 EAST BAY A VE., BALBOA AND CONSOLIDATING BOTH OFFICES IN THE .MEDICAL BUILDING 1785 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA .. PHONE BEACON 6752 were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pere\v ~~~~~~~;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jr., Beverly Hills; Mrs. Hilda Chandler, Anaheim; Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Arnett. La. Habra and the host and hostess:. Mesa Horseman Will Enter H. B. Parade Lou C&g1Ja, known a.a Lucky Carson in Hollywood. ha.8 been chosen u "Grand Marshall" of the 5th Annual Christmu Satuie to Santa Claus Parade to be held i.n Huntington Bea.ch Friday eve~ ning, Nov. 30 sta.rtinl" at 7 p . m. Caglla ha.a been featu t"ed in re- cent M. C. M. picturea .st&rr\"I with Van Johnson in the picture "No Leave No Love" .iao with John Wayne ln the lndian p icture "Da.kota" and Clark O&.ble In ".Ad· venture." His horse 'Chief Chero- kee,' la the famous H igtl School Horse known u the ''Wonder Horse of the Century." Equestrtan rtderp Who have been lnv1ted to participate inclu de L. B. Wickersheim ot Costa Mesa wtlh his two white palominos a.nd car- riage. IN PALM SPRINGS Attra,cted to Palm !!prlnp for aeve.ral recent daya were Mr. and >era, Reuben Da,y of C..ta, MeM • BA!U!()B All&A QvJSctUd N.v RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL Zl!O -SOtb St. Newport Beech Harbor 2533 • \ • --~. -. : -.... - -,.,,,._, ' • . . -. ' • • TUESDAY, NOV. 27, 195 1 NEWPORT' IALIOA NEW>TIMES PAGE .J HARBOR SOCiAL EVENTS MRS. WINlFRED BARBRE, Boclety Edit.or """"',,..,,.._......-.... -...... .....--....,.,.,. ... ..,.._~,,,_,,.............,.. ... ,.,.~ Fuchsia G roup Has Church Group Aids Dinner fo r Migrant Mission Outgoing Officers Tying baby qum• and making I dolla to be sent to the Migrant Members or the retiring board mission In San Joaquin Valley oc- of the Costa Mesa-Bay Cities cupled membeT3 of t..he Ladles branch of the California F'uchaia Jrflsslonary society of the Costa s ociety fet:-d Al Hollister, out-Mesa Central Bible church when going president. \;l'ith a surprise they held an all-day meetlng at dinner recently at 1.he Costa Mesa the church. home of Mrs. Bertha Tillotson, 221 A pot luck luncheon wa.s scrved Flower St. Mr. Hollister was pre-a~ noon. The devotional program 11ented a g-ift on "'bf.>half of the was conducted by Mrs. Evelyn g·roup. Updike. Included ln the group Among those sharing lhe picas-were Rt-v. and Mrs. Al Kaders, ant occa.<:1on Wf're Gen . and M rs. Mmes. Jay Beardsley. Elsie Shar- Raymond Knapp. M<"ssrs and mon, Kate Semrow, Claire Wirght, Mmes. t.1oorholIBe, Harvey Kocr-Nelllf' McAdams. W!Uiam Mcln- ner. Donah! Payne', Lt•o A. Lee, tee, Nancy McClure. Montzell Dor- Don L~wrt'nC•'. Al HollistC'r. MT!!!. reU. Connie Brooks. Evelyn Up- Etna Kunzn11in. l\-1rs. h-1\ldred An-dike and Miss Etta Bryant. llerS(>n. ~IJ'S, Tillotson and Irma Standlef'. -----.- Appoints Chairm en for Fu chsia Soc. BrlJ:". Gen. Rstymond K napp or Droa<lway, Cnsla Mt>sa, who was r1·c('nlly 1nFlallrd as prt's1rl••nl of the Co:->t"l. MrRa-Bay Citil'S branch of the ('aliforn1a Furhs1a society, has announced his comm\ttee chalr1n c n. Harborit es Attend Celebrity Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd, Jr., and son Fred, of Nf'wport Heights have r ecently rrturnrd rrom a t\VO weeks vacation in Orf'iton, Wash- ington and Canada. Jn Briti"h Co- lumbia they s topped at Victorl!t, , in the statC'S, stayed at Seattlr and Salem, visiting frlends in each place. Th('y we.re particularly ;rma Standlf•C' ,,.ali oppointed taken with thC' beauties of Salem. h iKtorian an r\ shu\V chairman : BeforE' l{'avtng t hey W{'re guests r.trs. Harv '-' Y Ko{'rn1..•r, host-at the Ralph Kiner-Nancy Chafer l f'SS ~hairma n : L•:o A . l..R<!, mem-j'-"·edding In Santa Barbara. Kiner bersh1p : ~1 rs. f\1 1ldrt·d Anderson. is the home run king of the Pitts · birthday; Al Ho llist<'r. plants; burg. Pirates and his bride is a Br adley L. Hughes, tickets. Mrs. national tennis star. Ne llie L. Spencpr will b<' in charge of refrr!>hm 1,nt~. assistrrl by Mrs. Edna J ones. oth('r appointt~s in-Miss Lois Ho ltz elude B . Langdon, parliamt!ntari- an , and Jack LoY.:e, altt·rnate dele- gate. New C lass Begin s at St . Joachim Rev. Thomas J . Nevin, pastor of St. J oachim Catholic church, Costa Mesa. anno uncea that a new cl8.8s for inquire rs will begin Mon- day, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, 1964 Orange avenue. De- signed to answer questions per- taining to church doctrines, the information classes will be con- ducted eac h M on day n ight t hrough-out the year, CASINO CAFE FISHERMEN'S Main St. at &lboa Blvd. St:E the Slt.:~\.SOX'S CATCH Pistol River Oregon is Hostess t o College Fri end Mil'5s Lois Holtz was homC' for the Thanksgiving holidays from University of Arizona at Tucson and brought with her ~tlss Carol Cremer, whose home is In F ort LeC', New Jersey. Both arc pledge_, of Chi Omega. MW Holtz Is daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtz, 306 Apolena, Balboa Island. Pat and Diane Blair or Alhambra, and several other friends jolnert them for luncheQn at the Bay club. Harborites Plan Yuletide for German Family • To n iake Ute Yule:tkle a bright- C'r one for a needy family ln Ger- many, members of the Newport Harbor area Y '.11 Menetles are to bring clothing and canned goods for a Chri.stmaa box when th{'y gather In regular se8.8ion Thurs- day, No v. 27 at 7 :30 p.m. w ith ltt rs. Virgil Jackson, 61~ Tustin avenue, Newport Heights. ... (Gerhardt Photo) Nary Palri<'b Blr<'h Ma ry Patricia Birch Says Vows in Home Candlelight Ceremony Perfection of dcla1l markE'd thl''e--------------- sin1ple but ve ry beautiful honlf' Crop8<'y of Rutherford, N('w Jer- cerf'mony which unll<'d Mary Pa-sey. His bride Ui daughter of Mrs. tricia B1rt'h, charming daughter Florence Hall-Birch, descendant of of Mrs. Flore ne£' Hall-Birch of the founders of Waterbury, Conn., Corona dt•I Mar and Charle!\ Ores-and the late Col. Thomas B . Birch, c~cr Cropsey, Jr., of . Ruthc.rford, J former minister to Portugal dur- New J f'r!'>ey. The {'lghl o clock ing the admlnistratJon of Prcsi- candl<'il~ht ritf'S wer{' p!?rformed dent Woodrow Wilson. She was o n Saturday, Nov. 17 by the Rev. graduated from the Aml'.'rican In- Paul Babbitt, pastor of the Co-stitute of F or eign Trade, Phoen ix, rona del Mar Community churt:h Arizona and, haa won recognition in the prest·nce of the family and both In Hawaii and California u a close friends. dreu de.signer, creator of Paige Dr. and Mrs. Hall in Honolulu Dr. and Mrs. Hora.cc Hall of 23561 Ki 11 gs Road, Kcwport Heights, planed to Honolulu where tht'y have bc('n attf'nding the Pan Pacific Surgical conference. It ls the first visit to the islands for Dr. Hall, m ember of the American College of Surgeons and the Medi- cal Arts Group and Mrs. Hall. Bib-'n -T uckers to Dance at Pacific Coast Club The large sturtio living room Ha..11 originals. The young couple Saturday. Dec. l , has bC'en set with Its 12 foot beamed ccll.lnit will make their home at Palo Alto, by Blb-'n-Tuck er club for their and pine pane led \\'alls was a de-wh!'re Mr. Cropsey ls a senior at Chrl.8tmu dlnnt'r dance. to be held llghtful setting for the service. Stanford u.nlverslty. at the Pacific Coast Club In Long From another room ca.me the ' Out-of-TO'\o\'D Guf>flts Beach. Chairmen for the event Delta Gammas See Pictures of Blind Children MoUon pictu res J ot cbildren leuhlng to Hye well adjusted lives ln the Nunery School for Vilually Handicapped Children made a moet. lntere11Ung prognm when Orange .County Alumnae chapter ot Delta 'Gamma met Nov. 20 at the home of M.ra. Walter Splcer, Harbor 18land. The pictorial record ahowed aome of lbe bllnd chUdren, u they came to tbe scbool at the age or two, some not even able to hold thelr heada up, lo the time they a.re ready to enter et&le wchoola at the age of six. They arc trained to dress lh~meelves, feed themselvea, take part In games, swim, and I act In almost e~ry way like nor· mal children. Thirty members were pre8ellt. lnc ludinll Mmca. Clem Christle, Leon Willi.ams, William Mac- Gowan, R. J . Ward, Emory Moore, J ohn Gei~er, John Smith, Frank Everett, H . Payne Thayer. Mrs. Th&y<'r . presided and Introduced 1-{rs. W . D. Lowry of Los Angeles. Who prC"st•nted the program. Ellerbroek Family to See Christmas in New Home Miss Barbara EllcrbrOf'k, fresh- man student at Stephens college. Colun1bia. Mo .. was elected presi- dr.nt of t he Stephens lndi"pendcnt Association for Hetzler hall, where she Is a "resident. She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Phnmer Eller- broak, now living a t Beacon Bay, The ~llerbroeks are building a new home on their seven a cre or- ange and avocado ranch at Tustin, and hope to be in the house before Barbara and Bruce are home for Chr~tmaa. Bruce is this year a j unior at Washington State col- lege, at Pullman, Wash. On Tues- day the Ellerb roeks called t he chil- dren b)· telephone with a Thanks- giving message. Bruce is' spending the day with a Theta Chi brother in S1•attle. Barbara wu t o remain at Hitzler hall. Robert Boyd, Jrs.~ Celebrate 8th Wedding Anniv. :P.tr. and Mrs. R.o~rt Boyd, Jr., 515 San Bernardino Ave., observed their eighth wedding anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 17. Cocktails at home waa follow ed by dinner at Balboa. Bay club. Present were Messrs. and Mme8. R. W . Budd, Ned Wakeham and Jules Gage: al8o Mrs. Leo · de los R iOl:I, Mrs. Lylas Pangborn, William Low of San Diego, and the Boyda. • Home for Oiri.srmas •.. snow-covered hills and valleys ... with the family and old friends to greet you in glad reunion! Srep into the hospitable spirit of home the moment you board a luxurious Santa Fe stream- liner. Relax in your own private room, or be at case in a comfortable reclining chair. Every c.a.r is conditioned for winter travel There's alwayf more to enjoy-more ro sce- when you travel Santa Fe. Grand Fred Harv ey meals and ifand sight-seeing along the scenic Santa Fe route. Five daily uaios betwttn California-Chicago -Sup<r Chief, The Chief, El Capitan, California limiccd, The Grand Canyon provide~accom.mo­ dacions to fie every purse. W hat's Chrismw without the children? Take them wiµ. you.-a[ linle extra cost. Children under 5 yea.rs, free-... under 12years.half fare-when accompanied by 1 fart ·paying adult. G<nerous bagga&f allowance, too-150 lbs. free for each full fate, io addition to hand luggage. ~ ~ Santa Fe ~ ~ C. D. UNDSEY, T.P.A. 1088 E. ttb St., Phone Klmberl.)' S-38M or Su.at.a Fe Depot. Klmberly 2-t-•04 SANTA A.VA, CALI.I"". McDonald Fam ily Dines Together Mr. and Mrs. H erbert McDonald ~11 Old County Road, entertained With a family dinner party on Thanksgiving Day. Places "'ere laid for Mr. and 1.frs. R . L. Mc~ Donald, parents of the host; Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDonald and sons Bob and Rich, Mr.a. Lena Light. Mrs. Mary W escott, Nancy Mc - Donald, daughter of the ho use and ~1r. and Mrs. Herbert McDonald. strains of the '-"'<'dding march, fo l-Amonll the guest.:!! were Mr.a. a re M rs. Ronald Barlow and Mrs. lov.-ing the prelude, Beloved, as Charl<"s D. Cropst"y, Sr. and h er Jack Brunt"r, Balboa Island, and the bridal party took their placC's sl.!!ter, Mrs. Van Winkle of Ruther -L ynn Hughes, Co rona dt'l Mar. As- in th(' bay window \\'i lh its tracery ford ; George Day ot New York ; sisting as hosts and hostesses are i or iron grillwork. Behind them Mr. an~' Mrs . ~owe rd L. Beckman the board membars for the past I stood a 17th century Gothic chest of Pac1f1c Palisades; Mr. and Mra . J year: Mrs. Mogens Abel, Mrs. brou~ht t o this country by the Marc us McCIE"llan of Huntington I Mat11ohall Clark and Don J ohnson. I brid(''s i;:-rea t -great-grandmother, Beach; Mr. and ?-1rs. David Paul of Laguna Beach; George Wi.nter, Betsy . .\.ddlson. On it we re tapers Laguna Beach : Mr. and Mrs .. J . Gordon Finley, Santa Ana and 1n tall golden canrllestieks and a Spencer Crilly of Puadena; Miss Stuart Diehl Corona del Mar. centerpi1·c1..' of bird of paradiSC'. At ?-fild red Christensen and Miss Dinner w1h be served at eight eat'h ~ith• \\'C'l'e frrn, tall yellow Schan Ste\\'art of Los Angeles; o'clock fo llo\\•ed by a short busi- chrysanth1•n1un1s and tr o pi c a I Jack Perry of Paaadena : <?•pl. ness meeting and officers for the plants. Overht-ad gentle candle-and Mrs. Robert Day of Bllhngs, coming year will b t• elected. R e- light f11ck1·rt•d fron1 wrought iron Montana; Lt. and Mrs, Lee Tedder malnder of the evening will be candt·labra hanging from l he of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Claude Vale, given over to dancing with music FINEST SELECTION of Sleepy Eye Minnesota i~ . ~ 'I' Yes, Greyhound Goes Everywhere T'har1s right. ntryk-·bm ••• nen ro places like Broken Sword. Ohio. Bad .Axc,.).{ichigan and Horse U:ve. Ken- Ncky. We really don't sell too mlllf rick.C'cs to thne colotfW places. Bur here's cur point ... ••IJ G,.,,llN.J stnc:s all -48 swcs. ,.,.itb fr~eac. cOlnftUeot, ckpendable and W-cul U&ll.Spon:a.tion. Try Jt! • SAMPLI LOW FARIS ,._ From Ntnvport Bl!at".b HOLLYWOOD. Fla. ........ UD.20 CHICAGO, UL ................ 41.65 iu.ExA1''DRJ~. La......... S6.80 RAPID CITY• So. Oak. $0.%0 SILVEll CITY. N. M.. ... 15..05 GDJ:D'EVILLE, C.W-. 1.15 • ,.,..,..,.T'aa h ... blt '" uu. ......... '*new. ......... c. e. S. ..... 4 -m c-... ..,....9' II,_""'°' ---. ID ' beamed Cl'ilinj!;. of Corona de! Mar; Mr. and Mre. furnished by Bob Snow's orches- Romantic Tradition Melwood Berry of Lido Isle: Mrs . tra. WNG HOLIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Owen and daughter Ellen of Balboa Cooves. d ined at Mike Lyman's in Los Angeles on the national holiday, and enjoyed Window shopping be- tore dinner. On Saturday they went to the game and continued on to Van Nuys for t he week end. PASADE:'liA HOLIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruner of Balboa Island l"njoyed the Thanks~ giving dinner at the home of :P.tr. Bruner's parent.'!, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0 . Brune r, Pasadena. Kenny Bruner and Mrs. Ruth Tilley. Montebello, mother of Mrs. Jack Bruner, were also present. Mc.ALPl~"'ES IN TUSTIN The Duncan McAlpine family apent the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of his parents m Tustin. Mesa Pastor Preaching at San Fernando Rev. Jaff'ph W . McShane, paato r of the Costa Mesa Community Methodt.t ~church, ts eonducting nightly service• this wttk through Friday at the M oorpark Commu- nity Methodist church in the San The bride's gown WB..5 lovely In candlE"h~hl satin, the bodice band- rd with rofir point lace from the wedding ~own of her great-grand- mother, the skirt with a bouffant overdrape of nylon net. Jn k eep- ing with a home ceremony, It was in ballerina IE"ngth. Instead of the traditional v~i.I she Wore an C'X- quisite. heirloom scarf of roae point lace. It had been brought rro n1 France by clipper ship and wom by brJdes ot rour gene r- ationK. It was held in place by a Juliet cap or pearls and satin rron1 the bodice of her grand- mother's WE"dding gown. She ca r- ried the ivory satin prayer book t'dj:;t~d in s('t"(I pearls which had be<>n ca rried by her mother. and on it a single white rosc. Even to th(' btue garter and the penny in her s hoe, the ceremony was slttped 1n the ron1antlc tradition of the family fo r the satin garter bore a tiny butterfly of rose point l&<'e worn o n the garter of Belay Addison. and the penny bearing the date o r 1818 bad also bffn worn by h er great-great-grand- mother. ltfiss Joscyln Crilly of Puadena, maid of honor, was 1n a ballerina length gown . of turquoise s a t t n with wide stole. and over-skirt of nylon net, Juliet cap of sliver thread and turquoise VeneUa.n beads. H er bouquet of Talisman rose21 was In lovely contrut. Leslie Lawrence Hall gave best man &SBista.nce. Afternoon GoW. F ernando Valley. Rev, McShane's Mrs. Birch cbo&e for her daugb- absenee from the local pulpit' i.s ter'a wedding a.n atte.mooa gown occa.aloned by tbe UnJted Evan· of pertwin.kle blue and an orchid cdi..Uc Advance Mtuk>n of South-corsage. Mra. Cropaey waa smart ern Calllomla M.ethodlam wherein l.n black. wttb conege of •pkler mlnlnera oL the MetTOpolltan chryaanlhemuma. atta are <qqed In pulpit ell· The reception and cutUng al the cbaqd. wedding cake lmmedlato\y folloW· Rev. J . Stuart lnnent wu ed the ril.eL When the bride and gueot _k ... ~t llOrVlcH ~ groom left for a honeymoon lq in the M~ c.bUl'C.b. Hie eermoa Carmel tbe neW Mn. Cropee'y topk: wu "How llbal1 Wo Thln1I .wore "" attractive outfit of sold .UOUt .1-!• . . cham-e wool ·wtu. bolt and -tlatf fually nlSlit al the uc:ot Kart of Mby I~ ~ clWrch wW be. ob& •• Weta· tllie. lrot••eau ot tM ........ oom'• <lay In tlle -'81 llall llePUdnlf moth ... Helen Hill of Balboa Island: Jack Hanson and Mi.M Sally Conlin of Los Angeles ; Mrs. Helen A cker- man, Mrs. David MarkC'll a.nd Mr. and Mrs . Wally Gerhardt of Co- rona del Mar; Mi.ss Charla llgner of Laguna Beach; Mr. and Mr.s. Theodore St. J ohn of Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. H. E . James or Corona del Mar. Than ksgiving Dinner at Gerrish Home Among those enjoying the ex- pertly prepared turkey dinner at the H oward GerriKh home Thank21· giving Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John.son ot Camp Pendleton: Mr. Johnaon'• father, John J ohnson, or Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gerrish and ch ildren; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wal- len and eon CnfS, ot Fullerton. Mrs. Orpha Blue, Mrs.)dable Ulve, Mr. and' Mr& Harold-Bradley and daughter, C.rol Ann, of Orange and Jerry Henning of Ana.helm. The evenlng wa.s spent chatting &nd e ntertaining or being enter· t.a.ined by the grandchUdren. W ~yne Harper Still in Hospital Orange Co. Bridge Players W in Honors Winners of troph ies and Master Polnta at the Pacific Southwest Regional Bridge Tournament re- cen tly held in Coronado were Mrs. C. E . Irvin ot Anaheim : Mrs. Robert Rosa. Mrs. Robert Brown, Mn1. Roy Strotz of Balboa; Mr: and Mrs. A. W. Tummel of Costa Met1a ; Mrs. Peggy J ohnson, Wil- liam a.nd l)oyle Gilbert of Santa Ana. Previous attendance records were broken at this tournament and over JOO tables of dupllcate bridge were In play at several ot the &eMions. Mrs. Margaret H olmes and Mrs. Peggy J ohnson were w inne rs north-aoulh and Mrs. Carrie Saun- ders and Mrs. Catherine Smith were high &corers eaat-we&t In the duplicate bridge game played ln BaJboa on Friday even.Ing. Runners-up nortb-aouth w <' r e Mn. &tty Duncan and J . F . Mor- rison : M rR. Mildred Adams and Mra. Roy Strotz;' Mn. Robert Brown and Lt. Col Houston; Harry Springmeyer and Charles J ester; Mr. and Mni. H , M. Wall· lngfonl. Runners--up ea.st-west were Mrs. Carl Benaon and Mrs. Charles Wayne Harper1 118 Alba.tone, Je•ler; Mra. Robert Roes and Mn. Balboa Ialand., who wu injured Joe Wlkox; Mrs.. A. G, Doesburg, Wednesday ln an automobile acct-and Robert Brown: Kr. and Mn:. dent on Coul Highway at Cry.W l!l • .1. Mllraet; Kr. and Kn. L. V. CoYe la etW In St. .Jooeph hoopltal. BIVW11. Illa f.r\Ju.rit!819 lnclude a fractured North«MJth winnen ln ~e Mon· jaw, (on boOI aides) and PM8fble day afternoon pme were Mn. Internal lnJurleL Bia condition ta Barry B•bllllng and ·Mn. E-:s. fair and 1J<o la doing u wdl u \11!'.lclanan;-M,... Violet C&ulktna could be ~ but will be ~· ed Nonnan Barkley; Kn. Belly tl>e boopltal-.t leut anotller week. 0-an4 Kn. -Haml!n; MrL ;;;;;:-;;;:;°'· ·-;;;;;:;;;, -rt Brown and Dqyle GHl>ert; · ~OUE8'1' IN NOll'llr )(r. and Mn. C. B . .1..,_; Mn. v1rs11-c -..1 Plnllloy • .., ot K.-Croe11f &"1 Mn. lhye tl>e A. t. ,Ptnltleyo al Cotta )(... llclll-. . : pHUd tloe ~ bal_lc!o,ye -llp _,i ...... ,..... Mn. tn BaCflunmt.o wbeft lie WU. ..,. & J . K unot ·add Mn. Cllllrlotte te;tshM!.u ,_'<>f Jlr. and Kn. -; Mn. Al1IOlol °""'"and 8. Q Rom"lf ...i ......,,,.,., aan. Mn. ~ ~; Jin, Tliie K-1<1Ulll lo a m•t at JIU.ot 191 I op --0-.., tnlC l>mt&l -. .JI....-: Jlro. TIM-om oad --_, ..... l,oUlo P E RS 0 NA Ll Z E D } ~·· By HAMPTON & so·NNELL ORDER NOW • Ca .II Harbor 1616 and a salesman wil l cal l and show you samples; or, see these fine cards now on display at the NEWPORT HARBOR PUB. CO ,, ,-t --\ ' • 2211 Balooa Blvd., Newport· Beach . . '• I • ' • wlU. a ;at la<lr -at e:ao • Mr. 0.0,117 la Ille -oC. Dr. ...... Cl!ai1eo II. Cl----..... ••>""11 .... i. dz 1'114 -V•t.or --._ w• I lleJ;JM. I ll: ...... s:iA=-:iil=os=i ...... :lllllA _,_ --·-·--------·,----.---·-· • , ' , , ~ • . ' • • ·f.' . -. . ~ ------~-----~ --- - - -- -- -I.: -- -- --·--------· -------- -- -. ----• ----------- - -_,._ ------ - - --------- -- --~ ~ -------_, __ ---------------... _. _______ ----- - - -- - ----- - - - -- - - - --- I 1 . • • • • 0 • • omce .....i PriaU..C Plut at mt a.--'11111.,-il&ltlGr WI qan,... le,,,,_ 1..epi N--~ ~ .. ~ Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPl!:R PUBLISHliR8 ABs'N. Member ot the NATIONAL J:DlTORIAL ASSOClA.TION StJBSCRIPrlOl'i' M'IZS·: NEWPORT-BALBOA ~8-nKES •"'T ~ b, Oranp County, U.50 per yee,r; si.oo Ux moat.bl; 11..15 tbnie maatbs (Aho lncludrs the NEWPORT·BA.LBOA PRESS, Tllo~) Oublde Oraqe 0.-t)' ~II ,.r y.., NEW VIEW ON TIDELANDS I • Another proof o! what ia devt!loping into a political axiom that a threat of Federal encroachment on tbe prop- .erty rights of citizens an+'Where is a threat to the rights of citizena everywhere-bas come to light in the fight of tlle States to regain title rights to their tidelands. When the Federal Government launched its battle t o FIRST COMMERCIAL ESTABU8HMS1ft '• .. -lu'oa to ..... Ito~-·-lee '- a.Inert. (Flnpatricka ) Newport Do~ Ste'"' m 'r•CHJ -~ -...i 1'1111 flcUn> wltb connectln1 p.riaadA were tl;tmC"OW-r•Wfffl•• M ._ p.,.tv em.porlak, (Newa'..TUnea Photo) aequire title to all tidelands, its eyes were covetously on the p• f L oil-rich submerged areas of California, Texas and Louisiana. lrG es OSe And as M S Rukeyser, noted economics writer, observed <Contlnaed from Par• J·) . ' · · __ ._ ''th I f th f tb ... Harbor outgaine<I CO&Bt by m Los Angeles last W~, e peop e O e rest 0 e only rive yarW!I. 288-283, after all country yawned as residents of the three States directly g a lna and IOMes were totaled. That .affected hollered in protest." doesn't include the 115 yards ln Mr R .. o.. • ed · · ht · to the t'd 1 d penaltl ..... e•ed the Pirate• ... . WLeyser gam new lll81g m 1 e an 9 n e Eutem conterence sport.a letter From Fanner McCabe Harey S. Trunian White House Washington, D. C. My ~ar Mr. President: ' Somewhere on the West Coast • .. Bl•••'• --........ ,.mt- ........ oC U. --11 otlll .. >5 -.. i:..-.Anpl•• ctde Uld ut ctrca · 'noo ,. ........ --Cltp-P,lr ..... 4a & maJ,ftMIJ WU ....,... to 1epr111rt a "'taam- ._ Ud 8lckle"" by Cft'tala critics ~ _..... ..., ..... tile Los ..,._ Q\;f QMmcll. -T!>UMI· '61t.y wu ...._.OD a tean\tlon for- WD owr Btatka ICLA.C. It now ia • dllpllly a& 1be Patio Art Gal· ler:J' ...... l•hnd A ........ Gii tbe forwn were Edwant R. RoJMI. L. A. council - man. J-w-.,-. -prue- winninl' art.Wt and DP. 'nleodore B einricha. curator, Bunttncton Memorial Art Libruy. Ro71>&I, Wayne and Dr. He1aric11o agreed that the city «>WtCil ... not com- petent to J\ld&"e the mertt of artia· Uc worl<s. SUbaeq~t to the council'• flur- ry over Brandt'• pain tine and others entered ln the Loe Anseles municipal show, Brandt. reaklen t ol Corona de1 liar, received: an &pology from tbe Loa Angeles councilmen. U'l'TLE ELECTED SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26.- J ohn Russell Utlle, one of the Radio Corporation ot America's lop eastern executives hu been elected prtaident and general man- &gtr of GoJden State Company, Ltd.. by the board of directors, • • ' . \ •• TU6SOAY, NOV.-27, 1951 ' ' . : By CLAYTON THOMPSON Ea.Y Way To Oton Feel • Pipe 011 Keros-StoYI A &W>d of oun ....,..-t.hia -· (rillbt) lo make .,,,., the low of Pearl Oilim'treatricted in your kemHDe .Wve. A bit ot rac on a rite nmnMl or 1'mct1I of wire made from• eo&t ~ la handy fm tbio job. S-IJbins will NIDOY• duet Utat naton111 acewaW.ie1. Pearl Oil, the Kina of Kero- eenea,comeatoyoufreeofevery i mpurity. It doesn't cause 111Doke. soot or leave keroaeney odors. Every drop bu.ml-give• - RtMOVE ACCUMUlATID DUST YU.IUY )'6d more heat and liaht for yom ~ .. dollar. Call u• about Pearl Oil toda,y. We'd like to ahow you the prompt aervice on which our local bWlineu i• baaed. CLAYTON THOMPSON . , 18th & Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 155 succeedin&' Paul Young, who re· jt••••••••••••lilll•••••••••••-centty resJgned. situation, however, when be discussed the problem with a editors m eet thl8 afte rnoon <Tues- spokesman for the Long Beach Board of Harbor Comm.is-day) to select the mythl~•I all-. d · f rmed conference teatn1!1 ... Couts lead- Dang it all, Harry. there's timei when I feel you don't 1,. ________________________________ __ know the meaning of such 'wonla as Tactlulness, Diplomacy 11 SJOners an was in o : t.ng candidates are guard Ft-ed "All States with the exception of Colorado have tide or Owen•, end Sid Manning, tsckleo submerged lands. Half of the city of Boston, including Jim K .. line and Ed Mayer and h d So h 'I baeks J esse Smith, .John Bia.ck, ~arly all the Back Bay area, the Nort an ut rai way Charley Black ldetenalvel Hal stations and millions of dollars worth of property, are on Smith and H oward Miller (defen- tidelands. The campus of Northwestern University in •Ive > . . . Bob Wood house w":" ,...._ · d h f th fi iaJ distri t · San F,-· rate<! by Rosso as the leagues \..J.ilcago an muc o e mane C m · ancl.SCO best tackle but probably won't BJ"! similarly located. The 'great shrimp industry of Louis-be considered because he m'"8ed iana and Florida is located on tidelands. In short, billions three leag-ue games after an a.uto- of d U rth f State municipal and pn'vate property mobile accident whlch he w .. 0 &:rs WO 0 • fortunate to live through. tllroughout th~ Nation are affected and left with doubtful The m .. te r minds win have a titles.'' tough time selecting that first A quit-<:laim bill, to resolve the tidelands title muddle string otrenslve backfield with such aees u Coast's Smith boys by returning full legal possession to the States, has passed and the Black brothen; Mt. San ~e House but was pigeonholed in the Senate. The bill will Antonio'• Dick !'buts: Chatrey'• or Wisdom, 'specially when you say you're writing the Democratic Platform in your "State of the Union" message which you'll give to Congress next January. Nearly all Democrats-I've talked to say that the National Democratic Committee allus writes a platform which they hope will be adopted at the Convention. Yet here you go and prac- tically write I.he whole platform. and not only that you swear it'll be adopted. When I wrote you a few days ago and said, "I didn't kn ow what else you could do to help the Republicans" I reckon I overlooked this matter. I figger that iffen you don't change Political Advisors why you might as weh buy a little piece of property down in Florida and ferget politics all together. It's no wonder they refer to Missouri as Home of the Stubborn Mules. Your ole fren. nhole f ~1'arion Sanchez; Fu 11 er to n's probably be brought out of that pigeo • ast enOU(h Chuck Ha I I 0 way anti Keith ·When Congress meets again--if the people of all the States Gaynes : Riverside's Bill Tomason ; wake up to the facts and have their say to their respective Santa Ana's Milt Wickert and Senaton! San Bernadlno's Perry J eter, Tim FARMER McCABE (All Right! Reserved} ----·---- FREEDOM OF CHOICE Vanlck and Don Meyers. Each on P.: of those boys Is definite all-league tlmber. Chances are that the scribeA New Foundation Meets .Tonight Under free enterprj.se. the consumer has freedom of will pick an otfen.sive team &nd The Exceptional C hi Id r e n's _L , H , t st ! k d d b a defen.aive team .which will give Foundation of Orange County, an cuo1ce. ~ can go rn o any ore. 00 aroun an uy o r them a second ma.J·or chore tor organ.U&Uon of parents and oth ers not buy, as he pleases. He can shop from store to store the afternoon. Coast never had interested in obtaining education- seeking the most attrac~ deal. more than two touchdowns scored a.l facillth.•s for the mentally re- Things are different in a totalitarian economy. For against them in league play which tardcd, \~rill meet Tul'sllay, 1'ov. points to a tight defense. Pirate's 27 a.t 8 p.m. a.t the George Wa.sh· iristance, the book business in communist Lithuania had Sid Mann ing, Ed Mayer , Wood· ington school. 233 East Chartres, been in the doldrums. So a cooperative federation there de-house. Keeline, Owens and Char· Anaheim. cided to improve sales by deducting money from the pay-ley Blac k a.Jong with Howard Mil· The foundation is attempting to ler , Mel ~malley and . Ned Par-produce cla..olsroom space for men· checks of its workers for the compulsory purchase of books sons cons~1tuted. Rosso s heart of tally retarded children not eligi- -wbether the workers wanted books or not! It also com-hi.s defensive unit. ln the San Ber-Ible for special training classes in lied has. art' I t b doo game Mayer and Woodhouae lhe public schools, the temporary pe every consumer pure mg any IC e o uy one or were credited with 23 stops with chairman. Burton L. Schoen o r more books in addition! M~ing doin~ a. gre~t job or Can:len Grove a.nnounced today. This is the same as if, when you went into a store to turning plays tn. Manning, in the Mrs. Paul Yorde or A na.hein1 i~ buy an overcoat . yo u were f orced to buy a pair of shoes eyes or Rosso, is probably the temporary vice-chainna.n and pro- best defens.ive end In the south-gram chairman. Other t emporary tqo, or go without the coat. Today an American merchant land. Against Santa Ana he officers a re: Mrs. Laurie \\'oods- would last about twenty minutes if he attempted to follow tac kled ball carriers behind the worth or Corona del Mar secre- such a policy. AlJ his trade would move with the sWiftness line or scrimmage seven tlmea and I te.ry; Mrs. Alfred K. R,ob inson . . . it wa..s like lha.t all sea.son. Jr they or Orange. treasurer; Mr. Alfred of a humcane t o the stores of hlS competitors. tz:ied Manning"• end, it was sui-K. Robinson , cha.i.rman or the edu· Actually, in most foreign countries there is nothing ctde. he alone was responsible for cation committee; Mn. Dorothy th&t bears even a good resemblance to our splendid Ameri· · nearly ~ yards lost from scrim- 1 Witze l or Santa Ana. publicity . . . . mage. ~y the great Berdoo club . c hairman; and Mrs. Sven Peterson c~ retail stores. .And lD the commurust countries, of Yes, 1t s a tough task the scribe!' or Garden Grove . membership course, the consumer gets what the bosses want t o give race and doubtless AOme will be chairman. him-which is usually the bare minimum needed f ub-hurt or feel alichted when the re-Mn. Pet e rson asks that all or 8 suits of their "skull session' is sistence on the near-starvation level-.-and he likes it or made known. members and other.1 interested in the welfare of m entally retarded lumJl8 it. Everything is rationed and practically everything StaUstlco children attend Tuesday's meet- is scarce and extremely expensive. when measured in terms occ HJC lng, as important plans are to b<' of the average man's eal'DID· gs. Freedom of cho1'ce i's un· 13 ······· .. first downs ............ 11 discuseed at that t ime. 144 .. yards gained running .. 139 known. 139 .. yarda gained passing .. 149 All in all, American retailing is just about a perfect 283 ...... total yards gained ······ 288 f 24~ ...... net yards gained ...... 260 example o the virtues of the whole free enterprise system. 115 .. yds. Jost on penaltlea .. !16 GET OUT AND VOTB! 4 .............. fumbles .............. 2 3 .... ball lost on tum bl es .... 2 Charter Party for Linotype Women The Women's Auxiliary No. 239, to the lnt.emational Typogra.phi· cal Union No. 679, had lhelr firat &191ual Cha.rti'r Party at Markel Hall in Sant& Ana recently. Sixty guest.a were present and enjoyed the evenlng playinc eanuta ud bridge. A door prize d r a w 1 n I' wu a feature. I Mn. George C. Stevena, presJ. dent of the auxiliary, welcomed the Long Beach awtlUary as cu•t of honor. and extended lhanko on beba1f ol aR bt.r membera to' Ue Union for their ftnanctal support foe tbelr tint year, and to Uae Loq Beac11 Awdllaty for orpa- NEW LEGIONNAIRES Added to the mem~rship roster of Costa ?tfesa American Legion P08t No. 4M are the names or Glenn E. Walker and Thomas M. H olme& The two new members were received a.t the Lat.eat meet· ing ln Legion ha.H, Cost.a M'eaa. lsln,s and tnstalllnc them one year • ..,,. Jn re-1pon.1e, COQJn.t1llau..t were ottered the memben fie their ouceeasfltl JOU'• -1>7 Cecil WiUlamll ,.-t of u.. '-'? L aad Jin. ~ p•..Stt.t .... l<l'V Amd"-7- .. 'ffll• tMt ••• a 2 1 1DOW' -.. ..... ii ..... -~~_, OonfllM 'hU-n, ---table...-.... ~ad. ...,....est w u:ud. • A Melt at.letloa. • .... led II)' ll'rU1< 'hlh\IU'. -~ •• •J· ----- ;-CluoUled -..... .-II)' -..., .......... to ... . JOHSSOS S AT OCEA.VSIDE Officer ~Roy Joh!.son a.nd Mrs. J ohn.son, recent Ha..rbor newly- weds , spent ThankagiYing day at thC' home or her grandmother, Mrs. l et'! Thonlpson. Oce8.Il8ide. Also pr<'sent v.·erc Mrs. J ohnson's parf.'nts, a.n aunt and uncle. BENDIX ELECTRIC DRYERS only s21995 PLUS INSTALLATIOS • • • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·oN LATEST MODELS NO FEDERAL EXCISE TAX On Stocl< Now in Warehouse Newport Furniture Co. 822 Coast Highway -NewpOrt leach -Phone Beacon 5431 your clothes are softer. flutt1e1 -' I when you dry clothes electrically! MANY ELECTlllCAL AID$ to better living have 1-ll d<signed tsf>O' cially to eliminate some disagrttable rask-and thar is just Wbar led to the automatic eJecuic ck>ches dryer. It ends forever the wock. of carrying washed c:kxhes out of doon and hanging them up to dry. h's a bclpct anyrjme, and a real boon wh'!n the weather is unfricndJr. Like your ocher appliances, too, an elecuic dryer not only makes the job ea.oiu-it does the job fu better. Clotbes d~· !mu' and .-.: tbor· oughly, and clean clecu.ic heat br.i ngs chem our pare,~ and~. Put ·'btttcr results with less work" in another place in your llo!u. Get an auromatic electric cloches dryer, still anoth« ••p tOWard better living. LAST WORD ON DRYING: of course -iJ's eleclric! SEE YOUR DEALER NOW SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY .% I .... 1 ' .. t I , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··-· ... -:····,·· -• • • • nJESDAY, NOV. 27, 1951 • NEw,POllT IALIOA NEWS.TIMES PA&E 5 By MARGQ , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ANNIE'S RIB CAGE un a pearl! And a. do&en oywtera 1ultab1y wrapped ln jeo;ft).er'1 puae 0 : A Tl.,tit S4Ueez.e le No&. A Me.rry One would make a hand.9ome &1ft for aome loved one. Then too, thi• Poor dear Ann.a Held! Thia vain beauty so desired 11 unque~lon&bly the Muon tor Lobster and Shrimp CocktaJla, a wasp walat tll.at she had a rtb removed from her Oyster dresalng and a touch of Abalone ln your Brown B4tty. Sa.lud ! bread buket! Don't Snl!f, Mrs., you m ay want a Dr!nk your nevt toast in BlvalVf'I from the BayMde. !IOO 1.Ata7e-~ UtUe tutkey removed from your h.ips youraelf this N'ewporL Evf':ry day IA the week. • week. I'm not about to suggeet clamping you tn • • • an Iron conet or any such medieval torture. Oh 1 WHAT'S YOURS?' BLA.CKWATCH'! ocn.VIE. say nay! You are to take a small course in body LINDSAY OR MCSKOOTNlCK ! beautifying at the StaUffN" Syt1tem. 8ec&US@ If ever Come lasale . , . you take tbe hll'h road the~·· a time when you want to keep trim and fit, and I 'll take the lo~· road and we'll meet at the it's ror tbe Yule i.eason. T!)e Stauffer System pro· tirst brae. lt's for sure you're a needinC' a Bpbby .. Poor Aa.nJt"" vtdes a program of pleasant paasive exercises to be Brook1.t' tartan plaid blouse tor a strolling In the enjoy~ \\'h1le you relax. Whether you seek to reduce excess wt>ight glen. Fun f 'u hlonit across t he moors and lnto or merely eat )'Our cakes and hold your own,. the Stauffer Salon will Corona del Ma.r has these long sleeved, cotton help you achieve s. pip of a posture and a figure like a freshman. g1n1hams in authentic clan plaids $3.93--Ja.95. DON'T WEIGHT! Call Mn. Adams at Kl. S-1010. Staufff"r S)•stem Alao for your happy holidays -purple jersey %0!3 N. Main, Santa An.a. blouses, red jerseys with velvet appllques and lots more sweetly • • • styled jeraey guimpes. Fun Fashion's velveteen alacks are festively REMEMBER THAT \VOMAN I WAS TELLING fine for the Highland or any type ning ... and pleue for heaven'• YOU ABOU:I ? "8ke get youraelf a atole. Undraped shoulders are demi-monde as The one who wils caught with that STOtesquely well ~s chilly. Lots »f super stoles here ... jerseys, handknJts, and bare cupboard? I think her name wa.a Hubbard )landwoven Mexican rebosas from $:5.96--$22.96. Thrifty gift item• or aomething like that there. Well, oste.ru:ibly Ma around a $1 ... jewelry, scarf•, flowers. Pump up your bagpipes H ubbard hadn't heard of the Hibbard Food Club. Bonnie, a nd away to Fun Fa~loM, ISM Coa..t Bl\•d .. Corona de-I Mar. Have You ? Well you should, so liate.n. The SO THOSE ARES"T S\~ITCRE' JS :ot·R HJbbard Plan enables )·ou to buy a goodly supply CHRJST~IAS STOCKJNO-It's roller. shades! of ft'Or.en foods, meats, vegetables etc. at whole· sale prices. You are then turntahed with a Manitowoc SutrZero 18~~ Surprised aren't you? Pretty Ingenious of me \A.'asn't it? l never heard of anyone getting cubic ft. freezer. This dandy frt!!4!zer Is an upright one with many a roller shade for Christmas did you? Well. convenient compartments. You don't stand on your head to find a pkg. of rutabaga see? The Idea ls that by quantity buying, ;·ou save the !'1.hade Shop ha.s fresh, bright Columbia print !hades in all sorts of merry patterns--enough on food costs to pay for the freezer. By making small pay· neat decorator touches for ·Kitchen. den. or menu. you have the convenience and economy of a '¥''ell stocked rumpus roonl.' 1 jul!t couldn't resist them. larder. And then one fine day you wake up in the morning, go out to the kitchen. pat your freezer on its handle and aay "Now "''e weakling that I anl. I was golng to ~t you really belong to each other!" Seriously, this sounds like a good a traver~ rod but it \vouldn't flt In your sock. deal. The Hibbard Club ha.s over 100 satisfied customers in this · · · 0· k . be stubborn · If you don't want nrea. So you could chat with any one of them about it. For fur· to accept my gift suggestion, at least you can flounce up your home. ther Information on the joys of regular eating, call Kenneth Dunn. stead fo r the holiday!!. Shade Shop will install venetian blinds. tra- 1791 ~ Newport Ave., Costa 1-fesa. Beacon 69~.J. verse rod1.t, gooseneck extension! and mistletoe. Shadt> Shop. :Sl -4 29th. Ne."·port. Harbor 884 • • • • PSST! GONZALES~ CAN YOU SAY HAV!= YoJ FLA.PPERS GOT ANY· YOU HEAR ME ? THING ON YOUR HIP? l • SL PANCHO, WHAT EES IT Well Twenty.Three and % Sklddoo If Lee ~ YOU WANT ? Stroup ha.sn't a hotay-totsy tatfeta shea t h :,.;i;~;i;:z~-e~~":' .. ._ GONZALES, I TH EE N K 1-lY sk irt with a pooch pocket . Lee says it would -THROAT SHE IS SLEET . . . just accommodate a pint nicely. I rather NO, PANCHO YOU ARE JUS see It as a place for an extra chignon, HONGRY IN 'tHE STOMACH. CUM: WEES ME, AMIGO \\'E FILL hor d' Oeuvres, &: old razor blad~s. Speaktng Oc UP WITH FRIJOLES, MUY BUENO AT THE fun and frolic, the Je>-Lff Sport Shop has a 113 . 22nd St. CASA DON CARLOS bevy of party skirts. Just rtght tor gambol· Newport Beach Harbor 2638.M Ing on the green-dashing Pr"view skirts of black tucked taffeta • • • • j 8 goresJ , pretty gore-jlUI a.t $17.95. Lush black velvelttn with gold A \.OTE OF THA~KS C'\ pheasant detail Sl8.:SO ; taffetas with peplums $9.9:5; quilted taffetas Tb ALL THE ALLIGATORS down in Florida who have $12.95; bliti.ck split sk irt with built In red taffeta petticoat Whee! been 90 industriously making-wallets for your gentle· Sl 1.9:5. Pencil slim velveteens $13.9~. Pair any one of these with a man f riend's Christmas. These a.Jligators have literally black v.Wveteen Fritz.I top ($6.501 Oh you can be the belle of every taken the ahirta right off their backs to produce hBlld-ball. Prom Trot:ers, two step to the Jo-lA"t• srort Shop, J8S.'i ~,.,, .• 90me billfold's for only SlO RICKY'S is their retail out· port A\·t"., ('u .. tu. Me-sa.. leL Oh men! They have It all their own wa)·! Get • • • them a pair of Swank cult Jlnka ($1 .~). a tie ba.r for "OH SLEEP'. IT JS A PLEASAI\'T THING, $1 tJp and they look bold and brave u buccaneers. All BELOVED FRO~f POLE TO POl.E '." a man really needs Is a crease in hU hair and hJ9 pants You said it Lady, a good night's sleep Is plus an A.rrow shirt, a.nd he's distinctive · · · gets h is better for wrinkles than a fa c e-1 if t in g. picture ta.ken alonrslde a .!JOUpcon of Old Sourmuh. W ell that·~ the way It ~ ... 80 RJeky'a bu terrine Carlylt>'a FurnltuN" Is !!till selling care·charm· gift plumage for your males. Arrow rayon plaid shirts "Man of er :sleep mattresses ... quaJlty mattre9se.s at $6.60 up; a bargain buy in A.rrow's wa.ahable aU wool Diatlnct.lon" low price& You can get any type mattress ahirU at $10. Load• of excellent sport shlrt._gabardlnes, J.,,.ys, you want ... tor light aleeplng, ha.rd sleepi.n,-, · h day dream.Ing and catnaps . , . Wynken. gi.ng ams ,by M.alec .of Calif. and the '"Ted Williams" by Ci9CO. Lota tynli\m or just"'" Noddln~. Carly It! 8180 hu Just of cotton and wool A.rgylea; Slipper sox $2..60--$3.60. F1ashy wool be t plaid bathrobes Sli...95-$17.60. Neckties that defy dlacription? There received a autltu Kuehne oak dining set. A mOdern beauty w ith now ... I 've done all your shopptnr for you. Take this Ii.at and Formica top ... It's gTay oAk: tone with 4 chairs ... padded JI 1 i Ma.ts andd backs . . re&1t0nable lo the right party '\o\'h ich i" vou. ~~ny~~lls over to R CK.Y'S. 11~ Newport A\·f'. C-0.ta Mf"'8a. Other buys in good living room sets and ttnlahed and unfini~hed • • • pieces. l 'u.rl)'lf''M t •urnlturf", 1990 Harbor Rl\•d ., St-a. 8189 C-01tta Mt"A"- THERE COMES THAT TENSE MOMENT I WHEN LITTLE HANDS TREMBLE. eyes Civic League throb and pulses ahlne ... all lhe sweE"tly flushed ex~ctant faces are C"Bthered around Nominates Board the green fir tree. At la.at the packages are ' to be opened! You perhaps ha\·e that sick-H G 't E rt enlng last ditch feeling that :rour gilts ma}: ears ov xpe have been ill chosen. Afraid "'hen people shout "You shud'n done it." they'll really The-prest>nt .board headed by mean lt. Now don't put yourself in this I Mrs. 1-fay DaV1s "'·a.s presented . po9ition. A wise and sale gift for the "'hole "-ith but few eXC('ptioru1 by M.rs. f11mlly Is House Slipper11. There's no one I know of i polar bears Glad.ya .Moore, chairman of the excepted) who doesn't hate to get out of • warm bed and step bare nomina~mg ~ommlttee, "·hen the onto a cold floor. Barber's Bootery has scuff sl.ippers for everybody '. Women 9 Civic l.A?ague of Newport Warm 1ittle foot pads that you just thrust your toes in. Holiday Beach "!<'t Tuesday, Nov. 20 at "!llack A gold scuffs $3.16: warm wooly, f\lrry red or blue scuffs Balboa \acht ~ub. Electlona "111 that delight women &: children $2.16--$4.45; fancy blue or red satln be h t~ld at the December meeting. bunny scuffs S2.~$3.4:S. Oh my! Slippers all over the. place ~[rs. Bea. \\'aldeck, progT&m Pl&Jd taffeta ballerlnaa wtth wedge heel $2.7:5 ; Old time felts for chairman, lntroducl'd Lbe !lpeakt"r, Granny and leather slipper for dear old Pater and the Boys. Mrs. I!abt"I Andrews, who •poke Remember! Give your dear ~nes a g-lad hand and a hot root nn "Char.tt'r Go\'ernrnent ." She ia Hal"twr'a Bootery. 1793 NPwport A\'I?., Costa M8L ~·rll qua11rted t o speak on this sutr • • • Ject, having "''orked with a group or cit iz<'ns !'ltudying charters of TIRED O~ IT ALL? BI:ASE? BORED? ' ' / other cities and presenting o ne for MY DEAR. Then why don t you Jive danger· Newport Bf'&e h 80me yea.rs ago ously? \Vhy not have your ears pierced for Under a charter form of city the holiday se~n? Lots of women who governmrnt ~lrs And?'lew stated have been feeling underpa.r write me th.al a it would bt' 'nece~ary to S:bmlt t~ good ea~ piercing not only let• cold a..ir the voters any basic changes. Since th.ru their heads but gives them a place to t he-tax dollar is of prime import· bang lovely dingle dangle earring-a from ance to all citizens. each should be Polly App.a.rel · Polly Apparel has all man-lnformed and should rnatntaln an ner of beauty baubles for $1 on up--spa.rkly active interest In the admlnilltra- rhlnestone snowflake.s, cocktail rtnp, hatr lion of ci ty finances and th tty barrettes and httle glamour glitter gadgets. government. She empha.slz:i clhe Dear, dear Polly allto ha.a the neatest blou.ee need for adequate instruction in of the week._a fine pin waJe, long sleeved ''LJvlnK the schools, to giv hildr corduroy, smartly tailored wl:th 'l'blne.stone Da.al'eroU!d)·" preclaUon for our :Ov~rnm:~t ap-- studa. tree shiek at $9.95 ... Then there'• a lwfrs. Florence Cooling a.nd Mrs. .art of fussy black crepe blou!!le wtth peplurn at $8.95. And LOTS lr.,ali Desenber-g di.splayed ma.pt more new Teena Paige jrs. (9 -15) ... frock• In blue and gold 3f ex.isling schools and ahowtn1r plaid ta.tfeta. $12.96, glittery gold cloth rowns al'° at $12.95. \Vom· growth of this community proving ~• a.ad ctdklfte. a.re ttrsi: at hlly Apparel. 1836 N~port Aw.., the desperate need for addlUonal Costa M~ school buildings and urging every· • • • :>ne to vote for the 8Chool bonda in "'It.'• got no Mui," said Hal'T}!' Kingston, master the January election .. ot the "Double Entendre" an old 2 decker fishing Mrs. Bea Schoffstall, treuure:r .. KOW. "Wa.ht ain't, Haro?" ~ u.1d pertl)· right on commented on the reeulta of the cue. "Why an oyster ot COUTM silly. or a cherry white e.lepba.nt sale held a.t the atone clam for that matter," repUed Harry, ·~t·1 Corona. de) Mar ~r bake. Pro-- why I 'm eelltng these apoatica ~ alive, in the ceeda will be added to the play· shell rtgb.1 hen at pie a.,.lde Jl"IM Matll:et." lDdeed ground tund. yes! Fresh~ Freab bushel.a of Ef..tern oyaten and' Nut meeUn' will ~ Tuuday, cherry stone cloma ho .. Ju.t beoj> flown 1n by doc De<:. 18, at BAiboa Yacht C!ub. aled from the E a.st Coast. Oreat dettcaeles • ! . . the prtce 1a l!!lections wt.JI be held and the an· 1ha.1Uy, but lhere's alway• the chance that you ght crunch down nuaJ f'ePort read. A Cb~ party i. o1ao planned. .A.II mem- bers a.re urged to attend.. DIET CONTROL ON RATS TOLD P.-T. A. MEET News of a dl('t control expt!ri- ment being conducted on r-ata by Ml"8. ThaJJa Larson's fifth grader& at Newport Beach grammar school wu reported by cafeteria head Marjorie Romersl at the Novem· ber 19 meeting of the Newport Beach Elt>mentary schools PT A at Corona d<'I Mllr. The meeUng dealt with health problt>ms In tht> school.a, and "-'&11 pf'esented by a panel or rive county and local beaJth authorities lnclUding Misses Emma Mattlll and Evelyn Ericson, Dr. Mabel Geddes, and Mmes. Romersl and Jack He5S. "Pa.rent.a have reported already that children who are witneMlng the experiment are uklng for whole wheat Lnstead of white bread and for milk instead of sort drinka." 11&.ld Mrs. Romerai, who with achool nurse Emma Ma ttUI a.nd Mrs. Lanen, planned the nu· trition teat.a to show effect.a of three different typea; or diet on bone structure and growth rate among the rats. Theee experiments seem in keep-- lng with the thesis upreased by Dr. Geddes, county health officer, who said that the best beaJth pJ"O-o gram ls one done ocoperatlvely by Board of Education, school per-- aonnel, and tht' community and In· volve$ e<lucatlng the chJkl, pa~nt and teacher. P~ve Pro(1"Ull Ml8I EriCIJOll. aUdiomet.rist, de· tc:ribed the county's preventative program. Work done ln tbe var· iou. IP'ci&ll&ed acboobi for h.&ndl· capped cl>lldftn In the ...-8 i. bued on the ract that tbe cl\lld ii .more normal than be ls band.I· capped. olle explained. • Kb. MotUll ompbulMd the lm1 portance ot OOWld phylllcol o. n d Christmas Buys -Ahaad!. A':r DATE QASDENll <mo<lonol heo.IU. U blalllc to • chlfd'. ed uc:a.1lonaJ and .acloJ Ute. MOESER TO SPEAK ATI LEGAL NOTICE • Th~n~sgiving on the Mesa 28th DISTRICT MEET . _r_ao_m_U<_b_of-. ----pro_ope_rt_y_u I Wllllam Moeter, directot' of the •hall be neceu&ry to be eold to Of Prt provide a mm autftclent tO pay San Dieso county rice of ce .... _ to•·• amount -Uttd by aald ·stablll&auon, will be tbe prlnclp&I ~ --· Traditional dfLy ot c I v I n c speake.r at the nut meellng ot the Deed of Trust. tl>&nka, eoUng turkey and grttl-28th Concreulonal Pllrtri<:t Demo-Dated November 9, 1951. tns tamllies and trtenda wu ob-cr&U which will be held Nov. 29 (SEAL) •rved Tbunday at dlnnera ln at the Twin Inna, C&rlabad. BAY ESCROW CO., INC. Costa Mesa. homes, while a num· Hla subject wlll be, "R igbU of a californla corpor&Uon ber of Mea 'tollta enjoyed reun· the By·Partlsan Consumer," The By Dean C. Bradford Iona at pl&cea nearby. program wtll begt.n at 8 p. m. fol· By Ed Jordan ' F\trthertn11 the dem-ot the lowing a ~hie.ken dinner to be State of California, Thankagivfng bird at the home of served at 7 p. m. •R. 8 . Harne• County of Orange, •· Mr. and Mn. Wayne E. Wat.en. of Le.Mesa. p~aldent of the o r-On November 9, 1951, before 236 Palmer street, were !.fr. and ganlzation and Jamea E . Walker me, the underelgned, a Notary Mn. Con EIJlott ot Costa Mesa: of Santa Ana., vice president. who Public ln and for a.id County and Mr. and Mni. A. R. French of have made irrranrements for the State, personally• appeared Dean Bellnower: >.tr. and Mr1. J1UTies meeting. have sent out invita.Uons C. Bradford, known to m e to be Porttt and chlldren. Altadena: to all DemocrB'-8 living in new the President, and Ed Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, High-congressional dtstrtct, accordl,ng known to me to be the Secr etary land Park. Vari-hued chrysanthc-to Mrs. Dorothy Gillespie, Derho--of the Corporation that executed mums adorned tl'le rooms. cratic commlllt>ewoman of the :ith the within Instrument, known to Out of Town District: 520 Cata,Jlna Drive, New-me to be the persons who execut· port Beach. ed the within Instrument on behalf Travellii.g out of town to be with relaUve11 we.re Mr. and Mrs. Heinz K11iaer of 147 Virginia Place, who vlslted Mr. and Mrs. August Hof of Glendale. Other guests Included Mr. and Mra. Fred Harmouth and children of Sun Valley. l n Modesto tor the Thanksgiv· lng holidays were Mrs. Gertrude Edick, 168 Magnolia a venue. She participated ln a reunion hosted by her son-In-law and .daughte r, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hadley. Mr. &nd Mrs. Leo A. Lee of 285 Broadway motort'd to Glendale where they t>njoyed hospitaJity of· fered by 1-fr, and Mrs . Orville R. Buck. · Place1' at a festive table presid· 00 over by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ludl, 1~2 E . 18th str'eel, were laid for Mrs. Isabelle Ludl , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ludi and daugh- ters, Carol·Rae and De·Anne: the hosts and their daughter, Susan. At Pin.dry Homf.! Chrysanthemum!!, all white, were used to artistic advantage ln the home• o r Mr. and ~1 rs. Alvin L. P inkley, 153 Broadway, for a Thanksgiving day (('a.st. On hand were Lucy Pinkley, daughter of the couple '\o\'ho was home from USC; Mr. and 1tfrs. Virgil Pink· ley and daughter, Audrey, Arca· dla: Mr. and 1'1rs. Jess Campbell, San Bernardino. LEGAL NOTICE CERTU"ICATE OF BUSINESS FlctlUou5 Finn Name THE UNDERSIGNED a o here- b}· certify that they are conduct· Ing a retail ladies' and men's ready to ,\·ear bWJlness a t 710 E . Balboa Blvd., Balt'Oa. California. under the fictitious firm name of P iper· J ohnslin and that said firm ls con1· posed of the fol'owlng persons. \vhoKe :-:en•cs in full and placea or r csi'J"nce are as follows, to-wtt: H . Stanl('y Henl ine, 1715 Plaza del Sur, Balboa, Calif. Eloise Henline, 1715 Plaza del Sur, Balboa, Calif, WITNESS our hands this 15th day of November, 1951. H . STANLEY HENLINE, ELOISE HENLINE . State or Califomla, C~ounty of Orange, ss. of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official sea l. !SEAL) VIOLET THOREN, Notary Public l.n and for sa.ld County and State. No. 237-Times. Publiah Nov, 13-20-2.7, 1951. NOT1CE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY-BY TRUSTEE UNDER DEED OF TRUST WHEREAS ALAN D. ECHOLS and J ESSIE H. ECHOLS. husband and wife, and MILLER F . \.VIL· SON and GEORGIA V. WILSON. husband Md wife, by Deed of Tl'\ldt dated December 8, 1949, recorded December 22, 1949 in Book 1943, page 531 of Official Records of Orange County, Cali· fornia, did grant and convey the property therein and hereinafter described to Bay ~row Co., Inc., a. California corporation, as T S· tee. to securt>, &m ong other Ji. gallons. the payment of note da.ted December 8, 1949 payable to Cecile A . Conover, married woman, Rita Jenni.ngs, a marri~ woman, J erald L . Bigg flS, a mar:- rled mari, or order. for e princi- pal sum of S~00.00, wit Interest from December 22, 1949 at the rtlte of five_ (5) percent an- ·. 10-BuslneM Golde For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Bdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estin)ates Ph. Har-~ DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor • Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 64()6..W • 17tf<: FISHER Drafting Service 916 Coast Highway, Harbor 2443 Corona de! Mar 72tfc COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rugs shampo()ea. 1'""ree estimates-Fully insured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 1111 T2U'o Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th St .. Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 112Uc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN· 273 Palmer SL, Coeta Ke9 Bea. M57 ·M llidl Paying trlbut(" to a tt>mptlng bird at t he Broadway residence of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Glenn Croft were Mrs. Dora S"•eeney and Mr. and J.lrs. Don Croft. ON THIS 15th day of Novem· la·r , /\. D. 1951 , bcforf' me, Robert F . \\'1lln1c.:. a Notary Public iii and ror the !!laid County and State, re· r iding therein. duly commissioned and s"·o1 n. personaJly appeared H. StanlPj' Henline and Eloise Ht>nline, knO'¥''n to me to be the pC'rson!l' "'hose names are subscrib· ed to the within instrument, and aci<nowlcdged to me that he ex- ecuted t~e names. I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I haVC' hereunto set ~.,) hand and afflx~d by official &f"al t!ie LI•; and year In thls Certi· fic~te tlrst above written. num, principal and interest -Painting and Paperhanging GEO.BURKHARDT able In installments of $40.00 or-+--- more on the 15th d ay of each and every month. beginning January 508 • 31st St .• Newport Bea.ch Phone Harbor 2418·W before • 8 a. m. or after 4 :30 p. m&stic Dining \\'1th ~Ira. Nora Lange of 1tfeaa. Drive \\'ere Mr. and Mrs Henry Lange and children, Nancy, Thoma., and 1-tlchael; Mr. and ~f rs Cha.rlea Summers and Mr. and Mr!. Donald Sheldon. Mr. and 1tfrs. Cornelius Plas of 311 Costs Mesa strt>et were din- ner hO«ts t o Mrs. 0 . L. Folkerts, Mr. and Mrs. Simon PlB.4 and daughter, Sharyn of Huntington Besch. On \\'t"slmi.ns~r Another fa m 11 y get·together we.a the dinner arranged by Mr and Mrs. Frank Phillips, 533 Westmln."Jtt>r avenue. Gue!!ltll in· clud~ ].fr. and Mrs. W. J . Holtz· claw of Newport Beach, Mr. and 1tfra. Carl Hagan and children of Santa Ana Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dittmar and son, Tom, of 353 Broadway accompanied by tht> local man's mother , Mrs. F.<tna Dittmar of F'ullf"rton avenue. \Vere dinner gllt'!!lt!!I of ?.-tr. and Mrs. Ellwood \Vhit(" of Loa Angf"le3 . The Unitarians Meet Thursday Tht> n('x:t meeting of the Uni· tarlan Society of Laguna Beach will take place at th(' Old Studio on South Coast Bl\'CI., at Diamond stret>t, on Thur9day, No\'. 29. The Rev. Douglas Frazlt>r, of Riverside, \'-·ill be the visiting minister on that occasion. Tht" topic will be "In Diversity" which will be an "examination or the need and joy in getting along with people of different Ideas and temperamt>nta-of building a fel· low.Jlhlp with some sturdy atti- tudes about each oth er ." The meetlng will sta.rt at 7 :45 p.m. and wtll be open to the public STATE C. OF C. MEET Problems (aci n g \\'Orkmen's compensation .u n d e r w r iters in Callfornla -compulsory automo- bile insurance and comparative negligence are among tht> subjccti:; to be studied by the Callfomla State Chamber of Commerce dur· Ing Ill annual statewide mef'Ung. ThunKlay, Ln Los Anceles .. Head- lnl' the important statew!de insur· ance committee eection which m eet.I in the forenoon is A. C. Mattei, San Ft&nc1aco president of Honolulu Oil Corp. Willa.rd \\'. Keith, president ot Cosgrove a: Co., Loe Angeles is vice ch&Jrman. MESA IUDE118 DINE Forty membera and 1 rtendl of the -. &11e1 Sadc11 .. 1Uc11nr club enjoyed d.lpner recently at Knott'• Berry Far= Square cl&ncing wu the I.a te:r dtvenion. IN lL\N FE&NANoo·· Kn. Purl Wood of Mcntero alttet -t the IO>IUl&y In San renutndo nlley W1th htt 80n and tamlly. Kr. and Kn. Charles Adamo. !SEAL) ROBERT F . WILLMES 1-ty Commission Expires 11/16/51 t-:o. 239-Timca. Publish t-:ov. 20·27, Dec. 4·11, 1951. SOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY TRUSTEE tJ:SOER DEED 01'"' TRUST W HEREAS, ALAN D . ECHOLS and JESSIE H . ECHOLS, husband and wtfe, a.nd MILLER F . WIL- SON and GEORG IA V. W1LSON , husband and wife, by Deed or Trust dated December 8, l!MQ. rt.>cordetl December 22, 1949 in Book 1943, page ~32 of Official Records or Orange County. Call· fornia. did grant and convey the property therC'in and l"~relna!ter described to Bay Escrow Co .. Inc., a California corporation. as Trus· tee, to secure. among other obli- gations. the payment of a note dated Decembt>r 8, 1949, payable to Donald H . Conover and Cecile A. Conovf'r. husband and wife a..s joint tenants. or order, for the principal sum of $2000.00, with interest from December 22. 19'19. at the rate of five (5} percent per annum. principal and inter est due and payable in installments or S35.00 or n1ore on the fifteenth day of each and t>very month. be- ginning on tht> 15th day of Janu- ary. 1950 and continuing until said prinC'ipal and interest have been pa id ; and \\1HEREAS, default has occur- red. in that the inBtallment of $35.00; bei ng the principal and in- terest due on said note on April 15. 1950, ha.~ not been paid; and \\'HERE.AS, Donald H . Conover and Cecile A. Conover, owners and holders or said note, hereto-- fore dem8llded that said Trurlee sell said property, Md on Octo-- ber 13, 1950 duly recorded In the office of the County Recorder ot Nid Count)', in Book 2087, page 319 of Official Records thereof, a notice of said default and of Ulelr election to cause said property to be sold, and more than three months have now elapsed .since lhf' recordatlon of said notice. The it1um of $1917.72 principal, together with inte.re!'lt thereon from March 15. 1950, is now due, owtng and unpaid, and there la also aecured by said Deed of Tru8l the Trus~ tee's fee and expenses of sale esti- mated at $17:i.OO, together with any s ums paid and advanced by the owner or said note In accord- ance with lbe pro~sions ot said Deed of Trust, with interest on aaid laat mentioned llUDl8. 15, 19:50; and continuing until said principal and interest have been paid; and WHEREAS, default has OC· curred in that the inatallment of $40.000 being the principal and Interest due on said note on April 15. 1950, h.aa not been paid; and WHEREAS, Cecile A . Conover Rita J ennings and J erald L . Big &1.na. owners and holders of 8ald note, heretofore demanded that said Tru.stee sell said property and on October 13, 1950 dtizy re corded in the office of the County Recorder of sa.ld County, ln Book 2087, page 320 of Official R ecords thereof, a notice of said default and of their election to cause said prcperty 'to be sold and more than thret> months have now elapsed since the recordation of said no- tice. The sum of $2408.44 princi- pal, together with intereat there. on from March 15, 1950, ls now due, owing and unpaid, and thert> Is also secured by said Deed of Trust the Trustee's fee and ex- penRes o f sale estimated at SI 7~.00. t ogether with any suJT\8 paid and advanced by t ht-owner of said note in accordance with t he provisions of said Deed of Trust. with Interest on said la.st me ntioned sums. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the said Bay Escrow Co., Inc., a California corporation. by virtue of the au· thor1ty vested in It as Trustee un· der aaid Deed of Trust, will sell at public auction to the highest bld- ber for cub, lawful money of the 'Unlted States of America, on De- cember 7, 1951, at the hour of ~leven o'clock a . m. of said day, .lt.t the South Front door of the Orange County Court H ouse ln tht> Cit y of Santa Ana., California all of the interest conveyed to it by sa id Deed of Truat in and to all that certain property situa.ted in the City of Newport Beach. Or ange County, California, described as follows: Lot 17, Block 160, R ive r Section, N ewport Beach, as 11bown on a Map thereof re· corded in Book 4, page 25, Miacellaneoua Mapa. records of said Orange County. or ao much of said property u shall be necessary to be eold to provfde a sum sufficient to pa.y the total amount secured by said Deed Of Trust. Dated November 9, 1951 . (SEAL) BAY ESCROW CO., INC. a Calitomla Corporation By De&n C. Bradford Ed Jordan. treuurer Sta.le of Callfomla, , County of Oran•~,-•. On November 9, 1951, before me, the undersigned, a Not&r)' Public In and ror oold Councy and State, ~y appeo<ed Dean c. BrodfOrd, iu-n to me to be the Pt.ldent; &lld Ed Jordan, lmOWD to me lo be the Secretary of the Corporation tbot .-ecuted tlle within 1naUUmmt, -to tne to be the pe1 .... Wl>o -t· Od the wttbUl -t onllebali' INTB:RIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED l;NSUR.m> Glenn Johnston lOl • Sllit St. Newport Belleh Harbor 1:28T .J UoC8 B & Y House Move~ General Contractors 650 First St., Tustin, C&Jlt .- Phone Kimberly 3·1885 (H ome Phones JAsper 9-2173 or J Asper 9·2687) 91"tfc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Matntained P hone: Harbor 1418-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Your ad appearing re:g· ularly in theae columna will bring you many new customers. Harbor area folks a re in the babtt of "looking in the clust· fied" when they need these services. • ll!-Beau_9•. Aids • Superfluous Hair Petmanently removed from face, arms, legs. Eyebrows and hiJr. line shaped-No more tweemt. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. & T uesday and Thursday only Lido's SaloB of Beauty Har. 2576 14-Personals MEN-WOMEN 18-55 NO PREVIOUS EXP: NEEDED Radiophone or Radiote1ecrafb operators needed for aJ.rport,s. ~sporU, railroad term.lnaJil. steamships. airlines, r a 11 road trains and stations. Earn up lo $7Aoo year. Grand career pro- viding travel. advance.ment. prestige, Jire·Ume security ~-' ' expensive spar e-time Pb o o Sound training. Need not inter- fere with present actlvilt~. For details. write E . B . 0.raft(Jlt, ' 719 W . Sea.ski~, Long Be.ach %, Phone L. B . 83·824:1. lp3 Alcoholics Anonymo111 · Write P. ·o. Box tOIS : Balboa blond• Calif. ' Phone Klmborly Wiii ZZ-Lost uod FOII)ld .. . ... .............. ,. Mr, and Mn. Rayll>Olld K. Hor-Mro. B-PTA lllllt'• heo.lth tty and dilldren Kuy and Kent, cbalrmau_ urc..s that carrot .ucu spent Tlwlkarfvlns ci..l' and ~ and, ra!ltna be ou-ted for Ille long Wfflt end o.t l!Unpld Dale U1idlUonoJ k• cream and cake at Garden#, Indio, wbere they .....,. chllai-esi'a ~ea. In lh• warm pool &lld enjoyed the c..oo.. del. Mar u.trd .-,.. •t to reJioter people r.., tbe INMhlne. In "XlM Vuonlco. ~r'a -. ochool bond el<ctloa JU. 18. ,_,. Ille _..... <>(, -8-..... f« the m .. tlns Weft NOW, THEREFORE, NOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Aid Bay Escrow Co., Inc., a C&llfomia corporation, by virtue of Uie au· thorlty ve.ted In It aa ~ ua.der said 'Deed of -rru.t, wru sell at public aucUon to the htgbeat bldder for c.uh, lawful money of the United States of America. cm Deetinber 7, 111111; at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m. of aid day, at tbe South Front door of the 0....,,... County Court HoUae In the City ot Santa Al>&. C&lltornJt, all Of the lnte...t COOftyed to J1 bJ aald Deed of Trult In and to all tbot certl,ln r..i property ~ Ii.\ the City ot Newport Be·ch, ~cy of °""'., Statt of C&ll· Comlo, clMCnl>eCI u tollowr. :!..i u:= ~~= j!l~t!:::· ~B!!!elioei~~·::.:°IMtl!!~~a.!llli!!!~•!!•!.:..-~~ ·10 ,t I ••••• • AT llOb.rwooo aua: apeim-. ocud ont a toDe -~ roam ..--. Ill· Kn. J....U. ~. and poem .. m;trllloa. ~ -' Bo!fud -. ....,_, 111i11 ~ Bii--PTA --took ad-llMat W-. -.S Rlcb&rd-of .Oooia....., ..-'l'M•·ah -.. of UM lllct Ula! Mn. L. ~ -149 Noct "-NWpoM ... wlt!l Mn.. Wltiame'a • r d 3. ,,_,.., PTA 1W (' ; lmd ~· .altool ud Mraa, 11.cMalttt, *V'Y, ~ .... ---• lo -.:::. .. -llllf:jorle --ll<Mk:k_ll<Ma tbe Co-lly, BaQJWINid.. • ~. dl;J • -. -...... -. ' l , • ~11, -ilo, -' e.ction. Nowport ••oll. u ...... llap·tbi1ilot re.. ecirdN la -.. -.. -....... ~·-· of 1111 -Onllp Oiat>'· • COtpon.Uon. e:ucuted Ult! ..._ • .. WITND11cby 1oanc1°-.lld _. Learn SpanfBh : ..i. · G. c. r-UAJU>O w111 r-.. ..., (047 .') VIOLS'?' ta.•IP', ' ....__,._ or cwfa ,tss;~ No1N7 P-.la -lar · Qiii"W~ "'1. -Sp ..::;.. ..s.sc .,....... ...... ... No.--111•• . WNcw.u;•n;*'" -·"I 2-• ....... 1 1 ' I I { I I I - I I 'tilORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE FIVE EXPERT WASHING and Ironing. Mr1. F\ilton. Bring lo 1822 Vtlelle Place. Newport Beach. Harbor 1251-W. ' 4p9 Carpenter ALTERATIONS -REPAIRS Pbone Harbor 2901-M 98p99 SEWING and Allf'ration"'-Chilrt and teen-age sklrt.8. 14'l'scotts and suit.II for chrhrt..mas. Baby altting Harbor 07a.4-W. lp6 CALIF. REGISTEREn NURSE available on Lido Isle, Apt. :\, 107 Via Florence. 4..:6 WANT HOUSEWORK by the day, pract ical nursing or n1atemity caees by the week. Baby sit· • • . . - • , .. • ·. 1 • WHEN YOU WANT 10· BUY. SELL EMPLOY, RENT~ OR TRADE USE THE . CLASSIFIED. PHONE . HAR 1616 -~~~~~A~ A A~ A££~£££ A .~ A~~~~ A~~£~~~~£ . TABLE TOP GAS RANGE. Ex- cellent condition. Phone •tar. 3tt7. 3<5 \VEDGEWOOD RANGE -Its lhe 1951 C. P . all automatic. Jt ha1 all the deluxe features -lamp, clock, outlet ror touter -hot cake griddle in the center - also has simmer burners a.nd chrome grill broUer. Used 3 montl1s. Balance due on con- tract $1-ID .56. Pay cuh or take paymf'n~ or $8.03 per month. Set> Mr. Baughn, 4().1 So. Spadra, Fullerton or Phone 2152. 3trc SERVEL REFRIGERATOR. 5 cu. ft.· Very gf){)(.i condition. R<'a· sonablr . $45. 242 Old County Road, Newport Heights. 4p6 ~:;:..._;;:;.:;.i=.;::.C.;::.JB.~Pe~ta;;..... ___ 1 U-AJl:ll!!nefa ~-Re•• , FOUR Adorable Blue Point Bl&-RENTAL I m... klllena, pedigreed at.Ck.. · • ·Two monUuJ old. Ull each. Hu. SPECIALISTS 1326-R. 3p6 can -C.U, 0-BU!llnese QEJ>.?rtunltle9 -. .. FOR SALE Family grocery -Ideal tor a couple. cation. Low rent. Excellent lo- Approx. $2500. --. WANTED' Paint or Hardware stort--Also cart! and book rental bW1lnelf8 \\rhen you want lo buy or eel: your business, call Ed L. Sedelmeier Linwood Vick. Rltnr B&lboe Wand. Har. 100 -OPEN H O USE on ATTRACTIVE tum: apt, on water. patio, gar . Adult.a. ST& mo. or will lease. C1oee to bus, Richardt. Mlct. and theatre. 617 -Sith St., .. Newport Beach. Har. 891-W , LIDO ISLE 104 Via Palermo Saturday and Sunday Dec. l•t and 2nd From 1 to 5 P . M. 77tfc A TTRACTlVE sunny stydlo apt .. fumlshed. Bendix. Ideal for 1 or 2. Convenient locaUon. $80 yearly, ~ w inter . Util. lnc l. 411 H ellotroPf', Corona del Mar. Harbor 0291-R. lc.5 Balboa fsland We have eeveral attractive •pt.a and hoUBe!I tor winter "'nl&l starting at '4~ mo. and a few ye•rly rentals alartlng at $65 Don't miss this. He re is a born e you should see. H as 3 bedrooms, 2 bath.s, clC'VC'r wallcd·ln patio and KmRrt fca.- turu galore'. Breakfast bar and kitchen that '"MAMA" will love. Come look. Yo u arc very wel- come. Priced to sell. P.A. PALMER . . G. I. RESALE Very lovely 3 bedroom home In beat location, I ~ yr8. old. Im· maculele ln.11k:le and out. Back · yard eU tented. Must sell this week F ull Price $10,900 Low down payment and euy monthly paymcnls. • $2750 down * * * * * •• BAY & BEACH BARGAINS • Two bedroom hol.Ule on two lot.a. Additional bdrm. with apart.rnent posa:lbllllle1 attached to prage. IJvtng room 20 x 2G, fireplace and beamed ceilings. Nice p.rdens. $12,500. Mighl Trade in Income. New ocean front where flahlng 11 a.l lta best. There are tl1ree bdrms., 2 baths, bar-type kitchen with disposal, 2 patios, double garage •lreued for second story. Dra.sttc reduction ln price has been made. F ive good rental unJts. Cloae to shopping and transpor- U.tion. Small, neat and Idea.I for one or working couple. 90 toot front.age. Room for more unit!I. High income. Re&aonably price. low down payment. BAY & BEACH REALTY l 450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 * * * * * * t inJ[. Can live in. Beu.. 6917-\V • or Bea. 6128-J. 3i>J 33;-Boats, Suppliet1 • I :'J23 Coast Blvd., Corona del Ma.r ·Phone Harbor 2766 Nelda Gibson. Rltr. 308 Aiarlne, Balboa Isl. Har. Wl 69lfc INCORPORATED BeautitUI 3 bdrm home.s. Close tn location. Brand new. H\\•d. firs .. dual healers, fireplace, large living rootn and dinln~ room. Sliding door. LarJ.:e kltcht>n wth tile sink. Feature's a beautiful patio with thr('(' Pntrancee fro111 the houst>. These homes are built unde r ri~id F HA specif i- cations. Payrnf'nls on the bal· ance are\ only $66 per mo., in· cludln£ laxes und lnl!lurancc. The best dt>al in Costa Mesa. Full price liJ only - BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRON,T FINE LAUNDRY WOlti" ('u;_ l,IO·F'T .. C0~11'1ERCIA J .. spl. fl!!h cr. tains. etc. or Ironing onl}'. Pu.·!< Rr·g. for 20 p~('ngt•r:i. N1·w Men's Clothing Store 112 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa St1'W"k ftboul 1 yr. old. Stock and CUTE I BDRM. collagt'. turn. 1'~ircplac!', patio, nice yard. $65 mo nth, water and gardener pd No pet.a. 604 Bc&onlo, C. D. M. Inquire 802 Begonia. up and delivery. C0hryslf'r Crown motor in Aug He lp with dinner ru1.rt1e~. Mr~ Also S-S-radio. Sips. 2.· Built Williams, Beacon 6.591-\.'l. 3p5 1!'1-12. r<'bullt J9<18 . Can ht> fixtures lnvt-ntory sbout $13,000. Phone Bca1·on S606-M. 4lfc EXPERIEI\"CED woman want i;:; lronin~ and hotlSt' \•tnrlt. by th1• day, Sl .~ pPr hour. Phonl' &.'a· con ~980 after 5 p. m . A sk f11r Renee. 4p6 29-Help Wanted ____ _ \VJ\NTED--Woman fc1r altrrat1nn a.nd dressmaking. Apply Harbor 2290-W. -------------H OUSEKEEPER \Vantt'tl -In- quire at Harbor Cafe, 517 E. 30th St. Ask for Mrs. Harper. EMPLOYED Couple want house- keeper to care for tv.·o children. Roon1 and board and $100 per rronth. Harbor 1783-J.f. 3i:;J EXPERIENCED COOK & houS(_•- keeper. Must be abh.· to drive c11T. Small adult family. Call Harbor 3487. 4p6 WANTED-Whit" lady to assist mother with dinner. No cook- lng ~quired . 5 to B p. m . lXc. 22 t o Jan. 2 inclusive. Corona del Mar. Call Har. 2397-\V. 4c6 WANTED -Driver 2 day.s \\"C'ek- ly to drive t o Los Angl·les Tuesday morning and Fr1d~y afternoon. Ph. Har. 3·111-R . .,11,:6 SO---Sale, Miscellaneous FIREWOOD Coal and Charcoal H. W. Wright Co. Phone Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd . Costa l\tcsa GlRI...S 20 Inch BICYCLE. excel- lent condition $15. Phone Bea- con 6938-J after 6 p. m. 3c5 LARGE LIONEL Electric train set. Whiuer motor bike. Ex- cellent condition. 2622 Crest- view Dr., Bay Shores. 4p6 COMPLETE M"URPHY KlTC HE:'\ unll-stov<>. refrig., sink and cablnet.'I. Practically nc\V. \Vil! sell at 11' price. Can be St'en at 1304 Coast Blvd., Cdrona dt•l Mar. 4c6 SI-Wanted to Buy WANT wood burning stnvt". pot· Bellied depot style, ur !!On1ething like It. Ph. Harbor 2024. 4<:6 WANT TO BUY-Sma!J piano. Phone Harbor e v~&. S2-Homehold Goods upright 1020-W l c3 FURNITURE -Stove. daybl'd. end table, dining rm . set, bath· tnette, kiddie k orncr. AL~o al· n108t new electric sewing ma- chine. Harbor 1424-M. MODERN Bed divan and c~air, dining table and 6 chairs. ' $79 FOR ALL. Ph. Harbor 0837-J alter 4 p . m . 3c5 0 . E. TELEV1SION, 12 1;:" nlaplt· table model. Good condition. 1100 Jncluding table. Ph. Har- bor 1697·J. -lp6 SMALL WING CHAIR, 135. Lge. divui $6!i, day bed $10. carved eolld walnut dining table, 6 cha.lr8. buffet. Slipper chaLr $10. ~10 Marigold, Corona del M.a r. 3p5 ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR - l l '• that 9 cu. ft. deluxe refrig· erator, hu 60 lb. croas top free- Rr c be•t. one big meat chiller tray and two crlspeni for vege- lablea. Alao hu shelves in the door and butler keeper. Used 2 month& Balance due on con· tract f230.M cash or take pay· m.m.t. ot .12.92 per month. See bnUI.:hl on lC"rms. $6500. Sec Bob En~ign. South Coast Co. BllS Y RESTAURANT Nett.r 1nrg. pl:-Lnt. Seats 80. Book~ shov.' Newport &·uch 1-'h. 1-lar. 2600 91 tfc. gCIQI"! volume. ---------COFFJo;E SHOP, good locution. ·~ I•-r. SAlL.UOA'r. NL't'tls n<'w 1-lont•y n1aker. EZ lern1s. ca1.v.1 . ~ <let:k, $1J. Ph:.inc Har· W J C 'd R lt ,,.., 11Js-w. 3,;;, . . ri er, ea or 634 CON.St Highw1ty, 34--Musical, Radio $1 0 \\.'ILL HOLD any PIANO for '8hrist1na.s delivrry. DA NZ- SCHMJDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, 6th St., corner, 520 No. Main. 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FRO~t ! SLIGHTLY USED Spinet Piane>- like ne\\'. A big savings. Con- vcnit,nl terms at SHAFER'S. tSince 19071 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. GRANO PIANO SALE! Baby Grands from $<19~. Be autiful Sohml'r Parlor Grand, $395. Others at $585. $675 up. \Vur· litzC'r. Chickering, Kimbal, Starr Newport Beach Beacon 5&3 42-Wanted to Rent WANT-2 b<lrm. fumi.shed housr. yearly -by D<'c. I.st. Want fencffi yard. About $7 ~ mo. Ph. Harbor 3059-RK. 4p5 -Classitied ad!I are read by folks Who are looking to buy. BALBOA BAY SHORES-Yt'arly. New rustic farm house. nicely furnL'!ohl'd . 2 bedrooms. Enclosed patio. Call Beacon 6038-W. -4c6 'f\VO Bqit.M. unrurn. house. Ocean vi('w, Irrigation. c hic ken, rabbit 1·quip. S50 month. 1422 Mon· rovia Ave., C08la Mesa. 4c6 YEARLY Newly decorated. Ex~ ct'ptionally nlc<'. U nrurn. 2 bed- room duplt>X . Many extra fea- tur('f'. Near both schools. Rea- eonable. 2265 Clay St., Cliff Havea . 8Jtfc 48--Automoblles, Tire8 "For the Best Deal" on a new Chrysler or Plymouth o r a f ine used car See Dick Ward HARVEY SOMERS, INC. 2491 Coa.5l H iway. Newport Bch. Phone Beacon 6515 93p8 etc. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big P iano. 43--Apartments and Douses Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. :r.ta in, 1950 MERCURY convertible, low n1ileage -like new. Lots of extrats. Original owner. Very reasonable. 1950 Tustin Ave .. Costa 1-!eM. 3c6 rorncr 6th Sl. Buy NOW for Xmas! RENT A PIANO $5 per n1onth rental applief4 on future pur· chase at S HAFER'S MUSIC CO. t Since 1907 J 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana.. Kimberly 2-0672. HA~iMOND ORGANS! The gyeat Han1mond Chord organ. I r you don't know a note you can play this! The Hammond Spinet Or· gan. \\1orld's most beautiful tones. Easy tl'rms. D A NZ· SCHJ.-fIDT Piano & Organ Co., Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th Street. CHRISTMAS Special Bea11tiful home i:nze gyand piano. Com- pletely rerinished and recon· d1tioned in our own shop $.595 Terms $60.82 dn. & $21 .28 per n10. at S H AFER'S }.fUSIC CO. fSinC'e 1907) 421 No. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Klmbcrly 2-0672. SPINET PIANO. R!'posscut>d. Lik<' ne\•,:! Pay out balance $397. Subjt•ct to prior sale. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store. An- oth!'r at $478. Rental return at $496. perfect! Lots of other BIG BARGAJNS. 100 pianos rrom \\'hich to choose. 520 No. Maln, 6th St., corner. Santa Ana. SPECIAL BUY -Full 120 basa accordion. Regular $275 valut>, for Sl89.D5. Case included, terms. 118.95 down, $10.76 p<>r mo. at SHAFER 'S M USIC CO. (Since 19071 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0672. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS. $59, $75, $87 up. Pay $5 per month. Full tradc·in allowed on new \\'lthin two yetirs. DA NZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, 6th St., corner. Buy now for Xmu. SLIGHTLY USED ORGANO ln perfect condition-Save $120 on this. Convenient terms at - SHAFER'S }.1USIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Kln1berly 2-0672. REr-."T A PJANO. Let the Klddlea lt'arn. $5 per mo. Full term rent allowed on any piano in our stock. DANZ-SCliliIDT Big Piano Store. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana.. SJ.IALL DEPOSIT will hold any piano for Chrlstn1a.s delivery at SHAFERS MUSJC CO .. (Sin ce l 90f ) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0072. LOVELY SMALL UPRIG HT PIA.NO in perfect condlUon - T erms $29.50 down and •lO.G7 per mo. a t SHAFER'S. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Alla. Klm.berly 2-0l72. VERY SELDOM do we have a vacancy In the LIDO APTS. on LIDO ISLE. Furnish- ed apartment on the Bayrront. Ideal for a couple. Must be con- g enial. Ask for Mr. Grohman. P.A. PALMER 3333 lNCORPORATED Via Lido, N ewport Harbor 1500 Bea ch 9ttrc Collins Island Wt•st end ot Park Ave., Balboa Island. 3 rm. cottage apU .. w eekly or monthly ra\es. Call Harbor 2962-W. UDO BAY FRONT deluxe furn- ished 2 bdrm. ground floor apt. Fireplace. Disposal. Enclosed patio. Pier and dock adjacent. Rent reasonable to J une 15th. Phone-Harbor 2590. 06c9 PENTHOUSE, 4 rooms partly furnished. $45 mo. plua utilities, yearly. 409 . 29th St.; Newport Beach. H arbor 739-J. 4p9 BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll. paid. Garage $75 mo.. yearly or $(lO mo, wlnter. Ph. Harbor 1671. 79tfc BAY FRONT-I bdrm. turn. apt. Ideal for couple, $6!5 month to June 15th. T\VO bdrm. un!um. houae, 1 blk. from oc<'an. By year only, $75 month. Ph. Harbor 2552 or Har. 2914-M 3tfc BALBOA -Modem 2 bedroom nicely rurniahed •pt. SM mo., yearly. Util. pd. Phone Harbor 2791-J. 83lfc TRAILER FOR RENT ln modem court. Space and lJghls includ· N.I $26.50 mo. ALSO large trailer !!pace, $15. 17.f I Pomona, Coat.a. Mesa. Ph. Beacon 6747-J. 93lfc BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tractively f\lmiahed 2 bdrm. du- plex w ith sundeck. Winter or yearly. Reuonable. Har. 3019-R 83tfc 19·12 CHEVROLET 2-door deluxe Fl1•cllinl'. H eater. Radio. Pri- vate party. $500 c8Jlh. 215 36th St.. Newport Beach. Ph. Harbor 295-M. 4c6 '10 OLDS 2·door sedan-on<' own- C'r . Good condition. SJ~ 3 12 Coral, Balbo& Jsla.nd. Harbor 2639-M. 4p8 51-Trallers ALL STEEL BED. 2-wheel trailer, Aln101'l new. Reasonable price. MUST SELL. Phone Harbor 28'14 -R. 3c5 HOUSE TRAILER. 22 ft. Doubh.• butane tanks. water heater. Pan<'I Ray hlr .. air cooler. Slimp dolly and awning. Ideal for couplr . Priced lo sell, $950. 234 Flower St.. Costa Mc.sa . Bea· con 5259-J. 4c6 55--Money to Loan LOANS for Homes 5'.h -20 yr. Loan3 CONSTR UCTION LOANS at 6 -51A,71:1 (14 yrs.) WE BUY Af..'D SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER 1416 COAST BLVD. Corona de! Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Li!e Ins. Funda Kl 3-5185 LOANS TO BUD..D, IMPROVlll. BUY, MODI!:RNIZll, OB REFINANCE We Buy Trust l>eeda NEWPORT BALBOA ll'ICDEllAl. SAVINGS A LO>.N ASSN. 3333 Via Lido Pb. Har. 11100 56-Money Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NET YIELD 6% to 10% & MORE "PLACE Yo\/R PROCEEDS IN GOOD TR'fST DEEDS" Every Joan t itle ln.wred. $3,381-lat T . D. pay• $40 mo. 6'fr , &11 due 1968. $3 ,flM-.l•t T. D. pays $40 mo. &<;<, $360 dia<:ounL OCEA N FRONT-l&rge cheertu.1. sunny rurnlahed apt., sleeps 4, '3.87~1st T . D. pays MO mo. $60 -~ mo. Call at 7304 Ocean 6".4 . $1$0 d.lacount. ~nt, or Beacon 6493-J. le~ 18,080--lat T . D. p&ya '80 mo. 7~ SMALL ATTRACTIVE HOUSE. $9,586--tit T .D. i"'Y•SlOO mo.f % aullable for 1 or 2. Reaaonable. '3,300-2nd T . D. pays '33 mo. 307 lsland Ave., Balboa. call 6%, ~ dl8count. evenlnp. 3~ Fr~ coJlection lttl'tce. BOB SATTLER, 1415 Oout BIYd. BALBOA PI!:NINSULA -Film· IJor"'1a de.I Mar Barbor 1077°" llhed aingle apt.a. $25 and S3:> Rep. POIRil:B MORTOAOJ: oo. mo. to June 15th. Frigidaire. Ketro uto Ina. ,...-Kl Hiii 3333 VIK Lido, Newpol"l Beach HH.rbQr 1500 .. SMART BUYERS Won 't overlook these BALBOA PENINSULA -3 bed- rooms, 2 baths. fireplace. BALBOA ISLAND -(Little Is- land) 4 bedroon1s, 2 baths, c:om- plelely furnl8hed. CORONA DEL MAR -Tripl<'x, with ocean view. Balboa Palms Realty 000 W . BALBOA BLVD., H . 3484 Assoc. Clyan Hall & J ack Greene 2 Lots -Costa Mesa For that new home you should buy these two 60 x 127 foo t lots, buy one or both. Located close by Newport Blvd. above the Arches on 15th St. near comer of Orange Ave. Have paved alley m a block of nice homes. Priced $1485 Call BEEK FERRY OFFICE Harbor 63 NOTICE: Horse Traders! Will take 2 bdrn1. hon1c in harbor art'& as trade for equi ty in 3 bdrm. hon1c on Lido Isle. Lidu home ls new. very attr11.ctlve~ Paul C. Jones REAL ESTATE Harbor 2313 (Eves. H . 2613·J) NEW 2-bedrm. beach home One block from ocean front. Will consider low down paymrnl if you can n1a.ke large monthly payments. · Full price $7,250 Phone Harbor 2~2 or Har. 2914-M 3tfc Lido Isle 2 bdrm., 2 bath home with flag- stone fireplace and forced a ir heat. Diaposat. Service porch. Beautiful enclost>d patio, 2-car garage. Lota of stol"8.ge space. Only $22.~. $8600 down. f Furniture can be purchased if desired.) $12,500 full · price z~~ bdrms. home, lovely brick fireplace, needs redecorating. Unfurnished except stove and dra~a . Fenced rear yard. Out or town owner anxious to sell, -Will consider offer! Coast Properties 301 E . Balboa Btvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2658 Home and Rental Older 4. bdrm. home, dlaposa). diahrnuler, completely remodel- led and decorated. Additional apartment In Income. 1 11' lot.a with choice plantings and fenc- ed. Cenlrally located. % bloc:k to bay. $17.500. Might conalder exchange on small bouae. Bay & Bea-ch Realty 14.'!0 Balboa Blvd. . Har. 1264 $11.400 . On Broadway V1•ry nit·C' 2 b<tr1n .hon11· on Co.,.t11 ,_,esa's fi11etit strrct. H\\•d. fir~ .. very nice bdrms. Ti11· floor in hfllhroo1n . Largt• ·k 1lchC'n. Gar- a)?e, bar-b-q. Thl:i h~ a rr-al buy. Ov.·n<'r j3 leavinr,: ·the l:lrca. 1'"ull price ls only - $9450 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 1856 Nr-wport Blvd., Coflta Mesa Phone Beacon 7 I 23 f Across from Co8la Eves. Ha. 3157-W Mei;a Bank) Bea . 5458-J Duplex, Pier, Float N ('flr :-;hoppinK and bu11 line. Ex· cclll'nt condit ion . Brick patio, fireplace. !\"('\\' modl•rn kit<.:hcn. Easily converll'd to !1:1r~c home. Pr i cc $1 8,850, unfurnished. Terms. New Lido Listing TWO bdrm. home, walled patio. beamed ceilin~s. T ile fraturt•S throughout. B1·11t buy on Lido Islel $15,500. Cunsider rl·ason· able doY•n payment. Newport He ights 1\'ew listing -2 bedroon1.s und convrrtlblt.> d1•1i. l ')I, bath,o;. 3· car garage. I...argc patio. Cape Cod design. Price $14,850. WELL BUILT and well located 4 bdrm. and maid's room home plus 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of South Bay. Private pier and float. Good double garage. Full price completely furnished. $47,500, terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 COSTA MESA G. I. RESALE Nearly new, lovely 3 bdrm. home, fireplace, beamed ceiling, shake roof, double gar., large glassed in living room faci ng rear yard for outdoor living, in best East Side neighborhood. • Only $2500 down. Easy G. I. terms, 4% int. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker r 490 Newp<irt Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon '6698 (Evenings Beacon 6747-J) Downtown Triplex A wonderful buy near the CO!lla ~fesa oost office. ConsiAl!!I of a n ice 2 ·E. R. home separate from 2 -l 3. R . A ptl:!. 1 apt fUrni.sh- cd. ~·ery d~rp lot, room for 1nore units. J <'&r gar., lots of blac k top. Con1pletely fenced. W ill cousidl'r 1ci.;;idence in ex- chanJ;e. Full price $19,500 Income Special Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth $850 down 2 bdrm. home near Blvd. and mar- ket.a, lot 50 x 175. Total price $6300. G. I. Resale 3 bdrm., s:fbl. gar., fenced ya.rd, lot 63 x 135, near shopping cen- ter. Price 19750. Down pay. S2260. G. I. mo. pay. $61. Stock, Chicken Ranch 11 vn1c. ptus mg•. apt. on halt 2 2 acrt:. A teal nloney maker. Only Income Property 0 acres, 1 acr ca permanent pas-$26,000. Tc:rms ConatdCr home turC'. 3 houses, barn. stables, completely irrigated. Abundant or inco1nc In cxc-11ange. cheap watH. Equipment fo• B A NERESON 15,000 chickens. Will consider · • • low dO\\'n payn1<'nt to qualified l t!t8:l Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa operator-or part trade. Phone Beacon 5225 GREENLEAF &. ASSOC. (Eves. Beacon 6560) BUILDER -REALTOR 31 12 Newport Blvd., H arbor 2552 3tf<.: Beautifully Built 1 Bdrm. Home PERFECT FOR A COUPLE, Built this year for the owner. It's the distinctive ranch typl' with r C'd· wood fencing, r tio lind garden. Excellent Cost Mesa location. $7995 Newport Heights Channing n ew 3 bdrm. ranch type home with fireplace. Bt.•s t hwd. floors, Many closets and built· ins. A lovely home, $12,250. Beacon Hill Realty 466 Newport Blvd. {above Arches) Ph. B. 571 3-R or Eves. B. 6632-W Corona del Mar WHY PAY RENT? $1500 down So , You Want To Buy Right- ' Well-Here It ls! DUPLEX -Reduced t o $11,000. Wes t Newport home and garage a pt. Terms. Good income. ALS0-3 B. R . frame, Co!lta Meaa . $6,950. T erms. Have Buyer for Balboa Ocean Fr. Francis J. Horvath, REALTOR 34 20 W. Balboa Blvd., Har. 1428 1501 W , B&lboa Blvd,, Har. 370 BALBOA -By owner -Fumiah- ed DUPLEX on corner. Bay view, near Newport Harbor Yacht club, $17,:>00. 825 West Bay Ave. Harbor %146 -R or Mr. Lohn, Kimble 0161. 98p4 Nf'at 2 bdrn1. cottage, nice loco· LEAVING CALIFORNIA -Mt111t tion. sell attractive 2 bedroom and ALSO THESE F OR $2500 down . -1-2 bdrm. &: den ................ $ 8,750 2-2 bdrm. G. I. Resale ...... $10,500 3-New 2 bdrm .. new furni- ture, complete. only ...... $13,300 TOM PAYNE, Rltr. 310 Cout Hiway, Corona del Ma.r Phone Harbor 277 4 Check These BUSINESS BLDG., B A LB O A . Goocf\corner location, foot traJ- fic. 2 apt.a. over store area. Good incon1 c J>088l blUUes. This may be the investment you are looking for! S30,000. garage. Brca.kfut nook. Dual wa.11 furnace. Tile, fenced back Y•rd. $7450. 233 Sllllt& IA.bet St., Costa Mee.a. 4p6 NEW 1 BDRM. HOME. ir<•Y atucco rmllh. $3975. 395 Vic- toria St. (near College Ave.), Costa M-. Ph. lie&. 5608-M. T8lfc * * * * THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST x 173. near center of town Monthly Income a pproximately $176. Full price $1 3,000. T erm• available. Acreage 5 Acres, 5 Acres, 3 Ac res, Industrial ............... $7500 Agriculture ............ $6000 Back Bay ............... :$S360 • G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 -Be wlse-t e--U .:people-adverttll! FOR SALE OR LEASE-One of loveliest in Corona d el Mar. 2 bdnns. (could be 3 br.) Gorgeous view. 25' Uv. rm., G.E. kit. Flag- stone fireplace, planters. Closels galore. Unit heat . 2100 SQ. ft. Submit your terms. 430 Poppy Corona del Mar . Har. 127~R. Bay & Beach Bargains in Duplexes 4<-6 Four good buys. All show high income. All well located. Three near g~ood bay awtinmlng. Rang· Jng from •11, 7~ up. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Ba.lboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 2c4 Corona Highlands L&rge comer v iew lot-by owner. Priced low. Ph. ~ar, 29-J or Har . 3081-R. 99c14 BEA t.mFUL l bdrm. h<>l.3e un- furnlllhed. $2995 full price. 3811 W . Victoria, ea.ta Kea. Phone Beacon S608·M. 02ttc Corona del Mar l,000 8Q. PT. BLDG., otnoe, parkJ__ DUPLEX-Two attract ive unlt!I . Ocean VJew, new 3 bdnn.12 beth home. W to W carpellnir and drapee included. Hwd. tloore, dual tlr. Rlrn&C4!, fenced, patio, aprtnklere front • rear, eo· lot. Only $1J.llOO, owner tranaterred. · Key In our office. Ing. RR frontage, hlway front--Each hu bed.rm., Uv. nn.t kit. Ir: ace Plenty or land. lnduatrial bath. Extra gueat rm. and bath • Mr, Baqbn. 40f SoUlh Spadra. 1'Ullert.o'1 or pbooe 2.152. 3lfc TELEVlSJON ! Trade your old piano on beauurul tdevtaJ.on.. Big allowance. Fa.moua makee in televiaion. "DANZ~SCIDUDT 520 No. MaJn, CG<DU 6\h SL, Santa Ana. Laun~ aY&llable. UUL tneL ~r 127~W. 83tfc zone, near Pomona. •18,.500 tull &djolna garage. Furnished. Cloee W ANTED-f3000 private loa.D '"' prloe. Harbor ue4. 2cf to IMy, ocean. lll\d truu1porta- &-room ~ at CD)I(. OcMn ------------ttou. $17.500. . brange County's\· Outstanding Real Estate Advertising Meclium W. E . Fisher A.LL 8T!:EL wb.lte enamel Ice re- ·_trtprat.or. For ale CHEAP. UT Pearl. Bolboa Ialand. Har· ' bor 1185-W. ' 4c NEW Beauutul A U Wool Hand .,,._ Rup--he&l(y ond c:olor-' tlll. v....-..,., $2'1! • up. ' -W • .lilh st., Santa Ana. KL HNI. I 'l" GET THE TOP DOLLAR for your old piano. :i'rade It In~ .... It.a 11111 cuh Ylllue on a Padl:&nl Bell tetevtmlil!at 81LU'SR'S MUsIC CO. ($IMO• ltoTl. d1 No. Byea- more, _ll&llta Aila. KL i.on:I. ., BALBOA-Winter ra ... ~ -S40 mo. Incl. 11111. ~tes and doub!M. -relrl.. Clean. Good -306-\i 1llaln St., Bal- -of bo<aleftld. 11113 N. BUI, P.•denL - -. Barbor llliO-W. 118tfc 2m=.:!•!!!w'!!.;Elta!!!!!!te!.W!!,!eet..l!!!!!!..- Dm.uxz 2-"""-apL,. bdwd. ~ w.: prllap di-I Privaq, ...... -· Co""'!' de! Mar. Harbor O&T-4..J, e'1!11.. or woekCAda. ~ • HOUllS or -an ._ -llQ la _ .. _ "" 10 ftlna. - apt.a. --__,. Putt. -tt; <>waer-Kn. r n er. • a uu. an. '-•••ell, ~ ttpB • For Sale or Lease MODERN a --·a yrs. old. ~ rin. 10 " 26. beamed ceUlap, wood ~· Auto --· 11iuJ leTmL TOii OTdlld. Oo<oaa del Illar. --Ba"-1011-J. - -poiUple do rMd the ado. BALBOA PENINIJULA POINT- H~ t. a dandy buy. 2 bdrm., 2 IM\h, dlnotte. Many extra fea- tureo and l!t'&nd new. $14,000. • Balboa Realty Co. -Grealey J-i>blne Webb U1Ilan llcAcloo Harbor 3277 100 ... ,._ ·IlllYd., Bolboa llullder -Res1tor Ernie Smith Realtor ·-A ....... te • 9J.I Coaat B11'd. CciftJea <Ill Mar • .._ Barllor ~ • I ·I .1 •