HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-04 - Newport Balboa News Times• • • .NEWPORT ·' . • ' .. ' coiardlt ~a WorfdllcJ on Clia•b•r 'Man of Year' Choice ON~ '·SAVED . BY S·EINE$·; ~t~~~~£ iSF.~::;· ASSING VESSELS FAIL -:.,:~~: .::~ ·::~~~ . .::~~ ,,. , .. SE·E-TRIO'S PLIGHT 43rd YEAR-NUMBER 49 LEA.PING mou TO SCORE , ... Harbor'• battllq Tan Friday "-Ammad Netuea (11), forward, as .Jim Mendon. forward, •-alt.a reso.lt.. Wu.on HIP'• Kollor (4), forward. Winkler (10), Twnam (!1), ai.o att ln on action. Harbor lo8t by 76-53 pme. Bruins Claw Tar Cagers 76-53 in Game Here ( N ewa· Times Pboto) ~ewport Harbor Union High Schoors var8lty cagen went down to a hard-fought 76-~3 defeat Fri- Pirates Whip Oceanside JC in Easy Rout By Rod MM>.Milllan Utilizing a blazing fut break throughout the game, O r a n g e Coast College Basketballers drub- bed Oceanside 89-39 S a t u r d a y night in a practice game at the Pirate gym. The OCC caaabu go I day afternoon at the hands or Woodrow Wilson High's Bruins of Long Beach. It wu not a league pme. Two big re~ for the _Tar de-against Citrus tonight in another feat wen WtllcS I tit!!l:8=t~6t=-·non-league inatclt at 8 p. m. and w&rd, Ty1er, who &cored 2:> pointA, wtnd up the week against Harbor and a stocky, blonde guard. junior college Friday night and Sotherland. who dropped the ca-El Toro Marines Saturday night Mb& through the porthole for 23 in another pair of home games points. Soth erland, smalJer than before going to the annual Chaf- most players on the local gym fey tournament next week at On- ftoor. wu a veritable dynamo o f tario. energy, continually atea1ing tht> Coach Miles Eaton's p i rates ball and breaking up plays when opened with a. 32-point bask e t tbe Harbot"lte• had the ball. His barrage tn the first period against pardltlg was more efficient at Oceanside and were never threat- the Tars' end of the court than at ened. Eaton sent his first string hl.l!I own. to the showers midway in the Outata.nding players for Harbor third period with a M-24 lead. were fo rwards Armand NetUe:rs ~eanside wasn't in Coast's class and J im Mendon who bagged 18 as far as teamwork went although a nd 16 points respectively. they had a trio of fine ball play - Coe..ch Jim Miller, reviewing the ers in center Gordon Teaby. tor· game, said: "I feel the boys play-ward Don Cleary and guard Glenn ed a darned good game. Wilson Hendrickson. The P irates had WU & little out of our class-they the spirit and teamwork over the ue from a lot tougher league. Lee invaders. Eaton wa.e more than Jayred, our center, d.id a good job pleased with the OCC showing of controlling our defensive back-but emphasized the fact that the board and Nettle a.nd Mendon were other clubs on the slate for this dol!'g some good shooting. I don 't week will be further along .than feel too badly a.bout the showing the aouthern club wa.a. Citrus is the boys made although the !ICOre ~ question mark outtlt but Har- wu blgh. We made a pretty 100<1 bor jaysee and El Toro are known ecore ounelve.a." powers and both knocked th e Both • te&JJUJ played m&JJ·for.: locals over la.st year. ma.n defense. Willon looked better A rcata's Al Denis w a a the on defense than the Tars. The standout of the night wtth 16 local8 will play another game to-points, eight backboard recover· da.y at 4. p. m. (Continued on ?ap 5) 73 LETTERS AWARDED TO HIGH SCHOOL GRID PLAYERS Members of Newport Harbo~------------­ Union high schooi'S three football I Martoinez, Dick Mirkovich. John squads received • tow ot 73 let-Murphy, T om Perkins. Randy ten at the annual letterman·s P eyton, \Vayne Robin.son. Hall 1•-week In Balboa Bay Seely. Roy Stafford. Ron Sunnon. banquet ...... Tim Tunnell, Ron Woods and Ken- club. dall J acobsen. An "extra" varsity Jetter went Members of the C squad eamlng to an ardent booster of the Tar" their letters were Rogf'r Boyvey. -Dick Richard, who was made Jert'y Cross, Marion Davey, John an honorary member of the high Eg~rt. Don Huber, Darell Jack· school student body by Sidney son. )tarvin Lusk, Charles Mc· Davidson, high school principal. Gave.rn, Bob Milum, George Moore. Each year the high school gives a Frank Navarro, Jim Newkbit. Jetter to the man contributing out-PauJ Newman. Bob Revi&, Dave &tanding support t o the school's Six. Gonion SpU~ J ack Steinman, activities. Glen Thomas, SW Wetzel. Gene Vanity lette.ra were awarded M yre and David Lynch. The lat- u.e ..following: Don .Aarvold, Lou ter two were captain fOf' tbe year Abbott. Bruce Be.ltd. Rex Bell Ted Beltran. Gene Boero, Jerry and manarec respec~vely. CoUJna. Bob Egrert. wa:rne Grit-lmrratt C-ws Now fin. Lee Hambrook. Bill Hopkln& •• Tom~. QI .. _ Lowe. Dudley 1-ill .a.... Lille BellOr, Doaa;r Mf"!'"• Ted McMP. ""I'~~, • ...... . - ten. . Work oa inl:t9Dat.lon of the Jock: N--la f'&lle, Jim 17000.!0ot, new 14-.incll -crew PUcoe. Doa PUUtl;. Glouia Pjdl-pipe water li!le !>ePa ~v -TollT ~ Rolly Pululll. ..,. ..... of J . ii. llo.rTett. Clt;r- Mlcl<e)' ~tmetr, Auatln Smith, 1!:11~ ~ Webb - Olde Stopllena. o"1J ha W-"'dl. Coatroct !<r tbe pipe. lbie -1- B aquacl Jettermon lnclloclood ~-lattqn ;,,,la 1!tt -week by City JOD .-Y, Walt lllebm, Bob O>uncll to Bamoll, low -· BNP.. -Cutro, Cl!el .The --""'""" tbe old ~ -CU-. Leo CUr-water ato" -.clqlt --u.. -~. John Dnley, Jt<-laid -"II' 30 ,..... -· ~ - " ,,._.., Boll --.. ll&m line rune """'"" llooa M-1 .. Ir ... -Lo llWla, ~ ~lal olte to......._ ...... -< Identity of the .. man of year" .will be kept secret unUl . , •' .. , day-night to the capsized . ift1 of the 16-foot sloop Suma Devil. A day's l)lea.sur~t to Catalina turned into a 'CLE.AR. ING', F' RISB'IE SAM·S ~~u~~~~;~:~~h ::Ws .. used_An_th_!_e_i:_isas_r_:"_r_·.li_es_a.s_hig_· -h . · I . yearooQJd Arnold R t c h of 694. 7 I Chlmlneaa St., Reseda.. Lost were CLIFF HAVEN ·"Rapidly Cietrlnc'' waa the wa .. --------------1 Jt. E. Fri.able, dlvtalon chief of the Department of Sanitation of the Orange Cou.nty Health Depart· ment dcsc·rlbed the quarantine of the beach trom Huntington Beach to Newport Beach. NOVEMBER'S BUILDING HITS S271 ,161 MARK I ~!a~t~1~::'~it~; 3::J :~: bert Lewia:, 24., of 1«6 W . 26th ANNEXATION St., Loa Angeles. Lewis was just "All of the county eewage ls now being carried to &ea ln the line of J oint Outfall Sewer which haa been sa.UsfactoMly r-epalred," Frlable told the N.twe-Tlmes, Mo n- day. Aa quJckly a.a samples being constantly ta.ken along the beach. warrant it, Frt•ble saJd the quar- antine w1JI be lifted. For several days tut week more than 15,000,000 gallon& of raw sewage water was being turned in- to the channel of the Santa Ana river While t hree breaks in the concrete outfall Une were being re- paired. . According to Nelson Launer, operations officer of lhe J . O. S . the sewage water released from the treatment plant four mU es in· land never reached the sea and the only raw acwagc dumped was that of N<'wport Beach and Hunting- ton Beach. However some of tho&' who trave rsed the route of the r iver said there was a constant Cl ow of water from the treatment plant clear t o lhe ocean. WeMt Ne"·por~ra Lesve Some resident.a of West New- port wPre reported by the Coun- ty Health Department to have left their home& becauae of the terrir- ic stench and fear created by the &ewage dumping. \Vlth a total of 81 permlta i.Uued during November, the .~-month'• tot.al In Newp6rt Beach building activity reached $271,1$1, bring· Ing construction valuation to SA,- 2:'.>2,704 for the first 11 month! ot this year. • Records of the city building in- !i!pector's dt>partment s.howed a to- tal of $185,040 worth ot permits was isaued for 16 single units, largest category of the month. Next high were 13 pe rmlt.3 for re- pairs t o dwellings over $1000, with a total of $37 ,926 , while two 2· family units counted for $22,000. Commercial pe rmits contributed $10.500 whlle l~ p('rmita for re- pairs t o dwellings under $1000 tallied $6360. Private garages ac· counted for $555-0 and repail'8 to commer cial structures was listed at $3400. eity building official• sa id that November's $271,161 worth ot per- mits -a drop from October's $:>()2,090-reflects seasonal trenda. With the former high in build· Ing permits totaling $8,041,:K)S tor 1948, t.h l.s year's record high of $8.- 21'.>2,704 worth Issued !IO far Is ex- pt"ct~d to soar even higher this month to set a mark for 19~2 con· struction activity. LONE SURVIVOR ot 8f'6 tracedJ· off Ne"·port Beach, Arnold IUch, ruduJ and "'"t, •tand.A abo,·e Suma De,·11'8 m&At at CoMt Guard dock. Sk>op is dlmly seen ln wat.en la backpund. (News-Times Photo) Decision to repair an old break in the J oint Ouptfall Line wa.s made at lhis time in order to com- plete the task during the wl.nter season while there is litUe use of the bE'achc.-s . Warren Appoints Burke to, Benda ....... ~-·-•"'I The one break near the Cout Highway hu been a thorn In the &Ide of both Health Department and J08 for--M\_1&.t!'l'IOftth:. PIJld... Ing the other brea.ka made the re· • Gov. Earl W~n Jut week paJra lmmed.l ately neceaaary. •ppolnttd Louts Burke, wellknown THOUSANDS SEE COLORFUL ISfMM¥REYIE.W -SllOW Contamination &t the river ~ Beacon Bay ru-Dest Amas and hi• orchestre._ _____________ _ mouth has been e vident for aome · -ldent, a Superior time, according to the Health De-Court judge to parLment and It wa.s traced to the serve Loa An· extstant break ln the line. geles County. Repair crews worked night and B urke, who ie day on the ci:mentlng ot the line also city attor- and considerable difficulty was en· ney tor Monte- brought a large turnout Saturday night for the ·dance which closed the fifth annual Christmas Pre- view presented by the Newport Harbor Buslne&B and Profcsslona.I Women·s Club. countered from cave-Ins just in· bello, has served T ogether with the elaborate dis- land from the Coast H ighway a t alao a.a general the river. Finally sheet steel piling counsel for the plays of m erchandise .shown by was driven to hold the earth In c a I if 0 r n i a Harbor Area m<'rchanl!: and thf' place while a hole was excavated League of Cities. fashion show Friday night, Arnaz' to the line. Louts R. Burke In l94S Burke orchestra drew thou&&.nds of Tl"8t.8 Conducted wa!'I active Vl'rit ing the proposed people to the Rendezvous Ball· T ests were conducted at ~ac h charter for the City ot Newport room. break In the line by tloatlng 8 Beach as well as codifying the The two -day Preview Frtday green dye Into the water t o test city ordinances. and Saturday opened ~th · tt,e for see"page before the repairs A native ot Montebello, Burke atyle show entitled "Aliae in a were considered complete and ap-is 8 member of the firm, Burke. Wonderland of Fashions" under proved. Marshall & Burke, Los Angeles. the direction of Mn. Mazie Bird, The dumplng of the sewage A veteran or World war n . he chairman. With Barbara Ann water Into the river from the &erved a.a mllitary , governor of a Peck, 10, In the title role, Nat county treatment plant waa con-large area in Bavaria, Germany. Mic haud ecampered around aa the ~idered a test al&o to determine .. white rabbit" and Ne~a Oakden whether the river can be uaed a.s VALUABLE TOOL TAK.EN ralUed pans u the "mad hatter." a conduit to carry t reated water Burglary of an impact l 0 0 I The preview wu held for the down channel for Lrrtga.tion pur-valued at $138 and a $5 extenalon purpoee of raising money for the poee:s. Arrangements have been card from a lubrication bay ad· student echolanhlp and loan tund completed with ranchers ln the jolnlnc Showier'& Texaco station of the Bualneu and Profeulonal Santa Ana Valley to t&ke treated goo Coast Highway, wu reported Women'a Club &nd this year the (Co•Uaoed on Pace 6) to police Sunday. I club took on the added task ot sup-___________ :_ ___ :_ ____ :_ ______ ~plylng $1250 for the Hoac Me- mortal Hospital lo be used to furn- ish a visitor's room. Judging of the booths saw the "Sweepstakes" award going to The Beachcomber Shop. Division "A " awards went to Vincent's Drugs. Rlchard"s Lido Market, and British Motors. Inc. Division "B" awards Vl'ent to Blower's Village Market, Newport-Balboa. Federal Savings a.nd Loan Associa tion, and Harvey Somera, Inc. Division "C" awards Vl·ent to Sea Chest Gifts. Bay~idc Plating and Williame S ta- tionerB. Judges of booth displays wer e Earl W. Stanley, state B.Membly- man: Heinz Kaiser, Orange Coun- ty supervisor; Harry Welch , pub- lic relation.a for Hoag Memorial h08pital, Presbyterian; Tom Nor- ton, president of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce: Hay Lan- genheim, secretary of ~wport Harbor Chamber of Commerce; Donald Huddleston. vice preeldent, Costa. Meaa Chamber of Corf'l· merce. Jim F itsgerald directed 60 sixth graders f rom Horace Ensign school to open the Preview wltb c~rols on Friday nlte. recently married. At a late hour yesterday, Coast Guard officials reported their har-TALKS HELD bor boat was still searching for the two men without success. The sea aea.rch will be continued until the bodies are recovered. The trto I e ft Beecherts Boat Landing on Coe.st Highway before dawn, Sunday for a day of !la.fl- Second session of the aeries re- gardlng p~~sed annexation of Cliff Haven to the City of New- port Beach wa.s to be held last ing and fishing and an outing to night at 7 :30 o·olock in St. An- Catallna . Before reaching t h e Island, a chop and cro88 wlnd de- veloped which clused t he t I n y sloop to be turned around and headed for the mainland. Boat Swamped According to the lone survivor when off shore of Newport Beach and in sight of the mainland, the t iny craft wa.a caught broadside by a wave and upset. All three of t he occupants clung for hours to the craft. Air tried vainly for hours to hall passing craft. "Unbelievable"' wa.s the way Rich described the experience of a half-dozen craft pa.ssing so near and yet not hear- ing the cries of him and b is ship- mates. Lewis wu the f irst to lose his hold on the hull or the little sailboat and a short time later Kay disappeared into the .. •. After approximately five hours in t he sea, Rich was fl.nally res- cued by the crew of the purse seiner . "Morning Star," whoae skipper Dusan Grga.s, operatea out of San Pedro. The Morning Star took R ich aboard and ma.de a line ta.at to the 'Suma Devil.' towing It to port at the Coast Guard dock. The Coa.at G u a r d craft from the harbor spent the nlrht .. ~II for the~ m.las-1.n.c mem .. : _ .....,,.._ . - RAINFALL FIGURES R.&lnfaU for the recent storm measured .27, bringing the total to date to 2.22. Last year at this time it was 1.31 . ENGll'i"E STOLEN An auxillary engine valued at $100 wa.a taken from the sailboat Snafu. Dick Winkler reported to police Friday. He said the craft wa.s tied to Dick's Dock, 801 Coast H ighway, when the theft occurred. drewa Presbyterian C hurch with Newp&t city officials as guellts. Scheduled to attend the meet- ing w~uncilman Br ad en Finch, City Engineer Bert WUb, City Manager John J . Sailors and Arlie Swartz, secretary of t b e Newport Heights irrigation dis- trict. Discussed at last Monday' a meeting w ere such improvement.a as slreet lights, more water pres-- sure, better police and fire protec- tion !Uld Installation of a sewer system. Rex Albright presided over the gathering of some 30 home owners. Move for annexation wa.a be«Un by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Tufta, 23601 SW P irate Road, Newport Heights. and other interested res- dents. The Cliff Haven area ~ In the city elementary school dia· trlct. At last week's seuion, it was. asserted that annexation to the city would raise the tax levy by an even dollar per hundred a.aaes- sed valuation. Although w & t er pressure could be provided Imme· diately by city service, acquisition of lhe Cliff Haven water llnea may be necessary if the diat.riet is annexed. Tb.e di8t.ricl ia bot ln the ao.ta '"Bti.'f'ffl ·~_wblch-la ln ,,.._ wer m. • ROAT THIEVES AOTIVE Awel C. Eoff, owner of North~ wind, Lido Wharf. Friday reported theft ot a galley stove, wrenches, two quarts of liquor and $10 from the vessel, according to police. CAR STOLEN T heft of her 1941 sedan Sunday night was reported by Adele Van Fleet, 111 McFadden Place.. to police. The car wa.s taken from ... a parking lot, she said. BALBOA ANGLERS FIGHT SEINING OF ANCHOVIES • IN · PROTEST TO STATE This week may be one fateful If commercial interest.a gain pe.r- for Newport Harbor·s many mi88ion-··ou r ocean fishing Mre sporlfishermen. will be virtually over." At a meeting of the State De-Pointing out tbat cheap foreign partment ot Fish and Ge.me on labor, low taXes and short hauls Friday~ In Eureka. sardine fishing have threatened the American interest.I wtll a.gain try to gel de-tuna industry. and that san:Une partmental permission to reduce and mackerel canneries also are anchovy and other small fish in facing serious problems. McNally lieu of sardine. "No action" was said the ocean sportfiahlng in- ta.ken on t heir request at the Octo-dustry locally haa become quJte ber meeting. virile. R ea80n for this move, according According to a 1948 report by to J . B. Mc NaJly, director ' of the Harry Welch, secretary of the Or- Ocean Fish Protective AuoctaUon ange County Harbor Commission. and vice-president of the Balboa "Benefits derived from the sport Angling Club, ls that commercial fishing Industry in Newport Har- Lnterests have virtually Swept the bor amount to $11.323.750. Tb.111 ocean clean of u.rdlne. does not Include taxea paid on He bu received acknowledge-boats or land used ln the industry, ment from Seth Gordon, new di· nor to the 1hlpyarda for the bUUd• rector of the fish and game de-lng or rf'p&irtng of boa.ts." partment. of a protest filed on be-Selnerw Dancerom half of the angling club. In the. Thi8 ever-growing l n du 1 try. letter. McNally pointed out that wh!ch is leaping ahe&d along ~e the club for more than ~ years cout. ta tn serious danger Qf ex- hu fought the uh.restricted uae of tlnctlon if anchovy which ls ueed puree or round haul nets, first on for ball and aports ft.sh is aetn;ed barracuda. yellowtall and white by commercial lntereal.8, McNally sea ba.u, then on yeUowfln and stated.. hhkfin tuna and tater the sardine. "U 'the present practice ot '1· A re110lutton vtgoroaaly oppos-lowing indlscrtminate eeinlng ol tng the purae artntnc of ancbovtee not onJy our sport flab but allo ~as adopted at the 1ut meeting the food for Ute sport flab ll tiot o! tbe N-i>ort. Harbo~. Chamber •lopped, we wtll wind up ..itll of Commerce board of tlirectors netthe.r &port nor COOUIU!rci&l a.h, .. and baa hem .. nt to tbe State big," he cleclued. Departmerlt of trlab aild Game. •Qui,ung Or. Francio 'Clark ot J>rotec.lll"\ at!orded the lfellow-the blological .)aboralsy, Tcm• tall. -M -aild -tnal ~d, bi a al•I-IMCk -.If«! In an oppnclallle biUMR 'lut' year. ·McNall:y ~ wtta of ~ aild Ille -· But ber predldf9o: • • 70u0./nn •-b&ft Id\ --.i '"I'IW J>O.Oi,te. of Callfolnla nimt waled '.~. bWoftoi ,.., ....rt:r '.-:Ide' wtiich "tbq -=-: -. Jifd'WJT• letter j;lalDted out. men:lal flolllnlr « aport fWnc. •11r aa.vi t k'" · ~e 1a not png to"__,. "In --Caat-i., Ille aa-for bot.II." ' """"T18Wlt-1L-pn.utlc 111-< aild Hla Utter urpd Go-to :;,,, lbe prM8nt -•11!1 ~Jo -fiiot ·....-pre-.." wldcli; 1'o oqlloi to Ula """"41," -&117 roiflqted, ~ ... ~-­eoatend9d 1111 )!tter·WUMd tlllt: -~ b7 .,IMM'Ml.11 ftrlM ,._,. 1t••~ot--~la-oll:wod to liW -of..,....-, .. ..,..,., ;-.,._ ':¥ fePl'Od= ...... It WI!' l!aOb. ,_ ,-....... . . ,· ... I t \ 1 I • ' • M6E 2 • • .'ON BORROWED nMF RANKS HIGH ON HARBOR HIT RO.LL ._ ....,.u. JUc-·---------- "On Bortowed Time .. prMent.d Frlcla:r n1Pt -y the .. n1ar claP proved one of t.be most dellghttul perfo~cea ewr eeen at Harbor high. Don cainpbell, with cr.,.kinf voice and artr1llc bobble &nd a hundred comic bit.I or e1de--pla7. made every word and &'Mture vivid in hl9 role Of "'Gra.mps." Many who hlLd believed it would be yeare before Harbor uncovered a \a.lent comparable to OrTen Broolul' ttviMd their estimates a.lter the revelation of "Gr~." .. i:qu&lly wtnning wu freahman Michael Vaile ln t he role of Bud. Thia UtUe-boy~haracter wu any- thing but euy. A score of acenea tunny Kt!ne in bis acle:nutlc ex· periment With the mouaa 'and ti.ah· ~ pole. Ed Bec:katmm u Mr. Grlmu wu aornethln• between an undertaker and a member ot the Ku Klux Klan, and wonder· tully etfecUve. M\aa Plllbeam, pl•yed by Donna Nelllon. hit the right notes of prlmnesa and e.f:ft- clency &.nd won a. laugh u •be acuttled off-stage ln .ec:ene :S. Bob a:nert wu an tmpo.sinsly thick· beaded, but l'OQd·hea rted sherltt and worke.r• J ohn Tate.a and Lee Jayntd were a.muaing. ln & vtvtd role, Pe(&'Y, t he red·bowed pomer-- a.nian, gave a pol1ed performance, StastDJ Praised C'$Uld have mLlfirf'd , l! Michael's The ~t wu worthy of Broad· undenta.nd.lng and direction had way. Though not elaborate, tta ~ 1 .. exceptional. Two scene8 detaila were lm&&1native and were especially Uckllah; in one, Bud ch.&rminl'; the hole In µie acreen believes his Gramps has deserted ln the back-porch door. t he an- hlm ud ln anotheT', he t akes a cient rocking chairs. the rain ba.r- cF&ahing fall from a high fence. rel and drain pipe. the marveloua Both ecenea were wondertully wide-spreading apple tree -all movinl:'. In the latter, Bud's slow showed work and artLltry on the el.imb toward the death-haunted part ot the atag-e crew. Ll1thtlng apple tree wu a genuine nerve-etfecU w ere superbly handled. The pincher. The audience didn't • stage wu Planned so ln~nuoUJ1ly breathe. and the movement ot all the play- Hende'190n SC'orPA Tom Hmder 21on 's Mr. Brink was a8 Important as Gr amp'• and Bud to the aplrit of the play_ The aep-- ulchnl eonority o f T om's voice g&ve bis role a. fine. not-of-thi•· wonid effect ; a nd u Death trapped In the apple tree. he was clown, pttiloaopher, and villa.in rolled in- to one, with sharp insight lnto suble tles of hill lines and timing of. h ia gestures. His pantomime, like Don 's, had the touch of gen- iua. Carole T et&loft. with a voice ptlched Jtat ah or t of a yodel and costumes u gawdy as a ~Ile of the gold n..uih days, ga ve her role o/ m emetrla a hanWome charge of wiCkednesa a.nd revealed a gus- t j t&Jent t or comedy. Judy Tuck - ef a.s the gentle and gra.cerul hero- ine waa pleasantly ca.st. Donna Price matched "Gramps" in he r arttullnea.!I at portraying t he twealca and twinges of age and in t he 1'.nge of her falsetto. Janee Hlune, u the apple-8tr-aling ur- chin, had a small but brilliant Scene: her flail ing arms as she pummled Bud's head, knees in h i.a · stomach, waa ont" or thr-play'• perfect moment.a . Bill Hopk lrut gave a nice ac- count ot the obtuse and stubborn Dr. Evana and had a particularly BALTZ MORTUARY La4¥ Atf#:ndant uo Coat rupway OORONA DEL MAR DAT AND NIGHT Phone llarbor 42 ers was so well rehearwd and exe- cuted that the 8Wift t.ranaitiona between the two levela of acUon, the living room and yard, had a pr ofeuional ease and amooth.neu. Commend.I.l ion goes to Mr. Saw- in and the members of his high !:chool orche.str'a for their very ex- veUent and enjoyable rendition at th,e Humperdink ..election In the Overture and for t heir beautiful "Over the Ra inbo\\•" during inter- m iuion. The cast of "On Borrowed Tl.me." director Robert' Wentz, ._.. sistant director Don& Sedinger and the 64 hard-working members of the tec hnical crew rtte the hJghe•l praise for their a chieve- ment of one of the all-time drama- tic smuh hits of Harbor'• his- tory. Girl Scouts See Picture Programs, Plan Hospital Aid Announced a..s a huge 1uccess by 1.frs. Suther land H utton, p ro- gram chairman for Newport Har- bor Gir l Scout Council , were the motion picture• give n recent ly at the ScoUt House for 200 Brownies and I ntermediate Girl Scouts. Three ahorts on Pets. Life ot the Ant, and Finger Painting were re- ceived with enthuslum by the girls. Soon the older Girl Scouts wtll be glvC'n an Interesting pic- ture on Frlend.ahip. · Many troops are aJ ready work· ing on a program of communJty service pointi.ng up the Hoag Me--::=============; 1 morial Hospital. Bed tray favors, ;... ceramic 1 loY.•e r holder& and doiliea ·BE SURE -INSURE ' \\'ltb MAURIE STA..,'LEY lll9W"&nce Only Phoae Harbor 1 '118 • !!5 Marine Ave. Balboa Island MA Tl'RESSES Boat.-.Bomet1t-Tra.llen Irregular Shape11 BEACON 5061 Coeta 1KeM Mattreu Co. 1150 Newport Blvd. , WATER HEATERS Sa1M, Servi~ and Repaln for the dl shea "'ill be ready for use .,~,rhen the hoapitaJ la con1plE't- ed. P lanters and plants for the rooms w ill be 1tuted and all such effort.a will be welcomed by Mre. Winifred Ba con. who wa• a p- proa.C"hed In the matter. TToop badges w ill b{' Parned in t his in- teresting fashion by troop mr-m- ~rs. On Mrs. Hutton's committee a.re ).frs. Sidney Sander•. J uliet te Low. chairman : Mrs. H .P. Yarnell, PTA coordinator and M~. H. H . Tracy who ~ in charge of the showing ot pictures. Panhellenic Plans Christmas Party • /oe Bec:MJJ PLUMBING Autborlaed Dealer Day ~ Nlcbt He&teF9 TU114S ll'Y. o.-~ •II H••t.,., Phone Harbor "4.!· \V Pa.nhellenic board of the Harbor area met Thursday at the home of Mr1. Martin Mangold, Corona del Mar. It \\'&JI: a luncheon llffa.ir and those present were Mmes. George Guthrie, Leon Williams., R. K. Har- vey, Thomas B. Fro8t, Harry H_ Casey. Airs. M . A. Anderson wa.a HIUMAN MINX 11499 dellverOO he re plUA tax a nd lloellllfl Your Harbor Area Dcalel' absent. Mrs. Harv ey presided at t he busineu int~rim, when t he Dec. 12 meeting Was dlscu.1sed. It will be held at Pilgrim hall a nd will be a Chrbtmu party. Each mem- ber ts asked to brln1' a glass or jelly or jam for the Harbor Cbrl11t- NEWPO.RT AUTO SALES m&s bukets. C.Omlc book.a a.re ltO.f W. Ne\vpor1: Blvd abo de.aired, for the children In Newport Beal!b the tuberculoai.a ward of Orange Barbor l'°1 county hospital. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Hoet~ for the meeting will be Mmes. J ohn Keeler, Robert Calli.a. R. K. Harvey and E. C. WE IU:P AIR Smith. • S.EWING MACHINES Damt!ltle & laduatra.J UJIVJU>L'IG -PARTS We Pick Up and Deliver • All Work GUU"Ulteed: ~ Call Be• con &114-1 , VICTOR FEJllll:NGTON ,11" A·•w• Ave. Ooeta KMa New Girl Scouts to Take Training for Nurses' Aides )(rs. P . V. P eter.an, Newport Hubor Girl Scout Council troop o~ioo chairman hu ..;..n. nounc:ed a nnt fol' Newport. A llt'nlor Scout troop of high oc:hoOI gtrlo who uw ~ qu&lltlca- Uou hu been formed wh09e m.iln prognun will bo to ~· .. mce 1n ·Newport Barbor ......._ Mloo Je>-Aml s-.1. a ph:Jwlc&I educaUan teecbff at tbe. llonce -... -wW bo UU! -· si--:. ot u.. ~ .wW-be the •mrta-~ ot N_.,t ..... Mn.. .... rt._IC1''' I will atw w tn.labtc' to Pi •~re lM lit1I to F"-• 'M•Me U f'llllW' -.. ti!& -....,..ai. OllMr ........... ..... wW be ....... "' JM.ir. 4-1111 .. rwt tu .want. .... • ICAal1CD IRlP NAIAD lleld ta laYe::dtwe CM•F 11"7 Tse Jl.y el"elllDJ. Nol'. t1. a.t ~ Olrl 8eovt Jlrm•, -, Iott le rtpl ..., -Ta;Jlor, -0..... Clark. BklpPff R.yldt, _. -..... Pll8l MarUll, l-N-W OM ... _..,.... !lteMlq (ldt lo light): ()&rol Do&Qe, lwly Slel\vt, .....,.. Ultle., ...,, • ........_ SM • Yarnell.. l•a' Clark, CIU'ol Ann Giddl.np, .Judy Allen. y ,-onne -, '°"'"''• ...._ lltanp, Joa o.1-rfll. NUOl' Tritt, LNh Cl&rk; Ann Bourlwr, Sally s1 ... ..n, llleckT Sm.Ith Md A.a 01...._ (New .... Tlmea PHoto) • Mariner Ship Naiad Officers and Class .Hold Investiture Rites ' Candy Cane Ball Committee Meets Santa '!• \Vo r k 1 h o p had a rrWmic toe.Jay, Tuesday, ln lhe little Mulner Ship Naiad of Newport diningToom at t he Balboa Bay Harbor Girl Scout Council held s ana. her member•. Each ,trl took club The indu11trloua decoraUng m01t lmpre.utve lnvuttture ce.re-pa.rt In BWldtiir 8h1p. 1 committee for the Candy Cane Rece.Ju4 ....... MJdahi""m•tl!! ratings ball. chairmaned by Mrs. Robert mony TuNday evenlnl'. Nov. 27 ..... r ·-R h t ti were Jan Dutwort.b, Nancy T rilt. c.s.~. \\'a~ t er l' cons rue ng eye- at t he Girl Scout R ouae. Ten qon.nle ManSold, Ba.tb&ra S taregl'. catl'!itnJr drcoratlons. sirb u well u lhl"'ff l•aders ht!-Doran Suea and Yvonne Taylor . Th!:s met~ttng !!tarted at 9 in tht> came new membt!ra of the Ship. Doran Sueu and Barbara S tarege morning and all members of the l.lao were awarded J ack Tar ra t· Junior AuxU iary of the Newport Mrs. Al RY.1et t. u skipper; Mr•. 1n1s. M.r. Al Rylet t wu Intro-D• n~·h 1\!--!slstance League, !lpon- l... J . Tl.ylor, ttr1t mate a.nd Miu duced by the Skipper and ww :oorr-o of the ball. a re on th is Im· Carol Cla r k, athletic director wer e s-lve.n a bil' lwnd by the. membf>r.s po:tant committee. lnve1te.d by 'Mra. Ted Hambrook, becauae ot hi• valuable help t o t he ThC' Candy Can<' ball is a high· council second vice pre1Jdent, at-Ship. llJ::"!lt n( the-Christmas social sea - t er M ra. Rylett ,-reeled the audl-Ten Jirla became ne\\' member<i :-11:1 ThC' charity affair ls to be ence made up ot parent.I of Ship of Ship ,Naiad by bavinJ: fulfiller! h t· Id D<•r. l ·I a t Balboa Bay club. members. Mra, Paul Martin, who certain qualifications and t hi' <)1ar.~c C'ounty society wtll be in wu to have been tnveated u ate-memberahlp I• now 22 .. They \Ver<.' I Jlt"nUa1:cr and reservations are ond mate ha.a reail'fled be~u.te ahe 11 follow•: J oan Clark. Barbara ~~n!11~ f:i~t. Mrs. Charles Sparkuhl, ha• moved out of the area. but Litt le, Carol Doane, Judy Stewart . [ H nrbor 2295-\\' is tak ing telephone -.he was prevailed upon to takr Sally Stewa.rt. Sharon Yarnell, rr·•l'rvat1ons. Ali ml'mbers of the patt In the cert"mon y u ori~nally J ane stetaon , Carll L yn Glddinl{'!., J unior Auxiliary have bids for planned. Becky Smith and Ann Gibson. 1 ~ai r. or rrs(·r vatlons may be, tele- Boardlnl' Ship and t Bu.tldln1 From a beautifully appoi ntef1 j phoned thC' Bay clu b. Ship la an unu..ual and beautiful table decorated with a Ship, flags . At rs. V. E . Ellsworth ls general r itual and one to be remembered a:nd ca.ndlea refreshments wl'rt· I r ha1 rman of this third annuaJ by thoe'! ~rfopntn& u wen u 90rved. The la rl"! cake ired to rl'· Candv Cane Ball. She has an- those observing. The picture of semble a •hip v.·a..s donatt·d by nnun.cetl thRt th~ proceeds of t~s the Naiad which was p&J:t of Ship Gt'ne's Baker}' a.nd David B. Shav-ehsr1ty OVt'nt \\"\II go to t he Ch1l- Buikting w u drawn and pr esent· er of Co rona del Ma.r. Par• nt:::: dren's dental clin ic now nearing t'd to .the .P'~P .izy Rex Brandt I v.·e~ invited to sjgn a nd look ai 1 ru1nph·lil1n 'on 32nd st reet . Nt"W- of Co rona def M.ar, who W&..!I pres-the Ship's bl'suliful Log \\·h1ch is I pn1 t. Pn t with M rs. Bra.ndt and IS the 1 kept by Nancy Tri tt. Xe\l. offll'l'f~ 1 --- representative. or the Ship's span· \\'Cre announced as Officer nf th•• I$ • I W If I t sor, · t he Uruted Sta t ea Pmver Deck. Doran Suess, s1,1per-Cargo. I 0Cld e are n$ • Squadron. The Skipper and Mates Yvonne Taylor, Yf'oman. Barbara A B in · turn ~xplJ.lned. ttJ,e alma .and ..Start!°ge M d Sercea.nt of Aml!:I , nnOUnCeS azaar qualifications of tl)e Mariner S!Jin Jt.r1e Nu ... a... d F · d S · -, · · · · · · ,.. ~· ,. ·-· an oo · a e. DAR Chapter Plans Xmas Work , Hears Talk on American Indians Regular district meeting of the Ca lifornia Institute of Social Wel- ftt r(' '"ill be held Monday, Dec. 10, at I :30 p. m . in Lerlon Ha.II, Costa '.\f(•:-1a, under spoMOrahip of ClubA 102 and 224, It was announced b.r Dorothy Hiatt. prf'Sident of N ov. 28 found the Col. \\1m. Ca-<>-------------Club 102. bell Chapter of the Daught ers or The speaker of lhl' afternoon I Cooked foods. coffee and cook- the American RE'volution meeting \\'as Mrs. \\'. \V. Poors. her subJf'Ct il'!I \\'ill be sold and t able11 of at the home_ of Mrs. \Vm . B. Tritt being ''The American I ndian "I h2ndi\\'ork \Ylll bt> dl&play~d for "lndlan art is most beautirul," I ~air. A mot 1on pl<:ture wj.ll be fo r df'uert. Acting u hostessr" shr-said. "They a.re eXct"llE'n l p1·<'~c11tPrt by Ray Howell. Loa An· v.•ith Afrs. Tritt were :t.1 r1. Harry I 1 • h · t th \\'Orkmr-n in weavi ng, bi'adv•ork g1· t'~. 11rsl v1ct>-C a1 nnan o e \\'E'lch and M n . Lester Vierling. i 1 and ¥.'Ith silver. Sculpture anti TI!'t l ulf'. Regent , M rt. Chari.es Boardmart pai nting as accomp li sh ~! by In-I Pri~C'I "'ill be awa rded t o pre-sided. The devot ional was Th t · i t th dian artl.Jts a re out.s tanding. Thf'!>(• .:!Ut:lils. e m er in(; s opE>n o e given by Mrs. J essiE" Wolfe. The I bl A i H bo id t people use symbols to describ<' na· pu i~. I ar r arf"a res en s flag ialute \Vt.s IPd by Mrs. T ritt . ture, as sun, sky. clouds. \vater i nrf" invited t o Inspect the food A report on national defen11e was and the result is the loveliret of n.nd ha.ndi;vorl'. ta ble displa ys. n1ad e by Mrt . [..e,ster Vierling, primit ive designs. AJthough aom('~ Etta ·r,.f'd II! president of Club 224 , chairman. what ignored In our own coun try, co-spo!l."orlng group. Plans to vi~it Neighborhood Europe hoards India n a.rt. House in Los Angele-s to t ake M B b B t Cltrtstma.s gttt.s from Chapter .. Ollt of today's Indiana art" I a y orn 0 very poor, due to lack of occupa- members to children there were tlon. Clinging to some of their Lt & M L • discussed by Mrs. Carl Hanna, old CUAtom.a, they also readily • rs. ew1s cbalrma.n . Th.111 HoU8e is the only take on many of the whit e man's . onr-of lts kind In the Unttell waya. They are good church·gl)('rs Lt. ~nd Alr11. C. P . Jack Lewis, States and ls complet ely kept up and have discarded many of thei r 1 70~ ?\arclssus, Corona del Mar, by DAR Chapters ln California. old ritual8. Some thinp have bel'n are pa ;enllll of a son. born Thura- Through It many young people In done for t.he American Indian but day, ~uv. 29 at St. J oseph bos- lt.s area a re kept from becoming much more 18 needed." pita!. H(' "'•eighed eight pounds, delinque.nt. All members pre•ent M'n . James M. Webster and ~lrs. t\vo ounct•e. He haa been named at the meeting made a tu.rt.her \Vard Porter poured at a table Scott and promises to enter the contribution for the upkeep ot the decora(ed wtth red carnaUon.11 "fourth eata te" tor· both J>U"Ult& House. It wu decided that the n•p a.nd ailver on a rr•Y cloth. ' a rt" newapaper people. Dad la now Chapter would aJ80 m.&ke a con-In Korea with public tnformaUon lrtbuUon lo lhe Hoac Memorial OCEANSIDE GUESTS ,.,,.ith the Marlne Fl.rat Air Wtnc. HOlpltaJ. Mr. and Mn. Robert Perry and Grandma, ).Ira. David.son ot Se- M.ra. Boardman and M.n. Chal· d&UC"hter St,.nd"ra of Ocea.nalde, a ttle, wu on band tor the a.r- len Landef9, first vlce·n~nt will were cueat.. la.It week ot Mrs. j rival and the pateml.l crandpa.r- attend the •late convention ln Perry'• mother, Dorothy Blatt. I enta and maternal grandfather an F ebruary in 1..()1: An&elea. * Weat 19th St., Coat.a MM&. in Io.,.,·a. , ;;:==;;::::;., ----.. 7 '" .. 7 ..... :·;.: .. r.-~ .. ::~ •Ot7 .. N-1 ...... _..._....__ ........ _.._. w I t It a ,-.r• wMt 'DJ• JR ... .._.,,, ........ - 0 1 rSW ... 1-........... Ptat;,,_ Pt11• .. Y2•Q1it ,..._.,, sfRz-'I t'8rl.m..1111I1"1'!Jllf'1I , .... -.,,,,,, -IJI_.._ _, . • I • HARBOR HI~ LlJES Karola _.head held a blS par\y on Nov. U at \her '-In -de! )(&r. n.. -llad • --sertlll time -u.r and --tns. wlllla Cltpolt Ap~I Pd Karla l'lep:r were trytng to liarn the neweet .ena&Uoll al Harbor, ~ flu. bop. Juot a few of I.lie k!da Who were haVinl' & swell lhnf w...e: · M&>cl&-:Moorhoad Mid Boll .BrllP. -llalty' 0-·and a.ii Fr&IUD, i..tt. Pap and Jlld!e Bi.op. er., DI.Tie Comer an.cl SandJ llehmldt, Bob Cunalnpam and Ami Bouther!o.nd, Jlm.Whtel« and Diane Cralldllll, 8l1J Kelter and Donna Hoppe, Dave Pqe and Joan c~ic., Rod Ldhello and Lynn Dooley, Leo C\lrt!a ond ~ hara. Hayea. A few of tba ole stac• were: irtke Lone, Jim Gra.tl. Bob Rule, Cra!Jh Warfield and Darrel Morrlaon. DIDDor Part)- • • Car>t1a Orcle M•rs Heir of S. C. Council -of-(-hurch Women -• "Wllo We 4:• &lid What We< .. .------------- Can O,." -Uiem• of \II• addreoo Idamu Keily Ang two n""!- gt-before uie °&'Oinen or th• Cl>-lien, "Momlng liyiJor• lly' Hen· J'Oll& del Mar CGmmunlty c;llurcll llCl>el and "P eace 'I l.aYe With by Mra. R. L. Moore. p,.tdent of '(qu'' by Dtchmoi:it. 8be wu a.c, the Sollthem-Callforn!a OouncU oC companl«I by MIN ~ Church Womt11. at t~ November Sebarle. .. • ~ aieeting Qt CapUla Circle. • Mrs. a.or,. Davin, Yloe p-.- Kn. Moore, a ree1dent oY Los dent of Capilla Cll'cle prwided Angeles ta Widely known in over the buatneu tn the abeence JVODl.~'a cir.clef. &nd .Jllf.mJ>ert of of the pre.a1dent, Kra. Wendell .v . Capilla Circle were extremely in-. HOyt, who wu UL Plana were tere.ted tn her explanation of the made for a Chriatm.u Gift. and f~lnj ot th< Southern caJ!for-Food sale to be held on Il'r1day. Illa '°"8lol1 °'1 Ohurdl w-Doc. l " 331 Kar;aoiii. ~.-ir _.. took place dW'lq P-L at 11 a. m . - --"' i.-1. and w!lleh • , • .., ... , .... ...,.._ Individual --r-- ,,..,.. poupo. JICn. MOCJ!'O mm-All m--.S..,. 1Jil!d t.o -- 1-,Uiat ,,,_.,.of Ulla eounc1j trtlMlt. tru!t Cllll•, -lol.<jll .... --&4 ~ yu<IA¢!olt the wordl jellleo llDd ~ Wnpped lacpy "Wllat Would _J..,.. Dot" and C11rt1rtJ1!U ~ Cooked OlllpMoflld tll&t It will IAI<• Ille fOOdl will allo i.. Olli ale u U --work of Clu'i.lt!an u -·ma,ilo Cllr!atmu ~ --everywllere to brtns aboUt Kiw. P&ul M--., .._ ~ = u1s a · !utlnr peace. Jn the !lfbt of ch~. "!Ill be in qllarCe Of Ullo ~ $>Olnlnl elect!°"" and the p,.... aaJe and will J>o --b)' Mn. eat wu In Korea the.. wordo Wendell Hoyt. Kra; J'lo)'d a.n· -ed .very llsnlfic:ant. ~d Kn. goo. Davlu. · In Huntington Beach, Friday · 'fte IJHl(lker brou.a:ht wtth her a The tea hour wu in charp ~ nlcht, Nov. 23, couplu eatlnf and ;r...t, Jin. J . Lewi. GW!eo, vice Group Three of Capilla Cl1cle '111,11> dlning at the Huntinston Inn pruldent of the National Cou.n-Kn. J'r&.ncia Cox u chalrman ahd were: Toady Stevena and "Big 'ell of UnJted Church Women. who Mrw. l:dlth Kemper, Mrs. c:iun:ef-. Shiner," D&vki Patt.enon and Ell-.iao spoke, 1tre~s Stren(th on, Mn. C. Dodd, Loretta ~ len Worley, C&role Heut.on and Throush ·Orp.ntu.tion. Both and Mrs. Greta l..&n.dale ~. Bob Woodhouoe, P&tt! Hay .. and -1cero weN> introduced by Mn. The table wa;, be&Ut!fu"1. "-'f,t- Ted Trornpter, Barbara and Jerry Paul Jl. Babbitt. ed '~th yellow ch~tbelil~ Tripp, Eddie Mayer and Diane Th~ Rev. Perry F. SChrock IUP-. y.UOW candles and am.~ ...... Patterson. plied the devotiort1, ~edlcated o a Open tace aa.ndwicbes, Uttle cOm Sport D8'loO«! memorial to Mn. Eleanor Fol10m! and tea were served. , Saturday night, Nov. 24 , thr-one of the early tounden ot thi The ~t meeUnr WW be·beJd OD Four Sharps gave a fine perform-church~ Oto. l8'lna:tead of Ute 11th.. ance at a sport dance given b)< the Job's Daughters and held at the Friday Anernoon Clubhouae In Costa· Mesa. Couples dancing and enjoying refreshment.a wer e : Joale McKee and Jerry Evan111, Tom Holtz and Sharon Sherrill. Madge Fullbright and Tom Lange, Rolly Pulukl and Bobble Stange, Ann Bradford and Mike Doyle, Diane Ba.rtlelt and Bob Gallivan. P erry Scott and Patti Dwyer, Gwynn Armantrout and Don Hunt. Va.cation Party Joan Maranuchl held a party at her home In Beacon Bay Nov. 23. Couplee tull of vim and ze1t • were : Barbara Ha.ye1 and Leo Cur- ti.s, Ma.rilyn Merrill and Lee Jay-· red, Jetta Gannon and Rolly Pu- laski, Lou Ann Wllll&mlOn and Don Pettit, Char Six and Bill Hop- kine, Andy Swain and Jack Ner- drum, Sally Newland and Ray Mjddaugh, Ann Morrla and Jay Carliale, Carole Tetzlaff and Roxy Aarvold, J oan Nunan and Don Preston, Ruby Neuman and Ir- min Stawicki. Satutday Dat89 Saturday night, Nov. 24, Dona Sedlnpr · a.nd Ovy Smith, Donna Zube and Chuck Darnell, Bob Buell artd Carol Thomu, Audrey Berg and Ronnie Enrte. Dick Smouse and Beth Chrl8tenaen, Gwynn Armantrout and D o n Hunt, were all show goers at the Lido Theatre. Young CM Matron Honor Guest at Stork Shower Reolty Boards to Install at NHYC • •• Continuing an unbroken record of dividend payments to our depositors, it is gratifying on the part of the Directors to announce the 30th consecutive dividend at the rate of 3 % per annum for the semi-annual period ending December 31st, 19M, This dividend will be .paid December 31st, ~· • • NEWPORT •AL•OA FEDERAL S•wl•w• ••II L••• Assecl•tl•• 3333 Via Lldj!, Newport le~ollfomla PhOlter-Horbor 1500 DIRECTORS: J . A. Beek. N,.W Davis. .Jl&!j>b P. M&U:ey, 8. A. Meyer, P. A.. Palmel'. Walter · 8. Spicer, C. W. TeWlakle. * Oj>#n 1111 11nount •nd sb11rt i• 1h1st fi•• urni•&• ,..., -,..., ,.; :« ,.! ,.., ,.. :y, ,.. ,., This Association with resources In excess ot $6,000,000 provide• aafety t or your funds. Your account up to $10,000 ia irulur:e<J by an Wtru· mentali ty of the U. S. Government. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! ->i!IJo-WHILE THEY LAST••- \... GL~SS RESIDENTIAL-·INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SHALL --< The Ideal Christmas Gift i.- A Year's Subscription AND ~ .• J uywU?. m ·0rua9-Coutf, ~la•re ~..00 • • .,,. oC .. ..,. ...... ,_. ......... • • 1 ,.. \ . -...--..--~· I .. TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 1951 HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS KRS. W1NIFRED BARBRE. Bodet7 Jl)dltor Harbor Council of Church Women Completes Staff for Coming Year Christmas Dance at Ensign School Sevmlh grade Chrlatmu dance will ~ hrld Ot"C. 7 a.t Horace En- sign &ehool from 7 :30 to 10 p. m. accordlng to Mra. Edward W , Mil- u m, ch&irman of the dance. Par- ents are requestC"d to call for their chiklren promptly at JO p. m . All aevPnlh grade tcncher!I are cooperatin~ on the da.nc~ program, M r&. M ilum said. Refreshments wtll be served. Ebell Christmas Tea and Program Chrlslmaa t ea and proJ(ra.m o f the Ebel! c lub will be on Thursday at 2 p. m. In Corona del M a.r school auditorium. A complete Broe.dway review In miniature will be p resente'd by th<' 80 delightful marionettes of Llonl's Puppct.s. There w ill be 2~ scenrs done with apec::ial lifthllng c ffe<:ta. A board meeting will be hl'IJ t hf' same day at the homr of Mrs . Basil Peter- son, 2371 Cliff Drive. Xmas Food Sale Friday at COM A Chrlstma..<t Food Sal{' will b<l hf'ld on F riday, Dl·c. 7 at 332 M&rl· gold I Marig~ld and Coast Blvd.) opening at 11 :00 A . M. Fruit cake. candy. jams and jellies u well u cooked fc.ioda and hand· made J:ifts will be available. Thl.s sale Is being sponsored by Capllla Circle of Corona del Mar Community church, w ith Mr~. Paul Moore u chairman and Mr11. Wendell Hoyt, Mrs. G<."orge Davies, M n . Floyd Buell usisting. New Chairmen for Fuchsia Group Chairmen to work during the coming y ear with Gen . Raymond Knapp, new president or the Costa Mesa-Bay Cities branch of the California Fuchsia Society, were announct"d thl.a week. Committe heads include Irma Standlee. hiflltortan and ~ow ; Mre. Harvey Koerner, hoeteu; Leo A . Lee, membership; Mrs. Mlldred Anderaol1. birthday: Al Holllater , plants: Bradley L . Hughes, tick· els; Mra. Nellie I. Spencer, u - al!lted by Mrl'I. Edna Jones, re- freshments. Other new appointees are B. Langdon, parliamentar ian. and J ock Lowe, altern,te delegate. Choral Conductors Meet at Newport J Wllham J ones. head of the 0ePartment of Sacred Music of Redlands University, wu the 1~aker at the Orange County Choral Conductors' Guild meeting Monday evening, Nov. 26 . Thr meeting wa.s held at ChrUlt Church by the Sea. Newport Beach. Mr. J ones spoke on "The small choir and IL! problems." Using the group u a choir. he introduced them to a number ot fl.De a.nd un· usual anthems suit.able for the small church choir. His talk wu prcceedcd by a dinner served by the won1en of the church and a Aervice or anlht'ms sung by lhf" ehoir or the hoet church, with Mrs. Irma Rutte r di.reel ing and Mn. Dell at the organ. The guild, which Is compo&cd of Orange county resldenl.9 Inter· ested In good chureh music, ls planning a workshop during thC' four Monday night.a at January and a festiva l .or a.11 Interested choirs to ~ held In Santa Ana tn May. . HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ALL ELZCTBIC You can play rich Orpn mualo at anct. wtU.OUt a smcte 1 t& :m; by .... In ,.,... --all "',_..u. l'llON& U. a.QM -nanu.L · Dcan&: .. 111dl ..... Co. ....... lk&&I The annual MttUng of the ex- ecutive boa.rd of the Harbor Coun· ell of Church Women wu held Wedneaday afternoon at the home of Mra. Edgar HW. 81& Vla Lido Soud Udo Iale. Mlu E&ie New- land.' retiring preatdent., prulded ov 1:r the ae881on. The board la made up or otflcera, committee cha1rmen, and key women. Presidents of women's IO- cietles ar1: ex-officio member&. Officers a.re selected by the nomi- nating committee and elected by the council. Committee cha.irmen and their members are choeen by the executive boa.rd. Key women, who represent their aocleUee on the council a.nd vice verea., a.re appointed by president.a ot thelr respective socletlc11. In addition to clearing a.II busl- ne-ss tor the current year, the s tatf wu completed for the new year which correaponda with the calendar year. Orticera a.re Mra. Percy F . Baines, president: Mra. Chester Fisher, vice preslde.nt; Mrs. Paul K. Jo hnstone, secretary: Miu Clara Koh.btffit. treuurer. Heading the proi;:ra.m committee a re: World Day of Prayer, Mrs. Edgar R. Hill. c hairman; May Fl'l· lowship Day, Mrs. W . A. McBride. chairman : World Community Day, Mias I~ne Bosomworth, ch.airman. Each chairman will be usiated by a representative from each church, who will be appointed by the so-- clety's key woman. a dif ferent woman for each l!lpecia.I day, Miss Newland pointed out. The vie"! president will act aa convenor of each committee, which wlll pla.n their respective programs. Reglstra Uon chairmen atil Mrs. Kenneth Quarry, Sr., and Mrs. Harold Fink; nominating, Mrs. Theo Hauser. cha1nna.n. and one member from each of four c hurehu aelected by the president of the council and named by the key woman, .at a future time: publicity &nd records, Elsie New- land, chairman, with other mem· be rs to be named later . Specl&I Project The Bpec:lal project or the Coun· ell is &Misting In the Wet'k Day ReJig1oua Educa tion progT&ml!'I of the Harbor are&, sponsored by the Ne~ Ha rb o r Council of Churchb o ( which the pre11ldent of the Council of Church W omen ia an active mrmber, and the vlcf' pres Iden t of the councll ill super- viaor of the program and teaching 1t&ff. Plans for a benefit tea were diacuued. whlCh when formulated will be announced after the first of the year. Next met'ting will be the first special day or the y1:ar, World Day of Prayer. observed the first Fri· day In Lent. F eb. 29. 19~2. The- thrme LI .. Christ Our Hope." Mrs. Hill, chairman, hu set Jan. 14 for a mttting ot the committee ln her home. to plan the program and work out det&.lla for the observ- ance to be held at the Coata Mesa Community Methodist church. During a delightful social hour the hoeteas served tea. to repre-· sentativcs of six churches. Present were Mmea. J~ph W. McShane, Iv. B. McMurtry, W. A. McBride. Percy F . Baines, \V . S . Hun.saker. Hubert Kidder. Arthur Miller, MiMeft Clara. Kohlstedt and Elale Newland. Costa Mesa WSCS Rummage Sale and Ham Dinner A rum.mare sale with bargainE a -plenty and a baked ham dinner later will mark a pre-holiday event set tor Friday, Dec. 7, by thr WSCS of the Costa Mesa Com· munlty Melhodillt church. Site of the sale, whic h get.a underway at 10 a . m .. Is the old AJpha Beta ma rket. corner of Newport and Harbor Blvds. The fine a.Mortment of rummage Is under the chair- manshlp,of Mrs. Otis Weatherwax. Saleable articles may be ten at the home of Mrs. W ea.therwax, 234 E. 18th St., or at the church. The dinner, open to the publ1c. will be aierved from 6 untu 7 p. m In the church aoclal ball Mn Ruth Barnett heada l.be commit· t~ tn cbar19 of anangements. Tick.eta are priced at $1.25. Bib le Church Christmas Party Memben ot the Ladiea Miaion- ary Society of the eenl..i Bible Church of Coda Mesa wtll pthtr Tb\lnd.a.Y. Dec. e. for an all day CbrllltmN ~y at the chureh Each member attending la to brine • wrapped sift for • cttt ""~ tfllldt wtll follow lM --patlod In tbo atteruooa -u lllVEaA Kr ..... 'MN. llarloll c. Dodd and 1lr&. Dodd'• --· Kn. --th LUlllett. of C...... dal Jfu, -l '!hah••I .... ~ al U..Rl'Nn_ot_._ y....... -II Ula Dodd"a ftu .. ..... . . ..._ . Mr. -1lr&. ~ _.,. -_...,.....,.a in. t<t u.. -09:.-... ....... • Balboa Island W SC S Circles Circll.' ont'. two and thr('e u f the W . s. C . S . Balboa Uland Commu- nity ,_.lethodlst church met Wed- nesday. Nov. 28. Circle one was an evenlng meet· ing al thf' home of the chairman M rs. Looretta Schenkel, 221 Pearl. Mrs. Schrnkcl presided at the businl'SS m('el lng, Mra. Althefl ShlfOe r gave the dcvotk>ns. Ml'9. Sea Ha.wer rrvlewed one o f the study books, "Now '', for the group. It WBJI decfrltod to havt· a Clln&ll ta party 04>c. lt at the home of Mr1. Nora J ones. ThOM' present beside lhe hMl eM were Eth C'I Coane. Althea Shiffler, Ellen Bake r, P. Claybrook, Lona Griffin, A . Whitt>, Francea Sands, MatKol Pric<'. Ruth IbbOt.Bon , Nora J one.s. &·lltr1cc Hauser and Bettye F ink. Clrclto h ·o Circl!' lY.'O met In the afternoon for drl'l:'lert at the home ot Mrs . Dl'll& Carrl"ll, 305 Cora.I . Mrs. Louise Smith pre8ided over the business 8t'Mion, Mrs. Bettye Fink r!'ad the worship program for No· vember from the Methodist Worn- an. ' Thoee present beek:le the hoet.e:M w ere, Loul.ae Smith, Sara. Bowman, Tem~rance DeMundrun. Martha Allen. IX-11& Pyles, Bettye Fink and two guel!lts Betty Barnes and Madeline Henning. Mrs. Bowman revie\11.'l"d the book We Americana North and South. Cl<cle Tbr.., Clrclt• three met for luncheon at the home ot ~flldred Riley, 208 Abalone. Co·hoste88es wu Marcia Lowe. Jane Hunte-r prulded ovrr t he business l!leulon. It waa de- cided to have a. large canaata party Jan. 31. to help Cumi&h the Ladles' Parlor at the church. Those present be-side the hoateaaes were Adele Baines, Helen& Har· grave, Jane-Hunte r. Bea Hauser, Lottie Donker, and one guest. ~fary Kramer. Bea Hauaer re· viewed the book "Now" from lhe study program for thls group also. w. s. c. s. M<et The regular meeting of the W. s . C. S . will be Dee. 5 with a noon lunc heon at the church . Circle J Will be host ease.8. The circle meetlngs will be he ld 'lg&in Dec. 28. M rs. Althea Shlf· fltr wlU have a prayer gTOUp meeting at hf:r home Tueeday. Dec. 4 at 2 p. m. The addreas ls 221 Collins . DINNt:R AT llEIOllTS Covers were denoted for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald New and eone David utd Dale when Mr. and M rs. J . D. Black.stock of Aliso Ave .• New- port Heighta, arranged a recent dinner. 0 -..-.... • •• ;Is .. -.... -... I • , • • Fine Arts Sta.te Poetry · Contest -• ' l • I PA&E Zonta Initiates New Members. Hears · Story of Gennan Girl J > J • nm annual state poetry con· teat la to be held bJ the Alliance of Ffiie ArU: of Lo4 Angele•, un- der the dlttction of Blanche Dyer Ballagh. the poetry edlto•, 1004 So. La-Jolla avenue. Six new memberawere inlUa,tec!+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rev. H. C. Roth Heads Harbor Council of Churches Off1ccrA ot the Newport Harbor Councll of Churches for 1952 wer e elected at Its regular monthly meeting on Nov. 27. The luncheon· mtetlna: was held In lbe catet eria at Orang1: Cou~ cone.-e. ' The con~at la open to 'the qubllc and any individual in the state of CalltornJa ta ellgtble. Adult Dtvllloa Llne limit, not over twenty. Any form permJtted, lyric, 9onnel, fr« verse. Prises are $16, $10 and 53 Ortginallty of 1ubject, slant. tech· ntque, rhythm. All such point.a will be Wied for judges' decision, avoid trlten1:as. by Preatdent Helen Stockton and welcomed into the Zonl& club of Newport Harbor at their regular monthly evening meetlns' Thun· day, Nov. 29 ln the home of Marie Howea, 191 Broadway, Coeta Mesa.. I Those receiving Zonta pins were Billie Thron.aon, Coat& Mesa; lA.l· cille Angell, Marjorie Cnlmley and H elen Brlscoe of Balboa laland; Myrtle Soderberg of Newport Heights and Kasel Ray of Corona de-I Mar. Ruth Ba.rcume, a Zonta member or North Hollywood hu tra..nswerred her membership here. I One entry to a contestant. Must be t yped on s1.~ x 11. No poem will be returned. send three copies unsigned, enclose-In separate en- velope slip, giving title, first line and author 's name. Peggy Reiner~.. treasurer. re· ported the second annual 7.onta carnival dlnner at the Balboa Bay club a huge succesa. Mildred Stan· Icy. Blanche B<onz and Hazel Dell were presented pri1.es tor eellln( t he most tickets. Winter Work for Mesa WCTU Membe-rs or lhC' Co111ta ~'11·.sa WCTU wtll work nn afghans WhC'n they &Memble Friday, O<'C . 11 et 10 a.m . In the Community Method- lat church. It WB..11 decided at the latest mt'ellng held with Mrs. Callit'! Kirks and her 8ister, Mrs. Lura Smith, 286 ~ther street. The women arc to bring sack 11unchu. sewing equ!pme-nl and good woolen mal<'r1als suitable fo r blocks or strips . F ood a.nd house- hold ncCt'Mltles for the WCTU home at Eag:l<:' Rock to be brought to the next meeting also \11.'er(' r e· QU!'ated. Honorable m entio n, books of poetry and paintings. P Ot'try con- test t'ditor, Blanche Dyer Baylagh, 1004 So. La J olla aevnue, Loa An- geJea, Calif. Student O>nteat Merchandise awards will be given for the best poems by senior and Junior high school s tudents. Thf're will be flrat, second and third prizeB: also three honorable mentlonB In each cl&Mltlcatlon . Winne rs will be notified by mall, also will be notified of 'time a.nd place or priZc awards. Rul~ of Cont.Mt Probably no speaker will ever catch the hearts of th08e lleten· Ing as did Miss Christ.a W llmanna, a 16-year-old girl from Wehrda, Germany, American Zone, as she told of her life during and aner the war. Her father 18 president of Gie88en university, her mother a medical doctor: one brother ts studying medicine and anothe r physics and mathmatics at Bonn and she hu a little bi-other ten and baby sister !5. She still hope8 to hear or good news or another eistcr who was taken by the Rus- sians and never returned. Two years ago they heard she was In Original, unpublished po e m s a Russian snent camp In S iberia. only, California residents "only, She told of hunger and fear senior and junior high school stu· while living in the RuMla zone denlB only, one poem per student, and the Oight of Chrl.ala, the n any for m or lf'ngth. Submit en-only eleven with her brother, five. trlc8 a nonymoul'l)y, enclosing In a and sister eight months old, into separate sealed envelope students' the n ight and acrosa the borde r . name. address, name and grade of The RussianB had taken her moth- l'IChool. together with t itle and first 1 er and kept her a prl.&oner for 6 line of pbem. Send •.II entrle11 to months in a basement trying to Poetry Contest Ed1tor....,.Edythe l make her admit she was a spy. Ho~c Genl'e, 1154 North Ogden Later released the mother walked Drive, Hollywood, Calif. 30 mile8 barefooted back to her No cntrie.s postmarked af ter bombed out home where her hus· midnight June I , will be consld-band. who was hiding, did not rec· ered. The decision of t he judges ognize her. will be final and no poems will The Freedom Foundation of Val- be returned. tey Forge, Pa., sponaored an es· Donors tor prizes -Don Bland· say conte8t to further interest In Ing, Edythe Hope Gcnef', Grace "Freedom" and Christa wu one Bush and Blanche Dyer Ballagh, or the v.:inners and accompanied books autographed by aulhors. by another 16-year·old gi rl a nd AT BlRp HOME Guest.a ente rtained over the '-''€'ek end by Mr. and 1'-lrs. Watte r Bird, 1:>61 Orange avenue, Costa Mesa, were Mr. and Mra. Elmer Carlock and son, J ohnny and Mrs. Florence Btrd, all ot Redlandl!I. two 18-year-old boys toured the United St.ates. Christ.a liked America so well that when the g roup returned to Germany In June, she remained u guest of Mr. and Mrs, K . D . Wells, Corona del Mar, to flniah her senior year at Newport Ha.rbor high echool. Mr. Wells la pN!aldent of the Freedom Foundation. Pro America Takes Glamor Broom as 1952 Symbol "It a.II depends on one'e potnb of view whether. or " not a broom la glamorous. To the man who eella the broom, lt la just a pl~ of merchandise. To 80lne women, a brC¥>m meana plain dru~. But to many women, a bl'OQID ill Ole symbol for house cleanlng." said Mrs. Frank Cowgill, st.alt chairman of membership in Pro America whrn she addreued t.h4 local unit. "In 19!>2. we women of America are going to ttse this broom as & glamorous syn1bol for one of the most Lhorough and the 1nost hon· est-to-goodne88, old-fuhloned gov• ernn1ent house cleanings you eve'r 88W'. "A r eplica of a broom ha.t been designed as a lapel pin with 1952 on lt--our glamorous symbol for · a government house-cleaning. It· signifies membership in an acU~ women's crusade to the principles which have made this country 90 great. Wherever you are. what· ever you a.re doing. join us in th.la Broom Brigade for "A Clean Sweep in '52.'' Mrs. Alene Baldwin Ebremnan presided and introduced the speak· er. At the busine.88 meetln1 whicn p receded the talk. the subject at school bonds for elementary schools wiu1 discussed and It wu decided that the school.B are very much n<'cdetl and that bonda eeem to ~ the solution to the over· crowded condition or the present f&cilitie-s. Mrs. Ehresman appointed Mrs. Colin Brown• u chairman of the nominating committee. She wUJ be usisted by Mrs. Gertrude carpen: ter, Mrl!I . George Lewis and Mra. J . A . Taylor. Election of officera will take place at the J anual-;Y. meeting. Mrs. Ehresman announced that Pro America will _receu durlnc December with the next meetlng being the fourth Friday ln Janu~ ary, 1952. RED CROSS MEETING R egular monthly board meeUng of the Newport Harbor branc!I, A merican Red Cross, will be held at the ~bell Club, Balboa. next Friday at noon. Luncheon will be aerved at 12:1~ p. m. FROM OAJUAND The Rev. Her be.rt C. Roth. pu- t or or The Newport Harbor Lu- theran church, was named presi- dent of lhf' Protestant church group. Pastor Roth came to the Nf'wport arr a In 194::.. He la the organizer and founder of the Lu· theran churc.h In this city. He be- came one of the original memben: of the Council of Churches and has taken Bil active part ln this organ· LU.lion, having served a.s chair· man of lls Social Action and Spec· lal Services Committees. He eerv· ed as vice president of the Coun· ell In 19~1 . ).fr&. Allen(' Chrlst l'nson It'd the spiritual life period with a Thanks- g1ving prayer and read from the Goapel ot St. Mark 3 : 1-16. Miss Sarah Cona nt. secretary. rE"po rted on a eommunlcatlon from Mrs. Edith V~ of Santa Ana, s tating that Ahe had 111erved u county tre&l\.lrf'r for 11 years and was rt'slgning In favor or Mrs. Lydia Chrl11topher. 819 1it E. 2nd street. Santa Ana. Rl'•ponslve rea dlngs captioned '1 'otal Abstainers or tht' BlbJe," whic h she had used In her L TL claues: were distributed by Ml.l!ll!I Conant. Presented a review of the Union Signal, Mra. Christ- enaon cloeed her review w ith the "Brklp Bui.Ider" who built for the younth to come after hlJn . llPSON TO COWRADO Del. Sgt.. J ohr Upson plans apend hls current v a ca t Ion Colorado. Guests enjoying the program and Mr. and Mra. Lee Bowere ot • ' The Rev. Papi E. Babbitt, p&a· tor of th<' Corona del Mar Con- gregational church, wu named vtc" prt'sident for the coming year. Rev. Babbitt eerved as president of the Council last ye-ar. Mra. L. K. Sttly wa..s named secretary of the group and Mrs . Clara Kohl- stedt, trcuurer. · It ls the pra.ctiee or thr group t o elect a new presi· dent ea ch year. Delayed Dinner for Islanders A delayed Th.ank•giving' dinner was that of th~ Wendell Calklnll tamUy, held on Sunday at their Sapphire avenue home. Gueata were Mr. a nd Mra. Charles E. Ca1- kln8 of Van Nuys, parent.a of the host: 1'-fr. and Mrs. Frank Dalley of Corona del Mar, parents of .Mra. Calklns. Mr. Calkin.I arrived home from New York Saturday night. HJ• ab- sence l"ave Mra. Calkins the oppor· tunJty for two hoUda)l\dlaners. tor ahe wu guut of friend.a at the Ba7 club. • Dl.8cuuln&' recf'nl propoeed leg:. lslatlon. Mlaa Conant t old of a bill asking an appropriation or S25.000 to be pa.Id Adelaide J ohn· son. 105·yrar-old sculptor or the monument or the three emanclpa· torll of womrn. Mlas Susan B . 11 Anthony. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucret ia Mott, which itlands In the natlon'l!I capitol, Wuhing-1 ton. D. C. Mrs. Ve-Ima Conlpton, vice-pres!. 0d('nl, offered a prapcr for peace u finale to the business session. after which the host eMC'S l!l{'rved rt'freshments during a aocial in· t erlm. Bloodmobile Day at Coast College T o help meet the cesperate need for blood plasma on the battle- front in J<orea. the Orange Coast College lnterclub Council is spon· aortng Bloodmobile da)-. Tuesday. Dec. 11 . Spectat hours for volun- tary donations a re eet from 10 Lm. to 2 p.m. The 1961 Cout-sponeored drive for whole blood la the 1tecond one lnltlsted by the college sturlent lfOVemlng body. The fi rst time these students auil!lted the Red Crou with a sln1ilar unit was last December when a total ot 109 pinta of blood were collected. The Bloodmo bile will be set up In the home economics building on the college campus. Doctors and nurses from the Re..-l onal Center of the National Red Cross, apeclal- leta 1n blood e.xtraction. a.a.slated by k>cally volunt.eera. will conduct the entire proJOft. • I .. to refreshmenl.9 were Mrs. Elsie I Oakland, parents of Hadd Rln• of In j Van EttisCh and Miss Rae Van Lido Isle, we re guests of Kr. and Ettlsch of Corona del Mar. 1 Mrs. Ring for the week end. FINEST SELECTION of P E RS 0. N AL I Z E D By HAMPTON & SONNELL • ORDER NOW Cal.I Harbor 1616 and a salesman will call and ~how you sampl~; Of, see these fine cards now on display at the :NEWPORT HARBOR PUB. CO 2211 Balboa BIVd., ~t4ewport Beach ' . • ' "· • • • • p, ••• En._ u -d-Clua Mattu at U.. ~co la N~ 811cll, . C&llf<J'!'la under the M1 "1, -S. 1m. 1'11Nklw' Eftl7 -._, a& N..ii-t 11•-h. Olllllol1da •:r -NEWPORT JLiJll!oB PUllU!llllNG OOllPAN:I' Prlnll»S Plant at 1211 Balboa Telephone Harbor 1s1e WILLIAM A. KOEllCll, ll:dlto< Boulovanl Member ot CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUJILISHB:Rll AJlll'N. . Member of tho NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION SUJl8CBJP'l'ION RATES: NEWPORT-BALBOA NJ:-1'1MES evo1'7-~ In Onnp Oonnty, SUO per YMPl '1de alx moa-: •1.U tllroo -Um (Al!lo lacludoo Ute NEWPORT-BALBOA PRE88, 'nlu~) Oulalde Oraap Cb1111ty 94-00 per yea< I Rise lo Remark r.y ..,.__ ,_ ... ,. Tbla •u.r conllnu• u.e --mento Oii -pnoralJY opokon ot u pomil>Je ~ .. to< th• two par1* In the 1~ oloctlon. Two weoJu aao I Aid, u you will noall. tllat 8tAato< Taft WU Wldt.- \)' looked upon u tho moot cap- abie ca.rul!da.te, and the one wtth th~ best "trailllns" t0< tho Job. There la. however, a d.ltterence of opbdon, ca.ref'Ully culUvated by those who do not want him tw Pre1ident, over certainly not ln• fallible. J MM my opinion on a caretul ~yob of condltlona and arcumonto. Utd I ooneludo tbal 90lna c&nd!datee may have u. emotional appeal which the Sen· ator 1acka but that mQ9t of tbta aJ"l'Ulll•nt 19 over nomlna.Uon, and that a.ny candidate finally noml· natfd, who la acceptable to Re. publicans, Conatltutlonal Demo. c•ta and a middle fJ'OUP of votert who eo often determine Use ruult.a. and who aeem now lo be dltcuated ;;:::;;:::;:;:;:;:==::::;:;:;:;:==::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;::;:::;::;:;:;:;:;:;::::. wtth corruption, the abuae ot pub. lie office, wute and unnecu.ary taxaUon, will carry the election 1n November. WATCH YOUR DRIVING California ie facing another black year in traffic. From present indications more than 3,300 persons will have been lc!Ued and nearly 100,000 injured during 1951, and 300 of theee deaths and 8,000 injurle1 will be chalked up In December unless something is done about it at once. Traffic aa!ety records show that coordinated public and official action can affect accident tolla. · When the police and courts and other officials join forces for aa!ety, they get resulta. However, theee resulta are not complete without strong public support. It iB encouraging to know that a serious effort ia hem& made to develop a statewide safet y program for December which will include both official and private . ageciea and individuals, and which will have for it.8 sole objective the saving of human lives. Leaderallip in thia campaign is coming from the Governor'• Coordinating Committee of State Officials on Traffic Safety, with appeals for help going to women's groups, civic, fraternal, patriotic, commercial, farm, and other organizationa, as well as local safety councils. Thla formidable army of safety workers ahould get reaulta, but in the last analysis the complete anawer will come from the actions of each individual driver and pedestrian. We cannot escape the personal responsibility we each bear. If we really want safety, we will recognize and Uve up to that responsibility. OUR OWN BUSINESS The arresting revelation that the long arm of the . Federal Government has reached from Waahington to take ·control of millions of dollar& belonging to the people of California comes from State Controller Thomas H. Kuchel. On turning over $2,547,107 to the Federal Government for tideland oil royalties received by the STATE in July, Augun and September, Mr,-Kuchel complained ol "the "lnaldious and constant trend toward Federal donilnioo over almost everything which, in the past. we · fondly be- lieved to be our own State business." He pointed out that the State has paid the U. S. Gov. ernment a total of $10,258,000 in royalty monles, and haa set aside an, additional $27,244,000, to which the Federal Government Jays claim, in the State treasury -with the net result that California is deprived of the use of well over 37 million dollars. "Long standing precedent and our own sense of right and wrong," the controller asserted, "place title to all these monies in California, but a majority of the U. S. Supreme Court changed all that. And now we pay them over to the Federal Government as stake-holder, freea aome in our own treasury and await final judicial determination of what, il any, part of them belongs to the people of this State!" The Number 1 Democratlc can· dtdate ls of course Presk;Jent Tru· man. It LI no secret that he doee not want to Mwi. but it ls al.lo no secret that he la running at a (IJ· lop. The difttcu1ty la that over the year1, he hu not built up any- ooe of aufticlent stature. in th" public mind, to take over the job. You see that same thing ln local organla&Uon.w which have depend- ~ on the capabUitlea ot aome one leader. The Republican Party l• aufte ring from the aarne trouble. That 11 why, In diacuulng Demo- oraUc poa1lbilitiea, you hear talk ot Chief Ju.tJce Vin.on, who has been the JW\fty.'..I "trouble ahooter'' tor years: Rt!preae.ntattve ln Con- greae; U. S. Court ot Appea.ll; Emergency Court ot Appeala ; Di- rector of the OES; Federal Loan Admlni.strator;--Dlrector ot the OWMR (a .art of Ahi.atant PruJ- dent); ~cret&ry of the Treuury, and now Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court. He ls a very capable man. The problem , whic h will become a Party Problem for the Remocrata. will be whether anyone but Mr. Truman ca.n hold the element.a to- gether In the convention, or whether the propo&a.l t o substitute another cancUdate will atlmulat.- the attempt to put up Senator Byrd, or Sena.tor RU&1e ll, (both excellent men ) or &ameone likr that who would •represent the Con- 1tltutlonal wtng of the party u ag-ainst the h ighly "liberal" C• mlanomer) wing, plus the big city machines. Thb at the moi;ient lJI the problem of that party, but It l1 a problem, for polltl'!&.I bi!ltory sug- 6e8l.e that It a party In otflce u lonr aa 20 ye&n permlta the mo- mentum to die down, lhe people reali.u the handicaps of conUnu- ed power under our form of gov- ernment. Th.la suggest,., that Mr. Truman will be the candidate. He will be a weak candidate, but anyone el.le, except a candidate of the Byrd- RUMell type, who could hardly be nomlnatM In that convention, would be a weaJc.e r candidate. The probiem therefore shltta over to the Republican convention. Here we rtnd a large field.' An analysis suggests that there are three dominant figures: T&ft, Elsenhower and Wan en. There could be a sudden emotion&! swtng ln the convention, resulting rrom an lmpaase between the.se men and the preaenta.Uon of the name of Fortunately, an excellent prospect of cutting the Gor-General MacArthur at that ~; knot of this absurd situation through con1J'e119ional poychologtul moment. i could co'*"'on l!erule exists. The House has pueed legialation ' lhlnk ot a lot ot wo,... nom1n .. a, t -" th I al tan I d nfi th . but f'ran.kly, l t.m extremely oold o ciean e eg g e an CO rm e titles of all Sj.a.te. to the Idea of any general In the to their own tidelands. If the Senate-a.a aU Callfoniiaiuo office ot ,.,...!dent at a time whon hope -completes enactment of that legislation the people. what we need la a man capable of will t I ast f rsh" d ' running a one hundred billion dol-' a_ e so ar as owne 1p an revenues from tide--tar corporation: getting along with land ·011 are concerned, be able to say their own bualnesa is a leglslaUve body; rehabilitating really their own! our nnances ; guiding world at- f&.Jr1, and stopping the march ot the destructive forces known u ' r-~~~~~~~~...;..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. communism. I recogni;e the danger, and perhaps the futility of trying to analyze this situation and to prop- hesy the result.8. but in reaponae to IL number of lettel"9, and quea- Uona, I will continue thla an.other Wff'k an<\, gtve my lmpreMlona, (&1ned along the way, of the cur- toua Ellellhower "J>oom", and tbf' local situation In Callfomta. --• -THE AMERICAN WAY . . ni. mtow fHOSE llJllS <YI 1Ht SOIJAP/ . • ·. , •• , . • •• - I • . -·· ~ CJ 38 Boys' Clubbers i11 BowlillCJ PnM)ram • Monday atternoon saw S8 Boy .. Club members t&k:e advantage. of tbe weekly bowling program .pcm· BOred by the Booster Club of the J Boya' Club. The Booate.n arrans- ed. through the court.eoy of Von'o Bowling -1]ey -... Bill K1cts, to eJloW Bo~' Cl\lb meraben to bowl ucll Monday afternoon a\ a speci&l rate ot 15 cenll a line p.ro- -. tllat membe'8 ol the -W:a c1u• clo the /pin oettlns. Jtill Schdtt WU bJP man With 151 ,and ~ B<uab WU ioocond JdCll wltll Hf fa< the 4-y. -----~ 1'llOll ftl"l'lllltm8B M ... ~ 1119 tr ........ )Ii'. ----: ...... &'ID••- • -3 -~ -~UlbuJllL h. ... a ,,fail • Coal& -· --..... matt• ...... Alioe Toni' of CJnlO Aft., -Jili'. and Jin. Pl-.4 ,09 Mio Orup A- ~ ll!M y ..,in .... of -·-ONta •-. le at 1lane reco .. -laC _a ....,t -•'-m lllo -• 3 -r-·- • ' • Tlllt UV~ ..,AJIEA 8. l.fiEWA&T WM IMte"ed a 1 JpMtor of St. ~ ~ elnudl M rlteilbiild" !fllllda;r'-iil'lnliOOn -ID -u,e hllh .:Cbooi'ati"dlto!'IWil. Loft to·-r1pt;"Re\I, nanu· Tllmer, L&- suu'.Jl1>iieb;:-•. O. Soo« *1'-of~-A.P.. elerk of the Presbytery.....: lb<alllnc omoo<; Rev. Stiewwt and h1-~thfort Dr • .IUDe• k. 8tewU't; Rev. WWlam S. Stoddani. La. AqtHa. · · · · / 1News-Tlmea Photo) ·~ller:J N'1"0mber 28. 1951 ~~-~' , I Belnr t he sj>onaon .of lntercollesi•le Rowln• at Newport Harbor and ha\rtng an Intense interest ln the f!\evelopment ot1 thl•~ gre&t 1-port In Soirthetn Cal1tornla, you may well lm•sine .how very gratelul wr . . Wf're to rea.d your editorial entitled "Newport and Crew Racing" in your taaue of Thursday. November 22, 1961. In our endeavor to obtain natlon&l recognition for our North Udo Channe l race course and pl&ee the name of Newport Harbor on the ton,cuea of mlllio1\8 of ~pie throurttout the Country we are vitally tnlerest_ed In crew racing. It 11 bllhly sllmulatlng &nd en- cou.rtq;in_g to )mow that your flne publlcaUon. ia 1n accord with our effort. to help tbeee. boys who put IO much of their heart lnto the building of their crew11 without ttnancta.I support from their colleges. W e &rf' mQlllt hopetul that tht. situation will change in the ·not too dl!ltant tuture and this will come about through juRt ·such fine cooperation u you are giving. Sincerely and gratefqll youra, HAY LANGENHEIM,· Executive Sf'cl"'f'tary Newport Ha{bor Chaml>Pr ot Co~mPrce Rev: J. S. Stewart Installed Sunday at St. Andrews The Rev. James S. Stewart wa.s ·installed-pastor of St. Andrew:R Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon at rites held in the high school auditorium. Afterward A. tea and r eception ror the putor and his family and vUlillng clergy· men,· was held ln St. Andrew's lounge. Dr. 0 . Scott McFarland of Santa Ana, clerk of the Presbytery of Loa Angel"8, was officiating cler- gym&11 . Pre11ent waa Dr. Jamea K . Stewart of Beverly Vista Com- munity church , fat.her of the local pastor and with whom the latter Nov~mbf'r 26. 1951 llad served as assistant. The Rey.· William s. Stoddard Dear Mr. Moal'e : of Angeles Afesa church preached The Park, Bt'>l\Ch and RE'Crf'atlon Comn:iisalon of the City of the sermon, substituting for the Newport Be.s ch wtahe.s . to ex.preu it.a sincere appreciation of the paator'a 1 brother, Rev. J ohn R. effort.a of tbe C01"-mun.tty in obaetving the first Arbor Day In the StQ,W&rt, who waa Injured Ln an Ctty'1 htatory thil .month.· · autori1.otiile accldeitt while on the The Commlaion. la et:pecl.ally pte(ul \o .city officials, ~ pres•. way lo .tbe service. Also taking the Ei Toro Marine Band e:nd the Q'lore th&n 50 clvtc or~lzations part ~. ~v. Dalla. R. Turner, which gp-. ao generoualy of fhelr .t.Une and ettort in the observance. paa\.or Of. the Preabytertan chbrch at Laguna. Beach. To Monte Grimes Md his beautification commU.tee of the N ewport Harbor Klwanl!I Cfub sboukl go ciredlt for &peilrheadlng the support · Tbetlclergyi:needn , choir· and coil-. . grega on mov <n processional or the civic usoclatlOJUI to the project. The parade and the ceremonies from St. J,.ndrew·8 to the hlgh dedicating Balboa Boulevard planttnis ':'"II long be remembered u a.n school. retum\ni' aJterward for lnstancc wh«re sectional lines were fo rgotten and the entire com -the recepti~n.. whicb was super- munlty joined in celebrating an improvement that v.•Ul benefit the vised by inemben of the Women's entire city. ·Fellowship under direction of Mn. The ,Commlslion sinctrely th&nka all thoae who have helped to Edgar R. H ill. make this Initial Arbor Day a noteworthy succesa. ------- Yours very truly, PARK, BEACH" RECREATION CoMMISSION FRANCIS J . HORVATH, Chairman . . Letter from farmer McCabe Somewhere on the West Coast Harry S. Truman White House Washington, D. C. My Dear Mr. President : I've been thinking a lot here lately about the Emblem of the Dem<>fratic Party. and I'll be banged if I can see what it symbolizes. Believe we oughta change· er, Harry, cause you see when folks get to thinking about mink coats. deep freezes and income taxes it's not hard to speculate on what kind of clasa they put our Donkey into. And besides that, it's a mita emharra'sing to continually be referred to as a member of that "Loilg Earred Mule" Party. So as of right now, I'm pluggin' fer a change of Emblems and I don'~ care iffen it'e the image of Rip Van Winkle ... it's better to be known as a Sleeper than that other animal. Your ole fren, FARMER McCABE • St.Andrews Women Planning Parties for Yule Season J'he executive board of the Women'a F ello'W'Sh lp or St. An- drew's Presbyterian church met in the home or Mrs. Paul Johnatone. Costa Mesa on Wednesday, Nov. 28. Plana w e.re dl.scU88ed for the Fellowship Christmas party. to be held Dec. 12 a.t. l p. m. in the church lounge. New officers will be installed and an lntereating program by Harbor Afolhersingen will be p~ sented afterward. The Rev. James S tewart will inata.ll the followinr: Mrs. Thad Samueb , president; Mrs. Webster J ones, vice. preai- dent; Mrs. Kenneth Fowler, secre- tary; Mn. Roger McCulloch, treasurer. The Christmas story will be read by Mrs. Edgar Hill. Plana were also diacuased for the family Chrlatmaa party to be held the eveninr of Dec. 19 In the lounge. , Ma['y C, ast Guard Rates R.-..opened , TUESDAY, DEC, -4. 1951 $264, 131 Giveh Orange County in Road Taxes - Many p...-ty cJaoed lalM ba ft )Wt. 'Men. ,., IE '" "' UM Cout Guard ·~"" ••""*·to qualified -~ . -aall Navy men,~ B•"b. ~ DMso and LQO\ ~Jee NCN!tlnr oftl· clals anriolince,i.todt,X: SACRAMENTO, No•. 211:-lf"·MrVlc:enl'"! '111:o.7•.11~ be en-~ H . Kucllel, si:au Cool· U.ted In the rt,tei ,of,} '9CODd or troUer, repor\ed to4&y lb. 41a. third claao ~. r.csu-trtbutlon ot $43,124,730 from the man. ~ ~ner"I mate, Highway Uaera Tax Fund for the englnoman, 1leculcW\'• mate and quarter endtd Sept. 30. aviation macblnlat'a mat:e. proV'ld--For purpoeea ot State apenclit .. ins they lleJd mi• of thHo <OtM U<H no blghwaya, U3.67t.221 et ti.me of d*:b.Uce. Alto avail· were deposited in t.be State B.Jlb- al>Je are UW,S ~c&a.M rate. ot com-way P'Und an $~467,04.3 Went t-0 mJuaryMan. b91Jer . tender and the l&llle tund tor fUt.uft &llQoaUoo. avt&Uon Ol'dnancemen... to clUes. A total ol $13,978,4&5 To be eliaible for 'one,. of theae WU ab.a.red by CaJifornia's M ratee ex-.erricemen .mu.st be be--couflUea. tween 17 and 85 wttla yeara ol Kuchel stated t h a t ~ prevto\lJI · aer;v\Ce deducted tram County received $264,131.62 as Its their •l'e-Cout GU&rd recruiters ab&re. alalo a.re aeeld.ng youtll' men, 17 to The 41.-geot share In the ap~­ Uonmenf, $4,362,916, went to Loe Angeles County. Alameda Coun: ty waa next with $681,228 and San Francisco followed With $60Z705. Alpine County recevied the amall- e8t sum, $16, 792. 25, without previoul aervice for tmmediate enlMtment. Further information on avail- able ntes and reaulu enliatmenta may be obtained from any Coast Guard Recrultins Officer. CHRISTMAS GIFI'. FOR 7 MARINI! FAMIUES Plans are underway to provtdf! free lodging for tamJllea of RVett El Toro M.arinee froin Dec. 23 to Dec. 28 at the Fannbouae Motel as a Chri8tmaa preaent. The fam- llie8 will be chosen by the special M>rvices office ot El Toro. They will be provided break:fut and dinner on ChrUt.maa day. Sponsors of the plan will eee to It that children ot the funlllee chosen receive. gifte. ChrUtmas deeoratJorui In the foi-m of a man- ger shrine wUl be erected outllde the motel. Secretary Hay Langenheim o! the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce announced that this special arrangement -made by a Corona del Mar couple--helpa flit a big need for El TorO; that similar otters by Newport Har. bor re8ldents will be gratefully re- ceived. The progn.m is being CO· ordinated by the recently formed Oft-Post Recreation Commltt~ headed · by Roy Yountone. Theory behind the free lodging ofter ls thft" Marines could use the fund8 normally saved for ChrislmM to bring loved ones h ere for the holiday. J. MANNING HEADS DIVISION FLOTILLA A mee ting or all FloWla Offi- cers of Division -f of the U . S. Coa.sl Guard p.uxlija.ry wu held on Nov. 26 at the Balboa Ba.y club. At thot m .. tln&', J. C. (Jim) Manning of Newport Beach, was elected division captain for the e n- suing year and Ray Miller ot La- guna Bea.ch wu elected vice-cap- tain And Charles Thom of Artesia, trainlnl" officer. Division 4. embraces Loi Angeles Flotilla 41, Balboa :noWla 42, and San Clemente Flotilla 4.3 of the USCGA. Mr. Manning wu: vice- captain of the divlaion in 1951. Be i8 a former commander Of Flotilla 42 and was given the USCG.A. ef- ficiency award for 1950. FRANK WALTZE WITH 25th DIV. IN KOREA WITH THE 25th INFANTRY orv. IN KOREA -Frank E . \\'altze. 1530 Eut,...Ocean :Btvd., Balboa, ts aervtnc with the 26th Wantry Divilian on the f\l'hting front In Ko~a. He Is the son of Mr. and Mra. Erneat H. WaJtz:e. The dlviaion, a veteran unit of the wu in Korea, bu been 1n a ction since July.. 1950. Waltae la a member of the S&th Intantry ftegtmenL Trained u a cook, he waa given a rttle when •he reached the front line &rea., &ccor<llng to Mrs. Waltze. CAN.u>IAN GEESE Larre fJoclta of Canadian ceae have aetued on the waters ot l.Ake Crowley in Mono country during t.he Put few ·aaya, accordlnJ' to the NatiOQal A.utomobll,e club. The amount distributed repre- sents a decrease of $16,467.569 u compared with the s~.02.,309' di.a· trlbuted for the qll&rler ended June SO. Thia· decrease is more than accounted for 1n the fact that no tundl were available for traM- fer from the Motor Vehicle Fund to the Highway Users Tax Fund whereas last quarter $21,000,000 were ao tTansterred for dtatribu· Uon. Kuchel reported that $39,382,708 of the tunda distributed were de· rived from the gasoline tax. an lncreue of $4,'271.976 o r more than 12 per cent over last quarter . Uae (dleael) fuel lax provided ~1.713,- 633; tranfser from the Motor Ve- hicle Transport.alion.tax tun~. Sl, .. 98°',169 and mtscell&n"9US, $63,220. Pyles El~ as JergiM Director E . E . "Ernie" Pyles, resident of Balboa. vice president of J e rgins 011 company, has jus~ been elect- ed a dlreetor, a ccording to Lowell Stanley, chairman of the board. Pyles is recognized throughout the oil areas ot the United State8 as a fot"Ceful a.nd effective cru- sader f or petroleum industry cause.a and has long campaigned vigorously for .states ownership ot tidelands and retention of the oll depletion allowance. He is a former president of Southweat Exploration Company; Is currently a member of the Mili- tary P etroleum Advisory Boa.rd and the National P etroleum Coun- cil; an.d I.a also presidDtlt ot the Sa.n ~oa.quln Valley _ Producer-a' AMoctatton. Press Forums Planned by CAPW Preliminary pl&ru11 for a series ot CommUnity Press Forums to be conducted throughout Southern CalJ!ornia by CAP\V in the tall ot 1DS2 now are being worked out by the Projects and \Vays and Means commltleeJI. It was suggested by Helen Mal- loch at the November El Centro meeting that the forum project be combined as community service and a fund-rai sing enterprise tor the 19~3 national convention. The forums. similar to those sometimes conducted by newa- p&pers, will be designed to gt~ factual information on journalism practice to press representatives of all local clubs and organisa- tiom. OUtatandJng-writerS"" and newspaper officials will be pro- grammed with local editol'9 and publishers. CAPW me.m be rs in the. several suburban area.s will be appointed to direct their local forum.s. Shar- ing the responsibility tor planning the event are Winifred Barbre ot Newport Beach and Velma Dunlap of Santa Ana. represen.ting the Ways and Means committee, and Suean Debelka ot WhJttle.r and Helen Malloch of Sherman Oaks, repre.sentlng tM Projects group. News-Times ads have been read ln tbe Harbor for over 40 years. "" D· r I ·. • I • TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 1951 • • ONE ROSE DOE8 NOT A SUMMER MAKlll A limited 'number of natural beauties with radlant. ~·'l roee pet.al skin could probably prim• UM1r precious l~ poru tn cn..co or eoy aauce nishtly without lll ... · " · effects. Alack. most of us have the ahy eenalttve ,..~· ·.' · epidermis of a Rhlzopu.s. Some of ua even cet ha.y fever. uthma and rub from eoemetlct. Let U11 Ulen • • treat our pelts wtlh tender care. COme, let u. grow .. 8uper- lovely together . . . Vlncen.Mi Udo Dnq bu th• ~tlve•• new MarttUe Hypo-Allerrealo ~ for 8ellltttve aklJU. Since many womtUt are allef'l1c to rtce. orria root, oU.. and ata.rcbea, Ka.rce.lle product.I a.re compounded without theae lft.c1"edl•nla. Hence thne loUOns, Cl"MlJU and malc.e-u1>9 are ~mmeaded . Dy the Amert· can Medical Auoclation. l aunt.tt you p to Vlnc.nt'1 and dlac\139 your couneUc problems wtth 1(1.Q Fenton, m&J\Al'er of the Beauty dept. here. Miu Fenton knows all about proper rrt&k&6Up and akJ?!. care. I.At her show you how to coax your way to k>vellnua. Beauty aJda by Helena R u benstein, Dorothy Gray, Elizabeth Arden. Germaine Monteln and many others at VlnCNit'a Udo Dru.-. • • • MADAM. l'LL STRING YOU TO THE YARDARM~ WITH A SWAG OF BAGGY WRINKLE!! . Yes, I will too if you don't gyrate over to Walt's Trading Po•l before Chriatma.sl U your muamate is ~~ a sailor. you ca.ii find him fabulous loot here. Why ln Walt's little jewel cu e there are jewelJI that Tiffany could never reproduce I Baby and giant size ch~ats. chocks, shackles and fllmnama-talr- leadeni, foodJ.nia. and every known sajlboat flttinc. AND W&lt ha.a a jeep motor with martne conversion in excellent condit ion. I 'm aure he would gift wnp it tor you, and you'll be getting plenty for your money. Al.lo In thi s fucinatl.ng hold: Lots of lam pa, huge .tainlesa steel, seagoing Ulermo1 Ju11: bron&e twin •leering unit oomplete"; 1 %:" x 10 ft . propeUor sha.fta. (sea.re you know > ... and loada of Abalone Bhe1la.. And what sailor doean't need a iood Pelorua ? Oh binnacles, barometers and barumps, but no barnacles on Walt's ! Walt'1 TradinK Post., YJ block E. of 1'i'EWPORT BL \i"D.. on Soth, U! -SOtb, Newport. Harbor 14'10. • • • HA\'E YOU STOPPED TO OONGRATU· LATE YOURSELF LATELY b«au .. you're not riding aide saddle? Or wear- ing a hoop akirt over a bustle ? Just a s I lhot! You've grown care)eu and un- appreciative. Don't loae sight of the fact that you foremothers fourht for your right to wear pant.. Yes, casual com!ort- .. :So longer Side Saddle"able slacks are here to atay. The Petite VIiie ln Corona del Mar reaUzu the Im- portance of alacks In your wardrobe • .o keepa a stalwart supply on hand . , . P. V's Benjamin of Hollywood sJacka are custom tailored and designed to flt the right places. One smart Benjamin slack Is of rayon sharksk in In beige or gray. T1'.ieee hold • crease like an a ccord.ion and are only $12.~ ... a matching weaklt at $8.915 and you look •ta.ilored but Cirl le. AJI wool 1ab slack1 at 122.95. Another gussle lit t le o utfit is by Graff ... brirht red pl&Jd jacket with matching pedal puahera . . . Cr&t.f sl&c.k jackets In plaid or aollds with crest:Ji are handy pdget.a Chilly lined) and only 110.95. ... Slacks from ~-~ up here. And say now, a nice: ~t tor your mother or 110me amply proportioned lady is a ca.rdil'an or bOx coa t sweater ... these are nat tering to bl• ~rls ... are all wool lacy, or heavy knits ... $11 .95. Grab one for Granny! Pf'tlte \'Ille, ~tl Coaat Blvd, Corona del Mar. Harbor tm-w. • • • .. STOP THE PRESSES ! ! I 'M GONNA BUST THIS TOWN WIDE OPE'N! CITY -HALL WILL HEAR OF THIS!" As a matter of fact, City Hall hu alMady heard that there's a dandy new cafe opened up ,right a cross the s tr e-et from the city offices. Two dla- ti.n&ul&hed lady cooks trom M.ichlf&J;l ha v;e ju.t take:n over the Unique Cate at 410 -32nd St. The M.iues "Bro" and Ruth are filled with 1t..terly love and the joy ot home cooking-Better drag your bread box over there. They aerve "down..on-the-farm" breaktut1 from 6 :30 L m. and a.t noon a special Me lunch .•. maybe corn beef a.nd cabb&.&'e, maybe short ribe, mayb~ sea gull -But Good ~ Sandwiches are mlchty pa.Jatable, and malts are thic k . . . I tell you what Ma.xlne, the next time you're do wn at Police Court .,.yml' off a parkin&' ticket. or better make It l!llOOner. stop in here. The new name of the place 11 BREEZE "JN" ( ?) (formerly Unique ). •10 -S!nd St.. N'f'wport, oppos.tte Cit)· Hall • LADY • ARE YOU • SEMPER PARATUS!~~ You &r e no doubt used to the unbecoming little laxities around your home--thc w&vering wall brackets, the burnt out U&"ht bulbs, the drab, torn roller aha.des. the tra verM roda that re ruse to travel after dark, etc. But little friend, comes the holidays, critical elements will rise to the surface. Stray relatives, in-law•. stranre chil- 4ren and dop will be ro.mln,c at larre thru jour hostelry. Wobbly fixtures could cau1e a .. Stray R~latt,,·es" Christmas c rtala. Heed this warntnr! Get the Shade Shop to l ighten your bouaehold. Get doubtful drapery hard- ware replaced. Get Venetian bltnda workinc. OEr Qolng! Tltf' Shade Shop Is at 5lf -!9th SL. Newport. Harbor 884.. • • • • "MA~'Y LADIES SMOKE, Bt"T FU MANCHU" -Old Chinese Proverb. M~ Come, Cho-Cho San ... you can amoKe, che'-4' B.:::.,all'll betel nuts.. stare at the TV or just be exotic on UV~ a bear rU&' in theae Joun gin,-pajamu ! Polly Apparel ba.s new mandarin 1tyle Ioatlng liveries that will make you lic k your chopBtlcks! Black aa.Un trouaers are shown with qUilted taffeta chlneee box jackets in pastel blue or ShanrhaJ -_, -~ red. Other colorful combines such u navy jackets wtth chartreu9C' trouaen, or white with pln.k bottoms. Put out $lt.9& for thla attire, uid you'll be undisputed Que:en ot the Geiaha.st A •lll'ht change of ece-ne now while I mention that Polly alao haa quilted robes at 18.90 up; glovea at ll.25 up and a J>8,811el of purees at $3.&0 -115. Hoka.l, 1ing-eong girl your rickshaw's waiUnr ... Polly Apparel, 1833 Nrwpon A\'e-.• C011t.a Mesa. Bea.oon Q5S. • • • DON'T WONDER WllArll Bll:OOllO OF MAlllON- A abort time aro, a po.ue of women vtrtlantea came a chal'(in&' over the hills on their cayuae& They pulled up a . anortin and a rartn at µii. bya.r newipaper. Angrlly a shaking tbeir brw.Jda and playing 'Drop the Handke.rchtet.' they demanded to know the where- about.a ot Marion Pott.! o. K. So I'll alns- Marlon Pott.ff that peiarl of a aJe.,u1 ta DOW Oil the llt&lt at the Jo-Lee Spart 8Mf,. bl ao.ta Me& Martoo "'llariojl" I• the charming, jolly l&.u (hu all htt own hair and teeth) who wu formerly manager Of tM Surf a 81.nd in Balboa and before that WU MVen yea.re With the Broadway Hollywood u tuhlo.n coord.ln&tor. 'I1ll.I week. Manon LI tn npturu over ~o-r..ee•s boucle bl<>WOell witb rbln-IUld poarl trim. ($8.911- 110.95). You wUI be too. Jo-Lee Sport Slaop, 1116 Newport 'A~"8., Co.ta M"4. • • -.. -·-----·--~ I • • • • • CLASSIFIED I Coal and Cban:oal H, W. Wright Co. 'WEDG&WOOD RANGIC-Ila ll>e • 1161 C. P . all _Be_ l\.bu all the del•me leatur.-lalnp, clock. outlet for toaatu -bot c:al<e JITlddle la U.C -· - .......... olmmtt -and c:!u'om• p!ll .......... 'lJaec1 s tnontba. ·~ dtM, lill con-tract $1'9.lle. Pay cub OI' lake payments ot $8.03 per month. See Mr. l!auglln, 404 So. Spadra. Fu.llerton or phone 2152. 3tfc • • • • • • • • • By MARGO •BICJCN BAY81DE . TO THE U'IELYf" The Mighty Midget lia Advertlaila9 • NEWS-TIMES -Every TuMilay NEWPORT BAY POST-Wedn= NEWPORT.BALBOA PRESS -Th ys Phone 8ee1}C)fl .l!eell 118' New...,t Blvd, ea.ta ·-. WESTINGHOUSE. 9 cu. ft. ,.._ trigel'Otor witb freeR cheat. 1lke new, mech&n. perfect, $29S: Kenmore wuhfn&' machine am Private pty. Ph. Losun& 4-6881 COLDSPOT Hehir. 7 cu. ft. plup. "WHAT ARB Tiii: WIU) WAYEI! 8AYINDT WBAT AaE THE SEOllllTS OF THE SEAT WBBllll DO BA.BY PISH OOllD: PBOll t• I tl"4 thue que• llona po!Jlt blank at Kornman-Kina'· aton, exec otncer of the Baylllde Ft.eh Dock.t. Rather tbaJl <lllpl&y IWo 11110•· a.nee, Ktnpton bep.n. to urvouaty mum .. ble abOut tr.sh cracked Crab With may- onal•. Alter Komma.nckr IClD&:aton re-- pined hb c:ompolW'll l•lltch bad dn>p- pe-d lnto the Bay), he wet on to remark that moat of hi.a cwsto- men buy two Cl'U"ked era be uid eat one on tbe wa.y borne. and that crab 1•&'• are allo ttry lood and &N ltqdud equlpmMlt for a crab. Ktnpton. alao blurted out the newa tb&t trfth loc&l haJlbut and white -Bua an -unmlna' In. He -.Id tbat trull ltuttm ch•n'Y 91.one clam.I or 07etera on t.b• half m.u &Nn"t halt bad e.lther, Ba,ralde FIAll llartu.C, -utqotu, N-rt. 7 da)'11 a week. BOYS' BIKE, 20", UJc.e new: wool rug and pad, 8 x 10; new Nava- jo rugs, aut. sise11 ; gU clrc. heater: 6000 cu. ft. exhaust fan lwlth motor: 8 ' venetian b~d ; Underwood typewriter, 11•, car· rt.age; • dinette chain; man'• leather jacket, stse U: m&n'• leather vallite; deluxe Moppin• cart; packlnl' dr<una ; J&dl .. ' coat, 8\llt and llacl<a ..... 12-H. 2 •hop Fluoreecent ll•bta 41 .. Reaaonable. 3504. W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach. , ~p7 Good condition. 8acrtt1ce for~ Call bet. 9 L m. 6 12 a. m. Harbor 2<l74-J. 7p9 40.FT. COMME!lCIAL opt. flahu. • • • "'HEJOHO! JOYJ:UX SNOWBALLS AN 01-!H:H:H:NNNl- MmRRT CHRIS KJUNGLES,00 I said cheu!ly to myealt, "ll'• Rudolph. the Red-NoHd Relndeer'a eecond ChriCma&. I will atop In at the Home of ffannoaJ' and remind them ot this momentous taot!ff No need! The place we.a a.o upro61' •.. merry IJlUe elvu were buuinl' all over the place with •l~trlc bun aaw1, l\ammers were b&mmer- inl'. J)ll..clrtvere were pilln&'. and somewhere lhru' the din came the 1tlrrln1' straln1 of the 'Anvil · Alcoholics Anonymous Write P . O. Box 20ft Balbo& Island, Call!. TOOLS-Complete cabinet make,.. equipment, power and hand toola for small &hop. 2Ml Crestview Dr., Balboa Bay Shores, eve- nings. ~p7 MAN'S winter overcoat, oxford black, like new, 38-40. Monterey plaid drapes, 3 pr., large Law· son cic. c-u heater, watfie lron, GE mixer, misc. item1. S09 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor 3047·J. 7c9 Reg. tor 20 paaaengera. N~ Chrysler Crown mo.tor to Aug. Alao S-S-ndlo. Slpa. 2. Built 1942. rebuilt 19t8. Can be • bought on terms. $6500. See Bob .. RUDOLPH'' Chorua.' Yu, the Houae of Rannony ha.a had It's facade lifted and La now eeren.ly bMuUfuJ for 1'ui.e Yuletide. Yon can ftnd c1ft• here ranrtnr from ukelele plcka to babies' boltle-w&rm- en. Susy'• new record dept. hu everythln&' you need tor a merry musical Chrlltmu , . . wondertul Chriatmu r-ecorch tor children and adult.I, and portable rad.lo, and muatc boxes. A Lullnl' gift and a sweet buy ta the RCA portable '46 record changer a.ttachment. Only 112.95 and with ll you l'el M worth of r"e(!Onfa h'ee: Oh aonp for all at every speed here. Chrlatmu Carola. Chorals, and Crosblea, and stacks and stacka of new SS i,s '1 ... Oh Fly on )'Our Flexible Flyer to the BoUM" of Harmony 1817 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, Beacon M>e3. GLAMOUR TOU~OlJRS .tLAllO~R ! e Comes the restive holiday aeaaon. your ward- robe should renect a little stardust and l'lllter. Fun Fa.ah.Iona la featuring holiday dreuea. skirts and blouses that will set the c-a.la scene and put you In a ·capt Iva tin&' mood. One super special outfit Is Ideal tor slelghlnc around the smart bistros or an evening. It's a black taffeta vel· vet trimmed sheath dreaa. beautiful in Its sim- plicity and price (110.96) This t o be worn with an elep.nt lit tle black t&tteta dwlter, 110.95. This basic black could be dreued up or down into many a capricious ooatume. And glamor dress- es for · the l!IOda·tounta.ln Jtet . . . lrrldeacent taffetu with rhlneatone trim. low shouldered and .. IN THE MOOD" lovely at llT.VC. 5" alao a very VOS"U ish 2·plece In bla ck Velvyton with very full gathered skirt and alee.k, .uede. cloth top. 117.9'5. A.Jone the gilt llnea ... a Sweater Sa.le you should investl1ate . . . Jong and short sleeved pullovers, all wool and aplendJd colors, aale price U.-M -'4.-M. Gift Ite ms from $1 .00 up. Fun Fultlona. lSM Co.Mt Blvd., Corona df'I Mar. • r • • PANCHO SI • .JUAS WHAT EES IT ~ PANCHO. WAKE ME UP FROM TIME l'OR DEEl\'ER AT SIESTA IN CASA DON CARLOS 111 !l.nd St., Newport Barbor HS8-M' Phillips Na111es Two to His Staff Donald G. Adams, of the Rlver- Jtde and Ban.nine I.Aw Firm or Sarau, Ad&ma, Neblett A Sa.rau, will leave ror Washington on Dec. l~ to Join the 1talf ot the 22nd Dtatrict CongreMional otnce u Adminlstrative Aulstant. M r a. Marte Adam• will al.lo join the atafr u a ~ecret..J_ry. Thi.a wu an- nounced today by ltepreaenlative John PhllUpa. "I do not think," aa.Jd the Con- i'reuman, "that I have ever made an announcement with mo re pleasure. M~. Ada.ma le a compe- tent a.nd experienced ee<:retary, who knowa the dLttrlct and It.a people as well u Mrs. PhWlpe and I .<.now them. She will be a tre· m endous aaaet to the at.alt. I know her addition will be ~nect· ed in the work of the office wb.ich Is aJways heavy. Quarantine ( ConUnued from Pare 1 ) water rrom the sewer plant and uae lt t or irrigation, thue conserv· lng the under&'l'ound resource• and dlapoelng of the etftuent. Launer 1tated that the queaUon now aeema to be whether enoul'h water ca.n be carried In open sands to reach the land to be irrigated. The water dumped last week per- colated Into the sands ao fut, he aa.ld that little reached the polnt where It would be taken rrom the 'river If the propo.sed plan is put into etrect. WALLET LOST Loss ot her red wallet contain· Ing 113 and I. D. card.I was re- ported to police lut Thurtday night by Carol Morcan, 313 Ful- lerton Ave., Newwri ,Beach.· ..Sbe aatd the bllltold waa loat in ·the vtci.nlty of Mariner's Mile while ahe )VU ahopptns. LARGE SALMQN TAKEN A ta.Ir number ot large aalmon have been taken during the put few daya by uglen worklnl' along the Sml~ River In Del Norte county, report.a the NaUonal Au- tomobile club. LEGAL NOTICE SUGGF.sTIONS tor CHRISTMAS GIFI'S CHRISTMAS CARDS SOO SAMPLES TO SELECT from. Prices begin at :JO for $1 .25 in- cluding nam~ imprint. Call Harbor 1808-R ror a.ppt. 7c9 ONE LEHMAN dinghy condltiOn. Ph. Harbor In good l215·W. 7p9 WANT TO DO KNITTING AND CROCHETJNG -any k ind of needle work. Speclal%e in baby ,...menta, ,knitted d re .l!I s es, stoles, etr. By order. phone Har. 1431-la(J(. 7c9 10-Busln-Golde For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Pb. Har 884 • -* Sympson & Nollar • PAlNTING & QECORATING ''The Best Money Can Buy" 612 • S8th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 240< 152ttc PAIN.TING EARL SHEFLIN r1I Palm81' St., Coat.a - Be&. 15437-K 9k9 Painting and Paperhanging GEO.BURKHARDT 308 -31st St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor ZilS-W before 8 L m. or ener 4 :SO p. m. .83tfc COHPLETB: HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rulJ• shampooed. ~ ~·wn•~:--FullY 1nSUre<1. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Be·COD etll 72Uc 'DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General <:;ontractor ReeidentlaJ-CammerciaJ Remodeling Phone Beacon 1409-W \7ttc -Be wi.Be-tell people-adverltse! "It la hard for me to expreu my reeUng regarding Don Adam'• willingneu to join the 1Wf tor a year. I do not need to aay I could not pouibly have paid h1m to ta1te the job. He dou tt flnt from a •~ ot ctvtc duty, to aee for himself what the altuatlon LI in Wa.shlngton, and secondly to fa.miliame blmAelf with what la called politely 'admlnlalratfve law,' but whJch mOBt of ua call "bureau- cracy.' Don . wtll take ovet the routine ot contact work which will aleo improve the eervlce we try to give the people Of the 22nd Dt.~ t rtct." CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS IN'nl!UOR _ llXt'llRlOR netiUOUIJ Jl\nn Name THE UNDERSIGNED do bere· PAINTING by certify that they are conduct· LICllNSJlD -DiSURJ:D ~ .... ta11 J&d1ea· and men·• ready Glenn Johnston to wear bU8Jneu at 710 E. Balboa Phone Kimberly S-5393 KNJT TO ORDER-Stole.a, dreS11e• and baby garmenU. Houri 10-5. 406 El Modena, Newport ;.Hgt.a . Beacon 6218-J. 6p8 • Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from face, arms, lei'•· Eyebrow• and halr- lln•·s.baped-No moM tweestng. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. Ill. Tuelday and Thunday only Ll&'a Salon ot Beauty Har. 2576 22-Lost and Found LOST-Red plaalic clutch purse, containing tortoise glasses with gold trim, address book, make up, Lo8t near Balboa P . 0 . Re· ward tor return to Casino Bar. Ph. Beacon 6357-M. 4c6 LOST -Small while female dog expectlnr pupa. Answers "Shag" Mascot at El TOro, reward. Apt. 4, Gail Apts., Balboa. 5p6 24-School -Instruction Learn Spanish 0 . C. FAJARDO wtll teach you elementary or conversationa.1- Call Wed ., Fri. evenings. Har- bor 3-025-W. 4p6 CAN NOW TAKE 3 more piano or accordion students. Accordion furnished free. DORIS HALL MUSIC STUDJO, 464 Santa Ana Ave., NeWport HelghU. Beacon 6201-W. 6c6 28--Sltuatlons Wanted EXPERT WASHING and l:ronlng. Mrs. Fulton. Brlng to 1822 Vilelle Place, Newport Beach. Harbor 12.57-W. 4p9 UNIVERSAL Building Maintenance Floor waxing -Window cleaning Wall washing t or buildlnp, stores, offices and homes 2205 W. B&lboa Blvd., Nwpt. Bcb. Telephone Harbor 116 CARPS::NTER R E P A I R Odd joba by the hour. Beacon 8331-J .. 5p7 MAN. Phone 5p7 BOYS' Bicycle -28 in. Old, but in good eondltlon, 110. -A1k for Hane Broering at Broering'• Auto Service, Balboa II.land bridge, 7c9 LADIES' brown muskrat tur coat, size 14-18. Reuonable. 428 AlLlo Ave., Newport Heights. 7c9 Your ad appeartnr re•- ularly ln theee columm will bring you many new customers. Harbor area tolk8 are in the· hablt-of ''k>okinc in the cluat- tled" when they need theae services. G. E. TELEVISION, 121h:" maple table model. Good condition. $100 including table. Ph. Har- bor 1697-J. 4p6 BREAK-DOWN HIGH CHAIR $6 Hand decorated crib with mat- tress & matching wardrobe $18. 508 So. Bay Front, Balboa Is· land. Har. 72 5c7 ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR - lt's that 9 cu. ft. deluxe refrig- erator, has 50 lb. cross top free- :ter chest. one big meat chiller tray and two crispers tor vege- tables. Alao has shelves in the door and butter keeper. Used 2 months. Balance due On con- tract $239.65 cub or take pay- ments of $12.92 per month. See MP. Baurhn. tot South Spadra, Fullerton or phone 21~2. 3tfc Ensign, . South Coast Co. Newport Beach Ph. Har. 2eOO 9ltfc CASH DIFFERENCE for am.all day crul.ser. I have a 15 n.. whale boat with 5 H. P . marine lnbo&rd. What do you have! Ray F ox, P . 0 . Box 337, Colla Mesa. · / 7c:9 ) WANT TO BUY-10 and 12 ft. W1%ard dinghies. Ph. Harbor 121~-W . 7p9 84--MO!llcal, Radio $10 WILL HOLD any PIANO for Cbrlltmaa delivery. D ANZ- SCHHIDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, Glh St., corner, 020 No. Main. 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FROM! SLIGHTLY U~D Spinet Plano- like new. A bl&' savtnp. Con- venient t enrui at SHAFER'S. (Since 1907 ) 421 No. Sycamore: Santa Ana. Kln1berly 2-0872. GRANO PIANO SALE! )3aby Gra.nda from $495. BeauUtUI Bohmer Parlor Grand. $395. Othera at $585, $675 up. Wur- litzer, Chickering. Kimbal, Stan etc. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. M.atn, corner 8th St. BuY NOW tor Xmu! UPRIGHT PIANO (Kohler and Chase). Nice tone. In good con- dition . VERY r easonable. W1LL DELIVER FREE In Harbor area if sold this week. See at 3112 I.atayette, ·Newport Beach. Phone Har'eor 1020. W evea. 9Uc J RENT A PIA.NO $5 Jilr moilth- rental applie1 on tutuN pur- chue at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) (21 No. Sycamore, BED DIVAN, beige tapestry cov-Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. ered. First cl&S8 condition, rea-sonable. Bowerbank, 2150 New-HAKMOND ORGANS! The &"f'e&t port Blvd., Costa Mesa. 5cf Hammond Chord orp.n. U you don't know a note you can play WALNlIT bed.rm set, dbl. bed., this!rThe Hammond Spinet Or- lncJu. springs and matt~ and gan. World's most beautiful dresaer. 535 Aliao. Newport ' tones. Euy terms. DANZ- Heights, &a. 841'6-J. ~7 SCHMIDT Piano &: Organ Co., Santa Ana, ~20 No. Main, car. SEELEY dbl. box springs and 8th Street. mattress. 6 yr1. old. Good con- dition, $20 ~r both. 3M Broad-CHRISTMAS Special -Beautltul way, Costa esa. Bea. 5829-R. home size grand p iano. Com- Sc7 pletely refinished and recon- ditioned in our own shop $69G O'KEEFE 4t MERRITI' Table Top Terms $80.82 dn. & $21.28 per stove. Girl's 26 ln. bicycle. Wal· mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. nut buffet, kitchen chal:ra, Llv. (Since l.907) 4.21 No. Sycamore, EXPERIENCED LA DY wants rm. gas healer, etc. All very Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. hoUBework by the day, $1 hour. reaaonable. 50G L&tkapur, Co- Phone Harbor 1706-J · 15p7 rona del Mar. Harbor 0177-J. SPINET PIANQj. ~ ~~~· 5c7 Uke new! Pay clot balinee l397. FINE IRONJNO, Curtains, etc. Subject to prioJ' 8ale'. DAN z-Pick up and deliver. Help with '1_9_50--WE--STl-N_G_f'2_U_S_E_l_O"_T_e_le"°-SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. An- dlnner part.lea. Mrs. WUHama. vision. t&b\L..J1'tdel. U9ed in other at $478. Rental return at Harbor 186S.-M. 7c9 Spart.on traHer-:-In sood condi-$'-98, perfect! Lota of other BIG ODD JOBS _ WUI handle any-tion. See it demonstrated a.nd BARGAINS. 100 planoa from thine. Palnt, carpenter, cement, take it for $50. 218 Jasmine, Co-which to choose. 620 No. Main, garden t n g, etc. Reasonable rona del Mar. Ph. Har. 2839-J. 6th St., corner. Saqta AnL rates. Phone Bea. M57-W. 7c9 6c8 --------~---- BPB:CIAL BUT -Full 120 bau FAMILY MAN, age 3S, desires PRIGHT . PIANO CKohJer and accordion. Regular S271S value, evening and week end work. Ex-Chase)· Nice tone. ln good con-tor $189.95. Caae included, perlf11ced aalesm&n., truck driver ditlon. VERY reasonable. WILL terms. Sl8.9:S down, J.10. 78 ;per or what have you? C!all Beacon DEUVER FREE in Ha.rbor mo, at SHAFER'S MUSIC po. ~17-W. 7p9 area If aold t.b.is week. See at. ·(Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach. Santa AnL KI. 2-0672. Phone Harbor 1020-W eve1. 6ttc !-~~~~~~~~ STEWART WARNER 9 c:u. ft. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS. $59. re.tr1gerator, $7.5. Plat~ or m S75. $87 up. Pay $6 per month. Full trade·fn allowed on new rocker, 117.50. Occaaional Chair, wtthln two years. DAN z- $12.50. Call Harbor 1089-1 after SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, Blvd., l!al-. Califon>!-. Wider 801 ·Slit It. H-.ort Be&oll tbe ncuuoua nrm name o( Pipe,... aa.t.or 111'1-.T Ue4I !! -w w (Coatlaaed .......... 1) Jobnaon and t11at •aa1<1.ttrm la com-PAPER HANGING -~--~... • ~ Pirates Win 5 :00 p . m. 7P9 Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 6th Many a big deal bu been mad• St., corner. Buy now for Xmu. Uinl a lllJlall Want Ad SLIGHTLY USED OROANO In Ju. one penopal foul IUld one 11"""<1 ot the foUowln&' penona. I WA.HT A KAN OR WOMAN loat ball. n.. ..Utbpaw .....,.i wh-:wnoa In tuU and p.__ of le Painting, Spray Painting to re-I & _..Id-wide or- sparked the Pl.rat.ea to thelr but ruldc11ce are u foJ.lowl:. to-wtt: -pa.batka .. tttac m. of the abOwinl' 1n Jan·-Ulouch tbe a: 8'aDley H11111no, ln6 Kenneth" Quarrv · -Booplta1 Plan'• - OfpoelUon WU -par. Tile Plu& del Sur. --callf. 1515 11aai. ,.,,. A-O>ltfo "ilea lt .,.,, w all ... part time ""''k 01M lkltd·ecor...,. be u.o.ct to mm.e B~ 1na Plua Pbl9I B•ccm NM -leada wUI be tum.iehecl t0 bal- lhe Pirate"• --ooatrol dd SUJ', 801-. callf. 51c:STB anc:e yolll" productlOD-<X>inrnla- whic:h llmltff the Olll>Olllloa to a WlTNJ:S8 OUJ' lw14a thla 15th IOlla paid dally, re D O W & I I minimum of -IUld & "'""lnl' day Of l'i-ber, 1"1. . B & y · House Movers montbly-dtfen.I! wblc:h kept the llllOrpa· H. BTANLllY MBNLINI!, Here la a real oppol'lW>lty tor the laecl Spart.au. Off b & I a DC e all ELO~ HlliNLIN&. General Contractors rlgllt man or woman UVlllg In _K_O_NTEREY ____ .o_A_V,__-... -d-ch&tn, ___ 2'1 perfect oondiUon-Save Sl.20 on tablea, $&. Rug &nd pod ,$115. UU.. Convenient term. at - Two c:oUlJPl'lnge, tuU ..... matt-S!LU'ER"S MUSIC 00. l"W, llke'ew, $26. Galvao•Md (Since 1907) 4.21 No. Sycamore., dbl laWldry tray. ee.._ 111'1"1-.T. llulta An&. Kimberly 1--0872. 2592 Arbor Driw, B&yaborea. RENT A PIANO. Let the Klddle8 evenlnge. Tp9 learn. » per mo. Full term Want to Buy Used .Furniture • Dl&'hL GIOIUl Griftlth. D&n "Pet-etai.. ot Callfonllll. ...... ..L.... SL. --~ Callf. tbt• temtory wbo la wlllln&' to •non. Diel< D&vl.t IUld BW Feld-County qt Qr&q<o. -. """ .,.... • -..... work and yo<a eanw.p will be Wiil buy 1 piece cir a carloU. rent allowed on any ptano in our atock. DANZ-BCHMIDT Bii' Plano Blore. 520 No. Jobln, Bania An&. • nor ....,,._ U.. -at both ON 'llDll 10lll day ot Ncrnm· -.. llmnb .. tr S·l88S wltat you want to make tb0J1>. CRIST FURNlTURE SllUJ.L DEPOlllT will hold anr ?~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii J enda of lhe oourt fW the PlralM. ber, A. D. Hiil, be( ... ,me. ~ (Home~ .r.ui. 9-27"13 or Write ~ about younelf -1887 Orange, eoour·--. B. 11U p1uo for C1uiJ1mu delivery ri Jack Clarie -........ up for .... ~-... aNotU7P\l~'I'..... .JA.l(>er e.alTl 91tfc: -Manapr, ms,Bo. !'Prill&'· 'fpn .. SHAFERS MUSIC oo. • If you're Wise, dear You'll Shop "(tit~ Your local mer.chants! ---.. AD 1118 ., ..... • . • !ICC>l'lnl' wl!I> ll. , for tba aid Oo\111!¥ Md lllal.I, .... Rbom 40t. X.. ·A. 1' 15cT !--'--'---,..,..,-,,----(81nai U07) Ul No. Sycamore. llld!q therein, clldy -mt••MC! . li'ran:k J. Oil WESTINGHOUM! ·T ft,_ elac. re-8anla 4aa. Kimberly J<Oltt. ~ B11M'.tBB and --'Ir _...i _....___ F8lleee WANTED-Automo111141 mec:lwlle. tr'lc, dis. electric -(-I===.:±=:,--::--,-----:-: 11n. a. :r. a.-, ,. cr,..ta1 B. sC,y i;::;. ---.,,..,.._, __ __, (lll&l"ODIMd aa1uy, .t,pply n7 a1moat n->. • :t 1'' <1711&1 Tl:LEVUIION! T1's4e your old ...... ---'"'"'""' ,.......,. ... Heall.. -· tO -to lie ll>e Aa7tb!DI' ID bloclt -~. 1-Bnd' lee point ..... IUld pad, ........ aet, pl&Do 00 beeµtlNI -P9l'W., ~ ,.nc.: tba.t tai.rl¥ Md ,..._.wt.e IWWIM .... •'• ,.. , or ~· etc~ )(r. Bu4lmt.. ' &:7 chlJd'e. trtC)'de, ~J' bed. JMs ~ l'amCMUI mak-· ' -a' ..... h I .. Dut M .... ~ to -? Ml'+------.at-' ~--· Ooota -V:A:iiiTiiD-=~~aw;-;;;;;;;~ ,..._t pa ....... 112 Pola· ID -· D~ . 11 \i ---·• -' -.. WAN'fSD -R,eltaW. WC U to DO N Mala, 8Ul 8t., =-:. ~~rt!lat,1 .. aam 9d 'l'llie 11Tilll1a1 ,. .. to 11Mc tMt-.. _.. .... 8aa • ~e··a ___ WI traa tD IMc. Mme.. ~~ del Illar. -::; .Illa&&~ COl'MI" - ----~ ..... , • a 1t1d U. ... Dt WliNOI -sUic t,.o 1·hr. ,.,.. W" WMk. art· ----.,..,.---------l:=:-::=::-::=::-:::'::=7.:-::-....,--. -. w·--· J ..... -· lo --• ..._ .1 .. -"""" -. ,. -nor1.&a --""' - --t _. •«•• H H. HOT RROOK ii:. ~. ·~ -. ,.. . ' -· • .,.. -,_ lf .... Gfp Q Fl ••1'f •llM _____ O.U., • ,' -,,.......... 11-!-;:!•llJ!IE • • 7 -:'J':::.. "'::'alt:.t"°:'.: --rlll_..., ----•rill•· 4lJJDllD1t•8.PUNBING W.IU4i&> -.,.._ ..... l'Ilq mm t•bl•, • ...._ tt:Crtae&~ .. -la 'f'ISf#J:P -JIB I'° CP•IJ IW T I". W"l#M <A flll ;I . eP wta -,,, ..... •WC 1a -plM dft\P lliof-. -00. l-INf), 411 !fa..,... -c1111 =I ........ at:J 'C I I I P 51 a Ulll,llll a-Ir .. _ ---. lfllo 111•11· •..:.._~ ~ t !!_n-w e .. ·.·--~. --.bo. .D; I ·~IS. -.-.... ,_p.laae,-1I0.15 11 a . ._,p w~W ,.,MAClfW.-~ -..., ----q tb 2?11........ _ •• ,,_,,.~ ......... .,,.,.-i. illler 11 --...•w;wt ··1rdl Blpwa.y. 021; •de& .... ,. *" ..... a.r ... ' -Csat"\ef --..... • • ' . -- • • 1 ·. • ' ·•-*-'· DJ:C. &, lNl -~•T BAI.II(),\ NEW!!-TDIES WHEN · YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL EMPLOY. RENT. OR TRADE USE THE CWSIFIO. PHONE HAR 16t6 .. lit. ~ lit. lit. Ii Ii Ii& . Ii ~ lit. Ii Ii Ii Ii • t. Ii lit. MORE C~IFIED ON PAGE ti ' A Ive. Duplex, Pier, Float BETTER CARS FOR LESS Near a.bopping and bus line. Ex· cellent condition. Brick patio, fireplace. New modern kitchen. Ee.ally converted to large home. Pr Ic e $18.s:Kt, unfurnhlhed. Terms. 1951 Hillman 4-dr. sedan demonstrator. Low mUeage ................ SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT 19~ Ford CU!llom 4-dr. sedan. Fully equipped, White side wall.a. O'dr ., new nylon aeat covera, low mileage, very clean .................... PRICED RIGHT New Lido Listing 1960 Ford 8 2-dr .. htr, radio, white walls, a 11teal TWO bdrm. home, walled patio, beamed ceilings. Tile features throughoUt. Beet buy on Lido Isle( $115,0,00. CoMlder reuon· able down payment. at ·--······· ................................................................... S 13915 1940 Old• e 4--dr. Be<lan in excellent condition. only $375 1939 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan, runs good, special -···-· .. $19:5 BA..'IK TERMS "HlLLMAN MINX DEALER" NEWPORT AUTO SALES Newport Heights 2604: W. Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1407 New listing ...L 2 bedrooms and convertible den. 1 %. balha. 3· car garage. Large patio. Cape PONTIAC. '49 H ydramatlc Chief- tain c1ub cpe., cxcellt'nl condi- tion. Radio, heat{'r, white walls. all extra!, private party. S~ at 304. Main St., Balboa. 5c1 '32 Ford Coupe -Chopped t op, dropped axle. Column trans.m i~· sion, hot engtnc, $325. 2572 Vista Dr .. Bay Shores. Phone Beacon ~77-W. :X:7 19:K) BUICK ROADP.1ASTER R ivi- era. (Delivered Jan. ·~1 I. Com- plete acceS80rlE'8. 9800 miles. 2:Ml Crestview Dr., Balboa Bay Shores, evenings. 5p7 '35 INTERN ATIONAL pick-up. S 150. Call eves. or Sun. 2302 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa. Bea· con 6&4.7-W. 5c7 f t&-Bulnesa Opportunities Men's Clot)ling i:;tore 112 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa Stock about l yr. old. Stock and fixture.a lnventory about $1 3,000. Phone ~aeon ~-Aot . 4tfc 41--Stores and Offlce!I REAL ESTATE FlRM wishes lo shue office 'A'llh buildt•r, insur- ance agent or accountant. Xlnt Corona del Mar location. Phonr Hubor 0881 -M. 7c9 U-Wanted to Rent WANT TO Rent a garai;:::t· n!'e.r 2100 blk., Balboa Peninsula. Ph. H&rbor 1845-J. 7c9 Need Chrlatmas Money~ 8ell tho.e unnPedt>tl ltPms tut·k· eel away In your E"Mr&Jf" or <'IUst'V. -call Harbor 1618 llnd lhf" ad taker wtll help you p I "c e your efe=ltled ad. 43-Aputmenta and Don""" VERY SELDOM do We have a vac ancy In J.he LIDO APTS. on LIDO ISLE . Furnil'lh· ed apartment on the Bayfront. Ideal for a couple. Must be corl·- genlal. Ask for Mr. Grohman. P.A. PAL.MER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido, Newport Beach Harbor 1:>00 91tfc Collins Island West end of Park Ave., Balboa laland. 3 rm. cottage a pt.a., weekly or monthly rates, Call Harbor Z962-W. PENTHOUjE, 4 rooms partly turnlahed. S45 mo. plw utilities. yeuly. 409 . 29th St., Ne""A·PQrl Bea.ch. Harbor 739-J . 4p9 BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll. paJd. Garage $75 mo., yearly or $60 mo, winter. r•h. Harbor IG71. 79ttc Balboa Island We have several a ttra ctive apts. and house. for winter rental at&rtlng at $4 5 mo. and a few yearly nntals slartlng at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 308 Marine, Balboa l&I. Har. 502 69tfc '50 CHRYSLER Nwpt. Windsor, o.,.. d. h t h·t Id 11 Cod design. Price $14,o..>V. ra 10, ea er, w 1 e a ewa 8, foam rubber cushlorui. De luxe .-h eqpt. $365 under celling. Prl· 1 Stock, Chicken Rane vale party. Harbor 2932. 6p8 20 acrea, i2 a cres permanent pa.a· LATE 19'4 7 Buick Roa.dmaster I tu re. 3 houses, barn. stables, convertible, \VSW. radio. heater. completely Irrigated. Abundant i:1pot light. new top. excpt. cll'a.n. chr ap water. Equipment fo r ?i.lake offer. 225 Coral Balboa 15.000 chic kens. Will consider l.!!land. Eves. or week c~ds. 7c9 low down paym<'nt to qualified 1947 STUDEBAKER converttbl£: Champion, WSW, radio. heater. overdrive. Clean. Make offt'r 22~ Coral Ave., Balboa lslanrt. Eves. or week ends. 7c9 1951 MG rdstr .. new except for 89 miles. Save $150. Private party. Phone Beacon 8760-W days. Beacon 5291-M nights. 7c9 43--Apartments and Houses RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS Call -Grall Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Ialand. Har. 20'2 32clM YEARLY-Newly deco rated. Ex- Cf'p tionally nice. Unfurn. 2 bed· room duplex. Many extrs rea· tures. Near both schools. Rea- !K>nable. 2265 Clay St., Clirr Haven. 83trc BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tractively furniahed 2 bdrm. du- plex wit h .sundeck. Winter or yearly. Reuonable. Har. 3019-R 83tfc LI DO BAY FRONT deluxe fu r n- ished 2 bdrm. ground floor apt. F ireplace. Disposal. Enclosed patio. Pier and dock adjacent . Rerrt reasonable to June 15th. Ph. Eve11. Harbor 2~90. 96c9 BAY FRONT-1 bdrm. furn. apt. Ideal for couple, $65 month l.:> J une 15th. T\\"O bdrm. unfurn. house. 1 blk. fro m ocean. By year only, $75 month. Ph. Harbor 2~2 or Har. 2914-M 3tfc CORONA DEL MAR -l 1,-J blks. to ocl'an, y('arly r ental -$J OO mo, incl. util. 2 bdrm, unfurn. apt. all lgc. rms. Garbage di..sp ., Laundry facilities. nr. shopping center. l Har. 0574-J eves.) or Harbor 2774. ~7 UNFURNISHED 2 b('{lroom upper apt. with view. Available t o adults. Years lcll8e. ANDRE- SEN CO., 602 Coast Blvd., Co- rona del Mar. 6c8 TELEVISION NIGHTLY MAKE THIS your home away from home. Cozy rooms anrl single apt. Newly de.:orated lobby. W inter rates. OCEAN FRONT HOTEL 2306 W. Ocean Front. Har. 987 1 l cl2H opcrator-or part trade. GREENLEAF Ir ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 256~ Jtfc Balboa Peninsula NEW 2 BDRM. HOME, 2 bathM. double garage in good n('lghbor· I hood. F ireplace. furnace h!'a t in every room . Garbage dii!lpotlRI. R('dWood trim. Attractive anrl comfortabh·. Make reasonable down payn1cnt anti let your rent money buy the houi5c. Full price $1<,000. A Good Buy ON THE PENINS ULA -~2 bilr1n . home with PXlra bcdroun1 and bath attached to ~aragt.·. 2 yrH. old. $12,650. t e rms. Duplex IN BALBOA J ust a few ~lt·ps tn th{' bay. Ideal location for chil- dren. Roomy old duplex on 2 lo ts. Lower, steat.Jy re ntal. Up- per available for owneri!I URe nr good summe r income. $1 3,500. Balboa Realty Co. rtos.s Greeley J osephine Webb Lill ian :P.fcAduo Harbor 3277 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa 56--Money Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NE;T YIELD 6',l, to IO % & MORE .. PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS .. Every loan title Insured. $3.381-1st T. D. P8.)'8 l•O mo. 6'1c , all due 1968. $3.&M--lst T. D. pays $40 mo. 6 '/c, S360 dl8count. $3.875-lst T .1 D. pays $4 0 n10. 6'.i. $150 dl~count. $6.080-1.st T. 0 . pays $80 n10. 1 "i~ $9,686-l st T. 0 . pays $1 00 n 10. 6'A $3.300-2nd T . D. pays $33 mo. I 6',4. SMK> discount. Free collection service. BOB SA'I7LER, 1415 Coe.st Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J RA!p. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro ute lJU. Funds Kl 3-61& 55--Money to Loan LOANS for Homes OrA -20 yr. Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at :S-5 \i % (1' yrs..) WE BUY ANO SELL FURNISHED APT. -3 rms. and TRUST DEEDS bath. adults. no pets. No drink· S EE BOB SATTLER ~~ear cenll'r o f C08ta ~tesa. 1416 COAST BLVD. ~month. 1876 F\.illerton Ave .. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Beacon S t36·M. 8c10 Rep. POIRIER MORTG4CE CO. -------------Metro Lue ln.s. Funds Kl 3-6180 VERY ATIRACTIVE 1 bedroo1n furn. apt. on Grand Cana.I, Bal- boa Island, ~; blk. to shopping. $55 mo. lo June 115th. Phone Harbor ~8-M. 5<:7 APART~fENT CABIN fumlshed. Suitable for 2. S32 mo. Rear of :s.o6 Orange Ave., Co.ta Mesa. Del ---------~-~' BALBOA PENINSULA-Fumiah- Pd single apt. S25 mo. (winter). LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE. BUY, MODER.Nlzm, OR REFINANCE w. Buy TnlOt Deed> NlllWPORT BALBOA ll'EDERAL 8AVIN08 It LOJ~ ABSN. ll3a3 vi.. Lido Pb. Bar. 1llOO * 1f * * * Bay & Beach Bargains Bnutll houao In Co.a Meaa. lot eoxno. f6800--l2000 down. * * * A hilltop home wtlh uuurpa181!4 view of entlte Harbor. HoUM ·hu two bdrm.a.. 1 % baths, l&rp llvlna" room wttb picture wlnlowa. fireplace,. hwd. noon. torced air heat. Space on lower level to be oompleted for add.1Uonal bdrm.. or rumpu.a room. On.ly 119,TGO. * * * Five unit.a ln beat Balboa rental &reL Room for addi- tional butldin.g. Alwaya rented. Good income winter and .summer. $26,000, terma. * * * In choice waterfront k>ct.tlon thl• new hotne hu every· thing -nice slze rooma, beautifully decorated. Three bdrm&.. 1 % be.tha, bu-type kitchen, beautiful paneling ln large llvlnl' room, forced air heal. Walled patio plant- ed to lawn and choice 11hrubs . Sandy beach. $28,000. * * * Modern borne on peninsula et $12,860 -$:mOO down. Two bdrm.11. In houae and additional bdrm. and % bath attached to garage. Fireplace and othe r good heat. Nice patio. Good location. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1460 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 12M * * * * * * $1500 $1500 $1500 NICE 2 BEDROOM HOME, dbl. garage on one of Corona dei Mar's best streets. Only $1500 DOWN. Balance like rent. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX on c·o r n e r lot, near stores and markets. Income $110 mo. Small down payment. Full price only $9,000. Very desirable 3 bedroom home on good street. C. D. M., owner leaving. Must sell at once. Only $2500 down. Move in today! OWNER'S BUSINESS TAKES HIM INLAND- Will sacrifice 2 bdrm. home, So. of highway. $7250 full price. BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 400 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 (Eves. Harbor 51 ·MI VIEW HOME Overlooking Little Corona Beach, the hills. ocean and arroyo. South of Hiway on Hazel Dr. Spacious bdrm with loads of closet space, one small bdrm 2 fireplaces, 2 baths. $5000 down. Ins. 5 ';}. loan. Priced under cost. LINWOOK VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Harbor 2042 High on the Bluff Overlooking the entire Harbor -VIEW "out of this world!" Beautiful home has huge living room. beamed ceiling, birch parquet floors, colored double sink has disposal and Dishmaster. Big service rm. 2 lge. bdrms., l '/" baths. Secluded wooded lot has SEVERAL additional BUILDING SITES -Eacli with same magnificent VIEW! Finest INCOME location in the Harbor Area. Other interests of owner make immediate sale possible at this low price, $57,500. Listed EXCLUSIVELY with ST.\N SMITH, 1311 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, who will assist qualified buyer arrange necessary fi. nancing. Phone Harbor 882 for appointment. With $2SOO Cash . I You can move lnto thi.I 2 bdrm home. Built 3 yrs. ago, just re· decorated. Dbl. gar .. excellent location. Hu 4 'k G. I .loan. Bal· ance leu than rent. · ' Corona de! Mar Qc('an Vl~w. new 3 bdrm. l bath home. W t o W carpetlng and ~rape.a: included. Hwd. floors, dual nr. furnace, fenced, patio, sprln.kler11 front & rear, 60' lot. Only •I8,500, owner transferred. Key In our office. W. E. Fisher Builder -Ru.ltor Ernie Smith Realtor -A.Modale ;JG Clout Blvd, Corono. dd Ma.r Phone Harbor 2-«3 DON'T LEAP VOGEL VALUES Corona de! M~r 3 bdrm. home, wide porch, 15 x 18 Iv. rm .. fr'pl .. hwd. nra., newly decorated. Sunny kitchen and breaklut nook. Lge, Ule sink. bath baa tile floor and walls. Exterior wide siding, interior pluter, c~ar shingle roof. Qual- ity throughout on a good street. Price reduced to S 11 ,500, very good terma. Attractive new 2 bdrn1. home on high ground. Brick and stucco exterior. Ha.a a porch. lge. living rm. with brtc k fireplace al one end. Large window \vilh some view of ocean and hllls. Lota or UJc in kitchen a.nd bath. Brea.kfut room_ 21 x 21 Prage built lo take apt. above. Price ls only n 1,950. Seller ww carry truat deed at !5'Ai and how much do you want lo pay down! John Vogel Co. FURNISHED 2 bf:'droom hou&e , aeaaon o r year . F enced ln back yard. DbJ. garage. 108 -31st SL, Newport Beach. (Inquire 3008 Ocean F ront•-5p7 ALSO 2 bdrm. house., frlgldalre, laundry ava.tlable. SM mo . in- ctudinh uUJ. to June I~. Harbor 1270. W. 5tfc 43·A-Tnller s.,..,., S.fo,. you look .. t Urla vory nJco 1301 Cout W-.y, Corona de! Mar H . 1741, H. 1477, eves. H . 393-M ATTRACTIVE fum. apt. on water. . patio, gar~ Adults. $75 mo. or wUJ Jeue. CIOSe to bus, Rlcba~ K.kt. and theatre. 617-36th St., "Newport Beach. Har. 691-W 77U«' BAY FRONT HOME, 3 bdnns., 2 • bath, lge. patio. Beacon S.y. Private ~ach. ye8.rly rental. Available Jan. Jst. Pb. Harbor 3-184 . tlcS 2 bdrm. cotta&e In N...,,..rt. House :!'railers for rent Just 2 blka. rrom Rlch&l'd'a ..oo ALSO lal"ge Iota with i..wna and Ille Cly lilt.U. ~plo.ce, fenced patios. extra 'clean rest room1' yard. double pn,re. comp. rur .• and laundry. Thia 18 a tine place lncl. piano. Newly ~rated ,in· lo make your-home. •Ide. A nice place In ._ auperb MODERN turnlllbed I and 2 bed· Liberty Trailer Park loc.at.lon. Prioe - room apt.a. Near 19th Bl., New- port Beach. Winter or yeuly. I5lll:l Hube>< Blvd. $8,450 -Terms S.fS to $63 m o. UW. pd. Phone Santa Ara Kl. J...3371 Harbor 4vt·K. 1c11 Dpia PAUL C ~oNES TR.ULER P'OR RENT In modem , J' Balboa Island Only l:i:iOO down bUya thla older 2 bedroom home on a tun etaed. lot In JIOOd locaUon. Knotty pine interior. Hu a flne 2 car p· rage all .,..<IY for an apartment to be added &bow. l'Ull price onlT 111,INIO. Stan 'Hadfield Newport Height:S Builder Must Sell ExcepUonally well built 3 bdrm bome. lndtvldd.allty, beautiful eJevaUon. M&n.y wonderful and co.Uy feature•. Entry hall, lge. living room wlndowa, fJreplace, forced alr heal, eelected hard· WOOd floors, 1 %. batha, large kitchen. bullt-ln laundry. Slreel bondl are paJd. Are you Inter· esled tn value"! Th~ home ta un- derprtced at lhe builder's ex- pena."' Full price ta only- $14,250 Boulevard Income This Is Red Hot 100 ft. frontage on Newport Blvd. and 168 feel In d epth with busl· neq bldgs. Very close ln to dov.71town. Leued income $165 per month. Land alone la worth the asking price of $1 15,000. INVESTORS -If you won't go for this you don't want to make money. Sacrifice Beautiful Broadway corner lot. 7S x 127. Out of t own owner says SELL IT. Make us an offe r. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 1858 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 7123 (Acro88 from Costa Mesa Bank ) Eves. Ha. 3157-W Bea. 5458-J TWO OPEN HOUSES on LIDO ISLE 104 and 108 Palermo Saturday and Sunday Dec. 8th and 9th From 1 to 5 p. m. Theae new homrs arc well worth seeing. Both have 3 bedrooms. 2 bath11 and c levl'r walled-in patl03. Each floor plan Is dlf~ f!c rent with smart featurC"s ga- lore. Come look. You are ve r y welcome. Priced to sell. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 333 Via Lido, Newport Beach Harbor 15'00 Desirable Duplex Two furn. units. Each with 2 bedrooms, liv. rm., kit. and bath, with a sun deck and porch. Flexible-can ""'.....,'""Ill bedroom, 2 plus an addition room and bath. Good Balboa Isle FURNISHED- guest location. $19,500. Terms! Call BEEK FERRY OFFICE Balboa Island Harbor 63 Canal Front Lot Room to moor large boat on this corner lot. Price $4,000-$2,000 down. PAUL C. JONES, Realtllr 1 2307 W . Balboa Blvd .. N~wport Beach. Harbor 231.3, eves. 2613-J 5<:7 For Sale or Lease MODERN 3 bedroom house. 3 yrs. old. Living rm. 15 x 25, beamed ceilings. wood paneling. Auto waaher. Euy. terma. 706 Orchid, Corona del Mar. Phone owner Harbor 8031.J. 5<:12 Income Property 8 renta.Ja facing the bay -3 lots. fine iio-tbllltl~, $Jl,500 dOwtl or wtU exch8.tl&e equity for ln· land home with large grounde- OR IUbmJt offer. $2600 DOWN -8-room house. Newport Helshto, f11860. N. B. C. REALTY CO. Jllmea e. Howard Mary Sheeley Rub7 1'J!cmpaon, ll2ltd 6 Newport m..i., N-rt licit. Hu. H05 (--8IOll-JJ court. Spece and Ugbta includ· CORONA DEL M.AR -2 bdnn. 44--Kooaw for Bent 2307 W. -llhd. Hu. lllS ed '2'5.liO mo. l'llrniahed .. partment with pr· 1-------------1 1d ALSO lo.t&e lraUer apace, IID. age. South ot blJ~w&y. Tear· PRIV ATlll IUI. an4 batll, oopante RJWJroR , BEST. BUY ill lll.riae .Aw.., BeU.O. 'elend . 1Til Pomona. C:O.t& Mesa. Pb. ly if' deal.red. $70. Harbor 187-i. buiktinSt one or two penona. ;;.'. ~- . . TWO BEST-BUYS IN CORONA DEL MAR . -3 bdrm. 2 baths, new, ocean view home. W to W . ' carpeting and drapes included. Controlled heat. Nicely landscaped, sprinkler system front and rear, brick patio, fenced. ALL THIS FOR $18,500 FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED FOR SALE R·l Zone ONLY $I0,750 \ Do you want privacy and elbow room? Hurry on this! Ideal rustic beach home. 2 bdrms, fireplace, hwd. floors, sweeping view bills and ocean, over· looking Shore Cliffs. Bar-lrq, fruit trees, sycamore and pine treea. Lovely setting. Huge terraced lot. Fenced. $4000 HANDLES Thia ls Exclusive With Us. TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Coast Highway, Corona dei Mar Phone Harbor 277 4 Exclusive Bay Shores THE JOHN VOGEL COMPANY offers for your selection: 1. New 2 bdrm. home, dining rm., forced" air heat, garbage disposal, dishmaster .................... $15,500 2. New 2 bdrm. ranch type home. Shake roof, lovely patio .................................................. $15,500 3. New 2 bdrm., 2 · bath. Beautiful home with en· closed lanai; on corner lot, 2 patios. Attractive- ly landscaped. This lovely home must be seen to be appreciated. Shown by appointment only. 208 MARINE A VE., BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 444 and Harbor 2151 Evenings Beacon 6480-J and Beacon 7278· W Want Space Around You - - - for a garden and a horse perhaps? Here's a brand new home among other nice homes · 2 bdrms. and den, large fireplace, hwd. firs .• gar. · Extra large lot, excellent sandy soil-Only $3000 down, $10,500 full price. C. GAI.EN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 , {Evenings Beacon 6747-J) * * RANCH . . . CHINO VALLEY " " 167 Acres, alfalfa and oats. Ideal set up for com· bination dairy and wells, lots of water. beef cattle operation. Two Best of terms. ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coast Blvd. Corona de! Mar Har. 2766 NEWPORT HEIGIJTS Attractive 2 bdrm. home. Extra large rooms. Lge. living room with nice fireplace. Separate dining room. Tile in kitchen and bath, with shower. Lots of cupboards and closets. Lge .. kitchen with break- fast nook, service porch. Attache4 2-car -garage. Grill in patio, completely fenced, fruit trees, ber- ries, flowers and lawn. PRICE $11,400. 538 FULLERTON AVE., NEWPORT HEIGHTS Phone Beacon 5779-W. for app't to see. Mr. Boatowner! See This! Waterfront v a I u e, comfortably furnished. carpeted. Attractive knotty pine Interior. Bedroom, bunk room. two baths, dining room. built-in bar. Gue.st houae with swimmer'• dre.satng room• e.nd shower. Pier, float, double bulkhead, obaervatlon platform. Sounds good and It 111 good. Only $21,500. Terms. Call John Mottram, Harbor 1500 P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333· Via Lida. Newport Beach Brand New 3 Bdrm. 1 % bath. dlnlng nn., wallpaper. dbl. gar. Priced lo .. u. l2I,:i-06 120 Via Yella, Lido Isle Open 1-5 Daily Courtesy to Brokers The John Vogel Co . t34 -32Zld SL. (next lo Newport Poet Offlce.} Phone Harbor 3486 tlc7 ----~------~I NEW 1 BDRM. HOKE, lfOY 11b>cco Dnloh, '397~. 396 Vic· tori& SL (-Oolleg-e An. I, Oaeta -Ph. Bea. :ilOS-M. 'llltlc 6c8 "Duty Calls! " -- So we have for you a neat and clean modern 2 bedroom horn,, 2 car garage. Patio and en· closed yard. Slt,500. You'll like lhe location, 312 Narciasus, Co- rona del Mar. ExceUenl R ·l zone. Marine o fficer tra.nsfer· red--ma.ke appt. and tnapec(. Home and Income bce.Uent 2 bedroom .home on 60 n . corner loL Wall to wall car- peting. Olah.muter. P'lreplace. Sprlnltllnc system. two enck>sed yarda. AND a 2 bed.room rental unit. paUo. 2-car rarace. and car port. =>% and F . H. A. fl· nanct.ng. You'll Wte UU. ~ Uon, too! 134.300. ANDRESEN CO. 602 Co05t Blvd., Corona del Mar e.a 383 E. 23rd St., ,Costa Mesa One year old. & roam boa8lt, 20' x II' Bvlnl room, uta i.tre fire. place, lnner ap.rlDc oW-hned d .. _porta -r triple -two_.., ~~hro --8747-J. 93tfc Td ~ plate. Parking apace. 0..- li ~ rona dd llla.r. Pbone owner at 41,ll()A IBLA.ND -2 bdrm. • !l<llCGll sos+-R. 15p7 -· l!'ltrnace "-1. prlva OONT . D&t.AT, CALL TODAY NEW 2-bednn. .._ch "-P1ooiie --IO in· Newport Jfeights One block ,,_ oceua ir<aL 'MU 1-----r-------BnDd -S lldnn. -·· ll'a tile Corona-ltighlands =-:."::.~~-~ New Home -Lido Isle ~i:.i ":!'11.~ ~ ni:; i..rse __ wi...r Iot-i.y .,,...;r. lo.t&e '...._ 111....... -clolOta. no wMUi. ....., ...U.. --~lllDbis....,em· c. Jdt·IM•, Jtn1ttma .._., ftr paUo to June l~t.b. UO mo. . · . for an ad lD UM: lftl;J cJem no Diamond, a..... IMO-w. 6c8 nect -at t11o • . BIO TBRD- . ll'OR TWO ADULTS --; Rear cOt-N.,...~ ~ !lbaW•S N ... i.... turnlalled, '30 mo. lo Jillie. -tllo Pnm IOI JC. Bay Ave., ~ a..,.. ovm n.aoo .a:='l'lOM ia r·-· ,. .-.-. • .,.,.-. · Nb I 1ldrm., 1'1 i.tll. Ule *-· U1', dbl. _pr. 11....t -Pr1eec1 low. P1L Bar. 211.J or Full price $7,250 =--air~.:::::.:,~ ablp. pµlle. 8-r· -~ llc:H JlboM 6 BOARD fiw .__,,_..,_. ~ -w Ba!-. lllf-11 ....... M 1 •' --·ntn. . -Bll.4J!~VUL f:-. -•· or ...... r...-elcleTty .,......_ u1 · -•• p •"' h&iO; BBQ. flT-.HO Beacon. Hill Realty · fllr~ .... Id~• 8Mrt SL, COeta MeK. Bee_. GaD Ba.-lea.I.......,., lat· ~ Jfe•port ~ f.--'-l W, ~ ~-. ._ • OTU.-W. . W -Be -,te11·1*1!1 t ... WU!PI ~ .... 8!'11· , ~ "'-& l'l1Ml « -JI. -.w --1111 & • , . -. .... . . ' . • • • -···-···-· )ot.; Ploal7 ..... .. ....... ·--M4'· ,. .. ., patio. -t-... Coll 1..-pM -f •HA _._. lpT • •