HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-18 - Newport Balboa Press' . I -r • • r f • ' •• . a l!ballt By T.· N. ("'B!U~'l CWNll8 A. ..t..;,.. _;, ~ tl!.il • mo9t Dtd JOU enr tey to wrlte a de eio column with a club ~ -laJlldlY. • !lb!I' arw and forih over your bead T 'Tl'y It el l tbe c::o..lJtornla llquth • -1lellrnel • . c-.i , ICmpln ' ' • ' . I ' .. . ~ • I r ' . ' - • • ... • ' • \ . +. . I " ,j -' ...... ~,..._. ·,i Aim* ... -. -. bi liinP.:,.tlal, l and -Uni. !o noelve aM retain • ~'pupuiar pport wen. mebbe It lon't. qut~ that 1~-----------' b9.cf. but a n:te.mber of the tam.Uy bu ougguted, with only-a hint of : a threat in her voice, that eome-I ·1. lllMH .i'HI 1"1'111·. '1Wt~9'AllA . . _, ., : . ~ONO W~EST tf~t GOMMQNm' IN OIWjl6E @NTY • ;1:f =:e~~~l~be ~:'ee~ -. . . . , -• .. I Ing of the Newport Barbo< Lady VOLUME. XI ., . . SIXTEEN PAGEs All•lers. a coterte di fantaattc fe- malea who charter flahln& boata and '° tO eea t~ the amuement of PHONE HA;RBOR 1616 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JANl!ARY 18, 1951 ' FIVE CENTS • I men an&ler• . nierefore, we aha.JI tdl of the annual meetJng of the Lady Ang· le~. f It ia to be conducted next Wed- nesday evening at. the Newport Harbor Yaclit club. It la expect.et\ ' that all of th• 100 .merl/ben wUl drag -I mean accompany __: thelr 1 huaba.nd8 to Ute aesslon. Also to attend are a number of ladJea-ln-1 waiting, other nice folks who aren't actively affiliated because 1- lhe memberahlp'a limited to ioo: ~-:--;~-:-;:;;::::;::;;;;;;;;;:;;::;:~;:;;:~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;.;:;::;;.:;;;,~;-T Me. I am going lo that -ouch! -m .. ung-. I Ju•< ~romlaed! rm Urge' lmmed·1ate going, for no other reason, to watch Fra,nk Sawyer hand out the awardJI the gala have won during A B f th' year. Handsome cups·n thlnl!"-c· t1·on e ore I merely want \o ~ how a mere man. is got:ng to get a.Jong doing 60melhing on a strictly female p . ct Bl ·u prog-ram like that. Wonder how ro1e ows . p Julie, hJs w1te, "talked" him Into • ·- ' -. ~ ' taking the job? Modlflcatlon ot the county's A.&CHITECT8' DRAWING OF FVTUU BAUIOA POST .OFnCE ReaOy, 1 lhlnk the mf1e mem· bus of the supporting cast will get more fun out or the meeting than the women. They did last I year. lt you get a chance, attend! WE SAID Hl':'S GOING PLACES· Already the people around the county courthouse are talking about our favorite Supervisor. Heinz Kal.scr, who·~ a ne.igbbor of this dept. up On the Mrsa.. ~t~g~BREAK GROUND FOR NEW '$15Jl)OO BALBOA ~;:~~~~~~0t§irE POSi OFFICE; EXPECT OCC'UPANCY 1 APR.IL . 1 Chambers. • . • I\. Heinz didn't go into the big job exactly cold, a.s he attended a bunch or meeUngs prior lo taking office. But, if anyone thought · they were han<ling him a hot po- tato in the Coata Mesa Poet Of- fice parking squabble. lhty found out differently. And mighty «iutck. too! Folks who--attended this week's board meeting S&-ld that the Baron o't Bayshore .~P forced a meet· ing of all parties concerned, in· -ctuatng t.he planning commission~ en and the 'county building de· partment. It turned out that the planners and the building dept. klda had pulled a couple of nuty boners .. It al80 tu.med out that the situation can be cleared up wttb a 111ln1mum •Of ~ a.ad without tpo mu~ embarrasament to our county bu· reauena\.. A dispiriting vi.sit ~to Newport last &unday. One of the biggest crowds In one or our m03t favorite towns In months. Cara parked twerywherc., and people meandering all over the place. Good weather brought 'em. But what wa.s there available 1 for ·em to do'!' Nuttln ! : Except to visit the ofd-reliable : attraction orrered by the dciry nshermen on the beach, and to peer over the shoulders of fruitless fishermen on the pier and vLslt the tackle shops. there wasn't much of anything for the visitors lo do. Everything cloaed. And, just before t.he vtait, I'd eeen on what lhe baby member of th.ti dept. terms the "teedlvldee" I a huge adve.rti.seme.T)t uklng folk• to come to Long Beach to •pend CConttaoed on Pap $) Hogland Gets Time to Provide Parking at P ~ 0. SuperviBOrs indlcat-e:d U1is week that they would grant a permit variance for the alre&dy com- pleted Coata Mesa post office btlikllng on 18th St. near Newport Blvd.. to Dennis Hogl~d . wh.ich has been tn dispute for some time. Supervisor Heins Kaiiter said the county planning commlaaion had laid out a plan for Hoglind lo provide sufficient pa r k Ing space u requi:"red by the county 90ning ordinance and he asked . • • 1 ' . I the· board to continue t.lle appll-IURCRAI'T W AllNING SERVICE worker 9etfl.. larvlo (top eatlon for two weeks "to gtve !#. him Ume to comply." photo) lo bown ....,.1n, tlle lldeo for ...... of ~ tnllk. Betty Some. restdent.s objected to the tll watcll oUlcer of the 8 L m.: to U noott wat. at the Udo hie location ot the post otflce build-elultihouMri. In Uae Ct'lllter phot.o Bell Baum ~t7 Ja.rvls prac- lng wblcb also lncJudes quarters rtl tbe for other atores. Supervt90n and tlce .tl'craft reeocal-tloa tealuttQoea. BM-la 1 ~to reco plannera. however, aatd they could ;::.ra1t lafonnstkm ·ftaa,ed te bira bJ Betty. IJi '~ttom photo. nil.a only qn whether the ord:I-a.um .lhowa IMtw membl'rs of &lftinn 'a~ sta~lon Fox nance had been met, u far aa Sagar • wUI ~ tbelr latonnatloa t~ tM lltttt ttlder bl >ff·•~t \!"'king facilltlea. . -A-. _:{Pre• Pa<>tooJ General Manager Nclaon Laun-Newport Beach City Council· man Ross Greeley turned over the er, special counsel E . J. Marks token shovclrut of earth in ground and Preston Turner of Anaheim d k r th t breakiRg c"remonles Monday af- an spo CMmen °~ .0 llr coun Y ternoon ror the new pol'lt office entltiu volct>d op1n1ona •that di· bul!ding in Ball>Oa which will be rector• of the 1tCvcra·1 di!!_lrl cts are I located at 201 Main St., Balboa.. virtually agreed on provi•lon• of Postmaster Herb Kenny told a contract to dl'velop the system. about the h!lltory of building •ltt> contingent upon legal develop-on wblch once stood the Balboa Hold. J . P . Greeley, lather or the Chanrtnc &onomy councilrnan. owned the Balboa Ho- However. the changing economic lei building. picture Which tias r<'SUlled in ln-Kenpy said that in June or l~ creased coels of materials neces-the Balboa tract wa.s opened up sary ror the projrct. coupled with u a subdtvi.slon. The Newport ' the Involved legal proceedlngs to Bay lnve11tment -Company · had clarity titles and legalfty or the competed the Pavilion an:i the limited participation phase of the rtrst eltttrlc railwaY train• were program, may prove so costly in _.scheduled ror operat!on on July 4:. Ume and money that only a por .. ' A contract wa.1l given on June lion of the progr&1.n m.ay be ac-20, 1905. for the Balboa. Hotel. compliahed, they d~clared. P'aurtttn day11 later. the two story l"roet 1n the cit..rua a-re .. '1\-'hlch 11tructure waa comph.•led and the reduced n.JuaUon bt Dtatrtct 7, ft"1 holiday. thron.p were beJnl' TuoUo·lrvlne-Lomoft Belgbu? "7 .,..__ ' · - UGll.oo&: hmy proc,ed11rea 1n ~ T11e'1>olil'ilikt4;mitai•a ~mi~ . ~-"°I .... ·~ ...... pit>11"'1 .,,;;,. b7 "Aunt ~t" Get ID Ccwd Photos Taken All pf'nona wbo reptuect for clvtl t¥f'eMe work but have •ot had °ft»elr plctur.., or thumb prtnb takl'!n for ldt'ntlfbHoD carch. llhoukt apply at U... New- port policfri department Tue&d&J' or Thunday e'"f'Rins-, b&t.wt:lt'!ll 1 and 8 p. m. until FPb. 1, It was urrntly allDounced today b.v Dfoputy Oeft>..ase 01.rf!ctor Carl Hun&. Ile 1tl'HM"d tbat It WM very Im.port.ant that the photoe and prf.ate be ta.km before the .Feb. t dat.e.. who la llWl a Balboa ruldet>L 'Mle bulldbla waa torn down prior to World Wa.r ll a.nd the property was bought by the Max Sidler family. To Collt 115,000 The proposed new $1{>,000 atruc- ture wtll be leued to ' tlfe post or- rtce for • ~·n yeas period by ll.11 I owner Max Sidler. The L-ahaped butldlng will have a 30 root front on Maln St. and lt:e l~ square teet of floor apace will be about to per cent larger than the present quarten of the Balboa poat office. Poat.master Kenney said that the building will probably be ready for I occupancy on April 1. He al80 an- (Coatlaued on Paae 5) Rpps Offers to Side With CDM Bluff Road · Opponents Corona del Mar ocean front acceaa fo..d dispute wu still tn the headlines tbie wttk when Charles F ipps, 521 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, O'f"er of bluff land and bulkier of the only · two homet1 on the ocean sldf' of Ocean Blvd., told opponent.I of the proposed road that J\e was willing to slbft their peituon against the road lt onl.)' lhe coqnctl will reach M>me dtttJJtoft as to. whether or not the rO&d Will ever be built. . Bia message to the Ofponent.s .Jled by W. T . Jetfenon and Col. ~drew Smith) I& printed 'tn an &d on Page 3 ot the Pre••- At p~aent City !:ngln Webb 1a p ... par1ng plane lbe road and at Monday' ' meeting he will a.ak that the .aa· M-Mment di.lit.Mel be oftlclalJy changed to elkninate the two· lof.s on the extr~me west end ot lhe area. He had pc:evtoualy tntonned councllm~n in a letter that he wQuld uk for lhl• ~viafon. The "hot pftato" aoceu road (Co.tta....i ......... 6) .to Play Sc I in _Garage Coroaa dd Mar ""'• r<eopbed lie ..... -u "CreWll eololQ'" la '"" el17 ol Ne1'1'0R -Md Ito -ato an ~ . ·~ -hi ~ the "'"" ........ AIQ1loill& wtllcb mlpt lM> a detrlmea$ tale -l>erlal or -Jl>e!je -to el - --an la for --.u.,. -f"*Dll4-. . n ..... m. • ~ dot 1lfar ... ~. -"" ...i • ....... , .. ""'---......... -... ~-.. ad ol .... -.·~· _ ..... _.....,."""·"""-.-.- .,. a trs ts'mc otfteer WW ,.,..,.,. lltf6l'Wlll • u.L-._._,, .,...-, .. ._ ..... ._tall&_ ... _ ........ -' ' !~.!"~~=-~,~r~t;~~ memberw ot the ~Joeal •ln:ralt~ Wa·r.n over to the,. o_.._ "'l' C!Ulck1? , tM ~I< la_., q>OtUng oyotem (under the n:oeu-poet to· pe oome mon-ln.!ormaUcm ~. live gu'dance of Cbld oi,..,.., .., U.. dry run and mot .. llie mom· · -&..-' · ac;sctt4 M u.t · .. . ~ . . "N•-> ~f• psrW ti.._ ... --· ~ . "T..... ......... ...... ef,U.. -· '"'Doijlf~,· ...... ,_ -.;... ~-'l'f 14b .._ ae•mM;r mili•wtsr, t zrfnrc. Colonel "J..-ry" a.tea) are ............ of -a to b -Oii ,._. Due to the~ ... .._ ltalDlAI - Jilng.the -IJ\I&--learn.• •· llett:r Jania, "3 Via om-111 ts ..... -~ tllat obe .baa Ing the ~hnlqoea of a1n:rUt el&. ~ !ale; la -tch -at -· _,, -of ahp-"-'Uon ,and repol'\lns, !Mt, Ulio.. -• Clstla!J' -Jo --b 2 I If ._.... .. a~ 1b1a tu11 time ""'1 bepn •l ....,..;1a ,Ba-, ~ 11a7 A,,._, IM' *:r ~,. -.-a 1 L m, 8WICl&J', Jaa. H.uil will Ba-, w•'lo .. clll11-. icna. ~ .,, -·· ~ -tlaue until 1 i-. a. 8_,., -111"9-u u .a-te ob-Ills ~ -Jaa. Zl. Tiie .... t .... Ip~ -twbiat~lout-DOt , '"'I .... __ ._._ JI&"" ieft .... ..,.,,,. Ck Teal 8Qp.t pilll Rt M Ille Uiite. .. WI,~::· '~ _...:.... • ~ at Lido Joie dubl>!laM ~ ~ -- -.. .... lttit ... • t ... - "' -~·Ille -stto •1ii!M>i. tM .fa-· .. ""•' p ---• !M ...... -1·"' 4' L IL; ' lo • ., Illa UHilid\ ...,._ _.,.. "' ... .. L IL' f L Ill. lo • ..,.; -.. Mfi7. 1atrill, ~ .... ,_.,. 81 • -...... ) ~ • I ' " t• ... jl• .• . 1 . "~"" •*=~~1,:.~t~-'••nw ._ ,_, ~111 ..... • .. ...... f -~:...--~-.. -. unz,,....,.__ ._.••'at'•r'a•41•.•~~ -•s'rln I .... llllllilll ..... ., $ I .. I ~· , . • .. It .,. ~-.... k-11 ......... 41' •• , -......... lli&l• ............... 71--.. ·Nfa • a ... f. I ....... --·-·,... -~ .. ...... -.... ......,.._,.__ . ~'51 FI.... 9*._fl i's•-.. ' z}i -., ·= ........ ··· -..,..,,. ,---*• lllPJS JM • • J , llALBOA ·POST OFFICE pound bttaklD& oeremo~ '!>ok pl""" laol MOllday • .,41· tho new oil<! at ZIM Mala 8t., ~ were (Jen to rl1r•t1 i-.. Kephart. builder; Loolo Brtirra: Co1111<:U..... • Boto . Greete:( (with •b&Yel); Max Popf-, tn·char~ of construction ; ~erry Smltlt,' arcldiect; &rt WU99ft; Max ud Mn. Sld~r. o"'Den of tM new build.Inc w blrlb th .. y are Jeulng '"to tlae po6t 'Office and Pott-• maater He rb KNU1y, tPr\osa Photo) REVEAL PLANS FOR 6~LANf f REE\VA Y REPLACING . NEWPORT BLV ,. IN MESA . A atx ta:ne contr~lled speed freeway wlll replace lbc present four lane ~ewport' Blvd-. Jn Costa Mesa, and will v.eer from the present boulevard •route at 17th St. and folloW the o~ railroad right· of way dawn to the Cout Highway. llnklng with It on. a revamped Arches OVf>.rpa&s, according to the plans reveakd:.1. a.st Thuraday by two spokesmen toe !he hlghwaydtvision. : . . Ur«)8 Residents to Allend Class in, Fint Aid An urgent -atJpeal to the clfi.Une of: the Harbor area to prepare themaelvea adequately tor their civil defense roles by attending nnt aid claue• was, IMued todajr by Newport Beach Deputy Di- (()oatlawid-oa .....-. 5, Who to Contact for Civri Defense Work , -Any rnicleat of N'ewport Har· ber wlabinl' lo take part lo' the e''el'--1'rowlh1 Civil ddehite pro- rram should contact. 1' .. ewport Harbor · CivU Oeff'Me Dlriector · .lohn Sallorw ~r the deputy dl- rector,"Varl Hanna, at the clty bal~ phone ll~rbor SiSl, be- tween the JaouN of 8 a. m. and a P. m. Plins for the tree.way are near comf>leUon according to Mark Ce8SM, chief of the highway dlvi5- lon's1 ptanntng department for ~ ~ngflel and Orange CounUet. Con~ruct.lon wiH st.8.rt during the lat part ot 1951 IJlld wW require 10 onth.8, giving the Harbor area s. cobplet"ed freeway some Ume 1.ft !952, • Cessna spoke at a meeting at the 1Jalboa ~y club. attended ,bY Cha~les TeW1nkle, Don Huddlea.- ton, Ja~k Raub, Helnz K&lacr, Harfy Wright, F a. Owen •• R; L. (CoaUnued. on Pase %) • ,, • l 't I r l • ' I I I. ! . • • I f , • . . • ' ·' I . • • - • • • C.M. Fiml Needs' I • i.~ ....... 75wcri F '¥Q&1 ............ '"""' .... %¢4 --ers ;!'., , ,;.'""'" -~~- Pl-. to ~ 11f! I*' ,.. ._, u; ... II -'-~ e <.. U • -~~=====~~~~~=1 ·p,. •. 4 tlftr7 'ftwlldlq .. d M••rwt •x-• c>tttwpte • • otlle!• and prlatlq l'laal a.t 1111 --.-"Pi.a.,. --1111 11/i a£1cb!oc! .....aft mo•l!te!ita)' a.t , · ~, , ... Ra,-. II-·· • -,..l11nr itw~ tun time o11Jft.1 llM -· 'INi lo,.tllo -"" Ult~ w•', a•• \llr. ~· ..._ u _ • ., ia!d -te _.au... tuld.,, .. -or~· ,, '11..,•12 > -·1111111;, ~ l'Olll£tC' ~ Jl!llMlw, -u .:::~ • • En-.. ---·.Jlm111, 1HO, at tl!e'poot om. 8' NeMport 811cll, Cal1foinla, mder the A.ct at Muell I, mt. ocidltlonal 1211 awml>IJI WOl'Un Interp~ oC ~ tllat. tlao • mpaa;• W 11114 a , -·.M ~Ill · tT wltllln the ndt 90 d.o79) .,.,.. ae-for qvltt!Jlt' •Job'' .11!"' ~ ._., ..,.. Ibo ~'"!git w W , ,_ .lf .... • · ,ti · v··1a Oallt-* Iba r i'•r 'I sr, ••• •r11111t.._ 11.,....,..Stl&le~1>7C.M.8tlll. -.ofUte·sr-~~tahi .anz um ~-u.t ·,_.1\1"1 .• •01 ,, IF~·"' ~ of tloe Steelton 'l'ool Die ~>.""~ ~,-""1"'!..,.Ul•jlL!•"t 1L,.+1 .. •l\"':!fw YI'! 1"•,,..,,; - -· ud M~ <:o..i l30 W. 11th St., ~· ~ 04~.!!.!\~t'.,":"-~ ~~.:_:lind -tllt~~ ·~.~ ~ II.!'•-. ...... !;, )r;ch a, ; ea.ta ....... , . : .....,. aunolt ~· ~ UMI ...v,1 ..-. elll~ leapt. ~?Sp -•:;)f~ ~ Tbe recent ~ Up tn. atrc:ra.ft ~lm;r ~ ..... mtner tor j UI&. 11JBlr-ot ainellf~m· : -. --... m' 1itD ""'2c~ . ' 7 • Memmr N•tt I•• r1AI •szaelltl.ee 1 ~ 11~tai. u.o_ locol ploymeat 1 ~; ~·nton. .J'l'la lit ,lz!!ca•• did ~ 11 Mr ISJo•;; ,... [, .:i cornpanJ"'•~ to.two lldtta. dad~ .~..-. -~ ... 1111111 •,• tt»tllill>.~ 'Ge , -. •tza. ,.-. ~· .... .. ...... ..W ... , kt! s la ... Newport --Ana •11 ,zl t· .. 21t ... Oa • all, ta 0ru.p o..t,. . I With three'_,,_,_........ Bee&-U....lo "'!. m;tet ,..-., ~_,..-= .. -a( --~·--.. ao tllo comJIU1 l!ae od~ fa· pre~tlon ;at'&""'\ .. -., llfl'!f!! 1'..'~-·~ llw tlali' -ti. ·to -~ ·llito ,,_ clUUM. • • lo WS<Se .,_ tar ~ ··r ~pi._,_. ~ lo l,lla W.' -11t.·---·• :r - • Cllrnat.17 the tpol tuld 41o "°"" fttd a -!¥Ile -!'ff·'' ' , ~cl' ...... o~J-.... '§ ...,,.....,. -.Ii••• I A.. ALllDtANDl:R BAmD.4"0lf, .U:M t' , &' V&n•&'ll' 111111 :m•DUlC ••mi ~ bu MOO !!lj\&re feet oe l'loor ~ ln-t ot,tJto ~; "!'/ II*., i+dd~ a..i, et • •• w. On rs& s _., Willi o 23 b)' 91 oddltJoa lllent· ............. act ~ C. ·f>&Y &Imo ~ <'looJI~: ~ ; · . · . . . '..," 1'1 .. &•w .. ._ ....... .,.-.."'°. ,._ -r , ~ IM 0nuoae o.-l;J, $IM ,_ 19'1 -.... I UloJ ('1,11 -"""'*""> (AIM wt••• • newrvn-a•r..,. ~naa • Tw•-1') Ost 'le tllie e1-.t;J _.. ,_ ,._, near ~pl•Uioll. Wor.lr ... bu aJ. 11Denipl0Jmatl ~ fo ~1ln · Bo'-*'~·.._ tl"'-~-·~ ' :)lrsr aaiit ~ «) 's ru<1J becun on two now ISO 'lly 100 dl'fldlW '!'l!o WU ""'1 i>' W;6rk fcmad ~-la"5&f -lllM -.U -' 1>u11dmp ... .,, ~·•Ito and ~-"" rau1t of Jills -·~ -_ c: ~ .?trs;•s" ~ 111 ·•-- lllOuld be completed wtthla· two ar Wllllllc tuld oble lo -AD4 wu wt~ -'21• ,.,.--tllret mootha. o"'11Able. for ww1L , ' , b; tliO · tlcils. IO fOl'J- . AJ! eoori u tlio n.., bvlldlnp are The. affctn&J -4111-tli&l -io4W!miim:'aiil;, ' t ROI>' THE ODOR JS NOT FROM SEWAGE HEEDLESS HJNRY compleletl tlle. oomp&ny will go on tlje cauae ol . uie . egi~··· "91-. ·,At ·\!!<,.11!4 Qt_t~ ltw.U. • .U.-• , R id ta f th Cit f N. I rt ft,.,h .A I! tllree shltta. ~ Still Mid untary unemploymena bo ,d1Hct17 Q~perlod lbo _,...,... ins es en o e y o l'WJlO .,.,..., ue tlOOn .., B ~t •7~ ekilled worken. olttrolt attrlbu~ble to tlle emplo~; tor ~' 1o ~ ~\ali!Y'. ll&l· . . faee a surcharge on their water bills or • apeclal tax of ACKED UP '.WITHOUT LOOKING mklllnlo~ ........ ond lathe men lnltoncf; P"1"0ftt ot.IU . plo)'ti)l) 'and -cair,ttlii tor I o·TES . from $2.00 per month to an amount that could reach into AND NOW HES GOT with from two to 11w 'yeere u--· ~ to thi em~ . ta. .. ,. ..l;~ I . ii three or four figures eacb and every mo!'th ftfr the disposal S0t-4E REAL HOME COOKIN(;. perlenco are -r\Jfll now." ~\>~= "''i un~ ~=~not~~:; ' ~.Ii. ... · , ' of sewage! Air Obsenen · . . I K I N d !! '11t~ .nOt. ,1nten11 1111ell!ployijlent. belleriia;~~· )bin'• ·• .. °' _, The populace of the City of Newport Beacb is not the "= 1 • · 6 La. .... fr9ewav G 5er ame ~!'" be pald" to,.onr ~ fJi• ~!.~ ~I 9miDOU · . . <~'-•-,.,_Pap 1) ~r • . wJio ·!I'd' hie •!"ploJll!ent tOi ·' TlllO·loij;,;'bito'ille. · ,,l>e-lllOimnl only are& m the county faced With tremendous chargea recorded It rlnted r I . !Cf"-,,._ ~ 11\' on 5 Committees •-tly ... r90nal reuobe. r .._ If ~>&Oliwlnl 6*j' Iii -IJIO....,D for sewage disposal while elective and appointive oUiclala oldo th• to-!:.." '?n,0 ,,...;'.:,. ';. Pattereon. ll:'fffttt &a. ~ c1e-'t\e ·act u .. , p~nt amended P~~' t> ~ ~mit.C,f~. tu . · ·Jul. 15, 1951 stand in neglect of their propeJ obligations bi create the req\!IHd to tell tlle direction of For .. t. Rou Hoot.tier, Bury Com m I t t • e oaelJIUTl•nll for ~ not ~Ire the eauee or the rate 0. ~ Ill~ be , T-! Wow! 'Fifteen blllloli · the county wide sanitary system . voted by' -lth~ people. tlle craft rrom tlle obeervaUon w e1c11, Jolin Boyd, R. L. ~· R. members of tlle board of euper· l1t vldltal • unemployment be at-raloed bi ~ Wit.Ii ,e» act. more tsxer tJlll! yeor than - p&t; which wky the plane ii head· D. Fl&b.erty. F . F . All ArtJe vi.on for the two yean wen an-trlbutable to:hlm e~SJ\oyer. · lluy"'~·~'fl\U.ta"' 7~ Pl'elldent Trwnan. M)'I the What's more, the funds are available for building of the eel; number~ pl&J! .. spotted; type SW&rto ond Hetb Kenny. l!OWlC<d this wee!< by Chairmen Tills ·am..,dment ,,,..... tlle act -·.,..,~ ...,..., Clear-Ame;tcan people ..... to be taaed system in the amount of $8,000,000. MORE SCANDALOUS !wbetller oln&I< or multl..,..(lned}; There ta Ultlo lbo Hf' com-WUU. H. Warner. ....., chahg•• reed : Ir con~;19 . ui.·tnt-i'ot Uir 1110 it hurto. A few people Will THAN ANY OF THE ABOVE IS THAT WE AS A whether the pl&nu were ot.erv.d mUD.ltJ can Wftftl to; ~ were rnade in the com~ltff u-''An lndtvlduaJ m&ll be di.. act. A ~ .Uta. to n&it'.nlll· t'bld llolace tn the fact that the~· or merely hNrd, eetlmated a!U· ~ plana, C.-told the STOUP l!lpmmto In which each member QUalltled tw benetlU 1r ·o1 he hu .tttft "~k MR.'"Or be MJ to rot dlllooial $100000.00 · thet Trunusi! COUNTY WILL LOSE $500,000 IN THE STATE FUNDS tude (wbetller l!lgb or low ) and In anower to a direct queotlon. He or tlle boOl'd eervee u "contact" lett hla· most recent work ~lun;-to worlt too' ..,iy 111. ~ -.n-rocetnd u 'l 1~1' pay ra!ae tax ~ WE DO NOT BEGIN TO BUILD SANITARY. FACTLI-the ttmo ot wllkh the crott wu wo thet Ill• 180-t-IUnit of the man between tlle boud ond four toruf Wltbout rood ... -.,;·It. "'! Inc. ot llle 'W<!>OC -~· Wt1h tree,i obout • year ago, Will ·...,. TIES AT ONCE spotted.. pre..,,t ore• from curb I to curb major d•portmenll or county gov· ',awld by ~ Cornmlaolon. But t>anapor1alJOe._ ~tloo. .. ~ f • tlnu~ to be tall tree, 00 l""' cu .. · • • We noUced' that Betty wu able along N'~ Blvd. and ~ewport emmmt. good caue U not de~.ct ! _ ~ert mpJO~ UIU4DJ: ~ aee~· hom be me&na.when he •Y• Newport Beach and some of 1ta ~ding areaa :to tell wbetlier tllo approo.chlnc An.torbldladoptlonol~Coeta Helnz 'Kaloer of Coeta Mooe-The C&Ulornla Unemployment cl•lme~OlllllCb~' lllal!>lnftohurt. are conaolidated into County Sanitation District numbu 5 :pl!•n• wu •ll>gle or multl....,Jlped M-choml>tr plan u P~ by Newport Beach. who look office Ioaurance · Appeola Boord Inter' So, 'Olf.....,Ploir-.,.. ~!I-In l'ranklln wrote: ''On,ly Costa' M d · . ·d tified Co t "•-'tati · be!O\-e we coUl<1 clH.rly make out Jack Raub, ot tlut cham~r'• blc-h-a week •ro u Ftn.h Diatrlct rep· preted ~ caUM to mean .. any ed for 'be.ne@:t.M~1.a. J f two ~ in th.la Jtte are cert&tn eaa an envtrons 18 I en I 88 un Y """' on tlle ollhouetto of the piano, and not way commtuae beodod bJ! Ch&rlee retentouve, wu given the Import· compelling J><roonol ......,n.'' Thlo lo a ..wi "'HlliM!~ ~ re--:d.,.tii, ond Wies.", Too bod tllat \Oiatrlct number 6. Together . with other sections of the i.eu .. tnr ou_._ too mr>plc. T•Wlnl<le. lie oaid no f'!Ot woulcl ant aulpmento of the county Tiie lndlYlduol clalma eaazntne"!' lief !°" ~ ~· Ha~' they, 1 come tn tllll Ol'der. · county Newport and the Mesa jointly voted funda for the ulted her how obe kn.,. the num-be tlle ?'1?fn"um ~ for th• boepltat, proi.uon department-~ maklnf lll<;, Initial detemU!i&-hla merit,~ and ladl re-Nii; for a little pluc: Wben In creation of the. district to build th f ilitl which all lier of e11(1n .. on th& plane when chamber• ~deal plan. juvenUe hall, harbor dlotr1ct and o1 ~ lnte%"ret compelllnr pe....,,. oerve tluo4i ,llut It_ ~ to need, of a II.led /!&r or tniclr., ..., e ac ea It wu eo -t. She -lalned Cl!alUu'o lllap veterans' ottaln!. reuon In th• ll&bt of .-bi• Y'o1n a re""-ent, ' r clur )!fr dlaploy at !iM cout ~wy. could uee. lbat you ee.n bear Ute dlfterence Raub w lntrodU«d • map ?~~dual examiner'• P*r-c>nal optn· Attd a,,..,.~~ ot ft1'f ?lfsb. $~ Beacll: I knoW you W1U Newport's district 5, and Mesa district 6 have done betwMn ob!llia tuld mulU~flned which embodied loc&J hope.1 1n I -. Ion fo Fete n, reoul . the clalnlant lo ,..,._ bi!'i>)un-~J11at11at the car you are IOn"'•c eltch and th' h'clf th ..__, d and planee; and tllat -.ie people cE1 freeway plannlnc. Bio map would """"JI e · LI, &a might be --tarilJ'• ~· ....!' .cian1. rot u we otw.,a have on hand a every . mg w ' ey a&·~ to o "'~"' ..... tall tho 'malt• ot tlle engine hive proVlded tll• -··number Harbor Veterans ed,""' aoyth1nc but untrnnn. -t ·-•ta u,.;.lij,, ~ ,of trom.s10.ooo "'$2o,ooo obUpted to do m the reports and agreements upon which the aircraft .u uanr trom t11e of t.rotttc laneo, -&llf Mmce The door la wlde 0~ tor thlo-""'l"f'eral ~,lo whlcll ,tbO en-ilted -can -.nd truclUl;i tuld the. $8,000 000 in funds were voted by the people of the eound. roade on botll l!ldo9 of the town'• elero to, voluntarily quit their Jobi ploytr oolllrlbUtea_ ' ! ,. t of all. !My are prlc@d' ti> (Jo ~ 'w d to ----~ \ ._.,...!'MM Ooll main otree t ond e11m1nat.10n ot tll• Elaborate P1-are oow being and .gel unemployment lnzunlnce, Bwn If 'dlocharCed ,,.: -· ~np tocl•Y"• IDUket. · UD Y· e Ill):? rea ~ Pnx.~. Ben Ba11m, wtto .. a f'l'tmd ot center pa.rkinc wtU. but an 8-foot completed for • sip.ntic dlnner to whicb unjualy depleta !be UD· an 8npl0yee 'can set. ·temporary "nl.Ja la your.. rr-t.endly Pord But none of the distril:ta of~the Inland cities, not Qne, Bett)"o, cont-thet he didn't .. parotlon otrtp betwttn tll• dlvld · be held at th• new m ,ooo Amerl· !"'Plo)'!nent In.au~• fllnd olld lo emp!Oym.,.t · l>7 • """°'!': nnn. '2' oeytnir Goodbye 'tll next have comJ>leted their parts of the agreements or contracta. know a1>oqr tho alm'&ft warning ec1 hlcmvayo. can Legion Clul>l>ouae In Newport atJmaled, u ck>oely u s-olbl• •. work brletl,lf tuld on l!etnr 1a14 off, -reek. . .. , . . Hl'Vice until !le recie!ftd a phone The itate'i plan wtpee out lbe Beach on F ebruary 28th, Com· to drain lbe tund of at leut '80,· ftle a· da.O:n and draw maximum · IJl fact the Joint Outfall sewer CJties of Santa Ana, Ana· cau trom n.m-ultb!r blm to loe· center parklnr ond provides 0 20-mender Barney Beu announced to· 000,000 • yea>:. baiento. OJ11Way.· , ' ' • • ~elm, Fullerton and Orange, agreed to provide their ex· come a member ut bu watch. H e foot .eepan.Uoo to fadJJtate• ien day. Every veteran in the enUt't' 'nlat'• SS0.000,000 a year ,that Thil can ba~ Nil:~• th• ,-,.,.,---,..---...:....--,;;, istlng lines and rigbts of way (for which they would be rndlly Ofreecl tuld Betty Nm&tke tllnU! from botll nortll· and ooutll -herbor aree wUI be feted at a ~oullld'!'< ~Y&Jl&blke for payment of Oepartmont -do 'n~ of "that bf: WU..aot qvtte IUN wi.at bound traffic. FREE dinner to be served at 7:30 ne ~ to wor ers bone1tly un-clalm:8.llled. only to the-J.-ft .. (t.a:n-' fully paid.) They have not executed the agreement&: THE ho ,... ~I' •;,a• to ot' the Ceuna told tlle croup tllot apeed p. m. employed . po.uy) emp1o,.... n.. ..,,,..term l!'ACl' IS -THE J . 0 . 8 1 J?OES NOT OWN NOR HA VE lime.'' , would bo held to 30 or '6 mil•• An outotandlng notional ngure Caret_euneaa on tlle part or em-employer dqean't set to m<.-·a pro-'. 1~ PROfES510Nhl ~ ~ DIRECTORY ~ EAl3EJlENTS ON THE RIGHTS OF WA y TH E ')l' Ben flllda 1o1>oerv1nr very In· on hour by tho ua. of epoect atgna tuu been con1a<ted In Waehlngton ploy••• 1• partly reol!on!!ibl• ror teat 1n t11-c'uee, wt Llola bi· •G ~ . . teresttns '"mUdl "'°" t.b&A l and intuMcUon 81p&I up.ta. u •Peaker ?or the eveninc, Bell conUnuation ot thil •ltuatian. dJvidu&I ~ tund ·m Cb&ipd ,.LL.:_~1*'~-~~-~""!f!_ ___ ,, ~ Jl......,,,TO SELL. 'IH)!:Y HAVE NOT ~E:AVORED u....pt 1 ~ .. ho·~ "It'• Deviation,_, t11e ~t 1>ou-Mid. ir .. the employer of a "v0lo.ntar7 w1ul U..•J>i!!letlt.o paid, h-rthe-1· <>~• TO 0~ THE RIGHTS OF WAY OR EASl!:MENTS. alwii me a -\o ·~ P'-v~ from 17tll to Coo4t mp-An urcent attempt ta 1>e1nc quJt talna to rue a protut witll '-· • · '' TberefQnt it is plain, TREY CANNOT DELIVER THAT ond t11a1r ~ uc1 r _.., ,..1 ~ ._ ~ ~-.....,. to cont.act ,•~ veteran ot rt~ 4eel lbot .l'1n bolpln( wt o Uttto." way. Wiii teow NeWpe>rt llJ'fd. be-the harbor aree ., thet ho ma7 .be ' .. niCH THEY AGREED TO DO. 0on0nutnt he "'7a. "I tlllAll thet low 17tll St. virtually tbe ame u P""""nauy Invited. It w111 be to . , ~-.,_ . . ' ' • f . . Contingent cities of the J . 0 . S . have banded together In view of tile p.....t situation It la now, ho uJd. 'I'boUrl! tn.tflc the odvanta&• or enr'y ••tenn ot ._. ~ •• · "' ; 11iat'$.-M9 ;~' to 'build the Magnolia Trunk line to carry their sewage people obou1d put forth o UtUe et-w!l1 Prol>ol>ly toUOw tbe ...., rood-both World Wan to •trend, u • .' . _ . , • . fort for W. aort ot thing Air-way he 1taUd . probleme con!ronllng the vet.eran. -• affluent to the J . 0 . S. disposal plant. BlIT, WHEN THE craft opott1nr 1o a colnr .,;,,,corn P~rall•I parkJnr, el~t r .. t of will be dlacuaeed. • Next ~ rn 'be w~l<ing SEW AGE IS DELIVERED TO THE PLANT IN THE tn tlle Eut. ond we· abound try to It. wtn be all-on t1!o weel old• . reg u 1 ·a r I y for Harvey MAl}NOWA LIN1:, THE J . o. s. CANNOT HANDLE IT. motch It -~ tlle Wm Cou\. of Newport ;111..s., ~to tll• Vandals R---L Solilens. It'll be lot. of • , e Someday we re liable t o plck Up • stale plan map. The (map ai.o 1 ~ fun and rm 1ooi..• ... -f, Santa Ana, pnnc1pal speaker for the Joint outfall RuaW. bOmber before It ... a provided for -al 17Ut, Jilli, H0111e In CDM ward to telling ;;:"a r~ SeW1'r Board has served notice on the Cit)I of f'lewport cllonce to do ony harm, on d tllat BroodW11y, nower, ltth and WaJ. of facta about ·my boa _ Beach. (more than a year ago) that it wou1d no lonaer will~~· all of tbb effort wortll· nut. Pedeoterlan crooalnp were ., . ~ while. not tnd.Jcated. Newport P olice have reported accept ~ewport_'s Sewez:age for disposal into the sea. They Ben ta quite ramruar with air· Ceana nld thet tlle hlpwoy thet tlle home of Mre. R. E. Fowot, · I'll .try to. band you. a 'f- aay their !me 1s not big ene\tgh. Tbe J . O. S. cities have craft I• retired conlrector. h• hae plannb!ir h•re wu bued ~pon tll• 1807 Bayside Drive, Corona d•l -~II-'. .'Wc1· 'Sli~ •ure. 'served notice on the City of Newpo' rt Beach that in the built toctort .. tor Lockheed and auppoettlon thet oonre <!aY this Mar wu entered by vondala eome-l' • y"'-• ~e.·::nmeyw. .,. ..... ~~ . . Vega) and Ande &lf'Cran •pott.tng com.munlty wm be tnoofponted Ume ~tw~ Sunday, Jan. 14 &nd ..,.... -~yaa.VVWJ • y ' I f ·t~~ -. .' t New~'iltftl:. C)>sil& ihia ll~cal Blcfc, · Jleacoit i?u 111()6 &. Boy A~O.. Balllc!a" llaJ1'lw m .J \~=====: • II. llicli B!Jeet, Ooota ._ .._••ooalNI mterllD Newport Beach canno~ annex any more territory euy. eow. .. ;, be eoye thel wltll territory and etoted' thot~ ...... far Tuo.day, Jon. 18. · for '61. :: ·, , .; . 1,. 1 _;! to the city and defiver ee91age from such annexed territory the new Jeta tbundertnc through u tratflc,te concerned w ahould Mra. Fouet'• eon round that the i:::::::::;:::1:::·=·1==·~-======·=·~1 ofto~ into the J . 0 . S. line. BUT WE AS A CITY AND AS A tlle ok.1 .. , he >trequenUy come up plan and build roade o,nd ghwayo hou.e h&d been entered and ...,.. ,.._+--,--~-----agalnlt types of planes with here u U\OUftl the town were in-aa.cked when he vt.ited lt at 6 :30 v It X.oEPS&L, o o. SANITARY DISTRICT HAVE COMPLETED THE POR-which be ta unfomlllor. corporoted." In_..uon con· P· m. Tueeday and Immediately In· • ' • TION OF THE AGREEMENT WE WERE CALLED UPON c.. QoeoJt Cborta , eetvabty would permit 1oca1 con-1ormec1 hla euenta OP,TOMETRIST TO EXECUTE OR '.AGREED TO EXECUTE THEY ASK In -au,i. u u...., t11e ol>-tron ot apee<1 and ~ tn.t-1 .Po&e found tllat the -bed· , • ,t:!, ... ..,,_ i.r .&ppola-t · . eervera (:&D cllieck with their a1r· tic. . room window bad been Jimmied f,,..~ · '' ltli w. N..,.-& ~~ ~ NOTHING FURTHER. · craft klentltloaUon tharta whJch "We do Jiot Wa.bt to dievelop and forced open. Apparently noth· + . ·.: ' • ~ Newport. 1l!lrilul. · · ~ Costa Mesa cniated the . Sanitation District and then bong rrom tll• walla of tlle ob-roade here thet will dllturi! or Inc bad been token from the ).~.~,p~~'. I ; , e--r SIU ted bo ds f th · s' 'tary "'~~ bull , . , oervaUon poet. AU typee of aJr. deetroy e>Wtlnr --·he told bouee, ~ul the poneillnir bad been ~U 'VU JY~-,;,_-_..:;_.1.-_-.._ vo . n or e1r a.ru LJlllLrICt to d city collec-er~ are .shown in llilhouette and the rroup. -~ uab:tant. N. w. torn f1'om the · eut bedroom wall, . • j tor lines t o gather sewage from the homes -..nd business their lndJvidu.aJ charactertat.tce are Reese, however, admitted during drawers had been rummaged • llQanm&N'. establiahm<!nt of the area. But when this facility is built pointed out. tll• dlacuutoo thet foUoWed, thet through and beda were torn up In -.OBTUUT it cann t be sed Th existin . tfall han ' Und'tr &ctual emer,.ency COftdi-"It wu the hl(hway dtvtltona ~ other rooma. O U · e . _g OU cannot . . dle the Uona, a.lrcratt spotten wW phone 1ponaibllity to develop tn.fflc now A .46 caliber Frontier model affluent. Costa Mesans will still have to pump their ceas-their lnforma'tJOn in to a ftJter and diR.rlbutk>n .__ not develop Colt revolver had been taken froal pools or build additional septic tanlis although they are center loeatad In Banta Ana. 'l'be bw!lne ... " tll• w .. t bedroom ond left atop • be f . . . · inlonnt.tJon w1U be croa checked Wooden chest. Kre. Fouat report-mem rs o the Sanntation District and have formed their wttll the data from o••er 0~,rv . ed thet ohe found a bedapread U . ~ -o CAPT. EDGAR C. llUJtl>Y, In· co ection system. • lion pom:ta a.nd the probable poet· tdlig"en« oltlcer, US.Ar ilie.eerve, draped' over the window through -THERE ARE ONLY TWO SOLlITIONS ! Newport uon uid fllrbt direction or the ot>-In C&lll.-"fllvery elty on the Wut which tlle entry had 1leen mad•. Bea, ch and Costa_ Mesa could pe. tition the courta for relief. "'7r~.!'~ .. ~-.. wtll •• bee idp~tttedlf1ed. .. Coul. ft-Seattle to Son Dlqo i,.q"' )!-.Q -._ .. Well wlthtn ruise of tbe RUS· Mrs Nor L AU for a receiver to be appomted for the entire County en•my cratt. flrhter-ln~reeptorw oton bomber ,0 ,... buec1 at Clllta, • a ang Sinitation syatem--0r proceed together on their own out-w1u be aent &Iott to ~ them. =1n=-~te;;;m=s=1be=r1a=."====:=c Birthd•y Honor'ee· f.a1l · Tbe Lido lole etatlcln lo one or .. ~ Ute Wlmated 8000 a1mU&r .ltat.lone . Newport Beach has a disposal plant-only partially ronn1nr • n.~orlt otonr.tbe w,.t cau el "Jerry" Gotee1 ot ll&r'-Pink and white caroitlona In o"--tlve, that is true. , . · Clout. St••• are locat..s op-bor . Do It today. I •ffoct1y. """'semeot occupied ·~ • proximately o U.. center· or the table when Jlr. Newport Seach sewage tl1Jnk lines on the Highway are &Joor tlle w~:t. or u mn .. In~ Oo=Ga~ ":'!i &nil Mn. lfilry LAD .. at - aileqU&te for the handllng of sewage of both Newport Beach "-ap1aloed by. Clok!Del Gotea, Ml otrenatb tuld the .-.. of the Bn>adwoy, co.ta M-entertain-. and Costa Mesa -tho prilldi-J !IUty at ~ -.... wat<:b officer lo lndl<at..s' od with ' .l>uttet .,pper SIJDdv • . YOtloD ~ _. .. lie 1 • In ol!oervonee pl tlle blrtJ>da1 /)f ,.. Tbe two district.a 5 and 6, Newport Beach and "'~" ,, __ ~ • .::.~ to opot -Y Sunday, llJ»ld!ar •••nwn ot. lilnn. Nora • ---ot x-or ' ......,.Lii ~'" .... ~ ~ to e-=-pe ra-Lido tale: l tot&. m.. 4, tq 8 L m.., ' -...., ., Iii'.-could go together, hire an engineer to dedgn and dar detecUoa toy ~low. 4 to 1 p. m.; 10 p. m. to 1 fa. m. motlier ot the -. In keeplnf C0118tn1ct an ocean outfall and n-.ry dlapouJ lant l'lswholllh &Id • M:Ondat. ~ -. ~te of wttll t11o J!lnk 1 OOlor ..i.eme ,... app.J to the county and the state to ....;-1-..... iuf. 000 Aa ma7 bo -~ -.., air-Bal-Iiii.uo.t-: • to -.r !!:.., l>l1'tlld.oy "Yblch climax~ the to the two district. and . get on with the worir. llllle old to -chQ ·def-J)rOz co.ta N-: ' 1o, a a._m.. to p, m. Watd!lne toJevll!lon J>UMd lbo . . ·-w ~ .......,, craft warmar w•lril ..... ...,,.,.,, Tu-.y, Mn. .. T. Tat ,---,· . , Thia ill legal and could he done' · mm. A *Ill 06 .,._... to 1 L .._ . i'omalnder of~ p!M•nt .-,. -I uld • • • 1'°"'a ...a ~ wttb tn...r Wedin•~~ lilnn. w~ BUr-Wlobbor U.. oo1o11nat "nWlt t wo accompllah the net reeult propo11e ~ when the poe•••llel Wiil ~ .. a ...._, toll..PI eoftlM '"' Illar: l\ ~ 4 L baPPf ~"!"f' ...., 11r. and ~ were formed and the bonda were votAid. 'It wouJcJ .,. oplMt alr~w w ' •• m.' to a._,,.,, 10 p. mj&l L tn. ::, 1:\.!;.,:111 '• tho -., and At!.• the 1&1118 Purp<lll4! aDd ave the clt;r; eo.ta v-and :i.-i.r •'-,.••·are ---· 111m~, Mn. 0. i:.: of lllb -;;-, ·Nwy. CUol7n. the county thcmunchl' of dollanL · •• · Ol'd lll"91 1 u-, clof•11 ..... ewo.. <Iii Illar: l to. t. a, m.. 4 lo .' . , . . ' od effll .. -..... lo otter IL m., 1to10 p. .... 10 Ill-ti> j f' · • Ov diatrlcta are entirely compatible. • d!*-•tn• i-u.. ~ ..... 1 L... ~ :'-} lrfclge lreeltfest • Newport Betlch haa ~ ~ht 'of' ira,Y for an ocean ·:S.:::,~ It-.,. 1111 wt.cl ·l!otn ~ • .,._ .....,.i -1" Ho..6-.--J b · I oQtfaD, tbent wu at one tm. a city. outfalL We llaft a -~. w•'i""·.. -"' 1111 •-...,, 1 • ....., , .... -l. . · )llrtial plant.. We COllld build the line Ulll ~ lillldp Dw -tiqt. a nuifeJ to.·be ltffJ2!+4~1tl aia Mn. Mu Sc chner plat at OUI' ~t dlap.al plut;llJ'-el7 .... to It. ......... far u. ... to be .... _... . at -= ::111co:r ~ ~ u: :'! ~ ~ ~ aGIW ... ,, ... ., • On catw at the M's Or •. · ••• -.... _ ... -.,..... . no~.,. ou1w.va .., ~':_ 11,i:a' =';:.:b _.. • I*' • 7 la U. '111111u· t ......... a..-. rw ••»••8n*'· n.-21 ....... -;• 'Ilia• 1'1S ... .,. ... a I m rt I Ela L. '41 .. _.PI z.T-' • ....... •-.... 7 Olat. 0111.s 'In ~ ·._ ,u a 01 . a.tr •• r -..~a1111d • W. .. a ell)' u.l·u a ...... tltlblllC: I Mt -Jrg•s1r ' Fl 'I e-. ta ._. wtt1l -.> . ., • ID • alllllt), or -.... • -ft4T m 'lb aw:., CJll 'IDUR te ms1 . tortll tllelr d!Mptnd Ml• , tfDllT . -... - • 1ell:r' Attrsl,z• &II o-i lllP-. • OORIONA.D~llAll . DAT' AMD MlGBT --&t ~ UR~f~U~E S&Avalll ftA!ILIR . ' . n!:"'=. PJ?,,. "n,t. a ... tsbi11 •1 -, ... ... • • • . ' r • { ' • / • ' 1· ' I- ' • o • • -• ••• • ··-· ·~ r • · j lndiY~_~lifY ' • StresSQd at Pf A Meetioo • X,,.,., JOW']Chlld 1U &a· Yldu· 'o1: _, Un .. be lo help hlm tO pow at· lllai own~ and • ln h1a OWD diNCtlGft-Watt Ute point& ~ by Wm. Quandt &lid K119 Nadine ~­ -a:t ti.. Newport 111..- mentary ~ P.·T. A. ...uq, ' Ju. llltll at Corona dol ochool. aui!Jtortum. , • To fl•• Ute ally child a dl&nco · to bteome one ot, a fl'Oul> and to help oil dllldrm =mlcate • more adequaiely, the ~114- 8Tft.E..LZADER"W ~of tbe ttn Buick be ... u.i. foa.r-4oor eh:?' I ..... 8p1e'n'1 or -flt,-. I& will be on· dlaplay ~. , .. _,, IOtll at tbe lbowrooaa ot;c. z. s~ llOlcl<, 110 B-7. '--. ae_..tatlvo of Ullo entire 8~ -wbloll la ClOlllpleteq ... tJlla year ttom defn. to ~ w. .,. ..... oew eb=w'•· • new '10dJ, --troat-end. -~ ••t!W!IP" -· moldbrc, -trim., ....i ...W ttnder ....i -_._... II• ,.;.91et1 ,_ llw now !-1'· want tllroqb the doors Ill a c..-uJ """"·wblo• le penlloled aad __ , by .u.e brilllallt ..Mpepmr wblclt ruaa the lflqtll of tlae Ml'· Tbe alq9e' Buick fnat 8MI, e11UrelJ' Nod!stped for Jtal, la more dbltl..,Uve tllan ever. ·For U.. tint 11..;,. ll\IW!'• po....m.I F-MI •at• la. ou.iecl la. tlle 8poclal ~ d.UV.rinr ua .bo....,Ower wtlb Di,.n.ir .irtVe. -tf& Joo~ ~th a,-,.. M _ _._ Whet-of lbh model "':>l!li .•1tOlr ',, ·-. , Boston 'University Woine~'s '.1Dean Speaks . Mon. on --Pareritsr :forum ' cleUon of ~rlqt COunNlon. Phi. Beta Ka~ ,and . l'I JAmbde Tbeta. I f . A deltcUe ~ ,l'fJtl9aol Edu· c•tloP ~~~-~o4 ~#i:~ ~Edu· eat.ton at· td uni~ vereJty, Dr. 'ta6er did ext'eri.llw The third apeaker of the Par study end • ,..._li.r<:b In. EnJland, lnr ·-.,.. .u...-i. Ho1-R b I · E-nds en DudleY'• fth Grade lilrl. 08150ft ll:llUbetll Budy'• 3rd. .-.. 1as·1 . T • I • .._ cWnDNltn.ted uu. 1th • c · rain ng deU~bt.M Procnn>- Tbe meetlns wq opehed y Kn. P. r. B&ln~ praldent. S e pre- eented tllie CUb S<:outa ot JDen 2. Pack 100, wl\o led the ;.th. ot alleg'lance. Th~n the "~raUon­ al" wu read· by Mn. J hn J . Shleldll. . HO.let.ks t.t tbe tea ·;te fol· lowtng-the procrarn 3rd srac1e ·-mothwn. Mn. Robert Forbe< and Hn. Bun ~· !tom Newport and_ Mn. J . C....,J.rorln and Mra. <;baa. Purcell Co- rona dt!I Mar. Mrs. P. V. Peterson is Hostess ·. · to Mother's Club ..... -. • • • ent-Education Forum, aponaored sonallly A.djuatment (Human Na-Germ.an)r, De~i.rJt arid Sw~en. 1 '){.ra. P. v. Peter.on ot NeWport ~ by tbe Newport Harbor Union ture ln DtttlculUes~· The' Bofiol'i 'tf-:W:Mt aald. of ~l"I. Ialand wu hoateu at . a deuert HJgh School Parent-Tea.chera As--Dr. Taber ls a proteaor of eo-Taber, "For ~· .Ort of . Nobtl and cotfff luncheon tor membera sodatlon and the Costa Meaa and clol~; ,ec~. Dil)'Olwllogy and ~( ·;r~;: e·dl~ 9t tho.Mothers' club of Coota' Meaa • .. Newport Elementary Schoota A.a--dean -of "'OID, ,ea, lit. .Boet.oll univet• e • '· · • · • , · " Be• .. -1 167 Job' D ht ., aoc:l&tlons will be Dr.· Merle V. slty, . coii.._.i,. -\or ·. Eril .. t lli ~t::\~ 'liO~.,,a\ltrt., · ~ a.o7r Sh~rrill "....:.~~ :."~~;:;:: '!tabor, Ph. D. on .Jan. 22 at 7 :30 tn Growa. Ille .a. ,; member pt Chap. m.-1".· ""· ·· "f"'"-· JO~ teu. 1 the recreation ball ot the high el HUl 'Coaference bn Kantap rr\atUn' ~ er · flM• speaJttn1 scbooJ. H er subject will be "Per· and the Family American Aaao-personality, ~nee of bvm.or and A •tor~ ahower preceded deuert ' scholarly a.blllty rtve t.h1a tpea.ker and MW Mn. Charles Gammon In -------~.--------------~---a ltrOnf ap~ to both men and rolt!: of honoree, exclalminc over the many dainty ctftL THISTLE ~boWD. here .. after & 'eeriee wtiJcb lacluded tour tlnt Md a !leOOnd to ftve. racea. .are UM! wtnnrn of the TIU8tte cJua la..,lut week rnd's Mann1a1 .DtaJb>· NCN off New- port Harbor-Yacht club. Mn. Gf!Of'ie Cotfta. tlMl: former Oraoe Hamilton, acted U crew tor her skJ~r-h_..,.d and cnd!ied thPlr victory to their braad new Jaeke-h which be&.!' the' name of their boat 'N'ROUTE on lbe back. ( Pboto by Beckner) wom•n. , Dr. Emeat R. Orova, Unlver· Kn. A . w. OuM praided at the 1tty ot North Carollna. pitema· buatnea MAton &l'ld ptana Were ln· Uonally known plonMr tn' prepara· aururated tor a card party to bf tlon tor ma.r+ta1• oou..... aay1, held on the eventnc or Friday. "I have toll~ the career dt Or. Feljl. 23 at Friday Afternoon club: Merle v . Taber from the begiii. house. It wu announced the next nln,. I have known her aa a doc· regular meeting would be held .it torate 1tudent , a colleague ln unl· 7 :30 l>-m. Feb, 1 'a t lt\e home or ver1lty teacbiAC'. a dean ot women, Mrs. Va.n Roblnaon, r..o1ta Men. and a lrcturer and ln my Judgment Pruent Wt.re : Meadamqs Cha.a. •he ii: exceptloia&lly well quail· Taylor, E. V. R.ap.n, Van Jlobln· ttea to teach frlld counael m~ wa.. eon, Don F\llbrlJhl, Corwin H ome, men and yo\.W'lg people In the field W. B. Merrill, H. R. Trteael. Lou111 of marriage ahd Ule tamlly. Very Crandal!, 0 . E . While, I S. E . tew have the/ experience and in· Briggs, Marge Brocket • Carl sfabt aio rreaUy neOO.ed Lf1 any Tbomu, Chulea Gammon, Fred UJlltUl t.JP9' ot parenthood ldu· Woodworth, George Sherrfu, Sam caUOG. 8be i. a Vffq able per90a, C~wtord, Barry Bnnltck, Ken-1 w1tb ·an· u.n\UN&lly rich 'Mck· raet.b Jobnao.n. A. W . Oun , W. E . pound.• I Nldt•D. • _ . Jt .)11111 be s prl>rilellP for · ..._..... itoUldlD"'-N-.0 • 1 oc1 adlllto to -t111a m. ,..,. ew omm1ttees ture. . Ap •.!.A, d f J Bob Toppings • P01•1•,e or Are Guests of Firemen s Aux. L'd I I C I Dorothy Kloecltner, newly elect-I I 0 S 8 OUp e td pr .. lden\ of N•wpor\. Beach Leavins yuterd&y were Mr. and J'lremen'i iA.ux.llla.ry Ectd Mn. Bob Toppins" who have been her committ:M chalnnen hen the rueau ot Mr. and Mn. Wllll.e Hunt ITOUP held , It.I tint m ting of of Udo J!;le tor aeveral day1. "Mn. tttlil at Ule botne al l"aye Benit ToppiJ\c' ta the glamorous Lana dlct, Corona del Mar. In charge Turner and •he and her huab&nd of nowera .and card• are Mra. Benedict and V.lvt&n Hales, wtlh made Balboa Bay club their head-quarters tor tint part or thelr June Kiddle serving u publicity chaJrm&.n. stay while here. Sally Jackson wu welcomed u r--------------------------------------i I• new member and presented with her badge. ) • • ' ' ' . TO THE OPPONENTS OF THE 'ACCESS RO'AiS' •'""' ON OCEAN BLVD., CORONA DEL MAR. For the past·several years a group of property owners have approved using a 'atrlp of land ·south of the pretlellt curb line on Ocean Blvd., for an """"88 road. The propoilal for thla road orlglnat.ed from the owuers of bluff property as a. friendly gature to Insure the aol1h • llide property owners of an nnob8tructed view of the· oeeaa. We agreed not only to build bdow the ~t -level but to . ..._ our property to the extent of two thirds of the tl08t. I know of no other aectlon ID Newport Beaeb (escept Corona cW Illar) where ownen of lll8ide Iota object to owners of waterfront property developing their propertieio . even though It may obstruct th" view of the propertlel further back. You have ...-i. enough oonfuslou to delay MUou oa the part of the City pouucll for three yeani. You h&vea't s~t objection apln_st the -* to leplq llloek th" pro~ · I hav" a P.""PD89l to m•ka Sen\I yo11r petijloa to -and rn not only alp lt but-I'll obWa 1uffteleltt ..,..lul'l99 of property owwn -·the bluff aide f>cl briq ,...r nt1a of objectloa to C)VU> IS03 ud the City Couel1 eaiutot aator1119 ,tbe -111111 llJ>ellt ..... luL I • I -1y ,teqwt la retma' tat you join witll' cMlt P'O'IP· ud pt tile CiV_Col!DCil to ~ the MMllN')'Lstep9 to __ f01ewer ,.-.i ~ . I!~ .Onu. of 1M p&lllit emit · Biie • 01111i Blvd. from being med for 8tlitlifo or ...i. naw II -eaa't -1• ·-cloe't wan -*>ocl)" la r-~ , ,.. . ' . tl!e fal e .ta ollWll -.Cc n'oft clerliMI -. . 1 '· H '*" • _._.la ;roar~ w. alJ. Mt tap" w fer a. f!I• iii eu1'e ... pe1 sh•i17 · · ... a-.ldvy lblea'llf Oeeu..... . . ' . . . ·~ • auwn o. ·'*'s , ~ • • ' • Birthday gift.a went to' cele· branU Dotlle Kloeckne~. _ Faye Benedict, BUUe Perruui "I"' Ollvt Wauah whLJle, Vtvlan llalet rec.61•· ed lb• •peflal prlH. rqr court wh!at. a-,...,., to He1"n Ran· del, hlch; Dorotlly Kloeckjler, .... ond and to-Darill Diehl, COIUIOl•- tlon. ' Next meeting will be a valentine party and llcha.nge ot (in.a. on Feb. 19 at lbe borne ot Lave.me Berry, Newp<>J'.! Helghte. Preeent tor tbe evening were; Sally Jack.Ion. Eather Jotmton. Helen Randel, Zenobia, Frost, Alma Thompaon, Le;onora Zube, Nona Hayden, Vlvtan Halu, Dorta t:c;lc~.:dlhfun!°~~~ Faye • • ·SANTA' ANA I l ' · ·iust arrived f • • • • i ' • • • -new _spring coats by • \ .l . ... r: , .. ~1 'i • " f • j I exclusive, creemy woolens ond t masterful t~iloring highlight ou ~ collection of Shag moor coats ... hurry f~r. your new spring Shogmoor .before another day • goes by! From 49.9 5 to 59.95~ better coats, s11cond flo or 1 ·' ,, I . .. inqui\ about our convenient !IQ-day charge I , SEE THE 1951 BU IC K . . ' . ON AT DfSPLAY • SATUR1DAV: • JA~N -.}tDi ' :op ~ '.TlL;9 ''., I .m. Y,'O U. R s 0 u T Ill : e ·o·A'sT ~·IU '(< SA:.J.E '..s 4 .~·"1e :D .... ' S E R Y I C E D E A L.E R .• , ' 1951 'l,,~. . j SAT; \ ' • • . 1 • r ' • 1· • ' ,, ' -' • • • • ' I I ~ . • .r ' • . ' . ' Maift Slhool·PTA : . Costa MeJ Sirk , .. "f~ ~·*-' 'Ji~N Pl.Es .. 0 t:"h I R L o.;. ~ to Holff ~oo~ . · Become Br 'rwni•~ 1: . -, ·•~'!~ ·: ====-:::-;-~=o=-=· ==:::::'.SO:'.:=~:::;._= in '" .· ~pe ' .. ites at ~ l,JC ~ ti ~ and Rumma~~-$al.e ~!J:~~~y·R~~., " --:~·~-~m.' Htgh\Jct>uni: t.11e 'llo1Jdays wu ·' \.Uaoo th•~-"* Jbe ec.ta -Ciiota M""' · oi.r Scovt ~ ., ·~ ..,, '.:i.."1· the reeent wedcllnjr of MIA Bil"""' F · 1 'n • r )(-. ~":!A 8c:bl>ol PrA, . • r\1111• 1..,,..,. cxnMlbll( ~tel:y " , . • l • I , I, Ann Sllarpe, formerly or 8&1· am I l\.6UOIQ ~ . . l!la&'O -idod 111!11> WW 'be 'held 2:1 JlrtL <r<>!D Harper, 1.lnd~ ' ' °:t ; ' . boa. and JaUu.·l : 1.,.,.1.,0 • 800 • L •A I , .Fri.day uCt ~turd&y. J an. 19 and -9Jtd st. .Joachim cJloola ;ha.ve · .. ·r~t wa·i-illiAPa.$r .., ..r" of Mr. and Mn'. AJe1' JoeeellOn of In 0 hnge e ' 20, from 10 &. m. to II p. m. on paued 'Ule fellurr(m ... ta and •an ~· . ~ .. 1 > Alhland. ~.. which look place • Ille -11141 of tM n;-Poot eligible to be fut! -riedi'ecl , Browli· 1'_,. .19.111 ~ • G lch Weddl Cb&-' COotlL Me~ w1lo Wenclod a. otflce bulldlng on E. 18\h St. i... To become a< 11"""11o, 8Cou1 'to i.W., I _,..... attbe _... ng >-recent faJnUir.reunlon 1t,the 1-Delectablel home~ pies, aglrl!"uOtbe atl~-yei.ia· -l·ah, .... ,~: ,. •• ,_.., ' at Long Beach. Rev. George M. Anp.lea ~e of Mr.i nd Kn. caket. cook:i .. a.hd 8&lads will be old; 'have p&ri.tels*tet:t tn. four •. 1 :-r uCMW~ a-.-_, ' McDonald officlatec:t at the ca.nd"e· A.J'chie Lewt. wtte Mr, and Mn. aY&Uable while. they lut 00 both troOp mee•,......_, 1iMw the Brow.. 111 o.e.1 & Hwy. Ne...,..n. llewli • 11-ht cereAlony, which wu follow· , -·1-Be ' It d f ,,_ Mr d -·•· --,-,. ........,...,. '!e an &m-v1 • an daya. Mrs. Ray Trautwein ii ln nl& Scout promlle and ha-..... Id ~=:;=~=====::::±=:::::::.:..-+_:_:_:_..,...:.·,:.·-<"-'--::.:_..,.:,....~ eel by a r-cCeptlon at the home of 'U-J ---ti -·• r--•J -- --<. - • • , I I . ' • • . I I I • l I I I I I • I I I l • I • ·~--------.,.---------'---------'- tCh ildren' s Home Soc. Auxiliaries iPlan Hearts and Flowers Ball • • Anno\rncel11ent of a second ~n-.,_~------------ Heart:J and Flo"".er;s -ball t~ The presidente: of both AuxlJ\. , .held .'t Utf>. beautifu~ Balboa ories, Mrs. c:auclf' Owens, Sant.a club on Fr1d~y evenrng, B'eb. Ana and Mrs. A. v. A•drew~ . J _-..waa 1nade this week by th Newport Harbor, announce that ¥ftla Ana and Nl"wport Harbor the Santa Ana <if£1ce of the Ch.11- 'A'!xiliar}M of the Ch~ldren"s Homl" drcn's Home Society which pro- .~~ty of Callrorn1a who will vid1·~.adoptiorl servicf's throughout t~ serve as hostessea and Or&njt"(' county, "-'ill be the rc-cip i· ~J<>lnt s~n~rs of thC' ev.enl. . f'nt o f fund-' raiBf'd at the ~ond 1 The affair. a black-lie d1nll('l' annual Hearts an<l Flo1A.'ers ball. •danct', w111 be lht> s.,coocl tln1c a •county-wide charity ball hl\a bt•cn ,..elct here. Approxlliu1tely 800 .a· & s e r v a t I o n s arc anticipate(!, qttl'long them the names of thE' .first families both in Orange and Los Angelea ccunties and plans are nearing complet?o n • to make lhe occuton a 80cla1 milestone or »l)ntlnuJng lmportancfc'. · ~Mn. '· C. Martin and J.<rs. :JS'endeJI Calkina ot Newpor-t Har- r and Mra. Clarence Sprague ~frs. Roy P ollet of Santa Ana general chatrmen for the ball. e Hearts and Flowers theme Is In~ carried out In the most sen· ental and fanciful decorations ecuted In a gay modern manner Mrs. Walter J . Cole or Newport rbor and Mrs. F . M. Hansen of ta Ana. Co·chatrmcn in charge of invl· W't.Wons are Mrs. Don F . Ga tea, Plie'Wport Harbor and Mr~. Georg-e Ra.smussC'n, Santa Ana. Reserva- ·.:tions will be handled by Mrs. Chal- :1en Landers, Newport Jjarbor' and ~?-tr&. Edmund Guard, Santa Ana. ;;Jit~. Ro!and wr'tght and Mrs. .Kenneth Starege he ad the r ecep- ~Uon committee. • , ~ The Aux.IJiarlea expect {o tur- lntsh & na.ml band in addition to 'the Bay club orchf'slfa ror danC: :}ng. Mi-.. Frederick J . Cleary or •Co?'ona del Mar ~ music and en- 'tertainment chairman. In charge ~pf publicity .are· Mrs. Harold Cald· ·Well and Mrs. \\-'alter Hitchman, :NeWJl(lrt Harbor and Mrs. Daniel . ' ,JC. Brown a.nd Mrs. Jack BlaisdFll, tSanta Ana. ' ' I ... I ' Coffee Hour I at Lange .Home Mri. Virginia Lange or Co•ta Mesa invited a few neighbors to drop in for coffee and eookJea Friday. The congenial ~up of friends chatting during the 1'.fter- noon 'hours were Mmes. Ruth Pol· lard, Pat Andrews, Phyllis Fowler. Shirley Brockman, Eleanor Llfk a.nd Jeane Hlnesly. J e an Inman Tells . Friendship Girls Ab.out Panama Jean Chrlsteneon Inman dls- cu88ed "Panama Schools" when the Friendship Gll'JS or Cost& Mesa Com.munity Church held their January meeting In the home or Doris Luckhardt, 248 E. 20th St. Joyce Sands l.fttro- duced Mrs. In.man. A.in Crawford pret1ided over the busine.s.s. Bringing the evening to Its finale the hostess served choco- late sundaes a n ·d cookies to Beverly Thompaon. Mrs. Inman. J o y c e Sands. Ann Crawford, Helen Sands, Ruth Reynold.a,. Donna Neleon and Helen Keating. At the next meeting set. for Monday, Feb. 5. members wtll hold a shower tor the All Nations Foundation. <YU... u DCflne -tu auu y, charge of the, cooked foods. the national m~mbenhlp ' duea .• 1 he brtOe'a mother, M.ra. \YtWam M d • --11 ~ 11 d Falt. farnlly an Georgfl 8tn lt. miea.n.a cbatrmau, I• ln charve of ly candl•'i•bt ce onv formally .. ._: . ·. t ' •1 1-../ · t" • ·• • r. an r•. ue. e e an Mn. Ha.rQtd Knip p, ways a.od The tnvuUture.~ .. a .love· ... ~ 1 the ~age sale whJch includes inducting the gtrl& u · Brownlee. ~ • · ' • ·"" ::..... · The brtdf', wearing A whllfl' wool " ,... 0 # D~PERIE$ • d....., with f<UI trlmmw bat and W eyne-Rueg'ers many good owoaters, • k I rt•· wUI be held P'rklay,<'J aii. 18 a t ' " . • • FBO'I', fS.tO PER'' ~iUll black velvet aceeMOrle-& wu given CUSTOM MADE FROM IEtJ!lCT FABRlCs In 'marriage by Mr. Melvin Del· Obs erve An,niveraery blowies ""d numerouo other bu> S<out -• . COMPLl!l'I'E INTERIOR ~---RATING' SERVICE bele:• MJM Joyce , Sharpe attended pin l.tema. The Lindbergh and St. J o&eb bn . , . . ~ , her slater g ntaid or honor, whllc 'Mr. and Mra. Wayne ,Ruep:r of Proceed. wt1J be devoted t.o the troopa will have thelr ce re-mony a.t 'UPHOLSTERING • SUP ~I .. • ~SPREADS another alMer, Mtu Patricia Del Mar !Ave., Costa )fesa, oom· PTA welfare program and need• 3:15 p. m . and the Karper troopa BEACON HOUSI INTERIORS Sharpe. •ervNI u junlo• brldea· memoratest their 20th ~ding an-of tho children and ochool. "Your at 7:30 p. m. The Costa Me"'t . . . 1 . maid. Mlae \Joan Holmes ol Costa nlveraary !• tew eventnp ·~· Th~ patronage wtn be appreciated," Grange fl; sponaor fqr all the Bar· I SO BEACH ST. LAO UK A BEACH 4-551 '7 Mesa. wu iolota:t. obaenanee wu a quiet bne due tn Mra. Dennll Hogland, PTA pre.Bl· per troops. Tbe public -lB invlted •.:.============:::::::::==::::::::::::===::::J Pblllp Sc~o.mmer was beat man the lllncsa of Ml'J'. Ru,g-tr. dent. A.id. .. to both cerenionlea. ,, d Robert SanUs waa ushl'r, H08le.s1e9 at the reception wert' Miu Pauline We-Iner of S&nta Ana, Ml83 Clorla Tetzlaff of Bal· boa. and )lr&. Melvin Delbt"le. The guest book WM J>&88('d by MtlJ. Alan NichoJ of Blg Scar Lake and Balboa. . Among the guest• at lhe wed-· ding were Mr11. Fredt"rick K Thomas of San Diego, greet· grandmother of the bride and Mr. and Jttrs. Jacqu('& Shennan of Bevefly Hiil& si&ter an<! brolhPr· ln-law of the bridegroom. The bride attendQd N<'wport Harbor High school and l . .nn~ Beach City col1ege. The bridE'· groom WM a .!ltUd<'nt at Marshall collcgl".! In Huntington. W. Va. The newlyweds will make their hcimC' at 5025 Ea.st First street In Loni;? Beach. • Horace 0. Ensign Weds Doctor Con1ln ~ as n surrril'H• to hl1 many ftif'nr!a "''Rs Rnnouncemt"n: l&1;t w eek or the C"ftr!v Drcrmber marriage of Horttcf' o.' F.nsl~n. HU (>"rlntf'ndPnt or N('\VPQrt Bf'arh F.l('mt"nlary schoolJIJ and Lt. iJ . G.I Johnnetlt' Oispcnsa. Th(' ne\I/ M r8. En!'>l~n wa..., re- ('allrtl to active d'uty in Oclul.>1.'r 19~ and t~ now ir. cbar,::C' o! Navy rlf'prnd('nl.., at San 0 1<'gr\ Naval hO#lplta). .S hC' reC'f'ived hr1 t\. B., M. A. fin anatomy! and M. 0 . dl"grl'-E's fron1 l Tnlvcrs1ty or California Rot BC"rkeh·y ancl lnlt•m · t-d at Chlldrrn's h011pital, San Francisco and l.os Angeles Gen eral ho.<Jpital. She is a memM.r o ' Phi Beta Kappa, Jr.: Phi Slgme Xl medical sorority ; Loa A.ngele· Mf"dlcal IUUKX'lation, Los. .Aoge lE": Genl'ral Practice society and Is a Fellow of the Amertcan Medical &.<1sociation. , Mr. Enalf!n will Introduce hl1> bride to lf'acheru of the cltv i-c hooll'I at s reception to be hel(I Sunday at the ho111 (' of his . sccre· tary, Mrs. Lillie Baker. Christian Scier;ce Lesson Theme 'Life ' The 111plrltual , lndc,_truct 1blc n9.· turc of man as the image and like· nem1 of Gotl Will be discussed in the Sunday Lesson-Sermon on "Llre" In all Christian Science churcht>s. The Golden Tt<xt IA fronl I J ohn <5:11 l : "This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal lire. a.nd this life is tn his Son." Bible citations Include these words of Jesus fron1 John'3 Goe · pel: "If Yf' continue in 1ny word. lht>n are ye my d !scipl<'s indeC'd ... Verily, verlly :1 say unto you, If a man keep my saying. he sl\ali never see death ... Ask. and ye shall receive, that, your joy may be full .. 18::31 , 61 and 16:24). A pa.ssage from "Science and Health ,with Ke-y. to the Scrip· tµrcs" by Mary Baker Eddy de· clart"s: "The undC'rstandlng that Lite is God, Spirit. lengthens our days by lltrenP,hPnlng our trust ln the deathless reallt)' of'Llfe, Ila almightiness and immortality" (p. 487). DJ!:ATJIS MRS. ~UNNTE JAY Mrs .. Mlnnle Jay, 711, dled Sat- urday In the home of her elater, Mns. Laura Han1JOn, 1607 N. Flow- er St:, Santa Ana. Bom In Wyoming, she had come to C&Ufornla fS.-yean ago. Survivors are one son. T. Wes- ton Jay oe Lido Isle: on·e 1ilter. Mra. H&J\llOn: one brother, Arthur Matthews of lclytlwtld. and one l'T&nddaUC'hter, Terry Jay of Udo 111~. . . tr'unflr&l &ervlce1 were-bdd Tuf'll- day al 11 I . m. ln·tb• 8&11% chapel. Corona ci.J Mar. Rev. ~ul Bab· .belt, paetol"'of the Congreptlo~ chmch. tn Corona del Mar·ofllcl· ated. Interment wtll be tn Wyotn· -!ftr. , J.BNA Ill; iJmmwiD Lena M. Bheplieni, 'llll; ot :I029 ' Barbor Bh'd., COOi& M.... dl«I ~ In th• 9riAge county -. plte.L -. ' ·, - ' .. CREAMERY· co.·, LTD • " . .. • ... TAKE$ PRIDE . ' ... • • • '· f . .. -. • • ... IT'S SELECTION AS EXCLUSIVE AIANUR4CTURER AND DISTRIBUTOR IN ORANGE COUNTY FOR ... I ' A ... MASTER IECE Here la ice Cream arlistry • -• An ice a.!&m IO llood that 11,can bear the name of ' . i1MtooC41.~ Just u a ~tina by R~dt 1h\nd. for da.Uenoe. IO I doee th.ta 0 Ice Cream. made ·~ ~I to a _*'Pe L, America'• fore- 1 mo.t_!uthO!i!>'f ~-~!Inf· As/i for it · by 'name . ~ ( . . . Natura y. an artist' 1 palette plays an lmpor-. . !ant role in llil masterpiece. Pleasing )IOI.II' palate ii e aole aim of DUNCAN HINES ' 'tee Crea . After your-fin! rpoonful •. you'.II be wnvince of ibl matcLleu llavpr ••• you'U· . 81free the delic:iout . al you tllil rich-ta•linll Joe c~ la more . . an any y.iu've ever had. • • RemLnondt maff~ece .~'mate' an ordinaiy ~; IO "- , favorite s~qre ., •• I , •. • up 1118.ttilBVn:o UCLU8 Y JN o~~ OOtll!Tf n ..• • " • I , • DUNCAN HINES Ice Cream. You ~!'fuaily I " 11et up to 25 per cent morelaeaq>by ·~l!i11ht In I DUNCAN Hl~ Ite.C¥am'than in regular ! toe c;ream1. I 1 .. • ' .. Rememb.,_ " ' · I t i,·· ~L · . , . tutu )'OU fneril a nnt paln!fn•t~'° ~ r oa sure (o, •J>~~t• the Muteret-In l c;e C ... m .1 •• ·o iJNCAN'HINES 1"" Cream. I ., I . Get-Duncan j Hillel , Vanilla, ~te, Strawbeuy, or BtJt. ter PecU. • j . I ... I , , • r 4. ' She -l1 nau .. ot IJ'et,,,.._>J 1-lllJls to~om,la'JG .... youtll. 8ho lo +m-by ~ -W~t ot. a.ta ..._, ~ of I ' , • 1 ' •• ' CUIOll<I, ~aw::-Jlaa 0 , tllll'I, Joe • of ~ and -A.of ' ,_......,_ ter. ,.,._ . ~ "' .1- Aqoloo1 ~ ~ and -pw\ .,....,.., .. '~ .. -m --..,. ~Iii 1116 'tltttt--.., ................ ' '!'Ila ' 14'& ....... l&dld lo ct., •. ,. Orh>2ar· '· · ' , • ! . - • • .EASl FIRST STREEt , . . 'r' ' • • • I 1 • ·I _, l • ' . • • • ' I I· • • ..... .. ,"ZING" I OOH, MIU OUI NUIM'f ..sH0W •llU -NU - THE ARCHES . CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a. m. ThrouJh 2 L m.. • Newport Blvd. on Cpe.at Highway NEWPORT'· \ • . I • l • . , I . "' . Kama~s Ptan PAeE s :.:,PART'• ..:. THURSDAY. JAN. le. 1951 "'-~~o~~p=1at~ot ,:~,llE~.S:ii ; KamuiM K'lub, ~-tl>o i:;~----.,, ~-~==~--~-==~;;;;;;i·li;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;i -at !br ~ Jamuey .11\Ht •• , ' ' " 11tt. -... AlvarWo Plaee, ·A . . ..,.._, Mlldnd vlll\)'1 ....s eoo1.o bnounc1ng 1. f. • • --t·to I.be meetlq after -. ·• ~ =:517"c::;:i:.,..-;:,i:; ~· · lllE .1ilC S Mltf A;Jl· -•wi\Jng w.. epent working out ' 6.r to.Jn audlting1 .~urea d dcnu;;.'.frahM1- nno1 detalla or •ti>• llklt Wblcb, th• Pl'OlfODled .. a oerlu or weekly Unga 8 to u ...... :tub will pre .. nt In the caP.,., ~ SatUrdaw be~L·~~ J --uar '2T. 01~~ b·v· a ~ be held at the hllb KJlool 'Juiu· "<;"~ ~-. gmru • -.... ·~....._..,. iT U7 :le-27. pn>CuaJonal -auditor Certlfled:x ·Hubbard Dl&DeUo · Next meeting will, be a po.t· Research Foundation. I For nnation. call trom oonet1 one, on Jan, 31 at 'the )M)me tJ L -m.· to 2 p. m.' Monday th 1 ugh Frtaay ~' )t Wtlma Swants., 263 M:agDoUa 1%0 lrU Ave. • ~ ' f.RONA DEL llU.B llttet, Coot& Kea. . • l . . • • • ' .• . " ·-:. ' Urge Residents (Cootll111ed from hp 11 of CivU HOW-IS YOUR TV Operating? ~:=:::==::=::=::W=::E:AR=::E=::C:'LO=::S:E:D=::O:S=::T:U:UR8:=:D:A:Y:8:=:=:=:=:=~ . . ' OOMMtJ'?li'lTY OAPElis-htt Witte pol.at.a aa accustn.r n.rr at.JJob \.\'t"n t'I: lit• -eeone rrom one of Streutng the lileme. that the life you •ve may be your own or that of a loved one, Hanna uld that •t orpntu.tlonal meetlftR"" held laat week to eel up ftrl!lt a id cla.uea-thf're were only 78 people In attendanee to a1gn up' for, c'uses. He urged all te&ponJlble citizen.a lo attend lhe cl&Me8 i:lst· ed: CaH 011 us to eliminate Your Service P~oblemsi - I • lJw!i •kit. Wt&lcla WW be pan of the Community C• pen · apauored by tlll': CM'ta l\f1\S& Cham~ or For resident.a ot wardl 1 (Bal- boa), 2 I N~rt Beach), and 3 <Newport Height.a) first a Id eluae1 Will be held at the Newport: "'lement.a.ry school on Monday and Wednesday nlg\tu, 7 :30 p . m .. llartlng Monday, J"an, 22. There will be nine clau mttllnp ot tf.to houn each lo m~t the required 18 hours of tn8tructlon for the Ret! Cro68 flrltt aid certificate. Logan Hendrickeon wlll tea c h these cw.ea. I. Factory T re ine d 'Electro ni c T e chnic i11ns Commerce al :Sewport lla.rbor blch IC.bool Fliday and Saturday, Jan. !8 and !1 a t 'J :45 p.m. Tbe ' . ···---- 1 SAM'S SEA FOOD Commnally Capen proram will fMtu~ d,..,..,., mU!llc. da~lft'°, no\'f"l1J' and i.JW'Cialty acta ,,._ • • Complete Course · pa.red by IOC"a;I 1tudlM.. .:hoot. and orpab.at:lmu. 111"""" "111 bto 11 act'4 In ,.ach nl,-ht's Pf>rform&D$f' and tM ahow wUJ be eotlrely dllfereat both nlrtat8. Tickt'ttt •tt kine wld by the C09ta ~t('A. Cham-2. Harbor are a 's la rgest st ock of Radio 11~d TV Service Parts enables 1 us~ to give Prompt Service ' bier of Cotnmer'(!llfl and ..,.UclpatlDI" orruh;aOoo.a. l Prc.s.1 Pho Lo l . . LUNCHEONS-DINNERS ' . I • "At T/ie Sig n of the Swordfish" Bea utiful New end Enlarged Cocktail Lou nge • I SURFSIDE 1 Jlf-t\VCf'n Seal Bfoa.cll and SwtlM"t Peaeb Phonf'!ll: 824-06 -88200 -U0.-19 ---• BILL'S MALT SHOP Re-o'pening Tuesday, January 23rd • 507 East Bay Ave. BALBOA NOW OPEN • Har. 2:010 Hy Morri Fresh Violets 35' BUNCH 609 Y... Balboa Blvd. Balboa THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF AMER ICA'S O U TSTANDING REST AUr,A.NTSI Food l':xporil;r •Pre_.. -0-.looal:J' 8ened, la OUr fl•lque Dlllm• lloom ........................ Na& Deer.· Sewer Program Add New Acts (Contln&Md f tom ~p 1) ' crouing private Ian~ with sewer I f c f c o· pipe lints to acrvc the Orani;::e I or 0 . inner \County Airport du.-lng the war; • • WPA money utilized in joint out-I fall &ew er and Nl'WJX>rl BC'ach cit.v I l,rcr.t•ntn.tion of the "iian of th<' aanltaUon tacllitles ..cl Vt'")opmcnts. \·ear" Rwar<I ant1 tnp notch pro- and death or an attorney proce.'J.'4-J frl'.C•ional ('nl<'rl:tlnmcnt will tea- ing signrd deed~ to needed lanrl - tltlea all have contributrd lo thr tur•' lhf' Friday night ITI <'t'llng and legal C1'l.anglcmcota which may r1•nn1~r d:.nr.. nf thr Nl;"WpOtt N!'qulre an Act of Con;:-rc~ anti ad-f"'1:1rHhrr or r·onlmPrrc at lhe Bal- F or resldcnl.8 of W'ard 4 ( Ba:boa l5land) and \Vnrd ft !Corona del Marl the-first a.Id clusea taught by Frf'd Simpson will be held Tueldey 11.t 7:30 p . m . Al t he Co- rona. drt Mar M:hool. Protect your f amily 'a nd your· iclf against emcrgcncic.a by at· tending the&c· first a id cluaes next W(>(>k. dlUonaJ •t.atr l<"'r;:is'at-ou to clar1f)·, tx• .. nAv r·iuh. Brt"ck Dusf it wu explainrd. l Twvnty-!"'o othr r &'4'ards will ~ b·• p-t•rtf'nl•'<I l.u rlU7.t•ne wh08e con-P~lb!r \\'3r l mpra('t l r1 ~1t1nnR lo th,-. con1munlly hS:vt" tCnntlnoed f rom F..,e J ) Thi• Impact or pr1...°'SllJlt> \\'Ur n1ay bo.·1·11 n11t.,.lnndln~ during· 1950 lh'llr money. Expepudve advertla- rt'.!;'Uit In a tl~Jhlf'ning: by stalr au· N,.,,,.. off1rc r:ii of lb<" Cha.rubcr of ·Ing . thorltle11 of tbf'lr control of $):"l3.· C"on1 p11•rf't' w ·ll also t)f' sralt"d. Anyone with "stamina enough )()()no,,,.• av1i1.llablc-for·Dssistnne•• lo F.nl r rt"t1n ;ncnt chair man Tom will remember lhat thlll dept. hu .hr sanitation f1nan!' .,;:::, It \\·at: df'-Nn ~to., nnnnuncriJ lhnt lht' prn-hft>n worrying for years about the tt'lopcd. S..•l:&lll!\" thr <l .l"ltrict can-r r.it1n will b.-providf'<l by worlrt lack or w'nter activity In our Har· \Ol now quRlify for thC' m nnf'y fnn1uu3 r lfJ"·n. Po•pito Prrrr., anti bor district. The problem ot otter· wilhln the t1rue l1111 1t J>t•t, u f(•qu('st t11J11 lR'rnlf'd "'If<" Joan. contortion· ing eager vlailors eometh lng to c;1o 'o thl' slate l..A!J.:il'llature to grant i:~t 11.nrl dnnf'rr. Lionel Kay and when they com.e down here with 3. L11te5t Mode rn Testing Equ ipment • AuthoriJed Dealers for Philco -Admiral -We:;t.inghouse ' ' \ddltlonal t1mt' w1 :1 bl' nt.-c('ssary, l<athlrrn, a humnrowi magic duo dlmea 'n quartt'n janglin g ln lhelr ., t ~'::t ·~~tr.ti~ opprt•Vt'(I are lhl' ( ~'~hh"n!1::e.~~l~~r~ilfy1'~~~n ~~ :c~~iu~~ ~;~~ ~.~~e i:::. H iglJ· Quality Printing t Ph. Hgr' ~, 614 nany purchiae 11.grt>t•n1~n.ta by f n11)rtd llor•'-'Llh<>". will entert&ln But It• alao an impoulbte bual· 'H • }, Q 1.. J • • . ~ ~htch the various dlatrlde will with thrlr own brand of rib-lick· n ... r.rmerchantotl>remaln.~ 19 . ua 1-ty Pr11nt1n9 I Ph .. ·H '· 161 teek I to buy the fadllt.lc• ut ~' llnJt l r,;cmem•ln. ~ S l ylb.it all winter wlth onty j Wffk~d · I ~ i • ' I . ,_ . 1 -1 ' .. • • ·--... _ .. __ .. . . ... ITALIAN COTT AGE. :>ran¥e Cou.AtY.. Outfall Sc-wer Edtlh Davi• ¥£111 tound·ou.t Urie en· bla.9ipMe, and aomelimea vtty tit,. 1 • • 'f ~*-. " 4 'I t · • ... .,. .... _ -.U,~flt'~ r...,..... aa nuch!:u. or I terlalnmcnl . .--Ue: ot It.hat. I ., • - he toun'ty • lW1de actup. "Ma.r~• The Chamber ot Commerce In· Wbat we need i. ~eone witb F · u . N . Z 10 rN.'E , C f'ORMERLY HARRISON"S' 17th and ORANGE COSTA MESA Featuring ,BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH ~LIAN (, Open 11 :00 a. m. to 9 p. m. I • ----;>~ PU:l\'TY OF FREE PARIUN'O •<1(11'---- .. You 'll' Be Sorry ' If You Miss the 2nd ANNVAL ELKS MINSTREL SHOW · • ... . , • • Feb. 9th and 10th NEWPORT HARBOR HI-SCHOOL AUDITORIUM I ' Bring the Kiddies -They11 Love it · · ~ -• , • ' rickets Are Available N~w • Ftoi:n Any Elk '· • ' or:pho~ HARIOR 2917 ai:id RESERVE Yo..-Seats' NOW .. .. t ,.I • • • • • • ' • •alfj that theY WQllld bt con1pleted forms ur. that the a\v•rd present.a-~ cryata.I ball. to gt~ · an klea 'In a w,ttk or 10 .. day8." Ht" in.si.tJl· l tlun111 will be .ahort. with a "no how lo bring enough flora dur· 'l1 that the Un1e 1ln1it v.·u ap-j !o4P"''t'h" rule governing the pro-ing the winter 80 there won't be 1roachlng and BJ>eeflY action c&n c<'"1l11rr . 'l.ny "away for vacation" •lgna in be E'XJ>fi:led . I TIC'kr l.!J for th(' dtnner~ce a ·1 the wlndow11! ' Ht' warned, referrin& to the rur· 1 n1!!t•llng ar(' Bvltihab·e at lhe ·haac •J:"n."('mrnl.s. that '"A·e mul'lt r1u,1nbf>r of CumJnrrce office In •• QU:f l&Vt' lhl'lll 80011 . And it we don't Qu.llxut . lht> l~y club. the N<"W· Mpps,y,.rs ;et the $553,000, the y,•holt' pro· 1 porl·Ha.lboo Prcr.n ofC:ce or from ;ram blowa tqJ." an ~· d1r«·!or. C('l yri11r llckPl be-- Supervisor11 1JOme time ago set I fu· r 1t·1 loo lal<'. This event pro1n· Feb. 1 u deadline fo r, lh(' county's ! U1t·~ to b(' O:-ll' of the brightest of 1~ver&l Mn Ila.lion dJslrict.1:1 lo 1 lhr ~nr. ' I . .:lalm thl'.' ~.,.000 grant -or l It.' I --~-~.- county wou -~:UMe the money. Un· B ak G d ·Jcr preMnt' '!lMlc rcgulaliona, the re roun engineering muat be con1pletC"d by ( (.'onllnuNI from Page I ) Dec. 31, lDjl, arnJ all wor·k con\· plelcd for .payrnent by Dec. 31, 19~2 . VISIT A:J' ARLl.NGTOS Mr. and Mra. R&ymontl K. F.&ut- nan or 1801 N~wport Ave., Coata Meu., drove lo A rllngton Sund&y for a vialt wJth Mn. ROM' Horbak. -Peop\e do read the Presa ad.a. nounced that it would be complelC'· ly furnished with new e<1uipment throughout. · 1"ht> bulletin,:: w l I be principally n1a1le of cc1ru•nt block, ~ith a red briC'k ftnd atlKX'o rront facing Ma.tn SL Gius brick will Al.so be" utiliz- ed for mor(' efficient lighting Dean Kephart la i.ne. cc;;ntractor for the building; Perry Smith, the architect. I • ... .. • '• (Conttnued from Pact' l l will probably be tn tot a good deal at dlscualon at the Monday meet· Ing. Stat.«"a Propotfal In his lt'lter Fipps at.ate~. "I have a propoN.I to make. ~nd your. petition to m~ and I'JI not only elgn it but I'll obtain l'Uf· ficlent signalui'ee of property own-~r11 on the bluff aide to bring you/ ratio of objector• to oYer SO per cent and the city council cannot authorize lhe &SReument d:ist.rlcL "I only request .tn '}tum lhal vou joln with our grolip and get the council to la.kc Ule nece9ary 1tepa to forever preverit the prop- erty 80~th of the prcaent curb line on Ocean Blvd. from belng Wied tor street or road pUrpotel." OP'E~ EVERY FRIDAY,' S~TURDAY -. and SUNDAY BALIOA l' INVENTORY. SALE AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES AT GREAT REDUC.TIONS • ., CAR HEATERS ····-········· ........ : Reg. 19.95--&le 1595 ( . tyo LIGHTS ................ Reg. 12.!>5 pr . ..,..Sale 11'5 . 'Miri-FR~EZE •m•••••mm Reg. 3.59 gal.~ 0 ?'8·: TIRE CHAINS -~---· ......... ~g. 8.50 pr.-Sale 759 , 800x.18 , .- F'tj>po haa lndlcat<d that the rcaaon be wa.nla the road situation settled ls so he may continue building homes Qn the bluff side >f t he boulevard where he owns oroperty. Hts la..od ill level enough .o permit him to conatruct houaea >n ,Oct:an Blvd. without the ac·. ~ea road. A big aect11on muat ~~:~ad: b~:S=en. 11~1=8S:=·=~=N=ewpo==rt=B=lv=d.==Bea==co=n:::========~J Vt.it Ovt New Oreparllne:M ' :._-.~------- •• • F or Otte.-alld UHaie w.,_ HOU8f; a OA&DEll '. •11 r-11 u..,.: N...,..rf - ' • I ~- • • ' 1. I I 1. I ' \ • !::!~~~~!!~'!•!!:.!I '!..--l~!!!::~!~:~·~·~!L"!!!"!c~·~~~·~·~!-!·~·~.,.~F:... ~ roa UY " a•MW ~-il"Oll;;:;~ .... ;;;;"'i;::-;.Oll;j,Li.~.:a •• -1 8 ~ · PAPER HAN.GING t VAWJQil •••,;i:,:.•1" ,_ .. ...,. •• ,, ....... .-... ... -AL4 r r . Wm , at --Ii "' -al hid , ....... c. l .____ and PAINTING bl U.;4 AppUUcee , ... f4ll. .... -· lllH\. -clol-. call lf8'. l.L "*"!Aa-.. , a •••• ""< ' ' • \ . ".. .... a...~C'A9e .. ' . ~. Kenn' eth' Aoi,._ , 4J ... la pod~"' ' . -. NelOa Ql'L• __ , ......_te 'D'm.t. T V,'.t. T Jni!9 "' .. _.,, "'~''l\i_,.~..,. uarwn11 TABl.11 ... a. .... 11:-"&llHU ·-~---~-• ,..; .. t;: ~-.. ~"+' ........ ...,. . w•ao;:,...u;:::=-'1 ~~-r-:.. :.~ .... ~i:,:.~ w~~~~-=-. . . ! , ... ~·· Bto~atdc-'' 111pt1 a. f<' IT.... -_...· •• -:-r. -t.. ~ -r 1-1!'· , al. .COil .:::O!fi>,n ...._. A'l'TRAC'l'IVll Nqrtls Bair -J ........... I lofP ...... ploo . 1----------· -.. ...,. ... u..... .,.. cau -un'lf"" u11r filrplliood eotiap. ~ 1"N. .. _ ~ oa o...c IPW'f. . ' NE~TDQ:S. -Every Tueday NEWPORT BAY POST-' Wedneecla-.. · · .,.., Dice con · · ·!"'.-~.oath aldfl,.. i-. .,$3 Qoo dJr ,,. ~ REP AIRING and I t--_,,:._ .. __ .:.-, •. 1111 • Vie buy, llill or trade. I BIOHL'( ~ ...,111r1a ...,,,_ HJ·it. • 1 · 1 IMO • , • • P • .,..,........,,.yG • -IS cu. ft. .. 88.llli Oall 111 u4 MYe ~; jWuld 1111e ill .mo~ to __. .:-• _::_... 1 '-· l n. •• .;;-.. F . t. 1 A.U'I .L.u'I • l"rtildall1I. e cu. tt. · ...... w ... 1o 1o -... -.............. ).i;.-~ · . ~ ront· . IUWIONABI& i,..p or -loii)oil..Jcio~ Uke r Crawley'& lJaed -room with kltcba prt..u.p. I'll. =-....i.apt,:'<1-i:.-:: LO~Y JoBDIUIL sTuOCO Dd. NEWPOaT,BAJ..BoA PRDIS-Tlumcla'y& Ii'°"' ItllisWPMtO ._,.. __ .. a.T ·1r1 lfaw• .. F Fl .... r.as''I .... -llDl1llt1J( .t.D •• U!ID Al Os '""' ... W M fUI fw 0.. .... , EN el I 01Mat .. 4 lber 1 Paper f .111 . 4 laer · · ! Papen LllO • 4 Unee S hpen · , LOO 'ftie publloben wlD nol be Nlp<l1lll>lo-fer ""'" taan --•ocl ~ al an •-ent, .-ne lhe <l&llt to c:onecU:J •'•"'fJ ._, &Dd aD &di: uuf to reject ao7 adft.rtbement not cantonnina to rillN llDll replallona. Adnrllaemenla and cancollotJ-w1lf t. ~ up 1o 5 p.m. on the da,J ~ publlc,tlon. Pl!. Bar. lilt -llM, 1111, DOit for "A• l'iiho" w --.. -,__ le NICWPOSr RA•wo• P1lllLlllllINO 00. nn -llhd., N0Wp.n -• Oz111..- .rc:-. ~ :.U:-... ~ ~=· , ~ refrllvator 14.911 . Furniture • ~~!.00 11</Uth ~ ~~ .=;,~ . "1· nO' ..,~ .... °"' 11 ~ • ""'· . "r. ~. OlllJ. •na. • \ Harbor ·•1·R. 1101111 I ALSO I 23116 New't,~ COit& M-.· I I . .,, ~-.J l8aTl HICll s-m>Jur sons . olll. ' Elle. water beater, a BAR-I PhlXW Bee.coll GOlW w:,:: ~~ .;..:,~ "':i BBA.~L ,_,~li *41iN a-la.~ JN. Stop !;°2-,FIN.2.a1eeo1.. ' GAJN jl . . MAPLS dlllllls -. t pcs. Maple June. AOUJI& R•-ablo. I'll. ·~·~::,/~7'.::.4' =-~-$$100 termS j FRR JaTDU.TSll . eotrM la-and end l1blM. An• -lllM-.1. ""'1 mit&L Ill --~ f A-.e. • • ' ' ~ fJll.J ' BaYe ~ f-Sood TV-dlrona and -fin -. ~ ' Corona dtl llW. cau"...._ 8&1. . • A. NJ!:RESON I \ 1Gc4T JUS'f TRADED fIN! ~tl>w.~~ =-~ -PU'l'llDITS· • 801'111111 ,_, suli'.'~bor 0Cif4·1\ fetcn 1, Newport 'mva .. eo.ia x-.. • DA 'W?Tc!o BROWN CO. I Oil. ti. 206 Oonl Ave., Ba-8ALllOA PENINBtlt.A-BMuU· . Bal,_.:,_ ., .. 1' d Pbone ~n 522:! l_,_11.U.8 '1• ~ BM!. Coot& x-Illond. ' lllc'lll "'11.Y tumllbed. ' l>edrm. apt. UV& ..... an TINT 1 Bea-Wl . Bundeck. Oanae, 'Wlntn or P'llRNlBHED l·llilrm _apt,. th June I PHOTO I a BOA.ft, l11l'PUD • yearl,Y. Ruoonable. Phone Har-15th. I . 'AI.MOST. NEW Have your l'avorlto photosraplt BllRVBL tu,Ntrt ..... lor, 'f .... fl. ,.. Spl M••er '48 a-y. HOOQ bor oe12-w.. . &TCTZ ERNIE SMITH, Realtor T'l'lo BDIU4. honle in exc"'enl band Unled. Writo -ud like ftri;-JlflO, Pboae H&rl>or • ·-' '" 0 ·-·-· • 12611 Cola iltvd., eor-o.a dtl llor 1 · .,.. addNM an back ol photo. AJlo llJT or -at 111 Ithlca, Lido 20: cai.. cru!Nt, ced&I' hull Sl,400 LIDO ISLE . Pbone Harbor 1687 lcicatlon on UTl'LE ISLAND. nauu.J c:olortq. Price Sl.IO ~ Ille. . lllcTO JJ' Bpi. !llMr, ChNcT&tt 8 Sl,200 It ,.., want a Nlll&I Oii UDO " · • • ' 89c ..\.para1e guett room and bath. ' &END. TO BANI>RA' ' i 25 ' C&b .. boat, t cyl OD«· .... $ TOO lllLlC w Ill. ~ral -!only I 20llO IC. Ocean ll'l<mt Balbot. SLllCTIUC WAllHICR wllh pump. 20, C&b Comm. ,..._,Len S 600 apta. •AJ.!o bomN aw'Deblo ~MS ii'()•, llliNT , Teed to ..U quickly. .. -· -IClc-CCICld1UOn. $2S. Pllmi• . . -·-· •· ' AI'M· R .. Classified Index "--. u Balldbt• ---U Balldla• 8er- Hl'1!-1o 11,llloareYoarOu ur-po-.ioa nlleoftaceoa- u~Alda Hlrilor Ol3&-W. 8Tp&9 17' C&b. nmob'I, Gray 4 c7l S MO P. A. P ! l!j NICll LAROIC ftOMT· JIOOM A } -· Rug and Upholstery AIR :::r:= WO~! 31 ~,'!~a'y.7t;, !~~ ~ 1!1:.w 3383 v~~Rro~:x:_ 1llOO kitchen, '8UM1 mo., 11nem ano ST.Jnb H!.DFIELD ,. Cl anm. g an·d Dyem· g Cl\Ali'T ··• uwiu. ~· 2 ·peop1.. . , e pall', ypur local dealer to . ' 88dl9H . ' Utfc WORKING men'a home! ltoo-218 Marine, Bal-lai. HarbOr 20 WI! apedallSe 111 cl~ Rup SNAP-ON-TOO GOOD BOAT GEAR LARGE TRAILER in lovely court. '1 pOr ~ Ou !\•tori <*Ch ' " ;:!, ~ 0~· .!"'" ~ Pbone Jobn Kimble, Har. ,108T-R Adulta. $30 mo. nn PomdoL ~..:;;.,~_rw'r' ~-. 28~i· · ~ * LOO~ * • ·u Uploiotertq M'.B-"Aldo ltLoo\Ud ........ u smooa. i.u..-.. , ii 81--W•ted H Hl!Jp w .. w IO Sale, Mbtt'b...,_ ....... _ n WUted to a.,. n ll'llnl"'"' ,... -ft·A ADU.- Jl -Bmu..--M NM-- 88 .,...,~rea .,.. PatlJlr7, -la nu..- 'ASpodal~t M .. wt 11i OpporUadU. u w .. w ·to -· ·u~MdH- 44-for-l "' .... IO"e'llMO'" .. _ ..... _ n~ . U A.stomtMtt, Ttr. 4tA-WUlio<I '50 Aato Sentce lo--BUsnasB GUIDE COllPLSrll HOUSll CLllANINO """'-Plmlllun and "'" atwnpooed. · rree Mttm•'•• Full7 -Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co . Be1cm llll T2tfo 'Funiiture Repairing Chair bottoms re.n.-.S. cane °' opllnt. Chair roundo, baeb and rocl<en replacod; alao ,....iuln6 . HARVll:Y'S FURNlTURID REPAIR SHOP 2060 Santa Ana An., ea.ta l(eea --8113-J. 1Tcl8B • II-BUILDING llEBVJCES PAINTING , EARL SHEFLIN 27! Palmer SL, Cost.a M- Bild qeteftL • 174:4 M.lram&r, Balboa . ProP,., line, moton-fiab net, etc. Costa Meaa. Ph. Beacon &7t7-J . , uainl' Ille fanloua -~h BUT • BELL. TRADE. CONSIGN 63tf, c -------~~---4 . lloilrooma. s ba rooma. ocean RU08 DYICD --------~---Some Xlnt boat buya, 8 tt.-80 tt'. M-A-IU!:8T BOMEIJ View, n8W moo.m 2·alory year• LET ua. make )"Wr old nlP and BENDIX automaUc waaheJ". like • • _. ... • 1.-. • • • • • · &fOund, home. COmpleteJ:y tu·rn. l'llmlturo look lllle ' new wl\b now, HO and mtoc . .hou•hold TRADING PORT RENTAL 11 • REST" ffAtTlmlJ ITU ll!ul Ocean:!Bl.vd., Balboa. briJhl. ·-color!. Work.....,. ltemo. Phone HarbOr 3111-W. . SPECIALISTS r ~· Jt\,r •"""'•Un to -call ---"'-~ n-•1-3108 Lataym:te, Nwpt. Har.1020--W r,.......... FRllllC -·~·-· r~ -u -8Tp89 86c&&H · . Pensionero Welcome. "1"'er-H&Jtlor 2543. llldl9-H A N L E A • S , cau 111c1Da ~ 152 eabrUlo, eo.ta !4- PRICED TO SICLL QUICK! Thor CHRYSLER ROY AI.,-,2 to 1 Re· L. d v· ' Rlto Belly laeber( , Bea:. ITU-W CORONA DEL MAR-'New i bed· :.1039 Harbor Blvd. Colla ,,,_ Automap: waahlnr nl+c:hlne-ductlon. Good condition. PJlone lD:WOO lC , r • 81c19h room br!ek and atue<o home. lkUB Dlahw&lber comb. 175. 1 l'#tn Beacon st!K>. 82tfc Balboa lal&nd. Bar. _,.. ncM !C!nra large p.r&ge. Room for alze matttt• and 1 mattna • · ~ ~US 2 can and apace for work room: Alcoholla AllOll)'DIOll8 pad. lllt Ill. Ocoan Front, Bal· COMPLETELY turnlahed l bed· Fo.._i aJr beat., -Tenna can ba Write. P . o. Box 206 -. H&rbor 0823.J. 8TpTI New -New -New rm. apt. at i09 Ill. Balboa BJvd., ON NEWPORT BLVD., Colla uranp<1. Call owner at Harbor =Kim~~------------HUDSON INVADER Balb<I&. UW. pd. Winter or/.:!"" Me~torqo -· or cnal1 •988 alter 5 :30 p. m. ITtfe -·· Television Service ly. Inquire 900 E. Ocean nt •bop 20 ' x SO'. Heavy wlrinl' RADIO REPAIRS o• _Phone ffilrbor 213T. ~dl9 $:15 mo. Phone Beacon "!!:RTl. WOMAN WANTS houMWork by the day. Good °'t'eterenetil. Apt. No. 2. J91T Cburch St .• 0.t.& M.... 89P SMALL M 0 T 0 R SCOOTICR- Nearly .new. W~lb nutd drive.. Make offer! Marine Engines _ 2'15 H.P. EL TORO MARINES PRICED TO SELL See John Harvey at Seacraft 025 COAST HJGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Ph. BEACON 5TTl 2tfc LOW WJNTE\l RATES TWO BDRM. APT., llvlngroom, bath kitchen, view of ocean and bay. ' Quiet location. %: ' hr. ,drive to bue. Suitable for 2 couples.. Utllttiea included, ...... , ... $68 mo. 132~ E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2278-\Y 68c70 Square Diµicing? · We have a portable public addreu aystem, record p1-yer and am- plifier to rnt for pmea and parties. DA VIS-BROWN CO. 1885 Harbor Blvd.. Coe:ta MeHa Beacon 6821 RESIDENTIAL COSTA ~~?~ARTMENT I COURT-8 modern unlta, -tn~ come $5,750 annually -com-· pletely rented -each apt. bu 2 'B . R. -Bath -Liv. Room - Ktt. -with butlt ln rombtnation d1ah waah.. It wuhing machlne. Price $48,500. Tcrma. Phone Kimberly 3·TTT8. · 88dl1I • Bl TraUera 5! AJrplanee Sil M_,-to Le.a M Moaey Wanted 51 Real S.tate Waoted 11 Ranche9, Acreace I01-..... pol't7 11 ae.t r.nate b ...... p • ~ *!'a'tt lle&. t45T·M .... INTERIOR -mllRIOR PAINTING LICENSED = INBUIUCD Glenn Johnston 001 • llllt. St, Newport .Beach HUbo• 2291..J Me(S WILL OM rent t'tff (ullUUM paid! of mtall modem flJ1'1llelloed houae rn oehanp for eve of children a day• a week. Ph0tte Beacon tMT-W. CM<:S9 WANTED-DISH WA.llHE\. AP. ply SNACK SHOP, lilt Oout Hlgh-y, Corona de! Kar. eTeell WE HA VE one openlnc onl,J f'W .. Pld l<iepMD• ........ ,. !Pr~ ~In NO#portorHanor-41- trMll•e houn. ·l'M4 PQ', 1!"orll In your 'baP.1• U .fOU clealre, For appoln tment, c&ll Mr. Burpo, 0pm--r~s LIGHT PLANT · 512 • 29th SL, Newport Beach 88p89H BOYS' BCHWIN BICYCLE, 28" \II S"ood condition, 1 yr. old. m HA Vt: GOOD low mileage '.f.8 Packard sedan to trade on 28 tt. fllhlng boat. Ph. Harbor 1320..J. . 88c73 . Redlanda A.Vt!., N~rt Height.a ------------ Beacon 62~-M. Uc70 TWO Pre.war porcela.ll\. l•undry Wbe With 2 double faucet., Bar- pin. ·u2. Phone Beaoon MT1 . BOOKS-SEA BOOKS A ttne •tock ot bOOka on au yactlt- lns aubJeci.-Plwo all c:u.,....t booka. Loudin• llb....,,. UNFURNISHED 3 RM.. APT., lge. living rm .. bdrm., kitchen. bath. Panel ray heat. Frigidaire and stove furnished. 317 Heliotrope, Corona det Mar. Phone Harbor 2989-W. 64ltc IN NEWPORT, cio111e to ocean, 2 bed.rm. !umiahed holl3e, p.rage. Water and gas paid, $M mo. Pb.. a.aeon M87-ll. 6Stfc U-AUTOlllOlllLES, TIBE!l ' NEW CAR .... ! ' TRADE-INS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT will take thi8 2 ~m bou9e at 1142 Rlvera:de, Newport HdgbJa. ALSO 2 bedrm. home, 23822 .,nug Harbor Rd., Clift Haven. ~docaped. ~ now avail· l able. Owner .M&nning, Beacoll a;ro-1. I 113tt~ IS8c10 . ' 11-WANf!CD TO llUl' Klmberly 2--4MH, S&nta Ana. between 9 a, m , and 12 noon. 87dl9 HARBOR Spring Events AREA Planned for B~~~ :'~o~~~,1;.1. to• of- The Islanders 2H Marine, Balboa ta. Bar 1M1 Small Boat Mart BOATS BOUGHT, SOLD and ac- cepted on conalgnment. G L c M Girl Scouts WANTED-Female cook fo• prl· nee. to be moved. Cub deal, · IR • • aubm.lt Box P , th11 paper. 88c69 vale home. sta>tlnir Feb. 15th. Balboa Marina BA YFRON't'. RENT A.L, l bdrm., to June l~th. $70 mo. . 2 BDRM., 2-bath naytront. Rea· ' 90nable. · , GREENLEAF' 'A ASSOC. 3112 NeWport Blvd. • Har. Z!l!\2 . '49 Mertury .Club-Cpe. I . . radio, heater, very nice ................. ~ ....... $1696 '49 Ford 2-dr., Radio · B~boa ~~T' Ho~ MJem 2 bdnna a.nd den, 2, bat.ha. L:arge living rm ~d dinl.nl rm. fi•rty fumiehe~ 16000 down. ' See owner, 1440 West Bay Ave. or Phone Har. 0896-M. .. 59cT2 Buslneaa W83 combtned with a Reference&. Write Box o, .. thil .. 802 Co •• 1 h H bo OT7l YEARLY RENT~ Li& Isle. heater .~.:., ........ .,.,. .. , 1495 SCOUT workahlp when · the Costa Mesa paper. 17c61 IS-FURNITURE FOR SALE ' ut n g way, u r BeautiruJ new 1 bdrm. untum. THE PRES C! Girl Scout Leader A.Mociatlon met ---~---------MclS apt. Fireplace. Garage. PO mo. ~ recently. MM!. Beverly Oeler RELIAB~ WOMAN for b...-New and Used MAHOGANY trimmed runabout 200 Via Antlbea, Lido lele. Hu-'46 Olds 98 Sedanette THE NEWS TIMES NEWS taught songs to the group. Mr•. work and cookinl" plal:n. dlnner, 1314 n . ,inboard water cooled Bor 2793-J. (Agent.a, note), Hydromatic R Ir. ff 1195 - """T motor. New pa.int, Priced to aell. ..:v--Y'Joo presented the tentative ptorram Phone Beacon eo8S. .....,., 0 tze. Weatem- F.dlth Ludl. p•og..am chairman. ' hour• 1 lo 7 p. m .• day• a week. Furniture Bargains """'D • I . THE POST ' r ~,: t, M5tb paH.d•E.GITNI Sook utll for the coming year to include AptH. u" • ~N~'ge. C&JAl Dal e~~·HHat-bObor .. °!',.~4-J or .~~y7s0 BALBOA -.. Fumtahed ·1 bedroom '46 Pilckard -kir. Sed. ~r; n.. . ac .FOR 2 OR 3 MONTIµ' -Want o y, ~ ~,,... · ,..... ar r SN66. ..-... apL Inquire 901 It. Bay Front, Meet& Friday. at Luthttao. Church Juliette Low Day, Play Day and woman to take complete care of NEW apt. a1se gu range, 4. ------------Rf!coud..-engine. A Newport Helsbto ~~~ ~leA:1~:'1~ -:;;;-;,· ~~~: . two ochool age children (9 and bumen and oven -~.110. Walt's Trading Post Bal~~ •• Harbor ()351-W buy .................. ~---· 795 Orange County's Aiming Iowan! Second Cla .. February France• CbUda dLICuso 11 yn.) Li•• in. Bend)Jt. TV., Wesllnghouae .etrlgerato" 7 cu. Used Marm' e r<-ar Slp buts tan cJ ,· n.g • this troop l8 ata.rttag work on the .:<.. • -etc. Pb. Bubor Ofi21·W. UpTO n.., LIKJ: NEW· U1: eu the lmporta.nc:e ot the ISUcce:&I T Waln ~ l • I u .. •-OL DUP' -unru-lab·" •ew '41 F rd Conv Rebw'lt field of Hea.lth and Safety. Sever:, ut ~room 9e , "' P ecea. Nautical Deooratlona Md '"'eu 7': ~ -~·· oeu, •• • 0 . • al OUtlngB tor th• spring are being of the ~ ..... a m .... of raiaing EXPERIENCICD BOOKKl'ICPl:R Magic Chef table-top range, .ltaln· 422-SOth SI. Newport Bead• ly deoo~ted. 1'720 Anaheim, Ori black 645 Re a I Estate con.sldered by the girls at the troop hinds u well u tinanclng Three % day• per week. TIDI: 1 ... •teel top, ST9.M , Open SundQ'I Ph.,Har. 2470 ea.ta Me.ea. -Call Laguna Beach r eng. g. -·· meetings and new ot!lcer• have lhe overall expenditure!, TV, 3011 . Wut Newport Blvd .• NEW MAJESTIC port&bl~ -.ew-f-6692. 9Tc69 Advertising elected. Gayle stu"l-gea I• :·· Grac:;:mspeth,:tiwganftf,Jlut:;:" Newport Beac1l()'or appt. phone . IIir ml(:hti>co. ~40, lttma U.-MUBICAL. RADIO · •. """GUE lft'Uttfr"' to ~~ '41; ·~-. -! ' ~~ · . . · ~'-!~ ~~~ al-i t ~1b6llljd Ip..,. the , . '.NIWJ 'maple d.lnette Mt, butterfl)' RENT A PJ..uiO. r month. tat \or . . . •10.. ., . 'f J , 'f ; V" ,,.t-~am;b aec ... ~i •r!W!_,,ne ., .. r e ;•Bar.208. ' lllcell lt •2.10-.,f1.26permoctb. ' ~-.. ,, . ..... ' ". bis1;· ·t . ~ m.,, ... ·-· ancr Nancy rlln Wthe eo m Ing lnve.aUture cerfll'lOny, ~ve qpenlp,, for ' ~Jienced ' di-9; leaf Jabl• &nd .. Odd3-'bac)c: . All fnt ..... 11 '11S!J o":"'t:lu With-. tr.. .u;u . .,pd..\..CldsJ .. to •tc>rel. .. I u , ,_, ·-· ,£J \ -'=+'--'--'--'---"-----"---- UUl't'r) " i / ~ , ~e Cba.ltmwt Mrs. Marte "Park-' ,taMMm't/r bid\tet. 'Bill deal lo chairs. 2 only sse.50 le ITD..50. ln t:m._ o~z-s6a~ fi20 1006 Balboa Ave., Ba.Ibo& bland. ul..roNEY TO LOAN . er announced that the v&lioua area. 1 New · and Ueed Furniture N Main Santa An ' 871:69 Beach T._ n. 6tb vad<' Girl Scouto troopa ww take· tu,.,.. keepinc ERNIE SMITH, Realtor 0· • a. Laguna "-'-*' Mn. w. Kaaold the Scout Hoiae clean due lo. th• l"~ co·-HIGHWAY Dale's Furn1'ture YEARLY RENTAL -nearly n<W LOANS For Homes k f JanJ ·~ ~· BUNGALOW .pPRIQHT piano In lower duplex. Completely fur· Lincoln -Mercury i Meeto ~ at Glri Seout Houae lac o a tor. Corona. del Mar Barbo< 2187 ltn Hart>or Blvd. Bea. 510'7-W p0rfect c:ondltlon. Terms $50 nbhed. Near bay and shopplngth 4 01. ..:11 01. Int. Thia troop will start work on a Announcement that a few elc70 down and 1115 ptt mo. at Ph Ha bO l60 NORTH , COAST BLVD. ~/O -.., 72 1° new pi'oJect that ot puppeta. M1a8 Brownle and Scout unifonn. are \ 8HAJl"ER'8 MUSIC co., (81nce dlatrict, Balboa. one · r r N ~~ ll l d t available wu made by Mn. Ven· ~ •N W • -D·. Good o-nlng: Jack's Furniture 131T·W. 88cTO ' ( term. I Low _.,.., ,&ncy v-..neron, co ege • u en .m.IL lt...I" ...... ,.... 1907) t21 J"l . Bycamote, Sa.n.ta , t .......... & Beach . 8 . ln I'. B. A..,aad O. L and co-leader with Mrs, Kanold.. la tor& Clawaon. Anyone bavin.C used Sell, deliver RawleJ&.h Producta. 1501 Balb9& Blvd . ., Newport Bch .An&. KL 2-0812. 92tfc YEARLY RENTAL-1 Bdrm. apt. . ---t;~. Plana. 5%" o ·"'trUctibn Loan. connrttnr a stage ln her home for unl!orm• to donate <Q requested to Year around! ateady work LD ~~tt.reuu, chelta. 1tovea, 3711 W. Balboa Blvd., $45 mo,, Ph. , .:., .• ~a Beal ch 45525 CALL BOB U..TTLD the uae of the troop in putting call Beacon 8311-M. Mn. Thelma City of Newport Beach. Oood re, .. ._ ..... t.on. etc. USED PIA.NOS from HI up. GOod utilities pa.id. UD5~ on puppet 1how•, The girl.a will "Miner wa.s appointed ho1p.ltalltf· prottta to Hu.tier. Wrtte Raw· • Untbtlabed F'u.rniture. playlnl" aondJUon. DA.NZ. REALTY Bar. Sl"ll for ,,ee. Appnlal IOOft •cut patterns for the puppeta cbatrman o! the orpnl&atJon. Mn. lelch'•, Dept. CAA...a-117, fTOT BUY! SZLL or TRADE SCRKIDT, 520 No. Ma.In, Santa 8l16 Ne=:rt i1vd., NeM'pOrt Bch. ! ftMt. POIRIER MORTOA.QS OO. and later make costumes and n-Dorothy Boltnee, au.isled by Mn. J!:u:t 49t.h St., Lo9 AnJ'el.el 11, ~e Harbor 2602-R Ana, cor. Ith. Harbor 14~ ~9 :;, CHSV. BED .... "····-. ., ........ $ 4.9 Me~. Lite in.. Vµ.nda. Kl S-611a ... nally give stiowa. Jessica Roberta Irma Shaw will p......,t ten Girl Calif. _"'-. lllp '4<:T8 BPIDCIAL BUY WHILE THEY •35 PLY. CPE .......... !..-... ·-· 145 1 , -la th• new prealdent of the troop Scour.. In •skit at the Coot+ M... BAMBOO l'U.'l'r.UO lllOP9 ONE FURNISH£D A.Pr .• one un-'ST DODGE SED ... : ............ t9:i !olORTG_ AGE LOANS a.a.11 ta tn charge of refl'ffhment.a Community Caper&. .._.~ MllMlD'.AMmua 0-.plete line. ~)'OIL LAST! New 120 baa BonelU furnished. Yearly rental. UUL 'fl STUDS. SED ...... __ , ... _, H5 8.nd birthday celebrationa tor the ~ ,._1 A..;IN 6 8ua. :a.a.. ltallal\ accordlou and cue, pd. Ad&lta. Downtown Balboa: •ti DODGE SED ... ·-··-·--· HG Low lnte~ Rat.M month. EVERYTHING i;., '1Ta Q;;.. 4 ..._ IAl!IDll •1118.95. Tmns. $19.96 down ,and Reuonable. Contact Or an.~~ 'U PLY. coNV., ~ .. , .............. 1595 rREID INBPl!lCT'ION Girl Sc.out Assn. FOa YOUR TRJ.D,J:R PH:~ 1--, "" •10.aa. per rilo. at llHAJ'ICR'S 8TM-R·5 rnarnlnp, or~ .. -·e..cm:v. BICD. ·-.............. -' ' Island Cub Pack Wins Prai,se at PT A Board Meet , __ • -·--MUllIC CO. 1'"'-lllO'!I Ul N. Tl, SUverado, Calif. 18pTO ',fT CfDV. CLUJ! __ --·--·-· 1185 S. W, COL. EM.AN A M t T d n• •-av•-• ~--."..I · l7camore. lllJlta Ana. Klmbe"' DOOOlC TUDOR 11-nn,_ ee ues ay PttOPANll TAMD Rat+i..., l'lU'Dlt ~ 2.-0etJ. · . 85ttc OCEAN FRONT turnlahe<1 apt.; ,47 · ___ ......... ~ 201 )I. Broadway P1oone · Complete ~!loll. !"'* ~ ure outtable for 2 &du.If-a· '40 month -,fT Dli 80TQ SJ!:D. I -; ...... 1.295 . Banta Ana 1 Kl 1-TTTI Newport Harbor Glrl. llcGUt ... and ..-.loa' cf 18 Tnllsr " KA/:° .l::. ~/Zp!"", WANTlCD: lfO piano1. '1'n!de In winter rental. $45 yearl,Y. lJlll 41-MlCllC. CO~ .... ;---~----l295 sell Trust Deeds ooc:J&llOA will hold lto.annllal -I· ~\. . ~ -., -. 1fllir old planO oo a Or&Dd. paid. lli04 West Oc.an l'roai. &I' m:RllB! We Buy and -,. ::i -:...1:"':.:. ""n! .... ...:..:! e.m.a ... .,. ...... -K. -~ dllltlq In '°' callt. ~ -:..•.=..!': Nowport Beach. 88cTO sHA -vm· Q'OOas The hap1'7 rMUlta of the Cbrlat-aelOloa will be al 10 a. ... wltb ORANGE COAST •e!ftle!lll!s and ll•1tP'i"""•IFC DANZ-llCBJ(ll)T PIA!fO CO., OCEAN 'll"l>0N'I' , il'-DOoam.PL Dir. ·LO.Uni ?-'O" BUlLD, IlllPIWVll, :';,: ~.'i.~! ~po1:.i~7~ reporta and olecllon of ottlcon. mAil..ER ff OJ!.~ & Q;\lU>EN ...._ tu., µa No. K&tn, lllata "',u. • • ~ lJ3& Haitol/t' B.lvd. ~'/ M-. BUY, ~~~C, 9ft Robert Hltt to the board ot 1"' :"'-~ = :;:::.1""..,:: MlO •••-SW.ELY tu llWJ;. Jfwpt.. -an Ana. LOW WINTER RATE!il • -, Pllome -,. .. ~ · we au; TtU1t ~. ' !:,:;:!0;.~T.B;,_a ca~ :,em.= Ind f-erl,y of u. c. L. A. wpi bi.: ~1 -Pro a 11::: ~y -T! '':'!:."~ = "':!'.;. ":;,"'J<,. "':':::; ,........,,.,.~. :;!:;· ·~-=-"!':l'::.'=" monthl7 meeUnc :t::J!Y'"' .. U.:.:'~ ~w.=: SALE I wills q""'4 .... Hoo lo poo: and baJ':'Qldot ll!Callca. Ulill' ::"' ~ . • • Call . -·Vio ,...., ft. Bar. U.. By Mlllng mi.uetoe •lllch they ·--.··-; IIOLLTIVOOD .... I..nto -'• m.11a1 -"-llm7 and u.., .... _. ___ .;.J.,_,_ ____ --"c;:. -""" ,-•k·~ "~ bu •· _,. • _, ls=! £. BalbOa ~ Bal... J'r, J/ -(t LID. · ' l w ca~-Ind ~ in --· ......... portaWo ..... .... ·l'OUR MOU DAYS Clutt.. w---Har-221"-w ' -· to • p.11>.) ' -11 •s•a lilftA-_.,._ t.b-1'tel. they -ulaled ...U dllne. cau -~. -• I '-. ~ .... Tws-DAJm. ~ • ~ ~tr.,~-::-: .. ~= Masor:is Plan CQllMel·W. .... -VAdATE ~~~~ON wecs•.Y or ... tlll1 ... , .......... ,... • .. ·w::: SEIJ· or '!'RWE · ..• _. ' , ( •..Jfo.--w---fPf -~ .... --1 Aa*'-• , . ~:-~:~ Anniv. Dinn~" Want to Record! Dii ,.. ii-. .-"' .... · .-::!!!~~':!:=:; ,...,..,72 _.,. 11 -;--°:: ~'::!.,-:;.,.8:; •·1-With the belp a1 iw. .• New Ta lleeorder .W ~ BIDQABD&!' 1~T .~ 11AU11 ... t .. • to 11:u'1:::. ~ 9i n•b • ----- .-i.en ..,;i ·\lie ~ *"I la = ::t ":";:::: p ~ lllo ~ & ... ~ .. ,..,.,, )p p It Eli ... --'J'l j ... marlDei. caJJ BUbw 1~ caod ,....,,, • 1Wu4 -W ca.ta ...... u. bo)Wl packed full 1lft -i •• --J ....\.. 8llcll.' -... • 2·11 HIJ 23' I I 7 trm. ~ ..... n. ts::& 41+ ....... °' Mappat. .... . :.=: .. ~:. ~== :: ~~~ -:..·:~ ;:r:· .. -; 7 I ~ ~ ,11" =:-ei:ii• ' 0'~"ti:.: :.··--=1: 2 Cils~ V~Y-mCz ..... ept. (1 --) • '* ~·--.-..... ·=- )<aJ17 ..,. U.. -•llor -dalclf· P. WL -Ill tM -.... Ob& 117 $J.(18Jll5 !!!._ iil+ ow tl131 I -.... 81'Caa - ( 1 N n.t ....... la ...,.._ -1. =" -• . • aui..1 111mnra., u.. Mr s, _ -~ ' 1-:r: • • 111 --.•-. ....._ -.. ,.uV. u• "'t:Jti Will 1'rade . u.r-~·!' ::S.~;:.cm:: =."';':~bi:~~ 1'llW •.s,••11o -. . . • • ....... AaL • • --. Apt.(.. ~11r:;!;!:!;'J ,., .... ,...u..P.-T • .a.., • .e1 .-1a..; o•Sl L1$w1t ,c ~tolill" aoew I ; .. ,,_._OOIW)M:•om.liAR--•~ JiliF • •ti•led b '18za .... liwutiiet ~ _ ..... -r::--•1:· JI El 11 •a #¢ ... -·cot. 8•' II WA !."r;'1 n_-:ai_•.,: .=';:&•.:..: :.S-..::S ..!l!·~-:_.: iiii"na1 a• -..:,·,~ ~32 e n :! ~ 'f: l."l'\ t~ ;:•:· ..,"? ! ;·~•J! · -- 2 • • ' ' .... .. a a • 9 .. .... ..... a.1121-...... _. I ,. ~ """ ~ • • - t t ' . 1 • • . ' . ' • • • REAL .ESTATE . . CORONA DEL ·MAR WHY PAY ~! You'ean but blla lovely 2- bedroom home on R-2 corner lot. ' Pa.Yment.a only $60 per month. Encloeed patio and' BBQ. Li.th home, trees, flowera and ahrut. double garage built (or 2nd atnry. Soutb of BMl The PRICE IS·RIGHT! • -'J EXCEJlTIONAL · 2-BEDROOM and' den fil>me, living room lol~'x27' •. Beamed ceillqg\ panelled walla. • 2 fi.l'eplioee, one in large master bedroom. W to W carpet- ing. Lovely patio -also enclosed rear yard. South of Blvd, ONLY $17,500, terms. . CLIFF HA VEN 3 BEDROOMS, twin size. 1 % baths. Foz'.ced. air heat. Large lot, enclosed yard, BBQ. lJuilt 2 ~~?NLY _$17,850, WITH ~~ LISTINGS WANTED-!-ALSO RENTALS ERNIE SMITH, REALTOR 1205 Coast Highway, Corona ~I Mar Phone Harbor 266'7 • BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 'JEWF.LL MARTIN. 311 Marine Ave., Balboa ·,Island Ph. Harbor 1671 or 1672 Harbor 746-M EVea. BALBOA ISLAND · HOME AND INCOME. Let us show you this choice property it _you a~ looking for something ~y exceptional. Charm. 2..story home con- sisting of lge. !iv. rm., din .. rm., 3 B.R., 2 ba. and maid's room and bath. Patio and beautiful I-bedroom furnished apt. BE.ST LOCATION ON ISLAND. ' BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR bPEN THE GATE OWNER IN to this fabulous BAYFRONT KOREA ... home on LIDO ISLE and Must Sell you will feeJ the charm of at Once • a custom designed and COMPLliITELY FURNISHED S· bednlOD1 bome; ha.I nearly nl?W · 'built place. For thoee who retrtgerator. kitchen range, !kn· CARE and D E M A N D dix washer. Lot. or tile In kitch- BE'l"l'ER living where en- vironment, re s t r i c tions, privacy and perfect home are requisite we offer you : BRIEFLY-On 2 lob--2 a:torte.s- 3 bedrooms and mai d's room, 3 bat..ba upat.atra. 2 abdwera down, 4-car g&ral'"· all tile paUo. ffnnt 9pe of beat known., radi- ant, DELUXE location with pier aa4 fkie.t. ~ cgm... --"'*1>'· • ....-...i. ~c "' Ullo "°""' hM been alectecl w1.th care and taste. It was the "BEST or NOTHING" at all. You cannot- do thl.s h om e j UAtice in an "ad." THIS you MUST SF.E. F or d is· cr lmlnating . BUYERS who de- mand and will pay tor the FIN- EST. Shown by appointment only. Special price. ALSO Nearly new clever 2 story borne on a nie@ corner Jot on BALBOA ISLAND. This home is in1macu- late and hu 4 bedrooms and 2 real b&th.s. noor plan makes this an ideal two family set.up. Comple t ely and nicely ruml11hed ALL for le.ss than duplication coats. Thls is a REAL BUY. ' en and bath, n ice patio encloeed by brick wall. ' . About one half cash will handle, balance at only $32 per month. • 4 .,. In teJ"ellt • BUY THIS TODAY TOMORROW MAY B.lil '1'00 ·LATE • niu, PIU'CIC , $9,000 . (' EXCL'USIVE WITH Ben Whitman and Associates 400 and 1018 Coll.lit Blvd ·Corona del Mar New 3 bdrm. Homes ESPECIALLY WELL BUlLT NEWPORT CITY NEWPORT HEIGHTS Oak floor•, fireplace, iumke, Ule bath, garbage dlsposa.I. lawn&. double garage, large lot.e. Move in now. $9,950 ALSO THES)!: HOMES WILL ALSO G. I. Som• very desira~le lolo for sale R~ p M Ir on 4J>O ISLE. q.oice.,watep;• ..,. aa.._ey rront!'1ot.o for lncolrie uru~'"!ii/ :Mil rt.Bly<l1 !'le~ "ech. crou f•treet lol9 atl pPtdH :..Ji.I Pilon~ Harl>of fM " under the markeL Reme mber we are the DEVELOPERS of I:IDO ISLE. You will profit by IN -COSTA MESA ' comlllr to our office. H ere a 2 _Bedroom houae; new; nMd8 llttle BUYS a LOT. aome finishlnc inmde; knotty P. A. PALMER lNCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Ne-wwrt Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 For the Finest in .. Ocean View Lots .... CORONA HIGHLANDS Overlooking Newport Har- bor. Large, fully improved homeaitea -Restricted - Private Beach -60 -ft. Frontages. From· $2500 ·. Buy Now & Save TRACI' OFFICE.. COAsTlllOHWAY at ·sE&WARD R04P' CORONA DEL JIU.R.. • PHONJ!l BARBOR ol.14-J • pine; Jure lot; $3600, term.a. S. B. VINSON H. J , MUIR Auoclate 2216 NEWPORT BLVD . Phone: Beacon 6020 JUST COHPIZI'IID eltn<tlff 2 bedroom home. 51replace, tot.a of tile, double garage. Fenced back yanl. Good loca1lon. South of highway. Corona a.i Mar. Prt~ at uo.TI!O. Pll. Har. -...iK: 8k'll Costa Mesa Rl:NT OR 8IE1L -1 -partly fllrnlllled ..... H.., oton. fl5G m9. °" SMOG 'lliu price. <lall Hubot 1111.J . .,. .. ' , . I . . • ! .. ,!•!!:~n~·~·~· ~-~"'~!n!. __ .;;..,.1 ~·~::!·~·~·:.:·•~-.t~A~n~ ...... -+-.:;a~=~::•t::·,::?ttWD;!:~~----~e~...m~~A;;~·~!!!ft2'~""'~...:':..1:.· ·...;.·..;..ll'AS~ 'I .... PAAT I t . cokoNA DEL MAR ~OPERTl~ I . . .. ,. I ' -·~•1 a •4 • ,_. ...... "<.. ;i] I •. I ' G, N. WlillJ.S Broker Ii Assoc. ' . ABSOLUTELY ' One of The Best Dea1s in Costa Mesa OOoD ONE 'BEDR'OOM · 1 ~ B. Lyna i.itora Belen .L. l.,an BZA . 'PIEl:t: OJ' INOOME·PROP&R'l'i IN:«;D. M.; '(Jew: ~t lOcaUoo: B~ Alnlllibed; .Price la r!pt ad owmr will illlll-411 wery EZ ~ • 1 ••• I.OW DOWN PAYMENT • •1 . • · i Sh by appoln~ ~ -80IT)"°'-NO Information by'Phone. I· s on'liltUNGs IN 0000 RJ:SJDEN'l'IAL vncw um:i. . I . . . . J SPJ. -CO~ LOO' -El.id of Penlqaul& -Balboa. 'Po&itlvely unob- Mru.ctlble Ylew-Barbor entrance -Only $l5000 . . . ' . . . ~~SULT US~ RENTAL;9-WE HAVE-~ FINE LISTINGS FOi!. SALE -NEW 3 B.R. Home CDK -Only $~ Wit!! $1500 down . ' , . 1 ' CQRONA DEL MAR PROPER'l'ID; ill =r~ Corona del Mar ~i:Sotel I HOME. Pine fl9cml, Esft!. lent eaat llide locatioll. Close to atoree and blia. Living room i!o'x13~'. Tub . hath. R00m)' kitchm. Lge. aervice porch. Double rar . ____ ...... __ --------~------------------..,-! Lot 61'xloiO'. -BEAUTIFUL CUCUMONGA RANCH Load• of shrubs and floweni. ·s bearing fn1it tree.. grape arbor, beniea. Rear yard fenced. Only $4,800 Low down payment Good lot right in town. ONLY $100 DOWN. Bal- a.nee at $25 per month .. G. N. Wells, Realtor and Associates 1790 Nowport ,ll!Td., Ooeta M- Phooe Be&coo 0181 COSTA MESA On 18th Str~et Uke new 2 BA bome. Rwd noora. fir"tp!M!e, dou. '(&r., lAIUlated, on ler~ lot. p,i500 ~ $S,000 will handle. On South Side New 2 B.R. hOme on . large loL Hwd. floors, bath w ith tub, mod· ern In atyle. Only $6,000 -f750 down, balanc"' euy. R. W. BARTINE 1809 REAL li:S!l'ATE Newport Ave.. <;oat.a Phone Beacon ~20 LIDO ISLE TWO STORY, 8 ~room , S°"' ba\N on corner. Brick pat10, •uft. deck. l..aJye Urin• and dln· ln• room.I. r.uu;r t'Urnlalled. Askiiig $29,500 . ~-t. ~· _ .... ,,. "" The John Vogel Co. 434 • 32nd St.. Newport Beach Phone Har. i960 or Bea. M15·J 89c71 . $5,500 . 2 Bedroom home on ~ acre, near Harbor Blvd. Industrial lot 63x29o. $1,000 TERMS GOOD LISTINQlf WANTED ROBT.H.MOTTET ee.. 1221~ Hk::-a~ G1s1..J 111i··1:t'°J.1"4-0N . , ., Wira'11ffi'coME GRAND CANAL DUPLll:X - Balboa. IalllNL Two nry nice un1"' each With 2 bedrma. WeU tumiahed. l!x.cellent location. $23,500 • A SOUND AND TIMELY . 42 LEVEL ACRES surTOunded by tow-,~ eucalyptus tree• llituated be- low Mt. Cucumonga at an elevlltion of 1,300 feet ·-up in -the clean healtby air. An hour and a half drive. from the Harbor. RANCH conal8ts of & four bedroom home, 32 acrea of oranges now reachln~ maturity (last year's yield 9,000 boxes), five acres of grapes and five acres vacant, suitable for hOl"llea, etc. Ample water. Water' atock worth I $10,000 included with we. RANCFI to be sold aa a going concern a.nd all equipment, which 1'Ull8 into the thowiands, goes with the sale. Competent ranch ID&Jlager is avail- abkl. Lengthy ilineaa of owner foreee sale. Owner known tj> us for many years. PROPERTY STRICTLY CHOICE. FULL PRICE: $56,000 with reasonable .te!1Illl. May take sman· amount of GOOD Harbor area trade. Property can~. n anytime. j W. STUART FOOTE, R LTOR • 2117 Balboa Blvd., Newport ch, Calif. 1 Phone Harbor 4 BALBOA ISLAND ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom house with 2-bedroom apt. over double garage plus guest room and bath -both units spacious -closet • apace. ' We think thls one of the nic...t laland proper- ties. -$31,500. BA YFRONT with pier a.nd float -3 bedrooms, 11', baths with 2-bedroom apt. over double garage -both have lovely bay view -many conveniences -most livable and east to rent -partly furnished. $39,375. Nelda.Gibson Harbor :I02 Horace S. Mazet " _ !f!'rbor 3028-J BALHVA· ISLAND 306 MARINE A VENUE, DESERT HO~ITES . NOW A YAU.ABLE -De1iert Homeeites adjoin- • ing .health cen~ of Deeert Hot Springs. ten miles north of Palm Springa. Vlet11 plota on p&ve4 mada wtth plenty of pure low cost wa- ter .·al only $li50. for commercial: half acrea. an Within wan:;:f dlat..-of chlU'Chea. school, theatre, etc., cloee to Two "Bunch Palma, most beautiful Deaert Hot Water Mineral Spa in America. Fnr information write to Two Bunch Land Co., Box 31, Desert Hot Sprl1'1:9, C&lif., or phone Desert Hot Springs, 146 for appointment. 68c70 The !•land CASH TALKS · Brand New munity of homes and iri- come excels In the occaa· ional sale of bayfront ' view pro~rties. Th~ view that • 0 fr I! r 8 entehalnment by two etory home with eight hedrooma, unit beat, and superb S o u t h Bayfront • • • r • • • CO.ST A MESA . REJ\.L ESTATE t v' v' ' JO ACR»:tFARM -near Orange Coast dbl1ege. Hu new $3,!K)() weJl and 1,000 pllon storqe tank ln good water dlatrict, on new paited highway. Some out bu~Jdlnc_J and small cabin living quutera. Barptn, price la $18,()()p.J Submit anJ reuonable terma Or wUI trade for Lon&" lkach tuldentl&I o• lncom~. I 3 BilJU( Q. l . RESALE $1 ,120.40 ~wn. Nice mut aide l<>- caUoo. lf.-,160 aq, ft. 1~loua Uv- lq 111\i ltiPd dlntns room.. OU.I fUmect1 with 0.-t. Tiie It\ lcitellei .nct1'at'L·Dllle. p.rege. 11\enced .• M .40 m<lftlhlT poy- ment Judea taxe8 and lmu,.... ence. FULL PRICE •e.2110. : I • vi I ' TRIPLEX-Income lo. '2.70CI. yr . It. well located. eacb \Diil hu 2 bedl"oq_ms, hwd. noon, plenty of tile. H&rdly a vacancy ln tut year. The price, '17,llOO. Bee thla now. v' v' 2%: ACRES -Wal.king dlatance from the new State hospital on Barbor Blvd. Excellent tor tn~ come units. A BARGAIN at $3,2:!0 • • -. us·s ~~. ' -, • • §·•·· =·e , ··• ' "1 ~ •* • t 1 't t.,. ' _;• • BUY"REAL 1 ~TE NOW! ! i " l f I " j '.Here~ "Honemt tolGoodn,111" vnlofle~ \1&1.uee I r ~·· 1 • tt' ~ NEWPORT BEACH CoMME'RCIAL J..STORIC .eUxl8 -~Dent Income. Good. ioc!auoii. 10 foot -~ on NeWpe>rt Blri. 1 l>JdC •~ 1800 oq. ·n. -tor iDO ..-tll. OM Wltli Oftl' ,_, oq. rt. lultable ,far' lllfit lnan~ or ~ !ai>- • .......... ,. A ft0.blo fl><" leu. 11'1111 price, Pt,llOO. iOob· . laet Mn. Dleti.cm at 3113 N~ Blri., er <all -· • 101ll ~Eno! Harbor tm-W. ,. • • r CORONA DEL MAR MOVlll IN! 2 bodftn. home, l!OGIP,lef'ely tuftllohed llDd reedy for occupancy. Bplendld CCJOid!Uon. aoOcl loc:atton. OllJy • '12,000 •. Cell BW SCh~; Pllpn\ Harbor 2'74. BALBOA ISL.Aml. -:- . TO CLOSE AN '~TATE!. S B&DROOM 1 '4 bath home. Corner lot, de.llrable loca· ' ' tton. ' ASKING PRICE $13,500 , Blda aubmltted at our o!tice. Cell MrL MAROON, !{ARBOR 1775 IN CORONA··DEL MAR ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM HOME. 1 \0 .bloel<s Dom ocean. 8outli of Highway. 45' lot. . Large llvlnc room. Beam cellinjr. Harawood floon, UD!»ual dinlnC J1'0m. Kltc!Hm and ~th wtlh Ult!. Price. •18,llOO. Mwt1ple u.t- lng No. IG21. Cell Mrs. Merool>, HARBOR 1775. ' . ' View Lot in Corona del M-ar .. 5 • •' . . - - • • •• .. . ' - , . . •• ' , ·- • • ' Jutt aboYe ~ beach (3Cbcl18) one lot from Ocean . AVende ~ onJy a jump to the . beach. A wonderf~....---- bey -Term& Cell Mra. Maroon, HAJIBOR 1775. . . ' ~AT OWNER'S SPECIAL IDE.AL VACA TI.ON boiTie wtlh pler and noat. Cb&nnel tront, near market.a, tranaportation and theatre. Well built, 3 years old. Sleep lft. Full price, $18.llOO fUm19b. ed. Call Mary Dtckaon, HARBOR 1013 or Evea.. Bar- bo• 2092-W. " E~L W. STA.m,EY . Realtor .1 Tth &n\I Cout HJway 15tli end Irvin• Newport Beach Newport Beacl;i 616 Cout Hiway tlorone del Mu' 2~ Marine Ave. Balboa L8land 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach • . SEE THIS T _ A '!'TRACTIVE 2-bedroom bome nel\J'l;v new, has hardwood floors, fireplace, forced air ' beat. patlp, 2-ar J&l'We, com~tely fenced. South of m~y near'llhopPlng . i:e~ 1n Col"Qna c1e1 . • I . . Priced . at $11,~50 2 BEDROOM and sleep~· loft In 'hl-be&m liv- ing room -$6. 750 and ita also south of Highway in Corona del M~. ' · $2,000 Will .Hahdle . . LINWOOD VICK,_ REALTOR 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 2042 I ' . . BUY NOWr! ! VOCEL v ALUF.S Pll50 DOWN BUYS A 81,EJOPll:B -8 bdnll. Jdi ,_, pertly fllmlohed, · 1 ~ b • t b a. ' knotty pin• interior. °"""" slAle or hwy. '8,7150 F1JLL PRICll · u.ooo will handle. 3 B. R.. I 1-th elmolt n!'W borne. Acroas from Lido lhop-- ptng area, neu Canal In dea!J'- ~-able ~· Refer. M. L. No. 1619. Prloed right at $12,215(). • • • , > I • • • • . • • " ; • . ' . •• -.-SWIFT'~IMC · : . SWIFT'S ALl,-PUIPOSI IRIS·@·lfl·I$ · DILLA•. DAY .~OOI ~~LE SHORTENING ]:.LB. 99c CAN SIX DILIC:IOUS FLAVOIS . JELL-0 · GLQBE A-1 F~OUR . 5-LB. SACK 45 -~ . .SHOWBOAT SALMON NO. •/J fLAT C:AN NO. 1 TALL C:AN .. -SNOWfLAKE CRACKERS 1-LI. 25C IOX BEST FOODS PURE MAYONNAISE PATTY'S PINT JAR .. 41c ·SPIN~CH - ...... ---. llTCMIN C:HAllilll WAXED PAPER · TOl'IC: DOG FOOD 125Ft. ,,~ ~·" 25c · Tall 4c:... ' ~ fROZEN FOODS ... -.;1 .-. I KOLD KIST SALE! . CHICKEN CHOP SUEY · .... 1"L PORK CHOP SUEY · · ........ 1•-. .. CHICKEN PIES .... · · · ........ · 12 .... ··3 • l'K•. CMR A lews, 16-. l'li9. He KOLD KIST DEMONS TIA TION F1llDAY I< SATURDAY Do..M7, Coro.a.a Del Mat S.t. OaJs, Ne1,.port SWRT PICllN' PEAS 12.0L 15· C PK5. • ~­. . • • • Ill' TOMA-TO 17 •I' . SAUCE a-·c:... • • • .:_ •• ;> ...... . . ·itii·" Pditk· ,,, · ·.-~:.·49~-- • I . , MIYTHIN& NOM l.AnUSNAU STIAIS ro CANNID PHIASANTI TiLLAMOOK -'"'"'" , ........ ..,, __ '"'"'"'"'"'"-• J o • 444 ' llP8*'!'98'!>'"'*'?'"'"'" ........ ,. ~OL~·N STATI $LIC:IO C:H,RSI ~MERICAN I ----------------· . ' AIMOUI'$. FIVI STAI SPICIAU . __ ..... _ .... BOILED HAM ·, " POUND ~ .. .PULL w IMp 1..1..., • ._rt C:uh • ft ....... rte. • • BERRIES · •• sos 19C C:• ' Hl•Wn•T ILlc:TIOM.oOP , DI ASID t• TOWNI WITH IAISI SAUC:I 1l-lb.·$425 ICQ==ID I U..AMJllCAN ' ' ' - ....... . .... _........-.. -.... _ ............ .. · Wlll09'1 C:on lla9 9f.l.til'1 Kn Leed sJ· BACON SUC:ID '. • · 1-lli. Heetlffl ' " -~ ... STMiN~----,. . . ___ ,. ' . ·4·9~--: H E· N .S i.oc:c:,.f Du;WID , . . ' . ~ · (; . 4.... . -~-----· ·,q ...... -.... ...... ... ............. - " . POIK-IOUI 9WN .MAKll · • SAUSAG.E • ' IEST QUALITY C:ENTIAL AMlllC:AN. 12· BANANAS :,~~~ : · : --~ • ...... .,.._.........._ ............. . ........................... :""""" .... ~ ........ ~ ~-, •• : > •• cOMIOR~" ToN.1'MS • SUNNY llOOll I 11nr · • J . . ' j • ' l ' I • . ~AGE · .1, -!-_PARt T .\I ~--·TH~,RSo~Y. ~.I·~ 1~1 • -I": .J ' ·~·· .. 1 ~ pµ~S ~· '. . . a.me wllleb Will dodde lint place lnj u.. -C!oP ..... UICI wlllCh will proballb' IDdicatA! Ibo ':;.~ tllat 'flll -.up "" u.. top ot U.. ladd~ when Ille etMll -. .-uh month, Iii -i.d to be p~ed al Ille Har-lllP 1JD1 :rrlday nlJht at ~t a:ao .,. ... N ... port Har-wtll meet Ai>alleim ID tlle contolt. Bee teama from the: two edboolil Wtlt meet f'lnt at 1 p. m • ., BoUt t.Mme came UUouata the.tr · llnt tw_o le&~ ,_.. llnK&th· ed<d and -an Wldo!eated In tint plac<. Newport outcl....t P\lllet'- ton lut Jl'rlday, ~~ tl'lea jll8t olld _by Santa Ana 1'>-y atter- 8UN8ET LEAGUE STANDINOll W "L Pt-. Opp.. Anallelm ............ I I Ill 11 N_,,o<t Harbw I t 100 II e.ata Alla --···-···· I I IOS ti Hunt·-Be9cb .... I t Ii M Oraop ................. 0 I Ii IOI l'\ille...... .... ........ 0 i 1S 111 .......,. Nlsbt'• 0....... 8uta 1laa ai Hu•Unct• -: Aaabolm.at N-rt ~­bor; Fallel'toaa&Oraap. Sa.~ Cagers_·Dofffl Saints. Indians: Nettles -~-¥011~g Tu forwud AmlUICI NetU.. .,,.. tile llero of tlle N~ Hubor ' . . bll'b ocbool campuo thl,I -it followlns h_la two·laot -.i frM __ · that won t.he cace game from Santa Ana Tueieday aftel'ftoon at Ute Harbor HICll om. Scott WM • mucb-too-c.'°911, fi.Mf,. t ,. , ' ' Tile OM-point ,.-.n wao mode L Tar Cees Wln . =7."~\.:.rn ~0~ -~:e 11th Straight · E~~1~~ Newport Harbor blgfl echool'• In tbe con1\m\on. at the end of the c and D tea.ma had var~ IUCCeM game, no one hea'rd t.bf: reteree'1 the ~t week wtnnln&" three of a whlstle Ii.pitying a , foul on Net· tol&J of four ,.mes played. Both tlea ~ be attempted a bukeL teams t'touneflf Sanla Ana but NetUea ahot mlued but Ole.nn the Dees droi)ped a cloae dectalon Grtfflth t ipped It ln for two polnta. to Fullerton. Wben, the foul wu dllcovered, Coach Jule!! Cage'• eee. are aUll Griffith• buket was ruled out undefeated thla aeuon a.nd hope but two t,ree throwa were awarded to maintain an unblemlahed reC~ NetUea, wtth the Um.e cfock mov- ord a.Ad wln the Sunaet League ed back to the point of the foul. title , Showing plenty of moxie In the ~ Frkiay a.t U.e Harbor gym, "clutch.'' NetUe11' lhrowa wett tbe Cees mcuured Fullerton., 35--good and the Ta.rs had their wt:n- noon ln an eyeluh win, 45---44 , de·, 1~. putting on a good exhibition nlng margin a.econd time.~ clded by a tut aecond rree throw. of ball handling. Schultt wtth 9 Mlued Lone 8bot The ColonbU Upped Huntington point.a wu high on offenee foUow-In the final three aeconct,, Sa.nta Beach la the opener, ~i0-32, then cd by PerklM with 8 and Perkin. Ana's Ru BabcoCk attempted a alao drubbed Fullerton, 81...f.9. alAO played a. very agreulve de· desperation &bOt trom mid-court, .... Anaheim. pre: -~ favorite. fenalve ~e. With the ball hitting lhe rim u the for lbe '$Ille, wtll be &light Ca.var-• The Ceca !!lowed down· & bit ·in gun went off. ltea tn f'Ttd&y'a claah., 'mainly be-the Santa Ana game Frtd•y at Babcock'11 18 point.I! were high cauae they donned the Ta.n In a Santa Ana and were trailing at for the game. Nettlea and Griffith prerioUI meeting at the Nuntlnc· the ha.If, 11-7. However, a last each made 11 point.a lo lead the ton Beach toum&rnent in Decem-period burst put them In front and Tars. ber. It wu Newport'• only Ion they won their eleventh atralght In the B team game Santa Ana of> the year. Howe ver, the T"ar11 game, 28-2<1 . Forwarrls Schuitt ans! came Crom behind In the final per· have a home floor atlva.ntage to--Wctzf"I lied ror Te.r llCOring hon-iod to 8lop lhe Tar Bees, 49-41. morrow e.venlng. 0111 with 8 each. Martin led the Tara l4!ad at halftime, 21 -18. Spearbead'tng-the Anaheim at· Saints with 14. Llneups a.nd pointll: t.aclc. wOl be their great guard Low~t Score VAaSITY &AMES Welch •bly,, ~led by forward.I Re gistering the lowe11t acore "' ""-"'°" 1451 '·' ~ tp s.111. A11e Webber' a.nd Steinborn. center Newport team hu made thla aea-~=:!.~ f · : ~ :: t~::: f9 ft tp • 0 ,, ' ' . PIRA.nl HAL ROEHM (JS) OOE8 UP aa u.. .bau ·.s.0po tbiot11h the boo fo• two po-...t. la u.. l"eONt OGC-Oltrus came. Tom can (IO) alt.empt• to deflect tbe cuab&. Otbe.r plajen .,,, (frOm lo!t) llm !!:Illa, Citl')Jo fo.,..nl: Bob Ranlo (I{) Plrat• lorn-ant: and Bob Yudley C!•l """'d for lbe loea&.. Al the t>-xtrerne left q ofnei.aJ Walt1 Hohn t rom Vale.nela. The f"AfonMeJ? won. M-t.X. P'aulkner and the other guard, 90n, the Dtt11 were whipped by &rltflttl, c J s 11 ~Kh. c Denny. Newport'• stren~ la In P\Jllerton, 18-15 lut Friday. Thf')' i!~~ .. 4 ~ : : ~..:tt~ 9 ,.iant fotward line bf Nettll!I, Pe· led at ha1ftlme, 11 -8 but fell apart lwdlc•. • I I J H.....,11, f ter.on and Grtfflth. Lane, San-tn the aecond st.a.nu. Diehl wu OeYh, c den a.nd Burdick hav~ been ahar-hlgh_man with 6 polnll. IN _ _. tw••1·1' rJ Ing the guard poet.a. Annand Net· But they bo~ back against S..11te "" ' I IJ • • • • • • . ' ' . . . ' . I 0 l " ........ . , ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~--~~- Pirates Brea k Even in Two Games·; Horne ts Outscore Ues le high scorer In ..the two the Sant.a Ana five Tuel!day and Ne....,_t [SS) '• ft '" Fvll'to11 1141 league l'&mea played W1th 33 after trailing .16-10 at the halftime N•ffffl, f 11 o 2'! L. 0-•111, 1 polnta followed by Olen Or1rr1th tntermlaslon, came back, in the fl-!,et.,....11, 1 11 •, ,•, '•1111'to11.' •tltflth, c ' i,._,. c wtlh Z7. nal period to tie the game at 32 w ... t J t " J. O-ee1,.9 f9 ff tp . . ' I l 4 I I l • • • I I J a.II at lhc end of the -o·uJation s., 11d.,.,, • 1 I J lard.• • ......,-efted,c I 0 1 lotct11,f -playing-time. •-d . • o J J H..:.•er. c In lhe overtime fon-.·ard Thomu N-port 17 a Fvlleri-4 ) l I 5 I l 4 14 4-fo!o II '-M .,..-,------and guard Pflrrm.a.n each •unk • field goal to give the Tan the • TUM GAMES and toeing one to at.and with • record of1one •·1ln and two losse!ll. ba.sketbaJl champjonahip Jut 9'•· ose 0 . CO&!lt took a cJoae declaion over Riverside tut Tuesday, there, bul !liCU'I, Fullerton JC'e Hornet.a rolled victory a.a the Saints could gamer N-porl 1411 "'..ft tp I S.111• A11e '• ff tp Ar.:lwlt t•, f 7 J 17 i '•teo, ( 4 I ' only a rree ~ou. Thomu. the Taf 'Morp, f J o , ertfft11. 1 ,. , 1• forward, scored 11 polnt.9, all in J.cbotii, c J I 1 Dt~e..t, c o o o tell before Chaffey when they visited the Cout c&rnpUB P"rtda.y. Thf' to a ~3 W~ owr Or&nJ'e Cout Vlctortee by Fred 'owe ... and --''..--:---------•,PJratc. bad already w.;t to Banta Tuelda,r n!ght ~t PulJerton lo D&n Chilton failed to ave the 15·1 Ana wben they v.telt.ed frie. Don•· move tnto a ~.~er ~~ pi.ce <>n.np I Cout ooUep 'Wl'ftt¥.!'I the lut qua.rter and the overtime ~~·• ~ ~ ;\~!':.'~' . ; ~ 1 ~ lo lee.d Newport ecorln.J, follow· Kemp.er,• o I I Cole_, f 1 1 4 ed by Pflrnna.n with 8 polnta. wi ... ., • < I I ' '-•1 J I 1 root.e of Santa Ana had 1•. ,._...,. --·-1 a 11 l--4t the· wffk w.,,,: • , In ti>• •\alldlnaa-l..., trl>m a 15 ,,. t a.r .. 1 •t th• · · It ' . I · "lnjllvl<laal • " __ _.$ ___ , iillliii~ • '.l'be)'-w.111..'.JtiaJi ~"!&l' al ~ _...._ . !& , 4'itC At lwldli,of .... ~and..,,.,..._ t.Jneupa-::&nd gOr~'' ~ i..t• ..... ~· ...... --7 '' '' ~,__... .. c TIAM e""6 . •• N-~Jll} ~ .. ~H"iO~: , .... i•I .. * •• . , . mu,atao ~"" !'!" )un...-•--. . . Loo Ant!Uio ctty con-team tut I .. ~ tOll pme. ~y. •nd ~1 "°9ti ,balfUme.,, lb .._~fthtqe WU 44. ~ ni&hL .... ...,. (KJ '•"" F.ll'tM 1151 '•ft fp A~e.. ! I II &.d~. I ' I II e Oce&rudde Baturd~ for the only · P1tttnr too many novice wrest- home pme of the week. G-.me KAS'EERN '-bONhRENOE ' 1era aptnat the able &nd practlced IMr•,f If ""--,f J t 6 Sc.ltt,itt, f 4 I f Ow••. f 0 I I J.c:bN, c t Kr•-. c I 4 t w.n.i,t 1 e J ••".,·' : 1 4 ,...,...,,. t 1 1 m.o1o.9 1 s ,, l•ltet, c J t • Reid, ( 0 0 I l•l'l'IPtr. • I I J •dfotd, 9 J O t Schedule fo r the 19:>1 New-port time is 8 p . m. , STANOINOS grapplera from LA, Coach John- Baclly oul&corf'd ln lhe Ch&f(cy • W L P1a. Opp. nle Owen. or· the P1ratu found ,_.i.,., 9 4 0 I C.rpt....,., • 1 0 2' e>tt-.r, c I I ) • ' WritM.q I 0 2 .Nfl•.t 0 I I Ln•,q I I 2 Tar varsity roo'tball team wa.s ilh-game, the Bua held to a. 24 l o Chafff'y ····--····--· S 0 !tt 161 hlm11elf Hrtoualy undermanned :~ooc~dt~:Yb~h ~:I A~i~:;:~ 31 hair-time ma.rkc but 11llpped In f'Ullf'rtoo ........ -.... % I ZIB l86 and UJ\&ble to otter aeriowi com- Curtf1, f J 0 4 Werd, c J I • "'••-1 _ 11 14 7 1---46 C•r.011 , f 0 I I MOl"tllO, q I I J h lletilo• '' ' 12 ,_... l:•ltet, c 0 I I ' S the second half to lcw,:e 46 to 66. Saa &rnar'o ·· -,. ? 1 195 188 petition ln moat clasaea while the :1~1 i!;'::11;1:nf:e:n; c~1:; P:C: Coast·~ Bob Y•rdley •ttn field ~anla AU .... _ ..... y := i 241 .tZ& 1 Loa Angelew team waa •ble to per- H•ate11.4 I 0 2' --Ntwport (21} '11;1 ft tp Ml'f• A11e 2'4 19 ff to 60 Dogs in Field Trials ti("e ga.m<"s. Jo~ive of tht' games will the high indtvldual sco"r" fQf th<' iu,~nilde ... ··-· l Z 1!5 131 form eeveral excellent exhibition be playE'd at Davidson Field. j:'ame netting 26 point.a. Wll.lle Orange Cout. .. -1 S ?M -!86 matches lo fill out the night. Scllultt, I • • • f1111 .... 1 l • ' Wthel, f • • • M•rtl11, I • ' " lt1'9<. c ) ' • S11lll•••. c l l ' Rt _, d ~-1 1 1 Charrey '11 Dean Me tcalf scored 23 Mt. San A.ot'o . ··-· 1 S t.f.• %63 WreaWng ln the 1~7-pound ol&M vertHue an ~ce. s or &b& n · Frida~ Nnsbt'• c;.,........ Ow l r I t open the l'lf'lUIOn ror the Tar but po·nts. . • .z ... ..._ erui, a ve eran ° as sea.90n ,.,.1111, 4 l I ' .... ..,1, ...... • ' • ::'!"''" • • ' ' Ge,.. .... 9 . • ' • llM~, Q ' I I then Bonita. and L nwood bi h Yardley fouled out In the River~ Santa Ana at: l"ullrrtnn: Chai-and M'arlne Corpa competition, h ls . th Y hed 1 g · sktf' game afte r scoring 10 polnU! fey. at Rke"1dtJ; ::raa.-e CoMt •1 gained two point.a to none for Bob Ni•itor' (151 D TlAM C9A"4ES 14 ff tp Fu1J'to11 (II) •• ft tp Slxt'y doga look part In the field trt&la on Upper Newport. Bay and nearby Irvine Ranch Saturday and Sunday. The' Southern C&Jltomll Retriever club sponsored the event. :ia:ng ;~~ ~thon~ S:nd ~~.';~ _to leave J erry Johncox high scorr ~ Bf'ntardlne; t. Saa A•lOAlo Levln~ot Loa Angefe•. Dan Clllltori whom the Sailor!! mt"t In 19~. i:nan ~Ith 19. Johncox made onl) hye. look the only other Plra.te vtt:tory TIMml•1. I I 0 I ......... I ' ' Olefll,I I • • $o11wle1, f ' ' 10 L-td,c I • l ~1'111•,c l • • Seuo.Jl opens at Riverside: first 12 potnts In ~he. <?haffey game. stopptn1 Shep Davtdaon 3 to 2. home game follows the next w eE>k Statlsttcs follow: In 5ommand t.Jl \,be way they held Ap.IUera l..o9N ...... , .... , . ' I I leqet,. I • ' '1lrr"'e11, • I • l •oqer1, t ' ' • aoy .. ..,,. I • l with Excelsior playing here. First Cout (b) Rl\·~rslcfe (U) a 4'4·26 advant.a.ge at b.al«Une. . Th Plr l • J J h .. Mea.nwhUe. Bob A~,illera IOKt to -N-poert l»I fo ff tp \elite A11e U 0..-1, f l I II F"lt, f 14 .. '" • • • The open all-age stake wu won by Tide of Wake owned by Roger Conve~ of Beverly Hilla and bandied by Ben Stafford of E l Ca ion. conference game ts.at Orange, Oct. Johncox (19l F (14) Wrlght e 8 e a . .erry 0 ncox w 19 and the Tare wiU clo6e the sea· Yardley (10) F (61 Robert. lhe ga.me's t'op ecorer wtUl 22 J ohnny Kwan, 8 to S, In the 130-01~.I )0 •S...lt ,f I l • son· at home aga.lnat Huntington Davia (~) C f 12) Stevena po~nt.a. Pet.e Hook's lD, Pinky pound clau; Hank Ma.rtlnez lo.t Be.Cb, Nov. 16. RlchardAon (3) 0 (2} Martin Thompeon.'11 14 and Tex Tbomu' t.o George Ca.r,,er, 2 ,to 4, In the o::r,. c I 0 1 Joe+.,c ' • " ... .. ... I ) 1 M•tlfl'l•t0, 9 • I I '"'""'-11,e • • I a.-.t,. I l • Complete schcdUle follows: ~L %1 , Rl\'f'r'9kl11 ftbere) Sept. !& Ex~Wor (here) Oct. ~. Donita (ben) Oct. 12. L.vnwoed (llf're ) Oct, 19. Oranp (lhertl Oct. H , F'ullertoa (hel"f') No,·. !, Santa Ana (ther11) Nov. 9, Anahf'bn (lhf'tt) Nov. 16, Huns"'8 Beach (hf're) ' . -OpportuniLy 18 knocking in C!.ASSil!'IED ADS. 13 po.ced Full.rt .. ·• ocoring 137-pound cluo; a11!I ~ Agull· Roehm t Ol G C 2) Ellt110n · l•ra I011t to John VI tan tonk>, 2 to Llneupe and' polnl.11 : Sco rlag kubs, DCC: Sharer, 6; t"ulh'Tion . (8:5) {',out (IS) 8, In Ute 147-pound c...._ Riverside: Stenge r, 2 ; Kelley, 3 ; PhJlip (lOl ,. (Z2) doh.ncox Oary Orey, letterman from lut Gfeenleaf, 1. Halftime score: OCC Thoma.a 113) F (.lO ) Yardley year, gained a 7 to 7 Ue agauial 26. Riverside 20. Thompson 114 )C (lO) Davia Tom Jlandal~. a former Coul stu- Cout ('6) Chalfey (61) Hbok ( 19) o (2) R lcbardaon dent a.nd wreatier.· In the 187- Johncox t 121 F 1151 Davis Hammer 18) a l5) Shaler pound clua; and Paul Brick at \Yardley 126 ) F 123) Met calf Scoring subl: Fullerton-RoU~ 115 poUnda wu '11'othen:d by Davis 15) C (1) Deeming way (11), Myirrl (2l, Btuce (2), Jerry Stem at W. 0 to~. ln the Richard~n fO) G <9) Jone.s ~Pau'1 Hook (6); cout -Mean beavywelsht dlvt.ioo. Shafer 13) G (8) Schwenbgr l 2), Blrl14feJd (2), Snllth (21 . Tbe CO...t gnppler• travel to Scoring 11u~tftulC1J : Cha-rrey, Halftime lcilre: Fullerton 44, C.I Poly at San Demia to111orrow Bowe rs. 8 ; Wolf, 2. Halftime Orange Coast le. night ~d wlU meet the El Toro I . W•rfl11•t. I ' • • l-d.c I • ' Ttlrife,9 • I I Lln•er. I I • Sc.off. 4 I • l l Second place w9nt to Duke the Nalalor, own.rd by David Bohan· an or San Fra.ncl9co and bandied by N . Beliveau ot Oxnard, with • third plac~ going to Rwnrodnun Duke, owned by Henry De.Roulel of Loa AnC"e1ea. a.nd handled by Mat Shelvtn or Loa Ancelea. Harbor Masons Seat 1 Off icel'S · Winner ot lhe non-winner stake Eddie Moore, retiring and fint wu lnk8tone. Joe owned by Pa.ul OCc 2• Ch fl 31 Martnea on their home mat next _ 8Core: , ,; a ey. . -People do read the want ada. DO~--i" RUN 'NE.AR TRAFn<l Thunday. I Atcheeon of Paa&dena and handled muter or Seafaring Muonlc lodge. by Stafford. Second place went to wu lnstal1tnc officer when Henry Jack. of Jla.maey Piace. owned and Detater headed a new corpe of handled by R. E. Smith of Ban 9ttlcen ae.ated at an open meet-Marino wtth third g'Oin.&" to Hey- lnK Saturd•y evenlng In Friday down Riptide owned and hand.led Complete Pet Supplies • C O LLARS LEASHES BRU SHES •• Fl.ESH U'. S. Govt ..... ·HORSE MEAT .. '/JJj .. .. . .SLIJ'PING CLUTCH A slipping aulomobile clutch results in fuel wutage, warna the Automobile Club or Soulhem Cali· fornla. Slippage cauaee p o w e r 1oM between the engine and <the driving wheel. ' rr you we&r rubber overaboea, don't run near tcafflc during raJny wiee.lhe!', advtaN the Na· tlonal Automobile club. •Rubber overehoea, Hile ~ooth tires, ~U .sUp euUy on wet pavementa. aJ\d a slip ntar traCtlc'.ean be taLu. · I Afternoon clubhouse. CoeU. Me-. by DeRouleL B. I. Circ e M.eet Dlatrlct ln•pector. w . Ben Sor· \ .Jwolor Slake D H rel.la ot Laguna Beach wu ma.a-Haven.hunt Que.at Pride won at c. . M. ome· t e.r ot ceremonies and o. W. the jUnlQr atake, for dogi Up lo .s "Dick" Richard, •rving u chap-tWo yeara .of age, owned by Lalt Balboa 1a1and Circle of Chdat lain., gave the lnvocatim. Edythe U'tte.r of Loe Anplee and handled Church by the Sea met at the Kemper ot Corona dd Kar wu bi Cltu Bricn&ll. ~tm.. ----------------------~--.home of Mn. M~ Bltv.u. 11<11oiol and Leonard Ban®c of llecond place-~ Keith C.Og' 1114 Ooan Bl>d .• Corona del Ma.:. Santa Ana wu accompantot. ot Che!am owned and bandied by °nlMda)' noon and a dellctou. The new lod•e WU chart.tted Brtgnall W!_th · third p)ace plng lunclieon wu oerw<J ~ 14 mem· Oct. 12 1 ... than a year alter re-to 11,aotua of Tooemtto °'"'~ by ben ~II'-celYinl' pennlaolon to ope<alo from Allan nelochaclter of Ban Pran-'l'bf!: ~ spent t.be attemoon Ca.Ulom!a Gt1llld Lodp. Taking c'-'o and handled by e.u.-.u. worktn1 on a.rUcl• for the. 9WD· ofttce With '»elater were: . ' rle'd trtaJ cb&lrlnaa tor_~.~· mer beu1r and Kim EWe New· Samuel K.lndatber, 8elllor wu-day t'Yellt WU 8-ndJ' ..P. x.c.KllJ. land ,..Y.....s tl'le -bait ot t11e clen: ae..-ce Lon Bot1ey. Junior 1m o..n m..i. Bal-. ~ ""°"' PanOf&lll& of Ille ll'ar wanten: Rellfont & All>rl&llt.. Slut.¥;., Eleanore l'o-pYe ~;Howard Ro~~Tr~ 1oc1r •c-a-...f0 ~ . ' _,..tary: "Robert H. ......... cllap-_.,. llemii.n aim -plana Jain~ Artllu• l!1 Jl"lfmu>ntl. -H11ir ID C•lef I for'l!Mtjllu .... ~loal<i to be-; Raym-NI-JllDlor ' -la l"ol><WY la ~ au n.. dH-; Virgil D •• Smith, ...... C&pL ~ ~of u.. ~ Cltdoo J-111~\e, Tba -ohal; Looe',er A. Sml.., emfor ance .Co1J•t1 ~·office, w-· Wiii'""' n.. _._ ~ -a.. otewud; o.ca. & "l/lllte. Jr."Jua-naa of -0-lkm, will ba tjle\ de woddoc. two _,. a ,,..._ • !or oteward: 1ll!mer' R. ~ -""':at th!' aat -tlai ot u.' "l, I · f orpnWt; and Donald I)!•-. tiler. Orup <lout -ad Lapl- pr<?-tmer.lca· I ' 111em11en ot arr:ar1n& i:...,.. ....,. _,.-at.~· •· m. ...... "'I ;11 led -. wltll a pa& opu-d&1 at Oio, Alleott!aa Lopi;a Hall, l ~ ~ J 26 ltt'a n-. ODd .. put -· Cloota ..... •, ~ • I 1V1.8~1S an·. · -Mn: Mook "Jl'8 a111o _, __ Be wl8 « I• tllo -of Ow-• ... "-- -J'Wldq. and. ' ..... ~.:. ~..: .: -~ ... -10 LW. 'l!llJa lln, D. .. .. hii la -fer e l ., ... ..,_., t• oe.. r.r.t. .a.mo .ornAJX ._.... -.. Ca I .............. " D ,u. ... • ...... sfs1 11 ,.,... :::.=· .. _"°' =·:t.,··:a 1:;.;_·: _::"::, r.:.. "&::::.~ ~ .. ~. !. ....-! -~--• ~ .. -4= 1_• .... !)oil. ~ •• ,., .,.. ..... =., ...... 2 ·--..... •.1--....., ..... .-'(, ... ' __ .... 0 "AllW·~..er-__ _,,_ ..... ,.. .. lW.811 .. f ' lt- la~,.tlsl .. _,., • ._. ,,, .., -.* ..,_ .__....,....,-.. " • • • .. li~e ·Not ~'"9 Else Yo u've Eve r • · ·Wornt You'll go far to find the equal of a Mufti • Tailored Suit . . . fn wear . . . tn Looke • • •• in Dollac V&lu •. Mufti, Ltd. • ' . Newport Blvd.-Phone Kl S-ZNO S bloeka North oi Santa A.a.a Country Club That Continuous Stock Quotations and Late Ni.wa Are Available at eur ~ LAG.UNA BEACH OFFICI Buik of Laguna Beach Bldg. Phone 84 Comple1e Brokerage fecilitia Tnm-LUJC Stoelc. TK:ker Smti1tlcal Llbruy aad Re.ding Room Your order ro buy or sell listed srocb, bonds or com· modities will be executed with ~ and' accunq over rM 'natio!l'wide I~ private wi{e oystem.COO· necting our 16.Californlaoffices and our New York office with principal !'.astern trading centtm. &atis- tia.l facilities aie maintained for your ctl!>Venicncr • • .DEANWI"l".TEJ'. lk C:o. "e·'ara New T.ta "9eli I 1t1 r .... a..r4 _,i,,... ... ,,. ................ . .J. ' 'ef , ...... y:.J rn t v·t~ • Mii ._.. , UM IUCllCO_ -· . mw .,.. NOTIGi TO INVESTORS ( Co ncerning Your ,IDIRAI. INCOMI TAX RITUllN YOU ore required on your federal Income Tax return form for 1950 to 1chedul8 your interest and dividend income and to show the name and a ddre11 of each company from which you receive such Income and th• amount thMee>f. • We are prepared lo help, you compile lhio Information if you will send ua a list of the companies f;om w~u rece1ved interest or djvidend incoml d~rfio the year, or caJI at any ofte of our offices and a registered reptflentatjve will be glad to 011i1t you. There is no obligation I« thi1 service. LESTER & Co . M•""'" Lo1 A•g.U. S1oc!. Exchng• · 5 IS E. BAUOA BLVD. • BAUIOA • HAl!Bm 2821 lOI ANOll!I M.HTA M'oNJCA NOllYWOOO llY!UIDI . I • • l I , t j •• ' • "' ' , •• ........................................... ' ,, ' .. . . . . • • I <> • • NEW 19111 PLYMOUTH on dlaplo,y fOT ""'flnlt time .... --k .. -s ·~ 1>yua...1 Somen.. Ch.rysler _ :f'lymoutll dM!f!l'9 at "91 Cout Bl«'fWay. Newport. ChannJnl' u.t'.ener IA Mtlo.Dal mAC- adne cover &Vt. Sblrlry lqTun of Balboa l~nd, _wbo wa& at tbe Some.rs' ahewlq of tbe new ear·IMt week end and pretWDted ercbidA to vhltlnJ ladl~. ~blrJ,.y•a pie~ 19 currently oa t·be cover of U. S. Camera lor February, now on the newstand& (Pren PhOto) . Nat. Council Officer Addresses .Harbor Assistance League ·Group Mrs. Ralph Myrehn Hostess at Shower Event Winter Oower1 &nd -the glOW' ).tembers or the Newport Har-from a radiant hearth tornied thr · bor AMlstance League welcomed were few a.nd in addition to the Setting tn the home of Mrs. Ralph u their luncheon gi1t>sls Tueaday, many families supplie<l with food, Myrehn, Ml San Bernardino Ave., Jan. 16, Mra. C . G. Parsons, vice--clothing and Chriatmu toys, the Newport Height.a. for a recent president of the National Council. League bought new shoes for an po11t-nuptlaJ shower compllment- The meeting was held In the St. elderly couple, made a hou9e pay-lng Mrs. Eugene Quarry. atater· Jamf!I PArlsh House. Hostesaea ment for a widow and 8Upplled Jn-Jaw of the hoatesa. for the day were Mrs. Edgar Hill. milk and toys for the children. Games baaed on the brldil Mrs. Hubbard Howe, . Mrs. Hay A subscription to Reader's Di-theme afforded entertainment Langen.helm and M~. Roland gest was given an old lady con-with prizea going to Mrs. Stanley Wright. tll'led to a wheel chair. A young Dixon, Mra. K. L. QuatTy. M'r1. Af'ler the reading or the min-boy Uvtng in a licensed home while Eme•t Schults and M.ra. Wayne utes, :W:r11. Rowla.nJ Hodgkirulob, hi.a rather, mother and brother Rueger. The enjoyaljlle boeplt&Jlty ~t Mer 1-:iome · " buffet dinner followed by dancm. majle a deligblflll enlel'- tatn.ment -~blnlUOn fOl' trienda °""eipblad ncenlly In u,. bome 11! Kr. and Mrs. Dul'WU'CI Carl· wrlsht. 211 Jtfapolla A ft. Coot.a J((-. 1nc2uc1ec1 :in the cum company w .... Mr. apd Mn. Dou&"lu Ward ot Udo 1a1e, Mr. and Kra: Claude Ande.non and Mr. and Kra. Ed· ward Momb of Colt.a M .... * COSlllETICS * VITAMINS 71812 5. MAIN st., SdTA . . . * H OUSEHOLD ·* ,FOUNTAIN .... • pres!dent of the local gyoup, ln· were 1n tlle county hol:plt.al with wu a comp~te 8Urprl8e to 'the troduced &nd welcomf'd Mrs. Rob--tuberculo.si~. was completey out-younl' matron. After lbe many f'rt TaylOI' or Lido ~ale 8JJ a n~ tilted and given the toys he moet lovely gt.fl! were ope.ne-d and pua· Provtmonal member. wanted. H is deareat wtah was to ed around tor general admiration, l'riittd fo"r Blood be able t_o bring Chrl.stmu gifts ttfre~hment.a of angel food cake , In a brief spetth Mrs. Parsorui to his lovc"CI ones. Through the and strawberry sundaes were serv- stressed the need of choosing generosity or an anonymous man ~ by Mrs. Myrehn. •• SUNDJUF.8 '.Advertised Prices Thursday Tbru Saada7··Jui.-1a, t•~•:..3 ... •.,.· _a_a_d_._j11_~0-r.:u_OA.,....TESS_EN_ JUST sour.a OF SEARS • ACB~ OF FREE PAIUUNG . • OPEN 1111tTES AND' ~~A.YS wisely a p roject in the ever au h.is wish was granled, and a Friends aba.rlng the happy oc- war effort. With a (laughter liv-League worker sent with th.e lad cuton were Mmes. Maria New· iru;-In Tokyo, she told or the great to make the Sl'lections ;nd tee land, Mary L. Williams, Franl need or blood donations. Shortly that they were properly gtrt wrap-Moore. St&.nley Dixon. K. L. Quar· before Christmas ovt>r the JoUd ped.. ry, Ed'Ward Hobel, Ell.n Myreho, speakers in the Jap&ne.!Je city It wu with deep regret that Earl Shentn,,Kennetb Dutro, Ro~ earn\ an appeal for blood and more Mra. Hodgkinson informed the ert Newman, Ezneat Scbult&i Tom blood. Plane aftf'r plane wu land· membership of the death of Sadie Quarru, Edward Dixon, ~elh ing with seriously wounded men. Wilson, beloved eoJored cateress Quarry •and ·W~yne Rue~.· JU l!fth viru.8 Infection, the young who had served the League for ~ndinl' g1tt. but una~e to at .. writer neverthel('!IS reported to years. tend were ~"'· Don Wede.kins. Lea~•e membera of lhe Gray Mrs. Wiima M~hn, Mr•. Grace the h08pltal Host pl ta I eorrldora, e-~ • -nurse's quarter!!!. f'Vf:ry available Lady Corps will ht: on duty at the Schmidt and M'.'rt1. William M el- ward was filled to capacity. Lit-blood bank. 'fhur1'Killy. Jan. 18. calf. ters with woundt>d "-'ere 9tlll being carried in. She was lol<.1 in brief, ··rr you·11 take a 1·hanC't', we'll take a quart." Th,,r1• "-'&.q no ques- tion or giving. Leono !'a Zube Lunch eo n Host ess Heights Couple Honored at Housewarming ' Following the rt•port or the jun-· lor~ on thl.'.' Candy. f'ane Ball, a nominating con1n1ltlc1· was select· f'd lo serv1~ for lhr-forthcorft'ttlg Plection. M£'n1~rB chosen were Mrs. Thomas Kutt..-r. Mr111. Willard Killion, Mrs. Spalding F..a.stma.n, Mr3. Charlea Wa~L°r and Mts. -Wendell Calkin.'(. Leonqra Zubfr. wa.'l lunc heon hos- tess to th« GPt -Toa:ether club a.t her ho1ne un Halboa Island. with Zenobia Frost. who is leavlng- shortly for Hawaii. u assb1tlng hostes.s. Mrs. Fr~t was given a surprise gift, a beautiful boucle blou.se. OlivP Waugh was recipi- ent ot a birthday gttt and a.Jso of the special prize. Friend• o ( Mr. anti Mt'3. Tate Hale!!! surprised then1 Saturday evening with a . housewarming at their new home. 438 El Modena Ave., and gifted them with a hand.some automatic percolator. Sharing honor11'-wlth the hC>llt a.nd hostess .was Mrs. Ja.mea Froet who Ls leaving 8horUy to join her hu11band in Hawaii and who wu presented with a bon voyage girt and card. \\"elfart> R..-port The welfart> rt·port s tr('ased the fine cooperation ext.sting between ,,. all organisations In th~ artta wben the ChB.mbt.·r of <:ommerce was uaed u the pl8.cf' or central con- tatt and control. DupUcatlons . ; ···~,·-:-·.;:i..~-.. -~-;..,-·:. • ·:-~~·. Y:!..-:·:.: •• .·.<-"" -:. Blue Sails Balboa • Parker Pens • Books • Rental Li brary • Statione r's Suppl ies •• BJue Sails ' Balboa niST <lllUBCR OF OllBll!T, • 8CIF.NTIRT . . . -Vla·Udo, Newport - ' -A t;.•;: el lk Motw Ctlwcll, 1"e Ant. .t Qrtst, Sc.kWltt, I• ~ lturtzrrtlL ,,..., ~ -...... .. ~ Senke ,, ... --.. w1~1 • ., ..... ,_,..., .. -••-~-.. __ -........ ot Ill h"" -1 ...... lr .... .,., &.. ll ... ,. .. --....,. ... ai.t'4eyt ..... . , ,,.,. --. -h" -.:: ""' ...... -., .... ~ ...... ...... Elsie Cu5hing wu presente<l u a gueat and mem~rs Included: Lele McM illan, Helen Mirkovtcb, Mary McDonald. Dorl3e Juko. Nina Wa.ltin. Alma Thompaoa. Olive Waugh, Eliza.beth Belmont, Bobbie Befmont, and the hosteuea. N~xl Dlt"('tlng will be with ~ta. McMiiian on February 1. • Mrs . A. E. Randall is Hostess at Bridge and Tea . Mrs. A. E . ~ndall of Newport Blvd1• entertained recently fa} members o f her bridge g-roup. Tea wu Mrved after card play to Mmea. WWia.nt E. Nickell, D. C. MacKenzie, J. P. Cooper. Elmer J . Wright, Nellie ft.41ley, An.drew J. Lupton and Miu Lyda Conant. Prises were won by MJ'SJ Mac- K.l'ru:ie, blgb;•Mn. Lupton. bonon, and Mrs. Ridley, conaolatlon. Vocal ·ouo Sunday at Island Clwrch ~. Eetell.e -lllll1a bu teeured tor special ... m.Ullc next Sunday at IJal..,. bland Commu- IUIJ Methodist. church a du.t by brother and alater, Gilbert Aiken. baritone -with Helen iJkm, ao- prano. Tiiey wlJI stns Geo. B. Nevtn'1 "'Hark, H'&rk My 'lkMIJ." 1 The topic ot the eermon by Dr. llafTY Wlllte, win be "Tba ,..Stb a Little Child.." N~w'Da u gh+e r for Harry. Kahns MuaJc, d.ancVlg and fr1eftdly convere&tion occupied the houn. COCkt&J.ls and a delectable buffet added lo the pleuure . Amon&' lhoae preaent were M eun. and Mmes. Fred Brl~­ man, Melvln Kiddle, HPr Thqmpaon. Bud Waugh, Roy Ge - rea' Phil Hayden. Chari~• Con- nelJ, Gil Ope.l. Mrs. Ft-oat and Mr. and Mn. Hales. Luncheon Progran;i on Ag~nda for Ebell Juniors , The Junior 8e<!lion of the Ebell club ot Newport Bea.ch will hok! their regular meeting on Tbun- day, Jan. 25, at the club hou8e. A lllllad luncheon 'will be .. rve<I al 12 :30 p.m. followed by a bull· nea1 meettnr a.nd program. Mn. John Stoia of Balboa Ia1&nd will d.iacuu the n.ew aprinl" fuhlona. Mia. Rorwe!I ll. H'uff wl2I be chairman of the luncheon commltO te<o, and will be auillte4 by Kn. Leeter Vtoplng, Kn. T. L. Van Houten, Mn. W. D. 8cboclc.· Jtf1'0l Arthur 'I"hlob.lon. Mn-. Joe Stamp1 Jr., Mn. Ci R. Slut, Jr., KJ8i M. H . Ro~u. 'Kn. H. ll. Ko- ble, Mn. Ailita Loe Kc:Kuler1 KN. Raymclnd . !le"I· Mt.I. Robert Bn>wn. )(ri: Riil>ert' Ci'Oomu, Mn. Paul R. Dulap, )(Jee -- Pac•. --v irsu EIJswortb""" Mra. .J're«mU · l'l.lba'. p ' I ! ..... tlofte nia7_"" -""callblt lllni. Bllrr Whltp at H&:Wr l~W. Chil dren 's _Home n.;. ,.... Nlnr -i..1 "' Har-Soc iety Meeting rylD.X&lmot-..ra lllarttel . , • and Ille -*'! ~ --~ -d=ns ., !( ... _ .. Mt_ ~ tw Ii w11 ... llo m -~. C111N 1•'• ..... --· HarrTa -l41ID ..... "'~ ..m .. .... ......... a-a. ••••• Tl••· ...._ • at n. .... .. ---~·ir.xano. -L t.ollle Mdti " .. . ---""" .,_, •. 4 '""' MeJcald '11181 • 0.,. ~~· -'!i! Ma. ..... ,,, wa .. a Mn. -,.. ....... -·· ,._ -. llrl!-n.a.lel£ .OeuJ .. --... ,,..,.. -...~-.. . ' ~ I FINEST QUALITY A .e . ' *WINESAP * DELICIOUS * PIPPINS BAG ( l'\oDf' t.o De&len). ORANGES 5 -~2fc V. S. NO. 2 WWTf: ROSE EXTRA FANCY CRtSPY CELERY POTATOES • 10 :.t 2s~ Sc . lb. . , EXTRA FANCY LAROE ~&IZ. GRAPEFRUIT ................... 6 ror 25 t AVOCADOS .. EXTRA FANOY GOLDEN RlPE BAIA -NAS LllllT 10 ibL Mo -Sal .. 10~ flwJ-Ma'ljau Meo.U SELF SERVICE -TABLE TRIMMED r r « • -••• f'" ,.,.. ....... « CI . o..cse iA (0004 s .... r) Slitoltt 79c Swboo ~&owld lb. STEAKS · T·BolM .... Po-Steak ...... , ....... Ji. Biie !b. 45¢ 9 ' £h•ml f >,m . HAM= ...... -.. • • .. ' MAYFAIR 'S OWN GENTLE EFFECTIVE B -L~EACH . - t Gallo n Bottle .. • 23c I Gallon Jug •• coFFEE~ "t-ih £can 1 67 ·1 1-ib. - · Strictly Fr..i{. O"""' A LARGE EGGS · . . ..... - b,~N ' . ..... I,) -"-\ ' -- . sr fOU.NTAIN SPlCIALS t StrlPI' ....... -Lal'I'• AA E a Fried In Battff Bacon & Egg· ·1re-akfast • • ea....J.i Toaal & '.Uy ·~ ·~. 8t ,. , •• ,t '::<>liP fl{ . -' ~ ... rra1~!"iiYS;OWc•i<I: 24~ . * * : * 0 L·MAYFAIR DRUGS 59 ' 9¢ RUBBING ALCOHOL -·--.. -· 113' Madliioa IWbber 53¢ HOT WATER aonLE ... ~-.. - H•ipo S~PI' Cf24 D!Atr-,t. .... 79¢ UST~INE ANTISEPTIC __ ..... "'~·-pt. Jl:otll• . -17¢ MIN~L OIL -·--··· .. ---··-.......... . v.--o"'la rTab'!e-lllOct-Bll. 12¢ SACC ARINE ........... ___ ........ . * * * • UqUOR and TOBACCO ~ CoW> ry nb,q tL-o 0. 23¢ EAST N. BEER ··-·-dJ ar.w l!lvrr mv~~t.,. ML I ~ Dl$11Lt ED 'GIN -..:.-.'r.'·--· .. -·-. p.u ~111'1 Tl'MllU-..$h IPL r IMPOR1ED RUM ... ~.,---toe llia:fhlr s 1n.iz1it.Jl¥.....at11 p1. 31111 BONDID BOUUON -·-·---· . Camhrldp A....-_ of H I 1·tS MILD CIGAREI IES , ~ Dlllo " 3 ' '-1!¢ PIPE CLEANERS -··-··.. ' * ' * * TOlL~IES and COSMmCS fto&". !0-po<.. bit, , I 0 • 6¢ MAR;·O·OIL'$HAMPOO, ·-· . · Forme< ~-fir. I 69¢ EAR !RINGS ---··-'--·-"-··-••·~ li'ull ~ 8 ~-··% .¢ , NYL9N HOSE -·---· llall' .4 .J;l;~u-o.. -. . 1¢ aua•u BATH _...,.... ...... "--%Lt~ECWM" . 100 • j * * '*: I O 1.:MAYF.All NDRIES ~ . ·. a'9MliM JU'l:i -~ . 1° .. ,...,.... ' • • I ' 1., ~I(· --ll!o:'f.:"!'D '!p -· ' .. ....,,.. .. 5. :• '. , t• "" -' ' ~.oi "V ·1 ~ 1" : _,, "' ~ *" -......... " I • t • r ' ' I .. j 1 • I . - I I .. 'r ' ' r r 1 - . . • ., "' I .., • f . . •' ..... ~ :.. .. . .-. • I 1 .. . , ... . I • • Pretby.: Moderat.or to Address , · CounfY. Group · j .. , . • ~ • - Rev • .Wte 1;.-211 · • Lane •mlBol:) -: ·oon--Blendin ·." :· -·,~·c>· L · ;~· i ;"·'JH~s~A~.~At-1:\1'1! '!S'. ·, · at .,.. ew, b EniQY Beauties. . . Speeker ~or \~yv' .· I ·-Q_ ._ 11 ..... ac1 M•, Df' Harb-A ~. --~ ---·:..i......... ~ .. ~ ,..._ -.... ~ ' " -r.~·=~1:~;;;;;;t:;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ bu -...... ID -i..j ~ " · . be .,,, .... \.el-I ,_ ... Mo Dr. H'!P lnn ~ Modt•· -., Wl"tb PJan..illlU>ori· lllr. WI Kn. -TopplDa _,, p,.,e u 1 I ,,. w..-...ia' • "e.l.or Of ,u.., Qenonl -~ of u.., WW •t the (Lua Turner> WI JI!. Md lira. Tiie '4h ....,,. 119 ,,,a 111 •• 1 tho Pr9bymtan dlW'Cll In the u. ll()ftd&y, J c--.:.:: ot tbt =ta .~':!..~~llil.~ T-t· .:. -... "111 ......... ·.·> u_ ''A_·-.~~-' .. ~SH .I CAUY-~~~Ja -;:11 ;:=.!i ~~ Optlnllot cl of N~pun. Barbe><. (N~ to .,Ole reol<k'lJlll ~-N-· ~ wtlll -~-~ ~ • ~-• .., 0 ._,. ot ""'°"' and ~ • 1 •• . . J!Oa;t·Bel--II y~,b1"'1calan ln"{I_\"!'· ,, ~ ' .• •.' i..L' N RSER~ rematn1ns u. Ill• ,.... ror Ill! c1cy1 B1rthd Fete ~ ~ -·l'.fU\. :you ""', be ~·to -;1 , ~ , • • t -1 ·• M.llllOA -~'°'° 4T • dllrins wblcli 11111• ~ Will ·~ •. ·s. -• . ;etc11 • &'llm)IOO of tho ~ · .. 11~ ,..,,l!IJOtd l( , f ', ''"".··· >m..r.. : . '·· .. _ .. w~= • \ ·,. ~ ;, ..!"""1 ~ Prutvterlena tn IS urp se _. Mlllnr """"'d u.. hi(bor. or . '°'y lieCleJJen, ~-~ j> . : . '"c.! _ .• ~ . e ~ of ~t -t!ftp. f . l\Wlllls be~lf around Ute, JIOlll. at ot Kt'. uid Kn. ll:rlloit McCloila'I ..r' · \ 1 ~ Dr. ~ putor ol Wootmln-or Me a Matt n VIiia X&rlne.) ' of 621 Wutnt1-r ........ ~~ ' ' ,. "_'':'"" ·t'S1 ,,,..., co'L' OR ; - etcr Cliu,_ '~ Ohio, ,... • = . • Helrftto, ta ..,~., -.. ua· :-.; '-'" -19 tll<> II~ llanorary C&Nl\UIY If plane of Rey ~ -... Ned l_ ainia .......... c In 8t. " -.. ' 41 I y G d pooltr... tho ~ ... cburdl Cooed end lfn. Poul Trau oln to who .... 1oo1!Jns to 1111"' ,,,-J~;;-t.!.'"' 7 , t ' ... ~ .. •''• ·, ft > OUr ar · en bu to otfor Ill UM ;I&2ad a..-.1 compliment ,. ... W!Dlam WW!emo · '·' -.,.--r:-' · -. -!>11 ~r u.. de(lamtne11o., °" tb• -1on 0£ ~·r! ,....1 • _. • " · · Pia nt, ......;..-_, . · _ , I · lleld loot ~X In ClnelnlleU. .blrU11ley ennlvereery re~ In 0 . 0 ~. ' ' , • : . , , Willie In tile 8oUtbei'ft eetlfomta complete ""fl' ..... for UI• honoree. BBWO' e's Ptfmula1 1.· • 40f JJ oz. c1m ... _ &.iii : • 45¢ doz. .,.. ,llodtretor ~ will eppeer Tho etfet~ woo.a deuert brlclp,' • -'-' • ·r January 24, l!VedJleocley, 1:10 p. m. 11ven ottttnr In th• home of Kro. • · · • · · • ·• ,CaleJclulaS ·30 f ~01 z. $1111,.... 30¢ doz. et • dlMor _,,,.. ... u.. Com-<lo&~d. S92 IC.! 19th St. Ceola . IF YOU. c;at ™ .. _E MO. _EY, ; HOViiv ·. ' ' • munlty PTeebytvl&ri Cliyn:b. Of Kua. ,HIJhll"cb Ing the m'.fPU WU ~ '""'.,. ' Lerw)& lleM:!>. , .. 111• Pre111>ytcr1 •• p••ttny de<:Ol'•ted l>lrtb<lty coke. , . • I Got .,.. -,· DO.SES · ROSES R.OSES en Cliurclloo of Orange Collllty. 4 Both delnty end pracUc&J were fo ·-'I YOU ...JOft_._·1 ful 'fhl:.t,' r .L-lll~f· ' ', . ~ . -:"" • . -. mau mee~ w1ll be held al 1 :fri U'le prit:ea awarded w1tb dilh ... .... u.· -. en . ....... M r p ._ m . towelo end other ertJcles jfor the • \ · , • .Specie I . P1rices for 5 ·or More kitchen prell/Mted the wtnnera at Marro 1ay• I waa cbewtit' op a I a•ter. · ee. i Cl d A d care! p1-y. Ml'll. Howard Balmer &Int mod e l no f~U\•r. 4 .. 1o .. Jte " ' r1ppoc1. eb4 -"" or Thr~e· of .one Varfety k ad& and 1 hardl,j '!'Per set -...o-.. tliu' Uuee' · . · 1(' • ·, E t rt-, f ·, too eecond.T and Mra. Wllll.adta \ve<'k ttom tbPm-lt• the Drlact.-. ot -QIAf' .. ~ , 1-........ • n e a1n or ,.... ewardi!d COMOletlon. I .. , ' ,, ... , , . . ;. . ';- ctU e,, n erSOnS , ocored hlgb,I 111.ro. WIU&nf Balleyf me to ,.,Jee her to_fllty ._te ~woe fl>r.'Wrlf:la'J!:.~" ! H · • G. . Olhe~ •~g th" h01ptt&11ty , • D r. ~owud &~~;·~-~· .. · 00$8 UeSt wtre Mn. Ray Aln.worth, Mra. ' • •, " .• · . . ' • ' -! .-!'-~l-t otay bu been con: ~:··~na end Mn.I Ar:U>ur l FfJIMTURE • OIPT8 • LRY ~.~A ~ High Q,~alify , Pr:inting-PhA .Har. 16.16 clUded by lira. Clarence Punk· ___ --,----,----'----------'--"'----+,,...,.,.---..,.....:....;.._+---------------...:..-------bQueer, former co.ta MeMn now · ' ._....,. • of WahlaWa, Oahu. T. H., who WU entertained aa houae guest of Mr. end Mn. Cl6jade ~n. · 209S Anaheim A. ve., Coeta Mesa._ Amoq t.be many courteliea ar: ':!1Uil'ed. for 111• vtaltot from tho AMONO anvro· PID.A-&LECT ph ~., ... -weddtap for land of tho pot aad th• plneeppt. U..: '?''ter ll! .. l.'91'1i .... t.;," Mila 8baro9 aa7 di.ruhaa of 8aa&a w~ a buttet dtnner bofJted by Mr. Aaa 1wlloee betrotbal to aa.eo Toft Gilbert WM .rtcently .,.._ and Mrt. Anderson. Gue-et. tnchld- ' · ed Meara. and ' Mm.e1. Mlchae1 ...,.......i. !lbron ~ from Santa Ana Hiii' .. bool end atknded Santa Ana co•'--before m •.-.i-... t&e rinh·en•.,,, of Figurski ' of Glendale, Tru Arp.r· ....... v _,....... ....1 bright of San F'unando, Roy ~-u a Rome l:eoaomlet maJo:r. She-la a Cbt S)mep pktidp Gresham of Pomona, Dougl.a.s id the University. Her ftaace, .OD or Mn. ·hhn VO(f'I nf Balboa Ward ot Lido Ille a.nd Durward &ad R. c. Ollbert of Stllfwa.lter, Minn., ta a ,,..bate of Ne.w1>9rt ca.rt.wright of. Costa Mesa. Harbor Unloi. Hip M!hool.. Santa Ana COltece .and la prw1ently UV Another dJ.nner compltmenllng electrical eactllM.rlnC major 't tbe 'unJveraity of Art&on.a . .' He t. a Mra. FUnkhouser ·was ' that pre· Pl Kappa Pb.t ph!dp. . sided over by Mr. and Mr•. Roy Ore:aham. Dr . ·Dora Purchard Addresse~ Forum Qn Therapy fo r the Crucial Ages Before a larce audience of par------------- ent. and lnteruled adulta la.at ' Monday evening at the high echoo! Dr. Dora Pure hard, consulting psycbologiBt, whoae aubject "1U Mesa Methodist Su~day Servic~s , ~apy for the Crucial Ages In a eerie. of aermona on "Be-- '(Understanding the Adoleacent) lng Christian:· Rev.· J . H . Tbomp- aaid, "Working with adoleecent.s atn, paa:tor ot the Coata Hua Com· &I Jllce mining for gold -tt la re-tnunlty M.tthodJ•t church wtil · _ _.,n1.... speak S'unday, Jan. 21 , on ''The -.i:---• Chriatta.n lfome" Developinl' her . th.eme · turlber, The churc.b ~ool conv.J.. at the apeaker show.eel that am.all 9 ·40 with cJaNea and depart.nient. chfklMn of ioday dtcfpUned by too £~r" f.u _, ·ace• Jnttrm~tat~ w.111 <l>lflti"'lt t. ~~ a.DlOft' 4ttfl· b'fe a~ tutD. •trip 'for-U..tr u.oe -... .. ,_ porlocl "* .... ~ which la · generally ·con.· dl:putm•ntal WOratrlP,. Thia de- aldettd to be between the airei of partment becina at 9 :30 L m. ln 9 to 16 the dlapel. · E\tenlnc worship hf.ctn• at 8:30 Mra. A.ndenon and Mra. Funk· hOU8el' were former c.laasmate!J IJt vamm~r and htgh school. Baptist ·Dean Begins Services at Port Theatre Dr. Milford L. B&kE"r, Dean •nd Profeuor or New Tcatament, of the California Bapt\at Theologi'cal Seminary In Loe Angele. and a Seminary atudent gaapel team Wiii bel'Jft relq:lou. servlceti at the Port Thea tre ln COrona del Mar Sun· ~y morning, Jen. 21. . 'Bible ocliooJ -w1ll be taught at · io a .m .. and-the wor- ttil~ ..m~ Will be held at 11 a.m. With 0.. Bel\Or "l'<""lng. Tbe Sel\)lnery goopol tum wtll conatat ot Merle Albright. mint.- ter al education and youU1 and Joe Sall~. minister of mu.etc. ' .. I \ llA•H "OUIL eetYIR•lllT GUDI A " " -PltcaAllD, CUT VP, RIADY 10 fRY ' • • ~ --l ~ yt>Ur femilyt.o e royal ' dinner· todilht. -Serve taate- t •ln ptini; ~eliciou1, fried chicken.Ye.t,this1UD1ptuous dinner will be easy on a bud· IL &et at.Safilwaya low prK:es. ... c I . . ~ Rteu,. ·'tlt1t•llll ,li'6, ,.,. , Wl"I• ......... Let•: · .. 1.11 Glzlbf41._SS• ?', --.. ~.zr ""19~1 ) ..,1,19 ........:0 '1 ./ ... ~ . J'"'i ' -,,-•, ~1 ~ • ' I 1 .-·..-..;-~· ~ \, • • •'I,. I • J • l \ • .. ' ' • Adoleecence ts a trying t ime -p. m. when the high achoot Youth in fact, Dr. Purchard stated that Fellowahip provides t.hf!I leader· tt ts hard to grow up. It is a t!me ship. Muslc will be by 8 quartettf' ot great hopes, depth of feelings composed of Marlene Jacobaon, and enthuaia..sm and of "l kn<>'A' Ann Crawford. Roger Axwbrthy better than you" attitudes. Boys and Thoburn Thompson. Th e and girl.a at this time need under· special feature will be a talk by at.anding and affection from the Ron Dameron of UCLA wbo wu family. The pattern of family life a member or the Germany work wW a.ffect children at thta time of camp team of la.st Mummer. The pubJlc Ls cordially Invited to attend these services, which arc expected to be thoroughly Biblical &nd evangellltic. si.....w.Clwdrr-. 5na Top~Gr...s.. 111.· ;Ii - .. life more than anything el8e. FouowtnX classes for aJJ youth In thla age children are power-groups, and a di11cuaeion cl-. tor tuJ and parenu muat be more so adults under Rev. J . Stuart In· and should ·not expect the school nerat, a t ea hour will be proVided to take tbe place of the home ln by the high school M. Y. F . The teaching high. mor.&18 and Idea.le. whole famlly la lnvittd ·to attend Problema of 1!19Cial lite, "boy and th.l.!I third session or the January &1rl "nlatlonahlp" come into fpcus School ot Misaiona. and here ago.In the famUy and ; ~ • 1- p ~ ~~c;. oi Germeny Work:· g to Dr. Pur-c t s k chard, chlklttn do not he•• to amper 0 pea study hard e110Ugh In th• lower t l ~ Ch h · gn.d ... end ere unprepared tor a M8Sa _ _UrC heavy work al911g thta lhi• ln eol· • SUnday evenl~( at the Costa tere., She feelll that the minds a! Mesa corhmunity church, Ronald ~s ~d gtrla betweeQ the qe of F . Dameron will be the speaker at 1 an 13 yeary, la Uut tlme for the 8:30 evenln,J worahJp aaemb- gn.a1 t t advancement. Memory 18 Jy. Bavinr bffn a member of the unc ut erect and many prepe.rat.Ory nine-member team from SotlUsem eubjecte for certain p,rofeulona. Californla which work~ ln N\I,... such u lanc;:apa. couJd be gotten J!-mberg. Germany la.St year at a out ·of the ay ln11tead o{ be1ng youth work camp, Mr. Dameron lett untU later on in tchool life. wa.s tn the party of whtch Rev. Pnparlng the adolucent for Thomu P endell of Newport wu mattla19 and the role of the man the director. He will tell of the · and woman La ln the first place work of that party Ln helping re- lhe job of the home although construct and In fellow.hip and acbooll loday with course. a.long tll.9cusaion with GermNt youth. , th.If lliM help eno.rmoualy. At the The offerlns at the ComnuuUty' clo.e of her addreu Dr: Purehal'd church on th la evening Oceuion wae held bJ be.r audience for a.n wtl1 lie ·deeipated for the ''Youth hour anlW'erin( queaUona atiaut t:xcu.nfe J"Und" an annual ukiq her• aubJeet by both fat.hen and made of Methodiat churcbN to motllen. Kr. H. Lynne Husft-. help · aucb Cbr1otJan 'Y~ l!"'.1- ie.c.ber 1n the 80Clal •tuditf de--ecta. Mr. t>e.meron ta: a ,Juntor ·~t, tbaakod Dr. Purehard otud•nt et U. c . L. A., a znajor In '°' b..,.edcl .... end leoltod ~ polltlcal eolence, a pn-lepl ,w. ~"to ~tin~ 'f'ltb tho l'or· <lellt, who bopee to 10 Into lnteP- um ~ ftolo AduJ~ wbh:h la n&UonaJ 'rel&Uon&. He Lt at p....,. a_..i by the three lq!:al Par. ent ·the p-t of Uto w...iq ent.Te6ebtt ·-~-\ J'N1Met1nn et U.. uiu~ty. T *YLOR _TRIM ·SHOP~ 11.\> " • j •• J I . Seat· Covers : , ,. • -· • Auto UP.holstery e Sport' Top .. ONE.. OA v: SERVICE • Se~mon Topic at Baptist Church "Ye Mu.t Be Born Again" le the topic al the aermon for the 11 a.m. worship service of the First Baptlat church, 19th an~ Court street.a. Ne~rt Beach, The paator, Don Lamberson, wtu a peak aptn at the 7 p .m ., worship aer- vice. the aennon Utle being, "A fatient Hope." Mid-week pN¥e~ f.Od Bible 1t'ady aervlce will be ~Jd at1 7 :1~ \:f..m. "Wednead'i.y. attNAMON '°''' . ---6-20" ' ......... 1 ~ •. . r....,.. . cilocauri JICJUI CAD __ _, 89"- • ~-*'*,_, .... '"' .,. •• ' 7 • lM•z4p11 .... -CI FllMA-. -......... _ " -. Cr.de B. la1U ,.ck. Sllb Bacon Wbole.jhalf or "itber end. ~rs N .. 1 Skhtle:M. la ee11o.. s..rtcr•I or SwU:t Premi..: • 1 NllU I• Ill• • I Salmon Fillet ., p • Whole Whiting ,. rte Halibut Sleab .. 19" Fillet of Sole .. 139 Green Shrimp •:;: 13• 8'.acled Shrimp . •:;: 71• • • . . Beef Short . Ribs To bake oc lin.ite. Bolllntleef Pla1a ....._ Prkff ltw. Corned Beel -!no h<iob t. .Mild..,., S....hot .... ld.- ' .._13cr . •-Jot.; · -2m·,· Lo)t-prlcoci •frezli fruiti ~·ngetablk It tJIO ; . peak of the ir· good-me&na pealiir·11;r~ i - ._for you.. Th i• week, In ~ with Nad011J,l. ;; • • · Citrui Fniit Week, we offel''joii ~specials. .. l JILL-WILL ..:.... .•• ~.'"~ ... 1 •. &•. Giolottotci-rta. 2 ·i.e..: 11° -· ~Ctf~0fWe .. ;~~.. .i-~.:, GBlfR•lfRt ·. . ~ .... :··la Aitchortf-. ~ --..~ 59c _,,ut'-. FomtClr-. . ···,et• PIPiu Alim. .. , ~ ._,:· ·~••s · -1·9 ... J._ -~ .•.11 ca•a· ·R· ~•Is i..,. .. -.f.;~~r~ • _. • us.~~--M ,., llJ ~ _ Cr1abei1les ·21 •• ·25· • . CifJW 2· ..... ·. ..... ... ~ 20• La1eHo.;..11,r.,nd. • .... ~.....,,T..,.r. -,....,_ · . . ' \ ~ . '-:. '· ·W11t5 11&10--PlllZI , 151 OllBPlllZIS ML DffUI ""'t"~ :111t11• w • fNlchod , ... --... Wlil!e .,.. •r. ' ..... ;,1.· . MIWI• .,., ... I ' A.cm. ..... _,...-.;.,, .:. '!:" II' A .. ....__ • ··--atNr ..... 't:.l!'t,.••.~ ............... i . ~ Aane ._ -.i..i J :=:,-n• .__.""".·" .• • r. ..~...... ' . ~-·2•:Z'' ~ .. - <I ----... ~ .................. _i' ' ' . . -. .. I ... !1'!1•~8 ~T;rool)I. , . II ' I 0 '#tr ' f' 3 23 I ' ·fNi!Nz ~.-ze;tN1f. r · 1, ... " 'i • , ... ' -• ,. " . • L ' • . .. • ~· ,, / • • • • .. • it ' .I N • ... ~ .......... v Ill 'lO and 21j Home t:.u: ; • . ·y' -·-...,; .. ·Ensign. · · t ._...a •1 4 •+ l PAGE 4 -. PART 11 -l}iURSt>~ Y, JA • L8, 195 I• .--..-•. 1 GU ? ~ LJ ' , . ..xAJUMSIOnS op . __ _. •;_! ... _ fet-,.; -~~ ~· ..:.J !; ti': <:fl~~~~p··a· ·Es· S-·a Nam•d Offfc•r L" t 'f Mesa Di1:L1· o •t -GnG .~ .,.._ ::.:::~~:;:.;,:; '.-~~.. ~"'.::. . ~ ·~-\(·8.JJ~'ftll-Y IS 0 . DUJNlngrdllllS ·. ' r~~-:.:-...r:.=:;l""~-!'l .. ,,,,;,pa.,~t&L m1<1ihlpll\on.,pf ·BoUU>orn OUlfor-Perm11' for two 111~-with a lolal Of 1H bo1111 ba'9._,.. -~--rddQ-~ • I • RELATJVE8 ENTERTAJNED Sermon. and films _ nla aild ~ Including ... 1-od b)' tJia Oranp eouat)r-bodldlng departinet far the -·ac-moioptlan '°"' luperln~t -• ...·~ I \· -Sunday vtsltonr entertalnocj by · .. flolD !'<~~ Hartior. llavo -....._ ' • . . . ; . ace ..,.,,.. ud. .II» ~-.~ nJlilllflJO llAl)ll Mr. and Mn-Ray C-d of Coate at .Christ Church appointed oltlttnt 'In lth8 Naval Vatuatlan of now oonlltnlCUon coftftd bJ permit. i.ue.s fOt' the \ UI. ~~-... 111::8' -Mesa were the local man'• brother .._,._ • ' ... S ~ ' TL ~ · and family Mr. and Mn. Ray Co· ' AcadOmy urlgade O<Sani&atlon unlncorponjt.Od -~ 0( the Barll6r t.ru In the put rnmlh l<ltali erffiOA .I Tieffie · •Jl()Ollll a',GA!!DJQI ~ ' ll8d and child.non Larry and CU<>-"Methodlom and TodO:y•a World" durlnr'Ui• ~nd u.ta of tho ace-~.2M. l!M!ludlng-"17',600 '" ~ HW'I.' *""""'' Jyn bf Venice. th• oe«md of two .. rmoo.-on the demlc :reat 1 to th• ·w.... of con-.... traet Ud $175,786 , ... ~ County ~· . . at St. Al')dr.ews -' ~.~ : I . F-'":===========:,}Methodlat _chutch, will be the l°P-duct, aputMcle, acit.dem1ca and other~ I . r . 5 I · ~ . ,_ ---••• le or Rav. Thomu Roy. Pende)I leadonblp. I ' Building ,a 29·bouH ~bdlvlalon Lower ~.Ill i"Mlnu:ieo of,Wortb' will 1'" ,..;. ·, tlJM,-. g"· ,.· -e~· .. .. llA'••-1, x-Hl"".., Inc, Ttio c!Wtll· . IQplc of tlM Rev.~ Gib-_ , lloeW 8 .,.,,,e, TPa'lsl'lt SUnday morning at ChrUt Church Among \t,oee appointed Mkt-lnp wttb pracm att&ched, eacb. .); ~-IPM"'na 8\Uldf.Y at St, ·A.d.- .,__ Bbapol bi< the S<&. ahlpman L~ute~ant JllJ\lor Ondo ••peeled tel coet 17000,, "'1ll llO at Water RaTe' , Pftlbyterlan ollutch. Bto • • -· a&.&.001'1 IOtl Sunday ntgnt,-7:30 oclock, two ls Wtlllam +. Weavf'r, eon of. Mra. 214.S.21'7 .,u.ral La:ne, Colfta Me& ts taken from ltatkJ::28 "And •AJNft:liO,OONTUCJ'O& sound fJlm.t will be abown. ··e,..ne--Marlon H. Wa.rrum of '5U Tuttn De lo t th ·4 aabdJ .. • w .....,_._.ct report ot mm went out · ~•';:+ · Cnta M-. lluu-V... f1clent Rf-probate" ud, In color .. Ave .• Newport HeJghta. ve pe~ o • eec;on Orangt Oou.nty atAlr vww• .... tway .___..ere ir, .. to all ·.._---. 11.... ,• , 1 ~· . , llM N9Wpeft Bml.. "Liquid Lore." , viaton la tl\e ~rC"e M. Bolatet.n bopea to buy eurptu. water fron'I .... .. ....... 1..... ,_ ~ .. 8ec~ tiUl--W Co.. which i. eroctlng :U bOURO Metropollt&n Water Dlatrlct at region of Galllte ~--t. • " • i at f.OQ.-4,~ Eat.her St. and tOll-t..f.T tJO pu acre toot tnalead of the +..:::::::.:==:.::·:;=:.~~=======::;::±::j:!:'.:.:~;i'.~~=::3===~==~~ Walnut St. Coeta range from $8,-J15 per acre foot price pakS for ALUMINUM WALL JILE ,. SAY "GOODBYE" TO CRJPPING PLASTER. PEELING-PAIN'!' ANO MOLD, INSTALL GLE~NG LlFE'l'rnE ALUMINUM WALL TILE ALL AROUND YOtTR TUB OR SHOWER- ( 40 SQ. FT. OR LESS l FOR ONLY- $45 Complete on Easy F. H. A. Terms 103 DOWN -30 MONTHS G.uaranteed •&:alnst c hipping .. cracking, discoloring or n.18t. Add Value to Your Home SPECIAL -ALL WOOL BROADFELT • 365 Yd. Installed For t -rM E•tJmate C.11 Beacon 5251..,J or lkac:on 6840-\V COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING 1191 NEWPORT AVE.. COST1\ ~IE.SA • ' • c LUMBER CO. • 11.eK· H f'XRgon ~hlDKle. 8 .39 Thl<'k Butt 8hlnl( .. 8.~ 90 lb. Roof ............ 3.'31 ~ lb. R>JOf .••. .. • .. 2.85 115 lb. Roof ........ . 2.43 43 lb~ Root ..... 2.08 • DOORS ~P1"C'. 5 ... 1.11 l.81 %.5% %.14 1.IH MS ·to $7,8111 with .. paniu pr-:he peat two yuh. age• •t $700 and $8,6'0 wttb at-The reduction can come about. I.ached range. :.hie dJat..rlcl'• dJrectors ~med Lut l..aDgeat alngle permit ln the lilt Neek. u aoon u the ne-i'ty-tormed w•• one lalllled to Je.ffenon Prop-)range County Municipal Water crtlee, Inc.; foT-a $06.820 et.ore Oletrlct .)oln1 the M. W . D . butJdtng to be buJJt at 311 E. 11t.b \Valer dletrlct dtrectora decided Street, ' to uk U.e newJy-forrl'led i,ttatrlct Seven Ff'nnit.9 to hurTy along tn· · jo.tnlng the eoau bctwern ~and SIO.OOO M. W, D., which already hu an~ were uumat~ on seven permita. n0'4nced the lower price for dellv~ .A.. lk •ry of untreated water ftom the Re"'vlMtlll were J . D. Doy~rap "· ':olorado Rtver . two dwrll\J!;g• "9th g&l"l.Jf19 at 1500 and 1511 Tuattri Ave . ., Coet.a Meu., each at $6,000; Hatt)' Opp. house. 2460 Orange ,Ave... Coat.a Mesa. $6000 : R. E. Ladd, t w o Bank of America Repom Good Year HARBOR .. fROZEN :; ·-r.·opo · lOCgERS LOCK~ ;P~CE . ~~I~ . : • (MEAT AT WHOLES.\µ: FOR.~~ pa HOME~) ' < I 1 , For Locker Re.,tats . P~1.'1•bor 0718 ' . · 30th ,St. <Ned -.to the Ice P~l Newport ~each . -> RATTAN '"' u.a•nT DIW\AT ON THI PACIRC COAST FURNITURE .AND ACCESSORIES 2 M x 8 8--S Pun .. 1 ~l%1X-:I hnfol 1 I ~ 8 8--.s l'AMI J0.80 10.10 9.83 • TOILETS 1.~I IUO 8.00 apartmenta at Weatmln.1ter Ave. At the annual meeting of Bank and Short SL, Coat& Meu., each or America, iut week, Prc.sident at $7000; a.nd a hOUff at the sun~ L. M. Giannini told the •hare- 11itc. $8000. and FAllh W. Abema. bolder• that 1930 WU a year or houAe with attached garage at txcepUonaJ tndulllrlal and busl· 2346~ Signal Rd.,. Clift Haven, n.eaa acllvtty and of .tupendou• $9500. probltm1 In which the 1t.rength Othl't building bee.nae recipient.a or the country·• lnstltutton1. and were R. It{. Leon, hom<" at 817 W . their ability to rt.le to the OCCU- 17lh St., Co.ta Met.a.. $4300: W.11· Ion, were put to the teat. -we're 11ov1qg! • • _. _ _.w .. ,,.,_ .... S.. ...... -'0 • ...... _ .... _. ... __ _ ' HOUSE I GARDEN ••c--.• _,. __ _, • OM!N ALL DAY !:IAfURDA \' Sun1ht.y11;,,._ 9 lo I p. ni. •• Thl"M'I Pr1l'ff Good •t '~~ Time of Sak> wltk th.ht A.cl .liUL 18 to .l'IUI. Zll • Uam F. K l ink and (,,e(jnatd Preu, The b&nk'll g"f"OO earning roee in u.lea t.nd 1tora.ge buildi..ng a~ 2016 rt'spc>Me tO expanding operations. Harbor Bl"fd • ., $3500; Elgin L. he said. but net earning• showed Halt. poultry procee.ein1 plant, lhe lmpact or hJgher t.xea. The 223a }[arbor Blvd... Coat& Meu, latter Wl!'re 68 per cent higher tn $1820; Frank \Vlrs. foundation fO't I J950 than In 1940 and amounted and alternation of move-.in dwel~ to S2.11 a aharc on the average of Ung. %79 A voclldo St., eoilt.a Meaa. rJ,23&,002 •h&tta outatanding dur- $2000 a.nd Kenneth A. Pantoj .. , Ing t.he year. l'fet profit ln 1950 house at 1964 Meyert Pl.. Cost.a Wu equal to 12.33 a ah.are. Meu. 1422$. A meuure or 8. bank's uaeful· SeveraJ pc.rmlla for •lJl&.11 proi-' neu to lhe commuf\lly, Glannlnl • ... • SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPAN-Y SPECIFICATION READY MIXED CONCRETE Weet Wllaoo (hfllwttn Nrwport and llarbor Blvd.). Cottta Mewa--Pbooe &r.co• .6M8 • < I 14& E. I ith Street C'O~T A MESA. ~E\\rt.;ST LUM.BER l'AltD Pho~ Beac-on 588 l I ecta were alao lMUCd ~ng the rl'portMl, la the numbf'r of de# month. ; poaltor• and borrower• It aervea. Mf".8ASS MOVI!:: TO Slll\\-TORT Now ~atabllahC'd In residence al 515 RcdlandA Avenue, 'Newport Beach, are Mr. and Mr1. Chark?1 B. Melon('. "''ho hav" just moved from their funner home, 8<H Broadway, ~ta Mes&. -Cluatned ada are read who are looking to .buy. by folk• Bank of America wu scrv1ng 4,- 338 930 depoelt account. .and had 2.212.000 loan• on the book•. Drunk Drivel' Gm 5 Years Probation Probation for five yeari with l'llx montha tn jall wu ordered ror (;(>orge Edward Ogle, 33. or Ven· l \lra, In superior court Friday. who had admitted. a felony t\~n>i:-drtvtng charge Involving In~ jury to two pereona be:aide hlm- H.lf. He wu ordered to pay $6 U'lonthly tor three yf'ats to pay coet. or probation, to refrain troru uw or tntoxle&nta, to remain ln trae eevf'n· ~.,uthem countie111 of California and not to drive with- out a llcen8e. on SIM·MONS Ogle wa.a quoted u saying be had bttn picked up by John O. Miller in the ta.tter'a car lut Dec. 21 and that he WU drtvtng Mtl- ~r·•. auto when It collided with the rear of another machine at Cout Hwy. a.nd MacArthur Blvd., In Corona del ltar. Injuring him- self, MUler and Margaret C. Turn- INNERSPRING MATTRESS AND BO~ SP~INGS D.URING OUR County's Share JANUARY ·cLltARANCE • . . , • ' ' I' 6T .. :rt.'IN Oil FUU. sm • ft - • ' < Open Fri ~ Eves. 'TII .i) p.k., -{-:.., : ,,,, ... • • ' • of Federal Budget ' The people or Callfomr.... 7 per .cent or the population of the United Stalea, wtU have to pay 8.2 per «:nl of tbe 71.6 billion federal budget for 19~1-:S2. C&lUomla l'a.x.pa.yen' ueociaUon declare<t '.oday. ' Cali!ornta'11 aha.re of the 171.8 bl'lkm federal budgt!l wtll be S:S,· 342.000.000 -an average of 5543 ror each man, woman and child tn the 10,7~7.260 populallo~ of the •late al· Jan. 1. 1001 . Or&n~ coun1.y'• share, with a population or 327,400 at Jan. \, 1951 , wW be 1123.478,000, U..e Tax· payeni' a.uociatlbn pol.ntect out. If, u President Tniman bu JUggeated, ,the $71.8 bllllon budgei a financed e.ntlrely out of current taxe8, the J961-:s2 federa1 tax bill for each Californian would far, !Xceed the hJrhteat pq caplt& fed. ~i:\l tax blU of World War U . 'Nben the federal aovernment col- 'ected an averace of 1444 per'per· xm from CaJJforta.n.a -a total of $3. 7U.46li,OO tor fllK:al llHO. "The inagnltude of tbo federal budget makea It clear t!lat the ;tale lepi&ture, county -...!a of ..,pu'rioo.,. dty councua. ecbool boardm, and all otkr governing -In Calltbmla muat. -.y 'NO' to ~ . llJ>Oftdinir pri>P<*! that • not a-·~ .... tlal." the 'rupe,yer,'. UIOClaUOn declllHd. • \(lo~e With G~d' I~ Sermon 1 ~pie -· f q.r Adventists "Abto -,.Jth ,9od;'' will bJo lit• toplcf at the --to· be rtwn. bJ Kt. ~ & .....,. 'OI ·~ ••<llUl-0.,. •-Ua&> -0( N""po;t &lsMo .., ...,_.1• ~-JO, 11 ...... ,~ will ....... !!Ml to aD -~ lo .,Para lo God ::: ~ for ....... _ ... """' ~-UllMI al W Ila ..a .~, ~Dooeu~ -1 .. _.,_ .. , .. ~ I • ........... to.. --'at ...... _,. 'ft I 7 7, JD t. I. "" -... tlle as-..--.. .....--._ -fll l&WM -·llf "" ..... ' ' fll \la jflll 21 IL ' • • ., I . •• SAM KINSFATHER ... PLUMBING a~d HEATING is Moving Principal Office to_ 40.7 30th STREET Newport Beac;" " • • WE WILL STILL MAINTAIN OUR PRESENT BALBOA-OFFICE At ~lCJ East Bay Ave. Same Phone HARBOR 420 I , • Reliable Dependable . . • 1 ~ .[ ,. I' ~ ' .... -,... . ·~ ... w...-.:_9'19,,_ ••• , .. ..r1a•r..., ·:.;::~ -• ··•~ ... N-,. .............. ,,..,...,...,., .......... , .. ........... ivt, ....... ,,, .. ~ ......... ~i> ........... A. 212111 ... _. .... ,,, ..... i:.~'f·~· • Ail:::..., .. 2111£111 •• ;~-... .L1 cit..., uwlll11:! .1\zts••••"":~•l•1" .. .....,:~.,. .. , ... , ... , .. , ........ : ... ,., ... It• ..... •s•1tI'f11•111;;-: ' •1•.1!i•--1111l 11urt11 ... ••' ''2 :••.,.I ' trR• !•I Al ~· ... , tie ' 1" '-----------~. ~ :au a+•&IM AD *"'•1Mft -AIBllll'F , I • • • 'JlllS W. Newpod • 1 ' .· j , • > • .- 1 • l • Power Squadron . Officers to . be · Installed Jan. 25 IMt&IJo,Uon of 1951 offt..,.. and welcti'iillng of 28 new memben wUt mark, the Balboa Power Squad- rflG'I tnembersh'p dlnnl'r Thuri-- da~.._ .Jan. 26 at Balboa Yacht c1Ub 'm.7 ,30 pm. : , R etlrlng Com.mande1 T ed Ham· brook will lnatall the new ot flcen : Hay i..ngenhelm, commander ; Harold HolU, It. commander ; G«trge I... Andrews, secretary; and Alvtn Spencer, treasurer. Twenty'"!ltlght mf'n who have pused the ra11' piloting course w\f! be Ciftn their certJflcat.e• and membe.nlUp card.8 and .twelve w o- men wtll be _gtven certificates tor ~g tM cou.rse. ea o e • cc • I I I I i . ' t · • • l Shnpson. Wins Pilot. ' Ciass , q .. ' Marallna . Cup tq Begin M~y --""'------~--"-------'--:--+~ 'rruk. flllDS) -..-· m -Wide 1111.aiiot .. """" ~ .. :..,·w...__. Girt. ( -. .. ~ot··~· ~.:.U.-.;._ . ! btttd the pri"*7 award W. Ill the bqlnnlas o( 11¥ BalllM ,. r-• ~ IVl f;9"Jfol'V - • "'"•bv ,MlllllJ UtJUoCo ~ r-or llqlladrwi'I ..... _,_,.. . I~ ' f:!t . d , Ev • ....... ~ ...... ~" do!" .iii!. ..-Jof-y ~t, 'J;;;;:-; Worlu erillse · ~n . av ~mn cr~~-..... or tbl two-clay. p. ... ...,. lbnJllna: u 7:80 ~ Balboe Yocbt club,..,. , l t 'CD'-.11 Ch · L.:.-p -rial otr!M. on Newport Bay 10l'dln1J to t1M1 coaunuder, TM . Wltb more u..n·ioo. erw i!J , ..,_ Uf~f!~~· ·~ TM N~ Ha-. Taul '1.ambroolc • I on ber lllt. b>cludillg -,...., ' ' . •• ,, ctub wu hm:t to t.be 8outherll ,~t·mfnded ·men tM women Newport Hart>or, the cun&r:d ~Jner i.A.l 7 :30 p.m. on+ Sunday • ..,.. Caltlonala TM:hUnl A..,.la!Jon lllroUgbout the &n!& are ~ C&ronla ·tiepe:rl_ecl from New york m9tlon. picture "1t1tled ·~~ 1 ~t. befttt eommodOre•ll. caru-· mo"' and mono that .t.bOre lo much ~Y nlgtlt.. Jan.·6, on" round ot the Earth .. ~ii<!--~ -·Gould of Ban Dl•IO made '.hat II Uldui' ud tni....tln1 In tile. wcrld CTUlle, tile ~1 P>be-nnctuary of the cpoota 11...,_~ the p.--nta~. ':1111 Im w~ ~ c:qune ol In-girdling voyage of 1 major it--munlty cbun:h. Produced IJ!i:~oi' Btmpeon'1 win of tbe Manning 'trllctlon In many phalM of -.all Atl&nUc l'l""'J' liner tn " cloaen lywood and In Pennoy~ .... too; trophy, In tbe Baldeclto, WU -· boat h&ndlln&'. Ttitre .. DO --. I • .. the United Lutheran ch~, .. llj u l.Ahman Intcdub dingily rt-enrallmmi 11...-ry. 'nlOOO w .... 1 • •-the dramatic 1tory of wbat OM . The J'&cht""UA.t-veaae_ • :1arg. e!lt tnan did when be 'declded:-to em.,. nll. Th .. • belnJ lugcot ·clus ve lntereoted •boukt report at built anywhere 8lnce the w.ar and •· t1ume..e-... t1 ... , they compe\ed , tor ':be meettnc ~ 'Konday nl:sht. . ' God's way M d to do «lad'• ,WQrk. , ~ acclaimed by man~ as one or tb(! Marti w bbe ll almost "klllll.i'I · lhe memqrla.l award under re-Commander Hay Langen.helm.. m09t beauutul ~crtuae ablqe ever • n e . r ••--a::-.:-_ cenUy revtaed d~ •of sUt-· D&st..rk:t Corrimande.r BafT)' Aab· dcalgned, wUl take lll4&.ja, a in a ooa.l ntine caYe-ln., nacleyfi- Un W tht• yar tt hi.I been on, and CbaUm-. o( the Local little under four months \o com-sell goea out to brinr hia en:~ 8t:rjc:Uy fo r the .l~ dlnlfly due 3oard.. of Ad.mm.k>n.a. Cu.rt.la Dolh. plete . her 32 000 mUe 'tttnerary into the church. Mll(e Moni» and &n 19!')() wu won by Barry ·Nill outline the ODU..l'W and dt.acua with can. at Jo wor~d ports. ' h ll!!I job and t hreatens to beat f1ar+ Dayle on AlamllOI Bay. the J'rognut\ -:z>d ... organtzatlon of . Miaa Ruth •Lewi& of N~wi*>rt ~~~tu=~lh~~u~e:tlc~~ • Tbe winn('n 'and placln& ak:ip-'he "Onitcd Statd Power 8q~-~U embark at Honolulu. 'Pb~ ma-of what o. man wt.I do when .._ JM•• follow: . t -on. ln an orle.n~Uon l)re9mt&· J Ht f h boarded • ... INTERNATIONAL lf (9 en-Uon, 0 • y 0 er pagengen takes God 8Cl'iously. There le ncf Edmund Simonis. retiring com- mander . ot the Long Beach Power Squadron. wW reeQl.lnt his e.xpert- ehcea on hL,, sun1mcr cruise &long the Canadht.n coa.st Jn his new · f lfty-foot crule:cr. the Cuyama, ol ·which he took deUVt!ry at Seattle early In the summer. Simonia Is known u a skilled. ak lpper a nd members are looking forN'ard to hearing about hjs cruise, a.ccord- lrig Lo retiring and Incoming com- nut.nders H an1brook and Langen- heim who have arranged the pro- gram. S pring Coaferrnr~ wrrH THE DEMISJ: of the IC D1np7 eta.Y., for which It wu lnWnded. UM tnldltlGD·ladea lla&a· Ing Perpetual Tropby I• now prew:nted to tile winner of tbe tlue wttlli lbe J.wsea.t aUmber or boaie en~red. Thl9 yar l:a wet1t to Frank "Bins'• 81mpNtt, wtn.n..r of U.e Lelunaa duiJ ln bta"lSA.LDE. CITO and Ills cni~·. Ma.ry Ann Pearcy (oenter). They are whown her. oa the deck ot llll1! Newport Harbor Yacht club. host. ior the effftt, with S;Q.1' .A. Commodo~ ~n Gould, ~• 8e.n Diego (leTf}-and Comm4Xlon-BIU Plr1f', or Mlulon S.y Yaclr.t club (r1cht ). Commodott Gould and Pirie ~n·ed on the rau commit.tee for the S.C.Y.A.. 11pon:so'°"' &ertt!ll. Bini' lll the M n of N.Jf.Y.C.'s S tall Commodore Frank L. SlmpM>n. ~nd place In lhf!! Lehman'• weat to \\·arrr n Blhln, tn nRST FID- DLE: third t.o Ok-nn Myers., of .Alamitos Bay Yacht club. who h.u. "oa two pnn•lot1s oct"aakmA, "'Ob the eo~rd M.a.nalnC' a"·&J'd. lPhoto by Beckner) t rlul: 1-c'hallenge, &ailed by BW Part of the flrat m eeting will be the Caronia at New York. Otht'rs admission fet'. A silver oHptnli wW joln th~ ehlp at Long Beach, wl1l be taken lo pay ex~ of La.pworth, Balboa Yacht Club; 2-(l\ren ONe r to a di8ctl881on o r aome Calif., on Jan. 18. When sl}e calls fllnl rental. \r • Catoree, Carl Eichenlaub, Mis-lntroduclory material by Mn. at that port en route-to Honolulu etori Bay: 3-F lanccc, Chuck Ko· C..bel Andrewe, on the jurl.8dlctton &nd a coneiderable number oT acldi - ber, Newport Harbor. "lf the Cout ·Ouai;d a.nd the back-tlonal paaaengera will embark at T HISTLE (~ entrlcat): 1-'n-(l"OUn~ of Maritime law: tnter-Australuia a.nd other: por ll en rout e, George Coffin, ·Newport nation&! wa ters and tnlaod wat.erl!I route. Harbor; · 2-Clair~ BUI • Sehock. and the t ypes of law whlcb obtain Balboa: 3-WhJm Wham, Cha d on ea ch. Th.ls lays the groundwork Twichell, Voyagera. for t.h.e la ter detailed inst ruct ion FIREFLY te cntrlt's): 1 -on the Motor Boat Ac t , Rule• ol Yump'n. Herb Worcester,· Alaml-the Road and legal reapoiulblllty -ctaaifled ada are read by f ollui who &re ldoking to buy. HIGHWAY KILLER ; , Excr.ssive speed on the higbw~x ts a major cause or traffic 1,ta11~ tl~s. says the Automobile . Clu~ or Soulh<'rn c .allro rnla. wbiph:de, fines excessive speed a.ti any~ speed too fast for· prc~ll.pg con41.ti~' Announc('ment w ill be made of the Spring C0Z1ference of the Thlrlttnlh Di8trlct which w ill mee t at lhl' Balboa Bay club ~tarch 3 aod 4. Diatrlct Command- er Harry Ashton wlll be tn cha.rge of &rTal'\lit'ements for the c&nfer- ·ence wl.lch will Include 1ncn1bers from Long Beach. Los Angel~. Santa Monica and po&ibly from a new squadron b:.-ing formed in Ban Francisco. Announced also, b:.; n<'wly ap- pointed chaiJ::tflan of advanced g rades, Jam£'s Stoddard. will be two new spring. co:..arsrs, one In Engine Maintenance, which begins at J...ldo Isle Comn1uni.ty club Mon- day. Jan. 22 at 7 :30; and one I ~amanshlp which will begin in March\ at Baiboa Yacht club and meet on Wedne8day night.a. These are open to squadron members and women who have passed pilot- in,:. HAROLD I. JOHNSON Propefif'r RepUn f • ! :J-ore ' n ! \ Writing a co"un1n T'las what might be termed Ila comf)<'nsa- tions. so lo SfX'&k, but It also brings embarr&.asmf'nll!!I. •Having just topped oft a tirade calculat!'d to convince any and all readers. regardless of nauUcal proficiency. tha t t he a djective "tull-rlgged" is a misnomer, and u t terly without Ed Soule significance I n the de11ignation of a particular type of l!!l&iling ve&ael. Imagine my emot ions on picking up a let- ter that not only UMd the forbid· den word but was written by a mcn1bcr or n1y ,very own family. By ED SOULE bf-cau~ no such animal exh1lll. (t ~ absolutely meanlngle.u ex· cept a.a Indicating that a veasel of a certain claulfled rig or type 111 cqulppt'd w'th t he aaila •peci{led for her particu lar type, and as distinguished from a ve88el whose rig has been modified or cut-down. ,And she went wrong on "ship" because the Academy bouta nolh· ing. at prcM-nt. that -could be classed as a ahip. They are now reduced to a so\t- tary training veuel and, Instead of ranking as a ship, !!he \a a thrt"'e-m&st~ bark bul a very mod- ern and hlghi typc vessel which the U . S. ,.Te.aled from Germany in the late unpleasantnE:sa and re- nanJe<l EAGLE. 80 dear ISH.bcl"s .'IC'Ore -only one rlKhl out or t hrt•e -was nothing to brag about. out lhl'ft" proponent.a or "full-rig· toa Bay; 2-Unnamt"d' boat , t':e Of au boat operator•. Brown, Balboa: 3-Unnamcd t, All Voluntftin ged." In desert bing a echr1oner Walt De Manlell, Cabrlllo Beach. they commented-that 11he wu the SABCYI' (~ entries)~ 1-T oma- lut N"malnlhg ''full-rlgjC'(.'CI sclioon-hawk. J ('rry Thompl'On, Alamitos er" o f Gloucester·11 once great Bay; 2 -A~C'he, Charle11 Merrill, fleet. I t touched off fireworks. Al&mitoa Bay; 3-ZApatlta, Judith All America bombarded Time with Cravl', Alamit08 Bay. tart letters.. SPECIAL SABOT SERIES f9 "There 111 no such thing 8.A a entrleal for w1n·ard Yf c ht bub 'tulJ-rlgg~' schoont'r"." lh<'y ~·role. of R('dondo Beach): 1 -W izard, "Full-rigged means squarc-riggf'd Dick Brownell: 2 Flying ,Dutch· and the lt'rnl 111 not applicable to man, J . Bcigall; 3 -UnnamOO boat, schooners because t hey are fore-R. w . Lfl.mb. and-aft rlggf'd.'" SOUTH COAST 10 13 ent ries): But Tim" stood stoically to th('lr l -Boat No. 1, Gene Cu rry. Santa «tJns. • .. Full-rigged meaN com· M 1 y c 2 n --N 8 c on ca . .: -04,..t o. , a- pletcly rlgg~d." tht'y explaint'd. Jeno Enright, Sant& Monica Y . C.: .. and nothing mort'. 8.nd It ap-3-Boat No. 11, Ka thie )furray, plies t o schOOn!'ra a.s w.,ell u brigs Santa Monica y _ c . or bark• or any othe r type." and LEHMA N'S fll <'nlrlcl!I): 1- that wu the end of the battle. Instructors a re a.II voluntttfJ, wit b rxperlf'nce ln tea ching their subjects. They will be Lee J onu, Safety: Isabel Andr ews, Law, Llghll and Requir~ Equipment; C. B. Knick erbocker , Seama nship; James Stoddard, Rules , of the Road: Ben;'lh ard Pa1m, Charts a nd Piloting; Robert L. Boyd, Com- p~s ; Carloa Benson, Aide to Nav- igat ion: and Bart Hender80n, Bearings a nd Dead Reckoning. Ther e will be a final cl&88 on the proper use of !lap. shipboa rd manners and customs and yacht- ing etiquet te. The course ls o~n to all m en and women who are interested. Bafdeclto. Fra.nk SimP30n . N ew· Time wa_, th!' victor 8..l'I they were port Harbor: 2 _ Firs t F!ddl<', ·REPORT PKO\\"Ll!:R bound to bf-. \Varre~ B'lnn. Nl'wport Harbor: Don Pierce, 1:lo t 7lh St ., New- The publisher always hu the 3 _ GrorGc Myers. Alnmitoa Bay. port Beach, reported a man look· Jut say. But my own position ing In his window al 10:30 p.m . WM unusual. My boss, Bon ,.Red· 11t·n CAJ'S STtll~ES 1.tonday night. When a pproached dick, won'J. bellr ve It but this was\ Andy Kirk, 1208 w. Balboa the man said that he w&.A look- one fracas that I krpt clt'ar of, Blvd M'porl('(I the theft of huh ing for someone and w alked awa y I~ W8!J a l('ltlptatlon bu~ I stood caps .. rrom hie stat ion wagon w hile towards Ba~boa Blvd. Pierce said f1rn1. I fe lt that bot.~ 1Hd~ "W<'r;. parkffi on V.ia Nice, Lido IBie lhal the lncldent wa.a a recurrence ·~ SAYE ~'c>-rPAINT IT YOURSEl.1.! A ~ ...... • FORMt;ICLY 1916 Newport Blvd. AL'S ' .. .. .. . ~ ' ;.,,_-. ,: ..... "' .... • . .. I • ... .. .. , '· -~ ' COSTI\ MES'A ~ (;olumbbi.n A&'eDCf Phone Harbor 8!0 It jarred this old craft like , ...... had hit an unc harted 11hoal : It ha<i me chock-a-block. Th is disturbing letter wu from my brolher·~ Som,.thtnl' Strans" But l ht're Is 90methlng atrat1ge and int-xplicable about th.Ls "full· rll'ged" 11tuff .. I t waa no more co- Jncidence t ha t prompted m y charming aiater-ln-law to refer to u.e b&rk l!:AGLE aa • ··run-r1•se<1 a.hip," andi lt waa more than a CO• lnctden.ce th 'a·t lnflum c::ed BIU 8purpon, widely known N&val of· ncer and devoted spon80r ot local Sea Scout ah lp.3. to mentk>n a "fu\1-rtgge<I Clipper •hip" In a talk bdore our Tttr:111day Lunc heon group . wrong. J blamed the full-riggers ~mct\m(' la&t Thur8day night. of a similar one last week. ··~: .. for exploiting a cauS(' that wu ii-____ ....;. ___________________ -----------------------""".'-,"',.,-,,.-' logical and untenable and I blamed .~ ... _.. • 1111 Villa Wa.f, Ne wport Jleat'..b I widow, re.!lfdlng ln Florida, and • · · that made It e.speclally bad be· caUR s he·s one ot lhe gra.ndetit ~ . ._ I /. women w ho ever llv~ a.nd 11he'1 llO ti!Jffifitltl ' Y;J _ :~:t~~l~!~~i;'t'~~:! ~ • \haplf!u author who bAd unwtUtnc- ly atubbed hill tone on a ll&uUcal 8ALllS and 8EBV1CE technica.llty. /:J.p,·,_a.,U Har. 1!01-.1 And her shocking ellp about T 801 Cout W~·•1 that "full-rigg(>cJ" vessel perplexej Corona del Mar 1 nle, Wo, because lhe charming ---1 Isabel really knows. her boats. I tried in vain to cur<' h('r of say-Te le· f Un ing that sh!' .. ,ell badly:· or thlll l!!lomebo<ty "looked bart\y," but lhat bY Warren Good rich 'is about her only fault. and she Is .a one o f the few SC'8·5:Ulllg gals that I ever encountered who could )lame the nin!' rof>(!M-nr seven ?-that are knov.·n on board a ship. Builds Pltfa.1111 is it• only and used It is said thnt bra.gglnJ:' btoltls p itfalls and that'11 what may h1:1.ve hap{>f'ned to IBabel. Anyway, ahe 1 was sort of bringing me up to date on her four children and lhf'lr 12 grandchildren and, with pardon· a.ble pride, Jncluded the statement 1 that one of her grandson& I~ a 0 lt11 ea1y to an1wer pr9ft'Pf• lyl When ttle phone rtn111-lust make a bee Hne for ttJ•• ••. You won't miareceiving im- portant calla if JOU aJ"::iA" anower promptly ... Pa · c Telephone. Value Your Heahh More Thall Riches Somo folb think that line cloU.. and' liDe. bla bou.es ... Iha.-lmp<>i'lant lblnp In life. but fhe:se UW.,. ru11)' don'I mean too """"' If • ~ 4-'I feel well eil91Jih to onjOJ ~ Mflll folb don't nia- Uze this,. but Mra . Luc1 8r11w.U. of Route 2. Stone .Mo11nt1 l n., Ga.. rew11,,.. n: ...,. well. lJfn. Bruwell -BA.O~COL, and by laldNi BADACO(; Ille.found .... ti bolplns Mr • -o•~ a.flo-ot Vltamina !!-, B.. io.dn and I,an. wbidt BAD'ACOL --BOft .. .Kn. a.-we1J'1 01!11 ' .• ~: "I --lick for --wttb--lurtlonceo. J btca '""''ii RAJ). ACOL and l ban -tUlaa -U ~ lbr w11'• l ma • -"'* sf"<'ond-year cadet at the Cou:t Guard Academy and, u such, wu prtvUeged to tour Europe thla pa.st summer on a "full:rigged tral11ing ship." Those are her very word•. ThE"y may sound 0 . K. to a lay- man ~t not to the diKrimlna Ung readers of thlll aalty and sea-blown column. They tumbled u11 abrupt,. ly into the lee acuppcrs. It took ua a moment to gel our breath >nd our be.a rtnga. She Wied .three de- scrtpt lve. worde &nd only one-- .. t raining' -could pua muater. The other two were fiat flops. .. Full.rigged" Is a palpable-mlBa Somewhere In the rrmole re- ceesea of their minds, and from a &aurct" which It is probable that neither could -explain, thl'y bolh thought of "full-rigged .. u lndl- t:altng, In some indefinite "·ay. a ~Riling V('Uel of considerable slze anrl c-quipped with sqUllrt.'S&il..s. And they are not alone in so thlnk- ing. I. my11elf. have known quite a number who harbored a 11lmila.r Idea, and aome Who \vould bolster their cla im wtlb loud and emphatic argumenta, but, like Uie mllllona who once thought the world na t in.atead of round, they experienced difficulty . ln producing proof. The derivation of "full-rtgg~." ln the ~ that It ts eo commonly u.wd, Ill shrouded ln mystery. There waa no need for the lerm, and no logic ln tU foundat ion , a nd yet It unqucsl \ooably pees~ ln the minds of many Amerlc&n• aa being aynonymoua' with ··BQuare- rigged.. In lbe lde>nliflcatlon of speclfiC types of aaUlng' craft . The fact that there la no logicaJ or au- thentic buia for auch 'belief la lm- mat~rial to them. They believe n. anyway. a nd they uae the trrm and will tight tor It. Smoked Out Timf' for ill tactlca choice of ad- jective. They dellbel'ateJy court ed t rou- ble , When they uaed "tuJl,..rlgged" becauee th ey knew, or 11hould hAvc known, that fDM\7 .,_,pte fAt.e rpttt It to mean 9q1Jare-rlgged. I~ wou ld have served their purpose ju.t •• well had tht'y sald ••col1\pletely rlggt'd .. or "aa originally rigged" or "und<'lc tt'd.'' Thll!!I ~·ould have' 11.volded a nuty ruc tion with their temperamental rcarters and left evt'rybody scrcnf" and happy. BYC to Host SCY A Regatta • ' CommOOore Harry Blodgett or Ba.Ibo&. Yacht club announQ<'s that the Southt"'tn CAlifornla YM".htinM All80Cfatlon'e annual rt"gAtla Will be h08tf'd by Balboa Yacbt club lhla year, ln the week of August 4-11. T hi.a la alway11 a large and ga.la affair. w1lh hundreds of boats; of all. clau.e• oomlng trom ·the many other Sout.h~rn California eluba, from San Diego to Santa.Barbara. With Its improved facjlltie., In- cluding a oew sma.11 boat pier and new and enlarged floating dock apace and electric hoist and en- larg«f bo&t parking area, Balboa ctub la already prepar ing to handle the races in a well or;ganized man· ner. CY A regatta Wf:C'k is tradition- ally m11.rkcd with fk>stas. dinner daocf'a and many extra entertain · mt'nt features and i8 the biggest annual gathering of ak.lppera. crews and spectators. · 11ii11or -4 ....... -· I wlD --to tab HADAOOL. It :....u:~HAD"':co\. '\° ~ ,.. HMJA~ too """"" I. ,&.10fllAL :wDOIDIG -u ••-., a.8'i ---oillf-119 D iiie T-...... -,a. p,....,_ I-,...) -la -..,,. 4f. i-L ·; I *'-,_" ' E -lo.JC., t~ -- f IJIC * t ra 1..-W ._Ah '111 _... w.-.. ~ .-. ... b' 1 b ib 11;' l ,, lk Olw'(tmp ..... ,...okl. . • -.n.•r iQcz' . •· • .....,111 .~ .. "•1o ... .c • n ~ *"',.. •e 11 • _. •, 811••01A 1a !If~• . • • ·'fr-1' -. .. in.&. • • • ~ • •• • r. bf ·.-> , ~ • -, ~omething NEW on the "R oc·ket 11 ! , ·NEW 1951 · ' ·a·l,,IE:T• . , .. ;.-.. •• • • ' ~ . .. ·-If ,,-_ .. I '-• ' . ' COMPiie SOON • t "...I • _., . • , ' ' • .. ' • A~~/ • • • t. I t• l · . ' • • t joult _,_ ' ' • , . ' • .. ... , .. ' . •• ,. '• "• ·--.,, . ., .... •• 'fl. . .. ,,. ·-. "' •• . • • I I • I i I -I 1 1 I ' " ' • I . F ;:· -P..AA1 TT _:. 1!1ill3D~ 't.' :J.4.N. Tt ,•r · .~~~'fazs.1~ ' ~AL ,.OTICE "mm' ri'ri·, -CJLii'IUlCAU: OF B1l,IDIW l'lelfm0118 ~ N.oUIJ!l 1 · • Tl1Zj UNDERSIGNED d o e • ~ certlf)' that ho, i. conduet· tna a Palllt Jltemovtng buelnea at nil Lafa>"'Ue Ave. Newport Bttoh, Cl.llfornta. under the nc-u.uoa. firm name of P ACIP'IC NlllJ.llJ3( OOKPANT, and that • tlnD \I composed of the fol, lowtas per90n, whoee namu ln tun and places of reeldence are u foUOWft \o-wit: Ouvin T. Mone, 1238 South . Birdl 8L1 Santa Ana, Calif. WlTN1l8S rny band th1a Ith day of January. 1861. GARVIN T. XORSE State of CSUfornia, County of 0ranl'e, u . ON THJB Ith day of January A. D. H&l, before me, Robert F . WILLMES. a Notary Public In and I~ ·tbe-•ld County and State, re-- aldlJll' therein, duly comh\laalon- ed aiad sworn, pereonally appeared Ganin -T . Mone, known to me to bit ~~penon whoae name ii •ub- ICrttied to the within lmt.rument, ~ ac}'nowledced to me that he e:JWic\11(.ed the ea.me. IN WITNESS ~II". I have bereunto eel a!'y Mnd and afllxed my otflclal ~ tbe day &nd year ln this Cer· ttncate nrat above written. , ROBERT F . Wl1.L)(E8 My Commiuion &:xplree 11/18/51 No. 111-Preu. Pub. Jan. 11-18-25, F eb. 1, 1951. NOTIC't OF SALE OF RZAL PBoPERTY BY TRUllTU: 'UNDER DEED OF TRUST WHEREAS~ ALAN D. ECHOLS LECIAL NQTICI 1960.duJy ·-dod ... the 'atttc»"' the Oount1. lleeonlet of Mid Qoun. !J', 111 Boal< 2ori. pqe s1e or Of· flol&I . Roconla u..not, a notice of aid d•f&Ult 4'1d of their •ltctlG!I » e&Ull aald property to I/I told, ll)d more I.bu. three m<>!'tlla ~Y. .OW Ila~ &Ince 1111 NOOl'datlatl >f _ .,.id notice. Tb• llljlll · of J191T.72 principal. tor•ther with Interest thereon trom ~ 16. 1960, l8 now due. owtnc and Un· paid. and tllere II allo ..Cured by oald I>ted of Truat tile Trustee'• fff and .xpe.ue. ot u.Je 11Ufnated at 1176.001 toc"ether with an1 swn1 paJd and advanced by the owuer of aaJd note .in accordance with th• prov1olona, of Mid Deed ot ,;rruat. with Interest on 1ald tut mentioned swn1. Now: THEREB'ORJi:, Nctnc:E 18 HEREBY OJVEN that the eatd Bay Eacrow Co., Inc., a Ca.lltoml• cor.pora.Uon, by virtue of the au· thortty · velted In It u Tnwtee under said D...'ed of Truat. wlll tel) at f>Ubltc auction lo the bl(hett ·bidder tor ca.ah, lawtul money ot the UnJted. ·States of Amer1ca, OD February 5, 19!il , at the hour of eleven o'clock a . m. of said day, at the South Front door ot the Orange County Court HO!..Lle In the City of San.ta Ana, California, all ot the lnterut conveyed to It by S&id Deed of Truat In and to all that eert&Jn. real property 1ltualed In the City pt Newport Beach, County of Orange, Slate of Cal1· fornia, described a.a follow•: Lot 19, Block 180. RJver Section, Newport Beach, u abown on a Map thereof re· corded ln Book 4, page 2:i, ){1-cellaneoua ~ape, ttcorda ot lhe aa..ld Orange County. ~ J~I~ H . ECHOLS, huaband ind wife, f,lld MILLER F . WU,. f()N and QEORGIA V. WILSON, h\lll~d and wile, by Deed of ' .....___ -:T.tust dated December S, 1949, re- -e0rded December 22. 1949 In Book or ao ·much of aaid properly u aball be neceua.ry to be aoJd to provide & .. um •utnctent tcf pay the total amount secured by sa.Jd Deed ot Trust. I · 1114. page 532 of OfflclfJ Records Of br&nj. County, calttomta. did rrant. and convey the property therein and herelnafter deacrlbed to llay Eacrow Co .• Inc., a Cali- (ornla corporation, u Tn.l.stee, to teeUtt, ameng olher obUpUon.s, tlle payment or a note dated De- ...... ber 8, 1949. payable to Donald H. Conover &ftd Cecil& A . Conover, buaband and wife a.s joint tenant.a. or o~. for the principal aUm of $2000:00, with intere111t from De- cember 22, 1~9 . at the rat~ of five (ft) per cent per a.nnum, princip&I Mld interest due and payable i n tn- stallmenta of $30.00 or more on U\e fifteenth day of each and every month, begtnnin&' on the 10th day of January, 1960 a.nd contlnulna until aid prlflcipaJ and Interest have boon pa.id; a!ld Dated January 18, 19!51 . BAY lllSCROW CO., INC. a C&lt!ornia corporaUon By DEAN C. BRADFORD By ED JORDAN No. eia-Preu. Publish Jan. Ja.26, i'eb, 1, 1951. HOTICJE OF &,A.LI: Of' REAL PROPERTY BY TRUSTEE UNDER DEED OF TRUST WHEREAS, default ha.a occur- ttd in that the tn.tallrnent of JS,5.00, being the principal and ln- terat due on aaid note on April J.6, 1960, ha.a not been paid; and WHJ:REAS, Dona.!d H. Conover and Cecile A. Conover, owners and holdera of a.aid note-, heretofore demanded that said TMJJ1tee sell aald properly, and on October 13, WHEREAS, ALAN D. ECHOLS and JESSIE H. ECHOLS, hu1b&na and wife, and Jl]l l &:~ F. WIL- SON and GEORGIA V, WILSON, husband and wtte, by Deed of Trust dated December 8, 194g, re- col'ded December 22, 1918 ln Book 1943-, page !ill of Official Records of Orange County, C&llfomla. d.id grant and convey the properly therein and herelnatter deecrtbtd to Bay Escrow Co .. Inc., a Califor- nia corporation. a.a Trustee, lo secure, among other obllgatloru, lhe payment of a note dated De- cember 8, 1919, payable to Cec!Jt" A. Conover, a married wo m&n , Rita Jennings, a married woman. J erald L. Biggina, a ma.Tried man, or order, tor the principal awn of CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRAC'l'ORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be r eceived at the office of the City Clerk, City Ha.II, City of Newport Beach, California, until 7 :30 o'clock P . M., on the 22Dd day ot January, 19~1 ,' at which time they will be publicly opened and rea d, for performing work as follo.,..s : CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA F or the Conatructlon of P _ C. C. Curbs on BalboJl Boulevard-, ft'qm 6th Street to 9th Street. Hourly a...tfteaUon Wqe Scale ~t er -······--·····················-.............. ·····r· .. 2.3~ Cement Flnlllher ......... 2.38 Laborers, General or Construction ............ 1.7:i A1phalt Raker and Iro,er .............. ····-··· l.~ Flagman .. .. ........... ... 1.75 Watchman and/or Guard .... ··-·········-·········--··-1.67 ApprenUce Engineer, Including F ireman, Oller, Orea>cr ..... ..... ........ . .................. 1.93 Air Compre.aef>r Operator ...... . . .......... ·-.. 2..Q5 Asphalt P.ant Fireman _ ...... ···········•········ 2.15 4.aphall or Crushing Plant Engineer ........ 2.30 Concrete or Aaph&lt Spreading, Mechanical Tamping or FlnJahlng Mach ine Operator 2.30 COncrete Mixer Opera.tor -Skip Type -··-···· 2.18 Heavy Duly Repairman .................................. 2.30 · Kotor Patrol Opera.tor, lncldd.lng any 41 type of power blade ........ .' ........................... 2.43 Pump Operator ................................................. 2.Q6 Roller Operator ···············-·····-·---···-·········-····-··· 2..2:i" Tractor Operator -Bulldozer, Tamper, ~. Per Dtem Wap 18.89 19.04 l.f.00 ·~ 80 14.00 13.38 15.-t• 18.tb 17.20 18.40 18.40 17.44 18.40 19 ... 4 11.40 18.00 Scraper or Drag Type Shovel or Boom _it"-· ~ - _ .A.ttachmr.nt:s ....... ~·····---·---··--·--··---·--."'.' ............ :2.3b .. ll.4.0 Tl-encltlng Jttachlne Operator ....................... 2.tO 1,,04 Unlven&l Equtpment Operator (Shovel, l)ragline, Dvrlck, DerTlc-·Bargo, Cl&IJt· ahell or cranef ·-····-.·-·······-······-··-·~.-···---I.~ • Drtven of Dump Trucka of leaa thaa • yd&. Water Level ................................. _ ... ; .•....... 1.N ·Any cll!Mlflcatlon omitted llereln, , I J10t le .. than ....... -...................................... 1.17 11.31 All btda an to be compared on ll!e -· ot tho City °Ellfjneer'll util!lalt <>f the quantl-of work to be done. • • . Ne bid wlll. be accepted bOin a OontractOr wbo baa -- lic•n ?' ll ln aocordance wttll tbe p:rovialons of Cbaplef' e. DtYildioe xq qi ...,.._ and Profemiona OOde.. I . . . PIP.a """1 lie -. IUl4 f<irma.qt P-'· ~ COii~ ..t "".,.,...._....,"' QlltainOd 'at tho ;;m;;"o1 t1oe-at1 ..-. -City Hall, Newport Beac11. OallfonUa. nae llpedal atte.UOa. Of p.ra11~• ~ la ciaW t. ~ MP.fie... eo-1 Requiremooto' -0-U-·-l!> lllo Wull -"' JI*'¥•'• for f\&U ctlneU.. &a to....,..., fl&c.. ' TIM City ol Jkwpc>K -n11 ww· llle •riPi to ~ _,.QI' .a-. -_, , c:rrr OJ' lllSWl'ORT BB•CB, CAlD<O'lll!A ' c. lt..J'Rmft, ~ a.It. DIMC: 11-l'J 10, 1111, ·' · -Jll l'l lfl ....... ,_.,, U.11, 1'11' ' . , • I· • ' ' am 8E8$IONS -" 'lllS pan or ~ lite .at q,u.., , eout cou.p.' """' ~ wo-.; ..,-, letffl ...i Toiil Bu~ ..-lual!"e •-ltllet• ... a ... a& -_,.,... -o1 .nm iAaarp. OCC Prepares for Costa -~esa Comunity Chur~h New Semester WSCS !Circles in Jan. Sessions -Cla.ultlad ado ,... rud by folko who ar:e looking to buy. . • Second semester or the current year beglna at Onu>re Cout Col· lece on February 5. New ¢1.QM• will begin at th&l Ume. .Veterutt &nd others W111 flnd U!l\11'\1&1 op- portunities to further their educa· lion. . Dr. Jame• W. Thornton, vtce- preaident, url"ea prospective 1tu- denta to complete the followlng pre.llmlnartea:: 1. FUe an application for adrnLI· 1ion and a tran&cript of previou. scbo~aatlc record wtlh the Record· er. 2. Complete pre-~glltratJon ex- aminations on January 27 or· Feb- ruary 3 •l 9 a. m. In the Science BuJldlng, Rootn T. ,. 3. 'Co01e to the college counsel- ing office at a.n earJy date and formulate a program of cl&ae1. 4. Appear for final reJilt.ratlon on February 5 or February 8. "Young men &nd women will ftnd It adv&ntageou.s lo attend college )n theae crltle&l time•. Those furthering their college ed- ucation".wlll be better quaJtfied to make a real contribution to nal· ~oruu weltaie," 11tated Dr. Thorn· ton. =:;:;:: -··---· LEGAL NOTICI! By vt.,iala tur• Initial meettnp of the new year · were conducted by clrcJea ol the Womeka'• Society ~f Chrl•t- lan Servt'ce 1 of lhe cost& Meaa Community church when member• c•lbered tut week . Circle One wu broufht t.Ogether Thureday by J.lra. L~lle ~ Clark. Zf27 Oranre Ave. "Mlaalona.rle1 Toclay In Korea" wu the topic of the mlulonary talk !r(VOll by Mn. 4>b Xeek. '.Mn. Alice ll:Utman led the devotlona. Member.1 wo•k· ed on di.ah towela tor t.M new church kitchen. The bolt.ea auv· ed. a one o'clock deuert lUncbeon ot ice cream and c&ke. Amon1 t.hoae ln attendance were · Mmea.. Mabel Jame1, Ruth Kidder, Kath- erine Dial, Nella Fuller a.nd Har- riet Johnlon. The next meeting waJ be held Thurlday, F eb. 8 at the home of Mra. l:farriet Johnson on Newport Blvd. _ Clrale Three Circle Th'H met Thunday ln the home ot Mrs. Allee Jpnea on Orange Av... where Mrt. Sally Hlnealy 1h&i'ed hoete.u .ruponal- btlltle,e. T~lllng of .the bome mta.. .Sons ln· the United st.at,-. Mn. a..,.. Rea Wu heard .in u.. .,.._ ld.onary talk. DeVottona were' by Mr1. Fiorence Harri90D. Sand· wlchea, potato chlp11 an<t coffee S2~.00. with Interest fl-om [)e. were served. Present we.re v11tors cerpber 22, 19'49, al the rate of MTS. Albert.I and 'men1 be~ Mme._ five (!i) per cent per '1tnum, Ruth Allen, Ida Bolea, Mlnnle prlncJpa..1 a..nd lnte reat pay,.ble lnt 8Qyd, Edna Hart, Velma Comp- lnslaJlmenUJ of $40.00 or PlOre on ton, Luc!11e Fema.ndea. Ida Ke lly, the 15th day of ea ch and every Amy Coleman, Florence Keael, month, beginnln, January 15, Nellie Ogden, Carol Reynold&. 1950; a.nd contlri.uing until said Vmle S&lg, Belva 8Taddy, Alberta principal and intereat have bffn John.Ion, Alice Nlrmberr. lea paid; and . Clark. Feb. 8 la the date ot the WHEREAS, default ha.a occur-next meeting which will µ_kt> re-cl In that the inatallment .Jf p!a ce in the ho me of Mra,. ltecna $40.00 belng the principal and in-Rea, 20J. Broadway. Mr•. F1orence terest due on said note on April Keael will be oo-h<>11teu. l:i, 19~. bM not been paid;· e.nd Mra. Rutl'i Barnett had charge <;:lrcle Ten met wJth Mn. Ada Mobley_, 2019 · Onm{e Ave., Mn. BenJ& Pott.a· a.uuiqlnr the role of joint hoateu. Mrs. Mild.red Warne had charce of the de~oUon­ a1 observance and tl)e ;mlalonary talk wu gtven by Mn~ Martan Overman. Included tn the ll"OUP wete Mn. Ro1e Wllaht, peet; member1 Mmea. Bernice U:adley; Lucile Knii'ht, Eunice l'ttc~ Mar-- 1'&.rel Thatcher, Faye Brock, Flor· ence ctiamperlafn, iJt,heJ. De Bord. Nettle Stevena, Jackie )Iffier, Mil- dred Rltachk•, Gin Oriffln, Gen- evieve Andereon, Vlr(inla Hog· land and Irma Leigh Shaw. Pep+ permlnt Ice cream a.nd coolde1 featured the Tefreahment.s menu The ~ Dext m~Unl' on Tuesday, Feb. 13. wlU be held wUh Mrs. Margaret Thatdber, 2::0 P-.lmer St. Harbor Stars Honor Ppst Grand Matron All J&nuary birthday celebr&nte were honored at the pot luck dln- 1neT for Harbor Star chapter mem- ben and their "trailers", the af- fair preceding the' w:uaJ atated meeUn,r. H lgftlt g ht or the meeting, pre· "ded over by Worthy Matron RUl;h Delllter, WU presentation Of kn bonoraTy lite membership to H~!en LouJ1e Edwards of P'uller· ton, past .C'l'a.nd matron for the state o1 Calltomla. Presentation was beautifully llf\d l'rt.ctoual,y ma.de by Edythe Kemper, junioT put matron ot• the c hapter. E8cort honors w ere given Mr,. .. Electrontc THRIFTLITE» Speed. ~lash Synchronlu1 to a ll c o me ir a 1 w ith bujltaln floth contact•. ' 10,BRE FUIH JJJLIS •iif.ttme g¥•"'ri~ , on, b~lbl No more synchronization pffblemt * Sovn ti me, and lnconvanltnce of changing bulbs. * Ughtt up effectively te 25 fHI. * Leave yOar camera at 50th of a •cond-• !lath flrft al 1 OOOth, Slop• oll action. S.. our sample ~ative1. Amazing penetrating ,tower ' ~omb~n~ wttf'i ey•n d lstrlbutJoh of ilg~t:. :Sltoots·da· .Ute color indoOrl with no. ljl....._t4$0o'' IC, .,ocqmmorycl.<i by th•\Ari\iri..,,.. ' di1tributor1 of Rollelflex. · f . WHEREAS, CecUe A. Conover, of the devoUona and Mr1. Kath- Rita Je nnln.p and JeraJd L. Btc-erlne Mac.Kerme gave the mlulon· gin•, ownere and holdere of said ary etory qn the Far Ea.at for note, heretofore ·demanded tllat member9' o(. Oltcle Fol.Ir W'ho were •aid Tnv' .. ee aell Hid property. received by Mr•. Bertha Hiii of and 01\ .Oc~! 18, 1950 du1 ~-Cbuch St., on Thunday. Mr.. , a Ice Of Mia delau'Jt of Mn:" P-!l I.Upton: ,.i;.,.. ~ Edwards and Maude Bigelow Sib· ley, also honorary m~mber or the chapter and P'Jit &Tand matron or California; aJao several vtalUng matrolUI and pat~ 8.fld PA!l ~a· 1elt wereil • d • :t1 ~~tJ il~jj ~iii~ \•t , ' c" .i .. ~ ·~ ~~--> and ot1 ~' J!Klt~J.o oau.. .-Id~ igMtto.__..,.,gept.e.t Wftti~tfirrrt prOperfy to be aold and more than A program o f games marked the three montha have now elapted llOCt&l phui, of the afternoon. 1lnce the recordatlon of .&.id nc>+ Mr1. Nora l.ange, c~hoeleu,. u- Uce. The sum ot 12408.44 prtncl· •lated Mr•. Hill ln aiervlng refresh· pat. together with lntereat thereon menta ot gingerbread topped wtlh ~ March 16, 19:i0, la now due. whipped cream. tea and coffee l-0 owtnc a.nd unpaid, and there la 011 ... ·e Mennea. FJ.izabeth Hall. at.a NCUred by said Deed' of Tnat Mary Hall, Ulll.an Johnaon.,-Ber· tbe Tn:ut.ee'1 tee . and expe~e• of tha White, Ellu.beth Plumstead. -.le uttmat.ed at 11 TS.00, togethe r 'Martha Moore, Alma Hall, Martha with ~y wm1 pa.Id and advanced 3'1nchnm, Mr1. Klrb and the by ttui owner ot aid note In ac others prevtou.11Y menUo~. Mr8. cordance wtth tht provl.l&on.m of Moore and Mra. Fincham wtJJ ..... •aid Deed of Tru.t. wlth tnt.ereet sume hoeteas duUea F eb. 8 at the bi Worthy Patron Henry ,J),ai.ltfr. · ~epre<i !lito~ tile. ChapGir by atftllatlon were Annabelle Fuller- ton and Marpret Verna McCall. \_' ' • '; \ v . t • on aald lut mention.cl wm.e. church. NOW. THERl!:l'ORm, NO'l'ICE Mre. Wilma Myrehn had the role IS HEREBY GIVEN lb.at the aald o~ t\Olleu whqi Ctrcle Sev•n WM Bay m.croW Co., Inc., a Callfol't'lla Welcomed Tbunday ln the <>ranee corporation, by Virtue or the au-A.ve. re81c:Sence of J.t1u Mary, An· lho.rtty ve11ted tn It u ~ denon. Memben pereanl ln.c.luded. undu said Deed of Trust. will •ll l(r1_ Helt.n' Roddick. "Mn. Pa.ulti at public , auction to the "I.cheat Sandbor'ft and Mra. Ittne Olli&. btdder fOf'" 4Uh, l&Wf\&1 monc1 of At c...... del ~ tile Upltfd JI.at. or Alnerlca. on Announcement wu made of tlle oftlclal vi.alt of Worthy Grand Ma- tron Loi..e Blodgett TVnba, at · 8 ;>. m . Feb. 12 ln :..tuonic Temple, Santa Ana. A.JI ofttcera were uk- ~ 'to be preaent and all membera 1nvlted to attend. Initiate• will be teecpted at the next meettne-on January 23. A rt.'nc vqte of thank• was glv· en Rei11'a Cottle, anoclate ma- tron. who pr~nted \ha chapter With 1100 which · ahe earned Nll- lnf Chrlotmu and birthday -' R'Olltef.eell for ·the f!Venlnl' were Ruby Orawford, :w.rtha Jlottet· · tor, Doroth/ Burdick, wlUle Mr. llcNalr oerved J cott....,akor. On the niception commtttee •eN Cath•rjn• "--· Benedict IUl4 J:tta KU oortman. l'ebnlary 5, 1901. ai the 'tiO.., of Xn. All-Chri.o-of IMll eleveft o'clock a. m.. of Mid day, at D&hUa A.ve .. Corooa del leaf, e.n· PJ~IMtfe $on of" the Sooth Front Door of the Qr. tertalned Circle E!pt W- anp Ccunty Court -In the dq, Jo. lO. T1>e -u.I p..sd· .._..,___ W · aty or tanta....,., CaJlfomta all ed o•<r Ill• -• 1i10D &nd ~.. ..,_, tr i1J1 lnt .... t -...,..i to It ~Y lll'Ytd lemob and -1 ·~on • • L • eaJd ~ ot TrUA 1n &lld to au !>le to -.,. ~ Qwiiberlaln. = am. Okla., Cllpedllll-O>I. thal' rta1n property mtuated 1n -~ -~ ..,_ l c. ~s of 11u1a .u., •k• tv of' Ntwpott "'-·k ~ hlnent, ......_ JoMI 111ary .,.. proaiotad by l(llJa< ,,.__, • ' &DJ County, ~o......,,dOKi'I)>-Ille ....._...._ &lld tho .m-........ , ol Artllkrr: Qint.•'at ;: 1 .. -, -· ~ --~: 1-~ +_K. ~"T"· ~ ed ... folknn: .. ' . --·~ -~ _,_ _,_:._ ~ f • bit 11) ~ 1-., i.u... ~· na eat meetJncl wt11 be-~ 11111. co nan __,1 la -la! ~""'' N~ Bnell,.u ' Mid hb, l~. I • .,....._l&ltlu.11; · • ·- -"" a Kaii ~ nl-~the-.::-Ool!m.I ........... --If corGed In' Boolr 4, -20, Do'1o ~ Ille rv•'7 -.,_ ~ ,..,........., di "l xi-1-_.,_ ·-""' '"""' ~'f::ted byX.., .... ~A, .... °".,.~. oltbe-~Otarlfe°"""*7. ~ca·...,..\.'._ __ fl>dlllono~-.. ~ r ·~:. .. "'a-r1;l'&ft or • mueli of aid fiopiit:J U ... _, •• '"" i111•n'1W11 Jlca.. 4-•. · ..,U ... .. •'l'Y lo. Ila ilOld -"' .ie,, ,,.._ f WIUI -. Jf9e .Ila • pr~ a -.,,,, -lo ~ °'"""-· t ~ -Dr. let ttftAL 111111 CAN / ~ iica1 -lilt ----11J 19111 ~ ,.,q, c 11 ..... 'ta~ eol· I. I . ~ .. 11' • .., A,,._, ..... of~ , ... I ,-'~'V~-,.:i-;.: ••o ·~ .............. -~ J171 '7 St, ill&. , ;; ':"° ~ ,j/ --~ ...... - • llA'I: ..... ob., IMC. .:!.:-...... 'r .:,21 ~· *-:!-· ...... ... .a ,,,Wufh ............ i ....... S AIWll, fll 11111 fllll &lft llL&Nd ., -...S c. -·~ ~~.JCl..•':11s' •.= ... II ,,_ M I • ....._ • ~·.,~ ~~ = u".:9~ ,...., =lint;·· • ~ ~ IHI, ...,, i. ... -• .. .. -..... ,., ...... .... • • ' • .• •, .... -• I • . ' • i . uip to~.{ 1 ~ o._ ,C, ~" • -P>llS'SE$ V.-&o1UI , ' NO~-~ .. ·-- I • s-· f5:0 4 .. .) to .. ' s5~ Budget; Terms 103 West' 4th St. Santa ·- . • . ' ., ) ' .· •' • •· ' • • . j_~.:.~.·-~:-..1 ' .. ... •• j • • • • • , ' •••••••• • ' • Telf • ' In Pollo Rght •• Edltol"fl JI ote I 'I' O llrills NeiW.'l'blail. retf'ra apt. a.&. 1 -ta.a moet reoeat p1opw: la -l!Pt aplDo_t ,..,..._Ule ,.,.. ~7*. tblo -wW. ,..bllall • -.,,, llrllc!eo P"'--4 by ...,, Call(ol'D!a ottlcet of tbe NM-.S FOUDd&Uon for Wu- Ua& Pual7•l& Tbiit h No. • of -.. ..-Tbe year 1950 saw the aecond -I • • I • ~ highest number of pOlio cuu in U. 8. h.lstory. There we.re SS.SSC cues tn t.h" United States; 2,1 IO tn C&ll!omla. In tbe put three year• more than 100,000 ca.sea haVe been reported In the United .stat.ea. Th.la ia ahnoat as m•ny a.s wete reported tn the entt~ pre- . cedfng decade. . I . . 1901 DODOE OARS wblch can be .,.. at Sba'"'-' Moton. ()orl:ta M-S&blray, ba\•e Ul ollUroly -"""* --.... . 1-pr bwnpeJJ and bumper puda., w .•tardJ' ptue dle slp ........ Q:>unty , Chapters of the Na, Uonal Foundation for lntantUe Paralym 'o.Jded 154 ,000 paUmta dUrlng 1900. Of thll total, 30.000 were "hold-over" ca.eea from pre- . violl.s jean including 17 .000 from 194.9 aklrle. lied -toun or IM>Q\I aacl ,,_t f-stve aew -•lo -.. t- 1ve1y .-. ~, TndltloMI Dodp IWD'• ho..i bood o~t bas· a tarser born •pf"Md and IA more, quickly idmtt:- ftable Uum la prevlou:9 models. A.ctuallY 28 C&lifornla county chapters "went broke'' paying tor patient care and were forceJ to apply to National Headquar- ten for $85819-40 to lee lhem through the year. New Body Lines, Shock Absorbers Feature 1951 Dodge on Display Sat. ' The 1951 DOdge cara. new tn appearanu and feeturtng Oriflow In 1949 the Nation&l Founda, Uoo epent $27,000,000 fot patient care and epidemic akt In 1950, the Founda.Uon spent $20,000,000 wtth $6,000,000 due on December ahock ablorbent and oU}er lmprovemenl.9. will be display~ at Shavyr 31 ln unpatd bills. Since the Foun-Motors, 1936 Harbor Blvd., Coal& Mesa, beginning Saturday, Janu.e+Y daUon was organi.Zed in 1938, a 20, David Shaver, president of the firm, announced tQday. total of '102,000,000 has been Further tmprOvement tn driver sperit on pettent care &.Dd eplde~ vision, new body linea in the for· mlc aid alone. Thl.8 doe& not U.kf> into account the 1uma invested ln ward pa.rt ot the cai:. modernized education (bo~ pu.bJlc and p~ interior 1tyllng. a .gtare--protKtea feulonaJ) and acientffio ruearch. inatrument panel &nd a more ef- .,..A)ver $13,100,~ bu been tn-ficien,t engine cooang system are /vested In research, $2,302,f07 dur, among other features or the 19~1 tng 1950 alone, whlle $12,200,000 Dodge tlne. hu been invested in education Made up of ten body styles on of profeuional personnel through two wheel ba.8es, the new models ecbolarabips, feUowahi~ and aid retal• the generoue head room, to ift:hoola and professional asscr shoulder room and leg room of elations, .Sl,110,514 of lt tn 19~0. 1 9~ model• wh.ich, Shaver Wd, !.Ml 8c.bolanhlps establilhed another all-time hJgh Since 1938, 2.~2 •cbolanhtpe ln Dodge retail a&les de.spite a and fellowahipa haw been award-three·month shutdown tut a:pring ed. They have covered the fields due to a strike. of: viroJ01Y, orthopedics, pedta· Shaver aaid Gyro-Malle trans- lrtcs, neurology, publJc health and ml.ssion,'-which frees the drivt>r phy.!S\c&l medicine as y.'elJ b phy· from shitting, will be available on aical therapy, ortho~ic nuraing all models In the 19~1 line except mecUcal and social work and the Wayfarer Sporlabout. The othera. Gyro-Malle unit cooaWta of a rtuid California UniverBitjea and In-coupling and a hydraullcally-ope- .fi.tltutiooa have ~lved $2,698,122 rated, electrlca.Jly-controlled gear ln (Tant. and appropriations Bi.nee •hilt mechanism which operatn 1938. automatically. When a Oyro- ln th.la way the NaUonal Foun-.>falic equipped car comes to a datlon conducts a mass.Ive three-atop li&hl, the driver merely st.e)l5 pl'Ollged auault upon thl.a dreaded on the brake. When lbe tight of all dt.euea: (1) Through d.irect tu.ma gTeen, he ate-pa on the pa financJal aasa.itance to the p&Uent -no .shtttin.r ta needed 1n norm.al which tp.Jure• immediate and com-drlYin& u 9ept to So tnto1 rever.e plete tre~t even. when fa.ml• and to put the s,a.n tnto neut.NJ IJee cannot p&y tbe. huge cC*ta: when the-trip i.. ended. / (2) T1'~Cb-J,be... development of u.. .... 0-1 ebenahoe reeearcb 'll<Mt.H V..trol ... p?OCf'U'l ner lnoeled. by a volu:n.· podae qtndai. u.y Oyro-KaUc tary ~ agalnst a llngle dta.-give• tbe drtver. better control over eue wlUi the purpose Of tracking hb. Car, eapec::lally on allppery down all the clues leading to a road.Ji, th.an do many other typee of prewntatlve or CUn!! tor polio and automatic traruimlaaJons, and It ls improved trsatment or the dl.\1-more economk.a.I on fuel. ,. ease; (3) lb.ro~h the training Shave r •treued the importance of apect.allata to-combat th_e dla-that Dodge placea on Oriflow t-L'Jt' on every level and In every shock abeorbers. They operate area lft.. which it afflicts the hu-hydraulically, u In conventional man race. The education of the shock absotben, but their dCsign ~Dtral public provides the me&ru1 is entirely different. Tf'11t drivers for meetlnl' thla plague eff~tlve-find that OriOow pcrmit.s safe Jy when lt strlkeL driving at 50 miles per hour over bumpa that throw cars out of con· trol at-30 miles per hour .• Lady Anglers to Get Trophies at Ann . Dinner Newport Harbor'a famed ~dy An&"len nest Wednesday are -~Ing lo revietv their year's accompllah· me.nta when they st&ge their an- nual dlnner meeting in the New- port Harbor Yacht club. The unlque club, which wt.11 formed la.at year and which bu a member•hlp of 100 and a .long wattlnl' llat, will meet for an eve- ning of entertainment and a.ward ot trophre.t ln a ac.ore of dlvlJlorui for biggest calchf's during the fishing season. The Lady Angle rs, who have attained lnlefll4tJonaJ at.andl.ng for record catches of flab, will be ac· companied by lheJr huab&nd9 for the evening . of · entertalnment, whJeh alao w.1lt be featured b,J ln· stall at ion of of ti ten for next year. Erma ~eyer, f>roeram cha.Jrman, wlll lqa:t&Jl lbe new ol· ncera, who lnclud•: ouve • Me- Kenaio, P....ol<kl\tl Clara . K,.14r, Yioe-pt'ffld.nt: Dlclcle Ore.ley, ~.and Julia Sawyer, U-..- urer. The ch.lb membe.n lll'e hopinl' lo Inaugural~ a tradition this year of having a hwiband of a ·mt'mber award th~ trophlea, with Frank Sawyer aelectAKl to hand out the pr~ to lhe wlnnera. He will be aulated by Eva (Mammie) Gra- ham, chairman of the trophy com- mittee. Suitable entertainment ha.a been arranged for lhe program, Whic h begin• at 7 p. m. -Mn. Lac:hen- meyer Hid. Edwards Named Fair Board Head · A striking change tn exterior A I" E h appearance or the new 19~1 Dodg• me 1a ar art care la in the front. Bumpera and O Qb d bumper guani. ore mere muslve, ay serve the gritte ha.as a new attractive de· Z M sign. and tile hood and tront ren<l-~t onta §!eting At the annual meeting of . the era have new modem "contours. • ../ -t' ~1 I • 32nd Dl.Atrict Agricultural Auoci, The t!'Jlditional Dodge ram's bead One of Jla _. •lion held January 15th, Roy Ed-hbod ornament ha.a been redea1gn-wu giwn ho.ao ~ h waM (Orange) was elected chair-ed to maJce it more ·quickly ldmtl-of Newport ~ . . elr man of the faJr board. W . f'. Crod-fiable. recular IW'l<:heon rocetinz &t ~or· dy of .Santa Ana la the new vice-· Driver viaion• ts Improved by ton'• Cafe on Cout HJr\Way, prealdent and R. M. C. Fullenwider narrowing of the front comer Thureday, Ja.n. 11 lo celebrate wu elected .ecreta.ry-reaaurer. po.ta of the body, wtde.nlng of the Ameila Earhart day. Enure· board ot eJg.bt memben WindshJeld by 21~ inches, widen-Mrs. Marie Howe11, Dean of Wo- attended: Mn. Frank Roe-paw, lni of rear window. on all models men at Orance Cout collese, pve Placentia; H. Clay Kdlogc, Gar-and lowering of re&r wtndowa tn ·a most tntereatlD• bl<>l'f'aphy of den Grove; A. J . Schutte, Ana-the low-priced Wayfarer two-door Amelia Earhart who wu a mem- helm; Geo~ Tobia.a, Santa Ana: aeda.q and bwd.nea coupe. Int.er· ber of Zonta club, Buffalo, New WWI.a Mttchell. Santa Ana ; Irvin Jor• are completely" re.,.tyled and York. Zonta J.ntemaUona.I apon- Chap~. J"\Hlerton ; Roy Edward& the in.It.rumen\ panel {s of new .ors a fund each year for further~ and W. F. Ctoddy. modern. design. Ing a deMrving girl'• education In. J\JllenwtdJ. stated th.at the Other mechanical Improvements aeronautlca. r budget for 1~1 ha.a been retu rned include a neW, more convenient A abort bualne• 8eU10ll wu approved trom the ~parlmf'nt of cane-type ~g bra.ke lever,• held with MN. MtkJred iJtanJey, Finance in the amount of $10&.~-new lnternaJ xpandlng pa.rkU!.g preaJdent. pres.ldlng. Abou( 1'att tbeae funds are de-· brake on Malle equipped Mra. Vem Wataon of Snip Ir: rived' from Ute 1tate levy on part-cara, more e cetive uae of n.ibbtt Stitch, Dalbo& lsland and Mn. mutuel wagerl.ng at thorourh,bred ln.sulation ln ,bolb body and cbu-Ruth Ba..tcume of North Holl:y- race trackll. The balance are de-ala, a more efficient cooUna aya-wood were rueat.t at t..be lWtcheon. rived from faJrground reve.nue. tem, much narrower V-t~ fan The ennlnl' meeUni' for l'ebns· Plana for the 1951 fair Augut belt for (\\llet operation and tn-ary wUt be a Valenttne box .ocl.al.. 15 • 19th were di.-:Ul8ed. .. · crea.sed llfe, increased generator under the chaimtanahtp of lll'L A f.evised muter plan wu ap-capacity a.nd ele<!lric windah.leld EJaic Hampton, on 'lllur~ay, proved by the 'board, placing em-wipen on all mode.la. • February 8. phuJa on ackUlional rec:H&UQnal ------- f¥llltiea ttqUired by the l'0"9nt· · ment under the tenna of the deed. Radi<> Speaker. Tuesday for C. B.-Brotherho.od Retriever · Trials BAitg Socialites to ~Villa Marina • Albert Grey Soop Services Monday • • ' • , I . . . /!. ~~,. p 9 • ..,.. ~ertai · ~' Pathwa.y;of Li ght P.A~-f 7 -,~~T. , U:L~~n!l ~3 1111 c~ . Radiocrast ·Topic ·~· ~ (' ,,,.~ •ty r New~ HUllot lllwanla clul> • 1 • • JC\.Urt rogr _ = ~.~ ~ :~t.!'":~ ~ .. ~ _ ,_ ~ , -t "= . care ~1 a -8hop Quartet of • leclUr<i'10 bo raclJocul over . _ • ~-., ...... ~ ·• :J , V~ lU 11ew ~ -7 trom HONCe ~ ocbool llaUon KJ'WB (NO kc),~. · G~Y HAY!lo, -:--"'l'-Z-PROr. RAYMOND D, llAJUU• rsr-ln~Oftllth Dlotnct. Roy Al>denon,i procnm cll&lr-Ju>. ta, ~ 8 o'clock J!'I"" Pint cowboy. aci-"Tlle only• "f"'I" ~·!'*k> Alto.~-V.....-'-- :lie Cout O&ld ~ Qlat m..,, ~ In c!W'C• of tbO -chU>eh ~i.Cbrl8t. Belen~ 8&lrta parent. Ul1nk y-y'• ~ ''.J-IDplaUc bl""'''-·• -...i- Port oecurilY. tlfk&J;:!.~ C""" whkb f .. tured ''Mllalc .In lllonlcL" Tbs \<ClUi;er, ~l tlon Of ch1ldreD .... ~t.yl be-,:&~.our~ -, -..ur be .IMued on!Y to rep-Tbe Schoola, .... lta main topic. Moniooll, 08, of 'BootOn, la " baved la ~ Jl!ll'eDla •e1-e ~ of '..... awn-~ • tarly employed 0.. ~ or .J: · member of tli" Cbrllrtlaii ·sc1enoe :yeot.-y'1 ~Ulati<iil of dilJ--be '.'ot qr9t --.. llo . u.o . wa~ertront facutlh!il and to --People do re&1 tJ\e ~ &dL Boa.rd of ture•hlp. --l dren." • i ·-. 4 ~ I dilJcfli tatellectual ~--· aona b&vlnr re&:UJar publJc or Prl· 1 .B · • ., nte bU>lneal ""'"'""~ with h• " I l 1 <, I ,,, lJ>er&Uon, ma1Jt4nance, or ad~Jn· .. lat.ration of veaMla. their care.ea. 1 ' or waterfront fac!Utle.. It WU poln~ out that th• A tlLuv worcl ' C..ptaln of the Port fer the Los . Ill . , • Allgt!le8~Long Beech Atta will ~ve -ocal public noll~ of the re.IU"!<;: for . toclav. uon of &ceffl !" 1waurftonl ' • tJea aZKi Port narbor. &lf&I ar r in advance of t¥r ifttrSct on u praeliC&bJe, and wtU have the a~ clllU .. and areu wltably mark- ed u to• ratrlctlon. ' ' I • l Anu U&ble fur rHtrlctlori 1 by the Cout Ouard are those water· front t&cutlle. a.nd port and har- bor locaUoal, lnCludlng veuela and b.arbor craft therein, where ablp~ ..Uvltlo Yitai to the Mil· lta.ry Dtf«llH AMlaUU1ce program a.re can1ed out. Other areas llabll' ror resttictlon are thoat used In the aupport of U, 8. 'MiUtAJ'y oper· aUon• and lboM-1 •n.1-,:ed ln load· ln& and Wlloadll\& exploelves &nd other d&nge~ 1carco. j Yt7U 're p~yi~g 9p% ,s-'more for cwt/t int: ' compared with 19#-193~ average priqes • , ' ' I ' • Source11 .. U.S.""""°' . t.obotSI~ ··Edilan~ oleclrlcllJ Eleventh C.O.. Guard District offlclals streued the fact that no waterfront areu tn Southern OaU- ornla have u y,t bff.n restricted and will not be tuntil a sufflck>nt number o.f port aecurity ldootlfl· catlona card.9 have tM'-l!h issued.· You're pay:ing 2q~ less for electric service*=!t • • I ' . ' • Opportu.nlty Ill knocking In CLAllautl:D ADS SOUTHERN CAllFOINIA EDISON COMPANY Everybody reada the claaained ad.I. • ' • J ii I I ~ t t ' New Inside ... New Outside . . . with a Comp/ele/y New Kine/ of Ri~e . . I 1 • • ' I • - • NEW in more ·wags dum cars costing up -ip IJ,000 mJJre AT A SECRET PREVIEW THESE FAMOUS ' AMERICAN$ SAID: • • • . MU C'~t•I• ., dW I ' .... ,. .-.·11 ......... 1¥1 ., --wlll do .... ..,. -°""-.. --.. ~ • wr •. Priopu ...s ..._, ......... _._ .. ..,. ~ -u.tos.• ..,. ' . , ' "lr.:.ll!i:'.t ~ ~-.:'~""'.,... , . .. • • Now YOU can -it/ The new 1951 car that thrilled hundreds in -pre- views coa.t-ro-cout! Yes, famous Ameri- cant and people in, all walb of life- engineers,· ttylist:s, archi&ects, med>anics- ...,,., excited by its stunning new beauty and ·i-of en~g improvements • • • weie amazed that any car ollering ., much ..ns for ., little! Hrw ti11t '9W t '•I N-Ori8aw shock absorber .cy.tem brings you a trulJ new' kind of rida • • • lets 1"" "tloot down roods_ that · atop other an. u .... ·• a ....., kind of ....,.,,,,,,,,.._ -the ...... ""'"' that jarred ind, "lwnmenld"' you. Jn tho put I Whether' Ifs dly roW -« cpunby roo<Hlobble- ..... or oofiluJoy......,,...,11 ""'J °" tM. r-J. ~·1 DO wheel hoji or ~I OTO , H•w Wald.I-VioMlyl Here'; ~bility far all ~gen lhrough the new wider windshield and /f<eper, wider panoramic rear window-toripater safety, comfort. Here's new spadawDea inmk to· let you ride relaxed. uncrowiled- Yet oulolde, its new beauty is sleek ·and trim fOl'~asier handling and parking. •· Lllriv• ---.,1 Dodge CYRO-MATIC lqip you Ameri- ca's low,est·priced automatic trana:nblioa 1o £ree y<>u &om gear-~g-with com- ,,im cdnti-ol of your car under aD !driving conditioDI, • I ...... ~'lfJIDMllo \ ...... You could pay up ID .l,000 ' -:a.cl • still DOI aD tho new beau!)' IDd '&iw.e de, peae14b11i'ly "'· lhlt sn---~· . ' . ~ I: . - , r • I':.. .• -. ... ' ' •• . . .. . ~ " ' .. . ' ... ·~ " . .,. " ... ,. ., .. ,.•. " I ... . ' ' y! .. . . ":" iL• • • I ' ~ • I r I. • • • .. . . . • I . . PAGE . 1 -PART 11 -THURSDAY, J~. 11, 19s1. Fron~i~~ Wheeler Gay Hc>°sp~•!itY .1., Mesans H?~b~" · , ,~~-=-·~'SS f;< Natar ·ce l ~br~nt at Raymond t?ome Santo Ano Mon : •L-~ 1: ri-A.lil ~ ~ Wboelir, .iau,llter of OamN 6t oll1ll and1 aa>lllilll PNll~ by Ille btitllda)' of Tlie llome ae llr, end Jfro. JffX • . : Rev. and ~ PaUl XoON Wlulol· canwto '""' f .. -l!f • ..-t Harwy Bear a1 llanta A.Ila, Xr. ~. au 11:. '!U' et., ec.ta B~ffet SUr.>per ~t Scha~hner Home • ' er, oellllnted ber birthday lut affair -~ by Xr • .and ¥rt. Bob and Mm. Vernon .xau.-, 1187 w. x ~ the _..t~ for an L•ndL.,..; h H PTA H f ' TU~. Whon Ille wu -to R&)'111ond ~ Ooota x-. At lhe • · · I ucrg . arper . ears .o =~i:~~ :.~:.~ :=:.;· ~ ~ ... 1!i~ !.t"it :-.c.=-..:,,,-:i.:.~ ~-~D = :.::. :: · 'M hod f t Ch. 'Id. olrecuy ~ acbool. they foand aalad end eofftt were=. .iq at their bMI&. • '""""-• • • • Read.mg· et s' or I ren rooma decorated with atream.... 'Sharing the hOl)>ltaUty weie Pl&cu were marked for Mr. ..._ tJle;trteip-.!roppln{ In ·_ ~:n!.::m.:· ~~~&ii!n"'=' ~.~ ::.~: ~ J~~~: E:-:~~~~·!~:::-.s E::~E~i::R&~ -87 •ttt IUrbJ were served ice cream and cake.. and Mr1. Berna.rd Oetn and Kr. and Wayne l'.dward Beaude-tte Lemon, Wilbur Trio.nu. Mn. Rob-- YOU C~ DO Ima AT. Dj.li9er I FU,.itmuRE ' cd: ~ ~ • . e. . ~.I· We.. Buy ond ~ell New •and u :e'.d; Furnitur.: A round table dLocuaolon led by Member Fet--' and Jolra Howatd Otten. Nadine and 0 Sonia ''Mathe ... and ert ,Smith and -ll<>oal!e Mn.. Emmate-e Heavy Stowell. tl.C' R.Wt.1 'come ftom lonatant the bo9t covple. Scllachner. · AZ., on band wu readln& .conrJltanl and principal at L'1s A migas PracUcel An ad ,...w&rl)' In Utla --a ... m"" •di ... rood by. folU Lynne Scb&chntt. daQ&bter of Ill• ' I ' • I •. 1812 Ne~llvd.,1Costo ~·-1le. 56~· • • of the Costa. Mea H~r echool. l"'l paper wW produce ruulU for you. wbo are loolt.lnc to INJ". -Be wlae-tell peop1e---.dvertt.ee! ost&. =.:-;."'f.1:"'t!~em~t ... ~nP~1;"~ Circle Meeting Undbergh·~r PTA at tts January mttting W cdneaday l.n the Main Khool Mn. Stowell pointed out the lm· portance of bsckground experi- ence u an a.id to children ln re&d- lns preparation. Using colorfUl U- luetratJona. Mn. Stowell shoWed the sroup the method uaed ln put- ting word.a with pictures to create a A'leanlng. ·All children differ ln expefjence and 1peed, and ~U&e of thll difference, parents need to cooperate and encourage their children. SuneeUona oii the best way to do thla we.re presented by Mrs. Stowell. Laa Amlgu circle of W. S . C. S. ch.rtat Churcb by the Sea. shared interest between mlMlonary atudy Of Aluka and plea.sure or a sur- prlH ,&bower when they\ met Tues- day 'evening at. the hom e of Vlr· gbrla Beclcer. 2662 Redlanda aft- nue, Costa Meaa. Catherine Shields gave th<' study lecture, telling about life ln Nome and about the hospital there. WhUe ll9lenlng, membetft worked on card scrapbook.a for the county hoepltal. J ean McDonald led ln devotion& I and Betty Glaaa read a letter from Miu KohJatedt, W . S. C. S . presl- ln keeping ' with the topic "Re-dent, congn.tuladtng them on tl.av- cognltton of Educational Impera-Ing paid dues ~p to June 1. It tlvu," the third gT&de claase.a of was announced that the circle will Harper tchool made clever naine be F ebruary hoateues at W. S . carda ln the shape of little achool C. S. lunchf'On, at t ea for the booka for th'-: PT A membbs. World Day of Prayer t o be held The butineu aeaaion wa.s con -Feb. 9 at Christ Church by the ducted by MT•. Douglu H1nettly, Sea., and wtll decorate the church president. Announc.-ment of the on Sundays. rag drive to be held thia week wa.s After the meeting members rbade by the waye and means gtfted Dolly Colll<'r wtth dalnty chairman. Mrs. Arthur K I t t 1. things for her expected baby, and There were three wlnnen of the completing the evening, refresh· PTA attendance prtu according to mcnt., wer-e served. Mrs. Al Hollillft!r, hoaplla.lity , Sixteen were preaent. Including ahairmart. Claues r eceiving the four guesl!I, Margare t Nee of For- money wer e Mrs. Echult.z's and mosa. Eloise Baker, Ruth Horst Miu Dunn'• second grade .claaaes and Helen Doeaburg. Next m eet· .Jrom Harper school, and Mrs. lng will be wit h Betty Gl&.88 and Schiller's second grade class of members will bring clothes to be Ltndbei-gh achoo&. • or great importance and in· tere1t to the R&re.nta of the com- munity la the educational program of lecturea prepared especially for parent.a, now being presented each . Hnt to Alaaka. Starbright Club Plans Feb. Party I 1 Montlay evening at 7 :30 In the rec- reational hall of the Newport Har- bor High school. spon1ared by the Newport and Coeta Mesa Parent· Teacher AMOClations free ot charge. Mrs. Hlncsly announced that Dr. Merle V. Taber would speak on "Persona.lily AdjU8t- ment," Jan. 22. and Dr. Floyd R. Eastwood would discuss the !lUb- ject :'Play, Recreation and Leis- ure," on Jan. 29. Pauline Jasper, vie<' preald~t. presided In the a baence of Laura McClellan when St&rbrlght club held a luncheon meeting W<'dne8-J day at Costa Mesa. On the lunch· eon committee were Ellyn NIC'lsen. ( Connie Brace. Etta Mae Coffman and Bette Smith. ~ftt'r the bu.sines& se~ion ca.n- aata was played. A Valentine par~ will be held on February 14 , the committee In charge be4ng ·• ~ther De-vine, Mart a.rel Rabb, Florence A.nder YOn and Pauline • At the cloae of the afte rnoon members and gueat.JJ a.djourned to the kinderprten r oom lo enjoy a aoclal hour and 'dt>llcloua refresh· me.nts. The tea table wu beauti- fully ·decorated wtlh a. colorful ar~ rangement of yellow marguerliea and purple ranunculus. Tea h~­ teuea were Mme& Ruby Higgins, James Gallagher, Eloise Morrow. Pauline McCavron, Jillorence Da· vey and Helen Hood, ualating· the social chaJrm'ec ~ D. Koonce and M..._ a . It, ' ell. . , , .. w:.C~m~i ~ouP- ·Elects · Olficers The new home of Mn. George Sanchez, 1440 West Bay avenue, wq eetting for the January ·meet· lng ot the Altar eoctety of Our Lady of Mount C&rmel . church, Rose Morton aervlng u cohoaleu·. The bualneBS aeMlon featured elec- tion of officer• for the new year. Mra. Frank Rocco pre1lded ·and P'alher Stewien Kiley opened the 11euion with prayer. New orticen elected and tnsta.lled ;lncluc:ted: PTesident, Mra. Al PerruDI; nrst vice preafdent, Mrs. Agatha Fer- nan; second vtce pre1tdent, Mrs. l¢1cholaa s~ttner : secretary and publicity, Ma.ry Shttley; treuur- er, Mrs. Theodore Robln1. Father Kiley pve an inapira· tJon&J talk and a..sked for a com- mittee lo make plans for the com- ing year. Appointed were: Mes- dames Robina, Andre• Durocher, hank Windle, Roae Morton, Lee O"Kelly, Oeoree Sanches and Al Perruzzi. He closed th•e meeting with leading a recitation of the .. roaary. Next meeting wlll be on Feb. 7 at the home ot Mra. Colin Brown, 2631 Bayaho re Drive. Birthday Fete at ·Padua Hills )tr. and Mrit. William McClure, 914 Oce&n i'rOnt. Balboa WC..""e gueaU. of 'Mr. 8JHI Mn. Paul GWllt- lln. Santa ·Ana at Padtla Hilll theater, Claremont on Saturda)o. -The foureorQe eclebrated tbe blrth- daya ot Mr. Quallin and Mn. Mc~ Clure. Durins din.ntt Uley were eeff:naded by the M•xlc&n Play- .,.. who oloo .,,......led • ll&hled birtbday coke. The pulf. attended a. perfprm&nce of t.he"p,..Lcntcn fleeta play, "Jll&rprlt.L" Jasper. · Gueata preaent were Marie Trla- tH:l. Arlene Gibbs and· Eda Fink· boner. Members Included: ·opal Weal. Delphy Hepperle, PaullnP Juper, J o P eck . Edith Voorhee11. Blanche Lytel, Ruth DeJati;.r..t..Lela McMillan, Marga.tel Rabb, E&lher Devine, Flori:::nce -.&ndernon. E va Moore, Dorta Ragan, Annie Walk- er, Co111}ie Brace, Ct:lirlotte Mc~ Nair, ~ye Fink, Ed~lhe Kemp· er , ftaullne Mlthoff, F rances Mor- ~al: Ada Ann Orth, Sylvia Place. EOftll l:folte, Eat.her Johnsor,. C41hgi1<i IJ.....,., Etta Ma.-Oofl- man and EJJyn J"';lielaen. Mrs. Margaret Nee Addresses WSCS · of Island Church Mra. Margaret Nee, formerly dialrict superintendent of W. S. C. S. ln Wuhu, China. made an at· tr.Clive picture in her nattve coa- tume when ahe addrea&ed mem· bera o'f Balboa Island W . S. C. S . at a Junche&n meeting. In the home of M:n. Beatrice HaUllCr. She told many lnlereallng details of her llfe and work in China to the 20 members preaent. Autatlng hoete&M'S for the at- temoon were Adele Bainea, H elena Ha.rgrave and Bettye Ftnk. M rs . Hargrave, Jong a member of the circle, wu presented with a Ufe membership at the previous meet- ing. Next mMtlng wUI be o n Febru· ary 7 and It la hoped it can·be held ln lhe~ new church, now being re- modeled. CDM Couple Home from Honeymoon Ma.king lhelr ho1ne at 703 lril Att., Corona del Mar arc Mr. and Mra. Robert L. Geyer, whoM mar- riage was 110lemnlzed in Corona del Mar Community church. The bride ~ill the former Margaret Cole. daughter ot Mr. and Mr.a. Thur- man Rickman of 606 Nvcluul avenue. ~rona del Mar and the bridegroom IJI the eon of :Kr. and Kn'. Clarence Geyer ot Monte.rey Park . The ·honeymoon · lncludc!d etopi1 ot Rl .. ntde, IAa v.p... ond BIJI Bear. • • ' PILLSBURY HOT ROLL. MIX w~~ o~o..;~s C4•NATION CANNED MILK 2 T.tiLL CANS BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE PINT JAi< LOG · CABIN SYRUP ~ 6ufe./ /2oz.C4H YELYEETA CHEESE I <7.uc.fu.l<UteG l?A.L~:/{i~ SODA CRACKERS FOOD PttlMEO 2"#, 27 I Fil.ft-rs cANi e ltYIEISEliY . 2f' ·P.RESER¥E. ~~-. =:i I flEE llLLHIS ~ --... .-- PEACHU SLICiD,. H~•U. 25 1 ,... , ~ c;w_-,.. ,.,,_ e r ., • , •' . •'SANTA RAS tEFT .IUT~ . '' I 1 • TOP. FROST .VAt-U~S 'RE · ST/ti. ·11£ A.T YOUR • \ • -• I ~t1GI.. ~\.\Cl~· ' o~o,c• ···~-' '.I 6oz . CAH -. ·- ' . • ·. -·~·sa. ··~·1$ c.~•. . . . /Zoi. AICIF, .. ' • • ' • • . " ;. .- • • • • •