HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-25 - Newport Balboa Press' . ( , r • . - • '1-iclt:/ju.6t By T. N: l"llRlCK"I OA.l(fD ' Jl&YlnS' ....... In this lltte bulll J • • .. • • Tiii!: l'aalll A minor ol th4 - rapk!Jy • doYcloplJl6 area ., .... Callfomla Soulh . Cooltal Empire 'nu. of acranllilng. tor lorli'er than J care • to Nmember, ecn.pbook· It_,. have aJwayo been a pm. nag put oC th• ....a:led pror ... I '-------+----....I eioft. t•n toua:ht and argued with PfA people w,,_ ocrapl>ooka J • ' .. ' ' ' aren't being fUled npldly enougb and with IO-Ctlled celebrities wbo want a few more llnea to add to tbelr p~.. clipplnc•. 'And then, by golly, I !Ind ·I've got a mcn.pbook·k~r rlc:bt here at home, and,. come to think or lt. lboM clipptnga become eorta in- tdptns aner a few yeara! VOLUME Xl PHONE HARBOR' 1616 NEWPORT BEAdi c.\LIFORNIA, THURSB~Y, JANUARY 25,:1951 · FOURTEEN PAGES ~ Fifteen yean ago, when T!'M" Preu wun't even a gleam ln ·Bill Kaxwell"• ·eye yet, thl.I dept. wu all'URllng through a column 1n a Banta Ana daily paper-wblc.h later stumbled. ovu an economic etepplng-fltone and truCCum~ to the injuries. Reading throd&b the buhed·up columna l8n't tnterest ~ Ing from the '"I writ that" angle, but from lhe angle of what waa golng on · aroWtd the Harbor dl.9- trtct I~ y"ara and more ago. Which, lncldenlaUy, la quite a lime ba.ck, Lan'l it! LE'r8 LOOK BAOK A LITTLE B. I. Woman Hurt in Crash AIR)&AID WlllSTL&-Friday two of the tti;e &I r raid wbb.tlew la t.he Harbor MU be ai,·ea ~ lee* toot at JMNM. ~kln( IMtallat.\on of the whlatle o o the bluff back of the Arches WednMdl.y ue: ldt to rlcht. T. W. Campbrll. cu oompany repair man; 'ohn Mc~llllao.. l''aler &UIM"rlntend<'nt; .robn Salloq,. clt.r de.feue chk!:f; Frank Cl"OCker, nre elll ~f; R. J . Ott. SM division superintendent. Arrow .tww.· whJAtle on bluff. (Preas Photo) CITY TO TEST AIR RAID · WHISTLES . COVE MATCHING ·LAND COMMITTEE ~ fEB. l~TH SET ·1 MAKES -RECOMMENDATIONS ·10· ·c1TV AS DATE ·FOR An extensive report Including Stelle. E. W. Pitney, Raymond out a better matching arrarige-FINA·L VERDICT four major recommendations wa.a Todd. R. L. Patter80n, A. N. Zer~ me,nt. · •ubmi(ted lo the rlty council Mon-man and Mrs. Nel.lle Grundy. First, the committee said. the ' ., d&y by the spce'lal ma.yor's com· Main problem of the Committee Coaat Guard site waa studied but Momentoue day ln the ttvee ot mlttee studying the China Co\•e wu to find suitable land to~ com-too many obstacles were present. the Corona ~el Mar Ocean. Bl'"!. matching land problem. The coun-pensate ror lhe State's pure.hue Then' four other possibilities were ruldent. will be Tueeday, Feb. U cU accepted the report and wiU of China Cove. The State a.sked named. They are : for It I• on that day that tbe city etudy It. They alMO commended for four blocks a.long Newport's 4 ReaommendatlonA council decided to reach • final the corpmlttee ror an excellent ocean front which the city fell (1) Molt likely available city declston on the long disputed biutt .)ob, was muclt more valuable than owned land ia the vacant Bay· access road. Comntlttee members included : China Cove, therefore, the com-Front property eut of JOth St. The . m~ abu.aed subject W'U E. Avery Crary. chairman. Allen mlttee 'A'U named to try to work I (Coatlnued on Pace !) bandied ~.t at Monday'• mMt. I -~~~~­finally deckled the iuue , h&d been bet.ore them Jong enOUfh, ln fa.ct. : much too long ao be ~vtted all in~ 11 tereated parUea to be -preeen.t at tbe next eeulon (put off one 4-)' , becau.e at Ltncoln'il Btrtbday be- lng on Monday) ·to thra.th the road ~ out for the lUt time. 1 .. They can't ny we acted too butUy," •hbell commented. '"We'Y. come to lbe time when we mtl.l't either go &bead or drop the aoceaa road.. No uae spending more ot the engineer's time and money .on It." He alao requested that a JlleCOrd· Ing be made· ot the meeunr tor a permanent recant and l!IO people ''won't make foollah statement&." Thll!I request wu brought, on by an otter from prtnctpal -access - road -oppoeer W. T. Jetfenon. who, In a letter to the council, of .. fercd to buy the dispUted land. left'• LPµ-er The letter Hid: "I tun .prepared. to make an otter for city owned property in the Corona del Mar area a.bout Wblch ~ere hu beep. eo much controversy . . , Condi· tlona of the aate would prevent wlit Of this P'V\'"rtJ' tf! 'l"Y ~ bu't beauttflcaUOn Of tb4' btufi U- ' • -• · and would p~< It ft9ni fiOinc LA1S11T ~™ Md ~~·;•w ... ,-~ UM;J 1ett • • •-· eu..-..-ter :w~-: .. ::;=,~-:y~· ~·~•eed.S~1n5J~tlii!~·=~~·!~ ... ~ ,&.iia __ nw. -.· ~:--....... --·~._; ..ia-~c;'~· ' .......... ~io.t"""---"'l --f , • ... Ult 8pie A,...'E.1• ilfW fJliiJ(· l-M ...... ~0Affl't; .... # .. "' ~.~ MUcl" '"lr'fiat m-. l'lJ. 1tu. et.. eo.ta .._ a. .. rtt& Jkj,r, t z. .t.._ 86.. , , , -~:';;iQ ·.~c ' ~,.,, AJ..i: w..;e told .~.;;,:;, -A.a ih-e.. <Mia •-• Wlbier Ao ~·ell Pl...._i' 81., OOolll !II"~ ~ l!1a_p"'1 D. _.,, llj nil -lilo)'llt -ho %11E.19tb SL, Cottta MNa. 8-.k row. ~1fi-~0111'W'O Pettftu; ~1'-,9~_._,Mt'W ~ ~!ft)~. -~ SL. Coot& Mesa; t'bomaa R. Young, 1°" E. llalboa lllvd., llalboa; ArUtn .i ~ HN S..ta>ba ."'IJe ll&n -ln~" llf A,~ ... Costa Meu: \."a.uctta L. Brlnkmua. Ulli Avocado SL. Oo9ta Meaa. aad Aribur O~ ,r .. sot tmned ... Jetter.on Jcnowa the cltf "L .. St., Balboa. Not ptctul"Cd are AUaa V. Knt.fbt, 1!1 MOllte \"lat.a, eo.t:a Mesa. and Edward D. hu no rl.gbt to sell dedicated Dtrtnl"~I'. Jr .• T~ ') • '" (Press Photo) roada. It la fooliab to receive .ach : T , let ten from a man who knowa \.4'-1'-' t~..,· (.(.VI tf. ' -better. Why doeM't Jetfereon buy 1 '\ · ~ the private property on th.e bluff! I -· . Then he would know . that no buildings would go up." labell a1ao referred to Jeff's letter u "camOU· fla.ge" and aid it hu no bevfnc on the m&.lter. Then .Jeffenon arose (ht. at- torney, Mark Soden, had ~)ten ror him before) and replied lo the mayor. He first uid that the let- ter publlahed In the frem lut week and written by Cb.artte Ftppe who offered to aJdfi w1tb· the blUtt' road opponent.a, conWned a "gbn- mlck" While be wanted to buy the land rOr beauuncaUon purpo.ea .... ly. He aid he WU a1oc) well - pared to buy Ule private.property. ~ (Ooallll-Ml J,'llp II ·1so· 1n Cast of Mesa C-.pers This · Weekend Hurry, hi.Jrry, hurry and set your tJck~ta for the big extnn.- ganza Friday and Saturday n!Pt. 7 :45 p. m. at Newport Harbor hlgb echool. Bbcty -cent. for adult.a and. 23 cent.II for the kiddtee to aee the biggest enU:ttaln.ment value or. the year, co.ta M-'• Cdmmunlty Capers. ... Nearly &M entertatner1, lnclud· lq alngen, Bawailan dancing girl&, can..can daJlCe1'"ai Will be on hand to·qulcken yciu,. jlulao. Twen- ty-two orpalaatlona wW p;nta1. pate In Ille gala capera. ' - night win !•llue a two hour abo'w Jam--)<ed' wtth toot-tapping. md· -old t&ohlOll<!d barmmy; btt· morout aktta,. • not to menUon a plu:y ot (bu, SUW .and more girl&,; ' 0 . ' ' ! . Ughlnll!c ma7 '0ot -t*ke ·but !lie ~ will. llWIU:a. Ing aci. ~ oOJ I.hat ~·will (()M" .... ~., -----~-··· ' TIW1'£-lilblow• ,_ ... .... .... -.... .. "'" ·-' .... .1.9!1r 'I' .. ,. ,_ JI -• ' FwMAr.-. D ··a 11 ... a '',_~...,....._. • .1 ,.,, .._. n ----• &&. M ,'t .... D ·~· M 1l .,,,..... • ·.a Wa ll Sp ...... -~.• • -............ 111 ...... 111 •• ., ...... ... 91 U b -4211' .. - , /. •, M I .. 7 JI A r '•:0:./,i.J~~~: ·I • 1 • I ' -. ' • ' . · •• ....:.. Pl-l'C:.!,.4!',~ ftwodaj at lftwJMt Brcll,.Oollfanl&. --· r·--Plant at_J;lll -Bhd~ -tat ' -u ---.Ni!• 11, ~. at tlMJ pool -at , _ Newport Boilcll, C&1lfornla, -'"i the Mt of Karel\ I, 1119, FIU l=~CTS ' ' • • - ,, J ~ BJ New ..... ~ l'tft ~ il...i-1 ' l • • •• • ~Lend ~ (0-lt lied ftw ..... I) l pllaa BIOek , ......... ~ ...... t Robins 'llJ' tlle N-rt orbonl Il WU .....-lllAt-t!l.r 111\0Uld l\nC .. -attltlldo ' flf tbe -~ , NOTES {I) o...I to ~ -~I-A IM pt th• • b&IAziea ot tun4tl • Bd.-~ote: ftlo 1111 ....__ .. flf to ~hli -., be tt ; tN4_qh 'bOftd llWO or other a....,. . ., .• .,;............ bt'.r, ~-_--, · I • · · • -· Approxtmat.•• •10,000 It"w.olild"-, llar4 •-\:!i"'--·-• 111•~,. I •-•• !Ir v • 1-.-....-;·-•~• -II -, ....,...,... (3) Deed Blocka 11-A and ]ti-A ap~ -1rl 0 la one .. th• l,l>OUO· raid on the unemplojment' ' _,,..,, l'OCl¥1red. .J a ,treet, noat and bW!ll>~llll.. ·TM fact that tt '1a a ~· t.o State. Balance bond t.uui. andi: Who_ are •chl1e111\1': tbe Calf.. a'.Dce jfUnd•cSoe. not bother~ e ,. .Jq~ ~ 1 1 Wojlld need S<p.000. · · foml& '""l"'\Plo;vmont bi.iuranc:e 1a' p&ylnl' the mUimUl'1 ~I Of I oert&lnl;Y ..,.t tp oO..p.tv- (t) All fWlda by bond ·laaue. runt!" oUcli 1 an•axt.~t that """' 2.1 per cent &llYW•Y· W....t 0 late,Tl>m NortOn tor,,. ..... -. NMd $100,000. " tn ~ 7tV Of ]>1'09peiity, the to·k>le• ··,-. -, ... ,""':"6 • on. oommtt!ee thoupt ·the .•P-fWld la dlmll1l•bl11&'. , u .-employm do uita,' • e1ectod prHldent cl the Newport P'I .,,.. • .,,.,.o.utona JCcw 1 ••-•tr an A• r tt= 1 ..._._ NMlats' • ...,... •m1Dtn!1• , .....: -·....-paid _ ..... ~ ti-If..,.... !J"" -· ' Ill ... J• 4 I llw ·D ,,,.. •-01 EIS 01 1J Bmf 0 , •RBDJ)ICl(,-<JWIMlr and pu!t!I,,_ ROmT :r. wn.i.vca .... , •• Ven•pr · .A. A•••tmEB ILUOLTON, ~ Y.• .. w IJU!llCllfPtlON U'l'l:ll: • pralatJ Of the 00Ya WU -~"" Mt lbe ii & ,typlC&J t'Ulllpt.. Of will 1-bia 2.7 p0r ~t tui Nt•, Batlx>r Cll&!hl!e" ., OomJM.- and appralal on tha four ocean th• !~!;"!'I Wllo "~1 available along with OttJ other em~;;:. Toni w1n ·nWte &II ~t _,. !!Gilt l>1oeU too low and bollena for )"Wk, a ""l)drem"'l' In onler and pay a per-eont 0r bi~.'· la tlye ror. this aueuot orp111sa.- the elty llllould ne,..iiate to more to tet unmlployment l>mt11tll. order to keep the unempJomumt and a mo I ., --·"- equllabl,y adjuot the dlffeN,,.... Tiii&' little lady ,.ot tired of lmurance f\1114 oolvent. ;-r -"" P .. •«j .---. They a1a0 thourtit a pner.i bond workln1r ~d .,..led a vacation-But how .about this new &lnflld· and attable penon <f>uld not ho u.ue wu the HbNt metbod" of wtut J>&Y. -at the ~~ of tU ment to the act. ,that kun¥1dbal. found to rukte 1!'• deatl01a tor pUl!J&' the mon•Y needed for public .J>Ocl<etbook -au<! lier tel· uk•nr bene!llJ be fori>ld to \"-this year. ' .. NEWroJtT.BALJSO.& J'Bm_Herf ftmt''7 r.~·o-t;r,.PJIO per.JWI t2M U El ... , lf1M - -) (Aloo -tbe NlllWfOllT.llAl,ll()A 14111-'fll•l!ll, • propoala 2, 3 and '6. low-worke.n. ' work on tbetr own f" , ~ ~ I wllb to -tulat. They' Htlm&ted tha~ the &VOi'• 8o ahe ,quit her Job and after 'nlil la one Of the etoiJt ~ · 'C&Jll. OOl1f1'& -.;,1 OatlJldo ... -t7 ....... ,_, .,.. annual tax on • hdme ........ waitlng ~~ dtaquallftcation per.. qutnmentl to eT&de poeelbly ~ BOb on beiDC Rlected man .. ed at NOQO lt the bond -luue wu lod, , began ta draw the m&.ximum cauae the UnempSo).mea.t. ~ of-the-year. .1 know a man bu -;? ..approved.. would be, ror propoa.J of $25 a week, for 26 w-eeka. a.nee Oommla1on dbH not ~•e to work ha:rd OD mAny eivie mat.- YOU and Your ·congress The. (·ap·itol ·Week ,., . . -" . 2-s .12: propoa&I 3-$ .48: · P"'" . ~e mun ba•e been capebl•. enou"' lil,,..11,..ton to 'c11j!ck ten to ...... this .wan1 and Bob 81.LL'S VER. Y HELPFUL TO HIS .SPOU'<-E pout +-u.u . be~uae'lh• kept her pN'f1ou. Job IUCb people. ·'.· certainty t>u don• many lh1nn '-' :=:::::==:::':==:=======~II""~ enougllt to plk up the 16-Wbm maldnf her weelcl,. ~P· that h&.e taken ume, abll.lty &JM! .B w' aJ•-L. D--'~dult ' BUT SOON THEY WON'T HAVE ANY HOUSC!. qulritd earnlnp 1n her bue period pt!a.rance for cettlfic&Uoh of bene· effort. Work ot thit eort. dontr· y .,.r "!"'" ~ ._. I bidder. and recapr to Courtney w q\"'11fY for unemptoyment In· flta Al the Unemployment b;;ur· by one of It'• ctttsen.o &!way• hen· (Ualted Prem Corretpondent) 1 and Lester. JN-ranee p&yrnenta. _ ' ance CommLuion ottl~ the' ••er--etlbl everyone in the . area. I Ca)trorn1aru1 were raced wttll • Man :....: ;year W. Newport ,...... (8) Awarded the contraci to Let'• say ah• 1a a 1t.~1"•Ph•r. .,.. J>Ol'80ll'a lnteMll.W iUta 1..,. think the chamber niade a ~ ~Tbh 0aol\Jmn ls epouored 'bJ batch of propoaall ror new t.axee UT .. , n. con.1truct the concrete curba on IWplar Report _ than. Otie m.toute. , 11 and wile choice ln inaJdn.g t.b1a the N&U.... Attain Committee at week'• end despite 1. plea ti:> the (Ooattmled trorn ...,_ t) {Continued h'oftl -=-e l) impr.oved 8alboa Blvd. rrq,m ,Bth Sbe make• her n!fU).at; report to .It.. man. or woman. tntettt'. u~ aelecUon.. -of" &:be Newpott HarbM Cham· -'·' E 1 • _.. • -to 'Dth atreeta to WaJter J , Mark'el \he Unemployment '"•urance chlaeltnt,' wW come Pf'!pqe<I I alao would 11ke to extend con· .,.,. of 0ollllll.efte). etate letr._.ature by Gov. ar wu to be uked by one or our 200 However, Frahcla Horvath, city of Sant& Ana. for $2230'.Dft. Com.miulon' branch otfi;;"'e aJtd with a II.st 0r · firma: And state .that fl'*l.ulatJoftB to thoee receJ.Vi.nr A. great debate over foreign Wanen to "hold the line .. " workers. In many cases, there parks and rec:reatton chalrlnan, (8) Tnok the blda aubrilltted by states she la ava.J.la_ble ror work he or ahe had applied. ln vain. al ~~_nbercatesr of _!llerit &om the policy enwloped the Capital lut Among the propoaall were thoee ' were thOAe :who didn't even have who had been u.tenlng qUJetly six different compantea lo supply 'ntere are numeroUs ,... calla to~ l\ll of the~ t1rm& for work. • , u.....-n. o commerce. I received wee'k. for a one--cent lncreaae. in the to be ukecL" whOe Mrs.. Davl9 wu ve~ly city vehicles with gu ror the com~ atmogn:phera, 90 •he'"la wlven a Check Cw.mil one ln 1&45 and ~cherish it very The controveny raged between at.ate sales tax. a 2~nt lncrea.ae You might wonder ju.at wb&t tea.rlng apart hl.s pet projec did ing year under study until the refel'l'fl &lip and aent out to be In· much. Ju.st aaJ know all wbo re- thtk two extremes ~ coocentrate. tn the p.90Une laI, an "acroea the sort of a pe_non the Ne9.<p0rt Har· know Mr. Pauley and a.Jd tha the next mttUng. . tervt~ed by a prospertlve em-~en. If the CommJUlon "had the celved one lhla year will. on \:n&kinl' our own delensett' lm· bo~" booaJ. in bJ&bway u.e taxe•. bor Cb&mber of Commerce picked stale adviaor h&d no objecUou to (10) Re.ferroed to tti.e trattlc plov.r · pel"9011nel to ch.eek web c1&1ml, I am runnin.,-out of ~· IO prepabl.; or continue a.nd ex-ln.creue auto llce:nM feea and a 2-out ror tta htcbeet ~dJvtdual ftt>n· the comblnatJoo when ah~ the commiUee tor lnvutlgaUon • re-"':-: It would in many cl.In be tm~ all thoae other deeervtng ad pand •our m.llltary and" economic ~t, a pa.cl( tax on clganttff. or of the year. 1"6.la: la o_ur Im-plan.I. J__ qUMt from Balboa P08tmuter She does not get the Job. aible,. becauae the av.era.ge fJnn b.ant·worklnr lndivtduall ln-(he a.ld"to one and all, except Russia Tbe revenue booi9U were pro-preuion. :eo'b C&1l1li la a tt.ubby, , Horvath aald ewryone tn 'fV:Hl Herb Kenney that the eut 1tde or Ir the Commi.uion checke up, It dQes not keep a record l>f all the Barbor are&' will have ·to ·wait .· an4' ber .. s&tellitee. I j • pPaed to ~.tor. tnc~ at.ate ham-handed lndlvtdual who, but Newport lUc:ed the Ide& or b•vlnl' M&1n St. tn tronl of thE cutno and '!11dl ; people who .ppty-ror ;Nork. unUJ .ome other Ume to receive Jieajor ~em before Congreu aid lo .cboola, ror a $1,000,000,000 tor hLI thinnin.s locks, mlaht be the park to aerve bolb youth/ and the fUture new poet office buUding She refused the job bec&UH the So t.b.ei-e 11 no w•y to check lnd.tvtduaJ cong:rata but. I do .thlnlt eruphulzed ·the "Wide range of speedup In stale highway con-taken for a ru.nnl'ng su&rd on a Mlultl and • bll of planUJlg 11f"ould bt: changed trom a red no-parking pay waa tn.suffJclenL these claims, and the chJ.lel'r coes we are tortunat..e ill . havlnc _, PreaH:ient TtUman, in his annual for lncreued COit.i or government. There'• a eolid, 1equare-8hooter would keep lt ltom reaembl g a (l'l) Ordered the city mana~r would be required Jo .~o"1'11lmeo-unemployment inlurance. .. · to work for the, ~munJcy vte'W'I., 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 f 1 , 1 etrpf:tlon. ~ ~ \l~P counttu pay oollece tootba.IJ_ team. ,-tve it a more authetlc loo¥nd zone to a ten mlnute zone. Sbe retuaed the Job because ahe merrily on for another week, on many people who a.re wtlltnc at&te-Of~lhe--UAJbn • trl'eMage L 't.001< • Wunn .had put. the leplatore look '&bout h1m and he eeema to "concentration ,camp." He tt· to lnve.sUpte and report iback on gr;aph work ln •ddltion to atel'lo-One w~nesa of ~ llll.eJQ.ploy-even at the expenae of· gtviq the po11ltlon t t the United' Statu on the apot. He had preaented have the bounce and rei:Ulence ted lthat becauae the par}c h no propoted leJialature aupported by g-ra.phic work. ment irun.trance a.cV la tha"t the ·valuable time from thelr own must {a} help our Allie• to the them wtth a. balanced budget de--of a reeutauon hl.(!.db&ll. He'a got aupervt.lon it occ .. lonally ~am e the Shore.line Plannlng AaaoclatiO'n She went home before applying "suitable employment" definlUon buslneaaea / · extent of our a.~ ty and (2) moYe aiped to uae practically all avail· a ttne smile that he keepe polish· cluttered but 1r-wu certainly bet· rorwa:rding the beach and bar for the Job, put on aloppy clothes, la too reetrlcUve. ' "ntla 11 · ydu;. ~endlY ' Ford &Mad wtth our 0 military prep--able tax money to pay for "the ed with conatant uage and a ter then no pe..rlc at all and )\'eat program IU'ld speeding up the made ~er ent~ ':raonal appear· It doesn't allOW" a bricklayer to Dealer saying Good-bye 'tll arauoe.s. bare euential!i'" of stale govern· pleuant voice tb&t someUmes bu Newporlere thought very htghfy of beach acquisition pNgn.m. The ance a oppy, u . ad grammar at refuse a job laytitg yellow brick.a ne~ week.. Cloakroom and rrk:lor buzzed ment. vibration a.kin-to that of a n.auy It. propoaed match.in& land require· tbe ln,terview and If given a t~ t>ecau.ee he la a "red brick" layer, -' With th• arcumenta. Gov. Warren told th~ legtalator1 loaded truck tire akiddln&" on a Other .ctton taken by the coun· '\'nent.a chutglng the.m from an ,tng teat, deliberately f.ailecl And heavy mailbag• brought a that 1f they propoetd lldditlonal cravet drlvew•y. ell at the Mo~ Halon lncltlded : eq_ual .. amount wtlh the atate 80 Probably more chbellllg la per-:::~~-toot t manly cues·,~t allo,,_t Ina ~•dltu h uld ·-~·t th Qu i.. IL..l.. ...._.. b ~ .... ~ nlo.:a•.,.,. ........ J &I 1 Id In th -.-tr&ted OI) the queaUon ot avail &a1--1owu• 0 ge unemp .... ymen -Qood Of pteu, demandll, requeata -_... rea, e ~ ~:ia ey eauoned auuut nvw e cot ,,. __ '-'"---u1at oc agenc ee wou e r--• surance and refuse emp!oyment-on and aup:eaUon.s t'r"om the foUUI propoll!! al.lo the ame to finance the job dJrecUng the Community (l) Ordered the City eng{.neer ruturt!' put up S21S ror $76 by the ability than in &ny other way. slmllar rtlmsy pretexta. _ back borne_ them. Cbett be repl\ie:I, matter of racUy, and attorney to try to getj Al: state. mlgbt bf! a solution to the Th e Comml.ulon dlsqu.allttes ~ PROFES510HAL ~ rl DIRECTORY r, G1'9Ye dectaiona mu.at be ma.de l!ltldc: to 804pt that "I ..... aaked." aemblym~I Stanley to put China Cove matching land prob-moi:e lndlvi_duala on lh_ls Juue ~ The Comt.niulon trlee to . lend - H th--· ... h ata•· le ....... 1 .. tu-.... !om. on a:ny other. . out qualified applicant.a for jot., one Of thue day•. Congteu may Blrt he uked them to try to e adt:i. that he wu •·aort or '"" .. e "' •-·' .... but the Commission need.a amend· play a part 1n theae decblona. or stick lo b18 budget ln View or fhe a neu,.t.ra.l l!&r~ wbo. clklD'l have enabling act abandoning the old ( 12) .Accepted bid or Hendricks M~ Ch!M.'lrn menta to the a.ct if It iii going to\.-'--~-_!~~~!_ ____ , the bUJ"den may tall moeUy on top propoeed federal tax ~ea. t · tao. man,y enuitea and. _1.do many Sa.nta. Ana RJVl!!r channel which Printing Co. or $8 . .00 ~r pa1e to .. But sUU, tqo many 'of these stop· such chieellng. A.dmlni.tratlon officials. There ~fitilatora,. however, were taCed trtenda. and h&:.,t o.n@r worked tor nJna betwe-en the Pldrk: Elt!Ctric print the municipal code. Contract c~Jera get by, Outright frauda apinst the act, are many tine legal questions. In· wrth demands for man 1nO•cy t.be Comro.µn1ty' Clleet before.'' right-of-w•y and the CoUt Ht,.h-to expire Aue. 1. l96L .A laundry worker la Out of a which are p~iaha.ble a.a felo.nlea, volved, 1uch aa whethe r President trom many groupa. Local D'81rtbutor way rrom •!nl lo Mt.b Street.a, The ( l3) Upheld the recommenda· job. She files a claim .for bene· will be described in the next In- Truman could send American Educational groupe wanted a In tv-eryday Ute, Bob la dl1trlb-atrtp Ml 40 feet wide and 12001 feet tlon or the planning commlulon fit.a. There is a demand for most stallrnent. troops to Europe without the for-~.500,000 booal in 1tate echool utor fe¥ Ot.n~ Petroleum pro-long Webb Mid and the city has that Lota 1 and 3, Block f36, be-laundry workera. She holda out u ------- m&l conMnt of Congrea.s. granta. 'to take care or that As-ducta for the coutal part ot elcht tax k>ta fronting the cb&n· hlnd th~ All·Amutcan Market In long a.a she c8n on grounds there J 0 G 90ncrel8 wanlJ!I to carry ita semblym.M Fl-ancta Dunn. D., Qa.k. Orangel,eountj'l t.nd. la currently nel. · . , Corona del Mar be denl~d re-z.on-ls no job '<Vilhin reaaoriab)e dist· r. OrCaS , rOUp aha.re of the lQBd~ land, proposed th• 2~\ ... ~e.k-fn f.Mvrbfeas of riloYlnJ bta fn.&.lrt I ..(2) Acce.ptecl Ule deed tl:oni OT· lnl" from R-2 to Q..J .... reque•ted ancb or h'er·hohie. What la "rea-. Ll:STEB A. llECllllill, 0. D. IL' DENTmTRY 11M Newport BIYd., coot.a 11- lledlc&I Blq. ~ 11762 603 B. Ba7 ~ ..-e... BalbCJa HUbor azi,~ ' Opo..teJn •"*"""' W. on clcarettee •• Tbe lblUiJ:ol0\6d1 iitlk-e •f.0-lta ·_.1ooauon at 131 ..,.. County_f.,. •portion of city by z , Mor,... Smith. aon&bl• dlatance" ro" an holteot Elects .Officers I Until theae cfecr:iiona aie fnaae, ~OT to-clip:ra of.;ill\dk fc''\6.. COmhlereiat~_,.-~ Kua. property alon' .Bayalde -.E>rtye (14 ) Accepted the bid of 11100 worker!' 1 ·t bacco. He orlgtn_allA 1~J._:"e to tbe Har-north 6f Barbo.: laland° and Harbor "' the Stanton J:louae Movera to 1 .Aptn, beJoc ts a caae•Where th'e 't'V!enty-One ·vnwig ~anltd wo-~f:'a ~U:u~rate• ~ aorrr-Dunn C9.me Within~. vote ot bor .,..-•bout1~c:m,..r• •so-pl.all-tale tnclUdlng 8Ucon Bay. Land ltiove the two old W•tei: depart-employer hetp1 ~"l"wt>ttt:•r c'"8e1: . m.c:~.m,t al~ .... ~ -~ M'te.~ e:\:;::;::::::i:;:::$::i-=="'\i=::;:;:=:{ U aD &u-out war were to come getting ftn&l pauage at the iut nin.I" to stay tor only one year .nd had been deeded to the city lo•e.r 1"ent bulldlnp from. the rormer A , gtLrment 'workeT ·dlll'lnc the Lr -8m\th, 2250 ... .Qajr,, ·'.N~ immedJat#Jy, our Scnaton and regular 9'f!IMion of a meuure that to open a marine Mfvice atatlon 20 yeare aeo bUt through aomc yard ,at 28th ahd Newport· ,Blvd.. slack seaaon i8 g1ve.a $1&0 in work Helgbta, on Mond•Y wcnbiit..tU.. 'WELDoM 1' ... 8Cll09Q -n-,. would have taxed ct--tte• and for ,.._..._,_v .... ....: .• -. HI• b··-•-en oversight the city hM! never for· to the cor-porallon yards. tlcke.ts. The tint week. ah• tuma 15th, and 0..,. .. ,~ a Junlo--Dor~ DSN!ts'I .ncpre.Nntatlvea in.flt.antly Would 0 -~ ~ • ..,.... uu.~ ._.__., mall led IL ,,-•. put lh!I! country on a run mobilta· tobacco. boomed, db tha.l the branch out-Y accep I l 6) Decided by a rour-~ne ln $15 in work ticket.ti to her em· cu eociety. MrJ. Srni\h w~ ~lfft. • tion bu.la. u such a catutrophe Dunn aaid be wouldn't preaa for grew the main office, and. juat 13) OrdeN:d the city eD,Jilattr lo YOte (Dr&k~ dlaffnted) to agi.in player, who ·givea her a partial ed leader, ¥.re. Jan<'t Boblt, aa-• no E. llUl 8treet, 0oo1a ._ l'bollO --CIMI 1.a avoided. they w-~t to move his meuure It µie &Id boOIU eould recenUy, forced hlm to move to prepare pl&na-..for tl(• reattoom to sell bracki.ah water from a.n unused earning slip to give to lhe Com-sietant and Mrs. Winifred lh.11, more aJo"ly toward a war-rootlng be financed rrom E>xlating tax newer and larger quart.en:. l:Se ebhltructed on the ~ del cl~ welt lo Mlhcher Pete Kar-ales, ml.saion, showing earnings for the aecretary, They wUt meet on the -II at &11 ... source•. Obaervc:ra believed. how-Bob and hl. wile, Dorothy, have Mar m&tn beach. upPlng \he coat Crom ~ to $6 .50 week aa $1 5. She LI paid &13 in first and third Moodaye · ot each 1 •-------------..1 Since nh one out.side the Krem· ever, there wU little chance ot been married tor lft futa and (4 > C&lled for bid.I (pr ltutn, per acre fooL He u&ed iin acre: benefits tram th~-fund.. month. The next Meet.iv(~ Wt~ be ' qrroMZ'l'IU8TI ltn lD M09COW Jtnows wtuch way paying for the major part of the have ~• cJUJ~tn. Bobbit•, 14, and the Corona ~ Mar ct.ate park f>eet Jut year. KaralE's is now in The worker does thill the ·neXt on Feb. 5 at the bOme ot ~rai c. I ,-----~--...----- we wtll be compelled t o jump, it la program without eome new tax~. Caroline, 12 both pupU. al the ~~h r:~de~o':1e:!..~d .oi~ ihbe Hhaun~ctor"..•Benlalc~ dlathrllct hlmbut weeTllk, and the nezL C. Bm:rheraon. 812 Flower: COsta V. E. KO~ o. D. very difflcull tor Conpeas to know An AJtenaaU\le Horace Enaign achooL Nine-year-. __... ... e~ ve no M: . tea to e p e fourth week ~be tum1 ln Mesa.. Their project for.th.la Y,ear QPTQ• 'ETRIST how far to go. Aa ·&n alternative •. &Pembly· old Billie goes tq Corona ~•I Mar ~!_!0~rn::p':o":!!'1!t J~ ::.: ;.:;~ Md u long u the wen must be the r.emalning 1106 ln work t1cketa wfll be mak1.ng be.by tayettfa !for M -Never~eleas, a whole hoat -of man :Ernest Geddea, ~-. Clare· rrammar tcbool. Newcomer to the boa.rd mcetln Feb. 10 and _.ft the-pun1ptod perlodlc&lly anyway to and or course doea not apply for the bablee of Navajo Indiana of Ew.ntap by Appobltrmat wart1me blllai clamor for attenllon. mont, propo9ed a $25,000,000 ~t ramuy ta el~·month-old Chrla-eucceaatUI bl~der ro r ~e t o kerp It In working order, council· unemplofment payment.a tor that ArtZona. 1 111• W. N~rt Blvd. : Appropriation.a arc bound to be In auto Ucen.ee feea. He would Une who h.un t yet atarted to wor-rem:'/:el City•-• P ... ~o•••lv~·-·-men figured they might a.e well week.. i. Newport~ d hlk th "In u .. l r ry about 11ehool attendan · J--.. P -v ~1 tell Uie water. Drake thought the In th~ manner the. employer RUUltl come ~m · ~·-·t Barbor Zill, t.remen ot18. Senators and Repre-e e eu ax i:om the ce. nego lattng w1th Darwin Ta er .1.iv ...__..mu aentativee shied away frotn a dia-present 2 per cent to 3 per cent The Callis tamtty hu llved at Ba.'bo t th 1 city should protect lt'a supply ·and keepe: the worker ·.trom • aeektnir PracUce! An a.d -regululy ln lhta CWlilllon of expendlturee durtng the of the ~ttrnated value pf lhe auto. 118 Juminto Ave., cOrona del Mar ;S) aCa~~ed r':.. e.::.nnal blda tor he feared th~ salt lntruston. steady work elaew_h_er_e,_an_d_th.,""~-""-J>O...,...r_wlll,--p-rod __ w:._· _, _.reau1 __ ia __ «_o,._!...:f"':;.. -· week whlle they waited re.sUeuly GeddH aid •ulo o-whera were a tor the pa.et eight ¥e&.r• and prior lhe pa..vtng of the parklnc tot at I for the fubmlaalon ot the Preci· logical aource of llCJ\ool money to that, two ye&n &t 1506 San 8'-r-Bayside Dr. and Ma"l\M-rlte !Ave. ~dent'• b~l"et measage next. Moo· since chll(tren rrom trailer camp• nardlno Ave., Newport Hetghla. ln Corona de l Mar toUowtng City I day. But they were l>retty ~ell m&-ie up • big pa.rt of mAny bl& Boni la Mu.lao .Atty. Blodgell'a ~on th.at f \ convinced tha~ tlley,wouldibtve to ,c\tJ'a "!!"<P9&d'• ,Qf. pupllll• Ho Bob waa bo'1' In -da, Ba· th .... wu no Wal way the ~l- con1ide-r a budr:--or from S&O bil ... •aid pattnla ot the:M dtilldten pay J.: ca.titoml& t ln-1910 while hd n~an obJectJnc t.o the paving lion to $7~ -billion, considerably no ecbool• tuea now. ·~ther wa.e. •QfklDc. dQwn there u ~ atop IL It will cost about ~gb• ~ at p~t... <?ne pre-A. one-cent tnc:reue in the ~ a ranch fore.rn&n. Howeves-, dtni to $600. ... • limlnary queatloD ln their mln<b saJa tax W ... propoHd by Sen. the. citlqnahl:p rqul.ationa; of the (6) .Approved hb 9 U the day wu: "H much can the N&Uona.1 Arthur H. B~ Jr., R.. O&k· Ume~ he'll &n American cltlaen by when the Harbor Boy an.d i Sea ne.t:e.nse l!ltablWtment spend e.tn. land-Breed aa.ld the addltJonal b1rtli. Be saya tb&t prtor to 1818. Sconll take over"t.be ctty wovern- cled.tly onr a yea.r's time!" money Would go to the counUQ to the law allowed cbildrm 01 Amerio-ment tor a day ai they did ·.q ;K;_ Taxes, 'too are going up. The.re help them meet aeneral e.zpe:~. can· patt.nta to be conalckred ceaatully lut ,_,. M ctty )Ian. wu t&1lt , that' Ole budget ougbt to. · Oouatie9 Hard Kit Amvicana by birth. ··tt took me • acer S&Uon utc.\i You "couldDft re- be baleOed. In almple terma, that Breed aa.ld oounUM had been IOQ&' .tlme lo t1nd tll&t out/' he he•rN a better r'Md ab.ow.'• fna•Y. woYld m,-.n that tax.ea would have ha.rd hit by rlalng coeu and were AYJ: '!1th • am~le-will· take over t.be city ott1ctal8 to be increased by 30 per ~ent. at faced With big spending tor clvU Bob. puenti moved to the Im· Jobe from a to 6 p. m. &nc\ wtU an ab9olute mln\mu.m. Alt.bough defenae. Hla meuure had the .up-ptrlal valley reg1on &ft.er a one follow wttb a tull·nedged council tbetiloua Ways a.nd Meana com-port oC. the County supervl8ore yea~a at&y in E:nacnad4-and lived ~Hllnl" •t T:JO p. m. • mlttee wlI1 nbt conalder thJ.a prob-Aaoel.tlon. -etaht ~ bt the Talley area. (T) Split up Ult award.ins di. the )em befo~ February l, many ideas Breed alao propoaed the "acrou The cam.ea t.hep movfd to Sa.a city Ure contracta for the y ar- for rtiajip&" additional revenue are tbe board"" increue In highway Juan Capt.~ where Bob ltved new ti.rel to RI! L. cauLI, th tow ~ toued around. Some people Ute taxea. Bia declaration ot pol-untU movfnc to Nt'WpOJ"t Harbor ... ----------~-~ are MIYOcating . & national aales icy wU adopted by the 9en&te 1n .. \AX; otb~s 1peak of a manutac· tertm committee on bJghwaya. turere' eJl.ciae tax. It la beinl" a.a-Sen. Randolph CoWtr, R., Yreka, •umed that either of Utoee devices cha.lrman of the committee, had wou"ld bJ 1Upertmpoeed on general pro~ a twe>-cent a p.Jlon p90-inc~ In corpora~e and lnd1Yid· line tax to pay for • Sf;000,000,000 ual income tax rates. speedup ln conatructk>n of major BUJe tor revision of the dn.ft highways. - act. and tor establishment of Uni-The committee agFeed t.h.9t all venal Military Training arc com· btgbway usena should p.ay their 1D.c thlck and tut. General Kar--fair a.hue of the cod ot the pf'Ooo aball t.b.rew the tull weight ot the cram-'Jbe COlllJD!ttee propoMd tn- W)llte Hou. and the Pentagon ~ In the taxee that truck iato • campaJsn th.la week for and buMea pay u weU u lhoee tbe UMT. ltl would prov1de, reoersllJ. average motortst pays. Ulat e~ry 18-ye•r-Gld Would IO C'lalJct Oll'e I ll>to one~the Armed Servlcea for Tlte legiljatuno took llnal octloo ~ man of service and tra.ln1D.&· lut week to conttnue &tat. a.Id to 8boWd. . I conditlona: return. chQd ea.re centen tor at i..t u.e tM: ~ would be from tour to remitnder ot th1-_ ft8ca1 y_.,zJ BOtb a1x .moa,...... bouMI pass!d a JMu. approprla.tlq ' -lie .... ,..... Sl,I00,000 to run tlM • ...,t.,,. un!U ~greu .... pllmrlnc ~ so. Othft bUlo -pe-· !Dto and othof epeeltlC D&t.. that -k1"P --..,_. -do/-propooltlono, It noi.d ----. FWitll mlPd em-that tlM And tha on•to "°' --11p -lP> ··-nther de ..... pii.-.-Ja.i>I< a ,._or, R.. Loo .u- i... -p~ ID blo ftnt ....... -·-!Ml At6o .._: m a ..., to the new ~ .... be w..:i -... - • -... loillted at MX:h tlllllP u bJflllt. ,._,. .. I I ....... ot -,..a~ HpMI, fodenl aid --., • ·-to ..... to tor -tbe-)llaa, ----..--'Die ·: rt= to be -.... ..,. -u .. -----t lo -ta '* -..... i'twllllllib. • ....... -............ Jlllltlt. •• ...,.. ol a. -ol ...... wld•• .,.. n:.-~ .. -. "" 90..-~ ........ . • -. ~., ·----...... :-~1:: * -. .. u.. ,.,...., rt ~ .. <iwao' ,.,,. ....... ,.,.. -....,_11a,..~ . . • ' • MOllTICIAN BALTZ NOBTVABT Old llililb!J&""" 1- AsePCJ'' • :A.11 llne9 > wrtttea. I BOWARD W. GEJUUSB I 1.ll08 NewPort Blvd., Ooota .... I PHONll: BllACON ~m BE Sl)RE -l~SURE -111A UBlll 8TANLSll -o.Jy. ,,,. ... ..,..., l,,. i I m HMllM! """ .,.,_"""" • W. Shlart Foote GICNERAL INSURAN.Clli O<>u.rt-u .bifrmna&m 1117 Ba-......,. N-rt -~Bar. M • " • • • ' ' I . I I I I I· I f • , .... -~. -·;·-----~ -......... -~-:-:-:~~~~ ' .· • • ' • • · jW,P"'/iW'#$·?'~#.(. \ . ~STIC CLOTHESllNE $10~ 50 ft . ( Wears Many Times Longer • St1i~u nut core ls ,.lnlorced with hHvy d..ty tnid tire cord. . ' ' You'll find Orange <;:ou.nty!s t Most Complete Stock of Ha rdware and Housewares at ' DRAPERIES .... ~Ill ~00 PER PAIR CUSTOM MADE FROM SELECT FABRICS• COMPLETE lNTERIOR DECOlµTING SERVICE UPHOLSTERING e SLIP COVERS e BEDSPREADS BEACON HOUSE IN1ERIORS !JO Bl:AOH ST. LAGUNA ~CH I HALLMARK VALENTINE CARDS SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPP)...(£8 • , Zlpper Cues, F1Je Folders, Indices, etc., Note Paper. Bookfeeplng, Binders, Pena. Pencils, ~ Le•f Forms, etc. Party Napkin• -Games -Prizes. COSTA MESA STATIONERS 1i81 Newport Blvd. • NOTICE TO INVESTORS Concerning V:our 1EDERAL INCOME TAX RETURN YOU or• required on your Federal l~come Tolll: return form for 1950 to schedule your interest and dividend Income and to show t he name and addre11 'of each company from 1 which yov ,receive such in~me and the amount thereof. WE ore prepared 10· h•lp you compll• ihlt• Infonrtotion ff. you W;Jf Mnd us a l{Jt' of the .. C0'9\tant.1 fro .. , wh.!ch ... you ~ved inte~•t • .. --•A!l••d 1.-. •Oi.9 .,..,.,... ••. • .... ot ony ori• of our, offices and ~a. ,regl1terff repre1entotlv• wi11 be o1od to au.lit you. . There i1 no obligation for this Mrvlctt. LESTER&Co. M""b" Lot A•g•ut Stoel! /!Jrchang• . 515 .E. BALBOA BLVD. • BALBOA • HAMOR 2821 lOS ANGflES SANTA ~NIU. HOllYWOOO 11'1£1SIO! • I · 'Do~bted' 'Hadaco1 -wou1d ' H .. 19 .His . ~hes anc1 ~eain~--·. ci~t ~Praise 1t ~£n6iljhito " 1~ I i!s Condition Due to Lack of ·. : t:imins Bi, 82, Iron and Niacin • r · .... J-:. ·:<1 . s c . Greene, a newspaper advertising account executl•e. l:.'W ..:.: ~-r.,rn 3, Chatleston, West Viflln1a. Just look at Mr.Oreene'a t :~~' e~s. You ~n tell Mr. Oreene 1.s a man who la hard to con- • .re' unut some~ !a really proven to blm. Bui lei ua have i . C.::aene t.ell h13 experience 1n b.la own worda. / f ·· .. :';ir .Jquite some Urne I aut -~ . :l 1rom nagctng aches and -: ns knd then wa.s told by ... _~hbQra and frlenda about ·.DACOL. After taking HADA· • < \ • \ . . .. BAllX Blijl(ly_-huy Cllr m'•P. ait-lh"' La »Ma ·1~ •tel', hu &..,,.,,a ~ -1 f~ tile -olle WM ruiaht.. I• .....0. • wtth polio ae.•tertd la Mor k!p. AlU.oufh •lie cal walk to he.rl · aieels wtU.O..f,~pport. obe ollowa bow""" C.:.·-...,. wheel ehalr for pullhlc her .... dolla. s ilo lo "'" ... .,.ler ,, lllr ..... Mn. JIUDM ewnnw.p of I.A Hal>ta. Oummtnp It --t poo-le~ Gt ·La ilatiJni.. Hu recovery la attributed to money rect"l\'f"d from tM M""'~ of D1mM. ' County· ·Health Officer Tells Need of Dimes Drive Funds ' "Many people are under °'' mi•t.aken imprealon that ont1 ln- dlgent tamllle• &rf helped by tund1 received from the·Ma.rch of Dlmeii campaign," Dr, Edward Lee Ruuell, Orange county health officer, told a gathering of county campalrn volClntttr• at a mee-ting In Santa Ana. "Actu-.Jly," the doctor declare<1,a------------- "the dime an t>Verage wage earner 1 •Lslance from National Foundation place• ln one of the Iron-lune t'Und chapten i uch u the one in Or-conta~ers may come back to htrn ange co~nty. a mlllton-rold If one Of _hta chll-In 1~. he declar<'d, chapterff dr~." ahoWd ~ontract polio. i••e help to ~.000 famllit.>I, reprc- Few realize just how lremen-aentlng nrw ahd carry·over cu .,_s, doua a financial lead the dl.Beaae at a cost of more than 20 million places on a family'!! bank account. dollars . l!:ven a family w ith an above· ''The very high c08l In increased average income couta hardly stand ca.es ~f polio ri>sultM in thf' the five-to 12 thou...rtd dollar C08t 'morgag\nl" or lhe 19eo ~farc:.b of of an avera«e caae. Dlme1 to the extent of foUJ'I m.U- " And when It la realised that 25 lion dollan In rolll'tl·over bllla to )3Q per cent of p&Uenta ttrlc~o from l9'4\, today are In lhe late &dote.cent '"l"be cn-..ngtf county chapte r. and ~ult &TOUpt,. It cao be ~n ju•t u 90 many other• throughout ~t the bread wlm\er 1n a f iam\ly UMt country, ha. Men b ard h~ can be atte<:ted." 1th• doctor told U\e )>Oek:•tbook, "8UIUng-tn .. ,. the ~~ u.lrmfl'-• • ... baftltrwipt..y 9tat. for lhe ye&r of &.deal •( .IJtl__ 18G1,'' \.be doctor li&id.. I To ehow the exl4nl ot aid t1v~n ··-or. Ruuell wu Introduced to famWea, Dr-· ftUlllM!ll explained voluntttr chairmen by Robert S. that tour out of every flve pattenta Barnu of Anaheim, Or-anc:t> coun· h&Vt> Meded a.nd have received U· ty calnpa~ .cha.Jtmanr - Coast Agriculture Instructor Spent Boyhood .Summers in Harbor Area \\1f!191ey E. Mole, instructor ln agrlculturt> at Orange Coast College, • is an expert mechanic and can usually bt' found ovrrhaullng ont> of th,. largt' plecee of !arm equipi'nmt at the school. We11 Is a native Callfornlan -Lo• Ange,le•. In fact. His cb:llJhood wu spent In Lo8 Ange1e1 and Covina az;id his favoritt' pa.1tln1es w ere shooting, hunttag. building' tre houses and w orking on Boy Scout merit badg'ee. He remembers spending summera down Balboa way a.rut huntl--Dc . Jack ra.bbtll where Corona det "-tfar 11 toda.j. Another boyliOod UUVlty WU sendin« friend.I out ••111Jpe hlJ;nl· ing'" in Balboa Bay. After gradu&t~ from Jifanual !.\rt. high echool ln Loe Angelet he worked for the Owl Dnlg com- pany for three y.-.ns ... Wee then decided that a Uttle more school· Inc was ln order and he Jen for the University ot Ca.lifornia at> O,.vla td major ln agr1cultuf"! edu· cation. Daya at O.via were full and Wea found ~ry Htlle Umc to relax. He did manage to squeeze ln tlme tor the track team and joined the GU- more Club for a rrtculture educa .. lion '9tudents. He waa alao elttted to the Alpha Zeta. national hon· and enlarging lht" houst". How- evu, W e" h&a thrt-e junior ranch· en , Kenny, age 9, .Marilyn. age 6 and Belly AM. age a, to help !ha6\der'$-d.<; . ' ~lclaty is hlA newut bothy an<P ·ht ~hu jmt hnfstiCd tiufbfing hla own dla.mond uw ,and polish· ln1 wheel and la readying to turn out eom. flnl..!Md pt~es. \Vea h.u been collttting atones over a ptr- lod of year• and hu a fine coJ- iecUon to atart Clnll'lhing tlnd Ml- ttng. To round out hia list of a.ctlvitlea We11 add.a m embership tn the Coa- 1-Mesa LtoM clflb and t.he A6a- hel1n Muonic lodge. Hia pla.na tor the futurt>? Wea Mole ii one v~ry happy. te&cher &nd pla.zu to ata.y In the profeaton of h\8 choice u long u he can climb over the tr&c- to~d lo enjoy llfe on hia ranch. 1 1· , • \ j I i Youth Sundoy _ D&UB ~r. 8JftD • • T >.Ir a /N. :s:. Nlelfell of :121. .. _ to b Ob d )"&Y +ve,, 0oeta M-,..._ & • Serve word 11-.,y of 1M -- t C D t. .. Ch -L1 of h.la 1al8tft. M:n..Otcar""~wWNr 0 _ • • IVI. ur{;fl of Oollkoeb, Wta. .n.ta t.•""1lr. Youth' S..,.,.y wtll be obMned Nickell tile only ~Yins m..,._ nut Sunday In the OOmmunJl;J 01 blo family. · cllurdl of Corona dA!l ~·· 811. , • . -ellotrope Avenue by the par-· MONft'r' 1.0 LIJNCJIBO~ Rhea Babbitt Will have Ill• ll>vo-ten Qu.rol ond l'larioy 'of Oliol& • llcleauon of ... utJ YOW>& people. ~ ~ IAAge and 'cl&Ua"h,- oaUon, Vtref;nia Jone. will re&d tbe Mua 1weh n eat• at a 1uac;heoil r:eaporuri\re reedlr/g a.iid Gene Ben~ cfven I Mon y in l(on tebello by diet and , Clan DavidaOn wW 'fff.d Mn. La.ng1's aunt, Mrt: JJ.obe.rt the 1ertptun leuon. Don S,t effen· Cappa. . >en, the preat.dent 'Ot the Sen1or ' lita b Pilgrim FelloWlhtp will t.eD· \ • ~bout Youth Week. I T. I f The Youth Choir will ting "1 tlje 1e e• Un ' 8 :4.6 aervtce "Pta.l .. to the LOrd"" -M:h by Mendelaohn and the Aault by'tTsrmi Goodr Choir wllf stna-ln the 11 o'clock. '" f wrvlce "Jeau. PJ1ce1eu Tre.. •· ' ure" by Bacb-cru1er. The eermon a· . yt?l·~. ror both aerYjce1 will be "On Be- ln.r Tempted." according to • th' · Mill.later, the Rev. Paul Edward ~ , ! I Bebbltt. . ... (I 1 Sunday echool rpeeta every Sun· · day at 9 :4~ a . m . , Both Junior High and Senior HJgh Fellowship n1eet at 8 :30 p m. for play, dlscuuion and wor- ahlp. . • At ,7:30 p. m.. two 1Jound m9ttori pictures will be aha..vn. The (lrsl, "Wlnp Over Aluka" la an tduca-1 • tlonaJ travelorue in color and Will lhow the beautltul acenery u well u aporta, n.ht.ng and ttlt llldtlat- itea of Aluka. The aecond pict.Ure. wtl1 be of "Strpheo, the , F"lrst Chrtatla.a Manyr.'' A aJlver ofter· lng-11 t&k en to defray ex pen.set!!. WALjJ'APER,S 'All New 1161 Patteru ~ h ral....,.. I D.C....-, • BOUSE & GARDEN Ill OoMt Hwy. NeWport llh.cb "'" ' ~I 1'$prry 1, didn't •n•w•r aooner, iut I'm tired out. Just]llot IMick lrom dellv•rl"9 an elaphont babyl'" ..•. You wontt znislt receiving your lm- portflnt calls if you an4WU the . telei>bone q uickly ••• Pacific Telepbon ' . SI M ·M <D NS - . I ' · QUICK' COLOR . ~ . : ·1h ~.Y~ur. 'G'1rden Plant -· ; ' · Primulas •• 40¢ doz. Cln.erarlos •• 45¢ doz. ' Ylolas • • 401 doz; PaMies. • • • 45¢ doz. . ROSES -ROSES -ROSES _. ' . Bare. Root 85¢w 15°/0 Discount for purc·~ese of 5 or more • ,. SP ACE SA VI~G LOUNG·ES and . COUCHES • • . . ' -, . REDUCB·.D I!, • . ' DURING OUR ' • • ' . -. -. .. • 1· L • ' . SIMMONS Single STUDIO DIVAN To add new charm and comfort to yoi/r home , get this new SIMMONS Studio Divan. Styled by leading decorators, ih striking colors and smart · tailoring distinguish it from the ordinary. ( 2 only) Reduced to 5995 • SIMMONS L0"9NGE ~ f .' It is a handsome lounge by day and a luxurious bed for two persons when you need it . Red and grey plaid . • (I only) Reduced to 6495 • • • .SIMMONS TWIN . DIVAN . • ' t l10L !Mi a abort whlle, the pa1nl <IJ.sap ared. "Mf work demands lteadJ nerves and accuracy, and thoae pain& !hampered. me a great deal. J waa stepllcal of lhe clalma made by 1111 frtenda who are ualhg HADACOL. I ~nl lo a <1rus1tore and 101 a bollle. To my dellghl, HADACOL wenl tliht to worl< and lhe lhoe>t.lng palna f.Otl my bodY. I can -rouch for eftrylhlnl{ lbe a d•e rllae- menb P,1 abou~HADAOOL. and you can put me· o~ the llst of • orary a(rlculture fraternity. This ·stunn!ng SIMMONS Studio Divan fits admir- ably in any room. Y ou'R love the ptain ·~~ fig- ured cover combination and ·you'll b' d,ehglited with its comfort for the cushion · hu the fal1)0Us Be~utr;est pocketed, ~oil construction. Sleeps\ two persons. t.hoae who say only good lhlnga __ BAD"OOL "= about HADACOL." TY-J n. .__ Bellena Uaie ('Jaw of 8act& ta 8pedafD~ l"Oftll -~..,,.,--~ ~~~::...an:.'::: ~~ 11=..i..:~~ =~=~u.::.=r.c mates It to nlln• Ille b7 lhf tilooCI. A 1* lalDmement ...,. ~vu of IUCb aches and Iii onen nollced Within a 1ew p&1nl .l'hen dua lo dellcMncleo clan' Ume. of v11an11ns B,, '!!,. In>n and llan7 ~doelora reeommen4 N=ln I.be uatem. BADACOL. Tbo7 IAlle 11 lh- LDITZ!f, TO THIBI COa· -and.a.lleltfmlhelrfaai:' ·tin -of till& wonderful lllu. What llet&er JINOf <!an ~ D-JrAnAC0L helpo ~ wch Ult of BAJlACOL"ll eftlc;lentJf lormejotlne paln.o and achu lo Ila fair lo ,.......ur U J'Oll rrom ~ ,.. · haYe -..,...._ Wh1 IO Bou;,..,.. ue ane.m -'*'"' --teeUnc bUt allft -a JJI• no hap Ileen "doubUDI' -fo otben Ra~ooil': • )W)A~-";!:l""-· .... aetlblaP*"' · U dltlonrwb7 ~ t bJ Mr. an~drucstore. ltememb•l! anen.•1 .-~......-...-Bm&.OCIL mllll •halpJ"" ...-at&rt lfll'IDI !UDAocL-u -JOllf' _ _,, Will .,. --. -~f!,!!.fl lc>r-"-"* Trlat-11 .. ~lootUe, on1J ''1.H. _ .,.,.,,..... ·-,...-c., a !TURNERS -=:" Marriecl cluomate During h1I jun tor yea r at Davia Wea took that all lmport&ilt 1tep. Re married a tavortte cluamale Cruelty All19ed In Divorce S.lt and they tlniahed acbool tog-e t.her. , Allertng-WIU1am J ohn Benbow .. Tnldy. bla wlfe, wu majoring ln roofer. bu atrue:k al'\<l.-,beat.en her, agronomy -field crape -at the Mn. Buel Benbow th1I w~ rt- unJvenlty. queeted 1Uperior court-to t-eat.rain FolJowtng hia ~aenlor Ytv WM b1m from molfft1ng Mr. She left Da\ota !or Call!ornl& State cbarpd cnWtJ and .......ive '8e PoJyteclmlc E:ollqe. for Illa cadet of alcGliol In her cornplalnt !or tucking experlon... R io tint lull divorce _ ""'°"I: ·for'lh th&~ they t.lm• t eacblA« J)081tibll waa at ftty.. were manted aL Montebeijo May · .-!• Hlp.ochool 1n the SU Joe.-T, 11171, ffpuate<! lu t Dec. 31, end quln . ..Uey. Wblle at Rivero.le be han --. n ....S 21 and a daulh- worlood with tile AsrleUltun '!Var tar ia. -I Board or rr-o CGW11y w11b 11\e • ii.. 11.t.d eomtDlilllty ~ ~ defenment dratt-. u lncludla1 the roollnl - . DljrlnJ the •at ,_ -...... -. at -llarcua °'"'· cnat -for -In ftlnD No.port ._... ..._.bold t11{11- IDl'Ch&nlca ODd ial<m&' wltb & full 111b1ap. """"'°"°"· cuh -In bet dy RbeduJ.--M ~ arm tna-b1aba.Qd'a po ssz•tnn.. a ballk ac-- cblnery, ~ and w•ldlas e<IUllf aad co.tax.. ...i -· . ..,..,_ "" atpta • -. . Ill !H' u.._ ~ _, ... - INS WM belill ""'!difts ~ DU'\ID WIH&U,. ~ In Ano-., -and CUoo DuNll Doolctlt &dd e ntlold, -. --s te OCC. At 0-nie ~ --,.....,. of -i. .. t s ,, 1 la •tuns _. 1zsR I est to JI dQ9 tum mu tsz'• ' ••c •A 1 Jail• ..,.,QI .r a 1111 fit.a ?, bk:lt7, p! !' S ........ ¥17 1IS Ill .. at> at 8il9lll all7 .. .He la ... oe ..... lff 11111 amt. T k OT ·s,u<'I. a Y""' ftnn• .,. • 11o1 ._ Pl' : • .:-::a• -I ,. -.... . ... __ ,..., ..... . .... •1 • p. .... &Jiii .... ... ... • Mr. -Jiii&,... ..,_ca a 116 Bia' .,. ·• Mslltz 'a _....., .. Y.._Lllola_la ~-W•-1• '"ON -lllio ....... u.."' Ill..-.-··· IMI r-' • t . . . • (I only) Reducpdto 11995· •! • '~· , •. . ' ' ; NOT. ILLUSTRATED 0 • • l ' SJMMOM~ LOUN~~ L "I BEAUTYRIST LOUN(iE ' .. 9ne Only !(floor = '• . I • ~ ·on1y .lfloo.° t"•f : , '! R4d and Gf..ft Stripe, tll!IS Recl1cect to 119'5 '· -? ·~ ', -· . Re-Jac.d to 'W5 · · ~~ . •' ' I • • .. . . t ,, • cONvENaENT CREDIT ARRAN&EO I • • • •• • J40 .F.nit:Aw. "· . • .. ... • .. " ' ,, J '.j • .. . ' ' • •• r--··..-•or • . J. J. Miller r . . ·· to Ad~ress tido Isle. Clubwqmen ' '-. ' • Color Consultant.. Harry ~rQens. '· ·.-: 1chl.!f'Oh. Wopi.en ... Bridge ~un~heo CAVE l'Ul8ClB.IPraoN' on Household N'ow Grendpar~nts Attend Meeting · at Stewart .Rome·t ",9~,!'!;::';.;. ~-. ' ; I I ' \ , ol IJle Jlgbor ar.& ~ lit. ' ,< ~· ... ~ I... l'eC<llt hiadH!OR 8~ ' ' -.,, • -· ftU -Section Procjt'atn 111..rt .. 111-.u. -""""' o~· Cali£ -COuncil .. Amonir ~ ~ "(iif>, ~.. ~~ D<ll~_,, y Udo Isle ,..,om•n'•Clllb wlll -r • HllblY talbual&aUo, allf>UI the iolra Ha~· 0.-.co. ll Slop~ .Ell.Ste lf~-pteoldint and-bridge hos-by Mrs: Ken-. \.~ ~Mar z. J . "1l1er Df the 0ran.,. O>uncy procnm. btlt con>plotdy dluatll>-awnue. --.It and, Will> ..,.. Mis. i:.ugta S...,,.... ~ n•lb st.wart,.-Broa~. Coa· 1 ==~=~=======: Pa.rm B~u ipeak: on ""Oomrnu-rled Wllb tlllelr bome. decor were aonounctnr the arrival on Tbu.rzt-. Of . tht eu:cut•ve bqard from the ta M8' ~re, Mm.ea. ~t .Mc: I : nlstlc lnlluenco In Or!UlJ• Oou•\Y' 25> •memb<ra ol EboU cljib. who day •(:nlng-, Jan. lS. ot a grand· • <kl Mar 11°mm 11 •1 ty Clellan, Vm-old Span~.,.1 c·aude " .. ,. ... " ·1· •\ at \I'• ""'1tlnf tomorrow llll'ri· hftM Cllr'atlne• Ji'r¢•ric.Ji or t,a.. il&ug11 r, bom In callfomla, boo· •rdt. repuonted ewport Har-'Ander80n, J .• E. ·JolcCI•~· John day), 1'30 Ji nr. at Udo lole dub-11"1\& Beach leclUTe TllHdiLY when pltal to Mi. and Mn. Frederic CouncU 9f Churd> Women West, R•cJw-tl. Dittmar and fl&Try bOuee. Tea will be .. ,.. ... aft.r.' the -hokl.,OCtlon met at EkD Grant cl'ee.!'. ' I lh• C&ll!ornJ. Council or c. BUrdlclc> I . I ' f ward and membera may brlna Wbe.n lntttlor decorato~ Robert ~bio~ ~ot:;r ~!~l~0':.,~I ~ ~~~:~'f!e 1l9n.:f~ual Mrs. Spangler captul'f!d.Jie·fll'Jlt • pcoto. Martin, ocbeduled ..,.U~r. WM llalboa ·taland, who once had tho -..,. h\ tmmanuel Pre•· prise ..,d Mra. Weot was awarded .' C~JNETS ' . '°"~ FURNITURE MADS 'OUll OWN. SHOPS · URfr4,tfU.ll iW'tfrtfSHED , ,. llOVSE, & GARDEN •11 COAST Hw:t. tUWfOlt IEACOH W1 • " " 'I . :~ Recent Guests tolUd 19 cance.1 hla. mpgement honor of btlng a RoN 8oWl prln· triq. dhu~ .th~ •Mlon. drew the traveling ~ken. at tb~J 1&tt mom'-nl. Otrt Venr-ceea. The baby wel<Ph@d 5 ....;..,_... wom.en .__ .. "'t1 .. -_'32_ Of _____ ...:_ _______ ...:_:::=:::=========~ man °' Houae and Oa.rdt.n came ·er.. ., ............ ~ ... ,..~-· .. -a to the reecue when ap~cd to 8 ouncni an~ hu bcf.il named •3 o:>tmclf:t ln Southern Call-.. .. •I .. .. .. at Thompson Home ' Kr. and Mn. Paul Vllft]Jorea or Oceanside e.nd Mlla Joa.n Van Doran ot El Cajon were rrcent guest& of Rev, and Mr1. Joeeph a TtlomplOQ, Thora Ja and Tho- bur:n Thompson, 124 E. 20th St .. -If°""' Meaa_. ___ - Robert Perrys Welcome D'!ughter by Mn1 . .)durny R.a.b:bitt.. M!CtlOI} 8aDdra Loli. She ta !lnt child for a Offlcen were eJec~ and J chai.rrftan and secured Mr• Fred-lhe Gr~M. who live in Loi: An· broutht tram the national s·ELF ·SERVICE LAUNDR'( · · t \ I · C'rlck4. who ti a no~'ool~r con· gelhl and first gra.ndchUd for the ventlon .ln. Clnclnatl an.d the aultant and decorator. ' Balboa lal&ndera. ooe aL C1evel~ when. the tlonal Ooui.cti of d,qrc11 .. wu -Mn. ~rlcltA gave 81 l"CIJUmt' b I d ol lbc kclure wbleh .... wlU d&-Li rary . c ose . . Balboa Was·blt- li~r Monday evening at Oran.-• c... eoll•r;• and wboch .. ,_ to Sat. Evenings the public, llhowing h"f "cok>r piano'' and bringing ~·alt:b("JI and samp'ca or beaut.itlll mall"'rlalll and wall pap<>r-& Witty a.nd amuatn~. abe held her audif'nce fron1 atart to flnh!1h and fit&Vc many ldeu , peak•• !or thoi nieeU~1 """" j 30 Min.: Washing -Fluff Drying dynamic Dr. ~a Hark- • or the Pacmcr .:"'~·theme Blankets Wool Shampooe..i and D.ried 50# "Forward Together." l 103 Pa'm -IA~OA ''n!f'rc·~ no good l:i 8'1clng the · 1 la<lr!fof( an oclopuo; the lblng Harbor 27~4 ' • l for hoinc decoration, Mn. Dorothea Sht."Clcy, city ll· brarian, fl; snnounclng ntw cl08lng "oun ·on Saturday ,at the Newport library, lala.nd avenue.\ Open as wn.W at 9 L m:, It will cloae at G p. m. Saturd.aya untU aum.mer. do 18 to cul it.a. tbroat."-Wn· ,,,,- n Churchill re, Soviet RuMla. -------~------------------ ... MB8. MAROARl:T 01:.A.RBORN' • (Photo by Jackie Beck~er) l -~ 'Tea for Maggie' , is Ev~nt l ·Honori ng Balboa . Island Matr_on I -One of the n10.st' delightful of ---~--! ~·i n;: t~ v."tt.S tha.l held la!t i i. • I . ' I I . Mr. and 1-frs Robt>rt Pf'rry. the forrn~r Rf'VA Hiatt, or 420 W. Firal St., TWJtln, art.' rec-t"i,vlng re- llclta\.lon11 on the btrth. Jftn. 19 or ' daughtef.. Sandra Lt-f', Who weighed In at 7 pounda, • four our.crlS. On thr weJ('"omin,:: rnm1nlttC'f" Arr Mr!I. Dorothy H iatt or Cmta t.trsa .. ,al"rnal i.:~anr11noth<"r : Mr. anc1 ~1r!I. RoN-rt Bn1ce Pi•rry of Wa- tcrlt'<', l('lwa, patrmal ll;"rllndpar- .. nlN and Mr And Mrs. Arthur L. 1'1•lrrll!; nf r ol'lla M<'u.. maternal ~rf'at-grandparf'nt-.; and ?.fr. and 1'1 rs. Art.hur I ... ) Mosrla or Cml11. loff'M., · n1a~mal geat • grandpar- enlJll . -----'--- • \ S~t urrtav at S;Ln ta Ana Country r:ii ' s,<;{)109 Gir s I !1b. \vhea Atrs. Converse Wume-; ) , 1 . j ""nor BallX>a !•land entertained St9y .at Crest 1ne Local Delegates r hf"r n1othcr. Mr~ , Marg~T~~ l I I ' d ,l)•nfh<lrn. lothi. R i('hartl JOlll'll nr ~IA to Atten '"'M a.[!"f:"l!'," a~ her 1n.vrlad friends Me1-1a. rhapl'ronf"li a i.:rnup of Nl•\•/. I --t.l!"ll~ht tf) ('Kil h('r, wore 8. mot1t . port H arbor Hii.:h '"1!'h0(11 frtr nd• Adventist Session trro111i.nJt" bl<tf'k velvet hat with nn a recf""nt outint-: at Cr1'1'llin1· \l't''.w rcathcr and a lovely orchid Th<' girls Wt>rf' Ellt•n Ow('n. P...1ary Dt'lt•J:A lfS frnm l\"t•w porl Bt-ach <:Or.:;a.;c a:1 she greeted the hnn-Stf'wart, Arjrnf' HayWnrtl, Marllyr and Coata. lio1 rKO.\, to the eighth 1b·rrl g:11r:"ll.s "·ho came In to honor Schlick1;"nm1ty•·r a.nfl P.f arilyn P.-t. r1uadrcnnia1 11c·~•lon or thf' Pacific her. Looking far }'Ounger than the crson. Thi'Y stayed H.l lht· cab·n Union CtJnft•rt'nc..-o f S.-venth-Day 7tl vear" to which she admitted, or M.i.&!!: Ow<'n 's prlrtnts 'A'hUc at Adventists hav(' h<"t·n nan1cd by '-it was hard to believe that next the mountain rt•sort. I{, B. f'f"rry. ~pa.tor of lh" lncal 1I )"ea1· she would become an octo; churt"h. Thry arr : Mrit. C. C. Em- (enarlan. For many .rears her s·1b-'n-Tucker 1ner!W1n, P . Bwlcht"r, M. ,.. Max -~ kf"en anrl active n1ind hu kept \Vf'll, Mr. L. VaUJ;hl. Mrs. Dorothy :~~ 1~!.~z·e:~~10ofa1~l~~:e~ ~~!Board Plan 4 ' ~~~,~~~~1t ~d ~-.~:ti.edge, e. Of fM1rnn1aunt roncem has been pr~n~ t:r v ; ~.: 1 ernployees. church dli'lrgales an•I df'o.red hl-r lo all. "" S I • ~·-t1 L~/ ' 1-~iftttn hundrrd drnomlna.t.ional hf'r \\'Ork rnr Lhc local Methodist ' • I t I \'l81lors \lo'ill ffiCf't In F,re-JSno Civic I chur<"h and one of the highlights LooklnJ l'orwat8 ti ' soci-Aurlilorium, Jan 28 to Feb. I t n (>f the &ftf'rMOOn Wa:S the p1·c.:sc n· al event..._ rwu• t1lfrf\~S '4f lhl' ht•ar rt>p(lrls Of "'th(' prof;:"r('M dllr·' t:ttl'1n to her ot a life member· new; ~rlt OU tlf.recl.~~ ~· ib·'n· inr; ,lhc p&!-!l four )lo&rs of 31(l ship pln In the \Vomen's S()('iety TUck~ tCldJ> wh~h ;i" Jan (•hurchc-8, five hoNpllal~. two sen·. of Ch ristian 'Sl"rvire of th,e Balhoa r7 at tl1c ~· 101! 1 M rs. tor , <:O 'h•gf',, 18 acadfonli.t.."8, a Island Mcth.\)tllst church by Mra. Don Joh.n.wn, 1 ,.txhclll. S('hCJOI, aJW food faclor.v I"'r t'<'Y t'". Baines. Offi('N"~ far 1 rr~ · .f")(·al.«d 1within CaJICornla, Arir.o\ia. itr~1 Eln1~r Poirier, a.cco"lpui.led dtint...8~ 1"'~ ronR, .N'«i1o'•da, ,Utah and .Hllwa.11. Union by Mts. BStene r.l'l'U:1: S&Jil four d$t••-~ o gcuF Confert"ne»,..,i'tfi§QW toll'• t,t.e 1 flexl (\elightful nun1bera, When You &nd Ab C' Of~ ,._ rcr rour Ye.-.r~.)lff.U be.ttkcted, ctvU de- l 'Wf're Young, Ma.gKfe; In An Old-George • Pl mem· .teMc p(epartlil~ ,wilL be dle- ra.shloned Garden, Believe Me, It her.ship claalr ,.. rk of cu!IMd •nd mrdkla~ CAdet traJning All Those Enrlearlni:-Youn r; Laguna Betth; < .{ HM.I'd": tor draft &g• Adve.nllat men wtll Charms. a..nrl Jo;our Ducks on a Jark Bruner. Balt><4!".., 0 hie reviewed. , Pond. over board nlcmbet" arc orricrr:i A n1lruatcriaJ ln1ttilutt> wLU con. Red roses. which somehow ofl 19~0. Stuart DieJ!I , Zoe Barlow c h.ldf' the five-day conv<"n tton with seen1 u n1ost. appropriate flower for "Afag-gie" •and lndet-d, her n11•ldle nan1e I~ Rosel, dC'corated and Oon Johnson. lfl.lf'Sl s~akers \V, H . Branson Tt>ntat1Vf' plans '''"'re niac1l' for wor:d president of the organlu- thl' annual fiinnl'r dan,·e fnr past Liun1 \\'. B. Oc.tui. vk:e-ptt"Kldent . the be.aut 1f11l b1rthrtny cake which and prrscnt b-Jarct mi·nib<'r..'i. to bf' ,1'nd M . K . Ecke.nroth, mln.lalerlal ht'ld centC'r or intere11t on the' lacr co,·errd lt"a. tahle atlornN"I "'1l h niixed .spring flowers nnd Sll\"l!I service. Jndivi<l11al cakes a Is o wrrc tnrred bv the red buds, Pres1fl!nl{ over the tea R.nd coffee ht'ld Feb. 24 at Balboa B.."l.y club ~oclntlon l"ICQret&r.,Y. all from arning<'mf'nts lo bf\ in charge of \.\'a..,hinKton. D. C. Leadt>r8 will ~trs. Edwarrt Mtl11111 . mt1.ke plans for a steppf"Cl-Up evan- urnN '''f'r+' Mrs. Theodor~ Ha.usrr "Of the W . S.C, S. and Mrs. Charles Qoard1nan of the 0 . A. R. A1non,:: out of town guests were Mrs. f1<'arborn·s itl~ter, Ml"s. Roy Ff· Moon a.nr1 dau~htrr. Miss MH-r - '• •JQl-il and friends, M isses Nellie u Po\vlel'I and Helen Taprer. Los ,At"t~les: hLr ' 11ister-in-la'A·, ~1rs . .., ~ .. u L""D&1·le!I Ofoarborn "·ho rant~ hert' front ,_11chlita.n espec!al\y for ~he "' tl!a and "'ho attcnrlcd w.Lh her .., rtan~htrr. t.1r:'l. fo~othergill ; M•·.s. .a. • Oora· D1ck!¥1n a.nd <htng-hter. :\Ir!< ,,,, "' ,.. .. ..1-0oe!', p,.!'1.'lrlcnu : MiM Ida Mei..dr ... Qt I La Cruiar!a and r.tl1'3e.~ Ht'lf'n ' and Laura Porter, l'ul\erlon: al"iO O·on1 l'llr-R. Oca.rbcrrn's r or m <' r '"' ohuN'h. \\'1lsh!re Pretb\1.erian o( '" Hc1'i~'"""·ofM:I. thr MeR<ik~1ea &ott, "• '(ar)' nnd Clarence \\l'rt~ht . Prcce<lln~ the tea Mrs. \V urrle· ;:. n1ann entertained n1t"mbt-rs of the .. fnn1ily nt luncheon at the club. ,, Also on the ai;t'n!.ltt. Wt're p1t1.ns for the ~prinJ! rlanrt>, a St Pat- rick's day C'Vl.'nt to b<' h••ld March 17 at Santa Ana Country club Ch a.irn)en for thf' affair will bf- ~1 r. and P.trs. Rhoadr-11 li'lnll.'y and Mr. nnd Mra. Georn"" W1nt<.'r Can1plcting the f"Vrnln~. rch_e.Bh· n1rnts wt>re serv1•d by the hos te.s.!I, l\lr!:I. Johnson. ' Don Blanding Addresses BPW at Guest Night Don Bla.ildi~,.:-. W('!I kno'A'n lt>C· turi>r. travelrr, and poet was the lnterC"st1n~ s~akt•r at the Nt.>w- port• Harbor yusln<''VI anll Prot1•s- F!CflJI \V<1men,.. ch1h ·rhurscia)!:. Ja.h. 18 Being J:tUrHl nlJ;"ht, ovet a hundrl'd niember~ and i:llt'Sl!'! IA.'erc prt·~nl for thl' clinnrr n1cet· 1n,:: ht.>ld at the Balboa \'acht club P.,fabel Pttzn1orri1"1 presided at thf' h mE'f""t..1ng and &tty Handy, pro-:; T eta Delegates g.am chauman ro, the-evening In· .. .,. troduc<'d the gu<'st spra.ker. Mr. '. to Attend Blaoding 6poke on l.iv·ng Jo)·- ,, ou:; y an<! r('ad me.ny of" his p<)('hl~. " S. D. Installation· t.lllng or lhc on••••nu. t••t " brou~hl about th('ir \\'riling. •. Mrs Robt-rt T, Wltitlen or Costa Following a ehort bui,inf"&11111 mecl- 1• Mrsa anrl lotrs. Arthur Kramf'r or 1ng th~ special gtJest11 , n1erchanl.I Balboa !Bland will go to Salt Diego who had won prW-1 for their 1 for the w1•c k f"nd L!!I delf'gat<"s with booUu. at the Chrhstml(a Prf'vlew others from the state for lnsta!ta-were tntrodu~. Tht' following tion of a new chapter or Kappa bu.s'nt'si, Pf'Ople "Yl-'t•re gi~n Cer- ~ Alpha ThPta at San Diego St&tc tificate awnrd.s for their out..ala.nd· oo~lf'i:e. ~trs. WhlUen la president ing booths at1 the Prt<Vie\V: P. J . cit Theta Orange Cotmty Alurunat" Mi lter and ·"t.on1n1y" Thon1as or '· ·~ club. me WC'ftt C&a1Jt Packln& Co.: H igh light or the artair will 'bf> "Dick " Richard. or R ichard's th~ for1nal F ouhders Day banquet Market; [.l('8 Blakf"sley a.nd C. V. :: •t El Corlf'Z holel on Friday ev"'" Hayes of Newport Furniture: Fay- qing. Mra. James Hof.stead, grand ette Blower or Blowf'r'a Market: :! treR.surer, wiU come from !\er John Shamel, Shamcl'a Nursery; I honte In NaahvWe, Tenn. for p~ o .. Sc.h:ueter ot Pavilio:n Gltt '!fbop: ·l ~ntalion or the charter to thl!I Mr. and Mra. Austin Colt! "ot Bal~ :: ~5th active chapter of the organ-boa· 5 and 10: Agnea BloomqaJat " bauon. • l!_Ne"vport-Balboa Savtngw and ' p ' ;..oan and Mr. Wllaon of wu.on•s . t L h il'We.lry. I eSSer UOC EJ.On ' Ruby stnenaon, .Marc:b, ot f d B 'd , Dim.. chairman repcirted thal rece es ri ge : ,.,,. .. for dona\lona fo, M'&n:h nf Brldp club ent.bualut& wvt Dimes have been put around tn U.mbled 1ut _. at u.. Coote •anooa bUaln--· tn l.blo *-bbm• ol MH. Paul , U'ft and llrg-ed peo\)le. ta dot>ale ~ea. A demert l11ncheon pm-irbat lbley can. Drin ...W-..be ~ <jetled the card ~ 'eiddlas °" JanU&17 $1. -• ljnd . Po•n1 were »n!M. N.uie -ODt WM ~ o! lbe ey, D. C. Kacll:-...e-.i ScNt'.b.,m Dlotrk:l Conf.,.....ce t'o be rWt,.;, Elmer J. Wf'ICbt, J, P. held at 8-Del Mar In Del ~· t=~·.,;a-i... llifcfJoiey, J ea,. ~tW7 21 !"'Cl I& L and f • V. Pukeo. -• .m.t•to Mn. fl!~. l~ do""" Ibo p,_ .... t "' ~ "'I .. • • ' • .. ., . K<'llstic program in all churche11 In harmony wi~lh president Branaon'11 challrnge ''lo double the dt"noml- nation'e me hip in 1061 ." LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IN\'ITL~G BIDS Pleaae l.31c:e 'notice that the Cit v •Jf Ne"wport Bt-a(h hereby eollcitli bid!! for a Lea.Jw-on the Corona del r.tar State Park Site tor a period of four yf'ars \\1th an option to 1 rent'w for an addiUona.I five yearii. All details n1ay be' securt"d tron1 John J. Sa,ilors, City Manaicr of h<" City ot Newport Beach. , AU bids n1ust be filf'd with th~ said City Manager betorc, ,and lhe samf' will be opened on January 30. 19~. at 10:00 o'clock A. M., tn the office of the aaJd City M.a.n· agcr1 Dated Ja'.i1uary 24 , 19:>1 . C. K. PRlEST, No. 627-Press. Pub'lsh Jan. ~. 19)1. CJty Clerk NOTICE OF 8ALE .JN BULK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS ~EBY GIVEN, pursuant lo tlle proviakms ot Sec- Uon 34'0 ol the Ca.lllornJa Civil Code, that Ferd l..anado'¥Jle, wboee addreu la 220-% Marine A v~ue. Balboa Island, California. tntenda to ~u to Tbeodq~ J, Crane ,who.e address Li" 65 Beacon Bay, Na.w- port Beach._ CaJllomla, all of the r:ersotial property deetttbed sener- ally a.ii "allows: Al or the stock fh trade, trade furniture. rl.xturee and equipment (except the Bot- polnt 5 !bot deep !'ret!&e iA>x). located al the .retail liq~ atore knbwn u '18.land Uqu- ora'' and as "Island l.Jquor Slere." which la· altuatect •t the addre.. and pr<mlfeo known u 220 .Kartne· A venutt, Balboa loland, ·Oran.-• Oount7, Calllornla. '91"tber -a>ilb lbe good WUI oJ aid l!UOln- T& dale when and the place where uJd, aale I.I to be maclt and lbe eonslderatloll or price r.,. auch Ale .. to bit p.id .... "" .,..,_ ary 10, 111$1,at'U:OO o'cloCk A, ii.. t the ot!lce of """ A. w~. °" Pint Mau~ Bani<.,..,.., • ., ~ llDil Xalv otraeto. !Uta Cl.Utom~ .. ;. Deted~.21.11151. ~ L4NIDOWM:, , W1111od )1- P(o. 911 .l'r- ....tM&ll .lu. "lllll. ,UCil. -;--, ' • , T • • • • F....i. 1Mte Gn4e 'A' EGGS Dozen 54 In Corton ~-- Strictly U0&. P'rah .Fountain ., Dfll/i'"'tessen .. ~ .. Hl·H• • 29 ........ °'"" ... ~"· .... ' 1·1/L c· •• Lemon • w1.,.;"~11ft~ -'. Lb-r-..Lfl'S ,... c ...... Lles • Cheddar Chtese ''ftc"' -~&II_:___· --· _uw....._ .. , __......_• ---!+.,.,-l..:..i~. PlonM• , ' t-Mo. ooll• F-Clu-1.&, . ·11 ( ~ .. "' .... ,, ~ llllter ·• . m. ' . 014 .....,,..,.,. 'flMtY -' 2 . ·29 C•lokon of ... Bolop ·• • ! • i • 49c R~l....i ' •Iii ( CThunk *'~ * * ICe •• ..._ ... ·Illa •• ·-~ ca ' : ( ! .• . _; I F,.zen Foods ,, aunklet I.oz. can Ormge Juice ••• 18c F•lr Acr .. Swett PHS , .. ... .. k .. . * '* * * 11c Van De.Kamps Cinnamon Emoh Supr LOlf • • • 23c . * •. * * ·Sundries 31a AMorted COlllbs In Pkg. • 6,., 19c •• • Haclend......O"n It.Mk Pie ca Diw:rwn .. 2i.. 25c •* *1* * Toiletries !0 L i lf~I Ml Pllills H.1nt-1111 lllcecl Pine~pple OWL-~r MEATS ··-· .. f. SELF SERVIcE • -TABLE TRIMMED . Gnde A T om TURKEYS Pan·"•ady 49• 17 ·JI Iba. --lb. ' Grade t4A"' (Good) or Choloe 1 50c CHUCK ROAST • • • . . 7•~ f'ruh S liced, Pork LIVER Taoty . 35• -......1oa1._ lb. ltrictly Fre&h lteor .. of GROUND CHUCK • Faney SOLE F iiiet Armour'a (Picnic) Shoulder 5--7 lb. 39° PORK RO~T ••• 1·1b. oello -··-··- 6CA. fi 39i. i :::::::======::::;::======~·===::::!' OWL.Mayfair /HfODUCE 1· POTATOES 1·0 ~ ... 29<' I ' Home Grown lwfft Nyl.nd Tender, Freeh,. LMM t I Tomat0es s··~~ 49° I I CatTols -•• 3~5c . I ;. 2s<f · I .. EXTRA LAROE JUIC~·r GD,P~~~UIT .6 ~- -' < o! , TIUS COU.f'ON WP!!J'I;!, l!Ocl ,, • • • H.o,meC'• Oaf~.,...,. Of. tc,tngan'1 ~ -. SLICEu ltACON 4 · . .. . -/ ~ . . - .. Rtg.'P rlce 1.:.49c lb. with Coupcin'' • • , j i eto Exp. Ja~ ·a ' TH II N OUPON WORTH >IOol NAME 8 .. AND POCKET WATCH '2. ·19 With Coupon t jl'Hll COUPON WOftTH IOol -r•unw~x Shlne1 and ~rotectt r, 'SILICONE POLISH Rei . Price Sto 29c TH I& COUPON WORTH 14<1 Alf Grlnda, v"acuu'" Can FOOD CLUB COFFEE Ji·~~ 4t ,.lb.:. ,!If with ~~pon 2cana11.~ OIM~ Exp. ,.,,. 21 ' 1' ' . '.rHll COUPON WORTH lo.. ' Beauty Soap by Wr1'1ey GAYLA SOAP N:eg. Prtoe 3 Reg. s\tor 119c bare 11 a with Coupon Exp. J•n. 21 I HIS COUPON' WORTH 10cl -dii>-r'ALCHE1U~Es ...... rnae 570 1·19. ... ~ 47· I • • L - • • • ' • • • l • THOMAS GOMEZ • CECIL KULAWAY ARNOLD MOSS • LAURETTE LUEZ Sc-""" .., UDll '°'-. ,...._ DIUbdl ...i ...... ~ J\dn•J,.,ion for thlA Ors\ run. ProdO<'t ion: f\tlu1l:, .01 --.1:1 u..J T ..,t. l4r c.·ti.11dr .. o ·.t:!--.m tax. Tot. 14c ~~Tt 11CllF\V I.AST DAY! f.:\Rlt\' P .\llKS n . .\ICRAICA llAl.E ,,\ \ 0 1't}" l<"n.nny l 'oftl("dy "EMERGENCY WEDDING" --Pln.;; - ;\l -G~i\I'" "DIAL 1119" ST.\JtTS St':\"l) . .\V Th .. t'\:lranrdinartiy Dlfrt>r1•nl fllm "NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR" ' ,; : • ·Cole .. Porter · Hit 'Kiss Me, · Kate' lt Long Beach · '11(~ Me, Kate," the py, melo- llo~ com_t'dy btt. wtU. ecore by ";() · e PoTler and a book by Sam Uld Bella Spcwack, wUl be pre· ·ented by Ware~Hu:elton Att.-c- lons al tbe Munlclp.I Auditorium or 3 P"rl0Tmance1, Friday, Sat· .lrd&y. Feb. 2 and. 3 with a Sat- 1rrlay matt.nee In Long· Beach. This bl the national company rfhich .hu had rttord-brea.klng en· ~g('ments in San J"'lllt.nct.aco, Loe \nc-elc..s. Chicago. St. Loula, Pltt&- 1urgh a.nd Dalla.s. Sixteen song hlte •re Included -i lhf' Cole Porter seoTe. Amonr he hlte art" "So ln Love," .. Alwa~I ·1ue to 1 You In )ly Fublon," Wundf'rbar." "Too Darn Hot," n<t "Why Ca.n't Yotl Behave?" Fra~s McCann wlll porl~y ~e role of Katherine the Shrew, ·1hllf" Robert Wright, lht> romantic ingin~ 11tar. wlJJ be seen a.s Pe· ruchio, other leading pat,Ls fall- 1g to Benny Baker , Marc Platt nd Betty George. Thi• costumes and 11eenery of ·{tss M,.. KRle"-\Vh lch won the )Qna.l<lson award last year__..._were "si~l'd by eo-product>r Lemuel yeM who crl'aled the 1Clllng1 "lr Oklahoma. Th<> prcS('nlation will play Its .,ng I.Wach engagement coming 1 lrec~ frnm the Loa Angeles Bill· 1or? thelitr<'. Tickets are on sale at Loog ~a::.-h audltol'lum, phone 626·42. .ido Isle Matron iostess to Ebell i oo~ Section Twt'nly-seven members of book ~C"tion one of Ebell club were uests or Mrs. WUlarc1 Killion last hursday al her hon1e on Lido !ale . ·osf!rress duti('s were 8hared by ·rs. Geor~e Penney and Mr3. Aus- n Sturteva..nt. ~Ir a·. 0 . Z. Robert.son Teviewed JY Str eet and Mrs. Dorothea heclt•y. city librarian. dlscuS8e'd f!W booke of the month. Mrs. · V. Di.t~ "'iii entertain the sec · nn at her hoint", 230 L&rbpur 1cnue, ror their I-~c bruary meet-,. PJ.r:s !ad f"'"K . ..\.TURE ~~i NO\V S l10 \\1NG "TRIPOLI" ln 1'echnJoolor Also e. :\"r.'t \'olf'r You Hear" ,a.,. "' \\'W .. QfG 1!111.; JU. II llfll> 81l1"1.TO!i'S BIGOM'r 'WATCt1. THE BIRDl E' .~'klaill FUN Wiiii 111 "ZING" ~ DON, MISS OUI I '"ESENT s~•ow 1 GIR LS -fi0.llL5 ' • ~ILS THE CIRCUS ROOM I +SHOWS -' • 11 ONE Of AMERIC;t.'S OUTSTANDl~G REST AUl'-ANTSI Foucl Eaporll;r ........... ud Har. ZOiO lly Morri Fresh Violets 351' BUNCH 500 f;. lktJho:L 81\'rt.. Balboa ------------- t\1llERE L~ THE \\'ORLD \\"(l\'Lll YOO GO! ... l'llARl.()Tff; llOL~Sfll:AO loftd.-d ............. ti•• ... 'l>.N"S • SHI'' • IAllS • HOlW M111.,.1 llt..h111 fie.'-' AqefK'J Yincent's Tmel Bureau Gnw>louol7 l!enfd. la 0... t :n1que ot.tnc Room Fl"M Im.door Puida• Nut Door. '" Long Beach 7 lll •• Edi . SAM'S SEA FOOD . . . . Complete Coitrse 'LUNCHEQNS-DIN~S -· ' "At Tf:ie Sign of the Swordfi1h" ailtifitl New and Enlar9ed Cocktail loll!) SURFSIDE ' ~ ·' ••• 11 .............. , ...... ..... '., .. "'T'--··· • .. I 1 ' •' ., 'l i 1 ' I G.~de Ho;n ·· . · 9 Review PJav , for ¢ampus Club ... I PA~E '5 -PART I ..;.. THURSDAY, JAN 2.5, 1951 'l~ ~, d'io . I r .:.~ ?s~ .::. .PllESS ~F . JMM , 1. ·," -. • ~ • I A plq ..,,,iew wtD •be fe&turod 11 J beDenl t..a to be "ftll by lbe ..... .,,.. County Cowlell ol the Wo-"at'• Cnmpwl C"ub iof Pomona. ~tlege Wedn8day, Jan. 11 at 2 .,_m_ In tt.:e .home of ,.Va. r Oort.ea 'lo,kln.o, 320 W. Alberta Bl, Ana· helm. ' . Tbe pr\U \\1.nntng play •'Member of the Wecldlnf" b;r Canon KcCul· j' lero. will be reviewed by Gertrude flOM'l of Corona de.l Kar. 'J"he 'lleiy won Ute crt Ucl a ward and LI ' current Broe.c!Wa,y lilt atart'tnl" Ethe.I Wat.en f.nd JulLa Harrie. • ·-' I , TH~j A~~.HES , j. · CAFE antl COCK'J;AlL LOVNGE . . • •• OPEN 10 .~ •m. ~ 2 a. m. •• NewpOrt Blvd. lJrl Cout Bigbway NEWPORT ' WE AKE t:WSED ON TIJUB8Dil8 • • • • • • • Gertrude Hofn LI • well known o'ay reviewer; ta a' graduate· of :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~~~~~~~= Pomona _college, wber~ ahe reCeiv· 1: '<I considerable dr&mallc tialnlng. Edgu Van Lehft. 1b&rltone. will .,resent group of 90los.. Prot. Von Lehn la a member of the mualc 'acuity of Pomona college. t FUN OPEN EVERY FRIDAY •. SATURQAY and ' " .. .i.~ KAM.A.AINA llLUB OANCER.s wit1 bare-feeil ~lr wa.v U.roop the rhy,thmlc undu\atlon!t of 'th !! hula at the Costa Meu Commualt7 Caper8 1Frl4ay and Saturday JllKht a,t 1:~6 at Nr,,·;lorl Harbor hll"h K.hooL Left to rtpt la the front row are: Brtty Balley, 155'7 Ne\Vporl 81\•d .• N'f'\\·parl Bt-aeh : Te• will be 8C.r'V'e.d after the pro- ~arn by board 'membera. Mn. J . L. Ba8com ot' Tustin will be In ~harg e of tea arrangement. and lhe wll!, be: aaalsled by Mra. J . ·..esue St("ffcnM'n of Corona del Mar. pT•'l!lldent of the Council l Mra. 1l. T . McFa.dden or Santa Ana. Mrs. L<-o J . Fr'U.s QC. Anaheim. Mr.s. Ck'orge M11rtlnl ot Santa Ana. \trs. Lu<'llle Fr1'zer of &ant.a Ana, Mrs. Selim H. Franklin of Costa M<>sa. Mrs. Loren Blakely df Santa SUNDAY BAllOA Thelma Rlckr1t&a; 304 AJ, .. rado Pl .• Balboa and S hlrlt'y NMJ. 1541 Ne\\·port 81,·d •. Sr\\'JM1rl Braf'h. Back row: Miki""" Vuyt, 130 • !lat ~t .• Co.la Mem; Boota Kt-en,., l516" Oc·('an IJ:yd., Balbaa: ~II· nerva Priefo. I.HJ Rlve.nlcl@ Pl., Coata Mr•~ R:ta My"n, 183 TuAtln A\·L, (A'tt0la Mi·~: !\l.tu'H• KIJ.n- ball, 210~11 • 33N( St .• Newport Bre,ch: Laura ~ lo• Rloe.. S82 fJo,,·~r St .. ('tMta. !\lf'tt.a and ':lft"l'"Ore Ch.amber:aJn. SM Flo~·rr Sl., Co-ita Mesa. ( P1·eu Photo I .\na, and the hostess, Mrs. H08-1 Cl') "tins. , W Community . Players Cast-Has Fun Rehearsing c.l· edy, 'Dream ·Girl' Youth Groups to Participate at St. Andrews Re!'lcrvat'on1t may be n1ade by - :::ailing Mrs . J . Lc~lll' Sterfen1ten . (.) Harbor 28~7-J. • Ed SOule Dies I Conllnlltld from hp I) ·Youth Sunday w l l~ b-! ubwo rvc<I opjlOrlunlty. '1'he moat tun ycl.." 1'l St. Andrr\\''8 P~sbyt erian 1-Je built hi~ own boot, tJie That's the Cllfl!M'nsus of rl\st Bluff Road rhn rt h, Jl\n. 28· "'11 11 youni.: J ~plt• Nniad and flnhthe<t her In time lo .,pinion aboUt thr Newport frar---tRklnJiC an lll'tlvc pr.rt 1n th,. M"r-n1pete In thf' flt'8t Mackinac bor Commuq,!_ty Payers'" npwest (OlntlnlW'd from Pace t) v1<·e . B1trb1trll J,lni;:l" Wii i g:\Vf' ~h r ac<" on the Great Lakes, taklng '\nd runniest product ion, "OrPRITI B F " h 'call 'o ""or:-h1p an<I lhr rcspO'l'HVt' 'hlrd plRC('. .. Co u n c I I 1n an radt"n IJlC l't"&dlnJ: will be bv \V illiard Mll'r. Glrl. to be offered F eb. 2 and 3 thought thhl ,.. wondrrful lcif'a bnl b \V · . F 11 Ort"&& LakN Sa.Dor 1n the Ora.nge Coast colle ge chap· j k d It J rt uld b •k It 'th mrm rr~ or •'!'lllntn!tlcr 1' ow-f;.oule waa well known among as " r co a '"' Up Wt 11hln will .-.iv1• lh•· n1ornin" •1ra)'H el I tJ • •--' h t It I ,. "' ,... t ~r1·a1 Lakes sailor~ and served u -ac on &n•1 suggf"1'~ f' pu n and V<'ln1R Pr1tlha1n will sin,.. a And when acto~ and a ctres&eA I writing ... \Ve are more than will-_ b G 1 Th ,, "JrcEldcnt or the Lake Michigan · bl solo. I'\rarrr v 01 , lfl C'<'. y 1 lhemselvea, tradlt1onal grum ens \nP lo meet you h•'f way•· F inch J S · R G'b a.cht np. Association and pre•I· h I I I " ' ern1nn by t hr r v. Thotn&!'I 1 -I f th y h n--1 U I f ··luring re earsa s, Af\Y a pay a said. When lhC' n1ayor chlmt"d In . .11 i-..~ ''"fh ·ht r y th .. t"nt n e ac t ~ ng non o fun ro do It must bf' gQOC"'I I h II · t son wi ,...., OUf.: s 0 ou ' t hp Grt'al L.akea.' .. · and sad l e t'OUnc men were JUS 1 thf' trxt bclni.r froin lsl Tin1othy Ot course you 'A.'fll have to llf'C trvln~ to find out the right thlnit . 4 12 .. , N M 0 , Th' He we.s a probate and title at- 1 All d I . i -. .. .... t u nn <'sp1se v I Chi f 20 •-d t for your&t" r. we can o s to do, J rf( retortM. "I know you 1 You~h .. -tom ey n cago or years cu• tell you about It. don't know how to do it. bul every-Thr Cnll•·i::<' _t:r(iur u; rt.nrpniz-a law partner of Lealle Carter. 1 Flrllt. thl!re Is central ~taglng. body el~ docs•" 1 h M G b .. . 11 The Northern Tru.!!t Company · · · ng wit r. 1 ~n 88 llu\·toor. Ba k f Ch' To thr unl.nltlatcd that means that Allhou ... h no de flnit(' offer .,...3,. S 1• . _ 30 n o 1c11.go waii set up tn 'h . tak I•-,.. 1n l'et~ unc n.y 1·vcn1ni:;s a.t '; f f th b e Vl\r1ou..s scenes t" p ..... made J eff¥"rmn lnd,lca tN'.i hr mi J::hl u'clcr k nnd all yoUllJ: J>C'<'ple in-lht> of itefl o e partners y it.a .mR.Ck In the middle or lhf' audl-mnkr ont• ror the privau· land on 1 1 1· 1 t t d Th fouhd<'r. Byron Smith. I "D GI I .. h o J r rt'!'ll1•1 ar1• '"''' t'f o 8.l C'n . c Th Chicago Milwaukee and St ncr-. n l"<'&m r · ';"'ever. the bluff. liigh ~1..hnul ''rt.1t1p .n n L-W ad-e · 1evcral further sl<'pe arc •dded. Thrn t~brU r:ot an opinlqJl !roin "':nqr l Uts . p;.nirl rson. _ Paul railr0ad alfto h•d It. root.a 'lot only do Ule a ctors dot thei r City F,ng1n41r Be rl V.lrbtll that It 'r-. n the partner'• offl«e and Sou'e •lllff among the audJenoo. they ta <'ntlrely~.:s'blc an<I fPrtslbll.'" tn 350 .r-. C rrv<'d for some time aa a mem· 118Q ptrform on. regulat19n ,11la~e a>ulkl who ({1 \,.any;_sltc a k:lng lhr .1n ast l('r of the ra!lroad'• board of dl· o lb• front of. t.h' audience and L1urr and b BRM thstlevcn if ·crtora. ~l't lhJa. above the paying g\K.'flla. the io.rbot aJel"ck rule r 1ntt.ln'":<I .iCon,Untwtl ffqr8 £Al" I) He WRB a frequent contributor 1"'1g'Ure lha.t one ou~t.i'fl.vCAI tt"&ra~s could •ti 1 bt-buU on the l'9 an <>nllr<>IY tl!fCcr,..nt.. shO"\V on 0 gporlAmt.>n"• ma.gu.lnes web u nore would be ~a .\ot"i! me: Ocean Blvd. jpro,,ert1·une. · . .11 1 ""'"11.v •nU. Sn.tu.rday nlghta. ~a.. Ruddel" ai\d iY•dllJng · ~ •ret,t kn~~1 !q_nl~ t fl t.ep lwbe-11 ~ lt:..~u a~. er or 'Ebe .now. under th• '..-ect~ o· ·n-ote a: weekly 'eOlum.ri T tn ~ 3road.Wa.#~ l' M beA wij"\cJ8"e t . blll llytliff~~gg:a+WAl~ ~ci..<ek ·Vewport·BattJo. ~ .J.n.tWmeid. Mlm _de~ lo pt1a Paul .Paln.e, an ~ prop-bYlSOUC Hlncaly. • · ' 'NHYC M...,, them on ~ lrlarlhella Ran~I. di· e.rty ownt'f" and we.II k~ ll!l'll(ln-... c.:a.t U.tffi Soule WU a Ute me.mber ot Ule rector·in--cl!'.tef or t.bf; t~ thupl· ~r. uld that lm't true aild that l'rtday nll{~t will feature thP Newi>ort Harbor Yacht club and ans. ''Save th~ vil'w': le!.,erely a fetish N(>WpO!'l HarbOr bf~·h M"hool band : "JeCr'etary of the TUett<tay Yacht.· F-ta..~,-SequmON or ' 11tog-an miahandfed. He claimed Slvad lhc qr"at by the Ot~ Fel--nen'" luncheon at NHYC in ll.ddt- ' If the buUdlnga wert> on ~he top l~~s Lodge~ Rhum\.fa. Tap; 'Costa lion to aervt.ng on many race com- Let u11 just mention lhat ·ll~ht-of Uk• bluff ~uW make ·:tt.c ~If-Meaa sC""hools talf'nt; Soa.~Pf Tap-mlttees. ng technlqut>11 play a large pvt ference lo the '\!Cw a.nd u\lj be pera; 1]41.,. Pantaif.,_;'\Pla.fto Sc· He t8 survived by hill wife. n lt?e dream. or tr you wtll. jlln· hu Ola.de d.Qr.W'ln.b to proVt> Wh ich l«lion ic. Tifly .'I'a.p6, ll">rthm. Ac· "•udt>: two 8009• Thomu Webb t&lly 11equencee of the pl.,.. he would brl'ng &tong to t.he next cordion Rant.I , and a dramatic Joule. Van Nuys: c . Edward And now to the ct,clors, by this l!M"Nllon. aketC"h by the ("n1111n11nlty PIRVf"r" 1o\jlle. Jr .. Lake Arrowhead: and lime nearly forgotlt-n 1.n the muc JJ owevt"r, Councllml'n Dra.ke and Aft..f>r intennlssio n: Hawaiian one daughter, Mra. c . J . Walley. of aforemelltionE'd lechnlcal data. f"ln<'h couldn't quite acO?pt h is Parad\ae : Molhf'rsh1,::l'rs: Novelty Sht-r;.nan Oaks. The c~ldren a.re A survey of the ca.st reveal8 that opink>n and F inch said he has numb<>rs : Soulh A m~rican danct>rs by 8 rornlcr wtCe, Mra. Celeete w . a number of new faces wtll be c1rawlngs o( how it would loo~ and Dtx1i\ Days "·:th the Dukes 3oule who died ln 194~ eeen ln "Dream Girl." Many In \vlth hoines on the bluff and he from Dht ll'i, Sll't>py Time Down Funeral se.rVt~a "'l'l 1be held at _principal role&. too. , . M.ld U. wu "ll'"rrible." South. Li ons C'lub Quartet. Nov-l p.m . Friday at St. James Epla- For a starter there s Lee Clln -Any\l.·ay. It will all be decided t'lty and Blackface Double and e;opal church. Rev. Paul M. Wbeel- lon Sawin. dlr~tor of the Orangl' February l3. Linf'. ~r presiding. County .symphony. Clint U.etM him-\ _........___ Saturday's performance \Y 111 Burial will be tn Grand Haven. Z . < 0 • >-0 FUN .costumes ~--~----f[ . . ' . COSTA MES~ " I 51 COMMUNITY CAPERS 16 NEW ACTS EA. NiGHT 300 IN CAST! N. H. HIGH SCHOOL AUD. Jan. 26 and 27th ADULTS 60t CHILDREN 25t Curtain 7 :45 p. m. < :i · let 'a:: c • ·u · -VI ::> ~ THE NEW H'AMMOND . CHORD ORGAN • . YM 'Can Play Rich Oftja11 Tones at' Once . \\'ITJJOJJT KNOWING • A SINGLE NOTE OF l\IUSIO 520 No. Main, .Cor. of 6th SANTA ANA Phone Kl. 2-5140 ' .. a.elf u having had little previous 4 ln•iured j • pr E's r n t : Accordion Ensemble. Michigan. ·Grauel Chapel ls in j theatrical experlen~. Thia doesn't I .... P11.ntomlm(' Slnglt'; BooL" and Sad-charge of the arrangement.a. -----~-------------------·-·-.. + attn to deter him. for Ifie playl'I (ConUnut"d from Par 11 ljJf' C1ub square danct're: Boys' ----------------------------- the i>art ot a "smooth opet&lor" tnjurtea at 7 :20 p.m. Tue&da.y in Club ~k it: Valse Bluettt>: Girl INA RAY HUTT'ON. Hollywood H• J, Q 1·1 p • f" Ph H f6f L • • With the soul of a tM.tf!I mllllfclan. an lntersecbion co:lilllon on 18th Srout l'lklt ; Acrobatic!; Tap Solo: "-ll·11:lrl orchc8tra leader -"Any· 1g ua I y r1n 1ng-' • ar.. a ,ChronJc Seen.N :~ .. ":'tJ l>omons Ave .. lh ea.ta ::~':x,;:;le~t~=~e ~ .. c;_i-0~11~;~ ~t~:riys can do. gala can do· High· QUO/ify ·Printing-Ph. Har.·· 1616 ' Then there ll Eleanor SCh.mldt lnju.re<t wer" Patricia Coll Ina, aketch Baton Drill on Drum: God or Balboa laland wbo,portraye a 6. Manuel Roa. Jr., 2 ~. anst Be.a-B'esa America; Hawaiian Para- cbronJcaUy anff'Sing matron. Al-trice Roa. 8 years old. AU were dWe; Ktwanl1 Club Quarlette; though Ulll I• her flnt with the tree.led by a local phptcia..n. Friday Afternoon Club skit and local group. iitl.e has done w.ork Drtveni of the automobOea werf! Parlslan Interlude. wtlh both the Sant a Ana and La-Lynn Coll1r\ll, ~. 707 Poppy St.. • guna Beach ptayen. •• we'I u Corona del Mar illld Manuel Roa. Che t t Elect .swnmer stock with the former Sr., 1S46 Monrovia Ave., Coats 5 0 . Newport Rf'pertoTy theatre. Mesa. CC'.onUnurd ff'om Pace l) Ge.orge Bu.sdiecker, a graduate the membership. ".A. report of tfte of Santa Ana college obtained ht.s AT BIG BEA.IC hut )'e&r'.s a ctivit le11 during which e.xperie.nce in a numbef' /of com· Finding pleasure in a i:eal win-$21 .300 waa dOna.ted In a record munlty theatre productlona thett, ler wonderland a.t Big Bea.r Lake ten days· will al.a be presented and will bring his ta.lent. to bear recentty was Shirley Mllhorf, by President CaJ!ls. on one of the lead portrayals In daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fnllowini::-adjourn.ment of lhe. the play. R. MJthoff of Coat.a. "'4e& Shar· regular mf'eUng the directors will Continuing with nf'wcomen ·to lq tun 1n the an.ow with the local bold a IM'p&rate sceeion to name •.h.e Playe.ra we have Lee and Jo girl w'ere Mn. AJma H&tcb and ottlcen for the 1951 Community WUdcr from L1do late, the hla-daulhter Uva of Wllrnincton-Che:•t. ' trlonlc huab&nd·wtfe teain of the ~oup. Jo nu acte<t wtth lht' Bon· olulu Community Player. and betll have important roles in ••Dream Otr1:· Vll'J'lnla Royce and ~ Brooko pla;r their flnt pan. wllll \II< · Newport ' Pl&:yero, allllou(tl they 1 t\l.Ye bMn ~ by local aqdtencet ln -•ral ~· <lout colkc• producUoN . llblle -" ' • ' • < Y A·S SUH BOSS! Tho Bicjg,st and Bestest O~d Time. • Elks Minstrel Show . ' Fob •. ~ and 10ttl ' - • ' . AT ~H~. : f . : . 'I . .1 N~T HAAIOI .,J.SCH~OL ~UDITO~ UM j l ..• '·.'t 1.· TICKETS AVAlLABLEJ' FRO:M·~,NY 1 EL~ . • ! ' or-Phone ~-~ · ' . ' HAR'idR 29f7 for Ro1orvetions I. .... ~4 • .. ,.. I ~· , ... • •' I ~ ~ • .:... ' ' ~ DO IT ~w ..::~ SEATS .:STil!.1. AV~LABLE ' · .. ' t ' .. , ' • • ' ' 1 • ' ' • ' , • .~ J • • • t •• PA E li -P.. T -THURSPA Y, :J>.f'l. 25, T9 T ·~~ . ' ,u -=--= Pl\! S s ~ 4J . NEWS-TIMES -.Eveey Tuesday WPORT BAY POST-Wedn~n NEwPORT-BAf.BOA PR™ -Thursdays Pfewpcw1 nay Poet a..Hled Adi ...n ,.. 18 -. 'l'IM9dltJ ltiMno-n... or tM n~ ..,.. IDNDfUH 4D ts. 6 LINJ:8 .U ~.de mllOt be ,.id lor °"fl' hi .;._el ,..__ 4 JJnes 1 Papel' ' .'75 4 IJn.. % Papen U10 4 I.Jn.. s Papen !.llO. fte pubHaben -.tll not be ,reeponalble tor mQft than oa• tncan~ t:Mertl9Jl Of an adverllaenlent. reee"e the right to correctly ciu.tf) &D.1 and all ada and lo reject aay advertlaement not conforming tt rwu and rerutaUona. Adverti!ementa and cancellatlona will bt &CCe'pted up lo. G p.m. on the day preceding publlcatlon. Pb. Har. ltl8 ftoDD Bar. 1118. ull tor .. Ad 1'aRr" or lend ad uci f'lllllllttaaoe u, NEWPOllT HARBOR PUBLISHING 00. nu BalbGe BIYd.. Newport BMcb,' OolltonJa. l!t-!BUBINEBS GUIDE CO~ HOUSE CLEANING Mntce. )f'Urntture . and rup UW:npooed rree et1ttmate.-n.u,. tnsur..i. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. ......,,, 8111 72tf< Furniture Repairing Chal:r bottom. renewed. cane or splint. ChaJ r round., backa &11d "?Ckera replaced: aha re-gluing. HARVEY'S FURNITUR1C REPAIR SHOP bO Banta Ana Ave., Coet& Mua Beacon 8133-J . 17cl&R l!!-BUILDINO Sr:RVlCES PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 2'1' Palmer BL, eo.ta Ilea Bea. 11467-M IHe9 INTICBIOB -EXTl!:IUOB PAINTING LICENSED -lNSUBICD Glenn Johnston 601·3lst St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 34cl8 IJ,e.ulta come from COMtant Practice! An ad r egularly In thJs paper wtll produce result.a !or you. -Be ~1.se-tell i)eople--advertiae! Herb Kenny Elected · President of Orange . Coast Assn.; Give Trophies ' Organized and lmplem ented with a new set of officers and com- mlU ee1 and & program fo r financial and civic betterment. t he Orange CoUAty Cout AS.90Ciation laun£hed u pon a new \yea r Tue..day night under the leader sllip or H. F . Kenny. Ba.lboa P ostmu ter , elect ed pres!· dent fo r a second term. 'K enny, who served in that office eeveral yea rs ago. succeed! J ack K t>lm, Capl s -~------------­ trano Beach. In addition to the rt>organiza- tJo n. the association a\\'&rded trop- hte1 and certifi cat es of merit Tue1tla y to part icipants in the 1950 Christmas l\ghllng program Lois Sanderson Hostess to Wesleyan Guild in which cities from Seal Bea ch Mrs: Lois Sanderson of 429 to San ~lemente joined. , Magnolia Ave., Costa llJe• r e- l>r. Buil P eteraon, s peaklng for Ct>ived the Wesleyan Service Guild Beo Reddick , presented tht> Ne\\'· ot the Costa Mesa Community port-~a.lboa Pre&i trophy to Ray Church at a meeting 'nlur9day, Smlth, St'cretary of the San Cle-Jan.18. A rr&.ngemen t.a of callas mente Chamber o f Contmerce. in a nd carnations were employed recognition ot that ·city's winning decoratively about the 1-ooms. Roll lop ho norrs in its class. call o! members wu a n.swered '-'·ith a Bibl e verse. Mrs. l\faude Da\·is. president. presided over the Receiving certificates or ment business interlude. w er e Costa Mesa Cha mber of Lydia. a won1an ot the Bible, Commerce. Cit y of ;-.;ewport was sele-c ted by 1"1 rs. Ruth Bar - Beac h. Newport ·Ha rbor Junior nett as t he topic ot her t a lk. MW Chl.mber or Commerf'e and Corona Esthe r Dodge spot.:e on "Alcohol- del Mar Bus1nPs.s Assocjation. ism in the Mkl-Century tn Rela- To assist H erb Ke nny in the a ll-t ion to Juyenile Dt>Hnquency." m lnistratipn of the associat ion·a An interesting letter \~.'85 rea d a tf!.alrs in 195 1, thP members elec-' from Mrs. Georgia Robt>rlson , a ted Ted Bartlett. H untington teacher In a gir ls Pchool In Fu- Beach , first vice-presiden t and kuoka, JaPan. Mrs. Robertson ex- ch&irm an o f the legislative and fi-pressed thanks to t he GuOd t or nance committee: R'llph P. Mas-the Chrletmu box sent t o her and key . Newport Bea ch, second v1ce-.her pupils. president and chairman of the The Guild presented Mrs. Grace parks and bea<:hPs comn1ittee: Bill ing!il wit h a gift for he r daugh- Leo Smith. San C leme nte, third ter ,' Doris, who is to be m arried vit:e -president and ch8lrman of t he in F~bruary. -~ l!jld -.«ro~l"'t. committee; 1.'!Uf;;r~r~9 •. se~V.fd J?.r ·· ltany elah.~Batb\M7 l!f>~etraq•. r'e "'4.". 'ftil~~ r't;r .~ to ·Keney a ppointed F. \\. Hick-Mm~. Davis. Barn.ht , Bflllngs, rAan. •s eal Beach , v1cP-pr estde nt in , Helen P ohlman, Elva. J(jpp, J'tellie charge o r mem bershiri ; E. A. CU r · Howard. Emma Stevena. Eleanor r~ Newpor t Beach, ~1ce-pruldent I Flaherty, Doris Wood, Gert rude at large and A-1 ayo r F rank Shu-Edick and MiM Dodge. !elt, Sea l Bf'ac h. chairman o f the I ~·r rs. · <:t.,row Brown ot Los An- water and sanitation committee . ge les Will be principal speaker a t K enny Indicated he would c hair-t he next meetin g scheduled for man the h ighwa ys and tranapor-F eb .. 22 at the home of Mra. MJrude talion committee at an 'organi.za-Davts, 626 Center St. Each mem- tlonal meeting. ber i5 asked to bring a gueat. Directors elected rrom Nev.1>0rt Be-ach were Maskey, Kt'nny. J ohn T , Boyd, J r .. E lm er Corry and R. L., Pattl'rson. Baby Da ughter ir;i J. W ells Home Mr. and Mr11. James Wells (Wanda H iatt ) or 2036 Maple Ave., Costa. Mesa. are rejoicing • I REP AIRING and P.AnlTING .U...ONA.BL&. 'Luse or -.all ,!oba. :rr.. eotlmatM. Walltv. JOI • 18th 8t.. N...,,.,.t. B1 • Rar1>or 2118l·B. 17eUll PAPER• HANGING and P.AINTING Kenneth Quarry IOU SanlA Aaa A ... Coota M- Pbone 'Bucon 060f top71 • Rug and Uphols~ry Cleaning and Dyeing Wiil ·~ In cleanlnl Rup and Uphoi.tery only. Dono In 1your own home or ln our plant uatnc the tamoua Wld q1tem. RUGS OYlllD lZT us make ypu• old MJp and fumlture look llke new • wtth bright, new colon. Wqrk (U&f. F'REE ESTlMA TES, Ph. B<L 0108 HA.NLEA'S •• " ' . I , • · 1 . 1 · , ~ ··~~:r::::~1 · --=:dr::: ~~ :.~;.-~; :=::.: ± : ...,...u~. . . . . . All-··_ • .,,...__ -r.r. .. -p4\lla in Used !Appliances' Fuqtlture ~ ,. -~. • ,.tic>. -• 1u. •• ••· o.;. • , ' ' • ___ .,. " -·1·· . Apt. -po -w--., 1Co. -. -la <A-. .-1111 -·· • I flcTJl----~,-\..----=- All are ID ~ condltlbn · ' lfoll7, UK& rrjIW. 11q1D PLU108 --11p. Oeoc1 ruJU01111SD I · AppllanOel are pttlDg . NJCW apt. -su -. '' • l'INlv --. 0 A: NS. ..... -. AOi-. B..A Y SHORES -ana will eoon be ...,_,, and --.. .ao. · BCIDllDT, qo No. KAia, ...,la ~ r.:=. = °"j _1f.t';i BL\.VTD'Oli, a l!oc!r"' .. · 2 ·bath harder to find. w..unpou.o. ~tor. 7 cu. An&, oor. till. Modll::ltl«s:' DNI..,_,. b• out· tt., uxr NJ:W. . • . or-, Servel pa refrlc. 5 cu. w11111 .. t --. •t. • P'--w~ .o p14noe.• Trad• "' ~AL r t' -I :.:::, ~°= ft, ID ~ nJce con-KaP Cloot.-lot> -· otalJ>. yvar old ;1aao '"' a Oruld. SPECIALIStsi · A RSA.I. ·~ at ·111.000 dltion ···---.............. $14.95 ~ ~lri%11J';:'rt&bk • ~ or -•Uflll talevtalan. • 008 -ClalC I · . ' , ~ _;=-l' · Fr!plalre, 5 cu. ft. _ .. 89.~ ..... -... ...eo. = n:#u.~~ -.. .I.I I I LJJ.,1\:1 1sr.E ALSO , .L · uuo cSoWn. u.ts ·por ...... ~ . ..,._ tlh. .. Nq. W&Jn.0 ~u Lib.wood Vi~k. n1tor. 1-. wl deb, 2 11au..-1..u:p Have a~..,..,.,. TV N1CW maple dlneU.o oot, llllttaftllr An. , -.w,-,. Rat. IMIJ U.0. r prttata .~ An outotandlll1 ·-: • drop ..., table and • llddi. *' ' . ' ,,.,_ ~1.SOO. ·~ loon. • JUST ED IN! cbA1n. I acl7 .. .ao A ITt.IO. ll'INsT ,_, 11' Jn. old. U11e ~I JUI. APT.,11p. -_j_ _ . DA;\TJS-BROWN CO. New and u~ J\&ndtuN • ,,_, ..... POO on Ulla. T~ ~ ~ =-~ ~ BALBOA PENINS9J..A 1aaa ~ mv.s. oi.ta x-Dale's Furniture ~~~-;~: stove flmll8bed. 111 ReUotiVpo, Oom«,bldl . .s~ Pl!IO B•""' ~t 1Ht llull_or Blvd. • Boa. 11107-W ~~ro, Sallt& Ana. Klmbo,.. COrou cle)o XU. Piion; Hatl>or -~ -H "t.al Bl. "" I,)' I~ 'Tlit -W. Mlk ~y a.pi, ..,. .. P'Ol\D, lNO Model A ftoodltff, J k ' c --i· locatlOD. •brick -na. Hol\)'Wood bed compi.i.. ac 8 Furniture 11:aotemon -Ktrtnoo At1en~1 11on.1 u rma. 1nc1~ rurterY twin otse, po. 8tanclardj mo 1501 Balboo Blvd,, Newport Jk1> ~1I!0:81 Op,.ill 'tlrN IN NltWPORT, cloae to _,;, I ~ to 1111. Might COllll.,_; p0rctia.tn la\lndg' tube, uo. 811 Beds. mattre•••I. ~ atovee. ~ turni.thed bow, ·prap. leue. L&rlup\ll', CO.Ona dcl Mu. 10o'i2 roh1svaton, •le. MALT SHOP · .Ur and ru paid. NG rno. USICD 1• Kelvtnator relrtsentor, good oondlUon. $76. 1070 Jrv1n SL, Coota M-. • ' 10p72 k enmorr Wuher, J2' Phone Harbo< 2411&-W j 72c Untlnllhod f'umltllft, • _..,_ ""-B<tacon '"7:M. Utfe BUY, ULL or TR.ADJ: tf.Uf"I" ln area. Profen money----------'----- Pllone Harbor ~·B , m.al<er. Eot&bllobod 1S yeora. LIDO ISLE Mc11 Orou better t b a n -14.0,0CIO. ------------Prie"!" 'at ••090 plllJ Inventory. Very ,.favorable· i .... and \.eTmll. IURBOR INVESTHl!lNT CO. Phone Harbor 1800 72c If ,.... ..,,t a rent&I "" UDO Illl..S -ua. -NI k>nlJo apt.I. Allo belll* ••"•• j . BAY FRONT lNCOME • unit.a tn choice lqcaUo.o. OOm· pletaly flll'blOhed. Thi• ta a -ulitul proi\crty and hu a ICheduled hlcome of over •13.500 PR.ICllD AT '87.690. _ Olll:lllNLEA.F A ASSOC. l 1112 Nr.tport Blvd. Harbor 25l!2 2039 Harbor Blvd. CO.ta Maa STEW ART Warner Frlg1d&tre - \I 2Sc2fH Good condition -$30. Phone 11A.KBOO BA Tl'.U. BHOP8 Complete lino, rectory·~-· Open 12·1 da117 • llwL Ban\ -270 Ooo&a ..... l.Apnl Boact. tr• P.-A. PALMER.1 INCORPoB.t. Tll:D 3813 Via Udi> llutlGr 1llOO aALBOA beach bou.8e on emall IAndocAped lot nel!J' ocean ud bay. Good parklnir r..,ruu... '6,llllO. lllioWn by appointment. Pbono ,lle&<Gll 0108'.J. 72cT4 MARIS STELLA 26A40 -I wlU -Harbor 1388...J. 72pT4 not be reaponsJble for debt.I con-BLUE RUG and pad, llke new , tract ed agalnat thlr boat unleu · (12xl3)-Hooked Ng, 4x6, writ· a ut.hori.%.ed by me ln Wlitlnc. Ing deak. bedrm chair, Jealhe r J OHN F . Mac PHERSON. 70p72 club chalt, Cedar chest , walnut dbl bed . .-pl"irig1 and nattress. cofttt table, girl'r 28" bicycle. 108 Vta Xant.he, .Udo We. Har. 2779-w . 72c7 4 Alcoholici An:>nymo1111 Write P . 0 . Box 2~ Balbo& llland,.CaUf. Phone Kimberly s.M9S PHOTO TINT Have your favorite photorraph hSnd tinted. Write name and address on back of photo. Al90 natural coloring. Prtce $1.&q ea. SEND TO SANDRA I 2050 E . O«sn Front ~ lldc78 Ill-SHARE YOUR CAB RIDE W;\l'frED to -s&nt& A.na. Workln&' houn 8 to 4 :30 p.m . Phone B¥con ~212-J. 7tc73 ii-LOST AND FOUND LOST -black and t.an Oachahund near ~acb' Front a.nd :llrd St. An11wer l o n&me or PbJnlu . Re- ward. Har. 1928-W. 72p74 :......SITUATIONS WANTl:D While They Last UHd S..ft. Servel retrtrerator: excellent coadlUon, original ser- vice poUcj' •till in etfect- $169 .95 Good u.aortmenl of used WASH- ING MACHINES-Euy, .ABC, Kenmore From $10 G.E . P ortable DISHWASHER ·demonatratqr, ·if new, $149,95 Now $149.95 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED STROOT'S TeWinkle Hardware ~ Beacon 5222 1802 Newport 1Blvd. Coilta Mesa DIN El IE TABLE It 4 CHAIRS. Natural t\alab, lJgbt wOOd~X­ t.ca tuvee. Antiqued lealhmttt llMU. Phone Karbo1· 1008-W . 67dl9 TROPICA L bed davenport, cha.tr .et 176: Floor Lamp, like new 126: Dbl. tnnerspg. matt. -A box spr., '5(): All S ~ old. Port. Eu"y apliidrter. 1 yr. old.~ s:ia. 821 PoJ,n.aettla , corona del Mar. 70c72 Rattan Furniture Made ln lb• Pl\J.Jllplnu and ln our own work mhopL Wlde choice ot fabrlca. t.<r•st dl•P"'7 1n ao. Calif. RetlnlahlnJ· and lleupl>olllerlns HOUSE & GARDEN Sil COUt .Hwy., Nwpt., Bea. 11277 !S PC. Solid Mahosany bdrm. aet, $126. \Call after l p.m.-417 F~mleaf, Corona del Mar. 70c72 MODERN llfhl maple dbl. bed. box •prtnr llnd mattreaa, dreuer with mirror. 196. •02 Sen'& Or .. Corona Hlghland.9_ Har. 23~W. 71c73 • U-8TOlllltl a Ol'PIOZll A·l L0CA TIO~ on Main SL, Bal- boa, near Pavilion. Space . oceu- pJed by pn!:M!nt P . O. Owner will remodel to autt.tenanL SEE Mn. McAdoo~ 700 E . Bal- boa Blvd., Balbo&. PlL R&rbor 153 or Harbor 28'7S·W. 7~c74 ~ TO KENT \v~Unntnmh~ 2 bednn 1'0UM at reuonable yearly nmt· &I. COM o~ Newport Helgbla. C&1I Harbor USl·B. Utfc HIGHLY educated gentleman would' like t o mov.1 to Harbor area. Wanta to •hare house or room with k~tchen prlvUege. Ph. 46100 South Laguna: 12 to 6 p.m . 69p71 W ANTED-2-3 bdrm. hH. or apt. ~peel.able famlJy, children. Ex. re!•. To $100 yearly lae. AX. S-2519, L. A. / 7lp73 -APA&nD:\'1'1'8 & HOUSEi! BAYFRONT RENTAL, 1 bdrm., to June l~th. $70 mo. 2 BDRM:., 2-balb bayfronL Rea· BED davenport and chai,. Good eonable. condition. 387 HamlltOJ'I St., GREENLEAF 6: ASSOC. Ca.a Meaa. Beacon 8101-J. 3112 Newport Blvd. Har. 2M2 72c74 4 ------------BALBOA -Fu.mushed 1 bedroom SIM.MONS ~Ul .• ,double bed, springs a.nU· maltre.u, neve r u.eed. $25. ca.11 at' 2t'l9~ :Cr est- vtew Drive, Bay Shore• or ph. Bea. 6067. 7l c73 ss-BOAT8. 8tTPl-LIES apt. Inquire 901 E . Bay Front, Balboa. Phone Harbor OSSl-W 87p81 Manuscript Typing 1ttt< LARGE TllAILICB In lovely court. Adult., ~ mo. tin· Pomona.. Coot& x .... Ph. Beo<OD 117f7·J. · '3ttc 2 BEDROOM tum. home, tlre- pla.ce, &va&e. SM mo., yearly. t C:all Harbor 101S. 71c . . • FURNISHED -klt<hen prlv· llegea. P eulonera or chlldNn 10.K. l.A.rge hoye. Raaonable, Wrtte Box "S ", bua paper.· r· 71c7S NICE LARGlll FRONT ROOM A kitchen. '37.~ mo., ltftenl and uUJlu .. l'llrnlahed. 2 people. WORKING men'• home. Rooms, U per week. Gao healaPI oacb room. Good beda. 123 211W Bt., Newport Be&Cb. ' UcllH • REST HAVEN CROICI!! LOT 8 . W. car. of Broad· wq and Raymond Ave .. Coda Kea. (75 x 122). Contact owner, l28SS E. l..ambert Rd., WbJtUer, Callt. i. 72:p74 Balboa Peninsula' , . Bayfront -$40,000 Roomy and very ll•able i-•lory ~e, 5 8 . R .,. pier IUld float. A prime value a"t $4-0,000 t1lmlshed. BEST locatiOn. See this! Lido Isle Home $19,500 THREE B . R., 2 baths on ~ FI'. LOT. Lovely patio. Beautttul carpeU a.nd drapee included. Very good terma to right party. 60 ft. Lot, LIDO ISLE P enalonen J 02 C&brlllo, Betty Leeeberg Weloome.J Coot& :Meoa Be&. 81ll·W $5,000 , __________ -...__h_ IN VERY BEST U>CA~N. • •~BENT. M.IBIJEU.UllroVB r<~ Square Dancing. We have a portable public addreu i:)'I~ record player and am· p11tJer to rin.t for pm~ and Here ts REAL value. More . than 30 .hou.es under construc· tlon on Udo, eo good lots are goblg fut. SEE THIS! LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT $38,500 . J Exper ienced. Harbor 1538-M. TOpT2 V'f"OMAN WAl<.'TS ho uaework by the day or wttk Good refer- ences. Apt. No. 2, 1917 Church St., Ca.ta Meu. 71p'13 WANTED -House.keeper tor el- derly couple. Private room and ba t h. Good salary. Phone Be:a- c.-on 54919-R.. q0c72 Television Service GOOD BOAT GEb RADIO REP Aiits ... <P;.;,p.., lino. moto..--tllb net:, <IA:. La zw • • 1 Id Ramm 28 ' Spt. tt.her, .'te Oray a ·--U.000 rry e.nTecbnld&n.laro ~' cab. cn.itae.r, cedar hull Sl,400 lolE8A RADIO • TELZVUIION TRADING PORT 10CJ Broadway, C. M. Bea.. MOl--J · 3108 Lafayette, Nwpt. Har. 1020-W 50tf< 85cUH DBL. OVERllEAD prage door $7~ or Wlf<L TRAj)E tor dining o r M-d rm. set. Ph. nea . ~275·M. 71 c72 New -New New HUDSON INV ADER BALBOA, ISLAND HOUSES AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL See GAIL CARNEY with Nelda Gibson, Real Estate 308 Marin•. Balboa l•l. Har. S02 89c81 ATTRACTIVE Nortl;! Bay\ Front turnllhtd cottare. li'enc~ yard. $66 ~r month until June l~lh Harbor 642-M. 71c73 .,...,... , I DA VIS-BROWN ' CO. l &80 Harbor Bl'Pd. • Coot& :l<C- -eUl ---....__NEW CAR ' . . TRADE-INS Tbte U a...,~e\y home. Built in 19'2. Exel canst. It room ar- ~ment throughout. Monet metol elnk--Ool~ bath • l'lx· ture.-bwde. Ooo~unit heat. Novel dlnl.ng bar. Look.I out over bay to BalbM Bay Club. Exel. bathtnc beach-and well tumtahed all included in price. Vacant at pruent and we have lbe, key -_. you can look It over at your convenience. 3 % ASSJSTANT bookk~eper, female, part l im e 5 to 9 p.m . dally. Write Box "R" t his paper. 70c72 BENCH TYPE drill pre .. and cir-Marine Engines cular saw each comple te with 27~ H.P. motor . ALSO Gelger counter A PRICED TO SELL BALBOA PENINSULA -88utl· ultra vJolCt bla ck light for te•t: tully furnlehed, 2 bed.rm. apt. Ing minerals or detecting-atom See John Harvey Sundeck. Garage. Winter or '~9 Mercury Club Cpe. radio, heater, very ; B. B. 211> bathe. Harbor Investment nlce .......................... $_1695 bomb radiation. Re&M>nab1e. yearly. Reasonable. Phone Har-- WANT STENOGRAPHER, part ~aeon 6850. • 7lc72 at Seacraft bor 0612-W. 87c72 tlrne. Shorthand requlred. TWO METAL walnut rtnta~ gu a2~'COAST H1GHWAT ;,..._J '4.9 Ford-2-dr., Radio·1 COMPANY -REALTORS Newport Bfvd. at 30th St. Harbor 1500. NEWPORT HARBOR heote,.., Uke new with tlttlnp, NEWPORT BEACH EL TORO MARINES h •--11""' 116-MONll:Y TO WAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY u each. Man'• fin• bu•ln... Ph. BEACON 07n LOW WINTER RATES ea,... ······-····-.. -·-· ~ ..... Phone Harbor 2681-R 1ult , medium blue, stze 38, lik e • . • 2ttc __________ 7_1_t1_c new, $12.:IQ. Also •heee lined TWO BDRM. APT., _llvln~m , '46 Olda 98 Sed e<+:..· LOANS For Homes . . . bot ,rod Jad«t Real ""' Clue ~~SEA,,BOQKS ba~ kltll/'~'" vie.rot ocean ·ond • • . , • an '°"" -~~-Jl'l ~9~.1;'.:"~~1 1r~~~~tt"':.rdL~ne, lM-~,._~ ... ~.' .. Q !>I h~r::.·1··~·;;!!&m-!·tt1·r:~QA01,. ·I14_ro.1nt. 'r.ire""'.&:~"'9-11 dJl)ly; ,one ~::!o. . 11: Wood lt . ·!"1111<~ . Inc eub -Pl ..... aJf 1dllNnf .; 'l'lliu _, .... i~o _ · • ~I JlJw )a,..,..,t , , 10:30 p. "",dally, ljt..ttng l&I· " ~;t'.;i,;i· b..s c dbi~'ie ~ ~-, . -L<irMl1DS llbl'Ol7> , , " , 1321, B .',,6&1 ·., Ba1bOa lf . 't-ftr-. , "" ;r. A. and o. I. ary $21~ mo. Apply Oranre · I. o Harb01''2178-W 72c2< Reco d gin A Plana. 511>" C ~nietton Lonni Cout couege D< Biii J Pricot ladle•' J&ck•ta <12-14 >. $2 ... The Islanders n • en e. CA.LL BOB BAT'n.l:R • , . . 71cTS Small table ..adio $1.00, Alao SH MArtno, B<t-1.1. Bu 11141 FURNIBHICD dAB. AJ:T. Studio buy .. -. .~ .. -----·-···-795 Bar. Slll for l'fte Appralaal ' EARN $2 per hour at homl!' In your epare time. Learn photo re touching. Photo boom .t&rt- lng. Extreme shortage ot re-- to~her1. Cl.a.-in.ltruc:tion by ex-mo•te 1tudlo bchnJcl&n •l&rta llOOn. Two eveninp a week. Rea- sonable tulUOn. For hlforma- Uon Phone Kl. 2-8644 or'call at the CH.AR.LJC8 ROHNE Studlo, :I0'1 N . Bro4dway, Sant& Ana. Houra 10 L m . to 15 :30 p. m. 72:pH car radio, $0. Both need: amall type. Completely f'fid,ecorated. · repa.lr. Good 1teamer tnm.k. HA VE GOOD low mUeap '48 F'l:replace. Nlc• view. $M mo. Rep. POIRDCR MORNA.GE. 09, '4.l!O. Kllcben white Nl'l'lod CUT· Pockard aedon to,trad• on 20 tt. uw. Incl. 817 11> Poppy Ave., '41 Ford Conv. Rebuilt Mo1'o. We Ina. l'lmda. KI S-lllfl:I lalns, s pr., with va.lanca.. oll fllh4'ir bo&t. Ph. Hubo< 132().J. Corona dcl Mar. 70c72 eng. Orig'. black ----645 $2. Ete.c. Iron, $1. 482 Oatollna 11Ac7S MORTGAGE LOANS Dr., Corne:r houae, ?fcwport UNFURNISHED 1 bed rm. houae. Helghta nea• An:heo. npn Walt's Trading Post ExU-. l•rce uv1ng n>on>. v1ew. (We.\ sf.de), 2173 Pacttlc Ave., '41 De Soto 4 dr. Fluid · Dr., Radio, heater, Low Intareot Bates ll'BlllC INSPlllCTION, 1 owner ................. . JENNY LIND Type dbl. bdi. Com· Used Marine Gear Coot& M-. Phone Mn. Henry, m ple 0 tett wtti;.0eprt3~~ ~ ~ Nautlc:al o-nu-uooc1 Net. Beacon 0294 -J . 70p72 S. W. COLEMAN ,...., -· ,. • 41' -"""" Ul-IOt1I llt. Newport 8-11 ' 207 ' Graphic complete. Har.1'1970.M Open ~ ""-Har. 2<110 MOD~ 1 bednn turn. apL '40 La Be b -N. Broadway ' Phone attu <. 71p7S mo., uW.,Pd. Inqultt MH. Con· gulia aC • Sant& Aha KI 3·1'778 rad. s12 AJY&(&do. Place, Bal-. Lin ln M ..,. We Buy ~ &ill Ti-wrt Dee<la sABu: DYICO Mua1trat c..eL Small Boat Mart Pb. !larbo• 2•90-,1. nq3 co . - e ... ury 88cs1 K enny announced tha t Harry Welch, absent at hon1e due to lll- D"155, wu recovering and was ex· peeled to be.back at work in a few days: Kenny promised a year ot a ct ivity on th e part or ~he cou t Jl'OUP with luncheon meetings of the board ot directors t o be hetd the third Saturday or each JTJonth and membershJp meetings each three or tour 'mon~. over the recent a rrival ot a baby Wlae people do read the a.es.: Ex~llent ·cond!Uon. s a . BOATS BOUOHT, SOLO and oc· A.~CTIVIC nlwd. ~-•• · .:...·~. 160 NORTH CQAST iltvn.r..;.--------'-- Pbone Ra11><>r 1048-J. 71e7S c..ptod on -.isnm•nt. ~· -0' tum., stove A ,er;i";:" 1 w;;,;. · j , LO~ TO Birn.D, DIPR~ • Ta lk on Gemology Is , Program for Mesa C ircle 11 ~ , ~Ill\ Mrs. Othella Crane presid- ing !.!~er the business ae.saion, Cir- cle ~even of the Costa Mesa Com- m ·i:y Methodlat c1>¥tch WSCS ~ bed Jan. 16 ln the hrome of 1 Robert Haines on Monrovia: a ... ue. Mn. Betty Je.nka reviewed por· • UoM ol .. A Guide to c.ontident Living," by IR. ,Nannan Vln<onl P.~. which brought out an tnte.r- cllacuaolon by the rn>UP· , Balnu gave a abort taa pmoloa. The circle decldeC to .,.!,:.~· ~ at Uaeb ~ ---len!oo b ...... -...rt:,o to ,melaben -~ Jonb, 1lott7 _ RO&lh, Jant ' ~ 1-ra J-DoroUly Jlnid,. ~Jlrilo Loctir--sueo:t Jcen. · 1 -' . daughter , Lynda Lew, w ho made!' --------'"----Balbo , .. _ • • ·--· u--h ~ MODlCBlqZlC, 9B .llllBV:ICL Ou rdrtirerato r-0 CU. • a .owr.nll& . L CO<. loL .... UL view. Yd. -..-·~ j RD'INANCIC her appearance in the Sant a Alla Community hospital where 1be tipped the acales ai a1x. poan1., 14 ounces. . Proud grandparent.s a re Mr11. Dorothy H iatt ot 526 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa, a.nd Mr. and Mn.. Lloyd Wella of Bue na Park. Equal- ly pround rreat-(T"&l1dpatenta of the liltlr 1a.aa are Mr. and -Mn. A. ~ Morris, 2038 Maple Ave., Costa Mesa. Bridge Prizes Won by Local Women A boz of proecna and jainA ~ R ichanl'• marlte:t .... cla.lm .. <\I by Mn. llutllA Gatto, bolcllng lllp......., to• canuta at tho Wed· >adq ~ -at Bolboo Bay club, and a c:onmlat:ton award mt to M,._ P. 0 . ~ The Bay club brldp priM wenb to Mrs. RO)aad Tllom-. . 1l'lnl; -prise, an ..., ~ -tlle llh..._ -t to Mn. ,,.. ISmltb ot Santa llodteR; ~a tr. table tor--· gla}', to Mn. K......,. D. BA- &11111 tllH. a --lloocw -and ........ ---... to Dia o.-.... • • • u•&. MDQl!l •.AHmO'Ca tt., In J\)Od condition. ~·'9.60 lllOI cout HIPW&Jl', Harbor 0771 let:V. Avall. Feb. 11th, 'yearly. '·w. Buy Tnult Deedo Seo at lMo ~ire "-"-ca.ta 11Jc71 721 Poppy, Coron& del Mar. Ph. ~Beach '~ Want to Record? •M-. I no11 CBBTBLllB llOYAL-1 "' t ~ _. -nc12 . •. • I "11!;',.~os"~rrg~ ,.=.""' New 'l'aJ>e Recorder ·-w·-, j ducUoo. Oood condition. ....... YEAJU.y. AttracUve film I -• . 1111 Via Udo""-Har. iaoo Portable. lil&de by Ampro _ gx.. -;0 • Beaeoft MGO. Utfc room home near ocean on 4.oth "S5 PLY ... Cpa. a nmn•ns foel' 95 ffilent for, .........i1ng music. BJ:LL OB TBA.OJI :..._~ loo • • St. $16 mo. cau Harbor IOIS. ·•1 STUDll· ~ 17 'az•J, .i:iru.n wA!ITio •pecch or ' llox 0 cu. it. N-W .....,. ~ , • ..., ' 72:c -· ~ .aha w~t or s jJedroom -$109 95 ttt ~t .,.~ and,a H. P. • · • 1!:XTBA clean s alld t nn apta., to -.. M5 not over t~yn oil!_. We will pay · __j. -outboaid. , .rA.NUAAY ~CS .8.U.lll -Elee. refrtg., uW. pd. 'il DODOS 0 """"""7 ~ llP to •10.llOO. We bave ~ NEW ~ WIJU1: BJ:. WA.NT W!Je oaw, lkllJ1 w o.. T Kna'bo' 0~ -ld,lfal Claldt· . '40-"6 mo. to Jun~)l!tJ>. JCll JI. -"-a. -of,OUI' -·-lllO tt.pa)' c1oont. •Write Box "T." CORDER, porlable A buy at Pb. Har l!JT&-JI, 1:Jo-1:ao .ri,,. O~.J"-...., to MOO. 8-1 An. soi-. liar. 1~. •41 'Jql:llC. 'CONY., --I paper 71C'71 aua. , ·.,.;,,, · p, "" · ~. 1~~ :;:' ;'.;;;;.. v~~ . • ~Ti ... ..,. mb+ep ·-·-·j+:: · :.," · ' DA'Vl~Bn.OWN co. lt-WAMub 'TO BUT ' qnM. acl}' '8111. -DA.NZ. B•IBCU, 181.AND;,tllnllmod --., 'JWPMI Jii.ury -"' IB.t.L Ell'fAft ElWIUlfOI: 1886 Harbor' BIYd. Coota -• I liCIDCJDT 810 Pl.UfO ~ ' tap, 2 bodnno. '50, -Jiii. • ' • J:. ' .l.,_ ' ~ -Im . wAJmCD.'..-~UTOMATIC uo lfe..llola, "!"1W ~-la ... ,-~"' ....... Ull -SaA~ .... OTt>RS ;SElil· ot ·11.ttADE -• MACRINll a11d TU .PST .Allfo. '• llmen1d A-, Bal-'IMM ·TOGr mPL1Jl(>U'l'j!I J». OWl'll' ~ trai>if..,...i. BtnJo-. • EVEB.iTSING LAmM J.°t'" aped· J.ufUAJlY a.:&UlA.NCll UL& • , "-H -....... -.. o.A·V--. 1 --sr-w:dh ~ !.<?~!!'!.D_,!!!R ~-P. ~la lat.. .,... - -Tl ,;_ID, 1 1 Bll:A'IJTU'ULLT ~ dul 1• Pllai. B111a ~ 1 I 1.-...... ·--loll. "-·-ev•~ -8, -·~ 1-ll•tAI ""'-0 • .. I bed.-1'clnc. llo, ,,i -.. , -..... -... Want ...... ar .. PJtOD.A.NaT~ ......... ~ .neft -• ... •• , ~ Corcm&dellllar.Y-.... -----"8f!IAC-........... , ... _ ...... Nw,..--:..rw 9 "lat"("__ .. ...._-.:,._ "a1l11tal 1llAil -.... faia.. -'--_...,. _._. D11" It ~~~ A ..,. ___ • __ .... .._ -~ I ·~----••....--= .t. --· ~ i,r.._ Cd-1flM,» .----.\o -, ---...--·-ud --fl 11j1 ~ -••&WWW ._,. 9IQ PlAJIO ~·JGI '= "llA.llQ.Ulf'! P1L -· ... .-. • -M_ .. ... .__ . . =s~ .. ". --..... rv"ffOA .. T WM>n..11111 Ttoft --, ~ a .... •• -.11LP11a11w We~w:" • -· ~" .,~.,,... •-'W ORANGE COAST . Cd.. ~. z ~ ..... ~ IDW WDif&. .... "'"""""= :.:·.:: ...... .: ~ --.. • er.• 'I u A Q& ... ,.._ ta TWO ... Aft.-·-= ...._ -*3J1~1n• ~-t'RAit.ER SUPPLY '"! '7 =--...... -. -. );II 'p ...... .,, -,... -......... -• 11 I .., •·•-II.ft. ' l'anl1tun · • -.. 111 -at .., ..,. Qlllet un• .,.. -. ,.., • ., • 1 1•17'.., Ill - ,__ ___ .-., •••• 1 i .__.. 't ~ ...,.. li1lllBl oo. t... -• tot • +_.__ • iM Raw A lb...-0~ Bealty -::---.'"··-·a: -pt:;·~ ~=•~ ... -. .:If' 1/it: J9t !::.~::.::-... I ~.·~:·; ~:·· ...... _,...F.~p}ii f!! • l .. , " .I I t -... .. ... ·. ~ • • • t • I 1 ' • I - ' • • r I . . ... • • " • REAL ESTATE . • EXCEPTIONAL 2-BEDROOM and de~ home, livinf"J"OOm 14Wz2'1'. • Beamed celling, panelled walls, 2 flrepljU!eS, · • • one in large master ~m. ~ to W carpet. Ing. Lovely patio -also encloeed rear yard. South of Blvd. ONLY $17;5QO, terms. CORONA DEL MAR New 2 bedrm Cape Cod. South of Highway. Large rooma. Forced air heat. Dbl. gar. Fenced yard. I OPEN FOR INSPECTION, 1.-5 • SATURDAY and SUNDAY · SEE 321 NARCISSUS A VE., C. D. M, ONLY $13:500. TERMS . • CLIFF HAVEN 2 bedrm home -Redecorated In and out. New wall to wall carpeting. Large living and dinin&' room, fireplace. Twin size bedrooma. Bendix W(lSher. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Only $14,750, with \ow down payment. OPEN FOR INSPECTION, 1-5 SATURDAY and SUNDAY SEE 23622 Snug Harbor Road PAY ONLY $1,500 CASH and move into this lovely 2 bedrm home on large lot. Balance like rent. ToW price $9,850. THIS WON'T LAST, HURRY! LISTIN ANTED -AJ..&0 RF;NT ALS . ~.,,,..NIE ITH, REALTOR \ 1205 Coasl Higli y, Corona del Mar Phone Ha r 2667 / \ ~n House BALBOA BAY SHORES 2536 Crestview Drive . , New 2 bedroom and d.-n home. Redwood panelled living room with large fireplace. Forced air unit heat. Kitchen with corn~r .sink. CarbaJe diapoaal and dlahmu(cr.- PLUS many other d~uxe features. Dbl. garage with fenced a.nd landacaped yard. \ DRJVE BY TH.IS ADDRESS or phone Carl Thomiia at Beacon 5748 VOGEL VALUES In Corona del Mar Q. I. $750 Down 2 very flne, brand new, 2'-bedrm home5. These hom.,1 are Iara• I 927 sq. ft.) and located tn Coeta Mesa's best Eut S ide clOM in. Fireplace, hwd. floors. Ule, large lot, trees,. many outltandln« features. Al~active n-ew 2 bedrm home. ,ocean side ot highway. Living rm. l~~xl8~. Brick ti~place. Thermo forced air furnace. Din. rm. Tile In kitchen and bath. Redwood sfa!<e fence. ~-car pr. A gem for Sll ,950. Terms. ™ per lnO. FULL . PRICE $9 ,500 Excel. terms to qua.lifted buyer•. New 3-bedrm home 2 blks from Owner. Must Sell ocean. Corner lot. Living room Attractive 2·be<lrm home 5 yr-. oW. l5x21. Raiaed fireplace. Sliding Fireplace, bwd. Ule bath with glass door to nagatone patio. Tile in kitchen and bath. Break-separate •tall shower, dJnlnc fut bar. 2-car garage. Yard rm, fenced back yard, patio, .feneed. Priced right, termit. tJbl. pr. · -... r '• J;i. ~ri(!~ .to Sell CORONA DEL· lj~ T at\.~.~~ .) I SPECIAL I • . SUBMIT YOUR 'MllRMS Ntw large I-bedrm ho,;,e oe<an YOU BETTER BUY 8k1e; or hi&hway. Good neigh- 1 NOW! borhood. PLUS 2-car garage with apt on ~ar of lot. Knotty plDe living rm l fix24 . Beamed celling, dining area. Home part- ly turnJahed ~with the belt rat- tan turnitur'f. New gL'I stove. AU lblA for ONLY $11 ,7~0 and one-third down. HURRY! Phil Sullivan J'ormerly C. Galen Deniaon . ' G .. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Co.ta Mer Beacon 8243-W Harbor 3157-W or Beacon 6468-J Exclusive Shore Cliff -ct&MftJed sa.s are read b.J' tollu who are looklnl' to buy. · • ' l ~ .. •••'·~ . - I -~ N'.1 .... w-e-:r .x..s -Broker Ir Assoc. -1 Qo.ia 'ii~ I 1'tle Best 'l:owu cin Earth . ' BARGAIN 7 unit rentala on big lot. Roonl ·tor ~ more nntalf, 1t you w1lb to bUll4 mo~O 1116. 1-. , Price $15,000, Tel'IDS ' - VACANT NICE ~· 1 bodJOOm bOmo, double ruqe, blf lot, cl-to Blv4., E. Side. Only. '4.800 $1,00000WN llalonce '250 per month East Side 4 yrs. Old 2 bedroom home and gve11t ho\199. Big corner lot. • Price $6,000 2 Yrs. Old 2 Homes on Lge. Lot Price $9,000 $3,000 down Balance-$88 per month, lncludlng t.a.Jr.e• and lMUtancti. ' G. N. Wells, Realtor and Associates 1790 Newpo<t Blvd., C:O.t& M- Phone Beacon Olfl WARNING NATIONAL preparedness or WAR mean• more JNFLA· TJON and possible home shortage. BUY NOW and SA VE MONEY. Look at these EXCLUSIVE BUYS on 'LIDO ISLE. 1.--0n a 52 ~ rt. Jot on one of our choice streets ls a 2-Mdroom home that will "Win your Heart.'" Thls home 11pa.rkl11 with Its clean crisp appear- ance. Roonu extra lar1e, liv- ing room and dlnlnr area 22 by 24 , lovely bathroom. unit heat, weather1trtpplng, •pa.cl· oua wa.llfll patio, artl8tJC planllntr and many other fea- ture.. Price ONLY $21,500- Terma to suit you. 2.-Th• 1marte1t NEW WATER- FRONT home we have otfer.d In year9. On t.ID0 ISLlll tllla onNtory., 3•bed:r0om, 2·blth home lo a KNOCXOtJT. Jl:l6. pa~ .. "~elotfll! ,.... nlahOcl ~ With ~· plff and allp. Special price makea tlllo a DELUXll l!:X· CLU8I'n:, Ii.ting. a.-At.o mi LIDO ISLE • 1'omt for a l&rl'e !amilj.: On a 42 tt. BA YFRON'T lot t.hla bu 0 bedroom•, 3 bat.ha, ll'finr room 18 by 30, larie patio, pier .and au ln au an tdeaJ BEACH HOME. GOOD ValU.• at $~.000. Al.SO Look at the amount ot bulldln1 on LIDO ISLE. Remembfr we are tile Dll:VELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Lota are selltng rut. Thfy won't lut forever at pruent-d&y pricea. We have several FINE BUYS ln LOTS. You ahoull.J SEE US. •• · !3'3 VI& Udo' • NeWport '&~h. CaJlr Harbor 1500 OWNER IN KOREA ... MW!t Sell at Once IN CORONA DEL MAR COMPLETELY FURNISHll:D 3· 1 bedroom home; (!U nearly new refrigerator, kll4f'he.n range, Ben- dix wuher. Lou of lUe ln kitch- en and bath, ntce patio encloeed by brick wall. · • • • ·' , .( . . .. • • • J ' . . -• 'f",' • • ' . •. • ••&. 8'ft'.U9 ·-...... .l!"'9.!' :! ;?!•!= ~ b1 p}.&i: 7 -·Ii.Ji. T . .:... Tl-l 'R.SDAY,;. --. ts, j9;f ' ~~~uls a:··. - t • . ... ... • ONLY . ~ I ,2,000 DOWN. i'ully l A NEW 2-BEDRM. Ola: n.... the ocean with poUibilitiee· f -income . or a .3rd bednn. . $2!IClO will _l1aiid!e $i1,llOO. ) ,, , l ' RlilNT.il.S -1 · honwt f711 , 2 hedrma. from $715 up. See ua for detalla. . • . . \ · 1 • r · CORONA DEL MAR PROPER~ ·ill ·ea.at Boule..Jd Co del. ...... • ~ouse Motel Harbor 1031 I ro~ __.., . ~r 1083. · . -' BLANCHE 'A. GA~, Realtor 1 COSTA MESA JEWtr.L iootTIN REt\L ESTATE 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island j ' "Pb. Harbor 1671 or 1872 Harbor 746-M Evea. V V BALBOA ISLAND ' Early "4mca.n and Ranch type comblnl.Uon. New 2 bedrms. hwd.~ra. Weathered brick flttp . Beamed ceU!np. Spa. ciOUI . ma£hroughout. Many 'int.ere xtru. Prlced a~ . PICK YOURS Now .bile 1"9!1.-Ml•ble terna &1'81 aYIJJ- ·-Call Fred Barker, Ilea. 17116. J!:veo. •BM. 18111-Z ' . OI' call ._, our office, 16th ILJ'ld Irvin• (opp. HtP SCb.ool) OCEAN ·FRON.r' SPijlCIAL A TrR. REDWOOD Home on Cl..n Sandy Bea.ch 2 BJl and den1 Furn_ he&L, patio. J'enoeil 'yanl. Tutetully tllnl. $11,SOO, term.a. COnlact Mra. Dlckaon.,. Harbor lOla, Evea. 2092-W. . - ' HOME I& INCOME-Exceptional value & charm. 2 story home, lgl!. uv: room, S bdrm • .ts dining rm., 2 bat.b.8, Patio, and maid'• room and bath. Beaut. 1 B. R. furn. apt. Nr, No. Bay on Coral U0,500 •. $1,7 ~wn. I COMMERCIAL .PROPERTY FOR LEASE 2 B. R. Furn. home nr. So. Bay. Priced for qUick sale $13,000. Sm. dh. payment. A REAL BUY. EXCELLENT JNCOME-Duplex-2 B. R ea. 2•1., yra. old. Beaut. furn. Fineat construction, dbl. gar. Little Jalantl. For 10 daya only thla prop- erty. can be bought far $23,500. 1'HIS IS GOOD We have some chojce Bay Front propertle1. Some • have Piers I& Floau. BLANCHE .A. QATES -REALTOR . BALBOA ISLAND ' Charming rental Knotty Pine 3 BR home with amaU apt. in rear. Excel loc. Furn $16,500 BAYSHORF,S Thia attractive new 2 tiedrm l\ome with all you could desire for year-round living-pine wali.;, attractive tiled kitchen, patio, fireplace 1111d dbl. garage -$14,500. Nelda Gibson Horace S. Mazet Harbor 502 Harbor 30~J 306 MARINE A VENUE, BALBOA ISLAND CORONA DEL'MAR, South of Highway ' 1-NEW ~ ~ ho~ ~plae-.,..,U feo*-2 ~ • p.rap. '510;1110!: • • ' • . . . --I . ' . 2-LATl'RACTIVJi:I ~ boiiie near Seavlew and main ~II on 4-0 ft. lot. $9750. 3---RANCH STYLE 3-bedrm. home. Lge. living rm. .and bdrm. with open beamed ceilings. 2 ffre- placal, ' patio. Tbla la really LIKE KOME. Price; bu been reduced. Let us show you this one today. 4-NORTH OF HJGHWAY-2 unit property-I unit completely furnJahed, Property ia in excellent condition. Should sell on inspection. • ' THE ANDRESEN CO. 602 Co&Bt Highway Coron& del Mar . Harbor 1540 10 ACRE FARM -near Orange Cout ~•ge. Ha.a new $3,600 well ,and 1.000 gallon atoragt tank ln Cood water di.t.rlct, on new paved highway. Some ou~ bulldlnp a.nd ftn&ll cabin llvin( quart.en. Bargain prtce la $16,000. &ubmlt any reuon&b1+ terrna or · WW trade tor Lons Beach re1ldenllal or Jn.come. ,\ TRIPLEX -Furnllhed Income le S2,700 yr. lt'11 weU located, each unit bu 2 bdrm1., hwd. noo~ plenty or tile. Hardly a vacancy In Jut year. The price, $17,~ Tenns. See this no\. 1 vv ~ ACRES -Beautltul ~t 8tde location. Sandy loam. hlcJ'I and dry. Right tor subdivlBlon. $11,900 Barney Francque I R»A.L TOR / Lll0llan ~~~· ~·-~ ·~ fOO E. 17th St. at.Tuatiu AJ 1 • , ea.ta Iii!.-.. Ph. Bea. 6818 CORONA DEL MAR Clea.n and neat. 2 bedrm home ln exceU. location 1 blk. from etorea. A small cute home and _ you11 &cree It.a re&lly a va.lueJ $6,600. Newport Heights Clean 2 bedrm home near the High School only a yn. old. Hwd. nqon, dbl. garage, All bonda are paid. Should G. I., $8,950, J G. I. $750 DOWN Brand new 3 bedrm home In New· '- 2819 Newport Blvd., .E:xcellent Joe. for ,.en'I mdM or light mtg. OV•r 2600 oq. tt. Low rent. Call Hatbor lOlS or Beacon ~748. NEWPORT ~EACH ' BARGAIN $6,600 Partially fumlahed. JUST·A STEP to mllL, trana., water. A T"l'R. 2 B.R. frame bouae, 1e~. room, Pzage. Ya.rd teno,d a.nd landlacaped. Paved lll.reet arid alley. COhtact M.rL Dlckaon,, Harbor 1018, li:veL 2092~W. • • \" CORONA DEL MAR Smart,, qu&Uty home with every com.ton and conv~ni­ ence. 2 bedrooms, den and ~utlfUI livlngroom offering unlimited ocean and canyon ;\ew. Patio with genuine privacy. Furnished or untumlah'w. For price, temu a.nd app't . to He call Mr. Schuater, Harbor 2474 BALBOA ISLAND - TO CLOSE AN ESTATE! 3 BEDRCX>M .1% bath h_ome. Corner lot, dut.rtbJe toca- tlon. ASKING PRICE $13,500 • Bldll submitted &t our office. ~ CORONA DEL MAR A'M"R.ACTIVE 2 BEDROOM .HOJ.CE, •1~. bl0ck1 from .,.,,.,._ Sotlth of Hip~. ''" 14!<-'Lo.rp Uvtq >oom. Beam COillDc, ~ floon,JUA-1 ~·-~ . Kl,,.-and 'b&U.. wltll tile. Price, $18,llOO, llu1t1J>le Llst- lllc No •. J~L ' ,---' • • EARL W. STANLEY Re8,ltor J 7th and Clout. HJway Newport Beach 81~ Cout BJway Corona del Mar 225 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand 15th aAd lrvlne Nowport Beacll ' 31.13 Newport Blvd. Nowp0rt 11Mch SEE THIS- A1TRACTIVE 2-bedroom home nearly new, has hardwood floors, fireplace, forced .air heat, patio, 2-car garage, · completely fenced: South of Highway near shoppQig center in Corona del Mar. Priced at $11,950 • GOOD BUYS! ~ . ' ' I I ' 1 $10.~BUYS . r. : 'h'o ~ii3' bUlkilA;-Jrtul I -.pvt· nlents and nve alttplnc roonaa. Situated in the heart ot Balboa. Good lncomt p0albUIUs with right manapmenL -I .11 rr~ ft' d port Helghta .. o..k ttoora, fire-'' .., .; .. BED 1. ,. ~ :i T' ! 1 "!, .. ,;< . ,~,1r~1~ •• i~1n fl v ~r · t·' · . · We iifaVie •. a.s · 1all1.prtced j ..!l • ,; ., ;· •;i ' , . , 1 ', y 1 two sro home with ei ht J:Seacon H'ill Re&.lty ~-~r HOJl{E A INCOM£ $9,000 Cet out your aaw and hammer! Get out your palnt -l"\llhl 'cauae th-iA BARGAIN lneeda ry g 4116 Newport Blvd (above Arcb"f'J 'bedrootn1, unit heat, and Phone Beacon 6713-R 118cVO superb s ·o u th Bayfront main channel view. T h I • **SOLD** \. 1'i t .. \; J ~I'· o~o;t $2,000 Will :tfandle · LINWOOD VICK, RF:AI,TOR 312 Marin& Ave., Balboa Ialand Phone Harbor 20t2 aome n.xln '. There Ls a 2 jB. R. 703 Jumlne . cottag• with frpL. bar klkhen, property with 50 feet of Corona del Mar Today's Best Buys Income Pr pert AND a 2 B. R. apt. over the . 0 Y , , • r • • • . \ • • • - • • • -· • •• . garage. Nlee deep lot. Bdw0en frontage and ll&Jldy beach BJ a 1 . ID S unlto;turnlabed, ren~ $126 mo. the Bey and Oce&11-• [ ahould be aeen at your Multiple 4atln6 l\e&lto• . CORONA DEL MAR· now, non·rNldent owner, $3,000 .. NEAR BALBOA BAY -, down. Threes. R., 2 batll cottap tor earliest convenience. The New 3 bdrm. Homes $6,SOO vacation or year-round ltvtnr. 1 ESPECIALLY W!:LL BUILT . 2 bedroom cottase Well Joc&t.ed, $9,500 New 3-~rm home. 2 full tile baths. Large living rm with open beamed ceiling. Fireplace and unobstructed view ot can- yon hiU. and ocean. Charmlng redwood and stucco exterior. Shake ' root. Large P&t1o fenced. $5,500 . About one half caah will 2 1ledroom home op Y" acre, h&l)dle. balance at only $32 near Harbor Blvd. per mooth. subom1c btumltur 0 e ~ud~·~Okledr price unfumlahed, $38,000. NEwPoRT CITY p,oocf Will lwull• . . e ut we ... vu-,.,ruc1.a.1 an • In fine shape. $10,600. O&k floora,N='!,T =~e $l2\900 Bayshores Home AttracUve S-bedl'O'OllJ. home, Olll1 $17,MO • 4 Lot 80x225. ,PRICE $23, 750, !with term•. BALBOA Ultra modern f unit f\imlahed apt. One of the IM!lt Income proper- Uea in the ~a. Near ocean ,J.nd 'bay. Income lut year $4.&00- lita p<>m1lb!e to make more! jP~iced to seu becau.se or health. · ri"he John Vogel Co. 1~1 Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 1741 or Har. 11471 l:wnl:np Harbor 31S-M. Industrial lot 63x290. $1,000 TERMS • GOOD LISTINGS WANTED ROBT.H.MOTTET --utf..J Keo. -611'1..J 1900 Ha.-~vd. . REAL VALUES New Store Bldg .. 2 wse ._a ~....,.,.pi...' ...,--------,---:--''--a-room -on Cout H-1· j AI.MOST )mW . $3,000 dn. . - -:T o BDRll. -· 1n -..i Ocean Front -lion on UM'LE ISLAND. U>VJ:l.Y· W11>R11. llTVOQO, ldrd. llep&nta .--and bo.OI. J'.P, pr. Onl7 ~ thma. • • • NICll 2-BDRll. llOJIJl,3 1"" oN. ~ Ja. '•nw;; '9•• ' • • ' I • 4"' lnlenit1t • BUY TB1B TODAY TOM'ORROW ·MA.Y Bl: TOO LATE • P'ULL PRICll $9,000 • ' 0EXCLUStVlll WITH Ben Whitman and · Ass00iates I. -400 Ud JOll Cout ~ Oar--. de! lllar **BOLD·* ifr . -c..tYlew -..-117. . Ma!Upla '..U"W R..ri. p1110 DOWN ~ J. A. Beek Office bath. prbage dlapdoal. iawm, · ". • · Thia Jo• a V<U-J' nice I R. I double P,f&lr .. largo' Iota., Mo-.e Gl5 lllarpertte Alvo.. ·C. D. M. New bat11 bpm~ abovt tyo old BALBOA. ISLAND FERR y In now. I lledrm., brick and .-home. -. Lido Isle and In a ddl"'1>1e tomtlOD , ' $9 950 A•'-atle f-air beat, 1 IO acrou ttom Udo al!opp area. Harbor e3 Balboa IaJ.and • by 1cr -Laundry. . Loll at b&u&ln prlceo, -le Illa / F!ftplaoe, redwood fence, patio, , THEllE HOMES WILL ALSO 0 . . _ time to 'lN!ld COit proftt,. Iota 2...,..,. pn.se-PrJ-s t at TWO BSpROOK HOKE, 00. " ·Ralph P. Maakey I $510 mo .. ' $2,lllO • jP:.__ . $l2,2!!0. aen, MPll•'t WI flOOnr tl>'ruouL . · POl'ENTIAL :tNOOllll tra.m/ ol& , . . aoUTH coAB'l'.REALTY co. .w ..... IOOllia. Tiie ....u to ~ N-;::,t_ ~:'0:-114· 1 -1111111, • t1111i-.;i, • View Lot .. "Mu1Upll u.u.. R.Ml • c:eUllls ID Jllltcltoll A -• · · ' · I _.., to ft_ f)Gll~ ~ Hlllalde lot on Clltt ~-,_.. 8&iita SOI l4ln lit_ Balboa, Barf SH ...µo .1--.--OORON'ADll:i..wA&....N ... sW-~ P>opertyeaabo.:c!ff AM.A ...... unreotdeud -o1 ·.~ ·N-ftYWOft" j lolWi&'..1-f'/,600 fllt both-_ -~ and --lo. bllo 2 p&n:e1' ~ I llllllfi , ,b&1 &114 ~· % actt. Ille Oftlr . • •• 000 -· "° mo. ... Wool -Iara• caraae.L~ for Priced di!hl, tenna. I ' one 'a...i1ci.. •8'1bcnlt otter. For Sal~ by ·. er :;.;:•· ~ -. • ~~; :,.=-:;! := ~ ~ . Earl Cbam°bef~ 1 $10,000' ' .! • TWO llllAUT. 1 ILll. JIO .m "'"°' t..a o u NA 11f ~o 11 • aftinre4. can -at HadlOr IGO OoeK -., ~ 'dol 116' N• B '"' _n..,. & T mv Co CUJT flkVCN .., a-PftC>PMIY. -ta-n.t00 11111 aft.er 5:111 p, 111. mt• fOppoillte ,lfewpcrn Barlor tl • • v.~.L .L • bo< Road ud 1 -.. I pw '}w. Call ... la ........ XL ' ' ~ Jlar1aor -• iUt lfewpQi~ "'4-, lf-t Itch. • · 11.R. bome Iii N••l"'!'t M'l'l4 or_,....,. ua Tlefl , .LIDO ISI·E · ,· ,. • .. life .._ ..,_ Hclii 'Anll. DOW. s-il.;o.t wl a1r1e-p.-n;at.$:ii.I G. L HOME TWO iToKT, • ,, .. ., •• 1i. S&lboa, CoV.S H.Pibe oOsTA !!IN!:A . DOWN pJtaL 0waw JD• Co-• del '•-.l b&tlla .., -· llltell ..... .--, •. • ·' " ~ • ..__ va..._ -.... &-mar --. t.arp ll'ltls----•ull 1111 •111 -..,. Ila"-•u Cllff Ba ~ *'°**°"~~T .. _,,_ ..... _, 1f1lo1al'I ................. _ ••• .._I"~.._ ._ -M, M ~ ,, .. ,, •• ..,._ -w J'dllf M 'Pol , L&rp.,,_ ____ ,_. _ :_ ..:. --;"'llh:::_ -- ·.' . -I, ,.. ~--h~h p~lot.. I J'utit .. 1•oe. ...... -·-,., -~ --··-·-- ..... ; .,. • •11or.r•Ta A.--~~---...._..... sn,111 nu. .... .._... -. .,.aldng.$29,500 1 -ww • .--., ._ ......-; .. ~~ ':'..1.' -·• ":: •ow•-- -Ill ---&-..._. ,,.,. 11 a • ,. ... ..... ~ -..... _ .. _ .. --. •.••.. ... ... '" -• auaJC lwfm. ....... Q. L «.oO I ...... -· -• "' -.. .-• ~-'"' -...m & •• I J9cNl:i.....,.T "" ... 9!....~_c.~· , .. ,,,,ttm.nw _ Tbe.J--·voa1eo ................... m ........ ... 0. ....... ft Ir_, --. ,,_., -J.i cl t .....-....,. .,._,,... ... tl&.1*J' aats 'dl"4 .... •N n.ta r.1-=-=·:.. MW · ..... iii~~-.:--=..-:.. .... ~ ::•::::-;. ::i .. i;;./i;'.1 =:ii'lii1~1P:ii111ii1;:'.;1its;.-.,, •• ;;. IU -....... Oci I .. . \..o l I .. • , -. ...r ~.... ""' • . .... Ck II • ,·IEJ-t:,.;;~.;.~~ • I , • . j " ~· • . ' • • ' • •• • • • • I I I I l I l I I I • . . • • • . 'GOLDEN STATE COTTAGE . CHEESE · PlllT ioc FANNING'S . LAIG,I JAi lrea~ .+, Butter 21 PICKLE'S . : . c . -·· .. -~:. l .; MIRACLE s.;os! , , ''-FAB 1.AiGE4'9c PKG.~ · ' ' .: Uff'< · · ·1i t~Kl r,1 MIX DEVIL'S l'OOD 31C: LGE. LA Yll CAKE . PKG - SPICI . . • ~ 1' 'j. I NORTH COAST . APP.LE ·SAUCE . 2 Nc_!~3 2s~ . . s· &OLDIN STATI PllST 9UAUTY 7 C BUTTER . POUND . . .... .. ....................... .. ......... : .. ··=:···· .. ··-·--·-·J ....... . ~ 1~UND 79c , CAN ' " llN·HUI CALL 611llDSI COFFEE ' I . SUMMEI 1$1.1-1/J SLICIS PINEAPPLE SUNSHINE FlAVOR NOCOA . ' :: 34c · fttl SW&iiWT'IPllAll llNllll lMI SUN DEL MONTE GOLDIN IAMTAM CORN;= -110. 303 16c CAN ~·~~~............., . ......-......-~~~~~ DEL MONTI IAILT'•AIDIM PEAS S&F FANCY IECTARllES HEMET SPICED PEACHES • Cam.,bel'•· Tomato sou.p ' . Anagolcl Grclpefrult Ju1:c1; 10 . •I· Ila.IC- OOWNEY , 1111 I. l'IUS10NI II.YD, .... ·······~-~~·-············~·· • I Ml I I YAll ' I C. a N ~Al· I • CAllP'S . ~ SUGaR to t.RCJc : : TA ·1 ~; tLa.WmtnmCO•~ 11 Ulillr4 ~~;..!!. ··~········· ... ••••••• • • . ''WE SPECIALIZE IN COURTESY' PlACIFIC No. 211' Ca• . ~cl-~artlett 31 C-PE AR S 11t1tforLlf• or WI• $ 100 •c"': I c;road Pris• I s20.ooo 1$15o.ooo . . · Sffr·N·RoU ~~~!st , c;ET ~~~1~::l~ DISPLAY AND • w1ssoM .OLD MlDAL \ OIL §.lb.... 9c • fLOll~ ~lat , ·.4•~·" .,., .. ~ . - ./ ' ' l "lllET . I N•: 'l Trf' ~-~"' Rip• 19c OLIVES -~-l· . . ' I .._ • I . -. -. • ..__. -i:.. ... LIPTON'S }fEA --~!~~ .... 1tc 'l•·LL 2tc T . ' ,wu-· • ._a,11..j . U.S. 5rallffl .... S ..... leef Sliced lac:on T-BONE 99' ' t-u. 53' ·STEAKS·· HEATSW... ~ Wll'S HY-61ADI I Slic:ecl Bac:on ~ 1.u. 59• HEATSIAL.. a. I·. ·FRYiNG5 ·CHICKENS ·6~:. P.tr'1li~"ii~AsT.;" .... 8~~ ' . .10 LIS. 2,C PINI FLAYOIED, IMPERIAL VALLEY, WINTll CIOI' TO.MATOES ... · .-5 l'o•" .49c , ...... ' ........ _._..... .. ............ '""":'"'"'"" ...... Ii. 5, NQ. 1-alST, QUALltY....WHITE 1051 POT A TOES 1 00-~~::a MP~L•, s .. ' . . •l ' .• ' • : CHIL . COi CARNE . . . , . . · '.rsA .. · r~t~ 1 ·:1 ~~~ s+I. ;rot11 l :J • WINES and LIQU ORS • . . • I .. 1~ I I . • . . • " ' • I l ' • • • Rld!ns; ·high. al lhe iop 0( U>et-------~_._-''-'-';,;..:.----,-----'-'"--- SUilllet loop are the Newport Har- bor blgb cag.t!rs follo~g their fourth atnUght league win -TuM .. dAy over Orange. 60-33. ·Friday th& Tars had •lopped their chJef com· petitors for · the league crown, Anaheim. by a cJoee .fi 7-45 acore. Friday nJghl the t;atlora 1 tackle l Lhlrd place Huntington Beach at t;.e OU City gym. Tho Oilers top- ped Fu11crton Tuc~y. 58-48 and ha ve a strong hoop .!quad but the Tars Wn1 be s light favorttee. San- ' Sl':>iSET Ll':AGl"E ..STANDINGS \V L Pis. Opp. N"owpori llarbor 4 0 %01 141 Santa Atta . 3 I %08 JM ;J\Aa.twtni .............. t ! %8Z 184 Hunl'ton lkb ..... ~. Z ! 185 119 ( Jo'ullerloo. ..... . ... 1 S llO ffl Orangl'l ..... . . .. O -4 14.1 %08 l•'riday NIC"ht'11 Games Fnl h•rlo-n at santa Ana; Ana· lwlm ol 0nutS"f'1 Nf"U'JK>rl. Har- bor at HuatJnrt_on Beach. la Ana, now~ in seco:id place fig- uring to ~i vc the Tars the most trouble in the last half of tht !«.'hedulf'. will be hO!!!t to the In- dians FruJay. The Saints -dumped . .\nahein1 Tuesday by a more dc-- c;is1vc score t han Newport djd, DOWN Tio: FLOOR all alone drlJil>lea hr s;uard Dlek 1.ane la Ille Anabelm same tr.llM by a Colonist suan1-A moment .. tr-r Lane mlMed the opm allot M the ~oop· but later ~a.me ha<:k In ttwo 1aet mlaute wttb a bucket and a h't..-e tOM to ghe Newpurt a cto.e 41'""3 win. ' (P reM Pholol Coas~ Loses Heartbreaker to • • Berdoo; Meet Mt. Sac. Tues. ¥-46.. On.nge Cout coll('ge Pirates will meet Mt. San Anlon~o Tuea<lay l n lb(' Oranjtc game Armand fo r the fint game on the lr home floor in two week• to end a road lour N('ttles took 8Cor lng hono~ for that brought the m a series of def'e~ta. l hC' Tars with a big 21 points and bask 1 took ovt-r the league scnrlng lead'. Howeftr,_ the Cout etecn i> aycd an outstanding game Fr1· I-l e no"'· ha!'! 62 points followed by day against San Bernardino, leading U:ntll _tho final minutes of the R!'x Babcock of Sant& Ana with first hall. then losing the lead for ~. Glen Griffith, Tars, 53 and a half·tlme score of 38 to 4.0. Shc'tlon Welch, An&beim, 4.5. During the aecond half, tlJe lead Mater Dei H. S. Has Grid Banquet lll'&t or Year • The D team l08t to A '&helm, 34.·30 although Diehl'& 10 po;nt.s were hlt;h fur the game. Agatnet Ora.nge thC' Dcc>s playC\l lh'1!" ·bmt game of lhe year and ahowfd ve.ry exceUc.nl teQIT\¥.'ork lo coM.e out on top, 36-29. OulaUuldlnC for Newport on <\eff!nsc werd t>lehl a.nd Blackburn who sent 8 and JZ points r efipcclively . throu(h lbr. twines. Tars held a 13-1.t haltUme lead. l..J..hcups and scoring: N•wpc111 (Jll kllvitt. I C TEAM &AMES f9 h tp ..... ~ (n) 4 4 12 l i•et•.' ~riffith collected 11 points in switched between the two teams th<> Ora nge ~aml', Norman 9 and and they were ti~ al 67 all with PC'lcrson 8. l'll cwport started slOw-four mUlutea to play in the game. Jy But worked u p to a 31·14 lead Mel!nwhlh.•, Coa.st forward J crrr at hulftirue and used reserves J ohncox fouled out anct In the la.st N M W'•h•l I cw aster Del Hi gh school of Leder, 'c . l I S hn~int, I J • ' ft•'?(.(. tt " tp . ' ' 4 I I ' ' ' I I l tnuch of t he second half. minutes of the game San Bernar· Lineups and •scoring: dino went· ~ead to win. 74. to 69. VAlSITY GAME Yardlt!1· Hl1h N•w port ('4) fq ft 'P Or•111q• (JJ) f9 It tp Coast's Bob YardlC'y still held Ptterio". f J l 1 Mu-.. f I C 2 g 8CO ng honors Wit point.I. Orat}ge county heh1 Its fir•t fool-, ..... 11111, q ball banqut~t Tuesday night In the ,~~~~;" Rossn1ore Cafe at Santa Ana. Ap-l-'4•111 .. 11, • proximately thirty Orange county boys rC'Ceive<1 letlt'rs as playing 1ncmbers of the school'8 firtt foot· ball learn. N•ttlti1, 1 10 1 21 I w1111 .... ,, t 1 I J h i h rt · h 29 Griffith, c ~ 1 11 Ar, •• ,,,, c J o ' but San Berdoo's MaxC'n scored 22 L•ow., q l 2 '1 L..k••blll, • ; : : and Williams scored 25 to present Coach J ordan Olivr r of Loyola Newport (ll) Sc.ll11ltt, I Wehel. f L•ll••. c w.1,111~ '····"'· Q C11rtl1. f 11111,q 0 I I ~••rro. q o o o s ... ,11.,, 9 I 0 l ltlrte•llll, Q I 0 2 !9 If Ip 4 0 I S I 11 ' . . ' l ' ' . ' O I I I 0 l Or•nqe Ill.I IC••"~•r , I X llrot cler, f "-Leon, c ~dd•"'· Q s •• ,, q l i(h•td10111, f l ooi1111or , I Me•dow~. Q s 0 10 I I l I~ ff tp ,1 'o ' 4 J II ' . . . . ' . . ' 1 0 14 I 0 l I I I ~";'!:!~·1 ! ~ : !::W·.~1 , 1 0 21a dangerous attack . University prcsclll rd the le llf'ra to M•~hbvt-11. I o I 1 John'°"· o2 11 ! In lhe previous game of l hC' t hC' tra.n1men a nd al:.o dellverc-d ~-ed, q o 1 r Her"'•n. f ~ k 1 t thr ba.nqu+•t addrPM&. ~-.~:tt~~·qQ : ~ ~ 1 !:';'.!.~q• I I l l Wf!C aga ns Fullerton on Tu~M· ThC' following boyit from N t>W· O TEAM G,..M£S l I s day, Fullerton broke away for a H Ne•port (lOJ IQ fl 1p o •n•ll•im [J4J 12 1• 11 11--..0 rut lead e-arly In the game and port arbor rttf'IVed IC'ttcrs: CWJ 1 IQ ft ti> ' . ' ' ' ' PA.KOON MY REA.CB •)'I Tat forward Da\·e Pe~non (riCbt) u h~ attempt. to Wl'ftJt a rebound from t be band!t of Anaheim ruar<I Df'n.nla DM.ny u.oder the Newport basket. Game was played al thfl llarbor l ll&h &')'Dl la.st. t•rtday and tbe Sallu"' t.oppcd a tavort"d Colonltil n,·e, 41-45, then "'en t on to cntsh Or&111'f' Tut'Mlay, 60-SS. ( PreM Photo~ Old West Color Here at Richard' Newport W.C.T.U. to Entertain County Board 9 S IJ 7-ll the Pirates trailed\ throughout. Al· Beach, Costa M esa ; MickC'y Cal· ~.:!.;,!, f .-~ I ~ c.:~7'1' 1 -------lah, Costa M t-M : J oh n Herman. Leo"••d, c I II 2 lib.II. c Y di L d though. they &cored a lotaJ Of 63 C '" ., Co L '_ M••llne1 q Z l 6 Loo.I•"· q ey ea S points., the COaat . .Shooting WL'i O~wi. .i.•ieM; "r'b yn h , CO.SLR j t•hlre. Q 0 II II S.lqele, g ~ ·: : The colC1 r of the old Western With all sustaining 1nonit's paid to thf! state union publicity cru- sade funrut and to the Ja.c k and Jill fund whiCh 8Uf1ports youth work of the L . T. L. and Y. T . C., • ar ,... M<'s.a: Tom McClelland C08la Oielll, I ~ J 10 S.b•, t poor wlu1 many shots mLaaed. Mesa and W illiam Reid, ~Ibo& 18_ Pfirr"'•"· 9 l J '1 ••a•~. I • z " rounctup ha11 movro Into the fore· o I ' I z o 4 court of R1 chard·s Lido Market , Johncox took high .coring hon· F-loid. 1 Jc S • ors with 22 point.a with Fullrr· land. . Jep .. 11, Q 0 I I J 1 " complet e' with rail fence, corr&!, Coring ton'1 Pete Hook trailing with 19 Coach Bill Dawcr or FulJ«:rton W•d•. Q ' . poll_lt.s and Ylrdley third with 18. •tale• that hl• reoord for the sea· N••port 1ss1 , lq 1t tp O.•nqe 11') I '" ft\'" . Halftime acore .stood at 26 to 4:1 sou W&I a poor tw~ game:• won 11eckbl.lfr1, I ' o IJ Alhn, 1 • 1 ·11 I 0 2 'thank.I to a record··ze potnta and the ......... 1t1nn. rema1n-...1. .... _ and tour lomea, )lowcwcr, the team Dlelll,1 J l I M•c•.1 I o o I 9 _ l:Jl-t rv-"y---ll;:U ....u.: --·'-"'...,.. ........ •-Leo..,.d., ·J o ' G.•W•••t. c o o 1 «gain.st San gcrn&rdlno .1r ~,day aa:me_ to tM enf at 43 to 85• wt.JI'.__.., u • .,....r •everc . handK:ap .,..,.,.,.., • 1 0 2 ot.t .. d.ti J 1 , night. O~ge Coaat'• Bob TM'd· ooO <•> ~\Bn4oo (t.f lacking tul~ "'1fpment and unJ .. ""'-.(' 1 J s x .. r •• • t 2 J IC'y Ls le-.llJ!& t.h.c East~m .J9 can-·~ ~ fn> Max '°";:.;;!;,r.,'~~ ftekt. l.Mht, __ •__,__,_,_ ........ __ •....;"' 4 '' 'r....., t•l r l""l Williama .._, __ b -wl\ll 1~ ,..._ I!> ...,,. ..,.. ... a qt.no 081 c 151 &nail Ing ot taU..19 !Ul'I ,...,.do ol \be 20.a • _.. m. tt ta the high-Smith lel 0 8 ochool .from' -Ana. Anaheim. C'st aln~h!·g&me total to dale ln Shafer (4.) 0 (3 ) ~l:i;;~gh ')-'llerton. o.t& Men. Tu.tin and l·onrerC'nCe play. N ewport a.re Jll>Onsoring the an· Chaffry·s Robbie Davis and San Scoring ffUbtJ~ltutet1: OCC: Rieb-nual affair. Dl 1nA r1.!ino's Clyde P.taxcn are a~n Il l.' Thieme, (l l: San Ber; ------- n1.ck·and·nt'ck rOt" th1.. runnt>r ·Up nard1no: Z1lm (2), Saffel IJ I, F ite, ll0~1t·on. Davii;i wi th 75 points in 15), Nolan (4.1. Half·t lme .ttcore : to ur ,1.:an1rH ?i't axt>n w ith 73 in four. 38-40. Tar Bees -Win; Anaheim Leads Sdnln Ana's Pele Smith. who he ld lhe IC'Ud befor e Friday night's gan1~. tun1 bl«t to eighth p!a ce v.•hrn hr f'O-"led only 13 points ~ga11U'L fo"ullerton. t::A.STEHS CONt~ERENCE SC.'ORING LE.A.DEKS o Pt8. A.vs. R. l 'artllt•y, C~.!11 5 104 Z0.8 K . Uu.,·IM, (..'hit.ff',\' ...... 4 '15 18.'1 ('. :'\ta."<•·n, San l\f·r ..... 4 'l! 18.2 J\. llarth'm)''. '.\f}. :i. A. 4 68 11.0 .J. ,Johrtei1x. ('oaott 5 8S 16.6 I ... I-look, t'ullf"rton 4 63 15.'l 11. ~rt-teal~ Charf,..y .. 4 60 15.0 I ... Smith. Santa .i\na 5 S9 14.0 It. Stt-phf"n,.. Rl\•rnidr 4 48 12.0 I-Joni~ (!haffr3• . ... . 4 '6 t t ..6 n. Rf'td, Santa Ana .... 4 41\ 11.% T. Thoma' Fulk't\On 4 « J 1.0 U. IJamh\f'r, f"ullerton 4 « 11.0 K .• \\0rlJ;"ht, Rlversldt> 4 4:? 10.$ J. Matto'\:, Santa ..A..na ~ 50 10.8 '· l ;rv.y, San Brm. 4 40 • to.o P. Th1HnJ"'on, •'ull'ton 4 31 9.2 l:l. '.\liddau,;h, San 8. 4 ~ 8.Z J. Phl:lp, t 'ullrrtnn1 .. , ~< SI 1.1 C. 1.follo\)!'Y• FuU' on 4 SO '7.5 ' "Television is the kind of radio that IC'l:I pC'op le at homC' see what Pl'PPI" in th(' studio a r e not laugh- ing at.'\-C.'omcdl an Fred Allen. O NE DAY , RESTRINGl"G SERVICE. ( TENNIS BAD MINTO' • • • BALLS SHOES FRAMES • • Bible College FiYe Squelched by PCIMldtna. .133-48 • It was four straight fQr the Anaheim Claaa B teem Tueada)' after noon as they trounced Sa.nta Alia, 32-25 on the Colonist.a' fioor. They maintained a one.game edge over secqnd place Huntlngton- Beach. • In an almo.1t unbelieveable Pligh· f'l#wport's Bt-c• won their flr1tt score game Costa Mesa's Southern game arter three lo~es, down"inR California Bible College cage t ean1 Orange, 4.7·:W, led by Archuleta wu all but run off the floor al ~~e ~~!tinp~!e~m ~~=:: n;~~~ :~!~~:rof></!~~5_a;:rsO~~~~e.~~~~ PBMdena won 133-48! C'd by Anaheim Friday, 54·23. They nlade 5g buket.s and 15 Huntington Beach dowtied Full-t.'rton In a high scoring game. free throwa all in qte re~'tllatlon ,.,, ... t i t ...u ........... en·m nu e perlods ,and 4.0·m inull· \\Von· lost r ecords • or , the six• game. te&ms; on the Sunaet. B League are : 1 The tota..l score of 181 points by Ana.helot, 4 .. o; Huntington Beach.: the two tea.ma averages to a.lm08l 3-l ; Or&nge, 2·2; Newport, l·3; five point.a a mlnute. Sanla An' 1·3; Fullerton, 1·3. High 9COrer W&JI forward Hop-'fhc Tars will tackle tough Hunt.- kins, a former aJJ··&tate high echool lngton Beach Friday night .on-Ute star, who made 4.7 poiota. Team· Oilers flooris. ma\e.• Davl.s and Leech made 26 1 TIAM w,..wls and 90 point.I. N•wpOrt (471 '9 ft tp • Of•11q1e lM) ft ft t .. Center Dave Schmidt wu high A•dh1l.t•, 1 1 1 11 McCt-•rv. f J 1 4 for SCBC wtlh • 20 polntt while ni .. p, f o o o '"'''"•· f ' 4 1 ' Bo J Otfritl'ler, c 1 I IS f•lrltwr1, c J .,J I guard b on ea game red 17. ,, ltM.rh, " 2 1 5 0.$1"..,., ' 4 2 10 SCB~--~ tangle With the La-~r:.1:M, 1 ~ ~ ~ u:i.:...' f : ~ guna .oe-..1 All·Stara at lbe La-l.ililM, 9 ~ 1 . 1 ••••Mi'*. c o 1 1 MEXCJU8E ~IE \\."HILE I ~E TID8 01\"E," 8a.Y• Bob \"ardley, 0<XJ Pirate, L°' hp, k.DJfM bf>- t'Wf!ell FuJk-rtnn Homet, Paul Hook (15) and Tbomp!'<l!ll (111 for two ctut•ntrn. Thf1 othf'r pia,er IA \Vaynf' 1'l~lqub. or thr Plrak-8. t'ullcrlou \\·on Utif' M-U. . Costa Mesa · Girl Scouts Members ol Troop 121 of the guna Htgb BChool gym Saturday WUU.nu, • o t 1 at 7:4.5 p.m . • N,-.-t ----· -·#· I• II I~ Collta. Mesa Girl Scouts la.re 11 ...... LJ.neuna and 1JCOring: Ot•it.. ....._ __ • • 1 14-->4 J ~g up_ to tpe.ir scout proptlse "to ...,-I ht?.lp cilbC'ci' by voling Ito con-s.c.i.c. (41) ,. ft t'p ,. • .._ (IJJ) '• ft·tp N•wport (ll) ~ft t, "'"•II•''" IWI ,. ft tpl tribute two! week.II ot lhilir dties Mor*-, i I 0 I HeplilM,' 10 1 Q A.rd! l'ff f -I -r Cr•li6';,J: 2 l • D.ori•. f : IJ ' ~~ e •• • 0 • K•. J • • to the Ml::r;:ch of Dimer ~.y •• !llerp.f J Z I Woocfy,I J I s ,.,, Sdtftl • '· 11 • 21 Md,' 14 1 JO fttulm11111, , 1 1 2 a."'""· f I! s ll are aleo ting and Ill mail ~.-..... 1 1 0 Cvtft"lllHJ•. ' 1 1 11 hd., .... c 4 t I C.... f ' ! 11 old Ch~atmu cards to a New JMw.t 1 J 11 ....._,,, 4 0 I ~.c f J I 1'~11,, I 4 i ' _1 k..~. I t • l WrttM. f I t 2 l•IMrt•, • ~ 1 J ..,...._ t 4 i t York h9 1ntal to aid crippJed ~ 7 ~ : ~ ~:""" .• ~ ~ ~ ·~.-. • I I I ""'*'· • l I 1 children ln recovering lh, use ot. .. ::: -1~ ~ ~ ,t! lhelr h.andsi The Uaited Cerebra! E&STEllN CO~'l'EIU!:NQE ~T""'"" PalooJ C llllc in New Yo~k hu a STANDINGS R _..,. M I rre-t need lf'or u!Jed cam;. Troop • W L Pt-. Opp. es...... ftSCI oy members will a60ist, too, !In mal<- Claaffey ··-··-· ········ • • 117 HI FrOlm •·Foot Hole Ing Valentlnca ror chll "' lo-Fullertoa .............. a 1 17& H8 cal ho>pit.al wards. SU k ......... o .... .J 1 IU 141 t s&.ta ·Ana ··-·•···-···! a tit !M The Cotta lleaa volunl.ee'r nre Scout.a of Troops l and R'--····-·····-1 a 1'111 1N departm<1' ttported thol Ronald the lea~p of Mn. Mt.. SIU A.at.. •• _ •. :. 1" a tM !63 Shotwe.U. tour years old,f of 318 Claweon. vibo are wo o,_e C-t ...... I 4 111 139 Hower St.: Coot& Mesa, ell int<> their host ... badges, Ne.1.t FrYay N~t._ Gamel a nlne foot.. deep ftole at , lJ a.. m. da'.y, Jan. 1,, at Uie ho ~y a t FaUe.r&M; s..ta Monday, ~ut he. injured only bla Max. Owen.) 322 Flowtt "-at Mt.. Su Aato•: IU\·er--feelings. . -.t • acouta received lruotnidfoaa olde u s-__ , Onutr Ronald f'1f tnlp Uie ,bole. (a cea1 formal pi.Q. ..wngo •rvln(. C..t, l>)'e. --·.....--· pool undero ~lion) In lhe A formal tea wu held dem • • back )'&rd vr-~ 0, P&ler of il33. onatratloa li<!th the s;tr ....ins · 19th lit., C04I& llMa Ud WM In It puncl1 Anti coOltie8. AtWidlnC., . CON llUN Ht.'llT for abOut ~.., Ninutel unW --were Bevel"ly Beebe§~·dra Heavy tGtr wblcb abrou40d cued by nel~ A ladder ,... Blabop, S!ii'l•Y pa ' Lllllon °""'It H~ .. ,1y Wedn..da7 put.down lllta I.he• !ool"Wlilo hole ~ 18""1" Jou wao """'1..t tor •-.. omaall• and Ronald, wu ~pl up -..e °"'""-n.,poata ~t ·..,.. UI?' In Wbjdl, two l>Ot8M" w4n C"JUD4 ~ HO 11ttdlc&I atlea· Bton.11. ,.,.. Lou Mid ~JDa!-wa1_.w.rsuwtlleaclt aa.o Kted lu bolt11111 fW U... Md, .~ CUI operated b)' , ji(UIC ~IW• BlwD Lo~tutt. and bntnding lronB. Newport· W. C. T . U. may call Ruf Loper wh<! Is in charge ~or Itself a Hold Fut Unlon, It wu Richard's Corral, I• from the old an!.'f:!':ced al the January meet· school of range ha.nde lD Wyomln Ing.: held at the honie of Mra. May and c 1 ..oo ~ ot 1 h l •• ~ U'Ren, 3512 West Occe.n Front. _ o o . .1.111e or ea e f:w. Mrs. ... __ ~· 'k rulded . re.a.ct tbue r\Wi'ed ~· daUng -•-re P back 'ov,:r ft(\r'!#~·· -t .Mld 1~· ... .Y ~ · ~r ,._PY• ,y,, Dick Rk:hanl Mld; "Although de _ 1 the oJd wNtttn lUe on tbe range ·ptana 1"f9 made if.or th_!!: all-day wu vtgoroua, l'lmplldty w'u the cow-.ty ~Uve boa.rd' meeting", keynote or Ill phlloeophy. We lo be held Jan. 30 at GoQdell hall hope this r xhibll will create an with the Joca:S Union as hostess under standing of that era." gl"OUp ; a.leo for the Franc«""& Wil- Daily exhlbllf •.viii include the lard day obeervance, an cvenln~ large 8 t tw:>e.r ~ap ever made, an ~Jon ln Goodell hll.ll on Feb. 28 authent ic l'huck wagon, 8 broug· ;"~h the speaker to be announced ham that datC'l!I bac k to t~ and a r. Announcement was made of a ~:~chofw~~ t;:y~u:uien~l:•i::-::: workMop to be held March 1~16 board, and on<' or the few ex.isl· in the new state headquattera 1.ng trans.portat lon ox earl.I. building ln Los Angeles, which Every Friday 11.t 3 p.m. there Will be dedicated on March 14. will be lariat ins truc tion given by Attending . the workshop wlll be Ruf and 8 conte•t for the kids. delegates from ·Nevada, Arizona, Saturday the contest.a and tnstnic-and California and guest speaker tlona wtll be at 11 a.m .. 2 and 3 will be Ml"tl. Leigh Colvin of p.n1. On both days al 3:45 p.m . he Waahlngton, D. C. Oift to the state w ill beat uut horse a.hoes using headquarters from Orange county a range forge and anvil In true Uni~ns is an electric clock . weslC'rn ~tyle. Speaker for the afternoon waa AT PAL.II SPRJN'OS ' Or. and Mrs. Lee G. Nelson of Kings Rd., Cltff "Haven, treked to Palm Splines for a few days of rel&Xat lon over the put. week· eqd. Mrs. Estelle Ha.rper of Garden Grove, county president. The local Union sponsored the two 60UPd (ilms, The Beneficent Reprobate ·a.nd Liquid Lore, shown Sunday evening a.t Christ Church by tbe Sea and aleo provided reJ freshmen.ta llfterwa.rd. Uljuftd. The C.-o<curtt<I °" U0n ... I* ZflY. ll:eta Oolo:r; Girt.I of r troop Jolu/ Tau, M. qt 1-~; Twodloca-~--SPCi)liit& '°®$ rn..-N~, 1U 4 ..-..--U metffw,t ...--.Jin.~ NaCl Jill ti.a ' ....... _.. Olfll !Ir -• it .,.,.,.... -. .. 1~ .._ kvt.,.OOrou <!ti Mar,~ -IWI ~JGW Fllilli' lf.,llWt liar-~ aPllZjllll_ed mun b r •••• OOllTA MMA 8 ""I •l oll Nm•, la,~ Ca\DI! ---Mr i!llfll tt'li," 'Whc to a cb•-;>£ Ille l.Wl-1.-iirna: ....,,..,, ... llllPU1 lllut. ...... -ploii.t ...... --llro -,_,, ... a( o.ta ..... • a:nn 1 <•••• s o-.... p ; ,, ....... ---...... ••• I I .... -_. Dr a (1111) ... ..._•es·, _..., .. • 7 .. s NORM,Jf.l·s ' 9U .A ~ITJ BARE ~pc>T STOCK ' r . I Rndy to Pla,~t NOW ROSES -55 Varieties AU No, 1, 2 year Field Grown Plants * Bush Roses .............. OOI' to 2.00 Climbing Roses ...... 1.00 to 2,00 Tree Roses .............. 8.50 t.o 4.58 ' 103 QUANTITY DISCOUNT Fruit and Flowering Trees. 'I) -·-j • Apricot, l<lgs, Peaches, Plums .......... -~·---··+'-······-Sl.!5 • F1owering Peaches ···················-·······-·r········'r-······•·$1.50 Citrus and Avocado Trees 1 ' * * ARTICHOKES * and Regula r Deliveries .. . . . -:Y_:-·. ~~~~--~- .... .!$1 I 1813 COAST W \VAY Corona del Mu-Barbor l>llO ! lrue . 1 I Sf· b L :· I ''!'9'.IQS.A Petta '~,;., ! Pi ·. -c!IROr· .cture·;. f ,J.if e,,. . It ~ •••on PHILC . ... ~ 20-incN I • True-.focu$, . ' • (F .. -·t&>"''"f --~ 11\1111111. W, -• JUI'• ol$oa .. "8 I'd J. -.,S. ..,_...., ___ ...., ______ ,,. "'51 i i*,.. lllr klll•'"" Of llula .,_. . ' I ~... -1M ._ ........ ,~---.,. ........ ,,!_ ~ ... , :-#" ____ .. • • ,. • • I I • I • • I I ., .I . ~.. .. . • . ·-.. ' . PA6E 2 ·_;PART' If -THURSDAY,JAN. 25,• 1951 , 'Ge: ~·· . .. s&:11Z~.:: Plliss& .. - · Ae<erdiJ>ll to San Loraine f"!!C&, Bos. 253, Coker, Al•bama, ,wbm a ~ b onl' 15 .iurs I' old and fMls terrible, can'f eat or oleep the w~ they llhould, ifs lmiJbty bad. That ill the way • ,Loraine 111:11 she used to 1ff1, . but that WU, -----· t~ [~~lbattU-~~~ • • iltae Book" lall ~ileclatOCC . ·A.a • cn.nd, find to the 1tlnt aem.t.er of the 1900-51 tchool l'<V at °""'1re co..t couece. tho aopbomore cl.-lo oponaoriJlg a "Blue Boolt" bfJl to be held to the -gymnaatum n.....iay ·-n111g, Feb'tuary l from t to mid- night. SpedaJ hon0l"ff9 tor the eTeut wm &e thoee students com· p~g their Jut Mmmter at OCC. General chairman tor the event ~ c.rteton Meaq of Balboa, pre•f· dent of the aoPbomore daaa. The decoratJye ICbcme w111 fea· ture characterl1ttc1 of acbool days wtth a large blue book u the central att:ractk>n and wall decora· tJona of cartoons on p&ne)a depict· lng school ace.n~. ln charge of decqratlona ts Miu FloydiDe Alex· a.nder of Santa Ana. ORAJ"OJ!: OOAST COLl..fJOE STUDENTS Im~~ thi<r ability wltb the..., • ......., of .....,. ,. , -&Wl'IMAD' ··•,•n•u 1iitM--.~~-~--,j a ..... ,..-. -rtalneol :re- c:enpy l>J -¥!· -Mn. Art-. orrll, -....... ·-Ooola JI-_,. Jlr, -Ml'& ··-Kania ot W• ar.ndl, t&. n.e. two ma a.re brodKtn. • Wllo to Coa"tact foi . CIYl i Q~ ... Worti • .&.a;r resldeat _, Newpwt -- bor Willolittor' te -~•Ille · ___ ...., ejotl ..._ - ~ •f 5... 111 tllr!t1 JfW,.,.. a..n:.·Ol'b ,IWI JI\ "nti,Bt1r .Jolla ........ OI' Ute ... t:J' • .......... ~ Be-.t -dtJ ball. ........ ....-,.... ..... tw-. tlN. Mun of 8 a. & ud · 5p.M. ~ Get -ID Cant P~·Taken • All ,.,_ wllo rectate-, .. cl\il dele.me ·work but have not had tJl:elr plcture w u.anb pl'hlta takm for ldt.•tftkatloD cards. lhoukt apply at Uae Ne.w· port pOlloe department TuMda.7 or Tbund~· e\•enlngA, bet.we.P,n DON'T .BUY A JSTICK ••• . ' ...r.J . OF RATTAN fURNITURE ~Nm. ·. . . yoa see our Jan...., Sale Prices SAVE '10°10 TO 40°10 -. ----... ----.. . - " I overcome d•flc:lon<ift ~ Vitamina B" Niacin an Iron, which H A D A C 0 L liilo<Ol.IL....!I ,conaw.a. Cb&.lrman of the o rchestra com· mittee, Ronakl Pennington. cam· pus resident.. announce.a mu.sic wtll De tu.mi.shed by Bob Froe9Chle and hi.a band. - Other comm1ttee chalrm&n in- clude Miss Mary Roblna or New- port Beach, refruhmenta, and Mias June KnJgbt or Laguna Int laboratory ~.xpert&. ~r to rt1ht a.re abldeata Dan. 0 aad Bob'Well8; Dr. Un. Hutchla8on. "'" t. .. p.llet'&.I ~ of tbf. oevf'IOpmN:!dlq Pl"O Oii the campua; lllUd~atll .ltw Olivera and RobW& ~n> (of Balboa). t"or It ; nmeodlal reMlnl' \l" OCC h&8 pure.....,.. Mt tM latdt .... ,...., aad &l'f'U&1"d ~ •pPdaJ !N'r~~ of a. 'n..: mac~ pl<'turrd 4bt.I,,., ano the ~ 1 and 9 p. m. 'tlntll feb. 1, It .... \\'M urcentty announced today by Deputy De.feue Director OU'I H&naa. 4fe atre.ed that lt wU \'81'}' Important that t.be pbotoe and print. be takra· before the .-,.b. 1 date.. Bi/J K~"4 R~ S¥ I ·. 384 N. Coast Blvd. • Laguna Jleach rate C191lt.ro1Je.r and U... tachhlaseoPf\. t , Hue II Loraine Beclt'1 own statement: ""I was nm-down, 'tatclt and oklm>y, and weighed only llO pounds before I \lied HADACOL. I would not eat be- ! cause I had no appetite. Now 1 wei&b 123 pounm and have an appetite. I feel a lot better. I bave been Wdng HADACOL 10 months and am st.ill ta.kin& it. I am 15 years old. HADACO"L bu done me lotl ol cood." ::~ p;:;: of Weekend Hard on .Cos~a Mesa 1'Color Piano' Ri~~~: ,~:~to provide and Drivers: Report 4 Accidents to Feature · cruelty, Mrs. Liana G. Kuhn filed Coat& MenN had a rather tough tim~ lut we4k end from a ~rar· M d L 11Juperior court action la.It week fie standpoint w~th r'\ve bt>ing involved in accl~nt&, one• r«eiving on ay ecf ure for divorce from Jim L. Kuhn a.nd for poueaaion of extenalve per· major lnjurlu:. Two of the accklent.s we-re on lhe \IXl:JMU&l tlOe. · LEGAL NOTICE 90naJ property she clatmed. A blcycle--car accident at 7 :10 p_n1. sJJhday ;u.w thtee petaon.s Mn:. Kuhn charved her husband Injured, two ot them riders In the " P t • • I NOTICE OF JSTESUED~SALE ha.s in his possesion a $711 wed-car. . I M th d" t ;. . t t J.idrr Section 3440 Clvtl Codr of ding ring set she owned from a OfflCeMI w~re unabl1:> to detrr· e 0 IS ,... as or ~ prl ~ th t b "' .. n-h m ine wh1ch •the two ml!n In thl' · d tbe State of caJlfonila. or mar1 .age, a e cua-.,--as a .. It Att U S C solitaire diamond Wedding ring car WU driving ""' .. each a<· 0 en • • 0 N~TICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN : she gave h im a.nd w edding and cused the other'. c • hat RALPH E . BRUSH ,Ven-The accident occurred on 18th OnVOCatlOn •or, whose addre88 Is 1008 Coaat shower gifts which were given I ¥ be Sb k-" th t t I St., 250 feet west of Plac('ntia "'ghway, in lhe City of Newport r. e as C1,I e cour o ru e p-r. all the property ls bers. They mar· Ave.,, C08la Mesa, whl'n the 8t'dan. Rr v Thoma.4' Pendell, mlni..stf'r B(ach. County of Orange, State of rled in Costa Mesa. Aug. l3. 1948. registered to Virgil Be.rglof of of lhP Methodlal ehurc h of Nt':W· ca.utortll4. intends to se.U to Atrro and sepat"ate4 May 6 of tut year. 1081,i · 2.fth St., ,Newport Beach, I port Beach, will attend t.he tturd ANDd KARINh -•~ ELECT 1 8 RICW, VOthe.n-she set forth In her complaint. Is said to have struck the b lkf" anr,ual Mlnl.:tl•·rs convocation at ee, w oee -.rureas .s 4 l . l from the rear. I lhf' L"nivi>rsity of Southern Cali- Street. in th@ City of San Pedro, I ENUSTS IN SEABEES The bike rtdE"r , John Surdell, 52,. 1 fornia, Jan. 30, 31, .:ind Feb. l. ~ty of Loe Angeles, State of J . F. Clark of Santa Ana Ave., of 878 \V. 18th St., Coata Mt'sa, Th.r thrl'f'.Jl\)' mttt1ng w iU Cali!ornla, I.be following deacrlbed Coat.a Mesa. has t.>nllst..ed in tht.' was taken to Orange County Gen· ~"tl1n be' co-sponsored by th~· SC ;~n~p~pe~y. tt:iwit: fikt Seabtts.. He is a chief petty of· era.! hospttal with 11erious· injuries. Scbooi or R t>llglon and thl' Soutl'I· , oc tn r ~· urea, fieer ln construction. Also taken lo the hospital Wf'r1· 1 ern l .. ahforn1a Council of Proles· equipment and good .,,.,,u of a «T· Sergio(, 30 .. and H tnry McGuir(', tant ('hurr hrs. lain automotive parta business, 62, ot 98:; W. 18th St., Costa ~l esa.1 Thr me of the convocation v;~IJ br knoWJt. u BRUSH AUTO EL.EC-FIRST CHU.RCH OF CHRIST, Their ear ia said to have gone ""r"hrough W orld Cri11ia to World TRIC, and located at 1008 Coast ~ out of control after strll<ing the Co1n n1u n1t.y," according to Dr. fllcJ>Way, tn the City of Newport UIU Via Udo, Newport Beecll bicycllat, .tea.ring out thrft trees Ruasell .& Clay. mlnilter of the :seacii, County of Orange, State A -·rich °' n.. """"'-o.,,.,. n.. at the side. of the road and over-lo~lr~ MethodiJlt Chur<.'h of Whit· pt CaJlfomla. and tha t a, aale, ""* Oiurdl of Clwl.t. Sct.ltl.t, I• -...-. tumtng, tlt>r, pre1!11dt.>nt. !trauter and as1ignn1ent of the ~:!,ct;:'~ __.. .. _. •· ... Unusual ac,don on the part ot • ·------ iaame Will be made, e.nd the con---., s.Mc• ----ll:tl •· "'· a dri~r brought htt alight injuries H Id' I" Id ll 1aiden.Uon therefor wUl be paid •at WM•ad.f t-tiaq "'_.1 .. ffi I• p. .._ Saturday \ wh•n ahe ~portodly arO ~. a We £ ,10:00 o'c)odr a.. lll .. , on the 6\h. "'"~' , 1.,Mdl..._ .. ,I .... -.. ,~ ·=· I 12'"-'~."',.-',· r ~ 1 ..,.. • ., leaped on a.nolher car when atle H t p O iot, Fetu-u&i:y, 1981. at t,.he eSCl'OW :-.... -.. .:::. '-cl• •·04h-....... -the>UPt It was about to &trike OS re-ance '<lepa.rtment of BANK o"' AJ!lSRo n. ~bile b c..-d!.lly h•"'tH .. •"•" hen I c kt a p (!CA NATIONAL TRUST AND ~ dtUf'dl MNk• Md •s.. '" IWdT!Mf 0 . • oc a arty •-ttlcent explained It lhlo way: 1 . SAVJNOS ASSOCIATION. al Ba>-M I E J 18 r Bo 991 boe Branch No. 37, In the Ctty of ar on · ones, :"'~ " · One of the~elightful <.'OCkt..a.il COl!!lta Meaa. wa.s dr1v1ng ea.st o; . Newport Beach. County of Orange, DRAPES Madewor'~-mour 211t SL. 70 feet Wrat of Tw!tin partl\s_ \Yhlch eceded the Olmu..'l state of California . IPJLl"UV I club dtnn~r dance at Santa Ane Dated January 23rd, 19.51. lo 8.95 .... >:~~;:. .. Coat& Mt"Sa. when hi~r car Country club on Friday wu that RALPH E -a .w u li\.&UC'U, 1 h08l00 by &l r. &nd ~frs. Harold ~row 37-24!16. 'No. 524-Preu. !PublW:i Jan. 25, 1951 . . BR~:dor Oornice boxes 6 Traverse Roda She opened the door anti start-! Ca.hJv.•ell at their home on Baiboa BOUSE a OAKDEN eel t~ gt>~ out when 8he saw a ca r I Island. t11..Coa81 Blway; Newport • com ng rom lhe rear. Th1n.k1n~ J>rl'#l'nt wert" Mr and J\1rs. D f'an the car wu "bout lo cra..<ih Into 1 Campbt'U ancl Mr. and Mrs. Rvberl THE NEWPORT HARBOR UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT hera, lht>y rela:t P<t, £ht' alammN I Powell or Balboa : Me68n.. and her car door and jumped on the Mmt>g. Warren Fletcher. rrevls fender of lhe oncoming car. I \VestgatC'. Don Harwood, I Clift ORANOE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' NOTICE TO l:oNTRACTORS Her a.rm wa.s injured ,&! It Nolder and Mrs. A lbert Schultz. 11truck the sun vi&or of Uie c&.1;' .. Corona del ~r : Dr. Rnd Mrs. driven by Harold J , Buahnell, 49. Glenn v..·a.11ace Dick Stln11011 and of 2131 T\lstin Ave., Costa J\t eM. Messrs. and Mme#. Les PhlllipA, Minor Injuries weroe received by Herbert Hill. Richard E\•erei and a driver and paa&t.'ngt'r In 'a c rash Jain('& Mwilck, Sa.nla Ana. Sunday at 8 :45 p. m . on Newport '"Color Js A Piano' 11 the pro- V(lcatlve UUe of an unusual lee· tur1• offering being r iven at Ornngt' Coast collt1g«. on the ave~ nmi; of Monlla y, J en. 29 at 7 :30 p n1. in room one of the selenet' budding on lht-Coe.st college ca1npus. A mo8l dramatic wall displa y of more than SOO "keys" hand- pa1nted In Europe will form a vU.- unl "piano.. or gtant color rain- bo"'· Wh.i<."h ""ill be us<.'d to demon- stratE' the tremendous range of a.II colors Crom the lov;·er bass In· fra·Red to the upper treble or Ultra Viol!'t and with their inti· • n1le contra.sl.'I and harmonletS. This educational ano g-eueral cultural lectur" v;·ill be prcseotcd by M rs. Christine Frederick , not· ed color corisultant and Interior decorator who is regular l.nstruc- tor of the adult clauee in both beginning and ad•anced wo rk In thls aubject. S upplemen ting the "piano"' M:re. FTt.'de.rlc.k will dlaouae other exhl· blL"I of utual nowen and. trutta, together with eo·onilnated pleoea uf dMlpery, ta&rtc1 and other lex· lllec! related to the t'hem~. whk.~ preaent.s In a unique form the ef· ft"C't. o r dJfferl'nt hounr of daylight time upon foliage, fabrics, and aL&u pictorial art. with suaesUooa u to how to wi.e color 1n room t.Jerorat1on . This ·~*preaentation has been givt-n usually to wom11:n'a clubs by M n". Freiler:ck, who stud.led in F'ra.ncf' as \Vf"ll as In thi!I counCry, but it is offered here to the geoeral public u we!I u to atudenUI. I There. ls no admissk>n"charge. St. James Women Attend Annual Convention at l. A. ' SJnA.LED PROPOSALS wtU M received at the office of the New· ~port Harbor Unloo H igh school, 15th at Irvine Avenue, Coat• Meaa, Calitomia. until 12:00 Noon, on the 19th day Or February, 19!)1. at wbicb time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work a:s foUowe: For the Coru.truclion ·ot P. C. C. Tennia Court& in· eluding c.ba.in link fencing and appurtenances. Ave; and Albert Pl., C~ta Mesa. f d N fr The injured driver, Llo}'d J\f , ree Om of ee In imp!'Maive ceremonies follow- Dtckens, '48, ot Upland, wa.s taken is Kiwanis Topic 1ng the servic" of Holy ())m.mu.n.Wn Na. bid ';lffll be. received unless It i.a made on a propoo&l form tur- n~ ity Utiei School Bo8l'd. Each bid must be accompanied by tea.sh, cer · '"~r:'• c,beck. or bidder'! bond) made payable to the Newport Barbor Union ~h Scbool District for an amount equal to at le&at ten per ttnt ( 14'*) of the amount bid, such guaranty to be !orfe.tt.ed abould the bidder to ·whom the contract UI awarded fa U to eriter tnto lbe contract. , ln aCCOr'd'1lce with the provi9iona of f;ec:tion 1770 to 1781 of the Labor· Code. the Board of Trustees of the Newport Harbor Union High I stbool Dlltrict has ascertained t.J'te genera.J pr~valllng rate of wages a8pUcable to the work to be done as follow•: I • Hour\y Pf>r Diem ~ WageS<ak' W&p . . : Carpenter ...................................................... : ..... 2.35 18.80 , ~ment Finisher ·····-•·······--... ······················· .... 2.38 19.04 ' Oeme.'nt Floor Flnl.ahlng Machine Operator 2.50 20.00 ~ .Jtaborera. Gfncral or Oonatn1etion ................ 1.75 1'4.00 'f' ft.ei'nforcing lroii WorkcnJ ............................. 2.38 19.<M • ;ornamental lron Woi'ken ........................... 2.-40 .. Ii.20 11 • Jiapan ....... \ ...................... ._ .... _ ...................... J.7!) 1'4.00 : Wat~hinan and/or Cua.rd ................................ 1.67 13..36 • 4ppfllll~e Engineer. including Fireman, .. • Oller, Greaser ·-·····················"·· .............. 1.93 : Air CornpreAOr Operator ·······-········ ......... -.... 2.00 .. Q11'M:rete or Aaphalt Spreadlng, Mec.lmnicAI Tamping Operator ··········-2.30 • Ooncr<to Mb!or Operator • Skip Type ········-2.18 IlMvy Duly Repairman ·······-····· .. ---·-····: ... 2.30 Motor Patrol Operator, inel\Kling any t ype of powe r black: ·········-·····--~ ............... 2.-43 • Pwnp Operator ............ ·-·····-······················-···· 2.M Roller Openlor ····--······-··-·--·············· .. ········ 2.25 Tractor Operator • Buµdo:Eer, Tamper. Sc.raper or Drag Type SbOveJ or Boom Attacbmuta ······-················-·····-2..'10 Trench.ing Mac.hJne Operator ........... ·--·-··---···· 2.38 11nlftnal·llqulpment Operator (Shovel, . Dragllne. Oerrlck,. Dentcit-B&rge, • • ClaJ:naheU or Crane) ···-··--·---··---········-···· 2.50 Driven -or OU.mp Trucks ot lea. than l 4 Juda Water Level -·--·······--·······--·-LSS AAy clualflcatlon omitted Mrdn, • 111.•0 11.44 18.40 18.H 11 .40 18.00 18.tO 18.ot 20.00 • lt.14 not leas than ···-.. --'·--·-----·-L'e'l llUe No bid Will be """"Ptad f""'1 a Contnlctor wllo haa not b.en !l<e-4 iii ae<:o~ with uie pri>vlatono of a.&pt~ t, Dlvlolon m of llolal,... and Profua!ona ()ode. • . . • -....,. I>! ---"' '-" """""' -1nct, --1111 I I-_, bo-ollea-a.t UNI odJce of, tM N.,.purt -- . UDloa Jlip I I "''· : """"''Nla&t.tfciaGl~-nle_t. ... ,... pmml ••e•lr-·k &Dd ~OraJll t· ·mrred 1o U. ...._. ,._ ot pill$ ', .... ,..~ .... ,,,. '"'"° . . -.. 'WIJJJltr1'l , 11el .... qM= qj~Jlllllal*DDI DllllM" .... _,. ..... ., ..... • BO••n CW~ •WWW RA.WJlt WWW 1D08 ICllOtL DllTIUCT. lln.. ''PIM llJllllllll"- home, u WM his wife. Emily H wha:h opened the all-day anfluat Dlckeru, 45. Dr Giibert N'tt, rormf>r atJpt>rin-conv"ntlon or the Womt-n's Auxlll· Their machine collided at the t,.ntlent or the Wu Hu general hoe· ary or the Epi8COpal Dtcx-e1e of Intersection with that drlv~n by p1tal In China r-'1d now a resident Los Angeles, BlahDp Francia Eric Alfred Nyg11.a.rd, $4, or 139 Allx-rt of Newport Beach v;·UJ speak al BIQY install~ new officers in St. Place, Coata Mesa. 12 .1.') p. m . today, ThuraJay, at Paul's C•thedral, tl5 South Figu- Another lnleraeclion collblion µ,e K1wan.l8 met.tine at the Roa-croa ~t .. Los .Ange'es. Tuesday, Sunday. thi.8 oae at 12 :~ p. m. on mor .. dining room. JMuary 23. F1rat St. and Verano Ave. in S&n-Dr, Nee'• (ojic wilt be "~ ~1rs. St Elmo L.. Coombs, Pua· ta ..Ana. alao brought minor in· Is NCYI' Free" &lid he wtll leU 1whal dl'na., Installed ln J.950 a.s. prcsi- jurle to two per90&1I, bolh pauen-It tnea.n1 to live and work in a dent. continuca In office fo'I' thret• gera.. &Jave 8lat~ under thto domln&ti.on ye1111:NJ1. New of(loera IMlalled weft' Cara tnvol¥ed were driven by of the Communhlta. ' Mrs. Langley doodma.n, P.uedena. Walter O. M'WJf., 21, or S&nta Ana, The meetLng1 according tOj pro., treasure r : Miu Loulk Howard, and Dora C. Perez, 22, ·of Rt . 2. gram cha.lrman Tom Pende'll, la Ht·n1t>l, appointed vlU p rt!1Jtdent of Box 433, CoAta Mesa. df-dlcltrd to the ""Freedom lslNOT the San Bema.rdlrw Convocation : Riding ln lhf. Pe.ru car and ln· I li"ree"' Ute.me tn connectlon wltn ).{ni:. Armiate.ad C, bclgh, lff So. ju.red were Lytlia N1'jen., 29, &nd the 38th aft.ru•e.rsary of K l.,-aniJI Ret"ve1 Drive, Be'terly Hills, vtce Doria Najer&, 8, both of G&J'den lntemationaJ "hic h la bdng! cele· pl"N!lldent at large, and Mn. WU~ Gron. nelther boepltallvd. brated this week. • , Ua,an PlunkeU, 316 'Ardmore Ave,. 10 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:===-====-:-==:--::=====:--;-:±= f Loa Angeles, corrispond.lnl' aecre--lary. ,\ • Other otn6@.rs Of t he Awtllla.ry ..,ho. with Mrt. Coombs and Mrs. S'ft'iey S. Foote; Atbambra. re- eOfdJJ)g secretary. conUnue ln or. ftce are f!ve dletricl Vite pl"Clli· dent.a, Mn. WutlUI S. Long. 323 North Briatol A ftJ\Ue, Loe An- sel<tl: Mra. P'ra¥ J!eap, Long 8-h: Kloo Anne W. Patton. Sen Marino; Mn.. ~~ell Bpt:uMing, IA .Joli& and' JolJo. .ituUI 8-yer, SentaBarilara. Att:Mdlnc crom fat. J&meti Aux· l!Iary .... , Mn. IU Kt!l"&Jl, Mn. WOBam Eldtt, 1'fff, Ruth Patti- -. Mn. Buvoy ~yer. Mra. ll. I... Keelor.aad Mn. J. B. Gooken.. Sut1. Se~mo Topic· at Lutheran €hurch • &anday ~ at_ t :IO with Ch•ta for eftl'7 -.e. \A.l tw. • ..,.. ~ Re¥. .. ••tlll't lt4Clt -.ct.Uoe~-­ """ -....,. .. •t prl t -Uoe Utt "' Cllrllt. Al tlla u :ee ---- • • i---......... ._ '*' a ---of )la_. -. ..,,......, .......... ...- -Jam a. .... --"· n.W-'»'8, ,.,_ w111 ~Tl •:r~-. .i • t11a -. "' ...... ,..d •-::·:~I -.... • 4 ~···· ... ,, en - Fri9htfully Good Sate, Old Boy! w~ there is of it - 6 ONLY . McGREGOR CORD JACKETS ' 'Regularly 22.95 , Now 15.00 , r 4 ONLY .1 CORDUROY WAFER JACKETS (fully lined) hound• tooth check pattern .Reg ularly 19.50 . . . . . Now lS.00 . \\'E"VE 90T ·WAY TOO· MANY! All our Pattcmed $1.50 Ties 2 for. the price of ONE! 5 ONLY McOttg~r ALL WOOL GABARDINE Fully lilled zipper Jackets Regularly 19.95 Now lll.00 ALL WOOL SPORT COATS · $)15 to $45 values . ONE· THIRD OFFl Also a few Cood v&ltte8 In broken sirefi ~-----j , pf Sla.Ok:A at the Same Dbcount. _ 5 ONLY _ SPORT SHIRTS 1/3 OFF M.,PREGOR Wlli\DBREAKERS 4.95' . . . . . . . . Now s:so _, . 7.50 . . . . • • . Nbw 5.00 ' Coat lengUI, upper' Sl\Vle · 10 00 • N 6.65 Regli.J.arly 16.50 ' «, , Now 11.JIO ,. . • -' ' . r ' • "1.0 "Y . , . . 114'6~r M'oGi Gaba.rCIJn.S . 2 ONLY 15.00 , . . 'Now l0.00 McGRF.,OOR GABARDINE ZIPPER SHORTY JACKETS Regularly 16.95 · . Now 11.50 .. • I . _You can pay more ~ ·~ .. but you ·can't Huy be~ter . , ••• titan the '51 FORD 'with new FORDOMATIC* DRIVE. ' and 43 "loolc Ahead'; features _,,,.._.., • • • ' "TEST DRIVE" • • -· I • - • • • l ' • ' , - ' • • ' . l • Sill She~n -Omen of Moose Rev. G!fhect Nee • New Fish Ward , at Mesa Church ~ ~ .. ~BlllAD& , "':1, Dist. Conferenc~ Sun ay EvenJng plan lo -;+ E-dO In • It'' l..... I W•re No """'-or .. -.. U..y to · be Hetd Here\ . . " i• the' topic or Ill< Bun· CaJ1 !Ind 11111'ble l)ouainl'. Bill I' g ..,,.mon a~ 10:50 wor- llA• ....,..,Uy ~lved the ne of. 1c.. al I/le Co!lta M..- hle appolnlment M flail w&rd<n Tbc Wom<n or, ti><: )!-Mid· ll~ Methodist church. ' for lbal a]-t;,1 He hu a Winte r conference. will bC Mld ln Evt. g' t:l:'rvJces be.gin with Lbe rM&denl of , )teea m l ot Lhe MOOllC Homt.' %008 , Ocean ,6::0 \VO sh1p.Jtoor, which wUl be hte llfe C."{tep for · ~.e ·he · ~l. Nc'Wt>ort fBcn. h Sun~ under e dlrrellon ofi the Suner· 3UVed ln the-l navy durtn the llft.~rnoon, Jin. 28. The cont: rcnco gouS F e IO\YShlp. · l ASt,, In the eer· war. ' wl11 start promptly at 1 :ao p: m: iC'a of &UU'1ry mt.sslona.ry pro- Mr. Shcflln ffa• a stlU' Newport ~ch lV01n~n of ll'!<' ;.;rn1r1 s, he ~kl'r next Sunday a.t Newport ~bor Union lgh )fooac, CJ1aptcr l L08, wlll 00 hos· night ""' l b(' the JWv . Giibert Ntt. Social Welfare . . Meetings .c.nang Meetu;ia..or th.e local bran~ or lite Calltomla-inatttuie of ~lat Welfare have 'been cb.8.nged ,to lhe 4o\lrtb AtoqdaY ot each nlonlh. COl1£U.rto INTERIORS •• . . • MOOUN .. d TIOrtcM. FUIN.11'U Dl»ES • WAl.lii.PAnlS, • tA fLOOR COVUINc;S _L llOU8E' ~ Gll.RDl:N • ~ school from which he gr-adj.led. teas cbapler. rl'Ct"nlly or Ch.lna. , The Sb'rlllna • h111vc three eonB Tht follo wing clmf>lcrK .. vill par-0 1·Jvr ft<nn 'ht. f>Ol'l as super· Steven. 'Oavld and S penOOJ!. all tlclpat<': ~cwport l-!1·3eh. s._..int~ lnt<'ntlt.ni of tht~ W uhu Get:acta1 The next scsSion of the w~fa~ group ls alab!iffOfMo nday, F e b , J3 at 10 :30 a.m. in Ameri Lc-- 1,.'ion hall,' Costa Mesa. UI, (;OASl Hf~AY NfWPOl.f •EACON UJ1 potential fool~ matedal f or Ana. Ca.rdf'.n Crov<>, r··u llrton. I lo..~1lal~n . ct'ntraJ Cblna by the -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;u ff.arbor R i(h before •'4dY decided Oceani;iUf', .iml Suo Di{_'so. C'o1n1nun ts.. R ev. Nee Rnd h i1' ·iii' tQ be a fU,h warttetL The I~ Tlll•re \\'111 be a 1'i•LKJ.1 h11t1at·e·1. ro1'11ily n1c ht·rc from Fornl<>S:!l. tean1 can alwifY• uae a Shc;1lin. Wld rL·rredin1l'ntt1 v.·I JI be b ·r v1.'CI "'h1•rt hci ~rvl'\I the g-ovcmn1cnt In Now is the .time tO get your Dinner for Ten a tle r the cunf,~n·nc-<.' Ly the No..•\\'· lht· <hsl~but.on of Marshal P lan BARE ROOT ROSE S.I port lkach chaJll11-'r. .-'h i for rnnny n1onlhs. A llfctho- . ' at Heights Home ~Lnior n ... t:rnt .Alu t' And\!r :-.<1n dll't r.1i'L..,Lf'r who n-cclvc.'d h is \YIU lw lh(\ C"~n('rn l ("\inf• r~ 11c c-i-t•hooli}tx•"' in a n1l3sion icc hooJ anrl rJ1:1lr111,1.n · ~('nlur I~ ·:'.•"Il l J·\ ,., All ht:o rr Iv~· v.·ork in the United } ·r 1ptun. (If ~··a nlft An 1 r·h:ipt• -. v.·d\ Rt.at··~-I \", • •,.c hn~ nn inti"re'Jl· I An C'njoyabltf affalr or Ute p.'lsl I.IC' ('.'l"nr .. r1•nc·1• Jc:.i.i r : \\"·urr. I In;: !'<.o:~ tn t('ll of his flig ht bc· wee}< was t he dinner givf"n Sal· • -} urdny by 111r. and M nt. crinrlr8 Randc1. b'1l!1ll'. und T'"<!n:i r•ti1 ,.I• y, .or .. <~.11~mnnist OdVL'1('l'S. B. Melone.• at tttelri horn<>. !'.>l :lJ Rl.'d· 'lSSi!'tAnt ..:ui ol e ar1• fri.:11 ~e.,.,·po ·· 1 ·0110.v~1;.; youth Ol<'t'lini;li., anrl I Bca<'h Clutp~t'r. :h1· c·!p ~1;.:. 1"1 :·r>ion of thL· adult llEARTS A.~0 FLO\\'ERS BAl .. I, on F t•b. 2 at Balboa Ba)· cltib Is one of jh4' blg(t"flt ~al r\·ent"' of thfi. 3·ear In Orangr county. Spooiwre'l by_ Santa Ana and :"rwpott Harbor Auxlllarl\<'11 of tlu· ('hll· dn·n·~ Horne SocJt>ly of (,'allfornla. the ebarlty affair a1'11' b<ith Snnta .o\na and loc:aJ t>haplt•f'!'. Jn plauning sr-;sJun an•: (It· rt to right): :\trs. C1ar('Df'f" S pntl(lH", bnll chairman. Sa.nta Ana: )I.-... F., f ". :\lartiq, IJ:.a.11 clutirntan. ~t•\\'porl ltarhor; '.\t Ol. ltoy Poltt'r, bn.11 chairftl11n, 8 anta :\na; 111111 :"11r ... \V1·:1· lands Avt-.. N(...'\Yport Hl'ighl . Sl•nlnr Rl•..:cnt J\!11 (" .\nU1 :-·~c <-tndy ;:rtup n!" till' Orlt·nt. !l-d by ! Seat('() with the h08t8 at th,ll I flower-t-c rft erf'd L:;tblc'"'·cr('·,.1,. arld rrquc:Sl!'; a.II u lf"f1·r~ :1n1 J tll1· 11~11•· ~1r J ~ 11:1rt lnncr!)l, ull arc In~· I '! P D II H . •1 d lC'llOl l() ph·U!'L' \\'1 ar lht'1! t irJ11Jl." \·1 l1 (! t•J tlir \Pl\ hot1r. hl'f\'Cd n'n J Prices 2 yr. old No. 1 Blish ••• ·79¢ & Up , ROY'S NURSERY -dc•JI CMlki03. ball ch11.lrmln, ~t.'\\'IH)fl llelgbt:'!l. tl'huto b:.· Ut•l'l,;n1•r) Elaborate Setting Arra nged for ·Hearts & Flower s Ball on Feb. 2 Thr llr•arts and: Flowl'rs Ball~--..C..----------­ S•·l ror l<'tbr11;1ry 2 flt lhl· Balboa i::;~ay f'luh a~d ~;pnn:o1>rl'd by lhf' :":l''""ll(Hl JJarl>or nnd Santa A na .~ ux1\u1r1l"S nf th(' ('h~ldr1·n's 1-l'lnl<" 'Bdng Gue sts' is Theme . ~11cu•ty, again pron1'!."'.'I t u bt.· onc-f F I . Meet of l hL· n1ot't m1·nir1r~blt· char1lJ I O r UC 1Sld 1"o'l•nt.s in O ran:~c ('r1unl '" Much I 1·rctl1t ~''''·• to lht· l!lk1\lfu l p!an· "Start lhc Ne'v Year R1~ht, n1n;.: 0 1 ;\f r~. \.\'ilrrccl Err!..._, ways 1 1.!ring a Guest," Wlt.'i the thc111« Hnd n1(•:m s r>i11un1sn arid h1•r bnll or the Janu .. "lry 1n~l ing of the o:ha•rn1t·n. I\--t rs I~. C. Martin and" Cost:.t f\l··sa-Uny C1Lies branc·h 01 fl.I r.~. \\"1 n1h· J Culk1ns uf the '.'Ol"V.'· the ('allrurn1a r·uchsiu Socil·l y p .1rl 1-l :~rhor gr•1up; 11nd to 1--11~. h1•ld in A nlcriC'an l..eg-1on lia ll . IJ.1rry T . l. r. \\'<IY:i Ulhl int·an.., l'r.ista ~f".!."t.\.0 Al l--I L•ll1sll'r. prl'sl- ' t'i':rri1an an•I her bull Lha1rn11·:1 den ~. prc-3i led. "- 1.1.-s. Rti)· 1'1 .tlr·r and .l'\l rs. Clar-Ilr1:i1cr C recn . spt.•akl'r of lh!' tnt•· ~p!U).!lh· uf Sapta Ana. t·\('lllnf{, shu\·Vrrl tv.-o f1!n1s "l\lvi;- tl.'t ll'S or l'\ttnl l~irf'" t:U\d "IJO'A lo"' Gru·.v 8f'Hlll1 [11\ J"{o5<:~ ... Holly woo d Park Flower Show is C harity Event Thr annual C·1hfr1 rnta Jnt1 r11'.\l · ional F'IO\\-'l'r Rho\\' tlu~ Y'·nr \Yi11 > . b1 • lallOl'h1 •d V"1lh >l galt1 chl\ril,\· p1·• n•u·r• i;.p4'11.Ror1·d hy lh• J\[~;sl · :tn•'L' Lcaf<UC' of Snulht·rn L'RliCor· 111:1 f\l ~rt:h 2nd i:• th·· d nl1• ""11'1.:tr•' r11r 't h!! !-.Jl ·~tn«llhtr c,p .. nini.:. und H11ll~·"·11111I l':trk. l1~·.ll·\\''1<1 I, trn- dition;•I ht11Tl l' co( lh1• t·~·1 ·nt \.1:·!1 a;.:<1~11 b<> the S('"t'ne 1'h1· C(,ln rful PPL·ta<''1• will op•·n lo l h1· µublu 1 n •·xt duy anti 1'<111l 1Ulh· th:-9u;~h 1 ~l ar1·h 11 t PI. • I In Utl1t1tf1J!l tu all \'tlru tio-.<1 ot f'or.tl 11ni1 ;..J1d1 n ,·t1l h t xll1ti·t!> o' h1 I" f1 :;~llf t-<•f t )!, .. J•11',\' Ill· ,•Juo!P a l'p•'l'.11t l u tl , xl11lni1u~1 111 ( !~a 1 11t 1n~s and :-t•utp!111 ~·. u 1111.•IL 11 I ]o ,t,·1·r a1 rau;.:1 Ill• ut d1:.pl11_\"'. 111-I 1. rnfll1t111ai ~a.-d 111 :ind, d\14 .1t10;1· al {•XhlhllS Rntl tl : l"'t l llt'lll,tr •II. Jd.1.v <if tuli p bulli;o, . • •1l 11\'r·r I 1·n.11 H ollauJ~ ?il 11r~ lha n :;o fJOO hl .. 11,.1 1n I IOIOU6 .t:ulor \\.'I\! · 'Cu.·:-:ls \\·111 rk1nt·•• undc·r n <·an- npv (,{ fiol\'l'I'~ h.ir\~10.(:" lr1\V flH!ll tlh:! C"1·1linJ.:. l!u;.::1• i:::1lr\"d b r.I cu:.;l'S \\"di <"uri.v 11ul lh1· o4•nt11n1·nt. al thl'l'llC' n 11tl u:i th1• l1.1bl('.s \Viii b1· hf.lrls fu I 1,f f11."-h flow1·rs dis· µ1ny1·d tJy l\l r-::: i\1 ur.,hn Gu-.hnt•!I, w1·1l kno\\'11 1c .. trurlor 1n flower urran;.:••l•lt'lll:o. Cl'l"ll';.:t· Jun t,i::a and .•\rthur \'..in 11 •n:1, \Vtr:c!ti\V deco· 1utor3 for \'a11•lf'1·1na.st.<J, Sanl"- Ana, arc t lonatmg a duy to a..s- .. -e1nblln g-ftnd putlin;; up of dt-co· rations Whic h nrc in chart::l' ,or ~··xt ntoclini.:-or the or,::an17.n- t1on is slat<"d for r·oh. 6 ut i ::;n p. "1. in Lcg-iun H 'lll. Th1!i \\·![I h1· C"lDk'ic <lonatton n 1~ht. Ea1·h n1c111· hrr i.<1 a.skcd Lo brin i:;-a rlozcn 1·ookic-~. E \'cr_yone intcreslcd ts sh.ov.•ing. l'Clhlpt 1~t \ht.~! , l\frs. \Vall1•r J. Coli•. N"ewport H u:-- -.&~,.-..... ~ Jil. ""-"· "-Ana. • • -c- 1n\·1tcd to atlcnd. Stagettes Meet at Newport l t v.·:ts J.l!·s. C:1unia Poupart:~ l\irn to hoat.4'M for the Star;ett.es Club at the latest meeting and she opened the ho:-ipltn.llty with a dchr-1011s b u ffet dinner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· 1.tl"3. Ft'C(lerlek C1('nr y. enter· ta11111tf'nt c:hn·rn1an, nnnounc1'fi that i!aJHL" lllU'ilC ~·ill bt· played by lht· ii ·ur.v ~1a 1•111·rs U'('ih stra. I,.;'.-Call:t:-t :.an•l J;fe<'ncry oc-r11ph,•rt I \n··i I " . n, 11 1 ... ,. 1 t lhc r cnt<'r of thr-la"c ~pr<'<~t l tabl"' ' 'o." dt \(om\lS . \ VI ,,,~ ~ I 1.,.. 1>, tb, ti ' ., •"' a " "•_. ~·trr){ ~OC"lf" V 11v.·-1'1,·1·" ~ •• ind ,\.ho 11.ivi-IJi·cn r .. U-·,.,-Jule '''hilc can1llcs lt·nt n'llic.'11 t·ha1·n1. \\IJ't"li 1111 tit, f ie ll!'i''"' f l;i_v illlli ( .. 11'- nnt1on r~•oiH• ·,:•u\y;.; and \\'l'fl' fco1- 1n 1·r!y 1·•·:·11111:<1-'lf•n···I hv :-.ucu·t\':i i•··tnl1·r. 11-, !.ll" ,\t\v;it-·r 11::. nl . lo play ;tl nun1c·r•i.I::> :..c.<·:.1! u1HJ char- ily funet.r.,1s. ln addit1n11 !•1 J\f.in111'rs, lhP o~ r·h .. ...:tJ·a 1•n•11pr1· •·<.; ,Jnhn Di·&·tn. 1 t ;1f f 1lrl1111n11 r fur tl11.· itutual H r .. u•I· ·.~lu1~ Sy l••:11 tt :'l l fornil'r· Jy \\·11 h 'l't•n1111y I ),,r:-••.r. ·rrun1- 1'1"l1 I" J.dl'I;> :":PJI] \\-(1(1 Siil~!; Htt·l 1 ot11p 1."L"' fvr <·r;~; S /' c ll l' f ' r Hru\\":t, p .01111hl ,,·1th K;.1y l\:y~j r . unLI J 11t:11 J;n1nhr 1d;·· tb..t .... ~ v111l l•·:..itllrld \>"1'h l ".d11n1l"..t l'1l·lurt·s· ,\ ca1h·111 y . \ '' .1 rd-\'>'ll Ill 11 ~ uo1 ·!L1·.s· tr.t l "h 1· li a.'111 '' dl 1··;_1;; L•·l\l'L'• n l:S:30 .111d 1.:;o p. 1n. :..it lh1• H ea r t ... and l• !11\\. .. 1 ; Ball Fishermen's Club Entertained at Cafe Breakfas t :1T••t:ilto r-; and i:;-1•· ... ts of the l•'t."11·• 111 • n·;i L'!1tl1 uf thr C11 .• 1.1 ~.l•· .• a ( '1H!l111un1l.v ( 'h11r1·11 \\'L'l'c 1·11tL·rl.11n•"l hy u I 1 io co111pn~cd vf I ~ur:n 1 N 1. l.~t1n, Ann C'i-~lY•IOrtl and I 1awn l'i:-1 son Wht>n lht\' u s delll · blcU fu r a rcc-1.•nl IJ1·cakf;~~t nu·cl- 1n;.;-in the ,\Jn1vnd Care. Keo I•'1~hl0 I' :tf't:ot11 pJn1c·d the l'OCi.l.list.::; on the p1.1.no , l\r,·. Joseph 1-1. Thon1pson. paf-1- tor or thL· l"hur(·h, l'onductcU LhC' dt•\'IJt1onaJ obst-r\';.llU'l'. An 1n- sp 11"3L1un~l fM>l'nl \\';ts rend by 1:c1.1. c·harlcs F'. li.111ll. nssocintc Jl3.3tor A1non:.; tho H ~ in attenllan<·e \\-·ere l'11t":-4 trr Fis.her. R e\·. 1-Ianil Joe ,.Jonf'". :\Ir. nnl1 itrs. Geor,et' Ph11n ~te:id. I lolvarcl C'f..oper, Rotr rrt. Thut1 hr:-. lf..t.)"rison Sa.nhorn f:ubcrt lknnel t . D. C. l\tac Kenz.ie I lerbcrt . [~. )1.r A·l1:rt1 y, C. M Bunc.::h. A . Horrant. R . D. F'lnherty. Rev. Tho1npson. John ·Reynolds. l\latcoln1 Reld. llruce itarUn. Rob- e rt ColJler, Elno Ollila, C. M. Nelson, llcrbert, J e nkff, Paul V. Parkes: and Robert Menne&. Tho nex:t 1neetint: w\11 be h el(I SWlday. Jan. 28, in the .Almond Ca!e. I VIS~ lN LA MgsA. . A rec~nt Btf'Y at La Mesa was I enjoyed by Jfr. 111oct ),lr8. Orvllle R llot!lhoff and Eion Jtlch&rd. Mr. a.nd Mr._ Slanlcy BadJ:cr and Ion St.aw .ol Costa ftfc~ Th~y vWI~ Kn. AtlthoCf• brother and cister-ln .. laW0 Mr. and M.._ Ro""'rt Stee\· """'· ' • CIU'IlCAi.. ILJ.Nl. ES8 • • Don and VlrgU Wtdcl<lng ·an<i fllmlll<!t of Coota Mela Iii., been ea\l<cl to Oc.rud<lo b7 Ille crltlcal llln-ot. tbdr hU..r. . • :,l rs . .J ;i.n11·e c·an•llcr, secretary. r11n•hL '"lt·d t h1• bu:.11ll'Si 1n th c 1 ;t l1 -"n r•· of lhr prrsul,.nl ~r:-;_ l{f'lCn ('l:l lk. (;,lllll'l xp('tJ lhf' 11'· '"l1ai nder or the cve111 n.c: hnur~. T he door pnze \\·a s won by l)J rs. C})an,ller. \\'('lf•nn1r·J h v itr<;. P nupsirt to ll'•r N c,,·purt 1.Scach 11111111• \\"t'I'<' ~I 'nes. Lllnisc Green. 1\-t ac l•'elkf'r, ('l;t ra I :;1•irl.l!C', Loli [..oo~k\\'(JOr!, ~la r~.;"<.' r.l'<•('lt!."tt. t :·ur-t• l\linC or ('1,xl'.l t-.t.--s;.1: r1a1sy 81 d t1va•1 vr Xc".\"JlOrl n r a<"h and Janhc Ch;1nil· !er or Oran~c. Me sans Attend Di st. PT A Meet ~f "lll lJ('rS or thr Costa 11-1.~SH t~111dl;i.·r~h-H..t.rJ>(·r l"TA 'A'ho nt- lt•n<lt:d th1· J,.riuntl,·r~ I>ay 1n .. 1·t 1n:.;: •1f th(' f•"uurth f):slri<"t. c·.11 ,r11 rnia {'qn:_:r 1•ss of l'a1~·nl...; :.in1 I Tedl'h1·r:s. 1n Drr.t-Ohnda. f-l 1r;:h st hool, \\"rrl' ~lrs. Oou ·~ln.:,i H 1n .. :-1lv, prl~~Jrl<'nt; f\1r ~. Jri1·k H nrri:-4. :'>l rs. Al H o'· list"T, f\trs. Orval l .. loyrl und !\ft ~ Ellward C'arl'I. R.-.pr1·s1·nUn~ th(' (\kila ~fr!ia Main Sl'houl J'T,\ \V •rt ]\.frs. D<'nn1s H r>~lnn1!, prc-s1dt•n l ; ~tr.>. Roy TraU l \\·.-Jn u.nd ,._~~. Raymond Craft. OtllOt\:S \'1~11'S S lSTt;lt 1--frs. Elvie McChnchy hWi a r- rived irum ('lt:vrland.. Ohio, t o n1ake her hun1c in C1~la f\tt·su wl~h hl r sister, Mrs. Illa s1~auh.l111J;. f,.LG 'wV. 19th St. l'lt.Uf'-• fn., \9. .. ,. -...... -: . .--.• -t~ ~-. ~ : --... ·', rWH ITE CAK E ('OST:\ l\IES.\ lj00 ~t!\\J)O rl lll\'d, COltO~A IJY.L l\IAtt 003 ('oo.!!il lligll\\ay )l-.\Gl 'XA Rt~1\C'l l :,?j.~ F11r1'!\l A\·~auc ARDEN POT ZG51 Coast Ulgllw"1 • N ewpon Ceaeh iiiPES:::·:.~; 1~· CA1ilJflOWER ~, 7c • RADISHES.•.·· 2·-sc T U.R"N IP s·. ' ' . r9. . "rre arr1s, ;. .t. an f I l b · l\frtt. \V llllam Lt.·n1-0n or Cu~la and be th··rt· nnl l.ll"r th.in J~ :;o l :1-. OL"~·~.'{1un y thl• Suneri;ous £ P.ksa. 111r~ Ed"·nrd Loring, f\t r . p. n1 . fo r 1n,,l111~·t1u1 !'> .... ~ ... \' 1n,... ... '"•ruup. and Mr!. ,.tauricc 11-1.l""Vl'r or H ollr · 1 nr .. t1r::1-.J to :•I t1•nt1 ::1.d .1.l;o ._,.,·ar 1 r-------2123 N rWport Phone Beacon Blvd. COSTA JllESA \Vood. _ · • rorn1nls to pu1tll'.'11•·•t1· 1f n1·11iL1!. Cl.1:;.s1Cit·tl ud."I cct«tt little, do much. ----. . ' • ' HRIRE~MIT Airwoy Coffee '"in.· .:;:· 77c Gt--.d,ot ''°"'· IJ·lb. bog~t Nob Hill CoffH J:.,.~ :;:-79" '"__.,ttoe. ll·lb.~ ,,,,, Tomato Juice ~ "!:L 26• •~ 1ca11n9--11a-cia. con., 2 for zx1 Tomato Juice ~:i~e 1:i!•· lOC 1Qo1e low pr'1ce. Tomato Juice H~ 3 '.1.:: .. '25c Mother's Oats ~;~ .. ,.~~~ ~·~;.•· 46c Pancake Mix J:-.:.:0 1.~·;_•· J 7 c r.,.. "'O#P>•"'O 1-iotcoi..e, t;: \~-lb. pl9 .. 3 le l Buckwheat Mix ,=.::.0 2 p 0 .. ·;_•· J Sc "-"oli.c s de1tcfou5 PO"l(Qlo.C"l t ;/ '': .tb pkg • l lc 1 l Cab . 12•••· 25• , .... 45• og 1n s.,.tvp .... .. •• Syrup ~:!: 1 ~~~·· 23c !!:•· 43• 11.0llR, IEA/llt, MEAi. Kitchen Craft Flour 10.u ... 92• ••• I S·lb , 4?c, 25-lb , 2~12; SO· lb , 4 19! Pinto Beans '.;.";· J3c !~~-25c Sunny H1lli brond, pcK~td hcir11o boo. ·Yellow Corn Meal ...... 22• ..... J.A~Lou. 1:::0-01 ~o .. l:c. 5.tb.bQ? J'kl White Corn Meal ...... 24• .... M~Lou t5·1b.boQ, .. lcl ORANGE JUICE f,,.h O'G1;1kf b1qnd. _..,..•I-with ..W6- -.-•w-l•11rh. I l-0:1. ... 46'..os. • •• PI NEAP PLE J UICE 0.1 Meirnt brond, Notkmol fawidt.i~ I I-as '"" ••·••: 33c ... 1 Z·os . con, 1 Oc • ' lb. ROUND STEAK ·T~r~:~·· lb.83°· ' r . BEEF ROAST S houlder Chuck Top Gov't Grades ' SHO ' ' RIBS o\kel.ToBalte~r · Draiae. T.op Gov l Grade-a SLICED'. ·~co'~~~ PORK ROAST wip;::;b Grain l<ocl. Ee.stem perk. (Shoulder, Butt Cu~ lb. 47c) ' Link. Sausage l'urc pork. Ullo "rapped. ab.63° . lb.35° • ._·430 lb.37° y,.Jb. 29c pkg. r nE H EGGS GRA~G~~B~!!'6~: •• 54° P C ERRIES '}io:~~~::.::."dd 1:::-19° J LL-WE L =':t::;l:a. 2 pkgs. • 11 c: l.llNCRitJN ME ATI Safeway alv..:iys has a wide selection of fine luncheon meats, priced low. Fresh l ive r Sausage •· 49" Smoked liver Sausage . •· 65• Cooked Sfilami ... 69• Pim iento l o.of •. 59" · Spiced luncheon Meat "'· 49° FISH SElECTIOlll Six delicious flavors to v~ your de&sort menus. ~w priced. too. SUGAR F'me Grcmulciled ' 5 -lb •. 46C 10.I~. 88C ""-""• O.UAKEB OATS 1:~'. .. 15° 4:k:33c: Quiclr ~ookinq or"requlm style. Delicious for wlnle< brMld-... · Campbell Soups ,.,., kan. ••POIOVI"'' I Vort1 .. 1obi.. o• Vt-g•lorion. 2 10!~'"23c {TO_MATO 3 '0!:;:" 29•) Edwards Coffee OriR or regular (2-lb. con. 1.66) ' I-l b. ... ToP quality fi sh items quick·frozcn and rushed to your nearby Safeway. Salmon Fillet ,._ 59" Ocea n Perch Fillet fill et of Cod Breaded Shrimp Halibut Steaks ._43• •. 3~ 1z .... ,.11,. 79- •. 19" -.:::::::,, ·American Cheese Allsweet ..._ .. ,_., Sunnybank .,,~ ~~"' Nucoa Mode trr 9e1, 't" .. 36• .. 34• .. 34• tlllllJ!.'11 Niblets Com v "°t 2 , !:!-19" Nibl~s Mexico"-~:."' IOC H,eini Soup v .I 2.!!:" 25• cM1u 11k1. r1l111 · eanJ, Bars . ' lfM¥ ChffW Fciad ..... 85• . .... ~ FOod ~~~:: 79" --.... .,_ ..... .. SahMI • ..... ~- .,....;-11c1 ~~..--~Milk ::,l9c...;_19ie l "11u1~T'*'~""ieh~ toStotritMA ..... ~ • Reddf-W'ap ~; !: ~c . Mn. Writht'• ~C-IS--....., ........ .-... ............ ~~-~I~*",.... ............. ~;;. ·-· • • YOUR . . D1.1tc'h Mill • Am"1icon Mil d. CheddCr Rich. Margarine , . Oolewood Yellow ln Ouorteri. 2-1~. 1 .. 1 " • f .! ' • " , I • • • ' . t ' .e~ P>. T~ ;::_~s~AV: JA~: 2s,:1·'. sr . Navv Jettl~ .. · New b ~, • .., ICiv_it Be.auty ' .. ~~~-·Q y ~ ~ lnlwochiceci Here ::::~N:.-;~·~=. P~E s s ~ C~use · FO!'~ ~~~:~~:<d~ .. ~~t:~twon~!~Sw.d • P 5S9S TIFICATE pF B USIN'ESS FtCTIT.10-US FIRl\f ~~VE T'!fE UNDERSIGNED doe 11 ~by certify that he I.a conduct- tnx ' Paint Removln~ busineas at t · Latavette A \'fl'.. Newport ach, cruit orn!tt: ender \he rte- Ma1: De Seversky Patterson ~ys j~= ::o-:. i:g; ;~:.r=~:.r7~~ ~~: S. k• F "d Mu-made lnotalJollo.. oloft&' on (Ocid eo.llnf. It ·wt11 be j" allowing bfft tmp....,,.Menl or Its ·pea s r1 ay ,thi cout at ~ teach have ln· ~ dlat.rlbuted ~e excl\l.llv ly "face" be.tween~ow ~nd AprlJ 10. _ c~ beach erOaJo1t e.nd bloc1ct4 b:r the E:x.cetalo1'1 Cr~eey ·•· Mn. M&ry Topper ot Newport. · natu1'l repleolahmtt~ of• .and Ltd. -cbalrmon of Ue civic -U· at Santa Ana . washod •w&.Y In tho opinion of R. ~ ..._....,will !>< mode ILCCO • Uf!CaUOft c<>mmllt .. ot Amoclot• • O\U: f'irm nRme of P ACIFIC L. Pattenon. Newport Bu.ch en-h)g to • apeclal HC!pe devtl~· ed OWnben of Cornroenee~a plan-(· gi.ru!er 'f'bo baa bffn ituc:lfl.nt the b)" Duncan Hlnea and Lt now be_~ n!nr aftd d~velopm~i group. an- Brigadier Genel"lll Stanley R ld· probleni for Ora.np GOUllty. made throughotU lhfl ,VnJ nou:nced rule tO gov~m the award· dtthof, tormer comman~ o~ Pattereon coritenda th&t lhe St&lea by 56 c•~M?' aeltc lng of the trophy a.t tu,e Apl'll 2• LRE?.t CO~fPANY . and lhat *-id firm Is romp<:W'{I of thr fol· .Owing JX'"°ns. ~·ho5l" namell!: In t'f.111 and t>laces of resid<'nCf' a re as !lows, tu-\v1t: Carvin .T . l!ors,.., 1238 South Birch St. Sa:'\ta _.\na . Calif. \\'lTNESS my hand thi8 S:h day Of. January. 1951 . GARV!:< T . MORSE ~tatf' or Californta. County or Orange. &'II. ON THIS 8lh day of' J anuary A . .0. 195 1, be!o re m,., Ro bert F. WJU.MES. a N otary P'ublle in and to r thf' ~aid Count,v and s·tate. re- siding therein, duly commisslon- (f(I ant.I swnrn. pcrAOnally appeart>d Garvin T . ~1"or1!.e, kno\J.'11 to me to be th<' pt>rson "'hose name is .sub- .sc r ibed to the \Vtlhin instrument. rieer of t.he El Toro Marine ""'se.! Navy'a two jettlea b\IUt Ill · 1944 c:ompa.n.le1. Ex.ct~OT Company I mttlilll' of the count)•-wide boo:l- &.nd a toilg time friend of Major to prot~t the entrance to the Sant& Alla la the flnt West l t bod · A!e.X&nder P . de Severaky Will Ln-Seal Beach NavaJ Ammun1Uon and orpntution to '~ selected for e e~7· an:tln' club of commu- lrodyct" the famou1 air authority Net De.pot are rupon.lbte tor dlalrlbuUon of t}\ta tlne produ t . nJ(y ~ deelde Ult' p.:0Ject to on Friday evening, January 26, tapkl e roe:ion -of ,the ocean front H inea ha.a atatc4 that he will l· be undertaken a.nd mport to the "''hen ht w?U SJ)f'ak on the Jane at Surfalde Colo"i)' and Seal Beach. lO'J:Y' hls name to be Ufed for fa committtt wbteh the""' ce.n judge Tucker Town Hall F orum• lecture ''Bec&U8& both. the east and lee c.ream but only It the eel the wee~ , o( oie project . The plliUorm. wut jettlra are built at an ansJf' dalriea maJntaln the! •tr1ct qua.11 1 aize and population of the com- Ot, Severaky will rover the Im-to the ehore. wavea atrlktng them •tanderda which have been t.et munlty wW be t~ lnt o conskl-po~8.nt role tlJ&t aviation ha.a play-cauae turbulence in the surf at C:ltford A. Ra.nnt"f, pre:sld~t eratlo.n al the April JO judging, t>d in our defense program . H e la some ~iata.nce on their 1ide 'Nith the Exc:eb!?" Creamery comp • Mn. Topper said, and during thf" one of' the world's best known a1•-increaaed erosion ruuJtlng," Pat-u.id that the le' cream will t limt".S wht"n "progress 1nspe-ction~·· tho'ritie11 on a ir power . Jane T .,.K· tenon u.y1. '"Ordinarily, beachee made stric Uy &acordlng lo l e are made. • er 8tated that thls l5 without a here ar" repleniaht"d with And Duncan Hines r ecipe and CObta Other factor!!: to weigh in thl" wa.sbiiig out ot the San Oabrlel one-third more cre&m and w elgha Judg{'ng of the winning communl- and Loa Ang-ele1 rivf'r1 from ln-up to 2~ per cent hi.or<' than regu-ty will be the extent of local Par- la.nd during floode. We Mve had la.r Ice cream, t lclpatio n and the a.mounl of pub- no fJooda during the Jut f~ llC"lty attendant u pon their dolngs. drought years." . Co· n·n C I The b .. <h .rooion problem. lone r I g 0 Up e =-and ackno'A·JWged to mf' that he t xttuted the same. J:i-; WITNESS \VHERF.OF, l haYe hereunto set ~y hand R.nd affixf'd my Official St>a l th!' dny and year in this Cf'r· t i(iC:.llf' rir!'lt 8b0Vf' \\"r :tl <'fl. doubt onC' of the nne!'lt , moat ttme- ly speakers it has ever been hC'r plt"a sure to bring t o Orange coun- llJ. Interr&t m the lecture ls mount ing and it is believE:id th1t lhe fa.moWJ airman will pac.k the Santa Ana High echool auditorium on Friday evening, January 2~. T ickets are available-at thr Julta Ann Hyde Travel Service 713 :-.:. Jitaln, Santa. Ana. Phone KI. 3-6596 f0r rf'servatlons, or tckeL~ can be purchaMd at the box offtCt" on Fr1(la..\" e \"f'ning>Jan- uar{ 25. reall••d anJ und .. atudy, WU Returns Home brought In to aharp focu1 recenUy wht'n high tlL'"s &nd heaq,awells combined lo flood streets a.nd doorstepe of beach homt1 at Surf· 8idf' Colony and St al Bea.ch. ~tr. a.nd Mra. Leslie Etter ha e returned to Coming. Calif .. al r a 80journ With Mra. Ett.er"a ai.-. tera, tht> Mt90 Sarah, Edith q,d Lyd:S-Conant of ~ Clift Drtvt' .. Alie LUMBER~CO. -.. ROilEP..T F. \\'lf,!_.l\t ES Musical Program For Women of · Bible Church Newport Height.a, - • ' M y Con1ml!l..~ion E:xplr!'s N"o. 618 PrC'.ss Pub. J an. 11-18-25, F+'b. 11 16 51 l, 195 1. ~OTJ CF. Of' ~ . .\l.E <>F R f:A J. LEGAL NOTICE PROf'F.RT\' B-\" Tit f "!"TE.t.: l.h<'rf'in and h('re>inaftcr de!K'ribt'd \\"Ith 28 membt'ra and-frlt-nd• in 1'.Sl)E R DCEU Ot' TR('ST to Bay E.serO'A' Co .. I nc .. a Callfor· attenda .... 'f'. lhr rPgular meeting or \\'HEREAS. ALAX o. ECHOLS nia. corpora tion. a... Tr11stee. to the Women'• ).l lasionary Society o.nd JF.SSIE H. ECHOt .. S. hu.sband seC'u r4'. 11:nong other obliga tion8. of the C<M11ta Mesa Central BJble o.nd u.·ifc. and l\·IILLER F \oVIL-lhp payment of a note da.t"d Dr-C hui-ch wa1 held Thursday a.t thf' SOI': and GEORGlr\ v. \\"ILSOl\". ct'mber 8. 1949, payable to Cttilf'" hornf' of Mra. John Keating. l~ husband and \vife, by Deed ot A. Conover, a married woman, Dt-1 ?.tar St. T rust Llatt"ll [)(>cf'mbt>r 8. 19-19. re· R ita Jennings, a married woman. Ji1ra. Jay Beard.aley, the newly- corded Df'cf'mber 22. l0-19 in Book J erald L. Biggins, a married man. ltat.alled prf>Slderat, presided ove r 191 3, paj;'e !J32 of Orfi1;ial Ri<"c<>rd£ 'or order. t or the principal sum of a short buslne&<t sesalon. tuh\lng of O rang-!' County. C"ali~ornia, diJ l S2~00 00. "'·lth int('rest from Dt>-· 1 thf"' meet.inc o ve r to thl!' program grant and C'On\'e\' the property cen•be r-22, 1949, at t he rate of chalrma.n , >.frs . E!1le SharmlU\. ther<'i n and hr!"rii-ulr'll"r r1.~~ribt>d I fivr-i 5 I pf'r Ct'"nt J>('r annum, ~tuslcal lnterest of the alter· ' I Mr. and Mrs. Etter, the Miaw11 Lyda a.nd Edith Conant took trlps to Paa&dena and San Diego. M.t,ls Sa.rah s taying witb a couafn. Ab~lf' C..,wta ln El lofontf', while thty were gone. Mrs. Louise Weber· Here From East Arriving by plane yesterd•y f rom Kinpton. New York. w&a Mrs. Louise Weber. rrandmot1: of Mr!!I. L. ·G. Nel&0n of Kin Rd., C liff Haven, who plane lndeNnlte 80joum 1,1,·ith Dr. and Mrs. Nelmn and famll)'. to Eay Es.:·ro\'.· Co, Jnc. a Ca li· principal a.nd introrest payable in noon y.•u supplied In delil"hlful fornia cor poration. i.s Trustee, to installm"nt5 or $40 00 or 1nore on mea.surp by a glrJs' .se.xtette from lf'CUre, a.n1ong othe r ohllgatlon~. ! lhe l f1th day o f ('!\i,:h ::and evt'ry N"ewport Harbor Union High the payment of a nntl' datE'd De· 1nonth, b:-ginoing January J5, school. unde-r tbe ll:"adt"rship of ('ember 8, 1949, pa~"'·•bl,. tn Donald 1950. ant.I C£ln t1nuL'l i:t" until sa1t1 ~flss '-farlf' Hieb8ch, mu.sic dlrec-ton. H. eonovf.'r Rnd CPcile" A Conov£>r, prinC"ipal "ind 1nter •8t hllvf' bf.>fon tor. Tlif' sextette we.a heard in F1NED $ll!I Mrs. \\"ebcr ilS being greeted by her t w o great · grandchildr~n. "Linda Ll"e and Mark Lev.:i.s N•I- hWlband and u.·ife as Joint tenants. pahl. and thr!'e numbers. Miu Dawn Pier-[ · or ori.Jl'r, for the pr1.nri pal sum of \\'HEREAS. default has ()('C'U r · .!K>n, a mrmber of the group, wa.s 1 . Ra.lph N. Riley, San Diego "''lt-8 S2000.00, with int('rf'sl fron1 Ot>-r('d in tha t the installment of ab.sent dUf> to IUneaa. found guilty of drunk d r1vlng Mon· c<'mlx>r 22, 19-49, at ~h(' rat,.. of rive S40.00 belng the-princ:pal and 1n-.. A n10.t informative and chal· day at the NeW}>Ort !Rach ci ty l 5) pt'r crnt prr annum, pr incipal ti:>rest (t\J e on said note on April lt>nKing ta.lk on "Chi)d E vanre-court a.nd wu wntenced to J>tlY a and intf'r~t duf' and payable In in-1!'>, 19~0. has not bf-en paid: and lt.sm" \lo'&.S prE'Mnted by MIN lrent" 11 7~ flne o r a.pend, JO d1)1s In the stallnlf'nt~ of $35c 00 <1r more on \\'HER.EAS, C"C'ilf'.., A . Conovrr, Huntt't of the Fulle-r FoundaUon . cit}' jalL RJley WU p l<'k ed up r,y lht> fift(·enth day of ench and evt•ry Rita Jt·nnlngs and Jf'rakLL. Big· Augmtnting th <' oulatandlng poUce at 1 .30 p. 81 · Sund&y y,·h~e­ 'lhonth, tx-K:nn1n1;: on the 15th day gins, own!'rs and holdf'rsl or .said program, t.flas: Helen Keatlna aan.-drlvtnc on Oiie Cout Hlghw Y ,or January. 19!)() &nd continuinli[ note, h eretofoN< deWlanded that '"It la Well With My Soul." DaJnty near Bay Shore.a. until salt.I princ!Pal and interrst Mid Trus te• 5ell s•ld property, ~t're•hmrnl.Jt wtte served at thl!' ==============. havl.' be<'n paid: a.nd R.tld O!l 0<-tobE'r 13. 1950 duly rt"-afternoon'11 finale. \VHF.REAS, d~·fault htts occu r-rord•"'Cf in the office.ftf the County Thf' Mluionary Society v.•111 rct'I in thal thr 1n11tallmcnt of Rt>co1dt-r or ~aill r ounty. in Bo..,\< gather ror a.n all da y meet ing at $35.00_, be1n~ th" prlnt·ipal ant.I in· 208i. pa gr :l20 of OfrtC':•I Re-<'ords the church on Th ur~lay. F@b 1 t~n>st dut" on .<:aid nht» qn Arri! tt •• 1•'0f. a nolit•e o( Mid default A pc.l luck lun<.'hf'on v.·i!I be tt""'"1 15. 1950, ha.'I nut bt"1'!1 pa'd ; and and of thP!r ('.f'clion lo cause Mid at noon. HMt(>:\S(!S \VI II be Mni \\'HEREA,$. Dona rJ JI ConO\"•'! property t o be-~old and more tha!'I RPbecca McGuire and Ji'l:'r.s. N elllt' and Crc1 l" A <~nno\'er, n\\'nf''rS :incl thret' months hav1· now r-lapM>d McAdan11'. hold.~r.s of Ra:d 11•)tr·, her\·tofor1 <1 1111:-p thr' rr>cordation of said no· ----·--- Ho,n: FROll SAN JOSE l tr and ~f r~. Clt"o li"llller of 528 ''' · 19th St . Costa M e&&. have returned from a week 's atay at San J ose where they had an e n- joyable vl111t w ith their aon·in·law, and daughter, Mr. and Mn. Don- BEACON IJOll Costa -~ llattreM 0.. 1160 Newport BML PAINTING CONTRACl'OR EvenJq Beocon 81.!0.W 1l•·n1andt'tl that .-ad Trut'lt't· :s.·JI tiee. Tht> sum o~ $2,.08.4-t princl· ea1<J prc.rr-rtv, ac.d nn O<·tobf.'r 13 ;.ial. tug1•thcr ""ith interest thereon 19:-.0 tluly r~ord t•d 1n thf' offl\'e ni fron1 Marc:ll 15. 19~. is now dUl", thl"' County Ret:ord•·r of ~a lei Cwun· 1 n\\'in~ and unpaid, anti therf' i!I ty, in Book 2087 pa~" 319 of Of· also secured by said [)(>ed or Trust fu;ial ReC"onls th( r"o f. a noiice of 1 the Tru . .st('e's fee and ("XpeMe.s of r~id dt"fault anll o! tb("ir election• 1 sa_le est1matt>d at ~17~.00. t agt"thl!'r to C'RUSC' said i:rtipt>rty tn tx.-i !'Old. \\'!lh any sun1s paid anJ advanced • ~nd n1or•• than thri'" ninnlhs hav,, by the ov.·ner of said note in ac· •ld Otto 'l\.larynellp Fu:_::.l~l•:r~I~. __ !_'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ r:ow e\ap!'l('d !'lll('t' th,. r('«Ordtitin:i ('nrdnnct• v..·1th the provision.!! or ~---~.......,~~ tJt said noli•''' The sun1 1,f said O"•'li or Tn1st, with lnterC'st ,: $1917 72 pr1r.e1pn1 t"n'·the-r ""ith on said la.st m.:-ntiont'<I suma intt•rf'":.t tht"r'""in lron\ ~farch 1~ :-;Q\\", Tl-IEREF'ORE, :S-OTICF. 19~. i!it nt)\\' dUt'. O\\"ing and u"n· IS H F.REBY GIVEX that lhf' S&HJ pnitl. and thl'rf' Is alsn tiPcuri•d hv Bay E.si:ro\\· Co., Inc., a Californ1fl sRid o.-.,,.i of Tru;it thl"' Tru!'!lf"t-'i:: corporat1on, by v1rlu<' or the au- (~ and C'"XJ>f"n5e!! or flalc r!Umaled tbonty ve.!lote<:I in It u Trul\!'e a t 1 $Jf[,.O<M"·ioi::-~'th!r, "1th a~-un~r J~ Deed el Trust. w lllt•ll sun1s' pnkf an1\ adva~ Ct'tl by tht• at j,ubllc auotton to-the-blgh e8l ownt•r of 1qtjd nuti' in Ht'C'Ord 3nr!' bidder for eash , lawful money of j w ith th!' prnvtsio~:-1 0f se.id D\•t•d lhP t;nlt«I States of An1erlca, on nf' 'l'ru~t. ~·it?'! in:c-r ·~t ,,.1 ~aid last Ft br11a.ry 5. 19~1. e.t thf' hour of raent1"nt'(i .eu1'1,.: f>h•ven o'clO<'k a. in o( said day. at NO't'.' l"Hf:r.cFon:-::. .'=OTrr1: lh<' Snuth F'ro:tt Door or the Or- JS HJ.:RF.RY GI\"E:"\ tl':at thf' :>J, a.n~e Coun ty Court House 1n lbP Bay F:..;~"lO\V rr.., l!'ll". :l C"al lforn1n City or Santa Ana , c·a ifornia all corpornl1on, b\'". v rtU(" of thr au· '1f thr ~ntf'rrst cnnvc-ytoJ to ll by I th ., d · • T ~aid [)e('d of Truat in and to all • 011 y \"C..'llr In 1~ 3 S rUSl•'t' .. under 11.aid f>f..t'<i or Tru"t. w1.I !!It'll that rf'rtaln propt-rty s\tua.tcd ln al publlr nut·tion to thf' h i~h£>st lhe C1ty nl.. :-;<'"'?Crt Ikach, Or- bldoJt.•r for c.:i.qh. J.1\•;~ul non.-.y 0~ angf' County, Cal!ff'.lrnia. ~crib­ thc Unitt.•d Sta·es nf ~\n1t"r \c8. on t>d as follo\vM : F f'br unry ;-,_ J!?f.l, at the tour n{ Lot. 17, Block 160. River el<'Yf'n n\·l1)(""k a . n~. 1,f ~aid clay Sect:on, N"l!wport Ben.eh., Q at the S11uth t-•1on'. lhlOr ur th. shown on a 1\fap th<>reof ~ 0t'1Ulg>' ('f)unty cnurt t{o\ISP ln tht• eord"d in Book •. pa.ge 25. City of Santa Ana, C..!al ~fornin. 1n ll Mi.!!t.•ella.nf'OJJ1' ltfaps. record.II or the h1tf't,·st C""on\'C':'-!'d to it by o! the said Orangt" County. said r>e!'d of Trust 1n and to all o r 11'0 n1uch of said property at ttu1.t c,•rtain N'B I prop..•rt:-.· $itunt.NJ shall be n .. essary to be sold .to ln thl'" C1ry of :'.\"ev.·pnrt Beach. provi.de a aum sufficient to pay County of Orange. Sl:lt<' of• Cali· the total amount !!le«U red by said tornja, dP~<""r1bt•d u fnlJoy,·s: Deed· ot Trust. ' Lot 16. Elo~:k 160, R ivi•r Dated ~anuary 16, 195 1. 8«-lion, :-.;C"\\'"})C.lrt 8 (.>aeh, o..s BAY ESCRO\V CO., INC. eho\\'?l on a ~llp th.,.reof re---a Ca llfornia corporation cord('(! an Book t. page 2:fl. By DEAN C. BRADFORD M ilK:c'.lnn,..c.us ~fnp11. rPCOrtls By ED JORDAN ot th<.-0.uid Orang€' County. No. 622-Pl-<'se. or ao n1uch of .said property u Pabllsb Jan. 18·25, F eb. 1. 1951. shall be ne«'MQry to ~ sold to pf'O\Tlde a. !<Um surr1c.'ff'nt to pay the total amount .!fe:CUred by saJd Deed ot Tm.I. Dated January 18. 19Sl. IlAY CSCROW CO .. INC. a catlfomia &n-Porat!on By DEAN C. BIVl.l>FORD By El> JORDAN No. '23-Ptda. . Publish Jan. 13-~. F eb . 1. 1951. l'l<11'10J: OF BALE OF aJ:.u: PROPER IV 1!1'. 'l'RU B~ llN1>.t:a DJ:&il 01' TR ST ft'l'IEREAS . .ALAN n. J!)CHOi.s and JlC88IJ!: a ~oi.s, -... wlf•. and MtJ.l:J:R ,._ wn.. • • SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY • SPECIRC1'.TION READY MIXED CONCRETE '"'._• cbenr...,. """"'°" -111 •larlMt,. mvd.) Co.t• ~Ml BMco• 5346 ' FOR • MIU WORK, SASH & DobR'S SEE I SEE _TJ1~ •• ' • 10°/o DISCOUNT on an,' pun'haw of PAINT \\"Ith lbl" Coupon t~mm l n.n. !3 to F'f'b. !5. 1951 10°/o DISCOUNT on any pUrchUIM" of PLYWo'OD \V'tb t.hb Cftapon J.'rom Jan. 25 to "'°'h. !5. 1931 10°/o DISCOUNT on an.r Pt•tth!UW' of I Windows & DoOt's \\'Ith thi .. Coupon From Jtt.n , t5 to F'f'"b. t5. 1961 1 10°/o DISCOUNT on an)' purt'haM' of ROOFING \.\rfth thJa Coupon ~ l an. 25 t.u •·~. 25. 19.'\I ort.;N Au ... DA,. SA.TlJRDAY 8Y..-da7• -9 &o I P. -. 1-tO F.:. 11th Str1~t (~OST A ~IF.SA SJ;\\"l~~T J.t ·~I BER \"ARD PhunP &ucon 5631 • -· • • RIS"KS MMONIA ldental ink of ammonia Mn. M.a le To~le, 60 •. of U?"f, NeWJ>Ort BeU'h un- C"OrUIC. at her ' hon1e .at 11 :2~ p. m. day. Newport police a.um- moned , he fire department a.nd a doctor. o her house. Tbe doctor saic'! t :P.trs. Towle ""'Ould b4! all right et sufflcimt rest. /)rive this gas mileage Champion! ' 1951· STUDEBAKER • Top value of the top 4 - lowest price cars! • A new longer wheelbase! • Dramatic new styling! • "Miracle ride" comfort! • Seldom needs repairs! r OPEN EVENINGS AND SV!\-UA r s Br Al'I'OINT~U~NT JOE NICKERTZ. Local Dealer 3415 W . Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theatre Har. 510 . . Nwpt-Beach . el(f//les eve!}' time " ". ~y AUTO~~rrc GA~ C~ES ORypt;:;,. 1 t .. 4"4 .... for perfect dryi. ,Wer sorJ and 1luffy.~a4y to (old and Pu: ~w•y. ' e-.•erylwas.hday. Now I have it Whenever I I no looger sprinlcle doches for irOning.· •• ch~ to wash. My autom1tic gas clothes merely 'SC1 the conti'ol on my d.eyer co de-- dryer'is 50 .,.illing, 50 dependable. It dries liver them in per(ea ironing condition. " ' my cl?'hes an • m~tter or minures. and all a.sicles lteiftl foster. gu doches drying ls I.do is toss them •O. Rt the_ controL ~hei; econo~ica;I, too. The insc:alled price of au- rakq chem out. Could anything be euier · 1oma1ic,gas cloth'es dryers is lower than th&t My' ....... ttc ••• cfetftes 4'l'•r is so gentle. of otht.r automatic types. The operating It d()f:SQ ·, fray hems. It dimioares JU.n·rad-cost is also lo~r with gas ••• 0011 Zt to 3f i.na. ~fy balh towels come mat wonderfully per dry.u-full. If you 91!'C: yOQ.r dca.ltt or Gu c.ompany now, you an lear6. how ro win 8.n 1utOm11ic gu clot.bes drfet in an easy .. ' ' t ' C00"5L, - I ·! I ' ' Auto.otk GOl Clo,.._ 0.,. illtnh"-.4 I& llNDIX1 "oet. '*°""'• t.ok• 1~ ""'..... •"' Wlakf,.... ' \ ·~ -' ., • ; • 80N -Gl!XlRGlA v. WJI.SON, ..... I ad and wlfo, by Deed Df Trwl ...... Dec•~ we.,,.. -December 21. 1Ht iD Boo1< JNa. -= of Oflldal -of OliMl&"I c0omty, QIU-dill wear ·••• &r••n •n .. ··~-... ~-..... -'"'!''Ii> ll>e ~ • • • 'f f I • I . •• • • • • • ) ' • I lgh School Adult Evening las~~s Begin" 2nd Semester ' AU cw.a In lhe cwpi>rt Harbhr EwnlftC llcbool &ce a<hedulod 1 bl:,rtn.-the-aecond semMtu mretinp n~l wee:k. Sewntftll d.Uter-- p!:nl groups wUl be Starting !he ~cond half of the y.rs work and now ls UJe tlme for new and ~« stude.dta to·~ u,p. e · ... eommcrc1a.J cla8_9es. including tborthand,. typins and,~booklteep-g will · m~t on l'o.fonday anrd<l,_ _________ .c_ __ _ ~edftesday evenings under the ' Friday ..t..nernoon Club from t ·OO ~reel.ion of Mr. Thomas. Begin· to 4 :00 p. m. Mr. ~n&ld ·ta: ne-;-or ~dvance<I students are ln charge ot t.b& hJghl,y popular we.:.come . to attend.. new term next Wednnc2&y at the Sewing cf.as.<Je!t are meeting with clus a.hd he mvftea all ladia wtLo iMra. :James Miller on Thursday would like bertnnlng ln•t.-ructJoli venin';'IL All type!I of se·Ning, in this art wQrk t9 be at the epa..irlng an~I remodeling are done this att.emoon cl&&&. A.dva.nced n these cla.s&e§. • work In ceramics wiU continue ln 1..amp ahade C"Onstruction is be-the morning session on Wecmea.. taught dn. Tuesday "e'\"enings days. • room 1:?3 br ~!rs. V10Ja Boa.ff ,Rugmakinl ts progreulng under' e,t Long . Beach.. fJ('r motto Is the direction ot Mrs. Blakely. 1''anyone who can hold a needle The classes are held 'n\ur9Cl&y ran 'ma.l"te a lan1p ehadc." it's U~e artemoon th room 133 hom 1:30 :now to y,et ready th,at sprtng to 4 :30 •t the l)lrb acfioot There Erating a.nd new lamps are an ls still room tor additional mem· port.ant part of every h-Ome. ·A bers ·in this fa.sctnatlng actlvtty. ntl 8ectt0n i.s a.loo hekl at the Ph 'cal Education ola.uet!I are fFliday A rte moon Club, in Costa held y~edpesday and Thureday fe?. from 1 ·00 lo -I '.00 P: n1. on nights. On Wednelday evening iesda.y arternoo~. coed badminton ta lalJlht Wd Wood..ilhop Is ~1ng stropg-under played. and a Bu:rineBS Meir's 1the able St1pe!'Vlsion of J ohn Mc· volleyball group plays on Thuni- P<>w,. elnh ... All td>l""b• .1~.~ y,·~wo.rk, day evening. Swimming wtll be ~ an~ ing an u1 .... 1ng as gotng taught in the near future. Those rm on . Monday a n d Thursday l''hO need a little exercise or rec· nigl1ts an the Y."OOds.hqp. . · d I Cl. s · · h di. rcat1on should plan to atten 1nton aw1n is an ing a . 18.tge anrJ enU1uMi::t.>1lic group ot t hese meetin gs. forch«-Rtra mu~itian!:I on Tucsctav All classes are free. and are """O'PelL ng fron1 7·00 to 10:00, in th~ held at the local high school un- hand room. All Counly taltnt is less otherwiM' s tated. Regill'tratlon may be made when you first at· tend. Further tnforrn&tion may be had by calling the h ig-h .chooJ 1tnv11riJ -to :itten<I. C1·r.:tmif'~1 C'lt1sB The Ceramics clas!i l)egin!i a otrlce. • Travel Talk by Past Ptesident 1 ,for Friday Afterno on Club One or thl' mo.st f'nte-rtaining .. -------------- prof{ram~ • lh\.•y have been privil- "'l:'t"'tJ t o enjvy. •.•:as }!hared by mem· '1ers of lh1· Costa M r~a Friday ~n(•rn,)(1n C'l lJb at the rf',ular tnonlhly m1·eti'hg. J on t9, ~thf'n Heart Attack Fatal to Mesan they \V•~re tran.spor;.eO in fancy tu H eart trouble was the cause of Europ••an lanl.1s "by lhf' guc~t death o f k e nry N .. St. Clair. 72 , Spt"n.k• r. .M rs.. L. R . Daughen· 1 o r Riverside, who passed a.way in ~ui.;h of LynV.•OOll. rorn\{'r Costa his Costa Mesa cottage SatOrday, ?•ft>~ rt·~i1ll-'nt anti ttrC'sident of th(' the coroner·s office reported Tues· ch.lb cl11r1nK 19:13-3•. day. Introt.JurNI by l\1 rs. Kenneth An examination waa made Mon· Stt"wart . pro1fra..il1 chairman. Mrs . day t o dete rmine 1r the elderly Daux:h,•nbaugh . who spent three man had died or asphyxiation or months last .summer in Europe, rrom natural caUse!5 .. When he was gave an-1nfo rmat1vP. fascil1ating found in his plaa at 321 20th St., a.ccount of hl"r cxperie nct"s. \Vith cOst.a Mesa. gaa stove. were burn. a. party~ of seven ~he left Newltp.g: the coroner's office mdde an York by plane, arriving Jn France inveaUgaUon to ma.k.e lltlN rumes ~5 hours later. b~ ·not caused ht. death. 'The n1ajor capitals of the conU-The bOdy wu taken. to Orauel nenta l countrit"s \Vere visited with mortuary, Cqsta Meaa. Funera~ Ja\aa\a t.a1iiien \o '@lt.~ -~ W«9 held In ~ Prut.an and lea -w.ll ~ 1>'.C.. mort\lary-tn 1llvuwtd~ 'Among the hlgti.!lghltl were an &U• Native of Kansas, u.r: Sl. Clair dicnc•• '>'-"ilh lhl! Pope Jn Rome and was a retired grocerVman. attt>n•ling tht" l'a$tliOn Play at He \s survived by his wife Nora; OlY'rarnn1ergau.. four children. EdgJtr, Ivan and ln('lu1ll·d on Mrji. Daug hen-Irene St. Cla.lr of Rivenide: nve ~au).:'h s 1t1n E-rary \\"Pre London, I grandchildren and one great Brtl!".stl:>. ~"l~1um ; P~r1s, Fran~e : grandchild: a brother . Wi11lam St. Z urich, Sw1~zerlnntl, .\I ad r Id, Ctair ot Costa Mesa ll.lld a sister, f;pain: T~1:<tbtrn, P ortug&I : Holland I ~1rs. Zephyr Pearce or San Ga· 8.nd Grrr.iany. Vi\•1d ant! co~1pr(Ao. 1 brlel. henstvc dt•s1·r1pt1ons of the travels - capt1 vatc-<l the club eu<lii=-nce. I . . . . ·r 11 {' •teresting commentary M1l1tary T ra1 n1n9 was made addittonall.Y t'Tl.tertain-Report Heard by lng by means of r1ne Jewelry, he..,,dwo rk a.'ld various other sou-Costa Mesa WSCS VPn1rs .. J Mr~. Dauxhrnbaut h·s talk fol· Col(rtpulsory military training lowed nn 1•qua'ly plta.sant lunch· "·as among other Items or inter· eon hour~ th1· tabh.•!l most attrac. est on the agenda when the cen· ttv<'ly appointed 'A'it h arrange· f!ra.1 mHting of the Women's So- mt'nL'i of 1 a.nirllias and fern, ciety ot Chri.&tlan Service of the I 'f'rlncipal bu.sine~. conducted Costa Mesa 'CommUAity Metbo. tuiJt'r th1• leade-rs.hlp of th(' prcsi-1 dist Church wa.s held Thunda.y. ~l'nl. lt1rs. Heinz Kaiser, y,·as the J•n. 18, at 1 p. m. in the church clcchunn maJ.o.• by n1embt·rs to join sanctuary .. Mn. Clare McMurtry, l ho Nati.1nal ~Pdvrat1on or \\lom-presWent. conducted ~ brief bual- rn·s l'lubs. l'l'rc~·<l•nf.: thP vot"· ness seuion .. ,.1 r!' Glfnr.111~ l~ullcr .·xplainP<l the l Mrs. Ruth Kidder reported on advantft).:'f'!'I uf afC1l ·atn1:.:-"·~th lite Pearl S . Buck's version of com- .Nnt1unal lo'••d 1 T ~lhill plll90ry military training. a topic . ___ now or national Importance .. Boston Educator Addresses Parents at Monday Forum ··r ,·rsonnlity •~ ..... '(""'nntagi(lllS.'" al,; Dr. ltf ··rle V .. Thbt·r, spea.kinK f}.ton1lay n 1~ht at lhe f•aren"-'· For- un1 on J"('r~un:ill ty a<IJtlStl}tent lboth for th~· adolt•Sc-tnt en:) the parent. Th·· aJui1·n,.t· enj~·t'd her ·dynnn1it• pt•r,i.·onnh t~ And persuas· \fvc VOK!" t\'hit·h t nr1 led th,.n1 along I Wl\h her. ' It 1s ll<'l'CSs.1ry io hav1· t>QUnl -portlt•rui ur work, p'&)', Jove.• and Prol(l'am theme was "Our Re- sponsibility Toward the Giver of All Gifts." Mn. Florence Hant· aon gave the devotions on '-rbe Fourth W ise Man," by Van Dyke. Mrs. Mon.na Fi8her introduced membe~ ot .. the OirlJs SextAt.e f'ron1 Newport Harbor' Union High School. who sang three ael<eclions. At the close o f-the alt•moon. tea. rookid. nuts and coffee were served b)· c1i-c1e El(ht. U. C. Art Class at Laguna ~each worship t u mak~ ur 3 ~ iwrson· Wilh COtlnllea ottered \n 24 allty, sa>J J"lr Tnbo•r ThC'rt'fott', Southe;rn C&H!oiDia communiUPs, l.f'nchf"rs. r(!Ji)l!iuu!:I leaJ1•rs anll par. i.ncludtng LaJUAA Beac;>t. Unlver· enta ruu!ft, have a bond between sity .ot California Extension will Uu.·nUtel\~ nnd lhP nc lolt'~ent. launch a apring se.mestec of adult I Pan.'lll.S nrf" usually gmng tbru t!duC&tion cluse. .ched\lfed to I tbr c lin\altoric wh"n th~lr childrei1 Io-pen durlnl' the two we.ks H- are a. t the lt-cn ai.;e. Th~ir lite and J1--nn1.ng Fet>ruary 5. j boJy 13 t:ha_11ging JU.<;t as the life In Laguna Bea.cl'!: a c.tus to .'-r'be 1 and body u: ~h~tr tr:-n ~"'t'r. Pa,... Apprectaya«a .,.of A.rt" wUI OpHl I en~T t?2 .!'l'\'f.._ • c n1"--d 1·J1;trn v:m as Thuraday, Feb.ruuy I at 7-:GO p. m. well ~ 1::uc!1 t· .tr a. ·c e l.Al i.ntcl· ln room -12 of the , Laguna Bu.ch t ·-i~·:C':J t ~·-:nt!'.c.• the p··olJlCID!I ,High .-cltool, 820 Sbort .t.reet.. tbAt • ·i£-• 11 I 1 nt t tit: p~riod that l.aW80G P . Cooper. bMd Of UM taUJcn (."(;.._"I l'O ~ most for their Dtputment of Art &ad A..rcllilt!c-l doughli"ra. • , ture at Rtvendde Co.De&e.. ii th' ln- ACc!a:!::f':::t :i.rr tilled with hltl· atructor. don ea'rtadld. Tlwy ...,. now N~w IP?las claloa 'bullelino-llat.· ~ they .can Uve tltor-Jr own Uve" tu t.quna Bie.aQ,. and all oc.);U' ";!•• • ~t. ~ ... ntal a.14. Th1a la w~ $!\.at.Mm C&Ufotnta £2 ten aJ on lbry :s~J.! :.a.'*U."1! ha..ot1es tmdla flr-m clasles ah available. oza~requMt."\o llC<!ar.bo1 ~c ~t t!><Jr •. 11-Vnlvend!y or c.Jlforala -po r.oo ,.1~..., but ¥ NOT "'°"-Lot~ It,...,.__ F .. o:.n.1. lra.J¢ up· rour mlnd aad fo·r Ulrit COQI• -wtll bt a« ll"t*' at ol.cic tu t. l'.>ltt.:lp~ younoelf ·lf Ute taltlld ~ you -I» di,odp your clolld • &f joe"""'""1lf ·LI ._l.ag'.Olllt, 011' 'l'SX.U W .. .....,,,.,..,..i..i ~ nol<d '""lllodl;f, O. C. x.tlAoa ~ • -PL, a...n oa ~ at ........ um. 1 .....-ftlded a aw• ,,_.. Rjsaa lil ty. • --·-... -.. u.. ..... -Ill Amarillo, IAll>-~ ·..ia""' .... ·-.... a..t ...... --.,. -... to bo17. .......... • I • #' .. ' • , : .' • • ·Stiff Timei;to Take-PllotJng ,,...,,. la attl? llltt-to -bi the BajbO& 8q\uldlGll'O -Pliots tnc "°"""" whlcll will -for th• next ten Mood&y nlpta at .Ball>Oa l'adll Club at 7;ao. Fort)(.. men and women enrolled lul Monday nlfht and b • a rd ae-(<ly, el«:Ud Commander Hay 1-nbeim and 1'otrtct Com- mander Harry .uiit.on dlfCrli. Ute United States Power ~ua.d· ron as an Ol"IJ'anlsaUOn and out· line ill history and Pollciea. C:Urt1• Doth who la ln charge ~ot the c o U r 1 e outlined lh.e Pllotlni' counte aZK1 ducrtbed the ~ ton .. -.. eopeclaUy well quall- • tlecl to ,etn tile wb-..,..Ad '• '! ·I i , I • • :A ~E s ;..;, . T rr ~ . IU!t D-4: ·uA ,,., I ~,. ; ·,t'i;r·¥:'"$a1s$· ~:a . 4th Disfnct .Pare, · 1 Teache~.As5n~ Presents five .Lit~, embersf1 s ' • 117 Kr&. Porta Sl•C'w,. ~ • PrNentatk>n or Uf~ membJ .. ctiatmlan lntrodu~ them and •hfpl to llra. B. 0. Boyte.y •f asked e•ch to u.y aomething Newport Beach· and other ~Y •~bout her term in office. "l'!leae •omen. a epecial ~"' •·$ w~re Mrs. R. W. ltt'DVin (1982.-34), o-....-, ana a fUm. ·p,..f :Mra. •W. A . Gt'ittlt1" (194S-45), to a Utt," we~ the ma.ln. .even ~ Mrs. ~rthur E·. Siphird (1945-48), of lntt'ftat at the January.meethjg and Mre. E(h,.,._r<J '.1f lWga.n (194&- of Fourth Dtatnct. C&lffornta ~-50). J'reM 'Of PareDt.1 and TeaS. . I Candle Cet'Nnony · • beld tn the auditorium of th~ 8 -· ln. lbe COU.f'M. He _po\n~ Ou~ oitnda H.lgh achool, ThuriJda 't'bc observance of Founders that many experteaced aldppere January lath. Mra. Claude 9'. Day w.aa a .c.harmirig candle ~ere-· had pr:ai9ed. the courae and found C'rolby presided and Mrs. Ray F'tp· mony and the re.adJhg of the hit-- pi.t ~there-wu much .. to le&m ley, third vice-president waa pro-tol'y ot the beginn!ngu of P .-T . A. ~ it. 1 nam chairman from ~'\\'hcre Children Come First." . . e . , . MAJUTIME MIDSHJPMEN-Joba L GaUaci..r, Jr. I 1811 -I-Blvd., Bal-; J-R. Cralc. ol 1008 N. Ba7 Fl-ont: Bal-bl""'1. and Rob<ri D. BAUey, ......it Mldshl ........ ai ibe <Jall. forala 1'1ar1llme Academy, s how interrst In thP SI• bl-ktpure. a ck>t M,,·eloped by t-be N•"Y' fpr · rue:uttrinl' t he 'WitabUICy of Mhlpa ond«-r dlff~t loadln,c condlUC'l!A., ~ demOnstrated by LT.JG a.· C. Portt_..r, SC'. t rsN, aa lutn.ic-tor a.t lhf' a.I.land Na\'&l Supply Cf'nt-T• Carp Ra:ad1lnl' ~ .me"' Next Monday nlC"ht'B cl&M will s-~ _ · . by Mrs. Ray Finley ~ be ln.structed by Lee Jona, who The m eetinl' opened with the The film "Prefa~r to a Ule" w1U give the leuon on Satety at PJedge of Allegtan~. led by MTS. rod ced b th N U I De • ~a. A demon1tratton ot the ex· Pat Mon. . Mr. Frank Hopkins. pt Edu tly e 8 ohna pt. the l\tkl!lh.IP"'@n are eu.n.>ntly a~ln& a ooe "·eirlt's r"UarR of l.rlltrnctlon. . 28 New Members, .'51 Off~rs Harbor Maritime Installed by Power Squadron MidshipmenStudy At a mcmbe.nhip mt>eling Thursday night at Balboa Yacht Club. t o kl d B more than one htlfldl't"d Balboa P ov.·er Squ&clron members and gue!ts1 he-ard Di~trlct Commander Harry A11hton announce the' t•ha.rt("ring of a a an ase p. n..w Squadron ln San F'tMclsco u of Janu•ry 12. A11hton furlber e..nnounet'd that4-----~..-----'~----­ the total number or Squadrons In I rollm<:nl ln the Squadron's history, the UnltOO St&tes now ls 120, th&t the> \&rJCC5t number of m~rit markM the S&n F'ranciHco SquaJron. tht· to mE.1r·nl:Je.ra .. 33: a succt-!!'lru1 ren- n~wcst In the C"Ounlry. will be a J C'l:VOU.S at Cata.Jin& I!illand 8.flil -a part of the 'rhlr~~nth District, fine barl)('cut· a.shore which with. and that h~ and, local Commander the four l!lnnt'r met'\lngs or the Hay Langenhejm will go to, San year added up the Squadron's ac- Dtego F ebruary l,.,.to meet with a tivitlt:'S. group the re who ho))1 to rt>acU-('f,i lia.n Drd'ell.IM" vate the San Diego Squadron, Hambrook also pointed out lhf> whic h was di!llbaJl.dC't.I during the imporla.nt p1ace whk·h thf' Squad· la~e:a.r.offlcrrs lnstallt>d wt r e roh ls taking in· Civi1jan DefPnse. prolrJ"aMs and, at military request. Con1ma.nder Harold Hultz. Seer•· In the for mation of Instructor. and l&ry Georg<' L. AndreW1i and offi~r groups In lhe ?1arbor craft Tl'e&:iurer Alvin Spenc•r. units throughout the country and New members sworn in wert: ln al'my boat transportation units. Stanley Barden, J ohn T. Boyd, RPtlrlng C'.ommander Ed. Sim .. _John F. Burke. Lincoln C lark. oni.M of Long Beac h Squa.dron told Lincoln Clark, Jr., Ken Crumley, of his in~mmer cnJl8" &lone the Ray Do.naJd, David Fraser, K•l"l-beth Graham, Cliff Hall .Don&Jd Cana.dla.n Coaa:t and gave .ame ln ... Huddle.Stan. Arthlir I...uson. Wil· formative pointers on eoa.atw111e piloting prodleme. ' llam Lyons, Joeeph Moffett. Har-A claaa ln En.ginr M•inten&llce old_ Noble, How~ P•ge. illtner ia now under way on Monday Poirier. Fred Pope, Fred Pope, J r .. n!sfhta at Lido Isk> Club. The C. E. Relnborg. John H . Ru.saell; \Vea.lh~r CotJ.tse contluded w llh 81' I?avW Shaver, •tauricr Sopp, l'..u-eX&Jtlinai:loil last .Monday nigh~ 1.-Sparks. Geqrge Thurman. and a llean¥tno&lp ..,..,.,,. i. beln• Loola Tlmmermu, Ol~n Whit~. @nroJ~' now, to l>egf.n tn M&fthl kadt and Cbar\e9~Wl1btJna.n., Advance<J PUot1it.a: wUl ODGc!Ude tq • U OMtlfl<a{.,. M.,..h and lie &'fV•n apln n~ fall. Jul"l'°1" Navigator eoune, c.irttf\catee o r Qualifl<."'9.lion oontinu:nl'. m~n-1 on TUeada were givep to the f(lllowlng wom-nights a t N'e-wport Club. Thts~ en: Mra. John Boyd. Alrs .. J . F'. a nnou.ncements were made b Burke, Mrs. Loutsa Caldart>a .. Mt'8. 1\Y'1ne midshipme.n f're,-i. the c..1! l!omi& Maritime academy, includ- ing J ames H . Craig . .1009 N. Bay Front, Balboa Island, and J ohn L . Gallt.gher, J r., 1813 East Ba.1- boa 'Blvd.. Balboa, are curreaUy taking a one week's coµrse!of In· t!truc tlon at thl" Oakland Naval Supply Center's Carro Handling school, It wu announced today by Admiral Murrey L.. Royar. SC, USN', commandfug officer. C!US<"s In ~lemcnt..s of stabUity: traffic runclions; terminal opera- t ion.,: cargo planning : safety; m&· lerlal" h a n d I I n g: s tevf'doring: packing and preservRtion and au Lht" olhel' facets of cargo handling make up the cla...ss room curricu· lum. This course dCmon.strates thr outat.anding collaboration ~tween the N•vy and the Maritime Ser· v tc.. Carco Handling sctiool Wt.rue· tors are 9ed In both claa room and pra.ctlcal demonstn.Uona. Tbe latter are accompl~hed ln the • • storehouses, tran•it s hed• and wa-. le(front areu of 1.he Jlu.ge Navy lnl'ltaJI•tlon ~ main-IOiistf~ baa on \ht Fractlif!: coasL - .~-----"7-• R;t~. J. H. Thompson Adcfresses Club at Culver City Ray Donald, ~tiS. HarriMt Fag· •n. chaJrman of a\:lv&nced grades; Jam~s Stoddard. Rrv: and Mr8 .. .Jos,.ph H .. Thomp- Mn . Kenneth Grat.m.. ~trs. T l?d son or C'osta Meaa "'ent t o Culv~r Ha.mbrook, Mi..<ts Doll!(' Higgins,,. 5 I $600 B I City laat week where the local M .. ! Win. Lyon.. M;ss La Vlna tea race et palltor apokr at th• M en 's club Pangborn , ~trH . Atvin Spenc~r lllld From Lido Ho.-.. banquet held tn t he Maynard M:e- l-l rs. Llncotn Clark.. l!f•-mortal Metbodlst church. Mrs. Retiring ConimanJer Ted Ham· A gold bracelet vaJued at $600 Thom~ wa.s ~terla.inM u brook iruttalled the new officers. wu stoll!n from her home 90f11e-house guest of Dr .. a.nd Mn. Roy and reported Qn the put year'1 time nf'ar Christ.mu. Bethel Rt. Smith of Weetwood. progress, notil"lg•U.at the member-Mane" J23 Via Zurich, Lido Isle, \Vhfle away the TbompeoM at· t!lh.lp iS now 163, '»lore than tripled notified Newport P,Ollce Satutda~ tend~ a rrception staged at , the In the last three i)'eani. atternoon. WestwOOd Community Me'tbodtst Ham brook was· gi'\'en a riJllng The bracelet was set with thrff church in commcmonUon of the round of applause for his fine job quarter~arat dian1D11da surround· golden wedding a.nnt''""raary ot· Dr. u comma.ndt>r ant.I much favorable ing a Jargr sapphire. with about and :P.tr11 . A. Ray Moore.. Mn. comment was forthcoming rrom 20 small rose diaf'f'Onda in a .eep-Maude Davia of Center SL, Coat.a members for his admmietratlon of arate 9('ltlng, Mrs. Mang told ~ Mesa, long Ume friend of the- a year marked by the largetil num-lice. An investigation or the theft Moore&. allk> attended the fiftieth be~~! C:1a.ue~ ~ttb th,e ~~ge:~ ~· ~ bto~~t__.cf.fru:.~~.li'f. ~u~ .. ~...:r:·~ ·. ~-~-· 1 ~ . -·~ • • · •• OUnd HI o uca on. was s own and plosive qualities of _ _..line fumes P"V!Clpal of , .. nc Brea· a gh _ .. t be 't th -vok •-h I d I · 'h prov~ o qui e oub ... .t·pro • ln a boat wtU t. 1n&de. ec oo , ma e a we con111tg .speec • i It ed Ith ' art.er which lhe Rev. Ned Romlue, ng. open w a ~t ot a Caa Earoll"Moada)' of Brea Christian church, gave1the small baby in the nursery of a hos· Chairman Dosh announced that Invocation. -p~W. Aner an Introduction to hin1, h&.! parent.a. home, commu. nlty and neighbors. it showed two different versions of hJs bOyhood as it might be influencPd by them. men. and women '¥.ho wiab to lake advantage of this free course may still e nroll by attendlnc the clus next Monday ~i,-hL Mrs. llabel Andrews O\IUined the wock and juriadiction of the Cout Guard and the du ti or Muter. pointing out that their work wu almost entirely ~ ln the: direction ot .aiding· boat Owner& and urged that all make them· selves familiar with the marl ne laws and recuJatton.s and ooope:r- atf! \l.1U'I the e~forclng acencies .. She outlined the basic martt:me law and showed how all of it exists for the mariner.s' rh.utut1I protection. stressing a.la o t h a t every skipper of . every boat hu deflnite I e ca J 'rffpOnaibilitfea whieh be 1liouJd know. etcalf Leads lnslee Series Sallin g a Lehman dinghy named Wlenlf' Bake, Darby Me tcaJf. a ce Ba.ad Propam Music by the Brea·Olinda .H igh •chool band under the direction or Robert Pric hard, J>Teceded Uw buaineu meeting. SeJcction11 play· M were: ""The Booster March ," 'Tzena, Tz.ena, Tz:ena.." "Evening Stroll." "Prelude in E Mlnor." and "Spanish Dance." A trio sang "M y Heart Stood Still," and the bal"l d closed \Vnh two more marches, .. The American Patrol," and .. The Billboard March ." Mrs. M. D. Sorensen. juvrn ile protection chairman, reported on a recent Visit, to Juvenile R all In Santa .Ana. Sfie invited all P :-T . A. members to see it, feeling· that aome concerte<! ,action should be taken to repalr it.• Other· items of business brought before the gTOUp were: a reminder ot the coming convf':ntion in San Diego, an urging of members to help with civil defense, mention or pending legislation on which the P .·T. A .. Is taking a stand. OommJttf"le Chalrmen F ollowing luncheon, was a short program by the Bl"e.&·Olinda Glee clubs who s~ "Skip t o Afy Loo," "Deep R ivC'r," "Lost Chord," and "Good r-; e~t" ' The meril))(.rshlp C'hairman, Mrs.. Charlea F' .. Davis. gnvc 25 awa.rds for ~ters F.l.lbruittetl in the el~ mentary sohools conipetitlon and announeed' that the -membership in the 4th DU;trict now s tands at 23.<;.s. A tt('nrling tht> m€K't Ing rrom the Newport Bt•ach Elem r n tar-y Schools P .-T . A .. "'ere the Mes· dames P .. F' .. Baines. L .. J. Csenar, Norman Hage!'l, A. K. Harvey, H. P . :Yame11, E . L. :t.runscy, \V. c. AfcCarthy, &nd Porte r Sinclair. The Nev.·port Harbor Hig h school P .-T. A. y,·as rc·prt!'scnt('(J b;y the At~idan1es Edkar Hill, H .. G. Rog· ers. H enry Egg<•rt . l'encc and H. 0. Boy-.'ey. small·boat uUor or the Balboa Mrs. Ray Finley, director of or· ¥acht club. \\•as in -fropt alter ganttaUon, introduced the cha ii-- three of six races for the In.alee meft of her committees, each of Trophy, u.lled on . Newport Bay which said a ff!W words about her f:IAROLD I. JOHNSON ~ Propellrr RCpa.ln Columbian -!-l'eDCY Sunday. \work. Tbey were: Mrs: Lyall Sut-Phone Harbor 120 Wienie Bake made the mo.t of ton, emblems and publlcatioo.si' .1811 \'llla. w~. Newport Bea.cit. ratr breezes to wln two starU Mrs. A . T . Crosswhite, ·1nagtzinesl ~=::;;:============ a.nd one aecond place, J\&Cf!d by a.nd Mra. A. B .. Purdy. program~ l TigTeQ and Vtcloua, amons ei&ht lilt_.erspe:reed through the te· ~f / • starters. mainder of the progya.i:n were it.he; '1J Second in Tipeae ..,.. Bill pri!seritaUona Ot llfe.metnberahlps. Ftcker o6 Balboa Yacht club and Among tbp&e 90 hono~ wu M~ O O'l"ak'IANJ UoJzd In Vtclouo WM ll'nld Schenck H. 0 • .lloyvey, ,. po.st P"81donl ·Oq i MOTOI! • : . ot Newport ~ Yael>~ club. the N'\!'!'Ort iBeacb Elem•l\."'n' SALES .,.d.SERVICE Duttnc. the ._ \'!"<!, y~ -·P .-T. A. and• recordibgi .I' I j • .. Har UOl,.J P,cker and Schenck ha.e -. okretµy of 4th Dlatrtct. M ... ~ ('>.iap""J•-8t7 O.:..t lb-~ 8)l&J"kplup of tbe Pactfic Cout Edgar Hill of Udo tale i:na.de ,the Coron• dftl &lar champion Unlvenlty ot ,c..lu9mla presentation. Other-a 'receiving ll!el -- ae.lllng te-.m. . memberahlps were Mrs. J . M. Afc- Concludlng th~ ~ of the Intyre Of 'Yorba Linda. Mn. Y/m..1 • l.nalce Trophy eer1ea will be held Clegg of Midway Cit}·, Mn. A. T. -- next SUllday. Crouwhit.e of Santa AQa, and Mrs. Angling Club ,to Hold Dinner Fri. The annual dlniler and trophy presentation of the &Ibo& A..ni· lfug club will be held at 7 p.m. Friday i.n the Balboa Bay club at Which time votea will be canvaaa· ed, neW directors seated and new otficera elected tor 19~1. Cand1dat&: belnc voted upon by members tor u.e board ot direc· tortj .~twit 'Ed i .A,~oJ.HarTy m-.m, c;,.,rge Coll ~ Ctl)\'! Dosh. ~\OS. Ko.ptoll, lA;t>natd >Kings· b&ker. R&!Jlll Lar?&bee. Angus l"otter, Pepito Petta, .. Paul M. Rogera, Frank 5*:wye-r and Hor· ace Wilhet'spoon. · <;>t the total. •4fVen will become dtrect.ora and w ll1 meet dur;inl' the evening to elect a president., cee· ond vice-·preildf,nt and t.reuurer from the dlrector p·otrp. Pruldent OeorJ'e Proae wtn «e-~own to fU1 the tint vlce.-prealdent poe.iUon for next ~a.r. ' 1 _ • Vernon ·Armstrong of Orange. Four or .the eighteen districts pa.st preaidenta were preeent.. Mrs. P. T . Mustard, F ounde rs Day ALUMINUM ' WALL TILE ·SAY ··dooDBYE .. TO CHIPPING PLASTER, PEELING PAINT AND MOLD. INSTALL GJ.EAMJNG LIFETIME ALUMINUM WALL TILE ALL A.ROUND YOUR TUB OR SHO\\'ER-'! (tO SQ. IT. OR LESS) FOR ONLY- $45 Complet9 on Ecisy F. H; A. Terms 107-DOWN -SO ~IONTHS Guaranteed against ch ipping., crack ing, discoloring or rust.. ' . Add Yalu , to. ;four Horqe · tir\f-~·:~· . ,. . . l' :~:POdL }J,~~'~p ~l· I \ . . . . '5 YI • nsn1uea . · • ~ ~ I I .For Free~ Can 11.aaio f12Sl·l or lka""'1 &MG-W COASTLINE fLOOR COVERING 17117 NEWPORT AVE. t 'OSTA !\CES1\ ·' $50.00 IN 'JiRADE For yotir old refrlgerator·, re*rdl~.~f ~ntlltion, o " a brnnd ,. new Df'luxe Fn"f"~r I ftN ROO .:: ,,cit iu e e I I · GRANT's.-..iFuilN•TURE Pre-Lenten -party, , ·r j~1'"5;";;111•;wpo~"';;e1;.c1.;· ~;;~!;;;. ;;;;' ;;;oo;;"T;A~MES~';A~ Sp~nsored by 1 i St. Joachim Cjub -PAN&llES & ·YIOWin 1'1/'la ... --... .00~35¢ TWenty-..e9'en trophlea will be awarded for the largest JD.4rlln, al· baco~. yellowt&ll, wt11u a.. bo.u and croaker c'.au&'ht on dltf.erent welgbta of j&c_kle. No bro&.dblll t.rOphlee.,wtU be-awarded M none Wen caught. Pl&M Jew a Pre-Lenun benefit 'i . A.~ ~~Oft-., 100 can1 patty to he Mid .. ve1>. 2 SNAPS, S10CKS and ALENDULAS doz. JOt wfU be <ktallod at ' meettq of J ~ the SL Soeddm M'.otl>er'a i:lub !<>-• • fl.ee ~~ Of HO • day rniu~1. 1__..i l>.Y u.. DUSIY Miii ER; c;• BU ~ BELLS . . -· clllb of --. with L-...... 5 . , ~ ~ "'oU.... l\!&i'IOll or-ond .,......... r··l. • • • ~ • ,. do<. 35; ~==·~ .:"li ~7· .. 5&1o~tt~1'--~ prlttL / -... pla.)'*I 'l!'ltll ~ I» be ·-Ibo ,,,_ of ucb HUl .S... No ...... llh>C. I rtJ9"nt C1"'1"4 ..,..,..7 ..... ~ .. ~ -oC tile -.i • ' ..-e. '°"" will ..... he ....... !'~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~: ~ ::--~· =.~ ..i:.'hi:: . -•.• , ... _... Fl,JRN1TURE AND • , ·s1 ...i .,, 14n. ~ • 'I . so .... Loa._ ..... -. I ACCES RIES -lllo 1•1d at l<dll"O• z'NIS ____ ..., ____ _ ...... _,... _ _ _ '.. J II !<I. -...... ~y T11e.,._1a_1e~as?• •¥..C.COAW ! ••1•a t llt1 dr~li" I 1 rllf ~iit~· :.•1 • 1.-I P z; ' 19 s•z 1 •~ -~ "" [I ....- .,.,, t .... lleWl• .. J::t,.. ...----......... .... -I I s! , • • • t r l ' • • I l I I I I I L , ~ I • • • . . . , .. . , ~ . J , • -t • PAGE 6 -PART 'I I -:-TPitlRSDAY'. ~AN. 25, JtSI I Mes~ fpursome • 'Uving I Weter' l(ennet~ Hou~ . ~·••n•· ~thrtd . ~!~.:'iJtE SS E 1 a~!:! ~:.g.a:-~ out. ~t ~~;f~:bb-=r ~::n:: ~~ ~~. ~;:~j:~~;6~ > Ins ot tu Vepa. Nov,, are two Tiie f'ltat Baptla urch at former ~1 M-•bo ~'°' aliurdl went l'b j Albambra Jut Health .~xpert Lutheran Men l ~~~~,;!~,.~.~ ~~S'p~ ·~ ~~==~-:::. .. .=. =tM~~~~=~ Elect Officers -~~.... -wllb the ......... Dop -. muntt¥ . .JbeJ ·have ,establlllled Rev.~ Mn. z. B. 'D>onipoon M d brlDfltnl tile m-I.led. "A ~ on ~ewport Blvd. ottelided lbr compleu ~ On . on ay The Men'• club of t~ Ntwport P V BJll'.l)(Dl PLAY 1 Well Of vlnc W•tcr·"' 9Cbool. othu worlte1'9 who allend- Harbor Lutheran church voted to Rep!a meeUng of the ~ridge At. the 7:0d 8'mda even tng ~"'P.88 OONFIN1t8 cd portl0b4 ·of the Bll"Rllnar were contribute blood u a grou1;1 the erect.km 0 the C.O.ta MU. -.kl.av worahlp the on will Amonl' ~ Me.an.a contl~ Mn. J oe Jan.ca. Mra. Wooil.row Ad I f next u me the Red C..... Blood· • • ' be '"llU<h l R &tt. JO.week to their 11om.+·lbl.I -1< with Ille liadky, Jira. Ralb Bamett, Mn. U t Orum mobile ia oc:heduled to appear in Altcm club will be bold "* 11<rvlcc of ra7er an.i le at'udy OU and loqnctUO . ... lfabol C. Ill. Nei.loft,-Mra. Elno OIUla, thJ.3 community. &-mard Eller-dl.y, Ja.n. 26 .. In the dubbouae. A wtU be M at 7:13 p WednH--Brockett,. d&u.,.t.er of the Andrew, .Mra. ~bon Sanborn and Ir!,.· For thl' fourth and last lecture mu. secretary. was Instructed to dC119«t I nCheon a.l 't2:SO p. m. day. DrocltcU• of 16th S L.: ?.f.ra. \V, L . Robert Chamberlain. , tO be ~vl'n on t he Pa rents' Forum.· make the ne~esaa.ry o.rr&ngCQumt.a. Will P e an altcmoon ot brldi;C ~I th of JI.arbor BlYd., And !Jira. • DI-. F1oyd R . E ast wooc\., wiU speak A . L. Gatterd&n1. ti.8 San Remo, and~~~~~.:_· _____ _jl_::_~Cl~~·~-~l~Cl~c$1~t• da~coot~~l~flUe, 1do much. Bett y Ruwll ot Broad St. W iae people doiread the ada. on "M aJTiat:e a n d ftecr cation Lido Isle, wu eJect('(I pruldent _ ,. (Play. Rccreat1on and Lel.surt"l," of the Men's club for the comlng ' Jan. :ro. a t 7 :30 in the Recreation year. Mr. Oatterd~ wu lnalru- Ha11 or Ch(' H ish lJChool. ment.al in starting the club I.a.At Frum t n2·t to 1917. Or. East-year. flo was in111lalled as pn>el- wood hf"lll the positions o f Dlrrc· dent at the ru ornlng worabJp R r· tor ofHcallh n.nd P rofessor or In· vice on Sunde.y, January :n at 11 dwilrlal Recreation, also A.M ietanl o'clock,. . ~. YOU ~~ .. DO .• , IER AT . D'*1DJgel ~Fu~~IT!JlE . co~ -- we Buy and_ ~ell Ne:I and Use ~~tuce 1812 Ne~ Blvd., Costa.Mesa Be. 5656 --Cla&dned Ilda are read by folks wh~ are looklng to bUy. ---- P rofcS50r Education. at Central F or entertainment ·al the tut High school , SCranton. Pa., State mcetJnA ,the m embers saw mov1ng T eache rs' Collt-ge , S troudsburg. pic tur~ of hunting and fish ng t rips made by Ken Niles. Putor ~RADI .MEATS a,., f/~ ?/! eae / FROZEN CHICKEN •-TURKEY Pl~ Pa. N,~\\r Yo rlt Universit y a nd Pur1lup l'n1vcrs1ty. A t o nf! t in1e ht"' "·u!"I 1\(_·tu1~ City Direct or of H •·alth r:11t1ca.t1un in Scr anton, Pa. He Is no'v tht• Oc·an of M en at thr Lo . .; J\r.,i::1.·I~·~ 8tal<' Coll<"ge. fie v.·os on the rr vis.ion commlt - lt>f. Hrulth a11 tl Saf<'t_v Curriculum, Stalt> l•f lnd1!laa in l :l-lO. Pres ident l q1hu;tr1al R<'crt·atinn /\~"K>Ciation 19·11-11. c :v:l111n Con..,ultant Al.Jl- 1 rt I c ~\,1Jn1n1slrat1on Europe!n Thl'alrr of Opr rul l(>O."J - War Dc-- pa1 tn1t•nt. ,\rn1y. St·rvice F orces in 19·15 and ~tcmber, E'.'l:ccuti vc Com - n1itt•~ Coverncir's CornrnltlC'c on RecrC'at;on. IntJianapolis. Th c !\ e art but -a f~w of the numerous cont.n11llf't•!"I O'.l \\.'hi~h this in terest- ing ond wif'rs1 llc personality has 'servrd. H ar bor nrcn pnrrnts and in· ter£'slcll nUult..<1 1n ay \V<'ll look for· ward tu un lnfur1nat1vc and up-to d,ilte l'V~n1 ng tlf!<lrC'M. This lecl nrc and thC' lhrct· whic·h have a lread y twen giv~ are sponsored by t he N ewpor t Harhnr Un;,.on t:J ig.n school l•arcnt Trnch~·r Association and the Coo;a l,(esa a nd Newport EJcm <'ntary A.(soci&tion. They h8V(' bP f'O C'XC'J~dingly well r eC('iV· t"'CI anJ a u ifll nel s have lak1·n awa:r nwny nc'v and hl'lpful tlll'a5 to put u1~u Lffeet. ------- Roth pre8('n ted. a devotional study of Alatthew 6 :24-34 entitled "\Vhy \Vorry?" • Luther&ru1 lmla.11 Newly eleeted members of the I Newport Har)x>r Lutheran Ch urch Council w ho were installed la.st Sunday. Jan. 21 art.": Rcc9rding secretary, Roy Mccardle: financi· al .secretary, Tho r Swanson; Sun· day school superintendent, Ernt>sl Schultz; trustee-, J im Ha°ydcn anJ deacons. "Bud"' Nc.,.,·man, Clyde Loucks and Dona ld \Vedeking. The first m<.'eting of the new Ch&Jrch Counc il will be-on Tburs- ~ay. J an. 25 at 8 p. nl. I Afternoon Bridge Winners Announced Mrs. Thomas Gill and Mr.s. P eggy J ohnM:>n were w i n n c r s north~uth and Mrs. C. E . Irwin and ~rs. E. L. Hackley were high scorer!! east -west..fn the duplicate bridge &:&me held in Balboa on Monday afternoon. Runners-up norlh -south were C era.Id McCon1bcr and C. H. John- son; Mrs. Margaret MacDonali! and J.{rs. Roy Strot z; 1-frs. Gerald McCombcr and M rs. E . T . ),le· Manus; Afr. and Mrs . .J. Robert Lusk ; Mrs. A m)· Kennerly and Mrs. Robert Bro\\·n : Mrs. Louis Vena tor and Mrs. Kathleen Walsh., R unners-up east·\\"CSt \\'ere M~. ( F ranklin Sean1on a n O M ils. t.f ild red L}-Ue ; J.frs. Billy Beal arvl Mrs. Bum ey T ruitt: Mrs. George Carroll anrl Mrs. J oe Wilcox~ Mrs. George ~lcrrln1an anrt Mrs. Mtnnie Heuck; J.frs. Ka thryn Cole and J.l rs. He len T hayer: Mrs. Ar nold Ga3SC1· 1an<I M rS. Gera ld Ooartlman. T h c (TOup will meet for rlupllcate bridf c to Mond<\Y •ternoon Jan. %9t.b wit.b play starling at 1 one o'clock. • 5 . ' Alpha Beta Grad•d •••f R'IB RO.ST 'S . . ' ·Alpha Beta Graded •••f R ·I • S T . E A K S :·.·:·:·:.-..·.~ ·,·. u.79: . INOWDRln SHORTENlNG MIL·O·SWEET HONEY:C.OMB ' . Alpha Beta Grade~ Beef T·.tB 0 NE S -T EAKS , ~dd Fellows Seat New Offic ers Evening Affair H?nors New Bride M rs. nn~t Shc1lin of n allio;l llY.1a'\ <:nrnplimcnted Thur~la:i· n t a prettily arran~crl pnsl -nupf\:tl lihC'l\VC r gi\'t!n by Mrs. Earl Shf'fhr- at t i)'! ho1ne or her mother. ~lrs. L.a nra floo/d. -409 Oran;:e A ve .. Sarit:J. Ana. F lowers in lhr sea· son's brlght colors graced the / in Monday Rites In unprt'ISIVL· rlt(•i:; l\tonday ('\'('• n1111:. Jan. 2~nil 10 Lht· IOOF hall, CQSla. r.t1•1'a. Gl'rald Davis \\'a~ In· sta l1·d n•1bl!• ~ra n.ti of Harbor H a r· mnny Nu 29 Odd °F'C'llO\\'S lod~c. Ca:;k,·t.s llf l'alla liJ1cs slU(}(! in frr nl uf t:Hl'h altar. f 1,:.Lr1 ct Dt·puty Granrl ~tastei­ J\. /\.. 1-l:irr •. ~ \\IQ~ lh1· instaflinj: of· fu:•·r 111'S'-.,tllk by tu:. t('am frum 'th<' Oran~£· I. 0 0 .F . lodge. OtJ.t·r t')ff1t'•'t S 111r.tall1·tl we r c Frank CJ1ni:;cr, v tt·c J.:rlinll: Elmer 8 . Sn1tth. Sl'l.:f'1'lar;v : Howarll G<'r- r1!i.h, tr••lt!>Urt•r; Wi'liam Sle\o\'art , r1ghl ~t1 ppt1rll·r to thP noble g rantl, A nlly L(Jln1augh h;ft supporter, Clau~ f!dcl<1 s, 1 it;hl supporter to t hl• vier grand; \\'1l1,an1 Bt-.cry, cta(ll:J.111: c·11r1-i Sot't'n:.on. outside ~11u11l•Rl1; li ·1p Sn1nl1Py. in:';ldC' }.!t.arfl1an: l-'tl·nt•h P.. S tnith. wa.r- ll8n : !Jill llarkr-:-i, t.:•inclut:tor. Vi~ 1t tn!: 11i~ntlari1·s j;'lven srats o( tu1nor \l'Ctt' l'll r . l iarr1s, Mr. R. ,._f, 1.t.·:utows. 1h:;tr•ct ll<'put_y ~rund <'hnplaJn. and t.t r. Frank Cowan. ~rnnd tn1s tC'C' anti Phil ip Bt·yhan. ;.: rnntl chaplain of the C1und Lt.xl,.:-c of CaJ:fomla. A 1so sealf"ll \\'Ith .. oni:J r was W illiam S t<'\\'art of the local 10tlgC'. pagt ~ranll r.u1~tcr o f lht! slate of Oklahon1 a . Foli1JY,,'ln;.; lht· installation MC's· dan1t·s ·c.:·'r~rudi: \V1Jlcut, Oai:;y Gmt;cr, l'1 UI'\ IJackf'~ aht1 Flora llarr1::;. ft••bl'ktths HC.rv~d pie and cofft."c tu hll•·st~ and 1ncmbers. Ear l Winterbournes Here From Denver ~ 1'1 :-. nud Mrs. Earl Winterbourne of Dl'nV<'r. Colo., formerly. of. Costa ~lt•sa. wi•re v~iton here one day Ju l \VL'f'k . They . had been vUJtrng lh~tr chUd'ren in South€'m California. l n San Lu is 0611Spo wcrt· i:1Jl'.Sts or lhf'1r son and fam- ily. 1ttr. and Mrs. Robert W lnle r- boumc , and two children. Robert is a profeSsor at Cal Po'y . At Vlirta they vtsitcd Mr. a.no Mrs. Walter J.liddJelon tllae ·~lar- 1,:arel W int.er bourne). Sbe, la r tNI Q>er in the Viata schoel. From there they went to Cl&remont wher• they wt:rt guests ot their daugbLrr Allee and lamUy. ~· and Mrc. David K lersey and two c~ Ml' .. Klcl"ICy II a tncber In C!uu>ont. - ' .VISl'J' 'FOlltllq HOKE • Mr. ancl llln . J;Url c. m-an4 •daughter Vlc!ll oC .o\bl!le Wo,tc.. ft'>'_.. hod &-f -· wllll • fri<Dda anc1 ..iau... "' - tlelll, lllelr formllr - rooms. , Whoof)('C offived dive>rslon d ur· i ng the even ing \Vilh p1 \z('s go- in1t lo J.1'r~ .J 11n" l~an~tnn an•I Mrs. Ruth Shl'01n. Arter l he ma.ny Jovel~· ~i(ts \Vere open<''I by the rc<'ent bride. J!'lnt:::erbrearl \Va.<> served with \\/ h 1 p p e cl crcan1. coffee. n uts ancl 1nints. ., Pre~nt for ihc happy a ffair were ~t mes. Charlotte Sh<'flin. Patricia M y r c h n, Mu.rgueT1le Quarry. Ann She.fll n of · Costa Mesa. 1-~ranccs Garber, E va Staur- rer. J une Lon jt'ton, Lois MorrlMn. E lla S4"hic k, f>o1·is Utn~ton. ~r­ trudc Ga\·c. Laur.a Boyrt. Santa .>\na: Betty Sh~flin of Covina. Those S("n•ling ~fl.<t but unable to attend we.re J.tmf's. M lL r e-i c Waters. N orn1a F.llintt. Cori.nnl' Q11arrv. Co<tla hie~: Ro I a n d WithC'rov.· or Santn Aa1t and WI!· !lam Boyrl of Clcnflale. Loyal Workers Meet at Home of Pauline Mithoff J.f embers of the Loyal Worlt~r!i c la.ss of thp Col>la hlcsa Comrnu· nity Methodist church.. ""'ere wet~ com cirl at lhc•ir Jatrst mf"eting by Mrs. ·Paul!ne Mithoff, 398 Flo~cr St. Mrs. Vcnie Sa lg assi.sted1 as co-hostess. A s ho rt tousine• aes· sion was conduct ed by ?.tn. $ally H tnctily, p~ident. In a "YeJ:elable guessing gelme. Mrs. LuciJle F ernandes won ~l r!"t prize and Mrs. C1 ara Rollins tlook the conaoiation award. Refreshments of J~Uo, tea land coffee we.re ··eervcd et the ~os<' "Jf, thf afternoon. Others .In ! the ~p were little Kathy Hume. Mmes. LOU.an John.wn, Ltklla 0 1.aon, Elberta Johnson, Edna ~inn, Edna ,; Hart, Edna. Ni tll, Ruby Cheney, SelenslLlbby. Iva =oe., GcQrgla Grav~ .. Emm lne '4•llln.o. m.pcbe Anderaon, '.ha Moore. Kato HIJtltt. F:o ·Sf.moon. GertrucH Edick and Mary Jw,evWe. •" Tlie ¥Jll meeting will bo ~ IO al the borne oC Mrs.' ~ o .. ....., 21.2 FIOwer ii::- !(n. ll&rtho .._.. will be t --' • ' • • 12 O'S· uo• 1zo.:. CAM ' . U.S. N0~1 IOAHO · RUSSl'f POT • l . I ·I , ·, . -~