HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-01 - Newport Balboa Press' .. I I~ j. r I ' . ' ' .1 \ ~­• ' lly T. :K. ("lllUCK") GAIND ' . A., .... lllart oalllq Into • -:r-r. llc!P'• llltts, It'• Um• to' iooli .._.i a lilt aad llCUft ~"­_..,.. tllla ,_. aad to ... ..,... we can do about ft. · . o.. .iw.t1on 11un a sreat ile8l al. -klna-tnto. 1t ta the llluallOQ of <>ranee Qounl¥. A l>IC llluallon, lrull ! Qranr• C.....ty 114" • a l>ls. fat •• •9'1'"1 otttce.• A big and equal· l)'·fat 1U-collector'1 ofVce. A very aclhe aad expen111Ye ......s depart· Dl"ML And eo on.. lndeflnJtely. 1 thlnlt lt'o sood, of coune. for a'I _,,. to be 1nt.-l,y lnqrell· od In all ol .lllelr mullllude of rov· emmen.ta, and especially ln ~ cloee to home. So Ude year let'• be. really lnlcreoled, lhall we f "! coune, we have a sood. and able reprMe:ntaUve up at the county eeat now in Helm: Kaiaer, who la not only a .upuvllor, ~t who a.LIO can fry tiah. But "K'e .till eboWd keep a woather eye on any 1torm1 brewing up there tn th~ county seat. and I dunno why they call It a ecat, either! · Juat tori & starter, leta worry Juat a teeny blt about on taxe.-- aa If we haven't been! A great deal of tho8e tax.ea wrung from our fimp pocket.a go toward build· iAg roada and m&tntalnlng parka for tJrts county. Die chunlu. We all admit that roMia are .. wondertuf lhlnp. They are nice to drive on, eapect&Uy ln ra.Iny WH.ther. And everyone'U admit that parka are tbe ftnut thing ln tbe woold tor rtlaxatlon. Peopl'e like to go, ror 1Mtance, to Irvin~ Park llp in ' the foothllla, whert" eyjeythlDg"• well-awept and the • bencbea &re. clea\1. and deputies keep watch to make aure eomc crtmlnal doean·t drink beer . .Hon- est, they're fine stuff, and thous- S.Odl of peopHt enjoy 'em a.mratJty. Al80 tn the wtnter. Okay, so ~e he"p pay for the · roa.<18 which wind over the foot- bllie to the park.a, for which we also help aupport~ Of cout'tM!, there's oodles of people ~ who a.Leo aMl1t tn supporting. {tbeee fine and nec:ea- WTY lnatltutlone. And they, eftD· u you and 1, take off on the balmy · aummer evenlnca and -or they did. in the good rold days -fry a «e&k and Ulen alt aroµnd the tire .._an<f dlacuaa: Atmt !:!fle'a kidney trouble. Fine, relu:lfll evening. On other evenlnp, 'however. the nice Inland folb decide to take Aunt Effie fQr another kind of outing. And t.4ey go lo the beach, instead. i>H. YES, THAT BEACH OUTING • nu: Plllll8 A"'1nor4tba- ·,.J'ldl7 -~, ... ol tlMJ Oolltornla 8wlll Couta1 llblpl ... .. • l • • .... • • - .· tte TMl 1"11ft- WIOI •••· ' SECOND CAA~ tiQM€ ·Aime to • c:leaa, - -lli>pattlal, -tbuo to~-- popql&r 9llppolt ' I . CALIP'ORNlA, ~AY, lWKBER 49 . CD M BEA H LEASE APPRO~D ' 1NTf RE. COAST ROM RIVER TO C.D.'M. COVERED AGREEMENT IS SENT TO STATE 'POLIO VS. SEWERS • . . . • • Orange County citizens have stiffered three cases of Oil has atruck Newport Beach! poliomyelitis so far this year. Two of these cases. have been A Ulick brown gooey m .... (ptt- . right in our own community. Late last year Newpbrt Beach •umably from a Norwegian lanker Now on lta way to the State h d f 'li .th th d . th Loe liz. which waa ln an accident earlier I'. k Comm! 1 1 1 ,_ a a case o po o, w1 o ers unng e year. a mg ar Bl on or approva ui thia Wfek) baa coated the ocean an agree.mf'nt betwttn the city or these CB.888 of polio on a !Jl.3.P one discovers that certainly beaches. Jwit before pr~ time Newport Beach and Darwin T~te, t~e last three cases, and probably -all of the others of our Thursday there waa a 20 yard 809 E. Bay Ave., Balboa. leulng 't h d t I h h f ted wide coat of the oil as far u the . Co d I M M I commuru y ave occurr.e o peop e w o ave requen a the entire rona e ar a n eye could 1ee ln either dirttUon. Beach to1 Tate for five years. City given area. . The oi~ has bttn reported tn council approved the leaae al ·8.n It has come to be an accepted fact that polio virus is Huntington Beach and at least u adjourned ee831on Wrdf'!e&day af-far south as Corona 001 MAr. ternoon after making five minor carried in sewage and by flies ..., and by human 'beings. 'l'he oil wa.s d>at..-overed Wednes- ~endmenla. Whether humans transmit t)l e d~ad infection otle 1 to an-day noon, and it 1.8 still rolling ln They had uked tor bld8 on the other is not ~no'wn. But sewage carries the virus --.nd so do coating the sea gulls' wings and park a.nd Tate'11 orter wu the only fli making them unable to fly. giv- one received. L..eue covers all the . es. Ing the beach area the appearance conceselon1 e:xoert thoac alreac.Jy WE ARE INVITING TROUBLE IN OUR COMMU-of an oil sump, and giving wrinkles leued to oth~r pereoJUll by t'hue .~ty1 · NITY. to Newport Beach city officials. ThPy will be untouched unt .... ue r • Street department r ore ma n Jeaee e:xplrel!I. We are tolerating, yes, we are condoning, cesspools, septic Howard .Berry, had three bulldoz- Under the leue agreement Tale tanks, filth and flj·es. 1 ers working Thur8day. One was in will Install at h\Ji own expense a ~ARE INVITING DISASTER! the vicinity of the-Newport pier, parking lo\ at a location lo be de--covering up the oiL with .sand to termincd by t he city engineer with Why? cut down the fire hazard in the the nrst section to be comp1et~ Not because we are unwilling to pay the bill for clean-pier area. The other two 'doze.re by June 1, lD:il and the aecond Liness and sanitation! N'ot bccaUie we do not have a plan! were working around 36th St. portion lo be completed before lhr According lo F ire Chier Frank 11t1inmer of 1951. I · (C-Ofttlnuf'd on Pace 1 Z) Crocke-r the only thing' to be c\One Tate will keep all lhe buUdlnp -(Ooattnued on Pa(e _%) So they load up everything In •IPt a.ad take orr tor Newport Harbor or HunUngton or Laguna, Or «>me of lhe others. They bave ~ ttne tlme abd. ,falt" . Wee ln the bil&nd pv )eavti .their reru.:c E~~~::~·:~!,~:::£~~:.:~ Board Decides Vaughn too Active ~ogland Gets . atsftiNo ~ T1IBla .a-DUU ~-· -o6 -·-,.4 ~ ~:or §~1·~~~~ ~s c~~!~~-Re~$~]!!JI~Jlt>~ Variante~ .,._ .. aw ow-.... ...,.~...,,.,_. "°"': '""*'PIS . -,.~ .. !'~··~-i~::~·~!:I~ -~-'4 f..<= , ___ ··"'k•'' __ I ...... ba...:::.·~ .~·v ··--··-.L... -0 - -)!lace. .Of ....... 1D .... .... Ml«ndante clean up ~tiiiris npt away. Altendanl. paid. In po.rt, by the beach people. But when they leave their meeeee on the beaches, who paya tor the cleaning-upping? we·uns. the local taxpayers, that'1 whom! '-Now you : °'11 , aee wbat we're le&dlng bp lo, l hope. We chunk ln goba "'Of t..&J\e• to. .iupport tile ad· mJtledly-rlne parka., But when it comes to acting aa h~l to the thouaa.nda of tnland taxpayers, we muet pay that bill ourselve1. We pay to clee.n up their meues and pay to keep them from drowning themedvea and to keep 'em from becoming diaorderly and a menace to the general public. (For cop3, that I&) Penona.lly 1·m much agaiMt a eetup like the it.ate park adjoining ua at the river. Too much St.ate, Jh the tlnt p~. Ahd I don't think people should be charged adm1alon lo nail our lovely har- bor site. But I do Ullnk that ~he (Oontlaued oa Pace !}1 Hcabor Wealher Tempeistal'e9 for the put 1"Jelr. la tbe Barbor area: Hlch Low 'l'llunday, Joa. ill ..... 69 •9 P'rtday • .Jan. !8 .... M .Cl 8-y. Jan. n ........... " •a 8.....,., J ..... 18 ......... . .. 8Z 67 M-y. Jan. 19 ......... 86 JH TuMclay; Jan. ., ........... 63 49 wec1n-.,., Jae. It ........ IO u J...aat wftk~s storm twoucht .%8 loabee of r-.in to the Harllor area -.ms u... --total to 1.n btdteL Lut y8r'a total at tllls time WM a..38 lllchN.. Fore. caot: -i-i tor a1oar t11e f"""' Tl1111May, Rlllq temper-. r~ aad ooaUallN fair Friday. _photo).~ l.ia;.&M...&owu. :~ci;.· · ~,, ·a-h 11.,. Mat ,...r , ic:r--wt:u:e ~~ -.. ·-wpw ·~ ~ -... -........... "' ... -lt. n ·ffi·IM..-.. ft1i . • '-...... ~,. ... ..,..,,~Mu.__,. · c1.,=-w oa. '•l5l -..Pervtflifi~TUe8Clay. -t • • • ...._ .... I& -••swtM ,.rt. o6 -~·-;Dlo t.I c•+ -i.,1 a ._ la ~ '""7 lQt wtJ) be •~z•T,tOO per year or ,; ~ ~led. bla roqu~ f'!( ~ _...,, ~ ·=-.:t~ •after ~ e;. e i ' and thM eomrnaad9 °'bowa."' At .... u-• ~ ~ fte-ea dl6 neor --fdlll&la t......._ fo-a t-a aum equal tO e.lsht per unt of a IOCl-1' ~d of dlitcuqlon aa, -to whether Y.a~hn ~ more x _1_ .... ~'-·~ •--....,,....., • the ~ nvenue, whichever lll •"'--h d Jn&Re9 no d.iftetence to tbe minut~ period. AD Harbor wchoo•·are DOW practle .... ~ drllla. , (~ oto) .... Tw tv fl ce t r more time 1.1-.i.a he ahould in an .-· board ot superviaora -wllere a BEGIN DISTRIBUT/10 .. N Of · 'SURVIV.A 11' grea~r. cC:;.;.:.ie ::' ~ :) ~~ c:,i:;"',t~;:'.:!~er~elnm':';.,~'7ot .!,'!'t~.:;:.t1n ":Z ~='!t :~~ID~ ~t~~o~g~~t Z , • be collectlnl' milea,p tor work he fa.lra and that most or the con-p!anning commiMlon. No Official WOrd wu .. reJ19rted to be ctolng u a (Oon.tlnued on .Pac"' •> SupervflOrA decided late Tue.&- 1 merchant patrol for Coat.a Mesa. day to g:fve Dennis Hogland a Vfi..rl- Bo·o-~ET TEST. WHISTLE AG,AIN F I on CDM f Explosion supervtaor Hetn:1 Ka.leer or the Jeff M. ay Le• ance for bi.a new building on 1slh e • dlslrtcl said he h&d checked wtth . ~t. near Newport Blvd., new home Pl.,.. for th. istrlbutl~n Of the . • ~ M)'olertotls ••plool!>ft that shook Justice of the Peace D<!nald J . fO DPIU'I Chain of Costa Me1111·s post office, t,hus ~ • Corona. del Mar at 2 :10 p. m. Dodge and been lnformed that •,..':I' overrit.ling th~ plantiers. , Tueeday, rattling windows and Vaugh9 had arrested larJe num-Thriny Drug Company ta in-Hogland provided off -11treet .. Survival Un<}er Atomic Attack'. ~a.king the ft.re station door, Ls 1:"8ra of drunk drivers ,::o had ap-tereated In leuing' a location on parkinl'· at rear of the building boo::°·r-tkth":'"e~ct.ohwpo•m11.reetrryk,..-~.ocm,~··ci1n~:"'1Nte;,.wng-. Larger Bloodmob1·1e Quarters Fq' und atUI unexplained, however, It was jM:&red. in the court. e said he 17th atreet ln Costa Mesa, accord· and along an alley, but commis-• nitr ~ probably cauaed by one of two understood Yaughl) had picked up ing to W . T. Jefferaon, developer elonera held that tJ\1:5 wasn't sat- pomtbllltlea. many of them whlle handling his of the property. latactory ~alnce the ordinance ca.lls rense and Disaster Council Mon· Auurance that the la.rg~Q~· First, there were a group ef jet . merchant-patrol auignmenta. Tenna h.a•e been propoeed by fOf · otf~treet parking tn front. day night at the city hall. H N' eel tera of the new Amen Le(ion pla~ playing ln the sJot over the OG.Wd" A~ll ,•ltiff , , the cha'ln drug store for a alte Hogland built c'.oaer to the aet- Clvil Defenae Director John anQa am RalJ at 16th St. and Ba Front toWn at the tlrne and a eudden dive Supervt.ao"r c. M. Fealherly of which adjotn.w a building now g0a back llne than the· law allowir- Sa.llora opened the meeting by an-could be; u-.,d tor the n vtJdt and •harp pull-out might ha•e Santa Ana aa.id h" had · noted on lng up at 17th and Orange: avenue• because H.e got permit from the nounclng that E. S. Dixon of Loi of the Red Ct"OaiB Bloottmobtle caqaed lht explosion alm1lar to the conltable'1 bill tor mileage a for a big-new Alpha Bet.a super· county butldl.ng department; It ex- Angelea, h&JI been named regional D lty Clerk · 1ehed~ far APrtl 19, WM cl~ thote telt recently in Loi Angelea. number of bip. I.la the -late hours market and which _ig being con-pla.ined that tt had "overlooked" coord~tor for ~he clvtl de.ten.ee epu by Blood Chairman Vince CUau· Secoad.. the Navy wu ftrtng At. ot the n'lfht and be auerted "may-ztructed by Jetter&On Properttea, the 1etback. For a wblle, Ho,:land progn.ma of Loe Angeles and Or-mano at a Branch board of dJr<e<:-San C1emente llland Tueaday and be we're p&)'ing for expenaes for Inc. When the development 11 had a building he couldn't u.st, ange Counties. t tora m~r Tueeday noo~ at the the 119• mla:hl have come from out.side actlvtttes." completed It wjlJ . be obe of I.he until he prov?ded. ptLrking taclll- Discussing tfl.e low note on Carl Hanna of Porona del Mar, Ebell club. · that vicinity. Loni' Beach expe.n-Other aupervl90rB ch1pped in OR largest shopping centqs ln the tJu. and the supervtaora then came which air raid whistle alarm slg-dl'puty civil detenae dlrtttor ror Directors uked Ct.latuhano to enced a tlmllar expic;>eton Tuelld&y. the comment. noting that Vaughn Harbor area. to hill rescue. nal system bt"gan. Sallor1 said that Newport Beach and Red Croa conl•ct the Legion for ~' lllslen tht> WhlsUes wlll be pltched higher fund drive cbairma.n, W&.11 given to U8fl the hall but Ou.sum 0 uJd for the ne:xt test, this Frtday another nQll\-paying job Wedne1-lt had already been arr ed. He at noon. However, he pointed out day at the specl&l adjourned ae•· auggea~ that a nursery be pro- that the Wle of the whiatle1 la elon or the city council. rided /t.O t&ke care of iciaLldren only temporary u the federal cov-He was oUlcla.lly proclaimed wh.lle t heir mothen were 4ona.Ung emment ia going to 1peclfy lbf! "dt"puly city clerk. after the regt.ila.r blood "1d dlrectore thoujrht the use or a standard warning device city clerk, ClcUan K . Prle11t. had Girl Scout HotiM where prevtou.a j probably an electronic siren) for requestt"d the appointrnf'nl becauae Bloodmoblle 'Yi.lits werej h e-1 d all cilil's, In the Interim period. of the "increa.1ed burdf'n of tJWear-could be u9ed for nurefry pur~ the whlstlea will be u8ed. The Ing ln rt>&ldenta ot the clly lnlo poeea. i lesl.8 will c:;ontlnue ever-y Friday the civil defense oro~ram ." Mrs. Laura Warren . r the noon, until l.hetr performance Ls Prlnci~ bu.8!nea8 was the ap· Southern Orange Co\mty r;.;hApt,or deerned satisfactory. proving by the oOu.ncll or the Co-&aid that the only way t,J;;; unlta Blood Turnouc rona d<I ;Mar beach conc ... lon i:ould be Hill here ~ 19 to Sai!ora alao commended tht-lease but other matter1 brought take care of more le tba.n citizens of Newport Beach for up Included: . . !the 270 pint capacity of ·atngle their wonderful turnout at the lut C 1) A~ptance of the bid by unit, wu 11 one of ~ other visit of tbe BloodmobUe. He A.Id: Standard OU Co. to •Upply city v~ cttiea 1eheduled for. the I 1 a m·e "-'l"h.e splendid turnout refiecta the I htcles with p.16U.qe tor the comhl8' tlme wuuld cancel out .1sbe ex· lntueat of the people in the clvtl year, effeqttw F'eb. l. Low bid plained that only tour 'f'lll.9 are !Ceo-oa Pap I) <C.-Ua....S oa Pap •> operalln( and .,.. l>OOted a ~ ' I ' • (<j""tlnued oa Pap :t) • • t l I • ' • ' ,I i • • ' ' -· I ' -.. ... ., __ ...,_ sac 1 sst _. 1211 t ..a ... lllri-•m' e1-.wtcz'4 t ,.,, -· tS: ·1 tt.. _. -....,. ............. -. ._ -• •· tM eltJ. Tr str •• · r •• ••itM .. ..,,,.. ...... -...,.,. --...... t 7 1G1ac tlUwd tile ..,_, a& .. ... , 11119 .. da -., • aMtttm. _,. -~ .:., • • ., ....,. .r • ••rtllf ... ,, pett7 .nafvre 'Uld wV. ~tied bJ A•Ap!DM• , · the Comm•-without coaJ:t ac-ll09llf& --aplnet the Calltomla tloa. • . • ' unemJ>loyment lnal-fUnd do •J All ll'llUd lo o. felofty, a ~ • l J..,, Ill, 195'1 I JIC)tt ~o,... JCcw £ per PM 'nm AS?Fdattle ...._ H.Ue .... ......, •..,e9tloa ......... ..,._ paW ·--...... _,... --, ~ .... °' ..... Q p 0111Q l"IGI ,_ -CoMt RJc'tw&J' ... a.. *d'vr'a Mlle. ""-9 WM -Ol'0 t\t track ................ ~.,,.. i.,a t.r a .._. ., , ... ,.,. .- i.. t 9-·-~~­..................... not cotllltltut. a v>al<lt -. 'INt or j&U -~ 1a pmmble ~the . Today la one of -da)'ll -COIUla malte U.. frau<!lliontlclalm-I euillOt. Wt m:r ~ Into /h<Y do,bolp to cleplfte tllo W -. ~\be benetlta • · · -_~re 11"' Wiil ban to' wl>lcb la ot-lly loaJnC' -· llllly 1n the ~-= '!>e J"'tlelll .. ~~~-Ip alonf · doopltt tie •-4 .........,.._ 111 u.. Qoiomh•• C"lt ~ I can tli1nlt of eometlO!nc ""'-~ lllate du<\q t11e ,-JO&l'l oae Of U.. --..t41a II rttte, to put In thla Column.. Ahl 1 • , --o_ RD>DJCK, O..• -.... _, ROBl:BT .... wn,z~ B I 77 ,, •pr A. AlJDANl)l:R ILUllLTOK, ~ -- IJU'BIMWI 'DO!f ~: !O:WPOllT-Ml,80.t, l'SD8 ~ I"" I 7 la ·n-• 00...t;J; ~ per JWI Q.00 ... .. '\'Ml '('1-U - a .. ) (..AJFia; bthdee U.., 1'KWIOR'l\.BA1 *'& NEWS.TOia • T1 -) Oub'ls . 0.. wmQ' ...... PN', ;rw. Brlck Dud Lmg1r 9'tmlws (01•11 ..... ,,... ..... l) ~--... het I) I lnludere lb~ eomf way or ta .......... Mn. Wurw ~- oOJMr, help ... jlut .. -..,.:k•lt e4 tllal Ooll& ~ ---POLIO VS. S]\:WERS' . . . Ju.t Uke we iJ>elp out with-> the the Feb. ii "1.Jt plannM tori th&t (Continued bum Pal" J) pub -lei._. .,.joy uolng. eemmnntty. I Got any ideu ! Dt~tors axpreued tbelr th.ukl , Not because the citizens in general have not tried to correct BEBE'N to all u.. cl'tll .,.,._ blOclt a dreadful situation. . , Tfl£All' wazdeno and ca-Ill• cj:ost& We are tolerating filth, disease &nd inviting disaster Tiie N~ Harbor Lacl>' Ana---a....,.. l&cllu and e)'ery· 1en1 and the Blalboa Ancllns Club one etM wJIO contt;tbUted to m&k- because of the utter contempt for the will •of the people of both had •l=t meellnp tut In( the tut vt.tt eo aucceul\ll. Orange County displayed by their duly eleeted and appoint-week. 1 atten ed th• ri .. t tn per· Mo,.. than 1100 houre were donat- ed oUicials. IOl1 and the ond by proxy un-ed by over 100 wortten. der special urctng by now ex-Bl1r need tor t1:rst. a.kt c.... ln-We do not know whether the little three year old boy PrHldent Geort• Prou .. , Frank structor• waa told b7 CUI Hanno, ot Cliff Haven encountered the dread crippling dise88e in Sawyer and J . B. McNally, two deputy de!en .. director. H•l ll&ld his own back yard, in a neighbor's, or at the base of the-ol the maJee On the female pro-hi• omce hopM to have two or lif~ ,,,_ f te fl h' h Tb 1 ~'-gram, conducted .themoel .. a tn o three trained per•u In ~vory e J. wu.::re streams o wa r ow near is ome.. e WA· manner to bHn• credit to the block and ~Y tnatrueton U"e ~ germ could be carried by flies. We do not know faiter\ug mal~s. Fine program, needed t.o Leach tham. Cluaoo en whether the little boy's adult neighbor encountered the dis-with Olive Mql<ensie starting out ~~ Co~n·a"*.::Y, .~~-~.!.' .. "~ra 1n u a fine pretlden.t . . . Report.a --... •... ._. -....-_,...._ .- ease Uie same manner. rrom the Balboa An11en ot a 1u-Ralph Randel a.Id that •Di in- BUT WE DO KNOW THE NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE per-meeting, ~Ith oodl .. ot tro-itt-uctor'a claa will """' liestn THESE TWO VICTIMS OF THE DREAD MALADY LIVE plllea awarded to oome of th• beet &t tlle Corona clel Xu tire ata- . anglcera tn the world . • . Word UOft. fS PUNCTURED WITH CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC rrom Honolulu that Myron Bums, . a........ aiao the tw.d drive TANKS. THE CITY AND COUNTY ENGINEER HA VE rorm•f manager or the Newport cbalmwl. told dlrecton the 11161 TOLD US THAT CESSPOOLS OF COSTA MESA EMPTY Harbor Yacht iClub hu been mar-budpt ot I.be Newport ~r rled. Blg ~ to lots ot local Branch had been fnc.....ed from THEIR LIQUID RUN-OFF INTO~ UNDERGROUND totu. wbo kn'w My u a pertna· tut year'1 $11,000 to J10,llOO or S1'REAMs THAT TRICKLE AND ORIP FROM THE nent bachelor 1 • • ' • Conversation a SJ perftllt ~ Lul year BLUFF INLAND FROM THE rv-.•ST lilGHWAY with Judir• F)"ank Linnell about $11,909 wu collec~ In the tUDd .............. , ....... ., ........ -·~ . -·-ltlio-M .. --........... ... I 'I .. W ¥':"" AftW ......... ., u.;, 11111 .. _ --0out' JJJPwa.J. It _ .. ,_ .... --..... .._.a ett.tt1a ••we ~ . . . -!: CllAMU:R at,.~ e1ncttps• wnes*t up la tWw ~ r'nm'rr •••'oa."' --l:t-41-.toee la&e &e .. ..,,..,... ~ .......... , Wtdls 1't7 ~It WU ,, ••• , w Ha\Me at ' p.p.. ...... ..w ,,. ...... J'lr- t 1 at.t;y rw *' eandlmea tM -!:Y ,..,,., Joopt w&Hltos ·-,. tlto d(7 -... lilo zw-et, • ---ud r.u... . CMef 11et1Jk••11• wH wu tJae ..._ • • .,, of tM aMlr•oe.. A 1arpr .;.sl'r·ee waeM Mn..._. . ._,... te ceatrol f•r Urat ao.c a pet1od. • TWr u :,..._U. for tlN! ~ •W eN.m!W.r aM1lo11 ! "We were rMdblc UM! Cow Itel Mar IM9ela ee ... rMtk'll )eue.. •• 'nieJ' UM W deel•rd oa fin vr·trr•b w tlle ~ all .. tile prtnte watoa. AJl4I lt all SBOULD lllave ._. ..._ la tae ~ eowll e"=>en. : Dim'"t W ef tile CICM ..... hnH p.reml10 u .-.. totMeiardlam- lw!t-••I I ·~ i.M Jul ~ ..... ....,..pt ,..._ ~ ._ .,-n la r.r Ille -tO llan ...., .. Here• """"'-thlnC -no -th&t'U 11J> Ula ~ttae~-~ -three or ....,... -...,.,.... n~er do, you )ft>Ul<!n'l ~ lt, meet -~be -• . I AM l>Hldee It would aound 'i11te atopped -~. ot -ploJ9n Olle . eue ia...J..i a .....,. braatng andJ you know wbat a r-.oto...,.o.'llllMt.-mtlolitr ~two --.i., MCUrilJI .• .... ~rutowlam. J>&}'IGlll lo reP.1-1* tlM lllnd, "" llbe 'lnlllld -~ ..-r-: Wen, ·tbere'• one p&racraph an4 the ~ 1--ap111 -·....i. ....,.-.p to ..!eNI* It you are atUl Pnt.ereeted enoucti beJar, fOl'cod to -.trllmte l par ...,. cndlb, u.en •oald 'Illa a to go on.J'U tell you a story aboUt -t oo: ,,,.,... of their ~ cllicb claim,, _..,. lloDeflio ...., 'Ii!> .,, a lady wi.o .topped at our n- lowanll the ftm4. work -the -'""' ~ ~ boclY and p&inl·llhop the other da7 Tiie emp1o,--~ not ~ ..-eoc1a1 · ~ ~· Do will> hn pretty -n battered up Jato u.. uaemploJ>Mal :.au.ace would be clrav.111& ·.,._ la a -oar. She aald to B&niey, tile man:- t'llnd U-.,_,., 1~, -¥ Job whlle drawb\a-uneNi>Joyjnent -r. "Do ynu think you ca.n fix 1 per cent eontrlbubon wu divert· .,.ym.enta f«* u.e old job. ·l theae hont fenden: 1n the next .rew ed. to diahlllty. or ~. Jmur-· .....:..te. =---mtoutes ao that 'Inf hU1band won't ance. •..-'' , 1 know I ba.llged them up'!'.. B&r- In 99 per cent ot Ute ~ Of Th.la •uc•eat. U.. I~ 111"-ney's reply, I think very amusi.Ra-. tl-aUd, tbe perpetrator ia worlUnc ~t could well up.tea ~vp oo He told her he couldn't do that. at .une job coUec.Unc u.efbp&oy. ___ IMIM~ ot 90Cial ~ly D\.Ucb ot a job in such. a short time mmt benefita at tbe ame ttm~ -~ Appwutly all • PIJ"8fJ& bu but be could fix them ' up juat In aome cues a ...oan qUita to do ta appty few tlle card lPMl)er ~nough eo that she could · aak or i. laid ott a Job for benelttl any ume and It r.· rtvea "r1tbc1Ut her husband the next momtng &nd at the ame t..bDee goe. to .q~Uon. lllA~I' lllDCta ~ u what Ute heck be did to them.. work In agricult1lre oe dOmeetlc I.be 1~ pomblo. Well. I atlll, haven't tha.t Idea Rrvice. A ayatem ot Pladnc U.e ~boo I've ·been croplng t01', 80 rn No ..,_.. print. on _,Jal ...,.rlly cardft. u jult mgn. off for this week and ia done .on automobile drtven' fi... tell )'DU this is Your Friendi, Prior to Ow latest ConrreeslonaJ ceMea, with a penalty ~~a Ford De&Jer saying gOOd .. bye. amendment Jo the 8octaJ Security per30n who secures more thiLn one setup, no reporlll were !!f.aM from aoclal eecurtty card. mlgbt end theM oceupaUou u \My did 11.ot thJI rack•t. I------------- co.me Wider uaemployment lnaur· But such a chanC"e woWd "-·ve ance. There.fore. tMn wu no rec· to be made tn Waih.J.n..+,.. .. JA-ordl to ebOt1r the frsud to lhe •-Murray A Rabbitt. et 310 Commluloa. -Aa aald bofore. outrlg"~ t>ai>d j Buena Viola. . Balboa. plead~ not ls not eo much a problem .. u ~ __ ..__J . SET .roJtY TRIAL Vu.A · aJbacore. We !decided they'".e de-drive. He aaid tba.t the advance We do know that there is no reason for their being one ecended Into the dept.hi for a gttu porUon of the um.ual drive eeapool, one septic tank, one settling poll,d in our townsb.ip month'• sleep l'd•re coming back would be11J1 Feb. 15 with the end CDM Beach Lease Now domnUca are under-Wtem. ..volwi.t&ry qult" wbtte the. claim· ~''-Y to charges Of lntoxica.Uon pk>yment lanwa.ntt, hut oaJy fl ant uaea all aorta of eubtertusu Monday -and uked for a jury ~ Npl&r!y employed and receiving to avoid ptUnc a job. mulnwhlle The trial was set for Thursday, $$0 or more bl wacea from one dr..awinl' unemJ>)oyment luu:ranff. Feb. 8 at 2 p. ra. in the New.port employer ln. a C&lendar quarter, ao · But they all. add up to u..· n:a-Bea.cl1; city court. Rabbftt Wta t.bere atilt la • ~ tw fraUda. swt why the tut.employment ta. picked up on the south alde·Of the · 'n.4! only way to catch t.helle 9\lr&nce tund m Callfomla wW Coa.st Highway in tront of the Bay fl-aude le for tM Uatmpk>pnent ha~ pakl out 03,oOo,OOO approx· Club lat 2:16 a. m . Sunday and I.uuranee Coatmt...,. to M9t in· lmately mor• &ut yeu tb\l:n tt booked for intoxication by New- v.,.tlgallon of eed1 clolmanL too1t In, acrordl.q to the -eeU-port Beach Police. ( Tb1a at prW:91t • larplJ' 1m· ma.UL f -Bea h 'H t • gto Be h ,A_ h . for mon warlr aa-a!nat the nab-of the drive • ch • du I • d tor o ............... rn" l:l , or un lD n ac , or eiltew ere m ermen .. . MtJ'Cll 31. tOuatll:: • "'-.... 'I) pouibae. u tbe O>mW\jMIOn ha lllitpl Papn nta I.be parklnc lot a-roee will be &1ven '::;1: .!!t!'.'veatlptan IM the. en-All -. ol PDepl and ~-- the lll08t of Orange Cotmty. BECAUSE, IF THE BOARDS PaW -larT QF DIRECTORS OF THE SANITATION DISll'RICTS a~··n D,tsfr!L.t • ..&Jlo.. n Direct.ore app~ -··re-19 llUVllU queat for a paid aecret.ary (8200> WERE MEN -HONEST MEN -THEY WOULD HAVE 1 •-,,_ .,...11 to uelet htm .,,th u.e drive and the dt7 the tint two .)·e&n.. S5 per Appl'OZ.lmat--lOO.TOO -.--er payments: to u.nemplo,.ment µt· ceat the Ultrd-ye&r and 40 per cent c.a,. r---.unnc dd.Hltts t varioue ~::;f:: each aucceedltl' year ol the ieue.. a wed: receind UMlll.pk>Jment or la est~ted i:e. t . All J*)'MCnta' to the city wtll be dlu.blllty lMU.ranee p&ymenta dut· at preeen · ~ PROfESSl'J~Al Ii ~ DIRECTORY r, COMPLETED THE OCEAN OUTFALL AND FILTRA-defenae p_.,.m." Hpe<lally with the advanee Clfla TION AND SE'ITLING PLANT AUTHORIZED BY THE Carl Hanna.' deputy dtreetor or He aald hi. thne openl on clefenee PEOPLE IN THE $8,000,000 BOND ISSUE OVER· clvU defenae for Newport Beach. ~o0rk......, woveull'!_,,ltmy!: •. lll• work . bn a.nnouncHI that su!f'tclent atomic YI u.i-1 ,.. -WHELMINGL Y VOTED TWO YEARS AGO! detenae pamp ett had arrived 00 lllro. w.,...; I.old dln<:t•n that The time is now past when the directors of District 5 thet cub of ,the 3626 realdenl blood appulo .,... bolnf t•lecut (f th rt th Ci o! N Be h Dis . home owner•~ Ole city may batt da.ity (they btfa.n Monday) on or e most pa e ty ewport ac ) ; tnct 6 • copy. ot.lrll>ullon wtJI be mode station KTrV with prtoe1 l>eln( (for the most part C<Mita Mesa) can delay action &ny long-through u.. Waniem. erea war-offered dGaon. er. THEY CAN PROCEED ON THEIR OWN. THEY OWE d•uo. and bl<lck captatna. Branch Ch&tnnan ~ Alb· ill&de at the end or eacb qua.rter. Ina-' September ac<:ordll1g to the to amount to if0.000,0QO to $15-· Tate must &1Ttie. aceordin&' to Cbmmtaion·a ~ Ob'rioualy SJ ooo.ooo a year at least. , ~· f __ ,,,._._ tow.au-•.-. cooJd. check but It these rack.eta can be stopped, the leaaoe. to pro..-rue-ree ,.,......IUllC Gnal.I ~rti.;. ot uU. numN a the money Mved: fot' tbe boe.estly space on a ."flr•t oome, flnt .-erv-....... _ '°· .. .__ ..._ ..... 1_.,....._ator. _ unemployed workers of _Calitbmia ed'' bull for a numbfr of c&n .c.Ya.J ~ •••..i 10~---. 6 • W1ll reattl yet to be determined. have. don• a Pdl&J'btaly pod jOb t tn .an IAc:reue. ia ~ Ub· The roncnslonaire wW &.,.._ to and Wben word ceta · arvu.nd tha\ em.pk>ytn~t reeene fund inlltNd .... • •• •-·~'-· •• ot a deficit. at Jeut u long aa rele ... the city mm uy liability ~ ~·~"'"'°';! ""' ~ the ~-the prw11t lull employment ~ or d&map cl&im that ml&bt arlae borbood.. Com• tloa NCOl"dll lbow Rllt there a.re ltW other r~k~ta from an tnjury OT Iou swrt.ained on the c:klme take a a.harp ... m,... t.h;i'muat be &bolJahed l! the tundl the beach and he will carry public :,.c•Ung that there-la fraud \o41lg ls to be lProtf'cted. llabillty tnaurance. . ne next tn••Jlment wru. ltlJ • I -i '• LEBIEB A. MCKEB, D. D. IL DICN'nl!TRY l 7M Newport Blvd., Coot.a Ill- Medical Bldg. --GT~. JIO:! &. Ba7 Ave, Bal- Rarboi' 327-J IT TO ~· Hanna ult for reports trom ton announced lb&t the couoll-•ac.oaSELVES, THEIR FAMUJES AND CONSTIT-civil c1e1.-d>lelo. da.Uon ot 1.be Newport Hubor and VENTS TO PROCEED WrrH ALL HASTE POSSIBLE TO lntonnatton ""'•Ive<! trom Dr. eoou ,.._ Red O>a. .,.....,, CONSTRUCT AN ADEQUATE OUTFALL AND SET-John Oebom d Joha Boyd. both to beU.. ---. •Be -1.4~11 • ensaged Ln ply echelOOll fndt-effected &eU?9 memben f Tom '.l'LING PL.ANT WITH THE FUNDS AT HAND. cated that tile South<rn Calllom.ta both ..,,... would be oa tile bOud. Our neighboring City of Huntington Beach is in equally Pharmaceu Auoclatlon to Costa M-'• branch bu been In· Any additional cob.ceaelone or S.UI lllve.Uptora about the · "lac quarter" siba•tkJri new lnoome prOlluclnc acUvi\y &lwetm Juty 1, 1~9 ~a J'Ul)e_ whereby a_~ aDd un .... '""-'p.i\:==:;::==;:::=::;====~ that Tate may wut to add to lh• SO. ·1960, a total of 3,i3J hlVfftt· per90tt ca.a. at o6 un.ei:-~t , ~ ~ · " bead\ rnuat _ be ft1'11t. approved by plOl"I wer-e made, Which 1'Mlilt· in.sun.nee a· f'Ull year out of every WELDON W. 8CllOBO the ~ell and lh«y will aJao ti. ed in 1,lil court convicUona. Jn ts' month.a. QENTl8T as great jeopardy as are we. The Oil City has been told conducting a , survoy of all the ..,u ......... uy and Nawport 1)1•m- . . . . drug &t4ru 1~ the area. An at-ber. felt It wu Wlfa.lr tor them It faces unmment prob.ib.ition by the state to desist from tempt wW belmade to determine to be carryln( the load far both dumping its liquid affluent into the Santa Ana River. New-the amount of flrat aJd and medl· tow.u. the percent.age. Ot couree, the entire lease must fir-at be aptft'O'Y@d b}• tM St.au Park Commi&tlon befOTe It la put Into effect. Sunday Subiect at St. Andrews. • UO E. Ill.II Street, ~ta .._ Pboae BN ~ IOta port Beach has been served noticed by the City of 'tanta ca.I ouppllee on band at ••ch drug Ot"I 'on leoiah • --d the J · O t! JI Se S th. affl atore. Coplee Of thla report will be _ = ,.. n.i..wa an omt u a wer ystem at our ... uent tumed over to the local civil de-Mrs. Schock'J lrotfler Killed In Plane Crash Sermon subject Ot ·the Rev. Pet~ Nelson · Under Knife ''GeUlng a~ong ~·· Is the t<f. I, ____ o_Fl'Ollllrrs.lll ________ _ port from A. M. "Pete" Neleop, V. E. llOEPIJEL, O •. D. will no longer be accepted for discharge through the JOS tense authorlU~1. (0-t1"""4 """' hre ll outfall. · Dr. Osborn~ al.to received ln· a.bout the oll la· lo buhl tt ort un· ntor\ r edl -• ....... t ......... der caref\ll superTll:Son. Howe•er, Thomu Clbeon, speakiag Sunday morning at St. Anch'ew'a Preaby- terlan church, Newport Heights, will be · "Folhtwen of-the· Way: ... T ext la from S(. Mark, 2 :17 : bvfkllng inspector who la vac&• OPTO" 'ETRIST tlontng trom hla dllUes at the city · IYI WE ARE .IN GRAVE PERIL ve eo 0 c-"-e,_ on Electrl<fan'• mat.e flrat clua • h&nd from ha.I~ ot tbe kx:a.l docton he pointed out that ~ere waa no haJI by ,...Ung at tbe hoapllal. ~ by Appola-& Pete underwent an operation for Sil& W. Newpod Blvd. -, .... •-att-pt ••e -mo .. 1 ot the Charles D. Kafader. 27. of Loa Newport Be_ach, with Costa Mesa, can with funds al-and will lnco~rate t.hls tntorma--~ --~ ·~ uon lnlo bis report on available oll until it stopped wuhinS In. Ange.letm. bl'Other of Hrs. W . D. ready voted and the facilities already owned by the City medical auppllto In th• 1tta. He addad that the oil la 411!1· Schock, 411 E. E<lgowa.ter Ave., "When Juue bfe.rd it, S&lth unto them, They that are whole b&•e no need ot a physician. bui they that are lrkit; I came not to eaJJ tho~ righteous bYl slnnera to ,.... pcntance ... hernia on Wedne8day and ·la ex-Newpon: Btedt pec.ted home Saturday or suhc1aY. Bu:...,,_ !Ill of Newport Beach, construct an outfall, modify the city ll1sh ~Ool FaeWUea <Utt to remove jln any other way. Balbol. wu one or the tlvo ••r- 1 t h di · ~'-sal d Checlc.lng wlth Newport Harbor C?-oc.ker aald that the trouble with vlcftneu wbo loet their live11 when I , sewer p an o an e primary w.npo ' an so make .it pos· High eclfool. Dr. Oaborn learned eovuing llp u.. ou with und la a..n Array plane cl'&ltw!d ln aa ap- sible. for Costa Mesa to construct the community sanitary that the bulldipg ha.a facUltlee for -that it woa't loee tta volatWty fw pie orchard near Port Cllnlon. facilities it has already voted. Newport and the Mesa would fee<Jtna-llOO peraona per hour, and ..,,,.,al yeera. During tha.t tlrl>• It Ohio, Sunday. th · be f f the Ii d cui be equ.15 to handle between wU1 conUn•e to be • nu.lance' ud The Beecllcrati. C-45 wu en-en ~ rom pQ tJca-ri den J .O.S. Huntington . will malle ttt .,--·.,_ oa beth-route from aeu~•-• Alr For<e 1 __ t.,~ 800 and 1 . ·c~e1,.., an t:"--·~ Beach wowq probably seek admission into such a joint emergency. ' ,. '"".,;. er'1 feet uO ....-tsDminc ~La.( baae, MM:hlpn to. Bolling ·Air operation &nd she too has funds already voted for her Share Boyd lo a condu<:tln&' a our-'~.,. ·~ lbat · no .I one foroe hue In Waahlngton. D. c. On Sllll4a.y eveiUng members of the H.lgb School Youth hllowaht wt . ' ~ .:y .~ . St. aodal oftii\ilg-n'tb• iii:rlali D . ...,ct' 11 f th Co t ., __ , · vey or the tnn.t auppllh on hand ~ attampt to llum otf the ' Tbt. plane wu .tlylng on tnatru-aa ~w 1 O • e un Y oJo0.1.Utation system.· =t oil --... _ -'&:r. __ ._. '"''"'t tt mu•· "'--··-of iey rain &nd hut: tn 'Newport Beach ln terms o.f th~ ... ·~ .... -... .p.os ~ ... _ u. ~~ J LJ d We abhor scare writings by any editor. We have long number or d~• of t""'! aupply Mould be left alone and tba~ the when It crubed. Selfridge field ean ".nsenbar neglected calling to the attention of the pe6ple the poaaibili-that la locat'*1 within the ci ty proper autborllle• would toke care reported. R _ties of an epidemic brought upon us by being the low lying llml~ Chief FnnJt Crocker .,.: or IL 8eMw& ••••-1 .. S . W h" S . e epeats Vow,s land at the foot of strata into which cesspool.o empty. nounced that he 1a ~ •tock c-t Ouwrd1 •11t1oor1u.. -un. ors 'P ervic in New Orleans Island Woman THE SITUATION IS .SERIOUS! WE MUST BEcoME ot 111e medk:U auppilN etored tn that •tat• ud -~ ol!ldala are at Lutheran Church • r .....,_,,.,.,, OR N---• .....,. w Id w lnveatlpUnc tlle --jand After spending laet Wttk with lnv"1ted to ~,.,...,, M ETHAN TWO YEARS HAVE PASSED ··~· c or .,. -""·-..,..,....-remedloo v~ ' II and will tum t11em o•er to or ----. ...----1 Holy OommWUon will be Mlmln-her parent.a, Mr. and Mrs. Gu.tav • SINCE THE BONDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE • . tile of the oll -.. -~ lllend at the 11 o'clock momln&" Unaenbanl, >Ila Jean Unaenbanl Op· en House JOINT SJl<WER FACIC'rIEs FOR THE COUNTY WERE °"=' Ramoey, chlet o1 t.ranepo;._ bey natoa. n...-,. ¥" It DOI wormtp llOl'Vlce at Newi><>rt Har-left Sunday for New Orleans VOTED. talion. annou.nted that two tbJrda expected: to came Into lb• r bor Lutheran church.. A.t lhl• IH""' where sbe wu to be married to'.-A speclat lnvitatlon ls tssu~ to t .. ._ -11 .. t..1 • .-1 u ln. 11.D.Y l'f'Ut '\UU!ltlUM. vice Rev.# Roth hat choeen tor the da,v tFeb. t ) 1·to Charles Edward aJl Beacon Bay, Harbor Ialand and WE ARE No N~ •"'ER TODAY TO A SOLUTION ° ·-a.--e "'+on ve 111 lla.rbonnaMer -..._~ ' "-'Aro -Coeta Kee& utd worll:ed tn New----. tlleme of b.l.e .term.on. "The Path Stledmarua Jr., 90n of Mr. and Mrs. B&Jboa IIJand women to attend an JQlN'n.Y -THAN WE WERE BEFORE THE = • "" port 8-IL Due to the fact' tha.t that oultlde of •n 11'« up :i: a' or Glory," taken from Mark 10:32 C. E. St.eldmann of that city. [" houae Monday, 9:30 to il:30, c .....,,.., Utile bit I.be oll would not ft 46. 'Th marrJa •-" •---th' h f M Rohe ta'l WAS DREAMED· OF. . Coota. •-lei Ila""'&' • aeperate muc,h effect• kata. e ge wlU -• p~·at e ome o I'll. rt ,..... t, "'-·t ha f Dis . clYU defeue ~ Ram· B y •-"-......_ ~ The Women'• Mis:ilionary SocJ-the Epbcopa.l church In New Or-Topaz a•e.nne. Serving cp:ttee uu we can ve sewers -or_ trict 5 and District ••J' potated ou t.bat be m.,-la. a &_Y -.~ ..,. ety Will meet Tbtraday, Feb. 1 Jean. and llbort.Jy afterward tM Md cake will be the &UUittnti him· 8 __ ..,, ~....:-t 11 '"'---' _ _. _,. .. ,_ --.. ,,_ to the Oam..,. ot. Omluneree., ti. 1:30 at the home of N.ra. Ber· ,-ounv .coUple will leave for SouUi: tea.ea, Mn. .Qnily WhJte, Mr&, Im ...,.. ~ · • •-,_.. • ---.,.,_...., tllal ''It'a"" ~-alt"·a~ • • Y d th t!"" U..t of Cotta lu-. Bowe-It -r-" Ba.rd Ellenna.n, l53a Fullerton Ave., vnerlc& where they_ will ope'ad ~ a.n4 Mn. Virginia Mjller. es. &D · e ou "" we can build will be adequate for . wao painted r-t u.1 'N~ but WO bope , t It will deaf u~ N...,.,,.t ae111:~ta. e.v. Roth wlil .heir honeymoon. nie brlderroom The atraJr lo gtwc by. m bors the later uae of the rest of the county --.. i. ,..,. elcmelY or that •=• wtll .,...11aue the etudy or u... Book ot ·• a civil ena-tr-r and wm loo!< ol the new Co-. del Mar- Costa. Meaa hBs formed ita Sani~ District which haa wltb Oaota -tll&t a ,.,. ,....,..., U.. GU. "i Revei.u.... durlnr the l!Jble atudy >¥er a bulldlng project ,whldl may l.olan4 Women'a C1v1e ct'proe&l at ww M wo..-ed hour. Thi .aior ChoU wu reo,... keep tbtm tbeft fw 9C:Jln.e time. jeeUY8 of the organl:za.tton ·be Voted the' money to conatruct • 'city aewer ayatem.' But ouL · Loftl.nd ..., Ina , ... 111 trltlt ....,,_ Wednudoy ewninl' a.n4 1i<e bride .... been wltb tbe .,. explalned by Jo!ro. Paul Davia, MORTICIAN .. -----------BAl.'IZ NOBTUABT Old i:.t~bJhhed 1- Apncr All lll!ea --, HOWA&D W. GDUUBll I ·1808 Newpon Blvd .• Coat.a-l PHONE BlilAOON lil61 I BE . ·su~~ INSU~· llAllBlll ..,~ . ............ ~. 1 ............ 1'1"11 . Ill ilorlaa A"'° a.asa....,, ' W. StaGit FOOl9 ClJ!:N1i:RAL , INSUflA)ICll GourUoli.t Ii\(~ HIT ...... 111.c. N..,...~ ,ft.-.K, there will be no place for the aftluent to be discharged un-, Ted rtpOl\la,-on the ..,u.M!·-,..11,... the practice will be held W<dnNd&y .cla> w.lf.... ·clepaJtmiirt In Ban ellalrmu;. Kn. -:i:;' · 1-an outfall is built. . --~ U..\ -la.ad tint aid c-.. --Of Hell wfflL . ~ IOI'\ tlle JIUl ,_ aJld .. rou.. -... llcllot'8l&ll a8d ,.._ line IOCllltlaa .,.. ~ for ......... a I•• I halt. AM Jlb, l!.ur-lo Ul, 1Mr Kn. rr-\lanna 'lk lJ,::~ii~~~·~~;~;:l •-w,....rt Beach has been ordered out of the usage of ,.....,1_7 u.at ~ com-u.--Ml -Iii,.._ to A•aal Olrl ~Cookie -p&NBta _.. lilt al>le to att-.,...__ wl1l_ ... f~ and II JOS line. We have a plant, inldequate, hut with an out-m- 1 lined._ Uoi\' lo "p~ Ila'"-. Jl572; rb1 -. -2&17 ti • '* -q 9' ~ _, ..,. t • -••~la,,_..,~ j CAVE .. llkwf.JllWf it would be good for another decade. '" I UJ>" du lM fl1ldwe ""'1 In the ...-. -:..t:' . ' r _. &-"'""' . ··~ ---0-Ja -•f".--V• Buntingtoo &uh baa a -treatment plant but ~ 17h£&a;,..s by a =t: t 1 ,._., ._, ,. .. Uieir' attluent has been dumped into ·the Santa Ana. River. Ra.y ' elm annouaced -~ J>oll••• r practice has been.o.rdered baited by the State of Cali-th&t the ilquadr'o1111&1 been Deputy D1notor ...... · " • -¥ .,., .. lftit nlia Health cie--ent ~la• tWo 41-fot Ploa . <Mot Cr,_h '·-.,..,. f -~.,. - Here are the 1"'11 with whom lie the eoliitlon of thia ~ w111 u cnw fot u.. rw e· an '-~--.-~_ -~-· &--.,.. Chlo(...,., r .. -::,r: r=========r::== ~:-For DistriCt 5 Braden Finch Roea Greeley and 211 a .. llaNe' la Illa.._... -., tlt8t ~ be ~ K>i&ier· for D'titrk:t 6 Braden Finch. lfe!n g ' i-._ 11119. Be u.at -lloat .W •11••1J ........,_ • nnO-t ' • • _ M a _a....,-, bee. ..._... lltand ~ at tlle preceau-. l 1 • liDd., Clair Nelson ; for Di.triet 111 W!llla W&J'ller, Vern Lide Wharf lir t1111e or "" a a a., la dune "'° m .. ,,.., Bjow ~· ~ Jack en.er. r. u.. -o1 c1vt1 ..,.., -. -.-~· • '° ... o1 . :c:ch of the .Sanitation Dimlcta ia a •puate •tllJ. ~..:·;'"'ti. -a-. :" = 'i. -.,. ~7 :'.: illneton ~ Mt for It, llepv&tely or jointly with UIJ' a.c L• b't: 11 mW --""' ' I .. •I ..... ~ or MVftl diiltricta. ·. -rm 2 '-, --.... 1111 - -.. ~ .. """ I .. UT l ''l'BEVONEYlSA.THAND · . '%ha-.. a..;•••• "'•zzria--. . ...... •• -· ... t ... , ,_, , TBl!l ~IS ClUJlTBD, TBBPLAN is DroWN. -. "II -u.-. -... a oa11• u •a · WHAT MANNER OP JfllN AU THi.98lf . ...,. --..._. Ila -. lllr. -i]-I • -et .. ~· ........ -PISI 11 It., .... -'' ~ ~ ....... ., ..... 1. ............. .=*' ~ ~&•.£-•A,.e». •--dr11~ • ' • 6 ; II' T•l .......... '11as41a&.S .... -. . ~ , • • ' 1 ... • • ' • • I "' • J L I I i • I . I I • ' • • • 1 • . . ' • . . • , . HIADqU~ for · · SHERWIN rWl(LIAMS l PAINTS , •• PORTER· CABLE TOOLS . ' • SUNBEAM . MIXERS aad TOASTERS • DEARBORN HEATERS •• WALSH HARDWARE N01lCS 10 OONTR4CirOBS \ • SEALED PROPQlµLS wQ1 be received at the otftce of the Ctty Clerk, City Hall .. Cit~ of N~ lkscb. CaJUornJ.a. until 7 :30 o'clock P. M., Of\ the lSlh d-.y of f:ebnlary .. 1901, at which ttme they will ~ P':lbliely opened and l"Nd, tor perform.inc wortt u follow1 : CITY .OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA For Fnmilh.tl'lr and Inatallln& '· , Chain Unk Fencing No bid will be received unleaa 0 It IS made on 'a proposal form . Waive Hearing on Burcjlary ChaNJe , ' fumilhed by the City Engineer. Each bid mwit be accompanied by TWo young men waived pnllml· (ca.sh, certified ot., CU4ter's check, or bidder's bond) m~e payable to nary bearing in Newport Town· ·the City of Newport Bea.ch, tor: an am~t equal to at leut ten per ahip court , to cha • .,ee ot burstary cent ( 10~) of the amount bid, such ~ra.nty l9 be forfeited 1hou1d of two service ata.tlon tn Newport the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter Into the Beach a.nd l Huntington Beach and contract: have been held to anawer to Su- In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 to 1781 or the perlor court. Labor CodeL the City Couhcil of the City of Newport Beach . hU: Ball WU set at e .ooo each by ' ascertained the general prev&iling rate or wages applicable to the Judge J . 0 . Dodge last Thursday work to be done aa follows : when the two appeatf'd. 1 Hourly. P~r Diem Robnt Lee Ma.Imp-en, 2'1, Ar- • i ClustficaUon W"&'I Scalf> Wap. Ungton ind Calvin Wayne Taylor, C&rpent.er ................................................................. --···· l .M U .80 19, Corona,, wve c~ by New· 1 Cement Ftnl&her ---........................................................ 2.38 19.04 port Bach and Hunttn,ton Beach Laborers, General or Con.strucUon ............................ 1.75 14.00 police wtth the bursl&rY-of _ _,.... Flagman ............. -···········--··········-············" .................... 1.75 14.00 vice ataUon at Hwy, 101 and 8aJ. 'Watchman arid/Or Guard ...................... : ..................... 1.87 13.38 bo& Btvd., Newport Bffch f.Dd Air Compruaor Operator ............................................ 2-.~ 18.40 at Rwy. 101 and Hwy. S9-f.n Hunt· Coocrete Mixer Operator -Skip Type .................... 2.18 17.44 lngton Bea& on Jan. 13. \Structural Iron Worker .... __ .......................................... 2.M> 20.00 apretle machinu 11' both ata- tt'ractor 'operator -Bulldozer. Tamper, Scraper tlona were broka open by the ' or Drag Type Shovel or Boom AttacJunents 2.30 18.40 pair, poltce alleged and the amaJI Universal Equipment Operator (Shovel, Dra•llne change taken. The arn•t.I wen Derrick, ~rlck·&rce. Clamabell or Crane) 2 .~ 20 .00 made by Lt. John,. Seller ot the Drivers of Dump Trucks or lesa than 4 Yd.a. Huntlngtoa. Beach police and Sat. Water Level .......................................................... 1.8.3 14 .6'4 Vincent McManlgaJ ot tbe Ntw· Any Claultlcation omitted herein, not leu than 1.87 13.38 port Beacb poJlce. AD bldt ue lo be compared on the baa.la or the Clty Engineer'• e4tlmate ot the quantitlea ot work to be· dOl'le. 1 No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who haa not been 111ensed in accordance wttb ·the .provision.I ot Cha pter 9, Dtvt.aton W o Buet.neae and frolealorua Code. Plan• may be eeen and torma ot propouJ, bond.a, contract. and sppci.tie&Uona ma.y ~ obt&iud &l lhe offlce ot t.he City El\glneer, City Hall, Newport '1iiacl.. call!ornla. I The apedlal a tten.Uon of prospective 'bldclen ta ca.Ded to the "Propou.I Requirement.I and Condition11" annexed to the blank form ot proposal, for tull Directions u to bidding, etc. The City of Newport Beach reserves the right t o reject any or all blc!s. ... 1 Dated January 29, 1951. . C. K . PRIEST, City Clt>rk Nq. 629-Preu. Publiah February 1-8, 19~1. 'THE NEWPOR:I' HARBOR UNION HIGH SCHOOL Dl$TRICT ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTO&S SEALED PROPOSAI.s will be received at the office ot the New· port Harbor Union HJgh school. 15th at Irvine Avenue, Costa Mesa. California, until 12:00 Noon, on lht> 19th day of February, l\J51, at whjch t ime tty will be publicly opened and read, for performing work ~follows : For he Construction of P . C. C. Tenn la Courts l.n- cluJ.ing chain link fencing and appurtenances. , No bid wlU. be received unJeaa tt I.a made on a proposal form rur- niahed by the School Board·. Each bid•mwi:t be accomlfaDied by (ca.sh, ct'rlified or c~ier'a check, or bidde('• bond) made payable to the Newport Harbor UnJon High SchoOI Dt9trlct tor an &mount equal ti\ ·•t lea.at ten per ~nt (10'5>) or the amount btd, aucb CU-P&ntY to be 'fe..,eittd should the bidder to whom the contract la aw&J't1ed f all tO enter Into the· contract. In accordance with the provtsiou of Section 1770 to 1781 of the Labor Code, the Board of Trwlltts of the Newport Harbor Union High School Di.strtct hu ucertained tbe general preV'l.illng rate or wagea applicable to the work to be don~ as followa: ' HoarlJ' . per Diem Ctuslllcattoa Wap &mW We.p C&rpenter ............................................................ 2-3.5 18.80 Cement Finisher ................ _ .............................. 2.38 19.04 Cement Ftoor Finishing" Machine Operator 2.M 20.00 Laborers. General or Construction ................ 1.15 .... 14.00 Reinforcing Iron Workera .............................. 2.38... 19.04: Ornamental Iron Workei-a ............................ 2.40 19.20 F lagman ......................................... _ .............. : ..... 1. 70 14..00 Watchman and/or Qua.rd ................................ 1.67 13.38 Apprentice Engineer, Including Fireman. • Oller, Greaar ·----··-·····--·-----·--···-···········-· 1.93 10.44 Air Compreeaor Operator .... ,.~ .... -.............. -.. 2.06 15.40 Trio Hlri in· . Mela 'Collision.. . I Three ~· ~elWJd minor lnjurloo llaturday DICbl -• c&< drlvm by JI.cl< Qa.ta. \I, IOl9 Harbor Blvd .. Coeta Me-.., ltrvc11 a parked car be:k>nflng to Andrew Jacboi'l Kl.ng, Sant& Ana. The ac- cident occurred ln Coeta Mee.a a halt-mile north ot Wilaon St., on Harbor Blvd. Accordln• to King, he had run out of r-. and waa pumping hlll accelerator In an effort to re~.tart hla car wben •truck by the Davia machine which wu traveling south on Harbor Blvd. Davia received mlnor injurlu u did ht. two pa.MeOgera. Raymond ~ and Jack Silva, both of Leo Angeles. Silva and Roee were talc· en to the county boapltal. O.cla' car upeet followtnl' the co1111k>n. CigaNt5 Stolen from Henry's ~rill Fout' ca.rt.on.a or clpreU: valued at $8 were burgtariz.ed from Hen- ry's Grill, 91'4 Coa.at Hwy., aome- tlme Wednesday ntcht, Newport poUce ~ported. A .Cl'ffn on an unlocked wln· dow ln the rear ot the &Till wu jimmied by 1K>meone to pJn en- try, police exp!ained. The thieves tailed in an attempt to force o_pe:n coin boxea lo ma.i-ble machlnee. Owner ot the grUl wu !lated a.a Henry' Plaacenla, Santa At&& and lhe burglary wu reported at 5:21 a.m. Thursday by waJtreaa Lqcule Denough, "l Irvine Ave., New- port Heights. Set Court Trial on Dn1nk Charcj. . . Concrete or A.apM:lt Spreading, . Robert Ha.rotd Merritt, 24, 14'42 Mecb.&n\cal Tamptq Operator ········---· 1..30 11.40 Maple Ave.! Santa Ana, entered a Concrete Mizer Operator· Skip Type, .......... 2.18 17-4~ P}U of Mt pllt y to a cb&rp ot HHvy Duty ·Repo.mn.,, ----·-·······--··-----·--·-2.30 I U.•O drunlc dr1'!'1n¥ In Newport Juotlce Motor Patrol Operator, including any court Wedneeday and Judce D. J. type of paw<r blade ·····-·······------··---·······-·· 2.'3 19.U Dodp Ml a .ov..! tr1al tor P'•b. Punip Operator ·····-·--··-·························-···-··· 2.06 llr.10 7. Roller Operator ---~---.. ··--····---······-·-·-······-· .. ····· 2..2S 18.00 Merritt wu anuted by New· Tractor Operator ·11ulldozer. ~mper, port pollc4' at u :o2 a.m. wecm.. Scraper or Drac Type Shov~ or day at S3Dd; St. t and Newport Boom Att&Clu:llonto ···--·---·-··--'-··----------··· 2.SO 18.fO · Blvd., an.jr aa otr..iu~7 police of· Trenchbtc Machine Operator ---·-------...... _ .... 2.38 11,04 ftcer te.~bonfod ~ BaO.O. to Unlvenl&I l:qu!pment Operator (SIJowl. • ~ a pooolble dnmlt drlwr Dragllne. Den1cll,. O.rrlck·Barce, 1 .. v1q area. ·Jlierritl pooled a ClanuolleD °' Crue) ······-·······-··-·-·····-·· 2.:111 '20.00 U llO 11aU ra rorj Illa court ap- Dr1vert1 ot Dump TNcb of i.. than pearaaee. ' ' 4 ya"'9 W•ter Lew:l --------------·-·· 1.U 14.M "' . I .Any cl&9111c&Uon 01J!llted b•retn. , ~-t;t; ~ , ' . not .... ll\&D ···-·-···-· .. --·--···~-·1.11 .. 1111 .. __. "··- . No bid will "" .~ trop> a 0aa.--llu loot -y.-c;t•""ce -11'1 ..... ..._ wtu. u.. P"'J-of·pbaptor •• DhW... m GI -~ a . 8'•1!nfllll and P'IQf-e'r-w dodit~ · '!'be tat ecmt.rence of . ' Plana m8¥ "" -·-,_. of p..,,.;.i. _., ......... -tM cautonla -v.......,. ~-maj be .-&1 Illa-o«ice ot U. :n..,.n. --Medical A-iolt bold Jut - U'aton 'lflCb 11<-.._ . • · . • cm tlM ~ -·-of -U .S., n.. •peclal at•eU. Ol -U." b6ddora la.,.,-lo tlM ~ ~ °""-attnclild -1 R.equlftm1Dta -°"'4ltlou" ,........, to UM --of -hi-lltatft ~I. foe tllll ~ao t6 -.. otL • ....-..,. .Dr. ----of Tire -ot TnlAee f(-Nwpwt ---lllp !ktool •1191 Ne,.. .. l*trtet naerne Ulie-~te ~ Ul7 -aa llldl.·-n.: t • rss ••• , .... Ure ... BOARD or 'ft\1)8'15* MSW ···-1.DCl6M lllQB' --..... -v..._ -llCl!IOQL DJllTIUCT, ... ~ .. -.' ... -• • Mn. •m• • r r a.ti. .._ llllliM7 ., • 11 ,.._, s17 .D..ea:,Ju... '1111. .., • t , caUoua .. ·1 1 a ~ Dr. =----No.~ ~Jea.la.'hb.:i,l•. J1t1-T,•flf-lhed I • J>acton .. I :t ... "'-_... ~ Tartt. ~ _. Ml ttpa I flin/J .Quo/ilv Pritf#inn-Plt. Hor. 1616 -lilll:ll:li.' ...i ,.,,,. • ' IOUTHIRN CALlfORlllA IDll4)N ' T H II F I NES T • I ' l THE TOUlllNG1CAll WITH I.ACING PElll'OllM~Cl! -160·borxpo-Jr.iruu xx S.pct Spoca holds die ..... rtd'• •i-! r<eonl for ~oo an of 1!2..6 milts per hour. $3 945 . - • CAR 0 F • I • • CLYDE Ki'NG I • • ' • I T S C L AS S J N T H II W 0 ·K L D • • • • .-..--'f, . . nounces pr~udly.·a the appointment of ' CLYDE KING as Or.ange County Dealer f ,, . ' . Now you may sec and demonstrate the distinguished British Jaguar right here ar hom<. A choie< S<!<Ction is now avai~lc 111 pricts 20 Jtr met flss 1"411 16 1110111"1 11gol • Xmmcans in every put of the country and in rapidly inc:(<asirig numb<ra -. ar< buking in th< presti~ which comes only to Jaguar owners. For JaBuar alone bri ngs you Old World dtg'ance in line and linish ..... unacellcd comfort and handling easc-masmy of the traffic lanes whether meandering' throug h Oty • Stt«tS or sttei.Jdng· cfFortl<ssly along the Op<n bighwar, - The claSlic J•gu!Z is always fuhioosblc ... an ~ttring ~iece !her usu= txtn:mdy long life and racing cu road&bility .•. arid it comes fi¥ty . equipp<\l Jn ~I qiajor dries ~ \:, die U.S., Jaguar dealers ~­ • axnplere i.J;(e with ~ pilD. v .... ,.1#..w ~.~,.~-' ' ~,., •'r'""' 11--' ' u ' , . ' tlie_ ............ Cl is , ...... <!a .... .~.;o ., • ____ ...,_ lll,,IO.·MAIN·IT&IAT • ' fllJ ., -. llJ----·---··-"---~--..... _-_.:_[ ... ,._ i ...._~~~---~~'"'-'-......... ~----...;.....---....i....~..a;......,;.,,u......,._;:_._..;.._~:...t!t...;:.;..._--:~...!...;...:..Ll3;1 ' ' 1 • • • ' • • . . • • ) • ' • • • I ' • P;"'GE 1 -.PART I -• TH~RSbAY, FEI. I, 19SI ·r~~ .. ~ ·a · J.k--:..~~: P~Ess~ " • LO~G BEACH' AUDITOBllJM Frt., SaL E\-... 8:30 -Feb. t · S -Sat.. Mat. !:IO Direct From Loe Ang-dN Bllbnoni ~·· ~ ...., ., Iii ............. . -I •J•-Fdlas -~ • IOlln WllGllT lllllY uaa . llAIC run . am GIOICl · -.-""" ., COLE PORlER -v SAM.., BEUA SPEWACIC - Sf>ats Now: Long' &ach Auditorium -Pb. 1%6--U Bumph1'1"')'~13R Ptn~hoqe Long &ach TS1·89 Ev""': *4.!0, S3.60. $.,.00, $2.40, Sl.80, Sl.20. tax lh<"ludfld 1'tllt.: P.60. $3.00. $!.40, 11.8', Sl.20, tax included .JIH#UJ,UHCUu;-- q~ Callut. SCHOOL OF BALLET at OLD LEGION-HALL 16th and BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH Phone Harbor 2681-M L_. - FUN ' ZONE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA ' THE ARCHES CAFE And COCKTAIL LOUNGE I • • OPEN 10 a. m. Through 2 L m . • Newpofl Blvd. o n Coast Hlchway NEWPORT ODDS and ENDS • • • SHORT and BROKEN LOTS WOMEN'S and GROWING GIRLS' SHOES! Values from $4.95 to $7.95 for $3.89 . • S01'1E Xl 'l\lllt~ns :\10ST ALL SlZES BARBER'S BOOTERY 1795 Newport Ave. Costa Me5a ' ' • THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN • YO.. Can Pla.y Rich ONJGn Tones at ~ wrmoVT ICNOWINO A 81NGLZ NOTS OF lllVSIO Come u..; Md r;,. Wa .. -•rflal New 0..,... I-' . _~DANZ -st:HMIDT _PIA~~ CO .. •SJO ~ Main.· Cw. of 6tll . ' SANTA ANA -• • ; '. 'Plw•1 KL 2-5140 • r l : ... ~ . " ~ . /;figh Qua1ity Piinting'-Ph. Har. 1616 • I • ) . • f >t I ' ' i ! • I ~ LI D 0 '7-it .• "t~• NOW 'lsHOWllll1J l Jlt-- ' IF IT8 LAUOBll YO A llE AFTEB , •• !lf',E LATEST 'THIS Ill AMF,RJCA' DISNJ;Y CfAHTOON .. ... .. _ -- SL"NDA \' -4 Bltl DA V8 (.iontln110¥fl Sun. fPUm '!:.SO KJ<"llARD \l'lDMAKK ' Id • SAT1"RO.\.\' l.A~T DA\"! An oul"tandlnJ: roruhlru,CJon ,\J~o\X l..t\i>IJ In f~1· nul•k•or Tt•1·hnlrolnr .·\d,·1•nturr thnt iM dlft1•N•nt • • • ! • I • .< ( • t • '"l . t: tt '] .. '~Girr ·. 1CoM ·flarilen c· ·!~ ft!FS ~ Magn.' ·,·tic· ent· fun' v ,,,.·~~ dol ~ M-~ • ~ •-• •• . ..;. .. .,,;,,:.. · 1 , met Jrrlda:f-at Ille -n....-.... .... -.1-. I!!"" ' . • • ·' .,, lllot 01"1< .14~ att II.la---........ 'ali' .....,talliert tor ' llJ' lllLll ·, . I riew wftll M "IRle...U..C ~ ),r t"'* ... tllllled, tllat ~ .. P.:lmr• RkC>t 1 "Dnltm 01ri• 22 .mem.J>on, _.. four ~ }<> w!Ul~--.,.:~tt.raftl liq -vhkb i. i.,ii\g pruent<d lhll r.;;: _1..,,, ot Ule .~r ... _t1M1•· no*" 1!Ullo. iM OlllJ otat.o In • 1 j lay and 8&lurcl!ll' nlCJllO-at µ.e IUb(I Je8r .. P<*l!tfd . ~. tjie tbe ........ ~~~ ~-" . "'-¥• eo..t eon.,. Cll&pel .1111· ~htlnnon ~·Ill• """lnatljllt_;ff· Tbk'~· al!J Jtar <Judea · ·• I ltt Mulh•ll• Randall'• .41m:t!On. mlt~ _If"" lltdllli ~~~ ohdl, with, llll\ .-we -'a ,..... - ._ '<t.n PatU Witte and' -11 'l1le memllen -~y of 1..-, .... ble ......... • . . . RICHARD. WIDMARK i.. t ... loadlft&' role ID U... pow•rlw .t..,b· nicolor producUon "HaU. of aruntnuma," a tribute to the uplolta of thP UnJtt'd Star~ MarlnN. f"tlra opena Sunday t•t the Lido Hanna. Named 1 Conllnut:'Cf from Pap I ) I Went%, supported by one of the tor the toUowtnr DOm ...... :.·Mia. '"'1entilp ot lln. Powe• bu oc· • moet W.ntf'CI cU1a .,. •• --Maud Pow\.._ IQCUl!\bent, ~-oompllli\ed. U..1 ....,_ p1MH9* by the H•rbo• Communjty Play-den(; Mn. DOria Floftf, ~ ~~ lo lloe bll'"'"'1 Ul!d ..... -ldent: Mrs: J. W .. c.me..on. more utn'e _....tjon at, Ille Ju~.,..ng rrom Uoed,...; ,..be.,.. ...,..tary: Mile .DU.er ~. city o(! l'll!W}Jl>rt. malnWwice of, al, "Dream Olrl" 18 a play wbtcll Incumbent. cwteopondlnl: .eat.;. the-plbllai: . al8o Ille _, of will prove mapltlcenl tun to• lary and Mn: ~ ::! Wild· na-n Oil -t~la. Al· !ftryone from the tired buelneaa treuurer. • -. tentton. ot U.. State lhrouP A.- man to the ruder of Karper'• and . Mra. C. A.. Waldeck ~ ..,,.bl)mW! Eo.i'I Bt.onlel" ·lJroacbl T. s. Ell'oL art1c1 ..... prdmlns ID a ~t abo<lt ~lb· 'cle&lllnJ•Up of lilac· Tht. comedy ta ~ldom pruent-garden magutne and ,later ~4!1 A.r.thur bovlenlrd. uld erection of "'1 by Community Playera gn>Upa Informally ,of her oboervat~'. a(,.,. 1J1ere.oa. and a ~ ~ becauee ot the tecbnJcal dtffk:uJ. roadakle p&rks. durtnc. her rec 1 (Nwtb In membe.nhtp a.re olther tiet ot the at.aging. Thcie are nlne aummer motor toUr from the ' ~ of .w~ they &h prou'1. ·eta fn the nnit act and eight in to the We.t cout. Provided ~ The club. la a member ot the the ~nd, tncJUding such wildly m.aint.alned by the st.a~ ~ Ol:llfornla Garden Cl~ lncorp- va.ricgatcd locales a.a_ a maternity roa.daide parka &re m&ded. era+-.)· Ol'&ted,, thua la1acc.redlted WlU. ot- hoapilal. courtroom. n t ch t c I u b, or leveled places for the motorUt Reial 1t&ndlng u a working gar- ltaUan Restaurant and telephone to pull oft the road tor re:.t.. Pf'o-. den organts&Uon.. booth. By ccntct stagin•~ and in--------~,-'----'-1 -------------­ ~enlom uae or a balcony at one ~nd of the hall. and both aldea of the atage, and by .Jmp&e but care- fully chosen •tage propa and back drope. the resource.tu! director has achlcvt'd a sm~I miracle or at- \nosphcre 8.Ild reality. " ! "BRANDED" • NAii ror S 03~7 nrr ~Rllon off the I hit prit•r, Sl1lncl3n.l aJBO had ~he 'Onlrart lruit yrar. 1 12' Ri·rcrrnl or ~11•· Num1Tions to 1 hr C"lty frun1 l'iUJ~·rlor court re-' :Rrd·n~ th.• fatR.I acck1t•nl invalv-. 1 . n~ a r1ty fire true'< and a. car In r.oronR di•! Mn r in Oclobt'r. tu thf' Jlty attorn('y who \VIII JtiVl' It to he lnsura.n('r comp01ny to hllndlr. I Casasta Eightsome I I "NEXT-;~:cE You HEAR" :'Tt\R'fii ~··~--'.! lh1ir• Onlf FIF'!lt tlmt• nl llOIHllAr J•ri('1.•"I L'\GlllD lll:JlOMA~:o.; In "JOAN OF ARC" T1"(•hnlrolor ~1:1."ltf"tpll"N" TODA\" Tlllll' 'fl f:!il),\.\' In T...._;h11Jc·uJ11r "FRENCHIE" .JOf'I ~l t"<'rc·n. "'lu•ll.r \\'lnten -1,111~- "Mystery Submarin~" llonu.ltl ( 'arry COllElAflD INTERIORS 131 Approval or "' businc.M ll· ·cnst• for K<'lly'a Care. 2614 New· J>Ort B lvd .. NC'wport. &nd t('fen-al ~o lhC' polic<' chief ror rt-port nf a ~ict•n!K' request by Benlto ~r­ vant<•s or Costa AI C'~ lo ufK•retc 1n the <'ily c.·ollt>ctln~ junk, house lo hoU/'11•. Councr lrnan Da.lla!i Bltu· wus ub· ~nt fron1 tbe shnrt n11·t•t1ng . loard Decides llOT STl"t-F-Solllf"thl.n.c Of""' under thf> btt11 ! Gh.ilf..Franlu., thfo '"""' '4ironfo.ra with the unlqur "bullf·lo" rhlll fla\·nr, .,.. twin& lnlrodttM'd to SouttM-m C&llfor- nian.~ today by thf> 2; foorl mar-- kf"l!t of thl" Alpha ·~ta ·Chain. ll,.,.. Ml~ Jullf"t ffamrtn of lbr PalmN' Rouw, Chlc&Ko, wr,. C'hl1l-fo'n1nki. '4'f"r11 pr't"M.nt"" at (Continued lrorn Pace t) I • mral pack1•n' con,·f'nlloo r-r- stables were nol ln the pract\c(' I Cf"ntly. ot writing t raff\C' cllntluns. Thry conceded that Vaughn hud lht! L A Ph i'lharmon'ic power to make such arre8lS, but • • noted t1Ut'h offcn:;cs nor1nn11y itrc Pl S d handlcr1 by U1e Cnlrfom1a Jl~h· ayS Un ay w•.v P•trol. . t F 11 t Chairn1nn Willis Warner noted • a U er On that the constnblc could brin;; or-j fenders in and book theni hnd .~llluun l(apl"ll \~ill be r.olotst I tum them over to lhc CHf\ r,.lllt'r , \''llh thP Lo8 M ~r~~ Phi1.hA.1mon- than to 1$.'fUe eitationa.. So t?ic IC <•rc hc!'ilrs. pl1ty1nJ;: ~unday al board una.n1n1011,.1_v tum&d •kl'-''" 1 s -JO P· _111. In thC' auditorium or U1e re<iucst foe lhe $25 itcri'I whir h Full~rt on H IJ;h schOOL Thi• J.1 had be('n pasnod to it by Purchsa· final ~ynlphony conc<·r l of the sea- lng Agent Glad Bower. 1 on nntl ,v1:1 bo the Stant.lard Hour I • • 1 broadcAAt . ·~ t · Single ~mtMk>ns may ~ ob· 1 t\;"b""" Glri 0 •Fe~~~·· j f&irffd. s1!2o-rl>r • ltttdeltc< nxo " ruary 1 te eb._,,. t'• for adult.a. ' ~ WALLPAPERS ·1 AJI New 19"1 htt.eth . Covrtw, kl '•lftten I l>eccw•torl ROUSE & OAKDEN ; Sll Coast Hwy.' Newport Be.Cb Pomona Group ro Attend Ball Jim Steffl!n.!l'.Pll or Corona at Green Home · Mr. and Mra. HoWard Crttn and' 1' their gueatJI the other e~nln ' foimed & congC"nial etgbtsome ror can.uta and rel're!l:hmenta. at the Costa ).feu. h~ of the hoata. On ha.nd ~re Mr. and M~. Ber- nard Geier, ·Mr. and Mn. Jack Hlrtler and Mr. and Hra. Robert Raymond. PRICES : SLASHED! , DRESSES • .COATS ·'SKIRTS All Dresses up to $24.95 Ali C~ up to . 28~95 ,\II Skirf'.s up to 10.95 at OD.·BALF of original price • I I I ;;~~; • 1-~ EAST BALBOA BLVD. I __ . ___ _ BALBOA At · NORMAN'S of .course . . . "'figi1J).<f;R~wN 1~~~t~·~:. ~ · IN BLOOM .. ·. (a limlted number fur .Frid{ly) . M.o.QEllN end TIO,IC,t.l f.Ult-!IT UllE OlA.PES • WALL,A.PEllS • LAM'S ! FLoo• covE111N~s [ I wu~· IN Tl llOl'SJ: .t GARUf:N .r..n~ fE WORLD ~far y.·jlJ be.-homl' /ronl Pomona , ~Ollf•Jlt' U1i.!'J wcf'k w ith M'Ver&l I '!'U('RUI. and Mr end MrK. Steften· ~n are arranging f or a group ol •ix youni:: peopll' to e.ll("nd the ficart.s and Flowers ball. Regular. De.Uverte.a •11 co ... st H IGHWAY . NEWl"O•• I wouw vou oot liACON 4ln S..• L"HARLOTTE 110LLJNSHEAD lo~•d k•ot•i•lltet1 .. , ... l'LAHt!S • SHl'S • lAllS • HOTEL' Mut_,., ni,.,.,, nc:••t A9t11<f i , Vincent's Travel Bureau I M•rbof 11t£ • 1 "011 ttw. MRWAI ... " Yht<ellt'1 Udo ~ FOR REAL FUN -·. "ZING" DON'l )fllSS oUa 'ltESEMT SHOW Glll5 -G lllLS - ' 'Third Sunday'· Dessert Luncheon Chrysantht•mun1s decorated the mantel and colorful gumdrop tree. centered the tables. serving aJIO aa prjz.es, for Ebefi club's "Third Tftunday" deuert luncheon and 1 canuta. Eleven lAbJea were ln play ·HEARTS AND FLOwzius. d and h0Al9ile.11 were ~eadamea L be beld Frida.y flt&'h&: at ia.e &J.. L. ~beQ:. Bruce lllcBrlde, B. Z. boa nay club, 11ponsored· by j u.e McK1nnty, J e as I e Lowell and :Sewpoft Harbor aad Santa Ana Ralph Mukey. auxllla~ .of the Cbildrena C.D.M. Trio Attend Phoenix Wedding 1313 COAST HlWAY Corona del Illar Harbor 590 HALLMARK VALENTINE CARDS '"WHEN YOU <;.UU: TO sEND TffE:V!)}ty BEST" -BOXEI>"IST.A'PIONERY-.~ GIFTS -·MONOGRAMMING - -8UPPLUl:S FOR THE OFP'ICE -ON OUR BHl!:J..VES - -lDl!lA.li;"""",.-.P:• BOOKS~-D EX'1'jl.A. ~HEl!lTS -· : ;-~ A ST ONERS . • ._ 111-.a . .:...11731 ~IE . i&T BL)'ll. ------·UNITY.....----- Afflll&ted. wii.h UNITY School. Lee·a Summit Me. THE IJNITY Clttu'd\ of TBQTll -Zll6 N. Bl"OIWlway, Saata A.a.a INVITES YOU TO HEAR ~H R. RREA OF UNITY SCHOOL FRIDAY, FEB, 2ND.--8 P. M.--.Sl}BJECT: '"THE REAL TRIUMPH" Home . Society. DiscUNlng the second annual ball are Mn. Ken- neth Slattl(e. left. of•_Mte re<leP"" tlon rommlttee &Od it'rs.. A. V. Andre"·-. local auxiliary prMl- cleat. (Beckner Photo) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Poirier and' 1 Brlnl ~ tn.end---Come early if you wa.nt a 8e&l-No admlmdon charp: M1N Kalie Doane 'journeyf"d to I r;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. PhOE'nlx ls.at "'eek whert they at-1.I lf'ndcd On Feb. 2t the wtddlng of ' THE CIRCUS ROOM Miu Virginia Bruneau 'and U . William Shiel. Arn\y Air Forqt> Instructor in Texas. Mre. Poirier waa soloilll at the ce»emony. LET'S ALL GO TO SEE THE • • • ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING REST AUr-ANTSJ food EltporllJ" r~ -O..aclouol;r •Served, la Our Unique Dlnl•& Boom Free ladoor Pvkinl N~ Door. In Long Beach 111 . 6i1'1m & Later the trio vi8ited ln Tucson and returned' bolne Sunday. . ' Mrs. Myf ord Irvine Honored by Lido Isle Duo Pink carnaUon.e and bluit bach- •lor buttom eente.~ tlle beaut:t· tully appointed butt;et.. table when Mn., Everttt Ga.rdlher and Mra. !:meat SatUg honOttd Mn. Ky- tord Irnne 101or1a IY.'b lte 1. F<!•· m1:r reeJdent ot N~ Height.I. Mn.. lri"ne b .. made htt home at -o.i lrviM ranc-. .a ce bc.r marrl-- qe -Dec:enlM!<. Tbo ~ ~ at" Mrs. s&r- \'-'• lleone on ~ lale Ju. 2'. W'U 1 followed by e&nUla. Mn. Thurman Clatlt ot Puad""" won tbe C&l!Hla !Ir.... ~ a st-' , . a-.ra.i-d.'"two kn"e"y b&nd;msde band· Jter~C..and a ~ --. • ,... p...-tcd Mri.1 r..w.e. _,,t ror I.be~~; • 11 ...... Clark. J ...... B. Roe-" loo Aris..._ Herut Wlnenwi ·0< -Ilaria. Pllyllla )offi1!ia. XU. Mall .B....,.lt.,, 'Rowland Jlod«- • ld-.,, ~ro ~1o1e111, -• -. "' ·t Jill'. ~ hrftll, PtsJ1Jlo .BOoltb, 11a1-..ft Ill 'CO, ~ "'~· ~, S'Wrs< 11. A.ftrJ' Cru7; ~ Ale': , • ..._u. ... • . . 2nd ANNUAL . . • ELKS ~-~°!!~~ ~.H~W . Ne_wport Har·bor-Hi~ SchOol Aucliforia,m . ' . . ~. ' I • f ·~ L.AUGHS ~ * • ~ ·" • ll41•r•nt. ~ ......,._ ,,_. • 1 I .,.,..,, P"s .. ...,, I ·CC:J• ,. {:_ Ulfll (ks 7 IC fCf'le. &..:.' __ ,;,.., ____ .., __ ._,.,..,.~ ., ' • • • • I • • ' l I • • • --' PKOUD lllOOIPU:1"'S ol Ibo .... utlful awa.rda pooo du.tas tllo NeWe!"'POl-rt -lMJ' A,..tera tint mmia.I troph.y award dlnner at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Mt w~-...,. From left: 8'ie.ray Burke, th or. HwSeln TrophJ for the flnt flail of tbe w.11141; Fru Piper, the '· W. Etd.redre Trophy for thfo a.rl'eiet aJ~re o• e-&bttS.d; Ada HaJle&t, UMt 'Imm.le 8&.eveuon Trophy for the aeooDd laqetlt ma'1ln; RN!lle But,Ued. of San Dlqo, P~rt Orup Tf..opbr fer the tarcnt· white IM'a bau and "'\ 't'lorm'a Landlnc Trophy for Utir llrsnt yellawtaU: Ul;J oa.lt. &ta.rlae Sales Tl'o-phy tor t.be. tarc- eat albacore on S-thread, and .Jeul.e DolkM, the Oweas-Padf\e Yacht Sa.lea Trophy fttr ·the IM&Nt marUn. .. (Photo by Beckner) ' I OFFICERS of the ~ewport lb.rbor Lady Aq~n wel'f! ln..tallf'd durinl' t1ae o~tlob nn.t UO}t'aJ ·rrophy l>lnnt>r, held at t.hr Nn~..-port Harbor Yacht Club on \Vt'dnnlday, .Ja.nuary ~4. Shown brn-, fN1m k-ft: Julla Sa\\'.Yf'r, trt'UUru; Dic~le Gttdy, 1ttn-tary: 011,·e McKem.Je. ptt!Wdent. a'od Erma-1..M'ht•nm)'•··r. proC"r&m cha.irman. (Photo by Beckner) • ' ·111,336 Anglers 'Fished in Nov. Board Orders Power Sqdn. Chief to Visit Harbor . . CG Bu!khead • Sportsmen enjoyed dt·~p sea fhlhing during N'ov('mbfor rrom al- SleE"l . tor shf'l'l plllni;t11 Cor a moe:t every Ca'ifornla port ht!-'LocAl Squadron membera . are bulkhead, the ftr21l 21tep in con-tween Bodega Bay, north of 8a.n ~reettng Wllh enthua'um the an· structtng an anchora~e for the Franc l1JC.o. to San Diego. · nounccment that A . N . Clifton· of eo&it Gul:lrd curter in Newport Rlopor~ ~mpiled by lhe Stat@ MU8achUHtt.a. Chief Commander Harbor. was orderf'(I last wttk Pivi.sion qt Ff..ab. and G_amr_ @ow of ~ United Slate• Powu Sqµad .. by, the bait.rd or w~rvi»ors. Just catches of 11 .336 an,cltor.11 who op-ron,,la~ted to be her• foc..*be ,...,,.;, 'Iba -1 ...,. 'be --uatod ·fn>m .T~ -6ohlnc--to. AruWa1 Dlatriot Sprtn1 Collf-.• waa not known, ,the. War. attua: L&r.._ numtaiet of u.cten. 4,-to be held at the Balboa Bay .ctu~ -tlon be\ng what it IA, but it was SM,. Wied 17 boalll: opera\,Jng out March a and t . · • the rtr111t pol-'llive action t he super-of Long Beach. Wllmlngton and Th,. announcement come• ft-.i v isors have Lakt'n toward the ton~ SRn ~edr:c>. A total catch of 21·• Dietrtct Commanrler Harry A.ah, otudled pr9posal to dr\'elop cout1-220 fl8h. m08tly kelp a.nd und ton. Chief Comnt&ndt'r Clifton. ty property adjacPnt to Bayside I ba.M, barracuda and rockftah. was who holdA the grad" of Navigator. Dr. near the Balboa Yacht club. rt>ported ln t'he Los Angeles har· wa.s re-elected to the hlPlelt C08l or the I fD 11 ton11; or 4tel?I bot 8.rea. Squadron orrtce ~t thr llnnual con- tor the pilings was ef!timated al ~ Str~Pt'd b&1:1.9 party boat opera-vent.ion o r the naUon 'a Squadron•. $15,000 by Harbor F,n,::inttr Mor-to~a in the Sa.cramC"nto~San J oa· Nt'w York. la.at1 month. Hia p~a· gan Noble. He estimated that ~11: Delta area r;tott'd improved ence Rl the ronft'renct of the t'onstrucllon or lht' pier and drlv· rishtng dur~ng N"ov~mber. •Ho~-Southern Ca'ifornia Squadrons lng or tht' pll•ngs wonld cOS-l $:x> -ever, lhl.a f:ablng droppffi orf •n wJll greatly add to the lnterut of 126. · San . Pablo Bay and Carqulnt>z lht> meeting. Supt>rvi"'lrs rt'fllSf'd Cor the pre!!-Straits, compRred t o the totals The local Squadron's 163 m em· ent to C(JflSider rurtht·r dt'velop· I recordt'd during the prcvlou~ !>P.rn are planning to atte nd th,. mt>nt of the .~ite by purcha.!linJ:: months. l\VO dlJ.Y conference and to put 113,000 morf' worth of ptlings and -....-their be8t nautical foot forward approving $31,560 in work for a Reactivate L, A. ~ ror their chief, according to Put county harbor llr paolmt•nt dock Commander Ted Hambrook, who and quartC"rs. Naval Base will be Balboa Squadron'• member 1...-Sha~d Plt>t " Re-eatablltthment of the U. S. Plans call for an lrsha~ pier Naval Baae, Loe Angelee, Caltf., for docking thr Coast Guard craft effe-ctlve Feb. t, 1951, waa anounc- at the silt'-near the harbor en-ed today by Rear Admiral Wilder trance and acr08.l!I t.he harbor D , Bakc-r, Commandant of the mouth from the prel-'ent mooring E:t>venth Naval Oletrict. at the foot or "N" St. an Balboa Tht> new ~Uvity will become penin8Ula Th" Cout Guard long the 8t"COnd Naval ~ under the bas 90UJ:ht other quRrtf'rs and thP command or Rcaf Admiral Baker . city of Nl"wport B<>nch rep.-ated1y who .. aAeo comr:p_anda lhl!' Naval ha.a ur~M the supervisors. to sup-Base, San Diego. The Loa A.ngele1 ply raclhtk-8 at the county prop-hue will include the Naval Shlp- erty. yard. Long Beaoh; Naval Supply The count)· hatbnr CQmmWlon . Depot: San Pedro: Naval Am.mu· alao haa uri:cd that the super· nltlob &nd Net Dt>pot, ~al Beach ; visor8 provldr hcadquartl'rl! and and the Marine Barracka and Na- dock Cacilitll's fd'r thr-harbor de-val Station, Long Beach. parlmenl, but su1X'rvi~rs, headed by Ralph McFatlden of Placentia, have objecl.rd. "Wt' don't know what we're gotng lo use that property for." McFaddl'n co1nmented. He has In- dicated ~\'l'tal tun!'s that he fa- vors deYt'lopn1t·nt or the area for pub!ic Usi'. IN NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. J . F . Clark have sold their home al 2408 Orange Ave .. Santa Ana. and w~ their children, Marjorie, Jack and Mich- lle:I, have eatablbhed realdence on Santa Ana A venue. NEW DAUGHTER BaJboa lllatroa Rttupe .. tlac Trena Aleae 19 the name selecl- Mrs. Flora Beatty; .307 Udo ed by Mr. "1d Mre. Thor Swanaon avenue, Ba.Ibo&, Is-1lowly linprov-of 718 Beacon Rd .• CllU Haven. Ing after bcin~ confined for three , for their baby dCughlf'r. The llt.Ue Wttka wilJ?. the prevailing nu. I Mia_ WU born Jan. ~- I • of the conference planning com· mftlff and Hat Langenheim: 19~1 comman:ier . More Uian 300 wdl be expected to &Uend. New P1lotln1 rn ... ' ~lxty-elx men and womep, baw: "nro'leid to dale In the Spring PMoting cl<AP. mtttlng )fonday ni,ghta, at Balboa Ya<"hl Club. Lut Monday nlght·a clus on Safety. gtven by Lee J onas., wlU be fol- lowed by next ~fonday nlcht'• clus on Law, Lf.gally Required _E9ulpment and Light.a, to be given by Mrs. Iaabf-1 Andrews. The cout"SE> w\11 conclude April 24 . Thi're la still time to enrolr for those who wish to go on with the cour11e. ac.cordlng to Curtis Doeh. chairman or the course. Name New Preside11t of Fish, Ga}'• Comm. Lee Payne -Editor of the LO. A.ngelu Dally News -UI the n~ preAIM.nt of tbe St.alt' Filh and Came Commlaaion. Payne euccceds Harvey Hut&J.n of Brawley. Payne ha8 ~en a member or the Commlsalon 1lnce 193&. ' Carer'$ .Want to Malce SOOi ~ew Friends! . -. , ... :·-~ ~ ' .. Useful wberever you nee~ li&bt. Correct illuminatiDD , fer every purp11se in home ' I ' • I • • .. " I J l l I I ' J I ' . r •• • PAGE •6 -_A..11.T -THUltSDAY, Fa. l , l 95f ... ~~~~· ... a .~,,~ .:::.o:-PllESS ~ • • . llD ; ~ ic.-naao.AJA •. 1·•1 a. • .0.n. .m.u. \-4:! ::!!'!!!!'!!! • ·8:~ ~.cscLr .... ;.;...'A,;;,;lcobol=;;;;u;;,;;ca=-AD-~--· --1 Bu· y Th. • .em. ,-re. ~'....... c.wL ::._~1s;~. !. ?!"1:.··~a P BAI .ROA ISLAND ,.. • ~ r1 P ·o -• ,Wlfil "'" --· _ ... : · · aoun. Am> APTa. NEW_·'-'-. • w-1e . ·.... --.. You..,......;_ sae -· NII; i• a. . •<7l . , ... _.__.... • '-'AU Uid••MI ......-, tompl. -'. Tll.UILY Oft DAaolfAL-. ·' ~ _:_·~Piie~-~~·~· .. ~~~'...:"~-~-SEE 'fH~'E;. LOW • !l&l!Jod. U!IJO: ...-.. .... bello ... OAlL CA1Ufn wjlll • • TaADJC-u,g ••T'i'•·a BUY • Md l&lnpo; ~le'\'"......_ f1 Nelda Glbloo, RMI lil11t1te· • . •'" PHO'IP TINT _SER~ CU refrtl~ . 20 aura. -ua, wi 1ma11 -ta. IOI --. .-JA ,Har. -lot ''9 Merev)'--tilib •ep.. .: . 11a .. your r,vor1ua photosnlpll erator, 5 cu. ft., . TRADII'IG PORT . . . -, tieiatR ~· a,· Sa-t'Selr' -tlllled. Write' -Uld A·l co~l\ltlon ·········· _7t.l!O UOILafa70tte,lfwpc. ,Bar.,1a.w ···--:_.. I I ra41o;,. . : . . ' J-' < add .... 'I!! -of pboto. Al.lo FRIGID~ 5 C11-. . • T~TSB COJ\ONA om. ...... l'l!lll. ·' nljle ~·1.,-•• ,. ••••• ;~"'-.. , l'nal -,-'-1.ido Ille. I na~urai colonnc: P?tee.•1.eo ea. foot .... --... ·--~--·· 79.115 • , ~..,.. -· ::!...'t:.. ~O: · · ~ · .. · · _,., s ""-~ li,u... to .tt lot 2050 i':n ~tNDRA ~ ~~ refr!gera-7t.l!O SmaJJ . Boat Mart . .;~to -='•pplaif UC\•'.,,. .... ·~ ·J'ord , ~·· , • I .. ::r.. ~~:."'o..a:w..:.! . . -r ..... _. ·==--.. -BOATS BOUO~. IOLD and ..... ,..i,. ~ llarl>or l~~i ~ ·h•td .. -:-~ .. --,..-,-. l•flll 11'°* lo. tulCh 'and WANTS -• NJ!M'S-TIMES _. Every TaMday ---,,------..tea-In f'lr wo~ bu19 cept..s °" ...,...,,.,..,.~ ·· ' . , . · ~ • ~-: lo liol1. ·.J . 'NEWPOVT BAY POST_:Wednesdava Rug f-j~ Uphplst~ry onTe~..ta·~ have . Balboa! Manna RENTAL " ~. ~ '6\i~-~-~:'!1,··1·-'•llTTlllR • BUY • ' . , ,.. Clean~ and Dyemg · been traded mtl:n 2802 ~ Bls•-Y· --cltt1 • "" .....,..,. .. T T-· ~'"!'. • .._~ • NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PBm9-Thondays m spoda11se 1n c1un1ns 11.-. PhDcoe • • 1se71 ~p~~".,. . . . . , , , , Balboa. Peninsula ' l'I...,... _, P-C!nn!Ji .. 4* - -.... =g 'SJ and Upboloteey ooly. Done In Eaa Terms , Olll -a._ • • ff 1'ack4rd t-di •. Secf. . · · •~ w -. ftwt , r rsw your ~ bom• or 1n our p1an1. Y . Walt s ~ding Post Linwood Vick Rltor Recondi. eagine. ·A ., Bayfront. ${0,000 1 . ~ &D m' ""'!' """'" 1ber£':::OU:,.;r:, .,...... The Davis-Brown Co. Used Marine Gear• ..._ r+nd llU. 'IOU u.M IMl}' ·-........ _,_ ____ L, r11111 ""°"'' -. 'terr u .. 111e ;-«orr A.II Cir fled~~-be .-S1":,.~.. ·-, .. !:-lh., LET 118 make you,. old rup alld 188i5 Barbor Blvd! Nautical l>toonl*" t1eed_N_~ · • , '• • -.·11-B. ll., pier -.Ill llo&L A t [.....,. ,.....,. ·'" tumltun l look 111<• n-"11h ea.ta lleu Bea. 8821 Ul-30tb SL Now~ _, A'M'll.ACTIVB> water front apl '42 Chev. Club Ccuft.>i I 'prilnor-•t .. 0.000~- C 11-% Papen 1.50 bri&'hL ntw oolora. WoPlt llU&'· L ()pen 8unda)'o Ph. Bar. MTO tllmlabed. Sundeck, noet avaU. Radio hter ~'I""' 11915 am' loool-8ft Ulla. C Un.. S Papen !.00 FRll:ll lll8TDlATEa Ph. Bea. &IOI FRIGID~ $\i ca. ft., -able. SM mo., lndu. uW. 3tOll • ·• ] . • n. ll'lbllahen will oot be reopimllble tor llloN lhaD -l!Aazoet HANLE• A 1 S lain 1nter1or and -r1or. Ven Boat .owners&: Yecbanlca Finley Ave., Newport ~h·' · • . ' BETTlllR BUY ~ of an odvert>oement. rwne lhe rtl(ht to <Dir~ cluoll) · II""° CODdl\lon. -lie. Qt Call your loeol d,.ier for . 1 7tc78 '41 Fo~ Conv. . , : . • . . . · • &IQ' and an •da and to nJect...,, -rttoemont not~ to 2039 Hubot Blvd. eoeta K-AUoo An ... Newport' He!. r,ua.•cT• SNAP-ON-TOOLS . eng. Orig. black ... 645 Waterfront Home niJea and resulaUQllO. Advertilemento and canceJlaHona wilJ bo 2Sc2tB EXTRA clean S and • rm opu.. 1 ~ , -:! . """"Pied up to 5 p.m. oo the day precedlnc pubUcollon. Pb. Bar. 1111 Phone John Kimble, Har. 10ll7·R turnlabe4. Elec. ".frtC-. utU. pd. • , l'..Arl(e I «My -only ~Ii 1Mt" ~Har. tett,..., for "Ad 'l'alreo" or_, ad ...s .--to • Television Se · , nu Mlrom&r. Balboa .. <>-.. &mo. to JW1e.15th. 301 E. '41 ~ SQto ~· Fl old. .T!lla bome ,_ s B!la-. 2 NEWPORT-RABJIOB P1TlllslllBJNO 00. 111--811ARE TQUR OAB TtcT&h 'Ba)' An .• B&I-. Hor., 19!111-J. Dr.,. ftiullo, ~ ~ ,im1ns room.• ]&WldtJ'rm. n1111o11>oe 111..i.. N...,.n B•oll, Oallfonla. , NEED tren'aportoUon tr-om New· RADIO REP ·BOOKS-SEA BOOKS T2cTt 1 own.er :-~··-: .. , .. .! =:~~~r ;'.d..wf~ OOKPLlll'nD HOUllJI: CLmANING Ml"'ltce. Fum!tuN and rap Olbampooed. • f'ft'1 ----runy inound. Al's HDuse & Rug Cleaning Co. BHcon 8111 ,. T2ttc ll-8U1LDING HATElllALS This Week Specials DOORS 310 x 618 Slab .............. $ 9.95 310 x 618 1 Panel ....... $ 6.95 310 x 618 6 Panel raieed ............. .......... 19.95 Close out on all doors in stock. • WINDOWS 210 x; 416 l"r.H . Spec. '. .... $2.50 310 x'216 D.H. Spec ....... 2.95 210 x 310 P.H. Spec ....... 1.95 316 x 416 D.H. Spec ....... 2.95 Also many other sizes in stock for close out. Boiled Linseed Oil , ~r gal ........ '. ............. $1.95 Mastipave Floor Tile per tile ...................... 3 ''"c Inlaid Linoleum Reg. $2.75 Spec. $1 .75 • Bayview Bldr. Supply l&-BUSINE8S GUIDE Furniture· Repairing Chair bottom.I nn.ewed. cane or aplfnt. Cha.tr rounda, bacU and rocaen replaced; oJoo n-glulng. HARVEY'S Ft1RN1TURlll REPAIR SHOP 20llO Santa Ana A ft, Coot& MUI\ Beacon 8lss..J. 17c1SS -Be wiae--tell peopl~dvert.lee! , 12-BUILDING SEBVICES port Bea.ch to El Toro Marine c.tt1 mwtn i • • I aro&d ONE BEDROOM UNP'URNISH· ,,• ._,...,: ) . 1 'With 'TSJOIJlY 1 .;BR apt.. i.bcwe. Bue. Phqne Harbor lt62·W. Ttclull-A. fine otock-<lf boob on oD )'9dtt-ED duplax, hwd. nooro, Ulo, nr~ •39 Buick 4-dr. ·Sijdan , Pa-paUo. All 1b18 oa sn> T4pT5 MD4 JIADIO 6 TmLll'aSWlf IJ>ft IUll>~ all CtlJ7CI ple«, wolled In yor<I. tit Ju· O • b'··,;! ~ " l I ,,.,. fl INllllMiAded ...Urfton~ wilh ------------11111 ->'• 9-IL S.. llllOl-J boob. Londlns library. mlne Aw., Corono. del >!er. In· ng .• oa_""'-:;·--··c,'·! ''""' ~ --~ ao,.t. Only ·'5.~ re- \::ITi:A:~:::::::ome. FOR~uiT~ SH ~e~~de~ 1M7 ~~){:~. ~ e!:; ~~!: . La.;y ~* ~~~mo. ·fnclbd 5 17~ Monrovia, Colila Meu.. Ph. _..., -. • BUT·-·---• L" 1..... .;,~~ T "-·~ -·--• • IDC"lll -·m.e ·ury .B.llTTER BUY Beocon 118TG-R. -TSp ~ PROPANJI TA.Nlta "-"UlllOAL. LU>IO IN BALBOA -N-1y new upper y " i>' Complete i>ota&atlon, -1r duplu, with ..-of baY( Com.· 160 NORTH_· ..... ~·!··"IND. . . ua"o' Isle Hom' e DANlSH NURSE MAID wants and ~ of all TtaUft JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! plelely turn., nev abopptng d1i.. ~ q _ poaltlon. Up to three children. Equipment. L Knabe Grand. BeautltUl Chick-and tram .. yearly_ rental. Ph. Lagu.D& I;... J.; :•19,500 Excellent reference11. prefer Berman ll. Samuel zw. JI.. 'POl'teJ U'lnJ Grand. Sav. $600 lo S8()0, Hubor 1Sl1-W: '74c76 . , ·--'· ":<~ ~ i • ., coaotal &rea. Phone Long Beech Kimbal Grand. Voee. Story ond Ph. Lagunl!,. ...,.ea .~ TtuiD.S. R., 2·balha bn·M Fr. 9().159t. Ttp76 ORANGE co~ Clark. Wonder toned Sobmer BALBOA -""1mUbed 1 --•' . :.-, .1• • Lor. Lovely patio. Be&utltul WILL TAKE clllld ;n my hom.e. TRAILER SUPPLY Gnnd, only $39~. Tenno. DA1''Z· apL· Inquire 901 ll. Bey Front. •47 OLDS DEwXs 'f-Dlit.".-.daa. ~ and -~ ... ~ B&b lttl In 1 !tCHMIDT BIG PIANO 910RE. BeJ-. . •~· •-'---~··•--uy~ ~nno to ... -1,..,.y. PAINTING • Daya. YI • ng even ~ · 1910 BARBOR BLVD. ~lo No. Main, corner 5th, Santa Phone Harbor 0831-W R&dlW ~ter. ~ -· 312 Alva.rado Pl., Balboa. Phone -.-.... M PboM Be•eon UM-R Ana. 87 .... 1 By owner.: ~ •• 1181. ~lcT5, ,I, BltTTllR BUT EARL .SHEFLIN Harbor 2<96·J. T4p75h~ --,,-~--==-:'=--:--:-:::---::-:.,.-·" ..., 2T3 Palmer Bt., Coot& JI-WANT . WORK u truck driver, MAGIC CHEF 1"ble Top l\anr--JANU--AR-Y~CLEA--RA-N_C_E_S_ALE..,..--! NICELY tllrnlohed otudlo epL BUICK JJM4. BuPD -I~· • Bea. 6457-Jd Net chauffeur, hOueeman. Alao .er-Good condltlo.n. $4.~. Bea.. 75::72~ Spinet. and Orand9. T.rade-lna $55 mo., uUL"' lncJu. Good loca-. =lo~~~ -~ = ves tor pMvate pa.rtiea. Refer-Rental •eturna. repoueaton. t1on. Ideal for eouple. Key &l cl P-l:iftte p.rty j; ~ 1 e e PAPER HANGING , encu tllmlohed. Phone KI. 31172!1 . . , WonderlUI larplna. >l&ny t&m· 51T L&rltopur, Corona del Jilar. ,;:;; Pb. Ru 1-.a 71c7& and PAINTING otter t :so p.m.. 7tp7a Square Dancing? ouo mol<eL DANz.8CHKIDT Harbor -~ 7<cT5 · · • · Bl'G PIANO STORE. 100 planoo ------------ Kenneth · Quarry 15115 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Meu Phone Be&con ~ RELIABLE WOMAN will do We have 0 portable pubHc -to chooH tr-om, 520 'No. :Main. LIDO ISLE houaework by the hour, or by tytlem, record player .qo am-corner &th, Santa Alla. U' you want a rental an LIDO day. Reference.a. Phone Beacon plJfler to rent ror ,.me. and ISLI: Me ua. Se•enl lonlJ 5143-W morntnp or e.,enlnga. parttea. BUNG.A.LOW upright p\&no in apta. Allio bom• a?&llab1e. 74p75 perfect playlnf condlUon. $295. ---------DAVIS-BRO\VN CO. Termo. S30 down. $10 mo. at P.A. PAI.MER 81ipT8 OCO VET·STUDENT wonte room Col M SHAFER MUSlC CO. lSlnce INCORPORATED -----------and board ln excban~ for part-l885 Harb<>~~.!:!· "2l ta ··1ea 1907) .fi21 N . Sycamore. S&nla 3313 Vla Udo Barbor 1500 INTl!RIOR -EXTERIOR t1me "ofk. Many quaJJncatlona Ana. Klmberly J-0872. Title nuc p AINTING -in<lud. Chauffeur'• llcenoe. Write LICENSED _ IltstJRmD P .O. Box 98, Newport ~s!'-i7 Want to Record? New Taoo Reco~der Glenn Johnston 501 ·Slot St. Newport Beach Barbor 2297 -J Mc-ti REP AIRING and PAINTING . . R.EASONABI.$. Lara• oT small Jobi. Fl"ff eaUmatee. Walker, 108 -18th St., N~rt Beech. Harbor 2Ml•R. 17c18R ·NEED HELP? Consult ettuaUon wanted t.da or place a cl&saltle4 In the Newa- Timea., Post and Preu comblna- tl.on at $l pe:r week., min. Phone Harbor 1818. Portable. Ma.de by An'Apro -Ex- cellent for re.cordln& mu.ale, •J>HCh or ! $109.95 ~ NEW WEBSTER ' WIRE RE- ------------CORDER, J>O:"tabk. A r at ~ WANl'ED $1113. • · · w'"'_ANTED _ _;..._Tw_o __ -... -tar1-.. -f"' DA VIS-BROWN CO. RENT A PIANO. ~.per moeth. All rent &ll0wed It )'OU buy with· ln terma.. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 1520 No. Maln. Santa ~ . ' USED PIANOS !'°"! ~ up. Good playing condition. D A N Z. SCHMWT. 620 No. >loin, Senta Ana,• cor. Ith. IN LOVELY COURT -2 bedrm untu.rnlahed houae, $<l 7 .60 mo. A ~O large trailer, $30. Small trailer, $22.50. 1741 fomona, Cost& M91.. Phon~ Be&. 8747-J. 7fttc UNFlJRNI~J<ED 3 RM:. API'., lge. living rm .. bdrm., kitchen, 0.th. Panel ray heat. .~&id~ and oto"'1 fllrnlahed. tt7 Heliotrope. OOroa& del Mar. Phone HubOr 2989-W. IU.Uc '37 DODOE Se4. Sturdy, neat t.:nd _,e...table $295 'ti PLY. '"Spec. Dix.'". Bed. Clean u Thep tjime ! $595. • 'H CHEV. CLUB CPE.· "Huntor gTeen beauty:" of exceptJ.onal meriL Ru ; radio, b~ter, "Un· ! dercoating," etc., ete. • $1185 8% TERMS -MANY <YijRERS SHA VER MOTORS Your DODOm-PLTllOVl'H Dir. 1936 Harbor ~ ~lvd.\ c::roM.a 1 X... Phone Beacon 6901--l . . . 60 'ft. ~t, LlbO 1$1.E ' . $5,000 IN > ~y BEST. LOCATION. llaN la• RIC.AL v&JU« More Iha !to iiou.ea under oooalruC• Uan .oo Lido, eo cqo<l k>ta are l'Olns fut. SEE THIS! .BETTl:R BUY . . . New,nort Heights A 2 bdm\·f.ome. Thi.I on.e ii: re.ally ntce. Spanking clean. Only 3 y~ old and priced at only P ,SIO. $2,000 down handlca. BETTER "BUY Harbor Investment COMP-ANY -REALTORS Newport Blvd. ot 30th St. ~.1900 . . . 818 CO&St Highway Newport ------------otnce -Oeail of Evenlnc Col.. lW Harbor Bl~ Qoeta Mesi lege. 'One W daily. One 1:30-Pbone Beacon WI W4NTJW: llOI pla-. T...i. ln your old pfano on a Orand. Spinet or bea.uutul ldev'\llon. Hi.best cub &UoWu.ce. Terms. , DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CQ, .& TrRACTIVE rdwd. home, part- ly turn .. stove·&. ttfrlg. 1 bdrm. :FrpL, corn. lot., beaut. view. Yd. eerv. Avall. F eb. 11th. yeuly. 721 Poppy, Corona del Kar. 'tO FORD Convertibl•. ndlo. htr. Nearly new titta. Excellent mo- tor and tinJ&h. Phone Ha. 1212. 7fcTS tl'lllO CORONA.DEL MAR; Nm- lohed, cJeon lhruout, bardw<lod noon, 2 bedroomJi, neaf every· tla.lng. Ideal for elderly people Mtmthly payments leu than renL Call Harbor 0829-R. 73c75 Phone Beacon 6025 ~ 74 c75 Day of Prayer PRONE Harbor 1618 to place your want ad on this page. 0. C. C. Counselor to Address - 10:30 p. m. delly. Startlnf .al- ary 121" mo. Apply o,.,,ce Cout Colle~. Dr. Blll J . Print. 71c78 ------------ OICNERAL :ioO ..i1ctn water beater juat like n~. $'t~. UMd kitchen. link. $5. Harbor 28611-M. 73pT5 comer llb, ~O No. Main. Santa AD&. SPINET pl&no, J "' yra. old. Like 74c7~ • -A-1 Used· Cara • 11.ew. Save UOO on th1L Tftm. $50 doWn, $16 mo. al SHA.FER'S REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE •A-SWAPS · MUSIC CO. (Since 190T) Ul N. ON THE OCEAN FRONT -2 59 * * 0 S<fLn *-* 1313 E. Balboa Blvd. • to be Observed at Christ Church Costa Mesa P.T.A.s • H•olevoel•,.°.!:"n0lnrg ...!:iotue ·ibumrok':r· SICLL OR Tk.\DE -Modem. I~ 1BY"&J!'02 .._7~. Sant& AnL Klmbelltfr-bed.rm tumlshed apt-and 1 bed· :~ :6~~~··::::::::::::::' 49 Balboa By a ....,.. K. Cl • · box " cu. tt. Nrw Western ma.-1 --ua "· c room turn apt., very roomy. • Part Ume O. e&n cu~ money tor Ua-bt meter and 3u H. P. Re•-nable. P•one ~--. "'~-J 'M DODGE aedan .................. 89 R al "Perfect V>vc CasUlh Out .\ll ,..__ makt..... de&l Maximum COOP"' n --.. . ,, .oe-. ~.,.., RD --.-. Mult.J,ple l.Jeting e tor F ear" ia th'--e or th• wo~d Day An lnteresllng program ,... . ..... Evinrude outboard. • "'""-B, tJSJNl:S8 Oppormattlel &fter 8 p.m. 7Sc77, '42 FO ~&n ............. :.i.... uv... ------------ .. an •• been planned for members anc1 eration. WANT table saw, ak:Ul •W or ! . , FORD d A.h 93& or Prayer, to be observed Friday, friends ot the Costa Mesa Llnd-WM E. ANGOLD Realtor p H 31715 fl. a SO 8 SO CKELORS GIRLS Tired 148 tu or, r ...... ,.._. F eb. 9 al 1 ~00 p.m. ln Ch r I_•• bergh·Horper school ond the Main . bo Blvd B&, lboa h. arbor • : T-:.. Pl:T SHOP, excJualve ln terrltor..)', BA -. !'-'49 FORD tudor ................. _. 1445 e. . Bal a .. p. m. Or!tG complete1y equlpped &nd 8toek· of botel room.a? See trua cozy i Church by the Sea. lnt~rraclal. ln-school Parent -Teacher · Aasocia-Phone Harbor 1238-W , ed. 13,200 complete, term.a Lt de-aingle tumiahed apt with sun-, MAJlfY MO~ TO CHobEt_B ternatlona..I and lnterdenoi:ntna·. tlona when they ueemble tor a 74c115 IJ-.FU1UilTCJRE POB 8&'1 ... aired. Write Box U, cart: of this deck on tbe bay. Year round. F'ROM. GUAl(A.NTEED. BICBT LIDO ISLE Comfortably fllmlohed 2-bedroom, 1 ~ bath home on 46 fl. lot. A cuh out for , tlonal, World Day of Prayer lS 0~ joint meetiocr Tueaday, Feb. 6, at --------=---.,.-1-11 ••o · tll pd Call Be 8487 M OF -n~ai _,In 93 t~ I be-• WAN~ -w·~-·s ..• ~ pep&•. .... ~ ..... u . . . • ·~ serv~ coun • ies, serv ces 2:30 p. m. l.n the auditorium of Ule. ; .i. c..u JOU 1 ~ ..-... • ' 74tfc $13 500 ginning ID the Fiji ulands and fol· Main school Coota Meaa. time, 3 h'" a day. Appl)' Foun· J ack'S Furniture , NO REABONABl.E OFFF •~IW!ed • ' ,. • • lowin~ the sun until they c~nclude Don Bridpan. counaelor and ta.tn, Whelan Drue Co., Coa.l 1 ~1 Balboa Blvd .• , N...,.,orl Be-. &1-8'l'Oaea • OFnOICS Furai.ahed garage houae ~on Be-.on any C¥ on N~ lli.rbor'• Th J h" V . · l C In the AJeutian.s. ThU. yeu s p...,. lnatru<tor of pe:rchololJL at o,. Blvd .. Nnvport Beach. 1tc75 Bodo. mottreaoeo. cl!-· ttoTeO. _, .,. la SL Corona de! M¥.-Avoll f>lggut U~r~-e 0~ . 0 e . 0. gram wu arranged by a grooP of ~~iti Poll: on ~~-.· , :t!f.~ ~~~ 11, 4';;~~. *~; ' ~:1 ~ ·no ..,.'. ~-fi'~I·m~'-; 1:.w:! i l \t~~· ··· . :·-:": , ·t~ .... J' · • . · N '. rt.;~;~ ·I ·Psi. ilt·r,.,.: ~n~·ec1 by_ J.ect .c.---~· ._, : • :.r_.ai,auw11>-11 ·-" ...... ~b% = '· W ~ '" ~.~ , 11 ... aco11. 1 " -Ii a Ul.UUD llD ~.f ,,ow·q:btta 1Drlve-IN.Hiinttrigton i..· '-~.t'~· .... _I R' .v "-'~u-•1 ''L ... t I~ .\.,~ ••• flt ... :-J-,,.-.. ~~·rl·:~ ..... ~. •' Women ',.i;:t':;, 'Edgil• R-~~cr, • !;:=., probl;:~!~:~ Beach. 7l!c~T rhone ~ • etc78 SE.: Kro. ~ Toe) J:. Bal· m:w 3 BEDROOM fllrnlobed ·Theodore.Robms C.D.M. SPECIAL chOlrman. Mra: Kenneth Dell will encounte.-.d by all parent.. WANTED -MAN tor delivery -Blvd.. -_ Pb. llorbor bouoO: $100 mo. Avoilabla :March YOUR FORD ·oEALER 1 bedim home, dbl -· South serve u orpntsl and the-P'.0 g:ram In obeervance of Founden Day, &nd general nuraery work -PRlVATJ: PARTY ott,:~1 !., ~-153 or Herbor 211'S·W. 7Sc77 ISth .. 2&7" Redl&nda Drive., Costa Houn: W6ek ·oay. 8 ttll 8 ot Bi,fbway. Nice Jocation. A Will be gtwn by ~pr~entative wcr gpectal gueat.a will be the put Norma.n's Nursery, 1313 Cout chesU, divan. 3 bar~·· pr. Meaa.. Beaoo.n 804'-W. 7fk71 {'undl.ya 6:f itol1da,.. 10• W -t SACRIFICE SALE! men from churches of the counc~. P .·T. A. preetdent.a from lJnd-Hlway, Corona del Mar. 7~77 d.raper1e.. Mhc. Item.a. All ln NEW MODERN and attractive p d t ~Q ,500. Afterward tea will be served tn berrh-Harper and Main 1tehools. • g-Ood condition. 1444 Weat Bay otttce on Newp:ort EQYd., above A.1'TRA.CTIVE S·rm house and · -· ' ~ ..... -t rlCe a '<'Cl, Goodell hall with mlni8ler11 and Th~y will be lntrodueftd by the WANT WOMAN to care for IS mo. Ave., Nhport Beach. Bu. UTI. the'Arcbea. 145 mo. Pll. 86&con ~-Private paUo. Util. pd. 81-REAL 1£81'Aft IX~O ·Owner wU1 take $2,000 down their wives u guests. president.t, of the two auoclation., old baby. 6 day• a week, 8 :SO to 1Sc715 G71S·Rdaya. (EYea.. Bea.Mt'f·R). Very reuonable.. Apply 814. Be-TR.AJ]). E L A n•,,,.•Y will be p<ov;ded tor Mn. no..a1ao Hin••~ ond Kn. 12 noon. Apply 222 ~ Dl&roood. > 7Sc75H c<>nt&. Coron& del Mar. Tllc7T SELL or Price T. McCuistioo, Realtor sm&ll children a.nd the p ubli,c i~ Dennia Hoeland. Balboa Ial&nd. Harbor 292.$-W. Rattan Furniture , . . NlClt attractive S rm. apt., turn· Owner beln.c . tramterred. 1 \Rlvu-~ CO&at HJway, Corona I" Mar - invited. Refr<ohmenia wtll be .. rved in 7l!c7T Made In tll• P!Ulllplnae Od "'-'PUIXENTll a 801'11U ialied. ~ bedrm.) Thermostat aide. 5 oere oronse gTovlo wtlh ·Phone Harbor 47 · . the klndercdt-en room durtn.r the fl ANTli:D _ Bookkttper _ ornce ln our own work ~ ~ controlled heat. Y•rly. 1403 w. 6 room houae. Beat foc-Uon. '1k?& • .-.1e Burrou1"'1 o<idlna-....,hlne Larseol ~ In Bo. lljcome, B&I-or Newpon. 'For Lido !ale -oppo1plte otroet edd , Festive Event . ·at Sparks Home A buffet supper and evening of c.anuta wu a Saturday evenlng fettl.tty when Mr. and Mra. B:arl Spark.a. 429 Udo Sound, honored their .on-tn-law and daug'bler, Mr. a.nd Mn. Woodside. who have a new home tn Ba.Ibo& Oovea., social hour following the prosram. girl. M.ustJ be •ble to type, ope· Wide choice ~ Nl~t!!°-RM...·1. I T:.-:t, = Balboa Blvd., Apt. 4. 7~77 Good prodUCer, Wut ~ or LAROE Comer lot, eut end or Ev • f M • and comptometer. Mut have HRecOnUlablSnEc an&d ENJ!q In Ball>O&. °"' -A patio. . FOR 'lul:NT lnformollon coll B.ubor -l 11-W. . &Del pier. • en1n9 0 USIC . AU fenced. Clall a•-IW.1-M. ~M8 . Ue'l5 •• -I ~-h;,._ Oil • ··" .'' elementary knowledee of double i. 11c75 ,,.,_.,_, __.........,.,. ......_ l,.tlOG.... at CaL·,11 'Home entry booltl<eeplng. State quail· . H _ _, ~ ·-• • A'ITRACrivE ROOM.. outeld• I' eo.n. lot, --patio and n ncaUons ~ your own haachrrtt· Ill cout .,.,, nw..--·. ~•D• y ' -~ -= untllrnlabed 'entnn.ce. Near -ond obop· An Unusual OPPORTUNJTY garden. '18,500. Piion• Hubo.r ·~-FOR~~. 1-'-' • -711c7T T!>e home of Kn. ~Ill ond Ing and t pnaoible encl ... onap We buy, oell or trade. -.-. tl03 • Utll st. .. ~'"'pen-\ Pin&'· Very ree-al>le. eoa Lark· .,, • f."'•·--·., -. Prvmlnent on the · buffet table wu 'oake, fashioned lUce an "open book bearing th< names or I.be couple Oil lie _ ... daughter. .lflao P&utcl& Cahill. ohot.N. _""rt ~~.:Oh. P. O. ~T::i? Call WI and ave ~1· ll1and. <-ot llOI, • 18th). ~~--CoronaSOlllt-J.~ Kar.· ~ Two lote ,In rO!Jd bl...,~ -· ..__, ,_ 1 hrn1eat a•enue, Corona del Mar ·~....-u.:;ao.; Jsed ,11c15 ~uv..-··~·"' Pre9ent t.ncOm9 ~frOln bcJDl9 1.Dd II llO.n.llii• 1'0 l.Oa.n 1 w.. """"e of • clellgbttlll neI1h· Craw~y's U ~ NlClll. I RK. HOUSE. •..alabl• BALBOA IBLAJ!ID -AttncUve opartmenl 111&1' ett. '-"" . . , . • ""-party. w-.-y .ventnc ... 11•u• MJB<lZLIAl'l]COVB • Furniture ~ ....... -.. _ ... eu\i penth--1arp tum11w ~~~1-~~ LOANS For Homes . ._ • · Jan.-H w!ten good fri<nda plh· · ........, N-Jt '-)...a~ ..:.. •-v ...., -~ ,_,..., . ....shmJi.od. .. ,.,..1-1 , .& • ~ In =~•venlna:ofmualcand W~·~: =~ Pho';~'GOitsi._ W.~811·~=5 · ~Pr~:Ci!:·~~ir: :e._~:1~ with -~%·-~~Jf2 70 t.. A.rnong t.bo.e preeenl were Clara and Stepbeb Ayres ot Hollywood. nnt moftlnent of lhe oretc $85. ill E. BroodwaJ; °"'1a I . . . . ~ : . . -. )'l'ly nte. I'll. Ha. O~i IMS -. i.. ,._ · · Mite Joan W oodl!llde and fl.ance, M't. and M.ra. Earl French of Bal· , boa. Kra. James Wlah&.rt of Bent· . c1' Kr. and Mn. Roy F. Woo.Dlde Sr.· of Burtl&nll.-and membera pt the family. aoaota. a due tor violin and piano Keoa. _ncTS • J.oAn. ~ po -iw. r-1oar, .-4el • . , ~, T.li!T . ~.., nz I 8'E>l'"rt 1 la r. B. I<. WI a. L · ..,... ~ed by ilulh Padao<:k Ot-BJ:RVEL .au ~. 0 cu. • • • I · · 11ar. 1 ~ ~ 11.u.1 · • • • '-;"':"' .L&)>AU l ~ -. 11~ c ~t?d'-lAf"" :;.:':. ':~0=-;.~ ~ ~ f:t c:;:::-.. ~1: NJ'#·-New ~ew -~ na.::: 1,S::~.;1arce ~=-~~ ~v.? ~ ::!',.• .~· ~ .. ':".tit '::'..:!or:::' ... ,_ , welaen, bJ" -ta. KnL Vera 11-, Ttc•t HUDSQl ~ ER ....... -willl -lloll7· -ud -doclt. -__, ~ .~ • ~ • .... pcv!tqllt .--ro~ oo . Wlll1am.o """&" l'teai:h -&Del 1 • • -""! " • -twld 1.oda. Xlldlon &Del 1-.... llloelo ~ ........ &-.-' W Pl!"lfll'·· j •1'50. LI#& la • II& "'i .... • K1u :s.1 l!ulbe.-led 1a audl· , cu. rr.,U:Rvm. ..-...•*· ...-. c1 .. -r a-. 11ath. 1Aa111to ..i1. -Hf"· im.w' . ~. ~ . , · _ ence~Uon.--~ .....s~-... *1:· Marin Engines ...,_._.. t1c70 ,r "'~~~··:~-··•, .. ;)I TGAGELb~s· European Pi<;:tures :"~~--1::;" -~ ~i: ~::':c::.:! .a -~ · ,.,...: ::,r.:.u, j . con-.., __ ....., ...i ~ ,_._ ...,.. iiObli • f;l ,1. . DR . at Ebell Club' plani> -' -· _ .. ,, R. Tle'l1I ....:.. J L v.~ •' .......... -•JCn ... t.pa ~··Pa, ................ -· 1111 " • .... ... 11 ..... . A--~-tloe -,_ 'lU -~:.. --pett. Ml -into ...L."'!'™* IL ·Id. I I 1 1P1 • ' . ..:..-. .,. ) 110 &CiWM ' o.t-ot-U-w11o1~In1:urope aJac .,_ Mr. --. ...... ~ LOC*INO •ats.., -.i &t a....,.raft ,_ 1. Pll.-. -·M 'klk -....-r -"':17'"-.. Tio llAW II lirl.a .•• u pllat4cnpbed by Jlllla H,..ie of ->' -· ~· __,. -twpto -..-..-~ ST,_ ...... 0. .al w.... .. ... , ... _ \he.trawl INre&la al &Mta A.a& po. Dw\pt 0-. .... W aa· • • ;Ilk. Ooe4 •••·a .. COAST IDOllWAY-caNcw I '*"'••r, I' allo llaJ· ..-·--18 •a. -astrr -ta ,wll. ..... -for ~ of capt. -.... ~ ..-"*" lM °'V" .......... I 0 I r I DWHJRr nim ~ in.t • • ,_ --· _,., • •• . .... -.; ~ . .,,-. -...., tra"" oec11oa-an11 ·-_, - -11 a 1 • ,.. -~ .......... '•"' am. ~ , . ~~~~ -. -a ln-_., wbo wloll to at-Tbolma Paddo<lt 8-' and tloe roll llAL1li .._ "Pl .• ID-· --K9-lo .!-. U er......., lllCll-111 •i!l 1! !! .. -.. + • had. at tM meetlnc OD ,.....,.,, IN:wt I I -.... Ml ~ • -.... . W '7 JW'. • • .. :ai -• 4 ~b. • lo • ..__._or Kn. . , . ElllMtr •.......,•Iii .. am~ *>Y.U.-. t.'... aa •••• • •111100. •• ** • ...,.. ti ~ Ja)T'ld. wttoa -, ~·n• OB \160 OM1llT -. ...; 111 w. ,_in 0 2 ... ._ •••• ft 11 au "lh .. t' ..... ar. ..t' -,.-•IL ft.•· . . ~-w-.... ........ ... ... \ . - • • 0 ffiVllRr JllAm....,_A_BIDIMlw .. « &i? li 1 d5&1a& .> 5 ' , a · A Yilll la-wu .... -I ' ! • lo 18 du' la 1119 I,,_ .... -.... tllfA -~· : O~i •• _,jf'!!.s ~·r ·~ IJ' ... -='I :.! 'i;Fr;Jf !a Jcowd -~lit. and Jin. -·b ..... ...,. .... , ii, M Art I VI • 0 PG .--... • ·--~Iii! ,' I W I.:., • _. ,._ -lln. lluJ' L. •-..... 'l'<IPV----= fS ... ft:.-,• M II =----..Ill ' '11'1•-"'ooila -.~ ,., 7 •••• .,-. • • • \ -....... • ..., ... -.. ,..., -r • "' . • ' • • ' ' '."' - • 1REIL ESTATE • • • • n•r.~ q: N. Wli:I.t.S Broker & AR!IOC •• . Cci.ti )(Ma I • • • • . .. _.... ) OORONA nm, VAR. PROP&ki't M " ' . Rdnn j8-~ _ . · ._,._ R1'lil, L._ LJD RE&L *1'ATB:·UI ALflVli -l..t weelt 1-~0•!1111 ·8•~ ·WE . ... -....... • -· .. [. . EXCEPTIONAL . 2-BEDROOM aild den llome, livlnc room 1•:\l!i'd7'. fte Belt Town Oil l!ialtll -• Eacit 11f8ek we ~ to have at ._. Giie. ~ deal: What · a Hone~ we halre thla week! 1 8()1.J> 'HID' r 'BUT ·-We •tm le,,. -111t. • l\ . a 8ednA!m ~ '1.llOO ~ m n . TOD).~1 · • . • POOi-Utt 3 OWN=~ We u,,. the ~ ,.taii a·,,_ Yoa . ._,,. 't1ie I PROPll:RTY. It ,... 11a for~~ lQl...JQZD I aad I 3 .... ' 0-Jn. ucl t411 • • what "'*· ba-.. fot ale. . ~NOW! f .. t CW.•.:..• ........ ;y.-' . Beamed eeJllng; panelled waJla, 2 n~•·-• ' . -.....---. • oae 111 large master bedroom. W to W cai'pet· Ing. Lamy patio -a1so end<Jeed ~ ,.,.i. South of Bhd. ONLY $16,tlCIO _ CO~ONA .DEL l1!4R New 2 bedrm Cape Cod. South of mpway. Large rci<mm. F,wced air beat. Dbl gar. •lli.t yard. OPEN FOR INSPlOC'l'ION, 1 __;. 5 SATURDAY and SIDmAY SEE 321 NARCISSuS A VE., C. D. M. ONLY $13,500, TERMS CLIFF HAVEN • • 2 bedrm home -~ted in aqd out. New wall . to wall carpeting. Large living and . dining room, flreplue. Twin size bedrooms. Bendix waaber. IMVEDIA TE fOSSESSION. Only $14,750, with low _down payment. . <?PEN FOR INSPECTION, 1-5 SATURDAY ilnd·SUNDAY . SEE 23622 Snug Harbiir_ Read . . PAY ONLY $1,500 CASH At ---.the Atthu. elMDuaplll. o....,._ 52,ooq1ot. Tbe -le worllo tor . Only $4,750 "DAD. buy Ihle tor Tom or tor ,...-tor~.n . Here Is Another mo CORNER LOT -For -· nMI. Somf! lnedM -Jn 5 yean -thb\k It will .. .....,_ ~­ Aaldnc Price Now $18,000 W• WW suuatt any NM011&ble t olfn u lt ~be 8okt eoon . Here Is Another 2 BEDROOM HO-l'S-Clean and ... L Luce )Jot, completely tur- 9' 0 rd. Vaaat. $4,500 Best of Terms If Yoti Want a 3 -.iom IW>ine . Iha\ ha. .... lT ot --We bave It. Pr.Ice rodU<Ood. barn $J1 ,500 to $13,:IOO. $2,500 Down .. WE AI.SO ~EEO~~-. I · . , • . °°l' customer pay to $,lllO mo: tor a 2 or 3 bedroom deccifatift ~ed la Oerona. dm Kar. I \_ , · L1ST r~ !.ROPERTY '"'W""(l ... 'B US NOW . RENTALS. Ay~»•ble. no•: Studio apt: $4ll mo. . ,~~·~-. .. aactmanyo~ . ,. .. COR6NA DEL KAR Pll0PER11~ ru o-iut BoUftrd , . ~ Mata& Bertior lOS'I' Corona del Mar Hutiqr 1oa BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor L. C. JONES J. MAltTIN . . 311 Marine A ye., ~boa Island Pb..HllT. 1671 or 1672 Har.·7~M or Bea. 6042-R Efta. BALBOA lSLAND . . HOME AND INCOME -Bi<ceptiaaal Value 1111d Charm. 2 story, 3 B.JL; IS. _liy •. #1!1. din. rm, 2-bath home plus 1 B.R. apt. plus 1 furn. guest room and bath. Nice location on Cor-$l. f!ea11ti . fireplace, $29,50(). . • 2 B . R. HOME AND prage ·apt.,· ballr tutti., De( .. · Income to June $190 mo. Summer income $500 to $600 mo. Beau., nice flinlituie, Well loeat. COSTA MF.SA REAL :ESTATE y i/. .. I ' Inc~ llB • BARBAJN °' THJt 'W'EU. ! !2 bNl;11"91 home, t yra. aid. 860 "I· fl.. -floon, ear ·ltle alftk, :: 111• ~ fence 2 atdu, ...., _. fflC'" atone poUo. sU-.. a.JllO ~ -... olde --The~ IJJ 17 ._llO. Yow •• -.t at once lf yot,t want th& "' • • • ' \ , • '. and move into tlUs loV'ely 2 bedrm home on large lot. Balance lille rent. Tott! price $1,Bllll. . . - TillS WON'T LAST, HURRY!_ , G. N. Wells, Realtor _ 11-Dd Associates 3 year. Old. Fireplace. $2l,500. Terms., · l:uly ..U.erlcon: -Ranch type : • : · • · oom-Uon. lffw I bl!!lrm>, COMMERCIAL PRbPERn FOR LEASE · l?Wd. floon. ·wea•-ktell 21!1'--.... · -· · LISTINGS WANTED -4LSO RENTALS ERNIE SMITH, REALTOR 1790 N'~rt Blvd., Cotta M~ Phone Beacon 6111 2 B. R . plus, older home but sound. Lg. lty. rm. din. rm1, lg. B.R&., bat.a, 1-car gar, Fireplace. Nicely and compleWy fun!.. Room to · build another linit. Low dn. payment, F. P. $13,oOO tirepla~. Bee...l .~np. ..... . '.·. ·-~r·.· ~·4.. Ex~Uent . toe. for sea1 .... or ·, Clout room& ~l. KanJ ~ ,.i"&'. Over 2300 9'1. fl. """' rtftl: e.11 ~ ,013 1200 Coast Highway, Corona del Kar Phone Harbor 2887 BALBOA ISLAND Channing Knotty Pine 3 BR home With small rental apt. In rear. Excel Joe. Furn $16,500 BAYSHORES This attractive new 2 bahm home with aD you eould deeire for ye&r.rouhd liring-pine walls, .'attractive tiled kitchen, patio, firepla<:e and dbl garage -$14,500, Nelda Gibson Horace S. Maz.et Harbor 5fYl Harbor ~ 3G6 MARINE AVENUE,~ J.SJ1ND VOGEL VALUF..s! Costa' Mesa Bargain ' . Newport Height.a • $:1.;ooo d~. · Attractive new S bedroam ~ BRAND new 2 bdnn home on 60 Rd'wd= floors. F\repl&ce. hr~ ft. lot -Hwd.' fioora, tUe .t.k. nace. AU room• an large. Spac~ Panel-ray heat. Mt tlee JOftlt. toua clOM:ts and cupboards. TUe $6..!IOO, bal&nee $58 mcm~ 8" ln kitchen and t.tll. Large lot. th ls now. Have opemac for .ASSOCIATE BROKER. Best de&J: Ira area, ERNIE SllOTH. Realtor 12~ CX>ilT MGHWAY em--'Ciel Kar HarbOr 2687 7lc73 IF YOU W&11t an immaculate new ~. properly destined tor comf~ year-round ltvtng, r-aad .... IF YOU waat a pier aAd tloat frw ~ur boat a.nd a &'ood beach for nrt.mmlng ud . . . IF YOV »k• a splendid View or the bartlor ~ nvy rQOm m yaur bol»lt .•• Stanlev Hadfield at llarbor 20 - rw ~ppointment to BH thl• beautlful Balhoa laland 11.0lll•. 7Mfc WE HA VE also many ·others plus several choice Bay Front homes with piers and floats. OWNERS A'M'ENTION -Rental llatinga wanted We haft more ealJa than can be · filled. Euter rentals specially in demand now! BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR CORONA DEL MAR SOLID IS RIGHT-NICe 3 bednn. bome-Choicetrt district -'h blk. from mai11 beach. Prieed rigbt. -,See tl!ia before you b"}'! . See Tom Payn~ or Stan SmlU. STANLEY 'A.. ~MITH, Realtor . 1311 Coast Hlcbway, ~ del Kar Ph: HaT. 882 . TOP QUALITY INVEST NOW! Newport Heights INCO)(J: PROPERTY- 'tzllt...tmg txt;ri.. -J>riced . al ~ --~·~ 5'1~8. '' . I • , U0.11118. f2,7150-.._ ' . .. $ ACJiEs --•alltul _. Die -~ llulQ ....... -lllgh •&lid dry. ~hit :r..v+ibdl~. ~ .. • • • • ;,,, .. ~ 1.· , .. _, .. . . . . ~ . Barney Francque · RlilALTOR · · IJUlea T. Le P_.. -1'1911 Cr , 'tr ASSOCL+.Tlis . 400 E. 17tlt St. at Tliatbl Ave. Clista Kea, Ph.~-e&ul · • '. . -·' ' ~ NEWF.ORT BEACH BARGAIN 11!.l!ie ~llY ~ .JVBT A 9!'1lP ·lo mJrt! ~. ..... air. 1 A'ITR. 2 Jilt. .~.llqmO. W'Y. -~(•· Y&lli cenced• -an4l las fi:•iP"d-Paftd .treet Md alley. Conta<;t Mn.· Dick.OD, 'Bartior '1011, DH. ~-W. . ' . BALBO.A ISLAND - TO ctosEj-AN EsT .ATE! 3 BEDRQ014 .1 ~ bath home. Comer ~t. ~· loc9, • . . . ' Lk>n. . ' AS~G-PRICE $13,500 ' . -~led at -olrtce. ---. 225 ,Mutae A.Ye. 2-car gvare. A quality home ln a good netgtaborttood. Priced right, wtlh tenN. Newport Heights COSTA MESA , s apt& u<1411ttp1ng ....,.,., 1n · Clean 2 bedrm be.arc wr the IT"S NEW -IT'S DIFFERlt'N'l' heart of S.1'oL R!pt tnaaac.e-I----------- High Schocil only 3 yr1. Old. Lots -ITS TOP QUALITY CONJ. matt will mab tht. pay d .... • . 1115 .Cout Hlwa,y . Balboi( - . Otweea del Kar ' 3113 -~ --·Ne.;,P<Wt ~ .; '.· Newport Hgts. Area Hwd. !loon. -....... All .. WU.On sl'! jual ott Harbor. STRl1CnON. BeauUtul 2 ~ --to oell· at uo.oao. .. Two bedrm. home 011 a corner lot, ~;~.are p&lcl. SloollW G. I. -= only $1 ,Z50c =d"":,,::.~.:_ ~ DUPLEX ON B~A POINT-'f'lle I•l&n~ S\lbdividers· Att'tion , FotJND ; living room 15\!o a 2<\!o, fir.-bathroomthrtur-...-tedln· AttrocUv-e and ollDoOt....,. 1 StretchingYO'ilrDoU&raWITH '1'1111. • .LAJlhs •• ~1im A ahre"!'d buyer wlao ·-· place. Furnace. Hctwd nooro. G I R Sal On Newport Heights Ina: rm, unique kltcl>m. ~ -~-_,__, ·--... Bedroom No. l .18 U x 15. Bed-• • e-e guage. It you are lntereoUd 19 and 2 befroona. ·Lua:e 111"'1" P~ ol ll>dr.llltq.ln and~ ."-"""' , •. ., . room No. 2 u. 13 \!o x U \!o . Lare• UilOO DOWN. :i -.. ...i don Large 2 B.R. home. 10'" ot tile, the beat buy i. the Helgbto ..:. with INndtcll. Clooe lo good •1 Ineome opporblllltiea .are Kaloor .oteol ~ th-proper-RE&L V..Al,UE kttc.ben and bre&krut llOOlt:. brme with hwd. OOon 1n· u.e wry modem. like new, $15,000. see thll. swtmmtns. See thia property • uall wftll . . tie.I ere .~ty delirable. t • ,. ., 10 x 10 bueraent. 2--eor prage. Broadway --o1 Coob $2,:IOO wW bandle. Full p · $10 850 and mike otter. ecllltt.., Y · ..,. .. ~t ~-· ~T-T:Aams ON co~ iAl!t ' Week .. · off~ w.a& Room lo build rental. It'a1oreal Mesa. 4% loan. ~13 lnclud.. rtce ' U d. ffamea .Wlth m· ~'°""'··~·.19 lleel plant. ~\Jutwe'\<egot,_.aotber · hcime IN! .: t errific buy at only Interest and prtndplo. Newp<;>rt Blvd Frntu s UNITS .. KOO. 6 ATl'RACI'IVI: ~me . ara .'*8 ,the ~t fT'"'-w.111 ~ )noome ex-,hl!lt· as good.'-And·~-on . $8!151>. :ne"'y.·~ -. J . , • .• ",, Iii ~9.ooo.. . . . ,1-.r.1-.1r.~ 'l!'lJ'ilf • ... ···op. ~:?~. . rn . w; ~'.ip~j:~o.,.· _ .. ~ ot ~~ 'dlibe ~mt-1 .. ., . . . . . . .. . , .. co~(.)N~ n~··-~ ·• " T '!'.~' · · '·J. t~i~,i t'r:Ji-..;,~~oSF cott6w~ ·nEL ~ ~ _ i . . ~• 1~-mm-llf.;d fr=t ti41~ . . · . . Out ot '•tat. OWl>ff desiring to Vacant Lot Bar11tams R w B .. ..,.,.,.,,."" TW<> Wl'J 2 11.R. boo-... -. _ ... •• IMai. . '· purcl!ue ...,,di proppty In Art.-NBWPCftT HeJPU, ~ and ' • ~J.li~-"' Yaluable oor. So. ot Bw)-. 0..18 -BUYS THIS-• • veot. Pr'opert7 belns liandl<d by ~ atra ~~heal, i zona will ..n • l'llrtliall<d .. tu lent $HOO. IOt Rl!AL ESTATE' a yn. okl 1a el concll~ s B. R., z i.th horae, jUlt ott We have properties for aale t~ -...-to ....,,.. -of tlle te&tureo, btei>t• In Corona dd Kar to. $Sl,500. Ocean view lot -.N. ~tc•to. 1 N~';:!t 8Z.·.;:;~ ~ Meao other lo ... ear old. P!i.p!Ke! .-1 front. cood rwlmmlnr klL on the ba1fnmt or nearby . -1 .flllll · liar, ~ walJOd 2 bouoea. 2 go.age apto .. 4 gar· UINlO. e><.. "' '""' <>to IDAI tn•.,.., ,,_ l!>tenor, 1111-nn.. that can be profitably Im· Business. Op'portuni_.~y· ..U... -.-.u.s -s agea. 2 liota. N.,., -ba'-di• tatlon. Here i. a .ttt ot val\tel' tl t\p'n.. Ideal f« J'MJ' l'OU»d or ---•• -t•~·- poealo. atoveo o.nd rotr11.';;tora. Beacon Hill Realty Owner wont. to'~u. ·"1Llllnsa-\. vacation. Pro.vecl. <>wne~H?~Al.!!n ~·-~ ~~ -~ ftlu;;:: Ocean aide ot highway. Th.ls 1a 4.M Newport Blvd (above .Archu) T PRICE ta '16.000.. Larp -.... .....,...~ ... _. __ ,,,, ~ at 0'"'Y •-~ HAT'S RIGHT' °°" 1oea1= -~-town. ~~ •• ,.. ----opproxtmotely $10.000 below re-Phone Beacon $713-R · • • ••oe loan can be uaumed. 3 BJCDROOJ4 HO)O:-. -~ Hurry on thll. placement coot. 74•78 2 Wloa, ~L. _._ potlc> J. A. Beek Office rt.JRNlSHED COMPLETELY -8lllcco an4 j\uter <4notructloh. Ha"' otller cood --""""'" z.-Al8o on UDO :ii~ 1 -=• 1!11~0~! .. ~?.~:ld~~ar ~~ ~~~~= a new 2-bedroom home. Fon>ect B~·=-3~v:ME ~!:-\!~kl~ne;t;bl"it.~ =~ ~u:lao= t~~~ ;dg:=r t: !:E-=:e!:1E':.: t .Phone HarlK>r 1741 or Har. 1"'77 cowme.r Wen;, .. :C--bo"th tub-__ _: alr beating. Tile, wan to wan M. L.. lilt .. ,2,160 (lown. Fuft _.... t"' ............ l ,; • ....... ~ N rt H . hts ,m. Sll,lllO llilS·Cout Bl~. o...&,dal -~~ .... -.~ ...... r•.~ Evening> Harbor 393-M alall llbower, dW, ....... O.e c:upotlag In Uvtnc and dining ewpo etg . · . ~--H&tbor ---pve a --" ot the -_ '1~ 8-t room_ lrlloploi>e fltt-•··e.. -t"' .FIREPLACE, h-gravlt7 fl.,_j sounl OOilT ~TY CO. ' • ~-••--el _..,, -beieb W ,...._ ~ .... '')(•M' kt_',_,__ D •. 11!c'l;7 pleu"-. ·~·· ••r ~-••--,t THF..sE ARE GOOD! On Z lots with exttllent income opportunJty. aio. to business center and Sood owllrunlq. Hu charm. ll-rlng room. 25d:I. hwd. floon, fireplace, 2 --din. rm, additional bedroom off pr-- termo. W trade. Pnfer Iota. tura., dinette. breaktul nook, ~up ..,._<& ~•llora" 0 din V -'' ' -· ---•· ~ ~ :In Bl ·-·· A-. In a very dutrable loc&Uon, Co-lowadry. prbage dlopo. PtoatJ' W -• 'lla!lwl. Hor. 203• Utstan g iuUe . 4t1C.,5C)O . 111 w far> -"'1 --t. Phone Bllacoa M.-r~ll. Tee'N 1'09& del Mar. ot c:io.et ~· Lota ol We ta. "Near Pa.Won" · • -.,v. nu..._..._~ 0.,,0. ' kue1r.,. and bath, o.ie .. ::1 . Bayshores o1bwt1ee. speo1a1 opr1ee _ -New 3 bdrm. Homes on 111ey. · LIDO ISI.E . 2 Bedroom home on 112 acre. . ~..,,"" &rraJ\Pd. ESPECIALLYwsu.m The Andresen Co. YOU CAN'T BEAT 2 bedroom --. ~th 11oma 11Jl.U!I)N11W a,, .. _-. wr Harllor·Blvd. AJAO NmWPORT cin . . en l'At lot&. Pl...,. Interior, eotner ftreplw, dt.lbw8alls, -• We ~ ot LIDO NSWPORT HmOBT8 eoi Cout Highway TlUS AT $10,000 '21.600. • ·pr11ap ~ 2_, -· lnduatrial Jo+ 83dQo. lf4"' W'e an ...-to _, loM' • ""-'-"'--~ _ __.,._ --....... " ~~ u. a..miMmt of t • s•• bare. den. Only $12,:IOO. --;ti._~~~-;.;;;: co-. <1e1 Mat Harbor 1Mo PHIL S~AN Lido Isle ~yfront . ~-;'--.::" lt.4y to ...... ' '1.~ TllltMB j ! n:a, ,.. '.aLWA,D -.JOU VERY NJCS 4 bedroom home._ llil ...... p-. liU's-Iota. Ko•e Fo.--rlJ', C. . Dmlaon • 4 ~ -pier and float. t -::--.• -•LU)o -.a• 1-are baths, -ble _ ... fir••' -.. In """!'· . '48,MI. -$14,500 8000 'LllJTIN~ ..... &mt ... °'" -- Room for...-... -t lo O<>nt. . $9,950 REAi. V°f\LUES G. T : EVEfRSON BLPG. srtlilS. ' ~· . + '.=-~UDO,~-:..-: Acrmo .u .. t -bay. Jut ~ .. -n~~·A•~o.L . -·"·-TYPE RW:At,T()R · UDO»,ft.'*1boDtNH . .,.._ WAIT No-~I ,RQBTA ·JL . , .. ~ot~Tli,;;a-...._" redUced lo $17.AIOO. • •• _ ·--. "--KANU:t tloD _.,.. ' • ......, ' 4IO Ne~z;t Bl'l'd.. a.ta ----··-·-·-----·-·--·.-v· . · • S.. _, ..... ~ ll1IT nT '1 ' In& to oUr - THIS ENGLISH COITAG& hall &:!ph ~ .Maskey a PL a:>W~~'"'!s ;_, 0...-~~:-.":."' :::: ~~-, .--= Linwood 'V'JCt;Rltf., I •1----. 'l j ~~a • SOte• l.Dl'. r' \ lo'"o'.cllann.0.--lot-~n -apwt Nwapwt-. %""" ~ on·2 ..,,... 2 .. tan ' ' r »tt. !dlldo -~-: .... ; ~Pl"" 812 lllarlae A-•1'1a I••• ~4DllLJi4a.-.N .... 1....... p PAT .MVD • block rrom ~y.-Two bedrooms, Pbono Harbor 482 barn with cort'.&ll NJll1VPOR1' llDlBTB ~-• ' --.. ..... , ... ., ..-.; • .,•,:::-" < deo. ~I. 4 ' • : ,. r. -, * * SO"' .n * * t · -HarW.., · --_. ·~ tlflll y.......,und home. N.••' Full Prjce Ollly $8,9!50 ~ :" U::." = =1~ .. = 1 ._ • • J. ~I :r .c'4 .,:;.;-' 1111111-• UIJ fta W., ; ~ ~:i··~ _. ... Today's ~t Buy -Beae.Lro~t Home ~~=-Beach Holise · Balbo& Co~ Hoin8 · • .1 1 :'...._-=~r.~ " -)I~.:.·:. cw · · in 'f Newport "" -I BJ a Neu 1MlJ u4 -._ t..-ad-No. fl . ... ~~·a •' .-L__;~~~~~~~- TwO BJCDROOI( --"' cm CORON. DEL VAR I _,;r ..,1 .................... _ ~plji Uotl ... R•-~· !'.' lllds-O.w \lat, fT II•,,. J ..,_ .... -·-OWi •• ..... ss· ........ Sele -Owner I lb....,_ Bwd. ,......_ Iota Of Ult :......_ -.....,..., ., "" .... _ , hil -• ""'° IMllS ,. ... ...... .. • 8 1 1 ~~!'.:cs_~ only'8,2fi0,te11M B. ~NERESQ· N QOSTA VESA· Di 1 H«T.....W.•Qq ~ fta 1=1o ---s:A~'il::"=-· '" f,prr.la&.19& Df CbM-A--..a_·,.111_11_ -• -~ , _•di ::i!' •L --o.r.. 1o1-. -o a 1 --...-. I W• ... •--.. •± .. 1-. ·~ ... -~ ... ~ ... =~• ·--_ ~ -• -I -.W. Ma.A Lllt!-s ~ •-• -· · • -tll& H-.. =·Ii . ..,.,-_ --.11; ... -• ,. , __,... _. --,,-:: C--tc:r'::cJ:..,."";: -or mp..,. 1Mllfcw .. 1....._0oota_ :,:W.!:1'!, fllslll.:.-•1·1.1-. .. .l£1i.:*.:Z . -~· • • -.O• ,,,._-.. ·~ ibi';..~X.z;1":il:{..:,. I'*1 ..tpllD<boolL pa.-. Pl(lm a II• --. Ms lat, lf-•1L ..._ •-;IA ..._ UWW Jl'8t iii§~ . • llH*'" ; I • Earl Cbamberiain ClllL1' ·lf-fd ....... -Jail ,.-_ -..... , ~ 6 t'IOC. I -.a: 1 4 :..:: ~ t-:::l!!!r -• 1 Bay Ii Beach Realtv MO <lout-.. C I ... -Hl11t LAG US.A IHCOllP ~a. llAwt' . IUI .. I ll 9w&, •it• ----. .... ·~ ... ! ·.-w -'" m 1 .;., '°"' .... ._,.... .. ,.,. ~ •.i ''· ......--•-w Me ... ~ • 1a r -. --s ·= ':::: ..,• ::~ •·l'M •-. __ ,.,,....._ . ~-ftw a-.--f1Ut ::;.:i:·.Ollld~--u:. Ba'• Id t -· •;r..: :.::;:r :-::r!a'f~= ;-r,,.-;. !:...i:'r-&,t: . .. • ~ . ' . , ' • .. I • • ' " • . . ' .. . ' ~~ • ' .. < . } - • U.S. No.· 1 · I IDAHO . . . HIMET MEDIUM llPI OLIVE.S • Cj)UAIL · 'Liil BEAIS v 0119'1 HetlCll•t for TlleM PEAS TEND El CiltEEN WOIMlerful llRDSEYE IAlliAINS 12-..21c: ..... ~------~~--------~--------------~ SPINACH -~~,;d · 1 ~~21c S9UASH ~~~::: 1 ~ 17c: PEAS & CARROTS 1:.~ 19c: . ' -CUT CORN ~;:".t~21c: -. .. .. +.. .... . ......... . . ... .. . . CUT WAXED BEAIS 1~ 21c: .. I I FALLS 1 . I ' LBS. F·1 ~sM~~1 &GDs :i c.m. · I SUM VAL\.H COLOllD-l·POUND PKG. MARGA'Rl 'NE 53.c: 25c: 1 41c: ' '~ CGAu"(ii=LowE,R s~ .. "·~' ' ) .... .. ........ .. .. _ ....... .... . .... ...J .......... . __ ...... • . . ioMiioEs : 4 1-=,_35c: :, . ---------....... .,,..... . . . . ,. ,l...,, ". --llST FOOD5-l'INT JAR - _MAYONNAISE· . Ne.2 23C: c •• .APP""LE~··s~LE • YOUR CH~ICE! .. -l SUMMIR ISL• -. HALF SLICU PINEAPPLE NiTIQNAt.L Y FAMOUS lltANDS! Golden State . · ,CHEDDAR .. CllEESE. .,·49~, ' . HEMET" SPICED •EACHES ' ' . One Po.,nd Swift's Premium F -R 1' N K S ~----"\ NEWTON ··PIPPINSr. Wl .. ESjPS I ,· Collf, Fa Miit loys~nberries No:1 19C: T•ll tC•• EVERYTHING ••• FROM A SNA~K FOR O~E, To A MEAL FO~ A CROWD Armour's Star · or DELIC,t~µs , .. 4 . lbs. · 27c: .1 ,f: .~~ .. . •. •••• lJNDER '1 ~ SALE! F 0 0 ~cl ~·r.vA• ~FR A 'u T . WIU Rl~I A FAMILY OF flYI ceor'~' HAI LOAF BOTH c 69~. , !- " . - • , • ' • • , • • ... ' • ,.. . t , . .~ • . t' i . . ' ~ " ' .. . l l ;'\...: • FU[LER ON G ME ' TO -BEGIN SEtOND Nett~·crmas ):. -¥--~---~--:;.;_..;,,...;. ______ ,_. ~ .. ~ ~OUNp :RrAY; TARS ,St LL ~UN~EA t~N · ·t~ ... ~il'!!~~~ · Uni-ta In ;ti-.· · pmeo, • ' :· • SW...t 1.-.ue.. lndlridU&l ooorlng T AR'S OCTOPUS-0-pe or the reUoa.8 the Newport Harbor Tar basketball tt-am trimrned 'Anab~lm 4.7·4~ a week aco Wb that t hey had an octttpm pla3•lni; en thrtr team a5 lndkat..i by lhe pk'turt> J!bo\'f". Tht' man)·-~mPd player (GWnn Griffith) scored 17 points In thf' wntest, \\rlth two of the rtUU'kt'n about to &O th.J'ough thf' hoop abo\·f', Other Tar pla.ver (N"o. %8) lM forward D&\'f Pf"te n100. No. 8.5 for Ana.ht>lm Is guard lffnnl!r 4lrnny. { PreE.s Photo I IM Newporf~·Tt"' .,e ':' ta, M-S: and lle-33, Un-I u, I 'Sam' I . k -~II .U:,:,s ";::U:7°:! une111put.q -llllOA,.pf· r I r a,t IY.• S(:hultt .., .. hip man r Ulie nc e a es :ltta. onJY' u.r.e potnta tn ·front 'plaee 111 the Sllnkt J6op u tb• 0-with ll wllllt Dlelll Ui 8 of~ta Alla'• R<x Balleock •(71) flNt round o~ play ~ and th• polnta alld ~nard with 1 ped • . • F , at haltway mart. ' the Tar Deo.1 L tt rmen rom ewport ~r'• Glenn Grtf aecond ro.und be Jin• Friday with Ltneupt an~ aoorlng: . • e e . nil. ln tblrd place wttb 90 polnta: ~den J"ullerton vtstUng at . ,YA~SJJY GAMl ' . Ui bet!l( preaed by Anabeim'I the r rvm. > =~r.::'1 IC71 l't:t ~ ... ';"' r,•~ occ T k ·1 . Sh ldon Welab (,58.). Tan , e eapeeted tb win eaaily ~. f 4 4 11 ~I, f I I 2 rac earn OV the Weak lndtan.e bUt wtll =~· c : ~ Ir ~=~. . 1 l I~ . '-' ncox Le ads face e r lougbe1t t.elt of th~ '"""' • 1 J S s-... • s • It MJnua Qve lettermen w ho have aecond round al Banta Ana nvrt H.,..C*f _ "ltc:•,~di! I 1 I~ jolnel the,;mllit.&ry &eni~ Orange o....-t . to w· in Tue.aday. It they get by S&rtla Hl.lliiti,..to• h •<' s t 1 11-n' qout coUege•8-track 11quad be· -..... Ana the S&llora have • &69<1 ---glns ful1 11eaJe drtlla next Monday. , t;hance ot ftnLlhlng the aeuon I TEAM &AME • Bob EliJa. a 12_8 pole vaulter, ~range Co&at • Plralee ended a Without a loel. ';.:;::;.~>:> !": t: ~;: t •· 1''1 !': t,: D&I Ott, who htl8 done 125 ft. ln l.heee-pme cont,rence 10• 1 n g Coach Jim Mlller'a bOya meu-I.A._. t o J J D••'i. t • 1 1 lhe dlk:ua and 150 In the javeU.n; i t by dumping Mt. San An- Ured Hunt~nMon. Beach laet Fri· n..,p, { J •0 ' c.r.,.. 1 7 J 11 Bill Kl"··-an ·'-• Gene ~tt-j d lo, 64•63 a l Coeta Mei& TU~ Ii" JK'-ton, c I I 2 Wy••llHl•ll, c J I 7 ......,..., .. .._. ..--a "'0 -in da¥. 47-37, with NetUea and Pc-Otlt_., c · • O" t l rM•i••I•. c 12 o " eon a pa.Ir fC;ood qua.rter-mllen. even g . tenon each sinking 12 potnl.8. Lu••·• I I J H•11.,,' 11 ' 21 . d• broad Bill G ••f erry J o'1ftcox was h igh man lob•rh. q I I l lohtft. • ! I I J an ' r us ..... eon wt 20 point.a tor Cout while t he Newport led 26-14 al lhe h&l.f &nd Mt.Eft•lt,, 2 o • have signed up w ith Uncle Sam, 1 e-Jeadtn Bob Yard· matntained the lead ln the final M-porl 15 • ,. t-JJ leaving coach Hue.stoo Harper ~ g ecorer, period. H11111ti114to11 a.•c• .1s JI 1 1...._., with Ultle experienced material. 1~ 'Yu held to 14. Huntlligton Beach's B team c ff.AM &AME 1 In addition Harper will be mlia-M Saa Ant.oalo (IS) Cout (8') walloped the Tar Bees, ~9-33 with N.,.;porl (JJI t4 ft tp I An•h•I'" tJSI t4 ft tp Ing a pair ~t 1tlanrlout perform· N+:ho:a (2) F (20) Job ncox ruard Ruley nlaklng 28 pqtn(s. Sc•ult.t s 1 11 l luft•.f 1 I l ers lost vta graduation ln Frank ner t6) F f141 Yardley • W~•I, I 2 l 6 St•••rl, f 6 I ll ' lt {I) C ('3) D I Archuleta and Ot~l·r each made Cq.tii, c 1 o t Je11t1111, c J 0 , Buxton, who coped t.be Eastern newa ... av 11 8 tor Newport. ~ L•it•'· q l ' • 1 N•n•. c ~· : : JC confl'renoc 100 crown in 9.6 ett (10) G (13) Meara Tar varldly flvo was the only =r.~~ .. ~ r r : ~=."':'·' o I 1 IK'C., and HC'rman SchmJdt, who N h (2) ' C (2) Roeb.m 1 Wlnnt'r agains~ Huntington Beacb Vlfl<.•11•. • • o ll r«ored 130 ft. Utrows in the dla-coring aube: Mt. Sa~ Antonlo- 1 3.8 the C and D tuma al90 wt-re ~:::::'.! 1~ 1: ,t . ~ cus. . Vi I (81. Haya (2), Gillman (3), soundly beaten by the Oilers. Cees Harper expect.a an evenlual.1951 W tera fll. Barthelemy (18); lost 27-16 with SChultt &nd Lest er D T£Ai,t GAME turnout of 20. Carleton Mears .• eof'.st-Smllh 2): each makiag 7 point.I and Perkins Nt•POl'f (Jll f4 ht~ ""•h•ll'l'l (»I tq H tp 12 ft. pole vaulter. will report fol· alftime 9COre: Orange Coaal 2. Dees were outplayed. M-21 by fMi,...•1. I 1 o " Ad•rru, 1 o 1 1 lowinG" lhc basketball eeason, as 3~ Mt .. San Antonio 22. an Oiler five that hu won 14 ~11!~:b~m. 1 ! ~ : ~:;~:1 . c l ~ ; will J esse Sn1lth, &. Jow hurdler. ! straight. Diehl and IA'onard mad€' L..,,.•,d. c J 1 1 l row111, 4 " 2 10 I Team, candidates who are going '7 and 6 pointa for the Tars. ao,..,.,, • 1 1 s Sc:ikKht, • 1 11 71 in pr<'limlnary workout.a thls·wl?ek I l-Jttt1, q 2 I S lo111t•11, 9 J The C and D t eams play~ Ana- 1 "\f•port , 11 ti s-JJ include Bruce Weed, dbtrances: helm Tuesday and toet both con-........ ,,... 1s 7 I '-36 Eme1Jt Rubelcava. 880; Dtck Hart I Revived Coast Cagers Take Pair From East l. A .. Er Toro . , Two vtctorlca gave a, &fu>t In ttie ar1n to Orange Coe.st Collt•g,. basketbt\Jl player• lut week w hen they cnuihed Ea.st Los Angele~: Junlot Col:cgc, 73 to 64, oo Wt'dnesday and It'd El Toro Marinc8 all t he way t o a 61 to 39 fi nal. and Jim K ccline, wclghLa; Glenn 1 Woodward. hurdler: J oe I .. Snon, broad jump; and Walter Truetz, hl~h ju.mp and javelin. The P irall's OJ>"n lhelr 10~1 )o;("hedull' at El Toro Marine Air statio~ Feb. U then toke on Muir collrge al Pasadf>na Feb. 15. • Ask About Our ,.ew Flea Duster for Pets • C t C II Ne p In both gamu: tbC' Pirates oas 0 ege 1ne repares ~~~;:~ ;=~~~~ ;~:o:a~~~ <;;~r~ Po~n°rk~~t" tu~;~ t~:~l.e,"·~~~~u:;~~ Pirate Wi'estlers· Mat San Diego we feature PLASTIC LEADS and COLLARS f B b II S 0 a new accuracy ln ahooting. Pl'rry kin held top acor(' wtlh 17 points. Ora'nizc Coast Collc~e wrestlers . Or I Se . a eason . pener Johncox, Pfrate forward, hit six of ljalfUme· score stood al 39 to 25. vanquished the San Diego Slate 15 shots for a total ot 12 points CollC'ge junior v&r1'1ty. In matches from fi<'lrl gbals, While his l€'8m-In the game with El Toro Fri-at lht> locaJ i nstitotlnn's gymna.s· l 0 Y day J\lght, the f•irates led from 1 Ba8cball wil begin with the second semester at range Coast matr, Bob , ardley, hit 12 ~field the first. chalking' up a 28 to 16 ft.Im Thursday night, w nnlng 11 college W'lth practice scJiedu1ed foe F e b. 4 and the first game of the to 8. In seven ma1.chcs. season to be played here against Harbor Junior college or{ Feb. 20. EASTERN CONFERENCE llatrtlme ~ore. Under the coaching of Johnny A ccor dlng·lQ Head Coach and Athletic DirN:tor Wendell Pickens, STANDINGS Yardley was ag&if\ high score Owens, the Pirat.t:s won four or the W L Pt~ Opp. man with 23 points fdr the game. seven match('s, two by Calla, and the season schedule will inc.Jude 24 games with the Citrus Tournament Chafff.y ............... 5 1 S9S S3t F or El Toro, Harr1d~e held t op lied 8 tblrd. while losing.one by a at the Azusa inst itution's diamond ~ 1 FuJtrrton -·---··~-··· 4. t 551 306 score at 10 point.., before fouling fall and one by decision. on March 15, 16 and 17. · OCC J\S~At.I~ SCHEDITLE Sao Beraanllno .•. : 4 z 391 S.S1 out. while Maljall also fouled out Exhibitions were presented by There will be 12 Es;stem Con-The 3 a.son scheduJe follows: Santa Ana ,_, ........ J S 862 S42 a'.ftl'r making nine polnl.8. Coe.at wreatlere Dave Wtllltord ference .g&mca with the first to be Tttes., f'rb, 20--Harbor J . C. hc1e O~ Cout ~·r-~ I '4 . SS1 392 1 The Pitale9 will h06 Ana aod Dave Vallghn, while heavy- played. Mt-rch 30 again.st Chaffey Wed., Feb. 21 -El Camino, be.re RJ""-"Sktri .T ......... _ _J t %21 %81 Junior C9lleg. on their flQor weight Paul BrfFk, unpp~ in on the•home ~°!!~· . _ .-· . !l'I}.~ Feb.. .Zt_~p,t@n, ~er~ __ ,.~~~,An~.!~~ .'1 lJ -SM 181 ptriday WjJ.h ra.me Ume or )'.l9 ~ Went ~ U\e 'rna.t W\tb Cdlell -~aJF;flndi.,bla le&m ~.M .... 1-Whlt\ln Col., ip., · ,· --'-"II dM · 9.m . .ja!C.r-UU!lr nret bom~ 1t,r.nd th!! San Dlegocoach.!L.Braadbent . ...,... ,or mo.nr -6' fhe atl.rs that Mar. &--eorilpt.on, here' · • llaa• o,..... ~: tl\tte weeks agalnllt Ml.. San Pirate 'IQlugliu ..._wu 'fl<:torloua brought the Pirate:• to the cont~r-Fri .. Mar. ~Ha.rb<tt JC, there .... San / Bera.anlllio a t Fttllfort&n; htonlo College Wt.'Clneaday. over Jim ~ro1 ln Lhe 157 pound ence champ!on!lhlp in their flr3t Tues., Mar. IS-El Can1lno. there \ Rlve.nide at Mt. Saft Antonlo; Scored for lhe two games fol-cl&&8 when. h e plAned Decaro In year of play and won a second T hUt"8. _Sat., Mar . 16 -17-Citrus Ch&J'fey, byr... low: one minute 23 seconde. In the 130 I • FRESH "U. S •. Govt, lnsp •. HORSE MEAT • Bold ' . > • > - • Don't Walt! . ""'f..., Qoolllllt • , ~ ~f deamd ,. -.GRANTS FU Nlt;URE 18f.il N""'l'Ori BlvcL • 1 ' . ' · COSTA MESA • . I ... ~ HERE'S A ~~NDE~UL BUT on BARE ROOT ROSES . . . No. J Budde<' Stock 50 P tented Varieties fr~ $)25 up • No. 1 -non-~atented,i Budded ~a . 75¢ , Complete Nurst ry St!ick • WAYSIDE G~Rl)ENS Z040 NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA BEA. WU Feather.lilht ••• easier sweeping Sweeps mvch cleaner Lo1t1 5 timH longer leautiful coloro-gold, ....i, blue • N.o broken bristles No clouds of dust No ruMown heel You'll find Orange· County's . ,Most Complete Stock ~f -Hardware and Housewares· at I . I place for the!" in JD50. Tournamrnt I 0<:c ('73) f:l_.A (fM) pouod c la..c;s, Bob Aguillera won However. five lettermen ar(' ex-Tu""-. Mar. 20.-Tr rmina.I ls., lhl're s hots ou~ of M tr:ee for 24 point.fl . Johncox • t-&) F 1 l7l Lhnpkin with 8 points to K en ljic vks' 6. peeled to appear for lhe rirsl 1-~rl., Mar. Z3-Tern1inal Is .. he re Pelabllsh.m g high 8Corlng rPcord '\"an:lley (Z6) F CSl Gould while Howard Miller took a 5 to 2 . ...•.......................•............ ~ ..... . workout. Th"Y are Orv Thrt·adg1H, Tul"~. Mur. 27-Lon; Bea.ch CC. for the game •t 36 polnle bef~re Davis 1151 c ( 11 I Parken decision over San Diego's H enry )l"ft-hnnded pitchl'r: Bob Biel('fel1l. thrrp fouling out In .the J&s t few m in· Richardson (41 G jl:}) Brunr Zilz in the 137 pound c la.as. pit'Cb('r! Norm R idgway, s hort t 'rl., ~fa r. 30--C'haffey, bl"re utes of the game. ShafPr c (GI Sbennan The second Coast victory by a •lop: F . E. Harri!!. cenlt·r fielder Tttes .• Apr •. 3-El T oro, here 1 Coa."t WILi! I •· polota behind at fall was also ill {h(' 1~7 pound th h If b t lgh d d ( Scoring subst ltul('s. OCC: l-1el· who may swi tch to a catcher po· t"rL, Aprtl 6-R ivcrsid~. lhl'r e ! a . u t t ene e enSf's. clas."> \~rlth FrNl OwE'ns pinning altion this year : and Mik{l J ohn Tur~. Apr. JO-Santa Ans, here With three snd a half mlht.Iles lo quIBt, S : Roehm, G:. Mt'ar~. 3: Ea.st Well Turner in two fnlnu-tcs. Gary I. I A t • 0 " B di h play th y we WI behind 61 lo l4)s Angelt-8 : Popl(IOl. S: White l . G ll I 1 t 1 llh J h P I who played ut ility outfielder last 'r ., pr. ~n c.'rnar no. ere . e r e 8 . . HalflUne score: OCC 25· E.J. .. A 39. ray ~, o , w o n o os season. Also returnin~ from last Tu~ .. Apr. 11-Mt. SAC, he re 60, when Yardley l<"ft l!Je game. ' ' in the 167 pound class. sea.son are pitchers B!ll Romeru F"rl., Apr. 20-Fullerton, there Mf'fqul•t. Hot O<"C (!)I) El Toro (SB) 1 Coast defeats came to Hank and Pete Williams. T~ .. Apr. %4--Chaffey, there In acoring 13 point.a to ELA's Johncox (111 F' 14.) Wa!I Aguillera who lost th(' d('Cialon. 0 Many h\gn scnool lett ermen arc i'~rL. Apr. %1-EI Toro, there three, the Pirate& m oved from this Yan:Uey (23) F' ( 101 Harridge to ~ lo Ketlb Chamberlain at 147 t-xpected to report including sec-Tue&. May I-Riverside, he re turnlng point with Wayne Mel· Davis (8) C (71 Kel rman pounds, and Dan ChJlton who lost ond baseman Phil Shafer and third l,.ri"' 1'lay f-:Santa Ana·, there quiat sinking a tip In tha.t spurred Mear8 (14 ) G 131 Bu.!!h by a 40 second fall to Kene Wal· baeem a.n George James. both of Tuett,. May 3-S d. n Bernardino, then1 to ...lriftory. M.elqulat ecored Sha.fe r (21 G (31 Shaws colt in the 177 pound cla88. NE"wporl Harbor H igh; pitcher the-re again before the' game e nded on a Scoring substitutes, OCC: Roe-The PiratE" wrestle rs will host Bob Harris.' who played w ith the }"rt., May t 1-l'dl. SAC, here jump-turn shot.. to E'stabllsh him-hm, 2;· El Toro, Maljali, 9 : Ander· Ml. San Antonio February 8 and Tu!tin champs . of the Oranfe:P TUt'!l., May l5--Fullertoa, her e \teJf ~ lhe eurpri.Be. player of the\ .son. 2 : Cofrman, 1. Ha.ICt lme score will visit Los , AngeJea City Qol· League 1950 race, and pilchPr Dal • l E'&m.-OCC, 28: El Toro, 16. lege F ebruary 1~. Ott.from Brea-Olinda. S1 1 ~SET LEAGtrE L.EADISO ' Oth('r high sChooJ playt>rs will SCORERS be pitcher Dean Cr ist from Dow-G Pta. Av. ney, pitche r Harold Burton of La· A. S'ettles. Nel4•"t H 5 1' 14.I guna, Jes.~ Smith of H~mE"l who R. Babcock, 8. A. ....... 6 71 •lU will pla y lnfie~d o r catch. and s uch ft, Oritfl1h. Ne,,..•t R $ 60 tZ.O ·outstanding stars as Allie ThiPme. S. We&ch, A.nahf"lrn ·-· 6 68 11.I first basen1an o f Renri, and pitcher R. Sul'1!l.""' Hunt. B J 3 6S 10.t DOn Dolan of San JoSE". 1 H. $church. Huot. B 5 62 10.4 AlthOUKh ht' did not play high I, Webbf'r, Anaheim _ 6 49 9..8 school ball, Chuck Mit cht'll of D. Petf>noa , N't>w't H 6 41 9.• Oceapsjdc, w ho attended Hunting-' R. •'auJk.ner. Artahf'lm 5 46 9.% ton Beach H igh school. will pay ln I L. Owena. t~uu•too ...... 6 41 8 i lhP infi('ld. E. l'~MJCh, Santa A4a 4 3t 7.1 Thieme, it is' hoj)<'d, will be able' V. ROtl..' HW\l. B ....... 5 11 1.4 lo fill the first base vacancy left O. Cruze, Santa Ana .. 5 31 1.t by last year's oublto.nding star, D. l>Mlll.V, ·Anaheim .. 5 36 7.t Rex Bohanan. while Dulan pro-P. Be1111M'tt. Santa Ana 5 S5 1.0 mises to f'qual the performance of E. Boyd, t~ull'ton ...... 5 S5 1.1 H AIL? CHAMPS A.RE REBE! Oranse C.OUt OoUep wlftnen la the l'!ICenf e ba'!'Ptoa- Howard Henning whos,l' wor~ on K. Sharum. O ra.nc-e .. 5 S% S..t / the mound wa.s responsible tor the D. l..aftf>, New't Har .. 5 S% 6.t ehlp tntramntal voll6yt.U came are (from left): .I~ A8hea. eapta&n; Ste\-e Rope. 1 Clluck two superior seasons Coast enjoy· D. w,uiaim., Ora.nae ___ 5 SI t.t .KlmMoup. Boward HeoalalJ Ubootn CJlark. a.ad P e t.er WWl&ow. The bop will receive ·~ la ed. E. Abntar, Oranr .... 5 so t.O a coll--111.r ·"' be held IA II'-_, IUture. • _:_~=--...-~_:_~~~~_,.-'--.,--~-'-~~...._,....:_~,-~~-:-~~-,--~~~ • • oaiNoi ()GAW CO•'-·~ Pft111 t .. *..,. .Leltktr r •1 ... , j MM ... • c.na ..._ W.. ~,... ,. . --........ ,_....-. __ , ........ -~-........... • • • ;. WM:ma. .. MJ .. 'sr1 rla r np tr• '* .. OCC; :W. & a ...... 0 ' tu JO.•b,.a,u'Jn·r .o...n.....---,.. I'-<_....,.,...._,. Qmla" ~ t & • .,.., & Jr. 1; t ! ri? r"t ... , .. rt;. A'lP M A i111 ~1s7. ... • • "J,. .. • ' .. • • • • ~ ' Th• nm lime you a<e a Hillman M'llllt nestl e u p to the curb, step up and ask Lbt owner bow °" he likes it. But. we wa rn. you, you'll be letting . . . youneli in for an enthusiutic euful ... bow it parb wbere-lhe big ••per de hue jobo can"t ... how it gets a.,..·ay like a teared rabbi!···hpw it rida like an angel on a cloud ... and-very im· • .. The word • IS getting around that the HILLMAN Minx is 'a GREAT car! portant these days-h'?w little it cos;s 'run. And ,,·e mean, Uttle. One o~·ner on a recent 1,100 mile trip got 32.7 miles on a gallon and had to buy all of a pint of.oil ! Drop in and take the Hillman 1\finx out yourself. Then you11 see l''hat'S causing all tho • excitement. ' HILLMAN 11l.inx A PIODiJCT OP THI IOOTES OIOUP . ' $1540* • • ,. • • r • • • • ' • ' • • • ' • • , • ' • • . t ' • ' PA&£ 2 -PART rr.:... TH URSDAY, FEB.-1. !9S r" Dr. Obecl Luc.S .:. Ou~licatt BridcJe Lew Pettitt' a-Rt" Nei1ie -"i w ... Mus~I ev~ l t. ~ Festiv.al !~at.1Wtp·~ .... SS a . N~rned President EnBs 'in rw . . . •. . For Zonta Clul) ~dar EvtiriJHJ ._.i;;-71~.::.-:.;: ..... ~ of Mef!'S Club Joe~l>tiJ=-~ Repeat Vows ".at C.D . .M. Cbtrch . 11-;..~ofbtadubdf~ at fhtist Ch&Rh ,. • 0r. Oboe! x-. wu .. -ohn• 41111· a ... MltclMll 11>r ""-· · · : · ~ ~~"" .,..t-A.\r. )'1111\f!l ,. ... ,_, *lwjw S • B d I P'---L II • G prulelent ot UM DeWI)' -••-" bl .... _.. nortll-th WbDe ,._ l:q>octed aome .llundaJ'. from a , • , muolc when 'thiy met 'Th . -y, , ~·-S . entice a ' . AJUte en1c roup I Hen'• Pill> a{ CbNt c:brib; ~ BolmO. and -B .. -ym-.~t a -lnettqp ~dla.-aUd-Xn. ~ cam.n.. &nd)l'.r . ., • ....,. 115. &t I e'cloQ!c ~ tlM ~ u.:..~~ ~ ot Ille~ Reason Good·, Meets at Tu stin tho sea at ... orpaiatlclCI -· ..... ---1n ·""· ·-but -~ "'"'th "" <lal!llloo. Nw!-M-1 ·.,,_h. Alon .._. .,, ...., J-~ • C, --at ,,:_-": ~hold In GoodeU Ball. Dr. Karl plle&t. brklrt ~ baW la • ~t,· :: Kn. ~~:· -p,_,,t _.. 91r. iD<t Kn. Allee ~lltnet. ~ fft!Pf.t, "" Clollfda llr 11ae -A,.: __ Ne w B•by Oran-County Panhellenlc ,..,. Rauer at C:O,.. dtl Kar --• ~J' ,_,,._ • · were ay, CanJ•ron l"lfl ~ Nancy ca.nu-'""'1&i-· lamiary ·~.I -·kl .,.....,.ted ot the w-• ,.. u ' ctoty o':.Joyed a IOCiaJ atternooo the opoal<tr, w.t,... u hit topic; ~up ,,__,th~...., 1l a.m. In Cor,oaa del Har COrn· on ot Ooa!a ic-; the -m . • ' tlon .,., . b -~--;;. • -bu probably -bad .,...,. membore pthered J..,, 23 at "'From lllbma to 811&11Jbal." Kn. II. k HM!klq and Jira. E. Ba~~ri •!;,,uret;..!'J' ':: thmvi Paul rroom'a brother azi!l alatu..ln.tew, . ¥11111• for U..QtcUJOl\-=t a;\t ~. ~~ at i¥ -l!(arlle\ W. WMil. the Tuttln home at Mn. Harald Frid W-~ 1-y . I-, Irwin• BQl'J' llprinp>e~... 4. . e e e ormor Hr. and Hra. P9t Pettitt. he"' '-· bJ' Kra Ruth on--._a)lf i..ve -"'4 ..One at the Cot~ Beaut1 Glmono for a d-1..,,.,~. WM ID ...,..ra1 charp ot tho I>.· ;\l.u.er1>-y; Kn. '"'°""'ii OW JIN. Ne:::,~,,! =· 304 Ruby rrom the eat1, ·on a vacation and 0111111, ~tocl.vk.!ini.t; ~ and llte. t"' r-iVlq Ille aop for much to~r . ..,.,_ w11o llrldSt and C!&lJUta follow e gatherlnf. Heetlllp Will be bald and 1 Kn. Peqy ,.,, .. ..,, !Mn. """'"'· ·r · a -•r, Mn. Heward ~ey anO Patrldll Cabll ot"Corol.!a <"I Jdi., yotu Wiil 'be. lncW "-" ell~ the market hu -lllort ••n"'n•• -•on. Finl Ngulal'l)" on tho fomU> ~ ~ -allil ~ Lwil! ty. Mn. Shook wom a gray llUlt" Kr. Balley or San DllfO. ._,.. ... llt1(ual -•!Ir'• J'eotj-.sl will be Qlliloir tlM -ted. With a ~lpr and COllftr• -• to Mn. O.Orge Guthrie of rt 8:30. Ins ~ Jin. -rt 8l'OWll l and' With blaek and wlllte acttUOrid Oo their i.tum ¥r. and JIN. ~ .....,.. -Nd bY -llb9. at . llle Baactar7 tatlon about tMt. 0...,. arrival la Jl&lbo& lal&Jld. Other ottt,,.,. 1leottil ID~ ~Helm RaddJtf. I and • white on:hld coroage. She Pettitt will live at lllt home, 20I ~ lltll. ....,.i.t, ol ~ qbolJo Gt •hlcl> Wre. A. "1. Rutt« Ult famlly Of Mr~ a.nd Mra. Hamer Local members atlt'ndlng were: Bat t.acy. vice preetdent. David a;~,. . up eut • wett. !'"N wu gtven Ln keeptng by he r .on-l>earl ave.nu•, Balboa Isl.and. . l•l&Dd. Mn. Qt~ and ...,...1:-Detl li di tor. . . 8'11Jth. Mead&mu Guthrie and Ralph Holtby eecretU)'. and W. C. AA-r~ ~ and RoMrt B~n ln·law. Jaroee Tt.ylor. He r dauc-h-. s.re both memhan Of Zon~f ,, 'Mo:rd.s, h•• . Dallaa Neal la tbe name of the Mlch&e.bon of Balboa. bland; M. Sold. ~reuurer, tylft.J wiUl lb&.,H. M.. Walll.n(f~ ter, Geraldine Taylor, waa matron I j d 'G• . Becau.e· ot 1b6 lllntllfl: -~t fMr9. "'Os "la the atrtnOlli bJple newcomer. clubbed .. he WU on lllt A. AndeToon of Lido hie; Robert and -Cart Be.-; Mr.j and of honor, weutng a b'ue sutt •Wllh s ·an er to LVe Eiol• Hampton,~ ;Val-of . 'l)lom&a Roy Pendell. at art1val at St. Joe<pll's hoopltal on Hoxie Leon Williama and Ray-B t• t M' KJO, L. v . -..; Kr. &ad ;Mre. orchld con&&'•· Pat PetUl~ broth· FAC B k R • ••Uno Box ·-1a1 to be ID 'Church by Uie Ilea 8uncla7 llatlll<la7 _111,bt. Deb .. Sue, hla moad 'Kent Harvey, Robert Calll.t, ap IS en Glonn Ruat; Mn. a.o,.. ll(Jtehell ., of the hrldesroom. WU beat 00 ev1ew Febnl&ry ha& --~ . to mom! .. bll' atmter Of 20 montrus la patient-Jo.hn Keeter Ruth Barcume and M t t M and IH. IL W&lllnlford. · l man. ' a lat.I' datf.,. ~ m~ ..1-e , ------ ly waJUn• at home tor brother and Olive Sleepe;, Corona del Mar. and ee a esa ~e Balboa Duplicate B~ge White l'la.cllolU• at the alt&r 'and Bound lo aUmulate ·new In-lookln.c forw.,-d io a re~.;t b)'· A . ' mama Marilyn. Harold Boyvey, Newport a .. ch . Clu!I will hold lb nut meetins o~ palm• provided ••ttlng for lh• tereota In rffdlng wlll be • pro--Jay l!utll'erl&rul,. dauchtn ·~r rti ur Knight Homer Smith lll co-owner of th• Memben ot a men'• ctA. ot tbe l"rida,y eventnr Feb. 2nd 'trllh !play «rUnOny and Ml!.11 Margaret grun to be p~ted Friday, Feb. 'MN. Rutb Paddoci Gibba. lot her p Balboa Xarket and Marilyn ,ilmlth Flrat BapU.t chureb of Cotta otar<tlnf ~ 7:30 o'clock.. S<harle played tile wedding mu-2, at a meetln&' of the Book oes:· l1'V•lt and experlenc:eo d"'1f'F Jter to jy9 rogram la the proprietor of tile ~tage Women's-Fellows.hip Meu were .-mhlod l'rl<lay eve-tic. Allor the r11 .. lh• bridal uon ot the Coat& Meoa Friday Al· •taY In Japah. Mias Stitli'[l&Jld Beauty &bop. The Smiths reold• ••eets Febru•ry 7 nlng al the hqme of th' ~"'· Pre sbyte ri a n&' Attend coupi. and 8"Ula attended. wed-ternoon club, when Mnt. V.era s ...... hu ~· ttitereetlng i""lor on . ypnotism at i15 E . Bay avenue, Balboa. M "" Rev. P . 0 . N"eutn&nn, Ml9 On.ftp c1Jng breakrut at Victor Hugo~a. Wl!Jfama. will be beard tn..a book slk\ea which lbe wtll &how. ·1 . l The Women'a Fellowship of st. Ave .. Coeta Mesa. for ' a wet-~ Olnner for Moderator lAguna Beach. The sunroom wa• review.. . A-abort bWllnem. meeting wu Th nat meetin.i' of the Men'• ••rs. Arden Lon.9 A gether. Rev. Neumann 111 teacher lovely with llWeet rw>aa and wblte 'Mre. · Wlit1-a, owner ot the held With Mro. Earl s·--1-y , fN!l81 .. clirb qt ·Newport Harbor Luthe-.. M ndrew'a Pre.,byterlan church will t lb 1 r --., ..... u<:" -~, , ·-· • B • d H meet Wedneaday. Feb. 1 In lhe o e c au. Attendlnl' th• dinner at ~fUna camationa t.nd a beautiful wed-Boo'k Stall, Balboa I1Jand, .'-a dent; preal$1f.nt. . · ~ Cb~ will .be held Thureday, · IS rt 9 e ostess lounge ot the new churc h on lr>th Woodrow Cooper , newly~ected Bmch tor Dr. Hurh llvana, .1J'lod-dins-cake wu piece de rcsia.tanoe :member of th~ Jotal club. Mie\ll-Cueet:t. enjoyJnc Mn. Rlc~llf1S'• l'eb. f6~ at 8 p.m., at the chu.rcb. •~-d -"----•1-' In president, had charce of the bUll· • of the rena•t. ben and friends a.re to brtng sack boepltallty we ..... MrL Ma~clt--• ......,.,_ for the evenlnr will ~-n an ca.u.aa prl!'va.i cu atreiet acrou from the high school. 1 Reh-uh u u.nd era.tor or the Preabyterjan 1eaen.l r-.... 't '"'' :i-:-~· • tl1e ~ appotnt.menta at the A deaert COUCH will be served at neu .., on. men ro • , Only member ot the brlde'a fam· tunchel to the clubh.ouae at 12:SO e.na a.ad Mrs. ICdpA Wllaoa o Bal· be Mifor Arthur Knight of Full~ horn. of ~ ... Alden Long, 196 E. l •o b th ·--'' ied out the eVentnc. aue.mbly we r-e Mr. an41. Mrs: F.d· lly not preftflt was a dauvhter, p . m. Thie procr&ln will follow lm-boa, Mlu .Patricia ·cahU and M1M ertoJt,. P4)'Chiatrtat and h_,.tiat. -:., p. l'J'I. y e ,......,~c~s .• n . R Hill M' d J_ ;__._ .. <Tr--18th st., Coat& Mesa, when a.he R. E. Campbell, Mrs. Jamer ,.1. M' . . rar · • r . an ·Mn. -u..-Mrs. Murray Justice of San Fran-mediately aner luncheon. Mn Jay Sutherland and Mra. 1 vlne wbo :n give a dcmon1tratiOA of entertained a Joca.f card gToup Cowie and Mrs. Karl s . Axtater. ISSISSipp1an Uan F. Schlndler, Mr; and;!Mr11 chtcO. Othl'r daug~ter~ end their Gunning Butler is chairman or the Ga'Uq:her of Corona del ka-Tl ~ hlR p ~ t work. The public ta Tbunday at luncheon with bridge Mrs. Thad Samuels w ill )l'!ad in Ralph Deaver &lid Rev. and Mra. famiJiea were Mra. Jan1t.'S •raylor. atttlon. A oordi&I lnvitatkin ls b-Mn, Ruth BarCUQlt, Co~ ~el invi. ..to attend , both me:n and u lhe aftermath, devotlorui and Mrs. Glen Whttlock Returns Home Thomae Olb9on or St. Andttw'11 h,.r hu.sband and chlltJrcn, Lfnc1a i •u~ l!veryone ln tere1ted to at-Mar, member ot North HoUywOod womer, to iief' t.h is an1wiing pro- Bldding and pa&11ing were Mmea. wtll report 011 national missions ch1.1rch. Newport Hel«h'tll. Ann and Jlmmy. Baldwin Park; tend. Zonta club. , . 1 pram. Homer Mellott, Ray 'IVallace. M. J . while members knit and sew on Mrw. Mary Edward. or Yusoo, HoettU.. Harry C. Burdick, Sam work a-1gnment.. Lut year un· Miaslalllppl, has terminated a 9C'.>- D. Crawford, Coata f\ileaa : Wayne der the leadership ot t~rcai· journ of 10 daya 111, CO.ta Mesa PiUU'lng and J . Warren Brbtoh dent. M n . W. D. Sehock. thi!'I where she en.toyed the hospitality Jf\lntln(t.on Beach and the hoateu. rroup more than met all assign-or Dr. and M..ri. P. 4 . Chamberlain M.ra. Wallace. won 'first priZe, ments and budgels. Th<'i r nt-w and daughter Nancy or 1944 New· Mra. lloetetler acond second. a.nd president, Mra. Edgar R. Hill. h&s port Blvd. Yuzoo. whic.h La loc.at- ¥1'L Pkltert.ng took the coM01a.. lllatl)' p_lan1 in-view Cur ttk> cur· e<I near Ja"ckaon. 'Mtu.. is Mrw . lion &wanl. ..... rent year. "' Chan1btlrlln'1 romi.er home. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • , • • \ • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ' " • ~ ' - . . . - • I , .. -· - • INSlJREit -.: ; ' ' • SAVlNG.S. • • \ CUlliiNT IARNINGS Per Annum • -I I • ' ,.--------------------------------------~~--~~--~--------~--~""!' .... ~----------------------.......... __________ ,_ ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY COMPLm . ONE-STOP SffoPPIN6 CENTER. UNDER-. qNE ROOF! * *' l· lleat. \" * r l'Nlt * 'l:eset-lllM * ~ * IJq8on * l'lm 1'01 .. * Os zM• * Vffemlpe . Wtrld 's· Largest . ' SANil ANA . Bakel'1. '* ~dJ; . * ToUetriei . . ~ * Gttt. I . '* Hbmelielcf ·· * ' · F.Owttalil . ' . ' '*" * 8D4rlM A•verdMMl 1 ~-n..u.day Thrm·SsD.day-ll'eltruatry I , 2, 3 A 4 ' • • ~F S~ • ,, tl~ ~F-.6'D .PtUSKING,, : e "' OPBlY Nl~S ~ ,S)INDAY SUNDRIES lllP-l·Qt.tla Water Pitcher • ,,._ ' ... Geflulne ,,,... Cake Plate 3cr 10. ,, .. llfM B18erlt1 2 '" 15° * * * DRUGS ... -ltorllt "'•'""'• Colt• 47' ............. Pnxldt .:;: 13· '-Ii~-- 10/LfTRIES , .~.,~ '·:,29· i.i;fik .~t L:3r w 'ii * UOU~RS --~··. • * V,fN DE .......... -~ . w w FOUm I :1.·T " ' . 59"-.·· -* • ~MPS ~ ....... 43" ... w N ..... .... • • : ~Al •'JC"• ,,, t llRDSEYE ' . ' .PEA'S~ oiANGf jiJ1a ~lo 20c . . a t llDl•Yll T t:NDlll ' ~lll N CH CUT GllllN, WAX tr CUT llllllN l·ll. JAi 21:. . IBSIYEMIXED ' ~R'1 FRuta ' .P;OT . TOES , 10.0L 21 PK'-. C · f!llDllYI CUT·UP FRYIRS 1·LLr t•.OZ. 133 PlcuU , VEGEJABLES llayfol ... Priff .. W ... 1 C~~~~E Wwtlt 79 · ~-.. c • . ' ! ~.._...c1•,... Quallt>' BUTIER · . ' -. ' . . 75,, ....o~L-~aylair 0 ME;A.TS Belt Service -Table Trimmec1 ----~· --- ---.!-._ -........ --~.WJlUJlUJWJ1"W TOP GOVERNMENT·GRA'DEa -Beef· 1$te 1k S~le! SWISS'STEAKs' c: .• ' Tenderloin Cute -; · . Porterh'se 9.8°, ... 111 .... , Roast 11~'! ' • • _, • ; r .. I ' • •• •• FAC Board Elects New Secretary Mrs. Frank . Vie le is MOA Hostess· Conversation, ·needlework and refreshments combiner! to make a pleasant afternoon for inembers of the Meet One Anoti)er Club who were entert8.ined TuCsday at the home of Mrs. Frank Vicic>, 397 Hamilt on St., Costa Mesa. · Pretty arr8.ngemen~ of Belle of P'ortugal roses adorned the roorrts Apple sauce cake •toppetl with whipped crt'am, and coff('(' were Eerved by the hootess at the af· ternoon's clo!q'. Enjoying the hours togC'thf'r were Mme.s. Hulda Young1 Irene Northern . .J. C. M.acint08h, Albert Morrlaon, Alice Davis, Calla Viele. \V. G. Walker and Frank Vi ele. Lancaster Guests at Morris Home Mr. and ·M rs. Arthur L. 1-t:orri:; of Maple Ave .. Costa lr1 esa, have been extend'ng hmL<ic !,.'"tlest hospl· latity t o Mrs. Morris' broth('r and 8i&ter, Griff Hiatt arid Mr-3." An.rfa Hoyle of Lancaster, Calif. Cocktail Parties Precede Ball\ The H elttti and Flowers Ball at the Bay Club tomorrow night will I be the occasion ror numerous gay r>rf'-be.11 cocktail partiE>~ in the 1 Harbor area. Or. and Mrs. Gay1e ] Suess and 1ttr. and Mrs. Kcnnl!'lh Star<'ge will entertain the follow-in~ gucs~ in the Suf's.s hoffie on Balboa Island: Messrs. and Mmes. 1 Havila.nd Rogers. Alan G. Post. Nelson Pringle, Newport) Harbor: I l\:ennt>th R . Swift or Brt-:ntwood and Jack Rlle.y of Bur~ank . I Enjoying cocktail! a_t the J0&e.ph H. Riggs home on tht" little 1$lan1l will be MeMrs. and Mmes. David Denbo·m and W , J . Hesnault of I Westwood : J oseph Martscol, M. J. Masters anJ Mr, and J..(ra. Rt-e 0 . Fleming or Los Angeles : Arthur Tcchent:!n of La Canada: Ernest Warren of Long Beach; Frank Lit-I lie of Balboa Island a.nd Mr. W . J . Hcnsnault. Jr.. and M lss Betty Smlth, daughter of the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKinley will be host and hosteSI at a cocktail I porty at their home in Cliff Haven and their guesta will be: Mr. and 1 Mrs. James carroll. Jr., Major and 1 Mrs. Sherman Sm\th, Mr. and Mrs. She'don Ril8y, Mr. Ed Meserve of Los Angeles, lot:ni. Mary Topp<"r and Mr. and ~t:rs. Lawrence Brown. Pre-baU parties are al8o planned PLMM 09 IUOMlO DOUGHNUTS 43'... .. MILK CHOCOLATE 79'... ............. ... .... . CAKE by the Roland Wrights of Newport * l.Mft far"" Bl#t F-..;J// Height.,, Ule Nelson McLaughllns I· and lhe Harold Caldwells of Bal-COSTA · MESA boa Ia:and. · I tTOO Newport Bfvd. The Hearta and FJowen: Ball ·ls sponsored by tbe Santa Ana and CORONA DEL MAJl New-port Harbor Attxilia.riN of the•, - --...a ~ll.IP~ ~·.-...eome Society-.,... Catt-; Cornla and 1:1 an annual chan(y LA.ouNA BF.A.CH MISS IONARY t T1",0N'' MEET Members of the Women's Ml&- slonary Union ot the First Baptist Church QI Costa Mesa wtll• gather in ~nlh~ &essiOIJ .... Monday, F etr. 6, ~l g,~ .... !ft ? edlkatlonal uni\: •o "the c.b.uiCh. Kn. Roy Cnt.gg''a group will have charge of the program. · event tor the benefit of the SO-%15 FOJ'ftt A.venue ciety's adoption servtcrs. ' ___ ..,;._;.;..;;;;;..;.;..;;;..;.;.. __ '· . ' ' ·' . p.,.. IMM·ONS • HIDE~A~BED SPECIAL SAVING on these ·Simmons Hide·A·BedS duri119 our JANUARY· FEBRUARY CLEAttANCE SALE. . . ( l -Full ll.lu, \Vine u.dque aa.t1a Cover 229":° Reg. Z89.60 ~!"""' 1'>---··-····~·-. , . A Simmons ' l:iide-A-Bed is a beautiful sofa or love 1ea~Ul a f11tl or, three-quarter size bed. ,The mattress.is full thickn&ss:6uf folds .~asi~ i!'to a compact spac:o. T~is is jult'the thing for those over~n19'1t guests.. . ' , . · . . ~ • . CONVEt:ilEJ'IT CREDIT .A~. • ..,.. ..... • ' J • .. " •. ' ~ -·, . r • There's MC)RE tender .meat~ .•• POU~D for .POO!ND · •••. ini·this . Sllced Bacon Ill. 430 LAMB CHOPS Grade B. io laren. Fully trinurwd. cut from U. S. graded GOOD lamb. RIB ShortcuL LARGE LOIN Fine to broil.• ~!.-LOIN .. aa· ... 89!· .. aa· I.II~ •r TiUEJMl.IEI LucerM Mill( :::;. 39c.= 19lc ,.,.....,,nd, ~z.ct. Half & Half '-"'-.::::.. 25c HoU Mll1l, f'lolf c;t90Pft, tiomooerMrlld. Oatry food oriels wbtkt to Stott: Boord regulo'---• le11 c,_m 'S::' 2.:.:. lSc PonvPrido 2..""' le11 Cream CA,...,,.. -47c Popukar ,.._...,.. Cotornel PIKon. a.I Air Peas l-'"... •:: 17° Fresh Bread "::: IS• ':: 20" Mn.. W'riQIN' .. ...Wtw .-wtieot,elact. Raisin Bread '",r.::--:::' 23" Ralls Margarine Airway Coffee =:t: ~~1tor.. 13-lb.bof,2.l SI Nob Hill Coffee = 'ocUd '" ..... iOiiiW bog. 12~ boQ, 1.51 1 Grapefnlit Juice .!:': ":;:"' 29" ~-'""._..._ 118-o&!cM. l2cl Grapefruit Juice'~'-• ":;:"' 29-' HcrNrolpectl.. tlkz~ lkl ' Grape Juice :::., I .. , =: 35• ~ l..X.llo twor.s. W•lch Grape Juice ' ::;:-35• Export leer ~""' 2 '!:' 21• No~ cea. o124,2.9?1 Export Beer "',.;;;;""' '!:' 10- Dtoos.ib atro. IC-of 24, 2.JSJ Export Beer ~""' :!.':':' 25• 0.,0.S .. ..no. IC.. ef 12. z.Jq,J 1 Mante Cristo Wine' -... Pwt,Shliny.~ . ..., ••f ~ _.. ett..d orlfV !ft SGte•a,.~ .-.. .... ...._._T_ ... _......_~ ' I . I ---:-.-1 ..,,, To bri;,g you greater valu_Ci Safeway starts with top government grades-of beef, control •grd to peak of tenderness and flavor. Then, before i goes on the 1C&le each rib roast is cut short ... lar~C wrtionf.of short ribs are trimmed oil to be sold at ~ lower price per pound. Lopped off too is excess t ne and fat. So pound for pound you get more tender meat in Safe.way fib roast. We guarantee you' I '><; pleased 'I or money bile!\. Standing Rib. Roast 311/19 7" Cut-Fully Trimmed . ' ._ SPECIAL PRICE lb. SIRLOIN STUI( .... circl• •••"• PAICAU Mil ~~~x ~i..290 J l~l·lb.,l7c• t*•' JUPJACI Mil .... ~ ""'"' ... OL 310 ·. .... . I r.ot \'OU' .fol\;• on Pon. cake Doy, febrvory 6. . White Cali• Mix~ •:.~ 33° Duff'1 Waffle Mix ·~ 299 Crackers ,',::,. :0:-20". !:: 329 For a delicious ~ain dish during Lent serve , Chicken of the Sea Tuna Pie. Note prices below. • SOLID PAC~ 'RED LA¥L • < llTIE SIZE ·2"8 GREEN LABEL •'!_-.- TORPEDO IRA.ND, Light Meat Tuna, Grated Style for Sindwich<O • • ---... ,. a1.ttSf.1.,7 •sms• iW .-al. ........ ,, ... ,, .......... -. • . . SAFEWAY .' • • I ....... ::... .. ' ' • ' . r ,,.. • .1 ·I I .. . • • I' .. • • • I t It ~.: .~ .~··-PAttT_~~;;s~~v~F~a. 1.:·1.9!1 ·_·Family ~y ·-· JL_~~-.= -PllESS!!l Advised by. , LEGAL NOTIC! P5StS CEllTDrtcArE OF BUSINESS PICl'ITIOUS P1RM NAME THE uNoERSIGNEO doe I here.bx certlty that he la conduct~ lng & Paint Re.movlns buatnem a 1811 Latayette ,lve.. Newport Beach. California, unde.r the tk:· to~~Co~~~!ruo .. fo rum Speaker nJ& • eorporaUon, u Truotff, to ii.to... a 1¥1'& Md !n.ttt-l<f I -un. · ~ oth!'J' obllptlo.,., audl<nce .;i,,, Monday evening a tI>O paym-of a note dai.d De-tlle Hlg:h 1etiool. Or. Bloyd. -· cem.bu I, 1949, payable fo CocUe wood, de&n ot rfien al LOI AA~ A. Conover, • married . woman, City 0ou..-e, rave a lecture ~ Rita J«>rilnp. a marrie4 woman, .. ....,riq• and Faml\1 Rtlat{ooa. 1 Jerald I.. Blcglna, a man1ed man. This wu the fourth 11114 fin.I i.., or Onser. ~or UM pr1ndpal sum or tu.r, or pae. hrum sert.M" foe ~.00, with lnte....t from. De-o<Julte """1-by the Newpo" cembtt :n, 1949~ at th• rate of Harbor UnlOll 111&11 ochool Pattht· five (~) JJ!e-r cent per annum, Teacher A.uocl&Uon ~ the ~ew· principal and Int.ereit pay•1Jle In port Element ary a.a.d Colt& MMa 1.n.slallmenta of $40.00 or more on Pattnt -Teuhtt A.eeodationa. • Utioua flrm name ot PACIJl'IC NELREM COMPANY, and that laJd nrm la composed of the fol- lowing ~raons, whoee names in full and places ot realdence are u follows, to-wit: Garvin 1'. Morse, 1238 South Blrcl1 St., Santa Ana, Calif. w ·ITNESs,mY band thla 8th day of January, 19:51. GARVIN T. MORSE !he t:Sth day of e&c'l and every Mn. Haviland Ro1era, Parent~ month. bel(tnntng January 1:), Educatton chairman of the Htfh 1950; and conUnulnJ until aaJd .chool P .·T. A. and her conuniitee prlncls)aJ and interest have been felt the attendance l"u exce.llen~ pald; and for thf' four Monday P.venJnga an~ WHEREAS, default has ~cur. each apea.kcr gave hb lt1te.~ St.&t.e. of California, red In that the lnat&llme.nt of much food for thougbl. County of Orange, a . $40.00 being the prtnclpal and ·m4 Dr. Eastwood Mid-that !nt ot wt ON THJS 8th day of January tereat due on aatd note an April actuaUy k~ what to do w hen A. D. 1951, before me, Robert F'. l~. ?950, haa oot been pai4: and we have tlJrie on our handa. w, WILLMES, a NotaQ .Rubllc in and WHERE.AS, Oerlle A. Co11.ove1', 4f'pend too rp.uch on unned lemu-8 for the 88.i<rCounty and State. re· Rita J ennings and Jerald L. Blg4 auch a.a televlaion, radio., picture siding therein, duly commi..uion-g1na, ownera and tuj>f.de.rs of s&i,d shows, etc. M011t of u.e have never: • < . -' ,, ~. '. ·i E'd and sworn, personally appeared no~. hetttofore de'tnanded that been \aught on the adult level lelJI· Garvin T. Morse, known Lo me to u.id Trustee aelJ said pro.pen:y, ure time .!kill! SU<'h a.a palnUng. be the person whoie name la sub--and on October lS, 1~ duly re· drama. handl<'raft and athletic ans SPAQ'•U1j:i!I scribed to 1.he within lnatrument, n1~ tn th rn t th c ty "II'-..,. " co ~ e o ce o f oun 15,.. L1J • now 0 ",_ the Italian Co and acknowledged to me that he Reco111er of .sald County •. tn ' Book Today, the Bpe!'a.ker continued, "O<k •--k ;.,_ app-·'k,..lllp a • N~ Yo~•, t·-~ "'",.orf executed the ft.me~ IN WITNESS 2087, page 320 ot Official R~orda there art" ao many drall'IS on our • ..._ ".. .~.. " ~w .-.. -·-..., WHEREOF, I have hereunto set thereort . a notice of uJd default bodit"s al"ld n~rvowi •ystems such Altorta a.rid hM h&d U Y,.,. of eookJn.r n p@_rieace. He ll an my hand and affixed my official and of lhelr election to cau~ aaJd aa driving, noise, too much light expert fa tile preparation Ot ftallaa dlMlr&. ·~Presa Photo) seal the day and year in this Cer--property to be sold and more than. and too little light all of wblc)'j · l tlflcate first above written. three months have now elapsed create-A tent:lon. Since today l8 ~ w Id rf J d M Ch f RO.BERT F . WILLMES since the recordation of uid n"o-puah-button aie the tendenO¥ ti a 0 • ra ne esa e My CommiMion Expires 11/16/Sl tlce. The ltlnl of $2408.44 princl-toward too little eun:ise. A• (}ie No. 818--Press. pal. together with Interest thereon adulta in a family do, «> do tht f p h _PU_b_. _a_n_. _1_1_-1_8_-2_5_,_F_eb_._1._19_5_1_. f~m Ma.rc.h ~5. 19:)0. L8 now due, children. It wu IUgte.lted tha\ or ers ·1ng owtnr and unpaid, and there Ls fan11llta that play torether •tal( NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL al.so .-cured by ea.id Deed of Truat togeth•r and that moTe of the old· P ROP ERTY BY T R USTEE the Tru•tee's ree an'd,_expenses of fuh1one-d picnic• and hlkea to--B y Ed LPH oven l TNDER DEED OF TR UST sale estimJ.ted at $175.00, together gether s ould be put Into eff~L In bl.a S!J yean of accum9.latlng kitchen wizardry, Ch~r Jack Cefi.., WHERE.AS. ALAN D. ECHOLS with any •ume paid ahd advanced Any kind or a hobby la a a:ood l\aa teamed many thlng•: among them, t.h&t cooking !.ti hard work. n.nd JESSIE H. ECHOLS, husband by the owner of sald note in ac-thing to play •l'aina:t one's rerular In appre<:.,latlon ot tbia ia.ct. Jack thlnka that husband• should and wife, and MILLER F . \VIL-cordance W1th the provh"lons of work. It can be t\shinJ ,cooking SON and GEORGIA v . WILSON, said Deed of Tru.st, with lnte~t for nien. aqua.re dancing, col-take their wives out to dinn r at leut two tt.i1"hls a · week. "l f they husband and wife, by Deed of on said last mt'ntloned sums. Jectlons such a.s 8 tampa and rock'?, deetde to vi.sit my newly ~ed lt.•.llan Cotta1e at 17th and Orange Trust date<! December 8, 1949, re-NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE etc. Children .shoukl hf;ve hobr In CMta Mesa., why .that'• juat corded December 22. 1949 in Book IS HEREBY OI~EN th.at. the said bics and should lt>arn a vartety of ftne:· says Jacir. "But"the lmpott- 1943, page 532 of Official Rt'C'orda Bay Eecro~· Co., Inc .. a California things outalde school work and a.nt thlnK is t o get your wife lllW•Y ot Orange County, California, did corporation, by vlrtut' or the au-[he re would be less boredom and from lhe -•tove for •Whtie, aht"'ll grant and convey lht" property thority. vested ln It as Trustee maladjustment. The main thlnc. love you for It." · therein a.nd hereinafte r del'lc:rlbed undt"r said Deed o( Trust, wlll sell ac<'o rd lng t o Dr. Ea.atwood, la fot I Pl.ashing back hbt mushroom- to Bay ~crow Co .. Inc., a Calf· at public aµctlon t o the highe.1t the family re> have a good time .!haped cher·1 hat. Jack recalls ht. 81pachettl sauce llhould bf' cooked !or three hours Cat lt>Ul} before It's any good. fornia corporation, as Trustee, to bidder for ,ca.sh. la"rful money or together. j first years of training und~ the secure, among other obligatlona, the United State• of America, on · tutelae-e of bJ11 f.a.lher, Angelo the payment of a note dated De-Febrt.lafY . 5; 1951, at tbt> hour of p I Q t+ Ce.ft. who "wa.a cht>t at the tamed cembfo,r 8, 1949, payable to Donald eleven o'clock &. m. of !!&.Id day. at eterpau Waldorf Astoria at the ti~. "I \Ve &eked if there were a pencil around 80 that we could wrltt' dO"'n the' recipe. ~ack said tha t red Wln.f la excellent for baatlng roa.ats and that spices like ono- ganq and rosemary Khoutd be on every hou.&ewlf~'" spice •helf. H . Conover and Cecile A . Cot!ovt>r, the South Frcint Door of ~e Or· + Add was only 16 years old and I ai8.rW husband and wire as joint tenan4 .. ange County Court HoUSe m the 0 reSS a.nd flniahed. my appre-ntlce traln- We" came right out and uked Jac k if he'd give WI the recipe ror chkken cacciatore for ou r readef'll. "Why surt','" ht' said and h~re it 18: or order, for the prin<'ipat sum cit City of Santa Ana. California all Ar+ Asso ci'at'ion Ing at that tamoul'I hotel." Al- $2000.00, '°"'ilh interest from De-of the interest conve)'ed to It by thou~h Jack was born In Brooklyn cember 22, 1949, at the rate of rtve eaid Dt-ed or 'l)'uat in ~nd "to all I hla rather wu born In the Ital!.,; (51 per cent per annum, principal that ~ertal.n property situated In Thf' quarterly-meeting of th.e part of Switzerland, and Jack'a and lntere11t due and payable tn in-the City ot Ne\l.tp;ort Beach, Or-Laguna Bfach Art As!oclation will lralnlng followed the European •tallmenta of $35.00 or more on a.ng-e County. California, cfe•crlb-be held at the Art-0&..llery on Sa~-trad!Uon. Chlekm Cac'clalore One, two ar two a.nd a ha.'lf pound chicken i!1 cut Into quarters the rlfteenth day of 'each an<I every ed lUI follows : un:lay, Ft!brua.ry 10th at 1 ~30 . month, beginning on lhe !5th <lay Lot 17, Block 180, River m. for the transaction of rel(Ul r of Ja.nuo.ry, 1950 ·and continuing Sec.Con, Newport ~ch, u -buaineu. , · until aa.id prtnctpal and Interest •hewn on & M1'J7" t.he!t'eot .. re-Immediately following t,Jle mee - havP been pa.kl: and Corded In Book 4, page 25, Ing Peterpaul Ott, lntemalk>n& \"HERE.AS, default hu occur-MlsceUaneous Map•. record.9 l&i.own scu'ptor, W111 speak on' e red in ""that the lnslaUment of of the a.a.Id ON.nge Cowlty. Art and Mechanlc.s of Sculpturei" S~.00. being the principal and lrl-or so much of .said property Q Mr. Ott needs no introduction ~o terest due on sa.id note on April shall be necessar}' to be aold to the J>t"Ople of' Laguna and vicinity. 15, 1950, has not been p11.ld : and provide a JtUm sufficient to pay Hl.s works have been exhibited tn WHERE . .o\S, Dona~d H. Conover the total amount secured by said La.iUri& at the Art Gallery and .tti{' and Cecile A. Conover, owners and Deed of' Truat. Festival and aurroundlng art ei- holdf'rs of said note, heretofore Dated January 16. 1901 . hlblts ever ·,incf' he came to t.a- demanded that .said Trustee sell BAY ESCR09.• CO .• INC. guna ln \94i0. I said property. and on Octob6r 13. a California corporation PetrrpauJ Ott wSA born in 19~ duly recorded in "the office of ~ DEAN C. BRADFORD Czechoalovakil\ and •tudled ln the County Recorder of said Coun-By ED JORDAN Dre.eden and aOO in varioua art ty, in Book \2087, pagf' 319 of Of-No. 622-Preu. center• In Germany before coming flclal Records thereof. a notice or Publish Jan. 18-25, F eb. 1, 19!51. to Arn't'rlca. Afte r arriving he~ said default and of tht>ir el•ctlon he studied at Cooper-Union ln to cau8e aaid property to be sold. SOTICE OF IXTEJ'-'TION TO New York and with the ta.raoW! and n1o rf' than thN"e m()flths have ENGAGJ; IN THE SALE OF acutplor AleJtander Archlpenldo. now elapsed 11ince the recordatlon .4.LCOHOL BEVERAGES For 10me years he taught at of said noti c~. The ·· sum or Ja.rt.uary 19, 19~1 Northwestern Untverttlty In Evap- $1917.72 princ!pal. tnge-ther with TO W.HO?\f IT MAY CONCERN: ston, ill. He ha.a won, ntJmero~• Interest lhe.reon fron1 March l:S. Subject to luuance of tbe U-priua lncludlnl" the Frank GN(1- 19~. Is now due. o\\'lng-and un-cenae appljed ror, and commenting ger Logan Art lnatitute medal Utd pa.id, and ,there is also secured by not less than lei days alter the prize "for hia sculpture, "The said Ottd of Trust the Trustee'a date posted, ,.notice ls hereby given Dancer-Herald Kreutzbe.rg," He ta fee nnd expenses of 1:ale f'&tlmated that the undenijned proposes lo at pre.ent teach!ng prtvate clUM!11 •"-iol!J!l*llli! ~lleve•~-. •f ~·• et 'his •l'!dio, and also A..,lt Ed~- '"My !&lher wanted n1e to learn or smaller pieces. it de'1red. Roll all of the depa.rtmtnts,'" he1 &ay8 in flour sea.sonf(I 'wjlh aalt. pepper "a.nd ln turn I , wU a fry ICOOk : and paprika. Brown in oll until then. ln c~rc-e ot sauces. at broil Colden tn colot. A dd one ball cup ma..n , a ffCOnd cook ln charge or of &berry "1.ne w hich Will bunt Ole entref:!I, a rout cook. a butcher into flame when added. and then took training in ~utry To this add one clove 1 of garlic. and bakery ltthnlqut>s... two l'ften onions, and one fresh Amplfl tratnlng tomato, all finely cho?ped a.nd OJ:le Evidently Jack had amp 1 f" hSilf cup of eJther canned or rre-•h training because at the age of 20 mushd"::s~nd cook 15 or 20 min- he worked. In leveral or the large ho~I• In New York and became utes over It. low ftre..-·\Vhen aervLng poi.Ir all lhe juices over the chlck-"th•t young Swiss chef." B'llt the First World War broke out and en and gamish with chopped par- Jack wu called to the colora. "!ey. 1 Jack did hia bit In \\'orld War I Jack aay~ tha_t ch.cken caccla· attaChed to a machine gun bat-I tare la deliclous 1trved with. either ta.I.! I t bel t 1 ... ._ r sp1.rhettl or rice and a crisp green on. • e.r ng pu n c,"-1' fi e 0 aalad of endive, romaine and &n· the offict'r • n1es• for the Ralnbow chovk.9 ustng you favorite oil or rn-~. I · r "Black Jack Pt>rMing and boug-vinegar dresstnc . lu MacVt"ur were .mong. rpy Chef Maoy l'P&n c lienl!I oVe r there," he says lA the In 'hi• many years Jn the Cook- tb'ree years 1917 to 1919 that h~ ing game, J ack has worked u chef spent w ith the American t-at the Cocoanut Grov~hol•I in Loa tonary Force. But whether rook-Anl'elea; La Sille hotel in Chicago, ing .ror the generals or to 5000 Bre:akwatn J;n_. .C ~ s~t tr1 ';' -.... \ TKUR~AN WILL FILED tstate o! Ji.lrs. H&.rJ"iet V, Thur- nlan of Costa Me.,. was. Jett to h er widower, George C. Thurman of'tbe home at 548~ Victoria St.; Costa Mesa, under term.s or her will "\\"h.ich has been filed for pro- bate "f.n superior court. The estal€.' wa.s valued at approximately s 10 .... 000 in real a nd pereonal property. AM:u&I Olil Scout Cookie S ale F ebrua.;· 10 to F,.bruary i c P'tRST CHUROR OF CBRtsT, 8C1Vn'll!T 33oa Via "Lido, N-porl ee.ch A br111Ci ef Th• .Mottler Ct11i1rdll, n., ANt Qurclrl of CM-ht, S<'9111tlJf, 111 lo1to11, W".wdl11...tt1. . S-ftlll1, k"-l --·----t :JO •. "'· S..11..s1, S..nlc1 ·---····-...... -~11 :00 1. rn , W1da.1der hlfll'"J ,,..1fl119 ·--1:00 p. "'· lMdl, loem loc1t1d 1t 111 '''"' StrMt, k lb.1, 1 1,.11 dilly from J? "°°" to 5 ii'· "'· uc1pt ~"d1y1 1m:I hoUd1y1 111fllfl· '"' ·~·· . Thi ~lie It c:O"dl1lly l11rit1d to 1tt11'1d ltl• tfhwdl un"I(•' •11<:i 11t• th• IN41t19 ,_ ~··,· :•tAA· jf)'~oo~,.. l,ogelher1 J wr.·th o.nv •• . ilila, lllL-,f'<I ~ a.; Kt ~10 .nolltr ih ac drdance th the ro'1isiortt1 or said Df'ed ot"Trll3t. with intert•st on said la.st ment lon~u'fus. pie."Biiae.9, d'5crlbed u fOUows : caUon C,1~11. > 2614 Newport Blvd., Newport 1 •?-fr. Ott will demonalrat.e the do~.· tJ •· -~-· ~H-....,,"'f: .. •t d -tor Ne ~" · . 'In .:ili!lt1ilil' he 1"0rrted u a cliet I ' iack wa. deeply lmPJ by for the Cuna.rd ltne on the Queen -~no~r· Beac h, Oranke County sculptor's method ot .star ting 'ft,r- NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HER€.BY OIV'.EN that the 8&.id Bay Eacrow Co., In<' , a California corporation. by v-rtuJ of the au- thority vest('d in It aa Trw1tee und .. r .said Deed of Trust. wl'l sell at publlc auction to the hlghel!lt bidder for cash. la"·tui money of the United States or Am('rlca.. on February 5. 1951. at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m. of aald day, at the South Front <loor of the Orange County Court House In th~ City or Santa Ana, cauromia., all of the Interest ron-.:.e)'ed to it b,y uk1 Deed of Tru.at Jn and to all _ Qlat certain re.al proptt"rty 1.!tuated in .the City of Newport Beach. County ot Orange, State of c&lt- . tornio., .descri~-as fo11owa: Pursuant to auch intenUon, tht: ure and then show the vartol..ia undC'raigned la applylng to -the raethOO. ot cuUng tbe complet~ State' Board of Equalisation for work. AU memben and lh~lr Wua.hce' on. or!&1nal application of friend• are -invited. I an alcoholic beverag~ Jlce.n.se for ' I these pren1iseo u follows: AnnuaJ O••I Soout Cook te" ~ On Sale Bttr License "1' Anyone de&lring to j>roteat the Ff"bru&ry 10 to F ebM!M')' 2 Lot 16. Block 160, Rlv*:r SecUon, Newport Beacl'. as •bown on a ~tap thereof re-. eorded In Bcok 4, page 25, Miacella.neous Maps, records ot the N,id Orangl' County. or ao much of saJd pro~rty u .-ball be necessary to be aold to pr ovide a aum &Ufflcient to ~y the total ainount 9eCUred by said Deed ol Tl"u.st. • Dated JL.uary 18, 11151. BAY ESCROW CO,, INC. a Callfornla corporation By DEAN C. BRADFORD By ED JORDAN No.~ Publish J u. 111-25, J'eb. 1, '195L issuance o( such l!cense m'ay file a verified protest with the State Boa.rd of Equa.lisa.tion at Sac ra- mf'nto. CaJifomJ&.. atatlng grounds for denial a.s provided by law. The prembes are not OOw licrnaed !or tbe 88.lf' or a"cbholtc bevf'rages. CASSIE E. COBLE, ROY L. COBLE. PEARL A . McCUTCHEON .-00 MAMIE E. WATERS No. 630-Preu Pub\Wl February f. 1951. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO . .l':NGA0.1': IN THIC SAL.I': OF ALCOHOLIC liE'llE RAGl:S January 29, 1951 TO WHOM IT MAY CoNCERN: S'abJect to l81uanoe ot the U· ce:aa a pplied · for, and commenc • lng not teu Utan 10 day• atte:r the da~ posted, notice ts here.by cfves\ that the u.nclonlp ed propoo .. to soil alcoholtC 1>everagea · at 'th- prembea.. deflef'U)ed aa follows: 11811 Coo.et Hlet>w&y (Port Oranp1 Newpo~ a.-)!,, Or• .&ll,P. County _ !!unuant to -i. lnlt11UGQ, the u,odenlped "' ,appl,.tns" le> the State Boan!' of JCqlW!tatlon ror lslo•a .. •' on or\glnal applJcatlon ot O'l'ICE 011' SALZ OF UAL .... llleollollc 11 .. er .. ~ -for l'FIOPElllrW BY nufi'D ~ .,.......i.. u -., UlllDU QUD OP 1!111111T • °" 11a141 _, 1-"i"-• 1 ~8. ,u.AN o . llC80L8 • ""1oiie .ckalrblJ 'to P"'lllet lhe aad J..-U: IL SCBOL8, bn*ad ..,.._ ot -M1 •1 -111o &Dd ri•. ucl VJIJ.M •· Wllr a ""'*I 11a t1• Wltll ---. SOX -QmOllQIA V. wnaoK.' _.., ot .. .Jltt-st ...... , b 7 _,,, ... .u.. -Deed. ot ms ;-evr .. h .. lt!• ...... 1t TRI&_... D1m1•ber I. U...a. ,_ ... 1u'dzlt17Jnr. Tll9 caJ e Its r so••~-•-. 1 *° •l:•:•;r~':~~~ 1MS, ~-rt OlllelPI a1111• ...... M •II a - ol anap 6lu Qr, ~ .. t W.6altD W. • I 111, Jr. ~ -::.::: :: ==~ :r.,::,=, I. JslL ' , . Nothing Better I Than Good Food , Says Ohio Man i the European . way of life! pa.r~ Loulse which m&de t he run be- t icuJa:rly with their eatln.g ~a.blta. tween Liverpool and Bueno. Alre11. '1'bere the pe:Cple relax. ea.ti alow· "We had cooking wine In 60 g&J- ly and e.njoy their food and their Ion drums on the boat," be re- good company. Americans have • member•. - tendency to Nn a.nd eat a.nd eat lt that expertence isn't enoul'h and run," he sayw. ·to prove' Jack's ability. see for that lint" the tamed amps ElySt"es. ln Pa~a. Jack's t"Sent Cottaire a t 17th and Orange ~ amblUon I.a to t,ra.napla.nt little Costa Mesa and wrap youreelf ll&AOON l!Nl °"'la --v.. llllO Newpolt Blri. P~G CONTl\AC'1'9R ~membe.ring the •ldewal~calruii yo~lr. Take a t rip to h ll I talian ot the Europe&t!. tradition f-0 hie a.rot.ind some chicken cacciatore. . Barbor ates e&tlnC t Place £rt Costa M~ and have ca.door ea!tnr racwuea. .-s Beacoall!O-W NI ;\a Adven,;,..., 1 G h la nUnd'tt eye be qn 9H patrona liltlns cklwft to a m.eJ u lf fat" a.n"advtnture. ratherf · • chore, under ~e dark veJve --ot a California Jllll'L But •vf" If I bta ilream.o 1UU far ~' eompletlon, J aCJI atlll <OOka wiUI alj \,lie art •of a=cull• nary ~· Pae111-p , 1J v..i ~ beett7 """" ra'Wlall a'l.d -t c.lck.., c&Cciatore M't J ack'• o.-n ~· lar ta'iorlta ... and tho ta.forlu.a ., bl,t -~ . I . w,, t&llted lo J ade a-t jclll<lr· eD caCda'°'P< and bow to·mAke It. Jaol< talked about Iha '1'...il - lll&t ... l<nd and -tllet - t<Cted lbelr lpec:l&I -~ I Wla"11oe . , • We 11\0Ushl It woodd M alee If -·redb. --to -Cldckf"ll C>cclat~ a la c.tla.. Jade told ... lllat -.. - UOUJ>k,. rill 1111 ·-..-~­ big Uie ~tui.t -.._,I to .... "804 ,.,, --... '""'"4 Ula~ 1lJ •ff'-.it.to Ille -<-•--···· :llJll .. lie .......... QIW. -do 1a't jlpOll tllit ,... lw ...... ).· . •.. .,..... ____ _ to 117 ...-4 Cl sit 1' • a • -c-. • ICllllS -·--·--a1t112 Ill. I ., DAMAGE TELESCOPE A teleacope mounted on the ~ TOna del Mar bluff at 1100 Ocean Blvd., was torn f)-om it.a founda- tion Saturday n.tgttt ilnd wa.e found Sunday tnontJtlS on Uje llt J>I lb the milln Be¥h. police Mid \.oday. The 'acope II valued at se-00. Stow-•n lo..ra,-e taw -oar took the ~ acbpe . to tile, pOU(e 1tatton w~e I.lie _,,.,, Wllllain Gvden, pic ked It up SUnday ,. __ DICORATOl'S CLEARANCE SALE : , , ·~AU. I • PUllJIJTU 6 r..-x;s ~ IAllPS e Pl~ At Cost Or Wow! 1 ' ·• • • llACON HOUSE INTERIOIS . • . .... ... ..... ¥1-..-1M11 · ' .. ~ > I ' ' • ... .... -.ii: . , ·otfertn~ ~· ' . De.cora t (ij ' , , . Of!\P let e . :·S•~•· ~ • e .,,.U .New 11161 Will ~ • -,. • Draperies, CupoU....- • ...., .ll'looc ODvertnp • FOR I Ml~LWORK, ' SASH & DOOR'S SEE • 518 COAST HIWAY • , Pho~ Be&con 8117 ~ •• A t 'Thf> Archett ~ . ~ . ' . oTHER YAIQ>S: I IAgun& Beach'--&uitf ~Full<>rtp~,IA Habra-&;a • New Wi rid -, I tandam Ne .. ·Thavel ! ,. • , I • ' ' I ' ' • • • • ' ' . , I ,. I • Citarte·MetWftli , Gr 1 d "1ift Wam Aga.lnsf S1111n;~. U-.. R. Lll.U.: . , , TWt ·CJinr;1t · l'IQCI ~· FleeiM o:.u.s·· ~ ere -'"8 .. <IQ-'-"'" Jj' ... u s·tudled· . -~-8~ r.:::..: ::i-:.: "ll:f It ~'( two d-ent ~ 117 JllllP J ' ' . ~ r""!Q>lll of s-4 twl Aft A · s ik "'1Ullt .tAnp.tU la clcY OOUTt ,,_. -"'*llan ot. tbe ~ er hi:-tr• e y lNt u.. Jlldp ~ u.. iStvelo9qleat~~'le'..' ti..n 11>, ..cwtu. ... ~ a pre!~ IUI IL tea .. ..,. caiiitt1oa U>o:t ~ ,tile lied or tbe A• rt-.la 1-rtllS 1n N-"' TowuNp , ""' n-W·i,.-". Ro~n, i DO ---~ t)\e -ila U..-llttw-lfa!l>iltoa•.8l, II\~ Jud,.'o. J . PodiO ~ ---~-• onlllo. Tiiey -~ 00.ta ~ an4f Hartlor Bl.C. .,.... -week. Ball WU coallal>Od f'l 11tate· Director or C!Yll ...... th potty theft' """ cal-1ami· Wintenburr 4 ,v.. ~u.w..t or $6.000. towed a otem ~ tllla woelc 1 l>y N•WfOr< Jl!>Uc•. 8aqt&' Alla ta ~dy 1'l/ Ill• -I.YU°' ., .. ollefod to have ..\d .. alnol i>ell moU filslrt bel<iH or Ottiee .. ~ the pair, e boald ol _ .. .,...,,i..ora_ . a P,fOll lnt...at on an ou loalto an... •tomlc attacl<-and th• 1'"« m Newport .~ ~ otller ~ '.1"h& ae~pm"1t and planntoJ In '"m county to l..yt• Mamlltotl Ila It mlght brtjlr ab<iuL, -4NolH, ·,;, Balboa Blvd. "I'd """1mlttM ~f <the Orange County or Cathe<lnl Clcy while -• '"Voorpnlsed mus .--ut.Uon eWi>ort !llvd. Baturday at s ·~ A-tecl ai.n>bert or 90111· In &Ibo& 1n· Jan;....,., 11148. The muat be prevonUd." General Rob-en !bey wore -n drtvll>s w1 • mtrce lut ~k. llOl.lll~ the Ml· cornpi.Jnt alpod by JlamUtQll al- ertoon aald. "It poeee _ ... dan· ~t llsbta In the'C.V pc11cc r d rs or ltf thanltl tor the leged grand thett or the' inoney CU'.I -dangen far more H ri-. large quanUly Or frozen rood. I a comdderatton belnc flven it pro-and· & .vtolatlon ot the atat.e acL Uia'.n tile atomic bomb )IM!t -lllgbt and tumlnJ Ugllta wbi:..h ~ tllat a . rldlnr trail. Ion Lytle will be arraigned' In super-<lan..,.. Of 111Wtma and panic... • yovtlla . admitted ..,.,. ,.T IO!l&ht by th• ccunty'• boroemen, lor court Friday, Jud&'• ~ •we aaw the tr&19dlea of maa a bome oa Harbor lale a Cllalrmao WIDlll ii. w.,_ Of aa1d. Lytle -11esedly did not . .ic. evacuation In ~ce a tlae Nuio r In S.y She-, the board eald It had -., eetl-IJ'lln !be 1-Uld llMd the monty 4""" toward the Cbannot porta · mau.t that .., e!sllt-mU.-loq and for ot11or ~ Jqe Dodge We oaw \llem , moh teoenUy Ill . ' 116-!oot·wldo trail fr<>m HanlUton added. ' ' . Kore& u the l\edlo puohed oouth. ~retie Warfare to !TUI 8t., Weot ot Santa Ana. ------· -----lt muat not be pormlttdlo hap-' An I · with three ,..,,,po foe horoemen pen hue 1t c11anter etrtkeo. ture nounced I to ent•r iand leave tb• r1v.r bod ll&t'l'KSNll:t "Thne la no N-n tor pa.nlc~y l Th rt .... 1 Would co_.ILappro><baatelY.' JI0,000. · at Ame Clltl --. cra can t . ' ' 8•• 81• al !"Nlaln , night after attocl<. When tile at-Jhl etrecUvely In the Arctic wW . ~· Tran ' ......... -P'"' ttruck -whtn nru are burntnc ard Nagdmannj USA, ln hie two. aion, howe: er, prOpoeed that a IS&AOO}f Ml toe~ la over, Wb•n th• bomb 'bu $ demonstreted by captain s,r-auperv'lion lo an informal -· and bUlldlnpiw:J: talllnr I there our llJWJtroted lecture "ArcUc trail or ci6ly i10 feel width be ecn· IAoOa - -0.. :!1 ~o th ~ '::l'' ~ong '1'fare" t o membere of the q,.. ltrucled tor approxJmately tour 11N lit..,...., .... g: • u aj d the ?niftd Reaerve 1 CoTJ)I at O)JC mJle of JenfU.~1 un~~h.J d 't be &bl' t ~eadquartera, f 10\2 North M1jhf ~1111< Qt lll8 boraemen and wO: e ure . won I e 0 ~t., Santa Ana. on-. Thundt y. nien ln lhe OIM.lllly are tn the ()oat.a, :nove. IJ'hty ~» need att.tnUon-lf'eb. 8 trom 7 :.30 to 9 \30 p.ift. lfeaa and weslmintter-Mklway the atten~ we can gt~, The i Alao invited to attend are m~~ Q'y att.&i, Wanie r ooted. · _unU\,JU.nd, will be able to rq,ove ber8 ot the Na\Sion.al Guard and He A.id rider!!: wbUkl be' able to 1:811 Ute.re U, be. no re~on ror lhem Reeerve OUlcera' Tninl~ ·Olrp.. enlef lhe rtver bed trail a~ 'it.h e to. Tbe dama~e will have been Captain fiagelmann wtll d'-c4f1 cl"OMlnc ot the rtver at HazotUon :ne. tlt d~~ ~ m~~ seMe f~ ~rcUc wufa.re ot the tuture and without conatructlon ot a ramp. ~m 11: 1e d n e r can an ~ 1M>lut.ion of l,ta J?l'Qb!emt. He and that the only ramp required ve • e ma · wm add re. the adv&ntaJU and for the aborter dt.tance· would be Help Injured 'll!b4vanlare• of 1 the Arctic ~-at th• HarbOr BlvdrWlntereburw Drama Has Played Leading . Role in Life of Orange Coast Instructor "They abould • •t&y to h~p the Injured and to ta.citit&te the m9ve- ment ol roecue t eam1 IAto the area.' ··tr they don't -if they .take flight-they'll ogJy clo& the rQ&da, lmpedln.& and even p.revenUn&" tbe UM ot D lauter CorJ>9 units, auch A new-comer to the Oranse Cout facu1ty thi. )'t'al 11 Mrs. U ti.1'9, poHce, medical aid, etc., Marthella Randall, a cnerminc young matron wttb ._ lt.tE'•long pa.aaton and t\.o bl~ &rrlval or help for the drama. A ( Cout she t ea chea drama and Enali21h. Crom mobile aupporl unti... That del•)' might mun the dJfferencc • Though Marlhella ! Hartigan) .was bom on a cattle ranch in the between N.Viftg the liv8' or thou. very heart of .WyominK", she ls not a conventional product of her early anda of lnjured i.nd million• of t..nvlrorunent, for, with a Wlint in dolla.ra In property. -.nd complet e her eye, ahe offer». ··yoU know, I Mesa Marine dettnictlon ot a, city by fite." ca:t1'l even ride a hotse:· General Robert.son 88.ld a blUf'· However, ,,,·hen the vivacious Gets Ai•r M.•dal Print already bas been drafted by ~{arU\ella WaJI five years Old, her V t.he Qf'1lce tlf Civil [)efente for ramUy moved to Soulhc>m Call!or· orderly evacuation or ~bom~ Marine Capt. Don W . C8..Ibrea-/ nia to Orange cq,bnty. As a rradt areu and care ef •trick~n J>E'Ople school youngster, she was fa.sci· U.h, 30.-year-old Leatherneck fight--but only Ute an attack. • nated with all the romance of er pilot from cOata MeS..; ha.a been "Every ef(ort will be made,"' he · •warded the Aid Medal tn Korea fairy tale•; fairy prince•e!I. dash-said, "to Imp~¥ upon our peoplt· ing knlM"ht.s and even dragons. ror partlclpat!n• in ten t1:trik• the necessity of remah1ln1 in their missiona over-e nemy terrltorJ. tt Ht r plly house WI.I the ramily Wll$ ann?iunced bv the Headquar-areas when a.tllltk ls imminent and garal'e. · arit:t-lt wu literaJly • .c when It it over -to unpreu upon ters of Viee Admiral A. D. Stru-·p:ayhouae,' for t here she sta ged the m lhe fact that help wUI arrlv<> and cill"8Cted ma.ny· llttle dramas ot ble, Gomma.ndcr of the Navy'• .xm•r if they Wait than i.f t ht'y chili:thood fant..Sy. Her heroine•! SeVenth Fleet. ~ flee Wh I.II .. h II ed C&pt. Ga.lbr:ea,jth !Jew th• eor-... ·, OU d ·-I .... _ ded .. y, ere was ,.,ort e. •· ne ties in tu rttn Mat-lne . round r I v..._.. • \Ua.legar , thf'r~ be more? Bealdes, she gradu· orcca In To,., ~rom Au &' 19 Oen~r-.1 Rober~ aumm«t up. of <."OBtumes by the method ol C.apt. -Ga.lbreaJtb'a. wlle. Jira. meuu,.., If ntteUary.', to aave beiJ\c pePfec-Uy frank in &UWer· Nat.alle Ellen Oal._at.._ Ud \Ma ,.op~~~ themaelve.a. 11\g. •'Wllat do J"'1 wqt fOr eh!"--La • ~-• ~ · ~----- 0 .. two-lll.K'IU•. Vt1.A Anne, .... ana· • Chr\lltmU.. my dear!" " '"•co. Janlf ~rrlU, t."'-ilve at 4911 Ab-A--.t Olrt Scout Cool&l8 HaH tume. for · · · · · ·" Thls and ble Way, Coela Mesa. F e.bnaaiy 10 to .~ .. .,,,_..., 14 tha:t and aonlelfting ~ wu al- ways lhe reyly.•.t .. ~ans lor rnllJtary opt.ration.I and Rd. tenninta' or the re.U. ll"rom thb *mon.1trate and-explain equip.-point, Warner aaJd. rtden woqld tiient and technique. deal~ to be •ble to Mde on ro&da Utlle reduce the diaadvanta1rea lo Arcttc. uaed by automoblltt aU lbe·way tn c•tmate and l erNlJ\. Wet1:tmlnater. 1 1 Efttm1tea will be obt.alned from l 00 Artie~ Stolen.• the county ~oad departmwt of the J co.st ot developl..nj' tbof20-n . trail ft'Om BalbfCI Home !or the approxlmatelY tour rnn .. l • · u now proposed. The then ot · mor. t han 100 ------- separa.te "rtlclea from the borne 1of Wilhemina V. Orr, 21es E. Ocean ~nt, Balboa. wu reportei.l to the Newport Beach police Thurad•y. 'Tihe theft occuM"l'd on Tueaday. Jan. 9. Thf' s tolen arttcle1 tncludied clolhlnif, ~lankct.a. linens. plUow1, field rla.uca, bed tp.l't'ada, table clotha, •ult.a, ja.cketa, a touter and a bat.nroom !IC&le. No vaJuatWn was given on theee artlct ... SEEK FORECLOSl:JU: F orecl01ure o.n a otiatttl mor t· "a'(' on prcsaea a.nd teq1.1lpment or the Village Preaa at 206 Ocean Ave .. Laguna Beach, Wat l'eqUNt· c.'CI In superior court by Ida N•~ ~ Ba.Ibo& I11land In tult a.piriat 1.jlr. and Airs. C, Orler Oarllng~ tb.n The plalntltf ~Ue(ed ai,. ho .. • a, promluory note .-cae b, U.e 0.Ftln~ons Jwte ~I. 1918, to a.Jr. Wd y,.._ Harwy1 0. Dvricee. ~e .,Pto bolns .-by tho ~~I ni orlga,.. She -.... aa,i•~.84 lo owed on lbe ortrtoat Q,SOO no e. ~tlmate County Sales Tax Revenue A 1 J>f'r cent retail &I.le• tax ln Or&nge oounty, ievied county-wkte on lbe .Mme ba.ela u the preaent slp.te aalea tax, would produc« SJ , .. 981,000 In one year, California Taxpayers' a.asociatlon eatlmated t oday. Estimate ta basrd on taub!e aale1 in the ,county from October I. 19-49, throua-h September !O. 1950. when they totalled $J.~8.· 1 l T,000. Property tax levy in the county for county general purpoaet ror the current fiscal year amounta to $0.!i2•,691 -&o U\a.t the revenue rrom a l per cent 1aJe11 tax would be eQ\&8.I, to 36 J>ttr' cent .of the county property \aa '8yY 101 JMO-&t the &880Ctatfon pblnted out. """-uai Glri -· c..kle -F-..,. 10 to Fob._,. 1'- Cltlna & Glauware . . Vholl Our New De~I For GlttA -11-W- HOVSll: A flARPJIN ' 811 ~ Hwy, Newport - " ' THE ·: ' . ,. .. ,. ........... _.~ . w •• ,. .. ._.,., r t ,_ '41•11111 ~ ..... tn•• ,, LOI AlllTN ... Aot'91'• ..... L' 11 -0 --' • I Skip , parking fees ' ' and that driving chore -no traffic squeeze b~tween 10 and 4 ! Nor wa.a this chikthood f&n cy a pa.'i.'linx-one. At Santa Ana High, '="'-wh~re 11he grad~ted, Marthel1&'!! only n:al interests were drama.and radio. Then came junior coUege at J.'ul1erto.n u.nd with It, he.r "hi11b- est &chieven1ent." she recalls.. There 11he louk th£> leading role in the popular Broadway pro<luc.1.1on, "~)l(·rt Song." the Railroads What is . the· TRUTH? , ) Hav.ing altalned guccess ·in jun- ior college, .!Ule transferred to thf' Unlverslty of Southt>rn CalifiJrnia for' 11enior college training. Yeti, drama rt.>.nialncd her major Inte r- est. but the young co-.ed proved her ability to mast~r other aub- jecta too, for .she graduated Phi ~-otary 14.!holMUc tr-a erntty. wu abo a. membff ot the orator- ial Collea:-late Player~. president ot Zeta Phi Eta, 1peech aorortt y and a meniber or Alpha Cam1na Delta &ocial sorority. Among produc tions in which the young thl•.apian slarrt"d as a stu- dent at USC were "Outward Bound,·· dirf'C tl"d by Walter Prill. at that time a 1tudcnt director at USC . and ··Prkle anu Prejudice,'' the aenlor play. . FoUowtna craduatlon trOm Col· lege, Marthella taught 1n S&n J oaquin Va ll£>y at H :J1nar Union High school~ Her 11ehedule reads llke a 9Chool curricu.um: SpanOth, Lat1n. drama, English and jour· nallam . .But at Puente H trh JC.hoot where •he Jathr lr&JUferred,; her teachJnl" duties we re nan:owed to Engliab, journalWn · and drama.. DurU\c lhm t ln1e she joined the \Vhittier <..:omn1urutY Players and became an acUve parlictpant in prod~tioqs by that !'l'"UUp. Then cltn1e the-\\'&r. "l murled. And then ·Jock ' arrived." tJock 18 her elght·yt-&J'Old aon who Ua just ~ fascinating' t o his mott\el' o.s drama 1 But teachJng was in her bWod and tn lb.! t"UU1 ue ol thne, Marthel·, la jo.Jll'd tl:.c N"''·'J>.l-·l Uat bor High t.e.11001 Ct~cuJ1y tO We.cfl dt ru':a <"'1 L':>ll'hah. Then her J. C. A'ma n1ate.r c::Ucd her, ahd ahe tr.ansferred to l"ullefton Juior colleje to tea.Q drama and n.dlo. Now · Mra. RaJldtlll II Uvln& at 7QO Poppy•........ la Corona del 1!al' In tbo he ... ,.,.,....., "1le bldlt .. beeaue l •hraya wan to JJve . ln u. ch are&." She love. tlM acll, overy~ about' ll - ~. flo!Uni;. •Ulac· Fur •YW'IU years JCn. ftlpclaD bu """""1nJ w1tll tbe Ne"!" port llub<W P.arn - -aot-"Vi.!3 OD lta ...,,. ot. dlnle&ofL U11- -_it .. ot UJe ·.-.. ... dill'--·Of ~ ~ ....... lb ta •t fllll&I .... $& -.... ,. ··Dttam Girl" ""'¥' lo llelng • -•llll ~ ., Newport ........ Pia,....~ ~ , I ' the Labpr Uni'1S • • seek. to . ' ' Wash1ncton;1 o. C. 1 ' Dectaber 2 lj. 1950 k t r yardaen w~th in- 1 !Btabliah 40 hour,., 0 1 1950 J' add1-. 23 cent• ertect1ve October • • crease ot t · fteolive Jalluat1 l , 1961. t1onal 2 Otll e e 'en\ unt1 J.,nU11'7 ~ Set uld• 40 hour •••k acnkaafO 1~• ,... bli h 6 day wbrt wee r d. . 1 1962 aod ost• a u porlod atter "1' dap Eftecti;• with th• ti~~o:a!rr~he tot9&1 a1r1eaeat. ya.~ froa th• dale ot u,ecu t work ;01. t.ht 7th dp to MD required 'DJ th• o&rr1er o ineera •bO 1ball ~aei-n , paid o~erti.. rates except •;~b 4&1 Thi• does not create atrai&bt u .. ratu tor tbt \ ·xiot On and after pre.ntM• wh•r• th•J do ~~1n:!t~c-e t~ 'be 11.,1~ or dea.iN ,ootQber l, 19tll. tbre: "":ro..-ld• for conaideral1'3" or "" • t.o ao on "° hour '"' • and ' cenU per tiour 111 and en. afti.labilltJ o!-,••Tu:~~i 'beccw ra atteo\1••· · th• 40 bour n ac and 8 ......,. ftlk, . • Se\U• ,...1aa ror 40 !lour nllll 1 .,. --oµior rul .. 4. craat ,.ard OOJMIUctora C::-ut:an!er CJPtr&tors ud such aa dail:r oara1•P ~.;::;·ndod bJ IMr&I-rd tootboard yan!llUhrll aa *.&. • 11. !attl• toll~ ~:1!' (.0;0 ,. Tnll-lnitlal. Ttl'9i... a, I .. :in:'J1.,1aioaal·~ Coadu•\OFW ud r· 1 1. Pooli.111 c.l>OO ... t ,_ru:111 ror °" f t s.rrtoe ...... UP OM 01-r 0 I antcllla&·Ll.aita • ._ T i-11! Air -(QoadoOton ud i::-a ~r Pd1To,...· ,..i ... ~'e:'.!,1fc.=.to,. aatt Tra1-. u1 _ ~twru.1 . · J 1m1.-·' •, ,, ._ -ui:-1..; !u~!:.r~ cea,t. per ~ .Tf9Ctl•• oo\oller 1. 19111 ....... etf9Ctl" J••'T i.. ' 111 ot -' , '· ~rlf ~--'of_.•..,.. . · ' • ••• l • • ' • • •t 1~•1111 illdox (1 ooiot to · adJuat.oee.t qrU 1 'ill!ll .~1 lf per ~our. Pirst ' I ' • -· to be 178). 7&l"daal::~rs'f!9::"::i.~~:-n1rpr1~~ipl1a o.ppltcabl• to ! o or uwnetlt of J"ardaaatera • ~· l'lt1ottve October 1 1950 . ' • d1nin1 qar atewa.rc1e shall be r~ • tb• ba.aio-houra ot per •on~; no penalt7 overti• tucld troa 225 to 205 hours haTe be-worked the bo t>!t o accrue until 240 hours tor at t 1 pro ~t·a rat:rs ••tn 20& and 240 to be paid Eltect1Ye F1bruar,-l 1951 ;. on1t-ha1 rj •ball accn n • • onrhH at u .. aod The basic aonthlJ aJ.~ :: :o h~ur1 baw been worked . .. nth llh•.U bt tba -pa d tor tho 205-bour aonth. hcept that tour a:ohhat ·now' pat~ tor tbe '225-bour •hall be added to tho aro aod tOA oonta ('4.10) :::J~lua;~;~g::::_~~::~::::~ :::.::::: t~ bt cM.Aaed :, llOdt tied UDdt " • and ther .. rter until · • lloratoriua oa r P"l>•ia1..,a or llaU"7 Labor A<>t. , uaUl ~4.: ~'."f°~•.!o::.,~~:;!~a 111 ft&n or r;>\!ea • ' or • ~ !'or CU.Cao 1o ralaa at pq rul•s 1 b7 tla~lo""9 t!::,.::1!.~ .. 1;~:1a~111,, bor P;..,1reaa0c! · ~ rur 1~ 1 -. , tf or ., _, .. ,... ; p0r1oc1 t th-.,=. ~=· o:!:! .. b• .. tor n lbJ.n a hell P-1.a t or W.CM 1o I'll t l. 1880, tx .. t l .. dUl=t1oll _, 11a .. bt~ iollio-:.:.r. worldq oon-1, 19'!0 Pro•id..r "°""'~ Ulal it Prior to 41iat a-t -.. ~· u1z11.u • . .., t.,. ,..811lt or aroll-, .. ii--ra Ut.S ~ POUCOJ',.aol'lotrs -· W u.al l'.D"t'S a taor..N.to no.ile 90 C'W:ll ld -· "1th ~r stfflaa. ' Ult 11&1'.11"' 11111 -, d!-u--.U..r or 00:9 ,:::i:.~•r JllJ.J l . 19111, •to ""'1~ --.... ••• r ft&• acu11mi.au to-I $8 .-u_~ to 1ao oq WU8 &lt"l 'llDt &l'e (:'1.f.tecl. l1"1os~ A~ ~YM aMtr-' -el. -a eu.-·~ ~:C'.:!Ji'-" l!U"J' ... ~1-....... WU... ---· -?!:" :=.~ ... =:!• -.. io to_u.., i.. Ult . - oa ~U...ri~ or oU..r 1..,.~1 ~ • ' . ' • I o ... • .. ' . r I .I • . . . '• • ' ; l \ " l r- :1 , •( • • • l ·' . • " J • ' • I , ... ' 1. •• : . ' • • · · B~pitist Chu;t h Nied Q~ ~apers Knight ... -Pric:!. ~~~s .-~lboan ·N~~ed. Ann61;1n t ements : fol' Club P.ro~act · . SMq at.St.~Jarri.ef·. t~ Di.Oce~ Dept. • ·Hoag Hospital Re-Elects ~~tors:, . E~pect ·tq ·can for . Bids in APl'il Ap• encouraitnir dutloo-for, th• Hoag Boopltal•Preal>,.U.rl&n wb lfnn bY, John Murdy. Jr .. prealdent of the hoepltal board, at the annual meeting Mld Tbunday, Jui. 2:5. Murdy re:yiewed lbe prosre- of lhe organization aince It. start ln 1943, at the .uggutlon 'of Rev. B rahm.I w1toee plan waa for a Smalt boapttal at Lacuna. Beach to lel"'Ye •the Orange County Cout. ., Unabl.e to eecure a site therc,.._-'------------ Xurdy to'd ol the plan to bring t°"' gether .all the Presbyterian churches in lhe cout'(ty and th campaign.a for tunda for a larger hoepltal under the county-wide plan. He referrei! to the b.reak- down of the first tund drive, then the eecond campaign, headed by Rev. 0 . Seolt McFarland, which secured cash and pledgu of ~94.- 000 lnclUdlng an outatandlng gift of Sl00.000 from Glen Marti.I).. He next refei-red to re«1uests made for State and Federal help and how these appcala had been dE'jerr~ by the State Board due to the many demands for help from areas .said to be tn more urgent need. President Murdy went on to tell ot the ofter from Mn. George Grant Hoa.g and how. through her and the hf'lp or the Hoag Founda- Uon, a donation ot l:M>0.000 In memory of George Ow-ant f{oag ,. wa.s assured under a p'an to join the hospital plans ot the F<f!nda- tlon and those of the-:churc*roup by equal interest in the Boe.r-d or Olrectorl!I. Bacon ,Selrctfll He mentioned Ute selection of R. L. Bacon. for 13 yeara admin- l.strator of the Pomona Valley Hospital. to act as advisor and ad- ministrator ot the hospital when built. Preparation of many de- tailed drawings tor a 75 bed hos- pital, the building to be all on one floor: of plans for three connectmg roads and for the inatalJation of public utiUtles. were outlined by Murdy. He then mentioned evl'r lncreulng C08tJI, i)oinllng out while delay ,.was unavoidable, building costs h'4 advanced. H e said that when first coet e!ltlmalt's we re made they Wf're based on $13 per square toot: todaya costs are figures at S22 pc'r l!lqUare foot. Hr Wf'nt on to say it would re- quire a.~ded funds t'O build the type and size of hospital now decided upon. This 75 bed institution would now cost about $1,212,0CH) complctC". Toward this sum the hospital board has St,051,625. After &~lowing for 8. &mall \OM on pledges due to death, etc., Murds suggested from $150,000 to $200.000 would 1/9 needed to build and furnfah compleU!. He said he hoped drawlnga: and •pt>Ctflcatiorui would be completed Jn t tmr lo call for bid.a about April or May. He allowed one year to 15 monttul for conatructlon. Ad,·bwry CommJttN ~turdy also made mention of the oppo1ntn1rnt by the board of di- rector.!' ot a Medical Adviaory Co1nn1ittce. nomlnatt."<I by the Or- angt" County Medk:al A880Ci.athln. This committee lncludea Drs. Wl~htn1an. Whittaker. M onaco. Ref't.ler , Tedstrom. titaxwell and Hall. They. are now advising and will fferve ns the nucleua of the Medical Staff when Ute hoapltal la in operation. List of officers and board dlreC· tot:!ll of thP present orga.nlutlon re-elected at thiJI annual mttting were a.nnounced as followa: John A . Murdy, Jr .• pretiidcnt: George -G. Hoag. Jr., vtce president: Ches- ter E. Hawk. secretary; Marion B. Youel. treasurer. Di~ctors: Ir- vin C. Chapman, Braden Finch. Dudley R. Furse. Stephen Grisel, ~tet~on D. Harman. Mra. George G. Hoa~. Wm. F . Klmea, Ralph Kohlmeier, c ·arence E . Lu.sh, Gor· dori S. McGovt"rn, Ralph Pringle and Rev. Dalla.s R. Turner. n concluding_ hla comprehensive eport Murdy n.td: "'It would be an extreme egotl.at who would at- tempt lo torecaat what 1961 will brlng; we know that tro\lbleeome times lie ahead, which may involve priorities. shory&gea, 1-ck ot ma- terials and pq-bape restrtctlons, etc.," but he added: "'Thl! organ· Jza.tlon, creatnl to serve a suffer ... IJ!"g humanlty-13 guided by Chris- tian men. ha.a the backing ot a gt'f'at Protestant church, and theee men are dctermlned to. do their best to solve the problems a.a they arise and they will walk confident- ly into the New Year." Kansas Matron Here to Visit Granddaugh ter To mR.ke the acquaintAncf' of hC'r nl'w granddaughter, Patricia Ann, Mn. W . H . Weber arrived a few day! ago from Osawatomie. Kansaa. and t. vlsltlni:;-her son-ln- law and daughter, Mr. &nd Mrs. Donald Huddleston. 2292 Cliff Dr., Newport Heights. Ah10 welcomin~ Mra. Weber is Margaret Lee, older daughter at the Hudt.Jlestons. China Films · Programmed for Adventist Women The M issionary Voluntt'i'r So· ciety of the Newport Height!I SevPnth-Day Adventist Church hu a very Interesting program plan· ned for Friday evening, Feb. 2, 7 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Kenneth Perry, I leader, a.nnouncea that films will be shown of thrit travela In China. ( and a large attendance iB hoped for. · A council for M lsslonary Vol- unteer officl"ra will be h tl<\ at Lorna Linda on Feb. 3. to plan the year's actlvltlea, rt.'CC'ived instrue- tlo"-3 for guiding the society, and discuss mutual problems. Elder J . H . Nelaon, y0uth leader of the Pacific Unlc>n Conterence, wUJ be pr'l"lllent. lllder J . H . Hancock of f&te Southea.atem Conference, will have charge ot the meeUn~. 'Native Daughters to Restore Mission Soledad Thirty miles south of lttonterry there rerrt.11.lnw the ruirul of Mlssloo Soled.14. the only...m.l.$8ioo of the 21 establlshed In California by the Franclacan Padres ,!hat has not been restored, but allowed to re- main ln complete decay. The Natjve. Daughters of the Golden West and Native Son.11 of the Golden We.st of the Slate of C&ll!ornla have pledged them- selves to the restoration of the Mission Soledad llnd every mem- ber hu plt>dged flnancJ,a.I support toward that end. ConQttlta Parlor No. 29f. Ntx;.\V of the Harbor area dlBCuued this propect at their regular meeting, Thur~ay, Jllnuary ~. and made p lana to mt"el thelr obligation In the matter. It wa.s decided that Conchita Parlor would boki a card party and Invite their many friends &.s a money ral.slng pioJeet tor the reatoration of the Mission. TO OUR CUSTOMERS - THE PRESENT MARK.ET SITUATION WITH RAl'· lDLY i\DVANCING PRICES MA.KES IT l!:XTKEME- L Y Dll'FIOULT FOK M.L MEKCHi\NTS. IT IS VERY• CRITICAL IN THE A(!TOMOTl\'I!: _LI~ AS MOST OF OCR -BClli\NDl8£ IS J'BODUCt:.D FROM M!:Ti\LS OR BUBJll!:B. WE WILL .NOT INCREASE OUR PRICES ' Upo~ Mel"f':h&ndbe oa Hand Parchued at Lo•--er Prtcee.. Le&itimate , Price tacreaae. \\'lll Be Made Vpon A.ay New Merc.11!..,,&ee u Our Coo• Ru 1n.- OUR PUDGE TO YOU - We Shall Endea\-·or to SeU Our lierdaandlMI a& tbe Lo•-P-ble PrleM at i\11 Tlmei:' . . • IP' YOU OAN an ANY .A.JtTICLI: OF LUU:: QUA.LJTY POK LZ88 ELSllWBElll!: WE Will R'fwtcl th9 Dif..,.nce .. . IJB&OJU: Pl.&'l'l:D A.OOE880IUEll -WILL SOON. Jiil ·•~I OUR,.&DVJCll' 18 -BUY' NOW ~ 1W'flce wW be help -'l""!"'ulaled .tie-J;>t·old · _..,,..... .M..1 aC G p.m. at Mn. A-r s...nllton or · SundayatU:OOa.m.attbe.Plnt papen '&ad ~ ~be llt.•J._ ~ ~ waa ~boa,~ ot tlio Young Bapu.t c:bmcll. 1909 COl>rt'oir.t, w~ed l>7 UW )(en'• ot • wldcllng "II!"" wlll l>e <if ooclal CJiUitJunen'~ L<tque or st. Junet Nowport BeOCh · Tiie cammlllllon Newport II.tr~~ c:hllfCll; '-·In Bonotµlu, tiome o Ejillciipol '1>\lrdl :1laa been bonor- med1taUon .. A Mu of .SOr1owa" which C911ect.8 en'I• to ..U. ·~ lt'e_ bride~ the (omuir. J!:rn.0¥ ..Price eel for her ouutaadfngi youth work wW be delivered bJ! tlle putor, e..da i6111C lhejr ~ro I who ttpeatO<i vowa wllll IWl>ert '13' Blohop 1". B11q Bloy who ap-. Don Lambertl(on. ' of a playsi'Ound!1tor,younr It 'Knish! or Pitt.burgh, Pa. potnted Iler to the Department or The m~ tor tbe. evenlng on tile bluff ne~ ~ ~urch. ~ , Amoni" the 23· guetita present ChrlatJ~ Education of the Loa eervlce 'l\'hlcll bcgtm at 7:GQ p. Dt. pero .will be .._.lled_ .tor by • for the ceremony 'an<I following Allge)~ ciloc.... . · . wW be ''Wbat!soever a Man Bow· phoning Beacon 1220:.~W or . n reCept.fon at Balboa Bay club were Before makl.ng Balboa her per• et.b." SWld&y iscbool clauea begin 6000. ~ ' • • Mr. and ltns. Stanley Sawyer, manenl ~home Mn. ltamllton wu at 9:4~ a. in. tor ali •1e1. · , Rev. and Mn. Paul Moore Whee.I-a leader in youth work in Kanaia Midweek praJu ~d Blble study 87 mutual ~ldenc8 and 1 u-t.r and Mr. and )fra. JoUy Co--City. aervtce wW be held Wedneeday at tual aJd gn:at deed9' are done, and bum... The newlyweds a.re now T:l5 p. m. great dlacoverte• made.~Bomer. &oneymootung ln San Franclsco. Cla.Mlfled ada cost tltUe. do much. • -We Buy end $ell . ' 1812 Newpott ... . t I j • I /• j / . , LOW SHILf PRICIS YIR'TDAY INiTIAD OP ONCI ! WBK ~lltE'~~­.... , ..... , .· YOI SAVE ~Ch~, 4~•/ NQ.~iCAN IU.l,~S. .. L MONTE PEACH HALYIS 29~ ~o-4 (:? .,Ac.ae ./ RIAL GOLD ORANGE BASE 15~- '¢t.M&id.·up "4nhztZL PIN r JAR iic:un'I MIRACLE WHIP 35 GOLD MIDAL ,r/VI POI/NII 4r. j FLOUR a.-.<r-· WF I . ..J _ QUA.Ar W I I S 0 R 0 I L ftorrLE •Qutc:f 6i&cu/4 -S'ood 6d!call'4 , , FllHI•~ •llCUIT MIX ~!;;, IGI FEIT 37i 29· 2 IAT 2:t~·l5' · 1.2 O!• CAN 3 9 • I CP~u '(-u..e-pR~~¥~Uc.e/ OLD DUTCJI CLIANllR /.v .. z. ow ~"7'*' ellADID MIATS ,. • YOl 'R EI TI 1.E f 01 I 81 J..L IOT 01 .llST 1· FEW I ITEMS ! ~-~uri:' ."·v1oliAa11 1GRAPEFRUIT ;~~c::~u 5.o~25l ' '.AUOEADOS ls~~~~,, 2Fo129:· •r.. ti"• ''"'· , ...... ,,. ,••tt ,,. • ; ; WASHINGTON STA1iE "WlrilSAPS . ' . . . • • • ' ' . • l 1 ' • '