HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-22 - Newport Balboa PressI • • • ' ' • -&iclt~t S,.. T. 'N. ("lllUCll") ~ ,.TR& J'UIM! <'-.minor ot the ID09t ~ :~ t. ~'1; Npjdl7 -de'ffioplns: ..... Secftmonto? ' . "'· Ille Callf'l"\IO. South ' . He' .. lrYtn« t. i~te oiplDot C..ltal Empt~ .. calf. tbat'1 •b&t! . ' I '"'--------'---.J Hla Mine "' i.-mtiqman· i- ' -. S9 . .- ~ta ..... -.,,.., Ud lal,...u.I, ud ' \llua ta ....ei, •. and retain • ' piopula.r •i>Port • .. , ter T . n.vta from Portola., which la eomrwbere up in our J\Ofthen -He wu prevailed up· • on to lntrodtlce IJlJCh lec181aUor b7 .. bird-happy biddy trom Sant. Ba.rbara who contends that call ~are terrible ~reetures becauee they eat btrda. and that. on the other ha:nd. bl-Mb are angelic crtttcn ~ cauae tbey eat bugs. ' • Th'8 pgtenUaJ betrayer of ow ..mma1 friend.a would .make Jt un- 1.awf'Ul tor the owner of a cat toi allow It to run at large, wit.b • fine of ~ lC the ftllne wandeft' during Ute eewon when big blrdr produce. UtUe birds and $1 durinr t.btt ••fre wben they're not buay at that occupation.. ApparcnUy he doean't know the woode.r(uJ trallll ot cat.a. For in- stance: . 1. Th"y'rc -uh. -pretty, aome of 'em. 2. They're -Uh -well. they're cat.a. . 3. They're -ub -we said lbt>y were pretty, dtdn'l we? 4. And, to clinct\ the argument. they're -uh. Thal ought to ecttle that as- semblyman's ha.sh . E•en u a etatcc legislator he undoubted'y knows that cats don't race over rooft.ops and yowl during the spring mc,itM. Not much. any· way. They don·t acra~h up an thf' furnlture or Jeap on Ule table to •l~al whatever't1 in eight. hi tact. they're perfectly deltghttul crea· turea which .never claw pt>0p!c. bW'dly. Any assemblyman abould know that! On the other hand, take bird•. On aecond thoughl, w; w on't dis· CUN bird8 unUJ the next tlmr when I've wa.s:hed my car and pad<ed it beneath my eucalyptus U.a. Then we'll diacuea birds at length! llEBBI: HERE'S I VOLUKE XI PHONE BARBOR· 1816 Kickoff Rally Mar. 1 ·to Start RC Fund Drive klckoff rally for · th IB!il Rod c.... Fund DrM> will -... bl'.ild at a bntncb at UH.I RaJ- boa Bay Club Tburiclay, Mar. I, 1:4$ a. ftl., it WU &llDOUDeed today b)" Oarl Danna. fund drive cfullnnan. The. 1961 Drive starts the _,,.,. day. Newport Harbor'• fund drlVf' 'quota l• 115.800 whleh lA a SI per~t lnc~ ovf"r th~ 111 .- 000 coal'of last year. Thf'! 1950 drive netted Sl l.909 In the lfarttor area. Raana i.ald. At tt'M' kickoff rally all fund drive .ollclton wlH be gl\·en tull blformatkul and their Red CroM pM'.kela. Prtndpal rally •peaker wtll be LouJa !:". Hacke- ma.u from natioaal Madquar"' tent ht Wuhlnctoa D. C., wbo hi vlsltlnr many leeal cbapten.. · Repft!llld'tathWJ rrom the: Sooth- .,,.. Ora.ace Cnunty Chaptrr in Saa.la Ana wlll al!tO bfl prea-- ••L Ha.ntta aJM anaounef'd lbat AN IDEA M,.._ Mahel Boardman. 111 Tur- -A ~ood Ide a has developed at quol.M Ave.. Balboa lal.a•cl. bu the elementary school tn Coata heron appointed CO-C'ha.lrman of 1... -~.;....-~lii.i...J.~O:...Ol,:., Mes.a. Mrs. AnderBOn, a teacher. t~ fund campalp, In t'barge NEW OFFICER8 ef the BaJito. lmpro\<elDelle ~ wtre~· has communicated with Mrs. Rob· of all wOllWin. .... e•ted at the •n•MJ rwttq of tM l'f09P at &bro Blmbeo S.O..... ._ ;r.WMt Lou.la Brtrss. Tlte twel\·e DeW cllrecton bekt their Or.at ertson, a former lnst.ructor now ... Ut Frl*y. TheJ' l&cluck, ~n. to rt.pt, Made Bll'd.. ttecrelar7. "" ~ at Vtnccat•a home Wedseiday nlpt. teaching in Japa.n. and belWP•n Burgla·r'y Wave ...... WU.On. vice p""'4o•I, Lonnie V-1. P-'delll •ad Moille"' 'em they have urangcd corre-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i;i~~~~~~t~.!~ Hits Harbor COSTA MES.A GfTS . GOY! ~tQAN TO HElP .REBUILD folk Jn lbe world, U..t pe:rN.pa the A W&'ft o( burglaries and pelly SY'~TEM $3"5 ONI\ 1rruc ' Dftl\Dn' ~~:f.a ~~~ ~~·~,,:\ti°~ : fJ . '; ·. '£ i. U,l L-1~ ._.,;f:t . ~'U· Gretchen, the medium -Ned cue. a:l7ll Coaat fPcbway, New-<J: ' • '• & M. • ~ ·~ h t ._. ~~=~~~·~·i~#i -,i.,-~·,,...::...,...__ -Ill! r ot .• .,, e . -• pwt ~t blo. !'!'" \ --.. '11' -• •-.-ft . • .. • NUMBER 52 .. ( . • College P.l~ns ARMY . OFFICERS ·_ for Emerg~y SURVEY SAAAB Boo.rd Of Tr\181 ... ot Orange Dr "-~1 B n te Coast College baa taken action • DiMil • ~ e reon, pres-\ deslgneil to gear 1ta program to ident of Orange Coast Col- the national emergency. "Ou r lege, today labelled t h i s Board feels th'"t It Is Important week'il survey Of. the former that Coast College make definite contribut~on to the iiaUOnal wel-SaDta ba Army 4'.ir Base tare," atat.ed President Basil H. in Costa Mesa as a ''rnaneu- Pe terson lhia week. ver on the part of the Santa The policy estab&hed by the Truat.ees included the following Ana Chamber of Commerce Ii•• points; .to get the sir base here 1. Continue to offer a compre· henslve program of instruction for regular in..comlng high echoo1 graduates and veterans. lnalruc- tion In bolh vocational and uni· vcrsity transfer fields will be made available with e.mpha.sUI placed on inst.ruction which will prepare young men aOd young women for naUonal service. 2. Con l r act with variou~ branches or the mlllt&ry t-0 train men in technical fields. Adequate' facilities and out.alanding inst.ruc- tors quality 0 . C. C. to do an out· standing Job ln U'ltti area. Men can be houncd and fed on campus, a.a well a.s trained. ROTC l"rovam 3. Make E'Very effort to procure a.n ROTC program. Through an ROTQ program, 0 . C. C. <tA'"OUld bC able lo trainf.ft.lture officers for the armed services. Men enrolled in a senJor ROTC unit would be per- mitted to continue in college, se- curing military trainlng aa well aa an education ln technical fields. .f , M&ke every eUort to procure a Civilian Piiot Tralnin.g Program. In being located .. • short dl.lit.ance from Ora>ige COunty Aliport a.nd 1!o ~v ·"~ Q)lllllftecl Yllgllf ....t ~ -<>le li>ot.ructora. 0-l CQllqe la ~. ~ P""1<'e ~ ti!' t.;-1"'14. - • ;-'i.. • • • again." The aurvey WIU condllcted Tueeday by mernbers of Ute .taff of Maj. Gen. Kenneth P. Mc· Naughton, director of tratDtng. tor the U. S. Air Force, to etudy'.the pruent faeWUes of the hue and the feuiblllty of' reactivating tL The sprawling b&ee, whlch. orig- inally con~ almost 2900 acrea and at. one lime trained up to 40.QOO flylni: cadets tn pre·tllght inatn1ctlon, now is considerably shrunk ill , s.IU and moat of ita bul1d1Jlgs are gone. However. paved road&. baaket- ball court.a, a water system and sanitation faclllttea are still in good rep&lr, many of these in use. OCC on Site On the atte l8 the Orange Coast College campWI, which took 24.5 acre11: Orange Co u n l y fa.lr- groundl, 175 acres; the Southern California Bible College with 129 - acre. and an tndut1trlal a.tea of 108 acres. ..... tu.e th'"' d pt •·-~ r · ) • --,... .,..004 w , . ~ flaJ . Wti.Wtt5 j¢ ~~.~ • __,..V9Y •• ~ .,. Jtftillla -• -.. "' """'""""" --"....,.,,.. ftlsllt ... I.ta ---lll'l!?· --~ -"' ..... ted l.o be -............... ~ -llldo:. Ul4 W<illftteclay ..rtemoon. · t.y ~-·'"":""-'~II~ wtlf-liit tbe Jobiio lla--tl\"' "'You wlU' be ~ to ff· Ftfty dollara ln change wu c c c ·•awnmer. ~~~su:d~~~~~~ tt~~. J~panue ~~:.n ~~"'m~:yr=u;::~· 1~,~~ • • nmfnitteeS Rings Worlh $1 in!'e~~ll};::_::t ~n:;:; I l :G-ColllUWe 1o ~t;alnlri&' ~ 1 • ' program.11 for bWJtrl~ t I~ . 1. c· .:..:~ M .. and clvtltan . defeliae. 8 -.... em--a : .us1a : esa e=on~11 1~~~:i 1:e!:~~ Stan Bo.l.... ~t.aey ot th• Santa .Ana Ch&rnber of Com· meree, Dold •o:we want the . hue here, not ,Wt ....,._ •• feel It. ,.....14 be • 'IOOd tbl!lc ro.. Banll> Ana. but '9qu. ft I b9J1eYe • re~ ~will ..... & -vbtp Of l!'nr . • ._.. ~n !II' ~~ •:>Ti.e ~Cot -cllteetora <>f the duunti'er "1!f 9'>"''"""'" leelo that It • ..,....,_-·Jou --·~ pria~' ».· ui,_ ............. ! ·Iii e-su.ti oticlt e -It ahould be u.eect to the bellent ot tu:pay- ere u much u pollldble. JiUlliOJ'UI of dollars h&Ye been lnYQf.ed ln ''My na~e la Yuuko Ataka. I a cuh regi11ter till In the rca.r re-v•··, s'to1 L" I the Federal government baa gTSnt- am 16 ycar11 old and a student of fr}gerator and entry was made by Ch.amber of Commerce commit-eft Oft ldO J. ed a 116,740 io.ii ·to flnanct tb,e Fukuoka girl school. There an smuhtng a rear door window. teea for 19~1 were selected by e,ngtneering pl&nai for the vut abolll more than 1000 atudent..s Helen McCormack owner of the Prealdcnt Tom Nok.on laat week Alter a week'a del&y. Mra.. project. and 50 teachers in our school. ~ Red Snapper cat~, 632 Cout Stanley 0 . Cha.mbera, M.f Lkto :J"he money wUl pay fol' engln· gin •• f 11 and announced b)' Secretary Hay N 11 be •at-"~:~ a . m. Ftn.t o a . we Highway, Newport Beach, tOld Langenheim. Over 100 member111 ord, Udo Isle reported the theft ff:Bo ng to be dooe by J . R. Luter • A toti.J or .12 pint.a or blood wu collected .Monday by the American Red Cross bioodmoblle during a villit lo th~ Coat.a Mesa American Legion hall, rponaored f,y the have a mumtng &ervtce al Chape-1 police that $40 In <:han~e had been ed .. •• Jt•-ot two valuable rlngt (value,:I at yle and hla aaaoclalea, employ-"' were narn on u1e ..,.. comm o.c;el!I and after that we learn many leis-atolen from her bustne8.3 el'llablLsh-and In addition abt were named .Sl200l and $34. ln cub from her <'d by the dlatrlct lo pla.n repl~ Coala Meaa. branch of the South· SOM tlU 3 p. m. Subje<:lll are Jap-ment between 7 and n p m Tues· d 1 t t r1 th home Tuc9day, P'eb. 13 betweien ment of the-lines and iutaU a cm Orange county chap\.er, Amer- anese language. m•themati.cs, aoc· day The money ( $30 ·In · nickel I u e ega ea 0 va oua 0 er 3 :1~ and 3:46 p. m. syatem of fire hydnutta. Also ln· ta.I problems, English. Blble, bto--roll~ and 110 in blll.9) w&B in a groups. Mra. Chambers ,q.jd that the volved Is erection of • atora_gc lean Red Cro111. logy, science, athietlca, music, art. small cupboard under the counter Chairmen ot lhe 94 commJttee.s the(l had probably occurred wh.en tank t-0 give about 50 pound.I pies-Members o( the eXN:Utive board etc. ln front ot the rear entrance. The are: advertlalng and publicity, Ru .the left the hoU¥ unlocked for sutt on every tine. ot the Costa Mesa .bra.och aiding "M r II I t th th I d'-ed h It E. Brandl; Amertcanlem. Fran.k "'""''" .... hour on "·t d'"te Th• ......... _ -.. •--•-the work ••ere M-•"am·· Ver· y am y s a a . er, mo er, oss wu ..,cover w en a wa -Linnell: aviation, Walter l"'rans; &MU-.4 -· ._.._ • .__,,._....., LVf!!I')' -...-ui " o;.au ....,. .tater. brother. and I . My father reu went to get more change fo r boat lndU1Slr Tonlotk>nal, Ken-money wu in a puree whlch wu AJdrlcf'l eatd that the Jl"a.lrview non MatheWll, Gertrude Bo1Rhne11. Ls an aaalt1l.anl profcasor of psycho· lhe cuh register. Police a.re in-th E W~ ~ b d t d fl-on a table ln the down1t&ra entrY County Water District pl&na to Mary Knipp, LJoyd Gabriel and logy ot the Kyushu University. vesUgating the theft. ne ·R 1 ••• n 4, ~w"'i ht'"" ct·""-ball Both rlnp were ln a drea&-replate every line tn It.a •Y•lein, letTOld Spangler, N ewport Gray H•-,_ K jl M th . ~-Tak nance, o .. .u · • r & • y~ 1n&' table drawer ln a drell' ............... tn ... fl h~ ta --" CadJes, ... 1o1.1n~nc'ude:d, Mee· .., name "' a y mo er 5 .__ •• era ea council R L. C&lllr. c ration ._ -.. g ... £e re ,, .... ran airu name Is Tsutako. My stater ta lt Losa of a Lelca. p.mera, a wide Lo la 'w Bri . t ~ t ' room adjolnlng an up.la.Ira bed· prtllNre tank, became growth of dame• Rieb.a.rd . er, Richard years old and a chttrful girl. Sb" angle and a letephoao lens, and a 1 J u Leali · St ~r· ~ e , ~~n • room. the diatrlet hu oYerlaied the Pleger, W. ·A. Kirk &nd George likes ha..ndlcr&fl. Her name Ls laundry bag (total value $300) Too ",. ; =n. ~Ila v~ OU'itT jewelry Which wu-1-the capacity of the ayatem wtuch he Yardley. - Akiko. Brother'• name Ls Tetauo. wu reported to Newport Be•ch 'c le~:I ~ .::.Onru' ~ Vine~· same box u the atolen rings W&4 Mfld bs fn poor condition. Refreahmenta for blood-donors He ts 10 years old and 1.~kes baae-police by Ric hard Stewart, 106 f~ de~:~ U: PrevenlJ:n: nol taken. One rtnc wu a Mwon-P"alrvtew County Water District were served by memberS of the ball game tremendolltlly. Abalone Ave., Balboa laland, who Mautte Stanley; h&rbor, Walter S. le Lodge rtns vaJu.ed at 1200: tbe aervu the 'area north of 19th Sl. Red Croea can.teen, headed by Mrs. Then Bht' descrlbel her clly, said the theft occurred between 1 Spt . high J hn T Bo d · other ..,. a dl&lnond.rlng valued and weat of Ncv.rport BJvd. "l'here ,Roberta Rapler, chalrnian. They Fukuoka. a Large place wllh many &nd 2 p. m. Wednesday. The stol-· lnd:~;tes . ..;'."({.:; B~ Metl~tl ~ ~n : al 11000. Newport ~ach police •re lhrer other water-compa.nlca ptcluded Me.damu H iida Bennett, park• and street can. And then : (Oontlnued 00 Paf'e %) teJ-colJegiale crew reptlaa. S. R. are lnveatlgaling the cue. tn Costa Mesa. Esther Bela.n, Allee Kyle, llattie "ll b wl:nle r now ln Japan. Monaco, M.D.; memberahlp, O. W. • The loan wu made poalble PhiHtp. Ruth Millikin, Sara Ma· varloUIS tndu1tries who are maklng direct contributions to natlon&J. d~ tense. Claue8 will be given both during the day and evening. . "A program based on the above mentioned policy will enable Coast ~IJege lo contribute in a major way lo the national welfare,'' con· eluded Peteraon. Balboa Directors Hold First M~t First meeting of ~e nbw direc· lort11 of the Balboa Imp'rovement &S80Ciation, elected l&at Friday, wa.a held at t.he home of Pre11I· dent Lonnie Vincent, 322 L St., Balboa, at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. The twelve officers of the group have detided to meet at a diffcr- . ent dlrect.or'a hOme eacb month. Al Wednesday's session lhe main buainess was the appoint- ment of commlttees--Christn1a.s decorations, member sh Ip and beautiti.ca.tlon. (OoaJIDaed oa hp I) Put World War_ II Siren to Use in Air Raid Teits Judging from the number of complalnla rece.lved al the fi~ station, lul Frlday't1 air raid warnt.ng 11lgnal test hu been a lot more suceesstul than a.ny of the previous trtala:. According to Fire Chief Frank Crocker the ateam siren that llOUJ\ded the alarm tn World Wa.r II hu been drafted back lnto eer~ vice aod lla deep voice lh.r•eked ef- fectively Crobi its location near The A'.rchea Jut Friday . Crocker aaid that the fire whistles are a1ao pa.rt. of the warn- lng system and Will be &0UJ1Cled fn short blULa 'to indicate alr raid warning test.a.. \ F.every day tt ls v':'ry cold. Some-Issue City. Bicycle ''Dick'" Richard; merchanl.l!I bu· Driv«fr,. Freed in through lhe Houii.ing and Home lone, Norma Ankeny and Dottie t~es snowl!akes vuttt us. ~au. D. M. Hunrnme!; new bual-Finance ·agency, A.ldrtcb said, ~ George. But soon spring w:tn come and Licenses Saturday neSs greeting, Tbomu JI'. Norton; Ped--'-"ian De,..lli cauae the project lJlvo:vea a~u .-----------------------.,.---- 0erry blossoms will go out. official receptiori .. Tbomu F . Nor-S>TI-hou.Blng worker11 al the El Toro He stated that the large whistle formerly located at The Arches will be mo•ed. up· to Corona del Mar. p ,el.8(> ask me something about The lH'l bic_ycl" llceUeJ \\"Ill ton ; •hip-office, Tom w . Render~ Marine baa:e. Japan It you wlsh .. ! wtll tell you he lMued at the Balboa 1&land 1JOn ; sporWlahing, J . B. McNaJly; A coroner's jury lllte Monday ------- about n1any things. Fin Ha'I on Saturday, Feb. 14; lax, John Vogel: transportation, ruled a.s accidental, the dealb of Tben Bhe •lgns It Yuuko At..ka. at u.,, Corona ""I Mar Fl"' Hall Ben Reddick; yachting, Huvoy Albert R . Morrloon. 68. ot '1701 Cmlg R .. EJected Prrha.ps, wllh more of our oa Saturday, March Sand at ahe Somers. Newport Boulevard, Coeta MelML. youngsters getUng acqu&inted like Balboa Flre Hall on saturda,J, slrutk Sunday aftemoon by an lfarbonna.ster Ruaa Craig, waa-I that, spring mlghl come &Qmctlme Marcb 10, th" po~ department Delegates are : to _Aaeociated automobile u b~ wu crnaalng re~e.lecled to 1erve hi.I lhlrd term without WIJ'S and gun.a and wound· a.n.JIOUDCl!d today. Ttwi fee for Chambers of Commerce: Jol\n Newport Blvd. at Cabrtllo sl. u eecttlary·lteaaurer ot the Call· · ed k!d&. · Suppoee? tbe 1ewly tk>t::n11e will be Mc.. cc.oa.Uaued on Pap t) The Jury exonerated Leroy fomla AMOclation 9t Barbonnaat-I Chn.t.eMen, 20, of 7~ W. 19th era and Port Captain• at lbetr an- St.t Coal& Mesa. drlv'r of lbe car \ nu.al convenUon in San Diego laat which •lnlck and kUleld MonU<m. Friday. The Orpnlzatlon 18 cledl• Tbe lnqueat wu held al. Grauel'• cated to the developm~t of lln&ll ' ltort.uary where the funual eer-harbon ind lhe intetcste of the •Ice WU conducted Wedneeday. bo&tlnf; public. " . • Accordtng to City Mal'!lager John Sallo~ the alr raid wamln8" Sip.al tatll wfl contJ.nue each Fri- day · at no.;m unlll .thelr etfective- ·neu ha.a been proven.. • • 1 ' - •• ' • • • I P.lW -........,, 'nmttdoof &t l're..,..~ •••II. 0.--. .. Oftlcct -prfnttnr Plant al 22ll BllNa Bl..S.-~ a..,. Hll Entered u ~ matter .Jim• 18, :IMO, 1t the poet -I& N8Wpl>rt Bmcll, .cautonila, llDder UM A.ct ot Kuch I, D711. "mmb!r Ollllonda Mew SRI• I""',._ •111,,..... Ihm~ Na.!M Is• 111.1 •n1rt.UO. -Ge.....,_,_..""' •tt .. 19 !fewpuzt -hr - ' 1111 1 'I "!"* & _,,. ee•••HJtT ta ~ • 01 ,, . BU o., Ril:Dllll'Y, OWner u4 Pu..._ ROBZRT F'. wnzvm. Bu.8ln-Wee•pr • .&. ~ BMllL'l'af, Ad••..._ Mrn·aw 8t1BSCaIP'l'ION a.Aft.81 NEwPoBT,BALJIOA. l'!il!l!!S ,,,..,,,. ~ la -.,. ~ty, -.pez: :rar1 Jt.80 1111< moiithl; <SUI --"*'"') (A.lao lacludew tlle JO:WPOBT·BA.UIOA JIEW9.ll'lllD a 7-y) Oatll.., --i, 9UO ,..r ,_, W ASBINGTON'S REPlJBLIC Almost with an air of smug self-righteousneea; it has become fashionable of late in some quarters to debunk the Jegenda of George Washington and othe:I-great national leaders. But comfortingly, in a way, the inore the debunk· ing pf9Ce88 goes on, the .more most people respect their national heroes, both as leaders and human pel'!IOOalities. ' In George Washington's case, the mol'j' his life and deeds are discussed, the clearer . become• one fact -bis integrity and sinrerity of purpose. Washington put this Nation above RII else, above self, above party and above petty' factionalism. In contraft today, from the happenings ill the Nation'• capital, it seems distressingly true that personal consider&· tion, partisan favoritism, the . lust fqr private or political g&in take' precedenre with many, Some of America's lead· era evidence ' so litUe faith in the system of government that Washington was so largely responsible for that at the first sign of trouble, they want to drop it in favor of the totalitarian ~ystem frolll, which Washington helped spare • us. ' I ... r . I . . • Flu· '"'c~, .. s • , -.. I' • • . ' ' BJ ·····~ ......... ,Jt: -' • I I l " ........ .. .~Az 4.? ~· •:J ......... ~ • . 1 . • ..,. I ., • ' 7 . ' -·--~ ---l l'"' ' ' ' "MOf'laU kllllT'OOIHCF TCFaatt W9 '1Jlillll J . I MM! • • I • .,f•u •-..9:• ... JPi • w . I Ne wport _w.s,c.s. · Lr~ Weel Meets t? Goals ''!" ~ · Set by Conference ., w.au L. ~,,..,.,••111••. C1l-...._ Ceo: I I ·l TWolW -•ot 14 plo oot by TM ---Oomm1tteo the __ .. -r-... -on ~ Wollan ~--- been mot by. .U.. W. 8. C. S. ol amm-'q!detloD -pod to Christ CllUKb by U.. -NPOrt• curl. ota1e 1•ecani:<i porooiotl to ed K1oo cw. Koblmclt. •'"'· .,...0.... ·U'fbis oulldiie, ae CIJ,llo.,. dent, at the l'ebniuy JMOtlsls, nla. • , . . Thbl plleu the ~ on UM It -eltod' --.tuQo honor roll liq _,. ~ -"II> Caw""!i& A nomtnatlns committee WU wllo -'\ -It..~~ ' elected to pwt a Jblt ot om· rec~. ••llfl• .. ,....., cer• for tbe new ctuudl year ~~mtfonri, ...,, ~ tip whlcb bq1na June 1. It 1ncl11·1'e•; .n j mt.o~ cit ftf1t u; .. Mmu. Jl"red WoodNw, John X. :i:b••a.n'are pn•1zwc.:ct I Elliott, B. 9. L. .......... '°"" ...... 1-,. ......... _ ,_ Shleldli llJld Ml• DIM 1'~ Onlia ... oe,tUn 111 ,.,..tm ' ! I l ' --.. P1maa ._. made to a• r •• to w pn-ne .-......,........,_ La luncheon oa lllar<h I to eo wol'll:· ouotr -tor --It 'Mid ors of the Intermadlote Youlll l~oluOoll -"°'-~ FeUowatup. San Diep dbtl1ct, red CalttondW°•· ....... N ,..,._. u ., s •.. "..., who .... lloldlns • -1 ---Ulo1 ...... n •s ····=· ' Ilion at Klar ea.. -Iolud. oi-,_. ... ~ -m 7 I • -.. _ ., Mra, Adr1&la A~ radio 1aooki ll • ~ • t I ~ \ revt.ewer, pt .~ Uw tlft:.n-Jt~wtM..-..,....., •.ai.r fAit~; to noon PtoC1'*I' a rwtew Oil Tie ...... .... Cit' a mt 7 pa]'ll Olrup Couey Cout. .... Goa. Land ot Good Slwlowa u laid y a ..;,.... IJf a Ml-dot. II. P. -J' -ltall>.lo: tr; - by Allouto tll He1Ul& Cllandler • -... ,., • -do ...,t. lio7> .. u.. .. Cballlber f'f Com· • .. . ...... •we JW·J•s ··n:r,A ·tld9' W'9 • • . ... ~,.... ' tlA.&•·•'-"I ~· I U t CL.Ball . co· t '•· I ,, ' "''. ; ' Wuhbutn. Thie la the Ufe o1<>ry In ---tN&tlOll&I .Coliaelllort, , ot the _.,..... ~ .., exp1oror -ta&-.,. ...O.. '-* W. -Brtnr. to 0.:0.. rlob <• _, :nlo • --u. -nation, state .or city <1W ra1-d u an r.tmo at ~ eat l&w p El!:tcr--.aial;r~ ........ ·~ Astr ll!tkm. $. II. Kc-ot ....... ol -.. ! er a Uvln«! • I • ' I "'08J9• I ~ I . 7 eRier A. Be<o••, D. D. & . . ' ~y l781Jlew,....flhd,.Coolla- l M l Mi l t Bid&. I ~--r-. ..,. IG0&8'JA-,Ao-·--..J The Republic of Washington, it should never be for· gotten, was evolved in a time of crisis et.be like of wbieh this Nation never has and probably neve.r will experience again.' Let's .not so betray ourselves by thoughtless action that Washington, were he able, would disown the Nation he fathered. bay. 8pttdal mu.fc WU • p,. 3 a ~zWM~er tD e.llf..... ; to Armed i"oreea-Cclopera.-~) They ahould be educated to eent...s II)' two ..-., )(r, and bbl -.... le -llM 11111 -. M. e..n, & C. T•L:-111; U --)' unemplO'od In -tJuit. unemployment fuv.r, Mr&. Jlutehla.-t.amctwm wu h whe:rw'Nr ~ 1iL 1 uaat:; to Ct'1c ._fltsc•tlm California an to oo.aUnue to II.ave-U1Ce la not & ''bonua" fOT hav\ng 11..:===========::: .tM!nwl by Lu A.mtp.'.a clftJe ud I Cit. 'llllNe. 0. ewe...,,_ (A ..... 1ated <t ot: Cl::),~-unem.pJo,ment 111.ururce re-~e ~~ and tt Ja ·notl1 Newport Jfefpta ctrete· Wiii be 1 D .._ ltuU. JaJnd,. . eerve f\llMl ,_ wlakb to dr-aw .,methlnc they ha"¥e .paid tor ho ..... la March. The .... ._ -itta clci.d beneflta, · -Nfl>mi. nluot bo IJ1d aN entitled. to." It la !'""tcned t.hnie u.amp&et. la. M'lie cue a ft· aw~,._ ' w-e made at· once in the llne:m.plo)'-· to be ''l~ce.'' C d P clplant of -ap MCWtty left IUI ~ ment lnoUraace con\rillUtlon .y~, Good clu.en., .and Ulla BbOuld < ar arty California In Aprll,•1945. He hu (OoaU-r-..... 1) Wll. , q . Include ·aU _clalmlU)b t0r un-. A recent article in a prominent West Coaat magazine F "d N' ht 1ln~ lived contlnuowily in Sbv-on. ep lte.m.a had Ileen taken from a At the pre~~ r&:te, the aple 9lo7memt ~rarrOft who-att LIVABILITY '' ~W.SCllORO • •• 711. ·11111 ~ CHm - ~--stressed once again the factor which has played a major r1 ay 1g Penn. But he cantinuu.. to "1: bedroom dreuer but, another ex-co~tributora_, are_ th~ employ~re. bona-ttde members ot the 'la!M>r le Calif f . wtb . h "Ii bill. .. f · rerutar moathly a"1 pa)"ment pe.utw camera and a pa.Jr of tleJd and Utey are not able to_oontti6ute· market, lh9uld favor l9)led.ia1 • ro . in . ·_ ornia's an~~ gro -t e va ty o P"rtday, Feb. 21 at 8 p. m. la '70.&o from ~ ' 1i....e. were untouched by the enough to keep the turut' aolwnt. legialall,?n. _ lt':ls t~e on11 'f"'Y" tb offOMJLiiWfl8 California climate and ·conditiqna. time of the benent card party ·Another example wu tbat 0 a thief. Stewart eatd that the house &veil( though every empioyv ln prGtect . f:h4! ltonut and e~cal 1.------------- California living is leaa arduous than that of ttle East ,..,....red . by Ml>thero' club of peroon who llaa bffn retuhr a had 11ee,,;..1ett tlnlocked caJJfornla, .,,gan11 .... of the mer, ~orker who "°"'" ~ m"'1 be out '" l!l, Kl>l!ll'lll!lL, 0, D. • . . Coeta-Ke• bethel, Job'a Dausta· month ln bllnct llfd pa.YJ111!'ft1 Nbrman Wakeman itP A Jena It raUng be may ercjdy•bec1use ot of: a job. U reforma are not J'Qsde, OPTOMETRIST and Middle West-Jess of the exhausting he&t In· aurnmer "ten; and plljioe · r. Friday Att""7 4">U«h llvlnif In MouatJ. e A .Bal-• po otud:r elllploymem.'for Illa worll, when the bon..t ,..,ker &'•ta out ' • more Sp&.<(I to m ove about in and more vamtf I of cllnia:t& -~a~ tae -.. Table pl't ... t Tllo third exlainple·..... l o 'II Sroeerles from 'hla car whlcl! wu cent !'f il!a peyri)ll, t}\e .l'uftd Wlll "'\Pl w,ldcl!. tll .pay upePJPIOyment . lll+N W ..:::--It -. and little of the paralyzing 'co!4 ilil winter., i :I'he ... , ~ aljl\> :aqon ctubll~. 'Ttckete may l>e N . )'., alJlce J•~· iHS: 1. •i th:ri ot .., ov!f!:': .::;r::11 '!~ "'°· npw pays a,mln!i"wa. ~ 1 per '!'.a Job •. there m.ay, bO Ao ,money/ ~ llY' A.ppolalm•I • J • • • Will be Potted plant.a and the WOID&ll .__. ~'Ya • ST6 t a J>Sked: at K&tilold Aw.nue and ~ ))JL.Abouti .128.000.000. th.19 ln.1UN11oe.. 1 • 1 1 e ae.elt ' and -~ry Wtthin relatively .abort., di••DcelL '" . . 41><>r PllJ•. i, a bl&' ,l>uket ot m..iu.· ga)'llleal. ~Ile .\l!O; llW. ·81vd., Coron& dot Mar at tut j/e)U:-1915-0, ~year ot high fm' . Aa Jndfvldu.aJ ,~d ~ e11Ub.d ~ lllll The attraction to this favored land has now teacl!ed C">Cttfet" "" · ~ •he~j jullV'ed with tte~'djtil!li\"9" l ! s p, m. w.d'nuc1a'y". · ployzne.nts ·• . . ~ • , _. ,; .io pnly ONE J;lo.lm,. • .ope , ,,,. . . --it • . . ~od or Ul\erl'lp~~. j /..'. llOll'.llCW -. ! the stage-where it ia no longer a matter of largt! companies , In ° anee lea.inir Call-Looo ot • wlleet and Un from th-~-· O'ftt7 ~..., '!"'itr ·'Thi. · Id -• 'Mc ... .:'~ ': · " · . . . St b. ht Cl b frt~tober,1'4~. I "ldot>allerwhlchhadbeen ked e.,.~pldd't!ri!\i-t>maxt·· """ ~·-,._'qU&l't, .... .,. m in a number of notable inatances the head offices them-Pl B f 't Un . wbo bl cbalrman of the corns COOR Comp.ny ob Bal-Bl\Od"., p&)'rOll, !be tllnd, .it!IJ .ioeJd ~ At Pl'•-.;nt, y~ly '1'!' ' pay-I ~ - selves have been transferred to this area. ans ene I mlt I -.Id °" anrop payment WU reported to poltce a( 10:40 mlniah by $8,000,000, It ho .. 1:1s meato ,ar~ bein&' made tor many Ut -.C-t m..,_, 1n enuylnnJa i. $39.14, In Nfw a. m .. W~nday by Harold R mated. pereon.s who ~ot, or mtL I oo&O.HA D&L MA& But it should also be noted that while libability bas Plana !Dr their cornlb&' card Yor" ~INll and In "Jlllnoho Uie htt, 1840 N"ewport Blvd Col~ Emplo,... eontrn>lllllonr u. each NO':\'. bold do""' ,. •teadY ~ob., b•Y .lJiD lflGHT attracted people and industry here ill unpreeedented n!llll· pu:ty ot lfarcb 31 were dlacu.u, &Y<rr&p pa]'hlent"' S4UI. M .... Farr said that the thett had of \be lo.t five Y~ exeepl la Theoe chlaelera _,work onl)< jDng I Pia-Har-U bers it has taken a remarkable measure of flexibility to ed when St&rbrtgbt club, O.E.S., ~ a result the committee rec-GCCUrNd during-ate lut. teri days 191.7, ~e not been equal to the enouc-h to accrue benetlt rtpca. 1' -----''--------' held a luncheon meeting and on:utiended a. bDJ be pueed that JOtm J. -8wtiart. 800 w. Bay amount l!'~'d' out in ben:ente. Therf Payi for~ j llfllCILUf<Jg cope with the problems of greatly increased population and Valen~tlne party Feb. 14 with 39 w°'l1'1 declaro 011yone ll•lns O\lt· rroat; Ni>wpert Be.ch, repol'Ud w .. .., SJtlt,000,otlO d•tlclt In 19(9. . .-I industrial production. California has probably built more member. preMnt. On the lunch-m~ the •ta.ti for • year to ha1t1e tile tbeft of tn.lb cape which had Ola lie Met The •t.e84y worker _who-ftollb a ,--O-ld_llotUlllhed ______ -,-----. eon committee -were PauJlne J&&-ch&il.&"!d h19 l'Hldentt. Th recom· been· pcked m front Of his homa job for yean, ia pa~ the ft-etgbt homes in the last few years than were ever con•tructed per, Flore.nee 4.ndenon. Eat.her metjded b01 alao provkle• that no Wedi.Niday nJgttt.. Thi. mtuaUoa can be rnet 1D tor the loafers. S!Jould• "1.e ~ Apney anywhere in a comparable period of time in order .to house Devtne and Marpret Rabb. stat. aid .lbe.ll be Cfvref\ to anyme either ot three ways: worktt finalJy get. o~t of ra-job, AD J:lrle. writtm. its growing family. ViW power facilities have been great-Laura McClellan P"'llided al the llvlalf oulolde Callfomla tor tlw I __ "'*-1 _ Rl"OS The t.ax on employers can be he can tile only on hi,& earning In I BOWARD W. GEJlBISll sho"i buatne• aeuton. yean. / ~ UIS ~ raiaed above 2. 7 per cent. four of t!'e ~ five er U qJ.&tter-f l80I Nft,port Blvd., ~ Jy expanded by private industry to meet the rising dema.nd Coonk:.,.1 La,.. ~ploy ... , who-no.w pay notti-yearo, ~peadlnir on tbe ~ the I PHO~ BEACON uai for U8e in home and factory, and our remarkable statewide M h d• L ft!-at 75 lnli tor unemployment tnsu....,,ce, cl.olm I• tiled! Alf of bbl eomtngo :====· =======~ h I ed d et 0 ISt aymen The report ..Set a.at becaU>e or ... .._. . can asatn be ta:aed on the.Ir pay, for 'th• prior y...,. •re goiie for--branch banking system as not on'/ prov a equate to cori(lfcllng lcwa many tamm.. . c.au.· came . Bunday al th• checks, In addiUon to the 1 per eftr, .., far ... gfvlag.hlm a-r1ght . accommodate the growini need for banking services but in Chorcge Sunday •re rocelvtag aid who are not In i.oacc 8-h Naval ltoapllal to cent the employeeo ..,,,. pay tor to unemi>1<>7Tnent ln.IUnlnee b con, BE. "SURE-INSURE h-. been a polellt factor in atinmlating California's indt111· M Ch h need. 1-lilo Los RJoo, 75 a member dlabWl~. or lllclm-. lnfUrance. cemed. • - trial gJ'Owth. The State government has also kept pace at esa urc ~ commJt ... aid \Jl&I In "!'!' ~ one of th• oljleot Spanlob (&m, The ota~ caa otop payblif .... Some employers '°'!' U&lly .. ~~ STANLrl' ··"'hthe ' wth . peedin bi h b "!din d run ' ~--• ~ . bllJ.1-ce, a tamtly ~U f"ee41.~~,. ·Ute8 in Soutli9i!n-C&litom.IL He employment.lmul'ance-; . guUtyotratdif1gtht •. ~Theee ,_~ i'Y1rnsl~~i . ,. ... ' gro m s g g way W g a.n pus g ·uoyman'• Sunday wm be ob-e .J:;'n • ald'.aJptoush :lh~ f~ ~ '-... -I 1m.w;, In the Harbor JI ho probable that tew ot· q.. '"P,0\1Y ""' the on-· P,rovlije -~~ the coDStrnction of needed schools and other essential ...Ved al ti!• Coot&! ..... Com, ~~'II and owate.j Cll.ree '• tp iuea and wu the tather ot Mn. muuona of worker• In• Calffomla P¥t·!lllle employm •-, , coli· j ±ft~, ,. '. -. I Pu blic facilities. munlty Xethodfol ~uttli on Ill • media"" prlcMi• auto ~ r&bert Boyd) Corona del Mar and perhaps thouuacl. of employ. ~· wlth Uiell' e111p., ban, , • , • _ Sunday-i moral.ns~ u a fltllnl' bl~." Mrs. &. .J. Pu.porn, Corona dei era,, do not know tl'li&t the tJlird we wage payment. eo ~the Keeping California "livable" will give· us plenty fo do ctoee lo the Week ot DedlcatfOlls It la Of Yitai Importance," the Mar, and Leo De Loo Rfoo n ot llternauv .. exfota. • emploJ'eN can pt wu!Dlp ent for yean. to come. BeslnnJnc with the monthly convnlttee said, .. ,,,. estobllah Wll, ·Coota x-. Prol>lllly they do not know tbat ._....,.,. beaeflte \o whlc · they OICNER.AL INSURANCE breakfut ot the Flmermea'1 club fO"!'itY·" The comniitu<! recom, Funeral IOn?Cetl for lite direct the llOOle that lays the 11olden eu &re not enUtled, "'-~·-·· ·r·'--." ._ W. Stw:t Foote Mesa Re bekahs Make Man.y Plans at tlle AlmOa..d cate, wttb~ Joe me'1ded that a •mate standard Ot deacendent of the famoua Bar· can be killed.! -Otller emplbyera, throug ca._re-~~ J:~vvr '""""wvn-Housewarming Jonn, prutdent Of the club. pr&s pe~ -reai. p<Operty .. ..t-..... Alvaftdo WW be held Fri,' But It can .. killed. 1 ... neu, do _nol tollow. up claim» Sin --Jlh:d. · aldins, laymen will have a larp ~..l~~~ .U. tJ'pee el~ It recom-day &t Sawtelle YeWrt.n• hospital. U the-uaemployxo..u, lnsur&nee by their tornier empto~.-Uw. Newport Bwdaj ~ ~ Bar, M ·,s Surpr·1se for part In Ill -ot lha day. me...-• -rltie of· -IP· ooruluele4 by the Spanlah Amerls ~· fUJHI llhrinJul enourh. -permltUnir tbe perpetraUoo "'1·======:3·~====~ . At lbe 10:50 worship le:rvtce, ~~nal ~ 'a.nd $3,000 th can-War Vdetw.. .preeent Jaw ptmdtl the Commia--rack~ta. • If · ""- M P tt laY!Mft wm oeeiipy the pulpit, "'""P">porty. . Other •urvtvoro ue hho wife afoa-to atop paymenta. ,COrrectlng" the taU)te 6f !he CA.VE p.,_,,_ Bertha Watson. noble flT&!ld, rs. a ·erson under UM direction ~ the lay The committee -lte ln....U· .,. .. who .... In Norwllk ti.. n. deflnlUon· ot suitable em· .P' ..... t unemployzneat lnlprt.ace . ~-IPl'ION presided over lhe regular meet-leader, Chllbolm Brown.. 'l"boee C'tlona ebawed pereons were ••t-~dnln ~ and· IUr. j. eat ploy.ment needs to be re-de(Jned. act 1+ a. big job, ~ut there! are & PKABllACY Ing of tbe Mesa Rebekah lod,.e A bis surprise wu given Mn. stvtnc' the •nnon m.edlt&tlon ln tins aid. even when µ.er nal rrandehJldren. C: . It there Wu no unemployment few detinlte COl'l'edionl--ln. the law t a. m. 'UJ 9 p. m. held Tuesday evening, Feb. 20 1n Earl Pattenon ot Santa Ana Ave., ~ brfe:t t&l.ki will be Joe estate and perlOft&1 pfrOperty !IX-luuruce program, W1th lta wee,k .. that can be Jnt.iM and that_ , be Pte:ecrlptloni DeUvefed l OOF hall, Costa Mesa.. Membera Costa M'ea. when bet: fellow mem-J'ODM. cm -nie Cbarch race.· tbe ceeded the current Um1taUOna. Jy guarantee. workers would bot •' btr .tep forward. thae Iii c..e:. · lllwl., -· ft1I reported on ~the sick list were bes ot Conchita Parlor No. 2k Taek Today;" BnM:. MartlD . on 111 one ca.e cited, the oommtt,. lmrett TntMfw.rrecl to be 90 ftnJcky &bout the job9 tbey few conectlona· can re.ult In r-e- Gladys Bird. Lydia Hams. Henri, NDOW deacendecl upon hoer houR-''J)rlns A Cbrlatlan B>,_.a_ tee aid, a ~r WU lettlns .a.-..... Ylrnhia are wtJllnc tll ac.;epL Port ot. the placln&' tbe red-Ink In th fllnd Ooroaa del Mar el ta Monkman. Helen Cawthom hold. laden with l&Jldwtcbea. cake. ~ and Rueb Davt• on ''Chrf9. state &let evett UJoul'b he bad a ~ ._.,. ,_ radret in ~I' to tab lot. the with blact. L'~==========~~ and William Stewart. aad ctfb. Uan &tewvdlhlp." oaviago account ot Sl,990. An· P'ft. Jollli Bonett; :as, oon ot "°-cao. perfann.J ho -.i on Tbs tint of u..ae w111, , ex-P1 A bat party wa.s planned with The gathering ,... dell&'hted.l>)' ' other bid aubleued property for Kr. and Mn. '· 8, Barrett, n Bay hl&fd:r t.eclmlcal ll!d trltllng ob· plained In Ute next-IMiallmi!at, ·lllARl. w. STANLEY prizes to be given for the moat the beautlfUl hOme recently C'OJD, .. C • d Air I '420 a mOrrtb. the oommtttee .aid. Shore Dr.,. S,1 Shores., who hu Jeeuoa. tMt. tae jOr6 •'S' no;t. ta. ;ad UM Nmedy wtU lii9 ~ ' ~ <>11tatand;nr hats. followed by pleted by the Bari Pattenono a.id -ciltl& 1rase n. concltjolon,' the conunttt.ee -stationed at Clmp Roberts, lllis"" --· ''. ' IA'. 11111: to be"'-Ille • -·;;·e:.. .. _n:..' pm.es and other entertainment duly tnapected every room, atte.e-(Css"rsf 6-._ l) recommended tbe lep.l&tun ~ Puo Rob&ee. Cattt .. since ht.I ln· Db j Alt •1 aa · 7 l• ot UM. tt'ate-4~ J£ ....,.._ the date ror ttt. affair to be an! which thty aet\led ~ to u 99e--" u..--.. &rr.dY Md> tllen'e-lltUe ate an ilrftsttptson and enton:.-ducUon Into the Army tn NOYmi;-1 'llir a •' · 7*rh•· • ffE.. ..._ 1 ~· ; a.. ...,._, 1.m nounced laur. The Qdd ~ow• llln.-ot. canloata, Joinedl b7 the -tllet mudl ~ It -.Id be ment ~Uon . wlthlo the ~ ber bu -tronefetftd ~ l't. ~-· i. !lad: ~· 'lo -.a..i ·;, -• Isa ••• •' •• _,5 and Rebeblul voted to bold ,. m-bera of the tomlly. Later,... .....,.,._., th ment of ooclal ,,.!fan lo -~t Yyera, VIJ'llftla. '°"""" o1 ~ -• r, -· 1111< DOUOLMI l!l;A!IK. L d~"ll • b"'lldut the 1 .. 1su,aday1n each ,.._.,.ta were .......,,11114 u.e aett-~~"" •-~ud.onen don't set. away w11.11 ._& .. ·~~.~-~~: ~--•'"!., _I:":-• ~ --•~ ... , · 1 .. ,. · .. .,-f;:;:~=:;s;~~~s;::::;::::;::::;~ month, the nret one to be on ltonotte wu P~_. wttb a loft.. BafM" a.Id' tlt. ..,..._ ..... in· t _. ..,_ r.----..i .--.--.., ••• • _ -~ --... .,.....~ rAa-·~ March 25. Pot luck" suppers fol· lJ" l>rw 11urr1..,,. tamp t>om hw -1111 tolOo 111-0 --nel _,_ to -bli.lntin elllcUJ t1i1 i<lllli ._llM!l,W., · ._,...,1 bl Ille tlllTBI -TYR P r'l:ft l -th by pmes are tll be held by ~ ,,!, tj>-=-~m·-~-": -tut" ..... --·-mapt W-la Br 1 Pal 1 wor!<s _ 1W -re<uls ~ ..... s;; • ol -,....._~ ' , 1 .W .-.~ e combined lodpa lb• oeeond .... •--,, ~ Ila ___ ,.. Oil Ula pri>Jlict At _.8 ·-, ow, Drl "'"" -, ~ ....,-- Monday of each month._ trienda. A. peat boolt WM pe11el -. _ 1'111. rema"'td la a ·..a -fiwlliCo ~ I , . • e ••• - Alm& Black w1u bosteu th• Eld llped by an -t. -1 -....., 1>oop11a1 Wbet'e lie. .... -to be J.. A..· c:a.sl.UI ~~ Llnlt club Monday eve-. 'ho -~the -et a.. malllns .,p1uj1-~lir ' ts ""'" ia w. na - -..._. li'eb. 28 In her home at 770 Mil lio n c.~'"-· -at -· llolt w lliaata 11111n1t JIU!lllll' · ·· W. 19th SL. with Ethel Smltb u ~.,.., 1 AaA. Ur . Sa tzW:allld bj tlie - -~~--the ..,.,,. , . ~ ~•rs T ,11c on H.iti -.u.r --. --ot Ne w Ctblt Peck ·-w-m._ -~ Ill -,._, .....-••d 1Ddt~~·w11M1Joum«1-toc:11u..-....,. -_.....,of 111e w-·• '' as-cur 11:H1111 -FormecJ. .+' M.s que ~ ere M &Ad "'rs' r-a.,. 8oditt1 ot U. ca.ta flPtt ti ' , S ~ .... tllat • + ~ :'f;_ee;:::.,::v1n""· .~ ~ ~~b'al l!lble .Cllilreb 1 ;•111: •J•z :· ae ctt H --or a _..'0oo~1 --· ~ -•-·--...... IJ'.•b. 11, ta~·--. -11 :;.:lbtP .. - --Clat. -l'Puk No, Wllllllqton theme · wlUI cllen'y el: Kn. ~ W,l!pt. ... tit' ,_II,. 11 11w -1laa -···m O"L -Uoo llld. lop conl.el'lns MCb ta• Os p A-U., ..... & -:W. &. I I ' ..,. blo and a tiny hatchet at Nd> _ID( ,...,.. -1a11o1t 'II"" -"' p I C tzr Ot I C•aa& ilPW A.-I u 111 ... -..UrJ P~.._ · .. , • ......._' : ... :. to_.,, ¥n, -a o..-_ 01'1 .. Da "1" I --.f -B !"J Ratlria -d-== ~~, ___ , --8UllC ..... fW.--.. Ille ftd? Aollllltii al Ille -.. HnrtT. Allee Dzao&, U. th.~~ o! ~ Mi I . 1 In~ .... Ula•· wlll 1llO -'•• I Pt .... ftr Bs°"a, D•o._, QI": ... -. . ~ ,~ ......_ ?C re ~ llllllt ..a .......... ..._ WW "nt aita r1 ., .... ~ ~·.A.f:fDA Back -Kra .. Qlldp ••• C, 7 iwlr ... .a: ·a t. ti t 'ft ft ' ..... _... $? I Ge l'Nt.-_,,.. tM-...... ~ ed OfW t1111 .... p' ... r -.. di .. 1 'J 1 .. -, : -AAA .. ,,, ; • a...t:lf«OaJW~ ~II?-......... work om ...... r)p'ar ..... :# 1...,' ....... __ ....... , .. er •*11. ...... ar :t -. •sr :.t 1111tatia.--. o • ~ osna• .. "ffn•r7 'ttts; -:--.... -°""' cl l ~ -... ----.. • l!IOll .. a .i--I 711 J;-:= ln1 - •• lk 1 f -f>WMpl --~ 8 b•t• lilSa" I • .-.... \.a .. !I~ -· • • I " • ' • . , • -- I ( • !!APE AT HO~Vl>slala _Prlee, n1· Eriast"iiiil A-. ...i- ImM .... just ... -loom8 from • trip 111>· ~ wblicb .... naarked l!Y her plue <a!elilnl on ru.., lee dela~ the tak...,,, from Oander, Z!iewf~JJMllAnd. M4.-winter weaillier canetPs ber to be -roilt<:cl wtllle lllNI ...,.... the United s-. (-.._) .• "England lo almply dripping with history," oays 'Virginia Price of 211 Emerald Ave., B&lbo&.~d who jU&t returned from that country TUe9day, F.ebruary 13. The return trip trom the Britiahi Isle.a wu quite eventful aocord. inc to dark-haJrl!d, wtnM>me VJ.rginla. "I flew over on a B.1 0 . A. C. stcato-crulaer that had originally been ~cheduled' to leave London air- port at 7 p. m. Saturday. How-.... ------------ ever, the *1P wu· deiq<ecli. tWo women •lJll wa.u off their front h o u c • becaue ot. mech&Dibal trouble. and' ...,. too.It. oft &t. 9 step. and a man \Vilh a horae dnt.Wll cart atlll comes throtlgh o'c~ We w.e.re ln di.a-ailr fOr the •ireeta-seeldng rag9. a.nd 9bouL lb m1nua. wlllm Q.e. plMle bon~.. sire sap. lhaok tenibly. ,.._.., ._.. • ktMd Rttalttng the bomb da.m&ce ln noMe, Mid t:bea • abaet of &me the city, Virginia aaya that the •wept. "31 th& wh\dO..w. Tr.e m1m-east end of London la et.Ill pretty ...., two eflllne on tlle port· -A-t b t that h d 'fad C"au.•ht t1re and We weft • -• u t e west end aroun --., Plcadl.lly dou not have many fon:e4. to tum bac5 to die t.on.s.i evtdenceti of the war-time bomb-airport." W in gs. " e felt more MMcen wlMn. 'Wiie While in England, Vlrginla wa• ·wve \ba<k on the ~~d." she •ya riecaWna tbe m.oid;nl: fortunate to catch two gllmpees nie trip wu __ , ... interrupted ot the RoyaJ famlly. Once , she --· .sa:w them at a oom mand film per-on. the hop between Gander, New-formanee in Londo n. And the -toundland &Dd New York. ·"We other tlme, she remember• them had. & snooth dctp from Shuuwn. in the parade which w elcomed ' hi&Dd. but when we reaclt.ed Queen .Juliana of Holland on her · ~ the weat.IMJi tumed bad. visit to the Brttlllh IJllea. lee llMf tormedl' on tbe w1n& and Wb.en ahe , had tlrit arrived in t\JM!ap or the plane, --bad BnclaM. VlrstnJa bad .,Uy plan- .to watt -until It th&~ ott ~ ned to •t.ay tor a mon'.th'• time, we couJd ~ airbo~ again," ahe but WM 80 tmpreeaed w:lt.h the says. T T k 1 Lo people and the country! fhat 11he "!fl r 00 ., npr .,. lenctherMd Mr .U.y. to fQUr and. a Accordtn1r to Jrtoet' ~ tra1fi 1n0Dthe. ~ VlrctnJa odded, ''the aeb>al flying-_,,... WKh p ... Pal tlme la llsted at about l&lh hourw " However ah.e not<!d that the While 1n Engla.ad, •he stayed joumey iook her a lot longer than at the .home of Joan Clark at 7 that. Noel ROa.d . North Mt.on, London, Bad weather seemed to have Weet 3. lt aeema that Virginia dog ged Virginia'• travels even Ln ha.a been a pen pal ot J oan's since lhe United States.) F'l.ytng with 1948• , American A lrllnea, she waa; sup-How the two became pen pail ts . ~ to make a .stop in Chlcago a atory ln ttaelt. Virginia who had but due t o bad weather conditions been in Chica go in 194 ~ ~ame in the Midwest. the fiight wu re-anxious tor a look at a Ch icago routed to Da tlaa. newspaper, sometime in 1946 Home a t la.rt, she iB still undis-while she was In Los Angeles. mayed b,Y the delays a.nd Is 8 con-She stepped lnto a library and tJ rmed ai.r voyager. picked up a copy of the Chicago Virginia ·stayed about four -and SUn which wu on the rack and a half month5 tn North Acton, a n<Jtlced the addreas of an Engllsb auburb ot London, a.rid acquired a ,trl wbo would like a correapand- flrm admiration fo r ·the EnC"liah, enl In the Un.ited Slates. Virginia s.¥e NlJ cashmere sweaters and a.n took her pen in hand and became a ccen t only .sllghUy leaa BriUab firm triendJI wtth the Engllah glrl than tea and cnulipeta. Uld e-nt'l.tu&llX made the trip at At fi rst, ahe admiU that • "-· • invttatton. <;9UJdD 't get uaed to tbe coltf and!: . plan.a to visit Vll' .. dllmp .., prevalent In En~i.ad. ~,!!l:;l'.!<l•m~er ot 'IU• year. , "NoW • she say• "It 9@emll It t:](Ulla a gl"eat 1orrow waa it 's t~ bot' for ~e here U: ~-that ahe had t o mtu the Festival fornla " of Britai.n which ls scheduled to Beaidee-staying close to ~ a.rt tlll.I May and la only hei,ct V.trgt.nta took atQ.e trtpa to Oxtord every 100 yeara. Howe ver. shes a.nd Southampton and waa very •l&rUng to save Her money tor much impressed wlth tf'l e '"tight another. trip to England tn the tu- li ttle Isle." tun:-She •Y• ahe'll p robably fiy fo~Ood Dtffe-rent ''Ma.ny of my friends had told me-that 1 ahouldn 't expect very good food in England,'' the saya "but, I found the. English food different from ours and rather tut·y, aJthough It did get monot- onua after a while. However, you can·t be&t, the Engliah when it comes to making ttah and chlpa, and they certainly taugJ'lt 'me What a cup of tea should la.!te llke. All of my Engl.iah frlenda think it ls 80 .strange that. the Americana actually make tea by uaing tea bags." Many food itema (such u in.eat, supx, m Jik, cbeeee, candy, egp and tea) are tightly rationed and addJUon.a.Jij there la a lhortage of coal. Coe.I -to be the only tueJ that the F..nl'lillh uae and ~ many famll1e1 are hard hit by the coal aliortap. aga.m, too.. Dahlia Society Meets Friday ' • 'The Orange County Dahlia Soci- ety wtll hokt tt. ~gular monthly meettnc Ftfday, hbrva.ry 23, at 8 :30 p.m . at the Santa Ana W<; men's club houae, Sixth and Baker ln Santa Ana. A pot luck dinner will be served at 8:30 and Ute progn.tn will •tart &t 1 :30 p.ni. The meet"lnl' Is open to the public and the eoclety ln- vttea all ga.rdenera, whether dahlia growers or not, to attend. The procram ~ -feature. a abowtng" of allda: a talk on w1kS tlowera and the Nat.tonal Puko. Thia wW be glv•n by Rob- ert Durbin, rangu--naturaltat of ML Ranier National I Park Even those ~ho have coal are only ab~-to beat one room In J • · • R! _J their home. "At the home In UnlOF 1Qef'$ . which I WU otaJ<ing, the dJ.nlnC' ,.. ptu bibl room w.. beiated and everyone ""a re> l"U DOftS practically jlftd ln Uiat.-"'°"'·" ~ A.Ide from the IWltOrlcal s1p1-Competinc with oqa u l:tl· r1cance of J:ncland on4 the man1 .,.. at tbe P1q ..,_ monumento· IUld bu1kllnp that SUndily ~J' the -I lloots - 6ring the -right up 1ni. the .8addle club.. .,einbera ilf S.. Com· p,_,,t; Vi.stma wu Im~ -1-Rldlat ellll>, -* by the •-rtuJ. oplrU of •the • top fllpt a>= comln1 off EQcllah people. witai-rfbe I W e• I ti . In the ....... ride ---i. ' Wo-Ofr ..!(-~Knatt took --Md -- .. J"rom au tut 1 csn .. u..: ftb••' s •u 11 t11e l:ne!!"b .... -off ---·-• UleJi .... ~u.. ..... -...,. -~ ~ __ ... -i oUll m•ap to ma1Jio. --ta ..-Md a.a. -..., _..,_ la ,.,.. •• .,, -llW9 II th! tJc to -,,.... TTall llW llPft .... be......._. __ • ... . Tiie --&M' ..,._ -1:MIC f1Ma tnz 10 • tae W- Iie,& -"' ----· -=-·-.. c:u.-ds:tn;tct a. lam pt . -n. ttaA , • . • TIM New"""I' --ol the ,....., OMptierJ.111, -..... .. '-tu.u. • QM ... .....,_ -.. 231110Mea ----.ti.It.,_ 1'4i•pwt •1sctl. ~ nJcllt. I o'~ .. .,, n. ' • ..,.... .. t.e "i 1'e IBlllolOd la Mn.. ~ ji(W«. Oftlcera aad rilu· a1t-: ............. to_ --·· l@!jl !Dotto • ,_. pec#ft ---to lie --1--~"111 -~·~tor.pub-. uoUr ~ -v ........ --~. ~ Oarll>ll.. ~iW-.-­.... rt:!./."" w"9d.) Ill' -~ -helya llinlth, tr ?SlftJ. , ' • • 1fie.. ._r tnm:lt 'ot ~wwken Loli. C&m>I} will .... ·11app,. to -that .. 1* alowly .-... r- 1!11 &om· lier -t lllr--.. M;Wlntlle~p-1~1tal . .,._.. PLN"I Oli" DSllOlfJ .1'11111at1M St..,_ CJIMad I l ·1...---ft7"-l'lll ( Tlie co-worke,. ot Ill-rt BMcl» lo _, -I.,. . (JfloL NO.-io · Moa. ....._rt.,......,·-~ .-i.;.;.. ., ;a o..a& .._ pl'OWlted Klao Caaolll Walllllc la 11M an lllf"' W. .'Cele.-llra; ,.._.oar...; -~-lbu .-..__ - wltlt a eb1pter pta, and have Rnc ....... ...,. •• d Nort.oa. • fWb •"•r. wtto wttb hwtft 8tu..-. p1'epa.red u.e ftM la 1t.Wr ~ ~ many lovely ~ tor whlch1 ka9WZ1 manner tor aa oWl'flal..: ct.J'Ml'ct • · • ('~,a PflOto) ahe-Uwib Urem v., much. . · · I ' Olive Mill~, boep1t.al suJJdt . I chairman, 1a collecting booko and! C•ll to Serv' ·ice J>lace'ror Bdy .,.d Girl -Scout., .. ~ ' L G "1_1 _ _: car& which ahe will pre .. nt to th• .. · we11·u &dull .,-oupa. · , ~FS. . .. l ~n chll~rer> IJJ ·the hoopltal, to helpi • N ' I I_ _J MR. PQlrier will olng-HOjlSChel'• · ' ·' d HJ bdghten their 1tsy there. Any co-m ew S140o M<irnJn1 Htonn. ll(U · -~·~ e 1 t • · ·ecte ' ~m:e ' .. -ftAAT f~ THURSDAY1 FEB. 22, 1951 • • ClOMPLllMI'lN'EtRT :iu.JlllCURJil ':wttH •.YOVftlll'lllSr ' , At>Ponmmm.. • • • j ,,; ... ·_ • 1 'rile OPlilMING of tbe r • Cor-det BEAUTY SALON March tat • We are eqlllppl!d ~eztelld to.you complete eervioe in beauty care by thoroughly exP!'riel)CEd_ opera· tpra. , I Phoae Ruhr> 9653 609< ~st Btvo..·, ' Coron• d&I Mar :• workers ha.vi.Dg anything wltable M th d~ Ch h Brown NW.. acoom~"" aAd · • . • : .. to,glV. th;.. chlldrell to RlaY with, e 0 1st UltC Mr. Donkor wlU • play a violin ; ._. -trt ... 4 .. ol -t. ---~~'--.~~~-"---------------> pleUe p .. them to Oih•. . , .,to. . i..,:£.-.:=-sa: Kinp· It&. <:llttl A J>'Otrfarr\ la being dlacualled. Chim .. ill the belfry will give 'Tha ou.etuary,o._,dono tn <lrlft-.. . """'"° ~.C. -·-LlNOLE.UM tor a pot luck dinner-to be stvmi call Sunday mom.in~ to flnt .aer-wood. ii compleJ,e except !or tn .. she ia-.cln· tb6 fnell.4 lel1ewt.Da' m&• Dy th~ co-worken, March 10. vices ln the new Balboa ·I•land ltaltatloa .of.pewa. Sund&,Y·echool, Jor BUTl''TY pei!lonned ln th8" Methodist church. accordUltg .to roo1D11 'w.Ul be ln \189 ind' the Santa Ana Cbnmtu61ty hoepital. Dr. Harr)' \\'h lte, ~r. Hla eoci&J. hall ~a cofnPlete except-for Mn. Nelton waa expected to re· ' ' . Sta-N Weicht -Ialald >lalentme Party for StaCJettes Club Mn. Helen1 Clark of S&nta Ana Ave., Coat& MM&. comb1nfld Val- enUnea and a· buffet supper to the COlYlPlete aatiafactton of St.agettea club member-. who were Mi' gueata tut week Red candleao lighted tbe dlninr tt.b!e which wa.a om)unented with heart.a, dart.a, cupid• and other appropriate fan- cie•. ' . Mrs. Clark, who la president of the Stagettea, prealded over the bu8ineu ....aon.. Mra. Lou Loelif- wood won the door pri&e, Sharln• the enjoyable oocaak>n were Mmea. Mabel Smith, Clara Badare. Grace Kline, Mae Felk- er, Lou Locltwood, Coata M ... ; Dal•Y SUilivan and Emma Pou- part, Newport Beach; Janice Chanrdler, Orance. TRIPLE LINK CLl'B The home o! Mrs. Jeaae Black, 770 W . 19th St., Costa Mesa. Will be the setting tor the next met- tnr ot the Triple l.Jnk club of Me.a Rebekah lQ:Slge to be held Monday, Feb. 28, at 7 :30 p.m. • ,,.,_,, A•ll1 11 ...... ....., ........ ___ . ___ .., s..t.11 5'Moly-Uo~ ... ,.....,.. ~ of,.... arlllll ..... Pl'oes lug Cleaner A POWDlllD <llAllO IOI 11116$, UPllOlSlaY Only l25 • • SAFl ~IPPICllNT IAfY: Tl' APrtY I i r AUO llC088hllt IOI OlllM14U 4MI llllJL WUI~ 'rwo Ix It RUGS RIOBARD'S U _DO MARKl:I' ALL-&MERICAN MARKETS -YFIELDS MAIIJlET RLOWJ:ll'S VIU.AOE MKT. Fer EXPERT BODY, FENDER . l•p•lrilllJ and rlDmNG j S&e I • 1 , CHUf K or ·MAX 1 Body -, &.'f~nder Dept. [::~;1g;t~~:1 Cllllu. Mllm'r.I •• ? 31 .. ._.....,. ...... ., .. eermon the.mi for th.JI Important the kitchen. . ~ · t. MMe flrMft. ~e ho.aplt&I lo-- occaaion la "Enrichinl' the Life of ..J d&y ('1'7lunlllay) for ctmvales-- the Communlty Through t hj e a-sit.a came nom eo,n••nt ~ee: . Church," most pertinent becaute PractleeJ An ad repla.rl7 Sn UU. . -~~--- the ec:Ufloe provide• a meettns . paper will produ~ remlta f0""70U:. -:-Peo.J!_le do read the waiit ·~· l.A,TEST MOQIRN PAI IElNS. . I . • * ORAM6f cOtltTY's ONLY £~ -~HOP SHOPPING cana UNHR ONE ROOF! ' . * Meats * Fruit WtcW~s but1st f IOl·IRUI llerbtl Preecriptiona ' . * Vegetabtell ... Tobaccos * Uquors ·* ' Frew.en Foods . ... '-. . . .. Bakery * Toiletries * Gifts * * Coameties * ·.. ,...-...... Vltambul ~.. R1WR.: * 1' f •• -! : .. ,\ . SandriM A. 'iit-.,.'ft'i!l*'~Y ·nnr Sim._:r..;.wr~ n;-n; 2.-'a-123·' DeBeat.eMmi· ! - . a , , "i •• ,1 .t Santlries S1..ft l~portad Coooa Door Mats89c COMPLETE HOME Aquarium Two Beautiful, Hb.Jtby COMET~B in 2S" Gothic Bowl wit.la Marine= -·~~~ .. ~ ,......~ * * . . ............ l'l..tftry N lo St .. -90' Y ... ,. .tot11o. U7 ,.;.. * * * Drags ..... .-0 .._ TMtft. P-. 1 iste11 i11e ,~59' *1 '... • r. I . FrozenF'-!s . .... ..--...... ---~,. ~,...lT1 • ,,...., 1* ·D•t•a· ~-,...., er.,. c••••• -··ss·. SS.;. . 3 ... 14~. COm~ Wh•wape Applff .-MLA.!fr1&.i:....,. Avocados ];~· ... :-15::_-· Tender . Carrots \ u•aV'a-&WllllT TllNDlllt ' • ..... ·.69<· I I ~.· '·~r Jin c.;. ' ' --·27c • ... a~& aAara LP 71' • •• . ' 3-"· 25"· ..... u.a. NO. f -ALL ~Ult9()•S 1 White .Rose • J • IO~"ZSc . ' ' i; I ' •'1 • • SELF SERVICE . ' · Y QUI JU.st'Buy in P.oultry/' . ·' ~ · ~(IL;qr'• l\Jle~ Edsoarat.ect .;R,ty E R .S · Cir • ;;... PM IEADY < r c .. ' ' ' • • , • ' • I • PA.ULO DltlYE ·IN ()pea IP. M. Phone KL s-63IO Friday, Satuniay.Sunday, Moa. .. Tff1! STl:EL HELM'ET"~ Even.a, St.eve Brodie-&11MJ .. ROGUE RlVEll"-Rory Calhoun. Guy MJMU.ua &~IUdn&TueodJff • "'AT \VAil W1'11f THE ARMY"'-Deaa Marti•, Jerry Le"1a A~ .. SHORT GRASS"-Rod Came~. Cal.tty Down STATE 4th al Blrcfl AduJt& S5c to Z Be.gjnnioJt \Vf'd .• Feb. % I • "OUTl<Allt:" Mala J>o'~'""'· Todd Andrews -AllMl- "8\VAMP \VOMAN'" Ann Coria, Jade Lorn WALKER ~ ';~ ~ Ult -Oc Evel!lnp l•M. Day Saturday' .... "HORN VESTERDA V" A boo -"HOT ROD" .lam1111 Undon, Gloria Wlnt.fors Sunday. Monday. Tue8day "HALLS OF· MONTt:ZUMA" Richard Widmark At.o-'•ROGUE RIVER'• MARINE ROO M CAFE I • I , ! • In th<' l''HEW\N Tl'RNER Dfll"G STORE on YlarlMr's MUe 900 COAST lll(iHWA Y Is Now Under New Management! ! Come in and get acquainted with ! CHUCK VAUGHAN I ; The Sport3m&D Cbrf Ll.SC'llES ~· -15<-Dl ~l\'~RS BOC up 8:$0 a. n1. to 8:00 p. m. BrN.kfa.t -"Lunch • Dlnnrr I t·t:1\T1 'HINfl KANSAS CITY i-BOSF. ltlNNER i1.:w> ·MARINE ROO M CAFE '~ IX TllE TlfHNEH DRl'G 9<Ht COAST Hltlll"' A\' !--- DI.XE TOSIGIIT AT THE -CAPE COD HOUSE • FEATlfRl~G - THE ARCHES;·i°' . : ·.-·~ f''· CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a . m. Through 2 a. m. • Newport Blvd. on Coe.at HJghway NEWPORT \VI!: ARll: CLOSED ON THURSDAYS J ... -: . ~· . •• . , ' •• 1--------T I Fre sh Fish Daily from Our Owt1 Boats ! . j SHRIMP, CRABS, LO BSTER , AB ~L.O NE I SCALLOPS-EVEN MACKE REL & SMELTS. ! l }::'.~-BAYSIDE FISH ttARKET ! BRING THIS AD FOR 10 ~4 DISCOUNT I on PURCHASE! l. 2800 LA~ YETrE ON THE BA y• .. NE~~j LEGAL NOTICE P-MS., CERTD,OAT!:. Ol>.., Bl'SINE.88 t"lctlttou8 .. .,"" N~ T H E tfNDERSIGNED d,p e 1 \"S ME~T.TI'ES 1'tEt~T Mernbers of the Newport H1tr· l:x:ir area Y."s Menetes c lub .will hold a progTeNtve dinner tonlrht t Feb. 22~. Following the de.1JSert courM 11..t the Flower street home hcreb~ certify that he ls conduct· of Alh;e Youratone, prealdenl. the 1n~ a GrnerAI Contracting bu•ine68 regular busineu meeting will be at 128 San R emo. Newport Beach. I conducted. California, under the fic titious 1-------------firn1 nam(' or 131and Construction Co .. and that SBld !inn Is com· r LEGAL NOTICE po5l'(l or the following peraons \\•hose names ln run and placee of Sonci: OF 11''TENTION TO rcsidencr are "'1!.. rol'ow~. to-wtt: : &."'iGA.GE IN nu; SALE OF A. L. Gatterdarn, I ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 1 ~8 San Remo. Nl'wport Blach February J9, 1951 \VITNESS hand lhle 2lat day of TO \VHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Februa.ry. 195 1. Subject to luuMce of the II· A. L. GA 'ITER.DAM Cef19t' applied for, and commenc- State o f CalUo.-nla, Ing not le:aa l.han 16 ttaye aft~r lhf' County of Orange. ss. dale posted, notice. Ls hereby given OF THlS 2 lal day of February. that the u.ndera\gned propoeea to A . D. 1951, before me. J!!llzabelh sell. alcobollc beverage• at thHC M . Heenfl!itra, a Notary Public b1 prcmi6e9, d~ribed as followa; and for tht' said County and State. 608 COAST HWY •• NEWPORT retddlng tbel'f!ln, duly comm1.UiOD-BEACH. ORANGE COUNTY "j and l!WOJ'n. penonally appeared Punrua.nt to llUCh lnt•ntlon, u.., ALL. Gat.t.erdam, k.noWo ,to me, to underaignf'd ta applying to t uie be the perawm whose qame la II.lb--State Boa.rd ol EquallsatJon for ta- etrlbed to the wtthln t.natrwMnl.-6U&DCe by tn.nder of an alcoholic and acknowledged t.o in~ lb.al he bcYerqe Ucmae for lbflM pttm .. ex.kuted the same. ·IN Wl'TN'ESS I.tea .,, folJowa: WHl!:REOF, I have bUCW!to aet ·ON SALi!: BE11R LICl!:NBJ!I my baDd and alflaed lllY offldal . ~ .-trlnc to p-!lie ~~ tho "-¥.and )'O&f Iii tbla Oer-i..uapc..c1t ftCh -.....,. !De • ..,1cote fint a.hove wrtU-. • verilied pn>tn\ -rttb u.e ·state (Sl!:ALJ ' • lloanl of l!:quallalllllt at 8acn . 11!:1.IZ'!Bl:TH )(. m:Ell8TRAI "!""'°' calit-1a. ablllna --. !lfoW'Y PQbllc In and for !be f« -.i o,il pouv-_.,, -· Tba Ooolav oi Oraqp. Mata or --~ ~-llN zzd fO< -~ • • liialt"ilif .......... ..-..... ' • M1: sr"!::'·= l:qlrM U/llt8L MA-. J,. -7 .No.;-~ •• .., • ·, JJo. eta l!lc.r& j_ .... Pub. ll'eb. 1:1; .1.a.11.,1 • ~ hb. 1:1, llllL ! • • .. • .. AT. LA8': DAl'. ~D~, ~'CAU IME '-MISTEI". .. ~iA;ol"! • -'8.,..W-. • B&lllO':TBALL HIGnUGHT8 lli!ll su"1,·TUE& ELIZAJll!:Tll !:[OOTT DEN?l(IS G'KED'E ''THE ' . COMPANY SHE . KEEPS" "CAUFURNlA PAS!!AGI!: ComloK •"MtJDt.ARX" Mesa.•'' ! .· .... j lfo. YOtJ R~ \o"EX'T SEEN IT •SEE IT~ IF 1·or HA \'E SEES IT SEE IT AOAIS ! ~ii---1..•\.,..,,, WUN MJOUCX HOUJ!li'Y • HOLDEN • CRAWRi6 kf.-~~._. • ., :• f I •Pl ,_, .. S. IYLVM II 4 DINdllf ~ MOIOI: CUltDI __ ... _,..., __ Aleo "SIERRA PASSAGE .. St'!'<.· Tl'ES. GOLD Mf_;O,..\L A\\'ARD ~ ~~· ~yAtlkEE; -Also - MAUREES O'HARA t JOK~ 1-'AYSfj • "TRIPOLI" i:•~C.:HN l('OLOK I Ht Rl'N' TOPA \" TJU,l; SATl"\U>AV ''THE MAGNIFICENT YANKEE" U~\\'IS C'ALHt:1cx COl\lll\"O ~l·~ .. l\fOX .• Tl'ES. "THE FURIES " l\J\KKAllt\ STt\X-\\'\'C'K "~l.Tt.:lt IJL'STO:\' ~~ "[i!~· /. &o..:.L: p . I • r-'JIUC rogram for Elementary pchoels P..-T. A.:. ,_ ~ lb• ""' .. . ~ m.. I .and ~'" • -f -of'• )Kebtt. Kn. D&y obM or Cie N..,._ Mox ColWdl or Ille c. c. P. T. will -.io-Elemu llclloolo P~L p ...... t Ille . pattn't•• ~t. l" Monday, 1'• .Jt, In tlle a ~Mr. HOUll .A,llen. tbe teacllen'. de! Mar ..-ludltortld ~y..t Mr. Allon lo a prof...,. at C!Ue-~'lio llP<"lol Ire~!& ·The l>I m-eollOgt! •. Tll8'0 will also 'be • 11 ... wu the ~' or Ille lal!!, panel or quationing-parents and Gl'9de BoY,a GIN CIU~ and the )o.C• t.ae~ra to lead tile dllclloOloll fol· 'nd wu a comic taJre.Orr or a P.-1ow1n1 u... mon formal in-t:a·' T. A .. -mff!""I· : ' • lloll' or~··~ 'Mo.nY of lb• Jam.. Pllq•rald'• group1 of local, te&9'•ra arto Plaulrii: to t,t· "' .,.,,, ... d-rve<i the blr J"'1Jld i>l iena and It la bo]lfd. 0..1 mail1 •pplouoe tllot lb'1 rocetved . 'llll•lr parents will, loo. I • '. I 1rat nwi>ber, u "!':JIOUDced by Mnt· R ; i'. Bariqw, anaJ<d In O.vtd Brickner,. wU ''llawall&n the 09y' Nfnetiea CQ9tume Abe wt11 War Chant" °""' In bot.II Bawa!·,~ w....in,. I~ I.be e'tent. an· Ian and Englloh and e-mpanled nounced U.e c<>mhl&' fllnd·ralalal' wt th ,utarN. Two· eOJo&.ta. Rod· mdodrama.. .. Ob. ..,,c Pity of It." ney Zw"lbel and Bruce Nott, The Parent Teacbtr auocialiona sparked the medley of NeJrO or the Newport Beach Elementary sptrri.uala enUllf!Cf. '"l ~ally Do achoola, the Harbor Hlf)I achool. Bellf've." To the ear·appeal ot the and the Coeta M.eaa Main ecbool number, David Brtckl)U, ArUe are parlk:lpatlng and sharing tn Birtchtt, and Doug Beatty added ttie fundl made. Much effort it eye-apJ>('al by doing a characterl.s· being spent on It; it should be we.II tic "dark-brown" Murnc with th~ worth the eo cents per tick.et . mualc. • Pouring at the le& tabl~ were A triple trio ot 7th Grade girls, the 2nd Grade Room Mothcns, the Judy ~er11, Judy Blahop, Turry Mead&mea Deaenberg, Broering. MR8. R UTH FLEMING, d.lrector or tla& Slxtll AnllllaJ Art. Sii.ow at Newport ~r tJnloe Hl,stl ecb.oot. W'lt.h the purcll..ue a ward ln olla. Paper Lady, by R~ Ruben. The abOw Is open to the public Marcil 1 tbroup ' lnclWli\'e. a f &eriu.tolllt and evealqw e.:cept Sftllday. (Press Photo) ' I • • • • • ' • , • • • • Jay. • Melinda Bech'told, RachPI I Evana and Hutchlnga. :~E:.~t:~2;~1~~;?~~~;,. Melodrama .to Aid ·Artist Jury Announce·s Awards :.:~h ~~~;·!~~ft~=~';'.~.~:·~=· Parent-Teach er ~ 'in 6th H1.gh School Art Exh·1b·1t Why," &JJd "You're Juat In Love." Honor Found•• Units of Area Founders' Day obstrveu\ces art Tb edl Jly Wlalh<!d Barbre apt lo tlnd paat-prealde.nts being e fund which provide, m • . e ulogized and having cor•ge11 cal care ·:~ echol~H>• ior ~-Verd~ of the Jury regard'n"R' plnnt'd on U\eir bettt 1otng-to-needy atudehts will benefit trofn ;w:aris.I li\ i ~hr 8txlh Annuat Art meeting clot.hce. Thls fltty·eecond the melodr.ama to be given· Show at NeW'pOrt ·Harbor HiRh a.ndlversary wu a little dl!terent. Mal"CJ\ 16 1pd .Je ln the hli"h K.hool WU a.JlDOunced to the ex· 'The put. presidents participated 8';hOOl &titW-orlurtl, by' 1Jie ~rnbin· hi Sit comm(tte,e TUUdliy evening In a gay little farce that ca .ricatur· cd Pa.rent-Te,cher &890Ciatlbns of by Jury members Phi! PIU'adiae. ed a P .-T. A. boa.rd meeting. Newport Elementary and Coeta noted Paaadena artl1t,: Kenneth dreaaed in the glddlcet m!Uinery Mea Main IChool•. Rosa. art director or LOe An~le11 and drouca they could find. Those EnUUed "Oh, the Pity of Jt" 'tnUMum: and Jean Coodwtn AmPs having an<f gi¥1ng 80 much run I or "Dirty Work at Uncle Sam·~ of Claremont colle£"e art depart· were the Me.eda.mes Sara Bo""'· Poat orrtce," the affair will tea-ment. man, Alb4?rl Spark.a. Betty Trine. ture ollo acts and skit.a by Har· Purch11.3e fl"'l fl.WardB went to Robert Po.Jru, H . O. Ro1er8 , Ed-bor Molht!ralngera. Robert Wentz Rlch&rd.11 Rubfon for hl.11 oil. Pa~r gar HJ!t, R. K . Harvey, H . o. ~y-of the high achool drama 1'ecllon Lady, and to Jane G. Gale tOr the vey and H. P. Yarnell. wtll play the vllllan. ''Oliver Water color Concerning BoRte. The meeting had been opened Onion" .,,wtllle ,Martin Ingraham Paper Lady may not ~ rrenerally by lhc president., Mn. P. F . t y,•111 take the part or the hero. qppreclaled but l liked It better Balnea/ Oen 2 or Cub Pack 180 "Kenneth Mc Kenneth." lha.n any other picture which the led the pledge of allegiance, and Reinert'• Fitzpatrick 's of New-•chool h •• purchued except Dr. Ha.cry W . While or the Ba1boa port 18 providing. through Gata· Kosa'll C&ll Of the Sf>a. lt:A bcaUl}' Ialand Commun It y Mcthodlst Una company. authentic bathing Ilea not In any pretty delineation 1 church gave the invocation. suits dating from 1870 through of form or featuree but In lhf'-ex· Mrs. Balnu cited a melE8ge 1920 for one hilartoua number. preuion ot mood and the kindling from Mn. Edward T. WaJker, Tickets are 60 cents each and of thoughts in the mtnd of the be- presldent of the C.a.J.lfornia Con· I Mrs. Al Horvath 18 ticket u.Je• holder. lt la a picture which, once gr6sai of PaiTenlll and Teacbe.-.. chairman. as.<1itted Jiy Mr8. Mary '~n. It wouJd be hard to forg-el. 1 who sm;ld that the Mid· oentUry Krilpp ,o! Ma.In school a.nd Mr&. Better ple1U1eO. the.v admit. WILll 1 Whitt: J!ouee. q>nfe~e~ce fGr ,cQl)r Charles Pe-yton of Newport the committee wtth the watercol dren hu Rt· the sLi.gile:·for ,PduRCJ.. llC.hoola. Mr&. Roland Wright ia or. A.a different aa possible from er11' Day, l~t . "ln mtttlng tbe stage manager and publicity is her tUt year'e More Melons, which phyalcttl and I ma,teHal , nQeda , ot by Mn1es. Wiiiiam Trill, Porter took second honorable mention, I children gratifying ~achievement.a Sinclair and Orlin Overman. Mrs.' this &hows boats and more boats,! have been rcal lsed, but that is l'IOl Ronald Barlow is genera.I chair· crowded ln an a.ncborage and done 1 true of l.he •plrltual, nlental. and man. in colors flamboyant ,u a circus.I emotional needs. ·To try to 'rectify poster. I It.keel m!ilcb more the first th19-t 11ltuall.on ahould be our 'S S d L hon6r8blt' mentllrn hl oils; .Jack p1,,.ig•." • ,. "'. pring ·erenil e ·· .,.,..,.. Jl'lah Vtn_. ..... re1•Ht<IM Jt 1* the cwil.Ofn t.o honqr lWQ S f l J h wu Wo~ of a JllUl'Chue .awa~. p<"MIOno wltll Llto m....,ben1blpo .0.. et Or IVUlll'C 6 But I'm no expert. Wayne IA each Founders' ll&y. TMy are ._ .· : Com'-c Rock ~er ~lved( first. pre861lted with pln&. and lbe Harbor • matroh.11 will · pM:e honorable ntent1on rn• Watercolor. day, Feb. 28. mothers of the ,,.GlrllJ League me·m~rs wtll enjoy' • j>re· v~ a.nd 5'o entcrlainesf ~y an aqu-.cadc directed by Miu ' Mar- jdrle Adam!:, head or the . girl!' physical education1 de~rtJJlertt. 1 • • _____ ....:...;. "PENNV WISE~ FEii. !8tb AT LAGUNA 'PLAnouar: David Paul an-d ,Eileen HaU· prt.h will play the tomantlc . leads In the,, smut· comedy. "Penny Wise," openlng at Ule Laguna ·Beach Playhau&e, Feb.I 28. ;:::===========;· DRAPES ~..:..,.- aa low u 1.96 peir Com Ice boxee _I& Tra verae Roda HOU!i.E & G ARDEli 1 111 °*'t H.lway, Newport • a,. Morr;. .. . I Fr"f'le ~Uve.l"J' SL 1uoepb -~lly RooP.i.io I , ' I . ' .. I ' f • r Har. %070 • •1 1 ' . . ~ 1169 E. Balboa Bh'<L Bal!M••J ' , I • -'--------~.---"11 ' .. • ' . ., ... I SELF~ SERVICE . .:AUNDRY . ! .. ,, Ba,lltoa Wasblt • ' • • mon.ry for th<'lr rli}D'\beNShlR& ia blllhrly . If! a "Spring Serenade" Second h011qr&ble . mention J.n oU. put lnto a atudent loan and echol· on·Tueeday, 'March 8 ar Ra""'1'-1 and watercolor. respectYlely. Wert!: anhlp rund ln their na.rne11. Thoee care. Corona del Mar, when New· ~oger KUDlz, The Blue Violln; anf'I M"lectcd thla year . fpr that honor port Harbor branch of the Chll· Noel Quinn. Monterey No. 5. '':===:;:±~~;::::;':==±:.' y,·ere BUI Burdick, phyalcal ~u-dren'a Horne Society Qf California Student $ho"; 1 cation ln&truc tor, whose pin wu wtJl join with Velma O'Brien'• In Norman Chamberlain. of Corona 30 .Min. Washing -Fluff Dryin g 'Blanket s Wool Shampooed .and Dr ied 50t I ,. ~ ·~ -• F<JR REAL • FUN With • "ZING" o0N'1 MISS OUI PltStN1 SHOW Gll.L' • 6 11U - . . CJILS • SHOWS - ' • Opportunity "1a knocking Ln. Cll.ASSIFlED AlJS -People do rt!&d the want a& THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE O F A MERICA'S ·OUTST A N D I N G REST AUr-ANTSI . Food 1!:1porU:r P..,pued and G-10~ · Sen.d. In Oar uailoo DlalaC ...,_ .._ bdoo• Parklq Hut Door. prt>1tenled by Glenn ~O?re, and a ahowtng of newest and smarteet del Mar, member of tut year'.!! MN!. H. P . Yamt'll, 1un1or·pre•i-spring styles. jury, will be present Monqay and dent of the P .-T. A., whOft pin It 11 to be a sliver t:a, benefit lecture to students who are pre- wu &:lven by Mrs. R. K . Harvey. for the Society and wall · be held viewing the exhibit: Awarda for Coaf~~ ~,. from 2 :30 to 4 p.m . etudent work, held In conjunction Announcement wu made that Members of the Soc.lely will act with the main t"Xhlblt, will be glv· Lhe Home·acbool Conference dln· as model.a and lncluaed will be: en by the Harbor Pareot·T-.cacher ncr at the Garden Grove High Mmes. Robert Campbell. Wa.lter auoclation and by Brandt-Dike school cateler11. WUI t.a.k.e the Cole, John Broughton, E . C. M&r· Summer School or Art. Entrlea place of the March dietrlct meet· tin, Gayle Suesa, Walter ..Hitch· are being recetved from all Or- fng. This will take place on March man. Ro~and VaUely, Frederick Ulge county high achoola and 1, "at 6 :30 p. m., and coat Sl.00. Cleary, ~gan Hendrick.son and Junior college• and ahould be of The speaker• will discuaa Import-Don Gates. great lnterettt. · ant lasue• in the field of education The exhlbtt committee le com- a.a vt.ewed from tbe atanctpotnt-ol -S. wt.&-teU peopt~veru1e · poecd o! Ruth s . Fleming, -dlrtt- 'Out of the Hat' is All-School tor; Shirley Lourie, Helen Ballard Mu1 · Lee "'tchmond,· Mui..; Barryman, Marjorie Lamb, and Margaret Thompgon. , · The •hoW 11 open to the pubUc March 1 lhroUgh 4 lncluslve, :z to ------- 103 P'atm ·-BALBOA Harbor 2724 l -...) ----"'+ ZONE OPEN EYEIY FRIDAY, SATURDAY Giid ' SUNDAY . . BALBOA • 6. p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m ., closing on Sunday at 0 p. m . On. Wednea--· -· ------------~----'-''------- Varie,ty :Sh~· .~~t ~f or · March 2 On iJareh 2, al 8 p.m., the :J_.,._ __________ _ .chool production "Out of the of lts petlineu, or of finding ce- Hat" wtll be given In th., high cape throul'h marriage and life school audltoriUm. Director Rolt-on a chicken ranch. .ert Wen.ts la dep&rtlnc ·from the Janie, an unhappy and lonely ~fadltlonal three-act play ln the recr~ll ia plll.yed by Nancy Cole: Df:llef that a ya.riety type ahow Dona Sedlnger ha.II the role of ~111 give the flne dramatic tale.nt Glnny, who bu eo many dale!!' atnong the studenlJI wtder ex-th.at regulations have to be preui.on. "OUt of the Hat" will clamped down: Gale. graduate 1 I de two <me·act plays. fol· nurae and the worldly, older •te- l ed by a nwnber of PY and ter type la · played by Lynne c r Ilk.It.a. "pantomimes and Hoxie. The sweet, nalve girl. new eqng and dance routine.& to the rank&. I• played by Shir· fin lfle flrst play 'The: Valiant" ley Fn.nk.lln; "DeWltL" whC' ~e leach are Bob Epert in, thf' la.kea her protea1lon ., aer\oualy pf.rt of lbe pli.oner, Ja.n1er that ahe forget.a to be human e: JoyC'A S&nda M the Pl ·wrn have Mona MeTagprt ta in· phlne Parle: Bob Beclcetrom. t.erpreter: and Creuoa. .bead of the prtaon chapla.tn:~ aild.1 Dlclr t~inlng stude.nta tturaea. i• the u lbe w.anlen. Btietly, lM . roJe won by Ce.rolyn Hari1.a111. i tk>n rtn"Otvea IU'OUftd a Y'OWll Raa FtreWorks .mer wbo la~ 'Sbdrtly ~ be ·A.a a • atu,dy of penonallt;tes h pd fot' m~r. Hl.a .re&l ~-rubblD.I' &pin.et each othor, tile l y, bowenr, lo a ~·tqey tq U.. play bu plonly of vertlal fire· n and OU.or lnmateo all tll• wol'U ,and wtlb th.,.. ~ aon. Tbe ctrl vtalta' ,blm,l bo-trou~ra ip •th• eaat. a abaip and . In( fn>"I : plcturn . 'Ill ~ -~ preoept,otloa i. pracu; -11. u..t "" mt~t. be 1m ca11,. ru.,.,,t""4. bl"oUJu ,rhotb me ha.a not ..... Id the "'extra~" ·wblob n for elfbl :rears and maku Ill' t11e aocond hall-or I.be ··~. . ,,. -• wllirl ot J!l"'llJ' sitts, ~~~o~f unuual IUpotl~and -.... lllnj;en and ..,,,_,~ , P,>W"r. A -. of will appOar •OD .lbe ..... In '" ~ aapio1'd u.e u..i,. -of'srool' and ladl¥1d, Wbil:ll.· -odd ,to, ,}be ""1 !'Cle-0... -for """-Pio. alteod1 blP -~. ol W• p1aa ot a ....... r11i11. nu. ilj;W.. -~ -1""!'1aqi,..: ....,ther ......... ia ·... _.., t I -. a..i a tldl\I oe a llollJr. • 'DDllll •••••"''"''~'· x.. Mood auak: &ad' ........,. _..... ..... wliadar:tui In lndto-. Wiii ~ wlD bo 'aa IJnpwtMt part .. Qarla 1( w ... tlle -,,, Ult ..... ••~ 111' o1S cirW aD. l*ata'"' 11• .. .....,. u qid, tllo -"' _,,. Clarla "' .. tllo -_, 117 ...... • ~ ----.,.. ,,, tllo prtj --:.,,;'*•'' .... ., ..,... .. tllo ~ ......... -.... ~ ....... -.... -...... Jlmfl ...... --·e . I llmr-dlllll •21&1,._ · I • ' . . • We Are Proud t o A11nounc e that Cape Cod ·e~ase ·Has !teen Elected to Memb ership in the A111eritan Restaurant ASSOCiatlon · I The Am11rlc11n Reste urent AssoeletiOfl is e nefiQflal orcjanizalion of . . sele~te4 end .·~rred ~esteyr•~ ~(I ~ ~, 1!'11.mbltnh!p is_ rpsttlcted • to the ~t Nsteurents r ~Kh ~·nett++ 1~. the U. S; A. Cape Cod Hou,. ~ ~ 91'M!~ the rffJht to ·diseti~ the Emblem of the American , ' Res,tMlfJ'llf ~icln wWch ~ntif;ii Our 'resteurent as "'AN AP· ~6VEO .RESTAU~!" ~ oi, WltiCh .'ts the s.~I ¥ Appn!v~ gr~ only to ~' of the ~ Relt.ure~ AsslOcielfon. • , . . ca•• coa. iiousz · '-. ' .BALBOA ISLAND . \ • • • • • • • ·1 ' - • .. • • _ ........ ~ ..... • -. • • • PAC9£. 5 ..-PART ·, ~ THURSDAY, FB. 22.···· ~ --. - ' " , ,. . r L~ " [$.~fuss ~: ' . ._ • ...-..... • ....,_, -" lll9 19U· po. ••....-lW ' , IOOll CJ4i C-aew I HAROLD l 'JOHNSON r 8Princ Ooaf-to bo -lflu<t>;M a )lalbo.,JIV aubl to Aped,. A ,_. .... aec:ldeat (~~ • -• < to Attend the .BIG F'REE SHOW . . ~ . • I ·.freaenUd by . \ The Genera.I ElectrJc Company's MARGE HARPER Home F.conomist for the ' Wei.tern Division of General EJectrit ~-• · , ' • .. . ' ;. WED., FEB. 28-:-1':31 P. M. • Z68 N. Main -Over the Edison Offlee Santa Ana • TALK.ING MOVUI -(ln color) -COOKING SCHOOL RADIO SHOW -"JETS VISIT. LADIES" e DOOR PRlZEs e I:temember It's Free -You are LDvited SponBOred by LIDO ELECTRIC 516 Coast Highway -at· The Arches SY.WI-ORT BEJ\CH -BEACON MM \'011r Authortxed Ge.oera.l Ele~trtc Ollal11r FOR MILL WORK-, SASl-l_ & D09R'S SEE 518 COAST lllWAY At The Arc.hH OO'HEB YARDS: Laguna Beacti -Sanl& Ana-Fullerton-La Habra ~J ..i- YOU CAN :DO BE 11 Eit Al ' . . ' ·: ·~·: ~;· i.g~r, .11 :1.' ' FURNITURE CO. " ' • . . -. - -We Buy a n 1591 ew:.«n .U~'f.ur niture · • • • l 81 Z Ne~ •••~.','Costa Meiat 8'. ~~ ed. to lie Ill ..... -c hi attalr, .._..__ to bllwc+ =•-+--•• -... ..._ . <1f .rue I•"• p l ;w . -. &an;. u;,.:;:v_ • --.. .,.. • ~ -i;;f. ,._ .. ~-~., -..i ,, 01• 'S ' •1 s r • AOhlA>&I ~ that' thla '!"l" •. , y· .• , ... 51 :... . Cwt ~1. ~-~,a\ • .... ...... --.. ......... __ to..,.,.....~ ' 0 UIS T;i& ,.-.m:Wed..,.y. _ ~!" ~.V..w.r.;,Jllor,<d~ ~ llM~~"'fll'!° tin I .... Wu; lll 'SJICJ· :;,::.~~:,.~ ''"i::=::::::ii:;:::::::;~'~: Cb.M!f Commander of t1>e U= • 'lll\'O .Balboa 1"1a114 ,.,... ·..-,..... C4n clrlvpt 'liy J6bn M. µ... ';: ' atoleo. i>owor llqua4t'ONI, A. N. 14 and t8 were ....-..s bJ'. Now· Loo ""'°'""' ~ ·J). Lemon, O......,.;E ••-m · Clln.&., w)ll ...,.. out , from 11 ... port ue.d, tJOlk:e w~ Nld 11an G&britl;.I>oYle R.'..P.f_ter.11(op FTl'oo -r~ .1ildluoottl p the' ewn\, and 81><-cll&rpd. l wlth ftlo thoft of W bot· DI-and Donald Ray Colik. tong . ~O ~ :.nt11 Dt.trtct Colnman4er Bl.lw· UM -or uoolt.d uquo,-v.iuea of llo•cl> . BmDE&S,~JllJll(J. 111:"9 art T. Vlqen wtll come -.i J\JO troin the ...-.,&, ae. Mre. • · . HAuMA&& O&WOl!I• from BNUle. . PiaJ ~berlhy;. ·Hof 8. ·JIN' ROM O.&MP PENDLE'J'(),N • • •. J.. ' ...._ ol lb-two •illtlng ,.,...t, -Jll..,,d., 'J • . MUter Sgt. ·onc1 Mra. Uater Cft_ ST_A .JM .. ESA:: · ~ w\JI add mud> to the 1n. ll'he two yout.M Wirt _,t to inu,..-ond oon Lury or Comp ~ i.ero,<t of th• conforeoce. Saturday 1UYenJle Hall and p.tlUou flleil Pendletoa l!>int the wed< end Sf A TIONEIS ' monilfts wjll ,be oc:qapled wltll for tllllir •P.~ In J\4ftftll\! with Ml'. and Mra. Ralph Felker ~' .-lociai berln,n!Dr at 9 a : CQUrt. Aft'OOt of thej pelr tollowod of JU.OJ!e ~Coot& M .... • m.. Wodt or ~ c:omm!U.,. the q.-Jonlnc of ~ other ;;::;::=;::;::;::;::::;;::~-===:::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;;;;1 c11a1nn ... and lnolructlon ~ Balboa bluod 70'l\tw llellevod· to · will be d*'-<1 , """°' '-" ln\/01-In ttoe ·th•ft.o Princlpol conte.._ ....ion wlll l.'ollu. Aid U>e two yoUtlll od-"9Jn the &ft•moon when1 the Yblt-mitt.eel atealin« the liquor and Ill.I' Comm.ancten will epeU and atorlnl' ft tn a tlJ"eWood •tora.ce Diailrict mat.t.era wlll be given av locker under tb• back atepe to th" tentiorl. Dlalrlct Commander .uh-reeldence Of E. o. Ments, 107 · t°'1 wtU pres.Ide and at the con-o,,.Od .Canal, Balboa Ialand where clualon ot the aftemoon the new tt waa d18covefed by a caretaker. . offk:en for the Dlltrict will be Barnet Lancdon, 2183 Fa.lrvtew elected. After thls RMlon will be AW .• Coeta Kesa.. , · - a cocktaU party tn the patlo and that will bO followed ·by Ill" con· TOOLS st'Ol.EN ference dlnner at whJcb eeveral Don Rl~ardl. ll9 -23rd St... • WILL Dt:l'END Tl'J'Lg_Flnt bo&t to ftJllab of tile 116 ,_,.,, la IMt y-.r'1 a0 ..... i Newport· to Eue.nada. Mes.ioo, Jadl~ nee. I.he N-foot Navy yawl a.Juda.· wffl be lbedc to competJUo. ........ Uta .feat' whu the race starta May I. Tbe l"t'•,·y•1 oaly commb.tetled yacM covered lbe · cou~rie ln H Muh,. 11 minute. ... j 1 secondlrr. hundnd are expected. The wives N~ ~ch reported tho thdft of ,inembera wtll bave all day )ong of tools valued •1 $100 from the entertainment and will be preeent ,bo&t Emma· H w~lch wu moored at lhe dinner Saturday nJrht. ~ 19th SL Tbe theft occurred aon1e Ume durtnl' the wt .. week. N~vy Yawl Saluda Among first .30 to Enter Newpor t· Ensenada Race '.'"""' °'llepta . n.e ajolen artlcl .. Included ' h&lt Ba Ib o a Squadron Command§r inch eltttrk: drtll, lhotgun. an Hay lA.ngen.betm, hu appointed e"bt day ma:rtnt ctoc~k. and U: the following deleptea and alter· eorted tools .. , natCI to the at\.ernoon ae•ion: ;::;;============. Dr. Howard Baker, flrat Com· mander of Balboa~ Squadron: Ur- ban Beb, Ro: Brandl, Sam Kauff-World• larresl yachting event for ocean ao.lllng vea.wlt. lhe New· c B Knick bock D o I m&n, . . er er. r . , port.. Harbor to l!:nsenada International Yacht Race. echeduled to ll&rt. O. sueu, Chad Twichell, Convene trom Newport Harbor next "MaY 3 ha11 over 3'0 entries al thl• early Wun::lol!!mi.nn and Carl Hanna. 1ate. tt wu a.nnounccd today by Cllff Chapman, gener"l commllt"' Alternates wttl be .John Boyd, "lttalnnan. StroUer WbJte, M'onte Or1met, Dr. Chapman, who hu been at lhf' 1 Savatore Monaco, Bernhard Patm, hf>r11 wlll ~ under lhe direction ol '1elm of this we11 known race 11\n~ L. P"ord P lenon, Harry Pletcher, , Cqmmodort> Art WUJlam11. Th •11 tni::eptlon 'n 1948, turlher 11tal· omu Clarkt-and Lincoln C1uk. >d that word hu bfof'n rl"Crlv("d %0 Trophln ·Local Lt. Comm&nder Harold ~o .... D\ot"ln JO;, Robert Anrl"'""'" Ncwp-lrt Ocfan Salling AMOCla· Holta., Secretary George Andreo.Q-, 'TSNR. Publlc Jntormat.lon Oftlr~r -, Inn, sporl~-s or lht' rvent provkl~ Treuurer Alyin SpenceT, St.alt 'lt thf!' 11th Naval Olatr,kl. that 20 trophle11 In addition lo the per~ Captain Lee Jona& Committee 'he U. S. Navy will partlCipale to Ol't\1AI trophies Of President Harry Chairman, Curtla Doah, Jamee "\11 e ven grcat.rr destTct' than In S Truman and Prealdent Miguel Stoddard, J, L.. Munaon, CUI ~- 1950 when Ule USS Mateh, a naVl' A:lt'man ot Mf'xlco. Futlht'r trcr aon &.nd Dlatrlcl Sttteta..ry Robjrt 'e•trovt'r. wu aulgned to pR t ro) phtE"a arl' f,?iven by the IZ'Overnort L. Boyd Will all have an active ~hf" 140 milt" course to En~nada ot Cl'tlforn\a and Baja Cal!tornl• part in the day'1 provam. Put <;aptaln. AndenJOn 11r.J1tPl't that hf' u WE'ii u tht' cl llea o( Newport Commander 1'!d H&rnbrook of hoJ>f'd the U . s . Marlnr BlllKl Bt>11ch amt EnlW'nada. Balboa Squadron la a member of would be In En~nada fo r the prf'-fi'lr1<1t yacht to f'nlah tn 19M wa.to the "OVer·aU conference committee. ~nt.aUon ceremonies on the fifth lhe Navy't1 USS Saluda, a Spark- ot May, a national ho:klay In man and Stt-pht'n11 tl~igned yawl. Mexico. the only cnmmlMloned yacht ' Of Boat Evacuation Group to Meet ' . Captain John Trcbra. Cornman· lh.c Navy. The Saluda Is' expected 1er. ElFVl'Oth Qi.slrk:t U. S. Coa.al lo defend her laurela u U thf G~rd will ag•ln , turniJ!:h patrol yacht Scandia, winner ln the oeeaft Vff8ela , and prol,ectlon l.n the racing c'aas ·an.ct owned by Heber t'l'o perfect the OJ'l'&ftls&Uon or water navtgated, by, tbc. fleet. f\lr· Erlckeon ,,, the Balboa Yaebt cl\l'b, Ute Pttwe.r 8qUad.ron u a untt of lber eec-ort aerf"lce 1a I.b e· reepouai· and the, Hurricane, wt"'!er of~ &..-toc..t ot~I Dtfmee pl10srMt, bW\yt1ol ..... aouu.em ,Oalli a,Tbft:r~~ ...... ~ ~...A eo..mMder Ha; ~entt.Mtn M.i CTU<..~~,..~·'.__!+~uoc~~la~'-~~-'.'.b~:.U~-~~m=em-~:_!_:J'.'.•~oobti:'.-i~'.._: -w~relot~''.:. •• ( ci...::::-'.'::st:L'ncll~;tti''~~}~ called a mecUng ror next Tueeday _ nljtlt l"<bnlary 27 at 1 :30 p. m. S k C h-I I Tho. 11--w·,·ns·J a1·e.i-.Y-.ht,club'. . •• rQS ft UfY ---At thlo meeting all members P-•••llab:e for local actlvltf will be , WAW'APEJlS . . .U,N-J .. I r.tteru· c:...n..,, M '-'""'" I 0-.,_,. ROUSE a OA llDS!:N Iii OoUl llWJ'. N-rt -~ ' • -·0CEAN1 GOING IOA .T W ITH ALL T HE LUXURIES OF HOME - ' a.1,_ er.11 . w ... wti ~. ~l•r . ' "1..,.r · 1-<.rll•d., met1W1. SM.,,. to (h•- c!.dlltf .. !JM .. • ct-q-1W1 for l wltti .tiow .... ••.ti N d11, M•lll, •k .I a.llt 1. ,,.., - WI lo.i.o•. flylMJ brlctqe. ubl• wlte. ~ room wttt1 hlb, ...,9", b.1· 1111, •••ctrlc to.i'-t. Aft fl.tll-o" dect doubt• •• cocttall lo~•-Fl-•K•llf ......... ""*-"'· All .-!~• eQwiP'ft•llt pow.,.M bJ t •NTMor pt1MhtCl119 SOCll w•tt1 Al:.. ~•ter~rv-d emergency ~t•"' of i N11k1 _. ll·-.lt ".tt•I••· a M~•lt'f woodw'orii, tri,.. · llrJ'lr . . d•ct1 of nwMq•"'· fir •'Mt tul."' .....,. rnt -ttr-. Sifnfl'll!MK ,.,....,.. ~ Sl•hll•11 rt..! Kte-•11-d ~ •1t"'' flw'o.i;flollf. L•...i~ e•llrt eqvlP1Mnt wM ,....._.. ffOYe wltlt 0 .. ell ffd "" .... , ...... ••'"' · di\hw~w. .-.;..... ~ r•41o, tele•lllo11, d••P frMn •ltd 1 ctlWc foet r•iriqier•tor, F!"•tll .... ., c..pedty M CJ•llo•l wlttl J01eU011 .electric.. •~ ...... , 11 •• ,.,. . . 'Ft1Jly a Ooa\jng J>lila.ce for personal or bualneu use, bospl· tal!ty, cruising rooblllty. ldual for Lake Mead. ' Currently lylag at CorPus Chrbtl, Texae. PRIClE: .... TM . locludins dellvel'f to Paclfte {Callrornlan) copat or Lake Mmd. , l"hooo Dlaadale Walker (Los AnKPIM--·NOnnaadle ~7111) for eoa.taet wit.Ii Ol4'mter, or write G. F ... Oarl80n •. ll IJ F..aat Muer Drlve. PhoenU, Arl&oaa. tor full dctaJb; and 18mbl deacrlpUwe ftlm9. ' • 1 ' 'l'" ·1~ ''I I .. --I" t •• •• " ' ' ~i ~1 • ,, .. ayment Approyal Un-Coos. t Race organls<d Into units which "wtll " r ~ork out of Balboa Yacht . Club u -;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I I Supet1or court tut ·Wttk wns Th N headquarter-a to evuuate penons ,; requested to appro\'e i>&Yment of e Rh~es sloop lmbus, sati.-by boat trom any part of the har- $660 to 3~ear-old Laurie Bruce ed by Tom.my Thomae. w.pn in her bot In cue or a lllluter which Woodworth.' 90n of Laurie Wood· cla.M and, over·all, over 11 rtvall, would n1atte such an evacuation EBWOOD'S SPEClAl..-$%20 Sb: plf"Cf' dlnlnxroom .et - Hard\vood, flnl~ed In &'J'eeft mht for_ . •11r -\ Margo saye if Rhe.'8 gotta slave all day IOVPr a hot stove) she's gonna MVt' her do:Iars. That's the girl I good old Scotch I very eoon now one of th08e SOUND American dollars will buy a. • package ot clgarett('s. ,You don't smoke? How about making a depol!lll on a nlt:e package o! chewing gum? "THE ILLUSiON TltAT TIMES THAT WERE. ARE BETTER I '-'· THAN 'fHOSE THAT AR.£, HAS PROBABLY PERVADED ALL ACES." Dr. Howard Erwood ·-- I .: ll1JllN1TU KE e GIFTS e .R:WELRY -BALBOA ~- ' . ALUMINUM WAU TILE '1U Y" GOODBYE" TO CHIPPING PLASTER. PEEUNG PAINT ' AND MOLD. INSTALL Gl$AMINO LIFETDIE ALVMINµM WALL TILE ALL AROUND YOUR TUB OR SHOWER 1(0 SQ. FT. jOR LESS! .FOR ONLY' - $45 Complete on Easy F.H.A . Terms 10% DOWS -SO MONTHS ' Guaranteed against chlppiE-g_,• cracking, diacoloring or ruat. Add Value-to Your Home -0- -MADE TO YOUR ORDl:R - COLONIAL TYPE CALIFORNIA TWEED C~rpeting -$87 5 per sq. yd. COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING 171'1 1'"'E\VPORT A\'&. COST4 MESA • LAST .CHANCE FOR BARE RO:C)T ROSES and SHA.Dr; and FB.U1T·TU!l8 ,. SAVE 100/o Tliis Week Only . ' . WAYSIDE GARDENS oa Newport Bh"tL' at 2NI ·<J08TA llEllA. .ar•~-WW™4"'\ii¥V.,.._.."'W'.4 .. V.L.\l.\I.~ ---, &Gura ·cqasT · 1 MA TERIAlS COMPANY .. ..... " • (, ... , ........ , ..... ·.111 ..... ,, -K Ill I a1111a ... . worth of 414 Heliotrope Ave .. to snare the 19-nautica.J m ilf' trana· nect-aary. Corona del Atar, !or In juries suf· coa.st.al windward race of eix PC Mcmbere whose bo&t.s would be rerffl 1n an automobile colllidon. 11.nd 11l x Rhodt>s 11100()3 from New-available for UM! will be organized The father informed t he cou1t port Harbor Jetty to fln~h off under three c hairman : .J. L. Mun- lhe offer ot $660 had been made Lc9g B<'ach bretlkwater entrance "°n, first crul&tr unit; Curtl11 Do8h, by Mary A. Boswell. owner and Saturllay aftf'moon. The boat.a .econd crulaer eectlon ; and George Lawrence Leo Bow11well. driver In will compete \n the Midwinter Rt· Andrews, auxiliary section. an automobile which collided Feb. gatta thls week end. Mernbt'n who do' not own boal!i, 8, l"°, with a car In which the Afl of the 12 t!D lrie• tlnlshed or whoee boats would be unault- bo,y was a pa.saenger.1 within ~o minute•. u Ntmbu'a led able. will be aulgned aa crew The Boswells, however. denied ,Joung Mike Burke'•. PC, Paloma, membere. Atter next Tueaday liability, but of.Cered the payment by leas than a minute over \he nJg.bt'• m eeting Lan•enheim, who u a compromise of the claim !or tlnlllh Une.. Tbe ~inning llme wu ta Chief of the Power Squadron injuries. o;ood. 4 houra ;w m.lnutea. ,And the Dlvtelon ot the local Ctvtl Defense fln'•h order round the two e.o:!,. Councll, bopea -to have ~very~ batUed t1eeU ending It all ju.at n.lp -available Sq~ron ~l and-mem- t.nd tuck, u folJQWtt : ber ualgned lo a dietlntt.e duly aml c ·LUMBER CO: • ROOFING Rei. lfen.con. 8h.lnglrra -t1.%0 Tlllck But.I Shhlsle. e.l 1 llO+lb. Rooflnl' ........ S..12 95-lb. Roonai ___ .... ~ 21 M-lb. ltooflll& ...... 2.1' U-.lb. Koottas ...... . !'.14 S.83 !.M ~~:, • • WATER HEATERS Roa. !O p~ ............. '21.42 SO pL ____ ,, .... .$%1.U pa. ......... ,,. . .fM,n Spec • Slll.H PS.II J31.U CEMENT 90c Sack • OPEN ALL D.ll' SATURDAY s....i,.;,. L · t 1o 1 p. m. ~ ' ' •• . -~ . ~~a-lat Time"' -· .. i. tlolo ¥ - hi..nte-1 ~ :S• l M ltl tt&_ oc,.JA, .... ICEln'.'IW"'•-'IP UJJrl? •a 'r AaD I -· --' 1-N Im bu• ,<R'od"' .. 1oopl. all eq14peeti and feody to act ln Tommy Thomas, 4 h .. 20 trtlll.: · 2· ca.e ot need. Paloma (PC •loop), M.tke Burke, ------- U .. lcensed Plumber Receives $iZs Fine 1 hr. 20 tnln., ~ aec.: 3·Happy Daya, PC. Dan Thompaon. 4h .. 21 min.: 4-Whln1. R, Mary Ann Pe~tt'y; ~·Rowdy, R, How a r ,d ChU-"laln: 6-Huuy, PC, Joe Ka.I· Lee R . U•ea.Y. Long Beach., lenbach: T-PamlLn, PC. Fr e~ wu ordered lo pay a 1123 tine or Smalee: 8-Rull\, R. Buck Ayret; 9-Serve 30 days In ccunty jatl when FoUy,. R:. Les Tari'; 10·TwfUght. he entered a guilty plea In Ne-w- PC, Emnt Flelda: 11-Showboat, ·port City court thle_ ·week on a PC, Frank WOod; 12-Argoey1 ~. charge ot lnfta1lng plumbing in Tom Sbeppord. the City of Newpo<t S-h wtth· ---'----~ ou( a city Ucenae. S&J• Cl eel Judge Fraitk Linnell 1uepended ~·pper ear $100 of the fine on condltion Live- say obt.aJn a plumbing Ucen.se. Di Girl's Char- 1 u .... ,,, wu ,, .... ted by city --! ~-Ucenee Collector Harold Young EJton Glen Nichol&. 4.0, yacht ln Balboe.. Young charged Uve-•kl~r. 315 I':. Alberta SL. Ana· uy Jl'lth IMtalftng a prbqe d iB- helm, WN found not gut:ty to a poii&I unit in a ·realdence at 2161 :=.ba~e of Indecent ex.powre lul E. Ocean Bl•d., wlt.bo5lt a city U- week by a jury In Newport eltf cenoe or -1>'umblng permlL ;:$. . After lhe court appearance N chols ;.,..., arreated on th!& U.eay purcb.aaed a $100 city Ii~ e by Newport ~lice ~n .Jan. cenee; Young MJd and applied for 9 a N~rt Beach a:~ • phw-!nc permlL . ! """'"'w~i.:::::.lt :1:; a~owr eous_r;_l1'fl!r;ll ___ l_OM __ Bl . neu Nlnlb 8!-Th<' .&lrl to'1! . eut.n1 .._ oftpertM pol! e be ""len 'lOWard N.wpqr;l • . _ . Bea ·on Bay An. N~ll wu 11LlP--OOVl:B8-UPllOLSTEllY ted at. Newport Blvd ·ani' 'iu:u8r~i:411DAQll SL· and tum /o the poll"F • • • _ • .rto on Wbeft• h<o ., ... .Ue:l L od<ntuled by the strt , •!•COit How wteriors --· ......_"'8111 • m.u.·oornz 11•U11 at....,. · i..c-_.., ~n of ·aa autum.atk: eott~ 1 -;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;· ;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;:;;;; ........ ..... ~to ""'tailt r -.gollco f)y --lllo meitoi. ·2111 U<ll. St., ~w;pc:itt an ... 'I ..nte tbdt oecvn,,.. lhe 1 kJ M- i.-,-..,.. u:• un.'Jt ~ ~-u.-.,.>I• (.--.L NT.IOI ,... --.... "'-* -loft .... d ·:i; :.=" = ~ ';J' ·= -lllrt1HC *'a. U.. mli.....,. ~ Waler t11alar1: -rainm.• ....... ,.. 8~ol.IJJ • n 1 a. 'pr iDlf' ....... r 0 -.-11.. . .r ~ . .. ._ ....... "- I • • $:895 • sq. yd. I ' • l ' L~oa1 cha.-1n~. type1 Buiclloomed,·,•"I br~dlocmi . . . . . t. • . • ' Today's BEST Carpet Vcilue ! ' • LOW INITIAL COST -Far superior range. ' to any Droadloom In the same price • DOUBLE DUTY -A reversible chenille type rug eupplyllig two rich' wearing surfaces. • A PRACTICAL RUG .-Footprints and shading eliminated. by a carefill blending of materials. " Q.EANS PERFECT4Y -Can I><: cleaned In the carqe manner as any Tmachine woven carpet. • -" · COLORS -Choi~ of 26r colpni for any decora- tive scbeqie. I · ·-! . ·? . ' " . ~ , A ~LOOME;o It _ G) I . .. ·, ' ( . '; -} J ~ . ' IUDE TO ORDER -t ~ td any width, "' • • ~ up fo-, 15 1 thrl:e lhcht!a. . : ' . -llll&h ttNlf .. ldlW,i\*i ~ . -. .., . ,, _. • • I ' - • l ·] -_, • / • ' • • • • .. • •. , ' . • .. • • • . . ·~: .. &~I ,_.: ~AkT r -=si>AY,.Fit.2t. "'! COas lltetilJl'S · ";,_ • ""' • ,· ~,.;,,..J;Mi , :"' ''.·~ zf'i;Jte~-PRESS-&. Hord Tsf Session. I ,:w~ ~~~~~;;o~~aa;:(' , , I l 1 t-. ' . ·;, , · f thirty :.k..to .. o1 tb• Onf"" "' : self Seniee L!i.unc:J,ry · " · C"r-~~· f • · Ut...;J ; Dr. · · • ~ c;oun1;y CbA,ot .Aoioc!&um ... ,. · · ' · . {kuit lla'w .ew.-co1n-tloo-)'. • Jtcnnt>Jl OX ttcuS'. ntOenrx: -ue;1, · :""~.: :n~:i:: · ... .,. Variety 'stare -· < • • . .. . . ~ ~ w-. ..., .... 'f:11* .:.~-· . :II' YOU H4VE''A eUsrNJ:s.q FOR"_"".''" CALL, ' 'mwo. DARLY-llodftn2-,,... in. D:tM :at (', 1 ... .;...M ra..L..-L... . Wabcln •lilt.cf tllat Che' p-1 ".-.nrua.1.-...... ..:..1 .. I I I . v.-~-..,,.....-......._ roa.. (Um.lalJed apt. uw. "* · ttt llH~.> u JJ. JGJll~ UUl.ff "".,,.. . .'." tb~ Leplatun -!:.'. ' • l!lc~,.,....._.~.. a. --•-."' •• , ' t' : 't.cl 'L sedelmeieF:.: ' • ' ,Busill;ess_ no:U tter ~ ~.· ~-!!i._!r"'_ := • f • , cllne,<I ~ ~ e<:ODOlnY prosr-. -. s ~itla 11 7 --,. • . :::;::! ~,., A l'OJIW>IOe which bepn In beu.vO<I there would. W llO ln· -•' t· 1, . • 1523:_ ~ Jllilnra,x, ~ M'1' · ·LIDO, , . is·,....,; plct-ue -ire. Now Mex· """ WU • In • ,.now .Uk print, ..._ la tpM. . i AD' •• ·-t 1 RadKlr 2786 ~ Jco wbeJ>.. both. were p1"31D• In complemen•ecf by a bat of net. lt wu ~ "1tW thst ,a.Ooqno-.Un I-,,.._.. ..-. .. ,.., tilt; Sf •a ~ '.'. · ·· •· ' If,....;~ • rental 00 LIDO atlinmer stock, culminated In the .-. and bn>wn velllog, Ilona!· Dlatrlct woulll be .-.,l>Uali· t I h• -J: r I I f" ,$ · • . . : · • , , · · . .. j .. D&li ... Ua. --_,.. lo•<Q marr1;.,.. on ,S..furd&y, Feb. 10 In Wh1le a wod~ tr1~ to ;ru.-od to lnc!Ude the NOl'th. part-ol • t ,r> I • PqJ a . La~-t • ., Lfd,g -• t•"'ioiiMJa II llOAft, ~I OllCi. AJl!o -a-u• .... st. J&mff J:plecopal· church "of had been planned,. the honeYtmOn !Ian Die., COWlly wltll. ~ . t I.t;w. 'll .Pllf a t.IS • · · - 1llla Royce jMuy Jones daup-WU spent In corona· del Mar County. Hie. bell••od tba appoint. Die ...-. WU1 DCt "' I r ----... I • 'D. ,.,.._ tt11"..:~-~rt, .calilp ~-°4t """'.A . r e 'A. P-ALMER . ter of Mr. andlMra. Roy lw. Jone• COPpunl l!'irx not belq aJlowtid m•nt .ot '~tb OerdoJI to ll<ad tho 1-l(lan ct''UJ •~"~,.:;~ ,;-bl--;:;..:;;,7 'J;' ,ally .1.ucm.~.!'uu.t: ~~ci».';§~· f1·~. · ~ ~iJ!cooRl'OllATEI> of Phoe~ e~ ~~-RIR_!~ ..... fl:om lll·'l'Oro JlarlM -,_ .i;_aee_.o-.nmecllt,_n_:.fi. ""'!!!~ UIJ Ud.aD ..,.._to ~C....--.:"'11 -""' --7 H!!. . You.~L • ; • , . .,. 'fl&,Udo . -. "*i. Fox. aoD m ~ -....ua.n. U'IODOU& where he-ts 8tatlon.ed Dee· ... l.ftaure. uup~,,~ con ._.. or ...... ,,.,..._ Uld . f'lli'u:la:t:lona. A . a .... mPMP···r1 ' war --au. TRD1lT lpW. PRICl3 Yl'ft-~... ::nnnv~· , I . i} • ~ . FO» of Coro-de! Mar and Bric· 161 _.,_od -ono-.. bout _hunterOndithe opfrt.llo~ . ~optolr~#l lllo,..,. •• -... ..-.-.Plt.---. . Boo~~ .. ~~ 1 a._. ' .. . . . • -.......__ a.n. William J . Fox of San Ma• con.,._, Hla"boklo;' wllO ,.... at· Awmhlyman Dor~ 'lia. swi., "el i i -ltM, _,_ ._.,.._.. ___ ..,. · ',. ~ ._ J'dea-t Rati0niilg'1 A 'niio lltocll Gl.booti .;i;;;,J'iiclil). 1 Blj>RM 11quae. -' film.,. nr. rtno. teJ>diDI' Phooola ccllop, hu. bad tald be ljad lntzodaeed • blll.-. HllWPCM'# --·-wv ....... .(lQ;. I'.-· """ r;O boat th.,. .... IDb,lectio ~ ..... ...,_. t .l>~ ',..,.,.... yard, S75 . mo... Onlymerabereofthei.mmedlale a. ywa am•t••r .ad. prof"9 lqtooperationofpul'M~ • Dl19lP ~Me .. p:wC•'f ,~ ,:-~ r boob.J.Andlnc~..J.: .. I ... fndud.,uUl. Sit Beeonl~ oar-,. families were present for the slonal ex-rtence u an a.ctreu.• a.no~r blU to prOvtcte. for 4rtvtn1 ' po-Je ~ '. . · ~-ii, d I .... ••--~ · Bu H ...._ .... __ ' The Islan· ders . ""!' • ...... -1lmpl~ Lenten rite performed by -Attendlnl' the wedding were training In llchoolo and . be allo 1"'=11tl1UlfW GBIDJll . ' ....... n11JIT.IONli W'.AJG&D , · y 81 OIDe .<"< ~r. the Rev. 'Paul Moore Wheeler., the Drlde'1 puent.a, Mk: and 'Mra pre60Di.d a bill and -bllng' act ~ -~ __:,. 11' --lk I ll!ar ™'' 'COfitJL.' .\Ol1SA,' new, 2 - Orgau music wu played by Jack .lbw; Tb•· brld-m·e father. to ellow e1changes ol larula wlllch CoJa!:;Srll BOtllllt er;jr,, ' MAN,. *2. .......... employment.. !0• Pl1iJeO free1ier ,chest, ' . ' • . 11i>me. P,.P attached, $TII mo. WiJcox and caDdlea burned on the Gen. Fox; bia uncle and cou.atn. might be needed ln carrying out Nl"l'tee. _Parnfture ~ yean u:pu. boat capt., 5 yeti'a1 5 ft.' $179 A STEAL AT-S::!.i!, ~· d:O?Y. uatmn.. Call Harbor 2821W. newer-decorated &ltu. ,........_ Fox &11.a. Mt• Karlene pl&JUJ . for Upper Newport Bay dea lbam:pooed. , J"reit ~ aper. ' own•• • o--t-meat CU. --·-•..,--------.95 15' w:llb Jo outbliud · 83cll ---.-• h ~ ..--• Phil 7IL ft. "READY• to lrGi """'•• 213 The bride, who was unattended, Foxt San Marino; hia mother, •elopment.i "'1Dy tmured. mkt'.. f'amill&r dredc:tng opt~ CO 7"J; Ctl. up. Otand Canal, -:e8l=--11.laftd. wore a v1olet silk shantung suit Mn. Lilian Fox and the latter'• Uppe1 11&5' Repon . AJ' H & R auoaa A E:qlert au type9 dleaOI ·right freaer $239 95 , CORONA DEL MAJ!,-L&rp new "91ilh while straw 'hat and nav.y ~ta. Mr. and Mrs. D. 'J'. R:-t.. P8tteraor\ who made 'the S· 0U8e g enr •• Write BoJi. X.· c/o "thi8: -----• , Phone Harbor ?S~R. , ,83o8.* % bec:lro!>m house, partlally fur:: and white acce..orie& Her cor-Ridenour ol '!f!' Oe.brlel; ao report on Upper Newport,, S.y Cleaning Co. J"'!"•· ' ~ xOO Bu"_,,..__,_. 24-ft: ~La9P nA:UX.)motor, lleope P'\. Yiart.Y leaM. 618 Lan.: age was o~ ga.rde.ni&a. Her uncle and' aunt, Mr. and Mra. said it wu now Ip ' tbe hands of "' -·.-:r %. ~ m#at ·~·. fl()O, at'"!'• ~a, dal Mar. 13pM mot.her, Mrs. Jones. '\ltOre' navy Fred Sewell &nd aon Ralph, aleo Lhe SUpervi&ora for pr.eaentaUon to BMc1•· 11.U 72tfe WANT POSITION u companion , . Shelvador, gu~ Alter fi . phaae -QA:. eadtwa.y -~j sha.ntung with white hat and Mrs. of San Ga.,Jtlet State Highway offlcl&11 and to the boueekeeter. 8 yn. espertence. teed new motor ;c.ou or write 11.S S.! BrOn.oD.. NICE' 2 b!drm tum. apt. ~ mo. ~-1.r1 .... TJ H R1--~ For Venetian Blin. • L,. IJ•e in. Write Box w can ot ti~w· unit new palilt , auto: wuher • .u.. 1 bdrm apt., . ~ ct eno-·••r. . . -rger QS this 83p8& • ' Los Angele... lt. 1,. -83c86: l/l6' to July_ 'st. UI03 E. Balboa. Epis.copal Rites at St; James. Utti+e ~ye.i:.::i; :~:·,;,~or":. Shades and Drap<trY HdWd..:.. REF=r~DY wants 11ouM.. • only .... ; .... '. ........ _.$174-,95 Walt's Tiiading' Ppst l!vd., ~~ Harbor 28;: J E• cJ J L l~ D /c/ ing on the San Clemente-O&na ri'HE SHADE SHOr' work by the day. or baby lllt· Keep In touch with ue t•r good' UseA"'•a=-tl,,. ,.,~• Smith on behall of Mayor Preeton Free ... t.imates · r """' -.. an me. · 80 ma Y In -• Naul,lcal Wanr Uoed:'Neb • r • I I eanne tsen an OCI'. MC ona . Point harbor project and Ray -~~ Ph Ha ob; .... ytl Al temlt buys In TV sets being traded ~--ED ... UICILL' 1 BDRM FURNISHED~- Marked by the simplicity which . ot San Clemente invited this ·=· 514'. 29th $t. Newport Beach ~;..:: 6~;8-~oek. Bea. 59;J~ ·~ ·st. .. Newport -ell :ra:-,;o.~·;=--~ult. ~: • , is in keeping with Lent we~ the For her diupter's weddln& mittee to meet at that city. 78c;:92 EASY .TERMS ARRANGED Opell: Sunda)'I_ ~ Har. UTO Phone 'Beacon &.43S..J'. . th·..., o'clock rltea sclemnlzed Mrs. Eloen selected & &<>wn ot On waur and sanitation. Chair· n-Uu w~ D· AVIS-BROWN Co. INTERNATIONAL h, l&te modeL ~ I Iii. • • I I . ' I Saturday. Feb. 17 in st. James uwht ll"'Y en1pe with nowered man Herb Kenny told ot the re-Furniture Repainng . :.n. •• .A · • 'J Ep!Bcopa.1 chUJ"ch, wh.ich united hat of vWJeta and roses. and an cent prese reports tha.t some ' 1 JW HARBOR BLVD. in A-1 shape,~· (owner g:Olng RENTAL. •' Mias Jeanne Babette E:laen, orchid corsage :!lbs McDop.ald agreements had been reached tor '~r bottom.a "'newect. cane or WA:NT RELIABLE MAN tor part COSTA MESA "into 9erviC'e) can be ~ at . daughter of Mrs. Percy A. Etaen, woi=e a lavend.er au1l with har· an actual atart on tllt> big sewep-8"pllnt. Cha.tr ~ ~ ~d time maintenance, boat and Phone Beacon 6821 14.40 West Bay Ave., Newport SPECIMJS ' -•~--program. H e hoped it waa true rock.en replaced, al9o re--6~utnr. beach house. Give references. Beach. • &fph : """n _...__ o-a... I 3909 Marcus avenue. Nev.rport I&-mo_____. corsage . · B'itRN'l'IURB experience and eompe1taatton de-1;·----...,-,...,-~~----~ --- land and the late Mr. Eieen. and Forty c.lale triendB a.nd mem-and called attention to tbe Serious HARVEY'S sired. Wrtte Box V, C/O tbls -IF INTERESTED in a gOod 15x4.0 I ~-· Lm· wood v:-L; ~;...., Jack Theodore M cDonald, aon at bera of the Immediate tamillea 8ltuation in Costa Meaa and how ~AIR 1 SHOP paper 83c85 stucco and frame buaineu bldg.~ "-"'1ll'10AL. MDIO. . ~ a;a_, ~UL. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. McDonald sbawettd f.ellcltationa on t He pret!llent ·co•nditiorut were men~ln.I" l2Q50 Banta Ana Ave., Ca.ta .M1ea tull, price delivered. $1350, PHi )-flOHMER GRAND PIANO. Uaed Balboa bland. 1111.r: lOtl'.. ~ of San. Pedro. . • yo(mg couple at tj)e reception, the whole coast line. I Beacon lllSS·J. I 17c1SR WE HA VE NEED tor a compe-ANillEIM 6404. . . . Mp ':.·. ~ iaoe, '396. Spinet,' repoo-IrURNI$Hll!O 1 l><lnn aat. I_,. The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler held at the .Jack Eleen home 011 .. 1 : .. ~ tent secretary, real estate ore .. MAHOGANY piAzfo a: 8~ •=rt,.f-'\Je ~~ '"DAN2r-, nsar1i~-achool&i YeuQ, &tat pertor.med the double rtng. service Newport Ialand. Afterward' the Mrs.. Wm. Poirier · Ll!.-BtJll.DINO ;tn~ . crow expertfl:nce heJptuJ butciot Thor wa.shinl' macJline 'wttl . 8 . Big Plano~· 90 1po Wutmin.lter. A"Ve!, w.r , in \\!hlch .Jeanne was given in younr couple left tor a.n undl• . • ~ euentlal. Good appearance, mancle, lAdlu bicycle.·AlllgoOd • N . J.lajn, come~lth, ..... ta .. ~ai 20th St .• Costa ....._ Btacan keeping by her brother Jack. She clooed destlnaUon. · HciioA.red .af Tea. PAPER GIN'"'· per80nallty, Intelligence and. al· f1511l w ll8t>8B wore a dressy suJt of pastel roae. The llftW' Mr.a. McDonald ma.. • ._... 1 , U ertne&a_ are euel'itia.J.· th@ poai-c;.onc:Utton. 313 Montero St., BaJ .. 8MA..L,LEST ·1tudii pript. piano -· !.. • boa. Harbor 1947-M. 82p84. · ----~--~--.~~-gabardine w;th matching ha t Jured In voice at Puadena col· Mrs. Elm~r S . Porlel', Oeean d PAINTIN"" lion Is permanent. Opportunity In perf~t "'?ndltl<>'!-ll'erms $50 'EL TORO -.. •. ,._ "'!'9:1aES trimmed with flo'wers and l'hine-lege, then went to Jullia.rd School boulevard. Coroba del Ma. en·ter-an J U for advancement Is excellent.· 'TWO WHEEL it'urdy ... flat bed · down and $15 mp at SHAF'ER ~"t • stone•. Her bouquet wu ce11ter-of Music In N.,.. Y~rk, whe"' Mr. talned at a tes and reception In Kenneth Qua""" Workljls condluona are good -trailer, high Bide gatea. extra Music CC., (61nce 1907) ill . LOW WinteF. ·Rates , ed with a white orchid. Mrs. E. McDonald was aJ.90 a student, Balboa Bay club . TUeaday honor-1 .... ~ Cokea or cofJee u IDng a.a they tlre a.ad rtm .. SacrL US. Pb. N . Sycamore, Sa.:i:lla Ana.. Kim-. R. Shrader Jr., of Santa Monica, h&ving graduated from Unlvers-lng her new daughter-in-law, Mra. 1516 Santa Ana Aw., Costa Mesa are available twice a day. See Ha bo 0789-J 8Sp8' berly 2--0672. 83t1c ~~~;tta~~es qu::t .'::; /Jister of the bride, was matron lty of SoutberD Calitornia and William Poirier (Shirley Ethel Phone Beacon 5504 Mi.88 Blomqu.lst or Mrs. Hlch· r l' · ot honor. She chose for the oc-attended C0:illum..bl&. unll'eralty. M"ealey) and her mother, Mr1. Wil· 79c92. ley. LIGH!I' .WEIGHT .g:ardin tractor, SPINET -PIANO. full keyboard. ~ ~.:iv'~::a baae. f ~=--- casion a dress or sort gl'een and Alter: the tlrat or Mamh the :.ua:ina P . Mealey, Larkspur avenue. p A PALMER I ted good" condition, 1627 Tustln, dtaconttnued model; BeaUtif\ll ' I' room. en. a small hat. Richard Jenneu younc couple wJU be at home ln --htv-guesta were p·resent. [ -· • ncorpora Coat.a M8sa. Bea. 6098-W. ca.se and tone. Only $SO~: Tinne Suttab~e 'for twb couples. UUU-San ---, REP AIRING and 3333 Via Lido. Newport Beach DANZ-SCHMIDTrP1aiio eo .. 520 tlea lm:luded. '78 mo. Call Har. wa.a best man. Flowering fruit branches deco-83c84 83pM No. M&ln, Sant.a Atla, comer 2278-W. • 83c85 rated the 'club lounge &Jld the .tea p AINTING • L d An I llAtH .. OTICl!S table waa 1n· bridal white. Asked REASONABLE. Large or small WANT EXPERIENCED girl tor Somebody Wants . _6th_·-------,--a Y 9 erS llll' ~ to pour w~re : Mme•. Edward S. joba. Free estbnatee. fountain and waitress work. Ap· · ·WANTl!:O-ll-O plan ... Trade in • CHOICE 2 bedroom. 2-bath bay· front apt. Beautiful bay vino. Good heat, private beach. Sl35 mo. to ':June 1G or alighUy high-· er by year. E . G L,ynda, Rodeficlc Dunn, J . WtiliB ply after 8 :30 a.m. at fount.a.in That used ftlrnlture, brtc-a-bra.c, your old . piano ~ 08 a ~ nterta1n . roup ALWB .BAllll&'ft Benule, P>-odeelck CUrtl.s, Mary HAULI!NG In Turner'• Drug Store. paln.tlnp. ~tc., now taking up (Spinet! or -utltul televteton. F L B h .Al:Uce Barrett, 76, o( tm Or-E . Glibbol, Csrn>U E . 'n"acy, Harry ~ apace ln ]'Our ~e. P1nd a bUl"'" Hlgf>,eat cuh ~e. Terms. rom Ong eaC ango· A.-.. ~ llr-. dlfd In> Rarka end ~ ~ark Fabian; Any kind, trash or! u ,.qth a c:lauifted ad In th• DANZ.SCHMIDT ..PJ:)mO Co .. . · Santa. ...... ~Jbunlfy laollQital" aM'Kb'l.g 1Were 1Cme11;.¢olln Brown. Walker, 108 -18th Stl"elet" SALESLADY, neat appearan.de. Ne.ws--Ttmea. 'PoaC. and Preu CODl"' • Slh 520 ?f. Maln Santa . GREENLEAF &: ASSOC.• . With most of its hundred mern.· ,,ll'Ttday. . ' ' J. Arthur TaylOJ", Jhtelfe Brown Newport Beach Harbor '681-R Apply a.ft.ernoon.s at Don'!t-Can-blnatlon,_Jusl Phone .Barbor 1111, :er ... ' .. , . · : , ,. ~3112. Newport B!vd., Har. 25:52 · bers present. the Newport Har-~-rtaidw ol ~ ab.e MUh and R. L. Colombell ~ • ~i?Ct&H dle/J, 308 Palm st., Balboa. SQ: .. rwan~ to P,l&Ce a O•utfted · ~ ~ " 1 • ~ · 1 -: ,. , 1 • 'tt.Uc bor Lady Anglers he~d thei( Fetr had been a nefdeot 0£ the Harbor , 83p86 Ad." and a cour\e;oUI ad-taker w1D RENT A. PIANO. IS ~ month . . • ruary, mtieting tn the Newport ana for the-put 1'7 yean, moving. l L F T :1-L _Hi p A Tlli.TPr"Tl\.TiG help you write an effective ad. ..-•All re&t anOwied U:,ou ~Wtttbo-iOORONA :DEL KAR-l •~- Ebell Clubhouse Monday evening. to Coel•Kea.ftoolJI Balboa a.week WIS.. • Wn-mett-.n.il"I .L.LJ..._, in term.a. DA..NZ·SCH'MIIJT, 520 ~.duple?t With st;ove: UU Guests of the club for the even-ago. Ho-nor ~··---t ?. .EARL SHEFLIN .j~AL& HlllVELL&Nr.Otnl Sl-W&NTED 1'0 BUY N. Matn,-Santa f..na. _new. Yearly rental SM month. Ing were eleven members ot the Survl~ bu ..., ,. flf~!ll>tu. ' ~ 213 Palm6r SL ·Coorta ~ meleVlSl' ·on ·Se...... "ca ELE'"'''"C •ORGAN. Lute new, 607\lr ll'emluf, C. D. K . BiPll;l Long Beach Lady Anglers. Mrf. Otto Bo!fJ:. ot Cdeta •e•: a it lu dr • + J. 1 a·• & v ""'"·-. ..., n ......... ,. Bea. MS7~K Nd 'De\L"\KS w A ...,,..,ED ---·-m-~--*AtM'l ,...._..._ 1 BEDRM HOUSJe. unfumi.a;bed. The Newport Harbor Lady An· •later -H. a Bl'own ot I.a .,. ' ......,... ' • DU\!./ · .tU~ .E ,_,,__ ~. ,,_,.,. ~-- n .'bo ·-J II ~two' --· -··-?--· . RADIO REPAIRS, &lectrtfled,. orpn. used, only yearly' ...... ill!· Goldenrod, glers will assist the mu a ~g· o a, anu ~---·-·u.urnl· Mn. Ee:rt-: sr&n•'"· of ·Beacon lNTBRIOR -iiX'lAifuOft I will cau· and bu:y . . . $175. For church or home. Dan%-Corona del Mar. Phonl! Barbar ling Club with the JunJor Touma-Funeral ..r.riCM-WM"& to be held -~, p ..'Tll"'""'"G 1 __._ IDW'e , • • .l •..,,ttl Hamm Your entl-Jlbr•~ ment. open to all fishing-minded Monday at l'O V• m:.., ln the GJ.auel Bay waa hOlle.-at a.1brfd&• lunch-.tt...LL, i J.J,, -•J Tecbnida,a';... BUNsTB:R .... CREiLY Schmidt, ~20 No r Cor; 6th, 2848~W. 82pR youngsters ln the Harbor district chapel, C04Jta Mela, -w:ith a mem-~tryon ~~Ybo!!,.~~I ~ ~ i LICENSllO ·..-IN~BO"·RICO...,~ MD.A.. RADIO 6 TBILEVISloN Pbone Karbor 321!5-W Santa Ana. . 5 RM. UNPURNISHED HOUSE. under 1s. Jan~ Groenendyke ha8 ber or the Flnit Church ot Cbrtot birthday ot her mother. Jin. Glenn Johnston "'" B?Oa.tway. c. M. Rea. 680&-J 78c79R. W\!ELY PLAIN dASs: hunPJow llU HA>J.IILTON ST. been named chairmaii of the Sci,ntiat officiating. . ht 1 in fJn ditJ. OOS'PA MESA l d h"I Art J hnso Entombment was ln Inglewood Fr an k Twitchell. Thirty· tour ~1-Slat St. Newport Be&eb DAY ·4 N1TE water heater, 3<t WANT TO BUY-Good 2 wheel upng Pano · i e con · on. a !es group. w t e o . n mau--•eum. gueai.. played brt..t ....... and canasta Barbor 2297-J 3'Cf8 .,._ call 'D--$2M, terms .. S~~·down and $10 will represenl the Balboa Ang-::su.i aftet felicitating ~ bon.orr:e and . g-aJ.. Al condition. AJ&O 1m&1J u 1..lld.TY TRAIL.ER. u.u.-' mo. at SHA.!11Ift MUSU::: CO. ling Club. KENNE'l'a Ull&ld'" MARZJN • ROOFERS Dew gas heater. Can .be seen bor 270L 8k81· (Since 1907) 4:21 N , Syciuaore, BA:LBOA ISLAND -1 Bedroom Vlola Atherton. president ot' Graveside servicea for Kenneth en]oying the reput. after .e-P· m. at,600 Heliotrope, Santa .Ana. Jberly 2.()880t!A!T2. pt Co l th Lo Bea h i b chall ged o.•. "-·Un t th Id First prlr.e at br.id,e went to • PAINTERS Corona del Mar. 92....a.i. ---~• POB .__.. • fum HM .• fire ace, gar,. mp e ng c c u . en ....... U'IC'rt ~ , wo--mon -o BOA M.ra. LoUis Ve.tor. second to llra. • CARP&NTEJi.s· ,.....-. -'-'Dil.._ .. ..,_ ~ , fenced yard. Yearly iental $85" the local club to a fishing toum· ot Mr. and1 zn. el&nmce Mvtln. Je.Mitn. Mr/JL Rex Albright, i,rand· . Call owner Har. 829--W. 82pM ament during the albacore sea-509 N&rdme:ua Ave., Corona de1 liaugh~r ot JO-&. T'Wftchell, waa • RUG CLmANERS MATERNITY CL 0 ~ H E.S, NEW APPLIANCES COME IN and plaf the Wonder-. . son, which waa accepted. Mar, were held Feb. 19 at M&l(ose COMO.led ¥ Oonstan Jayttd • HOUSE CLEANERSI ALL CLEAN. 'EXCJIL.. NEW FURNl'l!URE fUJ ··New Hamm~· CliOrd O&-LARGJitil'. BDRM apt .. pa:rtty-fur- Another contest will be enter-Abbey. Rev. T. P_owell Sharp of· t k t~ r~~no alee canasta • FQC. IT SHOPS . LENT"OONDITION g·' Caloitc Ou Bulge. gan. E:wun. lt'y.ou don't kn'Ow rtsheds , N.ewly ctecorated, pr. ed:lf+1by,.tthye:i~o;~1 1'1,l~n~~e· ... 1toe1sb1 oaw• "·M~=~~~' ~."arynts_1. s';~g n!veri1t de:X., ated '-he club ·ti· You,r :~_•we.~·-~ ti· -·.. tzeB , ~emat.tonal. ~~.r ·Rerfig. a . note of-, musl~[J'OQ:~ play • 7~ .~ore D~tre. Ba OGM-W' , -· • _.1,,...... -"~>·-_ ::r.-~-this• . , • ;,l~d,;Rdl6.£50~. ~~ .... ~ {!tl!Hl'~' w.~tlro·'mwo!t 1h\~~ute+ •·• '...4'' , ,., 1 S.f86 • ..;orijl : . ...... ...,_~.'.'_; .. < • ·~ d~'· . t'' 51\ ;·hi•; " 'g•._ r .. ; t -~ • r lr1ng yoli man ,fl.... . 'j 5 •. ~ .~ . ff~~ .:...~!"·!.l;t·h~!iilff~~s!i.-:. . ·!f~~ Bill! • ~ au~ l a'oiiii~~ ~-~ ot' -~~ CO;Jll~ ~-'r:, 01'Ct..u n(fO:e .• i; 11 .:-·· ' 1 ·~ · r; IDN<>R ACCIDENT cuslome1'. Barbor~a1a ---'-----'-'---=---.. · ~. ""Q:W,.:.$ ,9!5 l:ft;ieb!,"ud~~~.s..nta hlgbwa)t.$1155mo}"c&rly,1nqulre by Ri~ard"s market. which will Survtvon tn addition to lhe · An accid ent lnvoJvtng cars drlv-follta &re tn tht1 ·bablt t LADY, DO YOU WEAR a .ise Sa1.em Kaple dtn'-tbl •t. f An&. . 1 j " Me: P'emleat Corona del Mar. have slx local tromen's organlu-p&rent.e are the·crancSparent.-, Mr. 1•rt by Wilford Lambert, 433 1h ''Jooklng ln the , • 22'.11 dreu? See the lovely grey ,fiddle ba<;)c chain abd but·~ . 1 ~· Ph! lfttbcn' ~W 8tc88 tl6ns represen_ted. and Mra. Burtin K. ·Maf!tin or Acacia Ave .. Corona deJ Mar ant.I tied" when they need lllk pdnt ... reduced trom JtO to -terfiy drop leaf table ...... $69160. USED PI.A.NOS': $69 up. Good · • Alt~ comm.1ttee report/J, cana.sta Santa Ana and .Ivan Jacdbson of earl Eugene Boyer Los Angeles the.a@ .ervlces: I $2.98 at th• BIG SA.I:..£ at Deep freeRn, Internat1 7 cu. n: play~ condi · • ·· D~ NZ. . · '" wu prayed, and refre5hme.nta Corona deJ Mar. occurred at the irttersection of Uae the New1 .. 11Jn4e. FITZP'ATRICKB, BALBOA. Victor 16 ~u. ft. ·S€iDfiDT;:520 N. ~ San~ M-&00.118 FOB. ~ were serv~ ~y Frane-es Puluki BEJUlERT H. FREEMAN ~rnation ~ve. and· the Cout Po.t and Preu co:'dr· ~· Ana. comet" 9tll. J 1" CORONA DS'r. MAR.-Fumlabed and her ccmm>ttee. H •-H Fr Hi h 8 •s Wedn --------~---Dale's Furniture w· • ·--Uprl"'-~ ~ .... Pl••A., -'with prl·-·· en~·ce cu. eru.::rt . eeman., 80, or 131 g way at :.., p. m. es--tlon wtth over 21,~ r-· A.Ll.l'lu·.1.-~ -.-u-----~~.. "a-u:: w-Gi1 ._..... Flower St., Costa Mesa, died tn day. Boyer was making a left cuJaUon. , 32 Fr. REDWOOD FlllNCING 1929 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meaa In good coh.ctqf<m..-I011"'Mar-own patio. Pb.one Har 0089-~ . Program ol)..J.ndia . for Frien-cH'hip Girls A program on India held the attention or members ot the Friendship Girls ot the Costa Mesa Community Church at their latest meeting with Donn& Nel- son. 4.00 Bernard St. A report "'as given on the success of a cookie sale b.r the group. · At' the close or the evening re- treshments were served to Doria Luckhardt, Joan Isley, Helen Sands. Bobble Haley and Ruth ,Reynolds. The next meeting ii slated for Tuesday, Ma.rch 6 with Helen "and Jayce San<IJ at their home on San Bernardino Pl. Mem.be:rs will have a shower for the Loll An- geles General ho.spltal. The Stork Special J t M h Bl d i with poata in ' aecliou, 3 tt. Phone Beacon 5107-~ 1 .. _ .,.___ 8fc88 St. oaeph hospltAI Sunday. turn rom acArt ur v ., ROI ce Phone Harbor 1111 ~y h.l ALSO dbl bed.a ead. Pb . 83c84i gue:dte, ·Corona uel liar.. ~-. Bom in Nova Scotia, he had said. when he collldod with Lam-and •• ~ tor the -•.•·~er. · gh. • 1 · t · 1902-M. UcMI--~----------~ --Beacon •7113-R. 82clK. EA.!Jl'ER RESERVATIONS 1alu!n reeided in the Harbor area for the bert's vehicle. Sji.ectal montbly nltl!L r ANY pa.at 11 yea:ra. Damage to both cars wu slight ·---i-------------~OG -DIN ING TABLE, TRADE your-old p1aDo or baJtd. now. Rea.eomble rates. 12S-~ 1 Surviving him are two nieces, and they both left the scene Uf)der I EvER'YTBING • , . chair-a &ad butch, 18th cea:~ lnl:trument'.~ for It.I tun cull St., Newport Beach. Harbor Mn. R . L. Lemon or Uplands and their own power_ ,..._....EB80NAL8j roa. YOUR-TR.An.Ea davenpqrt; drapea. Pboae Bea· .1 value on a Pa0k:a.rd Belt· tel•-0648-W \ 8:tcK Mrs. Peter Buxby ot Santa Bar· i:::::============• Aleoholica Anonym·jl.. WE· rn.L BUTANJll u.d con -w. ' · l2c84. vlolon· at -~ Mlll!'IC Co.-· · bara O!WI PROPAHJll TANKS WALNUT kn.,. h I d-'" 80: In ' tinnce' 190f) U N· &yt!omoi-e; il5'-llONJ!lY' TO LOAl'f hn.eral aervlcea WPU held Wed-Write P. Ol Bo• 2'0!S Complete' bs:ata.JA.Uon. ,.,...,. ~ 0 e ---, ·· Santa Ana.r DIY• ~. Balboa lallllld, C&llf. and ~ t aD -·~-. glua top, .. ..,. drawera. llke• 83Hc . • ~:~. ~:_ ':.fO:. In the Grauel HOW LONG Phone ~r\Y s..-· Equt;:.~':.L 0 ·~ new, $811. Phone Harbor ~w , 1 LOANS Fat! Homes Interment w .. lo Forest Lawn ; P~ON f Rermao &. llamuel ,Ellla ll. Porta • ev... ~· Mauy a big_ llea1 --~ -• 'REc:roL.ut { % % (10-:ZO pl!.) ' emetsry. -I tbru· a · mnall \Wallt M 'G. L •% 120 yu.nJ ALBllRT 1t. MORRISON Watch Repairing ORANGE COAST Jack's Fumiiture l'il.t., '-14% <20 year•I Albert R..·Morrlson, 47. l>! 1761 • • ELECTRONIC.ALL~ TRAILER SUPPLV' · ai--.a -' c-toc. !loam IHll!r·"'{H )Tllo) Ne"""'rt Ave .. Costa Mesa. died • ' .TESTEO AND TtMi:i> . _. lll06· w. Balboa Blvd. •. • ~·noN •-~ St:. Ila!• ,No. .eommu.. chg. OI\ M~tri> louls r-Since ypu I 1910 ILUUIOR "LVI>. ' p · ~ 1 ~ · ..,,__ .Yfe 0 buy and aell · -rru.t 1)eeda Sunday after being muck by an Louck's Jew~ Ocot& ~ .,_ e.a--It'. atr ot M.•Ple twin beda ••• f32.l50 i..., near-PavDfo!!.~....... C"' 808 s·-~ automobile while walking ·-ss ed · · .· . ' Pnrt,•h le red leatherette bv . led.._ ~-~er ~ · ~· ·-~ -v com par 1786 Newport mvd., Coltal -.. ....,... p g, P'-· .. , . -M • Bar 2111 ,.,., Froe A--·-· Newport Wvd., at C.brlllo St.. · 8ltt~ LARGE hSY '(hair. occs-aal and 2 lltoolo ..... ·-·····--·.flll.00 remodel to ..st> ~t ' • · . , Y,..~ Costa M-. f. ks' 1 ' · : arm chair, 5 lbelt' lioOk ....._ ~ 7 cu. ft. ·--..• :.. .. Jal.oo llJlll: Mn. ,»c • t111190t a..11&1. =::., ~':.'! ~:1~~ua A naUve ot Pennsylvania, be ':{QUl $ C)C '• l all tl>ne are PhllipP,ltHI ltlabdtt-Dar -and -. fop , bOa BML, . Bal .. fl>. Harbor • . • . had ,llved in Coot& M-tor 27 15-8BARJll. . . YOU& CAil ••w• u. cone!. Pr ......,. lam"-· ·"p ......:...._ .,,;.., L ' up 1lla or_ !'·.....,.-. !'. Tllilr • . • yean. . · • NEZD RIDB to Loe • • ;;m_ hon. UqUtci&r;z~ -~-·;;~~ .,,;w ·-.::S:,I'.+uxao,...:. MORTGAGE LOANS He .lo survi-by bit wffe, De-" .'daily, UM!. 'ietum. ~ Bea. oo -S!&hMlttes. Pb-~r 2-..R • ~-o•~ ---r-. ~ Rat. lort!ll, of the home ad-a Buain.eaa coird'itloe• llll!O °" e,en.w att.ei ~ rlc.. ut..W!lf,alum.. eJeo.. ~. , _ !t cold ..yr. ~ l;no: 1, " • -~ Interest , ' • daugl>ter, Helen Wright ot Encenl· d>anp, oplniOlll oi !Ave. • .,.... lbaDT other , thlnp. OfamoDd • ' ' -...,.. at 108% 11th a:, 1'•)">11't ll'ftD l:NsPBC'mON, KL ~8 • . J0'1ES-To Mr. and Mn. WlJ. tu: a. olllu, Mn. Hamtt p....,J · _... ~Of ,ring," cameo ~ ' ·, "Beach. {JnqUjn ~ W. Ocean • !lam Jones, 379 Monu VI.Ila Aw., of co.ta •-and -gnmd·i ton' ehenp-... and....,,. J :mounled bl &'Qld. 218 Ill.it .lltb ~ Ratflan; Fumit'are ·l'l'ont. Pl-. &r. Jtn-~ ..... S. W, OOI.ElfAN • Coorta M.... In Sant& Ana Com· children. . 11ede4 in llodt prbl. ~ AND :l'OUND, .t 8 , Costa MeiL ~ Kade lb tb.,, 1'!11PiPIJl.iO _.,. • _ ' l t -j noM_ 207 N. B1Wdway, llilala AM : · munlty hospital. hb. 7, 11161, a J'UDeral servtcea wcro beld1 . L08'I' _ Ubinl -t.J male • , \ 1 • , · In GUI' owa _., ....... ·• · . _ ! '1\"'ll BUy and Sell '1'tullt l>eeda d•:~Jbo.. ~\Ir ':r '11 . w--.y Jt 11:00 °L m. bl: tbtr ~~ ... ., -red !'>ach&Jmod -dlMWand BINGLE HOLLYWOOD bed com• Wida -of~ "" .u'f l*&Mft &!llll'jn•• -.. ileli -To · and ra. Graliti ehapel, c;o.1& JC-. with y,..r • ~ ._....,.. from 61~ -~ p.lete WWI -and agr1np .. 1arpot .,..,. ID llo; Ollll. , , John C&rlton. 15%2 Miramu ~ llllllu.i,tiln -~-lodre .'· .... iMJ -~ID JOllll ~ 3. -llarlm =°" fta< -OI\ wlU -• (W~ """'I Pl • -~ IN tpVllLY 000,f ...... ·-Io•• 'llO 8UJU), Dll'R091L • Balboa laland, In st. l-pb llooa Nd. -of11claU,... I . ~ . -•sp. ' ~-dlll. • ....., ...... l _ PIL .,._ BOUSE ~ GAm>EN -AUO· ~II;;, "'* -~. "' --oa Pl··· 'Fe!> l6 19<> • -8 ·~· ·-·~-nutpa•n.W•u'be'SOJl'f.... ~-• -..... -· ··-........... .... -·· ____,..,_ • ;;:' , ; ' --;---. .,_:~t waa In ~ Ah-:d° ..... 7ot1 abaUt ~ ;;; .• tlllZO, • ..,... 111 ~.. • t,. ~ ~ • --0: ·'iTii ~ .-AllC9 ' TREHN -.To. !b· •. l'ln; .,., ,.._,_ • • · -mr...n.m.. ·-I a:T or..,.~ --. · · , 1 111!8*· ••· ·'1,' 41 •· w .. _, ~ -==:::=;:: ·~95i.;:•:;:;· t!! 'DO•l\ap. . w.Ji":O•_" eart-;.'9;;f' ~-=-11 '4~ = W:..""'l'-:' it ::ii;-:: ~ .......... J!&.-=-=:."!':Zlc':..-i: pllal."eb.8,1116J,a-..,5U...ii..J ..... Wllilldri .. ·.• ~~8!.!o-ii24,,C&1 ·(_ =""'. _ .. :_orwaitr.00.J'lll Ni HMl•.:.i.::...._W••t,-E -:· 1•••1'11. -111:-.•:•!f.•~M m&YlaUdeRa,-.- 16\lr-.._ ' , , ; AIZll •-~ 90 -,a --• .;,.-...:-· · ..... etw, ••,..t 11111 u -.... -· I ........ ill, ..... ,..... ------------...:"~-b ... -.......... '""'"'. ~--··· ........ --~--· , __ ,,_ ~-=·:.-~ -· . -.,.;r:t~a:m .. ~=.::-:-Jt.,...~-.i.::= --=.-::,•s .~-. =~ ~ ': ., *...;. ':~-:.~ ..... u.; a•• ::;\: ~ ....,.. .i'i!8~:1g.,:~·11' ~hb.&195;1,aeoe.tk,a '•_, •&•.MeapwtBwlt •c:a11-at.n~ t.a:.a-..w&: ._.. r& _ eft1'...C:.-r --:-~~--.,..---.:.;,,-..1i MK;."" • '•• ~w. ·~ 1a:arc1111!t. • J ·' .._ ' • ,. . . .,. • • • .. 'f • l '• I / • • • I \ • • • • , REAL ESTATE BLANCHE-A'. GATF.S, Realtor- ' ' • • "'I 9Zlft. / _G: N. WEIJ.S Broker _& Assoc. • . Costa Ms'& Tbe a.t lrown on Earth . . -L . • • S. JONES . · J. )(ARTIN . 311 Marine Ave., :Balboa lsland . On ljlaat ·Side Ph. Bar. 1671 or 1672. Bar. 746-lll or Bea. e<K2-R Eva Ho~ &Dd l1h . .ere. chicken . eqwp. C10ee IA. , BALBOA IStiND -Beautftul 4 bedroom tum. All for $4,500 home, 2 batba, near No. Bay and sliopptnc center. Patio, dbl. gar., laun~ rm: Priced to sell. JN EXCUJSIVE BAY SHORES -Nearly new 31- B.R. home. Secluded patio. El<cel. buy a"t $14,l!OO CORO!"A DEL MAR -Charming, 3 bdrul. nrncb type home, near the water. Built for gtaclous llv; big. Large master bdrm wlth1 fireplace. 'l'ilro patkle. Priced right for immediate sale. BALBOA BAY PR()m HOME.·• bdrms, 3 baths, private bfi!ach, pier and float. A ~al buy at $40,000 BlANCHE A. GATES -REAL'110R GOING, GOING, ... and will s0on be gone! 2 ltEDROOM bay front home on Balboa BE'.l'l'ER sEE ~ TODAY! $24,.600 Island. NEARLY NEW 3 Bedroom cJusjve BAY SHORES tract, and draped, $16.!!00. Ranch Type in ex. beautifully carpeted LINWOOD VICK, R€ALTOR 312 Marine iyve. Balboa Island ' Harbor 2042 NEWPORT HGTS. ' . Nice 2 bdrm Home Goool atnec; fandKaped Very nice, Price .500. : $1,000 DoWn G. I. Resale 2 bedroom home and Back yard fenced . Price ~.75(). $3.500 Down Monthly pyts. $49.70 Lot 53.x203 de11. Close in -Price $1,000 $100 Down and $25 per ino. G. N. Wells, Realtor and Associates 1T90 Newport., Blvd ... Coeta Mesa Phone Beacon 0181 A'ITENTION • INVESTORS • ' • COR DEL KAR PROPER'tl£!5 • • • Robert ~ L)'llll IWaltGlll B11• L. I -1 1 1 I -_,;- •LOW PRICW INcOME PROPERT1: FOR sALi: l'ol' eami>11t:: ao: al 2 aaJta JM~ 2 Wl!U $15,llOe,u.ot'!-'l'f"-21.BOO SPl:gAL lilo. of JllYd. ~ real llea.ty, -vieJr·-1 blk.. to beach ~-'2' ISllO We have nllmer01111 otfiJrinp In a wide price ru1p. · ~ · ~ . j:[lroOS FoR SALE · .: 2 , 3 BEDROOMS-Priced. to, ~U! RENTAlS i"OR • Sqmmer •ot year roUnd.- • Sl:E US NOW! • ' Kore lfdlhp are wanted to aupplir the d~m.and .· . ' , I . , CORONA DEL l.{AR PROPERTIES ru ~.!-~.I . Parmho1ae XotM .n&rn<JT .._. [ Corona del Mar Harbor tosa I . , LIVEON~WATER 'Owner Sliya ''Sell Beautiful Bayfront Home" 5 Bedrooms, 4 baths, pier U>d no.t. Obe ot the rmest hom• on LidO. ' , CHOOSE YOUR DECORATION Nearly completro :t bedroom hou&e ·on waterfront. Nice . living room with fir1!place, parquet ·floors opening on patio, l'4 liatllir, :kar prage. $23,000. Good financing. OWNER llUST•SA.CRlFICE WA TERFRON'l"' lrom11 ~th· ·income. Attractive 3 bedroom home and Ol"' bedroom apartment; Nice patio, pw and float.. SmR down pa)llDellf.. $24.500. BAY AND BEACH ·REALTY · Ethel Shirlef GlodenFay Licensed Yacht and Ship Broker '1450 Balboa Blvd. • • Harbor 1264 ., COSTA M~A REAL ES'.l'ATE ' ' $117~ DOWN 2 BDRM HOME 2 yrs. okl, eaat tide, near talgh school. Do&I, turnace, good Ben· dix \vu.her lncliJded, l&J"l'e lot, ft-need. WEIL WORTH the · uking price of .,500. Month· ly pymts of $58.78 tncNde t.a.xai, inL and Ina. G. I. RESALE -3 bdma., nice' eut side location, apackM.la bed- room1. tile kitchen, bl&'-dUal furnace, dbl. gar. faced back yard, 60xl~ Jot. $10,fl!&. '2,9:!0 down. $56.40 mo. Jncludea tax.ea Int. and Ina. PLEN'TT VALUE HERE! ' • • ' . . . . G. I. RESALE l:njoy home ownrtshJp with a ------------------------. ...::'-------_;;. _ _::.!.._ 1290 SQUARE rEET -Two bed· l"ood income. &re kl an oppor- tunity to buy 3 hoWle8 for th<' . pl'tee or ONE. Uve In on~ ancl enjoy income from the others. . ,. : I . ' NEW CAR ' '' · · 'L'BADE-INS ....._ '49 Mernry 4-tU. sedn. radio. beat, O.D ..... 1745 • 49 Font 2-dr.. Radio heater ···--·············-·· 1496 '49 Foro.\"-dr. radio & ... heau;rf cwenlrive .. 15M ·4k Pack. 4-<17. sedan .. 1446- '46~Chev. 'Y! terr panel tzuck, radio, heater all new tire&! GOod sllape ············-········ 895 I room home, large living r'OO{fl • ""'Place, full alse dlnlng room, l&r•e kJtchen with a m09t pleM-aat dinette ana. Party funWlh-Thta Is a nearly new \JJ'lturnlahf'rl ed. Late model ato•e and' retrtc-TRIPLEX cONi•ting of two 3 era.tOf\ Backyard fenced Lota bedroom u.nlta lllld a ainaJe one of " shrubbery 18 x 20 ..... bedroom Un.it. On UDO ISL.Ill $7.:500·0 . 1. ~at $fJ1 40 IJ'lcl:: and on the BA YFRONT lhJs Ing taxes and in~ We should be a lite-long Income. make someone 8 very F>o<t :i View, p!U'"vate beach. condition fo r owner'• equity Come pr-e-. of buildln«• are DELUXE. ThLI pared to buy. · la especially auited for retire- ment or u a ··security lnveat- ment... At "8,SOO tll1a la UJe price of "ONE" BA YFRONT hom e. Excellent terms SEE THJS. 750 DOWN ~-L IN NEWPOR'i HEIGl:fiS -a house that anyone will be crazy llbout. Quality built 2 bedroem, brand new,. hwd., flApiaafo, ALSO ahake-root. brlcktace, lndlvtdu-on the BA YFRONT one ot the alitY,.. Unique 'noor plan. 'nJbr · ttne-hOme·s ·Of' tlt1I area. On • ~ will pJeue U\• ~ eta-)•rge lot wi&:b. flee prtv.q thl• B.AL:BOA ISLAND BEAUTIFtrL 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonia.I home in choice location near North Bay. Extra large muter bedroom with dressing roorn and spa,. cioua clol!ets. Sllel\8ttd patio. Bather's show- er, double 1a111ge, t~ air heat. STANLEY HADFIELD 216. Marine, Balboa bland Harbor 20 Harbor Investment . Realtors New Lido Isle READY SOON -3 bdrm. Z.bath . dJning-den. Con.eir ttreplue. JPorced air heat, bar-type kitch- ACREAGE -ACRll:AGR -1 - 2 1h. -~A: io acre pa.reels avatl- •ble in most any iocaaon ln the • Mesa area. Come in ·aod .t.ate your neffis. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY M·l zoned. We can locate-your fac- tory site and help you with your land uae permLt. .atJY NOW! before it GOES UP. en, 2-car garage. Cor ..• ot. io at. Bamey ""-~n'•q~ lot. SUU time to choose your own .J."' r -u.~ "'BEl"l :U BUY'' color11. Price $22,000,1 MUL'DIPLE LISTING ftLTRS. ir -· -~ -'' batlla on ~00 E..oi 11\j> S'L. at 'l'Uatln :.Cve. ., f .. •••• 11 IE ••• ••• -·· , ' . -. OCElAN· F'RONT SPECIAL ATTll R&>Woob HbmO''on Cleu, Sandy.Beach 2 B.R. den. Furn., patio. Peace¢ Tutetbny tum. $.11:500, term&. ALSO cholcl ~n tt: cor. lot. clean ~ beach U250 Contact Mrs. Dicboa, lliaibor fdU, Evee. 2092 .. w . B©AT OWNER'S ATTENTION! • lDEAL :VACATION HOME'-itlght on the .ChaiuMI and only a step to mu~~. p&er-and noat. Well built. 3 yean old! Sleepg lll ean,.. l!pecloua living roem. Ft"'place. ht.le, ~e. l>Plt. ._,... Ample --·· Full price SJ,8.1189, ~th18 wltllotot delay! Contact Mn. pick.Ion, Harbor 1013'. £ves. 2on-~w. ;,. EARL W . STANLEY· Realtor 17th 11.nd· COut Hiway Newport -It. 224 Kattne A~. Balbe4 lsllldld · lSth and Irvine Newport Betlclt :11111 Nhport -. Nowport8-h I . . • . . . ., l lil:lll-THESE - - -- ' 2 bedrms ~~·~ft. fat. ~wer prd.en,.nd. floors. Douillt Pr.I ~&-1atb1011;ti{,.?. t '.blll from i!>L · ·, I ./ .. . ~ ~. .. ~ ....,.. •. j ... • • -~ .. ,., t ': I '46 008' 96 S'edanette' Hydromatic R ·4 Et RecGAd. eq ··-·-·-1295 crlm1natlng" buyer. Open ~ lill .._a Z..•toey home Willi <t tMtd- pul'CllUH. K,•f !rt our ot(fc.e. room-, larp den. 3\0 bathl. . -I . an atOoii -11-. Tlier- Watert .. mt Lota -Balboa I Coves -~35& )Ip. 1 "at:i"t'El\ BllY" I .1'6 !Ma.' BeauUIUI large patio, Costa 'M"9a -8818 ddnl:e-eonstructlon. Truly • FOR ~ ~ '! '.I ' .~~ '~ldiful;' ~ .~I view o~ J0oifc ! jH'uti<il'.'2 ~· Z batlla. . ' '46 P11c•aai · 4.b. l.'li!d.. ' tin• home. '22,500. . I , ' · Recondi. engine. A lli'I""" no-nru. · I mador eleelrto heat throu1hout. '1JftJV' 'l'Y 1,. G. }, pter and-•DP and many otfier 795 3 BEDROOM RAJric&· nPJ: splendid feature•. Home ta fur-Lid0< Isle OW-S~N' SP~n $4 750 Full Ptiee · BEST BUY.S E. Side,. ~~ Mesa rott•sXm-o~ east ~ae oi OOST.i DSA- 3 ae-Ideal ' f?alr.' ~-0.-may be, .ubdivfrled. ... . .. b "'Y ............... ····---···· i::tn'E BZACB HOUSB:, 1 block I : ,, • .. '46 Nash Amb&aa. 4-d HOME -Bn.nd" a.ew, k>ng nJ.tlhed and can be beugbt. at sweeping front pore•. &!!place, speci&l. price and terms. nrta i. Bayfront home -2 lty .. 5 bdrftl., from beat be.thins .beach. BalJd-. Nice 2 bdrm, hwd'" tloora, theJ->-1 J1D'ZYORRIS ~.TY CO., .Realtors ·· . su Coaat BlvcL Harbor :t.1li2 .Corona del x&r r Ah o·dr. recond. ,. engizle. . .................. . °"{. • , '42 Chev. Club Coupe. ' Radio, bter., Sharp ... '41 . De Soto 4-dr. i'luid De., Radio, heater, 1 ownt!T-............... . '39 Buick 4-dr. Sedan Ollig. black ............ .. corner lot. Thermostat f\araace SOUND VALUE. 895 1,ota ol iikeabJe ""reaturu. Wld~ ,redWood Bldbtc. A home that 3 ba. 60' n lot , Jge eftp and pier, lng ln good cond. $41''°, turn. stat dual watt heater, p.race. -... gwdm • patio-, ........ obop. Nli:EDB i'IXIN' Cl.-to ""''"port 1!11W: Lot 795 you ean really enjoy. Thie la .i.. hlJ· price la only $11,250 595 PHIL SULLIVAN F ormerly C. Galen Dent.on • 495 ALSO SPECIAL price tor quic.k aale. Duplex on Balboa Blvd. needa 60xlf0. Prtc• W,809, addllion&tl--::;----,--------~--'---"'------- woJ'k. Wt hu' tote ot room aild "' Som• very desirable IOU for .. i. ~•ibllllt••. •07•• ru-·---· Jot Jl,0()0, OPEN _"",..,,,MY on LIDO ISLE. Choice water-··BETTER BUT" ,,--~ uv inaalft:U. "''-'J.."f..LrA tront Joli for income un.lU 0, LIDO 11;.11;. ~B~. t SITES 2 BDRM hou~ and garage on 1 l.. 5 p ..... J cross street lots at pi;ices well H bo T-l-nd .. 1._ ......,.t. Y ·ront choice loca-acre near ne'R'° .C.l'pJta &ta.mar· -... JD.. oncfe r tbelr va.IUee. Remember. ar r .mtiS UUI>---··--··-----·····-··-····-··..ui,.500 ket, $7.000 Additional iacre F 2 'M!drocm bo•·e on lot toxJ.GO, cl<>Ae to m.uket and trafi.tpor- t.ation. FbU price ONLY $4,000, we are the DEVI!ll.PPIIRS of Bayfront boiae · _, In grad ou. :ig:n. bayfront R-3 ............ -$9.000 $2,500. 12.1 Sa.pphii"e · A've. LIDO ISLE. You wtll p.rotlt by · living. l sty. rambUag home. r' :ft. lruilde ··-······-···············SS.~00 _m coming to our ort'lco. He« a Tropical aettln&'. 3 bdrm and lsG-tt. .tna~imJ<»ITs ::.:: P!2_:!1!&a-I:ndumtal lbt, 63"200. '11099, Be.lb'O& Islan"'I 2' BDRJJll HQPie . llttl b LOT aid' . 3'4 baths -~ ~·-ter!ns . • , lllut Bide; tlrepJ-.:e, nice yard. .t G.T. EVERSON e uys a. -m 9 room. • 5-.uen,.. nent v1ew or bay and ocean One · onally tble bomJl' full)' real buy, for anty $5,9'0, term.a. Laguna '!'.> ..... ob RlllALTQR p A PALMER prl. beach, pier • ship. Be~u. °" tll• -· view loU left .. !IOO tumlaftjl, well !Jllilt i Ull9. -' i:x:a~ f90 N ewport Blvd c .. ta Meoa • • !Urnlab!Dgs. Shown by appolrtt· GREENLEAF • ASSOC.' GOOD LISTINGS WANTED ~ large -· !>8th .,. t>'al U Lincoln _Mercury Pllone Bea.con 11241·W INCORPORATED menL 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor= ROBT H M~ 6 ' t 1 6edroe <I' .,.BDrwu nOIDe · Ha bo :n ~ w ' ~--~··J 3•33 VI Lid • • .v ..... £>.I.· baownth • WO •ri• ~·~ .. an ' . r r . .,,. or gc-.un ......_.. • · a o "llE'l"i'l!R BUY" Bea. 6224_J Rea. DeL A17·J'. over garage, wi~.~te built in 1944. Ftrepfl.ce, ·lot . 160 NOll'l!H COAST BLVD.1------.------N e~~r s;·~~ Calif ,CORONA DEL MAR 1900 Harbor Blvd · paUo ..,.trance' "°'"'+Mo:'\ rental .1~06. A-1 wrung. ~youlluce ' :x..(Ull!'. ~b .t. ' ~·1 , -~000 ,po~ ' I • r ' , u· t:H~llCh+iilttiire l ti~r!llf:tl!t ~=J:lrl ,·" C?STA' MESA ·. . iifiWh•· ·~ 1Elvn .... ~cowo,lry Ute you can't!j>Mt tlll• . Ph Bea'!fl 1 4t15 1 ., 25 . .1.1t hi>..._, ~"'!" .n• hbor· \T ALU' · A T•u~i. ,1.J].l.;.;fasa\;.M· 1 ', -' ~ _ _ hood, 3 yrY. oli, furn wood ~ ~ tmula ln Mat &be. Small be.di IB:rit'~J -3 . / · • · ', , , 't • .,:l floors , prage attached, beomed ~·-PROP™ • ......., · · rm.. apt. .over dbl. '"'~ge. , . _, oy1tem. Wij tr >ii fi , • 1' JOE NICKERTZ ceiling. Price $6 995 n~v-~•.,~10,000 collar<. •--JIY. J'b • .fttt.. . "!--bome oa B....i.n, Ill Coota.-ftlee<t right. ·~ -e oS .e.. · · 3 Apto. • ' sleeping room1. plact ·redwood fence· some ~·r. W:ell located $I:>,7:!0l trms.. Among: tho beat new homea. • · n ... the country cl.._·~ STUDEBAKER DEALER 224 FLOWER, Cotrt.& Men Right In the Boart of Balbo•! FULL PRICll $7,600. , 'Tllla 1s ·r.&11y _,,.and well C... 1* oeen Sunday by g $90.mo. FuU price only $7,500, OPEN HOUSE This c:an be a money maker w1t.h Bli:Al.JTDl'UL built wllb bwd. n00,. and many-:.r. Jlbttram at ~ ~llOO! '2.000 down. Certified used Cars ~'"'""AY' FEB right management! "Bl!1n'Dt BUY" SHORE CLIJ'i'S quallty feaWl'e1, Wiil· go PHA p A PAL' ;. h-.~ . -~WJ."ILJ 1 1 25th DUP ~ or G.I. Sultmil Lenna. .. • · ~ B A NER'L'"QN 1949 STUDl!!'BAKi:R CHAMPION I..K><-Attnctiw .J> ""'11 lo-New mooern 2 bedroom and ft· • • .l!.oil •·<Ir. sedan. Almoot new. onl1 ~BC REALTY Co. cated near Baylront. 3 If. R. Bu.siness PrOf)erties panelll!d den. Gar. dU!posal 'l'll,500 INCORPORATED I MltA Multiple u.ti,,.. omce · 6800 miles , overdtl..,. nuUo, e . 3ll6 N'"'J>Ort Blvd., Newport s.JL ~J;· 2.:,;.:i,,:Pi'. !':;"t~ Wide ' .. 1ect1on ot ruldentlal and forced alr beat, patib, dbl. 3&30-Via. Ude ~ I<ewport l!lhd:, c.ta Meoa. ·~··,!'.'d:~ ":';';.!:1~,:: __________ s:i_c~_ Su.nd•ck. p<1Uo. Fumlllhed. ';,"~=-=·Also, bu'1-gar. Ociean view, '23.'700 .lfz ACRE&: HOME ~~Cal ) • -"Bo-~Dll drive. A fine· sa'ting on a great LOVELY 3 lJEDROOM>. l~ bath Make• ideal home with income! tena. This ta re&llynice -2'bdn'lrbom . . •.MO· DWJ'f: A.truttvei 2 ·bdmL car. home. Pl-i-e, fenced .... -.NEWPE>RT 'HllllCHTS -Brand "B .............. 'D nTt'"V" on ~ acre wtth ie trult -...._ ' ~~ flome. 8eP< .din:. ·-.. ...~------.. 1947 STUDEBAKER ooMMAN--~M. ... dl•tricL ~ new cuatoru.Jruln a B. R. h.-~·~ ~ • Have openlng for SJMlCiab! many 811rubl!. no.,.,~ro uu1 .M;:;; Newport Her ts , t.Jooor., · ~;--~~ DER 2..ir. •ed. Every pooslbl• _,. $3.000 down. Call 1--•• Lugo Jo<.· 1t·1 a Hooey! 1\7_..,,orl n'-ll. Duplex' bmlaer. _. den. Patio and l&UI·-· Built. a. J.. ~ -2 ~ -.Larkll"lJ'; Corona de! Mar. ext~wnlrive, raGio,, heater, bor 2046. 83cM Many extra. Iota of tlle, frpl. ... ~,... .t' .i:x:.u. 1946. Jt'• pretty a a picture: e. ·~ ~ etc. Thia car show• the tulut that la dlfftN.Dt, bookoun, Loni.Ji duple.x-1 bdrm ea.c~, rU.tinp •Wanted -Al.90 Reontall In the Back Bay •re. am~ ~ fU:rlli ~e lt¥" :r~ Wi9t.h" . of care and It. bard> to tell that MAK.a OFFER oii dup)ox, !111' hup wudrobe. oalt nooia. 410. pi--pod ln<:<m\e. ·1 nice hO...... 'tool'Y, ·-I,._ .flro11're. Dlit. pr wltll .. pluml>-I• ' . It's 1'oen ased. Former owner Grand Canal. ~8 No. Highland. 2-car garag.,~PLUS • workahop loeatloli ..,,.. !!Md. -.,.. ., 1v--::-"'-'th, Realtor price<! be-""~mt. llllr -'1ono for utra bath. . VOGEL V .ALUE Monrovia. Ph. Elliott 884:il. aH taundry. Move rt•ht ln! .-a £.d·~ ~ $; · 8 fr dtu& ,_.. tltnced. I Mr. '· W . Yale. boUght thhl car • !~::":"". nt. P>lced ••.-t 'witl t:!M Caul Bhray, Ooroaa del !Ku_ 10 800 · ' from me late tn 1"1. Mplr AWn>,,.. ,,,. f'k"' r: H . A. ~·-1 • · ' ~ Will HaJMlle ' ------------loan. A wondertuJ buy at $12.-Pbme e:&rbor 2'M7 .,.. · 1 1947 Fl!>RD 8 Super dlx. ludo<. 990. '"REtl'liR BOT• N rt Hi • bts · · TWO BSD~)( completely fur. Orig. tlnloh a.ad a ,. .. i_ l>uy. 11 lllUoL ESTA.Tl: EXOIUNGa ' ..... • I ewpo e1g OIJ KHJ!O~ 111..VD., ... s bdnn. nlabed -· ---. lce-~~y • COSTA ...... A-\0 ..,,.. wttll uni. .... ~~ • Best Bu ~-·--din' _,__ nv•~ . ! ............ own .... Mn. Lido-l:ale J. vuay s . . y Clean 2 bedrm }Klme llA!U tlle ....... -°' Jlli".ary -ollop ~~-.ac. -· •u·--· Arthur •. etatt. EveY Thill o( =~ ~0~'. --Iba Wtai •~' fu ' :1,! = :.!' ~.;, ·".: ~ ;• !':::. ~:Z.U :~ ·=:.:, '.!i,.~ ..= PLYMl!>trnl CPE.-Radlo, heat· lnpllM!-llotuUtul .....,..WI OOKON. ........ _.... ,_,. •1 -.,_, __ ..,_ -• --' •··A-.... r,. t --• ..,..__c~""-* g Your .... ~::r :!.91l!lWtu=~.·""!~~~t!L& .,,. D..,... .... 11.n ~ . .,.. ..--_ . -. Gol. • • •u·~ -. ""'11 i!O·~~ ~ =,,.....-.-._ -· ·~.~ "':';'. er, run. good .... _. __ ..... -~ .,.,... 11-.,-~ n._-..,..... A.air ~Iii lf.&'lll r =-_ A ™ W ----· Prdl !9> JtiUB'i !' -~ -· -~ ~ ~LYMQUTH SED.,v.,,. cl•ut-Real Estate 7 OITICIUI r. -~-g --·Ny prtcb! $9 650 ......... $2 000 dn ' ' . . -.. ---. l<JG!I Only ......... _ ...... -.-..... -........... ,250 ' ·• COSTA m!:SA-.'I 1!t 11:, ftp!.:• ~ -.. acH •ll. , > , > \ ... 1 ....... J1iD e=w... 'IWO Wlft umJ 11111 rt. tMaf~ ~ '.. ~ FORD V-8 -~ 8ED~ Tlm•cllaJ>&:«; and wltatWu.,.,... car '*--lof. Xli't ~..-..; ,._l:bedl-c.\PllCOD.Jlilrl--r-__ ,, ... tot--~·-t. · PM-$12,~'7· • Fin" tranapcwtat .... , .. -....... .-t..._t 'too< your needa a r-,_ netpIIQrbQOd. -aide. r<~ ...-..-bor la~ --·-ldtdM!D, -~Newport -.1-.... 11). .. -... oll/,f. ' 'r I ' -~. . . 3t15 N .....,,.... Blvd ago rn&'/ now be IM'I' , • .., -,..ti-!Jilt ·-. --Realtors . ' ~ .... -.;-It. ...... , R;ik.c, Rm. for 1 ,.-... ·-llTU'lt' , • .,..,, .,.....-· 1 ;roua ~'to mt ... (A.. e~~··-· · Pvllap l'O"-.laa¥e & ct4.-QA.IN! OniJ, n.ooo. ·i ·-· •••v '. Olive'.Yil!A! .. · t lurnlabed home'wfth •· -- -~, ud -waM a ~ -· .....i •. .:._. ,.."P<X't ..... et.-lt..11: -, sM-• · " · ----"' >~ &lite · dbwn 1'&1"'•t, ·of cmly • -.a-.1110. Ofr--·---llOC'i'll'-'-~RJU~OO. f' U.lllte;ID)'odlV! idS'PB'IJY-OW&t.BOaPdni-r:IOCJt.c-otM'..,.1'i1gOIC _. ''3000' . Ile Wat IM ,,_ -•=+' IOI: • ......... !~If Realton,. -+-------~---1-DO .NOi' WAIT! • ------,-. -----I -. r;' -::--.,.,.. li(abl •M.; &Rioe .... 309il ' • oa-iflM--lltail. .i..-. ""l'"',•~-, ·~ P•VILION" Coves Ho ~l 'caamberlhln i 'nilO lt;t . ,, __. .. a ta ... ---,--...,.--------N .. ~.. -~ •, ' 0. u . ll~ _.r• . :..:--..::.::"-..i:i BAJ.JtC>• IS~-twi....'!' t~ Uid dm, 11" . ..._ P.ALK':S.-··)lpt, 1-• him~ ---, P 4' r ... lft·~--_~-lion,~ JI!' ..... .,__ U ~. ftll" -CJr -..... N.... loat. •-~---•-_ .. , 1:40 'w!f'P-Aft. In.de-...... Bllll>-,...,, ty. • -.. "I' SI ... __ .. ~-·-----II • -r------~------ CAt,I, Barlxir • Ul'f·!I(.. 11atur-.fl'cllio_ ~ -......... 911L ..., ,,,; • • ,. ·. . llpll ·--.. -•q::·;aa w ... -liAW •.... -·-M ~ ::O-':'';.:l ::;:a r:k..s~,~·~.~· , ~ ptOpaty. -811 R ;:'\;;lu:si -J . ron .......... ----:=~F .,...,...,,,4 • ...,......, ft. ·-Nb'I n '; •w I • • • , < u-. 111;711 ' ' • • • I ' • • J ' • ' , ' • , ' SWUT °'LeYER · EASTERN "SLICED ·aACON • l·LI. s·sC CELLO · PKG. BABY PORK SPARE RIBS · i.EAN& 49:. MEATY SWIFT;S IONIUSS ROAST OF VEAL 79:., LUER'S 'PURE ·LARD 22:.. / MEAT Din. PRIC:IS EFFICTIYE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . -~ . C:risp, Jllicy, W ... l•tt•• Dellclou AP ,P~L-E 'S 4 LIS. ~s~ < ri.iitrci each~ 5c · ~< ' NO. I GltADE--.lOSIY 3 14 1 SWEET SPUDS ' LIS. c . ': ~.~QiiiNGES1 •• 10 "''· 49c . . .. .... L~ _.. . -.• ..,. .. .. .. ... ,,'"lo ....... u.'s. No. 1 IDAMO Russn POTATOES 10 LIS. 25C Fro z en Foods SWEET PICKIN' SALE! HORMEL ' -' GOOD l'OOD O SALE! CHALLENGE l'IRST 9UALITY B.UTT·ER ' HEMET MED. llPI OLIVES . 19 NO. t· C TALL C:AN . DEL MONTI 17 PEAS IARLY N•.l03 C GAltDIN CAN • ROYAL PACIFIC: GRATED -24C TUNA .J:'d1N I • . ........ • • -........................... -............. _ ... • ..... ' t .•• , M~iioe.Rtt·'=· 17c . ' . . .. _ ......... ..... ......... ........ . ...... -............................ ' .. ... ' S &' F FANC:Y IECTARllES • MlltAC:LI SUDs-NO RINll SURF ·'. ~ . I .. No.'2•~. 19c CAN . . LAIGI 3;1 C: "'\ -. l __... .. _......... .................. __ ._ ___ .. .... .. ....... _ .. . . . , XLNT PINK BEANS NO. 21/1 15C · CAN . -' . . -·-~ ~ ,., • . . HORMEL .00Df001 SALE! No. 2 Can Only the lest Can h-First! • 1~1b. Can • ·.26c 76~. " 19~ 79c . .......... ......... .. • ... ____ .......... + .. .. .. ......... ... .. .. .. . .. ....... -.............. -.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .... .. . . . . .. . ............. -... ~-... THI GINTU ILIACH ~URE·X· - LARGI 1onu . Vi-GAL "'6 ,C . JU8 ~ I 'BROWN· FORMAN ·WEEtc! . : ~ '·ouFf'S CAK£ · , MIX .· ~!W.~ .. 31t~ . Spk.4 . . .· \,Gt. pl(G: , • ---. .. ' .. ' ~ . : ~ SMclAUZI, iic .C:OU.tftST : • . . . . • . GOLD MJD~~ ·1 flOUR . ! 10.llt. ... . .. 5-1 ...... 41c ·92c sidf:fGe .. LiVERWURST ].9~· IUNDID WHIS"IY s3s1 '-King Black .Label Fifffl · I · · ' --·-llUY " VAS& -llAV& io~. • -SHOP & SAYE AT "AU.:AMlllCAJC• 4 Yl. O"' STM ... HT . s4Jt .... ..__ .... ciiitiFti(i 17c. ·-·-··":"'-· -... . ....... --· ··-... ..J.......-......... -... ..!. .. . iii'bSisC,HWEIGER ss~ EARLY TIMES . ~ ---. 'llU\' A CA.SIC~ 8.\\!E H~ •..••• '" ~· 1•" .. _ 1-· ..,.. ss" · ... J. •· I! OLD FOlESTER . Fltr' . ·. · \ C 5 -~~--~. ",i-.ll18¢' ~ ·35~ voou .. ":' " .. s2.10 "''· . ..~-:_ , >M~~W&i--· ·· , .... , · · · 1 ii1WJIS , ---... ---... .. ,.,... ........... ____,. ....... -----......-.... iiiCi.·caiii1s 15 c . ......... .. .. ..--· ...... 4 .. 44 ....... -- 12 .... 17c ~ ,.,, Swut Plclila' PEAS sPilicH • 12 .... 17c Pkg. 1 .. .:.: ' ttEW~T ~~ ... COR~~~~L MM . ; a. Ce1ljlt ,. .. 22 .J. .. Tat1e "." c ........ f '!f; .. · .111 ... ,. • a.-a...r._ .. ,,...., . __ ..., • .,.. .... ,_ ; --.,..... ..... '.(N. ......... i.~'' ' .. ..... ,. ..... , TO PIDSI • , 1 I • • • ' ' I .• • ' • ., • , .. BIRTHDAY. OF ~TEtEP~ONE OPERATOR; DEC~DE$-~ . : . WHICH -TElM TARS -WILL .MEET IN Clf ·PLAY.OFFS 1t •' ' Tiie -lbat a lofts dlat;aact t.elopbone oj>eralor WU born .... Mardi wu tlle deurmlntng factor u t.o wblch team Newport Har- bor will face In the Clll' pl&~ NeWp<rt'a -Tan wW face· San Diego at 9 :tX5 p.m. Friday, Mareh 2 at Point Loma high .1ebool in San DJego. Anaheim. the · -team that tied the Tan tor the 8UJ1Mt League tiUe, wUI face Groeamont at 7 :30 p .m. at lhe ame gym. The declaion waa reached aa the r esult of a long dlat.atlce tetepbone1 • conversation between Ralph Reed, alh~tic dtroctor of Newport High and Dick Gk>ver, athletic dJrector at Mhahelm. Both directora agreed to bave the telephone operator tou a coin to' decide the matter. However, the o~rator lnsialcd that such a aervict' was above and beyond the devotion to duly required by the telephone syalem. ~Man wi.. Finally. Recd agreed lo take "odd" and Glover took "even.'' The operator waa &!lked what month she waa botn In. The &n· awer, "March" wu the thlrd month giving the choice of CIF opponents to the Newport High athletic director. Reed talked it ·• over with se-vera l of the p'iayera and the decision was to play Sa.n Diego. the tougher team in the playoff a. A spokeHman for the Harbor · baakP-tball learn said that lhe boye preferred to play l,he top team and sink or swim with their decision. If the Tars win their llrBt game, they will play their second game at 9 :~ p.m. Saturday, March 3 at R.<>dondo high school. Newport re La.ined Its tie for the I~ad by downing Huntington Beach •••ily Friday at the Har-Nettles Loses bor gym, 60-48. Armand Nettles failed by one point to win the S • y•tl >eodng lllle. He made 16 points· coring I e Friday, PetHson 17 and Gri!flth b Single Point 18. y ' 1,1 .:SSl:SG SCORE Abbrevial1on s: L means tong shota; S short; R rebound; H hook ; 'F free throw) Sanla Ana H igh IS<"hool'e Rex Babcock with a total of 1•18 pointe nosed p ut Newport Harbor'Jll Ar- maod .Netllt>s by a :!inKle point for Newport (60) ltunt. Grllfilh, Grtlfith, Sanders, Sanders. 0 2 s R 2 2 2 • s F 3 4 F 4 4 4 0 F F 0 6 • 7 s NeUea, R 7 7 Peter110o, F I 1 o ·rttfitb, F 9 f Grlffllh, R 11 7 ';Q UARTER ~"'!''I-s 13 7 T Grlfnth. .. to 8 R to 10 l:S 12 H Peter110n. S 17 12 17 14 H Nettles, L 19 14 Peterson, S 21 14 Peterson, Peter80n. Peterson, Petereon, Nettles, Nettle&. Griffith, Nettles, • 21 15 F s 23 l• F 24 16 24 17 R HALF F 20 17 ~ 19 s R 27 19 s 29 19 29 I H s 31 ~1 F 32 21 32 23 s R 34 23. 34 26 s 34 27 F s 36 27 Bell. (43) the Sunset l<'a,c'l1e"s t9r11 individual Young scoring chan1p1onship. Nf'ttles swishL•d 16 againat Young Huntington Beach Friday night for a 147 total. Babcock harl tanked 16 for the night tx-fore Schurch agairll!t Fu!lerlon in hie final game. Ross SUNSET LEAG L1E ~OKING cl"lnai> I Pi.. Avl'. -, &. -lr..-t.o ... Ii.I H..I A. N.._; N--!'\ ·a. \41 14.1 G. G.rlf"" N..,.P.,01 H.' 01:1? .,0.1 •• IJ. Wf'lch. Anah•tm ....... UMI 19.f --~~~­BUia :a:._~. ;.::;:*. 1-. ' . \I~ -m.,11, B. 1L ........ tlll tM s·ueas L Fouch, Santa An. .. 90 10.9 • 0. Pennlncton, Full'ton 98 9.JI Schurch R: Suftl.8. HunL lkb. 98 V. Ro . .., Hunt. Bch. 94 K. Sharum, Oranc~ 89 Boswell L \\'eblW'r, An&ht>lm 88 L. °'4•f'n" P'ullf'rton 80 0 . \\'lllhun"-Ot&nl"fl 18 Suess M . Da\'18, Santa Ana 1%: 8.8 9 .. 8.9 8JI 8.0 7.8 1.% Boss Yardley Still Has Chance for Title Roas Unleu Bob Yardley of Orangf' Coast mak('S' 271 or m<ve polnU at Mt. San Antonio Friday night, 1 Schurch P el<' Smith' of Santa Ana college is th (' new Eastern JC con{f'rE'n cP Prichard scoring champion and r ecord- Schurch holder with a 12·game aggregate of 236 points. • 0801JNDW "'11i. but ottU ......... oe tO tlle -........ rtue-~ t4itr-ON forward Tbomu looks for a team malt to .,._ to. The Qees wnt down to the Oran.ce mea "by a clo.e SS to $3 seore. (Presa Photo) • l • I ' " I, I. f. J • ff AR BUR · . kW.in Moums toss of Ineligible Tar .· Swimrtlek';"·f ears Poor · Team , . ~ ,, . ' Huntlnrtdl 'Beacll ,..rm en Mk the' Harbor lltih mtm equod by a '2&-0 acore at a pra:e:Uce. meet held at the 'fnnner'• pool Wedneaday, hb. Jof, I ~I Comm~Ung on the retblt, Coe.Cir Al Irwin ~ lhat "due to poor ~ 18 m~ben of the ~mine • aquad became UteUgib~e for pattlclpatldn In this 'sport. W on"t even have an anrage team." A.prt.l..14, !J-Leagile meet at Ana- ~we bit sbr key ,m,..e.m~ of t&e .hehn ...,..ty .quad and three reJ[Ulan Ma7 t-CJF prellma at WhJtUer _,, the B squad," stated Coach Ma)' &-clF oeml-flnala at Long i¥wtn, ' Beach W U.On ;.. Another blow to t.be aquatetra May 1 t~F fln&la at Long Beach bal' been the IOM of Bob Benbow WU.On Who held the CIF record for the -::::;:::;:::;::;::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:=, ~ backstroke for Cee swJm-•• Dtere. · Benbow. · a great BOOrlng •ti.real. ts now a member or. the U . S. Navy. • • 'Commenllnl( on the •trcnglh · &t the Huntington &-ach team. trwin said that "th~re la no qute· llOI'\ but that they have the 'bel!t Bee team ln le•gue competition. • Ag-atn&t our varelty. they h&d their 1 Bees swlmmlng u varalty con- teatanla antl beat us by that lop- ·slded .core. However, I think that they lhou~ht w e were 1tronRer than we actually were. I alao be- lieve that they'll concentrate on_ ba\rlnJr a strong Bee team. Usu- ally, Fullerton la the po~erhouae ot the league. Their &Wimmers do nolhlng but swim and aWim all year round. Recently Huntington &ach has been doing their swim- ming on an all-year basis, loo." '-Get Late Start ·The Harbor High team only etarlt.a Ila tJWimm lnR season after the completion or the football Ma- oon. This yea.r'11 tank squad hu let- , termen Roxy Aarvold. Bo,b s cot- • -land and Stan Agar. Up from tbf" i:anks of la.st year's champlon- lh.lp Bet-11 are Rex Be·1. Seymour Beek ~ahd Denny Muon. . Letterm~n Lee Jayred. who al- te~nates at cente r wilh Glell · Ortftlth on the Tar baJlketb&.11 team, w lJI probably Join the swim- '1ert1 after the basketball .SCBJ50n. I The Tar Bee ta.nkmen will prob- i.bly be the •landout of the. local high school's t eame. Johnny T oo· lln. Lee HambroDk, Warren Stur- tevant and Dale Coleman are re- turning members ·of lA&t year 's club. J oini ng• the· Bee rankls a re former champlonlih.ip Cee awtm- . 1ten and lettermen Bruce Baird, . . MEMO: GET DlCl(y A 1'-'lft OF llA I'. SllORE BEACH SffOJP:S AT llOB•s IN S COWRS: BLUE DENIM RED and ROYAL BLUE $]35 SIZES 1 to 12 Bo/JJ. SPORTING GOODS Newport Blvd. at 11UI St. COSTA MESA Beacun 6021·R Lot. of FREE PARKING (Fore and Aft) Guy Larnaril, Ddn Preston, Bill ~· Ron Oqulat and 09n· Pet· ' . ''"'"" ;:;.~ .. ~~~ , Urbani l~ttenneft. Pilu1~egfiy1 Buddy Co&ne, Tom Htll, Tony Torrance, Kendall Jacobfon: Tlrn Tunnel, Brent Haynie, NOet Bar- low and George Nokee are the otheni lllted on the Cee r<W1ter. HARBOR HIGH SCHO"L 1961 8Wl~ 8CHJP:DUL1J Fr~ !0-CIF Relay• at Whittler fprellm.) Ft'b. !s--cIF RelayB at Whittier (final.I!!. l M&rch 9-CIF Invitation (prelim ) at L. B. J ordan March 16--CIF Invitation (finals) ~at L. B. J ordan March It-Fullerton (here) March !8--Sanla Ana (there) A.prll t-Ana.helm (lher~) Aprtl 11-Loi)g Bea.ch Jordan (there) April 18---Huntlnglon Sch. (here) All Popular Brands CIGARETTES c...._•._w.-. .... Jin. ... _;.~~ Vlall Ou N!"J BOUU: a Gill>EN' 111 ~' a..,.. lfewr>it _., ' . • CINERARIAS . , . Now is /1 good time ·to plant them 'for a Fine Display of Flowers at E~nter Time \Ve ~\'e •vuat TltoWt&Dd to OllrOOR From. Priced from IOc for Small Plaata to Sl.00 ·for i.arge Plant• ln FuJI Bloom 5.& 10¢ Nursery , 141 21 So. NeR•port Blvd~ T USTIN RA11,AN 'FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES MA.OE IN OU~ o.JN WOllCSHO'S A.ND ftOM THIE PHILIPPINE$ . . . THE l.AICOIST DISPl.A Y ON THI PACIAC COAST . .. ,__, ..... -' w .. c....-, s-4 --a..+. ... o.-..... ............. 1...ll0t.,. .... -4 ...... 54-• HOUSE l GARDEN •11c-.....,..N._._.,_,111 RANCH . MARKET A~ ~.~. 1976 .Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA , ' LOTS OF EASY PARKING .1fi1c.1t11:.111~ Oii flT MIL& IN ALL YOVI COOllNO GRADE "A" BABY BEEF. , ' .. Peterson, Peterson. Burdick. Griffith, R 38 27 •s 40 21 .co 28 F s 42 28 .. 30 s H 44 30 Smith poured in 22 against the Mountaineers here Tursday n ight Suess while the Dona were losing. 51 to 4 7 -to break the olct record of W&}' 226 which enother Santa Anan. • t Boys Glub Team .! Reaches finals . $1 "5CARTON COW RED Margarine Plus Tax lb. 31~ P~ for Dome Freezen ' G.RADE ''A'' . Griffith. Grlltith. Mashbu111, l\.tash burn, Lane, Griffith. Lane, Nettles. Nettles. Nettles, Griffith. s 46 30 46 32 s QUARTER F 47 47 47 47 F 48 ... s 00 F •t 01 F •2 02 02 L 04 M L ,M R 08 08 R 60 60 32 34 s 30 F 36 F 36 38 s 38 38 40 s 40 42 s 43 F 43 OF 46 •• 46 F 46 <8 s Rolf Eni:en, ~11t only laiit year. Yard'ey can lie Smith with Wa}' 24 again~t the same-team and h<' has lx't>n ho t e nough lately to get that many or mort•. In hll!I Wt p . h&ro three outinj'.!"s against San Bernat· ~ch d dino, Fullerton •nd Cha.Cfcy. thc-~ ar confert>n5C''s best lf'ams, Yardley uess totalPd 76 points Cor an average Suess of 26.1. EA8Tt:RS CONFERENCt: STA..~DINGS Young f'ull("rton Ross Chaffey _ Y oung San Berdoo Santa Ana Rosa (3J ML San Aatoalo Oranp Coast .. BlYe.n.I~ -······--·· Sueu Youns \\.' L Ptfll. Oplf. 10 I 113 689 8 • 1%6 6%8 8 • 779 664 6 8 887 887 • 8 1148 708 .! 9 588 114 2 • 1134 131 · Coast Nine Wins Opener, 9-5 Boys Club CacJers Set New Records Two or the ove:r 130 boy. p1ay- ing tnterctub buket ... 1 for the Harbor Area BoYI' club went over the a.U·tlme local Boya' club eocrtnr record duri11g the put wee)( ae H'BC cageni stretched thei~n record to 59 wtna anti .. Orange Cout college's baaiebalJ team opened lta 1~1 aeuon with a 9-6 wln over Harbor JC ~ at CouL Both te&ms were .&W•tr ot •lx errora. Barbor could gel. only one hit off the offerings of ec,.1 pltchen Bill ~ Jock Clark and Orville ThreadgtU. Bo& 9e0re : .. AUOO .JC Al 0 H OIAHQI CO.uT Al I H ) I I I I I 47 ' . . . George Schultt and P'rank Na- YIUTO both 11tn&ll(\rd Jerry Fl&lul· pa'a rocord ol n' points 0001'0<! In a alngle ..-9 In lUt Wfflt'• play. Schultt and Navarro ._.re Uiod With ~ P"l"ts etlCL Na- nno bu pta)ed ~ pmea and SchUIU.. ~ _... . 2 I t l~.,•ll' 4 f. ~­••• n.i.... ~~ , I t I · o.l, rf·p ' J ~. , Btl.NBEI' a L&AOt11: 1, I I,,......,. I • I MltcW,a 2 I I .... ,d 1 I I tJriffriN, ti-• .. '-· ••• Meed, l( __ ,. 22 I f ...,,,.ff -Anl•••··· 4 1. I 8TANDING8 t ; ! (.._.) . 111 • . t.'LPl&OW. :::•-Wm --· 1 •11 .. t o .. B , a~ ---·I I -.. :::-...&.a +--' a• tit Onap ~----1 .... _.. . .,_ ~--'" ~-ium 0.:.. t ' N--' --,-I. T .. t11 .... tt , ,_.. • I J! &TI t1t .. ~ . • I • •• l -.- ' , . . . __.! · 0\:-ER THE BAR 1°" Dlck .JohMOn in, the lntt.l'C!laSN track and ·neld mttt b~d at Harbor HJgh IK'hool Tu~J' and, Wednesday. This Intra-mural. f'\'ent la a yearly hlJb spot on thf' Mlhool 1porU program. l (Pre!'IS Photo) ' • • • Clue "E'' basketb&ll playeni or the Harbor Area Boy'e c1ub rack- ed up two cl08e wins Saturday at Pasadena to adv8..9ce to tlle South- ern Caltrornla Boys' club finals In Lo8 Angele.t Saturday1 March 11. The opponent will probably be Se.nta Barbara. •· The locals knotched their 25th •nd 28th wine .of the eeuon by defeating San Pedro ~19 In tbe quarter-finals &nd sta.vfng off a tough San DlegO five, 31 -27 in the seml~flnals. Frank Navarro and George Schuttt abated &coruig bonora ~n the twin wtna with ao accumulation of 14 Poinl,8 each. Paul Neumann potted •ill::· vtta.J p0lnts In th• 8on Diego gut•, all from over 20 feet ouL 'J'he loca.J1 ''F'' tum WU efim. lnated ln the 1eml·fina11 bJ.: a . IUon&'' P-na club, 41·18. TbO tocala def .. ted -.Long ll<'ach in a practice game u well u S&n· ta Monica, the team. whicl'.f Long Buch deleated t.o giln the ~U,... (Wlllch appon!ntly puts Puaclena In 1"'-cbamplonahlp l . Buday Thom.-., aco<ed ~t of tile' te po1nta 1n the ,.__ p...e. • -11.C. ('1) llaio 'J>loc-(i1) Knlpp i lO) F , (I.) Brooo Wetacl (4) F ' (Z) Chnan Sc:hultt (ll C (3) Ptu. Neumann (I) G (10) Weot Navano If) 0 (2) Jef(et.on .. ~ ..... , Harbor, Bmy (1) llan Dleeo. TnUJ!llo (2). Bone (2). ~ 11.C. (II) -.. -.. Ill) ........ llO) r . (I) lluJ!aaq -111 r 11> Cndllo W-(1)' 0 ' {1) Kain)' x..lpp (Jl • fttln ~1•2• G /, (I) 8-toa ----:-.~ ( ~ ' • G-0-0-D Bulk Coffee While It Lash! Lg •. Wash. Pdr. • " . Frozen Pe• ....OCiOli MlMVegt. · Fr•nlls Fries • BLV1!l MAGIC-81Lk 16"" ~ · 100 coat '"."·' . . ' • • ST0aLtrs No. i ll'la . . ...... . . ' J • • ..... '· . . °'*NMIJ OF fCi OK llOU , D 'LIVZi& -· .PBllEt I ... - ' SWISS STEAK GRADE "A" ROASTS 7-Bone -or -Rowid Bone ROA SYS • . ' GR~E "A" J>LATE BOll:.ING BEEF i ••• lb. ••• ••• lb . FANCY . Per Box 2'' OEllCIOUS r APPLES ,_ cx~o~ .... LA t is; • • • • ~::·ti ... , • • • • ' " ' ' ' ' Fl.rat eection ·ot tbe new ahOJ)"' ping center tn Costa Mesa wtB tnvolve approximately 5750,000 ln land and construction coat., It ~ announced Ws Week. Thi.I tlnJt section la now under coruitructlon on 17th SL. in Coat& Mesa and will occupy the bloc!k • between Orange Ave. and Jetter-- ego Drive. ,.Planned a.s a complete, one- stop shoppln,g center, the new de- velopment will include a •Uper food market, a drug ato~ and ... Smaller stores r..nd specialty 11hops. One ot it.a convenient featuret! will be a spacious area for off- lhe-streel parking. It was revealed that most of the parking area will be In front of the Sto res to fa'cilltate store traf- fic. Importance of abunda.ht park- ing apace is lndica.te<l by the fact that mot1t of CQsta Mesa's prea- ent off-the-stren. parking t'acHl- tieft will bP eliminated w he n the new Preeway through the cnllt"t of town ls COMtructed. The tint building being erected In the ahoppi.ng center is the fu- ture home of Alpha Bf-ta Ma r keu. Jnc., ~leh Is exj:,ected lo open iU door for bustneSM somt"ltme in April. Tbe W. I. Bo!Ungsworth & Co .. realt_y tinn. is currently rwgotiat· ing with Thrifty Drug~. which nlay take ovfr thro lea..'!.« for the planned drug stort.' in thll nl.'W ·center. . Owners o'r the development a r" the J efferson Properties, lnc. WlLLIAM R. HfCK.EY W. Hickey Joins lnvesltLaent Firm Enlarge.n'l.ent ot the .vtalt or lbe Balboa office ot Lester & Co., old established South~m CallforJ\I& !nveslJ'Q.ent house and n1ember of the L0s Angeles Stock Exchange, has been made wilh Lht' announce- ment ot tht> association or William 1l. H ic~ey with, lhf' ftnn. Hickey ha.., been a ::tive In the investment buainees tor the past 3 year.a and prior to his new post wa.s with a :'\'ew York Stock Exchange ~· bf>r firm. Lester & Co. havf' been :oierving investors in the Harbor area for the past f iNf' years. A direct pri· vate wire to the fim1's head · of· fief' in Los Angeles is maintained which provides almost ti:dtta.nt quotation eervice t o all leading stock exchanges. The office ls un· l1Pr the manqenlPnt of Dean W. Campbf'll With Collins W. !Jack) Travers and R&bt·rt H . Ret"<l a.s- ~oclatt'd L"! r1·gist1·rett r•·pre!tenta- t ives. Agency Celebrates 40tfl Anniversary The largest and oldest advertis- ing-agency in Detroit, th.c Camp· bell-Ewald Co., is celebrating it.M 40th annlver!lftry this month. The agency handle! all lhe Chevrolet advertising ·in t"Ve ry medium and this account Is considered the largest single advertising account In the country. Henry T . EwalJ. co·foundrr and p'rest~nt of the agency says that "Throughout its exix-rlence in au- tomobile advertislni:-. Cnmpbell· Ewald has belteve-i-1 fi rmly that newlpaJX>r advl!rtising is the mas· ter k ey of any suc1..>essfuJ cam- paign. lt opens the Jocked·up pur- . chasing power in local markets, and is a great force for selling good.a. R e(.-ent surVl"}'S ~ow tbat newspaper 11llvPrlls1n1{. especially in the analler l"!lk·!'!' and towns. Is still prroomlnunt. re gardless of mt'dJa. I f>t-.uev1• th1K Wiil con- tinue." &LU"OR 1.s.rf11UES Two persons r~elved ntajor ln- j urtes S1i1nday when Patll Po\Wll. Jr., 23, Santa Ana, reportedly blacked out while driving on Bar. bor Blvd. near Baker St. in Costa MHL Both Powell a.net his pu· eencer, W . A. Pounds, 40, of Or· ange we~ ir\,)ured ln the resulting era.ab when the< car went out of control. l>UVER BOOKED Batcho it.. Smlth, 29, 441 New- port llh<I., Coot& Ml-~ bad been booMcl at tjle county jail ona--g~. He .wu arrated by the conatable'• ot· l'lce for N_.t -l-oourt. . • • • ' • . . . , • I 1 Local Couples · - to Ma rriy. " · ~ ~n... weno t.dea out Ute i-'t ~ week by two New~ port couple.,. W'-lt.er Joeepb ae ... NDV llEllA RESJJ>El'>'TS ' bardt. 43T FemlHt An, Corona A.moni 11ew Calta. Mn& real· del Mar andl AJvena Jean Mat- dents are _Mr. and Mn. Lolan4 lhall, 4S Be.Jon Bay;.aloo Doug- P1eree and daughten, Rene and tu Wllllfm apmea ad Jo Ann Suaa.n, who are makf»il" .lhelr .bome Ea.11; IM>tll !Ml Bay Shore Orm. at ill Ogle St. Newport. .A'160.009 DF:\'I:LOPMlt:NT 1\.11 It nmy 11omt' day look, u vl11 uall.aPd by the ~rchltt><'t. Th.IN lit tht' nt'u' Khoppln.-oentl'r no~· bf-In«" btlllt ·., 11tb St. 11nd Oran.c•· R\.f'DUt' In CUSl ll Mlf'8&.. The Alpha Bfwta , ' 11tore on UH' rl,(h t ii ~Xpt"('ted t.o 1be m9pletf'lil a. Aprtl aad ~ tlatlona an'! curre.atly undf'rwa.v \'VK• '11lrifty l tr.s" Oo. for dlf. dmc •torP MDM·n on tlw k-tL Rew.Its come f'rona CON'tant PracUce ! An ad ncul&rty in t.h\9 paper wl11 produce f'ffl!lb ror J"CN. Hig~ Qualif~ P;i~fing..:..PJ!i .. Har. 1616 wben you drfve You will drive '· l • s: a , ., • • ,. I I . ' • 80 HORSEPOWER • H.re. you -Ibo Nfttral - of 'FireP~et"1 ~tcMd abU-. ity .•. the new Chryaler Hem!· rpheflcal Combumon ChaJl!bor, heart of the finfllt motor cc encine built today. I n this dom&- topped. dea&walled u-, you oee the only id•I combustion chamber in a mdtor' car enpne todoy •• , tbe '· only way tq develop full com-full com- l><"lioo. full work and value from ....,. drop of fuel! ' ,. ..... .J.:. ••dflc:111' nu Ml a. .t .. ~ l[aN' j4 ....._, a..11/16 a M iii ,.._ Di e ·, U l,-{ -. .... C.. ,.11111• ....., 1.1 te I. ... CA • •. • ' • I • . ' WmnmR you can own one this year or not l .. you owe yourself a tUm ' at the wheel of a new Chrysler for 19 5 J. H~ is basic progress so dfeP. and so great you will feel its impact for years! to come. ' Here is FirePower .... Chrysler's revolutiol)ary new powerplant wliicli at one and tl;te same time gives you 180 hon\epower •.. and the niost eftlcient use of gasoline ever developed in a niotor car. With F irePoJ..er, you can outperform any car on the road. Yet with FirePower you will have leaa carbon depolit, longer engine life, leks need for. care and atten- tion; than with any t!fcine you t!Ver owned . Here, on all new ~ is~ comfort marvel of Oiillow,·an exclusivd neW shock absorber ·with aver twiod the ."'-lc-abeolbina power of_ any orher car'•. Here, optionaJ. at exba cost, ia tbe amuinc new ~leering es.e Of fJy<faguide power ~· the new ~ "first" that removes1 four-fifdl1 of ~ human effort J~ ltl>eliQc., .Here; With over 70 variOua cbaagea jthiS year-end"with 4eP-. • down au,.Jer eoodi1111 clear 'th(ougb..:.-ia tit8 meet b&sically _,, · c.ll!i .· ( . j ~· .. ··lfl • ~ ~ . ' • rou-~vi lfoi a. thrill°'. filetinie : •• _ ldnvJ· •. ".. chr.T,~er{' '1' .. ' • I. ., . . . ,, · 116St engine-· "' ' rld~ili .. -1 .~ n autolllDl>ilfi .,,,,,. Bea.·6515 I • , . • I • I ' , • j 1 I • .: ' ' ' ( • '• \ I ( ' · ~istance Leag~e J_uniors Aid Welfare Work With S2500 Check- \ Service " Supper , at Newport · Baptist Church · • (Picture on Page 1 l Hlahllghl of , tho • Assistance w ' c· . L League meeting hold Tuesday, omen S _ IVIC eague F•b. 20. tn th• St. Ja.mcs parish to Meet Mondav bouae wu the preecntation of a. .. . 11 S~ check b)r the Juniors ol the Tiie Wotneir.'11 Clvk. League, C~ group. Wei fa~-demand.!. arc rap· rona del Ma.r • Balboa leland klly lncreutng.' ~ the need of branch, will have it.a ttgu'&r meet· 1at-ger hoWling rta~illll~ for the ing Feb. 26, .Monday, 9 :30 a. m'. at Thrift Shop. togelher with ail ade· Ragan'• restau~t. Fra.dct.s Hor· quate clinic waa the. ·incentive for valh, chainnftl1 of tbe Newport the g1ft. Harbor farke and Recreations The Flnt Baptlot Cburdl, 1900 Court atttet, Newport Beaeh. will Join with othµ churs"es .ot the Northern Bap~ilt .convention thi1 comlnl" Sun~)l to receive the "America tor Chrlat'' ottertn.1 whtcb U. to be-wte<J for bome mi. elona, an~ Chrlatlan education work,. • .. . . . .. • , i-· , .... , • Dental surveys 'bf ' the Corona commltte~. and hia committee, wUI del .Mar a.nd NcWport Beach <"Xplaln their work and be avail· Grammar schools ftave~been com· able for a question period. Mra. pletf!'d, but due to the absence ot Paul Davis will preside. The paator, Don La.mbcr80n, will speak at the 11 e..m. worablp aer• vice on the wbject' "The Bread of Ute.,. The meBMge nt the 1 p.m. setv!cc la entlUed "Ia Tbcre a Ute After Death?" Friday, Feb. 23, 6:30 p.m. a pot luck dinner is to be held al the church. Dr. Milford Baker, dean or the CaJlfornla Be.pt1at Theo:ogt. cal Seminary a.nil pnatcrr of the First Baptist church, Corona de-I Mar. will be the spCaker. Thr mu· 5ic will be furnish<'d by !rtr. aril:t Mr11. Peary ot' Huntington Beach. . .. . .. , .. A PRJ!:..BIRTHDAY CEU:llRATJON wu ""Jo7•d hy Mn. Wllllam A. Tobias (r'.ght) 'of. Co"""' dd M:tr, a t last WedaeadaT• ~Bridie luacbeoh at tile lkJ,a.ea Bay .club.. F~U.g lte.r 9ft tblA ~ casluu '''f'lm,. trOm Jett.. Mrs. F!ank l'OU-D( and Mn. Hqward ~. both of Corona tkt .Mar. an4 MQ'L .ram" s.. ~mmons. of Balboa hland. {Photo by Becknel'J . IAR~AIN!~L!ARGAiNS • ~AiGAINS . . " 23 to 28th 1-rge numh<-rs of atud('nts in the Mra. E. Milligan, membl'r of lbe H orace Ensign &ehool. the survey recreation commission of Santa "t.bete is still in process. Ana, wl~ be a .special guetSt . 'l)tc Cirate.f\JI acknowledgement ill wom£'n Of Uie league bave lively made by both the Lca~c and the lnt cr cst in the problems of park.I schools tor the ~plf'nd 'd ht·lp and and rccrcalion.s and an excellent cooperation of lC'n k-ading dt.•nllsls tumout ls exJ>t;fled-Lunc heon ln the arf'&. Dr. \V, J . Dolan, Dr. 1es<>rvationa may be called in to Charil'& Sparku hl. D r. 0. C. Sut~!'.!'i, P.trs. Kathleen Galea, Har. 1649·M. Dr. Lester H. Vierling, Dr. Clln· ton C. F.m rrirrson, Dr. \V eldon Schorg, Dr. Robert Andrt•ws, Dr L A. 13eckc-r, Dr. F'Ta ncls Kelter .a.nd Dr. H "rbt'rt Folsorn. COM Garden C lub t o In stall Officers Officers will be in.1Jtallt'd, tht> S ince It 's inc<"ption the Lt·ajZ"UC ba.111 n1ainlaincd a dental fund for pre>s'.'.'nt constilutlon be-~iven con· Ham, coffee and rolls will be!: provided, mC'n,bcra t o bring l'iUtC'r a eala(l, dessert or vrgt;t.ablc and their own table acrvice: 04plicate Bridge Winners Told sidl'ralio n for modification or re: children w here ca!c ~·ss urge>nt. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bro\\'n \Vert• Hand:C'd throu.-.h lhc K<·hool nur~r \'ision, and plan!! m&de for the . ,.1 p th. ac•1stancc :s kC'pt strictly con· coming yt'Br when thl' Corona de! Winner!\ east-wcst and n1rs C'Ki!Y r''d•n-l•'aJ, "O th•t fam•.I••• ••·c ~tar Gardi._•n club m eets Friday a t J ohnson and A, D . Wetherby Wl'rf' .,. " ~-high iwort•rs no rth-south in thr 2 p. m. In Pilgrim hall. ?t'le mbers spart.'d any cmbarra~sn1cnt that duplicate bridge ,(:an1c held in Bal-~111 bt• pr:vi'cged t o bring a guest might othCT\\'IS1• t'n~u~·. and are for thts Sli'~ion. boa on Friday £'Yroj n~. given thr-OPI"'' tun1ly 1f al a lat1•r Runnt•rfl·llp l'a~l-WC'St Wf>rt• r-1rs. dale \\'hPO thry c<1n afford it. to C'>n the agenda will ht-discussion Robe-rt R of'S ttnd 1'frs. ~11lt!rt•d th" <1hll!.'."al1un. If unable l o l'('gard1ng the club;s t'nLry in thf• L t ' F k R I bl I' b l ~:P:!. thr ai;;.s1~tani.:c is looked up-2Int{t'r~atl1onlal Flolw('r Sho"". March B~o:.~: ,_;;n11nU ~~: :.'~v ·~~u~1~-·l 1n ng <'WOQ(. .., on a J:ranl an4J no name's l'v,·r S h 1 1 d f th . f n1et : 1.trs. JOl· \.\'l h·<1x. eru1 Mrs m a dr public. T hrour.h the yt>ar, M '-'he<.~c . t~r Cc <'Ve~u~M o LG('O t J\<' Carroll ; r-tr~. Cnthcrln(' 1nnUDlC'ralllt• \"OllOj::!>llcrs h~Vl' bt·t'!\ I -~,ace • In h c I omdnta • "11'1 r Snlllh and 1.ffs_ Grace> Grrr-n1Rn. • 1 b h 1 ~ l'meni.ary .sc no au 1 or1 urn w helpt•d re;·! f), n{'f1te, y l l' Pan. ...... t 1 b th . •. Run n('rs-up nnrth·wulh wcrC' f ff" . 1 1 d ve a program p a nncc y c c Uu, M F R , 1 ~·N :\On\ na t' \\"ilh the contmunity tnvltt'd to bl' rs. rank ertl a_nd . G. B. ~llt- Tht· non1inal1np.: cow.millet.' rrc-l t h "M " d .. t chell; Mrs. H . M. \\ !t.lltrtgford nnd sPntl-"<i th•· roUow·n~ r.an1cs fur lhl· pres71n k 0 car di .radn tyl, 1na ~ Arnold Gasser: Af rs. Amy Ken· 1951-52 officers. President, P.IJ"s. iona Y nown ra 0 an c ev sio d nd J Wt! M 1 gard<'n expert~ ne y a (K" {'OX; . r. an! Ed~ar 111\'; ViL'C·pr1·i:.1drnt. Mr~. M r~. Char lt's J <•sl er; Mr. anJ Mrs. . A. ("i-ary ; 2nd vict' prl'Sllll·nl. E. Ta\\'01'y. r!l Al arlo1• Othn1t'r: rccnrlftng M i\TC'H toOTART~ ,.~IRE The Balboa Dupl·catc Ilr1d~I' Lido Isle Women Mrs. William Tritt Buffet Dinner to Meet Friday Is Luncheon Ho ~tess For Youth Group . ~trs. Wl1Uttm B. Trilt e-nlertaln· The young pcople of the 11lgh · C l'n«.'!"al mi._•.,.•ting of Lido TMlll' I ed with a lun~hcon at her home on l'te'hool g~up of .st. Aridrew'e \Voml'n '11 club will be hrld tomor· W e.st Bay Avf>. reccnt'y. Guel'lll.8 Prt>abyterian church will bJLVe a 'row fFriday) ffl 2 p . rn. In Com · were Meedam~A Rueaell Craig,, ~Uffet d inner at 6:30.p. m . on Sun· n1unlty club house. 1t1rti. Dorothea Harold \Voldenberg, H . V. Snod ... day evening at· the home of their ~hc-.:·ly, city llbrarlan. will review grab, John Lamar, A, E . H appa, sponsor, 1!1rs. Daniel H. Co,rson, F1Jth C hincsl' Daughter. C. M. Deakins and R . L. Allen. Jr., Lido lisle.•· . ' ~ • Coast Blvd.. btrona . ' ) ' Tn11 llEADY-TIJ-COO/l SEAFOODS ttlW w0/H/11f11/~ SAFEWAY'S SEAFOOD SECTION , llllTEll IHIUT/1111 Kraft Cheese ..._ .... llas 111ell va~,Y., It's tt teal 111/p' 111 m1t1/ plt11111"'9 ••• cr~tary, ~1rs V11g inia 'Hatch; The head of a match flew off club wUI hold its n~·xt ml"t•l1 ni-: on ~pund111i; st·i._·rt.•lary. r.tr~. \\'hllc being lighted and Janrle<i Friday (·V~nin)I:' F1'h. 23rd \\•1th I n7.; l!t-..i:.urcr, 1'1rs. fto!anf\ on a. bcd:-iprcad in the h<1nH." of play starling al 7 :30 o'cluok. ·t,t: ixirhanl!·ntnrinn. ~11')1 I Af1·s. N . L Topper, 24~ Marino ) . -_ .. _ , Dutch Mill Cheese •-""· Velveeta !!; 95" t!92c :!i'89C h1. d 11 tJd;.!kl n~n: Junior ucl·I Ave. nay Shores ut 1 .48 a. m . <:"Ii TORltA2'0< ~ Vl!-'IT I , t rs. G"org(' P cnnf'y Monday. The resultant bl11.:r.c Mr llnll hlrs .. \V1 1l1un1 E. 1'\1ck· I ff tt.'t·rs wiU be tr.sla!l<·ll al ca11ired 11.n estin1ale<l S~ damai::-c j ell and A1r~. Ehzul)f'lh Lo<'.;rh of .1 h nJ<•rttni.: "'h<·tf as.'iot.'I-1 before be1 n~ <'Xlinguishell b)' thC' 221 Hr~tl\\·ay, Co.sta 1'.lc-+;1 , a c-1 •sust.un1ng and Junior 1ne111 •1 men of Engine 2. eornpan1e<I by Mrs. Charles LcVu . 4 11 bl' pii·;ll l1l lu:r thl• cert. ---of E: l Slh St., pussed u rf•rcnt I {y T , H' y G I day in Torrance where thC'y \'1s!t- rf'-.nlJi>r-ul f{Jr nll)lt.' ITlt'll'h<t.nd1s1· rl· I· '1r s f'rt At r . and hlrs. I >av1d fj. rJycr l r th(• Thrift Shnp v:as n1nd" n11rl Mr. ~nd A-fr s. John Lush 1 nv 1,-ha\'ln~ i._loth1ni:.:,, hou:.;t·hold (Merc11le Nickell~. •rlld"" """'' '" (LU mlur .. wh"'h "Go t'o· Europe" thPy wtsh lo dnuate ea n haVt' lh•·r:t p;ckcd up by cal11n.J.:" thl' Thrir~ Shop at Harbor 1,.;,7.\\'. or cun· "Let's Go lo E urope!"' w~ thC"/ tactlnJ; Lhc ehamtx-r of commerce. slogan al a rt"Cent progr<"&siV(' rhn· After a report b.v Mrt11. Vlrnini• nrr hc lcJ by tht> Newport Harbor Ca8tlc of thc national council Tri · HI· Y. Twenty.five membt>ra meetln,l," J1t.'Jd In Los Angt·les. the of tJfe club, whlch f3 sponoorW by discussion turned to further wayf' lh<' Oran~c Coa.l!t YMCA. were I V ..-..tt\Ci .P-nd m~a.sw or .. :J:cllll¥ lbc w-aicnt taken from "c:ountry" to -.. ~·~•1'1fU•rr... nttd8 now ~ n.Ung therruMtlves try'' by members of the Y'a Men· .~ 1 S. tn th1a area. • nc t tes ot Newport Harbor. •"-"~•' H osl cS!"(:s for the tluy w ere. Tht> dlnner brought to a conclll!I• ~ • ' 1\f rnPJ't. \Villrard Kilhou, N1•\::-on ion thp study the ~roup haa beer. •Jt Neic;C', 1-1 G . Rog.,,·r~ and 1<.:. C . making of Euro~ bv mt>an.:"I of r ')3 '2,.\' Twichell. talks by lravc·('rl'I. ih addition. feb• '121 ' Native Daughters Hold Valentine Card Party {'ach n1<'mbC'r or the ('\ub t)OW has _ .. . a ("lt'n pal in a. Europran country : ~_.. .. -;.~'-- Bt.'g1nn1ng, w ith salad in "FrancP" p,_· ~~-1•'!'°;i.:.-..:."l' ~ .,.. . ·---.. ,. the girls ended their tour \\'Ith >'. .•.v' ..... · ,,.,.':::l 1 Gt·rman appl" ca~e at the homt• or '·~ ;·t,4 '·4 ~) ei- lh1• Jlalph t>1·avrrs. [J.alboa lfiland. -.,· ;._.,,. ~~ .~. ') Tl "-·~ .... l '1-·-( ll' E'\'l?J110Jr v:a.s t_J"JTlflXl'd h,Y Sllll!'.· ·~ ••.· \.' •:;;r~""'-1n~ a,i.11d a dl'votional ~('rvicc led by t . "" ;;; A ft•·r H .4"ort blL">tn •·.;,s nn•t·ttug Jottn Jsk·y. \\"o rship chairn1an. t ~~ i~ cunllut·ti.:d by prl·;.;1fh nl of ('11n-I Anoth1·r interesting event \\•a.o; a \ "·,·..,-I l'hit'it 1->urlur l':o. 291. ~l rs. nay trip lo Los Ang{'\es on F t·b. 3rd. ~ •' :0:,' furnls 1n ~hl' F·r1day Artl·rno1111 F1ft('(•n m('mbers at(f'ncled the ~J1~-:;: • cl.ubhousc 1n Costa ,_t'esa, thf' 1 n101 nin,i;; .!lf'rvicl' of l hf' \Vilsh1r(' I · ~ -· r J, members of tile Parln r ltnd 'thi._·tr BouleVard 'f emp\1'. a J e\\·ish Syna-, 2·LAYER friends cnJ,oyt•<I an cv1•n1ng of card:-<' J.:Og11(': afti·r pie knic k Ing in F(•rn CHOCOLATE PECAN and r('frl'~nll"OL'i. l'anas ta nnd ~-II. Griffith Park, lhl"y v 1:11lC'tl j CAKE .f5c half 89< olhrr c:nrd f':<ln1i '!' \v1·11· plttyi._"tl. tht' th1 · Planetar1u1n. - tabh.• pr17.•s bc1na: l•J\'l'l.v h1·art I Thl' hlS"hll~hts or wint .. r club (R-e. SJ.05 eoJ s h aped bon·bon 1hsh1·!', th,· donr 1:1cliv1t1c-s arc tht: a nnual Sno\v \ prizt· u l 'unfc1·l1011 b<1x h1·urt c.:urnrs bt•tn~ ht·l.-1 at Wr1J;:hl\ol.'1>0</ s hapt."(I lilld filh cl '' 1lh Valt:nl1nt near 81~ 1-'inc f6r htJ,:h sehool b11y~ dccoratt"(J ('ak1's. anti i;:irls The confcrrnc1·Jo: ar1 R cfrcshn1ents Wt•rt• ~·rv~·d uf i:tponsor1•1! by the Anah<'int YMCA. Rice Noodles Spaghetti URC: .... ,.., Cot1v•f1•4 l"t (;rol• Gol4 M.HI, fgg Mediv111 Of Wido .... 21" .,1r:,. Geld ~I""'· lo"f- t/llllUE 1Hll Be S c•-an prouts .,.., · . , ..... 19" ..... ..... 35" , ... ,,., 41" •••• FBYIRG CBIC s OCEAN PERCH FllllTS ' Firm textured fillets that cook up Aaky and white . Packaged, ready to cook., lb.39°' lb.69° SALMON · FILLEn Noodles 0i~ uo~ ·:~·-13- ~ ... 19- '!;:'· 31• ·•::a. 31- ~ 19- Manor Home. E.is<:uatod. Go•'I Grau A. Cut-up, pan r•adr. water; ocean cou9hl fish. 0 Sek!ded fillets from deep 5 g V bl •~c-­egeta es cn•rcn.t Mood Chop Suey O:::' ... Soy Sau~ °"""' ... ,. FRICASSEE FOWL -l . I il.JI ready for pan. lb. 11•1110/tll ·IEI 111., _ Memo< HollM • .GoY't Grad,e A. -rated, CUl·up. llMEllWM/tU I• POU BOAST 370 ! llt. : Halibut Steaks ._ .& .. Fillet of.SOie 1". 53-A~ay GoffM ·:;:_: e 77• G.aln W r-1am podr. (Shollldar, butt cut. lb. 49c) ~.... ! Fillet of Cod • 3gc s.. ii~ kl'IOw tt't. f...t\_ (J., 2.-l-51 Nob Hill Coffee ~:V :.!' 7 .. Po.;Md In •tor-nv boQ:. 12·1b.. t.S7• Haddock Fillet ... 53• Whole Whiting .''.:C::, ... •23• SAUSAGE E lb.55° •• u. 290 ; pk• I Cherub Milk ~:!~;;; 2 .~ 25• Canned Mil k =':'.':'. 2 .!~ 23• Fleet Mix JOI' B•Kuits Table Syrup ~ Strawberries 8~rr Margarine , Chunk Tuna 4:--;· 38• ~·28• 1:;.~--3gc .. 36• 'Yl -·~· ••• £.# LAMB LEGS tNEtK TNEIE 'Vilt/El Honeycomb Chips ••~" .. , 29" Candy Bars ... P~ ~:~:" 8~ F h D • • Grard L•::._~:. 30• renc ress1ng Bra ... d ........ Wizard Wick ~' ~-::· 39c JELL-WELL Celatlns and Puddlnqs pk9. • Six ulldoua qalatlna. a1x taatr puddlnqa to qivo 11our Lenten ~ added co1ot and zest. Note the low prices. PEAllUT, BU'rtEB 'B.::~y 1 i~ .. 29° Baqular co chunk olY!a. Cblldnn loYe Ill (Raqular, 2'-lar. &9cl Shaak!-. Short Cul U. S. Graded GOOD lb.75° BEEF STEAKS . From Top Go\'ernmcnt Grades SIRLOIN T-BONE OI ClUI Breaded Shrimp · :Co;,,. 1:i::~· 79- Green Shrimp fr.i.:~ •:.:~· 69° LAMB CHOPS U . S. Governrncnt Grade GOOD LARGE LOIN lb. SMALL LOIN lb. PANCAKE: MIX Suzanna brand. Exa:llcnt £ot waffics. too! 20-ei. 15c 40-ei. 29• 3~~b. 37c pk9. pk. • pk9. !EE lUZANNA DISPLAY FOR DETAIL.I ON HoW TO GET HANDY PAK PLAlllC BAG , FOR KEEPING VEGETABLE.I FRE.lij AND CRISP. ' . ·IEVElllES. SPRY SHORTENING ~~·· 1.02 Export Seer ~~ 2 ·:~::-25• E rtBee 9-ohemoonTyPt 11 -e&.. JO• xpo r Oepos•t• E•tro hit• Export Beer e~:r .... ~~: :!;:: 25• F o r Lalin" (r,·i11 ... , c• . o (I-lb. can, 36c) ___ .:.... _______ . __ GERBER BABY FOODS • the card gamt."8, con:.1st111~ of formerly hPa.dquarll'rS for thl' h('arl d1•i._·or1t.tt·J <'ilkl'S an1I n t.:t·ln-l suuth Orani;:c County \"MCA. lJn <11·~··r l, by lhr hostC'SSt.'S for TIH·s~· confl·rC'nc·t·8 afford hi~h th~ t'Vi._·nh-lt.:. Dorise J ,_.:.i<;o, 11nry school yuUnJ:' JX'O!>?t opportun1t1t•s 1t1:Do11.ald knd Vl'lrlla Patl1'rson fur h·acJ•·rshtp, lC'arn1ng. rellow- assist1ng 1n th! a!Jst·ncc of l-l1:l"n .'!htp, and "'or~hi p under the-J.:Uld- Mlrkovlt·h. arict• of Chri.!!luu 1 lcadl'rs a.nd PALM LEAF COFFEE 23~ MACUOlfl ~r:::.. 2 u.~: .. 27° SPAGHf:(TJ L'::O 2 15,~.~L 25°. FLOUR ~ 45° 1 :-85° 2:~~L 1.95 W. c ""'" """"' 4aa 1ne Port, Sherry, Mvscotal fiftti .,- Bffr ond ,,...,,... ora offar,O or11)' in Sof~ I~ to i.cll lhel'T\.. To>t•• Ont odd·h~,gl, Assorlecl, strained.-3 .•.. 23°· The hulr was bedUl1fully cl1•f't1· coun.sl·lors. ratr1I in lh1· \1al1•n t1n1• 1nul1f. "'Llh At a rr1·1·nt n1('l'Ling of thr c lub. hC'art.s unt! ~'t'C"t [h'll:<, rc1l elln-l::!i._•v1•rly :\iart1n was c-ICt'ted vit."e dll'S and· cupids ad.1 rn1.ng th•· rt'-prcsu.h·nt. The other offtl"li'r.111 ar•·: frl'shmrnt tab!C'. ?>-trs. H azt•I Pol· Joan Kiml'S, prcsidt•nt; L ulu Lar· lard or N'c"·porl Bt:ach won tht· 1 ~rn. :-;('('rctary; L .. ubclle Boice, dour prize, and a vt·ry nice t'VC'· tr~·a.su r('r: J oan lslcy and Rhea n1ng \\'&.'! SJX'nl by a'I in spite-of a Rabbitt, worship chairmen. Jane ve ry thick fog outs1d•·. .-\rthur as advisor tor the c:ub. c·osT A l\1 E~A 1700 N t.''' IH>rt Bl,·d. ..... .COit ON A O>.:;L 1'1A.R m Oo.ast 111ch"-.Y LAGUNA Uf'.A.CH 'z15 f'on:'tlt A \•rnue • ' lDtclwll Craft, onrk:hod whit•. Cuanmt-TOil i..ttu baldnq. 1u1·r•:a ~7· .... 7&0 ~ lb. 75° . lint qualltT. quartancl and pacbd In c:artou. NoJo pric-. ,,,.,,.,., Lucerne Milk :::;.3t~= 19ic I ••IOQAll•lucf, pQl;l&lflud, ca.intry frhh.. Miik prial~ f'9 ~ liMtd ~ ...... Cottage Cheese °=-~:-It• c........,,..,..,'"""' ...... '*o.. Uc• Beverages croomoor 2 ~ 2gc Mtf'l'Y Mill Sodo, ~ Soda, Sno.(:okl, Snowy Peak~ Alot, lmt!OltOn Strcrwbury Sodca.. 0.· , pos.ih CM"e extro on bott~ Coca Cola ee:~~[i:!'0 6 .!::;. 37• : W• redHrn Coco Colo COUPQftl. I 4.,.25°1 -·IUOIH# Hasten Cake ~'l'~ -:n- FrHh Bread '::: I.. '::' 20- APPLES · ·POJ'l~~E$ U. S.Ko. l·A IOlk.25°1 ..,.. ~ 'Wt'6111 ........ ....... Sandwldi ll'MCl ..... ";r. '::' » . ;while,~ m . a:,, lolld Readl ~ ' •. 50 ......... i::i-., ... ' .. ' .lllfeJC){llllf · '~:d~. -5· ... Zit' • I ' • -YOIR 111411$1' SAFEWAY: l • • ------------LARGE .IVORJ SOAP Use in kitchen and in laundry . 14° ---------~---MEDIUM IVORY SOAP Use in hathrootn .... !or face and hands . go --------------DREFT SUDS &fakes dishes gleam without "''ipins: " u .... 31• pk• -----3 ---~---- . TREND SUDS · For clolhes 1~!4..._ 19• or dishes. .... ---•J--------· .. WHJ KING SOAP 22 .... ... ·, j 30° ~62° • ' ' . ' • 1 I , I • ' •' • i I I • • • \ • • • • . -. I ' • . ~ ... . : Gt-~ -p.;.!lT 1T -THURSDAY, FEB . 22, 1'1!11 c~ o. M. Bapt;sts . '· ~ ~~. -Ci Will Enroll' . '• , .~ ~ ..:::.-=. PJlE SS ~ Charter Members • . ' • " U ~ '"·· ' ;.;.,LJI ' 't """"m . \ • I ) leerC.-. -nni!l~m:d, -~ .... ,.!ti 1 b~· .... ,.,t -~ - W.C.T.U. rteme Note u., •.• -c...,u ~-~l -1 ...,....~,~!__. , . port Blvd~· Co9ta eaa_ on Tut• DRAIB • W.\LV'Al'llS' • tAWK . Memben ot tbf! Woi;n.en·a Chrla-day!" .,Feb. 27 ... at tbe -Ne._wport ILOOll ~ --._ U... T_......., Union wW be ·Beacb ·City Court. CJ\Ul9' waa ROUU: a OAlllJD -. . .. ' . • 'l'lw! ·-~ Cllw-ch -· - _&..E_G_A_L-_N_O_JIC_E __ ,~_..;.•1•_•...,AL __ r_1_0_111_1e_1 __ ~ :0, u.:irc--~ ~ State Vice President of C. C~ P ."·T. Addresses -C0111tyP.-T; A. Croup • I Clad to ltam' that. "you can leavt booked for dnnilt l' Yi.DJ at 11;20 1~1 ·co~ ~ an,. • ...,., • .,.~Olcllt cuee ot beer' oUt Jn the opt:n •nd ;~m~-~Sa~turda~~Y~-=:_!:~'=:l~=~~===z~~:;==;====~·,.. -..._. lniMlc I>)' VioM------,..--------'-lu..,. won't be CJP.<l'.*I and .oampled • ' Lueu In' UM Tor11a 1llada la CO.-~llKar. I .I I I' r I• a 4 • dlltreb o_..i ! !loo Rag Drive Proof of th1a plkldin&-"' th<! tact ' """' I • f - l'loftvz OP. SAL& OW: REAL IPllOPBftTY BY TB'18'Rlt UNDllll DUD OF TftUST TRUST NO. 1..0 Ute lull of Paleotlne. U.. Holy r.. tloo Ila,.. loo o.rt ., --t..n4. loOrlie or v,, ,.., t11e ProplMU o( ~ fa -Por lh and ~~~ ~mntll, MXt Sun- lncllltltl;)' ,_ -~ oo UM thal" lt .~ ot -.. were 1c11 LA , "''.lCE K.~ GUNDRI UM,, M. D. °""'" Oounly cans-of ..... Nets $200 for ... -Of the AU-~merlcan Mar-• ·"'· ..L I ' . WBl:REA9, CECIL J . WILSON •nd LILA w:IJ.SON. hlllband &lld wife, I>)' .Dffd of Truot - February ht.b, 11149 and reconlod Marcil 1111. 11149 In Book 1112. - M of Offlolalo Reco<da of ~ County. California, did CTUl IUld eonvey tbe property therein and hereina!ter deM:ribed, to the ~ 00-tr o1 ~ ay • ~· Pebnl&rJ za, ·~ 10 :lfa. .... 1 L m. In ~"w\th the 8..,_ --f'--clay oclloo) opoftlns .,....,._ Th< Nones ~ SALE OF R&A.L folklWlilS ~~-•.• film AND ~:NAL ·l'llOPZ&Ti oa Nt-. <\b1al, wW be p..-nt· onu and ~ on Peb. ti at ' luot In Corona ~I Mar Tueod.sy "l""'OUN~S THE OP=t OF WS QFFICE AT t :IO. Mn. ciaUde Crooby ~-Cocta Mesa p -T A. ~t. '!be beer .., .. notlc.ed by 1741 StlPERIOlt A"!E • QOSTA llE8A ad.• YOl'ba lJ.n.d& Olri a.nd Boy ~ • • Newpwt BMch pOJice at J;l'f a.. m. ~ . ~ Formerly Ne Aff. Scou:te' pr.,......ted tbe oolon tor n wu truly .. from rap 'to WadaHd&y. Police n~Uned t }le . l J • AT 'll1llLIC ... tKmON ed, ~~ •. Ille jNedp ot o.Uesi-e· and tile mheo" wben tho bard -tlor• m-er, w l! o tnu<>portod f PaAC'llICE LIMITED TO ' Jin. "-ul L MUi... pn· \bO It>---<~-' th~ """!' to the N_.-t All-bISEASES ot l~• EAR. NO!IE and·THROAT and ALLll:RQY THOKAS RlCHARD DJTT)(AR. sunay.I Kuch •. at 11 •• m. Pl&inUtf du'11\g the won.hip hOW'"& charter yqcaUon. Principal Lowell 8. co.ta Mesa 'Llndberfh • narper American Market for aatekeeplng. OP'FlCE HnlTR.4: WEDNE$i>AY A.ND.-SATURDAY Jone1 of Yorba Unda .chool we!· f'TA memben climaxed thetr an--r --:-1 m•mbe...bjp rdll wW be p,._,,ted tor th4! llrgnaturea of UM:>ee o have uk~ to become charter memben of the new church. The alsnlng will be followed by - chureh't (frat CommunJon aervice. comecl the i.,.. (T"DUP ot PX"A. nual ..., drive recently. Aeeord· NORKAN K. DOYLE, L.A., on I Bt Appointment wemen and Mn.. m. Ctecs,• t.lb l.ns to tlle report stven b,Y the staylnr young-· .. ReUremmt bi Office Phone &1 con 6508 RestctenCe Phone HarbOr 1038 · >UDELL EMERSON ET AL vITnlAR. Delendanta vtce-pruldent, reiponded. The wa.ya and ~ cb&lrma.n. Mn. the .qutcke.t "Way_ to kill youraclf · • ~ Girl'• glee club of tbe 1Cboo1, un--Arlbur Kitt.a. at a recent ex~-;tt~:~· ::::::::~':;:;:::::::::::~~=======4=:::::::::::::=========~~=~ ange County Title Company, u Notice l9 hereby givfn that tile Trustee, to aec~. among ot.htt underaiped, u Receiver ln the QbllgaUona, the payment ot Qllt above numbered ' and entitled ~­ note dated February 2tth., 194.9 tion, "'11 aell at public auction to paya.bte to Newport B&lboa ,.ed-tbe tugbest and best bidder. &nd eral savtnp a.nd Loan AlllOCJ&· subject to, the confirmation by tion, a corporation, or oTder, tor Wd Soperior Court, all Or ~ the prlnclpa.J sum of $1000.00, wtth rl1ht tiUe and inlerfft of the interest from date at the rate ot fS part.le.a herein ill'" and Lo the real per cent per annum: prlnclpal and and per90n&l pt"Operty here.Jnafter interest due ln monthJy tnst&U· more puticvlarly deacribed. me.nu of $2!>.00 each on the 1.t Sa.id sale WUl be conducted on day of each and eve;ry month, the 4th day of .Ma.n:.h, 1951~ at the beginning on Apr1l 1st, 194.9 and hour of 2 :00 o'clock p. m: at th~ ("ontlnuJni J.Ultil tuJ,;y pafd; and said pre.miee.9, located at 410 Clay . ~.S. default hu occur-Strttl, Newport Beach, California. red 1n that the Installment ot prin-The real and peraona.J property cipal -.nd interest due upon said being-the subject of the above der the direction oe Miu Marcar-tive boatd meetln.&" lft ll'\e faculty r.-- et Pryor anr u.e ever popular room of the Harper Kbool, more Next Sunday Dr: MJlford L. Bake-r will speak on the theme, "Burning Hearts -What Should We Do About It?" Tenn...e Waltz and sweot thi.n $200 wu turned ovor Co the Now AT O.AY S ~BR OWN 'S Kentucky Babe. ~ -. trea.surer from the u.Je ot ~..319 , _ . Mn. Hlrold Boyve,y, aecretary pounda of r.,..-which we,re col· read· the treasurer's reporL lected and brought to ~e achogl Cha.innen dl9Cu.Ull!d &ct1vlttet of by the children of Llndberf}l and' their cornmltteea. it wu an· Harper echools. Mr._ Kill• lhank- nounced that the Tar Pit 1n New-ed the members of the PTA y,•bo port Beach would be kept AIP8' u.tsted h~r In wel(h1ng and Friday evenlng Dr. Bale.er .-poke at the Newport Bapttat Church l'f'.llowsblp meetmg on "Th e Church in Action." Layman's Day to be Observed at Christ Church durln&" Euler vacation week. The eort.lng the rags. mi:mbershlp ch.&lnnan announced Those working with her we.r~ tha.t FO\.lrth Dlat.J1ct noW has 24,· Mra. Ann Dalebout. Mrs. Carol 452 members. Convi"n.tiOn , p&an.s Hohl, Mra. Allee . Le.d~lg. Mra. were diacuaaed and lbe unusually Ma.rcaret Koonoe.. Mra. 0 . K. q.ne prol"f'&J" to be &1veri ln W M.a.xwell and the president, Mra. note on J&nuary lit, 1950 bu not ment.Joned a.le lJI morp part1C1,!lar· The "congreg-ation of Chrlat been p&id; and ly deecr:tbed u folio'N•: Church by the Sea will observe ··WHEREAS, ~ewport Balbo:l Tfe Northwesterly 63 1'1' Laymen'& Day Sunday m~rn1ng u Federal Savinga and Loan Auo-Of Cots 22, 13 and 24. Block 30, ttlr laym l'n of (he oong~gation Otego wu de~rtbed. Mrs. John Douglas Hine.Sly. ·vemon. flr•t vice-president. re-Classes receiving the " JWlze ported on the Home School Re--·tor oollecllng the most rag• ~re '-".ttonah.lp conference in San Mns. Ortber~·· tint pde clul Ole-&9 Jan. 21·26. e.nd Miu Tuttle._ kl.aderprt.en Speaker of the d•Y· Mrs. P. D. clus from UndbeJTh achoo) and Oevtl ol &cramento. first vice. Mrs. Gardner's fourth gT'ILde clu.I president of the Callfomla Con-and Miss Fa.irtbarr'a kl~derrar· greu of P:u"V\U and Teachtta. ten cla.u from Harper school. ~ addre..ed her aubience on the Superintendent Eventt Rea re- .subject." Responstblle Cltl..sen.I ported that the .chools were l'ti,ll Build Securltv." .. We want to u.rgenUy needlnc )Manoa and aug· build H CUritY tor our chUdren pstl!d that the PT A continue it• lha.t ia not tM pensiOn" k!Jld, but etforta in tlndln.1t u..d plano9 to the senll@ of ~ace tha.t come~ p1lr'Cha..e. Supt. Rea &leo expresa- h-om within," sa..td Mrs. Bevil. ed apprect&Uon for the piano She went on to n.y that we can-which had been loa.ned to the ..not e~ulP our chijdren to Jive Ln school by Mra. H . ·J. Hohl. The a normal world because we are merry·~o-round which lhe Und: not living In normal Umes. Our ~rgh-Harper PTA purchased has world Is more complex than that dot yet atrlved, but delivery has ot our parent .. ~ Every renera· been as.surlM. Supt. Rea told the elation, owner and holder ot said First Addition to Newport under tht> dirtttlon of Lay Lead<?r ttote-, ~retofore Qe.manded that Heights, u ~r map Nd>rded Fred \\'oodworth conduct th P said Trusttt M!ll ea.id property and in Book 4. at page 9-4 of Mi9-morning aeMce In entirety. The on October 23n.J. 1950 duly record-cellaneous Mapa. Records ot paator , ReY. Thomu Roy P endell, <?d. ln the office of' lhe County Re-Orange County; togethe r with state<l thlA we.k th.at for once h e cnnter o f said County, In Book a :J of lbe houae.bold lumiture, would be able to s it ln a ~w with 2091, "J>&ge 264 of Official Records traner, equipment and an hl.e: -family. lbt;:reof, a n otice of said default other perMmal property local· Laymen's Day Is !ln annual ob- abd ol ita elecUon to cau.-e said ed upon Uie a&Jd preml..eea. servance In Mettiodi.t. churches pi'opt>rty-to be sd'.d lilfld more than The Improvement. In and to the and Js a tesUmony of that denoml· three month& have now elapsed sail real property consbt of a nat.lon'a be.Uet In the equality of l!lnce the recon..lat!on of said no-one story two. bedroom and den laymen and mlnlater• befott God . tice. The sum ot .$913 . .5-4 principal-reaidence-, a two car g•ra,-e and that both must stand before Him and inte reet thereon fronl August a ~mbined work room a.nd •hed. on an equal bul•. each penonaJly lat. 1950 13 now due, owlng and S&id aalt-wllJ be made apon the accountable for what tht-y make unpaid on J1&id note and there i~ follQw\ng terma: 10';'-of the pur-out of lbelr llveti. A preacher llke- alao l!ecured by said Deed of Tnat ehue price ther-eof upon accept-a layma.n can be ftoly, explalnr-d the Trustee'a fee and expenses of anee of a bJd by sa.Jd receiver, the Mr. Pendell, but"' It'• AOt because sale estimated at .$.1.36.90, together ba.Jance upon cJoat of escrow fol-he ts a preacher. Llkewt.se no with any sums paid and advanced lowing oontfrmatlon by aaJd Su-laymen ca.n excu.te himself from by the owner of said note in &c· pedor CoW't. &JI of the same in moral failure on Ute ground.I that. cordance • With the provis!on.a of Lawfu.l money of the United Slates. he t>e:onp to an tnferlor claaai!l- sakl DeM ot Trust, with interest The undersigned rewervea the cation. Laymen'.e Day UI the rr- on sa,jd Jut menUonf"d su.m.s. ,stght to rejttt any and all bids. mlnde r th&t Cod doe1n't play NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE Dated this 5th de.y of February. f11vur ites. IS HEREB"( GIVEN that the a&ld l~~l. I ----~~ Orange County Title Company. JO!<N W . ARANT. C "t t C d by virtue of th~ authority vested Receiver omm1 men er S in it .. Tru•teo under aald Deed No, 831-P.... s· d L.y Methodists of Truat, will sell at public auction Publish Feb. 8-15-12, Mar. l , 1951. igne V lo the hlghe.et bidder for cub, Twenty.five additional commlt- Jawful m~ney of the United Sta.tea I CERTIFICATE. OF BtlSt?loi'"ESS ment cards we~ reoelved at Chrllt of America, on the 5th day ot Fletltloua Firm N11me Church by the Sea on Commit Mar.ch, 1951 at the hour of eleven 1 THE UNDERSIGNED d 0 t> 8 ment Sunday making-• total of ,)'~ock A. M. of sa.ld day at the hereby certify that slle 11 conduct-125 memben of the congnpUon South front door of the OrU\ge lq a Real Jr.ataU! Wible.a at 100 wbo have 1pledgf'd thiemae\vea to Qounty Court Houae In the clfy· of Ea.st Balboa Blvd Balboa Call-LOlal abstlnencf'. SantA Ana, California , all of the fomla.. under the ·· fictltiou~ firm ------- Interest conveyed .t9 It by said name of BaJboa Rea.Jty Company -Claaaifled ad! are read by tolb Deed of Trust In ~ lo ~I that and that said nrm 11 composed of who are looking" to buy. certa.ln prqperty !ntuated "" thr-".he-fo·towing persona, whose County ot Orange, State of Call· 1 full d la 1 r rea;· fonUa describe-cl 13 · l&l1les n an P cc o · ' · , 1ence are aa followa,_rto-w lt : The V.escer1y r't>cta.ngular 42!-2 ·LJJUan H Mc.Ad }OOO West feet of Lot Two and the Ea.st· Balboa B.lvd. N:°' r( Beach. LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF Bt.:SL"°ESS f'rly rectangular 40 fttt of Lot C I" 1 • wpo . a uOl'll &. .. Thrc:e, of Tract No. 57, Cali-WITNESS my band thi.s 13th Flrtltlom F\rm ~amf' forr11a Avocado Or c hard" jay of February, 1951_ THE UNDERSIGNED d oe • A cres: u shown on a map re-'"\ LILUAN H M ADOO hereby certify that he LB conduct· cordt.'<1 In Book 10, page 3 ot "3t.ate of California, · c Ing a boat landing and TTadlng !.ti.9C::ell3.Jteou.s Maps, records Port b·-m· •U at 3108·3112 La~ County of Ora..nge, u . ..... of Orange County, California., ON THIS lJlh d&y of February, fayette. Newpoi;t Beach, c;allfor- or so mtteh ot said propcrt~• 9,. R be F nla. under the fi c titious firm name shall be nece•--·y lo •-"" 0 A.. D . l ul, before me, o rt --~ ~ WUlrn N •-· Puhl! In and of Colu Lido Cove Beat Landing provide a sum suffjcie.nt t ay ea, a o ..... y c the t otal amount .eecured b said for the aald County and State, re· and Trading Port and that said 0ef'd or 1Tust. Ji<llng therein, duly comm\ssloned iirm i.e composed of the following nd .... om ~-nally ap~a.red persons. whose name.t ln tun and Da t Ptl February Znd, 1951. a · · ,._,...., ,.-ORANGE COUNTY TITLE Ulllan H. McAdoo. known to me places ot residenct' are as follows, to be the peTaon wboee name ta to· wit: COMP ANY· subecribed to the within lnatru-\\'alter E. Co le, 3112 La.fayt>tte, By GOO. A. PARKER d kn 1_ ... _ .. t Ne-wport Beach, Galttornla President ment, an a.c ow 'C'<.lg~ o me. that ahe executed the same. rN WITNESS my hand thta 8th day By C. W . BAXTER. .S WHEREOF:', I ha.ve o! February. 1951 . "'tJ"i"'i~i,~1• <i~inrilliUid l!Jldl ~i!ked . , ) 1 ~Al,T~ ~ .. fX>LE -'l Yl ' ~ _ y Cf8l'~ f:be~ day and y•r Ste.le ol C&lU·omia, · ' 6,8.._h '" > ' ~· Ln '. thfa ' Ceiuttcate 'first i:bove County o r' Orange, s.e. ~ ~~:~:i:~~ ~:~= 81l~lh.~9~~1 written. OF THIS 8tll day or February, A. 3 publ\ca.tion F ebruary 22nd, 1951 ROBERT F. WlLLMES, 0 . 1951, befor e me, Robert F . My CommLsalon expires 11 /16/51 Willmes, a Notary Public In a.ad !SEAL> for the said County and State, re- No. IM:G-Preu. 1iding therein, duly com1nlssloned Ftc.&.ltk>us Firm Name Publiah Feb. 1~22; Mar. 1·8, 1961. and sworn, persona.Uy appeared TH E UNDERSIGNED d o e s Walter E . Cole, known to be to be Cl.'RTlFlCATE OF B USINESS hereby certify that shf" iA conduet-CERTIFICATE OF Btl81NESS the pereon \\•hose na.mP Is wub- lion d}ffers aharply, and Amert-board members. . can children are gTOwlng u;i Jn· The meeting wa.s ln charge: of der the most rapidly ch&ncin& the first vtce·pre11id,ent, Mrs. J . culture eYer re>0nted. Harris, In the abaellce of Mrs.. According-~ to Mrs. &vii the D. HIJ'IBely , prestdent. best thing about the PT A is t.ha.l It provides a gettlnf together of parents and educators on a friendly ba.si•. Know ,,your 8Chool program and get together wllh the teachert a.nd v.•ork out pr"Ob· le.ma. The-advocated st&Ustlcs ahoW that the aeve.nth grade echnol child knows more loda.y than the seventh grade child of the pa.st generation. ' The pobltc school is wbere chll- d:ren flrtl learn a.boot De.moert;c:Y. yet Amertca ia 9Pen4lnC a an)&ll- er amount for achooll than Bf•~ s:ta and England. Summing up her talk M.rs. Bevil said that real se<:urlty tor children ii tlrst a cood home v.rith loving pa.rents, ~cond good achools and third a country that recogniufl its re- sponsibility to I t• cit luns wheth· er at v.·ar or peace. COM Church _to Welcome . New Members Continuing his 11erie11 of sermon9 on the pvent.a In the lift-of Christ, the Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt M- nou'nces that hf' will pr-ea.ch next Su,nday morning at bOth 9 :45 and 11 .o'clock iD Ule Comm.Unity church of Corona del M.ar on the' subject, ""De Temp~ of the Heart.'' A Large cl&M of new m@mber.e will be received Into the memberl!hlp or the church In tht> eleven o'clock Sf"rvlce. At 7 :30 p.m . two moving pl ct- ture1 "''iii be shown in the sanc- tuary. '"Vt>ra Cruz.''. a color and !OUnd picture showing scenes of be&Utiful couUlne, v&ricolored flow•rs and of odd native cos- tumes w ill ~ narrated by Joaeph Cotten. Alao, ··The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus," a Bible drama. will M ahown. "\\t e cordlally invite you to these l!ervlces. During the noon hour a deli· clou• luncheon was served In the: 90eial. hall of the church where the tables "Here colorfolly deco- rated with flowers and little red 90hool houses. Followihg lunch- eon Velma T&mme and Kath· ryn Warren entertained del\gttt· fully with a group of sangs. A. ahort attemoon aeuion deal· R b rt C b II Ing with annual reports and 0 e amp e qu••tt•n• put to Mrs. Bevil. iu,p-to Speak Sunday rcsentlng the Newport Harbor Onion high school Pa.rent-T•aoher at St. Andrew's :As90Cla.t\on were Mrs. R. Roush, , Mrl'. Harold Boyvey, J..irs. Wm. F b ry ~ LI 'Men"• Sunday at Tritt d Mr and Mn.. R. Tra.ul-e rua. an · SL Andrew'! Ptt•byteria.n chuN."'h weln .. Mrs. Percy Balrul, Mrs. d spe-"~thc~ion will ¥we .£om.era. ··Mn. ~. L. MUii~ .a.n .... . . i 1 iir/ ~ M" j~ slteids llinod be Rol>ek U. hu Ju.ot ~· · rt Har rcWmed. from the OU~o meet· ..; t.11.e recister .for ;e~ T ache~ Ing of lhe National Council ot bor Elementary aren • e Presbyterian M.en. H ts subject A880Ciatlon. ,.,w be "Every Man." Text tor the 'New Film Shows Women Way to Detect Cancer lng a restaurant busineae at 30'1 Flctltlou~ Fl.rm N~ acrtbed to the within IMtrument, Marine Ave., City of Balboa ts-The undersigned does hereby and acknowledged to me that he A new phase ln the battJe land. County of Orange, State of certJfy lhat ahe conduc ting a executed the same. IN WITNESS a.galo•l cancer is a l~-mlnute C&lifornla, under the flctitioul! guest ranch bualneM at Or&ngf' WHEREOF, I ~have hereunto 1et film which •hOW11 a practical ti.rm name ot Hostess House and County, California, ll:W South my band and affixed my otflc!ai techn.ique tor •lf-ey.mlnatlon of tbat .said firm ls compoaed of the Cout Boulevard, Leguna Beach. seal the day and yeir ln thl.JI Cer· the brea.tts, m.oet common form ot following persons, whose n.amee Califomia.. under the fictitious ttficatc ttrst a~ve wrttten. cancer ln women, waa announced termon 11 : "But let eyery ma.n prove hif own work. and Uien a.hall he have rejolcin& ln himself .Jone. and not ln s.nother. For every. man aha1I bea.r bla own bur· den.'' From Galla.tlllM 6 :4-5. Tak· Ing pa.rt In the •ervlce will be Hugh Springer, who 'Yl'\ll reMi the. c&ll tor worsbfp; We.bater Jones wUI lead in the responsive read-' ini and Kenneth Fowler wUJ read and addresses are a.s follows. l<r tlrm name of "'BRASS ASS ROBERT F . WILLMES, ·b)' or. Thomu. e . Rbone, a c.halr- wtt; ACRES" and that 9&1d firm \3 My Comml.u.!on Explrf"t 11 /16/&1 ma.n • of the executive commltte ~l.s J . Wheaton, 136 South composed of the foUuwtn~ per.on, No. '31-Presa of the Ora.nae . county boant of Bay Front. Balboa Island, whoat> name ln run •nd place of Publbh Feb. S-15-%2 ; Xar. 1, 1~1 . Amerian canoer SoClet.y. the Holy Scripture. St. James Guild Plans for Easter California residence la u follows, to-wit: "Zftl'Y woman can be her own WITNESS my htnd th~ 7th day THELMA G. JOHNSON, NOTIOI! TO ~RS best &Jlay ap.tnst. cancer lf she ta Ttw Altar Outkl of St. James. of February. JD~l . 521 North Bedford Drive, 1 No. A-l&S10 tn..tned to «now what to look parish will bold fta rep1ar mOlltb- OORlS J . \VlfEATON Beve.rty HU'a. c&ltfomla In the SUpe.rior Caiurt of the for," aid Dr. W. J . Schrore. ly bWrinea qieeUnc Wlder1 the Stat('" or C:a'lfoml&, Witness my band lhla Ith da)" State ot Ca)l!ornla., ln and for the cb.a1n:nan of the icancer comnfil-cbairma.mhlp ot lt.s dlncteu, Mr&. 0 t F ~. 19"1 Oran ~ fy ........ u--• Dorothy Hall. tollowtng tbe week-Colmty ot ran&""e. u . o eu.uary, ., . County at Orange. \ tee of ge .-...uun -~ ON THIS 7th day or February TREI..M.A. G. JOHNSON · Eltate Of BRUCK WJJlREN, 80clety. -nt.'9 ftlnl abould enable ty HTVkw. ot Roly ·Communion and D 9 H •L State of r-'""-'" of ... a. -.a .. to Pr-.yen or Interceuton at 10:00 A. ., 1 ftl . before me. . ,. ~u.oa. Decused. -tbOUM.aM e--r .,~ .__...,, t ot th Bolker, a Notary Public ln and County of ~ Ance.lea. •· Notice 11 here.bi glv~ to credit. aYe their own by dlKOV· a. m. Upon ad_,....... ....... m e for said County and State, reaid-On t.hl.9 8th day of Februa.ry. on having claima &JrainAt the aald ering syrilptoma tile ~y bulllnea meetJ.n.C. the membera. of• fn,g therein duly commlufoned and A.. D. 1961, before me, , Virginia decedent to ftle ..Jd'~~ tn the lt&gU ud medical at· the Gulld wtll &tteod the. m~r'•1 sworn, penion&lly appeared Dorll Lee Lew1a,. a NotaQt Public: t..n and otflcc of t.be Clerk of the aloft-teDt.ka iD Ume" wttkly Lenten clau -on Apea J . Wheaton known to me to be the tor -.Id County and Sta.te. reakling .&kt Court 'or to pl t•lftl them to Kra." DoaPi um., New-Ran1ord'U"""'"t ,, 1 book. '1'he H~g l penon whose name i• subscribed therein, duly com.miafoned and the undendped at the ott\ce ot port BM.ch unit alrfP.8A an-e~· le the within InatnnlJ""t. and 11WOrn. ~ appMrefl THJJ:L-Jereme W~ber. 829 South HUI -the tum be ~"1lll· Tlllo lo • very Important meet· acknowled)IOd to me that she ex· MA G. JOHNSON, -.., le me le -t. In tile City of Loo Alt~ ¥!• on 1oaa foe w11>S. to 'I°: Inf .. plahs tor llooter Day chwr<:h ecuto<I tile...,.... be UM~-·-....,,. lo WI>-County or IJoo AJtrele( C&Ufomla. men'*· orpnlsa -ot .,..,....,_.""" wtll lie ._pleted. ' • • 'IOU CAN aE,$U1tE ••• IF rr!; , ~stingh~~e ~ ' J iie.ooon j)8%1 1885 Harbor !Blvd. COSTA MESA CHECK ~ IN An ~EPARTMENIS-YOU'Ll FIND lHf RIJUll ••• WE'il IU'f'ING " FOIO'' I ' Oicd. tf1e coJor.e in iFord'• nnr L1xury Lounge-Interior•. 'llley're custon1 matchecl "·ith out.side colon. Oicck tlie Jozen• of otl1er ne-w rca- turea. New. Autontatic Ride C.Ontrol blots out bumps. Automatic ~lileage Alal:cr ~uec~cs the-lut ounce or pol'·cr out of C\'CTY drop o( gu!"And new Fordomatic• gi,·es you the line1t, • most llcKihle ~utomatic fui,•e. ever! . . ... .. ' • .. .. .. I .. . . • , ··~ .. ••• • : .. .. ' •• , . IN WITNlCSs WHEREOF, I ac.rillod to tlJe wttbb1 -t. which latter office lo the l>1-1ot chsrp. "O'Jr ·..,.i II iewfr . . I have hereunto aet Jriy balld and and a.cllnoWledpil le me Ulet llbe -e• ot 't11• underolgnod In all womanan -~--~ to · :t:-L,..,. ,,., P-J.or• j .. "Cftt •• ,. ....... _ ........ -") ~,· . atrlXed my otfldal -1 the day ~ tile same. matten pul&lnlng to aald eotate. vr..,..-~ ..._ C111T aad yur In thl9 certitlc&te 4ttrwt ID wM:al!" wtie.reot. I haft heft-8Qch claim&, with the ~ ah• .akL. -We. woca •'• _.. N --' n!...-ct . a1'oft -tun. Ulito 8et m, llUd Md atftx"ad my, ...,..i.era, must be !lied qr p._,lr pnla&Uona le Ille flla alnVQ ...,... ()I' l fllEAL) otndal .-1 Ille day and yaar In ..i u ato1 1 Id wttliln oil< """'* tor ~ at NC"""' f y uth ,.. -I B . M. HOLKER, 11t1a cetiltlcato nnt al>oft -ttea. aftllr tile .nnt 'publleaUon lot t111s m..uns date.• . 0 0 ~mp . Notary Publk: In and J'or Said ~Lill: llICWI8, nolioo. ~ta for 1k •bis tM • . County·-Stale. K.imy Pl:!" lit a.I tGrfUtl J>at<d ~ t . lllL , 111nt -llo -·117 p' I........ %bo lle'r. 'l"'•H ...-u_ _. No. &Sii Pr-oauntt ai!d -ta. . .u..sxA.ND1UA WAIU\&fl MccaD 811..,. UT9 -Uoo '°" ot ClllWl a.ma "1 tlJe ,.., PUbllab ftb. l-11'>-D, Kar. 1. USl. (PJ'1"· ' , Jl:X«:olltx at the Wiil ~ -A•1rl • C.-_,-. 0n-. Ifcw,..t B•cl, --~ ----------'---,-•II Prl I O ' 0 -n' , ~ -"-'llUta A.ii&. •1olor ol t1Je ... _ Pea;lle'o • " ~ bh. lWi' Km-1-&, 1le1 J -• I Clu;1:1tHu Ad;wtwc Calnp to. be J()Sll:PB :J. ALJQTo, 'II. .... 114. . ' ' -WI tr, • rt --· OtJlar Qloa . • "'' 1111.., ... -loC;tUHI la A4lllt • , -~ -... JOS .... qcao. .. ··-• llold 8' ~ -' ---·I" ban ,... ol!jod.... BDmT C. BOOVZR. Wlo Loo ·•er.ts, ~ , 1100 c •IC--"I'd ""7 If ,...... -.-. "Dalal afl UM 11o,..;1IAA<ll...__."nlo.-lr oat el oloo-• ....._ ,_ -,-. Yoe -... ...,.. e. .... .....-... h6 a 11·11 "'4 It to ..... mdl -bit .. ---...... ..., -• ! 1---" __ ..__ -........... ~ .,.. .. • T ... , •• •I tJool b.pt11eao...i-t .. to( ___ ... __ ioldt,... ............. ,.,, -·---· -•• ---· ~_ .. out.• I w .-.a.u-U; JJar.1.1111 -11.· ll&tl. ~ -...-..1•. r.u ... · . l .. . • · 1 I ' I \ ,; • • <. • I , • • • • .. I Reciprocity Day for 'Ebell Club Jf!ffr'f!y P~ Wbeeler, snal son of the Rev. and M N!I. P au1 Moore Wheeltr. Bay Shore.,, wa::s bap- tised at the 11 o'clock 8el"'Vtce 0111 Stln41Q< in ' St. .1am.. Ep<&cq>al chwch. The rtte wa.a performed by hi.a father. with Mn. Arthur Achey u godmaU'ler and M'I'. A chey and George Holstein a.a godfathers. lEGAl NOTICE LEGAi. NOTICE B. &P. Women CITY oF NEWPOl'n' mtACH. Hear Speakers STATE OF CALIFORNIA t T fi"~ H .. ~ . . . . . on ra~ ,~~ _ • : NoTfCE TO CON'I1l~; r • : 1 -Ray Cope!tn. sectttAW'CJ!b. SEALli:D PR()POSALB will be .-... .t ~ ottlc< ~ U.. City pllrmtng commtarion P."" a ohort eJork, City fl'"ll, City o( N.-..port Beach; Caurora1&, Wllfl 7,30 e'clock I wlo; on tll• traffic "tuallon Jn the P . M., on the 12th day of March, 1951, at wtrioh time they wlll 'lM! Newport: Harbor area and U.e puWkly Opened and read, for perlormlng wotic: u follows: planai that a.re ~ng made to help C ITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CA.LIFORNlA th tua~lorl at the dinner rnttt- The con.stnK'lion of a comfort In the Newport. Haf'bor ~ station on the State Be.ch at d Pl'ofeuionaJ Women"I . Coronl del Mar. cNb, d. at Whttc's Park A,,rie l'l• bid will bto J't"Ceived wn.leas it is m-.cte on a J>l'OP08fJ form care. Balboa ~and, Thwsday -eve- fum.ialll:f'd by the City &ncineer. Each bid must be accomtJ«nt&d by ntnl' with » Fil&monis pre:- fcul'l, certtt1ed or cashiers check, or biddfr'• tioad) aJbC1e ,ayable to sldln,.. · .. f/'e City ot Newport Beactt, for an amount equal to •\ teut tea pet The oU\tt guest speaker w~ cent (1~ I of the amount bid, auch p&rM.t)" to be ftlrt'elbed llhould Dr. Edward Lee Rusaell, Orarwt lh ~ bh:lder to· Whom the oontract is awardell tail to ente r tnto the coenty health. olf~r. Dr. RU. coni:r.ct. • -ae11 spoke on Ute health problem• In accordance with the provisions ot Sections 1770 to 1781 of the ot Orange county, water: aew- 1..aMJr Code. the City Council of the City of NeWlM>"t Beada tl&Jt aye syatem and sank&tion 1ft eon~ •a.scert&ined Ule gmeraJ ~evaiJlni; rate of wages applicable to tbe nection with Orange county kach- Work to be &:.le u folloW9 : -... e11. Colored s•&:-pictur01 weft. lleurflr .Per OiMt Mown llJustratiag his t&llc:. C1-lllcaMaa w-.., Se.lie Wap Gwe9ll preeent were Lor!UM Bric»Wayer &ad Sfune Muon ..... ·············-·····-·· l.7-6 22.te lb-est, V~ra Wimants. Pb.fU:t.s WO- Btiektender . ....... ... .. . ... ·-····-----···· 1.13 14..&4 l!amson, Louise \ Sntfttl. Judy Tfle Layer f Setter) ... ·····-·······-··-···· 2.SS ,21 .2t Woodwa:rd., 4ay Poore, Jlu.t't Dectrtdan ... .... 2An 21..>t Decker, Md Mrs. Edward Lee Ru,a. Nau ~ • -~ • . .... ··················-·· u·• __ _, u11. ·vn -"11er ·" .. ·· ........... ---· ·····-······-···· --.,.., Prl&e 0( tM e\lentng WU ·doJ\at~ Paint«, Bn111h ··· ···· · ········· · · · ·········-··---·-U8 l9.$C od bf ll:IUabetll H-ond -~::~,~-~~~ °-~-~d ·~·~·~~~-=:~~::=:: :-~ :i:~: toy fl"-betll Head. Plaater T~der ······--····-···········-·~· ······-·····--···----·-2.&"JS ' n.eo r:..:. _f_ La • h Cllrpoo<er ····-·· ·····---·····-··--··-~---·····-·--····"---· .... .2.J6 . lUQ n'-4m zar,l(f c. .. -""'~ .. ·-······----··--····-~---.. ·---1.11 21i.1.i)toe Goes to A 1 --t.,_,. Pluln-, Lead or C•m..,t Oalllkor · ... _........... 1.-a:I il"\MIKu Roof"I! .............. r········· .. ·····-·"---.... -.• -.... -. 2.llO ~-~ A t•-•• .,J___ -· ~-•~ In ;:.,,.,..~ o!t:'o;··~;;;;-~~=:~~= :::~ KOO --;,~~ ";;" tM k>.Y~ omt~ """"'1.nct~U>ap 1.57 12.M -'°' ·iq ~.Mn. -.rd · All -ue to be _,p&rod on tile -of tile Clt7 sa(llloer'1 =~~h~• II-, ~ .. -. "' .... ,. ..... -. "' -to tie -, , . • Ul9 •""""" - • No 11W1 ..... be -pied from a -----,.._ •• relatl-. llr. ud Ills. llcela4 In acto1"111 Oii wtfh tbe ~ Of ,.,.._. I DttlilillW. ttl ~ Clark ol A•) ........ with r Bl""n-... .__ iJoc1e. I ' ......,, ~ ..ru · a, to 41ua -\e --~ of ,._ ... -... --" and :!.*-7t:tl.~ di ........ &act be --at U. omc. ot Ille <lll.J' Jl:nl!I' '"' -.., li.......i lllGD,tllo.. City Ball, et --Beacb, c.llfonala. . ' ' -"'-" l.alirlcjl la at p<-t ~ --cl --*'I 11 la ca11oc1 to ie,. ,.,.,.,, .. -,Ille'*)'. of Kewpwt "'Pt••J ta Ud OoDdltlc:IU" • 71384 te ...... ,... ·-:~ ot 9'lcla lie ........ ot~toir---aa-towii'fl.,.,ete.. -. t• pttwa--i. 1"' Cl(J et New,..t -1 1 ..,; ia. ,._ .. ...,.. --• -kt .•. -lie -a an-. . ...,.,, __ ... _ .... _.. .... .... ~? ~ .. 1' aft 09! ll&WfiWG I 0 cm, CaMflMWU. -_, :" iWa.w ... JI • .. Co !it,"'::· ....... -•. wlll t'1 to '•1 Wa, IDL11 IC J:":mu·'I -Mil, · ' . ,,_, -!Mn -a .... tall· .... -,. · · _u. ...... ~r te'hom llo. _.. P'6lloll-...., II; !le..._ 1. Jiil. '. tor 1ta -~.-r-~ ~ ' • I \ r ALL THE WAY THROUB i . ' ...... J • • I r.-..mv-$ M -'--'-g -.I....,..,• ...... ...... n.. .w·· ti 'ibJ,;••n;ir .............. ~~ . . 'I . . ! 0... ,-ume ...... _.,,_ ~·, 1:111H"I doe" .,,..,liiol -fer .~lllt'10'' 1lll '1' et._;-.....,,.~"B 'dayS1onl. .......... ·-••• ,1,..-COlllfort.&¥ ~ .• • ~.,.,. aail..-iewf s »tbs ticfih1:·-1D4her ~~mg.~ wi .• bruil .... ,• 19h ... 111h:cifa n· J •1~MMic 'Doh.•. E doe~ ......... Lg' io -s IP-1 Icir ita •..-.... ·the l.i... ~ ..... ~iini1'--•-... -·11 s.e• ...e doe tqn "'"' ... , I t 91" t"' ~ . dr Ii 'al • ,":'";~~~;:""~~~~119 .TO• • • • • , • I . How nuny times have you anS~'cred the telephone just u son1colle! hangs up? ~u know it's nOf al\1-'ays possible to get ro the telCJ)honc chc moment it rings. So best W'lf to make sun you gct-..thc person you're ca.Uing is to give him a full minute to answer, I G«>tl K'3J' fo Sfretdi your fele#one dollar , \Vhen )'Ou nuke a1Long Distance c:all, you can get the mosr ~or-your money if, ahead of time, you "111ke notPs of fbe things you '"UJ'1'11t to talk about. Then. during your .call, ~~~ jot Jown the things )'OU 'want · • ,...,., ""'.,.,.,,. ~· ;t...,.t~, . .j,'.. ~' ~:7 1 .• t~ '~, to r!take sure to ren1cmber. · •, 4 ·· . · ~",,~ .... "·· '~ "J"i· .-~ · : • \.\ 'ith the right pl~nning, you f' 4".. ' can say as much ma thrce- , 1 ,~ . • , 'I ') INSIDE . I minure call as in an exchange of letters. And did )'OU know )'OU :an nu.kc a three·minutc station call, clear across the OOUDU')' .. for just $2.00, plus tu, after six in the even mg. • • • U•D•RSIDE TOOi . .. • • • • • I • " ' ' '( I ' ' ... '( I'.° . "r·~#h• .• -ES s· I -9 · f r Mesa Gr~nge · . l"lnt LI. Mu;Ytn Normaa l!Ht'• ·essQn u l~ for ~thercjns Fiia::~ i':;t"~~ld: wl bf Jihem~ for ·f .fu ell fiC .... -.p ~ Po Gran-• l\luh>t "•oort ...... 81. of TOZ Funl..,t Ave.,.~ The,..,,_°"'' tl>•re . s..mon u...n.. SW>U.y, Feb. 2:1 available _,, to range iCout L.:.lousehold -Sec •....;;:---m..,. • • •-ront. <l<'l Mar p&ld &11170 drunk ·--T at 11 a.m. ~ti>< Newport.Huborl'•tudente Beglmilng ·,j,,25 'th... 1 11 • WanJJow· 'f'ld Mrs. Wardlow were 'dd'"'•-fl t I~ N-----" 11<.kb -I Mlnd -tile Klnd l WU Ill Luthe,_' cbUrch la "Whal Men • , ., , . o ·, . · , , • I " epeclal sue-.a at the lat.Mt mee\· alt ·-::!. .... .neM. ._ -.. ""J.'U'''"' Chrilt.' J~ -and that thW Mind. . .,.. • elaaa eectlona wfl be taught by Mn. M.U(T'ajr Rabbitt, chalrm.&11 B• c d p rty' TL:re"e Choirs at ·--of the Ooota "'~ Gta!.ICG-I y ·-· O·-Y· I W>d<ratood, deotro)'ll oil n ... an4 per· of Splrit Ate You. Sennon two memliers 0 ttl>'t.Jp'.h)'lli<d edu-" 19 ar a _Ir• .. M.. d lire. p l Cbutclllll Wete H e w .. llMUted at 1°'15 p. m . al .. -In tile 8 da Bibi text: Luke 9 :51-lia. Clllion devhdon -j)ltss BeVe<ly °'I· Ebell_ ~old· eectlon, will d b ·ch-l h t . Cll a • fl'ido.j. ot Iria Ave. and Hwy. 101. n ·· y ::: l!<)rmon tbc:me ror Wedneeday Campbell and Ray j ROuo. I IEaelt p""""'t M...,._ CtOoke llftd lley• Planne y Lutheran urc •ce<pled lilto th• memberohlp. ¢orona d<I Mu, by Dudley ·ro. LeMon ln all CbNt Sclen Lenten auvlc .. Feb: 28 .. ''The -cl-. Will ext.eod .a wkk1 'wlih ,.l<U Of 119ulhffn eounu .. a.. · · Mn. DotUe George wu IMCal· Gourky of tile S«nla An& pcUce cllu~ ' Son of God" from .. ties: ''&hold final clu•ra'belng h~d April 13. eotnp&DY •\a :12:ao".p.-m; program Harbor. Stars Three cbci~ have n.W been or-led u •~lain, CllllnJ ti>•· poal-dcpt.rtmont. Gourte~ told Naw· Tbla.doclaratlo.•. from Paalma lf I.be Man!" Text, M&ttl>cw 28:11:1. . Each els .. enroll)ncnt wi'i be on Tueeday. Feb. l!7 1n the clul>- p.nlzed at tbe Newport Harbor lion of Mr& Mar&'tJer1le Quan")', port police ll\&t &a"W~ ~ the Goldm Text. The .eel or limited ol 24. student.a... bduee. Subject will be the "plUI· Plans for lhetr big annual IA.ltheran church. The Cherµb whO lUldercd her resignation. h.lm on· Hwy. 101 in Emerald ~y Ule Lol'd .at.andelh for ever, ,the Gueal.3 entert&ined Sundi.y' by he . alng and remodeling Of kltcbeM benefit deuei-t card party,, to be Cboir ii made up of children from 8oatl were Mr. and Mrs. Donald and traveled between 80 and 80 thoUgbta ot bbl heart I au gen-Mr. and Mn. Leo A. Lee at their Those who pa.ea t 'I courH wW !'!?P-.motion Pict\l.ru wth be ehown. f held Saturday, "March 31, were of four -years of age through the Stearn.a, OWen At\keny and Feed mllea an hou~ to Corona de.I Mar. eraUona (33:11). ~ ~ bome. 28& ~rof,dway. Cost.a Mesa ~tve. one unit of1credll and alM,emben are invited to brtnc' chJef Interest to memben of second. grade. Sixteen children Brace. Gourley alleged lh&t ·Bea~"' were Mr. and Mrt: Willard Budd Red. Cross rtrst. Aij:S\ ccrtti;~te. m~..upe Of their "1Jtcbena, if they Harbor Star chapter, OES meet· bave been enrolled aa memben • ran through two red Jtghta ln Co· --ei.a..sned a.di att ~ by folkl and Mr: and Mra. S.. ~ ot • . · 1 ~~ like ·them remodeled or ~ lng Feb. 13 in IOOF hall. Ruth and the mothers have formed a -People do read the want a4a. rona del-Mar at 80 mllea an boilJr. wbo are looJdnc to buJ.• G•dale. · I I Oautned ad.a coet utUe, do Ulucb. ruagemm.tl changed. and Henry Deister. worthy ma-group known u the "ChenJb --.,-----------.,----'--'--------~·--1 ... tron and worthy patron. presided. Choir Mothers.'· Co-cha.irmcn of Given ucort and seated ln the tbc mothen' gToup ar~ Mr11• ·c . E. East \:Vere Edythe Kempe!' and Cave and Mrs. !.1. K. Lamie. The Cuba Mol'Tis, Junior pest matron group meets regularly and is mak· and patron. Mra. Kemper was tng white satin robt'.s tor the chil- honqred by being asked to give drcn . The Chf'rUb Choir sings at the '\-itual farewell. Also escort-church servlcE's on the &\•cohd Sun-' ed were Syl\"ia Place. pa.st ma· day ·or each month. Rc.tl'l'arsal8 tron and \Valter Peck •• put pa· arc held every Saturday at 10 :30 tron. a , m. MC'mbcrship ill open to all. On the con1mittee to plan the The Junior Choir Is co1npoocd o! card party are HRrriet Smith, boys and girls from the third OM.lsy Pooley. Doris Diehl anti through the eighth grades. Twf'n· Jean Collie. Erma Lachenmyer. ty-t"'·o are enro·1ro as lll'l'mbers chairman of door prizes. said !:ll prc&('nl. The Junior Choir sings ·there would not only be many at church "services on the fourth lovely articles ~oiaated by Los Sunday of each month. They at-I Angeles stores. but that the main ready have white surplicl's and prize would· be an electric blan-black ca.ssocks. This coa1ing Sun. Ket. donated b)' OH.vis and Guy clay the Junior Choir will sing "A and on display in their store win-Legend" by Tschaikowsky at the do1,11.·. Tickets for this will be on 11 o'clock worship strv1ce. R t•· a.a.le by all Sta r membeNi aJ'!d heersals for the Junior Choir ;.r<' the winner nocd not be present held every Saturday at 9 :30 a. n1. to claim 'tt. MusiCa1 director for bolh chi!· Ellyn Neil.'tefl, chairman of dee· drcn's groups is Mrg, G,•nc Roth. oratiru\s nn<l favors. is suggest· Organ accompanist is Mr~. Fran· lng that members make an<f. Cl's Schulr.z. wear novel Easter bonnets. let·· Membership In the St-nior C hnir tinl' imagtnatlon have run sway, is op\>n to all \VhO Uestr(' to par· with prizes lo be given the most tic1pate. nr hi gh school agr and notAble. above. Mr. A. L. Gattl'rdam: 2161 The ataletl meet~ng followed San Remo.· Lido J.sle 1s n1t·n1ber· the usual pot luck dinner held on ship chairn1an. Tht> Senior Chf"llr the first meeting night of the sings reguiarly at the 11 o'clock -month. On the second night there Sl'rvict·s on the lsl and 3rd Sun· Is a birthday titble and members days of the nlonth. Rl'hearsnls Are urged to attend and enjoy are ht•ld evt>ry \\"..-dnPsrl~y evt•nln:::: the 1tood food. Hostesses for the at 8 :30 after the L<-nll'n worship evening were Pauline Jasper and during the Lenten sea.son. ,.1rs. Millie Cassady. De<·orations bv GcnE' Rvlh Is dit('Clur as well as i l ' J Ellyrr Neilsen. were in the Val-soprano soloist. Orson accompan-' i ; • entlne theme. 1st l5 l\.fr~. FlorPnt·c AnJt·rson. Dr St. James Rector to Participate in Ordination The Rt. Rev. Franci.o; Eric Blny, bLq hflp of Lo.'i An5::f'll'~ diOCf'l'le ha.c; aaked the · rt>cLo r of St. Jan1el'· church, who h; the rural rlean of the I....on1t Be8f'h con\'ocation, to partlcipat(' In th<' ordination to the prlE"sthood of thf' R e\'. Lowell Mc- Dowell. - The servic'-' will ht~ held Monday. F ebruary 26, at 10:00 a . m . at the Church of th,. .Aclvent in Los An- ""'ea. •Mr . ~ler will rrad the Litany tor Ordinatio n!!. Mr. Mc· Dowell Is at prc8cnt the vicar in charge et the nt>\V mission in Gar· dena. Tbi.H mission congregatiorl forlnerly was a part of lhe parish of St. Anrlrew 's, T orr11.ncc. where ).f r. Wh('Cit>r was rector for seven years. Rev. R. T ouri gney to Speak Sunday at St. James C. 1\. K ingman is chairman q( church music. Naiad Mariners. Ha·ve Outing With Pasadenans l\.1t•mbcrs of Marlnf'r Ship Na.1a<J and their skipper, Mrs. "fffi Han1- brook, had a ~ranrl WC'Ck-<'nrl 'out· ing chuck full of fun as th<' gu<"sL"' of Ship H ind of Pasadena, Feb 17 and 18. The girls and Mri; Hamtltook left early Saturday rooming wtlh provisions and 't1'cep- lnJC bags tor Camp Slnglng Pine~ 1n Angelus Crrflt. Ca.mp tires. hik<·s anr1 the stud:,· of Luh!ng k l'pl thr group V<'ry busy. The cold weathrr gave ull excel!C'nt appetite . ., and turns \\'Crt' tak<'n with the cook 1n~ and clean· up. The Sklpp('r. \\'ho 1s a wondl'.'r· ful sport and JOVE'S lhf' uul·of -doors kl'pl ri~ht up with the girls in c-.:;ery activity. Ml·mbr'rs attending and attesting Lo a wonderful l1n1t- were Yvonne Taylor, Conrue l\.1an· gold, Nancy Tritt. Jun DulwrJrth. Lu S~Lc Boice and the Sk1p{kr. • The R•·•-Robect A. Touc;gney. Saturday Luncheon youth director for tht> Diocese of Los Ang<'lc:.i. \VIII be in charge of c;st Lange Home the scr vlc1•s at St. Jan1es church 1 on Sunday, FPbruary 25. He will Camellias furmed the cenlral be t~e prf'Rc her a:t the . 11 o'clock bas}s of the luncheon t.•ble prC'· service., and tn tht> evening al 7:30 sider! over Saturday by Mrs. Hen· p. m. wt!! icpt•ak lo the ~embt-r!' of ry Lange, 439 Broadway, Co:;tll the Young Churchn1an s-Leagul' I Mesa. Miss Carolyn Lange assist· of Sl. Jam£'~ parIBh. . ed her mother at the pretty af- Mr. Tourign(•y has the repula· rair. tlnn. of beHlg an l'XCt· lt•n_l speakf'r. Sharing-the friendly hospilality ha\'1ng st-rved ~fort' h·s prl'JM.•nt \Vere Vergi•• Chrlsllan~n t1.nd duties. as chaplain al the Univer· ~nevieve Tibbets or Whittier J o &ity or 1'1ichigan at A nn Arbor. Brahm of Van Nuys. Doris C~pp~ and as &.s.<;1stant to the rector of Pal Bre\vcsler, Ethel K1eselhorst, St.-Matthew's church, San MalPo. Maxine Wh iteside. Helen Kiesel· Whilt> in the city he will be the horst and Carol K1eselhorJtt of · guest of the rector of St. James Mon tebello. Ruth Christiansen church and Mrs. Wheelt>r. and Susan Chr1st.n1nscn of Lung Beach. ------- ' C. D. M. Matron FAC 'Bridge on Friday Monthly meeting ot the br;dge is Dinn er H ostess ~ction of the Costa Mesa F'ri 4 , ' day Afternoon club will be held Mrs. Kathleen Henshaw of Friday, Feb. 23, in lhe clubhouse 603 1,~ Marigold Ave., Corona dcl with a de&tert luncheon preced· Mar, was hostess at a recent din· Ing an all¥11oon ot bridge and ner. Friends l"Ojo)ing lhe hosrt· canasta. tality included }i.frs. l\tary Joan Forming the trio of hostesses Davis. Mrs. How&rd Pemberton or tor the occasto~ will be Mrs. Eii· Costa Mesa. CJ1arles Gauss of sle Robinson, Mra. Lucille Fer· 1· Bay Shores and Robert Dunn of na.nde!I and Mrs. Bonnie Davia San Qiego. MAD . MOORE'S CASH & CARRY • B4l~A BpULFNARD AT NURSERY star 1 STUn. NEWPORT . . I . TOUCH OF SPRING ' 67 vaneu;.· . ' J I ' I . Some 1950, 19111 Introductloaa ; i ~ . -; • ! ''"' & ti i ( .. ~eiuer­ RED sou~ • P .,.,.. &e> IHERRl&S r.u ' GREE n I E I n ·5 ~ .. 2 22J _s _. -' _F _T _. _I ._ • ...__, _T_ ... _EE -"°-u"•_u._ .. _9_5& !~-~-nSW~E DT . m I lH .. 2 1~~ 25..i' ...;.c._1 _1_c_H_c_a....,·1 ....... E ....... :_•_1_·x ___ PllQ(A_liE __ 33_~ . · · -· I E I I S F I I 1; A I I 29ci . •• G 1 .11 IE ~/32 I -----• ......._ __ ...:_.POU;...."...:...o _PAc_r11_0,_..;.. (?u{41.y~ (",OU COIN ~·-;..,, •RAHD •.• ,. s 11 E"E a I A ED n ./)owa.. 1J~(UU(, C&l.l.0 Pl<Go. Pllftl(S -FOR A GOOD ECONOMICAL MEAL CZ4oha-'L3 ei,q_,. y'1.ad£ e{: EH illH RO·AST .. &:vuce-ta!Fd "OVEN READY" Tom TURHEVS c7o,o 7'1-~ -Fl .l .ET ·aF 50\E '}f)l>d- BOO .TH'S OYSTERS l:J I I £.I'S f I E 0-I I S l ' . C I I ·I . S T A I C I ~_j,./ftd. .. ,,,,.,., l'O-~ 'IOlltl'S ' SA .LT oH• rou,,o 1819 N~T AVE.. COSTA '~ ' • • . -· ...... It . I l T z c ·-a c ~ E I I ,.,,.~,.C""'~r 14.f (I IC IE 0 I • EA T~~!~0::,,~50& MEIAL IACAIOI Z1C. ' IEllEL C 0 I .• ~ "•'JOJ KftHlLS CA,.. 18J . . S-. P I I A C I ffO.JOJCA"-''oes. 170 ' I £A IS 35~ 8 OUNCE C.CH . llTtEI ' I ... ,. ' • •