HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-01 - Newport Balboa Pressr I I f • • • , I· .. t. • I . . 'llVE ••••• - • • .. · . .. . ., . ... ....... • ' • ' ., . ., • .nm,..... >Jmol', to .... , -... fair . &od .tmpuUa1. ,,, ~"" llltw. "'~·ud-&1elt but• : ,.__,_ ___ ~Jn....:.. . THI • INl1M. .. . ' . Ht)llOI -t•_• 111 T: N .-("BRICK"l OJJNES • ( .• ~ , ~ • SECoND. LARGEST HOME t.O.CUNITY IN Oll~_NQI:. cOuNTY ' T"""" _,..t ' ' ' •• ' IJa~ld Caldwell, ,u.. flohlngf~~~~~~~;::::=::=::::::i::::r.::::'1:::::::::;;:;:;:==::;::::===:::::=::::==::::=:=:::i==:=:=:::~':::~·~-::::==::::~·~:======;==:f=:::=====:==!=:=:;::~=='.:""=":..~,~=='"-~i======~======:======!:!:~=::~1 ;·~======;::;::i,!:b~=========== fack!f l merchant lrom 11&1-b-f VOLUME Xu ' ' . land. Mnded lhlo dept. u article PHONE,H,ARBp~ :i816 , CALIFOlfNIA. nniRBDAY, HAIR.CH 1, 19111 SIXTEEN PAGES ·~ERl • IJ!oe ,Olli~ day. It'• called ''Kl4- algbt Oil" and Jo wrltW. by Ed Gttnnell 'n the Bantw.re World ~ It cteai. with eom.merclal flah· ermen and· Baroid thougbt. right- ly. tllat It mlpt be of tnufeol here. Loo)<a(: - ~ readers. t&xpayers on. will ~ delll'f':lted to JMJ"n that anothe1 group in our ecoftoiny -thll Ume the comme.rctat fiahermen- hia been choeen for the prom.Wed land ot fr~.rri from the flAanctal ~rct. of thelr buatrieu. , ''Part of the higher taxes lo be taken from your pdCket next yea.r· may-very~ well go to lhia worthy_ enU<prtse. 'The farm.era have been Wbai· d:tsed and controll~ under the ban• .ner of the Oepa.rtment of A.gt'\· citlture. Now the commercJaJ ftah- ermen. lf propoaed legblaUon 11 \ enacted, wtU be subsidised and, of cOQne, controlled under the ban· ner of the Dept. of the lnt.erlor. pne of these bills would utablllb a J'labetie1 StabWsation Corp .. financed by the federal govern· ment -with your tu money - to pay the tLlhermen. No· llmlt is set on the· amount or tiah the gov- ement would have to buy to ma.ln- taln the 90 per cent parity price. "So now we ab41I probably have wanbou.ees full of apoUing flab to add to the bUtt.e-r, egp ~ potatoea. However, there'• no toea without aome small pln. The •polled flab can perhape be eold lo tannen at a traction of · the prfce paJd by the gove~nt. Then the farmers can U8e the nab tor tertillr.er to grow mo~ pota- ~ or a.a. feed tor chickens to produce more egga tb be bought with. your tax money. "One thing rather bothers fT\e in th1a fl.ah echeme~ lt l.be flaher- men really go a11 oul to lncreaae t.belr catch to get lhe maximum lD · subaldtee, what becomea of the flab crop which appeani to be ahrlnking from. year to year? It ia queatJonable whether the fhlh thel'DBelvea would pay much at- tention lo a di~Uve from the Dept.-of Interto.r to keep awa,y from our ehoru untU ordered to return. Yet, if they don't, the fleb- ermen wtU flab themee)Yea out of bualnea." There'• mo"'. but J bop by_ now Y<JU.,,. Ft·· U.. ~ ,~ U you ha yefl 't you ahotildo t have been ttadinl' tbW in tiae tlrat place! A. MJGlftY -~ '.,.,.~ ~"~ ·~t more-or-le.. ~,. group known aa Junlgoe Vlejce -and that doeen't mean Ancient Go&ta. aa some hinted -met la.8t Thur. day at Newport Harbor Yacht club. It wu the uaua.I every two- montba get-together of a group wbtch up until now didn't have any officers or any duea. No speeches, no nlce wont.e about hardly anyone. Just eaL-and-n.1n, With green olives for an appetizer. Last Thuraday the members leamed. lo their trurprtse., that they had elected a board of dl- rectora. Members are Herb Ken- ny, Ralph Mukey, Hel.n& Kat.ser. ff.add Ring, Bob Gardner, Tom Norton and Lea Steffensen. . They learned, too, to tbelr sur· prLlle that Brad HeUla ~ equally aurprlaed to learn he la to ~ hoet at & barbecue preUy .eoon. Whk:b caused wme memben to remark that "Aml«oe Vlejoe" mean.a "Steamroller" in an ancient Peruvian cUalect. ,, There were a few thln.g• decld· ed. One wu that Harry Welch ta, to K honor-ed at the next meet- ing two months hence. Cood k1ea. Another WU that the Martne (OoaUnued o.a Pace %) hwer Nanted · P1 esident of City Employes Jest1le R. Brewer of the watet dep&l'tment was elected pN"aldenl of t.he Newport · &ach City Em· ployera Auoc:tatk>n at an electior held at city hall Monday. Voting .,.ant on all day and the direct.ors rnet tn the evening to tabulate the ~ta .. Eighty per110na (50 per cent) voted. Other offlcers elected were: Hugo Condry, atrttt department, vl~ preaktent; Flora Lewis. clerk. &eeretary • lttUUft.J'; Dorothea Sheely, llbrari&il, eut-t•nt eecre- tary. Hca bor Weallwr Tia...-.,. for• ,..a .. -.. .--.,.1 • 10p Low n...., ...... n --··-• u · PrilloJ'. Fel>. II ----·--· ii ti ... a..,, F• 14 ~--et M Sm.,, r-. ti '-!..-·-· tt U 11 "'3' ...... M ·····-.. 1 H . T I •1. l'I& :n -·-·-It U WtAll:fT -~· YU. la --ii • Pot r.aa retert tw-Nwwpwt Ill "' "'*"· ...... II, .u .... •=•:r . ..,.. .. .., ... , -..,, .,._, tt • .II a..; !JI d f hl1 ......... -..... ,-..... 1 Wii111•a ...... M' D 1 -l111rr ...a nXDI 4..11~1111111 I._., ,_ ___ ...., .. tu C:--.._ I I fl .. • ~ •. FI... ,rtatlll• •; a .. .-, .. ,.•11 .. ... ~._,,... . . - ' BEGIN · INVESTIGATION 0 Oil .. TANK -HAZA D • t . • • 1n ... ugatlon: of the buord po· wu nrot brought up ll'eb. 2&. .190 Council con.oldem the Jnatallat.lorl. !..i~.. and a11o 11 an eve -day tent1a1 ot tM Standard Oll Co. and 1 wbeft • 1eo-.81gnature petition waa the Number .One ~~ tn an Or-~ent1aJ lire and dlautu . Soµlberu CountlM Gu Co. 111tor•1e j tued &hd no action. taken. ange County and WJten Loulll Healy revealed that be hab'aent tanU on Balboa Blvd. belween Mayor labdJ gave' the usual VUelle ll&Jd .the water ma.tn teed~ lett~ra to botb companies tn<furing- 18th and 19th atreeta Le undetway .. we've been working on the mat-Inc the Peninaula paued just ten •bout removal &nd both antWered thll week fQllowtng eity council ter a Jonc-tlr'De and It takes a tong feet from the tanka and w9U1<f be lhal it wu no hazard. Tbe Ou aclkm Monday nl«"ht. time to do eome'thlng like this--deatroyed if the t&nka exploded Co. aald they wouldn't move ~nJea City Manaiu John Sailors ""·as same u getUng tbe Pacltlc Elec-and City Engineer Webb verified aaked by M.ttttary autho.rlt!qa. ., lnat.rUcted to cbeck wtlh 'the State tric out," aod the· 140-algnature the Um-foot dlatance, Utie council Hal Smith, Standard~ll public Fire Manih&Jl or -.,,Y ot.her compe--petition of the Central Newport 1 agreed the matter wu eerloua. relations man, told the today tent aulhorlty to see U a t.MJe has-Community Aaaoc.lation appt.ared ! The new petition a!gnedi by per-that hla company "wants lo do ard ex~ta. doomed. eon• from all over the city claimed what'• right with the Newport At flrst the council seemed to But when the prealctent of the the unalghUy appearance of the people but It's a very costl)' de&l indicate they would paea over thf' group,' 1Cd Healy, told the council-tank.a has retarded lf"Owth ot the to move sucli an lnst.Rllatlo~." Hf' matter ap)n as happened when lt men the Or&nge County Dctense 1 are:a and depreciated Prol;)Uty (Continued on Pa,e 2) ~· . •' - .. • ·~ . ...._ l.., >-~"-'~>CL~,1~ ...._· -:--"r ~ ARMY-BOUND DRAF'l"EES trom the ~r .,._,..ailed for !he Collta Mesa; .J~n;old Z. Spa.a.pr, Ir .. llS Via Koron, Udo Isle and tl'lp t.o die tralntns camp Tueaday at lo:Z5 a.an. ....... the Grey-Frank E. Watt"t. 91% E. Surf, Balboa. Baek ro"•: R•ymond Lei• laotuad atatlon la Ne-Wl)Ort. Left to ript, frooat row: R. AJyn N'ef-Holder, Norwalk; ~obn R. 8baler, l!OYi S61h St., Ne"·port &.ch;. 9"I. 1"720 Waterfront. Corona Mi Mar;. nomu V. Summers., Gar-Barry Lee Nanney, 8%2 Clubbou.e A\-e., N"'~tport &-ach; .J&mN n:7; C~ 8. O~. 40t E. Balboa 81\•d., Balboe.; lame. R. Frotn. R. Girdner, !165 Caayon Dr., Ooata Mesa; Fl'ank E. 'M'alt~ 1530 Santa Au A~ .. Cloe&a JI.Na; lhlcly <JMU109, '1U Victoria 8t., Ocean Blvd., BalOO.; aad Chartea L. Brown, Hua.ttncton lkac:h. Bids for Reconditioning of Chamber ~ Ship Office Sought C&ll tor bl~ w , LAued by the clty council Monday for each of the three •eparate' ot p~par•Uon neeeuary to aret tbe fUlUtf ahlp .<lfrl<• of t11• N \. HarOO,, chamber of Conunen:e In. """"". tw _,....,y. I . I City ~ ~ rt.,"!'-baio "'.~ P.-for c-!' 1 ot.. ~ •Whl<lilnoludeo COM Gn>u Seeks Oil Inform tion f 1) Recondlth>nlng of the for- mer mlneaweeper ·at a boat ya.rd and towing It to and from present !rite; • ( 2 I Plactng boat on proposed site at the end of Central Ave .. below the Arches next to Lido Wharf; f3) Palntlng, plumbing, carpen- ter work and e!l'Ctrlcal work aftC'r ship ts In place. Peterson Quells OCC R~.. END DEADLOCK ·Hits Importance of Survey AFTER DELAY "It I.a tOQllah to even think that Orange Coast College. might be CJOled," Dr. Basil PetenM>n, president of that instltullon1 told th~ OF TWO YEARS PreM Thursday. Branding the highly publicized "survey" of the faclll~ea of tht• former Santa Ana Army Air Base la&t week u "practically!& figment Given the go-ahead signal but 11till not out of the wood.H ts the ot the imagination of part~e.s ln-.,...--------------.1 t~sted in lhe reactivation of the Orange county sanitation prosram baBe.'' Dr. P eter110n said that the Beg"1n Red er· os· s held up •Ince Feb. 28. 19(9 when fqrmcr Air Base had been accu-votera authorized issuance Of $8.- rately sur:veyed many monthB ago. 308,000 In bonds for a new seWE'r "Th(' facilitie8 of the Air Base F d D Tbd syskm. M~Ung lut night at the have bef'n surveyed by practicaliy un r·1ve ' ay court house, directors of lhf> se.Vt'n every branch of the armed forces county san.ltatlon districts unani· over a period of time , and more mously appl'Ovcd conlracL, for thoroughly than this last time," Loui11 Hackeman was the prin-purchue of the o·rang~ county said the collci;-c president. cipal speaker before the 73 cam-joint outfall sewer system and Dr. P~tt>rson stre&qt'd the fact pal~n workers of the , Newport treatment pl&nt. that now n1ore than ever "the re I/II Harbor Chapter of the American DlsagTeement over the purcha.t;e a continuing need for educated ~k~o~;°:.ea~:.~b!~ ti:r B~.;,~ hu blocked the program for two j:>('ople . As the community con-fulJ ycani:. Only -0nc dis!;('ntln~. tlnues to grow there a.re constant-Say Club, Thuraday n1or:ning .. The vote waa cut, thi8, from a stnall ly more people seeking college drive starts today and ·Newport's part of Dist. 2, Brea, which clain1. educatloM. Thia is not a thrr-e or gqat ie $15;600. ed tt would do them no goOcl. four year period of emergency, but Hackeman, assistant pergonnel Two &teps· now confront the di· a situation which wiU last many director ot the national &.880Cia· J'ectors: 1 l lnatituted as 800n as ycara. Today, there are more stu-tlon, related to the '.usembled possible will be a court bearlnK on denU enrolled at Orange Coa!Jt workers some of th~ hl!tory and llmlted 'particlpaUon Diel. 7, Tus· College than ever before:• obligatlona · of the, Na.\ional · Red tin. ll'l thle-friendly eult It will be The educa.tor pointed out that Croaa. He atreaaed the point that neceuary to eatabliab wbf'lher or there are now r>51 full Ume day the ARC ls now provi~ing run~-not. Ut,e sanitat\on d\atclcl baa the •tudenU at OraRce ,C.qut and 11~ 1 and work en , and blood fdr the right to levy a more than lU cmt ..,,.,., ..... fOfl nlpt cl.Lueo. ·malt-fighting "l•n In ,Ko:al ;iul °"41' uyt In tJie ~ o.~a. ,'l'.be db-. me • total ·of 1702. IAat. ye&l"a Uon. IUckema.n u:ld; the A}lC trlet bali a pat'lenta{l •-acreemen\ :r.:-:"' 13.1 ~:=:.~ !_211 "'~ ~ ,.,To-~ ;'\I\. -~ ll -~·=~ ~ ~1£hta dlstr1ct have own border&. ~ Pnc'f . , · I rltu.st W iaeI7 able to. or the aipent a million and a hall dollars The Red ~ ttie rlati~ Of· bonde canno~ be eold.- for lhe lmprOvt'Jllent of lhe tacl11· fici&I •RI, la th,e prui~p&J lnteW 2) ~~ MUllt DO)¥ J>e made Uee at Orange Coast College, and of communication be~ween our ot an en(lileer~I" flrm to mod.Jty' they have committed themaelvee fighting {Jlen over Be'~ and their the Bacon Plan. Drawn .two years to spend anotber mJlllon and a famllie• and homes. It-ta the or-ago, the llac9n engineertn~ plan half," said Dr. Peterson. ganlzatlon recognized by &l) .. •Nil.~ tor the ,anttation ayslem m~~l. He revealed that. for the past tiona u the neutr~l party for ex-because of higher construction two months lhe co:lege has been ch&nge ot informaban it.n time of coeta, be cut down to fi~ 'the money conducting negotiations with the war. ' , avllllable under the bond sale. military regarding the tr&Jnlng of lh charge ol the mttting wu Puma..,e Price service: per5<>nncl in 'O'arious fields. Carl Hanna, campaign 4irector tor Purcha&e pilce of the existing "We .<1ubmltted these proposals Newport Beach and hi.! :Co-director JOS aystem, wbl<;h iocludCJ:J the at the 11peclflc request of the Mrl!. C. K . Boardman. :Hanna In-3350-foot ocean outfall, sewage (C:O.trnued on Page !) (CloaUnued. oa Pace Z)-(C.Oattuued on Pace 2) An an&wer before arch 7 from Newport'• city attoreey regarding the otlwell situation ,..-u requested by the Corona del Mar Civic Aa- aociatlon at Moncf.Y's council meetlng. A letter frhm Pceaident Verne Wataon uke4 th"e eounc ll to lnatruct the attoraey to clarify three polnta. They ~re: The council also gave Webb permlaisloii. to a!k the War be· (Conttnued on Page 2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- nNA:L EMBRACE. -Before kavhl.c for tbe ~ 'l'\Je'eday, tb& Harbor ana draft.eH found·ttme for a tut. too--.hort embrace wttll tMV loved ODeA. Dottle. Naaney k1Me9 bPfore be -tM walUq-00.. \ ~ Mr busbuwl. Barry, Ju.at (P)'oas Photo) "1 l Render-an op nion on ade- quacy of that aectlo of the Mu· nlclpal Code concern g oU drilling apeclftcally the prevention of any and all drilling wtlhift the city· re- gardlua of ebe ot surf•ce area, referred to u ''toWn lot drilling:• (2) Lo exhltlng Cod• 1Ufflclent to prevent any Ne~ Be&ch cltl- sen from exercbdog Ihle rlgh.ta to any oil that may be drai.Md from beneath hJa: property ,by ala.nt drill· tng methods. (3) Under what circumatancea could-that exlatlng a«tlon of the Code be amend~ or appealed a.nd by what method? The three qbe1tiona >were re· ferred to City Attorney Harry Blodgett for an opinion. AHEJllCAN LEGION SPEAKER Dr. Napoleon.. I UI (Mt.er) is welcomed to the Nea"port, Harbor Lfiston elabllouae by Banley Bell (le.ft), ~con maader, and Mayor Le. hbell. Dr. HW ~poke on Ule pl"Ob&ema of \'derau at Ute~ dlnbrr for 111 u~nice mm ln .the Harbor area ai lthe 'new- Lecton clubboUM Wed-y nllht. Approxbnat< ly :of""..,_. ""-led the meellD&· (P...j,. Photo) ' '1ew1a ••n nm•IA.TIDlf m .. fta11..-r. daa •• ;• IM'1relllle. ..... AM8Jhz ............ I ..... ~OtR qlll lA!Wt&Ett Ptn:qh a* I 't .. M• W fi 111 • ... ' g .. , It t II, )Illa -.. a ; Al D ns• .t OI 1 Oji 'i · la · .a'• a.am.., a. r sta. 1 • a , ,... ·-of·, I Dsllr--~·-'•ss•' 'sY .. .. a ~'•t Caz .. p 'I DI ....... ~ ..... .. ... • f Propose Paving Alleys 1ry COM All the alleys tn., Corona del Mar north of Coaat Highway between· Dahlia and Poppy avPnUeJ!I will be paved at a Coat of $51,155.86 If the COM resident.a approve the pro- posed aMeaaments. The c~ly coun· ell Monday night adopted the en· gineer'a report on the lmprovl'· menll!ll and &et a public hearing for Monday, April 9, 7 :30 p. m. at the council chambers. Clty fi:nglncer Webb said the al- ley• would be graded,, paved. and stonn dralna, Sl'W-er a.nd w a.lf•r connection, wouJd be in.stalled. lie -said the &SSeM value of the land waa $336,390 but the estimated true value of the land In the pro- pd5ed ueeesment district was $672.780. Poet.cards wlll be sent all prop - erty owners l.n the d~trlct nuUfy~ ln.g of the beaning April 9. • • • • • • • • \ . ' ~ ""'i ~- -.. . ' > . ' -.. ' ' .. ' • • ,. ' PA& 2 -PART J -THu RSDAY, MAR. f, ·195f I G1nerid Knapp ftotmi .~!:J~ESS-~· FIRE FACTS ~ 97 m •••1'11a:w. . -.... _ {C..U re --ftC'o •l -- . 1.¥~£0C·p~ -P\Mrta! 8ftl'7 'I'tlllndlQ' at N1.,o(t • llA. can •.._ °"""' .... prtatlq Plal>t •t 1111 lllaDfl' 111\'d,~ ~ 1'11 El>tered u ~ mattw l"" 111; J.NO, at tlle paot omc. at Newport Be•cl1, cautomJa. 1111clar the ~ of. Muell I, 11'!9- ·-··· ~ l(UQ I ~ 2 I ·~ •• ? .... 11-bw Nit'-! •l!lla11aJ ' te«?Uee - -.... .,.id .......... la Ge N""'"" -4-1 11 -. ' ........... Oz ~:_HJ lilt °"51:911 Ott t7 ~ 0. RJ:DDICS. ~ "l'!I l'Ul'$:r llOBlllRT r. WII1 MD. ~--._.._ 4. J.Ll:XANOIQl HAM;Jl.'fON, ~ Mll!ll'I"" ' PRESS ,\NNIVERS.\BY Volume 12 is the DUlllber that will grace the date line of the NEWPORT·BALaoA PRESS during the cominll' year. Agllin the annual change bas been made with lit~ now. On the front page of the first isaue of the Presa m 1940 there was a salutation -"GREEI'INGS TO OUR FRIENDS-TC) BE." • That greeting was apparently well received. l THE PRESS has grown, it has brought to the town. a sizeable payroll, a large investment in equipment, and presently ia engaged in a building program to create more tloor space for the expanding business. THE NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS belonp to the peo- ple of the community. They are .tte ones who have built it. Without the support of its readers, advertisers, and those who patronize the commercial printing department, THE PRESS would cease to be. ') We who list ourselves as editor or publiaber or bulli- ness manager are unimportant in the passing' parade of news and business anc:t the world. We are merely stewards. If we work rightly and live by and support the pledge in the first edition of the NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS we will be liated as successful in the bW!iness. a builder of our town.., . This editorial is reprinted from the first iSllUe of thi8 paper of March 7, 1940 and was . com~ by Wm. A. Maxwell, founder, who is still associated with the paper. • • • YOU J.R£ JUST ASKIN& r.ol. A File f · Y~'f""' " • V ""--4 lieutenant In Wod• "'"" I; i.ttw fNjlqatlon from ll!lr· NOifES for~et_they're Qn ' YOU .iad ~1 ;" let rubb ish acc umula te The Capitot Week By Walter L Barkdull (Dlllted .._ 00""9po-) • Gov. Earl W&n'en W-. back Lil YO~R CONGRESS "• \ S&cra.mento at weeka end after a 19-daoy 1toy In t,he U~t~ratly o! Callfomia boepltal where he waa treated tor a aore arm. Tbe peat debete la Oon'"'" on foreign pollcy -and on dom•Uc rnobllls&Uon la begiJlnlq to pro- duce preliminary de<:l.lion1 and jelllnl' ot sentiment on 90me lm: portant !.asue•. 1·. Unartimoualy, the Sf' n ate Armed B(:rvtcea Committee bas approved · lepl&Uon calUng for the dratting of 11-year-oldll. 2. The Houae Ways and Mean.11 Committee. hu deCided. to take its time ln copaiderlng nrw tax le'""8 - lation. 3. More than 117 Republicans.- and at laUt one DemQCrat-ln the House. .11tgned a statement ot prin- ciples aaaerttng that any foreign poltcy mu1t be determined wtth tull participation and approval of CongreQ. But be did not plan to return lo bJa Capitol desk for .eve.rat daya, instead, he' planned to return to rest at the executive m&n1ton. He wu the thlrd patient there In several monthL Convaleacln& With hlm l• 17- year-old Nin& "Honeybe&r" War- ren, youncut of the three War- ren dau1htera. She t. 1"eC0verln1 trom pollo which 1trQck the day her tathir wu eleoted to hi.Ii un- precedented third term. The other victim wu Dorothy Warren. She haa recovered trom J.njurte1 re: celved ln an auto accident. Warren handled urgent buaJneaa from hla boapli.l bed. A.a a reauJt. hla otttce l&Jd, hla calendar i• ft.lrly clear. BUt he wllJ be once aaaJn lmmeraed ln work when the Ierlalature cornea back March 12. Pertlapti the bt11eM. price that Warren paid tor hla Ulneu wu prove to be only 1traw9 .ln the mtui.nr a ecbeduled Lincoln-day wind, but 'they did represent at-llpetch he wu to have made lJi tempt. by Congress to get .oft ~ .. e .KanMI City. Jt .,,... to bave been .. dead" center on whlch. It bro&dcut nation-wide. HJ.a invt- 4J'heae three development. may reale<I tor atx week1. tatJon wu rep.rded u dlspla.)'lnc ti Vear Old Oratt the keen lntereat in which he la Under the forcetul leaderahlp of Senator Johnson ID-Tex.), the Senate Armed SerYtoea Commit- tee la uki.ng Oongrua to provide at once tor the darftlnc of lS-year- olda for military training. held through the nat.ion. Not ae &a.c1' But Senator Chrla N. J espersen of A tucadero wiU not ~ ~k. wtc1' ..... Ip N~ld,, '(t. lllllpl&IDlils blo ""~ Gil, ...-• ~ . K»fp /ltld= "1 .. I ..... ~.bf prof...SO.., bUt outdoo• J:d. !fota<'l'lllo-11.• ....... ot j,.,i.,a-l'·onl7 ~1' .. ~i u o\ 11.r •1 work appealed more to me thua • .,..;. aC t:lia • 'I' artldra pre1 r nt, It~ la prOpoeed that UMf i ......,...S ..,,.111... teat tubeo 1n " labora· • . dWquolltlcatlon -~ cooHJ>u. \In. '°1111'9 . tory.''. . • u COJl!oml&'• Npl~liWlb· tll ,the worm Ila;\ Hmed .• J'<hM••-:ie, 11111. 1 With lbe Fltt!i Marlnea In WOT Id lnl' ';'DO"'Ployment lnaw'Once re-wac-In N>'fll'J>. YJTl'll~ eq1!AI . to - - , War I <S<\M'>d Dlvblan) Knapp 80l'ft.ftlnd la 'IO be-.ancl. tba 11111 at leut ten ttmea Illa weekly ~t~ \I .....i • book ol>oUt ~ flgbtina-~ o-:er. "Fnlpce, atate leglll.oture mµat. ,prodllCe a Mrletlt, and lbe+r m""ta with tlle-'.proper ~ to raJoe clllckoaa, NamlnJ lbe bettlea he parllclpot. con~on of th• "volun1"1')' Q1!lt" the ell«tbtllty ~enl,I o! t,be ~ 4ucbj ete, but the one tbat ed In, Knapp'• deep. voice llrlnP to racnt. . , act. 1 l'Mlll. ~ l!lY tancy· oncl my m"14. the bJ$ry bookl Of W0<ld OtllenriM, u ull!W ocpen41t-~t la propoaod ~ deny beiW!to -.of b""'°r. wu • wbol< cllap- W" L •\ ..,._ of un~~loy111<1at ~ 1U1C! to cancel ~ c....sJtt of OllY tar e11tlµedj "How to STOP l'Ola• 9elleau Wooda, St. lllhloL, Blfnc tun<lll ...umated at ~ooo.oob or per.aon oonvlcted ~ ody court o( 1111' ~w· -t, M<111e -Al1f0Dlle, llolla!ono. m.,.., ta beJJeflt ~ta to ''¥QI-competent jurlodt#on ot wUlfllllJ ~sj ot rol>blta remh••• me and Verdu'n ; Ulea were the bat·• unta.ry quJU," will con:tln\Je to de-. making a f&lae statement or know"' of tbe'b6y 'fbo wu •trtltln• & ra~ Uegrounda on which lbe young plete lbe fllnd -O!ld ho.it.en th• lnely faUlnl' to dlaflooe o IJl&leli&l bit .,ith o •tick, whUe be beld up eeccmd lieutenant received hll cJa:y wh_en there will be no . t'UDdl fact tn order to obt&.ln or increase ~ rsbblt ;rtth hLI other. hand.. all combat tra.inlng. tor unemployment in.u~ce pay-any btnetit or payment under U\e the wblle . .icreanllng t9 the poor Aftu the Arm.tat.Jee, Kiiapp wu menta. · ~rovlaiolUI of tbe acL rabbtt.. •"hlo and t)Vo. How mudl Rationed with the occupaUoh To understand the remedy, It LI It i. proposed lo ~e eo-ta t~ &nd two!" When uked forcea in Germany. Then be wu neceau.ry to understand ttle pra-operation by emplqfen, which co. what ·on earth he wu •dotns. be move<\ to Guam where he •tayed ent law which perm1~ "a quit tor operation will have the ettect of replied~ "Sqme one told me ?'&~ for two yeara, le&vln1 that J>CMl tn good cause." helping e.mpk>yen to protect tbe blta mUJUply very fut and thlJI 1922. Knapp then moved to tbe "Good cauae" la not d~tlned ln fUnd and in conaequence, tJteir own one can't· even add." •· San Dtero Marine Barraclu for a the act. Therefore, it ~ deter-financial re1ources! Now of coune. I kno¥l ra.bblta twe year tour o~duty ; after that mined bY each clalrna examiner When a worker1 leave• without have nothtng to do with Hlling spending two yean at the Anny tor the Comml.&slon if the cauae. good c&USe or "v.luntaey qulU," and repairtllg autamobUes, unleu School at Fort Benning, Georgia. gtven by tbe cl&imant Ls good the employer would be reQJJlred to there c&n ~ aorrfelhln1 in com- At: QuaAtloo cauae. tumiah such matet;lal taci., aa are moo wtth the way our custo- Atter leaving Fort Benning, The original Intent ot the 'le&ia--neceaaary to prove UUS, when re-mera are, multiplyln&' -they Knapp wa.a uatgn~ to Quantlco, lature wu that good cauee abould quested by the Comrnialon. know where to cet the bMt HJ'· Vlr(lnla, u an lnatnJctor In rel&le to ma.ttera dirtttly connect-The aarne would apply when a vtce at the be9l price. tpeejaJ operatlona. and defenM: tac-ed with a pe.non'a work. worker Jiu beeii · cllacha.rpd or Thia la Your Friendly Ford tlCli tor three years, leavtng that Good. Caa.e temporarily ·au,pen4ed for mls-Dealer -.Ytnr Good-bye 'tru poat In 19:18. For example, 11 ' peraon wu conduct Q)D'..nected · wjth b1a moat next week. For a brief period, Knapp WU work.inc where oondiliona .Uect.: r~t .woik. .... ' , aent to Juigelpa.. tllcltl'arua with ed his health because ot al) alle#.ey:, 'nine _ch.Ulgea l8, t.11.e11aw, tt ia Marine troopa on orders of the it wotild be &ood cause if he q_Uit ~vied,~ l&i'~e?" elimif1ate the State U.parlment to keep order becaUSe of hlll he&ltn, It i...,ked ••ta -~ i"ith qultµns a O"I T'--L H d there at the reque.at of th.e lncum-up by a pllyalcl&n'• •tat.ement. B Jql> by a. wor~ wno w&n1'8 • va-I 'Ina 411S bent Nicaraguan authortUea. he ahould be willln~ take. th .. ~on or for ~e olber .ipurk>UI He then .pent aoi;ne Ume aboard aame klnd of a j eleewhere ~· ! • the b&ttle~lp "Utah" before belng where conditions woul not be a · ~..eJ~ Qui: re-aulped to the Marine CO:rpl mene.ce. 'nle other hpll Q~ the "voluQt4rY :Cbool at ~:iucoi Atl th~:~:! Abo, an accident or. advancing\ quil" ettua,tton, that la, °'41, ~bter· e WM an k rue ~r n tactica age might make it impoaibl.e for tuges uad tJ)' ~ who do not rune. at~ proc urea, ' .blm ·to conUDue a particular job, want to take anoUter job, ~ not tpeelal oi>eratlorul and logiltlcs. although ~Je to do other work. neceuarlly requlr•f leg.Llla~iop. After a th.tee year .Uy at Quan-Beca":l'f the FN9QIY tor voJun-Addition of aµttlclent luve1Up· Uco, Knapp (in 193S.) ttecame Ali-tary quill are not detlned, trivial tor. to the unemplfyment CQDUn1*- alataot Operatloru Officer on the and even nanaenaical reuou are •Ion peraonn.el mi,.ht be enough to rt.rat Fleet Marine l'orce •tal.:ttb ctve.n by ehtaeler• and auch re&-cope with thla ~ket. Then the bl 1936 he went .to China ·aona apparenUy uu.aty eome ex-CommlPlon could .ee it the ap- the Fourth Marine Dlviflon tor a amtnera. . plicant really tried to •el ·• ~w two ye.ar ptrtod. then receiving ~ BUt even tr ttie examtrl.er decidea job or deliberately !acted In. s\Jcti a ualgnment to J:leadqua.rte~, M -the worker did not quit tor good I manner he wa.a tttrned dawn. rlne Corps u ll88istanl director of cause the worker ls dt1quallfled Tb lntere&ta Or 'VOrk:erit and the Marine Corpa reacrve. for o~tY ftve weeka, after whic1' empl;yers .&Uke ~p.nd that the M He waa ;:::e ~mmant~er 0~ the he can draw unemployment ln-lepature make these changeli. arlne ac at e avy llJ\ll'&nee lf tbe balance in the URemploy- (()oatlnuoll•"-' Pose 11 Hid they have been leulng the land trom Pa~lfic Electric alnce 1923 and have paid the city many thouunda of dollars ln tax~ in that Ume. A check of the cu.rrenl city tax ftlea revealed that the lud la ~ aealled $8,810 and tbe tank in.tar· l&Uon (Standard OU'a only) .... 100 which at the t&x ra.te tor t:ha.t area. Sl.11 per hundred, would equal ju.It 1121.10 per year. In a tlnal argv.ment Healy said that in the civil detell8e prog;ra.m the wudena are compelled to search the &re&, locate and uk remov&! of &11 huarda·, no matter how un&.11. "How ca.n we let thla tnstallaUon at.and and not be necll- l'ent 1n our detense duUe&T" be Mked. WHAT THE PRESS STANDS FOR , For fair and impartial administration of the city gov· errunetlt free of favoritism and extravagance. Cb.airman of a wbcommittee which conducted weeks of hear- tnp, Johnaon arrued IUcc .. tully tor the new legillatlon on cround.9 that our aecurlty requires Ute moat prompt buildup of our Armed Forcea, and that we muat decide now on a long-ranee ayatem of training and manpower readiness. The lnt'Juentl&J and well-liked legialator dled unexpectedly lut week from a heart ailment. H e would have been 11 on April rs. Jeapenoen began hlll polltleol cl· reer when lie wu elected to the a.uembly ln 1928. He 11erved t~ere until hia elecUon to the Senate in 1932. Yard tn Wu.hlngton, D. C. ln 1939~ nµ.. ~emplO)'flleJ)t ~~ ii rnent reaerve fund ~ ~low a A. year later, he comma.nded' th charged to the emp)Qyer'• · ln-oe.rtain level. the t.omJD.1aalon oan Sttend Defense Battalion al San div:k:lua.l ruerve tund and to the ato all unemp-k>""'ent IQJUr&.nce rn . P 1r·· ego. s en er al fund (which the em~loy-payment.a. ; the Preu da FatefUI VN-r era pav) even thoush the ci.tmtnt Thi.a certainly a ot lnt.ereat to -Peoplei do read • · , -Be wi-t.e11 peo~l In the fateful year, l!M l , Kn~p la not involuntarµy unemplo.yed the worke~. : Fo; sane public improvements ·that will inure to the ·benefit of all the people of the community. For upholding th.., inwrests of this city in the alloca- tion of benefits by the coun\y, state and federal govern-~ Committee's unanimity does not mean. however, that the com- ments.. para~ Ho.use ~mitt.M--ol' the was at Parria I.Jiland , South Caro-a.nd i.e not a bona.tide member ot. Bef9re t1'e Jev~l ot, the tund llna .standing by for Orders to go lhe labor market. reathea the low fOint where all to Europe when the attack on lt la propoHd lhat "JOQd cauae" payment.I a.re atopf>ed~ the tu: on Pearl Harbor took place. be atrlCU..Y limited lo matt.we di· employer•' 'payroll* <:erta.ip.ly will Shortly a.Iler the Pearl Harbor recUy rei.a.ling · tp the entp.IQ,yee'• be ra1aed. , ~ PfiOF E5510MAL ~ ~ DIR ECT ORY r, F or the upbuilding of the local schools and churchea tult s-te ud Houae. 1., tlult and the encouragement of all cultural projecta ~gned to matur-wtu follow autt. In .,,. . . . HoUH, especially, the preuur~ ennch community life. trotn back home qam.t 'the 18- For the advancement of the ftshing, packing and boat year-old dratt, except u a lut building industries in this territory in order to provide em-re90rt, wu forcing the military leader• at the 'Pentagon to cut A ,strong advocate of public power and t.be Central Valley Pro- ject, be wu •1-D inter~ to achool and &&Tlcu.1.tural Je1la1atlon. He wu a le&der In helplnc handl· capped children.. V'larren . eaJ.d Na death br.oucf'lt hlm • deep .enae ... of pc1r10nal loaa. He ducrtbed Jeqenen u one of our mOflt progreu.lve legiala.lors and P.kl he would be cnatly attack, General Knapp wu on l"1s work, . . Th.I.I ahoukl be o~ ln~rea~ to eql· way to American Samoa. Upon u·-E .thllt ·tJM! . .,Pl!-p1oyU.. .I I I completion of a tour of duty in cul t.. _ l»r ~ to Tberetore, -.JI qoq~ yrc:>rken the Pacific area h•-ret:W'lled to tile accept -~ '1"7k that he ctQJ abquld Jotn W1th ~eat e"r'ployen ,-~-----------1 U. 8 . a{i.d joined the start of Oen.:. do, even thou&h it la not e:ucUy in ur&1n1 ·theft le~tora. at.ate \ i.artla A-"P<W••, a D. a. era.I ' Holland M . Smith a.a G-4 in what he would like. aenatora ·and uaembl1•nuen1 to en- charge ot logistic•. He played an It .... pr0posed that the applicant tel theae reform b),UL N~t~-1!Y1 Dl:NTI8TRY active part In the Kiska operation be di8qUallfled for ma.king willtuJ the chi&eler• will bt-againl'.t ~· r In August Ot 194.l. mia-sta1iementa to obtain benefit.a. Another vtttl correcttv• meas-l7& Newport Blvd., ea.ta K~ ployment for more people. . . . about. tor ··euler" way1 of obtaln- For publicizing the equable climate, recreational facil1-tng manpower. StUI very much ties• and accessible location of the Newport Harbor area as allve were lbe poulbllltlea ot · d ·d I · t • t drattJng veteram and married a n all-year residcn~ial community an 1 ea vaca ton spo · men without dependent.. and of For the frank and open-minded discussion of unemploy-calling up many reaervlau. ment over-production, relief, taxation and other problems The action by the Houae tax ' · bef try be h ppy and expert• looked like a l!lh&rp aet-that must be Solved ore our coun can a i...,k for the Admln1atrat1on'1 re- prosperous. . . . quest for SlO billion in new taxea For a vigoroW! defense of the constitutional rights of now and another $6.~ billion later. Pi'.ibUcly, the committee meril-every citiun &nd uncompromising hostility to all isms and ben aaid they wanted to ctve alien doctrines which seek to undermine the American sys-thoroup conalden.tion to all k.lncU ot oew taxea. Privately, aome of tern of government. them indicated a. deaJre to hold off • • Cina.I deciatona on the total ot new Peler$on 9ue. lls Chamber Ship revenue· unw lbey could ... how much money Concreu wu ~ing mlMec1. • Warre n will probably watt 90me time before cailinK a IJ>'Cla.l elec- tion to fill the vacated Senate seat. Another ital~ ofticlal wu pre- p&rl.nK to quit hill poll. State Ad- jutant General Curll• D. O'Sulli- van said he ell:pecta to leave that job 1tOOn. • O'Sullivan, approvtd u a Ma- jor General of ttle llne, &aid he wanted to devote hie tull lime to hi.tJ job aa commanding Officer of the 4i9l:h dtvtalon ot the California National Guard. O'Sullivan, Who left during the week for a. W&lhlngtcn confuence said that hi• move ahould not be interpreted u meanlns the 49th taced a cal.I to acUve duty. (Continued from Pa&-e ll (OoaWluod f"'m ...,.. I) to ,.pj><Oprt,te. 'lbfY didn't want armed forces," ht<> st4lleCI. putment for authorization to re-to tax ln Uie dark. 8emleb ~ope One propo58.l wou!d provide for model tbe 3Bth SL bridge to New-lt ~ )tnown,, however, that At tbe U.8 . Senat.e~a crime ln- the ·college to tr11.in automotive port Ialand. there would be eome delay 1n the veaUgaUng obnunittfe prepared to repairmen 'for the Air F orce. The Other action by the council Rouae .Approprt&Uo~1 Com17'-lttee. ~\le~n totJt>x{lt •r\,L.t 9'.mtsb, other two, both wilh Ordnance M011day lncluded : 'Ole ,Nitlon&l Defell89 Jc.tablla.h-•ttgurea tiled at the Capttol ahow- would ca11 ·ror the tNH ning or ma-11) Granting of a $1 00 contrlbu-ment will not be ready betore eel he dropped Lo aecond place aa chinisls and whet-I .. ·f>hlcle repair-tlon to the high school art exhibit April l to 1J,a.rt u:pla.lnlna In de-a ipender In Ja,nuary .. mt>n. lo ··1upport the advancement ot ta.II bow It would uae the $41 bll· Under the leclalative lobbying Dr. P eterson sail.I Lhat the faciU· cultural lntere•t.s in the achool" u Uon Pt"ealde.nt Truman hu uked control act periodic reports of ex- tle.9 of the collegt> are .such that Councilman Dick Drake uld. for the detuue ettort. pen.le.a are req_~red of the tobby· between 600 and 700 St>rvice men (2) Approving the program of DrU'ted Polley lat.. Bamlah .. report ab,owed .h.le could be housed. fed, and given the Shoreline Planning-Aun. axpe.neu were $2,008.38 during iMtruct lon at the lnstilution. This, which ta aponaorlng several blll9 RepubWcane in the Houee dr&ft-January wh•n Jej'lllature waa tn or cou;.ee , would be in addition to before the leclalature for beach eel their policy •talement aa ln· seulon. the continuing instruction of the development and aquialtlon . Main divlduall, and not under Ult. The bigg-ut upenae itatement C'ollege's Ml day 3tudenta. propoaal would chance the match-•poneonhlp of Lhelr leaden. In wa. handed In by lh4I official rep- To belp readers of the Preu I inC run~ from a 50 .. 50, state-fact, the three top leade,.. had reaentatlve of the city Md ooun- famtllarti:e themselves with the county bui.. to a. 7~ per cent state not •igrted It when It wu pruent-ty of San :rranc18co. Donald history of Orange Cout Col(ege £0 26 per cenl county hula. ed to the Hotae. Cleary reported he spent $2,828. and l~ facilities we Include the th"Or1-&Uoo of the execu-But the atateme.nt did renect ot tbe nearly 100 lobbyata report- rollowlng !lummary: u~w lease and acceptance the member-' maU . lt did at-Ing. nine lilted expensee of more Onutge coa.at College ts a pubUJ: of IAle fen the Amerlca.n tempt lo bring lnto aba.rp tocua than Sl,000 dollan. junior college. and WM establlahed uildlng on city property at major li.aue• la. the torei&n poUcy by a vote ot peoople of the dlatrtct and Bay Front. City Alty. debate.. It did draw lmmedlate, l'.mplormeai 11.l.Pi on January 21. 1947. It lncludea odcett aatd the city would &harp replle• from U.e Democrat.a. Two top •late oMcJ.aJa &Jm<tUDC- the Newport Harbor and Hunting-r the pretenl leue and a Bealdea Callinl' for Conpualon-ed jolnUy that a neW all-time hl&b ton Be&ch 1'i&h school diatrlcta. ear leue would be put ln aJ. app~ of foretp policy, the JanU&Ty empklyment l.-Vt.1 wu On VebTU4ry I . 1948 the college In the leuc the Leston Republk:a.na aald we mu.et make rea.c.hed last. montb lJt, Oallfornta.. aulboritiea ob\al.ned a grant of y the city 11 yearly plua lhla country lmpreinable to at-A tot.al ot 4.ac>l,000 calitonUatw 24S Ktta of land l part ot the t-o.r-ce and at U.e end or the tack., nd~ non...uenUal civWan were employed durinr UM! year, l mer Sant& Ana Army Air J;lue) th~ buildln& wW revert to tY,peAC11turee. built • lltron& die-aceord.laS to u..e aaaouncem~t by tlllough lbe War Aueta Admlfti.. , ,....,. ayatem In the W-Hem-Jomu G. B~t. a<e d~ of tratlon, The ..,..t W:luded ""'" pprovod a planning_ oom-lopl>CN, ett.i>ltib a ,atrooa" clef-emplo:rment aqd PoW llclwTen- thon 40 butkltnp. amonc lbem U recoinm<Matlon ..... Uq llJle bl U.. Atlontlc and Pocl&, burs. lllnctor of lnd1j!ltrl&l ..... owclltortwn student unJon. llbrar)' yon! oetl•ck vorianco to ud candpde pMCe tnotlee • wltll UonL . 1ymiioaiU..:, adm~ l!lilJd Mekeel at . 108 a.ppllin Germo117, J•-ud A~ OD the pt.Ur 914• of U.. le4cer. Ing, cate'4rl& and aevonJ c-l-. lal&nd. · They aid we """"lei ft1Uaa aid hQn Placement a.let Cilward F. Knapp wa.s then uslgned le 1HiquaJlf'kw.tlo• r.erl04 ure will be deacrttled .in the next P " bo Fl M ·-·-""'·· Medi-' "'""'· BHCOll 8Tli2 earl .1ar r to set up eel a-Instead of ,the dl-,....uw..._tion inatallment. ~ ~ rlne Force Pa.clfi c and he remain-1 a05 ,:. Bay Ave., Balboa ed there until the end of the war . · In ltM~. Arter Uiat he served "" Sewer Directors Irick Dustt 8-rl><>r s:n-J Chief of Staff to General Harry Schmidt at Ca,mp Pendleton, mov-(Oo•Uaoed fruna l"ace l) ing to the San Diego area com-trealment and Qool:ter plani., will mand With General Schmidt in be ll,2&2,716 . .According to JuQce 1948. I:. J . 14uka, d.Utrlct counsel, ae)c:t His last autgnment wu that of step ww· be negoU&.Uon for re.- San Diego Di1trlct Marine Ofncer, m&ining joint outfall llne.a in re- Naval Oiatrict 11 , unlit hla retire-mainlng areaa. ot north Orang• ment. county and cooatruction of addJ· IJt.e of Eate • tional aaftl\J,llon projects planned Speaking of hi.a reJeaae from ac-to cover a.n lncreue in populatlan live duty, Ute General said that for the pat ··o xun,. Also to be he. had certlllnl,y looked torward to considered ill whether to abandqn a life of eue, with nothing at &JI the pre.aent trq.tment plant and to do. This job aa co-ordinator of ~t· '-new one. or whether tq cl vU deferuie seems to be quite the enbJr ' .&nd.~~P'9 < it.~~ (Con.lialiod -...,. ~) Corpa -thf:t:e w_e~ IOllle Maripe ottlcera u ruee~ -shouldn't worry 1bout Ule mf.Oy lit~e w~tJe cap1 ln ttelda near U.elr bue. It waa el<J>lained lb~ little l"~ta cover rro\vtng pi.apt. ~ aren't the evil machine• of an e~y na- tion. · · Another W1UI thai there'll a wlde divergeDce ot op~on Qn hpw to pronounce "tomato/' It ~ a \fe between "tomayto'"j an4 "tuinau91-. to." Inc~d•n~y~ t.fter·rp ··~ _,,_ 1\1 ... ~ J. .~ • . • o~ . oppoelte of his fetlrement pl&n, e but we think that It.a right up the ~ •. · ~ iiil." s ...-~:~~ = a Oosta Mesa real· . ft 'ofeerliii """'11i1U.O.•.QC. 4J.,;,: ~U:~.!i~ '8!1~. lib~ dent for the pa.st two years. ()4dly lrict. chaJ.rlJ)en • u Cc 8 e de d I; dudner couldn't bf there to pre- enou1h he had bought a home In amoothin& out difter~cea enourh aide bec&uae be bad the flu. A.nd Coata Meaa and hi.a tena.nt'a leaae lo allow approval al the lfl'U" they laughed and1 laurh~ tpo, exptred on the same day t.hat he ment 9nly e.rter a. public bM!Jnl when Lei' Steffensen at-epped in wu reJeaaed Crom the aervtce. -called two week.a 1&0 by the State u muter...of-ceremonlea. He dJd a Carrying on the tradition ot Boa.rd of Healtb and a Wfl.rytilll &ood job, only rettJng tangled up t.helr father. both of the Genera.J's from three at&le arencies,~l a. half-dosen Umes In hll own 80AI are Captalna l.n the Marine continued 1ta.lemate would thriea.t-wordl! Corpe. Raymond, Jr., 111 ·com-, en atate monetary aid and that the mabding an artillery outfit 8.t attuation would coi:iatltute a health ' STANDING TRAFFI(( WELDON W. SCBOBG DENTlllT '• lJO IC. l.8UI Street. Coaa ·- H OllTICIAN B8Lft MOBTUABT . ; i.4:r AUeAdMt I u• o-• mp-.. I 1 i;l(· Dll:L MAii DAY A.tfO NIGHT • ODe HartJor U Camp LeJune, North Carollna. mena(je. • Drtve at a aat8 •peed when The other aon, Oeorge C. Knapp No'!' joined. in tbe agreement coming up behind , standing tra.!· 1 111 a ruer ustgned lo El Toro aBd are .the original joint outf&ll croup nee. adv:tees the Nation.al Auto.. Old SM.eN'•bed Imanao1 lives at 4.49 Magnolia St., compo&ed of Santa Ana, Anahe.lm, mobile Club.· In BUch lraffJc Iii.tu• ~ , Ast!l\Cf Mesa. FuJJerton and Orange ~d four a.tiorui lt is all ·toO euy ~ mJ.a.. All 111\M wrlttM- The Knapp'• daughter, Mn. adjacent Altltary dtatricta. and all judp dill.an«. and miaJudpcl I BOW"'"'n W. GW!D.....__ Jamea B. Dick ' lr1tiarrted to a the rema.lnlng areu of Orange rt mi ~ ...., ~ wllb lb ti f La distance• can mean te oUJ: a. , I ., ·-N..l.IWW* ..,,.... ,..___ u-nav&l aviator who la now ln Korea. counlf e excep on o ~ :&auu -~w-'•.P.1 ... -. -.-.. -- She livu In Alameda. l"n& Beach -San Clemente -San hap. I \ PRONlll BllACON ~ HUB OP IMPl':RIAL VALLEY Juan Cap .. trano uea, which ia 1 '-±===1= -========;. served by It.a own sewer 8)'9tem. !.--------.. +..,----...,-, .: Brawley, located tn lmpertal DRAPES · ..... ri!: ' .. low .. a.N pair . count,.y, la r-eported by. the· Nation-. CHAR.Li!S SK9URAS~ L.. A., LI Automobile Club to be the hub lheat~r tycoon, on-bla stru.gfle for ot the Imperial Valley and to ·be auCce. ·-"I got kicked, I got Cornice box.el A: ~Yerae Roda the W.at ahlpper In the UntUd oocked,, I got puahed -but In QODU: A 01ABDICN BE SURE -INSURE I . -. Stats ot aucb product. u canta.. Amert.er everybody bu & chance Ill ()aMt llhntf, Newpo.- loupee, wa'termelom and lettuce:--&nd I dld OK.'' , l--------+: ---I--·' I ........ • • ' Al>Pl'OV'OI! anolllor PC .... to w-Dlropo ....-••. OM Bayea -Oallt-la fO!)N •,mid• ApproallUtelJI 140, OQ<tO ban ilatlon f,.\-• S root aaU..U pet'OllO<M4• tbat w..wa ll:uropo ~r torm l&llor -.., ol been --· to agrlcUftur9; tlle Sq Klmball, l&U Vilello ta curytas Ito tull aban of !lio _,a 'I.ODO --I .-1-r Hrvu for lnltnactJon&l N-rt. f.w tbo 8-7 oldo ....-.._ "ID OllJI -. • tlMy _. ftay• tllllcl ~ ppected -- l)a1l1cttns. puklnc areu and atb-land. cNcled. 1"rttala and th-. Brt~ ... wouJd M e.1·1 7 • 'DJ 1.a1S9 cot.- loll<: -. • ppolnted 1iour1e StanleJ, OcDm.......itll ~ 1'a 111.-toe, ~ w! 1om1ta ·-IA Tl>I ~ hold open -tor llila:!"t -man, to to "portte\pata fUli;Y ID thla. pc<>: pre-t Md II)' drala or f-"" tho e!1111e• ol .Ille dl8Ulct .. llopt. -7 ... tho -~ ......... • .......... lllto .... ~ 10. lf'I U4 ·--lie-cit)"a ~ u.\..~ -&·#1• • I 'pa .. 8'ft. u. no ~ ~ ~ -.-• · I d ,._ · M 1 . ~'.hM!!a,ted 1111.l··~ --btrnr-albld--~ -!!:'"-prlD-~ ~·· · ,._ • wpo Pl NII Unie c1q -ta at ~ pi... of. ...-clploa -"" lNI_ tno -t'KI Into -tC." 71 .._ ._ 1) • U1e ....._. &ad • atoll ot IO ~ ~ 1Rw -.m wue: lbt ---to lie-. 3 ,._._ A , 1 1ocml --. • . 'l'll4D-•llOllM ..... 0... -Ui«r --_.,,. ~--· • Oa llt'1 llG. J,INV. cltaV\Ot -"'40M• ·~ ~ ~··• .......,. -Ula1 U3f ctr..,.lleod;.-t lll. l!r'<"-· ""'°'"' lbr a l>'lo to '!'I"~ llMl&AM. ~.a. ~owr. ~ "'· ~,~ '•••l4. L14;'; •; P!C ... J'W itno; 'Jorj\J) .. ~I 'to ~ tllo =«=. (,lo., flef;!-.111. ~ ~ ..... . ;;--...:t-. -::=.iof~ :,.~1-""~":e -.. u~.i::: ;'; _: zi~l! ;e"~·~J:J2 ~"Jf;.~-:: -,., aa1111n1..-.t1M, lllr a'!""*' ....,,_ ""~ W'ltll a,_., "1 "* a•ft' ~.= ._ ..r.;:;. ·-J1""'0d-j'lt>e .... .,. ... Ila "'Ula""""""" ...... to ~--...... _. ............ _ ........ ·-to ...... tomporary -flP9l tho bid'-,. ... - -"' "' 11'11 .. IT I u.. -I ..... -llL ., ..... ; \llllt wsua........._t. ~ i ,,.-. °' _, taoopa '°~.-a wltlllllt • • t • ' . • • ' • Concert Goers -~-~Mg Trapp F!4ma1y MII.ESTONES ' wisa ;. 0,\--. ·'l'o -and Kn. an· .., ·a ~ 2oe •1J1uan With 20 -led at \lie bead ..... PL, Cooto, •-la llaD1a Au ' and otl!en u ...... i.-.eo. It -Com9>Wlll.T ~al. """' 28, 111111. ... ll;rt.eruter "°"' or 711 eoncm. a. -8 Ibo., ~llo .._ t 111 "n'-1\1 .... -. Uo met -..'!!''fl.~ .. NT -llO'l'ol ~~Mn.St. • ~.. ot t¥ ... o. ~ ~·\ --""'"""'• . .._.,. la u. a.n.r-t11 at wJ.-~pOk 8-cb la Sl.. l:qilepll ho. • at-·· a., a1111 "'"1 -· plW, ll'rlo. 'Is. ltlll, • dA>lebter, e Tbo family · bad fuat arrived In ,..., 4 oa. C&ll.fornla. leaTtnr tt:i.e IDOIV llD4. wa!OHT -To Mr. and Mn I~ ot U.. -and Wlft tbrtnecl R.._11 II. Wriflll,. 21~3 . Padflc: with ••a8bioe and ftO\N'ers. Tb• A.~. eo.t.a Meta. la ......_ .Ana mot.bu, wbD Md &iY•P u:p hn till• hospital.. Feb. 1!5, ltel, • 4M1Ch· ot Ba~ co. p&aia Kn .. irna• tu, 7 JI&. t\i oz. i,. •d!:nil.Nd Ule IM'ce bouquet °" F'UNK-'Po Mr. awl Mrs. Robert the Mdite.W.. .tap (ebe likes to Furlk, 288a Clrclc Dr., Newpeirt take -pl<t...... <!xplalned Beach. In st., Joaepl> .._...._ hb the ch.autfeu.r) and tt wu pr'9Wllt· \5, 19~1. & -. 8 UM... lZ. oz. ed i.o Mr. · 8.YERSOl'J -To Mr. t.J?-d Mn. 'lbe ~ were-natwal Md rtank T . R.yenon, 113 Dtamond obn'Dlnc· One told of 9tud)'lDc &v. .. Balboa 1"11111<1. In St. J-ph Mr COU.Ce coune. by mail, u-bo9ptta.1, Feb. l&.. 1861, a daugll.ter, Qlftei-of tn~ wttb ber cll.lld. 5 lbs., • os. wtio l8 ta.cttt by the Youn.cut SLOAN -To Mr. a..d Mn ~· tmor. Lete dinen were Barry SfO&ft. 206 ~ Eighth SL, gC¥en. • tre.t wtMo the club~ Balboa. In St. Josep)l hoepital, tra wu uked to ple,y. and the ~. 18, tAfil, a daughter, . mother Md ekte..t .aa danced the lltcCOLLUM -To Mr. and Mn. b.NJ•*'tu.l Viennese waltz. Lloyd McCoUwn. 118 -tlAt St., Among the directoN pre-sent Newp()rt Beach, tn St. Jo.eph hos- were Mn. J . LesHe Steffensen. pita!, Feb. 17, 19:11 , a aon, 6 lbt .. president, and Mr. Steffen.-n: 1~ OZ. ' · " d M J A Beek YERKES -To Mr. and Mrs . • -nesan. an mes. . . , Clinton Sawin, Roland W right a.nd Charles Yerkea. ~l W. Wtlaon St., Walter Spicer. Costa Meaa. IJ\ Santa Ana Co:i.- munlty hospital. Feb. 17, 1951. a 50n·. 7 Jba., 13 oz. Apron Sale by Legion Auxiliary JAMISON -To Mr. and Mra.. Charlea Jamison, <107 Allao St .. S ewport Beach. in Sa.n ta Ana :::ommunlty hoapltal. F eb. 17, 19~1. a d&ughter, 6 lN., 13 ~ oz. &-win& on aprons for an a.pron sale to bi" held in the near future occupied a group of members of Coata Mt>sa A.merlca.n Legion Auxiliary 455 when they we re brought. t ogether last Wt>ek at t he home ot Mrs. Dorris Ludi, 152 E. 18th St.' KARRJA9E LJCENSES Stabley Edwin Addy, 44 : Susan Fa)t Frederick, 26, both ot 333 Bay St., Coat& Mesa. Scott Eugene Flanagan. 3~. 112 Eighth St., Seal Beach; Marjorie Helen Dawe. 24 , 128 Ruby Ave .. Ba.Jboa laland. DOUBLE. BIKftlDAY PARTY ~"' c~lf'bratff Wed.aPlday. F~ !l~ .. tbie a.&boa Bay Club by a pair of Harbor rNldeata. Re11ored by thell' frienda at the pe.rty w~re Mn. Duby Mrtcalf of Coroaa del Mar, (Jett) and I. O. '"l"M4!'" &-al of Balboa Island. aho\\11 u ~"Y prrpere to rut ttwi "'Pf"l'"8.I blrtbday c&.ke.. ~(Bec kriu Photo ) Included were Mmes. Alma Swartz, president: Co ra Bomboy , Haul Burrough&, Bethora H eath, Stella Bunc h, Berinea ce F ox and Dorris Ludi. Mrs. Richard Keller Visits Husband Mra. Richard Keller (Joyce J ones), who h.u been confined to the Barlow Sanitarium for more than a year, wu able t"o come to Costa Mesa the other day for a brief alay with her husband. wbo resides on Orange A \•e .. and with her m other . Mrs. Alice J ones_ 2015 Orange Ave. The many frienda ot Mrs. Keller are happy t o learn that ahe Is r ecovering from her lengthy illness. Georgia McClella·n Vi?its Relatives Georgia McClellan. two-year-old daughter-of Mr. &nd J..1ra. Sparkt McClellan_ of A.Aaheim, h.u ~n ependln& aome tboe with her un- cle and aunt. Mr. and Mr•. Wll· llam Cf'O!ls , 2122 Santa Ana Ave .. Co.!lta Mesa. while Mra. McCleUan was confined to the Santa Ana Com m u n I t y ho«pital wherf' Geogia's new baby brother ma de h i.a recent arrival. M. Sgt. B: D. Hea.th Back in Service After three m onth.& of h()8pital- tu tion in T okyo, Japan, where he wu confined with burns suffered In Kor ea . Ma:ster Sgt. B . D . Heath. 1787 Tustin Ave., Costa Me94., has r eturned for active duty In the Ko rean theater, lt wa..s learned la.st week by Mn. Heath. St. Joachim Brownies Have Holiday Party William Allen B&rnt>tt, 28, 448 Bernard St., Costa Mesa; Ray Erskine J ones. 21 . 15I21h E . Bal- boa Blvd., Balboa. OBITUARJES '.'fl"S. Kit Ellls Inrmundson Mrs. Klt Ellis Ingmundaon, 81 , of 316 El Modena Ave., Newport Beach. died in the FlorenCt' Night- ingale reat home, Orange, Sunday. Native of Mlnne90la.. she had resided in Orange county 2 l,.i y...... • Survivors ·are a .on. Roy Ing- mundaon of CQ9ta Meaa.; one d•UChter, Mn.. Helen Bec~rom of Ne~rt Beach: two siaten., }(rs. Gertrude E . Skinner and Mi11t1 Mattie C . ElU. of Auatia, Mlnn .. and three grandcJl;.lldren. Dog Poisoned on Balboa Island A female colli e dog, age 9 or 10, wu polM>ned by !iOmeone, Mrs . Ruth Sawter . 808 S . Bay Front, Balboa Is land. owne r of the dog, no tified .Newport police Sunday. Pollet' aald Mra. Sa\\·yer believed the dog obtained the pol.i on ln ~ S .• Bay Front alley between Dlamond Ave. and Ruby Ave. sometime betwer.n 1 and 7 :30 p.m . Saturday. The dog waa taken to a •eterlna.rta.n whO stated the dog died f rom a quk:k-actlng poi5on, police reported. · M. S9t. Bob Hall T alb, From Tokyo FuneraJ .service. ~re held ~ lbe Crauel chapel, Coet.a MM&. Wedne.day at 2 p. m. Rev. Orval Awerkamp or Trinity Luthe ran Both happy. and unhappy wu church of Long Beach officiated. Mrs. Irene W()l()ji, 207 • 20th •trect. Interment wu tn' Loma Vllta wb•D ahe rl!Qelved a l.eli!pbone call crmetery. Fullerton. Tueaday night from her 90ft, M-. ter S&"t. Robert S. Hall, now In Charlottr Sc.buy.Irr Fe:reusoo To kyo. Charlotte: ScbuyLer Ferguaon, 86, While ahe wu dellghted to h•r d.ted Tue.day at tbe: home of her from hl.m , •he wu unhappy be-- daughter, Mn. J . Hogan, 321 cause "hie requemt to come: home Poppy Ave-., Corona del Mar. had been denied. H e had uked, Survivors incluc!e a son. Clay bee•~ his w ife was undt>rgoin,g F t>r guson ; a dau ghtt>r, Mra. J ohn her lhlrd major OPf'r&t1on today ln Hogan, and two granddaughters, a.n Oklahoma h oap1tal. Joanne Hogan and Naida Fergu· 1 On active duty at thl' front fo r son. I seven mont.ha. the 8t'rgeant was Baltz mortuary ls In charge o f having hl.s f ir11t tlve-da y rest per· funeral arrangem ents. lod in Tokyo. H<' said he waa very tirt'd and ho~ the rotation aye- C. M. Community Church Services Sunday morning'• sermon topic at the Costa Mesa Community Methodi.st church wilt feature the work of the ml.n istry u Rev. J. H Thompeon speak! on "l Wu Made 'a Minl!!l ler." tem would soon be in operation in lhf' army 80 he could come home. Costa Mesa Family Honors Grandmother Young GOPs Choose OW1een New offlcer.s ot the Young Re- publica.ns C lub of Ne-.w port Hubor were named at a mttting Jut i"rl· day at cit y hall. President o f the gl"'OUp.. for 19~1 will ht' 1'{ra. Elva Woodland of 'Ne.,.,:port Height.a. Vice preside nt Is Robert Star· key, Newport He ights: secretary, Jean PereUJ.)tlnettl, L ido 11le; reasurer. Mn. Shirley drlakel. Corona del M.a.r ; delegate at la.rg1P. Ja.mf:lJ Zeiger, Cor ona del Mai-. Forme r preside nt Normal""! MUI· er h.aa been elt>va.ted. to viCf' prest· dent ot the county c l1 1b. Dinner Garnes for Stagettes The Stagt'tA.e• CJub ~ an enjoyable eveninl' ncenU.Y When Mn .. : lllabel SmJtb •nUrt• ilMd ~ group at d!nne:r at Ral&J''• lr. Corona deJ ~tar. Lall:r. the fri&ndt ~turned to Mn. Smltb'a home on Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Mesa.: for ·game1. Guests v.•ere Mr& R . 8 . C.ook of Coata Mesa and Mrs, J . W . Hclnlatad t er of Orang<e. Memben Included ~mes. Atae Felkf't, Clara Bad.age. B~ce K :tne. Helen Clark. Bettye Ru&aell. Marge Brockett Smith, Cneta M esa ; Da.illy SUUt · van ~d Emma Pou part of New- por t Beach &nd Janice Chandler of Orange. In dustrra I Trip Planned by Homemakers 'Club ,l " St. J oachim 'a Brownle Vale-ntine part y ~·&!t a gala affair h ighlight- ed by the p inning of the troop committee bY Mrll Bert Lynch, troop leader. Novel place mata and cards added to the holiday retre8"h· m en t.t. The fourth iJH.de Brownie11 ea ch brought a gueat. Evening Rrvlcea convene at 6 :30 wtth tl(e joint vespers'.., in \be S & n c t u a. r y. The Iritermed late youth will be in charge, Carl Tl'e11- nak pruidlng. The theme will bf' "Music Through the Centu ries ." ,lt "'a.a a joyou.ti gathering of the clan attended by Mr. &nd Mn. Doughu Htnesly and ch11d ren. Connette ancf T er ry, 256 E . 20th St., C09ta Mesa. at the ranc h home or Mr. and Mrt1. Henry Wlt.hitt, i.n P tru, Calif., commemorating the 8&th tnrthday of Mn. H tnealy's gr&ndmo~e r. Mra. Emily Bur ley of Long Beach. A tour of the Hoffma n \.\toolf'n m ill11: a nd the CrPst ~ China Co. In Santa i\Jl& will bf' n1ade Frlday, March 9. by members of t he Costa Mesa H omemakeni' cfub. At lht conclusion of th(> t oqr t he gTOi.Jp w ill return to the educaUonal bulleting of thf' Coeta. 1tleaa Com- munity church ro r a pa.ck lunch and regular bWllnea.s meet,tng. ' Brown ies pre11e nt were D iana Drake, Lmda Clinton , Shella Mc- Connick, Mary An.n Hebenstreet, Barbara Hart, Katherine Ander- son, Nancy Laurie, Micha.J ene Hor· vath. Jane Laurie, Pamela Lynch. Laurie Lynch. Dolores • Schone. Margaret Markell, •Ann Ulxi~. Billie J ean Doran. Betty Lou R&y A.be> present w er e Father Nevin, Mrs. Irma Eichorn, Mrs. Fleurette Eddy and Mr:s. Hays, a Brownlt>'s gr&ndmother. Ebell Garden Section Views Orchid Houses A most enjoyable trip through the B. 0 . Bracey orchJd houae. at C08ta Mesa waa 'enjoyed Feb. 21 by 20 membera or Ebell ch.lb p.r- den ftetion., who watched the beautltul bloorrui being pa.eked for shipment. The vialt followed the resµ.lar meeting and sack luncheon heUI at the clu.b hOUMi with Mn. G. T . A..shenden. Mn. V. A.. Arbuckle and Mrs. Jacl< Boyl&D .. Ii ... _ ... Chairman Of the aectkJn la J<las Ulla.n Daniell. Virginia Maury to .Review Books- Prayers written by St. Paul, by P ofycarp and tzy Augustine wtll be given by Barb&ra Feeny, J o- anne Og den and Billy Hart. Sto ries of St. Fra.ncUI of A.s.sl.91 and of Martin Luthe r will be told by Beverly Beebe and Kenneth Griffith. Roger Axworthy will lea.cl the singing. Danny Sands and Larry Seal will act as uahers and Mr&. J. R. Thom p9on w ill pre· side at the pipe organ. At the close or the Sunday evening ves- pers. t.l'le tour youth groups will m eet fo r ~rir discussion, adjourn- ing for an hour of .aocial fellow- ship &nd a .sing from a :t!i to 9 :30. All :¥OUth without a church home &re lnvlte<t_ lo find worahlp and fel· lowchlp at the COila Mesa Com- munity church. Home Ee. Group Sews for Relief 'Ibe Home Economic. club of Costa Mea. G_rance aewed.. on Red Croea layettea and Indian ~et clotblng at their Jll'eb. 20 m..tln1" Mrs. Jane GarTett made a plea for warm clothinl' and bedding for the Indian relief project u botli are •eeded. 4-.ntely. iUJy penono "'1ahlni to do...U artl· cleo may call Bea. 6*..R and tbe7 will be caJJed tor. Mr&. Garrett &l8o reque.eted membe.ra to aave new1papen u money re&lised trom th• "*le Of papen will be u.ec:s. tor welfare work. , At noon a dellc.kJu9· kmcbeoa. DlNNER HOSTS Mr. a.nd Mra. B illy Wayne There w lll be a pl~nt exchange Hlne.aly of Lillian Place, Coata and a diacuaalon on ,;Planned Mesa. hoated a. recent dinner for Planting tor Small Propertlei." Mr. a.nd Mr1. W!Ulam Desutter Thoaoe wishing to go o n -the tour and daughter-Vickie of CQrona del are to a.ss.emble at the church not Ma.r, Spark.s MoC1ellan and daugh· I later than 9 a . m ., announce• Mrs. ter Geor(ia of Anaheim. Allee Compto n, press chAirman. ~--.. lnvitattona were -w. wu oerved b7 --· - ' week to tli• ro.tlre meinbenlllp of Norma ~. 1!'.tlen -""4 ' SUL CAllPAl~----el ~CON. Me. 1"11da7 .Attaaoon A.ddJe Ku Sle&rna. Kr&. Robuta .. ~ ~ · • ., uta .. I I • "' ,. .. I 1 rzt to ._to"a~~.~~-u.aor ~.:;_~ =:;irteot.~ r0sa .. ~n-..·1p--Lv11 • •• a 1 -..., v, ..,.,~ -~ ---r-•-.... .--.-(Ion} -iln. ._,.I, IE '• 'I.... • *° , ~ clUb, 'P\1ilay, -;t. al 2 p. were comp)fted to -tbe 1Apla 01,. 1 1 ~ M , • 5 , ... : ~ • G ; • •• llL v•-...... ,_ ., . ..,,,.,,_. ··-_ .... -•• -.... :• • • u u v .-• -, .. -s-- Banta-;;;;: ..iil:U .. ,:;.o;-;;, ;;;·,., ....... ~;;:--~-.;:: ... flo?n' 1 a•n1-.., r 1 a• ...,, -. IP n: --•,--ao,-.-.K.aQ~""'\-•1rn ~---_ .. __ \ -"'the Aft-. lllled -_.., ~b· • • •. ' ' • " .... .. ) ot Ludt D;mer Janned .b.y. chsie Society ., . . AR. I, J,951 I A pot Jud< dinner fOC" Jl&rcb planned bJ ea.ta M.-BaJ' t14o brancfl ol the cautors1& blta IOcsety at lta Pelin>ar7 mertlnc bl Leston Jaall. Coeta --. I Xembora viewed a MW rllm on qw to Qrow' Be&utltlll FuchOlr.r \Ad Bero1tlu p ....... t.ed b)7 ••• Buctee. or the C&llfomla Cbm1llctJ Co.. who pft a talk oa bla: com-'\*"1'• prodUCU. • , • I Leo A. Lee, llorttculturlft of u.e JOClety, df:mggtr&ted pru.n1DI'. Of · ~.,.._ uprtsttt and h&n.,t.ni-buket ~~. \ ! Mn. John Moorhouae WOft tJle ovely roee door pr1&e. Tbe en-- Ung wu topped otf wlth refrdll· ~ J "enta of coo«tea, coffee &ad te... l'1 The next meettn&". eet 'tor ~ · lay, Marcb d, wtU be ltlgl>llpt..i 'iy a pot luck dinner. Tant,alls:lng lt'Qmu of ~ked bH.na. lp&&'het.tl, ".a.male ple &Dd otller rood tblnp · ~o eal wtu till the hall. predktA Ruby Payne, publklty chairman. ...,_ltnifa~.i ts1~4 Dft9auw...iac1tu ............. ~ ... -•itllMM .-.... ' Horttcutturista Leo l...et wtll an-• . rwv queM.IOAa about me.mben' Jlck plan ta; "Ju.t tell Dr. Lee; he Nil) tb: your plant.. rtgbt up," ad· ltset: Mn. Payne. Jack Hinch· !Hire wUJ demonctrate the i'na.klng- ">f banrfng buketa tor patloe and 'ath houaes. A Jargf' crowd le ex- ?eeted a.nd everybody ta welcome. Food and table euvlct a.re to be brougbt. A apecLal door prlze. wUJ ')e awarded. "Come t'a?'ly and get \ti on lhe tun. You'll be l"lad you 1ld!" prombea Mn. Pa.yne. Ebell Juniors Sell Tickets to Red Cross Tea Ebell Juniora are handling tick· et aalea tor the Red Cro.a benefit tM. and taahlon show to be beld Thuraday, March 8 at Balboa Ba.y Club 1nnounce. Mre. John. Da.nlell. c~rtna.n of tbt' junion . Any one of the follOW"lng members may be caJJed. for ticket raervattona: ' '/Op 1Jalue '!{th top 4 lthoestprice ears•' . . • ·i . 18&1 STIDE-Bllfl . :ClllPlll . .. . . 0.11pion of its price field nery way I s . ' Stand-out styling and engineering I Trvly. •mint 91soline niileagel S19dllltaller quality t~roug!tout I The cs to buy for real savings! ' • ' OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT .. JOE NICKERTZ, Local Dealer 3415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido ' Th~atre Har. 510 ' Nwpt &each Mmu. Walter J . Cole. Edwin H. Finlter, CurU1 Herbert&. Obed Lu- cu, Monte Grtmm, Burr White. Howard Utma.D, s. W. Rlchard8on a.nd John Da.nlt'H. -CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS Phone Harbor .16,16 .SEE TBE REW 1951 RANGE &T -GABEY'SI • l ' , • I ... Big Allo~ance for Your Old ~•9•-• E•sy 'l'er••as ( ' ''.J!7h~~~~as .ra~~ ~~r ~o.~~: 1 cook w,~~h t~~.gas.·~~~n:ed~offf': QUlltlOlla j l ' . . . ' .. • Wai>t·high b<oiler-easy lo use and,clean J • The new, thrifty Thermowell-a mudl·neededJ second oven . • New, "Dolsy" top burners-fol-fast even heating • N~, wide wing·spread grates-accami>dates any ltind ·of ~1 • ' • Heavy duty, chrome hardware-guaranteed 25 years It's so easy to cook. in the Chambers! Simply prepare your food and place it in the thrifty ThermoweU, Of the ecoooJDical, family-size 'Iltel'- moOven. Bum the gas for -a few minutes; tliro it -- • of!', and your dinner will be cooled. fit for a king's table I . Think of the savings on gas and food bills-~n minutu gas <foes a full hour'• cooking! Gives "Mom" many ext.r.a hourS of kitche&&ee- dom, too. See the Ch<!mbeTs tOday. Ill .... ,. • f . . - l • ' . ,_...,._,"""'""""_.,.,...,......,....,,......,. ............................................ ,..,......,......~ .................... ._.~~ .......... ~~-.......~~~~-·~··~··~·-~·~·-~--~--~-~~"~-~~~~~~~f'!~~;;;;~~~i-,;.:~PT~~~~~::;;;~~ ( ; ._ •• • • • l • • ' , • . . . • • PAGE ...., PART I -THURSDAY, MAft I, 1951 :t~~~llESS~ Ctil?,,,-./7#9. ,._, ... ._._,:f' __ ,If' ~"f..-. , .. , t\I ~ ,,, .• .'1••1. ~:_] ,;,i .J11''• 1,:I • 1•· •• /10 ••1 .8ROADWAY- No~ 60 # t::.:=! NOW 8HOWIN0 "EDGE OF DOOM" Dana Aad--, Farley Gnapr -A.JllO - "'llJ.IACKED" -Friday "TOiilAJuWK" Van Hernan. Yvonne ft CarkJ "-Al9o- "0PERA'EION DISASTER" Start-Wed.; Mar. 7th "LIGIITNING STRIKES TWICE .. Rulh Koman. "Richard Todd -al119- 'SPOILEll8 OF THE PLAINS' Roy Roc-en STATE _,.._ Aclulla Ille to ! • tat atJN SHOWING "TID:· GllEA T IOllSOURI llAIJ>" Wflllclell Co~y Macdot:taW Catt:y _,._ °'BLUE BLOOD" PAULO Thealre ' Opra 8 P. 111. Phone KL a.-ueo · :sow Showlnr 'AT \\/AK Wtm THE ARM\., Dean Martla, Jerry Lewi• Alooo . -"SHORT GRASS" Rod Cameron . LLOYD!S ·CRILL ,. Formerly the Burger Grill 350 NEWPORT BOULEVARD ll:ST A.BOVE THE ARCHES StUI Owned and Operated by BURT LLOYD Serving U1e same fine home cooked f[)()() ns before. We have just added a new dining roo1n to serve you and your f~mtly . • SPUJALJZIXO l~i STEAK-S • CHOPS • SEAFOODS ALSO SHORT ORDERS If lt'it a •t~U or a hambu:rl"t'r y~u "'ant It l!i sure to lMte brtU!r at LLOYD'S BE,\COS 5968 For Printing of Highest Qualify I • f • • • I ~ , 'f/I • , LI 0 -· D I ~ ..... ~l l!UN.-~; • -Ai.o -• WALTER BRE1''NAN "SHOWDOWN" Mesa.._,, ' . . • NOW SHOWING \'AN JOHNSON K.J\Tllfll'S ORA \'SON' "GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE" -Ahw - MAlUORlt: MAIN J~MES \VUITMOKE "MRS. O'MALLEY and MR. MM.ONE" _,.,._ ist ·s. -T1 1 1'~"i. Mi\I~. •t-8 J'JSG <'l?.OSBV :'\'A:'\'C\' 01-'SO:'\" "MR. MUSIC" -And - "PRIDE OF MARYLAND" :'\'O\V 8110\\'IXG t'lllST RllX ' Lotttta 1·oung·111 1Mtf'8t Plt:tu...., "Cause for Alarm" "Ith Barry Sulli\·u.n COMI~(' S1 'N ., J\-IA IC('ll 4 t"IRST ll.f"S '3 Guys Named Mike' liuu• \\'yn1an, \tan John"on \ MORGAN'S COFFEE CO~E 1 "UNDER -~HE GUN" I RJcluud Coote, Aud-Tutt..r I and Bakery J Week End Specials -Friday, Satwday I Luscious Appleseuce Ceke, ceremel frosting I 38c ' 1 I I I Seturdey-Selt rising !reed 25c Oven fresh Do-nuts, French Pestries Pies, Cekes Morgan's Coffee Cove l~ Great.er "11-A.merlcan Mkt. (Mariner'~ Newport)~ \ YOU'LL ENJOY DINING OUT AT . IORTON'S BAYSHORE . . ~ RESTAURANT· 1 · COMPLETE DINNERS .. Specla.ll%1ng In E''erythlng That's Good" Phone: Beacon 6144 Hourtt: 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Olnner 6 lo 9 p. m. CIOIM!d Wed.beadaya 17th & Coast Highway Newport Beach • THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a. m. Tbroueh 2 a. m. • Newport Blvd. oo Cout Bljih-J' NEWPORT WE• ABE OL08ED ON THOll8DAY8 I FUN .. Z O ·N 'E <>.PEN ·riaY. i:R1DAY, ·sATURDAY and SUNDAY BAUOA 'c If S ft ·1 0 N S . t'K hi .. tte a ..... ................. .... ;.,. _. .a..n en" ~ao••Ml!f '1.l ~ .... .,, • .,. .... , " FUN Wifh • "ZING" DON'T "'41SS OUI PltSf:Nl SHOW GIRLS -61.-i.s - WKERE IN mE WORW \VOULD YOU 00 T ... CJJARLO'ITE 1101..Ll.NSHEAD lo106ed ltr.tMl'lftflttt ,LANl!S • s.Hll'S • IAILS • HOftU Mwlw"I fh•ttre flt••t A9•11CT Vincent's Travel Bureau THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING RESTAUr-ANTSI Food Expert.17 ~ -GradoualJ' Served, la Om In l/olque Dlalq Room l"r"9 Indoor e-. Neal Door. ·-' . - T F;,,.~('"y; ~ ... ~ Mmw, ... ~I... , ..... , . Cant••• fapp w11ll UI'~ "'IMCJUIC' A .. Jlam S • ., Performance f~ Concert. Assn· ... :n =..!~.:1 ~.~ . ~·a.. o. l .!l>r the H_,.. ~ ~ ' • ' _ ,.. I:: , llf "'1'11 .. BolJ ett,y," u -can• 1Aat Friday olsltL tit N(Wpqrt -I ne wu ~delineated: ~ta. w!U be 11eti1 la 1J1ie chapel at High · acltool, tho Harbor ark In '9cb folk "°"C the mood, from ·~· pout ~ , O>n\munlty Concert ,a..,.latlon noatalcfa to l!lgll good bllmor, ..U nieM t~llo arO · · to .,. p.....,oted u .• ..-.i concert of tit• oUll1 felt """' thouab tit• 1&ncu-reatdent Of the o..n;'°"' <lout ..,r. ~net ~· Before a a e • r age lnlcbt '-u:ntamlllar to tht!-f'egi dlltrtct or t:nemben of the capa<lty -Uie well "-'> ltalentt. Tl>e .-1 ... 1 m~ partlclp&tlnc -.... All expert- and woU l>olcMd Auatrlan TraJ>P tuta la a b1bllte to the dforta ol "1ced oratorio• IOlo!jola &R urged Famtl)' anc and played a mem,--Pat.her Weaner wbo · undtrtakca to aW.UUon. · .r • able .......,._ tit• mu.lcal dlree\lon of the group. . , COmblned churclt cJ>olrw of tllla Thia l•bul_ow ramlly, the o\ioth--the choral perfo~ce. ....,. and the-'Orange Cout colle'ge -ti .,,,..,.,...cWWil~ , e.r, two. ttona and four daugh~ the.ee · m~ are ~ at choir will preeent Tbe Holy •City conducted 1>7 the Rev. Dr. Frths _,. pi.ytng-the anclont~~-QI! Sunday altemoon, March ll. Wuner, La now lA lta elrnnth IN!&· m~ ~ra. vktla da pm.oa. at of o'clock, tn the Cout coaege IOn . In -Umee of wPer and Yi'ltln&I:. The recon1e .. , moat -audltOrtwn. Kenneth D. Boeltcber.' eophllttcatlon and, worldJineu ID-tmportarit of the tipple nut.M. are. mu.IC director at ~.College. will, to whic'b. the cottcert world has utd oommonly ta ~ of tour: the conduct \he .cbotr antlctpated to lllpped, It la Ilk., a relrW>lng ~l, a'to, tenor ·and bau "'.: loo 200 volcu. ~y •IJiger llvln&" breath of cool air lo bce.r thla corden.. A.a played by the Trappe:. 1ri the Harbor Area 11 Invited loi a.mulng group. Completely un-their pecullarlY mellow nute tone e-:rtlclpate. affected, and wtth a magnificent blended with the •lx 1trtnred viola 'TJrst maued choir rebe&r8al slmpllclty, they· !>"rform their pro-de. gamba <baal ln the ancient ~U be held Sunday &fternoon gram of polyphonic ~urch mualc chest of vlols) aDd the virginal i.tarch II, at 2 :30. ' and folk mu11c or many countries (earlteat of lhe pluck~ keyboard .. _ ........ _ r.' . __ ..... ...., .. • . ! • .. -c.i.; ' t.·~~;;;-......... ~, .. ,,;. ... ,..., '1.., ~ . -...... ·~ .... .,.. ....... ,... ... ........ .. .... .--. . -1--· with a charm and dignity that can lnatrumenta) wu a gracetul -.,od ari.le only from a beautlf\&lly lnt-c-charming supplement to the ruusi- grated tamlly 1pl~t. ca.I atyle Of the famlly. In •pile of the ln"tormallty and The local board of t.He Com- ·the Intimate· feeJlng ot tlfe per· muni\Y Concert A.uoclatlon 11 to formance, tht atrlcUy mu.lical part be complimented on brlnging the of the propam wu w ell and care-TrappA to Newport, and It la hoped fully prepared and performed. In that th.le group may again be the difficult polyphony of the brought to this area to ma.kc church mu.ale and the madrlgala. music. All· School Spring R·evue Set for Saturday Night, March 10 Fire Auxiliary , Looks Forward to Annual Dinner Pian.11 were di.8cl188ed and com · mitteea appointed foi-their an- n~al &nntversary dinner when members of Newport Beach Fire- mcn'i1 auxiliary wrre gucata , of Norma Br111eoe at her home In Newport Heights. Date and p ?ace ot the affair will, be announced 1atC"r. Norma Brlseoe and Esther "~.::;'-" GeM ,,_, .. .. .. .. I ...... !· ' DON'T ~BOET! 11 'A. M. _to 3 :30 P. M. 8-ted by • PORT-THEATER ' OORONA DEL MAR -HARBOR ll!H Meir. 5 thru Mar. 10 ' Johnson will provide corsages, I table decorallona will be by Dottle Mrs. Jackson 1ow, r.efreahments Mesa Party Visits The all·echool production "Out4>--------------KJoec::kner. Faye Benedict and were se~ by the h~teu. Next of the Hat." orlgtnalJy 8Chedu1ed The ca11t tor thl.8 number In-Sally Jackaon. meeting will be at the Newport 'Queen For a Day' for March 2. will be pre:eented on elude&: Jan McGiii, Marll"ne .An· Birthday girte were brought for Height.a honie of Lu~llle Gehres. · Five Calta •Meaa friend.a made Saturday night, March 10, In tbe deraon. Donna Zube. Bob Lclnrau, Esther J ohnaon. La.Verne Berry , up a party recently to •tte.ntf the Tl k •~ nd G ctand on March 19. high 11ehool auditorium. c 11...., Don Jackaon, Roxy Aarvold, and •. eneva v age. A caret Queen for a Day radio program ln art' sixty and: Pighty cenlJI, and all Bob Aldrich. !!lgncd by all present, was sent to Present were Mmes.·Dorla Diehl. Hollywood. Afttt tht> broadcast. seat.a are reserved. Another aCf'nc i8 a faahion Zenobia Frost, now In Hono1u·u. Zube, Jackson, Mona ~yden, J <'an luncheon waa enjoyed at the B it o' In the M'Cond halt of the eve-show. with i.he rnchantlng 110ng, Leonora. Zube · won the speclal Greiwe, Cehres, Benedict. Jobnaon. Sweden. nings performance. followlng the "My My Love" as background mu-'prize and each received something Eleanor Rowe, Kloeckner, )la:a:lne In the group .,...<'rf' Mmes. Hoy two one-act play1, 'The Valiant" elc, a.nJ with windlni; 11talrcue and in ;,~lft exchange. Connell, Olive Wau~hl, A Im a Parker , W iiiiam Seidenbruge, El~ and ··So Wonderful !n White.'' a handM>me whltf> pillar enhancing r 8 game Of hcarla in which Thompson, June ·Kidtlle and the v'n BtoWll. Marvlrl Gibson and sl"rlea of akita and i1pcci&lty and th(' tuneful di.splay of t'Vf'nlng 1·M __ '"_· _J_o_h_noo_n_h_el_d_h_:l&fo:__:•_:co:::r_:•_an=d::.:.::.hos=te= .. =· __________ _:.:-=~rg~e:_:S:::m::OW1C=:·~------ chorui1 acts will be com bined In gowne on Harbor·s n10ttt charnt· IP"•••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••lll•• a colorful variety i1how featuring Ing girls. Mo<lcla are: MJk('I 1 all 70 men1ber11 o( director Robert Burns, Junto K<'<'nt-, Jo Anne Olsen Went.z.'11 drama classes. 11.nd Sally Ht'ndt"r80n. . ~ One of the lypfi:ally lively and "Vagabond Shoes" shouk:t be an· original &klt.'1 takes place on a oth('r .clever skit. w ith n1ountuin simuiatrd trolley set, with four 11etling. and thr mcmMrs clad In b..•autlrul girls being screnadt.•d by hiking clothe~ an<I carrylng knap- four swains who are looking In sack.11 ovt'r thrlr shoulders. This , (rom the rear of the stage through gay troupe includ<'~: Stan Agar. the wlndoW!I of the ··trolley" lolev-Janel Thon1 as. Ann Cristy. Donnll erly formf'd from a flat wllh heles Price and Judy T11rk£>r. Othc-r for wlndow:11). The glr'a., l.n turn Nklts range frnn1 A military nun1- of the century coetumei1. demUrf'ly ber to· a st·rious dRllCC' and song alt behind the ralla, and between 1ntt'rprclatio n of RI\ 'invocl:ltlon to filrtaUons and duel.8 to the tune a 11un goddC"ss. \V lth this vari£'ty of lhe famous eong from "Meet and out ·of 4 the -hat spirit. Lhe 1 Me in St. Louis," an tng"q:lnJ little i1how promlacs lo be one of lhl' drama of boy m~l• girl la en-moet refrcahing and relaxing ever ' acted. • given at Harbor High. Carohn Witherspoon Organizes Theatre Group for V. A. Hospital An enthustaatic Gray L&dy at4'--------~----­ lhe Santa Ana Army ·Air But> became lntercated hllc.k ln 1042, in theatrlcab for b0sp1tallud men. Today 80melhlng en\lrely new In the y.-ay or therap)r for mentally ill patient.a: l.11 belnS" iruitituted at Brentwood Neurop8ychlatrlc helf· pital In We.11l Loa Angele11"by that samt> Gray Lady. former member ')( the Aaaiatance League or New· j)Ort Beach. Mri1. Carolin S. With- ~rspoon, now field repreuntatlve of the American Theater Wlng. Dally ~hearsalA are beJng held by approximately a huf\dred pati- ent.a, men and women. preptratory to preaenUng a .Day Nlnetfei1 •how the night or "Marcfl 2 In the h01J· pltal theater. lt la the flr8t of many such evenbl th&t wnl be carried forward on a permanent buli1 at the h08(>ltal. , Happy to be back lo the we11t. and full of ideu for h!:!r project. Mr•. Witherspoon arrived lh l...o8 Angeles reCenlly for an eight week s tay to organlu: the group. She will "ff that It geta off to a good start and It will then be continued by the Education&! Theater A.e· 'aoclation and the VA Advlaory Council. Jack Morrt.eon o[ UCLA 'i Theater Art. Department la Co-- ordinator, the program locally be· lng carried on a.a pa.rt of a nation- wide undertaking to which hun- dreds of unl~1ttlea and colleges are givtng aullltance. Pla.n1 tor t were started more than a year 11.go by oUlclala: of the Veterana Admln.latratlon'• Special Servloei1 Divl.lion. DoC':ton Work Too lzed that before she could do so she would nred more training. lt was 1 ln t 948 ·th11.t she f'nrolled aS a stu· I dl'nt at UCLA at thl' tin1e when ~ there were about 16.000 G. l .s on the c ampus. t'or Sf"urop!'ychtatrk-8 Jn hl'r work throughout the na- tion, Mr8. Witherspoon p!aces par- ticular emi)haaia on variety showH tor lJllllents l.n nl.'uropsychlatriC h~piWa. There a r e approximate- ly 2000 such patient.a in Brent- wood and the chance8 are that more lha.n half wUI, ln aucceedlng montha, have played a part in aome phase of a.matr ur theatricals. Such pliTtlcipation will be rec· on1mendcd by a member of the mcdicaJ staff. ..F or, .. say.11 Dr. Ben C. Yeager. heatt Of the h98- pltal. "the human spirit Is an In· tangible. And l:l patient who's hidden hln1BC;f behind a aerie.!! of locked doors 60 far aS his mind Is concerned is not .to be ret1tored to 80Ctety by mere metl\cinc in a bot- tle. But take a man or woman patient, get then1 Interested In coatumes, lights, music and danc- ing and the thouu.nd and one lures of being ln a show and they'll ' once more wa.nt to be a part of , the group." AU of it add8 up to a bu.sy and 1 Lnlert".8tln1J llle for CarolJn and a rewal'dlng one. Speaking ot ll;le thousands or neuropsychiatric pa-, lienLI with whom she ha.a worked ebe eays, "l never have any trouble. WJlh any of them -just people on the oUtaide." \riStT KELA TIVES ~tum~ Crom L&ncuter Mr. and Mn. John J acobsen and daut'bt.er, Helen, of 223 E. 20th , Bt.. Costa liijeN., who vial~ed friends and r9'-Uves while -away. I Doctor&. attend&nta, nurse.a and other naemt>era of the hospital'• i1t.aft cuJTently are workin• wltb Mra. Witherspoon. Scf'ne.rY and coetumea will be provided I by the paUenta. All taking part ah•ad1 have obtained lbe nece-i:r rned.1- cal clearances from docWn on ------------- lhelr respec:Uve ward& ' 1 In amateur lllealricalo, 111«11dal aalltortlleo say, the VA bu ..,_ oorked a · ttmedy that beata ...lu.. or the wonder wnri<J:ng <1ro.O Ila rtbabllltaUon oC wtera.na: To tAta end Carolln.Jua.keta tr<>m-~t.o -...... .sin. ""'"-to • ~ ""'"' -at }!Ult bool!ttal .ic.: pnl&tlls --. nun i.-A:n·f ft~ -plaM to JO to tbe•Ptilo All'I v >-Hooplt&I. • ' i I canilln . -• • •)o1uut7 come LateJY" u a cweer " 'Ni, ._..,.,. tonnert, .._a Mu •llt- n &11 ltartad -1n ·u.e -AM A1111J Al< -lo'.lml- ... • see tmt.eNlted Ja w•llitila wlUI patlellta, -... n•• ,,_ ___ ....., .... tct-. ' · L ____ .. _ • -..... .. • Ill,,., ..... \ r I MI·D-WINT~R SA v ·E Up. to 50%· 01'\ THESE and hundn>ds of other Items. Thts hi our · rec-ular mid -winter boutte ' cJeanlng e\'eDt. . l • . NEVER .AGAl"--PRICES As LQW ·As THESE! UPHOl.8TERlm ~E . n$~~M ,' ;.,. Ho.I'-' ,;._,,,., JI.LL " l:~u l•• SALi l-~-27,. f" ... -..t 1 Pr>c.-n1Cl p.,ce PllCI ..-........ 1....,,... l 06 linear yda. Arrqle88 plastic covered Settee ...... 135.00 118.AO lill'h quality. cardinal aed • 3 Pc. Mod. Sectional, Red Friese 179.60 tu.AG Wllh leaf figure. all wool -.. 12.95 8.95 yd. TV Chair, Figured Bollaflex cover 69.bO &a:'\.¥ l-1>4, 9'xM~' Blue, all wool _,.10.00 4~96 ~ .. yd. ~::ern Soc fa -C1-een ' .................... U0.00 89...SO 1-JJ. 9'xt2t.f,' Hooe. all wool. ... 8 .95 5.95 sq. yd. ern hair to Match ................ 99.:50 &l.IO 1 ni-.. 12 ti width 70 •-l' 9· 1095 ·' Re.laxer Chair. Green Frieze ...... 139.50 · 118..60 ·rr· · sq. yu.o. .... ,., J • Ml· Yu. Mod. Pull·Up Chairs-Red & Grey 42.:M> ~ lpc~ 9'x106 .~ Drn. self lone 10.95 8.95 sq.yd. Maple Two Place Settee ................ 49.&0 -ti.Mt dther v,.tues in Broadlooms not listed. Victorian Solid Mah. Grey C"halr 72.50 58.60 Nantucket Chair-Tapestry Cover 69.60 59.50 Barrell ChaJr-Gold Dama.ek ...... 69.96 Gt.95 St. Francis Ch&lrs, Rose Damask 69.93 att.06 Provincial Chair-Red Print ........ 47.96 !D.95 Maple Arm Chalr--Creen Plaid ... 47.15-0 39.96 ·Pine Ann Chair-Plaid Cover, ....... 72.lSO M..50 OFF Host Chairs-Mah. Strlp11 Cover M .15-0 .f"-00 R".GS Mod. A.rm Chair. Coral Spun Cvr. 182.60 99.AO v .1 R~Yhot '••<.• SALE rtlCE 179.60 Mod. Sofa-Modem Floral Cover l,S9.50 1S5.50 Mo. Arm Chairs-1 coral. 1 gr. 99.50 89.Mt Maple WlN{ Chair -Prl.n\ Cover 79.96 88.015 Sm. Arm Chair. Orey Rough Wve. T9.9:5 It.ts J>\"ov. Sofa-Print, Plain comb. 179.50 161.50 IA-.::"",,: .. °.~.~.~ ... 112 ·oFFj 'DINING ROOM FURNITURE l~whir Prn:.e 't -·Set or six Mahogany Chp.lrs .... 179.50 t -Recond. dr. leaf mah. ext.. Table I-Ma.pie ladder b&ck arm Chair .. 33.00 · i~~~.1~i~~~e~Od:··d~·:·ir:~t ··J::gg . 2-:i-pc. Chrome dlne.tte Beta ........ 83.50 S.t.LE PRICE D!l.M 79.M) 19.96 49.311 1f.9.50 .... I BEDSPREADS 1 !';u:.,,:~ ~.~ .. ~~~~ ..... 1-3 OFF --BEDROOM FURNITURE . 1-Twin elze metal bedatead, br. 11.90 1-Twin sl.ze natrl. pine bed!lf.ead 32.95 1-Full sllie provincial bedstead .... '59.76 :1...-.Nlte Table-Maple .................... 24.50 1-Twin 111 ... ~I• epool bed ·--·-H .75 I-French provlnclal nlte table.... M. 75 2-Maple fi drawer Cheste ··········~ M..76 I -Full •lie bedatead. mod blond 56.50 1-BotJ.dolr chair ···························-· 36.83 SJ.EEP SHOP ,,.,,,. "i<.o Full Siu Bo• Spring ···--··--······-· M.30 FuU Size Mattrea. ·---·-··-··········---· 29. 75 Twtn Sise Bo• Sprtnr; ·······----·-··-·· 39.TG Twill Slat Mallrea -······----·----·· 3'-l!O Twin Box and Mat...,... Set ---··'·· 89.l!O Sim"'°""' twin atze 8. K. <;oil Sl'f' 22. 78 P'qll -SlrnmoM D. S. OoU Spf ~-~·llG Twin llJ:e Set qua!. bx. opr ~ Mat: U>ll.00 ' . SALE PITCf: 4.93 1'7.IA 38.T5 19.911 %9.15 U.T5 87.60 H .llO 19.93 'SA.tE Pl ICE -H.78 -U.Tli -tt.16 •M 15.96 lt.N ue:.. • 9·x12· Oriental. high quaJJty ........ 239.50 -9'xl-O' 3" HJgh qualJty. all wool. ... 17~.7~ 9'x~2· 10" H l. qua.I. all wool. roae .. 26.f.oo 12'"5' 7'' Hi. qual. all wool. roae .. 192.00 ' 9'xL2' Mod. patlem. gr. all wool 180.00 t·x~'e' 3" All wool gr., rose flpraJ .149.50 9'xl:l' 6" Roae, self tone, all .wool.120.00 Many other rug values not listed. -LAMI'S LAMPS AMortecl stylM and. ll!UO 189.60 99.60 IU.50 ~JIG 811.60 Quaatltleo zoo1 •5001 *°•as or lhern i O to tO OFF • SOFA BEDS and STUDIO COUCHES R!"l!wla• P•o<• 30"~ Slmmona Box Couch. Bolsters 79.30 Simmons. Hide-a-Bed Sofa ............ 269.50 SloVnona Hlde--a-Bed Sofa ......... -.2ol9.30 Shtjn\OM Hlde-a·Bed SofQ ...•........ 264..00 Stm:mona Beautyre.st double Studio q>ucb-frtnt &.plain cov. comb. 139.50 SALE rllCE 1111.60 2211.150 iu.M Hll.341, 111.60 ff4uyw-' Boll Combination by Simmon• '.l'lfln Bise Bo• Sp{lnt on lege with Quall!¥ iniler-1prtng matt..reeee..,_REGULARLY st.IO ~-e~ ?RJ.CE during l&.le ···-·;···-··=·•·1$ 1<QJlantl.ty Ll.inited) ' Sun-Roo'1J-Poreh--O.otdoor FumltUre I I ltei;u.oltir 1ALE ~ · , '1k-ratCE A~ptable Utility Table .• .,.,_·-········· 8.95 I.II A..,rt.ed Chinese Peel Tab!N .I.---··· :0% OJ"F ABlleraft lllile Chair ... ~1.:, .. -...•..•....•.. 19.311 11.M G ..... p of Wrtg1lt Iron llW1 ·rm, ~Um JO to ft Gr.fol wrt. Iron Sun rm.~ H~·lo M% OPP Qu.Utty ~ Comer 'fabie _ . ....LSZ.96 - ALL lNO l!EKVEL ·lie~ llEOOOICD :~~~-:'!.~~Ciel~• l~ -lie«· prift ·m.60 NOW liY' . -. , Bay • C\)ft~ 1enn. It ;YJ1U Wl.i. ' ' . • ! ' f ' I - • .- Jaycees to Race Mar. 17 in PCs • Jl\ltll AnnU&l 1'aCuJc Clout '""'"'"''Pin~'" 8"J'fi\1t ncee t6r ,IUnlor ·...u.a-. ~ by lbe In~ Yacllt Racing •• ooclation. will be· held at tbe a.i- bid.: ·-Yacl\t rJub on Salurd&.Y, ~ Marclr 17 and promllH to be one o( I.be outot&ndlns: mob! In I.be Euler week actlvtUca, Che.mber Secretary Hay Langenheim an- nounced thl8 ~. Ch&mplonahlp will be conducted under the lntercollegtate rule• and the lDM NA YRU rulea and ll open on'y to atudenta who a.re eU- fible for compeUtlon undtt .tand- ud Junior college eJlglbWty rules tor truhmen and .. amty sport.I., . 81dpph-a' meeting for t.h1-race i. echeduled for 9 a .m . at tbc B&l- boe. "Yacht club. · l!:aCh school wl11 enter a. team ot tour men or women and a lotAI , ot three races will be aalled. COMMOOORE WINS -Newport Harbor. YIM!ht «?lub'a Commodore D. W. "'Walt" EllloU,. eottected ttlf!! be&uUfuJ.. Bea R. Meyer Perpetual award for the Ooeaa Ractns '"''leloD when h1e Callforn.la S!~ l'Acapadr, came In the ,·ictor Ip tbe teaftlt Mld·wlnter Re,-tta. t~rom left: NHYC 8~f..(}ommoclofti ~t Fulmor, race cbalnnan. for luce boata; Commodore EIUott; .. Chuck" KObu, trophy cb&lr· man; and SCYA Commodore Gartunan Gou&d. (Photo by peck.ner> Ji l• expcc:ted lhat privately owned 32-foot PS aJoops will be used. Tbe boabl: wUJ not be-trans- fered but a dlfferet 11kJpper will be at the helm during each race. Course& will be announced jual prtor to each race. Each team will be rCllponstble for t.he boat assigned to them and are expected to prepare it for rac- ing and to aas~t Ln putting It away alter the race. The NE>wport Harbor Junior Cbambe-r of Commerce will pr~­ ftf'nHts P<'rpetual trophy and three Individual trophies tor lst, 2nd, a.nd third, at the Balboa. Bay Y~t club following the races. All Power Squ·ad~n Members Expected to Greet Commander at Conference Saturday Plan .to Entertain Power Sqn. Wives During the Distric t Power Squadron conference Saturday at the Balboa Bay club the wive., of memben will have a day-long pro· gram ofl rntcrtalnment while the men are busy with their confer· enc"' SCll!llons. Mra. Hay Langenheim. Mrs. Harry Ashton, Mrs. Harold Tracy ~d Mrs. Ted Ha.mbrook u ..a committee on arrangcmen~. have planned that au w ives of squadron members will have lunch together at the Bay club and an atternoon of_ canasta. bridg"' or visiting in the Bay club lounge. Many or the men coming trom squadro"-8 out.aide this Harbor will bring their wive& wllh them when they come to the morning .seaeion. The committee plans that these •Uritlng woml'n will be entcrtainl'd royally here and urge all local aquadron wives to be on hand to !telp with the entertalnmen t. - . The wivea will join the men for • the :5 :30 cocklaiJ party in the patio an~ for dinner at 7 p.m. 'Gunshot W0tind Victim -trealed ' W . R . Loewen. 1136 W . Third St., Santa Ana, te.celved treatment for a gunshot wound to a finger on ' his left hand Saturday afternoon by a t>rivate physician ln Newport Beach police reported. Loewe n stopped at 17th St. and Highway 101 at 3 :30 p.m. for first aid from po1ice-. stating hf" Jnjured h imS!lf while near Upper Newport Bay, poUce said. Loewen bec~e unconscloua while being gtven first aid and waa transported Lo the physician for treatment. Police said they did not learn from Loe· wen what tn>e of gun caused the \VOWld. Request Two Pier Permits on Udo Isle Pier permit applicat1ona have been made by two Newport Har- bor resident.a, the Corps or Army Engineers announced lhi8 week. .and any objections based on navi· .p,atlon Interests muat be submitted before March 5. Two applicants are Nie NeuCeld. 706 Park Ave., Balboa Island, re· questing a alip float a.nd ramp on . the bay front al Via Lido Soud and Via Eboli. Lldo Isle, and Paul Daniel. 626 . 31st St.; Newport for a pier and slip noat on the bay front al.8o on Lido Isle near Via Lido Soud and Via F lorence. • • ' • • ' • HAROLD L JOHNSON PropoU.r Bepaln ~ Col•nuhlaa ~ Phone Ra"'"' no 1811 Vllla Wa1, N.,.port Boacll w~ Heaters VICE 6 REPAIRS Joe B,ddJJ. Autlwriaed Dealrer Day a Nlpt Beaterw. TE•MS lf'l. Do.. .... , .........., -~rlM:-W ·AITHRRIS ••••Ilk PAINS ; -,.,. oil,. ____ .. l .... w.,,,,...,~; · · r ..a • •$dlk ,_ ... P4Yl<l'I PoJM\IL& 'T--:loe-ultiloaolll' : ............ ,... -cl-Soc . ---1r-,..w.n. . _ ........ __ .. _...,,.,. ~...-..... _er ~orir ~.,.~-.& ............. . ' • TUINa DIUG'CO. • • • « All members of the five C&U!ornia Power SQtladrorui: are expected to attend the Dtstrlcl Confercnt"-' dinner next Saturday night, Ma~ch 3 at Balboa Bay Club, to greet lhe Chief Commander of the Unltt.'11 States Power Squadrons. District Commander Harry Ashton said today that hto hoped every Squadron ·I ' member with hls wife and guests would be on hand. Bll.L FICKER"S CHASl:R 0. whlc:b baa been 1boa1Jac her lru· 80fn to the Star fleet In Newpor&. Harbor for some tlmt"., dld It ap1n ln the Mld.°wtnter &optta to brine the co'-e&ed Fraak Bor· 1!.ap Pt"rpetual award baek to Newport Harbor Yacht clob. Biii la llbown here (Wt) wltb hla CftW, .Jaclc Co•doa.. (Photo by Beckner) Chi<'f Comn1an<l1>r A . N . CJlftun from M•ssarhuiw:tts will tM: hert- ror thf' week f'nd or lhf> Th'rteenth Dh1trlct conc lavt' which I~ tlW ont> big evt'nl of the yC'ar bringlng to- getht'r a.11 m<"mbt>ca of ell Squad· ron.11 In this area. Commander i;tewart ViGf,:'t'rs from Seattle wtll a'so be ht'ri• to rt'present the Slx· lttnth District of which he ls bead. .Sunday, 1-'larch " will f('atu~ R tour of Los Ani;;t·lcs and Newport HArbors by thf• visltinJ.t coruman· df>rs. Aboard Dr. Lester Lowe:'• Harco '40, Hypo, the vil'litol"'!'l will see the tv.·o Harbors and will ~ escorted by Squadron members boats, all flying the Squadron En- sign. Sforlous Purpol'W" Undt·rncalh sll or thr IHt.Uli cal atrnos pht'rC' nf unir111·111!', t•n.r;lgn~ and 1•ntt'rt·tin1n1·nt thcr1' Is 11 very srrious purrol'4f' tn r•nw('r Squad· ron actlv:tlf'l-1 . TIH• ti·achlng or safe and c:omJ)"'t rnt boating to thousa.nd111 of J>"OP t' throughout the counlTy is the c hi('( purpoSt' uf the Squadr<Sl. Saturday's morn"· Ing and afternoon sessions. whlct) will ~ attcndf'd by all membera who whsh to attend. will act1ousl~ discuss mearui or extending and imrov(.pg thU. teaching aim. Saturday morning seqions, all helct at the Dsy Club, wJll be In cha.rKe of the rol'owi.ng men: LOcal Board of Admtulone and Piloting courses, Curll• Dosh AP. BaJboa Squadron": Lex-al Board or Ad· vancl"d Gradl's, Ja.m't8 Stoddard JN, Balboa : Sccrl'tarlf's and Treu· urers, Dr. Elwood L. Schultz N. Los Angf'lr~; Rl·ndt>ZVOU8 Com· millet's, J . L. Munson N , Balboa; Public Relations. James E. Ro~ers JN. LM An~t>J.-.s, Conunanderfi' and Lt. Con1mantlcrs, Harold Tracy N, Loa A nst·ll'.S, Comn1an. dcr. Prlnrlp&I 8Pf"Rkrr At lht• aft€'rnoon 1Wss1on, Chlf"f Con1mandC'r <~li(ton "•ill be lht' principal feature v.·ith his mess- age of what S<1uadrons are dolnt; all ovrr thf' country 'llnd with an outline o f the trt<nd o( Squadron policy. Distrll't Con1mander Harry Ashton will prC"sidf. Local Commanders from Long Beach. Los AngeleA. Santa Mon- ica. Balbo11. and the ve1·y new San Franci.!K"O Squadron.& will report on the rttpldly growing public In· terest In the frt·c courscl'I of ln· structlon, among othrr lhlngs. All of these n1rn are known for their own boa•lng skill and for thelr "IF AT FIBST YOU DON'T -etc.", lA Just what C&rol Ann iJoOC9 exprrienC<' in' Squadron work. of Balboa Yacht club. hu been doing ln the bo&~y contested Inter· Other D is trict ofCicers who will take part, in addition the Dlatricl naUonal 14 nttt and It finally paid off ~ the Mld·"inter Rfoptla. Comman(lt•r J\.~hton N and UM In thb, on .. of Southt>rn CaJl(oroJa'• bi1"1"et1t comprtJtlon.!h Carol viaillng Con1rhanders are : Robt>rt Ann sailed hrr F1ceot to ,·lctory. She 19 bclng coo..,.tulated by Boyd 'JN. dl.stry:t sccreta.ry-treaa· urer; Leland Jonas AP, ,Balboa Harry G. l\lcKlnney, Jr .. Comntodore of tbe Cabrtllo &-a.ch Yacht staff captain: Thoa. H . Smiley, club and presldf>nt of the Newport Ocea.o Salltng Auoclatlon. at.arr captain, Los Angele11; P'. (Photo by Beckner) ·George Hellinger, ataff capt.a.In . .:;::::::::::::::=:::;:::::::::::::===:--::=--:===========!Santa Monica ; Thoe. Hall, at.a.ff --~·••mmw ... .-n • 11• •~,,, ..... ,a., .. ..., ........ ta e ai -.·••a; a • c , .. 11111& ... e.iL ._=pr, ... ta n sa • 1' • • '• 'u w.. 191,&&J ·-..... -~la-J..M-.~' I' ·-1a-· llMfllU. .... ~ N-. .. 1111,.... .. !" c'c11Jw1a"I\ · (JP.._......._, w !' • #-,;, - i ! • • • ) -·-- Coo11mial Tuna 1tatdi ,in ~ Hits All:l~ .High . C.Woml&'• commerelfl landlngo of tUft& tar eannlllg' and procea, I Inc -cbed an all-Um• hlch In lt:IO, It 11 ttpo<ted ~y the Dl•llfon of Fl.Ill and Game lbls Wffl<. - The 'annual record amounted to 378,tOD.CMM>i po.unda., The previous blgb WU ~Ht in 19~9 with a total - of 290,eis.ooo poun<S.. Flpres lmued by the DIV!aton'a Bureau o# Kartne P'\aherle. do not lnctude tuna cauchl fw purpoaea other· than" cann.tng and proceuing into oua and me.ala. Of the four recognlzcd tuna spec:ie9\ yellowfln accounted for 'the l'f'Ktellt proportion or the year'• catch with a total poundage of 190,31.$.000. Sklpjack weighing 121.041,000 pound• wu delivered to Callfornta tiah proceuora dur· Ing 1850. Y e-llowt.a!I Drop State·wkle catdtes of bonito and yeUowtall dropped In 1950 as col'{lmercl&l fil!lhermcn concentrat· ed on the hlghsr·prlct'd tuna I'll>@· cles. Proce880r& rect'iVed 832,000 pounds of bonito in 19:;(), and 1,· 774.000 pounds lhf" p'."'t"ccdlng year. Yellowtall landings .wclghe-d 3,- 200.000 pounds In 1050, compared to 6.919 000 ·pounds In 19'49. In pounds. the annual tunR. bonito and yellowtall landings by f'cglona: " Com.maftcler, A. N . CUftoD, "..., born and edlK'atnl In far otf \\l'er;tern Austria.Ila nearly 14-,000 mile& away from hhl present homf' ln Lonsmt"adow, MAM. He I$ a 1Tc11ttcrcd. profeutonal enKinN•r In fhf'I statt>' of lttlusa· chUJiett. and branch manacf"r of WnrUun11.on Pump and !\la· c;hJnPr;v ("..orp, \Vlt.h whom ht> h&l!I l.wf•n a.~trd for 15 yrars. Hr ha9 brt."11 • dln"('tor ror %0 ~·r•.;... of thr National l\l!'tal SpN:ialtl~ Co. ('llfton ball bN>n MICCC8!'1''"'·' I tr1•L"KlrtlT, llt'Utt•n· ant. cornmand4•r and eommand<'r -r . l . . . - -PA~T • ·-.\~URSDAY, ~R. '· ~95 1 .-j-.. ~ . ~+...:.•::'_PREss --#1 · • • . . ·somr• COAST . • ..... I , •. 1· .-• .. ' ~~T~~~<9.~~~! . ~ , . -PE,CIFfCA TION-• ~ . nEAo ~·~Eo: co~cRET~ 1 . I .__.. W..i Wt...._ t....._~ N~ anc ttarllw Bl.._) -~~..;., BE~ I , ' Phone Bea.car. 0477 ' FOR ' I MILll WORK, , SASH & DOOR'S SEE ;;;18 00 . .\ST 111\\"A\' AJ The Arches , I • OTIIER l 'Al\DS: Laouna Bcach-Sunla Ana -Fullction-L::i Ilabra-J . .a. •4-~~~-~"-~~~~~~.;..._~-·~~·· Norlhrrn C'..alifornia : Snn FrPn· cleco and Monterey -albarnrr, 5,400,000: bluefln. 107.000: Aklp- jack, ftl3 ,370; yt!llowtail, 894,000: Santa Barbara and Lo11 AnJ:elf's -a'bacorc. 26,913,000: b\Uf'fin. 2 383,000; sklpjack. 57,707,000: yeUowfin. 98.306,00ii ; bon ito. 301,- 000: ycllowtall, 2,248.000. San Diego --8 lb'lcot{'. 2!).81 O - 000: bluetln. 133.000: 111kipj ark. 69.820,000: yellowfin, 91.113,000: bonito, .238.000: yelluwlall. 952,· 000. ' (to"' lt'Mlll'I) Sprtngf!e-ld Po"·c-r Sqtiadron: DINtr&ct Ont'! (rrar) commandrr (tu·o tP~); vie.-· cha.l.rman a .ncl f'hlflnnan fin&nl't> conunltttt. l lSl"S, adminl1ttra· tl\·p \"ltt·<'omrnandf"r and "'Xt'C'U· tlvr \"k"f\-COmm&nder. High Quality; Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 High Qualify• Printing-Ph. Hor. 1616 captain, San Franci8("o ; Hny Lan· Kcnhelm. B at boa C'on1mandt•r: DELPHINIUM f1eld grown clumps 50c 6 for LAKDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Pecilic Gjeftt1 ••• 1 rem•rk.tbl• •n!"' 1!111!11 ori9i111t1d Oft Ht1 P"c:iflc Co11t. H191 doub·, flowen. 2V1 to l'/J \}KJl11 111 d;MTieler-r1t1m1tic1lty spotted on "'"II b1!1nc1d 1pik11. , Eiqhl ' cholce .. 1ri111i11 .ind brl!'i1nt co!or1. 11111 J1y, G1t1h1rl. l lu1 lird, S.Umm1r S~i11. Gui111 >·fl'1 , KinQ A.rfflw, l leck Kni9ht, C1rr.1l1rd, end lo1nc1lot. HARBOR ~90 '9f;;... ~,. "'<--'_ ·-:-:.:... -_ -lf•U•~ BULl3S-SEEDS-GARDEN TOOL S-1-T!lELLISES-INSECTICIDES Harold Tracy N , command<'r, Lo!'! Angeles: Robert Schilling AP, commander, Long &11.ch : Carlol'I Bron1<>n, commander. Santa Mon : lea~ CoUle HuU!{'JI N. San Fran-1 clsco Commander : Jan1es Roj:ers JN. district pub'lc if.latlon~ of· 1 fleer. Many pa.st commandt•rs end old time memlx-rs, as well es new will attend. J ~====,===================;=================£] J ' .. --. I f · ' -, 1 , mr loilj liliJ ... tlepeiiililliiM .. " 1 f I ' ' " "IVe driven t>odqe ca1S for pa1S .. :lcnow from eqenence ihat 'f04' j'fW can't beat a 1)odqe for OEfENDA81UTY" -Soys Oon B. Alford, Chicago, Ill. I I < . - • . , j ' ' . ' l • ' • • • • .. I ... • • • • · .. ~.-1 i ! • v • _/!? • l '!:~~!!\!.U. •• ,...,, .... : ,.J " • ~'?'!'!""'.!'!! ! .. .. ~ .oa.uro l'LUl'O. U8'1 :• -.r 1WL .._ ....._ ... ~ .--.......... _ ~-. INI JOB 7 a•4z:* PAINTING ~*'(UD. r-.. ~ .• II ~. 8&W • lllO. DAJllS. S M'MlllO!ON '1z1l1..., ........ o 8CIQRM' *' Ptuo .-. -.,. ---------~· ~,....,,._..,_..._ B..A. ll&D NJ::WS-TIMES -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST -Wednesdavs NEWPORT-BAI.BOA P~ -ThundaY10 !tiewpc:fl a.,-P•t a.etned Ada ml.t ra la tM T. 1111:7 N ...... ~ or~ ftandaJ' p,_ llUNDIUll AD IS • LIND .&.D VlaMltled a4a mut "'9 pUd for OMii la ~ el peb P 11 a... t tJnm 1 Paper ' .'UI ' 11._ % Papen Liit ' Lines s Papen I.Oii Glenn Joam.ton. ....... -r-:' . t 11111.A ...... ,, IMl1 • ll.lt .-i · '"""I " - ·ll&nar .m?.J ,... t •~·~en!!!:~'~· !"~.&JO~~t:!*'~·~---- EXPERIENC!ID Wal-for a.du.Ive rutaW"&nt cm Balboa i.••pd Tell:phone Bar. ()(S6--J for tntervlew. l6cS7 Uiii> PLUIOC -.,.. up. ~ 190 l'loWHtl ..,..:_ D ..... Your TV NOW! ~ _,_,._ D.t. .. s. -... ,. ~ 9111QO'DT, UO N. Mala, - ' Alcobollcl ~)'lllOQI Write P. 0 . Boa IOI! Balboo lalan4, Clallt. Pbone JDmMrl1 ,_ s.e u.. i:ow Pi'.._: Ar----eta.. l"l1lllnmlSD AllT"',;.· t,:i~~ . ...,. . uti»~ P9ld. .. ~1'1'.llOL& 11~ TY1 -.... 8J>ll<rr PLUIP. ll'llU ~ u you..wut -- wttll AK 6,vM --llflll ' ---IPodel ai lltltlal ot JOf HU.. Newport ...... f l!:XPElUENCED Couple 40 • (6. ·-·······-.;·· .. ·---·--~ ~A~ PleDo 0... 6lo ~· t _ .... .., eablnet wttli -., -and "'8e. Oaly '*· _,... · ~· 111117 cjl&utfeur howieman, cook &n4 -)lo. lllaln. ll&nta .AM. -~ -i ..,.. I llouakeepO... Fine ""°" .,_.... ll'O!'OROl.IA OONllOllll'ITID TY, ttl>. . no. oplL a.. . ...,., ll'ioid. &dulta. Newport Huf>or Em· 19" ,ll.t®D41°"""4 -....,_. w~ p'oDOO. TN*--_, •.5'41· ~ Sf6 mo. to "\Mil ployrnent A.Jcy., I)«»~ IC. Bay l.oecl ' ······-·········-······--.. lCI•.• ;-old )il&Do ooi · • Orud· ,801 . & 9')' Ave, liaJi· Ave., Ba!boe. Harbor ~ 2 'TY~ Oom· (lpiael) °" -.iu:u> -· .,..,1(18,.l. · -..; WANT SKIPPER for SO foot acbooner "O&llant... ruu time. Phone SY ca.more 9-5223 (Pua· den&), H. B. Wyeth. llllp87 blutlceo. -_, -liip.t -&lloWUct. T-. u:>VCL1' 2 BDIUI. ''lay 2r, a11e 11" .-......-. l'loor D~ PIANO 00... !>ont ..... ._ _, .· ta ~ l!:xoolJent .... ,.! comer 8U>. uo N. -. Santo -wa mo. ·to .J+e 1,lltlL Au. llUPtl,J lll&bor .,_ ~. • I lb'' T ABLS modd -RCA cbao- o'o -ll:l<pu4od ,,_ -New black t\lbo. ~ &ad C'llltantee4. Complot.e with ta· Rmn A PUNO, ill --' Gltll:l:NJ,&tF .. AS9Qc. All ""t "1-.d lt )'OU buy -a11t Newpor\ Bltd.-~-IM2 Bl ter.81a. rM..NS-8CIDODT, uo . f .c ; .. umisuAL RURAL HOKE LQW MM;BJJNG ftANCI\ ttPC. • ~ .... la ·~ OoulatO'· C'lll> anll r..,iic upper Newport 8-1- a Ip bdtma, 1 complete 11&u. .Will> We ·ota11 al\Owtoro, U+in& .-i bu brtdt ~ U..r··. me conU.IHd f\aUce. llep&t&to ' dlnlns . nu., ~ llle kitchen wiUl br'elJcfut area. Good •iae: .aervleo porch and l&un.dry, hri Doon, !On&' •low covered patio tor out door UYU:ll .• 4.bL' prace. Lea than 2 yn.. o:d. Corn~r lot ll&l<JM. Priced le .M11 &t $23,.850. .• ' . Phone lf'red Croeier, Bea. 6818 or Svea. BeL P89-R {OT 'delaila ...a lppectlon. Tb9 pubJ1Jben WW not be ruponlllble tor more than ooe ta:aoonect t.ertion at an adverbaement.. reael"Ye the right to correcttr daNU') uy and all ad• and to reject aay actvertJMment not contormlllC tc Nle1 and re.gulatlona. Advert1Hment. and canceDt.~ wtB be aecepte4 up to G p.m. on Uu! 4oy preceding pubUcaUoa. PIL e... Hit l'tloM HM. 1818. Mii: for "".A.d TUer" or lend a4 U4I .....,ttrl a hi PREC'lSION Wt.tdl RepalriDg ELEC'MlONJCALLY TESTED AND T!MllD Louck's Jewelry WA.NT MALE bookkeeper -For guollne dllUibulor. J'or fur- ther detaUa. phone Bea. 0027. 86c87 N. ium; Santo ADA. D •uD t:c u . .> coRoNA n -~ ... azo ...... B Francque Et.ECTll!C · 01\0AN. Ulte new. gold. Two bdTno. untutn-Pitt-arney ble ......... ~ ........................... $119.9~ 1'788 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa 8lc93 WANT MAN. haniiy with tool& to Install drapes and w ork ln shop. Beacon ~21 7. 86c87 EXCE-LLENT BUY -Cr o ale y Shelftdor, guaranteed, "f'W mo- tor. new Wtlt.. new paint, only tamou m.&Jice. Save 1200. ~rma. p1&ce, Patk>, Gu.pi Y-.rly' MULTIPLE USTING RLTRS.. £lectttfted orp.n. UHd, only ""-·Owner W . ll. l"aJ.iw..tb.et, t()()Eut. 17tb St .• at Tuatln Aw. laWPORT HARBOR PURLlllRINO 00. ... ........... ...................... f 174.96 $176. For church or Mme. Dam-UGI lA.mbert Drive, ~.; Coat.a MeM." . -~ Beacon 6818 Bcl>mldt, -N. Molft, Cor. 6th, SY Z-M89. &'11J89 ' U-LOST AND FOUND DJ l Balltoa Blyd:,. Newpor& Beee' a.llfoftl&. W ANT1tD--One wh.o lJI thorough· ly ~perit>nced In making drap- erle11 and slip covert. Write Box Y, care of Utt. paper. 88c87 Santa Ana. YP•R•Y RENTAL -! 2. ~..rn $2,000 DWN. Atlraellve 2 bdrm. --:-. ~ .,.... home. Sep. din. area. hardwood --. USED WIRE JUICORDER. Good l~BUSINESS GUIDE 1%-llUlLDINQ SEBVJCIES LOST ....,... Llberal reward for malt> red Dactll.hund who dla&ppea~ from 5101 Seu.hon Drl~ on Feb. 3. Phone Harbor 0809-J eve.nin111. Mp89 ~alue at .......................... $99.M RmNT A PIANO, $G mo. Six rno. rent ai)pUa -<)n purcM.M ' at SHAFER MUSIC ·co. (SIDCe 1907) '21 N. Sye&Dlo.re, Santo .Ana. !Un\bercy 2,een: • ·. 90tto bou.e, un.,fuml.ahed. ·~ ~-floon, fireplace. car•ce. 612 rod, Oorou det Mar. Rhone H&. Larkspur. Corona de) Ma,. COKPLl!:'nt BOUSlll CLlllANINO -moe. Fnrntture and rup ehampooed. Free eaUmate....- l!'iiuy lnOUred. REP AIRING and PAINTING Keep ln touch wtlh ua for good buys In TV aell being • lra.dHI 2$8-W. ' . 87p 86p87 Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 8111 72tfc • For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach 78o92 Furniture Repairing REASONABLE. Large or 'small t a-.&ITUATJONS WANTED jobs. Free eatlmate!I. Har. 2~1-R ------------- HAULL~G Any kind, trash or! Walkf'r. 108 • 18th Street Newport Beach Harbor 2581-R 17c l8H PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1515 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon ~ 79<:92 EXPERIENCED MAN want.a po- 1titlon u motel or apt. manacer \VIII al!!o con.alder maintenance or caretaker ot private e1tate. Will go anywhi!'re In Calif. ~ 1"' E. Bay Ave., Balboa. Harbor 2Ml·R. 86c90 YOUNG LADY. age. 20, experi- enced typist and general otflce '-''Otk needs position. P ermanent rcsid('nt. Beacon 6741-M. ~7 COLORED GIRL wa.nt.a work by the bour or day. KJmberly 3·7552. houae Phone 8!1p87 Furniture Salesm1Ln Ex-per-fenced Only Apply Barker Bro.. 906 N . M.aln S t . San\..& Ana 87ch ........u:. llJIMJELlAJfE008 Television Service RADIO REP AIRS l&n')' Ewen • • 1 a.ro1d 8amJn Technldana MESA RADIO I< TELEVUIION tne IJl:oodwaY• C. M. lie&. ll808.J 10 IN . CR OSLEY Te.le.vision with magnifier. PracUca.lly n ew. $1 ~ cub only. 506 Avocado Aw ., Corona del Mar . Mc.87 in -j EASY T~RM.S ARRANG&D DA VIS-B~OWN Co. 188:! HARBOR BLVD. OOSTA MESA Phone Beacon 1821 a. E_ RA.NOE, almoat new, $90. 7 c~. ft. Coldapot refrig., $75 ; portable baby wubln& ma.chi~ $~; rug 12 x 15. 136. 2oe Ame- thyst, Balboa Ls. Har. 2018-'f. Mc87 LIKE NEW, chrome. yellow crys - tal top, dinette table -extra leaf. 4 matchlnC chrome chairs. 1809 E . Balboa Blvd., Bal~L H arbor 2'549-M. 86c87 COM& IN and pay '\>! Wonder- M New Hammor.d bbord Or- gan. Even lt you cion't know a note or music you can play beautiful mualc In ten m.inutea. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano and 0.C.. Co, :l20 N. Main, Santa Ana. TRADE your old pt&no or band lnatrwnen.t for It.a · full ca.11 value on. a Packard Bell te.le- vi.Jon at SH.AF.ER MUSIC Co. (ain<:e 1901 ) Ul N . Syoomore, Santa Ana. Kim-ly t--0872. 83tfc 2 bdrm tumlehe4 -C&b&I ·~ . Plet' " flo&t with prl .. te bOach. $iO mo to June 1~ Ol't $125 mo. on 1...... c;.an Barbo~ 31 ~~~ OOKFORTABLE ~room. Private entrance.. Priya.te bath. !!08% l4ar1Jl0ld, corona del w.r. Harbor 21M-R. ' 8ll087 ICASTl:lt RlllSlllRVATiqNS t..iten n.ow . R.Haonable ra.t... 12S48th St., Newpoct/ -1\. HiorboT 011411-W 8lcH <II SENT, ~us • • WE RENT• ELlllCTRlC paint apra)wa. floor oondera, pollohera and sv<knlnl Sacrifice by Owner $5750 down or trade fer? BALANCE 'AT •5% Beautifu.l waterfront 3 bedroom, 2 bath waterfront home jUBt 4 yun old,. plue large garage apt. SS ft. frontage wtth pier, float and concrete bulkhead. Harbor 2866-M. llllp87 $6900. 2 bdrm home, well built, cloee to civic center a.nd beach, S1500 down or might trade for 3 bed· room home on the a,t.ghta:. NBC RE.-.LTY co. 3116 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. 86c88 Cha.Ir bottoma renewed, cane 01 splint. Cha.Ir rounds, ba.clCI and rocken replaced; aho re·glutnc. RARVlllY'S FURNITURli: . ftEP AIR SHOP ·PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN EXPERIENCED boat ma.n desire. part t ime work maintaining • boat In the Newport -Balboa a.rea . Phone Harbor 2~M. UNIVERSA L TABLE TOP Ga.a Range. 2 -9 x 12 rug1 A: pada. good noor cover\np. Lawn mower It edger. Auto lul"f&Ct' carrleT. Beacon Ul7-M. 85p87 Jack's· Fur~iture LOVELY PLAIN CABE bunplow uprtsht piano in ftne. corutltk>n, $265, terna. JU down and SlO mo. at SHAFER MU81C CO. (Since 1907) 4.21 N . Sycamore, Santa AnL Klmberly %-()812. equipment. Stroota ! TeWinkle ____ ..;.. _______ _, Hardware, 1802 New\)Ort Blvd., Coote Meo&. Phone -Mn. &!lp87 2000 Santa Ana A•e., Coeta Mea Beacon 8138.J. 17el8H 273 Palmor SL, Coote M- Boo.. llU7-M IMcl FINE LAUNDRY or Ironing only . Mrs. Maud Lynn Old Papers Aid to Address Playground Fund H elp wJth dinner parties. Pick· up and deliver. Call Bea. 6591-W. 8!1c87 RELIABLE t•xperienced woman will care for babies or children, days or evening•. Ow·n tran.e· portation Refe rences. Phonl": B. Costa Mesa WCTU The delve for old new•p•pero 5209·J ' 86p87 Mrs. Maude Lynn. county direc- to r of flower mission and relief work, will be the principal speaker when the WCTlJ of Costa Met.a convene Fr}day. 'March 9 at 2 p.rn. In the home of Rev. and lln. G eorge P lum.stead, ~ Coat.a MeA& street. At the latest meetjng of the local union held at the PIUITU1tead h ome. ~v. Plumstead opened the .se.s.sion at l r a.m. "~dth devotions. Group singing of several hymns foUowed, Mrs. Elin Myrehn pre- sid~ over the business. Jt wa..s decided to place flowf'rs In the local churches in honor of the birthday of the organization's fountler. Mi.s.s Frances E. Will&rd. ~frs. Allene Christenson gave a bri~f sketch on the life of Mi&S \Villard. canned food was brought by the members for the \\o'C.'TU home ln Pasadena. Anyone wi.shlng to add to the t ollt•c t1on n1ay bring con- tributions to the March 9 meet• ing. spon90red by the Me.n"s club of the N ewport larbor Lutheran cbureh l.s me,.tlng wlth 11. great dea.1 of SUC<'ess. according to '"Wbltey" F redri.k.sen, who la in char1e ot tbe: drlve a nd co11ecU tbe papt!ra every Saturday He may be contacted at Bea.. 8000 to ILi"· range for a paper pick-up or pap- ers may be brouc-ht to the churc h. Funds from the aale ot old newspaper& w ill be wied by lhf' Men'• club to ludscape and equip a playground for children on the church pro12:erty in Newport Heights. M . K . Laurie of Costa Mesa is donatlng the U1'E' of hie gradlng equlpznent tor the project &nd hu &18o promised the decom- poaed granite to be used for sur- fs.cine. ORANGE COAST s tudent det:itta afternoon and week t>nd, offk:e work. typing. office rnacb m.u. some bookk eeptng. Ha.r. 2913~J . -IRONING DONE by piece. 3018 BalbOa port Be.acb. the hour or Blvd., Nl!!'W· 86p88 COAtPAJ'ilONSJUP for your chlld Ui my home. Happy family at- mosphere. Transportation &v&ll- able. Ph.ant Har. 2863-W. 86c87 J. C. Students Plan Spri119 Conference Ray Jeffs. OCC .c.udent body prH.ide.nt, jolned pretiidenta from other Southern Ca lifornia junior college8 IUl week when lhe group met at Glendale J . C. to draw up Children. of the church achoo! are saving their nkkels and dime• to pur-chue a U8ed school bus tor lhe SUDday 9Chool. At Ch.fiatm .. time, the child re n presented a Chrl un '7'if'to t SI l:S f lhl• a.n agenda. for the Pp r1ng con~er-.: u ....... 0 or ~ enc(' of Southern Callfomia 111tu- purpose. DurLne IA"nt they are dent council groups ech~uled to making-self-denial otferin~ to take pla.ce-ln San Diego this oom- add to . theJr fund. A limited lng Friday. Dean Fred Huber. Central Bible a.mount of tra.nsportat1-. for chll-adv.iaor to the Coaat ColuncU. a.c- . ,drea can now be arranced by calJ. companied Jett•. and at~nded a ' j \ . 'jiC ~-j ~ I • lflerft advUlreft. e j Per80na1'Evan~ ~oup Tu .are am1'ly The adminl91..ratlve group rnap- or: Ceotral Bibi• chuN!lr wt\i n1eet • • ..,~ ' ' • ped -uut a• PN>CT*m.,>f<aev<!\\ wock· at the church Friday. March :I at Vislts Mesans ahope cente.rlng around: g-e.nf'ral 7 :-C~ to 8 :30 for a..n inspiring m4et-student activiUes. atbletica, ti· . in•.. na.ncee:. publlcatlOOJJ, student or-~ ,.. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Man.cebo, Sunda y 9Chool at 9 :-45 wt(h free 189 ~-lSth St .. Costa Mesa spread ganlr.a.tions a n d awarda, war bus service ls provided through the welcome mat over the w~k emergency problem• and publJc re- the city for those unable to at-d h th latione:. t end otherwl te. At the 11 :00 wor-en wen ey entertained u Cout atudent.1 who will attend bou.se guesta Mr. IUld Mn. Man- ship bour Rf'V. Dwight Kin.man uel Berna.rd IUld litUt> daughter, the San Diego mee-Unc lncll.kk ls prf'paring a tlme:y goapel mt>S-Barbara Ann of Tul~. Ray Jett•, Bill Ray, Vic ki e Vld&l, sage. . M Mkry Robhu, Dorolhy Fowler, Youth aervice at 6:30 wtlh all r . and Mrs. M.ancebo arranged P"red Owena. Gary Gray, The<> a trip to BoUywood on Sunday for w Ro Gardl youtha ot the church and thelr the pleuure of the visitor•. The Henning, Ann Po na, b · frtenda urged to attf'nd. The Evan.. ner, Don Kn.ipp, Pbyllta W.atklna. gellatic aervice at 7 :30 ls always group dined at the Ma.nh.&tta.n ·Alice Armantrout, Jack Wikox Supper club, later attending thf" an inspiring time of singin~ and theat~. a.nJ D&n ChUton. woNihip. R ev. Kinman will present --- the m•-g•. Test of Fish Deaths Mid-week prayir •nd prsJae .. r-Missal Stand 'ice Wedneoday at 7 o45 with •pe· by llasts Plcnuled I~ W . 8&.lboa Blvd. N t:wport Be-.ch New Ceramic table lamp .... $1~.00 NeW OE Coffee Mak•n ... 4.00 New 'lectric g-randmolher clock ........... . 211.00 aotfc VOSE and Sona Uprlsh.t piano, med.tum alze, exOOlent condltiQn. ll<J>cb locluded. Ph. Ha. :IZ82·W a.ner e p. m. 17c88 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRAILER WE ~ BUT ANJll &lid 7~1nch Motorola TV set and tt-Srom a OS'PICl'.8 aerial . . ................... M.M PROPANE TANKS Complete lnatal;a Uon, rep.&lr and aervtce of all Tn.Uu Equipment. • Re.nna.n K. Samuel 1:111• IL Portei ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1110 BAJlBOR ALVD. eo.ta Meta. Phone &Neon llD4-R STUDIO COUCH. 54~. ena-meled G .1-bu.D.k beds, $1~ Tb.ayer ·b&by carriage, $18. H&"lldtbot portable wuhrr. 518. HanklCr&.ft bottle rterlllzer. S.3, Bass·!nette, li.nt"r and mattreM, $3. frontier riding p&nll .,,d boot.JI ~ SIO. Call Bea MM-M. 86c87 Pair beautiful canoed Oak bookcueH wlth leaded &:IBM door•. ba..rga.ln price Re.al Cedar closet •···· ...... 20.00 Round Oak dining table and 8 ch.a.Ira .. ,, 22.~ PHONE HARBOR 2Mt2-R REED FURNITURE Reed Type Sunroom Furn. Chairs, Couches. Tables, etc. Very Reasonable Prices. STAR MARINE MOTOR. recont-Hotel Laguna ly overhauled_ A L .S 0 paddle r------------- boe«I, 2 pr. oora. ll-0 lb. 1•• box. Rattan Furn1·ture Wbttl cha ir and h08pltal ~- complete. No re&llQnable o(ff'r Made ln the Pblllipl.aet and re.t'used. 611 N . Bay Front, Bal-ln our own wor}( &hops. Boa [&land. Har. 0156-J . McS'i Wide choice o! fabrica. STORE FIXTURES Counters. Mow c&8e8. 12 • 4 ft. tJourekent lamps, dreM rack•. diapl&y tableo. Safe. Adding machine-a. etc. \ B~~aRA~~t~Y~o .. Balboa · Phone ha.r60r l" 8!1c87 1Arce1t dil"play ln So. ea.w:. Retlnishlnr and Reupbolatertnc HOUSE & GARDEN 811 Cout Hwy .• Nwpt., BeL UT1 NEW APPLIANCES , NEW >~, ; Calotic'"-dJ Rani~ ; 1 i 1nkrnatloni1 ~el!lter ftterrlg. Enclander Mattreu. full or twin alze .... ... . . ................ $.39.90 A-1 1.0CA 110N OD Kain St., BaJ. be>&. near Pa vWon.. Spece occu- pied by present P . 0 . Owner will remodel to suit tenant. SEE Mni. ¥cAdoo, 700 E . Be.I· boa Blvd., Bi&lboa. Ph. HaTbor ]SJ or Harbor 2873-W . 75c87 A Claulfled Ad la the mJ&1>ty midget Lo AdvertUrlng BALBOA ISLAND HOUSICS AND API'S. YEARLY OR SIC.'-BONAL See GAIL C ARNEY with Nelda Gibson, Real Est.ate 308 Marine, Balboa laL Har. ~ 69tte IN LOVELY COURT -2 bedrm Ullfurniohe4 hou>e, $47.11-0 mo. .ALSO wee tr&ilu, $30. Small trailer. $22.!M>. 174.1 Pomona, Colt.a MN&. PbOne Bee.. 11747-J. 74ttc RENTAL ,t . SPECJAI.ISTS Qlll -er.is Linwood V~k. Rltor. ~.re.~~,~~ ya.rd. $70 mo. tncL ut.U. Harbor 1013 OI" HarbQ,r 2082-W Mc87 - ' Buy with CO{l,idence . ' From Your Ood.ce-PJ.vtnoulh Dir. (Dumb but H"1e.st SaJ~en on Dllty) 14-6 FORD STATION !wAOON fLne yacht-Uk.e conditiOn Ulru-out ' ! $1135. i ' 'il!I DODGE "fluld-dri~" -.dUI A tlractivc Be~ .... fUll)' found with ~ fO&' Uta search lit.el, rwlto a: "4!ater etc. A &hip lhape OGe--O'imu cat $1095.:. • ·47 DllSOTO "~' MdU formal bla.ck wlUt .-it.e.wallil Hu every a.cceaory. ruown to man! 1$110 be,towjceWe&'> $1295..; ·u PLYMOUTH "Spel:l&I ~e" Sedan. A anart. ~ pff-war · wllb radio I< 1rtr: JM( ' $545.' MECHANICS "Spect41-Popular '40 PLYMOUTH Club "1th ft a. H, eound: body, awf\ll Olotor. Flnt $265 ~! Excellent cond.1tioa. Reuonat.le. C&ll Beacon M79--W 1 alter Ip. m . 8llp87 APT~sm.E dlnette table and tour Alrfoam pillows, ea.ch ········· $ 8.90 c.hal.Nl,.$40: Mato~ 7 .. TV, $Mt, SaJem Maple dinette kt, 4 Cer&mlc kiln approx... 1 cu . tt. tkSdle beck chain and bUl· $25: -c cal mtaer&J product.a tf'r!ly drop leaf table ...... ff9.50 THIS CAN SAVlll YOU MONEY! EL TORO MARINES Muat oell '4S PackU-4 Conv., 0- Low Wm. ter Rates drtve, .1 .. tro c1ut~h. ro4lo, 2 ctau 06-Je; ZOO lbt mineral pro-Offp frffZ.eni, Intemat1 7 cu. ft. duct clay, 08, M : 200 Iba. butcher .Vic tor 16 cu. tt. Furnlahed cottage ln quLet loca- <la..Y 06. $8; 2 wheel Harri. tr1lll· Dale's F,urniture !loft. Other Marlnu to •hare u. ,90. &12 W . Balboa Blvd., % br. drive to bue.. • bedtooma.. Balboa. Harbor 0698-W . 8&c88 1929 Karbor Blvd., Coeta Mesa 2 bat.ha, living room. kitchen. Phone Beacon ~107-W Suitable for two coupJes. Utilt- BICTCLIC (MONARKJ .83c84 tlel included. $78 mo. C&U Har. Br&lld new, at1U In crate .. _$45.00 i.ta.ny a bli deal ha.a bffu. made 2278-)V. 86c87 A trro WANTED lD excha.ac-e for thn.i a amaU Want. Ad VERY ~RA~~ • ~ $160 c redit on n«w dt&rnond, 2 · A"' "' ...., ......... "" q..,a ... ~. Bea.con' 51l:i day1. 86p88 -------------.One bedroom., bd.utttully turn· --.0.1'11, 8Ul'J'Lllill I.abed, av&ll&ble by the nu>nth. NEARLY NEW Hlggl"" J><>ya' bl-TWo bedroom apartment, turnlah· he&t.er1, new top. Showa beat care. Kl. 3-2996. ~e an otter. 8&p87 1948 OLDSMOBILE is, 4-dr. di&. aedan. Radio, beat.el-, ~ aid•- wa!la, Hydr&maW:, ~.000 mue1. 2$41 Creatvfew Dr.,! Bay Shorel. Beacon 5H8-J. .e6p87 •l&l Blbl• nudy. Th• ••ur<b '" Given to Church ~ratlng with other chu.rchea f cycle. All extra.a.. $-45. Phone Ha. STAR BOAT, % m•,naU• ~ tnJl. ed in be&utltu.l decor. By month Juot how many nth are killed 2etS.J. 86c88 er. Good oondlUoIL $700. Har-.,. ,_ny. i-_ G&r&pa wltll by dynamlte blaat.t Wied in the un· bo< SU ... Kim 9101. 85plO both. Evelyn Rama, 1837% in the area in atte0ding the Chriat for Oran~ County rally beinC held in Anaheim niG"htly . T . W . Wilaon. uslatant to Billy Ora.barn. noted evangelist; U. conducUn&" the meetings. They are being held at the Anaheim packing plant building which baa seating capa- city for 3.000 aild is well heated. A"empt En.try , of Gas Station A beautiful brass mlMaJ ata.nd waa preae.nted to the Newport Harbor Lutbuan cburcb by Mr. /."d Mn. Donald C. Wedek.lq. 1920 Chu.rcb St., Coat& Mua... The ~"'--Ill memory of Altred Wede- king, ""\lier ot Donakl Wedellins. A memorial laocrlptlon bu been Vll"f"\Ved on the ataod and it bu been plililed. uilon tbe alter Wber<! it .U.:ff to hold the altar Nrrice book. derwater ikarch for oil depc>91t..I INNERSPRING db1. mattress A: MOORING FOR SA.LS _ Moor-Miramar, B&lboL 86pl7 . ._ off u.e Colllomla cout "'111 be de-box •pr\q. PG for both. Ph. tac ,.. Lido C!>aanel hl A-1 _,. LOANS For Jlo~ termine4 till> apr\DS In teota au-Hut>or 1187-J. 87c89 dlUon. Handle u footer. ·~~ LIDO ISI ,Ji: thorls<d by the Fbh and Game Bo S "'"" St Loo ••-loo U. If -· .,...t a NDllO .., UDO RlllOULAl\ 4\6'JI; 10.IO ,.,._, Commlulon. DOMIUITIC OIUENTAL RUO-. p • ._ ., __. •-O. 1. 4% (ZO _...) 14pl7 1111.S --. Saoorol 1ooe11 ,.., A 11peelal permit hu been laue4 12 • 15, $86. Ph. Bea. eoo&-R. apta. ,._, -•'"'leblt nu. 414 ~ ...,. 19!") to the Union Oil company and th• 8'7c8D BOOKS c.on.tzue. l..GraM NMi1'~1• yn.) Scrlpj>ll lnatituto of ~ BOOKS-SEA: P. A. PAT.MER No Oommla cbS· oit -1oau for a tllree·w .. k -.. of axport· l().&-AJ'PUANCES A llDa -ot -cm o8 ,-C.. INCOftPORATlllb Wo buy oa4 Mil iTrujol. )Dooda ..... u . Live -l'lllb wlll IM ........ ,......,.... oll --NA Via Udo -1llOe C.t.ll. BOB 84-'n'Ul:Bi placed in cageo •I ~ cloptluo LAUNDal.t.LL, a yn. old, juot -I ...... ~. -Har. :19fl I« ~ ~ and dlsUnceo """'tM blqta. Dll· o-b&uled, S116. Phone Harbor The Js)apder& ~ PODUIB-~Qll,00. BALBOA ' A.Li. ELECTRIC 2 bedroolllll Uld pa.uec! ui porch• tumlshed. Near bay. 1 Prlced to SELL QtnCK! Balboa Realty Co. 700 E . B&lboo Blvd., Balboe Phone Harbor 153 ao,....tNCOlllE PROPERTY YOUR ANNUITY Service Stat.ion under lon1"·tenn leue to Unk>n. Oil Co. I Like money in tile bank). WW carry it.MU Jit.Bd ~y ott truet deed in lea thaD 8 year• ~t the ra.i. of '$2.000 per yeir. . • Harbor Investment Realtors SOU\ at .Newport Blvd fl.arbor 1600 81-REAI, ESTATE EXCHANGE VIEW PARK -4 bdrm, 3 bath home. Will trade tor Balboe or Newport home. Call Landaue r Realty, i22 Crenshaw Blvd., ~ .Angeles, ~· AX l-~261. 87p92 &7-REAL ESTATE WANTED • Too Many Buyers We need llstiap of all kinda ot ~"~?!ty r.r~-b:.:. :.~~ ~~ ~ ·kffll le Lifting. Fo~ ac kib, itee o call I r B.A.NERESON MR.A Mu)t1p1e LJsttng Office 1982 Newport BJvd., Costa Mesa Pbone Beacon ~2%ll WANT t or 5 bed.room home on waterfront-must be claaa. wANT bay tron.tage-60 to _ioo rt.. NEED % BEDROOM HOMES. ' Client.a watttn&'. ftENTAL LISTINGS WANTED. Wabt Real Estate Broket" or Sale•- man Aaaociate. _ JOE CALLI Lie. Real El!ltate Broker 212% Newport Blv4., Newport Bch. Phone Barbor ZUW . 85p87 Listinp Wanted WE NEED HOMES, Lido i.'ie, B&yalioreo, Newport Hef&bto, Coote ~ Bayfront. NBC RCAI.TY 00. 3116 Newport Blvd., N.,_rt Bch. . - w ANT HOME Ot dupld Oil or ,,.... ._ !l'<lllt, lffwJ>ort or --· 0....... only. B•can 1108.J. ' - "------ferent typa of c:ll!Wgw will M UO.ll 84lcU nmNl8HSD A'p4 to*-• couple Metro~. ll'll!ljlo Kl $41.1111 IN .. __ , .. -• k th -~--• IH **"' ...... Iii. , llu INI o~T w_,.__ a• D NEB FOR 11 ~ w me<: e ~·-on •-n~ • 4311...,. .,.... . . 'All &It.empted W"i&l tnll'y 'or Kr. &Dd ·Mn. Dwllu lllDe&ly 'Ufe. • Ul:80 tD8 p C-. -8liplT' · · !ti THE PRESS the Mobil Servlce •t&tlon, CoUt of -II:. --a• r~--The · ...... ~ ... -~--·--.... WE REPAIR TWO PADD ~ ..--• ~oRTGAG w.n'ANS .._. -. --. -...... -~...._ ----~ eoee••.,-..._ Bot.b tor ue, or N ::s:= __ .. ,..... _ .sa. .... w .. , Hlgb-.,Y and Balboe Blvd., New-ap.-1 ... -8&pOI')' tbe otl!er ~ le b<'cln In )(,&y or June an~..!'!...::".!:~~-~ .... : ~ .od.: Coll ... _ a?U-W.~~ .... ·~.:~~"" .. Wll':".~ Ll!!."''!111114 ~ i.--·THI:. Hau-s.111~Es port and ·Balboa Blvd., Newport even!ftC when their guuta w..-e la oeean -ton near LaJolla. San ~-~ ·---· ~ -911111 • -omrm. ...-. -, ,_ n ~ I; .IO.ff m 8-ob waa dlacoverod by t New-Mr. and Mn. Arthur -Dtqo county. bla appl!onCM. ll!J'ftOOTll T.-______ ...;..._~ __ .;.._ 1 ladud. M5 -to '8ly l.!!t. ...,. , • port Be&d> polk'<o prowl ca< at and -Ronnie, Mr. &nll Mn. -----Wbskle Bardwva, 1'02 Newport Walt'a "'-"'~ Poat 41.40 ~-Oil.. ..W. lad. ta• · iJ. W . TH/S POST· a :•O a. ... W--·· Olln ... ~ ·-• -· o•.u~ aod. PLU08 S'POLCN Bml.. OOOta -BM. om. .a .. ~ le JQI)' UC.. -°"'MIT•¥. . ~ ..._: • 9\111!1& •-< ' ~ -N --~ -•T-.a ~-..:--~ o --l07.• n . -· . ., . .' -_., • Officera noticed that the lock Ropr-. AIM In U!e poup were th< nett or O'Q&!'k p1up n.hled at .u----, . • and bup "" th• fl'Ont dooP or a.. boot ~ dtJWroll cam.t,ta 1100 ttom, 111e v!!lol\ ou Stot.IO!l. ------------,.;. s • lln•oll' n•ax.1' aa:rn. ~ _ l. _,.s :W• 8-J, ud·8ell ; D111'8 '°"'.;.__:...: · -.. Co~ilip .. S orn .. W been bodl.Y twlate4. On an4 Tury ~. ~ ~ K&<tne· A....._ a.-!l'O ll11T .., llll IL · Xllt .. * . HP 'mrt .-. ,..,.. ..-,, . • -•. !f'C "liool'FVW;r< ,...._ tn...upUon It W&o found Jlllul>.t wu 1_.t.4 to NJiwpwt ------------I ..... ftL-. -•--~ ... 0 .. _ f ..J • that the roar window C1YU the ota-NOlll'lll. IN IU.KW (lftT -I"""" M S:U p. !IL~ -· "" ••• •llte. cu '.-: LCM• tv =· q;' JM& ... ~ ~.nvt ... u.,., ttore..oom w -.. broken. KJ:a. .....,.,,.. ..__ or .sq. TM~ 1a -io .... BOOKS WANTED _.., . ~· --~ oa It• t &...&_._ but J>O mtryhad -macla. •-loll -,,for =.r 11• CltJ' -••Od -u... 1··--twill call a» IN;J'. • • • • •••• ..... · ·--BUll'A1fel J ~ IOWW• A~ io tho report, tbe·or-'"'*" 9!' w111 Ylelt ~ -t1o11,... -1 M7 cw MmmJ>. '· '.fu';"3 ~Y ll'llD, ••••• -.t"l'i -N. -t...,.. 11,t., '*"' t • -. w. .,. ,... ~ Afh-erfW.ll, ~44 l!ad lnopectocl the ·....._ t...-, ............. - -Sl&ltt -DI. ..... plup --. ~Roa'.! Qoo: I AJ!IC,'MFIJ 14. -..... st 4t 0.-. l&IO>C4fi a••~ »!Ni UL >I " .. m. -~ -...... --· -......., .... w.. '""" • -IFI -otallaD --· 11116-• • .. I I • ow. -11'19-M ...... OONDa --· ,.t.ftU.'lle a.t.YVIOe a ~ ..-. l: '""•"'•"'•• -.._. -~t U,.nl~ty or Ku lo ~ , . I W 11p11 -· ,· _,,, --~~...,. t'-· -f' f V ""' ' • ( • • . ' ~;•e•e•s•e•s•e•e~;•s •e•sc•c•c•e~.s•p•s.-•a•c•t•t•,t•c•s•:-.:•o•\•&•s•c .. s~a-,z .. ~z~z..,ss~s~s~s~s~s~s~s~=~•~•~•~ ...... ,.,.,.,~;·••a":':"'.,.."'":',... ............ .....,~~""1"~~~~~~..,...':"""'"'.'""~~"':7'"~~,.,-~-·-·-·-·~-·~·-·~~:--,:"""~~~ .... r-:::~--"'!"'l'!"J,....~".:'::"~"""'i;-:"T"~...,,'IT~!"::T<l'l7'"r-r"!:"""l'l'lll"!~-...,.'I>:':':-'--.... '='~..,.. ' I I· I I. • I ' ' • • • ' • < ·REAL ESTATE ' • • OWNER WILL SACRIFJ;C~ Charming 2 BR hotl8e with nice patio, J'lot 1'rge, but attractive. Reduced to $13, 7ll0, See thla one tor your 11UD1mer ho11Jmace--. . $2500 ·DOWN PAYMENT buys this attractive 2 BR home in Newport Hgt& Has bay ·view. Full price $10,(JOO. NEAR TOWN and TRANSPOl,tTATION Older S BR home -ideal tor summer beacll houae. Midway between bay and ocean. Will trade up (or larger house in area. OWNER MUST MOVE and will ~ attractive 2 BR redwood cottage. Double gar&g'e sbeaaed far apartment. R-2 •Oil•. A ,.al buy at $8,9ll0. Will oooaiiler lot in &1'4ja aa part pa}'lllent. BEAUTY SHOP One of the busineat shops in are.a. Good income. 3 booths. Good location and lease. Excellent oppor- tunity at $3,500. BAY AND BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. Gloden 'fa.y Harbor 1264 BA.LBOAISLAND BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colonial home in choice location near North Bay. Extra large mas~er bedroom with dre8fin&' rQOlll and apa· cJous closel-'I. Sheltered patio. Bather's show· er, double garag'e, forced air heat. • STANLEY HADFIELD 216 Marine, Balboa laland Harbor 20 • ATTENTION INVESTORS 'Selected by Multiple 1,istillg "Best Buy of Week" Thia 2 bdrm home· la 1ocated only Enjoy home ownership \\'Ith a • 1 blk from Newport city hall. good int";.ome. Here is an ogpor-Sullt ln 1940 th1a 1a not a k&c,h tuni~y to buy 3 homes tor-the •hack, but La good coatruction prlcQ. of ONE. Live in one and with woOd noorp a.nd pl .. ter in- enjoy income from the others. terior. Price LS really right - Thia la a nearly new unturniBhed $6$)00 TRIPLEX canst.sting of two 3 CQNSIDER TRADE ro1t. bedroom Ullils and a single one 3 BEDROOM. HOUSE. Multiple bedroom wnlt. On LlDO ISLE aDd on tbe 'BA YFRONT thJa Llatlng No. 16'J. ahou,fd be a lif~loqc lneome. .Uk About Thia at 4ay v1.,.., pr1 .. te ~. condltioQ MUJ..TlPLE LISTING RLTR ot buJ.ldtnga are DmLUXJll. Thl8 86c88 la ~ !Apted for retire-' -----,.-------~ menJ; OT.. u a ·~ tJtve~ menl... At $4.8,ftOO Ut.ta ill the price of ''ONE'" BAYP'RONT home. Excelltnt terms -SEB TlllS, ALSO on the BA YFRONT one of the tine bomea of tb.i.8 area. On a large lot with fine privacy this is a 2-atory home with 4 bed- room&, Iarre den, 3 ~ bathJI, all steel electric kitchen, Ther- mador electric h eat throughout, pier and slip and m~y other splendid features. Home 1.1!1 tur- nlahed and c.an be bou(ht at special price and· terms. Thia-"< ls SOUND VALUE. . l3A~ BA.Y 1 ~ ACRES -lA time offered for sale. Beauti,-Ul vte-w. _Reltrtcted area. Call for information. New Lido I~le READY SOON -3 bdrm, J-b&th, dining-den. Corner fireplace. Forced air heat. bar-type kltqh- en, 2-car ,.,,..ge. Cor .. , at. to at. lot. SWI tlme to cbooae your OW1l colors. Price $22,000. ALBO 2 bdr11U1. and den, l %. ~tha on 111' 1ota. Beautiful large patio, deluxe conatructlon. Truly a ffne home. $22,500. $4750 Full Price ALSO ctrrE BEACH HOU&E, 1 block fr'om beat baf'Jiing beach. Build- s d . bl 1 f _ _, _ Ing In good cond. $4 750, t\irn. ome very es1ra e o ta or ~ on Ll,DO ·1sLE. Choice water-Lido Bldg. Sites tront ~9ll for incoP:te .uni la ,ri M-tt. try>n~ ·~alee loc .. ~7 ,MO cro9 ~etreet lots ·ab pr~ w 3~ ti ~~3 · ..,..--·-·····;sV,000 undtr::. their . value111,. Rcmem 15-ff.1 side ~--.. ···r·:if'··-~---.. ,13.500 we ~ tl>e DEVEtol'fRS ~f 66-tt. I ldf 16,t. 'beat loc. 'S 7,000 l..IDO ISLi:. You v.111 profit by 36-ft lnslde ........................... I 2.~0 coming to our office. He.re a GREENLEA.F .6: ASSOC. little.buys a LOT. 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbol' 2MJ P .A. PAI.MER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lldo Newport Beach, Calif Harbor 1500 • VIEW LOTS WIDE ~ acrr loU on new street. overlooking Back Bay. Beat diat.r~ict, aJ) utilities. Only $3000. NICE 2 B . R. CLOSE in, hwd. ,tile, Iola o! buUt-ln.a, gar. and guest houae. Ea.st side, S8450, terms. G. I. RESALE THREE lovely 3 bdrm homes on Eaat Side near. Harper school. Let us show you theae. Bette Best in Heights Th~a charming older t)om~ ls the one you have been looktng for. Larg~ living room with rock fireplace. Separate full at.e di.P- ing room. Qeautiful hand]ler- ged hwd floors. Thr@4 bed.rm.a., 2 medium lise and one huge m uter bedroom. Atl4c1*1 41>1. garage with 9.Jn deck-Very a.t- travtiveJy lan(bcaped with roc1' patio and many otheF fine te&· tu:rea. ' Call U1'I an th1a 1'0W Full Price $12,500 Lown Down Payft\ent G. I. $7:SO DOWN .. ' • DU·., .... 4b' m E• •• 9e > ' ; '° ., ~~!?°~!:,it~~ Price $8;500 •ll.600 -at ~ por mo. East'.sfde ~ to ocbo91 tnd Blvd. 1 bdrm home and 2 lot.I. can aell .-k>~ or rootn t.o build 2 more houau. Loll of fruit tree1. Price '6.liOO $1,000 Down at S50 per mo. - BE SURE and Look at This One of our best C.O.ta Meaa homes completely t\lmlahed, l&rge Jot, f~noe and J>4,,tio coet 13.000. Price ·$13,000 ' Com.rnerci~ Income Property 106 feet fu Blvd., with good 1~111. Room to expand-Income 5260 per mo. Price $25,000, terms G. N , Wells, Realtor and Associates 1'90 Newport B1Vd., Costa M ... Phone Beaoon: &1•1 Today's l3est Buy m CORONA DEL MAR G. I . ReSale Low monthly payment... 3 bdrm home, hwd. flpors, Tllenno controlled furnace. Well located. Close to ' I • • , CQRONA DW,~ PROPERTl(!S . Jtollert B. L)'rllt ' bel~ :sele:n L. Lyn -' ~ I • riJW PRICEP J!OMES AND ·lNOOME PROP~TY, C. D. M. ~ 2 B. R. HOlOI: fully twrusi.cl 3 B. R. ~me, f\ll'D., gOod loe. '87ll0 . .Hdwd, fin., vwy ~ ter'aa. $8900 3 B. a. Home. For .quick sale. ~llO ' SEVERAL Two unit Income ........ ___ ..... _ ............ -.. '.$14,500· 'and uv. 411 pood. EX~ DUPLJ!lX, cor. lot, ~bu 2 B. R., tnl)lace. only-.. $18,000 -' OCEAN VIEW DUPLEJ(, 1 blk. Beach, 2 B. R. .._ trpt, hdwd. nra. mooo Al9Q CG be purchued fu1!Y ~ -All newly leased. RENTAI.S-EASTER, SrnQ4ER, YEAR 'ROUND CORONA Dlfil. MAR PROPERTIES •u Cout Bo\ile;val'd Corona del ,.. ~ r Famihouse )lotel Barbor ~OST .1;J1JA Harbor 1063 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor L. S. JONl!lS J . MAR'l'JN 311 Marine Av.e., Balboa. Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Hlir. 746-M or Bea. 6042-R Eves. BALBO~ IS,IANP -Beautiful • ~ turn. home , 2 baths, near No. Bay and shopping center. Patio, dbl. gar., laundry rm. Priced to aell. CORONA DEL MAlt -Charmlng S bdrm. ranch type home, near the water. Built for ip:acioua liv- ing. Large master bdrm with fireplace. Two patios. Priced at $16,000 for quick BaJe. BALBOA BAY FRQN'(' HQ¥1:, 4 bdnns, 3 batha, private beach, pier and float. A real buy at $40,000 BLAJllCHE A. GATES -R&LTOR BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM -home with private guest room and bath. PLUS beautiful 2 bdrm income apt. with sun deck PRICED ONLY $26,500 Partly furnished THIS WON'T LAST LONG SEJ: IT TODAY MARILYN F. LEIDY, Realtor 315 Marine Ave, Balboa Il!Iand Phone Hubor 11158 Harbor Investment . Realtors LIDO ISLE Off Sea.son Sp~ial 4S-tt. lQl -2 bdrm•. fireplace. walled patio, barbecue, doubl"e .-ara1e. 513,950. Beach Home . CHilAPIE! and nJce. Balboa Pen- tn.ula ln best loc. Small beach cottage, &ood. .size !Iv. rm,-f1re- pJace, redwood fence, eo1ne turn. i't!LL PRIC E S7 ,ij()(), Swimming Pool? Cle&naed by the flow of the tlde--- Supplled by the ·grace ot nature -heated by the rays of the sun -a beautitul 42·tt. BA YFRONT lot -EL BA YO TRACT ( cor- ner J. Leu than $400 per front root. BALBOA. COVES Waterfront lots, $4350 up Harbor Island • . . ' . •.-.. , . .._AB l j J _,,. • • "''· -.n. ' , ' ... CHECK ~~ OVER '1_'01.>A~~ BUY NOW -~ PRICE$ A.RE; RIGlft'! j '-·-- NF;WPORjr ~EACH M·l ZONg • ....-I • MOD~ INDUf:mUAL BLDG. MOO aq. ft., 30 ft. metfl doors. A·J condition. Cunot be cNpllet.t.td for th• aalting pqce of $31,500. - OR OWNER W:JLL LEASE all or 7100 tq. ft. For detail& calli ).{ary Dickson , }(arbor 1013 or (eves. Harbor 2092-W ) On Marine Ave., Balbea. lelaru:l 'l'hree business l>ldgs. all occuplod with •·1 Wi- ants .. SQQ"'. 11 %1 net or betttef .. No p!tone ctlls please. See Mrs. Maroon ~ · Earl Si.nley office. . \ ' Have ~a:ny Chqice Homes on Balboa lslan~ $12,500 to $85-,000 I • -- FOR LEASE Buainess Property Smalt hou.ee on 'Marine Ave., J;lalbo~ Island. One . room suitable f'!r busineea plus bachelor •pt. . . - ALSO FOlt RE;J,.EASE -Buain-property on ~llJilt~ Ave. Stqre room pl1111 2 bedroom apt with fireplace , attrac~vely fuz:niahed. Sllitab}e for small - business, or profe111ional people. · Balance 011 lealie approx. 2 '(:, yrs. 11t $1M mo. FOR LEAsE in Laguna Beach Attractive, lar&"' 1 bdrm furnis)led apt., ocean view . Single residence property pll,\8 prage. A &'ood deal for t~e right people. Owner u.ys "No amokeni please.' Call ·Mrs. Maroon, Harbor 17711 . OCEAN FRONT SPECIAL . A'M"R. RlDDWOOO Home on Clean Bandy S.Scta 2 B.R. den. Furn., patJo. :Fenced. Ta.stefulJy turn. 511,MD. ter'Qla. ALSO choice ocean ft. cor. lot, clean •andy be1Rh $31&0 - everything. Owner going' ------------------------ Baytront homr ·beat In gracious living. 1 sty. rambling home . TropicaJ . setting -3 bdrm and maid's room. 3 ih baths, g-arden, private beacb, pier and slip. Beautiful tunlishlngs. Shown by appointment. Contact Mrs. Dlckaon , Harbor 1013, Eves. 2082-W • Ea.ct -wants quick ac- tion . Be sure to SEE THIS BALBOA ISLAND Harbor Investment Realtors BOAT OWNER'S A TTEN'l'ION ! TODAY! Earl Chamberlain 500 Coe.at Blvd. Corona del Mar (Opposite Newport Harbor Ba.n.k i Phone Harbor 2288 MODERN 2 BR HOME. Juat 3 yrs. young. Has fireplace and Panel Ray heat. Ni cely located on corner for garage apt in rear. Newport Blvd. at 30th St., H . 1600 . IDEAL .VACATiclN HOMJ:-Rl1"ht on tho Channel IUld ' only a atep t o markets. Bulkhead, pier and noat. Well built, 3 years oJd. Sleep• 10 easily. 8P4cloua llvtnc room. Fireplace. PB.tio, Barbecue. Dbl. prace. Ample .torag-e. i'ull price J18,500. See UU. without de.llJ.y ! $15,500 !Approx. y, Caah) The Island 82tfc VOGEI, VALUES Corona del Mar LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 812 Marine Ave. Phone Har. 2042 BALBOA. IS{..AND Now You Don't Need to Bother BUllding- Contact Mrs. Dick.Aon, Harbor 1013, Ev-ea. 2092-W. ~L 1 W. STANL~ A 1TR..A.CTIVJ: n e w 2 .. bednn. borne. Front porch. entnr hall a.nd c1oset. Llvtng rm. 13 " 18. Brick flPeplau. Panel ray. Hdwd. tloora. -Large window• BEST BuYS E. Side, Costa Mesa 'throughouL Extra largo cloHUI 2 BDRM CAPE COD HOME. in bedroom•. Bath with Mower Garage, larre corner lot. 69Jll•.O. over tub. Standard fixtures. , Near >Llndbet(h school. $7,000, Linen closet. El~. heater. K it-terma.. che.u lO x ll wlth ®uble Ule stnk and tile snack bar. Large breakfast nook with comer win-dow•. Room tor automatic laun- dry. Good nelghlxlrhood near nuvkela. Price only S~. 12,- 000 down and S75 month. 3 BEDROOM HOME, near mar- ket.a. Living rm. 14. x 20. hdwd. tk>ora. Furnace, fir eplace. Dln- lngroom. Large closets. A well bu.Jlt home. Price $12.900. 16,- 900 G. I., ''a. loan at Sil per mo. Incl. taxes. insurance and 2 BDRM hou•e •nd carar-e oa 1 acre near new Alpha Beta mar- ket. $7 .600 Additional acre $2,500. Industrial lot , 63x290. $1 ,000. terma GOOD LISTINGS WANTED ROBT.H.MOTTET Bea. 6224-J Res. Bea.. 5137-J l 900 Harbor Blvd COST A loOl:SA I 4!"'reo~ ;.;I ''· --~,-.-.~-.-.. -1.~. ---- 11 I ,. t ' ~ t I '· I \ · · ....._ B"'1~. c.o.Ym HQwe· ' ~orona 'de! M'a'.r · J•. u New large 1 bdrm. home on ocea.n aide of highway -PLUS · 2-car garage with apt. on rear of lot. Knotty plne living rm. 15 x 24. DlltJng ·area. Home i.i partly Modern 2 bedrms and den, 2 b&lha. Large living rm and dinln&' rm. and ~· crulaer, $6 ,000 down. See owner, 1"40 West Bay Ave. or Phone Har. 0896-M. ?ah turnlshed with the beat ratla.rl ------------ f'Urnilur"t. New gaa range. Price 112,600. Has an 18,000 loan at ''5 per month. Newport Hgts. Lot M> x 127 ~ on best street 1n the Belghta. Close to scttooi.. . . . only a few good Iota left. PRICED TQ agt.J. The John Voeerco. 1301 Cout Hwy., Corirna del Mar Phone Harbot 1741 or Bar. 1477 Eveninga Harbor 893-M Today's Best Buy m CORONA DEL MAR $9,650 -$2,000 dn. New 2 t>ec:iJ'OOm CAPE COD. Bard. wood floora. Large kitcben. Wt. We.11 k>cated R -2 lot. Rm. for l more unit. See thll bai;B"•ln today! DO NOO' WAITI 86c88 This ,Beach Home Could -Be y OUFS ! AS LOW AS $2,850 down-and convenient terms on balance. 2 bdrm home of cement block con.tnictlon. Fireplace with heatilator. Formica bar, wired tor electric ranee. Exhauat fa.n, extra.._ large living room, lots of 'Qullt-1na and storage facilities. lieady tor 2nd atory. Large Jot. enclaaed yard. S.,own by app't or Inspect Sunday. See any Mul- tiple LlstinI Broker. 124 -36th St. Newport Beach Available, oq attJ:aptive co r- er, a nicely atyled home with a~odern kitchen, 3 bedroo nd den, 2 baths plenty of tile, fireplace, good heat and oak floors. There is a lo,vely Alpine atyled living · room · with open beam ceiling and lovely unpainted mahog- any panel wainscoting and dining alcove. The exterior finish is of large shakes with splashed brick decor. Redecoration to suit buyer can make this one of the moat colorful and attrac- 11th and Coa.tt Hljvay Newport Beach Realtor 615 Coast Hlway Cqron• del Mar 225 Marine Ave. Balboa t.land 111111 IJld -Newport Beaeh 3113 Newport JUvd, Newport Beaoh CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX ,South of highway, 2 yrs. old. ONLY $9000 • CHOICE OF TWO 2 bdrm homes. Each $2500 dn. ; ED L. SEDELMEIBR. Realtor 1523 Coa.st Highway, Corona de! Mar Harbor 2766 Mr. Home and tive Island homes. Being ,• ;i1Jn,.nms.t.Buyer! .. , s91~ iinf1,11:11W!~ and mos~; IR_mtA<,T V!JY·P·f!·t' ;;j··.' ••.. Ii ~t ·., ' ! l"'lf'1'7't7,k.T\,,..;.,..' ?~ablY. "'Ce\\ ~t. $~ .. i .t rr'f'~; ~flf ~ ~ ! . 11 , OOfW>i!'t.Ar 'UJ'l';L MAR '' ~.! CaQ•.for>lhowfn't\Dy-:ON.-1\11!11 POlNT ....:, jl~ · ' ' ., ' ,' , 3 BDRMS AND DEN, 11> bat!>•, ·time. s B. R., 2 bat!> borne{ 'Thia wW CO'JtON'A J)t!;L M~R z.-car p.n.•e. Hobby room Bild be moat attractive when com--~­pleted. Clo.ae to goodl Bay b&th-:p~o== ~.:'h~;_~r;:: J . A. BEEK OFFICE •ng ia beat r•••d~tlal area. $16,500 Ea.!Jy Terms excellent condltlon. 118,500 full Balboa Island Ferry Har 63 5J 5,ooo. DUPLEX, corner lot, 21 bedrooms ~ price. Term• available. BR.ANO· NEW-Duplex. eaeh. Hardwood firs., fireplace. ~88 Not yet completed' but far 2 garacu. I laundry room•. The ANDRESEN Co. 602 Cout Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 1540 enough a.long to gi'4& you the Well located. well-planned room arrangement. Mr. Income Blfyer: There will be a 2 B. ft. Apt. up "Thia II F-Or You" and a 2 B. R. Apt: ;doWn, sun Priced l\ight Terqu R.lgbt Friday, Saturday & Sunday deck, 2 car garage. ~UJ of nice OPEN HOUSE 1 ...,. 5 P.M. featurea. $18,500. , . Earl Cb.amberlain G. I. Resale $1950 Dn. 127 SaJJ>phire Ave. NEWPORT Hli:IGHTS ,--a B. R. 1100 0oaat wv4. Coron& de! Kar 4% LOAN BalhAa. Isl d Home on Lorge lot. 'l'lllllbM ~ COppooita Newport Harbor Bank) $33.70 lncludu tax.ea A: in.surance -t -an charm and distlnctton. Kany Phone Hvbor 2281 82tfr on lhll nice 2 bdi:m. home. 04ly FULLY F1JRNISHED ready to extra&, loU of tile, ffPL t:M.t '8 l blk. Eut of Newport IJilvd. move tn. ~· cepUonal buy for different,• book.cue, 1'uge ward-~·ut 1939. Excellent· condition ituruortor 194 oonalructton. Four robe.I, o&k floors. 1.4u'ge 2~ DIVORCE ~• r-1arage PI.,US a wo•;i..Mp aod • • • and Wf'll landkaped. large· bed ma, two of wtµch $ •re over K"l..f&ge with their own laundry. Move rtgbt ~! TNiy a CAUSES THm VERY D£8IR... Earl Chamberla,in 7950. bath and ..,parate, patio en-· BUY •t w .m . ' ABUt. NIDWJ'ORT lfPGBT8 G , I . RESAl·E llOO Caul Blvd. Corona del Mai; t.ance. lduJ for 2 famUlea or J:j'lcOME PROPli:RTY-1-$10.000 ao:M:c:..,"" IOJd at AVCI'ION for reqtaJ, t:uoual featurea 1n. 3 • Aplo. •· 4 oleeplng rooma. \Illa Sunday, -4111. Open Houae \Oppoolte Newport Harbor -> Best Buys in elude 11..ao living room, flag-Rl•ht tn t11e Heart t s.i-! 2 bdrt!l4 and >!en, workallop, neat Phone Harbor 2118 atone firep and pl&nt.era, -and cleu. l'u.,..aabed or unfu~ SUNDAY 1 to II P.M. 83\!c Newport Heights clever kl\ch,-, i/'lorcom. •Y•tem Thia will mtk• mono~ for aome-lllahed. aia: THIS LOVELY HOM2 at ve.netlon . blind• throughout. . oae! : Bee Ut !or --·-·~-B .A .NERESON MR.A. Multiple Uating Ottice 1982 Newport Blvd.: Coat& Mesa Phone+ Beacon 5226 ••~1 ~ Ra bo Cliff Ha <;lean ""4 attrcc\l•~ t ~ll> home ~ ..,.-~~-~ Braad new 3 bdrm,~ "'I. f\., lge. ~ _,.. r r, ..,. CORONA DEL J4AR n.J the high ttehoo1. 3 yra. old. rr•ced belo dupl\~ cooto. llOUTB ~~TY 00. Uvtng ,_.. and dlntn' ~m, I ~ -Drapea and "'P . . hwd. tlJ>ora, dbl pr, llondo pcj, Ml< fQt Mr •. Mottram "Multiple U.tleg IU!&ll<>n'' .l . ¥arbor !nVestlJlent lot.o ot iu, tn kltehen qd be.ti!. ""~ i'rlce6 to Mil -•% 2 13odnP. ~. bjtwlf. flrai, $4 .200 dill ' .AT ~D 30I -s.1. llll~J, ll&r. 20M 30th &net Nowporl ..,i. J'lrtplace, fUmace, lot llOltl.M loeJI with "'O!llls!Y paJl!Mllts of enclosed yard PLUS 2 bed-. •on•". """°'W..l!il\o "NEAR P#. N" ~ 1800 BEST BUY ON BALBOA POINT Very attraetlve. Loe~ oe MS.JO Including taxeo and In-.... , '4'0••'<JV RATEi.> . • s bdrms, 2 hatlu:, fenced patio. tin• ._ -·-ta ea.a •-.....-. rm. apt. over ....., gvagoa. v1a Lldo , JUKE Ol!'J"ER on duplex. no ~~%i ~ :.J~ mod-otffi!l °"" _: Ullo home ""'°" Sunday w,ep. 1oca~ fJ.0.750. ~ ,.Beacon Hill. R-ealty N~ ~ C.Uf 2 lledPoollla and Df.1! Orand 0:na1. -1to. IJIP:An.\ 41M! Newport Bl\>d (abo .. An:hu) ~ lllOO Paru.lfy.~~ ...... , Oil· M~ l'IL J:ll~·"'81.;, ~-----------~ :!:r '!:n':":io~~ -· at ~ OAJ:::;~ Mr. Kempton at H.ar-!\;M HQM!:. Lge. ""-WlfQOll fflWl LOVilr..Y S M. ·11> be.th c-patio. :r~ 111~. . ~Jiii OPEN HOOSE p ' ir. Ar 'A-.. ~om: :: ljrge iqt, ~ . Ttc7e ~ ~= :,::=, ~ eoroaa clet JW .. vs,. ~'l"'i" For. S.le ~y 0,wner s~ e to 5 • A. ,r.p ~.' aiv• ~Ill vJew trokn .IQ11e. aidtlr "· --cau· Har: , -. . ' 11 LIDl)..U:lill Ji,osm, 4' ~Jot. t 507'.TUSTIN AVE p~·SULlJVAM -JNOOill'ORATED ly liaoel~ llvi,ng rm.' BAI.BOA ISLAND bor 2046. ...,.. N.., J-l)oll:e. 'pa . ~1f!lwllr.""'"4patlo 1 NR.>Poa:r ID:IGBl'll ~. . C.. -!!.?:"', U Vla'Udo OPEN SVND.\T; 1·$ P.~..:. OOQd 1-lloa. ueot. ment $2000. I __, Jla1~l1 P•,. N-.. ~~--1-Collt See 608 Se"""""d "Dd. • ~ 1ncom. '-OWner ..-... to w MESA , 1,._ • . .. 919,~ K9>' ~ ~ . I toirm, Q. !I', EVERSON . -,...__ &" -r•~-• tlal ...-...., ~,a;Jf, ""' .,...,, J"N ~I-Inda~ -floora. . • I Jlti.l.TQIP, • Tjl'V'\-17 •. •• Corona Ria~Cks vu4er ~.000 IJ new'3-B 119,me, 'J...1' ---ll&AL'l'()IUI t ~~ -~~=.;.-~-' """""'p04. ~-prtcea1· at ttcl No...--Cool&~ -* ~ ', _ -larc• )Jv. · , , llnplo°"' ~ Ill Clout"""" · '.wt I •-?'~.,__ $}\TllO, i....-. ~ . ~-. MH-W , • ' LOI\.-ty.llOQ. --• "" ... ,.-PrM '7'1-'H r -;;;;w;;;n;;;~..,;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;:-;::;;:;::· ·~ v•"51 ..,,...-._ -•-o.11-._.... -""lqpf Waat.4-41oo B 1'slc -11'=t·1oca-..,-~-::.-"' •c;,,.M;'::l-"'8i ' ' J'll<'ll't!~••". ' l'IEWl'Ofl't ~ with -~ &qJ.w w B s -'iMl 'llft. -~ .....,,.,_... ' t1'e1d4 -IJonqi •---· ,.,. lllf7 ~-...... -....... ~.:;::.;:;::: OOJO'AC'r Cool& .... blplea. fti1'~t~12~~"°:' ~ SmitJa. ftealtolt--Mswt --:: 1..¥t"" ' • ---~~----- -~L ---~ l<it, -ia• ... su.aoo. ,.. ..,..~ to --UOll ~ lllw:l;J. CllftlM ... -irar... -. ---t ... _ •::-•. ..;-3 • = ..::= ~'A •;:•0 :,. .._. 7:,. .. ~1r 11....,. · .. 11e11 ... ·, a.a-•••~ o ·• •r -.· n , rs a · .nss · ._,..., "-. • .,. '"'* -a tt;1 ,, 1 , .... _ . .... • l· . ' 0 ' ' i • '· • • • ' • .. • . . • . -. , . ' • "FID STiii UIF''• WILSON'S SUCID ' SHOULDll CORN ·. KING BACON . CRLO TOP U. S. II . PXG. GUDID PRIME RIB ROAST LAMB C.HOPS 1·LI. 49· C 69t .. ~~:;. 7 9•. POiiK SAUSAGE·-;;~~:::·.::·49~ . 4 LIS. 25C ·La~. Gree• Newtow• Pippi .. APPLES --•'f"'""• ........ --..... ------ llpe, Swe,+, llverside Navel 'ORANGES ' ·': CARdROTS · , 2 Lis. 9c •, . \'-, iv~OCAD"Os-2--~.·-19-c -· U. S. No. 1 Large Smooth lu1Mt POTATOES 10 LIS. 29C IEST FOODS UIE-l'INT JAa. ONNAISE 41c . DUFf' LAIGE PACKA,GE H TROLL MIX 24c CA PIELL 'S-NO. 1 TALL CAN ORK & BEANS 11c • NU·MAID PIUSIUI\' , • COLORED PANCAKE Margarjne Iii FLOUR , 10-oL PklJ. 29c , 1·LB. PKG. 13c BIRDSEYE~ llllDS EYE 21 C p EA s 12.0L PKG. N lllDS EYE 19C: CUT COR.. 10.0LPKG. PERCH f lllET ~'!~~ ::.:. 4cr SUCC01ASB r,1~:~ ~~-2sc . oRAIGE JUIC~ --~r :~ -~~~ . ~ .··BE~AN-S ,~~~.19c GREEN . · . ' ' 40-oL "'" 24c , SMALL GUDE "A" FIESH EGGS ONIDOZIN IN CAITON .............. ... ....-.. -......... ..... . _ ....................... __ .. _..., 1115 IALL GllNDSI COFFEE l·L~. 79c: CAN MISSION FANCY 1· 4 TOMA T.OES Noc!!l C: CHU/IKl.ETS 25c: FANCY LIGHT MEAT -..,......,. .......... _,.,......... ....... ..........,..,.... -----------........ UKULELE HALF SLICES-No. 2 C•a , PINEAPPLE ......... .. ........... .. ------....... ·-·-.. ---~.,. , ' Golden State . . . .. . I. ' '· . •' . ' f : ,. • • ... • • , LAUl~•SCUD!IEl'S . ·· ~4C PE~ur ·.au-nn · ~ , 1....._ tltlr :r '"',;.. ! ••••••• : •..... TTER ' j •· 'i:)ELlCIOlJS-. Specia11 CMNWARE Bowu pk ~ 1·5t . _.. . ..... ..... Only . ,.5• '"'" '·' . .., .. o.111~. $late I . ~ . . r g:::-. 29" J -. -· .. ·- WHITI ;ING GIA~~LA;:D~= -GUPf~i~IJ .. '. ·· 11~ S 0 A. p )Qc Nola~ c.................... . . Lart• '1r•·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ~ ----·-· · .. ----· --·-----: p£DIGlEI SAlKMON 49c . ! DOCi ~;i~if :;:-·------! .FOQP .. · 10c . ; . · . _: IED DAlT SWEET PEAS a No. 303 Cao .. • ........... • HIN T~P 911ALl'!'Y tt: ·!I~ . . ..--_--H-EINZ---, j, · MAINEKIYLESS ·. w f ~t4PEI ._'~~1·,_;.'7{ ~ HEINZ Cream of Tomato SOUP 2 TALL 1·9C CANS ' • ~~~ 23c 2 '°1 1 Sc ! .C·ockta1l l No.2\ 3· 3· C ~ . can . -r---' Na. 2V2 c •• · 3 COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTERS DOWNEY NEWPORT IEACH CORONA DEL MM 121Ce111'Ht1h.,,lit1"'"" M C1•l;H.;..,l'f, .. ~~· o,O. llll.lp ....... •.,... ~ ~ • a.a .. lt po.I ' n...., ,..._, --•'1•,..: . , (~alijoa.~-1 . · 111• a •WALi.. Wini II. litlW! . - IHI I. Pl~TONI ILYD. AT~AYI. c ..,,_ DllllJ 'Ill Ml I 'to . WITH.-PLENTY OF FREE PARKING : . amTIB Tl I • . . • • • • I -. I • I I • • \ • • ' • '• • ·, nGUBE8 DON'T LDl -'Orup ()out eollep'• -Yan11e,.-... D Of .Mr. -Mrs. Q.·ft'.·y.,....,,, JHO z. Oeeu ,.,_'-Balboa, wbo aeored SS .Pol•l>I In bl• ftnal ....... FrldaJ DIP'--l!P lllo new IEa&teru ronfettoee bUkeU.U Jadlvldual acortq record ol !45 pOla .. ln. ll pme:L ~ II ftp,_ate BALBOfs ro8oBY ARDLEY SETS ,LEAGUE SCORING MARK; PIR.ATES 'FINISH 6TH Although orange Coul College flnlahed in a sixth place lie In Eastern Conference ba'"dtelball com- peliUon, <fne Pirate player, Bob YartlJey of Balboa., est&bll.shctl a new individual ecortna record for league play. 1 During a ae&son or 12 conte-:ence games, COB.! t was victorious In only two pmee, beating River· side on Jan. 9 and Ml San An· tonk> College on J&n. 30, while IM-side, 73 to &4 oVer East Loa An- lng 10 gJUTles. ~ wer6 Ued gelee, 51 to 39 over El Toro Ma- wllh Riverside as the aeason end-rtne.s, and 64 to 53 over Ml. San ed for lhe bottom rung or lhe Antonio. Mermen Take 2 Firsts in Relays ladder. ltl the final g.11.me or the ae830n, The league lead wu held by Cout waa defeated :'>it to ~ ln an FuUerton, to whom Coaat lost C>2 oute:tandlng game at Atl. San An- to 75 an(j 63 lo 85, with San Ber-lonto ln which Yardley ran up 33 N~wport Harbor'1 B ewtmaten nanlino in second place, Chaffey pointa. paddled to two fli-1t placee and the in third and Santa Ana In fourth. Cees took two fourth place. tn the Mt. San Antonio edged out both EA.STERN OON~RENCE fln&b! of the CJP' nrtmmiag "'lays Riverside and Orange Coa.at tor 8(,'0RING (Fin•I) a.I Whlttlf'r lut Fri.day. The Tar tilth place. o Pt.a A"·k 11wlmmer11 returned from the meet Jn setting lhe new league In-B..-Yardley, o. C. c. .... I! :43 20.4 wlt.b 20 mM&la_. and a mare Jigbl· divlduaJ scoring record, Yardley P. Smith. 8 _ A. ... --···· I! ise 11.1 hearted coach . M made 90 field baakel8 and 6:i free 0. Maxea. s. B. .......... 10 163 tU In a pracUce O)et!l . lb Hunt- t.J:-fowa fOl' a total of 2:j,3 poin~ r. Hook. F. ·-··········-··· u 111 16.8 tngton Bffch Wednieei&l',,F•b. ta edctng the old record by 20 poinp T. Will..,... 8. a. ____ : 11 1n tf..8 Coach Al Invtn bad ,..,.tc.hed:...~ a.ad nosing out Santa Ana'• ete 0. M~ c. ............. 11 111 1._. swtmmer. Co down to ,. ......... w Smith who bad ~aet a new~ I. ~ohacO:i.. o . c. c.·'"'-.. 11 1'9 lU 25--~ tt'!te.t. f.Aat~;Wlft• '" pre:wWNa TUe.dQ' wit.h ™ T.. ~•• II'. ·-----··· 11 1• tt.t brousht a ahlne or a am.De to ~ polll\tlL • . • ,-• • W, -~ ii_ IL .m ...... l'I lft 11,1 Win's f"'!tureo and U.. bopo tliat -·8lAQ U.8 Pef...t ft. Stievene.. R. t t tas 11.1 j the Tar lwimmen .may be ab)e to Yardley scored on to flekf baa· '· Oray. s. B. . 1% lS8 11.6 a.how • little more Of thelr back- kiet.8 out of a total of 302 attempt· L. Jone., c. .... l'! IM 11 .i wuh to thel.r opponent.. ed If\ conr<'rcnce play ror a record P. ThompM:Jn, F. --·. 12 tSS t l.1 The relays result.a are u rol· ot 29.8 J>4>r cent. He atlemplcd IJ. IJ&lnmer, }-. l'l ISi 10.I low•: 98 fr<'e th.rows. sinking 65 for a o . Schwendin1f'r, (', 12 ISO 9.7 .. C" 8 Man Yn!le St)'lll!l percentage o f 66.3. K. Wrlsht~ R. 12 llf 9.5 1. Whlttlrr: 2, El S egundo; 3, His record of 245 points was an R. Mldda.uch. ~. B. 12 110 9.2 FUllt'rton: 4, NE'Wl)Ott Harbor; :'.I. average of 20.4 poinljj for each or J. Mltehell, s. A. 12 104 8.l InglewUOl'I 6, Huntlnaton Beach. the 12 gan1cs, some ot which did o. oa,·t~ o. C. (.'. _ I! 101 8.4 Tar letl111 : Irn1ln 8t.aw\ckl, Gra- not !lf'e Yardley In action. lie ~-Mattox. ~. A. 12 100 8.S ham Gibbons. Mike Fitzgerald, acurt'd 33 poinll!I In the final !ft"a.son Bob tbbolUen, Howard Berry. ga.me l<"'ridMy against Mt. San An· p · c t Noel Barlow. tonk>. In lt·ague pl&y, Yardley •1rates ap ure .. ( .. ' 4 Man Free Style made 200 ·recoveries, an average 1, Whltller: 2, El Segundo; 3. of_ 19. M Fullt'tton; 4, Newport Harbor; 5, For the 23 gs.mes -played by Or· Tenn·1s eets Redlanda 6. Beverly Hilla. a.dge Coaat thla iteaaon. Yardley Team : Graham Olbbona. Bob !K!Of"~ 464 points, an average of lbbottaon, Irmln Stawicki, Noel 20.1 points per game. Initialing the 19!>1 seuon. the Barlow. His 176 field basket.a out of 617 Orange Coast tennis men brought "B .. 8 Mao. F ree Style attempt.a wu .1\ pet' ·cent, while home a double victory winning de· l, N~wport Harbor ; 2, lngle· hla record or 112 free throws cbively over Huntington &acb wood; 3, Whittier~ 4 , Et aesuado; acored out of 189 &ttemp~ set • Klgh echool 8 ~ lo ~ and lbeatlng 5_ Huntington Beach: 1. Fullerton. record Or 57.2 per cent. He had a out Orange High school 5 to 4 on Team: Ooit Pettit, Rick Olhmer, total of '461 recovt'rl~a during the the lolM!r·a court last wrc k. Bill Carroll, Lee H&mbrook, Bruce entire 9cason of 23 gan1es. Jack Krebs and J erry Forrest Ba.ltd. Don Preston. Wln Nlne. Garnfta sparked the rackete<"rl in the .. B" ' Man l"rM Style Despite the outstanding scor· ingot ~ardley , closei~foUowed by hi1t teaQ1 mate~ J erry Johncox, Coast I06t all but nine of i~ gaines lhill sebon. · Vi ctories came. 78 to 35 ovf'r Southern California Bible College, 76 to 55 over Ea.st Los Angele&. 56 lo 42 over Citru11 JuniQt Col- legr, Ofi to !12 over Pierce, 75 to -41 ovrr Citrus, i3 to i2 over RJver· - fir&t encountt'r. u the Pirate" t. Newport Harbor: 2., Beverly swept the singlt>s matcht·s with Hllht; J. Whltll~; 4, El Segundo; Ray Dolan winning 9·7, 6-4. Jack :i, Jon.Jan. L. B.; 8, Fullerton.., Krebs taking a 6·1. 6-2 win, and Team : Biil Carro~· Lee Ham- Jerry Forrest topping a 6-0, 6-1 brook, Don Preston, Bruce Baird. n1atch. Rodger Wt-l<'h · foUowed with • 8-2. 8-0 victory while Cal Homer Gi- Curry summed up with a 6·3. 6·2 • .-• wi~.reb6 and Forre3t also took tile Coast 2·2 ne only doublCB match ot the after- noon. 6·1.. 6-2. Other doublCJ1 1 Orange Coast coUegt1'1 Allie matchca were ca.lied becaUM of Th~me ttffiuhf'd. • lblnt • inning darknese. home run to left fte.ld with r . E . HURRY! 1 The match with Orange High Harris aboard, but tt wasn't GET THE B~ DEAL ... Most Durable Car Your Mouey Can Buy .•. HUDSON All late mod~ls carry a NEW.CAB GUARANTEE! lt'a ·a pteaSure to look at and a thrill to ride and drtve thle 19:W> . .J{UDSON Super ·~ Mtda.n. • ''Slf!P • do~ deSp with Monobllt bqd°)'·aftd-fn.me, triple· .te bn.kee. lllCh • eom· praaiOll _liuper -8bt engtM, DuJd • C'1.lbioMd clut.cb an d other Jon.s·Ufe feal\ll'9. Very ~ Super-Cu...,_ Una and man_y extru. Tboroqbly tuned and a4JU1U4 .ror top -rupt .. ..,....,,_ H..-r o.r-..-.. . . , ' • achool round Krebs and Forreiil enough to Win u the Pirate b&1I again• l~ding the field. Opening club batUed E1 Camino to a 2·2 the mat.cl. with an overwhelming I Ue on lhe Cout ctt.,mond Moh.day. 7-~. 8·4 victory Krebs wu follow-The game wu called after ed up by Forrest who took in II. seven innlnga be<l&~ of da.rkAea. 6-1, &-1 w1n. Other winnera In· Box acorea: eluded Bob Ma.rah&ll, 5·7, 6-1, 6-< ll CAMINO d ~-1 Curry &.a: 4--6 DoubJea Wlk .. 11, ,. l 1 I an ..-• · f..-rf J I I 9e0rea were KrebA and Foi:reat tlr4, 02b J t I 6 ,., S-1 &.nd Welch and Marshall Jo11-. '" 4 J I -,, 'f•A fM.f, Cf J I f 'n a win by default. Or1U1ge took w.+eett, tt J 1 J the thJrd double1 match 2·6. o-6. Ck1t1Mn, a l • 2 ' c.r..t, c I t I -------,.,,.., I' I I I WHEEL MISSING IN•t, c t t t A tire and wheeJ valued at W were atolen rrom bla car puked tn front or h.18 h.ome, accordlng to a complaint filed with the sheriff'• otftce by George E. Richlin&,' 20<M Placentia St., Costa Mea. .... ~. p I I I Tetel1 1'41 J I SC.Oii If IN'il""S fl G.ml11e • _ -. •t-J I ~ .... e.MI --•t-J, I AT SAN >. • ;..~~~-...:..:.:.~.!:......:.:~--~"'.""-~~-t---------• Newport _, ....... ..., wtll• -· .... DI..., and .... _ wtll ....... ~ an.·-t rrt- d&J' ..ictiit at Uie CU' -•IMll pla)'Oft• at P\. ~. blall • e e ....... ' l1rtl • '1f I a r.••wc e_r "a • t .••• °"" - -.,_ • ,, -Ila. t· ... ••-•;•rt ..... ill .... Diep. Th .... ..,.... --· s nda ~a ia ,elMduled fql' T :JO ·p.m. and wtll at u y" e ' ~~::::: ,.:t : ---..:....--------=-'Jn--Bo-. +--F----· · P...,.tatl(m of • In -~ 1 sn ..... :.i~ ,:.,~~ P°U'ates Drqp JV s rom :uu::l~;::i .:~ri;:r~ ~Ne~. • ~ ~~~1~ 2nd Track Meet Harbo Area Club ~= :t7;tt~ .1951 .· ta.sue w1u. zu points 1n 18 • Invited to be PftMDt.!Tlwl.Wlll be 1uneo US.T ·-) and Glen Or~ cOaot collq•'e Pirate. v· 't II oOd the clooln1 ,da.7 of tllel""""'· whlcll . HUDSON Grlttlth wtth • 2a1 po1nt , .,,uon th1ne1ac1a 1oot tbe1r oec:ond prac-ISi 0 YW _. ~7 and tbe. hip 11c11oo1 total will be th• mon w 1'aldl In Uc< 11\eet or tile -to th• 11:1 • PrA la _._ins • tea from I NOW tbe Ta.r..S.n D~go ballle. TorO Marlnn. SJ\\i to 61 '6. 1.Nl Thirty m mbera or the Harbor to & p.m. The mow opas to lbe .• t The aa,. Dteco Caveme41 eulJy week on the Yl.ctor'• neld. Area Boya' club at Colt& Mesa public Marcll "2 and. a.i from 2 to 6 clulncl>ed !be Ba.n Diep Looeu< Coach Houaton Huper'• track· recently ...,. thrilled by "" a.II· p.m. and T ro t p.m. 8'lf on 5unday I BODY STYLES UUe. to.lnc only once, long a.tter ate rm led moet ot tbe way wt th day trip to I H ollywood and Santa a fternoon. 1 . I TO Cll0081C FROM Ibey bad wm th• crowii. Thall' Kiiier t&kln1 !lnt In the 11»-Y<S. Monica. T1¥o bfaketball gamea Pu~ owudo Cll ro Richan! e -• ttcord la 18 and ~. ~· u duf>. Ruvillca wtnnlnr tile 880-wen 11ehedbled for tile .,,.,.1111 Ruben ot Loo ~ ror 'bla oU, I IT ~:"Joiou Newport'•· 1 yd. i;un, Staffon! leadlJI&° tbe _, with l!anta' Monica.'• _Boy•' club, .Paper Lad)' <•200) a,9d Jone G,.. AU CU' l'laJer put. U111 Gleed tying fot" flnt In 80 It WU d~lded to make llD all-of Fr-o Stata coDerl! for her wa-e q,!~~ "::::' ~:i= ~ :!:t~bu!":fie ~; .~;:!.~ :::. exeunt In the eo,.· club :n&O>~:;--~~~ 8:'.!: Main ,, ::~ I (all etV toot.bal.l pl&,_. of tlle eral eecondl off of u•e pre oua Flnt •toP Wu at the Loe A.n· to Jack Zajec. WaP,e La Com~ N BEACJll yev, 1-3 and , 225 paunde). Percy weeThk•'• p"':~tke.a 1 __ ••elr "'rat meet Jt:lea InterrtaUonal airport wbere Rorer Kan.ta. Noel ! Qu.ln.n and ~~~~~~~;~~~~~~ OUbert d Ronald Stantfn both ....--. ..._. UI u the boy• werr taken on a two and Robert E.. Wood-; an ' to John Muir, JC on P'eb. t~. 91 '-' onl!--haJf hour guided t.our tbrouch A t 3 J!:·m .. ·91' 8und&J Rex Brandt ~elm (cummUy rldln~ a 7-to ~~1· •• OCC -. El Toro: the entire 1 tacJlltlea. n. boy• wW p...-t tbe -Ip awatd wtnni tree.k) wtU match • ._ UI ... • visited the aontrbl tower, lbe D09e In thf!I Brandt-:~ Bummer :;::.; with n~r!..mont 119 wLM: l ..... 7d. ~i 10.4 Miller (cl hanrer wh~;; the alrllnera are-School o.f Painting to ~Ma.nud Her-· I J and eecond place in ltyi Amoa (e-t) Schwtnden (et). worked on, itbe Olgbt deck which nandes Of 0.rden ~ '~~t- 8a.n ~ego loop). There'U be a HO-:Jd. dull: 2'.0 ~ (ell overlook.a tbe enUre area, the tng ln Ute COlle•e·hlll acb':tJ:•I· he& ol baaketb&ll played at the Ml1Jer ·(e) Hou1hten (c) w~er ~au., air frelsht b.ead· •Ion. Pat Jonea was ~t.e.._ and t p t d lblnk lbe Tara «f..Jd. ....._, Porfett l.o Orange quartera Ucket etaUon., ftdom bonorable mention went to Oeorce- ouma.men a.n we l Oout ' bancera 'of· \veaterd TW ~ Untted J une., Vlrgtnl& Wll~m and Sueit will play their oha.n or t . In· -.)'d. nua: 2:10.0 l\uvillca. (eJ llhd Pan • .l.erl<:an Alrlln .. , Pl'C!P Baker. .1 ~ups for lhe toum&mf!lnt Mulde-.r Cc) no third room (wb;;l'.propellera a.re treat· , Kn. Zdgar R . Hlll Wl.J.\ divide =eiMece v-. Newport HUe ,...: fi :00.8 Valapando (et) ed after even. 3'000 bourw Of ny ... the PTA aW..rd b!tween Gwen Walton, 8"l p S't Nettlea Houp.ten (cl Ht1terley {cl. lng time) a{id the paint.room. QlOel'e, Stla.roa Yam~ and Sonya H "--6'11 F e ·4 Peter"90n l·llllle na9: 10:33.0 Valapa.ndo The Str•~,t Crulaer vlalt cllmu.-. H offman. , '. ae ..... ..,, (et) Weed (C) Ruis (c). rt around th ••-.. Poweµ •. & 3 C 8'4 Grlftlth 1_ d. H.H.• 10 2 ~-Ja"• (el) ed the t P e -,...-... · g Blanton, 6'0 G ~·10 Lone -r · •· ~ -which wa. unusua.I In that tk Till' HOtp: 1'1TR1' . Gilbert, 0·11 o :)'ll Sanden We¢ (c) Powera tel). Boyl!' clubJ'emben were allowed Mn. Be.ll4t Oro.me;, 110 Cora ~ HO--Jd. Lil.: 28.0 Majalla C et) to go plac generally consblered Ave., BaJboa IJ,l&nd, teported that Woodard fc) no third. ''out ot bounda" tor cJvHian. The eomeone trt~ to plhk the lock 0"'911DM>a.t Pre1ton, 5'11 Wheeler, e;·s F MJekel&on, 6'5 C ~m 6'8 Webber e·2 Welch 8'4 Faulkner 6'3 Denny ~·11 Schmlll , .. F Rand, e·o u Byrd, 0·11 G 11 H0tnes-. Apt. Get City Permits Eleven permlte for new real· dencea &nd one pel'mlt tor a slx· unit apartment boua were taken out ln Newport Beach Jut week. A. M. Nel110ll. city build.Ing lnspec- tor, AM reported. Shot Put: 38' D~" Stalford (c) reuon for the lining or RCUrtty Of ber home at •:30 p.m. Monday. Hart fc) Woranaro (cl. meuuree wu the tact that thf' She eatd that tbe att~pt wu un- BroMI .ltunp: 19' 11 " Majalia (cl Loe .Angeles Times bad requeated succeaatul becauae ~ an inside Collin. fell Limon fc). a pictorial lf'yout for a future •r· latch on th.e door. t H IP 'ump: O' 8 .. Tie: Gleed (cl tlcle ahowlng the varioua facllitlea Majallo l•l) Tte: CoWna .let) CUI-or the airport. Harbor Area Bo,.. SMOKE nu.a HOME mu (et l Weed (cl. .., club member• were selected to Smoke filled the ho~e ot Pole Vaalt: forfeit to El Toro. give ''life·· tO the pictures. Blanche A, l.Angm&dt, 2812 Vlsta DtMiwt: 111' 8" Becker {et) Dr., Ba.Y Shore. at 8:CO p.m . Mon· Gou (et) Iaroranaro (et). Sqe Al ,..,..,... day and the Newpott Beach tire ~: 3 :41 .0 .orange O>ut -Next on it.he tour wu a vtett depa.rtmrni wu call~. TbeJ' trac· Mulder, Houghton, Miller and to the Al Jarvie KLAC tele~ton ed the sm~e to a 1 smouldering Weed. •how_ The group lb.en proceeded to tru:h. can under the Jcitchen sink. KNX radio =llon where lhe boy• There· waa no dunagll. I F wltneued. · "Beulah" abow l $ir Scouts ete wblch ~ nr m-dcut coaat CHIMNEY hlU: to --.-n Lranacrtbed ror ' later A ....... ,.. r•--l n~rted to Dads at Dinner ,..,;;:.· · , · u... &;.:;. ~..;·~~-· -r.._ u.. raillo _, -~··· ' · - BASEBALL TRACK TENNIS GOLF DECK • IAY Sl10RE RUBlll'J& SOLED BE&illl 11110 1':8 F OR CRILDREN . ' .Reakkn.tl&I permit. and their amount.I weet to o__ w. smtt.b. 11'91 ... ~Dr. SU.080: ..... ttl&! •efWl"I' Co.. 111 Via San -..:0 J Ul,000; 'Wede A. ftlt-chiiis.' I ll hmleat A...,, ST.•OO: a.ad R. T. McCulloch. MO 3'1th Bt., W~'• 1'lr'Ulda,. JQ'PY9d. to dM...,..t '001illiill'4a~81:1 111 1 • .,-• ':!!~~~it ... ... -uui day In lJle ·-"' "'"' S)owtem '· ~· .... -.. where llii.ci-v, Ooola " m=mttp o< o.ta Kea& Girl U.-:Y were -:-.-=r-a. matn control '-'a. ,.;~ , ___ _.,_....;,...:.., _____ _ Scout-troop No. ·21 wllea they e.n-room. i · · ot the A.Uen1 ;::·====~· ==t==================~ ~.-. other reaide:nllal permit.a ~nt to H. L Hou.te.r, 121 North Bay Front, Ja.000: J . A._ Adamm, 115 Via Undlne, 112:,000: C. E. Meek1', 700 NarclaaUI Ave., $9,000 and Ray H . Baxter. 2042 Seville Ave., $8,000; C. A. McFadden. 2M 1 Cir· cle Dr., 115,000; F . W . Rlley, 208 Abelone Ave .. $7,000; and Jame• Janos. M3 Seaward Rd., $9,600. The ~rmlt ror the apartment houae wu taken out by Dean A. Kephar\ &nd Elmer ChriateNKtn, 1060 Miramar Dr., estimated to coat $30,000. 'March to Church' ' Campaign Begun by Kiwanis Club Jn keeping wtth Klwania Inter· natkma.l policy of aJdi.ng churche-a In their ChrtaUa.n work in every communltY.. In which. they os)erate the Newport Harbor club la apon· aoring a drive to lncreaae church attendance. Wlrtdahleld sticker• have bftn prepared and are being dlalribut· ed t.hrot.lgh the churches and varl· ous otganlaatiorw In the Harbor area. The aJog-an "March to Chureti ln Ma.rch" la br'OU6ht otJt promlnenUy lft Ted a.nd blue on a white t:Mac.kpuund. Everyone LI!! urg1'd to obtain severaJ and display them proml· nently on their wlndahleldl and in the wlndow1 of their bomea and place. ot bualnea. "Ma.rcb to Church La M&rcb" Make aura ONE . nation Wlder God. Th1fl ~pect Held to Answet: ttttatned their dadl wttll a baked Youns aboW t.ftd. moet tntere1:Ung ham dlrmflr. ThJa father and of all, the~ effect.a room. - dauchter banqw.et bu been b an· Rod MacM.illlan, athletic direc~ nuaJ affair but tht. will probably tor and J lni la.Adm, fa ther or one be the Jut u next yeu the strll or the membera. Danny Sand.I, 311· wfll aJJ be in high 1ehool wttb pervt.ed the group. T'hoae ma.king grade acoutin1 behind them. the tnp we"F Bruce Knipp, George 10°/e qiScount on Any hrchaH Five of the member• received Schultt, Ro:f Doniel. Charleti Ber· their five.year plNS. The others ry, Bill ,W~tael, Bob McCIWtkey, having .received thel~ lut Yf'&r. Bob Piper, .Jtm Mulder, Don Seal. The iUt five were Carol Ann Buddy Thompaon. Del Rey Wtl· Shaw, Di.na Crane, LY n n e Iiams, Stan ' Schonu, Donald WU- Schachner, Carolyn Roger and &ue liaffia, Jlm Sch.ones, Mike Hayesj Tbomu. · -Jerry HIUlard. Marahall Steller, Chairman tor the banquet were lArry Trick. Richard Sleek, Brian Carolyn Shaw a.nd Di&.ne Crane Jelen.. Elroy KarUnez, A.uatin who were aaatated by thelr moth· Smith, Randy Albera, Bill Rouah, era, Mn. Orma Shaw and Mra. Larry Chapman. Jerry P'lanagan Francea Crane. Gretchen Galne• and Ronald Woodl. ulalted by her mother, Mr1. Btel· Tbe trip and the arrangement.II I& Ga.ine.a, 11-rranged the entertain· were made poaalble through the tnent whldb wu auperb. Lynne help of Harfy Hlllia rd and hta Bia· Sch&chner, aul.aled bf h.er molht-r, ter, Mn. Lorraine Williama. Mrw. Mabel Schacbner, wpe.rvUled tbe c1ecora.t1ono. Mn. Irene Hen· B II k' Ar+ el'90n atded In the kitchen de· U OC , 5 -tment. A ~ W b The l&bl ..... ~ handaomely war s on y decorated . with rr•duated •lzed H b S, . candlea In red, White and blue. . ar 0~ .en1ors , Bribg thl8 ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET ' . Fresh Fislt: Dally from Our Own Boats! Whole Reel Rock Cod Z5c lb. -Local Halibut 40c lb. SIDUMJ'-;cRABS-W BSTER-ABALONE 2800 LAFA'i'MTE .. ON THE BAY . NEWPORT ' YOU CAN DO BEMR AT n•niger .. FURNITURE CO. . . • Long (luted alreamers ln the aa.me r Gwynne Qloe&e and Chari.. We Buy end Sell New end Used Furnit ure coJora ran tbe lensth of Uk t&blea. Tbe place card. were a1lo the same coktr with a tiny fla& at· Kepper. H.,bor High een.tora and e t..ache4 to each. Lynne Schadlner acted M mls· t.reu ot ceremonie.1 &nd C&rol Ann Shaw played all piano accotnpani· ment.e. The .stria enacted "The Thlng," while 1tngln1 all the ver· ae1 with a few extra added by "Brick" O.lnee. Gret.ch.en Galnea, lmpetwJnating the thins. waa dres- sed ln long gray rlanneLI, flab ewtmmtnc nna.. underwater eo&· clea and wore an old Cuhioned poL The ll"OUP ang happy birthday to Judy Tnf"e. Sue Thom.-wel· eomed tbe tat.hen while Mu. Sch&chner cave the relponH:. Scout.a and t.lleir f.alhen prmeot w•re Matt.ha Nonna.n, Nancy Long, C&rol Ann sb'aw, R utll H en- de"*>n. Dlana Drake. Charlene Purcell. Lyn.rie Scb•chner, Caro- lynn Racan. Mazy Jea.n ~ Bue ~ Judy Frame, l!lrln O'Keete, dretcheD G&lnes "and Marlalne llorrill, OCC Announces · s..un.r . Te1111 .. ' -, advanced art student.a. received # J • s· 6 ' the gold k?, •rt •word• for their 1112 Newport llvd., Cos~ Mesa le. 5~ enlrte!! ln Bullock's annual art ~~==::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.=-•how. _ Gwynne jOloege won thi.8 out· standing award wtlh her painting In opaque I water color, enUtled "Vlvre La Nouvelle A.rlrana," a atudy of JAD, done in ricb tones or brown iuid gold. Acrou the faces or ·mElclana and mwi:tcat ln- 1tnrmenta, the uue le painted in ecrtpt. aug eslffll' iron CTill work. Char~ Kepper'a painting, "City Bulldlnp," j at.o an opaque water color, re~nt.I a concept Of crowded Jkllnp and tenement&. wttll r1ch a tbe predomlnl.nt color, atld a 8C01Ubled effect or brlc:k text ru over .the bu:Udlnca. The exJl11>1t will be cipen unW Natth I~ with entrteo belnf dla- plaJed atl Bullock'o OownlDWn ftoft. A J:tea.kfUt wW honor all pkl key ~ thn>Ujibout thlo re(ion, wlilcl> eJttenda from San Olero ro n at. &nta Bui.... Jllds-fO< tbo ublbll lnelltded .... pen-t.ora ut d\reetOn In UU. .._, • :1~formation for F I ST TIME • • • , • • • • ( ' • • PAGE'2 -PART ·1T-}'HURsbAY, MAR. I, 1951 , .. Dinner Danee for Directors of Bib~'N-T ucker The annual dlnner yd danci for retiring and lncom.lng me.mben of the boa.rd ot directors ot Bib-'N· Tucker club wa.s held Sau.rday evening. Feb. 24 a tr B&JbM Bay club. Thh year a.U put board members.. their hu.,1bands and/or wives were invited. , Arrangementa WBJ? made by Madge Milum, Bay Shores. Tbo9e attl'ndlng U1c gala. event were: Dr. and Mra. Ed\vard Milum.; Messrs. and Mmes. H. L. Hughes, Ray TOdd. John KePler, LeoJUlf't 'fhompson, Co~na del Mar; Ron-- :i.IJ. Barlow and Jack Bruner of Balboa Island ;_ R obert P ersol. Costa Mesa: H oy.·ard W tWn. Lloyd Se llsetz, Fl B. Milnor, Cha&. Petty, J . W . Decker, 1ftguna Beach .. C. D. M. Baptist Chvrch Observes First Communion Dr. Milford I •. Bak1•r, minister nf the n t>W Bapti~t fhurch m eet- inJ,: in lht" Port Theatrf! in Coron111 drl 1-f~r. will SJ>P&k on "Silent ~r· mons" Sunday n1orning, March 4, 11t 11 :00, after whic h the first Communion M'rvice will be otr ~rved. During Uk' ~unday it<'hOOI hour, bf"gl n nJag al (O:OO 11.. n1., there will be shown a aound fU111 on life in Nigeria, .Africa. Work.era in Ole new church state that 12 people he.Vt-ma.de decisions for Chri..t. during tbe 11ix weeks they have bf>f"n working In this a.rt'a. A b11pti.ijn1aJ servict', to be held at Or11ngf", i.s bt'lng planned for the riear ruturt-. Theatre Party Planned for Faculty Women P lana for entt"rtaining w omen faculty mem ber.s at a theatre party on March 15 were made ~ \v hen the Faculty \Viv~ club of Qrange 'Coast collt>g(' met recent- it at the homt> of Mrs. William Kimes, 23582 Snug Harbor road. Cliff Have n. Forty a.re expected and the gToup will firl'lt meet for deflsert at ttlt home of Mr.s. BaaU P et erson. Mrs. Edwin-Wright and MrL Vernon Pattenion \Vere assisting hostesses. Twenty members Wt're present and games. \Vere played. Peggy Lee Abbott to Marry Missouri Man W o r<l Wa.<J r C'Cf'jve<l ihls week that Mr. anJ Mrs. \Vilcy Cocluian w.ere 8.n11ouncing thr ('ngagement of Mrs. Cochran ·~ daughter , Peg- ~y l...ef' Abbott to Merrill E . Du- b~ch of Hannibal, ~tissouri. l)eggy grew up rin the Rarbol' area and will bf:> rt'membered U on~ of the most popular members of the younger set graduating from the Newport Harbor High school two y{'ars ago. At present s he il'I a-stud,•nt at Stephens col- leg,• but wUI concluU e her studies lbt'Tf' in Jun£'. Her fiance ls a juruor In the engineving 8Cbool at M luourt university, and i.s waiting ht, call t o f'nter the Anny Air Cadet sch ool m San Antonio, Tex&11 . Tht>y plan to be married &I *>On as h f' flni-"'hes his c adet tra.tn· in-". 'rhe Cochral'ls left for the ea.at last fall and arc now residing in Rosiclare, Illinois. t\lrs. Cochran WD.S a fc:irmer presidt•nt ot the A.8- .eistance 1..A.'aJ:-Ue of Newport Bea.ch a.nd active ln its many philan· thropies. PllESS -11 I ' l • Tr.iniAg Class for C. M. Methodis+s ' Rev. Jooepb ii, i'bcd-n. pd tor ~or the Costa M.aa Commu- nity Methadlal cilwd>, .. C)!lllducl- lng a tralnlnc cia. on· Tblll'ICltly nJiti:t. for thoee wleh_lng to know more t.tbout church and ln:ialns · for metnberahtp tn tt. Time. l& gtven aJeo t.o ledlnlque qt prllyer and worahJp. ----- Din~er Hosts to Art Bakers ~. .,,11--Mrs. Wally Smith of Balboa laland entertained ?tfr. and Mra. Art Baker wtth dtnnn &t "Vaux'a Saturday night. Mr. Baker Is the well known radio and tele- vlllion star. Sunday Sermon at St. Andrews "Discerning the Will or Cod'' t1 Sunday aermon th("me of the R~v. Thomas Gib§On, SJM>ak lng at St. Andrew's P rt>sbyt <-rian c h u r c h. Cliff Haven. The lf'xl Is from St. Luke 22 :.f2 "'?\'('Vt>rth~ll'1VI, not my will. but Thinl' ht-LlonP." St. Jam es Vestry Plans Exte nsion The monthly 1nt't?ting. of the Vestry of St. Ja1nt•J11 church will be hc~d in th(' pariah hou~ al 8 p.m ., Tue.sday, 1'1arch 6 . The maln item of busintss wl II be the new additional unit to be built next to the present parL-;h house, parallel lo thr chu rch. Pre sb yterians to Fete Elders A rellrln~ t•lder. Rabert Can1p· bell and two nt-wly _ordaint>d eld- ens, Edgar R. H iU and K. Paul J ohnstOn or St. Andrew's Presby· ter~ church will be honor ed at a party to be held F'Tfday night &l the borne of Mr. and Mrs_ Wnllarn tr. K imes, 23582 Snug Harbor Road, Cliff Haven. First Child for Proud Parents SHARK EXPERT Horace M.aut I plctu.rod abe\oe •'ltb & cwtff'CI nurse ~ caucht off. tbe bUd of St . .lob.ft. Vlrsin.la l•la.ad .. Tlll.9 !llllall hal'k, thuup dl!M!mbowelNI, co.tlntled lo Hlr8h and Jt-..rk po\Wrf'ully for a toa.a ti.mt> before dylnc. LOCAL SHARK EXPERT HORACE MAZET WANTS TO STROLL ON WHALE SHARK Man-eating sharks on the W e.st Coast? AccoMlng t o long-time shark expert Hora« Mazet of 306 Marine Ave., Balboa ll'l1and, '-rherc is no known authenllcBted instance or a shark attacking a human being off the West Coast.of the United Sta.tea." Some eatimate of the tboroughnr8J11 or Mazet 's Investigation lnio the matter of anthroprophaay (man-eating) may be gained by his ~tatcment that there waa a run1or of a man being attacked by a lmTho!:~ Hcolden Childs Is a very ahark aomeUme about t:M> year8,•----------------------------- PQt"~t orona d e l M.ar; rest-~t,_ at lea.st so think two local -agoo. but bO 1"?"00! or T~rtl ce.n. down the ehorea of continent.JI, an<l Siwlws T6Usfln"'• familles. He was born ~b:2~ m-be t.und Gt..the Incident. -... even llvt! at t.be 200-tath~ mark J'uat. h ow touch these monst~r• St. Joseph .hO!pital, first child of Tall, Balboa blue-eyed and wttl\ under lhe Ice neldlll of Greenland arc l• recounted ln Muel'• painpb- Mr. and Mrs. T homas Child.,, 614 an erect cartia~ that reflects h l11 and the Arctic." let called "Man Kilters or the Acacia avenue and Yl'elghetl eight many yea:rs of aervtce with the R e thinks of the shark u "ltv-Ages." The story tells of a whale pounds. ~nited States M'-rtnee "I 've bttn Ing fo.'19lls" and Clasatfiet1 them shark that was harpooned several Mrs. Childs is tht> rormer Nancv in and out of the Corps sincf' u OUT' "most rudimf'nt.ary fUrh .'' times by a flahlng boat ln • 18- Negwo. and Thoma_, ;, rirsl grand· 1929 .. l Ma,.t has been an author-Mazet says that the •har!. goon In M iami. Fla. The 1h&rk child of At r and Mr11. J ohn 1\'egu1, lty on shark.! since l9S8. At that changed very UttJ.e tn 300 towed the boat around for 12 120f $st Balboa boulevard. Hts time he wt!: working for a small years. Fotmll experts have . hours. It had been .shot more than paternal j!randmotber is Mn;. publishing ftnn in New York. H t> covered the t eeth of the Carcharo· ?>O t imes without apparent effect. Paula Childs of Richmo.nd . Father wu the beet patd man on the job don megalodon (b>i&n t saw tooth I IThe back of the wbale shark. pro- Tom works at Standard Oil sta-and wu making S1 :5 a Wet>k . in the prf"-hl8toric start.as. 'Ille jecting above t_be water , had been t ion, Corona dcl Mar and al.so at· It wa.s suggel!ted that he get teeth of this monster were a!. shot at w ith a shotgun from a dls- tende -Orange COOJtt colJege in contact With veteran shark hun· tar~ a!i the Pann of 11 man's tance of two feet. The shot !lad Boise Couple Visits Parents · ter Captain WilHam Young. 'rhl" hand. bounded back after d~lng the t-nd result wu collaboration be· t h bid II h I h k Wild ldMlHo oug-e B g t y. s ar tween Captain Young and Ma· died only after a brain in ry and zet and the book, "Shark ~ Shark'." M&11y ran tastes and w ikl idea.'! a.n er tt was beached. ' · which bound in sharkskin, sold nt cxlet about ahark8 say!IJ Muet. The specimen weighed 13~ tons Major and M rs. H . W . Eldridge ot Boise, Ida., we're vlaltors last week at th.e home. of ~1rs. Eld~ ridge's parents. J\.ir. and Mrs. W . L. Smlth, 2355 Harbor Blvd., Cos· la Mesa. Siace bls discharge from the Army In 194!5 Maj . Eldridge bu: been city editor of the Daily State11mah. Bolae. Mrs. Eldridge, a registered nurae, bu be.en devoting much of Mr time to the raising' and traJn· ing of Shellie dogs. The couple have been on a va'.calion trip through Oregon. California a.nd T exas before Maj. Eldridge re- Ports tor dut;y March 1 in Denver, Colo. H e expectl'I to be sent to Germany or Arabia. ; the book stands at $4 . "The re b the bcJICf of some peoplt> and had a Cour-inch thick hide. Bepn Hobby that a ahark will not attack a ThE:tc whale shar~s f1~re in Ma.- woman. That seems to be some zel's greatest unbttion tn Hre. R e sort of play on words of the term. 11ays he'd like-to be able lo jump 'nu.n·t-aUng shark'," be says. An-on the back of a whale ahark anti ot:h<'r wlde.spl'ead belief seems to run ,up and down It and ba'V'e mov- be that sharks wtll not attack • iea ta.ken of the event. He clamla dark object in the ... ater. Maut that a tnend at hill ha.a done tt , says that lhls is an entirely fa.19r but that there were no camera- belief, and that C"ert.a.:n species of men around at the tlrne. So, if sharkJI wUI attack almost any· you ("Yel' aer a whale 111\a.rk with thing and have be-en known to a man runntnr around topalde, bile beet propellors.. chances ere the man will be ~· It wu the first book ever d ('· voted to sharks and startf'd M a- zet otf on hi3 hobby of studying and wrlllng about these undersea monstt'r!I. Mu.et would probably be euily identified by an oMerver o~ the Sherlock Holmes 1trtpe u a man Interested In sharks. The reason: his aharkakln shoes which. he hu owned since 1939 with infrequent pollshtnp. Maut µp'alne that ahark leather l.s exceedingly tough and #CVff-ptoof; so much eo that they u111e it tor the tips ot. young- sters llhoee. Mazet believes that shark leath· er Is exoeedingty ~autiful and tough; toug~r by far than lht'.' best cowhide ever tanned. To obtain the · leather It l.s nee- osaary at fir.st to r emove the pla- coid pla.tefJ or .shagreen which pro- tecta the shark from alt.a.ck. These outer plates are so tough that they have to be warn down by emery wheels. Now, ~. they are removed by a chemical bath in Ute prooeM ot obt&lning 1hark leather. Mazet remembers the time wben manutacture,.. used to put out a line of lharkllkia handb&p for la· dies. The naanufacturen dllcon· tln....S U.. prodaclli>n ot W. Item when tt waa d.l.acovered tllat *'1Ch a bee eoald euily lut a lifetime wit.hovt abawtnc much wear. .Simril M•t, F rom an authenticated vtew-z:M, pofnt. Mllel ~ there ts only e.v;dence ot eight speCiee of ehark.s having attacked man. The Autralian waters arc to be the m~t dreaded fr<7m the point of a tta ck by these undersea maraud· Miss Ray Jones Honored at Pre-Nuptial Event e.rs. "Th("re. have be-en several hun. drfld tMttncee of ·persons bl>ing , Keyed to romance .,,., & bea-u- attacked by sharks in these wa· lltu.lly appointed pre-nuptlal.abOW· ters." says Mai.et. t>r J11taged F Pb. 14 ·by ~H. Ma.rvtn The sense of sinell of a shark is Gibson, 632 W. 18t.h St., cOmpll· very acute a.nd they can scent mentary' to M i.a Ray . Joriea, blood tn the water at unbelieve-daughter of l.fra. Georgina E . able dlstancee. The. Esktn1oa at· Jones , 1612% E . Balboa Blvd., BAI· ho&, who wt!l e•change marrtar• tract aharka by allowing seal blood to ooze from a chill bladder VOW• Friday, March 2 with Wtl -,; placed. In an Ice hole. The sharKs JiaJn Barnett,· 90ft of Mn. Ruth .c:ent the blood In the sea CUJTents Barnett. 446 Berfl&rd St., Oo9te and come trurrytng ln ·a horrtb.e M'eaa. The wedcttng-will be eolem· ruab. The shark scenta bis p~y nized ln the ·Coat.a Mes& ComfUt" : throuch two prominent Bost.rtlll tn nity Met.bodi8t: cbu.rcb .~·Rev. tbe t\J'ltertor ... exUrm1ty of the Jiead Jose~h B . Thompeon otftciatµlg. th•t are cove.red -with movable A c&me• P~ . plan.Ded 'QF- Jktn flapa. .• the bomtesa introduced eeveral ~te.t. on the bl1dal t.beme, with &l&lao W...,r Boll prtaoo · a-... lilra. John om, Talee of whaling crewa tell or Mn. (ohn .A.dama and Mn. Ruby eharka ptherlng, ln NCfl nUJnbn's s.t.. ---~~kbuexpel nrtu,!,&Uo~-·~~ u to make the water boll , Wit.hi 'Tw}lt ~·Ill.aped eak .. , ift.., ----aoc · U"l -a&IU U\etr ~ OQ~tbe carcw ,of. a ec:ribed wiUl U.nt.ma -1l&Y' wt f)oint. out' t.b&t the OUnese make· dead whale. "'aJ.l."" ocaupled taae eeater o6-the a blghly-rat,ed aoup trom the -The <ttacu-e111 Of ...Mt. 'bue •lnllor ~ -.... "-"""' ftn ahark. ,Some pel'80NI U8e ehark uaed b)' the A.rmeit Fof'Cd WU. lilly tall ft4 ·'tllliadlM.. ... .... : .': .... ~p(:.-.!.n. ": -... u.. ~·I<--.t. ~~ =-=·:: ~ '= lllli trlandol ud oceallooaUy a Tlie allarlt '-11'nt w.u ~--<V w ,.ey -~ wall<•QS atlclt-.....ie tram a ab&rk. ~ ..,-...,. -.ii. pve oft an .-tw UM· ~ ,,._. oplDa wlll tam up. -•:ra ...-.... ~ ~ t.o ~ attq tM 'D"I••• t I Jltnllty -tba.t becaue ot Mil hi&b-&m..111\0l\Ja , • a d! 111 l't waa of aCbMti!N 41e---u.e ~ o1 u.e ab&rk 1e t1lft.e -comdlw vnrleti ... of ·t.alla. , • -- _..,_ .-llP fat fmtlllMr_ -........... --Tloo:Y • lntr the _,.,,Mo -inc Al W --JI.-~ ..._ la - -U.. -•»nl. ._ -· Orrr'loUe ..... V·-. & "1uallilc ~ ol yttemln-r:ScJ:I tbe tltrM--foot oMfWI. ~ tlo 8lltat ••rU, Jlraloaillll Reftil. oil-·~ of -liar t1M ---. w111cb -Wallo a· I 1 .... a.-. -frollltic~• ~ ~ ,_cll11 Ule ~Of 10 I.et. OQ. ....... ''s w, aMr. M. •1 I I a& a~--..... -11'o --lo .... el tlle Wll I II -..... ; ,,_ Q. ••?"*' aitu.wottiltM'k..,..of ... 'f:tl•-"1---·t1.ln' •' s ... .._. --~ 1 • > . .... Rill'" __,.. ,_,, ,_ ...... ... w ..._ ;t tld --C IE 'e ....-; G•I' la .,... 1ttn, .., • s • .,. • 1 ., .,, .. Cllllt..,, c.1-., ·-•= Zn ·, Pl r 1 Ulep ..... -...... -.-.,.....,..it'l:r• ,. &llnu e. 1» r' '1ll -- -,,,. ----..-1111111, b ....... .. •• --..... -Ma It. • Your Invitation to a· . THE .OGAAM l 51&ttery by KlcUml!'I< A ~ of -rdlqateo .... J. , ,. · Jo po11rne ~·····~ , fAJCk!li ... ~r ~ ftMt .Hole . . . by stoat -tlq'l'llDea!nmo.-.. • ... by Aclelur ~==~.·..:~· held •Tuesday, rd! 6, 2:30 p. m. ~ n's ~:estaur•nt to: O'Brjen'•, Q:ilr.ona del Mar 1415 oOiUt Blvd. I • l· NAN BROUGHTON, MOD· EI.ING 'SPRING CHECK· MATES( A JO COU.INS' COORDINATE AS FEA- TURED IN MARCH ISSUE OF GLAMOUR MXGAZINE • • • f .... l • t:;.f ~ ' ' ., · Come iii' .for a D8monstr~tion · l j. -. DAV:IS ·· .BROWN. ' • .. I {!IP. . 1 · lJ I . • i ........ F,11~ ./fr Je/eJ;is«if' . :..:: -· I m:~ Acros~ tM Room~~~ J , I 1 Jam ttie Sol 0.. 4 Adj~ PIM Ju..iisj I 2-v .. , ·a.-l 3 Adjusl Vol-.. 6 ClonR .. _ ..... 1 '""' llie 's.i Off l! N-1 Ph&o !>rinp 100 &1- oioil with FUU. R<mo• l an°'"' Beam 17-incb talm- · , Oontri>i • . • YM. compleloo f opentipQ of your aet from · ')'OW' euy chair. A ICDM .. l licmal tzilmlphl jy...._ not only.~ 9t"tiono. but tum ~ eet <>n -1 ofr, .ajnlt br!ch-. nioe prt.,...thevolu.-•. :.Ufromenyplaoe m ttie -AniI Philco s.1onoec1 e..m. · ~ .. 'l"I' the tru111t picture in TV hif. ik><Y,-I"!"' ..blur or .....-. lt'a tla l'bUoo ~-Sbonlml c;tibinlS -..j~ '. ia ticli ,......__ "$•111·-.' ~· Ownplello with Built-ilh Amal. I I -- ----- • !j' • -, , rl.Qfti.-NiNetww MllCO'seft . ~ tMw • l~ • i·l".95' • •t • I k..I.,._....._ t tAtY TIW-.. wniii TO PAY ' ' .,u.11r••-nstins .. -1r.1111•~•*•" 1 c.ai 1 11ci,.a-. ·· • • ' ·•··•.C_.,_ • • • I' ' ' I ; • • • • • • l I 1 l · I l , • .· •• ' ' • . . . • . t • •• • 'A,,.;,:. l " A .... ;li\:Meu l\ni-at ·, St. James GU11di lunch · ft Wlilch's · Church ~chool $-uilcl FAC Mill. egtOn ~·nm J ~ es Meet T uesClay . for Card GroUp 'I . to ...... Next .Project , ' Bri4se . to Vote on· District. Bv. • 2Mk lit. OdW• .... at "11oo ..... • I zm 111111 at .... ; 'f• • 1-ca .. !'; ':.: °"': :-:-::-.. ~ ,-a.v"-.> .. -·· ~., ~ ... J ..... --...... ··r,.'-•~'·.-.~···--.,-· ... · .. • d ,, ; • , ~ w1U tM1r r91'"lt -el~~ 'tllc '•.I .. li. h 'I ... o1 ~Vb-1111 · A lllort l*!-••C t -on pnc•• 1 • ~ ._u.q m iat U:.11 ..... 11)'-'a .llical Jat'CJ .. ,a..._,_; ............ Jlt.w9....,. ...,.U ~ J Comia Ille ··N.,..,0.t ~ A--. '"1-'ioy»S.. AJ.boup ud M.&nl Kt& ·J-'>.·~· Ill ll. l!aY -.. o(.Jln..~ ~. Mat~· 1lllrt .... tloe P'i"" !:':::,:!* • • • e4 lhe ~ -m~ of1~ I!'!!""">' -wblcll .wu TU.-Y"~ tat Ille bome ot wu l.rrupf at Iha Udo Jiii& o1 1119 -~Jiiii-)llla'_tllelr tion ol tllit ,,.._oaJ.17 LosioD au~ ia It oon.....d at a.,..... lleft'-enlll. ot _,.. """t. Mlboa I.IJ&n<I. -yncler the Obmprillla6 lhe -1>¥7 • "'-,._ at,e&.: la a ~ ...-1. , .. , ...0 )( u,. "_,!.., llall Monda night wli:""°' cake and coff_ee ,.eno Mn• leedlNlp of Ito ...,. chairman, -William ll. !llolr•I!-...,.., •· *'-. -.... • ' I ~-. y ' 114 by --· MUee\I& Ble.:lt Mra. J°"" Bdcb Rol>ertll P . V. Pvlroo, l!filllle JUol. , • , I .. • -.-<. hi>-, n. . and Wilma .M-• Ill. ~·~ Clulld w1U "'!"t ley, Chulto r . -. a.,tlla 'I'll· R1cho d Fox Sr. . Do.~...., . u-v •• a "''!!'! Price' . The chief top!c ot dllJcuuJon · · · •t l2:Je P'!ft· 'h!1111Q, March t lot.on, Emel' J .. Wlfabt. co.ta · • e p~ ~~· ' •. wu Uie lnotnictina; ot dlatrlct , l , • A 45S at lb• hom~ ot Mn. Jt.mH Given. w-: J•rrold Bpanc\u. Udo i.te. Here From Mich. ~J::.: -It ts · a te..u.i. •• -~ ~J that nothlll&' ts ••to ho roptd to votlna' on 991on UX. oa Jum1ne. Coroea <let Mar, un· • Salt.er . .,_-~ -l0rgo~ten. not a 1"""" "'--•• not continue ,to -~ ,.'"I'_ ~. 1n dlatrtct by· t. I 'ti t'· M d•r th• direction.1th• chairman. Tucson Couple Rlcllanl -. "'· at n.-.,-==::· ==+:~===~:IB "1bra1e t1uou"' itll ""• "' u.. -.,......ung c:wnnt of la.,., wh!dl Wiii. be -on at a 0 . nl a 8 On, ineo Irone Boaomworth. Mlclt; II 'vlllltlng bllo aon oncl 11 ....a, 11ot a tho& lhati lto ,......., 1a 11ot •·Mr>ed 1p the ""'"'"" ineetiri'g In Orange, Tllma>:· Mar. • M'.anlM(O of ~th Guild> ..,.. Visit Re lative s -.iauclite ... ln·l&w, Mr. ·an4' w.... ltJ'. --1• oeal "' -lld".e•• .. a world of horror 8. • • -c.ino . M-Am.rtcan Legion uked lo bring a oack IUnch. Cof· • llichard I.. Fos ot Wm. 20th st.. ·"• . ..,..... -'• • lt W&I • joyoW!I event tor Capt. Poll and Aus.Nla.ry •55 will gather fee and tM wlU ..... M!rwd. · .Mr. and Mn. 8tllm rn.Mlin ot co.ta Me.. The Eutemtr made ~ Betr 1S&Jboa 1t Ulle ... "'a 1ovyt; '~ •J'M•RW • llchf.. .. Alma ,,__,.. rnemberahlp tdr a pOllack dinner !'t 8..0 p. m. 192&. SOia Alla A-, Coot& i.r.., !be trtp' ~ to -bla ~ c· "'!t _.. "'°''" 1 --, Stay, ~y at ·bo o, my !>dot"" -toot. . tam. u tbe th,.. mopt)> contest .MODdl!y, Mardi 5, la Lesion Hall. ; ~ . mt•~ u ;utota 0..., th• va...i..n. ~--Rlclrt-Aloe , ' • ' '?"• lfoward Erwood oltlclally ondod at llonday nlgl>t'• Th<' Newport 'Beach unite ha .. Business Stuaent week end Kr. and Mn. John C..· ftlcoml!lr· Mr. ll'oa • la ~. llD1181i . GADD · I . • ' raeetlng. Mnl. n->poon .and her ~n Invited u gueota. to Get Experie11c·e roll ot Tu.,_ Arla. Mn. carro11· l'OU!lf d&ughter of !he ~·oa '11~ Clout a.or' _NewJNjllt ~ ~ • 8lftll •. n:wa:aY .-ILU.BOA co-wortiien wUt be given & dinn'r Initiation ot tour new members , l ta the local m&n'a •later boutebold. In the near f.Uture by the team Jed will teatu,.. th• ""boequent bu.st-in Por+ «nd Store ------·~--~-·------'---------+-------------------...,..-·--------by Julia Eggert. ln accordanc~ neu meeUng of tbe auxiliary. w:it.h pre-arranged terms. A ll'&Dd • Paul& C&at)e, dau1hter of Mn. .• tlm• .... bad 'by an. -tJle.-LA p v~ a cuu.. -c. 11ay for the eoatest rewl&114 In a Na· aSfOr Aw., Sa-, la one ot M Unlftr· UouJ meMnlltp dtation tor the Add. atty of <>n-;on .lludfttt wbo Will ' Newport Ba,-Dlt. fo reSS talte onr tbe complete ,manor•· ~t Dareea Upao.n · t.lwlk-B • ment ot Upman. Wolfe. and eom· ed tlle inemben who coopen.&ed Newport apt1sts " pany bl Portland OD Fr\do.J', with' the cOJDJl}lttee Jn charge ot · I Marcll 2., tho food ..i. belol -Y 1n ·eommµn1qa aenice will be held stuc1en ... 1n U.. 114-.-cl coun. llicbard'• market. It .... won •t· •t .tlie .,.... Baptiat churcb, 18th .. la retaO ~ Wiii ftll tended, acconllag to -. u-. and Oomt· atnoet. Newport Beadl, all the oxOCUU.e poStlona In U.. , who malnt&ined Ute food ,.,.._ tOo at UM: 11 Lm, worahtp tentce. 11.~re tor one day. Mia CMtle will att1'11CU .. for aboppon to ....-. 'l'.lle' lltle or tbe COG1m1mloa medl· be IJle, ~t -tor. At.' the conchlaioa ot the ·llClll...,1 ti.Uoll'. wW be "Smitten of Cod." Mia CUUt la' a tetOor major 11ea meelillg, a cake eoate.t wu It wm lte delivered by DOn Lam-In Buainest AdmJnit~ beld to determtne · w•o will · "Jlft• benan. tbe putor. , 1 ..,., the local unit In the r....-ReT. Rt'pll Kun.on, director 6t GD'l'S POa PATUMTll In& cake """'-to be lleJd at UOlc and • Cbrtouan Education. Mernl>en of the Fr~p Olrlo RJchud'a Udo Market llOon. Mra iloover 8tftC't B&pU.t chutth, Loe ot UW Coeta M.ua j)onunwlity Adrian Joyarr WOil the deda!oD All&ela. wUl be spuktng al ~ 7 chW"Cb wU1 brlni ~ sifta fM w!lh a Norwegian 0nnS" cake pm. -W:.. Swtday achoOI begins patleni.a la -i... A.nJJ•lea Oen· and will nconatruc,t her muter-at 9 :45 a.m. WUb cJ&teta for all dal Bo.pllal wlM'b they meet Piece for the t>rar "cootat. ace1. XJd..w~ttk prayer and Bible Tuead&y, Ma:rcb. &. at 1 :30 p. m., A W&nn·up tame o1 m'-ik:allftudy .-rvlce w1ll bqtn al 7 :1~ at the ~e ~ Hele" and Joyce chain wu P~. followed by a ·p.m. W-ay. . s.-. 1Mt Mo Bemardlno Pl. for THURSDAY, FRIDAY alHI SATURDAY GLASS COFFEE MAKER sa: -69'. I Super Pal BOlllE PINS 1oe TO CARD 19¢ aeruw""' IEACHTOW~ Ref(. SJ.I& . . BUNTE CANDY Chocolate Nut Cninclt Rec· S9c 12 oi. 29• HEATING PAD $2.9 Rec. $3.98 . Cano• DISH CLOTH lki-. ·~(" l2 for $1.00 -----ii HERSHEY KISSES , CANDY lb. 59r l"'Jr. 79c TELETONE RADIOS Spt>etal $13.95 DL"VNER BELU: COFFEE MAKER $3.4 8 CUPS -K •1<· '4-41 Cracker.Jacks Candy 2 for 9 r Fever Thennoineters Keg .... 59¢ WRISLEY SOAP JN P48TIO MO 10 bcas special 59' TUSSY PINK CleanshMJ CNC1111 $1. ~&'· •L14 TUSSY · ) -. Elft•lsffied c .... $1. I · . : . lloc· 'fl. 11 .C:AW·llNG KNIFE 69 Chocolate Covered CHEUIES ........ "" fb. 59¢ WNCH Km ""'&·$&.!I $1.00 IOU PAPER TOWELS 160 Comit Rec. He 7 lor $1 .00 CANASTA CARDS Jlea.- 79;· SWEAT SOCKS Rea-. 69c Palr ' 2 pairs 98¢ CAtfA$TA Plasric Table Cloth Cover 59¢ Reg. '18c I TOILET TISSUE -.ric. Ue 12 Roll• $1.00 ' PAPER NAPKINS Ker· Ille 9 for $1.00 c.umy •• lled 'M .... lb. 4J# RUllER DOOR MAT Rel'. 49c l4f conoN socas Reg. 5e ~· ---•• 5 Pair.s ta ~ CANASTA TRAY 19¢ 1'ec-!.Be , CLO.THES PINS 36's 27¢ BOWL covas SET Keg-. - 19• Giant CHOCOLATE SODA"' 24r Woodlnwy, Camay, UN Buoy, Pflhlt.Olive, Ivory ~· bath size 6 foi 98¢ I BathctL-e IUll~ BATH 2 for ,$1.00 Lucite HAIR BRUSH a.e./fl.tt 7'4 Libby Zombie TUMILDS l 4 oz. 10 for $1.0o STRAW 1COOUE SWPllS a.w. .... 194 <;a,per ,. Cll. 1n ' . lloc· ... 2-for 11# • tA#llORlm Chunk Pineoppl• '::-ZS. • lAMnl ~.,...., .. ,..,., ft'NP. Pineappl• Tidbits ': 13- 0olll brONf. ,.,~ lt,....ri. Pnches ~'":-~":':'2 •:..-19" ti/NIU Jlltll Grapefruit Juice '::"" 12" Teo.-.-....._,.~._..~ b.'91,......fror --.f09t 146-ez Car\. 1'ict ' ·Libby Tomato Juice "!::"' 2S• Not-"'r",_.,...., 11 ..... «in, llcl Tomoto Juice :;;:x '!:"' H• 'Sugar Bell• Peas ChidtM. Fricassee , .. _........, ......... ~"" Lunch M9at ...:.-::...... . ·:: 0 ' tAll#Ulll# Codfish Catt•• t6... '": 21• Oysten ·"-=.:::' '!:-ne Minced Clams ,::;,.., "~-» • Minced Clams";'.":::' ·~ :Ifie • Crab Meat ""e...,..... ~: .,. , Mackerel ~~ •:;.--15• · t#Et6 T#UE rlllU Marg'arine ~~·,e:• .. 38- Pitted Dates ......._., •:.-:-22" Tenderonl y..c-...,. . :O:· ID" Spaghetti Dinner ;.... 39" CNI llov·A•·DH ~ · Mexican Dinners ":.:' .... 71• Cherub Milk m! ~~ 2 .!'! 219- Wbeat Hearts _.., 1,;o-219 r·; ........ -...... WELCttsl · PRESERVIS ' Plnaawl•, Chorry, 1 ..... 24• ... e11.,..,.... '"' Apri"°' ·",;:'-21• Peach ,,....,23• Plum. ,...._., 19• Bl•ckb..rry or Red Ra•pberry ':;"' 24Je StTawberry ·~ 33• -------~-------- SPIC AND SPAI Cleant wa)l1 euily. quickly. 1::;:.2&• ______ 4!"' ________ _ Q1' out~ ciun~ Cd ~Iii! al 110~ o• 14«. 12· apecial bulb deal -' -----~----------- OJYDOL SOAP Gnnalat<d. For diohea or elolbel. :::-309 . --------------- YOUI. • ·BUTIER Dairy Glen brand. Fil'll quality, quarteml, carton«!. Sp«ially priced 750 lhi1 -t. . . .. . • BUY OF.'THE ' WEfKI. Crirp, mouth·watering mip1 al ~n per· fectly ribboned w\th bigbly nutritiopa white and lean. Doesn't that 11<>Und good? l\nd it ~ p E I p 0 U N D too! Serva sweet, sesfy bacon t~y-and G R A D E A when you bring home that becon. be sure it's · from Safeway at thi11pecial low price. LjA YE R PA t K AlllTIOKAl f,flVUl!.~EAT $Eu_10N . BIB BQJST · 1:.?::=i . lb. 79° I.Diii BOAST . 1Nolfec1t..S::;::-. 590 I U. II. GraoW G0QD ... wa-. LEIS . -*~~ ... 75° f • I • ·I i_ w.a 1a1u1;.~t.~~~ .. 2a0 . Bl·LlllJ I ~ SllllS · ~ · 1.:&9° -t: ..... ' SAVE AT THESE I.OW PRICES Oci•• Pelci ~ •.. 49-. fileJ!tfSalmir i--::,. •. 59-. , . , · ·)~st look al Ille low pri<:<o on wql·bown, looda lhi• wttk at Sefewoy. t I.Inell Meal 51.!,~~i•ce •. 49': GU. . mr . 22 i ......_2 1.cwgo .. s...11 ...... TED IT-®.l.loP>tMoat..... 0 , ........... SIQd«P;.c, •.• 7-. · Rec1uc..i Prtc:. _ • I Beef liver w."::c":... .: 6tc PD.~ Dn1--· ... ~lnBE_•lt. _'S . 2_ ,!: 350 i Lamb tilt Oops ~-•. ate .,_ __ .,.._ --"'~ 1 li111bCllops~,.1'°.:89-L=~.9fc . • ·1 I SRO. n• Yecietabl• l!llonanlnq .... 990 ! &IA -• Ii I .. ill II 1· U·lh.Sbe 0 Can.35c) ; • lj ,,,;., ,:,,,,~ · t1ltm110 . -v~ Slocri•nln9 ia. gae . . 0um oro,. • ...., ~ 21· -"~ r .. llaJd"9. Fry!Dq. U·lb. Can. 35cl -;,-· I Jel!y Bea"s ........ 'O: 259 t. . .. · · · 1 ( 4 , Orange Slices ....... • ....... 25• M~•t Jaclc.Flaentrror 0 ~-,PricedatSol1W<JY •• . .,. Alma~d Clu.=s.E :-... ~ 21"1_,' 33 Imperials '""'"''••·-.,.. " · .. . ~t!~eoo1:: !r;"~ o f MIU, _,,,. tlltltEtt ·C0ft£f:· r.i;~d'ib."~~i°' · '!! 79° I L-me~k·=l9c=:,19l·c:·'. ~ l I""' a Q9nifld. paitwrlaillll · .-----....... I PTb tub;kf .. StoN: ...... N0Utotiarw. AllWAI COFFEE (3.fb ....... ,.ta) ~ 72• HILL C FFEE (2 bog.1A7) ~ 74• . . I PEllWIT . COFRE . -lowpriA = 7-1~ . ,,. 7 ' for the .eaMt'a in riiu ~ ... ~ shop at . J Saf.,.•1 prod1o"! Ila da. E•t~ pun:fio,. gu1nnteed lo ·pt.w or your _..,. baclt . Sbop Sa(.tway, "lye! • . I ClUOTS . T~ DlwlliES r.t~ ' ! 111 ~· ' I Mrs. Writht'• llnad ::r .. l Sliced,. ..wt.., ....... C}9'olt toof, 1Scl -j Hi .Ho Crac:lcJn !::-29". Crack.,. T!:., :;:-1 r ~ 29" 4AMiL:f CIRC~. • ·~~.:AME :JO«=-t :t' 10... CNt &AllGll MG 61 kn'CHEN CRAFT' ·. .· '· • • ' ' -··--·---·--·-:·-·-···· ..... ,. ............ --... --............. '7 • ., •• ~ ,.... ·-·-._,., -,,.-,...;, . . ~·-· ... -, .. -.. ·-·~·-~ .. ~ --~· • ' . , . • • • I - • ' • • ' ' • • ' • .1 a • E L M 0 • T E NO. 2 !<,, CAN I LS. 13 ozs. . , . ! : ' I . P E .. 1 ~1 · a .. Es ~1::.·· 21~ _ 115 . _,u·.1t ~sR~. -1 :sc · -. L I I B Y ' S · l{o . 2~ CAN 1 lB. 14 ois. 1 B E T T Y C I O C I E I . · 1 ·FRUIT [OIHTAIL 3.lc 1 [ A.'H E m.l 1H ~~K~ ... 3.gc • F 0 0 • c L t I -1-6 oz . CAN , A c I F I c ~~UNI> .9()J( ' . .• i ' liRAPEFRUIT JUICE 27° SODA -ERA · .. ERS 21u ~-~ . ' ~ . I A T H 'S 8 L l C ·1 -.1· I I . ' . . 1 • $ A u s 1~1;· . ! ,~0.f· " 3 7 c ·. . ;I ,DEL M 0. TE .. -· 'NO · 3<>3 , Cf'N 1l8°1Cl. SUGAR' PEA ·S . · 17~. f I 0 S J E E. WET . fl So&.~.,_ 'i 1 " S All SHRlm 29c -~ ... 0 L .£ l E I • E L 2 I RIBLET [ORD ll o~.c-S 2 9° 1 VElllOIT MAii ·! . 1 - 5 Y. R U ·p i tl.oz.. 25c . . . BofTl.t ~ ' •. ' SEASIDE . 2 1 ·11.mA BE .A .DSHO .l~23c PAii .. . I 2'., I a.a& FOllD ·LS-CAM~·2 .5c . ' IJl8 10 3 · .1 POT.AT 0 E.5,. No.2CA~2 5° i1Eans£1 ·· -1 ... 21i Wliii 1 E iiiiiEn 11! illliiti:11 HI : ·G ·I 11~ . .. . ' .. . .. .. ' . :WI ~OLLICJ ~ALIS JAX I • • . . II~ LIQUO~ ,L , .. . •. ' ' ' . . ,.,. .,· : : ,,. . ~~--:;--:;;;-~~------=~:;::J=:L.-~~'~~m . " • • • • . . . • • ... ,_ • I ' I I. .i · I . ·- . . . 6;o'l-~°'" i.~ . . I . 1· I RI ' . I , ·l?~~A . '/ . • ~ •e • . : ·l ' . SCORES OF VALUES~?~. CHEC!K.THESE SAVINGS• . / l . . THAT CAN BE ENJOYED ONLY AT YOUR 'LOCAL ·, , . . · . . ' .. ALPHA al!A FRESH ( '39· 1 LIVER . SAUSAGE-1· • ! .IUST LiKI . HOMl·llJAOll 'J . .,.1-rav• 1 MACARONI SALAD c ' LAICCO HIRRlflG FILET .J29' WINE SNACKS Goa.J~ e .. -. . LASCCO . s.-ICID . 125 1 CUT HERRING ~ 0 z-JAP.1 c . • I c LB. -~TWO POUND C~N 2&•· HOLLAND HAMS I (IOI 1 j • ' I 'OJfl ' . . /. -~ .. ~B.'c.fN ' . . • . . . ·' , I • I • • • I . . ' • ' • • ' ,. • • • ·~ _,,,.., .,. • I • I f.•.~PA~llT11!..;;;. :R$DA;.ru.1t T, ~ .•. ~!!' NCl'llCI U•AI., . :i:;Jiii 7.! •llE-SS 9 · .. ~~~;;.:,,_ ;·. =::: .:.;•rtt!i?., ·~ -p ~ · TJlfJ. IL .... ._, ... U. fwtas 9¥ bl11tfte • ' . ' . TBm tnlll•INW*1 •••• _. ... Wu a A. OWM .... , • · he..., -tlf:I! -... lo en t I· Mllf -.AJl'l'.llUa JC LAii' . ' • -, • u:nllll s. ommau:v, 11. n. . -~C.-OWUMil . . ,fv.W1111, ·con.t. MM• ... .,.......... : .. .......,...., f, ~ ·11a • ' UaAL NOTICI , U•AL NOTICI ~·a ..... c ':' t>•n11,....,. 1o1t •• --"aw...._._• -._.,_. _ _,..--''--:i--i"'-----::-11 -----..-------1,------------lat 121 ----.... t ,au1D, e.••t o - -ot ..__ Ills .. .._ ..,,..,," u.t-lo -'PlilUdll !1~~~_!.UiOt.C> 'l,Q ' CEJJlVil'IAD °' 11USIJQll8 -~ 1 1 ,. ,._ ~ ot --~-~ ot~-.u..~~ ~:~~ • 0--4 ill ~In a.~-· ol ::_: ""w~~ ',,,,-•m al tee ~ • -l&ROAt' -U• !ft ' n r-· -- ----~--e -~~~ -"'--..... tncUnr ....... _ -........... ~ _.. ....:i.-1 OWi<* 'WW!t>N"DA\' AKO .IATUJIDAl' '1' H & UNDai&GNJ:D do e 1 C-tf .. °""""'" , . posed Of thj followin&' -port ~ Orup -County. Call· th~' ,..iar \ .-t1117 "'*'"I of , I 'By ppojntmoat · • ~b• ftnn N-Of <lallf ....... r. -Por Ille Co. ODd t.bt.t -~ lo ..,_. af N-. f, Ill • J9tb S~· New· Ql'dlMtn', wlao llbe ..... Wore 11"111111 ' ' •· r·-:-t bereby Httlty Ulat he la ~-N MIU w-nun .. In lllll and p-ot lorn I&, -dlmolved u or l!'tbru· l'"1 America In Ille llmne at Mn. ww.· &.:~lo Kennet.II omO., ~ ..... ,!Ii.·~ Jteli-.. ....... Jfaitlor ••. iJ>c a boat lu!4fn& Uld• Tra!llnf ' · ' • _,-.,_ 11fti U J'OC.ewl, to-wit: U)' 12, Jal. , J . J, lllulillrd ill 0..-del Mar. JI:'-i "1<-of the • I Port b.:_ullnea at SlOl-IU2 i..-1'fOl'IQ& OF • . 01' az4 i . A. 4 Oafte~ Tbe ~ will con.Unu.e 8llid Jiln. CJiltl tit#, "Vetere 4**th ot-.ide mot·Mr a crl:O,.>llMMl!ll•-~r-,'."":'""----:--t--~--....:.---,..,----..;.....__.J fayette.. Nftport BNeb, Callfor· 4lfD l'SllllOHAL I 121 Bu ll<mo, NOWJ*t Beaob 8"' hp1ot.o an ~ con· an ~t '"'1tlld ~· -· -. · w~ wt~ ~:--~-""---.:.··-t-"'l'W..-----.;._----...:..-- nla, ll!ldor u. tic;Utloal ll7tn -AT PUllUC AllCtiOlil WlTNllllS but\ this :n..t day or tnctAoil i.; -1n the -'II ~ tMt -.u..,tll Pnot!llnf .T"'lce Robert ~ ' 1 · •1 ot Col .. Udo. Cove &.t l•!Vlt•g THOlllAB RICHARD DITT'HAR. l1'ebruuy, ltril. &aid )JU1>lenlllp pr!« to ro...._, ..-darit)' of poll-. '1'11i1 lo -°" U.. -•"{ . • '. r--------+--'""'-------------_;I and ~Port ... d tllat Mid .• ~ A..L. GA1"1'ZIWAM . u. 19$1. lolt all contr&ctf -of .... --tar Ula -.,,.. .... ,.... the Snn~tliett ·· 1 \, .. flnn la --or the followtnc "'· State or Calltom!a, • " IAto bJ ellbu Ot aid pUtl• oub-•I -~ In -ch Cl'-. chaze• BlaJllo7 C. -. •· i I· } • . ' .. perlk>?ls,, -names In tun and ~ I!IMERllON DrrnuJI, County or oran.,., 'a. -to aid date ..Ul be • tM' llliDr tlndl .... If. Croaa rilln&' •u lllnta Ana n11/!i . e<111'-to•'o ., placoe ol IM!dence ..... u rollowa, rr AU D.tf...s..... OF·THIS 21.ll day or Februar)', ..,_t Of'U.. party .. Ol'toriq' ,P"nnltted ttrot ln·ltlS and dumc who .. lace of ha'Ylnc obtain'. ' wo1•·1 .. 1r.H 1rOOO Joas to-wit: NoUce la baroby pv<n that the A. D. 1~1. befo'-me, llll•hth lo;> to ~ntnrl. . , 11\0 fe&n Jiu bee! -e(lelal ~ ed U .000 ,f J. B. Rlchud .. '' , " Watter t. Cole. 3112 Lafayette, u.ndeN.lped, u Receiver ln the 'f:. Heemetra, a Notary PQJJc la ~ wn"MUa WHl!ltkOI', we prev«1ttn,-an ucwa ot·party Dia· O:>iet& Meoa Pl-1 ror lat.or -and , Newport Blach, caJlfol'ftiia abOlre 1'IUmbtnd "'uni mtiu.d ac--&ad tor the uJd ~ e.n4 State. haft beremito Mt our h&nd.f a.ad ehlhd, and fUly ,awer. Over· a mat.ertal on contra.ct be clatmed ~ WITNEs8 my band thla 8th dlly u.n, Wiii MR at pab& ....u..,. to ruldlnr; 111....tn, duly -.... ...,. W.. HU. day or F'ebruary, long period ot Ye&Jll In Callfomla to bave. I , · , •' ot Feb~. 1161. the highest, and best bidder, &nd ed and awom, perab.n&Jly apJ*l"ed 1111. . ' tile rdulta of tbLI Jreeelit •Y91tlf" · Deput;y Dill. Attorney Walter- 'WALTb. .E. COLE w.bJect to tlMt. CCll\ftnnatton by A. L. Gatt.crdam, k*wl\ to me to A. OWEN MONSON, · laave ~ to give 'fl hl&:h·~ltN~ Steiner contef.da Reed wu gull~ State of .caittornia. aaJd SUpvtor Court. an of the be the pef'llOQ, w~ name Ja Wb· AR-muR M . LA~AKER , public otflclal8;-" of .tn.Ud or 1 miaapproprlaUon~ of County ,Of Orange, llL . ricJtt UUe and Jiaterest ot lbe scribed to the-wtlhln tnatiwnent, State ot CaJlfvrnta. • Kn. Cbtcheeter conctuded wtt.h tundt by use ot • the money tor OF THIS ~ da,J' Of Febrvary, A. partiu Ile.rel.a in and to ~ rat and acknowledced to me that ~ County ot Oranp, u. "A 8tr:ons' twe>-party national •Y•-olher JJUf'IK*}8. · . D. 1951. belore me. R.obftt F . and penon.ll property herelnatter executed tJlte -.me. m WITNESS On thla Hlh day or· Februaryr lem la euentW lo Mund govern--Faced wtthJ a delay In the trial . Wlllm~ a Notaey f'Ubl.Le tn ·aad more puttcuJarly de.Krilted. WBEREOP, I :haw aterNMo eet 1951, before 'lne, the unden!cned.. ment bat our major pOlltlcal par-becauae ot a~ce °"-Judp Mor.- tor the aid County and State, re-SaJd aaJe will be condueted 00 my hand and attlxed my Ottlcl•I a Notary Pua.lie in ahd tor Mid tJee t• ncent years have devltaJ-rtaon, Wbo·, ~. be&rln&' Uw e:tdlng t:Mftin, d\l.ly c::ommiuloned t!ie tt.b day ot March. l9l5l, at"lhe seal .the 4.&7 and year la·Utla Cl9-County and State, per80JlaJ:y ap-lsed them~lves by their !allure te tar7 caa • ..a~n and Dep. PubUc and SW'Onl, ~y •PP.Nd bou.r ot 2:00 o'c],pck p. m . at t.be lltlcate tJrat above wrlttea. pe&red A. OWSN MONSON and come forth with cleu.~ en~-Defender ~uel D;ret&en,agreed Walter ll. CQ!e. llno,.,, to be to be a&ld premS-, '-led at OC) ~ay (SEA!.) • ARTHUR ~-l.A.1:JDAKER, known lscd pollcl• Gld ptaUonn -to Gardntt p~aidlng .-• the bal· l :. ' { the pentian "'1'1oee name la aub-Stnie, • t, Newport Beath, Ca.Jl!omJa. EI....IZA.8lCTH M. IJSEMST!U. to me to be the penona whoM Wllicb a cutdldate-can build a we ot the t1aJ · \ \ acri~ to the_.wtthin tut.rum.eat, The real and penonal ,A-ope.rty N~ P\l.btA c la and tor Ute niamea N"e 1Utlecr1bed toftlM for. forcetW e&mpeip .. TbUI the con-~ : . · " and ackaewledg6d-to -rne that he being lbe mbjett ot ~ above County at. Oruse. St.ate ol. ping inatrurnent and admowl-eern.tlft conatitlKlonaJ meznben Opti-'ia -. &:.!.. El-~ · --executed the saroe. IN WITNESS IM'Otloned -.le 11· ~ partlc•Jar· Ca.llfor1tla. edged to me that they executed of aJJ partier haYe uguty aval). lllltl'5 IV ~ WHER&'O.F. I have hereunto Mt ly, 41Mcr1bed as toDow.: j My Commla!don Jtxplree 12/10/S' Ute same. ed ll!lemR.tve1 Qf a way to exprel:s .. _ . ~ .. my hand and. affixed my Offk:ia.l Th e-North'Weaterly' 83"2 ' No. 641-~ WITNESS my hand and oftklal tAeir ft'linft by voting for-the can-~W Uftlcer5 aeal the day and year tn th:ill Cer-ot Lota 22, 23 and 21., Block ao_ Pub. F&b. 22: Mar. 1-3-lG, 10.Sl. .a.I. · dtdate who came nearest lo fUl-} tllicat.e lint atiiow WriUen. ~ .Addition to Newport • HARRY ASln"ON, 1 tullng their requirement.a rather Newport ,._,.bor Optlrmt.t Club · RO~ F . WILLMEs. Beft.bt.,, aa per map recorded CERTIJPt(:Aft OP BUSIN'&SS ISEAL) t.Mll 11bting llle p&rtf line." will elect M'"f offtcers and dlrec- A!Y Co"!11'i.Mfon Expire& Ull•/31 ta ~ 4 J.t pqe lH ot M~-· FICITl'IOU8 Fl.RM NA.Mlt Notuy Public tn and for aaid Mn. Altne Ba.Jdw1n Ehre.n&ll ~ra at its ·March 12' luncheon Xo. 837-P"resa cel1a.neoua Mapa, Record.a of THI: UND&R.8JON.0 tikt .,..._ County and State. preefded at tbe meeUac and tritro.-meettnc, Pre.lfiden't Btll To~ aa- Publlsh Feb. 8-t5-22: Mat. l, 1951. Orange Cocm.ty; tocethe r with by certify that they are conduct-No. Ml-PreM. 4~ Mn. C!iarJe:e Bo&ntman Wbo llO\lncHi. l ·· a:'.I ot the~ furniture, Ing a RHtaura.nt and Sp,ortJft&' PubUab March l ; 1001. ~~4:;on_~ ... hietory of Red .Qooa, ._ Nomlnalion'att..L . wijl be preaenUd NOTICE TO CREDITORS tl'afhr, ~wpm-t and all n __ .. _ ......... a-"' review of It.I tonna.--· ~1 •comm 1ee· oabatsUD& of Jack -, "' ~ B~nel!ll at 117 Cout Hip-·~-.~ •··--·~1r • --L J ~-" No. A-l8S"f0 otber ~ property locat-c NO'l'l<JE OF DITICN'TION ...-. ..._ acUYlue. U.ru ~ ~ -.-. , ~ 1)ftff, ~ Ward, I .L N u .... n U'le aa.Jd preml-Cway. tty ot. Newport Seacb, 1'01 8SLL • ._,. aMed U.0-lDt.el'el'led la tall-Ta'llolmM tind Jatk Bklwell.'Tbe n the INperior Court • ot the -ounty ot Orange, Stale of Call-.__ .,. u -~ •• ~ t ·~ ot•·--1 ~ •-_. __ ' 'IJle lmpro• ... --•-. 1n ...., to the NO'nCE 19 ~-y n~.. .... ac Ve ,..-.. w ui::: a "'""" 1-~• ~ve ~ ee ........ 16 State of California, in and tor the ~··--torn la. under . th& flctllloUI ti.rm n.ao......a "-• -· County ol n-..._e. sail real property consist ot a name of Davy Jone•' Locker and Purautnt to the provbtoae ot meetmc on Marcb l, at 9:41 a. a:a. clUrtnc um first year ot the club'• .,.. ... ~ Me •&clry two bedroom a-' den SectJon Si.CO ot Clvfl Code of UMJ Jn tllrt Balboa Bay C1ub for Uk 0 W•nee U. ~t Tobl&I, Estate ot BRUCE WARREN • ...., that the said rtrm ts com"""'•....,. of st-·ctl -... ---• 1 l id ' L 1 p d o ~ • realdence, a two car g•·•-and r-<'"' State ot Calltornlo., that J . c. •.... one. • '"":r -u \IO u.nteers v ce prea en,u ye ope an . -..rp..;ea.sed. .... e-the following parties whose names t th k G s •·-· G N a combJned work rODm and lhcd. P ower Brown ot 2100 Ocean Front, o carry on e wor of eoltclta-. uea; secre-, -treasurer . otlce la herehv "'"4ven to cr~Jt-and &ddressea are u tollaws. to-ti -• ··•• B H -J ---_.., 6 ' Said s.Ue •at be made unn.o the w it .· Newport Beach, CaUto-L.. ft!D-GA. .,e -.-. . Oiuu&n ;i. set'C....ui. at arms ors havtag clalma.against lbe said r--··-....... _ t ot v-N~ · decedent to tlJe said'1::1allna lb Ur following tenna: JO";f_ ot the pur-BRUCE B. CARD dor, dcb:l:I' M&efne. at Mac'1 MaJt 1-ne &nnOQM!emeJI a ~Mn•· ~v ub 8'eeta office ol the Clerk Of u.e afore-chue price thereof uPon accept-Corona deJ Mar, Cslifornla Shop, intends to sell to Paul T. alJ t ~ ~ meeMtlng, ~.~ enlhus1-,TM :-WNb rt , Ba ... rhy lllondac t J said Court, or to ,....-nt t.hea:i to ance ot a ~kl by Aki reuiver, the 614 Na.rc!8llla. S1mp30n and Asnee a . Slmpson, c Y rece v . rs. -...;w11 told ot noon • o_ 1on s )'9 ore a e . ., -~ upon cloee ot eac-" fol· busb&Ad and wtte, of •oo No_.'"' t.be otter ot the putor ot CoTf\-~~ ..: ac the undenlgncd at I.lie ofttce of ,.,_ H ... ~y E . BEMOLL, • ·-It Cll h Co Uo J4. d C for .Jerome Weber, 629 South liJJJ :~ ~n:!.rm~U~~ ~e :!e S~ 8NlelwpoCoasrt t ~8lgchhw, a!:_lltom~ ~t=no v~~~· :" u::~: ~~n! del ~r to ~~grl~ha~ war c~f It.re-et, bl Ole City ot Loe Anfelea, ~ ..-,. .... a no~l "" •·-· So •-N QC I ef U-1& C iawfUI moDO• of the United a ...... CARO' ~ E. ADAIR t&O> _,__, -rty conal.atlng -•-ar mee,.,.g P~--ew 'I ....-ounty. ot Loa AA«etea, Califm"lll• ' ou.,._ ~ r -r· -r-""' l M h 23 ••• h I -• hi h -1't.e undersigned, 1r~ -I.lie ' «enenlly Of &JI Rock-in-trade. 111.nn ng arc .._ eac oa.1·1.a bu.t-w c latter office i9 lhe place ot 193 Tigert.ail Road Frid th rt ... In ~-~ r 'o bul5ines;e or the undera-lgned In aJI rtcht to reject a.ny and all bkis. Los AJl&eles 19• California rlxtures and equipment, and good-ay erea er ~ meet gs _..." o . . ot range Dated lhi9 '~th ""'"'• ot -•ruary, wttt of• eertabt m.lt ......._ ~~ will be held there at 10 o'clodl: 1n Cout coUeP at . lta .,Jaat regular matters pertaining to Mid e9ta.te. -, • 11:• ADELE J . ADAIR, -"'I"' ..._........_" th l T tJa w&z!ded Such cJa.lma, with the necel..ry 1851. 193 Tigert.all Road." u MAC'S MALT SHOP in t)le e morn ng. he ball LI located mee I'_ a .. :-J-a oont~t to i.. b JOHN w. ARANT, Lo etty Of N.-nn .. t' Beac.b and locat-at 811 Heliotrope Avenue, Corona. land ~ctk>n corcpany of vouc ers, must be filed ot pte8ent-· s Angeles 19, Calitbrnla --~ del M Ni Be b ed 8..9 afore.said, wlthJn six monU. Receiver WITNESS our hands . Ulla I 7th ed at 2100 OceAn Front, Ne"trpOrt ar. eW"pOl't &ch _to utld a new after tbe tint publication of OU. No. 634-Prea day ot F ebrua.ry, l.951 . ~&ch, California; and that the Mn. Lewi.a T . Cardine+ 'of Bay-beet feedlhc \ unJt. Low btd wu notice. PubHab Feb. 8-15-22, Mar. 1, 1951. B purcb&ae price lhereot will be p&k1 l'bores was appointed cltaJrman of 121,218. Dated February 6. 19.51 . H~~ BE c:RD at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on the 15th legislation. "Tbe ltoeef unit LI deaifned in a.c- l CAROLE E. ADEMAlROLL day of Mareh, 19!111, a.t the law Of· The March 23rd meeUn& will cordaJ:aa w1UI t.lale beat commerci&J ALEXANDRIA WARREN CERTD'ICATJ:: OF BUSINESS ADELE J . ADAIR nces of Max Hurwtt&. Attomey a.t feature Mra. Eunlce Dean ot Olen-pra.ctlcee no.f u9'd ln raialng beef Executrix ot the W ill ot aid P\ctltlous Flrm Name Law, 2611 Newport Boulevard, tftlle who will •peak on ·-n.e Pro-cattle. lt wttj be uaed ln teacflinc decedfl\t. THE ,UNDERSIGNED does STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Newport SH.ch, County ot Or-posed 23rd Amendment. studenC.. the/ belt practice• and J erome Weber, hereby certify that she la conduct--•e 8&ate o( CalltoBla AU women tnte.reeted In the procecture tor ralab\~ and feedlns 629 South Hill St., tnc • Real Ell.ate bu.&Jtea at 700 COUNTY OF ORANG~~ ~ted : P'etmia:ry rr, 1961_ .A.medc&A W&J;. or ggwrnme:nt are Oetl cattle, I · Loa Angeles, Call!orula. Ba.at Balboa m.d... nan..: Call-On t.hta, lTt.h day ot February, J . c . POWER BRo--•. Invited to attetJd. • lolr A ( ...... ---....... ... _ ~· 1951, before me R. v . MARSHALL wN . ttorney ror Exc>cutrix. om ~ 1.tl'IC: f""'wUoUs firm -Venctor Ll-w I OC I "'-- No. &36-!Press. nune o1 -..aboa .Realty Company a Notary Pub"ic in and for aak1 .... ~ G' ff..L. • fiR • ... ---1'Vf' PubU&h Feb. 8-lr>-23; Mar. I . 1911 and that aalol nm1 11 compoee4' of County lllld 9,_.. ruldlng -., PAUL T.~;;r~ON. , IYe s 'I" lft m4J T Sha-jOll I. l the lo'lowlnc P!raona, whose duly comm-.. and swom, AGNES e . SIMPSON, State Tm RelMnS Of, pl NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE JN THI!: SALi: Of' AUX>HOL1c BEVER.AO.SS nAlba in t\tll and placea ot re.sl-person.ally appeared BRUCJC B. Ve-ndtte Mn. Jlay rche.r, owne.r oe the denCe an. .. fOllows, to-wit: , CARD. HARRY E . BEMOLL. · .Thoma.s H. Kuchel, ch&lnnan ot Toy Sbop., fonnerty located at UW&a IL Mc Adoo. 1000 West CAROLE E . ADAIR, and ADELS No. 149-PTeBll. the franchlae tax board announc-208 Marlne i.a.ve.., &atboe •-1 ... -...1, Bal~ Bl·• N t Be J . ADAIR known to me to be the Publfiih Karch 1, 1951. cd od ha ,. ~~ -..-u., ew por a ch, t ay t l a state lncolne tax baa announced that she wtll move \ ' ' • • ' . \ ' ' e. •. T' ~ ....... =--- ' 1/,1•1 ~ RllJIJY ltltOWITT Y•r ~~Int of tke 'ee~ry I Y ... Reddy~ a "-ii io •''!"* everythiqg 1"" do today. folks. jHe'• the Edif:oa Company's Mi1611 AJD.. ;,, P--. He cloa ~ """-ark_ r6m the fanorios, -"" bud oa the Wms, and helps die '1orelretper ulltaaclmb ol ways. . ' He »-U.roo! Worlti~ 24-houro 1 day ;. his idn . ' ol· 1 sood rimjt. IO -him Ill you waor· ro. flip the twitdi aad 'witrch him rako the _,,.,.., ol _h<Jue. 'M>l'k. I Roa>cmber~-lbat Reddy's ....... .,... the lc>- i-oa the f!U1li'7 budp! · · ' 'INl's Red</1 Kilo-,.._,. fM . .,_J r ·j . . ~t ~ ''• I L • >. Febru&ry 218, 1"1 C.Jlfornia. perM>na whoae na.mu are -~ eJC&miau will be available at ber a.bop to a new kticaUon al SOUTR.IN CA ~I FOINIA ·~•SON COMll'ANY • • • TO WHOllf IT MAY CONCERN: WITNZSS my band this 13th scribed to the wtthin InatJ.wnent SEEKS PAYMENT Santa An.a Ola.mber Qf Commerce 315"'° MarlJI~ Ave. She ~ that Subject t o Issuance of the tt-day ot Fe-bruary, 1951. and acknow1ec4ed to me that lhey Aliqi.nr • s 2.ooo promlmory note tn Santa Ana from March 5 to she expecl.8 to be open tor b\W- ("eflSe appUed for, and comment:-Lil-l.IAN H . McADOO executed the same. IN WITNESS waa .unp.ald. Atty Robert A • .ltaat-April 16 to a.s81let taxp_,.en \n the neu at then~ quarttrs by March Ing not lea than 15 days atter the-State of CalllornJa, ·WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet man of Balboa lalaDd U.\8 week tlnng ot thelr eta.le tn.;ome ta.x 1. date po9led, notice is hereby given County ot Orange, -. my hand and atttxed my official eought judgment ln that amount rrlorn.t. . that the unde rs!i"ned ptopoees to ON THIS 13th day ot F ebruary, seal lhe day and year In this cer-plua $300 attorney'• teea in auper-Single pe.r~na wJUI net Income ~11 alcoholic beveragu at these A. D. 196-1, before me, Robert F . tlt lcate tint above written. io r court .ult apJn.at C. Arthur ot $2,000 or more &nd manied premises, 'cte.scrlbed a.s tollowe: WDlmea. • Notary Public in and fS EAL ) and Ruth Remley and C . A . and coupf~ wtth combined net lnc<Jl'ne FISHING B 0 AT .. LUCKY for the said CoUDty and sate. re· R. V · MARSJlALL Kathryn V · Davta. ~ at:ic per or 53,500 or mor e mll.9t rue fta~ STRIKE" 34.fl Via Oporto, aiding t.hereta, duty commluioned Notary Public I nand for S&kS ceat note wu allec~ to have been returns. NEWPORT BEACH and .swwn, Dft.Onally appeared County and State. My Com111i.-given tut Aug. 29. ------------- Pu,..uant to such intentJon, Ute UWan R. MiAdho, known t o me sion B:xptfta July 9, 1954 . underolpcd ii app'ying t o the t,o ,be tho . .,.,_ ""'°"" n&Jne 18 No. f<!>--Preoa j --Oull!led ado att rad by foU.. LEGAL NOT1CE State Board or Equalization tor 81Uti9cribed• to lJle W'lthJ.n i.Mtru-Publlthed 31)-S.-14-22/51 -"o are looklDI' to buy, NOTICE INVl'MNG lllD8 issuance on original application of ment,. &Ad adalowledged lo me an alcobolic beverace liceue for Utat m, aeewted, the aame. IN theac ~ u (ollow..;~l ~ , tr, I uve l~~tt=o/~~~i·~= ~en.' · "~!Yfrntn• CTl'Y Oi' NEWPORT Bll:ACH, '''[• ~Of'~~ .Ji~ t~ llaU, rt Bead>.• ornla, wltH t fao clock Notice 1a hereby given that the Boant' ot· 1"~· af . the QNnC'l' ~t . Jii.1o(400{li ~·-. ""t ; __ t. ! : ~re <»un~~~.. ~ bllh up tci' th4 hour 01' 2: d' P: M . on thi 18th day \•erltied prote•t with the State ROBERT F . WJLLA£ES, Board of Equalization at Sacra-My CoaunJeiidoa explres 11 /16/51 mento, catUornia. stating gn>Uftds (8&.l.L) tor denial a. provided by law. The No. 640--Prua. premisea an not now Jlceiwed tor Publift. Feb. 15-22; Mar. 1-8, 19~1 . the sa~ of alcoholic beveral"e&. HAZEL F . JACKLIN CZRTIFICAH ·OF 81JSINESS P'leUU.n f1rm Name No. 8;4..._Prea . Publish March J, 1951. The u:ridetsigned doea he reby certlty that abe conducting a C ER'MFICA.TE O~"' BUSlN'F.88 ruest. r&Qda bualnea at Orangr P\etltlou.-Ftrm N.... County, CalJtomla, 1350 South . Coa.st Bouten.rd. Laguna Beach. T lj E UNDERSIGNED doe. s California,. -der the tlctlt iou."' hereby «rUfy that s.hP is «HJduct-ttrm. name ot "BRASS ASS lng a reetaurant buline• at S07 ACRES" ud that aaJd rirm. ls Manne ATe., City of Balboa· l• C!QDlPORd ot the following per90n, land. County of, Orange, State of whase O&Jne in tull anll place of Calltorat.a. under th.e flctltldua ...acte.nce le u Jollows, to-wit: firm ~ of Hoateu Houae Uld TffCl.M-4 O. JOHN~. that said tlrm is compoaea of Ole UJ. NOl'UI Bedtord Drive, toUoWiltg' pereona. whose IMJ1J9 BevwQ' mr, Calltornta and 6dlt e-are aa folio-~ Wltbea ..,. -thl.a 8th ••·· wit: -...._,__ ~ -----,. 1161. Dori.a · J . Wheaton, 138 South THELMA G. JOHNSON Bay .rn.t-Balboa Ialand, Stat& or Callfond&. C&lllornla 0Xmt7 ot i...o. Angeles, as. WITNBSS m y band thta 7i.,.c1&7 ~ th1t 8th ay ot J"ebruary. of F e-.y, 1151. A. D, Jta;I, -.i me, Vlr&'lnia DORlS J . WHEATON LM ~ ~ Notary Pubilt In and Sta~ "' ~--ror a&ld County and State. reolclJng County ot Orange, ... therelrl, du\y commllalonod and ON Tills 7th day ol ll'ft>rwy ......, pen sJqo 91>-TJlEL. A . D. 1901. --H. K. llA 0. JOHNSON, -to me to HO!ker, a Notary Pub!Jc In Uld be .Ula -...._ -11 9111>- tor -County and State, reokl· ....-I.a - ---.nt, •t.nl'~du.ty~n' ''Eldmd ~llekww1 .... to_tbM,~ IWom. ,.. _."" appand o.n-d-tod tllo ...... J. W-.. -ta -to'° U. la wl-Wbereot, Iba.,. .. ~ penon -.-11 --""'° at 97 llud Gld attlxecl m1 to U.. wltlllll lnatru!nent. -oll)dal -CM day Md 7eu In aclalo•114lwed to ·me I.bet Olle Q• !loll Oil ilhle-&!loft Written. KUted u..· e&me. , , '11-..U. La LllWIS, • ~ wrna:ss WHJ:RIXJI'. J !f<ltU7 r 2 "c _Ill &"!' for aid baft ... , .. .., oet my --C IJ' ... Ital<:. aritu4-'1111Y0 otnclat ooa1 u.. _, 1•&1.i -J'W "' thla C.ltlllcata tint 1fo, 'W ~ I .i.o ... -. ~ """ u.G~.xar. 1-1, 1lll (S'l'A)'.J , • 'Notar7 PllDllc 1a -l'w -ue,,, : ar-•4 z E• • - P . M., on Ute 12th day al lluc.h. 1"1, at wtllcb tlme the)' will be publltly opene4 ud read, tar ipertonntng work a.a tottowa: CITY OP NE'lfP()llT BEA.CH, CALlf'ORNIA · The coMlructlo• 0( a C'Olftfort. ata'llon on tM 9t:ate '8eM:h at Corona deJ Mar. No bid will bre received unless lt LI made. on a propol&l rr:- rurnWhed by Ute Ctty Engineer. F.ach bid must be accompanied by (cuh. certified or ca.shler• check, or bfdder"a bond) made pcpble to the City ot Newport Bead\, tor an amount equal to at ~ ten per cent 110~ ) Of the antOmtt bk!, ..n guaranty to be fQl"feiled ahoWd the •ldder to whom the-contract Ut awa.rdc<S fall to e.nter Into the contract. Jn acconlance with the J>TUVl1lons ot Sectlo}"ls 1770 to 1781 of the Labor Codt. tM City Couodl ot the c;tty of Newport Beach hu a.sce.rtained the cet'eral pre.....utac rate of wages applk:able to the work to be doflle u f'OUow•: Hourly P 0•·r Diem ClualflcaUoo . \V .. I\ 8c&le W9i1"! Bricklayer and Stone Muon ................... 1 •••••••• 2.76 22.00 Brtcktende.r ... ·-·······-·····"······· .. ······ ...... ,_ .. ,,_ ....... 1~83 14 61 116!:. at_ !.be ottice ot ukl achool dlotrld; JOeated at 111961 f Har· bor Bi>d .• Coat& Meaa. Calli., at wtild tlm•'aald bldo will ... pub- lk17 opened 10< th& to-.: (I I 10 aecuons t ele.acoplc fofdfnl' bi...el>ers, fllrallh and lutall IUld 1 ll the printing ot ~ co11ece atalop. The aa..ld Bo&rct of Tme- tfta lhall be the IOle J!ldl" ol. tile merit.a and quallticatkim ol UM equipment offered, &nd rc:a:s vu the r'cht lo reject '1J blrda, and to W"&iYe any tntermallty ln bkl . ADV.: March 1-8, 1151. Open e""' March 1&, 1951 at 2:80 P . ll. Slgnod' BASIL .H. Prrl£RSON, Bee., 2oard ot Tnmt.M9 No. 847-Prea. Publllh Moreb 1 • a. 11111. 1'Ue Layer (8eUer) ........... -.................... , ........... Z.~ 21.20 'l'lectriclan ...... -... -... _ .. _,, ......... -....... _ ..... -··-··-·-l-9• ll.at ·· li"Ql'ICE" OF INTENTION '!P ·' NaU.-On LetMr ..... -.: .. __ , __ ,,_ .. ,,,,, .. ___ • ....... S,125 26.00 CNOAOE Pl· THE &ALI: -OF ,,_ . ~ llEV&&AGD Palbterl Bruoll -·---..................... -.... -...... -it.ot . Pebruano JI, 1951 = S~ .. ~~-~~,~~.:~:~:~-=:· ~ :.:: TO a::!lll IT lllAY oill'fCSIU(: Pl.uter Tender -·--.. ····----····· .. --· ... -...... -... -...... %8r5 23.ot • to -·• of U. 11-CUpeater ·-__ .. __ .. 2.11 1&.IO .cmae :IJ'lflilcd. for, &M. c:ommmc- Oemmt f'lldllller ·--·····-·--····--........................ it,• 1'-M ::s - --1~ days after U. Plumber. Lead or cement C.Wl<er ............... a;t» l1AO I.bet. poe\ed, notice lo heRby 1rtve11 Roofer -··--.. -·-···-·-·· .. ····----··-i.Go 20.to -». t ·~ ~cned ~rm• to Tile Setlen Be.Jpe:r ...... "'.-· .. ·--···-··-.. ·-·-··· 1.fl76 .u..e.-::_'•llr ~ at t.hw Laboms, Genenf ... ~ ...... --... -1175 ll.80 -~:;..-: . AAy ~tl<>G ..-ilo11ta,not-than UIT U.M fl.1 .W. Sht lit.; Ne.,.,.t BMdt All l>klotare to ba eomi-red .., tile -of tllt CttJ lllnclJlett',t ~t 14 -latenU., U. eoUmat. 0( U. ... -Ill-" ._ ... -' -d I -1 lo I .._ .. Cloe No 1lld ,wm .. -tad -a eontnct« ,,,_. .-aet --1 1••v-1~-· ~ -~---·~ -·11 ol ~._._ I DI-m ..... ~ ot Wu '!±-.... .._ --~-·---· -~ .. ,...' -~ a5111kalloft'ol ot ••"s• UllL Prof '·• Olde. . I • '"* se'c ~ ac 741 f.. ~may be --r .... ol ,..,._.,, ..-. coatrac!. aacl .._ 2 1 u _, apedfk:at.lonl fl'&1 "' •rt 1 • u. amc. or t1t1 a.ts .....,..,,,, ml"'a•r• as•• '• , ... CttJ'BaU.~otlbWI rt~~ . 4.,.._, ea.a to JUltcA ... Ttte 1(11 Is' ... I 12 1W a tM blddn1 ~S. can.a C. Ula ., _.Ml • 891J .. a "'Pr~ ae;a E 0 ... 0 SS ~ ••-W to UM MQlt. f'JW •'A J .. I 1 --.... .... ol P"ltl'*l.1for ... a !It u ea''JD 1. etc. 1 ! ' .... 9t • I jj; ;"ii.-all:::;:: ~ot ll••d "· _.. " •= tee 1'*"~"' rejliot -• u 1,. a rri I ' --P " :.--aa1n•oar n•,... ~ .. ·--· W W 'd•;ateM • ..,.-. ..._ ,,,..... ""9'" .. ~~,..__ ... ._..a, saJ tlDr · . B. K. BOtCW.. t DIL a Aaaa .. W••WW\,llN"'"L OMl"IF--. • ................. _ J(a, -...-"11 • .... .... -...... _, ,,, .. • C. IL l'llmft, IM ... M 1'1 .. 1'1a .t~ Cllt' Cla ¥* I •· ·---~ -·· .. . -~a.16-9,-.s,-.-· e a• .... Pl • ) I ' ,, • r ...... l· ' • • • " • •., .... ' . ' HARBOR UlOH SCH'OOL Ari Sbow·"Pa-award of t~ell w1IJ ~ to hao Gale of Fl'Mno for her water «folor, Concf'rnlnl' Boat!t. Jud.&'ed beet In the alxth annuaJ.lbow o~• to the public Matt.h 1-4 IQ the iJiibytalcal f"dlK'.atiou room at the fdlooL Pu~ awani of $!00 COM to Richard Rruben of Loa AnCe!N ro, hi~ ult. Paper I.My. Leolc.lnr at tht water aotor •~ ''"' judptl .(lf'lft to rlcht >: K~llM'tb ROA8.. art di~tor of Los Ancetew mmeam: tlf>an Ooodwtn A.m8, Clattmont Colk>te Ar1. Dt>Partmf'nt. and Pbil Parad!M., Soutb Puadena artltt. ' . . Benefit Tea For Red Cross Mrs. P.ayne Thayer Nelmed President of Delta Gammas Interest continut's to mount in With Mt9. Leon Williama pre-sidin_g , Delta Gamma alu1".J!ae u- thls community, ln th£> spring style soclallon met Tuesday evening in n-vue and lea which Southern Or-t he home of Mrs. WaJter Spicer, onge County chapter RPd Cross, is Harbor ht&nd, Mld e lect~ officers lo stage Thursday aft£'rnoon, Mar for the ~ar. . 8 In the Balboa Ba club. The I Named were: President. Mn.: Y Payne ThaY.U: vice pre-.ldent, Mr& party prommf's to b(' one or the 1 John Oelgei-: secretary. Mra. Wil~ spring·s qi..ajor soctaJ eventa, with loam Blurock ot ~guna Bta.ch; a tantali.&ing survey or fa.shions to treasurer, Mrs. Justin Kennedy of appear in the Easter parade, anfl Santa Ana. Mn. Jamu Ray ls the several Red Cross unit.8 of the Anchora corre!!llpondent and Mrs. touthe.rn section or the county &rf' Ha.rold Cimeno of Tuetln is repre· giving unsllnted aid to plmla orlgi-sentatlve of Pa.nheUenlc. Mrs. Ed- nated by M;:a . Guy M . Harvty of win WU!l ams will servt aa project Santa Ana. chairman. Since Buffum's Santa Ana stOre '[)ale of the btg annual beneff\ League Juniors to Announce St. Patrick Tea Juntora ot Newport ve&ch As- statanoe League, meetb\g t0<l8.y tn St. J&mf'B Parl_,h hoUS(", wilt com· plete J>lan.s for their annual St. Patrick'• bridge tea and rashlo11 ah<:* to be .tield Thursday, March l~ ln Friday Afternoon c ub house. Mn. R . L. l...&gerlot. chairnlan of tM Junloh, h., nam ~d P..1rs. W1J- Uam Holstein chairman of the event. Mrs. Norm.,-. Gamble wlll aupervtae the parade of ta.shion11. preeezttJng styles by La Fiesta and Quarter Deck. Mr~. E . T . Chap- ma.n lU, Mrs. L. 8 . BrOf'ring a.nd lira. Vincent ' Hcllly will do t~e $)ecor&tlng and ~Ira. Richard Gll- braJth .. tea chairman. Ticket.I on the SM> cash award may be obtained tronl Mrs. Chas. Sparkuhl a.nd door ticket.A from Mrs. Oeorge M. Holstein III. who win take reee.rvatlona at Harbor 2671-W. b providing the smart st5·Jes to be party tor the Nvrwry Scb~I tor abown and alM> will provide the re-Visually Handicapped 'children hd freahmenU. that store has invited been set for SeJ'l. 18 ln Balboa Bay the varl<>U.9 .-sub-chairmen and club. Inatead of tile u.eual IUhcb- workera from the difft>rent com-eon, It will be a 11 o't.lock break- munJtfes, to & p~vfew hext 'l\aea-fut. Mrw. Laurence 1leyn~kb: ts <lay a.rternoon, of the " trocka and gene.rat chairman and bu . an:-c;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;=:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;, wJta to be modttled at UM tea. .A.t ~ the· two maJ~rtaes. one r the .ame time tt Iii boped to ... " • ~ met a.t Coronado, the bUwr reports of tkk<'l sales from each a $100 merdaandW older on Ran"- -'\of the conimunlty c1'all"rn.en. 'nleaO ldn·.. ,. ·-~ · are lo be made to 'Mn. et.a~ ~ext mee:tJns Will be at ~ Bpra.gue· Of SA.nta Ana. FQnda ~ ot' Jin. X.nedy. att.f!r a from lhe ticket -1ea are all to be d.innel' 'at Ute Yo.,... Room, Buf· api:>lied to R C(I Cross nef!da. and tmn'•. ' will be prorated , to the 9t'veral units. Job's Daughters Visit 'Chinatown Three individual tea table3 are to ~ pron1Jlilenl in party p ~ans. Ont> will be dt>eOratE"d by Junior Ebell club of the Newport Beach area; one by Sa.nta Ana Associa~ Meeting at the home of Honored lion of University \\'omen under Queen Carol Thomaa, a rrou:p of chairmanship of Mrs. Arnold Bode, 40 J ob's Daughters and pventa -·'1 one by Santa Ana Ebel! !!I0-1 made a trip to Chinatown and .-rty under chairmanship of the Olvera •t.reet tn. Los Ange.lea. r.."c&ident. Mrs. :P-f. N. Thomp~. The group tfl1n; toured Olvera ____.._ street visiting the many litUe •' d S . Mexican shopa, and then proceed-.>Un ay ervtces, ec1 on to Chinatown whore a de-e d I M Uciou.s Chlneee dinner waa served Orona e ar at tlle Golden Pagoda. The girls. C • Ch h (mothers and fathers, too) visited ommunity urc: th• curio -"" In <:hin•town and I wound up their tour at the wt.th-- ·~ G~~~~~" will tng well. be~'1 _,_... . ~~ -.. . ..... , mou by the P..ev. Edward Babbit t --People do read the Preea am:. In the Comn1unlty chu1;c.h of Cor- ona t1t•I Mar at both tM 9:45 and the 11 o'clock services. The texi will be, "ls This Not the Ca~­ t e r's Sqn ?" The Chap~l Choir will sing in the 9 :45 servlct•. ''The Lord 111' My Shepherd" by Koachat and the Cha.nee! Choir wOI sing It\ the 11 o'clock serviR, "JetRJ., Joy 01'--Man's Desiring" by Bach. Mary Ball"1 Steffen.9<'n dil't"Cts both choir!!!!, ac-. con1pani{:d by Mis$ M11 rgaret Scharle. The SUnday 8Chool mt't'ls at 9 :45 a.m. and ~e JW1IOr 1 and Senior High Pilgrfm Fetk>\vships mttl at &:38 p.m. At 7 :30 _p .m. a trayelogue pic- tur~ wiU be shown in the 11a.nctu- ary on tbf' Bible enU,Urll. "'The Nature u.d t1'f' OrLKin of the N"'· T estJuwent."• , Exclusiv e A9ent for TREASURE TONES t'Olt mn:ruou Cit E..~TERIOR 1•AJNTlNG • ENTftlPRISE , .iind - UNITED. \'I Alt. PAPER •• • 7. • • • • C11•uaa111nt1 • ...... mJ ·--. "'-..... ' CJO.... ..... ,,, ...... -c ....... .... -a..••, ... , -a -'? , .• 17 FT ....... ._ - STIPS TO Heme Decorating ,., .... ,,.., C.tNIHfl s.le<t ,_ ;r..p1,, ... d ,.,.,. ,a,..,.· 3 ,.,.:,; J\' ..... j • ........ 1 .,. .... • 111/xtd .. , .. ,_.,., r.mctrr sJ.,,.. -- ... ,, .. ,, ,_fed • .... ··~·~···· A .... ,.. a Is•• 1\1••• .. .. _. • ~ ....... ..... ~ 11•~.'f!IJ~ ' • • . - • • <-' . ' I iV!f i .· Setvets League to _See Films . . I The Boys' Servers League of St. James church under the dtt'eClion ot Dean Beaumonl and ¥alco1m Angell. v.-1U meet at 8 :30 p.m., Frl· day, J.tarch 2.. ln Ole parilh house ror ft.8 monthly mee't.tng. • ' . i•:-·fi&"•"crn~ Y's Men 's Club ~-' Pa~ B"lleao•er• D d . , ALVMINUll e RE OOD e «A'ITAN • WltOU6HT IlwN ' ines Mc;in ay CABINETS uuazLLAS ·.; ~A:imr,qVES Membero of the Newport Har-"1:: ::I:' WN ~-H 0 u' 'e .&, . G A 'R DE... " bor area Y's M en'3 club will as-FUIHIT\.I ,. tlfft41SHED . i· n . ' memble for a dinner meeting Mon-I HOUSE .a OAKDEN open Frida;, NIP.t• ~ Sbadaye , i!l"'C&Uae it ta the t,..enten ae:uon. the usu&) dinner wtJI not be held. The boys will meet for a bUllneaa kNlon followed by the ...showing or l"ducaUonal fibna and cloalng witll light refreebmenu. day, March ~ at 9 :3() p .~ In lll COAST HIWPOt.t tll COAST manw1&.y · NEWPOR1' Bl:A~ Cbrl1l Church tty the Sea, , ... ew-•••••••·-----!··1---~---••••••illl••• port Beach. I ~-----+--------' ' , * ORANGE COUNTY'S OHi Y COMPLETE ONE TOP SltOPPIM6 CfNTER,i uNDER ONE ROOF!. * Meats * Fmit * Vegetable8 * Tobaoooll * IJquors * Frew.en Foods * Cosmetitlll * Vitamins . ' * 8Ulldrlell · AllYM(•l ,rA .nJST 801JTB OF SB.UIS Liquors 1~Yr.·Old lmpor1ed french Marmot Brancly ::. '4.19 * * * Drugs . Rexalr1 Own ~ a, D and G, •• ltunoer-up.,-~ Vitamins c:,..69°, * * * · Sundriesr> ,. tee Can.noft Turtllllh Towwels H•avy 6fto Duty 7-. lmpOrted, Hand Painted Trim Tea Pots ·, 29° - * *" * Toiletries '3 Ref""'_..,.,_ Lii_. Coinpclcts _89° ... Mc H•feft Corn•ll c,...m 4-oz-Jar 'Shatnpoo 69° * * * FrozenFHt/s. ' ' 1•-11t ,...., * * * _,,,,,,,,. • WtrJll's largest_ F o,· . . ' ' ·' t ........ •. Sumnter: Kint Fresh Glllen & White LIMAS : ·2 -,~ 2)c • '. . Prelle°rtpt.lollll * Bakery * <Alncly , * • ToDetrle& . ' *' Glft.8 *• I. s.Jf strvice eats I . ~Waste-No Wafting • P~ 111 This Week's ~ESf Boyl _PORK SALE! I Medium Size, Lean and Me.t,y ~ar~:-ibs 29( ;.-~ 9ftc ' :........ •7•. 12-oL ~ 3 PUROLA, A SPECIAL VALUE! _, Qt. •ti. 1C.-OL c.'no ~ Sh~rtening 3 c.. MACARONI & CHEl\11£, LENTIEN Kraft Dinner lancwetl , ,..., Pk .. ' I ti ~, .1•1 ,,..~.:·:.'11 N ib.Sfi., ... !~7~ t'trK~'~ ''•I 4 1 j I . ' 22c s&o~lde;) ·~~~k 421>. ~-CUT SHOULOEB 49c lb. Pork ' u,.. 4ao c.nta• 6fto C ... OPS . Rib 7 Ills Cut 7 IL 79c ; . lwlfl')I Ente"' ~ed'..Bacon • Clld.ri)"w .. A,,,_,.. ~45' 11c 29°,... Bat0n.~., wuJ. .. C.rtJn..t ,.,_ I.ii ·r . . l '~ WHOLE · HICKEN I . , hr '!:' 89· <. 41 L2~ '1 7~ ~ 11111 '/,~ -:-a-.~~;~da r ~-~-..: .Gw.lea l't&li • ....... ' NVllill~ ll'imey PipPia AP .. PL -E I • ' " '1t a iler Sw.eet C· ' f . _.I 'j ,. . l 25<' ; . ' ()'.& lfa.1 J -- • • • •• • • . ' I I f • • • .. ( ' • • I • , ., • • • • PAGE I -PART 11 -THURSDAY, MAR. I, 1951 J : ~ -~""--" Chur b"'of Air · . L~~.:;.; PllE·ss ~ , . Sund y Syoj ect . . . .. . Friday Afternoon Clu~) Enjoys· . Book Reviews by Mrs. MacEnroe by Betty Klrb,l' +- Sktt:tutly comb\,nln&; 'the lngre-- d:lent• of drama. humor and pa· t.h.oa wllh flne baJanctc-. Mrs: Fa.n- nle ~facEnroe ptelM!nled a pro- gram ot dJamatlc book re~ lmperaonatron11 at the Jatcat mccl:- ing of lhf' Frtday Afternoon club Her •t•r.e prMtenct', h .. r magnetic penonalJty and hC'r crystal-clear diction we~ complemented by her expe;rt characlt'r d~lincatlons. The result wu a.n hour of superlative cnlf'rtalnment. Introduced by Mrs. Kenneth Strwarl. protrran1 Chalrn1Rn. the artUJt npenro with a review or "In lhe Pink'' by Mildred Sparrier Topp, Evokln.i;:: m&ny a chuckle. Mrs. MacEnroe fallhful'y pictured amA.11 town life tn lhC' .!IOUlh at the turn or the century. Affordln~ markf"d contra~t wa:s '"Bennett'!'! Welconlr,"'' by Jng)h Fletcher. tn an English hh1toriC'al novC'I. Mrs. MacEnrot• abain dlsplayt•d her di&o tlnctivf' vcr!latility. making thr period ant1 it"-propll' ~pring lo life. Again, pri·:\C'nling w1a Cuppy's "Of>cllne Rnd F'all of Practically EvrryOOly:· ~he kl'pt the tempo rolling. alon~ 1n n1rrry vt•ln. P!lrtk:ulitrly 1111prr81Slve wr-re tu,::hligt)ls of .lnsplral1un and faith continurfl n1 a triloRY ot book!! by Dr Norman Vincent Pralf'. Dlscuast"ft next wus "The Art ot Rf'af Hi!.ppln•'!lfl," co·authored b.v Dr. Peel ... minlstrr and Dr. Blan. ton. pHychlairlst. ' fo"or lht' lhlrll or Dr. Prape'13 books lht• rt•vit'WC'r chose ~xcerplB from "Feith the Answer." As. the piece <l1· rrKist1111cc in the cometly int('rprclatlon.s· Mrs. MacEnroe affordPd h1lariot1s mo· ments with he r imJ>('rsonat1ons in ''How to GueBa Your Age" by Cor· ey Fnrd. Mra. Hrtm JUlaer, p~dent.. conduell"d the bualnPu se•lon. ll wa,, announced qiat Mra. Wcll1o , J'ernandee Is the new corttepOnd- tng sec;retary, tlll'ng, the position of )Ira. Gcorgf! Butcher, who re· sigpcd ~ becaul!le of moving out of town. ' , Decision wu made by members to enter the cake contest. e;pon· zored by Ril·hard'it MRrket. Thr cakf', representing . the club. wUJ be baked by.,Mrs. Sam Klnaf&ther. MrB. A. H. Small, h1atory and landmarks chairman, gave an In· terralin,i,: ta!k on the mission.Ii of Caliromla. The clrcuJaliJlft patch shirt, n1oncy.ra1Jilng project of the book ettlion, was upt•ned to dlsclo:w the "um of $50.70. The luncheon lHblrH wt•rc ~ay and colorful In sprlngtilne array. \Vitl'f daf(O(lils uised t o artistic a.tlvantege. ------ 'Christ Jesus' Sunday Topic at Science Church 'The utiliz.a.tlo n or Christ as Rn ever·avallablr m<'ans ot salvRtlot~ fr'om f'Vil, di5f'M<', and rle1:1th ii" urged in the SundR.y Lt•.!JllOn·Ser· mon on "Christ .Jrsu~" in all Christlnn Scu.•nc.'<' c hurchl'S. Tht> Gulclt>n ·rext is '1'01n I John 14.UI: "In th1..s was n1anltt>str('l tht• love o., Gixl toward us. becauJl<' that God :!lent his only lK•gott.-n Son into ..,the wor!rl, that we might live through him." +----·---------------t SILVIC.R TEA .ulD FASHION !IH(lW, •ponsor.d jojntlJ' bf Cblldrm'a H""'" lloc:IMy, NOWpo'* llarbor aw:.lllary, aad Velma O'Bril-n'• oa Tul!llda.y, Mareat I at 2:IO p. m.. Deeeleltates mueb poUeltla1 or all,·er on the put ot' Mn. Roland Vallely (left) and Mna. Walter I . Co!e (rl1bt).· Tiie publ~ ls ln\·lled tn ~ pf"f"8Nlt. Pl'OOC'f!da A'O to lhf' n~ Ire turTCI Lii a r'f'Ceat ht&ue of Ure mapzln.r,. lhe C'blldrdl'• Home Society. Tra a.nd Show wlll be :it a.can'• Clair. (Photo hy I. Mu'I) • Three Job's Daughters Bethels Honor Calif .. Grand Guardian BOOK REVIEWS by l!A.I IAHovea Glamour Oulde. How to Photo- ..,.pb <Uris, by EU'p.ftf' H&MOn 189pp. M1nnr-apolb. Minn., Amrri- M rit. Zehnl( McCauley, Rr&nd can Pohlolfrapb.k Pub. $6. 1:'U1:t.rdlan of thr 11tatl' nr California "Clamour Gulde. How to Photo· 11f thr rnt1?rnat1ona1 Orde r of Jnb'11 St,. Andrew's Group graph ClrlR" by EuJ;ene M . Han· Oau°ghte"' waa honored by thrt"f' 90f'I, ono of H.ollywood'a lop gla· bcthels nf Job'• Daughtf'r11, Hunt· Plans All-D~y mour photognphera LI one of the lnglnn Beach, Bethel No. 120, La· M h S best. and mo.l readable pholo· A'una Bt•ach Bethel No. 167 anli arc eSSiOn vapt-lc books tor amateur len&- Coeta M•·sa Bcth('!J No. 157, In lhr rnen lhst we've Ren ln o. long Co~ta Mesa Friday Arte.rnoun club !I The V.'onl1•n'M Ftollowsh.ip of St. time. house. . Andrrw's ·church met the morn· Comrletcly Illustrated w I l h F.acortcd e.nd honored · WC're i~g of Feb 21 at thE' home of Mrs. eaa.y·to·read <'Xplanalloru1 and dla· Honored Queen Joanne Soden, Gal"'net McCu'loch, N e w po.rt grams "Glamour Guide" dea ltt Bethl'I No. 5. Ana.helm; Put Ht>n· H<'lght.8, for • noee·bft~ 1uncheon. with femlninc py8ChOlogy, plans orrd QUttn.IJ, Velma Pridham. While lhe won1en worked on a.a· for poelng, bathing bcautic11, fuh· Carolbe Burdick. Eleanor Ragan, algnmrnls for lhl'ir mlaalonary. Ion sholtt, darkroom dctalls, light· Joy Jlllll' Holker, all of Bethel No. projrcl.5, plans were dl8cUMed for Ing and turning profeuional. 1r.1. co.-.ta M.eaa.; Marjorie PuL'll· lh<' fair which will be held in St. I .Ir you're just Hte.rllng out w:!lh fer, Bt·lhel 120, Huntington Beach; Andrewx pa,tlo t~le; m1mmer. a box c&mC'.f'l or If you're a pro· Carol Thompson. Bethel 167. La· Mrs. EJgar Hiii, prl'e;ident. said 'tnlllonal with a Rollelfll!x and s guna Beach and Jane Arthur. the llr\Xt mtttlng-of the Fellow· "•trobe" light. Glamour Guide I Bcthel 124, Altaden&. Hhip will bt> Wednl'sday, l0:30 a .111 . conlaJ~ n1a.uy hlnlll asnd l1~ that I Mri.. McCaul•y wu lnlroducrd Mart'h 1 In St. Andrrw'e; lounge. will enab1e lo i;;ct more out of your u.nd hunorrd and presented with a 15lh and Sl. Andrew Road. CUft photography. I lwllullful bouquet of red roaca. Haven . The women Arc aaked lo Hanttan deflnllrly knowl! hl8 Othrr c.-.corl and honors 1wt>rr bring a nose·bag ltincheon and to medium 1t.nd juxt thumbing A N N'O UN C I N G THE RETl'llS OF VIRGINIA C. ·Mc:MAHAN "TO 'i'llE Newport Bakery THURSDAY, MARCH 1st . • O FFERING THE SAME HIGH QUALITY BAKERY GOOUS AS IN Jo"ORMETt YEAftS I }.!lven to Past Supreme Guardian stay for dt>Mf'rt at l :30 p.m . lo be through th(' book and rPe.ding the I ~1r8. nulh Lawrence: Ol'puty 11rrv1'fl by Mrs. Glen Whitlock Of little 8UJ:gcstlons under his photo- r.raniJ Guardilln~ Mrs. Gr&l'C Nrwpurl and Mrs. ~f. I •. Bandy or graphl'I Is like chJi;ging In a rlcn r S\vR.rtz., and .,~.e Hall. Guardian~ &lboa. Artrr t1eH:W"rt devotions photographil' gold mine. We db•~ and n~nciate gu.ardlane; t•scorlf"d will bt• ~ivcn by Mrs. Chrt11llan coverf"d that shoolln,.. lhrough a I I I I Wl'rl·: Mrs. Dorris RaJ;an and Mr. S«·hindler. piece of black n1esh 111 one of lhe Carl Thoma11, Co.la Mcaa ; Mr,a. Jtollowin~ the d1•RHert hour Mrs. waya lo make star., out or the Be.Uc i\:U•hny a.od Mr. Plett.a of Roltan<.t Cole uf the Commu.nlly, catchllght.s In a ~autlful , model', l.aJ:Vna Bea.eh; Mrs. Rider a.n(I Mr. Prei1byt.erlan church,' L~auna eye&. Ridrr o( Huntington Beach. Th~ Brarh, Will be In COlftume and wtll M any of llaMOn's pholoe are ~:UA.ril•an councils of all lhrre tell Of her cxpt>rll'ncC's In Mrxlco. takf'n with ta. 1>8.ckcround of HCK. t:H.·thel~ werr introducMI. Pa11t Sh<' will alw1 exhibit some o( her MJrf llJld sand 1t.nd contain many ,1ntttrdians lntrodueflt wcrl' Mr•. lrcaaurea from there. It ia hopf'd hlnls for lhe beach photographer. Ruhy Crttwf•>rll llntl Mrs. Eu..rlyn that all who cannot be pr~nt In It you're lnlcrcsleJ tn gclllng Alhri~hl uf C08la 1t1e:..a, the n1urnlng will comr for dl!88f'rl belll'r plctureZI, ur In ma.king your \V 1th Honorf'IJ Queen car 0 1 I and thr nftl•rnoon program. w ife o r girl friend louk more In· Thon1aM prt>l'liding lhc COl!lla Mi•im I A nur8t.'ry Atlr ndllnt will be pro· ler08tin&; In l~ final print. try Bt·lht•• c.;o nduclcd their rcg-ulnr v\11e<t for ._I lhOSt" wllo csre lo lo latch onto ti copy of. "Glan1our bluoln ru 1necling. Pl&ns were coio· 1bring11mall ch1lc.lrcn with lhem. Gutde." plctcd for Lht" trip to China t u\4'11 --->~HI Olv1•ra "'"d. held un Sunday, I Zonta Members Loyal Workers f ebru<Lry 2rii. 'An l nlrr<•lln~ rrport "" r•t"o-1 View Japan to Give Windows . • SPECIALIZING JN llOT DON'l.ri;s AND co1<-FEE CAKE ,1 l FOR SUNlJAY MO~NlNG liftEAKFAST HAND OECORATF.D CAKES TO ~QRDEll f'Oll 1 12112-OCE~~T;;~~;No ~~;~RT BEACH I ---------------------+ . . SNIP AND STITCH YARDAGE SALE 3 Yards at Reg. Price 4th Yard l r FEB. 28 THRU • MAR.· 3rd ONLY llOl'RS: 10:00 A. M . tu &:00 P . ltl. , SHip c. Slildi S'.!O 1\1arlnP A\'l' .• Balboa l11la.nd • • • Lamps UCJhting Fixtures Wall Papers LAMP REPAIRING • PM<T8 AND GLA8!1 KEPLA.CEME11i'TS MacMillen Lighting Fixtures Phone Deacon 5619 . Location ~'i Bloek otr eo..t HJshway l!O TUSTL~ AVE.. Nl':wPORT BEACH RATTAI FURNITURE AND AC1CESSORIES MADI IN Of.It OWM WOIUMOPI AND flOM JM'i PM THI LAl•UT·1lsri.A1. 1 ON 1MI PACINC COAST • lt!'ltn Wk$ ,gi ven by Ulf' llbrarla.n. A 1,•autl(ul flor.J heart uf rffi In Travelogue to Mesa Church l:Uld whtte tarn8.tlons with s reen • • leuvc.s ot dollar bills W¥.8 presunl· P.1r-r..-bt·r1t and RUcsts of Zonlti Lillian Johnson and Martha 1-d to the i;1a.nd guardian from .thc Club or Nt!wport Harbor madf' a.n' Moore werf' hoetr88Cs lo the Loyal ~hn:-c belhels with the hon~r~<i r nthuoiaatlc uudlence for Miss Jay Worker• clasa ot the COila Mesa ~uec? from Huntington Beach Sulht>rland's travelog on her vlsll Community church in lbc primary making the presentation. In J apan, when lhe club met room of the church. During the He11.rl8 a.nd valentines WWI lhe Thursday, Frb. 22 in Ora.nge Coull bl\lllneM merlin' whk'h wu pre· th.en1c for the occasion A big rell colll'ge chapel, for thclr reg-ular Jklf"d over by president Sally gllttcrlflg' hcut decorated the cvenln., mectin.. Ill · th 1 t-• b lh f r ti · 'l'h 1 e e · nea:y, e cMU vo cu to uy e ronl o ti' room. c st•rv nh MIH8 Suthrrla.nd Is th' 1ht.ughtcr 'wo •rnall e;.talned g-18.¥8 windows tables ~ere attractive with red of Zontiun Ruth Paddock Gibb.a of lfl eilher aide of lhe large wiodows and white candle• surrow1dt..'<I by Balboa Island, and haa irpent two ln the ladlea lounge In the new red and white carnations. Also yeara \n Japan as prog-ram dire<:-bUlldlng. ' COVl'rlng lhc tablu 'W("r t• hearts tor for A'rmy s~iaJ Services I th I ~ Blan h I Id T ,---· n (' gamea p ay.:u. · c e lUH cup s . he hnnured guesL" The conlr~l betWf'en our mod· AnderM>n wu awarded high pr~ and honoretl queena wer• Men:cd at t>rn modf'." or living, dreMlng and and Georrla Gra.ve1 consolation an sttractlvely set table. Dehc1ou.s trav<'l. and the Jap&ne11e wtth their rize rl!rrf'shn1rn:.11_ of l"olorru1 .open alm08t prehl&torlc modes and their p Th.~ ~larch meeting wtll be hos· fll.1."C sandwJc,:heH. ho1ncmade cook· rnchanlln., mysterlee; and auper-· ~ b G I · h tf ed .. .e8s.:u Y eorg a Graves and 1cs, punc and co ee Wf're &erv · 11lltlon. e;o cha..racterlsllc o( thr tMary Kyhl in the home . of the Orlcnt, wa.s brought to light in thC' •ormer al 212 Flower St. Weddr.ng Ann "iv authentic color slides. Tht! h08telJ.R8 served cherry pie • WuhJngton'e; Birthday mo t I ! llnd tea : and cofree to the as· Noted by Mesans WU carried oU} ln the -ref{esh-temb'ed members. rnenl.!I of lndlv1duaJ cherry pl'l!!F No ting their nlnlh wedding An- n•':rrsary recently Mr. ftnd Mqt. Tom Qu&rry of Co8la Mell& enter- tained w ith a small nf'lghborhood tJarty. Muaic afforded pleuure during the evening. Arrangementa or eeuonal flow· ers graced lbe _rooms. Many k>vc- ly g·lft.1 were recel'V4!d.by the cele· brants. At a late hour a large an· nJwraaey cake waa cut &nd aerv('(l with hon:f'8 Illa.de ice Cre&m, aaod· wtchea and coffee. I ,,,.,.. f.Ucltalhl&' tbo Quarrya Wt're Meu""-and MmOL Wll1lam Stull. Frank llreHt. Wallace Gohn. A rt.bur Schade, Em~t Bernard. M1'1J.. Grace 8chl'ftldt, ¥1,.. ~ lyn Schm.tdt. Elaine Stull and Pat Kendall Aleo on hand w a a young aon ot the houae- ' 'Roclrf' Saltman Dinner. Hol'toree ' and co(tl!fl'. Zonta hM enlf'red thf' "Cake or the W f'f'k Contest" being held at ll.lc h11.rd's Lido Market of Nf'wport J:Jeach, with Mrs. Heien Norton elected to rl!'prto8Cnt the club. ~rs. H. L. Baird Yisj.ts Mesans Mr. and Mrs. H . L. Bal.rd. for- merly of C08ta Mea., bul tnorr rttenUy of Meridian. have moved lo Wbetler Rldge, four mtla eut ot Grape.tine on the Ridge Route. where Mr. Baird ta 6111ployed by the Ridge Hill OU Co. M.ra. Baird WU In town J.ut Pat Williams Pledged to Alpha Mu Eta I MIM Palrlcla Jay Williama. stu· Jent al Arlzoa.a. Sta..te coU,ge, Flagstaff, Arizona baa been pledg· '.'cl lo Alpha Mu Eta., campua 90Cial sorority. P I e d g-1 n g ceremonies 'Wre held lut w~k end, conclud· lng a wed!: of nt1hing for lbe two collep 90r0ritJea. A truhman student, w.a WU- Uuna l8 the dau1hte.r of Kr. and Mrs. Thomu R w1111am.1: 808 -ll'!"'t. c..la Mua. week vtllltlng old trtenda. Sh• • -· came aouth to attend the weddlnl -People do read the Prua ~· of Carol Abramo which, look. plact' S~, Y•b, 18, In t.11<> cllapel Of COlll&ATIO • • , Ille l'lnot Pe .. b)'terl&n dNrcb ot ' 1...-.-.. Hollywood. Mia Abnuna lt tho ' .... ~ ', • daUl'ht.er ot Prof. and Xn. HentJ *.:::S ~~ ~1~ Abnuna. former °'81& "'-· He ~ c:owa•Nn.~ r wu Wpttln~ot of .c.....i.·-' avVllE a 0.-cN I .. a num~· Of --Mt COASI ~A"f ...... .......,., .ll'!n" ., ~-• ~. '1rt .. l --.. ---.. -·-.... -.-------.... ---------------. -------.. ---.. -.. -.. -.. - • • • , I . I THE OPENING OF _ FR~D AND VERAi SO_RENSON'S POTTER¥ BARN 325 NORTH · ·cbAST BLVD. • . l LAGUNA jBEACH ACROSS FROM VlCTOR ·HUGO'S ' ' . ; J 'SATURDAY ·a11d SUNDAY, MA~CH 3rd and 4th WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE AND WELCOME ALL OUR FRIENDS. COME .IN FOR A FEW LAUGHS AND A GIFT. ' •• ' ' •., • • -·INSURED · ' I 1 l Sll\VINGS· CUIUNT . ~ WNINGS '•rAnnum silllU IDW llSUIU JIPTO ......... ' . • ' ' f .. . '