HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-22 - Newport Balboa Press• t I ;.; I • ,~ ' . ' . ' y ~~ • • ~ • "" "' 'lllil -. ._,.~ elev~ .,. "' -o.utonda BcNUl •• Ooulal _...,... ' • ' .. « ' vo~uwt xn ' . ~ .- • 1. ·' .. .. . : ... • . " CENTS· , '. ' 4 , ~ .... , 1 . • • ...-·~ ..:·......: ~ -~ _,_ .. ,;:•-""'1°8' t*1A ·)!apdo• '""'W't . ~ ... ~ . •• - • . . -• • • ' NUMBER 4 I . ~~~~~~~~n~'.IR~IS~E~$~~-~.· ~~~~- HARBOR ~HOtY . ' 8l"BINOTDIE'8 JIEBI: AGAIN' Ae t aid. boy and man I've tol· lowed Wa annual doae of 8prlni tonic here for longer than I'd IJ)c:e to admit. first a11 a willing partici- pant and later u a j&undiced Joumalbtic observer. Ftnt. many yean ago, it wu al- most exclusively a cotlqtate event. wlUl oJder atudentll from lhe places of higher leaning-coming here to let off a ye&r'• •team ln a f~ 11hort d&y11. Then, when the word got a.ro\ll\d. younger &lleged 1tudentll deckied that "Bal" wu the place, and he~ they came, in drovu, Collowtng th<! example of their e:der bfother&-in- book8. I truet that tnta doun't go too far, and we eventually have the kindergarten set t.rylng to take over Ont! of these day•. We might run out of our supply of mUk'n atpplea! W11A 1"8 GOING TO HAPPEN! A.nyway the hlgb-.cbooleftl more or leu look over, &nd we had a number oC years of minor riot. and dt.turbanees a.nd the uaual nwnber of drunk.a an~ vandals. AU-ln-all. they weren't too bad. although the situat\on wotaened somewhat. with Jou ia«e a.natl and many more lrouble-makera. And then ca.me the earty war yea.rs. Tbat'a when thlnp broke lOOH' in a big way. • The atudent.a were more or leu the same. Some better and mmt' wone'. • .,aut the )'OUll¥ punk.a. who"d-many of 'em quit aehool and eooe to work in war plant.a. came here with lot.a of overUme money and bopped-up Jalops. Tbey ,. .... to oboervo It inlldly. ,qulle wild. They were, lo conUnq._e in a mild •ein, the dam0de~ tt_ou~e-nialr:e" TO or:r, NOW! Okay. So far t_hia year, thinga haven't been TOO bad. Some a.r· rdta for bubbling-over bad boya. Some damage to property, but qu.lte a bit of money ln the till for the# local merchant.a.. BUT. Next year, IC thinp fol- low ID order, w~·u -cet the uncon~ trolled young puitka again, nu.ah with , overtime and ch&rged with fhore than high 1plrlta. Heaven torbld ! But It may ba~n ! A 8(JllATCH ON Tl.,: BACK , •• •• • .r:. ~· • ,. • . \ •• .. f • -,[ 8)'1116cillc omd boauWW ~ tho~~~:;;.:_'-f~~~,,_~.,.,_.;,.,:..:....:;_...!.,;..!.;.~"--:."4:..::.....;..:......~ l"l:tcbt Of th.-Dovu at D:IO L m. oo Easter 8U.nday. tnausura.Unr e.be t.hlrd annual aunrtM aervlce at the Maln beach of Corona del Mar. 1 A. Jarte cl'OINd la ospicted to pt.her near the Ji:y--covered erO.i ~t Rocky Point and upon the bluff s.t the toot of Heliotrope and Oold-- '!J\J'Od avenueil to partlclpat.e ln the Je"~ Order ot Sen·lee C&ll to worahtp and tnvocatlon by th•, Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt Of the Corona del Mar Community Coftl'l"'9,(&UonaJ church. foUowed by the Lord's Prayer; hymn of >rai8e, "Chr&et the' Lord ll R.ben roc1ay." by the congregation: Readlng of the Scripture. the Euter 9tory by St. LOJc:e 24 :1·13. by the Rev. Th<>1. M. Glboon o( St. ~rew1 Preabytertaft church of Newport HelghU; antJtem, "God So .Loftd the World" from "1he Ooly Qty," .... , by the _,blnod (Oontlalledoa..._.~ Name COM Man ' .An ala!"'illl' drop of the water labile in· -the. lowland welJ• ol the Qty of Newport Beach hu b~t ~bout a force feeding of Metropolitan Water lo the entire city, ·it wu reve&led today. Peak demand and a taxing of Clow of water beYond the capa'city of Lhe Monrovia Street reeervolJ' Wtl.8 ex- ~enced earl7 lhla v.·eeic: and -~ City Wale-~l forced to f~~ • · · the Corona de:J thn five mUel 15th 81.rftt and Meu. . For• the ftnt Ume In hiatosy Newport Beach wella we're unab1f to -aupply autticlent water to feed the need. ot· Newport. Bafboa., Lfdo a.net Newport Height.a. Corona dcl Mar and' Balboa lalan'd have been aerved with M.. W . D. water from ltle reservoir above the crown community. Ac.Cordtns to City Manager John Sallort: atnce tut week water bu been fed from Corona <tel Mar through the 11.ne formerly U8ed to C&JTY M . W. D. water lo aorne of the C.O.ta Meea ¥-"•ter companies and prior to that time was uaed to carry wat~r to L&iuna Beach from that c~ty'• lowland-well.a. capac .. tty of the line wu sutttclent to ,... the no,.P levei in the Monro'lia rete:rvolr four feeL . ' . &eek Apeemeat. ~ ' • • ' I • I .• I • • " ' ' "PRLlffSSlONAL II ~ CIRE[TORY i' i. .. 1.-w A, lteelu!r, D. D. & ' . 1'1111 Newpact llh«..OOll& .... !(J~IJ&l -9z,-11'1 ., ............. ....... < • • • .. , r . • • • • ~ • .. l . ' ' ( • ~ • St. James Clfurch ... ---·?· :l"olll-.aervtcea will. be held at , St. Jam(S Epl>copal chu"'ti, VI& Lldo. on Easter Sunday mornlllg. · 'They will be: 8:30, Holy Cornman· IOA; '1 :.SO, choral celebration ot Roly ·eommunton (adult· choir) ~ aermon; 9 :30, choral celebra- tJQll · ot HoJ.,y CommunJon (GJrla' Cllofr); 11 :00, 'Featlval M'°"'lng Prayer, Hu!y Communion and aer- m.U. Local pariatoners are re .. quMttiljl to attend l!'tther the 1 :30 Coro · · · d•l'Mar · · Baptisf Chur.cli. -· · or 9 :30 eervicea. . Good Friday • • I ~ A --..£..._ >J . "' • Pni8T Mt Cl.t.18 OILU>UA~~ ·1-nazto nn K;..;IJo.QI jlllo'11a. Col'." ,-.. D'' '·.,.. ...-.7• ~'­~ io l'fM!elv6 ~ 411'• -~--. • n ttii!IM.._ 91 tWt-1 w ••""'~-...fl'. --. .a.i Vw r'~ lk*'z' r, .~~ -old_,_ Tl r'v idai>t at tk'~ 11e1"Mat odoool. lll. ·~-Mn. Dotlo 111o.0. U4 'Doto&by C. v.Utor. Foartll ...... '.;ID lie .i.U In 1M Port\~w by Uoe ..... lllaP;- Ult a.,_b I of o.r-1lol Kar .... ~y 111om1n& •• -.:h •. ~zr:: U:i!O a. 19, Dr. Kllfold I. er, ~ .itd ~-: • wW brlllJS tl>e -r me.ace. entitled, ''Christ Lives Today." Congtt:ptton.-or St. Junes and SL Andrew 's Presbyterian church w1.ll Joln in Good Friday aef'V1.ce• trom 12 noon to ·s p. m . wtth the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler and the Pictured U..~e are ti.. ,..-tN ~ _. tM larpnt ..Ow, left to rilio~ lu-ec W. D. ••-oe. Warree <Jloon-.oe. •-6. nr.t m. -to Maplete tlloelr "6•-Ill .11116 ~-.,_ l0<>0'9oa. fc..n ,N. IAptU, 1.U.. II. ~ ...it K-:t G. FNGt ,... left te 11cfl& an Nli*'t·'fll T.· ~ ~ All~. &.ck r9w. ,M.,,. Amtm U*,:r. ·Mn. ..a-trtoe ~· Spencer. Die1u7,-Leoa P. _....., Jao-tor -Sliaw, lial'olcl Oblwl-ca-.. 'E. llauttmu, I-ff C. ~r oad JI&...,. 8tauel1. _ .... AMiil T. 11111or ..,i l:<hOiB L. J(.....,7, ~ 't"'• left to Oder _. .. wo ol'tbcf pa4•tllic 0:.. -pc-for tWr di· Durlns Ill !>Ut e!PI -1<1 the new ch Urch~ bU -..;ltlleueO .am.e thirteen dee slOWI and three -.dd.t- tloJUI, acordJ g to Dr. Baker. • Rev. Thomae Gtbeon speaJctns on the Sevea I...ut Word.a. rlcM ... A.Pe .. ~ Rollir.iok. Mn. J?•·~ R. Ii~""... pl---· llloy 'O.'"""-Clara lE. A•laler, , ... _Brandt. Holt Co•I-. H-Da.i., -· ;..oai..t ,lla.U, ,£\'..,,._ ..,c. !U<"-llin. Marjorle ;P. \(;nm!")', M'n. .AJ_loe A. lol>Moa, O. A. ,....,., ter. Mn. Ruth Du1pa, )lln." Vl.rpalao M. .. BJalu. ~ .$.a.., Mrs. ---Mn. Dothtlly C • ...._ M.._ I-la C. and Mn. Etllel --'1'iolni ..OW,-left. to ,tcbt: M"" Balli P. .,.;tiler, Sellnbel .llal&b, KrL ~ s-..., , .... Ta)'lor. _Hwnuoa, Mn. _ _,, Cl<mOnee._ ~ ~Jo,!le:.1: J!foCarUiy. . ~~-~&ii. and M"C Victoria. !~• P11oto1 --=-~~~~__:~~--=...:-=-.:.:...c:..:.....:::._:_;--_:_-:--;.:....::..~.:....-..:....:;...--,,,--~ lrnc·hr Dnr• acAOOl'i' - ==c-.==tult -==N'-=-==·'"::..==eo..==-·· EASTER CHURCH .SERYICES fl'IB8T CllURCH Oii' CIDUllT, (ConUnued """' Pac• 1) Communify Church Sunrise Service Corona del Mar for Lutherans · \ ' ,, 8CIENTl8T church and ~range O>ut r.ollege Three ldentlcal aervtcea wlll be Euler Sunday eervlces ."on the • held on Euler Sunday 'morning blutf1 overlooking .. the bay" Jn ' at the Corona del Mar Community Newport Height. have become churdl, 811 Heltotrope Ave., 8:30 traditional In the harbor area tor a.. m ., 9 :45 a.. m . &nd 11 a. m. Al the put 11x years. The eerviCtlll the 8:3.0 a . m. service Mn, Mary have ;aln~ particular promlnmce. Batten Ste!fenaen will sing "Open bec&uae of the beauUtuJ nora.1 ar- lbe Galea ot the Temple"; &nd the r;angementa of•Wle• used ln deco- Re•. Paut Edward Babbit( will rallorui tor the service. A feature coaduct tM Sacrament of Bap--ot the aervice h.u been a huce tla:m for infant.a. children. youth twenty-toot croaa er1Urety eowred and &dulla. w1tb Wlf:ll.. ~eath the crou and SIOS Vla Udo, Newptrt ~ choir ... direct«! by Kenneth Boett· A lw•ac.11 of n. watt-Clknflo, n.. cbe~ ot. OOC: Easter prayer lf'd by fktt O.urdt of Olri.t, Scleflfftt, t. ....... the fl.eiT. 4. L. Wh~eler of the ~ t;]I a. ""· ·Chufth ~ Ule Nazarene of Coeta hMNof S.n>lu 11!111 •· ,.. ~-w.--., lft11I .. l'ftMfl .. -t:tl ,. "'-... -..-"No Shadow• Yondf'r" ..... , loom lout•d et Ill '•"" Sb'Ht ~-.. ,bN. ' o'*' dalty ,,_ J! -,. ~ from ""'tht a.ty City," 1Ung by the ,.. -. •mc•pt s..11.a • .,. •Mi IMKJcNys --''--combined cfle&r• 1ermoa. "Chrill .. l<r obMrv•d. • ~ • n.. JMjW lc 11 COf'dt.11, \11 ... t.d to ....... U"f'ilg' Ill v~ .. by Uie Rev .. Jokpb :!... ctHwc• .. ,.,1,., •ltd llMI ttt. hodl-a H. Thomp9on of the Comm.unity : 6df/I' • OST . Method.tat church of Coeta M~; Hymn of deClicatlon, "All Hall the Power of Jesua' Name," by the con.gngation; benedlct:o11 by the Rev'. v.. C. Houres ot U1e Four· aquare Goapt-1 church of Co8ta Mesa. General coordinator tor thla Sunrtae Serrvtce by the Sea I.a Mr. Glb$on, uailted by the lay coordi- nator, Jame• T. Van Dyke., repre- ~ntinc the Corona del Mar Bu.at· neu Auoci&Uon, which inaugural· ed the urvt~ In 1949. Order ot suvi~ ,wu prepared by Mr. Bab- bitt. '*ponaon ot the aervice are • for ·f/le .. Uie Newport Harbor Council of Churches a.nd the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce . LOVELY IBISR SINGl!:Jl wbo hJg-bllJhtfld the st.: Patrick'8 Day ''•riety sho~· and anal> '·e.rslty party at St. .loacltlm'a Catb.ollc Chut,.Ch In C01ita Mesa lut S4tdn2a WU Ml• Erfn O'Bl1en of Loui -. Aa• ..-. .... -IOO pe'-ns - At the, 9 :•!5 a. m. and the 11 over the pulpit, a hure arch bear- •· m. aervtce1 the combined ch11· Ing the banner, '~Chrlat 11 Rlaen" dren, youth and adult cbotr1 will wu &ho torme!d of liUea and pa.Im 1lng, ··0ne Early Euter Morn-teavea Jut year. Five thouu.nd lng'': "Hymn Exultant"; by lWu have been Uffd tn the deco- Clokey; ··spantah Euter Oarol of raUon1. The eef'Yice bu grown tn the fwamba ": •and "In Joa.-ph's beauty a.a.d popuJartty each year. Lovelj Garden," by OtcltlBllOn, Floral decorauona u well u New merrlt>ert wUJ be received in.to worshtpP@n, will be protected the church in the 9 :4& a . m. ser-ap.inat ?:hf' ravage• of wlnd and vice. At all three servtcea. the the· threat of early morning rain Rev. PauJ: Edward Babbitt will thia yea.r 1lnce lt bN been de· preach on the· subject, ''Thy Rad.I· clded to hekl the IAllU1ae aetvlce ant Identity." We especially urp l'n.dool"t tar the first tl.me. The .er- worah.lppera to at~d ~either · the vtce will be held at the Newport 8;3() or the 9:4~ aervicea. · Harbor Lutheran church where the At 7 :80 1>· m. t..,o motion pie~ aunriM m.y be Yiewed ta a.11 tu turw will be ahpwn. "Good Nelrh-beauty throup the J.&rse plctuN bor Family" and "For Au People;· wtndow. which a.re a t•Wre ot W'!.11 be ahown to help understand the church'• modern a.rchltecture. people ~other rt.ces a.nd culture•. Jn thta wa.y, worshJp~rl may be The Rev f . Babbitt will give an cornforU.ble l.l'ld. warm and atill , .. Gttyhound gives you che .si 9/a for your morwy ... cosrs las lhaa any other furm of ftaYCI! The -..SI n•n:•ir1Y1, 100 ..• more senice to more pl1ces wilh comfotcable, "'wcalhe-r·co ndilioncd" Super· C:O.Chrs. And the •'1Jl riihum,,, ... .... chQi« of many scenic rouoes! . n ... An!! '''"' NrtSfAS11 · Chicago •••• •36.•' Dettoir • • • • 42.80 Wujoiagton • , ,41.4' New York • , • 49.80 Boston 6 • • •• 52.60 'ic;10Ju Cicy • • 29.1q Des Mol.aes' •• '32.4'. . .Minneapolis • , 5-(.6~ Newo~..,. • 34.~ Adaaia • ; , • • 40-90 . ,.. """""'.,_; . Easter Sunday at St. Andrew's With the text from St. Matthe\v ed the show. .MJU:.. 0!8~n la 28;6 "He 11 not here : for He l• the nleoe of Mr. I a.ad Mn. ·.Joe risen, even a.a He said," the Rev. .r&ckson. tt5 Newport Blvd. Thoma.a Gib.aion's sermon !or Eas-(Billinp Photo) ter Sunday at St. Andrew's Pres. ------------ byterlan ehurch wUl be "H e ls Riaen." .,. Inform lecture on "Understand-receive ~ lnapiratlon and enjoY' ing St. J¥Ji'• Writing&." ll'hla ill • Ule , beau, of· Sunrtae Wdnlhlp \ diacunlotl croup to help tbe ordl· on ~M.ei Sund•y. nary pet'llf>n know· how to better Bt4tng held tn~n, aeve.ral fea- undenta.nd the Bible. The corn-ture1 of added beauty will en- rounlty la cordially lnvited to a.t-hance the •ervlce which were not tend atl our aervtcea. · , pouible out 1of doon. In °"' earty ' houra ~'dawn, the · ehurc.b wtll be F• t B t' t lit enti7.ly by QlJ\dlea until Uie Good Friday rrs ap IS ' ..... tueU rt ..... lllumlnale. th• There will . be two services for Corona del Mar Eaeter fl'OTnlng, Fea.tu~..,u IO- that day, 9 :30 and 11 •. m., With Union Se'rvices pra.no eo.lolal •l the le Ce will ....... 1 church 9Chool held at the ___ • -..: bt lln. Gene Roth. who wtJl sing ' ....... ar -• -nart ot Holy Week observ-ln oraer to aocomodate the large ,, " -It D-~n •• Da··-." The -·--earlier hour. There wW be &n at~ -. ,.-ttend. ted f th J:&ster ""l!I ---·-..... -.. _,.., tendant tor thoire chJldren wboee &nee, CO.ta· Mea churchel will -a &nee PJ>eC or. ~ lor choir or the Newport Harbor parent• attend the later eeevJ ln a apecl~ Good P'riday aer-aen"b!e at Flnt Bapilst chu~. Lut.tieran church will sing. two a.n- J'lo ... er. The. &0th$).· J.p. J ~ ttorlt·lJ:,i)l(~itM'(:. ; ..:..:-8~1 ~ !:~ th~= •• "0 Re.J.olce Ye 0 Chrl.rtlana II t~ Fint Bapljat dl~h when par-. ·~ Lou.,.. and AU luta Christ ta Lovely Garden.• wt be pruen _. Uclpatlng 'na•tore wilt give the ded to hold d&pllcate-servtcee ~ . e , r>J_ by the choJr, wlth James P"lts-...--_,.->f"~illlldaill-"~~· ........ J'int ....,.et! 'BJ.Mn,!:' •. Pa.atop... H•rbert'--C .• rwth gerald direeU!lgir -·--_,_.-c •. ---~~~" will begin a.t 1 .50 a. m. and wlU wtu · deliver the .ermon. Costa Mesa C'omm. Methodist in medtta.tton.1. · The ae.rvice wtll Nfb? e.t ~:'5 "Rev ip o Nt-ll-•"" ...... _ ot cklee In Ume for Sunday school at ""---•t---., .... t ~ _ • • · ··--~ ..--• · •~ -_.,._ ho a.m. u~-wl'NI O ntwpon the hoM. dwrch, wUl open thr de--me ·-•--ur. Blvd. ln eo.ta Mua Uld an 0oaat· YOUonl wtt.b the f1r9t wOl"U from ReY, p . 0 . Nepmann haa Te-H.lgbway ln Newport . BMctl WuJ the croa, "hlher, Forgive Them queated membeni of the church tndlcate the k>c&Uoll of the church for They Know Not What They who can ftnd It convenient to .do at 102'1 Cliff Drive, Newport Thtte 1ervtce• will mark-Euler Do." ~ meuage dt Rev. Dwight 90• to attend the early .ervt~. HeJchte. The Euter Bunrt.e aer- day at the Costa. Meu Commu-Klhman, putor of the C~tra.l Second service wUI be at 11 •· n:a . vice la heJd for the people or the nJty Metho!Mft church. Identical BJble church, will be "Woman, Be.-!Thoplc .:-~~rt ~ aervh !.celn• .~uevbee-communlt~ regardless of de~ 1ervice1 w1lfte conducted at 9:30 bold thy Son!" e ~er ,.,-,ump · ~ nmntnaUon.al atftHaUon. Tbe pub- &nd 10:00 a.m. 111 Ute anctuary Rev. M. C. Cronic, putor of the ?11'g Kr. Neum&IUl wlll •peak .~ Uc .. cordta.Uy mvtt.s to atteDd. Sllb:Ject of the put.or, Rev. J , Aaembly Gf God church, will 'Th~ Marvel of the Ruunectloa:. An '!Calte:r bre&kfut·Ww lie 9U'V- H . Thompaon, at each service Will ipe&k on the third word, ''Today Mr'l~Pl>)i~: t~ t.he ~ ed at ttM Coeta Me-. Legion ha.11 be '1'he Empty Tomb th.at Made Thou Shalt Be With Me." ~r,,.,, ae ~ w will 11,.:U£.et~ lmmedtatel:y followlnc the eer- A Cburab." At the tint MrV1ce Re•. J . L. Wheeler, 'putor of •·,t . . rua ,A"':..-.-••-.t• ~~: the junior choir wUl ainl' two the Church of the Nu.arene. will 80011• of ~tlon.. _,,..._..._. At s• t• O" .... nwnben, "Cbrllt t.he'Lcrd Ia RI> brt:Dg the meual'e ort the fourth rite Will b ehel dat the e.venlnl' •:tt Chrllt Ha'd Not R.19en" wru en Today," Uld "Ho A..-." In 'IPOl'd. "MY God, My. God, Why ae"lce. be tlle 111..,,. of Ille -_. addition a qaartette-will. Wlg "The But Thou Foru.ken Me!" "l · mon b7 Putor Roth at tM 11 Rol1 Clt;r'' b_y Adamo 'lblnt." Will be the next subject Fi~t Baptist o'clock E••er Sunday worohlp. N,,_ry, kin~ 1114 Prl·. by Rev. N<umarui. . The _,,,.,,. wW he -.. Q;e ...,, cblldren will -la lh<dr Aa Ille •lxth . word, "It la Fin-Ne·wport Beach text . from I . Corlntblana 15:U, Own rooma for .apecl&I lCuter pro-Lilied~· will be the meditation l-0 wbrch reada: "It Christ be not l'1'&rJl&. Tbe remainder of the be ottered by Rev, Josepll H. A • candJ~t commw:Uon aer· riMn. then ti our preacbtq Y'&1n. church llCbool will worship l<>geth· Thom_.,, put.or of the Commu-Ytee will be ~ at Ille chul'Cll Ul!I yoor falt.b la aJao ~" All •r In Ille aanciuary. nlty Methodlat ~ . at S:OO p. m. Good PridaJ'. t11ne church ~holn. numl>Orlng eo Al Ill• 10:50 aervtce Ille -·• , The conelud~ m-• .._. •-n.. TtmWnclny Of J'our Wtt· ..,....., wW be combined ot Ulla choir 'wW p,.....( ·~II.lab. er, Into TllY Banda I Commend ky ._.. la Ille tttle Of ~· m_. ~ to alng, ·-ni. Holy Clt:r" <;hrlat" la Rlaen' by Viacent. oad Spirit." will be stvon by Rev. to 1'e .ieu-at UM 11>00 a. m. by Randel. Gen• Roth, ooprono ••AJm1-'bl God of Our ~· Crooalc. • -~ """"'-Of U.. 901otat, will 1iJ16 "I. !mow That tlie eftnbl&" wonlllp wW beclo !lpedal mullc fl'oal Ille ftriOus .I'll-al Boptlot ....__, ~~&iii! ~' -mer U-ret!L" catecln1• a1 T:SO Wftb"tlle SW.•1-T..U. -,..W lie p..-tecl at the~~ l'i'ff~ . _ by lb-will be .--i-i·lnto chUrc1> ll'ellowUlp In eharp. Tiie opOcial ael'Yke. t11o ~. llOD ·~ Tbe m-betal>lp .. -llw)cl&y u tatµn WW he • play "Sunn." ~ uu. or ·U.,. m-.e ""'1<h tba well u otba-a Wl1o ._,,, • to be-" by ~ w-. Dll'eelf>• of -Gooa Friday putof will --at ttie T:oo p. O<ll"i! memhen of Ille clunrCb. ~ la Mn. Rober! Bpoi., a1'4 lta , 11L -tloe a. -II 1" to 4. _.iat -P"'l'f&DI wtJI ., ' ' r . . ~ ' . ST. ~REWS P ~ -OJIU)ICll 23532 St. "And a~ Newport Beigbta The 'Rev. 'l'hom.'9 1'j Gibeon. Mlnlaier Servicetl 'at 11:~ a. m. and 11 a,. m. Cmusr cHuacu iiv .t....r. s~ <~> · Balboa Blvd., a' 14!¥i~treet; NeWP,Ort; Beach The Rev. Tbom"8 Ri>y PeJ>dell, Minister , I . ·-SeNiceo at 9 :3(j a. ·m. and 11 a. m; · BALBOA ISLAND COIDRJNITY llEl'HOdmT I CBVRCB ' llp Agate Avenue, Balboa hland j . . The Rev. Harry W. Wbiie, Miillster ; Service at 11 :00 a . m. CO.ITY CONGBEoA'l10NAL . ~ '' 6tjl. 'Heliotrope Ave~ 'Corona del Mar_ i 1 The R<!v, Paul Fmrard Babbitt, MmiaW ' . -. . . . . l ices at 8:30. 9:'6 and 11 a. m. · 1 . -.. NEWPiORT HAR~R LU'DIEKAN alUR'fll ·· . , l<f7 Cliff Drive..Newport Hei&'hta · "!!'e ·Rev. Herbert Roth, ~r services at 5 :411 a. m. and 11 a. m. : l . CQ~ JU;nroofs.r CHVKCB_ . _,9 Weat 19th st., c.,.ta Mesa Tb• R<!v. Joeeph H. 'l'llQmpaon. ~ - &jrvices ·at .ir.30, 10:~ i m., and 7:30\ p. m. ST . .JAMES EPISCOPAL CHUBCH a2o9 Via Lido, Newport Be.In.ch , I . ;Tlie _R<lv. Paul M?°re Wheeler, Rector 1. . Services at 6:30, 7:30, 9:30 and 11 ~ f'· • i ,1 ASSEJilBLY OF GOO ~d and Elden Av,., Ojsta Mesa The Rev. M. C. Qron.ic, Minister I j Services at 9 :30, 11 a. m. and 7 ::rl p. '1- THE NEWPORT HARBOR COUNdlL 0F CHURCHES COM~ MENDS . THESE SERVICES TO TH~ PUBLIC .O'F NEWPORT HAR80R.A~EA; .. I .-l . You're ~nvjtec!J • . I . . to W().RS.rlP-i &nttr I, tJny ST. ·JAMES· Ep~~ I I i:ao a. m. . f ~oly Co1llllMlnion . , l 7,;o ... m. . . Chor&! Boly._Comm" ". n d Sermon Music bY the, Senlpr ii! . ' ' ftlO &. ni, '. I ' .. -; /' "'" ClteralH\)ly . ,.J(mlc by the <ibttl • r, ,..;. ... lbLii ......... 'T . .... _ la of the ll'lnt ....... Union' Service -· ID ,_ Cllrllnt.. ·B~ he lleld at -ehlll'Cll -at • • < ... ' • I ' I I I ' • • • • < , ~ Cd t • ._ J d•n• btttn Su.May at t.:40 L m.. >:IQ a-.m. 1 .~ • • at s a Meia rar a11 ...... Jlld.•Ml\.ll& ·~ or • • ' • .. • • Good ~ -wtll.-lle oolllon•1ryJ'4odl • • pr._ &Dd Biiiie 11¥c1J'WID -· n_1L ·~-_. 1.:1..::...d .20 "'-llyJrf.& WT . With the wtalloll by tbe cbGU Union~~--.--Ill T:11t p..., 1'od' iq. ~ w ,. -r-o1.. '"l'11o -1-. -·· J1r ID lie ::'iiF Ontlot ~by tlno • ,.. _ __;, Ii ~-.lL .:O-.Ji-1. fr•• i. ....... '• ~ ......... --'"' ,.-.... 1-. '" H~ ,,_ TatL t St.dium VVJJlfTI• MetTMK:DT , " ...... Axr;w ___ -Qit UllO!<> :t11~011~0o04r_rt-,. f' 4 • Al·· ........ n ·p'"""••loe I 1 •1•...,••"Wlllllf ~~YI•• •m• at dof" ~ -.- -_._ ~---=--S ' a.."'' trWl.wlll-•MI .. Ac.: _ . • :-.~~... '*';,~-. ::-=:."'::..=.tnc ~ -~ erwce . ., , ... "A~ ... t'*•·" ·. --. C. C. Swa"-4. Mt' a •tru::"...,...;.-~-··•rr._,_.:,, ·Alla.~'-':-~· --~-~----· . q•I ·i .. f.,.~ Ma? *' ,.... --,.. M -wfllii • . ••-• 8'11-_, •I.I ... , 11114 ,,_~ ·--&'' .. ~ .. --t&b"';.i.~ .,;...,,,_-1 _wy,. •Onll,.C 1'8'FW-.•*'D1::r"'*...!!:: . -~ -.... "' .... ~...., .... _.,,,_..,..OA<_ ... -----· .. -ftlml D * im ,_.._.. ........ : ·a wa. .. _--:-a;-r--< • *''72 ef a. OJ , ·~olO.T J's• •ntsf =tZlll -• ''" I V """' II lt=od .. 111 ~ ZIUit. .A, -e. " ...,.. ....... f7 .... 1 s7 ... -I I I ·~ltiarlii' -_,.. __ • ~ .... -r.--·-h a~.. -.. ....,_. . ••ad-a.-A ., ..... ,..,.121zr•-7 ~~-... .,.,-, .. 111.. _.,P'a "' -.•••no< ·' -· I • • • • • ' • • • • • .;11.:0l -a. m. • . • • .. , I . , -: : J'!•l•al llol"lllng ~ • Bat;y C'4n•!Qllaa -and ~· \Cf It by tbe'Smior . ..... . . , ••• ' ( • '· . ' f.~ "f -~- l .~~ ·! ;-"!ti., Jl; ~'It I ~ !" !. - ' • • -· , - I . . Women's Civic I! GToup t~ Elect · Officei:s Monday ~ o#--l ., . -. Ep1scopa1 _Wom,en. He11r ~pealcer ~ on Pailsh Schools "We ·Juy en Women•• Clvtc ·i..,ue of ~~· 1 Cam l port Harbor. BalOO. f.oland-Corona • 'Mlt> R<'Y. Al•~r ' Pbd -del -Mar ~pter, will meet Mon-Of ~t. Davk1'1 chi.ircb, North Bol· · lywbod wu jlUeat ep«:&ker at the •. 'I ~ , , 1iu_,_. .. p:·.,.. I day ·~-9:f) a. rn. tn ft&gan'e rea--March meetJn• of the Women'• laurant, Corona del Mair with eltt• Auxlllary or St. Jame11 EplocOpal ti9D ot ottlcen featured on -the--, ahend' sPeaJcer"' will be Mn. P . church. held Thurllday at tbe pU"- A. MoC&bdleu. cbalrman or the Lah houee. He •poke on the pow· r~~ation comnilaJon.. o[ WbJtt~r Ing need for parlah day achoola, 1Iy -• •-the d-. wbo will u..tk on . recreation plans campbell l:l&ll. the parl.Bh llChool for that dty; wbJCh Mr. Camp~ll organlRd ln The League LI sponM>rlng an Im·. 194-4 in Stdd.Jo City and of which port.ant mef:llng on Tue&day, April 3 1 8 In th It •-u 8 ak· he ta 1Jllll head M9fteT", bepn, he • • , I • t & P· m. e C Y na • ~ saJd. with AD enrollment of 17 er wUI be Mrs. "Rollln Brown, pupil&. It now baa 2M atudents chairman of Ute state recreation and a wa.tUng Uet. Thill la one ' commission Md pa&t preslddl · ot "-__ California Congress of Parent.a &nd of alne p&)'lah Koooi. in the Dier T eachers. Recreation ch.airmen cese of Loa A.nj-ele•. whlch bu front other county <"itle11 have-been more pariah •~hool.8 than a:ny other invited to attend, &II are aJI locft! dloceee in the United States. residents lnterestied ln the questlo1: Becau•e of the growing pcptil•- of proper and adequate recreation. tk>n Mr. ca.mpbell 1trpsed the nttd ot p&reftta w'ho ~ their Oakland Home for Just-Weds children to have Included with secular education, aplrttual tr&ln- lng. H e 11hQWed a motion picture, ''The Fourth R" which u, religion. It WM made at Campbe:Q HaJI and lhowed .-rowth of the achool. MOVI':' -T<1 FT. LEWIS ' ~ . · CINEIJAR AS1::L .. .... . ...................... 75• , •. HYBIUD'~ ~· . . PRIMRO~ { =1 . . __ _ __ __ __ _ ... 75• . . AFRICA VIOLETS ······-·-· ·-... 80•., Honl'ymoonlng In On>gon and Idaho are Jack W . &Ukley, USN. or Bristol St .. Santa Ana ,and h~ bride, the former Mi.M Leola l:lainf' Funk, daugt.ler of Mr. 8.nd Mrs. H. L. Funk, 2533 Orange Ave., COBta Mca.. Mrs.· Edward Ke~ presided at the short bualnese meetu;g, The Charles Arnold, 478 Broadway, group voted to buy 150 new chairs Coata Mesa, has been recalled tn- .. BEACH DUNU• WM t.116 theme ot Oorona de.I Mar Garden club at t~ tternt hternaUoaal Flower ahow •l Holt.vwood Park. At- lr&ctJ.ns COlnmt'Dt ln the exhibit was THE THL""IO ,to be dlaplayed •t ttw-oprft ID!ldhlr to be hrld by Ua.-club "'f!dne.clay, March !8 at 'J :30 p. m. In the audltotium of Corona dt-1 M.ar M'"hoo1 when &llrandy of radio ud teJe"i•lon fame "'1U be •peakcr. Olher dctall• from the t"itublt wtn be shown, •nd the public i. ln,rtt~ to a.tt#nd. Mn1. Mau e FJather or San Ma-CYCLAM~N ·-·--···· ···-.. : ....... -.-... -: .... ___ .., 1.00- r!no w•• re 1ent w-k end m• .. t I $ .JN BI.OOH 'MU · ~=~;~~tr:::~;~~:jtt ~~~::,~; ==-~~-_.:,_:·::1i :: &-fore returning to Oakland lo establish residence, the young t'OUplc wttr visit tW(' bridegroom's parentA. Mr, ana Mrs. R. L. Bark- ley of Ort'gon City, Ore. , J udg<' Donald J . Dodge per- formed t he quiet stngJe~rlng cere- 1nony rC'cC'ntly in the Dodge home on Anaheim Ave. F'or hBt we!fding cnsen1blc the attractive' bt-lde chose a modish green suit, black hat and harmonizing-acceasor le.a. A ,corlil».ge clu!ter or gardenias set orf the ensemble. The new ~frs. Barkley attendl"d Nev•port Harbor Hnto:n H igh 8(' h<>c>l. Church Women to Reorganize tor the church school and to In- stall • floor furnace In the pariah hoose. Members of St. Eltzabelh'1 guild under chairmanship of Miu Irene Bosomworth. sefved tf'a at a table lovely witb an arrangement of yellow lria ln a gray bowl. J?our- lng ~ere M"' A. A. Schmidt and Mrs. Dan P,t.ltl.8oa. Fortt rnem· hers and guE>slll from Sa.nta Ana,, Fullrrton and Anaht•lm were in attendance. John Larson New Police Chief at Capitola • Getting establlahed In lhelr nt'w home &t' Capitola by the Sea on Monterey Bay are Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lanon. formerly or Cata-j liha Ave., Newport Height.I. Mr. A t't'Organizallon committee was I..r90n, former members of the sppolntf'd at the March meeting· Newport Beach police force, l.8 j or lht> Altar Society of Our Lady the new chlt'f or poll~e at Capitola. of Mt. Carmel and-St .J ohn Vian· He has been there a · month but nC'y c hurches, held at tbe Ame· drove to Newport Mon~y to gel thy.st avenue hoffie' ot Mrs. GU.On his wlte, Roeemary. and marked by an eJtcelJent at-Larson applied for lhe job when tC'ndu..nce. he and Roeemary were altendlng Mrs. Bl Ute Perruzzi· presided and San Jose ~t.ate college, but had the Rev. Stephen KIJey opened the forgotten about It so that notlflca- at'1S8ion wlth pra}ter. Named lo tion that he-had been selected for I the commtlte were: chairman, P'a-the positkm came somewhat •• thtt-ttiley~ 'M~ TM:More Rob:-a aurprt.&e. Mrs. Lanoa. .. -wbo llu tns. Agatha Fernan, J . Arthu• her own ceramics studio, bi plcal-' . Taylor; Joeepbine Feeley. Frank ed thai there la an active «ram- Rocco, Colin Brown .a.nd Andre lea sec(ion of Allied Artl.sta or the Durocher and BUile Perruui. bay area.. · • April meeting will be he!~ at Nt>w owners o( the Calaliha the home ot Mu. Nicholas Bret-avenue home are Mr. and Mrs. tner, B~y Shore•. Carl Robertaon of Hullywood. SOUTH COAST • MATERIALS COMPANY SPEGIRCA TION nEADY MIXED CONCRETE SEE THE ·LARGEST SELF£l'ION iN CALIFORNIA DA "'JO FURNITURE ......... . Pads 8 lleco•en ALUML'"llM e REDWOOD e RATTAN e \VJlOUUHT IRON !jWlXGS e UMBRELLAS e BAJlBEQUES HOUSE &·GARDE'N ' Oprn Fr,day Nl&bta and Sunday• 811 OOAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Fishermen! ·MOW OPEN • MABLE'S PO ·RT · LIDO CO:FFEE s·n·op Opell 4 a. m. -S.p. m. ' ' SµFQODS • ,STEAKS • BREAKFASTS I S.ANDWICHES , . . -..... .BEER • • ". "\. 3441 n...o,ort,o fl!wp'!f ~ Hals1r 201 to the arm\!(! forces, st'rvlng aa aerial pnner. Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold and eon.a. KJp and Jerry have rboved to Ft. Lewil:, Wuh., where the local man b ataUonl"d. her !rlendll h"d spent the put =--------·----------------· week in San Marino. ...,. J ' 'T ' I · 1 !, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~--~~~ • The ' ..... . Newport H~rb9r 1 hamber-of - • Announces ' ... • • --,... The FIRST INAU~·pRAL l i ' ,, . ; • • INTER~CO.LLEGI.li\. TE 8 OAR SHELL tREW REGATTA I . i • • ' ' I Saiarday Aftem 'on, Ap 14~ • I 2 P. M. -JUNIOR VARSITY RACE :36 P. M~ -VARSlfv 1RACf ~ . Stanford University, Un.iversity of . California at . Los Angeles a n d • . I ·. . , University of cG~f~iQ. Be1 kele'y. _ St~1ford Un~ers~, 1 ~niv~~ of =~"c!f' s':i~~Ttiff:!i!'~·~· University of Southern Californid . . PLA~E ~ Hc1rth L~do Chan el STARTING LINE -Turning Basin-' ·FINISH UNE .;... off Wan End -of Hcabor • r lslwacl } ·. coulsE -2000 • . ' T)le Cfiember. requ;~1' lpven oi this' king of spOrti' end · civic tninded peopl.e end firmi .,Ho de1ir• to -.d.d glamour en~· n1pect to the neme Newport, ~rbor Oft: .a 11eijonel b~1i1, to ~ontr!but. 'to the llecJ.+f ;FUnd. whicft mu.+ b..-r•ise~ to d,~ey the neceuety opens~ for this fint. • • • ,'I".. • • ,• . . ' . . . . j ' . • • .:: ~· ' 1 ._......... .. -- ' ' '' • • ,. • • ~ • " ,. .• • . • • • • • -· .• • • • • • • . : • • J .I .. l . . I , . • • \ ,._ Ji !. . :;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::::;~;;:;r::;;;;a;:r.::;;;n;i"i 1 .-~ . .,...· ~ ....... -·-· _ ......... ...., ....... Drama R•./ii w :-.' · ._..~ ·-~ . .,, r THURSDAY, MAR. 22, ~951 .! ' . . ··~ .,.1 .... ·t ........ -·p _·O R~J · lor11-pw Clu ... io :rz"1·-'hsa•1 ~ '°'.,. • -·"' •. • . " ~·-. .._,...a1. 1:411 ,. ... --"11"-I l'fffpwt -......... ~ ~: ..... ...a..w -ili>I· -. l'>ofr!al!V1 W-'o. Clill> -.. """'a ~ at 1-.~ , At Pr"'SJ PRESS J!!··· . , . 'MOADWAY...:. ~w '60•~~-:;:: ' . . . 'l'fOW !180~0 f. '. . • "IHDTIMI FOi IONZO" . •• c_ . _,.....,_ !:G"AsotiEA'i"1 iro STAATS SU)'mAY, 'llAJMlH 111 "LULLABY OF BROADWAY" . 0.... N-Boda Dai . ' . -Ahlo-"MASK OF THE DRAGON" ' . . PAULO Theahe · W~LKER ~~= Op<n 8 P. M. p-., KL IHIS8lJ NOW SHOWING "'PIE MAN WUQ CHEATED '.fflMSELF"' Lee Clot*,~ <lane Wyatt "UNDEK .,ntr SUN" Statta Sunday. Ma.r. 2J . "TUE COMPA1'1Y . SHE KEEPS" .. T RIR:l'EENTll 'J..ETl'ER .. .------------- &ae WJ 11--COo Ennhtp NOW S HOWING "ST0~% WARNING" -AIM- "DARK. cm'" ·~UNDER TUE GUN" Storto Swtda7 "CAJ..L ME MJSTEB" LAWRENcE K. GUNDRUM,·M. p. ANNOUNCES.THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE AT 1741 SUPERIOR AVENUE, COSTA MESA Formerly Newport A vP. PRACTICE LIMITED TO DISEASES of the EAR.: NOSE and THROAT and ALLERGY OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY .AND SATURDAY B;• Appointment 0ffioc Phone Beacon 6:508 Residence Phone Harbor 1036 FUN ZON ·E OPEN EVERY fll!DAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA I • ,_ ENJ0Y EASTER BREAKFAST • .. . .. .. .. a t HOSTESS . HOUSE 307 Marine Avenue BALBOA ISLAND Har. 2365 THE~ ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a . m. Through 2 a . tn. • Newport Blvd. on Coast Hig4way NEWPoRT • WE AJUC CLOSED ON TllUBSDAY8 DU-"E TONIGHT AT THE CAPE COD HOUSE FEATURING STEAKS and CHICKEN ON BALBOA ISLAN1> AT Sil V1 MARINE A VE. PHONE HARBOR 2681 (Cloeed Tllun.) • • Oininq R~m open 11 :JO AM. to 8 P.M. daily . Closed Sundays ond hoiidop Phone! Kimberly 2-2196 Lotrof FREE PARKJNG. . :I • ~ ~ •· Uoelr' ,....._ --me at Aft.; Bea u -~MOftill7 J3Dd l)lo!;i'°' i==~ S · ,_j ..__~~.l-•ss Whlteo Pa{lt Aft. <:ate ~J' idillil.'. • ;· ' ~·-l -Oo!iat(M. w1a1 ......_ •••••&. ~ Jlabol "'~ At 1:02'p, m. ~. Rmhn ...... J!OP!•'o.llop li>.111o ·...-t . r--t>nAlhli' • ..> -• ~ UllO °'*"'Blvd..~ -p r 4~ti. u..· _. • .., ..... SA.T __ l:IR.i::>'A y N_ l~HT. . • w1n1r-s ~ ~ ~ reportoil u..-u.eoq. ot . iportAI ... ~ mont .or tbo dliU'icL· -· -;,.r , man tnll'ocluced br. -°"" and ro..r p&1ra of llJ'lon Mqb trom· ...,, tM .. l!IP ' mua tit ::-f:.11.1 ,51 p. m .• 1· otQqile~_,,_proter,' • cl0Uiiill""a£111at -,1 , ~'br' · u ·i..-t!"'*- -Sile-or'tfcjleta-,imi1441:-_-•• ror of drama and m~ Dr. Cox • 9i"il' ~ · · u &daptetl pla ,,.ould sin to •ca-11¥ 6t Ill• thea'IK •1 gan a -Of Edna lilt. Vtnccn~ Ao bolll' 1111.er Ula l.bett, pou&, Ila· ·!hr .n-la .UM MIU.I'• poeUc ~~"!'Ile K!ns'• fouad the l>"1W that b&d beell ft· eleel.U>Dtcit U6 . Jlu1' fltAnieY'. ia mmi;im;· ~I iiiiiiiijij;iiji;ii" ;;·· ·eonclul>an. ••. ' · pooled anatcbed !!Olio Di.II& Bew• contt1ck!itd ,... 11M1; riot, ~ • ~ ~ A ..Ort bu.tlndll 'm.eet;lpg' tolkJwi. ltt_ I02 -.Apo!&a Ave •• ti.•boe X.. cand\d•bd tor.. -~ tiiiieaole OW. . 'l'llIU ...... , / ed the p..,......,.. Comm!~ chair land. at 10!(5. p. 'm. Tueoday. of au.·.;.,. . -· la .. UM' -,--'""' tnan rTjpOrta '""'° s•-1>1 aetty Tberr. wae nq monoy \n lbe puru la.'ll .,....,,,bly . IJl wlilcl;l lie "FA,.... a ""'A" · Wai.o11. Dltern•Uonal ~uo ... whu, lt .. .wu 1t.olen .and -foW>d ""'''"" •under h 1 dembqa\I• OJ>" · "I'~ · -· · -cball'!llan on tam111 .. In Ottm!f! a11 114 contentlt ,w<re tntaCt. Vow: pon<mi. • · · • . · · la Tec:-io._•' · ; '._, dhp-P~'*"> camp t.o Whop1 boyo drove oU In 'a cu &her """ . Stal>ley II h ot the Repul>ll· -AJN·-plCkq'M U. be~· Hiil l!:w.,... ot I.ban !tad rnalclled lbe punoe can C&ueu1 lit IJ>e· AMembl.Y IUld A~.awl'"l..,.lal-Varner. Youlb A.ctlvlu.!i cbalrm&n r.-Klar Hewitt. : 1 chalrman of Uie Klllllclpol' ~ "SEAL '~LAND" ,.j.onc.i OI\ WOl'k-beU.. itooe fbt Pour mln,on wero -ked oo lilt County ~t °"'!""ttt9! !'t 14' .. 'he Girl Bcout Croop and Caroll"' and run ebafg .. ~r lllelr car the . Logtll&turej Ro -on -AIM~ WebeT, -· . ifljibt. chalrm&n had clamqed the sarege -r of the Newport ~h c(cy · Beach "IEAYEI v· 'ALLEY. •.• ol.t.teil nut ~ 11 .-.... 230 ()pal Ave,. klbqa J.llanCl ·a~ Council and""!'~~· th re e '" Nipt and all reHrvatlou moat W a p. m. TUCIClay. 'The garage door ti! r·m a 'ln the Leel"1&ture u STAJaS !IUlfDA V "TOMAHAWK" , In Tecllnt.eoldr ' wilh Van Re.flin & YVOllDf!I De Carlo Allo" . "OPERATION DISASTER" TUES., \YEO., THURS. ROOTED IN IGNORANCE, VIOLATED IN SECRECY! 11111111,.tllrsn.., , ... , .... , , .. '"'' • -· --· -.. -----SWllPS AWAY svmum 611, lllUSIOIS lit IYPO<lllnll ,_,. .............. ,....' .. ,_,, .r-. ..... -' W-lll.llT SB lfl ~ • t ~I '' •• I " " ·n to Evetyn Varner not 1&.ter than had been •pllt·and broken a:nd four Auernb~~. trom ~ ~ "fal'Ch SJ . .: . window• !tad a-n IMUhed. Dlotrld. of ~ County. 011esta pretent were Mn. llmer· At :;:ao p. m.. Tue.day P,Ollcfo ~ 'iOl1! Cox. p.,..1 Slm'lma and Lori ~(vcd a report that a Chin... Jer' q"lftS fl Brest.. • 1 man wu, buyin;'t llquoc tor mlnQr . . • . F.OR EXPERT I Announc .. inent was made ot \he :aear Park and Marin, Ayes .. na.1-{VotliUatifld Southern Dhrtrict meeUng to be • llland. They were unable to • The new wcl tq be drilled will held ati Lhe Miu.Ion Inn. R,l~ralde: loc&te: the -mao. not be undt:f' lb .EU\otl leue per- l on •April 28-29. Anyone lnlere8ted Tucaday, ,two buatnt!u nrm1 re· mJt f<>r the w 'l permit ha.a al· 1 ehould have reaervatione by April port~ &tr rtf:e holes ln their wtn· ad been · from 00·tti 10. State convt.nUon wUI be held :;lows that bad e~ldt'nUy been done. :un~y Md etat . SHOE REP~R · CALL OS . J. A. CHAST IN at Hotel Del Coronado on May 18, Monday night. The t'lnrui were Accordinr .to Pyle the JergiM 19 and 20. 'Jomt're Moton, 2491 Cout High· company la en eavortng lo get a way, Newport Beach an6 Moody I 115 'z. 17tb ~· M • 'Two Blind Mice ' in Rehearsal at Laguna Playhouse Fro'V a l&rgt-and enthwituUc publtc .readlng, the cut hu bttn · chc)ae.n for the lAguna Beach ·eom- ~ munlty Playhouae production ' of hit, ''Two Blind Mioe." Thi• hllar· IOU• and loving 8J?O<>f at the Wa•t•· lngton eceoe will play Aprtl 11 , J2, 13 14, 15 and 20, 21 . M.any old favorl tu and min~· new face8 wtU · gTeet Southland theatre·goen u they help to ln4 .• augurate tile n~ comfortable seatlhg a.rnuigement which i• be· Ing •rushed to completion for lbc :April lltb opening. The full ca.at lncJude1 Beatrice Wood. DeeDtt Boyd. Ray Cluckle. Gloria. F lck llng, BUI Hubler. Bud O'Nei'I. ·Bart McHugb, Stuart Stevens. Ruth CUrrent. Sonny Budd, RU88 Davtdaon. J&C'k Sar· gent, John R.eanick, Skip Fickling. Pete 1An1bers. Gene Waggoner, Benny Turner and Karl Herrick. Thirteen Moderns I Show Opens Friday Evening lnl i 2l& Co&.st Hi b Co· delenntnatlon rom the govern· er on, g cway, I ment u to the r.ighll of the com· rona Ciel Ma.r. .. · · pany and Ute city to aCttvate the AcUvt> f"k),.·er Pot . Elliott lease beC:ause or the p\esent Flower Po\.11 were-tepOTled •tol· controversy over the tideland.a. en from In front or 127 Topaa Aw.. J Balboa 1111.nd at 12:30 &. m. Mon· day. Later Newport Beach police received word that a flower pol ¥d bl-en through lbroukh the right front Windahlt'ld..ot a car be· longtng to Harry K . Blackman of 128 Topa's Ave 1 , Balboa l•land. A purse contaJning approx!· malely $40 ca.sh and Identification .papers wae repqrtt'd stolen from a ·car perked at the Corona del Mar matn be&C"h Monday at l . m . Owner ot the pUrBe> wa Betty D. Neer of La Habra. .. Eittry WU made by J'"tn myl.ng a wtndwtng of the car. Andrea H . Crtbben, •17 Third A~ .• Corona del Mar, reported the Ul:eft of a navy bJl!e be.thing 1utt valued at $18 f!1Jm her clothea line sometime .Ji(ondv. • An undeter"f~ned amount of caah wt.a taken from the coin box of a pin ball machine located at f'lnney's Malt Shop, 2200 W est Ocean Front, Newport Beach at 10:82 a. m . .Monday. The coin box had been pried open. ·Thret> youth.a were quetitloned by police oop· cem 'ng the theft but were later re ICll.Bt'd. • ... A mont>y box wu sto·eo from a marble machine at Blll'a Mall Shop al 507 E. Bay Ave., Balboa aomettme Sunday. It waa e1 ti· mat.td lhat the coin bcix contained about $30. . St<al Coueh Ped The theft of a garden couch pad valued •t SIO wu reported from the home of B. M. M orrla,' JlOl Bay Front, ~boa lal&IJ.d at 11 :05 a. m. · . Red, White · Theme for Natal Fete ' • On the occulon of her twelfth ' birthday recf'!nUy, H~len Blehm. daughltor of Mr. and Mr!!. Edward JO&l;V Bl•hm of 221 W. Wll.oon St., Coo-•111'EI la MeM, entertained a cordpany • of young frlend8 with a gay hoe· --·-P pltality. A red and while color ..,_.,, rv ocheme w .. actented with atream. h«#.18 4'fl en of crepe paper adorning the ·~~~~~~~~f~~ living room. G9.me8 and conte8U!i provided amuaement, prizea being awarded to Marian Koerner, Betty Baird. and '.Jo Ann Ogden. Clima.xin& lhe fete were refreshment.a of Ice cream and decorated birthday ca1<e. oparklll)g wtlb cand1... AR1H. ··m· S p' IN' S Helping · flden celebrate the • event we.re.. Betty and Lo~tta Mlt' Ofll IJOMAOf, I Baird of Bel"Oower. Marian Koer· P ·-~ •-··-· ·Td; • M J rt K A'1'fta I AV&AU L.4• cont:alll a ner, ar o e oerner, Jo Ann recect d.iscoft thac is brin · amazjn Ogden, SUaan Pope, Shirley Lew· Wief co ch~. II =t1 •kr'U'I! ~ iK and Evelyn 1 Taylor. w«/J ,_,,,_;.;111 •-" ••¥11 ;,, ,j:w;'!Jb,e' 9ety6.rsr dose of Payne'sPonrlula uSo:alJr·· County D·1reetor ...... cwbing •wful ioint ,bd mu.d e paiqs IO JOO caa wort. sicei aod li~ io Add C grata°COmfort. I re sses ost a 11,.... ....... quid< co..4.a., l><IP Mesa W, CTU . fot lhe tdl" •nd paio• of~nds ot l rbcumatism tb8l mar be ~-daouo . 1 far.ofa.fJ lM& tcnmarb I PAYNli'I' l'olJan.A a rrial. The f&rR muse Afch&ru1. made for hoaplt&uzed -.u Itel b&ck.J servlai men were shown by Mrs. r · P JOU-at 1°" ·a:Joaey MaUde Lynn, county""flower mil· TUR. NER DRud co' slap and ri11bt dl,....tor of tho "!' . • wc:ru. when 1-he w.-the special gueat at the lateat n1eeting of the Costa Mea WTCU in the home of GIVE J<OW ,j TO THE RED Cl~OSS ' . ' -'THE~ . CHORD • 0BoMt , -r , 1_. • • ._ • ··r -, ~ $995. ' $:.:J.5!1 per month YOlJ C'M play · rich organ mu"lic a l one:?.· without learn mg n sin;.le not:?. Come heai, ·u1d play the Ha.m.mond Chord Orai;n,. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co. 520 ".\'. Mole Street ('.orn"r 6th Santa Ana · l'hone lilmbe:rly t-51.0 WALLPAPERS AH N"w 1951 Patt.imn Co..rtn• .. '•lilt-I O.C. ..... llUUHP: & GARDEN GI I ('o~t II\\')'. Newport. a... l<:~L W S'I ANWCY -..... • Notar v Puhlir. • Harb.Jr 1111 Balbce lllud annATD ··••DCU -•Yil!P.l ·IP.I IB•Y1llP.I ;_ ~ntng Friday at 7 p. m. lti the Joh.n Lloyd Wright building. tJOf' Cout boulevard. Corona del Mar la an exhJblt of a newly formed l(J'OUp of artlat•, the Thlrleen Modems. All well known cootem- pora.ry arti8~ their dlll>lay con· ai.Bll of P"lntlnp. aculpture, jew- elry · and 'furniture. Memben are Rex Brandt, Joan Brandt. Phil Dike, Ramona Douglu, D&vid Vaughn, Miion Hutchln10n, "Mabel Hutchinson. Netter Worthington, George Meldrum, Leonard Kaplan, Georgr Brown. Everett Macdonald Mre. Dorie J. Wheatoi\., 307 Ma· rlne Ave., Balboa. ls18rlld r!'ported the theft of a "HO«teu House" •lgn from her establishment at Rev. and M.r91 George PJum8tead '::=======::::;:================+ on Co3t& MsP St. Mra. Velma • Compton lntrOduced l.tr1. Lynn. • ~ ~ FOR REAL • FUN -. "ZING" D01'4'1 MISS OUI PlESIH1 $HOW ell LS -Qll lS -· " a1W 1 SHOW\-,.11 .1 THE CIRCUS ROOM .. ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTAND I NG REST AU~~ .. ...... Zaperlq -. G-1000'1 lle"1ld, la 0.. u..,..·-.... -V....ledonr._......,- Nen -. 1n Uinsi a .. dl · ... ,41 and Ellsabeth Whipple. • The ahtblt will be open from 7 to to March 23 : 1 to :s p, m. Sun· day througti 'tbur-.tay and 1 to 10 p. m. P"riday and: S"aturday, March 30-31. -. JOURNEYMAN MACHINISTS Needed at HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO. Culwer City, Calif. Wortc i. Permaneat 1°"9 IA the W•t'• n..t llladtltt<> llhope ALL NEW EQUIPMENT ~bour Week ('l1me • _.half 1>"1 otter 40 homo) llovta1 a Travel ~pepaee , for QattllllN .I~ OpMlag .. all ,_ ellUta for: 2:27 a . m. Monday. A atret""t 8lgn Jn a tree Wu re· ported to police Monday by J . M. Leonard or 301 A1varado Pl., Ba1 · boa. The city 11treet department re.moved the arboreal marker. Sport.llman's Liquor Store, 2823 Newport Blvd., Newport ~ach reported lht' tht-rt of a pint of whtakey from the 1tore Mongay. Pollee were unable to locate tht' culprit. A t7-ye8r-old Los Angeles boy w .. r-eleaaed to hia r:nothflr early TUe&day a.ft.er being a.rre8ted Mon- day nigh,~ at Palm St. and Balboa Blvd., BaP.oa, wtth " pint ot whl•· key ln hta poteeaalon, police al- leged. Preeldent Md"· Myrehn conduct-HELEN! R. ROBERTSON, M. D. ed the M-ssi n. Rev. and Mn. ' . PJumatead MJW a duet a.nd a pray· Announces the Opening er was offered by Mr. Plurruitead. ~ MrA, Evelyn Thompson read an ! 9f J;i.er. OfJice al arUcle concerning liquor arganlza-l74l suP.1.ERIOR AVE., COSTA ?wlESA tlons and the lhgratiating method.8 used. (~-0rmerly Newport Ave.) Various repbrb were presented ENDOCRJ?iOLOGY AND GYNAECOLOGY and a friendly aoctal hour follow· • ed the mutlni Whe.n tea and cook~ le.1 wer~ eerved. Membere Wt.11 con· vene As)ril '14 at 2 p.m. wtth Mra. Yelm.a ComP*oo. 1876 F'uUerton avenue. • OFFICE PH. BEAcbN So08 RES. PH. HARBOR 306i-W• Progressiv"e Dinner For ·Job.'s Da!.!ghters SatW'dl,y nlgbt waa a bright night for 30 members ot Jobll Daughters, Coata Meaa Bethel 157. who enjoyed a progrese.ivf' dinner party, Varioua cou1'9e8 wt-re served at the '1omee of Mn. Dorio Ragt.n, Mn.. Vera Gunn, K r9. M ar- tha Taylor &lid lln. Carl Thomas. CornpleUnr ~evening's fun were 1everal bau,.1 of Ice aka.ting at B)'"nea. ' ~OR ACCIDENT Victor ~-1'!.una~. \302 Cave St., Corona d~l Mar, waa Involved in an auto -~dent at the tnt.ef.. M1Ction or · Femleat e.od Seavtrw Ave.a.. ·tn Corona del Mar at 1 :5& p." m. We<ln-y. Neunaber'e vehicle co1lldeid, witll a car driven by Rlcltanl .v. -~ Moitteloeno ~th can .... 1-minor dam- .. FRA"K .tE .-~AINE " I I I •• '"~ D C~ . PIERCE • ' < • ' • • • ., ' • • ' I '1 • I I I 1, I ·, I • • > • - - • ·' ' ' • t • - , \ • • ~. .. ; D 'llOd .....,._ ' -... AP!!!?!~!" a -~.~ ... MS -Dlllo ...... A I. I , l,AJtOll -'Cl! ID --~ C"-i-r .En-'-™"'"~ t •. - - -1ar .... .T™"". 15~ SPEtlA:LISTS .-t. .... -ITU ....... . . Ueed . . , • . Cll ... a:. Ooo&a .._. •·-..,,,.,,. ' • :&o*°8 .-.:..n·~1. (Jnwood Vick, ·J!Utor. ~~ ' , -. &-~-............. -. ..-... ·d ~ -~ i--------..... --+--• ,. "~.,,See Job4 ffar"1 ooaoNA DEL~ ... ,.._.. ~x, BOOM -wtOl ~ ail I I , l'J6d. fto lldrm. aaf11n,. -~-1-iN 4111 at Seaci'aft · .,_ Pallo. ~ Y..., • Corona .i..1 *'-. · • ..;Q04.8'1' ~·:r -o.w w. a.~. !..!:___' •. · .... ~ MAC!f" . -r~ Drl,n, 1'9-•· i.1-' ••~- ., i'fR amrr ·. I'll. AAOClllt 0'111 R I..... • apll r""."."'"':l: ~V,4.Tl0"8 ~ • l ' -· 11•-•llJe .-~ --_,...-......,,..,..' -· • __ ._ .. _u_• LIDO ISLE . st.. t-rt Botch. ~ BOOKs-SEA BOOKS fl.,. ...... -"1 -.µoo OMl-lf . . llcH A 11M ·-ot 11o1>b CD .a,-. 1llUI --. ....... "'"17 A µ J., pe mipty '¥. .~ o 1 , of~ for ~mal clues co~~eF~i. ~ ~ qµ~tanding prope~es ·BAI.BO.\. "'" • ' · l . . .. ,,.__ F :v J . Blinds -. l!lh . Kl 2~0 or ' eneuan , , aaata Ana • Shadel and Drapery Hdwe. DOUGLAS •flts.~.8.Pat.orr.,,e.,..llU,.Oo. TUE SHADE SHOP LONG BEA.CH . . - be •.toct.-J'lue tD ft"-' apCa. 411o· -..0 ·-· ' fti ot In Adftrtlollll '¥'M a-itnc, llJlrui. P. A. PAI.MER · ' ~ FNie eltlmateoi Ph. Har 884 514 • 29th St. }l'ewport Beach 93tlc • S8ARPENING Al1 toob • l&wnmowen -ptnklna •hears., Jl:nlvea. l-9 p.m. A SUn. F:rnIT SHOP 609 yaast Highway Newport Beach IS NOW HIJUlfO . TRAINEF.S KEN •. With ShOp Experience You Will Be Paid While You Learn , -Assembly Work Thia e:JJception&J opportunity l9 j open to men w ith 1eheral 92p6 mechanical or .ahop experle1'ce. ------------AIU 26 to 40, The.I.slander& • 1HOOJtP01tAn:D . · " • • .Te> LOA11 n• ~ aa-ro. aar tan -Via Udo ~ ~ ·, ":T.: • · · • · nu! LO~ For HOJnes ~ POa LU.& H lll'IJBIQAL, IUDIO JUI.!!OA -Yprly .ttbi, l bdrm RlOO C!I.." (10.IO :yn.) • · tumlabed apt. (except U-1. Gt l. .. (IO ye&n) · , TRADE jour old planO or ~ ...._ BuW Ol8l·W. ' tlP" • rBA 41'" (20 yeon) Buy Your TV ·NOW' tmtnlln4nt ror ii. tull -·T-• i-wi."<H' yra.) • n.lu. oa a Ptckard Bo!l tei. BALBOA ISLAND No -co 4 oa Matro loana See theae LOW Prices: -at BRA.FER MU8lC Co. we b a6c1 ..U Trutt Deeda (tdnee lll07) Ul N. jlycomoro, HOOSE& ~ APTll.• ' t · c BOB SATTLER 2 New AdJX!iral.s Santa Ana. Klml>Orly 2-os~i:tr Tll.ARLI OR aJ:AiloN.\,I. Har. t tor Free Ai>Prat-1 2 ~ Ii 911D deck bayvlew ._ ... .$13,5()() : .s a. ~. To ,aun ~ -v1ew $21,ll(IO ' ri.~--L "Tnliah .. ~ ... eel, Ocean frollt ___ ,.$4l),000 I CORONA fEL [KAR\ 2 ~ ft. to, bay beach -~---.$1 .. 750 . .. · ,JOHN D. BURNHAM · 1M7 . Ballioa Blvd., ijalboa · • • . Furniture Repairing Qualified appUcanta will be lllred -Cha1r bottom.a renewed. can• or and after 2 week.I training Job- mpllnt. Chair round.a. bacb &Dd rated for promoUoa. $70 8oo OAJLj CAR!<J" ~ Rep. PGIRIER MORTGAOEICO. Dem011Strato.ra; S&ve. ea. ' ~elda G beon, Real Estate, ·Metro Ure In& Fund.I Kl 3-.'lt~ 18'" A)smtrai pi,ono • comblnat19n CONMB ~a".::d ."~ Chill• rd~ Sot Marin" Balboa hL Har. 1102 I • AM r nt r.&dlo l'<OOl'Cl player "' m-~ o •--' 119tlc LOANS TO Btllu>. DIPllOVll. waa ~S.UO, tlo~ f,399.9&. E•en If you don't kno'fl a not~ ,.. MODERNIZl&, OR • !._ r OS.5 pr 1607 Sa.rah W. Ne ame1 C. Newlin, lr.-Helen McDonald . . 95c97 • • roclllln -!•«;<!: a114f ~-PLANT EMPLOYMENT HAR Vl!:Y'S FURNlTURlll OFFICE SAVE $7~ of mu.le JOU can play beautl!UI LOVELY upper l·bclrm, \lllfllm. IUIFINANCE v mualc In ten mlnutea. D~ apt. UK\ N. Bay rro..1, Balboa w~ ~ ,,..._ DeG • LO~rl!foME, with view .~ •• OF <lCEAN. . CH and BREAKERS ... 3 B. a.- and large lrum!lua room, ~l'l l!atha. ,All carpeted wall to wli.n. .Owner living out of town desires ' SCHMIDT Bl( Plano and ~·•-· i.t&nd. P•rfoct aU11 dedt, 58ll NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL If" Admiral TV pllon°""""blna· Co .. 1120 N. Main, Santa Ana. per mo. References required. BAviN08 4 .LOAN ABBN. Uon Jn FM ..-c:Uo. record play-..n•.-11.1 REPAIR SHOP LAKEWOOD & CARSON 2060 S&nta Ana Ave-. Coeta Me.a Beacon 8133..J. 11c11B J~n(a SEB.VlCZll INT1CRIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICll:NBll:D -INSURll:D Glenn Johnston i!Ol ·Slot SI. Newport Beach ' Harbor 2297..J Stct8 WE RENT El...IDC:I'RlC paJnt sprayers, floor sanden, po\lahers and ga.rdentnc equipment. Stroot.a: Tewtnkle: Hardware, 1802 Newport Blvd., Coal& MeSL Phone Be'&. 5222. H .H .JIOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintain~ Phone : Harbor 1413-W 280>-Bal~ Blvd., Newport Beach ' PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarrv 1615 Saata Al\& Aft-. Costa K .. Phone Beacon ~ · '19d12 PAINTING ·EARL SHEFLIN ~ -!It.. Ooota -Bea. IH51-M Hd REP AIRJNG and ' PAINTING. ft&ASONABLE. Larre or small jam. ll'r'ee Nfimate•. Har. z:i,81-R HAULING Any ktnd. Crash or! W~er, 108 -18th Street Newport Beach H"°bor 2581·R 14-PEKSONA.L.'; PRECISION Watch Repairing ELECTRONICALLY TESTED AND TIMED Louck's Jewelry 1786 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Hours.., a.m. -4 :30 p.m. Joloodmy lhru Satuntay" DOUGLAS Aircraft Co.,· Iiic. ~r-Wu $.Mi.95, now _ ..... .u. _ ·-~ USED PIANOS from IQ up. Good Harbor 0417..J. ··-MS3380~VTG1a UAdoGPll.E BarLO. ANIMO S SAVE $70 :==.~1t1;'~"e!~ EASTER RENTAL Good 1·· Motorola TV wtth ex- pandf'd muk. N~w picture tu~ 1 yr. parantee on tube. Only $59.95. Ana. cor. 8th. 2 bdrm hou-. near beach -avaU-tnt.erost Raw Long Beach Division 1Mo96 W ANTED-SkJpper for private 40 tt. crWett. Muat be capable and reliable. 8portft8htnc eKp. necu- aaryt ltxceOent an year poelUon for the rtsht man. \frlte 41:uall· flcationa, fivln1 reterenoe and salary wanted. Wrtte Box ~ l this ·paper. . 1Mo96 FULL 1'JliilE automob,Jc m.-n- ger &Dd. part-Ume clerk. Perm. WNtem Vnlon 'hlepa.ph Co., 2303 Baltioa Blvd., Newport Bch. 90p98 . RCA CONSOU!: 11" TV, llke new RENT A P1ANO, $& mo. Sb< mo. f'ellt appltet on purchaM at 8JLU'ICR MUSIC CO. !Btnce 1907) Ul N . Syearriott, Santa AA&. XlmberlJ 2-0872. 80tfc wlth AM A FM radio, beautLtul ------------ mahogany cablntt wllh doors W.ANTlllD ' :IO ~ Trade In ............................................ $32<.911 your old plaoo on a Grand. Spin· _ et or IM&uUtul telntakm. Hlch-- U8ED WIRJC R.ltCORDICR. GooO e•t cuh allowance, Tenn1, .J.1.,. at ................................ $99.l!O DANZ.SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. . COT. tth.. D20 N9-Main. Santa Keep tn touch wllb ue for cood _Ana __ .--------- bUya In TV aeta betng ~ ln _ . SPINET. Bradd new but cue llichUy damaied ln ahipment.. A EASY TERMS ARRANOED EXP&RDCNCED Waltrima Wanted ApplJ • SNACK. SHOP, 1619 DA VIS-BROWN Co. wonderl\11 bargain. Save $1.W Genuine. Terms. OU&-8chm.1dt Sant& Ana"I 620 N . Main, corner 6th. Over or:'e hundred pl&nos. Coaat Highway, Corona del Mar, 1~ BARBOR BLVD. COBI'A MESA WANTED MOTEL KANAGJcR-Phone Beacon 8821 SiJlCle man or coup~. WUI pro------------- vkle apt.. plta .iary_ Write Box · !:. \Ills paper. 98c98 ll0-8ALE. Im8Cll:l.L&NllJ WE HA VE FULCOLOR. FULL- ERS New wuh•ble wall tlnllh. Alao J ewe I caae or colon. Free palnUng in•~tion .ad cOlor planner folders. RAUIOA MARINll: HOWE. CO. Basin Branch. B&ywide Dr1v< Your P"uTier Dealer A Good Place to Go Jack's Furiliture • °i:ioo W. B.Al.JldA BLVD. BARGAINS In Used and unpainted turnltun I Buy, Sell or Trade Phone Harbor 2602-R Rattan Furniture Made 1n the PhUllplnea and In our own WQdt 1i1>aJ111. Wide dtolce -of fabrie1. l.Arsest display In So, Calif. Rdlalabili$ &Dd Ret1pholliartar SPINET Repou., Pay out balance, ~-•Another repolHlllloo at $395, OOAt new $616. Just-lUc.eo new. T erm.a. Dau-Schmidt Big Pl~ Store, 520 N . Maln, corn. 8th. Santa Ana. GRAND PL'NClS -Used, Knaj>P ChickerlnC", Muon &Ild Hamlin, Steinway, Everett. Sobmer. Wurlitzer, Stal"'t Klmba,ll. Many otbe.r.. From $39!1 up. Danz· Schmidt Bil Pi.a.no Store. S&nt& Ana. fi20 N. Main ( cqn:er Ith. able 'til June 13 or Eute1' week. ALSO BA YPRONT APT. 2 bclrlll, 2-ba\ll ·w June ltii by wk. or mo. GREENLEAF' A ASBOC. !112 Newport Bl't'd. Har. ,'2662 FREE BPECTION, KL 3· '7771 . W. COLEMAN 207 "!· -y. Santa Ana We Btiy and Sell Trust Deeds I -t ROOM FURNil!HED ApL, unit heat, fireplace, pr-co: Y..., 11~ EllTATZ EXaUNOE round, $75 mo. 1•09 W . Bay_...:....._,--------- Ave. Harbor 18'0.-R. 9&e9il5 Balboa Island Attt'actlve 2 bdrm modem ~e. Fireplace, u.ntunt. except Ben: dix wuher. Linwood Vick, Rltr: Sl2 Marine Ave., Balboa X.land Pl\one Hari:tot' 2042 • FUR.N18KED 3-rm. apt., 540 mo. A.dulta. No pet:a. A.va.ilable Apr. l•t.. "1871 Fullerton Ave., co.ta Meo&. Ph. Beacon 0136-M . 1Mc99. Will trade small home, clear, Lido Isle-for ocean front Bal*"' Balboa Realty Co. 700 i:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa • Harbor 153 90tetc WILL TAKE a 2 bedroom houae ln Newport Bea.ch u part payment on e.XCepUonally w ell built du- plex near ocean. ExceJ1ent ln· come property. Phone Bea.coo 8108-J. ' • 115<:98 A'ITRACTIVE, like ..... 5 rms, 2 WILL TRADE bdrma, unfurntabed.. Fireplace, LARGE! OCEAN F'RON:r' HOME dbl. garap, patlo. Adult, no fine location, for amallf:r homf> peta. $90 mo. ~rly. 111 lrili or va.Ca.nt property anywhen! In Ave., Corona del Mu_. AT. So C''lf 1-6983. -. ~ . YEARLY-Attractl•e l bdrm. tur Bay~i& Beach Realty duplex on Newport Ialand. Mlli Gloden ay Ethel Sbtrley mo. Ph. Harbor 2J«~K. i4c96 14~ boa Bhrd. Harbor 12&& BALSA RDWD. SURJI' BOARD . XLNT. CONDrrION, "5 Phone Harbor 1700 HOUSE & GARDEN Ill O>ut Hwy, N,,.,.i., S.,..1211 LOVELY USED SPINET PIANO Uke new. Tenn. $50 down and Uft mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca· more, Santa Ana. Klmberly ve 2-oe-72. 93ttc :..~~~~~~~~!.." -~~~~~=~~[_ 96p99 ------------MAPLE BED DIVAN &ad \lphol. RENT A PIANO. ~per month. STURDY BUILT 2· Whttl Bo:.: trailer with '&l pl8.tea. 600-18 tires. $50. 2110 St'rran.o A veo .. Balboa. 95p99 chair. 2 4>lltterny end tal>le9 AU rent allowed if you buy wllh· • NEW Why Be and cotree table. Mlec. bouae-In term•. 't>A.NZ.SCHMIDT Co.. :..1 ",. hold Items. 17IO'Anallelm Av•.. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. STUDEBAKERS ."Hau" 'Dressed Coat.a Mesa. Beacun 6387·WK. 95<97 ICLEC'MUC ORGAN. Uk• new, Th' E te ., to aell quibkly. . DON'T w!ri. Exclualve wltll us. Priced at $28,500 . . ' '! I • Anbther Lovely Vie:w Home. OVERLOOib:Nol OCEAN, BEACH and BREAKERS ' . 5 bedtm. and den, 3¥.? baths. A rare buy. , . , See this today. .. Easy terms . . PfCE T. McCUISTON i Realtor • CORONIA DEL MAR REALTY CO. 503 CoutlHlgl!way Coroaa del Mar Ph. Har. *7 l NeWP,Ort! Heights 2 bdrm. homo In Ibo bett location. ! yn. old, bw~fk>on, dbl. pr. bond.a paid. $4., down. $8, 50 ' New 3 bdhn Home On Broadway ~ Cqsta M- among oilier ..:rfly bomea. Beat hwd. noon exceuent finUh werk throu-o~t. A beautltul home. $3,400 c)own ,on F .H .A .. $1 ,750 on 'i.e . Ij $1~500, G. I. Resale 3 bedroom home j onlY 4 )'ta old. Large corner lpt lA aood loca· tion ne&r echoqta. 8 bmJt ,YOUT offer for ownt.ra ~ty. Thla may be the hdt ln tow1L I Beacon ~ *ealty 466 Newport BJv, (Near Archef') Phone Beaeon 5713-R 911c97 Bayfront Lot 42% fl. (cor.) El Bayo tnet. SH,000. BeautJtul riew. ll:xcel· lent location. Lido Isle 3 bdrm, l % bath&, st""'t lo -. ctoee lo prlv. beach and club boo . Ready IOOn. S24',.500. ALSO ,Bayfront, Li!lo Nord $38,000 S ~ and maid's. 4 lovely home hUllt In UIU. Tiled bat.ha, m-1 met&l Dk. bdwd. fioors, unit heat. ·Others s-lodrm, 80' lot ... _ ....... in~ 2 lodrm, t5' lot .......... us.flliO 3 bdf11/, new ........ -..•... i21,llOO Lots •o· Via Dijon .. -............... $(,000 80' Via Orvletta .. ., ......... ,_1,.:100 100' Via Ravenna ......... .$9,500 182' Zurich Clrele ........ i10,.:ioo FOR SALE or TRADE-Box °'1------------famou.o make, Save »GO. t.emu. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IS as r.. camp traller, alum. boJfbomto..-BARGAINS Electrified orpn, """'1 only U7ft Hurry While They Lut Su I t i!• 6 Uhl 1·ts wheels, air ahocka, t ' x 7'. Wgt. FURNITURE For cburch or home. Diana-re Y ! you can m• C your Bayfront Lots 40' Lido Nord .............. $17,000 000. Good tires. Sewing machine, tro&dl< .... $27 ,!!0 Schmidt, 020 N. M,•ln. cor. 8Uo. Cash ' Trade or Terms bu<4o/t and bonnet with in he.:.i Jt aaiboa WANT Boat, lumber, or! to $200. Rolla"°"y bed ·····-·······---·····-····$29.:K> Santa Ana. ' one of thelle doRG *uti· r 218 • 29th St., Newport Beach. ALSO Can A....,.n.,.. L ..... , __ 95p97 Antique towel rack. GOOD UPRIGHT PL'NOS ' from .. -..-ful qrwsing neceuitlee! $181!()()()• I---======---Ne"w Caloric gaa r&nC'e&. apt. It reg. M9. Terma u cqnvenleni u Factory Delivery in · I . . . EVERYTHJNG ~-&lee. rang ... apt. A reg.~-S& mon\11 at SHAFER MUSIC South Bend, lnd. '35 DE SOTO cpe.. ........ $,. 45 SMALL 00~-1' FOR YQUR TRAILER Mallopny rocker ........ _ ........ $~.!50 CO. (Since UI07) 4.21 N. Byca· . , '38 Sedan 295 , IO' Lido llol&d. R-3 ........ $9,000 M.'77' lfdo Soud .......... $154;710 Balboa qoves Be&u. 3 bclnn modern .. i22,oot IT!!. 'IVatarrront lot ...... $5,100 120' W&telfroot lat ...... $1,509 WEP=..u:;';.~ ai.d 1nter:nattonal Harve.91.er Refrlg. ·=-. Santa Ana. Kim=~ JOE NICKERTZ ,39 C c~:··::::: 295 Long t(lrm f-Y ~ta '' J .~.·._1 .,,.;.~<9lo~ll ~~at~ tun or , 1 •: 1. ; l'lii 'ifr' Studebaker Dealer ,,» .£0 .. 'jl~~I .. k· i·.29f.j at ~aali~J~~ pf., ~. ~·'=1·=~ w""..Jr,~ ~:-!!:;,:x;;;~~~;··;,;;~·911 .16--000ll. o..,iiB.'rns . Certif'ted Ueed &rs r :4i s' , I a~~v .: t\~ .!l , ~ ,· ~ fti·,,...; =-~~~----~-R•"'I"" E . ~uel icw. M. Parter , , • •, , • 'tti:tor II ell. ft. BI.A.CK ;M.o\IA , Qooker Span! ... 'r1147· ~laid!!: '(;ollftn, 'ft 'j>t.fi: 1:l>o. • · ~ • u • o 'e I~· S45 P j&t cil(~J-- 1 Patio Furniture Train«!. \llorobred. 8 yro. 014 . Orig!. finish. O.D .. racllo, cUma-'41 p . eedan.............. I I I I 29• W-rflootst (6T st.) $8,oot 48' SYutnt. fwl\11 ~Up) ,T,W .Ji,b~~~nt p AINTED ORANGE COAST Dale's Furnitlll'e Free to good bome.11ea. !1846-W uzer. etc. Mr. Walter Burg ... • ·~ DGE sedan ...... 585 Balb · ulftalt Oo • TRAILER SUPPLY 1929 'H&rbor Blvd. . Coota M... 1Mc96 car. 'fa DOOCE sedan •····· 1095 o~ x'f 11 . Newixnt m,d. at IOth St., H. ltlO Owner Says "SEIJJ' Phone tleacon 6451-W ---Phone ~aeon 5101-W $1 'Xl5 ••7 ""''-· --~--1185 700 E. ~ 1llv&. Bal.,.. . 92c7 1910 HARBOR CLVD. H-93 -U8TNUS Opponaal-• , ~ ,-. i..;n.n;v •. '°"""" -·----. iian.!r lU i........Jate I WrTrl bome, cloM -----------boota M-. Phone Beacon 8224-R • '"1ii. -H·O·P __. •1 ufEV. club _, ....... 1\85 . SStte i1o -&Ide. Otrage, lalh bk, -15-SBARE YOUR 'CAB POWELL '•7 motor ecooter. ,.ood cbaJr and va.l&ncea, •too. I.Ar~ 1ocatlon, $4 ,2QO. utul aporty car, tulip cream, 4 · U -··--·-··-··-then make otter-· MATCHING pl&Jd davenport. wing LADIES A.PPAJU!:L ,S • •-lHT Buick conwrUIO!e.. a be&U· , 7 ~y ol II llB5 and bobby room. SEE nus, ------------condition, good deal. 935.,. W..t antique stretcher table, i1110. Malt Sllop, all year location. ll&C-wlllte llldo wall U.-Every po>-'50 ,RD 2 dr. • ...... ---1765 J S · · i ..J UNDER"•$8,100 WANT RIDE DAlLY from 1100 Balboa Blvd., N~NpOrt ~aeb. Coldspot refrlr., $60. Beaooti rtnce, $(.000 slblo extra, driTtn ODly 30,000 8 % Tl!RMS Available on all -oe ays: ; • blk. W. Balboa Blvd. to Corona Phone Har. H41·W':--. IM~ 8086-R. -8 JAMES c . HOWARD mu ... Onl $1395 MA•t 1 . ~·'ly •nu!~ ..... "If ,.... ....... ~ ... ...t-. del Mar (9 to :ii . Phone Harbor ...... Oar '""" _, w1u1 .... ...l...a ...,._and Oh'e tt 1H8-W. . 99tfc TABLE SAW, 8 Inch . .,. H.P. new .•• •ft•-~--3118 Newport Blvd. iHic97 y Radloo, Heaters, . ::::-~· ·-Irvine .Ranch View ------------POR SALE OR TRADE for ~-·-ourr-Ro HA •-h'· Beot buy In country. Mr. bert S VER MOTORS ~-ATE -tully ~.. 2 lmn typewrt-.er or adding mac ..,_,e or CANDY STORE · loc&UOll lo • JOE -· !!-LOST Al\-ru FOUND both. Harbor ~7l-W . .94c96 CUPPER CLASS -18 ft. aloop. • pnme ' p _ Tay r• car. · bwd,e floor t)lrn.ace, LOST -B·flat clarinet }>y -7th gT&de girl Of1 Monday , between Horac-e Ensign JN::hool and Cor- ona. del Mar. Phone H.ar. 2839-J. lMdle --,--=-=--==""-:-:==--2 malnaa1la. 3 Jibo (lncludlnc For leue, P.fOven money m&k..-. -· Your tjooaE ,_PLYMOUTH Dir. Uc. R.i;., ta 't= Only $8,6-00, fllll price, ~ POTI'ERY EQUIPMENT one itet new nyloa). Excellent Will •r.1.1 Inventory plu.I rent % toq SWde piCkup, ahnoet new. l&!t H•bor Blvd. Om:ta Me-. ·-r g condlUOD, $600. Har. 1aa1. 91c91 &a favorable party. owrdlrve, cllmatlzer, etc. Saw ' 1 • 1822 Newport Bl.Yd-. H Bcb. mta. YUST BE MOVED BY Harbor Investment '400. Mr. Georg• Pickering'• 11M~ ~c ~~~ Phon Katl.w ~,' --.. ,... u.-buy• 1n 11a1n.., APRIL FIRST MOORINGS 30th and Newpert Blvd. ...-. -~ ~ must ..iL Pb. · I l 1 1 Iota. • .,,..... and bulin._ prop- lO cu. ft. l<lln, cost '87ll. will ..U Pleasure ancj Commercial Harbor' 1800 8411' NEWPORT BLVD. Beacon 8UKJ before 5 p. m. or ' I erty. ~.~::;:;. ;:·~~~ ,'::.r:te =.t!~~ .. lO"'°ft. hood out.aid• LIDO PENINSULA LIQUOR Lle&N~ WANTED -~'!'.,!':S!..~.-1 tev .. , Beacon 8572-W). 98c97 ~yshpre; Baigain B. A. NERESON BIO ·• ~~ • ~ • 1•· t YACHT • "'CBORAGE ·or ...___ <aerou -·-~ I • a ..._ •• .J... _.... ·-Uon. · vicinity of Pepny Arcade, Fun -..;.,..., -. ..... L..<.LI mo...... moe ~· f..-Je """-...'"' Cowrty ~ Pbone Jlarltor 510 · ~ -• ...,,... -MR.A KulUple Llltlnc Office Zone. Reward. Rar, ouo-;;p98 . ;";UJland~~andlzed. Name End ot ~RT BEA~b<. 'flll ~ :;:.~ ;!."';.~· Bee ' • "HEAD" NFull-. . . '/:,,_q~9, ,500· ~ 1111 N= e':,!;. = -~- ------------Call Sohn Ta1jlert, Laguna 4-lMWI ll2ce -'(9 DsllOTO .CUSTOM Ooanrtlble 'I'"' 1 ~~~r~un~~~~ .. ~ w,:.\11 .= :r.ct'." Eva. L&(UJI& ·~ ur LYMAN wllh 10 H. P. Mor-_... ... HU:Hft • BOUID8 ;111.::.::.n :a:~:::: for µre B~T • • • Un -ii:t.'Rltr. . • LOQK • .! Jasmine ·1r: Ocean Blvd.., Corona b.u7" outboard. aacbor, cM.bl, 9"' · · · '· 1' ~ '°' del Mar. Reward. Phone .Har-ELIDOl'RlC RICFR.10. 9 cu. ft., rope, ..,. and ....,,.,. .......... 1-m-~· PM. ~ 'We ..,. .WHm.ING and IU .A~ . • 8. ft. t 'ba. A Ip. apt."""' P.. bor 1167-J . ' 1Mc:91 • sl1Pt'7 -. Coot $290, will 'ment. -· offer. UG • Udo J !RENT AI.S Com .ei -· . ' . !i r----:-:-. . ....., ~ j --· -~ %4orl' LOST -Tackle box will> name ~ ~0: !IOU M ... = Nord, Udo Isle. · • 9'pH JOHN D. BURNHA¥ 196Q CllBVROLS2' Dix. G>Q• J:> • G-G.lvlng BEST .-OR a,iLI: !:JR~ U........S-I _,-.IU'OQlld i)Oliie. Comp. ~ "Vanco" an lid. -,.,_ .,,.. ' 507-E. .Balboa Blvd., Balboa .... ~ tax, prl.ate party. . a, BEST ·c AR s. bdml -., • .-. '. ~ I 1111 -~ ....... -- In McFadden .St. parlllllg area. Two &-wk oow pip-~.?._~-->di!< Nd ":'9.!;• .,._....._r • ..-.<. 61.ll --St.. Now .... 't: B•cll. -• ' • old. S1 '8tO -For appol,mment te -call TRADll: OR .OAllH. 19U ...,._ -· tnllet and .,.,_, ....-. ...._. 4'>Vi • _.............. llOeft .,_VJCJ U8 Jf •.,..t I Reward. Nouty J . E. Vance, ~·• a•·--~·-t _ -"· .,~ --· -,-·~~. ..,.,_ ... Oii • , . ~-~--•••1 ~ ,,__.._,,_ .club ~n<a Want plciNp tnlcl<. _, 'i""'--w -,._. -. ' .._._..,,_. . ' ' HpH I ~-.. -· ---..--•• " phooe Lopn ll0015 cbllect. $68 23-r-St.. Cool& j( -Oqeiil, ~. Newport .... -JL\Vll ·u · Natla -· ...... ID Kd,J -... ..... -·:-..,.._.,... I·· t '' " lltle 98p98_ rd -. ....,. B•o;,. 503S. -~Ytoam.Jt.-2bdntt,211L ,...s,--JNaat .. tnM . ~J'?, -.,_ • .,, _.....,.,,, ' • ------------tum"'""· -........... '-ho ·-!!!!~-~·~·~,~~~~~ -w•~ -·--a...-... bwk.. 417 ll. -Cr1 ,.: !· .. - ---......arru.&TIONS wA.NTED· .............. u.uroa BALBOA .............. TA vlcw. S<v ..,,.-e. uo .... ... OMta. ...... ftioM...B1zrre r ~ • . m.An..U'll -. oa.-del·Kar.. --.a. -'.... ' ll:XPJ:RT prd .... r d-work. 'l'AN,J!J TOP OAS ft4ltOll:mp>lf SmaJI Boat Kart fl>r ?It ·--Ill i•I Hu pGW'<r madilnoey P1i. Bea. condition, MO. Kea-. qtttlor ··-· ()CSIU( ntolft' IJ'T• WI.able 'W Cldf""'&T .... 11 .. ~ Mi --'--'am w . . 91~ ...-. P5, -...,_ LlllTINOeW-•~ "9rlri~l8..._w __ .,.. .. _, 114·~..ti,11&.: wam I·~-- • · c .-i-'15.. aal S. i-. -oeu&-W"",tfowpwt-. ·,..NI-.~-. Uta. 'NwpwrtB n ' -. ....._ • ..... ~-1111 ; · ll'JNlt LAUNDRY or 1roD1ns 0Dl7. Cool& "'-. 81 ,.. -W. • ' •l'llolia Banw OTT1 ... -W. 0-~ -.....-. val .... I -CIU1alu."Hslplw\Ui.clla. .,.._ -• •• '""·• ~ • -vmr Cl••• .... Mn-1 .... .. • ~ -~ ~.: .. q:pAJll • rr . .,.T.,..RI __ ,, ..... ~I -;, I" ... ~nz1s 0 --r_o IT ... • .---. c.a ..,.. 1 an .,,_ at m tta =1°'·•· •fits&. w .. ....._ 1't • • •-~au r ' ., -.. ""' • Z, C ~ ·anx.n CAl\11 w~.., _. •-• -.,. ••• :1 ... ~ ~·..,_. -....., 0 1 ... -· •,._ •a._. •·, tfllC :::-:. ... ..:~a::r::: :::....:::;;__~·= =-:.:· ~~= ~" ...... -.~.!..-_! .. ·.-:\~.~-=----41 . .... a.na:-tL .,.. ~1szm ililL ~ _, ._ ' .. -*~ . L " ...... -......_ ' I • .... ' f II A . . • " I I • I . • . . • ~- ' • • ' " ~-..... 1.~:.1 .. · · 1. • ........ . .. • ~. f ''!""' •• •• •1• ••• ••• . ... . •••••• ' ,. ' . Nqyt Traci :· : . _ " ·. , d04$T ORANGE A~m ·• ' · .. 1 ... 1-· -·-..------! o. 2' • • ' ' • ~- ~~rg~ M. H~te~ ~~ ~ . · · !Built. Homes . • J STI I J', NOTHmG DOWN ·ro. VETS: ' ~CKPr ,ESCROWS AND DO'O~ ·. . ' · • ' . . 2 BEDROOMS 3 ¥OROOMS • S ~BO<ll(S • • -211A'IBB ,. . $62.47 Pl!lt llON'l'H $54:12 '$M;92 . PJ!R M:ONTli PD MONTH Plus Tuff and Plua --Iuwsnce ~ . - , A Re~ Dea!., ALL HOUSES BUIL~ IDmER F. H. A. JNSPECTION AND APPltQVAL IOI\ A PERSON, th&t ..,,.,,~ a _,. pi""""'* lhop. cabinet lhop,, or ~ _. opWI' I ... llftmw1tlf. Bu1Jdl1\g UxH pllll 11' '!"'"· Plus 3 I . . ,\ll hoj*a with flreplacea, !azv unattached dhle pnigu; both street.I and 'alle3S paved: hardwood floors· Iota• of tile in blltha and ' . 'kitchens. ' LARGE LOTS 62'·x 125' TO 20' PAVED Au.EY \ Dual floor 'furnaces; spacious --kitcben8' with tile drainboarda; .kitchens, hatba:and service porches-; 3 coata of eumeJ paint. Foundation -SOLID CONCRETE, 2''x8" Ji'LOOR JOIST. ALL HOllSES PLASTERED WALLS. WATER SUPPLUro BY NllWPORT HEIGHTS IRRJGATION DISTRICT TO NON·G.I.'s on F.H.A. TERMS: from $51.97 per Month, including taxes and insurance ' . COAST ORANGE ACRES. Between Tustin & Irvine Sta.-Above 19th St. COSTA MESA. THE JOHN VOGEL CO. Exclusive Sale& Agenta 1301 COAST BLVD. CORONA DEL; MAR Barllbr 1477 HarbOr 1741 . - NEW .CUSTOM BUILT 3 BEDRM ) HOME ON THE HEIGHTS -A MUCH FINER HOME and better located than the average for ouly a . bit mQre mooey. You will love t,be large "L" shaped living and dining room, the glistening oak floors, the 'log burnin& fi?'eplace · alone with ·an automatic floor ' furnace. You will notice the We kitchen and hath aa well as the fine cabinet work: You Will be pleased wfth the fine grade' of materials thro11ghQut, even in the garace. • ...,.i --· Price -$15,000 -Vs dn. ·You ce.D Not MisS On This One .f 7"" old, 7 bdrm bome. rlrepl+ce, nice tlle kltcbeD. Aa outltaad- lng deal, t9r S8.llOO -St.000 dn. Are You a Carpenter? c~ to Blvd..2 bedroom home. Large pallo. outaide aleeplng l"OCIOUI. Also 2 large extra rooms betag added to bOU8t. All for 16.llOO -Jl,!500 cbt • U -you want a 3 bedroom home that is a show place WE HAVE IT! Price $13,000 G. N. WELLS Rltr. & Aaaoc.iate1f 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea: 5181 Selected by Multiple Liatlng AB Outstanding Buy . OF THE WEEK ... Modem 2 bedrooro borne in ldvely BAY SHORB ESTATES. N-. llatertor decOtaUoa. PRICE ,$9,500 Mult.IPlle U.llng No. 1'126 A.8k About Thts at Any MULTIPLE -LISTING· RLTR . . $l,200DOWN • - ,. .. -.. ' I ~ ~ ,..,., • 'ml'·L I·-. .. ti _.,, -·-.. .. ~ • ..... ... ;:47~ PAC,E a • r = • r P ~ • II' Pr rs a Ir •••• ec • . .. , a ,.,.,..,, • · '.-OORONAP,Bl/~~Bl\'Hlia ... ' • • "Robut B. 14'1111 '*PM IN 1W1, J.. "191 ' ..... ~t-. ii .. , . r • .:-Ceotal PIK>PlltTf 'J'OR BAI.JC ' . · . • ·we offer for yolll' ,coMlderatiiin ttie. De.trable ~ " " L . COllO~ WlL IU&-A· -utltul i B.I\. ..... moilorD la ""'7 ..:...0.L .:p;1.t,;. ~ ~-~·~u~·!:L~!!t,!~:.:,J...1:..!e~~..!! ....,...__...., __ · • --pMlo. BUiit for +ir ~·aild ... lo _,., -">" ;.Vfl4. cq,. ._ ... • "' Wltllill your ••• ,,.. u4 teoril It 1 ,, .... . ~ 2. BA1,eoA ~ -I al I\.~ OnlL'M,• ,.U..'..,.C.. JM•ft. rr., Nort1('s.y, ~~ fol-~ ,,,,,, ....... -. ·, . , S. VAPJoNT UYr ON PlllUJISl8iA-4 --al tbe -i( tip. ,,__~,~ .-.-llUt>\>f entnn .. ""4 c.o.11. ~ ............... ,.. ""* -'4000. ,.._ ...,,,. • .,..,... ,.11. a.zrr.U..S-:.wo llaft a ~.-uon tow etilJ1a ~.....; u • ., B. l\. ...._ *' cD>JI.,. 1 IOlltb Of lll'rd., WllUrn. -OUW'w ID Pf'OO .....,.. U to -and localloo, al8o tllllllmttji ._uaa ~In C.•D. K. • . . -. , . . · WllaA :Joli~ba-.. prol>OfV filr ale; UiJt With u. and 'u..n -'9 tO _, ... pot!.:..._,_ ~ ' ' LA~ ~Q -..... al -.....,_,. ·-cutLlf&-~f trauforrecl -WU1 \eW il-J!. a bomo ~ ., __ _,, ~I• rem-tlal .....,. __ Mi>d~ ""t.. · . . , COl\ONA DEL MAR PROPFJRTIES ". . · ·' W Cout' Bouienid -. c0 del Mar . • hrmhoue Kot.i -I !fart>orJ0.8'1' .-·' !OD!_ __ • __ ffldicit lOllS ' BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor · L. S. JONF.S J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island FOR REAI· LIVING! .. .~lfA 1H 1 SPECIALS ~ ~ _ AT'l'ft. S B. R. · t--~ 4 oO;;i), °""P· • ft. • Lot. . rt at l'llOIL • - . ~a ~~Id. • -i ::;*:J:"' · 1""' ~-tloat . I - OCZ.\N l'R NT. .&ttt1 ~ ...,... I B. R. A Den. ~ ' .... . I I I -· • A111o LOT s ~ s.......i 211 tt. Lota ID Cll'fo C...ter l>lst. ! i1 -. -• Pb. Har. 16n or 1672 NlllAR OClli>.N ftlONT-Wltblll a few f .. t ot a love\J -Uld tiaMt ~ 8"'1mmhoc, ri.iw.c and Clem ~ too, ... orr.. ,.... thla ""~fin• ...... erty ~ An attnctlw Uld pom- -CANAL NT '¢0!UfS"-117\lo -on -tor Giily '4.ooo.· CHOICE !FRONT CORNER. SO by 86 Giiiy $i,21iO • ATl'RAC'l'JVE 2 bdrm., liv. rm., din mL, full IMlth home, fenced and landscaped on 2 Iota on Grand Canal (Little 1aJand) Room for 3 .more units. Fully flll'lliahed. Make ofter -Muat sell. 33' OWENS CRUISER, like new, Iota ot atna 70 hoW'll only on enginee. Coet over $12,000. Will sen for $9,800 or trade-up for mnall 2 bdrm home i! good loca,tion Newport Beach. Call Mr. Janee. NEW MODERN -Attractive 2 bdrm home on corner lot, Balboa hland. Room· for one mott unit Reaaonably pric9!1. llleludlng new Bendix washer at $15,600. Small doWn PIY!lleDt. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR JOHN D. BURNHAM (formerly located ,at 2001 o.-n, Balboa) Announce$ the Opening of His New Office 507 East Balboa Blvd. Balboa . Harbor 1607 AS80Ciates Sarah W. Newlin JamesC. Newlin, Jr. Helen McDonald • faftablo I ---with tlftplaee AND a IMCo 1 -•partm41tt · ovw a t-car gara,.. = -;t-rox. 8:a. -:: · OOJIE and .PIUCllP RIGHT at $19.000. AND aroUnd the coraq OG 1 tbe OCEAN FRONT thla delightful 2 B. R. . redwood home offera a magnlfiefllt view and play cround! Very finest GI con.t:Ne· tion, cle.er uae of colon and wood pa.ntlllng on tnter1or. Oop- per plplllg thruout, 1-lated, fireplace with heatolator. Many olber tnt.ruting features that you rnuat aee for you1'ftlt. Tutot>illy furnished -JL Roal Buy at ~15,000. • BREATHTAKING! Tbb 46 JI W toot Jot offers an UNSUllPASS· ED OCEAN & BAY VIEW. Sit· uated on Cliff Drive In Newport Hetpbl. Priced below mark~t for qufc.k sale at $4200 . Tms DELIGHTFUL ROME bu just Jot. and Iota of CHA.RM ON Balboa Point in beat .reai· dentit.l area. 2 ·B. R .• U'\'ingroom with attracUve fireplace, aioe pat.Jo. taJye 2·car garage. nu. won't tut long. Only. Sl•,000. South Coast Realty ..Multiple I.JsUng Realt.on" 302 Main St., Balboa. Har. IOM "Near Pavtlioo" ..... details ~D!rn Harbor ~OJS ET-Bar. 2092-W Co~cessi I~·~ ~ac~ a~ Cori;>~~ del ~ar Pl'iffd at~ tkniplaoement east of equipment. Pt-r·· eentacr ...... ~l alJ utllltl•. Properly manA.ged lt I wm rroM ••.0001or te'J. THIS IS A DEAL. ca11 H·an.or .1776. I j . I ' . I · On ~arine Ave., Balboa Island .. Three bu41neu J b1dgi. all occupied with A-1 tanaata.. Show 6% net,ot better. No phone.calls please. See Mrs. MarooQ at Harl)or 1. T15. ' Have lMany Choice Homes on Balboa' Island $12,500 to $85,000 -' -' j . FOR ~ASE Business Property Small Mute on1 Marine Ave.. Belboa JtJ)IM One room suitable tor busineu 'plus bachelor apt. ' I • ALSO FOR RS-r.m.(sJ;...aiai-property Oil -· Ave. Store rooth p~ 2 .bedroom apt. with firepmtt, •l- tracUvely fUml&bed. jswtallle for -U lNlllDOM or pro- feasional peopleJ Balance on ·1eue approx. 2~ years at 1135 month. ""I I - For ~la ealll JfN.1 ~ Jlarllor 171~ .EARL w. STANLEY l 1 Realtor · 11th and Coast Hlwa.yr • 15th and Jrvlne Newport Beach; NeWport Beach . 226 -A"-. 8UI Coa.11t IDwaJI Balboa W&nd . 3113 Newport Blyd. Coron+ de! Mat j ~ewport BMch ' • The price la only $18,900 &lid good terms can be arranged. This prpty. is located in the city limit&. New 2 bdrm home, very well (\00- ~ted .. -ll:>t. H+rdwood. · ·tbe, 11uy FHA ·pa)"llleritl: on tial 1----------------------'COSTA. MEsA · REAL ESTATE Do Ypu ~t •a h,l,..e °"" "block. bom the ·ocean! • ' . W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2117 Balboa · Blvd., Newport Beach Ph. Har. 24 . B~BOA JSLAND BUY 2 bdrm home -fireplace -knotty pine interior . . - PLUS amalJ apt. over prage ' It is leased till Oct. lat ,Needp some paint outside. Attractive bu)( at $13)50, if you can·wait for pll88e88ion. ' Shown by Appointment. LINWPOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave. BRlboa Island Harbor 2042 J'\Oll pric..-- '$8,500 " Eastside -Close In Verf nice 2 bdmf home ln excel- lent tocaUon. Hwd. tJ.t., cbeer- f\i.1 kitchen and moat livable. Separate laundry room, ca.r&ae. runt room. This la •• eJtttlJent buy at- . $8,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson REALTOR 490 Newpmt Blvd. Coat& Mesa Phone Beacon 82S4·W LIDO ISLE . NEW LIDO ISLE -ll5T·W or Be+con 11458-3 Southland's · moet unique ~. bc!fiiUii ~+-r~~~--qi , ~";Vis i.... .Lt lRnu,i residential commuruty. _. tnp!Miei · orcec1 ... -. · ,. 'r'-1"' ltief -r.r.· \. -• • ·-.lype .kJ-.,,• i.e... ..,....,. ln . LIDO lSLE l!: dltfetent from any .Cor. SL to St. lot. Price $:12,000. otber coutal AA&. Hel'e )'OU • -CORONA DEL ••AD h+ve tine homea with •lu and DUTCH'C0LON14.T. ~" pf1c. to flt _. pocketbook. A truly beautltul .....;.~-o;;;-. bll<. $10,800 , On LIDO lSLE property owners ~-~~-!~t • !:-. __ ... ~tty. F . H . A . RESAI..B: . enjoy t.wo long stretches of pr!.+ • "'"' • ocw o ocean ..,. y vate bathing beadl, temil.o from bedroom. a -· l % 3 lledroam home la Corooa del courta. q,Wet unconcated •ta., baU.. unlt h•t. lb>Jllce, Mar, Hdwd., floora. floor (\lrn&Ci!. Commodious community elul>-weather &tripped. pr. 419Ftlll La?p tot. 2~ Jn. old. <aly houa, -..g float and landing l.vge _, clecl<. Prlcod rl&~t at MS.fl •oatb17 w!Ui snall dOW11 pier fGr pleasure cratt. $21,~. payment:. ' ---------~----.!.----~---. ----. ·--------·----~ --L- LOOKING FOR REAL VALUE? ? ? , • 2 6!:;E?~~~~~985 With all these features -Better than new. -BUutilUI hudwOOd noon. -La.re• kJtcho., double comer alnk -all tile. -Loto of cup-.,i space . -Big llvfnl' room with attracUve fireplace. -Fen~ yard and dOol~prage. -l"reab gree:n lawn, now and ahrula. -ctooe _to ahopo and tre. ---Oan U.O be bought untumlshed. -Terma -'* doWIL TOM PAYNE, Realt()r 318 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar PHONE HARBOR OMl or HARBOR 2883-W lh• back bay aft&. • ~OWN BY A.PPOINrio:NT ONLY ll:XOLUSIVll LISTING STANLEY HADF'IEl.D, Realtor 218 )farfno AY&, llalbo& Island. Harbor 20 NICE CLEAN 2 BDRM OH \lo acn. Spack>ua bdrma, tile, pr., \lo blk ·from Newport Blvd. Price ot $8,500 includes nice turnlture\ BARGAIN! RUSTIC EARLY AMERICAN We han a be1uty~ a q..faot lot. tt hu · 2 bdnn8 and a den. a dlit. ga 1• and an encld. yard. A lovely apot. ' FOR SALE ON 'T'llJ!: OCEAN !\IDE OF THll BLVD. ,2 ~ and d~, o~ a SO or ~1oot 19t. at tlle lowest prtc• ln tNB nei;hJ: See This! . I - FITZMOR~I REALTY COMPANY ~toJ ..Ni B.i.in ... Brokers . 813 CDut Blvd. Corona deJ Mar H+r. 21&2 ' - • Brand new 2 bdrm *'me, mua--'-------~-------------~-­inc brk:k titeplace, ant. bdwd. Thl.8 beauty I.a different, Prlced rtght at $9,000. · -' < I • 1 . ' -·I • ' , \ • • - ' . ' . I r. r . . ! I," • I , • . . .. • ' . - • , • , j . . ' I DAIRY . . H ... ~~ ... ._ A .. • I . . I ' NO PARIOltlNG! ' I . ~ WHC)l.E OR , • ~ I ; COIN KN• ·. · ·sHANK HALF WILSON'S ~ICID • 49c t · 1 ·LI. ,CILLO PIG.. • • • • • • • • • • • . ' LEC O' LAMB. ' 73•. , SAUSAGE ROLLS 45" • Crisp J1lcy, W••l1 ... 1 Wieeoop APPLES ' Sw ... J1lcy-ltlffnlde Newel ORANGES . 10'bL·45c Haocly "He111e Tot.r" ... ......... .... _, .. _______ ...... .....,.. .. JUST ARRIVED . EASTER . LILIES. See our· Stock .for Your Selection ' HOIMIL'S FllSH ·LIVERWURST . . .. 39~ . . . HOll\flL'S DILICIOUS BOLOGNA 49~ HOIMIL'S IOLIASl-!For lut.r Menl1tl Polish · <Sausage 65~ llllAl'T-Clllede ...._ ,_,te1rt.ll Wliele 11111111 JACK CH~ESE . 49~ .. . . ,, ' IWT tHllSI-' VELfEETA Mt. 99c. LOAF COIN FE~YIN IU.DY-INDIYIDUAU.Y PLIOFILlll WIAPPID •l>LDIN ST A Tl · FJrst 9uality BUTTER . Pll LI. Gracf:":lir FAIMS . rouH SMALL-S2c fl\' DOI. la Cartoo. • • • c.:: .,. Laura Scudder's MAYONNAISE -----·-~ Summer Isles ·--·· :· ·· · ··· --! IN EA pp LLELICU 21·:. Borden's Coth.ge ;· -~HE~_SE ·25~ Miss,io~ Inn Fancy .. , . ~~-P_R_1_c _o Ts. "21": Betty Crockers :.~z 1~ ,::~,x . .8159 .UICK . 39c Loura Scudder's · P-NUT BUTTER • FROZEN FOODS SWEET PICKll'S SALE! (Packed by Pichweet) ciffK'"coRN 1:.4;: 18c SWEIT PIClllN'S 12 .... · 17C PEAS. "GAIDEN FIESH" ,.,. i=oii>HOoi< 1:.4: 27c . SWllT ·PfCKIN'S · PEAS AID CARROTS 1~~17c ' .. CAMPllU'S TOMATO S. 0 u. P . . • • • .. WINES and LIQUORS . .., . G 4Yn.Old ! enmore Flmt • i .tNTUCU ITIAIOHT s4n 1du1ioN WMIHIJ • '° "09' . . . Gle•111-'t ''Wttl la t1te Woo#" 191 OLD THOIPSOI )m.111 ~ ILENDID s3s1 Q. ..g_ -WHISQY •••• ,. · FIFTH .,.......... . ~ .......................... : .... 1 .... • .. _ -- lajoy y..,. laahr H11111 witll Christian lros~ BURGUNDY But. ~u, •11• . --....... Wiiii ·_ . ... !""P'"'1 . . . -&ho-. llEDOBWlllH N~. REllU WllE • -. U' ' • • • -?.'._. ' .. " I i I j. I I 'I . . . '" . . .. I M\~C\.l ~\JD.S " ·. ·' 1lD£ 1 , . . ' • ( " '\ ' • • ) - ' . • - • • ~N cAi. cir.t.ias 1 -· Area lie,.. ae -"E" .._,. woa ll>o 6+t11on1 Oollfo-llop' Clbll C!Mwn.,._. Dip.Jul Saln-7 u tlWf lllof..ied Bula llMllara •t-!O '"" tlldr llanl win In Ill -'fte ..._ p-abow let\ i. rtp.t (lop rew)' &7 o.alel, o. .. ''hmaro. Bob Piper, llob MeClaok•J', l_ .ar Nine Drops Swim1ners .·Lose to Flllle1 ton Tourney Game; d~.='~. ~l:=t ·:::::~ _ 1 lerton 1•t week but the Beet and Play. Aga·1n Mon ~t;-:: .. '!:'~~-2r~~;: ', 29 and Ce ... a2-7. Meet w~ held Newport 1-Jarbor vvalty hue-at the Tan pool. . baller• take or\ Oceanside High Only varsity WfnneNJ for New- port were Beek tn the ~O y&rd free echool on the k>cal !\e)d on lOlb style and Aarvokl ln the 200 tree. street Monday afternoon alter J For the 8 equa<1, Preston won belng knocked out of" the PQmon& the 50 ya.rd free and the 100 back High School toomament lut Man-ttroke, Ba.int tbe 100 cm and Car• Q.y. Game t ime ta slated for 3 roll tied Chamben or FU.Uert.on ln pm.. and a junior v&rstty ~e 1 the 200 lrtt .tyle. Newport's 4-, · can ttlay team won. compoeed of la carded for the low~r h11h altool Preston, C&rrou: Coleman and Lar- dia.mond at t.be same Ume. 1 nanl. Harbor got off to a. Cood Urtj · C team mermen won &II event. 1n lhe a.nnual Euter weelc tout'-wtth &r\ow and Gibbon• being the ney by bopptnr Redondo 9-8 1n outata.nding .wimmen. Bar 1 ow the momlng. Tbelr first game ln 'captured the 50 yard back stroke lhe c h.ampionahip bracket aw 'and wu on the vtctorioUI medle y tbr m drop a 2-1 declllo.n to Santa relay and 4-man relay tea.ma. Olb- Monlca . I bona took the 50 yard free and The locals blew 8eVcral acoring W&I alto on the relay teams. 'Thlnl chances after Sa.qt& Monica had Man Oft tlle medley team WU Tun- grabbed a 2-0 lead" in the tfrat I.ft-nl':f wh.!Jc Joininl' .~ wta.nlnc pe.lr ntng with two triples and a single on the 4-man ·were J.bbofMn a.od aft pitcher Dick Lane. The ffAr-Berry. Tunnel won tbe, :SO yard bor cbucker allowed only OJ)e illt 'bf'tUt. otter '°"' flHt 11\l>lq • JM ' hl8 1 · summary_ .. mate.a couk1n't p:t ~ runs. MedleJ' ft'li&.J'-l"W1ertoa, t :SZ. Two o( Ht.:(bof'' rcoril!C. chacl• s..,....i r .... tyle --k <,N. were squceae playa WfUch back-ILJ ...... tired. In the foutth lruilng, Gene 4 10.ywd brNatatroke -Put.- Cr&in popped a bunt lnto tbe air ..m (I"). 1 :14..5. with Lloyd Swingle rolling full tot:r&.J freMt,.&e -Aan·old blut for home. The third buem&n (N'. U.), Z:M.t. made a clrcu_,: 'ct.tch a.ad dotlbled 100-yard bal!katroke Le a Swingle off, I (F), 1,11.4. • Lane muffed a chanc e lo tJe lhe ••yard freetlQlie -M • ·came -ln the aev.e.ath on another C&adle9 < F>. PA oquee""-H• (ailed to bwlt the bell lndlvtd...a medle1 7 1-(F), u Bob Woodhouae w a s trytnc lo 1 l :U.S. . aiore. Woodll.ouee wu put out by Four-maa reia, -Fullerto•. the calcber. l:so..z. Thoee wer: ... ~.Tl=o main .. r. Nirenberg -Clau s eona why the Tan· loOt to s&nta E _ .& T lcJ Jdonl""-They were other _,, n9agem.e,,.1 0 of "mental ta.rdlneaS'' Whlch prov-I ed coelly. The Joe.ala outhit their Mr. anti M'8. Ou.s .Ni.&.nt>err. of t lv&lil nve to four. One t..hi.Zlg ia 217 Walnut Pl., Q>sta Mew.. 1.11.- for sure. the Tara learned once nounce the e.np19ment of Mn. more that you have lo stay ta Ule Nlrenbet•'• ll.lece, l:.IU. Cl.au. of ca.me to play bueball, a game lo Sioux Clty, la., to Mri Nirenberg's which you make your own bruka, eon. Ronakl or Santa Barbara.. both for yoUrM!U and for the op-I 'Ibe bride-elect. Who la employed pooenta. \ to the .CO.ta Mesa t!lephooe oftk:e, Lloyd Swingle pounded tbe baU la the -daupter of Mr. and Mra. tn the two gamea to the tune of Ben ClaO. of A.nlbOn, Ia.. ND date a trlpk. home run and a pair o f bu been &et for lhe· wedding. alngl~ 1n six timmi up. A balk WU called on a pitch which he hit for DINND AND CUDS a do uble. The ump ordered hlm Mr. and Mn. John Cooper of b&c.k tq the plate and be prompt~y 530 8allta Ana Ave., Newport b'.uted out a atngt.e. Lane ' also Height.a. were entertained at dlR- Dl&c ked a .four bagg~r. Bob" ,'Bud-Iner recently by Mr. and Mra. T. atck n nally found the ba.tUng . W. Vtcken ln a Long Beach tts• l'&l\ge w ith thtte for ti•e.. I taurant. Later the IT'OUP returned Thuraday afternoon, March 29, I to the Vlcke.re borne in Long Beach the ·vanity play• Corcn4 here. for e&naft&· ·( NEW CAR BUYERS! w.-...... ·-tiand .. . . . NE _W DO·DGE :CA .R·S _ (with e ll the chrome ) ' ' Th.at are not affected ~y the Recent 31/20/0 Price lncreaM ' . . " .. .. ' .Jin1noJ II.... •-row: -ll•lpp, Clwift s.;...,., Paa! N.....-. Beef ~MUii.Aft. (Club Atllletlc Dth!Ctor), 0torre 8elbtlU (t.Mnl It.IP, eeorer ... bfte.kr.T Of t"IUb ftlDGl"d with 114 poblla ln S8 .->; "-le Novarro Md Blll Wehe!. Not la pkture. Terry HaU Md a....,. 11ai17. ( Preu Plf~) 7 Tars P'-t in CIF Mtet • Seven Harbor Ht,rh .wtmmcra pla.ced Jn ~ C. I. 1r. Jnvltation&l swim meet Mid at 1:1 Segundo tut Friday. M"'lng U.. !>ell aboWlng waa Bruce\ '8.lrd who c&me tn tblrd ln ~ B team 00 yard free style. Don Prelton placed fifth In the same event. , Only vanity team ~ember to plac:e WU Stymour Bffk who ca.me ln Ut.b ln the 100 yard free otyle. · Rewlta of tht Tu n1mmen : "C" M••ll"Y Rel&7 (5th!, 45:8; Noel ll&rlow, llno Tune~ Gro- ham 0- .. B.. &o F~ Baird, (Im) H,a; Don Preeton (5th), U.1 "B" lot yard FrM"-Bruce: Balm (IU.), 1:91. "A" 100 f'aw 8e,mour Beek, (llh> au. "B" 100 Fftoe -llUI Carrel~ (Ith). l'IL4. "C" 4-lllaa t'ree-l(Glh) GIJ. Noel ~w. Howal'd Berry, a...._ 91~b0no. Bob lblJoj..,n. "II" 4·111aa F...,._(ftll) 1:'8.4. boa P'rntoe. ~ 01.hnwr, 8lU Cof"'~ ll'l4"!' 118!1.. '; .. Late Rally .. 11011 CoOst Nine_, 11·7 .A &ix-run uprittna ln th~ M"ven lnnlh.g overcame a ahort-ll*d Or- ange _ Cout IHd in a ba.leba.11 game with Long _eieach Clly Col- lege tut wttk anO LBCC went on to wtn, 11-7. Leadlnr the Cout hllter3 wa.s R idgeway who bad four-for-five lnc::ludfng a double a.nd he drove ln thr.ee markera. Hold Elks Relays at ·Laguna Sat. Saturd&y'a flrat annual Orange County Elka Relay ~rnlval geta under way at 1 p.m~n the La~ gun.a lkach high achool oval. Ad- mlulon ts free. The event will serve a two-rokl purP'O"-comme nora.Ung .. Natlona.1 Youth O..y" ln the nation-wide youth program proclam•tion of Grand Exalted Ruler Joeeph B. Kyle and aa a fitting windup of Otanse county'1 tradltion.a.l Eaater week be&Cb boJ lday. The atar studded program will lnctude J3 relay event.a &monC' all dlNlo na of high school athletn aa well ..,. Ora.nee county'• t.brtt jll1'1or colleges and the El Toro Ma.rtnr Air St&Uan track per· forme rs.. neld event.a are expected to s tart prompUy at 1 p.m. with the ttlay event.a at 1 :30 p.m . Scht'duJe ot e vent.a: claaa C---«O yard relay (four men 110 each): ctua 8 -.... 0 yard relay (four men 110 each ); Clus A-880 ya.rd «- lay {four m•n 220 e&eb): J . C.- MO yan:l relay ( rous m-.n 220 each I: 'elaao C7-nwi1-)'. ~ uo. 220, ~40 and 660); Clua ,B-medley (220, HO, 88'0 and 1320); Claae A -medlry c 440, 880, 1320 U'ld mlll!): Clau .C--ahutUe 120 L.H. 13 men; ~ach huna twice); C1a.w B-s huttle 120 L. H . (3 men: f'&ch runa twice': c iua A-abutUe 120 L . H . l3 men: eac h runl twice); J . C. s huttle 120 L. H . (3 men; each run. twtcc): J. C. mUe •lay (4 men : 440 each). F ield even t.a : Clua C-ahot: Clua B h igh jump; J . c. t\lgh jump : C\&M A -broad jump: J . C. bt;pad jump; (when thue events are }I nished the following WI ll LICC ••• l I 0 0 2 I ' .. 0 I I l J • I I I I l l . •tart): Clua A -shot ; Cla.ae B- Sh.ffr, Jiit ·~ ~ ~ ~ ehot ; Clue C-blgh jump; ClaA H#flt, c • •-s 1 A -high jump; Claa B-broad l.-,, "J p S 4 I 5 Jump ct.•,t•Jt 'I . ~ OlA.N&i CO".ST j ... . ' I I I !Jiii,_., lb S 1., ' I ,,.....,1\$1)4 ~.ct S l I I . rfJOll "'""·••111 ,..,,, .. . ... 40 Boys Take Beach Hike • Forty m emben ot the Harbor Area Boye' club at Coat& Mna enjoyed a beach hike )tonday. Tbll WI.II the third ' annual Eutu Yae9- • { . " .... \p o • p F •• I • . . . ' JoJS' _ Cli.ift ·~ilers tephie· : . ~~; CllSS ·'f - . ' ·1p·· ~ Ar<a llo19' dul> 'T' ~.~,..,.~·Bar­ bar&, 11-IO, ll&tUntl:)' at Lc!a> Mlp!M ,., ~ 'lloortlMirn ColllWaljl BoyO' duli -champlotllblp. a-p -u »ottod 11 -polllll ..... ,!OM u.. -to Ulelt lard'"" ill'll ~ -: . ·- ' Aller _11a1nr ' Win fl.om Holl7WOOCI Bo)'W' dub bf Cieawi; lk -de( .. ted 8"' hlro, '=!-' . ::: : "~ ::: :..~ Coas·t ·w1:11J~ ~ Wblch lied defeated -var1.c,-, -U :rt.a l(onk:a ,a.ad Puaden& to • 1 -, I ~t..i"':u.~ !..::.~.: by ful~""on:-· - prHent.ed to the local te&m after '61 . f UM: pme. lchuttt eewed •lX of h18 }Mll.nt.I ln. the flrat quarter to ap6l'k the ~ to a 13-3 lead. Santa Bar .. bu& hit Jor etaht. ln the eecood lUUter whlle holdtna Harbor to three points. The .core at the tn- ~leelon wu 18-11. ... . The thlrd period KOfe WU 20- ID. Santa Barbara owltdted Into ' man lo man detenR al the at.art ">I the rOurtb period a.nd couldn't b~d the loca.la wbo went on to win eutly 31-20 with rcael'Vel'J J>l&ytns the final halt of the lut quarter. r N' ew Scort-. Record Schultt'1 11 polnt. brought Ma 9'-uon tot.a.I to H-4. ln 38 gamea for & new local Boys' club rec- ord. Jerry Bent.Ion held the old recom of t 75 polnta In 2e pre••-' lilt laat year. Bent.on'• record wu ai.o &battered b'y Doy Martinez wlth 232 polnti In. 21 iamea, Franlc: riavarro with 229 point.a, ln 32 pmee and Bill W~t.zet with 180 ln 32 pme11. Bruce Knipp 8COred 174 In 32 games to nea.r the old mark. . Schultt, Navarro, Wetz.el and KnJp are all members Of the champioMhlp "E'' team. In ad- dition to aettlng the new Boys' dub tteQTd. Sc:hultt &lao set a new ~Lui ., E'~ standarfl. Richard Te.lat ra had Ulc prevlolJ.I record of ~ ecorlng In one seaaon. Mar· UnH marked up a new record in dua "B" play. tit• 232 point.a wu almost t.hre"e tlme• aa great aa Paul Pherley'• TS which was •et lNt --..on. Don Seal broke tirucc K.nfpp'• cla.aa "F" record .. be .::ored 110 point.a 1p, 16 games. The Jou of two K'am es combined w1lh a recof.d of two wlna lut week gave the Boys' c?ub a recOrd of 79 wlna a.nd 62 louea for the 1950-~l eeuon. The fll"lt of. the 141 games wu played Decemtier J 3 a.nd the final one lut Satur- day. \ ---~~ ..... :.• ..Other game9 Jut week fouo.d the '1!:'' team suUertnr their third loaa of lhe eea.aon a.a they meet • sll"Ol\I' team ln c;omblned Kwit· ington Beach Oramma.r ecbool va.r- •lty and Bee playera. The '"P'" midget. loet & champlonahlp pmeo for the Huntington Beach Rec.r.e- &Uon dept. Midget· leque to the HunUngton Beach P'lUa. _ ·The "B" team wound up Ile aea- llOn with a 38-34 win over Barber Clty. The fourth game of the week waa the cha.mpion.ahlp match with Santa Barbara. After the Sant& S.rb&ra game, the local boy1 went awlmmlng and then watcl'lied the world champion New York Ya.nk- eea d•feat the I...c» An.re1e11 An- geles at Wri&"ley Field ln L . A. Box 8COre : llop clllb (II) l!Mte ll&r. (It) llcbultt I 11) t' II) 0.1 Campo Knipp Ill P' (2) 'McCarroll Wetae! 14) C (9) Wright ,Neumann ( 1) G (8) Slma Berry (6) G 12) Cbeve"" 'Scorlnr oubo: Boy11' club-Jila- vano (l l; Sant& B&rb&ra.-Y&~ mad& (1), Burleigh (~). With Bob~r.r..,_. iuldns up 21 polnta: and O.ve 8ommen 20. ~utan JC'• tnck tam score<j • top-sided loo-31 Eutern ...,_ rennce~ duel meet wtn over Or-~e ~t .Priday .Cternoo~ at ll'ullarton. P'erl\l90n pole vaulted 12 ft. 3 In. fot' the best of four fl\'8t p:ace effort.a. He lllao annexed the broad jump, dlacul and hl&h, Jump. Som- me,.. ~ boltl aprlnU and the javelin, pi.,c:ect lleCQftd tn tlle pOle vault. and·, tied fOr Kcond in the high juntp. Summary: IOI' 1--S--ro (F); I-- Gallo (F): 1-Foreuoon (F). 10.6 .. HO' 1-S-. (F); :t- lllller (OC); a--OaUo (F). U.11, 4'f, 1-Hendrts (F); 1-lAOq ' . (F); 5-'MUlder (00). 51.! 1, ¥0' t....,Garela (F); Z ll&r- bet (F); il-'8'1valca\'a (00), Im. t..la. Mlle' 1-W-(OC); l-1Urk- me7er (F); J.....-Rene (F). ' m. 4&Ts. . h ·o Ml!-e>: J-Balt.iern IOC) i l-lllrkme7or (F); s-:--• (F). 10 m. 11 h. 1%0 Hip Hui:dJel: 1-Carpea- t.r (t'); z-8onun0h (If); ii-' W-(OC). te.t o. ZZO Lo"· Rul"lllM: 1-Carpen- l•r ( t'); 1--W-1 (00); ii-' Daalels ( F} . 16.1 •· Mlle &lacy, 1--0rup C-t ("'11orton nm llut dbqualtfl"6) Im. SI.I& Shot-Put' I-Elliott (f'l; :t- Stafford (00); ll-llalsbt (t'I. 19 n. • lo. la...U..: l--8olnmen (I'); :t- Hart ( OC ) ; S----Ou'pe1t ter I F) . JU n. Dt.cu&: 1-Ferpaon. (r); 1- RoUoway (F); 1-l\~ (F). 11 n. • y, Ill. Blp Jump1 1-F....-(F); I-Tio ...._ -.. (F) Md -(F). a n. I IL _ r P ... VM1t1 1,..-F!IF~ er>; t II--... !Plr ~lo• (F), lS IL ' Ill. Pointe: ~ llO, Oroo(1! C...t SI. Friday Evening Bridge Winners A . D. Wetherby and Joe Wllcox Were wtnnets north-l'OUlh and Mra. Charles Boardman and M.r1. Suu..o Hutchin.8on wereJ1lgh scorera eut- Weat ln the dqplk:ate bridge game held in Ba.Ibo& on Friday evening. Rt1nnen-up north-south were Mra. Arnold Oueer and Mrs. Joe WUcox; Mn. E. T. McM&nua and Mni. Edna McMuter; Mra. P'rank Reed and Mr9. Peggy Johr.-on ; Mr. and . Mra. Everett Tawney: M'ra. Robert Brown &Dd Harry Sprt.ncmeyer. RWU)e ... up eut·WNt were .MrL M&rg'al'et Holm ea and E . z . Bruce; Mra. Hugh Sti.leJdt &nd Mra. HUgb Sla._t.on ; Mr. and Mn.. L. V. Brown; Kra. Cathertne l!mllb and l"rank Reed; Mni. A. D. Wetherby and Mno. Ralph Bell. tion be&c.h hike Jrom Corona del --Cluet.fted &di are read by folb Mar to Cryat.&.I Cove th.at the rho ant looking to buy. The B&lbo& Bridge club wU1 hold It.a next evenlnc rn.Mting on Friday Mardi 23rd wltb play etartlng at 7:30 o'clock. Boy11' club hu held. ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, The group left. the club ln the !"i Market Opens 24th Branda Boya' bu.a al 8 and returned ln the altemoon at 3. The day wu spent In hunting Ma llfe, cllmblng rocb and 1wlrr0nlng. Junior mt'lllben who made the trip were-BNce Lucaa, RontJd, NJ pa.rt ot one• ot the largt!:st Thronaon, David Lucu, Wallactt u:p&neion proparru1 ln Southern• Pinkley, RJchard Balley, Gary California Alpha &ta J'ood Mat-!<!, Bruce Nlcl>ola, Ro"'lld Un- kela, Inc., are o-peninl' the :14th derwood. DallN Smith, Ron.ald unit of their food chain In South WOOdslde. -1An'y Trick. Denny Arcadia at the oor:ner or Tyler and Card. JotufXue:l. O\t&ne Goodneaa, Uve Oe.k. Thia t. tbe MCOnd of Woody Royce, cOrU. Ankeny. tour 1torea whkh lht. 40-year~Jd Robert Wl.Llan. Kennet.b Grlewe, compmiy wUJ opea lletore June. D;onnle anew., LatT)' ~. One of the othera will be In CO.U IUcbAnl Mlq, Dully rens.7, M-at 17th st.. and ar.,,.e Ave. Ronald Haywanl, RJo;bard Steck, Tbe new Arcadia .Alpha Btta Mickey Queen. Pat ffan•:w, la a modem ltore la every ~ Daryl Bailey, HOWUd On.h&m.. of the word, It la pjaot.ed oa the a.ry GMIJ\am; Ga'7 F•ll""wn ouulde with -\roplcol planta Donald Orerr- -MET A L O.R WOOD PATIO · .FURNITURE _ REFINISHED!, • Old Finish Comp let~fy Remov'ed ' ~ . New Finish Includes 2 coats · primer and 2 coats of enamel • • a.Dd a.aaleaa wh1ch are now ln lntermedl&le and .enk>r me:m- bloom. It hM muy --of .,.., h<!lplns ""I'"""' the Junior _... teet of pvltln& -· lfOUP .._, Nt.ljWI Vat!J•:r. J'aclt GAR'VIN MORSE co laolde It i. ~ w1tb p-SlelnD!&M. ~t lldle&, SW..n I ' ' tt!Jer&t<Od -Sti•• dee' tile-~7• Lury llalky·-,J"""" -,----_ , • · clilnltal cbeclr0$•11do. -PH!U a .. ,.,. ... Adttlt .. pimioloa ... (roRIOllU<Y PActnC ~ QO.')! •U..-rrice depa..rUDea . a b&lolry tu.rallJMd by tbe ~Uft dJ.rec. · t ' -r , .1 n .,111c11 I>ak• WO!J:-.mers eyea ta<. ia 11 lafeyefte, tofewport H.,boi. 2960 !¥it In u.:o ~"' Oiid .... ~ On 'l'llanllq ( IAldaJl ......,.i-• • ' " -"Klddl'ea --·· , - 7 forty In~""" ...... ~fi~i-il;•i~i~~i~~s~~=~i~i~ :rbo ''Klcldl ... Koi'.-. i. ""-'•:r-lot -bon wUI ...... °"" cbtb .,,... -_...., ~ ii&-at D p. a. ... &n> _.tpl ·-c14 a.. cllll<lnol WW. tloer do tliolr llllo UM1. -Tllo ...... WW ............ p.las i.. buq -ntlll"ll at :r PA.~. • .._'wW-h•etl· H>t°"'...,.. -' ,. ' Son Bo hl . - t o _ .E>.M . C ouple •• ...... ..... ,.,.,·..a ....nc. ... (,..-:L· ... ... , • ., -ll'n. ~ ..... -......... 1-... , ..... •• , ..... D;t p...., =--= e;*;C;;, ... a;, .,. !IL-Colla .... •• , .... -..-~ .. "'+~''""" ' • -~ . ·~ . -· PA6E I -·PART ... ' I .(OlTAGE l • 1· I AC& ~ aier • -• I ., OPZNU-'9P.M. 1 · t.tENU · SOUP . s~t BIDE OF SPAG.HE'M'I , BAKED ~l~:~E:.uce _ -----,---___ r.ao FIUJCD YOUNG-iWiiiIT ------------------........... ., ........ , ....... J.M. DELICIOUS BARmkiJED SPARE RIBS --------•--------·---"-lM RO~ST Tt.JlUOt!', )9reAing and Cranberry Bauce ............ l..$0 JUMBO FRIED SE, Hot Sauce ................................... 1'211 FILLl!lT OF ROCK COD, Tartar Sauce ............... -.... ------· 't,~5 . " CHICKEN CACCI>< RE ............................. : ....... ~--r-----"'--:i.oe· Potatoea ~ g•lable French Brud ChOICe ot DE8Qm~ and BEVERAGES I - O'l'llER DELECf All ENT REES TO CB908>E-FROM Children's Portiona f8erv~ to Children under Twelve) 50c leaa PLENTY 'OF OFF S'l'REET PARKING ' I r • 17th and OraiicJe Bea.coo UtS Costa M'5CI ' I !ID®· l®® ~@'W That continuous Stock Quotations and Late New. Are Avallcible Ill our • ' LA~NA llACH oma Bank or ~Beach Bldg. Ph. 4-1156 Coj,,~ Biokeror f acilitioo ' ''.T...,.Lm: Stoel< Tidts lad«pl Llbnty wt Je.diq ._ , Your onler ID buy or ICU listed stoclcs, boods er com- fllOllities will lie esecuted with 11-1 and llXUnCJ OYer the oano;-Wl.k leased private wire ayscrm cca- n«r:iJll out 16 California ollices·and out New York oBice wi~ prjnopa1 Eastern mding oentm. Statil- ~ tial &cilitia )ate maintained for your eon'VeOimcc- 1 ' I Dm~WrrT~_~Co. .-~£:r ....... I '' .. ., • lw-41'"' .................... , 1 lg . ~ .... ..... .... , .. . ... Ull • . r 1Mll 9UMDCO .. T.- , • • MOCCASIN ' - ' ·-..... r•t ' "*llllN'a ............. .. ~1· . r •. I .iU -IJ.dDfll'llVIL • ' ' -, . "II.. ~ : ; ' • NEW ·EXCLUSIVE ACHTING -SHOE with the' femou5. Petented ~t~VAC f~ection Sole s* • ~omb":ies the fit, f1 exibJI· iJy e11d ,foot ,Or ed liri g omf~rt fou'!d only in ~· ~nui ne mocce•jn. . la~ JIW .... Ziil $1495 • • ' ' ' c . r • . · .. ' .. r PAGE 2 -PART IT.- • r ~ ' , ' ' I • _____ .,.....,.. -.......,e1a.t'-.a'rc op .......... 1-~ .... ol Oa Fl 411 .... 'wlld lllllA USS~ _...,.!8ol..., ...... .., ___ ...... ... ... -"' .......... 1*I!-..... ' -c. "--· -~,..,... ...... .. •• ., ... pcrlf ... puetl - Li~gh~Har~ ~ .. ~~A. ;Beets ~ · Off ice.rs at '.EVen1ng : Meeting : . Mn. Jack Rama "(U• 'tlOc:ted • p....sd«lt °' the eoota fl•• unc1-Current Book~ bergb.·Hal'per Pr A to IOleeed 'Mn. , . . " .Dou111u H111eo1ey at the NJUlar Reviewed 'or U'leeUnr ot the orpnl&&tlon held p. • 'ivedn-iay ~11. -u . rAC Sec.t1on Elected to terve wtth Kn. HanU , were Kn. Edward ean-1 nm ~ ll'uclnallnir rlllnpee of eunomt pruldent; Mn. Ri.ymond Rapp. boOM were given by K1u .vt ..... 'oecond vice-president; ljn. Az-l1lda. )(~wry ot N~ Be!irbla thur Kitti, ""'°nllng secretary; whell alle addreaaed memben and lllr1I Robert Chamberlatn, co1'-· friebds of the book aectlon of tht ,...P.ndhiir secretary; Mn. Al Coot& x-Frid&)' Afternoon club HoW..ter, t~rer: Mn. C. O. at a recent meeting. Andel'OOn, 1U.ltorlan; and Bowan\ The cbarmJnr young apeakq Balmer, auditor. cited "The Are or LonJIDI'' b)! • Put.or Speab Arthur Koutler u one of the Im· porlant books of the year. "Olit • • 1 i • <4 '•",-~ I 1 ;'Jo~4.' ·-., °'!rwa de! liar -i -·· -twoi.--.- ' ' POiit : -• • • .MIU.WORK; ' . ·SAsK &. DOOR'S . '· .. J , SEE . , Splrttual freedom and our chll-J'riend9 and N.W MU11c .. by Ni~ dren'• right to a splrltual, tnberi-1aa Nabokov fa of epect&l lntereat tance were dt.cuased by Rev. P . to mua1e· 1oven, while Ilka Cbue"I o . Neumann, paato.r of the Ftnt .. New ;york 22," ·ta a 90pllJ.aticated Baptist church of Coat& Mesa. novel of the New Tork IOCta.l aet. Mn. Chlaholm Brown. accompan-"Morninc Journey" by Jame11 Hil· led by Mn. Marte Pearce, enter-ton i. the March 9elcction of t1* t&tned the gTOUp with two vocal uterary Guikl The ._title '?f th.ta aelecttona. 17 novel comes from a mov1e whlcll Rebekah .Duo · to Attend Ann. 'AssemJ?ly 0-·inner Honors m~ /l«'•fl'«v:olT.' In ~ tab!• H. ~.i .. 9h. +.s.· -Gifcle. . .; cen~-·~'.fCllPod Ute L h h Wy· oming Couple poot-prandlaJ,dJvento~,wlib ~ GArist:'.C ur,e cotnt lo Mra. VIJ'kett "'la . P•I• ·--' . . . . ~ 1 • ' In ~---• )( T Mam>n.". : • _ , · ,)(~ Of )!~rt, ,Htlgllb . Compliment J ~. ~ n . · cuuta, an. fqrmer '.WYQmJng c:trcle o( Chl'lllt, Cl)lp'Cb ~7 the Sea W .. Vlckere befon the..Y noturned to noatde1,~ wete Mr. ·&i;a )fri. J!ld< WSds 'wll) 'c6n-. In ~thly their home ln Sberidon, Wyo., Mr. ward Bradfotd of WhitUer artd seall\Dn Tue.day, ~~·it, at t t30 and Mn. Jotm Cooper, no Santa Mr.'-04··vra:-Peur·-.arron-tst1-P: rfl..~"fri-.Ule'bblftt , orxr-a. H! E. At/• Ave., Newport Belghta, pno-An&l>dln. 'Piie Vfcloerea bjl~ been McDonald, ,f11 0111..•Cc!µnty Roo!i- 1lded over a dinner of attractive apandlilg the 'Wtnt.r ... fn ·Long tMem~n · u.... nnf!nded of tbe -' L dll CO,AST HIWAY . Mn. Stell& Ca.in"• fourth er-de la a put of the atory It.elf, ln ctua from Lindbergh school ~ which tbe ..,book'• two matn c.har'- tbe PrA attendance award.· The &cten achieve filmdom's high~ colortul Ea.a\er ecg name card.I honon... . . were made· by tJ:'e Harper acbool ''Old Herbaceous" by Arkell, an tln:t grade clalaes. account 1qt an oJd ~Uab prd- A plea for old 'worn out po-:. Der, flO'ff• wtth tranqUuuty. "Flor- den hoae to be uaed tor -enee Nlir•tenple," blogn.pby by mark'ef9\ and any. kind of ca~p Elizabeth Janeway, concluded the for reading clalMs, W&;I made by welJ...choeen review&. Mn. llmmalee Stowell, prtnclp&l Pretty j>utel ahadel were ~- of the H&rper 1Choot neeted tn atr&n•eqientl of <latfo- Defell9e Program dlla, etock' , and l:i.s decking the ~ lace,covered tea table. ~tion.1 Brl.f. Gen. R. E . Knapp, USMC, weN! done by Mra. Florence mtgh· ret., announced that an elJilerren-mey ~d Mra. Jean Lawrence. Mra. cy prognun was being eatabll.8hed Kenneth Stewart and Mrs. &. I. In the Coat.a Mesa area and th&t Mooi'e preeided at the tea unu. appUc&tlona for aervtcc In the clvU A Mort buslrteu aeulon wu defense program could be obtained coadUoted by Mn. Qunnlng Bu~­ trom Arlie Swartz at the New-la. Metion chairman. port Helghta Water Co., oftk:e on E. 18th St., Or from Al Hollleter at the B olllater NurSery at ltol Harbor Blvd. There are appro&:.- mately 4,000' homes In the Colt& Mesa £Iementary school dlltrlct, Mesa Guardsman Honored at ,Party and Bric.· Oen. Knapp ltreued .A farewell party waa given tor the need for voJunteera to tu..\flU Cpl Allen Lanon by hll taUier, the r.qulrement'.a, of s:K> block Axel Larson of 1545 Santa Ana w&rdena,. 00 auxiliary police and .Ave" Colt& Meaa. P'rlday e,ventng. 50 awdllary flreml!n. ~ The .YOWlC roan, ii ~g with At the cloee ot the ml!eting re-the 40th dlvialon at C&mp Cookd freahment. were served in the and Will leave 1borUy for Japan. kindergarten room. A lovelf .cen-Mn. Don Barrick prepared the dl!- terpiece featuring the Easter bun-uctoua aparhet(l dinner tor ttte ny with c!Jorful spring flowers yoUllg people. A ecavenger bunt and Eu~ eggs , graced the tea, w.., Ol"P,Naed attei: dl.nner., I ' table which waa d~orated by M'1'.9. Tboee enjo)'in& \he evening were . R. T. Stevena, ftoWb• c'h.alrman. Altii'Wonh.aiit, Peco Wood, Kar- Tea boet*'4M for the evening lea Wonham, Ann ·Woodworth were Mmes. Scott, Clifford DoaJ... and'~ Mary Ann Ryder. Howard ca, M.UCon Steller, ,R. J . Taylor, MeVlcken, Ronald Quarry, Leon Cb&rlee Forte and Georre Potta, ·Schutt.· Dike Allen, Dick Rieth· a.utatl.q the 80Cial chairmen Mn. ner and the gueat of honor, Allen. Overton Maxwell anti Mrs. Sey-The young soldier joined the ·, mour Koonce. N1tk>nat Guard a y'az qo and ten Farewell for Sgt. Jack C~2ft • for Camp Cooke when "the ,uard waa called for acltve duly tn Sep- tember. He wu home on the 7 .. daya leave granted the boyt be- fore leaving for Japan a.nd Korea. Due to hia age he could have etayed home but elected to aee the world &1 Uncle Sam'• expe.nae. He la that rare man wf)o thoroughly enjoys being tn the army. Men 's Brotherhood Heers Dr. Dewh irst God.speed WU wished Sgt. Jack Crott prior t o his departure tor Japan wttb the 40th dlviaJon. when Mr. and Mra. W. ,J .. Neville pn- ~tded over a ra.rewt>IJ dinner for the young man. Pa.rty ~kground was the home of the hoet., 232 £. 19th St., Coata Meaa, where bQu .. queta of da.(fodlla and lrie bright-en~ the room!!. The Men'a Brotlierhoocf of the Afler dinner there waa ~-F1.nrt Baptist church ot Costa Inctuded in lhe company were Kr. !(__ea held .their regular monthly Uld Mra. Glenn Croft ot Broad-di1.ner meeting Monaay night. way, puenta of the ·honored S~aker was Dt. Paul A. Dew- gue1t: )(;. and Mra. Don Cron. lllnt. MDU.t and Bible teacher. Mr. aod ~rs. ~· M. Harrll and and teacher of Ute M.ar&ntha Bible daufbte~ RoeemU]ii~ Pat, and· Oburch of u.e Open 'Door, Mrs. ·•Dora Sweeney. Sat-Croft Anplea. A torcetul speaker. hu been 1taUoned at camp Cook~ he brouJbt a WOl'ldert\l1 meaage. fa< iaeaity ...... __ .. ,__ 'tt _..,.............,qw iquaJs the stattlinm of the majeidc !um LilJ. . Add a toudi of die • EallU Bunnies ancl you 'heft • lift ol mul&td r .....,d. w1 cliltiacrij)ll. S.111todo7.i- lowuswl ...... • deJ.i:teted &ajW ..... Ai.o l -. Hydrangea&. . Rtilet, Cliladl-., Gudlnlu. ,,_ Arranpmmt -;. eo-a-k . . ' • • • ' ~ Be&c6i:: 11 1 . At 'lbe A.rdlell . . . I ·, . • , I YARDS: Florence Sw1tser and llary Tay· lor were the deleptea cboeen 1 by Coot& Meaa Rebeka.ha to attend the annual Assembly to be lleld 1n Santa eru. begtnntnr May s. Noble Grand Be:rtha Wat.on p~ tided at the re(Ular RUion held Oetaila. Stock and sweet peaa were seaa: ~ -. , ; , _ . - . ch.alige bl• ~1;1.ns .. 4ate.: ~~~~~~-=-~~~~ I.aguna Beacb ! e&nt& Ana-Fullerton-La Ha-,...:: ... eeclay evening, 'Ma.rcb 20, 1 In !OOF hall, Coot& Xe!'&. Fral\k Cowan, Grand Tnatee"'t. the ,Grand Encampment WU ctven. eKOrt bonorp and later told or \. vtaltlng tbe Odd Fellow• and tte- bekah Old Folka Home at 8ara- top recenUy. Eatelle lk!wman, Gamet Mc- CUiloch tnd Eva Lee were report- ed. on the aick U..L Mn, Lee. dis- trict deputy president had to pci.t- pone her offlcl.al vtatt to the loca.I lodire Oii Tlleada,y evenlnir bt<aUae ot her lllnell. Data y Gln~r. Cloodfellowohlp cb&irman. remtnded the memberS C1f the Goodfellowahip aree. meet to be held March SO at I p.m. In the Suta Ana IOOF hall. Area 10 included 11x dlatr1cb of a.bout ~ lodge• and memben trom .au over IOUthem California will be pre.ent. Initiation, which had been plan- ned tor uit April Srd\ meettna bal beu PQOlponed. A report on the "hat" party rt-~ l>y the Odd Fellow• and Rt· bek&ha!Olf l'riday, Mud> UJ, •bOW· ed. that Jake SWltur won a pl'ise for the mmt becomlnS bat. tot. 8tawan. .Jor the moet spectacular and Be:en Cawthorn for the most. or1~ one., Hot cross buns: wt-re aerved at the T'ueaday eventns-meeting. Green candles and out cups and Euler decorations were Uled tn the banquet ball Hosteuee wt:re Helen Cawthorn, Colleen Slaten, Ad& Paull, ~~ Lolmm&u&b, Mary Taylor and "Bertha Wat.ton Mesa ·Riders Greet-Members AddJllone were made to the roater at the regular meeUnc ot the Meaa Boot.a and Saddle olul> held Monday in the club house on the Ora.i:ace county taJr ~ Prealdent Leal1e Part1 proided. Names of prospective p\emben taken ln were Mr. and Mn.. Otto Bayer, Mr. and Mra. Ralph Baker and eon George, Mr. and Mn. Jarnea Guthrie, Mr. and Kn. Har- ry Bolmem, Mr. and Mn. D. C. Pridham. The Round Robin Play day WU reported ' a bts wecua, with the El Rodeo Riding club taldnJ part ot the glory. The event concluded the Round Robin Play d&ya tot thla year. Pointe will be tallltd and reported at the trophy danao to be ataged April 14 at 8 p.m. ln the Coeta Mesa Friday Afternoon club howte. AJJ me:mben are ur,m to attad.. · Outside Cba1rm&n Jimmie Ball- ey hu ..,.,rked hon\ thb year to keep the club b\1.1)' with acUviUea and u h1a tet:m oomn to a cloel, an· o .. r-nlpt riO.. la planned. TentaUve dat'9 for the ride are )(ay H and 27. • Pla:oa were made to have a pa- rde group ot ridera lo atteud Ille pendm and repruent the local eci-trtan club. Balboa Bridge Ou.plic:at~ Play • ' .. ,;...~~~~~.-~ ........... ~~~~~~~-.... ··~-;.;.·.·'~·~··~·--~·~~;.;;..~":"~·~· .... ~·~ ... --...;;~~~.o...;..~..;..~.;...;..~-t~..,.~~~~~--~~~~~-l' ORANGE · couMTts" •t ~·~ ·~~:STOP. SIKrPING CEM1'f NDER ONE llOQF! * .. • '< '-,-r~ • · ~ '"""""''~ .... '-... • •-I • ":'ta Y(it~ld.'s · lirie~t . :f Of '-~I I .I G. M~lte; I Fruit ' . * Vept&lllN * To~ * Llqaon * JI)..-·1 .. , l ' , • "i I l . ' • • • ~~·· ~f, ~ ;sCSf•~ ·;--·· M~ 2~ .. • AqllES OIJ' ftEB ~OKING • 0 ' HEY KIDS! Gracie A. White, FDocl c;lub -' BIG FREE EGGS . EASTER T ·53~ E(i(i HUNT F=:b.~t~t PRIZES~FUN COCKTAll .i Over 1100 .. -t.. . . 1·1.1. CAii .. ~~·. { .. l _ggsT.oiflntl __ .-DoamakMa.~ -~h~~,,Y.,..:· .. ...:..~:'. Tllo ........ dalo'• at OWL·llayfat. -rs ma ow·· S' tltla laturday, for EVE"VONlll ..,... Ute kldcll• ... ,.. to th• most etupe,._ . ,_ . - . .. ; ' '"" ....... 11-. 11:91 Hutrt tMy'w -~ l'uilUy _ ;,:::..~~r:w~i:.•u:.'°.:'= F'LOUR. ·5. ii -45 c ·10 llwa ht111Ung fo,. mere thu 1800 ..... # .. ·ll. - • • TllOy'li -with delight wl>Oft thO _.. Prince,, ... ...:.:... Bawa.lie"' 8Heei l M~1r eunny leach th• feetf'lfU• · ~.t &" ..._... ;t ·~ ~~m~o;. -..=-:-...: :::iz:.1-' -Pl. NEAPPLE -.·. ~. Tllo ~-wUI loo COftd-IN· 'tOE thee m&rklfl ••r •,.,tul, adult .,. • .....,, .. _ . , Ben Har, Oliam YOlr.LL ftM ""8hly ..... ,,untlne ON YOUll811LI' at · OWL•llaylolr aatunloy SALM and 9VW». ..,. Ow 1t.1tYe1 .,. val•.....-• 9d wilt. all ,..... favorite foN. Md ....,.. to maM yew Ealltar f...t • ......,.Me ...m. Welcll'11 H-~·~.:-n::ll'I~ ~~ GRAP, E JELL.¥ ALL -tl'lmmlo'a faatti,..j at 1111ijal • I 1t .. 11t ~ at OWL .. Ma~rl .. ' . . ; ' ...... ' . . .. C~llllr · Vlflaesl GRARE ·JUICE . .... 11 ... \II Olft c.-• • -------• ' , 20.0Z. CAN . 1·ll. CAii . as. . 27 Qo111llal• Chl•d1n. Ma1•m:Alow f"' F ......... 'RAPELME -~ .... 'Lf 16 ... MllK 2551 c' ,. F "' = .. ,.-; .19c • • ·-..... • ' . * Pre9cripti0118 .. * Bakery * Clendy * Tolletrka * GUta * Houellold * · .. oantaln * 3, ~ A ~3 ~t'.fl••!'ll • .. J "' ~ GB'l'S AND ~1JNBAY8 " . . . -. . SElf SERVICE MEAlS · Now~ No wutlllg · H~~-.~a.-' -Star, ·8 ~ Mol'1'81l'il de, Cudallyfs Puritan • • : I I • • • ' -. • . . - • Heights Residents Welcome Son Island ' .Matron is .Guild Hostess • • IASTa HONEY "IU~MS .3h,25C .1't-.J COJtONA DEL MAR -~qi ...... ,, -LAG°dNA isz.t.Cll t'll" Poft!ilt Ave•• WORLD'S FINEST SLEEPING EQUIPMENT j • • .... . ' -·m~HlglwaJ ia1 All SAFI.WAY· SA.._D .~Q$$1iG Doci.... brand, wi'j;"1jasl right_,_ to J>,ring out Ravor of fnoito ond ... g.tabl ... Hoff~, 21c ~· PuealE.rx · SWllM bnnd, "Old W9t" -..,P'! tli11 mokes deUcioUI pa-i..o ...i ....... 20-oz., 1Sc ....... 2• 3~11t.,37c ... ;i- ENIJC• JLOUI Kitchen Craft ... C..ant~te.s>yoli ~r bUinc or you r lftbney bade. 5-lb., 45c ,.... Dftc 2~1b., 2.03 .. vw . ,,.,, pllS c -. \J .... ,5 S..g•• llell•· .. Blended.•-" MA1111W-mll ~ I !':i... :.. .. = •• ' FRESH EGGS URGIGUDEA· , At lbilay't ••• ptlca.,... can h•>t pl•nlf for /our Eulu . .,,...kU.., ; · . an to color, too! MEAIFAST GEMS 59• _ .. _ .... OA~ ...... 57• OXDOL SOAP FBYlllC SllC .. INI =--- • • I lczT+s. hn'ti at Easter ....... c. I Welch'• Orange. IUll#I -At rour neighborhooil Safewoy you'll 1find a wide 'fariety of froi.en fruits, ' 1 l\'egetables.· jufce1 and ice cream. pricm low. Note these nlueo: r1qeJalct ~": '.:-21~ nge Juke ~ = 19"- . Kist Pels 1:.-:-11• Eye Pus '~· 1,. •a 21•~••• •• -··· 4 I • 1111111!. .. .. ·-· -==·' ,.~ ..... ' • • • • • • ' • ' .. ' • • Devotions on "Easter"' by Mrs Florence Harrison and the mls- slonary stu<ty by Mrs. Sally Hlnee- ly WCtC' given [or Circle Three. which m et with Mn. Carol Rey· nold.8, 1902 Orange Ave. Mrs. H int'sly prf'sided In the absence of the c hairman. In the a.uemblage o f t:J, vi11itors W('te Mrs. Beck- s trom and Mrs. Evel)•n Thomp.90n. At the close of the afternoon re- freshm€'nl3 of sandwiches, sham- rock cookies and coffee were J::crved. Mrs. Lucille Fernandes. 1906 Orange Ave., will open her home for the April 12 meeting at 2 p. m. Rev. George Plumstead had charl:'c of the devotions at & m eet- ing or Circ!e Four held In the chureh Wlur' Mrs, Whlte and Mra. Johnllon sharing hosleNJ du!lcs. Mrs. Neira lAngc presided over the buaineM. Cake, tea and corree w ere eened t o 20 mc>mbers. Thr misffs Mary a.nd Elizabeth Hall Wiil be COh08le.IS8es April 12 at 2 p. m . In the church. Meeting ln lhe l';oml' of Mrs. Ann LUley, 493 Flo\ver St., Circlt: Seven heard an introduction to thr book "Rural Praspect" by Mark R ic h which was presented by Mr3 Irene Wood. 1-lrs. Joaeph H Thomp!JOn gave a prayer. Devo-- lioOB wt>re unde r the le&dersbip of Miss Mary A ndf'rson. It W&8.. de- cided lo holtl a c.11.nned food shower ror a n~y family at the next mN>ling scheduled for April 12 at 7 :30 p. m . with Mrs. Paula San- born of \Valnut Place. April Sale Arrani;:e1nents for a cooked food. while elephant and run1mage sale were discusaed by. CU-c le Eight at the church. The e&Je will be hrld Saturday, April l!i, starling at 11 a . m . in the old Cofita Mesa post office. Mrs. Mary Chamberlin and A1rs. Valera Beebe took llle role or joint hostess. Mrs. E.alher Duke- shire of Oceanside and Long Island was greeted. Among 01embers present were Mmee. Fern FOell Mary Sheran. ~lae Dorrell, Zu~ Ha.II, Helen Meyers. Frances Jones. Alene Christenson and Phoebe l!&Jch . Foil.owing devotiona by Mrs. Do~ Luckhardt, th" mlMlonary study waa presented by Mre. Bere· neac e Fox for Clrc!e Nine tn lhe home of Mrs. Frances Tlmberlakr, 233 Beatrice St. Homemade tee cream and cookies were aerved. · Includl'd wue Mmea. Dorothy Schorle, Royce Gllbe..t, Marolyn Hwicroft. Doria Taylor. Monna Fiaher. Raydean Dunn and Gabrl- f'lla Ra.mos. The circle will be en- tertained April 10 by Mrs. Bere· neace Fox, 177 E.) 7th SL Ctrcle Ten SeUi.hg for the meeting of Clrc!e Ten wu the home of A.Ira, Nettie Stevens, 410 E. 20th St., where Mn: F :orence Chamberlain au!Jlt· ed u hostess. Mrs. Bernice Had- ley pre.sided over the buslnegs· Mrs. Mildred Warne led the devO: liona.18 a.nd Mn. Marian Overman gave the mlaslonary message. Featurin"\ the soclal interlude wu a handken:hlef shower honorlr\g Mrs. Gem!'Y.ieve Anderaon. who ts. soon to move from Costa Meu.. Closing the eeulon were nifrub- ments of len1on roil topped wtth whipped cream, mint.a, nuts and coffee. In attendance were Mmes. Anderwon, Jadti• Mlller, Vlrglnli Hogland, Eth•I O.Bord, lolildnd Rltochke. Be°"'e Pott., Gin Gril- fin, JeOA ·Patrick, LucjJle Knight,. Inna.L. Bllaw. Mno. Grace Si>etb. l~W. 18U'l,. SL, _wlll receive the ~le AprU .111'\ 1 ;30 p. m. ' LllA VEii POii i APAN: Prt. ~ Tb--901\ of Mr. and Mrw. Art Tnmotia_1or Pall· oodeo, Rd.. enJo1<d !>lO ·i;ot -'< Gld boat w .... •YlaS• lll' -- .ic. ill J---"-,... ~-lo•-• er Ille to di-at c:aJlle Orie --. . . , ' . • ' ' I • • 'tJ4'1, ?~ .. RUITS &.VIGn'ABLIS . .. ~ , , EXTRA FANCY "WRAPPED & PACKED"' .APPLES WASHINGTON DELICIOUS U.S. No. 1· "Premium Packed" EspeclaUy for Alpha hta 1IDAHO RUSSET$. THIN SKINNED ''Now at their. Bed'' . ·SWEET· & JUICY GRAPEFRU' IT COACHELLA , . ' ALL "DAILY FRESH" LARGE IUNCHES e C:-rets e leeh e T••i,. e ........ G,_ O.!Ms e.Sp!li••• e • ._. PUNCH VEGETABLES C. I S.-No. Z C•, 1-1.11., 4-0s. Boysenberries • LAUIEL-.... 5 c-. 46·0.. Tomato .Juice 1 1 I 4 , GOLD· aitDAt FLOUR PIWIUIY-WHm 01 CHOCOLATI Cake Mix ARVILLA . 1-lb. lox CHEESE 2-Lb. Loaf DUDI IANCH-ASSOITED Jam :&.·Jelly 2.fb. Jar Sl'ICIAL llUY--FREESTi:>Nt 1u1.11 <»~. PEACHES' ~~1 ·o~ ' l ' 3··· • •• for for PicS F1,~ .. 19c J ·Je 21•115c TIDE~·-.29c ' Dreft ..... 3.lc l • • •• . :: ,-31c s • • .... BY TAI . . 'w.n Hickory Sinoud an<! Popular B;and• • A lfl ·S . BETA GltADED .BEEF IR .LO I·~·. ALP , A~BEfA GRADED BEEF T i B 0 . N .E s MAH~ 1'QRI(.'-WHOLE. FRESH PICNIC STY'i D -R K ··.R 0 1 • J OU '°iWN MAKE COUNT!I STY:LE ~, 0 R -K -I a - • •' ' ' . . , M~rlner Ships ·.'. I G!!I Scouf~ro~p s .. ~~-=~~..4-Young ·Metron fsf6 nd1WS CS. · '·~ ·Hee~1:Juntor ·. · · .i' _Picnic; at B'eac11 I <?•ves Easter Party ~~~.~ HonQtec(.et n . S ~o~e rs New : . Hosteu Group " r-~r: .. I • • r ' ACtln1 .. --.. memb.'1-·or ' ;i:.::t.:'"!.:: ~ :::· :-.: ::.:-;: = CluH lunchee>n • , hyrch Kite.her:)'. ' . ' -~ ~ -.:i-. ,• rift. • ' ,· • ,.... . D ._ 'N--t B"f-"bor Mariner flb•P -""" -K•-~. -..-. ·::t-ttt,y •• Lois ' ' .... ~ J\ollid.. ~ •• . " •.. ' . • ' ~· ~ Naiad sneted iSn)po Crom ..ytitt· -' Beach, ha-.e Jll8l ..... -.... -Mn. ~ ~ :·~ ~"""'* --fat lbe -~. '-Wlflc ... --'. ~ . . ., . . •. ' Uer, ~ and FUll<;rton, Mon· . , cletice In u..lr l;llamllns ""'I"-· ,... ,.......... ,.-:8 ~-~ Oommu11~ 11.e!W-~ -·tbe lMw),. oc1•1 t • .-...--., PROM RepQrt ~-• . f • day,~ 18.•t a picnic at Big -~~~ ~ !'~, at IOU'Vla\a Dr. • = ·":'i:..,::S~;!'';i:I~ ':lit oh~ ,... ~·.,·u.a Jlllllor.._at~Ballta .;'. Mn. Robert , :g ' ' Qeacb In Corona del Mar. Bwb!>· .t..~ -" -~ cl tk. cllurdl • ~.Colt& M b&o ·• . ' mlh1 dllrlng the afternoon • .,ippor Thia enthuaiutlc group of nh>e 8ATVllD4,. DINlfU ". ::....-:"'• 'C:"1,"!" ~ m, a ,_ -n held ID ~n::: lbe tf:~~ ed from_ St. J._ph ltlil ~ . • ' , ..,, • . 8J1d c&U1pf!re wore the <>rd<T or gll'b ... .,arklng toward Second DbU.er and-eU.lo -.......,. tha table,,,,. ... m..,_. ol Daanon. ball. On the ~ .of'oendln&' -i:·~ Ooll••• .... WU hoopltallzed fM I ·by· faster Cro'Wd the 4aY alao an tnvitatlon from the · . • .....al.'9-• , _. d&)'• lut week. Santa Monica Sea Soouta for a lrip eta. ... Sank. To. eam tile Cooltlna eel llalllflla>' by 11.r. and Mn. lrlo -at -.,-ptDI&' ud eqmaltllOe._...,.. 11.ra. Beatrice 5.,.,. ta dancea at -.by army . ..:.---...: ~ . • . • , board th .. ~ ta'; N Trill Badge they recently gave an Eu-l!'raDk Wal8b of Viola 81;, Cl>ota bloe ~ carn.,i out the ~ ea._., Acllle "!lalq.., Mrs. Ruth and· navy ~ .!J1i1 tq C<Jl!Ununlty ~ • . · 1 , ' • !, cha~ ~ ~ 8:fc1be al tet Party at tbe church and ln· 'M:ea.. Included were Mr. and ....... ot tlte lt\'eftt. • '> ' lbbolaOn and ilrl. HtleA& .ff.,.. 1p0neiored d&ziCea .and.., part.lea tor • l SNOW 8PO f Re.port& of JOit or stolen artk:lel · ta'::. The N": n:t rg~ were ac: vltCd Troop No. 8 u thetrrue•ta. Pored '~ of LOe .Anre:I-. C>chtt.--pNMDt wete ~lo p,.e:_Nut meetln& wW be a eel"Yic:emen. ~ ' , Among Coat&' · ·• r Mpn to' fiJ.!'tb.e pases ot thl: companied byW., ,f.:i Hambroo~ Cook!"" and punch were .. "ed J,lr. and llra. II-B<ruz, 11.r.. and "Mallo)< 11'4·--.,,..; Bui& Nncheon on. Aprµ _j at Ille ball. ~>\ _,l<lr lllUl~ 1111~. II.Joo E<! mountainward over e ~ Newport po1Jee IOf oWT tM, - · ' afler w))lch were -aii<I pm ... Mn. Walter'. Jelen and Mr. and Aft~ llltlwVd Nelf, Walttt A. Cot-."'-· ' . • • w&taO' .lo a m-r of Piii Beta, for snow ~ at BIC Bear LaW end &a lllouaando, ot vac&tloalllc Skipper, to th•;beach. Everybody bad a lot of ~and the Mn. Rocky Ballman. · bin, 11ob<rt <JlUo, Jqlut-<lcm, lo-. -~ epme f rom -l national llonoll&l'Y' fll'P!Cal trater-..... Mr.·and'llra. •'71IAIJle }:ollese and gb ocllool llt"!!"'>ta , girls planned and executed ti>~ .. • · llOpb OolJIM,-Jill Balca, Konnetb er&etlttl Afl·'d ,..warty In tbl> nlly, and Pl Beta ~llCICJa!),IOc'or· llOd chlld-, l'f .,. 'and flocked into Newport ~ tor Ev•rybody reado the claaslfled ad•. whole affair. -W)oe poof!• do r.ad the a&.: · ~ and Kla llUU! If-Ont. paper will .,.-..-U. for • • ' \ · Tbm Of (/IP ~ • F,oater Week. ' ,_ . : . \ _ · · · A 'watch val~ at $1000 wu ADVAITASE of THESE PRIC~S·--kaJ ' . ' • D E SI 8 I ED for S I V 11 8 s · I • • • ~ ~ ·, ..... ' . .. - . ' . I > • . . • . I) ll.URSDJIV JRIDA'!. IAili•av·. 1;. :;m_•~22~1a ~2-·~· . ·· C.OllEI OF lllE Ollf &TYLEl•ll llCllll El.aor THESE PiCES At l~L · . A1LPHA -BITA / F 0 0 I Mi 1 ·1·1 ET S ' / • • ' ' .. .. • ttiih-~~ '.~-Ma · . . . . . ' : 1-lb. ' .CORN , ·can • > • . UllY'S-GARDE"' PEAS • CRYSTAL--No. 21/i CCIII • I ~e. .. I 0?.. No. 303 Can Sweet ·Potatoes UNDSAY -PITTED OLIVES' NO. I CA.ti - 7-i o z s . Medium . . RIO GRANDE MARASCHINO CHERRIES ,~1·5· .· -. . 16· . ! ' 171 I 29 ~ IOi . . i iiiii·0~JELLY -.22 ~ I t • ._;' · -I STA j:RISf-J .~. loll ~ 1.: Soda ~·Gracke..S ;·-. 1, ' fRO•·•U•.•w• DEUCARllEN ·K l .T C H I .. ' ' ~c . :_ . ,,, .. -~l: , ... _,-..... ---------------·-· ..... ,...._ .... 59.: ' • WISCOlllSIN SHAR' CHEDDAR , C"EESE . 65•. ' J Year .Old P..-ity-S...q,. &•rk or .. CHEESE ~ROLLS ' . .. . .• loat by Mra. Vtva Beadl, SbermM Oaka, while . ahe wa. waJ~•nc bl the P:&JlDY arcade or the Balboa Fun Zone, .Gerald De&!, 214 0..... BIVd.!, Bal-noUf!ed Newport poi lee at 1 :01 p. m . Sunday. A 11-feot runa.bOut boat wu 9toll'n trom a pier in front of lll8 house, H , A. Ball. J21 Grand C&.nal, Balboa l.s.land, notKied pr· 11ce at 10:36 p. m. S.lurday. Hall described the boat aa painted while, with a .black rail and blue I deck. A flat iron valqed at $10 &Dd a Window llereen were rvooved from her laundry room, M.ra. Paul Royce, 306 E , Bay Front, Bal- told police Saturday. Bicycle ~etta were reported by · Connle Storey,. 129 "G" St., Balboa and Clifford Forcier, 1&4.0 Newport Blvd., Col- la MeSa. Stoleia Hub ~ Hub cap theftg were listed by Robert Houston. 304 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mac; Paul Penberthy, HOZ S., Bay Front, Balboa Ialond; L. C. Breer, l~ N. Ba.y Front, Balboa Is'aod and Loonard Cald· erone, Leucadia, Calif . A 17·yea.r--Old tranaient youth WB.B bel!eved to bave ta.ken h1.t car without consent. William KtndelL Jr., 1217 Coast H lway, Newport Be.a.ch. told police Friday aftl!'t- noon.. Kindell sa.id his car ~ taken from in front of 423 F em. leaf Ave., Corona del Mar, ai.d he didn't have the name of the ' youth_ · R . A. Hoffman, Holl~. re- ported. the theft Df an eifht-foot dinghy Friday from Haley'• land- ing. The harbor depa.rtment wu notified of the theft. A wallet contalntng $13 tn cub and identiffcation papen w a• taken from the Buck Gully bench, Corona dcl Mar, while he wu ln S\Vi mming, Glen Lovell, San J081!; complalned to Newport police Sat- urday night . VFW Post 6886 to Elect Officers T l,\esday Night I ' . Ait A special meeting of New- port-Balboa VFW Post 888e on Mon<IRY everi!ng nomination• were made for 19:>1-52 officers. Noml- natk>ns wllJ a~ain ~,open Tuee- da y, March 27 al an 8 p. m . meet- ing in American Legion hut, 16th and Balboa Blvd. · ' Nominations now aie: Com- tnander , Vergll OakC:en. BaJbot.. and' Eugt>ne Quarry, Cost.a Mea; senior vice-commander, Wllllam W . Melca·r, Cot1la Mesa; junJor vlc~-command~r. Lc•ler S. Wilken and Dale L J ohnson. both Balboa; quatlcrma.ster, Monte ~ drtmea. Balboa.: chaplain, W illiam H. See-· -ley, Costa Mesa; surgeon. Dr. L. A . Becker; Balboa; three.year trustee and judge advocate, Frank. Moore, Coata Mesa. Repr<'1ientatlves rrom the W. tricl, county council and nearby "posts will 'be preaent and memben are urged to a llend, for thl.t wW • be final nomiilltlons and eleeUon. ~ :C.O N 491. lJ I-A .K 5 89l IS. 79i: . 3·3~ Mftl, LIVER SAUSAGE 3 ". ; i 7L. . ' PICkLI & •' I • 'Pl~llNTO LOAF . · G ood for Sandwfc;,., .>. 2fti-. GUIU'S. B1JhY . COMPLETE! .. ' 14~ Fl ENC H'S MUSTARD -. RADIATOR SERVICE .. I· ' TEAKS 98i. . . IAKS ' AGE # . .. 39~ . '. 39 .. - • 1·69 ... 8-oz. Pkg. ·., ., -, KOSHER STYLES . SAL a ·M I ·59,i_: 0 • ll,llTATION · 'FRANKFURTERS - '~la •or .. ful.'.' J ulc.y I• Po.f!G "'· I . ' . ~4~: '· . Why ....... ·~·· 1-4o..,~1 .• . _,__. • • • ' . . f TOP l'AOST-HOZEN SUCE0-12-0z. $irawhelries -. ' • I ' I>' . - •· Steam CfeanJng • e Washing . . e Polishing . ' , e All Me c-he nicel Repairs ' • Boay -Pender . [·W~rk " ' ' T. ~e1nti n9 . , I~·:~~~=-} . *1.llltlrCI , ... c-....... \, • aa "Mtl ' . r-1111•·~ ..... ,., j ' I • \ I I • $ ' ' l • ' I • • • . . • RATTAii . ' FURNITURE AND A<\: CESSOR I ES MADI IM-OU• OWN WOlUHOPS AlfO PIOM >M~ P • I THI l.AaGIST DISPLAY . ON 1HI PAC:l'IC COAST · ·--.!w.J.,.... s..tt.s... .... .-..-..... ........ -I~ t\1• C9Ttai ... • \ • ............. ~ • TOlifl • • ... ft'..... .... e::H:OUSE l GARDEN •nc:-11wr.~ ,.,..,_. ....... u.,, 10Cfo Dtscolant on ·Any Plfthale Brmg this ad to BA YSiDE FISH MARKET . WHITE SEA BASS· IS HERB! " Fresh Fish Dany from Our OWll loatsl Whole Red Rock coo 211.c lb. -Whole B.allllat 40e lb. BARRACUDA -WHOLE nsn --,._ 2300· LAFAYETl'E .• ON THE BAY •• NEWl'OBT PLANTS FOR EASTER · BLEEDING .HEAftTS 11J8T· STARTING TO BLOOM CALADIUMS ~!!': ' ... ~-ss~ ... 2.00 CINERARIAS. ::!.:'0 G:.:O':: 25¢ 1o 1.00 AZALEAS 1;;':!!.i 0~:'1ll ......... .. . . .... l10 PRIMULA OBCONICA ... 25¢ ano1 50¢ BLOOMIS"O F"X POTS 5 & 10~ Nursery 14121 So. Newport .. Blvd . . TUSTIN Lamps Lighting Fixtures Wall Papers LAMP REPAIRING • PARTS AND GLASS REPLA~"Tti MacMlllen . I Li9htin9. Flxtutits 1· Phone Beaeon 5619 .~;~;;';~~ =~: ~~~~:n.m:trie HUDSON ' WE'RE PASSING ON THIE SAVING TO YOU! • Wlltl.t; THEY "LAST WE ARE Sl!:l,LINO TlfE NEW CARS ON 1 ~l/~ ~HOWROO.M l1<(>0R I AT THE OLD PRl~E! ' . . * • One of many model.I is the new 1961 3 passenger coupe at $2205. ' .. .. Phi~ Snl~~ 11\.'C nnJ Llctnse, FOB, Huntington BM.ch, * Mai~ St. Ga.rage .· ~HE OLOf:ST A UTHORIZl!lD. Htll>SON OEALER ll; SOUTHIIBN CAUFORNIA 410 Milin St., Huntington Beach • .......... -. ., ... . • • . • t . OOD!S POllB» 'Pl.ANTS ---·-y Wayside Gm.... ' I .... ,. -li.H Price. Man~ below COB\ -If-~ 11£.-.~ -·Marro ..,.1 tu""P a t1" jOoltlllf for ~.i'. but, bomblDo, "-----.,;;l'-'----..Jj,11 ,OU -~ *"" and all t.b-91Ul"""' up ttiere tab! ~ere.vi! ·~ -ae~ .· _ cb P~i "ntat1l ~.jet. ·u~ ~' N~ DB a~ ......, • ._. ... Ma Chere . bea.y.x ~ Jilugo.. coute .que contende IUllr-... ...... au• 1 thot not. Ne er l.' but, ob weU . • • · ea -U ... .,.at "IN K&AJi . ~ OOD.OllEA:r.:D WO!\IA.'i ' ' . AND BO EDO oEASEI> ~OM THAT MDME.'iT." BOVIii • OA&DllN · 4 ' ·:..:.U,.. Boward Edwood. . .. '"-<MM&'°""": "-rt . ' ---·, -ART -JEWKLBY -BA.UJOA ' • r '-· .AV ANTENNAS · ·- \ INSTAl.t.l!!D 'w SERVICED SERVICE LAUNDRY .·a .Washlt s Bal TIDE TV . I ~ 3~ . 'shing _.Ruff Drying 1 711 a, .,,...._ Bl•nkets o I Sh•mpoo•d end Dried 501 Reveal ·~Ian~ for . :=:A~=~ .U.~. Shortcomings o..=£:=r ~ . .101 ~:..;-1~~oA . New Afcade Shop!O • 0~1.a· J~ QY Speake.r '_,1.....-·UFI~~--... -" m...-----: i_...;_· ----'· ,-. ...._'----· ______ ____. Santa Ana'a Sean, oWF·,Vaytalr WFt.b all o( the . preca\ltlonary Wt(er IW,U of'll>e WOr!d •S...• . . 4 Shopping Center la tO )>ave a<ldl· llltlll\lru being Rt fortll for tbe vFce 'Of(OlllU.\!Op . ta~..i . a .4--"' ~ ..... ~ ......J ·• J......:~N. tlonat -"""'9-Tin! Noitl•-Y -~ "" the ~-State• In auong )lope for eventual peacerur . ""'"""' ~. 11111 """1U .. .. '-~-.· '/IJ' Real Eetate CorpoN.tlon ot Call· cue ot atomic attack. many loyal . r1d torn!& revealed lodlly "thl~· p11lna ~~nus feel that therfe ~.!'d ~~-::.. ~~=:..:· .. S::i ilJ fM.BS/ MJ6··J,.>,_ · · ,-o; /IJtll_ • h&ve bttn completed fer a la~. &.-v .,.. an awventt.t 0 _,,.,)' _..,., tbe" regWar thty . . -~. I j· ''!' .' .. ,.. ~ llulldkltr of more Ulu .,_,.,. concemtng bouaehold ~ :f~ tf>e O..nc• oo::;"stu.' I twenty·lhN:e thouW>d aquan> !ML p.ca. delll ·ChNtlan "->clalll>n. lut th • St ·d·-'. h. · k 'ftie b1..1tldlng' contract hU bleed On WMneatiay evenlngl-March ~_,-,March 9 .• Hla ... bject wu ~ raa· a ers awat'W><) io .t~e . Alli.on Ho'>n•r 28 et 8 :!M) P· "'-. the Ooi\lpanl"'1 "'!'boo UN-and . Our Hopes ofor ' . •. . . 1 . • • ,• . company ot Santa Ana, a.nd au-f)og TTalntn:s claues of th'\ Or· Pe&ce." . -, \horib~on tb er.Ct thr bilhmilg .,, .. Cout Eftl\lng Co~ JH'.'O · • • hu be<n reee!Yed fTom ,,_ Nat!OC· CT""' wllF ·hoFd open -w d!a· RalU, ·a natlte of "'I~ wu Cll• .. M•• MU • • ... U ... I ..__. " A th tt_' Con ..._ "Your Dos and the Atom oent lo La'ke 8"'*8• to r.preaent -,.,COii .. W•8, .. -D Ca IA• ... :tru;lJ'":"';.:'.;:"00m':.e~yim.ned1: Bomb." The d*"salon will-la' ::e .::..~-•th""":\i:..!1~': ~;u::; ft' • h · d Jst' m1· d 3rd • ate'y and it is hoped t,)lat lb• arouad. lbr atepe to be taken j,O ......... • . • n· i• • I . ) n n bu.lidlAI' wUJ be cotapletitd t.nd lnct'eMM! tlie chances of surviftl. eraJ monU. w another UN rep--I 8 In . I ready ror occupancy ~Y e&TIY hll. an<! poooper met.bods or caro anJ .-ntatl'l!e. --Ing In .many . . . ~, ·. I < -. • . The Arcade Build.1.., ... Wheh com-control of dop eboukt 1UCh an cent.era. 81J>f!Cl'&lly ln Ute 8out.b· ·~ ~-. -ple ted will be the moet e14borate emcr~ncy •1 .-:. • • , • aJ'ld modem ot lta type ln the contrtbUtlng valu.ble lnfurma-''Tbe two m&ljOr ,Power• will , ,. I\ · ... ·11 ' Southland. tt Will be ePKted on & lion wtll be capt. J . S. Living-nevtot; &«'l"'ff,'' ,eajd l\i.ltt. .tbUt the ct . • I ~ p . aite having a rront•c• of one hun-atone, Radlologle&I l?"l•nae Of· )Ufd.e -· Cl!:n&!Gnd • ........,.,, . a ' UI . .m . ''· -_er . I a on dred and lhlrty-nve het. &ltd ov-. nc,r rtom the U . s . M&r!ne A.tr ~an l;>rinc Amerloa tmdl .RU91ta fl\ cupying uie ....., botw..in -FIUUon, El Toro, &lid Calofln Pier-Une, ,11 ~.,.. &ltd . Fteoo , ~ Seara and the Ow!-M&yfaJl'i Mid"' IOJl, lld'ltot of Trainlq Cb1p1 and for ·~~t \)tey 1"llb:ll b l'!ptt' ing!. The plB.M call for eefeiJtff.h Ctl;aftm&n Of the Canin~ ~lflg -.· nJtll ta U.·tJ:· . i.e.wUt'llUy dHif!ned· ..-...., ""°"" Auoc:tatlon. AFex&l\drl&, V7rs1A1a, ·ror 7.ys."· aald Rittt, "the U . qf various front.ages and dept.hi who wUI tell by meaM ot a lapt 8 . had btt'h a moral leader in opening onto a spaciou. paUo-type recbrding mailed here from tJWi! Ctd• We loat race wben we pccte8trla.n promen•de 11 n kt n 1 EMt of lhe work befng done aloftC moYWd beyond the !;Blh Pan.Jlel South Main atreet with lh.e ample th~ lines on the Eut Coat. wttboUt UN ~tk>q and ~n • eight bundred car l"tee puldnl' Mf.dlcal P.:vldence turned to the-Ut\jled NatJ<>!M' am:I area to the reer of the bulldlnp. Dr. Horace Parker, 0 , M. V., and ukcd tor help." _Commander V-8 wo i '1: highest award · in price cl111 B for on miln ,er gallon . . ... . ' . • Modena Oo•venlenoM memkr of the Cc>ut CoUege A t the> e-nd ot the talk s~lli Eac h ot the shops will ~ pro-Board of 'l'rustttS, wl~l review tbe piled the speaker with q~ vtcted with Individual autotn9.ltc medio&J e.tdence 1.va..ltable. Steve "In fact." repOrta Mr•. ~)' · e:1r contlUoning and heaUnf unlta. Brod'e ~ll ofter suggutlona on Dill... tsc2.ilty aponaor,, ~ 18 uphalt tile floors, fluorescent lbe value of training .. an. •kl to clult . members p~ .• &mt •-the LOOK AT THESE SENSATIONA . st 1 DEBAKER SAS MILEAGES: llghtlng a.nd every other modetn &utvt."1. speaJler .enra•ed lJi .J.. ~. Jn-· coovent~nce. , Don Short. the 8oC' Obedience tel11gent 'dl8cuMlon.. w~J.c;t' ~ l08t Tbe building bu been Gealp1ed in.trvctor. bu organ'9ed a pro· sight of the time el-entk and planned by 8tllea Clement. g1'&.lft Wb lch prom.laed to mall:• 'e Raltl'• addreGa tollo~ A guti• AJJ8ocla.ted Architect. and. tngt. pertlnept and enllghtenina ceaUi-eral outdooi pol luck wpp« tn' neers of Loe Angeles, who ai.o bullon lo tlw! wetrare of·man'a br-•t ,eo.ta M-.Park. d'\"PW U\~ pl'&ns fbt tM '"-·rl 1tote. f'rteftcl. All ~ ownen an(\ __.. li:very effort has beeon made to fol .. eona Ultereett'd in inaurtng t It! 1.-----,----~­ low a pattern of deal.gn wh!ch will aalely ot lhetr pel8 a.re wek-o~e COlilu;ftD ' be oomplimentary to the an:hltec-lo attend: the meeting w!1I be he.d ' JNT!RIORS ture of the prearenUy a:i.sling ln the Auditorium on the Orangt• . building• tn the bus1ne9 c~l.er. Cout CoUe~ campus. . It l.s h~ that the Arcade W111 • WOOillH .-POP'te.-.l Rl•NrTUlt MAf'n • WALLf'A ..... S • LAMPS Fl~ CO~tri1~C ROUSE A OARDl:N" proride facilities rcw a dlwralfled Tool Seeldq Thief and complementary group of ten· a ......... a lt D-'---1.t1.u Who Will hot Obly be tnUtual-Qnn •9'1Q l'"I .. "', COASl HISK'WAf MlWPOl'I , llACOM U7' • J • ly hetpf\11 to one anotM-r, but al.lo A Coat.a ~Mea t>U.tglar wq on who will 80 flt lnto Uif' OVOf-&ll the trall of tool.a &ela.rd&J Wfkht scheme a.a to make It a wtll-tnte-and he reaped a harvut ln a abort grated ahoppln& center. !';very ef-dlJltance accordtnr to a'herlff'a re· fort will be made to eftord euler port.II he'"· and more conventeat lhop~GJ . !or O..n.ree were entf'red at three th• people of Santa Ana and ~-nol&hbortnr ,...Iden<"! n •~ l l·.ll I " tty. --· ,....ty 1100 wortlr of-: o;n,. P I l W• plalnl<t woro ••led 11)1. Oeor ... T . au ee Inf' O.Roulhao, · ass M•• l'tr., ane . ~ Olllllon ll KUU , IH M-Dr. Special Contest · . . 'IVllFt U:roaTico IUr(laH ontorod thl'OUlll all ' optll llo¥' ot a Pl'&I• at tllo "llom• . ot Cbarl'" M. Tracy, IQT 0ruat • A .t .. Co1ta Mtoa. anq 1\ol' '° rod • l'Mt'¥9llled al•U.-- 7fr1 off~ roporttcl Tlll!lda,. lllA •~,Jll -hi whFch ~ 111 'o1ynt.m74! c1111 .. ~. hnl Lat won u.. UoDa Club &1-1 Speaker for Democracy Conte•t Mid at the Roumore Olnln• :~v=.-:=~~.A:~ Crippled Kids to bee la a .tudent of Newport Harbor High SChool, and hlo Get Bo!!ltl R·1c1e. coach wu Mn. ft. l'eeFy and QJ . Mr. R. Wen.tL 1'M JUdl'" _..... ......,. , / · Leon FerfWK>n Morran Lowry A on.. . prtae .. money awarded \DUdley Boice. awarded f'rt.acll Pu.Jukt of !few-. H&I 01...., of the 7...U Uou port Harbor Lady Allf Pan hy Club. acttd •• cbalrma.n. ot Ule IUehard'• market la folnc to OCCUlon and a $5 prtao WU -~ & pod purpoae. award.t. It wt.II be uled to prevldrl a • Thie •ucceutul effort will •en.. un14ue p&.rty · for crt.pplff c..u .. \Fllo Paul Lot to roproMllt h71 dron · trom the Oorl · HMw1 • hFfh school and 1M 11&1-!lay IOhooF and hanl-of·halartnf '°""" Llona Club lr\ a• aubuquut Zbne 1t,n troM the P'ranklln .chool, 0Cnt11t lnvolvlnf 1tudenta trom Mth ln knta Ana. ',, ~ N. • w po r i ........ HUntFnflOll TM hm&lo Fl'loll~ w • r • ~ 8Ml .....,.. &ltd Gardon 11-tho IM tor a ~ ftlr Ult on.vo Hirn 8choo'IL 'nl• ultl· \lllfQl'lunat• ltlda by Dai. Dodi· -t• wlM•t 111, the 1111_.to ort of ll&llto& lal&U, -·~ oonttlt to be 5i41d In 8toqkt001 In -a . ""flOal --1LUPN -hi · J\llla wtll rocolft " 11000 cult In Banta A,11& ud who. t.hntuP -Ip. whldl ma, I* Mlt1-hla hualtl-...--fMA1 ol IOClljOlllFy uoad ta au-.., uy u.o crlpp!ad ua deaf ,..,..,._ a~tod ~lop o~ unr .. ratty He lllJ&"9\od a fllturo boat ~ of th 1tuctlnt'1 choice, arou.d ·t.u bay u a w.loilM Tllo oompaUtiOll In -· ~ 'cllUp ftoolll --f'Dr --....----aad U.. olhtr tho~ .... ,,., --two coitte.tu.tio ... ll'b Hlfrbla .,_ 11nme«\ate1J ~ Ille ~ and \~Harrlapn. 11.coord-~ In GroMlcy of' .IJle Inf to th• con teat alopn; "An 8*iboa h.tJlpn Mani of 11\&Fr . ~tit ':"' ....... "~~' pla/la' and onlirec1 to Jll'OYtde illo all b&9-n>Oel.,.S tl'U!htll' "' a lto&t ..,. tho ""7 • -· vlt&I p)\lle of democraUo IFte. That Wt pfentJ of -/l'ot aj .... aii --~ I ---plcn!C. aii Pr 15111'* tor flllare -...Ot -p.· Ollft Mc-of 1M ............ -~ -'rlolia ---lll7tijlltr. D'1dl., of u. -a 1 • ., W\lritiot, au-. :ro11a -ectl111 -,.... t1t11 Mn..HuelDall.Pl•llitll"PllM --..... bl7wlll .. ,... Llono .....,. lllnglaf aD ftrtq tltll Fate Fa xq u Ba:r -Camp. "'6*1!1· 'nle JUO!lb "' tll;e. .. rurtbar ,_ for u. -teet•ett WUe .. 21• M,... •I.I* _.. _.. &t u. np1u' ...t- ..,.._ • .... 0( u. ,...,.,. Fa -... '· Cl9 0 I ID .. _ Ill •1 ,..... ua cuii ,, •• ,~ Tiie ..... .,. ..... in.a. ... .... •«r• .... 7 1 ,' "' w .... bn&a &. a.ta-.... ...... lllll' r1111zt m1a· 1wtt1a wGl .. .__., ..... I .. a 77 ........ l ....... m11t ... flt Ute 'Tl\'r IAlll Ollllt tla'ltM ri -a' au& wtildll ... o1-..•' t\~ti!t~Mlll w.. ·"• ... W a.r.-.rrar "I •r. S .... .,ap.111; -.,_ GI E , \ ' • • I enc ..... _.A.A.A. c..-...11 .... n1le • heh Slvftliakot hod e>01d1"'9, -I tlon4':1 at extna cost-and uMCI N9Ular, not 1 pre111luiw, 1••· S.. your Studebaker dealer. • • • • • ' • l I ,,-,! I 0 I .. • I ·1 ' • . . I . ' . • ' ... ........ • • .. . . ~ _,_,_•_AL_n_o._111C __ 1;._1 _ .... ,_ .. _~ ....... _-_N_cm_1e_1 __ 1c1a1m Motorlits Co16 to Hold Realtors Demand ., ,crrT. OJI'~ 'DACH u. M11a P.W119 · •April Showen' • . '.." . ' N=;=-Loh tor Roach. Dence,..~ G0¥'t. Action on . -°i:.~.:-.i;!:!'- ... · IJtAIJCD PROPOSALll Will be .-Ind at Ille om.. of Ille City Tnttlo.'.,q,m.. wl>o Jail! out u,. 'l'Mre. wt11 '11e au -of um, , . • ., JlwMI -:.,,, Gia 115 1111*· :: a..-. Cit.I' Ball, City of NeWport Bwcli, C:alllanll&. ""~·'''° o'Oloc& llp&l ~ ID -..!Own Coot& bNllN -·_It.II)' -t.od ...... Pr' ·,y,~te HQUS.llg ... -Pa P'r -~ ... • P. X.. oa tho ~ cla)' of A~!1901, at Wlllclo U... tlMJ ...., .,. pullll•IJ x-"f.oed to recaon With u.. Ja.se and llll&ll OllM -to ntko lo nH lb> a ~ ..., - • openod and rMd, for porfomilnJ -aa felloWa: ,. cl&ndtiJ m\bualuta hi.aide Ibo OI---OSfl2' q ; . CITY OF ~RT &SACS, CALD'OllN1A -~ Am-lllOl<lNt and an,. Ooaat Collep J11IU>Ulum, .U. 4~ .. a If 5 f', -- ll'or u., 1nsta11a~ o(QM Lln.·J't, of 14• "tlle lot ot ti>'~ la not April 1, Wiien .-tec1 w-en -~t~ u.a~.~ ~f ~, ,.,. -,.aw '•zi••,,. Dla!netn Reb>~cn:<:ed-Con~te Cl~ Pipe. ma~ 14\>alloed" aa a ruu!t. 8tud.,.ts-zpo11110r a bonet1t clance "-c ---~ · or • . -U.. ..., .....,, -la ~ No bid will be reeel•eil un!ea It la made oil a P"D-1 form '!bat wu Ille aom-t caustic ll&Yhlr as Its ap~ Ulelll• "April -~tru•Uor_i of at lout 200•000 per, -.--"""" wak• .....,. " Ar-•••"-" ""• ........ -··• bid ~ __ ,_, .,_ J " • ' m&neftt houalq unfU IJl CaJl(Qf'-,._ ' .__ ~-;;:J.~ ,. ·~-by u.e _., _,.,,,eer. -mqot -accom..---., _,,,_~Noll MllrbarJer, 1or-Showers. Illa' def la ,..::.. tilt. -. ~•• n -. -_,. -- • (<:Ull, corttnea or caahlera 'cllock. or bldde!'• bc'14) .made payallle to llU!t N•wport° Harbor newwpai--Two oUicr orpniaatlqol, A--• .,... ~ '°~-... i.teli -wllloli doize -lofl et i.. City of N""'l'Ort Beach for an &mOWlt equal to at.leaat t& (!!)) -..&n wllo now lo a frft·1'.nce ated Men Stuclente and U.. 8tVr ~~)'~~ttterjlcl V~p~ *ti! 11-o pw cont of u.. amount bid, ... b ,...,....t1 tO be forfelt<d zllould Ille auU..r atlU retallllnC bet home Ill -~ CbrlaUan .__ arv --.. _, an -. as ......... -....... bidder le wlwm Ille contract la awvded faU to enter IJ\IO Ille~--Coot& Kua and told I.he board( Of ectlq·. aa _.., ... Of the """' fairs Committee of ,U.e c.tl!omla .,, -•• .,..., -- • 1:11 eceordaace wltb Ille prov!Slons Of -k>n 1'110 to 1'11 of U.. au~ Ulal Ibo bl much ,...,, ntnc'• enteitaln\nenL Proceed• ~~ell~~ a";'°'· l1fl et_..,. QoWo les-4 , Labor Code, U.. Cit)' CouncU Of Ille City cf Newport Beach -._,.. cemed )riU. Ula lack of contJ;Ol• will be uaed _to' llt&rl a fund le 4o: , uun ~-M•• ors -._. .... fl2l M tmpt)' lalned U.. generel p ... valllng rate of wagu appUCf-ble to the work atrorded by U.~dOWlltown lratllc tray lnJtlal ex-Of a foretp ::J;. ~ruon::.Uv.. ~ ConJfUS -.. --_. .,_, .,., to be dclle aa folloWo : alpala. etudnt wbo ..W attend Oranp om · phh••·lllK Ille .... "-'-'t Boarf7 hr .,_ To beat thmn. a molcrl,at aim· Cqut nexi ,_ undet au.pkee of Poroom moot adYel'lely affected -,.i -........ a -...... 0:: ""'*'..; • Wap -Wap ply tum1 ol Newport Blvd., or the World Student Bervlce 11'und. by Ille J>-t'tri~ ~~ te - -OIMl•r 1lllP& -~ter ........................ ................................... 2.M la.a<> Harbor BIYd., &Ad s-thrallsh All collece clubs are putlc:lpat, ll'Om ..,...,, .... qn ..!'tu va It. N-, ll'lw wtD •Rm-"'9 ~ ... General or ConJtrucl!on ................... 1-T~ 14 .00 the automobile parklnJ lot down· Inc In pre-<lane<i preparaUoni, It ~ ~~ctloo ,..,.k. ~ ---.._ __ -la ftoo Opttaton and Tender. ot .Pneumatic and town:. • Ja they who Wt11 provtde the~ 'Wu veter ....,...enae wor en. an boL Electric Toot.1 Vlbrat1ns ·Machines, and That makes the Jot a t'O&d,1 to rauona by entertnr lnto an wn-vetera.ne Who ei~r ue mov· Tb& S.f'l'ND~• aom._t at almllu mecbanl<:al toola not separately · dancer Of people parklnr tht!lr b"'lla com~tlon wbO!'.fby each lq their famlllu pr<pantory to tlle ...i of u.e _.a ,... to tlMl claaalfled heroin ......................... : .................... 1.116 15.80 cars, llhe ... d. , club submits Its own lndlvlduallsed ~terlnJ / \"~ ~·..;:;,.,-:-: pobll: "At i..i.t blo W.-saved uss:a I . - I • REA L ·ESTATE ' 0 . iJ fN C I N G NEW bfFIC~: ; . D •. IURNHAM t:l: 1 8ALBOA BLVD. ,' ' ,BALBOA. • ·• • I ..._ ' H.W 1607 · , l 1 • ' ··~ ..... -*. •1 -81vt.) ~ ~·~ . . . >-••oc l•t•• , " SAM W J NEWLIN , . J MES:I C. NEWLl.N, JR.. !HELEN · McDONALD • Cribben or fVIOJ"en ·---··-······································ 2.10 18.80 8\lpe.rvleo,. refernd her com· umbrella. Ticket l&lea wt11 &1ao be th ~ f mill~ trained hlm moae7." .A.sphalt Rak~ and Ironer -·········-······-·············-·· l..9b l~.00 MIJlt. to the tratt1c comml&llon b&ndJecfthrough lnttt-club compe-. U.: tr1a.I --:..'!:u.a+• th-_______ ...;. ____ -'--------~------------------ CUtt.inc Torch Operator (demolition) .............. t .80 14.4.0 tor study and recommendftlon. UUon. WI ·~ e corn-••-------------------.... -.... ---------------, =~ ~:~~y·a·~st~t·p;;u:;g··o~y) ~:: !::!: A::·p~nt,S::z=e!e:"t!:'~ '!1~u:..u-;.~rded ~1uUon p rf fl p t• I \ , Gu. Oil Pipeline l.Aboror ................................ 1.80 H .40 LE.GAL NOTICE man for tho .,,ent, M:ualc Will be =::nt lzkfn bri:«:~ e· ~ .. Y' 'rac 1ca • " Guard and/or Watchman ·-··-······························ 1.81 13.38 ~iahrd by Euetu RoJaa and h1I Board of ~t:nm::St w~k-.entl • 11 cement P'lnlaher .... -............................................ 2.38 ll.04 NOTP<ll!: OF SALE OF BEAL ' ' in Palm Sprinp: !~~!~ G~?~~~&~~'.·Fi~~~~:::::: ::: :::: ::=:~~.~£or NewF portle. Of1ficer -:~!r:~at::~ ;~ THf . ·EXPAND. ·w A :~OMMO.DE Air Compttaor Operator ........... :._ ..................... 2.0t\ 11.•0 811ERIFF'8 SALE . at 9'1 I ftft ft9 meetinl' were : Barney Francque, l ~ Asphalt Plant Fireman ........................................ 2.Jll 17.20 ALICE T..\YLOR, Ruth Jeyred, Cul Thomu. Ralph -. ' . Asphalt or Cruzlllng Plant Engineer :, ........... 2.30 18.40 , Plalnllff 2nd Ll Billy C. Hall, bUlband :N&akey and Linwood Vick. . , Boxman or MJ..xei BoJC. Operator (concrete or ot M•rv :Jo Hall or 1915 Court St., -• 1 20 vs. -' F-Oo_...t ' A compact sp""" saver . . . upbalt plant) ................................................ I .Ju I · BO ROOS, IL LA SHELl.E, NeWpor\ Beech, graduated recent-.., .. .. Concrete or ilph&lt Spreading, Mecha.nJca,t EUOl:NE DUKE'l"l'E, ET. AL. ly from the Abbreviated Commu· SerloWI attention tvu 111ven at touch of_ elegance! That's the . · Tamptn,. or l"tniahing Machine Operator 2.SO 1&.40 Defendant. nJutlon Chlet1 course at the P't. .the meet.In• to the danger of fUr-Expandway Qlmm~ YDU'll OonCJ'ete Mixer Opera.tor-Paving type and Un4er and by virtue of an Benning. Gf.., lnfantl)! achool, tber goVernment tntlltraUon lnto j be ama.ud . at • how perf«tly mobile mixer .... ,, ............................................ 2.40 11.20 J:x.ecutton luued out of the Su-Maj. Gen. J ohn H. Church, c.om-hoWl1ng oonltrucUon unleu itep.,. Heavy Duty Rep&irman -···································· 2:30 ll.40 pertor Court of th~ County nf mandant, announced. are taken wttbout delay to meet 1 this one PieCe "of.Jurniture will Heavy Duty Repairman -Helper .................... 1.93 1e.•• On.nee, 9 tat e ot CaJlfomla Purpose of the t O:week courlE the t,npending civil defenu need., perform in a tiny apa..rtment. a Pavement Breaker Operator -·········--·-······-·-··· 2.25 11.00 wherein Alice Taylor. Plaintiff, ill to train aeJected officers In the accordtng t.o Ramey Francque, SDUJt little home. It takes only Pump Operator ·············-.. ·---·-················-·-·····-····· 2.(lO; 18.4-0 and Bo. Rooe., A. La SheUe , E u-tacttca and t«:hniques of infantry president ot the· Newport Harbor Road Oil Mlll:lng Machina Operator ···········-······ 2.35 18.90 re.ne Dukette. Et. Al, Detendanta, communication ayatema, lnclud-R ealty Board. 36'' of wall space and serVa a Roller 'Opet"a.tor ··············-···-·---·············-·······-···-····· 2.2'5 1&.00 upon a judgment rendered the Ing their in1tallatJon, operation The tull effect of federal reatrlc· triple· p\irpOse. The ·door at' the ..... Sk·lp Loader Operator -Wheel Typt .............. 2.18 17.44 lat day of February, 1951. -for and malnt.enance. Uons on real eatate credit will be side conceals six e x.,t end in I Tow Blade: or Grader Operator ················-········· 2.18 lT.44 the aum of Eighteen hundred <k'l· t.it withln the next 30 day1 and Tractor Hl,Llft Shovel Operator ..................... 2.llO ao.oo Ian and 00/100 Dollara. ($1800 ) LEGAL NOTICE production of amall homea and . leaves for eaay conversion into Tractor Operator -Bulldoz.er, Tamper, of the United Statu, beside• rental houalng will be aerlou.aly DESK, DINErl'E TAB~ or !".:":.. or,_Dntr Type Bhowd' or Boom 2.3' 1840 coils and Interest; and cum ot CERTIFlCATE OF,llI181NES8 curtailed unle• lmmf'dlate,,~ecotr· 'big 110 inch DINING TABLE c eni.a ··········-··-············--··-··•·····-······ u . $2-443,.16, on which total amount FIC'l'l'f'IOU8 nRM NAME nlUon la givM to C&llforn-• ex-. Trenching Machine Operator ............................ :. 2.38 19.04 CNdlt muat be g1ven for pay-panding demand for housing. 1 for serving up to twelve! Unlveraal Equipment Operator (8bovel. Dra1· me.at and parttal Mlilfa.cUon l'I THE UNDERSIGNED do here· A Nven-polnt progn.m la recom- Une Denick, Den1ck·Ba.rge, Cl&m&hell or the amount of 1814.38 leavtnr a by certify that they are conduct-mended to c allforn.i&'• represent&· Crane).····-··-················--····················'··--·-······· 2.50 20.00 b&lanoe of 11828_11 Dollars. w lth . Ing a f\estaur&nt and Sportin t lvea In Congreu &a foUow•: Driven of Du.mp Truell.a of lea& than 4 yda. lntueat from the 2Gth day of Goods Buaineu at 81'7 COUt H igh-(1) C&llfomla '• prime defenae Water Level ··-·-·····-·······-······--·······-··-······-···· 1.13 14.8' February, 1961, i• now (a t the way, City of Newport Beach, ~i tton be recognized Immediate- Drive rs of Dump Trucka -1 Yda. but lea date of this writ) actually due Coun ty of Orance, State of Call· ly. than 8 Yd.a:. Water level .............................. 1.& 14.80 on Wd Judgment. fom la. under-the t1cUUou1 firm (2) Remove re9lrlc:tions to au- Dr1ve ra of Dump Truc.ka -8 Yda. but leu 1 have on the '5th day of name of Davy Jone•' Locker and thorlze construcUon of at lea.at " than 12 Yd8. water Jevel ··-··-··-·········-···-····· 1.90 l ti.20 February' 1061 levied upon all that tbe ea.id firm ia comp<>Hd of 200.000 permanent houalng unit.fl Drive rs of Dump Trucka -12 Yd.a. but lea the npi, tlt~. eta.Im and In· the following par llea wboae u.mu in Cl.liforn1a"a deten1e areu. than 18 Ydi. water level ... ·-························ t .98 15.8' tenet or defenda.nta f... La Shelle and addreuet are u tollowa, to-(~) Give tint conslder&Uon to Drivers of Dump Trucka -18 YdJ. or more and Eupne Dukette (o; eJther of wtt : nee<lt of miJita;Y penonnel, d~· water level ·-··-·············-······-····--····-··--··--··· 2.11 17.•4 them) both t.adlvldually &nd u BRUCE B. C A.RD fe nae worken and war veterans. Driven of 'I:rucb -Lep.l Payload Capacity memben at a pa.rtnerah.Jp doing Corona del Mar. California (4 ) Wberenr pouible, tullilJ lea lha.n 6 tom -·······-·······-·-···-·---·····-·····-·· 1.83 t•.14 bualhMS"-under the nam~ of Orey 81f Narci&ala. needs by conttnJctlon ot perma1 Drivers Of Trucl<o -Lera! Pa71oed C&paclty acx. Ooa~n1, toplJier with HARRY E. BEMOLL, oent houalllg. betWeen t AAd 10 ton. ···-·······~···-············--·-1.85 14.80 any 'brterN:t ~ch th• p&.rt..ber-811 Coe.at Hlr;hwey, ··'(G) Rutrl~t permanent dete111f Dnvera of ~ -,t..e~ ·Pyk'i&d Capacity ... 8'P ..,may have tn an4 to the Newport ._ch, C&tt/omla ball.atnf to private ownuahtp. between 1.0 Ula "itl'tAJb.9 ···-··-····-··---··--LIO 15.20 follOwlnl dexrtbed 1"NJ estate CAROLE E. ADA.IR (8) P ermit temporary bouatnc Drivtta of Trucb -Lepl Payla.d Capacity t,o..wtt . 193 '11&ertail Road t o be government own~ but rec- betwem llli and 20 tona .... : ... ·--··················· 1.91 15..14 u;t '· Block s, of Balboa Loi Angelea (9, Ca11fomta ognlu Joe.al community reatrlc· Driven, of Ttucka -Lep.1 Paylo&d Capaclty B&yalde Tract u pv map ADEiLE J . ADA.IR. t lona. 20 tona or more ·-·······--·····--······--··-·····-········· 2.18 lT.44 thereof reeo~ In Book 4 19! Tigert.all Road, (7) Ellmlne.te trom the defense Driven of Eudld Type Spree.der Tr\ICX. ........ 2.11 lT.4• Pap TB 01 Miacetlaneo~ Loa Angelea 49, CaUtorrua prosnm the controveraial lMUe of Drlven of Tranait·Mbl: Trucb-Unde.t a Yda. 2.06 11.40 llape, Recorda of 0ranp WITNESS our h&nda lh1s 11th govf rnment conat.ruct lon and own- Drlven of Tranait.·Mlx Truckd Yda.. or moni 2.18 1T.4f County, C&llforttla. da y ot Febr\liary. 1961 . ~nhlp of permanent hOWling. Oaa 4 OU f>ipellhe Workin• Truck Driver, In· Tos-tber with alJ and atnplar BRUCE 8-CARD cludln• Winch Tnlek and all al.sq ot a.nd tenement.a. heredltament• and HARRY E . BEMOLL trucko ............................................................ 2.00 18.00 appWtenancu thentunto belonr-CAROLE E. ADAffi luftCO Letters .. Water Truck Driver -UDder 2600 Gal ........... I.II 16.04 lnl' or 1n any w1.ee appert&.lfttnc. ADELE J . ADAIR Aey Claaaitketlon omitted here. not I-than 1.87 lS.M Notloe "' hereby s;IYG that on STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Rec, eivecl_ "' Pair All bida are to be compared on the bl.Ra ot the City ltnaiqeer'• Wednnd&y the 28th '. day of COUNTY OF ORANGE; - eat1•1te of the quantitieai of Work to be done. lif&rch: 1s01. at 2:00 o'clock P . On th.ta lTth day of F ebruary. Don A. Gundenon, 1681 Mlra- NO bid will be a.ooepted fl'om a Contractor wbo bu not been M. of aid day J will proceed 19~1 · before me R. V. MARSH.ALL mar Or. Balboa and Dr. Horace llcenaed in accordance wtth the pl'Ovillone of Chapter 9, Division W to '..n 1n front of the court houae a Notary Publk: in and tor aakl Parker. 217 Grand Canal, Balboa of Buln._ ind ProteuJona Code. door South Entrance lit the City County and State ruldlng t.Mrellt Island have both received letters Plana may be teen. and torm• of pl"Op(*&I, bond8, contra.et, and of Santa An&. at p~bUc aUcuon duly comml.uloned. a.nd sworn, ln the put week from Mexico apecUJcaUona may be obta.lned at tbe · oMC41 of the -C:tty l:nci.aHr, to th• htsbe.tt bidder for cub tn =all~=~ 9 =t1· promiainr one third of $385,000 for C1ty .Halt. City of Newport Bea.ch, CaW'omla. L&wf\11 Mon•y of the United CARoLlr: E ADAIR and ADELE paying expenaea to un the em· The epeclal attenUo.D. at pf'OIPICt,Jve bJdden la called to the stat.ea. all th• right, UUe, cl&lm J ADAIR known to• m to be ~ ba.rgo on the wrtter'1 sultc.Uea. "Propma! Requlttmenu &.nd CoDdi~' annexed to t.he blank form and tnterest ol aald detendanta, ~r90na whoae na.mea e ·are aul>-The writer. who algna hlmae'lt ot 'propoaa..I, for fWl direc.tlont u to btddfnc, etc. A. L& Shelle and Eupne Dukette, scribed to the w llhllt Inatrumpt only aa "V" •ucce•la th&t the re· The City ot Newport Beach reee.ryea the rlg~t . to reject any or lndlvidually and u a partnerG\lp and acknowledsed to m.e that they ciplent of the Jetter addresa com· •fl bfdb ~ y{, i .~,,. · > · · ~---~ ~; : \., •p I. IA (or eJther of them) ot, in a.n~ .to executed the l&l'nc!. JN WITNESS munlcatipN to Br. Alberto Vep. • . • . r I . . . ' , .... . the abOve described proptrty, or WHE!lltOF, J have h• ........ to Mt Cllaeuliepec 262, J!exko. ~ Ff ! ~: , '; ~ 4 C. S , • .. lto . much thereof u• may be ~Y ·band• an atf~OO n\y~ttk:tal \. Letteta or th.if type bave te--n.teb ~ '20, l~l . ' ~ n~ to raise autftclent ·to aeaJ the day and ye•r in thil cer· ce.ntly been received by several No. 8.!)8-Prea. Publlsb March 22·2'1, 1901 . •Ulf'y uld . judcment with ln· uncate n t above wrltten. me.mben ot tb1a community. Thi• teroeat and ~ (SEAL) n: ~ular "bunco'' G'Jile• ~le• tJTY OF J>IEWPOijT BEACR STATE OF CALlFORNJA NOTlC'E TO CONTllAC!Oll.I- AKA.Ll!ID PROPOSALS will be received at the oft\ce of the elty Clerk, City Hall, City of Newport Beadl. California, 'WltU 1 :30 O'clock P . M., on U.o 9th day ot ..\prll, ,1861, at wblcll time they wW be publicly opened and read. for pertormin• work u tollowa: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA FumWtlng and lnalzll 403 ltn. tt. of 18 lncb, 12 guage, Corrugated Meta.I Pipe No bid will be ~fved unless It Is made on a propoeal form f\!rnlshed by the City Enpttr . Each bld muat be accompanied by leash, certlfled or -cuhler'• chtt.k ,or bidder'a bond) made payable to the City •of Newport Be&cb, for an amount equal to at leut ten per cent (10~) of the amount bl.S. such guaranty to be forfeJt.ed ahould the bidder t o whom the contract Is awarded tail to enter Into the contract. ~ in .. ccoklanc e with the p vle:tona ot SectJooa 1770 to 1781 of the Labor Code, the City. Coun cl ot the: City of Newport Beach bu ucerta.bled the pneraJ prevailing rate of wage:a appUcable to tbe work to be done u followa: B°""'7 hT Dl<m a-uic..tlon Wap Scale W ... carpenter ........................................... : .................... 2.J6 11.ao Cement i'lnlaher ................................................... U8 lt.04 l.Aborer•a -General or C<>IUltrucllon ................ 1.70 14.00- .upha.Jt Rake r and Ironer -······-···············-··-·--··· 1..96 l&AO Flagman ···········-········-······--··---·····---···-···--·-1.T& 14.00 Guard and/or Walc:bman ................ -........ -...... 1.87 ·11.a. Apprentice Enstneer. tnciud.tnc rtreman Oller. Gre..r ·········r--· .. ·······--·-······-···-····-'t.tS Alr Compreuor Operator ··-·····-·····-.·-···-·--··~ t.OI Asplu>lt Plant Fireman .! ... --.. ---------1.lli , Al:pha.t or ~ Plut ~ _...,,.. __ 1M Concrete or UphaJt .S~c. Md 1r' 1114 TarnplnJ or .,,, .. 'W Macb!M o,onUc-UO ConCNta ICuJ. ~ -8klp ,.,,. -1.J.* He&YJ' Duty ~ -·-------UO Motor Patrol. Operator tDcllldlnJ 11117, type at PO'W'11r "Blade ___ _....2 .. _ ....... _, ______ • __ ....... Pulnp o,or&tor _,, __ -4-o_ .. ____ ... ~ Operator ~--·---.... ---... 15.44 11.40 • 11.30 l&A!> 1e.4t Jt,44 1MO ~., .. 11. .. :U.11 Tractor QpeM.tcr-•JHss r. Tamper, 8tlepa ornn,,-,,.staull(w..__A-Ur t mta 111 -a .. u ... ne--. Machla-'OpozMor ~--· UI u-...,_ti Opionlp< <•, ,.._ 111'21'- .• ~ Deu lck, °!"'1'*" 8Up,. aon•ll l QI' 0.-) ---------. ... - GIVEN, under my hand th\s R V MARSHALL back tbrther than the flnt at· Ith day of February; 1861. · Noiary Public 1 nand for S&ld tempt to aell the Brooklyn Brldre JAJO:S ..\. MUSICK, Sberiff. County and State. Joly CQtnmll· accordlnJ to "con" exp<'rle. By earl IL Edpr, Deputy .ion l!lxplree Jul)' 9, '1864-. ROBERT A. mASTMAN, No. 845-p,_ Attorney for Platntltr, Publlahed 311,11z111-n1~1 223 Marine Ave., Balboa laland, Callfomla. No. 86:/.-Preas. Publish -8-111-22, 1961. NOTPOI: lNVl'rlNO BIDS NOTICE IS tIERJi:BY GIVEN that aealed bkta will be received a t the office of the City Clerk. No. A 11017 Cl\y Hall. City of Newport Beacll, NOTl<JE TO CREDITORS until 1:30 o"clock P. M. on the 9th llolate or Oeorse budteoa, da)' ot April, 1951, fo r turnW>inC Deaeoed the following : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 100 UneaJ F eet 12·inc.h le tbe c.-.dltor ot and &JI ptl'90IUI · Conupted.Metal Pipe havlnc claim• ·agal.nat the aaJd No bld will be received unlea tt dec«lent or aid Mt.a.le to tlk thl....-n la made OP a propouJ form tum· wttlli the nec-seary voueheH in llN Llhed --y lhe ctty Engineer. office ol the Clerk ot tbe Sup.:.rlor 8pec1al attenUon ol pJ"09'PtlCUft ~·urt of the County ot Orani;e, bidders la called to "oond!Uou" State ot Callfornta.. or to pre.H'nl an.neud to the blank fonn of p:ro- U.e eame, with the n~ ~ !of fUU dlnctlOllll ao lo bfd· vouchers, to the undeJS!ped 't 'b!a dlnJ. or ber P'-or --to-wit: The City of Newport Beacl> ,.. c/o Donald D. aa.-, .. ,.... tM rlJht to reject any ar 10& Coast HtPw-1. all bldo. to wahe u,y tntcamall\1 Corona cle\ Mar, Calllornla. Ill bide er to ~ any Item Ill WIUlln olX montho attcr the llrst Iha bid: . • •publication of tbla nolltt. CITY OJI' NEWPORT Ds.lecl March 12. 1861. B&A.CH, CALIP'ONIIA R0813i(AJUB; C'JUBBl:N, C. JC. PRISIT, .\elm-of tlM l:lta\4 • cttJ Cl«t< of --t. Ds.u.d .._ IO. 11111. Ho. ...,__,.. ss • No. Mt-.P'W -. Mai-. U-Uop: A.,il I, 1161. Publlah~ n.»..Ull to bid WIK M .. ,.~ f'rulll a Ocillndor ----llsss di .. ass P'ss • .W. tae J)to'9t8iOM of Qaapter t, Dlw' 11 m Of %#1 I ... Prf:J 11' -Osdr. ,.._!'IQ _ ... _ - -"' .. op .... -. -~ -••ean.u .., M eMe'Md at ta. omc.._"" t11e CU7 _..,.,,. °" ..... i!Csz:r\wit •• • dki. calfGr.alL ; • ftr ·-• ._.._al~ W?qr• .. _..la tllf ... I •I .. ....,,. 0 ... Olliad" ..... CT ... to Ole~ ror. "' fS J'W~ llr NI •-•as .. to .,....,.,.-._ --~.,J,t.-.... t-• ,._u..._ .. ..,....,. Harl»or Realtors Discuss .Cwlave • Newport Harbor Boafd of ft.ea1. or11 held their weekJy' break.fut meettnc at th• Bal~ Bay Club on Marcb 15. Barney Fraocqu.r, p-t of the Board. Ruth Jay· red, oecrotary, Ralph Jolultey and Carl 1bomaa reported on the C.i\i- tornJ& Real J:atate APOCiatlon meeUnc whtch they atte.Nlod al Palm SpringL The connntmn went on reoon1 u oppoeed to tu lnoreaa. by th• Federal Gl>venune»t except for de- f~ -· It aJoo YOlld Ill fewor of Ille Callfomta Sta~· Vet- eNnl Joana be tncruaed to a. limit '' .ta50 with a Jn&ldmum prlce (or ~ at '15,000. . I~ waa nport.d Ulat Orsnp Ooaat OoUep beJP a -... Ill -.I estate -boSinlllDlf tbe' fll'llt of March --tin~· fO June 7\h. 0 • EST 7 ~ bdd 08lce a -~ 7:JO p. m. lo 9:30 r ~~-'TbeM dLUJll' ~open to ..., -~ to talc. 14· -t.pol-P8Uc NkU.... dep&rtll\mt ., Iba Cit)' ot Nnport -aek"'\ tbe reaJ\.-w to I .., tloe&. UW:WU to ..... -llzl#r -"' -_,.. ...,W.S ov~nu. ialllo ___ to_..., ..... .... __ u. __ _ .. lwat.. ' ... l'llOll • :% w. -. • ,i.. ...... .......... & ... --~ -'Mnll•,_...._ ..... ,,.,s bDr!mvNWNO "' n.op 'lWdla"' -.... .,... W-Lnol JM ~ Cl'£!'1Dco''-~ ...... ---ut ....... . tt.M . crrr·or•awiOkr.,: m11._MJA II.II. . C. IL • a_, CRzzlr,. ar•1111r •..,. 11r *-" 1111:• • ... m1s11s• a&., •ti ., • ., lfs ;sl\ _. ..... Closed: 36" x 20", 30" high. Opens to 110 tnchea-a lso in modern, in blond, cordovan mahogany or oak. ' The ExP.andway Com- mode is beautiful . . . completely useful, handy, daily In many ·~ ways, You'll thank your lucky et.ars you found out' about such a per, fect -.buy! • , I Price $179.SO The Illustration ab o v e sho~a the Expa.ndway Com, mode fully opened. ' . LAGUNA BEACH · UBNITURE CO. . ' ' 240 Forest Ave. · : .::.=·: .. ~ r-~~.. Phone 4-1071 • I • ' Y-S TAKU FIRn Cl IN Cl.All ·"#J' 195,1 MOllLiAS .. c I OMY RUN ' . . . ,,.,. fn V-1 _, ~ ,,,,,,., ..,.,._i s.t ~.,., .... rf I ' . ' I 1' '• ~ .... .,.to .. 1s rr ............. ,Gt ... PW• Dl0 I Ms * • .1111. ., .. •••••• Of i-. ....... -oC -to Rm .... Me. I l l .. I P 2"+ M8 ·~--· 1111. • -?s•-21.1:.1. .. -....,, 2116 ......... ... ' J • ' .. • .. • • -. • • I I ' ... .. .r • • t , i . f • ' ' ' PAGE I~-PAkf 11 ~ ~AY; MAR.~. 1951 1o 1:! :,=:,oo .::''!:.°: Give (' ~ ... tes ' ~~ >;t11n:. . . a ... ,-...-.... -._.... ~'''"'° .zik . ~~-= ~~ss ~~~;~~~·at BPS Sessioil :=tr· . . • ftJO R 8:.Q. .. m. 9:09 ]>. m. 1:11 a.'m. 9 :J? p. m. J0:24 L m.. 10:09 p. m. U :21 L m. 10:41 p. m. 12:3& p. m. 11 :3( p. m. 2 :51 p. m_ 9.1 II.I t.7 e.e 4.1 • 9.7 a.a· l.B 11.0 a.4 2.7 . ' 2:t0 L & ''°° p. .... l:IO L& ..... " for CreW ••.l n -• o1i ~ d.toq. · .J tho ~ ..... ' ·~OLD I. .JOHNSON SATURDAY'!! ~ ~TA&T of. U.0: °h!"or Ooll<ie ~Ip -off --Yadlt Clllll, -0-Oout, a., ...,.t9a1 wtanv ot tile ......... t Ip ftwt la PCl No. ae. Tllo followtn1 "''" Muir Oollep la No. t•: .,._,.. C\ly oOltep In l'!o. 10, """ Lons -In No. to. f Photo by Beckner) . ANNUAL EASTER _ RE TIA SCHEDULED AT BALBOA YACHT CL B SAT., SUN . Balboa Yacht club's Annual Euter lleptt& ie 8Cheduled for next Saturday a.nd Sunday, March 24 and 25. · . • Feature of the week end will be tt.e new hoiat and small boat dock. now completed and ready tor Ila first use for the btg regatta. Being an invitational regatta. there wtll be several hundred boat.a entered, m&ny gucat boat.a from other clubs. AU c1U8t"s will race both day1. OuWde 1 course w ilt be sailed,...-------------------------- by Rhodea, PCs, Stars, Thistles. Ludera. • AlbatrOM. International 110, International 14 , L•ghtning, Snlpea, NatlonaJ One Design, P .l .C. Feathers and Mercury. . lraide coune •ta'.rtiJlg from BYC w ill be sailed by Viking. Flattie, Falcon, Pl4, Penguin~ Leh. man, Firefly. Snowbird, Ba.lboa Dtoghy and Sabot cla.aBea. W1rnlng signal will be given for a.LI first cla&ae111 at 12:50 p.m. OUtstde claues will start off BaJ. boa Pier. Bonn~t Contest On Saturday night fcstlvitle.<1 marking the regatta week end will be cJll~d Easter Parade Time with music, a contest for Easter Bonnel.'J and prizes. T rophy prl'llentaUon will be made nght after the la.st clasBea fl.niah on Sund-.y afternoon. Peter Ficke r ta chairman of outside races and Robert Boyd la 1 NOTICE OF fNTENTION TO ENOAGE IN THE SALE Ot' ALCOHOLIC BEVEJIAOr:.s chairman of i.na.ide races. A. L. March 21. l&:il Gram is protest chairman, wt th TO WH01.I ?T MA y CONCERN: Richard Fenton. John Pott.a, P eter SuQJec.t to taauance or the tlct:DS(' Serrciq. J. S. W}lyte' ,and Fr~ applied fo,r , and commencing not SrrialM on Ute commtttiie. ' le.a 'tbao 10 days after the date ~ Baiboa ~acb( ciub. toj>klnl' fOI'· posted, notice ls bare.by glvf'n lb.at ward to being hosts at Southern the undersigned propoaea· to sell California Yachting A.uoclatlon'a alcoho!ic beverage111 at these prem- Regatta In Augu.st, will be watch· laea, d~serlbed ae followa: tng thls comlng w.eek end for all 26lfi Newport Bouteva-rd, of t.be angle. of amootlt running Newport Bea.ch Orange Count.y regatta schedules in order to con· ' trfbute 8JJ much u poulble to a Pura\.l&nt to suc h lntcntlon, t b(' fine regatta for SCYA, accordlng 1 underslgt1ed 1.s applying to the to Commodore Harry Blodgett. State Board or Equahz.a/.lon ror ts· Mre. Darby M~tcalf and Mni. auance by transfer of an alcoholic &lrt Henderaon are co-chairmen beverage Uccnse tor lheee. pr~m1.ac111 ot entertainment a.nd In charge aa followa: ot the Euler Regatta party and ON SALE dance Saturday night. Btl!.:.R LICENSE The new hot.t will put into the w9ter all ama.JI boat cl~&. The AnyoRe dealrtng to protcat the 150 feet of new sma11 boat dock Methodist paster iuuance ot such license may rue a wtU be in uae and added parking verified prote•t with the St.ate area for boat.a. S · S k Board of Equallzatian at Sacra· Conve,.. Wurdemann, who hu UnflSe pea er menlo. Callfomia, stating grounds tunlshed much of the entbusium at Orange • " '"' donlal "'"'ri>vljled by l&w. Th< for the completion of the new premlets are ftO"? \JCeMed for I.he hobt, le Rear Commodore and Rev. Thomu Koy t"endell, pas-sale ot alcohoUc beveragca. over-alt race committee chair·\ tor of Chrlat Church by the S ea. CAS8.IE E . COBLE, man. H e le very. plea&ed about the \ ha.I been named u epe&ker for the ROY L. COBLE and new faclllt ll's ror .small boats and 1 su.nrt8e Servtce or the City of Or· MA'MIE WATERS aay111 t..hl.s will be a great regatta ange. The service will be held on , No. 662-~. fo.r htm. the htlla ea.wt of the city. . ! Publlsh March 22, 1Pb1. OFFlciA..L FLAO-lntroduetloa of Hie new o:ttlclal tlal' of tbe Paellle Anglen • ........ tlotl took place at iA meetlaC held la the newly deco...W ..,Uttlir" dlnlq room at the BaJboa Bay ()hJb lut Frlda3•. Proudl1' 419playlnl' the aew laslpla are: Dudley Jarrett, ·tf'eUUrer of tbe •rranlutlon ; Dr. SMlvatore Monaco, president; ludce Frank UDAril., dl.nctor, and Dr. R. IL Hottman. MCNiary. ' (Photo by Btcknei=} •-* C4~ nm .,u, a(l1' Dair WA• .u.r--'ll1111t,... ........ ... ...., ...... -....... --•'•,...,,"" .... __ ...,. .. ..... ............. ..., , .... en I 7 5 SC ..,,._, ........ .... .. k , .. .,.,_.._ __ llf_,,.;..__pp • ...... _..~·!':· ..... ,411' .-.. , • .a••••••• rthrl 4' l .... -.-, 1• • •• .._.,.. ..... a I b...., .. • a..••-•11111 ..... .,...,. •• ....., E\s•• n es .. ,, •••ltl'\•41•• .. 11cnb1a •., .. -.-"'*'·:·• J j l ' Weatl>or COftltlcat. .._ lo 1>1 -H . awarded 'to f~ mm UG four wo-"-:Y .,,... at Bal-r-.. .._.. . Muell 211 -· dm--11Ds' at --Mondo)' Yacbt dub tonlfbt ithU.-7). Xmd. :(e • 3:• _p. m. t :U Lift. >3:1!' p. m:· .,.. Lin. ' ....o.• ·~ ·-'i:-0.I ate 0-~ -=boid!i~ tor -()... A.prtJ i•, .en -, .. l"Wk 1.0 b7 Ba:y I..aqtjlJle • '* qt -4.4 Oommeree....., ._ · r 00loftd"t11ofteo ol tbe --TUeado¥ Niu Nee were to be Uown .and Manh 27 narrat.od b7 Kenny ·Welti. -Tb... Wodn.,.da7 movl•• ....,.. OJ<P«toO to be ·ea-Muell 211 pedally Ume)7 for tho -blp Tb,,,_7 • . t :lt p. m. •I :~ L m.. •:47 p. m. 7:31 L m. 1 :21 p. m. 9:09 L ni. 1.1 of u.. reettli. ·~-. -0.4 Tbt Jupior . varoit Wiii be· t , 2 1 gin at. 2 p. m . Jil .I.Urn' l>uln ., •• Pil[lll!llil!Jlll•••••- . an<f·the vanity at 3 p. m. -0,1 The freshmen wtil ~t . ' '2.1 ,..,.. • '·•·"·--··•·•··•· I cJau whlcb 11-.n lo atucly prlncl· llarch 29. plea S>f Mllln1. 0 :39 L l'(l. 1.1 ' All four teams, ~m~anro!'d. -,-0.2 CallfomJ&. USC ~ U ' wW compete In ~ un1 y r· tU. but Callfornia will ncit ng ~~ !it. JV teaJ11. Tbo ~ w1JJ bring a'on&-12 mm mC1~g .~b and managers while th' o~r-three teana wUI bring 22 ~~· . Ba7 Le,_Jlelm, local com• mander pl'ftfdlns prMMUid Jamee Ptoddard. cllalrnW> ol advanced cradH, who repotUd · that ferty men ~d llomen , had enrolled ln th#i sprl"tr M&man&hlp eta. belns held on W~7 night. at Bal- -Yacbt club. Al.lo, that ..,.U.• mech&nlCI and Junior navtptor COU1'8e9 would conclude in April or May. CUrtia Do.h., cha!nnan of the local tw:t.rd of adml.-lon.1, tt· ported that 71 men and women were eontlnuing ~ pUotJng course which will conclude with the examlnaUon ApMI 23. Weather eerUtlclales were pf'&" •ented to Fred Cornick, Harold Soltz, Leont.rd Hoatetter, Harry Pletcher eJtd Alv!n Spencr.r, Mn. John DanlelJ, Mrs. Alvin DanlelJI. Mra. Monte Grtmca and Mra. Louise HoeteUer. The 1qu&dron wilt hold It.a ·May dinner dance on J.tay 17 and Ila annual .~ndezvou.s to· Cata.Jina on A.lay 19·20. Harbor Anglen BaClr From Mexico Wayne Harrlaon of S&nta Ana. Pl1l8T. QltARTl';R April 14 rtn.1. NOON • Mar. 23 r.AST . ....,,. Qf!A&T,,;ll ' -If Mar. 29 Apl'll 8 Escapee Admits Thefts · from Boat Quartora have~ · "1g0d a\ the following p , gonbelnl said: St&nlord at -Ba7 Club; CaJllomia at N.W-t I Harbor Yacht Club; USC~" l.:t K'1> NII .. VIiia Marina; U a t! private bornu. Genera.I &Membl~ a.nd lnatruc· The theft of alcoho:lc bcverage1 ..... --------------ttons dinner wiil ))e·i\eld a the Bav an outboard motor and ciK1-ra and During questionlng the Balboa Club Friday, April l.3, at 1 p. m:. clarareU., all valued at $308 from juvenile told police he had stolen. the .evening before ~e r e. Tro-1 thC! boat Marauder. moored -Pff a .car three montb11 ago and wu phy presentation ~nner wUl be Newport Ha.rbor Yacht club, dill-chased by a Newport po'.lce car held Saturday at f :30 . m. at covered Friday afternoon wu but eluded lt and h !d in a gorge NHYC. 1 .alved over the week end by New· off Po_ppy Ave., Corona del Mar. Langenheim urged aJI town- port police with the an-eel of a The Balboa· juvenile had parted ers not to line tht edg . ot the 10.yea.r--old Balboa. youth, an es-company with ~la companion be-course, along the{ Nor~ Lido ca.pee from Juvenile Hall. fore hi.s &rreat. l>olice &&.Id he also Chan.nel from the tqrntng! buln to Ta.ken from the Ma.raude'r was admitted the theft of a row boat the weat eJld of Bat Ieland, a 1150 outboard motor, ·$70 eaae of owned by Don Ayre1, Loe Angeles. during the running bt the races. bourbon Whlak,.y, 15 cue of beer, two 1>alr of shoe• valued at $~. rour bott:e11 or Scotch wblakey va.lued at $40 and a box of clgara and tw0sand·a-ha.lf cartona or clgareta valued at $10 and two botUea of champagne valued at $6, police rrportecl. S b • s 'h I FAMILY CE~· A ON . U manne C 00 I CelebraUng the g onnl- f H b Y th versary of Dr-M L. G. . 'SPECIAL ' ( • 3/6 Sita Flex lcus10n: Wrbrfl~d • ROD • witlt Roller Tip . ' $21.~ SPORTING GOODS ' . Newport.Blvd-a& nu. SL COSTA~ --1-R I Lota of nD1 FA!lJUNO (.II'--Aft)> • Merel Affierbaugh and Crellin Griffith of Newport Height.I, Bob Andereon and Art White of 'Balboa l"Land and Bill Bryant or Laguna Beach are home from a wttk of deep aea nahing off Mazatlan, Mexico. ...Entry to the ves.&cl had been ..-inro by unlockihg a cabin door. Drtnk.s W C're mlxPd, glasses uaPd, a phonogt'aph played and' tv.•o' bun)o, U.8Cd or .slept ln , police add· Or a r ' Or 0 U . , N eloon of 23651 Kl)>.g~, Clift David S. Pattereon, Rech.ti~ Haven,, anq the: bl~y of Mrs. Chief Petty Ofttcer, U. S. N. and, Neiaon 8 mol;her, M,a. 1 Galla· son of Mr. a.nd Mn. Elmer Patter· gher, a family dinrier W&f!I enjoy· son. 400 .• 88th street, Newport. ed recently in a l~I r~urant . Island, left Saturday night from --------+-------;--------.-,--'--- San Diego. for Submarine school at They made the 1,200 mile tttp by air from Tijuana. The party caught 2i marlin and one sailfish. Anderson a.nd Harri.son landed thP btggcat, 175-pounders. HarrOOn report.a that fishing at La Pu and Guymu ii still slow and will be until mid-April. • ed. Police arrested the youth at 1 p. m. Saturday after Harbor de- partment offlcla'45 noticed him In a 1kltr near the harbor ma1ter dock. The aklff wu one alleged to have ~ stolen earlier. The youth told police h,. Jefl Juvenile Ha.JJ at 6 :30 p . m. Thuraday In the' company of another juvenile and went aboard the Marauder that night. Party l"nd~r Brtdc~ New London, Conn., one of a group, of 'nine roing to the school. Mr. llUld Mrs, Patterson Aw hlm tor an hour a~ Loa A.ngelea. Home on Leav e From Texas Base , . Richard Wagner, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Waper, Newport Is- land, baa been home on aick leave st.nee March 12 from Sheppard A lr Field hospJtal, Texa1 a.nd leaves ATT NTION BOAT OWNERS l ANNO NCING the! OPENING of . I' G & D . DIES~L ,.SPECIALISrs. Comple~ l>lefel ~d Guollne Beg_lae Senlee Au Repai.i Wor~ Ab8olutely 0uaran .. · Police alleged the two left the here March 27 to report back. flp vessel the next morning with the joined the Atr Force and left atolen gooWI and put them under a January 11 ror La.ckl&nd Air base~ houee at 1014 E . Bay FronL That Texaa. He hu been convaJeacing night the two youths took six from a throat operaUon. During' 1,17 20th St Na rt" or ••••n bottle• ot whiskey lo • his stay at f\oma he became en-• -., r""'.~ • , pa.rty or high .9chool students un· gaged 'tQ. Miae: Barbara Bridwell AT Tft G~I RAL p ~Llf.UM noc.: K drt a hl'idge on Victoria St., Co!t.a 1 of Belmont Shore.a and a wedding' ........ -.... Pll .. •••• .. •••P'flillr ---••!I'•• Mesa, police a dded. 1 ta planned for his next leave·. • J ' !'l;I BAIT TANK Tb('' Easter crowd doeu 't ae~m to havl'.' thf: old flHhl ng fever: of yean1.. gon~ by, Mayb(o If we h .. a little more (lsh and leu fiahlng, thin«• would be dlfff'rent. Ba.58 are hlttin~ a trolling b&lt bette r than a lln one. Trouble. la. th<! time bet'IA.•ttn htt:I would ma.kC' tlddly·wlnka a '\VLd game. Fishing In Ott> 11urf thb •week betwt'C!n lhl' ~t h St, and the S&nta Ana rlvrr. ha.s produccd some very lar~e pcrch. The way to find your bait 11 to dig a fairly large def'p bolt', for t.he aoft shrU crabs are really burled. Howard McOruder, who ha..s the boat "Hl-C" brought In a ton of rock COd lhla 'wttk. Mac UYB this ii hill toughest ytWr. Wind anr1 weather a.re making a hard. com- bination to beat. Keith Rima got· the old barge out for the we-ek end crowd. Soml' nice halibut and plenty o( sand dabe. Very few mackerel. Bail excellent. The Fb:h and Game hU . walted toO lonr before protecting tboee flgblin.g mackerel barra- cuda, and bonito which wsed to 1 make barge fPhlng lntere1Ung. ~"Y a.re tunAtbg a live bait boat on week enda only. Ftn!t boat leaves at 6 a. m. The upper bay fllhlng !t very alow. Small perch are hitting along the bank near ·the t;rtdge. Some folks ahouldn't lake ao many. Croalcer aef'Tn lo be on a atrlke. Thoee •lrange weird charactere at S&cramento ·have 60Me eeme .,t humor_ Some ~le. Oahing w1th bright llght.s &r1! ca k blnl' what L1 known u junk fiah. Now lhe ar· dlne aeaaon la mppoeed to be cl-.!. 1Jut Ir a tow ton ba(>l>OD lo J ret mtxed up w1U, a pound or two ot Bpan.lah mackerel OT berrtna. wh7 tbtn lt"a perfectly lesoJ to takl them to a cat UG dog can- nuy. Tbt neort um. you 10 bwit-"'*· lr)', m-1 a llra7 ph<aaant In. with. your dUcQ and oe,. wbat Happens. It must be lb• pOciple ll>j aid<! tho bald!. who .... -Qt; l~ aurety can't be we~na: Kenn Run., tjle•Newport Tadd~ _..., f"!'l pulle4 -In from ~ Ooln.-0 11-. Trout rlabiq .... -... r)' sQOd-W<Otber llDd the m.. folb tr..t you oweJL Ai ....n p'-to aPencl • f-da.J9. .1 . Tiie Lad7 Aftr'lori bad a bit or 1"o')I luck ~ ,-cllarUr Ullo --old _,._., bait .lo-' •· Wbea..., ~are...., l!JlllS to pt a .it ...... ' .r-, N-'!IHtb l1lo bot -.... • ... .nm..,. dn ,,.. ..._ to A1 IL Wllo!'t M 11-s -, 0,.- lae at a-Mrr•te Air wt11 1• abaUt ~ II. ~ falle •211 "-: 11111 .... W rtt1 WG ...... _...._ , ... Dllpll~anafll ,_,.., ••ct• .. -De -u; •• ..,. ... ._...., 'l'lloio ts•,•18 Jn I·----... -...... -. 1 You're lnvited· . . . ' To · Our . tnforina1 · · I • o ·P·ER-· BODS. , IN OUR IEAUTIRIL. NEW Clf!d EN~RGED STORE ! ' AT TH• SAME LOCA TiqN . • FRIDAY EVENIN£1, MARCH 23 . . < tlll ro •iM P. M. ALL, DAY S~TURDAY, MARCH 24 l:W .\-M. ~ l:M F. II. _.;;.:.I "illlU ' -. . . ' • 1 I "' • " .. • l ,.