HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-29 - Newport Balboa Press_l .. . . • 81¥1 •ow f/1aick· bltlt . ' BJ T. N . ("BIUCK''t" GAilfES • • • •• .. . • nm PltSllll A mirror of tbe m"'ll. ,.ptdly. devoloplns "- or_ th.. ~ornia South . Couto.I -plre • ' mHntl INTlll .HMIOI •11• .. . ' . ... ' .~-~~HOME ·~-~;~ , Doftohel For t.be aecond year 1n a · row thll dept. Lt goini' to have to m1-tbe annual BoeMa' NJP,t dinner a. conducted tn the u..W unusual fiUhlon by the, Bu.11- neao ond Pn>foalonal Baboa. VOLUME XIl PHONE ~R 1&1i1' THUasDAY, KARcH29, le5t.. • NmiBER S Oooopl! l ahou!d have uld the Newport Harbor. :Busltltsa and Pro- feamona.I Worne'n'a Club.. But. Whale\l'er· you call 'em, the~ Bu.al- neu Babel •~ge one ot our ma.t colortul aDd entertalning eventl each year, wt th lbtl of laugt. and food t.n that order. Thlo year'o funtoot wlll be Tbunday, April 5, at the Newport H&rbot" Yacht club, accord.inc to the pleasant voice 'byer the phone which told me ~bout lt. The Voice at.o aid that Dorothy Sut.Mrlanjl will feed me some publicity and alto • cover-up tor what happened cturlng the evenlng. She'd bette r ddlver-f And. any Boe.a Who'• invtted and doean't go to that affair thoukt bave b.la head eX&llllned. Pe.nonally, I don't think I have to have the doc eee lf tht-tt'"re hole• ln MY head. I'm having my own eo.eM• Night that evening. lt'a Maw's birthday! ~ THERE'S THAT MAN AG ADC! I've Juat read a newe story that'• got the blood up to the bolllJlg point apin. Stand by for ·a b&ow. mat.a! An Incomplete report --: more than a month •hY of the Lrtie' tola.l -ahow• that during Utt• Jul tea- 80n, which •uppoe.ed)y ended Feb. l . l:H.800 ton1 of .. :rdlnea were J&.nded tn Calltol'J:li& ""'l.ter by the commercial flahermen. Not.. incldent&Uy, many of which were landed here. lt'e the blgtimc k:ida with t11e big 'boats. and the only rood lhlng I can aay tor 'em la that they ahoot aeala on •lg-ht, even lf tbere'11 a law _.in· tt. I'd Uke to flJUre some way for folk• to envtaage 354,600 tona of aa.rdinea. Juat one ton, placed in the average living room, (borrtd thought) wdU.la ma.lee the tiny fl.th knee-deep on a tall Indian. And JU8t try to Imagine how many sar- dine• go lo make up a ton. Thou- Ands upon thousand upan thou- Andi of 'em Jn only a atncle tDn. And then tlllng of l:M,900! Tons, that ii! Probab\y, It you poured "em in- to the Empire State Bldg. and c.JC>Nd off tboae two toon\I on the :11th '/}qotr. ~c.;>"l!ol• ...,-.-..: ...,,&.. to the-~ ~' , left over to fU1 a few cana. ' .. . ' WE'RE STU.L GOING STRONG Before the Big Net Bo)'1 begin yackinif that they're being accURd of 90melhlng. tl'a wwe to polnt o6t that a Jot of t..hoee flab go into cana for folk.I to eat. · Btrr. during •tx month• of t his Jaat yea-r. lhe tiny flab were made Into 42.900 ton.a of meal. Flah meal. Tb.al'• used for ferttliHr. And, in the meantime, the aoorta fl.a.hill$ lndw:try I• havtng a.n awful time aupplying -bait to its cuato-- mer• becauae of a b&Jt shorlare. 8&rdlniea are uaed fpr bail, and t.be •portam"n can't find 'em be· cauae the Big Net Boy1 are wiping 'em out. And 80 one organised big bual- neaa, the commercial • boys. ~· right aflead dong Its beat to wli)e out another tndua:try, the •port.a 1ttle of It. And they're going to w1tt every flgbt; whelber lt 's for fl.sh ferUltzer or tt.a.h oil, beoaUR they're well-orga.nlzed and Mlb b&cka with the Slate Dtviakm of Ttah'n Game. So it'• ~ing to lc~p rlgt\t on 'happening unUl there aren't any more .ardlnee left, and one of our local bigg"et bustne-.e1 goe1 on the rock.I. Wait and ~! JU8T ONE, , MOU WOl\D Inckienl&lly, •anyone int"retted with ocean angling 'know1 that yellowta.11 have been vittu&Uy non- existent for the lut few yt!ar8. Not enough caught to flit a good· •tsed aa.c k . . And. ln Januai-y. the Big Net- ten landed. tn catlfornla porta. 17,00(l pounds ot yeUowt&i.L See what's happening to our local lnduat.ry ! OH Drilling Law " . . ... . ~ CHAJllBU OF OOMMJ!R<Jll smr OFl'ICll: .... ·-,_ .... .., ""' dtf ... o11 "'-' alpt No bl<b •·ere l'Mlelwd for the nnt ,..._.. OI u.e ww k ftldl mllll hr Wortc oa M1De 8111r1eptt Mt prtOr to puttlnc •t o• llhore. A wkki epft'ad of Wdt were nctlwd for the co9atrwtlOll ot • concrete ba.lk-. . head' and fctr plad.q the lhlp on Mo"" Twauitwel• ....._ ~ fotflU: Croft Ud Nnrlllfi StO.«I •ad Smltb..&lee Drrrtdl: 11~787.N. No Mcb w~ rerd\"ed for Ule t'1rd pbltiM •f ft.al carprntry work oo tile eblp. The S..Ond pbue bids an lo ... , ....... .., Oty r:a,-. Bert Webb. It ,... llldlcaled th&l a 1oea1 flrm wllJ• blct on t11ie fl"t p..._ ot lite worts • .... M II eettk. eo11t.-.ct necoUa&lou with lb omplo7-• · ' (l'reoo Photo) CREW RACE . NEGOTIATIONS COMPLETE ' • R! 1 D a!~~~ !~IYE ·TOTALS . 82?1'. O~ ·a Q ·4. DEADll~E ;· DATE E-;1;'~~-iE G~~,!!~ _TR!t. ! '!•!J·~ _ s~~lli~ Newport Harbor branch ot the obta.lned 110me MOOO on repraentattorla. that ~ had ·an ·•tftnd;" on area hOuaewivea will do w~ American Red Crou had been purchue of war eurplu. product. wu interrupted la~ I~ aa , raloed to date. Wiloon'• trial -on four chug.. 01,,,.....i Utett wu ..oon""l'iod ~.... to etock up t!ielr lardel'll be- Runa ooJd U.at U?.7llO had of Ulneu of his daughter. ' • \ . ·1 fore SllJl~y; April 1. Sun- 1-n collected with a remainder • Bupenor Tuel&"• Konn«b E. Mor-wu.on In ..,Ch 1nnJce _ Jld ho day ia the !lite" eet for strike of $2l&O to go to make the quota rt.on continued ~; trial to ne*t · 1 ~ . for lho Newport Harbor area. He Tuollday ,..hon wu-. aid his II-had to oond th• .. m<f•Y ·fr by ~rdinf to Retail ·~ I e r k s luued a nna1 pl.. for fund.I to year-<>kl .saupw wu tn grave "dlplomatlc pouch ' t; a )or Unum (~) ~I ~ who put 'lho "l""•Y rat.In&" campalp condition In a ~.,.pital: . Sharp" 1"'>" WU reJt-n .u are eznplo:Yed· In food m&r· over the top. A Jury of aoven women and II•• being F chuce ot d~ qr .,r-keta in orange 'Co"°ty The \oca1 fund drive I.II r\lbl men heard Oeorfe A. Karl of Loe plue mUltary craft at·a 'pl&Ce de-• . . ' up am.,,. tho 1..uloro In U.e per-Anr;•loo and l!:ffrett Ka1T of Bal-ocribod ao "Mayberry Slough" neor Compton, Long Beach, Whit· contap of quota aJr-dy filled. boa teoUfy lhot they turned over San Fran...CO. j tier and Lynwood. A ~preaentatlve trom Or an J e to Wtlaon amounta ranging from The money wu 4Jleged.ly to • £8tlma.tem <»; loCal macket °""8- County ~uartero umounced 11000 to 12000. on four occulono have been ...... tot Qi• ~ on lndll:ate Ill.al about 1700 of tbat the oounty~w1tle American. betWeen Sept. 30 and Nov. 1 ot l of aurplu.s marine equipment fOT a u.. rDar1r:et clerka lD .t.ble area Red Crooo fund drive avorqu f7 lut year. · boat jointly owned b}' Karl and wftt be att.ct.id by thlo otrilto per cent of the guota. to dat... All payment. were caah ..00 Karr. L j date. ·. " , However. thl• report dot.a not In-. . : 1 I .Ac6,1'diDI to . o· 1 c k Richard, ~~:.·. N::::~:,~ MEDICAL TESTIMONY TR Bf .·. ~:~e.~~~-dl~uE that the local clapU.r or the Red • , . "j . , l\IQhud'• t.14<> -et. SafOWlY' = i::~:r.:.~ ~ =~ian't MESA MOTffER~S DEFEN$E · .. • ' :'dou~w~~ 'Mn. Loul• Zamloch. aecrelary of 1 wiU"' be t.akeit when the u n t o ·n the Red Croaa. and Mrs. Irt~ • · -1 'I ·contract esptrm on A.prll t Hisble. 1eeretary to the.. tund Defen.&e of Mre. Cordelia Green. 23, of Coeta Meaa •• •t:cuaed of ... Rtchud aajil; that lt t.be ~; drive chatrman. tat.any beatln&' her 8-montha.-old daughte r Pat~cl.a Ann. ~ill reat al-were UctJoaett by the LabOr PTe•ldll\g over the luncheon most entirely on medical testJmonx._ it wu dlscloaed Wedn~y. • Counc;ll of ~ ·eounty i& my.- WM C'halrman Harry A•hton who PubUc I>e!ender l'\ick Meyer, ap-terd&Uc boycott by t.eatn.ten and received prosreae report• from pointed to defend the young-. 0 . L; ouw.r ~ eoukl cloee the 1oeal Arra.ngementa have been com-of Commerce to help defray ex-bot' • Ta.tt\t Ctub without such the head.a of acuvtty committee• mother accuaed of etrlkj.n.g Ule S500 ST EN et.ore& He tladJCated that 82 per pleted for th~ flrat annual New-penaea. ldentifkaUon except club mem-Mra. U,yd Lovelaltd awarded chjld becauae ahe cried, cot a $200 cent qt all 'f'ood ouUets would be Shella wlU be.,.Jtlcked up Thun-bera. The NPwport Harbot' Yacht cert.Jnca.fea to membera who h&.d alloce.tlon from tne'board ot 1Uper~ 1 1, affected. port Harbot' C1'ei:w R.acea which are day al t,he UnJv-et'9fty ot CaJlfornla Club le tbe hoat club for thfl event. completed the R.ed Crou .x:lal vt.eoftl Tueaday attetnoon for hlr-: A Stanford university student, I Pld<et u... acheduled to take tbe water of the Loe Angele. campus boat hoUM by A.II boat.a wtll ~ barred ,(rom the welfare oouree. Receiving dlplo-in&' medl~ expert.a to examine Ml• Ma.rgot Fial\ of 'fampa,. Fla., There wem two other alter· ~ North Lldo Channel beginning at the Balboa Tran.atu, who haw do-c.banneJ and none will be permit~ mu were Mra. Chad Twicbell, Mra. Green and the .clrcumatance11 reported the theft o~ over:: $500 naUves accordlnc to Richard. 2 p. m. April 14. Permluk>n ot the nated their faciUUa tor t.1'e com-to tOllow the racing aheU. euept Kn. fUch&rd ~e.r, Mra. Aua-surrounding the cue, wtt.h par-worth of jewelry and' four~ other One. ~ wUdcat atrlke, would be Ctty Council wu obt.alnrd Mon-munlty ewnt. the J,uthori&ed commlttei:e boa.ta tln 8tu.rtevant and Mn. Mary ticbl&r e.mph&lla on the child, who gtr\8 IOlll leuer amount Jut night dlerup\lfe bUt W'OU)d probably .not day ntght for uae of all municipal Spectaton ot ~ Newport Har-which w1U ny t.tre oalclal nq. Roberta. Other• who were ech-died. Feb. 9 foUowing an operation whe11 an urt&dentifted tet era.shed eloee 'tbe IQ&rlleta. Another &1- facllJUea: and the Coe.at Guard hu bor area wut baV't a ~ to be-Many aoctal ptherlnga have edu\ed lo receive certlftcatea of at Orange County bo.plta.L a party at 1~10. Ea.st ea.n•boule-terne.Uve mlpt be the establish· approved restrlct.lng the uae of the come thoroughly r.cquralnted wtth been plo\nfted both at' the Newport completion of the eoclal weJ.fa.re Meyer, ln &lklqg for the moqey, var:d. , , . meot ot a picket Une ouUide the cha.nnel from noon untU <t P· m. abell raCQ ""d crcwe • the ~rew• Harbor Yacht club a.Ad at &be Bal-count. but .,,ho '"" not pre11ent, t:lalmed that. medical teeUroony Fl'om one to two hu.+dred resta markita. Thia ~uld probably be All 1port flohlng landing• will are UIJ"CUd to·-pl'SC!Uce In the boa lky dub. H~ of U..O an: 1'no 1-ler Joou ond Kn. wu vital to Mn. dr-eon'o detonao. wore p.-.t., oald J"'I" T\"11'e80n· an atl..mpt to lalluenoe tho public ~~~::!th~"':°" ~N: .. ru.y;.~1~-~·ii'~°"'iiii"i""'~lll~~-~~·~·;·:·~n;•"";'i"'"~'~-··'"ii-jwui~~-;.at~-;;! .. ?: ... ~-::;:::;.: Klllott.:;::;.~~ .... .;;~~----l~'lb~•~-.,.1., tJiat the ""'Id ...-. .... Jltaatonl ,otu.,.i. -,"'" to~~---·-~. 'Iii':° . · . -· • ~ "" ciay "'"'""'•· • OaUt....i& .... ~doe Mewi>ort "-<-BALBOA BLVD.· en "" · h-.,.S: Mra. a.....,,; told, room wu«ln~ 0-. .;,':"iJ:il'i" ''~:.!;•z•:,, Complete coopontton of Oftf)'-All boalo operaUat tn the chall· bor Ya<l:t club. H .. dqujluten of ortlcera ~ ~od her for mur· room ans! trom lt}lve pu...., ~ pre-]JOld m.J';:i care plan which one In the community and South-nel bave bff.nl Nc&a.M to reduc:e U. ~ C .• IU;'e at Ken NU.. Vtlla der that tl!e c:b1Jd bad f&lJen from .t+ka. Mlal nab• ~ cont.aln· would eo.t the employera about em California hu been obtained speed and Cfvt ~ -.u. • wtdt kt.rt.D.a.. and the quart.en of U . C. a couch. ~ , 1 f!4 a diamond and pta;ttnum wrtst 12 a week. The market opera. with t.he Tanner Motor Llvery or berth. lhua cll.mtnatlq any poe-. L. A. will be in private ~mt:•. WORK RESUMED SUpertor Jud(e Kenneth E . Mor· iWatcb valued •t S300 i0r m~re, ran ton art. otferlnc wa.,e lncreuee Loa Angele• providing mo lo r siblUty o< the w,Jc:e ~ pcrN'ef An . t.Mtructkm meeting for the rU.On i• eipect.ed to arr.Y,cn Mre. amet.byat and dlam~t;t plattn-and medJcal benefit.a that wouJ• bu.Mell to meet lncorn.lna plane craft swampin1 Ule ahella. aklppera ot the ~mmitte. boat.I a~ thla P't'lday, and eet tbe date um ring valued at 1 , St~ in total f' wee.kb" load• ot crewmen. Oft\ctal badse. wtU fie laau~ to will be held IQll\eUme durlnl' t.he Orange couotyi road crew• re-ror her trial. ... .caah;P&rker "51" pent check book uttlllt Pioeiw The Balboa Bay club; wtU 11ell dul)t recognlaed awmbe.rw of th• week prior to the race accordm. to turned to the jOb of flniahb\g the and klf'ntttlcatlon ca.rdt.. . Boj.h . the Federal and State gue8t ticket.a tor ~~y of tu r.ep.tta commtttM and ll1J of the tl&Y Langen.helm of the Chamber tmprovemmt of three b\OJkB or Oocldell~ Otee Qlub Ma:reb SO, Ml.I. Tenneeon lo.~ a 'Nick.er offtoell !of medJ&tion f..bd council 1000 tCet choice bay frontage with honored pe.11..1, no ont wtU be per-Of Commerce wbo la commodorlng Balboa Blvd., thll week. The (Friday), I p. 111 .. m 1h iCbo;oL puree cont&tntng l~l Jn c&ah and have .been attempt.tn,c tQi, eetUe tm proceedl to go to the Ciwnbe mttted to enter U'9 Newport ~r-the evenL work had .bf!en delayed for mont.M ~lber girl.I 10l!lt minor pounta. No the dt.9pUte but little procrea baa: ---'----------------became Nei:wport'a _Ctty Attom~y OIVS NOW? -~ t.aler;it wu o~rved pres-been made. 'Jloth the umon lead· --.. .... lll:terOoliio,<ieloi """" -la ._._tbeno Callfonla .,... wblell will -...... Newport 11..ct: .. ....,., 1'-oiue.. wtlll Ille Jaalo .. ..,.,,1 ,... al s I'-m. l;allfonda, .-Conl ...r UllC ...,. Ille ·-putldpallag ......... MARINE DOCK· ·OPERATORS . ·ASK FOR .REFURING BAN ' ' Local DNflees Left Area Monday felled to transmit to the County TO TIU ago CR088 f"Jt said one borne tdWn youth. ei:. : ana t.bi market opera.tore Boe.rd ot &upervtaon ~ reaolu-t malntatned ttrm .tand9 and there ~iak~~!~~~~~ PLANS ' FOR THE ~O~G ~9SPJTAL ~f; :;;::;; . ~B~~::::'°: p':.n:'. ACCESS . ROAD NEAR CO_M_ P. ET(O_N :;:~1 .;:;.~ ;::~r:tt.ed ... t_ ed to the city council at their next .J 1 tti 1r tutunt .act.k:iR& will _,, de .,...,tin&" tor the fUflllOlllng ol pipe Highway 8\lP<rl!'tendonl Harold Plilno i:or ppenlft&" perio/.Avo. ~ ·acco.&"7 and tnatallatlon of dralno to per-Sp...,...or told tho ·-...i of ouper· at CoOta ii-lo , Hwy •. Ion&" 1 · < • _ mlt lho .-vtnl of lho laot three vloon Wec!A~ U..Ot plana ..... d-.. L••""·a· providing qM· .... ...,.. Grou" biocl!' to be lmpraved-Tiie City almoot completed for a •bort "lie-Mother 9'1tk~ ....,ti!• ~ fl'Ol!I C ~~ y.n, p ot Newport Beach wu tnronnod cou" "'"4 to Hoag M~r C<oota i.teioa. iitll! are In tlli "tallt · Jliiu .. :c-. M · i laot Mond•y lhot there wUI b< Prabytori&n boopltal •lte on th• • ..,... with. ne.-ouatlono under Sees 1Wiw'¥ O'I es avallahle to it ~gproxtmately SM.-bluff• o•orloo)[b!1 Vl'oot Newport, wo)' betwoon otate \•nd ederal ooo of •tate iJU tu f\lndo for where a• '1:000.0oo lnotltutlon wlll &g1'ncl"' which Would -~ cJ,. .W n1av1eo. pMoentod loc&1 i<>ed work during U.. next be bUllt. . to .. 11t In tlie lt•aiiclng r• lh1A u .a 1ntiiiauot1on to (lie In&ug- !1acal .,..,. Not alt rtrllte .;, way hav• boon ...,.ndary ~ Th.er<! wu •• -1· urar ·In~te Regatta to Bal-Blvd.· lo to be flniohod obl&ln~, be oold, but they are .,._ mate of Ito pro"")!le cjo.L be bold la.Newport Har-April out ot theoe fUnda and tho oo-]>OCt.ed ooori. The county ._., · ... c:onalderlnl: H . and win· lie ahown lonlpt. called cut -off -road -""tenaton of The · Job, ..Umated to coot 1... "In the ta11t .....,., uje opejllnr of 'i:hWilday .oveainC at I.be month- Slft atreet acrou the Pacific Elei:e-than $3,000, wUI C4ll for a 24-toot another eut.-Wf!9t ~te tnl Coeta 1,. meettns . of the CMona del trlc property between Newport wide paYement ot blacktop. It will M ... ; It would Uni< ffarl>or BIYd. Mar Civic A.-.tlOll at the and 8&lboa boUleva.rde and SOth link wtth Supertar Ave. near Pl&· With Pal~d Rd. 1 ,SL, OramJnir Bcbool" auditorium. (OoaUaoed oa Pap I) cenua Ave., be aafd. prOvidln&" another . II . Uak. ¥Ray Lab.pribelm. e • e c u t 1 " e i-rotuy or ,the Newport . Har, bor Cb&mber of OomJt>eroe. opon- -6t tile Crow Reptto. will ln-tl0d"'9 tho oiii>wta.-the film. Th• plc_tuN. wlllch wlll Ulclude eome ..at. or NtWjlort Harbor, Wm be to by Doll Grant or lluntlnr- Wllo wlll be ret<lree and ~ tor tho llqatt&. w~ ,...._t ot th• 4 s~ .a.d.J tlL&t &be .,.;~c, ~-wlll otart at a Will-~~ of nc.t NAPER 3JDM1t of ruJ ,.. ...,.pWteci far Ille ~ !»' ~ .,.. .. ~ &.--of ..__..__ ' . --.,. . ' -i' ·· ~~:r 11m1••• ' At -lfi2"'Q, alPt .,...... o m~.,. ·o1 lllo He•fOlt -=-~~ ~..!'·..:=. 't ... 7 ''Ii i.o.,~..-··i; 711• t'lb .... , .. -....... --'" .. U.llMJll!',-dioJ .... - prnlt' ,., .... """' C"!i IDt 'I 11 •kn ...-flit "" -• ...... ~_,. .......... _,.__...... ' tW;"!!':! . ·~'·­...... ,._. . ' . .,. •._dt .:. =· • • . . • \ • • .. · I . . 'j . - PA6E 2 ::_ ~A~T.'...1 1 -~URsoAY,MAR.29, J95i Rotm~Ui> of N. B. C~,­.l~a:i .. :@(f.:Pu ss-=.-a ~tt ::....-:-~ i.:iy""-~ut--_-...:......-~-..!:, •__:_, AX--,..,.,.........,_ :::,-cm Ule folluwbc mw• The CSftltol Week. , Pu"'efMd nvj TliiandlQ U: Me""4t 8•all. Qt''"' , ~ tha ~ s Indal ot U)lll' Oflloc' &Del prlntlbs Plant at mt ~'Blod.· ....... --2111 cttT ......... ;i.. --· .,. ....... L. ...... Eh . . mMO\s ~ Jluwln Tac.lie all-(--ClM i 7°ZJI) -.. --mattAlr hM u;. -at°'" ,..·-·at lllarll1d•to ......... , __ ..., . • Newport BN<:b, Ca!lfol'!da. -u.a Mt o1 -a. 1rit. colloct reata ham the Corona del Raapportlouwlt ot calllornla'• ' --• . · ' • · , -Mar state.hr!< beacls cozlcn'zlou eolip -..i ~ MW tlsit ' • V...!1 o.ute ..... lfcu I I& P 12 'rn As119allM • liMMd to WtllUun caJdwel~ Beulah capitol .,oWpt IUt-w..it ......... · ~ Natt ; p •lita~ •1rr elltt s olCOJnb. J. C. Clark and Rob\ euel'I pliotepnlrl ~ _ u..cme1 • I laloil ~ -Usoo ia_. ,.W • •• -,, i. ... ..., ... aomr .&.. t:o .accept a)'cllan&'e. In tomm aM ,!lie at&tt blldpt. · wonllhs Ot U.. documaat ..,..m' !!'he ........... tlOJo-t bu-calml-_--·-""-"-"Blji-..:N"Q.1Ji· ii-i5Ii.t.mt';,o;;a;ttrr~..,;;70rap;j;j·;•;;:t';--•_'7::...:-...:.' Inf ~ ~t .__ the natod-U -·· -Ila. SOClatlo efi. o. i;;.&;;~ own .,I .;.. Pl' 'ster ~ ~ ='(J~,!"'J:i~ .!: =:"u:ro1 • ~·~ ·~s i:: ftODR1' .,._ WU«MM{• \I w M ,..,. St&U Paft.· Tllo 'lllorc!Jn~ -. WVll l>J._ a ...--•••.-led ---"'-ALlllX.\NilGt~~-~;;;;~;;;;;;M"~.;;:~;;;·~·;·"";;;'; .. ;;;~';-w-"'~-v_aa...;••:.."'-::---_,..., ao li;.l u.i -k lmpro!• ~.~tr,_~. "':blbJ. , In--to llot flato ·ratlner. • -.._ Y 1v&M41m-now ••••. ' Dian to UMJ city at the exp1rauort ~blJ'llZ&ll 1lJilliu> -. Ban :NZWPOBT-BAIJIOA n SS .,.,_ ,, H;r of tile ... -t; • Feruando, UM -.UC floor bi oraqe <JoDq, ·'3-40 per 7""n ........... MllU.I· "1-lf.-AmnoullC04 tb&t WUllolD .p. leader, ·wbo Wepa~ tu"!""" __ , (Aloe =t. .. !lft~··-~ -Mealy -"°"'~od the _,__._A plalat to lleP. llDsainnoJ Collar D. --....i. ~ ' -._ _ M~•' t'o• • .!:-=~ .. M •• •~of __ N . T., cbalnn&n of the ..._ ....... ·-' .... -. ts•?IP -. ~ .-. -·--r ' --~-~ -·-·-fort •laUOno at eo,..,.., de! M'ar clal commJttee. ' ·. • . 11Wn-.:Jrby1he llate park com-Beck told Cdlar -t _,.. ot OUR NO~ FOB HEAVEN ml•Uon 1 • the propoood ,q-llaft.a 100 per . • • . Let tile Informal bid, for ' cent var1aUon IA papUlallon. He U there be any good con~ctors, road corurtructlon plylns Ne'fport Beacll with ~ urp1 Oollor to ...,d ·a ...-mil· that is, and If thei:e is any happy hunting ~und to w}llch few dn .. ~. to 11tatrord E1eetr1c ~te~ cautoml& at ..,.. to 1n-u- wch good one DUght o~ day go, we propot'e that one j,,:-~~o7"ib. .,!~ect a~· "i>,; A1M111b131n&a, IA.-. m. wa- more eminently qualified for preferential trea~ent .is Cox 1.U.·of • a •• ;:. -~' tero, Loo Anpl•. Vli:e P>&lrman Brothers Construction Company. triu:t· on .Buehard 81. ·<OU..r •Ide 01 I/lo Republf..., .Blate Central ; • • J>f ~ 'Sula Ana rt arict lni.Dd Commttt .... -u, ·~ ~w. coa-We, and the general public, we believe. have alwaya to v • ··'Yi w ~e: > lalntns; I/le nt&ppclrtlonment pro- felt that there existed 8ome diabolical plot and ccinnivance . R.o~~ io ~. ..=.ruoa::.;t:,: poaalo. · · between· public officials and contractors to let contracts', tho to~aUoa ot o -k coituni. b Wt/lotoro ..W be ..,.. "&ltlUed" · · slon leltuO from· Y • ...queot for .a _...1-1 call for bsds, and Just teu; the hell out of streets on the 1) 8 J 8 Iii< 1 ~ 1nv .. up11on.' · ' · busy day, week-end, weelt:;, month, 141d ' time to caute the ocJmo.ii~m ..:..4:~ ~Y • ::~ ··no., Mr. ~k liave oo U!U• ~test inconvenience to everyone. board ot "'!~rs ot the pro-~~c:ebeln i;t/11.i 1•~•• body. But, by some pure accidel)t the State of California ~k ~d beach rocreauon will oak onoU>!.~:•.:..:; awarded a bid to ithe Cox Brothers Cotnpan'y to resurface I) l'be park &ad «enaUon com-to tnv-uptoT" Wa~~ uked. the Coast Highway from the Sea Scout base to Coro11a ·"!1~1 .. re«>!"m•ndln& a'nlne mem· ~~ter unwlled hl•'.plan •I a d 1 M W k th · I · clud · h. bor park and recreation conunta-I 0 1 lbe 1Umlbl1' commlt-e ar. e now e1r p ana m ed teanng everyt mg ,.olqn. ti~• 01 whom are to be •P· tee Im elecUona and JUpportlon- up for Easter Week. . pplpti.d'by,lhe mayor &ad urging a =~o: whlcb.lle Ill·~ The But Cox Brothers crolised. them up. At considel'llble survey or· I/le recreaUoaal ~eed ot st 1 t'!.". •pp~ the plan at • · · · • ' · / the' et\)' and the prtNl-u t ormy ,_&Jinl' punctuated with ex~ to the company access. pdlnts were laid from th~ ~ Ci~sn•tl.a&' ~~.:.:,-0..,: ~rt•• o_t "d"C\e11;• "trickery': and newly paved portion .of the ...u-t1 highway to the oldel' ~-re, lfvalla,ble for d..,.lo»inent 'nllroacllnc" horn donlocrau. low portion. And, during ~ W!l<lk. the company con-.!>Y·tlle ~lulon. . . od i;::•~om:. plan wu adopt- fined their operations to the portion .between ~aide.Drive N~~~:-1.,:"~~ ~· tnr .Whll~ o.mocr!:' ;.:,"';.;~ and Corona del Mar where there exi8ts no· busmeBB. · ii. · • • r«:ftaUon cl>al"lW' of tlgbt on t1na1 p&d&l'e. Tllat ww We are sure that aomeone sHpped, certallily .the State 11\i~tlon urclnr • btoad•r ~m." ::m:ieek. bUted~ In in all its inefficient fury will' forever expllnl:' from the :;:,tmeiit • ~gnm ~ '!':.i;!:i ''They've got Y th;"~·~ record of eligible contracto!'8 tlie name of Cox BrOtheni; ~·,oineer· toai::.i with P.••b-er~ walled. but we and we hope you too will say a small prayer of Joma~ DO!" baadled by I/le pOuce 1 Y o.m1 oorau thqull:l>t t/lelr · ' . . . ' . · departmenL on Y hope or tJLe meaaure'• re- the.nksgivmg to thlS comp&lly which did not make all our Iv ·o!lt~r i.cUona the councu· vi.Son lay In I/lo '5U1ate. lives, and those of our visitors completely miserable. , A~ bY ,..,11· call -e a r;...,. And toup aleddlnr \ tor the ___ ·:..e · Iuttori ~«111111" taxes and penal-meuure WU torecaat there. Indl- ' Uia ap.ltll_t'·prcffe:rty owned by the c~ttve wu • J*ldlnc ruotuUon REAPPORTIONMENT · It's nice to have cake, but bow to divide it among the family can be a problem. The pr0blem is especially fou'h when each member of the family wants a piece larger c<ly ot 'Newport Beac~ • gned by ouch Rtpubllcan sl&l- ~ed &~check ("We have"no warta .. Harold Powen. Eagle- au't.hority to keep it," saJc.f -Les ville, 8J)eftker pro-tem . bbtll) tbf •too· trom EdZth Plctor That .... 1utson ~ed tor on N'ebion f<>r t\Jrthertnir the .acqut.I-•~n 111-1& apl1! ot the SO conpu· tlon ot Corona del Mu tflutf prop-atonal aiee.ts be~ the North and erty ·. . -&iuth ot the state. 9t'htr Senatoro California's congreasional 11cake1 ' of seven new seats 'ltde,Ncs :to the clty engineer were f'rff tn reniaflt~ their dll- is like that. Each legiliator in Sacramento J<nows juat lwtth the,_ aulborJu.Liqn to 09n. ple.;:;:,re with the. bUls. how those seats should be ''fairly'' apportioned B11t to unue.the, •l!ldy oc ·111~ cipai f¥:turoa'of·the Wo~era tban the others. · -te.·~t11rt-1ettH propoorJo -DIM<i: get two lawmakers to agree on what is fair iii eomething D:-:f.·bi.ir;._,.toty ot th•~.... Ot th• -...u n• *i\'·iridoaaJ else again. It might even be necessary, so it is said, to P<>rl. 1lina Irri&'ZUoa dlm1ct op-::•ta. ::" ~Co ~Use llouth, elect the seven new. con,,_men "at large" in 19:12. Thia provinr .U.. ctty; etan to 111~e on ~. the orth. Loo Aneei.. · . ~ .. --eJTltf'Pllc;Y connect ton to the water wo-Pt t.bne. ot Uae new. «a&a. will have to be done if agreement on reapportionment la T>Jabl of' tlie dlatrlct at 18th and o,....,. • half. and San ~lno bpt reached. Pl&e<trlla Ave. ...._ • h&lf. • As might be expected there isn't any more harmony aa ... to· John Ballot~ to~ con-~In the North Ban lllateo would ' ference wUh the harbOr muter .~ .. one .-:t. Alameda would cet on the reshuffling of the State ,Assembly districts which and I/le Gjlf!lth Co. a request trom two of lta own~ of Bbarlllg alao must be adjusted to provide reasonably equal repJ"es the NutrUJt.e -O>rp. lo moor zta one ol\lb oeou Wltln Contra Coaf.o. ta · H f all f · twin Diesel motor ahlp oc.!allla tn Btan7olau. would &hare one con-sen tion. ardest o or acme areas to .swallow ia the the tunftni butn. cneaman wtth Ban Joaquha, and loas of assembly seats even where there baa been, a sub-FIJed' a i•tt.er lr<>m Mrs. Jose-Solano and Cpntra Ooota would stantial population gain, as in the case of San Francisco. phtne 1'cClo8key ourrestlng t/I• be Joln<d In • new diatrtct. W II h ' h th h If C · · l""'"'""e of-llttckenl' lo N""J>O .t In I/le ..... mbly, San l'raliclaco e . ere s a appy oug t: e.li!orrua keeps on ---•c1e ' would -two -i.. Tb-wOUltl · · 'II h h h I -nu for a Cee at tr<>m grDWJllg we ave l e w o e mess to go through again (5() bonu to JI to permit p&i'klng In ro to Bon Mateo ud Ccnt?a Costa. • 10 years from now. m~tl!ted ,tonu· wlth(lut dropptns; Lo• Anreleo woulcl 1-one ... t Boultnen Arrested for Intoxication Two men were arrested for in-+.------------ toxicatloJ? Tu l'l s d afy aftunoon a(~ their boat had I run acround on UM; beach at. the foot of NtnUt s~. peUce 'Teported Wednet.day. Arre.t.d ' were Ca.rJ Peaf.ce, 52, of 129 24th St.. Ne'wport Beach and Kenneth L.. Russell 36, of Loa Arlcelea, who, poJl.ce said. T~ the boat &C"J"OUDd. A. third man, James Mcintyre, was at- tempttng to pull lh~ bow of the boat 'off the beach when '· police arrived, it was reported. When police we.nt. aboard tbe craft, they found Russell on tbe deck, unable to get up. Pace wu attempting to stand up and • retwsed to lee.ve the boat, ofncera Aid. Police, h0wever, aid the bO&t waa ln danger or~ break.inc up &lld forcibly removed both men to the police at.a.lion u a safety meuure. The Coa.st Guard WU aumtnon- ed and towed the boat b a ek through the surf, mooring' It near I/le Co&et iJUard dock. - later wu releaaect. &tter po1ttnc ball of $60. G.IVX 'NOW! TO THE ,IUlD CB088 • ,. . r • cotns 1n the meter. to Kem County. , ApJ!!'OvOd-tbe-J:.egton'o:IJi>urince Mony of t/le amoml>Jy '"'trlct of-their'neW dµbbouae for 126,0QP; boundariea would be llhltted wtth thetr old "Clultbouae .tor 12600 and .ome JJOMlbl;e tnn.uence on who the Boy Scout houae for UMQ WU retum.ed trom Pie dl.wtrfct.1. with U'le tf.lpUlatlori tbat the prem· lum be paid c:Httct to the carrier by the Amm.ca.n Lerton and that I/le cit;y be ,....,.ed boneQelary oJ I/le plJHcy. • • • • • . ., . ._ .. -., .. -,_AoM A611411'ilri ~-. --~ .. . .. ... ,.. ' ' -' • -•.1101 To..,,:;row la 1111 ''b!rtbd&J -11° •)liit. bo ,.. ,...... .... ,,,. Nl~T--~ WU ~ the --,..,. .. v.,., Plolcford -Jodi 8lnll1 "and Jad .. tn..__ be """II t.hlrtT·-io I -rn p aloaS with that.· HoWe-. ..., t"""" 1'11' -ine, J '"' "**' tlian~ tl>U and ...,.. of lllY - popular -trleDclll tell me I - older.t • . • -aboUt .. bit of •· ~ fOir 111Y· ..... eu Jot a( 534 Clout Hlway, . Newport e.,m, ~ -~~ to tbe Groyllowo!I liWI at•tlm We ban .at tbl8 ume sio;ooo.oo wortb of u.od can. au · · reooncUUontd 1nc our own bla " .... Od pi-teed tram "9.00 le $1"6.00. 'nl• -ot . - llftllablo at -tntereit -• Tbo Ford -.· _,, In· torma; me that tbet.r ctrcula~ I'' the' Ford ,Tlmeo . la now • · "'10-and a half· monthly In· •to¥ ot l&Q.000 f 'mentsone4 a couple of weeka aco. ~ 11 :vour friendly Fonr I>e&lor aaytng good • bye 'tlll nezt week. · ,· Driver . Hurt; Hit Pr0wJ Cc:r ~ PUOFfSSIONAL ~ •J OIRE[T OR Y r. DID?fnBTftT . 1716 Newport Blvd., Cort& Illa. °Medical Bide. Beacon STU llOll II:. BaJ Ave. B&ll>oa Harbor 327 -J WELDON W. SCBORO DENTillT t • . ll01 JJ:, Ultlli Street,• Voota -no...,,.,_ ... • CA ILi; W. 8TAJILSY .-... N1fa11 Putin ~ ... "" .. -·-· .... - • ' • • • • .' • ' { I . • · . • • • • • • • • . .. I ., ' ... BEACH PARTY OF WAR -·With a mlJtbty lleav ... bo 011 both ends of the rope, studenl3 from Soutbem Calitonda engaged in .a brisk tug of war at one of tlie beaches on B•lboa Island. It was all part of the 'Euttt Week enr- tJons of the yo11Dger se.t. • ' . · · S~'hklas a ~ ..-ocm.d t.t\e beach are from &en, .,;e rl""' Iulo W-i<.,L& CO•d•: Teal\" Mants, ll&lboa wltb Glelllt , 1!let'r7, Hollywood; Doll. St.ewari, Lon&' Beach.. Th~r're ~yeloc tbe .....,., -"""7 ,. n.J- s--i! -• • • ' .• • 1. ' • . . ~ ' • • . ' , -~·· ~. . • •• . ' -. .. " ~ . . . . .PAGE .. -.PAR~,•}-Tt'fu.1tso~v·.~~n·~~~· i~:~=~~= Gbtrt ·Camohao V~ws Paepeated , Flow• s.•·~· ··tt:<li=.---!~«M 9 ._.SS . --a ... "' \11\t:'_.,... -u.. "" .. , . ~ , · to Open DriV• . r~71.·4 ~r11m-=-· P ~ . . . ~ ~,;; ::~i:t: -~·· in .... First ·P~. uteriaftthurth. ·. . .. -foi ea~ .. Funds i I ' J 1 Glrlollf_BIP·-.c1u.,. • , c • . '\. ... Beeutlftal Ud llnpr m M _ --1' ·1i' -E.· -1\~ s~u···· R. ·~ ~ ·'lJN." .: ~-:::: ... ·i=.:~~;':! =:.?:"a.<!::i~u!..~!; :::~=·.:...~ .: ~' · : · · ·-· ~ ~ --.ua,-wb\ch of OOota "II-and Bob lll&upt,or Ibo c:it7 on.~ ,ao ~M • • .._ . . r -• • , un1t..i -........, °"7 cu...-. "'co.on..._. Mar , . • -t ot a.. 1to1 -lllad . • • • ·; : < · • .. • • ·~ daupl.oj> ot ~· and "Mn: Barol4 Dllr1ns ~· ~. tnta..;.i.Tom drive. Girl. ...... belilS ~ "1!. ~ ,, . 1 -• · ~· ..; ,. . , · • · • . ; ·• • Ill. ~ 110 • -~"" lfeP111111t1 _, Becauoe, Th-p 1ln. Doe MOCaUum., - •• \ · " ' ·'A .: · • . · :r:.~ 'r\1o.1 -:. • ---An& alld au..:ii To-U... -r..,.. and 'Th• 1.or'd'• Pro1er. with Wall# 8. 8~ of_...., DALBQ ' r'A~,.:O~~ ~,. ~ft"1-'-." T . · , .: :' • ' Ion Gilbert, -of Mro. Jolln-Vo· ~ (lhab a.,zptlolo • unit alld all Ol>werw, and ~ Iii COlfpLftl'Jliw.i =~ 11'0~ JN: • ,·. rel. 1na· Eut Bal-. ~-, Tho .,...t boolr, boll\ at u.e malllns bouqileta, .,.. ~ ·do-. .. AND , gUiV/'QU 0 , -. ·, • and R. C. GUbert of. Btllhnlff. eblll'dl wllere n:1 gu-were ,,...., by MorTI Kolbo, ~ nor, r , • ~.... -• • _ _. < • -Minn. • · . .,.__nt and at U>o . recoptlol\ ,In rot. I SPACIOUS LIVINGROOM, SUN PORCH VIEW I • coJttilORTABLE 'sECLUDED-- PATIO ' . Tbe -WU OllOOfloed by llot' Balboa 81,y Club, WU In dlup ratiiu. doWn .,., .We inarlied by or MDI Rita Rla-P. wtio wu ,_,.. tan eandlee ln deep vlokt and laV• eel hi yellow net over· Sold •tin. _,.,., with, m~tehlnl' •Un 'llows with 'rioleta at her wai.L op pe>f enda. Altar and .,,.tuary , Tiie ba7 window dln!Qpoom at .. : were. adorned with whtte cal.Lu. Balboa Ba)' c:Ub .. ~ 1etUns tor violet and lavonjlor lloel<, back· ~ reclept(on, 'fltii violet and l&v· ~ for the double rJ.nc cue-end~ .tock .c:lecoratlns the tire-, mony performed by Dr. 0 . Beolt place mantel, While white Pl"l<nl· ' ' ' vcr.ara..nc1. u were on t.he brld&I table wttb Fo....i Mite 8M1a Ila four Uored wedding cal<e. • AJllLlttng In rece.lvlng were Mn. Sharon wu loft.ly ln her fonn&l camal.IAn, her ~ume of· fray bridal f'6be. of wh\te ut.ln., ve'1 lace Md crepe and pink net ~t long ~ to ln.ln and with a doub!e adorned wltb pearl9 bt!tng 'comple- P,,tef Pan collar topping. the fitted meni.ct by her wA.t bouquet · of bodlee. A coronet of lace held the pink Baby roR•. Mra. Vopl ... veu which covered her face In navy blue wtth lavender. bat. flowed to tlnprUp length Ln wblte · acceuorlee aa& an orchid back. Her eaacade bOUquet com· cora.ce. blned ,tuter JWH, white luttpe, The young roUple are maktngo lUlet of U.e va\ltY and vio~U.. lhelr home In Tucabn and <or tra-• . Attendant.a wort P'rench pro'rin-ve~s the new Mn. Gilbert wore a clal 1bwrui of •Un and h~rt-ailt of gn.y and white check with allaped hata. Mlsl DoroU.y Bulk>ck a White orcl»d corN.ge. She at· ot Loi Angele9, maid ot honor, wu tended Santa Ana High 9Cb0ol and In deep .tolet and carrled an arm Sant& Ana col)ege. a.nd completed bouquet or yellow tullpa. Bridea· her flnt aeme.ter at UnJverstty maiclt. who wore amethyet e&ttn ~t Arbon.a. whf:re she i. a Oil a.nd ~ed 4Hp violet tuJtpa, were Onie.ca. Mr. Gilbert wu gnduat• Mn. R. B. Camoj>an. MJu Bobetu eel f<om Newport Harbor Union Buerk~ or BaJteraneld, MLu Rott\n Htgh eehool, Santa Ana coUece M•~ ot San Marlno and Ml81 and 1a In bl.I junior year at the Barbe.rt Pappu of Santa Ana. Vnlveraity Of Arisona, wbere be Dick Vol'el of Buen.ti Park gave I• a Pi Ka'.ppa Phi and l.B m•)or- beet man uelltance arul ulhen Int In electrical engineering. Joanne Hogan is _Bride in Rites at-St. Mary's Episcopal Church Lovely ( ""*-' informal rttos ift6--.----~---'----- lleeplng wlth Holy Week mark~ and the wedd!ng marc h wu rrom the marriage 'ot.MI• .Joanne Clay Lohengrin. Uocan,, daughter ot Mr. and-Mra. Mn. Hog&n. mother of t~e bride. wore electric blue crepe with John 8 . Hoea.n. 821 Poppy avenue, floral headband a.nd Mra. Walhey Corona del Mar and Lawrence wu in cherry red. BoUt wore cor· Leonard W•they, eon of Mr. an<.I 11&gea ot orchid• and Irle. 4 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS, LIVINGROOM. KITCHEN, 2 CAR GAR. PATIO Mra. T. Earle Wa.tbey of Santa Aner the ceremony a wedding Barbara. The ceremony wu per· supper for membera of the bridal formed al .even 9'clock on Tllurs.-party and relaUvea wu hekl at day. March 22 ln St. Mary'• Epl9-the horn~ ot the brtde'• parents~ copa1 chu~h, LagunR Beach, bf For lh.e hone ymoon at La Jolla the Rev. A. TennylOI\ Phillipi. tbe new Mra. Wathey wore a lime · $40,000 Furnished. Terms to Sult .. JOHN D .. BURNHAM, REALTOR • Joanne, who wu gl\•en tn keei>' drem with navy coat llUld accar lng by her rather, wore pale b:ue 110l1e1. She attended Principia chllfon wtlh accordion p\eated .cbool, wu at U1dveralty of Sout.h- 50 E. Balboa Bl d Bal"'--bodice &nd aklrt and a Mi .. I white em caltt'ornla tar three ye&r1 and -1 ~ · \' '' ~ · ·" · · '· · · cloche '#Ith veil.' Sh~ carried a wu .graduated tram ·Santa Bar· PHONES BARBOR_,, Ma AND 1901 -EV~G8 . tlT8-\V large whl~ orchkl and 1tephanotla bara '°llege wtth a. B. A. degree "\ t ~. -. llAPLI!: la the .. · Traclltfonal . " COLONUL - l.aguha ~WDlag and '~LE SHOP ==· ·=-::::;~ RUGS c~JNo S.. ......... MlecfiH e' ... peMI.,. .... Mt! c.f,.tl119 ......... •"' ~p ~.-.. .. ..,,._ ........ . BOUBZ & OABDEN tl9 Coaal 111"'"1• Newport SARAH \V. !\""E\VLL"'li JAME8 0. NEWLDi. JR.. HE.UN McDONALD mounted on a beartahaped back· In eoctology. She LI a member ot ::==~==;;:;=======;;:======~===~=::;==~==;::;====~;,ground of wlvet. M1aa Joan Vir· Kappa Alpha Theta eororlty. Mr. -__ gin!a Bachm&An, maid of honor, Walhey attended law achool at ~ p&M! yellow dotted 9\riu, San Fl'&nct.co and was a mid-year nora.1 beadbe.nd and carried yellow graduate at Santa Barbara. He ' .1 ' see th·e • ere nee ~ with a Hoffma~ l ! • ' , ' . • • I • JonquU• a.ftd am.all blue n~rs. WU presklent Ot hta frate:rnlty, Rodney Jr'ru.er Ritchie wu best Stsma Alpha Ept;llon, member of man and U1her1 were llto~rt Sloan C.1 club and of ,BIUc.. K ey, honor and Arnold F\lnal of Santa Bar· 110Clety. During the war be wu a be..ra.. paratrooper with the lltb A'r-\ Peach blouo~ 'l""eft beautiful borne dlvtaton In Japan . u decorative back&TOUJld tot the The young couple wl11 make R.rvtee. The brlde'a coualn. Kent their borne at 2~ Camelback Rd .. SutUe of San ·Otero aang At Phoenix, where Mr. Wathey ii Ill-. oa.,.,rung, and Ood Gave Me You. tenalnr the Amertcan lnatttute. of The organ pr-elude' lncluded Medi· P'orel&n Trade at Thunderbird talion from Tha.ia, Uebeatn.um Flekt. Cars Collide, Navy Man Injured Newport Beach po!lce l.uued o w&r1"&1:1t tor atte:al tn San Diego county of Joe George Le.mu, U . S. N .. wlio wu involved In a he•d-on coUla1on al 3:32 p. m . Monday at Cout Highway and the SlandanJ Statk>n, 17th alreeL Lemu Wat i-eported lo be driving on the wfonc aide of the Mt:bway. He wu t111oon.8Ciot.111 .rt.er the accident and had reeelved head lnjurlee, but waa believed not to have bttn ln· toxlcated. Injured IJ\ the other car weH drt"l'er and occupant.a. 1Valter Mc· Govern and David Mc.Millan of tht> U. 8 . 8. Porterfield, San Diego; and Rlcbar<I Adama, U. S. Naval boopltal. Ban Dl<iro. AU were tak· en by ambu.aoce to ,Et Toro. · Man Hypnotized, Stays Tha' Way · DEATH NOTICES C. D. STOUT c. D. Stout. 70, •ao:c..iar ·~ Long Beach, WU found ·dead tn hi.a f'09l1\ at the Optlmo apart- ment.. 23rd street, al :5 :4.0 p. m . on Monday. He had r ented the room on Saturday night, for a on1:1 day period and when nolhlnl more wu aeen of him, polJce were 'called. A•llL Coroner Burnham report· ed the man to have. dled 8Uft4ay night of a be&J:l~ aliment. He '" 11Urvtved. by a 900, Orville W . S~t, ·1972 Orange aWJtue, Long ,Beach. Baits chapel ol Oorona d•I Mar wU1 be 1(1 charge of rite:• to be held ai 2 'Jl. n\. Friday In Sunny. side maueoieum. t!J>NA IL CllZNEY Edna K. Cheney. 11; dted at 4 ~30 p. m. March 24 at th~ home· Of b.u daupter. Kn. Don Klrkpalrlck, 710 Marteold aTenue, Corona deJ Mar. 8be WU born in Pemwyl· . vanla and the rem.am. were 9ebt thtre for interment at\,er prtYate .. rvtceo. held Wodne9day In 841111 Oddeot o;c:efdent of th• week ebapel with th• !In· Tom Glblon wu ~ to po•lee at 12:40 a. offlclatll\tr. Mn. Che,,.1 had bun m. .., 1'lffdo,y by Barbano Unlhl· a ..-1 ~-tor two :yean and """" who ltated an Air 1l'ort. pan In eatifonu.. for o.1rty. wao unconael-Wldtt-.,,ypnoaio .:- and help wao needed. ·"--"I .JORN R. OOYJU.IN to Ottleora. stti. had be.,; JoldnS" Jobn R. Conklin. n. -Oran&'• 17 expmmotiU.tr with h,_u,m a-ue, Co1bo ·"'-.nett -· at a party a ""7 'or ao · b' In Bo!lla .._,.. Com.munlt1 .,.._ at-an Alvuado ~ Balboa pltal on Wld•-..,, & ta a""" an6 the A.Ir Foroo man Ilic-Uva or N-T-Od.te -.bad eu1111>ed. . Ufld bl 0oota M-IO< tlft :P--. • -No ---to IWn an.i wu a ridn:d ...uwa, i-taJ -'ot It, IMrt lie onntliall -m clerll. • , to -ovt trom wider u.. Ja. He.1.-~ 117 llill .v..· Ade.. n-and -u.. Com· of Ooota X-: ----Mn. feD Jilto 1M ...,_,,.,,_ .U lie of ~. N. T.: -.. ls'>-... 'fle1I: u.. -daJ:opla Cb&.w - --~ o.11! " . ----d ~n;.;iiJ--ton. IJN. 7 I'" -. ool(S ' . ..... -"to ........ -.L· I'-; -4. 'r, Bill,' MN. ..... -Ill'........ -•Cl!tpq• --~ ______ 1, •1m ... , al It • .., T«IL P ..t OI II I \ 4li,. 0."' ..... •.ic. -()lo --·I I-Ill ,,,...,1,-t .. -..-.. 1t a.-."' -a 10 w1111 • RcY.J an 1 ...,,., ... ;:=============:=::±:::::::::: I I -. ~ta a *= -•law at .... , r l •••......1•1111. ..... • m .uu•o-e• n 10 -•szzdtiC •J I .......,. -. ,__ ....... 11,.. Ill •cPI I I a Ill 11 d P II 3 ? .... ~..,.. ' .. • • .. ' • ' • •' • . ·Fixtures r . .. . ·LAMP P,en . REPAIRING l • PARTS ~ OLA88 > REPLll.OUO:N'l'8 " • . MacMHleft . - Lithffltt 'f.lxtfts . l'h..e 8-lo• 5619 R. ROBERTSON, M. D. A.J}.lloun cea the Opening of lier Office at • 1 Hl UPE:RIOR AVE.. COST A MESA (For;merly Newport Ave1) ENDOC~INOLOGY AND GYNA~OLOGY • OFFICE PlL BRACON 6308 RES. PH. HARBOR 306t·W • I s • . ·SUR.ED· INGS " • CWUINT ~ . ' :P,rAnnum " .. ,.. • • • • . I • ' . - " .. • .. ' • • . .-; • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • .•. • • • ' I ' • . ' • I ' • ... I • ' I • I • l • . I • •• . ' • • • • • • I • ' I • . . ,.,...,. pooplo bOlitata to ...... &b. ot!lm -~ window •1' •Member. N .. Yark Stock Leh. ....... n..y ult the....i .. , "Do t.i>oy talk to .. omall ........... ~ do ... t.vw to be ~r· w. ho .. aioDy pooplo - • ._.. .. lncolDN • ~ Actva-O, then"• om .tock ., popalu tbt' ovc • quartel' of a million people ba•• t .. oha1'o o< '"""b anotlior eompmy, 20 mbarw ia a typical. holdU.,,. Wily doa't .... otop in ud ,talk OTW J'OUl. ~t q\lllWione -.rith •-without oblflatiioa,;,, coune. We haw · -.ny facto, and much uperi- -which ii JO'U9 tor &ht W;iq Dl:AH W•• iliA•CO. ._..,.., N.,. 'ed: ._., b~ ... '-'cite•'*' btN ... t. ,.,. .... s.... 1.dle .... ...... , 1-t!MO a-ch ., .... """'-\.qllft9 4-1156 LI Jl 0 ;-, ... :'· ~J' LAST DAY LINDA DA&NELL <W&U'l;I' llOJ'D. ·"13 .. Uild" ' .. ---• r.apwiu. f "MOLLr' • hia., n.e.. o..u.. a-., s:ae RIJTll,JIOJIAN • RI01141U> TODD "UGHQtiN$· STRIKES :rwtc:F: -Piao-/ Tedutloolor "9UEIEC" OORINNI: QALVER:J IOBN llAIUIYJIOU:. .nL • Mesa.Jf\/ • • NOW 8HOWINO: "STEEL HELMET'' OINGER ROOER8 DORIS DAY "S"= Wam1~·· IV1iJj n~ ---Saa., Tueo. Coti&qi. SWL l:30 IRENE DU11."NE "THE MUD LARK" and BARBARA STANWYCK WALTER HUSTON ''THE FURIES" TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED and SERVICED TIDE TV 301 I Newport Blvd. Har. Z08 LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, M. D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF !US OFFICE AT . 17H SUPERIOR AVENUE, COSTA MESA F ormerly Newport Avf>.. PRACTICE LIMITED TO DI~EASES of Ute t:AR, NOSE and TIIROA'r and ALLERGY OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY By Appointment Ot-noe Phone Beacon MOS ' Residence Phone Harbor 1038 • .r.=============================~~ I ( THE .ARCHES CAFE and COCKT.nt: LOUNGE -• OPEN 10 .. m . Through 2 L m. • Newport Blvd. on Cout Hlchway NEWPORT WE ABE CLOSED ON THUR8DAY8 YPU'll ENJOY DINING OUT AT NORTON'S IAYSHORE . t1 RESTAURAMf . 1 COMPLET~ DINNERS, .... "Specialising ID Everythlas 'l'b&t'• Good" Phooe: Bel&con 5144 Huun: 10 a. m, to • p. 111. . Dlaner 15 lo I p. m. Clooed Wec!Deodayw 17th & Coast Highway • • . ' 10°/o Discount on Any P.urcMise Bring this ad to BAYSIDE FISH · MARKET ' SEA TROUT &nd ROOK COD-Whole llela. ......................... -11'. ' . PEOPLE WHO APPllECIATE Da.ICJOU8 FOOD aad PLEA!!A..'IT SU&BOUNDlNGS HOSTESS HOUSE Balboa laland"a Newell&: a.taurut" 1411 KarlDO &-ae em • ...-.. ....i -;,: -et-~ at w. cl\'""hls _, ~..--·~ • ' I ~ ' • • • • . ' . "( • < • .. i . ~ ., • " -f .... N~qlai .~ J~·-Graudan--· PA~ .• & ...... PAR , THUR_so~v.~_AR.2'.}~~~ Oxy 6'ee ·Clubs to, Sing ·Here " Wiim 70 Occldental coll•ce otu· -ta, meml>Wa ot· lhe M..,. and ...,_...., glee clubo of Ula collop '::Ome here Friday ~ttntna ln ·.a 'tend't concert-.•t Newport.. Har- bor Rl&b ocl>ool alldltorlum, tlley "UI • 1 entiUtatned· at 'a buU•t '.upper ln 'S t. Alld.rcw'1 , ~hurcb, 'SpOTI-'tOrtng or,ganlzat.lon. , . to Play ~ Mbnday EVening ... · : 1 ~ Pi.ls$:iE .. ~ ... ..,4 ' Zoanna Gfaudan}'""',.-,.-~~~--~~~~~~1 ~-;-~~~--~~-.-~-;-..._...,.~~~~~~~~~~~.;.... Kra. l!ldg"' R. HUI and Mn. ka'rt A.xtatu, dlnncr c,tullrmu. "'ill have .S.hrtance by th~ h011t comtnlltec, which w'11 a 'ao hetp ~e. They a rc Occidental alumnf a.nd include Mr. and Mra. Robert Campbell, Mr'. and ~Ire. Lawrence Brown. Mr. and Atra. Vincent J or- 1"enaeD 8.nd Mr. a.nu A-1.f'3. Ralph Deaver. • •· • : The glee club• "(ill be dir«lffi by Olaf P"r<>d&ham, t each('r of voice at the co·1cg'_e and dlr<'clor or· the a cap pell& chotr. So1ol~t will be Crace-Lynne Marlin, who bat · •PJ>f'•~ on numt-roua club 1nd radio programs tLnd who waa reatur~ In the Bach Chri11tmu Oratorio and Plernc's Childrf'n"s Oratorio in addition lo the OuUtl WWlam L. H~aw, owner or a •lOM at 1998 Newport BIVd .. told sheriff's officers that a 128:5 le.._ .')pera producti.on of Han.OJCJ and vtaion tiet waa etolen'early Sunday. Gretel. An aecompllsh cd organl18t A MO bicycle, with which the Uld pianist. ahc has appcan-d 1 n I burgl&r probably atl.entpt.ed to ride :h e Bchymt'r Artist ffr1e3 and n: off w ith thr teleYt.lon under h1a various roncert.s. arm. wu &l8o taken. But the "TOMAHAWK" blcycJe later wu !OW'ld at Church and Fullerton Street.a. ~Ulllt7 ton<>ert artlotl, -l!:Ub --Ulq -=-u.o wW a_.-~ '"''April f at tbe Unit~ Btat8 """" the AtJ&n!Se lllp ocllool auditorium; compriM to the .PM:lnc and tram ~ lo ' a . lmlque. -.-t ._..ble. Ha•: tbe Gui! "ef Mexico to f111f111, ~ i., ---nputatlON1 man7 u eo mgagemenU. llue6 u eolcUta. Joanna u a plantat orpntsattou u ' th• -mtsebedl pc1 mllolal to a .. 111.t, the arttoto Coo'·ld1• FOU11datlon a(t11e~ eoftlbllled their talt-nta to become of ...,_·in Waahlnjllon"and Ille •ut -..,._. duo.• • New Friends ·Of Kuoic at ToWn .ilt11ou1h tliey ...,.. born In tbe ~ In New York baw -llollO -town In Rl&IOla. they met to the GradlW1L Everyw~ 1baJ ffw Ibo tint Um• only whm tbey are -~ w!U.. U.. ..,,. •· both fttllrnod to their n&tl{e town tbWI'"""'· The pt'o9. repeatedbo to apenct t.Mtr vac&UOft.11 th.it .um-describes their pertormanoea u mer. Durtns the following ..uon. "tbrilllng.'' "tne11ant1n1:· "wpert>" th~ ~ -f1villg conc@rt.a too.. 1'dellgbttul" and ''brea.th-t•klt.c." . se-ther and before lonr the two Local membiitn ot t1'e Commu- JOWll'" artlota were 1J1....ried. nJty Concert Auoclatlon lll&j 11\oet lb 1138 they· came to America the Oraadana at an atter~ octy t.o ,leeve It.I ahora after a aippcr in Balboa Bay club. for ' abort vi.At for a tour of the Dutch which resrrvatlora ebould be ttJe.. '1 Ea.et lndJ~and • 'round-the-world phoned to the presk!rnt. Mrc J. , trtp. Upon tm:lr retum to thls Leslie SteffeMen. Harbor U1t-J; I country,· the Qraud&n1 continued Mn. J . A. Beek, Harbor 12-W appeartnl' toplher u a cello-pl-Or M~. Lawrence Brown, Beacon ano teun with pwlng cucce•. M()().W. ' Their recltale in Town Hall, New ------ Tork; haW brought forth loud DANA POINT NAMED pralM from the metroplllt.a.n presa. Dana· Point, located ln Orange Tbe cT'ltlc• ca.IJed their per-Co., ls reported by the NaUon.a.I formance11 "exclUng,'" "abaortJing Aul.omobile Club to bOve been I from •tart to flnlah.'" Their con· named after RJchard Henry Du& · cert. were te nned "the most aat-whb described lhla location bi ht.I ldllns of the 1J.euon" and "an book, 'Two Ye.an Before The event of at.erlinl' muaiCal worth." Ma.st." ln Technkolor wllh .CLASSIFIED ~~i~~~~~ f)Jrnlahiqp 'for ~uti.hturer a:nd i;e.tafier ot_ tfne ~tom ~e tumlture. flooj' coverlnga. drape.a, wall paper,! etc. Must Van Ref1ln &: Yvonne De ('t1r:1u 1 Al»o "OPERATION DISASTER" CO~tlNG S l 'SDt\V, Al•R. I Rt "llT 1...ANCASTElt ROBT. \\'AlJ\t;lt The Mighty Midget In Advertising • ' ' ,NEWS-TIMES -E-very Tuesday Standard Station, Inc. NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays Has a few openings NEWPORT·BA1tBOA 'PRESS -Thursdays /FOR MEN . , Ne"'port Bay Poet ::la!wlfled Ad• ma.t na11 I• tbr Tueeday , \~t> took'ng-tor pennanent Ne"':dNn:;,;;=:; -=~~~ employment with excellent op-- have car. · • House & G4rden 611 Cout Hlway, Newport Beach ~ . ! 98c99 ""4"-1..E. MlllCEL~US ' ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR: - Small, good condition. $35. f21 Poppy, Co rona del Mar. ~ ELECTROLUX REFRIGERA'i'6R 6 cu. ft., 2 yrs. old, in exoeUut condition. Rea&0nablt>. 327 .Al- varado PL, Ba'boa.. Har. ltT. 99p2 A Classified Ad ls the might, · midget ln Advcrttatng Sl-HOtTSEllOLD {JQODS 'VENGENCE VALLEY' . All Ci.utned ad.I mmt be p&ld tor c..11 ln advance of pubUcatlon. portunity for advancement. 21 4 Unes 1 P&pei' S .iS to '4 0 preferred. Paid while training. Approx. 1270 month Sewing M11-dhines New Singer• portable •.. $89.50 up Buy Your TV NOW! New Blnl(er" console .~.$H2.50 UI\ Se These' LOW Prices -Pin»- FUN Witt> , "ZING" DON'T MISS OU• P•fSfHl SHOW 61•LS -61.LS - THE ·CIRCUS RQOM ONE OF AMERICA'S 0 U T S T A N·D I N G RESTAUfv\NTSI Food Eq>ert17 Pr.._..i -ONdoaalJ 8ernd, ID OU.. "... Dlalq 11""'!' here ledeor hrtim1 l!ftis:l Door. • 4 Llnes % Papers 1.00 to slar t. Liberal laundry allow-As low aa 123.lD· dbwn e 4 Lines ll Papeno 2.00 a1iccs. High school · minlmum dcsi rt'd. See Supt. al the and $5.21 per Monti\,. · WE REPAlR ALL1MAKES SEWING MACIUNES • All ma.kea cleaned ...... i ........... .$4.50 S.i\.VE $80 Tht" publishers will not be reaponslble tor mnre than onf' lnc-nrr .. .-1 Insertion of an advertMement, reserve the. rlCfll to correctly elasalfy any and all ads and to reject •ny advertlaement not conforming to rule! and regulaUona. Advertbementa and caneeUaUone will bf· accepted up to fl p.m. on the day precedlnc pubUcatlon. Ph. Har. 1616 STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia & Cout Highway Corona de.I Mar All Singers cleaned .. l ............ $3.50 Above includCa clean'1c. bearlng ' and tension adj~ment. NEW 114·· ADMIRAL TV -beau- tiful rTiahogany,. modern atrle cabinet w1th combination AM 4 FM radio and record player, w-.a $369 95 Phone Har. 1818, Mk for ... Ad Taker" or .eod ad and remltlan~ t o NEWPORT HAllBO& PUBLISHING 00. !Z 11 Bal~ Blvd... Newport a.ell, eallfontl&. ' 10-BUBINESS GuWE I H-Pal!ONALll COMJ'LICTBI eouo& Cl.&AlilNa [ Alcohollca Anonymoaa ..mce. l'llrnlt...... and ..... 1 9hampooed. · ,..._ -t•mst• Write P. 0 . Box 206 ll'bllv -----bl&lld. Calif.' Al--:-;-H & R Pi.-Klmllerl7 a-53es s ouse ug · Cleaning CQ. Patio Furniture BooC011 8111 ntfc p AINTED For Venetian Blinds, Shades and .Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Phone Beaeon 6451-W 92ci Free estimates Ph. Har 884 MUST VACATE APRIL 14th 514 -29th St. Newport Beaeh 83tfc SHARPENING All toola • Jawnmowera -pjnklng I aheaFrXiT saoi:: Bun 600 Coast Highway Newport Beach 92p6 Furniture Repairing Odds and Ends OF FURNITURE We are giving up our le-..e and mU8t clear en- tire •tock by Aprtl It.. You WW find ·unbellev- I Bctwc<"n 8 :30 and lZ every Friday · 97c3 WA N'r w on\an to do amaU fam.i.ly washing 1at h t't home) once a week.. Phont> Harbor 1618 ,or write Box W c/o Preu . EX.PERIENCEO ORµG and Coa- t metic clt>rk. Gunderson prug Start>. 117 Main St., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 515. 97c99 l ,-~-A7N-TF.-.D~S-A~L-E_S_G~IR-L~t-o-w~or-k 5 days a week , 7 hr•. In dress shop. PrevioU8 experience pre- ferred. Apply In per80n, 121 E . Bay Front, Balboa lsland. 1.7c99 ~1A N WAl"TED-Dlgnlfled poal- l1on open for man lo expl•in Baltz _ PRE-NEED plan to ln· terf'sted people. Leads furnlab- <'d. Car necessary. Ag~ no ba.:r· ricr. A pply to Mr. Hartwell. 10 a . m .. 2!115 Newport Blvd., New- J>O'l'l Beach. , 97c3 SALES LADY and A.ssta}8-llt Ap- parel Buyer. Write qualUic&- tlons, experience and reference¥. Write Box Fl. Thia paper. 98c99 GlRL WANTED to work in 8Uk i:;creen erlnUng plant. No eyerl· cnce required. 1-5 hour& "daily, & Pick-up a.nd DeliveJy FREE! • SINGE~ SEWING CENTER 300 W. 5th · tKI 2-39-15 Santa An~ •Reg. U .S. rat. Oft. by8gr. Mfg.Co. I 96<:H I ' FOR~UR~R WJ: ll'ILL BUT ANB ab4 . eom~:~J ... Tff , ref)l&tr and aervlce or Traller E4}ulpment. Be.rman JC. Samuel M. Porter ORANGE COAST TRAILER SJ]PPLY 1910 HARBOR ' :LVD. Coat.a Me.ea. Phone Bdacon Int-ft POOL TAB~. reg. J1ze. ball rt>· turn, cuea, rack. Re~nable, will trade on television Qt what have you. Ph. KI. 24 76f'71 .. 98p l WE HA VE FULCoiJoR. r,uLL- ERS New wuhabl wall hntsh. Aleo Jewel C8.k of lots. Free patntin&' ln•trucUo · and color pla.nner !olden. I BALBCA MARINE JID\V11:. CO. Buln Branch. Bayilde Drtve Your i"Ulle:r i::Jea.ier A Good Plac< Go ' Ch"'' bottom.1 renewed, cane 01 spllnt. Chair round&, bacU I.Pd rock•n repl'ced, ai,o re-!llulnr BARVJ:Y'S ~ REPAlR SHOP -able-BARGAINS! days w eek . 101\i Victoria. .Coat.a ace 2060 Banta An& A vo., c..ta lli-Mesa. 98pl LlKE Np'. ~tor dial control Beaccn 1133-J. 1Tc11H COSTA MESA EXPERIENC ED F 0 U NT A 1 N electric iron. '$:Ii nd ~neral GIRL-for night work ln Mah ·Electric Hdt Point waffle .iron, • Shop. 1872 Ni'Wpoz:t Boulna.rd. wtUa beat lndica t $& 705 Coata Mesa.. 91p88 Acacia., Con>nJ ~-de.I Mar.I 99ltc INTJ:IUGR' -lllXTllllJOR PAIN'rlNG .LICllN~ --~ Glenn Johnston 501 • a11t 81. Newpc;rt 8eacb HarWrm'!..J - WE RENT I ELl!lCTRIC paint op,..Y.n. floor Mftden, pollahen and JUdenbs.c equlpmenL Stroot. 1 Te-• Hardware, 1802 Newpo(t Bml. Coot.a M-. Plume Bea. llm. FURNITURE CO. 1660 ·Newport "Blvd. COBTA Ml!:SA BEACON &>83 ------------KeeulU come I rorn corwta111 Pratticei An ad recula.rly 1n lhl,. paper wtU produce rau!U tor .rno --~---------- NURSE MAID. 5 day1 a week. No housework. Uve out. .Apply at 214 • l3r<I St .. Newport Beach alter 5 :30 p. m. D1c09 DOUGLAS LONG BEACH 18 NOW HIRING TRAINEt:S ..,,.,.. . LOST -20 tnch whee.I:" red &Od ~, lvhlte tricycle from 15th and. With shop Experience 1 ocean front, Newport "Beach. PAPER HAN,GING · cau Henclrlcluoea. Har. 3:142-J. You Will -Be Pa.id . •and P.AJN11NG ' 9-While 'Y'ou ~ - Kenneth Quarry ~ --Bunch of ab<>Ut lo key11 .Asseuitbly · W i>rk 1~10 Santa Ana A-. Cool.a Ji-"" plllln key ring. t:'· Barbor Thia cxcepu<inal ·-rt.unit:! la •Pllone Beacon riliot • · 1._.~. 99c open· 1 to men w!tll Jenferal , -ncn , . mecbahlcal ., ollop experl<Dce. 1 __ ...,. _____ _,1 __ ~~---1 • ·e •u.uio" WAJlfT&D. Ace11 n to 40. ' PAINTIN. G Qua11t1ed . appllcant.o ~ i.e lllftd ~ LiVNI>RT or 1rab1Da only. and after 2 weelul tn.lnla& ~ ~ S~ CUrtatn& Holp with din. -1!... ra~ for proinoticie: " ' m .-It.. ·°""'i" -. Pld<.ap 1111!1 dell-.. Kia. WU-~ PLANT EllPLO~ -tar411 I . .... ... Cd Bt.r. i-. . INICl •. , OFFICE'· ' _ . REP,.4..n>JNl'>l . A ,-J'11plo do .... Ille p,_ --t.AKEWOOD. CARSON Au>. '-"\ ~""· , HoUra ....... --'"° p.m. P AINT.1NG ., .. • , u.r WAlld» .._,.t ~ a.~ RllAIONABLIL Luto.J.. or ..a . .. · OOUGLAS ~ }l'reo "fl"'.. .·M.it W&HNb GIRL l'QI\ ·a--ai .. . . &A VE '$50 on 8 cu. t. lltw-uled H~lP9lnt ~g ... ~ alao fireplace ,,_,.. b~k!ut 8el. colt .. • end t ... ~I for appt. daya.. Har. ' 21 •. <r, .... wttk enda, Bar. i\ 1-W.. 99c2 ---. -WE REP au makee ot machtnea lrouen ,. and vacu m c~a.nen. llTROOTS TeW Hanlwa,., 1182 N~ i!lvd 0oot¥ Meaa. ~-=-' 'i' ,Bllc99 . ~ ' . . .. ,, . .: . KVsT,VACATE APJIUL 14th • • -~I : Closing~· ~ ' . :All A . ·. P.P ... c •. • .. ' ( .. 'HAULING!. . . :,n:t.~•~ no:;.~ .:Afrcrut-Co.t Inc~ ~ 1'•~ ~ _ cNo ',~Long ]!each~ ,._~JM t=~:, • • A117 lt1ad. -la<r • ' • --imll.) , ' 91"8 • " ,..... ., ~~.!_~--~ Walller, lOI • ~:"-t.......!: · -'~--.,...-wr , • .,.., "'""""" ....... IM;J.a ~ wOlllAN ..;.w ..,..._... .~ --.. ........ ... Uio -• ~. • ...... EWQ* I ........ a • No lildll Mc& I 117. • r ~ "'!' ~ "11 , w ..,,. , ••vw,•r ..-.., .._. •n. .•n~ .. •il ~ ~~;·,.t ci\r ,. .. "'' JfrsS ..... ..... , 8i~'PW -. II• If, ... .....,,, - -llXP»O&MClil> JJ LA,._ ...._ An 1-N A I Aa •V· alt.,• 1sr·• JP' I ~ .... ~-~--....... -..... """ _...., MMi.-.... .... ......... ,. .. I . • . .....,_ -. •• • ' . - Now Only $289.95 12% •· TV Philco Consolette. Ex· pandt'd 91 sq. lnc!i picture, re- conditioned. $189.95 Blonde Con*>lc TV $179.95 101' table mcidel TV ... $94.:ifl 7" table model TV" ... $32.50 RCA CONSOLE 16" TV, like ncyt" wlth AM & FM radio, beauUfol mahogany cabinet with doom now only · $309.00 ~ --' "'),, tlSED WIRE . RECOR,D_ER< OQod value at -······ ......... ~:' ........ l.$90..:Kl Keep in touch wt"l.h u8 for ~ bLI )'1J in TV Bt:ls belng trade4 in -,_ • ElY TERMS . ARR<ANqED D.A!VIS-BROVIN Co. . ~885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 •attress Special ' Ne~.ra-Foam Latex cushioned ma tress anct box spring.I <tel'· l . Tl!IIS w;EEK -$79,M. • I (2 ael.JI on.ly) ENC~DER F eather l'9t mat- lre.31! or box spring. '39 .'1~. I ALSO Coldspot refrig .............. -..... $89.l!O Maple table • • chain; • --.. Mt.l!O ' . Magif Cht>f hlgh broiler ~e ................................. .$811.llQ Olson rug, 6x9 .............. .-.... Sit.DO _ 1 Englander M&t~ , ute.rnaUonal Refngef&tora baloilc' Stoves -lPl'eezera • IJ>ale's Furniture 1929 lf!arbor Blvd. ea.ta K-".lion~ Be~n 6107-W . .,.113 l'HR£E PC. MAHOOANY Bednll . ee~ two 9 x 12 Rip. pa.Ir Of iu.- . ho~y end tables, lam pa. mo Harbor Blvd., Ooota MOOL t'lctt Jack's Furniture ' . l60D W. BALBOA BLVD. BMwt.INli. II! -and · 1 llllp&lnl«I,. tunp.tve ._I Buy,' Sell ot Tr'Sde r PIMliie Harbor :zsoi;a . ' • ., • • • -~~-~.;:;::~~t.~~~~~O'!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;;:;:;;::p~~~ • l • ( • r I . • ' . ~ . t • ' • ! I • -~ART· T --THURSDAY, MAR". 2t, T95'f «=wuss~ 'MORI · CLASllflll> . ON PA .. RVI , .. a, eo•n, aurru:a •-llOtlll&llOLD ~1111 I· w . , • • • • i , . 1-::..r::,. ~.lT:;. ~ . 'l'\r CLE.AaANOE' . _, 11w. i-· pioo. Rld>ard· . t>.:.ll-...t...... -J'~t ~ ~ Bargain! ..._.~awl!t Drive., a. ~ •· -111c1 t·~~;~ ... W11 WANT TO Rl:NT a_ I W.. ~ h,,... ... ea.ta - Contact C: A. -at ABO Lumilor Co. Coot& .11-. - GelL ttpil on-1eta. art noor ~ Boat Owllsfa and Kecj•nb G-.APAll"nmHTS • llOtlDll 1 \bat have been caretauy -l'or Your l18ld m .OUr. 11tore and can· SNAP ON TOOLS Rot De .old· aa n-. 0.U JOHlj' !OVBLll · -P· n~ Mlnlnar, ~ -\Ibo (J>IO,.;;-M"x41', TV pie-ltarlior lOIT-R • ..a ot mOYle 19Cl't:lti • Mcl8h ftos: -·" . .NOW $171.M II· ft. IPORT CBUUISR, l>uoky RENTAL •' SPECIAl.ISTS can """'" er.it . Linwood Vick, JUtor. Balboa -Rat. tOU --~ 11" table mf<kl and oeqoln&'-Bleepo 4, plley. ... .-... NOW "'".II! Clu1a Craft. I cyl. Marine mol/)r. .SINGLE APT. lllrnlalled, uut 1"1- Sme.~ '12% .. dou.ote A real' buy at U&OO. S30 mo., yearly rate. ~ E. llic. 'Pft.'116 NOW $174.&0 ALSO srh:RAL OTHER BOATS I Bay, Balboo. Pll. Ht.ri>or TCS-W. . . cot.rs LIDO rovm LANDING Hett .... _ 11" TV, S4j>ffd phooo 3112 La!~tte NeWport Beach and J'lol: • A1'I radio ' 98c99 Itel'. '419.91l., NOW '399.ll& . · • MUST VACATE APRIL litla Notone 14" table model ltq. $1"9.96 NOW SllW.96 · Teletone ts·~ table model Jl.s. '2411.95 NOW $189.90 USED TV, SETS RCA 10'' coll.901e With 16" bubble WANT TO BUY u..d • C!irylller crown with s to l reduction rear or ! ! ,. Drop card to E. Wlllon c/o Richard's Yacht A.ncb., Balboa l.sland or ph; Harbor 369 &nd leave No. (betwee n 9-4.) 98pS wu s1n.oo N<;>W SH3.00 1 _a_•_MU_s_r_c_AL.~_llAD_·_r_o ___ _ Hall1c.ratter 10" table model W.. '125.00 NOW $9~.00 Used Radio-Phono. Kantola combination Wu $64.00 NOW $44.00 Phlleo record player and radio w.. $69.llO NOW $34.llO Philco ttcorder, rec<Wd player • FM-AM radio Wu $139.llO NOW $99.llO TIDE TV 3011 Newport BIVd., Ha_rbor 208 MOVED INTO SMALLER HSE, ao must dJ..poee ol the tollow- lng barga1rul : 4 pc. maple bed- TRADE your old pl.ano or ~d LnstTUmuit for lb f'Ull caah value on a Paekard Bell teleJ vtslon at SHAFER MUSIC Co. falnce 1907) 421 N. Sycomore. Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-0872. 83tfc COME lh and play the wonderf\Jl New lhmmand Chord Orpn. Even lf you don't know a note of music you can play beautttul music In ten minute.a. DANZ- SCHMUYI', Big Plano and Orpn Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana.. USED PIANOS from $69 up. Good playing condlUOn. DA NZ. I SCHMIDT. l520 N. Main, Banta Ana.-· 8th. rm. auite dbl. bed, lncluding. WANTED: $0 pl&noa. TTade in Seeley's mattreaa &-sprinp. your old piano on a Grand, Spin· $.M : Bamboo dlninC rm. •t. et or beautif'Ul television. High- Glau top table, 8 chain and eet ca.ah allowance. Tenna. cork top sideboard $~. Bamboo> DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO , For Your New Apt. You can find New &nd U a e d Furniture, AppU- ancea, Mattreuea, Table• and C'h&l.H, l.&mpe. etc .. etc.-all at unwtlevably ·,LOW PRICESI CLEARANCE SALE 'AT THE COSTA MESA FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA BEACON 111183 EL TORO MARINES New sm&U turniah.ed houae 1n C.O.ta Meea. Oll.Jy Ulree mUe• to the beach. i,.t hr. drive to U'le ,RENT~ JOHND.~ WT & Balboa Blvd,. Balboa Barbor 1807 •·ROOM hDUM. untunJMed .. .' on Newport 81"3., n-llul •tell>· lllO -Pl>. Beuon..0111-R. 4IMI Newport Blvd., Aboft .....,.__ • 9Tct9 BAY FRONT UNIT by -k, montl> or yeu Pee1Nable rata. ~ 2tl01 (Eve. Har. 2914-M !18tfc A 'l"I'RACTIV&. like-new. 5 rme, 2 .........._ unturnlahed. · Ftreplac<, dbl. ........ patio. Adult, no i>e:U. $90 mo. yurl)'. 111 Ir1• Aft., •Corona dfl M&r. AT. 1-4813. - CORON A Dmt. MAJ\ -uilfumt.h· eel 2 bdrm ha!>'•· nreplace, patio wltb ISJIQ. ku pr., S90 mo. ANDRESEN CO., 602 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. t9c2 SIO . ON Lll:ABE au .Feruleat, Corona de! Mu. !Ar .. Uvtng rm with ftreplact. 3 bedrooouo, cara1e. clean .. CaJJ. Hu. 0829.R. ll9c2 SH WJCIUC -Bpedal monthly r&lq, FURN. 2 BDRM.. APT., Jaundry room, tmced la play- rround for childrft, pl"al'e. UUL pd. BLUE TOP, 401 New- port Blvd., Newport Bch. la.bove A rcbe•) "99ttc PERMANJllflT RENTAL -lA'l'8 room, 2 double beda. Private en- traace.. Ideal for 2 men or 2 wome.n. G&race. BLUE TOP, 401 Now~ Blvd., Newport Bcb. t •bo~ ArcliM!91 98lfc bar and 2 matching 11tooll. red cor. 6th., ::,zo No. Main. Santa leather .eats $75. Gl&11 top An.a. bue. N o lnCT"e&ae ln rettt dW--1 ------------ coffee table $19.50; Can be ----------- seen mornlngs at 516 Larlulplll' LOVELY B.UNOALOW 11ize up- A~ ... Corona del Mar. 98cl right piano ln nne condition, $195. Terms. $20 down A: 58.00 MUST VACATE APRIL 14th ~ month at SHAFER MUSIC CO. (Strlce 1907) "21 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672 ~ 97tfc SPINET. Brand new but ~ a.tightly damaged ln ahtpment. A wonderful bargain. Save Sl"O tng summer teUOn. UUlltie.• in- cluded. S..'6 mo. Pbone Harbor 1807 1Evea. Har. 2278-W) 97c99 See Louise Apts, FIRST Doublea and Slnl'letl OVERLOOKING BAY 308 Carnation. Corona del Mar 8i<91H Clearance Sale NEW and USED FURNITURE ~ulne. Terma. Oan&·Sthmldt ------------ Bargain• for every room ln thl!! hOUBt!'. Everything priced to clear immedi- ately. Giving up our le8M' -en- tire rloor mu.Bt be-clear· ed by April 14. See Our Bargains jJ1 HoU11ehold Furnishings Before You Buy Anything! Santa Ana, 520 N . Main. corner 6th.. Over one hundred planoe. SPINET R epose .• Pay out balance, $286. Another ceposeeulon al . ~. cost new $61~. Juat 11kt> new. Tent'I!, Dana-Schmidt Big Piano Store, 520 N. Main, corn. 6th. Banta Ana. GRAND PIANOS -U11ed, Knabe Chicltering, Muon and lfa.mltn. Steinway, Everett, Bohmer, Wurllt&er, Starr K.Jmb&ll. Many others. From $390i up. Danz- Schmldt Big Piano Store, Santa Ana., 520 N. Main( come r 6th. LOVELY FURNISHED 3 ROOM Apt. Acoommodale• 3. Private patio. Util. pd. 170 mo. or by week. t40 HeUotrope, Corona de.I Mar after t p. m . Har. 89~RK. !lipl SMALL N1CELY FURN. APT. Private entrance and ya.rd. Au- tomatic heat. ~ mo. yttrly. Ulll. paid. 3M Broadway. Coote Me8&. t7c'9 ----------~·-CORON A Dli:L MAR, 120 llarl· gold. Two bdnn. u,t\lm. Fire- place, Patio. Garage. Yearly lea.at. Owner W. B. Falnftatber, :MOO Lambert Drive, P&Mclena, SY 2·!\6118. l'lp99 MUST VACATE APRIL ltth THAT HOUSE YOU RENT May Med "" axtn tb&.lr, taM•, ~ or throw" rug. LOOK OVER OUR REAL BARGAINS IN CLOSE-OUT FURNISHINGS! CLEARAN~E SALE Something toJ every room ln the house. COSTA MESA · FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA BEACON'M83 • • • • "ONLY" • • Wllt TRADE · FOR, M:l :BEST!· • ' , , •ff mmv. "~-.A aawt a1u.c11.,.>t:1<1no -alile -.. .it• flllloh. 1W lwdl0;1 Ila. fotJ. Utioa,...,do ~. otc. 'ftu. -8Pl!lCIAL1V ~'!Jl:I · I , , . $99? . ' . "a ll'OftD "0o1Ux'' lied. Jladlc?. "OrlJlnal" jialnt and UJ>- • I • ' > • ' . i • . ) i.. , ~-; One "' """ t;hou.aand ! ' .. . $365 .... ;.:, •• '4-1 DODOK "O..tom• rtuJd DrlYe Sed. wttb radio, tstr .. de, A.a \llUDU'bd Mee beauty-. ~. tnvHUnent Ano · er vely View· Home o~ OCEAN, SEACH and BREAKERS . 5·~ &lld 1~ 3~ INltha. A rare buy. . Wit-today. Eaq term. . at-:-' . IPR.I<~ T. KcCUJ.8TOllf .-41 PLY. "llpe<laJ Deluxe" 8ed. Radio ,. btr." Luatrouo black flnlah-the example f'HUlt of fine ca.re thru-out! Realtor $495 . MAR ~EAJ,.TY 00. Corona del JI~ Ph. Har. t7 'llO FORD V-8 "CU.torn" Tudor Sed. F\<Uy equlpt· with Ford &CCfll90·rtea. Low mileil-Uke new. You won't beUeve lb.at we wW let thla one ro for jWlt $1,695 . '41 STUDE. Sed. with .. OVER DRIVE," clfma.Ua:cr. ·~­ Sp&rkUnc Nt-w, 1st clua 2-tone ITffl) flni.Jlh-clea.n upholatery! One you'll be proud to own! P. S. $495- A FEW NEw 1950 DOOOES AT THE OLD PRICE! IT COSTS NCYl"HlNG ' TO INvEsTIGA TE• SHA:~ MOTORS .1936 Harbor Blvcl. Your Dodge-Plymouth Dir. Costa Mesa .. ' , NEW STUDEBAKER~ J¥MEDIATE DELIVERY Hun-y While They Laat JUST LOOK AT THE • A~l USED CARS 111 Cou Highway, Corona del Mar Cash, Trade or Terms ALSO Can Arrange Factory Delivery iD South Bend, Ind. JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer Certified u oed CArs lt41 Ford 8 Super df:lwce Z--door ..:tan. 0r11'. me.roon rtnlah. Very low mileace, radio, healt>r, etc. A real v&lu e. $945 Mr. t.rry Lewrinp car 1~7 STUDEBAKER . champion JW.pl de·uxe 6-paM coupe - ·"Thal popular Starll,ght model.•· Overdrive, radio,· heater, direc- tional signal.I. A wonderrul car tor only • $1295 b1r, F1eld!n« Th•YttS J rs. Car llH1 Studt'!. Comm., 5 pa.u, cpe. Orlg:I. nniah . O.t:1., radio, cUma- tl:Ur, etc. Mr. W&lter BurgoeM' car. $1,295 ' "i ton Stude pickup, almost new. ovef'dlrvf". cEmatlur, etc. Save $400. M.r . George Picker ing'• cer. SH6 NEWPORT BLVD. Nl':WPORT BEACH •1acroee ftom Udo Theatre) Phone l:farbor 610 / "YOU CAN BUY . . Th• 1114nd 1ght Here at Home . -. j ·oo Ford Tudor ................ $1845 BA YFRONTll • 'Ml Ford Tudor ................ 17~ ,. '<9 Chevrolet converUble 1733 Opportunity '48 Fqrd St.a.tlon Wapn 1160 t ·49 Ford Cu11t. TUdor .... lMli I '49 Ford Tudor ................ l~ Two atoi"J', 11.x bdn:'P houaie, with '49 Ford Custom Sedan 1585 I • ' '48 Chevrolet Sedan ........ 119~ playroom and ae~te hp.th owr ·47 )fercury Sedllf ........ 1184 the double garage IAtgt. lot 60 '47 Ford Sedan ............ 107~ '48 Mercury Club . . ...... 1085 ·47 Huda'on Sed&n 996 '46 Ford '(\)dor ..... .......... 895 · 4 2 Ford Seian . ... ......... MO '41 Ford Coupe ................ 525 '40 P ontiac Sedan 1 ....... 445 '31 Chevrolet Tudor ··-·-270 '39 Plymouth pecia.n ..... .. 19G '37 Wllly1 Coupe ............ 113 '37 Font Coupe . ... ..... . 1115 '37 Ford Coupe : ............. , . · W • Many ot lhe above 'can'"llave ·radloe, heat..e.n llftd moeNriYea. SEE US FOR THE BEST DE~L IN ORANGE COUNTY feet wide by 95 t t deep. There are m&a)' flee fiturel -to thM South B•>:ront ntlon. Superb view. . i For-deta.ila ot accommodations and price call Hub ~Jera: ' ...AT HARB ea . . ~ . J. A. BEEK FFICE aaiboa uland Ferrt 98cl Theodore Robins FISHER~N 1 YOUR FORD DEALER ''1'"" . 534. Coast Highway · Twc"ai:'1m~mt:=. ~ Beacon 6604 Newport Bea.cb location. Cloae _ fto l'liewport Hours: Week Days 8 :,tll & Pier~ Needs paiJit a.n aome Sunda.ya A: HoUdaya.. IO tJl 4 repairs. $57~ F u 11 price. lie '11500 Dowa. I 1940 MERCURY CLUB COUP!:. -' Excellent condition. New tires. Appr. $4 0 Ha.rbor 1260-R. ' 97c99 Down buya new 2 story duplex. Co -~ h --One wUt rented-&t per ·4g roRO n•... .......... ~ -whltewalla, 2QS Grand Canal. month. Otber. t , OWDer OC· Balboa la!~. '. 9GpUf C~. Hu 1381 .. tt,1,0cean · vtew. Feneed. _ A ----------~99c_ 01--lllll:AL· UTA'nlli WAll'ftlD good 'b~ at fll, .. . The Riv~ Alto $16,000 CANA!. WATERJ'RONT I I'd""· home over I car pra,ae. Pt.er and fioat and bulkhead. Ampt8 apace for additional bulldlna:. Good location. Real Va~ue. Bayfront Lot C2 % ft. ( cor. l. El Bayo tract. $18,000. Beautiful view. Excel- lent location. Lido Bldg. Sites 43' Via Oljon ................. $i,OOO 80' VI.a Orvietta .............. $7,000 100' Via Ravenna ..... -... $9.506 112' SurJc.h Circle ....... $10,MO Lido Bayf ront Lots 40' Lldo "1ord .............. $17,000 30' Lido .Soud, R-3 ........ $9,000 54.17' Lldo Soud .......... $34, 770 ' • B~lboa Coves Beau. S bdrm modern .. $22,000 3T ~ Waterfront lot ...... $:1 ,SOO ; 120' Waterfront lot ..... :$1 ,500 29'-Waterfront C6T' It.) '6,000 48' Wtrf,nt, (With alip1 $7,850 Harbor Investment Realtora Newport Blvd. at 30th St,.., 11. 1800 Peninsula Point COSTA MESA FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newport Blvd. LOVBLY USED SPINET PIANO, Jike new. Term1 $60 down and ~13 mo. at SHAFER MUSJC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca- moJ'e, Banta_ Ana. Klmberly LIDO ISLE llH8 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE-I ttll-~"-~:-~D!!~"~"'!:·:!"~K'.,.!BP~A~C&~---All e11:traa. Very clean_. white -aidewal't; Owner m1r1&t sell. Ph.. Listings : Wanted .. , Johli~ · .· . Ocea~s w·t C'.:HAllLES 1fntt~t~ rim1N \: Fumitute B!lki.ins OFFKRlNO my 8 pc. mahog-. Dun· can Phyfe dining rm. aet, Uke new. $300. (Lea than '4 Jtrice). ALSO S cu. n. N'orp retrtp:r· ator, " mo. old (coat $300-will sell tor S210. 12' x lS"'' blue a.U wool rue A: pad, both *60. 106 -Via Xanthe, Lido l•le. Harbor 2779-W . 97p99 a-80AT lllll'PLIES BALBOA MARINA Small Boat Mart USTINGS WANTED 2802 Cout Highway. Newport Bcb. ' Phone Harbor 0771" f!O<HH I . Chrysler Engines Used Crowns--..-Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft · 82!1 COAST -8IGHW AT NEWPORT BE.A.CH ' Pl!. BEACON 5111 MoOruNGS tMtfc P1euUre and Comnierclal LIDO' PENJNSULA YACHT ANCHORAGE J:!od ol 3;1ot llt. -Jiil NEWPORT B&ACH • - , ' I · l ~/t;.\ 1 l 'i/.1 • , :" 1 i 'lllifc RENT A PIANO. ~ per month AU.~ allow<d lr yot1 buy with· tn term1. DANZ-SCHMIOT Co., 520 N. Main, Santa. Ana. EL!X:TRJC ORGAN. Uke n~. :unou.. make. Save $200, term.a. l:lectrltl~ organ, Uled only Sl 7~ For ebu.rch or homa. Danz- Sclunld:.; 320 N . Ma.In. cor. Ith. Banta AA&. ' GOOD UPIUGHT PIANOS from $89! ~ u convenient u $3 month a~, SHAFER MUSIC CO. 18tnce IIOT ) t21 N. Syca- more. Sant& An.a. Klmberly 2·0612. 9'ttc MUST VACATE APRIL 14th A FEW RADIOS Priced to Clear! A.L.it odd.I and end8 ot -lllnll.olllnp tor every room in the hou.e. Gtvtq up our lea• en- tire atock of New and U&Od 'hrnlturo muot be eold by April lt. LOOK OVER OUR UNBEi.IEV ABLE BARGAINS BUT HURRY! .COSTA )fESA ' ·FURNITURE CO. . - 1660 Newport Blvd. • • • • 't~11~r;.;rr~J.t'9: ... AloO-. • ' P. A. ·PAI.MER JNCORl'ORATED 3333 Via Udo Bartlor 11100 Dtt< 06-llONEY TO LOAJll YEARLY 1 Olld I bedroom apt.a •• tu.miahed or un~ i..r,e l'enced yard. 414 Po'.-tUa, Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor llfi·M. tTcJ BALBOA -Yearly ttntal. l tadrm f\lmlNted apt. (except lin&n11). Phone HarboX 0331-W. 91p8 • ,) • ~~11~-~~ '49 ~HE~ i!ll!!!-VXE bon- vertlble-all ln perfect con· dlUorL ( 1 owner) Coln.I' Into aernce. Priced tor quick aale at $1~9ft ( $224 under celling) t16 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 98cl 1900 CHEVROLl!!T Dis. Cou!*- Save eaJei tu. prlYate ~Y - 5U • Ur:h SL, Ne\vport Beach, EVENINGS. 98pl • • "I : M: IJ ..... 11•1•r I ...... "1111' I • .. ~ w . : ~·· lll'!!l. •.'~ ~·~" YOUR ANNUITY • Balboa Realty Co. TOO &. ~ Bl"'1., JWboa Harbor JM 99ttc eer·tt 1a IN CORON~ DEL MAR : I J..,.. and den on 45 ft, lot. 1 ~ , •tap ehoWer. bwd. floors, ble pt., encloood )'.&ld. l&Dd· peel. A bo&Ullflll ~. lilLo)' .. r . , FitZmorris R~ty Co. Ill [eout Bl'ftl.; eonma·llel Ila!' -2152 . $1,000DOWN • I l , , -------:-1 • • " j " T .. ~ ... ! . . ' • .. " I , \ • ' \ I • I• • • -• • • . ~ -ill auWJ ~ • '-'!'AL Sift.AD ;. ~· ·'1.-x:: ~ , . • "'L WA!9 • • • J;3LANOHE A . GATES, ,Realtor L. s. JONES • • J. IUJl'nN • • Qmta *-' •• Beet·Town Oil Eutb • · ·-.311 .Marine Ave.~ Balboa· Jalancf . • Ph,. Bar. ,lm or 1872 .~ • ~Har. 74t"K ~Bea. Bou-~ Eva ; , • EutSide • . : BALBOA ISLAND . ·Cllarmlng IJl&Cloua '4 bdrm,, 4.\bath · fumlahed home , oil l.Jttte I.ipnd. Patio. dl>le. •!pr, Grollllda fenced and lndscp. Xlnt. buy $30,000. Submit dn. pymt. ' ' ·. \ Grand Canal, Llttle .Island. Charming 2 bedroom home, patio. Dbl gar., on 60' fro_ntage. Room . to • • buDd 3 more unlta. Owner aaya ·make 1 offer. Xnlt. terms. • We offer, )'.Ol!, one of the finett Bay Front hom•. on the ~ 60' frontage, pier, float and boat sllp. 5 bdm!, 4 baths, 4-car garage, ahowen and dreulng rms, patio, beautiful landscaped ground&. This ia priced right and ' terms may be had. B.t\ Y SHORES Two attractive homes in Bay Shores: One' 2 bdrm and den, one 3 bdrm. Priced at $14,!500 eac:b, un- furnished. BLANCHE A . GATES -REAL'rott Nial --· I lldtm home ......7 ...... ~ PRICI: RSt>Uao TO '5000. ' 3. Rentals .on an Acre • ~ ... roq111 · ...... 6 "" • --..... tai.. ..... I.be low prloe of '9(50, te.,..., • • ,Why Rent? 2 Bomn on one bis \ot. Price $9500-$1000 dn. • If. Real Deal ror a penDI\' lb&t wanta • plumb- IDf obop, cabinet ohoJ> or 111'1&11 ma.nutacturlng. Bulldlnc lflllfl 1 ~ acrff, plws 2 good bom• Price $15,000-l/a dwn . You Cannot Miss On This One ------------------.,,.----4 yn. okL 2 bdrm borne. Fi~ptac.a, • TREASURE HUNT Call at our office for final clues concerning these outstanding . properties ~ BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Bedroom with sun deck bayview ........ $13,500 • • 3 B. R. two etory ,sun deck oeean v:iew $21,600 2 Bedroom 'ocean Front ............................ $26,500 . . 4 Bedroom furnished, Ocean front ........ $40,000 CORONA DEL KAR • · 2 Bedroom, 200 ft. to bay beach ............ $14,750 JOHN D. :BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 0645 or 1607 Sarah W. Newlin-James C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen McDonald BACK BAY RANCH BEAUTJFUL ALL REDWOOD RANCH HOUSE with un..aUrpuaed view of 'bay. Separate euut-._ houae and oomplete caretaker"• quartara. Over O &eNll, fe&ced and crou-tenced. We consid~r this the tinest ranch ln. the back bay areL ' . SHOWb(.llY APPOINTMENT ONLY • EXCLUSIVE USTJNG . • STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 218 Manne Ave .. Balboa lalanCI. Harbor 20 CHOICE BUYS I NEWPORT HGTS. $8,950 EXCEPTIONALbY WELL BUILT .. one-bedrm~ one-year old home. Large, well landxaped lot. F ire-- place, &lJJ.ple 2-car ga:rag-e. plus many.many fine feature& IdeaJ tor couple. • • OLD, BUT what 1un to be had ID lhiB ~ bed.room ba.)'tront home. L&rge room. and porch. l&ftd1 beach, ex0lua11'e nel,ahborhOod. Would cona.lder smaller home ln thla a~a U part. See thla IOOQ .a baytront home• are •11.Lft.c fut. ALSO nice tUe kitchen. An QUlat&nd- tng deal for $4800. $1000 down G. N. WEIJ..S Rltr. • 1790 Newport Blvd. , Co8t& Mesa, Ph. Bea. 5181 "" . LIDO ISLE Lovely 3 , bdrm.. l '116. bath home. Dinlng, den, ftrepl&a.. Unit heat. t.rse corner view -wlndow1. J..o. cattd on comtt at.Feet to at.mt lot. bclUltve lj>Unf, $22,000, Lido Isle, $11,500 dn. f~ thll l>MutlfUI bids. •Ile. ,Comer of Strada Centto. Balallce $40 me>. Zx.clu.ai'ftl U..tlng. Lido Isle Bay Fr. Lot to tt. ~e, pJer prlvfl•ge .Top locatlonJ 131 ,:K>O. Exclustn Uat - IDf. Ocean Front Duplex Jl"'lne beach at your door. Only . $4,000 down. Balance like rent. JtxclualYe l11tiq. -' Bay Shores 'BM.ut..fu1 bay view -3 bdrm, 2 both borne on 1arre loL Deluxe retlnemeOta throu,hout. Fir@· place, unlt heat. Lota ol We. J'UU •lae c!lnlna room with bay view. A flrle value at f2$,000. I BBDR001'1, 2 batl> DUTCH COLONIAL, nacstone front . Unit beat, fil'9p1ace. vltw ot ocean and jetty from 2nd floor $21.-. OIUZNLEAF A ASSOC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2652 Newport Heights 2 bdrm. home in the but k>catlon... 3 yn. old ... hWd.. noon. dbl. gar. bond.a paid. $4 ,350 down. • $8,950 New 3 bdrm Home Newport Heights $12,650 RUFFU:D CURT AlNS at "1• . windowa -promclal papen on ~e wal1a -this could be On Broadwly ln Coa:ta Meaa made a 'dream bOUM.' 2 ~bed.. among other lovely hornet. Beet room.a, nice bath with at.all ahew-hwcL noon and excellellt nnlah YERY FINE VALUE! Two bed-er, good heat. diahwuber, dlao--wot-k throu-out. A beauUtuJ rooms. stall shower. dining rm.. poaa.1, Bendlx, ntce paUo. On home. IS.400 ~ Of'I F .H . .A.., double pra.a~, nicely la.ndsca.p-corner loL $15,000. ,1,7&<>. on 0 . I. ed, lneh·tlt1ck llaJ'dwood flooni, • $~' 500 Iota of cupboardi Patio and f2:;f.r~it.fjment Ud re&· . • , ~bequO: Don't pea. tl\la up. l'·j ; .I. ~tnta OD 11 ~i '! II 1 · . , L• ·phltY ' I ncnrood .,t· _.., '!li ' hts . ALSO tage one halt block lo -ter. ewpo1 ~ elg . · Corona ·del Mar .. o.uy .2 Y....,, o1<1. Ha. 2 bed· NEW s tlDRM e aa 2 blocka rooms and 2-ca.r p.rap buUt trom HJ echooL Hwd. noor•, Ocean . View for -atory "' R·J ...... flaptmle nreplac•, ....... plate MOST OUTSTANDING new S· Very nice bUy at $9,-. glua Wlndo•ll faclng p&Uo. bedroom. 14 bath · "luxury" ~ BED.ROOM •HOKE &Cl'Cflle atnet home. ~ot or maurl&la 1-d: from M7-. lloolb' lmottJ plM flaptono, hardwood, m&hol&lll' IDt.rior. Clood Onplaee. ...,.. panellDg', Solax ..... al"'!'lnuJn dedt with .iow, -l>le -. Batb h&a 1tall 1howe-r and tub. $12,000 . , ea.ah, fluah Ughta, silent lrW'ltch· all completely f.need. Very nee.L Beacon Hill Realty • • es, et~~ Thia I• QU"1..ITY at ·$11.~. an attractive price. · AI.So Bay & Beach Realty ftl Newport Blvd (Near Archea) Phone Beacon &Tlll-R -Ocean Front 1460 Balboa Blvd. ~· 12&1, 10-RX 0UPLEX,•e<1r11p1ete1y tur. • • 8eU at bar\a.ln or coa..Jder Joe. Room Rental Income Selected by Multiple l.JeUng or ' ! .. down """"ont. earry a.J.aace OD ~uy tum.a. 9. BEDROOM HOME.. cl-ID. AB Outstanding Buy . . Excellent tnoome possibnttles • . year 'Nllftil. Sturdily bUUt, on OF ·TFJE Wlilll!K , I. , comer two lota. No re.aaonable · offer re1\J-1 Hurl;. on this. Beau.tiful . , • , For appolDlm•nt to•..., M,Y of Bay and 'oeean view lot above ...., C&U Mr. Mottram -Newpo· · rt Heiahl:s Harbor 1500. 0 P.A. PAl,MER ~~~.!!~· lNCORl'ORA 'l'll:D A.lk.Al>out 1'1114 at ~ • • • 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach MULTIPLE Lm'l'ING JU.TR. • • 117ct9 • • - · _B_A_I:.B_· _O_A_IS__,,~.,.... A_N_P_ )oe says: . . . • -,-r sun Ba .. u.. '4196 Deal 0poa·· Byfrnt. Home. ~24,QOO · h , • • -'-- . 11eauutu1 •ldl. w--.. . HePe'a One. , • or......, or "'""r· ·, AD,.,.. -1o 11780 -.. • NELDA GIB$0N :.:.=..rs::=.- • REAL l!;l!ITA.,TJC ,._•••ta -~ -t blj 1 ·aoo Katine,,. .... -111 .. ~ •.,. -"·:oil. - -Ha.-Clllill 9! 7 1 P • IS... ..... --L ............ -I ·.----"'--too-.ma CAI.JJ 3 UNl'l'S-&12. . ........ • •• 2 ,. nv. ... motSU1 '---.......... , ..... ·~ .. IHUli.• t• ••1 •• 1• ll *> .... 6 •• L ............... " .-=:-:: :-:::~.~-. . • Balboa Realty Co . 70Q E, B&lboa 81"1..' Bal- B&rbor l&a 99tfc MUST VACATE APRIL 14th WHEN YOU BUY THAT HOME-• • TRY ' COSTA ~A F'URNITURE CO. I , • \ • ' . ....... . OORoNA DEL VAR PROPBlt'l1•S Robert B. L)'llll • • • ~ ' . Btl111 L, Lyma ., SALm or REN1AL8 ... ,. t • ' Our acreened 111t1np are 1ure to Include what you want. .. ' . . Slnjrle residences ,,...., ~mall IDCome .and H ome -Duplexes - I . . • .... • ~ Larp fnoome Unit.I for lnY•ta,at - Two~·~~ 11~· -! : · · RenWs frPm ·$:111.~ up. ~ ' • • .. -; ot.1:11a with ua befoi. you buy or rent CORONA. DEL ·MAR PROPERTms . . ill Cout BIYd. ', • • . ll'&rmho1111e Wot.el Harbor 1031 Corona del War Harbor 1063 CLIFF HAVEN ' . Two bedrooma and-den. lndlviduality. Wall to Wall carpet, hard~ f1oont. fireplace. Back yard fenced. Pullman tile 'bath. Thia home Is selling be- low market value. ~y tenna with 4% finance; Full price only $13,500 . Newport Heights ' . Brand new 3 bdrm. lrome on ~utiful comer lot . Thia home baa everythlh~. Likeable floor plan, 1 % bath, tiled stall shower, separate din iooin. fire- place, selected ljardwooil, extra large ~ar gar. Protected patio. l!% fuiance on ·balance. See thia now. Worth more than the asking price of $14;750 A PLEASURE TO SHOW . . ·- PHIL SULLIVAN I C. GALEN PENJSON G. T. EVERSON REALTOR 490 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa Bea. 624~W Harbor 3157.w or Beacon Mllll.J The Andresen Co. offers these: THREE BEDROOM HOMES CORONA DEL MAR Ocean Side of Highway I-NEAR ohopPins cuter \ ~ Iota, landecaped. Fire· place, hwd. tJoora. private entrance and be.th tor 3rd bedroom. Laree laundry room, excellent 2.-ear a:arage. We want an otter .on lhil property. SEE 309 Marigold. 2-M.ODERN 9TYLlt and brand nt!'W. Hwd. noora. pr- bal"! dlapoul, planter boxee. forced a.lr he&tln1. lb- ce.Uent location and tmmtdJate poueulo~. Sb 241 Poppy a venue. 3-NEW MODERN mck»ed ya.rd. l'!Jtcelle.nt patio. Larger Jot, plenty ot cup~ and clQeeta. Matural blrch ln- tertor. napa:ine nrep~. Quiet •net and lle&r main beach. (Completely f\lmlehed If clealrod) 4-IN BAY SHORJCS. W. have a k>t of houM fw the money tn lhla e¥Iuelve ana.. Private beaeh, ete. By All Means See These Attractive Properties THE ANDRESEN CO. 802 Coa.t Blvd. Corona .del Mar 'Harbor 1640 . . • F. H. A. BUILT AND FINANCED PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $49 . wr month . tPLUli IMPOUNDS) VETERANS FINANCING ALSO AVAILABLE Today'S" Best Buys in Corona del ·Mar . 18600 terma -new 1 bdrm pra.ge apt,, hdw. noon, 1 !to 11&\hl, laun- df')' u.;,w. J car ,.,..,., ~a lot. Room to bUIMI_ llome on trilt. $10,500. §m&U home on cbolce 45 tt. corner kK. Quap with UUa aleq>lq ,_,," atbicbed It vrtrs bath. Room to bUlld born• on. froat ef lOt. • COSTA MESA REAL ESTATE ' . ' 2 1'DR1' 0 . l. Rl:sALE -Cloee In lllut aide. Full ptlce, $7,100. U.800 down, mo'K pymu $62.82 ilfctude. tue .. tntareat and ln& A JICYI' ONE. NlCI: CLEAN. 2 BDRM ON % acM. 8paclou.s ,bdrm.a, tile, gar .. ~ blJc /rom Newport Blvd. Price of "'GOO incl~• n~ furniture. BARGAIN! ,,. RUSTIC • ·EARLY AMERICAN Brand new 2 bdrm home, mua- lng brick. ftre:pi.ace, a.nL bdwd. Thll beauty la different'. Priced rtiht at '9,&bo: 3 BDRM G. r. RESALE -bwd. floors, dual rum .. flieplace, Ule, 8;4!rY. po~. dbl. pr., 80x.U2 lot and more extru.. Thlll ~l.a.n cut home at $11 ~000 -$3,300 dn. and SM ma. 5 BEAUTIFUL ACRES -Eut aide Coat.a MtllL For J'OU!' ftl- tate, or ready for subdlvb:JQll. sneo Per acre. Barney Francque REALTOR .WO "E. 17th St. at 'fu•tin Av. Costa Meaa, Ph, . Bea. 6818 . BEST, BUYS , \.. E. S~s!e, Co11ta Mesa 2 80~, D~ •. li'lREPLACJ:, ~ turnace, dbl pras-e -on beauti ... tut large comer. $9,000, 11' cuh. "· 2 BDRM ho~ and garap Oii 1 acre neu ne.w Alpha Beta mar- ket, f1 ,noo Additional .acre $2,600. l"'luatrlal lot, 83x290. $1,000, t•rm.. OOOD LISTINGS W ANTKD ROBT.H.MO'ITET •. 4224-J -Bea. 5137.J 1900 Harbor Bt..i ' COST A JL0:8A • • • ' • fHVll~ AV, f;f.U:.<-?; '1c; f " . . ul--6 A.EX~.'\ SP~ lluy now and )!."'l own colqn for Ulla lonl1 3 · bod!oorn. 2 II& hom~ ~uet Mor In · Uvfllf ,room. flnplaco. ~ hea~Lou of .otorage. DoulU ,,.,.. -. ExcelloAl ._ , FULL PRICE $15,000, Wtl'B TERK8. Don't ~t on ! • ·::E:;c:tM1~;~1~~:;u1$;~: Attnct!Ve 8 ~m ~ome. Hwd. fioor ib U~ room. Floor tum.ace, I . kl , aervlce porch. Cement patio .. Ga.race, near ke.t.e., tran.lportatkm and oceu. Full price $1750 .. ' . I NEWPORT EACH M-1 ZONE MODERN IND~ BLDG. MOO aq~ It., IO It. melal doors. A-~lion. Cannot be ,dupltcated for the .. king price ,of $3 ,llOO OR OWNER WILL I£ABE. au or 7100 aqua~ t .. t. For appt. to .... e M~ Dtck.t0n. Harbor lOlS · <Ernin,~. Harbor 2092.w> . On Mari~e Ave., Balboa Island Three bual.rieu Id&•-All OCC\U)*' ;with A-1 . tenant& Show 6'.h-net or bettert NO phoa.e calla pleue. ,~ Mrs. Maroon at Harl><Jr 1178. · ] , J ' Ha.ve ~~ ChQice Homes ori Balboa ilsl .. hd $12,500 to $85,000 I I-. . llBE US FOR BEACON BAY propertY. .. We have two attract.iv• homu fnow ~ey won't lut. " . . I ALSO FOR RE.:U:AS Bu.oineu property on Marine Ave. Store room ;))l48 ~ bedroom apt. with ti.replace, at·' tra.ctively tum.lmbed. Suitable for •mall buslne• o.r pro- fessional people. jl!&lant:n lee.ae approx. 21Ai yeara at $130 month. For detail.I call Mra. M at Harbor 1175. EARL ~;;. STANLEY . R~altor lTth and Coast Jllway Newport Beach 1 , 16th and Irvine . Newport Beach Marlne A fttt. • 616 Colist Hlway I · Ba Island 3113 Newport BJvd. Corona del Mar Newport ,,_ch . "•STAR p GLED '"sPECIAL .. • NEW 3 BDRM! 2 bath home on. Udo Isle. Hwd. floors, corner firepll'ce, dbl. gar. Patio. Splendid location. -SEE Tf8 TODAY Pric~d ~t Only $17,?00 ISLAND REALTY CO. ~TORS INSURORS PARK .A:r AGATE AVE. BALBOA IS~ Harbor 871-W .. I • • I ' . • J ' . . I --"'· . . . ·. • ' ' • ' ... . . • • I . . . . . · IDES YOU KIO,. , _ IUE.S Y~U--9T • Wa•hlnt Miracle . TI o· E CLIANS llTTll THAN ANY SOAP Large 29c Pk • Dole 1"Klblts PINEAPPLE • II YKITAIU SHOITINING IFT'NING . . . 77Dlfhre.+lel<e4 , Trffh wltll Swlff'1l .. . . ·. ]-lb· 89c I •'..I. cvn · . ' . 1·POUND 34c PIG....... . ( 1A11 Gr1 ... ., 79c 1 1·LI. CAN; . . I . ~~"-~ ...... 3.9c . "o•"t" c0"~c.f. American Crystie Pure -,1, .0 . lb . 8. 5 ' . . ~ ~'·~~;~s~-GRANULATEDS.UGAR 1 . Flai . c i '--:··:..·:.,,.:..----srioiiiiii · ,~~ 14c lciisuTP ~= 16c ~;:::::~~ --• tlfOOO . SPiii\' . ,~~ClE PUREX " "'o"O . S . . .· ~\o'fl ,,, t ,t11.-~¥l,Se I . '"' ' 1. "''"' . . 21-oa. 21· c q,..i lil Ila!. Gal. ,., .. · · · · 17c 29c 49c . ' ' - r~,., ........ 21~ ~~~~~~~25c ~Frl..t c.+ Gree• FOIDHOOK r Potatoes . BEANS ~~ ... 1 ~ ... 21 LIMAS . 12-0L 2ne . •••·· ... 7-· _ ............... _._., ... ,.... ....... .. · .. · .. Mlute M•W Co•caatrllfed IMokt1 1 '11 Plml ~-OUIOE JUICE ~-=-:21c - IUY .. FAMOUS IRANDS IT'S 49.er WEEK 1z--._45c c.... . .• • • I • OUI OWN MAKE-PUIE l 4,~ PORK SAU$ OE I • I ' j . .. ' . .. • . . • • • ' lmsT PLACf; ,. ..... to Dick ,....., at .tbe ~h el 111,e -,..Ji'~ af ·I"" 0nwtn <-'7· btca ffia.Ys held Saturday ~t 1..aiu--&.ch. o~ nwhben _of t11e. T.r rela1 .I.Mm ue: 'Nercbmu. X.Os: and S<hmldL The Tar Va,..lty 1"Dn )he meet handily. (Preu Photo) Swingle Stars With long.Toss SPECIAL 3/ 6 sna..fi~x Custom Wrapped ROD • • wltfl Roller Tip . . $21.cte .. ' ~ ' • P t:·1 · SUP!'lllS . _,,._ • >· • ./jJJ," ' . • • SPOl11NG &Ool>s If•·~ ........... G>ITA! m• 8 T ••• .a .. tJ( ~ ·-"'O ' ' .............. i One Felf ivity, Two Surprised Two ot thE moat su.rprlaed propJe 1n the Barbor ~ &lea oa M.onday evmhtg we.re .Kn. Elno 011110. 713 w. 11'"-street, Coo· ta· Mesa and Mlsa ·!llal<o Newland, 211 33nl street. Newpol'.t. who '!fftt ho.noted' by a Jl'OUP ot fti6\dll m .. ttnr Monday •nnlns at tba home ot Mra. Huell Kcll!llan. Weatminater •""-nae, N~rt Helgbta. ' . , The event Waa pleuuMd aa a fare- well ror Mrw. ~ wbo 1a ..... Ing lbortl)r Will> Mr b1•1"" and ~ for Jll;ol\tallol, &Dd' as a btrll>d&y -fo< Miu Now• land. but -tbollCbt tb1o 0$11• 'traa -jl>Mt. <Jt WU IO ar-. ~ u;a w1a...t.n.i 11>e u~ """" • -tile --Ulrilap illf~t-, ~tM ott , .. .,......, ::'.c1itllio ... , ..... -ca1.ect wtb eat. .... i..o..-t:.-platod tlle ••• "' • . ..... . . 'oPUte. ~r ... ': . . . ' ... • • cp.-~ COMPANY WATER· HIEATERS ... ,. 20 Gal. ~···················.' .... J:z&.00 3() G&L · _ .•.........•...... .:> •.• ;111.00 W G&I. ········-·········--·· il\.00 . . V?-,,,.. 3x~· 3x4t-7' Jxt-8' ut-e· ix._7. ut---8' ' ········-·····················-···-· ·····························--·-···· . ··-··---············--··-··-·-·-·· ··············•·············-·-····· L12 ··--······-···················-1.28 • . PLYWOOD Res;. txS--1' " ... ··-.......................... $11.ll& .6x8--"'" ............ .h..-•..••.•• :. ______ e.9J WI--~" ············-···················· 8.18 . !Xll--io ....... : .. ·-··-···········-······10.2< ' ull--, "" ••.••••.• : .•. ·-···-·· ••••• : .. .11.tO • ? • ~ j : ! • SPi:<l ' ,fl.11 II.TO 1.11 &'4 9.11 5681 ,. , , • • • ,. • • ·, • • • •, .. • .. I . l • I J '-. : PA&IE ..... PAR1 If ~ .J:t·•~SRAf· MAR. 2' ... 19$1 :.;~2~1 -ii -!· ~ --. . ~· -4 ~ WTf R· .REGATTA~ -.IS· ·: ....... _,..,.. . . , .. . ' .. , '. PRONO NUED .. ~mr . YET~ • , • ' ' . . l r· . . ' A.: record nbmber of t8e ~ "ln a c••·ea raced' Jut la~y· and Sunday tn Balboa T&cht "'1lb'• .<nl.ua1 Eutir fteptta.. Pro> nou.nced tbe best yet, 'one ot the feature. of the week ,nr.d' eyent.1!'&' -~ openUon fo~ the flnrt Ume ot ~cJu.b'a QllW llectrtc ~ and . 1.00 feet ot 114!W ncS&Ung dock at tile end of the •-. ..WI boa( pie,. Dead . calm &nd • Uro vt-Jbillt7t e' fog Were 91ervf<I up by ·the 'Weather and Pe11ta for wtiatwu mlled".tlte man on Saturday and lnoUad ot ...,._ l'<fl'.u& pc-ty •-IMl4 at crews tlcf'!Uag apn.y a.n4 •heeta tbe clUb. Priletl·for .Jalt.er ~­ they wtte poeted starboard and ~, CU'el and dandq mixed port to watch caretully to &TOid tbe eYll!lllng WiU. raoe ta1lt. Coil- collllion with other boat.A. To atay ftf'le 'VYurdemann, Tide~ °" tbe -OJ\d nnd the mark· dare ~ all.ayer ,... cb&lrlun era out.aide took aome plaln. and and )"eC&Ua pl.anMr. camnodoN fancy dud reckoning. H&nY J!locSi:ett wu offlcllll. '!loot at S&tunlay nlgbt'• paJty with I S)lllday Clear , entBtoinmen1 cha1rmen Mn, Dar· Sunday, however. vn.-cl~ar and by Met.Calf, and Mn. Bait Hen-- bleued .with a brisk sailing breeze der10n tn charge o1 ArTanremeftta. whlcb called out foul weather Re.!Ulta of ln.slde racea follow: clOthlOI" .'.an d~ert cttWs. • -~ltdnc. a1x boa ta: let;~ W. S. Outalde clasle• at.&rted frOIJl S&rge11t 1D. A\JflCTO. Balboa pier, from Uie, committee ~ 10 boat.a: lllt, A\llltln boa,t. manned ~y the race commit-Peepih ln My Cyn;. 2nd, Maree ~ beaded by P et l'r Ficker. Pfltt.-Butler Ut Ktuy; 3rd. Milton Peep- clpal contest was between 'the Al' lee in Stormy. tamar owned by Don Douglas and : Natioeal One l>fflp. 8 boat.JI: ber alster ship, the Calltornla 32· 1st, Paul MeJ'!lll In Srlak; 2nd. Escapade owned by \\'a1ter Elllott. George Hart Jr., in Hart-Beat; Both boats were sailed by the 3rd, S . T . Exely Jr .. in Glamour owner's sons and James Doug1u: ~l. . <dged out Danny Elliott In a tight .f'.·14, S boatso lot, Lee Ham· race on a day when the wind wu brOOk in Leeway; 2nd, .Ia.ck Ner- ri&ht for tl'loae two fine racing drum in Valkyrie; 3rd, Denny, Ma- boatit_-The Attoran\te , owned by 90D ln ,Mo\ly M. Ad Gurley, wu third In the ocean Pml(Uiu. 10 boats: let, Bob ractng' clau. · · Taylor Jr .. In Spindrift: 2nd, Bob Nicolaus in Sno Ski; 3rd, John Bt- WMm Wlnatt ' bY Jr., tn nna.. . Twelve Rhodes racing out.side JJcbt.lnp. 1 bOata: lat, Marold gave flrst place to John Pearcy ln ltyettone-in Relaml>o; 2nd, Jobl'I Whim ; second to Tom Sbepphard Potte tn Fetchit ;~ Ir,!, Carl Aker- ln Argosy and third place..,, to Bob man in Glory-B. , WU.On in Annetta, who U9d wt.th Snipes. 15 boa.ta : lat, Dfck Dea- J . Robert White In WhltecaP '31t v~ tn Veloz ll; 2nd. Terry GtOece !?eat him by 29 seconds on el.ape-ln ~inge; 3'rd, CJ,.ark · King Ghoul. ed time C!:eci.ston. -· 1 Pie. lat. Juatt Mittler in Pin-up. Fred Sma.Iea, slaft commodore h*mans, 1-f bo&te: l.t, Chick ~ ot BTC took fl.rst amonK 13 PJC'a 8QU1na in Porq,Wto; :lad • .Kim Mul- lll PamHn_ Joe Kaltenbach WM .bollud' in Pay--OH; 8rd, ,Chu~ , 1 ~~ • , .J.J....J ·~ ••<:<>1>d ID K elaey and Mike Burke Pldtering In Tigrea&,' l'll:WfO.,. BAJ!MB YAOHT CLUB._....... . 't.I tbelr an•'llll -...-R-.lw Uoe .third In Pal.om&. ~. 4 boat.a: 19'. Je....,. AU. "~ "'C')en oa Sa.day atternoon.. Tbe ieelal ~ hllhfy ..rep.nJed Ted par.eu.., a 0 *a·. · Dick Bailn ln Rogue le;d the Un tn Pbyllle; 2nd, l!!hu:ter Ham-ftcurc1"'to a.11· wllo vlelt NHTC, was lD c.laliqe for ·~ p.la 'occ:astoo. (Photo by Beckner) St&rw (eeven of them) and M . m<md: in The TbinJ; 3rd, Bruce _ _;;_-------------------'i----,-----,,---------- Schlauden1an wu second ln Good Brown, Jr .. in Wheeaie-B. r Goocb, 'fitb Saint C\Cero wf.d 1n Snowbl.nh. 12 ~t.e: in. Dtcll: Stormy: Ward ln Junca: 2nd, John Kensey Bob Zeigler led the five-Ludera in Grey Dawn. a.round. Two Thl.'lites •tarted t>qt lk'hn-. Dlnpy, 4 boll~: _lat, didn"t •rtniall.. Two Albe.troMee Mickey Smith In Lollipop; 2nd, 1tarted, but Roger Welsh put his Jimmy Dixon ln Mljt. · on the beach In the tog Saturday, Sabot. 8 boats: 1st, Sherry Hoe- ao there was no more racing for aom tn Sea No&s; 2nd, ·J11.dy Graye that clua. In izapauta and Srd. he Waddd- ow in Be.Jana. • ; • 8-1 Sall tntematiollJIL.ttf bad a bot race 1 Bud Edgard l<>&d lnternatlon.a.t .out.mde on both da.l" m.or9 brilk llQe in Gremlin with Robert by1 far an Sunda.y . .A.JI went out Mel.Inger second tn Rogue. d~ked over flll"Wal'd wV.b. can.vu. Inside claMrs with Bob Boyd to keep out tbe' tntter. ~r they as commlttet> chairman started at had a wet one on lluadax. With BTC &nd several clas..<ff11 raced out two IaternaUonaJ cbamJ*iit.I rac- around the bell buoy having a in~ and other lktppen giving • reaJ aail on Sunday. , good account of Ulem.eelvea lhia Saturday night found BYC pack-raCe furnished one .apeclal event ed with crew!!, ~ipperi:: and friends for spectators. ' • llALSoA y MORT CLUB'S annual llul1!r d.-, bold la !'Ol'JuactlOll wltla . tbolr .ram.... Eum &q.tta. ahl,..Y• featuru a ba$. conte.t eometime dur1D« the ev-eaJAl"a feetlvltt-. Wlnneq t1llt y-,_ .i.opa wlU. c-modore Harry 'Bl .. pJt, 'f•o aWlll'dod tbe ,,U.O (Jett). ~ Iott du!y an: iloe GdMeU.. of MJM.lon .Bay Yeclat clab, •• t;Jte OftiNI Hora.et , .. far · .. ..,.OM coul4 ftcvre qut): M.rtL. lnfta W~r of Ba.lboa IMMWI; Mrs. llllffto. ~er of Oakland aad Ed. Os.rpt.at.u of New- port ,e-. (Photo by Beclm"') ROME FOR EASTER nm. Klln.e, • atudent at Uw! u~. •erstty ot Chlcaco. lwi been pa»- ing the Ea.et.er vacation witb hil: p,ttaC.., Mr. Ud Mn. Edward REMJC'I\ GIRL \'181T8 • Kline, 878 W . 11th BL, Coot& Meaa. Sua..n PeacocJt. of Hemet enjoy~ ed· .. •lay lut wee)[ with Mar}• Lou Stewart. daugh~r of Mr. and Mn. Kenneth St.ew&J'l, 2M Broad- way, Costa Mesa. K1u Pea.cock and her pa.rent.a, . ¥'.r. and .Mn. ROM -Peacoek of Hemet, ..-e.,.. tor· " I // ' " . 'Ioli~ ·fJW:MJXI The arrival ot the yo\llll' man came· .. a deltghtlUI aurprtM' to M.r. t.nd Kn. Kllne.. · mer Goel& Mesa ru.tdenta. . -~e ·do -4 the want &dL -People do road \be J'r<u ado. BAlt TANK t.UT CBl~BllliA APril' 2.1 ( ' . ---'4.prll.•' ., ' • ' ••• _.., ... ... •• .. • •.. • wlien,:: 1 y ~u need -it! • .with th' .•• . . ' .. ' . ~ . ...., . ; • r . . ~ ~ 'a.mo-~ ... .,;.,,,.~ -.J "' PU-oohl -· ,.._ -wlUl tl>ll . . ...., i..er-lljlrias -loldM i. llld+-TakO' your -•I DUF SLEEP or famooa BltAt1TYBZ8T · · I aUT'l'R.E8S A neW ~*. -Jll'!' um ... • . ....J ""' pri~ -,;;. .... , tee! .. 1l~:i· 1,; $immtns !·11 'i: •:: • ../fllie., • ~ ..... ' ·. ·3".'i;t"-cr =· 2· o· ~ , . ' . • • ··11 ·4 .. 4. - " "'° I # -- -~1~ "'"' ~ 7 - ' . • :.AN • , \ ' • - ' • I I . I I ,. 1· ,, • ' '• ' · Surprise Tea ' for Bride-Elect A hand90me cake k:ed with all- , ver bells and' leaves, with pretty green shamrocka 1or good luck and n11n lature blue birda for hap- p iness, wu presented br1d~lect• Thora J o Thompson of Costa Mesa 'at a surprl&e personal shower and t ea given recently In Chula Vista by Mr. alld Mrs. Paul C. Van Dor- en and daughter J oan. Miss Tbompao.n'a t•UMr, R"'. J_ H. Thompeon, paator of the C0&ta Mesa Community M et II o d 1 at · church, wu formerly .-.tor of the Chula. Viata M.ethodllat ctrufth. Master Poi.nt Bridge Tourney • ' I , . . • ' • Ltn:lieon · HOOors r It WU a tt&1 musical fKl pro. Y1ded friend.a who were auehibled Bluttt eventn1 at . an lmprOmptu plhertnr ln 'the. ilOme of Mr. &nd Mn. Kennetk QUt.JTy. 1au Santa Ana Ave .• eo.ta Mna. A Wide v&rtety of m\Ntcal Mlec- tJona were presented by Arthw Schade of Orange Ave., who wu pl&no accompanllt will\ Paul Whltea&n'1 ~ 'lor •is~\ _,.., .and Artie Tou10U8il!! of ~ Me.a at., tonner 'Vtolln.1lt with the Chi- _.. SymphOfty ....-..... Tbaoe ~ u.e ou,..•""..._ e•f!9..ing were Mea1ra. and llllmee.. Arlie Tbulouaie, Donald Woodl, Wa&c. Oolm. Kenneth Quarry, WeDide:J Baker, Arthur Sctlade, Mmu. Kuy L. Wllllamo, Gene Quarry, Ml11 Ann Worllbanl, Mlll ~ Marlena Worahan'l, Arlie TouJOUM, ' Jr., &nd Ronald Q\l&r,.,.. 'nle de-~ Upttlll affair alllo noted Mrw. Schade'• tdrtl\day &llll:lveraary. Stfare s Ho nors o n Na tal Doy -' ... ,.. -~ ...ahlrley New· 2-U.111 !Mil.· ~ of Mr. a.nd Mrs. MIUC atocolATI '. Bud H--. 1186 I.A.Perle Pl., ,. a.,., 7nc: eo.ta lit.a. and her grandtat.her _.. ... fJc-· 7'& C. E. Poddlaord of B11e1111 Park. 40r: ,... ~ blrUMlay honor-a at a re- CODA llEBA cent celebration l.n the Newmu The Balboa Duplicate Brid~ 1 '700 NeWl*'t BIY4. home: club will pre!lent a master point Participating in the obeervece open tournament Sunday atter· COB.ONA D~ II.A& were Kr1 and M.ra. R. lt. New· noon, l ol'clocA in the Friday A.ft. -COMt 1upwa7 man, Mr. and Mrs.. C. E. Peddl· ·t ernoon club in Costa Meu. cord, Harold Stadge and Mula. Next weekly aeuton qf th club JAOUllfA BXA.Oll I Newman_. ____ _ will take place FriUy night at !15 .. on.t A.ttaae 7 :30 o'clock. · ,_..., ____ ,__,_ __ • c.ia..tllect aaa coSt tltUe. dq mud\. ' ~---~------------------------------~ • . ( " • • • • I , .. /'' •.; • I ... I • ' • .. ; ' I ' ' • Methodist Church Services· af Costa Mesa Christ Church Sermon Theme Double 'Sbrvices New !)epariure . "God .. -Foolol' ·I• llje oermon at St .. Andr"8w's' ·,• theme o! thr Rev. Tom Pen dell 1 Sunday morni ng l!lervtces al Sunday morning, APrll 1st, a.t ·· ~tmon 1ubject t.ftlll cOrnJ.n,. 8Un· Oosta M.elSa Community Method.la\ Chr\lt Churc b b)' lhl! Sea. Tbe day •ornlnS' ~t Bl, A.ndnw'. ~ ctaurc.ti .Include the church ~hoot tht la ~"'!.from St. P.[;u~-~..! -terlan chu ~ll~~J!!r- fDr all a~es, begtnnlng at 9:4$ an3 Are Ji'oola tor tiirf~ e. a .• o Sower' Wft'htiXtii.}en the morning worship service whett . tro19 $t. Matthew, 13:1, •tJkhOlct. Pastor Rt.""V . J . H. Thompeon wU\ Chr:st"ian Sc"renc · Ute SC?We.r wen.a. Forth to &q.v." take .. h;• sermon theme. ''Brldg~ • . e For tl!e nellt tlli'ee" SUtl<lt.Y• head_ tn Hc~v•n." A nul'Oery la Sunday fnp"rc double aervlceo MU be .~~ prov1ded dunng the service. ,.,. on an ~en1-J ~ ! With Even.Ing meetings begtn wlth & hoUn at t :ao 6i\d l~ &. m.rOt.ltth ·~-----. ' Luncheon & Cards ~t ).eiJlands AYe. 6 :JO worship veapers. This Sundal The all pe~ng. change\ea JJCll9ol will be held aL&.M •~SO Aour 1.:s inll'rmedlate night 'and the In-:tu~1Cf ~ .:nsh,pw~.~n i::~ ~u~ and a.nureery wtU be ~-i for trrme<tlate youth will be tn ch&rg~ ally Chti.e~ Sci on C:a. ~ , amaltehtld~n at the lat.er•botlr\ ~he junto_r c hoir will sing.· Thb Th Gold n T e~ rrourc J a. Thi.I comJ.n1 8un4aif . ~1¥-ra-.caAui. wu t.be orclti: of the mr.ssag-(' \vlll bf' gtven through-a e , e ex m &me" men& ot.. b&ptlam wtll ~ ~ed afte.mooo · wb4!n Mn.. Oh · 1e8 g i;o un<l ntplion picture. "A Boy and f 1 ~~~ · ~~r~ go;! gift :d every for both chtldren and' i'.dUlb.1 -M~ o( 411 ~ A:.r M'~­•t ~ -:rayer." Thia la a family film :meth :own :rom ~he~.Fa~e::~ Oh" Sunday evflnlnc ·~ 1 :JO ·~e gort..lteishla.. dJ.tpeued ~n&ltty ancl the whole tamlly l.s urged to lights, wt th whom i• "° v&riable-~ wilt-hokl the ~ ~ o£ to a , ~l*"J' ot frtendl ~ w,._k . be pt)sent ror this .JCrvice. -kt th~ neae neither .shadow of turning." hi.a commd.nlc.Mt ~.,... tor thoee A • ptitUly . apPOlnted ~ cl~Re or .the rtlm the j'outh group •·A.ii reality la tn ·cod and Ht. pnpa.rtng to l>ecOSh4 t'bbrc1' .. ~· formed tt.. pmuck LO .~ pjfy. will adJOUrn to t~lr meetlng creatto.n, harmontom and etemal," bere. 11le aeaak>l;t ¥:'!,11 .'!'~.~t.1 :30 The '"-1• ~. urinr- pJactrs to~ their regular dlACW!-dectarq· Mary Baker' i!'Aldy ln tllat e~ven~ to recelTI\ ~'e~ lnto men.ta Cll~"\rari-h~ ~t peu and M)on met>lmga. "Science and He•ltlt With K~y to memberahlp .. ' • -... ,. .~ ~ \bi decor&~ . A social ltOw-follow• the eve-lll' 8Cl'lptw.." A&'&ln ahe .say.. <:;apt9rlD1'. 111,.-i.,1.w~ _., ..... nmg progT.,. IOI' !!>< Ill,.. older "~Ing 1n· God'• untv ...... ell· P,ost-.i:.ast, er ..... , P , 'llllmll ~· and Kft.. llall• _ groupa In piemben:,home•. preuea Him'..' (p&gel -4TI, 3Sl.) t"' -~. ' -rid M..e)'tf'., · ~ worf'!hop · Ser""'""n Thi.m· '° · · ' · .a...;.i..ahulnc· the an.-· .. Friday nl1Jlll, •M&rd\ ao, aQ • ' · ' "Y '< "' · · • plHou..,. lndl!<IOd Miiiea. -Maur!ee t••cher• ~-•keno or llie COUii· Harbor ·l:utheran at COM Cnurch . >«eyer ~ · ~ ·R.lcbar<I ty are meet;tng tor •'workshop Ch · h . · • · • ~ ·Shliw ot Loe 4aplee. ~ Al· lo the Cotm11W>l tl>·chuzdl rbo""'. . urc; Notices , . Al 111• Community •"""'11 ot -ot Bay -. v ..... Brit· All local wor.~a aJ"C. expecting l(I Coron&1dei Mar, the Rev. Paul Ed4 toe. of Udo baj; C. A... &rberta. sttrnd and an pare.110 a1·e wel-Sunday schooi at 9:30" wl'h ward Babbitt. mtaiate1·, will 1pe&k. St. of Newport Bea.eb, VetM come. There wtll be.a pot luck aup-c!auea &nd competent teachers at both lh• 9:4~ a. m. and"tlle 11 Breuderle Of Santa Ana: Mat Pt>r a.t 8:30;· fel)oWed •by an a"U-tor every AD· At this ~e hour a. m . Hl'Yh:u on the .u.bject. 0-ibe 8chachner, P . DarttU Ra.ni.9' llrcps on ''('hii~ Education" by tuv. Herbrtt ROU. conduct. the Higher ~-el " To b~p cpry •OOt Verne Ooue, :Alma ,BJotk. C. M. , Rev. Goo:<lon.Wil<e.y of 'ttunllngU>n Adult Btble ·c!Uo; Tbe al"f'Y Jo llle &tier-Euler lllem'l> l~! Cl>&l!"I Jlan;la ot Coo!_a M-and Miu Park a.i1d ,the worbhop sesatorw sttn on the IJfe ol ctmat Al t.be Cholr wjll aiilC at the 8 ;45 &. m . .Juanita PaullOn. Hm. P•ulmn, 1 11 o'cloc~ momlnir wol'li>lp· l>OUr oenlce, ''Oolne. ChNt).,,. JOO> lo w11o 11a1 ....,,Uy ~tumed lrom I Sunday Serv"rc· es' ~v . Rot.Ii bas chooen !or the 81.ng AllfluJ•" by OIJle{I/' Utd Ille Alab!a, .. I.be bauoe g....t 'or Mn. theme or tili tennOll "l.rYtat Tbou Chancel Ct)Qit wtn linl' &t t.he 11 Ht.tberta. .. t F• t B t• t • Me" t.al<en from Ille text or Jolm a. m. ·oi:rvJce •. "O Men. ot Beauty" a . )fS ap IS ,• 21 0 1a-19 vcn... • by~, · w· I> t 'f Co. s.La Mesa . . 'A . tonl"'l&llonal meeting (;' la Bu/'~...-,cl..,'!" 11\ .. l •I. 1ener t'\Oas Of T' planned ' r .. Monday, April 2 lb 8:411-11.. 'to·1'.Jlnilo0 -llen1or HJ y · " c d At Ft t Ba ti , h be held In . t.he aocial room 0( "tile Pll,gno;i <ll'*1Jowalit1>11 ...... at 1:30 ·ounl;Jer. rOW rs p s, c urcb In Coata chun:b. A pot tuclt dinner wt.0 pre-p: mi::, · 11" • , -"' • • \ I Mesa this _coming Sunday the .cede the mee.tlng at •··:SO. i:U mem. ~ 7:30 p. m. M"r 8'bbltt Wtu A ~ ot Harbor aria• ~I morning wb1ec\ ot .. the-Rev, P .. G hen Ve Urted to atepd ·U an tm-l~e °'ii Jbe auii.~eet. »"'fhe Boolr ioJ.~ eilJot!d a wiener nut Fri-~=~~. wtJI 6e A Comm.union ri>rtant project'#wtll Mi Outlined 1of Revtl&lJ\n.,&nd It:. Ume tor TOf-day 8W!lliPS Oil lbe eandl •t (» g · . ; tor approval and cooperation of day." . TOM dl!I Mar. In the. company Youth organlzaU~ ~~ta at· all .m8tnbera. · · ., 'ftN 'f'IMitmia eor-. ~lay Sialo 6:30 p.m. and ·adu!l ~ce .. r. a.I '.l,The Women'• .MLNloi\ary SOtf· '!;heft ot ·~,from, -_,0 ~Mary 8lnclall\ Virile Mftl· 7:3o p.m. wtlJ> 'the~ -Jea ."A .ty w!ll meet TbuJ'llday AprtY 3 '°""'""''' S~ 'llft-_. J""'° 'Wlll::J.1Bobbk Contlnuoua Relturreetlon.': Mid . \t 1,30 at Ill> borne 0 ( Mnr. ·a r•l"""d 10 N~-P!>liOo 'f'blle. Benodlct, &epe-~eek .. !""<: .. is at ~=30 p lli !lebunlller 2671 01'1Ulge . avenue . Monday by ...... •• wllllim 7 • ..,..,. diet, 'l'4d• Koop, RlcllaMI Clmrclt,' ""'jl"Y wt~ ··pra~. p~&Jse an~ _-, ' ___, •· Kay ol 2214 '.Balboa ·lllvd. llbe r... Bcott Md 11111 J- Blble study" • .aubjeet la Ofory of PHO~ Harl>or I8l& I 1ac4 told oltli>en lllaf Ille l!loriloy wu • ' ....j God ln the ~~~ Callinir." A .Y01<. W¥l ad en lbio ~ •. " otolfll ri<ion 11'....Uet'ln u oi>oialn -~ell lil.i .-~_i.,.,..._.., nu,...ry 11 maln....,.<d to catt 101 't~ r-tlle elu8111ed 1141, ~ • •' (~l, I I" .... 111Pio1•11L Mia.II child~ duripg lM euVice ,. 1 , "' r • • J.. ----·---• Z I ,...-first .Ba~fi5ms .. at lsJand, Choreh . -. . Four bah!;.~ bapuMd. on .. recent Bwtd&y,~, t.>~r:eeOtve ti.. rile In lbe aew, liaJ)oa lalalid Com'' munlly litlelllA!lfot dutreb and ad mlnlalered. by~ br .. 'llart7-Willie. paatOC". .. .. • ... kf l • { • One of u.e· ',._ \<et>nud 1-Oatwll\Nl.,-.i-t,...,_ ot .Mr. aacl"· .· '-"' Bu-gn~.±~d ~. ~~ lW pap ......... ~ B.!k~r.t a1ao held .r ... -iilio ~· =~· -~ PacQrd;. ·---=~~ ~Lee.. or~, -·-c. -Uc! uura IAI ·1er or a. --n.a ·' • ·~.-..... rte4 "1 ~ ... ..,..laOldnl lo ....,.. • ' . • Wllio ... "11' do rwl ...... , 1 . . .. • • • See GAREY'S SELECTION Before you Buy ! J¥& llt!Vrq:.; YOfJ& IJl.'8PECTION 'OF ~11:,.°BUJ!OB'B • ·;MOST· cOMPi.£TE -·FURNtTURE STORE· ,. ' ' ~'FF. DYER. Man-.a-, Ol'Eli 8ATUBD&Y 'T1L t P. Ill. • -OTllEB £Vl:1''1JiiGS Bl' IU'PODn'MENT • '1all llllA.OON 141% c . 1!lOlJB CBEDIT,18 GOOD • A'll GABn"S • NEWEST STYLES AT GA 1REY'S iMAPLr: l"EPAKTMENT AT I COSTA MESA STOR\; ONLY ' . , I ' -rand "°'" f~rlca . . . fte\\."nt •f71es . , . ; qua.ll\y "°ustr11Ct~ That"• w•t ~-p~·u see '"*" you pome to Gue.)"a 'r.8 \Veek. Maple crvupla.Kt at .euible i,-1oo> . • • from ,.. tO 'Z9&.60. .· See tlt .. •ma.rt, colorful ne\v rabnca 'detllp· ' ftl for mapl19 lo\>ers. You'll uve lf )/ou act W<Jay I • ' I I . • • • • ., \ I • Ir I I I . , • j. • •• ' . . t;'"l~~.-.... "··.t ,., ~ ....... -f " ... _,., ."·-..• _.,_.I . • • 'l'HBEl!: YllA.88 OF EFFORr by metJlb<n of Ilea -t 81111> 1S at Garcloa Gnv< "'> m\TIUdocl lut·week wtten'thetr corapJetel;y reaovated ~ tM '\'o~liei!r • ...., ~ tnt.e iM walltn ort Udo Pmlmu!a· at Newport Beach. Tile fWIDM' lafldlns craft. wiped by the •VJ' to t.be .Oarttra Oro"" ltsplottq a.nit ha~ been the object of ..... y boun of work. u the youtluf and th.ell' taklppt-r~· I'• I • I ' om. appllffl theRH1elves to rernodetfac tile craft lnto a CJ'Ube,...type ~ The Sea &.'()Dt.A • p a 1flakedo"'ll crulw thi& wttk:., and then wlU prepare for an Aprll 14 t.rlp to C&talbia .. la'nd, lf1 - l'M3 wltJI. the other 14 boat# of the Orance Empire OouaclL · • I . M~ss Tho_ra Jo Thompson feted ~t Evening Pre-nuptial iShower -'. Pt;?rtrait; ·Exhibit, ·anc/ Boole R-eview-..,. af ls/an-cl Shop ·• - ' ... ' .. -::_, . . " ·~ ;. r v ' , I • ., . .--, . ' ~ ' ' .. - ... ', ' l • • ' I . . • :) "' • --' • ,, ' ' ' . - , I GRe..:T~~T SALE IN_ OUR HISTORY! SAVE ON NEW SPRING ANP 'SUMM~R ~ERCHANDISE ~PECIA~LY 'PU~CHASED FOR THIS ANNIVERSARY! STORE HOURS: 9:3p TO-5:30 DAILY! .I . • ~ l • .. • ' • . • ' • ' • • A am.alt-portrait exhl'11t • by I 'th&t warm Interest which.------.-,-.. -------Thf'lma }19pe wu teature<l by 1, __________ _,,,_ _______ ..__.._ _____ .,.._,_ ____________ ._ __ .__..;..--;--------------' friends of Mias Thora J o Thomp-T B b Mni. Ver& 'Wllliams of the Pal!o • *.-~-. oum~s . ON~~ COMPLETE ON~·~TOP SHOPP.IN~' CENTE~ · u DER ONE ROOF! * ::.: . , World·'~ l~tgt$1 .FOCJ11•D RI G J~atrkttl j · Presc~tiou 60n feet in her June wedding plans orrance a y Book Shop, Marinl' &Vf"1lU('. Balboa D t' d S d Island w ith a book rev1('\V tn col)· 18 beibg happily expressed ln a ..,ap ~~ . _ un . ay junction With the Saturday OpC'O· succesalon of prenuptial courtesies. in The attra ctive bride-e:~t. de.ugh· in Mesa Church ~ong nte chlld~•f"' portra;t~ ter of Rev. ana Mrs. Joaeph H. ! are lho.se of Sa»y Albright and Thomp.30n of 124 E. 20th St., Costa Uttle Charlene Kay Dyer, etght-one of the Gallant sons. hrOtidChll· month..old daughter of Mr. and dren of Mr . and Mrs. Earl Stan- • Meu. wiU exchange vows Jone Mra. Oayid B. Dyu of Torran'ce Iey: the lhrc-e children or the Nor-12 with Edv{ard Dr4':wi;y Jenty, l\aon of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Louis P . Jer-was chr~tened Ef,ater Sunday tn man Frahms; C arencC' nnd N1•llie I vey ot Atlanta. Ga. the Coeta M~ Community Metho-children of Mr. a nd MrJ1.. Clarence dist cburch. Rev. Joeei)h B . Turnham ; John. Tina and Kart'n * Bakery Mrs. J .C. Billings.and Mrs . Ira Th d. Re Baker combined hoeless rce:pone:i· ompsoh an v. Charle& F . BruhlnJ and Tom J ones, Mrti. bllitie.11 when they coinptemented Hand officiated. •Godparents were Hope"& gTandson. Examples of thr Vegetablflll * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Colllna o.f amaU ·•quickies" which the artl!!:t Mlu Thompaon Tuesday evening, ·March 20. The home of Mrs. Bill-Torrance. palDta "on the apot" arr pil.:tu rt'~ inga. l921 Fullerton Avei.' Coeta After .the service a tamUy d1n-of MIChal!t Burns: Susie J>J~r Mesa. wu the party setting where ner waa held in tbe home of Mr. and Bertha Staeble r. Easter set th~ theme by mea.na of and Mrs. William E. Nickell. 221 Ruth Delzell of LqS An.cel('!f caJlaa, atocks, d&ffodlb and nwn-Broadway. maternal grandparents gave the book review of 'Mudlsrk'. eroua: du°' Oguerlnes. of the baby. Prelient were Mr. and tf'a betng acrved attcrWard. Thc.!k' GitU were piled .high In a large Mrs. Dyer. Barbara Dyer, Mr. and afternoon tea.a and book rcvit•wM tub ~vered with crepe paper f&ah· Mrs. Collins and daughter Sally, are on<'c-or-twico a month &rraln ioned to: simulate & huge Euler Mr. &nd Mra. J . Lu.ah of Torrance at the Abop, 313 ~ Mp.rine avenue. basket. The gaJly-berlbboned pack-and Mnr. Conrad Loesch of Costa Each Tuead&y eVeni.nJ::' 8 rr adlng ages were Presented the delighted Mes&. Charlene's great -i;rand .. r;toup m ~eta to vc.charlge Idea.~ honoree by Mra. Btltinga with an mother. on philosophy. original poem from the pen ot ------ Mrs. Baker.. ' A. dventists Aid Triple l. ink Club Gamea &ftordeG ·en~ertainment ·~ with' Ml .. Mary Anderson captur-Foreign Missi.ons , . Givoc_ Surp' rise * Toil8oooe * Llquon * Frozen Foods * Coemeti()s ~ Vltamlm, * Sandriee ' . Candy * Toiletries * .Gifts. * HOU!lehOld * Fount.In ·* _.JUST SOIJ'i'B \Oil' S~~ . ~ e • • 1' ' " r , I • ' • , A.C:BES Oil' ll'RBE.PA.BKING e OPEN j Nl~BTS A.ND SUNDAYS , Ing fint prtze and Mn. Malcolm \. -r"! 't~ Retd lb~ aecaf!d award m .a contest Ex~ion .. ;f ~ ae;!'t'IU.-nay· Ad-StOrf<Show~· ~ ' . gueMlng the namee of matertal.s. vent.tat medlclll and edueatJonal , In a hat making competition Mra. work ln South Atrtea will be made Mrl, F :'lra Hanis· of We11tm in- Emll Myrehn and Mrs. Malcolm possible throuib a •pecl.a..I foreign ister Ave., with Mns. Tlnta Small Reid were first and second prise ml.salon otferln.I' to wtilcb mem-&s8Vlting,' wu hoate.ss to thP Triple Winners. respectively. hers of Ule Newport Height.a Ad-L!n,k club of the Mesa R<'b<-kah Served on dainty Individual glaae ventist church wt.t contribute Sat-lodge Monday evening, March 26. trays and furthering the Eaett'r urday, Karch 31, accOrding to Paa-The home wu decorated with thot.Jght Wf"re refrel!lhments which. tor Kenneth B. Perry. ·huge-bouquet.a pf swc>et peas and brought the hOBpitaHty to ita The offerins. which will be tak..-hung "on curlalna anll walls were finale. Nut cup favors were made en in all Adventiat cbvrchel!I ln m.&l1Y baby• pictures. The rPuon out of half 'a., colored egg shelJ North America, • la expected to (or these became obvious when a filled with tiny Easter eggs. Re-reach $280,000, of which $40,000 t~bie waa brought ill filled wilh sembling Easter ba.skets wer_e cup-beyo~ • i'e~r· budget require-baby gift& L"I a surpriSf' stork cakes bakrd ' in papl'r c:upa and menta 11: eannarkt:d for special s hower tor Mrs. Carmelita H ansen. I topped with Easter eggs while a projects ln Afrtea. Mra. Lots Stewart pr<'Bided over yellow croS8 centered the ice New bUudings t°' twd trainlqg a short bmine~ meeting. Helen c ream. Lime . p u n ch· WfB a.lap schools .L one ln Angola and one Cawthon· and Garnt'l McCulloch aerved. ' . In the Congo -and Ma.Jamulo wer• reported on the slck l~t. ln addition to' those mentioned. hospital jn Nyualand, wUJ m&ke . other m embers of thp group In· other guests e njOytng the lovely it poaslbfe to tnUn additional Afri· c"Med Mt-sdames Effie Sia.ten. &ffaJr wwre Mmes. Joseph Thomp-Can worker• ao that Uley can help Maqaret KllJey, Florence Switzer. • son, A.. E . Hubbell of Long Beach, their ow. people,,. / . P1ore.nce Conner,, -Lydia , Bame. grandfti.other · Of tbe prospective Seventh·D&y AdveM:lat are now Gladyfl Bl'rd, Alma Black. Pauline bride; Robert 't..ong, Robert Luck-ope~tln~ 10 tratntnl echoola ror Raln.a, Be.rtha Wat.an. >,fary Loo hardt. Robert Halntoa, Raymond K . the. edUc&tion 10f-te&chenl ~and pu· ~ Et.ht:! Sm'th, Iva 0oe. Pearl Eastman, Prank Dial, Cleo irullu. tore ae ·part M U'lie piQgra.m of 9-:kea.. Mary Taylor and a gue11t, Vaughn Bn.dtey. Chl81Jolm Brown. sell heJp1 Medical aide• are being Ma.rte Doirtey. The April m eeting Harold lnm~. El.too. . Barn~(t. trained th ritne 1!9ePlt.ala. will · be hostesae<t by Mrs. Hansen Robert Joh.Mon, Hugh Davia, the 1 tn ·the home of h~r rnolber, M n. MJ.aaes Ruth ·Grimm, ·Virginia Fr d IH "' N ~ Smlt.h, El Modena Ave. Compton and•Charlotte Best. e . ope ow Sending gltta but ~'!Obie lo at-• ;\I! I • ; . Wpm, e· n's Leag' ue rend wore M:ro. Hub Jeru.,, Mrs. '" 1'.'!r9m1a • • Leonard Logsdon, Mrs. R. c . N t th •.Lt Owen, Mrs. Oavid Cadwallader <YW a t: government ec........ . (Doris Billings) .. r .. Thelma Al-o( d<aftl"g I• Fred Hope, ·aon o( Elects''· Officers ,_.. d Mi. M:' • Mn.· Thelma Paddock Hope ot __.,an .ss, argaret Nelson. Corona cfi!I ~.He lett Marth 21, U.S. No •. 1 Qua_lity <JARDEN FRE•H-REG. 10c 11uNcH ARE . , ' ~USSET ,Elltr& Fa.;,y, 'P11e1<ot11• .ZT1c.o;:'::••reot-L•"'1 • ••nohff > Potatoes· ·TOMATOES .. 51 i~ . ' . -' ' . 2Sc QIAN ,_... s ~ I ' , -:10 Paro)i.. ,Air ParPt-' -- ·s,HORTEN,1N:G, t · ' • • f 1 . • . ,tr~-~~,··t~•: MaByflaiJ'•£°A 'H. • (M MayfaJI" Pl•n) ·.. ~ , "" • . Look wtoat f1.H fluyo, at •yfal•f Juot .. .,; 1·Ga1 .. _ltl. . ' ··~-: ·'fin .- c ··~ 17·~- . ' 29c c juat a week from lbe day when I Mesa M,an h• went (1-om Loe Angeles to Ft. p a-ns · Meet'' . V H ,. I Ordaaad<att... . U. worth-of ..... eflps a _..t pre.~lum qU11t- tty dln,..,....re .\ • Mt .d~"t auy w ~ Many Mts • you wt•. -n.,.... no ~ tlmltl Thi• high g'-9 modeM -lorlut d t1nerware i. beo!41fulfy p._t11o1Jff aw -roU.ly alud With fu"°"'°"al •urf'--. Each at.attar Mt lnofudll (a' 10"'" OtlHt.r Plaf"e. I (b) . 1"", aalad ~ta, (o) ii.•--·.~ (d) cup, C•> Muo&P. Opeft ~ ·.,,a11aa1.;. atart l•dio -T9MATO SerYiee Meats ..__ !T!NQ> , I NO WAtTE .Jn , ets• 0Sp1ta Fred lpent the Wttk taldr!I ex-" ' • .... _ . · aipin.at:Jona for ottt&rs' t.ratnt.ng Mn. Miy 'Oavllj: Was t'.!le<:ted The many friends of..J. c . Pa.yne,· ach'>ol apd pused wtth Ooe"'ot th• president .of Ute Women's Civil _ 111 E. 18th St .. ·c;osta Meaa. wilt be h.lgheat rat,lng• but a "football ~ague. <tordna dcl ,fitar·Qalboa surry to learn that he is confined kn~" gave lllm a No. 3 , phyaical 6.l&nd branch, at its. lneetirig Mon- to lhe .Ve\eran•e: Adminiatn.Uo.o r~tlng. HiB bJabteat CTadea 'Were. day morning ln R8gan«a ~tau· HoepttaJ.. Lonc.'f,Beach, for extended in ma~matlca and geometric iea-rut. Other elected officers a.re: rqt &Dd lrt!atment. The local man sonJng. Ilia brld'-of three montha,. Mra. ~·s Hahna., flrat vlcc· la perm.ttted to have vtSttor&. 01a..o& ~~f Hope, hopa to jotn· preGd~l~· 'Mn. -.Iril Hlgbtf>: aec .. ' hill> in Vlrginl,L . -ond ;vtc:e-p~dj!nt ;, MM! .. Virgin" ~ · .l..-:-I· MJller, !'f!C'Ordlng secretary; Mrs .. )'Out, •t W.yt . , ~ " . . .. l"llllfT QllJkCH OF CHBIST, c f p f Bea Waldeck, cone•pondlng 11ee- . l!CIENTlllT anas a ar y «taey; Mu. ll<• Schocrsta't. .-Via Lido, N""'°re _. t HI H It.._,.,, .end , M,,._ ){t.thl... , .... _ ., ... -"""""'· .... a . .aun ome oai..o. audJto.. t • t • ::..::~ c..pt, l<Motla, lo ..,,... ~'. -'"• ~ J F -5 .1-Hrs. T , A-McCandlesa, Chair>-Mll~_,,,b,..._ A1W9 ,.._,lilL -,..... ~ ... ., "'· .~· ~ -'"· . . ·-~111 mazJ ;,, the wii1iu.r Park and !lee-C....._ 11 · ·, S..• lerfk• 11:. •-•· Sab~ I I.Ana avenue, Newport reatton. commimlon de3crlbed ac· .;;=i~ )•~ •, ~=:.ta:::'::..'l':J'~' 'ITT.I'!' C Helg!lta.r mtertallltd trleotcla ,at &I\-\i'f!l.lea ol ibt. ,group,• stttilil"I' •. • ..,_, , ..... ~ •-11 -to i •Yelling •of ...,..ta °"· Satuoday . .0...-...ltiWt,y Qlfh&Vlng Ute pli<k _,.' ' ' , !.,_:.:,-,: . 1..,..,...,.,_ ~ w'°' bl~":... w::...:~ and .-.cttaUon fU.t¥:Uano bandl<d -8oodo, -~ < • ::.:!.f·w··~· r ~ .. ~:::::: OOnclry.r · · ·. '. :rn=~ ~ -:'1"= · -Ji.,, •• H'lll· ·r;:· ·~)'' ' .1 'I . • ~,pl&Jii U.. -.... -~ mbllllid and )~f ~-'. < • ' ~• · ; •,. · · ' Lh.l~ ~:ta. Gqeota · """uded. er ~'!'lion 11ohittn ~ r.. ., . " -' .:.t.:' HAAOtD -'1. JO._.t~;,1 J v . """' -... Wll1lam Oct---. I '' ' ' JI{ _ ~ :J'Pl~1 : sr, i~ "'rt, ~i.i.-Ooodi7. w. ll. Root. "-....,... ~ to atte.l.s u.e ' "' -'Co• 11 ........il ~ -and: Al ll«maD. pa'bll!;.. ..... ~ i;.>, ni=alloo -· v •I """T....t.· C ~-• • . ..-alld ror April 3 at I.he cltT -"'°"!' '!It ~. •1111!9 oat~Mnens · • toa1L """ --. 11rowa obalQD&il ' Ill.I ~ .... ~........... ec ~ t • I of UN'' .i.te -tloa: - " • t , . -~•• •a~~ d ---,,.. p!lll>lfnt 91-Cloll-~ A -4., ...... ~ """' ,_ 0oep.,. Gt Paroiita>--to~ •..tit ... ~.lo .. ._!......,_ ..... Ute .,.....,, •·cu .$ tf r~·N S . •-·,~·-.Don ~,,_,'ore... 1*1••p.m..w f'w ....... • • ...... I l'l'I' __ } .. lfl'l'M!lllb.i;itwto..-,.,,.. ,..-..-.... --l ........ 11 ... .w .... ;~ Ille ' ,.......,-. "";j-..1~~ ,,.,, ..... ~,. .......... ~-~"°"""' ,.. Mill \' ~"' ~ •• ,... .. D.. ..... 1111:-~'m~tr(. I& ,.._.Mid ·~:1111111111&>.~ ~···-· o. ... ~-°"" It.al ~ ~--!&Df, ~. . .. . . .. ;1 ~I ..... Git ••• """ __ ·~ ,,,,n ' ' . ....... ;n. .. -, -~ • ' .SOUP · ' . ' . '3 '~!i~eL 25~c • ' J • • . ' ' • ·I . I • ' . ' -· ·1 I . • I . I • • ·kish ·Tenor J , JOb ·mterviews· F .t ;;.;..J j ~k.tti-ew-. ~ 4t Ille , ea ur;cu on· ~~.u:£~ :.::,;-.::~~ , ~·toda.Y that "np-ta-fAC P · · tlve of Ille U. S. Na....i Otdn&nC* , . rogram 1 r:.) c:uia .. :.i:=~~ • Jimmy O'Brien. lrloh tenor pro-P-!Ao -.u.o -ory ·~- aented aa aaustyt.Qc a ~ tJon each Monday trom 9 L m. to ~ bu been ·heard durl,nr the 3 :30 p. m. at the employmont ~t- . eea.eon at the latest meet.tnt ot' ~e, 10• Nort.h W'.ower •t.reet. - the Co•ta Mesa, Friday · Afte,.... # ~\bew-8on aald t.b&t apectttc .noon Club.· Ricfns otl teal ... c:iwc~t --wert at' ...... qu&llty and balance wu C.ot!•)I ~.O .~ ~ ineated by the -preclsiQn ·\" · an; !aal~e ~. surety ot the Jlft.od lin~r • ....,. Tool ra, lll'lctrlcal Repall:mea tor tour yean wu -~ ~ Ud , trlclana. Telephone tlne- Ut In "'1(eo Murroy"a Bladlout&" ..,..., •Sable __... W ~; Acoqmpanying Kr. O'Brlu WM 4ilent Mt-n. A't. hUt ifour )"eal'll: charming Mary LOOtoo .II m It II. '""~ Jo a oequ!af!' tor -· cla.ultk:atlon. Prevallill&' hdutl who dlaplayed not .onlY a tecll-Civil 6erY!ce .-.tes wm be !*Id uJ.que of ample dlJDenalons Wt Katbew-lldcied that trai!;r mualclaruh!J1 of «pth ~ ,_. bol-lwttll Mt.Ila Mid sleeptnir ta-:er::.~ '~!9:~ in~ cillUe9/ for faJnW• ot ~our 'Were 'the &rtitrta. • &Tallalile to cauried C!IWtamen but tb&t ~ bu rt c for OthPr Shamrock.a, clay ptpes and of.her workerw at tbe present time Is BUC"P•tion3 of the Emerald ;tal# more dr leu difficult to tind. Bar-~· colorfu~ the luncheon ta~Jea .racks or dorinitory bouein tor Wh•ch bore pretty flora) appoint-•lal"le 'me.. le A&qut.to .:;} Im-E' t" nd Be Pl j ment.s of variegated spring blooms. mediately avallab:e. Malhewson a 1ng a v.erage acesl • ' 1 Mrs. Heinz. Kaiser, pttsklent, u.qu qualtfl~ and tntere•ted •µ- conducted 1 the busineu sea_ion. plicant. either to contact the or· f I w h OPS b Ap ~ ~ Named to . serve on the nomll18.-flee at'101 North Flower street tor Must ,. e "1t y r~ .~~::~1~:~:n~ ::: J~U:... :ec:,nm:~~=t~~::r t:tr~~~c:;~: , ·~ Connell and Mn. Jen:old Spang-on Moadaya for interview with the Every operator of a re.ta"'urant, cocktail toµnce. "°(t drink fou.n· ler~1-u-•-~ ~-:"" ........ _. ...... recruiter, who will be he.re tor the t.aln. cafeteria or any other type ot public eaUne, P~ la ~1'1'9d by ~~y -;::~no!lc;:b ~ '-;: nnt time on Alonday, Aprtl 2. the-reglontJ Qffk:e of Pnc::e 8tablUUUon to obla.ht a ~ or C.tfln& """"" PT\ce Regu:aUon 11 u .oon u poaible, 80 he may de~rmlne cellilll looateH croup April 13 wbeD Ille Ann t 1'>-11 500 pricca for w.e 1n·•1a ..4blhoblnent by Aprll land. !lie r.lou!Hd"...JiO.rte Orange Col"'lY con .. atlon oL Y~ . 0 ~ • " W~n's Club la held at an a.11 tty ~prll 30. l I aay .., .. ion In the 1cca1 -coart-Officers to Duty The de!lnltlon of)t.:xi under the Studer t · ~· houge, Marking the luncheon qulati lncl.111.d bOth atcoh tt 1 S JeW hour will be mustc by the Lark· Flve hundr~ ot the 1,841 com.-, r on ~·~Cl o c . ettes of Newport Harbor Union 'pany grade national guard and and non-aJcot.ollc k¥etaC'M. .I Hlgh School, composed ot 2:S ruerve offlc«s to be recalled to CoplN "'Of <:PR•\1 are •va.flatlle r • ....: ..... , p I young people. ~ e"'""4ed &CUYec du1¥ !or U...-at the l'ewport Hana. <:IMD.-.MICJ An !nbe....,tns talk "" ...,.. el .Anny .,_ under u.. n.partm.l.t ot aomm...._ I the old mining towns tn C&tlfOC". of Deten.te~ recent recall pro,rsm CP.,_·11 lllowa J>UbUc , •WC W'tlt.lr llvdeat..J of the air..ge rtla wu gtn.n by Mr&. A.. M. wllJ... be-drawn from Soul.hem CaH· p:acea to adjust frul!llW pr.._ lo ,. Oaut Bl•dent Chrtirtlaa A.mocta - Bmall, hi.tory a n d ~mark• 18Dlia. · ~ ~tll&l tncreuea in ftc*9 coN.. UCD .,..t rOW' dap o! tb~r ~ t'hairman. Mn. Small aleo told The 500 eotithland otncen •DI tt ~place• on Aprfl 1, ~. J99-ter ~ llWdftbs IOCl&I pob- a bout the .Adobe de Palonacea, k the Souu.ern Cl.Jitomta Mill-...wons fl/I the QeneNJ. eea... Price tern. ta' Hollywood, nport.a ,,.Dleen original ~h ,home at tbe Don tm-y Sub-di.atrict'• percst.ge to-Rqulatfon of Janw.r)' • eppKc-aro .... precidmt of tbe orpnil&· lpaclo tam.Uy, located near Po-ward meeting the t.2,600. qYOta •b\f to .uch Ntab~edta. u-&ad Ra6ft of th&. 00:. ~dy mon~ and whJc.h la open. to the ellabllahed tor the natidn.. ..,.Reporta to ~ fned by . .A.prU IO JTOU,p. • public. l ~ ~-o--m..t. 8-t.de• Mae Brown. th~ &J"OUP Pa.st president or t.ht club will 1 • • lb Ule OPS ..... laui ~.. ....__ .... com~ OJ Ka.tel& Jo.Im.- be hpnored •t the April llQ .... t-Newport Students MOW . the eotabUelwnent'• methed -Rlalll :V ..... , \;,\d Jlal ll- tng when Mrs. George Wheat will t l B h or opttattoa and !he ••foot cOllt per ton. ~ .1 be the speaker. a ong eac dollar or oats"' 'In -tlir -1'tronly·I\.. ·-t-'"" · State · College !'::::it;:·~!,,.-:=,; t.;.:;,-.,:t ~J:!ru llH> !';"'~ Publicity Powwow ,,,. loliowlnr studefi.t. ! r 0 m one OPS dlotTiot may tile ...,.i...... 1111CA· YWCA ot Podfle - Student ft:t>reae.ntatlves fl"Olll four Sout.henl Ca\itornia junior ooUeces met at Orange OoaSt eoueeie W'ld'.H9MY, Ma.rdl u. '° plan · th~ o~zatt9~al meeuns of the regiona.J directors of pub- llclty w.hk:b ~ll be held at Or- &nJt"I& Oobt lat• kt A JM"ll. This planning committee con- etsted qi: M:iS!I Nayan McNeil! of Sant& Ana; John Hansen or Mt. San Antoftk>: w •• Boee &.nd MJa Sa Ute Inkster or FullertOn; &nd R.obert Gardiner or Oranc• eoe. • END OF POSTAL NOTO! Pmtal notes are-to be dlacon- tinued on Saturday, March SI wu. Uhe word recftved from postm .. ter ft t.M-Newport Be:acb branch of "'e poet olfloe. William H-A4arna. t H e explained that postal notes ad · been •vaij&ble for sending oney UJ:rpu~ lhe rMiU In itnOW'lta leU than ten dou..r.. ( 4-""1.aion of the whole 1end- Jhg-money..tllrou1"h·the·m&Jt •Y•· tjem 18 planned acco~lngi to pos.. ~£Hai, •. ~ ~ ' ' -., ... i+! .. . l.....w.. .. ..., ~ii d will lie replaced 'Y f"Other ostem '~ (o .. M'\'e tirac &nd redu~ tlw!! &mOUnt of handling •¥ postal empJoytw•- C:AllNm ftN1I) f'URNITllall MADS '" oua oM'I _,..,, -,__,. ROUSE & GARDDI 611 C(' ..UJ KW'r, ,1''-;;111'~ ....... -, 1"'-CON Newpo1t Beach are now ltudatt• Tttord1 a.nd +eporU wlttt' the oPs __.. Region, Who haw ~r at i.e...-Beacll State COlltr•. Regional Offic•. 8TO Muhl -_ .. ,..., ... 11:u ... PnJo<t -- Judy Chapman, 1104. W. Ocean, San Fra.nclle'O. · ot Qek1 trtp.t,, lecl•ll'M. 4"5- and Jack· Qui.9enberey. M-4 •Weit-The tollowlns featuru of c\lallou and dlre4;\ed atudy 91 JnlMt•r .A.ftaUll, an Muoatton reswtaUon ue a.!led Q b a u'tUreel 90da2 ~ of tM maJori,. Arlo Evao.s. ~ s.a-Uon of. all bi.1•1°euet1 metropoUt.a.n &NL I . MoN , Dr., ls taJlin.g a 8W1ineu b}' \t : Tbe topic of Util year. But.er !Mbeat1on cou.r.e and Jane Neth. 1. Any p)ace, estatf. at Prolttt wu "Ju8idle, Deltnqu~ n11 l'"hlley Annue, now majon 1ocat'on. W'bet:htr ~TJ' °' ency ... P'teld tripe b m&~ to it ln Socia.I Scienoe. permanent. at or f'ro91 •tuoh. oy JUv•lle covrt. the 1Petiee lttvt!Jlid. The loUoWing atudenlJJ from meala or prepared fOOd or bewr· ptk)n Bu.,_.u, .tu.ma. lap•-. Balboa llla..n4 an also st,ude.nta agt>s lalcobolic or fton..,lcollaoUc) project. and the ~ttJer 8chotil at Lon• Bea.ch State OoDeJ'!. &J"fo IOk!, ta COlf'eJ'led by the te(Ul8· for IJoy•. _. Joyce A.ndenon. 2231,t E. Bay tioo, Any pllic~ Crom which food Fl'Oftt ut4 Rktlard Dlmmttt, Box itecn:s or ~"'er"al"eL whllltiat ....,.. 292 are education majors. Wll-pa red ..or riot, ar~ aold p1aaar1b' ltlun Hall. 2lt Ruby , la t.alc:ing a for consumption on the pl"t.Mi.Jiel 1enertJ science courae. and A. i.. &130 covered. This means no.t Katheryn StoAe ol. 223 ~ E. Bay only reetaur!-Jlt... ca.tea, ca.fete.rlu, Front Is majoring ln Art. hotel.a {tnc.7vdlflt room atrvk:el. Sunn weather y I' I lt1es Tourists 89th lrirthday for Costa Mesan Four genendons were pi-uent at a combined. birthd&1 and· Ea.at.tr celebraUon helil a t Ute borne ot MT". and Mrs. S. E.. Fopte, 20071 Acacia .et~ ~4>9~·, Jionor peel ~~ -.. J ffi inother, Mrs. Mamie I:. denon. 1M7 Oranp ~ .. oo.t.e. MU&t who WM ·db- ~hei-ll9tll l>lrthday anl\l- ve....,.S.. e tour generations included . Anderaon a.rul her two da\l&"h· ecs. Mrs. Foote a.net J'Clde GrMn: Mary Johnaon, <IOcbter of Mn. foote\ and her tour daugblen, llargtret, Havely, Barban, Shir- ley and <norsta Jotmeon. <>then preaent were Mr. Foote, ftay J ohn- aon, ltQbe.rt Green, Jim Ra veJy aad Mr. en• Mn. Ernnt Poapart olNOW))OrtU..Ch. -. • and cocktail _..,.. l!llt dr~cateuen.. • 0 d a fDu8t.alaa. • l>oan!Jnr h..-a, catertnv eetab-Out-<>f-te lour)ote F!; • 083.41)3 In Sou,m l\&hmut., atbJ.etlc •tadlums. t\eld durtnc February, ht,.. 11.T kJtcheu.., l\lftieh wa&'OA9 and hot -"' ~ _ Ex .Jo.. per ce-nt. more tl&n a 1 aao dcllg ee,.0o9. e.rw.ptlon1 ..,,..., 11n· W'beti a n-.k OOWl lwaVe .-·'lli:d • - -certain -•1u.n. lo •eaJe -point la ""' """"~ ....,.., bY. hoeptt&la. edu~ the All-¥...-clu~re WM· tnaUtutl.ons or rratemal, cba.J'1l· eccda • abl~. rellsious or-cultural Ol'J&n· ~·-naamu a ii'&"°!'& and eaUna--·-Ot U.. Bou ' • •.llalb (l>anecl t,,-Amled -----.ci ~ Dd. ... ~--·--' -· -•••• ,_. ---• wi&bi 2. ._...,.., ... Af'11 l , Mell -• ' ' llemont mwt !IX lh. pric9 In line .... """>' WWDd Uf a ~- with t:Pil.11 A+;;; t1lst -., no allle -r -l•hll;ll ••""' ii · • the tr<nd,pt the P'-.Ylo<lil wo wtn-estabUahment covertd~y the rep· ten. n.e S0utblan4 t.bla ~ wta- ~atlon.a &hall ae.11 any meaia. toed i. hM ou.lly Wattn~ -- 1te .. , .fie•~ or ~eel at "'1" weather, con~--...... ,4 pncea :wtllch reneot a ~er toed ..,w .,,, ;.,..,. ,,,,,J,,. w dor- coet -dollar or ~.. U>aa .. .... the cltW o11 the -arid permlt"'4_ by the .....,.Uoa ud It llllildl--~1 ._ llhall -eel! at poi<te hlptr -.. -· Ila toiitlot pa e_ th• celling prtcu cotabllahed !0< Dwiaa" r.i.n.ary .IM;tlO euv-..t- lt.. QperaUon. •tate pleuure ~-ta I , n-e ~er muat n. Ml. P~ ... .,. , • CaJlfo n.omu ~ 90 u to ma:ntaln tot a tovr.montll Tlaetr ~dins-. ted fr-em periM .....inc April ~ ~1. a ~ the tUled oat. 'TA. FU~NITURE .A.ND • ACCESSORIES "'food cost Jlel' 6ol'l&f, ., ............. ~ .~,the:~ l etttJi. wblcll b no lower lioan lll ""--~· ~-~-d. · perlocl. ,.. bla -per1oid:11e m..,. ....... llrWWWn, />" •i ' the --• The "Prlnr -atlon --;;:,t .:Ii::' ti.cal· riar ~ eon here ltaft<lli -~ 1. ' , Ot IN OUl 0 -WO.UNO" 4140 flO.. fMI. P ' . THI U.lallT DWY ' ON THI ,.CINC ~ • ,.....,...__,w.,.,._ l..6s....._ ... D • -----.............. ~. · H0U:SE ., GAIOEN • • llOll MILL WORK; ~ .• SASM 1 &· J>OOl-S j ' . ··sa » ..... ' • , ' ' I ····~~. ' -CI04PI 11 U • • --~ ! • • """ i .... a. and oMlft6· J ..... ao. '"... R. . -~ . · not. . • mesa es1 en+s •. The re&"U]atlon lnclU4H .......,.. !njur-_J ~-J -, ~ proviel<>m far n-rmtaw1lilt# ¥Q •t et Three Colta'll reatdmta .... and W\a<>niil eatabllsl>meate.1 • · =· I S'TAft Ol()QilliB TAJt !.iipUl9d la d ""'11- "fewcomen ~°'*'-* are &l -It• ~y; Jl(n. 1. T . -""-"' that they may 'be ,..q,.n..i. Ollo ..wi.ea c'1~~ IM!dO<i; to tUa •late lncon>A tax ........... Jll>io.;S. t.aunn, nau 8t:, Jllr. T1>omu H. Kucbel, -«t"tWI A ... I• +T:t:: of u.e ~ 'ha ~ -"'.tllreo pl • " Jifa -dlat mdl-.. w11o -lit ""ta -. o--...,l;J'. for --""",.. 1'o •'&It. ...; lirr. ~ T. j Olla n- r&ll" or ~t.ory ~ .,. ...iftd • ~ ~ ~P aD4 -Wden>d to be -ta tt tllll lirolran _.. -le -... "'l'lirW to Ille ............ -.-.. ,.,_ -rt -.11et ...... ii .. tlHo ~ -a. 11.t u..t.t -,_:t 1illo ... ::.: "illd -.i ...... 1• .. 1., ,.. ..... It iilnl'la .... It ·--· ...... c1on~ .ta-=-:._ U.: ~oz:-Toda.~ ~bl , --· wlottl.c ... <16· 1'1.J!...:·~ ....... n-. "' the~-.... --~. QIOC;,_w -~ -····:·&. ""Vt 9. .. .. • ~~·~: . .: ~ _:::.::... eel:." • . . . -....... ltl ...... ft @1!11·~ --·~ ':' .-· ... • .. tj;;1 -··-~-··*" ~· LltfoaA : ....... .. ... ,s,fh, ~:=~=~~~~F lt::·:·~· ..... ... •.• ... .. .....,o 2 p .. u.n Ollle..... Of IMtm 1· ----Q • l • • ' . • • ,.,,. ()/16 -- •• . ' ~ ~ ~ . • ' " .. _.,. ' . AND ~- IVIN • • 1.0WEJ. . PRICISI • • -o· .... ~· • .... • • l ~Utlf~ N COUNtlll eAI COMPANY • • • • Hltw _...,.. tlaan eYer your best value . . • • , • .I. ' .. , overo .·milli · n miles'' p ' j . I --Scrrt Gm10t 01U. 1 ... w.11 "-' o,..:..+r: IMI .._., New -..., "\\'h~n fi,e sta~ nddgc lf."Cbn• a>\'l'I" a mHIS9n cnilrs )'OU begin to realize: 1'1'1a! Dod~ depnulahilit\' mC2nt. Four o( our Dod~ arc 1t:iU ·Z9itTK arong. One. after 400.~ rrules, .was linall'' rr1i r1.'fl from lt1'\.itt. All th~ mikt 1't'tt safe~ tlq>CP(lablc. cumfhrrablc nules for our 11asscngt"n-:irua1ingly an~mica l a.nd 1roubk·frtt mite' fOY us!' • t r I i , (-~· > ~ •8~;z;:!il"ll&llLl'fll!t::!!Blll.'l!l .... Siili::m1i~liilll:~ti(fill!;;]i~:lillirl:~alllilillt\lli!llmlm:i,; -• .. [ • \ • • I • , . ... 1 -1 ' ' I I .. • ' .. '.. .. .. j \o · • ' • 1.1G1&. NOTICi • . UGAL NOTIC!, I.MAL .JGl'IT OF ~ UAClf NcmoS °" ... ¥! V•NYQll • Wobca,. ........ -J l STATE~~ NOTICll 18 m:R11B'1' oIVJ:N NoTICll l8. IDCll*8r 01¥0 ,. . llOl'IOS t'O~ c. ~ th.: U.. P'lannlal' Oom-...0. ol ~ U.. P'M• .... ~ -Of SEALED l'&Ol108Al.8 ,.ill be NCel•ed at u.e· oCtlOe of ·!IM Cit) t11e <;It)' ot N-1\~ -~ City of ltewt>cir"~ aM!* wtll Oark, City Ball,~ or Ne•jlO!lt 8•1*. ~,.,;fl,) T:llO'o'clock otCalltomla, wtJ1 bo\d ~bou. bold a plal.!1c ~ ... Ii:-ap. P. lll.; an the.9th~ of Aprtl,11951, a.t •hiob time tlley will bo pubJlct1 Jn_p on the -.it1011 at 111(e. ~or r. lll. ~ lo• · . · . jlpenod and rUd, for performll>g wcSr1r ujQu~: · . lion ="' by U.. Pl&nJl!q • 100~ V"'1&nce I.ott 1 I< I, lllL -· 'ftlo lo .. -., ni.. 'rllttt 91 ~ 1 ,... WE INVITE .., I WW•r 11 • I · CJTY o". Nl!lWi'OaT BEA~ CALtPORNlA . i:wm ~ ame..t· ..ucm B?oc11111. -Side J.ddl 11101 ·• -., •.•• .... ••••· -., ..._ ..... .i. • ..,. ' • To.a.e C!l!r ·~ , 1 -•a •rs , . For the t•a.ollallon ot UM Lin. ll't. or J4• 1 110!.t or u.. "ldunic1po.1 Colle 9r m. a.1 -. Bal~) 1a O<eOtlt' ~ ~ I&' ,_ • , In Into tllo tl•.li111V --. ni.i&y ~1.NW.11ox i • ~ • lll!:P.ama Ol&meter Reinforced Concrete Cly!Ader Pipe ' • UM l::lty or Newport ll8cb >nee with aaction,flOS.1 9rdln· • .... I ........ ,,_, ..... r • u....-... " OolWonll&-,bo . . liTAftONJl:i!l!Y ' r ~·· .• 'D f I.~::. I :I . No bid ~I 1>o ..-eeelnd '""'-(t 'ta, l.....i. Ji.>, a•.,......,. f°"" lollawa: .. · • ' uu:e No. llM. ' • ,..,...'!' IJWlCm 111 .iklnl • Crlola. ~ ot loUt a poi -. 1llle ad· 0Je1"80 llO~ 1 ~ • , ' 1 o.. 'IMC#.-.. : '. IUnllllbe4 by 0.. City ~r.· ll:ach bid' mUit be -puled 1oJ :1:nat certab. lllnd9 8olltll NOTICE Ill bereby l'fftll . flloWIY, lolt oteodlly, It la,..,.,., dltl<>Dal 1 POJl"-l plagto....., -.Ploe ~ -· .1 ·-~~ -~ ~ Cltyot1 N~ Bea<:h !ormfamountequl to~Jeeoil t• 11•i t.h:i•arl)'~.UU...$.; lhe ltlh<l&y'o!AP<f!. lilll at tht u.TM.:'11'= la la Ille luul4o of ...,..1'11114.f •.. r · · A ' ' P-r·a'kl.M p,;_.,. f-certitled Or cUhltr's c'hecJc,. or bldder'o llond) made H-J&b~ to ot ~ l>lo. lQl moft that O&ld. l!tarini wlll bo OD lJroJce, • ' tJle ~(' ~ le-1 I cos~· ... ' ~ -• --t of the ""'1°""l bid. ouch gtiaranlJ. to ~ fortNted alU>Wd U.. Tr..:t llhOwD on·-No. 4 Of "-ot T:ao p. m. In the Council 11~:, th ...-1ow ... ~ Ila :WOPl<en l"ou,!d -•i.. -L ST~ I ""' o.n "!"!n ~ · ~to -~ c:ontract II awarded tall to em., llltotM ~ Ille tlllltrlc:t.IQg ·lie ,;. Cl>ambtn of tlle Cll:f l.f!;"'' -tlllnp P-Tllelr "tall.__. -alr..dy .... GR-&. nll.lll ' . • ' .'fl> &c<:ordance with tbe proV!olo~ of Sectlon l770. to 1711 of ,the -· ,_ ·~~ ..; port Bt&eli. callfonila, a wlllch -,,:-':;,;. leslolature adJI, bu -.-c..i 117 """""" i... \.l'---....,.-"-.J...:_...+...:..J.j ~1.;·;...~-_;,· ..;~ .... ·"'91'..;.-;...'Nl-:.,w _ _. !Allor cbde, tbe·Clty CouncJJ pt U>e'Clt,y of N-pJtt Jle¥11--"C-1-H" D1otr1et llme an<! p~-..zy alld . tu.. . ""tlftlT paid 1'7 to tlM poillt Of wi.1---· · .talned the scncraJ prevalllng n.te of wagu applleoll!o to the Work N-O'l'IO&, 111 -~ hl.U... rt-lnteruted may appear j&nd be :::..:'.':ploymi, WW have to ~ plolnta.. I . . ' , • ' .· to be doae aa fo llowoo that -bll bearln will bt htard tliereon. I . . . Tb~ 19111 ~siatature·1wr:the· -+ · + H.,..q Ptt Dtaa pu c r PLANNING COMMU!IJION Employ ... , V(ho olnce Kay.1948, lutlon !or W11 clanprowo --~ -_-'IL ... ..L, · .L . ..J C'b 1, • .._ . _ W•-w..., held on the 19th day of April, and RAY Y.'OOfl!:LIN llaff not p&lcl !<1<1unemployment and lf thewodcen uwell uem-._... C.T1flW1!1/fijflElt'~rj-~··~Mnwtll!Y.,~· Carpenter •. ,. .......... , .................................. I.Ill 11.811 tl>e 11th fay of IJ'&7. 1101, at * . 1 ~ 1DfUr-. will apbo uve to l!Dd pie,_ ja -•-mloly-"'lli.lllate La~. GenanJ or Conotnlctljla , ............ ).U 14•· ~~ ~ !'.:.."'.:;.! :'"'1,_1!1,..., Ho. tei l'riu. I lllelr pqd>ocb T<dUcecl by a 1 oena.-i 1dllblct malr.e tllelr Cll>e~ and T-of ~ aJld ~---"' """: -·• --Publlih March JI, ilioi. ~ -or "'--.Ctlaa tor wlobea known ~ Ill* ~ Electrlc Tool9_ Vlbn.tJng Macbtri-e, alllll • .-~ •••ch. <'"eV'1• et .WbJcll, · ~t lMlllr'anoe. lbe ~ cUf...•~U.C .am· '8lmllar lnOdw2Jeal tooll -Aell"'&~ --plAce QT and all '*'" Non<s or IO!••tko • ~ ao pio.tdtd by the pre .. nt emplbpms~ ~ f¥o/J. > cluolfled ~rdn ........................................ :. 1.1111 l~~ :::c,m=-y -and be NOTICB l8 HER.l:BT , OIVQ ~ U:,. fwl!I reac~ ~ Three thlnp, mu.t lllo -by · Crtbbenl w 8horon ................................ ! ............ t .lO le.JO. · ~AAY OI' TRI: ' tbat tile Pilm"q ~ ot Stl!l.U!Clm PA~ TO mE ti.. ltglalat!lre,, . AJoplialt Raker and ir<»wr .................... L ......... 1.H · ~fAO f ~O COlllMlll8lON 'I\" City of N~ Btlt.ell WlO' oxli:lo>LoYED WILL U STOP· 1t m~. llctii.. up Ule· ••volun-, CUttbl&' TOl'cll Qper.lor (demol!Uoil) _. ............ 1.iO II.~ 111o .. ta Prll\ . bcild two public ~ u., Pm> . . tary quit re~U-, ao, ll>lt ~ , ::~: =~~yAB~t p~:;b;Co;JJ·; ;: ~::: NbUa W-11 llf; April O, 1901. ~.,::'in;'] i!:~i ::..(~ ~ -.,_ ouggeote4 In tht9 !:;~d"'":~~ 1 !1aa A'()!J Pipeline LUor<r ..... : ....................... 1.80 14.40 , 1<4'r'rc1: or·-•amo . Block fH, Ccwona ~ , ,,_. ==Gt °'u~ltf med:.:.::; ance, unleaa ht llaa a. Codd_..,, Owud .....Vor Watchman ................................... l.8T 1S.S8 NO'l'lt::E lbe -ltt r.oalng ot ' . 2 lo a .,. U.. ~tu~ clliltllag dlreclly c<>nhect..i wl~ ~Joi>. Oom...t ~ ............................. '. ..................... 2.38 a.ot Pl IS HlllRQY OIVEN C-1-11 -In -.,...;,. '4tlt11 ::;:.. the !lmd, d an YOld t n muot corre.t the pre.ent Jaw A·ll'n&e -Boom Truck ....................... , ......... 2.30 11.te ~t goun1n1 oamm-of -t1<113 of ··o..tJu.Dce Ho. Ule uno ......... ~.,a 1 any 0 wl>lcb pe....,l.O U.. !l)lng of, "lag· A.pprentic.e Eng1Deer. locludin.g Fireman. -t1 Of JriJewpof't Bea.ch wtU 06. , 1 _.,.._,t • tematlve. 'luart.er""° clatnu, w•ereby a pe...in · , Oller. o ... .-................................. ., ......... 1.93 15.'4 hold a pullllo 1'euVlg' ""' the ap-NOTJOS lo berebJj ~ ,11""9 -::.~:.,. ............ pr_,,t blch c..t loaf on • ..,,., .. p1-ent ,lmur- A.Jr CornprEMOr OperatOI' · ............................ ---··· 2.00 lfAO clltiQn d C. W . 8mlUl fM • ftri-that 8&Mf hevta,p Wlb bel Mid • 1 ~ .. E '!1(~.. whtcb ance ·a tota:J . ot 12 lDOllthl out ot A.oph&Jt Rlant Ftrem&ll ....•............................ 2.10 11..0 ::;' _.i.ot•n , Block "A", ~ the 19tb day of ~ril ~ U.. lW. fixed the ";., r , ~ ot an I,,_ ~. ' ' Mph.alt or CruAking Plant Enginttr .............. 2..30 tS.40 • (121 HUd Drive., O>nma del day of ll.a)',. 1901 at \be 1bour ot -~-~-:en to: tromrmO '1lcldi. tlle ._. Boxinan or Mixer Box Operator (cOllt'l"ete or ~ar) 80 that he may be granted 7:$0 p. m . (n tk cc:und1 dlMaber ...,.,._ .NnOO .. -. aaphak plMtl ... __ .......... ·-·-··· ........................ 2.1:s IT.JO &D tr •tbadt. 111 &ccordaOce With or the City~ Newport Braeta. = ~ ~ .. • telnponriJy out • lt rnu.t upten up .,the rule• CGDcrete or Aaph.alt Spreading, MeMan.Jcal Seel.Ion 9108.31 or ON:1iMrl:ce No Calltor.,,ia....t whkb Um.e llDd plltice · gowmtng the penona ~ un- T.arnplng or F lnl.!hing )(acJUDe Operator 2.30 ie.fO u~,._,_ ' any a.nd &11~1Dterellt.ed ma,. a Sss... emplo)'me.nt m.ura.ce S-.11!1•nta Concrete Mixer Operator--Pavtng typ. ud v:i.avw .. hereby tvrtber gt¥en •Ptte•r and be beard t.bencm.. when tbey are ant out by ,the moblle mixer ........ _ ................. --··-·•-··· ...... 1.fO-19.20 that AJd heartng will be bekti on LANNING OOMMIUlON ~ ~!:"~ OOMml•on on can. from J>r09Pec- Hea\')' Duty R<!patrnian ................................... 2,311 l8.40 tile letb dey JJl April, 1~1 at the RA y T. OOPl:UN, •··• lb ~ ... __ ,_ wu 00 --•--'• U,.. OJllJ>loytn. Tbe Ndtet.ers Afft,rou n · a tal.<Wti~ ~ 8c(er . , Ilea' hour ot T:ao p. m ., iD ti..e cowac~l · .L _ _...:_ i; __ .., .....-uv.rua n!V\llQeU now find tt e&ey to avokl taking "Y Duty Repairman -Helper ...•............... 1.93 16.4t ~ lb 1949 tbat ~ the l!Nt ot \ Paftlllmt Bte&ker Operator ............... -............. 2.25 l8.00 :.a:r ot tbe Ck:Y HaJI, Newport No. 666-~ J~uary 1960 every empioyer un.. web Jobs by rnaklJll' UI Wllavor- Wonder how ~y p,iople have bctn trying to call this tdephone ~ .~"!' + doing her olgcbra lesson wiih , friend , who lives J'\'f down .the block. And, you know, incoming calls a.re often mor~ .impoftant than tbeloncs you make. This Puol.p ()perator ....................................... ~ ........... l.~ 18_40 . a 1 Calltor'Dla, at which time Publish March 21: April 5. ltGl. der .... _ "' ... -.;, .. ·-••d a rnlnl .tlble linpreelk>n on the pr'Ollpld.ive a-• Oil ~'-'-and p ace any ·am all persona In--._ -~ •CCC> • en;aptoyera. ·---•« Maclllne Operator ................. 2.35 18.80 D>\1111 tax ot 1 -oenL , Roller n......-•---• • -,,. ""' LUuted may appear a.ad be t\Mrd N<meE OF PUBLIC ~Oii -. There are muy other detlden-...,,_.._..... .................................... -................ ..._. -t.M.reon. NOTICE 18 HEREBY Qlvs:N employen bad aucb • Sood cle& Lil the Ullemplo)'ll'lent luurs lllUp Loeder Opera\w -WbeeJ Type ............. I .JI 1T,f4 RAY Y. COPICLIN. U..t the PiaMlng CbmIDl•lon ot l'ftOl'd o6 COllt:lmled emploY1l)lllt aDCe '.oct Which lboUld be eorrect-Tow Blade or Grader Operator ......................... J.11' lT.44 -"--' -tw llMtr wonw. u.at the• -'-'ao Trw:tor Ht.Lilt Shovel ~-•-1 ~ -= s.cniary the City of New.,.... D--'-•tat. •--lb •••• d i••• 1 .-.. , ed. EffoN. Will be made to -:rect . ..,..~ ...... r ........... :........... """ -. .., PlJJffftNC COMK1&810N of CaJlform.... Will bQJd.-,--.pubUc he&J"o -~ aa -.-. 90IDe of thMt other defldeocles Tractor Operator -Bullde&er, T • m P • r. No. 668--Pr... lhp on the Re80hl.Uon or lnte.nUon Now, t.tnoov.p 80 faWt of tbelr du.rio.1" the 1951 •sslon ot the :m:u ~ .. ~ ... ~~ ... ~ ... ~ l .aG 18.40 • Pubi!.b Ka.ra. »; J9!)1. ioJUAtcd ~ tbe Plannlrig Commie--:::; '!;Yle~ pa~tnl~ ~cl= ~But the:...__.,_ ot ••-~--- Trencblnl" Macbi.ne Opera.tor ........ _ ................... 1.31 18.04 8'oo, to &mend Bec:tion No. 9102.2 e.mployua. Ut1ap &lo;-~:;:.:d mak:"'it ";': Ualwrsal Equtpme.nt Operator (SboYiel, Dnc-t JIOTICE OP BEA&IMa :~ ~~ CX>d..: ;::1~ •. ett1 ot eeiu.ne, u It become& ftn&ncl-_..We for the unemployment lnars line Denick, Oerrick·Bal'ze. "M'ebeN or NOT!CE IS Hl:EUi:BY GIVEN l . Tb.al ln b.e .,... CQIXl.prt..-aJJ1 B>oN dtfttcu.lt to do bMfrwa, a.nee fund balance t o be lncreued Cn.he) ....... -.............................. :_ .................... 2M 20.00 lla&l. t.be-Pianntnc CommlMton of ed of certa1n kJot4 In Tract 90?. pa.rUy becaiae of "ltlgh tu.ea. durinc the year ratber than to oon-Drl~t:! ~J -~~~ .. ~ .. ~~-.. ~ .. ~---~~: l.U l•.M :.tt ~ttu~:ic N=~ :·:~· :~ oa Lido Ia&e, more tully ~? ;~~::Ur~~y. ~y ~~oaeloye::e~ ~~t~ money futer Uuu:a it Drl ot ~·-~-k y 11-1•-r ---•-sc ribed u lots: ~--,.. ..... .........,.._ ven -.-1p '~ s -f da. but lem " p--. "41 o ~ property 'o!N'ns 91 to 181 inclusive U.. .-,.t have btt.n taxed etlt "'-Duriag 19f9 the ~ wmt down Drtv~ 0: ~Pw~~k~eveJ ·a··y•::·~ .. ;; 1.& 14.90 ~~ ~ ~s~. ol~. ~i ~ •·1!: 21» to 281 induelv.e •·~--.;. ~ot a •ytap&Uay plea tq; s118,000,000. ~ than 12 Yds. water level ................. _ ........... J.,90 1.5.IO Blodl 218, 8ecUon "B" eo that 364 to .flS inclusive t>IJ'lplbff'ft. ,..°"'p~•-1t950, 11• ~esp .. lt.e,·,-~~ .. hitghhe Drtyera ot.Dump Truck.a -tr Ydm. but 1em tbe7 m.&J be sl'anted & Ure. toot ~37 to Ml lncluslve It the unemployment lfl8U rance -,---.. 619 Mil&U:\.I than 11 Yd9. water 1.ev-el ..... _ ....................... lM 15M M'tMclt oa the bay .wit ot lhr: 699 to "163 lnc.luslve . 1-erw tund drope below a cel"ta.irli ~ ~~c~~-ahown anotber '23,s . Drivers or Dump Trucka -16 Yd.s. or more property ln•accordance with lee· atructuru -Oil said Iott •hall p oflnt. unemployment lnaura.ncf' Dli~~ ~~k~--~ .. i,;pi'P~;;J~"~lY J.l& 17.44 u~;J~~ 1:f::b~~~h~;·C1~' ~!.ut;s,~4~t i:u:: ~ ~ ~~~=-bte aJt~ ~~~~ ~::~le~t~~ 1 Jeu than a tons . _,., ..... _ ....................... _ ......... 1.83 1.fM tba.t a&i.d beariz.lg will be br>d on fronlal'"e than tour ' ( 4il feet tlon for mlllfona of honeat, con--~00:..,r,:"t.eYe~mmo·~. fund. Drlvert of Tnlcka -LegaJ Payload Capactty the t8tll 4ay of April, 1('61 at Uw &nd not nea.rw ~ tbe ta C lO I aclentlou1 worklng people kl Olt· ... ~ •• -.tWIMJl 8 and 10 tOM ,_ .................... ·---···-... IM ~ llour ot 1~ p. m ., in tbe c:otlYJ:cll f~ walk than W, (J~) feet, for11ta 't'ho Lq ruture, ·through. a o . Blmp~ uithmelic wl~t gtwe the Oriwq of Trucka -·Lept hylpad 0.,-.,My • eba.mhr et. u.. Clt, Han. Newport z:::'oa ~:-:,~ !~ !~ I futt of thelr own, might "' out &nlWe?'' The .Jectalature can: ~-'we betw~ rtra.trd t~·tart. ... -.---t le'" -16.lt - -lle,ca.. CN1••· -.t~Jch Ume of JO'* a • the is just a sugg$dn. ·o~ course, but ifr you have a problem like this around Y. house, you might ppiot out to your.particular Ann that if she spa her' calls .•. and ialks only as loug as really necessary ... she won't run the risk of missing a dfate because the boy who w-.. uyU, to call could get nothing but a busy signoJ. : to spee<I sen-ice I 'on Long DistaoJ calls, give tht oper-• arot the informtrioO. like this: F' int, the~ ' " ' "''--"'! ~-.;' ;,, ,,. ~ < !' . -,,..,,.,., "" name of the to'?i'n yo 're cal.ling. Then the telephone number. ~lt'.s a good id6 to keep a· ... liot of the out-0.f·f'>wn ~'wnben you oall). Ne~ if it's a ~n call give her the name of che one you wapt to ch. It will help her complcrt your1coJJ quicker. .• I I DI t Tru k.s Le-• p ····j···················· . and p~ .. any ••• all -~ •·-No. 8 o f"\bi dlattlctin't Map. ...._: ... remedy. . ' r vere o c -&--ay oad Capacity --. ........ ,.--·-_ NOTICE W bel"Ny lurUaer nven • .....:;,-would not be able to ,.~~ Onl1 tbe people, by maJd.nc tbelr betwten 15 1Lnd 20 lona ....................... !. ••.•.•• t.11 10.14 ~ may appear and be tM&rd that -.Id public bM.rln will be any unemployment lnaurance. wiahea known to the membeJ11 or + \ Drl~ ,;f Trucks -Legal ~yloa4 Cap&elty U..reon. · • held on~ ltth ,4aJ ol,prU and ~ . Tu on 1"of'ken the Ra'W-&Wre, can. auute' that 1 @Pacific Jtlephone + Drlver-s 0';9~rcl~~ .. gp;~~~~--~~--:::::::: ~:!: ~1:!! •PLAMN1;'.!,1·~~~. the 17th day or May, ~951, s.t th~ Before that would happen the theH needed re.form• are fnade. Drivu. or Tr&MU-Ma TNc....._Ullder a Yda. t .e& 1'.4.0 hour of T:IO p. m., tn the council leglalatu.re unOoubJedly woukt re-It ia up to the worktta and em- Drl.,.re of TransJt-sMl.X Truckx3 Yde. or more 2.18 lT.f.'4! No. 801.........-Prda. Secretary ~~ra C.:f ~if~~. New· •tore tAe tax • 'NOl'k.ers, trhkh ployen a.JJ.ke __ · _· --~- C&a A: Oii Plpelloe Working Truck Drinr, in-Publlah March ». 1951. • " • at wbkh wa. aMtted from unemployment eluding Wine"' Trvock aQd. a.U atse.a ot time and place M)' &Dd aJJ penon. ln.tUranoe ln l.IM8 tO d!Mb!Jtty or 'no'lft'DlA FINED tr..,ka H .... mH•mnm .................................. 1.08 II.GI llfOl'ICS lNVITJNO 81D8 :::::....~y appear and be -·-....... &nee. • Flood '16 each on dlotUrblng WW.. ~k Ori_. -Un4ff 2600 G&I. .......... 1.18 i,.'1-04 NOTICl!l 18 1 SJilCRET•oy OP'~ the eta•• chargf<o ill !Jewport city Any Claasificatlon omitted here. not leea u.aa 1.t'l UM , ~1 OlVEN ~ 'nA LEGAL NOTIC"' court were Ronald Lealle lllleJ, 20, iJl bldo ..,. to bt i:-~-~ lhe -~ ••• r i• ~ • that aealod bldo Will be ....... ed Pl.ANl'{lNO COKMIS8ION .... and John 06briel uv1n--· ll. e· ----•n ---Y · rt It ••· --o! the Cit• ~.~. No .... --. _\.. •-Nlimate Of the q\HUttitiea ol work to be doae.. • ........, --·r-c # ....,-.;.., ._ ..--,~ Loe An5~. , '. No bid wll be ou:eepted from a Contnetor --,.0t -Cl<y Hall, City o6 Newport Bea.ch, Publish llar<:h 29 ; AprU ~. 1961. NO'l'IOW: OF INTB1C'ft011f TO Tiie two .'!'ere arreo<.ed by. New· JJ ed I rd with h J.t.--until '7 :30 o'cloclc P . 1'. on the 8th EMGAGE JN THE SALE oP port r.:1':. .-i.--witb three Loa oeJU n acco ance t e prov....,..., of Chapter 9, Divtalon .m day ot AprU, 1911; Cor tumi..bling NOTICE OF PUSUC llEAIUNOS -.. of Bu-and Prof-Code. l.bt • NOTICE IS Rl!:IUl:1IY OIVll:N Al.COBOi.IO 11&~11:11 Ange ea and -.Obellc juwnlle PlaAa .may be-., and -Q6 p~•••, ..._~--t-&Dd f-°!«: March 27, 11111 boyo alltt tl>ty •tarted a'~t In ·....----. ·-100 Un al F that the Ftanniftl' Com*11U1on · of · · th ~Lnc&tloM may be obta1ned at the otne.e ot ·the Cit• . .__. __ r , e eel l S-.lDch TO WHOl-f IT JlA. Y CONCERN: e alley ot the SOO block&. OCe.a.n 1 ---r-. the City Of Newport Beach, State S ....._, City Hall, City or Ne"fPOrt Beach, Calltomla. w bid-'.:'..'!:'"d Metal Pipe ot Calltomla, wt1J hold. Pllbllc Object lo .......,.. of the II· .,_ 8-1-. WedDe~ nlgbL The aptt1al atteeUon ot prCllllpedi"-bidden Ii ea11e4 to G e uo _..,... be received unlH:s It ~ applied (or, and commenc-.J~ Oftlcen twldled Ut.e eue. .. Propwal lte<julrements and Condit~ anntKH w tllir" Mank tonn ti made oa • propoaa.l form tuna-beari.W °" U.. RMolutlon or In-inl'" not leu than 15 daya aft.er ot the youth&· ""4el-lt~ye&n·of- •-'--..1 t-. •'--,.... ..__.._ tentloo, lnJUated b)' the PlaanJ.ar th •· 1 of proposal, for rutt dlr@Ctlons u to biddlnc, etc. _, ~J ......,. ....._7 ~&&4-· CommLMfon--to •mend 8ecUon N • e -te PQated, noUc~ ltl hereby age. , Tbe Cit'v -of Newport Beach r~servea the rllbt to reject any 0,. Bpecia.1 attenlioa or Pf'OCllct!Ye 1102 • or ... _____ , ... _1 ....._.._ aro. S'iftlt th-._t the undenlgned pro-~U ,..,... " blddml la calle4 to "con41Uon.t" ~ --,,_ ~ --u U 1oeYt! REDDY KILOWATI Your Servan? of Ihe Century -. . • • ' • : . • • ~n •v~ .. ~~<~ .~ "~~ ~ ov·rollows: .,.. 'i' .·. ·· boat l l~\-/!l. ..,._ ' _,_,_ ~~~· l~ J.ii!.a.....<.:~. ·. :::M!~~ ••--• -ot p-the City o6 Ncww;g:ao ,...,,., c • ··~ I i · c., 'f' . Ctt1 ~ ""' 41r-aa to ....._ 1. Dat-* ' . . If •DW!dMattlo ,20.,rn~1,.,1J · ..... 1 !• .· ,•..!.t ·~· .• ,,fl~··· ot'Ris'-""No."itl '•I .... ""~ ··~iii~ ~·~i:r~-z._c...:~ ... :•tl'~ ~ ...... I r ~ N•. ~{'reoa. Pu....., March 22·:tll, 1911t. • • \.-Uy o( "ewport 8tach re-·1 · ·"""" • '011 .,., Mi l _..,~"~ ' -------------~----------tM rlel>t to~ any or ~~·:. ot<-.~ . COUNTY l6a. n......• .. bi --·' had CITY QF NEWPORT BEACB all bl4", to wal .. aay looformaJU .~P --&om a "11" ~ to -lntenUon,,U.. -,..-Y ; r an waay t ' 8.TATE OF CALlFORNlA In l>ldo .. to aocept ..,. 11.ttn In Dlatrlct to a "C-l·H" &-. -·,..... la . applflalr to the .. per1or 01>Urt •ult. for •25•• ('; N~r--CONTRA~a llle bid. ' 2· 11* the aru known u State BoaNI ot Equallaatloe for Ja. eoe damagea. ' O'd v.a ..._.... •v ....... ~ CITY ,.._...__ Ca.mp be -·~eel She a.Id he.r father, FraAk: .kich-OJ' N,,__..JlT -...~ · ·-ouance by ...-er of "" ·•~q11c ' •••t ED PROPOSALS will be reefi~ a.t U.. ot_fj,q ol UY: Qrv ,.... ..... .., trora. ''11'' Dl9trict ~·R .... -a.rd n..a. WM '.ac.ntck by •11 •uto • G -8£.Aai, CA•.uroR.NIA. -. bever&-11-.. -ror••· .. p--•-__, -· Cltrlt, City Hall, City of Ntwport Beacb, c.lltonala, .. w 1 :IO o'clodl Dlatrlct tnd "C-1-8" cL •--~ ~~ ·--g111g to ll&n>ld -· Bmlth P Jot '· ••· ~· da ol A~• 1~ t ~· . C. K. PIUDT, • -· , u followo: -•·• ~ • ..: drf . · , ,.. -·~ Y . "'... ~1. a. -~time tlltJ' will be P'lloildY CltJ Clerk •· • ·-t tncta' luH-1102· ON llALll ~ wu ~r ven north on ·OP,Oned and read, !or performing wotlt u ~' ~ -111. llll». llfO~ &4J~ ... t U. bt,... BEEi\ Llcs:NSl!i Harbor Bl~. ! CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CUJ:fORNIA Mo, tel-Pnio ...,od fr<m "U" Dllltl'kt to An~one dealrfll• to protelt th< ~===========~! Funtlohlng and Jiootall .oo u... tt. ot l'1lloliob lfafth n>n. 'Hol •'fl.l" I>Wtrk:t. ' • r . • lllch, it rual'!. eom.pi..i Mata! Pipe •· nat oa..r .,.... ••·acent i..uance of lllCb ~ may m;, . I , . "" ..., a ver1r1ec1 prot• With tl>e -... ~oMIC-/ IOMB No bid wW <ecelved W>lHo It lo made on a pr_.i rorm 1 • i. .. A 20an to the a.a-. .. Y~~on, Board of l!lqu&llutlcon at -· Kl' . tuml•hed by the City Engineer. -bid .,..., )le acoompe•ltd by llfOftOI: TO OREDll'OR8 now """"11 "lJ'.'. D"'.t'-· I» mento, Call!omla, otatlag ~ . . • (c&ab, certlf1ed or ca.shier'!! (.)IMw:.ll-,11r )46d:er'a bond) medl pa)'Sllile &o p~LteJy aooed U .aiOWIJ on • ,_. deaW •~by law. 'Tlw LIF£' SAYERS• the City of NewJX>rt Beach. for an amount eq1:'&1 lo at teut Un per Ea.tale Of ·Or·~ .._.taoo. Sheet N'o... 2• of .the;.i>latrlct· prem18el are' now lkenlc4 fol, Ullf ! Ill ~·t (10%t ot the a.mount bid, such cuaruty to be forfe.ited abould l;Mcs••r• • Int Map. .-! -. -.le 'of alcoboUc ~era.. I I the loidde< to, w•oru 'tbt cona-t lo _..,, d (lall to •ter Into tllo N01'JC!t la HEIUIST OIVl:N , NOTlOll Ill llenloJ rvu,.r rl1tD -., . IOBll:l'H F IUJIEa ._ ll!r _.,.. -WlllW M. coatnct. . ~ • to U. CftldJ.toc et a.ad aD that the ..i4 ~. WU) be No~ ITO-Preu.. : ··~•rJNa. ,lleN k ~r. , In ac~ with the p....-of Bee~ UTO to lTl1 or t11o 11&11ns el•h• agalnot U.O Aid ~ ~~t1ll;:'th. ltlhda <l&of~~ .t.1.i:;t Publjoh ~ 21• Hal. 1. ot Ohtl -I"" Labor Code, the City Council Of the y of i!fewport 8-dl tau. dlc:1ti.atorMld...t.a.tet.atnauM..::n -.....Gp ..... • Lj'. y ,. • ...,4, W1t&t'• d':l.(rettnt •"'out A- .._talned U.e pneral prevailing rate or -.n appllcable to th wltll lllt ..__.,."'"'cl"'".,.' ti!.! at tll4 -~of :30.=;::: lbe QTICI: DIVITINO lllDe bombeT . WOl'k I<> bt doae u follows : · · ~ oltlee ol ~ Clerlr GI tlla ... pcioo' -I -•bem <* !City llal1, lfotloe 11 ......,y ~ !hat 'Ttae a<-bomb la i-an- / .... -~of tho coaat, GI~ Ndpwt, -b, at .....i el T..-a« tilt O..j,je(fOlbor way to .....0 .-=:t...explo9-, aa.eao111-11o~a1-ia.t.•r ........................................... ~ 2.:* ~· :;a-~ea'!:~~ ':.:~ ;..~_ii:.=.::.t.r:I -:'~ = J~~~ ~ ~:~.!*'-!' •i: °""""' P'tn~r ......... , ...................... 1·-'-·3· ua 11.06 ---. to Ute -ralped a&,llllo .... -... tl>ar'eoft. •• • -.. : to u.e ~.;; ·10*1 ,..;... C-oejdntad, Ila !otal IAMret''• -OeMNI or ConatrucUon + ....... LTS UM ~ -pla« « tmll&W, -: lllalll'l'.itT OJ:.1BIC , to Illa -IV~ lo,.U. IHI, -lo atlll ~ ~ .up.alt llakeT &Dd lroner ................. _ _,,_,, l .to UM . C/o l>ont.N D. ~ · ~~ION Illa alftee ol .aN --~.~~.,.j -""-"'"" ..... ~ ........ : ___ ............. -·---__ J 1.70 lfM uia Coalt fllati~.,.' . Ho.,.._,..._ , • • Ill-•1t -.. ......... lllP. ,,......,."' - Guaril and/or Watchmau .................. ~ ............ 1.11' UM :0..-<lei -. ,,. .. ,,.., W Me"Cb 21: ~6. lllt:· 0.---. Oallt., ~--11114 IW beat • "IAl"'l"'lce EnJdio!-', 1nc1udlng P'lrcoaa wttWn a1a -11oo an. u.. ,lltoc • . !' ~ b1c1a will be ~ --. I , O!kr. Oruwr : ......................... ~.-~ lM 11.4' JIU'"u•loa o1 -,,..._ J • ~ UIONG, ''41tor, $ fJlf u,. ,,9 •:tic:o ..,..: . ~II U.. .,.i, ~ ' A:l r ~re.or Operator ..... -....... _j_.... IJ)O laAlt DlllM ......... i.2.,... ., -f'rw. 8. l'.~~e '8 DO rloimt-. •zu 7 C ftl'la• -h«!dtl --la r:· A· " 4lopllaJt Plant ~ ................... --.--.. -'It.Ji n.• • , ll09IQlA&Ul ~. 1111•._ ,........ iM '°1eltl'. ot tab'• •ha. -... ..._, -<II«• - • .A.c;pha:t or OriltMq PIMt 'icl•• ·-"'*"-SM u.a-~trill 06. \.lie 3 , rte *' ,__,, -' ~ Ii'-..:.~ m-. 3· ........ \~·or .. _ ........... v .. •ppf,cal • ,., of ... ••f'1pt_ f•" ., ,,,.. ........ • -... --·I ~ . .. 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C.--. • 11-u-1 -11oa w A J la -· .. -....... ¢ I d •·h-<lfon'-..... . 'Illa gt:• _,s._ GI pi :•*"MIR a ls -.-. ......... Ami-.....;,,_ W ., .. •::2 ._., uaJ . .....a.•J:ls••'0, 11 !i:bs <•" :( ,. =·•: ~.._.o -.. -.. ~ ... ,..-, ;•· ~·-te.x-.,.-1.1ricihe1. ~Dl-D -.. • ~, :: ... rlal>mr padle --··--· ·-f ---~·-• --~• • .. .. fl._,. Ul. -• .. ll'R &.-. • . · =· :f.F:-.: a-• -, ..,.... --· ~ crw1 -~--..,._ -· •atr• .. •1••••11! 1 1w• rtaM .. ...,....,.. -·--=-_., .. ....,. ... , 1 ·fa · / Drl-G( Dlllllp Tluciia ., -........ , -• -,,, All7'¢.1:,~·.;.,-.;;. ..... -_ !::; ::: • ' -~Clt'idlWl'eRIS•"'· TlalnNlq·&,JL AOlf 411. -:;.::fllli • -..... -~ .... , '» -)I i• 111. llll. , C. ll •'WI', O'iJ .. &I vf Tl II ..... fie .. u.. ., -... ..... """ .... .. • ..... --. -6 • • . . ' ' '2 a: l&UINI Ors'• 4 1 IU =llJ, ..... 11. & a.t'l" . • • • ' • • P~&E t -P~RT ~-!_ ~ ?HuRb AY ~29;_r951 IN-.w Daught~ ' Even ing, M~et · Dishict Ofricer.s . ·Remember Wards, ~ .a· for Ba,lboa Banker -. for MotKers <;:lul;>. at Moose ln~li~'l in 0.--C~ lrtospit~I W -p s s ,-lllr. -.Kn. Ed Bobol :121 Tiie ~ clul> of qoot& .... ,.._,ty__ Mari-. Mil ~tl.e Dnot111c 't.11( 1l'Ol'lliftii .,_,, 1 . ' -• Inlbe A.Jo., ;lfewpwt B.i,tit. :U. Seibel, Joi>'• ;Ductll'"f -I.II 1ooad d-ou•dldatu we.,. lll!U.tj:cl p~'""!d -I« ,cga fOf> ---,-!.,..---.,---'-'--------+-------=ta' a :r::1:a;.,.Od'.:: an.-,,.~ on ,,.-1· ~ ~-~~_:.:•:=p: ;=.:""w~ ~BU,.~ S rf .d· Pl . Mesa ouple at lhe'll,t. J-pb Hoopllal In Or-,ApT\14 at T:IO oclodt,u llie -·'tam (rorQ Ila~ Loclp, 4<1&-P<Nnt.y ~ Coot&" ll .... u SI ers an anp.' Tlfe llttlo ...i .. tlppmr the of Mn. !WT)' Yi~·-W.m. pt pt.. fr'Om U..t .,.. u.d from Pfa!'$ ·-.... ~ an .u RNITURE CA:, . Repeat . Vows ....... lat "O lb. 1' ........ Ileen Bo'• .•ftl1Ue, N • H•IP"'; ~ Park M~r; amon!l."l"'"' 11"7 . '"~1. ~ "° . -' v. 'S·pr. ·1n1g, frol' ·1~' naq>od 'IM•lnne ·Elr;m. SIM win lln. P11u• Norman wilt ~ prlliMl\,1. . , • . ,.,.a~ Hilll. • .. • • " • " • . ; . . • ., • f . , • H "R •1 be _ ... _ by two bl6 ...... . Amon• .u. .. ,...c1 dllftl~ -Al .. _ 1u'1"hflOll ,... 81!"""' by •• , .... .. rid . 11 N d ·u .. ·r F. ·t In 0 e I es Janot, 8 and Kathlttn, 11. boa~. . ' p.....,.t w~ O.. F , Cuter, ciep1*Y ..0.-~Lena Olah.fMn. c . .""'.~·:·,~U. ',· e.1 . . ' ~.w ·.". •.• .· ~m'I· u_re . Male'f"'l snlldmothor lo M... L . pud north M.-· t.nd aecr<O~-Cl&ioabelli' P.....,. ""d MN. 'La ~ The flrot surr•ld•n dance or the RoY. P . O. NeumaM, putor of Elin Myrehn Of Colla Meaa. Pa-Ol:T MA.JUUAQE l.lct:NU: troaour.r or South Contra! dlillrjct :Verne l'tl(k.U ·..,..: ft9~ n.-· comtnc y .. r,wut be bold at th• the Flrat Ba tlot d!u'rcb of Coolta temaf panctpuoni. an Mr. and A mantop 1Jceruoe ... Illee.. tak· and Chuck 'Hoo.on, vlc:o-prealdent !"er, cllalrman,·....iuatod I.be oub- 1 11.~2 • . . d., C•taV.sor _· ... 5656 · Jlalboa S.,. Club o1i Saturday Me-. offida -at • quiet doub!e Mrs. W. F. liobol of Lall!'. Neb. en' out bJ' · l'{alban~t Mlu';r1ce Co-of BOl&th Central. dlalrlct. , sequen! -.,...,, lnteddde. ·11 wu ~ alsht. April 14th. The dance bu ring cerem Y Satun!ay, March The · proud 1'1.ber' i. aulatant hen. Jr .. ot Boat.on.~. and Jean . &nAounood lhat· .. wlng' for tlle f&l1 JJ~~==~!:;~~~~~·=~===·=~==;====:!· ...... d<oll1\•ted ... "Sprlne Jl'rol-17, at 8 p ..... when Mn. Mary ..,.,...., of fhii Ba~ bt&llch Eberllnir ll&Rtngton, • Oranp GIVE NOW! ..... ;. will be doO. at 111• nexll H1 ... g L Q' u·'a/1'lly • . . Ph H. 16 6, 'le." and llWlllc will be provided.by Peppera or Inglewood and Harry Of the Bank of Americo. •,•"llUO, co.ta M-. 'rO TIQ1: JU:D 08088 \neetJng, Tueoelay. April 3j U , r . flnfing-· ' ~ Of. . . Hae "Bob FroecbJe" orchestra.. A.a W. Clark were united In mardage ) -. .., 1 ' . an added aitracuon a cocktail, in t.ber bome of tbe bridegrooi;n, 213 ~ party wtll be given by the bo&rd Flower St., eo.ta Mesa. .., ot dfrecton at the Balboa Bey lbe ch&rmJng. brlc!e wore A Club prior to the ~ to welcome amart eown. or turpuolM: blue c~pe both U\e new and old inemben for eet of! wtUt a conage or while the forthcoming yev. According carnaµon... Wltneuln« the vow to the pl"tlJlideht, La Bl&kealey. excll&nge were Mr. and Mrs. Ha1·- tbl.8 flrllt dance prornJaea tn be old Pep~rs of lnglewood. IOn and e.specially good &nd be &dvlse:tl aU d&Ugb.ler-in-law ot the new Mr:it. ot the membe:n not to miaa it. Clark, and Mnr. Alph• Brown o! Plana for the dance were madt at a recent meeting of the board ot directora Which wu held at tbi! hoqte or Mr. and Mra. William Venbeman of Balboa Island. The new officers fbr the year are Lea Bla.1'uley, president, Stan Boward, vice prealdent: Helen Venneman, secretary; Jack Br~rlng, lrNLS- urer, and the following meml:Jera of the Board of Directors: Lyle P'tnley, F'rttman Fisher, A.rt SaliJI· bury. Bob Hitt and lfan.s Broering. The. Surfaiden Club la a &QClal group compoaed or young married oouplea or the Harbor area, with the memberahlp limited to one hundred couples. Severa\ extra dancea are uaually planned each year ln addition to the s~ regut,r orcliestra dancea, alao varloua other activltie1 sucl\ u luncbfl'Ons and fnahion show• are held durJng the year by the women'a aection or lhe club. VFW Auxiliary to Install New Officers ' Ire n e Ttmmlnsa. president- Coat.a Me•. A pretty I tJered weddlng cake highlighted &· buffet '•upper which follo'fed lbei rites. Mr. and Mra Clerk are ~ldlng al the Flower SL addreu. The~ •re both former ruidenta of Toledo, Onio. • Girl Scouts, Costa 'Mesa Men1bers of the S ixth g rade Girl Scout Troop under the leadership of Mmes. Mary Ch&m~rHn llnd Edna Hart vtaited the Harbor Food Lockers In ?-., ewport laat week and learned valuable facta about meats, vegetabll"S, etc .. Which Will prove Of g reat help in their future role or homl"-makl"r.s. The girls &!AO ··e njoy('(!'" a stay in the cold room whic h malnta1na a dCGrtt of 22 degree:s below zero Scout.a on the visit w ere Nan<'v Chamberlln1 _ Ju d y Sutherland. Jeannie MC\ilUttn, Nanc~ Le\\·la, Bather Stonl!. Veronica Krotky. Roaemary Jones, Janet Cheney. Gall Moort-1!1, Naida Wilson. Phyllis Wlntera. Helen Hart, Norma Hill azid Nancy H ennings. Ano~r Girl Scout leadt-r lRk-eleet of. Coutt.lne VFW Aux· Ulary 3638 and her staff of new Ing advantage or lhe beautltul offlcera wi11 be in.atallect April Easter weather and vacation to 13 at public ceremonlea to be give her tl'oop a lrt-at wu Mrt1, I conducted &l 8 p. m. in American Ruth Lewla. On Tul"Rtay w ith h<'r 'Legion HaJI. Costa MeM. by Edna auiat&nt ,leade-r Mrs. Dorothy { Clayton and her inatalling team 'Meeb they took the ir third grade from Santa Ana. Brownle troop r~r a.n all c1ay out- Offlcera elected to .aerve with ~g to the Knotts 8'-rry Farm. A Mrs. Timmlnp. w h 0 succeeds picnic luf!-cb wu enjoyed at noon. Allee DaggUt Include May Buck-"t'he glrla were greatly lmpt(>l!IM'tl land, &enlor vice preaident; Doro-with lhl" old buildings and furn1 - thy Gilleap\e, junior vice presi-ture in Ghost Town. but t he gold dent: ~rl Brown, trea.aurer; mine tunnl!I proved to hold most Louiae Deechene11. conductresa; lntercat. · . Heater Tallman: chaplalt\; El.ale Tbe Brownle. making the lr11' H rmance guard· EuJa PaUer· wer@ Barbe.ta Lewie, Jo Ann eo~. trust~ tor th~ee yeanr: Hazel Shrader. Catherine Fogarty, Bar- GUJ, tn.iatee tot two years, and bara Coot>:tr. Ruth G1;eaf'r. Llndn Lola Tbompaon, one·year trustee. Meeks. Ltnda Mac Rogei:s and ' Appolntive officer• incJude Jean M~Jlyn &rry. Oth~rs making the K n t . Alice Daggett trip were Mrs. Calvin Hudson anrt e y, secre ary, , J M rl •1 Ro•-t patriotic ln•lructor; Eve McCor· eon erry, r. &n"' " rs. .......r · k y Scott Frances Hawley, Jl!rry Kuhry and Nanry m1c • vonne . Lewi Smith and Georgia Ban. color •· bearers: Od& Wella. flag bearer; Beva Ormsby, hlatorl&.n. }-:lawaii~n Tour Slated for Travel Section The ''arm cHaJr jaunters" of Ebell club of Newport Beach In· vile the pubUc, aa ,well a.a mem· bera, lo fly w1lh them to Aloha- land the evening ot Tue.tay, April 3. The trip atarta from the club bou&e. ~I~ Weal Balboa boulevard at 7:30 p. m . Theee. 9Centc picturea ww be shown tbrou&h courte.ay or the United Airllnea and the nlnt:. and a .halt hour StratocrulRr trip will be deecrlbed by Richard Mail· bean and Walter Nchner of thr company. '* "i°hls ia a tree •nd outatandlng opportunity to relax. in comfort_ on the deck or the new auper airliner while travellJng this highway to the weat. Join us, won 'l f'OIJ. ln vtalUng Hawaii." aaya Mrs. Con· at.a.nee Jaynd, ehal.rman, who will «rttt gucat& ------ Island Girl Cancels Sailing M iu Jay Sutherland, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Pa.ddock Oibbe of Balboa laland, had expected tp iea ve the end of tbia week tor AustraUa bu~ haa cancelled her reaervatloru. and wlll rematn here- & while tonier. ·she W been n=•t- lng since. abe •rri""" rnyis J&Jan at Chrtatinu time. Many beautJfUI obj~t.a of Jap- aneae ~ braae8'; lrilka and carv- ing-a were brou1ht over by ~ Sutherland, tnclUdllls'' a fabuloua pon;elain cablilet two feet ~n w'tth a ata_gae!N ~·~mt ·of abelv9 and dr•W'ers.. The.e: were displayed recently wtion Mhl'. Mii· <Ired Stanley ente:rt&fn.ed with a tea in her honor, lampshelfe c1 •••• , Now ~nroUif,g: . •I • Brownie Troop Hfs Cook-Out · Members of BroWJ\le Troop 8 of Harper »chool under the lc-adcrahlp of Mmea. Grace Speth and La Verne Sea(au!at took advantage of Easter vacation to enjoy a "cook· out'' Tueaday of that· week. The group met at the Scout House an11 theJ1 hl.ke4 lo the COAta M <'sa pe.rk where the girl! ra..shlonC'd unlqlle dolts from lhe lbng grua growing there. They then pla.ntN flower aeeds ln Individual cu~ tor each girl to obflerve Lhe growth of their ~ plants. A sack lunch wu enjoyed at noon after which .the Brownies took marked o~rvation of wild tile in the pa.de:, Including the v&r· loua bug life a.a well a.a bee9 &e· curing honl!y and the many beautl- f\JJ bi.nt'!r found t.Mre. In late afternoon the &own!" proceeded back lo the Scout Ho WW! I where lJ:leyl made their firat buddy· burnen. After drawing 1tllp9 from the paper chart the girl8 complet- ed the ~· drawn such as mak- ing walkillg aalad, hamburgers. prepa!(ing the real of the meal and ~king It al] on the new buddy· btlrnera. After dark the g!r:a held a.n Easter egg hunt In the Scout ~c5uae. t...:ter the g irls pre pared the luelouii: "aomores" from choco- late baq, graham crackers a.n d mantunaliows.. At 8:00 p. m. the following tired atrla re~ed to their homes : Dena Jean Balley, Brenda Dill. l.JAda Denio, Ruµa Johnston, Don- n• MacNt'vin. Elfyn SeaquJat, Pen- ny Spe:Ut ~d kl two guest.a Lolly and Loia Boll of vi.a. caJir. , ~/IELICAll~ SLICID CHllll •••••••'• 29· I ~!":!. eAMlalCAll . = "O/,;Jd, iJ,t, up'' SER ~1tJ1. '2~ 25{ aaa.o CLEAN CAH • ALPll IETA'S llllEI JEEF i [LUI -STEARS ' ILPIA .llTl'S Ill U IElF STEARS .101'1 llllEI IEEF ROASTS '~ll~~~ R .AST .49.i ' 59~, • • -Oif .. 11Mi ,. FOi ·REtAXINll . . -I ' · .. Wlllll ,J,11 MANE lllf. OF .. ·· TNllJ ,,,., IAVERI Olt rot/I .a7~·~ .7-----~ "?. '£'11511 DINNER.• LIBBY'S CORN • ~ CAN · / or,. IBIAlll I ., /2oi. <CAN •. UNP •oit, • • . CRACK .• I . 34 IPlilRY'I · PA C.kf Ml* '~'"25J · A G<lOQ • PlllCE ON . COFffE . t COPFI• CUP .co• II ~ 72" •MOR£ 'EATE>I EVERY Cl[AY ·. M.J.B~ RICI . ~~ • ·- I • ' •