HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-05 - Newport Balboa Press11 .· ' J · " ' '1idt /.)ti6t I • .--1'1111-,._-. _., ,----. .llJ',T. N. (~CIC">. QAJIQl8 I.I ---;-, ffe7L r-toe ..,.. a 111n1-for an ele-- pllt -.am Wblcb, '!'Ill make uUi re.i -lddl sreen wiu. "'">'· ltow'tt-,.,. Ulce to pick 1!P an acre odJolnlas Newport lle&dl, u'vtoo-tnr Ille~. wit.II a tine 'f!p at U... .piountallla, for onfy saoor · And, wltb uteelao water, yet! You've come ·to the right pl-.c'}. . . -A. I wnw ot UM DIOR raplCllT dovelo~r .area of I.lie callfomla Boutb Coutal ICmpiro l' "· ~· ""' - • • • I • .-. • • • Tb&t la, If Ji'OU bollen In reading Ult; ad\rert.btementa. I've got one 1111tt here that make• that more Ulan -tlonaf offer: VOLUME "XIl PHONE HARBOR J.616 'l:)le ad lo In Ille &dlanda Dally lterie'w of July 12, 1907, wbkh popped to Ugtit In lllla dept•a: poe- Hli8fone the otheT' day. ll give• a P"'l!J' rood biotgtit on bow thing• ,.._ In tlloae day•.' ' -· •. . 1' .. ·~ .i • • l.,HTHI I~= IWtlOI ., ~ SECOND LARGEST HO~E •• NEWPORT BEACH, CAJ[jm[)£?11µ. . ' •' THURSpAY; APRU.. 5, 1951 ." . l!MdenUy, even back lD thOM cia.Y' Newporterw had Je&rned the value ot advertiatng, becatJae they went at It In a bl« w&y. A larce ad ln. th&l inland newspaper told •(he re&den tbat GOO acru of lhe belt land tn Orange county were being divided into flve·&Cre tracta and were betnl"dlviiled rapldly. ''Th.la tract t. high and bealtb- M and adjolna ~he popul&r New- port Rtilghte tract ln whtch over 200 five-acre tr¥ta have been eold." the local l6lka claimed. CITY MlY GET · 1\V ATER~. IN "Ov&rloob ·the oce&.n and af· forda a mai\lftcent view or th' tnountaina and oountry. Abund· a.nee ot arle8la.n water. Tracta Hllin.g at $300 •n acre on euy term.1." llOU ABOt1r HOW IT USETA WAS ' A Sarge picture ln the advertl.8e- ni.mt ahowa three gl!nUemen wtth elaborate mustachea atandlng be - aide "an art._ta.n wCll from which water ta flowing eomewb.at Lullyr They don't 'J!pear to be a bit am~ u we would be now, to aee the precious stuff 'bubb:tng from Ui.e l"JUlld. And then there's a,nothe r pitch fbr loll in Newport Beach. ''The moat popuJar ,bu.ll<llng Iota in N-ew- port Beach are along beautiful Newport Bay made by dredging and filling. The Townsend-Day. mu Co. hu a magnificent tract ot theee Iota and C. L.. La.neuter '· " '-' BIO DITCH-8-11 of Dlrectora of tho C°"ta M .... 8a111ta.,."Dto- trlct \o\'atch tbe mecball.IM.I dltt:b dlJ•tlr t.aklng U\e ftl'9t }'11! out et the earth Monday tit atai-t the project oalllnl" lot Sft. mite. of H"Wer line ln lhP dllltrtct. IAft to rt1ht are: C~lr-s ~\Vlnkle-, pttt1l.._t; ff. Paul Norman. C. M. Se~ ·Arthur ~era. &ad No . Air Base Is Late Word '-almoe:t ready to place them on ''Th Al Force •·· no lmm-...11. ·the roar)let." . e r n-~ Iri another alluring offer by the at.r Intention of reactivating the Eut Newport Town co., w. w. Santa Ana Army Air Base;' at.ate• WU.On, manager, say• that Eut Dr. BasU H. Pelenon, president. Newport Beach I• the moat at-Orange Coast ColJege. tracUve beach reaort on the coast. Dr. Peterson ma.de the . etate- wt.eH peop!e 'could dance, skate, ment after recetvtng a letter from bowl. satl. row, fl.eh and ewtm.. senator Wiiiiam F . Knowland. "Property values here &rf! tower Senator Knowla.od quoted a March than at any other" Se.ch, $12:w:l 23rd letter from General Robert buys -.n oceaJ1 front lot. Bay E. L. Eaton, director. Legislation front.a, 11000. S treet car front.ft, and LlaiM>n of the USAF, u fol- S7:-.0 and lrulk!e lot.a $600." lows·: Any cuetomers! ''The 0Dep..-tment of the Air Force is continually atudying It. THEM 'WAS THI: requirements for ad<llUon&J baaea ~D l?;J;:!! • --~ ~,;'•~~~!A .Juat' to ahott haw ttpe.a.alve wor uawon. ere w 1U>Inal- t.bl.np were In thoae euly da.y11 ta i::atJon. however. that the iacl\lUM another advertl.lement. It wu of the former Santa Ana Army Alr purchaeed bf Mrs. Ed.na Adams, Base will be required under the.'. p~rtetor oftHot.el Newport. current expa.naion procnm. A.a Sbe offered ~2 comfort.able adllitional lnatallatlora are requfr- rooma plua , good home cooking ed, these facilltlea u well u other. ,more or leN apologeltcaUy for in that area of the United StalH Sl.50 to $2 a day, toeslng tn, real which are readily ad.apt.able to our qulckly, lh't cheaper wttkly ral eit operational and training requfre- could be arranged with euie. men Us, will be COl\Sklered." Jl"'urthermore, the hotel .had. been If lhe Air Base 18 needed by the · Wullam 'Lord, all db""lo"" ~ wltb i!ape...t.or e,wr ~ Md Di-• ~tary F. IL o.. .... Tllo '641.Ut.11 project win be 001Dplfotf.ld lll 18 month• Fl.nt \4·or~ atarted Ill an alley ~"off.a ·· I!:. t9Ul St. and Cool& -8t. na1111htlt WW from lrvt.o. Av ... ~. ~ (PTC'U Photo) , entlreJy refurnlahed and renovated mlllta.ry at A later da te Dr. Peter- and wu uru!er new management. son Indicated that Orange Coaat "On Ocean front, near electric road College wou!d malnt.a.ln ll.11 lden· d 8 P r.... " lily, continue tta" regulat progT&m an .. ~pot. Mebbe we came to Newport Har· of lnstrucilon and. In addition. bor too late-! • provide special Instruction for the Air Force in technical field& IT AIN'T A 8 l'!ABY 81TUATtON --rdinr lo .... wtute lolo-dl.,..;l acenta".wbo perfonn. .pecla.ltY n t. the allow of tlw women of &he 8uM•Na and P1vfiE 1lonal W01De9'.e etub for tbetr aa.oual ~ ~t Patty: Tllo lead 'oanlta'lo11' la EUlo -•1,. Ruby Mlnko apboldfa&' the 6 Months Jail for R .. D. Lower NICKELS JACKPOTIED WITH SCREWDRIVER ' tniltnc end ot.~1 ~•~ -r.~r" tor a ~mllnlty db bueket.. ' ;. r "I" • ' . . \ NUMBER e -. • I ' • ~ 1 • . I • . • .. • t ' •· • ' ' ~·· •"-I . The fApitot Wtek ... ~? 'di C.w.b'. , A,.a ._ 1111 ,. 8'V N IL.-••• a. Mia ... l!fn - DMr -. I l O b ,.,, M', .... ti Ji zi 5 •) o la !Me ---""'" .. -..-... "· --.to -JOG ,.. YI I ·-· ~ -tldlop ...,, !IO, ... ,""" ., .. .orrwn £U!iffl\ll'UJCAr.~....,. 1d&f I ,,.,. r IM:a # 111 \GI Tao -An•"! ynr• _ -llD\aua. wJ..-)lo WR ·, 1 .. ,., _. •••'·wt_.,.. ~b-tlwM "'°' r rPaiti • s ~ r:-... • • ... -~-Pu~ed e~ ~unday at ~wjptt Berea...~ ·-~ .. _. • .,,.. 'UI.. U» couc1E . • ....... er d 0 1 • 7 Mi wr II• ot ......... and .u.. ~ &Zlq• P~A rW., at 22ll .,.1~ ~~ --· PU;j,,, lL" ~· n -....... lllotrieto U, bJpHshl -al lirSIAI .. Pl&I llr'\, If ... • ~ ~ < --u --''"I ,.....,....,._ ertlr''tta Uk1 p•ple .... dllU. tot" ;a+..,.9 ~ u -'>DAkl-matter .June 1 1'4o, at Ibo poof oftk.o at • llOUNIA .._, _ .... -~·-•• _..., aze ~ to_ -.iml· : ..... .,... "Ne~ Beac1J, C&lltornla, Wl<l•r tile Act ot -·a. 1819. , . ,;-· J • ~ Clio~ ;;ic~ ~"""::: ~ ~ .,._ -~fiction. • 'h• £~ ' lJhttlt t'f, 861 ~t I tln!e -Qt""" a Id tbe ,t&to -t .. Tiie BenalAI eon· ,Our theqntk~.... ID :_~.:J -'prll.~, ,l~t -C.Uronta N--~noolatloa · ' DeaP -: aportu..., wnotBoc wlUa a l'Nll-ltltutoa Ille, ... •Ill-for -wl.olunctcsi..,.. trtppb>f• OeMnJ T"'I',• Red C'rliM "'-,...... lK""bft Nalloul ----~ ~ ponOaii, I haft OC• dOll:Ual •"IVl&t ~,aa,I blDlm la ·-t.td;.p Ille__....... Ji(&c,(rtll\!t' !19 lMiill)' M an Ure ="·=· :""t1te~~~~ ' -1 ~ wm( Ille ~---... II* Ml • rr ~ llf I R'"'1 aim-He -fllllt II -., Bu tlOo ~·paid..,...,._ la u.0 Newiion -...... ..,.R&Uwa1l:lp ,lltbttlLj N-a ba'•.aood lodonl ""llc"t-•• ~'J'loa;s'::!.-..::.°:t,.; ~ u.olled<iihnlor;w•f'"I" ~111',.~~J:!:,;~. s • c ' -• .... v a "'" 1a o .. .C . ~, ........ ll' tt••·~•IL ~ '7 ~....... • . 111 ~. -·"-• toa.·'llo ._ -.II~ aid to ..... <" " .. 17 P qf pw~ ..s • ellJ. I fc94_. a --Ill: Net, ODlJ Ul&t. ...... Ull jOW ..... to elh1F• a I IF JNUU Giii I b ba,tk to bli ......... &a ,... g , ... W~ llJ.7 ,..,.,,,,,r, • lllCN. o. RJ1:DDJck, OWll«r -l!ulllloher wlMia wf """ S' ¢ 1 ";r.: ment adlllll7 II ll(llM'&tlil6 la U.. C" = '!:.:::' ;;:;;!. ~ toli: J1e la a -u4 tll&ol ..., =-·;::: ~1":' =::;;.:: I R0.81m'l' F . w.JUMM, lli\Ml"• Jlan11u ...,. ·~~ •~#lo blacltl ri.i· ·· .lfor11t'u dtbt ~ · • den. He 11 -· •111 •od to' .llPt -the ~ ,... u1toil, ... -•--n• ..... -.' ·~'"'"" K•·•-r , aso. llut--.... IWon> For UM <WYlll ,.., 'l1lt -• lo ~-IM 11H1 -~-•t111X4in• "W!uitl• ~ llm'"'·-u.at turna , _.........,.,...,_, __ _.,,,,... "/'-•--., -· , tllat w. lllve.,. a·llalf·tlmll el· ""11th ....i.. -~ IO,,nr 11!111 ~ .,._ jod llJ two of IM bordu. PnlY 1'~--· 0.-,,_in lbe IJPl'lllrVTl>t ldlow Tl>e J..... '11aa ~n adjlldsed_.a ~ ot Jenera! ~-b)' lloo II Nftpoft. : ' . I DOW>' ...... "'ii 5 °'lw ~ .... lmn'o'a -pcMutlil Jiomo u&l MacA1'baiir - -._ tbat +-llll\od, '"'pllod: ~· dlcrilo Off uw~ Oout·., a.p OolllltY Ma.la llil1y ~ U..B&Ylq ~lo 'TW' ~l fw bUlloa. llbb~~ ';:.SW: lh•J:./ ll&Ult14. 11.j N-111, 11&\'e poaltlf<O ..,.r.e of'-t v. "Orr ~i:::;; mu Jt!Wah7." J IA> )IUbltah all lilDda, .. ~ noCic.J nn4 adYertlaomenta,, , .. .= :::•.:.:n,:o 6> Ett:li" J ~~ ;;-; !-apJ 1 at t11t.t wl -JI., SI c.tllro. , ~:: .. °'n:'= !t 1r.. 'f:, ~ ...,-;.. ... .Ille • ... •.!J!,r•::• I ile bO# It la. qrlaa 'Wciuao .. MIA. l foun4 .tli.r oftloe , unei. -·• e>'!Cl&Ma' 111•11 ., 011 mltlAlo cbllrma.n Nelam. 8. ,.._. U.. ......,,bl)>md U... li&ll 'l'imlq..:... ~ U ~-~.!"·-l~· .. ~.~b&Tffloo~. onror..u. PAPER o~ Tm: cm OP NEWPORT ~Cll -.... a pl&G£ld" IMots " bWloll ""'"" off \lllsl "' UIO. ~ ~"::. ~~ -~ ~ ;&nil<!. Ile lnllllt -all t1ai.-• ........ JDwa -.c.... ....... ·--· -&---- -i ~ that Lilt om.. Wll .,_ ..,q ~ Coatldu111C 9Tlb' 'tM -Ill ol w ~-.. on -~ -la tint llirollP Wubin,tG6 ~111•.un °""' ' Tlla~-~t In a -'lew '<!&fl l~K JOATSB• • l :ao to u :ao '5olly, "" ...:I.ii: Marci>,•-llunre _,.,.._ta i!~-·· l!llla !".about 'all 'Ulo ...., --ir. la Orr, -llM W)•''4Ji1Mi~1!" Uier. wUl be hundreda of Ille NZWPORT-MLllOA Pll.ES8' iev~ry' Tlninday tlnce I wu tn ...,..what ol 0 ~ -ttllOl(14<1, U.O 19Cll .:;.. • -· 5 1 fltllUllJ Wt war-· to UM &lie·.-. .j,w coif , ,out &lld the poatume ttom• ID Oraap County, sue -y-: SIM lllt -.nu111s:-tsr.u._ huny,Ifound1tn..,._..,,1A>df1 ... toderllllltph!elalU.4 blU...,OO!Jl· moa.,;"!:'>.~pe...:,! ~ \llCIA!iu of ..,..,.,1111r .-nJa ID -=:• erp<tr'str1 IJ!li "iiollr them Will.,.~ doJllbttul. monlila) (Aho hM!ludeo the N:EWPOAT-liulo~ N&)".ji.:rJlld oa to lal>ta Ana lo "'1> ..... lbe •k· poud '#Ith oal7 lU 1111801.-~ In -IAI -·•· oiitnc--~ itata l>e~L nllDlaa lo !Ille la wa.t th ~-oa~':14 u!"l".~~Cl::b. 'h8clay) 0.tsl<le Ille -.,.t~IO .-·yeo'r. . .... . yeor qo, • . ·~., -...: •~ 1-, n. -·~ e.·.pult~ - ' ' I llavon't.....,. 111-u ... l1oo1 wt.at w.111 Iba taa....n~ Wa71 SOTltr0¥WI). -t· -It -"----.. Ill'' "' "'" IUt Tue~ :flt and -~ . •----f · ' ·--·~· f · ... • • al thla matt.r. ;"Jh&po th~ la end Koana ComlnltlAlo ot the :au.a: ail.':;,: :t~ -s:all'N' 1!19W to top It Ill. Lt. Oonunancl-Sl1tshl1 M.n aa· ; Ille five Y:;to/J!ll ai*k '-w&Y .w. lh<>iil4 INFLATION IS MAJOR I PROBLEM Juautlcatlon tor the ottlce l>tlilc HOl»I dof ' • · ~ ...., ~ II' otto II:. llporror, chaplain at Ille ~ I' a&a Wiii te · r., :..,•P • laat -~io ~:" -~ 1 • . open onJ:1 1-houi. dall,.. How-It .nu Ila ... to.,.... tvt the IA· tllow= r1lht "~lunch Navll boopltll. acbtllt: Ulal IN lo Ulol . --•iJ. ' '. . ., I • ~ •v""' pl'ft{f The 'major. problem noru•* by -th top &fen11e ever, It _..,. to 1111 lllat OU< ,._ ewer Ill ..... ra1 dltt•-ainc. and UM -Ill> P14ltlo ~ the author o( ~ nit --i . . . t I ~ hjrl' du.::... ·1a~ .. ..! '~."""".an.d • .i....;: ·• ' communlUu -C<leta -and Uono. ( . I ~ olal article, "'1>e abamo and Glor1 If '-di. •" p~ers ia ~ation. 'D>at, t ~\~rted. is llle view of Newport Bodi, Mth a populallon In the !Ira& 111-1' -..... =..,Oum•, bltlle_.., "°"" of Ko...a." which,... dliat<I ~ ecrea on I lllUll ~~~,~~ H":.":!"ro ~ Defense Secretary George 14J.ull) l aU.se<Dy uettdln~ 30,000 perf>na older the tact tllat •P ....... for de-mo -....::::,\ ~ &Ddther to _.: 111 the Pea.....,_ lbe ......, D..i,tt.• th• rain ~tj council rood ~vonun.nL' ··Whet w• now • .. According to the cinTent ~ he &ddreased a gi:a've-....,.. ..,Utled to bettor uprua r...-whldl la ll ~ ot tllO -tbt 110vo11dl 'f'lllloUt ~.. cuter ot the Vnlted BIAltn Ann~ dllaml>er wu CIVWdod· to -ca,..,ity have np doubt could be much bet· •l'Ylew than• la rep.....,tod by • necualty for !DCl2tl -· Dtm.....u. lloor kader .Jllhloit ,.,..... ' Tl!Mclay ev...lna 111 t-l' offt~ tu If '!" bad Ill Cll!'n-t6~ ,-faced meeting of the Defense Mobillz&tion Boa.rd with theae four-hour doy. Sunly, Iha >0l""e ....,. 1"' bu -.onl)' .....,, tll Beck, of au .......,_ 1"" U.. The clr.aplaln la ""cualn6 th• r9c:r.&ttaiJ tea<:h.,. tom 1t b • polls tb• 1aat f....-ei..:tloila. It - rd • ,_ _ _, WI of --bere mllSt ...,....,.! billion, wll.llo U.. -tor. tbt flCllt ,.plTllt tile "'11 on powlda Atm7 at almoot abondonlilc I.ho tclloola and local ct when brou~' out lllal only .flftY .• Ob. wo s : "lnflation is getting out~f,....,.., Thia ls eapee Y mo"' corllidel'&tlon than thla. fllU year, wlUI &llalat ~Ill that lt 'wU a ''poliUcal bill, a...,. Kart-·In Korea., •1lils tp.t Mn. Rollin 'Brown. ~holrman of percen voted In oaie of the Ju( . ! true as far as the military is concernec\f Since Korea, the What de you llllilk f "' '°· wu .-'*1 ~ TA?\. '7ftl&ilder bill" -.,..s to -muy Of lh• ~y ottl<etl" ..,..not tllO etai.. Patka nndl ReereaUon •l«tiobt., we,., :you amo~ Klild..t ~ end all !hot th• pro)oct.od jltf-•P-kU!nl ~publlcan majorltloa In many flt to hold their rank, and abon c<im!nlat/on SJloke uD<jer alUplce.B th rd ' • prices of essential suppliea which the !ll!t'Vices have to buy stutt .. , for the ltaeal ,..... Wl&lcll blstM · all he ,.•accuotngmanyoltholack of. th w , 4 Lea •~t<1l~f~"!,~1per cent who.' have continued to rise witbout I halt. We have !oat more Btneerel)', July 1 are at 'a --of SU =ru.=.d cut .Democratk ,..p.. of counge. He cites: ''that over t't~rt ::::t:.;, Clvt I CU• of Tl>'"f la )'<Jut Friendly Jl'ord h .a... NELL MURaAROER billion. B:Ut '#hen the Vote came, 12 fO\lr !tundred aoldlen1 of t.h1a Mme Mn. Paul .Dana. 0P11'9ldent,.elect Dealer aaylnI IOOCl·bye ·:w adt planes, tanks and guns by bllJ prlcea than have been ..... P. 8.-You ere ,_ to UM thla Wby the dllf~ r IlltOllR Domoenta d-n.ct him to vote Army lalcf ~own on •t .... tchor• be-0,. the leque, pruldOd nnc11 Mn. wool<, ' I • • 1troyed by the enemy. UW.. drutic action Is taken lotter h\ any m&Mer you -ftl' conl.ra<tl ar. bolll*: -~~e3' ~ with the Republlcana Only ·on• olde the olr otrlp and f•ll"lilf Kdpt R. Rlll pr.atfent of Ule '---~-~,:!'!!!!'!!!'! , .& 41eotroy u. p bllah It. t ' and fllrlollnly, but se<U!iJ upodlt• · wounds bad them>elve1 pQt · • 1 • promptly to curb infiation, this Jlaoon will lbon bl:, IO . u •• It W1th u.-for them han·not ~ a R<lpubllcu-Patrlcl< D. McGee. board ' Ian ••A flown out to htch achool P.·T, A.1 lil~ucod . 1 , It ed . ul win In all with c...am and •upr, or .... It to stutf '""" .U.S--voted aplno& U.. a "p . oa ~-'l>• '•peaker. Mra. Brown Wk"" ot , wea en that 1t co d not an · -OUt war a rat llole.-N. M. po&lt-6114 Will DOt ltf .om. 11111• blU. atoty. Tbea the chaplain, .con· length on , .. ...,atlon ~ Mlatlve to TIDIINO 18 THE AJ1f8WD Rusaia." , to come. \ 4 ' Dtllate Clft t.M conl'f'Mlllon.al fe.. Unues abOut the 11.&rt.nM: 'The the total l]>enon&llty bf the' ln41.. A cban.Je tn guollne ~ ma7 be General Marshall, _the reP,Ort continues, WU followed April 2, 1961 m;;., '!:t.:r:::' J'.1f-"~ '!:: epportloAmtnt blll wu -i..elle. :-""ea 111 IC":~~ vldual ond how to ota):t a rtcrea• ~ktat.d wh•n mil.ago ""*""'ti> l by Eric Johnston, the EcoAomic Stabilizer. who endonied :1~-~ enll• 1a .... will )'lold Sl6 bllb Tbo ~ ~llJ' adopt'"4 i..~""'~ b)' -around ·lion progTam on .a \ community lall olf IA> a marke<l de&Tff, but .tt ... 11 -Place m _z UM ~ ~t. ut-1 ctidn.'t bav.-th• •.. level , . ta more llltel7 that the l!ft&'lnei theae views and added, "I just cannot stabilize pricee and Nowport Buch, California 17 ""'w, &pin,_~ be too -· -to do ~ .... .-t IL th.m. Mn. Rqy Fc1x or ~ M.ae an· n-a thorouah tunlilg up u to • wtgeol with every group aem.nding concessions, It's im-Dear Sit: The np<-a not ...,. lor MUell . la other action. U.. lqlalatun The olhtt ..,.uaatton lndlcatee nounce<l a ctaM Ill recr-·-...tor ..-t;bi&' Ignition---.k. ~·•b!e." , A n-btt of u-.lnt.r-eci Ill but tor tllO n-t 'IWr "' tlalAI .tr<ua117 wtpO.I ft<om th• . -. cc~t batUe . u to ""° pt.I lead•~p to be •~red 111 0,... lilg, n.lve adJuStm,;..t. eria,.;nrilr ' . - .,--the Ooun'ly'a water probl.m,, hav• would FiMnl to PN'ft U., pokiL. the 1&St NITIDanta of Ca11fornJ&'a credit. (« What. 1hJ.i cM,p)aln lJI &nj"e Cout 'College &4' su&Pltion other Jtema that ttlate -direcll)t f High prices have really com~ 'With a vengeance to tbe •llJI-a d02ltl to ,...,t tll• """· = tt Wiii......, to--ora-ol Wratll" 1&w declaa'od a beanlr of tilt lllVer ltar and of Bupervlaor H.W ~-It will to thel comwnpUon of flli!l. n.-! Mo•-• .... Aqv-~·~ rt wtlat Oo Wiil• -tlllrll· ....,. Bronu Stir botll for can11at be"1>-o thin d ~-·· t .. _ -&t defenae chiefs-as they have to the public at large. Aa an -·.---· ~·-~ D-A • naUna ,,_ tllo pt~' tTt bll· ........Utuu.-J Ill a f&mOYt Bu· ,_ and it' la dtfllcult to doubt bt for ltalning of unteer pet· P on•, ,... •• ~ ou u~ n • ·l ..-'l m..ton. and view U., releue of the 1 • _,,,. pretn• Oou:rt cue , • eon.nel in playground t:lon and Iona! Automobile Club, the old example, the Army, Navy and Air Forces have uked for 25.000 -. feet or -ter belnf ::" =--~,= 'ia ,~t The "anU-Ola .. ; I&• wu .;,p...i. 11Uch • -;" ~t~~.::; t'tr9! •eMion will be ~1• April guollil• ,. llkely IA> do Its work ' budget appropriations which '1ould tot&! subetantially more pu,..•o-by tlle <>nnre County 0:.,,... Ill• :&811 l"l"J'~em~ Id 1n an -blJ blll 111a1 wu =P1~0 ou , ' . n . 7:30 to e:ao p. m. ot eo.to 111 tile -old •fll&t.nt way, t than $100,000,000,000. Under preeent conditions, of courae, Water Dt:trlcL ol Con~ boltn. tllat from N rtnn ftnal _,. In Ille lle!>ate. All of thla d~IOn In our M•aa Community cb"l:h· ltt Will t there ill no chance of such fiiurea being approved. ~e to~':~~~ ~ ~. 'f:':,~1 blllloll IA> U'7 bllJkan' -.Id be 0.-. Tho .. tsmll la• OWS. It a mi.. pl'MO ~ not bolpi matttts u tar conllilue through Jun.,. 5· -Be w!Je..-t•ll, peoplo-&dvertlae! onv p · .l:v•n Uloqll IM fli:o& .,,._,.,,. d<ime&nor to brln1 • JlftlDll-per-u the on•d!y la ...,c!etn..s, bUt It j services will have to get al<Jng U beat they can with a 0: ,;:' = ~el :U~;,,':;,0 1 tnt or two Ill th• HO\ill on the aon Into tbe lllats. dgq al•rl ~pit IO demand Untty Y OUng Artisi1 great deal less. But it is an · indication .of the way things •top 111 the Prado 8aa11J Wlllt• 1 broad qlllat.tool of ...,.....,,1 pro-Leya!&)' p.u. 111 th• armod IOl'Ci11J, ~ oondomn · are going. The military dollar, like every other dollar, Ill NJ'N...,tattve.trom th• Santo Ana duced UtUe •Ylnp. ~ IPJ><Oprla· A eonattblUonaJ · · amendm,ct the '°"'1'n~t f*l•lnl Ollr to Exhibit sad and h k tb. b •· ·tb t "-l\fnr o.-~--t Com 1 t1ou r""'1 st.ID lo a 1GJ11 one. S.t-that """1d nq1lln .wry public youth ·In ordtt to &ppe&M Ule . · 4 ; a s run en mg y comparison WI pu ~ee. exptuln tb';-w';;i,...,, :OY th~ tar '":1i;t,.:t be anUClpated a empjo:roe "'· &ake. ,a la;lellY ..u. United J;Nat1ono, • . China. and at Yacht CJ b ·.c· , , ,\. """"...:... , J ~ P!lOFESSI OHhl ~ ~ OIRE(i ORY r, And, to lnake matteni still wonie, the machines of war are 111 &a •ffon to~ ni!i>oratlon utue , wu -.•o.owrwlidm111111 In tlie R...ia. ~· are lltl!'ft Jn war .. .,. • · ~ . ; · · DIC""'""''"· ; far more complicated than were those ,of World War ll. IUld .,.._lft>lloft water tdOoeo T!>8 ' -__,. ....,bly, · JUs& p~ • "*"' of· m&tl!lu In a .., •• ;.;.,. oxhl 'Ion, Norila ..--+---'---'--'--- The planee and tanks aJld otber weapon• of •t11e; l> -Wo 8bould ._, na .. t,.,./ aAd .BDtdor. Gl.illll ~. wl!llo •1" AppronJ ot the lillendrOillt with the Uwa of OIUi men In Korea. Neblett. ruing _young-~toa(, Will · U:sn.. A. 8*u:a. 0. D. 8. , ..,,. at your uqu&111talicoa' 11'· lilf that '1U bGbcil In "-lLliM wlllcll ~ olfect moro than UI.• Wb!ch la ltf lhow hla work at w 'aid l'IM:b< mali:e tboee of the last con!liCt look ahnost cbe&p, torntod, Join 111 maldnr th tri wwld .,. nocr•rr m ei-the 000 cautomtana i:amo '"' a n to 111--WOii .ctub, Redondo Beacll. · -~thrday • DENTISTRY If the saying tbat "Misery loves company''. hold.a true, n ta an opport It to t • p. thec"'Ucal PP batw--· • vo~ doapltt cr1 ... hom _,,. , and Sunday, April u d ~. trom I aJ b · I k · the f1nt ha.ad tnt~a~on :. ~lot ol and outgo, uked Ult Wa19 and kstait&ton that tt would •t up a Tbei Xore&n '."""" bu much 2 to 8 p . 'm. · _ 1 _ oc Oll/l"WIVes oo mg ·~ stea4i1y rising prices of tsr .itu&tloll 1a wo· Keana O>IDmltlAlo two moallll "aoYl•t·Ul!e police ot.IW' greater tmpoNnoo U.... It appear-Now a realdent out Sout!i Bay 17815 Nowport Blvd., C<leta Mea staples aJ\d groceries will have plenty bf company that in-don• about IL and What belnc ...., IA> ptOCHcl at """" wlU. oaJ7 Under t:nne of the &111-t "" to llan In -.i.e,tnnlll.(. In area. Neblett· com .. 1 m Elilnore, Kodleal Bldg. Beacon 1752 !':ludea' our top defense planners and chiefs. Very tnil $10 bllllon ct tbat tot&L Kr. pro--1 llJ Hato1i1 X. Lenrin1. aplto . al con~ lilunclmnr ol where bis work. -.;1 well 505 E Ba Bil w, D ~rs, Snydor la a<bodUled 14 _., batare R., !.Ga AllplM'.. an:rone cltawtna our Bia~ l>eparUnent. In spite of kn 91 h 1 · ~ Ave., boa , Or&nse eoUn;;uw~':: ~ t the Committee Mrty nut week to n.n a put ot hS. P'&1 from 'state all mWtary ln&blllty to cope with He0':. m°i: :r:~ th~~=: I ·Harbor 321:.1 Jaye p . Morgan and BIJJ Ha.ml}: c MY how the ,...t; could be P"°" or local t&X monJee would have to the KOrean ~t11st1 . a war-J:Uc:e where bis eetbngs h.a~e· been med I',::;:==========: ton •wtlh the Dream M&k:ere. vo-cruc.d. ·" take the oalh. · manner becauae the &tale De· on the stage of the . Community 11 cal group. young Bandsman Th-..... ._,, a lln>nl wapt-Th• ·-• would 111c1ude part.ill..... t )nterr ........ Playhouse. ; White 118.!d the Rendo1:v<>uo 1a clon that the Commltteo -nnd o,1 .. tec1 pllbhe ·otnclala nnd alao W• have, wi God'• ll•IP and IOOd WELDoN W. SCHOBO being-:redecorated and will f•a-En'o Pl • Congreu, too, for lh&t matter-1J*:lt1c&tly lncJude members of the luck, handled the altuat1on quJte REPORT.· PEN~ON . Frank De Vol and hi• Mualc of lute name banda each Saturday I ys ay1ng probably J would not Co tor 'mote fa.culty at the Un.lventty of call-well. the Century orchealra will ap--ni(ht unw . July When danctna of Fir• H I F. th&.n "b~ lo 110 .billion ln any fomla. our reabtance t4 the ln.YUion An up-to-the-minu repott M • pear Saturday evening in the wtO be held nightly. Other b&ftd. ..... 0U5e IVe event, Jtsc.'-ee ani boUnd to be lft4 8Jil0'1RD!la Wla of South Kore.a i. ·Vein& achieYed what tbe State Le . iure Ml cio--1%0 ~ 18th Street; 0-ta 11- Renduvoua ballroom, M.anarer echedultd ' for a.~pear&ncee 1.n the c~ued ot; existln( ttema an4 the The Senate puHd 28 to 8 a blll wtth fa.r sreater aurttlca \ban ing ,.bout old~ · Jona ~I be P1tooe &.coa 6046 Oou,c WbJte announced yeeterday. ndr tutu.re lnclllde LOule Arm4 ~day nfirht_ at Ba.lb6a Bay addltJon Ot l'tlll other lbtnira to that would .cloae the Sacramento expected. On the other hand tlle made at a meeting of the CcUlfor·jl._,.. ______ • .;.'----' FeatUJ'ed vocalfsts. wtll include .uoor and Lionel Hampton.. club• Black Ahd White b&Jl a th• uci.. IJet i. •Wt. ~ and ~an J-.qutn RI..,. tO com· Coin.piuntta pvemman\11 of Cb1rla..· nio Institute qf &>cl Welf_,-e on blc Y<>ll!lf <hap stood rutnir en· lndlYf411ala, too. ..., ....... IAI lie mordAI ~ and lh&d ftaller-Nodhem Kono and Ruaala··jneli ...,.,day, April 9, at 1 , :30. a. f'il· In,,... ___ _.._.._,. ___ _ ~.s •t anuca ~f the cum hi& hardof. .u fOr _.,.'-. .,.,_ · ... • with an .,_t.s ~ to Leston Hill. 18th L&~ St. rcheatra, Hollywood. J'lto Houu -· .... _ ... , Mft lo ... .... Tiit mouuni ...... etnmsly ...,. their -· No """"' Ch~y I Five. IJ• wu Stevtt !Wpe, mom· -14, ,_ tboup ~· 00 eatte<S portad· ~ • 1 tat0 oport.lm""'' ll>oll(ht ~ the ~ cont!· -Be wloe-tdl peopl•~~~tlae ::d 0~°: !~.::y h pop= ~: -ptql!IAI tu Wiii 4tala off an poupe.' ,.;t bltterb' op'°""'1 by nent la tbelr oseluat•e apb""' 'of .. -; • " • "r · t • at the eaY c!Ub u 1 P Y .,....n( oi """"2 ...,. ..., 'not comm.mai l!Ulnir Int-. '· lntluen.,., Tllf point la thla -ever ~ · ~ Rh. · 7« bo -t.llJI ~ len .. Qaorp Killer, D:r., IUell· otnce Amorlean oppoettlon In &.,,.. Dlore dt1'!Cl part Ill the -:;-;•an Afterward. althouall Ill , 111 bed ' '/J'lltil.-a ,...,·-..~ de-aftorad. leii\Unr the ·llcht apli!it .., the Red ,.,,.,,.. ban be<fu .....,, Meanw~e Ill Ir and lra.<j, 1.A..::.::..;""--.:.::i.:.;J._,.. ____ ...J wltll a llnp ,throat, he Wl'OI• V'Clld Of -ID both Ute llonate tllO m_,. nJd ft would "taJ<o compellod, IA> <enter all their l!f· eAtt-Weot.m i&hd p~-Oommun!lt ' ~ d-rtptlon. • -R-bootn .. Of Ille tradl-Ill por'\ieit at tho tNtll ialm0o Iott.I then, Thll8 .tbe Kanoa.war fCtlvltlu ate oo •tf .. ve tJ>&( th•1.---•-lllJSVRll'TIO __ ._,.... __ N_S_· _ _, Tr1day ntrltt the Ft"' Rouae tloaal llattor 1'ollda1. Tbe Houae off Cllltwnla cltnner talole.n" and P"'ventecl Imminent In-of BrttW> hav• Jbat the! ou "+"..,.. J'!n, ,.,... • plul • 1'<ro • m1nua • One la .., a lwl-4ay -&Dd ~ It tha ...,. Ume "deaboy-a mojor Tibet b)' the Rod ~. J'or-.alona and m~al law..!. e>tlatl1 thU<O CA VE PIJE8CIUPTION (banjo player wu late) entert&tll· m-a.on 1wmt -to II*-b!d-.y • m-under the clomlruibce al Na--Ill corWn ~ 'IJhe rell(l<JU> PllA~OY , ' "" at tho Balboa Bay Club, for "ll'lW 1e,_u.,. ,..._ wllll ' , , · tlonallatic Cblil-,. out Of dan· lan&Ucllln Oil Mo!WnmedU.I la t .,.. m, 'tll t p. m. , the BlU1' &Zld White BalL Jlol1tl tMlr --i. &l!d -tor con·· MISA c: ..... .... for the t!n. """"· dUo to dlo-uploltod by .th._ c Uhl:jt:" Ill Preacr!pt\on. 0.UV<hd • a Jaa player myaelf I ~· U..•fltot th Ill tbno montha. Th• ,.. "' "'r '• ilJ>&Uon 'of ~ on.,.iez', In Iran end Iraq.j There , llwa~an-·8!S c-t Blvd. lla(t>or H11 11.etel) lor new ldeu wt Frtd-.y -te llad llrllf , •• ._ on Ille TWIC. llCOIATID .I<Or .. and• du• to the Amttlcan other apot..forjthl • unitf out-v.._ del llar, ' nlfbt I j\18& li.ten.S for ••JoY: ~to-ICurope. 'l"liltlon, but I _:-_~ • tlffl. bre&ka In ~.,, w ne, of l '---,.--------~ ment. UMre waa aa unda at•Mhis that Martae Qapt. LMlle a. Brown, Bed AcdYlUN . quest. The tcn vtctqry ln 111~ ... ~ .' ~· suuta of the club went no .oi. -be tllaen durln Ule Of Cit • Abf>le Way, Coota lK-ltorea tbou11' ot )>o falee &i.nn.1,...---.---~.._v~----- wllc\ tor tbem .. their muatc .. IUJL i;-· I I ' • bu -awardod the ~ronse Stir The Cqmmnn .. ta aettYitl• In.the It la .only a rt:Jilvertar lor llJU.n •oanm well u their a:od ehlrta livened ~""' wl.ok, --con • llhdal Ind tho Dfattn,iulalt"" l!'ly-l'hlltppln .. and throu1hout ODtlte new •vmtl. . I ' ••A-,;.,, .... ..,... . up the ~ . wilt IO badt to work Wsth 1 ': 1111 croM for Illa. worl{ ........ ,. Ipdonuta are epmpletety retMded However, _l!jorea to gllt ua one -. -er.--· •All liut tW\I of the _playen ..,. sUnce. , , tat'~ -of a Karine In their i'..,....U. Tl>• cammlllllat thlilg and ~t t.-t Coimmu-ill COMt iltpway • tile W~ Dllll&)' Studio. They 111o llen•W ·Will atart ¥OUar "" 111 "" d RllJ!11ltml OporatlcN · In f'r:mcll la rapidly Jontng. Its, "feh· fll!IY ff -the la rulf)ctent ~tu--D~ ~o~ . De Vol Scheduled • for R,ndezvous DICNTI8T . .. •I • I I I • . OONDmONl:D REFLllXl:8 pht'>oJ ~ u doclato -'19- ed b;r the rinctq. of • lliPil .,. etet1....-.1a Dr. Hut.c•t ii9i Nev. IOcioal poycboloa .._ at ~ 00.& C:OO.S• by T.i 01-, arttata. tour of them, work. at Bestnnlu a& I •· m. -Ill'. Alreraft °""'P dllrlfta the Ww war In ~ .nu. the nlain cu ~ gect #_. COBONA ~BL ·KA& ot&tted ptzylna toptbor JllSt for of lbe -brlolftd ID IM hlo-JC-. • · ..,,..,.. In 'favor of' Ille l!'rendl. In mln&Uon to • onl Ille ok>oll-• ..-- tun. All oxpi'elMd tile belief tbat ""7-lftlldq ar•Wm ot wMUlor Ha wu awarded Iha -~ Burm& ~ &lam Ille Oommuntatl tloll to thla '*'"'""~ianlot . , the niQ>plldty of their muatc la °"'C'W -bo ••ar''t.d ff 11 for Illa ...,,,. u _.atJofta ~r an ten lo their OW1I -and agnulm W1tho.a_ vi _\poll.: ~< ___ oo~-~-'--CE-----1 'olha1 maku them ao popular. -Mo-•aa•••l'J' to -an4 Ille~ ~)'Ille Ci'ooi. U a --,an JNdUlllY. ct .. of -• • Ind Old -~ Insutance · • Tbla popill&rtty wu eYldeneod by 11""9 tMa _. _., dl-.talonO al tor pla!hil"'-OOOl1llnaUDt &lld l!etas ~-mont 1ie4>/"-OftJ'Y cc-lo~ IUoatl ap-..,. A,.Dey . . """'Job-----~ W'---·· ... ta\... ....... ·""' •leet.rle ---will .. --ud ·u.., .... •;II -- the !laded dance floor both Ill United 8tatOa "'* .... to ...,_. 1-dlna a...,.. air attaok apfnlt 4&7. · '., '· ... · peutna ot ""-"""' ~ our • All U.... -tlAL tile ball room and behind the Tllen ~ lie ftt. 08 Ille ColllnUinlat otronpo1d ' o( 1'he Coinnll!nlalAI actmtJoO ta In· aoldlto'o .,.. · iftler c+lu-u· ,. ·~ • lftme po111& .of. 'flew _ ~; RUklu-r!. North ~ ._ NO-dla and Pakt111n &11d Afth&nlal&n atat tire. Ae Ii&'"~.;-, HOWARD W. OQB'88 ... l . ......ta ot _.., bttwem. --12.· .,,, at ot&tua ...... Tbat .. the 1rith Ood'a p Ind . luclt .,e ~-N -tBIYA Collalll- I I -. ' 1 u.. WI.ion ~ c:wa81dt:•• l'&f a Al t1a • /· ~~~~~~~~·~~~·~~~....:....··~· ~~~~~~ -c: NIGHT ---c:H "Ti..·~ -__ le"" ~ ..-parmta, Mt. -ol atralra loda~ ta lllat JIM .re ·-,_... .. u. Its • 1QUl 1 PJl;;;;r B&AooN mi -nu:n· lotll:P••l!lr llrC',,llen to 1owtt Kn.,R. x . Bf'0'10. u .. !'t -ottbtworld.tt~111at11ua-1State~~~~~~~,t;~~u..~~~1t.a~jft~~~~£~~Sl»tel . ~ C••l'ae1 la ~ni aranr the i>reaedl-u.,..,...i.s draft ... a..-lit; :8al1. 1' !If& will lie _.,.... to l&llta ' .._._ otbe . · • • FIRE FACTS -""'y ,.._.. .... .._ •tt iii• to ti~,&.. .. q;zo•• a~ -BE SURE 'l~SUR.E 1 r ., "'"'°" B•el! ""' Depe. Rf t ' • -"' 5 "" 111&•11 .......... of '~ MllltUy • I ''.""i • • '., ·f"+.-..1 r----------------,------., at' .. ""' .. On &p c:.at ~ 'l'ralnlq, l 9fpeellU. ..... ta -, ... lip ..,.... .... MW·tlrt lip "' haft I --tarlall$' lo IN!lll ... _ ~ •• , " .. •111 I &iiul&. i'•e -· at.fol9.lsrlie ___ ..._ 'Iii 4 ••• OOb'I - ~ • -·-,--.... 't • rt ..... ,,, ,. i-1--. • .. .. , 9 • .... .... ' , .. > .. Wtc ........ ! I • ~-, s1 .-u.. ft ( 1? 4.:1 ~..,._ta lr'1Nsd-1o -· ..... _ .... __ tall!~-,._-..... .. ..,, It ~tr ............ M IO' ••• ......... Pi I' Mr D I ,Jhw-~ / r " ' i- &11• llm .,_ dS£Qp ,.... 1a r · : 1'I TT I -.. to -W&ftA fiiltf-. ...... -~ *ji as __ .,Ille .&Ms li•-•-ll'MIL -· ,.1...... , ......... -...... . ~ ........ -.!'. I , .. 11°) ' t .. -~·• ..... a ..... -•• I . 'II ---~ltfl .. fill .. & ... ·----.. MODIC • IW a 5 I 11 .. a ... 'flrnt•-E -~--a..si-:Rt la lli.an1:· I -~ • -p • ae l 1 ti -• IJ ;_ I J ... Ill! .. -·1 ....... -= .. --· ; \~--.·.: .... I I'.... _., CJ' __ ... _ ... 'iliieha. •• --111115&•: .. • •• Yi ........... . -GQDAL~ ~,,,,,.,A ldoil ' tlU SIS ll -... .............. . ' ••"1· ; t . • ouuuscp~ucwuuuu;;uues 1ss . . ~, : cu a o o o a es o c .. l •• t _, ABSOLtrrnl' IJ'ITBNTlONAL lo the elmllarl"" la -,_toltt, Md far<:'°"''~ to bo u- P"W""' ton.I.pt, Tbunda7. by the .pE'UclpMllts lb the eldt. -!-Uae 1'ttefoeee Md P1ot111' ._, w-·· ciu• .__ Nlp t PMty.' Plctun.d above 18 the'()ounol] l'_al1 .,.. ..,.._ (lllld or 1-to -. Nat-M!-od, .--U B&tes, wbooe name 18 tbe aid' -IN Drske; -·Maas ,.bo ' > .. eaDed -Fllncb. and Mayor ln.ebel ponrayyed bJ' N.,.. Oal!Ooa: Wllll Aldlo. Gorton .. .u .. Blue; ci.utene KrlMt tile city -at tile rtpt ••d o!.;i tuio; lo ~ "7 ~ w-. Baptismal R(tes , New Members at St. Andrews , · Woman Atf orn,ey +o Speak·Tuesdav at C~rist Church ' -Baptized Jut . Sunday momln1 Mia Iti.te Ferria, Lorll' Beach ln rites at St. Andrew'• Prub~r-attoi'ney and' dynamic speaker 0:1 Sunday Services at Baptist Church , Newport ·Beach "And I. U I Be Utted Up" lo the aermon UUe~ cn&.en by Putor Don Lambenon for tbe 11 o'clock worablp aervtce at tht Ftnt S.P"' Ult C1',Utth. 19~ Md Court. Now· port ~&ch. Th• pulor will aJao deliver the message at the 1 p.m . service tor which the .ubject will be "Wh.en Jew. Comes." ... ·Ian church were Marta Plepr, world &tJalr., wUl be qp tbe alt· d&U&J'lt(lr at Mr. and Mr•. Richard ernoon program T\lesday, April 10 Ptecer, Corona del Mar, 'and thelr at the meetlng of WSCS. Christ eon. Peter; Michael McCartln, aon Church by the Sea. MiM Ferrl ... of Mr. and Mra. Donald >,. Mc-CQinq for the thir Ume to a New- Cartin, Corona del Mar; Kathleen port audience, bavtnr spoken once lo~. daughter of Kr. ·and at Corona del Mar ConsnpUonal -• ~ .J(J)t....Yln .to,rxenaen, _Oliff. U&Yf" church'• C.pilla Circle meeting tn4 i:ii,unela • StoJZ, daughter of and oil a second occuton at M.ar · ft!:r. ~ "Mn: J'ohn H . Stols, ibK> C.S-, Balboa laland, for the r(..i. of Clltf Haven. treat of Orange county du.arch Bible c'··-tor all ace. bqin at 9\'ft a.m. Sund&,y. Mid-week service ot prayer and Bible 1tudy wtU commence at 7 :1:i p.m. WednHcl&y. • • Unit.ins' With the Ctrureb at the wom·e.n. Everyone 11 lnv1ted to evening service were Peter and bear her. -.. )(aria Pleger. Mr. and Mrs. Mer· The procram. &t 1 :30 p.ro .. will eel CO. of Newport, Mr. and Mh follow luncheon whk:b will be 1e1·· Rot Andenon of Col"Ol'la del Mar; wd by Balboa Cjrcle memttiers. )l(ra. Allee 8. FreemlUl, Mra. Grace Tbe buaineaa meeting will be at lk>olle and ~ Florence Booale, l O a.m. in Goodell Hall, wtth e•· Huntington Beich. ecutlve boa.rd meeting at 10:30 Lm. Dedicated Sunday Wat the two-•tory bulldln&' oo s.JbQa BIV\l, back of the churcll, whlc~ Y(\11 be uaed u &Jl educaµonal buildinc. Beginners and prlroary '!l'i>&rt· menta will u.e the lower Coor, junlor boy• the upper noor. C · . -5 . Comm. Methodist om1n9 erv1c:es C t M Scienc~ Text' Is 'Unreality'. at C. D. M. Church os a esa , . SUnday' morntnr. 11 am. '"Tht The Chrilt.Jy rn-et.hod Of eaating Sunday morning aervtcea at the Prodct o~J Falth" la mbject of the· out. that which la foreign to God'• ··God, the Muter Builder," w\11 Coeta Mep Community Method-put.or, tae it.v. P . Q, Neuman.a. nature la con1ldered In the Suncta.y be the 1Ubject or the 11ennon Lst church lnclude the church 1pt&.ktn1' a.t 11 o'clodl •t Ftnt )eMOn-eerJllon on "Unreality" in aU preached by the Rev. Paul Edw&td school for all •re.. beglnnJnr at Bapttat church, eo.ta Kea. Sun- Cbrll:tlan Sele.nae churches. r' B&bbltt. ml.nater, In bot.A the 9:4D 9 :45 o'clock and the regular wor· day ecboql at 9 :4a a.m., youl!I or .. Thia declaration from Mat.ti.ew a. m. and the 11 :00 a . m . service• •hip Rrvice at lO::w>. r-.nluUofta m"t at e ;JO p.m. and (7·19). 11 the golden text: "Every next Sunday a~. the Community "God'• l!noircllns Lov•" la tbe evening "rvlce i. at ?:IO P.Jf: tree that brtngeth not fprtl). cpod Church ot 'Corona del Mar, 911 eermon toph:; .. Mlected by Rev. Jo-SubJHt '4llfUI be 'The 0eta.1ntn1. or fruit ta hewn down a.hd cut idtd Hell~ttope avepue. .aeph H'. Thompeon. putor. A nur· a WUd Man." . the ttre." The Cbapel Choir will alng Mry IA provtded durinJ'· the ter· Midweek eerviee 1a at T:SO p. m . CorreUUve · c It a t I 0 n 1 trom "Song In Pra.iae of t>be Lord" by vice. Thund&y~ prayer, prai.M and .Ible ••Sctence aiid" HtaJlh 11/ilh Key to Dlcklnaon at the 9 :4fi a. m . nrvice Evening wonblp aervtc• begin •tud)'. Sy~ject ls tile Glory or God the Scrtptu.ree" by )(ary Baker ahd \h& Chancer .Choir Will stng at 6 :38 when a sou~ moUon pie· In th• ~tan CaJJ:in(, a.· itudy ll:dcly ~: "Lulled by atpoty. "l.o tM Ni•ht. Chrltt Came W•l\t· tUN. ''Tho•, Our Nell'hbora," of tho !Cpheat.n ep loUe • .A DlllMl';Y Vil" lllusfona, ~ wOTld ts u\eep ing'' by Noble Cain at the U :QO wtll be llhown. wjll can for emaJJ chlldttn dur- tn the cradle of mt~. dream.t.ng', i. m. ~Muy~tu:ttei\'"ltet: A aocl&t "'bbor In homtt: of mtm· mw aenliiee. away the houn. 'Met.,erlal sen.ee ~n direct.I "bot~ cholra. MLN._ bera will t'ollbw the, evellins pro· -:;::::::;:l;;::::;:;:::;;::;::;:;:;:;::;:::; does not W\fold the flcta of ex4 Margaret-. Sch&rle, orp.niet, will 1(1'&.n\ for the tb.J'ff older groupe. r tstence; bl.It splrltual sense lirts play in both aervtcea, "i"ant.uy ua.io. Dlaaer ' hum.an cQNCtouaneu tnto eterna l Prelude-on''Ml.lq Lane'" by Att4 Pn Monday, April 9, at 8 p.m .. truth." water; "Row Gladly Do I Wel4 the Methodist Union dinner and come." by Bach: "Putoral" by meeting wtll ~ held in the i'lret Island Church • Jongen "'1d "Fantula In F" by Mell>odlat church, Bania AnL Or. Po!lerl. · G. Ernest Thomu of the NaUonaJ N N t Suqday .actyx>t meets at 9 :4a a . Board or Evangelilm will be the eWS 0 8$. m. with c~or sll chlldnn. •peaker. Reaervationa for the l :SO •: Juntor Htah and Senior Big~ p.m. cUnner ($1 .00) ~to ~made '"The Princeu Whc P'ailed u a PJlvlm l"elloW'Ship meet at e:so no,t later than Sunday with Mrc. Queen " Js. aermon. topic Of Dr. p. m. , ~mpma .. Dr. Tbomu w 111 Harry Whtte, SJ)eUln• Sunday. at At T:30 p. m. Ute Rev. xr. Bab-1pea.k each . nts:ht ln Stnta Ana Balboa Isl&.n<I Community Method• bitt wiU 4 st.Ye _a lecture tn the AprU I to 16.. 'nle Colt& Meu ist church. Special mUllc will ·be church .. 00 Ule 'subject. "How the COmmuntty church cbotr will iN.n.1 a duet, "U Thou, Wilt" by (lle.tt Ne.JN 'l'ejt:amll't c.me u. Be!' at the AprU U meeUnc. singer11 Helen &ltd Gilbert ,Alken. , e.m-aeuto . Estelle Brown M1'"4 ~·tn play the • · :Y • • accompaniment. . ' On -Saturda.¥, April T at .. "'l:SO Again on BQnd•Y. Of ~ta 'week a. m . the ~t ..of a •rfu of .cla.u the new churcta wu filled to c&· aeslione with tbe Jut1&Qr ·HJ&:b Mad ptclt,y • f · U.. ~nlor 'Ht _ yl)un,:• ~)IO in .. -.. • ! pal! d ' · m . .••oli i.&Jnr~. ' ' ·-~~~. ' I; . . .,, leader of Ute eJuardt, waa· recalled Y~t.h are Invited. Praye r Sessio ns 1 at Mesa C hurch. to active duty lhJi week and Jett On Monday. April 9 at 7 :30 p. Wedneitda,J. Af>poin·~ed to take bis m. a "Unllar claa wlll ht\ sta(ted · place WAa Ted Hau.wr, Who wu for the adulta .. who have joined th& r _ _..:_ __ f-Wlnn-.•r given the tile of NS!atant treas-church during the put, tew months ~ D .._ urer. · e.rut for anyone elBe who dealru to of C"eme-'nfe R' a...-. "brush up" on 1 the meantng of It -..- church membenhtp. Brtik wlnda--.. t the D-Cl· .. •. KJek ~f . ou--.. -· ~ ....,,. AIUUIC' mente bland Race e'ntrtes MUd· A ·"K.ick-Ofr• dinner wtU be he&d dlnl' over the coune,..'ln what waa at the C. D. M . .sch;;{ auditorium g4nerally considered the ~te.\ on. Tuesday evening, .April 10 at time 1lnce the inception of Ulil I :SO • p. · m. to acquaint the mem-racing clualc heJ4 ~.ually by ~ Churcl} echool 'inDllt.tJJX JQ&ulon· ben and trienda of the church with Voya1'tt9 Yacht ~ ot Newpi)rl ary Obn till.I comln&' Sonaa_i,. AprU tM b<otlding Hlana for the churcb. Beec)l. • Mission Film For St. ·James Ghu~h S.chool s . wru M lbe very excelleat tu ..People are asked lo brinl' •1t"".i. C1Ua O Wl.ruier (1111. come~ called ''.J'or AU People." •'tor All hot dtah. deNert and u..tr OWll Uine) we.a BM-tu.a.. ..Ued ?>y "ltlil\· People" ts the story of the mlt-.aervtce. The community W cordt· l\Y W'atta; Ken Bdunldt'• ~ ilon experiment ln AU People.'a ally invited to aha.re t:hia dlo.ner. waa eecond. Hilaria had lbe fUt,. , Church In the Ctty or Loe A..n(ele~. est Ulae for lt.s a ..... -c~ U.- whtch church ministers to many Presbyterian Elde'fs' !IA!ah 1llle at f :!M P. m. llw>d!l1. rec.. ._.i natlona, tncl)ldin• 0 .. d C f la C1aio II, Fred l.yon .. 'ltlitoo> ~Chin .... Japen ... an<1 V.e&I· to Atten on ere nee ,..,..... to nc1oey o .. r u.e -· C&NI -i --In thto ...... wtua • ltttendl.nr the. Eld.--· conference A .. __ ,_ In •'--•'-•-" __. •. .._. JltoaUoe of th• netu"' of ·th• t ·so • .. ~-•--~ -~ ..--flbp. tt will be 1bown only to the a e. p.m. ;on -onday evenJ.n& . Charlen-:, aklppentd ~ 8e,.aur Junior Cllurch ~t IUld In In Ftl"I\ PrubyterleA clwrcll, Wqner, tool< flni booOra la U.. . . Whittier, ~ M , repnM!ltatSvee A.J'bt•--_,___ w1lh ...... • In the ~vonlllg m01Dben ot U.. tro111 at.~ lafelu•ll•c llllsv time f,;'iu. di.'i:t.i.. . ~·· ' . Young" Churcbm<n'• League will be R. fflU. 8111'.b II~~ Tllo ,_~of, al.U a. '"' lol• lll!Own the plctun. • ; A. s.n-, K Paul J ' • end ~ ,._ tlla Loil . .u.i. -· C · · tbe putor, '\be Rev. .Ofbo. water alld tbe counia 'W N I?• I ommunion Sunday ~· . · -.1 1 •. • catottao u11a-Oiin>eodo 1z>1• S A d , "'1Ul ·\llf -·-~ at t. o rew$ · .. _f."Ol'~dl/--'u..~ N~iet~ • , ' Holy Communtae WUJ lie ati1en .. W~ INVITl ·YOU!- ... Our Sprfns Dtoplay of New Box 8TATIONEBY Dlrer eo -.ieauona ·-1.. Plus Colon - c:bstA MESA 'STATIONERS. 11e.us-.:a. u as.,....nm..i. ' • .. • • r.: · 1 ! 1 • I ' -- !-!i . j • . • . • J • •• • eel till.I ~ llltl14a1 et S\, All· ·-· Pnclbytej'lan dlurcll witll • • -< Commun!on ro'dltatlot> "-1-. . -· . • Rev. 'lbom.. IL GI"-on the "lll>Pe< _.. Teat· lo 1.-8\." Luke ·n~2' • ._. ""'"'°1 -4 -:rou a ..,._ .,,,, ..._ ..,... . • .,.S: there -l'Mll7-" •· 1bora will ... ._ -..... ·- at t :.90 -· wljb -...-• , ...... at.·1'1 a.JL~ ..... ~ ~-.,..u I ·Bl9k. 1aa• ¥ ,-. ...... dT•paM f u.._.,_ . ., •. -.-... ..._. ~. Jlf Apa'O , .. ca S... lud;at.._ •llmwu• > l -. . • ff ,. ;, •• . 1 ~ 14 ·:'p1· r "·~ Jntinir~Ph. Ida;~ 161'6 i cali ,f. fr . i~t(ng_ ~Pb.-.HJ!. t 6f' -'t . ~ t ,. ' . ~· ~ I. . ' i· ,. ~ • I 1. ' r -(' ' l - • I. I r· . \ .. ! • , ' . I $·~-7995 ·· 1~CISE~~ '4'1 · . 1 INCLUD,ED .-. ~ :.:~°.~ ~t._.JH~~SIEs! ~--~S .:f. ~·otlfl :.m ~ to w .. j$ $is91 : 95 . r. '" . , . • . . , " , . . .,,;; ~ MODEL 11U-111Au. . ' .... · • I • ..... h _b a a'e .o·~t ;, :ti.···~.:~ '. ~ •Y.' ~ . • • • I SUCCESS~ TO ~~YIS("_~ .GAY. MU.~IC CO. I 1817 Newport Avenue ·' · Bea •. 5737 · • I -· COSTA MESA . ' ii -·~ •' ' ~· ' I l ' ' • t.t ~. ' I ~~ 1 I . , ' ' • . ,, f3 • l .. :.. i, .. , ,.. :r 4 .. 1. . ):f I, I ' i I .I ' .. . -' f • • .. ( • • .• • t • ' . . , .. ·.. ,, , . ~ .. . .. PA 4 ..-PART 1,-,~UlSl>AY:·IJlllllS, 195 ·n~arr••·. . .. ,a •>:= . :V.~-=~ PltE S ~ .. ~ ~~ n.o..-... g ... ., ~ •otartlllc·at r:ao'o •e ,. .....,,...... .. ;, · Capilla .Ci~le · · e1~n+<n9 1•· · Da . c' ~ p .. I fOr. Beacdrt 9Mdl . -· wt..n ., ........ • .... iu: ......,.._,.. PalJlb' ~ <ioiot ..,.. UiJ Mr-: ocirutlm\ CAL -,., , COi~ IOllll'IJI ud lln. A.• D. ,,.,~ ol J.-~ Wood fllln. Illar -sut CO'lllS ' '!i'AW- IUU ~ _,.. 1'1.-,D«tlJ' int.a liioo&fd be. tbe -'iaoteirl ,.._ -t.-~ 'Pl>l~t. pPen Tau-~t· held In to make llbn u 11 '°"' • . .:1. ' •• ·'· . tes · Q!" arty · .~~~~.:t: .~~ ·..i; O,.te ·of-~elr 1' annual "P~ lo)d~ U.. bMt types~ P,lalita card pertJJ, wla ~Uncled W:bell for tlll" ....._ ·~ ~••("'">'Id Capllli~· Clrc anjl tho Clrurch -by .proj.c\ ~ Pepy S<hool>-Oulid ""*Ilardi 28 In PU· Bortulelt &114 ~pnt' ~ grim h,U. Co<oiia dot l!lp.i:. It ~ ·at a ~nt _!!!eeltni' If\ Ille ~~·. b<t a 1. p.m. ~t turu:hoon ,kl PH!-Helg~t4 ·bame tit laot'O!, be beld at the h&ll On Wed'b~. riati· on Et Kodua. Aft. ~d· April 11. Mra. PauJ Moore .11 gen· -Pbi'ii ror. Small ~·-W.. """1JI. -"If, ta 'tba llutlor f tamll)J and 1 ...;_,,:' _...,_, '"'':!'"" ~~~ • ec.to tt-Oil -1· . ' 11111&. . • .. ~ ... , • ._..~ . W,IDriefa -·-ta'.-Uoi> A·~~·::;;;:;:~·::;;~·:'~::;;:~~~;;~~;~~=~~~~~ ....,.. Mn. llaiY .Lynch aa4 llro. [j l'ranlt Tof:or ol Ocinl>tori """ 1/1 : eral cb&irman aJ\d wUl takf:' re.-tbe subject. _ L'S>~ • • ~~ 'pOOIUdl Yeh Mn. Helt>! Jla<fclltt Uld &tu • Hu>ke;r >I Loos -h. ' -... up eut•""""' In' llecllon 8 "''" lln. Arnollt -and ·w:n. 1"omu OW: llr, and lira. t>rw.tlons at Harbor 2090-J, ~ wllt Joyce Hlrtler, ~ con. Mn. Newton. Cox. Harbor 2191. <IUcted the ~· -· Mn1. Wendell Boyt. p~t.. Amonr tboee tn ._t · 'We.f!' Introduced lttCn. Paul, Babbitt, llplea. 111\'JOrle '-'l\ae wife of lho pastor 'f.itd lttCn. ,._ Buell. loy~ ~. ·~ N-. man FTatun. wllo gavo ~ • de..,. Sophia Scl>ope. ill~ T!optcb- tlons. Miu Margaret Sch&rl•play· er, Peggy Bertu!ei.1~ .H9;t: Gef"dlh • A. W. 1\umnel; Mr. and II~ H. M. ' WalllnJfcinl; Mr. and lln. Jameo Johnaon:'iln. 1. D . Cllrd and'Mn. MoQuurie. . NEWF:'E'.iRT ·01N1~cs · ROOM ed an insp!rati9daJ orpw nuni'ber a.nd Adah ~1.u. · • ~ · ~ 80<JJAt _r...___.' .... • · and Mra. ·Hull> McCtymont ot Th• group wtll ..a.;t. • 'A~rll TH~ SPIUN<? 8~N -. 'T'""'" la M 1'.l'ldaJ w!U. *8 llW>k ..14 Wblu. form.I Santa Ana. forme1:;'11lemben, aan.g 18 ·a( t :so . p.m . (or a 'pot Kt&. ll&U •at Ba1hoa .. 11i&7 dob. Pour btuadt'M ~h tlloed ud d·reied to .... ~ by \M chtb'• Ohoc.k three 8elecllons, "Re Shall Feed supper at t.h;e borne of Mra. M&r• r.dw8:"''• or,ciMW~ Ud 1'ie famed P&e ·~ Y~ve from Hell,JWood, prefe91il;oU! mea. wbo play for His Flock," "If I COuld Tell You" garet Thatcher, 230_ ~er Sh Ute fua of It.. · <Pttoto by' Beclcnu) illld "April Shower•.'' She wu ac- companied by Mn. Nancy Cald- erhead. Mr11. Lowell New)on 1poke on \Vomen or Lhe Bible, In part~lar of the 1:1tory of Sa.r&b. • L.A. Coup l.e·Vf ed in C. O. M: Cl-)urch STICKUP MAM.STUCK c t M. A nquor •tore ctttrk" and a bu'• OS ~ esa .. tenck: :'1i~'::.. n:i\r.h~ .~::::::. G·1rl S' cout New· s· Community Dln.ller A simple douWe rln&' ceremony w"-allegedly attempted a holdup · -Announced wu a Pol Juclc: dla-a t 11 L m. on li'"arc.b 31 In Corona at a UQuor store, 1822 New-port Bundle Tea For Thrift .S~op Invtt.atJona have been luued bf the w1talnlnS member• of thfi A•tat.nce League\ or Newport. Beach, for a Bundle tea., . to be ~eld TUeodo.y, April to from 2 to S p. m. at the hOme ~f Mrs. Slanle)r Chambers. 844 Via Udo Nord. ThAI I• a benefit., a.flair tor u.e teacu6'• Thrtrt Shop. ner for all church members and del Mar tl:oJJ}IUOnU.y cbprch ~u Blv4. in downtown Coeta Mena. Gl11 Scout Troop 4 wt°'-._ their frlends, t o ~ hekl Tuesday, April performed h:I the JQv. Pat.II Ed• Jack C. Gulnn of 3.lT C08U. leader, Mr.. 'Marie Parker Ybtit.ed 10. al 6 :30 p.m. tn the &ehool .ward Babbitt. .unltlnc V. nHi}'+ja1e Ceea St., clerk ln the liquor 1tore, Mra.. A.Uce Dobbedl:'1 tltth giaCle building. Thll ta a "kickofr' din-Frederick W. Olf'dhlll. 910 West u.ld that t.be would-ht-bandit ca.me troop Friday Qd pa11ed three ot nrr for the new building pro~t 4lst at.reel, Loa ~gele1 arid La· Into the place about 10 p. m .. almu-lhelr n-qulrementl tor i)a,agH wilb or the chu?"ch. CoUee. cream and visa Ann McKen:ale, a lao of Loe j l.ated a gun tnside h._, shirt. forced a abort drani&Uc akil, games and .!tUgar will be provided. Angeles.. ·· Gulnn·to tht -c&&I' regia:tor by an-proper clotlipl" show. • Also announCfll wa.s the confer-, nounclng, ~Open It -q.ta la a J'be~~ll . ~nt an "over-night'' ence of Con~regalional Women or h I N. h I llW<up." at the SCou't Hou.ae that night. .. Barbecue & Dance SOUthl'rn California and the South-Fat ers '9 t . ltulte-ad ot 0 r eleuing the ca.ah March WU \.heir month to clean W<St. held April 3 and • at Clare· M' . . f p T A drawer, Guinn preeoe<I • ouae. A ddlclowi dinner prepored Sat. at Moose Hall ,, n1ont . ~t rs. Wendell Hoyt a.nd Mr11. eetrng Or •• • • which brough" ba.rttnder Harold by the gtri. WU served atter , GcorJ;{' o11virs attt'nded u dele-H.,Judd of 132 Broad.way, from us which a ptay pert04 wU tnjoyed A b&rboc'>C dinner for 50 -cenl• gates with n1any olher11 planning Tuesday. April 10, la.at ineetlng a.djoinlng bar.· Judd' and Oulnn at the park. Ourlng the evening and dancing for free-that•8 Ul.e to go. Mr~. Lull(' Grupe will glvr of the year of Newport HArbor grappled with Nava.rro and pinion-lhe,lroop ~Lllcu88ed and macW plaM newa frOm M001'e lodc-e lt{>7 , the ·ti r •·po1·t of the convenl!on al the Union High .chool Parent-Teat.h-ed him agaln1'l the wall. tor their, two day camping_ lrtp affair to be held at 7 p. m. thill nPxt nl f'Cting. er a.ssoclalion will be" held in the Bar cust omer& jolnt'd. the 1nf'le<' they wlJJ make edQn and their trip coming Satu~ay a t the . new So succt"SICfUI has b<>t'n the pa-recreation room at the 8Chool, and the llUBJ><ft wu he.Id until to s,.n Diego Zoo 'whJch they will Mooae hall ( 23rd and Ocea n per clrivr Y.'hic h tht> circlt> has bet>n. 7:30 p. m. ahertft'a olfi~r• a.rnvea. He wu makl! 900ft u part of t.he •·ork ln Front.. Meinbera. and frfenda are L·ontluct tnJ?; for Lhc b11Udlng fund, This la lhe a.nnuaJ Fat.here' bookrd at countY Jell o n an at-the' tleld1 of Voyageur, with Pio--tnvited. Mya Morri ltfol.bo, chalr- U1at 1t \o\'111 be continued. 1 Night meeting and .P. Leslie Stet-tt(Jlptcd rob~ry QOUnt. neer. Explorer, Outdoor aa.tety and man of the" event. -- ---I fensen wlll offltiate n cha1rm&n. On thr f oor of the lfquor atore games aa their b&dgea for curved J Drive 14enMbly and stay sale. N,w officers will be installed. after the fracaa wa.a over otfk::erfl' Bar 4 K' • Cl b fld\·1sl'S the~ National Automobile 1 Fresh.men molhe.ra will be ho11t -fou_nd a Parlng knife whl~h Guinn . Mn. riot>beck 5J>e.nl the nl~t at I IWanlS U Club. eSBes tor the eveninJ-claimed had fallen from Navarro's-the Scout }loua.e with the girl• and • J • t M' t !hlrt during the tusale: No gun tli.e lr leader and uaialed in U\e In Oln ee Runners-up north·«K1th ln Sec- '.ton B were Mrs. Jun Parker and Mrs. Roma Lebf!.r; Mr1. Edna Mc' Mu~rt 'and Mn. Quaid MeCom- ber;. M. Peaonl and If. Kennedy; ' ~ Mn. Frank lt.ei!d and Mri. Peggy R MENU Johnaon: P. Crawley and Ray St!Wnp. ... I Runners-up eut-weat 1n !>O<Uqn • . CH CE,· !F SOUP· DU JOqR,or A were ¥ra. Donna .Balley and COCKT Aa • ; Richard Bartho~omew;. Mr. and • ' :a· ""'" chcrlce of Dreeaiilg . Mn. Robert 'Dlaehner; Mr. and G J ~i--Mra. Elm~r Knllltey; Mn. H. Cole-RTI .F;O ·SW RD Sii, Tartar Sauce .. -....... : .... l~ man and H. Belanger-: M:ra. Robert ·BROD.ED LO Drawii Butter -----······----····· • 8~n:"....".u~:~~~th were g~ ~ STEAK, Lemon Butter ..... , L40 Mr. and Mno. Morp l{oward; Mr. , ED n ~ •"' SEA BASS, "l'artar Sauce ....... 1.4o and Mrs. J . P . Linnen; E. Tbyg.. .FRENCH FRIED IX>IJJSIANA SHRIMPS aon and T . Petti.eon; Mr. and Mn. · Special Sab.ce --·-···-·····------------------~-------~--: _________ 1.40 C&rl Powell; Mr. and Mra. Chari•• GRil.J.EP~LONE s<l'EAK , Lemon Butter .... '.: L4b Fauell. y Aftemooa 0up1....., ANKEE ROAST, Buttered Noodles ............ 1.50 Mn. f!;told a .... r. and Mn. VIRGINIA B ...i..~J?-~ and Fruit Sauce .......... L1i0 Thom .. _llt were Winnen out-ROAST TOM 'J;UlUU!ll'. with Dressing, . " . ;;,~tR~rt MBr:;,!· :.;..~~=~~ Cranberry Sauce .................................. , ...... ' ....... 1.50 ers north-south In the duplicate ... 11'.! SO FRIED ClilCKEN ·-···-······-···-·-··-··· 1.65 bridge game held In Balboa on ClilCKEN STEAK, Country Gravy ........ 1.40 · Monday afternoon. GRADE A N y CUT ' Runnera-up eut-we1t were Mrs. -• ·STEAK i Kathleen Wal8h and Mr•. Ma.zie • ' French 'ed Onion fl.In_.. ......................... .,.. %.!5 Veneman; Mra. R. B. Powell and SPECIAL. CL51B STEAK, Baked Potato ... :._.· .... Z.00 Mra. • '&. W. Tumrnel: Mrs. A. T. ' :ii 'Coffee or Tea Ezell and Mn.' H . 0 . Va.n Pett.en; ~ Mro. Faye Schlueur an~ Mn. Cal· Vegetable · Ba , ed Potatoes with Cheese Sauce, Dessert vin l...a.mbert. j • ALSO S&ndWJches and Ala Carte Specials Runners-up north-south we re 1 _. __ _ Mrs. Mollie Ballard and Mr•. W. ROSSMftlt• NEWPORT .. W . Wll8on ; Mre, A. G . Docaberg ,_,~~ ..md Mrs. Robert Brown; Mr•. Grorge Carroll &nd M.n. Charles 1 Now under ~~ment of Ralph and e,easle Covtng'km. Jr. Fishing Tourament April ~5 y.·u Cound . • general c,lean-up &eMton SatiJrday mornillg.. 'l'NQ. mother•. Mmee. Nettle Williams and Grace R4.gan ai.o uaLsted In howte cle.anlng. Gi rl Seo.ala Ul'll•llllg In the work w•r• Carol Ha.JI, Vlrgtnla Krull. Pat Parkf". Judy R&gan, Ma.ry Sinclair, 1'lorenee Wbettly. "Mar- l-ha WM.lchcl and Luetta. \Vllli~ma. Boardman: Mra. PegS')' Johnson -1 formerly of-Fulleri;on) . !,. · M;.:'e~~.:;:f:~::';':.1;.::' ..:;.;,;'~~ and Mrs. Frank Re00 : Gerald Mc-· 12800 Newport . ~lvd. Hor. t0669 , ~;..~~";1:.~~i:::;r~rlh~lu~~t c~~ Comber 8;~1d~ H.E~::::• • RO$SMORE SPOR'fSMlN WH1ARF f'Lli ON WANE UntJer sponsorship of the Balboa Angling club. the Newport Har · The \Ylnler upsurge of lnflu-enza. and ~im llar ailme.nta hit Ila bor Lady Anglcni will l\S8lal in the Junior Fishing tourn.ament, which startli April 15. g()(!a to September: 1. The coinmlttee bas net up an pea.k In mid-March &tter strlklng thouiW.nda tn nearly every -pa.rt of t•:cten.-;ive progra1n to create more Interest a.nd enlhuala.sm in th1~ California., the Department ot \\'orthy organization, hoping to ma~e it one ot U\e blgl;('8t things In Healt h has rej>orted. • the harbo(,, Th~ Junior tourna-, ln the tlrst ten weeka of the ment l8 o~n to all ancllng-minded following plaeea: Balboa Angling year, phy1lctan1 ·reported 1,19-4 younr:•teTa: boys az¥1 gtrt., tn club, any at Uiib landtngs or t.ck1c cues as "genUln9'' tnnuenza. ThJa o~ r.... d .. llOTff ,wheTe aec~ted te&ted tot.al la complM'ed wtth U).e ume uvulhern ~ornla un er lo "'!' _. _ _. f • · acale ts ayaJlable . pe.-""'' o lv50 . when ·175 <.11..tu While the organization bu been COoperating '<rihl . the-j\Ul.ior were reported. 1 .. 1 Thu""'•Y noon at tho ROM" Mr. and Mra. H .M. Walllngfor · ~I 'Mai.n, Balboa Har L2.42 f'\'lore Cafe. were winners eut-wNl and Mra. -.- The spNker or the day wu Mr Edna itcMutera and A. D. Welh-ROSSMQ' E SANTA ANA Gwrg• H . Jone• or the appr•laa• erl>y were hlgb oooren north-ooulh · ' departm•nt or the h.ad omce or in the dup!tc•l• bridge e:•"'• held . . :j 41 o' Iii. Sycamore Kl;· 3.2337 _Member• or Brownie Troop 23 Bank of Amortca . who spoke on In Balboa .on Friday evening. , _ Qt the Lindbergh achool held an "~•1 E.tate Trends." ~r·. J one• Runners-up ea.at-west were· Mr. Fine Catering, near or· far for Serv.Jce Cl•tb8,. Parties. Euler party at lbe Scout H<>\lk atreaeed • the ('ffect o.t government and Mrs. Floyd Buell. Mr. and · -Banquet& ~ate ~quet rooms to NelVpOl:t '&,:Santa durlll6 vacation and made muter reat.rJcUona anct tbe short.age of Mn . L. V. Brown, Mr. and .Mra. • Ana. HoUiSe8.. fba1J .. y of ou.r dlalag ·rooms for ft.erv. tiukete; which lhey. pruentOO to I materlftl& d\J.e fo thr defense er":' Robert Dlach.ner, Mrs. Joe Wilcox l / children • In the county holJ>ltal fort and .... re.Ult the YaluaUOiili and Mn. Charloa Boardman: Glen' FAM. OUS, F,,,OR4. WE;FCOU •.' u~;._·~·•. Ghil lhartng ln fun of ma.kin · ot older, good, woU-tocated homes Rwit and E. E. Bruce.. :J. ~...J.: ,. _ bukele !or o4'era were Patrtel~ should be quite 1trOng over lhe Runnera-up nortb-aoulh were sei:J/oocJa • ::Jte • CbicJc.en .. ~-i'i'I:· Dunham. )fargle Clark, C&rolyn next tew years. • Mrs. Frank Reed and George. ! . Howard Dorill Chapman An Ktwanlan Don lJ1tddle::eton front Mitchell, Mra. A. D. Wethe rby &l'ld R • . "'" Ma.,_ Aldandu, Penny O~n8ho=.1 COllt.a. Mesa Introduced-lhe speaker Everett Tawney, Mn. s .. Robert 0 s '. ffl·O re . j in operation lhf paat four years tournament the following landlng11 Between January 1 and March with a.n approximate 100 entraoU have agreed to set askfe Yrtday 9 the dcpartment'a vims and U1e propoaed expan!lloh program la of ea.clt week, givlng a11.y younl"· 1ickettsial d I a ea s•t laboratory prepared to accommodate from ater under 16 a free trip on thefr I te~ed s~l m~nta ta.k~n from 382 ~.000 to 6,000 younpteR. sporUf'8bing ~ta lf atcompanled pat1erru. wh0&e phyalcia.ns diag- Bntry bla.nki a.nd \\·eight certlfl-by an adult : Balboa Pavilion, n09ld their lllneu at influenza. ca.tea ftre now available at all fish-Kimball. 19th St .. Nl"wport Pl<'r. Of .this n~n1ber, lM 1pecime nta tnl; centen1 in Neowport Harbor. Norma La.ndlng. Port Lido. P ort were tound poslttve for Type ,A All youngsters muat register ~-Orange: a.lao two barges, Georgia or Type A-prime Influenza. Pat Gay1 Charil.a L&dwtt and their 1 and Newport ~arbor PreaJdent Brown and Perry McAdoo, Mra l•adeia Mmes. Mabel Gay and Herb Kenny preaaded. ___ _!_~Ro=y_:S~t~ro~tz=-~""::::d_:Ro=be=r~t-=B~ro:w::nJ. ~====:::=::;:~=¢==~====::::;:;==::::::===~ Betty Dunham. Alao UBl•Ung_ were ~veral moU\"rs, Mme.a. BetJy Dunham, Helen Clark and lrmc , ~ fore t>nterln.'" conte11t fish. a.nd the Seaaport. ll Is very unllk.ely that a n epi- Trophlt>s will bt-awarded a.t th ~ The.re a.re · no .tackle .specif lea-dem}c. · df serious Influenza can end o f the-seuon for largest and Uon.s with the excf'pllon that a ever agaln take either citlu.na. St>cond largest of each of the rol-rod 8.nd reel mu8t be used _ no phyaiclanit or public he.a.Ith au- .lowing ll.8ted fiah : spot fin croak-hand lines permitted.. lhorltles of the elate unaware11, er, halibut. baTTacuda , yel1ow' fin Sefteduled at cl&at nii or' fishing -the depa.rt.meot eaid. • croaker, ba.u. w)llte sea baas, a.I-seuon la a big 'tee cream pr;t.Tty. C8.llfotnia's virus' laboratory la bscore, tuna and yel1o.U.U. The Trophies will be awa.rded at this one of the woTld aut.horitlea ·on Junior Champion trophy will be time. Dela.Ila ot time and place will lgr1uenza a.nd repreeealA Weatern awarded to younptera catching be -.nnouncf'd at._ Jaler dat.e. American In the World -wide largesi variety of edible aalt wa· The object or the tourney ta c h • I n ef "lnnuensa. ljaleninl" ttr ti.ah. ' to gtve all the youngaler• the ad· PQ9l.a"_' Which operate ln the world The above menUoned apeclea of vantage a.nd enjoyment of alt wa.-health organbUon. fish may be taken trom ba.y, pler!l, ter flahlng and to encourace good barges. a.nd boat.II. All contut aportema.nahlp among the Junk>r A .fish may be weighed ln any oc'"the Anglen. ~ Cl&Nifled Ad l8 the mighty midget tn AdYttt1alnc Alexander. · Th~ Girl Scout.a of Troop 15, who are •J>0'180red by the American LciPon. .A.wdllary, enjoyed a camp- out dUfing lhe rec~nt holiday. Mmea. · feverly Geier and Helene ' VlnAOn, leadt"ni, a ccompanl<"d the ., Scout& and Mrs. Edith Ludt a1<- Bl1ted \he le&der1, The of eml1"bt camplng trip wu fle'd at 't:he upper Ssn Juan .camp ground. The glrla slept out of do6ra and cooked all l.fftr meat. over__. Campfire made by them·1 aclffla. Dut;ng the day b.Uc.ea wen!! takrn with irUd Jife atudlfd In UJelr natural "8.blf.a ln the eve-- alng each group preeented an act or eonp Tbe enUre gTOUp joine<! In a folk ~C:ng .... ton. At a late hou.r lhf' girl.I touted marah- malowa and popped com be.fore ~oi~g to elttp be'nealh Utt afare:. A, pro-~a.krut hlke WU en- joyed by the early blrda next momtnc-£ Cr&flA were taken up ::h.rrtng the mornl.pg With the girl• m~king an unuaual collection of le.ave1, pc><b and pJne cone8. Aftet- a itl.Un.g lunch and camp clean-up the gtri. and "tired" leadero no-~umed bpme.' The. c~~li ·eitJoyJnc t.be ti-tp were M.art'yn Madl&on, Diane Ttooleth COtlly Hofftnan, S~lrl_ey ,Stalford, ', Nancy Shafer, '!"t.n.!1a Tj'autw~ .Jacki• >,ahby. .....,,, Loe Hayden, s Anni Jam-: Diane Fe1thy· ...... Dt. Anne-llGdl. • lUl1>Y O'lt.oto, JudJ' eau!e<, ltlartlyn Wy- • man, Donna Small ..,, Anita Mc- Clelland. · \' I • · OOAJIT OOLqlOT. 'GOLP , • Oranre Cout collore'• aou .'!,!am i'°d"Y awaited ll'rjdo.y's '.llutorn icontermce watch w)U.. unb8ateo , ""llerton ..at HuaU...ton ~ -r !olloo\'lna "''"1Cllo7'o .lJ\9' to' S\t ,..i,. vvu ty'•~ JC at Jiunt!a(· ton B<iacl>: 'tiie~i.to4Y9'• "1 r i. • cont~ftCioed to date ·•' r..-;. MA~ <!Xil 'O<f. ~~ .JJ): ·!" u:, ~ ocr def. Riiiitn ~ • f R), ~kw-(Rl do!. We· Dowe:! I • 1-1; Tb..-(00) <kl. . (R), ... ~ 8Uer (OC) L ~(JI.), l,li•l • 'l'rro ....... ·~ ..... -·-· u. -Jl!;t ·at Jllll1 ...... ~. . . "I . . lt'a •1t I le •IS'! -..,r---~ -'*I ,,., ... tt-•c•cc• 0·1na &o_ ~~ ... :: 1za.:.__ , . • ....... ---.. -.-~..-AES, "ft -...... 1111o ...-. I Iii! rm,• ' . . I •• .. • • ~ • ' . ·- • ' , ) ' ~ ' ~ I'' ' ., { ' .. r·: l '..i < ' • • ~ .. 1 t "' . . • ., , ' 8-. ·.W&d. C.,I~ ·sun. t:ae " • .. "'" --..... ....... . ~ Jf lllAl·PA&ET ·ClfA·lf ll 0..-, "OOIL'I '1-&B'l'Jla• • Lat.Mt Puamowrt Nelft NEXT: '~TING· SEAS~N" Mesa._.,, ~ ~ . ' . . Now! , TECRNCCOLOR BETl'Y OKABLE DAN DAILEY. "CALL ME MISTER" • RUTH ROllfAN • aaBCEDES McCAMBRIDOE ."UGHtNING STRIKES TWICE" ' SUN.·MON. ONLY Bt.'Tff: DAVIS ·-"ALL ABOUT EVE" and FRED ASTAJRF. . BEVY HlJTrO!\" "LET'S DANCE" STARTS Ttn:SoAY t .. rRST Rl.fN ! "REDHEAD AND THE COWBOY" 0LE1'""N FORD RHOXDA FLEMING -Plus - "PAYMENT ·oN DEMAND" ' 9TAltl'9 IJMj~ y ' ··.····-tor hlliO" . . . .... Alilo "' '• · s..GM 'Jlalor P'ealvre • . . FOR REAL · FUN Wit• • "ZING" D0N'l WISS Ou\ r•aoo s..ow CUllS -SllLS - L:egun~ Beach Community· Playhouse Pttwnhl Samuel Spf'wack'" Hilarious CGme«ly "TWO BLIND MICE" Aprll 11, Ii, IS. If.. 14. and to and t t Curtain 8:50 AdmlJNlion Sl-60 Phone La,funa 4....,?9 tor R.e-wn•atk>nA CUSHIONS For Furnlt.um & Boats Fabrlca a.ad PtutJaii Hade by our ex pen. traflarn"n HOOSE • OAJlDEN 811 eo..t HJrhw•y. Newport 0'5N Nlll:~S1tad•• 10 to 4 BROAD.WAY -Now 60' ::: =~ . "10\V PLAVIXO •'.'MATING SEASON" · .rol\n Luad, Gene Tll"rntlY "FLAME OF STANBOUL" 8TAJ<T8 Rlch&rd•Dennln« SUNDAY "PAYMENT ON DEMAND" .. _Da ... "SUGAl-fOOT'.' . . . " " Jlandolpb Soolt PAULO The-atre WALKER ~1-1.= Open ft P. M. Phone KL S-~ NO\V SHOl\'1:\-G ''TOMAHAWK" S3«! Ull S-40c E''f!ning·• NO\\' PLA \'lNO ''TOMAHAWK" \'an Ueffll.11, Yvonne De C¥1o A.18o ~·KJM" STARTS· l!IJNDAY "RAro!" PASS" Dt-ulli MorK»n \'an fff'fmn.. y,•on~ ()lo Carlo ' "THREE HUSBAND>i" Eve A~n • STARTS SU~"DAY THREE OUl'S NAMED MIK..r.: .. \VATCH 'ftlE BIRDIE .. Red Siie.it.on Jane Wyman. Van .lohnM>n aiao .. 0 raUon Dlaaster'" .THE .ARCHES •• CAFE and cpcKTAn.: LOUNGE , . ' OPEN. 10 a. m.. Through 2 a. m," I e . . i , . , Newport B!Yd. on Cout w .1hwa1 NEWPORT \VE ARE CLOS'!jP ON THURSDAYS DtNE TONIQIJT AT THE ' . CAPE COD 'HOUSE - ' . ' FEA TtiRINO .• STEAKS and CHICKEN ON BAI BO;\ ISLAND AT Sii Y1 MAIUJ<J; A VE. PHONE ~R ?891 (Cl-1 TIH1ra.) PEO LE WHO APPRECIATE DELIOJOUS and Pl.i:ASANT S.IJJ\8otfflnDI08 d.IJr.coVt!r tllM!m ali HOSTtss HOUSE ·. for Fine ood, Visit 'tho ·t~!!u!.~~ .... ~ ' . ! (lili&'I 'IO Jbo¥ llCllOOli Uf ...,_, • • · 'ALl ~ -~ • ..., mi.a ~...,.AL-~·'fATKS . ' -• , , Har. 1010 ., Morri . . D~ ........... OASR A ClAll&Y ' . -&. Bal-llr.d. . Bal-·. WllEBC IN 1;11& WOllLD I T~t~_~tenfirs:. Ihirt~ ., . .:.:~~°±nt'zr~-.~-fbtm·Fine Disp»lay .. ~· ,:: ,ti-I r.J ~l!<g• m~ ~~ d'l" "Tblrl~•,"Ma:.i.,:;• 1.o.~ · l ildenn..,\, I\,.... Od•llf ' '.h erul·lof their lho"W1ftr iJ, .UM day . b1 '~\!·· b loin Llo)'d w~ ll .. lroed ;INlld-' ' WOULD YOU GOT \l~~~~~:..:..~~I..:.;:;,.....:;:;;;:;.;.._,,,~..:,..;;..~,..°"l"'~~~.,... ... . I q~· \a WJIJlltlt\ct<lll '"{ ID <jo~ cir! Ku· I>& .. at. ~. appllcJ'l).°" trac:t.ed over f!ve ln\Jl!lred,vtal~ . the tut. will not Le a, bte.-.1. gratif)"fng number. .• · , CllAJlLOTTE HOLl4NSll&AD loNH ·t• ............. ... . Pl.A.NU .• ·SHIPS • .IAf\S • H01lU Mvt..i """""• Jkt• ..,.._, Vincent's Travel Blfeau H.n-12'4l '"()fi ttt. W•-•-" Vlk..t'I U... ..... TV ANTENNAS L'iSTAi.u:o and SEltVICED . TIDE TV SOl 1 Newport Blvd. Har. %OI • qlowuU6~ Comlcc boJCe$ A: Traverse Roda HOUSE IO ijARDEN 111 .(-.....t Rlwat. Newport Of'lH NlfES-SWIHf•t 10 to 4 • ' .. . ' SEAMAl\'l\HlP AND BOAT HANDLI!(. , wttb tbo eolleg;.. nioler ................... lor• .__ i. ........,. llte -_,_ titl8& Olf•""1 "1 the <>Nmre C.UI ·~-p. n.o -..,...,..,.. ......... ll•o iltroelielo of Mr._LotlMi --· ucl •umbe'9 -Ir lllJ alcileo'!I HJ\ P,,rm1c "!">t• "wet! !Imel). a "'"""~ la Ute I. S.. JDdlM Sentoe. The ~ W11a ortclMl!Y pwebwcl horn Iii. u. s. Pnbllc u..iu. ~ 11 1e 41 root '°"'i w1u ........., .... ~ 1s .....,...,.,. equipped with • n~w Gf9i¥ martae naOtor. a;M ~~ ~ cna._.,.s Apeed 01 10 kDot.e. It "'M at oae time a omlonbt boat . .-.,; ~-ebipa ....... •.....,ii•• In S... r.d"' Barbo.. A• a11-11ep. conte.I ... now belaJ eonductf.d to pntvtde a -me tor tM c...n.. · , Crew Race Apr. 14 Nikolat and · Joanna · Graudan Thrill • • • J , • ' Comm:unny. Conc~r' ~udience -, Sat~ afternoon. April 14, the eight-oared creY.-1 o! Calltor· nla., Stanford, UCLA and USC will get. together on lbe watere of Newport Harbor in a htnory .mak· 8.J M.. J.. ·R. tng 1heU race of naUonaJ lmpor· NlkolaJ ahd Joan.ni, Ort.ud.,n. the dltttcl.&lt double third scale tance. Tbla kl the first time that cello and Plano. dtlO, won 1.heir puagn wftJ\ daulln• apeeci· and the ·v&ntty erewa of theae-tour w April U. I --~ u • -The t gr.y brlCk _..:1c-;., ·-.. Tiie ~wo county pOl=ta · to -;,ukitng"iform a pJeaitn1 IUICI llUll..,--&1.-the «ltJI are .s.ata a • 16'. m0iin'*1&-!or I.lie 1111-. leie and hlJ:~ .Ju] eo·-.c. TO 't.hill reVicwr.r, Ro Brandt'• They wUI be ldenl.Jflecllhyjtl\O • ..,,. >OWertllJ' sailboat pl~ lo UM • bers 13(1 for ~ta. linaj an.s, .. 3 not11 outrta"dln' piece llrtll6-. tor PIJ!lerjon. •It WU &DJlOWI • -(l !>aa o, real "feel" ot. ljoe -II· Applicant.a must ~Atily e :tees amf stttl'\gth o! lbo .._ Aleo Center or theJr . choice 1 ~U\ by 1tonny but completcly O~te Jn number and ctty, .J.t .-. pp1i ea recun&-).. Joan Irvlng ··Brandt"• ouL • ; :: • J kit .. Oy\ng. a comp'Old,y ael!ltit· Tmt. Datcit. tu.I and spark.ling ioWiC!te. • · · Th teai. ·w111 be gtv' . May 26. • Mabl~ lfutclllaaon'a ',.aliOtn.;t- e . fm':, ~ a.re a startling change from her I June 18 and .J~e 30., Y' previous work.• Onf'ythe 11\y hUl'Q,Or help d,etermine whether men now remain8 the same. They arc friend· In col.ege:-a.re. good cnpqh atu-ly 11ttl abstract.a.· a form ot art denta to merit cootfn~ defer.. e . t ' kl...._ ach 1 •tud ie -Acttt· which see~s wrua.Uy to lieu lo-- men ~ 6~• 00 • · . e~·th WJ.rd the savage or at le.Mt tbe aUng tbb •prtng may, n • ta ~ ·~-ht In Th to h&v teat until they entei: coOege. ··...., en g. eae aeem e . I . . I I Draft headquarters ~d tl\C ap-no deep meaning which m111t be P.licatlon bt&nka, in lhf to or fe!1'eted oµt~ Just space a.nd fonn d°Ouble _J>08t.carda, &rd alre'.&dy re~•tion~blpa which are pleallnl" properly addressed lo a Jl!rt nctft.on, an() ~re ~ very charming coJor. N J cxamJ.ning seryt~ • All the Phtl Dike ha.a turned ~ ~y .t~d~~l needa to do tar" gs bla in~ a lively patte~ wfitcb ln my ca.rd Crom bU <I.raft" boa , fill out op1on would make • 9C1Ulll~UI lM required lnformatto , at ll,· a textile, which would cxprea Ulla e-Cent stamp .. .-m&J1 It lia• area better than does the tropJ. on .. <).I .• "' cal. explained. 1 The aott greys or Leonard KaP,. I , • ..--' •udlenec wjlh the wa.rmUJ and e&H. unl.,er9fUet: have en:r competed 'i\ \'f ; gr&CIO\laneu of the.Ir ~llt.:y The pt&n1al'1 aeJt-etJona for her ln the same race whtcl'i. pro~lae.s to S!:! ..a.n\ll i.aa well u .'ftUi. their mi.teci&a)ahlp, solo. were wonderrully JIUJt.ed to be .hOU7 contested every Inch of • • ~~ 110 the c.IOSUJ&' CornmWJlly Ox\C4!rt bring OtJt hn speclaJ qualities of the.,2000 roeter'<:PUnc in the north N,o Reque.t•j la.ns -fanta.aics though delicate ,ve Orange coUDty dra.($ director, able to hold their own on. the brick ,"l •, Wd Monday that her ~ffice ]had walls. Hl.8: whµn11ical crea.Uorw not rtceived any requ~t.a for lhe have a strength of design and blanka a.a yet . 0t.1¥r point.a character which force one to 'take throughout the co1.(ntrt1, bow~vcr. I them scrtou~Jy though they ~e -~-----------or the M'-uon Monday nl&hl. fffllng and le<:hnlque: Her combl· Lido. Ch&nnet.. :r Although lbe audience waa not naUon ot Inner warmth, project· Va.reity race at ... 3:30 p. m . ·~.l~l be THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN $995. $211.00 ,per month 'YOU · can pla.y ' r1c11 ottalt musir al onte, without learn· ing a l'fingle nole. Come hear and play the H&mnlOnd Chord O...gn. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co. MO N. Malts· SI '1'.)el Comf"r 6tb Santa Ana Pb.on.-klm.berly !'"6140 THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF' AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING R¥!~URANTS! .. ,... E>perti)> ..... ~ ' aod ONdoml,r Suved. la Our Ualque Dlnma S- Free Indoor Pa.rid.as Next Door in Lo~g Beach · 111 capacity, ~e waves of applause Pd In her touch and modulations: preceded by a junior varstly race that called the artltlll back tor and her de1 1cacy, both oC touch and at :l p.m. tn wh!ch all but Cal~ were being flooded wi requbt.a, conatructed of .. the most incona- it waa announced. · , .b que11tlal trivia such a.a she.Ha, five encorle-i we~ enll\WliUUe and of lnst&'hl Into the mua!c. gave fomla will partcipate.. , No "pll58ing" grade, h·a.s n twigs and !Mthers. auatalned. and nnect wtth hart mch a.n •PP9renUy 1lmple num~r Newport Harbor Chamber of relt brava& f •• the Rondo, by Jot}ann Hepomuk Com.merce, •potl80ra of the event. ap«ified for lhe teat. inie am Othcrp . Showtng are Ramona wUJ be of the "tntelllkcnce ftuo.-Douglas. Everett. Macdon&ld, Geo. tlenl~' type, designed l to ddter· Meldrum, Ell.za.beth ~ple, Da· mint" the applicant·~ learhing vid Vaugn, Netter Worthington ab'ility ralher than tM$ stocl of and George Brown. With .the playing ot the ieaur• Humme l, an tnflnlte cha.rm and bave made extensive a.rnngement. lnl "Adagtq ani:t Presto'' and tbe bN.uty. One had the fee.J ing that to make the day a moat g~ OC· magnificent' Be<'thovcn Sonata. ln a grace note wu given the same culon. C.ommJttee boat.a and &ll G mtnor. 'J..r. Oratlrt&n convlnt.nl con&tdcratk>n u an arpeggio or 11. other boat. at lhcir piers haw hMI ~temcn not only of hia enor-chord ln lbc dimlnlahed eeventh. bttn rrquesJ.ed lo "full dreSI •hip" moug\y comfortable ltthnlca.l com· The nrat rncore. P relude by with their . Bil?LIJ flega. for the knowJ~ge. i Milon Hutchinson ahowa beauu- . Center11 for the ~st.a , ere fu lly designed and superb!y con. chosen .on the b&.als of popula\ton. 1Lruclcd furniture. A coffee table colkge and &ehool l~tion 1 and or Joshua. wood is pa.rtJcularJy proxin1ity to olher cehl!ers. i~ lwat' lovely. ALso or fine . design and IUUlounced. durable material a.re SQme .em.all b,_ r Prnkoflp, waa almO'!t like a nur· afternoon and many feativiUes petcnce, b~ alao of U1 C'T"&IP ·o ·y .. he comr)()llJIQf·• Intent, and hJ11 aery eonl' in lt.e &lmpllctty of have been planned for vt.eJUng ralthruln~q . and ln~gl"lty Ptd t.hcr:nee. but thbi decept~ nal· crews, i.acludlng "" lnatructlon lh playing the wondertuJ mualc vette concc91ed mU.&ic or AOphlatl· dinner at the Ba boa Bay club Fri· 1 . 1 L without re1:10rt lo ntuaicaJ h!atron-cation, perfectly caught by tbc p l· da.J' e•entng and a trophy preacn· Woman's C U1J ca. A mark of hi.a pel'forman~ an.lit. and undrracored by her very lation dinner Saturday evefling at I . WU It.II reltfulneaa. !:Yen ln pu· penonal Clejance of •t)'\e. the Newport Harbor Yacht club, Sponsor...s p ay sage. demanding extttme v1rtu· ·"Holy Thuraday at Midnight" tiost club. ror the regatta.. I nd 1 08l ty or the projection of power, by' J'oaqu~n Turi"'-', d•ribed . In Hay J.A.ngenhelm, rega.tta "d lrec. 'TWO 8 i . MiCe . • he gave no lmpreujon ol atratn tne program noteA u \ncluding tor. announces that Don Gr:anl, · · · or the srandol.te e.nde.avor. . , '"church bells, a f.ar away bUgle rormer couwaln of the Wuhtng· . '"TWo Bllnd Mice"' s muei· •S pe- Mr. o~an'a auperb tnltru .. call. intenae religious reeling, and to~ crew and coach at Yale-for wack'e la.teat BroadWf'Y auccl c ... mcnt. a l'o two hu.nclred and the tra.gra.nce of tl\e .110Uthern e~ many yea're, haa been aelect.ed, &a le. the comedy whl~ ~be oeen eight yea Old, WU of ~b "'°"' nl.fti "' &evnfa•• WM, one or i\he. the olflcla.J referee for the rac~ by aW:tlencee who wUl itlate t.be nancc and me.Uawn.Na that the rno.t OW.landing cello 8dloa. Kr. Edwin Harbach. 9! Loe ,A~ new comfortable ae1'tJ arrl(nge· nOtea eve" ln ... tbe hfgh relwi.er Ot'audu him.elf MJd t.hat he wu will be th(! ....Wt.ant roe eree. ment tn the Laguna h Play· were SWt"<"t and Cull; and the CQflltt.&J1Uy su.rprl~ at \be wann George F&rqllh.U will act U chief house. Ir Will open .. r.rednc¥ay, chord.$ and melodlc l.lnes of t.he reception given thh work by abdi· timer and John HcndrtCklfCn ll3 AprJI 11 th, and play ~ugh sun. p.a.ua.ge• Played ptanlulmo came eaeea, u ·the mualc, In •pile of Ila chief judge of t.be flnl!h. Bolh or day, AprlJ 15th. Then it will be to thf' e&r'lll wtth unUSUIJ 'clarity rlchnNll and sugge•tlven~. la the latter a.re ree1der.l8 of Hunt-repeated for two pertofmances on and body unfamlttar ln Idiom and ~UU1cult lngton Beach . and all have had the foUowing Friday.UJd Saturday The Ad.gto monment ln lbe to folkJw. Both ce.llo and piano '11.de el~rlence in crew and re-nights, AprU 20th and Jlst. Bcelhoven I predominantly i8f.d In achieve 'unexpected ertccll: the gatt& \work. The IA~ wOman's c1Ub ts mood, IU~trattd the a.rUJt·, gttt' harmQnlc. or a e cello arc breath-Regatta committee chairman Dr~\ epqnapring the pertofinanc~ on ror produ~g tonet oJ r1cb aDl1 ta.klng: ~d the piano supp IQ a. Salvatore M~aoo h eld . the offl· Tht.ir:id&y, April 12th, Pr~ecda thl'tillng t bre; and the-b~" ~norlty In the baN tha! mak~. ctal drawing for lan~s Which put will be Sh&l'at· -by-thp .Wonlan'• lhemca w re handled wtlh a ce-on~ look twice lo be sure It la: 8 Call!oml.a. in. lane No. 1, UCLA club and the ·P:ayhou.se, and /help aerve that did not approa.cli 5el\.lt· fl&no responsible for the chord.I. I tn lane No. !. USC in l&ne No. 3 both orgarilutions l.o tdefraY, the m entality. The AUcrro movemefn.t not ~organ Of" a cont~a basaoon. a.nd St.&ntord ln lane No. 4 for the e:xpenees Or "receilt tmpfOvem~t-ln had ~xctULg paaaace. and an fn. 'PtJe ~ut aectlon waa played var&ily rac~. Lanes are numbered their quarters. Mem "rs oq the trlcate paJern and ln thiaaelec.Uon wtt.b mu~ ceUo. producing veJJ .. ·rrom ~ to•, beginning on the Lido Woman'e club should ~ po~tcd and aJJtO In the winnjJJ.t• R.ondo .. t'd. 1eu ~~t tonea which add· la.le SJdc ~( the COW'•e. · · directly for ticket.a to , Th . ay'M Mr. Graq;:n demon.t.~ecl • that ed to ~V'~ unwrua1 ·tone .coloring The Gal1foml~ crew participated ~rrormance. The opqning ight he Was a uter of the d.~alic ld lne con1pltion. Jn the ·New Zealand races during A.prU 11th, la almost1 completely and the rightly lt.ylca.-t8 well :nc , pragora P'Jy,.. by LouJ.8c ~.hi .~r.stmas holiday artd ~ch •old out with 'still a Week to go u of c:±neu and aonQdty. De.lune. a con~porary French ~Y Ebright. Jilt.a the follaWlng and It promiaes to be a; g:a.la affair lt H t1ulte lmpOaibtf: to -90mpo11er. again f)rovt."<l Mr. Grau· men fn hla vareity shell for the with many theatre p.rties belng lmagtfle y f&cf!'\ of Mn. Q~. d&.n'I lmpre.K"' t«hntqu~ In Newport Harbor regatta. arranged by Playhou~~nlhusl&sl.8. d&n "s _P.,,11114'nt ~ MIY • ot 't~lll bowing l•tltllle), &nd lo the cat1fomla The lobby bao been hµng with a 1 the cello l nwnbera which called "tiou.n.clng bow" (•pkcato). Stro.ke George Loon:; No. 7 SIU co:lectk>n of beautiful Water colors 0 for tmpr~ent ; h~er tectmJ~ Tbe 'prorn.m a'one teaWiee to · Hull. No. 6 Paul Henrlkae11; No. br Margaret Sbippanf whic-add appeared ~t . aU unite · ,tt~ · tbe .cope. Rnsltlvtty and t.utc ot :S ~rry Grew; No. 4 Ken CU.lck; Lm~uureably to the. overall ''new ~ her •brrlenioa ctr d~ tHe noted duo'• muaJce.I Mta.ln· No. a .Da\re Dravea; No. 2 Tom look. ' of the theatre. I Were an. '4e.al comp)ement tot the menl& The .clec:Uona ranl"ed ftom Ada.ma: bow Harfy Gardiacr and All seat.a are $1.50 i.riclucUng tax. \IO'ee-of Ule cello. , ~ the anen'leenth Cf'ntuty to th~ couwain Don Oluaker . .Tack I5on-ReservatlO!l8 whJch Will be/ hekf The Cbppln .''lnttoductton and "twenU«b! frOm lhe rorgotton nelly Is the rigger a.nd Dean Rob-un~ll '8:30 can be made by phon- Polon&Ja·• lntrodlM::ed tbe cellb!. Hummel .to the t.'Onternporary ineoo the 81.udent manager. r g 14t-guna i-e529. 1j in themee Of <N-ile riVt.b.lt{g meJ-8pan\ah r0n;tpo8er, • Turlna: from Soutbent Callfontla • ; 1 ody. It ~ taaclnatlll« ·co wal(:b u.e ma.tor folk .muo'.< Sm•tan• Coach Sob Hu:en of the. Uolver· WhO fO ContQ t for hle tran4ion ln ety:e tr6m the to the ctaacie Bocch•rinl. It ls re-a'ty or Southern Callfornla will_ • . sp'rttual cjompln.tty ,of Beeihown ~ttable that eo m•rveloua a con-boat the following mrn In ht.a var: C:Siv1I Defttnse 1 orkt to th• l~ moOd in the tntAiduc-cett waa not heard b,y a capacity slty crew for the Newport regal· doh. ln Uill number Joe.n.iar9' dN.u-J\O\Ulle ; e~ry llet@ner without ta. Aay reahleat or N rt' ..,.. dan wu a.tao partlcy.larl)" f!li.cltlnM" d~ counted the eve:nN-· as a Stroke Peter Kllng: No. 7 Dale bor \fl9Mlls to take I tlie to f\e.&r u.d watch, aa ~e ~ mecn'Ory to be richly lrruured. BU8cl\)c:e : No. &· Chuck Coleswor-. e\'l\"'"l"rowins el\11 . , fea1e pro .. . th&; ·'No. ~ Larry CobcD ; N9. 4: fNm AhouJd con:; mrt Co:uwa.tn Royce· Cratn. haU, phone Haibor ll&l, tJe.. . Staaford .lw .. • Ille-boan. of a. m.) and silver rot'ks 'wtlh dcser( lronWOOd .1andles. Particu arty lovely and tttcact in6 rnucb favorable com .. 1nent was the jewelry exhibit. The BbO\'f' hu attracted: more .ha.n 10ca1 a tt~ntion and hae been asked to go to a Glendale gal- lery. 0 •. ~. Fair. Plans PJ.ans !Or 1'951' -Orange County F'air, set for Aug. 15-19, mond ·orward thl3 week with announce-- ment of progreu of plana for re- modeling and moving· Of u.JBUng fairgfound buildings roUowi.Dg a board of d irectors meeting. Directors attendlrw:; the meeting at ~e Orange County Falrtf'ounds included; Prc1ident lt~)'4t~~· of Ora.nge, H. C. Jellqg- Grove, Irvin ·c. ctr4'hi~"'' 1· lcrton, W. F . Croddy, Oeorg'e H . Tobias a"d Willis F . Mitchell all of Santa Ana. Directors unable u, attend were Mrs:. Fr&nk ~aw of Placentia and ·A. 3. ScJi'utte1.ol Anaheiln .who ts on a trip to the middl~ wcsL Sccrl'tary-ManB.ge r R. M.. <!: .ruUt>nwider, who recently confer- red with slate offieia~e ·in Sac.ta· menlo, re.ported that, money trom state funds obtained trom ._ tax on Califomia'n pari-mutueJ tborDUfh· • bred rac1ng lndmtry; had been re. quested from the Public Work.I Board , for· necess&ry improve- ments o( build.Inga and facJljUta 0J1 t~aJ.rgroundB .... FuJl~Widerl"reporled lhf!Se im· provetncnt.1 will consUJt of re- modeling and 01od~rn.1Sing or the forn1cr Anny gymll48ium in.to an up-to-date ex.hib·L building and the movh1i; ot ·M:Veral ex1attng build- ings to 1nore' sultab e lOcatiqn u we1I El:'! for cxpartaion of livestock racllitics. Bid8 ror the lmprovemen&a will ,be asked for ti.rt 8000 u the rund. arc available, according to tbe St."'Creta.ry -inanager. Report.a gtven at the boa.rd meet- ing lndicated that p!ana tlJr Ute cOming Orange Count_y Pair were Don Van Gelderen; No. 3 Frank Harbor Cl\'11 Del r Rutt.f!ncutter; ' No. 2 Bust.er John S&IM:h" or the. dejtu _ d.I· Adams ; bow Barron Boyd and rector. Cad HanM, r U.. dcy AtcordhlJ to Coach .Jlln Begp 6 P. m. . • of Stanford his crew Will cOrullat -fi~~~~-~~j~-;;~~1· ~~;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;j;~, 1 of: coxawalh. Dave H~; · • · atroke tjewey· Hecht: No. 1 Bill Me)'('r; ,o. e Arend Hut.meyet1 NO. 5 IJon Craven; No. i Boll Pam.worth: No. 3 BUI Mc:Cartl\): ~ll ~up to schedule. • , • • No. 2 Jinl Flfel'"'(capta.ln) Md bow DI~ Porter. 'UCLA ' 'I I ' ,I l I I I ' • .. ' . " • .. • ' .. / " SJiARPENING AU t.l"?ll • lr'l=owen • ptnl<ln1 -Ju>Jv.., 1·9 p.m . .A Sun. FOOT SHOP 609 Cout Highway Newport Beac!t Furniture Repairing Q>&lf bottomo -..,.. or IJll!Ql. Choir ~ -1114 rock4n replaced; aleo' ~· BU\1l!Y'S FUl\NlTUBll ' lq:P4JR SHOP ~ Banta Ana ...... Colt& JC"" BTICGl 11~...J. 17oUll • JJl'l'DU01l -CXiiikIOI\ PAINTING · LICllNUID -INllU!lm> Glenn Johnston 60l • ai.t st. Nnrpoit 11<1141 Jlarbor 2297...J Mc4• llTa PUne Bt., Coot& - --15'57-M . Md REP AIRING and PAINTING R&A.SONABLIJ. t.r1e or unaD jobL Fn~ •eatlm&tu. Ha.r. 2Ml·R HAULING My kind, truh or'! Walker, ioa .. 11Ut street ASSIST ANT to busy otflce man- ag,r. Colle1e sraduate or equi- valent. CaP!'bl• of 111ffUDJ pul>- Uc . Over ~-$41S -$6&. l5 day week. Apply 19JI llouth Main, Santo Ana. ' lp8 w ANT middle qed lady to work Pf.It time .ln Jewr.lry 1tore on llalboa Ial&nd Pb. Har. 2321. 2c4 Mesa Radio 6 Televlalon "Service TllJt SaU&nu" TELEVISION Salea -Service • ln.atallation RADJO REPAIRS . JOO ~ro-.iway Coeta ),f- lcl~ Clearance -$a.le NEW and.USED • FURNITl]RE B&raain. for every room ln the houae. Eveeytbing prioed to cln.r lmMedi- ately. Givin1 up our le&M -en .. tire floor muat be clear· ed by April It. See Our Bargains \ • in Household Furnillblnga Before ·vo11 Bqy Anything! . '47 IJALISBURY acoote.r. Excellent CQlldlUan, $75. Call e.... 82&0-M •fter 2 p.111. •12 Watmlneler. N•wport Beach. !Ip< Newport Beacll Harbor 2511-ft l----------- WA.NT middle •Ced lad)' to care HORTON table model electric 16-l'EBBONALll Alcoholic. . An<inymoua Write P . 0 . Box 20I! Balboa Wand, Callt. • Pilon. Klmbll"ly 1-5391 • Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone Beacon,64111-W · t2c7 MUST VACATE APRIL l•th .. Odds and Ends . . l~H,( ... ?~ ~\ •.l , ·FURNITURE We are giving-u6 .;.,, lea.se and mWlt clear en- tire stock by April 14. You will find unbeliev- able BARGA.INS! COSTA MESA FURNITURE CO . 1660 Newport Blvd. COSTA lBSA BJllACON M8ll ,n-Se.du: Yotlit t..AB W A,NT RIDE DA.Il.. Y from 1l00 blk. 'W, Ba.Jboe Bl"'1. to Corona do! Mar (9 to~). Pbone'llarbor U46-W. 9'1tf1: ·~----------LAI>Y WANTS ride to ww1< In 1.. A. !rum Corona do! Mu. 1lro. ~. MOn • :rtl C&IJ Bar. _,.W, '"' • • for 4 Yl'· Qld ftJ'l. e p. m. to 2 &. m. tron•r -like new. 129.:M>. 2822 -4 day1 per week. Uve ln or out. Newport Blvd., N"°·porl Beach. 10< • 15th at. Newport Beach. • 2c3 Phone Harbor oeoo.J. 2'pt ----------- Standard Station, Inc. Hu a few openings FOlt MEN Who are 1ooktnc for pennane.nt employment With excellent op-- O'XW:EFE It MERRITT table top p.1 range, good condlUoo. $IO Phone Harbor 2140-J ol Harbdr :llM3·R. Sp6 G$LS apparel, atsu 10.-12 , biouau druaea, sweatert, wool &k:Jrt., like new. Has outtrrown them. US Ruby, ll&lboa bland. 3p0 12"'" TV Philco cbnaolette. Ex,,. pa.nded 91 .q. inch pictun, re- conditioned. $189.95 12'.ir" Blonde Con.:>Je TV $179.95 portunlty tor advan~pt. 2J ----------- lo •o preferred. Paid .,Vblle a&--APPLIANCES 10" table model TY .... $9{,50 t-.l/ltns-Approx. '270 montll. 7" table model TV .... $32.!50 to •la(!. Liberal laundry &llOW• CLOSING OUT ancu. High achoo! minimum NEW J'PPliances l l ot each) detired. See S\&pt. at the · ' 1-A.pt. gu range, oven control, STANDARD STATIONS $111.l>O. RCA CONSOLE 18" TV. llke new Willi A¥ & FM'. r&dlo._bee,utltlll mahopny c&l!__lnet With cloorw now onJy ' $309.00 ·~ ~!~ ~1.o. ; 4$E • C +: COMJ! In and pla)' tlle ~ . . and Chain, Lompa. etc., etc. -.n at unbelievably LOW PRICUI -NeW Hoimand Chm! Orpn. 'CLEARANC'no c"A TE Ev<!n U you don't know a ne>U '-"' ~ a( mu.le you eu p'-J' ~fbl m...., In ~" Ml!>U'-DANZ-AT THE 8CHMIDT Bf$ Pt&no and Orpn Co., 6211 N. M&ln. ll&nt& Ana. QW?QIR MUST o&ertflce almool n•w Cbl.1)-ffil spinet.. Hlfh , COSTA MESA FURNJl'tJRE co. (rade make. My teUOll&b\e of-, · f~r accepted. Harbor ™6-l.f. 1660 Newport Blvd. 2P4 USED PIAN.OB troin Mt up. Good COSTA MESA BEACON M8ll pi.ylng condttlon. PAN Z. c:::=-::==-=---..,,...--: 8CH)IJDT, &10 N. Mala, Sant& A'TTRA!="VE, lll<e new. & rme, a Ana.. cor. 8th.' bdrm1, untumlahttd. Fireplace. A.190 odd• and enda of hOuaehold f'Untl~ for every room In the hoWte. G1vtl\I" up our 1eC1e en- tire 1toclt of New &Jld Uled Furniture mu1t be aold by Apr11 H . LOOK OVER OUR ' UNBEL1EV ABLE BARGAINS dbl. prage, patio. Ad.u\t, no ~ta. '"° mo y-ly. 'lli Irll Ave., Corona del Ke.r. AT. J-598!. • 2c4 RENTALS ' • • • • lloToRS '..,:-:--", 10(;:&:'":....pr..~ ~ - Beeooa .8997 ' Costa Meaa t ~· .... <·"; t S<#e Z ~--; ;$~~-- '49 l'J'Ut>1'1!~ omn-., I ~ -·r·-·····•-'171111 l .,. mlDl?~ •' -... , .. ....: _____ , •1111111 '" 8'J'UD r.l14~ ' iloor ··"·-·-·············· 1290 •ff OllBVRO ~r ie4ao .. !. •...... _ .... ._.--········· M . :::· ~ •ifoor·::::::::::4;::~:::=:::::::::::~::::~~=. : ''° . S ... ~ ···-·· ... ···-······-······-: .......... ~ .. :. ~ 'I '40 celtYao •:cso.-......... : ............... ~ ..... _t ....... _._ • - ' ':ti BU1C& • dOor "'°'" • ., .. ~ .. -· .. •······ .. r .... ..,._.,. . ...,. ••••• _-r .... '145_ '38 ~ •• ~ ········-········ .. ···-···'···-·····--·:..... - Many other ~lion <J&rwl ·······-·-··--·'60 to 1160 .. Te....,. t:o autL We cart'Y~O\lr ow;n J>e,JMN..· !MAC'S cAR LOT lllO!I Harllor Boulevard< . . ' ., I . . . j . . I ' HEAD MOTORS, Inc. ' . • • YOUR Kaiser -kil!}.s Fra.Zf!r. • . Cro~ey '41 , CH~ ''Pkletrnuter' Sedan With radio, h~ tog llteo, ...,.h lite, etc. Gl&mouroua ·2 .. to11e m ... tallic blue Mtd illver flnl&b. DEALtm ' Our aervlce depa)'tll>eatl )1111 a complete lltDclt Of pup and -Ortea c0 rl'lo r9'1 rlpt eervlct1 Git 70Ur fl. • .. ~. -- ''7 PON'l'IAC "Tcnpodo" 8 lledan- .ette, redlQ, htr., ·-t Ute. etc. Original ftn......_u .. 1111er1or. One owner. Car of ~tional "?eril! · $109~ • '41 PLY. "SpeeMJ De1uze" Sedan, radio and ~tr: "Ortjpnal" lhru· out. Ona in • tboUaand ! . · $4~5 I • I . • •• . . ' \ • . \ _ , ·I· ~ I • • • • -~ • • • TREASURE HtJNT : I j Call at· our office 1or !final clues • ' • # • ' . • . - • • • d concerning these outstandin~ properties Take !'our Pick . . ....• .;y.-...,., -• --~A PENJNSUI.4 ~ 11ut r; ~ 11> .. IOOO MC1L 2 Bedroom With wn deck b&y.WW -*1t.aoQ SB. It. two story ~ '1eck Ol.'l!!an ·view~ · G. I. :R.ESALE 2 Bedroom ocean Front __ ..:_ ___ ,y __ P'..500 . . t Bedroom tluDllhed, O.:.U frvnt :.......$f0,000 CORONA QEL MAR 2 Bedroom, 200 ft. to bay be9ch ·------$1-l,7llO - JOHN D. BURNHAM ' , sp7 E. Balboa Blvd, BallK>a . Hal-bor oGtlS or 1607 ' ' Sarah W. Newlin-James C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen McDonald - . " • ~WPORT .HEIGHTS BES'l' BUYS 2 BEDROOM HOME. 8 yn. old. But location. Hwd. noon, double pra .... 1$8,950 2 BEDROOM HOJ,[E, I yn. old. Really nlco. Hu n,.._ place, hwd. ftoora, ttaptone patiot etc. . $10,750 3 B£0ROOM HOMll:-Uto poPuJar ruollt HAcb t~. Hwd. floors, fireplace, double llU'llJ. • $12,500 3 Bdrm •Home, $11,500 BRAND NEW on .!troadway, eo.t.a M.._ a..t location. A · beau'\.iful home with hardwood t10on and muy tlX· celk!!nt featun1. $3400 down on FRA. •BEACON HILL REALTY 464 Newport 11111'1-(above tho An>bu) BMcon MIS·R 3 -BEST BUYS - 3 · . ' . s bdnn 1-. Jllllt paint.eel. In• • olde ..,. out. a. ,..._ o?cl. ~ ~0.710 • MOIO clown at ~ per . ~~ In East Side IM~-dd\iacra Prl~e~ Ri~t at $~ ' bra: Good a ........ r<llai huUdlnp. Room i. n'pan4, ell -•M-Good I-~ Ulll ifer mo. lbcom•. 1'~ Ji.,ooo, cpen ror otttro -. G. N. WELLS Rltr.' ' 6 AM<>Ciatea 1790_ Newport Blvd. Costa ~eaa. Pb. Bea. 5181 Mtµtinle Listing ._ "'·· 1'160 B!:ST BUY 011' THE WEEK $7950 BUYS L.UIOE HOIO:, -· dlatence lo Newpert pier. 2-bdnM, din. rm, 1&r1e Jlltcbel:l, Mrltce pbrch. .....,. -ment, brick patio roafed ovv with wall on one Slklt:. Can be con'Yttted btto' two ualt& Allk About 'ntla at Any MULTIPLE USTlNG RLTR . ' . 2 B. R: home, nr. Golf COU?'H. This well-build honie only .· • • I •t_,, • . . ••• • .... , ..... ~ • I • , . dO!U>NAD . ' IL\lt PRW&T•d . I ' •"'!": •• I , -~~· i.. ~ Bobelt a. L7aa or REN1!ALs' . · " OllJ' .... IM liltiap .... llUn, to .JrlW ....J M ' ·•;.-"'!•-• I" ..,., _, • .,--1 ~ I ,_ Single J9ideeca. -Small 1Dcome Home '-DuPJaea -' · -Larp-~for •:t· t .-• . Two and B6l!room • . \ k.tall' frOm $1115.00 •. : ' • , I " r.. ' . • . ~ with • before you buy or 1'911t • • , ' , • •• -' • .. . ' CORONA , DEtl, MAR PRbPlmT>D~ ' tU Cout ~ ' , f , . ll'arillllouM MQtel Harbor 1037 Coton.. del Mar . Banar-1083 ' BLANCHE A. GA TES~ Realtor . L. S. 10Nli:S · J. MARTIN 311 Marii1e Ave., Bal Island • Ph. Har. 1671 or M72 . Har. 7"-M •• .. 8 beauutul_ap&rtJ!!ente. Fumlahed. ~ly ~e apt. bOllle on tbe bland. Priced right. ft. terma; . UTrLE ·ISLAND -Charmlnf 2 bdtm, _tlln. rm. hOme. Moet attr. !um. A REAL BUY AT $16,950. • . I EltCLUSIVE. BEACON BAY-Biautl 3 bdrm, 2-, bath home, charm, furn., plua attrai:tlve apt. Patio. Gar&&e&. one of-oW' BEST buys at $28,!IOO. . ' - BLANCBJ: A. GATES -REALTOR • • , 2 BDllM 0 . t llJ:SAt.11 -a.loe In lllut aide. 1'\111 prklo, $7.100. fl ,IOO down. mo. pymte ta.Ill . tncludq J,Ue., lnterelt _,.. lAa.. A BOT ONll. NlCE CLEAN I BDRM ON Ii --------'---------------acre. Spacloua bcltmo, tile, pr .. CORONA.D~ MAR . WE AR!: NOW OPEN FOR ~USlND>S JNOURNEWO~ LOOK~G FOR A GOOD .DEAL • - W1i: HAVE:. MOl'!'l'-of the better liltinp 'for aale MOST-of the better renW. ? ? • IT IS OUR DESIRE TO GIVE YOlJ FRIENDLY AND EFFICIENT Sli:RVICE AT AU. TIMES COME JN OR PHONE • • _ TOM PAYNE, Realtor: 310 Cput Highway 1 Corona del Mar Phone Barbor 2'n4 ' • "' blk ftolll Newport .lhd. Prtce ot $&,500 lnclude1 hlce turntlure. BAllOA.IN! I lltlllTIC • JtA!lL Y Alifl:RIQAN Brand new 2. bdrm hallle, m,_. lnr ltriok nttpl&ce; eat. ww.t. Thia beaut,-Ii dit.ferent. Pricld r1fht at $t,llOO. I . 3 llll!Ul 0 . I. RESAL& -lnrd. "rfooro, dual tum., r1rep1ace, Ule. ..,.. ponll, dbl. pr., SOX1112 lol &nd more extra.a.. Thil ~an cut borne lt $11 .000 -$1,lllO · dn. and $61 1no. in ' income property - - -Corona · del Ml.I'. I ·yean old on % acre, hu o · ----------~---------­Barney Francque .... $11,600. Easy terms. Two unJta, IOuth of bichway, 00fl 0 • siatlng of 2 bdrm. bome, bwd. floon. nre~. floor tum.ace. Alm •ingle apt turnJ.shed--p lus ~. $Ja,600-TERM8. DUPLEX on ccn'fter lot. Hwd. tJoora. 2 latmdry room.a, ga.rac-ee.. WelJ Jocaled. ' $11,~Lli:SS THAN 1 TilAl\ OLD-<luplu on .. .,. .. k>t. Bwd. floor•, boor tumace.,· pnan. paUo. ~ EARL CHAMBERI.iAIN 500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Ku (Opposite Newport RaJbor Bank ) Phone Harbor U88 . . tra Ill.rye l"OOl1i. ind plutered. 'WalJ.t,o..wa.U carpet. Ve ry weU i.nucapoc1. 14 family fruit ....... Price to oell at Only $8,950 - I Bda-ni home, .J:ut. Side. Tht. lovely 3·bdnn borrfe LI one of the hi-homot In Coot& M __ All 1 ·b~. l'lool'9o 3 '1&rp llodrooma. Larp 11¥\ng and dlnlnf -· llJ\chen lo Vef'I lerje and plmtJ ot cupboarda. Clill U. to lbow J<"I .flllo borne u It will not lut Jone at - . BACK Ba Y' RANCljl , BEA UTl'.l'UL A1.L RllDWOOD RA1fCH HOUSJ: with WllUrpuaad ·-o1 11ay. sopvai._ ruut ho,_ and complete caretel<or'o q,.&-.. o..r B ...._, toneed and c..,,._feoced. We conJlllMr ·t.JUa the finest rancb ln the b&cJI: ba1 t.reL SlfOWN"lrY APPOJin..o:lfl',ONLT EXCLVSIVI!: LISTING · STANL~ HADF.IEI • .Q, Realtor 218 Manne Ave., Bel boa Iol&nd. Bar'bor 20 • • llll:ALTOR 400 E. 17th St. at Tustin Av. Coeta Meta, Pb. _ Bea. 6818 E. Side, Costa. Me~a B&qT BUYS j- 2 BDl\M, DEN, FIRll:PI.ACS. wall tu.mace, .dbl. gara(e on ~u~ f\11 larg• corner. $9,000, Ii cUh. ' • j . . . On ·Mariite-Ave c, Balboa Island 'nine buoln ... Ii>~ All occuptod W!~ ... :1 tenant& Jlhow '"' ~ oil, better. Nq p1'iM Nllt pleUa. -Mra. _ M&r<IOD at Har lTIOl - -f -I . . • .. • • Have iMany Choice Homes on: .Balboa \lslatid $12,500 tO $85,000 · POR ll:XA.MPLl!i1 V•~ t.ltdCUt• ~. ~ home on 80 n: loL Nie. l>auo. $29.MO. ! ' . . ' I ·sa: UB i-aR $ii:ACQN. BAY ;property. Wo ~ ... two . attraatlve homulnow -they #9!''t i-· , For details ~ M'.ra. Maroon at Harbor 1775. Cliff j H~ven Vtew }jo~e 2 bdrma, den, Ille. Uv." nn, dla . .....-.:. I bathl, fltophl'.oe, · double ga.ral'@. Au this plus bay and ocean view. Pl'1ce $16.750, t.ema. ; .. .. Ctjsta Mesa Soocial 3 bdrma. din. rm., fenced and land'.caped. FHA loan at fi ~ per cent. Price, ,10,800 -S20(K) dotrJl. hi.lance euy tfnna.. Cliff Haven View Lot Beautlf'Ul. comer 198xlt&. llreet• bft 1 · fldes. A lteal at $1,750.. ~ . I }t---- CLIFF HA'.VE;N! · new 3 bdrm home. BAR.QA.IN at $12,780. I • For abo..-e · 4 'Pf'OP8·rtt~ call ~ Bar-.er at BeaCOJl' · l'ttG or Beacon 6831J.J Bvta. • _ . , -~L Yf. 'STANLEY -' • " - . Realt6r 1-1 · 11th and c..ut y · 11th and Irvine Newport Beaclt NOWJ>OJt ,Ba.ch 2211 Marine A~ 11e1boa lal&lld 8118 Newport Blvd. N•wport Beach • ,• , ' • ' : • • .. T - I • • • I , f· -I -. ' f , ' r • ' I I > - CASWWAYNI . au5ii'!i BEANS . 9"~·.!:o 9tc . ~ .. SWA'Ot• IED 10 99c .KIDNEY BiAN_S: .. ~~!:O _p{Nio .. BEANS 1 1.1.~~~:o 99~ l -. ·l"Ai<io BEANS 1 . 8 "c~:.00 99c CASI-SWAYNE ;10 No.300W ·RED ·B~ANS ' c ... -. ' • CASl.SWAYNI • 12 No. 300 ·99c BABY LIMAS I -. ea .. CASl0 SWAYNI 7 NC~:.039~ SUC.COTASH • . CASl·SWAYtll TOMATO 10 ~~!03 99c JUI-CE CASf.SWAYNI NEW ' 7 Nc~:.v· 99c POTATOES "' ·!" • ALL GllNDS llU.llfAST CtUI COFFEE 1-lb. 7' 9-c\2-sb.$156 Can -Can - . ' ' AUNT ~U.UMJ, . PANCAKE FLOUR r31c Lo9 Calli• 12-C•• Sy~~4!- • • 1-lb. Pkg. . Pound .· · 1~5c_ . , ~ ··23o • • wnM .. ~ 1~ 2:!z~c J-lbi SWUT 11CltlN'S 2 '25C PEAS "Doo't Miu No. 303 +ws Y•I••'' · Cau 1-c"AisuP L-.. 15c loffi. • FROZEN FOODS . SWEET PICKll'S SALE! (Packed by Pictsweet) · '. .. ...... ...... .... .. ............ -...... .-.-· ciir'CoiiN ~~ 17c Sp~ AISIN'S "GAl~IN -12-. · 17• C r-t.., FllSH" l'll9-_ · SWIR PICllN'.S LIAf 01 CHOPPID 11· C SPJNAC:H · ~-:-- --SWln °PICllN'S . - ·1JXE-WEGEl!.8LES ::.4:: 19c _ iiislCiia elliOTS 1~4: ·17~. -- ~· ftatrOll . -NUlll - • . ' ' ... ' . r 1 . ' -' 1· I • I I .. I ' ' • - ' - • I I • h I • I -. ~ ' ' ' I ' • " . I 1 · . I • • ' • • • I i 1 1951 ' / • I. Tar T ubmen· Sunk . Even • record omulllnJ( :no- yotd tree •t11e performance by Newport flarf)or'• .A.pr couldn't ave lhe varalty Tar tubtnen trora loolng their dlia'I swimming meet with Santa A.no Jut Wedn-y ' . .. byH~~.~to~ ~ .. r-. 9AIT ' TANK fu.llerton Meets . Newporters ;:t • n:::_ ~~:·.:::in~~~,;~·: Three· Team Meet ::.. ~ .. ~:..~ ::::. · · . · P nenta in true champkm.lhtp t.... -~ e...!.•-' of .... _ ..,,_ · th•ln~fi~-g~ ·--·~-· Thieme c&me up to bat with the hion. The Be8.awamped the San· apoUla &ad Jtillo*· ti C:naker On. Loe-. I I · o· •. mond Thursday longeat blt of the day knocking t 0 c t ta Anono by 30 polnta with • t8 .... -at -~ te '"""* & hqme run into docp center ftelc1 a range oas lo 18 9COl'e. . &be9e felks ........ t ... t.t ~ to acore the. th"'e w!Jmlng run., . Even mo"' "(lde"Pread wu the o. a. Aindenoa ef' -- Fullerton High schoot, favortt · · Play of the day came tn the top Frida; will flnd the •Ull un-margin by which the Cece paddled Omit et ballbu:t oa ff'OS9 .. - in the pre season. dope book'.a to or ute alxth when after George to' victory. Without allowing U1elr Cbovlea. . wtn the Sun"sct League baseball at fir~t. Lane scored u lhe third Day galned tlnlt bue on an error, proven ·track men from Oraa.ge opponent.a e~ a nlbbl:e a~ a .,alnt BID .._ el Newporr;.......u. .championship, lnvadet1 Harbor ba.seman dropped th~ !>Ul. Grain Chamberl&Jn hit into a double play. Cout coUe&e pitted ap.inet re&l the CeQ sp.aabed to a 8 to 0 lr'I-larpH, flllt ~ a ·~ poud scored on a wild ,Itch to tie the Th th · ump • -- · High Thursday a!temoon tor a 3 e eeven • eighth and ninth compUUon when they run apJ.na:t · •-game up. Burdick wu put out &t 1 In 1 ho 1 1 1 th Whitll ll 1......... \'a'rUt-lleea.lte --.............. __ of • u _ •-~ p. m. practk:e game with the local nn gs went wt u nclden , e er co ege l..-u and the ~1 --=· ...._...__ ..._ ._ nine on t)t' high 6'!~ool tie.Id. A home in a.n attempt~ ·ate&I. thus the game ended wt th lhe Pt-LeatherneckA from Camp· Pendle-(8uta AM It, Newport 11) a Uu'ee· ,ollad ,..U.wfla ... oee. 1Junior Vanrtty game WW be played 'the wln.nlng run came ln the rates leading, ~2. ton ln a trt-angul&r meet on 'the Medley relay-Santa An&, 1:31. .,.tna 1'ela'Wq' .. .,,_ JiOa;adm. on the lower field at .~ same eleventht Davia singled, etole eec-local tleld at 3 p.m. M)..ya.rd lttt--kurpby, SUlta 'that. ~ ltioy, la IJMle: f'Wa! , ond on Wetiel'a infle.ld hJt and Th Marin bold .all b __. Ana; Beek, NM&tnnrt; Pre.ton (N) aa --_..__ Ed I •, . . C08TAlllE8A 1 PU LIC GOL. C:O"f~S~ "-r"'''~'"'*•· .... tti'•"!•.M.*'f•~ ·----· ~ ;;!;;;!;!,& ""~·.. ' *""' -·~ $l :5 . Strut lltRadlo'IOwers •. NTA ANA PH.ICl .3-Ull #4 • l I . :·F Q I z o ·NE· Y rlDAY~ SATURDAY 1.: ~nd ' · 1• . ' ~ ' . SYNDA.Y. I -· BAYOA'. •·Lamps • .. ightlng , ~dures . e W · 11· J: ; 1 · LAMP a ~Clfl47rs REPAIRING PAR'r8 AND GLASS REPIA~ MacMillen Light,inCJ Fixtures thn-r: .. TaMJ atretched their .. .son scored on a aqu..ze play by La-BOY'S CLUB CINDER In U.:·.prlnldo.~d mt!.i1. :~~ ~.7.. -.. ~ ._r. tram .,.,...:;;nu;,. • record to alx wins, two losses, and Bona. TEAM SPLJTS AT H. I. with boys lige Walter Wolktt who 100-yord breut-<Jorbln, SA; wk wltla -.jnai, · yellooWfta. I a Ue aa they edged past Corona Aside from. the brier period of hu already turned fn a. 10.le ln JoM.lon, N; Norton. SA; 1:4..6. 'aad ptft1', Oii trKea. aadleviel. 1 • __ J_ Phone BeacOo 5619 1-0 Thursday and 8·7 Monday. tumbling In the first and firth In-FACl;S S. A. SJl T. the century and la currenUy run-200-yvd tree-Apr, N ; (:}row-H . ll. O.venprt'ot Santa A.no l~n y, Blod< Off ~~.!Dsb~9" Thuraday'a game was a pitcher• nlng,. the Tara played Cood ball-. l!Jng 22 51 ln the t:::lO ya.rd dash. tt, BA; Aarvold, N; 2:21.3. cabuone and libee.pbead by i . AVE., NEWPOB'f'lSU'?B batUe all the way. Bob Wetzel especially ln the tut elx Inning•. Trac.ketera of lh,e ·Ra,bor Area Competition develope In U'l.e -4.40 100-ya.rd back. -I Parka, SA; f •With ~ 8Cl"&IJ9. 11\.la ·.t. ----~-+-f--....,~~---,---..,.,~-~~--' ·•lngled In .J,0 tlratillnlnC and Bob A great dlsplal ot ball wu demon· Boya' club won cw.. Ceo-Dee and yard duh with the WliltUq ftoo!> Preotoa, N; Holts,. N; 1 ,12.2. exc"11enL boll ali>ioc the ~yll>~_-:,,,-":-:~.~~;~:.~-:;:;:_~:,~::;:,:,:.~::.:.·.:.·.,~~""~-;..,-.!;.~'-;;:.:,;:~=·~·~:-:.:.:;~::.•:.:.:.~ ~Jck sJ.n led &n the aecond tor slrated ... the rrar• itopped ever-a ... g bonoril aod toat .. and a runntn:ar two men under ~ tbe 100-yard ~. fr'ee ,-J(urpby, JU,.; llpOt.-. 8orry ~11.~ ~ too t •• , ;t.IM. only . of I.he' 11ame.' Th !!-~ ·~-~~~ m~ta to HuntlllJ(loa ,lf<ioeh Batur-Morloq ~Ut. a ri>an ~ ·Mo 8"j<. N1 W~ BA.;'118;1. • ' ~ r.,lka• <atl:llllif lllli • t1ie , ' euflli· •~._.,.......,.,, -Y~.G.n;;,,R 1lJl1 ·a~at" !llf" ~ tbe·"""'lo ""\\"'&·mu lll~ J~ pt '(Ill~, I . ~. \'>'f!!IM•·..,.... , . 1 ,._., ' , walk"' ato?• MC-tn U.~91,_th I h1S aut ·• 11eblool '~ • lf.k · .. H: •a IL SA: _., ~ _ t~-'tiiila-"l40n.;; •ond ond ...-red u X>ldc.r........ hit"""' al homo who tJ1ed to~ lndlVld'ual local bcfllOn went to It lookalike the llr&rlneo "ftll lndl'lldual medley~_BA: \ielped:· ~~.'IJ'*t ' the ball t>elwetn the• shortstop's from eecond on a s'ng\e. The ~e Lee T-.ylor Wbo p~ln tlve Cee-Lop the 880 with two meon turnln1 Cotbln, SA; .JobMort.... N: 1:&7.' aetm to·'be &U ~~ew .. iegs. Cor..ln& was held hitlesa by inning, Burdick and Lane col.abo-Dee event.a. Don Butte; whq placed in a.n averace 2:o:5i, followed 'by tJ,.e • 4-m-,i relay--N (Prut.on, Aai:.-port ~)1.~ e9 ~ ftlh.; lhe como!ned p1tcblng efforts or rated to break up a aqUeeae play In tour "E" even~. Bruee Knipp Bucka,and the Poet. who an hJt-vold, A..,-and Beek); 1:47.8. lng torevef10!W. Pete Morris, George LaBona and and get Ute man out at home. wbo won both "P"• duhe9 and wa.e tins 2:09. Bee S.Ult. ·'lle.rse f'llllll.r fer ..... la La.ne. Lane had men on second and third aecond ln the high jump and ran Race Of the day should come:' in (Newport &&, 8aata AM 11) pod for ta.la time Of &lie 7-.r. io the ninth with no out. when he th ll wt h '''hilt 11(~1 N Sm u--·-·--•· Comedy el f:nors a leg on the ~lay te&m a.nd Gene e m e l w ler .and Pen-~ ey relay-( . Ith, u.-11• Mackerel ,,...... '8 ~t., bat · Monday'!! game wu a con1edy ot picked off U\e runner at third. Loring who won both "C" •print.a dleton bo&stlng a' nian running brook and Cal'T'OI); 1 :39.~. e~rj1:.lme ._, pl. i 9Cboo1 errors as far u the Tans were LaM loaded t~e bueR In the lOlh &rkl anchored the relay tea'm . 4 :4:!1 while the loca.ls 'h&ve turned · 00-y&rd trtt-Ba.lrd, N; Olhmer, ~..hnm"""d u,. tM pane _..en ~ncemed _ at tea.st In the be· with two ouLI. Wetzel ended the Tbe Cee-Oee team won 33-24 ; In 4 :48.7 t.hua tar thl.e eeuon. N ; Hambrook, N ; 28.9. . come la a.ad Wn.t tbem U1Jo. gtnnlng. Then the scene: ahllted to threat by talling a fly In ahort the E team Won 32-27; the y team Pirate two ml!er Ralph Balt~r-100-y&rd breut -Ceja, SA; Wilen Ulec 'eU .,., they plq to the opponent's camp. Three local center (ie.Jd. The flnt man up tor loat 26-38 a.nd the. G fta.m loat 25. ra should run aw&y wtth tbl.11 Doyle, N; Hen. der.on, SA: l '.27.3., take thNn _. __ a-.., trom tlMee t::Grona in Uld e:le.ve:.nt.h doubled to • t w I ---.,. erron1, a h.1t batter and two wild 39. The accumuJatlve ,acore gave even . Ith an ear Y seuon time .vv-y&Z'd tree--Carrol, N ; Eck-,au.y. dwtq 1llle ......,,.,.! s.r- pltchea along wltb a home run by right center and 4N&a thro wn out-Huntlngton Be&dt. a 118-118 win ot 10:38 under hJe belt. he ta lOa dahl, SA; Coleman, 'H: 2:23.4.. dine MaeOll • .taoul• be tbe oal7 .Joe t:rlbe gave Corona four runs trying to go third. for the entire meet. · · under hi.a nearett opponent. 100-yard back-Smith, N; Ha.r· time tor a.et~ dM llOw .:..Ut ln lhe first Inning. They picked up Harbor Box 'Scof'Cfl : '.l'be S..nla Ana ~t la the .ec-Hurdler Coach LO ·P'tureU will rt.on, SA; Qulst., N ; 1 :1~.2. settbts H..,..... vu.1d7 t.o two more on two walks and a HAa10•-1 ond annual affa.tf -wlth Fran-'lin walk away with lhe highs ln a 10()..yard t~Balrd, N; C&rTol, kaock 011 a'>fe'W of u...ie Baera- slngle In the fourth and scored one ~.·1j,..1~b Playground u the elte. Fi.rel evbt' pouibtel~.~a. ' N ; Ec.kdahl, SA; 1:03.2. mea&o mutcili .a. cleaa •J tlal8 ' tJi the fltth on a pair of errors. L111i:, •Jo.lb , la •lated for 10 a. m. There wiU be The three· achoole are f&trty Dt~-Porter, SA; Jobnaon, me. for -. .. . , :Harbor was unable to cash In at ~~·. le~ ··t two dJvleiona-Oau A. Boye born evenly divided in the f1'-ld. r..ley.N; tie.. Surf'reportl ~~~~ nU. 'j" ._ ______ .,... __ .._ ___ ,__,__.,..,__ ·the p:a.te until the seventh Inning Cr•l• H &tter January 1, J.t33 and Ct&.. B Victory •hould bf-long to tbe •·man n:lay-N <Balrd. C.ole, Bad wtqd, cold itl~~bOld· !l::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;:::j:. :;:::;::j.l::::;::=============~ . •• • H '" I • I 0 . I 0 0 • •• • • 0 I • • • I • • • ' • • • I I I • At The ' \ Phone Beacon ._.,., I OTHllR y ARDS: Laguna Beath--i Santa Ana -Fullerton -La Habra -Brea ' 618 COAST IUWAY when they 8Cored seven runs to tie ~:'I!!: 1~.p for boye born a.tter January 1, Piratn ln tbe po1e'vault wlth Carl· man, Petttl, Hambrook) l :M:.l . tn.g down ta4'~m._).. ~ .• the ball game up. B\lrdick led Woodhov,. rl 1938. CJua A is for boys, 18 yeara ton Meai:s shooting tor the top Vee ae..J&. Jim He~ an cl>' Johnny ~ • ·-J · • :off with a single~ Bob Woodhouse ::;:~~· ~b' old and under and Clua 9 la for mark. _ .(Ndpwt. I, ,,..._ A'.aa I) Stand&J4'. tJ.• etl1 .Jtot eq,ert, LA ~ K. GUND~vm, M.. ·D. I • • 0 I • • • 0 ' • ' ... doubled and Burdick acored on -·--· -boy• 13 yeano ykl and under. . Bob . Dunnum of Whittier wt11 Medley roJoy-N (ll•dow Tun· fl.lhed tJ1e OolbrWo 81-tr -day. ANN_O'"'o!s, ~.OPENING o.· F, =n pmCE AT Tom P erkins' Infield out. Sc~:".!:, 1,.11hM;i.,..:.. -21 1 i ~ : Competftjon la elated in both probably pin the Javelin bonon nel, Gibbon.a) 44.. ' Jim knockect ·dftt.ix trout; John-..... , .... ....,.. ~ Dick Lusk drew a walk and Jack CM-• •ooot-..4 0 • eventa tn the hl(h jwnp. bro&d at IM feet. :M>-yvd tree--Glbboha. N · lb-ny took ...._ JPlab. meuured 174.1 SUPERIOR AVENUE: <X>ST.,6. MESA Davia popped to short for the sec-M•r'-ooa •1 t-I l l jumJf, shot put and 1 minute bu-The •bot.put &nd diecuas wU1 motaon, N ; Bei'ry, N; 29. ' ' rrom 10 to ii~ Perfect trip, ! Formerly Newport AW:. ' ond out w1lh the score 7-1 . Bob Moa..,.'1 Game: • ketb&Jf ah~Ung: 00, n and 100 probably belong to the Marine:-&0-yard b&ck-J&eoblen, N ; Bar--weather bol _.'In,. wtth Mlmon ~ Wetsel .!lnl"led I to right field to ~~~!~·~.. ".' ~ ~ •;1 ~ yard duh, 330. yard run; &O and whJle. the broad Jump ill any man• krw. N ; Y'ltqerald. N; .M.L egp. Better lWl lft 'the b&y, boY1. 1PRA5JCE ~ TO. I • • • idrlve In Woodhouse and Lusk: La· utoa.. p.lb s 1 1 1 1 7~ yard .ahuttle relaya. gueM. ~yard breut _ 'J"wu\el N · Morftt' Uri J'f!Wt8 l!loMet-DISEASES of th~ EAR; NOSE and THROAT and ALLERGY ·Bona singled and Lane walked to ~:1~. 1~P ~ \ ~ ~ ~ Track 8Malta: The mile relay will prove to be Brlgp. N: Ritter, N; a& ' ' tlieT o,....,._ tile CMllllleldal OFFICE HOY1 RS: WEpNESDAY AND SATURDAY lo&d the b&8es: Gene Crain then t111d ic.k, c s 1 l 1 1 CLASS c..o (C.m"l"'dl another cloee race with WbltUer 4-man relay-N (Barlow Ibbot\· boM ~_....., cetUAs a ' doubled to Jeer rield to ac:ore W et-r.c::i:!'.°v::~;t • 1 1 • : " ,.rd c.~ l•rt"', ltt (t.•J: ll°' boUtlng of a 3,:to wblle Coach eon, GJbtton., Be.rfy} 62.4.' Utt.le•~ wl:U. &Mir llmll· 1 1 BY Appol.ntment zel "1d La.Brina. This made lhe -s o o I M.rtl 11•1, Jfd. .. \ ' Hueatl.an Ha.rpre:r • men are run· ........ ,. ........ _ ~ -•v ---•1 .. Oftl-Phone a-.-......... ttr1::n.a n--"d•"ce -'-• Harbor 1""" l111k, l~ 1 I 0 D I 1• r•rd O.th-1'•rlor, .. fll,411): w.~ 1 .. uv• ·-r'.~ n-.,--""" ~ ......... guuo n.c.D.1 -. ~aiuu ~ score 7-5. N•ttlu ., lb I ' o ' t ,....,, kd. ' n ng '.'•1. ' PIRATE GOLFERS WIN ...... ~ftii.I fWllas .... I BurdlC':k Hlttt, 0•,.!1. ~-lb 4 I I t D .. 1"4rd lv-tl,P!fti lalf; ,'Al'""-•, Jrd, ••--' ... ..--.. .... • - - -.. ,.,d l•I•-*lelm, M "'· He .. lu -" • __,....,_ ~,,_,,.. -Burdick then hit bac.k to the T01'A\.S •1 I to 1 ' ~ N R '11 lcb ' "UM• 1•· ll'-1'). 8W Ope f With Bob )(.,..hall of Anohehn WIU. kit ... -. .. -pilC':lier who tri«I to get Lane in a Scote i,t 1111111111.-• M f 1.,.. J .. Mp-..loel i..._.,t, let l-4 tt. 11 lt1.l: and Stan RSdderltof of lA""'"• 'how Alloat die •ftlih ani .uni! t ''pi kJ " be. t h d th' d HMbor llCIO 000 7'00 ll..... It , ' leykff", lf'd. • ~ ·--....---C e wee~ ome an ir CM--.. 4Dll l1G.OCIO ft...-1 • l lrMd Jvft'lp.-ley!O', lllii ~tt."5, ltd. r Th •-w · t In leadfn• the onalau•bt of .cotft Of ftAd.la.• MMe et.Mr. ldad· of ~ lnalead of throwing Burdick. out Sii.i 'lolt-llHM, w UQ. tt. J I•.): "°"''"' ree n!JW recor,... ere ..., • • • · Batttn1 Becorda u of Aprtl U: ll'd t4.l ~.J . , 't .,,, lhe rope climb u the 19$1 om· 13 and 12 rupec~vely, the Or&oce for UteV .._ tNatt ~. 1.1 1 •11 A.,.. '•'•' '-'"' ••n' Cbt•, JS; Hu..ilitqt• nastlC season opened.Motlday "night Cout collep rolf· ~ defeated die ooeea -.,. to ~ die L Abti.tt, cf -, ll t l .Id ... di 24-t th .H bo A. ,,,,_. cl Rl·-~de 11u to 5u ~• -~ ---... --.... ... L Cwfi'-1•, cf • _ , 1• 1 1 .511 CLAD f a e ar r rcu ...,.,J• ub. ..-~-• 711 711• --~ _,_ ·-~· I. lw4c•. c ___ • . 2'4 t 4 .J1'S J'S ,.,.,. o~ H....,, lit {t.h l: t...w-Dick Whitehead chopped a full Bob 'Manha.U, Stan Rklderbof o1 a.inllio'fte9 __... Ulla .....,. • ~: r:::·ud -~· -• -~ : : :m '-: ~·--~·"-'· J't.'flLhJ: a-two and a h&lf ~oft Glen andopponT:t ~o;cmpmn ~~~ ~ =~ Trf .... pt~-.. J. C•...ft. • .. • t t .2511 Mrr•. hid; C.mo, Jrrlf. • OrtfflUI'• 9eCOnd for Varatt:y boye .,, -·~,.. I. Wm.I, ~ • n 1 • .141 .. ,.,d ht.-TMUy MMflMI, 1st (K.1,1· In climblnc tb-e •2$ teet in flw eec-. ~· wb.Ue Don cI>owt!U o( Oolta ........ _..,. ft~ .... ~-i:-· '__ ,J•: l ;'.n "r,:·,!.~'.,,.,_...,.~.,J.ttM.. s..i-..: ond.I Oat.. GrtffUh dkl T.&-iMl ea kJe\ J to 1 and Don Baker w1aic1e ... -111&.. "'1ee J• ee.zt. D. t -----• < I .IG c..t.•. •-. (11, .. ). _;. Whitehead'• brothtt B'ol> fl'Oll\ Tllotin tied lji to l!i. ' ...,.!<. "-. -fal ·-11111 P. iii , P _, -l t I .... H~ ••-':!•!lier. Jr . .1 ~ • • • J: Pri..,,., .,-_: ··--== ~, :, : = t:'~· =L . ~a::"~~ a= ' • ~-• Ir.,:,:···-= =-=i ~ ~ ·:··:..::~~II; --:.~ ~~=.: ~c Drops. Trai:• Meet to CIJafreJ .-l: .. 1•111·11&:> .. r#d o;;;::c:rO@.~.!:.J!,·-. the thlrcl -......:i. ... 1:1e N\. ~ o:.et·."~ dropped I.heir ~d~leaeue -·°' · ~ -.1 p=· Dbnwderi ~Ci~~~~~·-.: ::;.~~~.!"::i.1: :i:;o-:i::.=:~ao~., Ooliep 71 to 511 cm~ All~ilflE't! '• , H ... ~ ...... hf. !•ft. 41'> lo.); Col,. 7.t --, · • 11\Y'tnr llil'-J S.:.2 · Wfn ~~'"$:·· ..... ,.J ... " ... Onmpetitfup -cloOe In D, I: -n:-"' DI u.. df.1.--In by l>'!=k 1141'\""" -th• r;;._..;.· ~~;::~:--.,..'!-"~'::;! ,.,., "'"' .~a_. I""' ~ and r --ollJlollcll no -'f"""· Ja.ftllo 148 \o .take .a ~place In the nent.. , ,, • . •• lbek' iu.:ue ~ 1be -a. I ClA$S I ' nw1lo W<fo al. LeRo_y BefT7 Otber' r.!rate ~ placoi liiclud t . " -' .~ ., ' 0ranto Caul COUece . ......,. deh&t.-• ,.. .. o.tl> ''"' ~ ht p.). -W the :16 fMt le JI.a ll9CO!ICll ed Carn'oft ~ !It tie pole,..,.it ~ t:IO J'd; ~n ~tt.• CU· ed . Iii> Chottioy .Poi>llW'o ~2 Ill ~ ,... ~..:.:... ~ -Ill duo JIM to ~ 'lllo lut at 11' '!1111 1talpl. "9Jtlena eU \Cl: c:1iuw (QC);· ~ the ~ ~ an l'rldoly, .. -::. ,......., -· w: yeu'• -. by .,_ _,__.. .,..-1M two mile""' Ill ll:OM. COCl .' , • . 1 8~. • , ·•oaf11a •OQDS ,wi\i."*~ ..., • ,.,., sit. .,....,.. •• ••JI 1..a. ._,, ... r;;··· ~&I · Marc!> 30. . ... .. -~'::""--kl' .. Ria .....,. ...... -· lleltOr <lout'• •a.17 • -• ........ ... -,Jd.}AW __. c..-~ -ba-n 'Pllll ~-::;..._.:::.., h Cltft.4~. t!lu Weldl'o -~~ eot ..,. __ llltlr-'lllll:ftl. -(C); W•lw,...1001: W ... :-'r.t opened U.. pme Ill the -·'liiw.--· Cl* 8< 1-w ~ M a-M w•-" ,,_ Oloett Uod. fflt -la tM iOCl. ' · _ lioiltortll!etlnl~n&wltll "'l!!;L;--Jaci11ta-•••etwDOa111C11•Jam1>o&.O't". •w "' r •-•.(bi: a tiMf.,an ---.liJ -Jijljii r ,-. 111: ~· ..._ 111, -llon -.. u,a ... -,.._. -•i•• ... ~ (OCJ; ~ COCI "!'.;f',-.Han1l-••llll04 •..._ _, , - -111e -• .._ 1• a.t . . as • · ....,.,~r f'J u.: Dr•~ ay -left -far. --nuym .. ll'ALL 'AIM• -I 11•• .. ...... .... ,.., °"* o!U au · I\ P. -IC),<-...~-. tlllrd. ~-"":e:: e~.t•:= a!:.~~~~=!:;; :.-: 19 .:...~'#I\: (~ -:+~::1'. \~ :g,'; -~ :·~:tr,.J::° <OCI; E'...;J:~-::ai::: ~~-_11ms ~':;l~r-=--=~= :J~r;=,!,~Tz1·1 cJ:i·Ecr1._ ,oo,~~ :..."":"'-:i.=.:::-~ ~H:a ,•. -· ,.:..1"{r-r.·~ ..:ta"-.'!:li. :;s..::e..lCI: llllCceG>, _. 0 AL ; JP a (00). .. I C ?PW ~ .•IOzs ..,_,.,.. .. Iii Oii k~L· & & Ill 1'1 11• .... am 1,.i W' lo (C); ' (.oat. ,':-;;i;:-4 .... a ~ ...... ftl ~ • lizto• ICl, 1' ... (OCI, · , 11*a 111111 ~ O •II ...a'=:t.-i= • -..... : 91;1.:::,9!'52':~:::.: -~'=: s•::i,~ ::•~: ~.:••=•?i ."; • • • , '1 • . . a ' I ' I I r ' ' > I I • "· 1' r • •• . } I • ' ' I r . r I I j • .. • • t • . ~IRYTHING Fol ' AllU-t llLICTOlll . ·lhP.....ni-4 c..... ....... , ,,_ . are easy to achieve with •. I • SELICTONE ,i • I . -tf ' /COLOal Dmp ln aud let us ahow you ••• eolor hannmy for the home, exciting. ~He. IDd perfect enough to atbfy CNen a decorator's critical eye. Colon ln wall &nlshcs, Bat, semi-gloss and bigh-P,. ... ;all bannllllJ>.e<f u -6efare. ~ the SELECTONE Cq'lor Plan. lt'1 perfodly sjmple ••• and lliinply perfect. ®® W@UJJ ~@~ That Contlnuqus Stock Quotatl- , and late News Are Available at - LAGU ... A IEACH on1a ' . . . • Bank of Laguna 8-h Bldg. Pb. 4-1156 / Complete Brobnge 1.01m. I T~Lm Scod< Tidw .· SlariaaiaJ I.lbnry md bodlba It..-. I Y 0ur ord'cr fu{t,uy' or 1tll lined .00.S. boods or fum. ' moditics will be executtd with ~ and 1CNnCJ over the natiori-wide leased private witt .,,,_ CW!· • oping our 16 Californil ollica and our N~ York office with principal Eastern aading centm. Sutia- ti<;al facilities are niaioWncd for your -aia:'ttftieaat. DEAN WITTER a Co.. •..•. ,. .... ,,..,. ........... ••••••'-"'-'',..._ ~ff I lfMft 1•0 r '-............ 111 .... LM o1111·u Miii fUlrfCll«t ..W YOllS . . ;· DEAN W.· CAM'PIELL' ' . . . - I •• t.o1 ANQftB MDl\'f'WOa. fMfl• U tCINO mql Q' I CM ----·--I _._ . . . ' PllEIJDlE ~ -.... -.. """"' .. i;..-. dlqi.y fleet a thlq or alto about~a ill \M .PM*',.,,.._ ,.... ... tit lllo okl '°'"' U.. .. __ IU. for, Newpon -bor Y-r ' , Clilb'• Sualdat ~ a;nd prGTed lie baa lolt,...,.. or W. old toU<lh With tbe "inand plan .. " ol dlllll?' ~· n.. lo' --' . , be~ alter wtaaJ.na: dwJ 1erke ~th ld9 ~re.-, .Job PflM'Q • (Pboto by Sec:!mer) • • > I ' • ' WALLPAfidS .,._....a..._ lilld ·~ is . All x.W .19'1, .. _ ~ W'-1 ' c.wt.tt to ,_..._. I O.C. .... Wtc.ll~d · .,,. 7. DI~~,~~ :~n:it mW N.. L:::~-;"~ .. ~~~~..,·;··:f .. ~·~, ~~tf ~ ,~/':..~:~'"iJ.: :: A.round Catalln& hiland, SJ>On*Or· ~-.,..-~------. ed by BaJi.Oa Tacllt CJ~b. Start-.FOR EXPERT 11\f tllfl• IO' 11 :00 o'elock from a SHOE ill~ait A.IA$ u.ne betwten a committee boat II.Kr IUK and t.Jt;e Barbor !lntrance ~U Bu · CALL Mi ;.t, race Ill ocheduled tot.....,, J. A. CHASf AfN ""'"'' 119&ta with Jonr dlotance I 11111 l'J. 17tlt Oocta - .re.cmr ruJe · tat.inp and for thoee ~~~· ~~~~§~~§ In the Arfitrary Handkap claaa. Both cl-...es at.art at 11 o'clock. Geol'J" Strem I• BYC'• Cllalr-R. UGS ..d man of the Ocean llaclng Com· : CARPE'l'INO .m.ttte. P't:id.lh line for the ·race s.. -I ... ~"' "' l••PI'"'"..,. t• bll!ltweea the two U•ht tawert · 11ff' •" C.r,,H,.,_ 4iiM'••• •114 H-"'P 0 "'~ ,.,, """"* llo!M1. on the jetty ends and boata Will BOUSE a OAKDEN talce their oWn 'nnlllh time. ate eeui lllW'&J, N-.Oft ~ · Elg!t.t U'Ophlu are at .wiake, u onN Nms-s.-.y tt .. 4 ' . •-,-·--··· • l :et .. "" .. ·--- , ~ .. ' . , . l ' ~oUowe : "------~---·'I+·'--._._..~.._...,..~...,..._~~-.-~...,..~~~-.-~..-• Flrot boat c0rrected tlme, the "AntlJU&" Perpetu&! Trophy do- nat..i by Hal ...,,._, P'inrt boat to ttnlah, Jamq Cagney Per-petual Trt>Phy: 'ftrot PCC to' flnlah. "[;ark" ;r<>phy presented by CaH Lonr: Pint Io!Md Clipper to fln- '11111. "Breakalw!art" Trophy -.1. ed• by I. G. Beall: Finl H-38 to finish "Scandia" Trophy doncted by Reber Eiicbon; Fli-.t arbl· tnry 'han"'1<tlp boat on eonoeetecl ume, BYC tr<>phy donated by ·arbitrary 1ldppera; first. oeccnd and thJrd corrected tfme tropll~ a wanted 1'y BYC for LDRft; f!m, -d and · iJdr'CI corrected ttm. lrophleo also a"'1ll'd0d by SYC tor atblt.i'Uy ll&ildlcap. Thia r-. -y-. -Ob a daJ when a real «otnt · wind blew up and flnally torCed all bO&ta to twu beck. Tho BYC commlU-hi boPID& for a. rood d&y and • rood l'&CO thla r-i:· \AffsMal• ~~· • .• ... . . ' • • ' -..... . --·· • • N Shower ~· ~ N_oi,,d A1chlt.ect out piick 106 helm . ~;,.r R1ctot td Mttwd ~ Lunche~n lffd pn, . • . I • . ~ . Weds lride In . .• '· fo r Fudtsie F4?f1S' rralning Cc.n.Mb TuesClay at ·for ~'!I> Rock · E,.;;scopal R;f•s Receives A .. ~ •-"-"';°"*._,.,a. · °" u. ., ..... u.·• -P•ritlt House ~ ~llCJ . ~ . . .WanD .....i'°!: .. .--.. ..... -~ ..................... ~ .. :rradlt!onApy ~ U't'MI· of lf.,.. at..\,qme um~ -bon· · O>ota w..a -~ -tOI llliof-!!,.odla• •1>"'•"••"11~ •£ "°"'"-m1ool1r..-"' •-Q: !..! P.. . ...........,,, ~ 10 ~:i:ee p . .;.1 ~;,~~:;;;~;;~~;;:;;;;;;;.;;;;i;;-;J.~:;;;w;;;;;;;a; · Oprtas ~ th• ... ,.,,~ -"' ro-~-1a -.led.to are 11r anc1 met...,.~ llllbt 1a •-i... .=::;' • * '"' ·-, # •• 11 • 00 --"' Ibo ,... ~ ~ ., ~~~ ~':"u~.,: eqai~t!:"i MS v1a:ucio "°" han lor a ,Ai-.. r wl ~ :,:"":"i..,. '":. "i:: ~· •~= :.=:-i.: '::!· = .lllo "i 169 ~ .... , •• '1 lllf , .• · · plarul, and lbe ';i...~u~tlal !eU!o' ~·:<Mn. w~~U:: =:;•1~n.~~do. •""""'1-~ ~ ~-. )la"'ns •••t D. Jlorrtt. dili.w of* .-..c.·::...-;.w,;•~~: ._...-.- that !Ill tha'daya wltll eut~ont. ""ft ....mec(th two o'•-rltu R>fflvtnr Boll cat~·~ :f.,.._ and ~-:Al---= ofoflfaCUD._I ~ 1'ilil1lt' lindieaa. ' • 'Y" • ' , CO A mli\l•tllro bridal parly tore-on ~~y,. Muell ·2'1 In. 8L were: Jaelo Huiroft, ftkNld "Harft7 """"-II. ~-· :,, Wiii ~ ~ · • ~ Ii•' projed ct•lt. .JIJM· , Mf'ANY · • eaattnr the .,,,.,, <>lchaft&'• of Dolt-John•· lllP,laeopal chun:~. w .. t O'Bl'ten. :Jlf1I .Am><otrc>q. 1._ L. 4. i-, ~ LoP.soft ..J Ylllt.or of tbe 8lcll at H-.. .:; la beth • OUlkl towatll· the ffiiOta1 " na I.ff Rock and RoWrt ~t on A<lalnO, Loio >.npleo., . Popejoy, JI.Ill• BulllJlilJ &lid irn. llml,17 w;;;si;o.... · 1 1.¥ Hoipltal." • · "'°rl< ~t ct Ille-~onlu·~,AWI· ,I I F""":A. ""l.O"' · ·; i... , Mother's day, May 13, wu &IDOnl' No-AMJI were p.resent f'" the TbomU Beebe. . 1 • ' ftt&rt of.., lft. Jam9l ~ 'ftse :t\W I' NI ., -.i.- tlle "-ratlve rutur., ot a pul· ce<emony. perfromed &y Dr. n... To Woody Ro)'C• W.nt' J& L!all B r • ,. Th · O' U l Pl'~llc 11 Invite<! pd 4..,_tlcU t<tr • .,J..E.,.. CONCR!M'E ·lY abow~ rtvm r.c.ntly In °t1Je ..-. Tlurl>r..,.W'!"a~toult BadP,, Lion Ookt uc1 .atmr° JI.>· OX .::>Uppe ' • ' urs. inner ["'eet ng · Im! IUDcMorl '~ tf,l:O. • . IA V 1:1 home o! the -brlde-eleet'a motlier. of blue and • conap pr white ...... Dennor Btrlpe ahd an. T.., T d . . . I f.or s rv' "'-''Id . • . , _. • -' _,;··~,~·· ilioo "'i:!tW .. Mra. Clannce Rock.: 1e1i Mey.,. flowon. She wu atton~ by her Star. • • , Oil µes 11 · ' · , • tCeL vUI ' ' KiM'tltt . lhllifll ', ~ ~.. ""' • Pl., Coat:. Veaa, with Mro. Moille mothu, Mn. Edwud sun, Cbulfl!I Boset 'Dourlaa ....-i-• Wolf ' . BL JM>•• ·-ftrvtt'I QuDd Mr. and ..... .(. t.. ~ Sutter u co-boat... ' Gltema~ ";1 Olp d' "-Dtll>K Gold Am>w: _ .. , DeodUI .... , "-n old iultt bole auppei: wQI ffteet"11lutoday,.prll 11, e:ob hlve ,ntumed to tbefio li>me iftlipzjtE~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;;~~~ Surrounded Ii)' her dainty at-~ c.ooe friend o! the bl'ld .. Woll SUvtt AnoW: Gary Clatk. hll b!><n Pil('llod bY the !llilldU'I 'P· "!· Due to thi,lllneal of the co-W~.!t""'• Wa4. ~ puolnf tendanto. lhe doll bdde stqod on • cr-. .......... , man. . -Gold ..,..,... .. ape! Omfter Clw o! ""'O>lta :w-Oainmu-ebalrmell, U>O ~ ao meetlnr • ' hi eoota ...... ~ r ,..,vol)'lnt pedaW wl>teb played . ; !!tripe· ThomU l\alt\eJ Pcul all.f K6tborltt d!W'dl for Tuff. at Ule Stn\n oUu4 -~· sUeota ot Mf9. ~ Blatt, 3ic .::..:... ' "Here Oomee the Bride.''. Easter H ·' ht M + ' lteph~ and Dennis o •li¢e, Den· day, April tu, a t! 7 ' p.m.. at tlif eel lb Apru 1'-Th1' Lt a d!Nler W. '1!"' )Ill. Dlbnfr. _at ~I'• " .-~-.l:i · • ,,...,E .LAUNDRY 1. ,, ' ' • I • ' • .. • Ullea and .,,nu aupented the ap-919 5 a ro:n '!"! Strlpea, • • churdl. Pranlt i;>W, .. sen-al rllfttln&" follawed by a --!lu7 irarn.. and ,•. vlatt wtth' JI .• -,,[ , ' -• ~ · l polntmenl&. . • I . K tle<ted. ...... Paul Stephono. dl&ftman "' ·~· at .attallp--... -prompt ·•djqUmment fl'ltrid.I~ .IAmltAI ~-·~.the .. • ' • : a ·•Ja' .. For tile :etruhment Interval tile QI ures nee c:ub muter; Woodford Royu, ... mmt.o, &.ullted ~ Chatlea .BUICll lit J.:, p ...... -~ of Ito bflrit blclilfffit., ot \!le fof . _. -, 9\ . . . _ .. ' -~ hoaleaea aerved Ice cream roll . .. llatant cub muter; Floyd Hot-and Cleo ~er. J a • nt.&bt. : . . • • ,_.. -ro· r. ~ • ·iw . f ..,, __ centered with a weddln&' bell and Re<:!>verlng from an Injury lo lard, lnatltutlon representative; K. • , , . • ,; . • 1 l ••'•. h" fl ff 0 ; a large aheet cal<e ad()med witll htt kntt ta Mrw. O, M. Campbell C. lli'<>Wll, ""1fttn1tite• chalnnllll: GUlNDALE .GlJDTI. • VJlllT IN-•~ • . . CAllNEIS , ,~ • ~ ~I.If, ' 1 tng, -' U rytng J I . , ' I ' llllea and lctVe birds In paatel ~ue•. or Newport Heighta, who tried to Paul '\l<phona, ualetant cll•lr· Spendlns ..... raj rece~t daye u Mn. Van D. Rob!naen.· 82t w . ~ O~tJR ~TtJaz: ~t · · 8111,nkets ~of h'ampooed e.wd .Dried 50' C<ue.t. enjoying tile hoopitaUty •top a cu rolling down Iler alley .. man; Mro. Paul Stepllena .... ,.. ho-~ of • Mr .. and Mn. 18th SI., Coata Med. pueed aev· ~ ~ SlfoN !' r . ·r lncladfd Mrs. Llttle Gky, Mll!ll The door awuna-open. then )amVl.· WY• .Goorge Spink. ~..., • ., fleln& Kalter, H7 Vll'flnla fl.. era! daya laat w .. k In BUrbal\k • AllHITUH •OIHllHlO • · Ii j · _ a AUOA l • Edith Oay, "'19. IJ~-tta Leh· .ed ~g~· her knee aa, tl\e , ... Mi'S. Neal Conon, J>Ub!ldty cbalr-Cola .IQ.a, .werli J/(r. ana ~· +lmlnr ber oon·bl·~O! ana di,~iltl· HOUl!JJ! a o,uibiN t· , I: ~ .man, Ana.het,m; Mrs. William tumf'd to the aide. ·Her }'r"Ut..t man, 'Den lifOther and ;ectpieQ.t of Au.,.t ~f of ~~· ·~· ter. Mr. and Mn. P'k>y .C&ineY ''' COAST HWY. • Hf'tiri'oi'f Kialier 2724 Mueek of Culver Ctty;.lllfn. Jary concern Juat now la ~ alt tM four 1ea.r mtu; "lJ&told Orabam, Hof .. the 1.cal man r .a.ter. ~d ~. Dtdee and Marlie. I OPIM. NIJIS.-Svitd•r ~_tt t9 4 J =-· r ~ Hulme of VacM/llle. Callt.1 Mies dish••. brought to her 1witll de-P'-tl;y .m ... : )(re Jnnne Ora· ---I . . ' -.-..,.,...~~ .. ·:.· +~-*-----~-----..... Sonya Hulme ot Palm Sprlllp; lectabi.., get b8':k to tllelr propet: ham, c:oordln&JOI" and ,i'eelplerlt of ~ . ' . - • Mn.. Lucretia Coututte. RJvenlde; owneta. · two ,_,. IUf; Pa.uf Holtman and Mn. Anita Ru'me, Palm Spring>; Floyd ff!tttanl ~ a~ed f11Ur Mm Fay Roell'; Miao ll'rane<o! Pt.:A t CAN AST" year •Ian and Rll)>n -tolie, lbtte Rock, Mre. MarlOn_lllllott, Corona; Can~ e Jtlbu•~l~•t • wen year stat .• • ; · Mmee. Jean McCullum, William ~Jlt ·togeyler rece'nUy by M"r. ~Sklta were giveft· by-lira. Doug· · M cCullum, Nora Jackaonr. Bedfol'd and 'lira. J&Ck Hirtler, 187& Park ~· den 1, wh\cb: won tbe atte.ftd.. Scott and Elliot WoodhouM., Cos-Ave., Costa l(eea. k vktety ot ance award and Mn. Stephen'• ta Mea. . Spanish dl.lhee featured UY~ re-den 2 memben,· who won the lklt ~ The mar(fage \Vill be solemnized f'N!shment interval at the cloae of flag. 1 • ,. ' in U,e Co9ta Mesa Community the ~vening. In the. &"Utflll group • Cheltet O.wthon wu preeenled church. Mr . and Mr•. Bedford were Me&1ra. and Mmee. Robert a ~(a} award for .rrvtc• aa den Sco~t. 2060 M&ple Ave., are pa.r· Ra.ymond, Bernard Geier and liow· chief ror JIS montha lf Mra. Cor- enlli of the proepec'tlvc brtdegroom. a.rd Green. t · • llOn'• den 3. $ .. " -.... THURSDAY -·FRIDAY'' 7 ·. SATllRDA,T ~• . ·GlA·SS· S·AlE! SAl,.IES UM11JD TO STOCK. '· IADIT!r. f -INCH JS:-0.. ryJUJIT GREEN ICE TEA DINNER PLATES ,. , ••• f ,. GLAl~~····-··mmm 12 for 96 ~ Re1. Uc -11 · lli'r. 12c -11 . • , I , . 1AJ!ITE 1 SALAD PLATE I ' J ~·-: •m•om•o•me•-. • fo;i' ~!¢ 1ADITE CWAL DISH ::•: .. ' .. 6 ; .. 35• ' ' .i Mo SHOl' GLA55!5 !Jor. 6 29' tOc ea. .... fOI' The miracle lu6oh "'""· . MEllCOll Who!< com with 12:;'.., 18• •weel ,,.ppen. C91. -; ' ~· 'I!~· 490 .... - < • .. TUMBLIR ·cream & S~ SETS I ' ... ,, . 1 '· • '•· -' ::_•;..._'_ .. _····-·· _. _ ... _ .. ,_6_ro_r _1_9_' ::i·.a. _ .......................... 6¢' ~ OL PRUIT JUICE· ::•:... .... ~-. •~ •• 19• .. n ·OitY CUSTARD CUPS ~r~ ................. 6 1or 25~ Covrrfll ZOMllE 1'UMIURS ' 12 fer 49,¢ ~,.lie ... J • 11 os. l!unbunt o..q.. TUMILER · 6.i:..29 ¢ .... k ea. ·····---···--··· Q .,, • • .. ,.. ' 11 oz. 811111Uftt Di!lli p . . ICE TEA FAUIT DISH . ~·:.... . .. ·--· 6 fo~ 19¢ ~ANDY ·JAR :~ft~ .• d~ Refrlge1ator ~ ~IXINaG1neBQWL; :i!·.... . .. : . .. .. 11 • ~·· ~. 1~ \lie · --~··;::;;:-·· ·---· ~o ' . • • • -.. I ·1 L I . I . " !I . I .l ! ' ., • , , Lltdion . ·P.·J:AtW:· USS " Q ~·.1:1'-To ., -...... , ..... ..,... .. ~ ............... i... . ~· ,_ SdtloJ, Alt.....-....... b' ..... -•• ·"¥·~ ...... ,~ .. Us. .u-... 9:!! -----t..--------'-'"T'-"-~--------ON1A )(-112 ~ Ci>UDlT ........ _ -11'1 a ~ for -· C. 'O. ~-cw 'fDltsl -· .. H . f ·H - ' Opens • M · llCSOp!Col, ~-.. Jiil •• -• ..., ,JI .......... 'l'llllt··~ =-= .... ..,..: .. ;::--ouse. ~ annonv IR esa lboao1~... -~ -i::=' ~ :r.....,. ~.::-.. ~-o-~: · . · · .. 1· ' .Rlw... MO afapOISa I Colt& pr-..•a-ot U...a.ta Ilea ~ toe • .,,, . ..--. Houoe'or 'I la tbe new 11tore «,mn.ica1 not! al 1817 New-ii:~tn It.. .(_,io ,li!>OPkol. ll&r. 11erp-.11upw PrA ..,.. "'""Jiii· llete• • ..,_. ... ~· a.it; port Ave., 111-. Manapl by Mel Jlen7, lhe neW Mta~nt n.:1t&f, & d&uatz!u, f JM-, H .._. '¥"tM by ............ 1'1"21~ •I,!::~ 'Olm 81.::...~~ la the aucc · tn the De."'-&nd Gay -Comp&llJ', Inc., form..-ly 'flCICZR'J'~ Mr.· -Ml'L • ~-~ lslCll jwv:_,,. ~ ~ M lnale & Cralll., lloaq. at the same . I ~I V,lc}le17, ~r. l -Way, lbo lloone ·~ :uze ~ ~ Crane. Wllllsun .. b1M7, J~ Underway are Plana to malce Bouoe of Harmony Ille moot out-N~ BMcll, In BL Ja.pll -.dtnt. ~ JOdt a2l5' C:.14Ullt Emmlliee Bea~ StO,nh, •tandlng, buol place In ,the enUre Harbor Uea. . . r~tal~.M&reh 1l9, l~l, a-. I lbl., ::sst:r.-~ ~:;. KIM' ilanbra 'l'llttle, euporlni"!! Four ••par& depvtrnenta a kcPARTLllm> _ To-.Kr. and du!Ma' · ., ~ ent of Bc:hwll. ~t -Rtt • _ now planne<I th otheni to be 0 c p N h Mro. John )(CParuand. :lt08 Weet E>;pr$!nc, lhe _,,, ot ~ Mrs. lie"-, · added at ~ 'elate. The tele-arty 1g t Oa!llll Pront., Newport lldcl>. la t1m1 we., tiny 1'IUe blrda Ill Jl'ld-o'ivo•m. • •'---vision de . nt t .. lurlilg, Bott-• • SL J-pll booptta1, Mar. 19, 1161, atuni l:ttft .-Iha' ......,h table! M -~.._ " man, RCA , and Dumont a eon. 9 Ibo., s oo. tokena o( apprtclatlon of I.be u, DIVOl'U toe ~ cruelt,y by .... will be~ed ror maxi-t St Cha t STEWART -To ·Mr. and ...... cell•llt "'°"' -pll>lle<I this Rich&"'' Wa't.er. OWner WU mum vi.win °""'fort and the-a ar p er Rldlard Stawvt, 108 A b&lo!W _BL, cun-ont y-udor Kro. Blnooly'a 80\lJ'bl In Ml~ tl>urt' by M(S. moot c:omple (acllltlea fPr com-• Balboa 1a1e tn eL.J-10 lloapltol. efficient leadenblp, M,,. R. T. Marfue H . othmer. Siie akt lbey, pa.rtaon ahoppt;tg. r . o . o . F. ll&D., ea.ta Me:•. wu March zt, 1161, a dauQter, a 1bl.. Stevena. noWer chairman., on be-were, rna.rrled at J..oe Anself!9 Nov. Hoµse of. Harmony'• tlowtehold crowded to capacity and. Dl&ll)' 1 oa. . • .. h.alt or U.e exec~lve board, pre-30. 1911, aeaara.ttel Lut Dec. l, appuan... r~ lit p......,t w""' wme<I . a-y When Harbor R1TCJlll) r To Kr. and M.ro. a<Jlted I.be retlrtnc preal<IOnt with and ha .. two ...,., 29 and 18. SM waabere. tron dryen. ra.ngn. star chapter, O. '£. 8. Mid Orange Jam.et M . Rtt.c.bie. J1'1T Orange a lovrJy C\--.P of carnations and Nk~ foe cuatody of the ion.I, rehi~t.ora. rreesers. The County Part¥ ntrbt oa. Ma.rch 21· Ave..; Costa M\88-In !JL Joaeph prdeDJU and a. beautltu.l p~ter fUnde ror 1Upport and approval • •• ' 'HOUie of ~!'!!'~ Model Kitchen' Jeu CotUe, aaeocl&te matron a.nd boepltal, Marcil 2', 1911-, a daugtt-for her -hOfi!e. of property .... tUemen~ a~erit. • . , ---j~-~ln-~-~.~~--·-10~ ---------~---~-~---------~--~----------------~~-·~·+1 --~----------------ern, .lllJle • Ing, step -saving. open~_ the chapter m the abeence JOHNSON -To Mr. and Mn.,-•. mon~Y -aav equipment, a.nd 0,-Ruth and Henry Del8ter, ... w -Melvtn JohNOn, 1929 Anaheim St., , wjll be &nolhe Howie of Harmony thy matron and wort.by patron. COata Meaa., ln But.a. Ana Com- fe&lure. Courtesy offlcen from Oranae m.unity be.pit.al, Marc.b 2!1, 1951, a {--~-"'."'"'."'"'."'"'."'"'."'"'."'"'."'::"'!""'."'"'."'"'."'"'."'====== Glf' partment county chapters occupled, thf' aor\, 8 lbl., 2'% oz. A t"Omplete ft department that chain. They included : Myrtle HILL-To Mr. a.nd Mra. Arthur f('&tutta the f neat Imported china Hitchcock. San Clemente, worthy o. Hill, .Jr .. 019 ~ Ml.b St., New- tnd crystal, ·well as domestic matron: WllU&m Caldwell, Laguna port Beach, In Sant.a Ana Com- china and ce lcs, la one of the Beacb.~worthy patron; Ida D&nke, attJ.nlty hoaplt&l. April 1, a daugh· mbst bea11tll'pl feature11 of the Yorba Unda. auoclate matryn ; ter . 9 Iba.., 8 oz.. HC)U.&(to of Harmony. \\"orld famous Ja.mea j>lercy, Arteala. auoctate McKINLEY-To 1-fr. &nd Mr8. M.hlt"s such 1as Havjland, Royal palron; Alta Squlrea, Buena Patk. Earl McKinley, 7308 Ocean Front, York. Rldgw~y. A.dder:ley, Skru! conducUe:u; Lucy Tatton. Santa Newport Beach, lo Santa Ana of Sweden, c;stelgiaaa and Val SL Ana, a.uoclate conductreu; Flor· comm.untty hOlplta.l, April l, a Lambert appq&.r ln ttk .clft depart-en~e May. Norwalk, manh41; Pau-daughter, 7 lbs .. 1 1;1 ~ RCA Vlctoi-radioe, all -~ Une Mlthoff, chaplain; Ruby Mc-DEA.T118 " ~ phonographs., and ~rda are: fea· CUrdy, San Clemente, orga.nl9t: turca of the m.ualc depa.rtm~nt of • May N~inaky, Hermoaa e!lapter. JMM M. ~ the Holl.St' ~ Harmony wh1~ .. ta Santa An.a., eecret&ry; Either Dt-... Fune:rt.l aervtce1r tor Jrue M. one of the 1 gest ~ moat com-vtne, treuurer. Gab rt el, 88. of 911 !l. Balboa Ave., pl('tf" in Soul cm Oltifornta.. New Serving aa Star Point.a~"' Blr-Bal~ who died Satu:rd&y. are to :!lclf-scrvice~ature:!I will be added die B!ckford, Arteala, Adah; Fran; be held at 11 a. m, Monday with to this dcper mt>nt to make m~c ces Graham. Fullerton. Ruth: the Rev. Thomu Pen~ll ofllclat4 shopping er and m~re en1oy-! Elizabeth Spt'nccr, Seal .Be&ch, in« Ln Grauel chapel, to.ta Mesa.· ablf". New . 11 e8 are bcmg added Elither; Naomi Craft. Sttpter Mr, Gabriel, a· nauv, or North lo give a Wldfr sclrtllon. . chapter, Orange, M&rtha; Anna CaroJlna. lJ turvtyed by bl.II wife, H.ouSf" or . armony . Is ope'i for Terry, Arteala. Electa. Jul!& John-Mra. Mae Oabrtel: two daurhten, bUslneM wh1 . alterations &re un-80n of Buena Park wu wal-der. Mrs. Dorothy ao.10 of Altadena 1 tlrrway. and ~t. is anticipated that R&.f Nlelaen wu .sentinel and and Mr11. Vlrgtnla Ba~tt of Loa 1 a ronnaJ OP('f.ing ceremony w lll be Bruce Crego of san' Clemente wu Angele1; thrtt grandd\Udten ,and J hl'ld about A\Prll !:!Ith. · nag bearer. brotkn and alalera ln l(ort.h Caro-I Suzy Shorey, formerly with E.cort Ro•ors Una. Davis and Qay. wUJ contintfto at He had lived in BaU>oa the Jut lhe I-louse o( HaVy aa a&eiBt· Escort hooora were given Put 2~ years. ant to MelBer?V, Grand Matron Maude Slb:ey and Interment we.a ln Fairhaven • • J Deputy Grand Matrons Murie I Sc ( _, cemoterv. Jof)naon and Grace o t. ...1 of, '\lob.ft K. Ooakllll whom gave short apeeche:;r • ~rvfcea were he ld s&turd&y at Irene Wilson wu rt>1ponal e for the lovely deooratilm8 In hall, JO a. m. In the Grauel chaJ>"I, ' COl!ta . M eaa. for Johll ·R.. Conklin, f f • I· D t u.alng quantitlea of Ame r can . ,;.. __ Or Ire e·p Beauty rollCa and lltlle tren cov-71 . of ~ Oran~ ~ft., .......,ta ' · • ered With belt... Miu Barbara Earl, Men. who died In S&-nta .Ana Com- . m6nber of Co.ta Mesa bethel, munlty h08pital. Th,. 24th fnlversary of New-Job'a Daughters gave the program A native of New York. Conklin . port Beach f depar\mcnt wiiJ be of clever panl(>~lme to recordlnp. had rulded in Coata Moa for the observt'd th coming Saturday~ Edyth Kemper wu chairman put 'five ye-an. · I w it.ti a d1nnf'r da.nce-at American e ' He b: survived by hla wife, Ada. , _ . h U ·r.11,__ f th • ff 1 of the refreahment committee, ....,__ M f d ht ut:gton a • .uu1s or e a a r members beln Blanche L tel, Let· of ......unta eaa : our aug en, I were chief • qplc of conversation g y Mrs. Esther C. MelvtUe of Co8ta • mlversary 24th SAVE OVER SOo/o .Kraft's Salad "M u--s -T A'R D Butteniut-All Grinds · CO _FF.E-E 1-Lb. Can • when the F l emen's auxlltary ·held tJe Brlnderaon and Polly Owen. Me&&, Mra. A . T . Hill, Mrs. Fred-1 on u.tS CaHfornia 5-P l.c. th . M~ -• t ' t th Co Hoale.sses Were Lee Rogent, ltha 1 k Ch d M , _ 11 """"· Hawaiian, c..._ Ovt ('Ir llrw• mee tl'lg a e r-Horne and Margaret Rabb. er c apman an ra. L.A:'.8 e • ona del Mar home of Helen Ran· Ol'fl l&I vlalt f the d t Zimmer, all of New York; two 01·nne· rwar' e -B!.·-.--p _ple Juice <1~11. Ele ~ serving a.a c .....E epu Y alateni, Mrs. Charle-a Effler and ~ hosteSB 11n e alM!ence of her grand .matron, Gracir Scott, wiJI be Mtae ¥ay Conklln, both of New 1 mother. I at 8 ~ m. on April 10. The m_eet-York; aeven grandchllOr0n Md one STARTER SET ··139' l'oM,C(lull, Whlle They Laat • Court whl.st was enjoyed after :ngk~ bt> preced~ by a f :SO pot great-grandchild. · Bl kL- lhe buaineaa fM'Sllion, with prizes UC ner. ~V, Joeeph Thom,.,n of the S•ve M•yf!ll r ac uwrr•s ' ror high 900r" going t o Billie P er· Colt.a Meaa Community church of-~ .. 1., •llAll · - ruz.zi and low score award to Viv-Sfar .Cafd Party flelatPd at the service._ lntenne:nt l ~ (Oft Mayfair Pt.ft) Kot,-P•le °!'>" 2 ian Hales. The special prize went WU bf Weatmlnaler Memorial ' \ * Eastern Beer • -. to Mona Hayden and Lucille /s Big Success puk. · '1 * ~ · . Gehrt>a wu remember~ with a w111.-m Chaae W rt1bt. • birthday ![Ill. A d•licioU8 rcfr .. h· A tremendo... oucceM both Wiiiiam Ch ... Wrlghl. 76. re-, . /Je~,·riatiessen Self Serv·1ce'\Meat . --~----. n1ent course added to enjoyment of socially' and financially wu the Ur~ carpent11:r, ~ away at • - the evening. dCMerl card party given on Satur-hW home at MO Center St., Col:la 1 tJ.S. G~Good Plartned was run for the next day evening. March Jt, by Haibor Meet.,. .. A oatl".'e of tlllno1a, Wright I iwift'•. p,..m1um 59 NO WA~TING e NO WAITE ~~\:::~. t~r ~.,:~~~ ~~1.J.s .:~ i:f;;,:' s'::;. ~U.. o;~c;.Yo~t.~~ ~ ~e:,;~·i~ent of eoota Meaa Franks ~~~ C U:S: Gi'llSftld"•~· '.l:ende~ , _. Top · ty Ah80,_ Newport Height.. Each noon c:ub hou ... Coot• M .. a. A He la.aurvlve<I by hla wife, Nel-· · CH~CK ROAST 'fabMI ~ m('mber ta uked lo wear a spflng tull house te•tlfl~ to the week• 11 f Coeta M th CNaMy. MonteN)' 53 ·.. ~ " hat. Creallon of her own clever 'e 0 • ep; · ree eon.a. ·' C . · . S··~' •·. ks fingers. ~~~!"::~~~tt':: ~~~~ ~~~ ~:~;·O:~'~~·: 8:n~ ';.~;~ Jack Cheese ' It. · · . · ·.: / .·,. 'I Membe.rs prf!IJent Included: ltl~na tribute for their work. 1.er , Mrs,. Robert P . Green of · ' -· TabCh·:._iece-_ ~of SlsM• _'5·91 __ ·, • Hayden. Dottle ~loeckner, Dort.s Commltl~ chairmen were the kan&u: one atatirr, Mra. Cora I · Kraft O•LU11Ce 1"°911 C....._ 35 · -_ • ==r'· -" :.. ~~~ - Oie-hl, Fay Bened!ct . Vivian Halet, Mmea. Biil Lachenmeyer, prl&e•; ! Bower of Rlvera&de : •ix brothers. A ·m1e· n;_ft lpcC)k~ ' ( e" -81·'~.i: .~:. • Olive Waui'h. Maxine Connell, Ray Nlelaen, refreahmenta and Erneat of Hornbrook. Calif.; Roy ~ Al • ..,... .. ..,..,., Cl'ncva Standage. Biiiie Perruzzi, decoraUona: Harry Juper, card.8 1 1 of Granta P&.N, Ore..; Albert of · . Leonara-Zube, Eleanor Rowe and &nd canl lableo; and Virgil Smith, 0en .. r. Alfred of Bonla Ana and I * * ·* U,I , -· ,.~ MMo. •·GHMilla ·BciiUid June Kiddle. ' candy.• , Ollbert o f Irvine; 10grandchJldrtn 1 G d 8 f. 53·c, . Mre. Jack Hayne• from Santa and three greaC...grandct\Jldren. ' IJ F. ,. ro·un ee ' L ' Ana won th• ele<;tr lc blanket. Funeral l<'rYICU wer• held Mon-' •JlfAW'a.. 0 r• , , JU. Mre. Edward Mlrko\•lch of Costa day ln Grauel chapel wlth entomb-• ,VAfll•• . • 911:ump .; Prtme Rib, Girllde Geoil . Me.sa, wu ~he lucky winner of me.nt ln Metro.e Abbey mauao-B f R 7~ the beaullful hook .. rug and Mr.. leum. Rev. 'steams of Oxllanl of-,·I= 18_(• e'e oast John Weat of Cua.ta Mesa won the flclaled. _.... 12..o&. SampM>n card table. There w~ • Nat.bait bnerJ llk9. many more door prl»ea, too nuru-l'uneral aervJ9ea Were held 1 Mlnuta Miikt Or•nge 19 • . ' eroua to mention. Wedneaday at 2 p.m. at the RJ<h- 1 L.i-I OL C o f. M' ·p. • ~~ ·;· Sincere thank.a of the chapter lircteon mortuary, Ont.ark>, for Na· ~..,.. ~n . -• ~ • • a . 'Ill_ r•• . 111/lfA l~-----.. 1 ;oes to the ma.ny merchant& and tfi4n Emery, &9, retired builder, of ~ ..-4 , .... • --'liiii" indivlduala who gave donatlona. 334 Olga!& St., Coat& Mea, who L1..,..a 8UoM 27 L•::in;q:.:::~1::.::::t:! :d~u~: di-:,~p~I i:..!:~t ::::. ~~~~~ P•ache .• -'. _*1~.c: -* ~-·;\y""'.'Y·O-ul_(. c:.A1..... DO. 5.,. ·--_-;.·J; . 0:··.. t . orou1 hata. and they provided came to California tn 1908 and ·much merriment by their clever· itlUed ln Co-ta "11'.esa .tn 1940. He nees and lngenuity. Prtzes for the la •Urvtved by five daughter-.. Jitra_ I two leading hata. decided by popu.. Claude McKee of Alta Lotm. t • ' ' ' I . i.r appl&uae, were given to Mra. C&IJL M I!: Tbortn<>dle of Hol /if/i'IJill.lfS SPINA~. . Ga-..·,..,. ... ..,..-3 Mz , Iii, S'c l W&lte'r Peck of Newoprt Beach ;. re: · n · ~ lyd&te:, Mia.a Gertrude Emery and , and Mra. Watler Harraden of Mra. Maur~-~-m.· both of On-• • LI-I • · .. ,. -) Corona-del Mar. ,·~ ~ ~ ( UftOk• r .... 1rw1""' I lnctlviduaJ table prlua ...... very tarlo; and Mra. Stanley Klebe of .t ... A ... 1-"9<1 $239 o····NGu· S' ... 29· I be&utitu.I plan ta. obtained from ~roeamonl; a a~er. Mn.b W tb H. Rl.ltl ~I. I KA . e'..;! :: . . '· I and apec-.u,y prei-red by M. i:>. upp of Alta ...... ma; a ro er, _ c .· •• • Rev. Ray We>rth -of the cuca -Plw ~ ~ G~°'" .. i • ,. I 'I: la C'OUltON WOllTH '11e 'f •un Crop c: ... ,., •tylo , • eg, ~3~!~2~~~~ exp. for 4"f Cana 7 . April a - ,. , 11 COUPON WORTH ~. Oi'J'llng'• .F.aTto1-Ala•ka RED SALMON TID8 OOUPON ~ Al I Popular ..,.ndii • . 'CIG.AREnES ... Pr1oo , C:artM \ 143 <:ou119n Exp. r;ce • .5a Of 200 ~x Inc. A!~I , -T fill C:OUPON w ·ORTH 1tc · Fff.d Club, Q&MUty Cefttrolted . 1. RUIT COCKT Al( · ' lioa.,..,... 2 1-Lb. 29• C:Oupon EXfl,,;; It..--C•nl ' April• · T~1• coL .. oic1)1wo i.1-H ,a;. £10 ea1woriftli .. I ' THll.C:O~ON WORTH '111 Kint Ke, c..aftitd, ...... ' . . POTATOES . I ' I-• f " ,. '" og.'1-'3 20-0L 1'°" C:o~-.. tor30o C:ona 9 1 ." Aprjl,, iil -\~ . t . 1 1et'co~~.J "1ollTH '"' 1:--Peep Eil\b 111d .. ._.,. . .1·-.. • ._ , i;~ 'NA;Jc1t.s . · ... ~ 3 fOC:t. 2""· ~ ...... ... ~. .u-. :J ; ... ~ ... • _1 ,·:~ '-. · . .:...~! -.. -~ 2-l&Yfl CHOCOLATE PICA'N CAKI ""-· $1.0$ eeJ 45< ""' 89~ GrtY1!1'• ll'lortst ahop 1n Tuattn. ::;:r.=1~~ Anr.•ieo: and '2 to .U., ,......., tm.....,.._5~ Ab.'PrieM ~ ilia_w 8"!"-~l'!il '. :&, T•a . Lenten Study monga o.mmun1ty c:llurcb. omj:1-r-•rtar ea ' ' . F •. Class .Repe~ted ~.:: :i.~~:!'.';:"~~ -~ * *.-: *· W-rl•s Ltrllit 00-1_.llf.I M~k•t• • The X.,nten •lU<l)'d:luo IO'liD be , J!'...,.. ~ N-G' •• rePf'jted at-"SL J...,.. ~ Jamee, DreruiM Nun~ a&. died M r•••. chun:b. At Ute requMt ot m&J>¥ ll'rldoY In-bla """''-«6 Ban iler• Ml IV. memben lbO -ior w1u repeat oa dloo avenue. N~ Helatzto.-;.. _.,. ,,.,.,; ta..,.' ..:: ; _')Sc aun..-~ mom1DC1at· tbe .p::io --Dom Iii· N-Y~r!t. "4· ~ lo/ed In o·H· •• ,. ~ uaua1 ~or'a Adult• e1aaa pe~ port B<.d. to JMra. ' ' • • ., , ' IJy • ~ -· durtq ·the OOU0<1>1&*!8T _... alld-t N-· tbe -b• ..... OG."1'11....., ·a elel 'IT... .~ADn<i • •• , • * ~ • * , m~ ot lleat on AC---M...tiiald; -"I 1.._ ,X:. t tO(d .-·boqll. '"!'lie u..iin. LlsJIL• E>esett and RaOO &lid a dal!P· " "'-) ~ *-"ills el&!'"'' tor, ..... KUjor.Je x--o. . - . h J • • w111119. "!"tin""' WW\~~ of -~ ------"""' -PAIM UAP corr• C,tQ . ~ .. ~Tllla-:!'!. ~ dQ ""'"'1nr. 'il':!.t.: Alosa. 1: ,.... Jfc ,.r-.: e-2~.:;. . ~ _._tlolt of 81>11.0--. -·"!''',.la r==-1· : . ~ "DA _..., at 10:00 t m. JIOWlllO !:O ,L& herADA • • ·-.1.. • .__.. r . -'by ""* _, 01 ·-1~ 1'•1111"1 -' • J , _Ar PAUi lll'tq:1' '"Iii be -~ 0-3 & fSI . OOllOXA -JUa .. .,_._ Kn. c. • ._ •ean or im w~ °'l'U ~ -m ' -~ -..,_ , 17'Q "'°-'"t....., Ccio1:a •-. ...,... --le IA e ,., • ~ · ~+ail'nr."'Dn'P•"'"""! -..._ -W ' II • tlllt . Lt.•1111• •am. •t -~ llprlllp, -tllq at.. -ot '1'1oo ,,... ~, .... of a.I na ................ .lizDll"I - -_......., A El 1""00 in-ar j Kwpilot M ... ~ ..... ar'liitl J •·.·:~ .. : I>• * ~ t: ' 1 ~ ~ . J 1." - • I ,. • • • .. •• • , J ' • ' l I . . I ' l 1 . • I. • . I ~ C!*"-°" C!Dlft. B Club T Aid New l'L;.~ ·• --~W.,'Mw ... t -J ay : '_ ea to • . •. -:\,IUuJ i. ..... -~ ...... ~0-0. .. f 0 ~~ ... J f M . C~ .a~ .. °""'· ......... ; .. :: o · ur '1:.auy o _ n11nf . . .. ~ _... II• .. -. -VYI J W••••.,.,_... ....... _,.,_,.. A~areuli.Stobe . . J:::i.°:'~l;".:0":,':';:,.";"j on oi ~on' M~,·Aprll t ~ ll a _ L .., ,,.., _ · , 12 lll l!l"l llo,y clab'; 'I to 4:30 -: I ,. ... _,.. ......, ... .......--. 111e -=w 1o be 11.-April nvr orllDCn ...... ..:: .. :.:-...~ ="L -.::=:: P:"'· ~--Altar llocktT"' 0ur Planned by -. . J-17-of Mount Carmel and 81-H L L, . • --------~,. Jo1ta .v1anne1 chwd>d. . araor. 1onesses Parli:l\ionen attended the tint .. ----·6-,,d~ ,. OSI - ·LEAST EAST Gtefhound gi•ct you the •&1t ,,,;[a for rout money, .. coses less 1han ·•ny other form o( rnvcl! TM ••I t1•W11inu, too ... more ~nice ro more Pl•cts wirh comfo,.rabJe. "weather-con~ri oncd .. Supet· COlchn. And che •111 iithturi•t··. •... d\oice of many scenic routet! 1itrt Ar' !!! Ltwtr hen EASn Chicago •••• S36.8' Detroit • • • • 42.80 WuhiogtDD , ,_ 47.4, New York • • • 49.80 Booton • • • • ,l.60 Kam~ City • • 29.70 Pei MQieu •• _}2,4$, 1'finncapo!U . • 34.6' New Prlean.t • Yf,.(D , Atlanta • • • • . 40.90 ,_,__ ..... bleh m-t" -.. Bunday In Thia y<1&r lll'l'o ""'ll lie ~ the n~ cbur<:h of OU.. lA<ly ol room to """°""""le ... ,,...., ount,Carmel:Memben ot the AJ. ay Harbor Uonrsnra of bt* &II• tar y lin f!Ylnlf the benefit nuaJ May Day Bruacb, benoJtt af, tea to ~ lncreaae the btllldlnr llllld. lalr for tile Cali · ~ Sclloql Comlnitte chatrm.an . In charge for H.aftdtcapped Chl1dftft. for ,lt. S ot u.<{ affair · la Mn. J . Arthur wtU be hold Tu-'la7, Ma7 1 at "h.ylor. Udo Iale. Committee 11 a.m. In the 8&1boll" .Bay elub. ml'mbers include Mn. Colin Jl'. Held tut yn.r ln lbe pret\7 a.row.., Mn. J. W. ~Mn. natlo ol Nro. Geo~e C. Plc)tetl"I'• l Hott C. Condon, Mn. loeep1llne home. 338 Holmwood Dl'tve,. cutt Feeley! • .M.ra. A._ P. Ha?t. Mn. Leo-Rawn,_trnemben ttad tO 1top M.11- nard. 1Pe.rrual; Mn. Elmer 8. Ing U61t:eta when It. wu thbupf Potrlef and Mi-a .I" Frank Rocco. no more cueata could be accom- Mn. C<mdon I.II ln charge of the modlted. .- Uckeb and Mra. C&mm.ack aftd Corl\mltlee• for the oomlal" Mrs. Brown wUl uaume re•ponal-brunch were nt.med. ·a progr~m blllty ltor the tables. and dct:oratlona decl.JM upon wbt=t. R;ecelvtng wt th the preeldent, the group· met Monday enning at Mra. ferruui wtn be MrL Theo-Mn. Pickering'• , home. Cana.at• dor.e 1tol>J.na. Mrs. Doyle Hiacht. and bridge followed the plann1nK MJ'S. John R. Daniell, 'M.?'9. J . W. eeuton ~d refreshment. comptct- Thr'onkon. Mra. K. Doan, Mra. R. ed .the eve.rUnr. • • •. J . Heftl)er, Mr•. C. W, Hart, Mn.. P. F firnan a.ad Mn. N. P. BNt- trier. The' program wtll open with piano Mlections by Mn Tereaa Renner, former Eut"Ope&.n concert pian~t and will be followed by ~ Mn. Roeckle Feeley readlng tbe cunent B.,roadway New York hit play •Sea.ton tn the Sup" written by Wok!ott Glbbe. drarftatlc: .crlUc of tb~ New Yorker magutne. Mra. Elmet1 Poirier wiU alng, accompa· nled ~y .Mra. Eete.Ue Brown MUla . Polic e Auxiliary o Fete Husb ands Far East Js: Topic • • D•vtd Le:~ertn,.., World Student' Service F'Un\1 Traveling RCret&rJ. will be guu~ speaker at Coast collef!'e weekly a..u.embly, Friday, Aprll 8. &t 11 a...m .. announce. Dr. Bull H. Peteraon. pre8'd,enL Lev- erlng'J appearance ~ •Pon- oored by Ille, iltmii4*l' .Cbrlollan a.S!K>Cl&Uon . .. .. Levering will apealr: on hLt ex- per1ences lo tAr P"ar East when: he parttclp&led In the tr.K> tnter· Untveraity Seminar In Mysore, In· dla and lbe: International Student conference at Bombay. Witl'I other members or the ln- Wives will toot the bill on Fri· d.la Study Tour Levering had th" day, April 20, with Newport Beach opportunity to talk wlth leader:. policernen to be cntert..-lned ac-in education and po It lea, 1uch a., cording to plana ·made when the Prtme Minlater Nehru, President. Police &wdJlary met at the home PrUA&d., and Mayor Pattl of Born· or Marian AUC.in80l1 3:10 Fuller-l>ay. From U'lem he Jeamed of their toll alrenue, Newport. Heights. da.ily dlfflcUIUea and froblemA. Margaret Po!lom wu aaiaUJ\g He also wttneaeed the re(Ugtt h08tesa for .Ute e:venlng, Whoopee altuaUon Caused by rellglOta strife was p1-yect1 prises Folng to Bea the atarvatlon and ~the polJtlcal and LaVeta Lace, and V1olet un~a• which ac«ntuated lheM Stoneback. • l')tobte-me. ' . AlterwM'd ref~shmenta werf' -Lenring--'a viall to the Cout Rrved t.s Beverly Bu~ll. Glnger :ampw. lnltlat.ea a plan or act!ve C&SBel. Audrey Cottle, Bea Lace. participation tn a •lu,lent-to-slu- Lob Price, who waa &"Ue•t for th<' lent enlerprlae of lntematlonal evening: La Veta , Lace. Mamie te0pe, recenUy adopted by the St.o<:kdale, Violet Stoneback, Betty :>rang<' Coast Student Council. .PhebU..S, Patricia Coe, Merc~ea Thia p an calla for adoption of a Crourhan and the hostesses. DP 8tudent for the 1951-53 schol- Home Ad vis or to Be Marr ied · · on 4-H Sun day """-~---~ - Anne Girod. Or&ngl" County H ome. Advlaor or lhc-Extension Service left Saturday for Portland, Oregon. where ahe will be married April 29. which b tlattonal 4-H Club Sunda)I. to J.tr. Scott Foster He.r !Uture home will be at 6326 North Montanr St .. PorUa.nd 11 . t8llc yl'ar. After lunch. Levl'ring will ma~..: two oth*r appearances on the campUl!i. Firlit, Ile will meet U\1.• Blble Study Group tn the ch&J>1>1 f"rom 1 to 2 p.m. he Wiii be av•ll· dblt> for a qu~Uon hour for thus~ whd"'lnlva.a ft'i!r'~.~-· -·- The public la cordial'y invited o attr-nd the usen1b'W. STUDENT DISCUSSION 81'4Cll:;AMD WHH' ~-k llo•oa ·il., ~· .&w tMo 'lou-...... -t to Qle - -· Left' lo ~ ""'' JloL ~ lf<!>u1loor7, --lie~, llln. 11<rs and e&pL Row!1err7. -,.. la Uoe ........-&n> )In. ......... lladdo• Md T ..... No<toa. . (Photo by Beckne~) • ! .1· -i -' I. ~. ... M .. --~-~ .; • .. 3 ;: ~ ! . -.·. 1 ! J J -r----WCJflace , . ·You are i_nvited to join . Buffums' Sterling Silver Club A convenient plan that bring• you Amerka'1 famous •terllng silver for only . . -• c and 33c a week per place setting ' 20-Dally Trips EAST fro• Los Aageles ~·• • ..,,,.,.n..· u mssrs Repre11entatlveJ1 from Newport Harbor Union high school a.nd Orange Coaat collrgt ~re thf' gUefl'ta of Huntington Beach high :c.hool last TU«!8d&y rventng. April 3. Following dlnncf, toplce of lm· • pcwt1Lnce were diM!:u.ued, down no Interest • no carrying charge The pUt"JXMle o't the mttlu1g wu I ld promote bttter unde ... taudlnJ . •n• cooperation tn ao1rln;;· tnvb· Here's how t~e Club Plan works : For each six-piece piece setting. or the equ·1valent !ema of mutua~ concern. ~ ,.. Mn. C. C. Swafford, A«ent • M;sa Olrod joined the Orange County ~tension Service in Au- gust 1949'.' She had charge of lhr girts' 4-H projttts and during Mr. Hen r )' Longfellow 's aabbaticaJ leave to the Colorado Collrgt' of Agriculture, she 11uperviAed tbe en· tire 4-H program in the county which now includc8 40 .f•H clubs with oVer 600 membera. She waa graduated from• Ore- gon S~ate CoJ '.ege ln Home Eco- nomies and waa a atate 4-H wlnner receiving an award lo attend the National 4·H ~lub CongreM at Chicago. TJ>plca dtacUMe<I Inc uded. ·-r!M · · n e · t a · · 33 -d d 33 impact or th• · MUltary," "Hl~Ji • -1 x r pieces, you pay cents own on cents a week until the balance is po id, School Vlaltlng Day at Orange h b • • m Qout 11t1hwa7 Pbone Beacon MH ID a bout C hristian Scienc e 1 I U you are not correctly info':'!'ed about Chi-istian Science, how can yotl discuss it intelligently? Take tltis opportunity to learn some of the facts about µ,is religion that has done so much to heal human ills and free sufferers froll\ hllDlan misery. Attend • • A FR EE LECTURE Entitled '' C h r i s I i a n--S c ~ e n c e : -H o w . I t W o r·k s' ' • ' . 1'1 ' Arnhlbplc1 CAny. <J. 8. 8. "of J>eVoft, Jl~D . - \ c .... t college." "The eonege Pro· or you may poy t e olonce any time you wish. gr1LJn ," and "Suggeation• tor , . , • Close. COoperauon b<lw•en the You may 101n Buffums Silver Club by moil or phone Rish Schoola and the Colle.gs." • Mr. RaymOft<I Ell!ou. pr1nc1pat. Six-piece place setting consists of: luncheon knife luncheon fork HunUt:1i(on Be~ch high IChool, -. . I I p ... 1~e<1. AdmlDlotr•ton. counoc-teosrv.o J d f '-' b d ora and dlvlalon cha.lrm<n or th• .-v. n, SO 0 Or•, Cream soup spoon, utter spleo er. three llChOOlA were preaenl. · I Newporter N'1med to ~C Cornmiftee ' *•You moy 10ke ~place setting homeoher on inWolpoyment, which . moy btl OS low OS 33c. l . Recognition won~veretity Qf Soul.hem t&tit ~tude:nta ~ rttently Included Je.a.n .... BarnhoUH of 12% -26th St.., NeW• port Beach, wbo la MrYlnJ ~ ~·Ii;, semeeter a. a new mf!'m.ber of th •'.'* SC Grf:ater Un)verall)' OJmmttt.M. a group of student llltade"n who dl- roct special campil pro)<clo In connect!on Wttb development ot. the university. A graduate of N!?WpOrt Harbor Union Rish .. ICbool. -)(la, Barn· 1 bouae aa a eopbomore •ludenl \n I the department ot EnglJ.ah and ta a'ao a member of O&nlma Pbl BM& eoctaJ aoror-tty. ' Luncheon & Cards at Ebe ll Club ' • Hn. He.nry MCOreror .won the door prise, a b&ndlocr1e cenn1lc '-dona(ed by Xn. JObn dall- ora. al the Th..,_, eolad IW>Cb- eon ano card J*I.)' l>eld at !!:boll club hou0o • P&rtlallarly loYe4' ....... the llonl -.Liane ot --Md -le, 'llfl'UCOd bf Mn.'· IL Rollorta.. Tab»'ptlloe wue al· tnctl .. ~ .... -..... __ ,. fw Ille...,..,..._~ 11..: Ocrald IU! ..... -llra. -~ --'. Jlopn... . --' ••••••• •• • •• o..r 'Clodl ~ -ftli'-_.._,__ti ltl--. , ...,_~ .. ,, ...... -ID tM 1a1 ftUF ,. p 111 8IRIL Jttt, 'ftlAW•"-7,.... ... 6'ftckted., ..-....11 • .,11 .......... .._ .... ,, • You poy NO inleresl or carrying chorge. • You poy only the regular "loir trode" price for the setting: e You moy poy off the bolonce ot ony ti~ you wish. . • You orii NOT required lo buy ony specific number of piece settings. • • -• Serving piece5 also moy be purchased on lhi~-pion. · •_You moy choose apollern new to you or you rrioy fill in piece settings of o pollem you olreody lioVe. • You moy join now. The offer i$ for o limited lime only. • • You recei'<a o proledive flannel wrop with F'h ploce set. • Includes engrovlng of one iniliol, ii clesireq. Silverware, Street Floor ) • ss::a· - .. • I ' • I • • • • -.. l ums· ,. • ' • • r • • • • I - • • . . ,. • ' . ~ -': .' . ' ••••• _.__ _ _._._.... ••••••• ..,....._____...~y----·--·--·····--·-- '-I ' I • • • ,·· '' .;,~<;.""!'c''-~ .. • ·. . ' • Heleri,. Sl0ckton '_ ~iorita Club • ZOllta 'eNb •of N~ ~ -t ~)I' .v.nfni. Karell 211: 'f. o'cloolr' 11Di the.. home of Kn. Kue Ho;o'_H, -~st ~wa,y, .eoa- U: lfHa, f(ir ~efr 'f"ual met!tlnl and oJeetJ'.. of od!cera. 1!!1"""'1 "8 follows were: pres!· · dst, Belon 111.oclrtqn t1'1ra. Albert ~-> Oorollf. del Ma:r; first vice· prHldent, Helen Norton (Mn. Tom) N~ Beach: oec0nd vlcO-· president, Peg Haaga (Mra. Arvo :I:.) Coron& del Mar; recording OOC!'<t&r)I', ~I Dell (~. Ken- natll l!l.} J!alboa :Wand: t.....,.,..r, ~m '·II.Inert (llra. , .. k W'.J 'Ce8i& Ilea: eorre~n<llng aecre-fan. Kn. Marie Howes, Coeta · M .... wlt11. Mn. Letha Drolet and 'ltn. kit.tbleen Coleman u d~­ ion &'t luge. N.,. offlce1'11 wW i,~onAprU~ Mn. Peg A'~pa., M~s. Marie Howes. Mrs. Peggy Reinert and ' Mn. ·Basel Qell were elected to fW vacancies on the board of dl- nctora. , Annual reports Were given by Mrs. KaWeen Coleman on fl- .nance; Mrs. Marie Howe!'! on inter- national relatJom; Mrs_ Blanche Btnz on attendance; Mrs. MyrUe- !b'ooklnp on fellow&hip; Mrs. llel- .en Mockton on progrlim; Mrs. Lu· cille Stoddard 9ft memberahl'; Mra. LeU. Drolet oe .!lerrlce; Mr!i. Francff Mears on publicity; and Mn. Mildred Stanley as president. Mrs. Maravene· Gallagher, cer' amlc industry, 204 Coast.Highway. Corona del M.ar, was ini ti,.ted as1 a new member by Mrs. Milcfred Stan- ley, president. Mrs. Mildred Stanley and Mrs. Eve Aspen le&ve Friday morning for San Francisco te represent the club at the Zonta International .spring conference, district nine. A delicious Italian 11pahgetti dinner waa served under the su- pervtsJon of Mrs. Howes, Mn. Pee Haa.pa. Mrs. Thelma Paddock .: Hope,• Mrs. Elsie Hampton, Mrs. Ruth Hunmmel, Mrs. Helen Nor- ton and Mrs. Frances Mean. Twenty-tour members were prea- ent. • The last executive bo&rd meet- ing ot the year will be ih the forrn ot a luncheon given Wednesday, April 4 ~y Mr!'I, M ildred St&nJey at the Santa Ana Country Club. • Friends Honor Rev. & Mrs. Popple Keyed to congeni&lity and tel- low!'lb.ip wu the houaewarmlft !'ltaged by some :0 tHeA<b V'riday In compliment of ~-and Mrs. J_ W . Popple in the new home, 1402 S.E. Mardick Rd, of which the c01ple recently took occu- pancy, rnovtng-from Tustin Ave .. Ccsta Mesa. , Features of the frlendly p.ther- ing were the pre!'lentatlon Of a pretty tableJamp to Rev. and Mrs. Popple and the serving of refresh- ments. With many expreSBtona of love and bt!at wlshe!'I the party came to an end with the singing of "Beat Be the Tie That Binds." Tboee present besJtles the Pop- ple. -a.nd their gr¥u:Sdaug:hter, Elaine were: Messrs. ¥d Mmes. Jamea Gali.·gber, Hatry Wrtght, Doo Pratt, William Scrugp, Ho~ er Maberry, A. M. Nelson, J. D. carter, E. 0 . Potter and Janice, Ml'Dea. Doroth·y Pa.-e, Marion Kerr, , Ha.try Schk:k, Costa Meaa: Mr. aJYI. ."'!~~e:.l!lt and daugh· ~iiiJ;;·~ .... jMarilyn; .-ve . Saata Ana. i • . . Fnends SLlrprise Lakewood Couple New eB\abllahed in their at- tractne new home ln IAkewood vlllap. Mr. and Mro. Edward Bell- rlnger, lormerty of Costa Mesa, were pleas&Jttly surprised Satur-· day eventng by the arrtn.l of a group of Irie.Iida and relative• wlt.b, all preparationa for a houaewarm- lng. • . Mrs. Roy J. Hieb of W. Ut.b St., took the IN<! IJt planning the party, which waa also llf' the na- ture of a farewell tof 1-taatet Sgt. Bellringer, Who la aoon to leave With the Army A.Ir Force tor over· seas duty. Cake and jello were p?O- vtded for t!le refreshment hour and climax or the ewntng Cart,le with Ute presentaliOn of gi!U for the new abode. Included were Mr. and Kra. Roy ~. 'Hicks, Mr. and If.re. Cl&Hnee Rock and daughter, Donna Loe Rock of Coeta Meaa.; Mr. and Mn. CaJ.Vin Roades and children. Be-P.. Bara. Donny and Tommy of C&m· villo; Mr. and Mrs. William Mueck or Culver City. Entertain at Birihda'y Event . . .... _ .... __ ..... ~ . ' ' • . .avm -'«Xi• 10•• Ari i-un -1Dm1 .;,....TIJBE8 · 1.llNlf•••••.~ !JM~.· cm,*8-'aon ~f!ES ~ . ' ·• 11.UDtfAU -.UlllU toots ...:... SPORmfG 0001>8 MDtos -... .&fmoll IEtS '"-SDmG:EliTORS 'a0ull:WAU'I AD ~AND&. OP &'l1iEa nEMs ~ ~ ' ... • ! .. I • ............................. "!-""'""";·~!""'"'""==.!:..====-'-====""'""'"====;;i;;;~.f.~~~"""'iif"'":~~~--... ~ ... f"*--"""..a, .. ' . ON'S 'A SALE WITH , A REASON! W e are fad.a• • •ltuatlon that mti,. for lm- medlat.. .. tuii, -· ..... the qulc~ dllpoal. or. the majority ot our prt>Sent 11tock.. Tiie situation Is this .• , We ere colng to make a chanse In ou.r re.tall 111tt-up ••• A chaq"e ln many q1 our preMDl lines. Many of the-llnet we now carry aft to be llOld out and 4tieontlnued •.. a.ad-wW b e replaced by oth~r alnd..;. II.Des , •• U.t we f~ WI.II better serve the auto ud home needs of the J>N>Plfl of thja oonmOlllOf&y ••• But, ).fore th-p!UO ~ be carrted out . . -tt b 1"'!Cell.~ Md hi'IPf'rathe tat most of our ,....,.. .. atock be aold-~ Alter careful thought artd t.alriJtc b>to .to• ;..,.deratlon tbe '""9t lou u..t ..U.t be taent; red ln· sNllnt out J>"' ~nt ltt.ock, we •ve decided that ,.,...., "' onl)' -·r.;...,.i. ..... ,. ble tbhl( I<> do. . , Place: tbe rnajoffty of our stodc oa .alt-t<.- the -buyln&' publkl of thl9 ooUllJIUlllty AT VERY DRASTIC PRiCI: Rl:Dt'C!I01'18 ••. at prices • 1aw tbat tbfl &tock wUI wn aad sell .,UCkly • . • let Ille _..,_ b!'lnt what rt will and lbe loee be what is m11y. I • ' ~ . -. "" (}UJt TYPE OF lllERCJlANDl8E 18 OJlil"tlNG INCREASJNGLY BARD TO GET AT~­ PRICE .•. 80 ~ UROE YOU·TO ANTICIPATE YOUB NEEDS i;Oj ~ A'll'l'O AND FOS TllE llOQ ... wmu; TRIS GREAT SAVING bPPOBT1JNll'Y 18 :M &AND ~ • ' TELiYISION · sm Balk Tenns 19 INCH OONSOLE Mahogany Finish-Nat. Adv. ~~5;~~1;. .............. smM 19 INCH CONSOLE , Blonde Fin.-Nat. Advertised =~5p:f~ . $30995 COMBINAiTION-BWNDE Fll'lmH · 11 Inell TV with Radio · and Recorll .. layer. Nationally Adv. l;:ii5r~c~ . _s44995 cdHBJNATION - lllAHOGANY F'INISH 11 inch TV with Radio and Record Player. Nationally Adv. . ~i5P~~~~ .. $429 95 CONSOLE COMBINATION i? Inch TV with Radio aad Record Player. Full LeogUt doors. Nationally advertised. ~:ll5 p~:b~---··· .......... sa9995 " ! REFRIGERATORS ~l CUllIC FOOT MODEL - f'ull length door with f u 1 I ng Compartment. Holds of frozen food. 5 year tee. , AL£96 PRICE. . . . .'25995 II CUBIC FOOT.MODEL F'. u 11 Freezing Compartment \rit.h oyersize Meat C h e s t · Jfolds 4-0 pounds of frozen food. 5 year guarantee. i~95 .. ~-•···~······$18995 ' l • '·GAS RANGE ."°6r ·Siinpre -WeD kn~wn lnake -M lllell Stove with 4' burnen, eoncealed griddle, tele-Chl'on timer elock, tun oven. li:roller ind ex)"a large storage ~ent. iw.:p~~ -........ '11'° . ' ~ .... ------~ ........ ----! . PAINT I Ow Emire iftoek of Pablt al.. a-"' Yi l'lliOJ: .' I . I GARDEN TOOL5 ORAi8S RAKE $1.19 Value 47' SALE PRICE .................. . Long Handle Cult-Iva tors . $1.25 Values 29' SALE PRICE ...... . ... . HOE $1.95 Values SALE PRICE· .. Hand Ctlltlvators 29c Values SALE PRICE ........... . 'LAWN MOWERS 16 inch blades, ruGber tires. ball bearings ~;f(li ~~~E ... .. '1495 LAWN MOWERS Lightweight with metal handle and 16 inch blades :~ ~:.c: .. .. -'.1195 ELECl'RIC LAWN MOWER In'ciudes 1()() feet of cord ~~ ~~I~ ..... .. .. $549S GRASS CLIPPERS ~~ ~"itl~ . . .. . .... er GARDEN CART KuMler''l'lret ~~~ v;,:I~E . . . . ...... '695 BICYCUS SUPPLIES BICYOLE SEAT. COVERS Plastic with Foam llubtJer Pad· ding ~il"~~ICE .............. 69; GOOSE BORNS ~~alm<JE .................... w BICYCLE -BASKETS ~ v~~CE: .... ·-···········Ir BICYCLE WRENCH • ~l.~~CE .............. · ........ g; . 111ES • • HOUSEWARES . ' Odd tot -!lmAH QllUtlty CLAW HAMMERS SUT CtJSWONS PEDAL CAR i:.~~~~C~AN:-4 · G-\ioo ~ ~~~E .................... 89 ' :~~ v;~~ . .. ..... 1'109 1 ~~ ~~ SAU: PRICE ..................... : SAWS . rmE IRONS BOYS~ ClllF.81' GALVANIZED pAJU! $2.29 Values . $.159 ~ :Values . , 491 $3.29 Vajuea . · · · · ~~ i~~~ ................ ·: ... 59' ~i.::=:~·-··-'· . ~~yp=~~~:·· .. : ~::=~·~-----~~: .. ~ TWIN PAILS-Oalvani.....,... "39c VaJues · 231 ~1.35 Values 1 89' I $2.98 Va,ues $-193 ~~~ v;,:a .................... ; !~RICE ......... .... ~h~ ~:c~~--~~8ER ; ~=~~~-~~--..... f :S~ P~~e Bunter '219 ~ilalPR~CE .................... 23' ~~al;~CE .... ~-; 29; i; ~t5E ~E .................... '198 • SALE PRIVE ................... OIL CANS CAR WASH ' • l CAP Gdw--'western ~·v~~ i" . ~alP':CE ........ :: ....... 1r :~alp~~CE ............ , ___ i 29' ~~al;;.CE ..... ........... 39~ SALE l'JUOll ····---····"";·· . ~ SOCKET WRENCH SE'I'SI, AUTO CLEANSER a POLISH '. CAP GuN-l"allCJ· Westeni ' LEMONADE SET-Pitcher & 79c Values · M ¢ 69c .. V~s i •t . fl.pg Values . 784 :l~~u: stri~ gl8J!l!·7a; :~.:i:1:~-~~~.-~ .. ~=es ~~I:.ntRRI:~~~~~ .. iRI . =r:.:ec:P~;.~~r '7 ~~-=~~··::T:. ~~ v~~: .............. 89' ~alPRICE .. : .......... : ... 1291 ~-i.t~ .. : .............. 95' $5.19 Value ,95 ROOFING'CbmNT-Asbestos rmE PUMPS• . . 'l COWBOY OUTFIT -Bat, • SALE, Plt'JCI: .................... l'tbff ' $1.65 Vji.luea . .1!8¢ Shirt, 'CJ1aps,; and ,Necllercfilef AilJTOlllATIC TOA.9TEll8 $1 .35 Gal. Values 79¢ SALE PRICE ············-'···· · $5.95 V~ue . M95 Nationally Adveitised MLE PRICE -........ GAL Cluome E•haUllt ~ · SALE PRICE :_.~., ...... -...... : ,, ': Val U> 523.00' '1 .... RlJML MAIL BOXES -Gal·, .si.39 Vaiu~· .: . tt{;;· .. ' #lt,q•· ... o 4Jnw~·.::K~ · sAi;E PRICE .............. :. • vanlw!d SALE PRfCE "~ .... -;:....~,_i · 1''11&: Valu~ . . 39¢ · $2.98 Values $198 , ·~.!·;I ·• a•·•"' PRICE ' · OOPFU: ~Two Oa1y . ;OursIDI: MIRROKl!I-:-und' --. . ·. • ............... ,... , Values te> $9.91! Sf95 SALE PRICE .............. _.... Bear View &ANCB OUTnT-Belt.Bolster SALE PRICE . . .. . . .. .. BOX WREN<Jm8 !~~'!,. Vpal.!escE 10; I Gan; Spiq&; an4 .Cuffs. DOUBLE WAFFLIJ BARD ~ :,at~09~ ................ 49' ;;;Ll::rs· ··::·-i"" I ~!~ VP~; ............... .' ... 'r,9 ~-SAM>WI~ GRILL-One BOLT ~ , . $4.75 VallU!S ·!'298 BOYS TOOL BENCH -Hard· $11195 Value •111116 $12.95 Vi.lllel! . ..95 SAI.E PRICE ............ + .... , wood Top with V-18e . SAU PtuCE ... .......... ... 0 SALE PKQ ..... . ............ BRA.KE FLUID-Pint I 12.95 V&Jues. ,95 Pu.snc REFRIG. SE'I' OOPING '~ . . 79c Values :31¢ SALE ·PBICE ···········-········ 8fJI at s 65c ya1 ,.. . · . 35,. sALE PRICE ·:········r -·1 .. I · $1.19 Values · •• S"1-E ~\ ................ _ SEAT OOVERS-~t .. . . ,., ~~.;:~~:-~n I ~VaJues ': · 1 jff5$'.';~~0RTINGl·~GOODS : •CH · ' SALE nn•CE ' '•I l!,1 r ~ · · $2.96 Va!oe11 . 5189 · "' ~E"' ~T 00vmu;··' ~, ~RT CAPS """:'Blue or Red SALE PIUC& .... ............... . E9 IPMENT Lot ! \ $1.09 v I . . .. • .~ ~~'f~. ll '!t.; 'ii .Ill. ~Uc WADl1'G l'OOL Valuee to $17.~ 96 .:~ ;~CE -··--.. -········ ' Mf-E PRJOf:. ... _ .L 'torD $1<!.95 Values • 'f9. ::::i;···:· ..... ' ... -, " ;~RACQUETS ' t!llftt l!le9I la6MlfG 80ARD ULE PRICE .................... . ~ v.iue... , . . _ 39. 1 '$'8.95 Val'oes · ... s4S9 PAD 1111C1 COVER BEACH r:UJs ,' SAll.g P&ICE .. -·--···-... _ SALE PBICE·.--·;-.... -....... $3.95 Values 1 . 'f" ~ Val~ : · T BABY OilB SE.Us . . POPCORN POPPERS -. Out- . SALE Pmc::i: ·1--··-··----: SALJ!f PRKi1: .... -.......... ____ ' '$2.lli V&lues-. 1,a dDQr ._~ · · ' ' , BEACH uMhRJ:UA.8 . ,. SAtE. ~ .. _: ... _ :: .. ;'I : . !8111: .f~ . .'.: .. ::... ...... .'~··; • • r. !!~ v: •.. :. ..... -... ~'r . ~·~1lG8, " .. j •. , lip . •.&Ji>~'--~·-' ·, < fUJt'l'fUO BEA<JB <~·~· Ml.i: .,,: • $1M.l!6 Value . . '"?ffw· caae ""~ V1tllw, Orb; ,1_39 Vuw . ffS9 · ~J[fO . '4, · su .. 1t'l'IUCE' .. ;--~...,.-··. 1,• , • ~ ~ • 1 • / • I , • ..,'46 V&Juea l · ' _;f.":,--ci. ·11 • 1 ~ ~ , J.4 ~ IA.LE nlOE -.-..,.---·----. .. 8AUl PltlCE ,:_ __ . __ 1· •. :_ •• ; • ~~ABD llOl'OI& , . Qiuct.t · Ua.mui.19, s ,;r.. '•we allow $2.60 on · · Old ·~~--~-.. ) -~i; =. ~~-~!li-· =::~ _ .. _____ ;.w '.~~~ · :t ·.~Lll~-7-~---;-'1r . . ( • • I I • I . . I • . ' ' I ~ • . . ~-." :.' .... - • ' • ' . . I • . . . ,. , I LRAL ·NO~I • ' 1l'fo. A %001'7 lfOTKlli TO CREDITOllS -te Of (leorp Knudi.,oa, . -NOTICE IS HERl!:BY G~ to the c~ltoc-ot and all pel'90'M havtng clatma against the said decedent ot -1d estate to file. L~<...al With UM necell8iry voocher.i i..'"'l th~ pttice ot the Clerk ot the Suµ.<rlor Court of Ule County of Orange, State of Califbmia, or to pr:?.ienl f.he eame, with the n~essary '\tOUchtta, lo the underalgne<l at his er her place of buainea, to-wit: · cl o Donald D. Harwood, · 1416 ~ Highway, Corona del Mar, Callfornla. within •ix monlhll after the tlrst pub!lcatlon at lhll notice. Dilled March 12, 1901. ROSEMARIE CRIBB!lN. Admlntatratrll of the Estate ot said deeedent. ' No. ~7-Preaa. Pub. Mar. 15--22-29 : April 6, 1"1. NOO'ICt: OF HEAIUNO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the P.l&MinY4 Cc.mmtulon of the a.ty ot Newport Beach wm . bold two public heartnra on the application of E . Morris Smith tor the resonin« ot Lots 1 and No. 3, Bloek 43t, Corona de1 Car, from the present U>ntng or R-2 to a C-1-H ~e. In accordance ·with aectJon 9103.2 of Ordinance No. 635. NOTICE la h ereby further given that 8&Jd hearings will be held nn the 19th day or April and the 17th 48.y of May, 19~1 at the hour of 1:ao p. m . Jn the council chamber of the Ctty Hall, Newport Beach, California, at whic h tlme a.nd plac~ any and all peraoru1 Interested may appear and be heard thereon. No'l'ICll OF HEAJIDIG NotJce ls hueby (lven" that the Pl&nn),ng Commlsaion ot ~ City ot Newport Beach, Btate of Call- tomi&. will hold public hearin'8 on peuuo.n of Udo Isle Community A.Moctation to amend Section 9102.J of the Municipal Code al Ute ctty ot. Newport 8e&e-h ., tbit Sbeet No. 8 of t11e·dlltr1ctln&: 11\ap Lot.II ftT to Ht l""luot" Tl'oct 907 !Lido hie! be resoned trom R-r to R·! flotrtct and oo that c:ert..ln yaid I 8etbacJu be chanfed Oft Sheets No. e and No. 7 ot Uie dle- trktl11g Jn~P Tract 90'I Lido 111e. N otlce is hereby ~J" g1ffft Lh•t said hearinp Will be held on the 19lh day of April, and tbe 11th day ot May, 1~1 .. at tfle hour ol 7 :30 P . M., In \he Council Clwm- bers ti the City of Newport Be&cb; C&Ji!orbta ~t •hl.c~ Ume ana place any and all perml'la tnte~ may appear and be heard thereon. RAY T. COPEt.IN, kret&ry N"E1VPORT B!CACH PLANNING t:Ol1Ufl811ION No. 972-Prue. Pub!Uh Aprtl ~. 19~1. Ill' SAN l'IJLIPE PLANNING COMMISSION ltA Y Y. COPELIN, Secretary "OTJCI!! 01' PU llLIC REAJU1'08 N-ICI: Mr, &1ld Mrs. R. C. t..ounsberTy v.1: IS HEREBY OtvmN and daucftler. Ntll Murbe.rJ'er of No . .M&--Preas. PubU.ah March 29; A pril 5, 1951. that the Plannint Comml!llon of JMO Mapfrto Ave.; eoeu Meaa. the ctty of Newport Bea¢h, ~tate ha" NtUT11ed following a weelt'1 ot ~Ji!ornia. wlU hold, puJ>ltc sojourn al San Fettpe, In Baja, heanngs on the Resolution of In· California, Mexico. En route hornf', NC11'1CI.: O'F P11BLIC HEARl:!llGS tentlon. ~ltiated by the Plannin•1ll'l.e Meaa.ni apent two days at NOTICE IS HEREBY Ol'V'EN CommiMt'On to amend SecUan No. ltf1llw1ld that the Planning Commission ot 9102.~ of the MunidpeJ Oodt ot _· ------ the City of Newport Beach, Statf' the City of Newport fleaclt, u 0. Jf FIRE A.lJXILIAKY of C&ll1ornla. w ill hold nublic hear-follows: ' • 1 Th t W'hen tht COit& Mff& Volunteer tngw o" the Resolution of IntenUon · a certain land.a nortll t HI h N Io ... __ P"ire Dept. AuxJliary meeta Thura- JniUated by the Planning Commt.: o g way o. 1 ,,...,,.... .. on. Sh N 1 day, April 11, t( will be at the aion, lo amend Sect ion No. 9102.2 eet o. of the DbtricUnJ Map •· •• t . ~.. home at Mn. Rarokl FAdy, 2128 or the municipal code ot the City ~ re&Onou. rom a 'v ' N District to a "C·l·H" ~~-t. Thurin A.ve . ot ewport Beach, as follows. u.111...-~ 1. That in the area compri.a~ 2. That Ute area known u • ------------ ed ot certain lots in Tract 907, Bayobore camp be raonod 1 •'"""AL NO,..ICI Ud from "U" ru: .... _let to ... ~" .... '11 on o Ille, more fully de-..,.._.. n.-s strlbed u lob ; DMttrtct and "C-1 ·H" Dlltrlct. ,90 to_ i81 lnclu!lve 3 .. That tract.a 1014-1102-NOTICI.: OF IN't'SNTION TO :119 to 282 Inclusive IHO ... ~~~~re-l:NGllOI: Df Tltt I.AL& OJ" :114 to 416 lnclu&ive IXlllef ... O•' ~·to . ALcoffOUC "9AOEll :I,,~ to 641 lncluain ··R·I" Otatric:t. > 1 1 Ai>rU 4, 1961 8118 4> 7511 lnctuei.., f . 'that ofller-.ir.u•ldJatent TO WHOM ft' MAY OONCl!!RN: 994 to 1080 tncluaive to the Beacon Bay llUbdJvtaion, Subject to tuuance of the ll· atrueturea on saJd lots shall now zoned "U" Di..trtct be cenae aJplied tw, and ~tnclng not be erected nearer to tl\e precisely zoned u shown on not lea than 15 daya af"ttt the twenty-four (24) toot !ltreet Sheet No. 24 of Ute District-date pmted, notice 18 hereby (lffft frontal'e than four ( 4 l feet ing Map. t.Mt t.fte undeniped pr~ to and not qearer to the ten ( 10 ) NOTJCE ls hereby f'Urlher rtven Bell alcoholic btvera~ at Ute• tbot wtJk than lm ( 10} feet, that the said heartnp will be premlees., deacribed ,.. r011ow•: and that the 9et-backs be in· heard on the 19th day of AprU fOO COAST WHY., CORONA dicated on Sheettll No. 7 and and on the 17th day of May. ittst. DEL M.AR/NZWPORT BEACH No. 8 of the diltricling Map. at the hour of T:SO P· m ., 1n the Punuant to aach tnttnllon, the NOTICE la hereby further flven council chambera of tht '€Sty Rall. ttndenipt<l I• 'applytnf ~ the that aid public heartnp vrUl be Newport Beach, Cafflon11Ia, at Stale Board of Equalisation for .taeld Oft the 19th day of April and which time and place any a.nd all l.lauance by tranater of an alco- the 11th day ot May, 19!Jt, at the penorur interested. ma7 appear &1'fd bolle bevera1e lSeen.ee for 't.lleee boar of 7 :80 p. m., l.n the oouncU be he8:"1 thereon. pf't.l'lliRs u follows: Chambo .. ol the qi\y Hall. New-. RA y T . COPl:LIN, ON SALB potl Be.e.cla, Callf~mla, at 1whlch SECRETARY OJI' THE <1mNl:RAL LICENSl!I time ud ~e any and all peroona PLANNING COJOUBSION An yon~. clulrtag to proteat tlle inlVMted. may a'.ppear and be No. M.f-Ptt•. / Luuance ot IUclt: Ucenae: may rue heud ther<on. PublWl Man:h 21; April 6, 19&1. a ¥Ort(led p-with the State .~!;_ARCOTPEOLINF ~ ' -Of J:qu•ll11t1cm at . Sau&-~~· •= NOTICE INVtnlfO llJD8 -lo, Calltomla, statlnc groonda PLANNING q>lOIISSION NoUce la bottl>J' ·rt-lllat U.. for dttlel u prov1ded by law. Tlla No. --Pre•. Board of Truat.a 01 ti>• ~ pttn\'-are aot now ~ tot Pu•llall March 29; April 5, 11161. Cout J\llllu, OOlleie D&tb1et of the '*lo! of -•lie _,.,... ~ Oi>Ull\y, caltf., w1B -wRDm C. A ORVAL W . NoTICI: OF HEABllro bldo up to the bout of 10:00 A..M. · . BllflD(JAJlDNER Notlee lo bereby elven U.t tbe on the l!th daj of April, !Iii at No. Ila'-~ .PlannlllC' Comrnloaion of the City the offltt of --....:kt; Publlob A""1 0. 1161. •• ol Nowport Beach will hold a put>-located at 1"81 s. -........ ~. . , Uc llearlftl! on tlle appllcatlon af eoot&, ._ Calif, u -u.i. OTtcll OP .llL\AINO • Walter S. McEacbem and Paul O. said bldo . w!U •bo:puWleq Opedi!d NOUoo la ~ st-thal"U.. Cleiand f# a re-1Ubdlvlolon and fiw tile tollo"'-f: ,,, ... ~ Plojiialle ~-of tho Cl\y var'lance on Lota 3. 4. 6 and 8, lllmltllnl me-. ..--cl 1'...,.,rt Bnc~. State of t:all· Block 34, Re-SUb of Coron~ del tal>!eo, · chain, ltoola --; ,..,., wl1' bo!d a pllllllc boUtq · Mar (llOl·lU2 Ocean Bl-..1.) In Ubruy !°""'" fUnlllllte, ..1.±Ht ~ Ille •plltotlon at Beatrice -ce "'1ta Ordlnan<e No. chal.,j, meW -•Ma, militJ 4---fGll L Varla!lco cm Lot t, 1311. <!tan Jep.l m. --1,.,.... = ~. ~ Seetso, (MOS lfelloe Iii b«Hiy turtl>er st-tu... both iMl8l Ud ·-'J"9 • ...._, to be allowed a II' tllat aJd bearinc will be belif on said BoUa o# ~ iliill • llClilll* ....,_ or u.e .....-40' " tlMi ltlli d&y of .A,..U. lt«il at the the IOI• judp of Ola -oM Iii, -drat -• o c tt q n . boor tit T:ao p. m. ID tM Cooiidl _ .... _ 61 t119• ·-'91W ., -INo. ... · ==: UM~~·IWI, ., __ Oltef,jl .W ro 11-tlle • • II a • Ml'r .,.liar Ill- • ........ Oil Biii. at ·~ re~ &!IL..-. -"' _, -Miii an 1• '119 11e ... • · ..... -.-..·..,y.-all)N!-........... la TlllL .. dltte-•.flttl.ttla ~~--y _.. and be JPOCU:leatloea -........... ., ,.. ... Ji. ... 0 .. .. _... .... . tile -., -...... -• Cl\y' ..... 11••.-t · a.AT Y. COPE.IN, BecfY. • et 111 S 11s ') nm m's 111 · ~ ..... PUlQOJIO. <Xl1001810N . A.~. 1111 o ...... • 11tJ •r ... ~ UIL -Ill .... •111t... ..... • / Annual ccmn.ntion oft.be Ofarlge County Fedoi'aUoft ,of Women'a Clt>bo will be held l"riday, April is, ftarttnr at 10 a.m. tn the eo&- ta •-f'rlday A~moon chi,. OtRcen wt11 be elected and all cl\lb preetdenta will prYenl their reporta. Mn, o . w . Jl'reek, prul- dent ot the Gounly Federation, will preside. Luncheon wtll be eernd at 1t~ p.m . RdervaUou are tb be made wttb Mtt1. Heins KalHr, rr:tday Atteinoon club president, phone BMcon lli<Mt·M. HEA0qUAlrial for SHERWIN· WIWAM$ PAINTS ' PORTEI ·CAIL! TOOLS . ' BE Sure f6 T ~lee Adve~e9e of of our H~rdwere Week Specials "For Week ·of April 12th to 17th • PLASTER BOjlD" \ \ tx8-% .. , thick 4.x8--~" thick Jte ... ............ 1.80 ........•... 2.02 •• FrllTIX iter. 4.xl-" .. thk:k .. !.~-··--r··--··'1.9' ~Ii'' thick ·····'········-····-· 2.33 • 2•4'1 1'111i. TllSY LAllT ...... • SPEC. fUl1 l.71 SPl:O. '1.13 · t.t:. .I . *~·a. ·o A NS ·~ Bol'l'Mr ., ..... , ..... OM ...... ,.. pf!lr&llMIW --.·: bsr.~•·~ih••-AllF•-•loll-. t 1 • • Houk~ 1:30 e.' "'· •• FUI -·-SANTY MONTH , CttlCK.W·· Ill e11,MW.tt. wltlt tM tt•'fn ,' &Atdy Oa•cll I. I ' .... -• r' LI-IS ·I • .. ' r'·H•t r' lllhaust .• , ...... ,. ..... CJ r' ! :tlrts Cllllrtson Motur Co , sat cJ.t JDPwaF f'reo Plok-Up and Dellftr7 ' -• '. . · . ' .. ~ . C~SH & CARRY· NORSfRf -- NI MS ',1. ............. ·-··· St'..: CHRYS ;;: : : EMUMS ~Mt •.... • ... 20' •• :::_ ltll> SAL kA -1aqt.bl: •............. 25'".i.:: ~:=~N;~~;:-:::::: CANftdURT ~~LS ~--25'.;.· INi~si-J ,~.~los1s ·-:-· .. 75' _ • • • • • • \ • -- ' s ·A INGS I -• ,~: •• • \ • 1 "r 1 • ... cuuurr a.i~Nf I Jller An~um 1 . .. .• • • , .I • ' ..; . . • • • .J • ' j • • - • ' ' ' • • • • . \ • • -. ' . • · . . .. ~ I l 1 • PA&E I --P~T 11 . -n::tURSDA Y, AP!tll s; 1951 1 • • ~ ·: .. ' mPUSs_a_ . . \ , . Pr(}·~J~'First W~'s Gfoup. Favors .-Proposed 23rd 1Amendment · "'" ,. I I ..._ __ ...._ _____ _. __ _ Tiie flrol ~ orllbe Callforilla·• _.-1<'"\ drtV<, tor a 23rd amend· R I R" 11tent t0 Ibo United Sta~ eon.ti· eno . 1tes tutlon ia D01'I complr.~ and the fe90nd phUe q underway, aald . ·- llta. Eunice Davy ~""-when •h• f • M c I •. =:ftoP~k4 of the local .or . esa oup e Jira. Dean la a t¥ldent of Glen· Northern Callfomla and Oregop llale, haa been actively auoclated bllve . b"'len honeymoon la.nd for with the C&Ufornla! Federation of M.r. and Mra. William t... PanJt"lo, Women'• Ctub.1, ha,-!nl ~rved two b ·weddl uJ U lm ,_,.. on both the dtltri9t aod atate ;:-=~ eve:~ ':,u :at q m~nha ~ board. She'll hu collaborated with the Melhodlat cburcb1 Reno, Nev. lfr. Wlllla f;,. Stoae, aut.bor of the The bride . 18 ,the former Mt88 propaeed 23rd amendment. ShJrley A .. Brown, daughter of Referring to the .aecond phue Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. 424 · ¥ft. Dean explained that thla baa Bernard st .• Coeta M esa. ?M-. and alrUdy been_ m&<14!i when Senator Mni. Jame. P&ngle, 624. w. Wl!aon W:erbert R. O'Connor. Democrat of St., Colla Me8&, are parent.a of M&rylaN:I introducekt an &pproprla· the bridegroom. riate reaoluUoii lntb the aenate on Rev. H . L. Baker offlciaU<I at luly 20, 1950. N'lw \he reaotu-the ctOuble-rlng crr-emony per- tlon . bu '°°e to the Senate Com· formed amid a selling of white mlttff on the Judk:lary. Next, l! blo&soma. Wedding music included wted out !avorabfy. Jt mu.at .. be The Lo.rd's Prayer and Because. approved by both houaea and ot A .mart brown suit accentc.l PollgTeSa with • two-thlrda vote. wjt.h orchid acce!l80Cles were chos- To becomeJ a.n &mendm~t to the en by 1the charmlng bride. An t"X· Constitution would finally requlrto qu.lalte corsage blended beautifUI· ~ratification by thf'¥·fourtha of the ly with the coatume. 1tatea. • A.a matron of he.tor, Mrs. Kate , To g-et baalc support M'ra. Dean B. U..ker wore a . blue suit with pointed oui the proposal hu been navy acceuoriea and white orchid I put b4'fore. Ati.erlcan Auvtce clubl,. corsage. Robert Marker fulfllled. throughout. the country, M o re be•t man duUea. . , ULan 2,!>00 wuch nonpartlu.n or-Thei new Mt8. Pangle attended l gantsatJon.a have pa.Med reaolu-Montebello High 111chool and h~r Uona In lta favor "° ra~ husband 8 tud!cd at Newport Har- Pro Amert .. la the tlrat natlonaJ bot Union High !'lchool. He is em· wotnen·a o~iA.tlon to sponsor ployed with the State ForC11try. and support tb.ia; propoir-ed amend· Frjends ot the juat·wcds are ment. " . • beini ¥'e1comed t o their home, 227 , Zlrd Amendme.ni E . 23rd St., Coal& Mesa. Mrs. Dean Sald thla 1-the wa.y th• po'opoaed 23rd ame odm•n• Mesa Newly-Weds would read:, ''The Goverrutlenl or f.he United Slates •hall not en· An '380rtment of attractive iage In any buaineea. profeuJonal\ ahower gift.a and a.n evening of commercJal, or lnduatrial enter· (rfendJy gaiety characterized a re. prtae f'h competition with ite cJll· cent pOat.nuptiaJ courtesy compll· zens. except aa specified. in the menting Mr. and Mrs. Jock Bark· Constitutlon.1' ley (Leola Funk ) whose wcdd1ng It this should become law, V&r· waa solemnlze<t Lut 1nonlh. ioua government aorporation11 no.w Sharing host duties were the I ln exi,stence would be IJ.le1alised. -bride's parenl8, Mr. a.nd Mn. H. L. ( One auch• would be the T enneaaee F.Unk and her 11later and brother· Valley A.uthot'tty, u presently ln·law, Mr. and Mn;. D. W. Mc· t:on11Ututed. Millan. Pa.rty loca le wa.a the home Afrs. Dean l!Xplalned to the of Mr. and Mra. Funk, 2~33. members that at prtoaept there are Orange Ave., Coata' Mea., where eighty-five Federal Corporation.a decoratlon11 were. aet to a sprlnJt"· which operate ln direct ' compel!· tirnt" flower theme. lion_ with private enterprise. such After the ma.ny gifts Wl'.'te open· aa Reconstruction Finance Corpor· ed and canasta was playf'U, rc-- ation. Tennessee Valley Authority. Crl:shmenut of wedd'ng C"~r. ic;' T enneMff Va~lt'y Auoc~ted eo.. eream a.nd coffee tl'nnin1:1.ted lhl' operative-, lne. To mention a few delightful' affair. others, Region a I AJticuJtural Included In the gurst company Credit Corporation, Rubber De· were Measrs. a.nd Mn1e~. Paul veloQment Corpora.tlo,n and Rub· Morris. Stanley Duncan. Nolan ber Rei:terve Company, all 'Ot Which BarkJey, Charles Thompson. Ceo \ t.re supported by the lu·payer. Vaughn, Curtb DlMmoN>. J , Plan· In cloelng . Mn. Dean said: chert.' 8 111 EvanJJ, Roland Shr p- "Freedom ts everybody'• bustnces. perd. Mmes. Sabra Blue, Sibyl It's YOUR bu~lneaa becauae It af· Doan, J o.sie Allen. Emma Funk. feet.a YOUR rlghU!, YOUR taxes. Evelyn Balley, Miasee J une. Mar· YOUR lncornc and YOUR purc h&s· gic and Mary Ann Din.smote, al80 ing P<JWer. Jimmy W~t and David Planchert. AM<'l'bly Biile • Nevada . Gu.ests Mrs. Alene Baldwin Ehresman, local chairman thf'n preeented Mra. J. Willia Bennie, Who explained Assembly Bill Number 30 and 3371 Honored at Dinner -which hr an amendment to the Hono13 centered on Mr. and Education code section on Tenure Mrs. Richard Hornby and .son Gh~n ' which Pro America wtll support. of Fallon. 'Nev .. whe n Mr. and MM!. BUI N o. 30 l8 an &.mendment to the Kenn~ ~rry, 1515 Santa Ana Education code re laung to the use Ave., Coat.a Meaa. hc>11ted a family of schOOI property and th.la Pro dinner SUnday. The Hornbya, for- America wtll a.lab support.. mer Meq. realdenb, are enjoying In a brief dlacu.uion on the a sprtng vacation here. They are atudy or "'Conatituttontam" Mn.' spendlng a y ear In the Nevada J. Arthur Taylor explained .the city Where Mr. Hornby I.a learn- Engltsh. b&ckgrourid which bad J.o In& the ranchln« business on the .do with the. foundiA.r of our Con-ranch~ot an uncle, Chuter WtJ· ·stitution &a lt exists today: If Js llamt He ia also attending agri· planned that t.hl.a particular atudy cultu I echool. wtll continue each month. A aurprl.se birthday cake wu The n ext meeting of the local lighted tor Mn. Hornby aa she chapter will be on Friday April waa " Nevada on her birthday In 27 in Pilgrim HaU, 811 Heliotrope, Jan~. f'flrlicipat lng in \..tie re-- Corona del M•r ~hen tbet State union t were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prealdent. Mra. Dudley Logan will Myre.tin and chUdrc.n, Mlch~e. be prtnclpal apeaker. Mucsy, aufi Eric, Mr. and Mrs. K. AU wom.e.n intere•ted tn the L. QUanj and children. Kenny American way of governing are Jo11,, 4:hriltine' and Kath.leen, Mr. invited to attend. tnd M:ra. Eugme Quarry, Mr. and Mn. Bru~ Quarry and eon. aan. College Guests aid, "l"d -.. Marr L. WUJJama. in Mesa Home 0. C. Panhellenic ' ' In the contingent of coll•g>! atU· M~ets at St. James d6\ta home during the Euter·va· ~ - caUon were Bettle Plnk.k7 and her ·y membtta of Pahhellenlc ·brother. Virgil fuu.terl, who en· ol. Oran.re county enjoyed joyed the holid:aya wlU. thfllr par· .an moon ot bridge at t.heir enla, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. PinJt.ley, Muc~ meeUns, he.kl ln the part•h 1~ Broadway, Cotta M-. Vor b&l1 Ot St. .Jama church. Mra. lf!ver&' ·di.ya Miu PlnltleY enter· Rbbe{t ~ler captured . fJnt t&ined u ~Uk pe.U 'Janet prlujud 8eCODd went to Mn. Rob· Stoke• and Bev. Bell. Thia lhl'M ert C&llla. ' Jirll ire hlcb treabin"'in ~at the ' Ari/ Aznu.aing coJ.ncldence wu tht- UnJyenlty of SQUUMin~oml&. ·....m,c tor desaert of a Rlcbard'• Virgil la a atu-t at Dental loluJ;et pr\le cake, ·tho cal<e In Sc:bool. • • -~ belnc tt-om ~ recipe AJoo oo.Joumi"&' In Ille Pinkie)! Ol a Panl10Hhlk member, ,Mro. borne we.q. the local ~· parent.I Ra~ond K. ~Bt.iV'l''­ Dr. and Mn. V. M. PtnJtlO ot Ben ~for the day were )oln. Jilern&nllnO. -' 1-: wtyiama; Mn. R. 'L. Boole • . and Mn. G. L. Guthrie, otlHI lo- • ~ "SND GtlEfts · <e! mom~ -nt were Mn. EnJoY!nc-the -• e..I 1n 111e Grace PauJmn. Mn. Harlan lknlth. bame of Mt. &"'I~ Wllllam II:. Ml8o~llarJorle :8~ Mn..D. R. Nlclcdl. m ~ 911Way, ~ Wat..._ ~ ~ ~ BIHi"" ~ -Kr. -.,,.. "l>a..td -tllo pr "·ilenl. .,._Jolin x- B. ~pd c-..: Barbar& ..... 1 ,. . ~ &Jill Cbe,r--. .... Kr. jlnd ·Mn. • • lollll Lml!; Jiii of ~ • ~ -'l'llli PAaTll' •• ......., Caota -a.ttadlnc oE~I OK a•toqw.A.Y a '""--of "11-JMcl: • Kr ....... 01 ... ,_ ....,._ -~ pc111 led .11AlndaY t.7 --oi 111 -....-,, ·-u. -jlllall< AJia, Qmia••lt7 ~­.. .-•• 111&,... _ UI0)' _ 1_ .... ~ -· - ........... • llr?-!f·• -~--....,..., ~ ----.a... .... _.,Lo9 . .. 1 SLICIO n,.i .... ~. STRAW••RRllS fORDHOOK 11 ... LIMA alANS """· . fa~CH ..... 35~ 29~ OLOBI A·I FLOUR lllT IUGAR I ' . WQ.l!N OIL /0 ... G9c BA•- 't.'! 87c IH AU'°-"4A.TIC OIS'•fll•~ CAN ........... 1 ............ .. ..... ,., '-. '' • • ....... , ••ltl , - loy O'WCI I of _ ..... Mr. a lllobll . k AAlll~ _ T ,_ •fl I\ ... ~ ... ftoa ~ ... ·-. ~ .; ~ ~.:.&11-~..t~;,.~~~~ ,,~~~ ... • • • • . • . \ . THE HO. IFI$'; ~lloJCE .. 1 . j •. • .. • ' ' • • • •