HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-12 - Newport Balboa Press• I I '! I 1 • • • • •• l ~ ' j 'fl!ll .... AJ:•-at the -~ t 7 "-doplna' .... at ·1 u.. . OilJfomi., 80uth Cpeotel l:mpin ' •• ....A'j 7 .......... .-..- ... . I i"1ial; -Ihm to ..(I~ tr.e ' .id ~ ntala . . . . psf0 hr 1afp0rf .. ' • I ' ·._\.. ~-' l . . . ' .. • • .. , • • . . l • ' T • • • • • • . • • ., 18 7 1• Jn ,, , . ' ' • . . ' t' •. ' • ' • '·' I • • : CRl'ft<l&U.t HIJllT la a co .... oa on 0-t BJpway _; ll. Monlftr ON,ron· lld.. l!llolt <Jlltb. at S p. at. ~ ... 1q-, lnlc Go~ SO, et Loa ~ llJa W • plctfftd abo~ .... a d\ML!ed ve&.e...- -plate. mpway Patrol ottleen -a "'1ek dri..., "'7' ,_ Fon-.., or W)tlttt.>r had ato_.i to malle a left tun. onto tile road -... to tho oU weM allo -<Jon>• H!plwlcla w- • ... Gottl'a C9f eJ'Mbed la.to tbe truck's' rear ead. The victim wu taken to ~tx ..._..taL . . Bib-'N· Tucker • ,Mrs. Arnold Gasser ·Mrs . Jay C~rlisl e Sets Schedule ~eads in Series Honored at · · Championship Canasta Lui,cheon . for Year's Dances Mrs. Amold Gauer ot Santa Ana t. leading in the 11x week tountament now ln , progrffl ln t))e. Atler'boon Dupllc.a\e Brtdse Setting a echedule of tonnal game In Balboa. Cloee in the com.- dances for the year were directors petJUon ~re Mn. Robert Jh'Own, or Bi))..n•-TUcker. club, meeting Mrs. George Carroll, Mr• Thomu Wedne9day, April 4 at the h ome GUI, Mrs. Faye Schhleler, and of Mr . .and Mn. lh Lyim.. H\ll'hM. Kn. E. T. McKanua. Tbe. Hriea Corona del Mar. ha& one more week to rµn. Flnt a/fair will be lhe summer In Mon&a)''s game the winners formal to be held June 8 at New-north-'South were Mrs. A. G. I>oH.- port Harbor Yacht club "(.or mem-~rs and Kn. Robert 8:rvwn and ~rs and, l"'Ub. Mr. and MrL !!"red the eut~wat JdSll .eeonr. were Hut.er and Mr. and Mn. Stuart Kn. llortoa Ol'ollJy and Mn. Faye Dieltl WUI h senen.l ebairrlMn and ~­ mu.le will be by ~ J'ht Bill 'o JllUl.llel'9-Up uortlt-mu.Ua wer e Fthytbnt. " Kn;-..\.rl)old G._.r aa4 M'n. Next oa the list i8 the tall tm-'lb.,.... Gil; Mn. Mildred Lytle mal, with a tentaUve date set for and Jfra. Ro7 Strots: Mn. &. T. SeptentM!r 15. Board members VcKanua and Kn. J'rank Reed from J..acun& Beacll wlll lie , In tyiq' 1wlUI Mio. A. W . Twrunej char.., and will Include Kr. and and ' lln. cieorre Carroll; Mro. Mra. Man.ball Cluk, 'Mr. And Mn. Pen;y; Jo1tneon and Mr•. Gerald Mogena: Able, Mr: and MrL E . B. KcCbmber. Milnor and Mr. and Mrs. Don Runners-up eut-west were Mrt. J obnaon. Kathll'eft Walah and M~. Mule Also dtacusaed W'&8 the annual Veneman; Mn. L. V. Brown and Cbrlat.m.u dinner dance for mem-MrS. Ethel Blah.op: Mn. ~-L. ben only, wfth the new board ot Hackley and Mr•. C. E . Irvtn: 'There'll ~ a ntw barbecue ln the paUo o"f"the Jay Carlfale home, 27 Harbo,r 1'J.&nd, to aid ln enter· tatntng gueets thla lfWTlrner; for the barbecue, 'With otlier more peT· aonal (iftl:, · WU prlMrited Mn. Ca.:118lt at a abowe..r and l.wlcbecm plann~ in her honoi;. on'. W edne•· day at Balboa Bay club. The tuncl'l.eOn ta:~te wu e1~­ ally lovely w ith 'Prial flowers from the rvden otl J.ant Hume. Canut.a oc~ the. afternoon hours. M.n. Carllale b U.e former Jea.a White, &nd Ute ,ritanlage wU' a recent event in Jteao. Ptaent for' Ule luncheon ·were: JMe"' Rd.ma, Nancy Wnt, Emma H.-hei Holt, VI Carpenter, Annet - te Btcbt.old, Mina tfttrahey, Ruth ~fo· and ow -... • AT P!lLM SPRINGS ).{111. Kathleen flenshaw ot ·eo- rona dtl Kar a.nd Mn. Mary J oan D&vte or Coeta Mu.a found ptea.e-- ure In a week end outing at Palm Sprlnp. directors to be voted on at a abort Mrs. Robert. Roa and MA . Mabel l' __ _ bualnea HUion. P lanning thla Boardman: Mrs. Minnie fieuck dance will be Mr: and Mrs. H. Lynn and Mn. George Merriman. Hughea ot Corona d~l Mar. Mr. and High acorers tor the month of Mrs. Ronald Barlow an.d Mr. a.nd Ma:rch were Mrs. Gerald Mc- Mra. Jack Bruner, Balboa Ialand. Comber: Mre. Arnold Ga.seer; H . Re~tai we~ 11erved ~y S. Hollis; Mr&. Frank Reed and the ha.tea u finale to the .... ion, Kn. Robert Brown. attended by Mn. Magen.a Able. Mra. Marshall Clark and Don ll>hn.lon, l.4runa Beach: Stuart Diehl. H. LJim Hucbee and Mrs. Fred Huber, Corona del Mar; Ceo. Winter .and Rhoade•·P"lnJey, Santa Ana: Mn. Ronald Barlow and Mra. J~k Bruner, B&Jbo&. lsland. Pi Beta Phi C lub Lunc heo n Planned for Founders Day Pi Beta fPhl alumnae will ob- serve Foundenl' Day with a l'unctt- eon at 12:90 p. m . Wednellday, April 18 in Hurle)l Bell Inn. Bridge wi11 rolk>w and re.&ervatlon11 ahouJd be-made with Mrs. Thoma.a Frwt. Harbor 1148-M. Afternoon Meet / for.M, 0, A, C lu b Sewing, conversation and re- h'eshmenu combined to make a pleasant afternoon tor members of the Meet One Another club, who were entertained recently by ?win. Dolores MorriaOn of Newport avenue: Coata Me1a. Comprlalng the fl"OUP were Mmes. Calla Viele, Hulda Young, Amy Viele, Lulu Walker .. Iona Mackint08h, Eleapor Llghttt and Irene Northern. Mr•. M~kliitoab. Witt be hoateA to the cJUb · AprU 2'4. Canasta Lunche on Is C ircle Project MrL Howard-Tlmmona ot Santa An:& ..l"~ill pree.tde, having been r"f:-el .... ':M.'Wiio)!Arcb ~g, held at the home Of Mn. Selim Fnak· l!n, CofU M~ ....._ ·aa1 .. aur'. roul[ba Of Santa Ana la vice pnoi.- dent, A.i n. Stanley Chambers ot UdO !ale ls corresponding sec.re· tary: recoffblg •ecretary la Mn.. Joan In~ of Laguna Beach and Kn. Froet ls treasurer. Membe( r11 ot,.. N~rt Hel&"hll,, 1.. ....... circle o Chrlat CbuftJI by the Sea 1 • WSCS. wUl apoo.aor a 12:30 o"cJock: tuncheon and canaata party Thur• Mr. uwl Mn.. TbomM B. Ma.. lone. 5S5 Bhwalde avenue, New~ port Hetpa """' aanounctn& the ..._....,.1 or tbolr daul!>- ter. Ma.. Patricia ....... to sci. Ture Johuoa, . D T•ro lllriae -. A prdeft "-r la plaa- day, April it, in Good@M hall. R.e11e.rvatJon.s may be made with Mn. J'red Woodworth, phone Ra.r. 2.50W, OI' Mra. Leon Ferguaon, Bea. 52M--J. Donation.a tor the ev"l!-t are $1. each. ed for May 15. -; . AH~HtecUuj . ' ' OPENING . FRIDAY tlie 13th • . . . ' : .BIZ· MIRj KllJ. SHOPPE ooOoo ' . 1 Special Introductory Offer:--· · 1 I • ' WOOl 1001YAll51¢'1 oz. ste11 • ' . • I ,, • ·ooOoo -. --INSTRUCTIONS eMN' • - •• , , • t .. ' • ' ' , \. • " I ' t •• • - • • • • • .\ ~~)/<Uk 1!ed ' SCULPTURED SWIMSUITS r""f."4-~z&-.: .. end for f'ltl'I scene .. , SUD, swJm. ar psyclloloty ... $11 them It . . • .. • .. JAX, INC .- • • ~ ' • • 1 , r , ' ~ . \ - 'IHURSDAV, AP& t2, 1'5f . ' PMIE ., -•Ntr l ..; . . . . ' .. r . . . ,, • ' I .. ' ' • + t. IN PERSON , J • • ; Presenting! Her FASH I o·N A N.D SWIM .··~.HOW . ' .,, ... tMi . •.;;·· ' ' Ba r·b.o a :B a·y CI u b' WEDNESDAY, AP~IL 18th , FOLLOWING 1,2:30 LUNCHEON Open to the Public • •· • For Table Reservations • Call MRS. ATIQNSON BALBOA BAY CLUB Beacon 6528 • \ ' , • ' I , , • • ~ • ' •' ' . , t .. f t ·' • I • ' . ·- ' • • • ' • ·, , ' • j • ' : l I I • • < - Fishiog Barge ·!' Dlk/F-! . OPEN Now· · ·. Undet N~w O;ntrship PHILIP 8. CARPEtf'TAR SHORE BOAT µ:& VEl!I FROM 6 A.JI. TO 8 P .II.· . -• .. -I' •• , ' • Off The Pier SAN CLIMENTE 100/o Discount on Any~·• Brtn1 Ulla ad &. ' BAYSIDE FISH MARKET TI:LLOWTAIL 18 llERE! Wllole ......... tloll .................... -U.. SEA TllOUT (0-) and KOCK OOD-_.., ~ .... SO. U.. HALIBlJT -Wllale -flell ........ : ... ~ ............................. ffe Ill. Fresh Fish DallJ from o. Own loafs! 28oo LAF&\'ETl'E •• ON THE B&Y •• NEWPORT • Small Pl&nta. I ror •1-0oL -· l5c ap-Baqlq -II ap LEE'S FUCHSIA . GARDEN . 10ranct1 ~tr-t.arc-t ..... heh O,...er BROADWAY COSTA KE8A a-Frlcloyo • o.;o 8~ ASTERS, ZINNIAS alld MARIGOLDS jn flats _ .... 30¢ p~r ,doz. PANSIES, VIOLAS and BEDDING PETUNIAS 35¢ per doz. BEDDING IEGONIAS, RUFFLED PETUNIAS and CA~TERIURY IEUS in flats .... 40 ' per doz. IVY GERANIUMS in flats . ·i· . 50 •. per doz. 5&10¢ N......,. 141%1 So. Nowport Blvd. TU8TIN1 ~ ft.-, I ~ .U l!lli!le• .... ~ lbJ Da7 -.i., a -nt I• 0t.rt ~-=ool for."B·-.•,le~•MiM:. tll, lllit~ at fWllta a., Chlb ,at 'l,,• m. 11.a.J "L At a ·1 9eMloa t. t.M ' d•~ .... -.;. or ti.. 1WN1 --wMeb -(left'° rtpt. ->: Mn. Loula au. ."c:oinmlt"'8 ellolrillU: llC.,_ LoGiO v: 'W•t. .tee -lcfeafi M ... Edward I . Sodlnpr , p.-1-: Mn. Roliert 1..,_i: -"dblS1 (lttt lo rlabl~I llln. v ... --Mn. Cll>ytott M. Low .. llln. I- D. Ray, !\I,.. .0.vtd. ~a. Mn. ae. I . w.Jt-.a. • .. . (Prell Phot0· ' May Oa B Ynch Mn. Loulai B. Gata la in charge Y r ' ot club arrancement. and the pro .. • 'pam which will f .. lUA a May- ch .Id I I) ~t • pole dance by pupUa ot the Doro-1 ren s uq jt; 1t thy lo ~-w""'°" __ Sc_h_oo_I of· Dance. A luMh-pi.notng -.... held ~Y at Balboa Ba1 Chlb by 1.Joneuee cmunltlffe ror their M.a.y DaY. bnuleh. • benefit affair •Or the 'earl 8'rvey School for Handicapped Children, to be hekt "t Balboa Bay Club on May 1. 11 a.. m. 1 . Ttc.ket. may be bad from any -nemtM>r of t.be Uo~ or from M.n. Vera Wi11tanl1 at lhe Patio Boo~ Stall and Art Oallery, 311"' Marine avenue. Balboa laland or rrom Mra. Loul-1 B. W e1t. ticket chairman. Mra. F.dwant ~lnget. la In charge of the ma.ay lovely table '-ftd rtoor prlRe and Mr•. George PtCkerlng wW dl'COrale the may- pol~. • Jn charge of decoratloNI and 'able11 are Mr8. David Conon, -:halrm&n : Mra.. LoulAI West, Mn.. Donald Petenon and Mn.. Crayton Lowe. Publicity wW be handled by Mt'I. Vera Wlln.ama. Firemen's Ball to Aid Depca -l111ent New equipment for boot. ,. ... volunteer ?ire department will be purcbued wtlh pl"()Cfl(b from U.e annual l"lremen'e Bat\, t6 be held thJa comlnc Saturday,' 9 :30 p. m. In American Le,-ton• hall. Coflta Me1a. Mu.ate will 'be by Eustact- RoJN and n:tn:ahmente wlU be avaJl&ble. P'ln: Cbitf Bert Smith wtll gTMt guuta. with WUllarr. Wrlcht. dance chairman. WORLD U:C08D A world'• reeord wu' ~t by Mra. Howard M inor of 8a.n Dieeo when ahe boated a 198-pound ITUlt"· Un with 1ta.ndard medium tackJe ott the San Dtego cb61lt hurt No- vember. Mra. Minor. who a190 set a •lmilar woi;nen's rec:Qrd ln 1948, caus-ht th(" gtant flah will) trolled sardine bait. IAIT TANK • La.1t Wt'f'k'l'I Rood flahlng in dCar old Newport Bay wu Ju.at • be· glnntng. Reporl.Jll fron1 the amateur and upert alike a tt stilt <"Xcellent. Dr. Oundrum, of Lido Lale. talll,J:d the flr•t one ror ua--an 8 pound spotfln. SaJlffi ane:hovte1 proved, the dNlh trap for lhl.11 boy. Ct'ne Smith, of Nov .. port, had.;& llmtt ot large J)f'tch. Thl'"tt and a half poundl oC perch on a fly rod are a swell bit of fun. Abalone 8CraPl! .00 rroun muMell were u.9ed for ball. ~~~~...---1 'Hot' Letters Lead to First Wtl\ard Daniel. of Santa Ana. coax~ a limit of 11potftn a.n<l JK"rCh Into lht: q'd sack with clam.I and worm.s. Bill EldE"r, tht> Lldo Isle expert, hlt,tht" hlll:h note with a apotlln of l pound~. and top~ oft tbe f('a,llvitil-n wllh a 3 pound yeUow- fln, R.azor cla1n.a we.re the lnai.n coune. HEAD9UARTER for SHERWIN· WILLIA~S 'PAINT! PORTER· CAaLE TOOLS • BE Sure to Teke Advantage of of our Hardware Week Specials For Week of April 12th to 17~ • . WACSH HARDWARE 18" Ntiwport Blvd. 008TA ~A -- BYC-NHYC Challenge Race Sun. FoUowlnc &n uchanp of two "tcalhlnl"" l"ettetl denouncing each other'1 club and ea.tlon. the Balboa and N-ewport Harbor' Yacht Clubs wtJJ at.age lbelr flr11t annual dlnchy chattenl"" race oft the Balboa c:ub Sunday. Lehman dlnC"hlt• wtU be Uled, ' Commodore Harry Bk>d.sett of BYC .e.nt Commodore Walt Elliott the Initial chaJltnge lrtter early thla wttk and the latter I01t no tlm~ in wording an a.n.awe.r. 'Bolh C0M9lete challenge letten are printed below . O. W. ElliOtt. Commodore Newpon Harbor Yacht. Club Sir: IJ.. M. .. Broker came 'Hown {~ L. A. to get hla Monday dlnnet'. HI• larg,•t filth. a 6 pound cro&kc.r, madr It t-a.J'Y. picking. Again r&J:Or (')ams did the trick. Tht> bf-a~ Gf-orRt H&ll or L. A. could do wu a top of 4 pound5. Don't fe.-1 b&d, that lg still a lot of spotfln. Clams aga.ln. lt tiaa come. to the aU~nUon ot the undet'll&"ned that the 1008f'ly uaoclated (TOUp, of doU.btft.d antecedent.a, known n1ore or lea. tndl•· crlminateJy u the Newport Harbor Yacht c lub, ha boaat.ed , bi'a.gged. vaunted and otherwtae bandied about cert.a.in unfounded atalemmt.. t u lhe e ffect that the afonunentloned STOUP of doubtful antecede:nbl are able' to df'l.I" themeel~ea out or their euy chat,.. (with the help of • block and tackle) at crut lnt.ervala, .Dd, w.lth the turlher help or great quantitle. of •plrttuoua, bottled oourag-e, atacaer down to a •II boat. or ~ta and wtth dqubt.IUJ IUCCffl operate the u.ld aall bo&t or illl••••••••••••••••••••••••llA&.!t bo&ta at & apeed grea~r thali that obtalnb" by the youthlng •tal· wart.a who have the .-reat honor and dilllnctlon of ,belonging to tbat Dad Border, the Bay ~ Shore Park lnnlruclor for abUMd hUI· I band.II, took all lhe Ja-.-.• alJowa, a.nd maybe stretched a point or two. Halibut, yellowtln, and spot fin. Wouldn't let Us weigh the large:at. but it was a honr y . "C'una and freu-n an<;.hovlea for bait. There are no choice apota, u U.e flab flHm to have spread over the ~· tire bay. Bettf'r get them now· boyii, theoy may not la.at too· i.ong. Early flahlng pa.id Ute ~at dlvid· ends. I M:Uve organization ot a&Uor men known througbout the world aa the High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Balboa Yoc1tt dub. ri., t'lllhlas It la believed t.bat an end ahoukl be put to lhNe tabrlcationa by the Pier fl11hing la terTlbJe, the High Q a/'ty p "nt" PL H fLfL• tlme·bonored meant: of. tournament OT conlMt betweea the--.llboal-1 weather hu Pttn cold and windy. U / f/ Ing-n. ar • g .~ of the Newport Harbor Yacht club, .. ued by certain Inebriated arm-which made It ml .. rablc fot: the ------------------------.:.._ chair aflon, &nd the •U boat.a M.J.'-ed by the cteal·v\Poned.. cleaf· lut W('ekt!ndPr•. The outlook l# headed youn• men or the Balboa Yacht dub. And while we lltt on the better for ihe com ing week end. wbject. of the! •latua ot t.be pe.rlk::lpanta ftom e&c.b yacht club, the however. Barge fist.Ing la spotty. REDWOOD SIDING lx8 RecJW004 channel 116dinJ JxlO ~ Channel Sldtns ll<o(Ular an&100 SPJ:OIAL ttS5 ... .--""' . 11x11 sTiilcco WIRE R<og. $12.50 8PEOIAL ..... pu Nil .. ,. Hl!:XAOON 'sRINGLES ......... T.20 TlllCK Btrrr ...... -................... 9.11 ·llO,jb. ROOFING + .......... ;:_ ... S.&l 511-b. ROOFING ., .......... -....... &Oii M-lb. ROOFING ., ..... -... -... :1.IO c&-lb. ROOJl'ING ........ ---S.Jt t 8PEC. -TM .... .... • 1.11 1:111 . • .90t seek • unde.nlgned would greatly appreciate )our refraining from ualng your HaJlbut 9ttm to be hitting tn usual prote991onal paid hand.I u efthtr Kipper or crew on Ute aU elrt-ak•. W H>kd&y crowdl are , bo&U durinl" the aid tournament or 1:0Dle9t. light. bait excellent. rtnt boat al 1 Thettfoni, lf lh.r001b your uauaJ thonJUsh 1oin1" _and d'rpn.bed 8:00 &. m . The week end Uve bl.It etrorta you can ektnct from Ole odorUerou. bllcu of the rnany boate running-from the pter an clunke.t11 in your neet a eutficlent num~r of able A.Uon to" man a ~lng very lltt!e. Conditlona are ' fleet of dlnChlea. the .t&tw&rt younc men. lb& blue.eyed Vtktnp, t.hc not ffvorable ai pre.sent, Cold a.nd aalling ch&mplona of Balboa Yacht club, wbo' b.a•• wrong more &alt bumpy. water out of the _.ta or Utelr rapecU•e pant. thaa all member• or One of our leadlns canneq au· your club put tosether hav-e ailed onr, wUl be p(Oud to meet your pertntendeftU di.shed up a bit of gtOOp pt ek·ltlnk Pol utlorw .,p0n u.e wa~ or the fair lf.arbor of 'dirt qver the week, enb. Seems to Newport on Sunday. Aprt~ 15, 1961, at a ttm"e to be mutuafly agrffd bf: riled up al the lack of intere.t upon. U you will accept thle puntlet. hef8Witb ttpt'aUwly applied shown by our city baya over the to yvur left cheek. my aecpnda. ln the pveooa of tbe HOnofabte Vice-apparent lou f/f. a &"OOd wlnl4r Commodore COnwne Wut*mann, and otlwra, wW. watt upon your payroJl. The puneaetnera are eo- Mcondl tn ordtr to OK tbe det&tll ot the oonteet or tournament. which Ins to put 111 out ot the1 mackerel detal19 are beneath the diplty and standins of ua prt.ocfp&la. bua.lneu, which hu kept the mer~. It W further 1UC1e-.ed ll'l&t the f'MU.lt.11 Of the contest 0 ,. tourna. <'hanll paying • heaJt.by Miu ta&. mml be .uitably lucribed on a pe.nn&nent 11\0meAto or tab.Id .. tha.L. .,Tboee I~ net boat.a. whtcb wtll In the tutu~ """ lllaJ .i.. the "tn!t.11 u to the maUve nlertta ·and •tart In here one o,r ~ dayo, ·u.111q a.btllU. of the doubtt'UJ u.'-ce:ctmte ttora Newport Hlrbor spend \Mir dough up yonder. They Yacht club and the borolc -ft'om Balboa Yoebt club, w-vallant .till •xp<ct 118 to clean up the ...,._ -w!O lol!l'be th• oubjed ol epic and -. ~-talN and bor oflfrwarda. U the boya we yvno ol alt -Ulr MillJlS are -and opun to Ille ~ ...,. of hove ap aboVe word help 118, let'8 tutUA ~ o1 ~ men. ret &om• "'"' onu. • Bir. pl8ae do -ui. """1or of ...,.pUns w. r1u111enp without Johnny Nocek dropped "1 lo your UIUal dlla....,. tactloo. ~ tell 118 they have t.hr~ dolJJ boa"! • le ID operoUon down off Baa Cle· Bury moctpU, mente. pier. Boaln ... ..,. at &:GO C\fmm*n ' L m.; 7 a.. m. and 8:00 L m.. Bup Waler, Healen . BllaVICZ a REPA1118 I~ B.c'61o/4 'AwtllarhMDoaler Da7 • !i)pl -.. ruws I~ Do... • all HNhn ._,lfa>l>or IM!-W . . . . LE'l"8 -00 DEJlll' SE& Fl8BING I • .. .. ..... . . J . \- NOON ·BOAT.-.1}11& ARROW . . . . 10 ~ .~ ~ • • 8TAR'1'8 8A~AY; Af.BIL 14 1 .. '· . ' . ~.;,,. Gf)M)' 5 a. .:,.. : ... : ... .$eJio Alaluliga -t ·,. m. .... IU!O. May-B 6:88 a. m. ..... 5.ll0 Mlaiawlt 7' a. m. ~.. 6.50 ~,.-NO... ........ 4.118 ' . Port . Ofcmge . FISBING 80U 119'«::.,.~t l(lglnny .. Newport Be.eh .. Ph6'1e 8-lcin ~25 . ·~. .. f . . . 'ZEE. so~ ·.TEsT ·tlSSUE GREEN I F&MO,Y· IVORY PAK . ...... •. , .... . l't' a••~ Mi.., ... .,. 4 ---... l{e.....!:9-~·sv _. ... M-....-...-,....,...,..,... ...... "!'~ aa ...,,: * • aod1 -(37,). Melt bu.nw ia ~ _ B.L.nd. ln ~ ...... ..u ud ..,.,.... Slowt, otir "1. in cup Nm. liquid.. Boil 1 aia..., ,m. rinc all c.he .-.. ... ... ''"°"' hut; otirlaaillc.A.4.ldniMdi-.u.Pat .... Nlaaa .iw. hold;ec olNiur 4 cupo. """""' -....... -..,.. -1 • ~ .. -i..w.i,-i-. Sino -IM ....... ...._._ r-.. ,,_., .... . ....... . 1•rlae, Pl••r, •r••• '' ., .._. .... a \ • SPRY s lb. ORCHID OF ~UR .. ~ ......... ~F ' :2 . ,. 9c . . r1.SSVE . ., ................... ~ . :. .,.... . . . , I t 1 · r .. ii"~,:~2 Jn 21· 71Jc ••• •. ., aua ' ~.au · 1'•~-c4ioiu11il·, PO waD • , i:;. ' . ' ~l A.LIJ FV~ llBA..ND8 ? . .. 1 ,. ""t' :{ ' I I c1G~RE1 res EAsTZRN . . i .. ·i;.:. . . •t;;·:~c __ 1_.45..,....0ol't.,_· -----.. SLICED ,~con ......... ; ........ Jb. ~ ~ •• A..RDEN'S F111lt8& QIUJlNED • . -Bu~RMl.LK · · ..... h .. • • • • I I .I; , -~. "11"'. 8.IB'f BEEF ". • ~ •. : • • . ' ' t6c n:x 26c ~,,s1r10tf~*$~~~..:· 1r 29c ;:;;..;~:~&,i. Rit •. ~· .6fc Oolore<l OLEO ...... ·-·-··· .. Jb. • SALES TAX COLLECTED ON All TAXABLE JTEMS .. . ' WE RA VE A GOOD 8TOOK OF BAKING 'SODA ~ o• OE~'!t.,8'rll.UNEI> BAIY FOOD 3 , .. 25" We •it re . . ru.B&M OOUPONS WORTB•lk UCB ' ... ..---- • ,;. . ,., -~FRESH kOZEN . . I ' . CUTCJLIEANS ... * L o ·A S :~ T~ the OommaAdallt of the Sum-Boat "Balboa." , boaln leeve at 6 :16 1o. rn. and rum t>eu '8tr.: _ ' • ht the l!lour-. G&l'ey. rent .......,..,. '"' My dolUlll cabla-IM>J n~nd -the -.!. lo Wblcll r bad and ·~ la .....q to roll. -...... It, ,_ -II-Ip to UM d!llP1-mea ol the Ano;ltnt and PhD 1CU'penlnr i. tha --- Honoian61e 0om-, ot ~ro of ~ Newport Harbor Y,.,i.t. club. l.bla J:eor • .,_.th Joe lll">\J ,........, 1be m1ac-.-.. -.rtoaod ~ tile a .. t, ltee!llaUlod and b-U.. _.._ TlllO 8bould P""" a win-, fnlnl tho )'Onl ...,. tor, lila, tno~. -, ' nlrl&' coablnalion. CoD the lllUO ._ __ un-~ ~.to Illa-••· .,. ,. .. tw atoi rid c!W-)ad)"at u.ep1or r .. U...<1a111cald. -• to our -oadire. -Ii ti.a -n to -mare lioert Let'•'JO '-'>•bait -to.,..... CUT CQJIN "-~-.. Borrew ap to DOOi moe ~ ...... ou· W .... fer 1t' '' I tb- -pUlllq, roellq, electlleel ~·-" All;F 1.11111',.S· Hou~s: 7:30 e. ""; to~ S:~o ·~· m. Deily Sunday - 9 e. m.-ti) I p. -m. " THRiii f!U0118 GOOD AT njD ~ ~ wan -...., AP1UL U ~ APSIL. • , -' .... 11111111 l 1611 aa ... , I 1'.t.19 : • . ' ~ --""llltJr tor,_ ........ lll'·(ed. 111-k~ _., .. . ol bwtiee. ........ '"' .. •d111t ....... of .............. ~-----uw-..,.. Vlllll ~~ the .... ,,, .. j) .... -- -o6 • ,,.. "' u... filoltb ~ ...... ~~ "::"'!1'-out;;'-.,...,..._ ,,.._ .... lllf ,.,.._ .......... lo -,...,......., lo ... ........,, 1llm,J :roar ..................... ---· ' , • a! C&bdllo ---Ooota .._ If "1 -"''" ,.,. or--. ..,. u O. ........... -. llftid ... --a .... ,._ at. U.. "1 at._. • .,.,_,...,,..._ ~.1rat117, 1t _.,. --awwwv. earu. ~ 111o7 - ftll plllC!ld"' ilMI , IV' ..... --8"'.. '17 ..... IW Jlr. -Ill\. 0 8IWf Rol"!J. ...,.. ci.lt .._.. ftlll. ... GU&, ..... & I 7 •e CI Cb$ I C).jmt ... -..-: ~et Mn... o.tl'o.., 80t .. Jet pet'Ur1 .. ll Ulll P11Mt OIF11 e,r a. 11' IL 4 , W & QI_. Jllil 2 I I M\llb • . ... -...,. Z. C. = • • QmsO all.W.f P . o1•11.-cw1,"1Dh• tlllll •sat,_.. ~•.[? nW111&111 Iii :..frif.:.40:,• \1tl Ul2'# 11a. • • •1} ... -~~ ~--lltl\S .... . •~eou ~--·-­ . ~illCH· .,,._.:_ .. ..:.. I .. • ' • .. • • • • , • , .,, • ~ • ' • • 7 ' •, • • .. - " I I I l l I l ·1 ' l • ·• I ~r"""~~-~~·•••~.•"""':~•••~·~·~:••••~1~•P ... .., ... ~~ .... ,..~'!""~t•~ss~••••1••••••~0 .... •.•••",•0•••••••0~·~0 •••0 ~·····••••~.-·•~•~·•••••••••;••••"•~·•••••·,._, •• ,.,_, _____ ,._ •• , ••• ~.-·-·....,r~<-·*~.-.~-:-·-·-·-·-···••~r__.....--,_~...,..~~.....--1-_-,~F -~~·;--·"7•<"1 . ' • • l • • • • ·, ' I ' 'I • l • • • J r .. • • • ~ l BroaCIWa""·:Hif· -· , ,·. °liA6e: ~ ,. '/ ... ?. • , .... ... . . ' - -_WH\ERE ro · j>INE to be 'Pr• ... ed .by ~·~~~-~yeri -.. ;,111! _llO:::_. • • Pil;l;$--4 The Newpoot~ Ooanm•• ~_.,...,.~~--~~~~f-'--,:--'~~~~~--''--~---,,..-•'t.7 Pia,. .. bawe. .(lptahed .. otlnc' N rt· ti. _ , " Semi-Al?stra<;'ts in New Show DANCING • ENTERTAINMENT .• THEATRES ~ ~8 Pbit~ =~. ~wpo DOY I' ..i 1n the ... , ... ~lCnllhl. to Be Seen Soon ·· ~ 7'o>!. l!lcl7Ule ~"' ...,,. . TV p . at CDM Gallery , Dodgt la movlnc. Watch It! Callfonda"• Gnateet OU"'-Play RA.MONA ,• huM.t.4 • Eac>i SATUKDA'\-II BUNDA Y •• 2:45 p. - April U-H April 111-:19 NOW SHOWll<G ~' JD: FOB BONZO" Repn. Dlllna J:.Youo ••o LING BOUSE'' , Vleto •tare. Wl'.IL Bead.lx s ARTS SUNDA y "FATHERS LITJ:LE May M . ,. i DIVO.-EJ."lll>" [ 8peuer Tf'M:y "' ...... th ,..,. ... BEAUTIFUL RAMONA BOWL HIMET Cut. of Over MO Peop~ -..... s.ai. s1J10 """' sz.40 c11tct. r .. 1 "INSIDl'l STRAIGHT" O.~ .Brlu,.. Arlene Dall.I 1 General AdmlM&on ll.%0 Writ. ., f'ttol'lu : Ramoaa Bowl, Hemet 1111 or .4.JrfY MUl,UAl TICKfT ASEHCY FOl llSll't.4.TIONS WtVEM E.ACM . SPll Ne By tM People of Hemet and 8a.D IW!lto COUPON SPECIAL! ' WllEllE OI Tlll!l WORLD WOULD YOU GOT ... CBARLO'ITE HOLLINSHEAD '°"'dM •• ., ...... .ti•• Good U•Ul Aprtl 19 Br1na thJa Coupon and set • 10% Ol!!ICOU•t OD BEDDING ,PLA:o<TS fw . • nANU • SHIP\ • 1.AllS • HOTEU Wu.,,.I nt..tru rrcliri Aqlllk'I . Vincent's Travel Bureau MMll.ot •• ·•.o.i "'-Mua.•1,..•· Y\au.t'1 Udo °'"-' 'THE ARCJ-1ES •• CAFE and COCI<TAIL LOUNGE • ' . OPEN 10 L m. Through 2 L m. • Newport Bbrd. on Cout Highway 1Nl:WPORT ' -r \VE ARE CLOSF.D ON mUll,8DA YS • YOU'LL ENJOY DINING OUT AT NORTON'S BAYSHORE ~ RESTAURANT ] COMPLETE DINNERS •• perialislnl' ln f:\•erythlnK That'• Good" Pt)one: Beacon ~~45 Houn: 10 a. m. to 9 p. m . Olnner 5 lo 9 p. m. • Closed Wedneeda'y11 1 17th &l Ci>ast RighW3y Newport Beach NOW OPEN ROSS MORE NEWPORT DINING ROOM OUR MENU CHOICE OF SOUP DU JOUR or SHRIMP COCKTAIL Salad with Choice of Dressing GRILLED SWORDFISH, Tartar Sauce ... . BROILED LOBSTER, Drawn Butter ............. :. GRILLED SALMON STEAK. Lemon Butter . GRlLLED WHITE SEA BASS, Tartar Sauce FRENCH FRIED LOUISIANA SHRIMPS, 1.50 J.15 1.40 1:40 Special Sauce .. ........... ................ ............... 1.40 GRILLED ABALONE STEAK, Lemon Butter ...... 1.40 Y A'NKEE POT ROAST, Butte~ Noodles . .. . 1.50 VIRGINIA.BAKED HAM and Fruit Sauce ......... 1.60 ROAST TOM TURKEY with Dreseing, • Cranberry Sauce .......................... ~ .. : ''" SOUTHERN FRlED ClllCKEN . . . .... . ..... . CHICKEN FRlED STEAK, Country Gravy .. GRADE A-N. Y. CUT S'l'F.AK . 1.50 1.65 1.40 French Fried Ori.ion Rings ........... ·.................. 2.25 SPECIAL CLUB ST~. Baked Potato ............ 2.00 Coffee or Te& Vegetable· Baked Potatoes with ~eeae Sauce, Dessert 'ALSO Sandwiches and Ai.I C!U"le Specials ROSSMORE NEWPORT ( N~ under muagement of Ralph and BeNte Covtn.cton ""' fonnerly of Fullerton) 2800 Newporf Blvd. Har. 0669 RQSSMORE SPORTSMAN WHARF 40 I Main, Balboa Har. 1242 . . ROSSMORI SANl'A-.lNA . .~10 N. Sycamore "Kl. l-2337 Flu 0.tertq, aear or far for &nice Clube, Pwtlea. 8uquets. Witvate bu!qllet ~ la Newport."& S..ta All& lh•.., (Jall tiay of oar c!!whog row 1~ ra«t. FMdOOS FOR-Fl.NE FooD . ~ ;N. .... ~ 0 , ' L-' ~ '2'""t'. O/ood.• Si11~, ... Chicken · ~ ' • NOW SHOWING 'ConUauous Sunday frc;>m I :SO • l.AUGH SU"PRISE OF'TM• WAA! -GENE TIERNEY .. JOHN WNO ........ Pidww ADDEO: "Fun at Sbado"· Mou•taln,. "Pack l "p Your Troubh.._ .. ('ur"'n' Sr\\'11 llap1wnlD("t Klddlt" !\lal.lnrc-Sal. 1 :45--14c SI SID!l Billi DI IOLIT 6lAOIS 61016[ -· DAWIO BUIL£1 -. -;..0-:::.: Nf)'\\' -t'JK8T KI'S (ill•nn 1-'urtl Rhofla t "lf"1nlnit, "REDHEAD and the COWBOY" -Plui - Rt·l l(' ... , 1 .. "-rry Su Ill\ RD "PAYMENT ON DEMAND" t\1ldt•d ! A llll l:artoon '"l'llTTY TAT TltOl"IJJ..E" ~tarl11 Sun:. rnnl. i :3{) JJ. m. Tf•rhnl4·olnr Rl'ICT 1.A~"('ASTt.;Jt lltlRT. "',\l .Kt~lt ,r(>A!\'~E l)ltl~ "VENGEANCE VALLEY " 2nd MAJOR Ft-;ATl 'Kf: • THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING REST AU RANTS! Food Expertly l'repared and Gracloualy l'C.Prv~. In Our l "nlqut> Olnlni;: Room }~rtt Indoor Parklnr; :"\ext Door in Long Beach 111 American 'FU·N • La9una Beach .Co~munity Playhouse Pr'HP•t• 8am .. I 8P"JwaeJc.•• ltllartoue Coined)- "°TWO BUND MICE" Aprll II. It, II, 14, I~ and 20 and Zl CUrta.ln B:SG Admluion. tt.0.0 Phone Lapna ....e5t9 for ae-in•aUoaa HUIRT HU&IHG Latin America cathert .. ....,~ ~ Bicon.· on rograms Orren ·Bl'oo~ W{u1am · ~r ~ I Jack8on. Swen "Broekmu,. Denay Soon to be seen bn W eat -Ooa.&t Following immediately a.ft.er the ~. BU1 Qrentt.8: ,Btterly televUdon will be Petq Roy Wei· very b-Uccessful Thirteen ~enu l(,ellha. P'red B~ aQd l'r'ancll pn. .aon of Mr. and Mrs. Peter .ghow 1at 1100 Cna.st Highway, Horvath. · ' -, · Welgan •. )(unJctpst Trailer park( Corona dcl f.tar and openiig on The production w!U" "-t dlreoted Petter ,plays the part of a neWBboy Friday, is a llhow by Emily Fran>c bj Olenn Wella of lAcuna Be&ch ln • commercl&l for Sunkist who i9 on a tour of. the south and and the •t.&.ce mariacer la Patt Orange Julee, the film belnJ pro-southwest . CrllicH have pra.l.Hd Witte. duced by Me.rcury International or her work as vt·ry peraonal and '"The Philadelphia Stoey" will be Corona del Mar. creaUvcly original. (lven April 2e. 27, ·ii at the. Or· Peter le 12 yean old and a 7lh, Recently shoWn a t the J09eph &nl'f Cout College cbapel. Tk:.ketl CT&de 1tudent at Horace Ensign Sartor gallery in DaJlu and ln wW l"O on sale next week. ecbool. While hi snewaboy pa.rt is the Tucker g-a.Ucry, Miami, the eomet.hing new, he 18 no 1tra.nge r pictures were termed "a memor- ~ televt1lon· to rhe l\u appeared able exhibit.•· St'm.1-abstracta but man.y tlmca In the put year as an classic in thei r color schemes, accordionilt on "Star• of Tomor-many are fantasies, lmpressiona roW." of tho artist's recent stay in Eu- Modlfled II Jalopy Races I s b•ect of BIG DOl'BLE SHOW s u J .. . D&n • Lui&, naUooally known Dan l-utz Featur-ecl-Artist in OCAA Exhibit Wlnner of aeveral local tal<'nl rope anti some were exhibited ln ~ftleeta. hta la.st appearance se-Pari:-i. Thrf"f' sho\l.'3 have been held cured for him the second lead In In New York. Su.nclay, Apri'I IS -le P· m. F , s k" painter, who hu h&d one-man TALBERT STADIUM orum· pea er showo In thirty m._,m, and '----H-"-"-"-"-'-"'-" ______ , __ _.! ~ &::.1e::1u~e~e: :::~O.:t~ -------------! "Latin AmerlC¥J Strong Men" for th!! Orange County Art Aaocl- will be discu.!18<'<1 by Dr. Hubert atlon'• Aprtl l!!x.hibltlon, held In Herrtng, profrMQr of Latin Amert-tbf' Fullerton Public Library . Jec- ca.n Clvilizallon, c ·a rl•mont Gr"du· ture hall. FIJN Witll • "ZING" OON't U IS\ OUI "'ES{Nt SHOW GllLS -G1llS - TV ANTENNAS l:SST1\_LJ.t;n and :-iER\'ICl:.D TIDE TV llar. :?08 EnGAR tit. Al.l ... E~. Editor. ate 8Chool. at the a<.'cond ~Sllion of Mr. l.AJU, who 1tudted at the the Qrange CnMt ,;prin~ Forum Chicago Art Iruitltute a.nd in ~rr.!I. nr xt \VednoOO.s y, April 18. I Europe after winning the Jamee at 8 o'c:ock. In the C'Oill"ge auditor-Nelson R&Yrvond European Tranl- tum. Ing Fe110W1hlp, hu won doec! to Rcri'lnK. a Rraduate or Ob<'rlln two do:1en high awarcb in national Coll.-~e and Columbia University, competltlolll!I. and bq been on the has be<'n a prr11i~lf'nl trav1•IPr ovc1 Fine Art.a Faculty at the Unlver- the y,·orld f11 r thirty Yt•ars and dur· s.ity or Southern OOiromla, Chi- Inc that t 1mr ha~ n1 a rl<.' rPpcatcd cago Art lnatltute Summer i1chool. ; tr;lp111 lo Eurnpr, Mrxlco and South and" at Choulnard School of Art, i AmPrica. He ls lhC' author o f twn Loli Angelet. R~ bu beeJl called I b~t .:.rlh·r:r1 : "Gnod N clJ;hbotl!I" Bfld the ··80lltarY genius type of artl111t, "Mt-XIC'ri, tht.· Makini; uf a Nation," who pe.lnt.s from wlthln more than' and of nun1('rnul! arttc't's on Latin fro1n without" and ht.a canv&8e8 America tha t have appeared In glow with emotion and vlbr&nt col- !llUCh 1'11R!{&7.inrs a..e Harp<•r's, falC' or and a peculiarly arreatlng ln- Re"Ylew, l'urtf'nt H istory and dt\.;duality that wtll be long ·re-- Gra phic Sun.•c•y. mf'mbe~ . Accordln~ lo rt'purts ••J-f crrlng"" The Dan Llf\Z exhibition wtll be chll'f lntrrf'st 1.:. a lways in proplr, open to the public dally except a.n<I In t1.ll lnnrl:i \Yhh·h h r visll111 hC' s d 10 t 8 ( th un ay. a . m. o p, m., or e rtndit opportunity lo t.it.lk with entire n1onlh or April. pt<'siUrnl~. loa i il·r~;>f busine"-'4, ,Ja- bot lradrr:r1 PUl•l plain cillzrns." I Re .. ·1s1"on of 01'1 Aa a. lf'Ct ur,·r Hubert Herring y h11JO 1tp1,.·a.rerl h+'fnt(' hundrf'd8 of (Continued from Pace 1) audiences .-cnl1ege, university. open forun1 anrl private cluba. EvPryWhC'rt• he hu bC"rn y,•lclely acclaimed M 11n Ab\(• inlt'rprctPr or worlfl arfairs ll.lld an authority o n Latin .l\n1 er1ra "A lot of pt'oplr arc wrltln&;: 11bout Lalin A1nt'ric:an these daya," reports" lht' ~t . LouUi: Di~atch, "bu~ no onr spr>akH with 1no re au- thority than Hubert He rring." Hrrrin~·:-i IPCtUrf', like all lec- ture• in the Orange Coast Forum Serles, 1.3 rrce 1.o tht.• gent>ral pub- lic. A l the r nrl <1f the JeclUrt> a lhirty-m1nute qur"tlon-answ£>r per- lud wtJl IJt> he ld, and at thl.!I tlnll' any n1cn1~r nf lh(' audi<~nce may uk (or further eluC'lrlation of a p.olnt of may poee his own que:!l- tlon. the county plano.lrig commbalon were BOOn to be held., Members of the Coutal Com- mittee AgaJn1t OU Wells were prt:sent at the Tuesd&y eeulon and dt.'fTlandf'd to know what the auper- ··1<Mlr~ were going to do about oil. They were headed by their chair- man. Mrs. Amy G. 1'.ennedy of La- guna. ' 'I W. G. Perron. a re1ldent of eoL cona del Ma.r, said he recently had visited the alte of an oil well be- ing i:lrllled back of Corona High- lands, which re&identa had' opposed some time back. He &a.Id he waa t old th<' origlna.J well aiCe had been abandoned and that the drWlng company had moved a short dis- t.a.nee and •tarted a.new. • H e uked the eupervieon it Bro•nl"''tM~I ~t·ws -"The wo rd La:-<' 1·nml'."!'! Crum the Latm •tax.•r<'', n1l~an1nJ: tu 'toul'h llghlly'-1naybe the Grf'<'.k~ have a b<'tlrr word for •,.1that's happr n1nJ.; nc;w." changing the 1lte~ould reqµlre a. new variance rrom the pla..nningo comml&aion end ~rvieore, •and waa to'd a new pefmlt would be required. Supt-rvlaor.!1 lnatructed Plannlng Df'rector Charlea H ., Diggs to investigate. Board mem\Jen said the Pran- ning commlulon 18 workl.ng on · propoacd changea in the sodtng · ordinance. They Mid public hear- lnga would be held by both t.be plan board and the aupervtaors t>e. fore any amendment.a are adopted. Fifty . 1;cven per cent o ( Jul year's futal acc1denls occurred dunnJ; ho11r1t of ta• kne83. ' WE llKE to talk about stocks -~J-: L ~~ Perhaps there .. nothinc new we can tell you about ltodm.· On the other hand. then may be certain trunp •bout them .,.. c:•n clear up for you. Foe ft· - ample: • •• what you actually own wbm you own a ahar9 of lltock. ••• what evidence y<N baw ol your ownnwbipr. ••• what riabta-and ,..pons1bU- ities -yovr aharee aive you. ·Why not otap by? Any-!J>. tereated in eeeuriti• ii ahrq9 wtlcome hero. • ZONE IO:W MU81CA'L -Dorb Da,y and Gene 'Nelson· stw In the ~hnioo"or ntmlcal "Lullaby of aroam.-.y .. u ·hteh follows "~lat· lnl' 8"son'" cloAlnc next Moo- day nJ.pt at ~ Udo thNtre. · DETOUR PROVES FA!ITEB l! you have your choli,::e betwffq 1 making a detour or' attempttiig td pass t.he open ~alt ot a road uD.t · der repair or recoruitrUctlon. tbil , hlrhway en~neer tnd the Naf1on~ al Automobile CJub unite In coun~ seling you to make the former your choice. It la the tuter route, they aay, In alma« eyVy cue: It ls partlcularlY ao When tbe road under repair ls carrying a con.Bid~ et11.bll!! volume of local tra.tnc: which ne~r 11 ln 1uch a hurry u that bound for d.latant place.a. · Man7 a big deal bu bee:n made lhru a .mall Want Ad a performance of Snow White and "Contcn1porAry modt>m palntlng the Seve n Dwarfs, that of Berthald but done v.·ith romanticism," say the Huntsma.n. when the play wa~ Somr Or the critics. Othrr.!I "Il hit.a preaented at Laguna Beach Play-w1th en !mpact and makea you houee. Pet~r haa a1ao played at proJt>Cl your own thinking." A.Do many community bentfil concertA inclu<k-d in th(' show, which wtll a.nd hu appeared t?i ac.hool pla.y11, Ja....,t ror Ly,·o wN"k"" a re small deco- lut . being the leading role in a ral1v1• picturC's in pen and lnk and Chrl8tm&l! play, "C h r Lat m as crayon . Around the World." . ' ~ PETER ROY "l'EJ.,G.~,,_ \ t PHYLUS llNIGl:IT 0t A'nabeim plays the lead part (madf fMD· Olla -,. llatberhle BeplMlr9) tn The-Phlladf'lphla Sto~·. t<t be pre- wated ~ Newport Hatbor Community (>la)·ers April 26, 27 and U at on.a..., c.at collcse chap·I. ~fr&. Knia:rht h8ll pla)·ed 1N4 .......,, tn produetlpM at Anaheim and t 'ullerton M·h091& and Ocd- dental oollep.. • I j OPIN EYEIY FRID~ , SATUIDAT and ~~~ tool!' 'nM"! -· (left .. ~ • "1'&"......, .... , ..... A. 9eill. • •t .., .... .,'Dr • S.e1 ~: ,, «~~r , • • • ; - • • • ' • .. • • "I I . r l I I , r, 1,· .. ;L" . . ' .. . 1 • J__ •· ' • 1· PA IDT T : ' . ~Y ·AJIRIC T2 Tt!f 111!;& ~,,,,!!IO't!!?!~';!:IA~' --=---=--1!·~~~g~~=~-··•!;'::•!!D~""!!'!i•!D?!ILD~OOOll8~!!_--. ·BOA~ l1Jnl.DI "· .lPAMMCN&. ~ .. ~ lit.Mii -111 a r · -.. ~..... ... ... Buy Your TV NOW! , .. -ioaw ..• '-" _. , ·. --~ -..,..-tniwel!Wl-• :, • I. ~-~·...a -IL ' . • '·~ :1· A%""'1f ,,..,.,MQqa -~--... ;.;.;•tertl~ . -'11"1:8.A.~llAJrtCAw . LID0'·191Jr. ........ ,l'htf ta I' ... . 5 KISS~ -. •. o. --•1 a 7 -.... ""_,_...t, -11 ooll It.~ II --• ~ -UDO nuw ... -A<lodta. nu .... . . -, 4 -'::, ~ • .-.:•~.,1 c::.'i I .. -... -..;., • W , See ,,_. u:>W Pricea Ulliftnal 11ar1M .... 4 qi;,' , Jllla ... -.,;• ... =~-.., __ doola -. -tt.t ... T'J. , -iJ..18 lip. _.pa.;~ llpt& AlllD b IS 11 -lllilo · f • "~.., .. •··~ PUCo 0oa-.1111.· TV. 11:a--••a1r-._ -n A, PAL' .. 1 ... ...., ~ . r---------.... ~~--,...;.----------, Patio Furni.ture . :i:'!,~ .='.!': :..:;: C"u.!..""' 1nc. .. ~re-•:;z11t.:;:':'.,:,:~.,.":'.-:.". .~~~;,sr~ .. llOfJI" ~ ;!!! _ ··=- . ' c L A ~ S-I I F. f E D .PAINTED -...... i111 a • IVJ -$189.\M) : Cole's "'-~: .. g. Rort -~ ._ ;;.Im l::· ~ UM!AL -i.-.. • ' , : °W • -• .... ..,....... < I .,-· -. z-~-J'rtftte• · ' ' . , Phone Beacon Mll1° WA111' M•ID,AQSlfnqeC, mlddle • Ullo" Bloolde OOn.1>le TV • l~,way.~ie Aw, ~OWJ)Oll'l ~ .,,..........,... -~ n . ..., ... 1-IW 1 men ._ 1 . . l .. ' t;lc'I ..-. .. -·, "'*--$17995 , ' ' ·' -·,,;:==a-:='°• -•t>1a ~ ~UIC TOP,·. • . . The ~ighft,I · dql!t In Advertiai119 .-L ~ .. .elllh. Oood • • . , • ~ .,,.__ --, 401 Newpoit 'Bhol.: Nn:'* .. ....... •• 1 11• 1"_!11.o ~ -BOOKS-SEA 1 BUUKS · 9 ~· fl&--.:: BelL (al>ove A.)T· 99tfe NEWS-TJMi!.8 --:;-EyePV Tueeday roUND -Pair of si-tor-Jr c/o Ullo~. '~ 10'' db1e mod~ TV .. ..$!H.50 A~=:--=:.":. .a_:: ~~:: e.~ · · FllRNIUll:I> ~M tor 1 -..' NEWPORT BAY ~T'...::.: w~ ~ ::njl"::. ~"::. ~ w~~!. ·.::.:::: 7'' ~ble 111odel TV -$32.50 ..... I .... ~ • " ~l Bd>. It Har. 1..,.w_ NEWPORT BALBOA-pu....,a ---.a... dalm Md pe~ tor ad. Appl)' : ~ llL rr-.-. ~ {!CA. CONSOLll' 1r Tl(, 1llte n-The 181aJJueN ~ -~ -.&.o-Y8 P!w -orote. m1 Be~ 8"'1.. I ·-• wit!> AM • FM radio, -uutal tH Kal1M, ·-la. Bar lit? .Newport BU Poat ::IMll.fted Adi_,.,,.. ta• T'l•1aJ' Newport Baacb ltfO: WAMT lllAJlDC'8: •r""nJc to mabopAy• cabm..,;t with doon · N.,....,,_ or "'8 ft..,.,. r.-wwti ., 1-u .,, _ _, now only ssov.oo OUTBOARD Motor (llartln ~) llONDRlJ( AD Ii 4 µNU LOST-Blue Paz.keel, vuy l&Jy, --·-, about 40 -rwmi¢ Nfect All CleMllled ~mast be paid fo. OMt/ la odm,_ of pabllm&loa. neal 1411 W. ·Bey An .. NewpcM T.,arr -h••, ........ of fJD• K .. p In touch with UI for SoOd conMU.... A•-.UO . -·· 126 wm . · e;.er.i 4 lJiaes 1 Paper! $ •16 ~or Ph. BAIP. -.ix. In -.. -_.,._ bu)'• 1n TV .. t.s ber.g traded SUM>. CU m .·~ N-rt. rata. FURN. 1 Ill> 4 JJnre z ...,_ 1.50 841UJ( IUD:PTAllD;'-..,. om 1n -• an. 5 p. If-. . &pll laundry room, .leliee\I & ...... D ' Odl • • pound for ~ prage 4 IJnett . S Pajlen . !.00 -------· -' ---SPEED QUEEN wuhlnc machine, · MOORINGS yw. pd. BLtlJI ~. 4 Tiie publlahen Will not be rapiin.stble fbr mon than one IDC<Jmlt1 In ~~ to the Ad For a nice condlllon, white enamei Plea-.. aad Qiauliercial . po.t Blvd., NeWPort Be 1-rtlon of •n advertlllemen\, ,....rve the rtCl>t to COM'eCIJ¥ da.ulty MOTEL MANAGER -$89.05. -LIDO ...,,.,....,, ... ,. • , An:llM) aiay and all ada and to reject any ad'ftrttaement not conforml.n&' to The IMtYert1en ~tved eo many -r &"~~..-------.....,.--t~~-rul•. and regulations. Ad ... rtllem111>t.s and cancell&Ucmo wl1f bo repU.., he i. wlal\lt to IUl9W., G. E . Refrigerator. late model, · YACffl' ANCBOJlA.GE RENTAL . J eccepted up to D p.m. on the il&Y ~· pul>lkaUon. Pb. Hu. 1111 tham IJidlvidllally and ., taka Jars• 91&e .......................... $119.9$ End of stat e't. lkrobr-23111 I' ....,_ Her, une, uk tor "Ad ~ 8' ...,. 8'I ud Nmlt,..._ 1• tbla fn..,.. of ""P.-n& -hie ' NEWPOftT BB:ACH SP'E014\L.ll ' NEWPORT HAJUI0.8 ~BING co. 1? !~TIO)q~ WA.lO'l:D. • tlwtlia far :yGUr lett......Tlle EABY TERM\t ARRANGl!:D 9tce · Hll ---~ l'l-" ~· Olllll•nla. "!:! =· ~ .... ~~.::!' poelllon "' 111¥· • • ... DA VIS-BROWN Co. Ltnw:'d Vic'k.11 ~ BOUl!li ca..adn.o lNTllltlOll -Ell'IWUOll .::.";..... ~ ~ I PAINTING rutly lnaUnd. Lltil:Nu:o -INllU!lilD-- Al ' 8 House & Rug Glenn Johnston lllrl. wwwna, call Hu. '11186 ... par~ 111•1c1),_.!QXJ09 1111!1 HARBOR. BLVD. $30-WANT to rent ema!J B&lboa l'alln4 liar. OpT COST A MEsA sailboat at Balboa !Sat 2' · . . · , 80. CALIJI'. BIBLll COLL1IXIJC women studlnta want put. Ul'Dt work. · Baby attu.nc. bOu.eework, . ll'Clftl.D.c, reetaUl'anl work, etc. I'll. Kimberly 3-&!81, Ext. 11. wmERS RAN':! ~~!u ~ , Pbane BeaC011 ea:i wks. April. 2 _adults, ex-Yearly Ren Alao Jewel -ot eolorw. Pfte J'OUR R~-· 1'1JRNl'J'tJR• In· pen'enced aailora, w'i1I take CORONA DEL~ SOU\h of HI· ~'"""" 1n--.,uon d lo ~ -. way •. fllrajalled epL, 2 bl!droome. .,._......... ...... .... a.n co ' du4ih& llOO Serve! ntrtcentor. ~-one wt1h twin beda. Lov ly view, planner folderw. Uoo ___, w..ien Holl! cook good care of ooat. Write . ~--bo n •LBOA ~,ft~-'HD~ CO. •-$811 montll. Adult.. i ~ r --~•A "-etove. ,. N-t Bm!., 00.ta Box 11, this pa""r. 5p7 n•~-w ----. p m Buln Branch; s.,1!lde Drive -. -·-.---&p6 .--~ -~ • · · Your Fuller Dealer SMALL NICELY Jl'URk AP!'. A Good Plaee to Go Ra,ttan Furniture w~...-... radio wWI Prim• entrance' and )\Ord. Au- $Gl • l1.at 81. Newport - ' __ :Cl~ea~n~in~g~Co::~·~·~~i--~~--;·~·~....,.;;;--~i~;;.:;-~...,~·· .... am:• nu ntre For Venetian Blinds, ~~G . Spl TELEPHONE MEN Shade& and Drapery .H~e. m !..~ THE SHAD!n SHOP _ -1617..J( - Free estimate. Ph H~ 8M p ' u A .... ~om 514. 29th St. NewPort Beach APER ll.IU, G ._ 13uc ~d ·PAINTING ~. _S_HAR __ P_ENIN ___ G __ w!l.~~!_b ... S.,U~t_ All toato -t&wnmowen • p~ J I Pban. •-llOM Dean.. knivee. l·t p.m. • Sun. ; 1'k92 FIXIT SHOP 809 Coast Highway Newport S..Ch . H :H.HOLBROOK ' .. DERENDABl.E PLUMBING 92pS I A Ptompt -~...,.-------i---1 Repejr ......... Malnl&IMd lJNJ~~=ING , Pbiioe > Hut1or 141-.w -----•-............ -. ... In 1I01 t;,:i-. BM., .Newport Bee.ch ,...,r ... -...u1g, ...,mwv.P c __ n~. ----------- wall waahin&' r o r buildln~ atoree. office• and homea. REPAIRING and n:RGUSON BDWJ:. ' p AINTING . Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 118 ft.EA.80NABLm. Luse or emall 4p6 jobe. IFree eoUmetn. Har. 2!181-R ------------ ll:xpertenced Dependahle 0 r a n I e Cty. T elephone em p Io ye•• urpntly need any ltlnd ot eve- ainl or week end work. to meet praent Uvin& C09l.a. Wtlte Rt. S, Box ~B. Oran&•, C&llf. tpe osce antenna., 2:5 watta or better. Ph. tomaUc heaL $50 mo. yearly • Ihde In th• Phllllpln .. and l..&lfUllA S-Cb 4-2Mll. 5p10 tllll. p&ld. 3M Broadway. 00.t.s . MlDDLll AGllD woman wlll do baby litUnc. R.ellable, experi- ence. Phone Be.aeon 8114·WK a. m. or evenlnp. ep7 UKE NEW, Proctor dial control er.ctrtc Iron, Sii and General Electric Hot Point watne iron. with beat indicator, $8. '100 Acacl&, Coron& del Mar. 1!9Uc 0 Mea&-Radio & Tdeviaion "Semca Th&t a.llano." • TELEVISION Salea -Service • <Installation RADIO REP AIRS WANT-Cement bk>ck l&ytn1. car- pentry, pointing, -• rn&lnten- &n«. boat enrtne tune.up, Ml 109 Broadway Cot-ta Ken or pa.rt tlme. can alter 4:SO ' 2c:1" p. 111. Harbor 30'53-JK. lp8 ------------ WANTED -H ousework by hour. OARAGE ~R Hardware. C.Om· plet~. Slicrfllce.. 509 Beconta St., ht of rderencea. Have own Corona del Jlla.r. 4p8 tril.ll9P0rtation-Ph. Bea. :!o214·M r ------------ 8p8 20 GAL. HOT WATER HEATER, ------------"""' condlUon, sr... 309 E. Bey Ave., Harbor 74&.W. •ct ln wr Own worll: ahopa. Meaa. 4c6 Wide cl1olca of fabrics. L.arT• dl9pl&y In so. Calif. ~C and Reupbolatertnc HOUSE & GARDEN 111 Qout Hwy .. NwpL, Bea. 1127T DINING ROOM SET con.sil:tlnc. of table and e chali-a. Licht wood. Phqne Harbor ·IM-R. 6p6 BALBOA )IA.RINA Small Boat Mart LISTINGS W~ 2802 Cout Hlghwo'y, Newport Bcb Phone Harbor 0171 · 9!1c96H 1946 CHRIS CRAFT O'nlter ~·­ $3950. 1949 While Star run&boul These eeta are floor m 1•· with 1949 Jolmeon 11 l).p. U...t have ·bftn car~ill)1\--"'....,oaid. and trailer. $600. Pb. u-1 in our at.ore' ond .,.,,. ·H . 1605-M. aepa not.be eold as new. Rau!ta come nom conat&nl Practice! An ad ftC'l)arly lo thla WILL SELL AT COST · · · peper wtll produce ruutw for Y'"'· ~VU. (projecta .. "x41~ TV pl<-U-M\.'BICAL, ll.&DIO on wau or movie llCften TWO BDRM. A PATIO. J!'Umlahed houee. PenlMul& Pota,t. Tun lease, 1100 per montll. Cati Bar- bot 19'1. I •c11 RENT~ JOIDI D. BURNlfAl' 507 E. Balboa Blvd.~ Balboa Harbor 1607 See I , Louise Apt:JJ. FJIRST Doul!!a and, Sln&l .. OVERLOOKING BAY Rec. ''229,96 NOW 079.97 SPINET piano, Repoueued. Poy 308 Cernatioft. Corona de1 Ma'r Hdl3H YOU PICK AND SA VE -700 ~ 11" table model · out balance $287. Another r&- chlcken fry.,.., l5(lc ea.ch. Brine Jlas, -.to NOW Slff.9~ po88'n. $39~. DANZ -SCHMIDT ENINSULA 2 bdfm box. ~7!) W . Wilson SL, Colt& Erne.non i2 i,;" comole Blg Pia.no Store One Hundred BALBOA P ~ - 'to 1"0RD VB -cu.tom• 1'Jdor-~ Jlte4lo ~ btr._ ll>I tu., electric clocl!. nyJon fuWn. ~ undeftJJ&t1nc etc. (!Nand cNmJ Next to n•w! A. most, deatrea~ buy for Ju.ot- $1665 '4 7 CHEV. 'Tteatmuter" 8odon Loaded W\Ul cortraa! ai.mouro .. "Met&Ulc" z,toae Bbl< 6 su- nniab! Wbere 1can You match tl\f9•year, mOe a.nd VALUE tor onl~ $995 '41 DODGE "Lwalsy Liner" Bed . .\ mnootb n•ntac, c)ee•\y 1".ept on0sfamUy CU'. (l!el!IO& Blue). $585 MECHANICS .BPIDCIAL! '40 PLY. club cpe. with radio 6 lllr. Bound body but need& mbtot' overhaul fth'9 pqpu1ar model book · for $600. l OUr FOLL PRICE, • .u 18"- . $248 P. S. "EXTRA GENEROUS" deal.8 atill left, on a f- brand new 1950 DODGES. -. SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE· PLYMOUTH Dir. Pbon, lleacon 6907 1938 Harbor Blvd. 00.l& -• '48 CHEvRoLET Club Ope. Very clean. 1 owner.· 1250 worth ot. enru. Reuonab!e price. In·· quire &l 924 E . Ocean ll'nlat (up. otaro), Balboa.. 4p6 M G '-T D -BR,ANI> NEW 1961 only 1500 mile&. -Private ~­ Har-2317-J Saturdays qd Sundayw or ~Yramld 1·1498. ff4 PART TDCE nunery achool leach· er 2().30 yn. PracUcal ape.rt· ence or 2 yrs. of colle1e nee~ u.ry. CalJ Beacon 615.f·W alter 8 p. m. 4<t Mesa. 4ct Jtes. $241..96 NOW it14.50 Planoe from which to choose. tumlahed hO\l.le.. MO fD9 to June ltrn.tnw;:in t•" TV, 3--qeed phono 520 N. Main, comer 6th, Santa 15th, uttl pd. Phone HJir. 801:~~ 1 NEW - EVERYTHING and FM • AM radio Ana. • r.wh FOK OOMPLJ:TI: llAKllOB ~ oovz&,.oz · ' _, nfl()J: A WEP -' NEWS· TIMES cwicl1 THE ·PUSS $3.50 per ye a for lolla Nl!:Wl'OST llAJUIO& PthHJPIU(O 00. HU Ee-BIYd. ._ -lilt WANTED SKIPPER for &G ft. tcbooner "Gallant." Phone eve- nlnp SYcamore 9·5221, Pua· den a.. flp8 MAN w ANTED for landacap1nc. See ·Mr. Btt.tem Satwday be- tween 10 • 12 a. m. Norm&n'• Nunery, 1313 Cout Highway ~rona del Mar. Oc7 WANTED -Aircraft machln.ialJI, eapne, lat.he and mill o~rators. 2 yra. minimum e.xpe-rJence. 0.y &od swing lhl:fU. Apply 830 W . 17th St., Cceta Mes&. 6c8 wtae people do read the ad&. FOR YOUR TRAlLl!:R Rec-$49991 NOW UM.9~ FlJRNISHED or trW..rURNIIHED STUDJ!AQAKERS Wll J'ILL B1JTAJU' aod Tel~t.ODe 18" table model GRAND PIANOS. Used. KnaM Roomy l ~~·-.;LfGarage. ! ~ . · PftOPA.lflll ·TA?ftlll Res. U49.116 NOW $1119.9!1 Cblckortng, Muon and Hemlln, Modern. Available May lat. JlOIEDIATE Dl!lLIVERY- Oompkte tnr..a!Atton. NPllU SED TV SETS Stlnway, Everett, Sch mer, · to trtna H""""' ,.~,._ Th~y Last · -and ~ce crt all Tralla U Wurlitzer, Starr, Kimball. Manf Yearly leue. Near 1 re•, ' -·J '.""""" · RCA 10'1 couole with 11" bubble others. From 139:5 up. Danz,. poPtatton. Harbor 29~J. 4pl5 . e.!:1:.~ae1 -)(. PorW Wu 1197.:IO NOW $146.00 Schmidt Big Piano Store. Santa NEW CLEAN 1 bedroom apt. Lp, Casli, Trade or Terms Halllcrafter 10" table model Ana. 520 No. Main, corner 8th. $4!) th. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY Wu s12~.oo NOW 1vt1,oo llvtnc rm .. unfUJ'1!., mon ALSO Can_ Arrange • COME In &nd play the Wonderful Children welcome. Co ' Factory Deliverj in Used Radio-Phono New Hammond Cbonl Organ. Coastland Realty . South Bend, Incl lttO HAJU!OR ~LVD. Mantola combination Even if you .don't · know a note 1595 Newport Blvd.. Casfa JI.ea Ootlta Mes&, Phone Beacon UJ4.R Wu $64.50 NOW $-f4.50 of music you can play beauUtuJ ~aeon 5702' (EveL, .Bea. 6259) Philco re-cord player and radk> ;nuak l.n ten mtnutn. DANZ-• , .f.c6 MATICRNITY CLOrHI;S. 11ixe 12. Wu "9.00 NOW $34 .50 SCHMIDT BIC Plano and OrPJ' -hardly u.ett. l'T'H'n pbard.Jne Philco recorder. record player A: Co., S20 No. Main, Santa AnL 2 BEDROOM home, partly turn .• ·'JO~ NICKE!rTZ Studebaker Dealer Certified Ulled Cua 2-pc. dr~. blacll: tall1enJt, 3.pc. FM-AM radio . -.garage. Bloclt from buatneaa. 198 •ult wt•~ ..... tu. H~bor 1381-R. Wu $139.50 NOW 1911.00 LOVELY BUNGALOW •lae up-E . 16th Sl .. f'.not• Mesa. Beacon tt7 ~ft~ I 8 i:lel 2-d I " '""" ' c-7 rigM plaoo I.a fine conditio~ 6186-W. -~T ~ 5..... 1 ,.. ~ ~·~ uze. Ofl' h -~-~~~~ DEA TH NOTICES land, Who died 8unclay •• her borne Lut eran Women TIDE TV 1196. Torma, S20 down"' $8.00 low mU...Ce, rad\<>, beater, •tel alter .an at.ended mn.-., wlll be SEVEN Good La7tDJ Beu. Rhodt! 3011 Newport Blvd., Hirbor 208 month at 8H.AFER KUSIC CO. SUMMER :rt.EN'l'AL -2 bdnn. A al I VJ:JtNON o. 8MlTll :f.t ,r: =-~~··~bu:; Plan Food Sale =d ::-iuv=~.~~ THREE PtEClt m&hogany bdrm . ~!~~e ~~l ~:.;r~Yc;.::~ ::,ty :1:t!°~:~'l:!ii!::; 1~ va "$945 Vernon 0 . Smith. 52, 2fXf Crysta.I Wtnbi&lu mOltuary. Me-. Ph_ Be&eon'...,._M.. 5p7 aet, wfth vanity. Call at 1352 · .t7tfc June 15th to Sett 15tb or lsa Mr. Lfirry Levering'• car. Ave., Balboa Jaland, d1ed at Bwp. ln M'1nne90ta, Kia HarU Members of the Wom~• M l• Weal Balboa Blvd. (upstairs lD if desired. 918 E. Balboa Blvd., ' W&rdaworth General hOllpit&l. Lo9 ia ~ by M"leral .Ueca and alonary Society of lbe ewport BT PRIVATE PA..RTT~ new re.r). , 5pe USED PIANOS from '60 up. Good Ba.Ibo&. Harbor 1302-J . 5e1 19•7 STUDE. Comm., 5 pas!!. cpe~ ~-after a long illnee.. He nepbe.l.n wbo Ndlk ta U.. llut. Harbor Luthuan c.hurcb met al wlUte tide wsJl <>oo41Hl' mper playing con di t Lon. D~· Orig. rtntah. O. D .. rad.lo, clim4· wu a veteran of World War 1•anc1 8lMI bad been a f'MkHa.t of BaJ. the Coeta Me.a.a home or Mn. Lot..-CUlib.lon ttrN. .... TIOx.15 (I.lat BEDROOM CHAIR. $18: Child'• SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Santa Lid Jsl ti2.er, ~le. Mr. Walter Burge111' i r t h&d •o tor many ye......, diatrict boa l&l.and tor lbe put 2'6 7-.ra. 0.. HeiDmlller, 2611 Ol'ange a~r. '111> Price 1115. ~e B.ubor wardrobe, $20: auto. ~r .'5: ~. corper Slh. . .• t. 0 . ~e ~,, a tor the~ ... Rubber • I .. r .' .. n,u~~· n. ~· Norton acu.d s=;·'f. . . ' ' 5p7 'G. JI;;~ $6; 7-ft. ~ rod ' . . ~~.Mifjr~, "· "a t t.~ " B 41rli • \1edt tus ~· l~ I dJ . buatneu mee,t-.f · 'l 4 , , sa· lf iOldtng roil&wlfl!' f20· 'lb-~r,~ati&t .jlld!n • • • ~ 'I". < . ~q. ~ ~ , o 1Aln lrli -a ·cod te<1 by Mrs. ear-~Iii 6·M:~ R&nc' sao : 2 i..... tampa. 13 ... · siC11ti • All ' wtlh-if mqip,is ! ·1 t ·; !, ·1 "" '\\ i~ : . ..-+.. 1 r.;; 'l1llWefn ~nta. ruiterat ea ~ , of 102 , , /J:" lppe ~1 .PIJ',;dent. 1-N-flt>llllwt.,. 6 matt ...... ··Dr, ~it -Helptr. Pbon• '-1a>u .'D OIO :-'p'.·'A. 'p• AT _:. • .,,.n . E pie p, aim<* • • '""b;\d at Veter\.na"A"dmlnta r&· -·~!'':"~eh'~ ~I A b&ked food at.le &Jong with • UO: a. It M.anrte. lik• new, 11!1; Beacon 5776·R. . 5c7 No. lWn, Santa •Ana. ~LU..l!d\. =~ ~~r;;:.· =~i:.~=~ Uon chapel, S&wte.lle. mo .. .._.... • 1 plant and ah.rub aale l8 plamtred t.U . 50 pl. CGeraJ., water INCORPOR'.ATl:D __, o-.a.. TllOM.A8 SDWARD BA.TUI-~~ ... ~ followed at for Satunl&y, April H at tho old •beater, $75; 2 !)ulbou!ll, f70 A US""'r. FURNITURE WE :wn.L• PAT Msboat C..b i\333 Via Lido Herbor 1!>00 inc'• c&\': ,-,:_tr< -~.... -Y crematory. PoSl otllce bulldinl' on Newport $8CI; UMd _..._ S:I N<ll; Maple £.iJ price for uprlpl pW.O.-Not • . ' !lc7 3416 NIEWl'ORT !JLVD, "Ibomu Edward Batu,# , dted Mr.11.ottrtdce, a retlred farmer, avenue, C-ta Ilea. The l&le will rocker, IU. Barbor JllS..K. CU.tom buUt Klng Size over 50 lnchn ln betpt...-Gr NEWPORT BJ:.A.CH . ~prtl 8 at a Santa Ana hospital died ht the Orance County hospital c:oalinue all day. , , 2pll bed and matCreaa ................ S7~.00 higbe11t caah allowance. on a YEARLf R&NTALS-2 1lovely (acroai trom. Lido Theatre) · e ~lded at 184.2 P&rk Ave.. l'rid&J after a brief Ublea Native TfM waya and meana committee Maytag washer, good cond. 29.60 tekviAion t.rad.e!Call SHAJ'ER.8 home• tn eo.ta Meu. a bdrm.a p Barbor 510 Cvtosta ~ln ... I d to~, tlvelf yeJan. ~: of ~ he Md Uved ln Or· announced that they wW meet the LIKE NEW 12 • {o n1r and pad. Roll. Away Bed.a .. ·-···-·-····--· 17.50 at ~berly 20872. 2tfc turn1lbed and ' 8 bdrm home •e r • 8e: von cu e iu8 w e, une, aJaU ance County a1nce comln• tq C&Jf. Tuffd&y morning preceedbtg the $125 ; Chrome dinette eet, $15; R.ex·Alr vacuum with all partially turniabecl. '8M BlancM • in tM hOl!lpltal : one aon, F.dwvd 8 . forniaj 30 year1 ,•go. regular meetiq or lJle. mialona:ry wo~k benob, ~; ma.oat•. 115; attachmenu, like new ...... 39.lSO SPINET piano. Brand new. Slight· G&tea, 3U Mar1Ae Av~ .. Balbo&LIN --co-=-~ur-:,.,..,.,8-lCt-•AN-.-.1-H-O-.-,-U-J'Ont-, -' =• ::.d U::.01~~;'~~~~ He i. eurvt-by one •later. CTOUP lira. Cary J'redrlJ<Mn wtll 191)1 P"""11 otor Scooter, Ii Ttl7lor Tot .•. _........................ 6.00 1y ~· 1n eblpment. :;:;.. l9land, Harbor 1171. 1 . -k7 motor: 1.to " 15 tlr9, pnCus, Uonel, of Chicago. ll.._ !Mamie LoUridp ot 8&nt& M .. ~ for tbe meeUnp at her price. 708 Orchid, Coroa& del 1948 Model &-n.. SerYel-only $395. Smallel~ ~O N , • . caUy11:tew., ~dt ott'ftlter, f281. . Bu-,... •ome, 1•• cat>rlllo at:reet. Mar, Hu-8031.J. Sci • A buy for CASH 9CHMIIY1', Santa • "' --•n•~ 2 fts•---~-·-. ...'2· h·-Dr .. 8&7 D~--Pr.lvale services were held Sat· •• -Main 111 un.i.~ DCU.4,uuu~ ~-..,. ... _._ . .....,._ . . urday ~Ing tn BaJlz chapel. Qo... • The a.v. HerMrt Roth eon.duct· -People do rud the Prea a.da. U.ed 119• Springs and Mattreuu • Yearly. Near bay. 8'r-l&&T~i 8133-ft... --· ; OPI: 1;;b1~1~;,:~.!:;.': ~ Stowk S,•cf•I .:.,.~::+::":."'~ Jack'sC11Feaurnp1 i'ture ~~~1:.... '!:.·:"~~ . . " 5i> 1938·-" '4n ~f .-' t · •''Ill_.,... ot,OO. M..ic.i io. n-WANt• ro ll11T . BAT.BO,A IS .. ~ "'""' truck. Run.a ·goo_d. '125· !'l"'t tollelllChk:&fO. --· • 1500 Woat B&lllO& Blvd. SJ& mo. at~ M;l1Jl1C ----UA!L'IU inu'e......_y,J318Coutmc»- 1uur,1.ic 11. !liaec&LLllll m:to.n.AxD _ To Mr. Md n.. ~ _,. wtll be w W~ ~ ~11011::;.,,~ Phone Harbor 2li02-R • ~<S::,!~1.,..01 !'i.!!'::; ...!,i~~BYll:80R.ANnB~:~ "'*1. °""""'. dlel icar. ·-.. ¥7· Jin. l•hPlla B. MecC&Uum. 71, Kra..~ 5U!lo W. 1111)' ltMayl al,U.. -=~~!"~ JUc !lc7 2-0871 -lllUc ';.~_n•n n••_~ ..,-;: ' ' -',' • of Ull ~An .• -••net. .._ .... :--In BL lo•••ll -~ ... 11711 ~-.....-·-· MODl:RN a PC .... ~-aec-.... ~ ~·-· ,--It a t Ost OU p;5:.,,;:-.,::::;' -~" "' the ~ -"' .Mr ~ ... "-""!!•· l Ila. -0 I \ ' tlceel, -m d,';t 0( drawerw w A.NTSD--641· pw-. 1:'nd•. .. N.ida Glbeon, Real Estate oesn c y . ~~I>. ·~ I ~J .. : .... .' .. ~ . ' · < • pc••t w .... •-and p&latbtp. Call Herbor 19116. ,_ old pluo ,. a Gnnd, IOI JilarlJle, BtlbM .JOI. Bar. l8t A DJME · _,_ Bt .• Santa Monica. ~~To Mr. Ud -·Am& Burt..; Bat~ Dllllo, 11&'1 !icl Bplnat or 1-atMUI C:.-. .. ' ·-TO LOOK d the -KAl8la -WU a ll&ltYe or Keamcky. ~-Oolbur9, lM tall a., ~ .... ~ Allee -I • ' .__ -. ~ lncludoo ..... tiueband. ifWM-• aL .r-.. .... a.a , -,..,.,_,..,.... R&AL MAPLB TWIN BEDS ..,4 :::...m, l"LUI(> co. TWO 11SDil9<>XAPt:81ee11 flu' -j SA_VE_ T.,;0· -0 -$500tt -~I H.. of B&I-her -. -~T, a ~. I -llDdnd Tit....,., -1'1'-eprinp Just 1l1ce now. BAR--·ltlL QO Jfo.-, -ta nl....., wtlll larp ..U.. 6 -.I.. . ~ ..... dcblldnn, DocMIM &ad, la • ' o ---.......... .....,,.,_ l GOOD BTnn::ll , QAJH, ~ ~ -sW, ...... ..-, Vonlllly, ~[ .., "'!"" . • • • . : ' JMA JlacCaJlum. Bmta llb!!lc&. • • -. ..._ ..._, -...,,. a. u~ __ .. n-.a ~:._1 , . Sci -' mer--· If~~;.._.,. 1n p.. ...,. ~,le Pllll > Prtftie ----. -TO Mr. -.... loll 1• ... de ·-., OodttM ....., .._..,_.._....... LLUUfTo.PLAT~~ flOJlarperlte, tolllU. !iii.-Clli'~•.•, ·as • l, --Wl!,dnellli•7&t2p.m.iithlr· ~lhtrto, ... ·1'••• -,,: .. ·-~ -~pa ....... -c bi4 ~p~ m&p1o !>eel di...., lllatch· -8--·&Ha -~ . , . , . lp7 1..-..U.. ... wtery, wiUt ReY. ll&nJ Ille 9'. ~ ...._ 119 ~ ta.. ""d 1r1 It tt Mori.a. _. .... .-• • tq dWr,, end ~and eotree plaa. wtUa •Illa Mm ......... . #" ~ ~ ""J.. SDtlT U . ~ OWlltp ~lllltf. Grauel clla.... h SI·•~ Aprll t. •·-' -a,.11 oC:id l'lorp ,...._ I Ina<' ·l&ble. Like n.w. 2'111 N-n tt.. ot m.;.. TILUILT llSNT.AJ,. , a~ Hli!A ti '•QTOD"' In c..ea~ ..... tnc......._ _ 4~~-, . , ... ,,__-. . ' Aw,.Coota.....,-.sTQWK-....,,;.~ ~ .u,; · Jd0el>~-..."7'r;;;;et1 ··--r-: ~ooa ~. ·.q. •:::.:a~aTU,~lllWU. V ..... '?.!~~ ........ ""~-:~ ...... -:::···e,-.itahla,~'~ ..... ALLm.-muoOftCIAJf.~ =~:.::.1:ae.:.:.,l.~ ;, Kmel'·= •' I -ft.eoot&M-.cllod ... _, • -a••-....t. -1111 •• ·11 1tt --tahlaoR'h110b11,'1L ' DllOAftlR!numl •111it.•1«o..,._t-.· Sllol.~.'LP"' ·ft!Otle _ _.'-" y ·• s • -..-a -· -1 t • Otl.. ..,.... ~ 1 .._ rt. __ or ---• -a.... .... a. · llcT , It'. 1-.-..-,. • , 'I ... ta <Jrrance ,coanty !riolpt~ ot • , 1 -. -• i 111 17 ._ .._ a •catJJll'~ ----..-.., ~ ···--lion. ' _,.,, 4s;1·-.-.. •-111111· "--1er Engines--TMrr· ni-" ••M PM••.r;tiMM•ww•t:pllT..._ · ~Ii.,,,....,,,. ' .~::;ed to co.ta~~ ..,.. r V .. ~?M_ ..... ..., 111..: ....:' ,:.,':'!!u!:::, v .... ,... . . ==-~t,:S--..'";: uw..~.a.. .. •1rwtjolar -l'.O. ?frat Sb'eet l•lfOrlanllla...U..lln. -me~ •11•-.. -111 • 111;1.,•11111_..,.. Uled PBett..•• ..... •w ----:~.'.:!!: &UIT.AAMA , '~-"::!t. °"'.:,.~1:,.N!:: ~ "b!11~1:"": = ::.; ru~r.r'1w":' .':' ~--:"" •rtl 1 ... °'I Iii' ;IM llll, -.&a. • : ,l't.'J' ~-=-. -;i C'-'.". lllU !Qd',,.c:a.n.i..cro11a-.-_ _. I . -· Crowna-Ro• ~ • niM,Mft,... +ct "C' 1rii::1·-mt .. 11111 ........... .1 ... tt I p".. -= ... I , iI .. .... Q • Dille'• _....., •• , .::..-:.:lli 4-·'· e · ii ...... ~ -.... ,....... -• -·.:a: a*.-.:::.~··-:.:--· .. ·-0.... l'OllDAJQ.Uf ... uc. •• #%?! .:r..-;. .. t1~i~~~wfiii! • i:W' .... ,_ t ,, ... -IDI t S I ... -· mdi -.... ,·.._·!!!::!!!:"' ..._ -C: ta-t _,Qr .... -II I _..,..ml___ . ..... .. a1s1" I -., " mo q ry •' -.... -a II 5 I 6 II l .. ft ' ... D TI' • 0 • , ~----·-·~-I .... ~ .... ; ... I -IWAJfL.RA ... _..._ .J -..... • i I •1 PS• ldlPPi. ft. I ........ et: - -L. ..U-I na -'-' .. -a . ;"• __ ,.,; -.-.. ~ rr:~~."'.-*' .. u" .... _ '• . ' .. • - • -· • , • • . . . • ..... mr.m I l " • , ·· ·REAL ESTATE With Ocean View New b• 2100 eq. fl. 3 btc liedrooma . . BLANCHE' A. GA'PES, Rea)tol' ' L. &·JONES ' J. MARTIN • · • 2 big bath '9ema Huge Uvfng room ~ • • j '. 311 Marine· Ave., BalbOa Island Larc6 garap, 26ll28 • On a big lot. -Price just •11.~. good ~ •Ph. Har. 1671 'or 1672 • Har. 7'8-ll or Be.,. 80l2'R Eves. • ' . . BALBOA ISLAND . 8 beautiful a.putnM!nt!t. VUrnialled. 0nty, larp apt. how!le ~ the &llUld. l'riied right. XIDt.. tel1llB. SO. B&Y FRONT HOME-+ bdnm, 2 bit~, IUn room; dllling room. Only $38,00() turnl8lled. HOW .,, INCOME--Cbanriing 2 bdrm PLUS attractive apt. witli 1 large and 1 bdrm. Full price $2t,500. · home amall EX€LUSIVE BllAOON BAY-Beaut!.~ bdrm, 2-· balh hom•1 chum, film., plus attractive apt. Patioi g"""'es, one of our 13~ buys-at. $23,500. • BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR 2·-BEST BUYS-2 . , IN CORONA 'DEL MAR -. WbyRent1 Nice t ,__....,,,.,..,_.• bclme, tum-. *PO $1000down ·- G. I. Redle On• of lbe B'o.t 2 bdrm liom~Pric• $1M!IO $1SOOdown -On Cveta MeAa St. . ' 2 _,,..., home wm1 atra !Ilg 111Np~ room In ..., Of lbe lot tor the boy& Price Only $6500 2 Good Homes On Big Lot Price $9500 • $?00 down -New 2 bdrm home, nice location, large k.itchea, dbl, .gatage. Exclusive with us-$12,500. terma G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & A.soeiates .· . ' . INCOME EiUYEJtS-We have a 45-ft. corner lot with .•man. how on rear. Build yo~r home to suit while living on p0remises. ONLY $10,500 Full Price 1790 Newport Blvd. ~ Meu. Ph. Bea. 5181 M'ARL CHAl4BERLAIN Multiple Litlting 'i' Nb. 1757 . 500 Coast Blvd., Corolla d<!I Mar • BJ:ST BUY OF THE wm (0ppo8!te Newport Harbor Ban1t) P~ Barbor :1288 $l3,000, Buys Rustic Sh k Roof CH.ARKING 2 ,,._ honM on - a e eotner lot l'n Corona de) Mw. 1 • Brand new attractive 2 bdrm home ltk>ck f1"0dl ocean Blvd. 6 mo.oid. Fireplace. Handy to •hopping C'dlter. In splendid condfttotl. --comer k>t.,-JJnlque nreplaee, large 2-car garage. VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT. If you are interested tn maklng a good A1k About Thla at Any . 91-RFAL !:STATE ™1'1A1'JGI: Mat-eome ptepare<t to blly tl!19 MULTIPLE LISTING RL TR. lovely home. li'uU price r>c7 Ocean Front Furnished -Two bedroorM ·up, one bedroom down. 2% balha--double gar., can be used u duplex. Will t&ke clean modern cruiser to $8000 &8' pa.rt payment. RALPH P. MASKEY S411 Newport Blv~ Nwpt. Beach PHONE HARBOR 402 98c99H TRADE ONE STORY RUSTIC, 3 bednnl'll., den, 2~ batlul, lana.J, dark rm. Large level aecludl!d loL Mu~ hollap.d area. FQR 2 bedrm., den, 2 bath3 at Balboa., 9hor"t Cliff•, Col"'ma del Mar. RVTH RIE9, CR.e!itview 4-8%95. 4c6 Cliff Haven Trade By ownet, 2 yr. okl 2 bdrm. and den,• UY. rm., din. rm .. and hall carpeted, trpl., tum. heat. 2-car gar. renced yd. (not leasehold) For oldtr 3 bd'rm. or equi•. Nr. Beach, Hai-bor area . Bea. ~49-M 1ld2H ·Will You Trade? . Have on~ bedroom home on r"*! tronl j!ttlh p!Or and ~ ' pa ti<\. ~ill t,..de eqult:v.6q lug watetlront rkn.-with plier t 32' boat. • Bay & Beach Realtv GJoden J'ay Ethel Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 WANT TO BUY -Small bouee °' car•t:e apt. ttom. owner, corona del Mar, for cuh. No dlealen. Phone Harbor 1195'-MX.. +cl $9350 • Top Buy Cloee in locatien-Eut alde---2 bdrm home. 924 eq. JL Separate range.· Only 5 yrll old. Many l.ilteable featutea. lmpoaelble ta replace this property for th• uklng prtCe l>t only $8500 Cliff HaV!!D Lido Isle Lot I- -• "'1.92AB .t# • • ta.. ' Cobtllct· W for ether propertlea; R 1llf•'I, and Bldg. Lota ' . · CO~ONA DEL MAR PROPEK~ . ·. •11 Coast Blvd. . · • -Farmhouse ¥eea Harbof 1011 · . ~ de! Ka Harbor 106I . The Andresen -Co. offers these: THREE BEDROOK HOME" AND VlEW p..go:PER'1'11!'.s , • OOBONA D!:I; K.'11 , OCEAN BLVt>.-&a..titul 1'1.W W.rl-... U.. liilrbor. A l&rJer &dine In """"'1eftt.coocll1Jon .-i. 'jo<lr lo· .,..uon. Thi• proporty hu ,.i ooLJ...AR tor OOll.AR V AtLUE. U JOO ct.* •·a Jars-er home M Are to eee t.hU 8pacloU1 1184 Vf1fY de*'ble: property. Ptlced to eell Md a BAftOA.IN! ! I BEDROOM JIOM'SS ·We have profllltMy °"" be.t ae:lectlon ot tbla type propertj'-t1f!!l'W and older,. inodem , aftd ratush llt)1e, that we l'llYt!' """ KeMd. C.D.M. ~ SHORE CLIFFS -B ... Y IBOUllS By All M-See 'l1ie8e Attract!Ve Pro)lertlel THE ANDRESEN CO. WI COut Bm1. Corona do! Mar . ·---... --1540 • • ES'l'A'.11!: PROPER1'1E."5 OrFEM ACCElPtlID g~ TO 'COURt AP-· PRc;>\r AL A1'lt> f'RIOA SALK. 2 Lota 60&&,-hlboa Island DUPLKX EdptoaCer Place, Balboa ,._, ~---- COMMERCIAL BLDG. -Lot llll1lolli0 leaaed for '400 pef mo. One of main streeta In ~&a Aaa Let's. Talk About These! • ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor Ui:la_ COA81' fftGHW.AT, Corona del lf&r Phone Hafbor 2766 ·8DIPLICITY t>AYS OFF Ocean Front for $17,500 2 Be<lnn., livingroom, flreplt.ce, bath, bar kitchen, P"lk>, ocean front porch, 2 cat (&rage. Ground for e><pallsion. Located on &!boa Palinsula. John D. Blll'!lham :507 E: Bab-. Bml., Balboa. Harbor 1607 Ens ms-w I. • • Like 'em Young ·and Cute? B-i.a-..i,,-i.raell>«I· room home Joat Wing compll>te1!. N .... 'th• ,c~-.,j, i.mo' ISLE UU. II an .!'xe<t>tlollallf ~ -0' ~ .very mederil coa~ Hen Ill a bom• you will onJoy owntna'. lipeclal •me. ALSO On Ltoo HILE a _,,,lne S bed· . room, t ""th Rlell&Jd PTOpr de- signed fiome . C&reM tbougltt def tJMgtMtfaft Me tii!ml: gtven "' tmo Imm!!. 11111' lttt<!lllft, UllJI heat. -ed living room celllJig, hvp ft.replace, tot. of ratweod. i:lld -.mlc 'tl!e ' aro' a l.w ot the many tine taatureo. Tbll lo a BUY at $24,300-Tenrut. ALBO Looated In one ot tlle "aROI~ Si>DTS" on the WA Tl!l!IP'ltDNT or LIDO ?SIX «'e PilYe i ii~· ly ne., 4 bedroom and 2 b9th .,_ U...t Iii a "-.Y." Tb1o la not an "oN --· lib( II • Marly -· "'-"" 7f!1.i" a8'IJMI clever home. Unit heat, .., .... dllpou.J, Hotpo!J!t c!Wh- .-.. I sun deoft, lm>IJ' n-. ate a left t1f Ute mant dv&ft.. tqoa. 'tba 11 a 4U&11ty "BUY." . ALSO -. •ery deoire&ble latl fer 11&1" on LIDO ISL&. Choice water· tt.lol lou for Ifie_.. milt. cw OON ttJ'Nt IDtao at prltel wen ¥Dder tl"elt nJUa. Remember, •• ue U.. Dll:\'m.oPMs ot UDO ISL& Jlete a JltUe tmya a LO'!'. • . -P.A. PAL~ INCORPORATED 31133 •1a Lidd' Nowport Btatlf. Calif. HU'°r 1000 E. Side, Costa Mesa BEST l3UYS 2 BDRM, t>t:lf, nllllPLA€E, wall t'tlmace, dlsl .p.rage on beauti- lbl luxe eoi110t. $9,009, ~ cash. • I SDRM heu.t alld garage on 1 Acre near new '.Alpha ate r6.ar- lm. $7,llOto .Addltlonal acre Sl;llOO. . GOOD UA'nNGS W ANTllD ROBT. H. 'MO'l'TF;t Bea. S224·J lie& llu. 15131'.J 1900~­~AKuA ·-z-,c•-· r ... -. l . Ill& -·!! '1 e 7 .. I 4 . ' !. tlu;Mf , ... ,J,. , ............. .. ••• • •• Cl;IOiCE .HAR It AREA ,PRClPER~ ' . ' "LI.Ire In g In Paridla • ' •• 1" • .f l l I l .... • ~ -. "' . . -. .. : :BEA:~H s~~ , • • A ifl9Jdl: .hit> Jf.OONE 11• r-.*r .market and WE' ...... loll . ~ ~"",...if ~t *t&IM In A-( . '.....-. • ,_.. ~ .-...i ywd. It real bu,y at s~,300 t.t llilth. I . . CaOICIC Ocean ~t oorhot loC.......,.i looal.lon. Bonda 01 tald. 1'Ull price SDllO· • ' . t.. clofalla on eil!llt-_jjfoporty, c91f , Mal'f Dlds>o. Har. ·• iOU . (a-~•bor r-~) • . , , CQBONA DEL MAR. BeiDI aad .DICOMIC-1 "*"' roaldence and 2 lidml apt, plm bedelol'j' apt. Rip return A>D lovutmenL J'liM lllC&tto&.. Pfl .. ~ AtUMl.lff -YW 'tor· Uter lofomialjon eaD -. t>ollalotoun at Harbor lk74. , I . ";. . . • . cottdNA on :MAR · I BDtlM BQKm . Off OOfiNEil, 1 bllr. · to· oct!ln, only s' moi. old, uie new. ~ -. , . ,. . $13000' F• further dltalia Can eal a.-n, Ill niaat Jllgh- wmy, Coro~ de! MU, i!Ubat H74. ~ -· . Costa M:esa Extra Special . STAGGERED DUPlEX-<ID .Broadway corner. ,_ .-.ry lfhf>l<I 2 -Mmel, -Mth fl..-, &lpen.te ~ -.,,.. 'ptag-ea. -~-J'loiced to ..u. FOP fattber doftall1 ull Mary Dleluolt Har. l&U.' (llveo. HuboP :11192-W) . Oil Marine Ave., Balboa island ,,_. 9uil .... lildp All occup!Od W!t1t A'·l leniota. ' ...,. I'll> Mt or better. 1'• plla. -pi•. Ste Mn. ~·at Im ilartae Ave. Haw Mt.Dy Choice Home8 on 1Jaib6fi lsiand $12,500 to ~,000 Fo1t l!lllAilPt.I!: Very attractlv• 4 ll<!arootn !loll\~ on- eo ft. loL Nii!e' pat.liao, year a.round houae, furnace. beat. S!:E VS. FOO lllliCON llAY proporty. We have two crttn.etive hamet DO'f .....:. the7 won't Jut .. !'or &!falls call Mrl. ')(Uo(m at tt.rbor 177:1. EAR~ W. STANLEY ltealt.or • 17th and Coast-Hlway .Jri~rt Beaeh m :Malflle A. v~. t!Jth and Irvin• Newport Beach , 8d O>aot lftway ~!OD.& d'el lihr Bal-iolllld 3113 NeWp<>rt Blvd. . Newpol't Beach ·-....-· ' Ol>ElN HOUSE ON S.A,TURDAY \ANO SUNDAY, April lfili and 15th. 2 bdnae anil den, double garage, enclosed patio. See thl8 at 324 Marigold, Corona del Mar F'rrzM:OltRlS .REALTY CO. C..rona del Mar Sla' Coasi Blvd. Harbor 2152 Exclusive Beacon Bay 3 BEDRM, HOME and. sTuDIO .An.-B'otb . com· pletel)' futtli.sh<!d.' llaclL-hell 11tpatate enclosed ,.uo. 2' ear 1:11l'"~mate beacllea -piers and, Jloats. This ii a sPiendid · inveataient for home ~d, or inCome •. • .. • .. .. ••• I . \ .· .. • " • • - • • • '. I • • , I , . I I ' • .. : ' • ' ;. . I ' . I . . .. ,. ., • ' • I, 1'HO\.E . ·o• SHANK HALF ' . -' ' . TOllN . .-. PUR~ PORK . coiiNEo'·'ii•· .63~. . SAUSAGE . I . . . . l·LI. 45c :~~~~~-.; ·. · tiMi~rA rr1·es. 49~ ., • FANCY GIEEN TINDEi ASPARAGUS . LAIGI NEWTOWN PIPPIN APPLES LARGE SID-SWllT AilZONA• rGRAPEFRUIT • UTAH nPI . · .. •~&'4. :E R Y LA.~. 10c STALi • ·-~ ' ' ' ' ---1; Sweet Riverside N~jt ORANCE5 :.-.~ • Ho111e .. .. ,.. 10 !••IMI 39c " c. • Toter 109" · ~ORANGE J\Jl 'C.E . .. ' . . .. ' \. .. n. .... ~ ... irtc• s,.ctel• lfhctl'll• . ~ ' · THUlteAY, ~ID~T • 5~TVlDAY ' APRIL 1J.;1J.14 . . No. 21/• 1 .CAN . . ' . > ' ' ,,. ' .. . . • . ~ . ·'··~ .. ·~ ~~·~'f:.~· ,. . .GOIJEI : Y~S · · 7 :: .f'I, ·--··---.... --·1 ---·.. . .. ' . • 1• • _, . . . I} ' < ,. ' ;.~ I•-"'•'" .. •: r \.--;-.. rr ·. "'''" · '\ ··: ... .• ' . . .. . ! • • l . \ • " Tbe Orange -Newport Harbot dual meet haa been pomtponed agaJn. It wu suppoeed to be held today. Tbu.~y, _but now hu been .et back , lO ' Friday · at Newport Helchta. The wlnner wlll 'be . the Suneet league'• beet dual team although the. conference now recognlzea u chanlpion the Winner of Ila all- Jeague meet. ec.beduled lhia year Aprtl 20 at Newport Harbor. Euten Oonferenoe Staadbtp W L Pct. Santa Ana ... .... ' 0 1-. Riverside ·····-···-·· Z 1 .tl1 Mt. Sall Aaton!G ! I .111 \ _ San Bemanllno.. ! I MO • Oraq. Cout .... I ! .US Cblfey ......•.. .... I S .JM Fullerton ....... ..... 0 s .... Frldaya e..-n - Mt. San Aa1oalo al l!l&ata Aaa; IUTenlde al hlleno.; 8&a Bernard.Lno al 0 r a a I e . Cout; Ollalf~. •Te. TltOUT ~N · Ol'ZJll'll . ·"""· .. • • . 8'" ll• -'°". i SA•.MoH .. JX](J8.. ~-,. ,e • 1'L11!11 ..!.: TROW ··.I' . . 8000. ........ "J\ODll. • ·aac1 ..... a · .. • • Modlned ractns l• not a new tpOl't. but an old one revived from the .,ooc:t old day• at the A.ecol Speedway In Loa Angelea. Re- member the •peed and thrUle ! Well. tbey a.re back again-bigger Uld better th.an ever, The .c&ra &Pit rompa.raUvely am&JI with only a 90 lnch wheel baite and a 30 tnch body width that makea tor a light car. Added to thla combination 1• a bJgh·powered engine. Tbe boye bit.ve con.1lructed their own can. J'ully balt of the driven ~ from Oranre cbwlty. Wt.tren Gerde8-of Orance '8 ptt1fdmt. 0n t11e Wne procram ~ )"Ill ai.o lie Iii• ~ of.Ulloa. Ji!Opl.,_ .Ti\e place LI . I.be :fa1¥1'\ Siad.~. R/u;Ungtoll Beach. 'l)O·date, Apitl l:J. Orat1d March Ls at 2 p. m. With time trta.i. at 1 p. m • • • .. 1lNt ...... Tw,: .. c~t·aW •. ...... •' .,..... .. -It ... ..,,~ ::-.i.-.. !.:...,, bi., ......... W7,t-•-· -T••• etr tt6ve · t.•~ Oi fi· ··-~-...... ;.;,..,.._. . .. .... ~····,,. . . . .. . , ==~ ...... ~ Got ..... 1 ... ......... ,,. Oil • • • .. ' ·COU'I' f •• MATER! LS COMPAN.Y ~~~p~~~~~ib:cRd~-~ nt Weot WU-( ~-Newpo1' _. -r Blvd.) ,. eo.ta M..& -Ptloae Beaclea 11'8 -.:..:. __ ---... ____ -----_ l _ J _ ----------~---.!.------__ :_'WI ---~-~~,_..,...., .. ~··---··~~~---. ,, . so u ~ • ' I FOR • r MILLWORK.. I . ' SASH I & DOQRS l +' ~--. • . ~ . ~ . "' .. jil8 COAST lllWAY I . • O'DIER YARDS: • ·Laguna Beach -Santa; Apa -FuU~rton -La Habra -Brea ' • I 1 • l • ' . _,. • • • ~ . . •• ., I I I• I - I I • • > Mothers' Club For~ign Foods Studied at OCC r~1.,. fOo4I .,.. ap1n rracln& the ~ .. ot tbe li!ome.'Jr.cQocmlco depertment ot Orwlf• Cout col- • Charaeterized by pnte•, gttt, lege. and piety wu th& .,.l'l'Y Putf Studenla In tile foodo l&Oantory ~ed: April 3 In oNervance of coune offered .at OCC are 1J1..U- lhe seventh blrthda:y-ot Olorla· p.U.nc l¥ etUQ.1' lteti4t, Of oU.er --countrtu alld P"~ foods jean M'a.ncebo, daughter or Mr. and practkal tor ewryday Uae ln the Mrs,. Manuel M4ncebo;-J89 E. 18th modlem lwfme J • ltNet, Cot'-Mua.. ln . the pro-A'-'!"1Ul-tbo -.tlD&' h&blt,a ot ~ ot games pl&DnO<I by llro. our aef·llboria ti 1h ~·­Mancebo prlzea were won by •· S na QM • _... Pamala Miuer Mary-Lou McClel-dents ~ ,otudytnc-fli~ f"'l!I &vall- J&nd. lle.ry ' Cotta, Jacqueline &l>lll\yt ' Ud the ~111\unl b4clc- .; -~. -ll!'O\lnG l'! pin -& l>etter under-,..a.kely cuw Pamela Fredrl~n. standing ot the united world f Center of lnterdt durtn' the toda-y 0 reh'eshmenta interlµdie W"8 a bea.U· 1 · 1 ... 1 •-"'· .... 1 Uflllly dec:Oratod <*I<• With eeven --ll'ee~ w--•• vlelled ~ rleamiJJc-.., 11a· -eur-tbe -Iii• ,..., b!tJlll' ....-vey.i Mn. Ooai' Wlllte, -chairman; tllce. ai...voc1 with tbe<eonteetton "" lnvt!.el!< to 4111• ~Ill llle ditto -'--tn the ~'«Y ..u4...oa... ...,.~ to Elect Officers Mn Q9<w1n t!om and Mrt. ~ w..,..-10. er-. canc!J' an4 Jem-blin4 IDf-aUon .... \I~ •bab- old FlnJ<; w.. appointed .. a onade. Its &ncj• -'-Tlla ~ art. nomlna~ ,oornmlttee when tb•~ ~ AJnoo&' the young rolk on hand of Ule ' 8cand.laawt.t,n COWltria, Mott&u. Cub or Colla Mesa }3eth-were A.Hcefaye, Larrydean and Hawaii and Tahl\1, Italy ftance el, Job'• DaughlC'rs. held a.n eve-fUcltisrd 4.lan Ma.Pbo, •l.ster and Enc'l&nd R...._ ·o.na ' 8 nlnf ..,..Unlr Wedneoday, .t.pril f, llrolMlo ot the oelebrent; Unaa and ~.,. and ~ ~t ::: at tbe tloma or Mrs. Horace .r-r1c:, ·tuay, Pamela Miller, Micllelle been. cllioa,; tor the flWcb'. er, tiU Bo1u. avenue, N•WJt01'-INJl:eJy', Pamela i'tedrikse.n. Mich-Hom Ecoclomka ~t. tak· Heipta. Mn. Paul Norman ~ elJa :llto"fell, Ja.ctueltne )(Mely, ln.s-pa/., la u.e .W"V'iy are KasuJco ....iaung boot...,_ Pesl"Y lfe.rtaon, lle.ry Cotta. Linda Ao-l.\lcllMd s~...,. I.Amine Mrs. A. W . Gunn presided. Kn. Karie Horvath Mlchaelena Hor-J hn ~ Pa.rasal,. j Rex. Albrlrht, pa.st guardian ot vattt. Jimmy Hart Barbara Ann o ll 's,ntJila Ta lor : Pur- the Bethel,. wu pr1·IM'ntetl wt th ~ Hart, liO<:.bael v~:. Beem.Urck, :;. 'and Vt Yo~I· 'The iV~ huulaome Eutern Star cofllpa.ct ~ Pewee. Dewey A.lien, under the dm,cuoa ol. :U.""' Pa- rrom the club. A~rangementa: •ere Reevaa SOndtah Smith, ,Mary Lou trida Moore lnatruqtor m&ae for the n~t meeting, a MrCJeUand JanJce Jel\8en Dennis ' . luncheon on May 2 at Santa Ana Wb.Jte, Pat~k:la Watte.nbu;g, Mau-/ Country Club. when offlcen will reen Torbet and Wbmle Harri.on. /s ancJ Couple be tnatalled. l'l'•••ni tor the ••enlng were: s·ix lnitiite5 to Observe Anni Miilea. Corwin fiprn, Carl Thom• . ' • ... A_ w _ Gunn, Roy Walktna, 111. f ~ .. B th I Tb•re wlJ) bt & ,am&ll prtval<! v _ Ragan, Jfenry P.l•ter, l(ellJl~lll Or M85a 8 e party tolllbrrow CFDdaJ) with Jol\naon, Oocar White, C. lof_ Tuclo-ch&lJJ_.,,. -to Mr. and lofn_ e.r-; P. V .f'etenon. K. L. Sleeper. Btx ne.'A!' rnembe.ra w.ere initiated Sdwe.rd. F. Wheaton ot lbe ao.t; Louis Cnlldall, lnlen Cnwt<>.<4; illlo ~Ol>'a Dauchtsrt, Ooota Meo& B Balboa llJ••• wb will Herbert Petenon, Fred Wood-Bethel 157 at a meetlnc held :' ~~ .. -\be.tr ith' ~A1- worlb.. Dean Sntllh, W. 8. Mer-Thunday, April :; lD the Cot~ &IUlJve~~ w~,s rill, Paul 'J¥:onnan, Rex Albright, Me.a& Friday Afternoon club With It w .. 1D auc.ro that caittor- Sam CJ'aWford, '.Harry BUrdjck, ltonored queerl· CwOl Tbomu pr ... nJ&-born Bob Wlleatou, who bad and Harold Fink. aldlng. be@ on the old San Franct.co 'Reunio'n Day for ~ Alpha Gamma Delta InJt1ated were Lynne Schach.ner, Bulletin, met Jlo'1I and the two Shirley Markham, Lola Mar~. were ma.rrted. 'l'tPell took jllem Annette Whitlock, Ruth Dudley all owr the world but Uaey lllU and Nancy Owen. Newport-'1t'• pntty cloee to Put honored queens introduced home" •>'9 Bob, .UU rememMrtns Alpha Gamma Deltas trOm all were Carolee Burdick a.nd Jane tlla.e 4af• In 8Na Pranotlco. over the Southland, whose nation~ Arthur. AprU 29 w .. selected u al philanthropy Is aid to cerebral the date of (h'e-go-to--church Sua- palsied childrf'n, will assemble at day. The Bethel will attend St. An· Hotel Huntington tn Pasadena Sat-drew• Pre1bytertan cburch ln a urday, April 21, for their ann~ body. .------ A la bama Couple Announce New Son · Itte.rnatlon&l, Reunion Day. Over A benefit spaghetti dinner. en· , ~ . 1200 tnv1tations have been aent to joyed by approximately 300 per· Butter .,_ trfilslda f1f Mr. Nd members living a.a far north u aona, preceded ThurlKlay's aeuion. Mn. C'Ufff?rd Beldlnf of BwmlftJ· Bakerafleld. Similar reWli()I\ gath-ham. Ala., Will l!lo -II\ erln'gs or the sorority will take FO&MEB -8IDENTS the newa that the1 are parent.a pla.fe throughout the (.;nited States Mr. and Mn. J . C. RhOde• of of a ...,. ....,, ... ~ 1M and Canada. Mrs. Harold McCe.nn. L&wnd&le. former Coot& Me-. BeldlnC. ~ Jlifeat llu p - . 136 North Gerona Ave:~ San G.a · were in town Friday and vtsited •l.ater, ~ 11L 1'6. l(r ... ,,..,.&I: brlel, la: ln ~ge ot H:M?rfttlans. h'lends. a fOl"Dliir ~ r•1'tc'1'1 -·-----'------~----~-------------------~-- • ~·. ' -, • J• _ .. • OM .. . -..... . . . -.--. .. . • ~ .... . 't .,._ .. --, . .I JE. N-N's -DRE·se .·flloP TAKES l)RASTI_~:·e~~~tq11. . . , ' ,J -~:n · STOCK .. ·IN THE 9UIC~EST• • • . NIW SUMMER DRUSEs V~VE8toS14.li6! . s lllM7 of ---Ill ......... , • ,,,., U,..! -lltal --...... ,.., •o•l•I ..... tam: .. ! Our WU')' n.... -.U..! 8iaa I te U~! Rm. SLM VAL~! -tu! --nil ....... u $ n•Nneet crepe I n.e very "-!! Wl&ll JO._ los- IUJ' --trim top and lltoti-1 8&M O.t! '""''" ""1JI _II ... 4e! .77 27 AU Pl.A Y CLOTHES GO AT REG_ SL16 to '2-79! ~! Sltorta! lens. 1$ra "Tope! la.cbta! Play Sulta! Dealm1 Flpfi Oohon T'WiPa I "I" a d • • Woe. wbJb!. Nd, -.-. "*"'"'' .... l te 14, 1J te IO! REG. $1.llG to Si-1151 AIM ~ Bru lall'ludN! L a r s e eeleotlotl: Perfect ~IN! \nit&, pllll<. bl .. , -! lljmeeSI to M! 4 te 0 Cape~ NDW • ll•lfltleaal ....... .. ..,. Wow t'JMl! I -.a YAUJD to •11 O..Z a al.._. -01 w $ WI! ........ -.... uw ·r Ht1' _,...,. ~· ., . -· -····· .... t -· -" ... , . " - • •• OMJ.Y AN !MIRGINC\' OF THIS iMPOR-TANT ScOPI WOULI) _NEC~SITA~· $J.1Ctl Wt.. _ CAL ·SMASH· DOWN CUT· SLASH PJllCESI SALE! " Here'• your opportQ,alty of 11 Hfe~i;ne to buy bea111Uut ilew w~ it »:•Y below wlao1ett11Je coat! w;, mut .elolle out-nbw_. Oll<lel &egardi-of e:drenlll lqsses! Every Item IP ttie atore m•t go! 8o do~. dowii, dowv go prtce&.\tlUl a rnl&l!ty o..aabl ().up mnime .~ are yout gala I C!>me Gel get yOGP_ llllarel We .paruililli JOO w01l't 1 be ilJaa~pollltA!CI ! -. ' ' EV~YTHING -·GOl$1 NOTJtlNG WITHHl4.0l1' NO~ ixC:HAN<ilSI NO -REFuND$!_ AU SALES FINAL! • < - i. ~ • .. 'i " • . I , I , • • ' K ODJ:I. TO llE DlllPIA.YED at a h t -fMblow &Mw f_,_ tac Roee Mane Rftd "ihtns ltltt. .....W for we.·•••· . . April 11 at Ule Bea• Ba7 a.a.. Iii plctare4 ......,... It .. '7mi't·· -·· ..... -.able 1trapleoa ... .,. ... ____ ·- aWe la ftve ~n. 8-e 111.uie Aekl .W &ej, .. commentator at , • ...,_ ....... la wblelli 11 profe.l-.1 mo1el1 wtD. clllt*.Y her ..Sta.. A pret..ao.al cllvlnl' eSlllbltld: wW aho h oa the pivpam. ·Mesa Homemakers . to Study Pests • .Bloodmobile Unit Dates for Mesa and Newport . . .. Frklfy, April 13 C08ta Meaa Hom.emaker• will meet ln Cgsta ,.Me8a ComplUnity church. F'iper sack. lunch will be brought. , • Q>ntrol of HoUae.b·old Peats 1.9 the wbject of the Home Depart- ment.. and Homemake,... mff~' The · hlrhly apedalloed ,e.._. for April. The dlacwmlon under-nel and ·b~ood mobile unit of Uae .. the leadership o f Mra. fla.rian American Red Cn:.e la alated to Prentiu, h ome adviaor, will ln-visit the Harbor &fe& qa.tn wtth- . ' clude peat.a about the botUe (mlts, tn the next few montb•. The Co.ta t:eas, niea), pee\S· 'tn clothin&' Mesa branc h, of Sou~ Ora.nee fmotha, carpel bee~. ailverfiah), COOnty Chapter. WUl bo9t the u.nJt posts tn stored food (cereals, on Aug'USt 2. Thunday. from s dried fniita, etc.) and m~ell&n· to 7 , pm. at the American Legion eoua a.nnoyblg problem.a that the hall. West 18th at.net. Newport women or the rounty have been Be.ch branch will r~el ve blood ll!lklng abou.t . donors on Thursday, Aprll 19, tiom The Family Relatk>nsbip letter 3 to 7 p.m. at the American Leeton b on the au.bject of "la Your Hua--ball. l:Sth and Balbola Blvd .. New- ba,nd a Stranger ?" Meetings atart port &.iid the same hour• on July at 10:00 a. m. and lut untn about 19. Santa Ana p!aM to receive 2 :00 p. m . Anyone i8 invited, ~ors on Aprtl 26, at the Chrla- Bt-.acon BdliN tiaii church auditorium at 8th and Wednesday evening, April 11 Birch. from 3 to 7 p.m. Beacon Belle• at the borne or Mat-f'enons are a.Med to keep gare t Thatcb~r. Pot luck 1upper theSe dates ln mind, and. to re- 7 :00 o'clock Is tlrat order of the spond to the ur-2'ent 'DMCI tor whole ... • .. ~ , . -.;. = . _,~ r .i:· , .. .,.. -..... ~' ' . ... •t ~ • :.;' ~ ~ • .. ·a · ~ , tile agei of 11,_,.., IOv <B' ~ -,..,,-..,,.~~--,,--~--'-~~~-~ .. ...,,.en ta~-.... ~'U.Y~I cOcOt«fT ('>...11(1 ' 89'.,. Testa A{e m&de before band to be sure donor la tn..good condlUon and, penona att not accrpted oftener Ulan nel')". three rDOQt.b&. -Tbe pinto or blood """·are - tw cf•Utans and ""'* penort· nel, and no charfe i8 madt" tw Ulie blood Jfowever, tbi patient'• doc• tor and the-hotplt&J ml.,y ~· thefr uauaJ tee, but \be blood traa\ Red Croa la not eold. · Pleue-plan lo speild an bobr will> 'the bl\>O<f mobile unit """" •t vLlllt. )JOUl' nel&bborbood, or make a epeeial appotntment tor a spectiled hOUr. It '8 '& .P"'"' .. )>I'<>«• and st-tilt .sono. a woe· dttfuJ feellng to know tbey ban he~ t.o ••e a ltfe. Newport 8-11 data, Tb~y. April. 19, Legkm ball. 3 lo 1 , ..... Birthday Party at Mesa Perle . ,... '1M..., , .. ""' . I Dr ............ ·-•l • ' .._. __ .,. .... ... tips' -tlle ..,, ... an ... . .. -"::..J'"" .... I • -*-_.... -. .. :r11 a~Nd at _, ... -"' .• , ... , .. .. ta. *-! --a-.... .... -rey-~,......w.­~ • -a.. _It .. ""' lie ~ to --..... c.,; \111 olll9r ..,j .. wi.-. llO .-tnl -• i::~. &'Md 1'J I.lie ca.ta -_. . >f UM W :a-, --of .....-. a ,11.i,lit oft1oora--...... .,u.. __ .. """ Ml tw NJfsa I Of Tlllo !lot llld\lllM: PMI ~ -alt -eo.ta .. _ ll&nll :WaJterW_,........,_ maa. lU S. llUa at.; Mra. tJ111ee Butler., tna.w.nr, l'fea 'A•b1V It.: lln. Irma O&llriOI. -rotaq, 1-~ llltd.; ...,, llutll 11&1- utt, ,..-uon. .... J!Un&rd et.: ..... .._ ,,.._,_ ftrat aid, M'7 W. lttll IL; ftalpb lnt1n, a. ..,.,., !Int al<!. H:ll NowporJ Blvd.; Mrs. Roberta .Rapier, can· tHn. 11!1 ceeu Pl.: Mn. Gertrude Bwlhiion, motOr .. rYtce. 11\l Tll• Un Ave :,.-Jim White, Wat.er ..iety. 487 I:. 18th St.:. Pred Du4t.y, &.. ooleT, 1113 •ljl, 18tll: lire. Arllefto Bpanaler, puoUelty, ua, \'.la Koron, Newport Beai:h; ·11n. Calla )(!tie. llome aervict. 2108 Harbor Bl'Y'd.: ud dlrect<n Judp I>. J. Dodce. ~'5 O,lbo& Sl :-Mn. EllU.lletl> Fllnk, 156 Ji.t SL; and 11n. .sybU Not1>1&D, 611.Jlola SL TM _,.. uvelM!Cl'al&J7 ot'llouthem ~ County Cllapter la lln. • 1'11fa W&rT<J>, IHM W. 8th .SL, Bani• ,Ana, pb~ne ~~rty' 2·fl .. 1'7. .• . Mes~ Teen-Ag.er Observes Birthday Ru.cl>~ the nnl<'.a of 0.. ~ , •1Pn la pretty exdunr. thlnltl Mary Ootta. dlluchte• M Mr. ud lln. ·Frank.Solt.&. 181 Roclleoter st., Ooeta • ...._ who eonun.no:. rated IMtr thirteenth aalal dale with • dellfblflll detailed booplla). It)'. OUMU _..,.. younc claumate1 of tile --fl<lm St. Joadllm'I ldiool. A variety of pmeo afforded 111· tertalnment &!Ml the pl_,.\ alt· .,,_., wu cllmaled "1th ~­ mtnll f..mrlllf a ~ratad blrtll· <1a,y caM, ice _,,., root -. and carady. Clust«ra ot t_a·'OM' btobm. lenf cb&rm lo tile -·· A.&llollng Mn. eotta ware Minn. Juanita Cordeiro, Lucille Cordeiro, Galberta lllancebo and AmeUa Co~tro. , 8ll&tll)f tile pleuure• of th'! o<· cuion were Tereea Jeanaon, Don- na Doran. 8\M AJUl JamNOn, Wanda Jean COftway, Donna Lor· ralne MacN•vln. V~lc& Krotlty, Robert Van Hee'makerd<. Joo 8atll, II-·· -BeUy Lou Bmltb, Tommy Corelro, HoWUd lhnlll\, JlmmJ <:orddro.. -.. Jean .Cordeiro, A.J1na Lee Oonttlro, ll&~nd Cordeiro, QI~ Allcetayo, Rlcbant Alan aod I.a<· ryde&n )(&nctbo. · Teddy ll:&ltoo uwl ,Elaine Marchbank of ~ "'-: ~.Illa Knl&bt. -RldlP. Q-Wllll&nu, BoMle J-Alter, -.. Ridfe, Loll Rld&"O. Mnta Ana. Grade Students Friday Social '111e replar montl>ly 7th and ltb gT&de 9'C,lal. tor Uae young people of St. Jamee church wtll be. b.eld thb comln&' P"rh:lay, ·April 13 . at 8 p.m . 1n ~ pariah bouee. Being the 13th a.nd a Frklay. the theme ot the party will be "Supereutloa." Spaman um month will be Mn. BUiter ~ Ud Mr& John et.et.eon.. "' --1-• r l>o... • ...... ·-Ill • I I I I • . . . / • .. * ' ·1 , I ' • • ·• . Pb. Har: 1616 ' -. .. ., ' . . .' : I , • • • • • • , • • -, .. • , • ·~ ' ·' .. , # ' , • e_~GE 4 ·...:. ,.ur·u _.~ ~UQAY,·APRIL 12, ·,!'~ Ne.pq.+ l't.r~1r ;LW.C~al:ss~ ~~:;,~~~'-en": .. # 'hJ'ra._..._..,.. . . Springfestival Pmiis, ~fiQr1 . · · ~~:~-~-::... of OffiCefS· at ,EbelLUocheor{ M,eet =~ ~~ .. :.:::e . I ,, I. ...... -WDl'f>•• and ..... lly .... w. 11:~· ' . J-~ ,....,. all -t - Announcemenl.I trom ~I~ caplt&l aiid l&bQr ~t.cl , poll!:lea • monUI bl Ullo _.. of Ille. Cll'll chairmen •rePntlrlr ICben dill>'• of lmperi&llmU and led to u.e,... aad .pl&n l for .lloo>t .to elf w11'p' big Spring-~ '\... be held b)' the ~ Blatao'.for t"!"'; .-.., Brownle dolnp. ~ April 28 tn American LeglcJG ·b&n merce anc1 mar~ wlllcls led ~ 11 U.. strll. W¥ -. .. 'I-' ._. Vied witll a l&lk 111 Mrs. C."'-Wal·. ~·aul>jeclloll of A-I• II~ ... Olllt ...... bt.14']1 ~ .. - ·deck. annual> "*d.e anil electlcin 1:hlo· rUulted ID'tlla llatn<l ol tho lilr~ tool<U..,. to--U. 'f** ot oftJcen u. lntel'91t a~ the sq,~ While race. wbkb, thou.sh we were ln ~·_J_1t.A'1 Cap .. tr&no.. , era! meellJlg beld "-ertt .s tn: Lepm not to 111ame. ui .. 1 .... Americana, · Al ..,. -""* -snJect. la hall. Mn. C. M. De&Jdlla pffalded. too. . . coatplete<I !"IUI :....,,..~ OD ~· , During the llOClal and lunc;heon New .,..mberw lntrodUC9d were er1lft. -pm• ""' , -i!.r period. committee members pve Kn. 'R. Hannatonl and Mn. C. Mt.on lfXMa.. .. n.e batoca laltNo-. report& OA the fMtlv&I. Kr1. By~ Ha.nnL ~lleon i...teMU f~r tbe lion le rt!'ID by ~-flnmlJ ron Wella,-general chalrrhan,'lnt'ro-day were Mn. G. W .• Richie and motller.l Mn.. ADI~~ duced Mro. Clanmee Dodd, Harbor Kn. E . A. Rogan, uolllted bf ~ ... i.. 1&1...i •t tbe' . • 1937-J, ruervatlori' chairmaa. .. toc Mn. Theo Robina, Mr9. H. t;. kllD of. MC.h -.ee\ln.a ue ·~ the tea and afternoon of cardo who Roberdo, Mra. L. E . Sprasue. )In. by a dlffettnt (lrl .. ch time lllld has Ucket.s at $1.00 each. There Claytori 1'hompM>O. Mre. Dorot.bea her mot.Mr. wt11 DB no general &dmiulDn Sheely and Mn. 8. W . ft.lcbatdlion. charge for the Fe8tival wbtcll will beP, at 11 a. m. Mn. Marloe 0th: El · t · p T A mer w ill be In charge of Ille anack emen ary .-• . ba;:,..,m_ momtng ... .en1nr ui• Programs Talk Festival wUJ present one Interest-by Rexford Br.·•ndt lng event after the other. A booth .u ot delectable Cooked tooda (inany . . · prepared rrom Ebell cook book Dra~g from hi.I experience u recipes) will be. open and in' chargi an artilt-detiper and .... teach- of M rs'. Murray Rabbitt and Mn. er, Rex Brandt will dbcuu '-rhc Paul J onea. PrtZe. will be offered Meanl.n.g of Art to the Individual Today," at the Aprtl 16th meeting of the. Newport Beach Elementary echooltl P .-T. A., tn the Coron& tlel Mar tlebool Auditorium. for ar~gementa at the fiower show. Booka &nd coetume jewelry and '"white eJepbant.B" will. be tor sale under the supervialon of Mtl. R k . Harve.y, .Mra. Grace Webb, Mrs. I. B. l"'rendersut, Mn . .John Daniell and Mn. Paul Rogen. ~· Club roembert1 wtll exhibit palnt- mgB arul Mrs. H. M _ Whet.el hM loaned he r exquirlte collection Or 1nin,ature rooms ror the Festival. For a hand-Jt:hitted . d·resa and Sm R-:chard'a merchandise order, tlck- f'UJ mat' be Had from Mn. J . W . Cammack at Harbor 2997-J. . ornee.. Named Mr. Brandl ii reCop.taed natlon- auy In the. general neta of art; be hu hekl 12 dltter<ent teaching po- altlom, tn three of which he acted u department head; be hu au· thored two ltooQ U\&t have had country-. wide dlatrlbUtk>a; u well u havlnc bl.a work appear in tucb publicatlook u Ute, Fortune and lhe Ford magutnu. To hlghllgbl his program he will give a demon- stratton of ~ method ln water colora. Additional, attractiorul, at Mon· day'• meeting will be a d1-pl&y or ecttoo1 art, whoee dlreCtor la MllS Marte Hefferh. and m\llf<: by flret grade rs. lnatallaUon.c,ot next year's officers and board chairmen ls 1eheduled, too. Hoeteaaea will be Uie SUI crade room mothers. Trwp No. 1....se ... 111 pade Olrt 8-\ta . '••er;.,,.,, W.n. N.a.r ._... W•t1nfat M Oltt 8eMt -. • 1'bla troop llU for the J*l oev· era.I m<mt.hl concentrated on bra.di'' work. Book bln4lna' and -keeping bad(.. 11&.. been com· p1eted with the lf'OUP wqrldaa at pl"e'.'Mlnt on &OOd·gTOOmlnJ. · Har- riet Ktnr Lt tbe curttni prealdent and handle• the bUl.lneu ot lbe troop. Rita Shell ll retreehment ch&.lrman. , The p&rly ot U\e Yff.r for theae Girl Scouta ud lone p~<d lo to be held Friday, "fir.II 11th at the Girl Scout Ho\Ule. Toeeth'r w1th the two other •venth ll"'&dt tf9098 led by Mra. C. W . C.-1 and Miu WUma Doman the tlllrty ghu have Luued lilYfbtUona to bqy1 ot their age tor an eftlllng tJt . d.,_c- lng to a three. ptece orcbeatra.. Rc- tre.hment.s will be 8erved. Girl Scout House Popular Inland Mrs. Deakina called the &e•ion to order and Ma. Roscine CUppelt gave the collect. The minutes ~re . read by the aec:retary, Mr11, E. C. Twichell and followed with the treuurer·s report by Mra. Robert Allen. Jt w&a announced that the club now hu 340 members. ·Dur· Ing Wttk of April 9th to l~lh. .Yl~har<r• market w1\1 m•k• r"' Le'gion Auxiliary We lht;.. cake that Ebell c lub en· • . • The Glrl Scout Hou.t1oe or Nt'W- port Harbor bu tteeome cn:•tly tn d'mand lJy' inland lroope for week~nd oVerntchta. L&llt. week a troop from 11111 Pomona ocdlpted the hOU8e with ..-eeerva~ tor Rlver- aJde and Palm Sprlnp made for later dat,. ~rough M&y. The new Senior Girl Scout. Plan .. nlng-board Cit Orange COUQty wtth two rep~aentat.JYQ from each cquncll 'f'W bold an Ov-ernl«bt at Newport Scout HOU&e the end or tcrect !n the. cake c~nteat. The en· ·Ac,t1ve 1n tTy,..-.Pineapple Fluff, wa.s made by H · I rk ,,.~:'Deakina . ospita Wo · ..• ,he • nominati!"g committee,' April. ' tt;adid by --'Mra. Karloe O\hmer Ab.pit.al . work wu the matn pryertted t!'e toUoWtng names to• topic of dl.lcUAJon at the, regular offic.r• 9r the club next year: bualneoa meellng of tile Newport ~ •rfoon·ist \/IP Pres.Iden~)· Mrs. C. M. Deaklna; H.a.rbor American Le~on A'usW· \.,,,u T~ nnit vice president. Mrs. ft.Obert ary u they auetnbled tn Legion t b t ~ 11 Allen : seco~d -vlce P.°esident. Mr:a-Hall Mo!'d&y ni.Sht. April 9th. 0 8 0 •_! .;:, ~ Byron W.ella; recording aecretary.. Newly-appointed bospllafCltatr-· ~ •• -.r F ! f::'; 91 Mrs. E. c. Twlcbell; corr .. pondlna man J#!ldred Bonda -an ap· .>pr1n9 es Wai see.retaey. Mn. Harry «;uey; peal for moi'e vo:untttn to fW the · ! ~~ trea.su,ter. Mrs. John Lamar; aud.l-trnK'• pledge or workers on 1\le~ For N;ewport Beach in>eu club'• tor. Mrti. Paul Rol(er3; direct.ore.. da) over tn Long Beach Veteran's Spring ~Uval, planned ror April Mrs. Jobn DanJeU and Mn. Coll(s hoapltal. Mn.· Bonda l)u worked 29th at the American Leston Hall Brown. eaeb week elnce the procram be-Virgil Part.ch, natkmally lmOwtt Program chairman. Mrt1. Jlar-gan, and ls enlhw.lutically re-author and cvtoonfat w;1U be p~ loe Othmer, presented Louiae (Mrs.. crultlng all a\-&Jlable belpera to_. a ent lo autograph hJa lat.at book, Robert I Orlemier, who sang beautl-wqrthy proje~ She announced ''.He~ We Oo Again." fully the numben1 LU'Heure Ex-her committee tor April 10th Formerly or Sant& Barbara. Mr. quiS(:' (Hahn). When I Wu Seven-would be comprt.ed or Me8dame• a.nd Mrs. Partch live at 224 Col- leen, a Swedish folksong, Mira.ma Jean ~arkbam, Bf.mice Opel. llM Ave., B&Jbo& leland wllh their" Asi tDe Fuentes) and Lu1Jaby, a Adra.iq Joyner, and France• Han-two children, N'leholu and Anna. poem written years ago by Mre. na. They had spent. much Ume vaca- Deakins and &et to music by her .. N' at Ion a I Security cbalrman Uonlng here before comtng penna- daughter-ln·law, El1:zabeth. wife of Lydia Brigg• reported aending a nently becaue lhe7 kwed IL Dr. Duane D. Deakins. telegram tQ Senator Knowl&nd tn _ V l P ... Mr. Partcii le ~ Mrs. Waldtt:k Speaks Mrse. C. G. Waldeck wa8 the dpeaker of the a.necnoon a.nd her ,ubjecl wu "Historical Back· ground& of Modern Problems." In eart Mra. Waldeck M id that f908t wo rld prob~m• have root.I in ~e past and therefore it le vitally im- portant that we study the put In order to understand present prob- lems. She d lscussed lhe origin of EuroJ>ian nationalities and the outgrowth l11:to !ltates with prob- lems arhting from such growth, The result o.t the Mongol bfvas- lons. especially in RUMla. the Crusedes and the age of dlscOvery a.nd rlvaJq fOJ' <;0lonlt!8 by tile European Statee were the bases of many problems, according to Mrs. Waldeck. Out ot the indt11trtal revolution the struggle between support of the Legion-sponlOred wu connected wtth Walt Dbney movement to prerint the tea.II of tor many ye&n and on ieavtng bll:n the head suraeon at Long !J¥.ch •la!'.ted oft aa a cartoonilt in hi• h08J.1:ital to mltttary eervtce. own right. Today be 11 one of the Afnertcanlan df&Y' ha~ been moat popular •ketcben · tn hlJ: climp'•ted. tn .tile local l.<hooL and field. Rio chat'f.etaa Pf!OI' out !tOm will.,. Jud1'"4 locally o0 AprU !4th the pegu <>f Cblller; True. Bablr· accordln• ·to a re,POrt eH.t .. by d~ Evatlng-P08t and 1ot.ber aat- cba.lrman Mae Robbina. lonal mep.slnea. It will be a pla ewnlng tn tlul "BotQe Fatlcue." VlP'a tint local Legion hall wbe.n 2ht Dla-book WU an immediate succe.u trlct Prer.dent Nelle catLaon tnd "HeN We Go Alain°' ll tl'Uh makes her otrlclal vtalt here on trom the. publleben. · May 28th. That la tbe night plan-Mr. Partch will be on hand be- ned tor tbe meniber9hlp contret. tw~n 12 and % o'clock to autp.. dinner, and wm. be tot lowed wiU\ irapb t.he new book. n tnltlallon for approximately ti • • n•W memben. The candlellgbt Mrs. Maris Newland ceremony wtll be conducted b)' tbe Newport Harbor Ritual team. Honors Ne· .;;Ji · 0: Memberablp applications w e r e ~!-r pre ... ted •or approval •or Marilyn With Stork . Shower and Vtvtan Leidy, a.ad Fannie Reid, , all of which were accepted. , Wed.need& H~tdees tor the' evenlllg were y· c'°'ninr mbetetd tA a PY atolk abower -i:or \ Mn. :,::e; Bell and Gladys Thomp· Ralph Mynlut of Ban Bemardlno Thoee tn attendance were Ku-avenue, Newport BM1htL "ltra. Marla Newland of San Bma&rdlao .. damea Helen Randel Lydia Brtap. avenue .wa. hoeteu tor--u.e poop FRIE Vton& Burtl'ck, MUdred • BondO, of nelghbora Who boriored Kn, l!:lleen Inna. Vivian Ralea. LucWe MynhJ1 , ·, • ' ~ ~ .BemJe& ~l, Wi:ma Mor-• Novei otork pmea -~ SA~~tn;'k · ·noon.a:•.=.::;: ':Ii. wttll Mmea. WWla ne!do. W1111u1 ' · -· To:;. IAllb&uab and 'Alm&· ~ Mclut.e and &aft 811e111n ciipblr-~tf,~~~-lJ~. . : -:---p-~e :::::-..... :._l ~ t -.. : .. .... •"' ., "' -tiJUe wmb,.... wttk be Kini eolec' • ::'..=r-S::l>' "':..: ,~. 1 Reqvest Cl,ss ;:• :ec1~ =.."\ ~ S:: • 1ra1c in Home Nursing "'. ru:o-·no.;rtnc: rr..m u... . ' .. ,. • ' . ) ~ ' • 1 . ~r. ,. bup at...!r.. l"IUd«I • ~:- • I '-lh ' . ProopecU... ,lll!'f modtn anti u.. m&llJ' ,ul.. . ~ .• . I -ts dado ba,., req~ ... cJiaool bl '. ~ Ille li>nly, ~)~. '-' .• • .mother U!I be_b;y: ..,, ~ -eei "!"I fdmlnd ~-u to kn.. JI. o_. Ru.•en. .borilt ft._. tit iltork · ro1 Ice cteUD1 ~t ·tnc. ~· (..:.-~ o,n.c. i.e. .at -......,. ui..-'llllrii. aea c...m1,7 Cll&ptu,~ ~ I • .-.. ,....'.i."91f ~~ To 11n. lbe. ,.,at. a ~~....,. ui. ...,,w.. ......_ 'Niil a,., . -. ., ~ •w._ •• ••=4 Jloull _........_ JUsl. and ~Ir od'er .. -----~· "lDitwMI lldllol, / ""'Weila1 I ,r.1-,..n ~ -· ,.. lllail . 1Y1olloio -~ W·•=ao ,. ....... bl .u. .....--. et w-.,..., ;;lid>on· '*'--chapter~ 1106 W., llUl Rua1 CIL .. a • ....., Qlllmn, .~ •• ~.hi\\& Ana! De -• lloMt 8afd, h, ~~ '·-t~:t:-s?·~~ ~-=-~l:=* --'!''·"'tl;~ ...,.. .. , .... ,..to ....... lllCdafe.. -. ,. . <.'"';-;;;;;;-;·.;._ ~j ... , .... W..ltl' ·• ... .. • ... · .. ' . - ~ ·. . . . . ' • I ' I I ' • • ' I I • • .. •. ' ' • ,. . ... ' •• ' • ~ , ' .. • .. .1 i -. • ... . " • I I ' • , Here'• the value of the year! Brand new 1'7-inch General Electric at a r ock-boti;,m price! You get big-life, real-as-life pictureal Simple tuning. Genuine wood cabinet in cor- aovan finish. You have to see thia big value to bfilieve it! Come in todaY. ~~~Ori Furliituse Co. OPEN1FRIDAY 0 EVES. m 9:00 U { eoa.i' Hlgbwiy Phone Beacon MSl 1 To the Residents · of Newport, llalboa and Costa Mesa. WHEN YOU THINK OF PAINT • THINK Of ')'ine. . . 01d tolOJ!Y .fain& • Made for The California Climate WE CARRY COMPLETE STOCKS AND CAN SERVE YOU PROMPTLY WITH EVERY PAINT ACCESSORY YOU NEED. • LET US RECOMMEND A RELIABLE PAINTER w • WE STRESS QUALITY! . Having recently tJLken over the Broadway Cleaners. we want lo lmpreaa our cua-- ' tomen that With us. quality ts roremoat. Try "us whe n you next need cleanln£'. Leave Your Laundry with Us • BROADWAY CLEANERS MISS LOt/ ANN WALLl'JVj\ND. ~· Bro...,."1 OOllTA MESA I'll. -~ . -. . -- • ·-..... "' ••••• ,, 11 'f. 1 $1 I I ..... Jt • • . High Qualify Prin#itff-l'h. Hat. 1616 ~ , , . ' I • • Charge Youths With Car Theft Three juvt ntle bo)'B w~n:.. book· td bn grant theft auto cha.rs-e. bY. N~wport police Monday alter al- lecedly •lee'lng the cu ot Henry Qrandlrr, San Marino, trom 1.he Newport Harbor Yacht club. r • .. • lxtra Hows lyery ' Day ••• and they' rt .p yoMrs. Sttyour t lectricd , opplianFt dea.ln . . ' - ' . . SOUTHERN CAl.IFO.RNJA .ED.ISON COMPANY ' ·-......... Wr pod< 'tbe beeutifW.. bi.a car .... • . """'" ...... "" ,,,. «.-1., ..,,_ cM do it ,.~, .witlt H,.,Jra4fUd-1 . -·- ' Beautiful to look at ,. 'Nqw .tJ?Bguide Steering~ fof~&&hs I ... ·.,of the work . . ·' ~ r , . ~ .. , ~ , . ... i.,.·. • ...... - • ~ • '· • drove ••• then imagine one tive timea eaaier • f" ' ~. ' ' • • I • ~ .' to .teer/ ~· new Hydraguide power . ' ' ' ' -. -eteeiin& ••• regulat on Crown Imperials and . ,oiitional at eztr~ CQlt on all New 'Y;orker ( 8'ld Imperial mod!ia ••• ~""' you dictty 1ttil.t. Hire ii by far .the gr9ate1t tlnlle chanae in bapcllin&'eaae and aafety ' for you! '· • ,. ~ ... _.. .... 4rift :P-' ~­ m.d• • . ·.: witboUt .rm~ . sbovlder fatipe 1at.-th•i •f - ArJ>und the cun99 :· . ..-40M' the . hilts •.. Hydrquide d~ IOJU-' ' . 41t'-ol t1-f/llOrltl . , • J • • l I ! • ' • . l •• • .. , ' ·' I ! s • I i . . • • .. .. • P1'&l o • • I · •' uen,n••u . •-LTRA ...... CAUi fflRT TIMll CINCB contains every cju.uty~ J't8C E ! sarY for perfect cak.,.. Millio1111 aay .. ••Jt'a tl:f llBST cake mix you can buy.•• Try CINCH today. • • r 1 r m.J • ' , THURsDAY, APRIL 12, 1tsr • . PJlESS..Jl --- .............................................. • • • • ' I • • • I Anaheim P.-tof in St. James Choir· l.utbeMft dudt Pre•c:hlnt t.ful9ft , Dinner Event to ~· - at Christ CIUclt Tiie 2 du -., ... , VllitON. Sundey' Ami . \l&...L- --·-r ... v • • .. ...,. • .• c .. • . Ra::I\ •--ls L'W' ... al,.. ......... ei>a·--.......... ..,.... wm be..,._ ' ' Cbri8l ~.,Ille----... W b 2 ,, "'"911.""" 1111111 ""l'f ... , •• _..... .... ••• , ... ,£ .... I '"-' nlltt -'lie¥. -21e cao ,_ --of IWHa *"'* ._.,, e o'sr. -11 ""' ml! J.Maw'• .,_,_ llllUJrwwtb. pulot ol' ._ .. Ille ......... lllll °'"s II If =mHr of UJe _i ... lloa -.... It et "il'ol ....... T.,io. AM ........ ~ tlio ......, .... tte ..... -.. -'W --Jdlllfas a.-i. Ille ""!""~II-~Ille fin& -II D!"tln,o!WIW ao, a publle ...._ •111:tol u a. :hPa11 Jw-l.l o·~ _,...., ....sc. ao """ ilJO -_.. of the .._, .. s --Ille ll&te, Kl'. -... : .. -.......... -........ &lie ._ .... ....__. ca.. ~ ll -loo -In ' ltil --.. br111,1nc. i.w. w 'llJ-.a.. • palp. .. ni. purpcioe of Ibo Cllmrell dlt1rc1o. • . • , lq with. ,.'.lctouo expet'leneetl ID < t.ialtJ' OOID....,. It II' • •r-A ......... 001 rice la pl&nao\I Cor ···~ uw... S T . . . ... .. .llWIJ' 11-.11 "' • -. ~. Judp -a..-. tio A 11ativo of Callton>Ja. '° res errnon. QptC mlillllJ' .. pcwlblo lo -· bf ,_. _. ... Dl.n&\IOU ll&w ~='.:::::::· :::::· :· ;·:· ;· ~<.=~::· ;,;· :::;:;:;:::;;:::::::~ ~1~~"'.:_~·::!!...~ ot Christ Church-'=:-of1oa\l~.=.,.s::: ~i.';':.;~~:. ' .·1 •-•" :. , 1 • oa -u.. cam'"'" ot Kortbweotom s • .. • , . • IDYIUAS s~'..i,lliion Wllo cio o~ -......,., -. jlolo{. , • .ulR • UJI!-,.. He • Nt1'J'Md to Calls "Wtoft Oil ..... te .0.:..,;. --at~ dllll'dl. lo wol'lllllp w1t11 I~ lo Newport --JU41e · 1' ··, ro...ia -... ·1>6 ..., appo1a1-ec1 _, "'twi ___. _..,. ui, them. s ~· to:ll, Your Clalldnm &Del -• L:...;i;;&l...,.:•f'&flrres· Plllor ot ~ Mothodlot cblll'Cll ta 111snz:ew ot lZle ,Plofl!d-,•11111.a lloch. membfr ~ :be ---· wU1 "° ~ on Ute flllll·. ~""'"' I& - .. -J I • • 3an Oabrtol, latu tnmtomns lo lo - -""!'!=:;;-Wiil "' Ule # liaa --to lip a .... and -who ll&ve ., .• • Walr • J. -LA• Ute Unlftl'llty Kelbodlat cl!mdl oormon topic , _,.., u •lA>7aJi, ·~· Pl'OlllllliDs ~ pearod In IJlo -ri. 'lbon wW bo ' ·.~ 1.,-S, · (ii R:eill&nda. He i.a. been putor CbNt ~ 117 'U!f -. ~ Ji. wt i au..lwt dlin1'h ... 17• llWi· two oorvtco, at t :SO and 11 pm. , , ., 'IEPAl,llN~ ,1 In Anaheim zlnce Jiily 1H.t. • -. at 1•111 '41'ML ni._.111xt, ~ r ... i'1t ,.. .... ~ ll'la Im· Be~lllet'<l'o-albwt • . ,r .P.A&ft "-ND~L4118 · fta ...-will "° .. pported ~4"1'SM-ll 1:u la._ -'bl• ·r.,, hbnl lo ~ .., thuo consrept!ou! mooUns · will be' ff~ UPIAc.:-l'lft ~ .. -·eholN or u.. -·-la tM •QM ~ lwU<eT" A,_.., evtclonclllJ bla ...... '1oJ111t1 and ,..Id. --1-will "" m..i. ~. r'J . M dlll :•u~, ~ or Cb?1A Cllun:h by lion to.r. new moml>era rolloww-U.. otn!J\s -.. an example lo otbon. u to whetMr to, continue , the 1 C111r IR ..... :he a.a. Ute Temjjle Cbolr or Ana-'*!Omlnr ~ • • Tbe campa1p i. -.... ~ 1o .um-4oUl>le <Pl'OC*;""' t.ndi.,..-.. wbo • Li" ......:_"nlli flxfse·_ ~ --111d cbo!ro from Huntlnstcn ul&te church ·attendance In thll Uke lo au.Hd. ~ ~ o'clock ..,.. • . .,,.,._, ':Ill -llt""!I and Garden . Grove. N M b 10ml-.-rt area and ·aaJ'One lo In-Yice lfe ulcejl _to oomo earl,1< to The eerl .. ot_ llddruw wiD be 6W em ers , votfd to partlclpafe who lo willing ~r their ot>lil'°"-, ' 1 I .,_. ~D ~}9 . ... toll~:"" Sunc1&7, '"l!:lluotve. /! St. Andrews . to promloe to attend church ....... .~er b--will . tnelude Ute • ~ OJt do.oil .._.._, ..,, t It 1 : ,._,-, .,,,ere wore larly Cor 1lx woekz and bring one 1•~ of "" ~ to, i-ebia« 8-AV.:., NllwftJR.T BEAtlR two of ua"; ~JI• "Llko Sap oll\tt .,.,_ to church witla him 'old· B&uc~;tM> barl'reot(lled; l :~;::::::::::::::::\t:::'.'.'.:::::!:::'.::;:;::::::=:::::;::'.::~ R-": w~. "Qlllet Zon.. lteC.tved 8\lnday Into, membor-next SunCl&y. · and. I<> co · flnU>Clal maltora. . . , , • , ol Ute Mind"; Tlluraday, ''Conloa~· lklp at BL """"'IW'• P• .. byUrlan _ The c:on&T<ptlori la aloo remind· 1 , • • , s• Inf Ute wm· and f'ri<laY. "Calla -by lett« Crom lither s d T ·• f. ""o( tile clwlgo to Cl&yllgltt aav-''RE.' l .18' I u··s ··EX' p·_-E· :R" IEI. CE''. Muiout Ecboo." ' q11ur<1> .. werr. Mr. and Mn. Rich· Un ay Opie Or tnr. tun•. ' • ard Plesu and Cl&ugbter, BuaaD H b l fh. . AaJI!._,,. Dla¥r Sunday Notice ol 0oNna dol Mar. from Cenll'&l tJr Or U ertJn~ . HlgbUgbt of Annl•onary Week CbNtlan cburch, PU&deAa; 'Mra. ~In the Bervlc:e of j...., Christ" will h. Ute l!'amlly Nlpt dtMer IN. EV'-ERt··· I. AY' , .-tl·Yl .. 118s i • ~' for B. I' L ~ethod'istS Jack phrlftonoen and d&Ufhter, ·•-on W~ and showing of one _ • M TGal Les.. eo.ta Mm. fJ'om, rt rat wUJ be use theme of the armon on of Colleen, ToWUHDd'• re111"k>tM Prolbylerlan ch_,b, Banta Ana; llunday by Putor Herbert G. Roll! plc:turea, Apln Pioneers. Muok: Or. Karry 1Vh1U, .putor of Bal· ¥!. 111d Mr.·H&IQlll Kahn or Coa· at Newport Hubor lAlthenn will be by Don LlnS'e, aecordlon- bo& ,loland C-mllnl~ MeUtodtot ta M-, OOin Wlab!H P.'ru!>J· churdL The .....,on text Is liken ~t. ' el'nlrdl. will bave .. hta Sunday terlan cblirU. Loa Anee:let. ' trom Jolln 12:11 -"If a.n.y man # The church wUI be decorated mo.mini topic, ""Dra!Unc the ,Rtctved bJ .Jtapttam and conf~ euve Me, let Him follow Me: and ror the QCCulon and proceed• Who!e F&m.ily." H&ael Mann, guest lion of faith WU Mlu Barbara where r am, lbere ah.all &1so my ,from & tree will ottering' will go Do.lat tor the d&f. will .a,ln..J, Balldx of B&lML · eervant. be: If any man eerve Me. to t.be Wonttn'a Fellowshtp to hdp ·.'Oree.t Puce Have t'My," £1... • ~ h1m wtU My father honor." The IKJU!P tbe kitchen. ReaervaUona Idle e ....... )Wlo ....,...,..yln... ~ . ity Ch h ~ choir will 'olns-tit• ""t/l<M , must .be in by B&lurday .. """"" ~ P. F . -cbun:h otn• \.JQMmUn UrC Open OUr. p;y..:• I'll WW C. Fae· .Ii limited. • e:l&f W"9 wu NC&lled to acuw S d . Se • tar~e. A &!au enC:med "quJet • -· -·· hao roturn<d ·and will cons un ay rvices -room la provided for parents wltlt ~ d s . Unue hie duU.., Dr. White reporta. < •• ' small children durln&' tbe church ,,1.1n ay erv1ces • "Doeo Ouiztlahlty Produce ? .. bour,_,where Ibey mf.y participate f C l ~ B . TI f H Ith ~ . I s will"" I!-... -Joel ef:tbe Re•. l"JIUI In Ute" oervt«. ' .or ... 'YI· ap s s ea ea .ays lkll"uil ltallllltt'o iionnon ·next At 9:30 a. m. Ute Sunday IChool • u S\m41q, A'"J 16. u he J>f'MCbM i;net~ with c'·~mi fM boya and. "F"titb and ~rut.er'' ta the Science Lesson 11 t ;tO a. ]II. Uld a.l 11:00 .. "" irtrlz of all ...... 1be Adlllf Blblr oermOb '1JbJe<:t chooen by Rev. P . ID tbe C)llinmllDltr. oflll'dl ot Ct>-SIUdJI lo conducted tor parents of 0 . Neumann. pa.tor of th,e Flrat The queatton "Att Sln, Dlaeue, rona del 'Kar. The 9:45 L m, at-Sunday achfol children and other Jlept.i.t church of -~ Mesa, tor and Death Real!'" i. the topic to lendance la srowtni larcer each adu.IQ by tli.e put.or: A!l are In· 'the S\lnday wonhtp eervlce at 11 be COMldered tn the leuon..-nnon S\md&y &Ad i.~ ~ to ..on 'Yfted to attend. 01ctock. Sunday lN:bool t. at 9 :4~ bl all OU1ltian Science chure:bel compt.te tn -attendance WI.th th~ Put.or Roth haa left to attend ~· and youQi . orPntzatlon. will 8uada7.' 11 :00 L m. ler'¥k:t. A well t.ralned the. Callfomta Dblr1ct convention ~~t at i ;.30 p.Jn. Th~ paator wtO The Coldu Text Crom Palma youth choir atnoi at t:t.5 and a of tbe American Lutlleran church ape.Jc on '"nle Sin Un\o. Death'' declare.. "He t.Ut la ou' God 11 well tN..lHd adult ebolr ..,_ at Which ta being' held at Arcadia at the 7~30 o'clock eve:nlnl' wor- th• Ood of llllvatloll; and unto 11 :00 o'clock. Mra. Kuy atten April 9·1 3Ut. He bU be<1h op-•hip oemee. · Ood tbt Loni belong the 1-u.H 8tdfen.ae.n la the d1nctor of both polnted to a@rVe on the ChUJ"ch Members of Dr. Landy McBrlde'1 from dfttb" (68:20). • cholre.. Ml.m llarpret &cbar~ ta ReeoluUon.. committee of lhe con-Sunday edtool clul will hold a Mary Baker r.dcly cMcJarq tn orp.niat. venUon. box eocial . Friday, April 13, at 7 "Science e.nd Health 'fith key to ~· In.tit.le p.m . ln the ehurcb . ~ Scrtptu.re1: ..... 81cknffa. ala and Tbe Bprtns·JJutttute o1 O,.ttn:h· N -l J b f Dr. Cecil M'ercbensen, director " A SIX NIGHT -rREICHIN8 MISSION . . -AT-· • <tl4riat <l!lj'utr4 · ~_y .. mtµ &ta Balboa Blvd. at 14th St. s NEwPoRT BEACH • REV. FRA .. K BUTTERWORTH . . OP TEMPLE, ANA'eEJM .J· ' SUNDAY- _."ELUSIVE, ISNi IT?" MONDAY- "THERE WERE TWO OF US" TUESDAY-I "LIKE SAP RISING'.' WEONESDAY-death> -not the Cru1to ot W o. manahlp tor Laymen will' be held 9W-Mem er Or 9t the Union Reacue Ml88lon, Loo __________ .:__ ________ :.._ ____ = 'Ibey are lnbarmoJlte. wblcll truth ID Ute Con&NPtlonal dnu-cll· at Ace +· F' Angeles, will add,.... Ute Men'• dutri>)'O (p. 2t3.) Whittler on Sunday an'"'°"" at 2 OUn tng lrm Brotherhood 'on Mon~y, April 18, .'QUIET ZONES OF THE MIND' ..... _ ;.!Jr,, " • • • ' " . . . Moot folko think or comfort .. a state or --• kind or wonderful pl'O<Xllli that supporta you everywhere but touches you nowhere. Actually, it'• the little tblnp you don't feel that make you oomCartable. Chair Can on Southern Facilic'a modern atreamlinen have i-n built wilh this thought-~...,. com{orl-the 6Jot COMideratiotL•Duat-free, draft-free air-conditinninr. No- s-lare ftuoreecent lightinc. Sol\ ....... .,Cloud roam-rubber 8'9.ta. Lota of leg room and move-around roo.n'i . Extra large windows. Feother-toucb docn. Spacioua wubrooma. 'Thal'• why Chair Cara on Southern Paci11c ~ .,.. the moot luxurious form of all low'.co.t ~tlon. ' • • • ' \ .. ....... ~.Dh'd1cP I 1111rA'11• .. 1 I iJs •w a:Y 11111 .. .. ... _ .. I - s • • o'c1odc. SeYe'-1 laymen Jrom the Laui::ence A. Pruua of Corcoran. rolloW'!1g. a dinner at 8 :30 p.m. Mu- Gues:t ~-e-Ler Community cllureh or Cor<ll!a del 'CallC, will Join Ute &c01>UnUng Ii<: will be-preoented by Ute male .....q.i. a.&. Mar 1!'11 attend the ~oon and n.nn of Lealle E. an4 Erneat 1 v . cborua. a.I. N rt lbe ~..me.. Soderberg, of Corona del Mar · T ~wpo · Slmultueouo oellllft&n tnelud· April 15_. , ' Dodge i. moving. Watch It! D -t' t Ch h W.. "t.ymu•a Orp.nka\k>na. Our ¥r. and Mra. Pru.Mo, wflh thet; IJIGP IS • urc -Cllrjltlan Worltl Wnk>'l, .,_ ... daugllt0< Charlene, will mal« tul ChUl'Cb Fina.nee, What i. thtotr home ln Newport Beach. StewardahJp ! , Chrlattan Soc l a I Mr. P'rµ89() ls an expertenced ac- AcUon, &nd the Work of DN.cona ~untant and tu expert. He wu and Uahera will ba held tn the a.uociated with the Soderberga ln att.emoon. . San Joaquin Valley prior to the R.eY. Edwvd L. Peat"llOn, neld repreMntf.Uve flfl ~ Chlldten·. S.pUat Home at Ing'.ewood, Ca.lit ., will deltyer the meua.ge UUed , "DLamondl 1n the Rough" at the 11 a.m. worshJp ee.rvtce ot the Ftr9t Baptlat church. 19th and Court atreet, Newport Beach. Tbe gueat ~a.kC"r wu a BapUat pu- tor tor 19 yeani and served three yeara u a chaptatn ln. th• U. 8 . A.t the dbmtt Jitwr Dr. Jobn A. Jut World War. Hta afflliatton VI~. ptofeaaor at Pomona College, wtlh the· local rtrm LI tndlcative of Claremont wtll speak on t.be sub-the powth or th1a"10Uthern coutaJ ject. "The Greate-at Bua.lneu In a.ru and,·n.}lelldlng bust.ne.a ae- the Wor:d." ,, Uv1ty. Dodge la mOYlng. Walch It! Dodge ill mdvlng. Watch It! nRll1' CH1JRCH OF ClllllllT,' 8CIENTl8T UOI V1a Udo, N-rt -• A lwMdi .t Tlit w.ttt.r Cltwdl, 1'• ""' OWdo ., Cllrid, k l•.ttlf, .. lottOI\, M-th. ........, -· 1:••·"'-~ s.r.ik:• I :ti •· "'· WfflMMq ......._ _.., .. -l:tl p. '"· 1.Mcll.M ._ ..... llt 111 ,..,.. ~ 14ilbM, lt .,.. deity ,,_ IJ -• to ' ... 9\. ...... SUdns ffd '911"'1-uff-..u, .......... . 11t. P11Wk h cordlt lly llt¥1t.d to eff9fl4 tM Uwdl •-k•1 111d llM ftl• l•.1dl110 ·- THURSDAY- . "CONTESTING THE WILL" , FRI.DAY-· . "CALLS WITHOUT ECHOES" ' • • .. ... , A Spi~ual -~onlc Far dlllltl Splrltl ,.:-S_PECIAL 1 MUS!C -_NIGMTL Y 7:30 Nightly -Sunday· Thru ,Friday . . April 15 to 20 inclusiYe Army. Tbeputor,DonLambencn.wlll l=-----,,.--~;--=---------------'-----------:__ ___________ .:_.,'_ ______ ___:.~ be preaching at the 7 p.m. aeMce · ~ " tor which the aubject wlU be 1'Re- sulta of J ea\11 Coming Again." Bible clueea tor all agea begin at 9 :-4!\ a.m. Sunday. M.id-Wttk .1ervlce of prayer -and Bible atudt. commence Wedneaday at 7 :15 p.m. 0. C. Y oufh Rally Saturday at · Adventist Church A rally tor the youth o r Orangt- oounty wW be held on Saturday, AprU 14, 3 :30 p. m. at the New- port Helrhto SevenUt-Day AdVj!Dl- i.t clturch. A ~el d.iM.'Ualon wlll be held by youth and Youth~lea.dera led by Elder J. It. Noloon aao1ots ed by Elder Charte8 Martin. Mis· alon&ry volunteer Youth leader of the · Southeutem Conference. • Ther<1 will be zpeclal muolc bJ the Santa Ana church mixed quar- tet.. A ta.mlly of lemura, the only one in capUvtty. Mil be shown by Elder and Mn. 0 . A. Skau, mla.- stona.rie1 from India. and Burma. Elder Nelaoo' 1wW alto. mpeaJt at the 11 L m.. RJTlceti of the iame day. Public e:ord.Jally lnvtted ~oboth~ St. James Y. C. L. to 06serve ' Y, outh Sunday Tbe tcift.--:arbid JOml' ,.;,,.e of SL Jam.. cbun:b will unJlo wtlh all S)llac..,al ;-., ,.... U.-p the-In' ID~lils In KOL-.f tloa YQUtla ~ -J'. j no. -··-~ ~ Ille s 1;30 Lm. l!Jlol ...... ol Ito ..,. :::m-.-Jll a • s' t 1 --· -.-~ ... •on• \ cat. -tw "1s'..,., 0.. tei u.tlr Wrtrar ........... a.-.... ,,..._.. a a ,.-. • 1r1 t' "' .--.... Dz 7171 .... I J' 1· -------~.-...; Jttrs.wmp II .,.,. •Poe .. __ ..., I )cl' •111m MA17'" ,. • , ' I • • " . • > -. • ' ... I • • -..... ,,. __ ., ...... OOlto',_,,., .... , .......... ~ _ _••r• •«•••lcel f•r Ml1 I try M ,.,,, • .,. ! > Qlllkllllll . ~ . • • .r • , s • -• • ,_ , • , ..... ~--·-·--OH! ···z-. · •I 11 otlliijizr .._.~..,. toz n111zt ioWh•-• •• , ,,., •• llll ••• ..,., t 1o-11·:,_..,..,...... ... • • • I ..... ....., ..., lo .... ' ........ F p z?do •at w ... ,·os,:o er .. ...,., .,_... y;-••• -. . • • ' . • ··' ., .. pj Sa:'> tr. , .., ...... _.", r lr 11, ... " 21 1' •••• ........... • 1 .. , e ,.. • ... -.as 5 ., ..... ,, ............. ,.._ ..... .... , f , e llLJlt 1pirl I , ......... 'S!la-t•• I l~l'f.-•dro~··' •• ..... ~aa · · ' ' • ' • •. ' ) .. NOl'ICE OF HEAltlNOS NoUcia. la herrby given that the PJ.annJ.na' Comin1-ion ot. th~ City of Newport Beach wl!I hold .P'Jbllc hea..riftp on the application of Glady• ~o a.mend Ordlnapce No. 936 t Lot 1, Block 13. Balboa Tric , llHll f;. Bily Av .. I wtlJ tall within a C-1 Dletrict tp.- ete.ad ot the preae.nt R~3 UllU!'. • Notice la hereby further stven that aa.'d heartnc.!I wtll be fteld on the 19th day ot April a.nd lbe 1 Tth day of May, 19!51 at the M\Jr ot 7,30 P . M. In ta. Co<w:il Cllam• bers ot the City Hall, Newport BeaQh. ca.tlfornla at which time and place any a.nd all penona ln".. teTe.11ted may appear and be heard lhereon. RAY Y, COPllLlN, Sec'y. PUNNING COllKIBSION N'o. 870--Pre... Pub!Uh Aprtl 5·12, 1951. NO'nCll OF llEARINO Notice ta hereby giYe'n lhat the PJanoilicr cOmmiOalon of lhe ·ctty of N+wwrt S,acll "111 llold a P'lll- · llc .. l!<i(lg on the ••ppt~on of , -Elli~ ..... Leoc.h fqr a Val'iO!l'ce of thn4 ~ h'Oln '·the req\11*<1 ten feet or • a.et.back ot aev~ fut on Lot I, Black "E", Sea.shore Colony Tract fl501 ll'eaJtore Dr.> fn ac· C01'dance with ~tion 9103.36 ol Ordananct!. No. UD. , NOC.ice la hereby t\Jrlh~r liven LJGAL NOTICE ' ' N<ntCll OJ' IQl.4,RINO Notice Mi he,..t.y given that the Plann1n¥ Cornmlsolo,. of the City ot Newport Beach ·)¥ill bakl a pvblie lte&11n&' on Ule appllcatlOft of Homer A. Gould for 1 V&rilJ.lce OJI Lot 18, Bloc]! I , Newport S.y Troct (3o:I Eoat Jl<ly Ave., Balboa! tn acoons.nce wUJt Sectlon 91De.f ot Ordanance No. 635. Notice Is JlerMy .turther Ii"" that oalcl *""-will be, M1d o~ the 19th d&y of /.pril, 1951 at the hour of f :SO p. m,.. tn tbe Council Chamblre of UJe "City }J411. r<ow- Port llcoch. Calltolllia. at wlaldl time -.nd place any-ud all per~ :t:.i ~ may\~Pf""' iUld I>< RAY Y. COl'lilLIN, lloo'y, NEWPORT BEACH CITY PL4NNltl<J OOIO(IIUHON No. 681-Pnme. Publish April lf 1951. that la#d hearing will be beld on NOTICS ot ps.&llDJO the 19th day of iA-pril. l&:il at tM: Not.Ice le hereby given that UM hour of 7 ,30 P . M. In the C<Mu!ctl Piai>n~ Colll-<a of tbo City Chaflbere of tho City Hall. Ne1'· of Newpott -.k wtll Mid a,pwb- port Beach, CaJlfornia. a t which tlo -.n•J on. the appll""''°n of lime and plate any and all perllOM llJ!mer J . l,4llO>ll tor a !Ott' YUi· lnleMat.ed may appear and be ance an Lot 13., BJock. &. Eut New .. beard tllereon. port, (721 w. ~-BIV<l.l In ..,.. RAY Y. COPli:LIN, llec'y . •Old-w1U1 ~br> tlQS.fl 1•1 NEWPORT BEACH Cl'l'Y of Onllnaace No. CM. ' < too Wutmlnster .... ~ PLA.NNlNG COMMISSION Notice Jo heN!by fllrllu!r given lfall. No. 112-Pna. tb&t oald ~,atillg Wiii ... held ... ........ ·~ • Pub'loll AprU 12, 19~1. Ille 19111 clay of April, 1"1 at tha 1'n tl&tJon, C. B • ....,..tt. · ~~~ OI' -·~~·o hour of 7:30 p. ml<.tn lb• C<>uMW °"'-dot tia...--W-1 n~ .. ~-~ CIW!lben of ti!• "l.., ,Rail, li"f· ' Notice la hereby given that tjle port !leach, ~ o.t 1'bleh ltl Coul ffigbway. K. Maxwell Planl!ln&' Coounlalon of lbe cir., Ume and place anJ and a11 ........,. -~--tne. P. -tt: 4 U of_N•"'J'Ort Beadl wW hold a pub-1ntePNl.o4 ~ ap,_ ""4 Ila OoNl ~">'· A-·V, .......... Uc Wtlag on the app]"'"'lll at ~ ~ ' ~ -• J, ll-j.lnd.,.,.Nt ·for a 21• rur '. RAY T. COPELIN, S.C')r,' ", 200 -11111 a ., 'J. CllOll .. W. !~ ,,...tan .. on Lot •1, lilool< 2. . NlilWPQRT lllll.\Off Ofl'T . _..._ D n , a . ·-1 ~ .. wrt -tl<!!t 'l'Wo, Bolboa .Ial&NI 11 l'l.AJ:!ljJN.Q QQIOPUll)Jlf' ~-· . , ...... -· ... " ~ ~-r-A' ... -·~ •••••d) In N ·-~-IL' ~ l\f 4JtdlWWI, ----" ---O. ~r~ ,, 'r>; 8,• i6tll ud ltylM, I(. ~wl~~n910U.i<l, l'llbl,lolo <*JfU _.ti, 1'!: tkl D. b .• I , N~ )a !!ere-., fQrlloer given l'lfYnCZ -CW ll'l:•UWG ..._ • that .ii .._._.. wm IM hold on MOtlllia i,1 l!M..., .. .,,.. ~ . 2$C• •••t the 19111 d.oy bt .tpr.1. I&Al at the I:'~ CooJmr~-. ot 111o Clt1 I • ~ ~ .& ..... •1 """• <If '-ill> p. Ill. ta I.be ~ ot lll.Wpurt -~ """' • .-. :-·~ ~ T" ........... of I.be City llal~ •. ~ • ~ ~ on tlle a.,:~ 0t c:i.q _:;~n Ila Ort sp ~ port llalch, Calltol'l'la. at -flarlan 11: a.w°" U. Rohn., . ...., .. ..,_•ot -....., ... µin. aQ4 p1aeo .,., _all....-~ r.-a v....._ u.. ~ • ...... . ln:.-.cl _, .. __ -...... -....... -.. ':... _, ........ .... -.. ..,.. ----".~ M.a.iltllJlol:tt ... -. Mtl.rd t..UND&, . ...._ ................ ?fll """ ..... dine cam ..... ., ·!~D- RAT T . COPllUN, ._,,,, ~ llOCl.7 of OMsl!tf h .tro. ..... 1 lltl' WW 11o ........ • . NSWPORT UloCH C1'JT tall. .... • i-. •W• flf .. _ .... ~HJim<o opMVJW<>M "'oe:i. II ..,._, ., 'r I'-'ww 16 Cl ... N 1 ID Or-::=w... A~IJ. 1Ml. UiU ' llu1llg '9 ~ ~ ... .....,.;. r•~ Illa 1'111._,.,, ..... -9i ftle Iii -el a ..... et* .. _......_..... ..,_ al "It p,. ra. le IN C'-'11 Iii ,. Ill ._.... •11 I• •11 ' &WAW<6 -·· • 0 1t''al fl Ille .~ Bal. Jf.w' ai111t • a.a --... A• .. a.ea -WE ZZH't = ...... r>Wa ~It..... ..... , ... are Mr ...... 1119. C. T. ""'™... ...... ll!IJ'i.tf al Lil 0.-l!"~;.,.~ ~ n~ ~-* l,!EJJ.,-i; I , I-• ... .__. ........ "' -· r.~ • . =• .. •n•••IS .. ~·0,_ ~.~·twma17 rrllld MWIGti 9'Ca', 02 -· ..., .... sat• ~ -..--. PLU110M11 oa.· , rat -.. , : '¥' • ..,._"'...,_ :";,!•..a:.·it.-. ' :.::$ ...... , ........ _ Dt ts• .. mo91Ds. W.W. It! / ' -' • • • ' • * ' ' I 11-~ * l'NH * v..-... * ~ .. *' Llqaon * Frosen ·Foodl * co-•tiel * VfhMlri11 * • , • ' • . '· • , .. ~. . . l!!I Sri11 .. le .. ~1 . . . : •Ill·~ ........ ,, ltt: ······-' . ., lfUOfS Gr••• Hiii •]n • ~ ·2~ _ ..... .,,. .............. , ... WhitUy 3r.14c CELERY .. ,., __ Ci9111· ........ •lttlflfJll• •f1z sweet Wines .. GaL D ... !}!1e;9s-n · Qz•Mcl Hmn 7~ $ -,,., ""tilt ;.._ Swist,Cla1e1e -1·U. "" . ~ ... , ... l2wotl ' . • •' r ""'L19 ...... 9; ••zll -"'-' , • 5 , ,,..,.._ _, .. CIES . . ' . _ .. _._., .. •·:· Catt•• • 26c ' '~.~~ • ,, , ' ., - •••• o.,',IY * ToiJetrlea *· • ' ·C c ' • • I . • , • 0 -\ • • ·' • • ' ' • • . \ ' At T• 'l'abfe9 Ptteiding at the exquisitely ap- pointed tu table• 'were: MmeL l!':dward Chapman, Claude Holman, G. M. Deak:lna, Eddie Haugh, Wal· ter Spla-r, Myford Irvine, Robert Powell and Anna Lener. Brilliant riv&ll to the spring floweni gfteins the paUo were the emartly ,d~ guest.. Noted among the more Ulan 200 ln at• tendance WM Mn. Vir(inla CUtle ln a slim lllmion ptn'k gabardine 8Ult with hat of paint pink. topped with gray roeea. Mrs. Robert Taylor choae a gray fatlleur In sheer WOpl with a black v elvet Mandarin hat and mink cape stole. Mr.. Charle.a Ulllna.D waa channln1r bl a smart care au latt el\antung afternoon frock, ~ ped wt th a tiny cloche ' of natu_i.a1 straw and feathers. Stone-mar· te.na complelt'd her costume. Mr-a . Stephen Ftfflll&n'a smart "grelge" auft with contra.sung trim waa atcented by a natura.J Italian straw hat and patent ac- ce.uoriea. M:ra. Paul Roger'• 1tun- ning reddlniol• wu of lilac raw aUk. Amethyst jewela and her large picture hat .of pale pink with matchlng linen •h~ completed . the lovely ensemble. • F,_t7 Pique M ra. Wfbur 0 . Buc)t choM a gray tlny-checked tallleur wilh froaty white pique revera and matching pique profile hat. An- other beautilul lijac costume wu that of Mrs . .Marloe Othmer. a two-piece ahin'twig · topped • wlt.h Mary Queen at Scot. cap of pale IUac h10880ll1a. Mrs. ;Harvey Somers wu trim in navy" blue faUle w ith becollllng off the face ,hat -.lorned with white rosea. Mrs. R.obert Allen ehoee a gray tailored eo11lume and black picture bat. lmpteatve-itt.ennath of the at-1;.rr on Wednuday wu the it.Ore room of the Thrltt Shop, plied high with the many tntere•tlng bUndles. ·Progressive Feast for Y's Menettes . NEW PRUID-.Jlln. Paul o. Davlo of 1107 Bbe"ll 'st .. Cpr- o.relaa del Mar, "" tUtaned ._,. .. the nrst prefldeot of the .....mtY ·--W1>-mea•a Cl¥1c Leacue of Coro.a dtl Mar &ad .... _ b(aad. J,Mtall- lnc otncer was Mn. KfllUM'Jib Coollq ot Baeoa Bay •. member ., ber o.f th educatlea conunlttee ofU..IMc¥-• • Mrs. Paul Davis Heads Women's Civic League ., Mn. Paul Davi8 was lnsWled. u pre1ldent of the Women's Civlc Leagt.1e ot Corona del Mar-Balboa laland at lta regular meeting Mon- day at Ragan's restaurant.. M'ra .. Florence Cooling lnat.&lled Mre. Davie and other oft\cers, whg,. in- cluded: Mrs. Carl Hanna. first vice preatdefit; ·Mrs. Clarence Hlg- btt, 8'C'Ond 't'lce president: Mrs. Norma Mtl'er, recording secretary: [ Mrs. C. G. Waldeck, correa:pondlng eec:retary: Mr•. Charle11 Schott-( eWI, trea,,urer and Mra. Arthur Oates, auditor. The Let.gue approvt-d a petition o; the Central Newport ~ach Community a.uociaUon u r g t n g lhat the Standard Oil ga.a storage tanM and the $outhcrn Countle8 gu tank be 'removed as a llazard. The membership voled to en- dorse the April 14 crf'w race. by alvlng financial llUppott through tht-chamber of commt-rcc. Mrs. C. Le8tt-r J ones, chairman of the public welfar«' committee, outlined it.a pollcle.1:1 and a ccomp- Ushmenta &nd made a motlttn. which wu pa.seed, lhat 'the Le&gl.I<' join the League of Civic A380Cia - llonit ot :Newport Harbor. All Interested members were ' urged to attend meetings pertain- ing .i.o the oil we.U drilling altua- llon with emphuUt on the county 1:1upervleorS' meeting held Tu~eday. April 10. Fornie; Member Stagettes Guest Mra. Loulse Green recently en· tertalped the StagellH clob at her home, 15'06 S&.n BernardJno fl., Coeta Mesa, Rt a spaa:bettl dinner and, as wrual the group of trlendl who comprlae the member· ah!p had a wonderf\JI time. Vtaltora extended a he&rty wel· come were Mrs. DorU Sturgeon ot Oceanside, a fonner membet, and M.ra. "Vivian Tet.herton ot eo.ta Meu. A procttuive dlnner •poUlghled After dinner Mrs. Helen Clark, the lateat meetlnc of tho New-president. conducted the bualnea port Harbor area Y'a Menettu eesalon. Games paaaed the balance club. Membera Uaembled wltb Ot the eventvg. ~ .. Frftale .JacUon tor the IOUP Inctuded were Mmea. Belly Ru.s- eourte. continuing to the home of •I, Mae. Felker, Helen Clark., Lou l.Allra Jonea tor salad. and' then Loc)\Wood, C:ara Badage, Mabel ,.rtak.lng of the main course ar-Smith. Marre Brockett ot Coat.A ranged by Betty Jenkl:. Deaseti "lea, ,Daiay Sullivan and Emms waa eerved ln the hOme ot Alice Poupar~ ot Newport Beach and Youraton"e, prealdent, where the JanJ~ ChaAdJer ot Oran~. wbeequent bualnea eeeakm. WU · .... ~yin,, the oceaal•• we•·· Mrs. R. E. Newman ·Mm ... )(yrll .. Lo~. Allee T.,_ ~s Honor Guest tone. Dorothy D&llu, ICUaabeth s . 1.immer. Ev.Iyo non\poon, Laura at '· urprise Event' Jonea. DoraUJy Bradley, Nella "'fl-t lff .. J.larpfret ~ Thatche.r.J Buel : ~Yeral Sw,n-M;ea aw&ited J,tn . Burt, Kathryn D'-J. Bitty Jenp,, R. S. fBud) Newman of l.. Perle JPrltsl~ Jackaori, V!rgtnla ~ Pl .• Coota Mesa. ii.tW'<lay evftllng . U1d Grace '!'right. ' on the a.n.'Uvcraary of ber blrth New memben wUl ~ inducted date. In lbe early eve.Ding her bua- Wbeo tile club eoa"9net ·April 26 biu>d .pi.yed host with Mr. -•net at 7:30 p.m. with M!a-Dorothy lip!. Clyde t,;;;.clul accomp&nmg , ~adlq, W'I >.lloo SL, Newport them 'fl'. a •. blrtlld&y dim>,e~ a\ Height.. ~) :11•'-'I' • " •• ~ Foll'~ -'~ otcii?ped V th 1 B'rthd at the llome o! Mr. and If"" W. "-a . y S I ay 11uew.~au-,~1 Mar awnue. for 'iH · · dP k o.m-.eandeouhtlagrouphld· a1 ome an 1 ar ,,... lri Uie ~~· w.llO oang . . . baPPl' ~ lo • ivy IUJ"j>rllt- -and play,..,..... at tff 911 lacb'-' '· ' • : • ,. Cdota M-park .....,.tn •or;• atWt-.,....,..:a~ ~·th lood worl<Qat Monday b7' ""!I'll -~' W\tll ~ al. ~y PNt7 cu-of, -)oi.JIW.,,,,.,.. .... -- year-old tCalhy J-But • --~ ~ with .'l!"l'-J!'r' •ttnctloA1 of u.. ~-. ~~·" liea:litlfUi lilrtl!- ....... ,. ·-............... ·-- -..it --•wttb ruC'Od .bf ~· ~;-1in. ~ . ...---111o· .-. .., a...tae ~-'" aid. otnat. ~ .... -'*' -....... -.Cool& -It pluler. T""9o e11Jo1tn1 u.. ~ ,_. rr,. -,_.,,, .....,,, occrllw . ...i... •-ad Jkrtolol. ~ NI," p!iel& JDte. ••11• '>olr'oa Truoq. J-. AIM ~ Ult} Aal~ °"1 ...,,_, Ol&iloe ~ c::,.; ~Cl-ta • ~ -,. L • Biid · Mewmaa 4ed U. , A. r-ii,, .... --u.. -..... -Mr. --Mn: ... JSik ............ fMea-P' Dll W'fH b I H. • • -"-···--~-~ . I •!•~,_~._..__..,,'hft7. °""19 11 • ...ias: ·w.ra 1t 45~ PIA$ 12 oz. PKG. 110 , ,Z .. i, CAN I II' IAUllU<UUT-· C li.tLv6S OR St/CED , II. W«. 27' PIAC II . N•.i1""·. e •• PAGflC •Ol.D P ... ... A·f 'in.ou pOIJ>ID /lo:J( IUNIHUll~ .. , DILTA lilCalA l1 ~'4SI I . ~llACK-~· ' , I BUf'GET PACAC , '7WO f't?UND 1 NAYYalUI -1 '~AG-t", •• ~ > -.llWIL on;· ' ., ' [ ., .... ..