HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-19 - Newport Balboa Press' • I • • • &Iii/I /:)1Ut -'f. ... 1'111ul1M' ~ -4 ... W'bMJM "ried ... r' _, ~ XHDJ' tloo otllli -tnc ;.u... '° w. .._ tMt' '1falbol. .... -of u.. -llttla-of- • • , --,. aalnw ,, Ulo -.. ~-........... of tao <;plttonola -'Pw•·•..,..,.. --Udo~ ot IJMi·eouotrJ'. !'-----------' • -·· ~Od and proud ... ----.... :iac.. ... bad. bo!DOlt ol·~!cl!", and I don't blame Jllm. Tiie ·-'el!l&bllabmont la a cteillt to Oi.e cOiiununlt.Y and '" ·o ·-~ ,,_ tlle 014-~ --..,.··~' . Tbiia Ba1* fliWlY eatd>eo tip wllh NewJdt and Bal-Ioff,nd Ill' Ille -poot .o(nce dept. OJ>d. now~ UOUJd be bappyJ 90llJE MO... I • lllP,llO~ llanlcer Wiand. A . Wrtgbt oa,.a tll&t "plans J. co...U.. olpng tine tor the Jl8W1• Bank QI Amerlta · llU1ldlng oppoolU. Ute.Lido Theater. n'll tfJ<• ...... Ume )"II. b<tt • .,.~ l\'< community will "'°ft.,. fine new bank lo odd lo Ito OiMr attract;lpna. • lDcklenta.Uf, s.nkeT, Wrl(hl WU beamtqg the othtr day and waa dtoplay\ng a eparltly oort of pin. lt wu flven 111"' becauae he hod been banking' tor the aamc boM tor the laat 25 year•. He aya that if he had It to «!o .all over a.g.:tn he'd Collow exactly tile Mme coune. HE GOT TIO: BUM'S BUSH ' I, " VOLtna: XII I ' • ' • • • • . • .. ltVING THI INTlll . flt.llOl 'AlllA . ' SECOND LAA&EST HOME COMMVl'fl'Y· IN -ORAN&E ~U,NTY . " . .. . . ~ . . ' ' I' ._ ' I - ' 'I • -"' ( "-............ ,_ tapuu.i, - - 1 t.t> -.. Uill -pop1'9r ~ -• NEWPoRT BEACH, CALiroRNxA, THUREDAY, A:Pan.19, 19151 · 1 • SIXTElilN rPAGQ ..FIVE •• NtlMBER 8 Lee Wins 3rd Speech Tifle • .....-.-...~-- • Jn Plush 'Old 1299' P.E. BOSS l·NSPEC S ._~fAClllTIES ~ HERE; CONDEMNA 18N'1 IS FILED tracip between Huntt.ngton Beach and Newport Bea.ch upon which the StoU. of· C&ltCornia haa filed ' • . , . - • .. - • • PAGE 1 ':"'" PAR,t T -:THURSDAY0 AP1Ul 19, IHI . ~~· ,~L\.-n;::.;:::; PllES~ M d . ? • • . .A.If aa:w:wm.mn" UtC'M. .......... ...._ ' Enteed u llOCCfld-claU matte lune 18, U.0, at lllo jot\ otllCI at N.-_t BMcb, callt~ .,.aer Ille Act ot Karch &, 18'19. . \ Miember Valllonda New t ,,._ 'PaM: n en AMO'ietaU. JI~ Na&loMI ~ A•1•U. JIEN Q.. REDDICK, OWnor iD4 Pllbllobet' llOBJ:RT F . WII·'.VW. -Manapr A. ALll:XANDJ:ll BAlilILTON, A-r Kn•rv 1'lle ~ llu been &<IJUC!pd a -'O' pnenl ClleUlatlon by dee..., ot u,.. Sujierlor Court ot <>nap Qoynty and la N!1J' quallfted . to publll<lr oU kinda of lepl -ud advertlMmenta On:J'CIA.L P,AJ'.E* 01' TB:li ClTY OF NEWPORT Bil,t.CI! I · S'IJB8(JIUP'l'ION ••D81 NJ:WPOBT-Jl.'l.IM>A. ftlW _.,. ~rl~••mnaldtmo.111 Ia . a-,. Ooaaty, .... ""' :r-1 ..... tils ... 11111 (Sl..W tll-. moalla) (AJ.o -Ille NEWPOaT·M•ac>A :NZWll-TllllD • ~)' o.a-. Ille -17 "'" ~ -· . J ·you_,. .. YIUI ·COICIESS • I w: ........ ... 111 •••• INUllAllCll c. ...... ¥1111•ti• llU' ..... ~ .... , " . .. ..-. --.. • ' ' • • • > . ' , • <-"1._~ . • 0 t. ..__ ---.. " 1 • . ... . .•• fl Hold Discussion ont~te~of · America's Leaders What pj,11e1o9. ... lloDal -ln- tern&Uol>al, ~ -~. dO~,... *'d•~ :Npimeptt! Thia pertlnet 9-1 l!ltMln -will 'be d ' bf Dr. c:;o.-T. 8""'"'. haMI the -~--lllvloloa of Orapp. eoUt aoiwc---h• 9pea.lmlon-'•Amerte&"e lAildefw"• at u.. tlllr'd " •'<>I\ of tho opriJIC fONJD-~bytbe ~ caa' Sftnllis college, nbt Wedn-y .-l]lS. April :Ill, at a dcloc1< In tile JOQUeg.. IWdl· tort um. .,,_ 11 .. llloe.~ prw»Jn.t pollUcal tlJWie..... Gen.. a-ut!,11r, Gen. . M~ :Ud ~'JOrmeri ~ent &over,· ~ t~ conapll:uouo- 11 1rl th• lllternallonal .ocene, Dr. ~ will. h~t l<ad•rs on aoineatle. 1-larla ,ali orpn!Rd ., ~~-· . ..." ·-· .-.-.... -er-~ puz.e. 11 n&tlotlal p011t1c1. in •uu. ca1e- sory I •Wf}l be men lfke Kefa\JV9f' • CO.Ullo, a...&tor Bumi o£ South ~~. 0.-. Ralph Bunche, and !leriaton Taft and DouJlu. Dr! Brown"•. 9Cbo!arahlp and abO· lty ~ & speaker are well·Jtnown 1n Ulla ll'M. whett be 11_&1 appear· ed bttore a large numbe-of civic O?~AtlODa &"<) l<>l:al cluba. EVer)'wh!!re ht ,bu ~ _..a. ed ., • dUlpnt otudelit of ha· . ttonal and li!tematlon&I tftnclo and • P!rf'1 ot aow.nd judsment and keen 11>11pt. , . .U \ na4ul.te of San DIOJo Sla.!; .he e&med. advance decrees , at .~f.'~""!llY of Callfornla, Berk· • .eley and, at . Cl&Nm~nt Graduate echOQI, ,and two ye&ra ap did epe- clal ivork at tile Unlvenlty of Ed· lnbulJ!h In Scotland. He bu writ• ten. ~ number ot artldes whlch have 1 •P~ Ill ouch m&p&ln" 0. Ille Nortti-~rly, Pa· ctfl~ I Historical Rev!ew, Joum&J of .S-ndarJ' Education and th• Cl~ Houae. Recently be won the ~950 hiatory'"' 'award granted by tile Paci& Clout Branch of the American Hlltorlcal Aaaocla:· ·u9r.. '. ;o..bee c,,..t college con>lders · It • prlJUec• to be •bl• to pruent P'EJ(ALE nroGl:-Mn.. Alllo Nod&, ......_.tr.Jljip la elYil a m.Ji· ber of Its ataft, u well qual- aftal.N 41vlaloa .... !am!IJ ,oourt of Tokyo, .........,.. P""'1ri jtec1· G.UIO' Bro\on, In a com· la loe&I eou:rta wltb IUJM!rto+' Jlldce-Robert oardaet'. Sil~.,_... _.., munt y· forum aert~. Thie lecture , u wFJ:l al othen ln the eeriea 18 of the members of tHe 1...-·.HPJ8ne eourt whc!:. ~ted ~ ..otfetjMl .u a untce (o ~the com- OOUlllJ' lut ~ to -Y ouperlcir and lower ~ hi tblo • munl\y, free of cb&rge. -tey. l • *-drlnrs (n UIGO '!'•re In· • J. vollr~ In mora than 90 percent of High Quality Printing-Ph.: Har. 1616 '"?. lf· !!·automobile M>Cldenta. •· I .Balboa .Peninsu·Ia ' . . . ' _Offering ' , • ./ :tor the First Time ' ' ' • ..... in Balboa's choicest ~d only I architecturally-·resf.ricte_d ' suDCfivisioif. -' • , : ' . l' 1 I .~ ., I.' .. ~ . -" . .. -· • . .. ~ ... I • _;~"'·. ·-~ .... ,.--... -' :... . . , l •' ~ u ; ' __.,;BELVUE . -DANE- • . . ~ T , . ,..-~~~~-. ~·0··~·'.· ~ • • I ~ • I I· . P~C*!' 12~~ .. ~ Ito 1~f'~~ Only .25 beautiful quality'J~omeis f 4ffterent, floor plans ~d elevations wilf .btfavaila'ble on bi~ large sites in BELvtJE1 LANE:. Only -and 21i ocks from ocean and bay, J)athing, ... ·- • • ' i. ' I ' -MODEL" 'HOME For"'infopnation' ~d details see-model home o~ tract- iiooet ljome wm '& oPm S&turliay . I , . ~d Sw:iday .. April 21, 22 i . . .B&UIOA BLVD., betwema L .... M street.,' • • ' • . I ~ (~ ' . ' ' ' , , • • • .... ,• ' I * . . . ' . • · Pl.AS1IRIOARD • • . ..... 8l'ICO. tX&-W' yitck ·-···---···LIO '1.J7 . . ... uS-~" ullck .·-,..·-·--:1.02 Ln .. ,,, ~ • SPEC. US-%" thlcit b.~·%.. thick JIK. ........... !ll1H ···-·····-2.33 ' SL .. loft 214'1 •••• ~00 "1BILIC THEY. CASI' - ShealhilUJ • • -85.00 WHILll IT LASTS L·O ANS * Borrow up to hl80 wneowecL OU b8 &led for phunW.1 fb:. 1u,... palnthls, ,,..11q, e1ec1m.1 rts1......, ...,, All:( ..-U.S. Hours: 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. D~ily . . . Sunday -9 a . m. to I p. m. THESE PRICES GOOD AT TIME OP SALE WITH THIS AD APRIL %0th lo APRIL %7~ ' . le.acori .5681 LUMfER Cd. l<ljl E. 17th St. 008l'A MESA COSTA llEllA'8 NEwEsT L~l:JI Y4&4> j That Continuous Stock Ouotatlone and Late NeW. An Available at - LAGUNA IEACH Oftlla Bank of Laguna 8-lh Bldg. Pb. 4-1156 CompLett BfObnte Pecilitioo Tram.La Stock Ticker Statistical Library aad R....uac a- your or.fer to buy or Id! listed stoeb, boods or com- inodiries will be aecu~ with mpeed and 1CC1111CJ over tbO! nation -wide !cued privall! wk .,.s1om t'M· o«ting our 16 California oflices .na our New Yodt _office with principal Eamm tndi"3 cenren. Saa.. tical facilities 1tt maintained for J011f eaa'l'tnieece. DEANWITTEft. It Co. • tin ..... Y-6 .... taatr '9 Clll•• .._., -6 fretff ... l'la1ilr11 ...... t ••• &e. Awa• ... ....,..••• •• \"LOI .U•W• UJI ~IC9Ce N1W ._ . -. . ~ AMID Al.L 1'111: l'ANFAJU: and r.a.Or wldd> -&t 1M N-rt _...,,. Yodlt Clnb -r· Ille ......,, • ....w .._, -or N. H. Y. o. .. ---• ,.. .... _...,. tnm u es-.r cruloe of ---i-.. Ro7 McCWJoup1s "M>I08" ... ~ tlli fUt r..w -.. a t.a7 of port. ..... -Newport Harbor ....i La Pu, ...r ,_..., • """'"" .. llor anlval at ~r -poft S.turda.7 atte11100a. Sllown ~ from i.tt: And¥ Kiri<, 0,• 'l'tlo<. Roy l\lcCUUeurll aad Fruk P.-... . , ' tPhoto b)" Beckner) • . - • • nwPOa.T HARBOR YACHT CLl"B SAILORS aml&e happily O"'I' ttwilr newly acqW.-M n:1p doaat.d to the wlnJW.. ot the n...&. chaltenr race 'betwN:'n NRYC and Balboa YM!bt. Club. The SHYC ~a. under an lnnerted aoorinl' SJ"ltlem •ho\vl"d lhf'tr wake to a.I boa YachUmen by a 1 SO to J8S mcore. NHYC Commodoni "·aJt Elliott (left) tooka al tbt! cup donated by Tom Rult~r (holdlnl' cup). Fn'M Schc-ock and Tom Sheppard or SltYC, "ho f'M"h acored I ~11 polnU for lh4•lr t.Pam. ad· mire tlf.p trophy. \. ( Prl'sa Photo) Sportf ishing Boats Begin Daily Runs ! Sepulveda Hiway From Harbor as Catches Increase 1st Coast Project Calico. kelp and sand bass, halibut, small white !M'a baM nnd 'l H . E . TE:rrell or Garden Grove few barrilcuda have made up the catches on aporlflshlng bo&ls fro.m pol.nted out to lbe dlrector1 of the Newport Harbor rturing lhe p&IJt 'W('ek, landloc OP.BA.ton haw reported. Orange County Co&lt Auoclatlon A catch or M sea baM up to 11lx pounds wa1 made on the charter on Tuellday al a noon mecUog Ul•l boat Ring Dove. eklppcred by D. M. Knowlton from &:aport La.nd· lhe projected extt'nlllon of Sepul- lng, one day Jut week, capt. veda H itfhway Into and through Henry J . Hauctt reportrd from Ornnge County aupcrccded ln im- ' • :~:..=:.·aw."*5 .flllrd . ~ .._ c.plala-l~ ...... ~. . I • ~ D.w4. ' -.--.~-·""" ..... ~. . -~ ., ..,, ..,rn1 at •n11 n1•MM~.-~~ .... ,...,,..., ... _._..._,._ ... Yomt au.. te ...--...... --He .... t .,._ Y-elulli'o '1llllp -----· -iy-~ '"-..!"""~ ftlM ,._at 11 ._.... ~: ~ ent$o-. •:..W t.1ilio -i.? ~ tliie <-,,_"'I tlle Hewpjtt fw -ti.e ......... ~-.Ji! I p.m.~. ' ~Yocllt ~·~~l'">lle • Tllo "111'.¢'a Dip_ ,__'!rill 1~ 1»:8prlq/l&)i Clement&;, . -· ----,._ ' n..:llold....moi!W. 'MW Oii tlla4 data, -dlt!S to rw -~ . , • 'llil<e Bmtoe. --.,.. ,. . . or tliie ;rear. _ . · 1 1 I'. 't,: ..... , ~= .... tfP >'"Vlklq ~ . Tllo PC'1 will 11o ~ u ._ Coinpotll>r lldsP-- ·-11art1ag at. Newpqit Bar---two ~ """"" -":61' Y. 0.. ftlo -_will -)lo -'mile -ot Ule .. 1!!"'~11ea 11 t1M1 ebuii...-ip oerleo "" pre-bir BlllP. Rock to ;olV ,. . , I ltart -... ~..,~ ...... tliie I""-·-will ... ..ued ~ .3' ~ 11 to ~ outa laiial ~ TOdlt RK1DJ 1iOW t<irUWcbampio.-p· Utii. """9. ::~- Na.t- -~ "" ~ ...,., objee-to ..._ ....,ifted 1!Y tlle ,.,_ 'llle · le .,.,orllfaall7 -~ mitt.« Tiiiie , f~ -&I.I or • ed. • -WW be Oil tllt ~· U' nMltlc:al mile -. 1- yacht must e&nJ' dtliel: la lftlall U·do· y ht Cl b l .. llr• ..an; .• IH•i """11 at• .. ae u -.r taciied to • -t..r.11c11t 1ont to' H. onor &nd • ..,pp1; or °"""' , .. "'4nal 1~ nJsht. l · · ' deck Reet C.apta n· . • copy ~17i..la ~ Ila"'! Tho Udo 1 lole Yacht Club will 0..00.tle 8"""Y ~o~. hold It'• fleet captain'• _ .. v at lion la urpcl In rounding rock. and Co.u- ,_., Finlab ~ tlle ....,. w01 · be the clubbOUM on J'rt y, at 8':00 tween Balboa Plerheid and a P· m. ~""" • z... 1 • located 400 yards to ieaward be- fiag Two excellent plcturn in Cotot 188 degree me.gneUc bearing • on & ot rreat ba.terwt to an memberl Long Dietanc~ Racing Rule wtlJ be lbown. One of tile !Ml ~-..... • m· BermUda raoe and the Honolulu will be dlvtded Imo two 'claue race. both taken by Henry Watt.a. (A and B) u nearly equal In .nu Refrellunenta ,wt.ll .. be .erved &Iler ben aa poulble. Dtvtaloai w1ll U.e pictures. Brine frlcnd8 and made «t>y the ~ C.OmmJttee peat.a. . · wtll be annoonc&d •al a din.nor be and for ... y-at • ThJa la ~ fine opportunity to l'et all akJppera, crews and con~ together and lo honor Fleet Cap· ~ be held at the MHYC J'rtda taJn Ne1aon Holmwood. Mark cal· 8 P· m. . enda.r-. a.nd'be eure to be there. For .Trophies _a~rded t~.r the reservatloq call Dort• Tborklld~· w111 .1rcl"!de. Don Lee 1823 sen Harbor 2M(. chairman, enter· petual Trop~y for L. D. R race Per· R. ta~ent committee. · Ovt'r..a.U wiimer; ''Villi.Jig" · Perpetual Trophy for Winner 1929 Fil!GI hams for Piloting Class Mon. P"lnaJ examhlatlona for lhl!' PUot. lng clau of the Balboa Power Squadron wUr be betd Monday, Aprll 23, 7 ;3"0 p. m. :at the !lalboA Yacht Club with curt Dosh in chargt'. Next cou.ree will begin in Sep· tern~ and datea wlll be an· noun'ced later ln the Presa: Wed· oe&day, M&y 1e: the Squadron wiU bold tU annual dinner dance at BYC and 1-be yearly Rendezvous at Emerald Bay, Catalina lal&nd, l.l!I 1eheduled for May 19·20. LEUT. GOV. GOODWIN J . Friday April 20 Saturday April 21 Sunday April 22 Monday . April 23 Tueeday April 2f Wednuday April 2t5 Thunday April 28 ot IDOH 8 :01 t .m. 7:59 P-m. 8 :'8 a.m. 8 :29 p.m. 9:37 a.m. 9 :02 p.m. 10:32 L tn. . 9 :f0 p.m .. ll;.'18 a. m. 10:24 p. m. l :M p.m. 11:17 p.m. 3:00 p.m. ·········-········· T"'Pb7 for -.. L. D. R. It .--· wtanlq < cmr-411 ~; tall•-~ tnflil', tor int'...,.... cw~ OC. cot· recljld" ~ L. I?> 'D. ~-&nd take. • boine ~U<lJMN for all deFt!I • ltntrieo ~ •eel to com-• er.• IDcbide: NHYC Commocloril tlt. .' lliuJott'• llk>Op, l!locllpedt!; '. Dma!d W. Barber's to meter BrU ... ta: •Preer 1-18' PCG: Kitten; Bal. ~·· AD.tip&; PHnU. Piii-; ·morra. .at.a;bounct; llertin Ht.Jr 8-1: :R. J ,. ~·· Topu;' s. e; .'Ju1>er·ii JJaJ:a; c: L&ndera'. ~ ~,Holbroo~'e Bold Venture 1111<1'-Dlcl< 'st .. i.•r. Odya-" .. y. ' ·RUGS~o · ,.. ... !ette ........ 1-~ .. •• ,, ... c.t ........ ·-.... ...,., ........................ • BOt'llllPl a OAKDEN 111,c..t 11lwa7, N-por\ OPIN ..... ' ~ROLD I~. JOHNSON ~1 ' ... ~ PropoRrr......,.. Otl _..._ ----. . . . 1111 VUla Wi17,·N-port -• • I ' ' . , " ' • t.OW • l ;iD'~ m. • --0.3 • . 1:'8.P:m. 0.6 " • 2:19.a.m.. -G.I • 4.8 5,8 f.f . 2!is p. m. 0.8-' • a ~23 a. m. -1.1. 8.t f .l "1:'8 p. m. l.:· • • 4:00 a..m. -1.3" 8.2 S.7 3:20 p. m. 1.6. &:02 a.. m~ -1.2, 8.2 3.3 ,.o 3:1Wt p. m. 2.11 3.0 &:06 a.. m. --0.t' 3.6 4.:39 p. m.. 2.6 3.1 7 :21 a. m. --0.7 0.0 .S :M p. m. 2.9 KNIGHT -"Anyone In America ca.n become a.nylhlng he wan ta-to -ln lhhl land he can aaplre lo any bei&"bl.s." l ® er ' e· . Speeding on U. s . 11treeta a.nd highways tut. year killed 13,300 men, women, and children. Plll8'J! FULL UU'I' ·JllSW QtrARTllR MOON ,QU~ HOON May 1.3 April 28 April 21 . M&y 6 -•'. : ' • ... The word is getting :around · ' ' , lhe landing. The Red snapper lll BYC tn. Hold por~ce a.ny otht'r project at p~•- carrying pusengers from this •. I ent IM'fore th.at body ThlJI waa · landing daily,, leaving at s a.. m ., abty eeconded by Tom Talbert. 1 I - "I'~ _ that the HILLMAN 1.Minx Ga L H tt Id Ith nd 'Ch f' N h o I Telling of the early struggle to P IL8ll(' • ' w • ~o e s •1g t ut intereet ro'ke in the building of I boat leavtn.g at 7 a. m. If requlred. The grand o~nlng or Seaaport the present Coa.et H ighway, Tai· Laridldg. 811 Coa.et Hwy., hu been bert said the SN:ond or supple· Khedulrd tor April ~-At thJs l A !'urety.for.,tu~. party called ment.ary roadway '"'u now a tlmf' the bajt r eceiver barge, IWtl Chef 11 Nla:ht Out wlU be sl&lf· nttffSjty. Tttrf'll suggeetOO It .Jima, will bCl moored off the har· ed by the BalJ:>?& Yacht Club Sat· might take ten years to bulld but bor enlraoce to supply live bait tn urday beginning at 7 p. m. Board to 'et the right·of·way now ln· live bait boat. a.nd charJ.er boa~ of directora of the club will make stea<I of waJtlng. untij subdlvhllon from the landing. In the meantime the dinner. aerved bu!tet atyle and fntense development mlgbt the bait t.ra.neporl boat, lofotnrltc:-, at the plley door. mako lht' coat of building any road la rumtahlng bait. Honored &.t the -affair will be prohibitive. . 11,,d 14 , ....,lft... e Ii; --q Nflr 14,,~ -,._,., to•-. ,ff ;,q is a GREAT:car! "1Jo,1 L N, t.'" . ·-• .k> ..... tJ; oolf Ir , 11. ~o 4-,, 11/f triu, i,'P.• 4re tiJ 11 • rlie, • . -...,. ~, 8/f•io. 1·,,. 1 . ' ., • ' Don Paller2t0n of Patterson's t.he men who worked for oomple· ~ Thf' meeting a~ed and ordered ••••••••lllil•lllllll[lll--•••J!lll•••••••mtr Landing, ~ Coast Hwy., baa an· t•on of the new hol .. t a.nd pier President H. F . Kenny, & long· nounced the Sportanl&n wlU com· and new members will &l9o be time advocat~ of Sepulveda, to &p· llOfWWW, HAWAII up: ~red of ~~IV,:,\" "It'• oo eaty to dri-.e .. : feelt like a big ear.;, it'•~· a'l'ful lot of quali!}' for the money." • HEAD9UARTERS for SHERWIN· WILLIAMS PAINTS PORTER· CABLE TOOLS • 4" Guild Flnidt Saw •.••• $5250 6" Gvird Saw • • • • • • • $6§00 \Ve have a good ot.ock .of Porter-Cable Sa"" • WALSH HARDWARE 1M4 Newport: Blvd. ll!ICOll W . ' TALK ABOUT RESULTS! In Regal!d to the Ad P'or a MOTEL MANAGER • Tile advertlaer rec~-IO mony repUea, be la unable to a.rmnr them ~~ ·oo t&lr• th!a mean of s tda •••nks for Y..,r Jell.era Tl>e pooltlcm la tilled. I 11c1 ' '• • • :New.Tim~ NewpO'rt Bay 1Pomt c~->­ and Newport.~ ~ -~ W. S.W Shod., NewjlOl't Beade. , •• ftz•1 "1~ llll .. 11111 ~ flla ·~ 'IP'; " " ' • • I • mence oper&ting as a live bait boat welcomed. point a apecla.I committee to fol· on M&y 1 from the landing. La.at Prepe.ratlona for the dinner will low up. Extend ~two xear the Sportsman o~raled u a be under the experienced guid· p.aa1enger ahlp on the run dally a.nee of Cblet Cook Peter Ficker. rrom Newport Harbor lo Ava.ton race C01T\mlltee oh.airman and Other m&tterw dllcwuted by the Catalina. Patterson u Jd vetera~ 1 "Hungarian Goula.ah Klbg." Sa.1~• ~ representative coast cltlune fiaherma.n Bert Rot>f'rUon would will be prep&red under the dlrec· who attended the meeting we.re: be-in cb~ge o1 finding flah for lion at Henry "Waldorf" J.1orae. .. urging a .more: extended 'Uae by angler-. aboat!I .tilt Sport.man. Chief Deuerte.r wUI be Larry cities of M. W . D. wat« without •• , J Wlteeler. prejudice t,o their rl1ht.a lo other A~ FbbJn• The eeullery equad will t.;_clude water; approval of Shoreline A-. r...te afternoon fllblng LI the Commodore Harry B~ett , Com· toctauon legialatlon for financing 'l{>eela.lty tor anilers aboard thtt, modore ConvetMl Wun.temann; of beach projecta for the 11taj.e; a Uw b&lt boat A n ow aklppered by PCY A Commodore Ed Riuen and report on eto115lon problema ln lbe Capt. Ambroae Wyckott from Dr. O. G. Sueaa. Jim Whyte will Santa Monica bay N"gfon wtth a Pott Orange. The Arrow Jeaves be ca.abler &nd Bob Boyd in .unutk>n the report should be rl&.fly at noon. Other boata on charge o1 mualc. singing and 11.pplletl on • ,county·Ytlde baale to 1al1y 9Chedule from Port Orange dancing. Orange County. ·· •ncJude the Gypay at 5 a. m .. Al•· AU new member• are tnvlted to Diacuulon oh Aliso Beach was lunga at 6 a. m. a.nd Ml .. wtt at attend. referred to the Committee on 7 a. di. Recent calcllea have ln· Beach &nd Parka. for eoJ)&kleration eluded calico and kelp bau, ball-EVERYTHJNG WA!! mGH at tlle rta-bt time. Exchange of •ut, -me ba-cuda and whl'• • had lelterw on the Navy's pla.na tor <J ..... ••• ~ A. sailor on leave. W-no been Je. I t Loe I sea b.a.u up lo aix pounds. atopplng at a faahionable bot~I. l p a.nas a A a.mite. wu Ray McOlll' akl-r of ••-1 • rud and lettera to Stat.. depart· rr-w,... waa paying his bDl. He OOaed up -•·-t u W D t Aan•• K from Ktmb&Il'a 19lh Sl. m-o....., an uae o -... . . wa er tor D·.--at the woman clulc end uked State ln.UtuUON approved. landing, baa "'portrd -tlablng what It -ahO'had OUVUDd her w. P. l>rtak of•Long l)each w~ rood Wht'l'ever he dropped hla hook neCk. · ' etectect aA . Honora..., \l'tce-.Preei· in th:e vtctnJty of Dana Point:' An-of ·' •-board tl1 u bait boat "'!bat'• a n«klace, COllrte. dent. P. w. Rlckmaa, chairman 1'1en • e ve Why da .7°f" Uk t•• menibenhtp dJvialon, rep or l t' d Jt-ve landed ha.t.lbul up lo SO ....... , II. _ht .. -,_ ,_ ht-b panrr••· ftA lleCU.rln• add.Lt•--• pounda rocently, he ad-. ~• ,.,..,w.._ •-w *' .... _;::~ -· • ~ Th< Jive b4lt boat Lucky Strlk<. aJ»W>d / her• l J)llt" tl>ouctit It u~mbvl but ura-ed all preoont which i.a ... al 8 ... m. dally ,...,.,, mlJh.t be,your gnmr." l'.lf:lben to lilp. Po.t Udo. hu IM!on l>rlnflnr m -;;~;r;;;;m~iiiiiiiiriiiiir;;t;;:;:::::~+:::;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliil oalch .. o~ baltbUt &lld -""·1w1 'I the uve lioi!t. boat Sport Kmg wtalcb le&ftll at e L m. daily trom Nol'ID'• Landlllr:. Tb e Mualdl lesYet.clally al T a. m. AJll:lj.n baV<! ...,.n co.tc1lln41 llall- b<lt ll'OID ihe dofk at the ~­~ ...a.-ll'om ,_ boala -la tlle baJr, PaYllloa.- 11& ... '"port"ll. Olllco. -~ .... II& .. ..,.., ... the .. tell - tW-U... ball -----~-~ ...... ....., .. lltw1llla .,. l Ille .... 11&11. - --~ ..... -... .-""811li&.8L • ' ~ .... --., ..... ~·---........... . • ~ ·"· '(, .. ,.., • ,.bo<ll iU apye.....- IUff . i: :,.,., empbaU.'.'. • .ntiet-" •1 ca11 ~ ..,a ridin& -t~ . ooacb -..ork driye "in style ... for Jess per mile I ·• Go -~ .. at holf price in this . "P,rivhtty, economical .lrilish car. Coll and . aik 111 to send you a ear for a triaJ """ . Now onj D_laplay1 at" DK IWIBl\lfll&L ! Mu.,. 1-01ou 1111 .•• ,,,, .. , ............. ""' "' ••t • • • • ' -' ~' • • " • r I , , I I I I I I I ' • t • ' - • , PAULO neal1e . I . °"""IP. IC. .._.. IU. ~ NOW llHOWINO , "LULIABY of BR().(])WAr' 'TD cr.::,~~GllEST s~~Y • • • W~µ<'R .. ~=: ... "1111 5 ...... b._ , _ NOW. 8BOW1NO , "OllZA'I' 1118110t1JU .MID" ·-Ool'07 • Alllo-"'llT'B l&TI'EB" Clllarl.. .. ,.... u.da .,.,_ 8TAllT8 aVNDA 1' VENO~ANCE VA t.J•Y .. ADAM'S RIB" Maplfleaat 1'an.lcf}9 Ana Ha.nUn{, Lew1o ~ .U.0.-"CAUl!E FOR ALARlll" LeMlta Y6ciq, ....., 8'dllna ' -THE ARCHES . . CAFE and CocKTAil. LOUNGE . \ OPEN 10 a. m. Through 2 L m. • Newport Blvd on Cout HJJhway Nl!:WPORT Wr: AJlf; CWSED ON THUll8DA1'8 • • DINE TONIGHT AT THE ' CAPE COD' HOUSE Fl<A TvRINO STEAKS and CHICKEN o" BALBOA ISLAND AT auy, MARINE AVE. , PHONE HARBOR !tll (a-d ftlln.) • 100/o Discount on Any Purchase I (EXCEPT -A.SAWNE) ,Bring this ad to BAYSIDE ·FISH MARKET Fresh . Fish Daily from Our Own loatsl 'SPECIAL SMALL 75"' ABAWNI: S'l'EJU(S ...... LJI. ' l ?800 Lara1•elte on the Bay NEWPORT ' llarbor 616 • I FUN ZONE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and , SUNDAY BALBOA ' ' Everybody's doing it-are you?? • dancing every Saturday Nlte t.o ~ig Naibe Bands now VIDO MUSSO ' Saturday, April 21 \Ve.d. through Sat., April 25-28 RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM i ___ on the '-ch at romantic Balboa ART SUPPLIES ' . -TEXTILE PAINTS -ART1'AP!:R8 and , -OILS and WATER CObORB BJON CARDI! -SEVERAL KINDS OF -'BRU8Hll;ll•&11d MANY , CERA.MJC GLAZE COLORS Ol'SEJt. SUPPLIES -TEMPORA-411 m.e ALSO BEAU'l'IFUL PIC1'URE8 at $2.95 LAID 0 111' ON CANVAS-FOR AMATEUR OIL PAlN'l'ZIU! COSTA MESA .STATIONERS , Beacon 311&-R ., • 1111 N-""" ..... ~ FOR COMPLl:Tl'l llA&llOll NEft 00'\'DA~ -TWICE A wm -' NEws'. TIMES Cincl nil PRESS ' $3.~..-" ......... '' . ~ ••.._ l"OWll'"1 MG 00.. nu -.. Bt... • .,_ • ... 11t1 ''~==================~~::==~ High Qualif'I Priitli(lg-Pb. Ho.r. · 161' · igh-_Q,,alify PtinfimJ-/lt. Hor. ''" ftiih Quality Piinling-,h. Hor. 1"4 ' -. ~ • • I SUL -Tio--tla.-. 1111 Dotullo 1£0 ........ ~Neal "RATON PASS" Ttle.U.teoaoJ'• • "SWORD OF. " + MONTE CR STO" . ' ;-aac1- JoAa-Wayae "OPERATION PACIFIC" Sun. -Tueti. Contln. Swl. z :ao T Mhnlcolnr "l'D .CLIMB ~' THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN" 8uun. Hayward Wm. l.undJp.n -AJ.90 - Oa\1d Brian, ArlMe DR.bl Barry Sul\l\•an "INSIDE-STRAIGHT " H1•torlca.I Drama By Morr i OLAtJlbU 88c doM:n CASH & CAJlBY Bar. Z0'70 a.09 ~ Balboa Blvd. Balboa TY ANTENNAS INSTALLED aad Sf;RVICIP:D TIDE .TY 301 t Newport Bl'l'd. Bar. 208 THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF ·AMERICA'S· OUT ST A f.1 0 1 NG REST AU RANTS! Food EiperllJ< Pft....,... --GNdoult 8en'od, la Om 11 ....... Dialog -Pree-~ l'llu:t-Door in Lon~ Beech J·' 111 Ame~ ' WOW' wwuw "PAntal UT1U DIWIDlllD" J:':::. ~ .. ~-na1uolftw Ila~ .-. ~"Doaol 01s ........ Ji-....,. , ... Amt• 11 ...... ....,, "ALL 'AIOUT IV.I"' ' hM-. ...... .\lldl l" .. ,..._of Mo•....,.•' . ' I -Alie - ''W Al.ASH ·AYDIUE"' ... ~ t. ~=''"'Olo.r •• • Tlla ... °"'l• April II "JAoKPOT'· -AIM-~APER lllY TIO: DOU:N' Fri-. s.t., ........ 11, u ''THREE C~ME HOME'' -Ahlo- FOR REAL FUN """'. "ZIN<;;u DON:t WISS OUI • Pll5lN1 SHOW GlltLS -fitlllS - THE NEW HAMMOND CllORD ·ORGAN $995.- $29.50 per month YOti can play rich organ muelc at once, without team· Ing a single note. Come hear and play the Han1n1ond Chord Onoga. Danz-Schmidt · Piano Co. 6ZO N. Main Street Oomftr 8th , Santa Ana Phone Kimberly %-a31'0 W llERJI! lN n 1g WORLD WOULP YOV OOf ... CllA.H.t..crrn: JIOLl..JNSJ:IM.D ao.cft;d ............ "... ' ' ,_ ~Nlr:S • SHIPS • lAllS • MOTlU Wvf-i n...tr. nd:et ..... Vincent's Travel Bureau RICCIARDl'S SHOE SHOP S ho<'9 ll<palr"'1 While You Wa.lt Att•r•tiottt-letw0dell1111 """"" ...... r OrlkMJlc "9\ oul wono. NeW.I""' '"'~~. %8Q! Ne"'port Blvd. WALLPAPERS AU New 19:11 Patte,_ c-+Hl' .. ..t.t.., • o--...... HC>URl!l 6 GA..RODiil Ill C.Ut HWJ'. N_,..-t - OPIH HrflSS11 ..... II t. 4 COrmwnity Playert,to ·p,~f 'Ph~ Story' Next. Week • 1'bo lfewpart ...,_ _ :: .. ~ ~ ~_.....,. .. 1.1 to Ille role oC Tr..,, ~. "'-time IW • -11frT7'• naa-<Jwp. ...-..Sy. '"lllo Pl>._..,..la ....,., w..; Piiilter Saeliion "'"'1ml Ille wbtcll w1 1 b<1Qf a 1111 or old llaln '!l~r role or 8u1!f7 'Lo«I . ~ Pblladeipl!la 'I' '-I ~-J~ 'a reloidOat ~ Bolboal •l· -Thu....s.y UUoup ~Y -Om.ore dout-eopop ~ e .. ftlJICI. ~IJ. ~ 27, sl .IA QM> be 11U IMld 'parla In prOdu.U.., of 0-'9 ~ ~ clil~I, U.. "Out'!rarclB!>'l11cl," ''Tl>e-~~ '--. ---•. _.._~.~~;.:.. • .-.;;..,:•,--.•Tu-'-... ~-~ Tll•'"fp.doloced cut. """"" "'911"" _, ...... ,.. otllilr dramu · NEWS-TDllr.R -llNJety ~y dl1'fClloo! ~ 0"'2ut WeU•"" ta--put on bf the .oii.;... He a,.,.i hll .::.--:-::-:r: ' :""'~ _,.--, ~lnp Into Ille !Ina! ..ireWtlJ attoiid-u. c. J.. A. next L' NEWPORT MYt POST-WedllM4a11 vree.k ofl nhe&rMJ wttb bUt • ff!W . -· ~ .. · • . ! --,,.., -..... --" .-, 1e1t i, ·"" po:-in YT.;..tli .. P<M'ltdnr -~. ~':f-BAI.BQA PRES.5 -Tllani_clap tbe potUual'°of that ~ !&llllllaJ' to Orange county play Newport 11&7 ~~-Ado_, nuo Ito._.. . .,._ "I ' . P..-lpllla family, \be Lordi. ¥t~ro.·ltl Orren ~ ai.o. 1 N .... 'l'lllOM .er Uoe n...-y....._ '' .J All Ill Ill. tbe 1 Playerl' lat.It otudenl ~ Oranp Cl!NL Orren MINoCUllf AD IS t LINES ' ·• ~ """!:.,,tien_ lbapea \,p ... 111 ":°'!.: llU In bit! own _,,.,. "•trurP<d All ~ tliia -lie ...., !or Ceall In..,_ 11 ..... •11o .. · llonao •Yefiln('f <nUrt&\""'•n ·= thJ<>ufh" a ~I straw ' hit •·'--· l .,__ *' '1 E • ' Barbdt -dfl'D& patzqna , .. tlle&lre In addition to tbe many 4 ....... & ..,...,r .,_ . ., --· . ell N f0< ordinary .l'IY"-and pi. pvta he .... hid ln collect produc-4 U-2 Papefs J.50. ~ • Who limply like-I.!> -thenwelvft lion. Orren re<eJ1U7 won Ille bMt 4 I.bes S "Papeh. %.00 ; . w:atch.i_ng Jlv. acton and &etreaH actor award &t the Santa Ana The publlaber;a will not be raponstbJe for more than -ont : JncOrriic.i. cavort 11\. an lntere&Uf\l'ly differ-Tl:>urJtament of One Act Playa 'u lneertion of an advetttaemcnt.. reaerve ttle right to corT,euY .~~·· cnt lime and place than our owu.) well aa p1aytns thtte different any and an adl and to reject •ny adverUttcment itot confortnlftl1 • YO&t.q'Nt ~ rolu ·1n "Dream Otrt," the Pla~n· r\J.lel and regulatiQns. Adve:rtbdment.,. and cancellaUOl'l.I wtU lat.en abow. .. accepted up to·&· p.m. on the day precedtnc publication. Ph. llar-1 111. Younceal member or '"The Phlla· · I • '· 1~1phla Story" cut ts 11 ... year-old Orcua Barker Pltone Har. 111 0. Mk for "'Ad '.l'akM'"·or .encl .Ml aad.reml.._,. ta Mary Cfttbertne Andrew1. lale$1led. George Bacon who ~ born tn . NEWPO.Jl'r H.,..BOR P~8Us~ING ~ , Y cblld actreu from Con>na del Mar. Pefklng. China, and made bll fJnt ' UI I BUboe Bl~ .. Newport ne.e1a; 9-ll'oraJ:L • , ... t Her experience tnc'udea parU tn st.age appearance at tbe &ge of -• • ,. • * "" •. .... • " 1uch hlta u ••tcebound," and the 1even in '"ropa1y and Eva" ts al8o 'M s 61 1 ) le-Bt JSJN'F.88 OUJD& ':;. delightful "Snow .Vt'h't.e and the a talented.member or the cuL He , y, .. "ister 0 een. 1 --~-·-.-.--._ • ~ Seven Dwatfs." aa well u eeveraJ haa traveled U a clrcua barker.. 1JOM .. l~:t·t11 H\IUU't..ii..t.AH""'° rad'o appearances. In' the current been with lbe ctr<:le Players. c. B. eei;'YfOI" P'Urn1tur» anld •• ,... · oroductton she, plays the part ot s .• ' and studied wtlb Madame N xt • p od t• '.haniJJ'Olwd ,..,_ ~ Dhlnah Lord, the heroine. Tray'• T .. bke •n Sou them Callfomla.. Ba· e 'r UC ton O'ullv .......... . -• :~: • illlle tl.t•r. con will attend the Unlvenlty of A.I's HouRe & Rug Takln.g the part of Traey Lord. Cautornla at Berkeley thll tall. the .ole made lamoua by Katherine Dennie Andrew•. BW Breman, at Playhouse ' . Clea'ning Co; , ... Hepbu.rne, ltl Phylll• Kn..lght of Edyth& Bamea, Beverly Means. ~ i111 Tltfln Ana.h~rn. Mra. Knight hu acted Fred Brl~ftl and Fra.ncla Horvath · ' · • ., In many pto,.. tlfrou«hOUt On.age complete the CUL Mr. Ancmwa .. One or the gay .. t and moat For Venetian Blindii, County after st.udyt.ng at Occident· ramUl&r to t)e Newport theatre popular comedy bita of the A.meri: Shades and Drapery. Hdwe. , al Col'cge~ Theec plays ln'c:luded goe.n for the man1 rolet he has can theatre haa been acheduled U "Anttgone" and "Arm• "'-'d the 1n l'HE SHADE. SH.0 "" Man." • adepUy ban.died recent yean the Cina.I rollicking attraction of C' .. ta Mn. Bamea, who portray• the Laguna Beach community Free' estimates Pb. Ha r 88( Royce-F ox. a comparatl•e neW· Mra. Lord tn the current play. Pla.yer8 Current seaaon. Thia ls - romer to lhf' Harbor area.. former· Biii Breman h.fa had much' eiq>erl· ".My Sil'lt er Eileen " which will open 114 -21Jth St. NeWport Be&cb ly with the Phoenix Llttle ThMlre ence with the ·Santa Ana Commu-at t.he Laguna theatre .the evening oal~ 1.nd El TeRlro de Santa Fe In New nlty Players and alto won an act· ot May 23rd and play tor, eleven .. Moxtco wlll -play the part of Liz. tng award at the Santa Ana ~tonnances through June1 2nd. witty. young newspaper photo· Tournament. Beverly "Means wtll ••My S ister Eileen'.' Le the ~cy 1rapheor In "The Phlladelptua take her first role In. this p!ay. story or two sl.aters from Colum· ltory.'' She has appear .. -d In such Mr. Briggs and Mr. Horvath are bus, Ohio. who came to New York 'lits u "Hf>avcn Can, Watt." ··pur both popular members or the Com· to brave the wiles of Greenwich Town," ''Goodbye My Fancy." munlty Player1. VUlage. The buta of the play is a "M<'rton of the Movies," and "Made Ticket.a for "The Phlladelphla eeriea of sketches which originally n Heaven," &.!I \"<lell &8 COMider-Story" are now on A.le at the Earl appeared in the New Yorker mag· 'ble experience In radio &nd t elel W . Stanley offlce on Marine Ave. azt.ne, baaed on ~e ·-:real rue ex· v1a1on. on Ba.lboe. lal.and, Hampton's Drug pertences of Ruuf and EU~n lttc· S"·ea Bt'Ockman Store and Tommy's Cigar Shop in Kenny -with only a aU&ht ex· Swen Brockman, who portrayed Corona del Mar, Blue Sails Sta· aggeration or the fact.I here and 3eorge Btge:ow, the henpecked tloners on Main St. in Balboa. there! The orlctnat •ketchet have hubby of a dr('sa shop propriet· Richard'• Lido Mukct In Newport been blown up lnto -a play torin "rM In ''The Male . Animal" and Beach. and' Christensen's Phar· y J oseph Fields and Jerome Chod· 1.IRO pe.ru In "'Juat Looking" and macy on Newport Blvd. in Cost& orov. c<t-authors or the laugh hit, -rwo· BUnd Mice," bring• hla tal· Mua. "Junior Miaa." ' Ruth ha.a the brairul and !Eileen Ramona Pageant Honon Governor Famous Play Given Authentic Staging IZ-BGILDINO !jERVJQEll INTERIOR l!X) &RIOll P AINTING LICENSED -INSURllD' Glenn Johnst on SO\ ·!lat 81. Hewpwt !It.di Harbor 2297.J ~ P AINTING F:ARl. S HE FLI'N 273 Palmer St.. ca.ta X.. Bea. 11457-M - ---Universal B uildfug . Maintenance · · Floor Waxin~ • Window Ctean.lng , Wall Waahlng __ For Bulld;ngs, Stores, Offica .~ and Homes. 823 E. lOt.b St:.., Long Beach. Ph. Har. 116..,. 9pl1 • • lo.-· ~ .•• -. • ..c , Govirmar And Mrs. Earl ·War· ren w1 :1 ny t.o Hemet rrom Sacra· me.nto to be honor guests at the opt'n lnc performance of the Ra· mona Outdoor play on AprU 21 In the Ramona Bowl, PJ'esldf:nt lohn A. Faull. of the Ramona Pageant &MOCl&tion, announced Seventeen members or lhe Pua· dena PlayhoWle School of the Theatre, under the dlrection or Ja.m.ea Tracy, preaented .''Uncle Tom's Ca.bin" to m eJTibera of the Orange Coast student body and their friends at the ~gular aaaem· bly Wedneaday momlng at 11 . the looks In the sl.ster team that lnvade1 the B ig City and fnove& Into a ba~ement apartment Where Botiemlans of every dl8crlpt!on lurk at lhe:r windows or pa.as through their front or back doors. Ryth h&!_l!0!.1.bl~ ·t~~I m~~. Eileen attra.cU too many.· Both h••• an upb111 eeonointe atruwe REPAIRING an-d u they lry to carve-out their tt· Governor Warren a.lao accepted ati inv!lalton to be principal 8J>t:a.k· '!r at the annual Ramona • PIAy New1paper dinner that evening at the Hemet . fairgrounds. The din· ner. which I.! sponsored by the Riverside County NeWRp&per Pub. llehers· AMOClatlon and the page· 11.nt a.M<>Ciatlon. ls open to the pub-- I~ . An unusual fellture or the pre· .!lentatlon o,yaa lt.1 authenticity, b6lh ln cont«>nt and &l•glng. With total abeence or burleaque or me'.o· dta.ma . the Pasadena group pro-- duct'd the play tn the aa.me man· ner in which It waa 1taged in the 1850.o. This unu11ual opportun)ty afford· ed the OCC student..! wu madf> JXMU!llble through the' invitation of Waller Prill, 'Coaat tnslructor and one·llme UllOClate director al the PtaybOuee.' Among other slate o!flcl&t. who have accepted lnvltatlorui are Complroller and Mn. Thom&1 H. Kuchal and Anemblyma:i and MrJ, John Babbage. Ne:w&paper publish· era from alJ parta of Southern . Callloml•. ••etudl•g Cl•r<•C• Br"idge luncheon Hotlea. of the Sa.n.i,,L Ana Reclater, president oC lbe California Newa· 1 . f)"J>C'r Publishers· auoclatlol"I and f D I ci· . Oliver B. Jajmea of Palm Sprlnga, or enta 1n1c prealdent of the RJven'de County a.aoc.laUon. wllJ •·tt.e.nd . • , , I specttve careers as writer and ac· p AINTING tress. The.y hiJVe battlea w ith their REASONABLE. ~l"e or· miaU strange landlord, Mr. Appopolous, Jobs. Free esUmatea. Har. 21511·ll and with mysterious dampness which seeps through the w&l&. Life In lhe apartment la further complicated by t b e 1trldent "Boom!" which from ti!pe to lime announce& the buUdlng Qf the ~ew subway being btuted beneath the floor. By the 'time . the coings·on In the apartment have reaebed a h1gh pitch of excitement and ami· ~hie Insanity, Ruth and EUeen have to cope with a sudden tnvu· ton by the Brazllllao Navy! . The play will be ·c.=aat from open readtnp to which au comers arC' welcomed' on Monday and T\le.day evening\ April %3rd and 2~Ut. at 7:30 p. m. at ther CommunJty Playhouse.. Hap G_r&b.am la lite di· rector. Wor' is Pleasure: for Vo ice ·reacher HAULING Any kind, traab. orT Walke r, 108 • l8tll Strfft Ne'41>0rl Bea.ch Harbo.r 2:Sll·R (More ClliMl&d o• Pap I ) 'Shoc k Treatment' is Sunday Subject .. at St. Andre'flls . . , ''ShoCk Treatment". t.. ~ ot the Re.v. Thomas K. ~ this coming Sunday,~ J!t.· ~­ drew'• P reabyterian church. .Ti:/t ls from St. Matthew 10:3t ··'TllJik not lha~ 1 come to bring peua to the earth; I came ndt to b11J!C .peace but a sword." , Home Authority Speaks Wednesday on Window Drapes Needy children of Orange coun· ty who&e dental work ta hOl 9P0n· ~N!d by other organt.u.Uona will bendtt rrom lhe canasta "and Mn. Ven. Wllllam• or Balboa brldce luncheon to be held at Bal· Llland apent Lut. Sunday working, boa Bay Club Tuead•y, April 24 but It WU work whicb was a rea by tbe DenW Auxiliary ot Orange thrill; for &he wu coaching a Cor· county. There wUI abo be a bu&a.r mer voice student., Harvey Howard '"What the Well·Dreued Window .with ceramics ma.de by auxiliary of Loll Angeles, Who recently aig-n· \VJU Wear" ta subject on wtucb membel-a for Sa.le, . .:Od potted ~ ~ ~year contract with CBS Mr•. ChrfatJne Fredericka · wtll p'ant&. · 'lnd now hl!l.ll a long engagement at speak 'fft.xt Wedneaday, J :30 p. m. A recent planning aesalon at the Che Mark Hopkina hotel, San,' Frtn· ln EbeU Cub houee. Mra. Fred·· club wu bead~ by Mrw. Howard, ciBco. / \ Laot Sunday the COllllTOPu.ia In-special ....ion voled to ._,. llnue double aerv1ce1 thn:kach May, h•ura at 0:30 aDd 11 L fill. Ralph Deaver wu elected e.Jdar- to complete the: unexplftdi tenn ot llarold llaugllt, wllo reolped beca.uae of bualneu.. fte~ a.aw elder will be ordained at 1:30 .Oli - Sunday. . 7-- erleka, former woman'• edit.or of the 1 1 Baker or Balboa laJand, preeident; ProCe86ional1y Howard ,V(lll be Ladlet' ttom.e Journal and a rec· Mmes. John · J . 'nK>rnquist tnd known u 'Kee Howard. Mn. WU-o~J.&ed , authority ln hotne plan· John L. Wehrly. put pttaidenll: Iiams. who' ls owne.r of ~~ Book nlng and decoration. wUI lecture Mn. Milton Andrew, ae:cret.ary ana Stall. worked a'l day wit.h ·aoward et .aiX more free ctuee.&. all under M.ra. Charlea O. Oru.~r. vtce preel· and h18 manager readytng him for awip1cea 01 '0rance eo..t co1ieg.. c1eii1. a..ervau ..... rna,. be ...-bit! san'Francioco deb•L · ' l!ve.ry woman tat.erdted la be.r [at the club or by caWnC Kn. pna .. Tod.e.y (Thur.ctay) Mf. QJbeoa wtll rlld a paper on "The ~ and Modem Archttectw-e" iO a 'ninisler11• fratemlty m~ ·a Loa Angele& Re -.rill be OC<IOQl- oanled by RobeJl f;, ~ who wlll preaent the l&y,iid'\i • potnl of view cm the mob~- homt: la tnvtLed to attend. be:r, Beacon 679th1. '• ~~---~' . May D~y . Brunch Nanriev Grands on-- to· Feature · -"lamed Oa vid ' panc.e P~~~t~~·' Ac;er ~~'ting a ..e.iir~ ... A May Pole -.. will Cll?IU when he . WN J!lsl "the W-1!7.~ "! he -.,., pi:oaram ~ Uie DorOtlly "htnk th•Y"'• .named hlbi Ii.old;" ro · banoo .WdJO, . .igl>llaht b( Ille ••Id N-\'l'• _.. snad· \fay Day bruocla to 1>e -M~y 'athor, .Bob N.,,,..,. ~ fl.it-~ I al -Ba7 Cllll1by. m"*~ DaYldt _ _. bom to Mr. -,..d, Jin. w tlie LloDA'9ae,.__11f 0. _,.fll ~IT)' tl&Me)'., C'a~,...-W fir Cvi, llai'vey 8c11oo1 iol' Halldl· -v.d hlat.!~dmatMr, ..,._ """-- ;appal Cd>I-seata Ana. ""1• Is ~· 1'elplnf care !or liiii: ' Tiie acloOol la~~ Qi 'tl2e Lion '{la tatlie. h11r"bpeii bome ir-~and Ille)' 11~ It ~ '?t:-Ortl Oft '20 ~ le&Ye IMlt ti< Ucl .. weU .. I!~ Clarllt-. \w;ns<htunliiy. ~"l:J!I ind _..._ llle .-ii------- --Tidceta ,.,.. tM llr"'ll"' -ftll:fl ~ + . .,.,._.,.....,.v_..,v...,._, -.,. ~1 Koorti••d. JU n::•:: !Iii-8ta& IU!i ... 1211 ""-· we., Ctiow dll -· ~--....... I ... , ,.,.. •it-IM7~ to polile tat .t U :lll iL a; ""4121 I 1 • -........ . _____ .., ... ,.... -'4W'2A'., ..._ e1r a * -u..J'* r:• "' ~ .. ..,.. tllll& ·JW:I; •• ~~e . ; . J ' . t • I \ ·. • ' I ' • • • .. ·-. . -I . , ~· !!>!! • = ~ .. • JtMT Alftal • ··-• ., •• mtlll LIDOISl.E Buy. Your ...... NOW' _..,.., .. •Js *'" ..._ ~ ·J.·v • •t•n1.•W1a•..._. ra . See,,...~ Palew ·-• -...... ··it • -~----"'."T-----,.-,_~--,,----.----..:....--1Plllloo 0...-te ui.• TV. a.. 8ciat Ow~ Uld lfeeb•nlee a .--a -•LIDO .... --...... .....,, ............... ·--~ • • P~ A. PAI.MER i_ WE TRADE , lfEW Stud! lie"' .... fut: ~:\i.~ MOii . CLASSIND . ON PAGI FIVI ~- Aleobolla An~ Write P. 0.-Box -.. o.. 1eland, cant. P!dlo KllB~ H• ' Patlo Furniture PAINTED' • Ml& •-•.411-,._fl oq. -pll!tm .. ..-J'ar Yoar . -U.HI -OMAP ON TOOLS ~ ~ Ul!UT, ·-4t189.... ~ • .._ ,.,.,.... "''" -..11p11, 1p. ., .vu can 1<lllK KNiii • -._ llolll -.i.. IMUl 1Tf4 Mlnmar, .,._ ealll-, ...n.. dra_,., etc. 1Dc1. 121'' -oiarle TV --lOft·R all tla:t-lib -. uoo. Ph. $179 ..... ... ... • Harllcr .,.._ll • 7dl ,ar.J • --~ wltll ..,_ R•-Nt yr. ________ ,_. ---Iln'Dl<,\TION,Y. H, IQle -· rak..Adalta oab'.·n•. -It., :zoaa111'1'11000 llUSN. Bid&-f870. 10" table model TV ~-'9UIO Rou•'Nt can lHt "· Ba7 or.,._. -un-w. ltto DeMt. 1~0 -or anudl _ I "'""" ·--~,..~ ••""' -~ ___ ......_ 1116 Dllvd. Aif •JD:DI 'tPI· , table mode TV ·-.-..., ;i;[~ "'· -e;; rvtU<U111S1J .Al"I'. for $-410 por -·-• ~ • ' .. ' . -. -Incl. all uw. Mil -· · Keep la l<>UCh w1111 "' for sood ~ n.. , t\. ...._ .,... 11-"""'-· ua . 1qt1o· at.. Newpan .b<Jnla JD TV Mtaj bolus tndod ...., llot!Gm. Good __. .. ...;.. -· BM... . lc:t ~ftD . -Via Udo -11111 ' -' -. For The Best! ' t>ELIVERY. Nqw! in Costa M- .. , POllTL\C -.· Tl):podo •••• "'"'' USEI> CAM Bf<Ol,Y ~ -ette, 111117 .....,,.1. artc' 1 • wm pay TO.-1or )'QUI' olU: Full Price ,_, JfCJ ,snlolL "9" I -~ ' lar A leit..,, -""' for I • Can also • .j. l -. n.n.-. -· , e1095 • · save you r • .)A>jot>ww, .. 11m11 your 11own pa:r . ' "' · . · · UP TO J26Q . ·· m""l-. . ·u 000011: "Llmlr7 UDU" -. If you take dilha1 at ' j -~ A -....,.."'&", -t Ud ~ '(,..;;._ , ., $100() Dn. opoot&bi. Olle-tamU, .... (Bal· -""":'~ • -~-. -BbMI , Burry-v1""tlo"a time la·near ! 3 •......,. "Id 2 bdrm. quiet r.ut l . $565 I ll4e 1oc:eu .... """'°":4-· I.. Sew;ing· Machines . ~. ~ 1m w. -~-tp11 See . New~ portable ..• Mt.llO up •••y ----,_....,.,,._OllO • *-lllllpr> ccnoo1e -•t42.l50 up ....... .......,, """""' BAT RO ... • nn.TA , ' . P~ Be&con 6451-W .u -u PS.ti -DA VI" BROWN Co -~ A m' Louise Aptir.' FIRST ------~-"" ....... 1 1 and $U1 .,... month. .,.. • Small Boat Mart . Doublq &lld alncieo ' , JOE JllCg F:RTZi J . -I ·~1 .PL T si-. Dix. etub • Cpe. 'Studeliabr Dealer • G. 1. ~ale Radio, etc. Bperllllns ·•Ptteajra 1416 fl¥WPO!p' BLVD. 1 • Sul.Bide, 2'bdrm, bwd., only ~· llnlob with plutlc: «?...W NWWPORT olQll.t:H $1)11 per mo. Low -., pe)'lllent. to -Motor Jafl tllor<iuP· -.... _ -·-) . . Solid Citizens Vote. WI!: REPAIR ALL MAKES 111~ !LUUIOR BLVD. , ,--v,.,. WAN'll'l:D OVl:llLOOKINO BAY Bll:WINO MACHINES COSTA Jo1UA ~•u•-del .s...ut p1uo l'elloblllty 1 ! 1 Har. 610 · ~ 11ai. A >lhmdaY • LOvely 3 B. R. i¥ r, tiOlltd bJ' .... ~ ,_ _ ....... ·-· . 1 . - All mu .. cltoaod -..... _ .......... f4.ll0 Piion Bffcon IU1 2I02 Cout 8Jcbwa1, 1'1~ 1lob '°' C&m&tloa. Corolla •=B ~r Now at City Hall AU Bln .. n clean<d .-............. $3.llO e -Harllor OTU ' . $l085 ' ·' 'Bl!IM'ER CARS 1 ~~~If.~• overUO: ' 1pB .AboTe lncl6cl0. clMnlnS, bearins KISC. ~ PRICIID TO ~ aod t.....ton ad)Uotmont. llKLL. a--Tllura., J'rl., • ll'llRNISHJ:D A.PTll-tltll peld. ·eo FORD va "CU.ltom" Tudor. A FOR y ~ . 8ol! !ft. Aaltln1 S11.l!OO, wbmlt Pl.ck-up and Delivery FREE! and Sat. at 213 Topu. Ba.lbol. • ~..-. 2 . 'lodnn. -'60 month, !>Mutjtully kept New Doclp · ' ' ddWn peymenL , , Marine Engine a bdrm, S'IG 1110. to 1-16th tnc1<1.'1. from Q>rona .se1 Mar. 1948 Cadll!M: •«. -. Jet•blocl<, I · ll'OUND -Scotty on Lido lele. SINGER . teland. ape Specialist lOU W. a.I-BlYd. Phone B'a. ·~ btr. fos Uieo. elec. c~ · white 11c1e "'!Ill lino, ndlo Wi\b . D A NERES. ON lJTO.W. It.re p~-· "'""°-un-. rur -!eel.; h1d-' )lea\er1 de· ~· • . , Pbone Harbor 2941..J. ·, 7dl ~~q· ~ &.08'1'-~pt1011111·-· _,,. . . Banta Ana wnere in b&.lbO& or Ll.l'Jll&. Ptnk frames with silver and gold'slde 'fter.lJ.S.Pat.Off.byBsr.Mtg.p,. piece.. Mar~t Momln&ll(ar, . INlcll . Rte. 2, Box 78. Redlancla, OOlf. -0.E.· llltFRIGERA TOR, ~ cu. tt. • 8p10 $60. O'KMfe and M•nitt gu beater, nG.' I'll. Bea. 64 T&-W t&-An'UATIONS WANTED ,jclO EXPERIENCED. cap&b1e married women to manage apt&, Motel or roonu. FuH reaponaiblllty. No objectiona to cle¥'inl'. IJvtns quarten for four. and amall per· centa&e• Reterencea,. chara.cter and work. Write Box J·l Ulla peper. 7p9 JCXPEJUENCED 19arden~ main· tenance, clean up new lawna, old lawns renovated. By the bouT or by month. Pb. Har. 1987·W. '-8cl0 WANT B~BY SrrrING Tu-.y t.hru Friday even1n1 at my bome, 713~ lrla Ave., Corona del Mar. 8pl0 EXPERIENCED Carpenter wa.ntl ate&dy work. repairtq or bufld. lng homea or apt.a. Can do all kinda of remodeling-rough. or tlnlah c&rpenter work -laying up&alt tile, carpeting, etc .. Will maintain 1 l n c o in e propertiu, (No contracton). Ph. Lhing· ton 8--3267. 8pl0 TWO LADIES BICYCLES, $10 each PMne Beacon M03·R or -01 (117 Tuatla A .... Newport Height.I. 8cl0 LID NEW, Proctor dlol <antrol electric Iron, Sii and General Elect.ric Bot Point w&ftle lroft, with heat indicator, p. 70G A.ca.cf&, 4?0rona d~l Ma.r. 99tlc '44 CUBHllAN 8COOTER.--Good COlldlUon.· $70. Coll Bea. MeO-W . or H&tbor 1432·J. 1p9 ' PBONJI a..,_ 141.4 to plocO )'OW' W&Dl Od OD 11111 -· GOOD USED CLOTBl:S, sutUble tcr hip ochool s1ri.. six. 10 and u. Bltlrta, bk>uaa, black chfftertlekt eo&t and formal&. ~ Harllor !!f3-J. 7p8 Dale's Furniture Closed April 27, 28, 30 MOVING to our New loca- tion 187 4 Harbor lillvd. (formerly Almond'• Cafe) NURSE -California regtatel"ed-Costa M CUSTOM' MADE cuned upllO!. 10ta.. In perfect candlUon, b&I ottachod tallle. (Wu $400), Now $176. Pb. Beacon GISS:W. lplO Boni.. &t your ftoot · or m<JOrln&'. -etc ttoatero, cuotom ·,nylon -l KllA Multiple u.tlns Office ~'=:"::":.-~"":!. BAY FRONT UNIT' $200 BELoW MKT.! :;:;,· ~ =. ~~ 1~ N=~~ ~Mesa ac. cu.toDI en.st.nee far nm&· "bf ••k. !IMe.Ul or ,....,. ~ -·· ' CadtlJ•c expert.a. A~ beautltul one bollta. Pllone Har. 18·W. kit -.i.io·rateo. ' P. S, 'lEXil'flA 'GENEROUS" owner .cu U.Ot."k!Qks <lll<e new 1$280 000 000 000 cu:.;o!'ndB~'!: ~w:;:'i..;"::::1--------.----~ 211112 {l:vo..~. II~ deai* '-ltill''J9ft . oa. a feW and •t • veey ·IJ!:l'i:l.U.p~ce. ' ' ' ' •true., ssoo. ALSO t.a._ Ion "° cc~t~:°.J:': 4~, • braJd new 1960 DODGES. 19(8 ~~~ t-<lr:..,~ Bwljd.t~ heat-G~ N&tional production in • f b b -·-••'---...-._, f • er, ~·~·er, ,..,....,. >D ...... lliAA ared 'th -.. cem r u e r ....,......... 1 ra Tuotla. Coot& M--tel UIQ'tlRNI8BED 4-rm, 1 bdml opt • • • · opeolter U!t.omotlC wtndoW llfle, r--as comp WI newly rtcovored, $100. ave -------------· • .,,..... -la Coota M-. SHA 'TV'D MOTORS WSW and ny!Qn ae•l·I <!ioftN. $256 billion in 1949. ' Do 13th St., Coota ~ 10 • 11 &. Ad··"• --•· •••• mo. 1-y ...,,.,.~ " • I H linlllOAI. a&D~ • --·-~-... •• Tout ' 00001: ·Pl;,YMOll:ti(,J>lr. Checked cOm~leWy and la "'-·l· yPU believe ... ,_ is lnfla. m. or evea. alter p. m. ' lclO B.-.IW&y, Coota M-. 8cl0 --n-----·~ _.__,_, -·-"•••-'-" w 1n~1 .,..., n~ne ~· ~· m--· ~ ""'"""'"'" ,.. " e ti' •· W .,_ '·-d •'--' Rattan Furniture Made la th• Phlllli>U* and 1n our mm war• lbope. Wide -.. Ill lt.bricL · t.arseot dlaplOJ' In !lo-OolU. • Reflalohlns """ lleupbolaema HOUSE & GARDEN au eo..t Hwy. Nwpt.. -lllT1 FRIGIDAlRE, I cu. ft. In good conclJUon. Very rff.80n&ble. 1020 W , Balboa Blvd. Phone Barbor 0873. 7cl l"E A 1lERRlT Apt. otu lane or pa 1tove (like new) RE.NT, A PlA.NO, '5 "' PMllllUL · 1938 Harbor Bl'vd. ~ -Cost& II~ you to drive th.la beautttul on~ on · e w.r---a.u u.uat B - All Hnt allowed If you ....,, with· 8l1NNY one bdrm untumlahed apt owner car. · · · -· why we think the follow- la tenno. DAm.8CRMIDT,~20 ::..1of:o~~r~~~d":'. 1947 ~RD SUPER DLX. 2-door, 1947 Cadillac <-<tr."~. Hydra· n\g 'liatinga ~Py ' No. Ma.Ill. a.nu. AM.. Newport Beocll. Pb. Bar. 8$0-W only 48,000. A beautituloorl(laOl motlc, heaU., radio. A -utltul <rJilME VALUES) . · SPINET piano. Brand! J141W. SUcbt· , lp9 wine It.one flnllh. Radio, heater, clean one owner carl~th low ly clomo-' In llhl-"'ent. Now --:-----------rte. I mUeop ond mechan · 7 per· U FOOT BAYFRONT IJQT (C:O.-•T,.-...-_..;.,1'...... • -feet. Prtoed f4r below •govem- only $396. 8malJeot olae. DANZ-ru!U.'l"J:AL t' Special $895 ment celllag. Baok terma. ner) El Ba.yo TrOct -.. $18,000 8C1DllDT, llonta Ana. OllO No. SPECIALISTS 1949 Cbev. di&. 1tyle 4-dr. Bedao. Moln, . JOE NIC~ERTZ Jet blocl< Wi~ n41c, ll1r condl· Coll -,..._,. .,...... b6at.el' and "OVEl\DRIVE" LOVELY BUNGALOW uprlpt --Studebaker Dealer -- 2 f\. R. 3 prageL Canal front pier and flooL 48 tt. lot. Ample space -for · add'L blq. . ... SH.000 plollo 1a Ill\• condition, tully Linwood Vick, Rltor. 3<UI NEWPORT BLVD Very 1°"' m•h,.P. aod a ~· .--1-1. Tum. $11.112 dOW1I 9oJ'-lilied Bu. ~ -NEWPORT BEACH . I<> OAll It ~ A _llUl\1 ~t ~-)I ~ HOME, Ooota Muo. V<Jr7 and ST.JI pu mo. 01 ·81LU'Bll 1ocro• r""l' Lldp 'lbeatrel Newoort Au•-Sales nf .. 4lt well ,matatalaed n1,ooo MUBiC CO {Blnce 180'7), 421 N . TIIAllLY RmNTAL -2 bed"'°'" Hor. 510 -Open SaL A l!undoy• 2lot N ~¥<!·, . ·~ t1naac1n1. Owner amdoua Sycamore, santa Ana. JCina.bet· ntceJy tuml•hea n0\118. \ii block . ~ . 1• tQ .ell. ly 2--0872. 17ttc from llhopplar coater, 2 blocka 1140 BUlCK <-<Ir . oedon. Radio Newport 8-ch U.... ~01 ' moneJ top .• JdeaJ for boat or ------------from oeun, J100 mo. 4211 Mort· ond heater. Good througbouL • WATERJl!Uft'. lot (Bolbo&Co9M) ro1d, Coiona del Mar. Phone f&mU)' car •idce new, $300. Ust One of the beat .~ ............ -...... $MOO trailer. Pb.~ 2M2·W. 8cl0 EMERSON 10'' televielon, m&hoe· any cabinet. Compl checked In our allop. 1811 tuU price,· ttrmL SA VE $100 ON BRAND NIM' ICMERSON te•• table model. Now only $199.9~ .. Jf:z term1. Several othen at TIDE TV, 3011 Newport Blvd., Ha.i-bor 208. • . Newport Blvd., Har. 208_ &ct W A.NTmD-60 pl•no.. Trade In you.r old pta.np on a Orand, Harber 1Mt1 R. 8cl0 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bell. Spinet or be.auUM televWon. ------------ Htll> .. t CUil allowance. Tenna. DANE • l!CHMID'I' PIANO CO .. comer tth. fS2'0 No. M'.&ln, Banta Ana. RENTALS JOHN I>'. BURNHAM AU. ELECTRIC ORGAN. a._. ·,507 E. Bal~ Blvd., Balboa ..-. Moentflccat tone. hi ' Harbor 1607 . Harbor 1974. SclO USED CAR Clearance Sale '50 FORD Club Coupe 'M) 1FORD Tbdor '49 CHBVROLET Conftrtible '50 FORD Tudor ~ llONICT ro . LOAN ' BA YFRONT HO:JllE--a B.R. El Bayo· Tract. Prime locat1on- jondertul pcsslbllltiea._ .. $42,l!OO LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT-S B. R. tiled batha1 unlt heat. ACJ'OU from Balb<>& Bay C!ub. Fur· · ni;j;ed ....... __ .......... , ........... $38,J!OO Would like work ln doct.on of-es.a flee or prtvate duty tocally--Call P.S.-WATCH FOR Dale's Furniture Beac<>n 6776-W. 8pl3 I SPECIALS_ NEXT WEEK8c9 Closed April .21, 28, 30 ctrurcb oP home. Pay out a.!· 1------------ once. Terma. Thla wondertul BALBOA Pl:NINSULA -I bdrm tJlltrume.at ta Jwrt Uke neW. turnlaMd bouM:. MO mo to Jun~ DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano ond Or-111111, utll pd. ~ Bar. S0\1-R '49 FORD Statton waeoa '48 FORD Cuat.om TUdor '49 FORD Tudor LOANS For Homes llEO~ "'" (lG-20 yra.) G. L 4'11> (20 yoarO ,Harbor Investment S!)th and J"'ewpcrt Blvd. EXPERIENCED FISHERMAN -• . MOVING to our New loca- NA VJGATOR wantA job out of SHEET METAL equipment and ti 874 Harbo BJ d. l)Tewport. Write Box 1-1, New-materlal. 38 tt. ladder. Ma.bog-on 1 . r v port-Balb<>& Press. , 9p any<0ffk:e dHk and chair. Make (formerly Almond'• Cafe) ... otter. 2004 .Har~r Blvd. Coeta Coat.a Mesa LADY WANTS HOUSEWORK by 14..._ Beacoa 181G-R. 8c10 the hoUr, has own transporta-P.S.-WATCH FOR . tlon. Ph. Beacon e:524·R. lk:U !THAYER BABY BU=t-1n very SPECIALS NEXT WEEK · , good cond:ltlon. Ph. Bu. lMe-W. WANTED -Housework by hour~ 34 p.m. .8c10 8c9 Best of references. Have own - p.n Co., "° No. Main.. comer !tfc Ith, Banta Ana. FUR1'118H1CD or UNJ'UJlNlllBED LOVSLT CIUCKERING 41t 80N8 RoM>y 1 bedi'oom opt. Garage. bunplow uprl&ht pta.no. A mu-Modern. A va.Ua.ble K 'y lilt. oJclant lnllnlment, tuUy suann· Yeuly !UM. Neu'•toreo, tr.,,.. '¥1-Torma. $84.U -., and pcrtation. Barbor 29&6-J. tpte flO~ per month •t llHAJ'B;ll YEARLY RICNTALS -2 lovely MUSIC CO. (Since 180'7), 421 N . homu In Cotto Muo. 3 bdrma Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimber-turnlabed and a S bdrm· bome ly 2-0872. 9Ttfc pertlolly tu~. s.. Blanche 9 x 12 Dom. Ortentol Gualatln · tr&llSJ)Ortatlon. Ph. Bea. !)274·M. . 9pl1 Somebody Wants rug and pad, red maple break· COMJ: ln and play the Wonderf'UI fut table and 4 chain. G21 ~ N ~ Hammond Chord 0rl'&'L O&tea, 311 Marine Ave., B&Jboa i.lud, Harbor 1871, 8cl0 NEED HEI.P? Conault situation w~ted acS. or place a cJ...uted tn the N.,.... T1mea. Poat and Presa comblna· Uon at i2 per week, min. Phone Barbor 1818. "WOMAN tor pe.rt Ume bouse work. Ba.Jbo& P enlnaula. Call Barbor 4233·W. 7pl Standard Station, Inc. Has a few openings FOR MEN Wbo &... looking for permanent employment With excellent op- portunity for lldnn.-ment. ll to 40 pre.tened. Paid wtdle l1'ailllllg. Approx. $277 .llO month to ..-. Uberal 1-undrY -- &DC9L Hieb '9Cbool minlumum ---Bee Bupt. •t tbe STANDARD STATIONS • . . That u.ed f'UrnJ.ture, bric-a-brac, palntinp, etc., now toldlljl_ up apace ln Y,Out prqe. Find a buy· er with a c•••nec1 ad tn the Newa--nmu. Poet. pd Presa com- blnaUon. Juat' Pbont Barbor 1811, •1: ''.l want to place a Claultled. Ad,'' and a courteoua ad·t&Jc.er wtll help you V(rlte on etlectlvo Ml. R-lt• ccmo _!Tom ccnotant Practice! An ad rcsulorl7 la .thlo paper will produce -1to for )'Oil. Narciaaua. Corona de.l Mar or Even If you don't know a note Phone Hlirbor 1987 .w evenlnp. of mu.ale you can play bMuUtul 8pl0 muolc In ten minute.. DANZ. ------------SCHMIDT Blc PIOAO aod Orpn MAHOOAJ'(Y Duncan Pbyte drop le&f extendable dlnlnl' table, 8 chairs and china cablneL ft.ea. 90nable price. Ph.. Harbor 21t52. ' Tel Crowns -Royala s.e Job ea..., at Seauaft -OOU'r .... WAT fl .......... .,. . . .._ ·ocm ms ; Co .. 020 No. :Main, llallta Aila. ' Wl1RLITZER STUDIO PIAN~ 414 HeUotrope, Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor 0094·M. 7pt BALBOA ISLAND HOuSEs AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL See OAJL CARNET with • Nelda Gibeon, Real Estate soe Morine, 11&1b<>& 1e1. Har. ll02 89ttc '49 .roRD CU.tom -.i 't8 CHEVROLET S<don '47 MERCURY Sedan '47 J'OR.D $.edan '4'1 HUDSON Sed&i! 'te FORD Fordor Sedan "'8 FORD Tudor 'tl FORD Sedan '41 PI,.YMOUTH Coupe '88.• STUDEBAKER Coupe _ .. '11 FORD. Coupe I '36 ,.ORD Truck '!'his is our FIRST Big Clearance $.ale! 'llmt US FOR TB.I: Bll;ST DICAL 1N ORANGE COtJl'.ITY We m~ reduce our •tock be- fore May l, to make room tor new car trad•·lnl. No ,...... able otter retu..d on i.ny car oo our lot-at 534 COAST IUGHWA'Y N.l:WPOR'l' BEACH , FHA 41' % (20 yeano) Construe. Loons &-6\i%(H yra.) No COmmiaa. Ch.1. on Metn:> loanl We buy and ..U Truot Deedo CALL BOB. BA TTLlllR Bar. 1077·J for Tr.. ApProloal Rep. POIRmR KORTOAGE '()9. Metro Ufe 111.1. FUndl Kl 3-6136 !.OANS TO BUILD, IMPROVI:, BUY, MOD~ OR RlilFlNANe& ' ~. Buy Ttwt DMllll .NEWPORT B4''IOA J'llDll:RAL BA VING8 41t LOAN ASSN. SS88 Vlo Lido Pb: Bar. 1800 UAL ,ESTATE .. I::.IDo ISLE ~17,850 He.rbor Investment ' 30th and Newport Blvd. ' Barboo 11100 Harbor 1600 BEST BUYS , m.· ·costa Mesa ~Y NEW modem 2 bedr<lom den, · l \O batho, hdwd. noon, cloee in. near -park. Below re- production coat. Sl0,000, term&. Corner ladua°lrtol lot 71x110 $1400-'300 down, $20 per mo. GOOD LISTINGS WANTED ROBT. H. MO'ITET BeL• 6224..J Rea. Bea. 5137•J 1900 Harbor Blvd COST.A MESA BY OWNER Phone OWNER, Harbor 1486 or Rlveraldf: 2854 for lnformaUon or •PPl>lntrn°"'t.· ' Opl8 • •. LOOI{ • • S B. R.. I ba. It lse· opt. over p.. oeean vtew, nnr modern 2..torJ' ye&r·ll!<>und bcme. Comp. tum. 1111 -\:>ceon Blvd., s.i-. P'or appoibtmiit to .. can own..-. u.... i.111-M. °""" d&ll1. BALBOA· ISLAND ' J'OtlR BDRM., S BATH BOIOI 1 • • UWn<):"'1'B" PIN.I: VIEW 01' W.AT.l:R . ' RUMPUS ROOM WITH BAR ' DOUBLE OARAOJ!I., Stanley Haqfield REALTOR 2i8 11u1ne A- BAI,ROA 18t..U1D 1 • ' • ltlo'. • t ; • ' • DlS'l'JM111VB mmaui;NT DDIQtABt.ll • • .. • ~ ' 1, . . ,. . . 1 *'1 .,.,. • " • ••••, mr&B! · fl• "tt. .am . . . PA&" 7 PAlT 1 · THIJlSl:i Y A.-«1r" •v•••:,J••·••==·•= r··=••••·••=··= •=••~=·····..,., 4: -, .... , i-1 • • "II'. WB OIJE IT, 1T MUST BE GOOD" • • . t DD.,._ ._,tlle pr ... ..., Gf tlle Oena;·..n lloaa ID the e+eid1 .. ;,'a ,.cbt .... ; ., a ... cl. ~ .... ·a'1I • Giit til tile -me 1iut? • . -:-:----'-----------~'"""".;... __ ,_MOT l""WJ;-. ~BOUU /' Wll OftD ,._IA•• a Ml''"'-, lumlo!lrly ~ aD!I fdee•i,~ la Olrana .... WlllN Jll'1 _,.ID tlle comfort of !llOlll' Uvtq -ud . ~CliE A. GA'tll3, ·Realtor • • L. S. JONES . · . . J. IURTIN • > 311 ~e Ave., ·Balboa Ialand· . . Ph. Har. 11171 er•M72 Har. 7'8-K '~ Bea. tl>U-R Ewa. BALBOA !$LAND . ' GRANp CANAL. 60' frontage. Charm. 2 B.R., din. lm, bome. 2 patios, Room t.o ·build S more Wilts. Kue offlf'. • • BAY FRONT ·HOME $29,500. Attr. 6 B.R. tum. home. This price ls_ f<?r 'QUICK sale. BALBOA SALE OR TRADE OWNER. WANTS QUICK "AC'l'lON well Ruby Bldr. ~14 ·E. Ocean Fr.· Cor. Pallll. 7 •pta. 6 furn., 4 11.oNS. New bldg. ~-1 conatructiOD. A steal for aomeoiie. Better look into thla. . . CO.RONA DEL MAR · :YOU SHOULD SEE THIS ONE A REAL BUY for $11,000 with ·amall down pay- m~t. 91tarm. 2 B.R. home-beauti. landscaped . __ yard, Elnclolled patio. Dbl. gar. · BLANQHE A. GATES -REALTOR BEST ·DEAL IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS . Cbarroing Rustic Styie Home . 2 bdrm~l!ttilt 2 ~ ago. Near· HI achool, best Joca~ Uon. Red brick fireplace, beam ceilinta. copper trimmed klt.ehe_n. Bp~t Ndwood fence. Lan.d8c&ped ya.rd. Murt be 1Dld llOW' to 11ttle estate. Axty otter over $9000 wUJ be • oonst.dered. See this and submit your offer. . Also in Newport Heights $4000 dwn. Bran\! new 3 bdrm rustle tYJ>e, $12,llOO 2 bdrm., hwd., fireplace, built 1945 ............ $10,7!!0 Ocean view-New, 3 bdrms., 2 ba~ ....... .$15,000 Best .ocean view lot ............................... -.--.. $4,500 Back Bay Area-1/:i Acre Attractive 2 bdrm home built ln U41. Thia 1" acre ill packed with fhltt trees, flowers-and shrubs. Fireplace, hwd. patio ~d lath houae. Thi.I la a real value. Jl0,800. . ·BEACON HILL REALTY 460 Newport ~Jvd. Phon• Beacon 671S•R ( N.ar Arcti.e) BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN FRONT 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, liv!ngroom, fireplace, kitchen, 2 car garage, sun porch, patio, 64x80 lot. Furnished $35,000 landecaped large JOHN D. BURNHAM, Realtor 507 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 1607 Eves Harbor 2278-W .. Sarah W . Newlin James C. Newlin Jr. Helen McDonald Bon • 16'.i, UDO JIUI 11 a -. ~ .... Wiil lllll ..... ""' All "" ...,.,..., .. "' .... -"':a\ila 111111 ... ., .... ....-~ !O-* "°"'''"· . . . -' Plet\rN & -· 8tCl!r7 .... -• l&rse ~t to atnec.'.4 ~ a 11eu.., unit beat. ........ di-I, t waW b•t. U9 "lb9d (OS> -.......... 011 "'1 ,~ ..,... and AU, tii ALI< .... iof tll41111· est BUYS we have eftr' otteNd. Tllll II ..... l!XCLUllIVm u.tlnl( wltb an attraetlve pnoe that wUI oppeal ~ 1'0U. IEE THIS. ,.,., ....... ,,. .... Pld& Ir at ,.,. troot' doqr •. 'n>e ~ ltaelf. 'la .••. a--sl u4 fl"l'• all ~ tile NQ1dnd .tandarda ot ~r uid out4oor U.v· _. IDS ••af1~; .,... llwtnc -; a a.,plw to ·~t yoa; a !'Ml 'dhjlnl roaa: tliNt 11> '"Mt......,,_ Uld <•I 11&im-m ,~tent tiling. Of -· .. II ID!f&ltr M ~ fVi<u9 · blaun.; l!andpened oak .._. ...... aull: "'"t-wtDdw1; )p~piq 1114 all convoinlencee m prea- tiat. · Very moderately priced for pre.pee lY c( thll 1t1ndard; we will be on ha.nd OD Sunday, Aprll.-22, 19111 bet-. the houn of 1:00 and 4:30 p. m. wllen an . ' OPEN HOUB WILL Bl: BJ:J:O , -DO~ FAIL TO SJl:E TIDS BEAUTIFUL . HOO ).I' 2M Ula:\~ (Om'_. S.YllllJ4 CORONA DEL MAR 'WE HA VE CT1'HER S B. R. HOMES from aa little-aa $11,llOO.. . . . OOHTA.cr VI J'Oft O'""T""IDIR-. PROPl:R'i~ RENTALS, AND Bl1,ILDINO LOTS ' CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES · · IF Ro6ort "B. Lynn 1 Jlalt<n U.len L. Lynn l'ou n.oriifu the n1 ... of LOCA· 411 Cout BIYd. . . . Fannbou.i Mott! ~~~%~u":~~~ ___ H_•_rbo_r_1_0S1 ___ ~-~--Co~·-ron~_a_d_m_M_ar_~~"-"'--~-Harbo~~r-1_06S~-- -.,-a club bo-. tennl> courta, P1-l'Jround, privaw po- uee proi.otlon, peace. and quiet with Ultf• or no trafl1c besarda. AlJ theff' factora make for VALl!m. ~ we are lbe DlCVEI.r ~ of LIDO ISLE . and 21 you. wt.nt. & GOOD BUY 1n elther Jot.I or cb9tce boinn then come to bt'adfl\J&ftera. It will be ouT pteuu,.."to ahow you aome veTy ll'lNlll B:DTB. P. A!PALMER tHCoRPOllATW> ~VI& Lido NeWJlort Beach, Qatlf · Barbor l!iOO . Coata M.esa The """9t Town on Earth Has Never Been For Sale B 4 ON EA8'I' SIDlt-1 acre and good 2 bdrm born• with aleepln• ~~ Bta doubJe p.rsge, out b p , Joto ot berries &nd lreel:. Room for more houMa. A-pin at ~750 Just Off Harbor Blvd. % Aeft.Jt which hu ample toom to bujJd .everal mnall rentab, plua a good 2 bdrm home. Price Only $7500 This laat week we have fot · several JOOd llatlnp, IO if yo~ need a bome or In- come property, come in !eta talk it over, ~ G. N. WELLS, Rltr. " A9soclatee 1790 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa. Ph. Bea. 11181 .. . W. W. 'BU.I/ SANFORD MII.DRED New Offices at the Heart' or BAJ.,BOA ISLAND .iii .the Former Po.st. Office BuildJJtr Off Mari111! on Park Avenue ~&I Eirta(i; U.Ung on the H.;.bora Finest Homes For Sates, Rent&lli .. _ for Yout ·Convenience, SEE W.W. 'BILL' SANFORD MILDRED 1300 P. ARK A VE., at 'Marine, Balboa Island HARBOR 2Ml2 IN the Former Post Office Building ' ~-----;------~-~-------~ TWO HOM&q IN BALBOA On Seville Avenue, Balboa Peninsula. lmmOClll&U amall llauM, 3 bdrm•.. 11> 'bstha, floor turnac.e. bf.r<twood no.or.: nnplace, p9.ved and walled paUo. Atta of houeo &nd ftnl.lhed f&Rl'e, 16'4 .,..: ft. FHA l'll1mlelntr •"~· Ul,000 unfUin(OJ\od. .. . --. Large Flu:nlahed Ocean Frbnt Home On. a-Jot corner.....,. Newport a-. Yacht Club. Thie 111 a ll"&A4 llome for • pod bla f&lhUy who would love Jt for }'Mft and yeara. Tenn• may be made on · prlee ot $42.!iOO. • Of coune we have Bay and Oceaza Front proptrtiea, bOtb linprqved .and ftC&.ftt. cau for tntoftn9.t1on. CLIFF HAVEN LET US PROVE to you a sood boy. Two bedrool!l and a don . Llving and d.lnlnc room beauU. fully c:arpolocl. Hardwood on4 tu.e. 2:-car .carac.e. RecenUy re- deoorsted. Ftncod bsek yard. FHA loan. UNBl!!ATABLll f0< th@' &&kin& money of SlS,&00. . Newport Heights QUALITY CONSTRUCTED th'" ~room home wtth one and % ~t.ba. Fireplace, Hlected. hard· Wood noora. Full 11.ae dJnlns room. Corner lo t. xlnl nelpbor- bood. Two-car p.rt,&"e. Muat see to appreciate. Take about S3500 down a.nd the balance on qay O per cent payment. A pleuure to show. $1000DOWN C. I . RESALE-two bedroom6- Eut side location. ~r:ated. 1.naide and out. Back yard fenc- ed. Nice appearln1. Payment.I lower than rent and lnclud• t&Xet and tnauranc•. Come pre-- pared to buy-you'll like It for the money. 8pecula.tor1 take a Jook. . Phil Sullivan C .. Galen Denison G. T.,Everson · 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Meu Phone Beacon 624.S-W Ha.rbor 3157-w· or Beacpn M&g...J Large Ocean Front NINE·bedroom hom.0, cio.e tn. ICx- ~llent all-year tneome poMlbUl- Uea for room rental, bellth re- l()rt or guea:J. boUM. Sturdily built on double oorner lot. 1'Jo rea.onable offer re~. Al.sO 313 Larkspur Aven,ue Corona del Mar -'LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor Open Hous~ Balboa Peninsula 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor so Sat., Sunday, 1-5 p.m. to .uJt the ma.t dl.ecrimln&Ung VERY llEAUTD'ULLT J'UllN· OUTST G buyer.,NEW 3-bedroom, 2·bsth . OPEN HOUSE at 321 ORCHID AVE. IN CORONA DE!. MAR 2 .·5 p. m. SA~AT-and l BUNDAY ATTRACTIVE 2. BEf>ROOM HOJolB, 1 li bloc:lul mm ocean. Sciulli of Hlclrw&Y· 411•· loL Laree • Uv\n, room. Beam otillng.~ Bard1ripod tloor1, Ullua&al dinJ:n.i room. Kitchen and bath wtttl tlle. PRiCil REDUCED for quick Bale! Multiple UsUnr No. IUJ. Call lltra. Maroon, Harbor 1715 • · Have Many Choice· Homes on Balboa lslan_d $12,500 .to $85.ooo J'OR SXA.MPLI:: Very attracUve 4 bedroom home on . eo ft. lot. NI.. patio, • year uound. boUM, tumace but. • ALSO • ;. OWN THI,i! HOME for 'U!iOO down Olld $68.80 monthly. · THIS YOU CAN'T BliT! Attractive "2 bdnn home, • fireplace, on one of but 9treetl near North Bay. Brick pauo. Room for add't bulldlnr. On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Bulilneu bulldlnp. All occupied with A·l tenants. Show $% net or belt.r. No phone ~alls p'8&.ll. See Kra. • Maroon at 225 Marine Ave. · BEE US FOR BEACON BAY property. We have two attraottve tw;>mes now -they won't lalt. For det&ll• Cai.1 Mn. Maroon at Harbor l 77G. . . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor , 11th and Coaat 1fiway 1 lftth and Irvtne Newport Beacl\ Newport Beach 915 Cout Hl-y ·=~~~ve. 3113 Newport Blvd. Corona del X&r Newport Beach .. THIS IS A BtTY: So. of Hiway, CDM, conve!lient to everything. 2 ' bdrms and den, party fum., enclosed patio, Iota of cupboards, dbl. gar., $13, 750. , OPEN HOUSE . . See This Sunda)I Afternoon· at 324 M;arfgold . CORONA DEL MAR • FITZMO&RIS REALTY COMPANY 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2152 . . !SHED 2 bedrm. bome-only 3 ANDIN BUY ocean-view home. In exqulaite yun old.'Panei.d llviDlr room in Corona .del Mar tute.·Very aound value. PHA.1---------------------_,.-, • with llnplaee. ltltoh«l bar, at-._ 'fln&nced, .,. %. Total price Look.m.· g for· !'LOCATION" The Jsland South Bay Front View Property Y~~'ll &1distinc-. tiv T!""tiJ.ali'll~- ti~ G ·by ~ pld- er two-atory home; j11.1t vacated by the owner who will !!1!11 at a price reduction to permit sav· lngs to buyer for ..,. modeling and redecora- tion. Full 50 feet of South Bay- front with load& of yard le garden space, & no crowd- ing of neighbors. Two cen- tral unit beating tumaces, fireplace, large r u m p u s room over double garage. The price of $;38.500 pro- Lido Isle Lot \ached far. BBQ, encJoead patio. NEW 2 BDRM. VlE'IY HOME, overalaed 2-ar gar. m .ooo. ALSO . $1 tM DOWN, $40 mo. on b&lance. OnlJr •lf.OOO J8000 handle•. laundry. Thia ·home muat be aeen t.o appreciate. N 0ne of th• 1>ut bu11d1nc a1t .. on • ewport Heights ~,..:;·~~ner ..r street arn1 ~7 ~:::O::m':'>°~ ~bodnn. OPEN FOR. YOUR INSPECTION · Exceptional Value EXCLUSlVS LlllTING OQDle -view. AttracUwly SATURDAY I: SUNDAY, 12--3 p.in. Two IN!droom., dining room, Iota ~~~'ti.~ ~f~ft-l\~.r;:: f,J'·•;.~ .~l~.Z:. ~~ 't:·:•'. 'of~~ • ~a~! ,. never beve !!>at · dOd ·m-1n ~. ~,..0,!:; , , • • i · • ~L CtiAlltB,,;..,.,. ~r ..,.,; ""WI~,·, feellns In UU.. lonly boma. Cor-on 40.100 Jot. a,... encloeod i:.n.~"C oer frpce., forced l1r beat. 21 ' patio. Oomplaw electrlo ltltcbQ 500 Cout Blvd., Corona: de! Mar Call John Jolottrsm-Harbor 1000 310 Coast Highway living room, 14' dlnlns -den, Ute wtth ..,, .. , _wub.,., retrel'. (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) PhOlle Harbor 2288 I-------=--~-'------'--------~':!~~;,._..,..... We A,..,.._ dllopnoal, 2 car rsr. , P.~!:o~~ BEACON !BAY " lll<duatve u.tlAf Pull price W,000. Balbo p i Oc-ft ....__t Dup'-Tbe Itlcd a enn. Point 3333 VI& Lido, Newport Beach 2 BDRM HOME on ··-e lot beautifullv o;;o.u r 1vu MA BALBOA-Furn: 1 bedrm. older 2121 O Bl d -"' .._ On fine beech. A little paint wW ho-• .,.._ to bay -.i., ft 1 . Ce an V • furniahed. SPI~ a.nd SP AJ:'I !. Thia is a vert ~~ °:::.:.,~1ce ~~!..i~ z.m. SHOO. SOUTH BAY FRONT 0pan Sunday 2 t.o 11 or ONLY A FEW desirable reatri$d community with • private miau -.. part tndo. ON B•t.B04 BLVD.-8 be*'8. VIEW PROPERTY Will allow by appointment SITES LEFT beaches, piers and ,tloata. . . Bay Shores •ome 111 J\-3 _,. only s9000. · Beat location 1n !lay 1111o--... 11u1m11t -pa,,.....t.· A~C CAPll coo, 1 y-The fineort. In large ocean Price. $18,5001 tttw bey view. a bdrrna, 1 ll . -YES, It la truly exceptional akl, 1 olor7. 1 bdnm, plua IAl'l1' . bo.tb, fO<C.cJ ,i. 111at. lotll ot DUPLllX-ao.. to atiopa, 110 n. llO fllt of loftly \'Sew to-eomb. bedlf'OOlll and <1eo. 2 bsthll. view ho111l!lllU. overlook· LINWOOD VIGK, Realtor !,~· ::::;;. ~ ,::!r:..:::..:; :.::' ,~;.o '"':~ :.= cether with au older two = ~ o:'~.!1':i~~ Ing Newport Harbor. Prl· • l12 Marine' Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor. 200 Ing va!U<> at '",000. ~ Mory bODl9 th6'-wlJ1 be -•··-""""-Ill x SO Sun-vate beach._ fully lmprov-1 ' -..... cod &Ir ~ A•l --· ·· ' ' . in Corona de! Mar? . , . vides an additional discount OD redecoration COBt • • 3112o;::~ = ~ TIUPl,Elt on;;;.. trwt-A 2· mldbt ~~You~-:: ~tloD -artlatlc:&117 deco. ed. No grz•rnent.. a.. BAY ·SHORF.S LET'S LOOK! ~ ~ ~bath ..:S~ ~ ~u! at a ~ price. · · Priced to ...U quickly · stricted. Terma available. · 172' ilq. ft. of quality Jlm,g BAJ,l!()A POINT-I 8. a.. Home • Hu """' 1naome .........i s•.-a. It •...a..u W111. m. AJllGOLD, Realtor Model Ho.mes to Sh~w .p.ee, plll8 ~ dollble -..~·r:"'1 .. N::-: !!tblq. l>ead>. OPEN HOUSE Your Inspection Invited. Cliff Haven VM'lr Home Call ,HUB POWERS at Sat. I: Sun. n-22, l-0 p. m. King's Rd. (not leuehold) · J. A. BEEK Office we11 11G11t s )*lrOam. a bath. -. Barbor 13 Balboa taland Ferl'J' -,-..,.i alr lllat, ..,r1a1i. Tct ler ·IYWl!m, -_ ""°P- ---..-------M&llJ' -S17,600, - Good Btxys in CDM ................. • For p-.., appalat-t oall ,tltll~ ...... ·p, A. PAI.MER • aumar DOWN PATIOUl'I'. ........,. ---3 cov ...... __ .._ -\ ·-~ ........... llJ ........ -.. ··-·--~· -~ ...,.._, 7 UN1'1'll oa ~ Bl'fd. _ !'e-two flae ,...,. Mllid ~ ' · "'-11ar11or wa-w CORONA · brlek patio, lath ~ and· oUPu:X-Attractlve. . · -u, ....---. -" a with die clluMW th al ' · -tct .,,. .. fence ·· ter knotty CJoli. t9 Bay. upper 3 B. "!J-.,.... --... HIGHLANDs .. ..._ . ~ ~· •ft" ""'*"' '2 B. R. ~ .1'lL -PH~ P'IJIOO =-. wtll ctnr )'Oii. )'Oii!'' fam. N t He' b•-$9250 • ,....... ..90Dl l . -i-i..u, .~ ·-11i. -. • llJ, &lld ~ 'nftle ud 'WP. • lC ..., ' TRACT OVFICE redwOCllf, beamed clllblp. 1.ai1p ,atlo. llUlldock. l'umllll· Coast Properties Co. four...._ l1i ta: bcae I B. ll. ..... O. l. ~ at tllOI. . I llathi, hri flool-.. Jlota ld.fbdio '-pr!!*\ rll'flt! f211,IJ!IO. aol .. -·--.... ·-_.. .. .__ ........... ....-...... _. ~ UJ. -,,. 111i.e-. Le'· OOAST BIW4Y AT ot ~ _,,. uct i11a11t. ~ IPllt:l'.A4 , . -™._ "'"" .,... --· ---... 'ls11t ,_... Altrktift -II. · ' -~ ila ' I & -llolM. A well -Bu1icw -f1Dt ftlllll •• ~ 19 Walil o-.,_. SEAWARD RO.AP Ill ~~~-~~ tln;prae1 • · tOI' a Jure tamjty. Bay • ...._ • sa -a p.•m. 111 OORONA DEL KAR with ~ pus ept. ...... at -en<t. ~ 11 a Lin' US 'KNOW --of -1 Yoe ~ iD'l'fted.' ' • Mr• IT ••um llJW. lpU • • . • . oW garige.. Ptt.I to ..u;· real -at '1•.tOO. ' Mla'9 "'' 11t:f J911 -. We -Phone HUbor 414-J ._ • u ,.,.-_ .,...,, a11 klllds at,.. s•tt-. n..11 au fl at CMll ·~ ... • -• UGi • • .-IC ._., J'11111, 10.n 0tt11< Jt-do -11a .. --JW. ..-ow•I &. c:Jliilla._, llst : •• Oo r bn11Hflll ~ '1.... I & a. Mro~• -. Wt -C -=.~,":~~':!..--J. A. Bl.!li3< omce =.\.a;: !-U:Vi. = DUPIJCX .... Yll*a °" ... !!; =-" =--=~--.. ,. -• ~ :J a.. ••• · 12;11;. 72 as-. 1'11 ~ Balboa Peninelala · ' ' -'llt!!:'I <lf'BMmO ' . a ...... .. .. . ..... 0.JllAL90-. -... _... n.t4--r~ .......... - 1112 IAsc I .... -a 11... ·DD'•wn ~X ··--1°' ., ...... I 11t r:i':1:~~-= •="'T> • ,-_ -= ;:zi •• -. .. affz• ~·= -W 14" ~~1!~.£':J P._A;;;~ ... .. . • ,'ilij • -•• • - • !. ' I • • • • • ' I ~- 1 · , .. I I . . ' • • , . . . . , . I I ' • ' : . .ROYAL GELATII· AB flav,.-s · : 4rt~25c .·· ' ' ...... ..--- .. : · · ' E VEGETABLE • I SHORTENING . SPRY 3,;,.95c • • • • t-.. " • ' . . I .CUT CORN 1~ 1tc cur· BEANS 1:.:.1tc HllNZ STIAINlll B'ABY FOOD • • ~'f , ~\NES & LIQUORS __ ,!._ • il.1"1MAU ' PLIHTT .. EAl'.\'.---L ---··. --$P4RE ·:·,11ls:i.~ . · · .45•. . . 89•.;· . ,_ . "'"I· 9UAUJY ..:.A. SUPllMI TMtt'f.il~PJ, l : · ...• ROUND. st·E~I . . ljfo\'Ol'f. lllLIGHT IN EYllY .llTE . · ',. SWJSS ST.EAK · # • n' . .. • --# .. • "' }If. f ' .. ' • - • " , I • Tar Tankmen , Sweep, 'WHsoa, Sanora or N'~rt Harbor hJgb -<!unlied the-Wu.on hlsh IW!m· mlb.K team. of. Long Beach, 44-31 In the wt.nner's pool laat Wednesday. The Tar Bee and Cee team. &180 ...,.,_ Tar'a varsity rour·man reJay team of Baird, Beek. Agar and A&rvold eel a neV .chool ·record ln that event wtlh lhe time or 1 :49.3 For the Bees SatlOf (tee• styleq Carroll ~t a record in the 20()..yard event. the time being 2 :2Q.2. He a1ao won the 100-yard tree Ayle. " eulnmary: Vanity 150 medJry 1elay-Wlhlon IMll- Jer. IA.Bonte, Cl8ve&0n) 1 :31.0. 60 l"ree aty&e-B&trd., NH, Beek, NH. Aazovld, NH. 21.2. 100 b~t 1troke-LaBonte, W, Johnson. NH. Muon. NH. 1:15 5. 200 free atyl&---Stveaon, W , Asar, NH, Olney, w, 2:18.0. 100 back atroke--Mlller, W, Ma-"°"• NH, Boltz, NH, I :11). 100 free atyle-Meek. NH. Balrd NH, Reeve, W , 1 :08. Diving-Stawicki," NH. Staal-. NH, Olney, W, 140.t . 150 tndJvldUalJ medley-Miller, W , 1.aBonte. M, Muon, NH, l :46.2. 200 4-man relay~Newport Har- bor (Baird, Beeek, Agar and Aar- vokt) 1:-48.3. Final score: Newport Harbor 44 . Wu.on 31. -R<oults Medley relay-Wilson. 1:38.2. ~-yard tree-a-Preston, N, Otb· mer, W, Hunter, W, .28. 100-y~ ~,-;-.)!ha!!>'_,-~'!· Doule NH, Barnml>llll. NH, l :tl.2. 20IJ.yard ttee-Carrol. NH, Far- rel. W, Coleman. NH, 2:20.2. l~yard back-Preston, NH. • ••• ' Seei County Golf CMl111p Top Fll&'ht gollen: or Orange county, beaded by 17-yea.r-old Don Mollica or Huntington Ba.ch, &f'e v!~lng lhla week for the Filth An· nuaJ Orange CoW'lty c;.hamplonahip at Meadowlark Country Clu.b. Mol- lica paced the qualifying field with a 1ub-par 68. Seeking to unaeat Tom FO«ter of Santa Ana. laat. year'• wlMer, are such stlck wte\dera u Jack Robln.8on, twice county champion : Marine S;t. Bob t>t.uett or · El Toro. la.at year's runner-up; Wally Taft, 194g runne.r-up lo RobiMO!I and Dou< May, runn.er-up ln 1947 to Lea Heoaley. Eight Santa Ana goUen made the cJ\ampionabJp bracket, with three Crom HunUncto1: Beach; two each from Anahelrn and COl!lta Mesa and one from FuJlerton. First round of mat.ch play will be completed Sunday. One round will be played e&eb wttk. P'ln&h In all but Uw c.ha.mplon.ahlp flight will ~ at tull b.andice.p, and over 18 'holea. The tJUe attkera muBt go le hole1" tn the final match. EASTSaN IC CONFZRENCE TRACK !!TANDlNG8 Saal& Ana ... ----------' 0 1000. Mt. &a Antoolo ----& 0 1000. RJ"en&lde .................. 2 1 · .881 Saa Bemanllno _____ t I .llOO Fu.lh!rton ............. -... I .S .J60 Chaffey -···· ............. 1 t .JOO Graap eo..t ... ___ I 4 .000 Friday'• Metit.a 8&11&.a Aaa at ML. Saa Aa- leftlo; River.Ide .a ~; Oran•e eo-t at. Saa Beraar- .i- • ,.,-Net ha11t - Dumps 1.eaCJVe Smith NH, Coolidge, W, l :15. l . tch too.-' a.rd free--Carroll NH 0th-· Sweeplnl" all ~ alnglt-a ma ~. NHY Ber land w ' t ·o3 4 the N~port. Harbor t~nnla team mer, • g • • · · · 1t .11 nod Laguna Beach Dtving-Jobnaon, NH, lsJey:' NH won a ..,-.. over Hflk w ln a practice match al the Art-4.::''orel~y-WUaon. l :~2.8. tiBU court la.st Thur8day. rtn.aJ acore · Newport 42 WU-Scores: 24 · · Singles-C'hambers, N, defeated llOh • • R. Armetrong, L, 6·0. 6-l; John-C... .._.., .. Medley ~lay-Newport (Hager-son. -N, defeated Halt L. 6-~fS-~: man, Tunnnel. lbbotlson ) .44 Nonemaker, N', dereated E1l , • 50-yard rree-Ibbot.aon, Glbbons. S-1 , fS-1; SL&ata, N, defeated Van Dyke, L. 6-1. 9--0 ; JacobMn, N, de-tie, Gameron, W, 23.~. teated Hon, L. fS-2, 6-4. • »yard back -l;i.agerm&n. NH. Doublea--BaJJey-Cook, L. de-- Jacobsen • .NH. BarlQ)Y, 'NH, "-2-N 0-4 6-2 : 50--yard breut-~Weese, w, teated ZlrkJe .. zerbe, . . Ma.nn Muon, L, defeated Mid-1'.lnnet, NH, Brigp. NH, 37.S. N '1 ts l-8 •-man relay-Newport ('I'Uunel, doUgh-0. Armetrong, , -, Ibbottaon. Barlow, Glbbonal 51 .5: and 8-2... ---- Ftna.l ICOrt!: Newport aj, Wll- IOll '· Pirate Thinclads EAS'l'l:RN CONFERENCE s.a:S= =~~1°!: Lose to Riverside Mt. Saa Anton.lo .... 5 1 .NO Rlvenlde_ ------------------S I .toe Saa Bernardino ........ s i .eoo Cbaffey _____ --------------t S .490 O...p Coaol --------. I 4 .- P'ullor1'>a ---. --------------0 A .- Friday's 0- Oruite Cout at FUl.hrton; Cbafrey at Mt. Saa M&.oato; Su BentaNJao &t R.href'lilde; 8aata A--at El To.ro Martae Air eta tlon.. Trout Semon Opens- _April .28 • • • See U• tor SAi.MON liXlda J'LDll8 -TROUT HQOIUI -llOD8 and RICKI.II • 8PINNJNO "v.U.S • • $1§95 'up Bo/A • • • • SPOnl•~· . .._. ........ D0n£ JI I 3 I a--~ ... .,... . ....... ........... Another r1e1."0n:I wu broken ~ Friday afternoon u Orange Cout college'• Ernie Ruvacalva lead tbe Pirate thlnclada with a 2:09.1 880- yard run. cutting 3.a orr or the record held by Ed Mulder. tn a meet won by R iverside Jaycee, 83 to 49, on the Local track. Other Pirate winners Included Mulder In the 440, Howard lql· ler In the century, John Cleed in the high Jump, Ralph BalUern in the two mJle and occ-. relay te&m compoeed or Miller, Bru~e WHd. Ruvalcava and Mulder. RelUlta. Rlvenlcle 111: Oraac• C-t 41 100-Mlller, O : Martin. R ; Smltb, O ; 10.fa. 220-Crumpacker, R : Miller, 0 ; i<.nk. R: 22.Aa. 440-Molder, O: Buated, R: B~ ton, O; 114.lh. 880-R~eava, O: McKinney. R: Weew, 0; 211\. 9.la. Mil..---Onlber, R ; Weed, O; Bal- uem., o : 4m ft-81. Ttro-mU..-BalltBra, O: Weed. R: Grubtt, R: 10 Ill. U.la. ; 220 loW bur1<&-Crumpacker, R: Wllklllll, R ; w-...a.-01 HAL 130 bl&b h~pack.,., R; Wllldlw, R; W-.d, O: l~U. Sllot-prt---R; IW).la. R; a.dalq, R. ~ va\llt-Sanri,I\: tie -., -8lollecplln R -K ...... O; ll "-. la. OW.U.-Martln, R; Iii•-R~ }Ian. Q~ Jla Jt. 10 In. . 11r!...i jlap-HaU. R; Gull. R I Marlin, It: .JD ft.. 7 !t IL ,,.-...-.-, -it: Bart, o; awa. O; 1•-tt. 7 ta. BIO ,_ .. Ol11L «>; &' f >· •:~~ ... - -Oollt, .. -ass II llf .. 1me ,.._ ID Cl.. ..... Alie. .,. r•--m11.•- . . TARS FAVORED ·10· WIN _TRACK TITLE . FRIDAY -! , ' ' . Harbor Hig11'• lraekrnen doml-· ... ------------- PA~E I .-PA~T ~I_,:'... THURf.t>AY, A).RIL _19'. 1951 _ :~Qi~'la1ss-il Suuet League ln.ck and field nated the prellmlJlart.. of the OCC Oro' ps EXt. ra· . charnplonshlpa held at N..-port Helghla Tll,esd&y attemoon. Th<! flnata wtll be held tomorrow, Fri· I • Ga · 9 7 day, artomoon al lh• Tan' field. nn1ng me, . . Boys_' Club 'Track Tea111 Wini, _51~9 I I -. · OCC Pirate Dofendlag cluunplqt> Newport wu the ·pre-meet fa~rlt.e to re--Tytng up the game twlO!: ln Ute peat followtn& their wt.Min& of lqt Ulree minute&, the Ban Be~ the dual meet tlUe and only nardlno lnd.l&n.t managed. tO smack Santa Ana •Jtpe&n to be able to out two tut runa In ttie e.IPenth provide any eer1oua 'opposition. to drop Cout college g..7 tut Fri· Coach Ralph Reed'• learn pla.oed day on the local diamond. 28 men ln the varetty event.a. The Ptra.td were led by 5 to 0 Santa AM-. 22. Other echoot.: unW tb~ bottom of the eeventh Orange. IJ ; Full.rtan, g ; Hunt-when Ha.rkJw Richardson got a Lngton Beach 4 : and Anaheim. 3. acratch 111ngle and went to aec; Fullerton and HunUttfton Beach. ond on a Wild t1lrow. Orv Thread· placins 1& &n.4 14 reapecttvety. lfll, converted to a right &elder. aee:m lo have ltt• edge ln the Bee followed with a double which meet. Newpori plac.d the teut brought Rtcb&rdaon ln. Oeol'l'fl men. Juat \, In the Cee meet Jane, filed out lo aecopd bue a.ad Hunllngtoft Beach and Newport pttcher Bob BtelefekS doUbled.. have lbe beat repruenJ.atlon with bringing ln Thread&ll PhU Shat· 18 and 15 and ahouJd ~tUe It er then got on bue oo tii. e.rrot' out for lhe Utle. while Blelefe.kl traveled to second. No records were .et tn the pre-Thelme--got a base on ball.a and lln1inarle-s. Norf11 RJdg-eway followed him w1th Tar r1r11ta In the heat• went to: a tlelder'a choice but Bob was Griffith In the both hunt.Jes; (Ot"Ced out at home. Jt.ck Clark Joneii. 100 and 220 yan1 du.be.a: singled. 9e0rtng Shafer and Berry. 880 _ Swlnsle, ahot put; Tbelme. Then Jeue Smith tiled out and Jonu, broad Jump. Newport to third. Thi.I ended the 1ce>rln.g placed five men ln the 440. four for the Plratea l.n Lhe aen.nlh and In the shot; and . three In the the IndLana stlU led, 5-t. h.l(h jump, bfoad jump, and hlih-ln the e-tghth Richard.eon stole hurdlea. home for the tying run, which R.Mults ot quaUtying heats: altttched the game to the eleven Vanity lnnlnp. , 111 Hr.t• Hw4!" The Indla..t\I got orr two runs In "••' No. 1-klflMH f~I . r.,~ INHl. the ninth to break lhe t ie. but Yl>itot~•r fF), I.e.• fO). nm. is 4', the Picken.amen got the runs back TAPE BREAIU3 Dick l-'-the paek to doe flill9lo la tbe HO )'anl ICUllpfW. lone. --WOil the llQ yard. tliMll' ta tua. Wttk'a . ..,..I wlUt o.w.,o ....... Ibo Tan .._... _, IMI .......,u..., dual meet wtn and cll..aUect \he: Suuet. LMcae ddaa meet champ- k>Mlalp. (Prea Photo} l-l1t•f No !-4rlffitfrl (NH). S...lttl IOI. TibD.ttt <SAi . M<W.•''" (NH). n-''·•· Jn the bottom h.alf ot the lnnlng. 1•"""4 o.• It wun't untll the elevenlh ln- H••• No 1...s..,1_, IUJ, l>ufflott (F). I th t th I di •n•cred two N"•""" '"HI. "°'-" (0), n-ti .Sil n ng a e-n llfUI m-._ H••t No 1-hft-. INH}. '-t" fSAI. quick. rung to break the ball game o.e-CHI). ..,.wy ,.,,, Tl-11.... and travel home vtctorloue. .. .,.., ..... H-t No. I-WI.... \0). 5-tti......+h INH), Webht '"'· ,,.,,.... NHI . n-D .J. H ... No J-Wfrdl'"" IA), Het..,._ fNH). ~. (HHJ, Meri (NH , n-IJJI•. Sift kfHrd'M 0r•"9• c.&tt AllH A•IH \Jl~f..-.1b .... Gal Anglers Plan ' Sailors _Edge lnter-Ciub Rodeo Wirson. 9-8 ,. L..or .... ... H ... ! tr ......... CllHI --IUI. '1"-+t ), _.... te),,...... •. , .. '1wt . J 11 nett"' (SA,), Tw If), M~ (SAi. T"'* (NH), Tl'" ».ta. .. 't.r4 ... He.t No 1-S....U aHll1 Ten-eott CSA). a,,_ (Ol. lott!Mott I' • ,.,,,.., 1"' 4.>... H ... M9 >--...kn<r f HI. McCr.ck•11 (Fl, Ay•le (SA), W-e IAI. """' JM t.h. "' .... ,,.,. H ... Ne. I~ ($A\, kttMkft CNHI. lodi"t41tn IOt. lootMf~FJ, TI""' JJ.11. HNt N., >--"-" (N ). 1 ... .., (SA), 0...,- 9ht\ (J), S.C.11 (01. ... Dt. .... '"' S-l114le INHI SO ft, t I•: V111 O.emllot INH) W ft . J1f,; to.well ~HI) flt ft. •ft '" : bo ..... 011 (0) 44 ft. 1': lot ; McCl1ll111 !NH.I 41 tt ' 19.; Slftltti t I 41 ft. If 1 ... ; J..,.."1 IMH} M ft. II lot.; r>o.1 (f) n "• .. 1 •. ., .. d ....,.... ""-'' (NH) JI ft. I kl : Hor~• f0} I t ft. II \,.: f1-e+t I~) It tt, ? I•: H• .. •U.1 INH) It ft, ..,, 1._: '-l.-. (NH.I It "· \'4 lot.: Dod-IHll It H. Pn lit : '-'~ (SA) It ft. 11.4 M.; PtM,._ (SAJ It H. l ltio, ,_._ WoMitt 1,°"' (SA). Mtln111 (SAi, Witeli.., IS.Al. '"'-ff). 1 ... (Hll, M9_.1M (NHI llld l ... ti ... INHI •II •Mi"'M .t If fl. 4 kll. H4eti -111 1 1...t1 ls.Al ..... _. ISAJ , ·~H (SAi, H1-fSl , Mc:C."4 .... (JJ, y_.., J'I. ~ INH), Corfffffti (NMI, 1114 C.-0 et. INHI 111 ""''"-' 11 S ft. 6 19. a... 11•.-M4 HI .. H•tllM H•.t Ho ,__...._ ...... flAJ, '9W-N"11 (0), K1•11,...,. (HI), Kent. fNH). n-t .. Hwt N.. >-SH+N (Jl h1hH1t IHI), a.. .. ., (f), ....... ,,,, n.e '·"· ,...,.,, o..a. Hwt No." 1-sttn" fHI), W•ll• fAJ, J.M. -(J) • .,,.,.. lt.h . H_.. Me. ,._.., ... , fA). "°"" (F), Wei· ....... ru.1 n ..... 11.1 •. H..t N... )....l,.i. (0), 9'1U1M ls.A..\. O~ fAJ. ~ lf.k. ,_. ... _ Me.t Mii 1-slttell IJJ. _'I• 0-(HI ), Hen-h (N ... I, lM• 1'41. ~-J~ H ........ 7-a.tl IA/, _.. f"\41 . a.._, fF), r.oo...-Ht1. n-••.•~. 121-tM"tl .,... w ... w •. 1-4..wh 10), w.i-.. 1•1 ..... -4 (HI. M...,... ($.\1 ..... D h ' H ... No. ~ .... (~).. ~ (J). lel-tr .. (NH}, lr.cWt (SA). n.t D.IL. ............. \ tt..t Mo. 1;-Jehit... fPl. It...... fOJ, k~ (Al. ~ 11'1 tt-lflt )t k. I H ... JIM. J-0...U. fA).TfWf (SA). T.W• l'l. ••411tt (HI>. n .. f• Jh. ... i .... on.. fJJ, 9'1U, F) • ......_ ff). t.w.• Iffy (0). r....-.. 4'1M IHtl, Q1e~wtl• (HI), Dw.<6tl (A). • ....... .....w INHJ;. ... -IH I. -r•~ (HIJ. _... • .,.. ... '.'1•.__."*""'4t r•1. ............ IO), w...o If), -llllCI, ObfNU .. ft. W, ,._ ,._. IMtl~s.rin"J•I. ... CAI, ~ ..... IS~). Tteell .,., fH.11, 'f'.i. ...,.. CO), ..._,_.,... ( ~ Dht.-. " ft. 1\\ ... .,_IU ' I 1 ,...,..._ lb 4 2 I lltCI.,., ltl 4111""•1·· 41f SI I~ 'I I S I I ~.<f 6 l 1 4 I I f1w-M..nl ,H I I J JOf'-,ltt , •• Jlfl:-.• Ill I I I ll.i.-tel4, p ) f I ' ' . 41 ' 10 4J ' If Mvnben of the Newport Har· bor Lady Anglen will partlclpato In the lnttt-club odeo to be held May 18th. It WU .decided at their reg-uJar e ven.Ina-meeUng held Mon- day In the Newport Ebell Club HOU8e. kor• a-, 1•111 ... , ju l.noerdlot0 Ill t• lfJ t2-t If Ore .... C-.t . 001 .. 411 ft-7 If 5 Records Clipped In loys Jump Tests Irv Gron.sky ot the Balboe. Pavil- 1 Ion ta donating alt racilltles and l boat crews arc givlng their time to thia. ev~nt, and all proceedl wtll be glve:n 1to the Ocean Fiah P~o­ tecttve AMoclatlon to help In lhf"lr fight to c.onaen-e ocean 11port·tlab- Five recorda--we~ aet lut w~k In the vtrtlcal wall jump teat. at lhe Harbor Area Bo)'Pt Club. Thl' event.a are detl(Tled to teat a boy1' jumplns power from a at.anding po1lllon. LeRoy ~rry broke bla awn f'ee- ord for the club with a Jump ot i4 W. fnchu. Lut year he jumped 24 lnchea. Mel Small~7 set a new dau "A" mark of 23~ lnche&. Berry beUeN!d all S..1 While Ceo Nathan Vlfmey jumped 23 l,i ln.- one-baJI Inch ahort of Berry's Cee mark tut year. Joel Leonard jumped 23 lnclla for a new clue Dre mark and Cb&rlem Berry Jumped 20'\ lnchea tor a new "E " record. Gene Lor- tns eet a new "0" standard of 14 lnchee while Art Jewell fell one lnch 81\ort ot Charlee Berry'• .. ,. ~rd of 1:)%: ln~hea &et lut ye.a.r. Pu8b up teitta are bolng held thlo wed with tuta in puU Upe alat«I for ntxt week, l ng. , AU locaJ AngUng clube have been Invited to enter and trophies will be awarded for the bipeet percentag-e of club membership pa.rtlclpallq, u weli as trophle1 for the largest Cllh. and •PK-la.I ttophlea for flm C&Ug"ht OD 18-lb. teet line ot lea. Plana: are proc-rem-tnr; for ~ ou.ung tor the htndlcapped cblJ.- dren to be beld May 4th, Ollve Mc· Keute, pnmldent ot tbe ctub .re- po.rled. · Two b\luel have Wen chartered, and the PavWon ll do. naUng a boat for a slght--eeelng trip yound the bay. Picnic lunch Will be served at Bay Shore Camp for the children and thelr teaehen. On May 10th, a.a a prelude to their inunmer fllbln1 cha.rler1, the club wW hold ita annual fuJ\lon ahoW, luncheon and card party al the B&Jboa Bay Club, when lelwre clothOI fhown wUJ be I'!"'" ahopa owned by membera and models AUS DIVOltCE &1ao are t..dy Ansle.ra. ~Ir eruolly, Mrs. """'I Al\u committee ,..porta, lhe re· Aucuat& Malloy nted .1Uperlor mainder of the avenlng wu spent court action for dlYOl"06 from playing canuta.. Retreshmenta ot M.arU.n Benjamln Malloy. They home made breads AJtd coffee were wen rnaniad at Pboenlx Ma.rcb arved by Prancla Pulaakt and her 13, IHI, •pe.nted 1&.t rrtday ciotnmtt~. Wtnner1 of door prtsa and "-vo a 4-)'e&l'Old dauct>tor, 'were Kathryn Cook, Ruaty Jolu\: ibe" told. ttte court. Sb• lilted .on and l>orolbea K..lnafather . -.mmlly propert.y u houoallold turnlab1np. an a.utotQOJJll• and a -at ST7 l!'lolnr SL, Coota M--. Newport Harbor !ll&h Varsity ... .. .........._,.,.,.,,. a-4-<1 Ue In th• ..=:---~--. , Sixth lnhln1 Moaday afternoon to defeat Lo"I" ~ Wtllon High achoo) 9'I -at i..ong J::Seac.tt The local. nine takee on St. Anthony's High lhls attenioon. Thuracftl.y, on the lfSlh et.reet field. The Clral two batter• ln · the slxlh. Tommy Perkint and Peorge L&Bano. walked beror'e Bob Wet- zel and Dick Lusk rp.ade out.; Dick Lane then drew a walk to load the baae .. and Lewi. Abbott doubled to 8COre Perklna and LaBano. Gene Crain then 11.ngled In Lane with what amounted to the winning run. The Tara .cored f'tft r\Ulll ln the second tnnlnr u Bob Woodhouse, and IABano walked; Wetsel singled and Lwlk slrigled to acore Woc>clbowle an"d· IABano. Lane walked and Abbott .VU.ck out be- fore Crain cleaned the bue8 with a doUble. L&8&no went the route .for the Tan on U)e; lnoUnd. He yielded elgbt hits -the same number that llil matee picked up ort Long Beac:h pltcblns. Box 8COrt!: All H • , t • 0 t S I I J I 0 4 I I • , l , , . 4 I 2 ••• .... • Track totte• of the Harbor Atta Bop' Club dofealt<I Santa .Ana Franklyn pla.,ycround for the aecond llr&llbt year Saturday morning at Santa. Ana. The re- sult. of the flnal event declded the meet tn favor or .U)e loca.J forces 51-\P .. Don Huber placed...eecc>nd in the 330 and John Hopkin8 wu t.htrd. Santa Ana took flr11t but needed a second plaet> to win and a third place to tie .in fl.llal acor- lng. • The up •county team took senJor claaa honors with ease and the Boys' club clndermen. took Junior clus wlnnJnga. , Charlee Berry wu the oulatand- ing aenlor from Ule local learn. The Coata Mesa itevenlh grader high jumped fovr feel eight inches. Lawre nce Caatro wu 't~e Lop junior or the day with a first In the 330 and U'le 9hqt put and sec- ond ln the broad jump and.50 ya.rd duh... He also ran a I~ on the S~its Patter · Orange Cou~ty eollege golf team made U\e top of the ladder lut Friday over the body of Santa Ana. Whlle the Pirate dtvotmen were thumplpg San Bernardino 12-3, wtt.b Stan RJddcrbof of La- guna and Bob Marshall of· Ana· helm IMdlng the attack., the F'UJ .. lerton Homete dumped the Dona ror lhe drat io.a Ot the eeuon. The golf .conference lead ls now stretched three ways. Aa lhtte I.I no playoff tn conference champion- shJp, Ute ~tern conference meet wtu decl<le the real champion. Thi• ' lakes place on May 4 ,at Rlver- •lde.1 lr IUdderbor and MaMJhall ca.n continue U.elr winning ways, the Pirate. a.re irt.rong conttndeni ror the conterence crown. • • • ' wlnnlng relay team_. In tr&Ck tht: Harriers from · Thi.s Saturday the Boy•' O.ub Oran CoUt echlbited their goes to Huntington Beach tor a. str~ in the track event. and meet -which Wilt pit them agalna:t hlghllgbted their weakneae tn the teams from HunUngton Beach, ·fleJd'event.s by allowing the well~ Weatminlter, &nd K~Y, City. ·balanced Riverside. Tiger team to ~-. . Cta. A. • wtn 83-t.9 .. eout college took ttn:t 75 y&rd duh-Ceja. tSA); Mara· In four track event.s; 100-yard moto (SA). TJme 9.8. duh, 440, 880 and the two-mile Shot put-De LA.Riva (SA); Ce-run. There ~ one first 1r\ the Ja <SA I ; Guerr& lSA). Dist. 415 ft. high Jump for the Pirates. Erneat High jump-Ceja 1 SA), Berry Ruv&leaVa of Huntington Beach (ff ) and Rodriguez (SA). Height eatabllahed a new echool record • fl. 9 ln. ln the 880-yacd run: time, 2m e.Is. Broad jump...£ Allen (SA l . Rod-~ college aho won the mile rlguez (SA), Ceja CSA). Dilltance relay in the time of 3m 43.8.s. How· 15 ft.,. 3 in. ant Ki.\ler, AHso~ nuh. captured , 4.40 yard run-Marimoto (SA), first pl&ce Ip the 100 and eecond HuMr (R), Hopkins (ff). Tlme in the 220. Ed Mulder exhlblted l :09.4 . ex~to.,tQ"" In _l"lnnlng tlle 440 ~lay-Banta~An&. Time 26.%. In ~.2'.8ocondo".°~'l'llls-week the Pl- Polnt.e-S&nt.a Ana 44 : Harbor rate track m.en journey to San Boys· Club 6. Bemar_dino on ' l'tlday. ClaM B • • • SO yard dash-Genf' Loring (ff), Ca.slro (H), Tamura (H):Tlme 8.8. Sh6t put-Castro IH), TamUra 1H), MarlJnoto {SA). Distance 30 rt., 4 tn. · High Juffip -Thompson (ff)_, Marknoto (SA), Jewe.11 (H). Di.sl- a.oce 4 rt., 1 in. Broad jwnp-Tar.nura (Hl, Cu- tro ( H ), Marimoto (SA). Di!tance 12 rt., 10 In . 440 yard run-CUtro (H), Lor- ing (H), Thompaon (H). 1 :15.4. Relay-Harbor Bo)'lll' Club (Lor- ing. Cutro, Tamura, Thompaon). 29.2. Po1~Harbor Bo)"e' Club 45. San~ "-•a 5_ Total polnt.--Harbor Boys' Club 51. Bania Alla 49_ Mt~"Sac Blash, OCC Ni,_., 14·7- OverbOant-The ba.aebaU team la ba1nglng away ln the hit column but losing gamea. Coach Plckertf la losing eleep and ,hair during these games wbere the winner la decided in the tut IMing or even the tut out , . : The warm weath- er lut Friday loosened the muaclea of the i:tra~ track men. A new sch~l record on the 880 waa e._.. tabllahed by Ruva\_cava and How· ard Mill breeud on in the lOO·yard duh and ~ beaten tn a photo finish )n the 220 _ . . The tenniJ! play;eMJ on the other hand, euf:t'ered In the 90-4tsree beat'-a.nd juat coulda't malte tbe gnde wllll lb• San Bernardino champions . . . Watch for Jac:k Bell a.nd Duane Eutm.an to place ln the Eaatem eonferenc9 aW1m flnalll at An•- helm. , • \ . ' • • i • • .. •' • • • • • • • • ' . PA&E 2 -PAAT ff -·'NJRSDAY, ..,.,_ ,t, 1111 , . ~ ' I 2S I :;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~i~f:!"~;'~ .. ~· ..... ,. ~"' .. 11hj'I .. ' et 'Z .. 0 I • W .. llL llt. CM. Women Sclen-· T~ ,. ,. •,. •a•.,. .... _,.. _ .. _ -& .............. . l£S • ..... ~ Jnt•6£ I'~ I' fs AtPM'"lftf • • ., • 11 ._ 11r 1ios· .,. -'" 111 = _, •1::19 . ·Of . ·-•. H • .. - -.. --· -...._""" -.,_ fto-l!IM'"-• 11 's I ...... , ..... llo ~ :!!F ,_.all -..... •11 7 , .. I j Fl I .. .. New . · •••...,, --.,.,.. .. ' srlli et_.. • • -• """' .. ... L Meet a. t c M. , .... llf' CMI&· ,_ ••1 $;Li. Ille ~ M 1• • I LllllA IE IVlllBtwerl I pl *r Wt .... .-ai::~:: ;;.,. ~ llPa Dm'\ ... Ille ... ~ Church • • • Ooi" 4' ~ •L z ar -, aa p,. titl µ...19~1 .. P...-rz .. UIOJuilbOut ,. '" ••• . , • 11 s•· .. "Ol9a .. , c ' 2 II. .. COUftly -MP"'SSSW • • 1'le Ciel .. T1lllil. ,._ I ,..._. ::,-ca.......-:. a.. ft me·.... ... sw-.-.ln NI U, IE I Sid we; r'f ... _. ..... u. -' IFt. ,..... 111J <t:t.el ·--. -. to 1 • ' .._ tlll ~ -n; : 'II" chim"• •• ,crf .. Q.. llM9.. n. _,God.._, 09I: a1rR _. . ....._ W. .. ._'+A ............. ' ..... ,, B&uta A.na-Oranp Deanery of i-God and -. the man trio "' Obrlot Clnlrela 117 ..,., a.. heoey, llT• J1a11orton a-ue: C&thollc Women• CODV<J>ed for tho £brlst J...,.; W)>o pw blmaelf ~ Of JlrL J>ok'Van ll'MI· llJlllceat Cllam-.._ --nowar ~ mqiWy 111eot1J>ir. ~ 11 rt•wnn tor au. to be tootWo!i la tee, Jae -,. -_,.,.. hi· -: llopT Dol~lllir*' 9'11-0rte Beverly Peckllam of W.,..mlHtcr, clue~· -ft« ,., Jlllc llbu1.l .at T:JO ~~i ~---..:· ~ & ~ prpl<Sent·of the orxanJzatlooo. pre-.. a ..... COl!lla1 111-.tts-... ·---pl ,..,_, aided, and• varied pro.-> <JI .,.. s d s ' ....... ~ all to _,, -.,,... C Allo llt• -.... JI, I. c)al and NllciOUO toplce ...... -un ay erv1ces ""1p and ~ their Christian Beebe, ... f'lowtt -; ftev. oented t B t' t Ch h t.alllL • and MrL Giibert N .. , 127 Broad· M..: '-'· o. i.uz of G&rden arow a ap 1s urc · · _,; Mr. .., Mn. ••·hr .... <Omnletlted Oft • _...... ot -R . Tl.-.., SU ....... tallat: Kn. llafJ iuldance and welfare as pert&lna '"Wllo i. a Happ,--? .. la t1>e •v . • ..,.,.,... M. &ibsoir P. lnlud, J810 'fl'. 1llll ....., the cathi>U. hDme and family. ..rmon oubJ«t chOoen by P.utor to Adlkesi Ktweni•nt Jim B-, llUl L '!· •-ni• origin, the purpoee and the Don LtJnbenon for the 11 Liil-, • _ -ta ~ R...,....;. If<, lad JlrL mlMion of the 'Legion Qf Mary· wao wonblp •01·vtce of the Flrat Bap-i;i,. ....... y_ -••I'· ~ n . 1-s. lle1[1.j>n. I01llll a.w . .t<:a· '\be topic prHeDted by Mn. H. V. ~ cburcl>.. lDtll and Court tsreet, the JLiy . .,....... <llllfooi, put« c1a; ~ ~· .... W-"!ol# Kandte of st. Joacblm po.rlill, UJI· l!!tWPOrt ~· • . ct, ~ .......... ..._yttrtaa avenue: l,Dd Darid D. Huljl, flt 4er tho splritUal leaduol11p or ity. The p&ttor WUJ aloo ~Yer the .......... -bt ..-....... at ,,,.,.-.y. r Thomae J . N•vln, the Costa Meta roeaeage at tbt 1, p.m. ~Ice U.-a jo6a&. '*'•.t"ll'-ol Clll&& ..._ a.J1drea 1'9Cll1'tlJl iato 'UN ~ _.... iO the ant 1n Oranp coun• II!& the oubJ«t. 'Tiie M:)'step< ot. -,....,, ·"""'* ~ at ~ .. ~ W:f·• ..,._ ty to -.ctJvely. organize a unlt (ff the~ .. Bible c'•eeee for all a Mmw mtrtJnc a 1'apu. roy ft&lniM. ~ 8111Jif. JIU'drfS the w.orld·wide te~on. Th< mp7 vea coaimonce at D:t~ Lm. SIU\· -bata1, Bio .. l>'Joct wUJ bo llffbt, h ., &...., • -'and good works and charitable pco~ <1&1· Mid-week .. rvtce of praru "HWnor ,U4 .J'altlL.; BIUy Halt. • &lllllp.ed to Legion memben 11an' &n!I l!:lbl• otudy begins a.t 7oi!J ------------~ ~f>l~ C::!~~ 7'. Wedneoday. I afit'r' '".·-.... ·t'·p~~·~h .. urch •••~~ ~~ .,, 11i1ra. R. cai .... rt H•ws. """"'""' .Keeping Sane' .,.._ _. ....... ,~•,..: °"~ of the Loo A.nge[q A.n:hdloceMIJ At Cloot.a '"'-Flnt Baptl.lt fto'ltt 11 ftom )lrW ~,:'p":,11~ a c:::0~1ec~": is Sunday Topic chljldl .. ·••7 Ille S.•. P.-0. p- ch • Ch h Neumose ,,m 'il&N u hll -ject TBla ~~ do )Mn. >ne l'e!'entlY adopted, wlllcll will at r!St UrC at Ille _....... -p 110ur l>J' cortitY tllat l ·UD -ldiDC a be put Into effect with the forth-·-ni._ V.IOl.ory 0( Oolt ll'allll.• A.t Yodlt and 1111p ~· ·-cominl' e&ecUon of new ofticlala. Sermon topic tor Sunday morn-u. T:.N p. DJ. ..rnc. Ida IDbject AM8 at ru ec.c S..-.r. lfew .. . .!!.'.':!'~.~ach .. huthebe_!'-~ Inc at ChNl Church by u\e Sea, Will bo "Bo ! ......... • port Bordi, Oell!""""-,_.. Ille · -·-U ~~on ~ --~•lh and Balboa Blvd., will be Odllk>Ua firm -of WINO convention of the Orange C-Owlty ''Keepln~ Bone tn t World of •r· Do4l:o ·lo -YIN· Wald> ltl UNO and that Mid llrm lo _,.. Deanery Ill Kay, .with a de!lnKe p<Nlon.' It Ui the third of tour p-4 ol the falloW!ng - d.a1e and meeting place to be •-. .rmon8 bued on the tea.chlnp ot whome name. lu tall -.Ad ptace. ot ooWM:edt• shorwtUy11· Hbe .. ~~ea'":".~ JOf'Oftllah. . , ..... AL N011CI r...-c:e.,.. u ,_.,~wit: conven on ~e ""~ The' text, taken f1'om Jereml&h. •Kn. ICffnbrtb Qua.ttock. Daucfllers of America of the Hun· -11 be ·~ •• h•••t bea'· .~-.., 817 ~-·•· It _,...,. ~ • ., -~ ~-NODCI: OI" UfiEWTIO!ll TO ~-., -tm.cton Beach Chapter. within 'me, I c&Nlot keep 1Uent! --.rn..a.l'lml Calilorlli&. P<>r -I hear th• 110UDd or the tram--¥-DI 'l'ill'l 11.UJl: OP WI'J'NU8 .,,. hand thlo 8'11 day I . ...s.h Ch h • .. ·•·-f " ALCOllOUC llE"'3l•lll» of ·ft~• ·-1. L:UT eran urc ee~ ~· ~ ... 0 ........ • 4pr11 n . 111111 4 ...... ~ TO WHOM -_,. OOKCZ!Uf: MRS. jC!llABllflf CH41TOCK S J d L ..t j;,h • s• .. , 8tsto at cautanUa. . erv ces an Mesa.· 01{ 1n9s Notiee "' lleftby 11-ttiat flt-Cotuity"' "-ft•• •. . t-· "-"" &tier --· pooted. -·~ Group Meetings •. t S4nta An• the .... .... .. ,._. to .. n ON TBlll •Ill .s,.y ot April. A. D. aJc t+ ~at tbw prem .• 19~1. before Qle,. ~ W . Brtgp, W • ~ •• 10 •-~~ M follow•·· a Notary Public 1n and for the " W Ye Also Go Anyway!.. 4~ mernben of the Col:ta ._ -·- Will •tic the them e bt the MJ'WW} ...... Community church Choir, UJl• .ll5 )'VtMntb Stz:eet. ~d CoU~lyU) &nd s~~· ~gd ... N~rt n .... h, ,,,.,ereLn, u y comm~on_. an tb.1ai Sunday bY Pa.tor Roth at tM ~ the di.Mction ot Roger Ax· -·· r-uc-.;: s-r-onallY pMf«1 Mn. 11 a. m. worlhlp service, Newport •orthy. were guat 11n1eca April Oranp Collnty !;om , th Chal•-~ aplcno • B.~ Lu"· '1 at th• -.,,t Meth~'·t Chu-b Pu.rtiuat to Web latenUon, the ht:M' .--. wn to nie -..vur ,...:.ran c hurch. The eer.. • ro 1 ,,_... &"-d ril--1 to be the Pfl'8DD wboee name ill moa LI baaed oo the text Crom ot. Banta Aina. Dr. Eme.M: Tbomaa, un e •-ii .app ytng to the subecribed lo the within trutru-=~:7~~ .. ~: t!:1~'!u = =~ = ~ ~~!~~~~ d!; =~!°:o~':~~Q (: me.at, and . .CknowlMged lo me ·• • 0 • YOU ABB CORDIALLY INVITED '• we go? Thou haat the wor.d1 oi Ev.angell.un ot the Kethodiat an alcobollc bevera.;e licenae for that ab• uecuted Ule aame. IN t:t.ern&l life." The J'Uniot' Cb.OJI' churj:h, WU gue• 11peaker for the the.ae premlalee .. follow•: WITNESS WHDtllOI", I ::.;: to an w1U slAg the &nthem, "lAa<I lb week"a .. rv1c ... In adclltlon to. hit CLUB LICICNS& · hereunto Ml my --111 .4llJ'OU • 11...._ .to pm-Iha my offjcla1 WI ~· day aod year Demonstr..:ltion· EYE Wl'l'NBS Lo<d." 4 qu iet room lo pl'O'fided ...... 1ar1a1 poet. Dr. "nlom.u I• ,,_,,,_,, o( -•• -:--:._ .. mav H•e a ur th!& Cel1lfl<i&te tint a.bove for parent.I with small chlldND putor of a Laree cburch In New -~ --.Ill '"' wrttten where they may pa.rticl p&te l.n tbe Jeney and the autor ot le'Ve.raJ Ve.titled protest with the State · ' service. , • well·known boo~. Boa.ril ot Elquallq,tlon... at Sacra? ftl£D W . BRIGGS ~-mento, "'"'o-•a, •'·ting ~···· loly CommlMlon li:xpln• 9/7/196:1 ~urch achoo! meet.a at 9 :30 L ~ 1-.u .... e·-~""' (SE.AL) ::1~:1~~:tf:ib~= ~ Work Parties fo·r :::i ~ 1::"f1:! b.k!::ct ~C: No. s11-~eu. •· th k the --1-ot _,__.._Uc be .. -,... Pub. April 12-1941; May 3, 18~t . mee .... at this same hour wW .W.dy W End ~ ~ •• the 131.11 c!>&pter ot the Gospel ,.._ 8 88 MEwPoRT IURBOR POST N~~ ~ ~~~ cordlnc t-0 St. Mat thew thlo SW>-Luth Ch h No. 291 ,OJI'. THE AMERICAN ~··~~ ~ ~ ·-·~N ro day. The albi.. c1 ... 11 tsuV>t 117 at eran urc LEOioN. n'<oMlz llf no: 84LE OF Putor Roth. Ho. e.88 Pren. A.UlOllOLIO BEYUA0U 1be Luther League· will meet &1 Work pa.rtiea are acheduled for Publilh A.prU 19, 1961. April 11. 1.961 6 :30 p. m. Sunday e•en..Lrfa-&t Uae th.ii week-end at the Newport Har----TO WHOM rr MAY OONCERN : bor Lutheran church. The men of NOTICE OF ftLlNO -"88&88 NoUce la hereby (1~ that flt· borne of Mr. and Mrs. D:C. Wede----~ ._....... -0011-u~ da nM: ·~· da'· klng, 1923 Church st., eo.ta ¥-.. tbe church have •rreed to under· -~ .. _ ...._ ••• _.. teen Y• -... ..... r ""-w: po1ted. A special party has been orrancocl laJ<. the exterior patnUnc or the TION OP 8ANJTABY 8BWEKll the und-..,..i P-• to .. u lth •• clulrcll pa.no••••. Thooe who... IN BAJ.SO A BOUl.EVABD, ~c --~· •t theae prem-w t.~ newly conflnned ot tbe ·-'-""" ...... __ clJ.urch u cueats ot honor. work on Saturday, ahoukl come as .&ND Oi'llD &'Dl&ltTB,. AB 1--. duerlbed u toUowa: RebearsaJ.a tor the Junior Cbob' IOQll u they can. Tboee who can-00~ BY RE80-102. Mchddea Place, a.re held Saturdays at 9 :30 a. m . ·nbt work on Saturday, abould LU'BON OP DlTJCNTJON NO. Newport Beach, Children trom t he · 3n1 to IUl come when they can. Mr. Jamee .... AlfD OP TR& TOO! AND ONap C.OUOty gradee are eligible to attend. 'l'be. Hayden and Mr. Wayne Rueger PL&..OE OP R&AalJfO A& TO Pursuant to auch lDtaUon. \M Cherub Cbplr rehea,rscta saturda]" It.ave betn placed 1n charce of the 8A.ID WOIUl AND AUma-undersigned ia applying to the .. t ~i:J!) a. m . Chlldten' from f project. MJlNT. St.ate Board of Equalila.llon for y•rll of age through the 2nd ~ R.epair work and · remodeling • • • ~ by tr_amta of an alco-u.e "cordia.Lly i.Dvltcd to att end. previoua to the punung wu con-Punuutt to l'tatiate, "l)'Dprov• v_..,.• ~ far: .. ~ ; trlbuted lut Saturday by Mr. A. men~ Act of 1911," ~Ylajol> 7 o1 P q0r~; .,. .'" : · i' L. P$tenoD and llr. C. A.. Pe lei'-The Straet.8 and Htghway1 Code ct !t . 8~ Mesa Methodist Sunday Services aon. Mr. °K. _Quarry will npply t.be State of ca.utornl&. notice ll Blllim. .,LICENSE tecbnlcal a.ullta.nce w I th the here.by &iVen that the hperintendi-Anyone dealrlng lfJ p~eft. th• painting. Tbe women of the church ent of Sttteti of the City of New-.. IMuance of IUCh license ma.y ftle haTe been aaked to fUmlah tbe port Bead!, llavtpl" made an .... a v.e:rlf'-d prOi.t, with the State retr'C8hmenta. NAment to cover the OOIU and ex.. Board of l:quet•uuoa a t Sa.cra- At the Coat.a Kesa Commuaity Ttle church's Men'a club v'1J1 pen.tea ot the coutnlction Of an.I-mento, Calltomla., atatlng groundll " Ketbod18t. chuh::h oo Sunday ,U.. meet th1a Tburtday at 8 p . m. at tary .wen hi Balbo& ~vartf for denltJ N pro~ by law. The 1 po11tor, Rev. J oae.ph H . Tbomperw, the church. ".Fiahlng Jl"att."-tlpa and 0th.tr street. in -.td City, u premlaea &re now lfoemed tor lhe WW ifPeAk on "The Everl&Mllt.S on how to nM In loe&J waten wtn cont&mplaUd by a.olutson of IA·. eale of aJcobolJc bevere1ea. Joten:v ot God.'' ~-, be p ..... nted by a SUHl opeaker. \entlon No._ SIOI adopted by the WA.an~ P . McGHEE .Lt 9 :•5 a.m . tbe cbwlc.h achool AH men who are lntereated &re ln· ctt7 CouneU of aid City on the No. (\8$-P'rem. convenea, wtth dep&rtmellta uad Ytted to attend. ~ · 12th day of June, 1950, filed the Publlah Aprtt 19, 19!5l. ~ ~for ..U aca. The ffenbic same ln my otft<2 °' the 17th day Procram becino at 8 :30 .with wor-of 4prU, 11101. NOTIOE. air INTENTION o111p veopen. '"'" ~-re1-Commun~ Church • Mrcy t1a Mondo.J, the ut11 If'() 8JlJ.L . loWWIUP YC><lq adult C"OUP. will lie • '' 1 day of Kay, 111111, at the hour ot NOTICE IS HEIUCBY GIVEN In-..... Sunday nlr;ht·. Followlaa Corona del Mar HWD-tlllrty o'cloelt (7:J0) r· II. pu~l to the provtolona of llec- the Y ........ , all groupo will llleol r.n4 Ille <llM>be:s Of Ille 1Ctty t.lon SHO of the Civil Cod• Of the Ill their ,._ilve ruorna for -Paul s . Delp, newly oelectacl lCs· Council In Uoe City Hall or the Slate of C&lifomla, 1bat loo! Van- .-lon oe wor-p ....i ..... 'l'M ecuuve Secretary for the <>rue-CltJ ot Newport Beach. u .tlJe de.--1, Rarey• Vandl!rpoo~ Ophe: co11e_. will have a .-Cout Y. M. c. 4 . wtU op..ii: nest um. ae4 pMc.. wll<11 Uld wtiere all Ila V""'!<~ 1-U Vanderpool, ~... lira. Robert Y-j ol Sunday mo1111nc at the Corona dd pe.....,., Interested In Ille work Lou Vllllderpool, a.ut.. H. Blall• llllDla 4-411 hour of -ial t• liar CommunllJ' cllurdl, 111 Bello--or la u.. -us oent, and IlOloot1ly BlaM, V-4on, • ot -p In 1'omea 'ot memben wW trope 4ve. Re will opeeJo la lloth Wiii llO -..i . b7 tlM Mid City lTGS lluptrlor .._..., C1t1 ot Cotta ~tile evening from l :IO lo the 8:•5 a. m. •IP,Dd the 11 L Ill. Couedl ~tr.........., tbt ...,. -Oouot:y ot ~ ltate of t:IO oclock. _..tcH on tho oobject. "Tile Un-tl1ld« ... 111a ,......., &114 a11-.. Orlltorala, IDtmdr to aril to W. ll. 4 Hltk>MI le1lfo• dentan~g of Prayer.• Tbe a..p-penou 'ln.t#tlllted iii ..U wO$ or Gonion ad W. D. OoNoa.. u C9oo .. lloskWna' lluaday morning, .... pel Choir wW .,,, "Loftly 4-p--,.. -t. faelioo, _ .. _ ...--. v-.... "' 121 -~ OChW'&tloft -·?"' will bt pear' by Qounod la tile 1:411 L ID. 1lr "°7 act Gr --al tJle r!ftll 8trNt, Clt:y al --Aea, I lldjl for the primuJ aad J--an~ the ~ Choir wW IPlptftal--1 o< .,... ... a.. Couet7 ot ~ lltata. ot Cllll· • dllldr1m "' te:l50 dll1lnl' Ille....... ....,, ''O a.~ . ,.e Cllr-... at:y IDsPo•• .. rrlttlf>D -. fOl'llla, all --per-1 WONb.lp il<>>n. Tbe. chUdnn will Loudly," by B&cll le \IM 11 L Ill. OI' --lbal tlle -bu property-••'• l•tnllJ ot ljl -111 their NP1N cl>Welo •-service. --perf__. _....... lo -ID tn.lit. --. -'-t ..-ror •1.Uc!Yi ---_,. llChool c-'"" au *'" -la a .--.,.. aac1 ,....r wm a1 a -ia1e _.,.. UYltloe on tho m ,-al'l' -...r -ot -wlU meot at t :fll ~ .....,_, ·0t f!ollo dlollil ._., '"'llrrm ......... M VAH"ll ~ ~ Tiley '!JIU be ~ ~ L m. -ilia& ...., ,..s11a o< ui,. .-wu SOWLlllO -""rw -' 1~ 'J~ .Il!orO~! °"""" and Mrw. Ioe ft& lhal!lr HIP ~ N· w -"M ii! •H ... w ... _. ... ,,.. ...... C1&1 ot ~-. -bl..,.. Prlmar7 ~t loW!llllp wlU aUimd tbt lleJ .Ara iWIElrl le Qio -llW "'" Ill Qi EC:,.....,,., Clrll-,~":..~.;t m~w i:!. ~ :=:.-~ ~._:. ~ ..-= :-:i_•..:;:;:r.,-;! =~:i•' •'t·~= t>AJ11Mnt. • ~ tbt W'l1-1r1 -•• ...... • • -• -a.a• --s:-~· ~ •• ,~ .. ,t"t. ......... , bsHel"" -"pJITJI,. at.,...... n a I ... • •• N•w Members ~i:,--;.f~~.,-:.=: =,'J;C.~',,!,,,"',.-:.SC: =:.-::.,•Jr-;":-o. .;, at ,_L..!...L ,..L,_'Ch ~ • ro;,· •• ILi' .. 7"8, .., ..... -for ... t ,..., _ tbt -fll CJPI I • ~ ~ tllii-...--~ 'ftl...-.-0( MUS 7,=la .. _Cll;p -1""'1N,.l~~f)OL .................... ,.,,, .. ""' 0 .. ... .... • ..... !! ,,.. ,_ pooJlle W"'1 ll&Wf a ...... W8' bt • !I P I ~ ~ .. • s I II -"' -a ~ ....... .,, .. l\W. ft! -u.. .. •rill, fll .. -• ta•: .t'•lt ..-. uiu n ·Pmf~=dll£-rr11• 9 I Eal J:. w·--·n----·-~ "' ca lit .... 11111 ... --= It •z • II I " IOT• __ ... ot •a.-•19 .,_, •11111•... _..,.._.. .... __ = __ JI• I !11, Wtb• '1119' I 1• ;ff .. ~ ._ rf C. a Fl, :C: IJ:l:S::: === i. ;r:_•:;; = lla.'EZ .. a ..,..,. • 1• ilia JIM..·«,.• IESWi!'!!UJ--tfiliiill. 1"1HrtAfrllJN1,illiL N"l--U.191. . • • •. • ·, • ~1 . .. • • .. Finest engjne ever built in an autpmobue - See The CUTAWAY WORKING .~N~INE • ' • • •• • ::.i. 7 1ao Ho1s1ireWJ1•. ... --.,..,.-' -' 7 0 I 10 . • ' ~~~i"'"""'~;--· h;r(''lhe z ~....., opll1tri<al ~ .,....,,_, ~ d IM .'-t -- ..,.;... built tocjoJ. Ill ~ - toppH, ~ --)'Oii -the -1y ¥-'' «mbu!llqoa dMmberlea~ear ...... -y ..... only yny to ~lop full cod. ........ full -~ fllll ~ .... ftlue "-~...,.. "' -· .. I . I ,, ' ! ' . . ........... ,,,.,.., •• t ..... ~ •111U .... ~ ....... a.1a ft '• M/lf '"" ....... -:.:~' •• , 111,1. • ...., c... ,...... ,, .. 1. i i. 7 ' l 11 '' 1 •• 7 -~ . -. ' "..., ~ .. .me. ' . I • ' ..... • . -~·-\.-"'" \ ·: ..• \ • ' . " , • ' • • • • I ' • I I ~ I • I .. I . i . ' • • . . . Sany F. Me1er Garey•s ·--· lio-...S . '·"OW' ltoCl<I of rett1pnton ~ · goirlJ fut '!1IJ> fllbln oi<f•rw '\" • all-Ilona and ~·ry ·unciorWn. Fuiuft model.a undoubtedly WW. no\ be tile -hl(h quallty of th ... la. atock today d\IO io mate· t1&1 aubatltute1 cau.d by mate .. ri..i. al)o<*tlollL For .umpte, ptuUcs will eoon replace metal u \rl:D\ and lJ1t ~ workV\g puU.. $o 1(' you'n tb'"Jdnl' about a new 1'-f'rlgerator, we 'tunest you J*Y UI • vialt rl&ht -.ow, w1>11t )'Oii e&11 111111 ¥Ieet the mode\ &Dd 11"1, U>at bqt ~I. 1QVJ' refrigerator requirement.I." · ' Mes~ Circle 5 Meet~ at La~u"a • • -. . DirMr Mt~. SW°diY'~.· ~t MOOlt Holl . ' Uriiqu~ H•ts . Furr.isl1 fun ·- for Au1~i1i'y' Mra. Viola Beckett ot fl5 Oy-• press Ave., LalJWI& llo~c• enter-With oprlJ>ir h&t,o '>!> thi: q>lnd talned ~lN!e 5 of t~ W'p of of every womaa. It wu onty nat· t!>e CO!lta Iii.-.. Comn\11J1llY cku~ \Uf-1 (liat meml!ott of 1.114' Ft,... Thurlday ettemoon. Al"ll 13. Wt\11 "'11'• <'~J of N9WJM1rt lieacli ~rs.. 01.&! °"'wford ~· Mn. tu:rn Utefr · han4a iq creative ct.- Crawfof\1 prulded over a 1hort .ten. and relllltf W.,.. · dlsplaye4 b118ineu meelln&' ~ ~. Ber· wh'!" thoy 'l'Ot Mo1>41!y •YOllil\lr u,a Boll.onJl!!ll gl'ri!\J !.II• <Sever at the home of lo(ulr!e CoQiael). tloM ut<I' loin. llechtt the ~-NeW'PQJ't H.elpt.L • s\onary lalk. iloll call wu rO-J~ "toll'" WU ' two-fOQ.t 'l!"~ded. \o wl\11 a lllble -· at(alr campc>Oed ol a. palm tree An &11-day worle meettnc wu which &4orned lbe head ot Esth .. planned tor April 26 at the church, Johrwon. In the top ot the trM each member to briJW a aack ~ ft Qeat a.® the bUp wu 9\lf• ·unch. The membe~ ckck:Sect on a rouacieci by_ ,.bbita neatµnr amon.s break.tut tor their April 10 meet-orch14L Vor thla _ c~ the ing. Thi! ww be held Ln tbe eo.ta wean.r wu awarded • prtae, do- M,.,. park al g a .m. wi\11 Mn. ..,.uon. Ill the praoldont, Dottlil Clara Mc.Murtry and M.ra. Stella ICloecltner. ~~ly U nllith-c.reat- Bunch a,S co-hoateuea. lnC wew o~r bate ~1-.yed bl Others enJoylni the afternoon all. Uielr rto'll by uielt qialterw • were Mm.ea. Dorothy Koeme.r. An-J4n. IQoeckner won 1:pecta.l p~ na Hand. Emma CT&ntonl, ltnuna of the e~nlnc and blrt.bdQ sifll Sim\)son, Bertha Shotwell, Hulda went to Vtvi.n H&lu and Helf.Ji Young, Laura Crawford, Violet )\an.de!. ~t coun whfat, June k\d· Caa.se"a, Flore.nee lili&hmey and die IOOred b.lcheat. V'"'-" ~ Gertrude Edtck. The bOlteu aerv-WU 1eoond and Fay Benedict WU ed delic!ous ttrawberry nuff and low. home--made cook.lea. The home wu During the abort b~ea perlqd attractively decorated with a.II it wu voted to Jive • cub coa- kind1 of tpring fiowen. lributlon to thf' c.-ncer t\1n4. 411o arrangement. were made to bold Two Sons Ho"orQd the next meelln&' at tile home ol Doria Dlelll, Corona <le! Mar, on t -!:'. ., DI M•y 21 ~ each ft\ODlber WU a ..-am• y nner .-l<ed to brtnir • ''Whit~ elepban(" . RetreahmeoU completed.:. the eve·· Mn. Bertha Bohannon Of Tuatlrt nLnC'. ' ,.,,.,,;.JOI cu .,,,, •. , ... ,, avenue, Coat& Ji(t.N., waa a dln-Pruent were Mo4a Uaydtn, ner KUeat one even.Lng 1ut week at DofQU.y . ~er,$bu Job.lt- tl)e home of her -ond dauJh-oon. LuCmo a.ii..., A ' TllGQll'" ter-ln-low, Mr~ Olld Mn. Robert ..,., J<f" Ortewe,' J,..,~ l¥6od8 ~f S&n'I& Ana. 'Tile dlnn•f ll'ay ~edict, VL'rian; ~ 1-· W., & welcome hOlll'! to qne oon, ora Zube, Ellen ~ MUlnt !\Obert Jr .. W a ~.~w'fl'to a ~ell &lid June/~.:· ,:ouqcer eon, l:fep. i~--lQ~~~~~~i~I Robert, a ...i&r lll&n, In II!• O Wavy A.tr Corp.a had retumed frofti ffu\y ln Karq. on February e where he had been tlnce lut Au- gu1t. Dean, a.Lso tn the Navy, ex~ peets to be ca.lied to active duty C.OOlerator provides all the klndoof cold required tor perfect retrtgeft.uon ot. .. ch cype of food. From tho JUll·width tO- lb. Fnezer·Ch•ot rtirht down to llle Klnf-lilzo 'C?tap-0-Latot, Cooler&• tor incorporated eva17 1pace-aavlng feature and step-aYll'l.c conftll• Ienco that ""' be huOl.. Into. del--retnserat0r lad..,. .. - )(qlcSol~IYM ~--­A~ Clllll·R.Ator -rna -t.J>n.wu- )(qlc Lift Md PIUlra)' lea Tra;ya-an4 npt or left~ doors o~ at. no extra coC. in the. near ~ture.. Gy•ta from ~ An&.eles and S&nu, >.rill were lncNde<1 In lll• dinner U.L Playground Confab s~tforVlednesdoy ~t Tor Pit Cbl)dren'a P,laYll"Ollnd acUvitlea for the tummer l'T\Qntbl w\11 be aubject of a rovnd table ~uulon w~en civic Jiad<;rw, P .-T. A. repre- .!lellta.tivea and lnteruted cl~ meet wltll, Newport Harbor Wom· en:a ctvlc te.a,av.e in .pe:ctal ...&on Wtdnuday, Aprtl 2$ at 10:80 a. m. In I.he Tar Pit, l7lll at.eel and Bolboa lloUle>ard. Nest pa.ni rqee~ of th• Le&JUe will be Monday, May H at 8 :30 L m. bl Whlte'a 8&lbaa IalaJMt cat•· ~ lalw -..., ~ven II. •J!OClal lnvl\!IUap to alten4- B r.idqe ·and Canasta on 'Festi\jal-DllY llrlqe --·-.. -l! '"' al&1'1CI ~ at '1 ;ao, '!'Ith -... td 1at4t, ,.t .... ~ --irmm ·'by .... --~ OR April • ""''U., ~ri,111 .... "°" llall. Tllllljo . ~ ..... P'tll• Will '"' -.., • 11"1111 -. -~-::~.-e ~.:-= .GARE Y·' .. S -»d:=w:_,· 1161 Msa••r .... • v ... a11 rts '* llililt ** Ms ~ ....... Lat &p •• -.,. - 1 ......... -~ .. . "" .. ... , .. 1+rl ------........ • -• • SPAM' LQIQI _.,. _r._ Tiie 11-tir. A A• miracle IMClt-. .. .. P(HIQllED $1Ufllt ,.. Or ....... s.var. 1-111."' 10• C&Hbrcuid. ~ . , ' • Thia. wteli. •t W~u YQl/'ll llAd a plentifµJ ~pply of lirat-of,ti-.euon !l«ilf ~R(ina'~b;U S. iirf!de<! CHOICE' ~ GPQO, catWilfy ai:ed t~ peak oi tendemeu tn4 lavor, tlien fullY' tr\l!utled. You cet more· eood eotiiii. meat in•each pound,-YQI! ~II)' •t Safeway ...... ~asram below. ,, ' SAVE /IT SAFlWllY'S LOW Pli/ClS ·1 : I I : TIDE • TIEID JOY ... SIDS s• • For diaheo. . Liquia 1ype. 11;:..-·1a· · .=. .ao· • : 1 •• ' . . · ,i..i ,.,. 79· a ' (5241.) " . ' , ; llfOlr .. $#0tr Fo,rw~ . .u.-. g '~·--· r PALMOLIYI llU . ·. For I-IFcd; 8• a..ihandl. •!'I' ; • - • • • • , ' • • • I ~ , t • T KN. 9 1•• M.e.tt.,..Yl;•a ·~ACH ' . ...:'ff>•r ·i1 _~ THURsOAY;APRIL 19_, 195-l ChiikftrJ· Present' -~ Wf8I Mrs. C. A Herberts • zhi .;....;; · ., .. .~;ar.• Entertains at ' ·, ~ ...-. o.ca. • ,.,.._,.,. 1 : ... . <·: .• i.\:.:~: ... l!llES$~' r~. .Usn\.W P.~T.A. lrmals, Canasta Luncheon E$~.J==~ _ JI~ ,Y' I I IUI fl(il .......,,._ -,....,._ la ,___ D. Qawtw4 1'a7 W•Uoee-~ llr t r Oft ~ _..,,.,;;;:--color--,;;; w.,,.. l'lcl*-· ' _ .. : • r • I ~~~~.=:-cm:: Yo~g Mefhod"ts-ts ~"': ~:=:, at.=-i: =.jfr==§~~~§§~qjJ a -l ~ Iha ..... Of tbe to Bre.aU.ast Sun. c. A. ~ Sr, 1118 w. 111.j :~::~ Ka1A 8c-audlt.ortwn, at&J'tlod .. in.. annue, Newpeirt 11ei1<J1, - -vv.&-.-a. ~:1.:.,:..; ~;~~:=at Hillcrest Park ::::!.!.-~~~ -~. T ~OVERS !Ut,. WednMday t. ~r -· · 1 l)lath. or U.. ttpUt. berOn a ~(y ' and t..rt&lnl,,. Comln( yolltll actl>itleto at the .. 0-'Wllo ~eCl tJ;e sneic!m • ·~~6 c~°!. '.~SRO'?:OP, pl'<lplU\I or dan... and -Coot& 11-OommQlllly-ellflt<:b w;lll honle and · ti.plt.allty lncladed _, ,..v .. ........i tp ocbool. The ~xclllq '11· be hJrbllchl.ed ·by an !"'t&io< MrHo A)ma B.lotk. v.,; ~. _1 Nowpod Ill.-.. lTance WU m..:le by •1x a~ta l>rffkfUl n.,-t ~ "'°'1'ln&' at 0. M. H&rita, Pa..J7D. Bania of t at dltfuenl f c~ rep ....... lJn&' Hlllc~ Park In ~ .&.ll Coot& _ .. aiar1 .. B. MeloM "' c.eaa -• . 11-Ml'! :hlldren at pJ&y durln1 1prJn&' ft, )'Otlth ir-vartoua dep&rtmmta Newport H~ipta: Laura Libby at talion. Tbe little. cr<!"P enlb-or tbe chlll'Cb. are Included . and Glmdalo, Mauric:e Meyer or Holly- tuUcaU,y dlacuued evepta at can wUI , .. .., lbe cb\U'dl at T -· Verne Britton ot Udo lilt· ochoo~ maklnc an Informal Intro. o'clock. Tilers will be a DIOl'llln& and Mi.;. Wanita Pau1-, ~ '---- ' ---·----·· :iuctJon 'to the dltteMDt actl of watch. aervtce, follcnted by -t.he guest of ~ boet:eu. lhe proirram. breakfut. lbe poup rslum...., to To Mro. Britton went lbe 'tint J·£ NI' s "o il ·E·!·s·-.·~s H 0, . , , ·' · AJ:tl LA8U ·~ 15 COl.ORl OPEN FRIDAY E\'ENISGS _ 'TIL' 9 P :'II. ., It's Cotton Cord Twist by Boyles e J>t.lightlully mod(rn ti'xturc •• , wo'TeD ln a dttp twi•tHI pile £or lh•t luwiou• look and a Mfl e••)' ltt-ad. widf' ran1-e o( role"-rkh rlf'f'p tonn, dear - - SPECIAL COLORS "'"1 I.-"''-'•''"' • ..,,. rJMrp uitlt tM pul'f'lto# of I~ yar-tl• tw ~el SPECIAL- $695 sq.yd. 822 C_oast Hiway Beacon 5432 · From two kindergarten c.lal9e• ea.ta Meu. ln lime for the regu.. prize· Kra. Ma'one ecored aeedDd canle men ln Wh.lte wtp and Ladles l&r Sunday ecbooL and Mra. sChachner wu COMOlecl. in tull •klJ'tl, awtrunr to the mln-Hl«h ·ecboot &tad college ..youth uet. • The oQter tw~ klndcrprten wt¥;> attended -the anrf'U&l MYF cluaea clevetly dra.matl.aed a rec-convenUon la.at wttk. end, bekl [n ord. From the tint gr¥e a aeleM:t-' Fullerton were Toby Thompaon. "'d chorua 'sang "Plcktn' Up Paw-wh" wu dlatrlct l.J'euurer and Paws" while danCefl! followed regiatrar for the convention and their routine. "Hulh, Uttle Baby," Beveliy Thompe0n, Donu Nellon. ravorlte eong of the second l"f&de Ann Crawford, Paul Lee, Rocer cluses. wa.s played by four ac-Axworpiy, Glenn Grt~tllb and Bob cordlons. while a large chonLI aang Watta. Thora Jo Thompeon, home ·.he vcraea for the pantomlne for the week end from WhltUer {roUp. At1. a further atudy of college. wu allO attendant at the !"'ranee which began When lhlrd conclave and convention guest of ';fTacle~ read of It tn their bulc the Thompeona WM Rev. Arthur reading . booka, the song "On thf" Nagel of the El Centro Mel;badtat Bridge at Avignon" waa chosen cburch. wh'lf' lace capped glrla and boya The college MYP' wtH bave a 1n b·ack lies danced. :nieat •pe•ker nex.t Sunday nJght · for thrir dllcu.uiqn period, when Calllom:ta ~ \frs. Robert Youns of Santa Ana. The Jut •Ct h&tled the art1val 1f the wagon train In California \lhcrc Indiana brought water and "rlendly Sp&.nUb rancheroa provtd- "<I food tor them. The ecrtpt Wu Nrltten for the fourth gT1lde alu· -:lent. by Mrs. Paullrie Gardner. fourth grade teacher from Harper IUld Included an Indian rain dance. ;pani8h alnG"lng llJld dancing and '(::\leral colorful 1rold n.t3h eong• ~ a grand cUtnax, the childrtn '" the •tt-ge &nd tlle audience loinl"d In alnging "Callfornla, Her(' I Come." The chfdren's program. alway" 1 faYOrlLt> of the PTA membera. NU supervlsed by the Harper ichool prinoipal, Mra. Emm&ltt ltowell. who was usl•led by tier •acuity and Mrs. Vlrgt.nta. Kidder. ~ta Meaa mu.ale superlv1M>r, who 11r~ted the music and &.ulattd .vilh thti organization of the pro- ~ram . The K&tne prognm wa.a pre· ·ented to the H&rptu' 8Chool atu· lent.s In an outdoor "get-together" Uld wa.s very aucce33ful accordtng .o Mrs. Stowell. . Ofncen ~Mt. lied The \Mlallallon of new offlceni wtlJ revlew lhe book; "Amcd~a.n Vtet'dom and Catholic· Power" by Blanchard and will lead tn the d!e- cu.Mion. . lnlrrmedlatea of the church have elected offtcen for lhe comlna six-month pcrlod u folJows; prest- -1 .. nt. Carl Treanak: momlng wor- ship chairman. Joan Horst; eve- ning program chairman. Billy Harl: Bt'Cretary, Marla.n Koerner: '\nd lrea.aurer, Richard Innent. April e~nt for the lntermed.Jatea la the annual conve.tl'Uon whic.h wtll talkc place thit; year at th~ Park Blvd. Methodl.et church of San Otego, on A prU 28. A large gTOUp, with their teachers and aontf' par-. ~nta are-e'*J>«led to attend the ·aJ1- 1fy meeting. • Former Mesa Girl Gets M. 0. O'e9ree in Philadelphia A-tn. Bertha Bohannon of Tu•tln \Venue. Coat'a Meaa, has jus{ re- -elved ~rd from hf'r granddaugh- Mesan to Wed Anaheim Girl Announcement I• made of the e ngagement of Miu llUda t>av~d.lr daughter of .Alrea Davida, 13831 Cerrttoe St .. Anaheim and William I. (Bill) Wright. ton of Mr. and Mra. Harold Wrilfhl. 1982 Maple avenue, Coeta MeH.. - The charmlng bride-elect, form- erly of Garden Grove, studied at Garden Grove blgh tchool. Her fta.nce. Who 11 c)nptoyed ln Santa Ana, attended Newport Harl:llot' Unton High achoot ?io date haa been set • fOT t.be wedding or the young couple. Balboa Duplicate Winners Announced Prrry McAdoo and Georg~ Mitchell of Santa Ani we&-win· ners norlh-80Uth and Mn1. A. O. Doc.sburb and Robert Brown or Balboa WE'r<' high 8COren eut- we111t In the dupUca.t" bridge ga.m~ held In Balboa on Friday evening. Runnel-&-up north-Muth wen- )frs. E. T. Mc.MA.AUi and Mrs. Roy Strotz: Mrs. Margaret Holmes and Mrs. Prggy Johnson; Mra. B. M . Wileon and A. D. \Vetherby: Mnr. Mollie Ballard and Mrt. W. W Wlleon: Mrs. A. D. WetberbY and Mra. Robert Brown. Runnen-up 't'Ut-wrat were Mrs. Robert Ro.,, and Mr•-Regina Col- t ' e ; Mn. Margaret Church a.n o Mrs. Eleanol" Newcomer; Mrs. Charla Jeatel and Mn. Joe Wil- cox .... Mr. and Mra. H . M. Walling- ford; Mrs. Charles Boardman and Mra. Henry Egge.Pt. ' ,f the Llndbc>rgh-HarPt:r PTA wu: ---------------.--------. --:he highlight of the buatnea meet- ~~~~ tng prect'<ling the ac.bool progn.m. • Mrs. A,rthUI' Tl'lroneon, u Install- ) .ng officer, N":peated the object.a ·.er. Mra. Robert Moe'lcr (Phyllis M R b B · ChlldsJ that ahe will loterne at rs. 0 er+ rOWn Loi Angclel!I General HOBpltal after I w· B 'd s . .J ,....l•lng her docto"s degrH from fns r1 9e erie:o Womeq·~ Medical Hoepit&l, PbOa· • SOUTH COAST . MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIFICATION ·READY MIXED CONCRETE • \\'eat \\'Uson ( btotwttn ~""·port a.nd Harbor Bl'"<L) c_•Of'lta Mesa--Phon~ Beacon 5.548 i 'Jf the National Congreu of Pa.r- ent. and 'fcachera during the c@re- mony as Mrs. Douglu Hlneaily, ' 1utgoing president. prcecnted tht' , ;avel to Mn. Jack Harrie. newly ' 1ruita.lled prt>sldent. Mra. Harrta commended thl' !• PT A group on Ila wonderful co- operation durlng the put yt'ar and eJ[preued the bt'llef that another ' ~~~~~ succeoasful year could be enjoyed w\tli almilar cooperation. The new off41fcra were presenlrd' with love-' . FOR MILLWOllK, SASH & D()ORS 518 COAST WWAY At The A rdtf!tl OTHER YARDS: Laguna Beach -Santa Ana -Fullerton -La Habra -Brea For P-tinliilg oJ Higlted ·Quality · y daffodil coraagea. ThOk lruitalJed with Mn. Jack flarris, preaJdcnt, wrrc Atr•. Ell~ ward Carr, first vlc~prealdent ; lotni.. Raymond Rapp. second vice· prealdent: Mr1111. Robert Chamber· Jain, correspoMlng ~tttary; Mra. Arthur Kilt.a, recording aecretary: Mrs. Al Holll~ter. treuurer: Mra. C. O. Ande1'90n, historian: Md Mra. Howard Balmer accepted the office of audltor for her butb&nd. Refreahment.s were merved In the klndf'rgarticn~ room following the meeting. The beautltul arrange. ment of spring flowen on the tea table was made by tbe flower chairman, Mn. Nettie Stevena. Hoete88ea for the afternoon were Mmee. lA.m be rt Fortune, L. L. Logadon, H<tmer Me!lott, Norman Oamb)e, Eul Wight, L<o Smith, a..tating the noclal chairman Mn. OvC.rton ltfaxwell and M.ra.,. Se-y- mour Koonce. I • • delphJa, Pa. Mrs. Rebert l!rown ot Balboti Phylllll graduated with high hon-I wu the winner of ~e a1x ·week ""' from Newport Harbor High 8f'rlrt1 which the Monday Aftep.. 1Chool In 1943, alao re-celving a noon Duplicate club ju1t concluded 'ICholarahlp. Fmm here she went and rttclvt'd a trophy u well u to Berke'ey wh~ she wu gra.du-f'Xlra rating point.It. Runners-up at<"d from the University of C&ll-were Mra. George Carroll, Mn. fomla. The pa.It tour yicara ahe Arnold GU&er, Mrs. A. 0 . Doea- h .. been I. aludicnt at the Phil&-I burg. Mrs. Thomae GUI, arid Mre. delphla hoapttal. She 18 the daugh-Faye Schlueter. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leelle Henry, Winnen of the game played on ronn~rly of Co.ta lfeaa, now of Monday were Mni.. Carl Veneman Strawberry Valley, near Sacra-and Mrs. Ka\.hll'""n Wllllllh playing mt>nto. Mr. and Mr•. Moeller wtll ea.st·weat and Mr1. A .. 0 . Ooea;- make th.e:lr home ln Loe Angele.s I burJt a.nd . Mre. Robert Brown until att.er fhr ha.a ftnt..hed her ln· north-aoutlf. · ternahlp at Gener&J hoapttal. R.unner&-up ea.lit-wf"st were Mra. Mrs. William Tobias Honor Guest at Luncheon E : L. Hacklty and M ra. C. B. lr- vln : Mr1. W. W. Wl180n and Mra. Mollie &Allard: Mrs. Charles Broadman and Mra .• lf. S. Hollia; .Mrs. Robert Ro88 and Mra. MU-' dred Lytlr; Mra. Ethel Blahop ind Mra. George Merriman. Runnera-up north-aoutb were Mn. Thomu OIU a.nd Mra. Pecgy John9on: Mn.. A . W . TUmmel and Mn!. George Carroll: Mra. Fa.ye SchJeuter· and Mra. Calvin Lam· bert tying with H. St Hollie and Mr.s. Roy Strotz; Arnold Gaaee.r and Mn. E. T. McM.anua tytn1 with Robert Lusk and C. H. John- lit • • • • • t : . 9umtNG BU~INESS SALE c~nNUES • All BL0.USES, SWIM WEAR. SWEATERS · .... , ... ::.L~----~---S .97, Girls Denim SHORTS -Sizes 4-14 .................. }................ :97 . LADIE~ D~~SSES,-Valu.es to $14.95 -:j.· ............. T ....... , ...... 4.97 Entire Stodc at Belo.w Cost Prices ' 504 West Balboa Blv~. BALBOA . ....... -• . -.. • "'" • ,. . .. . . - • fhlliuU · Dalla~ ean auy ·llldi lore "!"'1'1"111 · Wbeli Yeo Ride . Bet-.een,, to aild .4 ! . . ~ .: Uocenain about tom.orroW'f. Shopping Trip? forget tl)e .crystal ba!.J! Smart Shop· . ~rs travel t.he safe;_economical and con· veoient Pacific Electric Way berween their homes .and fa~6ri1e .shopping 'distrieu·. ,. ~ ~ '8¢t.:e~l()d#l44-· :•• ', . ' • Tdq/wM .......,. lc ..i../,y, 1'o.........d.. U. and fW ....... "°""""""' -_..., Haw a cable • .;.. inlo -. . ~ ~ - • , . ' • • • I. I I • - • • . . ' . • . , . Waler Healers llEllViCZ • llJ'lPAJU . la. JJecldoJJ • Awlllo..-DMlor . llaJ' • l\'lcllt - "'"" ll'Jt Dcrftl M •II ......,.. ·..--. :uu-w . . . Ll:'l' U8 RESOLE YOUJl SHOES .Wltll OBNUINI: NEOLITE -Wear ",longer Look better I S5 E. 11tll (',oq.-, Meea J. A. ()d:ASTAIN' -lft:-1\~0N +touse-- Spe<:iallalns la. lthperi.e• W'MlPaP.• llHQl'MU hn!tu• ,t "'kolrten.q ~ aoS•• 811,p ·CoTua 'l'N••ne Tr..U -Largo S.IacUon of i'ahrl~ --... .._. .. t-Nlt liERE NOW! JAGUAlt'S anU ENGLISH AUSTINS • -at Clyde Kin9 Motors 1?1~ ("OQ'ft lll1"hwa3· Ne"i>or~ Beach Ilea.con 6$87 Dodge i~ n1oving. Walch !ti forf/te . LEIST Greyhound gives you the •~I •ila fur your money ... cosa los than any other form of travel! The lftll a.,,,,,,,,,,, roo ... mo~ service co more pTaces with comforrablc, "wearhcr-condirioned '" Super- C:O.chn. An.:I the •osl Jitlw«i•t·. · .... choice of many scenic routes! • 1111" Alt !!! L-•c lem EAS11 ' Chiaigo •••• $36.85 .De~if .•• ·• 42.30 Wu!Wjgtoa • • 47.45 ..New l'brk • • • 49.80 .. __ ' ._ oostoo . • • • ,l ,60 Xaaqs <;icy • • 29.70 Des Mollies • , 32.45 Miaheapolis -. • 34.65 New Orleaat • 34.40 Ada.ara • · • • • • 4'0.90 __ ... . . --... ----.-- . 20l1l_lyTrl•1 ·WT fro• Los Mi11l11 M1 ) a I .,_.Jlr." IXPllSSll .. Mrs.: C. C. Swafford,, .Aa-t -~~ !IM 8t-Mll ' , .. . . V I <;, ~ , -• • Wntet Retidenti State · PresMlent r•A&! 11 "!'" •m 1, ·~ ·THUisoAv. APRIL 19, 1911 ~!:*!:::~toA.1.1-.;:.. -l~.-~. ~~.•a.·u .·s ~ .. o. •. ,,. .• ...., ... -.rd lKln:» ~r ~ ot..t, Ooota ~· ..... ,-• ro.· Ametic·a·· -=r! Chm Seeks Fiilds · for Play Ccut II Et:1 al .., al -landlo!le l . .~ I ' • J. ... ~ .. • ,__, COllitoij 9 la .... d ~in ~' _ by Polee. lo Mr. -Ilea. Al'~ befon . • ~-.. -fl".-.&. ' fi Accidlllt . "'"7 Ntl1ne4'\o ~ hi-Kn. Arlone ~ cbalr-~, ___... I ~ 1 ~ u .ILDllU&I ·-of ·10 man ot the local chapter of .Pro "." • • · ' ' · ~.per..,.. -hart at 11:tt ,_.,.L~'..~ Mn. Cn>e>I< ... ve America anhouneed tllat Mn. Dud-Nine penona wve burt./IA a p. m> ~untay wliell a ca:r -· -~ Ula -...-u.a ley-topn, p ..... ldent ot C&llfornla two-car crub .~-t:JO p. "" SUD· en br WNley 0. "-lC, Of -t.oronB&I-~ ta N...,.,l'\ 8-b at 8110 ,Se&· State Qbapttir. Pro Arnoiica. wtlt day ·•l"Irville"An. ~ lC~ Bi,,~-~· polllded wttll - ' 'l1le .......... entb••--!tall7, baa lboN Dr. • be \It• p<inclp&I opMker al Ill• Coo;tJo ~ between oara 1dl:IV..: !li'l~'~b~ Nellie Mott, .,.. ot ~ "' Ute ~ -Tiie ,_ llmcbeon table bore April fneetlnr. ll'riday tbe 27111, JO l>y· Haro\4 ~ Haught,• II, ~:'. Lon h. 00 Oo8.lt Hwy ..... ..o't onl,y -id "'"'* II _,._ C61orflll <Ui»rstlve eUecta of wJ.. I... m. In PUsrtm ball! Ill Bello-Banta Ana Ave.. Newpoit · tw lb• Sant+ An& river bddse .... tor an -o( ~ -•l!lla combined· wltb duat7 mllkr. ~ eo ..... del >f&J'. -. and Louloe A.. met-. 811' ot Loa and..:fi~· 39. and overtur-i. BAl,B()A P08T OPJl'JCB DEDICATION -loot nu.-y Wt>Pe ke7110t.ed by tllte preaentatioll of deooratlvie plallt.Utp to the ft.w bulldta• 1>y M.Ate ·or1n..;. (il1ht), cllalmwo or ·1i.. Beauun. caUoa Committee of tM klwanb. Looklns oa a.re Poafna&.~e-r ·11,·rb KftlllY (left-) and _,oba 8ctllun~. flortat. (PretB Pftotol · Costa Mesa Girl Scouts · in the News . Goldenrod Av~nue Students Win all Contest Awards Three Corona ·dt-1 Mar Mludi:nt.a. .• u res'dPnls of Goldenrod avenue. were wtnnera ln the American es- say cont<'Bt sponaor1"1 by lht' lo- u -"!,~~ obuttlallOard. paddle 8bartn&' U.. ~ of Ult aft· Mn. Lopn, ah latereating Anplos. PIJurM W.re Hea and lllo pu-'boaro!, G -~ -tntoa, etc, llut e-. w1111 MT. and Mn. Ma<:-"-1<••·' '"111 """ u . her topic: Taken IA> Banta Ana CoD'llDun-aengof. "Ei..u.or "Aubun). 11, .,.. In addll!oa tbe -llU coa-K....io and tbe """"'-w•re Mr. "The Ka7 It can Be Dolle." Kra. lty hoopltal were tbe two~~ of LDqg Jleacb, both or --~ IA> allow preperb> wpe;r· and Mft. NaJl!m Pamia of Paa-EJUaman point.I out that u.. Mn. Bllrba?a Hauglll; 37. Kn. .n..1111rown ttpm 'tbe car. Tbq -~ .......,llatlOaa U.. -della. Mro. ll:vanreJlne Utter. MrL ~ feel.s quite honored by her Robert Plotor ·34 ot yen1C.· were taken to Banta Alla Com·· of ·lllefr ball and kltcbtll f« meet· Jam .. Bartman, ¥!'& Madie ~ villt &. tho local cbapt..r la con-01..,.. Hausht.' 11, '.Sally l~r: munity,-hospital tor treatment. lllP and dlnnen. . ¥ere, all of Loa Angeleo: and Mro. eldered the Jarge1t of the "little 11, Mary Jo Sheeley, 9, Malha 'Newl)on Bea<h police 'Aid .the7 ,The court .would C!>IJll.ot of a con· <l<!ne ll'ranllt of Anaheim. aloter" groups and was formed Pl•t.or, 2%, a11d ·Robert PM!tor, w~re 1 puraulng Ille Heu car Jllll cre.te paved area about t6 feet by during Mrs. Logan's tenure u: l %-All but ·~ Htc-hee were beron, the mlabap occu.rred. U feet wl~ ti!• 'aoe .. ary back RING. WATCH S'l'OLEI" •!Me preBidcnt. · ..,id to be -gen. i. the · J 1top. ~ etc. The church hall Theft of a watch, diamond rtng Otben on the program will bt Haught car: IN 1'fE>:ICO CITY ill 111 feet by 4t ft:et, would._ .-.t A.nd '20 ln c¥b ...., reported , to Mrs. i\.. A. Stafford, of Coron" \l.tr. and Mn. Lou Lockwood. a.bout 100 or more perwon,s for Newport Beach po"lcc by ¥ra. Jean de1 Mar, &peaking brle.fly on ''The Balboa M" • . 1600.Newport Blvd., wrlte glowlftl' meet:lnp and about 15 .could bt" 14.tu.otf. Sant.a Ana. Tb.e theft Colonla) lnllucnoe in American •Ille adcounts "Of U)e wondertul time eerved at dinner.. IJCC'Urred at 12 :30 a..m. Monday. COru!Ututionaltam.:· Mn. Lewie K"lled' I A'ctio tb,el' an! enjoying 1n Mexico ctt7 . II\' connec.tion with the raie'ng The.it.oleo article• had all bun in Gardiner, al.lo ot Corona del Mar.. I n n where 111cy are headquartered at of-tunda for thts work . .Johifi Vot:tl a puree le rt ln a parked· car near legl.elatforr chalrrrlan, will .rt!port Hotel EmPQrio. The Lockwood.II a member of U1e boer.d or eontrola EA.t·Newport Beach in Corona del Qn current legl31at!on. AU women 2nd U.. Alan Bera of Balboa, made the trip 60Utb of the border of t.be Ex~hanie club hU very Mar. The car door had been left intctC8ted ln the American 'policy a pilot, fonnCrlY slalioncd 1at b,Y mo.tor. generously dona~ an unemcum-unlocked. Newport Qcac h police of the American way of eovern-El foro Marine Air. Station, has I ----- bered bulldln,g 1lle tn beauUful are lnVe3Ui;allng the theft. ment are cordially Invited to at-been kined In action in Korea, \'18 rT ZOO . Yucca Valley, the well knoWn de• tend. The meeting la open to the hln family haa been notlf!Cd. F ndin;-plf'a!:IUre in & d&y at the ert community development 2:i cr .. un TO INDlTCT public. The Defense Department sil1d zoo at Sa;i Dif";.:o ·1ast week wetf' mUes .,north or Pal!" Sprtnga. tnducUon of nt'w 1nemben will the" MR-rtne was killed April 7. Mrs. R")bcrt Sturg~ and daup- T1cket.a are to be IOld tor title to hlghligllt a meeting ot tM Ne¥.•-AT ACAPllLCO t.. Lt. Bera lived at lSOO E. Ocean' tcrs. Cf\.ylc and L lnda of CataJtna lhil• property at ~ cent.a apiece port Harbor ~o Y'11 Menctte-8 I The Alvin ..Daniels or Balboa left Blvd._, Balboa, and wait killed Drive, C~~ta M<"Sll. They were ac- and a public drawing will take c'ub •latf'd for Thw-nday, April , !Mt Wt.'ck for Acapulco where they while scrving with CldF 212. ·He <:omJ)Rn iW by Mrs John K.11-by -.nd place tn the next few week.a.• Alt ze.:9-t 7:30 pm. at the home of \viii spend lhc nt'xl two months. was attached to VMT 2-at EI 600, Jtcy of RcUondo .Betlch. funds ra.lsed will be used 1(1 the Mrs.' Dorothy Bradley, r>07 AllooJ The-y are oY.·nPr& or the aloOp, I Toro and ca1ne h~re from the lnterest of this Youth Pro~.' r.tscet. Newpor~ Hclghl3. Sab6t, .ea.st. \_'poog-P is moving. Walch lt! . . ' * · ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY COMPLETE ONE-STOP . SHOPPING CENTE"' ·UNDER ONE ROOF! * Meats * Fruit * Vegetable8 * Tobaccos * liquors * Frozen Foods , • Wtrld's largest F 0 o·.n. DR u a Market I Prescriptions * Bakery * Candy * Toiletries * Gifts Mra. Grace Spelih, day camp cal . American Legion auxiliary. -:hairman of the local Girl Scout.a pol\ 291 and participated In, slnCi' attended tbe dlrccton training March, by the 4th, 5th and 6th cl&.88ta held recenUy in South g-rades of the Newport Bf:ach Ge,te. She LI now qualified to t~n 9Chools. The conte111t was judged other leaders for teat.hers at lhr Frid~ evening at the homo of day camp aosslon which will be Mra. Wendell Calkins. Judgra were' held locally from June 18 through "Charles Prle11l, city clerk : the Rr-v 22 for second, third, fourth and Thamu Gibson, pastnr St. An- flfth grade Scoutl. Mrs.. Speth will drews Presbytertan church and conduct day cAmp training cl.uaea Mrl'I. C&lkin11. rn May and June ror the leaders I Wlnnera J n the contest were u . who Will &taff lhe·d~y camp. follows: flnt pllll:f', Mary C"..._lh-* ,Cosmetics * Household Named on the committtt are ertne Andrews. 703 Goldenrod: J.tmes. RIUa Ho~l•nd, recorder; Aecond plact", Pat Ar-nott, 503 Cold· Ruth Lewis, equlpme:E; Alice Dob-enrod : lhir9 p'ac!', Timothy Dris- 1:)(-ck. promotion dlr tor: Gladys kcll. 227 G<>ldf'nrod. It Wa.3 ptan- E111.s, treuurer: c tla Lynch, ned to present cash award11 to perBOnnel; Thelma ~lner, co-ordl-the winncr1 Monday even!ng at a nator: and Mary La1fie and Sallie m~tlng of the auXIJl&ry lA A,mcri- Flemlng, program aJfies. can Legion ~~ .... • . 1, Son Born to the Peter -Wilsons Mra. H eleneH1bh..rd of 402 Broadway hu t.aken1 over leader- ship of Girl Scout troop11 t and 2 comprised ot seventh grade girls. Mrs. Venlora Cla~n. former l('ader, had to g1ve up th~ troop" C pl. and MMt. Peler Wiiton ::tue to tllnefl8 in tho famlly. She /Mary Jo Quarry) .1515 Santa Ana had be-en their leader -tor the en-avenue. Me receiving congratula- t ire pPrlod as Scouts and th la.st I tlon1t l/n lhe blrth or a IK>n, born year as Brownies. e ·April 11 at the Camp P endleton hwip'Lal near 0c<'anNde. The young Brownie troop 8 with their le-ader, Mrs. Grace Speth. v i!lltecl t.he local fire ha'I la.et week. Mr. Harry-HUJiard gave the girls an lntere.tlng u "1ell ~ informative talk on nre: preven11on at home and at play. Alao ho}N tp call the ftre department the f1Uickeat way ill an emersency. BroWniea vlait- ing the fire h.al wett• Ellen Sea- 'luisl. Donna Ma.cNevln, Ova Lee Young, Denna Jean e'ttUey, Brenda DUI. Penny Speth and Linda Denio. Troop 4 or the Gtrl Scout.a with their leader, Mr&. Marte · Parker. v!Jlited the We11tern Trails Mu- seum near Huntington Bea.ch lut week, while working on their voy- 'lger badge of the Cul"'Yed Bar. Many interesting articles or the old . wes t are exhibited with a tulde lo explain about any of thf' :>bjects. • After a plcnlciJl.unch at the Lalc:e Shon!' Park · the girle returned to l""'r own park for games and play, rhe troop h&8 been spon80red by the Volunteer Firemen since tta inception. Girls making the lntefr... eeting trip were Judy Ragan, Pat Puktt, May Sinclair, Luetta W ll- liatna, ·norence Wheatley and VJ 11o- '1ola Krull P'ourtttn members of the 1lxt.h {l'ede Clrl Scout.I and .U.t .. n -nemben of the flfth grade OlJ'l Xoula ,wttb their ~adera, Mmee. Mary Ch&mber!ln. Edna Hart and llllce Dobbeck, vlolted the ll:dleon Co., In Banta Ana n!C<lltl,J and were ahown two vety, lntere.atJ.n.r tlllna on eleclrl<lty, plup. ti..... !'tc: After watchtns the baldng ot ::ooldea ta tbo ekctrlc kitchen the "J1rll wue,rtven them ~ eat,a)ong 'Ntth • fruit pllilch. Tiie Lido Eloc- ':rlc Co; lllmlahed ~lion !l>r the .&th .,...ie troop. ' . ' -Children's· Hdm~ nlan t ipped the sc&l<'s at six lbs., 1 OE. and waa named Sti;phcn Wayne. He aIAo arrived on lhe oc- ca.slon or thf" sixth birthday of hi• COU-'ln , Mi<:hele Myrehn. The baby's father WAS a<;heduled to sail for Japan with the 40th Dlvlafbn but at the last hour was held over for f'xamlnatloru to al· tend Ofllcera pandldate 1tehool, 80 w-u preaenti to see bis young aon. '[be maternal grandp&tente are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quarry~ or Costa Me.u. The paternal gn.nd- mothe.r I• Mra. Helen Wu.on of Ontario. The paternal grandfather 11 Mr. Cladde Wit.on ot Medford, Ore. A happy great grandmother le Mrs. Mary Williams of Costa Meaa. Stagettes Meet at Newport Home That trlendJ)t gn>up of women banded together aa the Sta1'9tle1 club had another dellght.l\11 evt-- ntng wh;en Da.tay Sullivan spread the dlnner napery at her home In Newport BeM:b. ~· gnU:ed the center of the dining table. Mae F e lker won the door prise. A'ttu a btulnea teMlon prcalded over by Ptuy He.Jen Clark. a program of g&.m1'!1t wu enjoyed. GUellls ot t.be evening were Ruby Ooodnes. ot Coeta Me-aa and Helen ~let C!f . Odeua, Tex. )(embers on hand Included ~ Green, .Ma.ru Brockett. Helen C'a.rk, Clara B&da.ge:, Grace Kllae" -Mu Felker, Cost& Me..: l!:mma Poupart; D&l•y Slllllvan, Newport Beach; Juice Chand,Jer, Oran,-e. FAC Juniors to Elect O.ffioers -~ . ' The Hotel Lactma. In Laguna Boa<h wlll be the ..t.Uq for Iba S·0cie+. • Luncheon next meet.in,. or tbe Jun1ot-M'a-} 7 t"""' oocllon at the Coote M- ~ Ne\irport Har--6t uM Jl'r!"-1 Arw-i. club lo ... - a.tidJ;M'• ffoo'ne lloelel7 will -W~ April 30. _.., fot'lun'Clleon ~, u,._, at 1-at 12:30 11-m. amc-for the botno. or ....... Rolyll 'Wrllhl. Iba. ~ nu ..w .,. -. IMS ClltJ J>r!Y,11, ~~ t•• 1'llt c.rd P-"'7 II! plMneil for U.. - bo' ilril. Job. ~ton. R. !:. G1&1ndllr of the an.-. RH .... C&mpbfll and )iarolll Caldwell. --""' "' bo -wttll x ... Pat-, BM-OlH-R. . . • .DIP '° .il&G&lX O&UIG& ·~ 0...., • A e" s ,._..,...._a P1111dtt .... P •11 .......... }"ii: Am.. -........... ~ ........ -a-... "' --St ,.,q ... a-•IG r S ._ il:tufWd et -0rPI" .... .... • .. al . ., ... ~ >-.ft.. Ooota ..,,... ... ·-...,. ..... Ollla..... ...-: . • • * Vitamins * 1812-S. MAii ST., SAJITA · ANA * Fountain * Delica~ Sundries ' .IUST SOUTH OF SEARS ' THE ONE -THE ONLY REXA ·LL (· Candy Regular 59c Bos: MELO IWKET PECAN HUT Treats 2 Fer $1 11 * * Srd Bos: le * Sundries • Regular 89e eaclt W4'.T4 Kf<HTI< W4'.TUl Pitchers · 2 Fer 90< ------April ID, 20, 21 A 22 • • ACRES OF FilBB PARKING ' OPEN NIGHTS A:ND SUN QA 'YS . EXTRA. FANCY, FRESH, TENDER, SOLID Extr.a Fancy ' .,, U.S. No. l~B New Tender Crisp Potatoes Celery EXTRA FANCY 3~~ EXllA FANCY Baby Food-Regular S for 25c GE·RBER'S HUHT'l-llEG. • FOR 2'lc 1 omato Sauce ELNA MAINE-REG. 3 FOR 25c SARDINES 51,. 4 Bo Peep, Soft Cre~Regab.r 2 for }9c • c ·. o liaous ~ . ' . -~ '• . ' Tomatoes ·. .C 19< -' c Regular 2 for 30e GAYLORD, NOR:Y-H~ltN' . ' 1 ~s I -- c * * * Fountain ,_ . Toilei T,issue c Slo TUNA IALAD , ·1anc1.;ch t , CU'° OP' DaLICIOUI Coffee : , . IOIH FOi· OllLY * '* *· D1Jlfs ' . '. no ~••n•T · . . · . •1 Alcehol 2:. .• --KO&CAu-.elA tD ..... W.AM ' . r. •::""' •]• ~. • \QflllDK GOOD, 1n:aR REI", TEND&• -.iie;iks _ ... h s .. ""'-...... SAUIAGI . ~ .. 2-60' ' tJcl!quM 'TOP 1tt•LOlll. ft.if; I:.& . f • Anfl1• Cltu .. 111-. •sftA 11& ~Cllldl-* - - ' 1 I 1 j •• 1· ' I • I , I· • , -< • • ' SlARTING ~ONDAY, ·AP:lllL 23rd IU:llE ARE !IOME .. OF THE SELECTED ITEM~ AT O(IEA'tLY R&DUCEO PIUCEs ' SUB.IECT TO 8Tocl' ON ~ LU~IER ': Com. Doucla1 Fir ................. '611.00 '1'"' Ill ft. aad Up CLEAJl REDWOOD SIDING lllef. per M '%x8 BEVELED DRY ........................................ :.•t'!0.00 lJl.10 ANZAC DRY ......................... _ ................. 320.00 lX.8 thrU 1Xl2 V JOINT SIDING -······-·········· 3°10.00 'Aox4 end \!o x& NOVELTY SIDING ................ H0.00 lxlO and lxl2 No. 792 KNOTI'Y PINE ........ · 206.00 1Xl2 INCENSE CEDAR ...... ~ ............................. 1.tn.00. ALI-)IOULDINOS 16% off ~ ~ 1 \4 xl '> Random Widths. 6 l4QIJUl Qloar' , .. ~OQ IUILDING MATERIALS Reg .. REGULAR CEMENT ............................ per sack 1.13 PLASTER LATH ..................................... per . yard .!13 ROOllllN& MATUIAU II<•· U. S. O. »o lb. ROLL ROOFUIG .......... per roll 1.84 21 0 lb. THICK BVTT SHINOLES .... l!OJ' "'I'""" 8.30 0 to 2 No. I Red Cedar SliJNOLKi f"' lllll"""' 11.16 ROOFlNG ASPHALT .............................. 100 lbs. 2.05 • INSULAnoN Re1 per II KIMSUL DOUBLE THICK .... ............................ 811.00 %x12"-96" INSULATION PLANIUNO ........ UQ.00 *xt6"x32" TILE ............................................ -···· 120.00 TILi BOAllD$ NOW .-.oo '60.INI 100.00 110.00 ll0.00 1oe.oo -. - NOW ,911 ... NO'\\' .... .. GO 1 .. 00 1.10 NOW , .. .., aaoo -ll0.91 b.8--~ De Luxe MARLITt: ············-··-·· per ft. .46 .IG fx8--3/18 UPSON BOARD ... ·-······-·······pet' ¥ 16..00. 80.QO . MARLITE )IOULDiNos ............. : .......... 26,. "" Ilk ...... Prioo PAINTS ALL PAINTS .......................................... '4% oll .&tl!llM fcioe ALL TOOLS ....... 2.3~ off Rrcular Prt~ 9Ull.Dl!lt'S HAIDWARI AT l\!i:DUCFlD P..RI= M&llY otlle• 11 .... 0 ol Gl'O&I Sam,. te You • Mut .i:1ose O• Yard by M.y 25 HAYWAR.D LUMBER & INV; CO. 200 ~th .St.. Nli:Wl'QRT BUCll Jtbene llaR!or !S44 ._ .. ~" CIRCUS · RlNO MA.STER-B.uw.I C. Potter( (&e_fC)~ wlllo lmil bee-.·~ ~r ~tor,~ Bo7 Seoul Olreuo In Saala A..., ....,.. • "l"Od will" tlckel f...,. BUI llw<-~ CMl1 UC!"llo~ ~ • ..,.;.;. (I•« lo riPIJ, all or ......... -Troop N~ ,_ PoUU( ~·Of 11\0 LllCUA ~ ... ~ o! Arta for Ut., .-1 ,,,.,.,.. y...,., .. 1:1 deocrlbo the U.--~~ of 1COUt111s Mlllvtt)', la Wille~ the boy• trom N HOUUar watu lo 11 o,....p ·cou.atr eotmmlllltleli ..Ut ,...uetp.ate.. -9 Harbor Scout Units ·included in Big . Circus Nlne ~ewport Rarbor Boy &oout wnlla wlll be included i.n Lhe throng or 2:>00 Scovta .ttom 17 Oruge cOunty unJt. \1."ho wW p&r· -Stuclents Prapse for Annual OCC: . DNfling Contest Arcbltcc:lun.I drafting atudentt at Coaat co·1ece a.re s.ha.rpeil.Jhc up \,heir pe:ncU. tn anu.c,ip&Uon of 1be an~IAal eontut llj)OMOrfd by the Newport-Ba.Jboa Fede.rat Sav· rngs and Loan ~ti.on. ThlA contt'a\. provides Cor four cub awards to tle &1ven to the atudentll who submit lhf' top enlrte.s. lielpate In a mammoth lhr~rln& A!J Cttslu'l\eD-drat~ m•Jora clrcua ln the Santa Ana Municipal will direct their encrcie• toward Bowl Saturday night, May 28. dealptnc a rutdenee w!\1ch may The clrcua ll being eo-1ponaor· be conatructed oa a ~ lot. The td •Y the Oranft: EmpVe Council , atructure m\Llt be or 1uch &p~­ or Boy Seoul.a of A.merk:a &nd lhe anee and layout that it la appro- Santa Ana JunJor Chamber of priate lo lht 8-l'bor AreL Sopbe>- Commeroe to raJse tu.net. to make mortt w1U uae Uielr· a,rtJltic and up lhe deficit ln Community Cheat an:.li:ttectural L&!t11U to deatp a allotmrni. tor acoutln& York. Harbor Area type re.i~ce ~ J~ee Everett Peten hu bffn may be cect~ on a lot 60xl2Q. name8 cpordinaUng cbairmaii. for i. jud~C panel compoeed, al tbe. ctrcua, and Scott McClary and Richard PleJ"er, .Dwight 01bbl.,, and Blll Wlntubourne have been ap--Phil EUerbroek wtU n&luate .lb polnted chaJrn\ifn. entrlea and det.ermlne lbe three The council hope• to raiae $6,000 .wlntlerar In •ddttion to ~ through t"he clf(:WI to· carry on the award9 P. A. Palm~r ol lhe spoo- acouting acttvltiea scheduled for 90rtnc orga.nlr.aUot1. bu crkted a thla year. Many boy• in lbe coun· specla1 prl%e for the entry wh.t.cb ell area may be deprived' or their demonatratP.• the flnett workma.n· share of scouting ac~ivlty this ahip ln mode.Ung. Awa.rd.I will be summer. unleaa that goal Lt met, m"ade at the commencement cere- aiaout olftclalm Uld. mony on June 14. AU t~ ot scout work wt11 be depicted jn a .. r1 .. o! six 15-mln-OC,. RepresH.a.-...1 ute eittua act.a. Cub pa.eke, Boy ,_. 1'9'il &coot troopl!, sea Scout11 and Ex· . pl•••• Seo• .. win <1<mon•tr••• lh• at Conference various p.bues of their acUvltles. 1 ftotfer to Na.rral# Ora.nr Co&et college wa, repre· sea ted at the Annual State Con· llle open air blS' top show wlU ference on lnduatrlal Ectucation be desc:ribed by a special n.&r'TJ· held tn Long Beach on ..\prll IS tor, RlUleU Pot ter ot Laguna, and and 14. Sta.It lt'embers 1n attend- • band will provide appropriate ance were Mr. J ohn Mlkelaon, e1ec· clrcua back~und music. tl"Onlca instructor. Jolm Owen.1, Ttckela tor the Scout ctrcue wtll chairman or the technolol)' dlv1- be ao:d by the boy or the pat;,t lci· slon and Dr . Bill J . Priett, a.sslat· pattng Un.Ila at 60 cents each. ~ ant auperlnten<lent fn charge ot youttw will compete for lndlvLdual vocattonal educatioP. premium, and un!t prizes for thP The theme of thr 1aa1 confer· most tlclt:ets ei>ld. ' ence was "Salety Best Developed Harbor area unit8 expected to Through Function~! Activity in High-Sc-hoot,· otc Teachers Meet Thlrty Orange county lnduatJolal arta and vocational -9\IOMk>n· in· 1~tofa who b.ave fQl"mf'r atu· denta currently atte.ndlng Otange Coast college met wtth Oranp Cout ln1tructor11 ot aitrtllar aub- jecta Tue9day evening, m a dinner meeting at the college ca.feterla. Johnnte Owena, OCC ln.at.ructor. prulded. In an• etrort lo bring about cloeer arUculaUon betwewi the ooutal JC and contrtbutlng high ecltioola. the.e echool men centered Utelr lntere.t on t'!'O majQI\ toplCI: ( 1) w-.ya -1\d mean• ot preparing rneia tor the preeent emergency: ~ 12) concrete W'l"• of lmprov· ln&' lruitruction on boUI high 1tehoo1 a.nCI college levels. By open, f,...,UC dllcuaton. these educator• be· Ueve the spirit o( cooperation ls lncreued and eonaeqilently a rich- e.r training program ia made avall- •llle to thoee 11tudenl.8 seeking OC· cupa\_lona.I competence LR their choeen tle.ldl. Fol\oW'ing tht a ept-ral meeting, lhe ftOUP dl.abanded \o reassemble tn small g roup. representing ape· ctf1c field•, such a•, mechanic.a, bulldlng trades and drafting. Thoae present repre!5ented eight lUfb 1Chool, including from New· J>O'! ~II[~ acl\OOI, J etr PoweU, James Milter, Virgil BryPn. Jot\n McOwaln, Robert P errin and Ar· thur Worden. Dodge Ls movlnc. Watch It! parUctpate and their leaders In· l{lduatrlaJ ilducatto11 ." tn addition ""II••••••'·--------------.. --.. elude: Newport-cub· Pac k No. to hearing the comrnrnta ot man}' Pl 181 , Y{illla.m R . Roode; Bo~ Scout l~aders trom wtUUn catttomla.. Troop No. ~. Dean E . Beaumont; conte.rtta h&a.r<l Dr. Wayne. Hughes . FUCH$1~S at"~JVe~~~w .. -fMr~~'.f'-.. ~. rtoiii ! !'~ i"f.t · -·~ w,U • ~ · l~t. in can.a 1 ' 1 ••'Y 5r-..: f:' l~OO . -. ' • . , FUC:H$1A$, in gallon cans, .nice bushy ·Pl&!lts ..... 75; • :::-1.50 Hanging baakets planted with choice varieties .1.75 \)~ . 5 & 10~ Nursery 14 U I Ila-N•WI''"' IU>'d· • TUtn'Jl'( Cl....i Tllunday • Lamps • Lk)htill«J fixtur• • Wedi Paptrs ~a Scout Ship No. 210, V. E . ot tbe. Nali9nal S&(ti i ~ -., . -. " l">Cllllt ""'°"11 ilfe. . ur R •fllley; a@_y acou! T roop No. 8t. Rk:hard Cramer ; Cub Pack No. 110, John F. Lelbi Corona del Mar--Cub Pack No. 180. Harvey D. Peue; Boy· Scout Troop No. 17, Meredith A. Har· wood. PERENNIAL t..1osons to M.ip In c•1nt1on of Pu~ School Week • Oft Wedne~y, April 2~. mem-.. ----,.-·---.or..,...-,~-...... bero ol Ille Seal&r\11&' Lodge, 'the re.-ruJty ot ~e Cout college &.nd tneft'\bete Qf lbe co\~ge.. t>oud .. • 1 ' of trustees. wtU m~t \ace~ at • e :30 p. m. for dlnq.er ~t tl18 oqC _.., cafettrta, ~ ~elebraUOn of Na· Uonal Public SChoola Week. ~•Idea litlttnet music Preaented tt,)I' •tudenu of ~ coUep mush; del"'f\m<11t '!>-;et lalka will be m-4o 11¥ Henry K, n.Jater, w.,. lllllpn.tJ Muter ol !\Oaforlng Lodi[< ond Dr. B. H. Petenoci. pJ'!ll!,dent al Coul. • The M:uoJ\le lo<lg.. Ila•• boen "'ltVo In ..... r1ng PubHc ~ w .. k ""'-. 1n .~~ f°" ·82 Y•""-81l1C• 1Jtt nlal>I'"" .... or OranJ• eo,..t co11eu 11>rec J'O&l'O •eo. Ole local ~ ""' per-pot~...i Ibo dl1M1w m .. tln&' arid ...,,_ ~"" In ._. ............ °'.=..,-:i: ~=-. .-'; wt I alt.Del 'Ille °""" forum -bJ Dr. 0 T. B!QWD on ,~ lli!J. jacl, .. ~-· ~-' ...., w .- L•cla•"= . - I • Dci<llf la 1'11'\'W· Wo~ Ill , .. Blm!ON, IC-D, . -. ~:n1t•z.a,o ~••.r !( *1"'1"" at ·~U ....... '°" AA'Jl., cq&l'A llD4 , lf'lllJI 7 Tl! "'!"port Ave. l • • ~...,-~ OYNAl!lCOUlOV • •tk>dti' .... _..;..., W•~ It! OJ'FJCm ~· JIS4~* 'fr~ PR ~ JOei-w -~ . 1•~~--.~-"~~~+---.~-'!-~--+-'-~~~~~~~--. . · I I • .. " • l ' • ' Alf fhl'ff ltvdebo•.,, a.cf • ..,.,,.,,.., oplloMI af ufre e<01f , Trim, sleek pnd beautifully fllght-atreamed, all the new 1951 Stuclelakera have the right build for real thrift. Come In. See wh~ Studebaker cleal,nl~g saves gasoline. OPEN J:~GS AND SUNDAYS BY APPO~Y . JOE NICKERTZ. Local Dealer -· • • • . . I 3415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theatre Har1 510 Nwpt Beach Your Servel .. Dealer· in 'the Qarbor Area . u;:~!:1c:~ln :; -. D 1 lfe~: ~~ Refrlg~rator -Tennll. -e 11.JJ:e :--j::°a -Tuma GRANT'S FURNITURE and APPLIANCI 1645 Newport Blvd. , leac«H! 5107-M C,OSTA MU~ -·--. " ---. ----- .01f • AND IVJN lOWll PIU~lfl • • • • • : I • • ~· ' r I I -· • \ , . ()' f)Ell:l\l~ . . MIDS EASON Sony we. can't name Ifie brands but · .. merchandise .from ow :N9Ular stock! ~ly ~SES .... $49.95 .. __________ _ "IS!tea 9 thrt\ 20) 27.50 to 35.00 14.95 to 26.50 8.95 to 16~95 ~ .. BLOUSES ........ 1.95 to 12.95 --_ . 4Jl5 to 7.95 SKIRTS \ 3.95 ........ --~-:::. ............ 35.00 ······------·- . 10.95 I<> 17.95 9.95 to 14.95 8ALE $SZ.88 19.88 10.00 to 4.88 to 4..88 to ~.88 to LOO t.. 1ll.i8 I 6.88 to 4.88 'to SUps Nylon "' ' Ray.. 8.95 to 9.95 4.88 (Nylon 8Jld Ra¥onl 5.95 ....... __ .... 1.88 fJoatll end .Jllcllet.. .. 32.1\o. & 36.50 1n.88. . 26.50 .. ........... lCl.00 Bras· ud Paalies· V&lues to 3.50 ........ Now 50, (Incl atrapless) .. 14.118 8.88 '7.88 S.88 . 1.88 • GlftDUH and GARTER BELT8 .... Dl'utically redllCl(d! . ' . SALE .!NDS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 ALL S~LES FINAL '1 J , • , rn.at:..;. ()e' Na~ ~ Mi1 •• Ji.~-&E ., --,~_::~i·~ u1<, "''•1 -~ for.......... . . ' "lt~~- ! .. . . .1.1' ii. ' 4 I Y') . ' l''lo..l:.ui by [......... . ·i.,;. -/GL 17 ...... -, ... : • ~ p JILIUICU Ul,CJI 11plttri IM.,.._.,,. ot 1G1s&tsm · • ~ ~-... A.alt>ee h"hlM• ..--~---... -~--+---~r-~,:""'--.......... --, '-ist GrouP -c..ota 'ltnn -II&• -~ ance · ~ lo -;. • *lrY-· <illMd oon. ..,_*"-...... IM A u...11 .._i on u... ~ ~nl Ru "" o-im "" TrafalajJ )I. CIYi&n Def--.. -by ~-... '.eo<!&'am ~., -. ...., Oaw.oea 117 U.. 11\f .. u Of N:a'NI Kn. ¥!"'\"la Cutle at the.~· Penon.Oet la w~ D. C. 11 m~-Of the , Aalllfaiuie , .atart .. wltll .U. li6J'. tall te'rm, ~ hd4 at st. Jamn Pv!MI $ha _,,,, .;;;;;t.i!Atea will at· ifOUM ,,_.,,., April 17. ~ -1:: U -io< COllepo CUIJe, .. N&tljlnal CoUJ)Cll l\ejlre-m; llDI ' ID • tbe C01UittY ._tau ... had tt«llU)I attended a -.. J!fflDJ'C procrania. Tiie dlatrict' meetJnc-"' 'Loo Angde9 ~avy'pa Utejr "°""al luWoo,,,., wheN 1.11, part. Of the Leape In locldent&I coll•J• feea' and con• the war effort w.. subject to tfibu.l.etJ. toward thelr llvtnl' ex· panol cllocuulon and u a rallll -Up0n -cndll8Ucin, the stu· ot wJaJela, au tnembua were uqM denU fteelve Navy· or Marine to ....,.,. epcel&l tNlnlng and •tall!I {lQrpa reoerve commlNlona. • ""1d" lo ..,... . Appt Wnatdy M,000 h I' h attendlnc-t b • I)loln. -~ ...... d JT11l!uatet ~ at the Lot Angolel. ~-~ IM 1.1.qjtad stot .. ap- IM -I.be -ldent of Ibo IDcal piled tor C. JJIGl NROTC Pf'lF&m doapt<o, ..,.. FApr Hiil. mad -'aat fall. and ~led Ill the -.is:, llln. Blcbard Pieser. "-""' ,collop 1p11t•• teat laat ~ o. w. ~. ~ .... ll<lward ~--. . ~ Ud •Mn. Oeorge )(icb.MJ:d Tiie .,,ace•UI . n'Pdldata ln-no were s'Yell u lnlueJ!tlng In· -Wal!ar LewU. Doucett, Jr., . • -t!pn lo11r ot tile da7 !Wnlery, of m Bl'004WV, Coota Meat. °""' !IO club, lflrl.t' c:luli aDd olllu-· ' . ' . Leac-ue en~ "°"la!Jiad 41K ~URE ther-e. ~·ot a mechanic'• lien ' ~\ ' ' . For the GRADUATE • •' ·, DIAMONDS - ENG4GJl:fi':NT tpNG ·.mt> WmDING BAND AS LOW AS $32.l50 . -. Beautiful and practicai Wrist Watcllea make an ideal .gi-ad • natioo pa ~t prieec:!· aa low. as '18.50 .. ' I I Famous ma k ea such as Sulova, pnu!n, Hamill<>n arul . Alton .Watches. Drop In and let 1/8 show you.. our stock. NE~T JEWELERS . . 1'7th Ud N-i-t Blvd. CotJta Mesa ' Be8cc'la 60SS ' •, The local 'Thrift Shop lo now fl>r a $1.N.61 11111 tw uploalt tile woil •tociled with fttah mm:han· Qoorlnc-..._.., to lla>e -tur· dJH u a reeJlt ot the Bundle Ta. Aitbed OD a Newport Beach rui- ciWJO by Suat&inUlc Membera 1ut _,., --"' In superior week but .there lo atW a Deecl foe -bJ' Cllnael A. l's&'• ot the I booka ~ to • report by eoutu..i, Floor · eovennc-tlJrn of Mu. WUJard, KWJon. Mre. J . A. co.ta Ke .... W6JMd .U defend.an.ta ~::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::~~::::~~~~~=~=~=~~ Beek, ,,. cll&lnrw>, annoupced _,..=111r, &n9 llln. .Cb&W>ce!Ql'd A. that the atctwa made and ®na.ted •Jci·aace ..,, own.era, and Robert for the tea by Aaxl.ate Member s. HOiden U '"acent of Mr. and Mn. Marion P\tmtJls of. New· Or-Mrs. Molata. • ........ b&d been WOil by M .... C, E. C ' Pi nd Pia Re -McCC1:n•Y of Bay Sbortt. ,r oncert. .1anist a y '¥iewer . ~r.i:c-tbe IA>:~: = Sheri':r~r~)i Oil the ' U -8&nk TbJ.&nday ,,vere Atme8. Geo. trail ol. • -.pect m u.e burglar)" F . M Cannel Benef•t T . Yardley. JUrloe Otlimer. Richard and a~, arwoa ..,,. week-, eat• W4 t. . ' · ea . Pledi•r. Bowtud Hodgkin.ort am! -at ti>• home or . Everat C.' YI~ George Holttdn. Vanderpool,· 179 ~ N.,pport Blvd.,, LMncl)eon bollt~.a were: 11.o'le.a. Costa ¥ue.. ftlen'• ctothinr. cuff\ ~NNIYERSARY ) SPECIALS 3rd ~ . :' 8~ Pu ....... -Lw Trim • NYLON SLIPS uS:::e ... ·········-5.95 J • • It WU not' wboUy a malar ot' ... ------------PbWlp n.-tl. E. ·A. Crary, D .D. links Md a pkt ,OIU')', loUJUn11 '------------------------' t.edmlique 'tbat (:8.J>Uvn.ted and tleld The plepa.nt aurroundinp of the McCallum and Thomu Rutter. ~ i.n value, weN takea from the &ttenUOn of three or more club ft.elf a.n4 11* be.auW'Ully -i>-· the upataln apartment and a. ; • Dining Room open 11 ;30 AM. lo 8 P.M. d•ay .. Closed Sundays and holiday'> Phone: Kimberly 2-2fq6 Loh of FREE PAR KING. : ,. ... - 1. ;-{_ . -:r. 'ff/I' .; .. "::.· if· -~"l _ . . "" ---::· yay11Y.t•OOT11 .. HIGH AllD ue1n IVDTftPlll ._ CINCH containa • ...,. qualil.Y inpedient IW', ry (or J*{ectcaloaa Millio.M,Y .•. .. It"atbe..,- . cabmixJOU. . cubqy.'' Try Cl-\OCMr- - bW1di..i_women at tile Benefit Tea davenport • wu upoDded_ U1llnat "' lb• Balboa ll&y c1u1> "" n.--po1nt•d , •• tablea a11 helped 1m-local Z-Onf a· Club tile -· _ set o11re. ---, day, but-rather the splril. flaJr ud measurably.· ·Mrs. Colin F. ~rown ea.,._i.,a that kept pUUoc-U., u and Mrs. J . W. Cammllck wlU. the . U:WD OONDUCT Mn. Teresa Renner tn.ver.cl aJd of ~rs C M Deakina. di&-Oou&:!U L. Smith, a, 708 Lark· ~7,·h~~n:.~~~0~=~~ ~·r::~;~~·~·+i:.th·:;~ Praised at Confab ~·-· .. ~.: .. de~p..~ Lyric MelodJE> by O~ and the polln!d were: Mn. Jo&t;Ph'=!te Fee-. Mc.clay a.ad Jali.d • a lewd !ieenudw' . \ BRUNCH COATS 8be8 1% to %0 498 vuy okl Viennese Wa.lt& --com-ley, Mn. Frank ltoecO, »,... M. &nta club of Newport Harbor conduct cha..r'p. oriscin ea.Id poler DOW unltnowa.. Kn. Rfil· CU.-:ta.. Mra. w . B. .-Callan., They et•Ms tedond in abUJt)' to raJ.ae that WbUe mtttnr ln a parked -:::===~========:;::::;;:::;:::;:::::;::;::;:::;::::;:1 ••r'• combination o! aevua.J · eeo. were ust.ted by MN. A . .ou.rodutr, meney, in tll of Dlltrlct Nlne, Cu at F1nt and Maybury Sta. f lectJons in lt.aelf ~eaied an LD· Kit Hugh Llly and Mr&. Geortre which covers California and Art-8mith ecpoeed Jllntse1t to two 16- dlvidual quality of judgmrnt and Banc:bez.. . ... ~ reported Kra.. Eva Aspen on year-old Tu8tln P,.la. a 1parlcllng exhibition or clear Gueat.a from Glendale, Loa An-her return from San Franciaco ftngerlng and jutlicioualy directed gdea, Capistrano, Pasadena.. P o-whe.-e'tde .a.ttmded the Zonta-ln· rhythms. mona, Santa Ana, An-.baim, .Ful· tunaUorW. Spring Conference, 1"be 1ecoDd part ot the prorra.rn lec1on and friends froth. ~ entire Dlatrict Nble. In ber report to the -::::==::;==::::=====-WU t~ uJ.tra..sma.rt rudln& ot the tu.cbor #ire. were greeted by tbe meDlbft-1 at tbe(r regular luncheon •"' Broadway, New York current hit preak1ent, ~ra. _l,.eQl)lµ'd .ferrJ.1.QI {Jleetin&: Thurtd.ay,, April 12 &1 pla.y "Sea.son in the Sun" written who heacf'ed the i-ecelving line. Sh~ Norton'i Cale, Mr1. Mpen l&id by Wolcott Gibbe., wdl k.oown wu e.ul8ted by Mrt. Theodore this wu art acconlpliahment to be drama critic of the New ,-orker Robina. ·Mrp. Vlrpnja HJ.tch. Kra. proud of u we a.re not one of the --Opportunity to knocking ID CLASSIFIED ' ADS. wbich wU" re&d bT Kra. IWiciae ..Jahr\ O...U.11, J.{n. J. w, Thorn-1&rcer club& INllllOIS MOOllN ffd nOf'IC,AL FUINtnfll DIAtl.S • W~APUS • LAMH Fl. llf s eou'l&I e•"2lD 611 COAST H1el1WAY llflWfOll . IE.ACOM UTT ,. SELF· SERVICE LAUNDRY • Baiboa Wasblt · 30 Min. Washing -Fluff Drying Blankets Wool ShaJl'!~A9•sf arid Dried 50# ' 103 Palm -BAUOA HCllW 2724 Feeley wltb 1\lfflcient d.J:amatlc et-Lon. Mn. K . Doane, Mn. R. J . Mn. Belen Stock:Wn, a.ct;la.c" feel lo make the play i.muaing. Heffner,· Mn. C. W Hart. Ma. president tn the abaence of Mrs. The committee t.e·ded by Mrs. P. JI". P'emsn and Mn Nlcbotu P . "Ktldttd Sta.n.Jey. who joined her ;=~==;;;:======~=======================. J . Arthur Taylor, today are p!.e.uod Bttttner. Alt w.ore very lovely hu.Sband , Aaaemb~ Earl W . with lhemaelvea for they worked corsaeea whlcb had been the gift Stanle,.Y. in Sacramento for the Wl.teltiahly to make lhia, Ult-lr f lrt:t of Kr•. R. J . Hetrner. week foUowt.nl' Zonta oonfere.ice, atta1r 1 iNCCea and •\MXllll It wu A.Nist.ill&' Mn. Holt Condon wttlt. 1"•11:1~ over a lh•rt business aea- with many a happ)9 smile and ticket.a were Mmea. Ltt O'KtUy, Ilion and""W.ao won the prize of a 01'£H NITES-Slolftday 10 to 4 chuckle which a.re ·now fUl be-Kathleen Windle ~d Gertrude be&uutu.l ou .pamttnl' of Newport coming a pleaaa.nt memory. Ca~nter. Bay by Zontian Tbe.lma Paddock . Hope. Zontl.&n Dorothea Sh~eley, li- brarian, . diapJa.fed La water color 1Ketch (by ~ l:lnU1dt) or the propoaed addlUon. t o the library, planned by a.rchltect Raymon<) Kent. Harvey. Zonta. voted to eend & letter to the city council approv- ln&' ~tlon ror the addl- Coast College Music Studen_ts to be Heard in Recital Friday Tbe tlr•l in a aeries ot aprln tlon to l.he city library, to k eep reclta.1-<oncerta prest'nted by the graduation rrom Cout college tn pace wtth our growinl' communltf. preparation for a protaalona.J ca-lrultaiiatton Of offk!e1"9 for the re~r In tbe tlelcl ot dlurch iild comin1 Ye6C wW k ' made at the a& t.IM(;Jl~y ~OOrona del Mar, 9 <;,• • r-.uJv dlnner1tf l.lfl&' April 2D ! wtth !tn: 'Klld f~y. retlr-Alti'~~-'lit. .., p"81dent, 9tttna u tnstJiUJng 1allt time before 1ca'llo.r for miU-Orange Coast co ege rriusli -tf"e-otnoer. tary eervlce. He bu Cboeen "Om-pwt.tDenl Guuta .at the IWld\,eon were bra mat f\i"' by Handel, ,;Be vuoi Mn. Joan (Pepito) Pe:rez of Cor- b&llare" by Jilaiact, Ud "V~e-1INDEROOE8 8URGERY ooa del Mar; Mra. Vtta $. Wll· Mn. -Dwiel>l J8"0bt of Cotta Uamt, B&lllo& AW>d; Kra. Edna bitches St~d<!Mn''~ by Braluna tor )fesa It oooftnrd. to St. .Joeep.b'• C. Wu.on. Balboa; and Mrs. Ruth the openlD teCtiona ot the recital. Later be be .be&rd.J.n a. arouP hospital followtng major surgery B&rcume; Zonttan of North Holly- ot negro lrltua.Js tor, whfch he p«formecl Monday. wood club. ta well Nnown and wUJ end witb ~l year, 2!i,MO Americana Many a _b_IJ_deal--bu--httn madt' sev~l ~i,c-Uona • by 4 nlodern we.re killed in traf.fic accldenta. . thru a amall Want Ad Amen.can cpmpown:. Mr. &ayder la a gtoactua.t.e al -==~=== H.orl>o, Hlg)I O<hool. h&•lng .,_, very active In music at that ln- 1tltullon. Whilo atUndinc OrU\ge Cout coU.~e. lie decided upon a ~feaatonal mU1ic career, .- eiaJJ%lag In the fleld ot ope.ts a.n4. oratorio tlog!ng. Al p.....,nt ... la •l\Mlylng with Corene Boet!dier of Colla MUil and Upec&:.I to cornplt>te. hi.a muical tnlnbic .at Ille conC:ualoo ot .. l'VIU wit.II I.lie UnJted States AJr Foree. ', I ,_ .. :·~·11.;: 01~ ~(LI '~~~~fl,lf: . Depa1·tn1ent . Store , I .of ''personal'' se~ice · • both }O..DA Y ACCOUNTS on? conven ient 90-DA:Y CHARGE PLAN accounts ore ovai !oble . ' • free velidoted parkin g ... ot ony V lot . .. -'~;.I": I . "~ ! ',J ,, '1 I \ I • authorized Mutual TICKET AGENCY ..• r11S&<Vation~ . ' I - • • mode for leading Los Anq!'l•s · llfltoctions . • I • free · DELIVERY in Southern .~)ifomio • • • • MAIL-~nd TEl.Ef'HONE shoppi;lq service .. • ~ ~~mpltotory GIFf W~ ... • ~"fl SHOPPt~,SERVIC,E(· . Cd1/.Ann. Church ~ ~~G ~CTIC>til by Jppointm.eht ... coll , , ·'Mrs. ~mare!, art~· ' . ·! '• ,f ' • con11~1Jient LAY-A-WAY plan ' r < ' •61FF~lES • qisbn <hpety. frwCONSUL'f~ $BMCE l • • ' • • • • I ••• 41' _,. '1 ... , ' 1 '·. • ' • • , • • ' ~ • f " PA&E a -PART 11 ,-THUASDAY,APR IL 19, 19s r . Rummage Sale Krv '!!*;;,._°"';;!',!!t °'I ·...kr:::.: :± ..... Plcnk Proi~~. :". YOU CAN DO BETTER AT • · , . ' ..,. o,..r -i.rs -JJloe<t, f ~AC . ' ,~ ~~ · .at Laguna Gallery !;::"".:ii..=,-:;:-.~ -..., A. a. w ..: j. x-. ... or .f roup~ . · . . . PRESS. . a . . W..11.ri Kr and Jira. Biil...,.,.. ..,..U.S. ta N .. ;o.-t pollco -... __ of tM -...l-. -D • . . ! -· . ...:."= ~ . '"""'will""• Whl1'o lCleplwit of v.U..:11 C...iu ....,. . .,_,,,, .. """·,,,. .. .-t -at u.. ...,-:; :.U .... ".;;-.;t;:;;;;;; . ~' I 1ge1-Rummqw !We on , tba Lagull& Bill la a fllh &Dd pme ....., .. ID IDW.CUO. of 11th -and of tlMi Ooota -ftldo,r Attor- • · .. ~Arl ~ 1a-.Ml<t Ml· I.bat territary and -ta-to 11e 0out KIP'">' at 7:tf p,m. -c1ob ~ ._ Jalatl.1 Tlld- Co_llMe Plans .ManJ Display$ sF-. ~~p~~~ f$ uw!:=. to:~.-ly. ~~~~~ ~ ~='!: ~t:~.5 . .. ·.fUR ITUU co. • tor. Open~1' H Next Mond .-clothln~ ot all kln<b. what· c.i, w.,uao. Pukor, -of Mr. 1 lllUD01l AOOIDSNT wru tllmlM \lie ..-.mn• JI'!'" ·' I',•·' • If •· .. OUse . ' ay oola. • &lld.~ Hury PVl<tt, m ~ ' n. R. N-lon. Cbu·a V)ata, tt-cram-. . w ... 'uy .•nd s •. ·' ~·.w and l,1 1ed Furni.tur.• avenue, c.ota •-1<11 lalll week portf<I 1n accident to' N~t • f · [ 1 . HEIGB'll, CJJJ«JLE. • ri>r camp Roberto wllm be will lleKh' Pollco' <>n iCoaat H1Pway · no111; ~ lloll'DI ~.,.,._~ displays """ demONtrallona 01 odUCf0-1 equ pment Re-"--IDfttl•• ot th• N-· W lllted u • replacen>w unlU be and S&;pldo Brtdge at S:IO pm. . w.-.. Wffl< ... a ,....i.o' 'al 1ll2 New-rt lllYcL, C Meta le, 5656. w1JJ be n-..tod for the benefit of patron. and the public, Monday, •~ -18 ~·-ta le •-•~• 1e~-1 -•· ,_, -·• •'-t -~-... ~-of ~--·• v -a.l;. 'r" .. ~-· r · pdl'I Height& Circle, of CIJrfat -en r •-u-·-su~y, Newwn-d-aM~-w~ -·a -· --,... ._,-,~~~~~~~~~=~~~~±~~~~'.".::"~~~~~ AprU Q, u o...nv Cout College bolda Open Houoe to mark lto Chu"'h by the Sea wscs wUI be In. tho Krvice, or be p~ 111 an· cycle driven by R<ibert Kyme mond lMd1, 113 Mqnoll& •--. • , oblerft.nce ·or National f\Jbltc Scboola Week. held Tueaday, AprtJ 2-t, at 7 ;30 olbff tralnlnl group. Letnal. Jr .. bad nm Into the back eo.ta Me., WMe. Kl'> &Dd~KJS, H' h Q 1• ft 't Ph H. f LfL A«ordb\s to Dr. Bull H . Poler'..----------11-m~ w)th Mra Flora llarrlo, 018 of a veltlcle driven "7 N.,.lon. Waldo Benntnponn and • , • 1 Jg UQ Jfy rfinting-• Qf o g g eon. O. C. c. prea1dent, "Pub1ic Th p We.lmtnater avenue. Dod•e la mo•tna. Wat.cit l_t t Le!"" ·recetvecl lllght truurta ter. Kl,7. o( 13 Monte~ Scboola Week offora an opportu· e4tre arty ---~ ·-------------------. ..J ------'-- nl\y for the pubUc to vlalt their For Sma ll Guest s college and ·1U.rn what facUit1es are aY&llable for their benefit and f« the benefit of their children. The college ~longs to lhe people of the area it serves, and while lt ~ their privilege to vls1t the achool at any tlme, It hM been proved ln tbe put that they particularly en- joy J>&rtfclpatlon ln the o~n houae program." ~I residents or t he coast.Al arP& are being invited to participate tn th18 event. which ls desil{ned to en- eourage members or Lhe various M"CtloM or the area to be- cOme acquainted with the educa- tional opportun1tle3 offered by Or- ange Cout-both vocallonal &nd academic. A.f'tlvlty U•t J.nclurlect In the Rctlvlllfl's plan- ned will be a language atudy dem· onnratlon of recon11'. aUdet: an~ aonga. by th11 Polyglols. an organ- ia&tion of l"nlnJ&a~ students; R. l_)&Del on the Callfomla croM-flllng 1yw:tem and lobbx...law; dance band tnatruction; demoMtf1ltlon of wa- le.r oolor technlquea by the cl&M 1n a•vertlaing Art. _ Work in welding and machine 1hop practice; ..experimenl.3 by nat- ural selence f1ast1e1: displays or bacteriological. and phyBlologicaJ rbaterlals equipment.: aed a model oU field with. a well drilling rig and mud-teilUng equipment. In the agr.lcultural area the new beet-feeding unit will be operi, dia• playing the· OOmbinatlon of work- ing corrale !lnd beef-feeding uniUi. Agrtcultura.l student• will dcmon- ttrate farm mechanic.a on tractors and farm equipment. Tbe college woodahop wlU be open w ith a regular class I.ft ses- olon. MiM Dorift Raef of the businesa educatlo,-.. dt'partmf'nl wlll run periodically a JO-minute movie on "con.sumer Protection,'' while other member• ot the df'partment wUI prete:nt a saJea: demonstration, a diaplay and demonstration of of· flee machine&. mimeograph a.nd ditto duplication, dlclaphone oper· atlon and ehorlhand. Open Houae Prosram The Open Houae program will begin at 1 :30 p. m . in lh.e auditor· tum. when Dr. Pete:nt0n wUI wel· come visitoni to the college and present lo them a brtet report on the progreaa of lhe college. In- cluded ln thla general program wtll be a dance band cla.u demon· •tratlon with w omen:a quartet. Eustace Rojas conducting. a.nd drunatic skit.a by student.a of the drama df'p&rtmcnl. Immediately follo\ving the pro- gram in the auditorium buses will be waiting to tr&Mport vUritors over the campus to all building-a except the TI:ew library building which Is not yet completed. These l&ITlf' buseB will make return· runs from the technology building to the auditorium at 9, 9 :30 and 10 o'clock. Retreshmenta will be served in the home economle& home-making and foods laboratories. Men 's Brotherhood Hea rs Speakers From L. A. Miss ion In tbe aseembly h~ll of the F1rst Baptist church ot Coeta Mesa nearly 100 mtn met Monda¥ night at thf' mnnthly meeting· of the Men's Brotherhood o! that church. Woody Cooper, president of the group. opened the meeting with a .short speech which wu followed by a dellcloua barn dinner with ap- ple pie, the favorite of moat men. Rev. Roy 1', Bell led the speak· era with Olla Stewart, George Sawless and Harry R obin.son from the Union Reacue Miaalon of Los Angele.a .stating some interesting tacts. A very educatlonlll motion pic- ture wu •hown telling how uaetuJ ateel W3JI made from scrap metal ActOT Porter Hall had lbe lead- ing role which depicted Arthur Hawklng &8 a .steel boM and hlll downf&IJ and r~ In lhla world. The-next meetlng Or lbe Me-n '• Brotherhood of the P'Ltat Baptist Cburcb of C<.t.a Meaa will be held M&y"20. Mrs. Elmer Wright is Bridge Hostess With aU the tun and excitement of being alx yeani old llttle Michele Myrehn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a.J.pb Myr-ehn, ft47 San Bernardino Ave., ·Newport Height.II, entertalned a group of young friends at the Mesa theatre Sat- urday. · After the ''cowboy'" show w A.s thorou~hly enjoyHI by J:lrlll and boyB aUlc:e, the chlldren retumed t ., the Myrehn home for rerreah1n ent ~. I Individual birthday cake.a were l!f:rved with lee cream and punch. after th& many gifts were o~ned. Those helping lo make the day a happy one Wf"N' Kathleen and J&net Hobel. Kenny Jon Quarry, Susan DeBeer, Judy Hapn, Ed- win Quarry, Billy Knott. Bar'&ara Warner, Nancy and Sb('rry Con· 1 dry. J ohn Charlton, Carol Wede· king. Ritchie Oliphant. Oavtd Cell.9e and Mugsy and Eric My- rehn. Those a.satating Mra. Myreftn with the young charges were Mme! Mable Quarry, Elltn 1-tY- rchn and Roberta Oliphant. Send- ing gifts but unable lo come wcrt> l{enny Newland • and Beth and Bobby Norris, Los Compane ro s Ta ke Awa rds at Sun . Pl a y d ~y • Member.a of Lo8 Compancros came home with a good Sharf' ot ribbons won at the Mesa Boot.II and Saddle playday staged Sun· day, April 1:), ln the or:a.nge county I fair grounds art>na. In the junior tra.11 horse f'Vt>r.t ( Bonnie Gf'orge took ltCC'ond place and Sh.erryl Hol111es, fourth. Jo"1r-1~ plac;:e ln the junlat: stock horse event Wl'nt to Shcrqi Holmf's. Barrell race winners were NAn· cee McDonald, flMJt ; GeorJite 88k- f'r, second; and She rryl Holmes. fourth. . In the musical hat.s evl'nt Shar- on Moore captured tint. Awardet~ ribbon.a In the run, ride and !earl race werf' Caro·yn Pridham and Nancee McDonald .. first; Shf'rry l Holme3, second; and George &k · er , fourlh. Skating If> arty for Yo ung Riders . Meeting Tbursd&y at the Ori Mar street home of Mike Butler, members of Los Companeroa plan- ned a skating party to be held Saturday, April 21 , at 1:30 p.m . Refreshment.a of punch and cake" were served at the evening's clo.se. Nt'Xt session Is &et for Thur~ay, April 26. with George Baker; 1747 Irvine st reet, Colla Mesa. Anyone, aged 9 to 18. who has a horse or ha.a acct'ss to one, 13 tnvtted t o join the club. Young people Interested are to contact Mrs. Gua Pftrrmann or Orange avenue. • Dodge ls moving. Watch lt ! Mesa Kiwanians Schedule Youth Benet it Breakfast Arr&ngementa have been com- pleted and the ticket sales are un- derway for the Youth Be-nefit ... Breakfast sponaored by the Coat.11 Mesa Kiwanis: club. The 35 cent breakfast. featurtng hot ca.kes and sausages la to be held on Saturday. May 12th 11.t the Costa. Mes.a. Park, according to. PauJ Dunl•p, general chairman. Al) 40 members or th~ roca1 club were iacl (ivcn 1.0 llck~t. at la.111t week's meeting, to 00..Cld during the...next three weeks. A number of ".other local organtu.tlona, In· terested 1n boya' and girla' work are aUo to Nlilt in the aelllnc of tlcketa. r -T h e Ktwa.otl committee ID charge of t.hia event la cornpoeed .ot Paul Dunlap. chairman: Kenneth Stewart. tbod; Harold Hall. Ucket l&lea; n.ve Gardner and Joeepb Thompeo•. general arrangements and Don Hudd!Nton, publl<clty. The~ ~ l\Jn ancl friendly It la antldpalod I.bat at lcaat cb•tt•r l&ll week at tho borne of, 1,000 ~ui.·ww be .. rv..i and Kra Elmer J .. Wriaht. 128 .S. 18th plana ..,... made ta accommodate llltt<t, Coota -Ilea, wbeJI a local eftn a a-ter ...... brk1p" gr,;..~ pthorell for one ot ·I.Mt week'a meetln&' ol lhl! Kl· their ... gu1ar parllN. -club.f .. luttd ~ by ·. Luncheon WU WI Ced .befo.N the two of tu m~Mn.. ~ otart .Of card play. ~I!]> the Rld>anl Buntt, of'tlle Agricul· 1 quartet tab ... wore Mme& ·p . V. lural l>epartlMnt at Oran&-• Cout Park-. Olarieo McAJu7, Ne!llO Oollop l4ld ot the.WO<k and pro)· Rldlq, llbennan A. llalt.or, J..., ecta-ot bla departm ... t ancl Cbt.- 1A.w1.-D. C. JlecKoU!°' .J. P. -8---· ot th• _..Uoct ~ _.... Uia --Mn. Rid· of i>ia-aJw,lard ..r.. atn:n.n ear-n -ril4ll CM -....... and rler Wlleft he IP"nl -1 Kra La~ -u.e ._ia-U-1Mlq u.. -.... • ~award. ~ llJJoo AIA>ft lntr<>-. . • -Ille _u .. -Prt!aldoat I Dodp la """""«· Wa~ 'lt!i Clalre'l'I.-prnt•J<I. •• AU'llA ... ,, .. , ..... LIVER SAUSAGE ~42' 111 - , POTATO SALAD :. 27' i ~ llUI &MY K.OiMa [ Dill PICKLES <· • _ .. - ~· A&MQta CANfd9 ~-SUClD BACON '::! . .. 49' 39' ,. . u• ,ooD C'-lS tUGll Pl . :.o;:17 c .-i!!!!'-" FOOD CLUI ·TUNA CHUNKS & n.AKU :.~L 29c ;.:. ·. DIEi PAIK DAINTIES .. i YOL29c KG. . klLLOGo•s CORN FlAIES ~:LokG.20c • Rl.B ROASTS 6th .. 7th. 1115 UAN & MU.ft PORK STEAKS· &ta HAU LOIN PORK ROASTS 55! 49! .PORK . LINK SAU~AGE 59! NO. 2111 CAN ,tR'iill COCKlAll wo• 46-0'-CAN illNDED JUIC£ -·CilOB£ A·1 FLOUR AU'HA IETA GRADED IEU 'RIB STEAKS IUllOAN'S -45! , SLKED BACON -n•--• 591 POft ·s~USAGE • dOvt/"« mi.i PORJ(.SAUS~GE .49! 1 I