HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-26 - Newport Balboa Pressr t • • City Engineu Berl Webb wu lnotnlcted to prepare plana aod apedtfcatJom for a eewage colltt- Uon llM and pump!n.g •talion to am: the blurt propert)' 90Uthwat of 0.:.... Bl¥d. bet"'ffn Poppy and Ooklentod Avea .• a.nd. at the state beach, C.orona del Kar, at the meeting of the city councu Kon.- doly night. · The root ot the project lo to bo uaued agaJnat. · reekle:ol.a of the dlotrk:t affected. M.2 per cent of «•-•Papi) • Hem bot · wu111it I .. '3RD BLAZE IN • 13:DAYS; ·CQPS HUN l FIREBUG 8f!SPECI' FIREBUO-f1te 1.._1or· ?i.it ~, ...... -the c:h&tnd wall Md oelllns of the home &t(nl AMJi• 0.A.~ l!la!lloa hie••, Where a ftro WU~-M •• S & 'ftliiMaJ (today),' _ • ..., .lo ·lle(laltel7 bellev..i lo i.ve --.._...ii aa anoelot. Thi& la.the. "'1rd of a .erin of tlree ,tbat .a.ve ~red ft. At.lone ~ve. •'-1"11da,y, April ,II. • ' · \ -· ' . ~ Photo). I • • • .., .......... ~:'""'"""' .... ._.""'!',.......,...,..,.....,....,..~ ... ....,,.... ............ ~, ...... ~~~---·---···-·r ...-·-~ ....... --':"".:-.:o"'!r,....__,~..,.. .. ~-Y"!ll!',,...~~~';;)!'ll!"~!'!'~!'?l':lll!!':'!!!!l!91~~~'li't~il"i~~':t".i!f!!!'=~l'!IPJi!!l!I~.-"" -.. • • • , Bu .. ~ po.Iii ob 11 .,_ ta UO. N_,... -...,_ .._.. ~ 8-C HJ ta 0rMce 01•tJ . • MUM'S THE WORD " . s8hbi-<lon't tell anyone, but Wl!JI • total flop. . . Don't dlsundentand UL We know Jut -ir -tatnM the biaMt national nol8e a-V.J Day; the 1wnm. CUlllOllS, the ringing bella, the boatm. homa &114 .,..., whWJe that ehoutecl out a..i.o•a wel«ae. Biat that's jl..t the point. Lut ...... Ab9._~ Week. ' . . ~ -. • •••• Many people ~-feel ........ It -dWa't tcr'J1L•1pll 1£ICI I· . : • ' • • ' • • • ~ PROFESSIO~Al ~ rl OIRE(TORY r, LESTER A. IUJOD&, D. D. & . DENTISTRY .• . ,. . . . V. It. JlOll:PllEL, 0. D. • • OPTOMETRIST ~·,.~ Sit• W. Newpwt: --... N_.-t- -.11111 .r :,?: 'BOWARD W. ODP!8R ~~°"-1-· • • M• ••••••••••••••••••••••••= ==•= ., •. ---.. • • ' I . Christ ChurCh By The. Sea WSCS t:.'Ad;::~:r"''" St .. jineS JEtectS Officers ~·Secretaries of St. Andr•wt w liio.ticin ol omce"' ..,a p1-b& TM,:=.•~~ fto CMIL fll' IL "'"': .. ~ IM wiu&1 l(olher-Ducht.er ben· ·KrL ·Pllyw. f'leldo P" u.o ..:-...i·n·•,:W.-, °'¥• ':;:.,l" '~~ . -~cm llq 11 oceupled the-· m.......i PIOP-· a1a11nc "I Wall<· Ma7 2, 12:80 ..... la k Allllr•• IL a.!111 fl ~ ----at U>e April -od T-7 Wbere J_. Walked," louDp at doe~ c:llun:il -... .. boll • ':. ~ -ol CbrlBt Church )>y the ~ wJth Mn. 'HOD)er Gobld , at -llltll ~ ·~ ·~ ....., ••• • ,._ 'V, 1ta,p 'If. a. c. a. Ctrcle Cha}rmen w~ p!ano. port 1\1111> -·---···Ill ts.ao.... . . plan U>e benquet and Mra. A . J . Speaker of the day, Klllll llilalo tor the ~-WID bo Mri. M. ·Wodr p ~. d --Oii b;o RUtter will be Ill cllarSe of tb• hn1a ot Lona' -di. -lll1-L. JIND<l7. Kn. W. R.. rowler, -ol tllo A~ will - _...,.. clueed by Kia ll:lole N-l&nd, 8. Axta~, Kn. (.'llrlotlU Ill 1M .... ""-Iii t11o ~ KR. r'red-W-rtb npotUd -!dent of .• Nowport Horbor ~ Mn. Clrol 1'.'9""<" IDS at 10 0•.-_ to -• ,. 4f0r the nomJnatin.r conunJ.ttee. Council ot•Cburcll Women. ...nm 4•u. ~ .,..... um 4Nl&• .,. __ .. Klllll <l1a:r& Kobi.tedt WU -lee\· woman to pracUC. laW Ill Long-Tllo deYOU.... will lie Clftn 67 lac foe' oaio a tJ1o1r a •I lw; \ • ed preolcl<nl and ..Mrtnir with b& Beach, Klllll hftls bec&me Ill· Kn. B. B. 0-put7 -tw, ti.. 'I .... ..-.it wm lie: Kra. 4 • J . Rutter, vice ttreoted · 111 mlulona three and a Kr. ·D. ·n. lol wllo -t t~ ot ti.. ~I c1t7 M ..... 11>- pteeldent: w,n. )(Illa 1,,... record· half yeU. •iro and alnce then bu y...,. at U>e _....,. 1a.1Jan .µ. cloQ-. · tair aocretal'7: )(.,.. Leon ll'erllU· vtolted 20 _,.tpeo. •todYtnir tl>e oelmo, trained undor (:bNtlan Wtdllula, ...W.. &l T~ p. -tttuurer; llJ>lrllual life lleCTeo -Je In their hom .. and the ef· mtaalons In ChlAa ~DOW lo PM' m. St. -·· 0ull4 o1 -~ tary, Kn. Johll .Pf\Rhnsr. Otber feet 9n "their u-cit-Ma.Ion tor of the Ja~ ""-byttrlan -.,..sa maat at U., i..I ot -retariea· are: Mla!oQe, Mn. D. work. She not only lo co1wtncod church Ill 1-s ,llffc•, wW toll Mn. ~.Adl07• ni.a. ractor ..W W. Holll>y: *>clal relaUons. Mn. that It pe.yo, aho lo oo enthuslutl< of hlo .._-ID Ibo JV 1l:Mt. sift a ""°" ....-• ..... 'l;. Boni Seely: local acuvttr ... that.she i. llllpportinir 12 students Tiie W-'aJ'ellowlll\lp wllll to ~· --n. A-Uarp Kn. Winifred Young and Kn. In colles-thJ'QUchout the world exprue than.ka to m.mben; and of PTaJer." . , lldna Barnett: llludent work, Mn. .,here tbey are prepe.rln_& to aJd trtenct. of the chum. for tllelr _,, •"' " Olf.• lq • Slale · S&lter; youth Work, Kn. the.tr own people by becOrilin&' doc• reneroua ruponae ln helpln{ lo t Fl · • Horner Hargrove; children'• work, torw nunee te&cllera. engtneen m&Jte UM thlrd annJnnuy .dln· 'nnlncla1, 1it13f Srd le AIN:rz·•oe Mra. May Deloaler; literature, and' agrlcuJtUn.l advilof'S. ner a llUttea cm Wedneitday ev... n.1, wMta tta. •m'.....wl liil\Ak· Mrs. John U 'RA!n ; auppu... Mn. .Ung, April 11 ~ It lo now ~blo tns•ol Ibo tlilri.od TllMk OfUtlng J . A. Bodman: 1tatuo 01 women, Bap+·ism R'ites to plin:h&M more ltl~b"' !fin· of uie -·llf at."-Jr!I! '*· KIN Elole Newland. lnlf equlpmenl ~ ;.t !JM altar .t.lriiil ..... The croup voted, ta eponao• M Ch h Tblo bUJy poup wider the able ~ .1'JMW7 MrTl<e • ot ~Y young people wbo wiah ta attend at esa urc lead,erohlp of their prulden~. Don. aomm...-.·; .. . ...• ~ cllurch camp Ullo summer, and (Mn. ICdrUJ RID met at llie home ~ the aa~ ;tW:,4ltat heard a report of the annual dla-Bap~ recently in the Coeta of 1itrf. Nadlne ~d on Cl(.'-' Ovlld ~·.UM. e:NJ.glisdfahlp :ec triCt meeting at San Dle10 u gtv· Meu. Community Met bod I• t c1e Drtve_, Bay &bore., l'l1day Mr&. ~Ball. ~ • e.. by Mrs. WWlam TrUsty. chutcb were Chari" P."'d Yer-mor1Wtf, ..t.pril 20. to J!lan and -holli ~ np.ar , TM Noon luncheon wu II!!~. by key, fnlant oon of Mr. and Mn. tor their C.lr l"hlch will lie r!van Reolbl'a cia.. on Re~ a membeni of Ba1boa ctrcle at taalea Charle.a Yerkey, 6Sl W. Wllaon ln 8t. Andnwa pe.Ud th» aummu. boolr ~·a Seudl,..· . ~ lovely wtth cautomta poppw. stnet: Marilyn Valera and Harold Mn. can.1 Robercleau (wb-bold at•ll o'olocll .., Ult. - Membero of C4ata lleaa W. II· Irvine Beebe, Jr .• children of Mr. tiu.band, Colon61 Roberdel11. A.F .• Ho\M', ' . , : ·< • · c. s . were irueeta at the atteriioon and Kn. Harold Beebe of !Mower i. now aernns In J-) i. very )(ro, ·w.,.au Knier • .,io'tod.., proirrarn which opened ~th dno-1treet: Kathryn Loulle Brock, busy helplns to arrange all d•· of u.._ Unit.id n'baftJt Otrtftlle fcil- ljona by Mn. John K. l!Oulott. U1-Infant ctaurhter of Mr. and Mn. taUo for the f.;Jr, st. , ...... --~all woinon lng the lettera "JOY" her theme Steve Brock ot Orange avenue; t,o.. ~ -~t 1 Ii the 1 ~ and WU ··Jesus, Others. YourKlt." Nancy Ann Schorle, daughter of l F • h' p~t ~ tr. T.~ O. ~ Sn~ What-- does It look. like inside a stock broker's office? Maybo ,.... .... -the "'"' ,_dine, .. Member, New Y otk Stock Erben ....... . Nut time, why don't you llCop in and look around f .. younelf'? That'• llll invite. tion to you.I To Mlp peoi>!o-who may ' want to buy 0< iioll otocb- ancl tbat iDdod----. .. pply factaal ln!onnation that i9 helpful in keepina riak Mr· and Mn. Ralph Scho•le ol I A iving a1t I-. . .. 1 W . 19 tb atreet. is ·sunday Subject 9prtas Ooa--. S • F• t p ' Tllo Spring C...vocallon ol th• pr1n9 tes a of Baptist astor woman'• •u&111ary w111 lie b_eld to be Held at 'nlU.-y, Ka7 1.0th. &om lO :SO Doa L&mllenon, paator of the ta &:IO al St. Tbomu ol -canton L h Ch Lt First Baptlot U\D'Cll, lttb and bury, MU ~ Road, IAk-. ut eran UrCn ' Court n-t. Ne*port llM<h. will Awdltary memllen are uked to Plans have been completed tor the Spring Fiesta. whJch the Sun- day achool ot the Newport Har· bor Lutheran chureh la u:poMOr- lng, and will be held Sunday attet""' noon, May 6 at the church &'f'OUDda 1027 ·Cliff Drtve. 1be event will begin at 1 o'clock tollowlng church and picnJc ropci.. wc:h u cak-. sanc:twtcM.a. fee cream. pie and coffee will be aerved ln varioua booths._ Ea.ch orp.nllatipn In the church are aponaortng a booth. "'I'he tundll from the Fieata will help eweU the Sunday ac.hool bua tund. A bus la needed very bad1y to tra.neport children to and from cburcb. Harldlwork and other ct.tu made by gtrle and boyt ln the Sunday achool wW be on aale. The Public ia moet 09rdl.Uy ln- vtted td come spend an afternoon ot fellowship with the people of the church. A special prognm haa been arranced for enterUJnment. Mra. lllldred Tnfsty ta chairman ot the day. be preachlos concerntns "'The Only bring their own 1\U\dl. nu will FoundatJoft" at lhl\ ll a. m. wor-be • workabop directed by Dlo- lbJp ae"&ce. '1A. LJYlng Paith .. la cean otricen and all cha.Inn.en the .armon wbject cboeen for the a.nd membera are urpd to ~tttn<I. 7:00 p. m. aervlee. Bible cla.uea Pleue call Mn. BunaJe Mayer, for all acu commence at 9 :45 L Barbor 1134~. tr trauportaUon {a m. Sunday. Jril:ld-week •rrice or dealred. prayer and Blble st\ldy begtna at ------ 7:1~ p. m. Wedne~. Friday, April 21', th• annual buatnea meettng or tbe church \!Fill be held at 7:30.p. m . preceded by a potluck dlnner be(tnnlng at 8 :30 p. m. ' Rite of Baptism Sunday Subject for Episcopalians Mission Programs for Women of Mesa Bible Church Mra. Dorrance McClure, 24~ Orange avenue, welcomed .ame 26 membera ot the Women'• MW- aton&'ry Society of the Coat& Kea Central Bible church at a meet.- Ing held Thunday, April 19. Mrw. Jay Bu..rdaley, prealdent, pf'f'91d• ed. " to a mmimum.. The Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, rector, will preach on the "Doc-- trlne ot Holy Bapti.m" at the 11 o'c:lock ..rnce at SL J&rnd church. the tiervlce of the Sac- rament of Holy .BapUam will be a.dm'-2.tatered to a cla.u of children and adult.a. A m01t lntereallnl' procr&m waa gt.ven by Mn. Joe 8&.ndera, re. turn@1' mlMionary tTOm Venesutla. South Amer\j:a. who told of tho home llte and cu.tom• of tbe ne· U•ea.. Her talk WU IUuatraQd wtth tlidea. ' lfyouhavequeetionaabovt your nut inv.tmenit you• ... lnriled to otop in<ond tallr, it ov• with one of OW' uperi- encod ....... . llZAH li'li iiilt. I: Co. --"""-"'-'-' ..... ,.._.. s.. r--.s""* be..._.. ............ S-'~ ..... ., l.o9-koch sw.. ..... W.,...4-1156 Co,mmunity Church, Corona del Mar The Rev. Paul F.d .. "&.rd Babbitt'• sermon at the Community Church o('Corona del Mat, 811 Heliotrope Ave. both at the t :4ei a. m. ter· vice·' and the 11 L m. eervice wlli be e.ntltled : "Overcoming Frustra- tion." At the 9 :45 a. m . 1ervlce the Chapel Choir will elng, "God ot Our Fathers" by Wt.l'Tda and Tb.II group ... compoaed of per- IOna who could not be baptised Palm SUJl(lay clUe ta lllneu and ha.a been set at the 11 o'clock hour tn order that the conrrega\lon may have the opportunity to partlclp-- ate tn lhll eervice. which will lnlU· ate lnto the Chnall&n telJowahip the mernben ot U'lil claaa . Membera ot the consn:c•tion are reminded that daylll'ht avlng tlrne coea into effect Sunday at 2 a. m. at the 11 o·c1ock aervice the Chan- cel cholr will line ''The Lord'• Prayer" by For•yth. ., Ch h Women , Sunday evening at 7 :30 p. m. tbe urc Rev. M.r . Babbitt wtll lecture at Delectable retre&hment. were Nrved by the hostea at the alt· ernoon'a ftnale. The May 17 meellnl of U..e 90- dety wUJ be &n out.at.anding One. It will be held at the hOme or Mn. Beardlley, 109 23rd 1treet,. at 2 p.m . The ~ will be Mn. Bob Hammonct, jual back trom Ch1na w~re her buab&nd ~ bftn •n· cqec1 In the mlaflonary fl•kt Membera and trtenda attending uu. meeUnr will have the oppol'· tunlty ol heartnr nnt h&ncl ~ Mra. Hammond tbe prev.Wag condttlon.t ln Communl.at Chlna. The prolftllbla open to the publJc. ... \' the · church on "Paul'• t..etter to Ob M the Church at Galatia." On Mon· to sel'Ve ay An all"iiay work aeaalpn will be he.ld by the group May 3 ,at the church. The ladiu aN to bring buket lunch-. • • offerl , . ., • roft>rtlllld ana · ' day evening at 7:30 p. m. he .,Ul ' ·' f give a lecture at the church on "A Phlloaophy ot Immortality." f II hi D Thi• 1' especially tor the newer e ows p ay members ol the congttgatlon and Lutheran Church for sny who !night be anticipating Arranirernenta for tl!e annual S.e.rvice Items church membenihJp. May FellowahJp day were com- The Sunday .cMol meet. a.t 9:4:5 pleted by the pl"Optm committee "Prayer Th.at PrevaUI" wt6 be a. m . eacb: Sunday momtnc. We of the Newport Harbor Council of the theme of U&t. Sunday'• 1er- cordlally' Invite all dalldren who do Cllurch Women when the e:Kecu· mon by Putor Roth at the 11 oot att.ncl el.9e~,to come at uve conimttie. of the council met o'clock wonbip .. mce at New· that time tor Wfifk>Ua lnltNCUon. In lbe bamo ol Mrs. W . A. Mc-port HarbOr Lutheran church. 'nle The Junior~ and &mior Bride, tOI OJtt Drtw. The o~ text la taken from the Qoepel of Blgb Pllpl1n FelloWSbli> maet at aarvanee will lie' held Friday, Kay Luke, chapter 11, ove,... t, 10: tht! church at 8:30 P· n •YVY ti. at 1:ao p.m . in the Corona del .. ~ and it ab&ll be ct•en yo~; 8Unday evening. All~ poopl• Kar Community church. Kra.•111<:• -1<. and ye ahall find: lmock, are invited. , Bride la general ch&.trm.an ot tbe and tt &ball be openect u.nio you. Local Adventists Plan $1050 Goal for Mission Worlc ennL J'or e'fflrJ one that uketh re-- Tho them• of the day lo ·~ c:elvetll: ud bo thet .-OU. t)Dd· God for Work." K'9. Gilbert Nee, •th: and to hUn that lmocketh I\ noted Fa.r S.t. worker, now lhlll ~ opeped. .. realdlllir at Cool.a M-.' will lie A apoclal 111nofcaf nuzobet wul irum ._iter. 8be bu c-.. bo p.-itod by KR. Oena Rath,. her subject .. Women at Work In oopraao -.. wbo will a1111. CblnL" Kra. Tllomu 01-.. wtl1 "O. SaYlor H-Ke!" Kra. Roth KemM.. of th• l'l••port be aololllt and lOu ~ will a11o.~ at T:M ·-., Hetc~ta' kwnth -Day .AdwnU.t Scbarle, orpalA A t~ ..._ to lllils at UM 'iSodleatlon church bav• pe.H·d ·the half-way bour will foltaw In PlfcrtrA ball -ot the -8t. .._..,.. mark Ill their an.n~ aollcltatlon with women of the--chun>ll Lutheran diwdl,-w. ntt.lnt.b aqd tor funds ta utend their world· In cbarle. under tho chalrmanll>IP N. PartA>n,' Ill l!Ollta Ana. A. ~ wl.S. uplift p..,,,.in, Kenneth B. of Kn. Wendell HoYL room ia pro-rldod for ,..-wltll Po,,.,. -~. 1'utan ot Horllo< .,.. ch\ll'chsa -1) clllldren w1Mre tllq ""Y The church piano to ....:II tbelJ'. and their wlVM will lie ~ of pUU<:lpats. In tM "'°"""P .. Vice. SlOCIO soal by Kar ~. Slllce the bonor. All _ _,...,. of Ibo Harber ~ """'°' tor .....,_ 0# plan ,,,... adopted by ,the &nomlna· aroa are -~ inyttad to an -la bell at t:M a.a. ,,,. um H ,..... qo, the annual up. attend. AdDlt }'lll>lo -i c1Ua alao - Utt Appeal bu added $50 111WloD Kia Elale NOlldand, prul_., at Ulla -and la la""'4 'J ..... • ' to !Unda rl..,. by memM.. tor tbo pi-at tha • 1 1 tlac· Repona tor Roth. TM dlurdl -la "lao.1-tdlM~-support ot ·madlcal, -tlon&I of U>e aeu.ru.. at Ille P8fl ,_.. pll'n•mc a ~ ._...,,..... C...t ud ...S-ood•, Sana• and ou.r·m-pcojoota can1od wve prH1atai -~ fM Illa -ba llold -Ibo...,. an 1a -a 1 • •VallotJ,orvla._O._ .,.117 AdNDtlota ..-the wwld. •••ms TOSI -ountnod Ill& ~ at l p.m. ~. - • 1111, "*""' uolll•,_" 9'1:ra . Tba -.-...i ID-tbla ,_., Cbeete' .,..., -pu1ltlolnt, ~ .... ~~-.a drift wlll.&lqlpiemet tbe Sl_IUll .. -ms nport ---------- 1inl11Yoa ............ .....,, pq-~-wbiall tr••--. f'ftllll tM _.. ...,., •Wi'C nan CMO** "'ci•••llflar., .. ___ ... ..__ • .,.. sa•·--to,,_,.,~. --~"!!-.ta i..o...u- --·-..,, _..., "" tO Ille world tl!t""lll -· .--............... -•Pwlh·~li81 Mltl -i. ~ ud -..1-I tw a la 1111 w "'*"!!• .......... .,. worl(. --Jiil'& Rp~ .... ., IM ~ · c c ...... ~. "Ia_.,......-. ...... .,,, .. ~ .. -.t, ~ ......... ~ ... -• • -... ca ce• 1t edloo4 lo llW• 1111 S-I ··•· • , . ...,.... tbrom Wlddl1111••t-bi1P• ta .:1.11n;. P. r. •trm •••• mt li~~i: ;~;::;::;;;;::= ·m Olilll: -g Ed ota.r. ........ ...._ ft9n7 .._ ._ _.itl ...._ .. llfcwpmt .... .r-.. danll. ••ac 73,,,. .. ;n11r • !!' ~ ~-... • su1111 .. ot Illa --1111 ...... ---"""' "' -·-. ..,,, .. ~:.':" ......... ••rf If -... I "llln il If la-_, IW ........ llf ........... ,... ... ... .,, ...... . n -··-·-· • . ' • . . ' • ' • . . • ., ... ' l • • I . . ~ . . ~' . -. • ,. .. •. t' . ~.: ' .. 0 . . . ".J •·• -. . ' ... .' WITH OUR AMl!IJqN 'WA1 .~ilife ·-'-' . '' ..:rv·,"(:o!t...;;.1. at s~e,. some tC!Jlpo.-., .. ., .--;;_.,,,. arc' perhaps· iacVita&lC • ;· ;·;¥jC\c· ' ':: feast. But in ~'tc 'or~~ • .f. ~ooi and ~ t \'. ~~-limi~~ . '• 1tl ~ :~;::... ·, ages;1Ef·1FtlOC '....,...;.our~~.~:· financial <Xl.~lors .to ~ii,$~ · · .. . o£1~ savers, w~ sugg~t yq~;rcc- 0"";.,,. die ·"buying·feVer'f.·pr· .,-. I r· ated by daily headlines or.,1u1t what it is-a blind s:urr:mdcr ·ro, the fear instinct. B~llre ~011 .~~~, •. • Si_op I.II~ T//111~· . ' .. ' .. . . ... ~ • • • • • J / ' . I . ,. ' • .. , •. " • 0 I • • • • • \ • • .. . . -Pit. 4 -.PART .L -THURSDAY., AJllUl'26, 1951 :~·~~:-P1t1ss~ , Desert· Honeym90n .f.ol~ws Rites for Janet King~ Marcus .M~n ----...,.-----~-'"''~ Now 4l Jloft!.• oa Ooldtn.rod. a ... • MRS.. MARCUS MONSEN -Wesleyan Guild Hears Lecture by Stuart Innerst ·, J . Stuart Innerst wa.s gucat speaker e.t the Thurs<lay evening, Apr'I 19 nli?<'Ling of the W esleyan Service Gulld of the Coeta Men: Con1mu11ity church. Mr. Innenll ln hi::I la k h<'i:-an with a commentary Otl An1ro. the peasant of the Bible wHo told his people tha.t the plumb llne of human bcln~11 11hould be the mor&J lnw of God. He went on lo bring his talk dOWR lo modern th11f'~. commenting on the situa- tion in lhf' Far Ea.at. """'·Corona <ltl Kar an... a _,y. mpon a~ PaJm l'PrlnSa' llOd LAa Vepa are Mr. 1a.nd, Mn. llarcu VMaen, wbo repeated "WWS • al a , t p. m. ceremony on 8qnday, April 1$. ill St. John Vlanner dwl'da. Tiie bride to lbe fol'lllff 11181 Janet KJng, dadgbler ot Kr. 'Ud0 Mn. Paniner King, &11 Irta: Ave .• Corona deJ Mar and tbe ~· sroom 11 aon of ,._.._ a.nd Mn. x.,.. nUs Monae.n, 233 Eut 20t.h 8t.rtU.- c6eta MeM. Ja.rret wu gtven ln keeping· by her father. She wu channtng ta her bridal cown of white abeer in ballertna length wtth blue floc)I:. lng. She woM" a quaint wbJl e bod- net tll'd under lhe ch.In with tulle. and a 11hort veil over the. brtm. Her flowers were an .arm spray ot while gladiolus and 1tepbanotta. MlM Patricia Frahm, makl of honor. wore pink Tlylon net ln bal- lerina length With a matching bon· net. Her nowers were plnk cara- Uons. swttl pee.a and dalales. Orde.-n Moneen wu befit man and Micha'!J Healy wU usher. Mrs. Kini wore for. her daugh· ter's, \veddlng a blue paisley prlnl with white picture l'lat and gar- d£'n 'a con.ag~. Mrs. Moneen choee a beige suit with )>rown acce880(1ea and gardenia corsage. Large ba.e:kt>t.JI of gladio:ul!I and spring flowers d~ortttt'd l hr church. The Rev. J . McHalt> pirr- formcd the double ring ceremony which wa~ preceded by an organ prelude. The reception wu held at lh<' home of the bride'.s parents, where the three tiered weddtn( cake wa.i; served. Later the bride changed to a v!olet Iio('n di-eu with white ac· Ol'1QK)ri~s 8.nd gacdenia corsage for the deaert trtp. ~he attended Marywood convent and both she and her huaband were graduated' from Newport Harbor Union H igh school. floste88f'~ Virginia Sea! &nd Florence Flaherty St>rvcd jello ul- ad and cracker!! to m<'mber11 Grace 81111ngs. ,M:aude Davi!!, Marie Pearce. Ruth Barnell, DorilJ Wood, El<'anor Pohlman, Eva Kipp, Gert- rude FA•.ck, and gueau Eveiyn JN BOSTON l:IOSPITAL Thon1pson, Lorene Nelson,' Flor· Mrs. Norrill Caah. Jr .. 215 Nar- t>ncc Harrison. Clara McMurtry ciasu:s avenue. Corona dcl Mar hf and Mr. and Mr11. Inoerst. 'to undergo a ~ond OIM'ratlon In a ~1rs. Marie Pea rce will be host-Bostop hoe:pltal, friends ttporL ess to tht' Guild at i1s May meet· 1 She went eut recently for a spln- lng In her home at 126 Bl'oadway al operatioo to relieve h igh blood avenue. pressure. · COOK BOOKS . . . . GREETtNG CARDI> STATIONERY IMPRINTED .... BOOKS PARKER PENS BLUE • • • 306 MaiD, BAiboa SAILS Harbor 678 • I VILYll f, IMOOlll lllOHU.111•11' . IVRTIUJll CIMcx containo tvery quality~, ._.., rrjfor pa(-eclcak•"" Millinl»"9¥ ... "l'•Uoe~ calio.ai 1'!'0--11a:r. ~ ~ _.....-.. , .. ·+~ -.;. ' ~, .... _/ ~,... • -' " coftDu.u.r,~' !OU ~.'\'Qf,JJ\ • "ft> :All'l'IMt>t • • (. t j. F ·A~.tit'c:) .:'S.HPW , ~ i~ESO~Y·1 ~y /ti!.E.f:l~S! NINETEet;.I J-i ~DREO ~N.Q Fllj'\' O~.E , ' ·, AT Tf:I Rl;~;R'ClqGK.,/~ j~~· AFTERrtJ.Q<>t-i" j ~f-.1 . ·1· .·j 1'' . . . ·' . eaturt'lg • • . . ..; ~ -:,.&.44,:1' ~c:.....;;;.illl\di~~ ........... PAS$11'tG THE CANDY la &radltioaM fMhJon at Cbl Ome-p Ito~ Ual,'W'91 t:J' of Ca.1Uor1da a& O..rkPl&y, \\"llA ann.ouncemMt ol Jh.e nP,,.ement of channla• ~-Taylor, d:aulfliter ot Mr. aact M"'-I>. E.. Tay lor. l :tZ.Turquohtn A\'4" ... Jl&Jboa l~laad to John F . MeFarta.e, MD of Mr. and Mn.'· & M"Farlanfo, llZO Chntnut 1f"rttt •. fl-ta Ana. ~lh ,y:ott•&. people aM Jualon at tbe unlv~r«lt7 Whf're Mr. MrFarlane I• a me111•r of Kappa AJpba. llt-WM l'f*luat.f'd from SUta Ana Hip Khool ""'llf" hJs naaeec ... pactu,te or NewPort Hat bor u.uo. HIP lldlooL No date ha. btta let for lbe wf!ddln1" ~atty· Mitchell Wedding Followed )y Honeymoon· Trip to Mexico . Mrs. 'wUbur Beatty of La Canada. • Robert Gill on Europe Tour 'D,RAPES~ . .. ..,.:, ....... Pair Comloe bo~eo lo Tn.•e....; ~ HOUSE a· O&RDEN arr .,_.. Rl-7. N°'?ort OKN NIT~., II to 4 We " Cfve your llhoe1 the new Jook lf jbu have th• old parts. Knipp a N i!ll Shoes FRESH SILK Newport Shoe Repair lat· !!nd Newport 85ch Art · Supplies -ART PAPERS and RIG!!' CARDS -BRUSHE8 and ·MANY OTJIER SUPPLIES -Tl!lXTILE P A.lNTS --OILS and WATER COLoRS -SEVERAL KINDS OF CERAM:JC GLAZE COLORS -TEMPOR.A-a.11 11i~11· Picture. laid ollt' on Canvas ~.96 COSTA MESA STATIONERS Be. 5Zl.J...R. 11781 NC"WpOrl Blvd. INTERIORS MOOEIN •fld TIOPICAL FUINIT'Ull DIAPl.S • WALL'A'EIS • LAMPS ' 'LOOI COVEllNQS ROUSE A GARDEN . •II COi.St Hla+fWAY NEW'Oll . IEACOH •m 01'1:"'1 NITIS-SllM.,, 10 to 4 • AROUND 'T~E:'CLOCk'. -~ASl-fl ; NS . · ~,, • r · r ·i i FOR YOUR -SUMMER ry THE -SEi\ · · at S440 .. Via Opo~o. J;ci~ Isl~ . ''HAI~ 'STYtis' Bt ~u[) LA~~ING" LIDQ'S SA~ON ~' bEAUTY · , Harbor 2576 1 . ~ . '· . I ,. . r ~ .. r 1 .~ . ..;, • ' .'; ·,~\. • .'T ~I For . ~-'fl ... •'J•ry puw,: ......... :_Q .. -JCl'l"l• • I '• .i. of .~rlcrl. P.11 :may · llGY• m• · . fourth 1ard ~fol _ 1 # • ' This offer Is ·~ oil aft Of Mr stock If -~a~~ied ~by ~ fW.' ' achettl~~-llt •.. • " 135 ·e: 11th: . " • ' A lowly bride wu Mlu Ly11l~ lne MilchoU. daughter of M'r. and "tlre. Hen ry Richer of Hurley Bell nn. v.•hen 11he repeat~ vow• with RJehard Beatty at a momlng wed· ilng In Cbrl8t Cbut«.h by the sea. The bridegroom la aon ot M.r. and 1'be Rev. Thomu Pendell per- form~ uie double rlnc rlte In wbk:h Lyelane wu rtven ln man1- age by hef .tep-father. Sbe wore Chantilly lace over wbJte aaU-n &nd her tullcl veil •'U held by whito flowere. She carried a bou· quet ot gladioli and etepha.notla.- flobert Giil, &on of Mr. and Mr•. Jahn GUI ot 1038 OT"ange aven.~. COila Me... embarked Friday from Quebec tor a traver~ of mu-I rope, wilh a student educaUonal tour. _ I A.tter docking at the French _____________ :_ ________ _,_ _ _,;c_~~-~---------- port, Le R~· the local youth "· · Ruth Willmes lo Head Le>cal B. & P. Women N~w officers ·for the com1ng Vf'ar were elected at the N~rt 'farbor Bu•tnea and Professtonal Women'1 club regular meeUng at the Park Aven\MI C&f"' Balboa. I• 'and with Mabel Flllino<Tla pre· '!ding. ' \ otttcere for next. year &re preli- lent J;tutb Wtllini 11; tlrat vice ,ru'tdent, ltvelyn· Vamtt; McOnd vice prt'lident, Mule Bird, record- ng aecretary. Mlklt'ed Chapm~; iorreepondlng aecret.ary, Jeule flllt and treuur ... R•len Norton. lMlallaUoli wW \be hf:ld at the Mra. David Clarke of Glendale, matron of honor, w'Ore aqua faille and carried yellow ranuncull while Mn. Norman Benry, ot Glendale, w.bo aJeo were aqaa taflle., carried the aame tlowe:rm ln plak.. ~ W . n.omu Beatty df Burbank waa bt•t man and uaherlng were David C1afit and JM\e1 n-utthey. Wiiliam Olvi.11 wu eolol.et and Mrs. Florence Andenon wu at the con- 90le of the organ. Mn. Rieber la gray taffeta and Mn. ·Beatty in purple cr ept'. u- aialed ln Wf'lcomln• ,Ueata at the recepllon, he.kl a t the Hurley Bell On retumln&" trom lhelr honey- moon In MeK.ko th~ n~ Mr. and Mr& Beatty wW make lhetr homf' tn Whittler. • ~;:;, ~~~~1 the Bt.lboa Yacht fiesta Dinner Reporu '""'' given by e••h or-Prelude to :leer and commttltt chalrman on ~t"';:!.th•y bad don• c1ur1n& the Ensenada Race Deleptea wne.. Mlec\ed W at-FMl.f?e prtfude to. lhe l!naen-~ tbe State Con.-ention to .,. ad.a r&Ct! of May 1 'trill bl! the 'ldd at,Coron&do.,May 17, l& and '1uta dinner dance to be held 11. Thoee to attend an Ruth Willmes. CVolyn Weber, put Wednceday evening at Newport rta.te .preeldent: Jemie lllll and Barbor Yacht CJub, d•ht o'clock. Mildred Chapman.. with Evelyn COn\modore and Mn. Waltu Jm.. Varner and Ma.afe Bird altt>rnates. Hoit w1·n be welcomf.na' more th&n ZOO &'Delta· and re.rvatlona are be-Frlday evening, April 20 the m,. ~Iv~ from many local and :lub waa rt:pre.ented al the Or· out of tOWTI members. tnge County )ii:~tr of Dime• din-"I"he colortul affair wtll feature o•r meetlnl' at Kttott'• Berry Vann the Spa.nillh and Mexlcait theme in ')y Mabt'l Fltzmorrill, Ruby StP-en-d~Uona and dlnner menu. 10n, March of Dimes chatnpan : \ieaggte Grider, Lydia Sht>rman while Joee Artaa a.nd hla orcheatra "'4 .Mr. Flt:amorl"la. will provtde muatc for danclng. N~xt mornlng all lhoee "ot p A cocktail party ln honor of Ing on the race will be watcbtn1 )\e out«oin1 pre.tdent, Mabel white albs tade "in, the dlst&n~ 'rtts.morrta; wu held 1'snday. trom Corona del Mar blu.ffa or A..prll 24 at the bome of Aa;ne• rrom accompanyfnl' boat.a. 9lomqulat,,.. Ll4o :i.ie. +--~~~~~~~--~~ will make a · · cle trip through 1 France, H oll (lnd other contl·: S! ·TvBD· AY . • ... IL .. 2a· ~=~~. c;:e~t~e!i ~:~~~at·~~~· ~· j ~ ~ , ~~" .. ~-~·--'. ·~·· • aln Fealival and pl&nl to be ln I ~ I • I r. I c D ~~!0rthu;e::~r~t~:;::1 rOSl,¥·8 y .. . 8_ , .•. ,,._, ...... ~.· J vwaary o( $be toubdlnl' of" tti&t 1 · " dty. Bob will oall tbr bom• Au·,. EVERYJHIN~G . GO.• . El! &f' . .. . C"llat 2 from Rot.te rdam, Holland. iJ. -"' ~ Balboans Entertain TRE.MENDou·s a :nucT.JONSI Guests From' North PRICES SLASH.D! ! ! · ._ . ·.- Houae guest.a of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ?1 :~~:;~:~ t~~~ J E N N ' s 0 R E. S,·s. . . s:·H· :_.o·· . p· : ot San Francieco, who are con· llnuJnr their.trip to EnHnada ,t.»d 504 West Balboa Blvd. ' BAuoA Palm Springs be(ore r eturning home. . I • • ' --' , . . • • ' ' • ' • • ' • • ' • • r . ( ' • r . ' ' . ' • • ·' ' • ' r . • Lon8 Biacli : ~~Ana · )t.ay 1 '"!2 . ,-f. ~ .. . . \ • • , I I . J .f .. • . t~ ••• ' ' . . ... ., -. , -... • r.:. ~~ -• I . • • • , r I I I PAULO 11realae Opea 8 P. IL Pilon• Kl. s.418' ) WED. APRIL Uth "Red He,d a. Tile ~1" Olemt Ford. Rrtoada Flemt.r aad "BEDTIME FOR BONZO" • Ronald a,. ..... , Diana Lyu MUN. Hth WALKER~~ • Ae 1111.1 .... .... • 'WSD... ...... llUo "'M.WlllDl!r"-T)aoee Potitv "llED'l'DIS roa llPNZO" ............. -.l,yaa ·-t ltJN, -, I 'Lt:JU.UIY OP Bll'OADWAY" .. MATING SEA.RON" 0ette 'nf-rMy, Su•n lla)'ward "BJ.Il l: BLOOD" BUI wu11am .. •ue Nip Dorio °"1• 0-N.-l "l!IAONIPICE!'(T 1' A.NUr Loai. o.u.en., AM ~ • Everybody's doing it-are you?? dancing every Saturday·N.lte to Big Name · ~nds riow VIDO MUSSO • • Saturday, Aprµ 21:_· ' .. \Vc d. thl'Ough Sat., April 2.>-28 •' . \ RENDE~VOUS BALLROOM ' ' on the beach at romantic Balboa • ---4 FUN ' . . OPEN EVERY FRIOAY,"SATURDAY and • SUNOlfY • BAUOA . Tl::fE ARCHES CAFE · li.Dd OOCXTAIL LOUNGE . . . • • OPll:N 10 L ~ Tllraurb 2 L m. -~...-.l.. ;. .. ·_,_ . . . '.. :.;..m-. .. .. .. .. YOU 'LL ENJOY DiNING OUT AT . , NORTON'S . IAYS"ORE RESTAURANT COMPLETE DINNERS "SpeclalWnc ta r:verytlila1 -Tbl'• Oeod" Pbooei: Be1 COii 11C5 Houn: 10 L m. to t p. m. DlaJler t to I p. IL CloMcl Wedar•dap 17th .t Coast IDgb-y Newpon Beech TV ANTENNAS L''ST ALLED and SEAVICED TIDE TV • THE c1acos· ROOM ONE O'F AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING- RES:r AU RANTS! Food t:xperUy i'ftJJarod and Graclouoly Servod. la Oar Unique Dta1a1 Room Fret1 Indoor Parklni' Ne.z:t Door In Long Beach I I I American Dodge b mOTfDa'. Watch It! Dod&e LI moving. Watch It ! 117 Morri llWEl:T Pll:A8 llle ...... CASH .. CARRY Har. %91t Ht E.. --BIM. -- • • , . """" °'" MOHIH . •TH NOTICB' PA~ 5 ..!,.•pAft· I .THURi>A!· APiuL"26,_.1'5~.' ~~A.AW.u:t..!a.r.N. ·'.t~~· -r.J.1' a:··. of ·4M ---.I -... ~,~·--~-PL:. . ,,,,,., ~ 041' ClOJITIN. ·~ ,..., .... 8TAlt'nl Tt1':8DA.Yt Flll8T Tlllll: AT l'OP11IAJl P&IClllllt • ...................... ,.~ ........................... ·-------·--... (). C.oatlnuoutf Sa.a. I :10 p. m. ... _, MacARTHUR STORY Dlonq'o • "MOR.RU~ THP: MIDGET MOOSE" Mesa~\{ . . • . A 8 &TtlRDAY LAST DAY Tppe ln htertalmne:nt ! .ri----.. C.I nt•••n --_...!..;; I SITNCElt TM.CY I : JG\N B»lNEIT : I ~'mLOfl I L------________ _. Rdkt' JM& DMdend ·-------------· -Aloo 4 Dean.la; Morp.n h trtcta Neaa . "RATON PASS" SUN. MON. T UES. CoaUD. Sa& I :JO L l'h. -Pl'ua-r:n ARDEN ''Tf'tREE HUSBANDS" ORTf&-,.,n, . . r .·~ • .. •. ''~" ,.,.:,.'f J I ~.~.'" Newport HarbC?r Con:imunity Players Preaent "PHUDELPHIA STORY" April %8-%7·:8 • . In the Chapel at' ·onnre c:out eouece O.rtala B:IO p. m. A•mk•'M •LOO lac. tas ·:FOR REAL ;'. FUN l I-• • • , "ZIN:G" """1 MIU OU& ---911µ -elllJ r--. • -· .-•l&U .. ....,..._,_,._, =.::'. .. A! -~ Monday l~~ ffil" Of,'(.oo Allpleo, -.. --1· ~~1..,_ , ~ 11r l!<T 1mo11~ Leo 'Rl.Ui-fot' Next ys • "'1111orottlle--and r 'J • .BANKING . : ' ime.--. ~ --. Dcmotloy ·of Harbor Gr~p· 1 11,..-aad a.i.. RIB!< ... -' • . be<ger. i I Tiie NewfOft Har~. U-' -._,..,.. J-111 t.odq at .1 nity Plo.yere will. !lold tr)~ ror p. m. Ill ~ or l,be Chim.., •Ir next t~p ·a11 Mpnday, April lftrleW!>Od ceim;ntery. Pierc e llQ .fat 7:80 p. m: at,u.e or-.... BrOtlltnl mortuary or Bevotly eooa College cbape~ and TUhday, ;'$ERY1(E ' .-:. .... ,,,.,.; ' . . ,~0 -~ffE L~SJ • Kiili dlrec:tmr. , .w&,r·.1, 1a the N~ I BeaclJ DaloY --,.. . Otun<ill ~ a\ f ::JO ~edl· 6oit.y liarlA Moore, 12; · c110cl -.Cely rouowtng .a -·• }n~ ~ April 22 al her -1nr. Tbe next. 1'la1. 'i!:l_nllf WU· . · llaine' "N lgllt'il'.uat hll"~ t.906 Fullerton &Wll\HI, Colla ~ • ,... . Mea. A naU"" of. N-Yorlc. . by Margery W \he la sur.rived by one a.ter, \vho bad mucb experience dJ. Mrs. Minnie A. Jan• Or Costa ....,ung la ~ Beach. XartJ!· liea &nd twv RepheJft., 'W . B, eu. Randa1t Will direct the econd Moore of Coota MOM and L. E. plo,t. ' • • Jan.,. of Loa Ani::ele&. ' M'r. Colllno of Jl'lret Cllureh ~ F k p J 1 c:11r1st BcJ~u.t. N-rt !ll.ac:h. ran erew r-. 1 ,., read •rv1ceo 'l'uudo,y al 11 L "'· Out After-lllnec:~ · tn Grauel chapel. Inumrnent wa• • ~i l tn Weetmlrurter Memorial park. Mra. F rank. Perew ot ' . Johla Tllomu Blair BaJ boa boulevard and hm" Funeral aervicea were h-!.ld at ler, Mra. Ira Cb&ndJer of: . :·oETAILt . . 11 a. m. today for~ J ohn Thomu Ana. Mr. and Mrs. Frank , Slalr, ~. wM .d\ed Monday, at Jr. a nd Mra. Ford of ~verl~ 'lls ho'""""!. 2463 Santa Ana Ave., were recent luhcheon gtnSls a.'bf Costa Meaa.. Mra. Henry Perklna, Weatwoai. A native ·of ·-IPen.nsylvanla., Mr. Mr-. Perew has been 111 ror rour I Blair had lived In Coat.a Mesa for rd'Onth3 from a heart aliment and •.h .. pa.at five years.. tht, wu the first time h~. had ., Y ourlocal btpnch of~"" ' of America provld• Lh- lnsvred So¥ings Accountl, '{enplan Checkl09 • • He 1 .. 1urvtved ~y his wt f e. ~n out, reporta hla mother . .,,ho Act9<>nt1, Commercial • ' .\lice: two dauv.hte~. Mrs. Jay C. h(il,\been going up each Wedne. · Thomaa nr Ohio. a nd MN. Ben d &r lo see him. A,a:ounts. 7We'1r Penonal loans, Fprftl ~ 8u1ineu Loans. T raw&en Cheques, and many Designer's Suits Made for Women 'as They Are' Actress and Pl~y Bring Honors H b H "I make bathing su'l1!1 to flt wo-to ar Or '1 . m •n •• th"Y u •. not afl<r they have lo! s 20 pound•" said Rose • M!lrte-J.l&ld a.a 8hl" displayed nlM-ny Na.n.cy Cole, daughter ol Mr. of h.-r 66 d e."lgn• to Harbor ~o­ ""'' Mr•. Walter Cole ol Latayetlf-men la.fSt w eek at a B&lbucl :lay Ave. and Harbor htgh school atu· clu b lun<'heon. The dcslgnf"r . dent. took t op honors for beat young and charming as one of her tunlor RCtrcM In the 2r,th annual own modcla, wu Introduced b v on~ Soulh,.m California tournament or of her •tyllsU , lovely Ca.rot WolJ· onr-a ct play• held tut week in enbe r~. daUJ:hler of Mr. and Mr1. santa Ana a nd second place for Harold Woldcn~rg, W est New- plays In the junior division wu port Blvd. "'·on by Newport Harbor HIJ;h PN'lude to the ~howlng were 8Chool for the play, "So Wonderful exhibition numbers from the Jan- in White ... gtven recf.'nUy u a part et l)(oe 8Utl'board w~ter ballet of of lhP all-school f'ntertainment. Santa. Monica. Au.s ting In th~ Nancy who had no Idea she had I modf' 1ng w ere · thr~ Harborites. a chanc~ to get the coveted tro-Kathlef'n Kt'mper, .Anita Coanf' phy wu snug In bt<I wht>n drama Young and BelAy Al en. • coa~h Robert Wentz and a group MORt lntnrf'Rtlng wa.s th e de· of ~lebratln~ s tudents arrlved l!ilgncr'.s dc.scrlptk>n of he r suit.a, w ith the "hardwA.r r ." As the cup many wllh buUt-in·bras, !"'d her remains at the &e hool. Nancy re-clever URC of various materials oclved tor herM·lf a book or plays. rather t hRn cut of th<' garm enL Florida Honeymoon ~or Mesa Couple to flt d ifferent types or figure&. Equally attract ive were the crisp cottonl!i and glamoTOU• gold plat· ed •t1n aul\. the-pat tern belng aprayed over Chant~ly lace w hlcb afterward became t:lie matching ' coat. Mesa Cub Packs Meets Friday Coli ta Mesa Cub Pack 184 hold a. pack meeting FTiday, April 27 , at 7 p.n1, ln Ut e auditorium of the Main School. A II boy a Ii vlng oft the weal side of Newport Blvd., who a re· eight ye&ra or age or will be eight yu.rs old by thta Sf'ptember. &re eligible to come and Jol.n. Bring youT par~ ent or guardian and flnd out about the a ctivities planned for CUb Scout Pack 184. Plans for a big picnic evmt slated fo r June 18 w ill be outlined' a t t he meeting. H O-FROM !!AL T LAJlE , Mra. J ohn su·ltva.n of Newport Beach and her 111.lller. Mrs. Steven Bada.ge Of Collta Meaa, have re- turned from an enjoyable l!ilay ln Salt La'.ke City where lhry visited their mother. Mra. I . R. Welbora M d Mrs. W. R. Howud. daugh- ter of M n . Sullivan. CaHf ornia Press Women Elect Officers on _Palm Springs Trip llJ' Wlnllred -(8odet7 E4 Presa a N'~TMDM • Al our rlut atfatr, luncheon at Callfo.,U.. Auoeiatlon of Presa the Doll HoUM, we team ed that \Vome:n elected offlceTI la.et Satur-our pleuant bDl!t, Georg~ Strebe day ln Palm Springs at one of the and ·h t. char ming wife Etbel -wm moet me:morable eveble .accorded open their new acquiaiUon. BaJboa men'ibttw ot the -Fburth ic.tat.L. Doll llouae, the mkidle of June and usuaJ::y Oil ·the de9C11pU•e end of ytere to be down uu. week klo_k1n,g lhe ~ EiectJon. held at luncheon tt on.r . ' ~ 't UMJ. DOU Houee. followed the P'rom luncheon we wmt tor a "arch nomination meetln& hold a t bit of ohopplng, and beck to th< Jal-l>&y Club. t • II.art Iiln pool for a awtm. Coc k· TakWc otnte wW be: Prdklent. tans at 5:80 wue M&Hie the \Nsau- '"!lu'rie Lou suthe..-'and oC 1 Ana· Utul blUe •poo1 at Horace e:.tdt'a ·,.tm; . ....,., preeldent. W-l"ed l:.o.ie Pabn lloCel followed b)I! din. Jmlth of Loo Ancel .. : -ary, nor al the Bail Ball '-r,. ~ V!Ylaa. W!Wta of llllllewoocl: -At.,the Tent 8""" theatre .... tmf, M4btl Out\•• at LohJ .,. .. • po rf°"""""" or Waablnrtce Beach: ~t. of Bouthern Dia-Square anCI by u:ao-w.r• at th• trw. FlonJl<:e M\lllM& 'Ol J!:I Ctn· Pain! 8-tor eupj>tt"ud coclt· tro; p-l o( 'Nortbem DU.. \Olla, anq -ii· ba4 to "take a i.ilo'' •.Qc:t. be announced. later. In· ror the r oor -' 'had beOn ar- ata114 wW be oa Koy 1t , ... ,od ~ !or-ua. 'l>ocl{of' eo;.& Cub. 14»11 B-i. an.!ooL.... ... M-•._.. ~-and It• Jo ~t<d that ..,_. ....,...,... ._..., • _..., p.Uotial pr-.lt; 1(111 :tho ' mlblgbt ~ at Cb! -ad be -•111-C ~r. I 'YU ejimu lo a "'°"""'"" clq no -butot , iM ,,,.,.i ..-iu1 o1 an wa1 tbt ?en!9Cm of J.tlchlMlll ; two broth era. -. ~---- ';<ocge T . and Edward J . Blair. Book Re . bnth o f Penn.; and aeven grand-VJ8W children. ? I L'd W . Servtcea were conducted at the.. .i 0 r I 0 0 me -:t •• -·· ' ·~ other banking services.. Grauel chapel. Co8t&. M esa, Rev. Thomaa Pendell ottlctatlni-. Inter- ment wU ln Weatmlnater Me- moriaJ park. · Mra. Frank Perew will rel1~ The Dlue Vase when [;l~'tile Women's club meets Flida -01 lhls week at 1 :30 p. m . ln hf' club ho•Jse. Last nljl?'ht wive en· tertalned their h usbands at a card party in t he club house, M t'l!I. ' Charles Lamb belng pa_rt,Y . chaJr- man. Mrs. C. B . R uCld wu ln charge of reservation.a. -A•d l••i el A .. rtai ; ,..,. .n ,,,,,, .. , .,, ~ Wallact! ~or'!" K.no.11: Walhtce Eugene Knox.. 78, or 711 Ma.r1C'Old Ave.. Corona del Mar. died Sunday in hht home. -People do reaa the Preu a chi .,, ,. .. beet ..... Your Bonk of America bianth is olaffed b.)' your fr iends and neighbon- i• local in managemont, Born in Wau'keKl!-ft. flt., he had lived In Corona det Mar el,rtlt yean. Before h ill retirement, he was a ftrofelVM)r <>f public apeak- ln it a.t Whlttleh colle~e and WBJI rearler &l'ld entertainer. He 111 aurrived by h~ wtte. EARL W. STANLEY yet providoo Y°" and ywr ,. commun ity with the Louie : two daughters. M:tsa Pearl Knox and Mrs A. J . Price: four aon.s, lavem, Iv&l'l R., CnllE" T . &nd R ichard A .. Knox: a brother. Jamu M. Knox, and a alster, Mn. .Murrieta AnderBOn . Funeral aervtcea were he Id Tueeda.y at ? p. m. In the Rose- hUJ chapel. Whittler. Rev. Thomv P endell of Newport ~ach and Dr. W illiam C. Jones or \Vhltt'\er college officiated. Interment wu in Roaehlll Memorial pe.rk. Ba.Jt:r. mortuary, Corona del Mar was m· c~rge ot a rrangement.a.' Realtor Notary Public Phone Harbor 1778 225 Marine Balboa lsl&nd WHERE IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU OOf ... CllAR.UYITE 1101.UNRHF.AD ' .. world's mosl comp/er. banking service. ~~ 1'•ukof .Ame~i'caJ ----• 111l t1111 "" ... ~ ···~·"" ............ """ ... -~J,_ From HarbOI'· Boulevard to 1680 ' NEWN>Rl BOULEVARD,_, COSTA MESA ·'· •• . . . . ~-,_ . MAY I st WE WILL BE IN O_UR NEW CENTRAL LOCATION TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS ll)ol COSTA MESA, • J CORONA DEL MAR, BALJ!OA ISLAND , BALBOA AND NEWPORT BEACH. No Formal Opening • • • Just a letter Deal for You. • • -HAVEa ~· •oTOBS Your ~ODGE • ;tYMO'\,TH DEALER 1 Phone leaeott 6907 ' ' . 't680 NEWPORT BLVD. -COSTA MESA . ' ~ ... ' .. • ., ; SU-om-of l'allli' ~ fact th&t tho Pun &e~ ClluD• · L;:======:c:::::;:;;:;;;:;=f WI ---·· . -ottlolal "-" ol °"'"""'"'" p '*"" ap tllo , --fOI' tha day. ''Tl!q an ciilt for tl>o ·-cl<al. Jlolller phM'ar to ..--i;olll-CUPol llatm.. -..... liad ...... • tl'9l for ........ .,.,.., illDll Ina the .... ---'a tha.., ... c---at-lir·Spd· .. - - -llJ - -= ... ':":'-:?.:.I .:&ii'-= Ti:'..:!~ "'1 =:': ~~~~~~~~~~~ •·• 12' • u. C111 c.. ,._. --. ~ atJl'N o:elack'°" A.11111 Las .,.. .al 2 &. IL -.. lllo' ...... --.-.or .. .., --tllo .... ·-·-..... ---Illa ~ ..... --Ill trMUOI -trloltla!l''lloJ'd¥. ohllal4 -.., ot llnaklaS. • . \ ' • • . , , • ., ' . , l ' ~ I · I. ~ l· .~ I ' • • . . n .. ~~ .... t n.~, ... ;., aur ~ !*•z•• w ~a-· -•-· •u1;:. n .•. -ma · ~ "'-LOW Prleee . ~oz #.-:: ~~ / r-"!'c,---1-.• -;-~Jt--.s--.... s--·1--F--I-E---,-)--:;:--=~:= .:: ~~£,.·~ .. irr ... ~i 1 :"~~ ... ~"'~~-~·~,~,.~-~ .... ~= .... = n ....... _ '"' f fw .... • I 11' Ut., 11le1W • , l'lllloo '10" lallle modol TV •lWU ..t lo U... -11111 ..... 1111· The Mi9bly Midg~ Jn AdvmtWhq ""'ri'lc lllllblS----. m....i. • Wud -. -•• • . • . • tn11. At1n1c. -• l"'l. ... -'er En..i ...... · -........,.. Ooo11 --,. ~ -.... _...IH.00 VW;:f<H 6W""" Wiii o.lider l•OOdellq,•- l NEW~TIMES -~ery Tueeday ' 1l:Z Term. Used . 0. .. Jlanm'd, Hor. HIO. llpU . NEWPO~T BAY PO$T-:-w~esdaye 121'" DloDde Ooowo1e TV ·-1>~~~::1'!!.AJIJ.I! NEWPORT-BALB04 PRFSS...:... nunc1ays $179.95 ~wns ~.Royals ' ~ ~ .. Nowpaot 8'17 ..... ~-·-_.. - -I. Ille '1'111111!7 10" table model TV __ 19'll() See Jolan Baney" . lloU New.-T'.lml9 Of' dra ftaatv Pft-"-.,_ • -unnw .&» ia , LIND • at S'eacraft All ~ ... muot lie _.., fv OoM" .... ~ -·~!Ml..ai.a. Koep In touoll with ua for s<>04 .--·--1 bv,,. In TV .. bl~ tnded r f t~ 1 PJiper · S .75 ln- 'f IADM I~ . .lJiO • · f U-S' Papen . l.OG .EABY TERMS ARRANOJ:D -Bar. 1111. .... for .............. o• -..... --to T\A VIS-BRO~ Co. Nlt'WPOltT RA&-PUllLllllDNO 00. • • ., :==:;:=m=1:•:·:·:-=111o4.,=~:":~~-~, -~~~~·=-~-=~°"'='~Ol=n~la.====:.-1 ~-IUJUIOR VP. ~ costA.MBllA ,, Pbone Beacon Wl . .. 00.uT MOJIWAY ~ ll&ACR PR. BICAoOK m1 Marine Engine Specialist S.nk:o at JOW" !loot or _..,., JI llVllUll:lla ·OlllllJD ~ llOuQ 'cuwmftl .me..~ ........ ;;:;::,_,;.'11':.;:ANTl:D::.;,:=::...----11.AROll: 8IZl!: lliLlliC1'ROLUX ,.._ Pn • _.._ l\IM • Up -r'eld]r trtgt.r&tor, fTO ; >.Yr. o!d 30'' ,our boat tOI' Ute eomtnc w~ -...-1-..... --··· 1l"uUJ -• Al's Holise & Rug Cleaning ao. Brs c• 1111 ntt.c For.-Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapecy Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Pree estim ateR Ph. Har 884 514 ·~St. NeWp<>rt Eleach Istre IS-BUILDJNO SEllVJOZll • INTl:RIOR -ll:XT'8IUOR Station, Inc. Baa a few openings FOR MEN ' . Who . are looklilg for permanent employment ·With e;xcellent oS>'" ,POrtUDlty for advancemenL 21 to 4-0 preferred. Paid while tn.fl\lnc. Appl"Oll. W1 .60 month ' •• Uberal laun4ry allow· High echool m lnlWllwn I See Supt. 1.t Uie ~ . -. ' s'i'ANDARD STATIONS ....... ~.~ i.. :·n.hna A: Cout Hli'hway Corona del Mar O'Keefe A Merrill ato... ate>. -. Cllotom ans:t-for ·"""'" Phone Barllor ;ua-R. uou 'liouta. P-. H&r. lt·W. · SMALL CRIB, SU: eoftlb. hl-cllalr A play table, SIO: prdea aw1ns:. JT. Fruit Jan, m'odel P. T . boJIL 201 Onyx, Balbo.t loland. 10p12 Opening Specials Tuellday to Friday Only MAY 1st to MAY 5th A T DAI.E'S new location 1874 HARBOR Blvd. ~~--~~~~~ •. ~_.::;-l Outboard Motors !lLOJN, 51' H. P. tiff -~ ltb ...,., .,...... Ml!. • (Colt new Jf a&). Bla-tha 51' H. P . lH' ...-i, JOOd, $50. Phone 11¥· bor -II. ' u~l.s IHI CHRlllCRA.P'?. 215 loot O'Ntpt&r. 1H9 Will~ Star U n.. Runabout w ith 11 H. P . John.ton out.bo&td' and trailer. Pb. Harbor lellil-M. lOpll New Furniture M-MUaioAL. 11AD10 4 apt. p.1 rangeti (rep1ar RENT A. PIANO, $6 pe-r nionlh ~ENTALS JOHN D. BUl\NBAlL 507· E . Balboa Blvd.', Balboa Harbor '.1607 FURNIBBltD or UNFURNISHBD LOANs For Homes C019S'l'llUCTION 'toANS at 5-4ih '1 (lf )711.) WJi llUY AND llld.L • TltU8T DIZDI• ,, , Slllt 808 um-' • ltll"OOAft ;BLVP. o..ona. .S.I JJlar llarllor tOT'r-.1 ..... POJRJllR lllOft'l'OAOll 00. -uto Ju. ,,,_ l!l l-0116 n-ftADUI . lH& CADILLAC 82--4-dr. ledan, comp. equipped, lnc. auto. win· dowa and WSW. 1948 CADILLAC 82--4....cJr. aedan comp. eqUlflpe<i tnc. auto. wtnd. and WSW. PAINTING Between 8:30 aitd 12 every Fttday Tct2 '109.50) ............. .apeclal $ 811.50 AU rent allowed It you buy 'tldth· 4 Phenbt All'1loat rocken in terma. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 Roomy 1 bedroom apL Oorap. 1.WT CADILLAC 62-4 dc!!>r Mdln. LlCllNSll:t:> -INSURlll> ("'fllla.r $78.50) ..... -....... $&9.lMI No. llaln, Banta An&. Modem. A.vaO&l»\e May lit. Heater, rad.lo. Yearly\-. Near atoru. -Glenn Johnston WANT FZM'.AU: 0 R 0 C II: R Y CLERK -Bay Shore Tl-aJ .. r Park. l 7t.b A Cout Hlgbway. 10c:l2 4 41" cubic fL retrtreraton ------------ (reeular U79.50) ............ lll0.00 SPINET piano. Drud new. Sllsht-portatlon.. Harbor 29SIS-J. 4pl5 ·1949 CHEVROLET deluxe 1tyle- line 4-<loor aedan. Heater, ~lo "overdrive". ll01 • ~ St. Newport Beaell Bubor2%97.J 84c41 Cb.rome -table and 4 chain 89.&0 ly damapd ln ahlpmmL Now USED maple tabJe A 4 only $39ft. Smallest. alze. D.A.NZ- chaln ................................... 89.50 SCHKIDT, Banta Ana, 520 No. A few cood rebuilt mat-Ma.in, See Louise Apts. FffiST PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN '1VANT CLEAN-UP MAN to work 8 hrs. attar 5 p. m. Olnsham Restaurant.. 1788 Newport Blvd .. eo.ta -. 11<12 t reues ·······-··-·'.-····-··-······ 19.60 Doublu and Single. WANTED-60 piano.. Tride tn OVERLOOKING BAY your old pl&J'lo on a Orand, 111 Palmer BL. Costa 11 .. Boa. IH!IT-11 Md Bl& dl8COUJ1 l OD all merchandlae THJS WEEK. Spinet or bttuUtul televiaion. !08 Ca.m&tMm, Corona del Kar Hl&h8t cub allowance . .._ Terma.· =.....,..--....,,=.,...,..---92-dl_SB,.. DANZ · SCJD(!DT. PIANO CO .. YIDARLY RltNTAL-2 nn. cot· Universal Building Maintenance WANTED-A &ood reliable man to •Upply CUl'lomera with Raw - lelgh Products in Clty of New- port Beach. Wrtte Rawlelch'• DepL CAD, Ml--121, •707 E. 48th st., Lo. Ans:elea 58, Calif. Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION i 874 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa corner tth. 520 No. MaJ:n., Sant.a tace tumlabed. SID week. MO Ana. A vocadO SL, Colll& llna. llcl3 J'loor W axfug • W indow Clea.nine Wall Wqhln& For BuUdlnp, Stores. Oftlce• a.nd Homes .. 823 E. 10th St., Lone Beaclf. Ph. Ra.r. 11e. gg11 REP AIRING and . PAINTING 9c Reuonable. Large or amall Jobe. F'rff eaumatea. Walker, 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2Ml·R HAULING BIDS ARE BEING RECl!:IV!:D lhru May lat for prdenlng of church yard. Phone Har. 236-W or Har. !390-R for f\lrt.hf'r infor- mation. 12c IC! 8AJ,lt, MIBCELIANllOUll BOYP, 28" bk:ycle. 1lng1.e laundry tray. Chaloe lounf<, bed divan, hJgh ch&Jr. Very reuonable. 2033 Min.mar Drtve , Balboa. H.a.rbor Any 'kind. tru.h or? WALKER. lfllsJ. 10cl2 J-08.lBth St., Newport. H. 2Ml·R ==-===,-------TWO BURNER electric plate with PAPER HANGING oven, ....,..t sweeper, lawn mow · • er, play pen, lronlnc board, n... and p AINTING pla<e ocrft!l, 820 ~ Poinset tia, Kenneth Quarry Corona de1 Ku. i 0c12 1815 Santa Ana Ave., Coot& M... ·EVERYTHING Phone Beacon 6004 FOR YOUR TRAILER l 2tfe WE · FJLl. BUT ANB awl ~-----------PROPANJ: TANKS Alcobolica An:inymoua Write P . O. Boor 20il 'Bal-Wand, Calif. Pbone Kbnberly a~ . ti-LOST AND FOUND LOST-Ladles navy bl\M n&p pur• conta.ina wallet. identlft• cation, k eys. etc. Probably at M ea theatre or IAcuna. Frt· Complete tnr.ali&tton. ropodF and eemce at an Tralla llqUlpmeaL Rerman &. Samuel lmt• II. Portes ORAN,GE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY FIRl!:sTONE Deluxe ~prator, 7, ft. -«lm.Olit new, $12:5. Brixey . Pbon• 4·1TIWI, l.aguna Beoch. llpl2 ABC m o NER -Not new. but tn COOd working condition, 130. (30 P oppy Ave., Corona del Mar. Harbor 12'7~R. 10c12 Rattan Furnit . ure ALL ICLll:CT1\IC ORGAN. ~­ lleUed. Marnlrl«nt tone. Fot church . or home. Pay out b&l· ance. Terma. Thi.a wonde.rtul i.MtrUment la Jut ltke new. DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano and Or· pn Co., 520 No. Main, cornei 8UI, Santa Ana. Made tn the Pbllllpl.MI and COME In and play the Wonderful ln our own work abOpe. New Hammond ~Ord Organ. ·• Wide l:botOi' ol fabrics. Even II you don't know a note Lel'J"Ot dl.ap1&7 tn ao. Callt. ot mu.le you can play boautll\ll ftaiOnl!lbln( and R.eupbollltartn& tilu.atc tn ten mtn\)ln. DANZ- HOUSE & GARDEN sc:inmrr Ri c Plano and 0rpn 81l Cout Rwy., Nwpt.. Bea. li2T'I CO .. 520 No. Kain. Banta An&. TWO LOVELY UIJtd .spinet planOI 2 PR. TWIN BOX BPRGS., maL both Uke new. Bl& aaY!np. and lep. P ert. c!ond.: French Terma. $41.H cWwn'and JlT.15 ~ chat. uphol. btneb to per month at SHAFER l(U81C ' match; mirror t.op dr1 t&bk. co. (atnce 1907 ), 421 N. 8yca1 altlrt and atool: mahoc· pie cnllt motto Santa Ana. KI. 2-oe72-· table ; op.bot club cbair: chrom• t7llc arm chair; bra.a de.eJc. la.mP· 1--'---------- Chlld'a play gym and allele. H&.r- bor 2998...J. 139 Shoreclltr Road, Corona del Mar. 10pl2 JNTERNATlONAL H , lllce n-. ~lo. Cell 1440 w. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Harbor 0888,K. 9cH BPIN'l!T piano. Repoueooed. Pay out ba!Mce S281. .Another f"e-" -'n. $395. DANZ· llCBlllDT Bis; Plano Store. One Hundred Planol trom whlcb to ellooee. 520 N. Ma.In, comer Ith. Santi Ano. day night . Phone Beacon &434.J. llc13 EUREKA vacuum-wtth a.ttach. $23. COiemon port. atove, $5; Inaulated portable Ice bolr., U~: FOR SALE-New 14 lntern&tton- Paddle -..!, PO; SIJVerttp fox al, !Ully equlppe4. Sallo Included. .II ' Pll'UATJONS WANTED fU1'8t ST~; Mab, d.ln.lq" ext. ta-$800. Wrtte owner, 1200 • 40th ble. $t5; and ~ cbalta,I eto. SL, llleHmento. California. NURSE -Calitornla • regaiered-Phone daya Harbor o:so2.. llcl3 t2c1• Woutd tlke work in docton: of-=--------....:..· --------,-------- , flee or ,prtvate duty loca.tty-C&tl FOR S:ALIC-Practlcall~ new ro.e SNOWBIRD, "Lltt>e Twttcll'' tine - -n..f1T&-W. 8pl! bed davenport. $40 8 Bearon raoln& N<Ord, doUy included, Bay, Bar. 211417-W. Up UT5. Call aa,t>or :nu-w. llpll COLl..JDGE Girl looklnS: tor pert time work In bom&-'ltxcb&nci tor "'°"' and board &llll alary. Sl<po!l1onoed 1n 11ouae • -plll& and ~ can. Barbor JOTO-W. UpU . - CLIFF HAVEN FOR LEASE 3-bdnn. home. Thia 11 a bu.uL place. Owner f'Uml&he11 etove, retrt •. , dlnlnc rm. tUm. and drape•. The ~ta.I· or SlM' mo lnch1:r.dea sarden 8ervlce•. 2 yr. ieue. Call Fred Barker, at Beacon 5795. EARL STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irv,lne, Newpot;t Hgts TWO Bedfoom furnished, large llvinS room. $100 a montl:\ on yean leue. 808 W . Balboa. Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Har. 1587..J'. llpl6 FIRST TIME ' ln yean that w e have a vacancy ln t.he LIDO. A.P'rS. on LIDO 1.SLE. Slncle--tu.ml~ed aput- ment lde&l ror 1 or 2 pe110n.1. Thia UI a "bOAey " for th~ rtJbt tenant. A.a~ for Mr. Grohman. P. A. PALMER l!'!CORPORA TED ' 33" Via Udo Newport Beach, Callt. Harbor 1000 11trc • t1M8 BtnCK Buper· 4-door aeda.n. Factory ndlo. 1beae can are all clean. one owner )ow mUe&ce can and have been UioroucbJy checlted Aboolutely iii 'the rtnett mechantc&l . condl· Uon. Bank lenna. Newport Auto Sales 2604 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 1407 li49 "CHEVROLET Deluxe 4-dr. aed&n. Yotir ~tton car. CJoan., A·l mecha.ntcally, ortstnaJ OWft• er. Must •ell now. )lake otrer . Beecon 811~. Can be ~ 2Mll ereotmw Dr. BaJ lHl 000011: 4-<lr. tllan .. ~lo, heat~I'. SPECIAL PRICIC ...,, (Owner bu just ~t over $300 ln the Jut 4 montha having thl..a c&r put 1n rood cond.1Uon). JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker J:le4ler · " 3415 NEWPORT BLVP. NEWPORT BEACH cacroa from Lldo TllMtre) Bar. 510 -Open sat. • Bunday '49' BUICK Super Convert.Ible. New top, 2 mbe. old. One ownar. Car ln excellent ah&pe. C&l11 :00 A. M. • 4 :30 P . M. Harbor 422. 10cl2 DODGE Is Moving ,; TffR.li':E HOJmq ~ BALBOA ..... Tut11M.; 3:'"'°"t &DIM • On S-lot ·""'-· 8-11-pwt ~Y0mt'Club.0 • '1'11Wle1,....._too:apod ywbo-1d - me It-for J'Oll9 lilCI yMn. ~ • 1 be mado on .. prb of MJ,llOO. .... l .. ' " ' . ' · ·· · · I· 1 o~· .BALBoA PENlNSULA ". , .BOT}I ON 00~ LOT$ . • NJ:W ~·llTOity, s .......... 2" boitll, """-home-~ MljofDlllS:. lot.. -fSI,liOO. r ,.' ' Vll:RY PIUC'1TY J ila>ROOM HOME -$111.llOO -I . Of~ we haft ii&;~~ J'rant -- botll lmpra,'ed' ""'\ ~L ~ to: Information. J . LOUIS W: BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E. Balbc_>a Blvd.,,Bal~.I Hari>or 80 ' , lp:a ~l,and ' . ·.. . INCO~ TWO 2 BDD A . bull! ~d zoned u to permit anotbor lnconie UDl~ !>'"· bualneu• If preferrod. Que apL I.a 1'ftted · unlll Juni 15th. 11151, bi\t Immediate poaeulon of 'the other may be j~· 'nlle hU been a.n excepttona.Jly . - good lnYu'bJ).enL ~ ONLY Sf,800 'down. FuU Pritt $1~.800. Act now-No need to aak whyt -. LINWOOD VICK, ~ealtor ~12 Marine Ave. 1 Balboa Island Harbor 2M2o REAL ESTATE is lhe Foundation of all Wealth~ 'ftlla , 11 a well establlahed fact. More money bu been made out ot real ooblte tlw> anything eJae ~ mtnez:ala. cropa, trees and •toreo. Tbouu.ncb ot people haie been . comlns: lo Callfomla -~EST In Callfomll. Real ltltate. Let ua find what you ~ lopklng . for. The foDowfilg ..,. a .retl llattnp that. -oobai<ln P . V. (PRillJI: VALU!t). . 42 FOOT BAYll'RONT LOT (COr- Der) 11:1 8'yo Tract ._ .. $16,000 -· WATERI<RNT., Jot (Balboll COvu) Oue ot the be9t ._ ............ SMOO Balboa Peninsufa VERY aEAUTIF'ULLY FURN· lSHED 2 bednn. bome--<!llly 3 yean old. Paneled livinf room with ftreplaee. kitchen bar, at- t ached pr. BBQ. endoaed patio. Only $14,600 $&<)00 hand1e9. . Only $15,000 buy• thJa 3,-;l!odrm-. 2 bath home on peninsula -- eome ·ocean view. AttracUvtilY tumlshed.. Ft.replace. 2 car pr· age.~ $5,000 down.. ALSO on PeninaU.la-2 yra. old, s bednn. 2 bath uaturu. homo on fOxlOO loL 1Arae encio.d p&Uo.. Complete electric kit~ with .t.ove, dleh.-..ht:r, .ntrtr. • P,"baJ". cll9poaal, 2 . car pr. Full price $21,000. . . BALBOA-Furn. 1 bed:nn. older BA Tl'ROMT HOME--Ji D.R. . El houae, clooo to bay-beach. R 3 Bayo Tract. Prime locatio1t-Zone--$9500. WonderfUJ poulbWtlu. ... $42.~ -' . l ON BALBOA BLVD.-S' bedrm. LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT-S. B. R. home" tn R·S sane onl~ $9600. tUe4 bath.a, unit· b,eat. Acrou Submit down pafment. • from Balboa Bay Club. Fur· • nlahed .. ,._ .................. _ .... ,fS8.6Qj) D~LEX-0 ... to llhops. 50 tt.. J Har. bor In"ves"-....ent trom bay, comp1ete1Y .. tum11M<!. wu only 'JJO,T50 or will trade, '4000 \ SOth and'· NeW]>Ort Blyd. down. ' Harbor teqo . TR.IPLEJi ~n ~ tront-1 2: - BF.ST l3UYS in. Costa Mesa • bedrm., 2 bath. apL; a 1 bedmi.. 1 bath apt. and a studio apL Hu COOd Income record f29,llOO SUBMIT DOWN PAYMENT. NEARLY NEW modem 2 ·bedroom -. -· ' den. 1* bath.I, hdwd. floors, -7 UN1TS AzL.Balboll Blvd. -lle- clooO In'. Dear p1rk.'''lld0"' re-ceDtl)' re_mod<led-4 4blL .. S production ... t. SJO qoo torma. •tnslea -Income aperox. $4.000 • ' • • 1 " per year. , $21,GOO Submit_ &>wn. FIN'll: BUILDING ~ x 120 -.. ·In beet bUUt up·oectton. ~ Bummer R«lt.als AY&ila.ble co.:. •• 1n~.1ot Ttai.t.o Coast Properties CQ. SHoo-isoc> down. $20 p0. mo. 301·1111. BalbO& Dh•d., Bal- Pboae Harbor -. . ·" • . I • J ' I 1 • , • • OCEAN FRONT BALBOA PENINSULA • • .. . • • . • . ' • • • • . ' . -• •••. 911'.UW ...... ~-• • .. ,. mr.A.B ' ''IF WE OJi'F'ER IT, IT MuST BE . GQoIY.'· ' < • " . Do JOU taJof the pNllllmity of tlle 1<>eean; all lloMJi IJt the evmln&; a ~ r-: OI' a .. ot emu. ..... oat at the _.... milt? ~ • OollDC ~· Mil ON "' TR&ASflRI: BUJl'l'I TIM tDd of Ille ral•"""' .. ""'-! Tllil Peci-~~ - home Ii dnlp<d for your pl-. .i-ce and perpetual elljoylnontl Wt.lit With me, thnl ~ !Up loDal p&Uo With • ~ Oi'ii5t i'OR 8.41.Ra.-bGID,e. lma!"o••'f apPOill~ &nd Hnll)r ~ 'Ill Corona de! Mar •INr• 108 1M7 .it In the ~ i1' )IOlll' UtlilC room ud i.117 ......._.. , Tbe ...,_ PMdftc la at 1'0Q1' &oat ~· The. hoqie tt.11 la a· oepa. ... 1 ud provrdei ~of ~ Nql1lred ~ el lildoor and outdoor Uy. mr clemandld; ... lfvl!lc awm; a flnplaae .to Jd.usbt ·you; ~ real dlnfDs room; three (I>--~ ~-and (2) ~ Iii -iJ:eat_ ~-Of 1 ••• _,. • . the. """' rubber ...... Into th• opedoua u.ma -· Modem fllmlohln&W U.. the motif •.• • lone cuetonl· llullt GS..... a comer tltt'pl-a liihauan . . . ev.,.,u.ins; tor cruW,.. comfort And --of ~ - ~the Wide, wide Wlndow1 at & bMch &Dd unaa· cellod ....., ..iew. TM 111111, Ill roor or the dlnlna ..,... lenda qulat elepn<e Uld a ttjoll:na that Ille almpJ.eat meal would -lfl<e a buqu&t. f 3 -. Wltb odJ. batllo are cm tho main floor .•. ~ 1!P a abort ftlaltl of · &tall, thera•a a huae Provtncial ~-With i.tlL Thia room tpelll eharm the moment JOU ontar. The Jratl1 Amttlean tul'llllh!np and the expanai•a -view and , tho ptfvacy make W. ·a-y from .Jt all' spot the perfect one tor gueate. Back downataln again. t.be:re ll a com· pletely equipped kitchen , .. ttfril'-• llton, a ~ &lld' even pota Uld pan& Oh, 'YOIJ cal> live with 70Ul'Jell In l)tla ~I .U a matter of fact. you~ olart today! Evny· t.hill1'1 all ready for a m&rftloua dulan of Uvtq! · $40,000 -Terms to Suit ' . JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA Harbor OM5 or 1607 . SARAH W. NEWLIN, JAMES C. NEWl.IN, Jr .. HlllLlllN llel>ONALD I ' Newpot1 He~hta , 1.arp a ·lodnD -· i.;:. dlalna -· 0 . I . R..au: ifot" a ln<t houait. 4A older hDUafi bUt ..,..,_ PrU:e $85oo . ~Good Deals Each UOOO Down l-··56-~ btdi-oom z-uew--1 bedroom 3 S~J bedroom ----· bedrooma. turn. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. A Au0ctatee ' oour.e .uc11 w .tlaii' u tllermo-coDtrol turuce heatiJI&'; h&ndpegpi o&k ftoon; steel ..U; J>1:cture wtndon; i1P!;4-c1plq ·an . ~ eonVeniences are pres- ent. Veey ,moo. ately priced tor pmperty ot t11111· • dard; we !"ill be on hand on Sunday, April 29, 1961 between the noun ol 1>00 and ,f:30 p. m. when an . ' . . . .. , ' . ,. ~ . OPJ:N HOUSE WILL BE m:t.n. l>PN'T i'AIL TO SEE.. TIUS BEAUTIFUL HOWE AT 2M IRIS AVENUE -(comeri'S.yleWl CORONA. DEL ~ W» HAVE OTHER 3 B. R.. HOMES from~ ~·u sy.15()(). - CONT.ACT Ull J'QR 0THJCR. PROPmtrp:a, RitNTAU, AND 8UJLDl!fO LOTS . -CORONA DEL MAR. PROPERnEs ~ - -.8. I.yna ILoelton fll Cout Blvd. Harbor 1037 Corona <h!l Mar ' . . BLANCHE A. GA'l'ES, Realtor ' L. 8. JONES J. MARTIN , Helen r.. IQru> ' ll'&rmbouae Motel Harbor 1063 COSTA MES.N NEW · LISTINGS .. 1700 Newport Blvd. 311 ·Marine Ave., Balboa Island jlHAKE ROOF, RUllTIC AND BRAND NE:w.-f:IOOO dn. N price •el!OO. 2 bllrme, opaciow UY!ng rm. with m,uafve ftre- place, beam celUnP, tu. stnli and bolth. Double pr., J&rse cor· ner lot. Thi.I CUilom built hom• 1a different. Eut aide c:Oeta Men. " ANNOUNCEMENT Costa Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5)81 Ph. Har. 1671 or i672 -Har. 746-M or Bes. 80(2.R Evea. Due to increase in busine1111, and to give a still greater service to our clientle on and alter May . . lat, 1951, The South Coast Realty Co., and the Balboa Realty Co., will operate their Real Eatate Busineas under the name of BALBOA REALTY COMPANY at 700 E. Balboa Boulevard, Balboa. ROll8 Greeley and Joeephine Webb will Joe happy to, have their friends and clients call at the new location. Phone HARBOR 153 The Greeley & Grbnes Insurance Agency will de- vote the entire office at 302 Main Street, Balboa, to Jnaurance Service, where the Agency haa been located for !ll!Versl years. Phone HARBOR 2034 The Island SOUTH BAY FRONT VIEW PROPERTY YES, it is truly exceptional l50 feet of lovely view to- gether with an older two story home that will be aold u Is .. You can move rl1ht in and set this rine location at a bargain prioe. See it today. TWO fine year round homes with the character t h a t will cheer you, your fam· ily, and friends. Three and fou:r bedrooms in ea. home with two batha. Definitely fine values. Your inspection invited. Call Hub Powel'I! at BEAUTY and the BEST ' J. A. BEEK Office Ru'3tic Style Home Hu. 63 Balboa Island Ferry In Newport Hel1rht.o. Charmtna lo _ __,.,___ _______ _ the word tor thill 2 bdrm, fire-. place, beam oelllnp. Built 2 yra. ago. Mu.at be eoJd to Mtlte u- tate. But.nit often. Here on lovely LIDO ISLE is a home now being built that gives you all the ad· vantages of oeleetion of finish and saving of time against attempting to build yourself. Picture a one-atory home on a lge. lot -atreet to stree.,\ -4 bed· J"OOma , 3 bath•, unit <f\eat, garb-- age, dlapo~. 2 watel'! heat.er&-- wtred for etect~ge -spac- ious cheert'\11 rdom1 -3 car ga- rage a.nd ALL TOLD one ot the fl.neat BUYS we h ave ever of- fered. Thia ta an ~CLUSfVE llallng with price and terms that will appeal to you. SEE THlS. Over $9000 SEE IT NOW! Newport Heights Brand new 3 bdrm home near RI school Flaptone ttreptace, hwd. floors, plate 1tu.. ~indowa f&c · Ing patio. Really a lovely home. WW beat anything you've .eeen like it. $12,000 New 3 B.R. Home Best Joc8.Uon oq Broadway. Spark-ALSO link new and &n e><eellenl buy. 1110 aq. ft., bwd. noora. FHA Newport Hgts1 Gem $1500 Down ' NICE 2· BDRM G. I . reMle-4 yra. okl. Dual rum.ace, wood naora,. ta.rre lot., double 1&f"al'e. Beat location. DlO Alla<) Full ·Price $8760 Would con.ider good lot or cu for equJty. 3B.R. VALUE VERY A'n'RACTIVE and brand 1 new -La.rge rooma, mahogany panellnc. bea.utltul flNplac". hwd. noora, lots or cabinet., tile in kitchen and bath, double gar. Lot 7:ia168-.AIJ tor ·only $10,250 B~I.BOA ISLAND Grand Canal. llO' frontap. Charm. 2 B.R., din., rm. home, 2 -patiOll, Room to build 3 more vni~. MAKE OFFER. • BAY FRONT HOME $29~: Attr. 6 B.R. well fum, borne. THIS PRICE IS FOR QUICK SALE. CORONA. DEL MAR G. I. RESALE See thhl BEAUTY today. ,2 B.R. JCncl'-<1 Patio. Near -ter. An excellent buy for $13,500. , ' BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR ·. LOOK THESE OVE"R SM.A.LL WATERFRON't' HOWE with pier and Owner l&YJ "Make Offer.•• ' tlo&t FOR BEACH OR YEAR ROUND UV1NG-attracUve 3 bedroom redwood hou.ae. cloee ln. Large rear patto. Dbl. l&race. turnl.lllfd, lnclUdi.DS new Serftl. Exc.llent ~uy at Sl0,000. ON THE 8.A. Yni.ONT ln cbok:e location •rnonc other tlne home.-unu9\l&lly weU built and mainta..lned. 3 bedroom.1 up and m&Ld'1 room down. L&rp 111'tng room, flrPplace, dfnett•. Kltch4:n, 2-car pn.,.e. . Well t'Umlsbed: J"or quick aa.le $42~. BAY & BEACH REALTY Gloden Fay Jack Miller Ethel Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. · Harbor 1264 OUTSTAND'{NG BUY in Corona del Mar. NEW 2 BDRM. VIEW HOME, oversized 2-car gar. laundry. This home muat be see_n to appreciate. ol>EN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SATURDAY A SUNDAY, ~ P-'!'· APRIL 28 and 29 at 716 Jasmine, Coroµa del Mar EARL CHAMBERLAIN 500 Cout Blvd., Coi;ona de! Mar (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 2 BDRM G. I . RESAl.E-.-Noat .t. trim. Cl-In. Eaol aid• loce· tlon. newly decoraMd ln * out. Tht. excelleat value at $7100. Move in with '1770 down. Pay- ment.a ot m mo. lnclµd~ t&aQ, int.. and lnaur. 3 BDRM. HOKE ON P'LOWllR ST., COSTA -MESA-Hu fire- place, hwd. noors, big Uvtns rm. dln. nn, ntce tile kitchen and batl( dual turn.ace, over 1200 •q. n., double pr., ,.,,ced yd. nicely w..i.caped. Price SU,000. Mo. p)'mt.o of J47.43. Tou could not replace It anywhere near uktnc price. FURNISHED 2 . BDRM. ON Iii ACRE-Move ln now and at.art Hvt.nr. Tht. property ta soned for bualneu. Cloae to tranapor.. tatton, acttool Neat A cle Fumltt,are ls Worth 11000. Price S&'>OO. Thia ls one ot our but valun. ' -.-- ON CUFF DIUYE-vmW OJ' BAY A OCllAN-2 bdrm Cot• tage type..hoine. Oil ,~mu . .Near schoola:. church and · marketa:. $9960 •. Submit terma. Multiple • ll•llnl" No. l'Zj)l. ~ TRIPLEX BARG -li"URN· ISHEI1-Thref bdrm unite ptua iaragea. ent for $7'1' po. ell.Ch. · on fine buslnem comer. Show lD per cent l"OI& income. Price SI 7 ,DOO. 'J'h.la one ad4l1 up. See IL NO~! • 5 ACR&S~BEST SA.ST Bil>li: LO· CATION -Sandy loam. Beet acreage buy East: of Newport Blvd. $2200 per acre. • o'VER YI AORE--tOoxrro near Real V:alUes Income . Property Lin i.erch ac11001. IUcly eou. ·CosU.iMesa, · ... fwo1 ~~rlm;~.9.i · . --~·~l-~~~'.- Located i.n .obne of the "CHOICE 4%~-$3400 ttown. SPOTS" on ~ WATERFRONT B~.£.15-t...~ow :~~':.i~·:a~j,·= r.: •11t·t!1 ~~,~· f, i'.P~ '17'!"rr ··~~1 Good Tenn1 lhet "'a "hono,v." 'Olla ltl •not an l!Jeacon Hill R--'Plfil' sutit\rain .. ' ' ''old beach"houae" but ls a nearJy ~a..1.~3 $5950 .......... n....ce" ,., ..... lot lq,COR()!:iA DEL MAR I. I, ' ....L...., • '' i:ruu .rr11 "'c~ tb tft&flceU; Khool, an11 11 l•,1 1 ''\'i i ·•• new, clever year around home. 466 Newport Blvd. !Near Arches) C. Galen Denison Unit beat, garbage dllpoea.J, Hot-Phone Beacon 6113-R • G T E ' point dllllJwuher, 2 1un de<ke, -----------• • verson lovely view, are a few ot the 490 Nntpc>rt BlYd. ea.ta M.- Cloee Ln, 2 bdrm borne, built tn 1937. r.ce lot, pr. fl'Wt., berrlea end chicken eq~pl. a: terms. many up-to-date features. This Open For Inspection Phone --SM!-W 1s a quamy BUY. P.-lced ngtlt. Harbor su7-w 0~ Beacon MllW $6700 Furnished . ..l. _ Saturday & Sunday · . Older o room, near NewPort Bl'ld ALSO 228 v· K . EXTRA SPECIAL! P1rep1ace, hwd. 1.-e. 1ot. nice Some wry dealrable Iota for Ale l& oron, Li.do I.ale • home. on UDO ISLE. Cholce water· CORNER OF LIDO NORD It VIA BA y BEACH al atttet end maku tran.11portantlon. One h11e. tum-LOT BARGA.IN -~slS7. Near 11hed. A buy at S13,7M>. See OU. marlfif!t. Good Eut &ld• kJc&- today! tJon. $750 cash. Hurry. Save Money - - - WHY PAY RENT -'when yell can own th1I BALBOA UILAND ainuner borne. Attncttv4 ltvtng room, ftttplace, I bedrooma, .compleW,y tumllhed, S12,li00. Blimey Francque MUI. TIP LE LISTINO REALTORS COO Jt. 17th Et. at Tu.IUn .Aft. Coot.a M-B<aoon 811& front Iota for income unila or KORON thla older cottage Ideal tor v.... t.Q.950 croaa street lot.o at pncu well caUon or year round Uytq. '!"' Island Realty Co. ' Cliff Ha~en Panorainic VIEW HOKE-2 bdrma, 1 % · baths,, dlnlnC rm. larp living rm. FlapW>e, ICrep~ ~r. · Uld barliocue. Thll bOme II uceptlOi)alJJr woll bull and dealgned for gracloue living-j · Price $191500, terms , I . ; I . Only $2000 Dbwn . ON _THI8 G. L Rel!Al.E-Located In beat part of C01ta Mesa. Haa 3 bdnl\I, eeparale · dining nn, lge. llv- : tna room, oervtce porch. B-Lot all fen~ed &lld landscaped, outdoor patio and bvbecu~. Thia won't lut at $11,600. . For det&ile conce~ .. 4bove 3 propert.lee call Fred Barker, Beacon 07116. OPEN HOUSE at 312 SAPPHIRE • BALBOA ISLKND 2:00 • 0:00 P . M. 8.\,TORDAY l\ftd SUJ<IDAY OWN THI8 BOME tar $4600 _,, and f68,80 monthly. THIS YOU CA?j-r ,BEAT! Attractive 2 bdrm home, nrepl&oe, On one ot beat ftreeta near North Bay. Brick patio. Room tor &dd'I bulldln~. ' Have Many Choice. Homes . . on Balboa Island $12,500 to $85,000 FOR EX.AMeLE: Very attractive 4 bedroom home on IO tt. lot. Nice patio. year a.round nouw, furnace beat. AUi() On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Bu.linu.B buildinC•· .Ml occupied with A-1 tenant.a. Sbow 1% net or bettet. No phone calls pleaw. See Mrs. · , Maroon at 226 Mari.ne Ave. .IN CORONA DEL MAR ATTRACTIVE 2 BE;J>ROOM HOME, l\io block.a from ocean. Bou th Of Highway. 4~' lot. t..ar,.e living room. seam cetJing. Hardwood floors, unusual dlnlng 1"00m. kitchen &nd bath with tile. PRICI: REDUCED for qulck Sale! Multiple IJstlng 1 NQ.. ]821 Call Mrs. Maroon, Harbor 1776 .. ~ 80 US_ FO~ BEACON ,BAY property, We ~e two attractive ~mu now -they won•t I..-t:. Fo~ details c;all Jfn. Maroon at Harbor 1775. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor lTtll ud. OOUt Htway 15th and Irvine Newport Beacll . Nowport Beacll 22& Marine Ave. , Bal-lllcnd 8113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach -SPECIAL -ONE OJI'-BALBOA uu..uro•s mOst diltinctive ··. homes;-conservative 1modem, nearly. new. 4 B.R., 3 b. on choice corner location with pier & float. Tbls will satisfy the most discriminating t&Bte. ' . .Price $52,500-Terms Wm. W. SA,NFORD; Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Balboa Ialal\d , . H , .· . '·· • • -: I". " :" .. Thia place· is landscaped and. is very beautiful. It ' . is for sale on easy terms. LOOK AT IT! • FI'rnMORRIS REAI:.TY COMPANY REAL ESTATE Ii BUSINESS BROKERS ' 813 Co~ Blvd. crrona de! Mar Harbor 2152 ' under value. REMEMBER we S SDRM8, 2 baU.., extra stall Plutered lntetfor. fireplace, u ... Newly clecorat.od 2 bdrm atueco. Re&ltont-Mul~ Ll.tinp Ch • B yf t are the DEVELOPll:RS of LIDO ohower, flnoplace, unit heat. An lnsroom. dining room, 2 bdrm&.. Hwd. tile. fllU balll and Mall k 01Ce a ron Are you tired of 30' ft. 16ts ! JSLE. Her-e a UtUe buye a LOT. excellent• locaUon a few 1tepa bunk room, p.rage. Furnlltlild. abower. Double pr., chain ltnk Par at Agate, boa Island born u.nd tru ll 4 bdrrne OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. P.A. PALMER from Ille beach. "-· bw ·-d $19.a-OO. fence, Tenna. Harbor 377.w •,,.,,.. erEvcona c on. Do you long for room to ~"~ , -· S --r-ery deluxe taatun. • see the beot buy °" Udo lole. BALBOA POINT PENJNBULA llc12 M-outetand!nc view tn New-throw out your ch~ ,lllld • ' INCORPORATED 3333 VI& Lido NeWport Beach. Call! GREENLEAF ._ AllSOc. Attractlv•. modern J bedroom Income Lot port Hartior. Wlll"be completed take a deep breath of 3112 Newport Blvd., Herbor =z bome. P'trepl..,.,, encl. pat;Jo; ioo n . trontas;e on Broadway. s.. Balboa Penn. Point for. aummer ooeupancy. freeh air! , 23622 Snug Harbor_ Harbor 1500 Many nice fe&luttt. Be IUre to apL .. ,._ C'-In .Only ..-. 2" "1 o' cean Blvd. RJ:Al!ONABLT . PftlCED . • eee thll! $14 ,000. A ll&rpln. ~ G~AJ' A ASSOC. Then drift"' to thlo charm. r&Dch Balboa Island CLOU TO BAT FRONT-home nn ·ioo rt. trontqe at Good B · CDM • Open Simday 2 to :S oi: BUILDl:R ~ REALTOR JOI m. lltll at., In the ~-rt uys m Charming 3 bdrm. 1 ¥., bath ~~ !d~Mo~~~ -Waterfront Lot Will lhow by appolntmenf ai12 Newport Bl'ld., Barbor 2MI Help~ cllltricL Drive Into 111e ~ =~s:.::"~"".: .. ::: ,::~: furnlahed botne. =~K.1n:_~u; N~ ::;-;,:::....:., -;:!,': A:tl'l'HmNTIC.CAPll COD, 1 _. Oc Fr H ~ palma~~~,:.~ 2 BEDRM modem paUo .... H,ooo ExcellenLarget i:'u"on. hl&'>·t•<* for pr1ney. iii tt. near. hll p....., MOO,.-ol4, 2111o.,., a l>drma., p1ar1arae ean ont ome ~ carport that ._ to 3 BEDRM, I Iii baths, • ioL KU8T Bii SEJ:N TO Bil ' canb. -aod den, 2 bath.I. th p • . 'uJa oid rut.loaed -"7 U91nlf and fon:..1 heat ·······-····-········ H,100 Stanley Hadfield APPtux:arm1 ''"°°°· ::.::. :=: a:;.,... ri;:;: .on e enms . _ ~ 11 _::. t.!,~ ~!: 2 BEDRM t 2 l>drm apt ., .... 11,200 B. A. NERESON aod llnel<tLlt-. 80,. 80 IUJt. ALKOfi NllW -Very •ttral#ft ,..,.a,. · --io' I Leo 2 BEDRM t turn. apt. eo fL · , 1 JILu.TQR l[louth Coast :a.ealty Ku1up1e ,,,.... ~ 11ec1t. ,,,._, alt ti.at. ._., _. J l>dnn. .... a ,...,.. old, Loft: -~ comer ............. .!.. ................ 17,200 218 llarlne A-Ue "llulUpla r..u.1-~-· lla N-po<t lllYd., Ooo!a -._lb_>. ud artJo!1qaUJ .-. 17 patio. dble. nnP· ,cap. Cod •'Be a COlllllry · ~-· .,;.. t CEDRM!l ... den, ocean I BALBOA 181.ANV 302 .Main BL, ·~I ftar. -Phone Bn--.:· Priced to ..u ~·ti ~ ~ lacl\lded. -~ 11.tn&" the co""'1 µ;~ · Rd., Cliff Haven BUILT IN lt48, W. I-bedroom home an Jars• lot bu spackMI UY!ng room, d!nlns aru. and wall of win-to attHctlft rear prden and patio. 8peda1 f .. lbe week al ,lll,-...$1750 down. To -thll batore lllln· daj, call John' llottram~ bor 1500, · , P .. A. PAT.Mm. !INOORPORiTEDt" ' UIS Via Lido • N~ lleach, OolJt I Hvbor 1500 • ' , m. ANGOLD, Realtor -·_ • 1aJre iai:"~1 ear u ~ Ernie Smith, Realtor $600 . TV"IWN . BEST BpiYt · $79:>0 to $97:>0 111 ~=-~~··. · ·Balboa Realt)' Co. -t. · • . • LIDO ISLE · 3 ~h ·;;;-;,;;;~-·~-;;;; ::: Phone Hubor'IO "NJ.. PavU!on" ' MRA A Npt. ~ W E. q • All fOr. $18.000 ;:,:-..!!'1':1' ~ I-~-t Hl ~--WHY PArY.:-: RENT? ' , '°' •· .. _ -.. .. .,,. . ·"'--OWNJCR ..... • ' -~17 ai;n ~ ~ wy, eo-a cto1-• INN.wJ>O&T.-iruot.onw.own-nVlJ...,., aoc1•11c1nt. -· • ~ ,.. .. n.•ua · ~ --_...._ --.--~. • ,,,,.,., .. J'.bone ~ :M87 Ucl! .......-. •-·"t ••••• -or -·~••• Goolp I -· l•l..t -..., ~ Ice-• . "'""'8 . -~lell 9'Wl&'ifilWO !<SW "-l 80-lll l oalota ....._ r.at llO,. uo, -,_...,.1or11 · n•p _ ,_,_ oww .. cdor, illl COSTA VJIJlA: ()(ll!ONADmLVA• 'Irr-• . 1 'HUM>CU'i'9-atapr1oo,.. • • · * • lalie6 Ml ..-..._ 1-. -~ 5 · •• ftl '*'" .._. ,_.,,.. • "" ' °""" ' 1 ,,.,,. -• ·z .. ..,. . 'G. L ll111Je --to ,.,.. -t• • • ~~_! ;,!! .-~_-.. am-w. i0c12 ::.:.:w~;;,~• ~ -. a .. -"~· Up,11 ~ +'!::.:'!-. ~ ~tj;:J::p::,~ ,.:_ ID8-·llf:'a -..-Ne•palt ,llCL :::au.:_~~:":'.:J: .;-. a 11a. ....... Pnet1..ity ·I aod IU" it;a a.. to us; BY OWNER • ~-•&a.._, " · •c e. ft•• w1 ••..,.. , .... uuooo,, ~1 a-..-v-.,._..,._..,_ . .,,_ MODERN, Willa. --N"lfPt. Heighb$ $9250 A _, ...., at .-.. " . ...... ... .... .. .,..... ' I ; ..... ... ,_ .... ""' .... ~ ... A~· 1- p&Uo, ,._. .... 11-.17 tor..,... a'.! a. with o. i. ._ Of ..._ • om.i~ &+-• i Corona del Jfar =•·--I 't " ' '-s:..:..1ci'•' ,., z' ' a& O •• .. -. "'*' ' ,_. •-,ii _.. P!ote .... -. ... 000.imoe.a ._.. .. 1 ,...,1'111ti·111t.Jc;-• ,.ILl ma«*t111LOI',1 ' •v ••'"'"'·•1•.ttt • • · . 111 "'--Jla<bor ~ ,.....,. ,.... J.lto cl... ..... Cliarlee E. Bart IUl. ftOM .... gem AS-• ~a .... ..--•• •· ~ . -~ ' : . ~IO >lllOll -OW• -... W .... ., --=--~ ... Aft 4MD W.CU:. I~-..;:;,.-; Aw.=· -.: _,.,_ ,._ ~---,.,., t !"•. . lfarbor-Wlm*IDellt .PBON'll' -lilt to plw p6lii!I. •ow• -I,_ .. Ill -· -Jlli'M., • -. ..... 1111 ll.,.,.. f:tt .. • ' • I• ..... DFL -_....,, 'If& .. ~ ........ "'zo:.t-.... ,.,...,,_ .... w.pap. .,., a a111•011W. -.u . u1•• P. IL uwa · . a••• Zlllll. · . . n 111,... "~, . \ . . • • • ' •I • • • • • (" . • \ • v THUa s+.i ~~-:S~ mK~ffl . -' - THu1sp•J~:FR1o~r .& ,SAT~RDAY · · ' . iPRIL .f 9-J0.;2f . I I . / •• I ' • . . -~ N4 TIQNAL . RICE. WEEK! M.J.B. RICE L~~-~=:~N 1,C . ' /' GRATED . No. i Flo~. Can ' . WHITE K•NG GRANULATED SOAP. ~ LGL ~PKG. 29c .. ·, . . , 111AKFAST -ct@I: .· DELR•CH COL~ED ~~ .::. . coF:• E.P , 0 L . 0 ~ .. 9t .......... _"""" •llNDS ... ,, ·ft•11 E .6. . . . IRlu11 . . 1.ilb. . .. -. C 0 IN . t..: , c (J1Uii\1tl . . ; .:.,_ ii • . ~ 1f ' I •• - . MAYO . .. .. . . I • • • ~ ., ... .,. '. .: ... ~ I .:. • • ' AIT . . · ... Ni C~ltllG PlMT . ~ WiSsON 01L 3,,.1,· iiiED BEEF 'J-i>Nz. 39c Pll,LSIUIY"S mt...'.20-0%-PKG. 2 'c I r -· ... · Oi·r ·close-triinme-~ QllllllY ,_ ' .. -.... "' OSC::AR .• ,, •• ' ·9. ,. · MAYll ·· ' ·'" . I. • lb. • . "' " ......__i..._;...,........:.:=== =~· . " ' ' ; I . . • ,; I . . AND MEAT ··-.... ,.. ·.·. · ..:~c .~tlO• ·. .• .. ·· :"":·. · .. AP. EF '· .. ., .. · ·:l · :;.; . . D~Nl .N'S c Pet UI' . • .•· •. • .. AKE-"JMX'· .... · .. : .. ·1 ·~·'" .. JDT . . " ~i FULL LB. JAR w~ a.ffte ;...... -. . P..-tJ c:~· ... D•vll.• . " :*p p LE s . . . : jlbs ~· . : , C 25 C .olNM1$0N'S TALL _c ~z. · · : . -*" · · ~. . f • ": . •EANS .1. '"°u• LIMiTI •• \'· , . . "" . . New SPUDS . . lbs •. , , , . c . . HILL'S IWITH GIAYYI , HORSE MEAT. • JREICH FRIES · SQUASH GREEl .BWS • • PEAS& CARROTS . dlil PICTSWlfT Frozen1Fr..it · · -~--GE JQicE ~'f ' . ~ \ N E S & l 1QU0 R S ~~- . UNDER $3 $ALE!. ". . WHISKEY p=:" -'2~ · . . ,..-. -_, -s: . ' ' 1.uy Famous ·9~ALITY --llANDS .- ,, 1 f MfL. • : ~ GREEN PEAS 17c: . . : ! ~· . ' ~ ~,..... ' ' . ! . y_., c ... . ~ . 1 ... ,~w1n FroJ•n Fresh c:. N-.i . .:.-~ . _ ,Ford~:UMA llANS 2~ · ; ! . . , • • I r •• I· • • . . ' 1· • ,,..----------.,..---.,· -, . ·. OCt Pirate ·· StiOtts Pitier • or,.... c...it l ~ toamlt ---. tMi! ... 11:. " ,... ~ in salt ll lo -ottldal lb&l .be golf ·-~ tor U.. w:aoi.m cont--· ., -·-1 . tie: Pllllerloo. Orup'' COUl &ad ---'llanta Alla. nu. "'-jllal-. Ille '.Mee -..,i. muot ""4m • U.. •hampl-p cup 'dlllins. tlM ru ttSJ•SJ. .:.. . I • 1. ' Tiie' ~tern cont~' t lnah< "111 "" Mid ri!dlly, Nf,1 1,>•l -· -Thia. for all matter 'bt JNr · -wtll eotabllob tlle champion· \lup, tor tile trophy la llued on dual competition ooly. 'l'lie Cout'e two top pfen, Stan Rwclerhof ' . • • . , '. ~t , , I ... :;-~ .... '--.. -i ~ . "" .. i' . < I l &at ~·"" a. oompleta Line "' 8pr!AJ ~ &"""""' Britllll. Jtallaa A uattlllan ll'iibrlc:a • I I . .MUFTI, LTD. CUSTqM. TAILORS. ltlP N-rt Blvd. . . j ._ ID 1-- S Bledt• Nortto of 8anta Ana Couatry Clol1' ' HIGH' ft.YING RURDLZA8 aa1I o..,r U.. llnit -.. U.. .,._,.... lalP lnmUe9 bl U.. s...;... '-Pe ---.....,, IMl ..,_, at NMfporl """'°' •Ip oehooL From left to rtpt ArO' McM-n (Newporl), S.COa (0 ...... ), TaJlor (Newport}, -,-; -tt "(Sallla Aaa), !Int ,io.e; o.tttlllo (1'np&rt) .... llmltb (S-ta Aaa). The ...... --.,._la ........... loabis ou\ ta -A-. .. % \o UY,. (Prttw Photo) i~ ,;! i:t~r:-::U.:J 100/o Discount on · ~ny P_.,re ""'°nd place """"°"lvely. Lut , (EXCEPT ABAWNE) ' P'Yi<tay. April 20, El Camino; tn. a .J ' ••• , .... ~ NEW LEAGU1'! RECORD lor the hlch jwn~ ~ oet by Bob ~or­ maa of Newport R&rhor ·bJgb 9Chool who clMrftld tb.l!I Nr 1oe-C &C 8 feet, ! and 5/1 IM._ I.ft !QC Friday'11 Su.met Leaiue track ineet. Norman's ftp wu the brisht •pot of tbe mttl for Tw co&eh Ralph Reed who Mw hJa Ne"vport Harbo1 11pee<1.9ten IOll& out to Santa Ana by a 60~ to M•.) 8COre. (Preas Photo! . . TARS DROP LEAGUE OPENER,· -3·1 • H•rbor BOjs' Cl~b Trackmen Gain. 3-Point. Wiii ·over H. B. ' Tra.ckaltf'll ot lb• Ha.rbor Aree.. Boy9' Club deteat('(I Huntlnglof\ Beacb trackrn.en lataf&ay 121 lo 118~ at Huntington Beach High ' . echool. The ch.an}f-~• deterrnisf9d by add.Inc the ecot-c11 accumulated tn the four c'• 1 sa -.Open. E . F and G . All •round belance gave the local.o tholr thinl ttack win ln ... -~---------­ three 1tart.t W. -.oil. Harbor Area Boys' Club track· met1 took the open, clau dlvL!lon with 48 "pol,1\-t.a to fluntlngton'• 11. ltocer Loring, John ~op~lna. Joej Leonard and Jim M'ttka acored all 41 local points. Loca.t. aleo took clan g honors ~¥.a to 211' while Hunttngton nabbed clue F honont 42·171h and Ofl team hon ~ ora 40-20. 1 Gene Myre and Don Huber were outstanding E point . wtnnere. Myre won ,Ute 7~ yard duh and placed second in the 100 llnd third in lhe high jump. Huber won the 100 and placed second In the hlgh jump and second in the 73. Berry SefM 8.eeord League Begins Base~all Play ,Swuie.l League ba.sf.ball ltl!aaon opens this week with the first pm ea ha vtng bttn played Tues- day and the aecond games sched· uled Friday. . Santa Ana'.!I defending co· c~amptons and the Ora.n~ nlne t~re lo be the team!! to beat w\lh Newport Beach a..nd Fuller· ton c l08e behind. The Saint.II. Fullerton a.nd the OI teni won openln,r gan1e11 Tuesday. ' P'Ullerton high lldlool'a Indiana put a cn>111 U\re. r\U\I tn the lhlrd Inning to annex a 3-1 Win ovrr- Newport Hi.rbor'• Sailor• ln thelr 8Ullllel Lea~e tiut"b&JJ opener Tueoclay at Newport ~hla. With the buea loaded In th.c third, Duane Pennlngtol\ singled lo rtghl acoring Elvin Boyd and Sam McCaughy and then at.o llCOred ~ the outfield throw-in wa.a fumbl~ Single• by Dick Lane, Lee Ab- bott and Gnte Crain gave New· port Harbor Ila lone ruti in the slxth. Abbott collected two b.lta tor the Tar11. Box score: F-111-"" 1rr,u;•11•lit.. 111o lb•-'·" ••dill•, •• '••"IOll, ti ••-r,t S<lt.•d•, Jb ~db.t'r u Jlb.o11, lb E. lerd, P Tot•lt All H NtwJN'Fi H•rMr Al l H 4 I I Wtht l, 1tl 4 0 I W,., H 4 t I A.antot, rl J I I Swl~1 ti J I I C,•111, " 4 0 I lwdk•.t l 0 I l• ...... P 1 0 0 l11••. lb I I 0 N•ttlfl, lb --............ . " ' . ••• 1 I ·1 l 0 I l •• I t I l • ' ' • ! I t 1 l t I I t 0 ZS I • oon-prect.lco matoh defeated the Bring this to p~i: ::~-,!..~,y to Muir col-BAYSIDE FISH I MARKET lee• thla we<1n...say, April 2S. j 'Mier• were no matchea 1.ut week. fresh Fish Daily fr~ur 0. Wft loelllsl l'he flnal conference match wllt · be played on May I agalnat Mt. I SPECIAL SMALL._ 75¢ · · San AntonJo collere. f ________ A.B_ALO __ N_i'E_S ___ .;.·_··.--.LB.----------+ Blreb&U .llA:I: iaoe ~yett41 on the~ NEbRT Barbor llf In bueb&ll th• Plratea are etUI fighting the Jinx.. u...t. Tueeday, April 17. on the Mountaineer'• campua, ML San Antonio jumped on the Plratea ror 11tevtn runs dur· lng the flrR atx Jnnlllga. The Pi- rate• were about to Ue up the ball pme but .the hatd-blttlng Mountaineer• with 110me OCC er- rors, cooUnued to llCOl"e. Final total. 14:·7 ror the Mountalneer1. Ou Friday, April 20, at Fullerton the Hornet. Were able to out-tu!. the Pirate bat and ball men; the flnaJ score, 8-~. in tavor of Fuller- ton. Thla week the second round ot p1ay the Pirates meet Chaffey on Tueed&y' and on Friday, a non· league game wtth El Toro at ltt Toro. ·TROUT S~ASON OPENS SATURDA ·Y APRIL 28 See Us . For Your Openlncj'"Day llftds BOB'S SPORTING GOODS l,7th & Npt. Blvd., Co5ta Mesa lea. 6021,-R Sunset League PATIO· Meet Results FURNITURE Pads and Re<Oven , Bill Wetzel to Mears Sets Vault Lead Boosters Mark; OCC Loses Charles Berry broke hl11 ClRN "F'' hlgh jump record aa he'leaped four f~l eight and three quarter lnche1. Bruce Knlpp ""&a ciolw> be-- hind With f '6\.,". Bury WllJI lhird In the 7~ yard dMh and second ln lhf' !Wl, Ge.ne Loring wu h.t&:h "O " run· ner With flnl In l?Olh aprlnls and a second In the b~d jump. Complete Sunset League ached- uJe follows: (FtKsf ROtTSD> Aprll !4--0ranR"P at Santa Aaa. f"\tllerlon at :se,,.port Har- bor, An&h.UU al Hunttn(ton -. 5th Loss Suffered by Bue Nine, 8~5 Re•ult.a of the Sunset · League track meet held at Davtdlon fie.Id lut Friday were printed In the News-Times and the irummary or the va1"8lly event.a wu Included. The Bee and Cee re1ult.s are prlnl~ ed below. Coach W endell Pickena' luckleu Santa. Ana edg-ed out Newport Pirate nlne dropped another baae· tor the varsity crown, Fullerton ball game lut we.e.k. thla' \lme lo won clua B and Huntingt.on Beach the Hornet.JI fl'om Fullerton JaycM, beat Newport for the Cee Ulle. 8 to ~ Oft the vlctor'I dtamond. It It WU the first time fn many wu Fullerton'• flr11l conference yea.rs that the ·tara didn't wtn at ALUMINUM e REDWOOD e RA.TrAN e WROUOHT lRON SWJNOS e UMBRELLAS e B~t!ES . of Boys' Club Bill Web.el WN elecled ..,ere,,i· de'nt of uie ~t~tt 'dtib of the Ht.rbor Art'& Boys' Ctu.b tn • re- cent organization mef;tlng at the C'oata Mesa clubbouise. Roy Danlel wu elected ~ president: Paul Newnann, eecretary; George &:huitt. trea.aurer ; Charles ~rry, ee.Tgeant at arms, and Bruce Knipp. director or actlvlUes. The Booster Club Is a select . grou'JTof boys decllca.ted to the ser· vie(' or the Boys' Club and the community, Memben;hips ar e yoted by· t he group on Lhe balil!'I or put l:l<'rvke to the club and par- ticipation in. club evt'nts. One r t: the c hief ~ui-ttment.s o { the c:ub ii that a.II members be ··uve wtres." Wetzel announced lhi1 week that the club ts working on aevcr•l Projects including the preparing of tbe summer baseball acorecards; tht-pltLnning ot a tun nite and laJ. ent show to be he.Jq In connection wtlh an open houae in June: a beach party and Weiner bake, slated for May 12; trips to polnll Of interest in Southern California ~ the building of lorkers for lhe dte8111ng room at the club. Scol"N::al'd Proceed. Wetul sa..id that p roceeds 'froru the scorecards would to lo auppoi:t the 91.Jmrrer bucball program and proceeds from t h~ .run nile and talent show would go to provide a~ Orange Coast college .chola.rshlp for a member of the Boy's club In lhiil year's Newport Harbor High graduating clasa. Members present at the first meeting in addltlon lo the elected otflcers included: Terry Hall, Jim Mulder, Bob McCluskey, Da~ Tamyia, &nd Bob Pl~r. The club membership hi be.lng lncrt-ased lo provide manpower for all Ule proj- eoct11. Harris Ho1ners as COMt Wins Topping hia own mark for the second time thlJI aeaaon, Carlton Means of Orange Coul College, eel a new record in the pole vault t...U.;tL ~-' won ,tu' .Ibo Slll"'l!'nnardlno~ tlldlaiul. 171' tO 43 1-', at S&n Bern&rdlno, tut week. D°•rk horee of the Plra l~ team Chuck . Compton came through w1lh a surprUnng M.l quarter mtle to take tint place m the ev~t. ThlJi waa his tlrat t40 alarl th.ii! scuon. Other Bue !trail Included Row· ard Ml.lier in the 100, and Ra'ph Baltierra In the two 1mlle. Reault.I : San Br.manllno, BT Y, Oraap Cout Colle1e U Va )00-1. Mllle:r (QC); 2, Vanlck (SRI : 3, M c AUliff' ISBl . 10.ts. 220-1, McAullfte (BB>; 2. Mil- ler tAC); 3, Ya.nick {SB ). 23.la. 4-40-1. Compton (OCl; i. Moore fSBl ; 3, Hough19n COC). 54..11. 880-1, Beeman (SB t :.;I; "Mulder tOC); 3, Moore (88). 2m. D.-ta.. Mlle-I, BeeDi&n (8B); %, WoOlf fOC); 3, !Qncbn (BBi. +Jn. H.88. Two Mlle-1. Baltlura (00); I And~wa (SB); 3, CUrlll f8Bl1 !Om. 11:5.S.. . 120 Hieb HurdlN--1, McAuUffe (SB): 2. Millen tSBl : 3, Meru (SB). 15.38. 220 Low Burd.lea -1. Mera.a ($81 : 2. Woodard f0C): 3, Weed (OCI . 261.. , Shot Put-r , Raynolde (SBl ; 2. StaJford tOC); 3, Bnun!leld (88 ~. 38ft. 2ln. H igh Jump-1. McGhl• 'c sln: 2. Zlm !SBI; 3, Nolan tSBI, Gleed IOCJ tie: 6tt. i.4 ln. Pole Vault -l, tie between Meara fOC) and Brown (SB): 3, Cable tSBl. 12fL Jave.Un -1, Llvaclch tSB): 2. Reynolds (SB}: .;, MUler IOC). l&lft. 8ln. Dlacu1t-l, Littler t SB); 2, Vrun- fi•kl tSBJ; 3. Bart coc1. 132n. lOtn. Broad Jump -1, Da¥id89on tSBl: 2, Carter !SB); 3, McGhJe fSBI. 22 ft. llln. Mlle Relay-San Bernardino by forfetl. Orange CoUt built up a 5-i lead over CM,fte;y, then cut short • Plllh Up. Records Panthe r ral:y -In the last of the eceventh to 5.3 In , a conference Set at loJ$". Club p.me at Onlarto Tu~aday. It wu the Plratn eeoond jN~. win. Teot. of pbyalcaJ fitn-enttred After Harlow Rldlatd-on •tole the flfth Wttk al the Har'bof A.('e& home for Coaat'• tint run ln the Boya' Club at Costa M:Na Ulla fifllh. the Pirate. added three week wtth the atarUnc ot oom~ more tn the sixth cm cloublea 1>y tltton In pull upo. 1'1~ recordr Norm.an RJ~y and A 111~ were .et ln last week'• pu.-up Tbl6ne. ~lua two -. F . Ill. ldta. Harrla --In die oeveath. ·Bob WblteheM wt a new Clau Box 900rea: A, mark wt.ta 33 puab u;pp . WhUe Or•91• C:.W ~ Jl.. )'OUngef' Drot.ber.1 ~ Rt I Al a M Al l H Mw cJ'Ub record and Cta. B reCOf'd H«m.c JU: I I........ 4 t I '"'I J • ~~ ~ "'-'1;111, rt • • t ...,_,.... J 1 • of • . erome ~ --. • acw ~.tt 4 I t hy,d I I I C iltU.dard 0( 11 &n0 trru)t N,&• ~)I 1 I I I......_,,., J t I ~. ia. 1 t t ,......... c. 1 t t ft.ITO tet a new •r hlaik: ~ a.. l ....... d JI t -.It> I It BlllJ~loltUIJi-GoOm-s..aA.. 1 f t ~.rf J I I _,,.1 .. ...._ . _ ~.t: J a I a....-.,J .. I I I r-...... ., 1 1 I hwMif, • 1 • t ,...._ Marcello ca.tro•a record · -Sdsocril',a t t I lY"."" T'"'~ 11 s 1 -ofl:l-Dpuall ... -Cllulaa ~--. • ' • 8'n7"• -« ot ' -r ,_. 0....... CtM.I kM-. .. ':..:: ._. 1 i ~ Mid owr ffOm, 1ut 111•. ~ ......... .....,· .... ~--- • 'WIN -......... u. ..... I Iii"'·• -........... .. ..--~ , '\ . I • Thia ·Saturday the · k>ca.ts will run the final nw-e ew.nt.a ot the dec&LbJon . J>CJ?!-H ( &l Harbor Blgll. -· ._,, • Bo7"' Club wtlJ beet aeverat other t eafJUI ln the ettond annual ~bor Area Boys' Club Relays.~ Result. of locala: Open-JOO R , LOrlhg, Hopkin•, Meelu (11.7); 75 Loring. Ho pkin•. Me«ka (8.4J; Broad Jump CHB), Loring, Hopkln11 ( 17'4. "l: Shot Put IHBI Lortng,Loonard 145'4"\; High Jump, lie Lortng &nd Leon- ard (HB )' (4'10"): Relay, Harbor, Loring, Leon&rd, Hopkln.t, Meeb. 57.2. "E" :w>-Berry aecoAd. 6.9: 7-'- Bcrry third. 9.8: Sbol-Tamura lh.lrd, 32': High Jump--Be:rry, tlnit t'8'l ", Knipp, MOOnd 4:'8 ~": Broad Jump-Schu.ltt...tllird 14'7". "r' 50 -LorlAr, flr•t s.&, Thompeon, third; 76-Loring, tlnt 9.7. Thomp.BOn. lhlrd; Bf'oad Jump -Lorln1", eecond 11'1" Sb.ot Put- Scbonea, oecond, Tbolllpaon. third; BQ>&d Jump -·Ldrln1. eecond, 13'7"'; Shot Pul-&d\One., aecond 30'. loys~ Cl• Wrestlln9 Classes h91n Fri. Claaees for amateur wrql1ef9 st.art al the Harbor Boyl' Club Friday at 8 :15 p. m. A ciu. wt1I be conduc~ for be&ln.Mra u welt ,u advanc6d •re•llera. The hour \ong .... ion.a will ~ heJd •l the Boy•' C1Ub at An&.belm vid Center •lrttlal Jn Coat:& Mea. Beglnnera will fe•rn wreatltng. ~rom the 1tart wttlle the cl._ fo r \dvllnccd ls open anlJr to thOM ~ya who Oniahed the ~n week :ourse held ln January and P'ebru· uy. Cla.MUled •de collt UtUe:, do much. April !1-Anahelm at FuDrr· ion. N9'Wp()rt RartK>r at SIUll.a Ana. HWltln.pn Beaeh al Or· ...... May 1'-8a.-ta A.aa at Hmtt· !Jiate• -. 0raaoro at n1- 1ierton, Newport Harbor at Ana4 bolm. May S--:SM'-pnrt Rarttor at ora.ar. Fullerton at Uuat1n14 • ton lleadL M..,. 4 -AAaJ'lelm at Santa AAa. ' May 8-...."-ata Ana at f'uJ. lerion, Ora.aa-e at • A.aa.hrlm, Hunthlcto-Bea.ch at Newport Harbor. (8t;CONU Rot·so) May l l-8ant.a Ana at Or- anrie. S""·port Harbor at Ful- Je.rton., Hv.n\lnc-ton ~b at A .ll&helm. May 16 -Fullerton at Ana- heim. Salata Au at Nf'wport HariMJr, Or&.DJft at Hu.nttn'"ton Beaell, Jil-., U--Ana.hf'lln.t at Nf'W• port RartM>r, Fu.lie.rt.on ·at Or- an~ HunUncto• ~ ai Sa.at& AAa. ""' IS-8aata A.oa •• Aaa- -<>r&aoro at Nowport Har- bor, BuaUag-t.on ~ a'l Fu.I· lerton. Hay ·--.Aaahdm •• Oraace. P'ulle.rlom at Santa A-.. New· port ' ll&rtta1 aC HOlltblJtton BeadL SUNSET BASEBALL STl>OS. W L Pet. Sa.ala AB& _ . . l 0 .ICMIO F""""-......... I 0 .tCMIO Hd..llL BMcll I 0 ,JHO ..,ONllKf! •··· . 0 t .000 N . Harbor 0 I .Me Aaabelm . . 0 1 ·-Frtd.ar• Gamee Newport. Hutto• at Salata A.aa; An.ahdm at Fu.l"'rto": Huattas- toa -at o......,. »t nnw-...,..a ... -...,.,.. ........ 1' • .,.,.., •'• ___ ..,..._., _______ 11t1·1 r . ... ........................... 1, ...... , ... .. ....... .._. ). D ........ 's' ....... 2'1ft ... ..,.._., .. ,,..., .... lr~AM. u····~, ;: ' • win. ... • le.¥t 01\I! of Uae thre8. cluse8. ·The game ope.neoct up '"-the top. Bee and c:ecr..,,,,,....,..ee: of the aecond frame When A1lle CIMI a Thieme •tarted off with a atncle. Harlow RJchArd.lon •truck out and JeNe Smith made flr•t oo an error sendlng Theme to trc'Cond . The next batter. pitcher Bob Biele- field. wu hit by a pltch,ed ball lo load the bu61S. Phil Sh.a.fer then slngl~ to score Thieme, but Smith wu out attempting lo make third, ending the rally. The Hornets came bAck in the lhJrd to score tour run• while ln the flh the Bucka gained two more lalliea wben Orv Th~adgtll •in· gled. Theme. drew a base an b&Jl.s and Richard&bn doubled, .cortng Thread«lll and sendlng Thieme to third. WhU e Smith grounded out to tlr•t Thle.na came home. . Unwilling to gtye up their lead Fullerton ac&ln brou,ht home an- other four run rally In the GU.. TO hip ltoudlea --bor (8AI, Sitto• (P), t'alrt.111 (0), CllaaDey (F), Palolfer (HBJ, tJme 10.1 .. ,_,_,. (0), l'erelta (A), OUllam (!lA). Fojlno (I'), Walk· er (A), Time 11.T .. lst~...U.. (0), 'Martin (F), RMC1 (A>. DftboW (0), lWDter (SA). Time, Im le.To. 1!0 tow huntae.-&lttoa (F). ~Ball (A), v._ <>vu (KB,. Boett.eher (SAi, Chaney (F). Time 1a.e.. HC>-Lewto (0), Perel.. (A), FuJlao (r), Walker (A), Beawar'CI (Hiii. n-...... Shot put-(le lbo.)-Paloold (Nffl, Van Dewlde (llB), . Mar- qaette (F), Re't ra ld (HB ), &lunldt (A). llietaaoe. te It., uy1 -The local'a final runa came In the aeventb when Sbafer a.nd F. E. Rarrla walked and Clark l\n1led a-d Juml>-l'ra,.r -(8A), 29 l L& !~ bl.; Bea.....S (HJI), It It. 11 la.; Sebmldt CAI, It It. I Y, IA.: 9COrlng both men. Ball (A ), t• ft. S la.; Val.Nlpfl• Box ecorM: <N•••• C..1t Al I H 4 I I I I t l 0 I •• 1 4 I I ) I I 4 0 I ••• p I t t I t t ---JJ s 7 . (0), It ft. • lJUl.lElJOH Al I H HlJll. ' Jump -...... K.ayk.cndaJl ~w.., tf 4 I (HB) UMl Blodpll (Hll), I n. ~·-:~.lbd f ~ '1% tn. T&e Hoo,tt (F). Falrtlala ............ ,, • t (0). Wlapr (A) aDC1 West (NH). ~.-.. H l t P~ vudt-Ortom ( F), K.a7 k:e n· ~'• d JI l'Wlp, Ill J t daU (BB), OrillJ" (F), ca.mbet'· ~=-: j" : ~ lala (118), o-caa (A ). Hellbl Fr•~adtt. Jt. I t 11 ft. 4 lD.. ~7· " ~ : Relay-(MO prda)-Aaallelm, -- -Falltttoa, o,_,.. H .. llJostoa " • 7 BMell. S..ta ~ 'ftrne l• , ..... • H 1 Polot.-r..tter'91t 's 1/1; ~ ~j;t.i e.nt :! = :::: : r '-elm D t i 5J B aatlqtn ~ ---_.:;_ M 1/1: Orup 11 I/I; kata ADa l AR . NINE TIPS ST. ANTHONY 7.5 ti: Newpot>t TI/a. CIUo c . 116-G"'J (F), C<tle (SA), llbl- N•Wport Barbo< pullbed ...,,_ lo (A), OUpMat (Bii), llilou (F). ·our tuna ln tlle flnal three In· TlllMI U.. 11np to regain U.. lead !mm St. U9 low ~ (NH). Ultbony'1 and went on to clown v-. (1111), -(RB), C:O.. them, 1~ tn a practica Ult on tef.le (0), V;lm"31!& (P') •• '!'km, .he Newport dJ.amond 1ut. Tbun-15&. M ,_ · lN -/Jnl). Wnstil (NH), -Y· . Tbe Batnu -'led u.. _.. a IWI (F), -(.&), h7loF Jiree.rua mars!• bl the tint In-(NII), 'IWo, -. 1iz1S, tMn C&Dt• tram behind with --Jlloe-(RB), 8 taltn 't!Ur runo. Oft t1voe hlto' and' an (NH), -CBJI), -· d'ror In Ibo tourt1i lrullng. N""' (01. GI .. lo (F). ~ I• IMa. IGrt Ued It up 4-4 In U.. bat'-8llot .. l-(1 .... )-Gallo (F), >f t11e fuUrllL The kmta ~ U.. P~ (l!ill), Yu -(Ra), J>MI qaia wltll a t1n1tetm In Uie Vol-(Fl, '*..;. (NB); D1o1:.. !op of U.. tttU.. an11 · to allow .. ft. I la. , NewpOrt to ...,.. -111 t11o1r ....... ,. 0 Ol'pha"I !Ra), ,.U ot Ille t!fl~ fer ttie ~ a il-• (llJI), Wnpt (XR l, narp. -""°"'' ,...._, (RB),'-(1111).-.. a. _..... "" -· -· l8 ft. 1 14 ... -..... • ~~ -·-.,~~ Rllfl .... ..:.,n. ....... =ri."' • I , ~ .. ,. , , , (11111 -v,.._, <MR>; .. ~ :=.1!.. : , ~ .....;:_d : I : u. <01. -..._ <Oll u. :t':i._cf J I I ....... ff " J I t 9 C tW (8.t..) ... J'ltt1 I I• ........ ~·-: I~~~ l:: (1111i.•e1111&•n..•a :n..c t f I ~-f I I .... .,.. •*"14 (98). tae " _, • J W'~fMI • I ..... (F ) ~011 lU )I --.. . .. -· . . . . ,., I I I·-· J It I 19 (llA • • PI (Jiii). ...... ,........ l •• _ .... :---, "W 'JMll&I ..... I -....... • ~ ..... (--~) S u .. I •. ·-•••/i .............. v ..... ,, ...... , ... ••ll•c, .. 7 ........ -..... ,,3 •• ft &1o-.-J"'t•, •··~ : •· ~.a ikR-.... ·~' Ir. Jd:'.t ~ &.-z ......... *'l •• 1 ' .....!.. ~~ a':M n "-\, e. 9''1:.1°' a* Jlt ~7 - h ,, __ .~ ......... 2::·.. .. •. . • • .. H 0 U SE & GAR.DEN 'I ll - • • LUMBER AND. BUILDING MATERIALS .WllJLE . TBEY USTI CLOSING OUR YARD Mast Be oUt by May 25th LUMBER COMMON DOUGLAS FIR 185 per M bd. ft. aad Up Wu NOW Knotty Pine Tongue and Groove ... . 20.&c lie per llol. ti. Knotty Red Ceftar BOarda ............ . 12 ~c 'lie per b!l-ft. l•c lOC! per bd. ft. Construction Heart Redwood 4x4 's ... . Clear Fir Vee J oint Ship1ap lx8 ....... . .17 c llci pe-r ...... ft. Clear Redwood Sldinp lx8 lhru lxl2 Vee Jolnl Shipla p .... 3lc t,i.xf Novelty Sjdjng .............. .... .... 14-c No. 1 Red Cedar Shtn.cles .................. .,.18.~ He per IJd. It. , .. per bd. fl. H.ffper- BUILDING MATERIALS Commo11 .Cement ............................. _ ..... 1.15 2.& Metal l.£th, Black -........................ t7c 3.• G&IY. Metal La.th ·······················-··· .7lc 8t&Ddard Arch Cam•r Bead 8' ....... 5 \lc Stucco Netting 1\!.xl7~36 ................. 12.1111 &tone Wire Oe.Jv. 18 ga. ........ -......... L. 2.60 Stone Wire, Black 18 s-a. ···-··-········ .... 2.f& WALL BOARDS fx8-3/H ". Upoon Boan! ............... .. % '':X.12"'--8' Celotex Plattk ········--···t"'" 8"'c 10"'12 Ne per MCk -... l'l"'I -... )'&rd •Yi•,., tt. 10.1115 per roll' .. t.10 per roll l.N per roll ,· •1-S• ... u. lie per tt. SHEET METAL MODUCTS . co . • -0 • ' ' .. • ) • • • • ·PAGE 2 ' . \ . , . -PART 11' -THURSDAY, APRll.26,. 1951 ~·' -~·•u·ss-S · LEGAL None! -LEC5AL NOTICE · I N<mOE OF FILING AU-. a-..sa tbeNot, a -ot a14 MENT FOB THI: OONntlUC. Pota\llt IUld of tbelr -lo 'DON OP SANJT~Y 8ll:WW 'l"-mid pr-l;J lo 1>o 101C1 ....S IN BALBOA 801JL&VAJU>, IDOl'ltlllan~inop~Mft­ AND Ol'llEB llTaU'l'll, Al ~' lloce the .-rda-OI OON'llEMPLA'J'ED llY :aDIO-a14 notlco. The Ollln of ~ LtJTION OF IN'fEN'ttON lfO. Prtncti:-J and Int.a_. t11eNm - S8M, AND OF Tim TDo: AND f<pteml>er Ind, lHO Go -4wt, PLACE OF JIEA81NO .... '° ~ IUld Unpal<I on -DOie and 8AJD WORK AND A88&al lheN lo alo<> -bl' al4 Deed MENT. ot Trut the 'l'Natee'• '" and es .. Punruant to stat\lte, "Improve. ment Act ot 1911," Dtvtalon 7 ot The ~treet.a and High•ay. Code ot , the State ot California, nollce ii hereby g1v~ that the Superintend- ent of Streets of the City of New- port Beach, having-made an .,. se.ssment to cover the coau and ei,: .. penses of the construction of l&J\I .. tary aewera In Balboa Boulevard and other ,treeta ln aaid City, aa contemplated by ReaoluUon of In- tention No. 3808 adopted by the City Council of aaid Clty on the 12th day of June, 1950, tiled the same in my otnce on the 17th day of April, 1951. I hereby tlx Monday, the t•th day of May, 19~1. at the hour of ~even-thirty o'clock (7:30) P. M., and the ch&mbers of the Ct\y Council ln the City Hall of the City of Newport Beach, u Ute tin1e 8.nd place when and where all persons. interested in the work done or 1n · the said aaaeument, will be heard by the ea.id City Council . Prope.rty owners, the con .. tractar or hie aaalgns and all olh•t persons interested !n said work or said assessment, feeling aggrieved by a.ny act or determination of the Superintendent of Streets or the City Engineer In relation thereto, or who cla.tm that the work haa not been performed accordihc to the contrac t In a good and aut>-- stantlal manner. or who claim that any portion of the work wu tor any r ea.aon om itted or illecally included fn the contract for the B&rne , or having or making, any o bjection to the correctnees of the assessment or diagram or at.Mr a ct. determination or proceeding of the Superintendent ot Street.I or C ity Englneer, shall, prlor ta the day set for the hearing on the as.~ssment, appeal to the aaid 'CttJ Council by b rie(Jy alatlng In writ- ing the grounds or appeal. For a desct"iption of said work, reference ~ Is hereby mide to the above men· tioned Resolution of Intention. Da ted this 17th day of April. 19~1. No. 689-Preu. C. K . PRIEST, . -City Clerk Publish April 19·26, 1951. CERTIFICATE OF BU81Nts8 F1cttt&oW1 Ftnn Name p-6411'7 THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certify that l am conducting a Yacht and Sh.Ip Brokerare bual· rw>ss at 711 Coast Highway, New- port Beach. Callfomla, under the fic titlOU3 firm name ot WlNG SANG and that aald nrm 11 com· posed of the following pet.om, whose names ln tull e.nd place.a or residence are as follows, to--wtt : Mrs. Elizabeth Chattock. 317 Cor onado St., Balboa Califo rnia. \VITNESS my hand this 8th day of Ap ril, 1951. MRS. ELIZABETH CHATTOCK State o f Califo rnia, County of Ora.nge, ss. ON THIS 6th day of April, A. D. 1951, before me, Fre<t W , Brtrp,., n Notary Public In and tor the · aaid County and State, residing the rein, duly commissioned and sworn, pefllOIUllly appeared Mra. Jo}li%abelh Chattock, known to me t o bt> the person wb~e name ia. eub3cribed t o the wtlhlri m.tru .. rnent, and acknowledge'CI to me tha t ahe executed the same. IN ·WITNESS \.\'HEREOF, I have hereunto 8t't my hand and afftxed ~n1y official seal the day and year ln this Certificate first above WTitten. FRED \V. BRJGOS My Com mi891on Jo~pires 9/7/1952 (SEAL) N o. 878-Press. Pub. April 12·19·26; May 3, 19151. NOTICE OF SALE OF Kl!AL PROPERTY BY TRUSTl:E U~DER DEED OF TRUST -of ale dtlma!Ald at $1711.00, tosether With any wma pa.id and &dn.nced by the owners of ta.Id note in accordance with the pro- Ylolone of ll&ld Deed of Tnla~ w1th lntertat on said lut menUoned sum.o. NOW THEl\Ell'ORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY lnvEN that the aaJd Oranre County TttJe Compa.ny, by 'rirtu. ot the authority vested 1n It u Truatee under Aid Deed of Tnllt, Will aell at public auction to the hJgbe•l blddei: for cuh, lawfUJ money ot the Un~ted Statea or America, on the 21st day of May, llfil at the hour of eleven o'clock A. M. ot aa.td day at the South front door of the Orange County Court Ho~ In the Qty of Santa Ana., Calltomla, llll of the lnteret!lt conveyed to It by aa.Jd Dttd or Tn&at in a.nd to all that cert.a.lo property situated ln the County ot Oranwe. State ot California, de-. 9Cribed u : That portion ot Lot Sixty· three ot Newport Helrhta, u ahoWn. on a map recorded ln Book 4, page 83 of Mllcel· laneoua Maps, records of Or. anie County, CallfornJa, de· ecribed u follows: Beginning at a point ln the Southwesterly line of aa.ld Lot Sixty-three Which Ls 2M.l:J fHt Northwesterly from the moet Southerly corner of said Lot ; thence Norlheuterly parallel w1th the Southeuter- ly lln• of l&id Lot Sixty-three, a d19tance of llG.0.7 feet : thence NorthWe3terJy parallel With the Southwesterly line of saJd Lot Sixty-three, a dt.t- llllce of 4~ feet; thence South- . we1terly parallel with the lo\ltheute rly line of sald Lot liaty-three, 1~.07 feet to the 8outhwHterty line of &a.Id Lot ; thence Southeuterly along the Southweaterly line of said Lot Sllrty-.three, 45 ffft to the point of beg1nntng, or IO much of said property u shall be neceuary to be .sold to provide a sum !U!flclent to pay the total a.mount secured by Rid Deed of Trust. Dated: April 17th, 1951. (Corporate Seal) ORANGE COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, By GEO. A . PARKER, • Prealdent. By C. W . BAXTER, Secretary. No. 687-Preu hbliah April 26; May 3-10, 1951. N<mCE OF FILINO ASSESS- MENT FOR TIB IMl'IWV&. MB~ OF "CEJITAIN ALLEYS LYING BETWEEN~LJ!:VEHTH llTR.u:T AND NINETEENTH STREl!."'r, AS OO~MPLAT­ ED BY RESOLUTION OF IN- TENTION NO. S819, AND OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF llEAKINO AS TO SAJD WORK AND ASSESSME1''T. AHATl:17R WINNER-Mn. a.,. Obffr7, ''· ~-1a··p1c- 1.urec1 above. with tbe 7ellow .......,~ retnever, 8rr'o~ _...... WOil flnt place for lier 8aad&y lll the NMteor ... 1• ............. •tab 111 tllo field Wlalo "" Upper N_,.n •r _,.... ior Ille Soutllent CallfOJWI& -·-clui.. -· pll'6e ..i..t'. i9 lfn. SUdy Madtay, 15!\ O<oan 111vd., Ballloa, ~ Paal11!<1"• Mouaty. Tb.19 WM the i'lnt tlmt tbe club bM be&d .IUClt ·-e~ for women memben. Deputy President Legion _ Aux~~ry .. Visits Rebekahs Honors Merrilier. · Approx.Jm.ately 160 membtt8 and gue.1ta ot the. :Meu Rebekah lodge pthere<.1 TUeeda.y eventha- for the re.(ul&r meelln( wtth th~ IOOF hall. Cost& Mua, crowded to capacity. It waa the oceuloh of the otflctal vi.tit of dlatrlct deputy presldent. E'va Lee a.pd a1ao coarteey nlrht when membftrt of the eight other J()j!gea In the diatrlct were Invited to attend. The hall wu t>eautttully deco- rated w1Ut the various aprtng flowen and hure buketl of calla Wlea, the latter corning ttom the prden or W'Ullam Berry. Spec:Jal guem or the Mesa of· ftcera were pre•ented wlth cor· .. ,... and Jitb and M&ted at a opecl&J taj>I• ln the b&nquft hall. The gueatr frorn the different lodgeti we.re dreeeed ln c08tume, AJoha membera coming Dutch garb and the Bu1y Bee1 dressed u boboa. Eva Lee and Put Grand Mu- ter of Oklahoma, Wl1lla.m Stewe.rt were &iven escprt honora and seat· ed at the Tight of Noble Grand Bertha Wataon. The lodre members were re- minded or the breaktut to bf! gtten April 29 lp the hall. The public la Invited. At the May lBl meetlnc. eever&J new me.mben willbe taken tn by \n1tlatlon. The Acacia lod•e of Huntlngton Beach announced courte1y nlcht and the ottlciaJ Visit of Eva Let! to be held April 27 to which a.11 Rebekah• are hlvfted. A gift from Mrs. Wat.BCtn and Mrs. Florence Switze r WM pre~ sented to Dalli)' Ginger Ln a.ppre- ciatlon of her work u good tel~ lowahlp chairman. Oueat1 from the juri8dJctlon of Wt~onMn &nd Ohio were wel· corned and trom thta dlltrict. membera from Santa Ana. Hunt. lngton Beach, Orange, Westmln· ster, F'Ullerton, Cyprea and Cor- ona were counted. -. "Val nlJhl" .... 1 tJ!e:: wi-it.1 c<ll{l•mon Ji""" fhe r:eg111a,J' 'aoclal meebns-ot U.e. N~ iiarlior Amerlcin. -~~ a""11J&i'Y • ~ mvnbera.. oon.m<d .IJi Les'vn hall Mon<la'y Jl!&h( April 2lltd. ' That lttfe WU ·~ to del· lgnate lt u a be,1ate4i ·1°"1.r...,wiy party, in appredat;J.on ~ for ~ny actlV11 houn tn behalf of the or· l'llniution. for , Mra. V el o r a O'Tremba, wh\ recently mo•ed to Tujunga. She WI.I honof.ed dur. lng the 90C'laJ portion of the eve· nlng, at which tlme lhe wu ptt· 1ented a matching compact and cigarette cue, containing the auxiliary inallfl&, by her frlend11 In the local unit . Ot apeclal lnterul and lmpor· lance dUrinl' the brief buainea aesaton wa. tbe award.Log or AmertcanJsm eaaay medal.a and citattona lo Kuy Catherine An· drewa, Patricia Amott, and Ttmo-- tby Drtsk"1: flrat. ee<00d &n<1 third place wtnnen, reapect1vely. Mias Andrewa re&d her W1n.nlng euay before the UMmblap, rtv· tng them an lnsplrinl' picture of t.he herilafe IO oflf-n taken for gnnt<d. At the cla.e ot buslneu actlvl~ tie•. 1eve.raJ game.a oc whpopee were enjoyed, with p~ for all, and wu followed by refreahlnentl: ot aandWlchff, cookie. and coffee. HotUUt.s ten-the evenlnr were Mme•. Allee Parta, Mlldr:ed Bonda, Helen Randel and Alma Thomp-• """· Spec ial gurata for the -.venlng were Mr. and Mn. Drtakel, Mr. Andrewa, and Mra. Phillip Meyen who accompanied the e88&Y wln· ne ra, and Mr1. Moore, a proapec· tive member. Members pruent were Mme•. Mrs. Alma Slack, chairman of the rf'fre•hment committee ror the Purauant to statute, the •·rm ... eVen\ng was uti•b1e to be pruent provement Act of 1911," Dtvtsion becauae of a heart attack suffered VIl Of the Street and, Hl(hways rec'enUy. She wtll be confined to Code of the State ol Callfomla., her bed for al Ieut slx week.II. not.Jee is hereby given that the Mary Lou Cox waa reported u Superintendent of Street. of the still autferlng from an injury re- Clty ot Newport Beach. having celved In .._ fall. Blanche Ben.1, Mae RobbllU, Jean Allbaugh, Julia Eggert, Rae Niemiec, LucWe Gehree, Mona Hayden, Evalyn Rider, Carrie Rupp, Lydia Brtgp, Eileen Inna, Jean Markham, Adrain Joyner, Wilma Murrlaon, Bernice Opel, preakient 08.f'ffn Upeon and the hoateasee. ~if e Membership Given by L~guna Art AssociatiQn made an asseMmeiit to cove·r LJu. Sa.ndwtche~ and coffee werf! coata and expen.eea: of the improve--served ln the banquet hall. by com· ment or certain alJeya lying be~ mJttee members Mayme Grttn· tweep Eleventh Street and Nine· leaf', Huel Dumont, J~ Roae, Pttaldent Babcock, pre.8.kun,. at tee.nth Street in ea.id City, u con-Gladya Bird, Iva Coe and Tinta the recent board meeting, pruent. templated by Re901utlon of lnten-Small. ed Mrs. Wllll&m 8wife Daniell with tJon No. 3819 adopted by the City an honor&ry ·11te m'mbe~hlt> tor Council of &aid City on the 24th b her work in coUeclin& plcturu for day ot July, 1950, filed the sam,. Jo '5 Dau-Lters the Permanent Memorial collection ln my office on the 19th day ot '::f'' which wlU be featured In lta c:n- Aprll, 19~1. . to Attend u .. ty at the openln~ ot th• now I bereby rix Monday, the 28th S d wtnar of t.a.guna Beach Art GaJ. day of May, 19~1 . at the hour ot t. An rews Sunday lery. seven·lhirtr. o 'clock (7 :30) P . M., Mrs. Daniel) began aaaemb!lng and the cbambera of the City Semon for Sunday at St. An-the collection aoma 10 or 12 yeara Counc.U ln the City Hall or the drcw'a Prubyterf.an church bu a.a •Co and tt LI believed to be the only City of Newport Beach, u the !ti: aubjec:t '1'hla Believing World." Founden collacUon or a p.llery ln Ume and place when and wbere Text I.I from flrat John 4 :J, "Be-the United Stat.ea. J'ounden wbo all pe~ lntereated in the work loved.· believe not every splrtt, but a.re auu not repraented an Frank Trll!'t No. 1508 done or in the a.Id IUl8easme.nt, try the aplrtt., whether they are T enny John.Ion, Jack Wllkinaon WHDlEAS, ODIS E . REVIEA will be heard by the aa.id City ot God." The choJr under the di-Smith and Carl Oec&r BoJT. and and MADELLA B. REVIEA. hu-Council. Property ownere, the con-rectJon of Jamee P'ttq'erald. wW. ~va.aee from t.hffe noted paint· band and wife, by Deed or Tnist tractor or bis uatgna and al) otber ain& the Wak!na' Carol by MarTy-en a.re crMlly dealred. dated June 2nd, J.947,# recorde« penon. lnterdted ln •Id work or ott. · Kn. Wllllam A. Grtftllh baa June 26th, 19'47 in Book Ia-44 , pace aid •• ... ument, tMHng aggrieved At the 11 o'cJock.1en1ce Hon.· bftn pnuoua witb ffft1 and 243 of Official Records of Oranp by a.n.:r act or determinaUon of the ored Queen Carol Tbomu and una.ns her r.cent don&Uona an County, CaJl!ornJa, did grant a.nd Superintendent ot Strttta or the mHnben or Bethel 161 ot .Job's The Gnarled <Mk. one at. her late convey the property therein and City En~eer in relation thereto. Dau•hle.1'11 w:fll be •pect&J cuMt.a bu.ban<l'• beauutuJ. canvuaee; ai. hereinafter de8Crit)ed, to the 0r .. or who cle.lm that the work ha.a ot St.' Andrew.. Membaa are ,..... eo Ytam1nJ:, b)' & K. Fu.Uonton: ange County T\Ue Compe.ny, u not been performed acconllq' to minded of da.yllSftt •Ylnl" ttme.., LAiuoa Vlat,a by BcnJamln C. Trmtee, to secure. amon« other tbe contract 1n • rood and wt>-cha.11.fe biting at I a. pi. Sunday. BJ"OW11 ; and Sprtnc la. Ur.e Canyon ......... ,~,.·. LI. I l1r1e Sllaw _ I>04sa II -rin&' .. Wal<h 1 t! -PwoJ>'e do ttad the Prea ads. • • --OpporlunJty la knocldn&' ln CLA8SIFIED ADS. Southern California ; ·Eaison ~Cimipany 's Millionth ' -Meter 'A Milesftme in tlze prog;ress of Central and SiJutlzern California SOUTHIRN CAUFORNIA ~ HW9U SHERWIN· :' POR1EI • C . ' . , ~ .. •••4 ...... ~ . ~ .. '6" .Giiiet S.W • , , ~ , · •• '6500-. ' .. $5250 ,, We luwe a ~ ltoek o( Po...,.;J,,.w.. ea.. , ~ .. ·r~1 l . • . - .. WAtS,ff. HARDWARE ~ A' 11U _N..,~ ami. • t ~. ¥!""~ i·. •1u11 1w ~ ) f ... ' . • ,1 -' •, " 0 • • ' -~ , ., • -• . l. .. l7Ut4lltd 111 t1u M.t •I . . M~. OfllA(n.. · ' Dall A Lllljlillti~ -. . 6851 LaTMMliM Lmu '"""11 llilu, Wit~ 7hn'4J AtriJ lf, 1gs1 EDISON · COMPANY Owner aller owner. .. Yef!r alter gear-salis~ I • ,, y., '""' ,.y ., ta SJ,000 .• .,. •' ,,. 11t ,., fill tit Ufnl ,..., ri 'Fl c•fttt -' rlftl' ,., ... .,,,, tf DtJ,. .I • ,,_ MORE MILEAGE WNGER .CAR 1JPB D01J(;£ OWNIR$ JEJ//h ~ !-.'"• -~ 1.< . • , ! I , . ·' • obligations, the payment ol. one ltantl&J manner, or who clalm that by WWJ.am Wendt. note dated June 2'nd. J947,.paJ&ble any porUotl of the work WU fot Other NCMt 4gnatJon1 lnclude: r, to W. P . lllcOee and Eva L. M.0.0, any ...... n omitted or llleplly In-Glacier Nat. Park <:anJon Ruc.b ~, .1-Hinchman: you .,,... r0&ds that stop other can, ooshkm vital <busis parts against road diocb , •. mfu them last years longer. And with Ills tl'llditional Dodge qual- ity. ol.~ty goes extn bead-. room, ·leg room. elbow room found iJ>., DO jJlhor cat , • • "Watchtower" 'llllbllltf ID .-y ~ Longs lutlDg. .mood> octing Saf~wird Hy.kiullc Brakes make -'Y mile you nrt ·..r .. ~more re1-d. lo e rs -''' •1 ...,.. . .._....,.._ husband and wife. u joint i.nanta. eluded ln the contract ror lbe 1. &Dow Some bJ Oudaer-8~ ~ or order, for the principal IWD ot ...,,., or haY!ng-or maklnc any Pictures on Agenda an ..... , '--bl' 'lfUllam .. 500.00, with lntereat at tho rate objecllon to the cornctneu ot tho f T I S Rldddl; an 4mla A. Milli -- of e per cent per annum: principal 1111 ment or dlqram or •tiler or rave . ection ' ---or ieaae J ......... and lntereot due ln moolh!1 -..n. act. det.ermlnatlOQ « P~ \o~ myWUcaJ ,.S.tlllp: alto a menta of 14~.00 -i. onl U.. 1ou. ot tho Superintendent ot StneU or Vim of Ulat -_ • .....,,.; Siena....._ 11p ~ ~ a day-ot tech month. besfDnina" oo Clt7 ~r. ohall, !"1or to the fte&tloa. land, Olaeler Natioaal Clanwa7 ~ 4-;t -• July 10th. tlM 7 anc1 conttnU!nc un· _, aet for I.be bMriDC .., tho park Wiii be 00 uiia ._-tor Kot-. aiill Clllld ~ bl'; ma-w tully paid; and 111 =iut, appeet lo the Mid "&rm ~ jiaa•-,,._ -.U -~ ud -rd,. •. , WHER&AS, default bu occur-City COWldl l;y ~ -tlq Ill lraftl -tloa. •'!tao ---M ...... n '>QI & • red In that Ille liLlt&llmeat of !";!U.,. the ,..,._ of appoal. tq at Ula ,_. ~:·v., 1, a.tu. -WQ are pl.... 11or prtnclpal ....s lnlftut <hi& -Fw a d11:rlptlca of l9ld wodr.. T:to p • .._Ill -tlllll i.0.... ~ u. --. -,.._ aid QOt;e ·oa Octobet 1otb. I.MO tttermc. '-Mreb7 make to U. Pl ttaa-::rn111!1.U..puil.G1 ......_,.,*old p•••J, tM • I • • _c..MlaTeMY, T ... 5 mi...1rs-1o cboclt Dodp de- peaMl!IMy· ID loog life!ID elln.oom· bt ..a nlety, )<>w...,. main._;,,., ....i 11111 •• _.,. It will i.. tlie f'Cllt pultable S ,,._lw you -!lfl9DI. ' . . I 1.·l9JI~ DO GE -, -~ • ,_ ·Allii··· Allll ,..,. ' .,,,_. • .,.,. y- Jaaa not _;aid; and ~ --R~-ot Ia, ">r* ud --.... wt1i .... -..... trio I '7 lira.. ' • • WHERICAJI, W. P. Kc<lee U14 tloa.. 1Mo ean-~ ~ -._ i..wto Jr. 11 Al--lilaJ7 -------'---' • • J--• JC-.a t..-. -~ 11.,. nat.d lllla tttlL diQ' <ll AprU, U6l. ..._ -·~ 0 ---~ 0 ftAD or 8llOW -..a~ ow "WW .1 •.• U&A.-.....-..,•••••""WJ1-•11•1-:...;;...;;!,:::...;..;::...:=:.,~~ .,..,...., I a. Jc. PIUAl ...... ._ ~-· wlll .. Ill Atop• ---w ..... • , ..... -· -·-·111 , a"~ ....... "'die -.... • ~ • °'*' ..... • • .... of,.... , 8 B AV EB . II o· T 0 1.hat -J~ '"1~aa1d pt<•.!!! ---•• -., -01; ~ ...... -.. .,_ ...... and Oil UllUY -1ICSl _,, ~ -* '+ JQleiL IM I . ' .-la U.. ottlce qt die 0..-~ A,.u •; W., I, lllll. • ...... _ -d -... I I at l;J a-da of -°'*"'b, la -CI 15 ..... -.. -· -&lie, -UI ot om I I Diii• la W-Ill -lo •'1 aod. . ' DI ... ti Ml .... 0 $ ttt ....... _ Y01Ja DODO·PLWA H•i• c ........ . • • • -1 • t' ' I ' • , • • -\ ' • • • • • • I • . • ' • ' • .... • -. • • • • • .. , ' I l:SSAY ~wtaaen lA Uare A:mer-......,.e'sn ~· ~ , -'" by Ule Newport llut>oT -14l0ll Aus11lar7 .,. pictured 1n t11e Lopia llAll. i..n to r1p1 u..,. ""' Mary OatKrtne Andre"1J, ftnt place. IA the nttta st'Mle of Coron& del Mar Rhool; nDotlly Drlalto~ tblnl p-, In tho-fourth pade Of Corona dri Mar ochool and Pat Arw>tt. ....,nd place, In lb. ob.th cnde of u_r:ui.,...-1. Ray Jeffs Gives Student Report at JC · Conclaye "When the CaU!omia Junior CoJ- lege Student Govemment Confer- ence convenes tn Long: Beach Thursday through Saturday of lhbl week (April 26-281, Ray Jeffs, pret1ldent or The Orange Coast Student Body, will present a pre- liminary rt-port of a state-wide studmt aurv"y on ~eral Educa- tion," reportt Fl'ed Huber, Dean or Men at Coast. 'The 6,000 lndivtduaJ a.nswer1 to a 13 page queatlonnaitt are the ~suit of a plan inaugurated tut fall by Jeffs and hill Student Coun- cil and subsequently adopted by the Eutetn Conference of Studtnt Govemment Group of which there Were aeven members college1. The idea for the atudent survey evolve-cl from consideration ot the junJQ.r college c!auroom teacher'a ttud,y 3 Seek Po5t on School Board There will be no contest tn the Ne~rt , l:larbor Hlch School board election, but ln the Ne~­ Port Beach Elemeht&ry School board •lecL)on three candidate• have filed for the mn,-1e expll1nJ term. 1 Iocumbent 0. Z. Robert.on. who wu appotnted to nu th• un· expired term of T. We1ton Jay, bu fifed. The other candid.at .. wtU be Jamtis D. Ray ot Corona del Mar tµid Robert' L. Allen of Balboa. Incumbent J, A. Beek of Bal- boa Island ha.a filed tor htrh school boa.rd and he ls uncontut- ed. D . 0 . Lawhead of Seal Beach also ls unconteeted lb the Orange Cout College. boa.rd elec- tion. Friday, May 18, WUI bf.· ele<Uon day for all three bOard!I. · Watch Clock Sunday, Bonelli Wams Bars of GeneNU Education begun in Jut Watch that clock! C11mb on a summer's workship at UCLA and. chair. move the hand9 torwa.rd one aeheduled to terminate with a He-hour at 1 a.m. next Sunday, &nd ond gen.eral educat!on workshop at do not make any more liquor UCLA thla summer. Since teach-sales. You are: on 'oayllght Sav- ers a.re trying t'o determine the ing Time. ha.sic skills, knowledge and experi-Such were the lnttructlona: bf>. ence• every educated person shOuJd I ing Luul'd today to all places 11- have, student leaders of the jun-cenSNI to sell alcoholic beverage• lor colleges propo8ed to tab the I by WilJJam G. BonelU, Southern thin.king of studenU tllemHlves. California member or the State Gf"aulne AWllttall"!99 Board of ltqualil;at:fon. ln advla~ lng all licen•ee• or the approael'llng According to J efflil --rhe aur .. arrlval ot Daylight Savtng 1'rne. veys reveals a genuine aware-Bonelli warned that the 2 a. m Jleu on the part ot •tudenla of d II I b 1 ~-1 -• ti cloalng law would be alrlctly en· e Jl te as c n~. n -uca on. forced. ReaJ Interest in thia matter has I The lost hour. Bonf"lli reminded been revealed by detailed answerA 1 the license•. would be gtvf'n back to euay t~ questlon1 on the t o them next September 30 when que.atlonna.lre. CaJ ito mla returns to Pacific Stan- F1nal report of thil! study will dard Tim ... be presented for corudderatlon to 1 the faculty workahop when It con-W .._di vene.s at UCLA In June. GfSOft rl"W Ctl Accompanying J etrs to the •tato MWD Law to Pass convention ln Long Beach will be four other memben of the Orangt> Coast Stlldent. Council, Bill H&)' a.nd Don Knipp of Coeta Mesn: Phyt:L! Watkins of S e\lo·port Heights: and Fredt'r1c k 0"'1en.". c&mpus re.aJdent. Dean Huber Y•ill al.lo accompany the group. "A smart wife tolerate• her hua- band"! l>«.d i)!bi!:'\_ Juot oo long: ~"-W.Hawe ' . . . . . . ... .... · Stale &,en!a.r Clyde A. Wat.son ot OrlUl(e predicted today that his legislation to permit a.JI of Orange county to enter the Met- ropolitan Water Diatrlcl will be· oo~e law lattir ln September. The Btll.8 were succe&sfnlly gul:de4 throurh the Senate by Wat.an a.nd U. now before the ~mbl)' wberl(.J' will handle<f by AaM '" S&m Colltu, •peake.r 7Jf .t.he I hou.e. · •· -· ,, t '-rhla lt&ialatlon ahould do m\ICh to lmpTOve the general w at e r s!tuatlon ·Ln Orange county," Wat- 90Jl a.Id, "I don't anticipate any oppo1IUon to them ln the AaMlm- bly. &nd I am con/ident they will be alped lt\to law by the Gover- nor when they reach hi• desk." OFF TO BOSTON Mra. Conatance Ja_vred or Balboa le.n th1I wet.k tot Sa.n Franclaco and •~r vtaltlng there wlll go on to Boston. She expects to be gone abo\lt a month . Asks Sl3,fQJ for Fa.II.· lojuries Oeo<.e It< Noland. 23021' W. ~ P'ronl, Newport, who atu.m- blfld oYer a -.!ctewalk .caJ• In New- port Beach lut Nov. 18, dem&nd- • • • . Award Won by Youthful Actress "-""' -By Mary O.IMrine Ao-- 1 love Uie liberty that anctrclu every 4>th or our rtorloWI land, from tM 11Utny Hawaii.an !•I.and• to the Rockllee lhrou('h the Ap._ ~acbta.n R&nl'e. When our tof'ef&th<'r• came to lhla country t.hey wanted It to be tree and tt bu atay~ that way. No war or perMCUllon hu ever or will ever deltroy our freedom. We In America can Uve without tear of h.avM\g our head.I chopped off evetytl.me we aay aomethlng. We take our i'r'Mdom for grant- ed. It you han ever .een the dirt and filth a.nd •lckneu: in other countrlea from lack of food you would really appreciate our way of life. I love our .oldlers who att Cl&httn1 eo bravely th&t men everpbere will M frtt from thf' Red Dlctatora who are trying ao hard to de.-troy our freedom and en.ash the world. I tove the Star Sp&n&led Ban- ner our emblem tbat knows no fear, nor ha.tee. be-lnr a symbol of faith, ho~ and d\&rlty to all the unfortunate people• or the world. I love all tbe nll'f't llfe w !t.h buay city atreeu and cnterta.Jnment. With the Statue ot Liberty looklnc out. over the ocean with a torch In ber hand. I love tM 80ft IOW'ld of the wlnd btowinr dlr0aati 'the cotton on a beauUtu1 moonUirht nJrhl down eoutb. Look around you, look every- wheN-and Me all the happy peopl(' living around you, l.n the city, l.n the-country, or ju.st In 1tore1 buy- ing thlnp. Ye.. thJ• won<lertul land la A.mertca the land or the frtt and the home of the brave. Supervisors Settk Silo Solution \. Anybody n•ed a allo ! • Oran,.e county may have one for ae.Je . .. Supervt.or Hetn.a Kaiser of Coeta. Mua thLI wetk 1tartfd tn- vesUgatlon of lh• problem of what to do w t'th .. concretfl block •iJo on th• gTounda of the Orange , County General ho.pita!. Hoep~tal Director Ronald D. Poweu dl1eloeed that Ute allo tit.a unueed on tM holpltal rroundt. Supervtaor1 •14 It "'.'.. erected ma.ny yean a.io w!len the hOllplla.l alto operated extensive Carmine operation. lncludlnc lhe ralainl' of ltYMtock. It hu not been uled Mee 1931, and about to year• ago U.e .uper- vt.ors offered to eell It, but got no bid large ,enough to warrant the sale. SupervUon tacetlou.aJy propo9ed It mJ&ht be uaed u a bomb Shelter or for BOme other mee.na. then ln- atructed KaJaer, the hoeplt.al com· mltteeman, to lnwatlple If the~ Wt.a any uee. for lt or if then might be a market tor the aUo to- rether or ln It.a component part.a. Open House at College . ·success ed mor. than Sll,000 for ft.it lJl-More tllan DOO Ylntorl attended iurle. in a auperior court suit t~ UM lblrd annual Publlc Bcb<M)ll' 1 .. 1 wKk agalmt P .. r1..,. Weld\· w..ic Open HOUM at Oranp Cout .,. Htlf Ing .. Vendlnr and Seal .. Madllne 0o11 ... Monday, April 2S. 1$1.JS ... ) Oorp. "'*"If FIMl.or and Clayton The •wnille'• acu-nu.a_ot&Jted H~tchlnl, oWnen of the It.ore ln the cones• audltortum wttb a , W ...... tJ>e Ocal .. WOH locatod and altort propm. Dr. Bull H. f'olar- lbe City of Newport Beedl. -eolloa"e p-t. ,..ported on Noland'a wit•, Dalay, Jolnod •In the "p.....,t at&bla'' and "bulldlnir UM actlon by H"'nc $500 --_.....,.. Of tlM colJec'o, 'n.. f0< looo of her buab&n<I .. ooclety cs.--. ...,.... .• ~ - and comfort wbUe be WM dtwbkid. aa4 drama ct•n·11 prowtdld eater- N~ ul<ed SU.13llJIO.. . 1•-wl Rq J.a., ol" 'nO body Tile ............ --po111•t. -·~ --ot M I ..... -the -la ..,_..... • CllllUMOtll lr<olt o(. tbe aton at 2IOCJ w. eono.. -.... -lo ctw ••&AAJt LOA# 2.. ~' -t, Newpo.'t 811 '* PIN• -I( la. wq • AD ~ .,.... wDCA M ltumbkld ap"'Mt u. WH't•--. ~...,.. •••• ..... .. -.) , .......... .. ell i'OJWIJ" lo. -at-. .... •....,. "CJOft'4 ._... ~ ..,_.... 1111 .,.& ... I Tl Pettus atw-. 'Ills - 1,. ••• ,.. • ...._. u.1'1-! ..s ~ ~ ,.,. • ... u.111111 • &14 111 :m.. -~ ..,_ --lie ........ lli'r .... ITIJi ..... -.. •' C011011.A Da. I(&& ... .,_-Ga -m ..,. la a " I I tr SIM ... r" ... Caul •C..-..,aq tn,....,Ma 9m1;•_.• Cal••*-_.. -Ire --I .111.Q .. lllWIW. . 7ii;;i;-;;;. .. u.-~ ''"' ~ .. -lit •"lfll,..,. DrAI• Is: .......... It Al ...... _ ...... -..t11•••-•11r .. I 'Ell,"" ~~~,~ .. !"...,-!! .............. • • • • • • , • • • ' , ' Ml10MMllS£ . ' ' HI o ·N'T ..... "*•*-· ...... ,...... ........ ..---:u-. wia:a ._ 111 Clwl ........,., l!I ..... OfllC """ ..... , .... 4 0 t! .. b ....... DllSI Hmc . ·-u.i.a .. . . ' ' .. I • 'THUasDAl', A1'RIL 26, lt5f JIEl.JCN &. ROB~N. M. D. • { It • AnDOlillCelo the . Oparr1'!6 • • • • l ,ff,,;,. otnce .i °!-~ 1 ~ • 170 SUPllRJDR A VI:., COllTA MEllA •.J I . I (li'onMl"ly N-~ A ... ) . . , ENDOCRINOLOOY AND OTNAB.'cOLOGY ; OFFICE PH. BEACON &ll08 l\ltS., PH. lµRBOR 306+W . . I The pick of the oeaoon'• fineol ... ,rushed farm· fresh \ to 1he.Safeway near you. "l'or top quality produce, , al low price• ... Shop Safeway. ~~,) ASPUAGUS --· {( I , r ... bly cul locaL all Q...a. ·Tender; . • IL 19° i! -Davorflll lmQ• .,_.. Prteed low. .... / CARROTS PEAS Ct;,p, -·· full pods. -·-~do· peoi • .\oolc at ti.. 1-ptM:ol 1-.,,. cmj,. -tender. r-hl1 pulled. Topo are otl. Just loolt at low prlcel ti Its FIUR kstl ~= t>elicelt ftavor . c~am~; Ill. Iii. I Ct h~W POTATOES 51-.17° rt.ah. 1.aca1. er ..... To Cook ar Sllce lc. Slaw a ... 11° f "511 CeJery Crisp. For talada or I• cook. Cuannbers c.-..,;.1. ... crttn. r ... hl Bell Peppers Iii. 19.0 • Fresh. p-eeo. critp. Priced \ow. Bunch Goods 1 arenttt'd fr~ ' lu gu Plll1'S l..m<J• Ila•. new CIOP· WIPI• R-. Excell•Dt With - 43* TOMATOES ~= . ..:~.t.22~ ~=~~ Red.Radieha 3 ••cMs It= ...... uort 73c. .... •. \•'· ...-: q . • At Safew1y you can be sure of real value every lime ..• lop quality, full trimming, low pi'i~. To be sure ... Shop Safr"·ay for your mtals. POU , BOISTE lb. 39°~:~ ~"· 49° C'w -uoulder of Emlom qrain-fed p0rk. Nole low prices. · WBITS s~:!ll;p:~~~Y 111. 65° LAMB R. DIST Shoulder. SquareCuL 57c No Neck. No Shank Iii. • U. S. CHOICE or GOOD Milk Sprlnq Lamb. Special Value! ·LAMB LEGS , :~~~~ , 111. 77c r,_ V. S. CHOICE '!J GOOD MUie Spr1n9 Lamb. A real buyl i.tb Rib (hopS ' ~ •. 89-Fillei of Cod R::;, •. JSc limb Cllops 5i'.:'!' •. 91• Sliced licon5wl::!'c~· ~:: 6J• limb Oops /~ •. It' . Rlllt liCOft B~!f" ~:· J2• limb lreisl ~ = .. 29-6rldt l licon I~ ' •• SJ• wt----·· lnC.llo SJ• GrJ• I•-Sil-•2• .._, ..... 'Sl.lntns •. -...... 1.1.aye,,-.. ,,,,,,_,_, Try IH "ll I -c-=· OU,.ol • JUICI , .. yf Makea l~ pll!ll of delicloat fret!Malllna onnp jalce. quickly. eaal17. Sa•e• l'•• .. oaey, loo. ··---,_. -.,. ............ -. , J .YOUI tmAllST SAFIWAY .• . .... MUG Dalewood Golden yellbw cubes. Ill cartons. -. Clllm, Mii.i E~d 2 :: 23° SOGU ~~· . 1:: 88° ~~c : . , I 1::-85° 'tDlfA ~~:-·i:..~24°~ ... L 19° -' SBOBTEllllG CRISCO Veq.iable Sh-111q tl##EllHll Sliced Pineapple 1:;:'· J2• ~ °'*. libbv, or Del Monte. _ P• Ch . u--~ .. d " 21 1e en1es s.:,;r;;,ed .• ;:·· c Tomatoes· ~~=t 21.:· tt: Soup c~:~· 3 1ocv:,:•· 29- i Chtcken Noodle, 2 I 0 Vi -o;m;, con•, 29t • Chmb Milk Baby foods Gert..r J 'H c S1roined C9M .&V • Royal iatln ..... gza ...... ••• CM , .... -~ ,~ .. 98° -- :19~ In the>.S.Unny~ MorgoriM .. in "'-May i~ of PAMlll'CIRClf(""" .. ..i.) , '-J2• ... .. 67c .. SJ• ··'"' .. JSc •. 3S~ THIS COUPON Jfte . "°"" ' ' u-...1 .......... ef '° IU1MNY.9AN1' ., ......... . BringA~O.teo\opon lo ·.,.t .... and ,. ~ IW'ol the ttplar rttall•price • Olia l·lb. earllll ol solllloyi,.'* M....,u.e. ..,. -,. tM'f ... '"' ~-·-.. ·- I • • • • ' ' ' ' • • . ' I I -. ' P~RT It':.-' THURSDAY;~L 26: 1951 PAGE 4 -. ..... 1 IDE TAILE ' LOW . RIGB . ' trrld.ly 0:27 Lm. • D.1 l :fJ L m. -OJI April 37 4:29 p. m. 3.D 1 :16 ... m. 8.0 Balurdo,y 2:02 a. m. .. , 9 :06 L m. -0.8 April 28 3 :12 p. m. 3.9 10:11 p. m. 2.8 PACIFIC DAYUOHT SAVINO TIME Sunday 4:S8 a. m. April 29 1 :45 p. m. Mon clay -5 :66 L m. April 30 7 :14 p. m. Tuesday 9 :67 a. m. May 1 7 :42 p.m. W-eedo,y 7:51 a. m. May 2 8 :~7 p. m. Tburad&y 8 :38 a. m. May 3 8 :30 p. nl. .) @ '°llU!T l'TTLL QJTARTl':R MOON May 13 April zg Summer Mussel . Ban Begins May 1 4,D 11:18 a. m. -.-0.4 4.~ ·-·-········-···· 4.4 0 :23.L mo1 1.8 4.7 12:89 p. m. -0.2 4.4 1:15 a. m. 1.1 -8.1 1o18p.m. 0.0 4.3 2 :00 L m. 0.5 5.4 l :48 p. m. 0.4 4.2 2:39 a . m . 0.0 5.6 2:18 p.m. 0.8 (f e LAS1' NYJW QOARTl<R MOON M ay 20 May 5 3 Boats Rescued by Coast Guard The annual qua.rantine which The Cout Gu&rd pulled in three forbid~ gatherln& 1nusMel8 f or hu-boa~ that ran lnto trouble off man contlllmptlon ~ocs Into f'ffect I Newport Beach Sunday. I The 7~foot motor veaaE'l "Annr" along lh~ enlirr California coast-wu rcscuNt alter It encounte~ line on ~1ay J, nrid 'ol:ilt extend motor troub!e t lve milea south of through Ottohf-r 31 . thr Nrwport Harbnt entrance. Thc"yf'atly quarantine order will Skipper Wl.8 Fll•tcher Wiley of (A)lll be enforcf'd by the St&lf' Depart-A.ngeies. Three otheni were aboard menl of Public Health and a ll local "Mklrift,'" a 32·foot cabin crui.9- heullh departmentic tn coa."tal er. was pul!ed tn after it brokf' beln~8 ~·ho can ht' killed by eating down otf Laguna &ach. Aboard being who can bP klllC'd by eating were four, persons. including E . even minutr amount.3 of the flesh Snyder of San Gab'"iel, the skip- of mUS8l"'lil during 11umn1er month,.~ when lhf> shellfish become ex- lrl'Ol('ly J>QIM>OOU8. Dr. Wiiton l .... Ha.lvM".son. al&tf' director or public hea.lth. said that the 1951 quarantine u rdf't hu been chMged a.lightly to allow the .salf" and use of mu.Melli for tlah be.It without llpe<:ial preparation. For- mf'r'y flshcrn1en and bait storf"11 w ere rf'qulrffi to soak the,shelltlfih 1n solutio n~ of formaldehyde or • $trong •alt water In order to ncu- J.raliR their poison. • Years ot public h<'allh experl- encf' with the summer ban indi · cate that no deaths have e ver re- sulted from the UfK' of untreated ml188t'ts M bait. anti that ·the de- toxification regul1:1.Llon8 actually in1ped~d t"nforcement of more lm- porlBut ~clion!t of the quarantine orrlt•r. HAROLD I. JOHNSON !'<'· The 28-foot cabin cruiser "Dot·a i'ram," out of gas after making a run from Long BeAch, wu la.kt.>n In tow lliO yards off s hore from 15th St. In N<'wport Beach at 8 :~ p. m. R. B. LlndlO¥ of Long Beach and four others were on lhl boat. Women Loses Diamond Ring Mrs. Clara Logan. of -48 Beacon Bay. reportc<i to Newport police Tueltday Llutt a two--carat diamond rin~ VAiued between $2300 and S.2500 waa mUmtng. · The ring was in a purse. Mrs. Logan aald. The purt1e also talne<t identification papers lette-ns. con- and The ring wu platinum with a tiffany M-ttlng and baguette& -1ur- rounding the main st.one, according to the report. • 8llll' ROCK a.uis 8TAllT lo pict1U'ed ...,.., wltlo ll>o o•'ffall wbuoer, w-(left), Md Hllarla, tldrd p-i. ~ A, pow••s t11" !'<"HYO -111ee ....... a& t11o otutiq _n-Nowport Hul>or Yacht Club apo.......,. ..., ...., 11114 followlJls lto eomploto .._ ,-to -., It .., annual affair. " (Beckner Photo) t' "·-L>ON l..ZE .P-EflP£TtJAL TROPHY for the "'inner of ttw-tlrwt alllt\l&J Newport Harbor Yacht club Ship Rock rat·•· hrkl lut WH-k f'nd Ill tielnc pn-!ff"nf~ to Bob ~filler' (riSf'lt} owner of tbf> \Vf'ttim•ard. Cl..M!' A and O\'f'raJI \'lctnr. by Al Bk·krr, truphy c~mmltt"" chairman.. "'nt~ .. rd \\'a• alo;o Kr&t1·h bi:iaC In th.-nM..'f' \\'hl<"h uw 10 ~·achht 11lart on th:· cuurwo from St''''port tlarbor lo Ship Rock at ('atallna l•lllnd'• l111t.hm118 and hark. (H lleht:ut:k Photol NHYC t H Id BAIT TA ... K story. How .About bluefln tuna? 0 0 " ThP aporl•mon 1n1Co •• h•ck didn't calch them Now If th('y had pul a Fl8hlnJ; this WPek Is about a!' Bt>a&on on thein years ago. lhis G Id C S • i::ad WI It can gt"t . Ba<! wealh"r Is would be a good month for fl!Jhln~ 0 Up erles probably lo blamt' for 80me of it. commercially and for ple88Ure. w ,. j Live bait 1!1 eXC<''.lent, whlcil about all know lhP answer except the Southe rn California Yachting's t <"lls the atory. They seem to know fish lll'ld J.!&n1e boya. r when the tlah are not •rpund. Don't blame only the commercial ~ Propelk>r ~ Colwnblaa ~ Phone Harbor 110 lradlllonal Gold Cup Aeries {one I 8111 Mqee, the Barracuda drift boy• -how about lut Saturday DIVORCE FILED dealgn SP r 1 n g champloruihlpa 1 net king, had 200 pound.a one when J"k" Mr y"n; and hla crew Divorce &ftet 10 month.a of mar-.sponsor t'C.J by thf" Nt'wport Harbor .1. night. Shark.e and M'al.11 rot>beJ t.aggt"d that Long Beach crowd for rtage wa.s sought fn superior court Yat'ht C ub la schedtht-d tor lhla 1 him of anothet 200 lb8. The seal!I lhelr 8mall baaa th .. y Jett on thr by Mrs. Ollve E . Waugh IMI she Satur<tay' and Sunday, April 28 are getting bolder and are ln-1 bo~t to t1poll . Ovf"r 350 fl.ah aftf'r charged Eric J. Waugh with cru-and ,29. I err-Mi ng very fas t. Bill thou~ht evrryone had ta.kf'n their llmit. elty. She aa.td they were marrle<t Cnrnpetltlo n wlll be raz.or krf'n 1 la.st yf'ar was bad, but lh\B one What the devil Is a sport.8ma.n ! al l.a.8 Vega.a Jut June 24, sepa-In the following llstt'jl c lUMlll: h8.8 .him talklng In hla ~ard. Uet'a •II ho~ for a good ending , ShOH RPpaJred rated tn Newport Beach Monday Lchn1ans. Snipe•. Th!Jlitle.s, 1 .. tght-Pir-r flahlng la slow with an oc-anyhow. See you In a rowboat. RICCIARDl'S SHOE SHOP Alt•'•t1o11-••ft'IOd•ll11q slsts or an automobile. Sbe uked l..ude-rs t6, Rhode•. Stars, 110s I rlannr lK, aa thry are the .style at 4 M-l _ Bus1"nesses \\'bll4' You \Valt ..A and that community property con-j nfn~M, Jnt:i rnatlon1tl 1-1. AlbalrOM, caslonttl halibut. \\'ttar yoor red o.-~:'f!ioWIM• the court to order Waugh to Mlp--and r . C. , P.rc~<'nl. Ltve-bait excellen~. Ba..rge e5CI ... ou-t.(OTTO: MGtfti,.q 1 .... p0albl• port her from hla earnin.g11 u a With 11'x or mor(' enlrles In r-ach fll4ltlng Vt"ty 1Jlow. Ll\'e-ball boat.II Get N o Z&M ~ewport Blvd. car~nter at the Terminal lala.nd ract, lhere will bf. daily first and I ca.u~ht lo~ of ftah In the L. A . ew w.,en NEWPORT BEACH Navy yart.I. second place awsrd1i. paper•. but not down here CAta- :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j 1 Weath er ·~rm lltl ng, all c l&Mea Jina proved a dud hut Tuesday r l•r1tl"r than LlghtnlnJ;'I wlll be sail-Whf.'n the local boy• tried their • t • ' , •• RefriteNtots -Mode for once.· a · wHk &hop- ping because they g ive you --Mi•r SAFE Cold from lop lo bo,_ -from OM shoppi119 trip lo the ...... 199.75 • ••• Eltctrk flcggu-• -Seo tho now WOHDfl OVl:H that balcos and bfollt al the ,...,. Hmo I Alto, the 9THllFTY-30"electrlc rgnge with the blnost O\'Oft of ony hovMltold ro1190 • ''°"' 162.16 -With exclu1l1t0 ll••Wottr Action then -11y ......... ci.o.I SM tJ. t.-Selod.0. Dlitl-lqpldry-a,lft--...... laln finilll. 1oslt!' ed 'wf. · -:iot..~ll ... c ... MI ... • 11f1Missrzu1lcp -:.:i:r:;:.~ .:. . ~ .... THE ISLA~I). HARDW ARI , '· ~ . AUTHORJZl:n l}ALl:I! AND· bl\Vtca -, , •• ,..,.... .&w.. •••• ,... ..... ·•·: t•••" - • ed In the oce&n ; smaller c lU&t'fl ln luck . the bay. Startlng ~ln at 1 p. m . Surr fishing ha.8 given the g&ng Rt"quc•t11 and lls~ of entr\('8 the work.e. Even the •leady old :5hould bf' In the handfl of the Race perch qult. Row boat 11harplea arc Cemmltte-e. Newport Harboi-Yacht having • hard ti.me In the bay. Club. not later thane· a. m . Friday, Croaker &ffm to be on titrlke. April J7 . Wind baa been bad; ao let.a 1et our The facllil it's of the NHYC will ga.rdenlng done. Thi.I guy Truman be open to contutanta, crewe and certlllnly hu things gummed up. friend.a. There will be informal .,_ .. F\ablnr danc ing Saturday night from 8 t o 12 p. m . and the Gold Cup Preeen- t&tlon Dinner w!U be held from 7 to 8 :30 p. m. Sunda)". St"RF BOAJID STOU:N J ohn Miller , Loe Angele•. com· plai n~ to Newport police at l :36 a, m. ~ton<lay of the theft of a aurr board valued at ~ from the top of h is car parked In front of 717 Balboa Av<' .. Balboa Island. Mii- ier sa1d the board wu made of whl~ b&laa wood cover~ with yellowl.ah-whlte fiber glue.. J ohnny Nottk, the San Clemenlt' Pier operator, dropped In to tell w: about the baM fl1hlng. Weekday crowd8 are Ught1 lll'ld any good 11ngler can get h 's limit. These fl.sh are small. Woody Payne. who handle11 the bait boat, In lhia pert- nl"rahlp. had two sea bass In lbe bait net Tuesday momll'!g. Both fl8h Wt'lghed over 40 pounda each. Call San Clemente 4~. and let the lady tell you ht'r story. The pune .elne-argument Wb going strong Wedneeday nl&ht when. one guy broke up ~e eeiner'• Four MC8& buslnrsse8 ch&ngerl band.a la.et Wt'ek . In proceu of sal~. or &<:tua.lly con.su1nn1aled are the following dea.111 : Jordans Book Store, tS32 'h Newport Bid., &Old by Mr. an<I Mn. G. Clair J ordan to He len Pearce and Margaret Dittman of Monrovia, Calif. • P . E . Carrell'• Jr. Department .store on Newport Bl\o""d. i.a 11elllng to Albert 0 . Huttton or Anaheim. Hut.eon ' already owns •tore• In Anaheim and North Long Bea.ch. Almond'• cate, 1874 Hfrbor Blvd. baa closed. ·Mr. and Mre. A. C. Almo nd decldffi not to rentw their lf'&se because of Almond'11 Ill health. Mr. and Mnt. Dale C. Cutlip, owners of ..Dale's Furni· lure. 1929 Harbor Blvd .. 4re taklng over the leue a.pd will operate a new and u8ed furniture busineM In the' toz:-mer cale bulldlng, openlng about May 1. Willoughby'• Jtwclry, al 1836 1,, Newport Qlvd., 90 d to Clyde Cor- dray. • . YIMI .. n '" at a glance why a Slulloba,,_ ....... , ............ . ni..•a no aupotfluou1 pounllo'° to '- ,_. wllh .... ""Iii••'• itl-loullt thrift; Select YHI Studebai..._ tfuck n-. A half .. .... i ........ -ton .. -ton ,,......,. .. stake. A ........ .n-nc1-on.Mlf ton w two f9ft medaL · Two _,,,o1ou1 """9bak.eMMillt _, __ • hlthly elfld..,. lcon....,i1or -or a hillh ,....W Power-Pluo. Stop In right •-Y· '· ·-. -· OPEN EVENINGS AND SUND~YS ,B'f APPO~l'I'>' JOE NICKERTZ, l:0cat _ Def!ller . 3415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Thea,~~ Har. 5 ro Nwpt Beach • I ' CUUENT UININGS Per Annum : llllllS ;11w -inum ~~c:. • • • ' • , • ' - • > • • • -• 1 1 • • I I • • ' . fa.rry F. Me)-e.r •a"Y'• 'AM Harbor · "Re!rtge~ton have been ptaced. , on allocation b7 the factory &n4 ·. current stocka a.re-golng rUt. Then, too, material ahoriagea ate· c olng to eliminate many of tie feat ure• and convenience• of tu. tun model.I. However, for a ~etY abort Ume, we have a complete aelection of-tetrigeraton from which to chooae. So lt~you've been. ~g about buying a new re· f rigerator, we 1uggest you pay m a vlslt whUe you can .UU aeled the eiZe &nd atyle you want.'" •. ,. ,,, ,,,, Coofer1ttr fntrrn jo• <11 still b11 IHIJI Coolerator provtdea all the kinds or cold required for perfect refrigeration • of each t ype of food . From the f ull-width tO- lb. Freezer-Chest rtcht. down to the Kine-Siu Criap·O·Lator, Coolera• tor lncorPo~ted ev~ry apa ce-aa.vi.ng fe1-lure and atep-.savinr conven- ience that can be built into a ·deluxe elect.rte r.trtgerr.tor Incl~ - Hagie Selecto-0-Shelvu -Sliding Sn.a.ck Buket- Adjust&ble Ch!U·R·Alor -Fresh.Meat Drawer- Maelc Lift and Plutny ·l ee Trays-and npt or ten hand doon: optional at ftO eztra COii. h• theM C .... ,.,., ........... , ... , ... __ _ diet.,. ...... ·~ ~ ~. . -· __ ...,,__~ TBOPRY WJNNElll! ~.h'dne iAasten Adual Tf•""1. dinner at lho Balbc» a.y Club ("°"' left): • -Biil Pln. tiie lial-Bay Cllab fupot.i fort'-> .. ,.... Mallia on S/I. 1%!!11 pound•: Jodp Frul< tJna•U. the .... prMld•t.. wtUt , ... ..or. s.~ .onac:o ~f'rpittuat for °"' fil'8t Marlla or the IMl.IM ud the W. P. ~ntoa Perpetual for tM la&•et:al Alb•c•..e oft I th.read; Mrs. •·raak lJ n•U. the laae 0f'Oea".8dyke PerpetuaJ' for 1at1u.t AO.O.re on S/I ln the pJ'11 df'~l. a t8 pouoder, aad Georp Rohltetn wtttl tbe Bob Colllard Perpetual to r thit tarc~t Martln on Hshi tac.kl&-t&S pouadL . , (Photo by Beckner ) M~E .~IO'!WIN?!~ (rtor:" lt!ft): W. P • .Qaldfi ntun, tht" Al Paynf" 1•rrpe.tuaJ for the laiteA •. Al~oa ~/8.:~:-1~ polltlU; redrtn( prM!deot _Dr. Saf'\'ato~ Monaco; Dr. ThomM 0.. Vaufhn, with ~.,1:--·~~Awanl for tM fkat AlbMiore of tne aeaeon. ud J ack An"11er, the R. II. R~r Pt"rpetuaJ fpf .tl.Ml·M~ M•rtla Oa medtupa taekl~''"~~ polmda. (Pholo by Beckner) . •, . -. -. . ~ ; . . -. Krte :eontest · Staged by Cub ·Pack 110 row. Den 6-Bo6 Graham. gold arrow: Bob Fradfi('ht, a.Mil!ltant dt:nner. Next and la.st regular pack meeting wft be the •nnual pic nic on June O. No mt"e tlng win be ht-kt tn May q lhe pack will be pulling on a ck>monatrallon and :Jelling tickets ror lhe big county Boy Scout circt1-s. Save Castoffs for Salvage Week Ca~tnrf m8.terials wh.lch Nl"W· port B<-ach r('slt:fents don.ate dur- Ing Salvalton Anny S&lvage week ,lnate&d o·r the uauaJ kite rtylng M11.y 14 through 19, will b E'lp . t(" contest. It wu a k lU <llaplay thl8 Rabbit Show at Mlvage lhf' ruturl" of ..t.hoUAMd:' year for CU b scout s ot Pack 110, or nC't'dy and handlcs.pped peMIOna. Balboa b land, when they held Fair Grounds That nl••sagc Crom Brlir. Rt.noon their pack meeting Frklay eve-D. Gifford. manager of the Sal· ntng, April 20 in Corona del Mar valion Army Social Service Ce-ntPt Ptellmlnary event ttt a·rouac in-· I , :1chool auditorium. After the Jud•· Hf'rvtnf{ lh l~ ar('a. was re nyed Lh ltl tPrest of rab'bil fHn<'1crn in cnrnin.... k b WI ·1 H 'd lng· It wu learned that Bob lJad-.. "''e-e v 1 1'.m . 1• ams, cbalr-Orangr County Fair, 8('t for AUJ? r Lh N t n--I field ·had· tl'le large.st }\Ile, George mAn o e cwpor ueach Sa - H.alLIE'r the ama'lest and Bob Gra· 15~19· lnc·u~l vt'. WM the Southern vn·:I' \\'ct·lt rommittee. f"11.li fomia Nf'w Zt>aland Rabbit ·1am, the best decoratf'd. nrirle::. Gifford pn·nlC'd out that Club's Kho\v atagPrl Suturrtny and d 1 h. •-Cubmuter J'ck. Ucb was aidt'f.] ui-r col inJ=. f1u·nitur,e, uvme ap- >y Ray Bacon, U11Ultant cu bma.ster Sunds.y al lh(' Oran~e O>i;nly li'ttlt pl1ances. radios, bedding. dishes. tnd NelaOn Prl,ngle, chalrman. grounds near ~anta Ana. ,. ne\vspa~MJ. ma~ee and mUt- r n!-asU{er -....for thl" pack I• St&it TM club. with nP&rly 150 m('m-('ellaneom art1cl~ &re ~ed ur- ,.adfjeld. 1ror· lhl" entertainment ~rs to ln&kc it Oil(' of the lar~l!lt I ~f'nlly by the SulvaUon Army So-· ;mri or-the prggram th~ b6yl!I en-. ·ocal ra.bbit as.10elat ions ln the U. <"is l Servlc .. dt"vartment to carry ·oyed _three pictwrea o( wukni:ea S., had m~re t.han 300 tntriea ftc1n1 on Its pro3r11.1n or 80C'la~ rchabili· life shown by courtesy or "Buu" five couAt1ea In the week t'nd rab-t:lttnn. ~llaworth, head of Mercury Inter-blt •how. "DLl'Cartls donote<1 last y~ar and 1atlonal plclyn!s. , Drat or br<"ed dOf! award was rcfu rb1.!1hcd In th" SOC'IAI CenU-r'I' T here w u an induction cere-.....,n· b'y Orlln Onkst or Klvc.'ra. workehopg provlded 223.odo hours 'Tl.onY for fiVe "11PW Bobcats.. M 8.r-Pr ize tor be•t buck In show ~s of wtJrk Un:rapy Lor ne~y and shall W right. \V ayoe Gouvlt.nd. Up~u.red by Joe Lutes {J( Bard<'u hl\nd1capl)f!\I velera.ns and non· ,....eorJ:e MCFarlan, Bill Loomlt: ahd Grov:e who also won award tor Vt"lt'r&n "J,-Brig. c :rrord 8o.Jd. ••tn Br:'.ldley F it.z:ge.taJd. best 'display ln show. ' aclditkn, lhf' center aerwd 5L7~ . /Udj~• we~ Ro~rt Spra,rue ot wholc80Jne meals, fum.i$btid 18.os:I Ad\""&D«h'"5t·_Awards f>acramento. natlonaUy -known warm lx'tbl attd p'"Ovtdcd tlda.nctal Adv anCflT'lf'nt awards lv erl" gtvni rabb'l ahow JUdi-e Who will •bib be a.sa:ls~cl! to .1ncn ln Gt.e!reu." un1su.uo,' •¥UR• Mt"IUuftc -._. '\4 to'lowa: Den 1-:t:flckJ' .J&rTett, one l ot the jud ges al 1comlnR" Or-• A epcctnl fleet or 'Red Shleld ttold &rroW: Tony Whlll!., be6r -..OJ:C" county Y-&lr, and WeeiDlxoa truck.a w lU be aval!able to an.swt:r badge; DMny "'Rea •. gold 'arrow of Glendale. calls duri91 g the Salvage Wttk ~ denftet-art.Cpe· Deb ~Dick Shaw superlnterw.len~ WM H er-drive. .. A lelepbone c a,ll trJ Har~ :lr~-)>ear, ii.dee: ·~lul· m°'ll_Kelcbum <>le YOTba ~a, and 0758 ""11 brblir otzuclt lo -Or 314ir~ pd~. lil!Ver • ..-and tdfti Cocluao <if El N'on'le .......i otrlce lo picll llp C4-ltOttLl ~r del>ner,.ti~to ... ~ Mo-u -r.i.o,. Cllalrlnaa ot th• ::&rti>y "&Ad T-· · ........ '11\ow waa.J!De"La\<ill -'wW aJoo , .,.,. .,,_ m_..,._ ·~ _..,.,, ~IN m!&SH . ~ ·'""-~~ Doti °"""' . ~-.,..... ·ot ~ ..,_,. and .-, , bear tiadgo'·...i -otripe• 1o ~ .ublbllo al the llllil Or-Cano driven IJy E. J .• Liu>dr<tb, Bev Uenta 'Ond 11o1>, ~ ", O>unty hlr: ' Ir.I, of IOGZI !l. '°"rtll 8t, Santa GA~ f. y Is wo!ti.llc... -· , , ~and )lalmel ~di qr: • Den ~.O~ 10'<1-and · Pl.l!!ADl!l 1'10% OVll/.l:T Coata 'r. -al .f'lfUl Ud .. · . _ ·. , .U-auew•. •.1!111, • .. -. • .~ llililalfb K. 1,.._ •1, B:...... ~ Btroeto, DMr Batfqtjln -. ~ DPfd Pl!lilt. -........... "',:;;; ~ ~ to --• Ul:JO &. ..... llal1ardV· 1861 H. a...;;:.. • ..1 · -~-Urww: Dra· & ',llt«ff +n-11f c111..-. la !few ~ at ~ t I Ital fiw aw )hi. S~ ·'"'\I 1*1\re·~ ..._, l'!K•._. cJl7 -C. ..... ,.. A -lajullte -. lln. .S. I. , c~ .... 111 ~ =· .!riJLa .c..-.16'd •• ~ ""7 1a1.1 - -.. ro. ....... Landretll. #2. -~· V9ll9 -• _. : ~"'...,.. ,,, I • Iii'"',,.. .. ,, Be -( ... (Mm jato .,. _________ rlflim)1 I; M !1'1111171; ....... Ol"Ra«I' zt 1:111'-m. II I.. 1>iid,. le WWWI .... W.*1l ltl ' ' ' • • ' : • S1.nlkn15 U.:...1.1 ~Joyce Stey.'art - IU.: llUlll Honie From ·y akima Mid UN Meet JD7<"! -siewut. aa111bttt of Kr • and Mhl. ~ Stewart of 2rilB Broadway, OOOta x..a. Ill ~ At U.. 'mock' 'cm "'~ IM!lnc welcomed -. alter spendlns a ~by tile Btaafotd ONftro· ~ . In Yald!na, w~. wbeno 11tF Collqiat• Coune'I of ·u.. na-ab• waa •mployed wttb • bard· .. -ware store.. M* Skwart wu the :lolUll ""°"l&tkr) far Ille United 11\l<llf. of h'1' unc·e and aW1\, Kr. "l&Uona, -'Prfl :at·lll, an , Orange and-Mn. r . W. Rl~be, while away. Clout -nt delqatloo beaded by Pmelea BJ>!llloo of Sea• Bokh trill repT"Ment ' Greece, annouDcee 1!ld Rlj:e, lnllf.rllclor and ..Svt.io• >f tM local J>chool'• lntematlooal l'lel4liono olub. . Othor d•lcgatea lo t'he tnltt- Cll>llesfate ~perltnenl In t.nte.ma- tlonal Wldentandtng will be Toby Tbcmpoon of CO.I.a Meoa. Sam 'Juab or Balboa. John Kennedy of 'Ian ClemenlA!, Kenneth Cnunle$' of 'la-I.eland and Jean O.rtJne >f Newpoi;t Belgltlo. t •Thi.I mock meeUng 19 to paral- lel ln every de.tall the 'UN pollUcal mac.blneey at Lake Succeu. Eacb of the participating colleget and unlversitle•. w h ich incltldea UCLA, Redlando, USC. San Dlegq SI.ate, P'ullerlon and Orange CO&llf J C! from Southern catlfor11ta. w l11 ttpreeent one cou n try holding membcnhlp ln thf' UN . OF PEEL TUI CHAIRS ; HOW ARE YOU ON 1=1GURES1 • I . tins SPACIOUS BAY FRONT HOMJ'l IN TffE MOST EX· CLUSJVE P~ OF BEAUTIFUL llALDOA. PEN1NSUIA U&S BEL'I PRICED TO , SELL AT 39% Ul'l"DER TODA'l"8 REPLACEMl!NT COST • . . . , EIGHTY FEET ot choicest Bay fronl11~ 14•llh private beach f Ba.9ed oh r ecent .se..1e of adjoin inS vacant lo tJ AC!Cf!ile to .Ubrary A con~rvative estimate ..................... -., .......................... $ 55,000 Bc8ldc• ha ving acccse to the 1tanford lfnlvf'raity general a..nd I re.AeArch llbraric•. each J?:toup. orJor to &tTiv&l In Palo All<>, Will have l!ltudlt"d tho:: backgi:ounci of, ·he country which It w111 ttprr- sent. Private pier and large ellp n oal ............................. ---·· · t ,&00 Walls, fencing, landaca.pl.ng ...... : ............ _1 . .•• .• • ··-· ..... 3,.5-00 MOO square feet of best conislructiop ·-···· ..... ... . ··-·· 1 bcdroom&---6 ba.lh&-2 be.thing shO\\'C,:; etnd rlrcHsini; rooms---Llving room. dining room an<.I ma'1ter betlroon1 e11.ch have fl.replaces--kltchen wllh dis poRi'l. d ishwuher. stainless steel throughout. built in charcoal barbecue, etc. -Forced B.ir fur naces in bascn1cnl -all copper plumbing-3. cu garage and a host ot\ features. Cl f grade or materials used were still available) )·ou might At the aMembly rach collrge delesatlon will altt"n1pt to put 1t-i eelf in the place of the country reprellt"nt<'d. Ora11g(' Coaat 13 for-'i lunate-In having am.ong Its s1a . dent.a a native Gr<'ek, P('T'ICIC's Span~ t o head ita dc'egat inn.' Span05 \1rill ~peak in Grec-k and tra.nalato·"' will convert h is ap<'t'<'h I Into various Ja.n~ai.;ce In the J aaml" manner follo\ved at La.kt>' S ucceu. I duplicate for _____ .............. ___ ...... _............ .. .. ..... .................. 80,oqt? • EBtima ted Replacement ..... __ ......... _. __ .... _ .......... $JU ,00o PRICE ~N TIUS BEA.UTU-TL ,u~ME 18 $9~1010 FRIDA·Y Tiit~ and SAT. ONLY ' 69 5 .... MAKe AN APPOll\'TMEXT TO SY.t: TlflS PltOPERTY - THEN_ CHECK TUE 1-"!Gl lRES ON t :STIMATED REPLACE- ME~'T cos·r F rom Stanford corn('~ lht> sn · nounct>m enl that a surprllw prob· !em will be prc11cnted th«.> Kludenl 1 participants in t he middle o f lhl' five-day aeMion. The student dip- lomat.I will have lo "•olvc" it. LAGUNA AWNING . & MAPLE SHOP LOUIS W. BRIGGS (EXCLtJSl\'E AGENT FOil TllE O\\·:xEns) 714 EAST BALBOA BLVD. '790 so. f'OA~T n1.\·n . BALBO A. C.U.IFOR.NIA t>HQNE :-llAR.BOK 88 . ., ' Dodge la movlni;. Y..'atch It! LAO l .:\'A nt;1\c·11 • • It makes your dollars talk gr.eat go,od sense! • When you look at the times...wc live in : : : and then take a look at this new Chrysler Wmdoor ... you m ight almost think we'd bad advance information and apccial-built this car just to lit these times! • Certainly it treats your hard-earned and t ight-stretched dollars with a respect that's h'!fd to find in a good many things you buyt T o begin with, the Windsor !me is the Jeast-pric~ of the three lines of cars we build at Chryoler. T o buy one gets you all the ' basic goodness Chrysler engineering means, at the very /oweat coat., That 's good sense in itaclf. In powerplant, your Windoor brings' ou Chrysler Spitfire ; : I one of the truly great engines in the w olc briaht hiatory of America's motor cars. Time-proved and. owner-beloved, it would be hard to put your money on a sounder friend than this to live and travel with you through the months ahead I As to romfort, Windsor bringr you the ilrnllring travel bonus all Chrysler ownen get this year •.. the revolutionary n.W Orif1ow ahock aboorber. With more than twice th@ ahock-aboorbing power of any other ~ the world, this amazin& new device kccp1 wbecla rteady on the road, and riden rteady in their reata. ~ you c.an sec, it ia no idle claim that thia car makes ~cry rpecial scn,e in these unusual times. But why not get the whole aood story at first hand? Why not ao rec your Chrysler Dealer, very aoonJ ... Jdih) IO look all ••• le.i1dlfal io drt~I ' .. • l • .. ' • I • • • • ' , ART TT -:rHURSD',._Y, APRIL 26; I. I • occ A• Stull•'9f• ...... '° '"" °" ' ·r~-~-.:~. ~ wAU.P4P.as T• C.llle T.... hr'ltl ":&LI •••:.: !"".:,; 1 c~ ~ .!! :-~:~ • , -~ ~ bull MICXP ~ 181tm • qeapg ~ OOC ~ lllU• ICbedWeo wW·oporit• oa D\J'Ulllt ~ -. .. 111m CL 9110...0 ...,., N ....... • ._ .. -UMlr -I«, Rich· B&Ylltc Time CfecU•e April II, tu. Jfwpwt -. -°"!' -1 '" • ,. 4 ud -t, participated In a a-1801, In tb-arou ~ tbe '-----------' 11--=.:.::i;,..:.;,:::_.::::::._,;.:..;:...; __ 1 .., c.Jlroruto. -cattle lour, U.... chanp; .....0!111' IA> .-an- WWII' 11111¥ tbroap Friday ot ~ nouncem111t l11ade 11111 WMlt bi ...,., Apotl ll-IO, wbon llley JOln! Qlen ,Q , lllapll"lfl. ~ trattl<: ..i a 'tlln{vmollT "" Wlieet." menaa.,. or u.. com-. _ • --bi tbo w........ u.... . Atrlvala and departuno u.ted In llAlclE Journal wltb uolot&noe ot tbe bUa eompany'1 time lablOI, ~ Illa v .a. Depattm.nt or AVcul-clocks "or Padflc Ottybound cle: tun, tM Colltomta A(l'lcultural poUI In the area attected will com· -a.me. and IH4ing <I~ with DayllCht SaVllll Tlme.· ' BALBOA TRANSFER CO. AOBNl'll 1'08 Beacon 6553 s,..... : ' . - Local anc/ Nation-wide Moving C-E-McNU:L 19M ILUUIOll BLVD. -0. C-BENl'l1:l'r .....,.._ o-Ille •tate. AT NAVAL HOSPITAL -Tltom'" )(ye~-ot Utb 1tr.t, Coat& M-la conva1e9clnC In tlle Loni' Beach Naval llotpltal lollow- 1...-an appendec~)'. lb.adente maJd.nc the t~r were OOtWt Aadereon, Jolin l!beroolo. Al hl'Jq, Bert O..k1107, Jack llaJo, DaYld Hiide; ilm..t Ruval· .. ,,., Marvin &taUer, O.w Towno, OWm -Ublmtyer, John French. Baiold rnmon, ll:arl Trapp and ~~·dolepUon joined tho RUGS ~o .. , tour at Macttta. Ca.lit. 1n lhl"ff '*' ... !Iii-.. _... et' 1 ............. ..,. ...... .... ClllllTWI~ ' YOU ' ... COl&'IAILY IWlll• . '° wa.11• WITll. • Bl!NDAl'S: p:4S.,.,; 11 ...... ~raU-, 1:3'1 ,_ -. ~. 11JC>--8d.I. "p,-• • , RATTAN FURNITURE AND ·ACCESSORIES MADf IH OUI OWN WOllS"OPS AHO JIOM ?Hf •HtllPPINfl .., US PJl'l'l'!I 01" BLOOD """' -'bi N-rt -...... _ .... tbe leot vll1t •f ..... ~ ()TOM ~ - Thu.rwmy al \be Lesto• balL 8hOW1l .,-,"' la die t.tlac u:att for di.ye U.ey Y.'llted a total ot 18 •• .. e1 ~.... ~ .,.. H•• ·-•• ·d 141.-,.. ,_ -""""'91 ........... ranehM, ol>Mrvln• r~.t ,_, 'Pl'O-HOUSE & OAKDEN cedu.ree which make tor aucceAS• 610 Cout Rl\.\-ay, Newport +· . . . (, . I -.' . .. ~ •t:o•too'~ ~ Mnktfv. ...• THI LA•••sr DISPLAY ON THI PACIAC COAST • ,__,""' .... w .. c..-, IWlli s-........ _, o.-...i-........... 0r.,. .................... HOUSE' GARDEN'"~""'·"• ,,,.......,_nn OPEN NITES -SID< Y 10 te'4 229 SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIFICATION READY MIXED CONCRETE ' blood tJ1>las of doaoro bofoN their b1oo4I 11 colleci""-· ' <Pn• Photo) JUNIOR COLLEGES HEAil ABOUT SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC RELATIONS "How can we carry out an tnteUlgent public n:laUon.1 prorrazn in Ol.lr junior COllel{MJ?" Uked 80 atudent from l~ colleg'H wbeh the~ parttclpated in " PubUclty and Publication• Workahop held at Oranp- Coe.•t coll ege lut Thursday, Aprl.I l9 and aponsored by lhe Southern CaJltornla 0 Junlor College Public Relation. orga.nlu.tlon. PreS('nt to offer fruitful •Ug- gestlons Were Ben Reddick, own£r cYMion and orrered practtcal. con- and publisher or lhrtt newepapers structlve advlee. ' i.n Lhe Newport Harbor area; J ohn ~ Dunlap rrom the Loe: Angeles tul operation. They all had the ad-OKN NIT1s-4vfti1Ut II .. 4 vantage or mtxtnc with leading 1 '--------------' catUe · men from Idaho, Oregon, / Nevada, Artz.ona and C&Jtromta. -------------men who wero looking for good LET US RESoLE YOUR r.a11eh property or tor reglatered SHOES With stock or who were etmply looking GENUINJ: Cor ·So04 ldeaa. Nl:OUTE Tbey · .. wtt.mNed profeuionlll ~ , domonaltatlono ot cnidtnl' and W•ar lonrer t~ p...,.,.,,... IU\d Uatened to ~k ¥tter prodll<tlon .,,a marketlnJ opeclaJ-~aa E. .JTtb lit.a u.plaln and llh.a.tn.te eoll con-~ , .CO.t&. Ma.a nrn.Uoft and water development. d A ~AIN n..7 •w the lateat mechanl .. d 11 ·---·--·-IJ------.....i farm equipment ln operation. 8DK& qun:r TITLE Qu.let Utle to • p&'Fce1 ot New· port BM.ch real eetate WU IOughl th.la wttk by Troy L. Drexler Of Loo Ancel .. In ault again.It M. J . Taylor u admlnhtra.tor ot the 11tatc or the l&te Maude S. Mu--· _Waler Heaten SERVICE I: REPAIRS '" 8.cldoU A.uthor1&ed Dealer "'--'•'"""---"-• I ffH/T l"IW"''""'n ~ ;.ontllejobw KtVC.you •.. with numben nae U.edin -your c\,i=ry. And """' rclephon~ users ' ' call her only When they don't find che nUJbb:er tM.y WUt in the: telephone book. Why, they •y, malte TWO alls when --will do? • l Times: Samuel HerTl<'k, a dlre-ctor or KT'TV, Los Ange!ea; lllld John Field, director or denlopment, University of Southern Calilornl&. At LID! afternoon aeuton, which ;,.,..,_,,..,.,...,_...,_..,,_..,,.,..,.,.._,...,..,.._.,. • ..,_...,_...,_...,_..,,_..,,.,..,.,.._,...._.,.._.,.._., • ..,_...,,..,,.,,_...,.-.,,.,.._,.. .. ,..._,,.._.,. • .,_...,J..,,..,_..,,_...,.r,..,..._,..._,,.._.,. • .,_...,_...,_...,,.,, •. .,.,.,~ began at 3 : 1.5 ln the college chap- \\1f'R t \\.'ll&on ( between Ne\Yport and Harbor Blvd.) Costa Mesa -Phone Beacon 53-48 Two other workahopa were In progreq at the ea.me time. One can budget and Cina.nee, had u Ila chairman Biil Hay of Oran~ Coa.st college and IU consultant, William Grant ot Compton. The third voup under the ch&lrlm&n- shtp or John Han.een of ML Sar: Dod.re 11: movtn&. Watch ll! Dodr: La movlq. Watch It! Day & Nlrftt HoaWw TllMS IO"l, Doww oa •II MMte" Phone Harbor !U.!-W 6417 FOR MILL WORK, SASH & DOORS SEE- 518 COAST HIWAY At Tht" A. rchett OTHER \'ARDS : La~a. Beacn -Santa Ana. -Fullerton -La Habra -Brea • • Santa Fe T ralllc Olllce1 1afe9uard your freight 1hipmenls In all parts of the country WHEREVER you a.re loCated, there is a Santa fe freight reptttcntative uaigoed to you~ locality and at your SUYia, ETery ttallic office has direct communi· cation (by teletype or the world's Iua- private telephone system) with other Santa Fe ofticet. You get the information and service you want .. ·P'W•l'IJ """ .,,..,,.,.,. Santa Fe frtighr men know their bui.nea They know rour territory and oun-and your local fttigbt problems, too. . ~~ I i I ' ' . Antonio worked on a plan of or-e I, Ben Reddick gave straight down-ttearth advice on ways and mearui or getting 11Chool news into print. Hla "do's" and "don't.I" were e-mphasl%ed by concrete IUunra- tiorui or good and bad reporting, acceptable pictures ror cul! and appropriate ways or e.tabltshlng pt"rs<>nal contact.8 between achool repre11entatlvca ~and members or the press ... ganlz:atlon for publlc relatlona on -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, a conteren ~ level. W . N'. Kepley, • Jr .. of Harbor Junior collep, aer- ved u re:aource peraon. ''Thirc ie abeolue necessity," said RedJlck. ''that full coopent· tlon exiat between the &ehool ani.J the city desk." , TV fiPld Following Reddick, Samuel ,Her- rick explained the reuons tor present dlrticultles In attempting to use TV u a -publicity medium but added, "constant cha.n-ge 10ff on In the TV fleld. Prrhap11 aome- thlng may tum up." • Gf".Df'l'al. 8Naloa F olJowlng a apt"ClaJ dinner tn the college cafeteria. the enUre group convened In a 3eeond gen• eral sesalon, this time In the tech- nology building, to hear John F ield or USC outline In detail waye of "Opening up lhe Public Relation• Package." Sy uatng the old for- mu'a-"Do good and tell a.bout It," Field 1treuect lhe various avenueJi by which lnaUuUona can become welded Into lhe community. "Newspaper publicity Is but one way a ac.hool can aeU Itself to the community," he MJd. "AU contact.I make their imprint ; public ·per- forrna.ncea ot student.A and facul- ty, community forum aeries. mo- vies, radio, unu.ua.t experiments, the coJJege catalog and above all the attitude or cooptra.tlon a.nd good wtll exihlblted by every mem- ber or the student body and facul· ty.'' MAD MOORE'S CASH & CAR.RY BAUOA BOULEVARD AT NURSERY 11" llTREl:T, NEWPOR't .• ' PELARGONIUMS Now In Go'~"°"" 59¢ C'-0lor ... . ..... qt&. ea. MAltTllA WA8HINOTON OF.RANllIMS RUFFLED PETUNIAS FUCHSIAS llJI' Planta ln quart NlRll In Bloon1 ............. . ....•. -·· ···-··. -· HERB -HERBS -HERBS A OOOD TIME TO PLANT ............ 35f ""-3 ror 1,QO IA.ROEil PLA.1'"TS lit quart ca.nit .. . ' ·-... . 39¢ ... ff?,y IH1f '-'""- a /iSf of f!Nit /Jktance Wonder how many long numl>eti too,? diSt~ce use~ h2Ve dlscovettd that • s list of the out-of-town numbtn they C*ll can be • mighry handy ming. Sova rime, you know, if you place your call by number nther than just t>y ru..me and 1ddrea. So. nen time you ca.II, why not jot down die number of the pcnon you're calling when your long distance open.tor reports it to fOQ •.. and start your own long ~ce number list? of ~spend 101* of rime deaisnmr your tclepholfe set for both bn.Uty ~ efficiency. ~drtJ and 1mchmena only cl~ittr up its clan lints , •• and perh•psimpair its cfticiency. Immediately following the gen- eral meeting, John Dunlap and hia 'Aire. a regional reporter for the Lone Beach Preaa-Trtegram a.nd· Herrick met with one of lhe tllre~ workehops in the library, the onr detailed to stu4y preu and publl~ city relea11e.!I . Bt!r Barrett ot San Diego prelllided. IndivkJuala pre· sent"1 their problems and Inter· changed auggeaUonA. The profff- Following Field's addreu waa a 1 "••••••••••••••••mll•••••••• .... short queatlon·anawer period and I · @Pacific Telephone + ' • after that .report.a from each of slonal consultants present entered generously Into the !ludent1' dis- Choir Honors Five Natal Celebrants Five members or lhe chotr of the Coata Mesa Co mmunity lhe aftE-rnoon workahope were gl~n . Ohio Couple Here to See Son at Camp Pe'ndleton church WL•rp honored at a party When Mr. and Mra. George arter practlcf' Jut Wctlne.9day eve-Stoker or Plain City, O .. conclud- nlng The r:ve were H . B . McMut-ed a fortnight'• sojourn ln Costa try, J oyce Sands, Chiaholm BroWTI , Ateaa a.e howee gue1ta of their Donna J o Nel110n an:I the director. Ure-long friend&, M r . and M(a. Or· Rocrc Ax'{erthy. They ware p....._ fW. R. ~98 1')1}8f St .. !W!ht.ed UAf'I: lndiYldual cakea to/:· aric:Yreturne~ thf')'-,_. wtlh f:fd 'A'ilh candle111. them delightful n1emortea ot their ft.r (reshmf'nt con'!mlltet!, •·Ann stay. Lilly, Velma ComptOn and Dorothy The Eutemers came to C&Jlfor- Brad t'}" served ca.ke and p~ch nla primarily to att Utelr 800, Ma· to th" honorees and Lorf'nl' Watt.a. rine Pfc. Charle• ~toker, 1taUon- MarUyn Martln, V ivl&I\ Ha.rm.on, ed at Camp Pmdleton.. Among Doris Luckhardt. ).tr. a.nd Mn . lhe p·euurt"e arran~ tor the en· Ct"or~e Plumstead. Mr. and Mrs. terlaJnment or the v:altora were John ReYnolds, Thoburn Thomp-tripe to San Diego, Ttjuana, Lone .M>n, Kl"O Fisher, HC'lt'n Brown, Ann ~h. Los Angele•, and Holly- Crnwfor\I, Evelyn ThC'mpson, V1r-wood. Dinner at Knott'• Berry !(lnla Compton, Gt'rtrudt> Edick Farm was t'njoyed as WU lunch- !lnd hfalcolm Reid. con at tht> Farmera Market. Dental Auxiliary Benefit Bridge is Gay Affair Tab!e• were gay with potted ;tlanla. uaed both u dttoratk>n• !lnd prl&e• wben 171 rue.ta pth- ered tor the Tueeday bttdce lundl- "?an at Ba..lboa Bay club, a benetlt a.ft&lt' for Or&nse county Denial Awdl""1. Fundo w111-be UMCI IA> pn:tttde debla.I care tor ~ ortYile,.ed children. Mra. Howard' Baker of Balboa :.1an<1, p...idont ut lhe awtlllaty, :. a member of Kamaa.tna Xlub U)j! llht arrul"<I ror Uio cbullnc -Procnm st-by """11 hula lanCff9. pupil.a or an A.nabelm KamuJna Klub memben. Corona del Mar Guest Flies Home to ~ondon', England OrMUy ml81ed by hei-many loc&l trten<la will bo Mra. Jllal1on Pe&non, Who bao beta -tin&'· her daucbter, Mra. Jean Taylor, 11ue1 Drive. Corona del Kar tor the put ti lnontha. lllllda¥ rnntns Kn--....n left Loi Anet* alrJ>ort and on Tu-,. moa>iDI WU In London. Erl61aad. Bhe-llu 1"•117 enjoyed her atay In lhe tlnltod Stat... At luaclMo• on Sllnday IO Iii-and"'- ptllom "' w1lh -lier c-.peed anc1 another croup wett at u. alt'- port wtlh flitnd'1' m?-.-"and eorugee. ------ • ADYANCl·DISIGN TRUCKS - Greater on-the-job perfq ..... ance with these great truck futu~ • 9"•T •111• fU.IVOU •TWGnllLet 11 •• "llh·• 11 H•• m · •• • 8 I " El Ctt t 1a. .~C.1*&1 F ePlrt11kjC1 .... . I , Ntw Tlltt -_.... • ...... Dw 0,...... ' t l .. dllld PMtl ..... ""'' ..,_, . --Held~"' \)¥ooo • ~ ..... -..... ,_.,,,,,.._.....,......,. --- . . • ..... Wlcftll°"""'.-· ,._,, *"'_..., . ._,. ..... c....... •°"-f1111 F ..... ·~'·••Adiln..... I ,....,....,.~ elkrftx011J11 .... · •C1mltlfll1l1 11• ~ • f'Oll4jlll-,.,......... • ....,,_, ... -'."'-__ ,...... ....... ...... ' • ,....,.. ........ • I , ..---..~ ~ -r--.. •ll=:P'Ctf aQ11allM . .-; · ti •• ·, 1 l p ' .......... ,., -; J •• ••••~!J r a Milli _. Th ............ _ ' • ' + ~· • Tbete men Mlieft in gma1 oenico. So call yo11t local Santa Pe fttigbt repiesenca- tiYe or your local agent today about ,..r freight shipmen<&. ?'Mr ... .u.tsung Mn. &ker with u.. \fta1r we-R Mm& Cbarft Gruber, '.llllton Andrew, JObn I.. Webl'le7 Uld John Tllonlqulot. Sunday Dinner ai: Coop.er Home. b I I.'. • 1be --1llat ... Olit -- • ... I' 1d•W.L*' -- oTllw I I 1 MollWel .c.._,_ .. l -111•rau1•1 ..a11 •• RllAJ CM .. _,. -CIRNlld'ln .•.. -;-..... -- om 112e11 • • I ... , .... Hf • > E ell· C uo· da.Y at u.. -"'x,_ ·am -Mn. B k S t • 3 0. IL Oltoper, -llltller lllNot. oo ec ion co.ta -..,,.., am -.. -,.. .... ~ .. ...,.,,. LAllt "I ..... qi lllo ,_t fw Ulo !Be -1116. -1114 Dell ~· -lieet1tm • wtll"" -Cooper -........ - Oil ~. 111"7 l at lllo -Jr. 11Uo1. -. 11Jtria -D Ull ol 111&& I( A. ...... -B ... ., Dlllld; .......... I J?Ft'f 1 au M, OoNM dll Mu. ,._ ,... ... _. dl!INrn; Daata.r .. ...-11•'.J: ........ J1t c--. .... 011111 ........ 1rcct1m w s--nr a.a.,. rs , i. ol t.. •sr'•: » .... lllrs......._...._wtD"°"a.--.~a.._._ 'E'a ~ot'l'ltlo8-~-~ "'-.... : ---.. w; ctr!PMlll'-tr .......... 0. -"' ~ -. .. -............ .. .......... ,_ ·-· ., ... ..... ·•If' ..... a.I' I $1 CULB ...... . • .. v ' , .. QM ....... 3 ... . .. ,,,, .. ,.. ..... _ ohll."1 I .. .._ ... ...... "..J • _., ' 1011 ' • •/ • • ' ' LISAL NOTICi! UGAL NOTICI ' OJUllNANCE NO, -NOl:B: : A.a OHft E M of tbfl •Co.-tJ Of , ~A ........ 0..-..No. Sup.,......,.. None. 'AB81!lNT: I • • Ill -,.. A1M• a, New 8a~ -.t. lloell.o• • TWwt. TIM Board of Su~ of lhe County of <>ranp, al8o actlD( u tbe Board of SU~n of Ille 0ranre Ctiwt<y naoa eon1ro1 0to- tnct and other d.tstricta for wbl.ch the Doud of SupervWon la the Ooftrrdng Body, do ordain u fol· low•: , I llEC'l'lON 1. Section 9 of Ordl· aance No. ~ ta hettby amended 'by adding a Dlt!W aub-ee<:Uon there-- to to' be deaJpat.ed ·as sub-.ectk>n ~ tud,u follows ~ ~N-.' IN W?l'NA8 · WHEREOF, l ha,n Mret.Dtto •t my hand u..s attb<td the ottlclal -1 of UM Board of Suporiloora of 0,.,.,. County, Callfomla. thll 17th day of April, 1961. (SEAL) B. J, SMITH County Clerk and ex..offtckl.. aer.k of the Boa.rd .of Supervllora ot Oran&-. Oollnly, CallfO(t11&. No. 891f-Newport-Balboo. p,..... Publllh April M, l"l. ORDINANCE NO. ISi AN ORDINANCE'OF no: om' OF !Q:WJ'ORT llEAOB OIUC- ATINO A PARK, BEACH AND RECRllA'l'ION COMMISSION PROVIDrNO FOR THE M · POINTMENT OF Tiii: MDI· ,BERS THEREOF SE'ITINO FORTH THE POWER AND DUTIE8 OF SAID COMMJS- !llON. 0. (1) Every officer, ap-polntlve officer and employee who i. a member of the Natlon&l Guard or Naval MllttJa. or a member of the re:Mrve corpa or force in the Fed· ua1 mWtary, naval or marine Mr· Yiee, or who enllata or la dl'alted tnto the armed forces of the United Stat.ta, ol!all be ontlUed lo aboent b.1zr\.lelf tronJ hi8 du Uea or •n1.cell while onp(ed In the performance ot ol'dend mWt.ary or naval duty The City Council of the City of and wblle Coins to and return.tna Newport &acb doet ordain .. fol- trom such duty. 1ow1 : ' (2) U be hu been In the ter• SECrION 1: There ue hereby vtce or the County ot oran.-e, the added to the M.unlclptJ Code ot Orange county Flood Control ~ the C1ty ot Newport. Beach Sec- trtct or ot,ller d.Utriclll tor whlc;JI llonl 2420, 2t.2J, 240. 2423, 24.24, the Boa:rd 'br sv.pervisora t. ufe 2426, 2(24, 2.f21 a.nd 2428, to read "HAPP!" BIRTHDAY ~ Joo• l&DS B'MIMM and Prot:e11&a·11 w ... T9eiday alpt. to Bob E"8t- ....... who dklll't ba• a lolrllldl,f dl.aatt -of tMm. l!'olll>wlilc ,t.liett annual -"111 party at "-'-Blomqulot'1 bome la -· ot the ...unor p-t, MalJel PltlllDonlo, -of the B. and P. WW. wrat to •ts ' .. Jlalltroa BAJ' Club, lnelwllq' .... ,,,,..,. wtfe 8ul. When Bob came hl lat.er lie --... liJ1M ~--doeliw!oo. ldt t.o rtght .,.,I llllldftd Stanloio. Proelclent- elec1t R..U. WllliMe. ludJ' w--. 1., PioeN, Dottle .......... -Bo) ra.lmv aad lllatle Bolllnc· llldtkn aro M"'-EM-Velma O'Bltea Md oo ----· 8-tq (left to right) ""' Ulllaa Dodd. 8-loe Allon, ll&Wooa OolotMa. Alloo ~ V-Froako, Rull> Oeerilll, Bettf w .... o. Rub)' MIReo, °""'111 Weber, llftlJ1l V,,_, Bo~ Sift""" and l.Jclla !lhenma. (Photo by-JJe.ckner) Oov1rn.in.g Body tor a pertod of po\ &a follows: lftl than one ( 1) year prior to the "Section 2420. There la hereby SAN FRA.NCISOO G\tESTS Ha bo u k T A 9&t• upon whlah hl8 ab8ence be-cre•ted and ~t up a Park. Beach lilr. and M.ra. JTedertck l"'rawut r r n·its Ta e 0 p wards gtna, no IUch officer, appointive and Recreation Commlulon of the or Ban Franel.l<o w•re entert&lned . . ot:ftce.r or emp!oyee aball be aub-. City Of Newport Beach. recenUy by M.r. and Mn. Dout"- ' jected direcUy or lndlrec::tly by Se<:Uon 1421. Th~ purpose tor lu: Hlnesly, 256 E . 20l}\ 11treet. t 4th o·. t . t p T A M t• reuon of •UCh •been~ to any lo&I which the Park. Beach and Rec-co.ta Mea. Mn. P"rauns and Mn. a IS rte ee 1ng or dlmlnuUot> ot vacaUon or holl-reatlon Conunl..ton 11 created 18 Hlnealy are Ions-lime friends. ." • • . day pr1viJ•re• or be preJudJced by to tacilltalt the pl&rullnc ot Pok By Mn. B.. R. tllU ru.son of auch aboence with ref· and Beach developmen,.· and the LEGAL NOTICE erence to promotion or continuance planning tor adequate ft.ecr•atJon The JllarbOr arM P.-T. A.'1 Wete in office. employment, reappoint-progn.:rm: Utill.z:lng to the fUlleat well out ln front when aw~ ment to otftce, or reemployment. extent all types or recreatton fa.. Special meetlnp of the Parit, were betn• made al the Fourth (3) During the abaence ot any I cilltlt>s av&Uab!e in the Harbor Beach and Recreation ·eomml$ri9n Dl1t.rlcl meeting ot the California officer, appointive oCftcer, or em-area. may be held at 1uch titnu ,&.ftd Conare:u ol PattnlJI A.J\d T-..che:ra.. ployee while engabed ln the per-Section 2422. The Park, Beu:h plaoe:e u the Commlulon lhall Aprtl 19, at Jl"n.nca WtUard Junior tormance ot ordered military duty and Recreation Commluton ~l detn-mlnt!, or apecial meetlnra H1.tb.1ebool. knt& Ana. u a member ot the National have the power and it 1hall be may be called by the Ch.a.trman Firat prize B'¥ard8 on pubUclty Guard, Naval Militia, or ruerve the duty of sa.ld Commlaalon to of the CommWlon a.a he deems record boob went to both Newport or regular corp. or force tn the make recommendation. to &nd ad-adviAble. All special meetlnp Harbor Union Hllh eob.ool P.·T.A. Federal milltary, naval, or J¥rlne vlee the City Coundl ot the City mu.t be called by written noU and Newport BM.ch Elementary 1ervtce, or tn the armed forces of of 1Newport Beach ln all m.attera served upon such · member of the schools P .•T .A. Mra. Walter Cole the United Statee, be shall. rera.rd-pertatnJng to the creation, opera· Commlulon peraonally or by reg-wae 11\ charge of tbe bodk which less o! the len~ of ·such abHnce, Uon, maintenance, manaaement later.d mall at leut forty·etgbl brouirht the achievement citt.ln- recelve hl11 salary or compenaa-and control of aJJ park.I, play.. (48) houn before the time or IUCh cate ta the hirh ecbool P .•T.A ., t1on a.a such officer, appointive of-fl"OW1dal, community recreation mHUhl". If aJI of Ute membera and Mrs. Catherine Kte9ter, pub- flcer or employee, for the period of pro(Tatns a.nd actJvitlea. Nothing of the Commi&sion consent tn wrtt· IJcity record book chairman, had thirty (30) days o! such abaence cont&tned herein shall be corutrutd ln• to lhe holdinl" of aocb epeclal prep&red the record book whlcb re-- It he has been 1n the 1e.rvtce or the M reatrictlng or curtaillnc any mHUftl", It must be deemed legally ceived the blue rlbbon for the ele- County, the C>Tange County Flood of the powers or the City Council and rerularly called. menta.ry P .·T. A. Mn. Ch&rlea Control Di.ltrtct or other dilltrlct or the City of Newport Beach in A majority of the memben1 or Da'7is, dl!:trtct rnem~p chaJ.r- for which the Boa.rd of Sapervlaort It.a aupervlslon and authority over the Park, ·Beach and Recreation man, announced . that the high 111 the Governing Body for a period prOperty owned or cont.rolled by Conlmlulon shall corui:t ltute a quo-school unJt, under the chalrman- ot not lesa than one (1 ) year prior the City or Newport Beach. rum tor the tranu.ctlon of bual-ship of Mra. Stuart DiehJ, rated to the date upon which his &baence SecUon 2423. The Park, Beach nen or'the Comn11.aaion. The Com-third pl&ce for mernberahlp in- begi.ns. For an abaence In exeea and Recreation Comml.ulon sha.L mt.utan shall, at Its nrst meet-Cft'Uf' tn the dlltrtct. !"or out- ot tbJrty (30) day•, or for .rucce11-conalsl of nine membera. all ot lng, elect a ChaJrman. a Vlce-standing mf'!mbef'lhlp ln lh:e region aive abaence1 agp-egatlng more whom, except the member ap-Chairman and a Secretary, au or a cup wu awan:ted lbe Fuilerton than thirty (30) days ln any tll-polnled rrom the Oran,.e County whom 1b&Jl 1en-e at t.he pleUUrt! Hll'h achoo) P .·T. A. cal year, the officer, appointive Board of StlpervlM>ra and the of the CommWlon. Blue rlbbona nuttered again fo r officer or employee shall receive member appointed from Newport The Park, Bea.ch and Rectta· Newport Elementary unit when his Wary or compebsation onty Harbor Union High School Board Uon COmtnllsion may adopt l\.e other memberah.lp l.ncreuee were tor thirty (30) days ot such ab-of Trustee• muat be cltlse.o.a of own nilu and r91"lat10D11 tor th" re.cosnl»d and when Mrs. A.. B. eence or ab8e nces. the Cllf of N~rt JXacb and tranacUon or ill bullne11. Purdy. dlatrlct procnm ch&lnn&n. ( 4) Every officer, appointive shall be appotntedby the Mayor -TJfe •eCret.a.rf aha.11 keep" a rec-pruent.ed the progn.m awt.rdtl. officer, and employee who la a dt the Ct)' of Newport Beach, ord bf all procttdl.np ot the Park, Not only wu the program planned member of the NaUonal Guard, which appointment ahall be .eub-Beac h &nd Recr eation Comntlu!on, by Mn. Loula Ceenar honor@d. but shall be ent..llled lo abAent blmeelt Ject to contlnnatton by the City lt.11 ruolution. findings and &ctlon. the ··Parents' Gulde and P .-T. A.. from h.1a duties or aervlce, without Council or the City of Newpon which record ahall be a publk: Ptognm.. booklet_. publtabed b)' regard to the length of hla public Beach. One ot such memben shall record and cople1 thereof ahall be I Newport echoo1 dlatr1ct .and Ele- aervlce, whJJe engaged ln the per-be a ppointed from the Board of fiU ed W1th the Oty Clerk of th\! mentary P.-T , A. wu alao ~m­ t ormance of on:lered ·m ilitary or Trustees. Newport Beach J!:Jemen-C1ty of Newport Beach. mended for the thorourh, conclM. naval duty and wh.Jle going to and tary Scheola, or Ill employees, one Section 2426. The Park, Bea.ch and well..Orl&Jll.Ud matertal It con- relurninc from such duty, provld-abaJI be appointed from the Board and Recreation Commluton shall, talna. P01t.era uaed In tb.f: mem- ed, such duty i.11 performed durlnr of Trustees of the Newport 'Har· prior to the first ot May each berehJp drive by the JtSemenlal'"y such lime u the Governor may bor Union High School, or Ila em-year, auhmlt t o the City Counptl P.·T: A . quaJJlied tor a certificate have ial!lued a proclamatJon or a pJoyeea, one shall be appointed or the City cft' N('wport Beac_h, award. atate or lnaurrectlon pursuant to from the members of the City through the City Manager'.s office, Section 143 ot the MJ.Utary and Council of the Oty ot Newport budgets Mow ing the estimated Veterans Code or a proclamation Beach, one ahall be appointed from revenue and expend.lturee of l.he The theme for thls annual re.g- ot a state ot extreme emergency the Ora:lge County Board or Su-Park, Beach and Recreatlon pro-k>n&J confettnoe at which Mn. or during such time u the Nat· pervt90rs, and five members to be gn.m ot the City of Newport Claude .. Cro1by, dl9trtp.t pteAldent, lonaJ Guard may be on active duty appointed at ti.rge. The term of Beach. to~ther wtth a det.alled preetded over 107 dtJeptM wu In one or more ot the situation• ottfce ot each member of the Park, statement u to how and ln which ''Re<:ornltlon of li)ducaUonal Im· described or included In Section Beach and Recreation Commission ma.nner the mobe)'• ln 1&ld bud· perattn&" The speaker, Mn. A. 146 or the MUlt&ry and Veteran.I ~ be three yeara and each per-gel •hall be expended. No expenae Kenneth Spenoe:r, radio and TV Code; provided, such ab9!?Dce does aon appoltited to aid O:>mm~n ehaJJ be incurred by sald ComJnl&.. cha..lrma.n, CCPT. t&lk~ about the the Harbor Motherttiigers were: Mmea. Raymond Orlgga; Albert Rylett, Jamea Oooken, F . W . Tun- ueU, W . 0 . Harri.Ion. J . H. Sanda. Al Clemence, Ceorse Graeff, Frank Orr. E. V. Raga..n, Burt P~ter, flerbe.rt Coleman. H. , D. Peace, John Llnaon, L . J . Caenar, Edgar HW. H . 0 . Boyvey and M. E . New- land. Mrt. Claude Neer rea.d her his- torian'• report which listed the dlll.rtct memberah.Jp at 24 ,682 and noted that thi.11 la a S,000 1ncreue over lut year's membenhlp. AlAO the meetlnc wu reminded, throurh her report. ot that •tatement made by 02'. H ollla AUen, Claremont COl- lep Graduate echool. at the Home School ConferenC4! March t , that <>ranee county bu the beet echool ayate~n Call!ornl&. Those 'flte-ndtng the F ourth Dia- trtct meeUng from the Harbor area lnclUded: Mroea. L. J. Caenar. P . F . Balne.e, Harvey Somen, Harry Fellini"•, Henry Schroeder, ~ofman ffa.c-en, Marl• Newland, Porter. 8Jncl&lr. Roy Rou5h, Har- old Knipp, ~ Trautwein, Bor- rougha Hill and the Mothersinget11 who pa.rticlpaled. Loyal Workers Entertained at Orange Ave. Home Lilacs and sw~i. peu were uared for decoration by Mra. Lu· cille Fernandes when she enter· lalned the Loyal Workers Clau of the Co1ta Mesa Community' church Tue.clay afternoon ln -her home at leo6 Oran&e avenue. Mra. Venle 8alg wu co-hostesa. Mta. Sally Hlne.11ly p~slded o ver a short bwilneas meeting. ln the s-a.me:g following Mn. Florence Harriaon and Mn. Lou- ella. Otaon won prl.q:a. Birthday &reellnp were 8Wll" to Mrs. Oeor- it• Oravu a.nd Mra. AdtlJne Year· -1-h· Words ot tuewell were ex- Ch&q"ed with Mn. Sall" who ?eavea IOOn tor·. the ffl!t where ~e, , 11 not u ceed the duration of 9UCh ehaU hoJ~ office for .t.brtt f!) aion-~ ia Mt up ln nee 11 Malty ot an lnt4tn&Uop&l re;co emerll"ncr. J?sl'1>wt;iiet.i..ence years.I~-I lih '-'~r i. ~ • ~.W. II of audh. otffC'f!T, -aj>pu\ti~ &fricer appoldn , d -·~~~~.The . _ · pj)ro ~-b~-t!i t'tling o ~ • or empli:>yee while enp.ge<l'[k( such 1City \O:nzocQ m"'1 ~any . ty COwicb of lhi'Clty ot New• Ing a recent and Prolonged hip h> lloOn'• fe'IU\'fttM wete· till.· military_ 9e:t"¥1ce 1 -dutmg· 'u c h member of sa.ld Comml!ston rrom port Be&ch~ or unltu' authority South American parta and tnland JI& !!_a.rt. ~-~_Alic.!_ N!~n­ emergenc1 and tor a period not ta office prlot to expiration of hi.a Cor any sucb e~p&ndlture ah&1J cltie• • .11be pointed ui> the wper-berf, ~uth lliinitl.-;-lfianChe An· exceed thirty (30) daYJll, he ah&ll tenn of office With or •lt.hwt thall ha•• been first obtal.Md from lor pubUc echool proaram in the denon, Eve tyu Thompeon, B"lberta receive hi1 Wary or compenu.tion cauae by rour-tttth8 vote ot all the, City Council Of Ule City of United 8ta.\ft: by conuut with our Johnson. and lltUe RathJe Hume, u .uch officer, appointive officer members ot the City Council. Newport Beach. All purchl.llff and neigll.bors lo the South. Sh• ex• Ulllu Johnaon. lea Clark, Claft or employee and shall not be •ub--/ Any member· who mi.s&ee at.tend-contract. for expendttur9 muat plaln«J that In Brazil public achooJ Roll.J.4s, Kate KtrUer. Mary Kuhl, jecte<I dttttUY or indirectly by ru.-Ing thre_a COAteCutlve recuJar be alped by the Pu.rth&alnr A.cent educauon ~ when • chUd Franco P~atof and Gerirude Ed- son of such •bee.nee to any 1ou or meetlng1 ttt the Park, Beach and ol the City or Newport Beach. r•cbe• ten yea.n of age, and It 19 lck. · dlmt.nuuon of vaCatton or holiday Recreatioft Commisakln without a 8ec.Uori' 24.27 . The Park, &ach a detlnltt'! l't.J"Uft'9 for even Ult-The May lt5 meeting Will be prlvilegu or be prejudiced by ru· leave of abaence beln&. granted by aad RecreatJon CommtNJon shall upper clade:t: to nnance furl.her hoft~ by Mrs. Thompaon In aoo ot such abllence W!lh reter-ence aaJd Commldlon, aha1t be removed cauae to be ptepanttJ and filed echooling for their chlldttn. "ln hct home on 20th .trfft--wlth MN. lo promotion or contl.nuance in of-by a majority vote ot the.rema.J.n-. with t.h11 Cliy Councll of the Clt)' Aauncion (Pa.J"N\l.ay), lt le ac•tnst Yeargin uslaUng. nee, employment. ~appglntment Ing member• ot the Comm.laaion. ot Newport Bea.ch a Muter P1.a.n the law," the aid. "for a. child •to to office, or reemployment. The term or ornce or the tint fi:w lhe acqul.siUon, devdopment.1 •tle:nd ~ without shoM, Jet Homemakers Class SliX:."TION 2. TbU Ordinance members to be appolnled for the lmprovement and opereUoft of rcw many t~w .. abOlll rlpNM.n.t •hall tal<1 effect &lld be In force Park, Beach and R.tcreellon Com-.,.... ... and .--uonal ......... fa-a real IWtlllY." Free Lecture thirty (IOI days from and after Ill mlulon ohaD be 'deta,.,.,lned by clllUta and prorra-In the City Mrs. Spencer rey<>rud that In ' adopUoil and prior to the upln.· lot 90 that the term Of otnce of ot Newport Bea.ch. . Columbia then l9 DO compW.lorf on· \Ar.ndow Ora p" lion of fifteen (151 days from the three memben lhall be for one -lion :K21. Notlltnr contained educallca and"" dlllcl labor Jaw. l1'1 lll9 adoption '.'liereot Ahalt be publl.ahed year, the term of office for three het"eln ahall be constnicd u re--She~ the form ot tMChtna Win~ may need new garb once ln the Newport·Ba.lboa Preu, members aha11 be tor two yean, 1trlctin1" or curtaliinr any of the the had wttnu.ed In BUenoa Atrel alt.er t.be Winter toe and smog, and a newspaper printed and published and the term ot office for three poyirea or autboritt of the Cit)• -purely by rote---and comtat!lt.e4 ideal aloha cleYtt new llnea will be In the County of Or&J\&"t, St.a.te ot '?nemben Mall be for three ye:ara. Mao•r of the City ot Newport upon a supentJtion 8ht: had .wn Pi"Mfllted lntetwllted homemakers caJJfornl&., together w Ith tlle All terms of office tor the mem-Beach u conta.lhed ln Clt.a1>W l. in play in OU&tmla.1a (Centt&l wtao atteld Ute fl'M d&:s at l :SO nama of the members ot the bera of l&Jd Comm.t.eldon &hall com· Ci~ or New-port &e.eh MWllclp&l Amerlca) ~ U.e bf6t1 o( a Wida ---·· Board of SuP"rviaon voting for mence on the date of appointment Oode, tn h1a: ..Upuvlil.loa and au--baby la hidden b.nu.t.b a. ~ p. ID.. flld.Q"i __,,. Clu' hou.c-, and aga.tnat the aame. of the tint members ot the tlr'lt thorlty over property Md penon-4rawn hood e&ch Ume the cblJd to~ •:Uoaal autboritJ" on the (SEALJ comml.uton. Ally vac:.ancloe -oe1 of the City of Newport appears In public durin&" It. tint : a:;,e ~°":r~"=~lck• WILLIS H. WARN ElR, Ing at any tltn• In the Park, Beach. year u a p.ot..Uoa apiut "8 -l'.-dcka, Wllo f Chairman or the Board or Super-Beach and Recreation Com.miuion SECrlOH 2 : ThJa Ont:l.D&nOe aplrlta. "8'1C• cut.om. .tUll, alat merlJ\WOIMn• tdl fwu ~ "'*>ra of Orange County, Call-allall be llllod )7 appolntmet by olWl be gubllahed at Mat once In a CO!lnlry -Ulan Ullw c1a,. cllel' II-. J.!m.i, ~ ~ 08 rornl&. ~·~and for the llnaplnd la the Newport--~ a alrtripr-·~·--. · tM WoDdi 1114 .'iVln<lcn!' Atteat: term IUbJect to conflnnaUoo of -per of pneral """'111.tlen, "We 0o D0t ............. wtat -Wiii w-• -will Sin. !!ft B. J . SMrrH, U!• City OounctL printed ud publlshed In the City .. -st.. IUIW we -· ""'" w~ w:..i 9ounty Clerk and ex-officio Clerk All nlMmborl ~ the Comll\lllloa ot Newport Bea<:b and mall loeo aware ~f Wllat ll"'" on In ,_ the doeie ~UM;~ befoN of the Board of 8uperv~90nt of Mall evw without oomptM&Uon. OOIQe eftecUve thirty daya &ttu COU11trle8 wMr'1 tM tout 1ret Ill M ----~---'- o....,ge County, Calltornla. Ally J'"' "7 ..._ -Ila final po-re. baV9-been lo9i: our oebot>lo aM State of Callfomla, bf OJ17 mcaber of tlle ~m-Tbe aloove and foreJIOlnr Ordl-,,_, cutalnly the -la Ii. County or Oruce. u. wbllio acUq In blo eltk!lll -aance wu lnlroduc:ed at a ......-W-Beml......,.. -..... 1, B. J. SMITH, Ctiwtty a_,. dty Ind -the llfJP"""'1 by' lha Jar meetlq at UM C!,ty ~ ...-.i1 Uoe -bl ell tbo """""" Trip is '.Retake' ~ of First Vac:ation ·&ncl u-of)"l<lo Clerk of.the Bo&ril City OOW>cll ot UM City ot N--ot ~ Ot7 ot Newport • ch AW-p--.iu.- of S\lpervllono 6f OT&ore County, ~ Beaeh ~ ba paid '1 ~ bold oe u. till ci., ot April. 1961, ma Ute momlftl wu U. .......... Thin'• IO" be a "rotaluo" ot llor Calltoml&, do hereby C<!rtlfY that Cl!Y ot N-pwt --ci..; aa4 ,,... &all:r p11114 and ~ trtet ............. awaa4 '"' 11111 llrlt ~ -U.,for llilrs-- at a nrukr meelln6 of Ille -mAad......, P.111nlld t\1 oror. .. oa the -day ot Apnl, 11111, -Lolatp.as. aa ~ J11i1i lll1d ._ ol Corona del Mar, of •au,......,.,.. held cm the 11th No -ber ot lllo Pwtl, -ll:Y U.. t---to Wll! oc-ol • - -a -at ~ --l'rtda)' fOr ,.. • .,_. day ot April. 11101. llle foftsolnc and .....-u... Coon•d Flo • llhaD AYJ:ll "rxll-: PIDolo, --1-............ =·"-,,..... -i-.r -... -... -~ cu.t.JMns two 1,2) w--la ---lbr -ov. GI I!~ ...... 1*11.' w • 11 la._-" --ti.. <cmp-n._ et • ,..._ <-. WU -teeti. "1 'Illa -~I) em r lllft -NO.--! -_,, ta -d PllU7 -ap, 4llcl{Wabln wlll oe I t • wtloD. and u+t u. -Ordlior of,::i---.AMPMT-Cr • • ,._ I •t 1 euio _,. p I{,._ i. -u. a. ~ a.nee ... tMa s-•ett ud. adopt.911 ........ 1'11111. ..... .... L. ,. 72'· • r 0 ... ..._ ... Ula. .. -........ -•:t-a a Whole b)' l9'e fOIJUW.., nte: aM R1•?1I• O' 3 JIV ... ta,. $ •ca-.,.., 11 W flf ... A~--C. -._ .. ...__.:1_ boW ~ Biii .... M W All•&: ,,. Jlotltl 9 .. , ot Die ._.._ .. w w11t1-........... -. ---·-· -·-.,: -a -lll at a '1 \pr rbl -c. IL l'ltDl:llT, Dlotalclo -"" -LI I ........ = ... - Wlllal'd ""'"b, llalpb J. Mc--piece, --1oo -City Clark ~ --. ---Wdlrln -U.--le ~ ;::.-.. ~ KUtt Md :.: ::-:: :..-:. ~ :• ;:;,::;~ :..--=.".:st,:.= :z::.: ....• .., -Mm ' • • • • • ' , • • . - " > • • . ~ 1 . • . State Off'ic:ers to Attend Mav Party of WcTiJ : la the U•t'l'il:e. of Km.. Karpnt. PA$i:~7 -:·PARY ~T~·.+ JHi R tD.•Y._J.f' Ii 1ii , 1osr : ,l:~R~~,llEss ~. ;:~.~1:~ 10 ·-RULES .:FOR !·eARENTS . = :.~.~!.i~y~~~ Duo ~ia. U,. lfewl)O.:..Orammai; .ociioo~ Wl!lteY --· Mn. !"lora Beatty pn the de-...-fomD1&i11 ·1moiwa ao"!~tey, U.. lcemao," 11 Ob• of ~ ran vollon.I on ''The Nomeo of Jel!IUI," ~ wbo baa, dal(y ~11ki' With ~ clllldJ'On. · . _ - of which the"' are over 200. Muolc •He ill'CJllPi!I Into .llle ~ ~ tlMI ·o~ d&7 and i:equeote4 wu by Mr. and MN. HutehlnAOm. u.at we p~ ·uwr llat of liiio'!. for )'&"".Ito• dedaring u.a_t the foDi>w- ;,.i!:-~_...,.e JlUWY "'.'·. The Ill( lllf~tlon ~~"" \M. -adTlc:e 1or pare..~ -that ¥'• -., In a Date of the May :party wu aet ; Jonr ume. • . j . , , for the 2:1nd and It Wl'.I be hel<l ab ,.._It Rave Aa,h'iftllt ---~tor ProfldbJC'tM Jro&wlllg the home of 1tra. Lona Or1tfen, 123 TC'ft 'l'tdq9 u a ._ ..... ~rtlDellt (or the Welfare of ~ Gaud. Agate avenue, Balboa. laf'and.. I t is 1 Three h ... &lthtul ~ ~ ach d.a I ' to be an all d.&y ae•lon with a ·, e r_ ~ e Y· · , buoln ... ....ion at ·10:30 a . m. and 2. Al> ad-~ ..,pply or clean and 01Upletable clothq .• a pot luck: dinner at noon. Several . 3. A ~,-c:omfo,.~lt> place to llieeP· . -.... state offlcoro wru be Pre0ml, lb-•· A ~IUl!atent manlfutatlon that a FbJld II loWd &lld ..... t.a'. clUdlng the p,...ldent, Mn. Jennie 5. A !CO!lmtelll procnm or dllclpl~ and tramln(. · R&y Thompoon ot Loa Angoleo; 8. A 1lfmlllAuon to So°lo lchool, clourch. ud be acUve·tn 10<&1 Mrs. Ruth -Oat.ea, vice prealdebt; youth otp.biu.UOu. Mn. Zella Hunt. corresponding 7. To provide toine activity -at leut once a week which the. secretary; and Mn. Vivi.an Dicker· entltt t&mlly can" dJ! together. 11<>n. stat.e L. T . L. leader. 8 T · . 1_ --~ -. . e ~ ~ tor .. w ~ OJ'd.er. e. To·mh.e a. ch1ld'•.tr1en'1. welcome. , • Calif. Club ·Women IO. To make ··11om,•[ '™! cld14·· beadquarleni where he can get to/Elect in May · u i;;.:~u:,:1:-.i;;:_ and know,t~at. th~re will be eomeone . . ' . Mra. CUey C. Bonebrake of Or- a.age, praldent of SouU\,ern dis- trict ts candidate for the offlc-e or preaident at tarie ot California Federation of Women'.11 clubs. whJch will~ elect offioers at the at.ate convention to be held l May 7 ·10 at Hotel del Coronado. She la also chaJrman of the convention hosteaa committee. which lnclUdes Mrt. 0 . W . Freel< of Fulle.rton, re- tiring preaklent of Orangt County Federauon. Tea ~ a Child -Never See or Hear lllo Pattnts S-., or Do Election will take place May 9 and candidate. Include: l. Become Intoxicated. 2. Use violent, obscene, or prot&ne language. 3. Exhibit or boast of immo.roJ conduct. 4. Indulge tn falaeboopa. , -:i. Indulge in violent quarrels. 6. Commit or bo_a.st of perpetratinr a crime. 7. Boast or cheating a neighbor or of dishonest prbCtlces in buainesa. • · 8. ·Indulge in t eWng or obacene stories or reading of porno-- graphic Utetature. 8uperlB.tl\o-e .. Dry Cloanln&' LIDO • FOR SALE . BY OWNER • CLEANERS 466 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Bea. 5'1911-1 Special price tor quick ll&le. 2-bedroom oottas-e; ·double &"&rage with extnl · _ room. SO ft. lot fronting o.n Graad. Callal, Balboa lslaad. Call lleaeoD 5%14-R. We operate ~ur own plant President Mn. W .B . Rider, Sac- ramento, Northem district · and Mra. Amer C. Stolp, Durham; vice-pruklent, Mra. Gerald Whit- ager, Berkeley, Alameda. dlatrlct; v_tce-president-at-1.a.rgt. Mrt. CUey C. Bonebrake, Orani"e. SQutbern di.strict; recordin1 secretary, Mrs. Se:muel Caulton, Modesto, Sa.n Joaquin atatrict; treasurer, ·Mrs. ~ude M. Sneden, Lona Beach, LOe An1ete1 and auditor, Mra. '·l i--------------------..------•L !:.. Nel.'Jon, °Clear La.k e Park. San P'ta.nciaco district. · Mrs. Gilbert Nee is WSCS ·speaker CLOSE OUT FIRST GRADE CALIWOOL . 100°/0 ALL WOOL c.A RP ET ING Only $395 per sq. yard. I Mai: Gilbert l'!H. recently of China, addreestd the general meet-ina-of the COit.a Meaa Community Me thodlat church WSCS held April 19 ln the, sanctuary. Mrs. .~ee i.11 a new m_pnber ,or the church. Circ le One had charge of tbe devotional observance. Mrs. C1ars. McMW'U'y, , pr~ldenl, pre- aidl!ld oW:r the bu.Inna 91.':Ulon . At the cl OH of the mee.Up;g tea WU Hrved by eln:::le Eleven. SPECIAL! Installed to Your Floor Not Remnants or Roll ends COASTLINE' FLOOR COVERING Oosta Mella · Balboa PeninSula , Yes lt's True -- FOR VETSI BEL VUE ·LANE Balboa's Cholc~t Loea~4:"' Loc~ted Balboa !fd\f1~~~S~~ ·r~~i\I Ml~ilM~~i. OFFERS BEAUTlFUL _DELUXE } '&blOC>M . . . . HOME.S ONLY $12,460 $1260.00 down I Plu; Es~row hnpounds) FOR THE. VET who has been "waiting for som~thing nice"' and with not much cash, this is your .opportunity to .buy a Quality Built, large 2-bedroom house in Belboa'i finest IO<:"ation. Remember, there are not many G . (. homes left in this small, architecturally reltri.c,ed subdivision , so mak~ • • your, reservahon now! 41Ne..,..A-.. • • • • I I r ' I I I l 1· 1· , ' • ~- • • .. I ' c. M~ Fire Auxiriary Plays Canasta °'"'r1e _.,,.. toJlowed by re- -.... wllen Mn. ~ Sdd1. tu1,..nur'ln A-ue. """'" tainod DIOlllknl o< lhe Coota M- Votuntffr J'tft Dtpt.. A11xtllary at .llot ~· reeontly. 1sfh ~Bi thd.iy .' for Pet Roberts . • Pat JIGkrta. dUl'lll« of Kt. -Krw. Noah i\oberie, 111 Wollo • Pl., Ooota •-_._ a ' -• Observe .Bit lhdey of Coste Mesan ' Friday · &eni~9 Box · SOcial · . . Y.O!J CAN DO SETT~ AT · ~ . , , , D .. ·t .. -.-.. .. at • lllllnu s1-by llall ID Cool& JI(-... .....,. __ oft. Rev .. -Mn. c. z.. And...-.u <>1cVr,,..,1_ box oacJ&I wt11 • 1. ol AMMtm _,.. ,.-wede~ bo"bolcl>al tM A...ncan "t.octon .. 1 --· I 8 · . Krw. H. B. Ki:Kurtry of S. -••-. CrouP of frlrlMlo, 11&~1. April .u.et, Ooota ,._ Ill -• ·or Diiis, April 17 at .. o'c'ock. No lf, Ill oekbnlloft of bu fltu.-lll .... -nc1·. blrlllday. Allo Ill-odmlollon wtll "" cllarPl bUt the ' • FURN"'' co· bl~y. A pretty blrtbday -. cfud.d Ill U.. 11'.t lbot wore Mn. glrla wUI paclt a box lunch. to .. ,. !Ill • . , , -.i.c1 1n pu1e1 ton-. wu 0or1o Luclllludt. onc1 daucllten. 111Are w111 .. llMl b1&11eot ·bidder ,. I . ·. ·· ·• •1. I .;· r · ~ tle.rved With fee Cf'!W" and, .punch. M&r1 and ~I. . •. "Wben the boas are ottered at •:tic--w a·· . J s" -,,. N. ~~~ . ~ J u· 1-J : S:.l. • &Mrin&' Ute p-t ·oecu1on Mn. And••"" i...i i-14' .-.llort ta!f• 1n the •-1nlr· Mr. and e uy a11a , . '. •'!' ana· , •.ea .i'~rn 1ture ,....,:. Oeorsl' Ba,...., Carol ~"""' turneil ·irom • plane trip "' a ono-..... ~ lller<nan -Mr. :' • I ' ' , ' I l , .. J .... : Ltrdl, P t Rama. DeA.ruie Ludl, lu.lu, when ahe v'alled bet eon. and 11.tL Manin Wilcox "from the 1812 u.-. ~ · ...._,,d.• C""-"'-M .. -f.,, ..... 565, Roaemary Harrie and RUlh RUff· She brou••t back with brr orcbld commlt\M for the event wblcb Is I --~ ..,. •' _,..ISG • · lilehlded In Ille croup wue -BertNl.ft Smith, Mal'llllall KcGu!re. Albert Ogden, Harold 1C19!er, William" WrtgbL, Cbarlu l'rU!er, Ed Wa tera. Leo Petrocd, l:dwln Edick. John J, Nuzum, H. C. M<:Conl, Noah Amburgey and Bob Je.cboo. 'nle neat meeting will be held May 10 with Kn. Ed- win JC<tidt. ... ' •' . man. plilpto, 110ft!O of whlcb Ille p.-nt-ll)>OIUIOTed by tile Ball aod Chain ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::±~:±::;:t:::::::~~:::::::::~:'.li!: ;.d I<> Kra. KcMart.ry wbooe • ..,. ... 1 dub of die 'Nri.port Harbor Lu· -• I I ' , fUNIOR STAKE WINN"ER-Bea 8 taffof'd. San Diep. botda Pooto of River H Oww., a ydlow labrador tttrlever wblcb won the jwllor ttak" Su.nda.v In the neld trla.la OD UppPt Newport Bay conductf'd by URI Southern Calif_. Ret.rit-¥1Pr rlub. Proat.o or Rl,·er Honi.e le owned by Coo.rtlallld T, Hill. Sant.a Monka. &nd la th# 80D uf NatJonal Champion Bripalfa Grtn•o. ' • Friday Afternoon Club Elects Officers, Hears Travel Lecture . By llfotty Kirby Another interesting year i!I lo Ueh pe-ople and their dellG,ht.tul pTospect .for the Costa Mesa Fri· hospttaJlly; contrRry to general day Afternoon club under a care· belief, s~ mid, the N orwegian• tully selcctf'd slA.ff of offlcen are a gay and v lvacloua people. W1'08e names , Wf>re presented to Womf'n Praised th.. general member•hlp at the lligh praJse was glvc l'I the regular monthly meeting Friday, Danes, w1th emphasi.s on women Aprfl 20. I in public life, many f.if them serv- Headlng this list o! names b · lng In parliament. A21 to club wo- \hat of Mrs. Kt nneth Stewart. men, Mrs. Wtif'at •tat~ the two aelected to takt> over the pres!-main project.a ot the European d@nc)' when Mrs. H einz Kaiser Federation art the proper hand- completes ht>r pre11ent year in of-Ung or bundles !lt>nt from America fice. Mni. Ste"•art w ill step from and the placi ng of \Var orphans. , ooe respon•ible post to anoUrer, or tntere.!'lt we re the cathedralll for .!'!he is now completing her of-of Rome and hlgh!lghtlng the trtp ( nee of first vice-pres ident for the. the Oberarnmergau Pasaton play. loca.J club. Hf'r executlYf!" ability AnnQUDC('nl('nt was mad(' that and gift !or friendship have given the book M'Ctlon will meet May her pre-emint-nce. prflmising Wf'tl 4 nt the club house-, 1n cn1bfon1 and tw the nt"A,. club season. trit'nds to bring sack lunch~& at Elt'cted to Sl'rvc w ith Mrs. Stew-12 :30 o'clock . art were Mr8 Bertha Tiiiotson. The ar~ knd crafts st•ction is first v ice·pre&ident: Mrs. J . C. sponsoring a d<'ssert brldKf: ~fay Payne, &econd vlce-prt>aident ; M Mt. 14. 1"kket.a may ht-obtained front RiCbar<I Newman. rrcordlng sec-M.rs. Andrew J . Lupton or a.oy Tet.ary: Mn. E . 1\, Moore, treas-other member. urer; -M f1'. Sh,.rman A . Salter. au-Comprtstng the hoetc88 quartet m~or..: · Mnt. P. A. Chainberlatn, for. the afternoon were Mmea. Mra. Burl C. Orow and M rs. Heinz Charles F . Hand, Jean Lawrence, Kaber. dirf'clors. , Charles Andrews and A. H . Mey- Pre.enting this choaen slate of era. candldatel!I waa Mrl!I. J ean Law- rencr, ch•km•n or th• nom;n.ung Costume Pa rty commltlf"e which a.Jso Included Mrs. Jerrold Spanglt>r and Mrs. J . Pl d b R. CortnE"ll. 11111tallation will be con-anne Y ducted at the May 18 m .. ung at , F h . ,Soc,i'et y i p.m . . I UC Sia ' Honor Paat Pruldent ' I . The O;uta Meaa-Bay Oltlt"11 Spotlighting P'rlday'• seaton ' brancb of t he C&lifornla Fuchs~ wu the preli!"nce of put president, society wtll m@tt ThU(fkJay, May f:he l' •Pe c I a I I Y complime nted 1, al the American Legion hall gueats. Tt>nrlcrcd a rart> welcom e on Weat l8th strCM>t Costa Meaa w erl' MlR.s Alice Plumt-r. Mmes. at 7:30 p.m. sharp. ' Reubf'n Day, Jame& 0 . Tallman. It will be a gardening c~tumc Sidney David.lion. Gunning Buller. party and everybody Is lnvltt>d. Calla Viele, Harry c. Burdick, "Wear your gardening c:othee Paul V . Parkes, H . B . McMurtry brtng a potted plant. Jar of Jelly: and F1orence Shr arer. These put or aomethlng and~ rrlend &Jong .. executives were seate-d at a ape-is the lnvlt&Uon. cta1 table tor the luncheon inter-Charles Guthrie will be the 1ude. tht>ir pl•ce. being denoted speaker, the topic to be lath by dainty handkerchief noeegays, housa, their construct ion and presented by Mrs. KaJaer. The spring seuon ot lav\lh bloom . found exprl!'ulon In U\e club houae and table decorations. with vari- eties of floweni in ~ually varil!d ...... RefreehmenlM wtll be aerved, door prt:ses wt.II be gtven away and Iola of things w!ll be, goln1 on. colors used In profusion. Jln arn1chalr trave!ojue wu the interesting ff'&ture of the pro- c-ram prt•lff'nlf'd by Mn. George Whea t of Nt'wport Beach, put pn!aidt-nt of l h l' Ortt.nge County Federation of W.;nnen'a Clubs. Mrs. Wh'iat, who wtlh her hus- band anrl a group of Rot.art.ans. tr&Vt>led In Europe for four months lut summer. gave· &Tl Informative description of he-r t.rip. The M arMall Plan la proving wry succeaful ln many of the countries in wbJch lt la being lrted part icularly In Holaitd, the~­ tr said. She told of lbe UlrlfU- neaa a.nd genera.tty o f the Scot· GUE..~TS RETlTRS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuether and chJldren, Joann nnd Roger, have reJ.urne<t to. their home In Mllwautlee, Wh1., follow1ng a vlalt with Mr. Kuether'& parent.JI, Mr. and Mr!. Wt'.llam Kuether of the Broadway Trailer Homes. 2060 Newport Blvd., COAta Mesa. HERE FROM CHINO ......_ and Mrs. fo~red Viele of Chlno were recent guest.a of Fred'1 parent.a, Mr. and Mn. Frank Viele of Hamilton etre-et. Cot1ta Mea. Dodge ia movins. Watch ill A Clautfled Ad le th< mlcbty thumb" le w1U .known "' -lh•ran cburcil. All membent and High .Quality j P..rin_ tina.-Ph. Ha·r. 1. 61~ mldset In Advutlolnc friends. · rr1en<11 are lll•ltec! "' attend. J 1.,1 GI .... -.--· 1 _._ . . ~ -------- • Kraft's VELVEETA CHEESE ~o~ 87 c cAll TIOI MILi( 2 1 ~z. 27c · Arilleur'• CHOPPED HAM 1 ~z.57, Aunt Je•ima :·=•11 2 11..~ oz.34c . - • ' GlOBE A-1 FLOUR MARSHMALLOWS WESSON OIL TMiff~~~ llllltH 1&1""'~ rf• ~-----1 10 u . IACK 83c 5 LI. SACK 45c 2 WONDIRFOOD 19 I 01. PIGS. . C QUART JAR 79c PIUIE JUICE HIA:.~T~~ 29c Svw1W.1 Hydrox Cookies ~:.-24c MllUTE TAPIOCA ~:.-lie Py+.My Blu ... ny ·~~" 1~~~35c ldll's ·CHOCOLAn BITS!:! 21c PUii Plil SlLMOI ~·.X•oiAN 39c ILEEIEI ccWNT 2/37c c::n 28c 11111.l.S&u y , PIE ·CRUST , MIX 9ot.Pk~ l'J ----------------~-.. --,,, __________ ~,.. suil1<ls~·1.111•••SB DIUCATUSIM • Speclolal ~ ENCHILADAS am• oa .. , :0 23Sc But.ct. ¥iirii1us 3.~c:E$10c CHILI IEANS l5 oz. 23C .cw .,~. , .,,I • .... 4 LIS. 25c ' "'rOPS Off" LOOSE ALPHA llTA GllADID RIB STEAKS · Siiti.OiNm ST~KS .89~ BOSTON 1un 59' C PORK ROASTS It! PiRKuSAUSAGE 49,. . ' 39~ WHOU PICNIC STYLI FIESH -PORl .IOIST KINOANiS cacu K SLICED ~ BACON food C1ub NO· J03 CAN . , . LI. SLICED 1ms • PUSS'l IGOJSi"1 1::f \lc • l 'VOIT· II 1•·'SOIP, ;1· 11c> .. . PIWEI ·~~ , • • • ' • '