HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-10 - Newport Balboa Press• ' ,'ltJ T. N . ,("WdC:llt") ~. ' ~. tho i-. T._ ...a.i.1oc1 '*!'¥ bolller If> -tbla dept, Dtl>er tllat. or I ..... -. •• r, It Uie1 do. at alL one .. f -""' a I • --¥ •. • • ' A mlm>r ;,i tlM-_ rapldlJt· de•doi!lll&' - of • 111e calllomla Soutll Coutal Empln , • • • .. (' • • ~of ltllff tllat -·t be of, ... ________ __. ·-·.,..,.1o an lnmate-of-Olo- • ta. w-·• ln·U.$tUN .tare men· t&I NtabllllunenL . But then. tva7 Once In awhile, thei-e'• eome ~- Uk• Ulla Jut .-It. for ~ ot eouree. an)'OD.e wbo baa glanced ant Ulla dq>L · knowo tb"at fot' the 1Nt few yea.rs rve beoft tlgbtln&' the State Dtriolon of rt.Mb 'n Oame'e .tmpleton and Ull- APt~ Idea ot" .tprcing ,people to pay Ueonoes to flill In ~ oeoan. Well. Mn. Evon Brockman of · 4113 Broadway, Colt& ·-thlnD ·tDc.ewile. i , ' VOLUME, XU PHONE BARBOR 1618 .• I • ' I SllVl~t:H· INTlll ' IOI MIA · ·SECO~O-~RG~Sr HOME I I • Sbe wrttea tbat 1/ W<!Ok or so ago Maxweu Stiles, writer for a larso and proopo'°"' m•tropoUtan daily. printed a eimlJar compJ&lnt aplnlt the $3 f~ for angling In the tre-e ocean and uked tor com- ments. ·she Aid, .havtns read tbl.8 depL '• remarb,' and acreeing hea.rtUy, ahe aent ~ a poalC¥d. And, by golly, ~r ideas ~ re- printed to K'fve., a l&tge number-of folks ldeaa abeiut the license bust- neu. She ~ a good cue for tbe local aifuatk>n, and added ttiat this mlgbt be the Ume for the community to lodge a conceited prote.t. FATHER OF FIVE.· KILLED ' AS : CAR· .. -HITS TREE ' Kllle<I lnltan~ when Illa Ught·+--------------;-::-:::::-:::===::;::==t--:--,--;:-:::;:::::'::::;::::;::::;::::;:::::=::::======-:-========-:-==========::h::=±-~t1ht Brtthlh·made car went out H1,1rr&h for .Mra. Brockman! HEftE'S ANOTH!lK i,rn'ER-WRIT!lR AJao l.n the m•U la a complaint from another customer of thi8 ele- gant And hlgbly·reprdod family pllbttcatton. '.fhi• writer prefers to remain anonymow:, aJlhough the na.IQe la regi8tered with this dept. But why. l dunno. She haa a complaint qainat billboarda. Lota of people have. In many circles they"re regarded aa eyt"- eores whlcl'l clutter up the vtew and are eatl'le:tically unpalatable. The particular billboard in ques- tion snuggles up to the Ba.nll of Amer ican buUdJng in Balboa. It adverUaea beer. , Now, u to blllbo&Ma, I don't like 'em personally. But I think u Jong u we have 'em, they ahould be allowed to carry whatever ad· vertlalng, in good t.ute, they Wish. And besidea, I think beer la a fine product, although I don't th1nk lbe malt la about to replace the moo~ and that beer la going to appear in gla.saea inltead of milk. It might be good to work up eome literary competition among folk• who feel strongly about lhe •iluatJoo. Blllboanhl, pleue, not ~! Got any ldeu r A GOOD TIMI: W.\SBAD The H&rbor'!-.f•in.U. ~·111''"' lllt Uio1i<liiiot.,..., 'WO.ic ' wbeii they decided tO e.ntulain crippled of control on N•wport BIYd. near lm'prov· emen' 22nd St., Coeta. Me.a and sma:ab~ ed bead-on into a tree at 9 :20 P· m. Tueld&}t, WU the father. of f L 3 Bl cl. five d!Jl<!nn, John Irving Jannell. 0 ast ' ' 34., 2224 South Olive St., Santa Ana. . s~"i"~.u _: .. ...; w-:··::i:.o:: Blocks Seen at Munro M.otora, Newport Beach. · . California Highway Patrolmen Improvement ot the final three aatd the v1cUm WN alone ln the blocks of Balboa BQuJevard Le ex- car traveling north on' Newport peeled to be ordered by the City Blvd. and the car was apparently Council Monday nlshl wtth the ~Ing at high speed when It calling for blda to provide the struck the tree. The vehicle waa work. Pl.ans !or the complet:on demolished and Janell was thrown ot the project have been approv- from the car and died inatantly. ed by the State and allocaUon of Officers could not detenninc why State Gas Ta.x funds ha.a been Jannell lost control of the car made. as no other vehicle appeared to The Gallagher Company la thla be Involved ln the accident. week completing the drains from The steering wheel of the car Balboa Boulevard to the Bay and was pushed forward into t h e It ts the la.at prellmtnary to the spH<Jomelcr. wtlnesses said, jam-actual paving of the final three ming it at 60 miles an hour. blocks of the atreet.. He wu a native of Ma.M8-. The program of piece meaJ im- chusetts and Is survived by his provemcnt wu adopted two yea.rs wife, Ellen' and five children. ago when contract. were let for Gloria. Patric ia. Jean. Margaret four blocks each al thti Ba.lbosl Md Oavtd: his parents. Mr. and end and Newport end of thr. for - Mrs. J~'hn J. Jannell of Roston ; mer Pacific Electric right of w&y . two shrtera. Mra. · Norma Mc-For more than a acore of ye:ar11 Donah a.nd Mn.. Willlam Dooley. the barren sand att"6tc h hu ~n and a. brother, Kelvin Jannell, all an e)'e 80re ln the heart of the of Boaton. community. Roaary will be recited Friday Whether the city council wtll at 7:30 p. m. in Grauel chapel. cRJI for the fumbhtng of the Coat& Mesa and funeral ma88 wlJI tut four double armed street be at 9 a. m. Saturday In SL lighting atandard11 .at the same Anne's Church, Sa.nta Ana. In-time the pavinl" la contracted for terment will be in All Soula cem· ia not known. The entire project. etery, Long Beach. drains and light.a included, I• Dodge _ Resigns In 1Q1tlon· Post stated as coetlna approximately 1100.000. Other pl&rul propo8ed In years pa.at run the cost of the projec t to aJ.mo•t $:l00,000. and-· otberwlle haaidlcapped k id1 Judge Donald J . Dodge rulped horn Santa Ana ee"°°1a. A day under tire from his poeitlon a.e at the beach. complete: with boat secretary lo the Newport-Mesa dd&. Irrigation Dbltrict in a heated City Ehainee:r Webb hu the plans completed ~ thett approv· al b)' tlle' ...,..O:M f b I 'b;INUOOI to ca.11 f« bkl• r1 UP,etted forth· with. If bldl ap r9Q\l00l0d Mon· day lt la poaalble Uia.t work could atart on the p:rojee;t by the mid· die or June with ltl compleUon 8Cheduled before th• n."t of July. Many parent• said 1t was thf' meeting of ~hat group Wednesday nfceat thing that'• happened raJ,ght In district offlcu &t 82!5 the little guya and gala who aren't Center St.. Coata Meta. Wltllan1 · aa lucky u t.beir brothers and Caley, 18:WS Monrovia St., Cost.3 aistera. Mesa wu named to fUl the vacat. They had a lovely day, and ate ed poet. West Newpo; len to Name Officen oodles of food and were at&rry· A petition wtth 47 aignatures Weit Newport Improvement eyed over being given a treat In-was placed before t he boa.rd by AS80Cl&tlon wtll hold their annual atead of a tttatment. "lile tiah-Mr11. E . M. Truaheim of 1889 P&.rk me<-tlnK and f!lecllon of officers ing Jadiee sho uld be complimented. Ave., Costa Men. demanding the on Friday evf'ning, May 18, 7 :30 and alao Dale Deckert, the Santa '"eaignatlon of Dod&e u secretary p.m. In the city hall. Committee Ana bustneuman who lives 1n ot the board. report.a will be heard and apeakers Corona del Mar, wb.o sugguted • Commenting on Dodge'a hand-w111 be Charlu H. Diggs. chalr· the idea tn the first place. E\rery-ling of hia poa:ltlon Mrs. Trushelm man of Orange Co'fllY Planning one pitched in -Lady Anglen, sakl that hla many other duties Commlselon &nd W . G. Perrov.'. who thought It wu golng to be p.revented him from tulfilllng hi.8 chairman of Corona del Mar their project. tNt anyone who oblf&atlorus u eecretary to the ir· Ctvtc Aaeoclation'1 committee on heard of it· wu enthmtaatic. rigallon· dl.atrlct. ·1 oil. Tranaporta.tian belng a problem. .Mra. Truabelm said that Judge The presiMnt WfU appoint a Hetns Kaiser and Frank· Sa'W)'er Dodg~ haf prevtously ottered to committee for location of a new came to the reacue. Irv Groneky ?ea6p hi8 post And wu only w&Jl· [Newport Island bridge. Refreeh· Of the Pavilion donated the ua or lnr for a capable man to step into menta wUI be aer¥V1 after t1'e (0..-• Pao I) jCoalfllued Oil Pace I ) meeting. ;;;:;;;;:;;;;niiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii -~~-,-----=-=:--::==- and lmtruct4'4 U.e Myapr to brlac tllie couacll reoommeadat.IOna. when an,y 11a1M1Jal altuatlon exlat• that I.I not oovved bj tbe " bulkU.oc oodo. Flppe , told the oouncUmen 'he would do aayt.hlns "wlthlD ~· that the city 'dNlred' In bh developments ae . dley pro..,..... ldt to r!P,t. C<Mmcllmon Do.lo Rum._y, ()Icy M~ Satlon, City !lqt-Wobb, Mayor lobelt, c'Mrlle l'ipps, ~ual1• cllmee Blue u.d Ftncb. . {Press Photo SOLUTION ON THE SCENE waa ,__ by ()tty Oouacltm.a of N•wport llMcl> when tllq mM witll tllolr <JI&}-Manapr, ~ and Charlie f1p~ dr\.-elorr of bom8 on the bluff•· at Coro19 del Ma.r. A pftlllmlnary uoertalame:llt of tbe. blutf h~t. t111t&bllah- m•Dt of &.i,·e15 to he-malnt:alaed aad methods of ~ aad type of retain.tac ~'alt. to be bul.Jt. were all asreed upon. Councll- mM au1.pec1 the job of de termlaln.1 when a perm.It •llould be .......,1..i to tf>o <Jlty ~. City !last-and l'luildbl .. lnsi-tor T-W-0 -Fl-RE-$ .. -1.1.-.B-Al-~-A -CA--U-S-~ltJOO:.-.;t~fi-ll . . . ·--... . . .. . -'l:wo~c...a.r-~ . ...... .. ~'"" . . . . . r r ................... .. . • bof . Mand&y nlg'bt ~ led ' -f• • -4 .... .. ,,... · · ... No Reacli vation ~E~~d:;E::~; H~:~ ~~le1:Ar>PrQ-~fict-B,'' Plans for Base b~~!t d~~~~:: Jc:~eg. ~y~ Comprel ely Cleared of Cha , lord of Ontario at 218 F.ut Ocean Scotching all rumora concern· Front, Balboa, at 3 :35 a. m. Tues~ lng the possible reactivation of day morning. Fire InS'peetor Phil the Santa Ana Army Air• Baee, Hayden said S3600 damage to the bulldlng and lta contents was two high OepA.rtment of Interior Cl.used wtth much Of the damage offlclaJ11 declared lhla week that betng from amoke. • the former pre·flight center will CaUS& of the blau wa.a unde· definitely not be reactivated. termlned but moat of the tnterior The statement wa.a made Tuu· al the front ot the home wa,a day by Michael Giller. oounael for burned: The house had been va· the bureau of land ma.na.gement, cant 11nce Sunday and a next-door and Ralph Emenon, chief of the rtetgbbot' dl.800vered the fire. IJ'd real property disposal eectlon of called the firemen wtth the' New-' the NattonaJ Park krvtce. The fOrt and Balboa ,engines r:eapond- offlci&la were here to confer wtlh tnc. R. M. Fullenwider, eecretary.. ·SecoJld P'lh! manager of the 321\d Dl1tr1ct A&· Eadter the same evening at rtcultural a.aeoclatlon, ~~n of 19;.~. ~ m. the aame twq-engine the county fair. • eompanlea had exttnguUhed & GUier said that there are no 11200 fire at the home of C. M.. pl&ru1 for the government repoe-. Cotton at l:iOS ltaat Balboa Blvd., eeaalon of the SAAAB, and h11 Balboa. Moat ot the damage was: offlce would be the flrat lo be in· cauted by smoke. formed of any auch project. A.a ln the other tire tbe owners were not home and nelghbons The leg\alalive tnvestlgatlng committee. which tht c harges that the .Placer County Son Conservation Dlatrlct had exceed- ed It.a a uthority in doing certa.in conservation work on propert~ al H idden Valley, owned by J . A. Beek of Balboa Island, vet e ran ffcretary of the State Senate, hu made Ila report and states that atte1i-a thorough Investigation into lhe matter they find that the work done wu for the dlrect berfetit of aoll and water conaervaUon ln accord- ance with recommendations of the Federal Soil Con.eervatlon Service. 'n\e committee ~d Bee:k paid almost 119,000 to the Coneer.vatlon Service which they find wu a rea- tQnable ·fee for the work petfor:m· ed. They say that "Mr~ Beek shbuld fn no #lay• be cdUciud for permltUng the work. to ~ done ... Senator Jadi: TbOmpeoD, cbalr~ (Coa'18ue4 on hll'I J) LOST POOCH LMt a blaek cooker sp~ lately! M~ Oeorp Dauphl'1e, found one l"Wmlng dow:D ihti Coast Hirbway near the en- tranee to Sii.ore CUffl at 11 a. m. tecl&y, Tllunda)', The a.ad eyed poocb. llaa a bro'fen n.ffta lta&h, a black ~ aad no &ac· The ownet DoU.ld . . ' • con~ Mn. Daup.l:ilae ·at ~­ bor IMlM. Supervisors Seek S50 Pay Boost smelled amoke a.nd called the 'fire department. Hayden 1 al d the · P'olloWing the 8t.ate ruling al· lowing st.ate and county otf\cera to recei•e pay Inc~~ during their terms of otttce, the county board of supervt.on th.La week aaJted the state legt&lature for a 580 month'y pay bnoet for ff.Ch board membl!r, the dl8trict attor- ney an.d the county •Udltor. blue Nrt.ed from 11.n electric hot plate which had been a ccidentally left tn the bedroom plugged ln. A mattreas &nd woodwork at&rted to burn and tlte amoke waa ao In· tenMJ nremen were forced to use gu mul<J: to fight the blue. A ..nor, B<rkelOy Cook, 29, of IA>ng Beach-Nava.I .U.tlon, appar- ently auttocated whl\e uJeep Sun· day and wa. found dead In. tbe bedroom of a home at 372 W. ·Bay St .• Cotta Meaa, at 11 a. m. Coroner Earl Abbey, wboee Of- fice lnY<!lt.lp.tod ti>• dMth. ,.id a pa "-tor wu found bunlblg tn Supomaors Wlllla V\lamer, WU· lard Sm.llb and H~lnz Ka.laer now draw $300 a month. SuperYillon C. M. P'eatborly and< Ralph Mc· P'add.n, wbo took office In 11148. nt 52:i0 monthly and would not to l300 until new t.emt.t Of office the f'OQPI. and all ~ doorl and it.art ..tn 1-3.. HO'llrevu-, under the wlndowa were ~ ~ly approved I e I I at a t to ii Cook_ ~u • Wttk end 'JU'9t. at, ir.au-11 and Mcftdda <eo at tM 11<1me of Mr. an4 MN. Al POW· <Ol<e to '800. U Ille ,_ IOgii .. -' era . • t1oo w appro-.eci: ali n .. wtll-eo 1o , '31111 m<>nt.hlf: • • , ' Civ·IC L~' Dtlltric:t Att1. , ...... L<-,Pa"8 I ,,_pt. M60 a moatll.,,. lo.I\">'. ~-lo U> lo •100: Coanl7 AU· ;.;L. L:L.-. ~Plan dJ!at-L. K D:kd --,l&'lll UI\ gaf'V ...e l:..,::tll lr>-~~ P"""!'"'1 to ~ _ u_! J , -~ "'-•1a°'1r • ~ • • • .. Ulll Medi' el M9¥'p&1> a11dt's ~ ~ -»<1097 -.,. .. ~ ==""" .,,, .. l .... ,.,, -.••• , fl 1'sajbUl't •no. -.._.. I 18& ......... -.......... Udb :; .. ..,.....,.n..ea1•• ................ ' "'" • tr 1. ' ... ,t ' -= j •1'99r-' ily & A. .cN17, fi\181' I I; ...... -'ftWldllr llW!t ... :'es r • ''.r'tu tlr-~ • (0171 ...... ., ,. > ' NUMBER·u REACH MUTUAL ·BENEFIT PLAN ~-t of JI deflali. pol· Icy for the !Jnp.rovomont of tbe bluff• of Coro11& del tqr. .,.., .. lookln£' the Blab! B•clL -the Ocean wa. made w~~J b)' the city council ~ an lafunil· al seulon on the Bite. ~Cea with Charles Fipps, owner of inoet of "'• buUdlnrr eltea. ended la agreement on a program for tbe benefit of both Flpps and tbe City Of NeWport Beach. Hereafter, ~Ill for building of born.ea oh tbe -lutf landl wU1 be re.terred to a oommltt:ee cotnpoeed of th• Bulldlnrr lnlpector, City Manqer ud Clly Engineer. J.f t.ber:e !iii l4; bfJ DO change ln the contour linN of the tiluftll or other trrogulariu .. w. trto w1t1 1>e per- mitted to ail~ construction ponnlta If ·tll•re ·la. uly change of contour tb'e commtttee1 will ex- amine the acene ·and make recom· mendationa to.Ute City.. CoUnctl tor final action. • Hlghut pra.lee •WU given FtpJ>ll for hi• prorrnun Of building, par· ttcutarly the fMt&ll&Uon of the concrete ret&J.ntnc Wans on the property of the city road ..-.. ment and 1'1ppe Private line. Tlllnl R-11...iy . . • Fippa: haa praeUcaUy completed anoth~r hOSte on 'the bluff prop- erty, larger and more oomp1ete than hta prevlOUI two extravagant project.a. Both of the previous 1 view houaes b&ve been eold and the property now 'belng"l:Ompleted wtll .soon be on the market. ac· cordlnC to Fipps. i 1 Clly Coundlmel) ·p~_.s th• inatallatloo ~~ ,_.c1er1ag aid•· wt.11< boar · "'!°' the COlltour. ,of U,:. bluff ~ , t}i!t ~-qf tbe t'!i# !Oat, J"lio c:"'7 ~. h· tUN _._-·-at ...... ii·~· ~ .. x ' . -4 '~"'= 1t7 i 11' I -W~~ ~· ~tllf;~ ciln be~­etalleil iw.,~~tely-·n,ooo. H~id ; ... 'lftilt Gt Mesa Partc Sat. • "Meet Tour Old Friends at the Klwanla. Breakfut" .. tho by· word Of the·nierriben of the Costa Mesa Kiwa.nie Club .u th& date for their Sperry Breaktaet ap· proache1. The public 11 1nvlted to thlo lffo.tr to be hold Ulla Satur· day momlng at the Coeta Mesa park, from Ti30 to 11:30 L m .. e.ccordlng to Paul Dunlap, ~neral chairman. ·xualc from Orange Coat Cot· lege ls to be provided and a real community rt-~0-£'0th•r .. plAll· ..s. A h~y break!ut of pan· .ca~ea and •µaces :.ill .tlle ""Menu and Ucket.e WW be · available-at th& park -Cm~ wbo ban not pnvtoualy m~e ·tl'lelr' 36<:· tsona.· lion. • • -' I ' • ' .... PAt;E ·2 -PART T ·-THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1951 ::::.-= PRESS ~ '"~1.oc•i.nww'...,.. Publlahed every Thurocloy at Newport Beod1, cantomla. Office and printing Plant ot 2211 Balboa Blvd.-l'!lone Bubo< 1111 &:nte.red u aecond-clau matter June 18, 1940, &1 the post omce at Newport Beaeh, Call!omla, under Ille Act of -s, 11'19. Hu Ute .....,..t P,..d clttUlaU-la tile ~rt Harbor Ania -1.ar.,,.t Home CJommomlty la <>nap (louaty ...... CWlf ..... 5-! $ r1r f'ublhbM'9 A 11! ... jia 'Member N•Uaul l!dlt.llll AJIMC....,.• . . BEN 0 . REDDICK, Owner and Publlaher ,. ' Hidden Valley (~-hp1) ID&n of U.0 IUb-commJl!.e, o p--1 , ..... UcaJ farmer and owner of ~ Ive lloldlnp In 8uto cio.. ........ ly, -thot Joe IJlollsiit B-Vollel1~tvucl one. of 1111 lln· est pleo ot COlllfffttkln br ..... ___ ·-~. Oonaklerable contu.a1on wu ~ e-.loned by .Ille tint otorlea wlt!cb came out ln connection with I.bit lnv..u,,Jion In wllldt II ,,... modr to oppoar Ulat oome chor111 Md l>ttn mode op.lpat Beelt, tho owner ot the l&ttd. IJ a matter of tact,' ""' chargn wen made oplut blm, but It .... ollese<' !ht lbe Soll Conv-llervloe ~•t ou.~lde or Ila _,,. wben It d.kl certain work on•» property. . AJIOftl'dueM--18!-V-wllll ..... ,.._ - ... ,i.llDd drlrtlaa' about 10 ,.ilea oiort.1MUt ot ca•·•te• 1e"" at io:ao ., m. M_,. and ~ to .aldy by lbe -~ Tb• ~, baa .)loon upeded It. _,..,.,,. tD CIJeDt .<~·tl·­-t.. 1218 OoUt HICh~. Nflr· port BUcb at. c p, m. 8tm<la.J. e-...r. u.e -.t --"'pa and Ille craft drift8d ,all 'nlp.t. A. -ond &Ir -·had -eoioauctacl llJ the oout o- -the a_.i. et dlQUclll. Don Cborta, ope.,... el Ille I Bf W llu-F •I~ ,~._cm , 1s ·'I , ~ . ao.. _..,, ........ ~·u.. tt•"'!il~ •I llJ ..... ~ -ond• al~ ..... ,... putUns die ~·--l~f<JC'~-.• Womm olped t"fro'blllo f~!Jsa·• od ,to tax 'tile proflto_ml~= bJ"del>)'lns ~ tu:,dliciisc-1.;,i....,_ topenonoorcorpOnAllz!li.,....I" -lhelr ln®ille'1!1epl111";t:; ~"""' ..'.'I llell,e'te -bllla • •iDQlrl&ejfcaww•lllit Oil ····~· c:rtlll:a• ta '-, • ~-.. -' • j , ~ !•Of . Uri ~llf'IJll ROBERT J'. WJJJMES, Jlualnea ~r A . ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Adverttnng Manager The Preas baa bef'b adjudged a aewwpaper ot p.neral clrculaUon. by dec:ree or the Superior Court ot. Ort.11.p County and ta flilly quallned: to publish all klndJ: ot legal ~ces and advttU.ementa. 'n.. .. t of tllo llSlolo~ -vidlng the equipment tw .,11 cor. Mt"'Mth>ft pu.rpn•111. ptO\I..._ tMt among other th1np. lt may ~ \l9e(f in w&ter ud 80ll cona,..... .uon for a.gricultln'al purpc._ lMat not llmlted only to agricultural boot .... ~t&I tlnn, oald tllat' Ila - -OUl -1 llllllll-_.. ed the cwt U far u OEJFMIM -1nr ~or .tlJe m~ ..,_t - had .reuimod al $ L m. l(oMo7. The 1' year old boy· wao Gary Denni.a. Q• bo&t WU .:.Ctees ~)' Dale Bk&(p. both "" from 8&n Bemardlao. "*' Oojltpnz'g !M fir#;==.:' Nwt t.-lldopt ....,._ mtse• ot · ~ .. YOU AU &&>Vll!JCD NOT TO TllY 'l'lllli ~·"' r4'111 lnuola In -tlte'li -~ jk~-OiOoP.'1 ...,_. _..,._ riollh1 ·-Wii lee11 at Wi>tk -lpc;t--=-u.-~piiCke ~ , (-~ la Iii N""Plft--1!J1a --•I• --• -ldalJ , Tile mm • • ,..,... -'!'!""'" ~-~~;r;~ ~ ~ ne •oD-lofder 1o .,._.,,_ • .,.._ •• ,to · "'""""" by t11o Olllt~ ~ •.i" • • •:f"'Joftl .... twl!IO llNi-111 11111'·-. ft. a 11pra1 of ClolamlMloa'and lalir_i,; tlJo ~L wetn. lii ....... ..-,. ,. , I ft• .... t_.,.ton.. Bar11• Jania ae;;te~!n~~~. :'.~ ~ • ~~ ~ On'ICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPoRT BEACH SUBSCJUPnON JIATEll: llo'EWPORT-BALBOA PRJl:llfl •""! 'I'll""""' la Ona~• County, SUO per year; IS.It ols moalllo; ($1.16 Ulfte months) (Aleo lnclUdM ibe NEWPO•T·°&AI.B()A NEWS-TIMJ!S on Tu<oday) Ou'8lde the ...,.ty M.lt per 1-. - LOGIC AND HL."TORY purpoeea .. Hidden Valley con.1Llta of a real· denllal aubdivt.aion aw"round!Jl& a luse ...,,..Uonol and apicultu..-i ......_ AccordlnS lo Ille ln...Up· Uon commltte1'1 report, th.411 coa· Scovtint Course at Goodell Hall Md..,. oa4 otNOIA •ve --_ ... Tile ,..,_of tllo ...., --llP"liiC ~-..................... t-loalia tiid oliJiolfollible . =~ .. ~ :: .= ·w..::: Oii.. U!e-~·. , ~ ... ~ ..... EM -~ wheo UM)_eloetrlc ...n-t deductions on W~·~U· -~ ·~ ~ .. , • •: ~ ... --..-: eo!Jl!elW· ... tile -.. terprl.ee, bUt ...... ~ .. If. ·l' ~ "'·" . , ·, .• · tPruaJilhotol to apporent1y 1e11t1111&~i"~' ~. • .. .;. )& .. 11 -.i. ... • ~ lo! neue. ti tJ:aey a.re ..... Yd 4 t l~·· .tft ' ' M.11" al. it•. 'u ..;.1iillii._' 'at.-. Re•~ Rae· ·•. _.,:....r._ •'fl'or\t" by .rombleri .• ~-~: . ;, ~ r>~'f~ . 4 !" .. ""'~~ IWJ --DTU . so._., ....... ~~l" ~ ~k<t~~°".. ,., aervoUOn aetvloe equipment -Bt~ .Ullo 'llrffk ui4 -- ....., only In connoctloci wtlll ..U Unllflls for two iiuft. • la o loed- and water e.,...rvatlon. tlle otller u'ollfp" ~Ins ·-ta &OJ WO<k. and COMklenbJa W&tor cGc--tlljf, IW pul!IO!lt4o ~ ...... aerval$on Woric, belnC done by pri• ,IOl'U'lir!l. 8-~ &,. Midy~ vale conb'vton or the tubdl•kler day a.nd Ttlundaj of-..cJa .... AB a star witness in the Congressional bearing .... hlmoelf. at Toso p.rn. In oowea 11&11 &ad well as in his speech to Congress, General Douglas Mac-fllule7'• Lct&er tnatrucloro ""-V~t« BllCO. •!lo (~ .•• • ._ ~)-' , • _ York's outotandlng newOpoper• at But W..-reh·o 'requ '··. · ~ -~~-"!. '" ~· · · . "Ule _,...,-,-! ... l -·t tllat Ume. peno powen for Illa • ·• ·~·-• · ,\ ,,a'i(ft rd --lft lbO. ~ ~ .,.00.;9 He awltdled over to Ille· R&dlo mlallon wu ll&ylnr p ne • ,._... "!' . -. we IM.attzSN ..-.-.Uon Corpon.Uon of America ln 1925 tng. WWT"en w .. atlll ~ U-e ... : .:;·· : "·~ A th h h h · self both . Tho PT-. bu rocelved a letter oorvod u IMlr1>etor In.~ Va). r . ur as s own am able and eloquent m pre-on u.. eubjoct from AMomblymon loy """ na"" -.. of ~o oYU o..: . .i UM .teur\ ...... " and wu emptoyeid there &;1 a com· .. na.te. mlsht deny "the • :o. · .l -· ~ .. , . TIM ~hil l ~ raaso tur LI municatkm.I eftdneer. In that ca· 1ion the ,pOwer -0( forcln.c, ' · • .. · :--· • a cbu'*7, p)d' rta' ~ p&clty he hand.led the Atnertcan ant wttnuaea to come bit~ )L , ~'.:..1 , r '' · .. , ·' ~ -. .._.,, sentmg his case. li:ul 11tanlo1 In *hldo bo atotaoo K-. But whether his views on what should be done in th' "Joe bu been U... Innocent by· Slplns·up for tbo.:;,... won ..,.i. w2>q WW!oi "'°"'lib< mal<• end or the tint TronlatlanUc com-.., a ~ be pve ~.flroi In· .. S-. C:-........... a · ,;, Gf\I( a -""' mocle1 "frw-a . ,.w., t eaed mercial picture tranamlmion. dJeaUon •~-1 be m'""t '" -t · · 71 ~ F East will . full b"-•lander la _,.. wry -public-Moan. ml<llllom •"" '~ ar . wm pu "" support when all testimony on lty. due 1o Ibo b .. 1 o1 .,, olo<Una Jim ~ a-_. ~1111. Loo both Sides has been beard ls difficult to predict. """'P"isn -portloo nmatns Not.t, Azt -y. ._., Olclt. Two of General MacArthur's principal points are that for Ille A-mbly In Pla<er eou..-l"Nd W-ortll. Ball .w.a. Hadel bo bi M b · ha d · ty, .......-.... to W. report I llacl Rin&.-Mono N-~ O- --~ -"'"" 'Mo~o 1'1<""8 aome comprlmloe to ,~ · • "!"&"'.)· ·--u-· .. ~ -~ 0 ,~,_:,n•·-· . ..__.,. cu'\ IDOftl 4*t '-' tM ._.. wtth· Becomiq lntereatect 1n. motion wnatorlal objections. Tb~ ...btb-_ ~l~Y . MU. ..a.,;-1" •.• out _....., ~ ...u.a • picture IOUDd techn.kluea Hanaen ly bu P••ted the blU: .. ' , f ,1 !"'.''*" ,ot ~ ~ ~ m ng anc .unan . ses an the wie of Nationalist ch..:llod wiu. tbo DlttctO< of 11'1-ell, Stu Hoallne, K&leolln Areh· Chinese troope m a mamland attack would hasten the de-' .....,.. Uld Jo. BMJt bu -elMr bold, Boll R-i, 91<1\n' Wolltu, feat of China, or at least force an earlier settlement, and 01 oil tlmN, 00 fu u t11e -o1 ISO lilenoeok!, Art Bftse, Al th t R , Id be like! . . . equipment trl>m tlle SoU Cone<rvo· Marke~ Doon BoallmOiit, A 0 cbou7 -to..iiim. lh'• "'1te • put hie electrlc&I Jmo.;·how lo Worren Invited ··•cJ1aturb.d• •les· = ""'·""*d u ~ '-~ • 11:-nd wttlJ -~ oM ...-.,1. work for 20tb C.ntllP)' F•• otudloe Watoro lo .. Wk over'' .with blm r-+ tie~.·.Uli €¥1\foi9J4 ~ ::.)cll~~-U.sa,...-e~tc;, ln New York in 1927,.comlnr out their objectk>na. He prOml.ecJ;~ ilM •UHm.bl)'·.c~ ¥0)' the.·~.: --..'!"";,~ ~~-with to tlle Wut CoMt to work u a put any ~feguarda 111 ·t11t ~DI ill&l .•~·of .'"~ .Ond ,W.~~ a Ul!Sla wou not y to come into the fight 1f we Uoo Pool la <G11oomed for a11 wwk DoMburs E&rl Ston~ · J · attacked China. . done on Illa property la Plaeer cano._ si... A.el<•.,._ Roj, Jla~ ... ..._, ~ • ~ c~t. eound tecbnlclan ln 1928. would overcome their'· .objeCtlOIUI ~ .• J.o ·pay ~for mWifelpl.t .-:. .b..-QI*'-In \be latter p&rt ot liiS he wu and Still l~e-J,h~ ~~Oft , ~ 1 '· .. ~ , • ' i .. ~t··" Ho axpl&lu tbo <lUIHr oa4 ...,i. mode Chlet Sound .Enslneer and power to do Jta..~ · , · .· 1 •· • • • . .qw.\kln of o!I, 4rlllHla-<.lll In considering the first point, history shows that from County. 1 kllevo tbot Mr. llffk 1o,., Hel\ry Doasle, Dollold T. 1931 t 1945 h J . , bu been Ille lnnoeent victim of a ~. HA"7 Holl. Paul Loral· -,,.n .. 7 "' _.,. -1-t. Dlreelor of Recordlns for the He uoured the ,...a.tora llie7 · YIO!htt; · of ~e'l~ ~ awa. 4i&la, u.iaplNJJp, ud studloo and hlJI !Int work on neod have no tur. 1118 . , . " · .. ~ ~o~"1l\e "'~~r-~'It Jlpa&Wqo 1100 ·--to M>Und recording on fl4n wu 1n lb• would •"8UrP. the . JioW ' 0( aiii' ~ tltf.t. "!' ~ ..... o t . e apanese not only bombed v1W Cbmese lot ot Md .,...UC:tty Ulil 1 want to aon.. Mu Pope. JI:. Adalrw, Doll centers byt with a force more powerful than Chiang pe.-.Jl7 -lht Ulla la con-I· Walk .. an4 Dr. L. A. -... -11oa1 u Ille oalJ way 1o "'P plct11re "ln Old Arlzana" etarr1ng other branch of ·eov • ent.' .:;' t!i ~~,,~ ~ at Ou! IJlo .-iCJulplaKt In -r: Warner~ wbo d\od just thJa ·w.,...n and ~i.ii· • f>fy; '~'~f ot•tM ~·~ Kai-shek now has, actu!tlly took pollSl!llBion of tb..e centera. ~ ~P ~ty -~ por- But China kept on fighting. Y _,...._Barbor. Doclt• Reiltns -: • w .. k. men Herbert a:;· · ' Cl . ,A,~itl!>\'*,U 1f>t>'Miw ...... Tlilo todlo .,_teur -~la li&naen wor-ed wtth 20th Cent· Beod1, wm Ule flnt ro:· ""· ' ·C!lf ·floll,· · · · · AJJ to the contention that Ruaaia would not enter the war, we can't know-for sure unless we moved against China. The Gene~al's reasoning abollt it sounds logical. But consider what happened before World War II. From many sources we heard that Germany wouldn't fight. that Hitler's game was to bluff his way as far as poesible but lo stop short of actual war. We were told that Italy wouldn't fight because she couldn't -she was too poor. Many experts believed that Japan would never attack us because we could crush her in a matter of weeks. Yet. Germany. Italy and Japan <Lil went to war against us and came mighty near winning. · Future history may prove General MacArthur to be right, but past history shows logic to be a poor defense. ----·---- NOT HELPLESS In commenling on the Kefauver report one observer said it was a noble effort toward stamoing out organized crime b~t that the "people are helpless with crooked po 1 i ti clans." T?at simply isn't true. The people are not helpless-- unless they choose to be. Somebody once said: "Crooked politicians are elected by people who don't bother to vote.'· And these politicians can stay in office only so long as cifu.ens are willing to put up with them. The Kefauver report is a blue print for public action. It points out more clearly than ever before the why and how of organized crime and the steps necessary to destroy it_ The committee will propose legislation on a national level aimed at cutting off the billions now reaped annually by underworld "businesses." But laws alon.,._whether local'. ,state or nationaJ.-cannot do. the job. They merely proV1de the tools, !ind the fools can be effective only "" they are intelligently and industriously applied. Such use must begin on the local level. In every com- munity, especially those in which organized crime is known to exist. the citizens must bring pre118ute to bear for a cleanup at · once. They must not tolerate any "chummi- ness" ,between law enforcement officials and gangsters. Even. more, the people must do their part individually by refusing to support vice through illegal gambling or the ot~er channels of underworld profit. · · _The Kefa uver Committee bas done a magnificent job. It wm be both ~-national tragedy and disgrace if the people pemut 1t to become a wasted effort. ~~~-"'·---- THE GO-GETTER STATE Figures released by the statistical office of the Mu- nitions Board for the six-month period which ended Janu- ary 31 show that California got 18.l per cenC of the $8.9 billions in defense contracts awarded during that period. That was the highest percentage for any atate. New Y?rk waa second with 16.3 per cent and Mlchlpn third Wlth 7.7 per cent. California'• showing ia all the more ,.... markable when one considen that we're well di••nt from • . the long estab1isbed ind111Jtrial ceoten qi ot the eut and middle west. But it gives positive evidence .of our auocew in building up ~e p~~c~ planta, the benldq NIOllreell, the transportation faCJlitiee, _the Milled manpoww and the many other factors which are all part ot the new IDdwitrial empire of the west. . .No doubt the . fact that the California climate permita maximum production virtually enry day of the year la anothet. ~~ent in our euccea. A 'filrther factor, too, la the ibdividual and collective enersY ot Califonalum whlda baa made tl\ia atate a go-setter from the wont "lo." Mes~ Fish Fry (<lolJUnoed bOm Pace I) tumlnJ along ~e,vpott Blvd. to the c:amJval area on 18th SL The parade will be 'followed" at !:I~ p. ·m . by the bt!aury com.est In which a winher will be .e.lect· ed from among-the JoYeJleat girls or the area by & panel or Jud1e1 ma~e up ot movie, radio and lele- vJa.IQD &l&rL i'ree prl&es will again be preaenJ.ed at e p, m. On beth days, tri"'1 tlah dlAl'.Jf'nt wUl ti:e "auved ccmU11iaau7 rrom n~ ·unu1 th&' db:iftS · atop oom- IQIL'.'. . . • • Pe.ta Qf every_ deacrtpµon will be admitted t.o 0-e -pet parade llC· cordf:na' lo W8.l.ah. 0Who uJd •that enl:riea. may be made 'at hla hard- ware .atore.-at 18M. Newport Blv~ .. anytime . up to May :a. l!All1 Dttrieo Ehtrit!& for the baby parade can Oe ma.de ""1U1 Me.an at Ute Mean Camus Exm&nge, 1150-Newpot"l Blvd .. anytime b.tOQc ~ st. In cGOduc tJ.n.c the pUade, Mean wlll be au1'ted by >lro. Paul Dunlap, Mrs. Arthur ThronllOn and Mrs. G&rr Predrlksen, Babies will be gro\lped ln two claaee•, Clue A belrlg f'or thoae between 1h1 month.a and one year wblle CJus B' will be com~tltlon &man« Uaoae ~twttn on• and two years. Four prbe• wUJ be ottered., one for the beat boy and one tor lh~ be:lit clrl ln each clau, wh1Je a Junior Queen t.nd a JunJor King wlU be 1elected from among a.II entrant.a. (C..tTIJ---1) Ille -1tloa. BM -llftor Dodp·o rMljjl101lon .:~ "II• 1Judse DodJo ) -not -..., ..,.. xk)u,s to set out,," · · Ouater la Or*.r Dodse ~ Illa Nllgn&tklll an .. r a statoeme~l lt7 llm\l Harby, one of Uw dlalrlct directora. de- cla.rln& q"l& eu.tu petition ln or- der. In the lut election of office.rt tor the dl•lrlcl only 59 vOtera had beJJoteil. • . Juds;e '-11•-o&l\f tbot .. J' boll# wanted to· bo Nl!,"9Cl. ~r . .;,q,. time." He &Joo polnt.,i 0111 ~be­ lief that .~ perao;n ·cart ref .. ntun: ber or atrner• tor atmc.t any kl.ad ot a petJUon. Dodp bu been wmi the N.W- port Iniptlon Dtattk:t atnce IU boa-Inning In t918. Hla aalary u aec-relafY ~d been UG Monthly. Ule • . ' • . • . ,.,. ' repr-u.! -.1 f1rot •-In radloo ond ollled ury Fox w.w 1945, and Ulen re-•., •• ·nr .~b!Uor ~·--""-'-' :,., . !I · ~ ....... .-~."lllCln.;;;i; ""'---. ,..., equ.tpm~ t.o a Writ t.o the SL tirtd. He came to Newpor:t Bea.ch uc u.-'&' v-.._?W'¥Jilr. V' ~ • ~~ ~ Loull 0World'1 P"alr tn 1904 tthfo to live In 19.40 finding the Harbor poker w .. ~ _qut ·p( ~a... {Ci~· ~;~e•N~;·~~·a fair made ,._mous b7 "Mfft Me In area ••C<Ulv<onleotly loeated. with Rlllbly. The _.i. wlif 11,eai'.-tlle · ~· .'l( ~ de)'.~ St. 1.ooe1, Loooy''). · plenty ot t~eah air and c1eon bill In coriu!ili~ Kay 16. ' ··' ·· l;lia1_~~t.Jand, Wat Ne,.pi;lrt At U.. ~ 1n>p'4lotcnoble water."'. P,....11( pf I.be. b!ll lfT •' ~1-.~ Jli\P"'~!.~.ttcisl. ~~ ~ ot tt11 (Jlu•a..,... bom Nov. He had a sport.a cruiaer at Ulat 9. vcde WU .a rebuff-' ta \~ 8. ~r -:.~uni...,.'•~ ~3. ~ In Bprillllfleld, Dllnol•l time. "Sea Gypoy I " ..,d has run aembly cOIJll!)!Uee, gii_~ j,,d ·~·ft"'!t ~ ~ ~- 1.e WU )Uat about bowled over by t.hrou!rh Sea, G)>pey D and ID with CM'ml8slol\4 "!lllell Jle.d ,:,119,t~ed ~·, ~V'! ~· : . : i t..e 0. J'orut'e ndlo. atatlon at perhaps .JV jial beckoning to him II up. !Oockllem wo;, 'irl\b4'i'Wal : . . i1l1"J> .. llleo n_ouiled ."t ,ne"" the fair. Since that 'ume be bu ever the horizon aa aoon u h e or the btU ~rom COtnIJilttee f~cJ , 1 llri. lleane.th ~'CoOl,mt had 1-· ·and ahort and med.tum &"eta Ure<l ot -bein ... without • boat. then gof It :piaa8ed. · · •• .-• ·! i· -pl! 8Me0n'. .... ,t. """ -. . . .' · · · · -The • ' -.. ~_:L_ __ ,._.....i__{. · ;;. r l.. , • t • • • ' • • .,. -"1" ""~mind ..... hU tnlo!Oc! rider ..... 8.i.'."':~ ~~"~-~~ ~~~ ' . ·. '. -~~. ; ,. .. ' t·l"j!, • .. ,....o,J'. no~tUllittl',llo ~ -11£-, ' hie •h .. obl>Ut; dd!Jlc ·-lnl!ly , . ~-• ., - . •• , . , • ~ .-'-!Ma:Ullnll! In IJJer, .. •· Naval and C.U( ONyd Re.oerve ,,.~~·lhtl, · ~ _ i• • ·~· ,· •. .,...,.. · .• • eotJor\a field. · ' \"lo unl!ao aa well ,48 wltll ClvU =·--~~Qv\l!~ ;,;i; ' ' ,. , '-·~·,,,. tnaa M&n.Mri "Obtillied ru 'rti•t ·radio Deteue autborltW:. . ma at• n---.-1\:-· · .-bf.-. .~i ..,.t ~. . · operator'• l1cea. tn 1913 but •Y• Undoub~y be i& o~ ot the A bill deatgned }:O, ~ 9'IP.'" · .. · \ 1 · l,•. • • "~--*1' .. 1 oi>tr'ti4 wlU.out a:llcenae'trom few radio ham.a ~ho doesn't clut-m~ off the. caur~ b1a.1_1ot about)lt'J 0e /' H• b .-.1ck toe.-ter hie wfJJ with Q,85, cards Crom wao peuod·aJinOot 'l!flUIOut..w&U ' rlain Q_l&t he wu operating wtlh-all over tJie wofld. He Ms many in "U.e 8t!lla'te. Unaniu:l...-.,,1 tti1 :i. out & UcaDM at. tbat Mme only rrom auch faraway placca ~ Jch as anate &PP!'ov~ ~e ~lJJD ••f lBeft. '.1 ~ "· becaU81 Heeut• did not exi.t. then. China and Ruula, the laUer card Jack B. Tenn7, ft..,,~! ~IH. : . ~ Fila ta.rnny · h&d moved clme to •porting the Image of a Jor.g-that would -require e.arMM&ltU .tof t .. '~ ¥ , " ·, Detrott in "1803 and· 1hortly attet bearded Ruulan WhQlle ldentifica-public otnce¥ to ~ -,.· ldjut.y ,' t . ... .. , ·,D&Billinti~' .r; • ~ he ~W cpent!Jig hla flret tlOn baa yet lo bo declphorod. oetll. ., ' · · · f· , · · • (ConlJ•uell ,_Pace l) radio ototlan at tllo··ofse of 1S or· • ~ Barrier And Wa17ea olgned ·•'blD itJsai Oi:Rfta A. iutciua, o. o.&: · t.M "Balboa" for the boat· rid tbnft.Mut.., flHln&' lin oa 80me or HanHJl explatn. -that commvn.l-would pre!ent ~'ft~ '1rcm ; Bay Sho~ Parle wu turnN· OY!. tb.e vewll° Ai~"C 1'!a0ieat Li&J<ea caUoo ia carried oo w ith. foreign :~tlcin~law in Ca,uf:itf -11!• rtt-.r .. D~. Brick Dust . to the evmt. and Jutta S&'tly~r u ~ .e6mme~lal ~ operat.?r. 1&nda by aurmouatlng the langu-pn> .-" Utat . ~1lVet • .. -·' ~· .. and Myra Sprogue opened ·tllelr He "'ii:: ~~~pn!i:od~ are barrier by mean.a or Inter· ~o~no~.::!~ ·~'~IJIAr· 1T8b.~81Yd. Cooto KO. b&y tront M>mu fol' u.e Uy. neat "· ...:s a m ..... l~~-moJ~ nation.al Q alpala. Certa.ln set.I P · ~)' _,eJ'o • · · ·' Weber'• bakery rave tbe bread hlll~t~4·mountafn ,._tun ex-of leUera have aceepted lnlernat-alve ~~ of the ~U .... .-. ~ ~·~ -~~ -'Beecca2 1Tl2 and 'roiJa, while Scvdder'e tunf· pla.Jnlni', 'Wt(y I~~,. lf kld1 lonal meanlnp &Jld the ,~1,1,ubinL. auepended~r dlebarred.,, . 1: 'Ide E. i,.y Ave.'.. Balboa i.bed potato chip&. Olive Mc· 1n tt.;.';Jkattt, wen taking 1.boee tlona of lettera chosen certainly H.• carp ~, · ' Hu* aif..J KensJe wu ,..._. .... 1a1• for UM: aJ. old e whffier1 on the ~e.1 seem to cover most queaUons and J,.'.. ,, t·. ,_ . -, ..,:__ ,........,. by tliemalvoo • ••-Sen. ~ J. llom.ios, , f\. · > • · , ~n, w)lile Dorou-e. Kin.daU.er . ·~ , &UW•n ... -t radio amateUra are Newman, 'leru ~1y· ftlv •\la) ...,. .. ~ -~ _ , · · . • made oooklu an4 pota,11> 9lod f0< , , .lollJO\I No.,-likely lo u.oe. For example , QAX loot b '= gMa •.. . • \ . JCl.U(S • K~NS • the crowd. Fork.I and 1pooUwe.re Co.nUrtuinC on hil .radio bent, atanda tor "Have you in your air-eeoondev:: .. : coiu ~,.P .. \ \-. ·: •. ,, . . ~: '. the donation of Betty O!ferle and Ha.n.aeo •bJ~ped 1.bo&f:d one ot the craft the following peraon tor Hatfield ~ove: tM _blli-ttU. -~ 1t&JIN,Jl.i> milk came from Todd'a OILJ.ry. ~Luclr.qJbedl Stt•mablp Une ~la Whom J have a w.!Ung radio t.ele-ate'a lnactl tile. H -b ',. :' ,; : ·-· !li:!n'r t a, -'" Vavon were turalahed: by P1per on the · Amµal1a·~Uth America ITfolll· Here foUowa the de&lcna"-di4n't want~· t&lr: , ~·el--·_,_he ~ 11.r .: .i:~.?Ula-1..J,' ¥ • John8on. Betty W&Qon ud Ml:na nm out or New Tor::k u a radk> Uon ot the penon• a.a tt appeus .-:.~· 0 ~· ~ :' · · · ~- Hershey. Goa to ab.ow tt :JO\t Un operator ln.1918. At t;he outbrhk In the &ddreu of the radio t.ele. ~ unt':_!':!!" .. _ ~~._. W "' ... ~ & wqrthwbOe event. e.eryt)Wlg t World War _I , ~e Jolned the gT&nl ; n&rn@ and qualltlcatlona." o::.:: protnl..:e:aldn ~ i !· J '~·~f""'-,.,,. · · worlca 0'1t bOyond all ~ '<Y -.D<I oerved o.boud tl>t USS From tll• uarnple one would lepl advice. But once•,....!. , : '!. •t ~~ ~.,.a; J-UIJ NOTE TO NORMAL KIDBo U Utall,Fredcrtckandl'lttoburpu l ptltq tllot· ~radio_,,. botcar..,·bmW....IMltl...,.,-t'.'T',.,!_ .._, , _;, .. -•·-. they w1t.re bait u appreciative and a r&dk> otncer. -. (le..diile too) are pretty Utorouclt· lkmal. ' , .. .-· ... -f''li ~ .~ · •-.. , ~ '" well be!baved. maybe morw partiM He NS1ls IOl'nt:. ot the moct t.Jr-1 peop.!e.. We ahould naD7 batt w . beclUlid :a ~, ~ ~ -: J • • , would .,._ s:tven tllem! tett•llJ\I' radio m-r:a u pi.rt -of tlJ&t -vlty Ill jounJ&J-Ibo =-~+~I 1 '{"'· ~ Kt1m!lim;.' D. of -ri-..-.... operations wtdle -!Mn. Wlut apolorleo lo lntemot· · · • _,.. -· ~ ~ "' O~OM·Et,."'ST ...-.Ins' la tllo Na<rj. OtMr, lllctt· lonal Q at.,..i. we'd Wte 1o odd -bjf.,. ~1 µ_· K·.~ir,j .UO · r• '. -iu; CAPTIJ&E l:SCAPU:S Mesa Men Share upta ......... lllel.Uded )t«olns ~..tot letterw of our ....... J:ND ~·-~· llec:lz;.i ~ :,.!di 111"1.'.)it ·.t:;,1 ... a' Three ucapeea f'rom juvenile hd ln · O.D the alrwavea d\U'inc the mot••q ..... tbof'o!Qp.lJ ea.jofed ~ ~telattcl . f~~ ~·>,,;, .'1.K ~ ~ ,....... bome In San Dl•l'O were taken Birt ay Ho'nors Eutlond . dlHOlor on Ute c ... t talldlJjr to ID.1 Raft'W, bolrln&' lJbn = .. tlc"!,~\llO ·~· ' ,· ~~ The1 Diaper Derby wt.ll follow Immediately after lbe parade wlth th~ contestant.a croutng a padded a rea. under tfte urstn1 or pventA. by whatever mean. of &oeomotlon the cb.Ud may choolt. Prtw .,&IJ go lo nrst, aecond and lh1rd pla.c~ winners. . Into c:uetody by Newport poltce L&kea. Tllo boat turned cwor.wlllle fix aome &1smo to (IWt ·our c&men W-~~ ~ . ' ',..._ 1111 last WMkond &bd Mnt to Ooan1• Dennie Hogland &bd Malcolm aUll dodted; llOO pe,_. loot lllelr worldftc, &li4 for ocllall u our court .~ ~ -· county juWllllle home for NtUm Reid abaJ'ed btrthd&'y bonon wben Uvu. COl'IUIUmlcat-kmi oftlcet' on u.e Ba-...-. '..,. .... to San Dlero. Mn. Ho&1&ud broucht tocelher a Hauu &bo heard lh• frantic MMda rate and fowstft u tor UUa ~Tl! Wan. ..... tl Newport pollco l&ld tllo tluM company of ttle-recanUy for lllpalllnp of the .-ue boato on po&n we "'8t -'t nata, llut It 1-~~ oacrll7 • t yout.ha, .,.. 12, lS and lo&. Mm dln.ner. Bcflle of t!MI do\lble ceJe.. tklr ~ t.o the tieeDe of Ute Tl-J\llt Me1n8 to tit tbe ew, •RaM· wbldl. w 1.,°pa~ 7 1 llan Dl•eo. Palm Clly an4 North braUon wu the Rostoacl bome. tole d-.ir In 1912. -11u8-_.. · --••• , .. Park. Collf. ran beltlnd a pnp 2811 BroadWay, Coat& K-, wh..., At tile. end ot lllol NOYJ' -• , ot Ille -~~ .. '!!l*n• at 1491 OoUt Hwy., whu a polle• coven were pla<ed fw lf_,., and lf&DHn wao -•asi.s out ot Ille ON 5lllal""9 fWAFF ~ Ha _. ~ petrol car pe-d by aad ,..,.. lolmea. Rob.rt llltdw:oitll ot B•lly· Noni Attadie'a atttc.o In Ita1y. 8iMrift J-lfualcll -y an-_ _. at .UU. ~ atQpped for • q'...•etkwh\c. '?bey wood, M•lcolm Reid. Woodrow ud WU at Ule Atlantic md of DPS wt that J~ Mc.A1a17 ot. . · bod -llltcb·lill<lnll wt on Ill• ~. Wood..,.. eoop.., 11&1-I.be t1'9t plctUN to bo -OMta M-boa JolaM Illa' ltalf 1118°' (lQIO• U !Upway. l•c:ol!D Kckl and Horl&nd. """'°' tllr_,. wldle be -In .. ~la Ille juwallo ·-Clrdo 1.i 'ot U.. 0,1~-1~ ttuty U Cbaet BMlkwn-n ·at Bar ......... ..t...lfMd ()l.,.,.M wllo Commulty ........,.. wit • l t •.ei ?f ........ 8r::; =--~~,Sci ..0..od In ~·i.~...:..:=..:.:: = :::::~:r,'..:. i:: ~ .. .:7...-. , .; ,, .. u o _._ ot t1ie 1ta1t ot t1te Ctaae, ut a. 1iu I tllo .-"' ........ &anm-htiOft ~ , of Ute l!rtticlellt, !':l. r .... .um. w:-om I J!flW Y.,it Wont, -of N-_,._sh .. 1-4 t1Jo -·• --~--,=-'-. OMta-' .-,,. ·-.---· mACOKllll . , . I :=::::;,::::::::::::;:::;::==::f SURE-IN~ • , • ., " ... _.... I .... .,, ' -.... ~.)' _ ... .. l I I 1T111f.e. .................. ,,. '( • ' I ... --··-······=·········· • • . No ~c!tlboa· Days Now for •'frma' • l • \ l. • . -·--• I "" Hll?t ... Osaisp .. a PA~ J -,PA~ITT~THU AY, ~y '10. ttsr :::i:.:,: .a::...,,_ -·Nz ~ I._ ......... a Orlcta "'u.e lln In u.. Victor _*-HJ . . -..... ~ llootNad i.-e, -D1oo! "'"" ? =-='=' -I. · , ... lilt.._ ........... ltltcfaa ADIJ'PI .... DW~. :-e·· l'OS lll*X • ' • REf,EN R. ROBERTSON; M. D. of Her otnce at • .' 1741 BUPEIUOR AVE., COBTA MESA (Formerly Newpart Ave.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND OTNAECOLOOY OFFICE PH. BEACON 6508 REB. PH. HARBOR -W : LASTING rREMEMBRANCES .-. Elgin American Compacts and Cigarette C&ae9 Original Costume Sets by Napier, Coro, Phyllia Diamond and other Watches in new Deslgni White Summer Jewelry ... Pearl Necklaces Ii Chokers Whiting and Davia Mesh Bags . ". Electric Cloclu! Flatware . . . Sunbeam and Toastmasters OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK R~'I~ nay, lllAJllNE • BALBOA ISLAND • HAL 1n1 •rt·•-11 _,.. 8IOll --o111i llall wt llt~dll .-Tbo lie\-. "l'homM JM. ~. ,,_ OijlpoU, ~)las· Np'p ·--et U.. ,_, t. "8 trt. .-tar ot It: WI 6"eto. ltMa w .......... ._ ... a. .. 11..,..t .... .... ~ --.-. c.a -1J 0 k•'• 'Diillmla,.·...w at -~. lrft ~ ~ Iler -•nm: hJ', x.,. -··~ w-......,._ otat1pe ..t '.\l"l u. ~ --111is ~-II.I--11n u.. -. Mn. p.ppett Arrd111 .....-~ tldt -·•Ille~ lllmedlnat•:UL m., -..U,·lblla•le!ot·llilllli -11 rollk<l at -llree\, -..,. .. fte • ...,, ••••n t• Ule tM ~..._. of ror..tl'1 ,.pmt. mor and hltJ\"' • .i' t · Bal ,.., -prota ol tM ,..,. at Ille · 11!1Q --...... ... Ille ........ ou.r .............. ,, .... c..,· •• '111he. ~ II 1 ''111t•M~ II, •D1~k."4lito Vkt ,.,s\;~1 ; Jlro: II. a. ~ csnty -ol. ~ i.-. "" o1.,C-1p.. otnellfl ltalt:aW WU"e: llrl. C. M. DM•M Ii ?'''rt: Mn. R. L. AU... ttnt ..... ,. •• aitnat: Mrs. .,._ C Wello, -'ft« proll- -t; Mn. .. c. 'IWlcb«ll. -.... _,,, Mn. Harry H. Ql.M1. .... •• ... lllCfttuJ: Mn. a.Ml B. Pwt-ln(ara; .... Pu:I M. JIOpro, .,,,.,, .. , Kn. 8' 0 . JloJHJ, ~-tzrlaa; l1lr•. c. Dod4 and Mn. Oolill Brown, 111-tora. · rn.talllnr ot• ll<er Mra A. H: Halleck p.....,tecl eaCh otflett wltlt • ~ -ar •·iie•-' J!f1 and w1tb a ..-.,.,. a Fft;Vf ll>f clpb. · , , Jlrp. Peaklno. eatended an. In-. i'iAa.· v11a1t<>11 U'all.'(llemboro to a.ttencl , • '-.i.• J. ~ • ' ~' ~tt•e .~. ~Y "·op · · ' ,. •• t" · )' •· .. · '· - ' • , . • .1lh.11nda)' .. Ha~ l?Ua at 12:30 p, Jn. Patricia Mi'.1;5ay~.;is ·Br~· iii · · t~~;r --IA=~·~ Rites .at -l, A. Lutheran,,Churdl -: . ~£:ta:::,:,=p=at= • • ' · · • • . p..-.nted a very enjoyable ,: ro-- One of:. lhe moer ela~ra.te and -' . ' . . pam Which batluded vocal num· boauUtul llout~land !"'edCl!nP ,,.. ""'!' ~ed • ~rt of ink. h-Wra and rcone1 !Tom Rnral that held reetnt!Y ltr ~ Lutll-...,_ and plnli ~ :POCU... · ·• playa. eran -church,.·.J,d Anre1-. ~ ,&ctwud Dab.ma N!l"Ved u ·~t Ne'W' me.mber• we)c()med were: .-Pauicla. Ann 9'yte, daugb-mon U!I ~ won .Victor ·D. Mra. Walt.,. Henning•, M>o. J . M. ter of-A&. end,. Mr.: Victor' B. 8a)'Te. Jr:, ...,Ud ~Non and McKay, Jr., Mrs. L. It. Plpt1r, Mra. hyn. 630 IJi~ NOf'd,··ttpi1$ted Let .w..,.. GtttrUde sa:ton, Kn. r.ctwtn Syl· TOW• with Frederk:k L. pa.hJn.a. . Mn. laJtt, mou.n"' tbe br'kfe. Yutcr, Mra,\ LUetta Speice, M'n. eon .of Mr . .,,,,. Mra. ll:dwvd J . WN In IJS7 tUllo o••r taft.t. Patricia White Dahlna, 7M3 FowltaJn avenue, with _,..ti of ptni baby ,,..., BmtMffl f~r the day were: MOTHER'S DAY:....MAY ll·: Gin HOSE Jl'QB M0'111EB ' . . ,., . WILi. 8ll<laVJ: CREDIT.. ON YOtJa BOf'Df CLUB CARD . -. ~ .. • • • • Sran eo;o,tlll mu dlttincti~ <!•b plan oow. Eato11 la -botiny &puant111 -coarinae · buy! .. "!l' of '"" k cola.bioo ol "'-"' Hi .. Twit< c.u_:r., PIOpOltlooed Nytoet. Alttt U poin ba•e i.-pwdMlied (in U month's I dJnt), JOU'U be elifible for a l]d\ pair It a ~ dividend - at no c11:lra d\arge. I 1'1111!.\I \ WE GIVE Jl;. l'I. GREEn 5TAmP5 FlftPATBICK • Hollywood. Mn . Oabm.s ei..t • roee f~· Mra.. Harry Welch, M.n . J . L. ii::======================::! I The Rev. Albert B. Schwerts eel of 1t.c1k>U pelalil lo compie-Rt.amp and Mra.. J w Thornton _ performed the double-ring cere· m.nt lMr eerl8e ~¥me. Ways ahd Mea.n.!I · ~lttee to; mon7 ln whleh tbe brkle wa. ••--Q\aaat.{U.. of •~ stadJoll tbe k&Dcbfon. w r Mn Clayton corted to Ure altar and ctftn ln forlMd Oonl •ttlbc for Ute rtt.. TbOm 11 • ...;~ RoblD.t CSTAB"-ISME.D 191.-. EWPOR , - • It's Mother 's Oliy! Re- rr1ember your f e v or i t e lady with e flattering Per- manent! COLD WA ff OR MA..CRINl:LESS-- SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK $8.50 (U:Om.A& •111 • JIM'S BEAUTY SALON !04 OOAST BIWAY, CORONA DEL MAR BAllBOR 1818 -- -._.•~-., u 111,; 111 1, -t11R_iaR• '..... . ....... . f • keeping by her fat.her ln the ptt11-Maltcal pr.Jude wu by lbrt church and J::'j 0 ~do e t.nc• ot 3!liO ~.. orpaise, Wt Dr. William. accom-· · n. CbuUU Lo<e ......... lrla '"'"· PelJIY, Wbo ans 1 ~-??le Lont"• Prayer." l .~ th 0 ht Patricia WU radiant In her Al 1-IM• Club IVIO er-aug er cown of Chantilly lace over •Un. Among thoae attending the B · t S t d A pearl ernbr<>idered coronet of weddtnc &ad roceptloo, beld at the anqij8 8 Ur ay lace held he r flnlferUp veU and Jonathan club, we~ Lt. Gov. and f · L th ahe carried a bouquet of white Mra. CIUtord Joneff of Nevada; Of U eranS JU.ca. Mr. and Mn. B. M. H ick.a and • Kay t Mrs. Riiey) Thornpaon, Mn. Ballard Baron, a190 of Ne-The annual Mother &nd Daurh· matron of booor, wu ln white or· vada. Mr. and Mrs. Sa)'Te were ter Banqoet 0( the Newport Har· g"&lldy over pink ta.lfeta and car-b6eta at the rehearsal dinner ln bor l.AJtheran Church w10 take Med Ucht purple lilacs ln a, bu-their LOI Al')gete1 apartment. p1ace thia 8aturd&y, May 12th at ket. Similar buket., but of deep The bride attended Marymount 1 :30 P· m . Dtnner will be pre- puri>le lilacs were qarried by tba and her bu.band usd. FOT the pared and aerved by the men of brtdetln&ida, S.rb&nl Love, Josn Lu • Ve•u , non~ymoon the new Ole church wbo Wih alto provide a F.nrllah and Maxl.ne t Mra. ltd-Mn. Dah.rna wore an Antta SmllJJ procram of e.nt.ertalnment,. The ward )Dabma. All Wore w)ltte or-Milt of lf•V7 blve. white bat and J?rlce ,,or .the dlbner i. $1.00 for candY over u.i.K• taffeta. Uttle co..-. of nowen. hnrn Ha..ai. lldutt. and •'GO ct:ftll for ·chlktren. Clnd7 Bu.hea, nowW ,UJ. wore . .& 'l"Mlr ftlture bom• WlQ .b6 al. NU ftc11t wat.lau ~ld be llUMSe by trook or tiered w~te, pet o••..r plak .~~~ retl'ett. Loa. Anatitit. c9UtPS 1te.icml ....... a .r BeiM:oa -~·I -• · · · · · · ';.: "'"'will otfettnc lo prwented Ru· th Willmes ~nsfril.led_-.· ·,·New Pres. : :..:1!: ~"":..::1'.rw.:':" "'~ ~ dutrlal lre.1.nlnl" nprrrctaJJy for B d P f I W the ma>tlni' ot <the fl:ne lace.e tor usines~ an ro essiona omen :::!i.:Y..::.~:.:~ mtukm 9Choola. IO a pretty a.nd •ymbolLcaI<>------------The dinner wtlJ be held at th• church and a.JI womm with moth· en or daug-hten are lnl'1te<I to at- ceremony Mildred Stanley, put president of B\UJnellS and Pl't> feulonal Women's club inat.alled Rath W iUrnu . new prealdenl, and her corpe. or officer.a at a dtnner meeting in Balboa Yacht club on Thursday, May· 3. Mrs. Stanley presented each ot t he Incoming office~ a noeepy, tu color representative of tbe du- ties ot her office. The prealdent'1 bouquet. presented iut, con)b1ned a ll lhc color3. Inducted w1th Mrs.. WUlmea l~iOe ~ Evelyn Vainer, flrat Ttce-- pre&Jdent; Mule Bird. leCOnd rice-ii.realdont; 141ldi:ed O..pnian. teOOrdinJ eeeretarY: J euie Hill corttaponding Sttr'et&ry; Helen Norton, treuurer: and parUamt!n· tarlan. Ir~e Morril. Ma-.Cl FtUmorrlt, retiring pre11l- dent. prHlded at the open.Inc .... !iOll and pre~ted each of her :>Utcoinl' offlcen1 with a rttt ·and thanked her committee chairman tor their work during . the put year. The1 put prealdeAta Lo charge ot U\e lrultallatlon arransem_enU were-: Irene Morrt.a, general dui.tr- man wl\h 8eU7 Band1 In ch#&'• ' • .I of program: Mildrf!d Stanley, lo-. atalHng offieer; Grella& Tubb&, reanvationa; M&TK"U ertte Way, tickeU:: and Agnes BlomquU.t.. g"UHt book. N~ Qommftlf'ft Wld. men to be announced at a later dale. Mn. W lW.mes announce4 her Vtna Mae Harmer, wen atlllldlng committees for the year know~ and talented OrJ.nce coun- u follow11 : education and vocation ty mualclan, played accordion se- Vlr~nla Wolford : Jeglala.Uon. Ja.n· lecttona dUrtn1 the dinner hour et Franc .. ; me.mbershlp, Mute and on the program. Bin.I : newa Mnrke, Sunnly Eut· N~ . memben installed ln the man; pf'Oll'am, Evelyn Varner; c:tub W'tre : Ruel Decker, Pbyllia pJ.lt>lk: &lfaln, Ma.rruet EC"e : a.nd Wllllanl.80n, J oy Poore, Judy health u4 aatety, Grelba Tubbs. Wood'Ward., H~ Wolford and not 8f)lflda.l-eommftttta are: conven-prutnt.. K~ro_ Key~, Rose Fen· tlon, Jane Qua.rlee; courtay. Sue ton, and ~ Holllnphead. Horvatb; decOraUon.I. Robert.a l:ach Pl wu presented w1lh a !llleU and Lena Ma1 wui..-y; blS-.pnleala corare. torl&n., Lydl& Sherman; m.Ptt&l-After tn.rta.natlpn ceremonies, lt7. Rub7 Miarlto ;.)«ar~ of Dlmu !ofro. PitzmoniJI preaented lllrr. MaUle Otider; m~eta.ra ICI-WUlmet with hei: pl"eaident'a pin lea Spelman; ra<llo and tale-ond ,. .. 1. l'Mdah Ba.tea; rattle, Iaabelle SpeclaJ pd'tll were memben &aw:ea: report COOl'dtnator, Ruth trom the Anaheim, Fullerton and Oe.rrtab; reeena.Uone/ Dorothy Oranre Btmneu and Prof&. Reddick; welfue, E 11 s abet h aional Women's clubl. . ' Hm\dy; ye&r book. and emblem. Tab~ decoraUona wen keyed to M7rUe 8pan.let-; and youth ac· the· .. ..,.ada race, floral AllM&ta tlv1Ue~ Vera Franke. Cbtiatmu centerlna' tbe table between mu. Pnvtew' and -· Nlcht cbalr-ed anapdrqono. • • • DEPARTMENT STORE ·22nd and Ocean Front 'NEWPORT BEACH •f"t""t"1dHt""'MM"t-sC""U"'11""1MMC'1r-o-1c:::R-'1' a 'c::!!:::1dC1C"'5MC"'V"'SeU!:'Mt=P'"¥"1CSt# . TAKE MOTHER TO THE INN . FOR HENRY'S FAMOUS FOOD · • -SPECIAL MOTHER'S D·AY DlNNER .. , • . ' . t.1 : BALBOA INN -ARCADE -SURF end MAIN -BALBOA &EI..18111:8 CURLED CELERY HEARTS; MIXED OI)IVES YOUNG ONIONS, ROSE RADISHES 8qUP8 . BOSTON CLAM CHOWDER, SHRIMP GUllBO FRENCH ONION WITH CROUTONS, CHICKE~ BRbTH, ~OODLES ENTR~ ,, ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKLING with Si:iecial Dressing, Stewed Apples ............................................ 1 ....................... 2.25 HALF CHARCOAL BROILED CAPONE'ITE ............. +..................... 2.'50 ROAST PRIME RIB OF U. S. CHOICE BEEF, Crennoniere ............ 2.50 WHITE SEA BASS, en ~apillote .................................... _.~ .................... 2.25, FRESH SHRIMP SAUTE, G'arnished ....... , .................... _ ...................... 2.00 Toeeed Green Salad • , Pineapple aJ!d. Co~ge Cheese .. . ' Choice of Dresshlp HOT ROLLS AND F'RENCH PASTRY FoRJ& O~ OVEN DAILY • Presenting: _ Harbol· 0963 .,I v ol.!r Hosts: JACK RUSSELL, et the Piano DICK end KATE KENT ' • • • • .. I INCDN1E 4 uNn APARTMENT oN· 1woA PE~INSULA SEE ANT JlULTIPLE LISTING BRO~ J PaO EBTY NO. 1788 ·~ . ' • • ' ' • • • • • • • , ' , • ' . " ' ~-- • ' ' '],,-. h ~n--. "-"~.,_.__,:r -" • r ~·V~f., , .. , t\I ~ •··· ,, .. · [ u~ .: . .,.,,,,., ... , .. ., .... " BROADWAY-Now 601,::_ • 8TAllTED TUMDAY, MAY a "MA and PA KETTU" "IACK ON THE FARM" _,..., ..................... llllltrlde ,. AJ8a IUf!M rd n-at.a la "DOUBLE. DEAL" 8TAllT8 8tll'o'DAY, MAY 11th "MY FORllDDEN PAST" A.a. Gant.et' a.ad Bob IOte.INm ~ ~·FLOODLIGHT VAIUl:'l'U8 ' PAULO ·o~n WA.LKER'S Open at 1 p. m. Sllow Start. at 8 WED.., MAY 8\h ."ONLY THE \'ALIA1''T"" Orel(Ory Pttk and "Bl'JLLE LA GRA.'ffl" \'era Raletu • .John carro11 sn1 a -Ill.~ eo.u • ._ o.Jl7 ..,_ 1:16 l6c UU 6 Ho -tap 0-Wocl., llla¥ ftlt -nD! MA.TINO SEASON"' Genf' Tle.mey, I ctlaa Land 'SWORD OF MONTJI CRUITO' Geo. lllontJGIMfT SllN .. MAY 13th 'SWORD OF MONTr; CRISTO' Geo.. Moat~ry and SUN .. MAY lllJt "ONLY THE VALIANT" -Alo<>- "ISSIDE 8TRA.1Glrl" David 87,.... .. BIRD OF PARADtsr.;u .Jeff Cbandler WED .• MAY llU. WED .• MAY SIU. "I CAN GET IT FOR rov w110LESAU:" ~U8&11 Haywant. Daa Dalley "LUCKY MeCAlN" Geo. Raft "FA nttRS LITTLE . DIVIDl'JND" S~r baey, UNI "BELLE LA GRANO" Vf'ra a.a.to., .lob C.m>U REMEMBER! MOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, MAY 13 She 'II En joy Dining at TH E LI DO W HARF I O\•erlook.Jn1 Plcturesq~ !\"("wport Harbor LIDO \'fLLAGf_;, ~EWPORT Phone Harbor la" . , '· --+"¥0..,u:.LL·. ENJOY 'D I N I ~ OU T AT NORfOl'S IAYSHORE ~ RESTAURANT i . COMPLETE DINNERS "SpecbillUnC" ln Elrerythlnc That'• Good .. Phone: Beacon :514.5 ' Houn: 10 a. ., id 9 p. m. Dtaner 0 lo 9 p. m. Ck>Mid Wedneeday• 17th & Coast Highway · Newport Beach MAKE MOTHER'S DAY A REAL "OCCASION" BY TAKING lll."R TO DINNER -at - 1fostcss ?/ouS£ SOl JlllARlNE AVE., BALllOA 181.A.'ffl ' FAMOllS SMORGASBOA:RD a.qd A DEUCIOl18 SELECTl\.'E MllNU -·B.E8EllVATION8 AO\'lSEO THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 L m. Tb.rough 2 &. m. • Newport Bl'rd. on Cout Hlch-y Nl:WPORT ..: WE ABE CLOSED ON mV88DAY8 . GENE'S RESTAURANT and BAKERY French and Italian. cu1s1 ... -O-rsled We•t •na .. a.-,. °""" , p -tJ.'N -Hartoori.tn •• -~-.-. eo ..... .,. .... ZONE • OPEN 'r*ay .. IDAY, .SAIUIDAY . . ' cllHI I ~ ' Mesa~'' ' t ' . ' • NOW IRIOWINO Two ProdDCUo .. lll Color • 'llRD OF PARADISE' l•tl C.'h&ndJ<r -Oobn ...... 1 "9UREC~' ('orlnne C&lwt J. Barrymore, .Ir. Ml'SOAY -TUESDAY TYRONE POWER "RAW HIDE" U .nda DarnelJ -ChM. Boyer "13th LETTER" • NOIV SHOWING BUI Mauldln'• "UP· FRONT" -a.190- 'TllF. GROOM WOM l"PllRS' <ilnrr R•pn • .JIM'k Canon ~Pt;C J AL ·MOTHER'S DAY AltN"&lons all My Sunda7 ST A.RTS !ii INDA\' ComNly Riot of t.M l'~r Abbott & C'o.tfollo "MEET tM INVISIBLE MAN" FOR REAL FUN Wl ... "ZING" DON'T MISS ou• _ ,.15-IHl SHOW ~l •LS -C.l•lS - LAGUNA BEACH PLAYHOUSE ' "MY SISTER E IL~EN " , May 23rd t.hn>u.sb June 2nd C'urlaln 8 :30 Admluion 11.60 Locun• 4-M29 Ruervattona held to 8 :1& SllportaUve Dey Cle<uolal' LIDO ·1 CLEANERS w . NMWport Blvd.. COSTA MESA -61H..J ... --... • ' • . , ................ --..,.--.., ....... ,, • /- -IP'OllllOLOllllD s011G1'r-. J'Onciomrti of • c:eea oJ tru.et oa & pu""1 of Coot& M-real Mb,lo ... 1-.Pt Qi ....,.,_.. t Beg• court by Kr: &Ad Mn. NUe L. o _· in:. y ~.1:.i~~~ PrerqlatraUan tor u..l~f fall -.u...,i I.hat.. Mra. Kln .. u. oemeeter , will 'llqln a~ . Oi;up P" • P'!,008 note June 27, 1950 0-t 0ou.... ¥"&7 H . I con· with the not.o being aecured by unue tlltll'lgb J une l. ~""""""' I tllo ,<led or trust, and that $1:2fl Dr. .ta.mm W . Thom~ vk:e tn p&yme.nta le now due from lait prMl<lent. . , 4 J'eb. t. Tol&I now alle~ to be AU ttudente wbo p•.u a d ue Wu gtven as $25,917..M. college In September ' e Ing liiiiiiiii':·:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9j urged to -.tMlr odvlfenl lm-~ medlately to plan a pro~ course or study. No echedult:of c•a :a, ~r. -will -be.~ be- fore aumme11. \. I "We are tilao encourajipc student.a wbo are not ANl w~tber or not they can attend .next falL but plan to do ao if they are 1able.,- to preregtaber," adde Dr. Thom- lon. CAVE'S Del Mar Pharmac y Now under the ownership of G. H. PEIRSOL • Prescription • Selected Cosmetics JUBILAHT .CK&W et •m !19 ._ wlwr Do•1 A,)'ftio. Old,,... el U.. flnW<>.lllllell 81Q'~ llolo& Ooa to Utel r .-..,.,.. .ntt IJto owtn 61-loot Y"'!:l lied ,,_ IJto ftaloh u .. J•t ..,..... of 8oluda. Lott.:io rtattt, o.o,... Flober, ~ Kurulf, •.q,r...t. l ad< Beudwood, A:r,_, Ooa Ay,_, During the summer ·eacb pre• rextatered student will rec:etve a return po8tal card. uJc.lng ti he allll plans lo return In Se;pt.ember. Whf" lbls car la returhed, hla echedule of cluaea wiU be made. No action wlll be taken unttl the card is r eceived. Cu Make cr..ase • Sundries 823 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 22122 Jr .. Mid Didi: o..anr . Wife of Oentist Seeks Divorce Award of aU • community prop-1 erty, worth an estimated $100,000 WU IOUght thl.a we<-k by M rs. .Ma- bel Elizabeth Andrews in a di- vorce actlon agaJnat Dr. Ch&.rlea L.. And rew•, Co«t.a Mesa dentlst. Shit ukf'd cuatody of their aon Charle•. 30, a.aid to be an lnva.ltd. and 11000 per month 1JUpport for he rwlf and 80n, p!UI U~ for at- torney fee.11 and S500 court coet.a, ln lieu of the entire property. She ch•r&cd extreme cruelti)". aeek lnr to dlseolve a ma.rrlagf' which began tn San Antonin, T ex .. on Jan. 25, 1918. She said that they pa.rlcd laal Sund&}'· Their home ta at 146 E . 18th St. and Mr•. Andrews listed thte along with .thre" cars. four hank ac- counta. other a.seel.8 and a· buJtl- nl!M bulldlng u their· community propt"rty. Arizona Boy Feted ERIN i()'RRIEX C. M. Girl Scouts Hold Pf ay Day at Irvine Park The annual "Play Day" of Lhr Coeta Meq Girl Seoul.Jiii was heir! at the lnine Park Saturday, May 5 with ~ Girl Scout.a M d leader• participating ln the many 11porU eventJll. Hlkc.s were i:n&de by a number of the troop. in addition to lhe o ther activities. School bu.ue• tra.n1ported the entire group to and from the E"vent. ~ch troop packed a picnic lunch which they ahart"d. A commun ity ··stng" completed the days full ac hedule a.nd a r;roup or tired but happy tt'lrb returned home In thl' eve- nlng. . Should the etudent dec:=ide dur- ing the eumrner to make 1a major change in hla program, h~ can re- port to the college a.nd dlicu .. hi• problem with the countelor on duty. At the requmt of two high schools i n the District, Coaat in- structors have been aaadatlng sen- iors tn p!Anning their college pro- ~rem. Last Thursday an.d Friday Coast counselors were invited to Huntington Beach High school. Monda y and Tueeday of thta week they fUlswercd the invitation of Ne\vpnrt Harbor High echool of- ficia'l'I . Students Present Singin' · Galherin' at High .School An appeal ia being made to On Friday night. May 25. at 8 memtK-ra to aponBOrlng groups of o'c'ock. the co~blned choral the Various Girl Scout T roop11 for groupa of Newport Harbor Union volunteetl' lo alt\fld the training H igh school will p~sent their an- school which will be held to train nual spring program in the high teaderl!I for the firl!lt "Camp-Out" l'Chool a·1dltortum. This year the to be attempted on the Mesa. Vol-themr of the concert centers unteera need not have girls In th" around an old-fashioned aingin' Seoul movement and If they have gatherin'. !!mall ch ildr en they will hE' eared Man}• unusual and artistic at- fo r by trained supervisors during rangement.s of the beat~lovcd PIMT CHUK<;H Ol' C.:HIW!'r, !!<Jll'lNTIST llOS Via Udo, Newport. Jk-a.eh A ~•Kll of n.. Moffl.r OltHcll, TN Ant °"""""' of Cttrid, k lerlfl.t, 111 lodN, M n:.clwMttt.. H.IMl•t School t IS• "'· S-.S., Svric1 ~--11 ·00 •· ""· W-411114.-y f"11nl119 mMtl1t9 __ 1:00 p. nt. •Mditt• ,_,.., 1DC•f•d 1f 111 , ..... Strfft, &.lbN. Ii OM• cMlty from 12 ~ to S 0 '"'' •tee.. s.md#n •ftd holid .. , MtJo-. .u, •b--... d. l1le oeblic It . cordl•ltw i•..+ted to •Meftd +It., clilll"Cll ..,...kft ••d VM fill •••dl119 ·-~ TV ANTENNAS tNBTAl.LED and SERVICED TIDE TV SOI l ~e\''J>Ort Blvd. liar. 208 b!,~:~r'\~.~~:t:de~•"- 1ng alx coualna callf>d for a more Lhan uauaJ birthday cel<'btatlon for young Ronnie Long. &On or Mr. Elks Mother's Day Proqram to Feature Sin9er Erin O'Brien the cla.uea. American folk aongl'I w1U be sung I ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ The ctaaaea will be started May I by the regular Chorus and Lark-I' 22 from 9 to l and v.·111 be held <'tte choirs, u well u by apecial- each Tuesday at lhe same timf" at ly formed individnal groups. Sev- the Scout House till fiv1;> training eral local Harbor students will be> days hav" been completed. Thl' f£>d.tured in solo parts. and Mra. Euginf' Long of TuCAOn, P.t r n1bers of Nc.,.,.·port Harbor A r1&. Ronn IP &nd hill par~nts w ith I Elk.!I ~j?e will . hnlrl thf;"ir annu.11.J brother Donn ie have bt>en via1tlnK Motht-r s ,DS\y progran1 Al .f p. m. ht.a grandparents, Mr. and Mr~. Sunday, 1'fay 13 at th<'lr club Kenneth Quarry of Santa Ana roorrui Ill lht• corner of Balboa Avenue. Blvd. anct P.fllin St .. Balboll.. Mrs. Ralph Myrehn, aunt of the-Erin O'Brien, lAh•nted lrilh traJned personnel wJll then help Thf' entire c ast of over a hun- wlth the "Camp-Out" which wlll dred studenL~ will be aut)'lenticall v be held during the day from Junt> costumed in the drea.a of the 1860'8, 18 through thf" 22 on thr bluff be-and colorful dramatization and yond the CL'lt.waya Club. dancing has been 8et to aome or Many of the regular le~er1 are the numbers -all c.arrylng out unable to attend lhla meet ing and lht'..' theme-of a folkey slngtn' galh- ln th4l i;na.nner many WO(l'1.en ,c;:_,, erin'. , • -·,, ,, help for thla ahort period wbo are For good reserved 5eat.a. ~eta l'/E\V 1951 16-INCU EMERSON TV $179.95 blrtbd&y celebrant entertain~ $0nptresa of Long Beac h, wlll en- witn a ~rty ror Ronnie .at her tertaln. and •J>f"akf't for the pro- home. M7 S&n Berna.rdloo Ave., .-ram wlll tHo Rev_ Aire G. Nlcho'111 , Newport Helghta, Wedncaday at-putor or the P trsl Method.hit te.rnoon. The playroom wa. gay tn Church ln Santa Ana. red and yellow el reamera and Thle affair. 1Spon80N'd every other decorations to deJjght the year by Lh (' Elka, ls open lo the heart..B or four year olds. Favors publtc and i11 intendl'<I u a tribute unable lo devote more liJT\C to may be obtain~ now from lmem-BEA. 6111-W community service. lntere.11ted ben of tbe vocal department, or \'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ penon• may call either Bt'acon they may be purch.a.aed at the box !'>470-J, 5231-W or 5207 and re· office. lo all ~tolhers. of •tory books w"r" given each -------ceive more tnfonna tion. tue•t . Prisf'a wert WC!n by Michek- MyreM. Tommy \\"hi91.ICT and Kenny Jon Quarry. A picnic aupp('r ""'U IK'rved af- ter Ronnie opent'd hLs gifts.. lee cream a.nd birthday cake w ert" •erved. A famlly dinner ca.me later Cor lhe ~rown-upe. In lhl' evf'nlng Rev. H erbc>rt' Roth bap- tised both Ronnie and Donnie In ·he be.autitul Lutheran church lk'r- vlce. Thoae present' tor t he varroul\ ;e.lebratlona wen" ~tr. and M_rA. Kenneth Quarry. M r. and Mrs . J'll · gene Quarry, K. L. Quarry. btr. &nd Mr•. Ralph Myrehn, Mrs. Hel- Pn Wllaon of Ontario. M rs. Petf'c Wtl8on and eon St"phen, Mra. Dorothy Palen, Tdmm y Whl•ller, Kenny Jon Quarry, Ronald Quar- ry. Michele, Mugay and Eric My- rehn and M r. and Mra. Long and IOn&. Great grandn'lother Mra. Mary wuuama wu unable. to at- tend due to audden Ulnc.a. Harbor Group Sees New Play Jimmy C lay Honored on Natal Anniversary The <Ith birthd!!.y of Jimmy Clay "A'&a lnCf'nl ivl" fu; a party RiVl'n rec('nlly by his pa.rcnlll, Mr. and Mrs, James C. c'fay of Balboa I.ti' and. ' Welfare Club Enioys Program An entertaining program mark- ed a meeting of Social Wrlfare Club 102 Friday In thr Coste Mesa Main school auditorium. "Grandma" Louise Verr.on, 86, of~ feted two readings "Mortgage on the Farm" and "Maude MUll<'r ," Student.a of the Men School of DtlncP who gave tap dances and accordion selection• t n c I u d e d Carollne Rupp, Stephen J{arris, Judy Kautunan and Pete~ Wei- The party waa glvf'n al n oon in lht patio of the Clt\y rE'Sidence. A clrcua motif of Animals, clowns and balloons WM uaf'd for <Jc.co- ratlng. Pareot.JI and children werl!" •crvt>d a turkry buffet luncheon. gr&~-a musical treat Mrs. AM I« cream, blrlhday cake and, tav-carrel) plflyed a piano eolo and ore for the children. J <>l nlng J immy ln celf'braUon Mr. a.nd Mre. H. K. Brockett g&Vl' frStivitlt"# Wl'r(' ·Betty Ann and piano and violin number•. Charlll' B&tbara Pryor, daughter• ot Mr. Bender wu the apea.ker. Out of ind Mra_ L. s .. Pryor, Greg Blair, town vialtora sharing the occ&s- _ _.. Ion were from Sa.nta An&, Hunt-.on of Mr. a.nd Mn. L. M. Blal.r ; l n---h d p Joan ari((·"Pa.ul Dancombe, daurh-_ngton ~ an omona. tn-and eon of Mr. and Mre. Alvln • ouncomt>. ot Arcadia: Tiwlton Car Group Visits c1ark. oon or M r . am:1 Mn Lloyd PaloMar Observatory Clark of San Bem&rdlno: S&lly_ ,. .. , · and Billy Ro~rte. daughLer an<S On Sunday As;>rtl 2'9, the sec- EnUtuslutlc reporl.8 or lhe cur-1'<>n of Atty. and ~1r11. J qhn Rob. ond MJ.n of the newly rornl~ club 'rt:rrt. play "Wbere'a Cha.rile" were ert. o r Riwraide : Judy ai'ld Doug-oC Rootea car owners took place bl"O\lgbt back by a -group of la.a Allen, daughter and eon of with the partlclp&ltla a.&1¥"mblyln,I( frienda who IUhched at Fannert Atty. and ltra. Robert Allen of ,( 8 :30 ·a.m. at 3001 Newport Market lut week. att.endlng the Riverside; M;ra. Cleo Wilkie and Blvd., Newport S.Ch. performance afterward. Included Mn. Rotwrt Wilkle of Loe An-At 9:1:i Lm. the convoy of 11 were Mrs.. Bruck Mceftde and ge~ea. Tb~ unable lo attend were Hrtman Minx anc1· Sunbeam Tai- Mary Price of BaJboa: Kr, and Janet Kerrtg-an, daughter of Mr. bola at&rted ln a very orderly fa.e- M.ra. .f;dW1n Sylveeter o f Bay and . Mrt1. ~ K~rrigan or sa.nt.. b1on and proceeded to Laguna Shoru. Dr. Elhel Neff of Balboa Barbara and Mr& Jeuie Charlea Beacb wbere they were joined by St. James Rector To Preside at Convocation The rector of St. James church. Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler who la . . Rural Dean of lhl' Convocation of Long Be,lch. wtll preside at the spring meeting of the con- vocation to be held Wednellday, May 16. 5 p.m. at St. Thomas of Canterbury church, Lakewood village. De'egatea from St. Jame.111 par- i&h are: ruchard Campbell. Be.r- ril R ies., Arthur Achey .. Maureen Elder and Kathleen Gooken: A.bout 20 other membens of the congre- gation will attend .. vtaitora. The meeting et.art. al 5 p . m. with dinner to be served at 7 p.m. so that bwrineae men ma~ attend 1 the evenlng eemilon. 'nle ~aktt 1 for the evenlng will be the sur- f rag en Blahop of Ute Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Donakl J . Camp.-i_I. ----~ Friend s Ho nor C osta Mesa ·o uo , Cclebri.Ung lh.e. birthdays f Mr. &nd Mr•. WlUlafn McT~ and Olin U.k, an enjoyable c:Unner wu . -' &?'ranged! l"f'Cent'y by Mr. &lld .Mra. • ROSSI'S FINE ITAl..IAN DINNERS Al•o Swaks -Prime Ribs Cocktails 1611 Coast Bini. Harbor 1180 Corona del Jllar THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTA N D I NG RESTAURANTS ! Food Exportly ""'Pared and ' Grocloualy Served. ln Our Unique Dlnlng Room y,... tndoor Parklllg Ne.xt Door in Lon9 Beach 111 ~=;~~~~~:;~~:;~~I t.tand ~ t.b.ree of htt aiaten. or La. Ange.lea. ··our addJtlonaJ Mlnx can. The poup. Utm aieve.nt..een • atrong. -Peoplti do read, the want ad.a. -People do re.ad the Prue ad.a. "Me~ from Laguna toward& ~elr deatlnatk>n, the Palomar \\'e operate OOJ' OW1l plaat DoUJ'lu .Hlnedly al 2:5<1 JC.I 20th I St.. ~ta M~aa. Stock '.an~ trill I were a.ccentua.tea lbrougboUt tbe OoraJ appotnlmeitta. Carda I wel'f I played. &ft.er dinner. The ~p 1· Included Mr. and Mn. Mdl'atprt. Mr. and Mra. ·L!U. and chlldren Roger and Richard; Conne~ and 1 t•astlMi IUf RMP-~ • °'"" l'l.e17 U.:r Coai.1'\.111 DIMMl.•S ,,._ II.JI t. It.JI TROl'IOAL omNll8 • oi.. '-·'""" t~ l""'1'1AM 11CftOON ..... ....... -111 ..... THI NJW HUT "-o..e. .....,, -i.ac-a ., fa....-4 " •• ""' ._ • fi l l .. -xi=- l'IOW ~. msnAnlll..X 11 cir a ~01~11:•:1'~•:z r ---(U'l'Al.IMA BAND Obeervatoey. C-ub mmiben eakl the scenery ,,, tho lut part' or the. journey wU beauUful and the chanse from warm .unabln« lo almml ArctJc .. Ilona WN hudly appr<dated 'lD_UI one cQL oUt of the car at ~ IWDmtt of ML Palomar where · wa., venr cold and snow wd ... oil>• gmuncl. The • p&rty then ·~ ~Ir , WQ • to z.c.iftdk)to, r e.rry Hine:tsly. , ~ ENBClLLIJD ~ Elwood Perry De Pon.'tee __ , j man ,•PPl'9Atk;e; USN, aon Jr Mt. 1 and Mn: B; .S. O.Ponu.fs 't 387 : Boy SL, ~ ll£-lo Uy ' I enn>lled lft tile N~V111 I Techlllcian 9Cbool at ' i.-· ta11d, S&n ...u.a.c..: .wllere tlley all a.le a M&rty luncl" ICveeybodJ r...ia Ille .. _ ~ojn.oli ada. ..... .. an.. ·-lb•Y . i.w..i I iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 _,~-~~-~~~~~~i;i~~~~~~ tllelr .. ,. tllrouch • MwlJJll' ~ ~.c.o their' nrto. llomM. " . . Pi;tUNIAS ~~:::·1:8-~.:;.i,zs• • ~5~ UlAl!l!r ..mm-. i , ' : .. . .Ill ---·~· .g2.~--·--·-'-·"-~~--10* .,., .. • I It-. . " • oh!ID M&llllll!U a Wli!llitllMl!ll,..a• DA1811:8 ..,f __ ,, s .. -5 --,._.-a ' • • • FUCllSIAS ,. ".-2'' , . . 5 ..... ,, , • ' i l r 1 . . . . .. . . . • ' SBIPYilD wow••• 1 ~Ma~mauaprotU.. l&11l& Ana off!« of ~ Ollllllrllla DeJ>Ulment of ICmploJll1ent, .... _,,c-.1 today u.at· • nctUltar I mm the Long lloacb Naval l!bl!>' yam wiU lntuvtow•appll<ant. In the Sanl& A na ~pk>yment ornc. at 701 North JTower St.reel on Thuraday, May JO. Elect:rontc:I Mt!'C'hanlcs, · In al de Machln11:ta.· Sht>et Metal Work~ and nre, . Control Mecbanlca are uqently J'lel"(lcd, A-fatheW80n uld. H e ~ ed that foUr yn ra of experience will be requ~ for li1I occupa· t ions. Interested and quallfled a~ eppllcants are l.lrpd to con.tact. the Flower Street office on Kay JO. For Mother WITH LOVE • • • Greeting Cards Cook Books Stationer y Imprinted Parker Pens Unusual Books HAL BAll!IS&'9· p()() A.u,. ol -Ve-l'~ -I&"' • pod -tbl& o1 benell 1>y wlaah\I tM G~-r or O.Wor- aJa ~ fOJ" tlnt • daN "&" Hal ••ea.ow. Wre aee.pt.Jas ta.. award from IUdmrd Featoa. ,....al repf'NU.tat.lve of GoVl!lnor Earl Wat'ftll.. Aatlaua aho woa tile troplaJ for ftr'lt ftic to ftal9IL BLUE SAILS Balboa RUSH SQUARES Reg. 25c per square \\'RILE SUPPl.Y LASTS 19c "" Squa"' 1\i atu ntl n nlab In O root "'lchb.a Sllght l.r hlghf'r to room 11lze. LAGUNA AWNING & MA~LE SHOP 790 So,, Coa8t 01,,.d., LAGli"N A LA~na Beach 4·~!9 • LADIES! ' Salute Summer W ith a HAIRCUT By bAN l'.:..XJ•ERT STYLI.NG DAN'S BARBER SHOP Xe.i:t to Bu.Ibo& Thr:ater In Balboa NEW 1951 lG·INCH EMERSON TV $179.95 La Motte TV OppotJlte Post Office COST A M.t:SA B EA. 329S· W William Burt Takes Office as Y's Men Pres. Now holding the lop official poattion or president of the New· port Harbor area. Y 'e ).{rn '1 club la William W. Burt of eo.ta Meaa, who took over his duUee at an ln· .!!.ta.llatlon ce~monr from Robert 0 . Lonr. preetdent for the put year. Burt &nd h i.a 11tarr were placed In office by ln1ta.lllng offl· eer Lester Humphrey, lntemaUon· al world outloOk director of the lntematlonal Y's Men's club. fol· lowing a dll\net' 1.t 1i.he Roumore cafe, Newport Beach. Others 1LSSUming responalblllties of their reApective offices wert" Charles Lewla, v1ce·prea!dent; Frank Dial, secretary; Harry l<lng. trea.surer; Cleo Fuller and Joe Jones, members-at·large, all of CMta Mesa. • Principal spea.ker or the eve· niJl&' W8.8 Paul [)(>Ip, new secre· tary of the Orang~ Cout YMCA, whose topic wu "Chrlatian Lead- ership In Our Day." The muatca.J por tloo of the pro. gram wa.a supplied by Donna Nel- aon and Roger Axworthy, who of- fered several ducts, \lo'ith piano a c· companlment by Keo Flaher. Es· lelle Dady of Santa Ana pre11ent- ed a violin solo, accompanied by her mother. Some 60 Y's Men'S club and Y's ){enettN1 club members were In attendance. Mrs. Roger Gordon Honor Guest at Stork Shower Flowers and other appointments in the home of MT•. John K Chung, 221 E . 18th St , Costa Mesa, all played their part tn a lovely affair dedicated to baby- hood when Mra. Chung entertain- ed Fridan May 4. In compliment to Mn. Roger Gordon I Katherine Asher) and her happy infantlcl· pa.lions. (Photo by Bttknerl Wins Prizes at 8th Grade Dance Car y Flelda went home from I.he Elgh-th Orad~ dMce last Frida y .night with two priua In hi.I pock· et. He wu wlnner of both a door priu and lhe •tatue d&nce prise. A theatre p&H door prize, donat- ed b~ Ma.son Siler, was alao won by Joan Clark, an<I M &ry Gilby wa. co·winner ln the Malue dance. About 120 AtUdent_, attendP<I .lhe dance whJch wu emceed by Art Ramble and wu the flrat 11ft&lr to ~ held ln the newly built Hor· ace Ensign achool ca.tet('f'ia. The Horace EnI!gn Swlng Bani\ di- rected by Ml.ss Norma Per'kln.1, ruml8hffi the music a.nd Melinda Lt>lthold and Ronald C h&!te were declared the beat , dancer-a on lh.? f oor, Spot dance winners w ere Marcia Moorhead and Dav I e Con1t•r. The group of student hos~ anrt hosteaaes Included Lin- da Adair, John Hirth, Richard Reddic k, Joel K('mper. Marla Pleg<'r, Ann Stewart, Dirk Calla· ban and Marvln Lusk. The elghtt} grade dance11, held _\lternate monthA. are aponsort"'d by the Newport Beach Elen1entary School Part"nl Teacher .Auoclat- tlon. Mrs. Kenneth Starcge, newly appointed Homt' a.nd Family chair- man of the unit. organlz~ this affair at which Mrs. Roswell Hurf and Mrs. C. 0 . Gaughan were chairmen. Faculty membe.ra In cha.r~e were MlY Mary Beery and .Mr. C . H. Mahler. Chaperon•• for lhe rvenlnJit were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrt'nce Pfiftter, Mr. and Mrs. Wllli&m Cctunklt and M-r. Roy 0 . Anderaon, prtntlpal. Mrs. Sta~g~ hu announcrd that the Seventh gn.ders are bu11y making plam ror their dance to be held ln the cafett>rJa, Friday night. May 11_. Missionary Union 'nstalls Officers Pin k and blue we~ the pre· dominant tones used about the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ rooms but the dining table was ; espectally striking w ith a center- Rounding out a succeu:ful year under t h e preaidiency of M ra.. WIJlla.m Kroesch, ~e Wom~n·s Mls:sionary Uniqn or th e Fl rat Baptlat Church of Coat.a Mesa In- stalled new officers at & meeting Monday night In the church. Rev, P . G. Neun1ann,. pastor. conduct· ed the installation. when Mra. K~ech turned the gavel over to her succe880r, Mra. Helen Smith. Concrete Work OF ALL KL'VDI! FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS • F REE ESTIMATES • Chas:C. Warren & Son 8 Pa. 5180-J • Har. 1082...J 2213 Se'4-pt Blv d. eo.ta Mesa HIDDEKEL MANOR, C. S. • Permanen t hom e fur e-lderly ' '°~btlrmPn aponto~ by ~tr. a Mn. Chrtatlap Oellrlcb * 520 I ris A\·e-., Corona del Mar Harbor 1009· \V WATER HEATERS SalPS., Sen ·itt and Repaln 1~ BecJJotJ PLUMBING Autllort.&ed Dealer Day & N11•t llM>te,. flEIMS ,,_,. 0.-11 .. .ti H•at.r\ P ltoae Barbor SMZ-\1' r111e British Cars MORIS. M. G. •• dhplq ~'. .RILEY 8CJlti'LM Mal'OB8 ·-Se. °""'"' -. taaw ~·- piece of dec.p red roses flank ed by ornamental tapera. Sett in g the theme of the pah.y wa.s a tall stork presidlng over a pretty crib w hich overflowed w ith cif ls for the honoree.. Tiny pink and blue bow s were tied to the handle's of the g l&.Aa coffee cupe w hlle the nut cups continued lhe co I o r scheme. C&ke and I~ cream fea- tured the n!!freahmenl interlude. The fnies! list Included M me.. Nora Johnston. Elaie Roman. Bar· ba.ra Redway. Irene. Queen. Chrt.- tlne Hunt. F'nnces McMutera. Harold Hall, M arvin 0 I b ~o n, Glenmy Ericaon, Beth Gordon. ParTle .Rob!JU10n, Haul W lmmer. all or Costa Mesa; Leo A•her. Yvonne Prtn/le, Newport, BC!ach; Martha Howard, &Nie POiiey . Santa Ana : Helen Dtmgey, La· JrUDll Beach : Pat C&lvert, Agne.1 Roberts. Lola McMutera. Hunt · lngtbn Beach; George Oeslvetn. San Marino; Mark Mun90ft, Co-- I rona del Mar; Miaa Ann Mc.Ma. ters, Costa Meaa.. • Others Inducted were Mme1. Scruggs, first vke-preaident ; Mary Iver&en. aecond vice· president: Helen Bertulelt, treasurer; Cath· ~rl.n9i Wiiiiams. secretary: Liiiy Cooper. corresponding eecretary; Rutq Grauer, pia.nlllt. M~ Roy Cragg had charge of the devotionaJ ob3ervancc. Mr11. Kn>Ufh tha.nked the retiring offi- cers ~d member-a for their loyal .upport. A very llluminatlnl' talk WAS given by Mrs. Mary B. Sehl(:« with the aid of a. speclally prepft.red chart deecriblnc the two natures or all human belnp De· llcioua home made .strawberry lhortcake with whipped cream and coff~ wu eerved alter Uie meeting. R.Nultl come rrom corwtant Pr&ctlCjl ! An ad regularly lit thla paper will produce reaulle for :rou ~WDfm., tlle 0.-.... , IM:v'' a -.. ..,, Bat ,..._,...._ ......... tw .. , P t YMM ....... RV, <\.ft) .................... SS 1 .. 117 he ..... ,._ GI&-,_............ 2 ...... Is t fl (dPll)s I 7 • -.. Xi 'ts • ... ,.., .. a a.. b el DF tr ml q &: as n ' -. .. ,,, •• ., .. 7 2 .......... . " (ftua ., ••• ..., • -. . ; • · . ' • • • .. , • Moth.,.· Club lnsteU. Officers et Country Club • , ' . T. heft~· Mesa M• Stfto0t PT~ 1 rulll , in Final Meet ~- Builder Charged " ,.._ . ~ tt;,1..,_ • ..U1'1· UM, tbe ftMi ... , ... ill Ute ..... . ~ • . , -. , • ,. WlUl Mn. A. W: Gann pt I Id- .... -11r& o. s. Wlilte •.-t· .... for U.. -1 .. tlna'coinlnIU... .., arnc.n o1 u.e Jlotllen' club Of Qiota -~"MllMI. Jol>'o Dau11>Un, WU. ~ I!"'· .... llotOe a-. Elna. n . of 1&211 W. f'ourtll Ill.. Banta Ana ·wu orralped °" two OOW>t.a of ,..,..S the~ In Newport Tow!ulblp court Tlluday. PNllrnlnuy IMiarinir .... :io,n aat for Monday. M.;y 21 at ~rlM=.A.~= . Cl~ Der-i. u · -.ft.I ~llOIEft-UIU: TU:&. at·-• ..,.;.i"l'·lnz" ud AJ-m¥, ~ Na.y ilnd .l\Jr The .lo,rpjlt •'-la tlze' ·--• -.. L ...... -....,,, .. • Clvlf ' -•Id la ~ .. 117· 111e Na119'1a1 _.. *!7'"" --= uuor< t -•·'-· · · Au Ue Cltb.to lie -z-"""-"at lbe ....... ' Mn. Ra.r (1"'91n.· ...... -~l(er, you ~· j, --.... ~ eoun!ir CIYll Def._ ~ £1 In ,aan Diel'> -~: •tailed at •• .....,,,.. ... lit llpta Ana OOWttl')' chi~ ... May 2. 1 p.m. now pn-t, .,.. II I ""4. 1 ;::;;;;;;:~· :;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;· ;;:l:;j;;;;;!;;;:;;;;;;!~:;;:;;:;;=;:;;:;;:;;:;;~ Under ,ll>t dlNCl.lm of Robert Ii Went.a of N-rt ~ Union Rieb· lk:Mol ·-departnient, Yet)' de!tr Jt.1'41 eeten.lntnc. ekib Tblrly oae m.mben &lid Pella ' ...... p-· Tut"'· oft~ were .. Mn, C. W bylor, p-1-1< Mn. Herbert Peta-. .-n11nr oectttary Md 1o1<a Co.win Rom. '-'"lrv. lCach ... 11...,acona,por- tel -Tho ttt!rlnc .,...... clent,. Mn .. OuM. 1"U p,_ted w!UI a penonal lift. , 11aypo1 .. wlUI pule! otreainen tlJI)' lie*"• lit putel ~ end bou· qvet. of IW"t pea.a decorated the ~-8 pec:laJ _.uC9t. were On.cc Bw'arta. cleputy ,.-and matron for U>e bethel and Ellen 8mllh. the bethel'• flnt cteputy gT&nd ma· tron . Arter tn.tallaUon the houn were apent playing cards. Nut meeting will be Ju"" 6, 7:30 p. m. at the home of M n.. Charlea W . Taylor , 127 Ru by Ave., Balboa 111.nd. D-WU C~ wltJi Mal· "'' phllfblnf ud lumber auppU .. t>om COcltractbr a..,.... Holatfllt. ue "E. 11th SL. co.i.a M-or trom a boualq .' trai:t. at Wool· Y1ont, Pomona. a wbdl\IUton of Holateln '& • . P.oll<:e -that Ela& -al· teplly llto-111.oten mat.erl&l ln , atorap yard at nth St... and tA.fa,yet te. Newport Beach. owned by Claude Sweet.man. 131111 Har- .llOr Blvd.. Garden 0""'9. Sweetman became 111.1pieiou.I Sat urday w hen he u w three men \oadlng the sup pUe1 on to & t ru& at the •torap yard. fie noticed that the supplle1 ware marked with Rolsteln '• name. Holsteln tdentlfled 20,000 feet of lum ber valued at 12000 as ~ lon(t.nc-to him. Al80 tn volved In the allepd theft were six garbel"e 11gpoaaJ1 a nd a bath t ub. Packaged Foods Plants Observe Homemakers Theme Armed Forces Day What'• new ln f~ with em· • 11 11 phula on pack&ll'! cake mlxeo, W 1th E FlaCJS compared for cost. na vor, and Ume or preparaUon will be Pre· .ent~ by Mn, Marian Prentlss county home advt.or. at a meet· ing of t he Coel& Meao Hontema.k· ers Frk:lay, May 1 t al 10 a.m. ln the COil& Meaa Community church. There will be on hand samples of 80me ot the new food! on the market. Women pl1nnlng to at· tend are to bring small paper sack luncheit lo trupplPment the itamplt>A. Coffee wtll be served. Topic of the family relat1onshlp letter lit leil!lure for living. SEE K FORECLOSCRE Foreclosure or a mechanic's lien on a pa.reel o r real property at 154 Monte Vl11ta Ave., Co.ta Meu... waa 90ught In supenor court by Keith B. Collln11. He allegttd nreplace materials had been fumlahed on the place o"'ll· ed by Ra.Jpt. and Opal Trayer on a construction project be.lng done by Paul Andera. COMPLETELY TRAl:'lri~D In ob9C'rvance of Armed Force" flay. May '10. locAI induatrlal olants \.lo•hich ~f'ived the Army. Navy "E" award for oulllta.ndlng I production during World War .I , propose to fly the honored "E" 1· pennant. The Army.Navy "E " award wu I ~rantM <'nly to facllltl('!I whlcti wcrl" p'lrtlcularly outat,andln~ ln prOOuctlon fOf' the \\'ar a.nd Navy rlepa.rtm<"nlfl. Excellence In quat-j jly and quan1l )I of production J were the determining factor• In granting award• to lndustrla.I ' plants by lht: \Var and Navy de· part men ls. Pant.A "••hlch 0111.inl&int"d 1U1 ouJ.standlng record of perform· &nCf' for six month11 after rect>lv-. Ing the original Army·Navy "E" awarrl were gr1U1l~ a Alar award consisllni;: of a white star on their "E " flag. Additional Al&ra v.·pre won for continued outatandlnJ: perfonn· ancr fQr !!llccef'dlng 11lx-month JM'• rlods until thcflag carried four stars, aftrr which the Interval 1' wa1 lflc M'&M'd to on~ yt>ar. were -"let\ 1" -le pall· tomlmlns lo -...... ~ rnotJoD wu pr111at.ed and P' •t e ij upoa that UM. Jl"l" A pur- ,.,.,._ a new laP,9 ~ for the Matn School. ' • 811pL E-RM. beard In a brief talk explalalni the ....,,,. taa<:e of the atate aid offm!d for new acboola and addlllona to pre- -t ochoolo. · He at.-the Im· porta.noe of the bond election kJ1:t June 6. Tea wu .erved ln the k lndero rarten room with lira. Mary Elmer. put. chairman. aullllnr; the new .:>etal chairman. Mrs. W . L. Hepperle. HCMJteue• w e T e Mmes. Mu: Schachner, !:Ula Shaw, Paul Norman and Orville M lthoff., . ;;t Announc:ement u made lhat a Dll!lt rlct PT A meeltnr · wtll be held Thursday, May 17, at Orange Cout Gollege with group diecu.- aloD 'planned t o &Jd every new or nCer and chairman In a · 1l 're succeaatuJ year. 111 Bride's· Service I 1· O PEN DAILY ANO SU N DAY 9:30 to 5:30 Drop In soon. Select the cry!Jlal, ch.Ina &nd silver whlch you will Ciheriah now and foreve r. We register p•tterns for brides KAf!,EN MARGRET A Imports . Nord ic G ifts 1307 Coast Blvd. En•. Roy T . Ma.nts; USN, son ot Speed Flier a.nd Mrs. Paul Mant& of 301 E . Front St .. Balboa laland. recently completed an oxy· gen training cour&e at the San Diego Nav&I Air station. It waa announc~ today. Duri.ng the courw, atude.nll are ta.ken to an altitude of 70,000 reet. The South Cout Co. of Nf'W· port &ach r rcelvN·I the ~nnanr I and five Jitara. tops for the South· crn Callromla area and a record I eQuallcd by only four other con· ce"r"ns. Th<' boat building company I hu r~ently again etarted pro· Corona del Mar ductlon or minesweepers tor lhe He.rbor 1373 Ntlvy. I '---------------------~ • in any''new car''! i 't == • -- • TO HER -ON; ~OT..,ER'S DAY Lonr stem ft.o8e• and Carnations Spring Flo~ra . . . 1 Orchid and Gardenia corsages. P otted Rbses, Hydrangeu, Gloxinias and Caladtums • - By Wlie WE DELIVER 1313 Coast Wghway Corona del Mar PUBLIC AUCTION N i.I: W • 28' Commercial or Pleasure Cra~ ' Defllrna,ted by Na\.'al arrJ'lltM!t rnr UM ln 11hallu"' wate r, rtve r, lake, or oeean... Berths for %, toilet. po\\·ered "i tb S-H& GraJ' marine enrtne (t to t ratio) lft3 b.p. ALSO -house on whe<elt1, tw-rthi. fo r 4, bath , wlf-powe.red. , eo.t o\.'er 115.000 to bulld and equip. P nactlcllllly oe\\'. Mmt be 8een to be apprtt.lated. Opt>ft for lnspttt ion Satm-dQ', May I Z from nOOn t.o I p. m . and Sunday. 9 L m. 'tll tale. 3220 CONGRESS ST. Look for alp.a on PacJfl<' HIJ:-h~l\)' and R..o8ecran1 S AS DIEGO SALE TIME-SU NDAV, MAY I S, 2:SO, P. M. Terms of Sale--%5% c&11h down If balance laaured. T. 0. Sll~r. Auct ioneer ' • Chrysler Fi1e;."owar 180 HORSEPOWER · • • I • • 1 • ' • • • ' • • • • • . • • ••••• .,...,+ ....... eel •11-C'• -• L Ma ~"°"=~,..:;:,,;;.•ITl'~r.;;;".;...•;,._ __ L!quor. Store $13,500 oMB AS rou.ows: - , Marine :Engine 10,.,. uu:i eqa1ppo<1 wu .-M-P19ll • w.a ,•·WI-1oc&t1oD. Plv•• ,, . ., c•m1,4a -· ...._ Oqolppoc1 wu .-Now PM · Tdevision Service . ~pecialist _,,,.._, a,_ exc111 ... OAOOJa,41:; -·.... equipped Wu .1980 N-Pfll CLASSI.,F IED' - , ____ n_e_M_1_g_hly_Ml_d_g_•_t _In_'_Ad_v_•rti9--in-g __ __, ~T' .um nnnm LOllT -Mok l\IU of .... lllh· tnr ..,.ipmat at ....,,,... °".,.. -rowvd. Write Box R, lit.., We cbeclt ,..... ~ lo Sen1ol at ,_ float .. ~· ' tll0,000 ""1": lllnt-"°° _.. .. PL'l'JIOUTll .. 7 '111 1 7 .....sr. a.cl. Wu '1815 "-.UlllCI Mm,r -·--eot·. perform• ~·lnllnlner tllM • llp -rea4,J lo -.lli; 11..Meo cu.• be ~ • •tt Clmt ~ --. Cpl, h. A Radio Wu 111l5N , Now •ttt6 , a-T ror prcmpt ~ Pb. ;rou• -I for Iii• ~ -. ,, ~,!'.-· ~ l&tsela ~ ~ • ·,•• -~.I,,._~ """""·--· ,_ Wu·~ N-fltill, VJNCl:NT'B T . V.,· Hai', 8008. -. CUo\.OID ..,.U.• for run& -n --" ---•~1 •~ a~ ••• Wu "1•-N-••--,NEWS-T,IMES _,Every Tuesdaf NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thundays W 1 •* llst'"'"" 'l'llll UAIJ:,Tadda -,•w•--..,.-':"'"' -. ~., ~ O, •--<• .,._ 1lc20 boula. Phone Bu. l~ • -1 --. I up. •u <;A.DJLLAC ft, f-<IP, Btr .• RIMI, wu •~ N-flllll ·~· $13,50()1 , • :u <:AI11LLAC a · -.j Byd., B·R Wu $109ll Now '1Na, Nowport·Bal-Prom. lfpll Complete lnat&llatkm,' npalr and .. me .. of an tn.Jln ~t. LOST-0..e .oultured par! d!'Clp •r r~. Th\ll"lda7 ... ...,, May lrd at ~ Yacht Club ~ Mil' P"-or l.n parldilr 1ot. Benumnta1 -., Pbone Bartio. 1111 days. .. !Harbor H7•-J evd.) lltr ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY •(plllo ln..,lot1') , tl llUJCK lllnlll '""'~ ""-"""·--Wu f ~ Now • 4'5 H bo In• •• roJIS) t.dor, -., ~r "",,,,,,, Wu $ 3311 Now • 296 • Chrysler Engiiles Newport Ba7 Poe-& ?l•eef'hd A• a-*,... bl dlti 'I\: n •·7 · N-~•IMft~l'NM Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey ar 'r vestment '" ""1l>lt' a.Dip, ..... • Radio w .. ' 30ll Now s no aotb "'!" Nowpoot Bml. 'fO sruJ>I:. Chri'p, Coupe ,,,", Wu $ 196 Now • ltl ' MINDl11ll .uJ Ill • LIHU 1910 HARBOR BLVD. h'Vbo!, 1100 'tO OU>* ...,.., -· • ,,_,,_777_:,_, Wu ' MO Now • -AD C1ss :!ftad .. ..i be,., .. ,.., Olllla ... ~ ., ,...,7 ... L Cc>ola -. Phone -..-.11 TBRU nt.. •wtn• 1Aue tor ale at $ISO '*' mo~ S mo. ta .,. nnce. Now U8ed u barl>et'.llllop. On ~olmottla, Jllllt Ort Coyt Hlway, 1nqu1,.. at Moody _Dnp- ery llbop, 215 Oout Hl'way, 0.., r0na del Mar. ltpll 'tO l'Ol\D llaU. W..... _,,_ ,_ .. !,,; Wu $ 396 N"'* $ 32$ • 4 IJn• l l'sp9r • ' .15 'l'lie aboY&< for ONE WEEK ONLY 4 u-! ..,.. 1.50 11-WAJITED TO BUT at Seacraft ENDING W y, May 16th. Banlc Terms 4 Unes, s Papen !.00 LOST-DiQlond enpaement rtn.1 In. plat1n1111> 1et1.tnc. ICnpaftd &dlth and rr.d lHl. Loot vie· tnlty or Udo lele, Balboa Be.y Clu& or Ba)'Obol'e. IWwu<l - publlo 2·76t7. 18cJO WANTJ!O.-NEWPORT AuTo SAT.ES The publlahen will not be respona:lble for mon than OD• tDCOl'1"ect lnM.rtlon of an adve:rUMmcnt. reMrVe the rtpt to COJl'h."'t)y claulfJ any and all MU and to reject any advertllement not coatomd.q: tt• rul.. and rellllatlona, Advertbemento and c:ancoliltklllt will bo: accept,cl up to CS p.m. on Ute day preeedlDg pultllcaUOl'l.. Ph. Bar. 18111 P'bene Har. 1119i uk for .. Ad Taker" U .... M &Dd. Nmltta.ce t• NEWPORT llAAllOS PtlllLlllllDIO 00. LOST "°' Btrlnr of pe&rlr on Bua· lllARL 1' OOLT uvot. V1ilRB PbaM Harbor 112'! 1Tpl9 8211 OOABT ffiOHW A 1' NEWPORT BEA.CB PH. BlilAOON om HUc 0-8TOllDI II Oftl'ICE8 ~~~~~~~~~ 261K· W. Newpi>rt1 ~· Newport , Bph. Har. 1407 lMI CHl!lVBOL&T 5 PAii& CPE,, only been driven 26,000 n111~. Like, new, radto. etc. A t1ne 1car. A ru,l buy. Jlra. Ruby .Ste 1 ven- 90P'.a C&J', USED CAR Prices Are Down! '81 PLYMOUTH Sed&n, RltJf '!50 FORD Club Coupe, radio. '!50 FORD Tudor, ftAH,,OD Ult B&lboa lltYcl.. Newport B•elt. OIU:fOlld&. day morning ne&r . Lutbtrut church, Newport H • l Sb t •· Pleue return to JlS l"ln• Ave. Of MOORlNO, oft Vla llarc•lona, Lido Ia.le, •Ult.able to:r pteuwe- cnft ueo, FOR SALE-Nearly ne..w 8 ft. , • J)!npy w1tll hardwood tlnlah, $75. Ph, Harbor 2293-W, l8pll OFFICE apace tor rent ln Im.. Or. on Newport Blvd. N. B.. llxcel loc.. tor realtor, acc., etc. 120 mo .. tele. lnclud. Har. 229,..W. JOE NICKER,T~ Newport· Hel(bU. Pbone BM. llil-J . lip Bargains! Barga.Ins! 18pl8 I Rise to Remark ooMl'lanl aouaa CUIANlNO ------------See .Theae LOW Prices BENDIX Autom.aUc wuher. re-- condlUoned """""""',BARQAJN Euy Wl>lrldry portable wuhlna 14-li"T. MARTIN and Graves boat-Mode.I 141 with 7~ h. p . outboard motor. Botb In u.cel- lenl ·condn. Sarp.In price. 879 llfV. 18th St., eo.ta Mesa. ~a. SMALL OFFICE FOR RENT Reuonably STUDEBAKER DICA~ 3416 Newport •Blvd, I_,. lil<lo) ~r 510 Copen sat ... Sun.) ·~9 FORD Station Waron. hit, '49 FORD ctm, Tudor, RltOD '49 FORD Tudor, RAH, OD · '41 CHEVROLET Sedan, RAH '47 PONTIAC Sedan, RAH ----rup Dmpooed. ..... ..,.,,.tt• ruu, .. c4. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Btaeioo 1111 T'Jtto machine ................................ ist.$0 Nu:rly new O.E. retrtr. t r. ""' n, 757777:7777rr777!7!7!7!7!7!7!5!7!''l89,90 '490-.YV. 17cl9 ; SEA BOOKS 2328 N•wport Blv1L, Nowporl Bch Phone War. 2~2 or Har. 2570 17tfc 42-WAN1EJ> TO RENT ' 11><7 FORD Dthme Coupe, R, AH. Overdrive. Nylon ·.eat coyen. R.xcellent condition. -Re&aonable. Call llartM>r .11•5.. 17c19 ·~7 l4ERCURY Sedan. bb:., '•7 Hl1DllON .Sedaa, htr, '41 FORD Sedan by .. ,. .... ta.,,.,, I-l'ldlllpo Tbe MacArthur dlsmia&l Inter- rupted aome corumata I was making on the water situation In California.. Now the General t. being heard by a joint committee on Armed Services and Forelp Affainl, ln the Senate, which will then presumably bear the Joint Chleta of St.aft and other wlt.- ne.mu.. While lh&t untold.9, I'll gt) ba.ck to a more pennanent prob- lem. For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. 11-81TUA2'lql'i'll ... Alft&D CHILDREN'S GUAltDlAN for aummer tnonthl. Recent collq"e gnduate, 22-yn.-old, with ma· jor ln elementary educatlon and mJnor in cbl~ P9Ycho'°CJ', wlab.ee to care tor Mlld or chll· dren al be&ch or mL home dW--- lnc IWilmer monlha. Will s1W aervtcu ln exch&Dre for room, board and small oalary, Write 12<0 W . Balboa Blvd,, Apl, B, Newport Beach and lntervle• will be _arrana-td.. l&cll Phi~ 10" table mode1 TV . automatic tuning tone con- trol. Attrac. modemlatk mahogany cablnet ............ $89.9:5 A flJ>e oUldr or boOlto onAll ,.ebt,: Inf ou-Joel*-Ploo all curront book&, LendlllS' Ubrary. WA.NT EXCH. USE MT. home tor beach -home 2 wkl. tn Aug. ML home 1 %: ml. from Lake Arraw- he&d at Sky F'orut, beaut. vtew, all conveniences. Write N. L M.cFarWie, 3020 cutle Reach. !Uverstde. l!lipl 7 1~ PONTIAC I Sll:DAN)!!'ITE- Paiat practically new. One own· u . Good condition. Price $625. Phone Karbor 4TW. '" i,'1cl9 ·~1 PL1'¥0UTH Coupe '41 CADILLAC Sedan ·~ 1 FORD Coupe "9 STUDEBAKER Coupe '37 FORD Coupe '30 FORD Truck From the tlgure.a I p ve you, It ta apparent that Lake Mead, the sreat reservoir for Hoover Dam, wl11 not be fllled wtth 11Ut ln the near tuture, as some people tear· ed: It will take WO years, and by that time, considering the marked THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Pb. Har 884 514. 29th St, Newport Beach 12~- EZ Tenn• Blonde Con901@ $179.95 The Islanders TV - lN'TICRNATIONAL 14, Uke new. Must Sell This Week OWNl!l!l win take -offer on '49 deluxe Chevrolet t-.dr. eed. ltx.ceDent condition. 2502 Crula view Dr., Ba)' Shorea. Call Bea.. 11628 after < :30 p.m, 17cl9 W ~ are in position to work out ~or you the best deal in Orsnge County. Mln.lmum down p&J· ment and bank tnteTeR ntet.. Erogreaa in science, we wU1 have • velo~ new ldeu and methods r power and perbape for "Water conservation and U9e. I contidenUy expect to see a at&te like Callfomi&. or certa.ln area.a or the state, recovering WI· able water from the Inexhaustible .se-a. and power mll'ht be supplied, u a by-product. In the Interven- ing yean, our population will con- tinue to rrow and, since we face the fact that ln ten yean enough peopJe were added to Calltomla'• total to equal the population or 3:i atatea. we might well explore the possible aourc~ of water. without which the desert would take us back, as It ha..s taken back other once developed areu of the world. Be.aidea recovery from na W"a· te:r, th.ere la the poutbUity of the recovery of aiewace water (which hu bttn succeutul.) Thia may not be an 4nviting thought ,but it can be retovered, (o ruse In agrtctlltural areas, and he u purf' and usable aa water from other aources. Like other method.a, the pro~lem la the roat or recovery. SOme or the Island communltle• of the Pacific run duplicate pipe lines, one for the limited supply of ff'e9h water, and the other to carry .alt water for fire hydrant.. and for-fluahlng tbe toilet.ti ln pub- lic and business buikiinga. That would not be too coetly. after the Lnllia.I lnat&llallon, ,In l!IOme of our aea.slde cOmmunltiea. But I come be.ck to tht!" poul- btlitlff or aea water recoveTy. I introduced a bill In the 80th Con- grem. to authorize-an lnvestiga· tlon lnto various aources of water-. ~ly thl5 one. and Repre· llenfall'Oe ~barl'!' '. Elflcat. who j,bea ·hi> n~.i.~D;fgo, had ll ~lon.>but 1'"~1~t~ced the bill in the Slat cl~gtt.a. and again tbi8 year. u H . R. 6, bl the 82ud ConfftlU, and Repruentatln Mc'ktnnon bu a compankm bill The bill are intended to •tlmulate reaearch, and could cover regu· lated '"ratnma.klng." A Senate committee la alao lnve•tlgating the Nbject. There i• nothing new about the Idea or recovering seawater. The problem la the e.x.penae. Two bl.ale methods used, the removel of the die:solved aalla by chemical pre- clpitaUon, and the evaporation and recovery ot the pure water. The tint method la u.ed, on a amal1 1eale, on the emergency lite t&tt. carried by ahlps and ocean· spa.nnl..og alrcratt. The eva.pora· Uon method haa been proved and la ln uae ln dry placea. aa ODo-the Peral.an Gulf. The cos ta are blgh. .but abQut a year ago I made a special trip to Phi.ladelpbia. to in· vestlpte a new method ot evap- oration invented and dealped by two brothers, operating as the In- duatrial Pren•••• Company. I am convinced they bave the im.medl· ate. eoluUon. I have bffn able to put tbem tn toUch with ee•eral depart.menu and arenctea and I hope, wltltln a fflW mont.b.I. to .ee an experlrriental unit tn UM, Prf .. vale infere.U a.l8o are showtnr a S"•l deal ol lat.eree·t In t.b1a eotn· ~·· .,iuu-. · E'Yapon.UoQ. me.th.ode &ft ftrl .. ed; oolar •Ulla, multlple-.!tect evaporation, 'fllpar compr.- naporatlon. or a eomi,tnatlon of •vut.l metllodL ·.._ at laow, llOlar evapontklft -id ,.;.m.. -for a commvn1t7 or "IO,OOO at about f]O per 1000 pllona. -- tip-Kt -----tllAt -,.,,. --,...., per 1000 pnaDa. Ve.poi «* ; t W- --llaUon woulcl Pl•-• -fllr a-J2,0ll por -pin --'& __ , ......... 93Uc 11-B1l1LDl'NO 8EltVJCEB Dl'nllUOR -l1X'I EIUOll PAINTING LIClllN8l:D -INSURD> Glenn Johnston 501·31.t St. Newport Beaell Barbor 2297.J ll4<48 PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1616 Santa Ana Ave .. Coat• M"ea Phone Bea.con 6504 12tlc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING ''The Best Money 'Can Buy" 512 • 38th St., Newport Beach. PHONE HARBOR 2<0< 13tfc DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY ... for an ad ln the Uvely claul· fied secUon of the BIG THREE- News-n.ma., Post Shoppinl N'nn and the Preaa OVER 21,500 CIRCULATION 18 THE ANSWER! PHONE Harbor 1'11 to place your want ad on th.la pace. CALL Christian Oellrich for u:c.IWIJTe wall decorating We apply all waJI coverinp 520 IRIS, Corona del Mar Harbor 3009-W EXPERlltNCED houaekeeper - Wanta poaltiOn. Uve ln or out, Or will do j&nltrua work. P•. Mr•. Dell, Beacon 6914 .. W , llip R..wta eome tl'om con.atut Pnlctlc:e ! An Ml rqularly l.n Ullo paper wUl prodUce remb tor )"bl.. 7 - WE HA VE AN OPENINO tor an Aulatant Bookk .. per • CILlhlet. Experience probably nece.uary but mJgbt be offHt by1 rues>- tlonal alert.Iles& A qulckna. ·lo learn. Po~tlon la pehnMcnt to the right applicant. Office la comfort.able, equipment I.a new and modern. We 11upply cotfte or fVOC&-COia. twtce a day. We do no\"'t.olerate lo&ttns" or chatter, but we are ju.st lov«.ly people to work for. SEIO- P.A. PALMER Newport Balboa Federal Savlna:• A '-II Auo<l&UOD 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1600 WANTED MECHANIC, bile dealerlhip. Call 4-1084 before 0 p.m. 1Tcl9 automo. Lacuna 18cl8 ,.-- Keep In touch wllh WJ for good -.u,.. In TV HU being traded In - WEBSTER wtre rK'19rder for die· talion, etc. Complete wtth es· tr& wtre, foot control ud cat· tying' cue. SACRJl'ICE -An esullent buy! EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Cq . 11185 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6&21 O'KE!c.FE .. MERRITT taol• top ran1e. 140. 8t.udk> couch, s~. Phone Klmberly 3·8217. ·(eves.. and wkend, H&r. 0636-W) 18p NEW Maytag Wuher $90; cb.Ud'• wardro~ chut JlO; 2 Monterey ehaiJ-9 $S eL Roper range $10. Pborwi Beacon 87tt-W. 1&c20 MAPLE coffee t&ble, end table and wh.at·not shelf -Also lampa and Hotpolnt ironer. 517 C&rnatlon, Corona del Mar. Ha. s19s~w. 18c20 DALE'S new location 1874 HARBOR Blvd. New Furniture· Table &: 4 chrome chalr11 169.M Floor l&mpe, e.way ,,_ ............. 9.SH\ WANTED--Oa.rde.ner'a belpeJ' at' Vacuum cle&rneT, tank type Oranp Cout College. a\artinl' Intematlona1 Refrigerator aalary $200 month._ and Frefters General Maintenance With practi- cal knowledge of heatlnJ and plumblnr. Starting salary '216 month. Apply In per.eon at Buaineu Of· Reuonable. Call 1440 W . Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Harbor 089e-M, kH PHONE Harbor 1818 to place your want ad on thll paae. u-anJ!ltCAL. aADIO SPINET piano, Repouuaed, Pay out. balance $287. Another rr- pw.lt•k>n. S 3 9 6. DANZ· 8Cl(JI>'I' B1g Plano store. One hundred piano. from whJch to cbeoae. 620 No. Main, comer 8th, Santa An&.. COME IN and play the wonder-· f\JI new Hammond Chord Or· can . ~en tf you don't know a· note of . mwilc you can play beautiful mo•lc tn ten mlnutts. DANZ.SCHMIIYI' Big Plano & Or'pn Co., 5'20 No. Main. Sant.a Ana. ~~~~~~~~ HllllR Y ON THJS-allahUJ' Wied blonde mahog&ft)' spinet plano. Save $180. Terma 172.82 down and $20.70 per month at SR.AF· ER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907). 421 N. Syc-.more, Santa Ana Klmberly 2-0672. 97tfc RENT A PIANO, ~ per mo. All rmt allowed If you buy within terma. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 620 N . Maln. Santa Ana. USED PlANOS tn>m J89 up. Good pJaylns condition. DANZ.. SCHMID'l', ,520 N, Main, Santa Ana, cor. 5th. U-Al'ARTMl!NTB A ROUllU CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm. tumlahed bay front, prlv. bch. summer or year Jeue ( C..rn.f· tlon Cove) 11~ Bayslde Place, Corona del Mar. Har. 033e·R. 14c19 RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call llldna Cral• Linwood Vick, Rltor. 8&1-loland, Hu, 2042 8:acM YEARLY, furnished 2 bedroom apt. Fenced yard. Child. No pet.a. At .fl.f Poi.naelU&.. Bee owner, 408 Poln&etlla, Corona del Mar. Harbor 1289-M. 16ttc Summer Reservations Lido late Bay F,ront unlta. l and 2 btltms, S70 week up. Harbor 2~2. eve•. Haf.. 291-t·M. 17tfc YEARLY Balboa Peninsula 3 bdrm, 2 balh.9, li'ring room with fireplace. kitchen, 2-car p.r· age, turnlahed. $100 mo. JOHN D. BURNHAM :i0'7 E, Balboa Blvd,, Balboa Harbor &I~. Eves. Harbor ZZ78-W ' 15c17 LIDO ISLE LOVELY MEDIUM SIZIC upright piano ln perfect condtUon. Term& If you want a rental on ~ovely $22.87 down and $8.M> per mo. LIDO ISLE see ua. Several good at SHAFER MUSIC CO. C Since home• available. Also ape.rt· 1907), 421 N, Sycamore, Santa menta by week or month. Ana, Klmberiy 2-0872, 17Uc P , A. p ALMER 1H7 STUDEBAKER COlD.lAN· DJ:R CONVERTIBLE COUPE-- A really bet.utlf\ll car, over· ·drive, radio, heater, etc. Mr. Earl Gray'• car. Special price only $1395, JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER D&ALER No ft&IOft&ble offer ref\ued: on any car on our big uaed car lot al- 534 COAST lilW AY BeKOn 9604 Newport Beach Theodore Robins YOUR FORD DEALER Houra; Week Days 8 'tll 8 Sunday• &: Holld&y1 10 'tll f 341& Newport Blvd. (near Lido) 1950 PONTIAC -Chlettaln, 2-dr, Harbor 5_10 (open Sat. A Sun.) &edan, radio A: heater. Xi:nt condltt6n, like n~. 410 Bud-~ Ing, BalboL Harbor 1788, llp18 \!'i'J/:oa:i.'2 ~w Studebakers ... .-.m.iilliiiiiiiiiiii~i iii!i!~' DELIVERY NOW! • 4,!J!S\11·; I 9 ,,. NEED USED CARS sADLY , 11 , ·1 Wlll pay Tope for ,your car Summer Renta.18 1 · • , Lido i.1e _'._ 4' bc!Mn. z~ bad., 1Ji, Can also save you lot, play yard, Special rou for UP TO $260 aea.aon or by month. China Cove -Be&utitul view home. 3 bdrm a.nd m&ld'a room. Overlooka jetty, a fef •tepa to beacli, CQM Bayfront -2 bdrm, priv&U beach. New, compact. Euy to care for. ( , GRJ:J:NLUF .. ASSOC BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 25:i2 17ttc LARGE TRAILER In lovely ~ourt $30 mo. Small tra.ller 122 mo. Al&o 1 space ava.tlabJe. 1741 P~ mona, Coat& Mee&. Ph. Beacon 8747-J, I l3ttc if you t&lre deli11ery at factory Hurry-vacation time is near! JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer 3415 NEWPORT BLVD, NEWPORT BEACH 1 (acrou from Lido Tbeattt) Hu, 510 -Open 8&L • 8unda7 GJ llONEY TO LOAN ¥JANS For Hom,es OONSTRUCTION LOANS 7 • at, :>-5\.'.,% (1~ yrs,) 14c19B flee, Oranse Coat Collep. Ap· Dale'!! Furniture NEW LOCATION 187 4 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa , GRAND PIANO. Muon and Hamlln, Uled, bul juot like INC~RPOR,< TED ~TTRACTIVE FUn>lohed Studio Apt., auitable !or 1 penon. •x ... -M . U"_J;t~ rent. 110 --'-----------pllc:atk>N ci ... May a, ltol. REP AIRING , ana I , I • lllcl• 17c18 new. .\loo mqnlflcenl Stein· •3~ ,V1"JLMf 5~+,~ rbo: 1'i:.J 7 tJ'i'; way at nearly Jwlf pr1ce. Many . ' ' ·' · • \ , ' . B , PAINTING · WAN'!' Muln<I En...,. Mecbanft:, ~U~CN" Plf"F,Ji mah?.&'"'?Y. din. room set, drop-leaf table, Chins cabinet and 6 chains. Har. 2152. others: Klm .. 11, Knabe, Hurts-IN COROr.fA ll "MAR'._'. , man, WuTUtur, Chickering. .,,.,-. RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa BJvd.:, Balboa Harbor 1607 ,ri.I~· "14-i~ ooAri. . Cor0na drl M'ar Barbot 101'liJ Rep, PODUER MORTGAGE <JO, Reuoiiable. t.r&:'t! or .mall Jobs. Mu.t be ftnt clue. RetuencH. Free e.UmateL Walker, 108 11th seac:ratl, 125 Cout BJpw&y, -17cJ8 B h• d L DANZ 619 ~ Poppy Ave .. unturnli!lhed 4· u• an ane. • St,, Nwpt, Buch, Har. 2081-R N-rt lltach, 17<19 LIVING R 0 0 M FURNITURE, !SCHMllYP BIG PIANO STORE, rm apt. with fireplace ln large Santa An&. 520 N . Maln. cor. Uv. rm. · Metro Ufe Ina. Fonda Kl 3-6115 HAuLlNG Any kind, truh or T W Al.KER. J08-18th St,, Newport, H, llMl·R DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Reaidentlal--Commercial Remodeling, Pbone Bacon MOl--W 17ttc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer er.. Cool& Ill-. WA.NT oriental hou.Mlleeper for 2 Call 4 -1 p. m. '&lb. ALSO 2 bdrm and tun bath on 1st floor. All for $90 mo. ,year· ly rental. Adult.ti only. Phone Owner, SYcamore 3-5291. adUltL Boun l · 1 P, II, doilJ'. 118 Poi-Ula, corona del Mu, Sunde.ya otf. 1""' out. SaluJ 1Tc19 ANTIQU'E walnut parlor orpn In $215 por week, ear, 2(11S, tlc201-------------excelknt condlllon, Sl2&, May E.AaT 8.PINDRIER wuhlnc ma· be eeen. Prl., Sat., and Sun. w ANTED _ chine, sood condiUon. One rat· 284_1 Circle Drive, Bay Shore•. Real l:ltate broker or ....._,., 1P cbal.r. ~ Apte, Bal'bo& Bea. 6"3. 17cl9 capable t1l. operaltnl' of'ftd~ call 11kn4. 1Tcl8 Saturday noon. 8and7 Steiner, B&Atrl'IFUL cualom buUt mod· . 834 Cout Hlp-y, Newport em .. fL 102" Ion(. grey a:nd Be&cb. BU, llOtt•W. lie: rod, $300. JOCI Via Ban Romo, Lido ~. Jllcll . . TWO LOVELY .._ IJ>lnel pianos both like new. Big savings. Term.a. 141 .82 down and $17 .~ per month at SHAFER MUSIC 00, (.llnce 1907), <21· N, Syca- more, Santa Ana.. KL 2..()672. 97ttc See Display Advertisement . Page 3, Part 1 17c19 JOHN D, BURNHAM YEARLY RENTAL -New Wl· , fumlahed Apt., rar .. g• dlap, BALBOA ISLAND Houaea and Apta-' yearly oz .... 80nal. SM O&U cainey, with NELDA GIBSON , REAL ESTA'I\Jc I 111111 Mann._ Balboa l"1. Bar. llCl2: 1t111uc LOANS TO BUlLD, DlPllOV-. . BUT, lllODlllRNJZll, OR • I RD'INANClil , We Buy Tn1't Deodo Nll!WPORT BALBOA J'KDJ:RAL ' BA VINOS A LOJ.N ABllN. I · 1333 Via Udo Pb. ear, 1600 APT, POil RENT with tile otnk, abower and bath. Incnrtre1 34021-'-----------'"- Man:us. Newport lleacll. 1ep18 WANT-Experienced woman tor cooking and gene.ral bOU.leWOrk. a.asial 2 children. Llve ln. Good ... 1ary. Phone Harbor 1511·R. llplO ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN, Repoa-Ii blk, to Rlchazira Market· ......s. Magnificent ton•, For , AdUIUI, no peto. !501 • MU. BL. NJ:W J'URNl8H&D :i lldrlm ..... $1000 down a.. MOT·llll Met ie Mt& ~1'8 CUaTOM B\IJLT lA..._ Ila....,.· port and cbalr. all oprlnr con· ltJ'llCUon, $2'7~, 308 Eut Utll SL, Oolta M-. 10:00 ,' lJ :00 L m. or ..-.. after T p. m. 11c1m Rattan Furniture church or home. Pay out baJ. NewjMlrt. Beech 11c18 fn co.ta ..... Aftllal>la for S CO"ITAGl4 .fumiahed. an<!I. Tum1, Tblll wonderful ID· BAl~A, ~SULA • ..,~ lune, luly -Jl.i: Piion• ' 0arap, 2 7e&n <>!d Patio Furniture PAINTED ELECTRJC RANGE In extra sood coi\dltlon, Euy wuber, Twin box spring. Mioc, ll<mL 423 Allio Aft., N-rt He4111tL -. -.a nc11 otrwnent Ill juat Uke now, --~ r.n~ ~ -,-. Beacoa 1'71&oR. 1'tcJ8 3 bdrm bou8e, COila If.- Kade tn u. ft''Ufl.8• u4 DANZ..8CJDCIDT Piano and 11.& t.t.b on Kira.mar I>rlw for . . C seooo. l:Z term.a. In our own work obopo. Organ Co,, 520 N, Main. cor, 3 ~ ~~ Rll:NTAL "lOOO lN OORONA'J)SL ~ _j CUte REALTY, CO., SUI N•wpOrt Wide -ot r-8th, Santa AnL • lllOdern 3 ....,_ iiG!o-Ji ,.... '.BmL, Newport Btacb. 17cl9 '-flll dllp1.,-Ill eo, c.u, Call Mary Die»-Hu. IOU, _a..... ,._ ~, Uafllm. , -1nc and ~ WILL tra4t bnad new beauU· °" Mn. Maroml A Mr. NllPb<>r 1 --.,.•aw yanL 'IO& 1.Arlt-VfANTll:D - AL11108l' maw •-••ood I" HOUSE & . GARDEN ful Spinet piano evea for equ-Harbor l?fl. -·, 0..-dot , • llc20 Reel 1Cotate lroktt Of •I 11an. Wt ..--or -""4 1' 11. ,. &117 sood -ptllld plallo, ' capable ot operating ,Offlct, cau Phone Beacon 6451-W mo1«. very ....... , .. , 419 111 oout a.,.. NWJI$.. -lllTI 1>~ PIANO co.. Earl Stanley, Realtor a.J. Ba~Y nGoa. 8a""1 a-. __________ J_1<_1_m_ Marplorite. Corona dol lllar. llilfOLlC llln•nprias --lllnta Jl.Jla.·611 N, 1llatn. cor-2111 llarlDa llUlfewport Bm1 · ,llM Oout Rlpway, l:lewJ>OK AJcoboUcs Anocymoua Harbor 1083-R. 1101' lla1'oS, lllallnf _,... Ji.a" -ltll.'," • • Bollioa ,Iolapd , Noll(llOl't ~ var IQC9 DJl.Cll , ID Bead>. BeL llOtt·W. Uc U.U0 aewms table. ~ -LOV'JjL'f llTUI>JO "UPRIGHT , lid """'1.-iOl~ ........ t 1 1 Write P. 0 . --C!A;. D-.•. play ......_ ....... --·t.ed: T..... a. .... "-' ..... i1il Pon QTY ' LAND .. ._ i-, c.nt. """"' .... White l'llHled cartalM. --...-. ._,, •--YURLT K&MTAL -N----Oo11ta -M. it7..J. AU _ ~.._.._. ·-'"••-. 8lnaU cllt.ft.. Jlarllat pan down and JlLIO --. • • --11 . ~---.. ~ Ad:--... :-ment -r--apt., ~ .... 7 llf• BELL OR .... ...,.for dnelap- 7 , ·Y"-" woo:;_ _ HIT..J. 17elt at BHAJ'mUI MUllIC OI? \lo llllL to ._...., -y I ii , , , ,_. -t, \lo mile 1tr1p -- II •••• 'YOlla CM l'\ge 8 part 1 • I-JllOT). 4J1 ff . .,..,..._., ' J1.<tu1ta, 80 pot& ltJ lllW a. -_ ' ... t .Aaa -W-., Oliaol ..,.. • ~ ', BeU l}lmllln1t1o• auto ..ua. ~ Mlt:I, ';irowpoot ... .., *'* M -.virr ,_ ••14 'way, 'Vf'rile p, o. Box u. x-- ~ drlYlac to 7 VIII-JOHN D. BUJUOIA)( .... --__. NO.to • • ll'tle ~: H IMJOM--... tit ..... ....... • 1- -. ::•.,: ;;.. -:,;-.:.,;;:. pvnC() --, ,-. eot -way-Md --'19.IO llf.urn:D: M ,.._ Tnde, 111 Olf NMWPOWf ~. ,,_ •r=JN I I I •*': I'"" -OWNiilt -a - -~ '-• "-'e' ""'•-lho--aM ..._._.,a'°""" Bplll· ~ Ila 1¢ I. , ..... a.. , -fW I 11 I I UJ'' ~ !l•hd ...,. __ ••cbaq•ll 11• Qr-. .... , ..... ab'J'!' --· ,. J.Al,I • ~lil-1.U&~ ~-;,.' ...,.;;. t111""6a. ~ .. • ...... ..... .. .. -........... ~= ..... ol Jat. ··-to, ............ =.w..eoro... dtl 111ar, ~ Piiiow' .-. -.... ~~et9 ~~ -:~ 0oota ~ ~"": •• 1,ir.~~ :::-w.,arat ina= .•VU~· 1! :e1! u10ldo..11.,..,a.:=. -ts J'ltS8 -Lota et --. Ill-llsrllmT" T•-.r ' -I -1111. -RD. -. ,8aala I 1 1 •"la~ mOll Jiii ... --.... OelM ...... , .. t I .. :-. 't AM. --52 ~ ~ • If! 9bft --·-~ i:..' z'~1 !!:':'...:'::: JllilJ ,t •11• .... -~ .... -=~"=WWW----· :... I~?~ . .;=":,;_... TO miiiiG' •.,;,.,::. • I.. • -iiiiii _,._ -Ill ... ,--.. -,.._...,. flll u d .. * .. )·•-,.......... • 5"' I % ca.-. •9f4 CS 17 I ~· 9 l'i El -PfOclllCa 'tbo 7 _, .... t ... ~ I& II 1m OtY't1 I t A9C M¢•, Wtlll&w tna.,. 6 I' di&-. 4Jaw', -...,-. ._,7 .,111 ... IJDAU-• --aJ:hiif ... ~ 1,lllr .. t::iJt:mt II.a ...... ....., ---.. ... 4 IP'?'lh& _.,, 41.. ... II ..... IM•....__ ... "" ···M. -AM, -•• •cs;' 1471\L .__ ,,. .... 1 • .-$1.U, no. ~ -..., .. _,;_. ......... 7 t•z• • "*" _ 1M& ... , ·a • · -, --.. -... , If.., -• n • ..... ' -.. ~ ~ -'· .~ l ~-~ '-. . • 7 • • I ,. I I . • • r. ( • • ' ·~ , • . . 1~·!!;=P'~·~·~-~ ... !!!!*~IW!!~~~~·~:•!!!!:;:P'~~·~1,:2!iW!!*A~._!._~~~~~·~~--~·~•~·~iW!!!l~•~lii:!_~~...,..~-'~·~=--!!!!~•~1.:2!'*!!'~&!1~w~ ..... :._~-~·-.pAt;£ 7 ~ ----• Y, IWfAY iO, 195( REAL ESTAT • BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor L. S. JONES . J.JtAR'!:'IN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1871 , or 1872 Eve.. Harbor 7te-)f ' . ' . . BALBOA ISLAND Charming 4 B: R.-3-b&th home . ' Will trade for Loa Angeles er Santa Ana UM Income Unusually attractive tumillhed 2 B. R. house with guest Apt. WW consider aloop as part payment BAY FRONT HOME - 6 B. R.. tastefUlly furnished For QUICK l!8le $29,500 CORONA DEL MAR ~ DON'T MISS THIS -EzCO!illent.buy in a 2 B. R. house, enclosed patio. near water. $19,500. COSTA ~A $2.500 DOWN WILI:. buy this-3 ·B. R. home on a large lot. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR SPECIAL LISTINGS ALL on I.JD() ISLE & ALL PRllifE ·EXCLUSIVE of. ferinp. l . Lovely nf!'W' large · 2 bedroom home on choice •Ueel. Has everythinc. Euy worth $18,500. 2. Cbarmlng 3 bedroom, 2 bath hOINI with latest features. Priced lo .. n. $23,MD. -lhl.o. ll. Juot ~Ing completed, unlq•• horrM on ~ rt. lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 batba. urut hat, clever co!or- in~ and a wonderful BUY at ONLY $24,000. 4. Being built -street lo •treet- alao on UDO ISLE a 4 bed- room., 3 bath, 3 car prage, unft heat. dlspoul. larce patio and a MU ST SEE home &t ONLY $28,500. 5. NUJ"ly new 4 bedroom, r balb l'\ome on SOUTH BA Y'FRONT ot UDO ISLE. Exce.lleat loca· lion &nd home you will be proud to own. Priced at ~.000. 8. Super special NORTH BAY - FRONT home. Bellt location. large lot. 4 bedrooms, 3 bat.ha, bar. pier and allp and horn(' all turniabtd tor speclal priee of SM,000 -SEE THIS. ALSO on LIDO ISLE !K>rne wonderfUI buildln.s site1, either !or income purpoMl!I or .stncle home 9. THINK ot buyinc lots on LIDO ISLE from the DEVELOPER &l prices below their real valuf'. On LIDO ISLE a litUe buys a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATSD 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Lrr US KNOW what kind of rea1 estate property )"Otl want. We have an kinda ot property Ualed. If we do not have the kind JOU want. we wW leave no stooe un- turned to find It for you.~ B. -:.A. NERESON MRAf Muttlp<le Llating Of nee ' 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Pbone BMcon 5226 8tfc WANT TO 'fRADE? We h&•e several properties listed for exchange-- ALSO HA VE SEVERAL good buys in busineaa opportunities For Further Delalla-SU Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1$23 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Barbor 2776 · 2 BR, Pier & Float near aboppinr and t:ran.portai:lon ~DOWN ~ mo. on balance GRSENI.li:AF A A.llSOC. BUlLDJ:R -REALTOR 3112 Newport lllvd.. Ratbor -2 OCEAN FRONT The Illland . MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS A tine South &yfront location. Six bedroo11111, two stories, 50 feet. $38,500 Two Unit·Duplex each 2 B.R. Top location Only $14,000 A very special 4 BR. 2 bathe, in a fine location. bright and cheerful. $20,000 J. A. BEEK OFFICE Harbor 63 Balboa Island Ferry B~TBUY m ~orona del Mar $8950 Easy Terms ~h cottage furnished ~ bike from ocean 00 ft. frontage. extra lot included. Needs a little fixin' SEE Ea:rl Chamberlain MO Cout BIYd., Corona del Kar (Opp. Newport Hu'°r Bull) Pbone Bart;ior 2218 I Open For Inspection Saturday &·Sun~y 228 Via Koron, Li<ll> lUe CORNllR OF LIDO NORD A VIA KORON 3 llDJUIS, 2 batba. -mil obowu, fireplace, llQlt bc&L AD ~ location ,,; f«W "'4po ff'Olh the beach. Come by -.! aee the beat buy on Udo Dia. GRllENL&AF A A880C. 31U Newport -· Hu-mil i..IDo ISLE $17,850 'AUTHJ:NTIC CAPE COD HOME d .. lpod by E:lcrbrooek. built by Yale. J llC!.,.... I l>oU.... Patio partlJ f\lrn. !nc. Bendix. Pl>ilco FN11ur, etc. Only $20,000. 1 90llSTHINO NJIW• -80KS- THING ctrn: -at a prlca-JOU can .-to P91'· --, • -Balboa Re:~o. -11 • -111s:Hrr • .-. , Rom GrMleJ J Welllli 4 _.. Md CINfld & ,, ... I IF ' •,+J•n McAdoo 2 ba~ bome. Very ales.._ 11\'.a ·1 .. 00=....: .. ~-=-:~...:-~'.'.:....-· _::.Har=:-~m=l ·In& -wllll noa11J• ._ -·• tMD I i-m .W'-W "1 I "" $11,lllO. .... Olt.a CLD99 -Qr'11 -ft.-111._ ... __ ...... UO.All& • . ................. ., JG•••• -,_ !alolsfa-°' .,. t •••. 11111 ... Tllllll Harbor IJiwatmeDt ....... , ............. ...... See DIPtl' Adftl1'n1m11t ....... 1 ICllllD,'-AM .~ .... fte ~ Town OD l'&rtll· Rentals Are Scarce Here lo ,...... cbUce to llU7 a -t, I -,,_ ""th • "'1 """"' 1 --tal, all ... .... M. lol. We i.a .. l ;lllltlap wi. Ullo to all< ... """" hd tlle pricM .,.. reucm•W.. ' •. . $8100 to $9MO -' ~ ~ rroo to ueoo Business Property 110 -~ on N-111..i. 3 sood -wia room for ...... P1 a; 11Lt IAOCdlalJ ktcome fHb. Price $25,000 Tefmll, open tor often. Must Sell 2 BJI. -·. t )'nl. old "" 14. ll<tt Pr* Nduced hwo $a500 to suoo. Down Payment $1400 at $oa p« 111oaU. G. I. Resale 3 B. R , HOlllE w1th dining room Immediate poa1er11on. Price $8500 Down l1160 G. N. -WELLS, Rltr. " A81jociatea 1 T90 Newpdrt Blvd. Ccleta Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Quality· • ·Quality BRAND NJl:W .-In 2 llodroom hGme. J.,&fl'! ov .. hangtng boxed e&vu with a pa.r\lal bt;kk face. Hu indlvidaallty .... h&I a )Ot ot eye appeal. J'i.Mlt workm&n.- ahlp. A rnoet likaWe larce llv. "'fOOln with Iota ot wlndowa and a flrepla.ce.. Pu.ll Use d{nlng area.. Acouatlc plutered. Eelec- ted hri: tlooro. pullmaa tncd b&tlL ~ IJl&<• plore. forc.d aw l:lMt. w e' could rav• on • , . but wby not t&ke a look . . . no obllt'aUon .Thi" beauty ll the pr'e.f!! of only $10,500 $1200 down In Newport l!.elgbta ... G. I. Re· a&lit. I bdrm bome. XlnL klea· tJoe. Oood condltk>a . . . 4 yrJL. old. 2-«ar gar. Full prttt only $8750 Charming & 2 Lots On a beatd.ltu.1 corner lot lD New~ port Roighlll wllll an extn lot. Two ~room home. Lou of t.r'ffe an<I lh¥.bctry. Ocu.n vt.ew. Hwd. fioora. redwood uteriar, patio, 2·car garace. Let ... .dtow 7ou a .rtal buy for u.e tol&I price of $8500 Phil Sullivan C. ·Galen Denison G. T .· Everson 490 N"'pQrt Blvd. eo.ta Meee Phone Be&con &2•3· W Harbor 3107·W or Bee.con IKM-J EXTRA! -EXTRA! Be,n Buy in CLIFF HA VEN We could about this from the roof tops without fear of c;h~~~! .. ftia brand MW 3 bdrm l9ome on J&ra"t!! lo& caanoc. be d.u.plicated ln Clltt Haven at U)'Where n-tho prlee ulled. lt 11&1 o&lt floora, Wed Pullman lavatory, f.R. t.114 owr bath '"' tile -board hd work ta.Mt. a kltdlle.n that wW make _, a ploaftN -theft i. a •para.le dlms roora. cllee~ 1111 ~ Larp wardrobo .-i.. c!Me.· pr. All lhl,, and --.. thaa space pennllll -ud the ,,,_ amulns part la i.t J1ri<e -only Sl\,9'111. Thia -'t --eo make a bM 11n• to the Earl Stanley Office lllla AND Ill VlN1I (Opfoolto BIOi llcMol) W ,_. ll'rM Jlarlm fOI' appL BtlDlll ITIJ6. No ... enbqJ -.. Ullo °"" ..... -~a.-efter-i,.. wllen we noed aot work nlshlll lo 8Cll 1-~~~~~-~~- LOT 300 Blk. on 8-pphin ...... la!arid • $'78llO aa.e to North lky Oomt-rtolll------I .,._.,...., • lie •• OPll:N 1· 5 •• •.• ,., .. '$ I,_. ... 4 WO..~ Ira. -....... ., _,, _. ; 1! I .... --= ~·Buy her the RIGHT houee fQr Mother's 'nay aad we eerlalnly DO RAVE the rfsht hn111 froa wMcb to make your dlaice. - . w. urce )IOQ to look en.-a 88llctC ~ <>f s bdrm hoaaee. ~~ .r. · a.ttn.c.-tlve: are ot cOod. eouncl ~ and above all •. · THE!, ARE PRICED B!j!IOW THE PB.l:SENT DAY MARKE'l'. A fn ot · an G. I. R•e•, w.bldl -m they 1-r a low rate of lnterelt and loll' y pay· ta. ., ' ' J:Del1 .. • ' • • , · RED HOT · INCOME SPECIALS $3,000 WILL HANDLE. l'l1ll prkle $\3.800 • earn. 4 G. I. loan of $10,000 A)'ahle at $62 per mo. Balance 41'i lnt..t. Conalilta of 2 11Dlta OD • comer lot IOuth al Blvd.. 2 bib from !WID, Corona del liar. Due to apecia.I conatructloo unlta m.ay be made Into a lovely home, with 3 bedrooms, den and 2 batba. FOR RENT...:..Yearly furnlabed 2•bedmi. home $M n!onth. OONTACT US J'OR onutR PROPERllltd, RZNTAUI, AND BUlLDIHO U1l'B ' CORONA DEL MAR PROP~TIES Robert B. i.,,,... RM!toro Helcn I.. I.ynn 411-0:lut Blvd. Fannhoue Motel Harb&i 1037 Col'OD& del Mar Harbor 1063 THESE ARE BUYS! $12,500 EACH '}, block to bay 3 ye&rB old very neat and clean 2 bedrooms Iota of tile ~lace, panelray nice patio 4 bedrooms 11h bathe older, but good clean and well built ideal for family comer peninaula Jot 1 1".! blocks to bay BAY and BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley 1450•BaJboa Blvd. Jack Miller ONE OF THE REALLY BEAtmFUL HOMES ' . ln Conma del Mu-2 bd.mul., 2 bath•, large llv. rm. wllh magnltk!ent vtew ot ocean and hllla wlllc~ can never be obstructed; double prase. Prk:e $2$,000. Only $6.000 cuh nffd u down payment. 2 BDRM MODERN HOME on 40-ft. Jot, ocean side of Blvd. tn CDM. D.t.ra bdrm. and beth ln pnge: built - lm ln dln. rm .. patio, u:tra.ordlnutly J>lee Hnotce porch. bouae i. fully inoulated. $18,~. bu 18,000 0 . I. loan. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Ucen.aed Rt-al Jtatate and Bualnea B1'ollera 813 Coast Wvd , Corona de.I Mar Harbor 21~2 • VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar "Swimming Pools BANNED'' J Gloden Fay Harbor 1264 COSTA MF.SA NEW LISTINGS 3 BDRM G. I. RESA.Llt -$1615 cknmt r'Ull pr1ce SI0,450: Ea.at aide Costa Mesa, 11ur •hoW. fenced yard. dbl gar. Vacant n.ow .. mave rlgbt ln. SHAKll ROOF, RUSTIC AND BR:AND NEW-S:IOOO dJI. Full price '9600. 2 1'drnu, spadoua 11""1&' rm. with ..,...Ive tire· p}ace, beam eeUl.Jliga. tile a1nk &J>d bath. Doubho gor. lar;:e cor- ner lot. 'Ibts custcim liJullt home ls different. Eut aide Ooeta XM&. ' ' CHOICE HARBoRj AREA: PROPERTIES . .coRo:NJi' DEL llJll..! 0 ~ A Redw#df Cot Tiiie "Ila.rd IO· ftad•• ~:1• ri1 11on1,e, -~ ll'lreplaco. ~Ucal~ 11111 to -. Attnctln/ r+~g • ' O~Y ,$87 . I I I . Also in ~na del Mar ' ATTRACT1Vl1l 2 BZDRO<>ll HOKS. 1·~ bloclul tronr ocean. south of ·Hlgbway. ~· loL 0 1.&rge 11~ room. Beam ceDlng( :Hardwood tlbqn. unp.t>aJ dlnlQC room. Kitchen &J>d l>oth with We. PRICE REDUCED for qulclt Sale! Xultlple u;u..g No. j 11121 For ~et.an. call BU1 Shustef, j Barbor !tTt ~~ =..1!!.C<>N ~A!.,!:;'~· We bavo two FF det,alla ~ llra. ~Mr. Neighbor, Har. 1775 BALBOA ISL~ PUPI,EX Mountain lodp type IJvlne-pn. boulder ti.replace. Exeel- at YMw of El.It Bay. Frw!ftcb ~ te balcony ~rou t , troa.t ot tiou.,. Two spacloua bedrooms with 2 baths. Separate batbet:'• 8hower, tlle. Wub )'our d1sbH while vt....mc .pa•mog sa.tlboat.-· PIJU$ Modern 1 bed:roontt apt. to pay taxea a.nd utJlltles .,.,1th m<*ley to·~ . BALBOA! ISLAND OWN TRIS' HOME for '4500 down and $88.80 monthly. THIS YOU C~'i BEAT! .Attractive ·2 bedroom home, firepl&ce, on ene of but 8t:rMU ht!!U North Bay. Br1ck pa.Uo. Room for' add'I buUdtpg. On M~e ·Ave" Balboa Island Busineul:Udings. A.II of;:cupled wlth A·l tenants. Show 1% or better. No phone calls pleue . Set! Mrs. Maroon Kr. Neighbor "at 225 Martn·e Ave. Have Many Choice Homes on Balboa Island $12,500 to $85,000 FOR EXA.MPLE: Very attractive 4 bedroom .bOme on IO ft. lot. N~ patio, year round house, furnace heaL For details ph.-Mra. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor, Har. 17715 • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor lTth and Cout Hiway 15th and Irvtne Newport Beach Newport Beach 225 Marine Ave. 1.-12,000 down will buy lhl• fur· ntahed l bedroom hiome, ocean aide of highway. R-2 wne. Room to build on rear of k>t wtt.b unobd.rvcte-d view ot the harbor, "8.~. 80 SAYS N. P.A. THIS WEEK- So, look at thia BA YFRONT home -with Jt'• beautiful bath- ing be1ch -large brick tern.ce ~ Bk's. Prime location ln El BayO t r act -SPECIA.U.. Y prlotd at $37,:IOO . J BDRM G. L RESALE-Neat a 815 0out mway Balboa lala.nd 3113 Newport Blvd. ·eorona del' Mar Newport Beach • 2.-New 2 bedroom home, vtew of ~W.S. Hdwd. floora. Furnace Mat. 1• z 21 !lvtng-room. Mulf!!.r bed.rm. 11 x 11.e : 2nd bedroom 10.e z 11. Lota of eloeel.8. Larp window"•. 300 8Q.. ft. bue.menL Idea.I for rumpua room. $9,950. S.-An Wluaual "Y&lue ln a nearly new tumiahed duplex on cor· ner ~t. ch°'ce location. 2 bed- rocan.. each unit. Flaptone tlreplaeff. Unit heat.•AIJ large rooru. Colorl'UJ tlJe ln ldtch- .na It Mtna. B~a.kfut nook.I. Picture wtndow.. New tGmi· tu.re and rup. 21 tt. garage, plus laundry. StUcco. Dake Ar brick atuior. Walled patto. Cedar thtnglu. One apt. now r ented at $125 per month. $20.000 furnl.shl?d ' . The John Vogel Co. UOl Cout Rlgll-y, Corona ditl 1'ar . HARBOR 1141 OT RAJlBOR 141' ( P!vea. Harbor 313-M) lk11 REAL VALUES in Costa Mesa I ALSO A P RIME bayfront k>t '42' tront- aKe. El BaYo tract, (comer) $18,000. INCOME A NEW DUPLEX-I· l BR. uniU ln es.celJf!!nt locaUo.n (just north of the A rcl'le•) neat A: colorful $13,50() (W ill take Udo lot ln trade) LIDO ISLE IF YOU WANT the BEST in con4 structloa -tn EXCELLENT trtm. Clo• in. Eut 1lde loca· f------~-----------~----­tlon, newly clecorate& in Ar out. Th.la exceUe.nt value at $7100. MOve ln with $1770 down .. Pay· menu of $68 mo. lnctude taxea, lilt.. and lnaw'. FURNISHED 2 BDRM. ON ~I ACRE-Move ln now and start living .. Thia property i. aoned ror bualneu. Close t.o t.r&rulpw- tattoa. .cbool. Neat Ar clean. 'Furniture ta worth $1000. Price $8500. This W one ot OW' beat valuea. SMASH BARGA.IN -6 .A.ett tract, eaat aide, 81Uldy loam. BeAt acreage on the Me!la. $2100 per acre takes It thia week. BALBOA ISLAND · e South Bayfront Income EX DUPLXX-Prlme locatlon-S'uperb view Fine Beacll. Each unit has apack>us living room. fire- place, 2 B. R., 2 bat.ha. private garage. plUI many un- Ulual features. Well built with .nearly 3000 sq. ft. total area (Archltect 'a pl&na and speclfication.1 available for lnapoction) Exceptlon&lq iroo<I value ! Price $45,~Terms Wni. W . SANFORD, Realtor . Putt.Ave. at Marine Harbor 2442 Balboa Island CORONA DEL MAR ONLY 1 % YRS. OLD -2 bdrm home. South ot Highway, R-2 aone, room for &not.her unit. OPEN HOV'SE . . location, turned oak paneling B ~ _ • and st.alnlesa steel kitchen, 3 arney r t"lL.llCqUe T'trms or w1l1 take lot tn Co8t.a -$7500 full price SUl'JDAY 1-5 P.M. 23622 Snug Harb<5r Rd., Cliff Haven BR. and 2 beLba, 130,000. MUL'MPLE LISTING R&ALTORB Mesa or Newport Helgbt. aa Designed for outdoor living. this .......__ put trade. · 2-~m home available for 400 i:. 17th Et. at Tunln A.., -low down payment to right BALBOA COVES -Water-Coeta Meaa -Beecon llllll . ·. • buyer .• , t:ron~ lot. One of the best , " ·: ' : ' • '. :. , , . . <, ~t:-i!.<ffl LiiJQ;;ls~0 1 JI l~iJ;~~i ~i .AhSOl :·~ q qj $5,300 Baiboa Penn. J.'.oQlli(' ~r. ·~ lf°Tlff' r·~ .. 1 "·Newport -Heigh~ 2121 Oc Bl d $23 00Q $11,99:1 for quick SALIC Harbor Investment 30th and Newport Btw.. Harbor 1900 See Display Advertisement Page 3. Pvt 1 • JOHN D. BURNHAM ean v . ' seooo' down Quality 2-bdroom home. Truly • an out.st.andlng value at thla Open Sunday 2 to 5 or will show by appolntmmt.t Balboa Income TRIPLEX on Ocean Front -2 -2 1lalll apt., a 1 l>drn\. 1 "Mill apt., and a llludl<> apt., au _,.p1e1el7 ud •°'7 well fllr-''**'. tMllMttnr blank8U:. price. · ALSO 50 ft. Ocean F)-ontage 2 BDRM HOXB. IC 1IM, S JMl'01.------------1 AUTHENTIC CAPE OOD. 1 ,_r old, 2 atory, 3 bdrma., plua larp combt bo4lroom ud den, 2 )latlla. I.arc< !Mnr room, P'lftp!Me. Dlalnr l'OOD>. G<>rgeouo kitchen and bn!&kfU:t room. IO x SO 8un- deck.. Forced air heat. A-1 ca- Full price $29,500 SUBMIT DOWN PAYMENT Someone wtth vlakm. torulght. can ~ this up at fraction of tuture wo'rth. (Prtced Mtami frontage lately!) Inch>dea 9- bedroom house in excellent con· dJtlon. old. Auto. wuht:ng machine, lot IOxlnc>. Oarage attached. Full pnce, only $6750 EZ temt.1 1 Acre East Side I BDJUI HOME with 1 bdrm rett· BEST BUYS •ruct1on &Ad uti.tk:ally doc<>. in Co&ta .Mesa I · Priced to aeU quickly NEARLY NBW m-.n I-., Wm. E. ANGOLD, Realtor <kn. 11" bath.a. bdwd. floon. 515 I!:. Balboa BIYd., Ba- clooe Ill. near -k. ~ re-Phone Harbor l.Jl8-W productkln .-_ $10,000, terma. ' H c!J& SUMMER RBNTALB AVAILABLIE Coast Properties Co. Mil E. Balboa Blvd.. Ba- Pllone Harlior ,211511 Call John Mottram-Harbor 1MO Evet1lnp-Harbor' 04-C.2-R P.A. PALMER iJNCORPORATED 3133 Via Lido. Newport Bea<h . w "" .. u . Larp -. w .. 1r AU!() JNCOU"li' LookiD,g -• - &bop and chlck• -. Lolll Ooraer ~ lot Tlall•. Balboa. Island . ~. ~ _n __ ~"-__ for a home ·, ot fruit u-. .F!>ll price only lltOO lllOO •--•~ -mo ~· ·-.,• • ~~ ·~· , r. • $7850, terms -"~ -· ~· · UNUJJUALLT WSLL DmlON· cuod rttil<n. Id.ODO. . . I • ' wlth1 a law down paym111t,. , ED a bdrnL. 2 baU1 11ome Ill ox· GOOD LlllTU'IOS WAJITm> -con.SU.. ·-.. BAY IrRONT -• 11Jlita. Choice I Have Two ' 3 BR Home ROBT. B. MOTI'El' nrep1eee. !llffpll!C loft • -1ocauoo. private -.... sew-tbatfi2000 ..., w111 balldl<. MW'1' painted ~ and out. 1• flow .irueota. ~ ....,. patlol ule 1nComo °""" $14.000 N-'1 Both ve 2 bdmul &J>d priced car -auMIMd Lbt u..uo Bea. a~.G:i eaJ:" ~ DU1.J !:. "';.:,.~~ ~;., Prl<led Price $11,0DG, -'""•. ~ uo.r · 10,000. 0-to eYel')'tllltls. ·Priot!d to OOllT trade. • ..u u 4 111:8A Stanley Hadfield ·, a.iu:l:NI.LU""' A.880C>,J Etilie, Smith, Realtor only ~QOll:/\ . u· "do n..ndin' g Si•Aft ' ' Btllµ>Eft -~ •• :.. 1Jlllli Cout lDway, °"""'*de! Mu . ..,._.,., . »WI """' . Rll4L'IOR ~ an• Newport Bl'td.. ~[.,,... "1-,Jlai-*1 111109 -... .. ,, !• IDiO nnC.. --~ ~--... __. . . 211 Muma A-... I ' I . l OOS'r' ' ,- . -1 ·-~~·to--., cor-r •A .. ~A . f:eoO"'. lie<, rlOei for.qluck oale.. MIJ!OA IBLAND ""-;~ y · 'll Lilt 'I ·. .l'f.. ~ B. "A.. NERESON -... .., • At~ eq ei!t:. ,_.,y ....... DOW!i . ' lllllA • ""'" --• r-·-....-. ....... I I ! I'*. D-•t.or ,DARLY 1'llW I ...... ftND'f Rll(ildi•tlel .U..t. mu- -I· • • ••• --• can... -· .11i., $lltl0 --. 3 UNITS-$l2 700 11u11t. -Jarse a.ms rm ly ...,.. a B. R. -·· 1 % 0olllo, 1* 1'wp::il ...._ o.ta x.a 'M.I mo. "'¥ • ldlt' llr•rt91 &1,-ce. Crb1 ed ·..,.. llv~ rlll.:. ftftP.tace: kar ---l'll~~~·~·~IM1~~11~•~-~ • ,_ ll'IVll Ul. B0tMm: -a.tu I r' l'ac. ·" s'Nt ~ .-_ ~· l>IS lot, -Pr1.e • U, n. lla7 ~ft.I, 111,119 -ud -• I -·-ud pbrtw -·~J' 'juot ~ JlaJle -· • («belOO) at .-... ud -... ,... wet :a"nc. o 11ftt ~ Ce a....KArzr Balboa ~ Home IO ft. 9a7 rn.t. -tw • -. •ow"°" •r • · . -1r11 •• -11111.., .. --. ... lie.ta ---. • -lKITWln=• llJ"111_091:J' ............. ,•.Jd•t a.r.. MllJ • 5 7 I _._,_ Cllmll:HLICAJ'. •noc. --. v-......... ·a.· =·'lll''·Hart' '= I ' ,. ~'-.... ._ ,....._ F"IPll -R&4r;roR • --I . zv... -; ...... IUI 3 .,_,-.. R;--JCWWWWIR Pt&-llr-W.~ ..,_ See Dj l • .._ .,_an ri -w.a .r.w 11 ... •ms.._. $1LL -M•I) ... ,.. ~ay .... ....., ........ •••• 'fllftJn•n-1--.--1111 111,' 11...... ~'"" ~ .. ••ti• 1 --nt . -.. ~::i:. Ollf. Ip Pl,.._ • -•11>n ...... ·1 z•• · ~ _,.111..._ •' • • .. -t -... ,. • -..! mu • •· c ...,.1 r n .a r -*'-. " pw« . 'Pip a, ftJrt 1 ~ =..:~-=.:..--=-¢11 ... HaJ.= ~n·::a~t r..:i. •11•;.:-r~.:= ... D,.BIJBNllAM • ~ • f • • • I • • • ' • i '• • ' • r • . . - • • .. • ' • < SWIFT'S -OllOU ht GIADI , BACON 1-Ll.~:~SEAL • CENTER CUT-SHOULDEI . SWll'T llOOlll'IELD SKINLESS LINK . PORK ROAST SAUSAGE 59r.· IOAST lloned, lolled I Tledl PRIME RIB Fancy, Extra LarCJe, New Crop CELERY Extra LacCJe, All Green ASPARAGUS 5111•.Jticj, ~ Volley CRAPE FRUIT 10 ror 25C c 49:. • N0.2CAH.,.,, C D&MONTI 25 DIL MOlfTI STIWfD -. TOIATOES ~~·,.221c No. 303 DEL MONTI TOMAfo :-. MIRIARINE AllS~eet _c'../. .. ecl l· 24· c 1-lb. PIHJ ........ : ....... ' .. a·u:TTER "' . I'· 5 Cllallell«je u .. tt I ~ . First (i)ualit,y · 2.ii... 7 · 17c ~~TSUp p . a1t::t; 17c . , . I • ' • • Ben-Hui: or S. & F:. Your Choice! • No. 2'1• DEL MONTI - 2ic· SAUERKRAUT 2 ~~H! zsc COFFEE ~~~ ....... 79c >. Del Mo11ta · Scetc• Graaolattd . . C WHITE HOUSE ALL PUIPOSI ·..... 3ac DOG FOOD , 3 25 SOAP ~:;: 25 •. DRESSING Jar • 7 · . . > iil&iii· .. _ . HEINZ ~IFT'S -----'·1 .m · · 49c TOMATO CORNED Case· Swayne WIOPPED HAI 1l"°: SOUP IEEF CHILI PORK & HEMn sTANDAttD P1n1D . 3 ~~~-2CJc b!:'" 39c BEANS • BEANS OLIVES N~~ 23c --· _. _._...._ __ _. ci~~~1 2 ~;.i ·35c iAffiiuAISE ·· ~: ]9c UP0LE1SAUcE "0c!:3 11c - ---------------...--------------------, • t • HORSEGiAT 2::!.35c HOMA.DI DILL PICKLES 9••rt 21 c Jar Frozen Foods SWEET P!CICIN'S SPINACH FllNCH CUT GIUN 14-0L PllG. BEANS lllDS EYE 10.0L PllG. PICTSWHT FflOZEN FllSH - GREEN P~AS PICUWUT LIMA IEANS FORDHOOK . . MINUTI MADI <M•1 1 '/• Pllltsl ORAIGE JUICE • 1. ' Buy Now and SAVE ' HOIMEL'S FIESH L,IVERWURST ACJed Nippy · Wisconsin ' . Cheddar . 59r. jnAI OLD CHIDDAI • 11osH11 snu SALAMI· - 9".nty-IAlway1 A kffrlle J • • 3 ·.COMPiLEtt SHQPPJNG CENTERS .. .:~::. *. " ""OWNE. y' as1 IAS1' ~TO• ILYI. f . . . _ u . 1coum °' DOWI• ·o,m DAILY -nL MIDNr~ · · , ""•" * NEWllORT . BEACH · . -. ·1fi410011;o;ii•i*wiii~iMi;··iilJ * :CORONA pa • ,. Famous 9uality Brands " HIRA- ~A :1ER . WE K! • ' I • .. ... __ . . I J '• • 1 l ' , .t ' I ' • • 10, 195 1 I• lil"<>"IVed ! . ' a · complete Une Of 8prln1J ·and summer Brltllh. -lt&Uan &uatrallan Fabrlca MUFTI, LTD~. C~STOM T~LORS NMvpoR Blvd. , I I Pbeae Ill. $-ntO s Bl?<ko North,,, saata Aaa pooa~ a• STOCKS • BON S • COMMODmES , UNb~NGS . DEANWI1l"TER le Co. • ..-u HIW Yt;>l!C STOCI< ElCHANGe ' Qicogo ._.,d ofTtOde • • • Soft PNMi• Slikk bchottge lo• Afttelet Stock b(.ltonge LEASH> P.llVATE WllE$ BaAk ot Laguna ~h Bldg., 1..agUna Beach Ph. 4-11.MI Sbn fr'Dflclsco • lo• An~t.• • Ne'# York • S.Otfl• I 6477 • FOR MILL WORK, SASH & DOORS SEE 618 CO.A.ST ID.WAY At fte ArcbM OTllER VAROS: Laguna Beach -Santa Ana -Fullerton -La Habra -Brea +--------... ·---,-----------'!' FORGING AHEAD -The 8kylartt (left) a. Just forsfl>c ""eed of Saluda la· lbe flaaJ •&ac'ft of the Nnvport Hubor-!'.Meuda yaobt; l'9tt la.at Frida)'. In the mo.t .en- .. tloiaal tlnlllh ln the hlalorY·of the ao.o.ual event. the DoM.ld B. A.fl'8 au:cllla.ry yawl. bl( wtnner la tN raeei. o\'ft'teok ta Navy C'nft U mlnatN oat of &· pacla· aad. U.-.... lebed ollly t"•o minute. Mead of the 8ahada. • . . Ensenada. Catalina· Winners to be Honored at Balboa YC of BYC, the Anllgua trophy for r1nt on corrected ttme and the BYC trophy for flrat K-38: Hal Ra.mM"r ol BYC, the Lark trophy tor first PCC to flnl.lh and !he BYC trophy tor a«ond on correct- ed time; Dr. Berlin Hall, LA YC BAIT TANK Pier flahermf'n at Newport hav" what It takei. Day after day theae boys drive many miles wall- lng for a bite, or aa they put It . waltinr for the run to start. Tht.> lut eo-ealled run wu back In ti--te. The Fl.sh &nd G&me abould bluah in shame for chargtng three dollars to wet a line. And .etllJ no &euon on mackerel. You gueM&d tt-flahlng Is lerrlble on the Newport P k>r. Weather ellll good, live bait fine. ENSENADA RACE -WINNERS . Long Distance Racing Rules President of Mexico Tropby-CIA88 C Boats MARA-Barney Huber-BYC MEDLEY-Dean Harrel-LA YC PRIMA VERA-Paul Hurst-SBYC A set of new trophies will be awarded for the f irst time to trophy for lhlnl con-ected time ln "Round Catalina ls~d" race winners, when Balboa Yacht club holds lhe, yawl Suoml; I. 0 . Beall of it.a pttsl!ntaUon dinner next Saturday night for t~ rac~ held April 7. BYC, hls 6wn Brea.khe&rt trophy for fil"8t Island Cllpper to flnlsh, In the boat of the aame name. The t-ve nt. ,wtll al.so include the honoring ot Enaenada race win· ner!C of the lnternalkmal conll!l!ll w-hlch started here May 3 and ended Commodone Harry Blodgett wtn11 the BYC member's trophy, a. new perpetual, for first in the arbitrary handicap clau in hla Governor of California Tropby,......O.,,,. B Boats ANTIGUA~Hal Ramser-9YC MICKEY-Lawrence Barr-SDYC ln Ensenada Bay. • Hut>E'rs. father and aon, won the President or Mexico trophy for first • LORR bpat on corrected time. anothe r one for tint on cor· rected time In Class C. and the NOSA trophy for tir.t of heavy displace ment boa.ta on corrected time. All this In their llUle double ender. the Mara. a 32 toot aloop designed by B . C. Huber. Also to be honored for Erutenada race succe58. will be Hal Ramser who took the Governor ot CaJifor· nia Trophy In hla PCC Antigua for first In Cla.sa B and a.l.ao the Ket- tenburg Trophy tor flr1t PCC t o flniah. Heber Erlk.aon. laat year's overall winner in ht. K-38. Scan· di&, will be given a hand for being th11t K-38 to finish lhil year. ketch the Suakind. While eltting In the Newport EULALIE-Geo. Kettenburg-SDYC • Vice Commodore Cob v er• e Tackle •lore, I heard sevcra.I good Wurdemann will prnent the tro· Bllrf tlahennen moaning about oil, phlee and a la.rge attendance la dirty water, no ea.net era.be, and expected for the pruent.atlon din· many other things; but bolled C.t&llna .Wlnnent ner and program to follow. down. we Jwit don't have any tlAh. Around Catalina laland winners Maybe spoiling the kelp bede Mayor of Ensenada Tropby--ClaM A lioata SKYLARK-Don Ayres-LAYC LEGEND-Cbarlee Ullman-LA YC SPARKLE-Alex Irving-LA YC ABBITRABY CLASS wbo will take home a beautttul doesn't hurt. yet lhe favorite old aet of trophlu a.re Kenneth c • T h apola ht-hind those beds are .,, dry Schmidt of LAYC, v.•ho reta the I ra1g . rop y a.a • bone. Right you are--.urt Jamea Cagney i.rophy for first to flahing la bart nna.h 1n Hll&rl•: H•be• Erick.on Chal lenge Made tn ••ven d•y•. two 1uge •pol· ftn croaker have bt..-en weighed tn. F'or the size c rowd, the bay l8 certainly 11tlngy. Rowboat or bank by Ed S•imon··,s fl•hlng Juot uen't hilling. Maybo l!Ome purse aeint'.'rs sneaked Into our bay. At flf'&sl. we can't say Edmund J . Slmonlll of Lons the water Is too k>w in the bay. President of U1tlted Statee Tropby--Ous O GALE-Gale Ford-CBYC FAIRWJNDS-Balley Brandt-SWYC KUKRI II-Jeanette Baird-V¥C Governor of Lower Calif. Trophy-Class B KELEM-David Commons--CBYC SPARKLETT-Richard Da.ocltner-CBYC LA RUBIA-John Callery-NHYC Mayor of Newport Beach Trophy--ClaM A STELLA MARIS-Robel'( Forkner-SFYC GULLMAR-J. G. Johanson-SDYC ECTASY-Gene Bolln-CorYC Special Awards and TrophiM 1st Divided Rig-NYYC Trophy-SKYLARK • Beach, oWner of the 28-foot sport Barge fishing for one fellow ft.Sherman "flolloa." h&a challeng-Tueaday w a."! a k ick~ He went td Lr.wrence W . McDowell for thl' hom" ca.r rylnh a 40-pound blue Jamea Ct'alg Trophy, according Lo shark over his shoulder as It it C. Jang Brugman, chairman of were a marlin. Halibut are doing J.he Crulaer Raclns Commlaslon of their be.et, but the mackerel eeem the Ame.rica.n Power Boal Aa-to be down yonder. Bait excellent. 90etatlon. The live bait boats operating from The 1951 edition of the Jamee the pier report alow, but proapecta Craig Trophy Race, lbe. predlc~ ~tter. The boat.a down the oout 101 crut.er event from Newport have ftnally hit-qic barracuda, Beach., to Coronado e.Jid return, where they U11Ually stay a wbUe. wiU atart Saturday, May 26, Brug-That awell lttUe lady at lh4' San man Aid. The •tarl for the aec· C"eniente Pt.er phoned ln Tueaday. ond or return, lea of the 140-mll' Thia I• her first bit or excltemenL open ocean nia hM, ~ .. t r°' The tJr.i boat In bad 211 bvra- Wedneoday, May ab.' cuda. Thlo . spot bu three clally 1st Single Mast-Sec. of Mexi<;an Navy Trophy-HILARIA 1st Heavy DiBplacement boat-NOSA Trophy-MARA 1st to Finiah-NOSA Trophy-SJITLARK . 1st NOSA Slcipper-NOSA Trophy-SKYLARK 1st PCC-Kettenhurg Trophy-ANTIGUA 1st Island Clipper-IC Tro_pliy-PLElADES lat Coron&do YC boat-ECTASY , . -· . Lut Boat to Flnlsb-NOSA -:rropby-NO.MAD • M,cDow.U. manartt of Loe An-boat., but ¥gbt crowd&. during .. .i.. l'&dlo etatloft Nrox, .. • the Wffk. Do.It utn nu.. Tllelr PlZAD8 NOT G UU.TY t~tfne wtnner 0( the J~es barge will ~ back ln operation Jean Thomn.An, 20. ot 125 Stanley Bill s.ifYIYes Vote_ Cr&Jr• 'troi>by, opoNIOred by tbt lbl• week end. Phil C&rpenttt and ~ NaUOnal A-x:l&Uon of Engtru, tbe boys «r1Aln'y duuw crtdlt Apt.. Ave., Balboa lalan.d plead<d and Boat ilari'llfetuWr--Mc-for .. 'ri.n&' the ~ ud boat. not guilty to cbarpa of petty Dowell flrot ""''" tllt 1'vl>bl' In during tbe Jut '"""'· ll'or tbe tbeft In N••i><" -ch c;tty court .uoim~ Earl 8tanJey ot !Mt wtl.ll hi.I • M-fl>ol • "Veialee latoo, c&ll San Cl..,.lllte. "5. Mond&J' and a tar'J tl'lal WU eel --aw llllo Id d Ip• -a;;• W)len 'Ille ,Quaker Co. . .......,t tor W-y. May II al tbe city ed to keep ..,. ,.._ .....,.. ft:<>nl ll• ~t«I Illa Ylcton' -oul the COut eann..-,. to Qt lllat c:oa1'l. • • , ' rullla« wltblll 111-mllef ol Or- ,_, with U.. -bJ t11m·· well known l&IJel; t1>eJ re&lly Her twer •P~. "IC. R. -°""!IQ''• -••!ae. ~ • hti' In an euw of ilal7 eM t<" meut ~ Earl 8~ Brandt, Ill Clout JlllltwaY, CO--toil la Ille --bly -t. P>lltntt .Nldoolle ol Bur-pralloilly -· hy ...... tut -"""' del lllir, c:Mrpd .-the-'lM _...,.,_ ...... tM Mak. call(. fk' , .. -·-In ~l -tbe --do....: Wiien -. -& cleri< In ...... !up ll)lt boala ~ -~ llOO In tbe 40 -.,._..,.,,.. ir,• -stt an -f'lllt. wl a.-~ oloft. ajt.red a -llllp n-.1ar ~ ... Ute .._. wttllaaenarofl..JI,..~ 0--. tl!tnp will be dlf-!:..re"",ue -:-.:.~t ~l~ P'~'ei ~~ ~ la &jldltlon lo ... ,_ QaJr fereGL Olio tb&t -'t, Ulltllr. • ---.. _ • ,_ Ttofllt. U.. Ooe q ·to T-chi' -0oU&t-. -'<• ~q wl tibo W etolon a oa A,rtl I. ..,P.. tllf ..... w•W 1 I a Jll'°I wt& pr111al-...,... fw U.. ftl'llt doS' cw tutUtMr. tMit j~ ft& 1 for rw:an-.aMtaW .... Mns'xs ll!f •af the,,_ 111111 tbe•&.o!nc -i-,. -a --\no ol IOCIAL ..._,~ ·*' l lHG i!J-At l""IJ n V... lo,, It" -Tadlk ~ - • ·-!loll to!rlar a -U.S. j..t aloof • Cllu1le Brow wtD -ta tbe Ci:>ea& -) p -tllo -boetl•<wl,k-i111.._. u.e •••·, n Jlllt .cunl'• tbe "':f:.• -o1 llDMI Jaroltbe-WOIM.eaorr ....., • Ills ........ -..... -... ,.,.. ... - -Ill l•:IO ..... la --i... ..,.,It> ol ..... ' IM~ - ... lo,_ --...11ie1r ....... W -M 'nT, 1187 ·H,-out af ....... ~•a, ,a .......... .,_.. .... -... -n. ..-.. ...... ....-.. , ......... 11111. • • • ·~~~w~~ ~a Gltt ilii!'ld6k aroW!d. FREE lfRAPPING ZB\IJCZ MAD MOORE'S [CASH & CAR RY BALBoA BOULEV+aD AT I NURSERY Uot STREET, NZWPORT Flo,leri ng f1a nts • f~-MeT~ER:!~ ~~/4 Y • HYDRANGEAS GLOXINIAS · · · · CAL~EOl.4RIAS · . • • 1 75 • • • • • • 200 • • • 135 2 25 • 225 150 SA~NT PA~U~S · ·r PLANTS IN FllOWER .., low u lOc each • TIDE TAlt.I · mou LOW ll'rlday .. ··············· 8:18 Lm. \ .,., 1·1 . ·---·······----·---·\_-saturday O:fl a.,m. f.l ',;23 L m.. May 12 , -·· .... ········-····-----·-.. Sunday 1:68 a. m. !.t 1&:12 ,. m. May 13 9 :04 p."" S.& 10:11& ..... Monday 3 :40 •• m. ' &.7 11 : Ill a. l'IL May 14 1:11 p. m. 4.0 ·-·-·······--· Tuead&y &:05 a. m. 1.7 0 :00 .. m. . May u &:S4 p. ftl. '·' 11 ;47 Lm. Wednesday 8 :13 a. m. S. T 8 :46 L m. 'May 16 G:M p.m. '·' 1%:21 p.m. Thursday 7 ·11 a. m. 3.8 1:25 a. m. May 11 7 :20 p. m. 5.5 12:&8 p. m. J @) (f e FlliS1I f'ftLL I.AM'. #ft" QUAJl'l'ER l\tOON QftA.RTt.:R MOON May 13 1iny 27 May 20 June ' BALBOA TRANSFE-R tO. . . . . . AGENTS FOR Beacon 6553 l~tl Stora9e Local and Nation-wide Moving C. E. Mc:..'JE:L -19:1.a HARBOR t'J.\'D. -G. ('. BE:-C"ll<CWl."'l''l'I' SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIFICATION READY MIXED CONCRETE H9 WHit WllMln ( tH-twN-n Xf"\vport and Harbor llttlf.) ('~tn i\J-a -Phone Beacon 53.ffi • 0.2 -· OA 0.4 l.t 0,4 2.S O.& 1.& O.& 0.7 o.a j l ;;;::::=====-. ·================--· I 10°/o Disco~nt on Any Purchase r BA YSIJ~~~;i~ARKET 'I Fresh Fish Daly from Ow Ow11 loots! ~l'l:rtAL SMAU, 75f I r\BALO~-.; S .. EAKS -... LB.. I I ! ! !800 Lafayt>llto on the Bay NEWPORT llarbor 6l5 I ~i THE WIND STOPPED BLOWl>i<I! !=====~===================--==---:-< LO~ Your ~ Way! It you'"' plannitlg a trip anywhere, chancea are'"' can mate it more enjoyable with one of our great new trains. Our streamlined Beet, shown below, now ofl'era the ruRion'o ..... rail oervice. • Chair Cars on Southern Pacific's modern strellmlinen have been built with y<>ar eomlori the lint consideration. Du.t-free, dnft-free aiNlondltioftin. No-1tue ftuo"""""1t ~ting. Soft-u-a-cloud foun-rubber -tll. Lota of Jes room and move-around-. Ema large wind°"" Feetber- -i. doon. Spacious wuhrooom. :n..t'a why Chair Can on Soathom Paciftc atirwnJINo -111e moot lUmrioua ''*"' o1 an 1ow-coet 1rm-utian. 111\mfl .. 1111--.1111 Siii ..... -· ........ ,_'"' __ ••. ,.-.. lnlflillflW !WI H's 71 171 . ¢ ............. , .• , 12' ,,... -.i1m111 .•••. ' lit ...... _ -rrm .............. .. .... ~ tHAM.n, ......... IOJ It. M• It. MllfA W PIL • • • IUST A IAaJ -:-... Mil!! -.... , la the . ...,.._ ........ si.,io .. ·-,... flllttb flits I• En- t(': ..... ~ • .Fttdiay to wlR tAe 'hte~•ttc • Yedd. rw trom ~etrP.c>tt U.11Mi1. CllH'ff•• tn fof'f!-_... ........ _-IS af ~Ila. '""""". •ea by ""°"" ! -.... I .... . . . _,, mGR MAN ON nu: TMUf "POLE "" .... ,. ••'-tins~ -Donald Ill. """' ,,;)1- M-foot y&\\'I SkJ..,ll, fl,yt8.s the Mrif'!e of LAIY.C. wa. the four tto"'1ee l.n fon:ctotmd. Fn>m Wt lhe trophlet •.re: ~ a"'N tor rtrsc NOSA JMl&ber i. natsll: t' NOSA trophy for first Mt kt nnbh; the New York l'acllt club i.ropbJ' for tint dl..aded rte to nnlsh; M\d Ute 1\la)•or or EJne-.1a trophy for tt,._t la dMs. "A.I' Tile sett~• ~: IUeli&rd Ft11ton~ re~ttnc 0oW!ll"'Dor Warrea of CallfomJa at U. prMe.ftt.atiort: !)oft ~,...., lhrr.J O. Mc Ktnne,,1•, Ir .. pftilldd@:eC of tbe NO!IA.. "P6M-ors of tbe event; &ad Olff <..'lulpman, e-tt P""lclt-•t of N'OSA and Cor:runodore of sbl' A. Mt. Ayrt'!ll 111 the P!'M'!nt Commodor~ of tltfi Tram-Padttc Yacht. club tUld Skyiark wtU tJie an f'ntry tn the fortboorqbac Honolulu race. (Photo \,y Beckner) PILOT CLASS DINNER ' ENSENADA vtsrr GEOliGIA RELATIVES Men or the Pilot clasa of Christ Mr. and Mrs. Richard J ones of Week end vi31tors at the home, Church by the Sea will iterve a Newport Blvd. and Mr. and Mrs. ot Mr. and Mn. J ohn GUI, 1936 chill bean dinner ton.i.ght tThurs· Burl C. Grow of Abbie Way, Costa Orange Ave., Costa ~tesa, were day} to women of the claaa, with Mesa. enjoyed a. week end outing their nephews William Country- an apple pie rtna)e, C>nly one gueu at the Hamilton Guest Ranch, 120 m11.n and David Oventreet of Ma- u lo wbo cooked the dinner, but milu eouth of EnHnada. ICuico. con, Ga. The two young men att at leut the men wUl do U.e d1ah The frlenda repor.;t a wc:nderful ataUoned at the U. S. Naval wuhing· afterward. time eoutlr.,...of the border. Trabting Center, San DleJO. \ • • 71st Ann·i SA L V A'G. E E;E K - •# • -· • MAY · 14th TO l 1$t~( ·:t9~1 ,:-·, -· I ·. ·~ ,:,•~. .' ~ -... • '' -• 11 71 years ur unbroken ee"Jce to needy l111111idi1t;. lit' ~~(Jll J~; iit . the l3ftlva~ion Anny. 1t wrtei. teie?af! and lliOn...-~ ~-·''t!Cll!illl --'to reed ' ' ' I .• (-,• ' feg.111u race or c . · · _, . · . . •. ,. _ .• , •. ~·- Used clothing, ·~hoes, funi!~ ~ app-. ~~i"r:tit·~·--·-· ne1'8p8pel'll, !tt•!luinee irid ~-~=·--B~.~---. by the ·Salvation Am1y's' ~al ~e . ,' . , ,.' W'~'itir·~?!~ :; ;_ program of rehabilitation. . . :1 ' ', ';·(;.·,.Sf ·'""~· .\ ·~·- -· • • ... ~ -• • ·;. 1$ ,; • .. ... • . • I + •."I '-! Discards •hich yc>u dona!.~ last yeat enallled tlil! ~ ~.-O,Mw ..etting tl!.18 area to pi-oytde 228,000 bouts of *cld ~. 91,TIO tMt.. sale me&hi, 18,5116 ,warm · bets llltd flllllllcl&J · ~ to llt~ llild h~PP,!ld men. ' Help 1lfl to help out fellolJ fDiu\ In _IMl!d. ~ ff•lllw d _ltit ~ 6*Watloll Army Red Shle!li . trutll lb eaJI 1i\ ,.,.. "°'* tit .,.,_.._lilt yotlf' eut--0tfs. · J • I " ~r t_ PHONE : H~AIOR: 1 ot~• . ~ .. .S~lvation .Army . S:a~_:v .a :g:e ·week MA y I 4fli THR~~'. i ~fh' i . . . . , .• , i -I ... ~ ' • . I l - . .:·1 ·?d Rast~-.. !Jtuollne ~ . maltes "'II .. " . . . " . .. • , ! ' , " .. ) • \ • I I '--:-C:-:':~-.r~~~"=,..,....~~--r7 •--,--p-~-,_, ...... -,..,,~--·---:c=-~~-~~~,~·..-;:-;:::-r~r7~-:';"-;;-;:;-~r-o--::--;:--:::"-:--:;~~~--:--:-"~~~~":"""'.:"":'"'"'::""!~:"'!""'"."!'"'.'!"::!"!~ ............... ~ ........... '!'9 .... "'I • • • • • • • • • • -.Newp· Ort W. SCS PT A_ BQa~d Studi4Js j .AHenJs Luncheo~ Sc~I Board . ·. 'j Ft~tlay: ,Evening lebe~ahs -lniHate Pa -Drive and lor P.-T. A. Board C.ndicl.tes at Bridge Play New Members l'nstalls Off"1cers ew School Plant ICra. -x. --1116 Civic League Meet Jin. -'I.---x .... ----- -Olp a.-, of •11111, • -·&------.J--....... - -- I omc.n were lnolalled liol,llal ~of UM....., U· wbo llu ...-for two,..,. u Tiu.. Qndldot.M for U.. ... Potty llMA--&. a. -"°" -Wd llJ' IDl'WloO latO memllen alped ..,..Ice CU ecutbo_ bo&l'd of Coot& M-LIM-praldent of Conun<11n,..it11 Pl'A., montary eebool bo&l'd wU1 be p,... """" lllP oeoron -th ID COot& Iii~ Rebekah lodp ..,.,_ FAC , . .,.'rfj ', . tor.Aho comlnir year wb -~ berC1J-Barper PTA tool< -piaee 1"" 1.nir.i ... OD Tueoday ...... aut . -Ille Wom..... CIYle Uio ~ .. -..pm• bold In It ftltt ., 1 With 1'-'Onad . \.:;AT' tcers I · meefb>g of Ille cburcll~ar WU TUNc!V, 11&1 1, ID Ille bomo of farewell lun-for hU bo&l'd ~ moeto Monday at 10 Lm. -Wl ftld&J 1.-..nlnl(. . Bertha 'If~ pr .. ldlna:. to·• be -lnst•lled #' held w-...ia, by the WSCS of Mn. J:11nor C!arr, :l80 -ben at Brot......t Coultf)I ID Wiil.ie' ca!e, -Wand -...up eut·wwt .._ Mr. Oollaa, dalaieoi 1D4 -t -u Cl!rlat Cllurcb by l/le Sea. SL The pup cllacilaoed the ,.~r d.Qb, of wblcb loer b\lli.nd II lntrodUeod will be 0 . z., Robert· &lld 111,,._ EclWln 11}11-er; Mr. ....,.. a~vely arranpd to -. Tiie Ooota ,,_ l'riOay The paator, ~-Thomae ~n· drift Wltlcb. the Pl'A la eponool:IJlg 'boor<! pl'MldenL OOD, fS9" Heliotrope, lncumllellt: iJld Mn. a-p Ma(l'Uder: Mn. orate the ball. Opal <lOodpr /,_, -· Club _.111 bold .!Ja -i~ 'dell, addreued l/le afternoon ..,.. todo,y lMay 10) end J'rlclay, May Among-the 42 p......,t WU Mra. Robert Allen. IH Anade, Balboo; u....,, 1£f1•rt and Mro. Robert I.be Belleville, ~ lodp """ IMOtlr\I' of ~,.U ~. '•Ion 00 the Paroble of the Pol· 11, proceeda to be Uled for tho Lucille Balley, 22111 Cbann•I Roo4. and J..,,.. Ray, 720 N....._ l\09: ~-a-p Can-oil a"4 Mamie ~·tore from llbolton, u, t· 2 ~ ~ ter. Mn . .J. A, Bodman 11,.. Ille dentol health procrem. Penona Balboa. After luncheon JUHLo Con>na clel Mu. Election wlll be tlra. Mlldted t.-,tle; Mr. and llCra. WIMllllJlston WIN Wtkomed ai oaf Utt6a.;, ~-il ·111.-...ia ..: devoUonal talk on "To each ..,. wlablng to -In w. project vlalted Ille MW Zuckmn&n home on May 18. • R . M. Walllnirfonl. ol -.t.te loleote. cram ·Will ... ~ bS'J &ro. cordlns to hla ablllty .. ¥n A are requeoted to ho" Ille popen now,..i.ler ..,.,.._UOll In Bofttly l!Jra. C. O. -ldt<k, proirram RllNM!f'll'up nortll·-th .....,. .Alma ISlacll, .Ulle a.,,.man ~ J . Rutter ang_ "Hsv• Thine Ow.; Ued, They may be left at elU-Hill.I, codlplote Wltll It. own bomb cJl&lnnaD, &loo 'w1ll preMnt a Mn. a. M. Wt:.&' and AnJold al!d Henl1etta Monkman were ,.. ,:~..i"'"'' . . :Jf .-.iJ: Way," accompanied by Mrs. Llnllberp or llatper ecbool. P'or llleltlr, awtmmlnr pool ..,d .to-llpoollH-. Oto 1t: Jen. Jfesu J""-Md pOrtC w. i'lnt nomlnatJona fo1' -Anion •-"-~ Homer Gould p!ckup, Phone Beacoa 811.S.W or d!o ck-voted to clul» a.cUvitld of ~ for 1 Un c be on kJa. ArDOJd 0..-·; 1fn. A. W. bOW. IJ"Md, vice rfand, ~ ~utr Rut.h ~UN. f _a L I Serving an~lher term a.a prul· Bet.eon en2-w. Ill mtat..ru.._ \ llliOlJJd be IBIM!• at Rari>or 184.1-M. TU:riuftti a.nd Mrs. Joe WUooa: ~ abd t.rff.Jnittr were Mid. I ...... dent will be Mlaa Clara Kohlatedt. It wu announced that on May There will be a motor pool tori Mta. A . Q . Doelbuf'f &Ddl llfra. .Announcement wu made of Ute • Other o!flcera an: Mn. A. J . Rut· 17 .. 7:~ p. m. In the .Main Ne'"' Officers . for Corona cr.1 Mar women and "l'Y" llobirt lltvwn: ..... c. -dllltic:t ptcnle to be held June 10 Dod llu .n.-s. Wa Ill • AY, MAY ·10, 19Sr • ss ·:.8 .. HIR'tDAY COS'fA MESA - 'STA110NERS -~BLVD. Br·MD .1111-B ' I ter, vice·prel'ldent: Mn. Kina &ehodl auditorium Supt. 9verett " one dMlrlnt LranaportaUon aboUld an4 Joe WUco1. \ In In1ne pe.rk. Each family la to -;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;-;;;;;:;;::;;;::;I;;;;:~ Ives, • recordlnir secretary; Mrs. Rea will conduct • forum on th• Las Amigas Circle . c:&ll Harbor ~J. _, -· with coffee .,., Ice .. Leon Fuguson, tr8Surer. Secrr-new ICboolll to be eonatructed ln C cl'tillb tU:nailbtd by one of the -..J_ I ~=~==:;:=~=ii:'::==~ tart .. are: ...... John Ptlochner, Coot& Muo. All porent. of Coot• Lu Amlp.e circle of Cbriat MESA llBIDOll GllOUI' Community ent~r lodl<'I: An atl.eftd&!>ce of -•ral :v::0.~llil~..... Ir aplritua.J Jite; Mf1\. J. A. Bodm&n, Mesa School Dtatrlct chtldHn an Church by the Sea WSCS eJecltd Purple IN df'Cked the home ot S , D S t hundred 11 npected.. Aft::n ., • IUpp'leo; Mn. Ray Bak•r. promO> uqed to •ll•nd. otrlcera Wben they rn.t TUHC!a,y Mn. Harry c. Bur-dick,= M•c· pr tn g a nee <'! • At, t :llO p. rn. MAJ 14, • pot llilA.ft ~ tton: Mn. May Delnlt!r. chlldren: Mn. lack Ha.nil, new president, ewntnl' In the Ba'boa homt ot noU& a"nvt, Con.a MMJ, when l9Ck 0 8'1-ppt:r ttJT Odd F•Uowa &hd s"ftAM ~d P11m111111r .,, .. Mrs. Elate Hargrove, y0uth: Mr•. WU g:stied with a lovely blouae tor ra. Thomu PendeU. the aeuk>n ahe enlerta.lntd at JUneMon lut The Lamp1i&htfta club of S&nt& ltebi!kahl w11J be he!J In the hall. 1 El•le Salter, •tudent; Mra. D. w . her to wear while attebdJ.n&' the belng opened With Gt"YOtlons ey week for bet brtdce club. lnflud· Ana are announcing a aprtna It W'U announced. BSFINISIDNd HoJtby, mtutona; Mrs. T . Hord PTA convention at Bah Diego. Bettina Boardma.n. ed were Mmetr. Ray Wallace, M. d&nH (lntonnaJ> to be held Sat-Birthday gl'eetinp were aung I See'Jey, tociaJ relaUona: Mrs. Refreshment.a were se~ by . Named to 1erve for the coming J. Hoat-etler, Wayne Pickering,, urday, May 12 from 9 to 12 p.m.1 to Gertrude B;dlck who wu cete-· '\Ylnitred l'ounr. kJc&l 'actl~ltJee; the tw>mae to llM .tollo*1ng of-chtin::h ,-n.r wert: . kaUttttne Uomer .M.UOtt &nd Sam D. Craw· ln Santa Ana Commulty Center, brattng her natal annlverUry on y Garvin MOiie C:o. .... in ............ c..tooct w ... Mn. John V'Ren lkeratUR· Mill ticen and chairmen. Mmu. Prli-ShJekla, pre.tident; Phytn. Green-ford. Mrt. lfoctetter acored high, 1104 w . 8tb at.reel. MU.Sic will be that day. • -(Fo~erlJ', ~ Nelrtav!J C.11 IHcoft uu.w ¥1.tie Newland. Jtattia at •omen. e!Ula Rapp, fltith Rapp, lCmm~ lee, .,1~pretidmt ; V'W.let Stone-w .... Pk?kttihlr tatok' 9eCOOd prizto by Bill Blrchettf and hJf ' dance The refresl:irnent 'committee ln- 'there Will ~ a trainJnl day for Stowell, Barbara Stevena, Georrla back, teeret&rJ; Eva Farnsworth, and Mn. Mellott "°" cOMOted. band. TlckeU Wtll be tt .2~' each. eluded Anna Watktnl, Gertrude •'16 Newport Blvd..; Coat. Lido Plambins ~ ·-Dt>w ofttcera later 'lri the· month, Hudeon, Ge~ My~ Je&ri de~aUonaJ eh&Jrman: Dolly Cbh· For turther lnfonnatlon call Har-Watklni, Eetelle C:aver and Pau-Pboae Beeooa li1~ the old board meeting wtth the Bertulelt, Margaret Andenon, Ma: yer, friendship chalrman1 Lllll&n Dod&"e 'has moved. Watch It~ bor ns..R. llne Rains. • · 1 new one. bet Quarry, carol Hohl, Betty Loe:-Owen, miaalonary cNllrman; J f!:an Dodp baa moved. Watch It! TaNda.J Banque.t . Hr, Nettle Steyens, .,orence McDonaJd, publicity. --- Chamberlain, Dalay Kitt.JI, Joyoe Plan. were m•de COT decoratiJ1g . The b1udnum tneeUJaf wu held flo"'-•• J-~· Hlht"'y .,.,. .. _...__.. ""' eo .......... _., ""-"'"' .. ' .-,,-..,.,.. the cborch for a comthg Wedc!in"" ~ the momtng at Good~JI hall Jacobs, Minnie Cra.in, Wanna Rob-and memben: worked on acrap" with plan.a completed . tor U.. •-· and 0-~lnt H·~a ''.:!! ~n..i a.cTi • booka tor tbe irouhty h""""ttal. · Mother-J?aughter banquet, . to be ~,.. Mrvl!d at 7 p.m . Tu.esda.y, May Next meeting will be held at 15. All mot/lets end dau«ftti>a .... Costa Me"-a WCTU the home of .... _.Alden Doeaburg, Invited. Alao dlacuued wu the • 908 We-at Oceon rtont. Father-Son banquet alalOd for Meets Friday Friday, June 15. • Mrs. Margaret Long, 2811 Mesa Man Joins Sheriff's Stafl Announced wu ·\\'omen'' day at the annual conference to be ~eld June 22 at. Redlands. Mrs. Ray Baker and Mrs. MiJla lv""s will repreeent the WSCS while Ml.as Elaie Newland Will be lay delegate. Mis& Newland, president of Harbor Council of Church Wo- men, reported on W•rld FeUow- •hip day beki •t Corona· d«jJ Mar Orange avenue ,will be hoateaa to Coata Mesa WCTtf Friday, May 11 at 2 p.rQ . Sl'terltt Jamu Mu.eltk tflla WHk Mrs. Velma Cornpton, 1871 FuU· 1 announced that Ja.ck McAI~. 173 erton avenue, received memben It Del Mar Mreet, Coeta MN&, and gueet.a at the April meetlnc, bu Joined h1a: staff u a deRuty Mrs. Elin Myrehn, presldttt!.t, had tn the Juven.Jle c!lvttton tucCeed- charge of the buaineou. After de· lng Alfred Olithant who bu re.. votlon. led by Mr9. Ev•lyn alp~ to accept an appointment Thompson, a duet wu llUD.&" by Ln the count1 probelton depU't- Ml'I. Wlbna Myreftn and Kn. ment. Community church. Balboa llland cl~\e n1embrn .served the noon luncheon. Compton. Departmental directon: we~ heard In taJlu. vanoua at~ Uclea concerning drinklng were read by Mn. Thompeon and the hOllteas. AT 1''8 MEN COSCLAVll Six meo:mbera of the Newport Harbor am. t''• Mena and Y'• Menette.a Cluba attended the Spring concla:t'e of lntern&Uonal Y's M en'• Clubs heJd recenuy at Southgate. In the locaJ oon.ttngent were Messrs. and Mmes. Frank Dial, WIUiam 6urt and Robert 0 . Long. A unique demon•tratlon for col· lectinc dimes for the Loyal Tem- perance Union "'L!I given by Mrs. Compton., FIDl!:US CLASS PARTY Member9 of the Fldelis Cla.a, of the Coat.a Mesa Community church are look.Inc fortf&rd to HOSTS AT PALM SPRINGS Dr. and Mn. Stanley Chambers their cla.88 party, aet for Sunda7, of Lido !ale were hoat.s for the May 12, at Knott's Berry Fami. week end at their Palm Sprinp Tbe gi:oup will tea ve ttom the Jl,ome to the doctor'• staff ln h.l.s church at 6 :30 p.m. · ~verly Hi.lls office. The group I viaited Shadow Mountain club. Dodge ha.a moved. Watch It~ CIGARmES All Popular B ....... Carton $145 MOTO.R OIL RA~BI % tor !6c 2 Gt": 99 ¢ UD HOT 8Pl:ClALll I~ OllAMOD 5 '::; 25' • f'lll:!!B . "ot clwlla Valle7 CORM .. .. bolo ' . ·MB Whole lean COffll! ~~ 1riTv~';; . ... ,_ tb. 79¢ Colored OLEO ~:~~ .. ) ···---··-... . Jb. 29¢ SUPER SUDS SOAP Granulated for- CLOTHE8 OT Dl!llD:I! Large '1.7¢ ------ SALAD DRESSING (SALAD llOWL) SPECIAL Pints. .. ·----· 29; Quarto .... 49' SWAN Pure MDd SOAP " P10&-Be •. "' S'poe. 3 for n~ !!UGAR OUltED CO.RHED BEEF Serve Bot or 1 SUce Cold ......................... _ ..... .lb. 69' 8WIFT'S.PRDOUM SH!>RT RIBS 39¢ OF BEU ------------------.......... :.lb. LEAN • llU:A.TV PORK STEAKS ____ .Jb. 4'1# SUCED IACON ~ -----........... lb. 41'· • YAMS _______ . __ 5 11oo. 19# . CllLllY ... ~--------·..111. 5' .... l .. !Ir'• POTATOES 6 ..:..19' ·~-· ....... 2 •• :19' • .BANCB ... ,.. ........ .. _,,. _,, .. _,,... .. Seven Initiates Welcomed into Job's Daughters Me mberahlp of Job'• Daughten. Costa Meea Bethel 1!)7, today •aa lncrea.aed by aeven Collowinc in- itiation rites at a mf!'eUng In tht F'Mday Afternoon cl ub. Honored Queen Carol Thomu pre8lded. lnttlated Into lhe order were Ctrof Ann Shaw, Carol Ann Cra.tn, Pat Ru.maey, 'JackoJyn De Loa R1oa, Patricia Nelson. Sue Thomaa and Jean Schlegel. Special gueata were Paat Honored Queen.11 Velma Pridham and Eleanor Ragan ot Be:th,.1 1~7 a.net Honored Queen Edwina. B&ket of Seki Be&cft. The Mother& Club preaented the Bethel with a beautiful silver Sf'r- vlce. RerreBhment.s of cookies, cottee and punch w .. re 5erved from a table decorated in the Mayllme theme. EIKtlon of officers and a &Kf"tl siater party wlU feature Ule next meeting to be he~d May 17. Some •O J ob's Daughters and lhelr mothetlll &.Uembled rttenll1 at the home of honored QUffn Carol Thomas In Costa Mesa, prO: ceedlng fl-om there to HollywoOd where they attendf'd a CBS rad.Jo broadcut. Phyllla BeardJJley waa ch<>Aen to participate In the Meet the Miues )lrogra.m fo r 1 the per· son who could talk lhe tuteat. The group a.iao attended the pro- gram It's Fun to be Young. After lhe broadcuts the girls had IWlch- eon ln vattout Ho~ty-.·ood re9'.au- rant.a. ·~~~~~~~~~~~-• IACITUCK • COFFDUU .. ~,,.~ ~ ... ' 6 ( 2 1 1 I I .... ....... y . 'f'\liit~ ..... .. •11 .... Cl I 11 ..... ' . -• «*I.a-· ,,. .. i ?' ... - • PEANUT BUTTER Riral Ronl brand. a luty )'itl economic.ti •ptttd for bttad. '~: 330 21:' 490 SALAD DRESSING DucMu ... made t~ way fafl'tOus chC"ft mtke salad dr~in11;. ··"j!"' 2t••j:." 59°'~'-35° . PORK & BEANS Van C.mr't... in lomato NIUCC'. Ju'-l open. hf-11. and ~r'·"· ,, .... ... 21 .... 150 ... M-ARGARINE AllS"•ttt Brand. Rcllocfll Prior ]().lb. n., " SUGAR 1-~lnt> OranulatNL Sp,.clal ! TUNA Torpedo Brand.' Orated FRESH EGGS Larp., 0 rade A. O&k Glen Bnmd r;:::::o-.~~---r ­llW ,lltll IN llEIN Cl11Elll Airway.· 1'fild I ~fellow 77 }·•· 2· 25 I.Ao c: ... . .... Nob Hill ~r:ts1~79° lclwarcls' Vacuum p•ct . --. ,~ .. ·cu • " Not · lust. a iew ·~~ Is" ' , '""'' ., •. ne PllCID 10~ If IA I • ·--~ ....... ":: ...... -. .. _,. ~~ ' ··-.·~ --~· We liked a phraM one of our customers uaed last week. She uici..he abope at Sateway because ahe gets ''&rpino by the booketfuL" Her remark •"!"• up our ptiCing policy in a nutshell You see, we set eve1y price right down at rock bottom. (Our profit laa.t-year waa leM then HI cents on each dollar we loolr. in.) Thi9 meau ,that every- thing you buy at Sateway u an honeat-to-good- neu value! Start today to make each basket of foods you buy a "buketful of bargains." It will · help'plenty if yOU've been having bUdget blues. MILD C SE ~-~ ..... 49° 'l'Olfl ~~pr;:: ~ 32° ~ ·i:..-25° MUGIBIRE. ~n:t ,~ .. 23c TOMATO JUICE =i -,; 10° T-lu.t like lrNh 1-0. (Cks. can. ttcl ao·tr•:a LDC& .MEAT~~· In lhe rne&I • bargains ... :;a1::~:i':°' you'll .6nd • hoa1 of LoOlc over Jhis list the~ meats •l lo,-prices. your nearby Safew~y. 54"'" by shopping ar SJIO · PICllCS ~ nliiiiiii1•11mous ~ SIJCED I 1 -•• :&&· ~, ----!~CJJlf Ga:n£· ... s·so •n •a In iay.,., SpedaJ pr1c. ... • tams i!'C.0 Siooo. ,;_ 43 . . . r...i-Pork. .. 0 ••. 42• I COINED ltEF HASH Ubbylbrend. Fqr quick mula. '!:" 4Jc For • dellcfoad1,.dl/fere11t nurin dttla Hroe Spam 'n' Ritt. I ' 5 .. AM u-u.44c 1 H.n.w.r. Mir.de MeaL c. ~ ~!a':Cot1'f'ed.1~ Jtc VAL (JES IN fAN/ff -fNESH PRODUCE Sliced lacon Gndea ~AWRS . lh. 39; IT r;....,. part)-wdtn. UH..----Q__ • -.!!:. . 29• . - You f&ll ,_11y fill your b&ottt with borp(Qa la tlie fre&b !nil · an~ Yegetable teetion at Safeway, where 1JUt1ity b rOps and pn-.,.. alwop 101'. - ' • SAFIWAY . •. , . .... ~ ......,....,. s ... 1 .. 53• I ,...._ - , 0.00 wro-J-. ' I (a..L ... , 17c)' Clnlclc' Roasi ,.~ Sf' ~J.--'-------~------­ Sli0tt Ribs G~ ~""*-i..JS# -I I SPI~ i SPll . . L.llL.-I , ,. , . _ Eloccllmtfor • • ,...._ 26• · -......, eef0 r_.n owt. '91!# 4• ~-111.: ""' . , . -raitedJSwt.~ ------ - HtPICl•nlit'a Aanb , ~.ifi;_-,;ff . O~ SOAP-;_ · ...... '· . . ' .. ,~ .. 2 .......... 79·· . nOtli l•U1 _, ..,... ,n~ ~ v-'·'"'"> ~ .. i..:r • ~ 4+ --.:...-..&--~,_...;.. ... ! .. ~ ...... , allF : :_. . ~ j. UIY r.RGlll-G•llSS ;.;;::r~=-: ..... ·e··. 3 _ -2a· • • • - "· ( ' .• • • • PAGE 4 -'PART LI -'· THURSDAY, MAY 10 1 • -SS :! Catholic Women of Balbpa Island to Forni Society When the AJ~r Society ot our Lady of Mt. Carmel and st. John Vlanney churchee met May 2 with Mrs. Joyce Sanches. 1440 West Bay avenue, It WU aug- jtested that Balboa ls.land women who attend St. John Vl&nney con- duct separate meettnp for con- venience btlt that U\e new l'f'OUP remain a.ffillated with the pa.rent eocietf. .. .• The work hall at · the -new church, 15th and Balboa Blvd.1 i;, nearly completed and dedica- tion o( the cllurc.h hu been set for July 8 when An:hblahop J . Ftancta Mcintyre. w'IU be preaenL A new charter wUI be given t~t> Altar Society and on May 18 Mr!I. Agatha Fernan win enter- tain at her Lido Isle home !or thP charter committee. Father Kiley and )Imes. Theodore Roblnl'. J . Arthur Taylor. Joaephlne Fee. Icy. Frank Rocco. Andre Duro- che.r. Leonard Perruzzi, Letl ()!Kelley and h erself. It we.a decided the u3Ual week- ly surnmrr food sale would be ln- 21.ugurated In June. luting through until August. Mrs. Taylor report- ed the recent benefit tea .at Bal- boa Bay club to be both a final't· cial IU'ld social succeu. AMlsllng hOflleMCs for the aJt- ernoon were Mrs. Robins and Mrs. Rose Morton. Mrs. Andre Durocher and Mrs. Fern&n pour- ed. China Missionary to Speak at Mesa Banquet The annua1 Motheor and Daugh- ter banqu1Pt of the First Baptist rhurch of Costa AteHa will be helJ Frldat.y. May 11 at 6:30 pm. Tht.> program will be pl"'e&ented by Daley Rolshelm and lri.s Henning, who will f>l~y a piano-organ duet: a readlng by Jillie Pat Smith and a.n accordion Milo rendere-d by Anne PinXley. One at the maln speakers of the evening wl11 be Mrs. Ednli Call. former ml~lonary to China. Othf'r program features are sched- Uif'd. Due to limited seating ar.ri lablt' space, only 140 ticket.a will ht> sold and It Is hoped that those v.•U.hlng to attend wllr"obta.ln their tic kets early so aa not to be. dis- appointed. Tickets mfly ~ had by phoning-Mrl'I. Jean Bertuleit. lka- con {W502-R . -Mother's Day at Baptist Church Mothers will be leading sub- ject Sunday at the First Baptlet Church of COflla MeM. For hie tlleormon at 11 a.m . Rev. P . G. Neumann will have for his topic, "Mother. the Uncrowned Q6ef'ri at' thf' UnlverSt>." At the evening worship hour at 7:30 the me.sage will be '1'he Christian Home." Spe-cial recognition will be given to the oldest mother. the young- est mother and lo the mothf'r having the largest num0ber ot chil- dren.• The mlxffl <'hair will sing tipecial numbera at the morning servlcf' while In tht" evening the Men'a chorus will furnish the mu- tile. . ,, Receivtng the Hand o! Fellow- ehlp lut Sunday were ·Mr. and Mr's.. William Lemon. Mr. and Mr•. E . 0. Polter. Ja.nice Potter, Mrs. Violet Forte, Mrs. Marh•ne Ran- kin. ~trs. Mary E . Chalk and V'io- la Sa.mpif'S. Pentecost Theme for Sunday Sermon The Festiv11.I of Pf'ntf'COl"lt wlll M ob&t-rved Sunday at the 11 a . n1. worship service In Newport Har· bar Lutheran church. Using a.a his text the account or· the coming of the Holy Spirit to the di.&ciples IL"' it is recorded in the Book of AcU 2:1-13. the theme of Putor Roth's sermon w 111 be "Pentecostal Power." The Cherub Choir, com- pose<t o! children from age four through the second grade will alng. "Jiply Spirit, Hear Us." Each Wedneeday evening at 8 p. m . the put_or conduct.a informal discualon11 on the tea.chlnp of the Lutheran chun::h for those ln- ttoreated ln tbe prtncfple.I or the Re!ormalk>n and the modem. Lu- theran church . The public la cor- dially invited to a ttend. HAROLD · 1. JO/-iNSON ~ BALBOA ISLAND OOMMU!>'lTY ME'nlOD,l!IT Clllllell 1'111 lie tkdlcaW ~1 at 1:80 p. m. by the d1atriet. aUJJert.teade•t. Dr. Haydea 8ean. Thia '8 M"Watlti clwrcb. wblcll tbe put.or. Dr. Ha rn Whitt"~ bu buUt dwt•i h19 mhlhltey and eecond alllce Ilk offldal retlremenL Located oa Apte Av~ the church waa ~Dtruct.ed ftom &11 okt •'tore bu l&dlq. (Pre a Photo) To Dedicate Island Church There win be a triple celebra- tion Sunday for Methodists of Balboa Ula.nd Community Metho- dist Church. Not only la It Mother's Day and annual observ- ance of Pentecost, but It will be day of dedication for their at- tra.cUve new church on Aglrte avenue, just acrou the str~t from the little chal>el w h i c h housed the consngatlon for 80 mA.n,¥ yeRrs. For Dr. Harry White. pgstor. It is the acventh c-hurcn which has been built under his 11upervia· ion. and second since hla retire- ment In 191.3. Dr. Hayden Sear11. district sup- ertnlendent, will be preaent and will preach al the 11 :00 o'clock service. Loren Whltf; 80n of the pastor. will be pre.ent u one ot the 801olsts. the other being Gra£e PoiMer. Mrs. Estelle Brown Mills will be org8.nl8t. Dedication services will be at 3 :30 p. m . when the cornenrtone will be placed. In It Is a box containins the hlalory of the church from Its early beginning 8.!!I a Sunday school; first and la.t- est church bulletins, and a list of members and donors. Arter the ~ice. for which the str-eet will be roped ott, women · ot the church will serve refrcsh1nents In Dearborn ha.Il. Fir»t church built by Dr. White wu &t Pico Heia:hta. Othe"r11 were at Covina, San.La Barbara. Pomona. Anaheim : and after re- tirement. La.kewood, City a.nd Ba.I · boa Island. Sun. Services for Mesa Methodists Sunday services at the Coata Mesa Community church will bt•- gln witl'I the church .school at 9:45, when a Mot.her'• day themC' wiJI be carried out In the youth a.nd adult worahlp. At tO ::w> morning worship begins with th<' organ voluntaries by Vivian HAt· mon. The choir will sing "Send Out Thy Light.·· by Gounod and "The Love of God." by Woodman. The pastor will preach on .. Muth era Are H omemakers Too." At 9 :30. evening vespers will be led by the coJleKe MYF. A fam- ily film strip will be shown la tht' attapel. Following the film, all younth groups will mttt In their' respective pl11.ee11 , going to mem- be.r llf>m e9 afterward tor a it0eu.l hour. Young Churchmen. to Be Host$ at . Convocation Meet Plan11 !or enlertalnlng Hotu1e ot Young Churchmen, Long Beach convocation at St. James church. -4 :00 p. m. on May 27. were made whe11 young people or the church met recently at the' home o! their adviaor. Mn. A. Alexander Ham- ilton, Eut BaJboa boulevard. M<>Ht or the program for the afternoon &nd evening will be given by the local group. Al.so dlacuued were candldat~s for the coming election of ottlcer11. thoec named beinl' ~ !or presl<kl1't. Pete Graham &nd Greg Wrlght:- !or vice president.. Chuck &f'ely and Joan Merrill; !er secretary treas.&rer\ Nancy MUJett and Bam- bi Hutton. Sunday Serm9n· at Chri$t Church H~rbor· Council of Church, Women Hold Ann. May Fellowship Day By Marpt>rlt.e QuaJTy May Fellowship day, aporut0rfll by the Newport Harbor Council of. Church Women. wu ob8erved at the Corona del Mar Commu- nity CongT'f'gaUonal church Fri· day anemoon. May 4. The alg· nlficance or Fellow1hlp day I.I to strengthen l he "oneneas" o f Christian wumen in their com- munities throughout the world. Denominational lines ar" forgot- ten. fellowship a.nd friendship are emphulZed. Mother's Day Sermon Subject a+ St. Andrews Sennon aubjf'Ct for Mothrr111 Day Sunl'fay morning at St. An · drew'a Prf"abytt'rlan cburc-h is "Bein~ Motl' Than a Mother" with \he pallor, the Rev. Thomu M . Glbaon, laking hia text tram Th<'me for this year W'a!'I 2nd Tlnlothy l :!) : .. When I rc- "Thank God for Work." Mrs. W . member the tears you shed, 1 long A, ).[cBrtde was chalrman for the night and day to Bt'c you again." day, Mi&1 Margaret Scharle. or-and have the pt"rfect happincsa of ganlat, and Mrs. Gfl>rge Fox l~I being remind~ of your: genuine the con~gatlonal alnging. Mra. ralth, a faith that would sel"m Leonard Har~avea and Mra. Har-flnt ln your grandmother Loi.a. old Fink had ch&rgf!' of regUtra· and In your n1other Eun1ce: and I tlon. The ho1t· putor, Rev. Paul an1 aure It h!I In you al&o." !Good; Babbitt, gave a warm welcome t •J speed lr1U1al•tlon I . thf" women. • · The c.holt will have aa a 11peclal Ml.sa Iru1e Boeom-worl.h con-anthem, ·· Song of Mathen" ducted the devotional eervt~ on (BorJa) .. "The Sa.c-rament ot Work." Mn. St_ Andrew" ls.Jlavlng a clean- Thomu Glbaon, lyric aoprano. up day on Saturday so th&t lhf' sang '"The Nlnety·ttn.t Psalm;· by grounda may be bcaull(Jffi ·(or James McDennkl and ''Oh. Lord Sunday momln~ Scrvlclf!H at.re at Moal Holy," by Ccsa.re Frank. 9 :30 and 11 a . m. Mrs. R. H. 88.ldwin. mez.zo ao-1 ------- prano. sang "ln My Father·11 S p• • leou• .... by Jem .. McO.rmld. Mn . I ummer 1cn1cs Alex Renner, a native of Hungar". -S A d gave a most.. dramatic account ~r at t. n rews the life and work ot women of lh.t country. F'init of the Mr~ of summer Mrs: C. G. "Waldeck, wh08C 1 picnic• to be h<'ld at St. Andrew'e daughtf'r ~nt many year• In In-'Presbyterian c hurch I" t ha t dla . brought an exc-l"edlngly com-I acheduled for Wednesday evPnlng. prChenalv~ 11.nd lntert"at1n~ ttory May 18 with tables lo be &ct on ot the life and work of. the wo-the lawn. mpn of India. Mrs. Paul Babbitt A new vulley ball court iJJ be- conduclrd a bc'autlfill meditation Ing ln.alall('(f as gift lo the c hurch, on "Ha.nW.." followed by the Join· and It Is f'XJ)('Clffi to bt> ready fo r In,: of ha.nd11 of th~ preeent 111tn~-play that nl1;ht. Thia will be tor Ing "Bleat Be the Tif' That Binds." adult.a. otlit>r gamea being a.r· &nd closing with Psalm 90: 18-17 1 ra.nged for childrt'.n. u a benediction. 0&me8 will ht-gin al 5 :30 p. m., Pu.tors and their wives pres-1 followed by thr pot luck dinner. ent were Dr. Harry Whllr of lhf' Afterward a color l picture, Dust Balboa Island Community Me:th-and Death\)', wlU be shown which odh1t : Rt'v. -.nd Mr&. P•ul Bab-will be specially lntrresting be- bltt of the ha.l church; Mn. Jo-cauae or acenea In which grunion seph Thompson. coeta Mesa com· •rf' belng caui(ht at Newport n1unity: Rev. and Ml"'a. Thomu Bc.ach. Cibeon, St. Andrtww Pre11byterlan: Rev. and Mr11. Thomu Pendell. Christ Church by the Sea and Rev. Herbert Roth, Newport Hat- bor Lutheran. Aa putoni and wlvea were lnlroducl!d members Congregational Church Service ot their COOCTtg&l.lon ·•lood with The Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt them. ot the Corona del Mar Commu- Mra. Wendell Hoyt. preeldent of nlly Congregational church will Capilla Circle wu tnlroduc~ and preach on May 13lh. Mother'• Day 'nnounce.d tbe M>Clal hour and at both the 9 ;4~ a . m . and 11 a. m . ~ellowahJp tea which rollowed. servlcee on "Whose \Vorld ls Thi• Pilgrim hall wu a bower of aprlng Anyway?" The ChaPf'I Choir will nowera and the tea table wu e:A· sing Clokey'• "God ls My Shep- "J)ecially lovely with la~ cover. herd" and the Ch&ncf'I Choir will llrt!Jl;tlc nower arra.ngement and •Ing "My God and I" by Sergei. 'lghtt'd tapera. Mra. Paul Babbitt I The prelude wPJ be R.'lchma.nl- Uld Mra. Thomu Pende!J served noffs "Melody In E" and Dlckln- Uld a m<>fit deUghUu1 and inform· 90n'a •"Reverie," while the' poet- 'll hour wu enjoyed by about Jude will be Hendr icks" "'POl!!ll- 100 gue1ll. The council preatde:nt. lud!'." Miu Elaif' Newland. conducted • .1hort buatneaa ee.aa:lon and an- nounced a meeting of Ule e:xecu· tlvc board in the near future. ... Whitsunday to Be Observed at St. James Salvage Week Starts Mondcty The annual Salvation Army Salvage . week drive will be con- ducted in Newpot Ba:ch next The ChtLIU&n FeaUvaJ or Whit-Monday • throusb Satul'day, wttll sunday tPmleeo8t) wb.k:h la the • sped&1 Oeet ot Red Shield btrlhday or the ChriaU&n church, trucb on hand lo answe:r can. will be· ol>oerwd at.. 1!t. Jltnjel !rom horn• and of(lceo. church with · the cde:bNUon ot Wffil&m H. Adams. cbalrma.n Holy Communton 1t 8:30, 9:IO, of lhe ·Newport Beach SaJTq"e a.nd 111 a.m. ln the church eakn-Wttk iommlttee, pointed out that 1a.r, t,Jl.&.. day ran.U wtlh Chrtat-cutoff articJee donated lut year mu a.nd Euter. p.ro•idede lhouaanda of ~n of Tiie cholra wlD prteent ..,_.,la! work therapy. m-il, boda and n- mU11k: appropriate to °* te.UV.1 nancl&J ,..-Lat.a.nee lo needy and at ~e 1 :30 and 11 a.m. •"1°"'-hand.Jcapped vete.ra.n1 and non- Tbe rector'• addrtea to~the dlurcb veterean. " ..-w\ll be on "Tbe Gitt of the He u,....i i-1 ,...klenl.I 'to Cail 8011 Spirit. -and at n a.m. 1>e win Harbo< 07151 to brintr a trui:k to pr.ell .., the teat: "I wW not pick up dlocardo. lea.,, 10U comforti-. • Btfa:. -D. Oltfotd. man· le the -..Jar coLtMa• lhlo apr ot the ooclal ~ .,.,,i.,: • -~ . . . • • E'nas Conference,· .-e1::::::.......-•111 ·~-·r.::l~'~~-nr --v.°: .... ,,. ... , ~ a.tJXcno:ir aonu. ' ......,_,. ~-__ ,...,!, ., ........ --~-riceat J n ·-.-:.. CL·-h las -"' ,._ .,...., u~ a: ......... llOW'-pr n••t, y ' •• --at ..... -."',.... a .. · ... •• ua,.. ... , ~ -. .., ..,,,. p. m. 1>aa ,,___ ... ...,,,.,,_ w , c1-. !IQ -. .,._.llltr ,,,.,... hd- . ~~-.. u.·---;-.: :;~:..:: r .=::::. :: =:.c.,.. ~ =..w aos;,~ :....t.l':i ---~------•-t_~ __ aa_p1...;!-11_11t_;_•"* __ at:.._1_:11_,._,.. ___________ or_u._dUb._ 1 • t · u.. -~1>. . -. . . . '+ }·' . --I , • ' 11 j. BY THIS FAI~H WE 11~VE • •I • I Ou11, As.socJATION is a ftllowshiJi of h111!141! beings for hUlll4n heiiw. e exist for the common man, for those ~ wo,.,.. «t)nomi:rt, and sa11t1. ~a~ tdll&lltoa, in ~fa of i14t1i11g, tnalees for savi11g, and llf!"'handisers of.home11_eads i11 he'/Jalf of families witho11t '{H>mes. .t . / OUR FA'ITH • , WE BELIEVE in Sat1ings and Loan Associations as institutions for safety of savi11gs, promotion of thrift, protection of &11pital, aiul tstahlishmtnt of homes. I WE BELIEVE in tht sanctity of tht home, in lht sturdy patriotism rent1ring in a home, in the right of 1wry family to 1arn a•d own a hom1, a·nd that th1 supr1m1 ~t of a'! Association is tht 11Uasur1 of its servi'' in t1a,hing thrift habits andma/Ung.fa111ilies int1eston in Ameri.a through inwst11unt in homes. WE BELIEVE a Sat1ings and Loan Association is a publi' trust, that all in its Sff'fli'e an trustttS for others, and that consent to any lesser strflift than public senJice is a t1iolation of our trust. WE BELIEVE that canful appraisals, sound inwstmmts, 'onsenJali11t1 iJiflidtnds, ample rtServtS, and adaptation of policy to changing social needs art fundanu'ntal to fulfilllnent of our stewardshil as a Sallings and Loan Associati6n .. WE BELIEVE that safety of sat1ings is the first r1sponsibi/ity of a S~ vings and Loan Association, that incomt and dillidtnds are st,ondary, and that any disbursement of funds ex,ept for safe i11,omt or the wtlfau of members and the community is indtftnsible. • • WI! B!LIEVE the Association that sert1es best, and the best desert11s suc,ess, holds honor abovt gain; cheris/Jts equal ethical standards in busin1ss and personal life; accepts and meets its nsponsibililin to its 'ommunity; respi,ts its shareholdtrs, its employee~ and itself; guides and advises its members .selflessly; protects the111 in the profits of thrift; gNards them in ownership of their homes; is fair with borrowers, patient with delinquents, but ntfltr negltctful of duty; serves all mm without bias of nligion or rare or politics; is not movtd by a"1bition for influence or lust for power; is not balleed by 'ensuu nor hough/by praise; is 4n Asw,iation of humanity, and of and for the people of today in the United States of today. ' .. ' OUR 'PLEDGE . ; • To this fa.ith Wt dedicate ourselt1es and our Associatio11. 1 n this faith Wt serflt and hopt. By it wt livt. . I • NEWPO~T BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC·IATION P . A. ftAl..MCR , ~•ll t QIENT T• IEA• U •I:•· 01 • CCTO It VICI: •• 11:• I DCNT•DI •c CTD. •••t •T•NT OA•Hll:lt IN9•COTOll . ••a•a• ecc•cTa•T c•o•aw AGODUNTANT MORI TIME TO SPEN_D 11lllkingyjr garden grow ... it's a gi,ft _from )<JUT •UCIRIC RANGEi . 1 MATl'IU!:!lllEll Boab--JioaK• Traba. hftplar ""l• llEAOON Mil c..1a11--eo. 1111 Newpott' ~ Tiie Rev. Tbomu P0ndell, pu- tor of Chria:t Cburch Sy th• Bee WUJ haYe U Illa Jl(ot.bers' Day .U~ Ject ':Debold Your Mot.Mr." The cl>Otr will •lntr the Nothera' Day Hymn C llarnaiJ and Nn. WUtto P'leldll will lllna .. a IOPl'UO -S...p • J11 llotMr Taupt Ille CDtOt&kJ: Sunc!aJr to oloo Motber'• day. reporUd Wt.t U..... lo alt ~ • Prayer,. wW be atftttd' boll> for ---clotblnJ, ftlm!bu:a, -motMn wbo haft .,tered -_........,, ndlao, ~ lie eten>&I and ~ wllo are llllll ......., oew-rw, ,,.....- .olN MU& ~ pi 11 1t. A ipeclal offerlns will and mlocel,._ artJdoL We p.. ~ m,.. Ibo ...,. Kr. and ~ Rai,ll W-and lie -lo ~..U. -.~ tllo il&l'GU... -"-J' -W look tt~ 11&n U...old.puta. ~.lflto..q..A.._ ,._ lllo•IH-·.WW. the ~af •••lw ~t ·--• . • • -lb' JolD.s U. Ooota -°"""' u.e. "''' .._.la tblo ..., u.e llclt ~ -llliow ·-Ka1pp &,Nell 1111• ma1tJ -c:1111rc11. 11 a .......... ~'IM ;,n-,.,. --~ proolde Qoo -• n JiRalR llJLK .. r-.Ille ~ JMllJo. 7 "" '""'-·~ -'" .. -at lo _ •• ,,, ... -·· ...,. N-JNk· -8 ; Ir ~ Daasli"'" lfu7' Ana Po • •-tlal ·-t. , OlllWd ........... . t•·.nm Nw,,..,. - -•. preparatory -af lloe '-----~~...:...:..;;.:.:.;_~~:.:::.;:--•:.!l·~,...i-.u.r..~ Dodp.,........_wata'n 1 "sat .............. ....... . . • ' , • ' • f"' 1 · I f I •••••••••••••••• Phone Co; Open Payme nt Office in Corona del Mar A n e w ' telephone payment agency has been opened tn tbe Crown Hardware Store, 821 Oo&et Blvd... ln Corona de1 Mar, tt waa a.nnottnCf'd this week by T . M. Ha.mbrook, manager or the P&· ciClc Tf.'lcphune and Telegraph company. , The new agrncy ha.s been open· fd ror t he con\l'cnienc~ of tele-- phon (' 5Ubscrlbers In the , Corona del Mar ar1>a , Hambrook said. eo-· rona J .. 1 ''"r t;Ub&c.rtbe rs who wish t. mu.lct> lhf'tr telrphone payments in pE'rson will not have l o trlllJla- act lhl'ir bus1nt'S3 at the Ba"boe telephon•· off ee. llllll1 brook sRJd that Oliff Lion~ bar·r.er, who f111 mf'rly headed the ~om pany's ai::-cnry al TeWlnk~' H ard ware Stor £> in C03la Mesa. 'W lli Ojl">'a :•· lh1· nr\v a gency in the C rnwR llRrd\vRrt·. Thcrc ore about '.:::fX)() su bM:ri~ Crs !k:'rv"tl by P acliic Tele phone in Lhr CoronR del M ar area, the manJt;t'r rovt·a!C'd. ~11t~. ~IAE R. ltfic:KEBY M rJ. Mat· B. Huck e by, 87. died Ma)' 9 in a Santa. Aoa hoep ital. A naliVl' of Kent ucky, she had r e· s ided.at 11 0 -31st s tre~t.. Newport for \the p:i.st three yt'ar~ .. She is E"urv1v<'d by her son, Harry A , H uckeby (If NC'wport Bf'a ch . Rosary will be said tonigh t a t 8 p. m . in Our Lady of Mt. Car- ine! ch lfrrh tuld nia&'i v.·ii l be at 9 n. m. Fr'd"Y In thl' c hurch. ln- tf'rmf""nl \\',I I bf. 1n i"luly SC'puJch rc ccn1t•trry w1lh Graut'I mortuary 1n chargt·. 1·' . .\C ART~ &: ('RAl''T!'c'I Planli .,_:-.. t•u111p ll·te fo r a d l'!'I· r.1·1·t t:ard put·ty lo bC' ht>ld undt'r lhe ausp1c1·s uf th(' art.s a nd crafti-1 !···t·t1 un of th · Cns~a MC'sa F'riday Aflt'rnnnn l:IUb 1vl unday, P.tay 1'4 , al 12 :~0 p n1 1n, t he· c lub hoUS<'. l'ic ki>l~ are ava1lab:c from any Ill• n1 b1·r. Tahll' and door p rizes "·111 be a"·ar{.11~1 M ~ l .. id a Con· ant. s•·t·l111 n 1hai11nan, heads the ru1nn11 lt1·1· 111 1 l1ar~1· nf arrangc- n1,.nl.s. Till' public i.s invited. J The Most Service 20 Daily Tripr EA.ST fro11J Los A11g~la in<l11Jiwg 7 "Fast-Thru'' E..-'<PRESSES C@iill · The Most Miles for Your Money There Are No lower fores/ - Chi cago •• , •••• S36.85 Detroit . . . . . . . 42.80 Washington, D.C. • 47.15 N ewYork, , • • • • 49.80 Boston • • • • • • • 52 .60 DeJ Moines. • • • • 32.45 Mionttpolis • • • • 34.65 New Orleans • • •• ~.40 ,.,,. tw...11- -... l!l I!!!· ... -.... - Mrs. C •. C. Swafford, A-• an <lout UIP"'7 · rbOae nr.coa MU I ¥ ¥ 4 U e * e a u .. • County fair Que~n Must Be High · School Girl: Tell Plans Plans wer e announced today tor s tart or a county-wldt> Queen Contes t for l«'lectlon or the fairest high achoo! glrl t o relgil over the 1951 Or ange County Fair schedult'd tor Augut1t l :'.>-19. lnc lualve, a t the for1n<'r Santa Ann Arm y Air Ba&e . P rc·l imina ry plans for t he contest ha ve now been comrletl'd, a c- cording to R. M. C. F\Jllt:nwldcr. n1anagf'r or the Orange Count y F'alr , and dist rict (':imlnatlon conttisl.'!: a re cxpect rd to gC't under way Orans:r County H igh school dur· a r11 und the coU.nty within the next lng the 19{>0·51 tf'rm and who len days under the general super -h&vt" ~f"n bonatld e rf'l!ident.a or the rhs t rlct for 30 daya prior to local v ision o r J oe Wallace or Santa j udging. Entrants must ~ unmar- AnA, who w ill bC' manager or rlM, muat no t have been d ivorced spt"t:ial c vcntlj for the 1951 fair. and must agree not to m•rry prior IA.S t y<'ar, 17 Ora ni::c cou nty to Aug. 20. 195 1. ProftMionRI c<1mmunlt ies sent c andldatt•s lo [ m0<t1•!inK f'X()<'ri encc will dlaquall- lhe f!nal.s. Brautlful He l1•n LouiM' I fy a candidate. Wf'ir of Anahr im Wll8 cr owned Gurat.. of Falr Qt1ecn. Her cou r t, t-omposed of t~e CDM Pair l Retum From Trout Trip Ernie kmtth. rea.l tor of 1205 Cout Highway a nd Capt. Donald I. '-tcKamy, USMC, ot 418 N ar- cLal!lua, Corona d el Mar, retu rned lMt week from operttng of t he trout M'&.aon at Lalr.e Crowley. The wealher wu p re t ty ruggtd. w ith about 6 lncht>a of snow and strong w1nd1 ma.king the lake Vf'r y rough ane r 9 a.m . sa'turday and flahlng was ~tr lc ted to the covea clOSI" Inshore. The we&J.h<'r waa c lea r with J11ht w ln<i!I up lo noon Sunda.y whc>n the wind twca me quite l!lt rong 11.g a ln and a 't boat.a• were for ced lo J;l'l off the lake. ' Th.t'y broug ht back 1 f trout wt'lg hing from 2 t o 3% pounds. QPly the w ea t her prevented both frt>n1 taking limit.a the opt>n1ng day. When the weather clear!!! the f l11hlng In Lake Crowley ahouh.1 be ex ct"'llf'nt. , ' . .•· !'If-,ea•mi DANC& TO .JCAD •"90tDT -Ill ond otptll snd0r9 Of ca._ de! IW\-~ ""''rt tile, 011_,,tui oc-•will dancf L)'IUI retunled --,_ Bl. 1-lf'rldooJ) Dlal>t In Ibo J~ ._It.I wbeN lie wu tall· parloll -of lit,. JAmff Jl!pla-..., April 28 .ttw' oatter1q a -1 <llW'dl, I o'dook, with Nel· atroke .. J'ttendo! are oouptao1· ~ d& a._ In cll&qe. Bo ~ lmow that he•lo <Oljlec:W tq maae ae ~ clancH tllat Ul• youn1 a complete reco'"•Y· *Pie ore aoklns tJ»y be hold bl-----~ • • 'lhd<l7 '~'\ho •ummcr. 'ON WAY &Aftl .J Wrltlng the Preu oa board 0.. " MOW TOLONO 181AND Loa ,"""g<!I•' Umlted ,.. Ma.j 6 Mr. and Mra. Jalte Sal& planed w .. Mn. Hal Mannine of c-& ~'° Port Wuhtn(ton, Long ~. det Mar, on her W.)' ~,to Vlaat N"! Tork, Tuffday and will her aon and hetp welcome bu -e. e9tabllah n:aldence there. The ond grandchild. ::;:: to1;''i:., h,= ~~ye:W. c;: . . ON VACATION 'told tllelr homo at 340 Costa - Str.eL The Melwood Befl'Y• ol. Udo lale. who have been vacaUontnc ln Chicago, are expected bome shortly. I WE ARE OVERSTOCKED!! WE ARE O VERSTOCKED -We ju at didn't rdJ.lu that our dlJlplay room. warehou<l)e and factory would only hold ao :nuch . We ar(' load('(! with fine 7-foder n, f\altan and Patio furn iture. lttorf'.'" is on the way, 50 we m u.at dl.lpoee or some ol our sl.ock so that we and our c\ls t om e rs can movl' about. Herc at 1-Jouse and Gard en we not only have hundreds of unusual ltPms for yQur home and patfo trom k>adin~ A m cth'IU\, Philippin e and Chlncae m anufactu rel's, but w e A ~o hlLV(' a cabinet shop which ma.ke. aome of the m ost b<-autlful mOOern and troplcal furnitu re to be eecn anywherl'. ln addit ion to our cab1net dhop and rat- tan factor y w e alRO ho.v(' an uphol3t('ry and drapeary workroom making drapes. slip covt>r.s . cusf!.l ons and other ne<'d i<>wo rk rrom on<' of the la rges t stocks or indoor and outdoor fabricli In th,.. area. We arc making turn lture ror home,. a nd r r ntal.3 in such faraway places as De nv~r and St•attlc. f'e;ht1p:-> )'OU who ar(' so clo.s<.• by l!lhould a lao pay U!-1 a visit. 'l'h1s sale iohou·d mnke this In vitation doubly attrtu.:llvC'. ,_ ,, .--·' .4 . U-llllft C~UISBS ' ROWiOA~ l' =~~ "" . . I .• TACKUll • . r ._,, 1ilie Small...,., ' IAUmcblar . ILL'l1S IOA'T RINTA·LS --· Hlway ,' * rt -Pia. -ma : • . · AT SOUTH END qr !IA, YSllORfl Jlllll>Ofl • High Quafify P,ri~ting -Ph. Har. 161 f -. . 11-0DBBN and • RA·TTRN and . . . I OUTDOOR and ACCESSORIES other finalists, lnC'!Udcd: Anita A royal round o f enlt>rtalnmrnl Block of Gardt>n G rove; Bat lsu j a nd a ctivilit"8 ar'r bc-ing plannn1 J one11 of San Clemente: Barbara for all 12 finalists during thc> flvc- Scho'.eflt"ld of Corona del Mar, da y e vent Wht>n they Will be J eane Danl'ri of San Juan Capls-speclal i;:i.1eata in l ht" Ora.n~f' trano, Betty Mea n of Wt'9lmin-County Fair. Awar<la, pri:M.'11 and st e r. Nada Lou Phillips o r ~tin , rf'i;::al ho nor11 will go to tht> ,.:-1rl J oanne Ande rson of Laguoa. Ma r-self<:W aa Q uef'n of the 10:'>1 Or- J lyn G ilmore of Fullerton. Char-ange County Fair. The othf'r fi n- ma.ine Murray of Stanton. Aryliss al cnntestant.JJ will bP n1rn1bcrs of Rogers of Yorba Linda, La ~ut• th" Qu e('n'11 Court and parllclp&lt•. 1 Gaines or Mirtw a.y City, J o An n a long with l ht> Queen, In the var- Underwood of Santa Ana., 1'-tarllyn lou8 !lpM:lal act ivl lit'~ and cnter- Beuley or Brea . Donna Pya t t or talnm<'nt. S m ith llnd McKa.my stayed at McGtt C rt:'e k Lodge where they f'njoy ed excell ent &ccom odaliona and mealt1. Tht< pro prlel.or, ge.nlal I S tan H Otine r a nd his charming wife Marge. really put themRlvea out to st•e that everyone enjoyed themklvea and we re comfortablt· ln s pite of lhe bad weather . MODERN FURNITURE 1..0\'E SEA TS. bC'a utifullv Utl· holsl t'rC'<I in natural raw' silk. a mber IC'gs. rt'gu'ar $164 50 ea ch, now f'M'' SIH .95 ro t·t~r:E TA.81. .. E. ambt>r M h, • 21 x 48. st c('J lf'J;S, n'J!UIBrlv $44.95, now 132.95 CHE"T .t DRl:!!SlXO TABLE, H &: G birch, regularly $260.00 S o'"'· . . ................. 91 ... 16 OCC 'AS IOSAL CllA.IR. Cal.· Mode, upholatered In g r a y flecked material, reiularly SB4 .95 ... Nowt68.95 OESK. H & G P hlllpplne ma- hogany, 50x30. 7 dra wera. reg· ularly $169.50 .... Now SlJ4.86 CHEST, modern bed or livI~ room, finished In natura l · go ld- en Ph ilippine mahogany. regu- larly $169.95 ......... Now f1Z4.83 DI SlNO TABLE, 36 x 36 mod- e r n extension, gray driftwood finish. opens to 36 x ~. regu· larly $89.95 .............. Now $89'.~ RATTAN FURNITURE JtA'M:AN" CllAIS E. c ustom ffi$lclf"" w ith cushion , r egularly $110.00 . . •·. sow --US.96 ~IOSAL. 3·piece CUCN"ed with foam r.u l'\h ions, coral fab· rlc, rejmlarly Sa95.00 ... $493.00 (10t"'t-~f::: T ARLF.. ci r c u I. r drum base, re~ularly $89.95, ' Buena Park, Billie ~tcGrew of The QU('f'n Cont('S l Comnlltlct' Co3ta Mes.a,' and J ean Lanllrath o r t he O range C...ount y Fair w ill of P lacentia. a rr&.nJt<' and su pt>rV lll(> All a"tlvl- S lcudt•n ... Only j Lie~ and entc rtainml.'nt ror the eo11 tesla nts and provldc fnr chap- T his year, entry w ill be reslru·t -C'rones to C'~cor"t th(' candldal<'B. et.I to students of the county'~ 12 In addition lo brlnginJ,: hll norM high school dlatrlc t.a with prell ml· to their respective h igh schools nary contests bein g cond uetccl In and c<>1nn1unlli<'8. Ma.nagf'r F'ull<'n· each district o n or befo re June 4. I v.•1dc:-r hu point ed out t hat rad lo A civic o rganiution or group will 1 and television appearanC<'ll aa w ell be invited to sponsor each du1t r1 ct 8 !1 special new !'lp&p<>r and rnaga- conte!'lt. I zine public ity are bf'inJt planne--1 Orange County Fair offic ia ls 1 tor contE'Btant& who s ucce!l.l!lfully s tate that conte.stant!'I w ill not rc11ch the finala. have to secure any coupon!'I, no r H igh BC hool g tr!s desiring to t•n- wlll they have lo buy o r Mil any· lc r the contest and n1eel lng quall- thlng. Judging .at preliminar y di8-fl cation11 simply have to regbller tricl contests will be Msed u pon w ith t h!' sponsor ing organization JX'rsonality, poise, beau ty and and agre-e to abide by the rulf'll of character with the s.1i1.m e emphaala the contest. Pimphle ta showtng- being applied to each qualification. com ple te rules and regulatlon11 The 12 winne rs ot di3trlct con-may be secured at a ll cOUnty high tests will be eligible to compete schools and at all Chambera of in °l he finals w hich wll( ~ staged Com m f'.'r ce offices. Additio nal de· \vlth . gala ceremony at the fair tails w ill a hio be publiahM later 1n grounds an openlng d a y. th e lliewport-Balboa. Prca11. The contest is open t o ~Iris who have be('n r egu!a r ly enrolled In an Dodge hq moved. Watch I t! Delicious Birthday Cake Frosting Bilge in the Attic 5 !!~~~~~~~::. aoout lh• 11 Liiio l11lc t"I who 1n q ve<l Into her new hon1t about thr re montha ago. Las t v.•f•<'k tbe lOJ>'lldf' watr r· pl~s partl'd. T o lhc rescue w ent those s.aUor m en, Darby Metcalf a nd Bob Nannry and pumped out th(' lltlic v.·lth a bl'g t' pu mp N o d an1a ge, they reported. Dodg" h &11 moved. Watch I t ! LEGAL NOTICE SOTICE INVlTll\"G BIDS Notlcf' 11!1 here by glve.n that the Board o f Trustees of the Orange Coast Junior College Diatrlct of Orange County, C&lif., w ill receivt> bld1t up to t ht"' hour ot 10 :00 A. M. on th" 25th day of May, 19:'.il , at l h,. offlcf' ·of Sbid School District, locRted at 199:'.il S. Harbor Blvd., Cosla Af Psa, Calif. a t which time 1'ald bid11 will be publicly openf'd for the fu rn ishing or the follow - tng: Soda tlnd acid fi re e.xtlngul11h· f"rs. The Mid Board o r Trustees tthall ~ the sole judge or t he merit.a and quallflcat\ona of t he equipme nt offerM. and. reserve,_ tht> r ight to reject all btda, And to waive any lnfo nnallly ln any bid. Adv.: May 10 -17, 19:'.i l . Opening Date: May ~. 1951, JO :OO A. M. S il{fled : BASIL H . PETERSON, S tt.. Board of Tru•ttt•. No. 700.-PrcMS. Publlah May 10 -17, 1051. CERTJt,C J\TE O t" BUSll"ll"""E88 1-.,ctltlou• F\mt Name T H E UNDERSIG NED do here- by certify that lhf'y are conduct - ing a Chlckf'n· Ranch buslnesa a t 223:'.i Ha rbor Boulevard , d'oet.a Meaa. Californ ia.. und"r the ficti- tus firm name of Hall Ranch Company and that aid flnn la compoeted o r the · following per- 80n.s, whose nam~s ln tull and place• or realdence a.re u toi:owa. t.<rwit: Ge.ne r al P a.rt.ne.r- Elgln L. Hall 2235 Barbor 81"'1., Costa M ua, Calif, Every day I.a a happy· bl,rthday for eomeone, You may have a Um.tt.Pc! Partner-;-' bt.rthday Ip your family aoon and heret1 the: eaaieSt •way ln the workl O. W. Richa rd. 3433 Via to make a wonde1rul birthday cake that will usu.re the MICCe.M of Udo, Newport Beach ,C.llf. anybody'a birthday party, w hether he be a 6--yea'r~ld child, or a go... WITN F.58 OUr bane» W. 9th Id df.lh day or May, 1861. year-o gran er . ELGIN L. HAI.I, Use Clncb C&ke Mix ... you add only water, mix ant bake. Jt 0 . W. RICHAJµ> Come.s 4.n w hite , spice, goldt':n and d~vtl'a f\J:41"e c:aY0!'9 ;.... , • HCb St.ale of CalifornJa,. · flavor fU.lb'·prepar ed ao that you need' add only water. E&cth packap County of Orang,e. -. . makes two lqacioua 8-lnch layen. U you want' an e:a:tr& 'aarrre and O~ T-RIB m day of May. A. D. lav Lsh blrtbd ay ca.ke, use two ~gee and bake In th.tee f.tncb i.yeii. 1161, ..,ore me, Robert. r. WUlmee For the world'• ftntlt cb~l&te aunda& troMJ:ng, toUow the • Notary Public 1n and fOI' the: f't'd recipe beloW. Put frosting bet weea t9ye ra 1and cover top and tldet: of OOunlJ and State., ~ uiere: the cake. H ere's how you can make your own putry ~ fat -tine· In. duly C01Mlio81oned and IWom, Jwit olut an 8 by 10 Inell roctan&lo ol lleaY7 ~eel papor Or perdl.. :_-"¥~~ ~~ rnent paper. CUL ~Y tnto two trt.a.n&fiM. Roll "-... a caw me t,O~ tltii -pe..,... ..,._. n•rtt a11ape and !old dOW1l tap .potnta of -to bold:., --w tlpo ol ..,. •iblfrl~ to ~ wWlfa ID- ot!ff•nmt -.. or anlp oU the encl or the -.. --· 1'111,'.MI ~ t, and -..1o ll&ocl to half tllll of !rootln&' at..,.-•'°" -.-Ila. • me ~.they -tllo w. <lHOOOLAD 8tJJfDAZ ........ IHjJ • I IN WITNalil '9t'IDl:mlOP, "J """" 1 pq . ....,1-• c-te blta ~·--.-Illa •-to at my bUd -.- Ii ~ _...,ecr .-~Ilk ' • 2 ••--llo\.water "'' ot11c1a1 ..i ..,. .,_, -,_ lll&THOD: Kett tM cllo<:olato lllta cnv llot -la a -111.e iii lllle ~te fi.t UO,. writ· bOller~aDd.t.ll'unW91Doodl...Add~ON~FFZlfmllll, ... ltlmd ~l . -a. -· IJQloi -- -1a •ma ---· -t .. w . Roaa.T ,r. wu.1,..a 9-1' -"'*7· 8'•1 ~ ~ .... _ ...,...._ --(~ ............. oap;.. "i.va1111 aacl oo;o lop ol'blrtadaJ --U ,,.,.. -l -llraOllill. -Ille Ko.·~-'. II"' _.,.. _' , , . _ .. , . , .. ,.-.-·-• P\lllllok ~ 10-1'-U-U, ~ r ~ • ' • • I AJ \'f; ~F..,\TS i11·av1l:v u phol- l'l trr<'d IOQ.'if• eu)lh iClns. gra y Martini11ue. rr._:ulai:: $3.')().00 pr. now only $265.!)5 COl<Nt:lt TAl\l.Y., a n1 b+·r R.'lh , 30 x 2-1 . r"i;t ula rly $37 !l:J No"'· $29.95 c·1.110 t :lli\l lt, lar~r. lo matC'h was $16·1 .~0 no'~' $1?9.00 1.0\o'E SEAT!!;, frccfonn sh&f><', brautltu!Jy upholste red, cx- trem<'ly comfortable, regularly $3'1 9 .9~ pair no\\' $269.95 f'ORNF.R T ARLE, blondr a.sh. 31 x 31, rnj;:-ular s~.95 . $31.9.5 SOf'.-'\, Cal Mode Centruy, mod- er n 84?", l)(oa ut1fu lly uph olstr rt>d In natu ral rav.· silk, regularly S?M.50 ~ow $1 99.50 CLl 'B CllAJR. century modrl ] in brown and \vhitf' s tr1pt>d ma- terial to match a bove sofa, reg . u larly $163.50 .. S12•\.9:i ~ND TABLES a m ber a.sh. 18 x 22, t('gulatly S3U.95 ca . $2D.9:5 PEEL T l 18 CHAIRS Full ~lze. finest quality S ... 95 All ot hr r p1•r l furniture !:07o off n"Clllar pri<'f'8 EAMES CHAJRS. varLous mod- el!! in dinlRg and side chair!'I. bot h woort and metal legs, re gularly $32.95 lo $39.95. your choicE' . Snw $29J)5 CUK\1t.::D S l;CTIO!lli'AL. Cen- tury model. cove-red In cocoa n.w l!lllk. center 8eC lion seats three, regularly i27~.00 Sl89,9~ Left eond 8Celion wit h arm. regula.r l,Y $123.:W .. $99.60 &«lion v.·\thout arm1'. r t:gularlv $1 02.M) .. ~O\\' 119.95 END TABLES with 11 te p, a m - bf'r -color, rf•S1Jlarly Si 7 95 ('ach. N oM' each W .95 C'OFFE F. TABLE, F reefo,.n1 25 x :'13, regularly $1 19.00 ea ch . N'"ow .................. 179.50 Cl.UR CllAIR with drop arm~. Mayan pat tc>rn, regular y SM.95 Now ··-······ ........ -··· -····· $59.96 CLUB CllAIR. la.rge. Qrown &: white s t riped mate rial. hgula r · ly $126.00 ·-· . ___ ,NO'f 189.95 DA VIEN PORT, lai-g~ 102 In .• be.auUf'u.lly tailored In Io ( l green nubby m a terial, re)tUlar- ly S330.00 .. . ....... ..N' ow S,%19.00 . SIDE CHAJJl. Blake deslgn up- holllered brown and coral pat· km, regularly $89.95 .... $69.95 BEACH UMBRELLAS . 8 foot atu, Teg. $8..95, IL85 TABLZ. Brown·Sal~ 40x40 oxt.e_Mlon pme and dining regularly iua.60 Now tnlWI 81Dfl CBA:IR8, Brown • Salb- • m,.n.. <••: uphohrt.ered ln gl"'ff.D. resututy $Ce.96 oach ~ COl"RE TAllLE, amber Mb. u x 22, roauJ&rly $M.~ sa.t3 DIMINO CJllE8T, Brown Salt&- maa. with ~-regulariy fll,9.96 __ ,,_,..,_ 11-tl:H.96 NS!8rNG ·T•::., H 6 Q COGD1tk:.. larp 1 n e o n. llChted. rq. $119.96. lUM ' . DISlS fi TABLE, Ca.I-Mode flip top con"K>le, 60x 22, opeha to 60x44 , reg. $119.60 Now '88.95 r llAIRS. 2 beautif ully u phol· stererl. e>ccask>nal or dining , to n1a tch table, reg. f67.M-$4.6.96 DINING CHAIRS. u pho'sterf'd eeat aod b8.ck. to ma tch above table, regularly $20.95 ea cfl , Now ................................... .$24.9~ ~T BED. beau tiful p\('Ce of furnit ure for the liv ing room but concea111 comfortable Rln~le bed, regularly Sl()9.9f> ... ..$89.05 E\'ERFAST DR&PERY AND UPHOLSTEKY FABRICS.- Solid colors and pattern.a, guaranteed never to fa.de, new Bhlp- rilent jWi t a.rriVed, firat time In lhla area , nationally adver- tised at $2.95 per yard, ~peela.J 10 y-arda or 1DQtt at ............ fl.2!5 -·-----------------1 COFTt;F. TABLE, H&:G, with open alat construction. black morlern leg!'I. 72xl8 ~ .. regular· 1)' SI 19.00 ... . ........ Now 19.95 ('II.EST . H. & G livin g or d in· ing room with siding panela a nd three drawe rs, bir ch wlth b la ck leg11. reg. $39&.00, $296.80 SOPA. modem . custom ntade, w1th bolster cu.shlon11 and chair to matc h, rift oak, gold colored r aw .silk c ul!lh lons, regulal-ly $345.00 for t he two piece• - !11.'0 l\' ......... -................... 116.00 • OJSJ!\"G TABLf;, Ea.mea, MK3t. regularly $74.96 ............. .fM.95 SIDE CllAIRS. Beechwood, up- hol!ltcred seat11 ii) either veloo o r fabric!'I. special ............... 13 COFFEE TABLE, mabQg«l'ly top, 36 x 19, regularly $24.95. Special ....... --······-···············-$1S.95 DU..'lNG TABLE. birc h drop leaf, butlerliy leg11. concealed Jblnt, 18 x 36, extenda l<> 36 by M , regularly $125.00 ..... .$88.95 STEP END TABLE, "birch. regularly $24 ~. S pecial '14.95 ' . LA.MP TABLE. birclt' (OUnd tap regularly $24.95 ........ -..... $105 CHEST. Custom ma.de wall, for li ving room or-djnlng room , aotid Philippine mahoga..ny - regularly '276..00 Now 1199.50 DBO,-LEAF table 38 .x 2t, ex- tends to 36 x. 72, solid Philip- ~~9~sn.~~~~~ ... ~~~No~~~h GOl..OEN" BATI'A.N DINlNG CB61B8 -N ew shipment jwit arrived .from~lhe Phllippin~'wtth arms ·························-.. llj.9U Dining c halni wttllout ~ .................. ~ ................................. ls.IS Occasiona l table-a ............................................................... -....... Z%~ S IDE CHAIRS, Beechwood, up- holstered seata and b a c k a. large size, •peel.al ............ atZ.96 C R.AIR.'\, J;Jeechwood d I n I ng ho.st, upholstered eeats and backs .... , .......... , ... Now SlS.96 BED Dl\'AS, modem Daven· port, 73" length, wonderf"11y comfortahle, n o t h I n g finer made In l hl11 type divan, upho1· ~tered in gold raw silk, regu· larly $199,95, Speclal ..... lQ.13 CLUB ClHAlR lo match above. regularly $69.93 .,_ ........ _._.. • RUOS and CAIU'flTlNO All rup and carpets !6% off regular eata.blWled retaU pclceL SECTIONAL. Modem 3 piece green ---(lnlslt wltll gray Iron tep . entirely new ltsht .!M:AI~ furnJture,... reculart.Y - '23<.00 -.............. Now '1'19.N COFFEE TABLES. 18 x 38 in., regu'arly $26.95 ..... ." ......... .$16.96 ,'CHEST. Llvtng room, wit h concealed extension d I ~ l n g table, regularly $.lM.00 .... $99.1.> DROP LEAF t.ab'e 36 x 18. concealed joint with butterfly lega, reg. S125.00, a.a la $89.93 COFFl:E T&BLE, <O In., wtlh 4 p ie shaped velon top •tools and tuy Susan, regular'y $1211.00 ...... , .... , ..... ,. ... Now '911.00 TU CART with separate: t ra:y regularly SM,95 .. , ........ ,..,"'8.93 BflDWOOD Bf:NU Redwood re.nu, 'per'.~ reCU)arf3 Si.211 ,_,; Now .A9 • • DINING T •a •.r .. puU out leaf, •mahogany top 36 a: ~S. -eJrt.enda · i:owae .~ .. ~: .. ~~:. ... ~= ' DROP LEAP tab I•, 42 . ~ 20, CHAIR to match above. re:n· butterfly legs, .African mflhog- larly f19.00 .... , ....... '!>I-... MY, top opena to 86 x 71 1'121 Now ......................... $89.85 Y.N lt TABLES. 3-st ep mahoi:- sny t ops, rcg. S-19.9~ ... $34.95 1•1TNEE w ith b olster .cushions covt•r('d with coral vt>fon, regu· la rly SI 75.00 ... -..... ?liow $149.95 BAJ<, 53 in., solid mahogany to p, abacc clo th t r im ..... -$89..96 OAK STOOL.~, Philippine m a.d e rcg-ularly .. $23 .0~ .............. .$lt.95 BAR STO<)LS w llh velon cuah~ Iona, ,.large padded topii, reg\l"' larly $27.93 ........... 1'1.'o"'· 1%%.95 011"11\'G TABLE. 36 x 36 m a· hogMy top, extc nrui: to 36 x 60, • regularly $1 15.00 .............. $89.95 S EC!'ION AL.. ralt.an: display room sample with cuKhlons. regula r ly $139.95. as is 1119.95 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, rat- tan. !jjf!gularly $42.95 ..... $36..95 BAMBOO Bl.11''DS-3' to 10' w ide, 1h" lnside peel, per aq. foot ............. . ............... S ow .DI f!iE (,'TIO"S ALS, rattan, close out floor 88.nlples. reduced 10 to so,;. CHAIR -Rat tan occasional. regular $45.95 ........ No\\' 139.95 STEI• EN"D TABLES, regular- ly $25 .00 ................ Now Slt.95 l lMBRF.Ll,,A RECO\'ERS for your Umbrellu -va t ' dyed duck .................... S15.95 PATIO FURNITURE HAMMOCKS w ith stands, reg· ularly $29.95 -······ Xow S!l.95 Lawn Swin g11, reg $34.9:5 f«.91 Other modela to $99.9~. all re· duced. C l..UB CHAIRS -Auto Bye aluminum. .so I d everyv.•here fronl J23.95 u p. our price $18..96 CllA.18E --Redwood. .full size chal11e towige v.·ilh r1nest qual- ity, kapor pad. eiUter 81'.>lid color or r1oral, regularly $.11 .93 . Now ····~·· ......... _,,,_SZl.86 ZJPPEJt C'-O\'ER$ -for chair pa~~ vl!lon ........... :'iO"' P.60 01'.l'""IC EK CJIAIR..'i, aluminum, light a15 a feather, regularly $16.95 ... ,. , .. ,, .. ,, .. :,, Now Sll.95 \\'ROUGllT IRON aun room group consisting o f 3 p iece sec- tional, club chlir, glUl!I top corree table and side table and smok ing stand, 'sprittg cuah- lons covered in beau t iful fioral pa.tte m . 7 pieces regular(Y.: - SiM .00 Nmv ................. _ _fW,.00 ·UMBRELLA TABLES, (2" red· wood ·········-............. ...1 •••• -.$14.N CHAISE -Aluminum a ti'd pad ......... ,, ....... ,,.,, N•w U.N BAR.BEQUE, Gt&nt size Hunt· ln.(ton brasicr, 31". D)&de of • ltfe time boiler head.-1-eguta.r· ly $.'H.IO .......•.. ....... Now lt.M UMBRELLA. 1 ft., 3 pooltlon Ult garden flora.I patt ern. teSU• larly $32.D:S ..... :, .... Now ti1.M c..IMI. anodized alum.tnum wtth coF'FEI: T•m.s.. llO 1n.: 1.o .:rectUe.ci to ....................... er~ matcll -Uon&~ l!'-top, -1. Ql>"10: 1'..AllLE, r..J,....,, • k ca, ttgul~ 14'·'4! . •• apP<oXtmauly 7.2 In. lo~, ,.« .. coRNia TA to matcll "!8"Y flll.OO ................... )'l.'- · pl~lc covering, spnn, cUab.· ton. .ftneat al~um c h a l a• rmde ,,,. .. ···---·-·-· N-'61.N Plut.lc;'chalae or Cbalr coven-- protect your Olit.dQor tUrnf... ture ···--·····~------· Now SUI oectlonal, ,.. 'I: ... _......,. cloluonc llAll. rattaa • med Plllllppllle ' ·p.\n8 . Vol <IYed DUclr~A.11 cottoil fl1led-.<r. ff!W odda ·and - varloua ~ • Cbatae Ilse -~---....lllt.15 Chair ..... _ __'..,_.., ... JD:ADllOAJW to ,..ate~ , -...,, table, ~-sua _ ..,.. fOr eltl<tt ~ of twta -,,...,., raJUa ~ .. dbl- OI' a dou/M ;!lid, noor Jl'fM, Ins -. 40 ta: -. ~ In. 111'1!;P ICND 'l'AllLS to -....... U la. -'iddi._ 6 --a. -uoaa1. ...... ast.85 --·~ ~ '1~':....._ ti-........ •·..;· 1~1· , "2>• ..._ .... ~ ._ I . ~ 1111 'C .. OAST. IBIWAY L . I • • l • ' • ' PAG(•&.-PAttt TT .... tMU,R.SDAY, t.AAY 10 •• 19s1 , lnlN StUdents ~~~llES$-ll to II Toro "'" la.tomia.Uoe '"... wit compoeed ot one otncer and one m1LIUd man, wW Ylalt 100 oclloolo U #L .. L ... onc:E . . 'Ill ora11,. _, UM w..ir to &.!GAL MOTICI . '"'"" n , _,. abOUt Armed ...,,_ Da7 at ._ __ .,.. ____ ._ __ I ____ _._...,.._..._ __ IEJ Toto Marine Oor1* Air Station. lfO'l'IOE OF ID!ABDfO NO'l'ICE OP zuianoN roa A,ccwdlnr to IUJ. ValenuD• .. Notice lo ...... by givon Ulllt -the JO:llQll;Jl8 Otr Tea OOVDN· Blacque;-Bey, -.u..t pl'Qject of· PWmlng Commi.ton ot tb• City n;o BOAJU> Otr 'IRS oaAJiOI: ncer for Arme<I ,...._ D117, May of Newport Beach. State of call-OOAll'l' IUNIO. OOL&aoll 19, ~ letterw Ila .. --t fomfa. wlll hold public h•arlnp DI.n'UCI'. by Maj. Oen. Wllllam J. Wallac. on the PdOldUon nt Intention of NOnCIC IS ~EDT QIYEN to all ochoola Iii tho cwnty, IDYil· the Pla.nnlng Commlasion to ~-lo the elect.on of the O!'anJ"e OoUt: linl" U., children \o .. opu ~" otnmend adoplk>\l of a wbdlvialon .Junior .College Dtatrtct of On.n«e &t B:1 Tol"O on \bat day, ordinance u • preclae .ectlon of County, Calllornla. tbal the u : f'U'ty t.houMJ'ld "opm ltouM" the CommtlJllty Desi.gn Section or nual Election for memben of the tlcketa publlei&ln& the celebraUon the Muter Plan whJcb will Htup Board of Truatea of the <>ranee have been prtnttd and wtll be dJa.. atandar\ll and princlp'... lfOV<m• 00..t ~-~ Dlllr1ct 1"111 tJ1bllted by the tam8 -tlfte tbt tng the subdivision ot land, be htfld on the third F'!'lday of 11eboala. Notice ls hereby fUrther ctven May, vts, May 18, 1961. An air allow fNbli:tnf M1'f>. that l&ld hearings wUI be bold Ori It Will be ,_,.ry to elect on• bellca by jet p""*, a d loplq of the 17th day of May, 1111, alld 1nem110T. a ln:talt and oqulpment. a 9*tld1 tbe 21st day of June, 19!!1, -' th• The poniq I>~ iot aald •lee-llhoW with Bob Ctollll)', dk-iq Ill• hour of 7080 P. M., In tl>e COUft• tors of thf Oran .. ecut Junior hlbltlnn• at th• IWilnmlllt poo~ a ell Chambert of the City Hali Colle .. bwttct will 11o dU!gnated ·b-ba:I pme, and toun of the C1ty of Newport !leach. Caltfornla and •ppolalal aa lolldwao · 1tat'on all .,. lnelllded Ill th at which Ume and place any and , t:IM.tlea Ptl!elllet: No. 1 achtdule at the Uy'• actl'f'1UM at tJI peraona lntereeted may appnt ELECTJ01f PRECINCT NO. 1 El TMo. and ~ heard thetton. ahaJI Inc.hide all the area embraced ------- RA y y · CO~• Sec'y, withln the n:t.rtor boundarlef of • Planning Commileion. the Seal Beach Elementary School No. 696-Presa. D istrict. M•tor Fire C.111tt Minor INt hl9MllH Pubfo 1'liS _,, o o r.,-...,.. 'Uclr« -~ fbr·r-.. , •11--. ·-.-· Ille IA!teo 0...-"' ti! -lit -'Ne'#"po1t C&rllor YMllt ct..i.. lhld&), Ma7 11u.,-. .. t.om left!" tlafltt ~ ......,., .r-.. P...ill-Mladtl. -t Walllllof'I', -dlalnnan --fflJ: --Dn,prw.., wttiM An U.. ~tor tbll dance tNm t to 1 a. m.. 'neketa eu lie obtal9ed ~ 11111 ,_, .......... at Ille ..... Publl.lh • May' 3-10, lP{)l. The POLLING PLACE Uierein l'IOTICI: OP SAILE OF REAL PBOPEJtft BY TRU!ITEE USDER DEED OF TRUST ihau be at tbe Seal Beach Ele- mentary School Bulldtn11 Cout Highway. The polbl will b@ open between {he houra: of 1 :00 P . M. Tndt No. 1508 and 8:00 P. M. WHEREAS, ODIS E . ru:YIEA OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor a.nd MADELLA 8 . REVlEA, b~ aid Election Precinct No. 1: band and wtfe, by Deed of Trwi:t lnspeetor: Mrs. Mary Tay1or dated June 2nd, 1947. recorded Judge : Mrs. Anna McGaugh J une 26th, 1947 Ln Book 1M4, page Judge: Louise Collier 243 of Orficlal Record• of Orance Etectloa Preetlaet No. ! County, California. did gnnt and ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 convey the property thereln and shall include all the area embraced berelnafter described, to the Or-with.in the WeatmlN!"er Elemen- ange County TiUe Company, u tary School Oi.slrlcl. Tnutee, to,. aecure, among othel' The FOLLING PLACE therein obligations, t}\e payment of one shall be at the Weet.minAler Ell!'- note dated June 2nd, 1917, payable mentary School Building, 7~71 tow. P. McGee and Eva L. McGee. Eut We1trnlruter Avenue. The husband and wife. as joint tenanU, polla wi.ll be open between the or order. for the princJpal sum of hour• of 7:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. $4500.00, wltll Interest at the rate OF1i'1CER8 OF SLECTION for of 6 per cent per annum; princ1pal said Election Prec4'1ct No. 2 : " a.nd lntereat due In monthly in.tall· Inspector : L. F . Weare tnenu of $45.00 each on the 10th Judge : Md. Helen H McGrew day of each monlh, beginning on Judge: Mr11. Sarah H. William· July 10th, 1847 and continuing UD· son tu IUJJy paid: and Election Preclnct N •· a WHEREAS, detau.lt hu occur· ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 3 red in that the i.rultaJlment Of shall ln~lude all the area embraced priticipaJ and intereet due bpon with the Ocean Vtew Elementary said note on October 10th, 19&0 School Dt11trlct . ha.t not bet>n paid : and The POLLING PLACE therein WHEREAS, W. P . J.tcGee and shall be at the Ocean View Ele- Eva L. McGee, owners and holder• mentary School Building, tour of said note, heretofore demanded m1Je11 north of Huntington S.ach that sa.Jd TrUstee seU sa.id property on Highway 39. The p0118 will be and on January 15th. 1951 duly open between the hours of 2 ;00 recorded tn ·the office of the Coun· P . M. a.nd 7:00 P . M. . ty Recorder of 11a.Jd County, In OFFICERS OF ELECTION for Book 2129, page 168 of Official -,aid Election Precinct No. 3: Records thereof, a notice of aaJd lrulpector : Mrs. AJlce Lambert t>etabtt and of ~ their election to Judge: Mrs, ·Edwin L. Walker cause ta.id property to be told and Judge: Mra. J , l. Place, Jr. more than three montha .. have now Eiec:Uon Predact No. 4 elapeed alnce the recordaUon of ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 4 A ' baek0 flrlnS motor . ~aUoed an ..umated JGO damap to tho at foot ketch "S&1ty,. owned by -Walt Cale of 3112 L&!ayntc A.Te., New· port Beach Wt Wed.nead&y rupt. Cole had bee-n worklnl' on the engine when It b&ek!lred.. and en· veloped him tn name. He finally beat out the blue on hi• per90.n, aufferlng only a alight slnreinc. He later rowed a llldff to ahOH, u the blue ln the engine roolh threatened to g-et out of control. The tire wu extingul1hed b)' the Newport Beach fire Dept. Dodge ·has moYed. Watch It! Dodge ha. moved. Walch It! LEGAL NOTICE OFFICERS Ot li:LltcrtON for aald Election Precinct No. I : lnapectot: Mra. Anne Crowl J.ud,ae : Mra. Jane E. Marean Judge: Mra. Martha M. Conning· ham The foregoing Rcaolutlon wu paaed and adopt~ at a regular mfftlng of lhe Board of Tnlateea of Oranre C0&al Junior College Dlalrtct of Orange County, CaJl- fomla, on the 12th day of March, 19~1 . . LOUlS CONRADY WAL TE.R M. LOl'fOMCX>R HARRY R. IA.BARD D. D. I.A WHltAD HORACE PAR!aR . Board or Truatee1 of Orange Coaat Junior Collel"e Oiatrict of Orange County, California. ATrll:STo . Warn Vets of Deadline for Co. Tax Exemption "Don't put off fllln r for your tax exemptk>n" la the joint &dviee rven to veteran• In OranKt coun- ty by Ben Llebflrmann, County Service ortleer, a.nd AUe.aaor Mau- rice End~rle. Thia year'• period tor applying for the coiutltutlonal tu bemp- tion on t 1,000 worth of property bepn oil March 5 and the May 28 deadline la fut appro&ch.lni. Only apprmllnat.e11 80 per ceftt have applied thua far u compal'- ed to the total of veter.JU to whom uemptlon• were g-ranted lut 1•r. They pointed to tile npertence of prieVIOU• ye&ra, When a lut- Mlnutc ruah baa forced .ve:teraaa te 11t&nd In line and other nleT• an.t showing up after the deadllhe have h.ad to be told that lhey wett too late to lall;e advantage ot th.le SUb•tantlaJ benffit. The State Constiuuon prdv1del ll'lla exemption for any veteran• owning not more than $5,000 worth or property. The.exemption appllu al.a to certain w1dow1, mothera and (&then of deceut4 Vf'leratl.I. Betln ~ir Exhi'-it PlaM • Honor ~roup to 1Take Field Trip Pl&fts &re already Ubd•rw&:r tar Sixteen Orange Cout IJt.udentl, tmprovtag anan1emettt. of eom-member• of Alpha Gamma Sigma, metd&J 8'Chiblta at Ule 'Oortllng ju.n.lor college honorary ICbolutlc 1t:il ·Or&nl'f: county fair, dtdt.11-orpnisation, will take their an- ed for Ang. 18-1 9. lncluaive, ac-nual field t rip Thund&y, May 10, conlllng to muager R. M. C. run-in company wiOi their aponaor, .-i9er. Mia Beth Cooner: , pte-pualion.I are: belnC ma.de to Tbe trlp I.I In the nature of an make th1i exhlblt. department one award to th011e student.I who have huge, oomplete d:poalUon dlNlo.n maintained a hich ac&d611llc r@C- preeentlnr the lateet In comgr· qrd during thelr fre&tunan a.nd dal and lbduatf"ta.I acb.lenne:nla to eopbomore yeara. Actually, they the thousands of vtaltora ex t· are given a day's holiday; this ed. to attend the fatrgroudna fllur-year'e group, however, voted to Ing the-nvMay event. t&kt only a ha.It day a.nd choae a I.A.It year, the eommef'Cl&J ex· apecltlc a.n.ernoOn when only a few hJblta were apllt Int.a two 1ecUona of the grollp ha•e clauee M:hec.t- wtth the home ahow occupytnc one uled.. tent and the lnduatrlal dllplay. "Why, they want to atudy!" ex- lh another. ~ year, however, claimed Mi.115 Co•ner. all .commercial exhibit. will be The group will have dinner in dt.played In one hU&"e tent cover-Cblna Town, Loe Angel~ and Ing 28,000 equare feet of floor, then attend the l ee Capadea ln the apace. lA>catlon of the big top wtU evening. be JUAt l.ruilde the ma.In entrance Thow. making the trip will be to the fairgrounds 1t.nd a new aa-Warren Metnbardt, Waymer Pet· phaJt noor will be laid 88 a con-ty, Donald Caae, Charles Stevens, venle:nce to exhibitor• and viai-Marjorie Pulalter, }\aymond Hein, to William Hay, Phylll.a WatklM, n . Maureen Cameron. Joan Drum· Stewart Y0&t, manager of com-mond, Vladmir Almendlnger, Ruth mercial exhtbl •pace, report.a wide Varney, Allee Martin, M.uy Anne interest In \he 19&1 Orang-e coun· Morrlaon, Marcia John.atone, and ty fair by bWllneM firm.a throufh-F'rank Gompert. out the area and that be la aa-------- algnlnc apace to exhiblton who h&Ye alttady contacted hlm. . aid notice. The 11um of $3628.22 sha.11 lnclude all the area emb~ prtncJpal a.nd interest ther~n from wilhln the exterior boundarte11 of September 2nd. 1950 ~ now due, the Fountain Valley Elementary 8 . A . PILNSON Secretary ot &aid Board of Tru1teea. "Vetera.ru: muat appear at t.f!ie Cops Hunt MIHlllCJ Hamb•njer, E991 usuaor's ott Ice In peroon ••ell Fair Managers year to renew their exempuon;· ' Newport poUCe are 9e&.rching owtng and unpaid on uld note and Schpol District. there la also secured by said Deed The' POLLING PLACE therein ot Truat the Trustee's lei! and ex· ahaJ) be at the F ountaln Valle)• i:>en.se.s ot sale e11ttmated at $11:5.00, Elementary School building, Tal- together with any suma paid and bert &nd Buahard Ro&<!a. The polls advanced by the owners of sa.!d wllt be open betwttn the houNI ot not.e In accordance with the p~ 1:00 P. M and S:OO P . M. No. 693-Preu. Publlsh April 3·10.-17, 1961. th4!°' two ornctal.a a.dviR. '7hey Meet at Santa Ana for approx:tmate1y ao poundJI of muM. brlnr aJonr their dJachar"9 hamburcer and eight dozen eggs or 81.mlla.r proof ot vetenn ata.tua Southern California area taJr 9tolen recently from 111 Sap- NOTICE OF HEARING Nollce ia hereby given that the P'.annlng Commluton of the City o1 Newport Beach, *Ill hold a public hearing on the application ot J . V. Cua.la. for a variance on Lot 24, Block 7, Eut Newport 1812 W. Ocean Front) to change lhe ~tback from 5 teet to 10 lnchet rrom rear property line In accordance with S«t.ion 9103.15 le) of Ordinance No. BM. If they are applypig at .that ofttc.1 ma.naren and directors pthered phin1 Ave., Balboa Ialand, report· for the firat time." ln Sant& Ana lut week with ag-~ mluilll" by Dick Rundle, UCLA Vetera.na Who cannot ret to th• -ricu.ltural extension aervice offl· student, ataytnl' there. Yis.Wns of said Deed of Truat, with OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor tntere11t on said last mentioned said Election Pt"ttlnct No. 4; aum8. Inspector: Mrs. Lyle Dunn NOW THEREFORE, NCYI'ICE Judge : Mra. 'Harry Fulton JS H!:REBY GIVEN that the u.Jd Judge: Mrs. John F olkerts &aee90r'll ottice during-bualneu eta.la for lunch~ri a.nd all-day dill· Il bas been eelabllahed that a hour• can han their wtvea ttJe cuuion meeUnl' at lbe Oran&"" rather wUd party wu rtven at fof. t.J\em . Thoae owning property county fair ground.11, loct.te<I on thl• addreaa Tu<aday night. April in a different county can nle with former 8anta Ana. Army Alt BaM. :14, and n umeroua unknown per- the &a11esor ln their county of rNJ. Purpoee of the mttUng. wbJcb 90ftll part1cipaled .tn the drinking, dence. ExemptlOJUI from city and waa attended by nearly 40 repre· police reported. Orange County TfUe Company, by Elrctlon Preclact No. 6 Yi.rtue ot the authority vealed ln it ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 5 county t.axes must be flied tor aentativea from eight counties. One of the student.a staying-In separately. wu lo exchan1e mutual problem11 · the hou~ told police he answered u Trustee under said Deed of sh&ll Include all the a rea embraced Trust, will aell at public auction to within the exterior bolmda.riee of the higheat bidder for-cuh. lawfUJ Huntington Be a c h Elementary lnoney ot the United States of School Dh1trk:t. America, on the 21st day ot May, The POLLING PLACE therein 1951 al the hour of eleven o'clock shall be at the Huntlngtort' Beach A. M. of ea1d day at the South Elementary School building, 0602 r or the Orange County PaJm A venue. The polll will be t in t/!!j!lllY/f ~ta· open between the houn of 7:oct A. rala. 4i'fdl t.11 nlef .. t M. and 7:00 P. M. jto "It by flll.d Deed ol OVB"lCERS OF ELECTIDN for Truat .ln and to all that certain said Slectlon Precinct No. 5: property !lltuated ln the County of lnBpeetor : Fred Locke Orange, State of California , de· Judge: O .O. Troop 8Crlbed as: Judge: Chu. Funkhauaer That portion ot Lot Sixty. Election Pr@clact N'o, 8 thrtt of Newport. Height.I, ELEcrtON PRECINCT No. 6 a.a shown · on a map recorded sbaU include all lhe a.re& embraced Jn Book 4, page 83 of Mi!lcel-wtth.ln the exterior boundaries or laneoua Mapa, r«:Orda of Or· . Costa Mesa Union Elementary ange County, Califomi•, de· School Dlatrlct. scribed u folk1wa : The POLLING PLACE therein Beginning at a pOlnt In the shall be at the Coata Mea. Union Soulhweeterly line ot sald Lot Elementary Setlool buUdlng. 1901 Slxty-lhcee which .; 200.13 Newport Boulevard. The polla wlll tttt Norlhweslfrly from the be open between the houra of 7:00 moat Soutllerly corner of eaid A. M. and 7 :00 P. M. Lot : thence Northeuterly OFFICERB OF ELECTION for parallel with the Southeqter· sakt ElecUon Preclnct No. 8 : ly Une of sa!d Lot Slxty·tht«, 1Mpe'Ctor: Mr.a, Alice Jones a distance of 165.07 feet; Jud~: Mrs. Nellie Ogden thence Northwesterly parallel Judge: lira. Sally Hlnnly with the Southweaterly line of EleetloD Precl.Dct No. T laid Lot Slxty-thr... a dfst· ELECTIPN PRECINCT NO. 7 aJlCe of 45 feet ; thence South-shall lnclbde...U t.he area embraced wuterly parallel With t.he wttbJn the the u:terlor boundatieft SoutheUterly line of aald Lot of Newpori Bead! ICJe~tai-y Sixty-three, 1M.07 feet to th• ~ool Dlltrtct. Pft.cinct No. t SouU!weeterly line of a&ld Lot; (Precineta u in City ElecU~ thence Boutheuterly alonl' the 1, 2, S, 4. ~. &. 9, 11, 16, 17, 11, 11, . ' Notice 111 Mreby further given th.at said hearing wU I be: held on the 17th day ot May, 19~1 a' the hour of 7 :30 p. m. In the Council Chambera of t.he City Halt New· port Beach. at which time and p!ace any and a.11 perwomi tntere.t. ed .may appear .and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, Sec'y. · Planning Commlulon No. 899-Pjre.M Publish May 10, l9tll. NOTICJE OF HEARING NoUce la hereby given that th" Planning Commbllllon of Use Olly or Newport Beach, wlll hold a publlc ht.arl.n.I" on the applie&tlon of cert&1n property own.era for a variance t.o change the f'ront yard eetback from 30 feet to .20 feet on Lota 1 to 1 O inc.. Block $37, Canal Section, in accordance with Sec- tion 9103..24 ca) ot Otdanancie N'o. 635. Notice la hereby turlhier (i.Yen that ea.kl bearing w1D be bekl on lhe 17th day of May, 19~1 at th• ft our of 7 :30 p. m . In the COtmcll C?iambf:ra of \he Cit)' Hall, New: port Beach, at •hleh Ume and pla~ any aftd an pereoft.I in- terested may appear and hr beard th ........ RAY Y. COPl!LIN, Sec'y. Plannlnl' Commlulon No. 9911-P...., PubH.1h May 191 105.1. Soulhweaterly line of aJd Lot 20, and Cliff Bav~_ 8'1J,~vll\oQ), !Wrty-tbroe. 45 r .. t to tll< The POLLING PLACE tbenln NOJ'ICI: or IOJUU:NO May Use P.A. Warning Systems The pc.81btllty of aube:tltuun1 & public addrt".811 ayatem for the U4'Ual alr raid •Irena WM raiHd In Sacramento recently when Cit)' Civil Defenae offlclala teated a hJah fidelity epeaker mounted atop the ctt.y halt. · Alt.houcb It wu turned to only half It.a volum~. the speaker WU heard two blocka away. A spokeaman tor the company atreaied It would be about thre91 times cheapu for tile a vera.ge c I t 1 t.o 1.nat.all an air rat d ! wa.rnLna ayBtem of t h I spe&keft lb a n to tnetaD the convenUonal lfrenL Moreottr, it wu Mid, offt~ couk1 uae any type at noiM a.ad cou.ld broadcut apeclfte warn- lnp end dU..Ctiona dwinf .., emet'l"t:ncy. The dty l&ld lt would cl" .. ..,,._ _,_,.upn• to u.o plan ol 9Calta1J\c 8JM!&kft'I OYet I.he city and bookblg µ.em to a centnl conlrol.. Record1ap of tllil typo wamlnp Wied would be -trtbUte.s to Radio .uucma, aebooio, and 4opartmftlt ltnt'H It Ille .,... t ....... uaod In plaee "' - polllt of beglnnlnir, shall be at tbe Newport Beach Matice la •bereby prcn tll&t the , or oo mucb ot aald property u li:tementby 8chool, 14tb and C.n-Planning Commi.ton ot tlle City •ltlll'lfl aball be n..-iy tn be oold to trai. Tiie polJa will be open be-ol N~ Beach. will bold a provide a sum sufficient to pay th• :;wom tb• boun ol 7 :00 A. M. and pub lie hearM on. tb' appllcauoa torat amount toeCUreO by uJd Do«I 7 :00 P. M. , • of c. o. WUDama' for a vartan .. .. ol 'hwit. OFFICERS Of' ELBCTION ft>r on. Lot 44. Ti'i1t" 76' (1901 A.loo Dot..,: April 17th, 1951. laid lct.cttoo l'ftc!dct No. 1: -J>-.......ar U!&adl ~ -t n.r l'alll -.,/Bai. (Corporate S:eal> lnopeetor: Mn. Julia Ma•l:ccert clwlse tho -"" tbe Wool· -Ulaed, -lo aw F ORANGE COUNTY J\Klp: Mn. Nina K. HOlltY W and BoulherlJ lot Un.. In -1' 'y '&fler lie er'$'' a Tm.E COMPANY, llldp; Kn. Allnll& Nlelillec --.. wttb ~ tlOS.U DC4 at ,_b I o4 Alt ~ By G.EO. A; PAl\Kil:R, z-li'leo•'et Pfe. 8 of Onlla&ftc. No. ~..,a~-:, away W' iii. Pt-t. ICLllCTXON PftlDC11'cr NO; I NoU.. .. """" tuiu... st-...... ..... u. .... 11}' C. w. BAXTll:R, • :&baD. melUde au ti.. .,... _ _. tllaf aid ~ WtJI be 1ield "" cluJ1lla U. fllllWOC ot a - Secntaiy. wttblJl u.o atet1oo-boo•ndatl .. of U...l<TUI day ot 111&11 1161 at U.. iNae. TM --I» Pfo. 117-P,_ N""port Baac1a = m•'-17~ """7 ot 7:30 p. m. la thejc..rA·. -In U.0 ~ ID ' Muab A1"11 •:May S•lO, 11111. Dlo~,---· Pr1otrfte aiscllon o1 tM Cltf J1a1, -'1: - Wllat taltnl do YOU baft Wldcll ~a.a:. ?!'':S~~. 'T, l .. lfl41, ~== i":m~ ell ..= all("'I0(=*'9~ ~ r:-<>ir: mi. a nq-t ., local ctrll .... -,, __ , .. --... --.......... p--T vo1--·-~ ,,.. l'QJZ 7 noACa ••• --... -,.,... I -- - -.,..__ ··--· -• lball loo at ilc OkOna........ • e tlle ;& 'I I CIT 7 ' 7 llll IL -.-Ila! -.,. . •-1 8 A ..., ...,. OM• llloT'T. cOPllUN, -...,. TM ......... -. Illa RWI It .. """ -ca,-6el. Kar. ne'pollo fte....,...Con=---•..., --rs _ ... -w. CM-lit ,_ loccl ., - ---~ ~ Ctril Dtf_.. offlce.todr.J, ·~ Wll lie..,_.._ ••Ulit .._. .. M .. ..,__,.,_ ~ U. ..... 2¢'1 It Dedtt ... lllOftd. Yaldl nt T:OI .. -T:GO P, K. • ........ llay ti, uai: a llft Ullek- . .. • 1 • • \ -,• 0 0 • ' • • , increase the educational value of a knock at the door and wu pre- agricultural fealuree &t faire and aedted with a roast which had to ptomoU. 4-H club and other been ta.ken trom the kJtchen. He youth group pa.rtlctpation at th~ added he wa.a elightly intoxicated annual events. and could only offer a vague de- ''Tbe primary purpose of the script.Ion of the boy returning the C&lltorni& fair prognun ill to tur-rout. t.her imprOve a(l1cu1turaJ and Entry to lhe ~WM! raY!9d Uveetock production through edu· by 90n1eone cuttlng the back cation and oompeUtion wlth par-poTCb Kreen door. The hambur- tlcular atrca be.inc laid upon pr WU taken trom a retr1:pra- theae acUviUea In conn«Uon with tor Oft the eemce porch an.d the out youth," at&ted Louts 8. Mer· e1P troin a carton in the · kil- rtU or Sacramento, general man-cben, police ttported after thel!' apr of We11tern Ft.Jn ueoclatlon, ln•Mtil'alkm. .. in at.rt:lling the importance or the meetlng. ~na Boys ·uw Oranges .· • . . M ........... aet1 A.It M•dal Stw .. r •· ' • • .sfilCW. THIS WHKEND -I 1 l> inch · 5-Blede .'· 1MOWI!~. Reg. 23.60 • l•duc:.ld to $19.95 -i nJ4 Ni,wpon Blvd, f.OSTA. MESA Beacon 6603 • I SPRl ,N~ AFETY . . .· l 1, 1 s.P·-Ei IAL . . 1: : ' SAVl--SAV• -SAYE -$AVE .. . I ' BRAKE ' . osc: ·A D ~~~~n~~!-<AJJ Cbevro!t.) ' BRAKE'S 1 1495 RELINED Total Price FREE l'ICK-UP &: DELIVERY CULBERTSON MOTOR CO. , BllAOON MU 2481 Coast Hlway Newport Beach WBILB I LAITI ' . CLOS~~ ova TABD ;·~'.~~-·.t!!i ···~ 2l!t~ No. 3 Com. ut and 4.te,' MS and Rough '65.08 ptt 111 bd. tt. • I. Wu :NOW Knotty !'UM! ,..,,...,. and Groove '···--· 20.6c lie . .,... bd. tt. · CIMr P'lr v .. Jot11t lll>Jptap 1x8 .. .,... t7c tie pet lid. tt. Mo. 1 Red Ced&t shlltjlu ........... .-..• 18.26 H .90 "" "'"""' Clear RedwOod llldlnp · 1"9 thtu Uil v .. Joint .............. 310 Ho per bd. tt. · *x' Nove1t7 II~ .1.,.. .......... b 14c 10. per bcL tt. ull-1( 111. DP PIJ~~r···D 17c He,., oq. tt. UI lite Ill. Pl1ocord L......................... 15c lie per sq, ft. I ft. -LoU!-40,'pe• per bdlL. 2.55 1.00 ,.. lldL I :,~~··:-~iii~~·~~;~: Jr,.~ . ~ Oe!llMlt ... -............................. ~.15 911c --I.I Mata! Lalli. BIAd< .L...................... 47c • llo ,., yard lltuoe6 Mottllle 1*xl1Ue·f ......... -...... 1U.llll lt.1111 .-nil Re1ntorc1nr Bfee1. ~~~i~ "" ..... " ii% on: 4x! ~9 u-s!r!: ... ~~~~D~~c •~• ~ ~ JDrUt.-Plali -'n/1 .. .!................... 4llc .... Ille J!OI' ... ~ MarUto MOUldlJll'I -~-...................... :•" Ol'F . ' . SHIE1 ,M~~ PRODUCTS 9xt4 Galv. Found. ~ ................... ] Mc u. .._ llxH ptd. Raftet Y ·-~-.. ---··· ll8c: tic ... ' ! ~ • • 'MSH Gnd DOORS 1.0, l.C, u..U' ._. 00or.lrrame. A s lo I.Id.I 1 \(i .1'1111 -,I I I ' -Door, ~ -...... ~;11.14 &Od.8 l". rtat ~ tiP' Door l .. ~· ...... 1'6"0..-•:I_Door ._..... . --HuM W-. ,:,..i.-.... -.... -Al~ -WtncloW Int _ _u~ ' ... ~OoRN• to• ~ ~ __ _J., ____ .. 8 J.to I tlf# 'ftddt ~ ' .... I U& tel# ••as ;r.I a.: . f..IO • • ' F :A.iiilTS '' # .,.o ILIOM. i.l1..: n.o-. 11.U .... If" OPP ""on . . 1 ...... 6.N- «..tt14 IN • • • , • ' I ,. ' ~ f • .. I 146f ". • •• Records .Jumble .as BOys Club tindern1en Win , Annual Relays N!ne records were smuhed, five •·A" and four .. B'", Saturday fnorntng u . trac1uters at the Harbor Area Boys' Club walked off wttli all euy ltrlt place tn the a«:<md llUW&I Harbor Area Bar' Club ftelt.y Ca.mlval at the high achool track. Huntington Be1,.eh wu second an1 l[lanla Ana third. Lee Taylor, of the local club, anrt"'-------------- lliltilliljtOn BeaCll'a ftlcliard BUt- ....S copped Ille m~la for th< ouf. lta:nclttl1 perf0f'D1~s of the day. 'fayior won c·an •·A " bo1'of'!I (fO!' "'1)'S born •ft.er January 1. 1935 mid i:rurrud wu tops Jn the .. B .. dlY~ 4 for boys bortli after Janu- nj. 1, 1938. • The toeai. aoandly trounced *'1ta Ana In etea "A " compett- ttbti, 53-19. Boy8' Club tra.cksters tboit r~rsts In every event in this dtt-lllton.. ~rch were broke~ In Ute high jUmp and shot put and d:ie 200 &nd 300 yard shuttJe races •wen a the •iX man 440. OtanfJ8 DilMpt . T• Nine, 4-2 . Newport Harbor bowed ' to Dl'ang-e 4--2 at Orange' ln a Sunaet League baseball rame last Thu,. day to be virtually 3Cratched trom chatnpion!ihlp contention. It ....._. the Sailors' third k>u N•wpttri H•rbor Al It H w.n:.1 ," • o o L•11•, p 0 I 0 Ab~. rf 4 I 'I l urdlck, c J 0 I Cr•l"l If 4 o I W.119•,cf J O I Al It H I I l • 0 I ' , Tile -iuso aftmulum bundllit oD ~ COIJeke c&mJIU* "II -!qt a "C..C, Utt." repor1I Dt. fJ&. .it H. Pettncm. cdllere p-dt;nti "OUt Doud at Tr1JOt-.:' jlatea Pt!eNOfl; "llatt wiepted loW lJldi and approved .contfl.eU ttH N' mC>cldb>f -tll~ "1!1WIUlll," 1'otaJ ~ wm lie sfdl,eet. the ·,.,.. ~w -..icn -· it!!' P<OYed 1nc1114e t11e 1.uow1nr: *ii' !lam Rol>nacker, Bania Ana Uld o. z. ~t&on. flewwft 11Qe1>. ,.,.._ eonatrvetlOa, '40'.UO: 8. Glen ~ Lot~ •uto- -Uc tpt!nlilen, tacf,IGO: l!ltAlford itleetrtc, 11'....port -II. er.etrf· c'al. s7 ,ns: -· Heat and Power Co., Lai ~la, &ouer. C'Oft\<emon, tl,Jotl: i:>. 8. it..r..nia I eo., 8aMtJ Allli, -'tlnf, ventllat- lng alld mechllftkal. tt.210: An· denon Pl~b1ng Oo., Santa Ana. plllmbtnr. ui.~22- : HunUngton Beach barely edg-ed dtt loeals In "8" e•ents 29-27, bot tJte ttemendous advantag@ tn Var- ,dtJ' division eventa g-ave the I~ dltll first In the meet. Buc.Jdy Thompaon, ~ne Loring and Paul rt"~llmlUIJl each had a part In three di. tM fOUl'I re~td breaking per- forma:ncea. A.II three we~Atn the lilgh jump, 200 yard sbuttre race and four m•.n 1320. ... 10"°· l b , • I lr.ttl, Jb 1 0 O••li, 1b 1 0 I 2' l I ,,. .... McCfldl1lj lb $ornn, c Mee....,. rf lu•tnbl11. lf 51\oitiln'I, ~· 5'11"91, c Wiiii-. Jb O>ii, u '••tff, p Hetrtt•, J . ' ' . ' . . ' . ' .. l I. ) ' .. ' . ' ' .. D • O lttRE f!I tffi: ~~ pl! t-l>f druie. 0oaat ..... ,tio •• ffw Wt 'to rlpt; Bob !Katllall. 111-tft l'tOlle-. ~hi !I~ ......... f. 8t&D<fln6 ~ ..,. lo ..... 'hilt ftomp- AOft, Don MeDoWflft, Uoe ~r llM Bad Yo7antt6. wor1t on the ru-ucture 'Nill commence tmme<liat@ly in otder ~at Uie but!d!nJ will be ready tor use ,...,t SeJtember .. The re-- inodetln&" Wl1! ~ake the llalfdlng meet llate' requirement.a 16t tire and u .. qilak •• *Ill provllle· _,_ l!>g Ope.oe lot IOO tpectatiift, wtu ~pletelJ ttnovatti aftd f'e.ar- l'ang• vdotllljr i.cllltlH. ''When oompleted It wttl give oat college Q>ne of tb-e moet tultctJoiwl and ipac1oua gymo In Or&nl'• -y ... ~oncluded PeterlOll. The meet wound up the Boy!' Club sea.eon with foor ww in four .ta.rte. Bueball bt next on the c*lead.ar with opening day slated fl1f Saturday, June 2. C._A:SS A Hf9h-flfll\p-loy1' c/ull 1''11¥•h.•I, T•.,tor. f.ltry, 1-MrdJ; S.ftf• All• l•y1' ch10 Mtl'l'I· Mr J t....-. 011. II ft., ''h ;,._ IN.• r•- 14'f'I fK6fit). tt..d /""'p-lo,5' club (T•flor, Mrr•, J. . n ft., fYi 111. J:ASTl!AN BASEBALL STA~Dl1'GS • W I~ P.tc Stuts AD __ ___ 8 I . 721 Mt. s... Aatonto 1 s . 100 ru,·fftlt~ ...... 1 s . 100 San: &rnl'lffliaO . .. 5 8 .•M lmutl" ~ ___ --I 7 .!09 Fullr-rton ........ . . ... 3 1 .!ilO Chano1 ________ . ---------s 7 .300 l'rttlll;f'• Oamn RtVerttdfl at 8aata Afta; Full-· l"rton at c:ir.tte1: WIL San An- tonio at OtaJfre C9*t; 9aft Bt·r- nardlao, b1l"· ~' ""5::'); $ifflfa ""' a&,1' clu& • ~ ' clvb !Smith, M•••1, CHff-$,_J~rt'~k. s:,~~·,:"i~. ~~~ ~~r:,. ·:::: OCC Pirate 4-llfa• JOO 5fluttt-toy1' cleb (lnlpit, lfrtf, wm.i, ~I: S.M• "'"'· l.ry'• ,,.. """.,, l; Tim• l•.7 1ec:. 111-r•l•rs Lane Leads Tars to 7-3 Vict'ory - Newport Harbor HJgJl'a 1Sone- hkfer1 euUy won their lecoftd Sunaet League game at the New· port Heights diamond Tue9day by thumping-last p:ace Hutln&"- ton .Beach. 7·3. Dick Lane led the Tar 12-hit attack with th~ tor thret while Mashburn was burling se"Yen-hlt ball. Santa Ana topped P'U11erton to remain unbeaten IQ League play and ea.med the right to enttt the CIJ' playotfa for the second ltr&JgPtt y@ar. They drew. a bye tft Satarday's first round. rflcotil)_ , s rt p " '4-Mn M-tard ~lcrri' clvb fl•Y· I po s a er kif, WetNI, litr'Y' M'f"•)· S.ltfa AMI iof,' I clrit •.mMr l . rtim• •.I '"'" r•tm rec:-Hu11!1..qto• laac• otll). , Al .. M N.,.,,_n H•bor Al I H t:-M"" 440-yar6-loy1' cl"b (Martinet, Mr· , -----~--~~~---' M.t...,., tf.n,• l I I .... ter,. Smith, w.n.1 ... d l••'';J: S.nta -11 ....... ..,11 p 0 0 0 .... Ch.fa." lOl A ' club rt<.1101btr l . r."'' .S ("•• Qre. .. ge Co&Jlt ,.0 ne-·1 athletic .. ,,.1•1 1 1 r 111..,. ~ord). ..... .. e ~ WI ~.~M.t .... ,,,ct-loY1' cl11b (Knipp, li.411 .. teams say "30'" for the year in 111•"""· cf J O I ... 1_ I I. •otw•ll. c J 0 I ~~J. .,,o•. My•• ; lor1' clvb 1111mb•r 1. all sports except baseball. Kr•d•ll, l'f.p l 1 1 ~· ..... Tim• l:H. Klmb.11, rf 2 0 O 4-Md IJ201-lhp clvb (W•tr•I, Smlftl, On Frida•, May 4, Picken·• bet l~d. l•'llorj: loy1' cl•b 11•mb•r 1, S••· J lo•l•1, rl I 0 0 ta .i.u. Tim• °'· and ball men ptaytnx before a ca-•· lotw.-11, P J O I Cl.A~1 1 pacity pa.rtlaon Pirate day crowd, ~:~~'.",·~b ~ g g l •ite, 11 ) ! I W.tt•I. HI J 1 C-.i111. If 4 I 1...-dlc•. c J O I Ab&o"-~ J I I Swi-.t•. d' 1 0 O l111~. Jb • J I 1 N.,ti'1•1, l b J 1 1 "4•1h11rii, p ) 0 I Tof•I• 11 1 11 Tote l1 " ' 7 HJrrotl ~_.,.,,.,fhi9*o l•«h '°"' ct .. b. fell apart under aft onstaugbt of DJit. •• ft:, •1, 111. (ltf'lt' rel.rf"f record). bit.8 from a Atrong Santa AM Don ~ ~u"""ffo• httri 1011' clr.1b team. F1nal score, 11-t. Thi• week Scor• by l1111i1191· Undefeated, Gen e.r al Stan.let Rkkl•rl!oel and Boll Marahall l.d the Oran~ eo..rt. 1 ~Uege Plra.te 1ott tea:M to thet.t Wrd successive ~rn Contetelfee Champlon- al\lp, held Jo1•tl1 tl!a r.ar wtth P'\Jl~rton and 81.rtta Ana. The Pirate teem opened "'aru• p'ay ~Ith a 10 lo 5 defeat bjr t&e powerf\.1.1 ·!anta Ana Dorta. Com· Ing-back tn auccuetve 10'ffk9 tht locala trounctd Che.ffey, 14 to 1. and rolled over RlveHtde, 11 % to 3 i,,. Mean"•hlle In aJJ.-ttopott.a.J\t cluh came btt\tttft 0.. etm un- defeated P"ullerlolti lf.ol:tet. Md Saftta Ana. Fullerton t#oftt:ed the Dons and, elonf *IUt ocd, WC'nt tnto a tie for flhlt place. Mal"!!hall brought hOft\e itw:.-e honora to thre school w~ he ,,_p~ tur~ the Medal Play cMn1ptah- 9htp at lut Frldey'a conference toOrney by leadfnr the rliekl iili )Ow !:core.. Bob wUl reptesent the fo.. ca.ls In the irtale tourn&mf'rrt at Stanford. Tart Pla~.f flour . Dons Smother Comt, 11 .• 4 The Satl:ta Ana Dona lawt'J'ed llte boom on Ora.ftge Cout'a un· l.acky bueball nine la.at Friday wtth 18 f\J\e, lncluding-homes runs by Pete Futo and J erry Bra1'- cato and a pair of two-baggeta by Harvey N oel. S!lnta Ana JC Won euny 11-f on lht OCC dla· mond. P"Ulo'1 blow~ with· two on in Ule fotfl'tJJ, capped a four-run 8J>lurge And put the: Dona In front e-0, a lead Utey never rellnqulahed. 8rancato sot f'tl• four-muted with ...e ,,_td In th• llllltb. ..... AM Ot .... eo.st .UIH ' AtltM • Tot•t' llJH.,.,h,c Ill 4 J I 1'llrd9U, rf 4 I J S I J Tlile,_, lb 4 0 I S110•r•.lf 401 S O J Jtdqw"·r I I I SIPllrld-.c 101 SO I Smitfl,1.1 400 SllSirl•f•r,1b J I G 4 I I J."'•1, Jlt • ,a I tJ I I II Seo•• by Tof•lt h111r11>91 .. ' teM-. All• ltl 4DO JOJ-11 11 ' Ot•r.o• Co.It 080 110 O»--4 1 1 ----- "''· .. •:. f "'· -. Stlof' "1-Mr.111th•qto11 •••ch 10,..,· cl.b. the P'trate11 meet San Bernardino Oft. m "·· 51/t. 1,, 1-""'"' rKord) there on 'f'tteedeY atJd en.tertatn 4tl•li a.yMd Sl111ttl_...1111tlnqto11 l••ch ...._ Heltfft1,.to1t te•c;t. 2tO 4D01Q-J 7 Ntwpott '1e•W 111 no _, !1 ------ I 'In CIF .M..+ 8oys' Club Plans leach P.+y Sat. lo9t" ~ n,_ •·• fHw ••l•r• •Kord). ! Mt. San AJtf.on'lo aft r-rk!.Y. .t.f/1/-. it-,.,, 9'ioift~r.111thw~to11 l•Kh In fennl.!J the crack doubles -,, .. ,,.. .... _ Harbor High'• &aelunon J!ili<td TM llooft•rt' club of tho Hat· REPORT ! TR&tTf! Tw"o ,.etty thefta •ete Hated by N.wport police lUt ....tt. Mra. Fted Earle, Iii S.-Bay eomplalned th•t lllree-<Pilltt•r Inch awning pipe taJutd at $3&.9:> wa.a taken from her pat.kt. The harbor de'pllrtment OOtllled poll~ t,bat· the boat Carotia an- chored o!f the oout~ llh'ote of Bal· bpa bland waa enfe:ted 6tM a hbt~ Ue of whiakey wiui ltolen.. ---Opportunity la tnaelllllf In ~Ab!l- wi.e P0<7fH • -""' -. --= · Dodte ht moYed. -0.ttch It! ' CR.A Hof R~d IACIN• S1111 .. .,. I Mey 11 -"' ....... TALllRT 5TADIUM Hu1lhiff81t lt•lll • ;w,,i., U"9 Pint ~ .t•ii .... • I -MAY 19ttt ~to 26ti nth 4 N""'POrt Blvd. COSTA MESA BEA-lftl-B tbrillin( THOR ,OU IGHBIED . ~ j • -Ql~~-=" ..,.,_ { ROlLTWOOO ~All llYITES TOD TO ATTlM8 • •• ih twelftti 1eo1011 of thorovohbre4 rocl,.g. § .. , 1ee •any of A"'erico'1 lvrf cl\0111pioa1 ond ovhlo"-~ifl t jocl•'t• i• 50 doyl of ••citii.1 t C'091,•hhon. f4 OPIJllMO DAY 2 111 STHES UClS O~NINC Wlll-l• ffilllf, MAY 11-MOLl.001,.!ltlllll: R&UIW SlhrflJ, MIY 12-Will ~IU UMIC., RESERVED SEATS NOW DN SALE! M·Av 11·{ • 'fM ,...., t••<ho•• ,_,..M ~lot, ... ••ti,. ...,I .. w , •.. 130 Time ";; DAILY • Ja , ' I" ""'011<• to• O~Y doyt of '~ .... ,;,.,_ ""° ... 01 .... 1·1111 •• Olcllord 7-71.SI ....... ,_. ......... .,i....•• i /i ADMISSION PRICES <; ! (;ltA..,DSfANO • • • • • , • • • , • • '1-'5 \ C'UIHOUSE , • • • • • • • • • • • SA• 0.1., $1.10 f•tro fer l[Sfl\IEO SL&Tt ~ fAlt~icH IMlwcfe J1u•1I ' I IACIS DAILY 11.,...., s .. ncJe" ....i "'-· oloyol Meo loci,.. T ..... ot. M_., l.SoMT.....,.,Mof)J .. ,. • . .• . • • • .. . . " ' • 6-M• ._"..tt,.011 t..ch 1o.,,· chi&. team of Jack Kreb!J: and Bob Mar-Tlr.,:-• ......... 1'fritqton •••ch hrrt' club shs.Il reacbed tJkio sernJ..ftnal rotbnd n• ':17.i . on Ole Etdtetfl. cottfereftce tmnls l!arly Ovfbunt _ Beals OCc,·1-2 Jt"trst tn:rtlng triplC's by Paul Wft- n1ack and Jack Graf .fparJfed a t!Tr~·tttn 01Jtbur9t by San &r- n11rdtno as the lndtanl attJ.ed tht> issne e-arl,-ag-alnst Otan:ge cout Tut&day and went on to 'Im. 5-2'. only lout Tan In Iii• qualftyliig fRll' Af•a Boye' C!Ub i. •Wtlni an tound af the · ct1I' d'.Mslornll rrieel "aJt 100 can eat for ~ cents at Huntington ifrtu~ t6tt tietur-be:ach party'' Saturday atiunoon day. Semf-ftn'111 Will btt held thbl *ftd tte1lfng at Corona del Mar for Saturday. OM Tar B squad me.m:-m@mbli!tt Of tl\'l Bo~ crow. S!lAH Fl>lt U:* Free Parkbll" High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 161& • 4:*''P l~H,,.....,,.on a..ch 1o,,·_ chi". finals at CPraffey oft "1tday. May n• J:l!i.t , ..... f~rd ""' ..... d11qu•l, ~ • Clnt A pot.it•~,,. cr.b. u ; ~ .. ,., 4 . At tJtts poftrt the iratel!I dc- AM. If; ffdftncftO. 9-t:A t faulted becattae ~b Marshall wu Ctitti ' Pofl•'• .,,.,,flWriito.. •••Cl\ 2'; I ....,. cl•& ff~ s,,,.,f• 1... 1. · swinginf hb ••1 lo a cPtatnf)ion- 1otaf .....,ift--I""'' ci.r. ICI; H~..ti 119to" I stitp at At9tr!kfe tn tftt. !'.aail'rn N«fl 1': s.t. A"N .,_ · conferuee KOtf ttnala. Tennis Team · Oolf \'Man Wtm The gotf te-«m playtnr without 1-.a.. S·rustn• Stan Rtdderhof wu unahte to 11118 ... ......,.. maJte a dent tn the team ch1.m--I ptollshfp but Bob Marshall earda1 Orange Coast ColJtg-e's t<'nnis the low score for a.JI the partlcl- team wound np lht!ir M-a~n in pants. fifth pt•ce with. a record or six 1 t--•-ff . , M 1 * pmet Won arid ft+' lost for the n nu:.K •rptr • tr era ere: year. l' conte:ltt lo &core 4 ~itl:ta · ln the !tsd:bone of the tt'lm and ··two Eluten coll.1ettnce . finals at Full- oet.atandfftl' pt.yen... nk:t Coaeh erton on• Ma1 .f. Bruce Weed and He' RCf89o. W"ere· Jac k Krt bs and R.a..lph Baltletn. scored the pornts. Bob Matsf'tall. Thia skltltul com-ln sWtmmln«. J•ck Ben cCJlfltln- btnafton !J'ahded to11re the rto talre ~ hi!I drive to State JurttOT col- afl bUt one of tbt> doulttea matcJfd lege cttv1ns cham~hfp. ~D tAbli· f'e&r. . took secoftd tfll Hi@ 3:M fhlgh • Alt.ltough 'Krebs and Matshd board} divtng &ltd Uftrd In Ute JM were tntered irt the s-eml-fhialtl (krw boa.rd ) at Loni" Beach dUT- match of the Eastern Conference I ~ the sottthem. CAHfohtta. Juft- tourftey which was held lut Fri-1or college 1JWirOming chmnpioft- da1 afternoon, they defaulted to .ssips on May 3, 4 and 5. 9en Bernardino to let Matsl'tl.11 O\«~ compete in lite tll'\als of the con-rae.nce gD1f tcurnament. !Job Jl(ar.lhall i9 being Rftl to lGH:bs al9o Pl:o!ds ttie dMtinctioh the atate golf ttftala at Sta1'lford of toeing-only one singles match on May ~l . He hu a good chance lrl tftferachool competion. Jack and 1 of coping tlle title ... Jack Bell f~ Pirate Roger We lls took ts repreeentin_. tile maroon and life fltst tound of last Mrlday'a gray at S*n Luis Obispo in the sttrclff matches but to.st rn the •tate rNimmlng cbampku·WUpa ~1-tlftaJs division. t~:is: week end, May JO, l 1 and "Wlftnlftg' on!' one league match, 12. Jactt: l3 capabh: of cftfeating t fi e rac~ttr9 bala.need thelr his nemesis, the duo from P'uller· aohe<klle by sweeping all five non-ton and taking the diving cPOwn Je.il1fl! matches. . . . Hue~on Harper ia alrt'9dy ...,.Ith most of the boys coming prepartng for next year-track- back aga.in nd.t yea-r." said Coe.ch wtee. From Ulis "Y&nt.a~ point, Remo, "It toofl:.s Uk.e Orange Coast the Pirates wUI ~ loeded . . . wm 4eftnftely be among the top 'nJe first annual sprtng sports cdh(dide~ for next year'a crown. bant1uet Wfl1 be held on :May Sl • at the cotleg-e cafete rlL Promt-Vfl .._.__ Cl• n•nt college coachea plu. .U Pl-1 ' ....... rate spring sports athleta wtll be It 'Pt_L 'P-1-.• honoted gueat.s. 9Clf' DR I VIW Pirate pltchllltr bu fallen "" the .ehotlkkra of W'Or'k-hone Norm fftthllghllrtc Ute y ·9 Men'a Club lt.idgway. 'J"IWt boy ts aorely meoetfflg Mand.at eVening-at lbe: misled '1. 8'ortatop bUt k La Ul• 1..-Coit.1< Re.t.H ... t. Ralph va1-on I.lie moend ... The w .. ~ •. SN.man, ~v~ 8 sparkling medley relay team W'U an eet to aCC"OOTiftt of ·hi~ ex-per cnces ffl Al· enter th@ SOG.tlffmt Call/on.la uJIM wat•rs. · ~ ~ •ben "rtlli M o j>l !fttlf1'1 >n A!dska," i "P'tnt lf&r Dume Bdl.bdfn ar- saM"" ••tt• H!IOt"'1. "Y ou -I faed -....... llUnii oa •it dilJlll ~ -"""'"""' In th-I -la a lioome _,.nt. bo..-wa!Mt, ""d !HJ • ftUU'T sac1t · etated lie -11e9Mll1e lo - w1 hi a halt bout," he ..... ~ fM ten da9'J ,• .. The Pirate 1)'111 hll 0..-... ----Ode -~ ,,_ tle-u..n. gtffn by ~·-a ~ ~job. If Wiii JO!l'!P!! 'Mlom-. cl09od Ille be .....,. -18 Sepl<lilbol'. ~ D~--u...--~­ .... ........., . .,...-.. -... Doege baa mond. W .. lcli it! • [ ' ........ IM-·18l-.,.fte plJI -. 0...,.. ~ ... SU.too ....... 1f1ll ... _pla)'ed .. tut" day lllfbt. •a•.,.., JG la ~ •• Jlowl la ............. lfte Plnlla ---lo ,_...ta. ... -wiDI. fllII -_ot ...... D • ...,.. _ _, ............. Jh11 -'Ill .,, llJ&l'i. ftll .. Olit Iii •• 11- lio u.. ""-'. ...... -..... ..... F'. -~ R8.rris· Mn.g-t. drof'e ·in both. P frate runs in tPlt 9'x.U\. H t! made thr ~ hits. Or111q• Coe1f A.I l H • 0 ' ' 0 • ' . ' • t I I 0 0 ' I I I 0 0 ' ' ' ' . . l •• " ' ' s... •••l'l•td'TliO ' •oi•, rf 'f I ~ WMll.tet, If 1 I I IUely, t• 1 I I er..,, ft! J 1 1 Lfft<h. r• J O O t.lcDowlt, c J 0, I J•c\JQll. lb J f I lee"'" <f J 0 I ,.o!D'~, II J I I H11h,p 001 Tof•f, " s 7 loll• N..,"5 Lne to Wilson Kenny LMMer, who won fttft alnrles featurf'<I match ftom Don Chambe.rs, · l.-d the Wilson H1gl't tennis team to an S:-1 vlcttlt'J over Newport. dn the 9olflh Ctl&ltt court.a P'tt<tay. A.cote: SINGLES -Leule-r £W) def. Olambeta (NJ, &-0, 1-8, 8-4 : Za&- tl• 11'1> <J<,t. )fobitt 1w1. 1·8, 1-1. 8-6; Becke.r (\'Vl def. WUHam~ (N), 6--0, 6-1 ; Alber\f!on (W ) def. Zeabe, 6·2, 6-0; 'tinder lW) def. W •IAh r NI. 8-0. &-0. DOUBLES-Trimget aftd John· IOft (W) def. Johnaon and Mki- dough INI, 6-1 . S~; Mooro and ftJJtoy rw> dl!f. Arm~ttong and Hugo IN). &-3 , 6-1. TARS wts, 70-7 Newport Harb'o; Hieb -b&JJ team P<!wte.d oll the WU-lllgb crew oft the Tara' ·diamond tut Friday. w1Mtng 10-7. llUS Boa- 1'!7 a recruit from Ute Bruin JV, pltChed for l&e wu..on ntne. Dodtre baa m0¥ed. t>'&lcll il ! bers placed alWI Urtet> C tMm Roy DanJeJ, chairman of tl!e rnembei9. · Be«ch Pirty planning committee San Diego wu fltst with J2 ~ out.Mned plan.s for a. tun laden quaJifl«rs, Santa . AM Jt#d &. La=-afternoon and evenb'rg wtrtcrr 1tr- guna 7 and Hunt&tgton BeMc!t ~-ch~de.s. tn addition to all you can Pfeclng for !be.Tata we-1-e : Clua eat. ?otleyball, softball, swimming, A. 1:0 hlg'fi Huttllea, Tijrkrt; Ngb bilinf and a firelight game of jump, Norma.tr. ahdl-pul, Van "Pantomime Quiz;", (Boys' Club Dre.mun fM (t. 10 In.) AM SW'ln· Version). Kle (M ft. 6 il'I.) • ·Dan~ stated that those attend- t ia.M B: .hot put, Pullakl. Ing thf party would be tranaport- Cla.ss C : broad JUmp and 180 ,rant ed to &Ad from the beach by ~ dash. Wright !woo-tieat in 18.9 Boys' CJub bua. Depa.rture time 19 sec.); 660, 'S ... frurd: · pofe -tatule, +~30 p . m. and the group will re- Caraon. tum At 9 :00 p. m . Tlcket.a tor th~ • beach parfy may be purchased at Hor lHs. ·-••• ltllll" I& club trom Dt.l!lel. Cllarlff 1 8.err' or John MCCJ'mkey. .. .,...,.,. ....... , CaltfOl'ftta RaeMtt .ltw.:Mtlon chauffeurl, OfiOee: .taatJff • tntided 1-ooto w11a t""' ~cat-down but pepped-Up ••flot-rodo" that ba•e been tho tt.cht« R.metkln of caJJfonri& lM pelt-jdl, ntdt11 over the tfttb...m.&e ~tla:ft at Talbert Stadlmll In Hdfttlnr:f.On -hon-y. Occutoo la jaflt anotlil!t ·at Ou! regule.t SUnday &tt•tno<m ,....tr 1h&wa at ntbltrt lff*Huni -&ut tllta one-ptornl&M to be a cortter. The hot·rodil . halt "*" l>utnlflg 'em up of late. and au t1w! lieed.- 11.l\ere Of UM CRA. r.v~ ~ owner-promoter Tcfth Talbert. and CRA pruy Walt JllllfN al !Ul eritry. Quallfytnc tritla op<n Ill 11:10 p. ~-. wmt the tint race, a tto;: phy ruh, tsbb..t tor 2:18. A IO- i.p main OYent lload-~ lflO- ,-ram. The flrat thM .. ... - them, with more-ot-lelio -~ &lid -.. lib -q,1i!Ad In Ute Pe..-it\ ~· 2i& mdll6a ~..-o. Wfrlt•ll1s-d Sets ,.._ I. C. Jump Standarcl Dick WhJtehe&d set a new Boys' club standln~ broad jurrtp record lut wee.k u he took cla.u B hOR.on with a leap of eight-ft. eJeven fn . deor&"e ShiPkl had the previout' record ot eight n . three be a b*Jt" inchea. Three other jumping sta.ndarda fell a1f Jbetl Leonard took D com· petJtJon wtU. a mark or 7 tt.., i\4 ln.; C:.Orge Schuitt went 7 n .. 6 In. In c..._ il and 0-.. Loring did 5 tl. 111!1 In. In 0 elforta. COmJ>etnlon t.hla week ln the ph191C&1 fttri-program ol th• 8oya' club teaturea lhe indoor nmnlng -jllmp. Bob -... Ma the bat mark wfth a 1e:a11 of lS ft., 2 In. . TISI' llUA &&·1.A*"*8 R«ent Ylsttorw at . me Imme ot Mn. Tllomu Kutlnc and d&UC!t- ltt ~ 12G Moote Vi.ta BL, -u:-. ..... kn. -Uni'• ,....i. lb ...... Mn. C. H . K.,... !"1ot ..... la~ SATURDAY,. MAY 12th OF THE MOST MODERN AND OOMl>i.E'l'Et.Y EQli&nt> -. ' ' ' ' TIRE RECAPPING PLANT AND T~tl .. ts!1V.e.l'J&f~~~·(jyl~s i' \ :vi ; t~.1 IN ORAN~ COUNTY • -. IN OUR NEW IUILOl~G A 't 16th and Newport Blvd .. I Cos~ Mesa --------' ' ' ...,.... ______ "'"" . ln!ftlM'OtS SPECIAL! fot GOODYEAll .... U.S. IOYAL- 11115 $1 A Few New · OODYEAA RATHON IRES NOTE! .WHITE SIOEWAl.L-S SflbL 'A~ ILABLE IN MOST SIZES. liTiliR COM~ WHIL~ ·WG Ii VE SO . E ' • ci.. ...... , 9 ·-• Qf .... J j' .• '--:'.!' -,, ..... .......... "Ctr -I .............. Ila t • ' f. a , E 1 n•z1.., -WWWfWi!i m."8, Df ":\,.., Al-, ... _. NIWPOU, COS1A mSA ' . ' • • • • ' µ • • ' I PAGE 8 -PART 11 ..,... THURSDAY, MAY 10, 195 1 , JC1hi~~ai:·ss~ Episcopal W omen to See Navajo Mission W ork Sgt .. Bob Hall Leaves Japan Social Evenin g , fo r NDGW Parl or· • Gary Gr.ey, Alice Valencia · CrQwned King, Queen of OCC Pirate Day . The peak of last P'rlday'a Pirate Day eventa a t , Orange Coul College came at 1n:JO p. m. when Miu AUce Valencia of Santa Ana and Gary Grey of c~ta Mesa were crown~ kln& and queen or lht• celebration. the royal honors be.Ing performed by Ken Nllet of TV and rad!o rame d1LClng intermiaslon of the all·sc:hool dance. Women'• aa.xlHary ot 8t. J amc11 church m .. to 'l'llunday, Kay 17, l :80 p.m.. under the cb&lrmamsbtp ot the new prea.ldent, M.r•. Ruth Paltl80n. The program wlll bi the &bowing of lhe mluionary film, "\.Vlndow on the Sky." w h.tch la t.nc atory or the Eplllco- pal c:burth work In Arizona among the Nava.Jo Indians. Thi• film wtll b<! s hown lo the c hurch 1Chool pupil.a on Sunday, May 20 u t.he monthly mlmiooary fllm. Until Ume of coronation Identity • of the royat p11.lr had been kept a .ecrf't. Bolh were t:hosen by secret ballot on an all-school election previous to the day or celebra- tion. The school's Boy .scout "(roops Staqe Gold Rush at Back Bay annua.I play day Da)"t of\the old west lived ai:u.ln started at noon, for 49 Boy Scouts from the Har· f o 11 o w I n g a bor troops who spt'!nt a rf.'Cent morning or llC· week Pnd camping at thf! Back ·~ c e l e r a t e d 1 Bay. On Frll.la.y evening the.y set c1.&8se\J, w h en up camp anc on ::;aturday. stagl'd the stud e n t a ·•gold rush." Queen Alice body. a t tired In Each patrol wu ~lven · an fW all kinds of pl· slgnmept at onP ot the Gold R~sh \ ra.Ucal ~arb, enjoyed lunch and a clUea. Sacramento. Vtrg!n\a Cit,y. gay carnivlll session on the cam-Sutler's MIU• and others. Reward pw: near the student union. for completing the a.Mlgnment Tht'n c&mf> an as.'H?mbly hour of were "gold nuggeU," uaed. at the tun and entcrtalnment ~ one-half, e.uctton which was climax. of the • student talent: one-half, profes· affair. atonal. The latter featured J oe Adull.8 present were Allen Crlll- Venuti. hts violin and a group of ell, William Hol!ltPin, Al Markell. entC'rlainC'rs from Hollywood: Don M. A. Harwood. Victor Hugo, Bob Darsey. sinj::er; Jack Moon. emcee Chamberlain and H . K. Gifford. and te1cr of tall .. tales; Deacon Scouts were : troop 5, Bruce Nott, Hare. the original ··15cat Singer": Herebrt Perry. Orville Hf'mstreet, and Venuti's own talrnted guitar-Greg Archbald, Bob Allrn, Lee I.st, accordionist a.n rl bass 'fiddler.' Crlsell. Sam Varbls. Mike Wood· Ont Sho"· land, Pl'lle Peterpon, Bobby Ne"''· "It was decidedly the most en-land, Richard Sandoval, Doug tertaining show we've pad since Tugwl'll, Bob Graham, Jerry Bell, the colleKC' has been in exl.!tence." Frt>d Woodworth, Steve Gathman. exclaimE'd many a perNJn. follow· Dennl1' Cole. Da vie Giffo(d. Jocl Ing the n.sst·mbly. "That group McCallar, Bob Gardnf'r and Ward really 'put out' tn J:IVt' us fun." Pierce. Prior to Vcnutl's group, colleg~ Troop 80: Ct'org.e Hood. Bruce i;tudent. .. presentt•d a program of Lucu. Pst Lynch. Allen Borus, their· own. baSl'd on a televtalon Ernest Minney. Joe Lynch. Pat show. 'Thron~ the screen Ofl Gaffey, Felix Martins. Charle!'J rtal!e "the farn!ly In thE' front Frie and Charles Markell. row" a.nd a large l!Uctience watch· Troop 17 : Bobby C&lll.s. Bob rd Joe McCaffrcy and Geor ge BA· Diehl, Wylie K eeler, Darrell Goins, con emcel' the follo~·ing progT&m: Jim Llnd~ren. Dick Well!\, Tommy Marv 1 Anne Morrison and Bill Baurne. Ronny Keel('r. Richard Lethrldgc in a Gay Nineties n um· Pleger. Rod Ga lderhead, Ronnie bf>r. "Strolling Through the Park." Newlon, dreg Hughes. Gordon [ Bob Aguillera ln a.n lmpreASlon of Dixon, Bob Villagrana. and J ohn Ted Lewis: Robbie Fiero and Pa.t-Jurgensen. ( It. -9~&?, / Fordhook LIMA BEANS ..7'~~.9.t U4 ./ 11 oz. PKCF. ti Hay€'s i.n panton1ime to "Ten· For this coming week f'nd thf' nE>ssef' Waltz", artd Dave W eir· troops will camp at o·Nelll park bach anrl Joe Liml'n In burleeque near Trabuco canyon. 14 o z. SPINACH ehopped or leaf Pk6. of the wrPMtling craze. PrtZH (JlvPn A featur~ of the day'n activities Included prizes ror cOHtumes and bf>ards. Dan Ch1 :ton and Etta. Klis.ls copped honors for having the mOflt authl'nlic cU11tumes: Bill • Hay and Patti Hayrs. ro r the m011t humorol48 attire, and A lex Marti· nez and Marilyn Riadahl. for the most novel and lnexpen~ive. "Beattl awards" went to Dick W hite for growing the longest one; to HCtWard Garr for having the bushiest one: to &mard Bear- den for m14naging the fanciest one: and to Charles Keener for aJlowing nature to give him the 'best' one. Mast er Po int Bridge W inne rs Mrs. Gerald P.1'.cComber and lttr!I. Edna M cMaJ:il~rs were win- ner!'! of master points playing north.south section B tllld Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bengon were wlnner11 ca.st-wt•s t B l!ection in the mas· ter point open tournament held In Costa Mesa on Sunday afternoon. \Vinners In SE:ction A were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Powelt playing north-8outh and Mr. a.nd Mrs. E . J . Wickman ('8.'~t-weat. Runner8-up north-south se<:tlon B W£'rr Mrs. 8 . M . WllAon and J<>f' Wijcox; Mrs. Peggy John80n and Rol>f>rt Diachn<'r tying with M1 . and l\1rs. W. Cas(': Mrs. Jame11 Moffatt and PC'rl")· MacAdoo; Mr. and Mrs. J . \\'ythe. Rtlnne-rs -up ra.st·Wf'sl section B were Mrs. Arnold G1uiser and Mrs. J Ot' W1h~ox : Mr1'1. George Carroll and Mrs.~ A. D. Weatherby : Mrs. Molli(' Bslla.rd and Mrs. Roy Ivins: Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Tummel; Mr. and Mrs. H . M. Wallingford 'tying with ~frs. Mildred Lylle &.nd Mrs. CharlE's Boardman. Runners-up north·M>lllh atttion A Wt>rl' Freel Morri.son and How- ard Brownell: Mrs. Betty Coombs and Bob Randolph; Mr. and Mrs. E. ThyReson : Ray St11Ung ind P . Crawley: R. Davts and H oward Kennedy. Runners-up eut-we•t aeCtlon A were ltfrs. Robert Brown and J ohn Nicholas: Mrs. J . Co''man and Jiarry Belanger; Mr . and Mrs. E. Chrisnt>y ; Afr. and Mr•. Fred John- eon; M rs. Helen RadcUtf a.nd Stan Huak ey. M on d.ay Aft ernoon Bridge Winners· Mn. I!:. T. Mc.Manus &ltd Mn. C. H. John.son were ~-tnn•n in the dupUcale brtd1e p.:rue heki in.Bal· boavOl'I Monday ..ne.moon. ' Mrs. Ha rold Fink New President of 1$land WSCS • Thl' WSCS of Balboa Island Community M eth0<lh~t church in· stalled ·officers May 2 at a lunch· ron. the rite.s t&klng place In th" sanctuary after the bu\ineM meC't- ing In the .social hall. Mrs. ThC'O· dore Hauser presldC'd. hC'aring yearly reports, a.nd thanked her officers. Mrs. W. Bonney ot Anaheim ln· stalled new officer-fl, who were : Mrs. Harold Fink, prel'lident: Mri.. Percy Baine11, vice-president: Mrs. c . 8 . Barnett. secretary; Mr!I. Clinton Co&ne, trea.tturer : Mrs. T . HauM>r. Chti!ltian social relatlom: promotion secret.art. Mrs. Robert Ibbotaon : miasionary tducation. Mrs. William Bowles; children·.!! work. Mrs. Leona.rd Hargravt'; 11upply, Mrs. Martha Allen : status of women. Mn. Percy &in('S~ youth work, Loretta Schenkt•l. It wa.s a pretty and lmpreuivl' service, each officl'r lighting her red candle from the tall white one represent ing Jesus. Light of the World. Soloist for the lnst.allallon wu M.rs. Raymond Baldwin. a ~autl­ t\.tl song tying in with the rites. Mr. &1dwtn accompanied. Pla.n11 were made for S<.'rvlng refreshments next Sunday at 3 :30 p.m . laying of th<' cornerstone of the new church. when Dr. Hay- dt-n ~a.rs, district 11uperlntendent. will ~ present. having also preached at the morning servtcf'. Next meeting will be June 6. 12 noon with luncheon at the church. Harbor Realtors to Sponsor Fish Fry Queen ·The Newport Harbor Board of Realtors at their regular break· fa11 t meellng held Thureday at the Ba.Jboa Bay Club, voled to spo1190r Mia Carol Thomu. daughter of Mr. p.nd M ra. Carl Tboma. of Coata Meea., for queen of the IUl- nual ft.sh try at Costa Mesa. Miu· Thomas q , now quttn of the Job8 Daughters. Coeta Meea bethel anct la ,a student at the local b.Jgh echoo\. Sdectkln of a queen la baaed on tbe numM r of t lckel.8 eold, ea.ch t icket holder having one vote for the queen of thelr choice.· Announcement wu made tbat the combined Really boards of Orange count y are puttto.g on a realty Procnm on t.M. &ff' over KVOI!: • eacll 8~ nlchL Lul Su~ olgltl the program WU & ""'°'.ding made' by -)' --que. praldent of the local boenl. . -~~----· 8. A. I!:. Di1'fflU DANCE n wW be Codleo nfC•t-~ f ~) wbOft'Sisml! .Upha l!:p- elloA. 4JUml\I llold •their cllDner dance --·•t!GD or ol'-... at B&'lloa 8-l' dllb. 7:30 p.m. c M?IUL a.t tlr.fi.oi 1-Vtk o P£Ajn:t.on / MIXED VEGETABLES . 1 ~K':: 9~iOtt4 SWEET PEAS '$)1t.r.J&U up P~u // Ver•o•t Maid SYRUP ",f}o ~ ~-6 io IUL -:' Chlekea of Sea TUN A " a CM/:' ", f.lt. fltfl'f /" Llptoa'• TEA ll0.103 I& Ot .CJ.11 4'>ot. CA N •IE .7-Y . 1*. 800. '-'N Pla•fer'• COCKTAIL PEANUTS "ttMcffiC#ll d~ /* . POUllO BOX Saa~hlae Bl Bo CRACKERS \I b;2>6 .7--#!lfbd ~./" "t:z~~'1#e ./-. . B•••et Paek NAVY BEANS~ ''tZ ,_..., .. ~ /,., N0 .1.1. v-Ca•p'• PORK A BEANS l \I ... Sea Spra,. KBTC81JP .. a.:44 ~ ~,.,, .. ~/..­ HIJSTA•• Freaell•• /Sea. ClN Runnera-up were Mr-. C. .n Ir· -yin And 1Mn. H . 8. Hqllla; Mn:. J"aye Schlueter and Mn. Morton Croohy; Mn. Gerold KCCombor and Kn. a K . wn.on; C. B. Jolmaon and GenM K cComber; KM. .-'-ld O-r and Kn. A. G. DcJeabUrs. Tllo croup will moot out· on -.V afW-.-0. -Y H wtth. play ~ &t l o'cloclL All bj-e<i ~ .,i.,.ro .... Invited. 'nlc J"l"" lo hold at Uf ~ -Ocean l'n>nl, 11&1-. I>od&'• bM -"\"'1 -tel> n1 L. -"' -.. Ill cllars'a • "' .. ,u.a~ · j'"''' IU ce111n• ·~~:••••• •W °""'" .... --. w-. n 1 lilt NIWPQRT A COSTA "91& I ..f''~•.r- • f ' • Miss Loris Meyer Mames I,.. A Man . . • .' Dq BETTER AT • -·iger 'lb. 3'