HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-17 - Newport Balboa Presst l .l \ I • • • • &iclibu.6t • • I) • • ltJ T. M. ('"BIUCK"l OAllUll .Alwa7a lt'a aomet1t•nc 'to pt upoot abouL Now Jt.. •lectlon dapl A. friend up on the Kea la tll,. eaUM: of all-tbla. He condudl an emporium at wlllcb oplrlta att oold. Ana uiua la atrons;l7 atteet· ed bj elecUon days. It .-.ent• u lt cturtng the next Week three -count 'em -elec· tlorul ar<1 golns; to be conducted. • ' ' • nm nae • . A. lftlnw GI ui. - np1m1 c1ev.1c1p1ns; a .... ot Ille California sou~ Co•111ta( ICmplff VOLUME XII • • t ·-. .... • • PHONE HARBOR 16l6 • lllYINCi· THI INTIRI . HARIOR ARIA • .. \ • ' • • • r • • \ -6 i j I SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY ' . ' ' NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSPAY, MAY 17, ·1951 ~PAGES ' . 1 • I l] ' . ' I · J ' I ' . . ., } I. " • , "Im ... . , ~ I I • l A.llM IAI ~' ciaaio; • - • ~ &Del -~ -.im. j,to .-... -· .. -~ • ...,,.,.t. • ' . . . FIVE CENTS On •VttY one of thae daya ht must clOM hla eatabllsh..."ftent to aJl bu8tnea: In fear of '°"""' hll" Uceftae. and muat. by law, malr:f' not a dime until tbe pnlla baw •"'-'· Aa far u I know. thla cloc1Jll of .uch placN of bwltneee barb b&clr: to the bad okl daya. when prospectlw aldermen would pt eome of the boya all steamed up at tbe comer aJoon and riotai al tbe poU. would re.Wt. • I '! Thoee da)'!I. of couf'M, have-l'Qllf' torevf'!r. In Callfornla, al lea.at. 1 don't thlnk that even the moat rabkl Anti could lm&glnl!! any rioting cauaed by a eplrlta eatat>- llAhm~nl · staying open .. But fl'• atlU the law. lt'a Juel u RMJblr to~ ~r all J11ervt« ltatlON or grocery Ktorea or cRanln& eetab- Uabmen ta to Joee a day'• b".taineaa bec&Uk people are votlng. Why In tamallon ahould therf' be three separate and dlatlnct electloNI conducted where one would truff1ce-? In Of1B of 'em, J know, onP man 'a running for • eeal on a waler board. ' He's un- oppo8NI. and will lM' the mO«t aur- prtHd candidate in the country If be receives mo~·n 36 votes. But thef'f' mwit be an election board and all it.a trappings. neverthe- leaa. Wt:'rf' going to aak our good frtent1 lielnz K•lser, our efficient and do~gone St'tive supetv11ar, thf' bowcome of tbal one. A MIGHTY INTEKESTlNG TRlP Last Saturday lhia dept. went tor a fine boat.ride with Don Pat- tenon on hla elegant Sport.am.an. • nne 08htns en.ft. Don. one of the nne.t boat. any- where. couldn't provide much ln lhe way of natt. He had mount&Jn· high waves to contend wtt.h, but he dld produce a lovely rt.de alonJ the coutllne of Catalina Illland.. showing Ulla dej1t. much of that dried-out paradl.ae for goat.a that I 'd n@Ver ~n before. It wa.a good to be on a ahlp-- the word Ml the ak:Jpper'• ope· rated by Art Glbb9, wbom I've known almoet even •lftce there's been a Balboa Ial&nd. He knowa hla big boata -oblpa. I meaa- ttke nobody'• bwltnea. • ;-And ~ <tb e .....,..,,., ·axne day we're goh'tg lO do a f\lll9cale column on th&t .Uy 1entlem.an! nn:RE SHE 001:8 AGAIN Note from Nell Murbe.rser, my favorite tree-lance author. Neu atent a copy of flehinl' re111latlon.s lhowlng that many, many atatea proYld& q>eelal llcenae1 for viait- on, 90 they won't be ~ too much. Of cour11<e, It looka IUte legislaUon 'by our own !'.a.ti St.a.n- Jey may take care ot Ulat 1ltua- Uon In C&llfornla. Nell aleo uld abe wae leav\ng tar 11J1: weoeka In Utab and -Ne- vada -ahovlng ott tut Mond'ay momtnr, early. She Mid tbia dept. bad better go along. u &be'd alnady ha4 OJtera from two pq- tlemen. but *' membe>n ot the opf)Oalle .ex to make the trip. She added that, after looking over the lilt,. s.be'd decided to eo It alone to dig up . mater1&1 tor f\.lture magasine articles. She'll be a.II right alone, lt ehe watches out tw thcee Utah street- car conduct on! 8HAME ON 80MmlODY: I hope everyone read a story Jut week tn Ulla elepnt and nne- ly-tuhloned tam.Uy public&tlon about a.n attack on Joe Bttk of Balboa llland and the aubeequent equelchlng of the attacker. Some half-baked joker in the lt"g1elature had charged that our Mr. Beek, proprietor of the onty terry line In Orange county. had U~plly uaed Con.wnatlon Ser- vtee equipment tor hle own ~r- 90n&I Ca ID. An lnveetlption proved th~ c haracter wu com4 pletety out ot lme and that Ja.eph A. wae on the up-and-up. A fact that most ot ua have known tor many. many ~a.rs. PARK COMM. GETS COVE ISSUE The call.le of the verbal ek.t1.+-------'~------""'----'-----------­ mlah. at the Newport Beach coun-1 R · bert ell meetins Monday nicht -the 0 sen. red bot 'what to do with China ·Ray. Allen in Race for School Board Post Friday · eove·• tuue wtll tt.and high on the apnd& of the newly formed Park. Beach and Recreation com- mluk>n. One of · the cl)ief recommenda- tions worthy of note made by local· cttJ~na from the floor waa that of Ray Copelin. . planning comrnlaalon Mt:Nita.ry. Cop, 11 n I -g_id that, In hla experience. 1maJI ~ playgrounds are merely tempor-l ary .ubltltt.ttel" for a Larre over-F. -all plan. He •ucc-eated the ac-• qutaition of a large recreation area by the ctty (maybe one of 600 acre• on the canyon• of UJr per Newport S.y1 to be develop- ed along the llnea of Irvine Park. Councilman Braden Finch wu enlhu.11 ... tlc about C.Opelln's pro- poal, and me.nttoned goln« over <tOme of, the land with the d&- vek>pment ot a hup recreation U"e& In mind wtlh Ray C.Opelln.. Said Flncb "We've been dre&m'lns about thla. and they're not auch bad dreama." "nle. China Cove matching Ja.nd propoeall: can for the city to tumlah land or monet tor the elate park cOmmleston to purchue Chlna Cove for a state park aite were brou.-ht up at the end of councU \ me.etinl' by Or. Thodore A . Pet- rold, 1312 Cove St., Corona del MM. Pe.rpetal ~ Or. Dr. "'-laold requested the city council to con.sider the de- velopment of Cb.lu Cove u • perpetual beach. .. Frank Reyonlda. WU Jn. 11)'111- pathy wtth Or. Petiold-iii~ aa1<1 that ''Newport Beach a. a symbol (Coatlaeed ........ !J Fipps Receives Cesspool Permit Bluff property builder, Charin C. Flppa. 521 Orchid Ave .• Corona de1 Kar wu liven a perm It !limited to 12 monlha) by city OOUlllcUmen Monday to conatruct a CU8J>OOI for hia late.st bouee now abulldlng" at. 211 Ocean Blvd .. Coron.a del Mar. • .. TWO u.&CTION CANDI· DATES for the ,...Uon oa t.11111 Newpowt Demeet:My 8 a• o • 1 S..nl &N pl<tand --Top. Jamee 0 . Ray, '*°"'· lmi111Dbe.at o . z. --bot• ,,_. c.-ro-def: Mar. Plctmn of tMnl c&lldldalfl.. &oMn L. Alm ot --waa not a¥9Uable. Eteo- Uoa day 19 -· Friday. The pennJt wu needed for san- itary aemoe tor the newly con· 1trueted llome A proposed .. wer Memorial Day •sMtrment d.Litnct ta now being tormed to pay for the lnatalla-S "I p•-nec1 Uon of neceuary eewa.p tactlttlea.•" ce5 ~ Ftppe WU Uked to Nbmll a at Balboa Pier plot •ketch for sn<Stns and land- acaplnC" ctty property taclnt %11 Ocean Blvd. after he requested pennlaeion to proceed with w ch work. The city council wu ask- ed to So on record by ctty Ka.n· qer .John Sailor• requJrinc buJJd- ln&: and landoc:apln&' plana of property be eubm<lted them for iMpection prtor to con.atructlOll. Sallora and City Jl:n~r Bert Webb were tnstructed by Ma}'Or labell to work out th• detalla of 1"1ppe' pt'Oposed gn.dln¥ and land- 9C&.pinl" and report to lbe councU at their next meettng. Bert Webb wu authorised to pun:haae and in.tall •PUC lanka tot the · new comfort etaUoo Oii the Coron.a del Ma.r ma1a beach. nie project la uttmated to co.t between $300 and, $100: city labor ta be u...:t for UM 'W'Ol'lc. Memo.Mal I>aj' celfilkatlon W10 pier. May 30. at ti a . m., the local be h t ld thla Yea./ at thr Balboa American t.egtoh Poet hu J.n- nounced. The pal'MI• will UH.mble at l0:30 a. m. ln' a.,n,o. &nd wUI much through the town and out to the pier for the •rvtcee. AU attViee clu.be and veterani croup.1 a"' Invited to perllclpate tn. the prosnm. and «p.nla&Uoftl and lndlvidU&Ja are lntrlted to brine noral tribute• to cut Into the water ourlnf the ceremonle.. M.lUt.ary ~r80ftn~ wt~I be pre• rnt with their bus:te COf"P9, flrtnr ued. and color fU&l'd.8. F1"Te men on Ute f..eston commit· ~ plannln.tt the attalr a.re BW Grundy, chairman. Conunandirr Barney Ben, F.cl Murrlaon.. BUI BaJ\.nlatt"r , a.nd Vince Cuw.mano. Tbree canok1ake wtll vte for • elngle position· on the Newport ElementarY School Boa.rd at the- a.nnuaJ election• to bt held tomor- row, Friday. with the poll• belng open from 7 a. m. to 1 p. m . Seeklnt the position u e Incum- bent 0 . Z. Robertson oC Corona df>I Mar, Jame1 D. Ray of Corona dl'I Mar and Robert L. Allf!n of Ba.I- bo&.. Allen llvP.• .._ 314 Anade Ave .• Balboa and not BaJboa la· land u stated ln a prevlou.1 •tory. Incumbent J . ,\. Uttk of B~boa rt:Jand la unoppo&ed t or the high school board poBt &It I• D . D . Law- head ot Seal Beach of the Orange Cout College p691tlon. The CoUowlng polling pla ces bave been designated : Preclnct No. 1 will be at. the Newport School and wUI conJJi!it of the rel'Ular clty precincts 1, 2~3 ••. 5. 8, 9, 11. 1~. 17, 18, 19 ,20 and Clltf Haven •ubdlvUion. Mr•. Julia Mae Eggert will be Inspec- tor, and Mra. Nina K. Holtby and Mr•. Aurelia Nlemlf'C · w1ll be Jud&"'a. Prttlnct No. 2 wall be at the Coron.a del Mar achoo) and will conalat of rc~lar city preclncll! e. 7, 10, 12, 13, 14 , 18, 21. 22 and %3. Mrs. Anne Crowl will be In· epect.or a.nd Mrt. Jane E. Morgan and Mrs. Martha Cunningham will be JudftL . :-M ~· Story is Fake Newport 8wJI P9tlamM are lM-ertMal" ~ ~ (°Tkan.- cl&rl -• ~ ..U from ~ ....-....-.las; tlat lbe ato"J' aao.t a maa belq _,.,.. ud -lat<> N-- peri 8'1 tour 11l'ft:b ... waa meftl)" a ftcme9t af llOIDeW'• -.-... 'l1Ni .,,. aMftl! '° tile l'if'"W- pon s.clll polh~ at I ISi pr. sa.. Weicl 1 day when • Loa Aap&m Tlmoa ..,..orter oalf ta.t. ..,_ eordlq to .. A.911 t'•ted Prw ~,. ..... nad" ..,....... Robert Rltdley, IS. formeriy of Lo•a ..,.,... walked LDto a Chlcaco pollee --Pd -..._,. he bad murdentd • .,..._ R.lklhey .. allepd to ha\·e Mid -be ...... -body of ll>o -la '"" 11a1 _, llM-bee b"wL n_, laeidela& WM reportN as llarlq" ooo•rred a -u. --la .... recital. Rllclle)--tm.& ltie _. 11ee9 ldtdahtktns --11-·-....... , -u.. --tllo -drl\'-.... ---~ ... -.. lllnl -loo ---u..-At I :le a. m. Tbunda,-, De- teetl•e krpuat .lob UpMft ,... ........ • ..u """' Ill'-Ile.Ill' ., -adc&C'• polt.oo ~ mul ~•..-. Ulal Rlkl.lle7 __ .., ..... ...,..u.i_ MM reksttd. c •• •tee v~ ""I Jaat ...... ,_. ~ -··"'"' .... .. &lie ... ""'"'' •• .., ... GINNY JACKSON .TO LEAD FISH FRY PARADE I think tt's about time to do away with the silly lawa, 11 there a.re 11.1cb, protecting teplat.on trom puntU•e action after U1eJ l.oft\1 TV alnfilll' al&r Olnn7 roted fona wltll bla ldnclaJ In th• lly lbe annual bMuty cmlffl make damag1.ng ~es attempl-J&ckloft WU Ulla week namt'd CGWbOy style. • .l wtalcb draW8 the area•• ra.oA i.ov~ Ing to damas;o a mah a reputallon. Onnd -lto of Ille Ooata Rare "-IY SUI&. U U..y want to otut '-l1ns llat nalt P'rT• st&nt parade Ml• JacU:\n .... been te&blred 11M1 Vloltora down a "'J>Ulab"•· blfhl)'·"'P"d-Jane 3 &ad will talte -platt wttll tho "Spade" Ooolo)' allow oo Tropllla and pr!-. )lrlll ai.o bO ed cttluD"wllb UJlfoQqded dlargoo. &Ions; aldo of" ONIMI 11..-J '-Bat\tr<lay nls;hl<> -KTIJ. rr-awalded to beauty and camlval let •em be prepared to pa1 out In "Curot·Tol>'" Ander-. populu .the Banta MQl\lea llall,_.. and _.. and to many _._ blc. tat dam•IH II they can't ..,..bo,. .....u.t. • will &bar\ tho apqtll&llt. will! An-~ tbe etowdo ot tile aaUcl- pro .. It! · Kon Ulan 100 -rldeN .,.,_ In oat or• """ po-!>&lee! 30,000 tll&l will lhrOns; tll' • haft al-47 .,,......,.s tile pande ..._.._.... ..._, _, tile two Cl&JL W . -lill ........ ...._... -Wltll ~ -.. --· .,,. d ....... -, .. -ui. est Newport .... Mett Ille. .... u... ..... 8"•11ea Ille m-1-Inc .la !"lbUC ror --Uma In nmt .. -''* tame &lld w111cb at City Hal Fwt•., · "" ,,...,,. w111 "' a --., 11oulhen\ ~ • 11u -.. ....... -i.ton .ck. ,_, aner • au•~ 1D&ttllinC aalt&; -.. an to ~ Ule ~ u MT --,...,, wtlt bO.., ,14 ~ tloo Weat N•""PO<t -Imp-.. .lllnt1ao "' 117"'1 Rlq'a --to 'UMI ' sflt P'<4•-an.-.. --uUI all mat Aw>dallon'a UQW ll!eet-Ina A•• Un, ----t.d. 'by ~ 0oota ._ 'floiltan .... -•"4. IV w01 11o be14 .....,.v w.v ·ia, T1oo tldeN will be "'*!'pa11nc ID' l'l.,.puit -·~ 0-. -A ... tile ttdllof II-'l"*!l 7jl0 ;. m. In el\y'-riaii:''" • .P.. pain -...-e..r bcltlo _,, l'f the_.... "'1-' wla' Ila tact ht la . Ula ....... • Prop--: .1) ...... 1 i-. - -.. ---""-· 4ll ........... ~ tlla .-_,.. wll.I .... Ula -°'-~ -!'f otrlee,o: I) Jl..,;.k at ........ pain-......... Jloi!lo-. la ~ Ula , .. l"-1 ,,..... m-ttra -.•Ula "lll•t - ,co-t.Ueeil &"!I ...,.,_; j A.I 9'1-w1. -.ltJ rkiln, lloilt -.._... tlla ~ ~ -...... et W-brtv, • - ... ~ ·-flft ..... -. (JI) .,....Iii' -.......... ,,..... .... -ui._. .. tile -tllat....... - -..... , 'N-... ~ 1-'ud -llUt .... '• *'"-.-.. F d --.: 0. ....... Riii ~ otPn Jlkll; padmc ... °" IA&•~ llide; ... OIWlllL~ bst'llll fte"'-"~ .. ....--e.t.-ta. 4mtl'E R'•1 Cl9; •• (C }-On .. "II-11( ...... la 1f-. .. ptllt -,.,tlO-.....,. J-'I, .... ..., .. -al*I Qlll al 0. r ,...t :t•ed: (DI a...,""'*' ,.._ ... -rt••_,.., a Ute Ou s'I' ...... • f9 ,, -. ca1 00 allmttoe~l)'Tllllt._ lllr. Ill .. I' ur I f9 •I r o a..,. ., •hi 1llr • 'r wt •cl did,__. -,_.. a.rtoo a.,. Dlgt, _.at .. ,. t1r1 11i1o ""PE I• ....... &loo 0 Pa Pll If cue: an.,. oo-c;, Ple•'mc ~·~ ..., -·~ Ar a r - -"' ••1111 a. .-.... • • • s a •LI•• el ~ I Tllllt by Mr. W. G. ,.._ ..... 11t1i ~ CSl2I f 2 11& fl II t • ?; ..... CPS~"' fOW, .t"! zn at C.W ...__ l2Ffa: J11r Mt -'l'I·-·• ~I a_, etil a WI rrz:? r, llrf - a.ie • its-·• urctttee -*" ::':.I: .. .. • "'-izill .. 0$ -11;,li Piii • rse . .. ll!f' I P 1TI.. .. II , ' STERN-FA.CEJ) City CAtitlrl Judv Frank u ...... ,, .. , .. to t.Ntlmony Of City M&Dactt John Sallon durtol" thf' he-artnc of the 11,·e ha.It recel,~r ca&e Tut'!lday mnrntns. Clt.y AttGmey Harry BloclJ'ett 19 sho"''n "'Ith ht. back to thf' e&mf'rL UllUM!ll ftMd Loo.ls Mello, William Odette and ,lack Net.oa 1100 (or 30 day• In t~ 0011nty JaU) .thea Mm-pended 11eateace. The th.ree were cba.rf:ed wtth 1t:lllng u,-" ba.lt \\1thout • lkof'ruw. (Press Photo) C D M RES.IDENTS OPPOSE NURSERY Betorr announc ing the city council'• appointee. to the nine mem- ber n"w1y-created Park, Beach and Recreation Commlaalon. M.ayor Lea IabeU drawled "Seema everything that'a been tough hu gone to them and the work ha.s bttn piling up on them,1' at Monday n lgbt'a Before a packed ho~ the Mon- day ni&:h,t council Mffting too~ on t,!'e more ---~'ntattvel uptcts et a ToW11 Half a.Memlage during a dl8Cu.aaton of t. licenae applica- tion tor a nUrsery schOQ]. at 701 Marguerite avenue, Corona. del Mar. ~ school Kad . formerly been Of)f'rated by Mn!. L. P. Britt and Anne Boyer. Laguna Beach, Is taking over the opertion. councU mttting. ' labell announced that the five members of lhe former city park committe we re namf'd to t he com-.... -------------A petition wu presented t o the council with 13 signaturea s&ying j.hat the nursery achoo! "la a detri- ment to property value&, dlaturb- tng to the neighbon. it la not a school but rathar a bat>Y sitting busineaa. It is a buslnesa, not a ac:hool and a license to operate never ahou1d have been issued." ml.eslon f Franc !~ Horvath, Nor- man MlllPr, Mrs. Erneat Soder· berg. Alexander Hamilton and Lloyd Wood) and that the othr r members were "Infant Council- man" Dale Ramsey , Supervl~r Heinz Ka.18er, Newport Harbor High School Principal Sidney Da- vldaon and c:erk or the Elemen;- tary School Board Marlon Dodd. After the announcement of the appointment.a Dale-Ramsey gave a per90nal progre1a report In a patient-voiced talk that drew forth a long and sustained round 'ot app1awse at It.a end. He ea.id "I 've sat h er f: a couple of wu k.s. Can't say ve_ry much. Clon"t know very much. Bul I'm lea.ming what makes the city tick. l 'm glad to be a member of th~ new commlaslon. There are a lot of ni~e things to be done . . . and some other thlng.s that call for comprom ises.·• Ramsey added that by naming mPmbera of the former park com- m1ttee the new commiuion would (C..tla-'°" Pap ZJ Defense· Council to Meet Monday The petition for U'l e conttnued operation ot the nursery school had 25 signer.a "endorsing the continuance of a nursery school Newport Be&cb Civil DefeJ\!lt at thla Jocatlon." 1'hree1 more let- and Dt-..ter Rellet Council will tee& favoring the operation of the hold lta next meet1nc at 7 :30 IChoof were · tUmed over lo the Monday nlC"ht in the city councU cou·ncll by Mn. BrltL eh-..bera, Defenee Chief John Principal opponent& ot the nur- Sailore bu tllAOuncecl.· .1 ~ry 8choci1 wefe Mn:. E. 1S. Dut- The movie will rn.pblullJ' ~-·t.e.r, 707 Xarguer1te avenue and "plain the bu.le· tralninc pJan be-iceo~ge P . Thompaon, 709~ Kar· lng worked out Jn co-operation guerlte avenue . .Mra. Dutter eald between 1tat. and federal office• "Becauae of the nolae from the ot civil detea.. (Ooatlaued on ~ Z) • LICENSE LACK NBS FINE FOR-• OPERATORS Complaints of boet and home ow:nera a.p.inst the operatiou of aport ttahlng landlnp and Ulelr bait recelvere were brought into the open t.h1e week by means of an attempted 'vest pocket ordinance' and • cue ln the city court. Hopes ~ ot operatora of ul.sUng receiven and ot"ftahlng float.a to have lhem- se1vea declared lepl and 'non..eou- torming users' were da.shed when the city ~ncll unfolded the '¥Ut pocket ordlnance' em er c e. n c y meuure. for publlc acruUny. The ord'fl-"ce WU revea.led In conver· satlons before the city court Tue•· dayl by the city attorney. ' The proposed ordinance had ap· p&renUy be4!I! dratted by the city attqrney without direction or con- aultation wlth the city councll. Mayor L. L llbeU when queried after the council meeting aid he woUld acek con.tdflr&ble study or the problem befo~ balloting en any such ordinance. For many week• bo&t owner• and home owne ra on the bay "tront in tlhe vicinity o( the large sport fishing landlnga have had their property damaged by the sea gu1h attracted to tll• landing> by bait. Dour!• of boata, freahly painted and varnished, outfitted with BeW canvaa for the aeaaon have been hurried back tnto boat yard.a af- ter beinC covered wtt.H ~xcrement from the plle. Acrtd content.a of the btrd offal har burned new ca,nvu t:hro4Ctl. eaten throOgh vami.sh and paint and dutroyed S'.-o;:<I flu'lj~Gf!O~"'ll! ~-at Be)' Fron\ bc421s......,,""'-~-......... ~~ Tbe argument wae brought into the open when harbor department empk>yee H o w a r d Dengha.uaen cited the o,eretora of the com- mercial fl'ahmJ boat 'Sunny' for sel1~ng live bait to anothe,r craft In \the bay. J>enghall8en recited · from the 1t&nd that the complaint; Wb made by the Gronak:Yt of the • Parilion. Balboa. The Pavilion maJntam. ball receivers and aelta live b&Jt. "nley. too. have no li· cense ipeelfPJ}y permitting the celling ot bait. It 11 tllelr la.ntltng which ·bu caused the greatest complaint from Balboa Pentnaula home owners. Operators of the 'Sunny,' Lou Mello, Jack Nebon a.nd William Odette, told the court th· y had applied tor a license: but were told nQ. 1Ucb llcertff! v1a8 ialued. 'rhey then were cited and a fine of $100 or ~30 daya in the: county jnil wu Jev;led by Ctty .Judge Fr&nk Lln- (CollUaood OD Pap &J Balboa Seeks tte~~~t~ ~trally located bUI stop tn Bal- ~ WN put over unUI their next meetln,; by the cfty COWlCll Mon- day night. The plan, .ubm.ltted by Lonnie Vtpcentj pre.ident of the B&lboa Irtjproft?Dent Auod&Uon. would ellhtlnate the P4Clfic Electric bu.I 9land ln front of the Rencluvou• hap.room and make more parklns apace available at the public park- lnJ lot. • • . Jl.ddllloqall)'. tll• propoaal would ealabllah a Unlon Bua Depot In t~ Rub)' ljuUdlnr on l!alm at.reel .' aa l tbo ottlc:lal ~ station. Th• appl'OYlll "' Ulla Rubi bu~d. Ing atatloD WOUid be ,"s;tna wttll Ille UDd<Nlandllls; &lld ~ that lbo ,P-E -°"' vrinl. wllJ l>"ICeed to a apeel&itJ CCIII-• -1-adja.cent to Kain ~ &lld ui. pier for tho !"""·' "!"'I-~ or ~r• ammi, "'Id d_.cinr." . '. •. ' iY-l "'!dod W_a, -.lliie 1-. tt appro<rea fy ui. -- ell, woo.Id ')'iiJlt•bl1 -~te4 - M'aln -~t to tlle lMJ-~ ~:=.~~ -'*---· :p;:;t!n,·t:.:;' =-= iietler" -..m Belli~ ' ... w~· ~ ..... -' .- • • • • ' .. • • • • • ' • • • -. ' . , i R••''-11! ... 1 Cu.Mb The Capitol '''A'...h (Or ?' rl m-Papl) 'T . . "CCI\ tut wt moot. 'ha" -tlolL • llJ' ~ I. S I ..... • ·i.t-. DOl lol. • aatw-al IPOl ?:' . Un~ 1et ~. uw. Ulalt-BJ W~ L. ....... •-1 ~ .., Tllo..._ or o4. -tao -t p..-....,,... cu..W .._ OMr 1111111) n....-0( poopM. -la tor ll to W ot tl>o lop ..... crlJnlDalL -I • ' ~' l e , PAt;E ~ -PART T -THUllSOAY. MAY 17,. 1951 :&,~.f-..'i!tESS~ Qllla Cov• ...... FIU FACTS - • (the clrtolqpment Of 1a Cb'lfta 00.. .4a 9 ....iJt of ~-bJ a CClllb-onnlaJ bWo - u ~ ...,_uon aru aDjl I lmow weU-lmcnlm -Ille mat.ter his ·CallfOl'llJa'a le ~ tllat! tht councu In their hearta .U '!<l"'lb1 to 1icbt-and 1o now· U>d' IO Amemb17 DllU\Cb, W... 1 91 ' wan It" · under· in~ r ~ sw~ -'I. ~ Publlmed riery ft.\IJ'llllly at Newport Bttc11.-cantornia:,, OUlce and prlntlng Plant at :2211 llalboa Blwd.-P)lma Harbol' 1'1f, -.r.i Allen. owner or the The tubjtet In . q\MOtlon II i.n-olped IJlto llw at weell'o ' . b1 . J90llllil Balboa Inn, Balboa announced :lripa ArtukoYlc.b, a . ra!dent ·of Gov !Carl Warreru • Ma1 u, 11111 • Entered .. aecond-c:laaa matter June 18. t&c,0, at tbe po1t ottl• at • Newport Be&eh, Collfornla, under tha Act ot Kuch S, ~811. • -~ ..._..paid --la t11e N-rf -· AJ9 ·-1a1 1-& 8-C •"1 la Oraap ~'1 , Mr-Mr C&lll.,... New I If 1r Pntlrt 1 ra A n 11..UO. M-bor Natloil&I --- BEN 0 , REDDICK, 0.--!IDd l'qlllloller ROBOT F . Wil·!.MlllB, -.neoi Man .... A. ALllXANDER ILUCILTON, Adftftlalftf Man- Th• Prta baa been adjudged a n-of sm•n.1 cln:ulobon by decree of th• Superior Court Of OJ"U.p County and i. tull7 quallfted " to publl.Ah all kinds of Jep.J notleee and adftf'tlaementa.. • ~FFICIAL PAPER CF THE C1TT OF Nll:WPORT BlllACH 8m1S<JRIPTION &ATD: NEWPORT-11,.U.BOA Pa.11!18 ewety 'l'lnuodl\)' ID 0ronl" C..unty, llS-60 per y-1 II.et abt -u.o: Ill.SS lllrot mon1b9J (Alto lnc.ludee the NE'WPOBT2 M.LBOA NSWS-TIMES H • ~) Outolde tile ...... tJ'. ..... ... .,..... BETrER RE RIGHT NEXT TIME ' It bas been said at various Uinea and in vorloua wa~ " that "I want to •Y ......._, c,.,. Ansel .. -Jul)r 17, 19009, Biii It apJ'<A"l!d that the .lneel. ,,_, WU __ _. • '1Ja1. .. tu' .. tile Wc.=ei:" II COD• Connet idaloter or Interior, Min· o-deeade tleht wtlo -...... Jl:rot n -• potr.ct .,. .... --~ ....,.ed. Newport . bu de>-!at.or of Juotlce, and l'Ho!dont of ~ .Jemocrate·aal4 Ujey ,,.,..w I an. -ot u.. ,,..,. -- aattd property ln UCMA of 200.· tb-e State councU ln Use Cr'O&t.lan take their cue to the j>eOple for a p 11 ~ who .UU bi9 a ...Slltf'UJ 9CJO ID corona dol Mar, and It ,..pel~ .-.mment ilf Bitler. m<lft~ __ . molJltr &Ille to come and .wt - _... to ma that ti!.-•bo II•• ~ Pawllcli, ANDRUA Aln'· Wa'"9 .-iS••h• , u.r.t -'""Miion. • oa the penlnoula "" bt~ t.D ·JllX)~ and 8lavlco Kftltr· -bo odped u,. blll 0 Wl KJ .Othw, ""'° llvu la ,._,. uatalr ahatt al the --U~k an tlle thr.e top -<:rimlnala bro lloatLllof ... t11t •11dlt~ at· p1o CllJ, bu opent tha put ,_ lteyn<>ld1 OOUJ>ttr<d with llo< wbo deelarod war aplnat tile ter u.-nlc ftlt eon u.ti( elt l1Qa1 wl\h ua Uld tbotJlll -11 lll&t"'!'ent that "Newport , 11-1 !J~w ·~ and "llllo are dlrtet· bo'!R to a bltt.r DeoiMb.u.I at· ...n..,. ~ Ille 11 itlll t ll:a t cloe111 I have to pllt up the -y n!opanolb.e tor the tortur. and tacit on the l>Olo at a Wutn, he precioul, ltlnd Uld eolldllowt per- all they ha.ve to do l~_to ~pt leatb ot 760.000-Serb.laau and so ... <:a.lied.,-_ -.. ·~-.t· mn I h&va alwa:JS known. .. ud their ~ ot "the lt.a.t~ money )()0 Jewa . a.n.d many American "Bee&~ of the ea.meet +~. trom.. wbom I have recelftld ao for \tll• pro,tect. avlaton who 'fNrt: forced to 1-ll uona ot many penona oa • mut!L. lJlte all ..,_ J ·think her · Mrs. Robert E. Roa. 10# W. JUt o.-er that country. recfonti and party Molt. lie-tht onott .....,darfW mother la the <><-n Front, Newport 11.&ch Mid I appeared pf...,nally In tile Loo u... the Peol>I• are .ntltl"4 tO wwld and thanlh --ti>lnlc• •'1 see no ~.on wt\y we ~Uld Angels lmmicft..Uon Offtc.t M a ma.ke the f!na~ectslon.," WM-rea I aid a -ttne 90n. t five our ocean, front tor C'hine volunteer wltneaa for the gov em· said. _ 1 ~ I am . a.i.o fortunate ln the tact Cove. .. You can. t c:tve our beach ment.. to tuUly from my pereonal To get the meuure beforej the that nu' Wife; Mae, ta a ~ away. knowledge, which . I acquired ln people for a • vote, D,emotjn.U tu1 mother lo my two chlJdnri. Not OIVln&" Aw" my Une of-duty u the head of would need to' get nve-per cent ol Bob aild Kary. ·ot e6ufae 9hJ bu Carl Waldeck. 07,\t lri• Ave., :ht Ballc&n ._,tlon of the United the reflltered voter's to reaU..t 1 tn-... -..ivaatal" 1a .... Corbna del Mar, took the it.and 9t&tea Army and Navy Joint tn-that the measure be put on\ the m\ICh and. J am here lo 1tve -that "you're not giving th• beach !.elllgence CollecUbn Agency · In belloL The <r.iestlon w~ulc! be pUt jplftdtct 'nample and Co.opera• away. It'• not a ptece of mut ~• Mldd'.e llut durtnr World .ln the November 1952 b&Uot.• un• tklft. · • ; and you can't destroy It." II War . I referred to A.rtukoTich leu Warren called an M.rller . I. really Wnk the Admln~: Allen Stelle. a member of th• u a killer and a murderer. Th.ii special election. !lJon and BICh eommi.nd ,_.•a committee which made a study ot war criminal la t6da.1' "Wider con-Colllcl Malu!i llAbtlt plan for kprea and 1 think l(l.~ frM1iDMA&. the China Cove problem, pointed Jlder&Uon for clttlenabtp ~In Ute ~ 'work. l 'tbiilk the "plaa. -Ls ~4 ''THIS MJ;. Y BE QUICK, BUT I THINK ITD BE CHEAPER out that Newport Beach 11 lbe United lltateo bj a llpOClal &et of With the State's be&')' ~mo-'baa -"-"r oome time puC; to only community up and down lh.t ~ ... notwll.blt&Ddlnc Ute crattc re(iltraUon, 801ll'e obser--kW u ~Y. Red Chia'• •.1JQ9'- that when the majority of the people make o d~on-it IF YA DID YOUR 0.Yl'H SPRING CLEANING, PAL!" coul that I• not whol•-h•artedly tact that ho enlen!d our country "°"' believed lbere wae ' a rood !&!tile -d a• the ...,.. ""-to al One lari In favor of the state plan to de-ander an ..urned name, and re-chatlce the measure mtsh.t make keep our -· to th@ -•-•3-.-ls usually right. Usually-but not woyw. g ng ex· ------------------------. velop recreation areas. -nalrted here untGucbed by our au· the ba!1ot. "nle M.ratep •LI tll&t the.,Red ception which the majority now acknowledge la the llHI! IJ _ ''-_ • I -ret.uy or UI• Hfwport Beach Doris Florer, 816 Iris Ave .. "'orltlta even thoup Illa ldenUty u the meoaure-ere on the bal· 'Chin-wW before very 10 8 j J;.~/o ti..~ elementary achool PrA, urgin& Corona del Mar irugge.11ted that I wu known and eftl\ t:houJh hilt lot, the. State'a aelen ni!w Con• •IUf(e.r such loaees that thep election. Few who.voted for Harry Truman two and a half .,, action on pa.rt of the council in time be set !Qr a final decision ortri(lal permit wu for onty etx greumen would be elected at .and the Ruatane wW tall olit, Be:n Reddlctr, PubUaher remo'tinc the (UOllne atorage on tlie Chlrfa CoVt' problem, and monlhl on a viJdtor'• Y1a. Jarce and auemblymen :Would be I don't think that thl• pJAa years ago would vote for him today. No doubt the MacArthur firing bu soured many peopl• o n the allm.inistration. The overall bungling in domestic affairs· bas had, its repereu,.lona, too. In these thlnp however, there can be honest disagreements and honest miatakes. But deep at the root.e of public discontent are not so much the honest differences, the boneat errora, but rather the shady. if not dishonest, conduct of many Tru· man appointees and pals. And worae still, the ~ruen and distorted loyalty on the part of the President toward th.,. individuals. Time after time Mr. Truman'• croniea have been caught in acts which discredited them and lowered Admin· i.etration prestige. But rarely bu be taken appropriate action. If they're his friends they can't be wrong. What damage they do to the Nation's .self respect or the tax· payer's pocketbook isn't ' important-to tbt! President. Even when the Kefauver Committee, after careful in- vestigation; accused Ambassador William O'Dwyer of hav- ing fostered the growth of organized crime in New York City wblle serving aa mayor, Mr. Truman said he saw no reason why O 'Dwyer should be recalled. The only at111wer to reuoning of that kind ia to re- m o ve the people from office who reason that way. We'll have the opportunity next year-and we'd better not fumble Newport-Balboa Prue, tanJta~ 011 Balboa Blvd .. and 18th thous-ht a 30 day limit WO\lld do. We give protection to a war elected from the old diatrJcta.. t>le&aee ~ R.Uaai.anl ·at .all ..... ~ Dear e.n: street. The le\ter pointed out the Ad dresslnJr the city councl1 she ~rimt.n+I. TbU q more than we R~pportlonment of l.e;t.latora ,Well, ~ 1• your ~;, Juat a word,ot sincere apprecla-huanl crell.ted by having the said "I think that you're just bav~ done for m&D,1 of our be•t i.. requlred-every JO yean to keep Ford Dealer Mylng ~: u~ tor the flne publicity which l&nk• within a few b:ocks of the pa.utng th" buck lo the recreation ft1eftcia. What l'lllllter force q be-representation ln line wttb popu-'tll next week. '~·: you pve to our Klwll.l\la Youth elementary 1ehool. I comml!ISlon." b~ th.la acandll ot t:nternatlonal Jatlon changes. .~· Benent Breakfut of lut Satur-Wld 1 Blvd. Ed Allen 88.I~ that "the· Co-.proportkml. wtlldk brtnp only di&-Back In the earlier' daya of day. J am sure that It helped ma-ee "I' rona del Mar people owrlook tJle crecftt upon our country t Wlloee En1rland'a Parliament, lawmak:ere ---------''---~ terlaJI)' and J am paiucul&.rly A letter waa read from a prop-fact that they're not living up palma were greued? repreaented dlttrifU that. dld not •lad to_. J"OU ·ltUpportlnc worthy erty owner at IOI -Sith l'trttt. re-eomelhing for the development of .tloM la Orweee exist --. dl8trlcta that bad beea project. ew.n tho' IA ea.ta MHL qw.Una lnformacion on hi• houst: China Cove. but the Ocean Ftont Greece wbere. the AmeriCan literally *ashed Into the aea. We ..,.. putkul&rty pf'OUd of whlt!h la located ,at the prop09ed people are. I think that the goovernm~t ls doUlc a .,ood. job ~e mandatory reallpment of the wccew ot Ute attalr and I a.It~ or the wldenlnc of Balboa China Cove ta.sue ahould be pu~ tp ln -'te of &a•-' polltksl COi'· represtntatlo!l ta dealp~, t.o IP~ \i PPOfESSIONhl Ii ~ Ol~E[TORY ~ l\&ve bM.rd notlltac a.at. fll.onble Blvd. M•Yor ll:beU directed that a a vote of the people." ....... --.. . vent that aort of Udnc bef:!. Wltlli .. 1elter be poated to the property pt...,nn-Hoh-BW ruptlon, la definitely on the way out the ;.,., .. _.-... t. the ........... .1... .. _ .., .. .., __ cornmmU. Oftr S,000 breaktuta .... ~ u---· ·-· poll·-· --~11t --.,,uaLU1...... •!-IJO"ttl' • -...&.a&•e:t we-.. ---..a wbicb included over owner expl&JnJng that no action Allen Stelle al.so told lhe to na UU&I _.,,. t ........... 111 Y· of ulaU to the welt WOG!dlr..,...;...~---------, .... s .. .,..,. will be t&ken on the project for u Tbe recent Orft.• tlel:Uan dlS+ pop oa . , · I 9,000 panca.keti and Ute aame num-uaerpblage that the atate b 1 to ,,_, • . ..._t ~-.. -II•-d be under-represented whll~e. tlul 'Lt.:Si«Jt'. A. • ...,_._*-D. D. A. _ ll at leut another yee..r due to lack reduce the amount of matchinf pew=u 1ear vl& ~·--.... an Southern and ~--•--areu ~"i ~-ber ot l&ua&&'el· 11.1e ne wu a Lettt.ta l"""'t dlanl t tlonal ---=11 _.... lonr one but no one had to" wait of ttnaneea. ft.Inds from the city to 25 per m .. ~. P na b-.ve more than their (~. ~ over 30 mlnutea for the food. Tbe oouncll voted to P._. a re.so-C@.nl had been pigeon-holed. He> atabUlty. lftllMd, there WU Uttle of the legialatora. The ume ahlfta The Soya.., Club wlll benefit u luUon approving A.B. 188 ( a b'.11 added that action should be t&ken change from the retutta of the are "'~easar)' wl~ the atat61. wtn lhe Boy Scouts. Otrl Scouu which recenU., paued the slat,. '° that a cloud wouldn't be kept eiectioa of Ma.rch ~ 11$0. nere and other youth or&antutlona of UMmbl)' prohJbttln& the use of over the property in China Cove. wu a dlaUnct reduction in tht! Clc&rette Tas punse .elne neta within the thrtt-Mayor Lea I!bell menUoned the Communlel vote and tlle COll8el"Va· . Jo .other action. an ; ~m'bl)" our community. milet ot the On.nge county eoaat bond Issue proposal cal[lng tor tJVe element improved It.I poelUon. Committee approved a three:--pe:nt Tha.nka. Ben, · 1 during the eummer month.a.) The lhe spendilfg of rrom 170,000 to Women of Greece voted for the a pack tax on clg&rettea &.. a DEN'I'Il!TKY 1,786 NOwJ>or< Blvd., CO.ta Men llo4lcal Bldf. Beacon 8162 l ll06 J;. Bay A Ye., Balboa I .Harbor 321..J DON HUDDLESTON, Actlon wU r~ue.11ted in a letter $lOO.OOO u the best method fbr nrst time ln eplte ot IH•t o~ meana of paying. for, a. .pro~ tor the: Coata Meae to the council from J . B. McNaUy flnMclnl" the park project. poelUon . HoweYer the t.n of the _SfS.~.090 bopst In State aJd lo I'·_,.._._..._~---~:'.!"-:'.:-' KIWaaSe Qub. of the Balboa AnCllnl 'club. V•me Wat.AQf . preBldent-"C>f lb• conaenatin eJem6nt Were b&ee~ .echools.. · .;. . ~~a.ad 80JM]80N8 ctt,y Enpneer Bert Webb read Corona del Mlf Civic A.MOCta.tlOn. IMB, since ~ women voted eound· There was also an altttna.tlve Councl•I M•.J.fnCJ a report on Balboa Cove1 and a opined that iuch a bond iau• ly -In oplte al th• .. tradltk>nal proposaJ before the l•rw&tcon BnNABD KARN Ill. D. .....-hee.rinc wa. let for June 26 on "would not stand a chance." concept ~.•t woman belonp In lhat Uquor and beer laxes ·be · IOO N. ~ (Ooada4MMI. fNm Pap 1) the ornament&) ll&bllng ayatem Harry E. Berirh. 704 Orchid tbe 1 houM!. Thia election for mu-boosted to pay for the school hike. 8allt.a ._ nurWry echool,.there t.. no a ir tn for that area. Ave., Corona del Mar, told the nlc.palottlceewaaa.beolutelytree, The ctgaJiette tar -a eo-cau.d ::!:a.u.:f:c.~ ~~ thf' houae a. I have to keep the The council conflrmf'd the a. body t hat tbe Cbtna Cove devel-aftd Ute lnterat d~ted is a rider ~ --on the .rehool U1l wU W,...t 8arp17 -south wihdowa down to keep out aeasment for already completed opment has first priority on thtt ~tn tolh~ corru~t !1:t propOlled by Au'emblym&n Karvtn no-: KI ..._I aad t-.1161 tbe nolae." Mwer work on tbe Balboa. Blvd. stales master plan of park de-m n-.. ___ ~-~ver'-~~ .. -tn Sherwin, R., _Pi~mont, who aaid.IL...._...,. _________ ~ It again. ----1---- COMMENTS .ON RFC 411ected P-oc.ketbook aewe.ra ln Wut Newport. velopme.nt. · mOH .............. YPV"Ct ~.,..... -be" Could not see hla way cleU ito George Thoml*lb sa!d "I could It WU annoWlced by the council The meeting came to a cloM ftDenct a.re 00 tbe .. ,. t.owara a vote for the achool tncreue unlma EiJo&10: v. W.A1fl.JC88 South Carolina's Governor, James F . Byrnes. comment· ing recently on the Government's Reconstruction Finance Corporation. pointed out : "A man can borrow m<mey from the banks and private inve!rtora, provided he baa character and collateral. If he does not posseM these. he should not be loaned the public's money." at.and the not. ot the children, that City Manager John SalloT?. wtth the announcement that the m~e1.!_K>neatht l"AmftntmrlenL -'d runtis to pay for It were provided .-ftydloloP,lt but when It a!1ect. my poc.ktttbook hu beea lnatructe<I to look into ortgfnal report of the Cblna Oov• ~ e e can .. to ift eome· •ay. 1 l'mtly ftetatioaa I couldn't get &Jone with It t the the matter of a new laQnchln1 matching-land committee would ~reece, the srowiJJ.& eta'!lllty of The .chool bW ita!elf wu de· t 1 BMotl 1 • lfa.lalllmtmt.t nur.ery echool.) ·· ramp facility ln Corona del Mar be handed owr to the newly crea· . nt«na.lith ~~'-thi • to. undtntanthd• ttcibed by it. author, AIMM~)'· 1 l"waa A'l'e. 1-~ N • ..W, Thompson told the council t..hat and lllat he would answer In the ted Park, Beach and Rttreation tng w "8'..-V • ' Cf!&lte e man Francis Dwm, D., ~d, -~ S..t& ..&.a he had loat an opportunity to 11eU Vt'ry .near fUture on the progreu Commlaslon. .guerilla warfare, and the ltnprove-u a "c09t of Uvillc in.ares.e 1 for ~ "'8S , Pit.. KL ........ , ~~~:!Y :::e:": ~:e~~ ~~ P:°=tm=:y !:;nc~~~ 00~~~:~!5 ~~elh~:~~~~!i l~ ::: :=~y ~ =:xt·.:: th~8:h':;~ ~=-"\ner-.e ::~ell!'•_+..;.--..;. ______ _, that the bouae ,... within two away from the site of the old low · .ll to in.YI~ OrMCc and Turkey, foundation alloCaUons tor ~1 ,..1.._:_ . ....;,_C>.P"'_r.,'Oll __ 1:_1r_s_•BTS __ _,__ Airing some of the conditions existing in the lending doora of the nureery .chool. ramp. Finrt.. the committee said, thP ~ogether wtUI Spain and Port.upl. tncrecae tunde tor tranaportalion \I' ... g~llOBPSELi. o. D. policies of the R F C today, especially important in these Mn. Britt. former operator of OK GAS TAX Cout GUPrd site waa srudled but ;nto the memberahJp of the At· ot alt puprui:, prov.kif ~ for times of attempts to reduce expenditures of public money th• ochool e&id lbat "the peopl• The councU okayed a l•lter Ult· too many obttaclu were preaon• .antic .Pact · · · and that ""'" 1• tronoportatlon of' baildi..pped • ORTOMETRIST who lJve ln tront of the achoot ing the guollne tax a..llocatioru to The.n tour other poealbllttl~ werr not tar oil. atudent.i, and pro"Ytde ro'r alloca· ~ Svmbl,i-'1>7 Ap,...tmea~ f.ror non.defense program.a, Senator Harry F. Byrd. Demo-said that tt didn't bother them." the city tor the tllcaJ year endinc named. They are: N&&la la Gennaay don of aJd tu.nda on .: current IU\._~~-~~vd. crat from Virginia recently read a report from Herbert Sh• added that the chlldren In th• June so. 1962, u $315,070. S19.-4 -..-datlona The ~mment of We11t Oor· bull. ""-~ .. Hoover t o Congress. achool aJeep &om 1 to S p.m. dally 500 hu been budgeted to defray c 1) Moet likely ava.llable· city -nany is V1t&lly concerned with the Lojal.ty Ft-oat . llaitlor 1511 · ... and play only In the: momlnc." the COit of the Improvement of owned land la th• vacant Bay constant ft"Owth of the new NUS- Tbe former U. S. President pointed out: " ... when Mro. Arthur G. 'Wlnt•rbolbam, Balboa Blvd.. betw .. n 9th and Front property eut of lath st: typo party, eapeclally amonr lbe tt (R F c l enters the non-eri:iergency area or loans in eX-219 Orchid avenue. Corona del ltth att"ffta for wh.lcb plane a..,d plua BJoc:k: 13-!-on Ocean Front "Jerman teen-.a.cera. ' Mar IA!d that "'W~ ahould have a.t gpecincauona were approved. City by the Newport echool, It war This new party la knOWn u Uae cess of Sl00,000, it:B social and economic purpos' becomes teut one rood ~001 for the chll-Clerk c . K. Prte.at wu lnstructed •uneat.ed tf\a.t they should ftrtf Soclall1t Relcht Party,. under the sub1nerged in sUppcfrt 'of rislty blisiheas, and in billing out dren. There•• not a ll'lreet in the to call ror btda on the proj~t. get the attitude of the IM:bool IR.dership of the Federal Deputy creditors on a large scole. It wotild appear from the Fu!-nolfhborbOod that'• always "quiet.·· The 'city fOV!rnlng' body accept-board. Frlts Dorla and former General Council acUan. ot the llcenee tor ed. an H8Ullent from Hoec Mem-1 flJ Deed to State BlOck t.1-A Otto Ernat R.emei, One Of0 the bright hearings that the operation of the RFC for the the nurMt"Y «hool WM poftponed ortal bollpit.a.I for a water Une. and pt the balance ot f\mch teadera 'ot the Hitler-revolt of p88t (our or five yean really llhows a great loaa. ror two WOtka, to ctve tho law-Clt;r ll:llctlt•r W•.,_ pointed t hrough bond luue or 0 th • r 19«. ·Thia party baa unlfonno or "I see no reason why the ••~yera' money should be mu.rs mar. Uma to otud1' tlla out U.. -lo< add!~ flTe m..,.. .. Appro•lnlately • $70;000 ~rown which <~ reoemble, ~· -t--problem. A eurqy •Ul be made &n protectloa tMWUea near the required. Naad otnclal p.rb. The Socwlat Wied to subsidize larger peacetime buaineea." the area~ to the ocbool to de-Arcboo and ,,. wao Instructed by (3 i Deed Blodul IS-A a.nd H-A Reich& Party already bu Its or- Queationing the degree of ••public interest" behind af,se.. t.rmtn• the. wt.he. of the cltlaeu the council to So ahead with plana to state. &lance bond laaue. p.nizaUons of youth and women of that UM. , and afeejftcatlone for the putting Would need $4-0,000. patterned after tht Nu.I. Women'• able loans already committed by the RFC, the Hoover lJI othtt actlona tho cound1 la or fOO ,teot or nx·lnch ptp•llne O I All funda by bond t-•· LtagueandtbeBJUerYouth. ltll Report lieted 39 lo ans made for botela In 23 states. rs.nglng .Otod to up~ Harbomlaottr In that ant. Need l!00,000. reported that at p..oent there are uypwanl to $1 500 000 and othel"I for pool rooma betuty RUN Ctall'• oallry. ...,,._ TlllA Webb &loo pointed out that two The committee thouct>t the ap-rtve memben ln tho Parliament or ' ' ' woukl lbcrM.le hla pay from the ea.mmta Wfft needed for drain-pn.ta&I of Ule Cove ...-... exoeulv• that party, a mo.t naUon.allatlc parlors and manufacturers of alcoholic beverages. city rroin Jl71 monWy to S\IO. qo tacllltloa ror the COn>n• d•J and appralaal on the tour owan snd fanatical party. "What public interest there can be In operation• of Part ot hlo -an paid "1 Ille Mar aue,. paftn.I proJ«t. City fl"Ollt blocb too 1ow and believe• In my reporta· trom Germany I theee type f b . t the •·~· • -'-~ . difr· uJ C<>UlllJ' at a ftle or JllO a month. 4ttomq llarTJ' 8Jodaott wu In-th• City lhOuld DtJ'ltlatt to mon! hav• atreooed that tlle teen-ac..-. s o usmeea a -..-yers .. ..,. IB IC t ~I Harbormuter Al1lel't -to tnotltute proceedlnp eqUltably adjust th• dltfwea""" are anythlna but de-Nulfled, and to oee," the report declared. Obor-s wu U.O 11perac1od, nllllls to -U... -ta. Tbey also thouct>t a ...,en.1 -d thtt boU towO# au rorelpero II hla monthl)r ~ to '311 Cll;J' .,....,... J.U la1Jono wu ._ wu the .. _ tnetlond• ot In thtlT !&Cea. l>urtni my vlalt In -rroin a former 1211. srontec1 pennloolan bl proceed rettlas th• mone,. • ..-.i ror ·au par1a or w..iera OermanJ 1 -On the loyalt,y front. . tile Ao· , llOllTJ~ aembly gave final pa.uace..c.o a W.D by Sen. Jack B, Tonn•y; f\., cL0o .. . ,n·aa'f ~gel ... ·-' wOlllp l prolillllt ~~-~~· · tfo j at-.;'..: ' , • aOhool teachers from ~ lo · ~ 1$1.w • ... ilG . Hist'-. convert their pu.pi:a to 'the com· CORONA DEL KAR munlst eause. DAY AND 1'IGH1' The Senat!' approved a bUl 1 by n..ee BMW u , Sen. Hugb F , Bums, D., Fremo, 11_.;. ______ ....; __ _..1 that Woul4 require all Callfomla •ttomey<r to take a loyalty oath. 1.,......,... ___ INS ___ VBAN __ C1:_.._ ... _....., . . . ~ " Old Eltal>lhhaCI ln>ul"UICO An Aooembly committee. t Agency Warren'• program tor a'4 to the · .AU linea written. dlilabled to the Auembly &or marked approved. But another ROWABD W. GEBRISR committee killed otf pro-11 to 1soi Nawport Blvd., COlla- oet up a fair ""'J>loyment pracUcea · PJICNll ~CON 5161 comm.1sslon l.n Ute State. "::=::::;=========:! Tbe dllabled procram WU OI· r peeled to coat a total or iu.000.- 000 a year when lt reaches peak ope,...UO!L or that aum, the a?-te would bo nicked for m~= and <M -.u.. tol 11.d . Tbe .. _. ao-......... 911t ~ put up the root. ' ' BE SURE-INSURE Clean Up Week Proclamation C1111no W..... lwlth tht -.!latlon ot na"1fa· propo-11 2, sand'-oi.e.....s that ·tba NU! oplrit la A lotw,....,. the CJn.aso Coun· llooal llPto.., tht -'Ialan4 They utJmatad thlt tJie ave!' 001Y tempomri!J' oubdued,loot de- ty Wat. Dlotrlet ....-ins the IUld Lido Illla 1lftdca Total -.. &&'O annual tax por $IOO .on a ..,.,yad. and that at the ftnt "II" WHl:REAS. a clean ,ctty makee fot a bettff City and ntt7 cooperaUoo of cttlm wt.Ulla tba ot UNI tnet•Uetloft QeQI , rs to bome iwwd at $0000 lt the portunity It wUJ n. lta he9d. f1l1U& BILL PA81a clllsen deoitt• lo live In a cleaner ...... better Cl•-; --1 .. the pr 1111 .;.tloa ., the "*1 ~ -........,,alto .. -d iaue WU approftd, would w.u ·-It II, wlU. au the -_.......,. .... btloe to E •· Stwt. ,. ... ., undorsr-4 -'ter ot the -10J _.,... at JBOO. 1MOon ,lndlco.t-be, for propoa.I 2-i .72; propooal tlnct ,_lllail ... to Ula -ot tempotUJ pennJt8 to oat-pf GJ:!OILU..IKatlaAMICll WHEREAS, nature bu llUO.-Y Fnll the Clt;r or Newport ...... wu tllad ..... u.. .......u. od that tloerO wu--tmoney • • .46 · .. pro-•,_ ••i• the MUI ,.ny. and 0Uladl1n ·..-..i • . ,.____.-'-·-&..<" ....,_ ft---• ,._, •z ,_ ••-._._ ._., ..--. .--~ ~ ~----r-1 __ , 1 , ~ ..,.,_...,.....,Ill HI--.. ~ ourroundlnp wlllch, with tht -..Uon of Ila cl•'----· Tbo --tt '""-·--·~ ~ w -._.t """ Ullo pro,..... • • ---be ........... bU ncl --19• ---fC'---... -".._.. ..... .----...... ~--. I I 1117 •••• -....: make lt cme of the work!'• .mqet be&uUtwl elt.18 u WtiJ .. ahn.ya a tbe tncUon (Jll a jol9t wwke ~ Mt O..W u tM ... w ~· in Ute SeMW -and~:. Ma.,..t •en1*i ft. .... M cl-r and bappler City, the City 0( wblo• ....,. .... ot Ito cl-dllb lip Ml the ---tO ...... ·Co,. Nn1L-1.-... ·, -· : • . Gov. '!'"7f!l1 !"': ..-. _:_ -"'=====~====~ can be Ju.Uy proud; and ~.:..J Ntwpcwt BM.cl • UM --~ llde • ... '! -fll• IUIUll ip WHl!:IU!!AS, thla deelnoblf aJJD ....: be ucompllohed whon all ~ ~,;i!?i ::.:1:.;: (""6M I -._I) , ' L(ilL W. S'rAlfLEY clt!Uno Join In a CIUnpalfn f~ a cl 1-and. bettar City; IUld -tho . a.Nliy, -.. ..1 lie ~Mio to -t ,._ tllelr .,._ 11-_ , WHEREAS, thlo h•lp ..., bt 1'11117 ,_ If -ao4 cw.ry ~ IClw ~ a /, IP, -pon•a I CIUSea wtll Uli.st ln cle&n!As up ffWT aoell Md corw. Of bn'IW ad> ......... .-:a , 11 ud p:;;: "-" .... M d -U tNJ)ODe -....... and parllwaJW. --alle1o. -la S"ttlns rid f ,, ..... •-'II -~ ~ -• ceNln ot wute m&l.erlaJ of an A-I_.'==--,A....._ ... r ~ tntd aad ftW -••wt °'~..,.1.......,.._."U Mft a uicm;.s P"-i ·=• pedl: ..... • .... ,.. CWl)•'1 ·-• WJIZR.&D to at41n the~,...~ Ill~ -----·-• ~ =.-.. 11 fll o 11• _... -... -~ .... • ~ ·.N•••rP'lc "•1 •PW lTTI . ••• PP1'1•1*11f • ....., •----.,,1111,r1m I 7 •:•rtlc --• -. we haft arrang«r that -*II lie p;..,.U, •• c aid Mad P'-'1 --... a I ) C i IP l'llat n " c at tlOe PVk, • di.lpcJMdot ... ~ 0 c...-....... bl 0 ,, ......... ,,,. a.o I .... . • WHSR&Aa, we tunber uwe &Mt all ettl t °'Palill·Uf ........ • ' t •4 • • w DI _.. .. M :;itt la ... cft1' ... M: a -f ...... aeeded, plant p!'deai"UC) fto••• 1'ltlr•••,., Dk ..... -.:,. Jt•a $ tr I 1•1:1 .. =:.:,; ~ .. • .. ~ ...,. -thhis Wldot. Wilt llolp bl - -dl1' -....;.., -··--al 1119&11'• --·--bl~-fJ:I h ---... pntel~---..... -··-· ·-· • ..., Ft. -•· ft..... ·-~I ---HOW. THERD'ORB, to --. I, lo lo.-, Moer• ti 111o -1lhln tM1; -75 a..,_ • I 1 C. It( I a .. OtJolNMWIWI'• 1c1'.tlD••1111'snU.w.ll:t'; 'ls Merv, .............. -• ........ ..-Am. .. ..-'9-.. MMJnot,Mld-~tiJ~ll'nll.-blh ...... '-"Cl I ~ate. Ill & .... -••• All -0 5 Ml = t•Mc -:;~~u.:,;:,tor,!":,W~ atO :_-:, 1.*'o: :V,,., .:-:.= ~I ·tr·~:' 9: :=-.:.::;:-:, .s= Ct I~:!' make!fo•pa.t.. ..... a 111M ~ -•--CltJ'. : ... ':": M..1bt::'!i!.:t: c.,an::r,.-::n ... i:".J! WJ. -1111-..,1Mo11Uo•e1-.ia. Alla ... -•• ..._ -•. ·ta .a -o.. • -: i... L. '1*"'• ...,... .., 1.-~n~·:·~z~·_:•:•:c~~·~•!f•~-=a.::;~._.oaJ~~----~.:i I I , I • • ' . • • • • • • • • • • Ebell Junior. Offi~ers • to be Installed 'Thurs. -..... ...,.. 1a a..'rtoxt11"· .. M•if1-...nc:e Sheer•-aut. KN. ,_ Dulel pi '..,.., VII - -t11im ... 1a cbarp "" t11o is M.y 9 Bride ICboll ·JllDlort wlJI -.JI ~ ._ oa Tllur-.,., Kay U ~ a ~:i-;;, ::.;,,,:·1o':!r": of Cleremont M.n CUSTOM • MADE • FOR A . LIMITED TIME ••• WE WILL Cutom SUp..()over a Standard CHAIR tor only $100 ' Custom SUp-Oover a Standard SOFA for only $JOO STARTS FRIDAY STANDARD CHA1R STANDARD SOFA • HERE IS WHAT YOU DO our ator'fl at 4th &nd Ma.ID Sta. ta Santa Aaa. 8el9ct a111.iaa.le faltrle !Tom hlllldredll ot TradJt1ona.I; Modern or Provlaalal patt.t-_ru . , • priced trvm •t.98 to .I.Ill per ,....a. ·Tbea we take over. Your fabl'le will be cut and fttt.ed on 79111' r.,.iture rt&ttt ln 70111' own home. the.a UM! fabrie pee ...... 1o Ml' aliM>'P t. lie' fta~ ~D oomplete t)le llll9tom ....-alJp.eov..r wU1 be tneta•led oa yov ~ .,.,.. aateied te ni. ' 4111 and Main ANA B1'09d whlu strips of mellow, soft whlu leather te add gay aceent to your 8UIDDler " eottons ... and cheam·likfl comfort to the boun of walking and playing you'll do la the -.ihlne. Bow could they be cooler! $3. 95 and $4.95 Sizes 3! to 9 * * * B·ARBER'S BOOTERY Phone Beacon ~W 1811 Newport Ave. OPEN J:VEllY SATU1U>AY NIGHT UNTIL t PADS and CUSHIONS n. Pl ~ t .. "41W.O: ~•t ~the wecsdt.,. Cake. • " . • 'IPrHA Photo) • .. . . - St. Jame,1 Cllildren to See Navajo ·Fi1m Dorothy ·Maeleari, Frank Pagluiso • • 11-11en of at. J-- -will ·lot olilr!na. Ullo -""' hndq at .9:),9 L -~ tbe •' • , 4'• Say -.Vows ·at -Mt. Carmel ·church w.n,... Wf#~.were OJ!Oken tn._~~~~.~~~~~~~. ary fl1nl -oa tllo Bll;y." 'nlJa film lo lllo otory o( u.. ...... copal· churcll · 'W'Gl'ker •m•I' Uta N&wJo Ind'•• ot AJ'llloa&. ID UM -eownl of U.. --~ wOI ... "' llt. Paul'o catllodrll, La ~ to • atleoid lllo -ual --llllte Boa Rally _..ic.. At llllo ....ico .._ l'"8 all owr UM dlcle•• P"••t to ••op Bao7 t.11111 _,. llleJ •....S ""rills tllo i:..- ten porlod. The ol'tertns lo U...S 70&1ly for llle ...-ry _.,. oloo work of the llplocopal church. Y. C. L 118"' A.Jao on Sunday ennln1, lha y _ C. L. will med. at lhe home of lhelr adviaor, Mn.. J'ranct:8 Ham- ilton at 7 :sO p. Ill. TM ...SU ot --for U.. -I' Will ho tho ~ of omc.n for •U.. .,,. 1111n& y-. Tl&e prnfde'\t, Patsy 4llen. will pr 11 do. J"ln&I plana will be made for U.. O.'f'OC1*'on ot Lolls -_ua,. of th• )'OUlll' ~ to be IMld at St. Jailwlochurdl.., .,.n~ Pilot Cle s Men Entertain Women at Chili Dinner Men ol tll• Pilot dam ot CIYUt church by UM a.. -~ed worn_, ot U.. dul at ~ C- ata.I chUJ *'t d1Anet' o. Thun- d&y, May 10. P'Nd Waodwortll wu ..-.nJ M&Jnnaa and on hi• oommltteo ....... "-' -and Harold a- Mr. Olw pr•ad al UM bw:l- n .. meetta1, wtMD attanUoa wu 11nn a.ddJUonal taaMcwp1., tor the church and pta.u ma.de to do tratttc markinp tn lh• church pa.rktnr apace. i..ter hour. v>11;"9 occupied wtlh pmea. . Pniaeot were Meara. and Mmea. A.rt Remley, WUllam McDonald, Clarence ~. NetJ Beatt7. Harold Ola.II. Ray Balter. Orwln Veach, Wllli&m Moler, Fred Woodwo.. Rev. and Mr a. Tbomu Pobdell, John Taylor and Kmea. Mary St&.l'lley, Ka.rion• !Meley, Elale ff&riro~•. Bell. and Elate S&lter. Sunday Services for CM Methodists Sunday at the Clooto M-Com- muolty II•-church, the -t« wt11 lll)llU. oa .. FUn.IUea .,.. ClwmMDaUrs" Wonblp boJIDa at lO:llO. with 'a pnl-of otpn muaic. The chotr praent.ai two anthem• 4 nurwry la maln· talaed for omaJJ clolldnn. Cllll· dren ot PrSmuy and Junior qe have an extended .-ion for mla+ -..n~. Al e :30 the Sunerpa fellow· oblp i. la cl>&rp ot •-ra An unUIU&l tHat • ln at.ore for --youth alike, .. Rev. Md Mn. Oram Bartslo•, youns OUr-i..tJ of Mt. Cahnel chllf'Cb •t two o'clod: on 8&11.lrday, May 12. by --Ilol'Ollly .Kati.Mn. 1011 Weot Bal-Blvd. and rr.nk A, Paelll.Wo. ma ot Mn. Ma.revet P&ctuiOo, 7TSO Evana tit .• Rlwr- 8'de. Tbe ceremony WN perform- ed by Ut.e RtY. 8tepba1 KUey. Tb& bride wo" a k>n.J rown of DaYJ' blue Lac'f: and baJo hat of a&"f ma1tM. Het" ~ wu or Orua• Dollpt ,_ auroundlng a W'tltte orchid coenter. Ma..rta.n L. Weddle wu matron of honor. (OWl'fid ln uh• of roeea crepe. o.rcJUO bat and carrying yellow Olorla f"OiloN. · Brkleamatda were Jean Mac- Lun, daughter of lhe bride, who wore yeilow organdy and a white hat. and Vlr&'lnia P•l'luiao, 1f.ater ot the brldecroom, who waa In yel- low organdy with ha.t of pink. Both carried pink Delight rOl'le.e. Belt man wu J onn Budlcin, ""1De l:meat and Edward Pae- tul90, brotbera of the bridegroom. aerved u uaher•. Mn. Paafu~ mother of tM -from Allie&. wtJJ ..-.1r Tbe B&rtSsen. u. oa a obldJ' fllrlDllP at u.a.c. &lid an .......... ••ta-cburdl wMN UMl:r • -.. Ud J*tune are ja sr-1 f1ssM . Yotatb ••Mhp w1a ...,_ ia. e:ao ..... ,., .......... Mur. ~",_..._ ____ ' Program Pl.. for Men's hifaerhood brtdegroom, 1 \l'ore a black and tuchata print with white acceuor- le• and a white orchid corsage. ~Clelabra and flowers decorat- ed the church ·and Mra. JohJ\8ton played lhe wedding mualc. At Reception Mn. Oltv@ Mil.er played a back- ground or piano mu1lc for the re- ception, held at the Girl Scout Howae in a aettlng of tlowen and fem•. Aalatlng at the rec:epUon were Mmet. Edward McNeU, Rol>- btrt Wallace, Edward Healey, Oecar Pumphrey, Mlq carmela Pagiui.o 1.nd R. B. Roblnaon. The new Mr. a.nd lt{ra. Pagl.u~ &re hon.ymoqnlng tn Oregon, the brlde weartng a blue ault wltl'I red hat and her while orchfd for the lrf P.. She wu educated ln acboo:s In England, wa• a member or the coordinating councll and A. W. V. S. 'The brld~groom waa educated In Rlvera1de achoola and aerved four years ln the South Pacttlc. They will make their home at UM Del -otreet. San Bernar- cllao. ' • • • • Ensenada Ra.ce Boat Visits Offshore lnslands Nearly a week'• ouUnr wu en- joyed by a group-on board Charles tnlman'• Legend, runher- up tor the Mayor or En.senada trophy in the Ensenada race. • • • ' . ' .. THU~AY;_MA'( 17, 195f RA -' ... D PES .. o,:_ .. -u CJNI pair , Corntce bcis:ea A Traverae Rod. I lfOUSl!l • GARDEN. 111 ~ea..,, Ne•pott 0'lH NftlS-Seftd., II t. 4 SH&BPENING ,Farris -_Fixit ~e>p Mowen, S&-Knlveo, Eto. BEACON llta!-J . HOO Newport B. Coeta M- Shoe Bargains We otwi 700 F1ta Wltb narrow wldUull Arcll $hoei ,~ ttt.4 ..... • '.l•lAYIR MILK CHOCOLATI CAKE ca .. n.-.> '°' w 79" An.er offlclai ceremon1ea were M1 H)IEST, LACUNA (UP'lf•lnJ over, the Lerend aet aa.ll for ~-----------.J Todoa Santoe Leland with the Ull- THE BOOTERY • 008'1'.A M'l'.&A 1100 Newport Blvd. -. mans and t.bel~ sue•t.s. "Chip"' 'II•••••••••••• and Mary Cleary and "Skip" and I ~ OOBONA DEL lllAB NSo-tll!PwaJ a.t.GUNA BEACB HOForenA-.... Jane Calkina on board. They al.,~ visited the Corona.de Laland• and on Tueeday put up at Ban Diego Yacht club, a.n1ring .home Wed- ne8day night of la.st week. Miss Mar.qaret Scharle Visits in Claremont Miu Ma.rpret Scha.rle or Co- rona del Mar had a delightful ride through Brea c&nyon and Pomona and Claremont Sunday, when &he vtsited a couain who9e husband la a atudenl at California Technol- o(lcal college, the two living ln ca.mpua qu&lU.l'L , Norma Anderson oMarry U. C. Classmate Mr. and Mrs .. Holt E .. Condon, 318 Narciaaua avenue, Corona de.I Mar are a.nnot1r1cing the engace- ment of ?\!rs. Condo·!'l's daughter, Miu Nortf'la Joan Anderson to Arnold Irving Funai, aori of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Funla of Santa Barbara. Miu Anderson recclv,ed her rlng tut week end at her birthday dlnne:r. attended by four couples and on Monday puHd the tra- ditional candy to h•r sorority 1is- tera at Kappa Alpha Theta house. 1be bride-elect ls a tp"R ctllate of Newport Bubor Union · B I g h 9ClKlol and ta a .ien.ior art major at Univentty at CaHromla. Santa Barbara campu_ Her nance VJIUI fr&duate!t trom Sa.nta Barbara HI.sh acbool and lit also a. 91..·nlor at tJ_ C., Banta Ba,rbara. He la a member ol Blue Key, senior men·1 i.&>nonry club; p~•tdent of the ~l"t'aternJty council and pa!il pncldent of Delta Sigma Pbl. Al MlM Ander80n wUJ be art teecber a.ext year at MCFa.rland 9emmt.uy echool, north of Bak· enftlld, no date bU been Rt tor th ftddlng . • • r NEW 1951 16-INCB EMERSON :rv $179.95 La Molle TY ' Oppootie Poet Otll ... • ·a ttattft -.. DrJ" a-dis UDO CLEANERS 45t Newport Blvd. ,COSTA MESA -6198-J 008TA MESA llltA. 11191-W We O.Peft~ oar own plant .. 't I bec)lnnlng monday, may 21st wi11 be open every • monday evenhtCJ 'tH· ' .9GO ' • • •• • store hows rnonday, 12:30.to 9 p.m. (~ •tore boon ~ through Sa~y ... 9:80 to 5:80) I' • •• . r • ' . ' ·• · • • SAVI. SAVI. SAVI ' I . ' • • '! • -. r r ' • • • • PAGE 4 -PART I -THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 . . . " ~~fflit1ss -B , ' THE NEW - HAMMOND ' OHORD OBO&N I $995. I YOU can play rich .organ music al once, without learn- ing a single• note. Come hear and play the Ha~mond Chord Oragn. .. Danz.Schmidt Piano Co.~ .UO N. Mala Street eo"'f'I" 1t1t suta Ana PhoDe Kimberl)'. 1-Slff ROSS I '.S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Also St.ea.ks -Prime Rlb8 Cocktails 1611 Coast Bl\•d. Harbor 1180 Corona del Mar I Like to Hear a Good _ 9uae let? II -AR T-so. CALIF. BIBLE COLLEGE MALE Q UARTET at tbf! I ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH %604 W . OCEAN FRONT i i Sunday, Ma y 20th at 11 a.m. & 7:15 p.m. 1 I 1 I REV. T. A. KESSEL, DEAN, WIL!-MINISTER l RE\'. DA.NIEL PfiCOTA. Pa.ator l~~'~·~~-~~~~~~~~~- FU·N . ZONE ' OPEN EVERY FRIDAY , SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA • DINE TOSIGBT AT THE . CAPE COD HOUSE . Yl!:A.TUllDiG STEAKS and CHICKEN • ON BALBOA ISLAN'D AT Sl1'1 MARINE AVE. PHONE llA&BOR !691 (Cl.,_i 'l'bu'"') . . #THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE ·• OPEN 10 L m. Tbrouch 2 L m. • Newport Blvd. on Cout HJgbwa7 NlCWPORT • ~ARE CLOSED ON THUB8DAY8 ' . . GENE'S RESTAURANT and BAKERY French and Italian Cuisine Pbone Barbor an • 706 C-t Bl..a. O.rou del Mar -' Dlni09 Room ol*' II :30 AW. to 8 P .M. daily t I • , ao..d Sundays ··" hotidayt • • Phone: KlrnbwfY 2-21'16 lo" of FREE PARKING. ' • .. HOWARD uwu· -ALSO - "Footlight Varieties" SUN., MON. ONLY Ed"'-· O. Roblmon "OPERATION X" -AND - Dan Dul)'f!a -Oalfi Stonn "AL JENNINGS OF OKLAHOMA" Mesa_.,, llA• ·••'Jl SAT. LAST MY Dorla Day -Gene NelM>n "LULLABY OF BROADWAY" T~haleolor -AIM'- "FAREWELL TO YmERDAY" • st·~.-TUE. -Cont.In. Sun. % :JO "THE THING" ALSO 'TooUlcft-t Variette." NO\V SHO\VlNO ('omt"dy Rio& of &he Year Abbott 6' Co.tello "MEET the I INVISllLE..MAN" ' -AJ&o-.. '1'AROET l.'N"KNO\\"N" STARTS SVl\ri'DA \" "Ma and Pa Kettle Back On The Farm" Mar jorif' Maln.. Perey Klllhrtde Also 19bl Mualt'a-1 (~nfy Riot "RHYTHM INN" FOR REAL F\JN ...... ''ZING'' ' DON'T WISS OUI ".Ultn SHOW etaU -•llU - , ' . • • • • ' • ,.. • • • • NEW QUAR'l'SU el Uoe Coartaey ud i..tet Tire Oo. at 18" Newport Bh'd., Coota -I• pictured &bow.. ~ Ure .... twbMI ..,,ice ft.rm reomtty 1110"'4 too tW.r •w loeaHoa from their former place ot. ' 'n me a& net Newport Blvd.. Newport Boacllr. Tbe move .-dnpled Wlr unouat of avall- aMe .,,.oe. (Preu Photo) Halts Bait Law (Clolllla .... '""" ....... 1) Mil, lla@n WU auspended. A_ner being cited the operalota of~ the. ~unny' obtalned. a Ucerwe to ae.11 bait l.hrougb lhetr attorney, Harry Aahlorr. The license w .. I.I· 1 JJU~ by Harold Young, Ucenae col· lector. upon ln.trucUone from City Attorney Harry Blodgett. The ll-1 cenee wu at on.ce reec:lnded by the 'dlrectton of C1ly Man.a.ger John S,llor9. Blodge'tt recited in court that he had erred and that tt wu 'htatorical' that llcen&ea werf' not lllaued for Yf'ndlng of any klnd on the watera of tht• bay. Exl'CUU\•fl SeMina Monday Bl<>qgett presented to the City Council In thf'lr tar'y af· trrnoon 'executive · .sesalon' an eme rg'"cy ordinance U>htch would have •peclflcally llceneed all of thf' bait receivers now operating In lhe bay. The recelvt"r• are locat- Pd prtnclpally at the Pavllton, al Norm's L&ridin~. and at Port Or- ange. Blodgett told the Press that he drew the ordinance at the di- rection and In conference with I Irv. Gronsky of the Pavilion; Pl'te I Barrett of Port Orange, and Joe I Dixon. who ,111upp:1cs practtc&Jly all 1 live bait hauled In to the harbor. I Councilmen took f'Xceplion to thf' manner of presentation of thf' ordlnancr and A&id that no such I ordinance would be pa.Med without due public hearing and conakier- atlon. Thf' \nvuton of t h<' scavrngers of the sea and their J amage to boats, docks ano hontf'R fnllows like clockwork lhf' arrival or lhf' bait boat.a In the mornfng l'nd the return of thC' •portf~hlng fl"et in the afternoon . Hundt~ of b:rds particularly In the Marlfler 'l'I Mllr area. In the Balboa Dletrlct and GRAND ~HALETTE of tbf. blC parade bonor'.lnc CoAta MN& Llon11 Club'• F'hh Fl')· M:hedulf'd for JnnP ! and S "111 ht-Spade Cook>y'" "·.Lll-knO"'ll and beiautlfuJ ain(Pr, Ginn.v Ja.ckJJ1Un , pl<'tun"d abo,·t'. filnny "1:1 be accompanlf'd by maJI" ,·ocall~t Lt>& "('arrot- Top"' Andf"non. adjacent t o the Udo Landing of G·inny Jackson Norm's •LAY In cl03e proximity to the bait tf'Celvf'ra t.herto and wherf' (Continued from Par I) fh1h lng Cloe.ts are• mainlaln.!d in Boots and Saddlen Club of the arra. Chalrnu1n Paull l.11 a mE>mber. The Newport Harbor le the only Lot! Companc ro!.', junior riding largr port catrrtng to sport fish-I &"toup fron1 Costa Mesa, also will i;rmen whe.rf' live ba.t.t Is pe'rmittt'd ~partlclpatr. to be relalned tn th9 b&y. •At Lqn.g lr0tt E.rtw • Bouh !>alt operatlono ....., ktpt Amonr I tt... 1hdtvlduiit rld<i#e' 'outalde' at the breakwater. At will be "Iron Eyee" Cody, batt- San Die.go all .ucll operation• are I back rldt<r and Indian cbJef of thi" kept outaldf' the harbor proper. Tim McCoy progTam; Dr. Dalf' At Prf'8f'nl there 11 & biarge and Wurman of Occanalde, riding his bait tender. the lwo Jlma. at a.n-I grand chan1plon Appaloosa. •t.a.l- c hor out..ktr ot Newport H&rbor I lion, Bogaloou.. and wearing ln- and the operaton of the Sunny dlan drt'M, together" with Mrs. have •tatrd they w1U have ba.lt I Wunnan ridi ng a.s a Spanlah lady available oul..llkte the jetty en-on her blue r ibbon Morgan atal- tr&ncf' for flahennen during the 1 uon.. Sonny Don. aeaaon. I L. H. Gann of Anlario. who hu Editor Awarded Journalism Prize G&brtel BalUerra of San ClE'- mmte, tdltor of the Orange Coast College Barnacle, baa be-en award- ed the Journalli:m prlu. preaenled a.n.nu&lly to "the indJvf.dual mem- ~r ot the Barnacle 1tatf who con- tributed m01t to the we:tare of the "ftew1paper during the year," report. Vernon Patlef'80b, OCC Journalism lnatructor. The award came by Wlati.imoua vvte of thP Barnacle atalt. partlc lpal~ in lhe 'PU&dena in- vitational Tou rnament of Roeee parade fo r the laat three years will be a dlvlalon ma.rah.al on bl!i TenneUf"<' Walker, Major, while another mar~hal wtll be C. A. Mc- Daniel of El Monte riding in full wllver with his Palomino parade atalllon, fo'lylnJ: "1tf" King. One of the most S)>t'ctacular entries. will be Don F p"mando Ramlz and hh1 IM>n, ·of \\lhlttier. whoge horses wear aomr of the moat complete ailver outfit.a. MRS. OERTRlfDE HORN of Corona df'I Mar, ,~·ho play• the dlfflcuJt lead or i\f'""-. Branu.oo lo Nll(tlt MWlt. Fall, '''hl<'JI Nt"W· pon Harbor CUmmunlty Play-"'* al"f" ptt.11entJn& Jnnr i , 8 and I at Oranl"t' C-oM:t <.'Ollrge,. Clualtied ada cost litlli, do much. -People do read the want ad&. . ' ,,J • occ -~ ~ ClllUlt,Cll cw CJH ...... ~ ---} •i., ""'' 80i&Nt°J8'1"f I Wins lit Pt.Ke · -.\Vi.~ N..,..-,; ...... : ' -.J • 1 e:~ .. "~----~ <>rann Cout <llolloll<i ,___ " --· Sdoolh!·-" ~ popularly -., u ':Dalio. r.--. · f . , t ..\ ~· Dlx1 .. , • in\ ~~ ~ ' .. ll:W •• e, won ftrsl JMAo8 1 the fn.. w1r ,., ~ ...,... _ •• ._., !tlal Boutllem • Callfomla • Jlinlo< ....._ . ._ _. ., ur ,_ ......, College _JQs Band ~ held ~;1. .... ·~ ..... ·~ ...... 1, at Santa Monk-a Ctty ¥.ie. 1aat :t..J..::r ~ ~ w :-. ......._ Friday, May 11, ~ cu.tlc,.. _ "'9 ~ h ~1.., i..tto.1 .. ..._ Roju, advtHr to Ut\ mU81cal ~ dwell ...ac~ .-4 ... n. ...,... group. T · The 1lx-maft combo1 -Da'lld !,::;:.===========~. Welrb&ch, JO. McCatfrey, Step-I C U .S H I 0 N S hen Hope, Kenneth Welte. Robert .,, Aguilera and Mike Smith --n For ............ & BMaia h Ir hl>rlcw -Plutt.. t e top rating by th•h; tendltlan .-I>• ovr ex-rt craf- of 'Tia Roof Bl~" an~ "China HOUSE a GARDEN Town." 911 Cout Hlp""Y· N-rt Five junior colleges were rep-OPIN NITU-~ 10 to • reeented in the conteet: Sall Ber- nardino ValleJ JWltor Collece, John Muir of Pasadena. Col"iipton . Jun!or Colle.ce, Orange" Cout and the boot llChool, Sant& Monk:&. I Prominent band· l~ra and radio dlac jocklet1 were judge:e. Amona-the former were Pete Daly, Red Nichol& .and Nappy IA.- TV ANTENNAS INSTAl'.t.l:D and SEB\"ICED TIDf TV IOll Newport Bhd. Har. ZOI marr. di.te jock.JN Included P'ra.nk I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Bull and Gene Norman. I· Jalopies Race Again Sunday Talbert Stadium in Huntington Beach became the cente_r ot Jalopy AMOClatlon racing lnte:reat on Sunday a.a Grant Lambert aeekw . to carve out a racing "'double" from a field' of more than 75 driv· en in anotbe.r major 7S.la.p lpef'd show over the ·fltth-mlle.. dirt track. Qualifying trials will begin al t.lng oft the competitive firework.! 12:30, with the trophy daah aet- at 2:15. califomla Jalopy Auocialion offlcta.·s, who have been bound by a TV contract untiJ lut week. an- nounced that all the major drlver1 will be on hand. Lambert noaed out Marie Ra.mes and Rex Schend- ley, two Orange county favorites,. at the track in the 25-lap feature ,two weeb ago, J oining lhe field Sunday will be >ruch redhot drivers u "Bob Stan- clift. Bob Allcot, Paul Norman, Dave Stansbury. Kenny· Reavea. Dick Carroll, PauJ Pblpps, Lee Breithaupt and olhen:. WINS 8CHOLA.&8HIP Wuren Meinhardt, 8bft of Ml'9. .Goldfe Meinhardt ot llktWay City. haa bcren awarded the. 1951-52 State of California Alpbi. Gamma Sigma 9Cholarshlp to Pomana col· 1 lelfe, repot'ta Orange Oout -col ; lege authorJtiea. He will receive ' UOO to be lised tor tuition and general achool expeneea. • Twa. yea~ ago Melnhardt w'ln the $100 schblatahlp award~ an- nually to a senJor Huntington Beach ac}liool · et.Udent i>Iannt.agi ,to attend Orange C.OUt college. · ·.' Warren ilJ atudying to become a teacher of forejgn la.nguagee. I CDM FAMlLY MOVES -1 NEW 1931 16-INCB EMERSON TV $179.95 La Motte TV Oppoolte Poot . OfOce COSTA MESA BEA. S!N-W • THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF A MERICA'S O UT ST A NDIN G RE ST A tlRA NTS! Food Exportly l'nlpattd and Grn.cloUAl7 Served, ln Our UniqlH' DlnlnC" Room. Free Indoor Parking Sm:t Door in Long Beach I I I American Mr. and Mra. Robert McCarthy", and son Jeff have moved from 424 Fem1eat to a lovely new / ranch type home at fl 7 Costa Mesa street. Costa Mesa. j Wise people do read the ad.I. ,_ ______ .,... ____ __. 198S! tom Tailored • May we show you? MUFTt, LTD; CUSTOM TAILORS N~port Blvd.. Phone Kl S.t980 I Blodu Nort.lli of S-.ta ~ Oountry Ctub Ba.ltlerra worked on th.:: new•- p&pet' flrat N l'e.ner&l reportf'.r, then u aporta editor, awJ f1na.lly u editor. ff.la name WIU be en- paved on the F-ermanent honof plaque, and he w1U recetYc a bound tile ot the 19~1 Ba.mkle. con· tainlnl' a letter liped cy all membfora of lhe staff. Among the bands which will provide mualc for the proceaskin will be the EJ Toro Marine Band. the Orange Cout College band, t.be Newport Harbor High echool band &nd lM Fred C. Nellea b&nd from \Vl\ltller. Otheni a.re ex· pttted to ht' entered before the P'tah Fry. . jj,~E~ICA FREE .~FREE FREE "l am very happy and vrry proud," N.kt Baltierra; "niy one I iJ!!!!!!!~~~~L, I regret la that lheae members of the •taft who 80 loyally aupporterl my effort.II lo turn '>Ut a fl.Cle news· paper can,ot ah.a.re ln the award." 1!".ntrte:a for the J>'.rade are. to da.e on May· :n wb.lle regt.tra. Uon for the baby parade, whic h ran bf" mftde at Bud J..tean'.cam· era ahop In COAla Mesa. and for thie p;f't pe.radr being handled by Frank Wal.ih. at hl!I hard\\·~"' store, Bre to bt-made by the week before event. Me4nwhlle!', beauty conteat.&nt. are being ur~ to enter the com- petition which 111 under lhe direc- tion of J _. D. 'Luke of the Coeta MeM otlk:e of the Southern Cali- fornia Ed.lion Co. .llllU~AYTi WU ' DA WE VE $~. sCATTER RUGS AN A.'t.~ 'Some one who vlalta our -rt"'f'I'---otore between .. May t 7U. and MAmlSI May 31st, .1111d reg1stera his or hei tiame, will receive one .. LAGUNA IEACH PLAYHOUSE ' "MY SI STER EILEEN" May 23rd tJuoucb JlDle 2nd Cllrtalil S:io Admiulon IUO I.quna t-el529 Ruervatlona held to S:i& TAUERT STAQIUM ~ Jalopy RCIC9S SUNDAY, MAY 20 "Midi ..... ,' ~ ... Hu •i:r• ••ell (i.t ...... .,., . '· .............. lrz'ha fw UAll , •Bl"'" JI.% lJ:lt c ... 1tns PDnl l't19Xln1U -l!O' o«Ja.,. ••••. ........... -.-..... 0••-x M I COAST HWt". ....OU' W Ml'lll till •11 •tit 4 • ' Y"8 MllNE1 l&s MEET Mmlbeta ot the Newport Har- bor area Y'1 Menette. ctub wUl '!\eel tn recuJar aeulon.. 'lbw-a· day, ~ :14, at 7:80 p.m. In tit• home ot M.ra. CbJlholm Brown, 12e c.ntor -. Coot& w..,._ _. n9: ICW HUT .. c...a m::uo. ~. ~ ,,, .. ... ..... •1111 ....... I L f .. 7 -..... cmnM!S•..x ...... 0 It'·-........ o.w.u.ou• .... COM Church . School Guild Meet. Corona ckl Mar · Chun:h School Guild met Monday. Ma.y lt with Mr& Fred· Rarrtaon. eu Orchld avenue, with 26 membera preaenL ~g 00.teM dulie.. wtt.h Mn. Ha.n-leon were Mr.a. Harvey Peaae and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt. Mn. Raymond K. HarV<ly re- viewed the chapter on Leah and Raebel trom Women of tbe p:tblie. otu.zy book of the year, On May is offtoen of th• gulkt wm· be. lo.· -jointly with -"' Oa-plll& Circle al 2 .. II& In Pl,lctlm ll&IL N..., JrUlld of'(lceno are Kr& ~rd 8chweltar, "'""'-' llni. Mttle Verburi',• .ice preol- -: )Ira; Ida tlu Kiley, -t&r1 and Kr& Oleo """'""' trwa-m.r. , . ' AT A NIW LOW NICI $79.75 of the foDowing: I st Prize 9x 12 Wu nda We ve Ru g Retail -Val ue-$J29:ts I j l ~ I . - • I f ' I 1- 1 ' • • • • EXPECT ·25· ENTRIES· IN HONOturu RACE • ' ,._,,ty-ftve ent<leo ..,.. up«ted In u.e 1961 B-ulu Race whlcb 1tarta Jul)r 41.ll at i.. Ansete. Harbor -aftd to date 17 yacllta on definite entzleo. the Tnmopaciffc Yt!Cbt clo~ Ma -need. ~­ U.1 to Race 'commtttee Chalrman Dlck Terttet. tour other bo&t qw.en bave algnU~ deflnJte entry but haven't amt in lbe required fonn8. More countrf.. Ulan In any.__------------1 prev&oua flonoJulu Race will be repreae.nUd. at the at.artlng pn with entrte. expected f'tom Japan. Auatrall&. HawaU. Panama and United Statu. Word ha.a recenUy bffn ~tved from the Halvorsens ol Auatralta that they deflnitely plan to enter their new 36 ft. eloop, Solvelg, and ahe •hou'd be lln excellent con- tender lf judged by her recent per- formllllcr. as she give lhe Halver- sen brothers their thtrd COnaet'U· tlve vtctory by winning the Tran- ataaman Race after they had won the same race twice ln Peer GynL Thi8 la the third longest race ln the world and 8hould be a won- derful preparat!on for t.he forth- coming race to Honolulu. An lnterestlng note wa.a 'Offered by Rear Admiral ~ker of the Golden B ird. He said that tlte Japa.ne9e' are ex t remely proud of thhl boat as she beara a name which In JapaneM U. "Keen No Toby" which wu the Golden Bird that landf'd on the ~ or tht> pnporcr 's warJ5h\p in 660 B. C. when hf' WBB trying to un.lfy Jap- an. The legend says that it brought h'm victory by bllndln~ the enemy so we can expect th.at many Japanese yen wrJ be wag- ered on the bow of the Golden !llNI. Follo"vtn~ are thE" boat.8 that a.re definite entries; Evl'nllde. ke tch, 37'6, Stephl'n Newmark, Los An~rles. · Tf'ton. cultf'r, 3!1'. Patrick D . Y/al8on. Long Beach. . L . Apache. sloop. 12·. Phyllis B . BruniM>n. Hollywood.. ' Gracie S . achoonrr, 97', E. Edi· ion Kennell, Jr., Seattle. 8'-a Witch, ketch, 35' 9", A. L. McCormick. San F1·anciM:o. Typee, yawl. 34', Richard A. Doi~. Hono'ulu, Hawaii. • Morning Star. schooner, 98', ltichard S . Rheem. San Fr&ncisco. Staghound. ketch, 39' 4•·, Ira P. F\Jlmore, GIPndale. ' Flytng Scotchn1an, a loop. 35', Porter B. Sinclair, NE'wport Beach. Skylark, •awl, ~·, Donald B. Ayres. LQlr~geles. Ele<:tra, yawl. 44 ', Robert Cryt- ttr , Loa An~elea. -Chlriqul, k etch. 60' JO", Tucker M.cc·ure, Los Angeles. W ise pc-ople do read the ada. -Peopie do read the Preu ada. WATER HEATERS blft. 8ervtoe and Bep&ln /'o. Becldo/J PLUMBll'IG Aatbortzed Dealer Day .ti ..Night Beaten TEIMS '"' Do.., 011 •II Hfft.n Pttone lla.rbor ZMJ... W ·TIDE mou F rlda.v 8 :06 a. m. May 18 7 :60 p.m. Saturday 8 :57 a. m. Ma,y 19 f 8 :23 p. m. Sunday 9 :60 L m . May 20 9 :00 p. m. Monday 10 :45 a. m. May 21 9 :41 p.m. Tueeda.y 11:42 a. m. May 22 10:26 p. m. Wedneaday 12:48 p. m. May 23 11 :15 p. m. Thur8day • 1 :68p.m . May .24 .................. J @ P'lll8T. FULL QUilTER MOON June 12 May 27 Mission Educators to Speak Sunday at Mesa .Church Rev. Omar Lee. HartaJl!r wtn present a lecture '"Tbe Romance of Chrt.Uan 8e"ice in Angola." lllwltnted by Kodachrome a11Ma. Sunday, May 20. at 8:30 p. m . In the Coeta Meaa Community Meth- ocllst dlun:.b. Tiie publlc La tnvolec't to t¥ program which II opollllOred by the Sunergou. rroup Of the church. Rev. and Mn. Hart&Ier, younc miaalonariee trom Atrica, are on a study n.irlough at use. Rev. Hartzler wu bom Ln the Belgian Congo. Educated ln the United States. m 1945 he went to Angola, Alrtca. accompanied by hll wife. at a ml•- sionary with lhe Board of M.1.1- 11ion11 and Chu9Ch Ex.tension. The MelhodJet church and bu arved dufing the Jaat fl~e year aa a Dla- trict Superintendent. the Confer- ence Secretary for Religious Edu· cation, and u Dean of the Btble o;chool of the Wllllarn Taylor Me- morial lnatitute at Quusua.. Mra. Hartzler hu served ~ put five year• .. auperviaor or rural school.I. director of tu.cher training at the Bible school of the Yillliam Taylor Memorial I.natl· ~eat Queuua. PTA RUMMAOE 8.u...I!: Under the ausplCes of the Coa· ta Mesa. Undbergh-Rarper PT A, a rummage sale wtll be conduct- ed Friday and SaturdAy, May 18 and 19, at 123 Bro&dway, Coeta MeM. MESA MAN TAKES JACKPOT R E. Best. 2332 Elden avenue, Costa Mesa took the Jackpot wtth a seven pound white sea baas when he fished recently on the Ml888wlt from Port Orange. Fair Weather. yawl, 62'. Fred J . Allen, San Diego. Golden Blrl. yawl, j4/, B . W . Decker, San Diego. Jada.. schooner, 56', Isabelle Bel- yea. Arcadia. Jaya Head. cutter, ta·, Elmer R. Peter90f\, San F'rancleeo. ReYen~. cutter. 40' e·. Cran- ston Puchall. Med.la. Yt'uhtnaton. These boat.a and t.Mlr owners have signified entry but nd signed entries have been received. Janie, sloop, 40', I>oi\ald A . Scharer. Portland, Oregon. Tiare, achooner, M', Ricllard Young, Loa Angele11 . Tuco. 1awl, 60'. Tbo mu A . Short, San Franci8co. Solvelg, iloop. 38'. HagnUI Hal- venon, Aualralla. TABLE WW 3.D 2 :06&.nt. -0.1 6.0 1:30 p. m. 1.0 3.9 2 :48 &. m. --0.8 8.• 2,0ll p. In. 1.3 3.8 3:31 a.. m. -1.3 8.7 2 :U p. m. 1.5 3.T 4:18 L m. -1.7 6.8 3 ,31 p. m. 1.8 3.8 5 :06 L m. -1.7 6.8 4:06 p. m. 2.0 3.5 5 :&9 a.m. -1.8 6.3 f ;M p.m. 2.3 3.5 8 :87 L m. -1.3 5:!)0 p. m.. 2.8 Cf e U8T NEW QIJA&Td lfOON May 20 Jun• ~ r U·DRIYE CRUISERS 'j ROW BOATS : ~~ d eTACIU..E -• Small -t Lawdi••• ELLIS BOAT RENTALS UO: '<lout Rlway Newport -.. Pit. -r 1115 AT SOUTJI END ·OF UYllBOU: llllLIDGE SEATCOVER SALE • DELUXE FIBRE 5 ~pa11 . Cars ... $10.95 3-pa••· Cars _ 6.95 . All PLASTIC - e~»&DHG• ~-pass: Can _$1f.t5 . l·pass. C«in_._ 12."-5 j 11""7 ...... . -......... n-. • ' I I • • . , Naiad Mariners -' ~ ·'~~E 's ~ fMT; 1 --· .-rn~~~lt, MAY 11,-t9J i •'l l: .I• I -'°' .< ~ ~Id' HA&Mll 'l'ACllT OLUll PICTUIU!:D FROM BAY ~ . NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB PLANS 34th OFFICIAL SEASON OPENING SAT. Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• 3401 btrthdlly cakr wW go undel" th" knlfe al Saturday night's fo r· mat dlnn"r dance marking th" op""1lng of the •umm er se&90n. On Sunday, from 10 a . ffi. to 2 p. m. lhtte will b(' an annual lswp«tlon of yacht.8. Awards ror tho&f' fOOnd moat "ahlp-ehape" will be made at thf' 6 p. m buf(f't d.lnner. At 3 :30 p. m . Sunday the"' wUI --------------------------- be ... & presentation or offlcen and who worked out the handicap a·ys-Th~• action packPd sea.son of a •lute to the colors. ·staff Com-tem, allowed one of tbe h andicap 1920 MW one of tht-m08t e:ucceM· modoN' Shirley Meeerve will glvt> boat.A to nose over thf" finish lint> ful stag crulse.1 t"Vcr hrld In the the addreu of welcom e &nd w ill before thr tcr"tch boat Vtklng Ul Ntowport Harbor area. Nearly one preaent Commodore Walt Elliott. had 1>4i>Pn R.l!owt>d to st.arL hundrt.-d membt'rs and frlf"nds don- All officer• and director• of NHYC The Newport Harbor v.,c.ht ned plratr's rexalla and sailed wUI thtn be lntroducrd. Club had It.It concf"pllon tL8 the ovi>r to Catalina la'and ii n the At some tlme during the fe•tl· result or a n1eetlng on OcL 22. I 1'Chnoncr Lilly. Mf'mori('I of thAt vtt,Jes accompanytnr tht' lnaugu-, 1916 In the hnmr of Fred Bttk-voya~r Art> ke pt alive In the drcor ralton of the new M'UOn one or wlth. Tiie JCT0•1p o r yacht-club· I and n1urRls of thf' vf'cht club's bar. the older memben of the club will mln1!('(I sporl,mrn, hredl!'d by J. drplctlng the ttdvCnturt'& o f t he!W prob~bly tell the irtory of lhe y.-cht P, cr.-.f' ey, worked out the planH Sf'tt.·~<Jint: pirttl('H race whlch was won before aU o f nn•t ld"rui tllat broui:ht forth tht> Thr Spr int: or 192!'1 RAW the rr· the_ boat.I atarted. It l8 a story Nt•wporl 1-t"rOOr Ynchl Club In 111•"1,.llin~ .-,f th(' clubhotL<cf' llt n wortb tt'pealing. JaMuary 1917 Dr, !iolht rv1 \\'8.S at rosl of J;•.0'10 A n111ubf'r Qf s ll"Cp· The race In question took place 'hr hr hi1 nt thnt t'n1e, SE."rvlng 118 !ng C'R hh1s, l~kf'r!'I, a Mail lo ft Rnd In 1919, two yearQftf"r thf" ln-tlrli l comnl•ldort' 8 )oungl' kno\.\'ll a ·1 lilt-"HP ceptlon of the club,"5d Dr. A ·~rt As ll rlubhoH.'if'. In the fall of nnon1" W"rf' con11truct<'<t under lhC' Soll.and'• yacht. Vltltng In Wll.8 tD17 tlu· nrwly-for1UC'd urganiUI-w1·~t \Vini;: l;)f the rout. in th<' dcalgnatt'd 8Cratch ·ll!ntry. tlon rC'n fl"ll thf' ht1m P of l+trit. Marv ,PYC'f' formf'rlv usNJ fror bo&l slor· T1ay ~t , C\J.rli!:, 007 E &\-Fr•1nt. -tlt:" Rnd dr"H~ins; roo m~. At the Ume, .~ NHYC flt>t'l Ruy l"a,·lllon In J11ly, 1927. 70 f"t'l uf bay waS slightly larir~lhen tiny. 0 11 Ai1t:11nt :.?: 1019, nt J\ sp ,.rlRI fronlai.:<' \Vr:ot of thr club \.\'H.:. pur· Foor Its size. lbe neet offered n nit·n1bf'r's n1ef'lini;: it waa d~hlt>d chR..!l('d froun l1r. f;oiland and Large selection of s h"'P""· slY.ra , l(I buy !ht• f_;R 'll Newport Pavilion ft•n•·rd Four yf·ars lalt•r a li<lf"- ouU lnes and pt"rlm ctt>ni. W ith lhl~ prnt)("rty for il 1·lub hou~t'. Thf" r~·· land ln1·11.ti11n In fr1fn t nf lhf' club· m mind. a.nd to accommodit.lc all mo;tclin1t of thr bulldln~ tn betlt'r houMr IA'8..'! a r fjulrNJ and 1lrf'ded tn the ll!ntrlca In oile race the h&ndl-suit tt to Its purpo1H~ was 11c-th<' city. Th<' major portion of .::apper1t with an eye to the rules mmp 1sh1'fl lhrnu~h a bond IMur thl~ acquisition ..._,~ rtrN.lgf"d c rcat- fo rmulated by the San DiCKO The nt>w flxluN"s and ft1rnlsh · I n~ adchtlonal An<'horai;:r s(1ac <'. Yacht C1ab worked out a handicap inlo!'io; ror t'h(' NJ-t,'C wrre obtainl"d. S·nct• it:t 1occpt1on thC' Nt'\.\'port ayf'tem. In April 1920 th<' club burgf"t> Harbor Yac.:ht C lub ha.! built for The boat.a started off In ad-WM design<'d and adopted and a it!l<'lf a fine reputation In t he vance. ea ch a ccording to It.a handt-I plan Instituted lo decrf'asf' lhl' iri-·. h<'arts of yachtRmen the world cap. Dame Fortune, with a •light debtedneMS of lhf' club by selling over. \\' e wish It Goodspet•d, on leer at these adventuroua aouls 50 life n1embcrshlpa at $200 each. this. its 34lh year of ex latence. .... ..,,;..-~:_.!;~-_,~-- .JOCNT BIRTHDAYS were oel~brated by thrw pmllllaea.t yachtamm at. 8alboa Yacht Vlub'• dinner Saturday nlpt. bonortnr the \.\1nM>n of thfo Around Catalina Race aad 8. l'. C. wln.ners &t EnsenadL A cake wtth tb.fte caAdla WM 11et brlore 8. Y. C. '• Vite-Commodore Con\·tt'k Wa.rdnna.nn., oea te.r, wile wu joined tn the birthday ttlf.bratlon by N. H. Y. C. Commodo,..., D. \\-' ... Walt.'" Elliott, left. aad 8. c. l' . .,.. Oommodo~ Clllf Chapman. rtrht. E:stra call"9 enabl~ all p~n.t to p&rtlclpate tn the pl.a ~oa. (Photo by Bttkner) C:ommodores Feted at·. Trophy Dinner Balboe Yacht club'• trophy din· ner on S&turday evf"ntng turned into a jolly birthday party wtlh three commodores sharing honors. A special cake wtth-candle-a had been planned by Mrs. Conver11e Wurdemann for her huaband, vice commodore of BYC and for Com- modore Walter Elliott of NHYC. whoee nata..I day was May 8. Helplng cut the cakr wu Com- modore CUff Chapman of SCY A, a"9o a May 12 celebrant and each o.f the. J.50 diners had an indJvidual ca.ke. Guests at the Wurdemann t.ab'e were Commodore and Mn. !:lltott and Mn. Margattt ~ar- born. • Tropb.18 were pre1ented tor tbe Around the l&land race, one •01ng to Hal Ramacr whb a)oo dllplayod th"" Enaenada ttopt\y won by h1a ~.Ugua. 8. C. Huber and Mr. and ~ Bar::ney Huber were atao aho\trlar their Enaenada c u p. RunHr had taken colored motl pielllra of tl>e !ntematlonal ratt, ftOQJ at.art to ttntm. and of the trophy pruenta.._ and feetlv!Uoi •t ll'l*uclL DRJVER FINED Ernel!t J . Rollins, ~. 1834 H&.r· bor Blvd., Costa Mrsa. was flned $1 50 after a guilty plra to a chargt' of drunk driving at an ap- pearance ln N ewport City court Monday. ' Rollin.!! waa arr-'8ted by New- port police Saturday night on Newport B'.vd. ne11r Hwy. 101 . Po- lice saLd he had bee:n traveling wjdc open with hia car ln low gear with amokc and flame pouring from lhe hood and exbauat. Lutheran <:hurch Sunday Service ''The Last Oteat Command- ment" will be the theme or the eermon by Putor Herbert C. Roth at the 11 o'clock woMhlp eervtcl' this Sunday. The sermon text LE taken from the tut words of thf' Savior t.o Hi.a diaclplea before, Hr &Mended Into heaven lU!I they are recorded In the Qogpel of Saint Matthew 28:18-20. ~ ... ..~ PllESS-&t,~· • > ' to-Ta~• Part " in ·Annual Gam --• . ~ ~r l!lllp N&led of Newport.I--,-"'-.,,-----..,..__----~,,_--~-------",~, Harbor Girl -.1a Will ~te l ' -· soN ~~:,~~ ':.::l:.~~;4.!: , HAROLD!""~~ ..... ~ 20. T!tll lloullwrn cautomla .... 1., . <tf v.•-. lllu. - -. -L1. . lo orpnfsecl by the ll&rfner ,i...d-,.._ ~re' ulOClation. roor ,.. ..... ap rlutfte· llattiet .. f ,,,, ·27 ahi1»9 competed and "'eualq llJl VU• W-.r, !lew,port .._.:. yean have l!Hn tbe llUlftber ot ' • •hfPo preoent irreatly -Lut yea.r wttb 400 -rtrta f•11rtnr part In the attafr,U.. Nalo4 pJaeed l.lltrd h..,. ud hU -....,..kins hull for many ,...lul put In - a.ration tor nut wMk--erid. ~ ,· AU day Saturday •• M&y 19, wfll be given over to pvUctpaUOn ln skill On Saturda,y ~Ymlnc a ban· quet for the-Pl• will be gtven at Uncoln Junior Htrb ~I where •.hey wUl camp on the ecbool lfT'Ollndl for the nt(bt. P'ollewlnr i· the banquet a PlfOC1'&m ln ~ um by way of entert.a1nment ta pta.n:. I ned. Sf!ve ral regional offic:tals wtll be l preeent for the Oam. Newport I Harbor will be represented by I Commissioner Mrs. E\re.rett Nu- nan, Wil'tl member1 of the Na.tad will be Sktpper. Mra. -Ted Harn- b rook and First and Second Mates Mn. K enneth S\arege and Mr•. O. G. Suess.. The splrltuaJ service Scout.a' Own wtll be preeentea Sunday morning by Newport's Naiad and Ship Surprtse of Loa Angele.. Ac ting as hoatcu to vialtlng ehtps Will be Hornet of Santa Mon'ca. Play day will follow the morning 8ervic~ with gamea and tun. LuBelle BoJce eerves y Officer of the deck for Sh~p Naiad, Sharry Va.n Compernolle sa.rgeant at arms, Doran Sueaa, yeo~an and Barbara Starege, officiate• u super cargo. -People do read the want ada. Phone: Bea.con 94"1T • Let us 1&!181st you ,bi • your plans. . We w II i glndl.v estimate costs ol materials, recommend a· con.tract-0r or help yoa obtain s Title 1 loan for . nrw co11struction or re- ruodelinr;. Home r 1'fellott, 1tla.n.ager OTllER \'ARDS : At The Arclid - Laguna Beach Santa Ana Fullerton Lu 11abra Brea • MEET YOU AT "THE INN" HENRY'S FAMOUS FOOD BRINGS NEW ORLEANS TO BALBOA • • SHRIMP GUMBO CLAM CHOWDER SEA BASS PA?ILLOTE • "---Sl::iRIMe..and i LOBSJEJl ,lQULE.--- LOBSTER THERMIDOR CHARCOAL BRO ILED CAPONETTE SWORDFISH STEAKS encl the Best Dinner Steaks on the Coast BALBOA INN CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE BALBOA INN ARCADE-OCEAN FRONT AT THE PIER Your Hosts . Dinner Served 5 p. m. to I 0 p. m. DICK end KATE DENT • • ' ---~--· .. --... ... f .......................... , ,U. ~ Al~~~,, utJMI ..,..~~ I' IEl-STUDEBAllR -·11MAN I ff:: ' ' I ' ' • . . . . .hlll'ill'• . ...,. .... drhl19 "'""' • t ·r-#' J • I ' An ml••lil•t 120. hin1po•I · . -. • Mnr tni ••• '-t v.a n1t111• ~ , ............... ,.._ ,, ....... . "'i ' •. ' I ~ , , .,,......, ........ ,..1 ·· .. . ·~· " , I .TLt:J 'S--..... 6'.4-1~7-o/IM( ' .. • r • . ' ' .. • • . l. ' . . C.·.·, . PAGE i -PART T -THURSDAY, ~y 17, 1951 :~~P1tESS-!i CLASSlFI.Eo.·· The Mighty Midget In Advertiling NEWS-TIMES -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRES&-Thursdays N-S..,. Poot n.'w-A<ll - -la tllo ,,_,. Jlilew.-Tl.mM or tlae ftilHdaJ PNM IKINlMUM AD rs' U1fU · AJJ Cl&ulfl...t ado must be paid fOI C:Ub la\.,_ ef ,,_ • .,. 4 Unes 1 hper S .'75 4 IJnes 2 Papen l.llO 4 Unes a Papen· S.00 The publlahere will not be ruponatble tbr more than one lncorrec:l loeertion of an advertlaemcnt, reeerve the rtpt to cornctb cluall1 any and all ad8 and to nject any adwrt'Mment not contonnlnc ''' ru1ea and regulations. Advertbementa and cancellation.a will bl· accepted up to ~ p.m. on the .day prec:edln1 publlcaUon. Ph. Har. 1818 none Har. 1816. aAk for .. Ad TU.-w eead a4 and rnnlttaaoe to NEWPORT llARBOR PUBLl8RINO 00. HI I llalboe Blvd. N-..rt llMoi.. OllDfOftd&. ' U~-BU8INE8S OUJDE COMPLIC'1'11: BOUSll CLmANIN0 eervtce. ll"Urntture a.ad nJP ahampooed. ,.,... -te.- J'ltUJ -Al's House & Rug -Clea.ning Co. Btt"'m t111 For Venetian Blinds, Alcoboliat All:>nymoua . Write P . 0 . BoX 2o6 ~ I.al&nd. Calif. Pit-Klmbm7 MIHi9 Patio Furniture PAINTED Shades and Drapery Hdwe. Phone Beacon Mlil-W THE SHADE SHOP ________ u_ci_zu Free estimates Pb. Har 884 IS-LOST AND FOUND 514. 29th St. Newport Beach ---------- 1 MOST-Di&mond engagement ring in platinum aettlng. Engn.~ !~Bun.DINO 8lltRV1CEll Edith &nd F>ed 1941. Loot vie._ INTll:RIOR -IllXTICIUOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURJl:I> lnlty ot Udo Iale. lllalboa Bay Club or Bayahore. Reward. fte.. public 2-7597. I8c20 >- \ EXPERIENCED w a l t r e • 1. , Apply The Snack Shop. ' I ' I• ' l&lg Cout Blc-hway. Co-s:t-BOUBEHOLD OOOD8 """' del J4r. 20c22 1 ___________ _ W A.NTED-Expertenced aleti sf.rl, part Ume poelUon. Houn In- creamed thru the .u.mmer. 8tt Ma.naf•r. 10-12 a. m. KAY NELSON, Inc. SHO Via Oporto, at Udo Entrance Phone Ha.tbor 1218 2lc2S SALl!i OR ofrtce work -: BWlf· neu t.dmlnlstratton tnlnlr\f. 5 day111 or p&lt Ume. Wrtte Boa Tl, lhl• po.per. JOp22 EXPERIENCED car b.opt -waJt• reaae• and diahwt..tber. DWIGHT'S DRIVE INN, at Bl- way 101 ·and 39, near Hunting· ton Beach. 20c22 Buy your Home Freezer NOW HERE 18 tbe aeaaon of bargaim ln berrlea, fruit, flab., etc. -Be thrifty -enjoy the e>nvenlencc of your own home tfffur ! · BENDIX Automatic waahe.r, re-- conditioned ................ BARGAIN Euy Whlrldry portable wuhlng machine ····················-·····-··-fM .50 Philco 10'" ~ble mod.el TV a.utom&tic tunlnc tone con- trol At-trac:. modernlaUc m&boga.ny cabinet ............ S89,9:S JCZ Term.a • Glenn Johnston • DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY A!Rt:RAFT PRODUCTION Ka· 12 ~" Blonde CoD.80le TV ~OJ -31"t St. Newport ~ Harbor 2297-J Mc4S ... tor an ad In the lively claul· tied oectlon or the BIO THREE- News·Times, Poat Shopping Ne'W'I' c.hlnlall wanted at once -au &h.ltta. Capable lead man tor 3rd llhlft. Office open Saturday and Sunday. 830 W . 17th St... Coeta Men. 19c21 PAPER HANGING and PAINTING and the Presa __ S_A_L_E_S_MA-,--..,N~·=w7A..,Nc::'=l'ICD=-- • Kenneth Quarry oVER 21 .15pO CIRCULATION rs 11)15 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Meaa THE ANSWER! Phone Beacon 5604 I PHONE Harbor 1119 to pla« your want ad on thla page. DON K. BUTTS LOST -Small green reli&louo Lie. General Contractor 1csi pamphlet with clipping Residential-Commercial a.tt&ched ln or near Vlncent'a Re odeli Udo Drus atore Wed. eve., May 9. m ng Reward. Plaae phone Harbor Phone Beacon 8-406-W 7M-W after f :!O p.m . 11ttc CALL Christian Oellrich for exclusive wall decoratJng We apply all wall coverings 520 IRIS. Corona del Mar Harbor 3009-W 14c19H PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 1173 Palmer St., Coot& Ilea Bea. 64~7-M 94ct Sympson & Nollar I 20p22 U-SrTlJATIONS WANTED WOMAN experienced would l.tktt day work, CLEANlNG -At.o "house openings." A nne Pet- kus, 350 A vocado. Co.st& Meaa. Beacon 691'4·\\'. 19c21 LADY want.a hou.sewof"o{ by Ute day or hour. Experienced. cap· able. Have tra.naportatlon. 2604 W. Newport Blvd., Apt. ¥. 19p21 Universal Building Maintenance PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Waxing -Window Cleaning "The Best Money Can Buy" Wall Wuhlng 512 -38th St., Newport Beach For buildings, Storea, Office• PHONE HARBOR 2404 and homes. Phone Harbor 115. 13tte 21p23 REP AIRING and . . ! '. RAlN'lJR'f.G ! <JIRL FOR CARE of )'<!U old ~UQflable. ·~r~'!'OZ" -smku \"jabs. baby while mother worka. Llft .. ~8Umates. Walker, 108"181.k . · '* ' ' · St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2581 -R in pr~ferred. Child okay. Ap- , HAULING Any kind, trash or! WALKER. 108-lSlh St., Newport. H. 2:181-R DEATl1 NOTICES aa....,. F. Felsloy Harry F . Ftertey. 83, of "3M Banta Ana Ave., Costa Mea., died Monday at El Encanto l&nltor- lum. Puente, roUowinl" an extend· ed illness. A native of Hagerstown, Md., be had Jived in CaJlfomia f9 yean and· t.n Costa Mesa tor two years. He was a. retired foundry IUptl'- lntendent. Survtvora lnclude his wife, Le.la B. F•ts••Y or Cool& M..... and three aona, O'larlea, Ben and Ed· ward Fetgley, all of Lo9 Aftl'ele. J'\meral service. were held Wed-- needay at 11 :00 &. m. al the chapel ot the chlmea,, Inc1ewood Pull cemetery. Reo. J-ph R. )!Ou. man · oUlclated. Int..nnent · w:a> ln Inslewood Park cem.Ury. Wlmo T: PoweD · Willie T . f>owe11. et, ot San J-, dlecl S&tll~ ln a ooota K- motel. Be la tur•l•ed by h1a wU Mn.. Mutoa Powtil. Baa J-: ~:· tile Rev. Harold Powell. n. Ilda- ply at fl6 Riverside Ave .. New· port He.lghta, or write few ln· tervlew. BGa tender Gets Jail Sentence Slp -. Wl8,; a dallcl>tor. Mrs. • e..U.. Kllftloell. llaa..J-: a_. --Powell. Portl&Dd. °"-~ • ui... Kn. RoJ wm1ama.; Ne- bnaka and roar---. rw..rai oervlcm were ke Id TuadaJ at S p. m. at tllo - dlapel, Ooata )(--Ille a... IS. V. Alderman of tm Riv~ '* Ull/08 chlln:b oalolallnc -lllt Jin. V. -of UM._ .. ..... ~ ot eo.ta x ... ?, ....... . '..-&II -an-a.d 111 6llD , -are loo""'s .le "-F• I an ,,,._ w ... JiU.19, • ..... ..... & .. -....... .... -.-.. ...... .. Ma.n or w oman tor out.Ide work to follow up lead.a ln Coll& Meu and Height.I area. Good opportunity tor one with ability to sell real estate. N . B. C. REALTY Co. 3118 Newport Blvd. 20c22 UDY TO TAKE over eatab. Avon bu.alneu oo BaJbaa laliiut"d. Call Harbor 2581·J betorir 9 a. m. 21c23 w ANT OFFtcm QIRL for a.c- coun\.ant's offtce.. Balboa Ial&nd. Muat know book~keepinc. Ph. Harbor 263. 21p23 WANTED Male and fem&Je applicant.a tor medical a.nd com.merclal poal- tiona now available in Co.ta Mesa and Harbor Area . Medical-Commercial Agency (Formerly Amer. Med. Agency ) 318 Spurgeon Bldg. SANTA ANA Klmberly 3-8241 Auto Mechanic Experienced • 20cl1H Tqif Pay -Permanent • , Lots of Work .Renlatjilg Man Av~ging lit 11W I • '$4()1).(X)" ... ' •• ' Vacation Pay-Qeanlng Paid HARRISON Pontiac Co. SANTA ANA ' $179.95 Keep ln touch with ua tor &ood buys ln TV tet.11 bein& trad~ In -• EASY TERMS ARIU.NGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 2lc23 11111 BAJUIOR BLVD. · .JEP'FERY'8 ~ 11'. Very COSTA MJC8A tut open c"Jl"!r· Only·~ boUn ~. -8111 on Cbryeler .. RoyaL.. In top ruRNITUllE -~bne11t of · tab&M. chain, t x 15-n.11. etc. Vuy ln~x.pmain. Phone Hu-· condition and wry reuonahty prioed. eau Hartoor 2153.w. 2lpllll bar 11'2 or c&ll S&turd&y or . SEA BOOKS .-y. 180$ IC. Bay Jl'tont. BaJ-. 20<12 , llM -at -•an ,..i.t. SATPl YINI8HED Walnut Dbl. lllS oubjoela Phla an twiml lied. SJmmoaa boa oprU..• and boob. Llndll!C U....,.. InnenprlnJ matu... Xlnt con· The Islanders. dltion. '60. 11oa w. oc... rr • n• llufJ>o. llalboe i.. 11ar 11141 Newport Bach. Harbor 1416-W. ------------ . llOpU Boat Owners and Mechanics ~---------~-For Your DAI.E'S new location SNAP ON TOOLS 1874 HARBOR Blvd. Call JOHN KIMBLE New Furniture Bird Cagea, .'4.90 to $11.95. Apt. ranee. $711 .50 Berluhlre .et, !5 piecu. Davenport. 2 piecea, eectiona.I. ICNOLANDER matt~ and box oprln ... CALORlC RANGES '1ae4 hl2 NI'• . ..._. I , • • •' Roliaway bed a.nd mallrul, 119.00 Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION 187 • Harbor Blvd. Coeta Mesa . . 17t4 Mtra.mar, Balboa Harbor lOIT -R Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals .. see 'john ifuVey at Seacraft 825 COAST WGBWAT NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 6771 Well established location. Proven LIDO ISLE mone~ OrosS ex c e • • $60,000 ~ ;+. Rent $M month It 0 you want ~ ren.tal on lovely to month.f t Lease can be a.r-UDO rsLE see us. Several good ranpd) Extra l&rC'e walk-in homea avall&ble. A1lo apart· box. New reach in box. Good menta by Week or month. fixture&. Thla REALLY adds up. $13,500 {plUI inventory) Cl~U:S & Ol'TICl:ll SMALL OFFICE• FOR RENT .. -Y . 2828 ~ewport Blvd-. ·Newport Bch Pbone Har. 2M2 or RN. 1&70 17tfc LARGE STORAGE GARAGE or sm&JJ aboP. a .. vy w1r1ns. Rea· 90nabhe ttnL Call ff*. S038--J. 19c21 STOR.Jt ABOUT SO' x 70' on bay tront, JIOI L&tayette Ave. Rent r-eaaonable.. Key. at Bayside P'lah Market, 2800 Latayetu, Newport Bead> or Phone X.. & M . Inveetment Corp., J"ftontier •·Sfll. 19c%1 P. A. PA 'L MER INCORPORATED 333.'l Via L ido Harbo< 1500 18tfc Summer Rentals Lido late -• bdrm. 214. bath, lg. Jot. play yard. Specl.&I rate for HaaOn or by month. China ·eove -Beautiful 'f'lew home. 3 bdrm and maid'• room. 0ver1ook1 jetty, a few step.a to beach. COM Baytront -2 bdrm, private beacb . N~. compact. Euy to ca.re tbr. - GREENLEAF & ASSOC_ ' BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 171f• RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 BALBOA ISLAND Houaea and Apta., yearly or sea- ,aonal. See Gau C&mey, with NELDA GIBSON RJilAL ESTATE 306 Marine, Balboe Lsl. Har. 602 691lc • • • ?jlEW Studebakers ... DELIVERY NOW! I -NEED USED C4RS BADLY wm pay Tope for your car Can 8.lso save you I .UPT0$260 . if you take delivery at factory Burry-vacation time la near! JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer 3416 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH - (a.cross from Lido 'Ibeat.n) Har. 510 -Open Sat. & Sunday 11M7 KAISER, by owner. Any offer over $600 coa.sidered. See at 231 Driftwood Rd., Shore Cllfta, or phone Harbor °'"· · Z\)c2l 1941 Studebaker ChampiOJl ~P .... Coupe-o·D. Radio, etc. Complete overhaul about 1 yr. ago. Needs paint. Special $MO. ALSO HAVE Two late model Chevrolets See these before you buy. JOE NICKERTZ· 1o STUDEBAKER DEALER 34'16 Newt><>rt Blvd. (near Udo) Harbor ·510 (o~ Sat. & Sun.J STORE BLDG., suitable tor &nJ Smau bUatn.eu, at 1929 Ha.rbo1 Blvd., Coot& Mea. Phone Bea. APr. TO SHA·RE. Single girl hu 111<0 PACKARD 6 cyl, f cir. eed&n. &43T·J. 20c21 2 B. R. nicely turn. down at&lr8 Good condition. Palnl like new • apartment on patio, All 'Utll.-_$_35-0 __ c .. _h._c_a_n_H_a_r_. _s_a._1_ec_~_1 LE.ASE -New well lighted IN-pd. Yearly rental $80 per mo. - DUSTRIAL BLDG., ta el n g ca11 morntnca on:y. Katbertne 61-TRAJLEKS Newport Blvd. t.n C08ta Mesa.. Bauer, 311 Ialand Ave., Balboa.!------------ Ample park.mr. Phone Bea.con t9p21 ~6 or Harbor 3035-J. 20c22 ------------ • ... +· -;- iLOANS For Homes !CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5-5112 % (1• yrs.) WE BUY .6.ND ·SELL TRUST DEEDS Sli:E BOB SA TrLER HUI COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1017..J Rep. PQIRJER MORTGAGE 00. ~etro Ufe in.. ~ Kl Hl85 OOANS TO BUIU>, DIPl!oV.. BUY. MODl:RNlZE. OR .REFINANCE . W•'BllJ Tnot DeMll RT BALB0.6. f'lllDCKAL VIN~ Ir to.uc UllN. Via U4o Pb. Bar. 1IOO . ' I t I I • • • • b I ; • . ' • ·- 8.14.L _ESTA.TE .. . I ~ , • ' .BLANCHE A. GA:~. Reiiltor L. C. JONES J . .MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa !Bland Pb.. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 746-M BALBOA ISLAND $26,000-60 ft. water ;front, 2 B. R. furn. bouae $29,500-l"orth Bay 6 B. R. furnished bouae isr.600-70 ft. frontage; Marine Ave., 8 f\1tn. units ~.000--2 B. R. house plus small apartment $12,~2 B. R. house. Rm. to build another unit. 'LIDp ISLE Beautiful S B. R., 2 bath home on 2 lots. ~ patio .. Cabana rm. B. 8. Q. Except. value, $23,()()() 2 B. R., 2 bath home, furn. Unusual patio, $18,500. CORONA DEL MAR p ,ooo liome. down payment will buy ch&rmlng 2 B. R. Walled patio, landscaped. Double garsge. New deluxe duplex, 'fi block from ocean. 2 B. R. each. Fireplaces. Exeljllent view. Garages. -BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR \ TWO HOT ONES! Two bdrm house and tncome. Beautiful location. acroaa street from bay. Roorrui aJ"fl sood siu. Not new, but ln (OOd cond. Very nice 1 bdrm pr. apt. Live ln one, rent the other. Owner mwil eelJ. MAKE OFFER If you have a family of chll· dren or grandchildren, thlJI ii an Ideal summer or year·rnd. home. Not new. ti:ut good. with plenty r:1f sleeping ac· comodatlona. Wall~ patio. Midway bet.n. bay and ocean. Comp. turn. and a .teal at '12,600. BAY and BEACH REALTY Co . JACK MILLER ETHEL SHIRLEY 1460 Balboa Blvd. BEST BUYS in Costa Mesa GLODEN FAY H&fbor 126.f I Newport Heights NEARLY NEW modern 2 bedroom den, 1 !Ji bath•. hdwd. noora, close ln, near park. Below re- production cost. $10,000, terms. Nice 2 bdrm home. only 3 years o ld. Good loca lion. Hwd. noor•, dbl. gar., all bondB paid. Sub- mit your terms. $8950 ALSO Coraer industrial lot 7lx110 $1400-$300 down, $20 per mo. GOOD WSTINGS WANTED ROBT.H.MOTTET Bea. 1224-J Res. Bea. 1900 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA &137-J Splendid Waterfront Home with separste income unit ON BALBOA ISLAND Owner will aell or exchange for a 3 bdrm home. Both un.iU!I fUr• nlahed completely. Priced right at $28.500 See UlllJ value today! Island Realty Co. Realtors-Multiple Listings Park at Agate, Balboa Island ·· Harbor 377. W 20c22 2 B. R . Pier & Float $5000 DOWN . . $1*5 mo. on btlance ' · ollJ:ENLEAF .to ASSOC. BtnLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2~2 By Owner COURTESY TO BROKERS LIDO ISLE 2 w ·rm, 1 bath. 1% Iola. large walled patio. Fur- nished. Near club house. $18,MO. SHORE CLIFFS -Choice ocean New 3 B. R. Home Newport HeJchta. BMt of con· struc:tion with hwd. noora, ~ 1tone fittplace, plate &l&M wln· dows faclnl' tbe paUo. 4 % "" FHA available. Beat ln tht Heights. Ila a 'DM.uty. $11,950 Ocean View Newport Heights. Well designed nt>w 3 bdrm home with 2 bat.M. Many quaJlty Ceaturu With hwd. floon, fireplace, 2 turnacea. Ex· cellent noor plan. $15,000 Home & Income Really an attractive property nr. the new Alpha Beta, Coeta Mesa .. Nice 2 bdrm home and t bdrm guest bouae for rental. 100 ft. troni..ge lot. Redwood fenced, pavtd pe.llo, 9 fruJt trees and sprinkler 1ystem. Small houae ls f\lmtahed. Tbl.li ls a real down·to--e&rth value. $8900 -Net 3 B. R. Home Beat y In Colla Mea. On Broadway amonc other krwl1 homes. Rwd. tloorB, Iota of tile· work. dbl. garace. fenced yard. Beautiful workmanship thru· out. $11,500 Beaco~ Hill 'Realty 466 Newport Blvd. (Near Arehe1 ) Phone Beacon e713·R -------------front lot, nea.r balhlng beach.. Re.IUJU come from conata.nt $20.000. Practice! An ad f'tC\&larty ln UUa Phone OWNER, Ha.rbor 14~ 'or paper will produce reault.I for,_. RJverstde 2864 for information l------------ or appointment. 16p2t 3 UNITS-$12,700 CLIFF HAVEN • • .. • • • -, • ' • • . , • I • • • • • • • • < • .. ~·!:::·~·~•!:,·J.•!!!!n~~·~'!•---~. !: Zf!• mun l -. • • • . . ) .. ,, ...... • . " . . ·--· .. .. •••• ;PAM . eo.ta .. _ Tlie ~ Town ~ EaJ'tb TRULyi-I : Three ;xint Listing11 llmall 1• bdrm -.. ,lllnP .... lb.Ide troea, lot •lie ~OxlM. Thia pi..., noeda a Ultle worlt to set It In abape, bUt tu aUll a bar- pin at '3'100, Wit.bi Only $700 Down A new J111Un1 -Nice I lldnn. llome. wall-to-wall c&rpetli\a, dbL pr., approx. < )'l"L old. 1¥· lot, tttea and ahrube. Prlee Only $7500, Te~ BauW'Ul two bdrm counlrJ home With approx. 1800 ac;. rt. plw. 1arp p.r .. work abop, ldry rm., a...r utra \0 beth. Excollent vl.w. ~ I.CH lot. Price Only $16,000 \0 down G. N. WELLS; Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. !1181 ' Quality • Quality . . BRAND NEW cloee ln 2 bedroom home. Large overhanginl" boaed eaw. 'frtth a partial brick ta.ce. Hu tnd.lvtduallty .... hu a lot ot e7e appeal Flneat worllJn&n .. llhlp. A. moat llltable la1p llY. room wllJI Iola ot wlndow9 and .. nreplac~. Full -dlnin& area. Acouattc pia.w.d. ll:elec- ted hri. noora. p<111Jnan u1ec1 baCh. Cupboard -pk>N, tort~ &p' heat.. We could "''" ~n . . . but wt\)' not ?Jte a took . . • no -obllpt.lon ."Mtt -uly Ill Ille price of oolly $10,500 . Charming & 2 Lots Oil a MautJftll comer lot ln New- port Helghu wtth .,. extra lot. Two bedroom home. LoU ot treea and a?wbbery. Oceaa Ylnt. ftw4. tleor' redwood exterior, patk>, t-ear praae. Let us abow )'0\1 a real Wy for lhe total Pde• of $8500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison ·G. T. Everson t90 Newport Blvd. Phone Bee.con MN Barbcw 315T·W or Beacon MM-J LIDO ISLE "$17,850 SOMEIHING NEW -801olE- THING CUTE -at a pr1ce you can. t.fford" to pay. Situated on one of the beat JocatJona on Lido. • A email and compact s bedrootn 2 bath home. Vay nice 1tse ltv- ln&" room with flttp1ace. Leae than 2 yeare old -Well priced at $11,'60'. SEE THIS! Harbor Investment 30th and Newport Blvd. Harbor 1800 Real Values in Costa Mesa Full Price $3950 Only 1 \0 yno. old. I bclnn, Ute. k itchen and balk. Eaat Side. E Z TERJolS \. -I • I l ' , , I 100' frontage, Newpt. Blvd. with S tldrm home, newly ~n<>­ vated. 2-car ganse. Will trade tor in41ome or ,home. Better aee thta one today- B. A. NERESON OPEN EVENINGS MRA. A Npt. Harbor M:UlUple w.ting Realtor 1982 Newport. Blvd., eo.t.a Mee& Phone Beacon 5225 In Corona del Mar -' . CORONA DEL MAR -INCOME PRePERTY SP.ECIAL ... $3,800 WILL HANDLE. Bal1nce at '52 ~ ... ~ ~ . CHOICE ~Jl.1 ARiJA 1PROPERTIBs Full pr!ce. llll,800 B&IAnce f 91> latere.t. ' • I' ~ • • • Th.ID G, I. R111le provides Income of SllJO pea-mo: : ' . f ' ' ·~1 . . . . · Ctvic center D~ict t LIDO ISLE Cqn.liata of. 2 unltl on a comer lot IJOut h of Blvd. 2 bllm from ocean, Co'rolla del ¥ar. Due to aped•! coiiiitructlon~t • may be lillde Into 1·.&ovetj ho~. with 3 bedrooms, den and 2 i.t"8.- Two •ttraC. turnlohed oottagea . ~tra· Special ! t-Ill A·l ""11d1UOOI, double Pl'" .... Jlarpll! -.. -... -. .$11,300 CbJ\nnlng s bedroom. 2 batll bhme_ Beam patio with ca- banL. Excellent comer loca .. tSon. Full priee $23,000. OlllT ~.000 down and $120 mo. on. b&lance. ~ attention -Small -film; -e ......... Some extl'emely deair&ble 1111mmer renta Ill available now, ftom $1511 per wit. A: up. < .. • -to ..,ud Mop. llfg. CONTACT US FOR OfBl:R PftOPDtl'llill, RENTAUI. AND BUILDING LaI'8 -.. ~ tull price. Law -down PQD'le.nt• or consider CORONA' DEL MAR PROPER~ tnde -tor holloe or -l. Robert 411 CoUt Blvd. Harbor 1037 B. Lyna Rolon :i..' t.ylUt CaU Muy ~r 1013 ror appointment to -- • • Corona del Mar • . WANT INCOME ON BALBOA ISLAND? . . . WE HA VE a duplex-2 bedrooms each aide-- which we think 111 the finest income buy· on the lsland. Priced· Under $16,000 ·But You'll Have to Hurry fo,.·Thls One ! LINWOOD VICK, Realtor . 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 2<K2 BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX Beautifully furnished-unit heat-fairly new cons struction. There is plenty of room for another unit and have the plans. Wonderful income. I F. P. WALDRON we 308 Marine Avenue Balboa lsland Phone Harbor 234 HIGH VALUES ON LIDO!! l. Most beautiful lot left on North Shore. 60 feet on the water : magnificent view or Upper Bay and the mountltins. A challenge to any builder. 2. Highly desirable comer lot--!i2'·" feet -oo Lido Nord, excellent location. EVERETT MORRIS & ASSOC. • 408 E. Balboa Blvd. I BALBOA Harbor 3265 Two Beach Homes On One Lot VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar • ONE IS A COZY 2 bedroom home with aun room at on e end of en~ cloaed p&Uo. Hu nice Uvtn~ rm. with tlttpl.att, entrance hall, bar kitchen. Rent.I for $60 wk. ln summer. THE OTHER la an attracUve 1 bedroom apt. over dbl. prap. Nice large living nn. with Iota or windows for beautiful v1ew ot ocean. Separate dining' room and nice kitchen. Bath and bed- room otf of hall. $7.000 buys attracUve beach cot- tage, ocean aide of highway, with large sloping front lawn. fla.g•tone porch, 11 x 18 living room. Dual floor rumace. Lge. bedroom which could be divided Into two. THESE HOMES are nicely furn. lahed includln« n e w blinds throughout. Plenty ot closet and cupboard apace. Very c lean and all ready to move rtght in. Price is $13,500. EASY TERMS . •I _,,-;' We are now ta.klng rueTVatiolUI for summer rent.ala. Olive Miller, Realtor 2006 Court An., Newport Beach Phone Harbor S43 Harbor 1741 or Harbor 1477 Bay Shores Attractive ft'dwood and brick ranch ty'r 2 bedroom home. Unusually good landmcaplng- gree.n la.wn and flower bordered · wa.llui. Snack bar with plant- lng box. Wan to wall carpet- ing. Elec. kitchen. Mercury switches, "a dream hotne," . , $1~. TllO ~Harbor,.,. <~ Bea. 8460.J) . ; ,. . ' ' . . J3ill?!>a " · · ' BAY FRONT barpln-2 bednna. a.nd den home on front ot lot . Pier and noat. New garage apt. Cor lncome. $40,000. Harbor 145 Shore . Cliffs OPEN HOUSE SAT. A SUN. 2 to 5 239 MORNING CANTON RD. New 2 bedroom and den view home, $25,750 Harbor 1741 or Harbor 1477 Fannhou. liotel H&ibor '108S ' IT wlLL PAY YOU Have Many Choice Homes on Balboa Island $12,500 to $85,0()(, JIOR ICXA.MPLB: Very attractive 4 bedroom home on 00 ft. lot. ·Ntee patio, year. rowill house, furnace heat. Jl"or det&lll ph. Mr•. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor, Har. 1775 to tall\! advantage of' our ' weekly s P E c 1 A L EX· .In Cor9na, del Mar CLUSVIE offerinp. LIDO ATTRACl'IVI: 2 bedroom home, , 116 bloelia ft'om ocean. South COSTA MESA Home & Income TWO B. R . ho111e, hdwd floora.. IS .E bu '-8 .called the ot hfstiway. f&' Jot. Lari" Uv- "Southl&nda moo beautiful 1116 -· _,,, celling. ·Hard·. coaatal community." Here wCN>d nooro, unuouaJ dining · room. K.ltcben and. bath with Fireplace. Ava.ll for tmmedi· ate occupancy . YoU have f"me homes with Ille •• PRICE REDUCJ:D for lllr.e and price to flt your ~k Bale! Multiple lllrtlng PLUS 2 B. R. apt. Separate l&wt· drtea, garage, Xlnt. location. pocketbook. LO O K at No. 1821. theee: For detalla call BW Sh\18'ler, Price $16,250 We have the key- 1. Lovely new ~ z bedroom home on choice at.reel. Hu everythlna-. Sped&l prtce. 2. Juat belft6 completed unique home on 50 It. lot. 3 l>edJ'ooma, 2 bl.tu, unJt heat, clever color-- Inc and a wonderful BUY at ONLY '24,600. , S. Be"1g built-on •treet to et.reel lot ~ a18o on LIDO ISLE a 4 bedroom, 3 bath, S car praKe. unit beat, dla"pom. large patio and a MUST SEEK home ai ONLY $28,600. 4. Nearly new 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on SOUTH !Tll'RONT ot LIDO ISLE. Ex ent loca- tion and home you be proud to own. Pr'lced to eell. 5. Super IJM!Clal spic and span NORTH BA YFRONT home. Top location, Iarce lot, 4 bed- roonu., 3 baths, bar, pier and slip and home an fUmlahed tor attractivl' value at $66,000- SEE THIS. ALSO Some very desirable Iola tor aale on LIDO ISLE. Choice water-. front· lot.a for Income units or crou •lreet.a loU at prlcea well under -market. ~ w e &tt the' DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. You w1U profit by coming to our ottiee. ·Here a UtUe BUYS a LOT. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED !333 Vi.a Lido Newport Beach, Calli. Harbor 1500 "Swimming Pools BANNED" SO SAYS N . P. A . THIS WEEK- So, look at thla BA YFRONT home -with 1t·a beautiful bath· log ~ach -large brick terrace 5 BR's. Pri"1e location ln El Bayo tract -SPECIALLY prlced at $37 ,500. Harbor 2474 Phone Mary Dickaon, Har. 1013 SEE US FOR BEACON BAY property. We have two attra.ctlve bomea now -they won't last. For detalla call Mn. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor, Har. 1775 ) . Balboa Island Dplx. MOUNTAIN Jodg~ type llv\ng rm., boulder fireplace. Excel- .J.ent vtew ot East Bay. French doors to balcony 8=CJ'OI• front of h ouse. Two spacjhus bed- TOODUI with 2 bat.iuf." Separate batlter's shower, tile. We.ah your dlahea while ·viewing paoalng ..Uboat&- PLUS MODERN 1 bedroom apartment to pay taxes and utlliliea with money to spare- Balboa Island OWN THIS HOME for '4600 down and $68.80 monthly. THIS YOU CAN'T BEAT! At· tractive 2 bedroom home, tlft. ) place, on one of· best street. near North Bay. Brick patio. _Room for additional buildln}'· on Marine Ave., BALBOA ISLAND Business buildings. All occupied with A-1 tenants. Show 8% net or better. No phone call!I p1ea.se. See Mrs. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor at 225 Martne Avenue. On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Business bulldinge. All occupied with A-1 tenanl!. Show 8 ~ net or better. No phone calla pleue . Sf"e Mrs. Maroon or Mr. Neighbor at 225 MarU:i• A~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hlway 15th and Irvlne Newport Be&ch Newport Beac:la tll:S Coast Hiway Corona del Mar 226 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Ha'\!e You Been Waiting? For a FIRST CLASS S bedrbom, 1 ~ b9th home on BALBOA ISLAND in a FINE LOCATION with GOOD FURNITURE, comfortable beds, attn'.ctlve interior deco- ra,tion and TWO P ATIOS with built-in barbecue. Lots of ahrube and plants. Euy to take care of and a good US~LE GAR.AGE. In ahort if you want a REAL HOME for only $19,600, call ua immediately because th1!I house will sell quickb'. , • STANLEY HADFIELD REALTOR 216 Marine Avenue Ph. Harbor 20 Balboa tsland BALBOA ISLAND Most outstanding Bayfront Value!!! ALSO IT WILL SOON BE IMPOSSIBLE to dupjic&te. A PRIME ba:rfrl>qt lot 42' front· this luxurious ho~ B. R. 3 richly tiled baths, an. El Bayo tr~. (comer ) . . ' . n11.00p. , , : : . I ¥~, ~"D~, ~~'~llQ!Oll!I ,_ .,,.. e ·. .,., • 1 • • ·~ t . ! o ~c e 1 M~ ' t ' . . r • . l ~ ' t\ •. • • I ··. "• '' INCv~':.• llO ~ m e, .: . ; 11'.· ~va~';, A NEW DUPLEX-2 . 1 BR. un1u pier & 45-ft. slip float. Preaent price makes thia , • ln excellent l~tion (just north the year's best value! ... ot the Arcbea) neat Ir: colortul. $13,500 {Will take Udo lot ln trade) LIDO ISLE IF YOU WA.NT the BEST In COD· structlon -ln EXCJl!IJJJ!NT location, filmed oalr panelln1 a.nd sta.ln1eaa at.eel ldtcben, S BR. &pd J laths, .'311.000. Wm. W . SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Island • • OPEN 1-5 • • BeauUtully tu.mlahed year round 4 bdrm, 3 bL home. PracUcally new MODERN, w1th encloeed paUo, 2--car gar. Ready for com· Lido Building Sites Bay Vlew lot. atreet to ltreet. cor- ner 5%' Sacrifice for qluck u.le. $0500. plet.e living, $%11,600. 1711 Ocean Comer Stra<!J site, $1150 doWn, Lido Island BALBOA COVF.S -Water-Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 2f~ "°mo. fS 1"1'. BAT FRONT LOT $12,600. 2 lldrnu and c:onftrtlblo den: dbl Huny "" U\la! front lot. On,e of the best ----..,1-"'·------' • <5 ft. Bay Front R·l, $1&,000 FIVE RM. HOUSE: two 3-room unit.a and garagea, 00 2 IOU (ll01100l at <1nd and BalllOO --Enc-patio, -cue. • Harbor 1411 $:1300 ·wHY w AIT? I -• FOUR toay aouth of hlgllway. Bpec:lal $lg 500 ' 1 30 ~ Bay ""°"~ •QD<d for 11}- IGW price tl'la weelt only. • JOHN VOGEL CO. Wben $25001 down buys a com· come, ·offer. Blvd., Newport Beacb. j Neu 10" $7300 bancDea Pbone owner, Klmberly 3-2070 INCOME .• OC&AN Jl'RONT -5 unlbl. ShoWa • loocl return, '48,000. I Fine H 2 ,. 3 bedrooml. '" Und a -Hal'.'bor Investmebt p1.iety ~ed 1 bedroom JREENLEAF .. A.BSOC. omee Fitzmorris Realty Co. Bay & Beac· h Realty New;._ Beach --1IWld ' ao111 ~~WJI0'1-~ m..i. home pl aeparahot.e 2 ~ • UlLDER -R&ALTOR . Also G L ..,~, ~-rental[ or sueot UM. -•-a Newport mva, Harbor 11562 a • ,_.. RM1 latato A --~ bclw.t .. Acent 100 Kain St. 1801 oout -1 ~ room and eJrtn " ..\hKI unf\lmlahed 2 bedroom ,...t. ~ Corona del Kar ba1JL y f~ced and pa'Jed. , -•-·--r m0nU.. (Act q'""•~ 111 Oout Bl><I. Con>fta dol llar H50 Balboa Bt.d. Bashor 12&4, ------------__ ,,,,___ The Js'l&nd ...., .... ~ ........, '. DON-BUY ...,.....ue.1 yard rum1ture, ,etc. oa lhla). · Phone Harbor 1161 ·' 20c22 posta Mesa, .l · o.. paved jAre<t ctooe to upper For full delalla t:&ll lolr. X....ptmi. ----------East Sid ~g ......_ Full Pf1tt TWIG UNIT DUPLJC(. "*<II~ B. R. Harbor 1aoo. The Jlilllld Tpdays Best Buy WJ:LL atJILT 1 !....-.. o...a-Cout.J Pl'.operty· ·until , · ' . i 1 11 Top Location. . • P A Palm .. In Co d J M . ES E. HART RAY !l'RONT -8 ,ulta. Oto~ Jocatlon, prtn.te beach. Ac~ .. .. Wt tnoome over '14,'*5 ,....... Price "18'1 .ooo. con.Lder £ra.de. O • ' ea f c, --· 1 JI. D in rona e dl.r er Jeavtns-muot be -.. "150-)'OU h&Ye Yillted .. 20 W, __ .... __ Bl~ ~--, 1.-Y caft'I beat lhla fO< only SW VJ& L6'o TWO UNlT l:lUPLSX. ~· . ~ -ALIC> ' -.,..... •~ ~· ·-I • Top i-uoa. $8750 • --... "..,""' -Corona'Highlands s.e. s..... N~ -• -$14,000' GREENLEAF A ASSOC. . Bl7!LDER -RE.ALTOR . • '3ll2' Newport Bl'fd., 8"'-~ • KmWPOR'!'-HKIOBTS ~ By' OWll- w: Mal N 2 "8m ~-BllaQ.. "'tlllll ---~ ~ . Mc "' ..... man)' Wit-JM. .. '<( ch"'hl ..... 0om1HQ ,..,.._ . --•10.aoo ~ 011111 ...,.llX. lTtle Newport Berda , , •• ....,. bq, llJ8I 00... ./ IOc21B 1 You cu't -t 11111 r« cml:r Only $1500 Down · P,IL Mn. Sll•hJ, Bl&. 810s.J J A. BEEK OFFICE Corona del Mar CHARMING ~ -I _. 1, UYtnc ~ wtth ..... ,, a m c """"' ....... ~-­-iWalt ,ma aad b&tlL Aoc:- llO """If patio -tlnplaeo ___ ..,... __ .... ... deoonW Ill ... oat. k t ts wtow_,.-....ic11- PL'U11 fllra. eiit--dllL pr. On ID ft.-· -ol """-J'. ---..-' Only $17,ZO LMP • W&'' __ ., .. ,. Ernie Smith, tta1for> lfl~•u:i9,Qt1111 ....... .n 1 ari\m _, -$14,00(} . -~ • -rrom ·-. with ""'-• AlfOOU>, ~ 80 tt. Iota fnim SS!llO· ' 3 B , 11A bath ·[: ~ . . --"-rr.tap. -lot 111• • 1114 s. •--. ..._ lJ~ trom $14,000 Bal.......;. T:., 2"d H. · 1 Bilbo& Iel1nd Feu7 J. A. BEEK OFFICE =a=~._. ....... EXTRA SP1!X!IAL! · to $100;000 .-,: .1111a~e 1--'---. ------- · .. :"""= 1 .... =::1. 11-17 SEE • BEACH HOMD! F. P. j ALDRON WANT TO TRADE? &MMAl9 •-UY" -1 -~ ............. ,.... '--· 1. . 1 LIDO ISIE Earl 'Chamberlain ,..._,...,.,T-1&a..--. l<ed11tl., PrlYateB: !\. ...-.-IM We .-ve ....U pop11Ura · · •ea..--. °'"'!a.,. Kar o=e.~:.. ~ ~!!:: 01•1M' ... Ncs;nt'.,.. .1. · -,Jlilted_fo~,~ 3 Bedrooms->-2 Baths <Opp.~~-~ -1 '-'•ft.-. t'*s 1se <-. lliar lit 'i&t , .... ' · OnJtl!BJB$91i Down RAVE ~ __. ....._ ;._...;..._ v n__. Bcb ~ --.. -. ,_, IJUll . ...___ ... -. -.--liNll LOT •-.....,,. ......-.-~ .. r .. ._ .. --. llA.T;::::. lllll&L Ga ...... I -· • _,,.. . ID -.,w, II oppte1ml'!ll -.. .... .,, " ...,. -,... ....... ,. Belt Buy .on Lido , on. 4AND •• .. a.....,..-. -v -~ at tnet oll\w. .. ,... ... ;;..'"".,..."'8 - •1> h• lillhc· au; Oil , •• .,. ,. _,. Balboa RealtY Co ·ea. &pW '* ,.. ~ 1 ~··••DC. -. .. -.......... ~ .... ·a.111 ~-.......... ~--........ :..._ ..... MJllDM -Jl,8,A.LTQ9. ......... - -;o..e ........ I --.... • ...... ~ I ... __. •. 1111 llcapwt -.. Pa ... war. Wrtle P. 0. -M, 1..'!'!:_ w a ... -5 -JL:dlll' '1"'1 ... ' -... ..... . ...... ·-·· -. . ' • • • • • I • . ' • • • PAGE I -PART I - THURSDAY, MAY 17 .vt-i.~~uss' ·;t Mesa Annexation Study Urged Anneatng of Cost.a. Mesar to Newport Beach was urged by P'ranc1-J. Horvath, West Newport AuoclaUon president lind mt!mber ot ~ newly-created Park. Beach and RecreaUon Commission. ln a talk before the board of din-otor.1 of the Coai:ta M f"&a Chfl.mber of Commerce last week. Horvath emphasized the fact that both Co8ta Mesa and New· port Beach orrit.:h1·n should con- slder lhe merger vt>ry Rrloualy. HI.! 11land WIL8 thut the-proposed &<'lion on itn annexation study was only that of u pr1v11te clUT.en Jntere11ted In lhf." welfare of the whole area. The reaJtor Indicated that State AMembly bill 3217 now berore the leg1•lature \vould makr unincorp- orated areaa P"'Y for municipal type servlcf"s 11uch as pollef' and ·r1re protection. He Mid that !>al:lUAf:t' or lhlA bill Yt'Oltld il'aVr Cu.'ft& Mesa the choice bf>tw,.en lr1cQrport1.t 1on and annexation and po~nt1-d out the ~nexatlon road ft.it the bt"st to rollow for thl' Coota ~t tsa com- munity Con\mnn inlt•rC'Sl H or Co;;la J\.fesa and Newport BrH.r h were po'nled out, anrl Horvttlh ~trr'LSPd that an- nexation would prove ~ntficial to both con101un1t lrM. • ' • • • St. John Vianney Catholic Women Organize Guild An or&anlzational n1eet lng or women of St. John Vlanney Cath- olic church of FlalboH. Island was held T uesr!ay al the home of Mr8. Colin Drown. Ba.Y Shorea. followln& a dessert lunc hron serv- IN KOREA -Muter Set. Dou.Id A.. lvea of "81 Old County Rel., SP'41>0rt 8t>M'h, la one of 81X • ,.nlt..tt'd pilots wt th a Marlnt> n1htrr (rOUp In Koriia. The 11J.x twrl't'1ll1l~ ,,·ho ha'·" no"' n 500 mhtr,. 910"8 aplnst thr tonf"my Mn~ I.Mt. St-pt.. are .the only ,...fbltA·d ~IArlrM.-pilot~ of fl(ht('r tyP"' alr- cralt In t.IW' combat 1.0 ..... t-ronl '°'" (\ett t'.o rlKhl) Mull'r Srt. Biiiy IL fir1•1•n uf santa Ana; Mastrr, Set-t'·"" and Muter ~rt. Snrman Payn,. of H ~ton. T1·,•~ l'-4·k n,,,. (lf"fl to rtirht ) Tt><'hAlc-al Sgt. Gail ~ and "° .. tfor ~ 'oh.a Ml'Mu-U-ra.. both ot Santa Ana, and .\la11tr r ~rt. Clyde 8 . C&Mohtt-r of Oranl"'"· ' ed to 30 prospective members. Th<' group will b<-a branch of the altar Society of Our Lady or Ml. Carmel church, and the Rev. Stephen Kiley was present--to aa&lst In orpn1z;lng. Named as officers were Mrs. Nichols P. Ureltner. Day Shores, president: Mrl't. Jan1es W . Thorn- Newport Marine Sgt. Flies Jets in Korean fight ton. vice prea1df".nt : Mrs. Harry Second enli11ted MArine pilot to M. Welah. secn!;lary; Mrs, T. E. be quallf!t>d for jet fighter•. Mu· Runkle, treasurer: Mrs. Holt ter ~-Donald A . Ives o f 'iOl 01<1 Condon. publicity and Mr&. Elmer Ooutity Rd., Newport Helghlll, la Poirier, aocif-1 chairman. one of the •ill enliated Marini" Ftr!ll ~encral m<"etlng wll~ · pJlots In the combflt zone. on Tue811ay. ~fa)· 20 at the home The six M"rgP&nll!I arl" the only ot Mrs. J . S. Barrell. Ray Shores. f'nlistf'd pllot8 o f rlghll'r type air- Members or the new Jrulld in-cr1trt with a 1'1ar1ne fighter group elude : Mn1es. N . C. Brettner. ln Korea. James Barrett. MAry T orp<'r. Co-Sine(' arrivinl{ 111 Korrn rlur1n1o: tin Brown ot Bay Shores; Mme~. the United Nations landing at In- J . E. Gouv1on, T. c. We!ltropp. c hon last Sept .. lvc!I and h~ l{roup Cecelia Eldua.)·en. C. W. Hart and have !ltacktd up a .staggering rC'C- Ml.sses E. Hughes. Kate J\.lcCann ord or ~ missions. inclurllnl:' rP- and Victoria Fetz. or Balboa I!!-connaillance, patrol. bombing, land: Mrs. Fra.nce111 E . Kelter. combat and clO&e support. Beacon Bay; Mmes. M. B. Peter· From Kimpo airfield during lh<' sen and E. J. Brady, Newport UN push toward the Yfl.lu lut Height11; Mmes .• J. W. Thornton. year, to Wonaan on tht" east cout Hal Weis. Holt E. Conddn, H. M. and Yonpo in th<' north<'ast, lhe Welsh. T . E. Runkle. George B. "!lying cht"von11,'" as they are call- Parker. Donald V. Brown. Elmer ed by rellow pilots. have flown S. Polrler. Edgar J . Carpenter. B. almmt f':Very type miMlon posslb· J . Lowe, J . E . Brownrigg, George le. They have done juat about H Donahue. A . P. Cribben. Jack everything from bf':Lng catapulted MUiroy and Miss Jo An Hennea-into the air from their hon1e,base<t aey of. Corona del Mar. carrier. the USS Bataan for closP nly • • ' ro ft>rtlllld I aN TM.I IOll4a to IM Ncrth-. · Coul and Radwooda. Sam• -v.u., .... .i.a..o.o.-..,., mun uoUuir-ao atia ._~dlrsoum• mall -v .. ----...... aon·ftm-b,-0..,-laoud to Fmtlaad w 8 ntUel I Mrs. C. C. Swfforil.. ...... ,. • • support or advanci ng ground troops. to napalm &nd &trafflni;: raids on enemy troop concf'ntra· lions. Rou1hteet MiMiona W~ the rougheat mlaa:iona of their impreulve World War ll record in torpedo bomber11 and Corsair fighters 11tlll a lingertng m emory. the flying sergtanta agree that of all their Kort:an combat mlsaion11, thoee ovt"r the Choain Re&ervoir were the tough- est. In spite of the hazardoWI fly- ing conditions cauaid by heavy evemy Oak when flying low-level support mi.1Siona. Jye11 and lhf' other pilots general comment or lhf': rtghting was: "Ugh . . . I'd sure hate to ~ aown there fighting ln all that ml.Id and slush."' Dedication Rites for Mater Dei High School Sunday. liolay 2oth, at 3 p. m .. Archiblshop J. Ffbcts A. Mcin- tyre. D. D . will dedicate the new Mater Dei CO-edU<:&tlonaJ CathoUc High Schoo), located at Edinger and Bristol streeta ln Santa Ana. The dedica.tory ~remontee will be concluded with a clvtc cere- mony, hJghJJghtlng addreu b.)' the student body prul-t, Paul Bu.area: Hr. Un~ T.'Slm--. Orange Coun~ Superintendent .of sclio.ols: l'atlier Patrick Roc1l9. Al"Cbedloc:-.. uUtanl Buperii\~ tendellt of Scbooll. and the Arml• blohop. • Saint CatMrloe'a Mllitaey Aesd· e1ll)' Cadet COrpa will partlclpat. in lb. ~ bl' Sd'\I' cenrqonl-. nte Fourth n.-Knl&l>t.a ot Oolwnbu8 'wlJl lbrm °"' -ll"&Od tor °'" Arc:blMibop -tllo Kater Del iDat> Sc.,... GIM. Cll!b will•-aledloa• Oporl-wru follow tN ca•• n• or opeclal -·w111 ... llM - -· track --""11 --c:h bu ,JUlt -~ fdr -Ulla .... .,. Lido Isle Women toQ Hear .County j Observe Birthdays. at Pinkley Home Juvenile Authority A fou<rol<I motif ln>pil"erl the ~ h1tpp)· ra1ully gathering staged C. M . Barnard. Supertnten<lent I Suntlny Hl lhc hon1e of Mr. and of Ora.nge county juvenile hall. :\i r!". Alvin L. Pinkley, l~ Broad· will addttae membera or Lido l!ile Y.'aJ·, Costa Mesa. The affair Women's club when· they 1ncet I CO!llll l<'lllOT8l<'d 1'.t other'3 Day and Friday, May 2ft to elect nfricrr11. obl'Wrved lhe hlrlhrlllys of the Mc-s.. Hay La.ngenheln1 will pre11ldc lo<'Hiil n1an, hiiJ brother Virgil at the bu•tneu aeMlbn which Pinkley c<!Jtor o f the Los Angeles wUl follow the 12:30 luncheon. Mirror and their father, Or. V. Mn.. Charle• Lamb w111 be ho,.t-M. Pl.nktey of San Bernardino. eu and ca..rd8 w111 round out thr Thr thri·1· naflll date3 all occurred artemoon. Mf'mber11 are looking within K Y.'C'C k. rorward to their btr event of tht Plur·r:J nl the dining table were .vear. the fashion ahow of J11nt' rl"nntrd fo r Or. anrl Mrs. V. M. R v.·hen •Ummer atyles a re d1l'I· P1nklf'y, P.1r. · ruHI Mrs. Virgil played and prl:&es &r!' orf"t l"~i fu r Plnkll",\' 1uirl dauJ:;hter Audr!'y of the unique hat conte•L l\1€'mber11 Arc·ail·a. P.fr Rnrl Mnt. A. L. and gue11t• vte tn wea.rtng hall> P 1nklt'y: their daughter Lucy and decorated with G'&rden flO\\'ers, son V1rtll. n1any proving real ''conversall.,n ------ pieces.." Los Companeros to Parti(fipate in Sun-Play Day. Loe Companeros Club held i t s late11t meeting May 10 In the home ot Carol~ Prldhan1, preKl- dent, on Orange Ave .. Cost11. Mesa. Fifteen were In 11.ttend· &nee Nancy Wall wu welcomed ~ a· new member of the junior riding rroup. Bobby Smith or Santa babel St .• IU\ old member. wu l'f'eeted on . hi• return !rom Ha wall. Plana were made for the club'• pvtlcipatkm .in a Play Day Sun- day, May 20. at the Orange Cqu.n- ty Fair ground.II arena. An over· night ride wu 111ated for May 26-27 at Irvirl-Park. Refreah, menu ot cake and punr., wert• aerved at the cloee of the e\'er !ng Friday Party for Chur.ch School Choir Th• Church School Choir of St. Janlee pariah w1U-be given a party by their dire(ltor. Mre. Mabfol \\'atcher, on Frtday eve"nlns. May 25th, In th~ Pari&tl Houat'. Aui.st- lng her will be the org&lttl't.. Mlall Pearl Weidman. Fashion Conscious Lady Anqlers Stage Club Style Show . Unlqt1r tn th11.t All model• and ""hop~ i.hQwini;: clothf's were club 111Pn1bt'r~ WM the C'olorful faahlon show, lun('hC'o n and C'&na.sta pArty hPld 1n lht' BalboA &y club last week by thr l\'t'V.'port Harbor Lady Angle r/'!. An annual event wtth the ladies, this year·a cvtnl, which 1s their prrlu1te to e:umml'r filth· ing. wal'I attended by 16!> mem- bers and gi.1eall'I. lrf'ne Larr11.bf>e. who wu chair· man or the committee wu the ef- flt'1ent master ot cerf'monil"S. Fav. ors ot colorfully dreued little "rl111h1ng ladle111," madP by membeni o r th" C'ommittee adorned the tabl<"s. R c~ponl:ible for arrange, mrnts were Mrs. Larrabee, sun Marshall, Liz. HR.J;:f'n, Sa.ndy Bur· rou~hs. Olive McKenzie and Clara Ket>ler. Models wert Mary Jo Lanit- downC'. MarJ:"Brc-t Sode n. J oan Car· II.sir. Rosr N08enz.e, Elaine Walk· f'r, Rugty J ohn.10n, Marian Fore- i1tal. Liz Haiten, Mina Her&bey, Ro.ow,n1ary S1nith, Bonnie Miller and Allee Slen\on.11., while ahop11 u· hlbit1ni; wtrt" Gay Toga, P iper John.'>Dn . BlzMart and Maggie'•. ;;;;;;;;;;:;,::;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~ r.rand prize or ll'le afternoon. a <'Ontpletc 3/15 fishing outnl, wu won by Mrll. Harlan Griawold ot BAiboa l!!iland. ID ~ ffllllW9J' I ........ 11&6'11 . _....,. ..... t': ..__......, ..... --Qualftad ....... r-4 b)' follla ' .. .... ... (M. -.. 'lfM -· ,.,, I ..... -"'9,.Pi'JI• W q . & :td 2 * --I 0 n , Cl&"' __ _. ........... 11!91 -= W-1 -• . . ' • • • • • <. .. • ,• • ... • ' • • ' • ltS thrilling! -• lSAW1"1 HaW AU'fOMAtieMS RANOIS! . . • They're IO beautiful • ,. aM they make cooklnt IO ·ecnyl n.. -_,..;1e, .... -baucilul cookin1 opplian<ls ..., made ... doe - 19Sl •uroma•k pa nD,.: Tky'ts..,,.. oo displar •• claJcn' and _. Ga Componr duriOI Spriq Sllowi.,. Ilk ..,. to .. dMna. You.'U be th.rilled llOl iu: .., tlM'ir modern ll)'lial ud cheir ~i•I dmnlU.-, bat ...... br doeir tralr pi- _,.,,__ for Pl .-,;.. ""' lmtaot choice o( .,., top ba.rnet ... ~ It rapond1 inaady co )'GU.r owesDcl It hroits wit1'ou1 ~ It pnwiclll ._tilMad ~ bakina and ,_.iaa. It CDRT -00 _.. ... And ......... feature.. t:be Ol'W automatic au ,...,.,. COii 1-to buy. too. So - daanandtdectfOUnDOW. ' ' _ ... _ ..... "' __ .. ...,.., ii .. MAdfid .... WIDOIWOOD Cl<~-.""'-,..,._...,.., CokMk. a-.n..nKk.WoakCW.W•-. 0~11.mu. ....... T.,...W ..... HollJ, t2i\ Utolr: Im ......... ~~ ,.,.,.....,. co ... \Q "" ...... ~ ............. '""'. •I I IOUTHllN COUNTIU OAI COM•ANY OU how our Let u• ahoW Y LOW ll(I LlllllL tllDl·ll lLto own malt•• It ea•Y for you . o W•-"'w Qode• · · wm£St sntcnoM ~Ct MOW~ lND (QlOISl Of JAODll.S .. , 9000 Dlft ... 111M SAN CAii ••• a•.acYOUaCM ... -a•~Acii hem • • •• I ' Yas, you could pay up to $1,000 more ancl 1tlJ4iot get all the oxtro room, rlcllng/ comfort and famous clepon4- ablllty of this great now Doclgo. C-In and look •-today's big Dodge. Sit in it. Drive it. Ynu11 agnie Dodge gives you more of the thinga you want In a car today. Eltra head' room, leR room, shoulder room ... "Watch-· visibility for gieater safety. Tho MW Dodge Oriflow diock absorber 'Y""lll lets you '&at• dawn roods that lllDp other can. No wheel "hop" 0< bounce. · Y .. IOI &a.hing;t;;onnance from the big. bigb-a>mpression -Away' engine. And with ' Cym-Matic. Ame '• lowest-pric..d automatic transmis<lon. you llri"" without 1hilting. Tab a "Mag;c.Mile" ~ation ride today. s,. rw...,.-4Leffl•• ....... a-..w.._,...._ I • • • • ~ I • • • • !&sue can far · I ' . • ' . ·_Softball r e..s .ocG Pirate ·. : .. :°'C.:: =·· -r= ~ ''''·~ KUUnesto tb&nk tor their decta alon OYtlr the Tan. Newport Har· bor bad ICOted four Umem tn the bottom of \he eecond lnnJnc to t.k -the ocore at 5-6 ancl bad run- nas on. tlnt and ~tteCOftd wtlll no.- bod)' out when Martin~ c&JM tD Bet;t Hay.om'• reACUe. lfuttnel qutekty quench«! th• fin "'1th I~ atttk-la and a pop-up, then tz·,. held t'be Sailor• at bay the rMt of ..i-_.__._~ ._I!_ .. ~:• the way. anowtnr only ""' hlll. .._ •• 'Fbe Salnta 8COred . fin umm ln' ~" the ftral lnnlns .,., elnglel by Bob -· , Baker, Rex Babcock and Fouch. ::i.,~·" pl'u an enor, wallc:, and two field· ser..4. d er'• cbolcea, · · W.fffMJ. • Both etartJng pttchen were1wild. T11t.i1 " . ' Playoff to Sett~ Future Ties for Sunset League Champidnsh!ps . The s~.::..i leque la dolnt ._,.. with co-eJwnploNlblpa In all double round aporU. · Jl.eetlng . at Newport Har~r lut W~y. adq'1nlltrator1 adopted a recommendatkm by their •th1:el~ 1 coacbe9 that ln the even{ ot tuture Us there will ~ a one-game p~ydt'f lo eettle t.M champion· lonahlpo. -' . In tbe put tbe Sut\.tet recocnts.-occ Ge 1 tt•t ed co-champion&,... ., .. the cuie · fs 1 tut winter In buketball (~ :1 · beim and Newe>rl Harbor) and · · tut oprtng In -ball (Sant& Ana 8 ·t w• 4-3 and Fullerton}. ' u . 1n(" ( t) The Sun&et alao voted to · .Jr prob'blt' eupervlaed b a• k et b a 11' In an uUMl&l game tut Friday practice or pmea durtnc Christ· 0r&nce Coast coUe11! made only ma.a vacation. one htt off Mt. Sao Antonio'• f2l Corrected the leacue coo-pitcher, Gene noru and dk1n't 1titutk>n ~ provlde that all bue-even need lt ln thetr freak, came- Hll gamea begin at &:115 P· m., wi.O.ntng four--run rally ln the with a~:2S forfelt'lieadllne. .eveath·tnfting. Cout won 4·3. (3) Awarded the 1902 leaC'!lf! AWe Thieme cot a life on an U"&clt cbamplonahlp meet to Or· error and .Jack Clark walked. Nor· ange April 35, preceded by nece• man IUdpay aa.crlfk:ed the run- Sary prellmlnariea April 22. ner to .econd ahd third and Jeae (4.) Formal:y dealgnated Santa Sm.it.Ji drew a bue on bal1e to fill Ana's leading Saint. to rep~.ent the baaee. Ute league In the CIF champion· Harlow Rk:bard80FI topP'd ·a lhlp baaebaU playotta. blooper down the lhlrd bue llne. l'leld Will be .... ~,,,_., -. ' . • ' nlftg at 1:30 JJ. m.. at a meetlq of • ~ ~ cal1p'• .-111t~n au ..,_... wblch wm be bold at.--m~bu, · allbic -eepo Ille Hlirbdr A,_ Bo.Y"' Clu~ .ad-lure4 "!ft U.0 -md. i-t to u.e park at coot& -Jn Oil • u.. ,,.... -"Ille All -lntereeted In ... ~.. thlhl ~ 1J111:11 a..l;r. Ir, . In&' -In the local ~ att llle!ftortal Rep.u.i:; ·by -. ~ed to -attend tho m1eUng to 11.. ~llertc!>. ~ CllJ oollOp, Ollre ·& place tn 1.._.,e play. Jobn ~\llr and 'CLOui'<!!e&el! Jw,a, T<nfiiuve plane call ror aal1 lor colleso on ~. 11-,y U one lelirue of lix teoma wblcb wlil at .NeWport· B'atll!>r. Tllo• pdlall be UmJted to &ocaJ entrtel (Ore&ier were u to:tow. ta revet• 8C9Pta1: Har..,,_ Aro& reotdenlll . It 1 cxx: e~; Mair 101 aJ!d ....U.rtoo plianed to p'ay one Pm• a nlgllt. 21. T1le aklppero .,.,. ~ The pmeo will be nine Inning at· Wetall,I Fred Ktnpley. ond-lfai'!b, fafh wtlh a 7:30 start.lnc tlme. Hoyt. The CMW Membe!I were AddlUonal plana will be -ll'rank Bplelbl~. J(\bn Acl&m.I, cUMed Tueed&y ntcbL and Haward llartln.. ., Indians Shutout Sailor Nine, 2-:4) Fu.Jlerlon hlgtl .chool'a lnd..lana grabbed their flfth wtn tn 1lx Sun- a.t Let.guc it.art.a With a 2-0 ehut· out wtn oWT Newport Harbor at Fullerton Jul ThunMJay. In -......1".. Jaek Bell -·. througll aa pmlcted . by 11111 column. Re won the State Jun· lor College Dlri.rlg' cbamplonablp (lM board) at S,.. Luis Oblapo on f'rtd&y and Saturday, May 11 anc1 12. Jack a1ao placed U!lrd In the SM -...i flna1L OVERBOARD: Jobn Wooden. bead bUketball coach of the PCC ch&mplOM, UCLA, will be a f~~ tuTed rue11t aton1 wtth Art • 'y-M1rd;nnt , ..... ... I _., ~-.~nm can lro ~· ~ eoota 11-11-~ -~ todaJ' with U.. ttrat · ala~. rot ~ p. m. Bun ~ ~t'Llona' 11'\eld., l'°r!I.~ expeell ...... ra1 ot iul y~~ I ~-beck tn aM1t1on to many1 ~latn1 playen rrom the 190~1 II ac-and collep. \ the acnootbo' recrutu expec to 1how a.re Bob Bur- dick. ~r; Diel< jAne, lnlleld- er; ~ L&Bmo, pitcher; Lloyd !!win~ outllelder and Armand NettlU Jnttelder all from New· port Barbor hlsfl. Pilcher • out· fieldef :Harlow R~ardaon i. ,ex- pectef to -report from the On.nee Cou~ dolle&'e team. " Lo\jl piano the flJ;Bt game for Sund&y June 10 wttb a poa.ible practice game with the Junior ~ ·team next Sunday alter· ' noon. Larry Kraemer singled home Earl (Hoot) Glbeon wtlh lhe In· diana first run Ln the ettond ln· nlng. Art Schade 1ingled In the tlllh, wu aacrtflced to &econd and acored on an error. Rmchle. baaeball coach or UCLA 8UN8JllT BASEBALL at the ttNl annual aprtnc aporll .TU ·8HO'aft'l'Ol' Did< Lane STANDINGS award dinner to be· held on May ~ • w L Pct. T the OCC at terla. ...... Ndlrt M ' M e.._ 1!'>->-29 at p.m. In c • .,._,. la lu& ...,... pme wttll Sa.nla A.aa ........................ T o t- Olher promln:nt eo&c~ ptba: Ruatlqtoa "'*eh. . Nevo-pori .f"ul~ ................ _ ...... __ t l .111 al8o been lnvlLed .·. , .1 ne r& , O -OL S f •-football slate baa mat.erlallzed in· woe U.. ~· '1 11' I. Lule ,_..., ··········-··-······-····· ........ to the t.ougheal ICbedUle that any ...,.._ &loo bolll at a I for I !::f"~Jl~ ... ·:::::::: ~ : :!:: coach haa faced In Ion bile. dip dulag Ille cooteol; ' , T.--:: Ray Roaoo ta bo9~ IJ>at 1 h: haa --;;;;;;;;=;;::===( Pr=exa=;;P;;hoto=;;l;;;;·N=~=:;i;;::;;;;=r= ... ;;,,,:···;; ... ;;. ;;!;;S=.:;SIS:--the ''horsee"' to lut throuJb Box ai:or~: Newport HMbM I F-ullertCNI All H All H leN. IJ l 0 I wce!i1.i,_n, l 0 0 ·w.tx.1, tb .., o o I A. , rl 1 1 1 Cteh1.lf JO 1 1 s.:-. .lb J 1 2 lwdlcll. c J 0 I '••'t.-. d J I I Alli-...., rl J t I 1._.,. c J t I sw1-.1e. cf J • I., ... ~. lb I I • t.. 9-, p I t I i..db." ... lfu J f I LuU, Jb J I 0 Kt...._. J 0 I N..tt\•1, Ill 2 0 ti leMfl, p 2 f I o ...... 000 - ' --Tot•l1 n 2 S \• To••'• n o s • S.Core I>, N-port H•rbor 'Q)ankal(ivlnir. Tllo ocbedule opens wtth t.he nortbem cbampionl, Santa Roi\&. tben. the. art from Klamath iralll. fotlowtid by the six l~e teams. toppfna off on 1o ... i-., NoVl!.mber 1 T. with Bolee JC Jun· --~11 ·~ ~'""°" 010 110 -..z 1 1 tor ROH Bowl team of 1960 , ----~--on Thankq1vt.ns ~y. the et.rong Coast Drops Final, 3 -1 In tl'e final game of the EMt· r rn J C cnnff'rence ba11eb81l aeaaon the Oran~t'.' Cout Piratea 11Uffered their eighth deff'at. thla time at the handa o r the Fullerton nlne, 3·1 . Cout wound up with four vlC'torif'l'll. The OCC horsehlden made on.I)' three hits o ff pitcher BJevln.s while Norm Ridgeway wu giving up eight. Each team made three Full•rtOft fhoM•t, ct "IK•, l b l•M .... 11 I 0t.,... Coett Al • H Al I H 4 1 lH•tr11,t Jf l J I I 1 Titrd9ll, rt 4 I I Harbor JC team. 89me .cbedule for a three-year-old oollel(e. looiten RMOvate Boys' Clilb Field (5) Appointed coach Ralph Reed The U!lrd baMman. alter tumbling of Newport Harbor to deft.lop an the ball, threw to the plate, hJt· evatu&Uon •.Ylllem whereby the~ ting Thieme on the back. Cl&rk will be eel up • perpetual award al.lo aco~ wben the ball got tor the ecbobt wlmtfng the mo.t away from catctrer G. can.eroo. IPOrt champlonmh)pa ln &!I tb.ree There WU.· atW' l'UllMl'I on aec- dfvlalo..., A. B and C. ond and lhltd and Bm\th and Rieb· -UL ~l~r Bt.11 r-e ~. bolla ru•o•nc ·with th• u reqUait.;f'fO ~ .... pt!el>. ru:oll~!ii Oh Plllrahaftt'I • 0.1·1-,c P'tllllp, rl ) I l ,rlll•M•,lb 4 I I l I 2 1c1.rt,lf J 0 f J I 1 •hf••f, o t I I _, (OOtball offl<lai. lmmtdlately. --play b<lnt.. (I) Reelected preaidlent ~rt Mt.. S.n Aatonlo 9e;0red another Farrar of Sant• Ana. •tee prul· run ln the etghth. but the dam· dent Ray Elliott of Huntington age had been done.. It wu a tough ~ and aecretary • treuurer one to loee for the Mountlee who Bill Cole of Santa A.nL 1!'<1 2..0 golJts tnto the 1ew,ntb. For Grid T9ilm to Travel · 3800 Miles FJorea It meant loalnl a g&nte tn which he pitched one-hit ball and at.ruck out e:S1ht. Po. E . Harri. got the lone safety. a single ln the •lxlll. -. "DllMONSTKA"'HO TOP FORM In """''" CXX: -ball -· ProbabJy one or the most trav· eled junior college footkll teams in the countiy will be the iJlrtinc- tJo{\ held by the Orange Qout college .quad next year whfl\ in covertna: thel'r 10..game ached~. U>ey will travel over 3800 mile•. Mt. s.. A .... i. OJH4J• C..rt are (top) Pl~m .le!Mt' Smith. con\."tt'tnl from U.'nl MM to "'• ,1 H, .....,. 'i' : ~ shorttttop for ttle knta Ana-Bue Pintea Day rocounter al Orance • t t n.cr.il .'rl • • • I ,,.._\.,~ • I • CoaAt Colk.,e; (c:.ater) AIU,t 'nlle.rnr. lltellJU' !tOUtbpaw flnt-bur- • I t ~". 1 1 • man; and (bojt..,.) Norm Rldpway, Bue ·churkrr ....,inat the ! ' ti. · 1~'P ~ ~ : UotMI; and .Ptdl 8JaafM", &ltrrnatl.DC' IM'COlld·~man oo Coach ' t' . t:l . .. J 1 • ·Wmdflll Picken' Jl!Grwblde .quad. l t t t-:l: l l : __ . ___ _:·~·--------------- ''I -t • r .. .-B " • -Jl ,j • ~-.. ·-EASTERS obNFEKENCE BASEBALL S'IA.?.~DINGS (fblal) Higbllahttng the opening of their aeuon Sept. 21. Coach R&y Rollo'• foolb&llera will take the 1100-mlle trip to Sant& Rooa Joy- Cee. The Santa Roana a.re defend-... SP A'"-'o ·_ -IU ·~J o.l.i; •c...t 1.; •--.......... • l \ W L Pct. , ' lng a.n undefeated tJUe ~d chartl· I J 8Dla Ana ............... _ ..... 9 S .150 plonshlp Of the Gold Duet Bowl. Lut year'• tiff with Sant& ~ 1n the Santa Ana Bowl rewl ~ a 34 to 19 vk:tory for the YI ,1- tore. On Nov. tT. the Pi.rat.ea wU1 journey to Boise, Ida.ho, ·lo eh· counter the Broncoa of Little Rolle· Bawl ram .. Legion NiM to ~ractice Sundciy The Nf!W)>Of'l Harbor Poet 291 Junior Le•ion Baseball team wtU bold tu RCOnd pract~ of tbe eeia- -. Sunday afternoon at the eo.ta Mesa Park at 3 p . m. ' Plane call for tbe '>pen'ng g•me a.gainat HunUngton Beal·h on .Me. loys' ~i· to W~th Angels A .trip to Loe An .. I•• to ... the Ansell pla.y Seattle la on thr ca~n¥r for Ul'4 Sat~f at the HarbOr Area Bo,..· Club. The irroup will 'tlialt the Loe Angelt-• MUffum ln tt.e morning and a:o to the park ln Unie to watch both team1 take b&ttlnc praclice and Infield. The Boocte..-' club ii apon· aorlng the event. · A cbar1e of 2:5 centa will Include admialdon to the ball pme. Those soinc are n· minded to brtnc two tunchea. The STOUP will leaye the club at 9 a. m. and return at 8 :30 r . m, "'°'"'•I Day ., the 1oca1 pA•k. McGau..a.a..f Lea-ds Wendell PlckeM of Oralll'f ,..., CO.st CoU.ce and Rod MaeMll-I r :_.._.-.1, Hit I ts IJan of the Harbor Atta Boya' ~......... ' Oub will handle the eoacb1n1 " reigns. Among the upected t~-.Bat.tine leaden oul of boy• 17 and under are Jack LP..arue are. not \Vhe.lc.bel. Pete Morria, Gene w~k'a pme1: Crain. Uwla Abbott, Tom p.,.. ll. 111~ • ..._ .... 11 11 AU lttu. Bob Welld, Dick Lliak. ~ e.,..a.. 8 A ..... -... Ii I AA Paul Scbultt, Jame• Vineyard, Leo IL .. ,,,cit, 8 A ·y-.. ••• U 1 .Ill CUJtia, llloy Martines, A...up C. #alft W. Aitt' U . IS I .411 Bm.1111, llm Snow, ~ Pflotat, 'f .. ~ "-.---·· n 1 A.U e<ib Weat. Jim ft9borta, Bill a..t-P , °'""' B 8 ...... _ .. _ lt I - -and Pete u...... D. 0.# ! .... ~ ........ • -""a : .• M111·-• 1 M1 T• SwlllllMrs "'" 1a Phi c• •••••. ~:/ .-5. ,. -:: : ::: ~ =~ . .,'\.:::.J· i::: Barbor Hip *"""™" pla1ell "'-'8it. •:DH\_ t ... la fl.... -ta ot the CU llirJlll a. ... J Sp • J _.__ l• I .., Olan\ptce•ltlpa ., -at , L+.t q; lir • 111i'. ~ .,._ n t .-_ -..iid"""'"" ...,, • 11, OMdo :Al ...... -u ' Il'Wla ... Nl' t hd. J" • 0. .,. R * II .... 'rlo.J li1cls.,: a :Jiii ~ ~· .._ ii --'».' & .-~ •Pi £ .... -0 • 'l:t. .. •.t 'f .... -= 1~~;:m.1 ·~ ~)ltGB, : ·~·-=II f .-. _..,. -~i.=Jf ~ • ,._ _,_..Ill • - lllll'loN1-7w teul. -· •11¢ i : MzpJs • .,.. it I .-.. 9' -, !MU I 0. .,. 'hli· , , ...., ; c _,. -,,1 --. .... -a ;rr• --...-_. -..,as z .. T-OIU 1 ..... &1ll1 t,• · Mt. tiaa AalmllO •.• !L .... 8 4 .8417 RJftftlde ·······-···•-.. -:.... .... 1 3 .MS 8U 0BeraaNl.no ___ , ...... I 8 .400 0...... 0.-t .. ·--..:.~ .... ' 8 .113 l!"ul:lutoo .......... J.. .• -•• 4 8 .&!!l Pbff•f ...... ,, ........ -·-··" ' 8 .asa Result.a come trom cone.tan! Pl'actlcf'! A.n ad ~h1.rly In lht .. paper will produce -.. .. wt.I fnr yon Dl'AL ~tE)l;T (Fina.I ~11. San An\oale 8anta Ana . 8&n ~mardlno l"Ulle ...... Rlv~de .. Cbafff"y o,.,..... C-t . STA~DlSUS 19.\1 ) 0 I . ' . .• 3 . ' I 5 . ..... 0 6 Nearly 200.000 anglers spent • day &boa.rd public ptl rty fi8hlng boat.JI oJ>f>Ta (l ng oul of the Loa Angel a. Harbor area In 1950. '''""· Jb ••1•, lb IJ ........ p ....... )lt , Tet•i. 1 0 0 Smlttl, " J 0 • JOlltlld .... t f JOI JllS.•f•.lb JOO 0 0 J.-.. Jb • OUR APPOINTM ENT AS FRANCHISE DEALERS FOR . TELEVISION RECEIVERS .. .. ' AND WE CORDIAILY INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR U:.bEVI SION SHOWROOM AND SEE TELEVISION /J ITS flNEST ON .. 'llJ! '. the -AkoMORE by DU 11dm 19-lnch we.aia p1et11n. · , Blli!t-ln ~ radio, l'l'""-ln for reQOrd player. 'l" ' We Servj.i:e · All Meke s' of: · Te le~•io r LAJIGEBT. INVEN'l'OltY( -~OF TtTBJ:.S • AND J'A&: .. .. I ,. - • • y • PA6E 2 -PAR_T 11 ..J. THU~Y,,. MAY-17, Ifft ~2~.;."P:alss ~B WATB HIATllS ' ... anc. 20 °"'""' -·-.. --.... :S. eo an.11 so IJ&JloD ··----···-· 31.00 - fO G&1loD ··-·-··-·--fll.00 11.11 •• ""' PLYWoOD -.... 4.X8-'4.. ··-·--···-···-······· .. ··• ..... •xB--li.. . ........................ -........ 1.113 fx.8---%.. . ..... _........................... .. Tl fXll--"" ................ _ ................ 111.24 b8-"I .. ·······-····----·,······· .11.70 • • IOOFING ... HEXAGON. llBIMOLml ........ fl.ID THJCK BU'l'J' 8HJNO~.:.. t .11 90 lb. Ro<B' ............................ UT 66 lb. ROOF -.~..................... . S.Oll 06 lb. ROOF ···-·-······-....... 2.IO 45 lb. ROOP ......................... 2.lt ' *LOANS* Bonow ap to '2400 waeca...S. OU be -IOT P-"'-s fix. tu.res. palntlns, rooflnc. el.eetrkal ftxhlft9. ete. A.•1 re.,,.,.Uas. Open ,6.lf. Day Satu;day OPEN 9 to 1 OD S~Ar. THESE PIUCl:j! OOOD AT TIJQ; Oli' SALE WITH TJUS AD MAY 11 io H · leacoa 5611 LUMBER CO. .. 140 E. 17th St. ' COSTA MESA . cosTA )fl:SA'S NEWEST LU¥BEa 1' '.'ftD · I ®®W®®~@\W That Continvow Stocll Ovotati- and late News Are AvailaW. at - , LAGUNA IUat OfflCI Duk of Lagm a..cll Bldg. Ph. 4-1156 Comp!ew, Brobnfo l'acilirieo Tni»-1.m ~ Tick.u Statistial I..l>nry oad !lndiq llo oa Your order co bvy oc !ldl lilted aocb, boods Of ca:n- • modiries. will be accuaol wilh ..,...4 and 1CD1!UJ avtt ~ oatioo-wlde ~ private witt system con- n<ctin3 our 16 California ollica and our Nnr Yock ollicc wirh ·principal Eastern ttading ccoccn. ~m. ~cal facilities arc maintaillN for your conv~. DE AN WITTER. le C:o. • ..... ,,._r_.._., t •• Dia• .. ~., ,... ... 1184 01 I ............. '-............. , ..... . '°9 &llJFD f.tM ....-.CO _ .... See WALSH HARDWA1E FOR FIRE-SCREENS , Al Brau Draw Scnens Floor ·Type Sfreciall)'· Priced at $29.95 and 39.95 • . I · All Brais Mounted Type et $24.95 • ~ Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA leacon 6603 We ,_tt a Jot. ef nae plant.A Daly .......................................................... ... 25; ' 5 f•• 1.00 COLEUS Lou •f ~ c.lon to c hill! treat Uh••·-•h+•••-• .. ·••hn--0 .. •••••H--Oouo--HHOHOO-••••~ · -. 5&101·N~ 1'111 So. Newport Blvd. l TU&ilH 0111• ftaniia,J . ' lOCYo Disc :hon Art run.11e (~ AMIOJq:) • s Brilla tlliia .. t. • BAYSIDE flSH ~ . Ft•sla Fisll Dair In• Ow o .. l121JI • C.L .. z. ~i111wr1I I II I · ... ~----X&Wfi#l .. •¢11111 • • • • -·-.... •••a .. a •••• Ill 1•'• --..a ,, .,. ----l'W .. e• -:.:1111 _... .. JS -r' ....:,. ___ ....... ~itT ~Y P ..-T . A....boud IM&cl lt• ftrlt m~u.s on 'ftaa ,.,,.,...; l•""1a.~:.t-e · ...,_ eei...a wtitlt M pn:•e•t;, "9em1tna 1t'ltb 8uf*. R. o . EM .... pill• f•r -"' r:-••I 1119!'•. -·~ .,.. aew affttt,.. Jr'Net ro.-, (left to rtlb,):-Mn. Norwa ~ .ttfl P* t .. MJ ~ f'L Lsalam ~ C...r, ,re•tnt; 11f9. 1IArfty ~n.. Wftta.rY· IJt•Mlq (Seit t. 11Pt)1 •n. f!.d.ir' ~-_5~r. bl9toriaa; Mn. H.,..,.ey PNM. trruarr:r; llra. M:art. N'f'W'laad, cerrr:•e r ,.,, ~- ' • l~~J • ·Reorganization ~Hy '1'1 °'"'01•1 «ll· High :SCl;OQI ·; . UbNy Request St•·l~~,;s.· vi~-of Rsh. Game· ... A • .::~~~~:~ .. ~ UUC11 1)11 M • Ah. d :~~.i:~ ... :., .. .:ied:. '':, Co;· 11~ C, 2im\us~ ov1ng ea -~:~wi;:_e;:rb~ty council . ~ . ~.~lY, . ' ' 'I'll• lettet akl: Fow b-ed •hlcl> ·eOaol 'iitl>-After • deAcUock ot many Wttka, plan• for reorp.nisatlon of Call- fOl'nl•'• rt.h and Oamt eetup and lht" work of the WUdttte Con.erva- Uon Bo&rd aN &pin movlnr ahead at a rapld pact. The declaton by the · State Su- preme ~urt dec1&rlnS" Ute Wild· Ure Conaervatlon Act cnnt:UtutJon- al clet.red the air and made way I tor tf'rtalaU•e plan.I to 1••f cau- foml4tl outdoor con11ernuon nev: culdance. The plana of the State Sen•te for remodeling lbe FlM and Game utup -het.ded by such Jong-~lme leaden ln out.docir legialaUon as Senator• Charles Brown of. Sho- shone and 01!9rre Hatfield of New- man -had been beld up because of an Attorney General's opinion that the teplature had no 1uch powers becauae the Dlvtalon of FtMi and' Game had been created by a con•tltutlonal amendment. ln leu than a weelu Ume fol- lowtn& the Supreme Court DK• ~on. Blown·•.)!\) \o C8tabij8h tbe nt-w setup bad ~ t.hroU(b the Senate and two A..uembly commit- tee• ud wu ready rar action by the AHlr'mbly lteelf by the fnd of the week. S.to l:p' 0.pL The bill aboltahe1 the D~vl•lon o( Fish and Oa.mt within the De- partment of Natural Reeourcea aad m.tead art.a up De:part.meDt of 5'!a baad Oeme headed by I dl0 rector. The F1ah and Game Cbm- mlasion would remain only u 8 policy mal(lng g-roup. Th ... new director of F:sh and Camp wo\Lkl be appci.AL.e'1 by the. governo:-l)nd woulfl In 1w·n have the ?0'""'r to Appoint "l'1ploy"'9 of the department.· He would have a salary ot $12,000 a year. The laat action at the end of the wuk we.a that of the Asaembly Woys and Mearu1 Committee giv- ing Its approval tp the bill. . The committee he•rd t.eatlmony by !llate officials t.Jl•t u.e n.w •tup n1 i)('ht cost I.be 1tatf' mone money. at Mnt. but wttJt the ellminatloa of l'W)me poeltlou ln the Natural F«sourcea Dep&rUtenl an owraJJ aavtng might be rutlaM. Muell Suppon The new propoaaJ for outdoor eonaervauun admh:Uat.ratlon bu load Ute lllpport of U.. majority ot sportamen right aJonr mnd a apokNmu tor the AMoclatPd Sport.amen -George Dlf¥ti - said hl.s group wu 100 per cent tor thp bill. He noted, howevtr, that the Southern Council la ln favor of the F1.ah and Game Com- m•lon'a M.vtng aometking te -.y about the appotntmf'nt or the di- rector. With the pua.ge or the reor- pnls&Uon bUI Ulere hu been much •pec-Ulalion wbo wau..M k named the first Director of the Department o f Ftlh. and G&me 11 1t t. flMlly creat.ed.. The eonc::im-- ... •f oplnla "' Ulat .lb Qor. don -Chlet Conwlta.nt c4 the \Vlldllfe Conae.rvaUon -wtU l'e! u..~ Cordoa ll a na.UoMtly knowa export IA wUdllfe - and wu for many yea.n the ex· ocutiva ol U.. Ila --oat-up ol .. __ Be ..... t..oupt to Calltomla to take char&'• ol the -ot _,, NifilUua .. ... ..... ... -.,,.n -·AA "OUr library wu bullt 22 years difat. f rom Newport: ~ aro to aerv• a ardall beacb cwn-Bncb, CapMtnno.. T'IMlt.la. ..-.. muntty wtime population bu Olinda, Valencia. Anaheim and br- mo~ than i.ri pl~. a.nd lt now a.nee invaded tbe Otanse eo..ait ftnd.9 ltaelf eeverely llmlted ln op-Collel'e cam,.. Wedae.da7, to portunJt\u for eervice, eapeclally acquaint ~ .. witb U.. _.. to our echool children. lli.ta pro-tun or the-OOC cu.rrtcula ottff'lna po99d &ddlth>n will contaJ.n among and to mttt tffchen and cou:na~ other thlp.p, a chikiren'• room . a or•. mariner'• aectton and adequate Replar Colle1• c..__ .... stora.c-e spllCe. 'n)e COIJl of thla di.mi.89t!d at noon, and hlS)t. Kbool addition will be approximately stude.nlll became coUese el~ta $30,000 and we are now reque.st· for t he afternoon, attendlnf tng allocation from the pneral clr.uart of their own choice. Pr ... dty ·fund far the amount to com-lou• to Uwtr antval on campu plete thl• project.·· escb partk:tp&Un1 lliJsb •Mo& atu-I 'lite Jetter wu signed by Mr11. dmt wu · .. Gpaed up" for two Edgar R . H11l . 1M1Cret.ary of the cl&Me-• ~ wi8bed lo attead.. POJ.. i Newport Beach public library. Jowtnr a wekome u~)y ln tile Mayor Isbell lugce.ted that lhe a ud?torlum a.t noon, OCC student matter be kept open until the city gu!dn ncorted the nrtou. poup. "can tell bow much mon•y we'll l..o their c......-a. have ava.ll•ble ... t! any." 1n ci..iaroom the NIUnl' .tu. Phone Co. Welco?Ms Milllontll Stocldtolder de:nb ~t the iNltruelO.r and bad explalned to them tbe objecUn. of lbe COUrR jWll U ti tbe'y \ft'N mtttlng tbl'! e._ for Uw flnl lim@ u enrolleea. . '"11lia procedure i• eJ1:pedcd to giv'-' the ~llor9 a real picture f1f the.tr future college wor-k,.. •ya Dean Fttd Hubtt. o ....... _..., 1 Dr. Buil P etenon, OCC-pree!- dtt'nt, and Ray Jetta. ABB pr* erT. M. Ham~rook, local managtt dent. of!k:"lally welcomed. the Yiml· •f Pacific Telephone. l&id that on •t the •pecla.l hour-kills aa- o•er te,OOG A. T. A. T. stockhold-sembly P~· The aaembty ers, owning more than 2,670,000 featured the MJxed Chorue; the N d l':ew COJ:'lbo, compoaed of D•1t-.ce ·,Imporiaacoe oJ the Pacl!lc Cout .. a source for lnve•lm.ent money and aa a pl•ce for tnveatrnent waa under.cored today I May 15) tn connection with an announce.me.nt that the American Telephone and T elegraph company haa just' wel- com t"d Ila one·miJMonth atockhold- shares, live in California.. eva a, R J "M An M · Mike Oregon and Wa.shlngton. 0 9.<>, ary ne om.on, The Newport Beach exchange Smit~, Joe Mc~frey and ~ wu established In July 11 , 1903 IGarc.a.. an~ the 1'enneuee Waltz and g374 telephon~ girt,: of Pirate Day tame, Patti now !lerYea . Haye111 a.nd Rob~ Lou Ftero. A Open House at · El-loro Sat-. Marine Corps Air Slat.:on at El Toro l• buatllng with act1vll.v u lut minute details are being wOTked out for "open houae'" on ttecne from the ntw" "Evening of Ten." OCC dra.mat le project. con- cJUck'd lhe program. A t the culmination of the day's a ctivities the student.a were served refreshments in the c&fe tf!ri.11.. . , - Hitchman Runs for Campus Post .A.nnf!d Forcea Day Saturday. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. f'or the first tlme 1lnce the out-Sa!em, Ore. -(Special) -Re break or the war ln Korea the sulU tn Willamette-\U\ivef9tty public will be permitted to make ASWU primaries t.hi8 week call toura ot the atatlon. (OT a re-vote in Mx of the major The plea will be open~ to the student body poetUona for 1161--62. p11bl.le at noo .. ui.d vtaitor.11i will be Wilh clote ba.lJoUng In five po8tl conduet.ed to the various polnu. and one tie, ~auou lndk:at.e of lnttlrut on the b~. ... a ma.u tunH)Ut •bt:n nm-.off• &ft An aircraft exhibit will dt.sp:a,y bekl wa1 16 and 1e. all the types' ot p Ian.,. Used at Sopbomore ffJ)tt.SentaUve will El Toro. Rampa will be conalJ'uct-be ch09eJI between Jfm Hitchman, e<l to enable apectaton to view 100 A vocado Ave., Corona del Mar, the interior or the planea. &nd Dick-ilereeer. BurUnsame. A.vla\lon equipment can-led ln a..tttorn.1a. l.beee p&a.nea wt.U be ahown ln "'" adjacent exhJb lt. Th1t1 lni:'l!«..lea :ii• types of Ufe a.vlng d~vtcn. fiJdst g-ea.r, ammunition, bomba, rocket.a, tralnln:{ 1> .u.ela, enf!inC's, and many olhen QuaJtrled non-commlasioned of- llcen will • om Mutd to u:plaln ~ "CJ''ptnent Pd t. &MWer q~· llonL Bl&Airllloow Ono of Ille ...-itrnts of ihe ck.)' w8J be tlle lllP allow at I p. n>. Thia fMturM po.nebute dell.,..y of .,ppU., a llelkopttt. dlaplaJ, a Jn !liiW)Oliae, a -t.loa of ...,.. •t wed tor Mel weatMr landlnp, .-air support 8"" s1mula1• cmrlw ~ Siamese Cat, Ow.er Miss Co•••clloifs A. 'fUiot7 -at 3 p. m. at u.e _... ......... -llochlde u.e • Toro --. _.\JIN, ....... _ CAil ~ .. 41"'°S ab, aad 'fk rlPl ~ -" ........ ,., .... -*car WM bu ka Ulfl a .a. 4 ~arr -.1 pme ~ _ _....._ --a -·--•If-Alo: C'."';----·bzdt' .. - - - --......... -.... iM.. .......... .a' i .nrt 1 ?;. 1° tu• .... ,,., Bat~ .-nata be ape .... t• L .. , 1&*"7. .. &It'll• II ... '[ ........ to ..... ,, Ill( ....... --• -.... __ ..., u.a ;:r."' b lllo --" ....... :;,7· .,, .... a.. . 11a,oar-dlllrar,9--• ... a.n:t'• ..... -. •tra•PT••• -.... ~ ..._ '1 '1$ P' lo 11 LI I a ....... 'p ?Ml ....... t ••• II 31 3 a 0 ...... al ··~ ..... ? • ---~t::ll,.. .. • , , • , u ,, " -· • -••••••• c .... ·-.... --...... ., ... ~- , P.&Jl!IT· lllCNOVSD' ft.OM .r'mumtru \ti AJftlCtnml ao.ds ~ ,, J!IT&Ut' 'OIA6XnfG •~o . .. . . ~ . . .. Cl>-°""Stoa,;,·.._.. JIOJ' lll. ..._IL aDd up DOUBLE 'J'RICK \• ; . w.. NOW I ' ~~MSUL XD«t1 ·"'-ii 7t2 &etall. .................... 20.llc lie per 1"4 IL 1 INSULATION KaQtty .!lid jlWsr -~... ............... 12 % • tie pe'1ML IL -1.-~ ff+art Rdw. Of a.ud fxl lfc ll)eperW..IL • 1 .. u SllOAO II. aq. ft. ~ hr .. Joltlt lllllplap lxB ........ t7c lk pe._lMI. IL NO, W ........ per lll. ... fl ci-r -·-8'dtap ' .--. lld lll>U 102 Vee Joint Ship Lllp St e %lie per bd. ft. I ~-· Noni!¥" 'S!dlflC ................. .... If< IOc per bd. IL .--;,---------, ~ !J1~ _,,_ .............. iB.21> ... 00 pe• _... 4x6 Rou!lla D. F. 1"4 BA-Btr. ~-a. 'raG ....... ........ 20c !5• per l>cl. ft. ·wu Ho 11.....i foot ld • A-Blr. V.G. T60 .................... 26 17c per ""1 IL 1 NO!'° Ille lineal foot Clear Oall Ro. %'' a Random widtb..... 70c He pe:r N. ft. Ma.Rm Ex<oelleot Fentt POii& Clear Oak Ro. ~"--'Rudo/8 width .... IHc f6e per bd. IL I CJoar, Plllllppi,.,;· llaliopay ................. 49c Ste pe• W. IL ' .. IUll.DING MATERIALS CcmutQ Cenimt .. ..: ..••........................ t.1~ 2.lr ~tal U.11; 1llack ....... ., .............. ~···· i7c Ill"""" Hotlla,-11j,:t17xM ..................... 12.66 -forclq _, ............... ,. ................ . F-llon 1JDIUi, .Jll!ld< !ixl .... ....... Ile . ' . -·· ;-~--:--WAU . ifoARDS 90c .. pe• Wk S6c per yard 1 '1-811 per roll %5% OFF' .... ' bl---%" Comb9d Wood _....................... 25c I9c per .eq. ft. U3-6/}6t' f'l10cunl .. ................. .......... HY, c U e pe• oq. ·ft. "4-1/1" P11-d .............................. : 26e toe pe• .. ft. ~"" D.F. ~ eo: 18 ............ 17c He per "'I• IL u~:lltt U-Board ........................ SY,c I Yr • oq. n. . SHEET METAL PRODUCTS lxtf GA!y. F.ouiid. Vea!:& ...................... . Sxt• p14 .Rafter Yonts ..=< ................... . ' 3f c 26c -.... !le ea. ' '· HAYWARD LUMBER & INY. CO. • Ht.II.St., NEWPORT BEACH p-lladlor lS'5 ., ~¥.. ,-, " ~ .. REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• ~ ' ALSO llG SAYl_NG_S ON1 A ' • 18 POINT· OYE ' . L~V!llYeOrlrd I, a.. v.nar . I .... ,, .• , ......... .. t.ReJhNfW• ... . " JI!• ....... . ... '; 0 -Red, .. 12 ~~T'I . -'-~ .. '· •tJ 11'1 7 17 s .... (Ii 711¥1111 •• Ir• • • ·I. Alp 0 I t'xz .... .,.. ............... _ .... 011hta' .. ...... ... 12 MOM .T . . .. . ' . -.--~ · f21111J .lllPel_..1~ • • • 15...'' . . I Hf Boll- SURFA~ED IOOFfNG . wul.85 · 'NtW.~~U I .I . '!Vindows, Doors PrNT. and RAlWWAJIE 25°/o Off . A~ ITl:MS OFFl:RED- SUNECT TO P!UOR SALE . ~ . I Dia l . 7 • . .. 1 PdNTIAC 6 . If• ~ . 7 • • • •. ' • • ' I • -- . . ' THURSpA y I FRIDA y met SA TURD A y --·1-or:;;"R I REMOVER 9; ASSORTED $.EATlllllli Watch Straps •1.00 va1... 39; l'OOllET SIU Scnwdriver ' 7' "llU8't"'1811 MABr' $prinkllng Cans 19' !UUN CllW:iUI NOXEMA ..... ,.. '9' 8TUiL K~n Stool --· N.96 •416 WELCHES , Miniature M~ • C~Y 19; Jlec, Bk • Cigarette . Holcler 14k> v...... 1; V~Mi.elo SWIM RING WIUSllEY SHOT GLASSES , Rec. IOc .._ 3 r .. 10; ALARM CLOCK NYLONS 884 ..,. -·· u• •1• QVU.TllD OOITON IUTI' POT HOLDER ..... -39; PIH Cl.lANERS Res· ... 13' VICTOalA. tlot Water lollies .... SS.l~ Mllll:.L .--- R.ASHUGHT ~ ..... ,... w ~~----~~;.._~~~ • i 1 ROCKWOOD Cltocolate WAFERS ""'' ~ ll# v;A'l'lQ!;I! MEN'.S KITS. x.r. U.15 '1" IMFORTJ:D DISH TOWILs Rea. 10. oa. 3 for 39; LOCKl'tlT 14"• It" DISH CLOTHS ............ ·~·391 wmw: ENAMCJ.111> SAUCE PAN ff# 8 P4lll SHOI BAG '1" THYAVALS VITAJON8 •3n 411~ .. ll:CONOJIY uq: •5111 .. 'l'Uolele • • • • • •. • .. . ~-.. -'·. '!J'*"".,,~ .... - 1 ..... .-w .. Trim ywr .weekend food ooeta by taking ad~ of~ O.n~ llttl>di•I buya. They're the apotliabt featut911 In the puade of valuee S8feway la oft'erillJ DOW. Check them for items you wm to -iDclude on your lhoppillg liat. 'lllen, come to Stleway •.. and Sa.ve ! • CPllED Mii.iE~ 2 ·:::. 21° llUCOI· MIBGIBJNE lb. 2&Q 17 .. L 32·. ..... ' ClllCI cm MIX ~ 9014"1" a'plce, or, d....U-luclqe. 11111 add liquid. mix. and lo.ab. LQCB _J4UT ~::-~ ·1~_44° POD ·• BUIS. :.:t 2 ·3::35° E>ic•U...1 lor qulclt in..U. ... open. heat ........ '""' ,,,,,,, " CHEESE IPOOD Jelly Drops ""~ 5;:· 9-E,...Jlen\fouand~ or to Ute IQ. cook lag. To~ MU't al ~lily mt•t.s. pr0per1y-tril!JIM~ •&eiJ to peak of ft&~or, yet priced extra low .•. shop ift 1h. .... , tec\ioa of your Sdew1y. ' llcmel-Brlakel wllil 6 I e Mild c..r .. DellclouA ' S..ecl Hot or Cold lb. 6wn Drops Ro><bu<y ~-J1• Br«zebrond. -r.a. 950 Ch0<0late Drops ~::; ~ 15 ~;.:~:~ .. :::, 79-• Marshmalltws ',~::; .... 27c A,..1 .. 1ue! '"' ... ' . • POU · ao&ST ~~r:-:h:it.:-lb. 39° !411em ~ ~ p ~II cul.•· 49cl • co111r.n . tlftl ,,,., ,,,. .... !:' ,llfl, 11/tll Macaroni ~.;·~:::.i •:i;:· 19° . ..;. • · ~· 37• Meat Balls "~ ... ft:' 1 ::-39° · 1 Jtll.ase. ~ ,,. 4i:" 83• Sardines v.,.c.,..·, is-1a. , ....,..,...i.. 11.-'"'-'1. IY.-•'"'· 21c> . • Select~ .... .. SPIBCIJIS Ec:a:;!!~:r-aotY. "°!"'al Pack <•• u-Sala4 Dl'tssiM ,1at 3,. Chum ·Sa .... \t'~s·,~~·· 3111'' · 1 ~~i~. 67• 'h:~;. 2~1 Dried Beef ~=· 29-4;:;· 53• Miracle Wlllp ~ ~~ 39°. • • BUBti'S '-eoc.ock btwd. rJiuct,. I Mode br K,.ft-.l<Mar\ 41c; lh-pilnt;24e) ~1pef11!il Juice = ~=-· 29-' ~~~~~·!en. Cr~ t._ 1'1cn.. 430 Popalar broncls., L l\1lh Block H1wlt. ~ ... 32• lns.Olod,.Olfll· .... Swift P,.mium or ,.._ &G• .,. ..... ()ullfiff. .. ~ Cn 7 ,? .. . , ....... . I • s..i.t•IMClor no•wQl.. l~t. lJ-oi .. I~; Natural, 18-o:r:., I 3cl • GRATlt1"'6' Tor~. Light .... ~ -. '· 23• For ..,,d,.i<bu, ... · Dell rt Variety Halve for breillut or oqveae l<w jllice. I-Ill.Ill•·~ . • • • • .. .. • F co • , • . .. ( • • r . I . f . . I \ I ~ . , . ' • • # ~ (: .-, THDi SUPD SAYI ... SPICIALs IJFICftft ~ · Ti!fU solY;·F110AY~ ·sAtuao•1. suNDAY, . .... . ~ . . . . . • .. , , • . . : .. · . MAY'~11~1 '"1 '~ ' , ' '.DC!>N'T B·E· 'EO.,. L~~. ·~~ •()NE~'.~\' .. O · '01 .. · .. Item 'or -item down ."to the. tiottQm o,f yo~ . -~b skef,_Wi , • ,;. f. i. I == 4 11& SALE ~~~·5 .. · ... · · ,_ TASTY LOAF • MERICAN , \ . . I HEESE . 12·LB. 69 . LOAF . C 6 DELICIOUS FLAVORS - COLORED MARGARINE "Th~ Sweetest Sp?:8~d Under the Sun . 1·L•. PK•· ' ' _: -~ELLO MAYONNA~SE • -. . ·~· BEST FOO~ Real ·Mayonnaise Hemet Whole Spiced-No. ~l Can. ~~PEACHES DOWNEY FARMS GRADE 'A' LARGE STRICTLY E C·C S 0::::0 1 : FRESH PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENIN~~· ,Con • OUR BEST . l=RESH PORK ·ST.E , I ALL-AIEllCA FARM FRESH .~. ~- I . r : LETTUCE -~~r: PICKLES _ KOSHll 'DILLS SNOWDRIFT,".~. . RAPEFRUIT . WESSON CELERY ' ~::::'. . 5c• 19c J . -. Plnis CAULIFLQW~R LAIGI 24-0Z. JAi !LIMIT 12 CANSI "Vie. ISpecialiu-in Courtesy" . . ... . . . I C. A. 11· AIGINTINI CORNED BEEF 39c IOIDO ISICTIONSI I 2 . 35c MOlllLL'S PUii LUNCHION MIAT 1= . J I GR A p E F 1· u IT "C.!:1 11 Is N.A c KI I . 1J.OZ. 4 CAN . ; . · 11&.DS rtE MIXED · 21C lllDS IYI ·VE ABLES . ·1:.-r. . . PEAS IZ-. rt9. . . 19c -_ · .· -~19c lllDS I -12.0Z. PIG. P & CARROTS . . HAIT"S 10.0.. 19c ORANGE -,.,, . . · JUICE . . Matti IV• l'lllh. sf AiBili€S' . 1 ::: 31c 2.-~ 25c - . . . . I -• . . ,.. .... -. • ~'.~ · \N\NES & LIQUORS . Buy Now and Save! 4 Yr. Oki StraiCJht UIDER s3 SALE!. WHISKEY PINIAITS I $289 _PIM s329 . GIN . ~'"" _ . PIMllOOK ILINDID • $298 8 Yr~ Old S!raicJht WHISKEY 111FTH , WHISKEY · ' -, ....... .__ I• t'' $ " SIX YJAl_.OLD • s2-·-........ ·~, 4 RUM ' WUT . ,.,.~-;.~~-'~' ••• ~·.. . • , " ·~·~ • ' • 11'111 ' ' ' Buy NationaHJ Famous Brahcls . -I ' · SWIFT'S ORIOl!.E ' FRANK~ . HOlMIL~S FRESH or SWIFTS ORI LI ·. LIVER BOl.QO " . ~ ·1 1JnLD CHllSI . • . . · · · · ·CHEDD 'i .. I LA-. "' • < • ·t1 • I. · • 1 Swiss ~ -. • (. . -. . . :. N··ic·s . . . 11 to J ..... AYDACO!l · PLA Tl IOILING POI THAT IUDwn DUfNll BROUGHT TO . YOU DAILY! 'Reel Hot' Spec:ial! • Kentucky Wonder . ( · ~ Green Beans · · · ... I ~ · Solid · Ripe 1 f-lomatoes I ' ~ ••••• ,... ............... •• .., .. ...,,.,,,..,..,...,. -----.--· * -·"""· ....... ·---..... -...... • ............ '. GiiAPEFiU1r 10 1or25c -IANTA MAllA-Z.LI. JAi I GRAPE JELL y TlY THISI PUo.JILM WIAPPID LUNCHEON •• MEATS wu.. ... OorilJW ..... 27c: ,,.. BO LOI IA ' FULL POUND 39c IRST All' ---fta. Fiiiiliif ~ 25c: -• wffl, Lota. of .......... -45lli~ Ft · W!l<M'• cuu-. . !!l~TO . ·. 45:. -. 49lli. wi-.-.~ ..... tese ~t'!!!' ... .:U. 33c: • ,.;.. __ .... __ ...;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiili. ~>PPINC .C MTERS . I • OPEN .DAIL y . . It MlbNICiHT .... Hen's PROOF n'rt ke11i1J - ''••11oi1 L11u .. ll~tts 11os · COFF.1r C 0 ~ ~ Regular Grincf' or Orip and Glass Malrer 1-18. CAI ·Golden State ·'·Lt. PKG. I I A N D '· . DIXIE PURE Strawbe.rry ·Preserves_ Lart• 20 .oz. JAR , . \ • ' ' . • • • LAl~I ~· ~-' 1'11 • . • I . -. ~ : I • • I I I . ' • PART If.- ' vote for VOTE MAY 1~"d JAMES -·D~ .RAY ' • for ELEMENTAitY ·e ·~o Of EDUCATION Lo.cal Bu•in••• •n for I 0 Y ••rs F•ther of 1qur Chlldren SILF~SERYICE LAUNHY B.a11'oa Wasblt 30 Min. _Washing -fluff Drying Blankets Wool Shampooed and D.ried 50' • I 03 Palm -BAUOA Harbor 2724 RATTI. FURNITURE ANl> . . ACC~SSORIES ' MADI .... out OWN. WOIC:SHOPS ANO •tOM THt ;" \ ''NII \TMI 1.Al•IST ·DISPLAT OH THI PACIRC COAST ' • ,__, _ _.w.llr-._. ............... o;.;;.-;:; ....._ _ _."'...,. ... .-....vs.-: HOUSE l GARDEN .,,c:.....;,,.,1to .... t ...... -Jm OPEN N1TES -llVNDAY I tq t HELEN R. ROBERTSON, M. D. Announces the Opftlln.I' of Heri Office at 1741 SUPEJtJOR AVE .. COSTA MES.A (Formerly Newport Ave.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNAECOLOGY OFFICE PH. BEACON MOB RES. PH. HARl!OR 306<-W • • BALBOA TRANSFER CO. ~GENTS FOR Beacon 6553 ~ Local and N-<:it ion~wide lvfoYing C. E. McNllJL -1135 RAJpWR BLVD. G. C. BENNETT .. -. N" .. HEIGHTS CIRCLE • • ' .\llK8 TEaMINATION Tem1Lnatk>n ot t.be joint tenancy oC lbe late Frank Frech. who Oled hu\ Feb. 13. WU reque1ted id W- periOI' court by hla wklow. Mn . Theresa Frenci, &1 altrvivtq .joint Replar meaLlq of the Newport Helgt\U Cit'cle of Cbrtat Church by the Sea \YSCS wUJ be held Tuesday, May 22, at T:SO p.m. with Mt.u Clara KotWitedt, 719 P oln11ett\a Av~. Corona qel lt{ar. 1'!ie¥N ~ Two N0,,CE · 1Nv1T1NG · wos · Spw 1~shh1CJ BOQts " · · · tt>n&at of a paf'ffl of Newpelirt H eight.a real e.state. NottC.' la hen:by rtwn that th.. _ .. , Boa.rd 'ot TJ"Y,ltee. of ll't@--Orllhge Mlacellane-qua loo's Were s~olen Coast JWlior Collec e DWlrict ot from the Uv& bAlt boKt s'port K ing Orange Courit.y, caJJf'., wW re--and .cl.l"&rets, ~r. cllewtii.g rum. celve ty<ll up· to Vtie hour ot 2 :00 candy and small ch&l\le take n p. m . o' th~· lit day 9C June, l~l. from the live ba.i\ boa\ Mu.sic, at the attic~ of uld achoal diatrlct, moor.d at Norm· a Landing. 1511 loc•l•d ~-'.81!&1 8 . Harbor Blvd., Slat &\., Nonnan Hag<IJ, Jandlng Co.ta Qf.llC.1 at Wlllclt Ume opera.tot-, notltled ·~.11.\IGtQtt-~ aald bl 'wm be publlc!J' OJ>0""4 BaW-y.-·-• - - W• (ive your 1hoe1 .l~e .new k>ok lf you have the ofd part& Kaapp a Nell liho.eii FRESH SILIS l'i-11"..t ii-lle,..r . UIS· U041 NeWfOl't - for the turnishlng · o( lhe foUow-The tools taken from lhE" f;port lng; Ont i'arm..U H Trac~ with King VU!re valued at $1 ~. Ha·gen '•ttachmenU; one MUllnr M.achlne told police. The thieYeS' broke a with attacam.e.nta. Tbe ~ Board ~ oa the engine room door to of Trustfft sba,ll ~ ~ eoJe Judp pin entry 90metlme between S a_ ______________ _, ________ ,,: of the mef'tt.,aad qualli1cationa of p .• in. Fl-lday and ~:30 a. m. Sat- SOUi .. COAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIFICATION • HD w ... , Wlbon ( bftw .. n Ne....,rt u4 Bart.or Blvd.~ Co&&a Meaa; -Plllw·Be•ma ~ lhe equlpfl\lent. -ottered, ud ~ urday. serves the rlcht .to reject, all bkh, A wtndow In the plley wu and to watve a.ny ln!orm&llty lg puabe<t Ir\, a-board tbe Muatc. The any bid. iu:ltcles taken were valued at •P- ADV.: May ll _ 24, 19~1 . proximately $10 police sa.ld. Opening r;>.'.: Julie I , l~l , 2:00 P. M . • Sll!Yled : BASIL H. PE'l'J:RllON, Ste Of ~ Of TrwlleM. ~ No. 706-P,...._ Publlah May 17 -:w, li&J. SUPl:RIOR JUDGE M. G. lll:L MUTOLO. Santa CLara-"There's aometlllng about a red "I Mat.Jed woman .~i ra.pldlv sepa.rates • 1 man n-om blt money." i.. lftf former wlnnlng 11·10 aJ .. thousb Den 1 had been prac_Uclng for' tllne week.a ln antlcip&lion ol the ~b. Fine lritisll Cars MORI 5 M. G. on llaplay ., . RI L~'f SCllYUR MoroR!I 1009 SO. "-lllvd. ' i.,.una HtH • READY MIXED CONCRETE f . "' . ~------~ ----~--·-· -·-···-----w--·--·-.. F.ishin' Conte5.t for Cub P •c;k 110 On,...Ju.ne 9 the ~.k w\11 bave a . . rield trip: going ~ ~ tour of El TQfO Marln.e -· On pajl. U\pl lhey U.ve viaited Kay Flnoh cv- amlc aludloo .,,.yu.. Cout Guard v....i. I • • Gas, oil, tires inti P*l~Ntl fits K•t,,,, hlt1n to my kHU. ' Tllq talltil mt Gr_,y, 'tH OM day I lidrnttl to s/lOp tltt 1.E. !Nf.*. ... twe•ll .... 10 .. "" .. 4 ,. •• Cub Scout Pack 110 of B&lboe Island not only t\u monthly pack mtttlngs bN.t each Tueld&y ftnda a.JI or se~ deal ~ ln some s~al evenL lAAt wttk It WU a ftshlng contelt, llo)'9 SQlnl to pleN of U..Jr ollolco Nld l\ab- U.g t°" "'e bQur. ~ IMJ wett to \,tae ~· Of Noimaa Prtngle, KOUt cbalrman, w~ m.,u~ UM °'tcJta and pr• te11\«I prqea. .bool<a on !WI and n.hll1g. . Bl&'cut flab wu c.ugllt l>y Bany Sl1"rbroelc o1 Den 1 and moot -J' Stuart Cooper, alao of Dta 1. Othu wtuera were 8tl1 McCarthy, Den 2: Wayne Gouvl-"11!1. Den 4: Bob' Hadfield, Den a. J.n uclllll• -~ ...... WU ll>at Mtw-~eloll P•tarman'a Den 2 and Don>tl>v Port<OUO' Den • • F1811 P'Qll 811-R tu -()ft Soout.• of Paolo 110, - lolaa4. w1oo tool< P"rt ln a r..eat -.i.o"f ~ --At WI' la Mlcllael MaJ.,. and ati rtpt la WllfDO ~ .,._. ef 0.. .. ...... la JarcNt llob ... &up> Slle-k .... moat -..... t'"" ·-Cloopff, -"' 0.. l . • ' . . ·1n Its . • • • .· .... -...c. ........... --, .. c..CllMli • o ! •• .. . ..._, "Test f)rire" tit• TBEOD·OBB ' • ' ' f I Oeci It ,.., .. ,., ,., .. .,._ ! ' r I I ~ ~·1.Jf I ...... I .. . • . ' , ~ Yow Ford Dealer Sin , :!ll6 NeWpo,t Bl¥d. Ph. Harber 21 • 1f!1 . I v ""'" ••• , ... • • ' -· . :~ 7ISt Anniversary ... • ,,. ... ~ ·*'--"' -,,..q .... ~.· -· ' ... :fi · E .. K · ~,~~ '. ·::. · • • I " ' I 'Fo.r. Ne~port Ha bor Area • I ' I . I . . . . ., .. MAv ·.1·4th T.O 19 h, \1951 · 1 71 yeare or, Unbroken eer.vice to aeedy 11•1!'1anity is tbe proud recoJd of the Salvation Jonny. It 1141fVes wteran aild 1on-veteran alike, without re&ard tQ. race or c~ ·· . ' . . Uaed . cloth}pf, sh~ futniture. holl\6 applja:!i°", ,.W'l8· bedding,. dishes. ~pera, m,guinea and m~llaneoua ~lea arie needed urgently by uM ll&IVJt¥>n .U.y's Sqcia! ~ I to carry on its program of nhabilitatlon. ' -' . -. . . Oiecuda 1'hich you donated last yelir · ep•~ t!tf ~tal Service Center .,ylnf ~ ~ tD ~ 228,000 hOlll'll Gi ~y, M,750-.hole- a)& -~· 18,1565 warm beds and f'Ul&D.cii.I re to needy ljlld hudleapP.lllJ men. -' ' f • . . r 1' I "' • • • • • ,; I • iw, ... tQ belf> Olp' felloW ~, in ~ ~ 07llll for a I · SalfttJGil 4rllly Bed 'lllleld ~ • ~ t "'°'Ill tr?~qr1 oitlee for your ·eut-otta. .• ,.! • • I . •• , • • • . . Week · • , • I ·I I 1 1 ·················=t • 0 ••• ... -:·'"'""'] • I . f . . • UGAL NOTICI I • .. LHAL Ncmcl U6AL NOTICI 1 • • ' _ u~·Noncl • • URS ~Y1 .f:A!<.Y 17 ·1•st • U6AL' NOTICI $Vncs or llUIODON ' FOii ..ru... a... .,._ ~ "' ·OllDIMANc:E NO. m .~ 'botw_"dl .. -., ..... Fedoral -~ta ....... ----of -pipe l!W" - MC-C•t OP THC=-BlmtlnJlon Beach ~ O&DllfAKCS • ._ ~ -WI lllaff of \be dvll lkf-J11ata Im-"° IMloplloa ol --· \"I,,_ -. . s ~ • DfO llOA&D orno: 8dlool Dlltrlct. , · (lJVJL DCP&Mll& AJll) nu-aaG -D!'P"1•tl0o of tlllli ioc.i . loS\ll&UCll u 1a _,_,.,. and I.be~ or <!lit- . 'OOAfr IVNlO& ,,.... POl.LD«J l'LolCI: ~ AftD Ji&ii!Al.1)!141' 1PCJ. dty, and to .--,.·~-loQI of to Piii Into ~ & _,ii-trllN of eledric 1'11117 lolld -- ~ DUTIUDT. ' Mall w at U.. B•tinston -ftOJI -'l'IDOUOB 11111 a~ty and -llbllltJ tl>&t aated. 9!'d -dvll ---w. ta. .._ and ,,.. ~ - • NOT:ICJ: J8 mEJIT o1VJC1i a-mt&PJ' lldlnol llulldtq,. -OI' TRiii M1lNIClll'.u. CODE. 111'7 -bet--; ud di•• .. prorram ., that -lion ~ aBQ """-to .be Cw ollna Col I• to Twist UC. Ti Fa~: Prize Book ~ Re . y June 1 • oou1! Palin A-Tiie pollo will lie Tho City 0.lllCll .ot-the City • '<El To repr111at I.be dvll de-dl!Ma ODd Mel( oommualty will 11'4 -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ..__.,..i open botWeen t1M1110Ww Of 7:00 A. ot Newport 8'Hcl;0,.. -u r.,.._ WI d••eter orpalulklft ol be l'M4Y In I.be ' •-t of & 419" ON S: That t1M1 p.......,_ -.• c ~·-~ K. ODd t:OO P. K. , tllla dl;J' In all clM!!np Willi pub-ut ... .to afford -"' ~ _. ~t the eloGq up and ,._ Oouaty, Calltoml&. lh¥ the Alli ornOB:Rs or IELECTION' tar ,.,._._ Ile or print& ....,,.,s .. porta1&1n1 tact1on u i. polOlblo to, llf• and · t or the atonn1<1 portloD ,auol llil«UO• 1"!' memben of th~ oald Sle<tlon PndDct No. ~: • 81:CT(ON 1: 8ect.loaa 2500. to dvll lkf-WI din...... property. 111 Ol'dol: that U.. lawe of 911 elloy lllall be W -and Bard of Trust-Of Ille Oran~ lnapector: Fred Loci<• l601, ll!Oa, 2110a, 2a04. tllG!I-:llOI, llecUcm 2&00: Ill the ovont o/. of llllo dty nlo•lnl' to Olfll c1e-taken,'&nd th• City C®iicu of the -"Caroline C o t • o n. .tar of .....,, ICl'Sa aH ·:~ will act ait.&U-twlllter at!¥'~ day e oi!G p. m. meell>lg af1 Clout lualor Cpllese Dllttk:t 4 .JUcl«o: O l.O. ~ llOT, 1808 .. 211G8 WI 11110, of the the proc.lametlocl of a cllAoter u ,..,.. UMI tllautar m&y be City ~t N-rt BMch benby , lie ileld cm the third Frldo'y o Jodee: Cbu. ll'Unkballler Mlllllclpel Code ot the City of -provld4d.' or lhe proel&me, bn>usl>t Into c:onfonnJty wUh tbe el«t.a Ito proeeed under the pro. 'The 1 ~go county Fair'o ~ um LI.st -book.let, con- MAy, vlJI, Moy 18, 19"1. ·-·..!.. 1'ft lllr:t N t Newport Beach an buoby ,... Uon Of a atate Of extnime emn, ~rel and State pl&ru1 at the v1oi..ru; ot the oald "Btrset V&e&- lt Will be oeetBal'}' to elect on~ ELBCnoi:i ~~ No. e puled; PJOvlded. that It lo I.be ency by the Oonmor or the MrUHl polOlble date, \t lo nee-·lion·~ of 1'41." and. all .m- bompJete mtol'ql&Uon tOr eithlbl Will be reacly'tor tne Colla ..... • Newport ' Uou club In tbe · W"rtd&J tnember. oll&ll lnolude all tlle ---Intent Of the City Cloundl In en-State Dlttetor of Chrll Defence. euazy lhAt lhla ordlnanc. take mentolthereto belnl --_, '!be polling place tor 11&td ei.c: wtlhJn the rxteiior l>oundarl .. or &CUq lhla chapter lh&t It ohall tlMI director Ill h.,..~Y •m-red: effect lmmedtately. · llm>ugh mi' of the Btreeto and noon Club balldlng. • , All the money tl>&l the carol "'ebl• to.twiat rrom ·u.e .pocketa of the Liana wW l'O to lhe rec.-r lion fllnd for tile youth ot UuoBa bor &reL 'f'hls fund wiil elao t aupneuted by the proceedl of Colt& M-Fll1h Fry . sat.....a and Sunday. June 2 and !. dtetn 'itjon . by June 1. The l 'o)tnuat fair, tlpOlleored ~ lite 82>id Dtalrtct Acricultun.I AllllC>d&uon. bu been ocbedu1ed tbr' Abg. J.&.19, Inclusive, at I.be fair lruurui. located on site ol - former Santa Ana. Army A1r Bue. tofl of the Orange Cout. Junlcr Costa-:w:eaa Union Elemen,tary t.• conatdered • revtnon and~-(A) iv malce and iw.Y! nilf'• SECTION •: Se•erablllty. U Htpway• Code ot the State ot Collep Dllltrlct wUI be dellgnat<d School Dllttlct UnuaUon of t.h• oeetJon.o re,.._,, and ,:.gulallOno on maltln rou-any provlllon ot thlll ordlnan• C&IU'oj-nta. AU prooeedlnp taken and appointed u tolloww: The POLLING PLACE thenoln ::_~; otw. '°""' Ol'dlnanoooku &114 ~ onably related to tpe protacllon or lh• application lhe....,r t0s &II)' ... reunder lh&ll be .,bject to the ZleeUotl PndJlct No. I ~I be ol lll• Coot& 11-ti-adCted lain -of Ute and property &I -..r -or ctrcum.tanea I• held alloorelmentloned ,_, ... -md ELECTlON PRECINCT NO. 1 l!l(ementary lkbool bulldlnlf. ltol by IUCh "'peol; ... r .f.::1 by ... h ~; provided, bow, lnvelld. oUCb lttelldlty lh&ll not opecltlcatloiuo. 1 • llh&ll lnelude &11 lhe area embraced Newport Boulnvd. The poll9 trill ~vii'•-: cllautu m ..;:! nor. oucll Niu and "'~ -oUior poov1oiou or appllca-8B¢TION f: The StrMt 8'Jper, wtlhln !he eJ<tenor bound&rlea ot be open between the boun of f :GO lllld ~-~~ mlllll be """'"-1 at lhe ear11nt ti-. of the .ordllwice which ean lnteadent of tho C,llJ' ot Newport ·the Seal Beach Elementary School A. M. and 7:00 P. M. to -_._.. U P be at pndlcol* thM ~Y the city eoua-be alnn etreet wtu.out the In· llMdl llhall cauoe to be poated con· Ccnacer Crusade at HalfwC'.'J Mar111 Nearly 1149,000 tn premium .,,._ Will be offered exhibtton ln a wide vanety ot ctaas1flca· tkmli and lut year'• record of 3ISOO Individual exhlbjla l8 exp<!Cls ed to be o:ce«l:e4 for the 19151 event, according to Mgr. R. V:-C· J'uUenwtder. Award moneY paid to exhibitors is derived horns~ revenue • acqutre<i . from tax on Callforiua's pa.rt -mutual bone racing 1 indWltry. Dllltrlct. ' 01'FICERS OF BLlilC'f.IOK tar · n,_.... -. ona • di: ftlld provlaloa or eppllcatlon, and oplouOuolJ along the line ot ~· The POLLlNG PLACE lhettln .&td Election P-No. I : tected by web repeal unW (81 To obl&ln vlW tn1ppllol, to lhla'end tho" pfoot!-. of tlUa ~ of oa1d alley p<Ol>Oaed to ah.all be .:&t tbe Seal Bea.ch EL..-Iupect.or~ Mra AMce JGOM IJl\tnd~ ~~ ~ su:,neded eqUlpmat. &ftd •ch other p~ ordlnance &n: dedal'ed to be be ~t.*1. not· mGn than IOO tMi "'°"t&ty Sebool Bulldlng, ~ Judp: Mn. Nellie OW-u pro P · ertt.. toWtd lt.d<lnc and n-.! .. v..-.ble. al'Uti bu~ not 1-, lll&n three In mghway. The polb wW be open Judp: Kr .. S&Uy Hlnetly SECTION 2 : Section.. 2300, tor the protection of the Ute &ltd SECTION ti: Thi• o~ce all, 119Ucu of lM Y&C&Uon of aatd William A. stone, county e~ between UM: llioun of l :00 P. M. Sloat' • ~ life. 'J llOl. llO:I.. ~ 2ZKH. 2ll05, .tW, proper\)' of the people, and bind aahall be publiahed at least. once tn port.km of 8&td alley. 8814 n•rticea: p&lp chairman, announced tr'1- and 8:00 P . M. ELECTION PRECINCT NO 1 llJO'T &fld 1&08 are hereby &dded tht city tqr the fair value thel'e~ the Newport -Balboa Pnu. a lthall ltate the pn!)>uatk>a ot '..hi• th.al Ule 1951 Cancer Crusade OFFICERS OF ELEC'nON fOI' Shall: tncJtlde all tiie area em•~ to lbe MWUclpal Code of tM Ot7 of, and lt nquJred Immediately. newspaper of cmeral circulation. RHolUtion of lnten~on and the reached 58.7 per Cent of ti_. aid Election Precinct No. 1: within the the exterior boundarit11 of Newport ~a.ch to read ao fol-to commandeer the oame tor pub-printed and publLlhed lD the City Ume and ?l*ee of ttw bearing of In Orange county. The quota to lnapector: Mrs. Mary '.',l'aylor 01 Newport Bffcll EJelnenta.ry Iowa: lie uee; of Newport Beach. and shall take 4'11 ptr90ne Interested In or ob-Orance county LI, StS.500. I Judge: Mn. Anna McOaugh !School District, Precinct No. 1 Section 2600. Pu~. Thf' (C) to require emerpncy ser· effect Immediately upon the final Jeettns. to the proposed vacalk>n of Mrs. Donald McCallum an~ Top exhibit attractions are n· pected to be the five--day hone ohow. the elaborate feature di• plays entered by counties. !'Om· munities and organtzatiOn.s. the dazzling flower show an~ hortf- cult1,1ral department, and the hule jun.tor department which will include livestock. Judge: Loutae Collier (Pndnct. u ln City ElettJou-declutKI purpo1111!8 Of t.hia chapter vice• ot any city otncer ~r em-paaage thereof. •id ·portion ot aaJd alley.• Walter Spicer, ch•lrrtl.en bf thf J:lleetlon Pftcl.Dct No. ! 1·. %, 3, 4, ~. s. 9, 11, 15, 17, ti, 10. ant ta provkk!' tor the prepo.ra-pJoyee and, In Uae event of the The above &nd fonaot.nc Ordi-8Ee'I'ION 5: Notlce I.a Jtereby cancer cnu&&de 1n Newport Bue.ti, ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 :;ao, and CHtf Haven. aabdlvielGD). UQn aad ca.rrytnc out ot plans for proclamation of a •f.ate ~of ex· ance waa lntroduced at a replar given that the City Council of the: Cc»ta Me.ea, Be.Ibo& ·and Ooronll shall includ' an ~ area embraced The POLI..JNO Pt.A.CE the.Nin the d•ll deteue C1t pe:r.:>n.s and treme emetpncy by the Govent01' meetl~g of the City Councll of the ctty of Newport Beach doea here-del Mar reported that $866.97 had .within the We.tm.tmter .J:Jemen-•ha.It be at the Newport Beach property withln thia Clty In. the In the regton Ln whlelt th\a ctly City ot Newport· Beach, '1eld on by fix Monday the tlth day ot been raised and they hoped to rp tary School District. menMntu,, School, 14th and Cen-event of a d.isutet, a.nd to pro-l• located. to command the a.Id of 23rd day of April, 1961, and wu June, ti$1, at 'the hbur <-f 7 :30 over their goal of $1,000 by thf The POu.ING PLACE tb.freln tral The ·pon. wm 11io open be-vlde for the coordination of the u many ' cltiSello of thla CO!"· tlnally paae4 and adopted on the p. m, of sa.fd day, tn the Comcil eiid of May. ohall be at the Weatml.Mttt J:W.. &:ween tJM: boun ~ 1':00 A. K . &Did civil defeo-!-f'd dlauter rune-munlty as he' think.a nec-aary in 14th day of May,, 1961, by the Cb&mbera of the City of Newport , The largest personal dooatioP menta.ry 8cMoJ Bulldlna'. 7?171 1:00 P . )I, · ~ of tltb City tritb all other the execution of theae duties: such foUowing vote. to wit: Beach, located ta the City Hall of made th1a year wa. one thousand East Weatml:D.lttr Avenue. Tbe OJTICER.t <:Yr ~OH C. pubDc ap.ndtti aa4 atf.n.4 pri· pu'90D8 aha.U be entlt1ed to all A YES. Councilmed' nrtch, Ram-the City of Newport Beac)a. u the dollan and WU credited to the polla wUJ bt open brtween. tJW aid ElectMm Prec.lnct. No. 7: ftte pell--. eorporat.IOft.I and.,... pri~ be.ne:flts and 1mrnunl-eey, Greeley, Blue, Isbell. t9ne bd place for bevtns au per--community of Buena Park whe~ Orange CountY residents aft! being .urged and 1nvtted to par- tictpate. A free copy of the 1951 Premium List book1ets may be secured 1 at any Orange County Chambel of Commerce office after Jla\e 1. Copies may a.180 be reeerved and will be malled ftte of' ch&TC'e by writing-to: Orange County Fair, 20391 Newport Blvd., Santa Ana, Ca.lit. Entrte& wtn close A~g. 1. hours of T :00 A. M . and 7:00 P. M . l:nlpector: Mra. Juli& MM Essen p.nlaaliQD&. A a y t'X'plDd.lttll'H UH u an provtde<i by atate law NOES. CounclJmen.. Noae. aon.o intereated fn or objeeting lo Mn. D. G. McComber ls chairman. OFFICERS OF ELECTtON fer Jodse: KN. Nina JC., Ho!tb7 m&de . in camt.e:Uon wt.th 9UCh tor restAared civil <!eferuie and ABSENT. Councilmen!., None. the proposed vacation of uJd por-Stone uid the Orange bounty aald Elect.ton Precinct No. 2 : Jlldp: Kra. Aurella Niemiec ct9fJ .,.._ and dlaotu acUTt... dlmulcr worku vollUlleen; L L. 18BELL, Uon Of said. oJ.!ey: and the Mid Branch la gratified for such 1a gen'- ln.speclor: L F. Weare Dectl• l'ftdalt Ne. I U... tnelDlllDs motual aid' actJYI~ (0 ) To r-eqvlaltkin aeeuary Mayor City Coundl of the •ld City of eroua contribution. Judge: Mn. Helen H. McGrew ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 9 U.. .shall tie ·d1e!Md eondU.OSve--per9DIUM1 or m.aterta1 of a.ny city ATTE8T: Newport Boch at a&id tlme and Garden Grove and Laguna Judge: Mn. Sarah H. Wllllam-shaU include all tbe .,.. embraced ly to be ·• tM dinct protectlol'l deputmenl or •l'fDC)'; C. K. PRIEST. place Will bur the evidence of-Beach werP. the flrsl to top thetr son within the t.al«rl« Mandan.a ot ud-beMftt of th• &llbalrltuU and (£) To executt all of blo o.r-Ctty CJ.erk fend by an.7 person interuted Ln goal. The Woman's Civic Club at Electl• PnclDct No. 9 ?Uwport Bea.di DtJIMlltal'y 9cllOol property of the City Off Newport dlnary powen u City Manapr. No. ?OS-Pre• the Tacation of aaJd portion of Garden Grov esponsored the cad- ELEC'nO'N PRECINCT NO. 3 Di.strict. Prednct No. 2 (Preciactl 811e~ all of the spec1&.l powers con.Iv· PubJlah May 17, Itel •Id alley heretoton ddcrlbed. cer drive under the 'able lea.der- shall lnclude all tbe area embraced :u in Clty Election~.?, 10; 11, 18; 9edJQn SOOI. Drd'laiCJona. 4.6.) Nd uJklrn him by this ordiu.net SECTION 6; ThiJI Remotutk>n of .hip ot Mra. Edna Gardner, wtap ' with the Ocean View Elementary 14 16 21 22 231 OYtJ J)tfmae, Al ued in t.b&e or by reaoluUon+adopt.ed punua.at SUOLUTION or· INTZMTION Intention Mall• be publilbed at turned over to the Orange Count)' School Dl.atrict. The' P6LL1No ·PLACE u.na cAapter, the term .. ct..U ct.f'en.W' thereto, all powan conf•rftd up-NO. SUl leut once 1111 Ute Newport-Balboa Bl'&Pch $1,003.41 . Gov't Authorities The POLLING PLACE therein 9l'1.all Mat the Corona del Mar... ..n n.-. the pnpan.Uon tor oa. h1m l>y any ltatute, &(l'ffn)eftt A &UOLUTION' or IXTl:N-Pre.~ a MWlpaper of senetal cir.. Harrly Riley Is· campaign chald- shaJl be at \be Ocean View Ele-meota.ry School, 4th alWil eai... ud Ule canyln.1 ovt of all erMr· approved bY" the city council, or 110N OF ntE crrv COUNCIL culaUon, printed, published and man for the Lagun'a Bt>8.ch Unll. to Explain C. M. P. ment&ry School Btillding. four t.ion, Corona de) Mar. Tbe poU. .-e1' f'Un.eUln9. other than ftmc.. by &A)' otia..r lawful authority. OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT circulated Jn the City of Newport t.run.ana tn all <'Onlrlbuted $l; The National Defense Produc· mile& north of Huntington Beach will be open between the houra ot Uo111 for• Wbicb .ult.arr '°"'" aAd In conformity with Sectla,l B&A.Cll DECLARJNO ITS IN-Beach, and uJd publication •hall 595.81. lion Administration on April 16th, on Highway alt.· The polla wiJI De 7:00 A. M. and 7:00 P . M.. are prb:aarily re8JIOll.8itl ... ta pre. M1•1 of lbti GoYemment Code. , Tll.NTION TO ORDER. THE be R"lade prior lo the date met for 1951 , announced their adoption of. open ~tweeu the houn of 2:00 OFFICZRS O.i' ELECTIOll tar ..-c., mlllimta, and npalr lllJmy to nerd.le ·complete autllortty CLOSING UP, VACATION thebeartngotall0 perw>001tnterut-SaL-Drive a Coritrolled Materiala Plan P. M. and 7:00 P . II. Jaid Election Precinct No. I: &ad da••sie nsulUnc' trom d.la-over the ~ty &nd to uttet. all AND ABANDONMENT OF A ed lD or obJecllng'to ll\e propotred IY-':J-fMP) covering the '1lllotment of OITICERS OF ELECTION tor lrulpector: Mrs. Anne Crowl ~· I\ o.baD not . lacltada. nor police power Tuttd in the .clt)I by PO&TION OF THE ALLEY vacatioQ1 controlled materla!s such as steel. said Elec:Uon Prednct No. 3 : Jude•: llra. J,ane E. Morpn doe• IAJ provisJom. at UU. ordt-the Conatitutkln and general ia... BETWEEN MIRAMAR DRIVE The a.hove and foregoing Re90-Ends Saturday copper and aluminum for the pro-- lupec::t.Gr: Jin. Allee I.Ambert Jl»dge; Mrw. Martha If. Cimo~ .ace apply to any cood.\lioD ,.... Sertk>n 250I. Ctvtl Defen.te and AND SEVILLE AVENUE IN lution ot Int~ntlon No. 3881 wu ductlon of goods durink the th1rd Judp: :Kn. Edwin L. Walker ham latln& '° a lUor c<m~lft1. Dlauter Orpnlatlon. An otn-THE crrv OF NEWPORT duly pa..ssed at a re~ meeting Red Shield tM)Cks ot the Sal-quarter ot thla year. Judge: lira. J . r. Place, Jr, The foregoing Reaolution wu (8) ~. Al '-' lD tltfo cera and empk>yeeo of tlli8 city, 1'&ACH. COUNTY OF OR-of the City CounclJ of ·the City of vatlon Army are. on the go this Secretary Hay Langenheim of EJeeftoa Pnclnct No. 4 paaeed and adopted •t a ~ ch\pter, tbe term "cna-.er'' aba.U tocfther with those vohmteet ANGI:, 8TATI: OF CAUPOK-Newport Beach,. held on tbe 14th week picking up castoff articles the Newport Harbor Chamber of ELBCTIOH PRECINCT NO. 4 roeettns of Ulf" Be.rd of 'hiateee mMB actual or thnatened enemy fQlfteo e:nrolled lo ~d t.hnn dur~ NIA. day of May, 19$1, by tbo follow-donated by Newport Beach real-Commf'tce state.a that the Unit~ llhall iDcklde an the area embraced of Orange °""8C. Junior r-at--au.di, -bolap, estraordlnary IDS a. dla9ter, lind,all groups. or-Co I t th Clt of Ing 'role. to•wtt: dent.ti who are partlcl-paling in th" States ,.Department of Commerce -•'"' ft:re. flood. etorm. e~lc, not. ~lu.tloa.e &ad per30na wbo may The City unc 1 0 e Y A~". Councilmen Finch, 0 ·m· h ted th 1 a.t Chamber within Uae aterlor boundaries ot Dl•trict of Oran-County. c.»-Y-"· N ~-0 ---• pursuant to the .1·£.0;J ..-.. annual salvage week campaign. ! aa reqve.a e oc . a-earth-•• or other aimlJa.r pub-f,y agreement or operation of law, •-,...--•• ~. aey. Greeley, Blue, IsbeD. to Inform Its members and all the JPoun~ain Valley Elementap" fornla. on tbe 12tl1 .. :r of March. 't._... 1 d ' Ned ltlt provia!ona of the "Street Vacation During the aalvace dt1ve, which Sehool Di.ltlict. l9t\l. k calamity. lnc u I.Bl' penoao pre o w:r-Act ot 1941 ... and all amendments NOES, Councilmen. None.~ endo Saturday, a spes:ial fleet qt other manufacturers and bWI~ The POLLING PLACE therein LOUIS CONRAI>Y s.dian 2&02; ctYtl DefenM and rice under the provtstoas ol Sec-thereto, be Ing Section. 8300 ABSENT, Councilmen, None. trucks la calling at homes an~ of-lnterut.a: in our area., that a mua Stall M at the Founta·ln Valley WALTER M. LONOMC>Oft DtlJIM• Council. Membe:rah!Jt. Uon 2506 (Cl of this Chapter. be lhn>ugh ss.31 or the Street.a and L. L. ISBEi ,J ., ncu for lhioW-away arUclep me«ttng~ for the purpose at es'· l:lement.ary School buUdiDI'• Tai-HARRY fl. LeBA.RO Tb.t Ctt1 of MeW)'Ort Beach Clvfl charged wtlb duties Ulcidenl to H'-hway• Code, doea hereby or-f'&Yor whk:h w\ll be J'econdiUoned tn plllhlln the new CMP fully, will. bert and BuabarO-Roada. The pol.ts D .. D. L.A.WHEAD DefeMe and Dl-..ter Council lo the protecUoa of life and pcope'I'· ~. reeolve and dec!are aa fol-ATTEST: • · wortlabopm of tb.e S&lvaUon .&.nii.Y be be 'ln Los Angeles at the wtt1 --~ bet"W&ft""'\.be !K>bn of . HORACE 1'".AJU<D · ba"ll.,.. cne\edt. a.nd..lllaaD ..nnrtst ty in OW dt7 dunps 8uch ~ I.owe: C. K. PRIEST, Social Service Center aerving this Hollywood HJgh school ~udJtor-· 1 OO p M -~ • 00 p ...., u--of Truieu of n---of t.be foOowtng:: ter, 9b.all eon.lltute th~ ctv11 d& City Ctetk. area.. tum, 1521 North Highland Ave., : · .. .....-u: · ..... ~ .., • ._. (A) TIM mayor, who Mall 'be (.n111 and dlault:r orp.nt&aUon of SECTION 1: That the public in-N •~p sd M 22nd. OFFICERS OF ELr.C'l'ION ter Cout J'unlot' o,nq. Dlltrtet __ .. 1 ui th o. 1uu-reu. The Salvation Army urcenUy at 2 p. m . on Tue ay, ay said Election Precinct No. 4 : Ona c::uumy Cllltfornla. ~ th• City or N~rt Seyb terat:..,,..,. conven ence req re e Publish May 17, 1951 . needs the rnaterfaili to contin.ue A tea.m of four rPpreaentatiYM Inspector: Mrs. Lyle Dw:ui 1t.rt'::.r: ct: • (8) The city n:a.a.nase:r. wbo 8ectl0n 2&07. DI•......., Ser-cJoems up and atw,ndoameClnt of a It. program of 90Cial r ehablllta-trom Washington will present the .JDC!p: Mn. Harry Fulton Pn..NSON lha!l be vlCe-cha.lrman and °'"' vk:a and 8Wf of the Cl'vU I>e-p&rt of an alley 'in the ty of ~"'OTWE INVITING BIDS km CMP 8tory on this occasion and Judre: Mn. John F'olkerta ~l.&17 of aid Boa.rd redol' of etri1 ddense an<.! dts-fen.ee and Di9Uler OrganlaUon. Nrirport Bee.ch,. and it ill the iJJ. NoUc:e la beret.y atWll that the t W1111am H. Adams, chairm&n of pi-lnle(f material and forms w1ll be DectkJn ~ No. 5 of Tn:lrtfta. wtu. The f'uocUori• tlDd dut.ip ot ·the tention of the City Council of U... BOud ot Tnll't.eea of tbe Orange the Newport Beach Salvage Week dlfltt1buted to those In attendance. ~· ~oN pn~~"CT NO. .. (C) The: ustatant dire<"tor. ap-Newport Be:8ch Clvtl Odeue and City of Newport Bea.ch t.q order ,...__ J .. -~ ~"-~-~ ed Id ~ There t¥iJl be a queatJOn and ~"" .~.. ~ No. 893--Preaa. lh folio--•-d 1 ••• --'~-ol ...-t I.IP.--~se ....,,."".ct of committee, urg res cnta wu~.1 Pubu-• u-•1•1., ~1 __,_,...,by lh• City Manage!' 'v1th Dtsa.ater 0-•1• .. tlon aMIJ bt e ~uig e.er ~ yuo•""'' ...___ Calif ad ed -·-er ~~oo· after the formal, ahall.~ude all UM o ea erobr.ced -· -3 ...-.,. 1 l1JU . ~ ,...,..__ N VT-....ge Count7, .. wtU receive have not alre y · respond ti> ---r -r1 ---------------------------the ad'f'ice and consent ~ the distributed among' such diviaio'.n~ an allf'y ln 8ald ctty of IOWJ)Ort bkte up to the boar of lO:OO A. M. call Harbor 0753 for a. truclt.. presentation ot the program. City Coundl, who. under Ul!C Ill· .ervicu &nd •pedal staff u the Beach. County of Oranp, State of on the 25th d8" o( May, 1961, al He ~inted out that diacard.s · CITY OJI\ NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA ;<<rrlCI'! TO CONT1tAC'l'OftS ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tlle otfiee vi lhe City cterll, City. Ha.II, ctly Of Newport Be&clli, C&lifomm. t111tU 7 :80 o'clock P . M.. on the 2Sth day of May. 19'1, at whtcf'I ttme they •ill be publicly open~ and read, foi pertonntas wol'tt aa follow•: CITY 'OF NEWPORT BEACH,· CALl70!UIIA For-the lmpnrrement of Balboa BouJeTard from Plh Stro-1 t.o 12th Street No bid w ill be received unlesa1 tt W made on a propoaaJ form f\ll'nlahed by the City Enctneer. Eacll ~HI Muot be llft<!l".,..nled by (cask. ~rtlfied or cashier'• check. or Jii~tf'9' ~f.\ ~ •)'&ble to U. ~ity al Newport llee.ch, tor an amotmt 1111\ld tO &t ltMI: t• percent f 10"'.+) of the amount bid, 8UC.h suaranty te be forfftled ebould the bidder to wbom Ule contract la awarded f.a.ll to enl.41' lato i,.he oontract. ' 1 In a.ccordance wi th lbe pro'li.atona of Beetic>U JT1Q to 1U1 ot the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach hu a.acerta.lned the general prevailing rate of wages applicable to the ~k ta be done a.a follows : - I) Bouriy Pv Dione CL...ancaUoa Waire 8rale Wa~ · Carpenter ............................. --.. -... -.... ---·-.. --1M IJl.IO Ce.men" Finl.a.her ........................ : ......................... 2.31 11.04 t.borers, Ganeral or Constructiool ....... ..__ ... 1.71 14-.00 Asphalt Raker and Ironer .................................. 1.96 15.60 Flagman ........ . ................................................ • 1.70 )4.00 Watchman and/or Guard .................................... l.9'7 11..18 .• Apprentice Engineer, including F\rema.1'. Oil8.r, Greaser ................................................ 1.93 AJ:r Compressor OptT&tor ············-·····-·······-······· 10I A.llphalt Plant Fireman ..... -... · .. --··-··-······-··· .. ·· 12.l~ Asphalt or Crushing Plant Eni'fneer ........ : ... 2.30 Coacrete or Asphalt Spnadlng. llecbaqlcal . Ta.mptnr or J"tnllllling Machlne Ope.rator .UO Cofterete Mixer .()penit~klp Type ------·-II.JI Heavy Duty Repairman ................ ----··-"2.SO Motor Patrol Operator, iachlding llAY tJPe of power ~ -····· .. ····-········--···-·-·-··· 1.43 Pump Operator -···--·--·~·---·--··-· 2.0B' Reller Operator ·······--·-·----···-----· 2-" TrM:tor Oper&tor -BuU-r. Tl.In,.., " ._ Scraper or Drac TYPe ~ or Boom Altacbmento ---~~. -------~-1111 ,.....,chine Macblne __ __:_ ua Univeraal Equlpn1ent Operator (&oft( Dral;ltne Derrlck,· De1Tlc1<•11arp. C!Om· shell or Cree) -····--·---···--l..IO Drivers oC Dump Trucka of lea than 4 ydL . 1 .... :rl.20 18.40 1&40 "·" 18.fO lit.« iS.fO 11.00 11.40 19.of 20.ao Water level ---.--· .. ··---.. ----·-·-'-t· t.aa ' 1._.. Ailey cl&lllflcatlan omltt-~ · • ; All ::. ·= ::-:. -~-;;·~1~-aw.-;-;;·~ .;;:1Clty = ..... eotllnate ot the quanUtlu of W<ll°k to be - No bid ...W be .-pied trOm. a Oilllltnct<W wllo h&o not - lleenae4. In a"'°"""""ce with I.be ~ ol Cllapte 9, DI-m 91 Jhtt!ana ...a PNfi1w\oa• Cod& PtoM ;....,, be -.-.. r-. ,of ":f:•· ""8da, _,_, uo ~ mo,y lie oMa .. ed ~ llla ot U. City '?alln•. City BaD. Newport B•dl. caJifamLL · ""'9, wpeaer .a.u.. .., ... 1u 1 :tlw '· t t1 • • ..._.. to tlli9 :'1'•41 al Req'*--ta ... O*tttolW" 7 IHll t9 a. Ml'* ftlla .r .,...,..i. for"'°-Al!lol'dM s.-·, 'J' 2111 City al'1'wpo;t --••=Ila 'flllll na tllJMt .., ·w&D.-• C1'n' OP NEWPeR1' iiu.oa. OALllatlQA :,. . 0. IL nnm'. Cli1' Clol1r oat.Id: May 18, 1Nl. . IJQ. lit l!r a .__..,. 17.-., 1ta • ' ; ____,_ ot the dir.ctor, shaft city council shall prtBCrl~ by Call(omta, to be •3 cated, do9c!d · H E D t ...... ·-·-the office of said School DlstJ1.ct., donated last year provldca thout-ome c . ep dew.lop civil defenm a.od dis-resoluUon. up &Dd abandoned, to-wit : located at 19951 S. Ha.rboT Blvd .. ands of hours of work t.herap:(, • • uter plans and orgaatae the ci.U Tbe ci ty coUDCil .lha.11 concur• A port.loll of that alley M Co.ala Mesa. Callf. at which time met.ls, 1l~ \* a..".ld financial a t>~lst. F ' ' T tee ·~-and dl .. Mer --"' ot n:ntly With the a.dopt*9 oC •hl• shown upon a Map of Tr11.et ete.s fUS 5 u.. r·-··-·· ......,. said bi~ will be publlciy openPd ance to needy and Jt;clfl"icapped lhl• city. a.nd ah.&11 have 9Ut.h chapter, adopt a reeohatlon MtUna 144• recorded ln Mlacellaneom for the fb.m.Wllng" of the follow· veterans ant non-,ete-f"8.1111. other duti• as may be asalgnl!d forth the form of or-·'-:tion. ~. Boolui SO, Paaa 6 and 8 ... .., 'ft--0 o ••t d Memben of the Orange Cout ..... ...._ .. n--_.._ t ~-~-t J.ng: Soda and acid fire atinpiab-r 1ga ••. er n.a.n90n . u or , d bJ' the cUNctor. eatabllshment and designatton of '· nc>..:Or ...... o "" .... p ~· y, en. The akl Board ot Trulltees man.i.ger ofthe social service cerl-college Board of Trustees an tD> 8uc1' deputy dl:rwtora an.t dlvtalons a.nd services, the aaslg:n-State of California and more shall be Ute 80le judp of the ter, tl&id there is need iClr used adrnin18trators will be . the dinner elate.I• of operatlnc d.U defe.n• met of functJon r.. duties and partlcu.larly deeertbed aa fol· merits and qualltlcationa Of the elothlng, furniture, home appll-gueata of the Home ~~omlc:s aad diaater depa.rtmeni.. eer-powwa, the designation of off!· lows: equipment offered, and ,..erves ances, radioa, bedding, dlahet, department May 17 at six o clock. ...._ ar dlvtnona u a.re provld-oon aad employeea. tn.aotar u Bepnntng at the moat the rig!it, to. r,:ject. alJ lrii..·and lo .n~pen. m~tn;es and t m1 Chicl<.eo.a raised .. on the ,campul «I for 'll'/ ttoplutlon pu1'9U&nt to poalb!e. the foM'O ot orgw,nlz&(lon. ao<nllerly-.:trnor ot Lo,l 16 ot walvi ..,1 lpfom>'!lt~y, bid. ~litt-oi! .,i;clOt"li\ j ,. , 'l• < ·ril.~JUrf?f !IM>t!'tii1r0,~yn ll!E'll Ude -· ' • ' lllleJ ..,~ ti.tnwldt9cY ;i\al1 con-:~1.:t~~lyNlibil..,.g'ti'.1.1.."~ Advol *"" Mli·17\ 190{;• ·~' . Ii f v~ +:..,,.. ll..!JL . 16'' '6c·-"'f: _,I .. "'* .,.Fu . g (I:) Buch repreeetatlveo of form to the recommendatioa.o of 0 in Dat . JI 21. 193l I 11 L" • M · aa the ma. ft C<1D"'Se. 0 eivte. bvstneu. labor. veteran•. the redes:al government and the Wf'9lerly line of said Lot 15 ~O :~ A.eM. ay .• er IYllHJI ~ dinner the guests 1will attend' the prof-•·' 0.,. otheT arprllu-Civil Deterure a.cency of the Slate lo the moat westerly line ot Signed. . "Evening of T en " produced by Mt. tlDD.8 ba9'ag an otftda.I -p or of C&llfon.... aak) Lot l:i ; U.e.nC:e aoulherly B . on Sale at Market Walter Prill and hi.a drama de---along lh aoolher._ _..__ A91L H. PETERSON. M I orp.nlsatkm · civil defett.ae &Ad Section 2&08. Pua.Ltbment of e ·~ ..-·--aa·· Sec., Boa.rd ot Tru!ltees. partmenl. . dtauter responslbWty u roay be VlolaUoru. It shall be a mJede-lion: of MJd moat westerly line No. 700-Ptea. The June luue of Bifl•J'ER Campus guesta for the ~venlnc- lnt-.. b ...... with th me.a.nor, ntm•ah•ble by a ftae of to I!. ill\eneCUOA ·With the Pub"·• "·y 10 , 1• ·-•. UVlNO, tbe new-rnavllZlnt .......J.. tnclude M.r. and Mrs. LoW3 Con· appo o;ou 7 .,.._ mayor e r. no-'•~ ··11 prolonpt' -of l.IAll ,... • ~~ ··-. .. ...,u ' -~ -ad'rice and coaeent ot the city not to eueed .SS00.00, OT by Lm· • ...... ~ Kai ' eoied by Super Market Instilu~e rady, Mr. and Mrs. Harry us· council. prtaonment for DOl to ex.Cff4 aix the most. aoutherly liD• of Lot ~ OP Bl181NE88 a.nd bac)ced by the McCall eot--Bard, Mr .. and Mrs.· Walter Long-. Section 2503. ct.U Defm.e and montha. or both, for any ~ 18 of said Trut No. 94-3; Jl'\oUtt ... nrm Name poratkm, will go 011 sale next moor, Mr. &nd Mn. D. D. Law· Dteuter Coundl. Powers and dlatn& a' dlptter: thence southeaaterly a Ion C' THE UNDER.&lGNmD do here-week at the Alpha Bet.a Marke~ head, D;r-&{Id Mra. Horace 1-'arlt· Dull• It llbaU be the duty ol (A.) Wllf\llty to obst..ruct. ~ aa!d norlhweetufy pto!cmp-b)-ce.rtlfy that the7 are conduct-Alpha Beta Food Markets, Inc. er, DI;. iand Mra. Basil H. Peter· the Newport Be&cb ctYll d.renae 4er or delay any member of UM Uon to a corner of aid Lol 18• lnl' • Chicken Ranch 1Naineu at la a member of Super Market *-aon, · br. and Mrs. James W . and clieNter cwncU, and ltqla ctvtl defenae and dlsuter orp.nt-•n0h!thchw~rnerle7r ~-81th-9e1 _:~...! 2235 Harbor Boulevard, ea.ta. .Utute, the trade asaoclatlon r! Thornton, Mr. and Mn. William h by ~ to vi d enf t . .-1 • ..,.... ........ u-• M ~·11 · und lh ti I ~ k F . Kimea, Dr. and Mra. Blll J . ere empower... n ew b.UOll tn the orce.men -v.1 any .0...tberJy cotner of ald Lot ea. ........ ornJ&. a e ct -owner -manag~ super mar e, rffoatmend tor adoptklll by tM lawf'Ul nale or resuJaUOn luuect ue t1rm name of Kall Ranch who9e aJog-an .. that there ma.y ~ Prft'at. Mr. and Mrs. Frederlck citJ COUDCll, civil de:tena aAd di.a-pu.nuanl to this Chapter, or ln ·~t 1::. n :c!.th~':!.';;te~! Company and lbat aid firm Ls more tor au•• la demoMtra~ Huhes and :Mrs. Marie V. H4wea._ ut.r and mulua.I a.kt -pl&n.9 and the performance Of ~ duty lm-ot Mid Lot le, to the polnt of oompoeed ot tbe following pe,... daily by their low.cost ;qual~y Dln:ner will be prepared and qntemel)bl and Sl\C1l ordinance-po9ed upon him by Virtue of this .... .-.. .. 1.. • .IOU.. whoee namu 1n ~tull and food product.a. served by members of the OCC and rnolutioa• aaa rula and Chapter; ""'6 .. AO-..... g.. plaee8 or rutdence are u follow.. BE'M'ER LIViNa aJma to d fooda clus. Students serving the --•l•tk>rie u an ·niece--to Sa1d portion of Kid alley to be to-Wit: . the busy houeewtfe who ahon• dinner Will be Kazuko Aoyama. •••--,, (8 )--To do any act fOl"bfdde.n •-_.__.. __ ....... __ ,.__ r----• .,,._~---· J •· l.mpl.ernant such piaaa and .,,...... vaca:-...-.. up a.nu _,..,.......__.'""' ......,~ ..... ...-~ .uper mal;k.et.L The 100 .. pa Rlch&rdl Buma, Lorraine ou.., by any 1a"1'ul nllee or regulatlono I.a rnon c1ftlt7 o.bown on a certain · June ,_;_ ofte-a w'-•·•~ Maril""': Peroni.. Joyce Purcell, -Tl)• civil defenoo ud di. laued punruanl to lhla Cha.pter mep a---' and-~-',_ the Elgbl 1. Ball 2235' fl&rllor --•• ~ r • ut« COUDcll -'--'' -~ upon all --• l . .,.,. ... ,..... _,...._ •1 Bavd. "'---K-. ....... u •.• • ldeaa tor warm. weather' ea g Cyntbi&I Taylor, Alice Valmcta --... ..._.. 11' auch act la of .--... & na utt u City Councll of the Ctty of New-' .....,_,. '-'&U.I· and VI ryoun ... Plana for tbe din· ot U. dt.a.inn&n or In hie at>-to give. or be likely to. pve u-Umited Partner-and ltvtnr. The maJl7 ttne 1r:~ • .ace ttoni tbe Cl*v or inablUty . port 8-ch for a&J4 ncaUon. clo. 0. W IUc..,._. S4U Via ln fretJI. produce d-..._,~t.. t ner are w:ader the direction ot Mias • call h v the aista.n.ce to tl111 enemy, or to im· lnl' up &lld ahapdonment, by ae... . . .._..., ~a-...... Patricia Koore, inaln.lctor lD to wc ~ upon peril the nvd: or property of ln-.utum dated lla7 14, 19&1, and Udo, Newport BMcb. ,callf. Ulla time of year an apotuch Home t"r.co:nomlca. call of Urie Viet c:halnaan. habitant.a of Uli8 City. br to pre-WlTNES8 our. h&adli ·OU. Ith wtth a major feature on a ~arle y _ lectkm 2604. Dlrector of CtY11 tS•p.&Ud .. ~ Not SUO,'' --of llay, 1161. of cool. _ _._• allt4' rr-;:;' ', ••t. h1ndlr or delay the deft:nmt .-.t-. -~ --.._ ru in tll ~ ---r -Dot-and Dtaaer. -... and o• protactJon• tlwwof; w~ -_, -on • • ELOIN 1. BALL ado, trult •l•da, main _, ' Awr, Cool• act °"~ 'nleni la ._Y c-ted otlloe or llie City Cl<rk of the CltJ 0 w RICHARD All are e&l1 ond -.dcill . U..-ot en-tor of civil de-~~~2.~ ~.~~:...c:o:?'y~~ot' ~__!~ Bto·~~. ~--raco-~ titale of~ . prep&re and.-. on -ew .Col•-f-Ud dlaaater. w•~-• __ .. ,, -· ~ • ~·•J' - -.._,. or •~ OOQnlJ flf OlUi'! .. AnotJ>er foed f.Uun 0 ~ TM tllrectGr la bortl>J' ..,. ldontlllc&llaa ~ by the dvll lher ~ u le lllil l"oi-ed ON TJllS 9th ~ ot May, As D. ut • to tile iv.u-sre la ·~J i-Lot . · pow-: · ' defen. -din..,.• &PD!'Y "' -..cation, ctnMnc •P ud ebandcm· flM!l,-~ --.t•. WIDmff around a low-eoot eold -~ ""'7 (A) To ~ tlMI dty -I.be Stat... • ~ ment of oald~of -alley, • Notaa'PubUC ta and tor tlleald tar. 'lbe blc attractlol> la1 •II lo procUlm u.. ... _or-~ON " --Date. ---p la made & po.ft ol CoomtJ' -llt&ta, I I 1na1 --·-made wttll~ ~ 03'.!:~ collep ·Bolrd of U..teMd mwt...,. ol a dlalter Tbi9 ord~Mert » bent>y declared thil .Rtlala'._ to UM: ....,_aten·t tn... ~ e0.m' "aned and .,..m, ba.m ~· ,....;e,,,,.l"D04-t Ud · ~ttt at their lut rneetlq ac-- -U.. tar8l1Mtloe u..-t, If to be an --.., .. ,.. .. --,...~a., If tile -.,.... ~y appe&Nd O. W. lllch· PartyllllA ~ -. '· oei>te<! io,., bkl of SullJ'·llllllU lh4 c14t o>wlcll .. ID' ••I.. or -.Y f°' UK ••-ta Pl 1 ' • -... ..,.._"' fUll. • a..i. and J;lctn 1. Hall l<m •• to pi.tler M4"'~ a eon.#t1on company o! Oraqe lo -ouch pro<h*Ml.lon If •lhA !7atla ot U.. ,._ -.J>•tlla w;,tJ'oN 2: 'l'bat U.. pullllc i. .,. to l>e the pet-_...._ Allof -11111 ....at ~ . Jle,711 for the Jnotallollan ol dQI> ~ 1e -ta r..: .. ; lolld ..r.c.y, ud -tab .a.ct --«l!-1eace .., -are ..,_ ~ --In· potato. mail!I .ou...r -_ A,;[ an autdmobile praktq.tot to ..,.. 11>1>,lect to •·-tm llJ'' U. ~=t.q~ ~ == !",_! .~-~ U .. -.. ·-CI~ ol .tt.·~ .,_t, ond •.k-18¥ to 1,!!ller.._!'::':::I, .~ :!*' 3i ~~~ -~ ~-~ ~ ~ dty OP""t'P at U. e&r"ti..t P'¥"' -t;J5 #\,.1l19 --.1oc,, -. ~ ,.._\. -1De u.t laeJ' "IBlll'Oll tile W. 'V .... --.--. .. ._ lOCat;-. .__ u...:: ~..:-• .,.. - •Iii,, um.: · ~ lt.waeot',t: &t0tr11Mc1tr' 111paadew lw DfWttHm.,W...,.,,Jt..w • ..,., .. ....,.t.;.,clf eampueudw1Jlbe•dlrectl7aou&Jt (Ill "' nq-Ille Ooo•• TIM l'OCloeo' -tJ' II-. -. no•N -Oltept -llle M ato -', -:r---UVllfQ. Y'!tllilM o.ad ot lhA '10!' ~. -. ... ._....a -al ---"' .. ~ eo---a·· -...... ,fl ••. ..,. lllfldat .. ~ -,._ ---.... Tbe' IDt wtll be com,.iete4 ,llltd _ I IWJ'.-. -, .... "' -t ___ ,,,,._. .,...._.::~it... .. :-:-~ .. ::"' att -~Oortltk:Me--wrlt· ol *'ll'lc·-·-.. w I b .-dy'1for""" ~°!.::"'ii: .. ~ Ge rwau 1 of t.11111 plll.D. ftlll' u. tltyll tW P of. Qi _, e6 ewpaa -. "l"szN1• ...., ~ Maeelra _,.,.. aext _,,_..... · ..,. or....-ue t1t11ate te -,., 'fta-. al~ -a 111 oC a pw 11 ' (R•Q -Rll[le ..-. a. "'•" u..t Dat ,,_ &:J - - --7 1 5 , •'• Ill -• •=I ,..m .ept· a -lll8'o r •••1 P. ~-pt"• ti) • .. ,.... .. Ill !loo lot and -(0) To I ---a. •1' 1111 ... -_ 5 ID • ...... ~ .. I II CC dilr. I I '11 i' 1 b/M/UI Ml sns -ft 111» M ... wlll lle,1'0 <li""'I ot ~ -.. ~ .... ···· ....... -a n«••llW' ...., .. 11111 "' ''• •lfJb•·-tll&• I'll .-&tlT11••wnn1 ... n,r ........ b)'otuhl -• ···-.,, -all7 l!llr "OYll.D as= Ad.,, Jll(M .... --· -•I .. -.,, • Sr,.._. -..iT-11..U. llOL ... I -. ...... •"*(! fto. "'~ ,, ... tM .. c~ ;r a · nt or ui. .,..... o. .,._, _ _. tM '* n • o ""'.,,.•-.·ct'' , --. ••• · •a ss-. cums ar-... Pcf~ ts .... fMI. fll Ge ;m~ ,_ ~ ., ..._ at a·:e; -. .. _.,,.., 111 '''' Q;a dfll _. ..... as o Jsrt •=--. ~ sa II' a. llJFd'N • .. ._. a · 12 sd1 _...... Pf•• .... la,. ... (D) • ..... .. -a cat ........... ti IJ ... •. 7 • -.... • ~ .... !"¥* £11& .. ..... . J. ..n,. .. • • • ' • I ' • • • • • -' I I I I l . ' ' ' ' .1 ' ·' .. ' .1'~6E t -PART II Tt'ftlk~~r• ~y ~7. l~I .~Pffst ~hurch ·~ iV!V~ ·. ' ~· SP,!11'°'2 Subiect ,, -·ML'" ~us 'PUSS · _ ~-.:..."' ria.-kl-... tl>e --,, . . . . . . . . . . . --Jild -"" Ibo J \:4)0 .,,. j 1 < • :"· -t t .. --~~ ~. lM f\nt C~liege: Reveals i -Gakfenirig <u~ ~~g;~ Graduation Plan~ May ·~~-m f a!r ~~ .. iE!~~~~::,: Graduation e.Xercllea at On.Die Bl ' R•bbo i.t ·t:8Q""8,. m. SUJ'tday., Mtd~•·eck cO.;st CQllege wlll be held June ue I n att'fk:e. o,t pu~r Ind 'Otble •tudy 1• and the 1961 clus wtll hear an WUl-C\WIUT'lo!llce at 7:16 P· m. \\I~ acldl'OM by or. William c. Jon~ ~ .P.1ncttme 'wtofher ilVIDI ~--~·----p~de.nt or WbltUer Collep. Y'OO: the p~ln .. orp ! Miu Doria Ruf, chairman of the Au )'OU nee<j la a 6lllbll7 ~ paduation exerclae co m m lttee. thumft . and a UtUe com~ .. announced. sp1rtt io crow 90m.Uatnc to ex· ~urea.le .er-vice• will be b.lblt tn tht 1151 On.nse County bela ob June 10 at 5 p. m. with P'al he<luled t Au-"' 111-11 Rev. Thoma.a R. Pendell of Chrlat ,r ec or •-r · ' ~by the Sea" delivering the ln~::"~.-iner TOu mfJbl wtn~ a • Dr. Jone• halJ been chosen lo blue ~bbon and-a ·cub. 'ward fqr prue.nt the' commencement ad-your dlap!aY of • few carTOl.a, • dreee tn honot of the &Ot.h anp.l-bUnch of radlllla. or • few ean veraary of the founding of Whit-of corn. You could lbOW' ~p YoUJ' Uer Colle e. The Rev Joaeph H. neighbor and do • lltUe bta&'cinC g · over the back fence. 'l'bompaon. pulor of the ~ta u· tlm t at&rl pl ••• d M"8 Community Church, wtll ~ e 0 . ann~ f" nt the benediction and in-perhllP3 plan~& now fQr elfhlbtta =1on. ln . tbe comlnr fair, accotdlnJ to A rou•lcal program will be pre-Al H . Call of Anaheim, eupel'Yil- Mllted during both services under or of the agriculture &nd borticul· th• direction of Mr. Kenneth lure eJthibtt departrnenU, and th.e Boettcher. A similar program honorary dlvta!on cba.lrmen. Gard- ril be t d at the 80ph<>-enera are betns Invited to i-rtl· preM.n e ctpate. Tb6 1181 PrtmJum Ii.It ~ ~uncheon on June 14 ln the boo)c.ieta, showing all dllplay dlvt.- . S~n!red by th e freshman Iona, rulea and recul&Uona iot ex.- clam. the annual Prom will be hlbtto~a will be ~y tor frtt dia- trlbuUon •~t June 1. ~Id •l the Sant_& Ana Ebell Club Award& in tMae two exhibit ~ on June 2. Mu.sic for the dancing tme will be _,, t di> wtll be provided by t.he Men , par , nu •• ven or . A beut Town. under the direct\On playa of snJn, dried beua a.nd ' ot Mr. Euat.ace Roja.a. The dance pe.., fleld and garden eeeda, t.o- 'wt11. be formal for ~rll : men will .matOH. 3T varSetJe, of pi,nt veg•· 'ffe&.r ault. or 'formal dreu. Dane-t.a.blee, 14 v&rieUu Of root ve1e- Jnic will belfln al• 9 t>-m. . tables, &nd even melona, pu.nlP"'' The committee ln charge ot klrw aquuh, ornamental gourd.a. m&klng arranremenl• tncludes. ln augCoar ~~t•~~d,_su~1~w~. . addition lo Mias Raef, Mr. Corne-mpe~ -· 111 _, ~ng &r llu.s Steeltnk. Mr. Wealey Mole, rangeJ for a w~e. variotv of. horll· Mr. Kenneth Boettcher, and Mr. I cultural .paqducU lJ\ citr\Ja. de· FNt.nJt Sha uaJ.sted by a ~up ctduoua &nit; 11ub-troplcal eQtbtt · · w, a·-1 dlviaiona of Student• lncludtng Carll On J A_, ul. t al and h It 1 lt'eara, eophomore cl&.8111 prexy: a••C ur urt1cu ura Thoburn Thompeon. ln charge of producta are gf'n~rally 1.romJ.n.ent. •-· Dori• Holmes •-ly dlsplayl'11 tn comnl\lnlty fealur~ announcemen..... • u'" h.bl A.ma -~-charre of the sophomore lunch-u 1 u., teur 5-.&~•en and ; eon. and To Buck who wtll ar-farmera may greatly &Nial their ' 1Jl ' th · community or local orpnl&atkm ::!:t for the cl&.88 gift lo e by •UbmlUing the finest of the!r :5(~e:( Uu,$-. HO . 'lli. CAN p: •. A R 5 1 L&. · crops to be included in thie type of exhiblL Mav Dinner for Stagettes Community C~urch < Corona def Mar Good fr-tends and a 1ood ta.ie • rntxm wt-I! with " generoua por·. Jn ob8ervance ot Trinity Sunday Hon or • hoap1talltv when Mrs. MAY 20, thC Rev. Paul Edward C"...,.c,. Kiln~ of 878 W . 18th street.. Babbitt. mlnlater of the Comnw· Co-•ta MPMl. f'ntertaln~ al dinner nttv Church of Corona del Mar. ''"~t Wff'k for the Slagettea club. w ill tUJe u h 1s subject at both U'le n~nr:htln st tl'IP members were ex-9:4$ a . m. and the 11 a. m . aer- q\J\slte fir.or!""'" and oth,er sou-1 vicce ... Can we• Know God?.. He venlr• prearut.ed them by Mra. wt1: show that knowled1e le ptn- Lou Lock,.,~ tti.s mementos of ed. not only by reeetvtn.s tnlonna- tt-r recf!"tl.v concluded aojoum in Uon and by way of exxpk>raUoe. Jihxlco Citv. bot alao by LnsJght a.nd by tnrer· ' Th• dlnlnJr table made an ex-ence. cepttonaly lovely P1.c ture, the The Ctiapel choir will sine "The ~ec-oratlve "npolntment. fashioned Lord !JI My Shepherd" by Koechat by Sul!l le Kline. young daughter ;0 the 9 :46 a . m . aervlce: and the motif there wu • graceful May CtlMceJ Choir wtll sing 'lo Thee, J>ole. from which pastel Colored o Dear Dear Saviour," by Mendel- of the houaehold. As the centn.I aobn tn the 11 a . m. service. ribbons radiated to arU.tlc little Organ muak: wtll Include "An- bukets In m11.tc hing hues. dante" from Sonata Putioral. b)· Mrt . Clara Ba?age waa the re-RJteinbea·ger: "Air" from Overtun- -~jplPnt of the door prize. A ~eat ln D, by B&ch ; '"Prayer" by Hol- of the evening wu Mn. Rose tins ; "Morning Bona'' by Pac.hul- McKlver of S&c!ramento, si•ter·ln UI; and "P'antahrle." by 8Josren. in·lew of t he hoate88. Member& The Sunday ec~ nreei. at eritoyln1t fh,. affair included 3 :46 a . m . Both Junior and Sentar Mmes. Mae Felker, Lou Lockwood, High Pilgrim Fellowabtpa meet at Clara BAd&ge, Marge Brockett of 8 :30 p. m . COsta Mesa, Daisy Sullivan and The Pilgrim Cbolr, tncludlns a11 ~ma Poupart of Newport Beach. bo.ya and gti'la tn lf&du f, D ltJld ~ible College Prexy Entertains for Graduating Class Or. and Mn. Irvine J. H&rrt.,n entertained sixty guest.a, membert or the 1graduatlng claa of South· ~rn California Bible Coltere. at a formal dinner Tueeday night Lr:' their new home at · l~ Irvine Ave.. Costa M-elA. Dr. Harr18on hu bff:n preeldent of the college for &even yeara and has h~ld -a formal dinner for cnduatlng studeai... every year. 'th1s le the flrat dinner for the hrst ctus to graduate from the new campus In Co.ta Mesa. School offlcl•la invite the public t.d attend the baccalaureate a.nd commencement exerclaee or the college. Bacca'aureate ceremoniee wW be held Sunday at 3 p. m .• M.ay 21 at the Orange Cout Col- lece auditorium. Commercement , ex~rc.lffa wilt be held at 7:46 p. m . Monday. May 28 at Long Beach Municipal auclitorlum. - s wtu rel\lm•· tts retteanaa l&a PU- grlm Ha~I on Mond&1 attena~ tmmedlately alter ecioo.l. . Convention Reports at Zonta Meeting A .short bwltneea RUkm WU held by Mn. Helen Steckton, prec1ldent, at the rqula.r lo.oclleon mNtln&' of the lcKJ:ta Club of Newport Ha.Thor. Thuieday at noon tn Norton'• ~e. Of lntA_re•t to au memben was the report by Mra. Ml'dred 8t.a.n- ley, put prealdent, of ruol.uUona adopted at !he Zonta Sprtns Con· rerence of Dtatrlct Nine In Sa.n Fl'anoiaro In April. In cooperation wtlh the NaUon· '1 Defense Pfognm it wu YOted 'o have each club member take l.natructton In tre&lm•nt after u- plosion. a.nd that eacb club ap- point a Civil Dcfen.e ·Cha.lrman. Mrw.I Stockton WU e.&ec:ted U ~lecate to attend the Nattonal ConventJon of Zonta in Ch.lcaav tn June. Seafaring Lodge Press Women to Join Others to In stall Career womao. Mra. Irene R on Catalina Trip • Bedard, Hlbblug. Minn., pnuddenl On Satul'day. May .i. e..tutilr of the Natlan&I P"ed,eralk>n of kidge. F . ..a A. M.. will join Preea Wont.en, enrout.. to nation&I wtlh lb.tee ot.ber coaaty lod&el lft prei*women'• convention in Se--a ,trip to CataUJ;La Where Uiit' ~:rd attJe. Waah., May 30 to June 2. degree wm hie adln~ lo MW wtll circle wutward May .%\ to of-Members. 1'ho3ft ~ wtn Ww flclate at major preuwomen't '!&fly ta the altunOiia &ad ntunri evl>nU. , \lter ~ · , · Mn. Bedard will pouent fa .~ li>oftul lhOtldni cllf&:No - cliarter to lhe Callfol'.IUO Aaoela-.sem_pllfi.c 1oci117, W.• tloa 'b- tlon. Of l'reoa Women and -ll ijDo direCtWr, lor'lift!l"O Of 114111 ottlcen at lb<tr ~ nioetlnr at MollOlllo 41-·te ..W-·tloa W- ille l>acttlc Clout Club In ~ ~ W.... ...... llMtlw .... Beadt Sa?lrdaJ, M07 118, ol "'1.fcl> :flllli'• joiDad' irltii _... lft llm• Mra. Helca )(jllff Mall<>da ot 'tl!fl: IDs tM rto' t ' ; •II II, ~ Ooll.t, ,_ "' i-. 9"Jioa._ -~ ...,, ........ Nallcnal ~raU.. Cf ...... &ail dtloll" .-..•llrtl!ls Iii...,. I :=a = "::~'."° ~ ::: = :.: Wlr. "~ -:-i.: ·io.'lerGrllnteofo.&rdla~ 'h t' _B u ·1trs ws ...._. -and -· Qiirrle i-.... b ..-~ ot -.. _.., ·• at1:x:r~. a 7' •• Nit prljd•t. • -• _ QA-II._ ,A1111 •• •• • .. • t'm-- AS ... • • • I~ OZ9. llO. 1~ CAil IL8 . 1°3 01 S. NO. 303 CAii t 1.11. I OZ. 11.0L 27 I PK.I).. c • tOcrz.. 19J Pl<<r. l:l en. -If~ _, • / ' . • i . I IMl•I AU 'IHI IHl•S THAT llA~I l~~TY MIAIS• llC:ILL•IXPIRll•Cl• K•OW·•OWeAN• A DlllRI TO PUT ra1 a11T MIAT o• Yo•• TAaL1r~J . 1 • • • • • • • T"I !111111 AND WOMIN IN ALPHA 81TA'I OWN PACIUN8 HOUla -. . ''"'''''" ''"" ..... ,. ... , _., tt•'· MA~I A 1tULl 0 OF THiii 'OUlt PO.IN'r' Al 1 :rHIY HANDLI AMlltlCA'I ~a(CATTLI~ 4LPllA·llTA' . ~WN WAii 11/ . • . • ;. • I ' • "' I .. ,,, ,,, •. , '" .. • lllOOo ewe •o -1'> ~-. ! 1 OJ:~ / C 0 RN ca1a11 ··11YL1 ~f""~.V"4'17t ' O C.1.U& ... • CA • • ) ' T U N A cinillu a Pi.a u 'S1JcJ.1M..i29 e 3.b-\f ' .· 10-is~ • . I , ~-. ··r. ' ' .. , .. •5•alM. D llU UR G1•iit" •se · 9a.e a-26J_ 1ae I 4Se 2•t . ' ,,.,, ·a••. . ' 22# ' • • ...... •· • ' - I