HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-24 - Newport Balboa Press.. • .... "I • ·< • • ,. . li/elt .bfUt , . . • ··• T: If. l"lllU<lll"I GADID ).l'liere~ -"""'1 -pllmeo, ~-,_.,,.. ""--' -..1n~ ~ Kanalla"a pc~ for ' ~ ol Illa •1111117 of aanexr N Ooota M-to New...,rt ~ W.:>r1.,...-. -· I -~ Once'r I haven't heard .. a alng1' , pe.--llJ"OUclllng at an~ ~ · P~· In fact, the subf Je!:t • .ot coot& M.-n. Newpc,lJ1 ~y had -almoel tab<><\ aJid • rtn aurpTllNd that Pn.ncf.I Ud the tnt,eotlnal fortJUlde tf b_!loc up the aubjee\. · ~ .. merely proii-• wide atu4 ot II>• problem, '!flth flndlop to bO placed beto"' reoldenta ot boll> communlUea lo c:laar, cold fact.I. No prop&pJUla. no chamber olf comnw-ce pol·bolllll&'· JU>l OUCl/-ly wllat the altuatk>n le ln Coot& Kea now, what beneflta lt coW<I derive from such an alliance anb what the h&rYMt would be from ~a unJon. Honet:t. ln other -yeara. such a propou• would have ral9ed a etorm which would have rocked tHe Harbor .area to lU toea. But. all of a suddell. folk• belln Ullt.nln~ -thloldor a blL I thlok the way be made hi• propoea.1 had muCh to do with the C\titude tcr day, and lf it did, the week's ecratch on the back goes to Hor- ~! l. peraonally, feel like many other Meu.M who have 1poken on ~ matter. I 'd like to know what benetlU auch an act woukl brlag: to Ute Maa peopl9, and bow it would J,e worked, and what it ,.-ould coet. There are ao many &nctee to be contklered that it'd take an Einstein to figure out the wlaole situation, I'm atraid, but tt'1 an elegant idea. The study, I mean. Even a cursory 1lance will as·, l\lff anyone that Coela Mesa is grpwtng, and but ful. The aCoree of new houaee which • . • • ' l - ms PUlli ' . • A.-mlm>rol~­ nlplell1 11eve1oplnc ..,.,. ot the-Cellfcimla South Coutal l:mP\ff VQLUME ·Xll • -· • l • • PHONE HAJ\BO~ till& ' FIND BODY Of MISSING GIRL NewJ><>rt Beach '"""" ca11e<1 .,..;.,. parttdpat.NI. ne itn •ff the~ la Ibo Upper 8&7 dt_...,.s -~· reP• fOr the bOcty or 10-year-CurnaU..V beta& Wd la, eM· old Patrtcla Jran tlull t B nectloa wtt:ll tM dtNtJe&raRC 0 uena of the strt. w.e .,.,., Pen& Park when It WM anttllunced MrCNdl•, M., a eosvletM that her body had been found morals offender. It wu polaUll ~8h.ortly befo"' noon today, out after the dMeovel'f Of die 11wntday, In Trabuco caa7on, (trfa 1'ody IMt. JfcOndl.Ml Iliad 36 mlleft from Buc-cna Park by bttn tam.Illar wltll tlwi resto- county fo"'8k>r, JOf! Schermann, wherf' tbe Nd,)' ,,.. f....t. Ao- biit:MI of the county fire Mpert-onrdlnc to polio& ....,,..tlea, 11&- men.L Cn.clcf'a had beea ~, &A l'~orrskr Schfonnarui WM tip-tbat area wbUe a .,.. .... jf a peel off by a Tn.bt1co rNldt>nt road l"M'I' while •ntac t*-e fer who had 54"tD a car an..-.Wfflns ""'fmtns to report M a .es ot- the dr.8Cript!oo put out by poHC'f' ft-ntk-r. · aut.horltlf-s. \\'hf'n found, the body "'&5 fuU_y clothed, not clh-- membered. and ""a& llJhUy oo,·. ered ,with It.ha.le. F\adlnc ot the you.n.c ctrl'• body brousbt to ....., f"ftd the l'"f'Nte&t §earch ln California'• h18tory ln. wbleh mo"' than !000 ' ·' -. • • • " • llVING THI IN1tll .. ' ~RT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, KAY 24, 1951 t SIXTEEN PAGES OF OUR CBILDREN-lbed._. drlvPrs lmperfl tile Mletj of ov dll&dretl maay ttmea dally eceord.ln.g to .elaool bus 4tt"" UWb.tte:1" Fredericboa, wttb their reekiMe di•reprd fOf' · ; ti-amc rulN ud niplatiomt. In U1ia "'oe-ttae..pat" photo ~n '~ at FID..Wy A,·e. and Newport BJ''d., with tbe K hool buA , lllraal\ np. a.ad cblldnln la the peri.te.trlan Cl'Ol!lllW&lk. a 1 driver, nevertheleM. apttdA. by, dl9repnllac tt.e law and eDd.a.D.c- erlal' -.chool ctt.lklren. If you're a drt,·er, make tAuti Uaat. the penon endan.pr'Uls our Chlldttn '8a't YOU. ( PreBB PJ\olo) 1 • .. I ' ..: • . NUXBER 13 SU I M.ER PLAY ' Pt 'NS AWAIT · COUNCll OKAY I Setloua: oorudde:raUon of a huge ·re-creation area for Newport Beach • C pro~ly lo the Upper Newport Bay •rea) waa urge(I by memben of lbe Newport Beach Pa.rk., Beacb. and Recreation Commission ln tllelr meeUng Wedne8da.y night t.n the oftlcee of the ctty manager. Appointed u repreltent&Uvet: of the Commission to lnvesttgate the pouibWtiea for the devtJopment ot suc~p1-yground were Uqyd Wood, Normata Killer and A. Alea.- a.nder ton. Theae three men will meet with the city council and inte"'rest.ed partie1 to dlllcUM the poulbWtiea of aCqulring such a playground a.nd -111 report to the commlMlon at their nut meeting on June 8. , have been built just tn the lut I ~W.~~ ff:Yl. montha would convince any-Ii one that hereia a .city, •·building at a record rate. It's tnae. And, It Horvath'11 proposal y:n't follow-: Carolina Twists Lions' Tails to Tune of S107 Puslng amoni embers with song, danct'!, Jeet and quick retort. Carollna Cotton performed honor· City Property Owners May Get $500;000 Fire Insurance Boost Para that flrr tnl!lun.nce coela tO · property own.en. In the CltY or N~rt Beach might be lncreued u.iouch a.a $500,000 annually werP UPI t IJ!d by Maurie Stanley, Bal- ~ llland agent In a report to the Board ,0( Directors of the Newport Ratbor Chamber of Commerce, lllie week. wu the lut arr"& In Oranre Coun-growth in population wllhout an on all rice inaurance. ty lfheduled tor re·survt"y and increue tn water and fire fac ill-Six Becommen~tlou N ewpQrt Beach grew from that The 1 decision to investigate a poastble gtant recrea~n area for ed. there's bound to be another Dlave tor lnwrporation. lllOllE ABOUT TilE IKESA PLAN Peraonally, tn put year · 1 baven't bad a ktndly feeling to-- ward t.ncorpor&tlon, thin.kl.Pg that it: Wouldn't be good to 11tart a little sa•ern.ment 1n operation to Work under the allghQy bigger govemme"t lri Santa An&. which work.a under the bigger govem 4 ment ln Sacramento, etc. Too dog- scme many governments. and too many new people takin~ their tlny bite out of my anemic tax dQ!lar. · , 'On the other hand, many tone. have ad·vanc~ mme ml•hlY fl¥ &~',IUO'\enta in t•vor of _the ,Pl&J\l• ~:=:::!Jlh".~ p1ew~ adcdltlonal quick doltan they coulfi \ tUJ'1l. dtAer. l'w alway• dllcount- ed_ th<olr tearfUI appeall. i It ju.~ could be that mmethlhg 1 coWd be worked out along Hor 4 •'th'a plan. l know dosgone well U..t tome people OP the Mesa tllink al.I Newport clty offlci&l8 (Oolllln-• Pap I) Mesans to Vote on· School Issue The luue of . ~uUdln&" two n·ew ·grammar echoo~ a.nd the enJa.rg- ln&: . ot three «.hoola now in u•e (w;ilh a $1.!W>0,000 atate-loan a.nd a $9~.000 bond laaue) will go be·· tore ea.ta MNa voter. on Tue• .. dly, )\l:ae ~. aceont\ng to Everett Rea. nperintendent of the Colt& Ilea 119ool ayartcm. Tbe b\llldlnc prop-am la under ~lion to p~vlde tactllttea for an uttmated 2600 pupils in 1963. Tbere ate now 1930 1tudentll in the echool ty11tem. A "eoon u poulble" election dat~ l9 planned by Rea aner he coofert with the oOunty CO\U\CU. Sc-<111<1 y dutle& u ltft'Pol''fY otflctal "Tiil-Twl•te:r" of t.M COllta MeA· Newport Harbor Uon. Club and extractt'd S\07.50 lfl.~lint:a during the we,.kly d.Ulner meeting of the group TUe"'1ay nl1bt lo ~ room• or the Frtday Art.moon club m Costa M e-A&.. C laiming tbe enure procffd9 from her acllvtUea q her fee for ('Olt'l'"tainlng the UQIW, Who ate .11ponsoring their 11.xtb annual Ft.ah Fry and Carnival to Coet.a Mesa Balht for Stanley's teart wu the re.cent ~urvey and rate ratae leYi-1 by the Boa.rd of F ire Un- del'1rrtt.en of the Pacific against lbe CCMrta Mesa art&. Stanley potnted out that Newport 8'-ach that a raiBe might be &nll c!pated. tieB, and ht" pointed out < 1) the T q n1ainlain our fire ratlng1 or Lut examination ot Newport t f'<'nd of reduced water 8Upply of 1947 or to better It the Under4 Beac h on a city wide b&elll wu <1.ll Southern Californ ia; ( 2 I the writers recommenaed. ( l) inceM.114 made in April 1917 and at that building up or the Corona del MA.r ed water supply and stoiage ca- time Cf'rtain drrinlte rf"CO mmenda· a rPa remote from a fire elation : pacity : f 2 ) a five million gallon tloM were made by the DiJ11trict 131 the rrduced value and avail· res<'rvoir ror Corona del Mar and !lnglnttr or the Board of Undrr-ability ot tire department call service to that area direct trom writers. J ohn H . Colton. He b&Aed mPmbe"'-Colton pointed out that the resf!rvolr; (3) a large feede r hl.8 recommendations on the yard4 Ne"1'p0rt Sf>ach wu t"njoying and main across the, harbor el'trance: stick ot 80--ca.llt'd National Stand-did continue to enjoy a class 6 (4 1 a large water line ac rOM the anie. r ating. Co!ton wrote thal an In-west end of Balboa l.81and to the Collo n wrote In 19'47 Newport I Crease or one" rating point would I mainland ; (5) large feeder maln Beach had experienced a marked !ncrcu e rates f rom 5'4 to 15'µ ' (C.Oottnued on Pace !) hot-polato luue .. to do abo~t Chtha Cove!" ter beV- lng ~ report of lb . three men •PPj>ln't.ed to lnV<9tlgate the poe- sibllttles of • huge recreation area. the icom.ml.ulon .will lnvke repre· eentatlve11 of Ocean Front ciliun.a anc;t: thoee ot Corona del HJ to ::ommiMion meetinp. ~b tacµon will give ll.I Iii.de of the China Cove lasue, ~r the poul.bllitl~ of developing a huge recreation area, &nd will powwow on an ultlmate eotutkm giving the ' ~•teat good to the gr-ea.teat num4 ber of pe<u>le. .-Coaiprolllbe 2~~~~!h~:.:i~~tl~~~~=~ Plan Memorial INVESTIUMTE NEW OIL WELL SITE for the recreation of Harbor a.re• t . H Work ~ )Commluion hopes that eome younggt,r.-which .,nu benefit 0 o· nor Twenty-five lnlerea !i(l ( compromiae or decl.alon will from the Flab Fry. ad th to r to ti\ r-e- ff _ _,.~ • .. .it:cw:~ay:-mo:rsml-;__ .. :~.ulllt8· ff_~bor. Jl.i. s._~_,.oo __ !r ta _·~o".'" ..... _J .. _ re~l~.f~er~_~tl~-~-~-.:i:uCot'o.11. ,,,ill.l,A~1"°"°1t.' .... rt of ~ l B-¥11: ~~ ·-~ ~---· · ~!!"W:.. ·-~ Ale'~ ~ ~.hint · -· • J' '13 ;;ti Uv• to a"'iwniner =~~~t:.io-:.c~~Jpa~=~ E.tabtlihment ~' a memorial -tn_ :~ atte of the third Bbell urauua11on· > XertlSeS I une ,. . rec~tlon-program for elementary ape<tacular parade l"hlch bill>.· tbe n&Jne · ot Robert L. Bac:oo. 51. dell Sh ll . J lldlOol children. administrator of Hoag Mernortal The party wu guJ by e Grad I d bact' · Dodd reported that lut year'• light.a tbe two-d&J tUUYltlel. Om'-OU repreaentaUves J . N . Gregory. uat ftD an al.aureate services for Newport Harbor ah ·.u · · Ing the lut year, Ae hu bf;en hospital, who died suddenly lUt t..o.. AngclPll buln dtvllrion super-lJChool'l!I senior o1a.u were announced today by Principal .Sl(lney H . rccre f ontedprogramb .!\h:.. eaUtt.~~ f bef tn"nltn. ( eerv1 Saturday WU decided by di.rec--'d ' WU 00 Y uu::; £1.1.eft\eJl._J appear ng ore •• ___. o ce tnlrndent and c. T. Crt"4·ell, d lvts-Davidson. He •a& ther e were 193 graduation candidates, the l&rltest school bo&rd) _ _. •..n.U.20· for men stationed t.trroucboUt the ton meeting Wednesday n.Ig-ht at I 1 d W W I . th , ,_. ~'" --.. • ........ ~ital otfl-. ••o• Newport on an manager. alter e -tot&l in e ecbool ti h<ai.Ory. hue ....... -·tlon, $1511-'0; for world aa n.art of the pl'ftO"l'am In-......, ,,._... """' •• '* .... 182 E 18th 8' Coe'-Meaa ' I ~--..--~ ·-·· Bl ..... Newport &M:h. Tho me· m-. . c, -• Baccalaureat. servlces w11l be Sack Yields Bod•lfl I •· (CoaUaoed oJii --~·-I) lt lated by the coun. •-'• entert&l.n-m•m"r of tho Oranv --unty ·-· ""'# mortal probably wlM be in the Ut'! ae '-Al held Sunday. JUJ\e lQ al 8 p. m. In ers. fonh of • room in lhe M ure in-Pla.n.ntng Commlaton. made the lhe high school aud.ltoriwn and the A part)-of Ne"-port Beach The entire mtttlftf ot lht I.Jon• .UtuUOn.. trip M did a ecore of lnter e11ted JJf&dU&tion ex.erclae!S •re t1chedu\Pd poUce offtcen --.rclllnl" the Club waa devot.ed·to preparatlom ,__.._ ~---_,__ appotnt-..... cltUM:ns and property owners of ror Wedneeday, June 13, 4 p:m. in upper a-&rQ. Wednetiday lat tor the Fiah Fry. one of Ute out--"uci uua4u &UN eu o Corona AeJ Mar and Laguna• ~, l .-..&-• ~ the ·M:hool 11tadlum. Thia Us the ')':32 p. m. for ten -"e&•' •kl •landing (Ommunl v pro4->U ln COny:mltee to reo11tve appllca.Uona Beach ~ " l'"'f' · third year Ute exen:isea will be PalrtC'la Jean Hull of , .... ._ ... the nation. ud make reeommendalk>rui for a De<::I I t h th th 0~ •on u o w e er e held in the ·"-dtwn. the auditor· Park thour•t tbat ....... ..... .. Ask Damage RedllCtloll in Balboo ·All,tO Death Reduction in the amount of damage. tn a 8-lboa auto death cue fron1 $10,000 to ~.000 wu propooed by SuperlQr J\'ldp R&J:· mond Thompi90n l&A week . He ruled a motion tor a n~ t rial would be puled to HeMY De Olivera of Colt& ~ iuuell atto rneys Cor Vlotet ~ Mid Theodore Albert (Ud) -t111j agre<d to ~ 'Ille amalltt a.moullt of damq-.. for death ol th"lr daughter al z a. m. Nmr. 211, tEMe. on IC. 8&1~ ilt\'d .. Balbo&. Mleo Mary ~too Ponthls. De Olivera·• flanoee, died of la.Jurle' suffered_ wben De Otlwrs'• auto collided with one ftriwn by IUch~ ard w..iter Otbmer. Attya. Mm Dl'tu«n and MU Hurwtts had filed oNll orlstnall7 !or $40.000 dama100. and 0the jury arveral weelui ago awarded them 110.000. which tha c:oUrt now pro- sucet:MOI' for Bacon's hard-lo-fill She.II Oil Co d Ill th 11 _. • ......,"" ·-. can r e "'."e ruin no longer being large ~nough 11tumblecl. on somethlnc when job.. On the oommlttee are: Ralph wtll probably be made at the 1.30 to accomodale the crowd: thry came upoo a larCe -¥-k ptlftile, Udo Iale: Ch&rlff It. p, m. Frtday meeting or the Plan~ Address at the baccalaureate partly •ubmerged In wate.r.1 Lueh.. e>r..nce : Marion Youel, nlna-ComrnlM1on ln the cbtirt wfil be given ey the Rev. Paul Onto lb.e seene came m.e, 4~ &anb. Ana; Gordon McGowan, K<JU.H l.n Santa Ana. Moo-Wheeler of St. J&mCI! wt Loa&' BMch; and Wttllam Kimel . c t ti lh rl ht r Sh 11 OU ... partment equipment tll1 grap-on ea ng e g 0 e c hurch while t he graduauon piing hook&. Net haul-· f'r tbe Oranse Coaat Oollece. to drill hu bttfi the coutltne pro-speaker wUt be Dr. Hugh M . Tiner operation: one sack of c1rbw1ted Accordtn1 to Harry Welch, h0a4 tectlve committee beaded by Mra. • (Co 11a--• _ ") ' , ptt..1 public re.lationa man, appU-(Oomtlaued on i"ap !) a. -. oa r•se Ao kittens. 1"- cu1ona for the adrnlnhrtratora job abobld be made wtth the bbard llllCTelary, Chester E . Hawk.. 328 H. llroad...,,. Santa An&. Welch llU t-porartly moved hla office !liiiln lial-to the hospital ottloo dt Newport formerly occupied by -Beton hit death Bacon had worMd out most of the probleme eoneentnr the buildlnl of the Ho&s holpltal locludlnr au th<o purchuinc and only mtnOr detaJla rem&tn before the ground break- ~- Name-Fri .. Sat. Poppy Days . AU cit.hlena of . Newport Beach are urged to wear a memorlal~ poppy on Ftid.ay and Saturdiy, M•Y ~th and 29U>. lo.a proclama- tion laa:ued today by t£a"yor L. L. isb@U. aetting these d4Y°• uide u Poppy Days. Polotlns C>Ut lb.ti the ~ of tile poppt II &o lo· -dlvt(tual tribute to lhe memory of America'• war de~ the procla- mation. slated: . "Wbenu young men of the City of Newport Beach are aptn , :tening, ln defense of our country uid, are taklnl'. their pl&cu among '.>Ur honon!d clttzena alonplde thaee who bave served in other waie; and "' - • ·~ereu the roll of tboae wtlo "'bave given their Uva ln the Na, Uort ... defenee Us lPcreutnc u war I takr1 it. toll Of our flnee:t )'OUD&' me ·'and ~ ,. ' ' " "W1?:1reU, °'9: memory of tho8e • .,. -.,.., . '" '• . .. -,,,: A. new acbool fOf' •tudftlt. ff'Om klndergarten throu&h Ute alxt.h grade la planned tor a 10-acre echool site at De1 M&r avenue and Tu.Un avenue. 1lt will corultll of 9 claa roorm, 2 ktndersartena, ad· milliatratlon . an<t health tacWl~• and a combination cafeteria-au· (Collttll-.. ~ t) QUEEN CAN DIDATE la the u•re1 Ooeta Me.a -New:port Harbor Uom Clubs F1Ah Fry aAd Camlvai !IC~U~ fOf' J~ ! anti S Is Carol Thomu. ! I &I ln1ne Ave., Oollta MeM. Lo\·fty Carol• ls 11poMOttd by the ~ew­ port Harbor Board of Rea.ltora. Glrl IK"llln& most. ticket• to t'al'- nlval la cro~·ned QuttL ( Preu Photo) poaea be halved. • • Narne Di.rectors ~Mesa,... - ~t of a dlttetor and •t;tltaift .. "~tor ·ot a recreation •U>ST&m at O)eta Mesa par-k WU apJ)l'O'Nll 1""1da;r-by tbe _,,. :ltliens of Ne*port Beach who maltl. ~· sup~e aacrlfiee for ApleJica •hould J9'e forever in., the h••lo• of ILll cltlselUI Of otir. City, .;dr t • . ' . ... I al oupenloon. • ~ thin KatMr a1d ftM,a~ Ndf wU1 Ml'Yf: &I di .. reciot and w1ll be p&l9 $750 ior Illa -bun .ruae 11 to Bep\. 7, •Jllra. JI.-Wr!pt wtQ 'be paid llliOO u allollW\t dlftet<>r - llMI -period. -aJoo -14 ~tioor STO'll! le9d_on l"!ll uiiiit ,;i,., --..... JVrifllt In llMI ~ha ..... -• .-.. 1a~-.. "l1BllOr eoJMP' tlllll ,eu. aJoo .......,.o.s ·-~ '-tb •• ~ dli~ to Ille No•iaft -lt•' -1 df1lrlet:.CIW ltin#• for Jiul'a•~'-' ll ta • • ' . • " -, T.._¥DM41 . ' ""Wbel'<!U '~ W~:'~ ~poppy le .... trib<lt.• to tile war dead. sbollr!ns ·<~-~-·) I, ·. • .. PlillNMM PJeced••· ;TI!=~": . lJlti S•nlce l moriaJ: ooiy ~·-at 8*1• pier ~ W«f'ho<ay ,wm ~ preOi!llled" ~ .. sllOl'.t ~ Oomt ·~=1~~-H~ ~~ """'~ <n. = ·f!l'oliu at .,Ul<; ,.. -~ .at ~o : a. Ill· lad Will· <lied ot . ~ ....... ....,... ·-:ftmc'""'* tr.. Ill* ·1 ~··--.... - pal ... ,~~~ .... -~ ·-....-.., !Iii ~ 1')il be~..,_._ ~ ~ tA4P # llt. .carnMI CiiUf. ~ :......-. Oii" -~ at tlli .... -~ at '"'!"''-'• lla.& . ' -:rs ........ .; ·"5tk•..: lllo 1-el ~ ":.-:.. • --C ..... to IM ,... t.a ......... -..,. LI.,,.. .9'1117 7 l'lll9l •1 1r '9 pe1I .. 'Uill ' ... 19;11.... -... ~-· • • I • 4 , .. ' , • I • • • ¥ •• • • . , • • \ . .. R.uw .j C.n•!' ~:. ....... ,, ~, ~!!.~-~-to.!~ .,. '-~ lr· ,.,.. 1 a I' c -9ll;p -Udo ~ 'Saane4J' 'ol 1-B...t.. •· ,...., a.· ..... lllMI' l!!lded- -om~ •U•:<ll ..... -•tllt'-~' lf1rtoot--dell(ar 'ftlo'.mala -wt11 -a 87W11teri_··~.-j 11lt ,,_oil -lo =i''sl........, C. lootter -Well --··-~-.-la....illtori--&lld <~._o...,_,, .. ""': It. ..._. Iii••-ot-Oil cszsz lfawpat. "' ' UN cout *J1llli m_, ~ ---a a odtlrd ldndell*rta;aa( UM Und~· ·• · • .,.,.,~ ......,. iDlpt art. •-In Mdltloa to lloo ---lk-·Wn! -...,,.., ...... -two ldnde~a It -at _.. -~ Publlalled' ntry Tlwtakt ill..1'iaJMt •ncii. Ot8tanola. Ille ~.... ..~ Wltll ...., ...--.r ""'*I? 1iut40-to tlial of lilllnuaftolt Bn"". • ..,Ot.tia-oltdlt«tum and a ._. tbOUfll .........,.. ,.,,._ ..,... -omee and Prl\>Una ... .Plant at,nu Bllha 1lmL ..,.,.,. ~ mt ~ , · -..i. Ille ~ ...,..... __ a ,,.,, -·-,..._..a -l'DIL lbrpw -tor 00.. Sarj 'I!'~ 111J --------=------,------..;;...-----. , 'nle .... .., st • ~ -lira ~ tor a-Ml AceordlJlf to blu<prillta. Ille alte l<hocll · wtU .-.. a' .u.;.r1a. Crime Comm-., .r. • l!lnt<Nd aa aoCand.cJuo mau• ,..;.. .11, 1HO, .at u. )Ult -at ""j)Q ~. In all llf0b!ll>lll1;7, Mar and tNc:ll tar -· plua ot tl>e propooeO well 18 "9Proxl-auclltot'IWD eomblnltlot\ atruetun ~ A """'PromJae bln • ~ Ille I· -, N.,.pon Beacll. C&lltontfa. -Illa Act o1 Marcll a. 1m . .!II -tu ,..,,..-.,.,.; t.o u. -~ ,.._ - --~ two mlln Inland trom Ille 1n Ille propaal. , ' . • ~ tl>e power re-f 1$1 ..,1.,-..a _ or eloa ,_ wll.11 etuclltJ or 1111.b tiucJ< at OIUt Blp-y, midway bot....,, , _Ta Cle••-• luctant wt~ botore l ,.... • • '1ilq l1i •1 . Baa._ ......... , paid .., .. ,. ..... la .._ -,,-" ....,_ .&.-munaey r.._ lo proUcl Ito tor:-... port -lll1d aftl!Qi. at °""""' <lel Kar and Lq\ma • A·----tor·-IJ> and Pl'<l-..lltr tl>e llenato'a I tee ~ J•"'al!li tlom a fOw - -~· -0 . "11 1 l'1 ,la O-Sase ~ ..,.. 11.• a? •-ta Oii lo a """'1f all vm-. "'* -......, -· Bttdl. •, •lab.Ill ot•.,_ta la ,,_. on Governmental li1mcl• y., .of mT laat -· --, • -• ' • . ' • 0 • : • t , • ~ E -2 -·PART T .-THUASOAY, MAY 2.J, ·1951 f • • • a ~ -.,i7, 11ut k· monta. oil ot wlaloll ... -put)' ......, ..... ouun:oc1. tltrouah SL and )(.,.... P.l. In ... ~ oommll.tee to eiirry Wiil> It a "'1( IA ' My .!"'J'; ._ , .. -.a or n. ,......, u a .-.,. iWe 111t rJS i-...,,..., · ,__ cew · -,,,. G-t..,.. -rour .., ndlo O, ~ . · · l jUlt svt ca"1od ·~ -,..P'ltl -~ -~.. Adoplkle w ..,.........,t of a-.i cac1111 ae1t111, llld --· 1it llN "" ~· .._ and . .., uor 'llliuia:a Ille ~ t1>e1 bJect ud "!"Ill him .,....,... ~ ._. 'lty 1o tlt4 Britlth Ille u~ B>dltllna Code -ed over U.. ~ le-pa la ...,_ lo pllN!laaO a..· ~ al&llt 1io14. • . t . ~~ ~. -""'7· · • iitllion: ~ a10e ..... d•n-..,..bot )ll4 'irOu alt<!. II ..,...,, -uplathl. Toa clue • ..Jt ........... the , •llii-to -UM Oollla Doulcl -.....,.., .,. .,_ Princlpal lllU'l fl •-p1i-~ P,,,.,._ ..,._.,,.. fin· .,_ a -aai1 -, room, opeluta u It bu In tlla,l ~ I"-Klwulo C!l!b for dalllf a f-llt«e b •. a ....... b111t7 !Mt ol ·If~ ...... ..._ .,_.. aJl7 f<>Wld, a alll foot h1'fl ~ UC4i abd .crattJi -.Wo_rary, I flldio'tv bu -wid maJ<e '.litU,, • ~ JOb of puttlllf Oil a -: -mlpt Nip •In Inn Wh7cb menGatlOno br Ill< • U'Adenvrlton toppod -.!UI a •htte flaf In a aJlop, i:atderia 'and • •Udlt.Ortum ,.,._,, Tito Coaunllolaa' U., not . I ll>at -Uy broucll! oat hml0 W6Ukf piwyoo ao liif.tiJ>al re.ow: --tlio fallun! to bJro a flll1 rqlon eurrounded by lllCb Jlllla. combined. -4 btllldln& for U>e -berotoforo held any . opop !J'FOt.-of people &11d_I ....,., _.,, tloD i...-. wftll utenw.l rooiot· paJd ,,,...,._( taad-11-, ~~ ~.~'"·w1'!': P"!f_,~ ot education end -for till ln~n"-' -• ± one~wulubc~ tot.betum ou~•andotb~ --to •tuoh -n ---0 lheactal --to -~ M ~ the _.. OU rep-ironeraai::::u .. ot I.be achoola, ~ -...... gen41'&Qy ""' c ~P you~ -_ _. -Ille ,..,._,,,. "'1q ~ -tor .,...-up to ,_,,tall.,.. oupenn nt oplalae<t. lt...e ll>at I.be blll wao ~e on It co Ulllty. trill> Ila dwll ,.... nit lll>der _......_ ' . MAii)' ot Ille co._ clel Mar and • ' I.-. ._,_, , ·~ sot. over Ille oonualt~ h . Alonr the ...,,.. lln~ Illa eo.ta · _,. oeellf'ltloa. ladl •a -Tlte ...,. • o.r..... dol llCal' eta• l.qw. -..-i. took a I l'imdo to bclp pay.off tbol'41,. And Ute bill ·w~t over tJie b ~~·Newport 'Harbor Lloo.e ~ N mt1r cwit.na. Nt&:.! z~rsrP.zs· tz ~ 1 6 1 tUsa ·--tflll1 ···y• ... ••••.:? ••• .. ,~------plCN---0-.-~----cir.---Oiliior.,-------~p;;-;~;;.,--... -.--....... ~ R08IJ:RT J'. wu•.-....,_ Maul"'- .... sUJi:xA.NDER RA.MJL~, A.dnrtlalJll ManAaer .... -~-- OnrtClA.L PAPER OF 'ml: ClTT OJ' NliWP<mT B&A.CH lion le ntadt to -.. for Illa Cotto-lion u --.....s """ ~-aWW4e" to Ill• IS00,000 etate loao. will come rrom like • u:Jclc llt&r. · ""', ~ "final ......,.,...,,to mualot CODflUllt of ... , CouaVy --ol a tnxlt for It baa bee ......,_ Ille. Tllq pointed out acl>ool 'dlolrict ...... any time \ Qalc~· Aclion fo" th1olr IUlllual Flab l'r)' wll1cll 7 """ -i.111 Ille pr'itlllU.., .: -""*-. ot do. old -pipe t.bat Ille oil -ii tnarlter·,.... lo-l.bey drop Mlow 40 cenla on ... h The Committee put t1t• bill out will bo beld on .June :tnd and S"4. ,._..i and 411etut Inn. W1tll --~""--•-•od. catect at -ot Illa lowat opoc. Jl(J(J of owsood valuation. Rea In little moro than a mlt\uto ~lo ""•·of tit• btneot attll,. lliJe Ooittm---&lld Corona <kl MU lo MCWocl tr-U.. In Ille -~ ..__ ?t Ille eKplolned. AJly tlmo Ille rate la Aaernbt~ Gordon A. Fle)U'Y, m rnO Harbor area alld 1 ltm eun pirl .. L -Uoaaty orsudoatloa, lllP r ....... "'° Motropouwt -""""" ~7 N loctlted tlMre. , over_ •O centa tllo etato will ,... R., llM:romento, told Ute membere ~t Utio one wU1 bo ...,ry weu ~, qd i-. 1'lllflOUO -·-ol ~ llq -~ 111r-.. 8)', ~ 091"""'•1toly IO ed.-.~ payment. Whoo the .-.to tl>at be and W'al'TeJI ".-i>~ tezided .,.~ title year. • -•••edlo•1~ 1.,.. _.w llo by llMI )'wOl"ft!'. Y&t<lo ~ ud --.rd &oai i. loW01' th• etoto wj,JJ f<ICelve Ille am~ndmento "•ubmlttod"[ to h l!Jftw Pea'?'>" aid ID hie ~ _,c: .... Qlllcllly auw.Md by U.. "'°", ••kU*t UM ...U Ille It wu _.ble lo -d?tftHnco bttw...._ tbe lower l!Ut It wu In a behind Uto ec . ... Pf'<lcram lut night Utat -IT'S YOUR MONEY' OorNn--At a -r-a11 ~ ,,,_ Ille o...t Rlslawa1 oppoetto Ct:J-flp_ro &Dd Ute •O -ta tJcure, Rea conteronce ll>at the m~tor l"U Truman had -u ... anoUt..-'ol , b ' a. tile .. _, . Inc tho c:lt;r ~ ,.... a-.Uto.. ate.I Oimt. Otw or Ille WUiMft In added. Jlnder the •tale law provld-really Utruhed out. Son. JP."_• his JIOw famous !otters. I Will! A letter U> Wilhelm D, einperor of Genn&ny, frnm . • "-::_ , Ill" to ~ ~ }or U.. ,._ P. l'fOllP ace:· u ~ !.be llitll OU In&' u... loon, at tho end of a 30. ~o, Rdr., A.ngoles C&mp, j<lok tbero was aomelhlng I could •7 Admiral Brin, Italian designer In the early put of thJa ~ _.~Q-le utat R... "1IJiilna ot . Ille a.-. del Mar med of ,..,,,_17 fNdlJI&' UWn year period the bllance will i.. to tho contorence !,he sot of In this column Utat would ..-. t d . II& waQtd ~ ln'Mdre tNllt. tM f'tll t tOlr to_lf61d ftft llLlWDD pJ· ~ tbl .draw to I.he ~ and cancelled the auperlntA:!ndent Px-amendments apparently drawn up rant one of his letfera. 8eelJiC cen ~ry, rea · . · . -~f .U.. ~ lllal it -.. ~t tliai tlln• • bid ,,.. .... -tli<lnr tbe ••r and h!Pe• plalnoct by •t lea.tt or eome of bis feb.W <>•ugbty words written In long< 'The ship whlch your Imperial Wchne9 hu de91gned :--'' -mUdi lalo Ina. ~fpr ,tl>e l~ota .-iu route Ctrocewblchll>o..,.,..,,could membo .. of the Efficiency tl,m. ·hand by tit• p .... ldent or ti>-. would be the mightiest, the most terrible and allo the -could do tire ....,. thin( to 11l<:h "'akr U... lrom, ll>t Newport bo ... n). p D mitt... [ United Stat .. must bo .. _ • ' • 1 Pl'Otact hff own ~. It roe-Relghta r•• Jolr to the Coalt Alter an lnspecUon ot the •lte ODJpl'Y ays There Warren, Fleury, Aaaeinb-lhtng. loveliest battleship ever oeen. It would . have a •peed lllrll<v tlian U..t. The Brttloh highway and Ute lp<!dal p?po th• mornbono or tho party otrvg: i0onW~ ho., -11 . lyman John E. Mou, D.. Sapra· Thia Is your Friendly Ford wh.ich has not yet, been attained; ita annor would •u:rpa.88 fonfp poUc7 wtlh ttJ detailed needed fof' tht undw b&y connlee-gled over the lonr mJte back to me.nto. a co.author ot the blll, ja.nd Dealer, Theodore Roblh.;1. 1ftlo that of anything now . af1oat • ita 11nm• would OUtr&nVP all p.lanJUnf ·~ move heal fl1 &l!d Uon. u recommanded ... pur. thi:lr. vebJclu. No one .seemed to that we. remember i..nd are gra~ Richard McGee, Director ot lthe asks you to pleue N'membtr • • 0 -o -tart.h to receive American military chued. . have chanced thelr rnindl tor Atv-f\11 for the!.r a&critiica in our be. Department ot Correctloui ou of hlm whenever you nee4 a new others.. .. aJ~ · · · ~ ... Utat wo~ be e&\LI-Howtftl': tbe councU bu not lng made the t r ip. Th~ ulue halt, now wbtc.h the ~lulon would ope-Ford or a goOd used car. "This wonderful vessel hu only one fault. If she lrophlcal, trlnee Ill 111 ~robablDty eeon flt to hl~e • fUll pold fire would stllt be .. ttled at the Plan-"Thenforo, l , L. L. lobol~ Mayor ~te, eppueritly •lr"ood thaf It were put into the waterrahe •oUkt lint like -. lump ot lead." ttR wouJd ~ean WOf'Jd War m. chw tor. the rnatn ttre S\&Uon nins Oommluion mtttlng Friday 9f the City of Newport Beach, do wu 1.he amend~ bill or nothtnr. . . "l . . . . • OW••tr. fttlMia would tn &U ~ recamtnendecl tor NtWporl BMcll. afternoon. hereby procJ&tfn Ftid&y &nd Sat· The Committee rave the OP'" • ~kly, thLS sounda, V~Y. familiar to a altllation abillt7 oct wtU. lllfltNns opoe(t IA ll>o '-~t l«l.eoG .... urday, .May s$U> aad 2•t11. to be poolto U.buat to 0 bill "1Uclt existing today ... oile that 10unda good, but due tQ public ~ thuo P .. •ent OJIY Amerlcu tantat.1..iy aUottod for a """" •ta· Gr-'uati•on ::~:z-... ~ ~~--C:~ll~lt:: .,....Id ba>'o ouua-s draw polter. apathv it'• ainkmg" like a lwilP' of lead . ntervenUon • unleu AmerlcaA Uoc .., lond aot ulde at ll>o roar UU _, ··• Th• . mouuro by ..._,,bl,lnan ' . . • . . troopo would bt l&ndlfts from Utt of tho City 8-J). Thia ot&Uon bu (Oontbiued from Paao I l to ob .. rve thue day• by weartnc flOPbot Kloclmem, R., l!<>a&' While Amencan taxpayers, merchant.a Jn small com· .. a In a m.,,,.er Olrnllar to tbe not -. built nor Jiu any paid Ut e m.emonal poppy." B •a c w a• unceremonloUal)' munties, wage earnera on pr••tlnn linetl' and In officea, lnvaa1on of ~ and th• Pacific: craw bffa lllrtd. P ..... dont of ~ Colleso. Popp1 ... made by dlMbl<d veter-killed. -r-~ W&ndl and that oCaln Id Co Tho 8undoy ....,let>! will bofln ana et Sawtelle Hospital. •ill· be Voloe Vote have been told to "tighten e ·belt," government agencies toiA!. wou ot to ll>o city ol tha plid c"'w with tbe prOO<Nlonal by Utt dlatrlbutod lhrou""out the ct.ty by . tin d th Ir -'••·-·-. mean war. r«ommonded would bo about S20.-echool h t then •" Senotor Ralidolpb Collier, 1 R., con . U~ to expan e non~ spending; bureaucrat.a 1'be Unlta:1 Stat.es 11 not pre-· 000 yearly. Tbe new fire •taUon ot thto 0~u:n~ .. tn~:O:-".: ml!DJ.ben or the Newport Harbor Yreka. IWUnC the axe. He mOved continue U> plug for ·larger ~d larger appropriations for ::1 ':i:O:':::t:~ oucla an '::: would bo el>ovt N0.000. An Id· bo elven by ~v. Thomaa Gib"°" ~~~";!ysLol.!~~nb~~l~~~r ,:. to pootjion. ~ration ol Ute pet projects of a non-lief~ n•ture ~ ,;~ y, poyc dltlonli "bl&h P"""'1N e quad of St. Andrew• chW'Cb and kr1p-aid of dlaab'.ed vete:... •• ··• n·-•y bill lndeftnltoly and Son. lf.,-ry · · • •• ca...., nor mUll&rUy. Th.la indeed t.naclc:' to amwu &JI a.Janna would ·--_.... ~ L. Parkkbam R Millbrae .....111..;.. For _instance. p ropoeed I ezpelldlturea for non-defense la a Solden opportunity for Ruaota -!rom StlC!O . to SlO,Ooo. :::: F:;:1~u~ ~Cb::~.~~ chlJdron oi v.torana will be ro· tor a volc:e 'vo~ There '~; agenCJes Jn the 1951·1~ flbJ year would continue their to crut out of Iran uotller NU:I· A SJ00.000 immediate exna•dlt· ••~t. a -celved J,n exch'1lge for the UtUe cbol"UI of ··ayM" and ··noes ... ,. 1 . IJte atate r~· .... 1V11<V. Wheeler'• addreu. red crepe-paper flowe rs. pace-setting upward apiral ~.~er strain our economy Onl · pallU ..,.. by tbe elty, wttlt a continuing "Po..,,r <q ~member Your World . Potkmu blnpd Illa p .. 1 '&lld in the face of stiff~g d coats lf the U eavo 'r,.:_ cal mlru~ can yeulJ outlay of ,,._ '26,000 to .. Withln You." will follow and I C!--1..-..... • tb• bill wu dffd. J . • I. • • preae.n y \ &:M>.ooo. for ..... pow' .. Woukl •ve then the chorus will sing t'W'O I ~nnrnce n1ar1nes KlockRlm'• bUJ WU ~~ by propo..ed budget Ul followed, IQr noo-<!efeDMe activity, Off'-latont&i ,._ the cltll<na ~ "·-a •·•• -u. -~ d f tea member• 00 ·~-~-•R-·. . a-...;: --,. ,,,_.q • ._.. ... .ung1 a.n a ter a hymn Rev_ P . G. for M Tio fh -~~ of Education w ould )lave $483 miUJon to spend Instead of 'Th.la Oc.o•rll Mac.A.rUlur la•ffll· )Ion dollare.MCb Y-In po.-potu-Neumann ot Fin> &ptlot church • ftQ f de Potkman, ColUer, Cbarloo ~ last year'a $143 million. Department of A . ult • ir,Uon by Coo~ la Hpooln& OU• lty. Stanley pointed ouL will aay U..·BonodlcUon.. . . Bert lhwch; BIJSh l!urJ\I; J!-e . . . gnc ure ex ~aknea., natwtlhltandlnr an .. Graduation Propam Two · U. S. Marine.a who . ad· IUyo, James McBridel .. QeJaJd MDIAN8 IN NEw BOID Mr. and Mn. J . C. Pa}'l\O il&ft mowd tlH!lr 1"e81denee from 111 &. lSll>.,Bt., Coota Meaa, to their,,..,.. ly-purchuod home at 121 Jla«· nolla Ave. Friencb of K.r. Payne are all bop~ng .for h1a quick ,... covery frodl lllneu which h.-him sUll hocpllallzed at the Vetuana' hospital, Long B-h. ' ' \l PROFESS!OH/tl It ' . ~ DIRECTORY r, .~· LESTiJI A. ·llECUB. D. D. B. DENTISTRY penditures (including farm pnce supports) would be in· lhlnt e.... To ll>OH tn.lnod .l'.. UlpDer lay. ,.. The bOnd will play u.. p•oc ... milted chug .. agalnot u.om ,,,.. O'O&ia. llarold Power. iaJld. Jack \ creased in the same period fJi'lm $986 million to almost one rudlng bot1>¥ffn th• llneo, thuo tar o:.Aa-•lonlll to •tart the graduauon .,.. vol.rn~ burg1al'l&od proJM!rty, muet Tenny. t j and 8 half BILUON. there bu btf!n a create.r mWta.ry < .ct q.. raa-1) .. ercJwa on June 13. and then lbe ls,erve sentence& In Oranp cou.nty ·McBride, O'Ge.ra ~ · y lPfMNewportBlvd., Costa Mee& «ipoN dr O\IJ' American atatU ....... ot ...,,_Uon Cftreetorw NaUonaJ Anthem. lnvocation wtll jalJ, Super4or J\&d&e • Kuneth E. 90ted ap.Uvt kWfn&' 'Ule bW. Medlcal Bid«". Beacon 8762 Remember, it's your '!'oney and-theee lnatancee "'I>' tllal> au ,U.. fwdp ._ta ~ S1'8$. • bf by ~-Paul Bab~t of °"" Morrtaop ruled at FrldeY,'• crtin· Colllor ~ llootlle. ~ ..6IMi E. Bay Avo., Balbo& resent onJ y a einatte.rin'g! t>Jy create. In our democrat.le Dodd polDi.d out that &~e rora del Mar'Comrnunlty church m.t cOurt lteiaslon;-BOtb wett·,tn· .cart. •t.ece)be tltll,WUJ • -. CODduet Won t.be world of our dally attend&nee for the at:x wttk followed by two numbers by a volftd a.t Coeta Mee&. , · arty almed at the .poker .'~bor1 U't-.r .,. lntemaJ. •tractu~. we are lllmp11 program WU 1~ at the Horace ctrb' .ein&1ng group, tlle Larkettes. Dtvfd Lee Longbn.lte, 2t,. of Of Ovdena, he wanted 1to IUaow I I------.:.'''---------' LET'S BE TU A. ~VTTL N!:•MHnl' the degl"ff of our pre-En.sip echool. 75 at the Corona Senior at.udent Paul Lee will give Coeta Meaa got 30 day1 more 1n why ICJoekMm wu ~ •.LC1.1."'I ~· ~ p&rednem In nttY poulhle .lenM del Mar ecbOOI and &oat the New· tht> lltudent weicome apeech and ]ail u a condition to three years outside-hb own. d.lltrict:: It's 8 ' good idea every ll01f &lid then to taJie yoursel! and tbu. weal!eolnc our po11t1on. port ICbool Lut year"> prognm then tho prlnclp&I OJl«<.h. "Chai-Of probat1<)n fo• participating in DIUo, D., 1-Ansdea. wliJ> on aside and give youraelf a pep tdk. It· might go 90mething wbatever that Poaoltion mtpt be. ran fi'om June H to Aus. G, alx lease or LeadenhJp in Today'• burg'lary of an appliance •tore at Ute platform, with tll• · r:· . lik this , y We tear 1tuuta lN!c&llM we an d•YI a week. W orktN will be siven by Dr. Tiner. Costa Meaa last March 25. He Y., repf'Uent.a tAe O&nlen& l . -· e : ' es, thinga. lll"e tough. Prices are high, taxes uncertain ot tht tnie poUUcaJ •ltu-'Ba.sins hJa r~ on lul yea.r"s Mona McTagprt. a 1"raduaUnc bttn in jail since hill armt and Wllli&m Bnln80ll, P.reaWeA · of I 'are ~P and we're living in1 precarioua time&. • But there'• •lion Wit.bin that COWllTy, lta mill· prof"'&ln, Dodd e.tlmated that bUJ ~tor. will follow with • farnreU the ~ save him ""creCltt" for the 8&n ~Oard Rooml,.Ow¥£1* still a• Jot to be thankful for.'" tery p>ep&redn-. !ta abtlltJ to tramportatlon would coot tM -ech attor which Principal time oenod. · AoaoclatJon. pve lbmeE, Then you m ivbt go on:' ltrl.Q. and It. tnmd of t.hou1ht1. aame u la8t year, llMl.20. Three Davidaon will pruent the 91!nior Rayford Taylor. 21 , drew a tatlmon)' 11' "OPposinc tJtie .., ·~e still have our freedom Tlt;e .atne u:ncertablty, althoup tun ttme ~•tion dJrecton and claaa. Diploma.a wll1 ~ given the year In count y jail for recetvtnc-""We baVe lwondnfut I and no o ne can tlle it from UB If we're alert 'We have tn a mur:b ~ d•cr-. pre:nUt one Woodcraft and abop tn.tructor gra.duatea by School· Board mem· Je~lry etolen · at , Costa Mesa. W1th the pqltce.·• <Ile Mid. "Wby plenty of food. adequate ctduie., and good ho~ facili· In -u far u t~• United would coat U!500. each ate Mlary bor. Hada Rlll&' and Lu Stat-which 'he allO(Odly sold to bud· we bave hac! ll>e.l!ollce Qpd iend I" M f I Stat. ll toncemed Of 1260 monthly .• A.a requuted b.r fenaen and then the Clue ot '51 die•· at the Santa Ana Marine the head of tlle Vice. ~ wt to ies. 08t 0 us have cars .to travel around iii and there n..ro lo no doubt that ..u w. U.• IClem..,tery Seboul PTA, a will .in,. the echool ""11&'· &v. Cor-p11 Afr Stetl6n. Be wu donlt'd lunch. Tll•J' 11re botb _,ton- are paved roads to travel over: There a.re also planes pubUc X·ra)'htc ot our Pentaron atualc teacher tor the prognm Tbomaa Pendell ot Cbriat Church probaUoo. Ea Shell'• Newport aierva.Uve, but tbe <Jb1el ll'~t .and trains and boatJ! to take WI wherever 00 want 00 go. and State Department, pllls th• would coat an addltloaal S375. by Ill• s. will cive tho Benedlc-Jewelry oloro et 11tb SL and New-If you Will set lion&' wlu.i ltll1l." There are banks to provide laafety and convem·ence In the WhJte Rou.ae eecreta. bu ~en· my:ing tbe coet foe the r tt:re•Uon tton and the band wu1 play the port Blvd., in Coeta Me.a, was ctavMte 'bx \. =~e ed our preeU~ and m1fbL prorram, ealarlea and bu# tr&n.a· receuiO(l&l ending the c.eremony. bur~ on Feb. '' bot Taylor A propoeed tlt!'M oent a k handling of our money and 1 great industrial, business and z..ro,..... Dflem-portatJon, is.aa.20. • steadtaatly donled having a part tax on ClpreLteo ,... commerdal enterp~ to P"*"1de ua jobs and opportunities On tho otltor hand General Equipment &lld ~ecroatlonaJ fa-1r• k Dust Ill °'" lootlnr of tho place eJ. eround lllto ~ bot potato ta,~. ..... f o r m ovmg up ·~. e . ladder of .•uccess. We have ocL--•-Etaenh.ower'• effort.I In Europe are c&UtJea of the ac.hooJ would be IC though be admitted he ·rot the .e:mbly. They tlnally d\IB!llfed the ~ ..,. ~ •pt to sutftt. l!uropqn. an llke uled; tor the pro,...&m, and would (ConUnllld ftrom Paf'e l) loot. propoeaJ ln Ute lap ot Ott: ~ a nd colleges and tlniveniitiea where Information' and methods a barometer. Tholr 1pint lo UOlly not bo chariro<J to th• ~re&tlon .,.. a bunch ot bandlUi with their ' :~ -nae ~ ~ o f teaching !'re dot 1 tW,isted ~ ~tlcal dictation. We can ==.,. ":,.'::: to~! p...,....,.. UtodjN ,_ mill• aim 111 Hto to doopoil Utolt Set Trial Date for '-The ..;~ .. liy ~~2!;blj- worship as we please, expnlu Oiar 'viewa without fear of ev.te. • -~.N Du. to Illa llaoJ£od lluxle aftll. c:ommunJty. And. u 'know pretty 'WRd Party' Driver man Marvin Bhorwln, a, i ~· reprisal, m eet in public aoaembly, and freely criticize our Su-·· ..,. '., m"~ •-,.., •llU. U.. -doclded to nev ell of 'em ~11 onouch to..., • mont, w .. dealped to pay-fO\', • Go · -.. -... .,..... ~ •-ernbarraain1r queltinn• I 1.o--Cl-'-... 1ton Potr 2• f ~-ta ••a 000 000 ~ vernment." and U•e btea for ., maa7 1 _1'!11 nt -m1111tc teec• trom ~ diftfl'ellt. • --. ..._,...... ~--.. e, · 0 ........,. -• • UUUl9" in, State l: Aft h · · Utat It la dlttlcult • '~-.... to-prosram, ln~to t.bti ~bill-1 ~ Kua. ·7leaded not guilty to rock-lcltoola. er t at you can pauaj! for a moment, take a breath ...ua. t.bo .... _ •0 r ;.... uea ot a n .. *>' a ...-J-, f people wm epproacb th• mat-'-drlvlns aru1 demanded a Jury Committee Cbltman JOu. and aak yourself: "Don't Yqtl think JQU're-lucky to live In U.-. To atahiii:.-S:.:...., d; fPf'Ol>ablT aatUq ott oltber a Sat· "'' with wlde-opon mlnda, without trtar ll'rlday when arrelgnod .,._ HoUlbaUP. R., Htmttast<itO 'l~k, this great country?" I • twm.liMtfOG -to r-. Qxnmun1.,,, uJllay or a Moada7, &bd "" Uw gettlnc the aame old fight ll&rted tore Ju.lice Howard Cameron ln baa: ln the put badJcated tbat be Th 'II be . It la -I lr:J nnt ol aU to ..... ,..._ elp" .to -a_,_. all ovor lpln, aometltlng mlcbt ~ Ana ToWubtp court, .Jury fan>n ...,...ew laJ<M. He anllet- three letters. al-U.. In Ille Ualiea It.at. Tblo ....... •loll>..... -:'!!.i:~.:.t pn>ve Ute plan to be Prevlouely Potre bad been llC· .. ..,.... than la lndlc:&tod tn th• PllYCllOLOOIBT • 'EUGENE V. W~ tl1'1dUet6 l'llJ-Prt hinlJy- Emodo-~t dt Poreiii Avo. 1..S~ N. lldWJ> LacDa ·••et. , Allnta Ana Pb. 4Mll . Eb. KL.S-9547 ' o~ V, E. KO~ .0 . P. "OPTOMETRIST · -l'Y·A~t 111.& , W •. Newport Blvd. Newportlleadl -· !511 JIOBTI~ IN8URAN<Jl!I Old Etitab!jahed lnwranco A.geocy ere JUSt one anier to that :-one word wtth a _,,, and ...,...._.10 bitamal t1oe ,....__ bo worked out. Allh, a U.Orourb trial wea .. t tor June •· paw a much larftt eu~' of ·• . ..._. --pnb~d taUor Ille ,..._-.., _...... to Bu ~ 1 . coaod ol ueault wltll '-deadly budJel. ~ _ _, wllon lJ» Ille fllam-IOftllUlo for IL I. thank --a few _._ but I.Iyo cJ>arire wu ro-• 1808 Newport Blvd., Coot& M-n -'~ 7 ~ lo · /.I -'~-• __.. •t up u.•----·--Unanl...,,..,. (tlai17 wm to do people at laat have had the lmact-duce<! to a mtedemeanor. Atty. WRONG TOCE, WRONG Cr! PHO~ BEAOON &lG ! A.II llneo written. ROWAim W. GERB1811 J,;~ ~ __ ,.... ..-.. _., ----~ lltet ) the naUon and lhr &J'greulveneu to Martell ~paon sacceeded lh Gurde , · 1 • • • . ~ ~-toL ~•-Uptelt -ma4o a -'""'I' ._..~mu.to try and work out aom•thlllg whlcb bavlJI( U.o cue tranaferred ftom n Wilder, Ballta Ana. • 1 ;:=:z:=========:! ~ ~ .......... -.. -----&v ... _ ""•• _._.... mlghJ. beneftt botb com.munttJe&. NetnwWrt" a •• _. T--'"' _,.,. ed the wronc tlme to pull I&] ay Followln• IPU • a--lount11••1t1 .... -"-touo ·-~ -..... -toww-·1oti.r H ~ ~ ~-P -~from the curb on Palm BL,--·. BE SURE-INS\,lRE • . e;r WM 9e11 te -,M"" 9eAl'9 ... ~ -. ..,._ -...wn ... ·-·..1--•-.........___, _ _. Urrah tor 'em, and let's gel wtiere tbe oristnaJ felony com· , r-' . ferred to the aew Park, 8-elt. aM •• -0 ,_ 5..._ calW It II a dafl7 ,..oc«hl.N. --. -...,_,. board. tJliat Ute •tarted _ _....... -.... __ .ot boa at 4 :27 p. m. Sunday. A~- ' ~ -· al .. --u -u -.1..1 -........... .I-. -• -IWll _...., -~ p'•••t ••• -Mia• In to II ' fin • -tallad llte.--nt"-~·•··---ov .---•1 -----·· ·' ·-· ~ ·~ g po co roporta, Wn.lo ;..,n t 9"91on lut Frtday. -..._ ftmil r1e1Mt IM'9 ta. w .,... l!'u.n>PNA morale. -We-;;~ tac u.eq. llaiare ol a Nel9.~ non·p&rUS&n. factual, honeat ·ap-Otncera Mid P etre bad .werved ed out from the c~rb T~4 rm; mlt~ the ftrst rbli.N:fo tu U•ft91 . ~ paaw ... 81.IM WU ,..,. ~ to lMm ..ru;-Pl'Ol'l'Ul (DOl n:cr I S!fC ~000 pa.lea.I Of the altuaUoQ &Ad ita b!a car and injured Dep Sheriff tbe aide t ehlcJ 4ft~ a11ou..i to the ._ pla111Tm' ,. .. , "' tr1i. iloe ..._. oolidani;, wtuda -own.country. total, dtJ'~-SlllGO}. 'J11eot.bot-bo ... flta to both parUtrlnYOlve<I! WllllatD lL Lo.oto laa A~ 7 -CrAiotable on:,.; Va~ WI~ ~~~~"::,~;:;.., Kay II, 111111 !'t' .. ':"::'.J,~,:;. ':: = .!: ~-: j.be ~ wttlt -Mr. and Mn. ,C. M. B\uach otj perty In Ille "'!?)JC-area. yield tba ript of ~-1lf f . llAUIUE STANLEY Iuuraace OILl7 .. __ ,,,. ... , ....... _·~-- • -, .. mltdnir ma"'hlo&-. Tbanfon.., 111--t.bat,.. ~ WWld N ~ by IJ>o , LUNOHE01' PA&TY ~OU:-=·~; .-1ve<1 eltatkln, for tOl' to City ot Newpor-t. Beach, caut. •• ~ tMall ot u.. www .tM .,..•'sd • aete ... it8 tint T\utln A•£, Oor.ta Me.a, enter· ci.o. ' . 81JMDAY ..... ...,.t'SJ t YI• O..lltmon: , Md Ito'--,. 1cmf aa ,.. --· :'! • (F 'fto -•I rltn ::::!,!~ ~!!_.-=-lilncl~ n. ~~-:,: ~· . -Tile Odd l'allaWll and~ ~ I!fJURANCIJ • • ban "-""1111 OOtit•-.--d __.,...,., .,. . · , ··--. ---Clldo .. a..aat o1 u.e eo.ta.11-'lo4JN The need for a summor plaYf,_ ,. .. ,_ for -In U.. u.r.iaala, -Mlloall alllt-#I0""4 Ito Oftleeta Wiit> ....,.. Mr. and )(ra <leof&" V. i"olt, Mn. a...... ..,., U!it -•wilt .~ a ~ID Ille ~!(hall 1 ·~"--~to. City ot N~rt Boaclt ......... eit la~ ••-t.-Tlton le DO Md °'9-•'I oltM-... ,! .. -W1' ) y (prior lo B. D. Jl'l'!b and -. Bill . and Ute ~J liliM~:fjlo tlle ta Oooia -1 j 'JUT ......... placo In the city wh•ro child...,. can -to Jltly ..,,1 ac11 .. p.mo. 1-tllll --11, ...., to Ille IO day waltlatf period ._.'¥ Bob of Cloata Meaa and kn. -'a C1oaw ot ~--.,,,.. "tlollX&)' • • · , ,...,,., ·••* ft.,.&r. IN ' l"or thre.! yeara the El.men~ ~ a.Ye ean:1i14 tbe fVJl U.. ..... et oar ~M11 al pNb'l1 ... =' t'1e ....,.Mfllltcm tllto tJa1a '!~=;~=~===-=~:::;~·~ S4'w a ,. Foote re9p0mfbillty ot a aummer p~-...... ,. Y~-.et U.. Med. ol. ..., more we beth. •t'nlw wortd) ... I aU lcltool-op cJtlldrta It baa -............... _.....__ ,_, .. ._ -~ .i1 f1d -..ipt,----.1!4~L ,W. ll'WrLlfY ta: d b.Jl ~ ~---7. ... ,. ,..._. ... .... •· _, .....,. ti; ~...:.. w-u Whist! • i JI --... an < dttn lilk•, pt -Nit! ....... " -Ille <'»' -~ -.... -l'Vly 9f,T es . Y" ' for thla Pr'Olr"am bavo been . """ ... -.. to - -o1r-. ,... ol -·-· -h1mda Fr .I :u.I "--1 . .... r • I •• W. f .. 1 lbat tb• clty ...-bui1Pt ,, • .,..;, 11o1p ~Ullo -•b """ ,,_... 1ofi.r --om,,.., ri• YMOel' i# -ri, • • . to tM c.hUdttn of ?1ewport~ , , 17 gq.. -" r -_,_. 80 7'er 1"9 • ~ ~ hoolawtll Joie .. U ~Ch ..... Kar strte ~ ........ •a IL'•s 1 ec e oa" lltll. .t..oandlted nena.t:foa p. At an 'rnr*r• ..at rtt t'" ~ advloo that a c:ontlnuoue 1--1t ea-"97 i lo ~ a11mg daJll -a" F ·~-...., • of sro-t ·1n1po<Lance. Tito • -·a~ -u.. ..... -=:, ., _ Cllarpos ~ 111t1•s a 1a a -. 1t.., .._ ---, Mr. Wllllam BuP11ick. phplca1 ,.,.._._ 'n7 ...... "9 eanw ei --1 'E r• 1tt t 1-• quart &:Mt~ n 1 .-a ... .c:a... u uaua1. Mlu·Norma Por1t1aa.J••• •I I -L 1 1 -IJ&S• Clat1pia D. ... _ iiM · __ '.:t:;_ ... _: 0 ott~ to..__._ ... __ ;=--,I I ., ... a, 1111 - -"'---·•~ -: : ··-.-·--........,. · a ... ""'t'"I -ftlo I' •• --Old r7aa:.: -... ... 11~ fr~!:O.:. , ~lo roceMna °"'"'"'I*" 1 -,.......: we ""9 • ..._ ,.,. --iW 11 • ....... • .,o;,.._ tbat ~ will ~tuallr 1* J:f.' ; ..., ef ... -,_., 0 I II ....... 1i11iJ 11, INT at; --~-OJ I' I -as: a ~e ii now or ' 11 1r 11 ,we -a.at. lllt-,,.,., .. IMt .._ -......_t f -le -lie'taltc. • • ' -•• 7 -~· --9'J" -.... o• I a -lot w •;,, .,,.,atrtr\F •w.-..•.•112•~-. to .. • Nfll•• tbat Ulrt9 t&sa {flMI) '-1 151tect w ii r • 0 SJ • t SP&• •-..& .... Q ._ .. • •'='•~ ::!__ l/Vpportl1 • ol Ille r:·rPll;iiji I ..... , .. ,.t tlia • .... -!!:....:' _!. la &. Glim.......... , .. . ---1--. ____ ..... ' 1¥.• _ ............. a , ' Pl ,, 1"9-UMDa IJI ij A•, ' =:•d.::""o. ': ':;.' :.-: t 1 .111~11 • ..... ~ .. ~ •·nee\ ..,,..t ..._.Ors •tar,.'1'at:111 P.-'r.A.. ~ 4 --,,.. -~ ............... . • -. ~ • , I • • i • • , I • . I I • ·- ~-I MOST BEAUTIFUL OF All COOKING UTENSILS I ' • ··wa_gner 1\l~tdOJ/' ----I'"""';·:: ........ -........ -- C--4-..... ......... " -......... ............ """""' .................... _ .......... ................................... .,., .. _ .... ....... ~ ... ,.._., ..... ... . .................... -........ _. ..... .-....~r .. 'l .. ,,..,..AL ' ....... ......., .............. ..... ................... ............. ... ..... ,.... ............... -.. ..... .... ..... ... , ....... .. .............. ,......... .... ,,.,..,.,~ .. .. .,,. -111.tl , ' . s.ltlu:~ · ~ 'Petrio ·&races' !or: ~IF~, Gr . $err,,~. St,ibject ~£~--' t"""'"l~ ,..hurch be fla&l-l-cf_ ,_, ti>r . • l!oo"...,..,.,. ~ . ' ~tir win. ... r ·~ ·· · .• ,....,_.._> .... I,.., It be~ Ille ~· . ' >. .,_., et?a,,.otlq --~)' ... l!tli ~ Helf'' =~o: =,.:.:: ~ llpme an4. blll!!IJld•/lM " · • ~~la ·~· c.r-"1 Mar t~ ~ ~· ~ I · ~1: ~ 1111ta!lllQtar, tor ~ tac'Ulty ,_.; ~ .;.ni ., ~ • ._... llllse_w«: llAlllU. Two beld at Ilia ~ • r~ ~!' ~or ·"""""' ..,. 11•14. t>lle of Mr. and Hl'll. If~ 1 : It .• ·=P ._ Ill;; Wllll Ule Cbapel J:veJ'}'O!I• will' be e.rly t~ ~· fifllldilfl_ ,\ '°" Ill l!'raloe of swlnunlnc, volley ball . and ~ lll4i · •. "" K..,_ D!eldn_,; followed by ~ delkloUfi rp;a IN ~ '11;. aa. .Wl*ll ~ Cll•-1 : cblcken 11>pp0r. UJe btz>ia ~ 4oolr ~ • ...., ot Ille Jllpt- trom the copeke tarni. llt~'e' ' OUI' J>7.T. ~Noble. ntng there w1lJ be l>rldJ~ ' . ;A.' U; O'~ ~ Will allo be tnr for lboae wllo Wiii! to ' ·~· ~ ~ illlt":JJor lllCli!t Wllo f..Uvttlea. Committee f<ir 'Ill• .. ,... \~~~. ~. , membcr,n of . , , • event lncludee ){ra . .Geol'J~. (lu~· ~ ~afit=· ~1: llro. I-llMl!ll~ -tv7CWedl•c, >lift tp ...,,.$, """ ll. v. rle, Mrs. Blll Priest, ~ Ta:flf "Ude •. · lldllllD uul J'up." ---,..., lllln. B&rTJ: a. °"'"""'°"..,...,._C _......,,, and the host, Mr. Harper. ~~W ·~:· ")'!Qale llio. 094 TwldioeP, --71 lln. ~ Ill. ............. 'iudftor· ,iegutar May meelJnc ..U held !rom fl911&~ 'VJ'• -,i,11 "Vtwce'' by • lllL Oe -. ._ -111n..Aidta Gomlile, -• ' In s111i. Ana at t))f ho'!'•~ I*· lleii. laoolut , • • • _ • • . ' • • · (~ J'botQ) ::: ~~~.'!::~. ~~ ~t: The.sun~). 8Cl>oqJ tneebl at 9:46 • GrJeaser"l;<1 _;~~· · ;:-::r'.¥1~ , .. ,m.1 "1\h.1\1~1'!'"'(!"' all chil<h'eu. P . ~ ... ~ J " • J JL Dt.acuaston w~: · pil .. r ~ 1 • ia, .~u u ~ c1'M for '4ulta. TM rayer ~tO\,IP. mem9no < ...,~me . !JlODey ra~ ~. ~·~· • 'I'"!. htpl.an4 Senior hllh PO· Organ.IZe..t:~t ·t Isla' nd· Churc'h ..,.tt&re work 'lli>IOni· ~1 -4 ' : : . F'el~J>S · meet at 6:30 P "V Iii and tbelr ~J,e&. .., ·· 4r '"' • · ·;t. m.' · ~-.... .~~~~~J!~\;~~~:;r:~ ~t. James" Church Dr~~~~f :i':lb..--;: ~~~:.~~ ~~;~{ ',I a 1>1: ~ i;aUI~;:,.~ at .Aln•ric&n Llgiori ht.II w:hen On Sunday, May 27, the Y.C.L. St. .James Church announaea Oommuati1 llethodt.t church wtll M -.. _ _. i-' r -:_~~~~ Bo•rds Enteliain · at ·Ebell 'Po-"Y -. Young Ch"rchmen to be Hosts at " Convocation -Meet board member,, wt'9irll' JU\d in-ot St. James are to be holt gro-.:zp that a• wetkly pray8?' rroup hU l_PM;k1 011 :1ta~we ~4)'ll·~ ra. """uai·i~ H&Jey u·C9....,,.~- com1ng, entert&i!16d th& member-to young people ot the Convoc.a,.. been orp.hlsed for the purpoee ~ ~ni.. ,act, .!~ tnmi ·our Mporpsu-,aVrirrSnmlall?'"PltlO .... ~~~~ the1 ·_ ;~~ PF CllSlft', lltlp. bi play ....... =a ·t41ao; Ui:h tlon ot 1..on.-Beach. The younr of ofterlnl' rel'Uiar prayere or ta· patrto"' !" <lni<:ll rolrlol' will •Ing · . •· · • • {~'I' . colort'UJ WUh Y•Uo'Yr place mat.a people will meet tor awlm.n'ling at te~ tor those who w1'b The ~eavens Are Tentng tBff. -· · I llOI 'Vii" Udo. Newport a.all and minlat'Ure bou.queW. 2: o'cloek. the formal ee.ssiona ot them. Thi•. poup -UI meet at thoveJt.), At Ulll Sunday momlng SCBOOL Cl1BToDJAN uJ. I " iHdl ., t1M • ........, Oillrdl. ,._ Memberahip haa been dtvided the group wJU start at 4 p. sn. 9:U &. m. Ld the churcb ••trY ft.l"Yiu, the Elke lodJe wUJ pre-. J . A. ~ cuaito411n 1 91 '4f'f: 11 . .r ca.Mt, Sd_.ltf:, lll ......_ JurlnJ' u.. Y••r wit.II '""'"° b(ljl· Plana !or the dll)Z>er . .,.. Wlder 'n>urwday mornlnl', preeedtnl' tllo oent • new Amer!qn llllg tor the Newport ll;J.tman~ ICllqoJ.L.. .' .-... •---1 ....... A mo-••v .. -••oe. -. lhe dil'ectton of lhe advtsor, Mn. wetkly aervtce of lnterceuton and church aa.nctuary. been critically ill with a 1beut ~ SdMI -~--·----t:K•. "'· -..... "f.Mll ,.,.,,..,,. __..... "'' r A-S . · .._Jli -s.ntce llM •· •· December poup, wh.lch ' ra19td Fra.ncea Ha.mJlton, and the Y.C.L. Holy COmmwiton. ..._t . unday the putor an-a ilment and tot :.Vera! d&~-WM 'JI' , m.ditt ...,.Uit -t:GO , ..... larl'Mt amount" for Ute bulJdta.g presldent, Miu Pit' Allen. l"ollowtnr the ae"1ce, the J'r'OUP nounced tbal 20 pew, were needed in an oxy,:eia ~nt 1t. si,.1 ~.,pa.. ~ ~...,. ~ • 111 ,..,.. Stf'MtS fWld, Pll.110, wu p,_.ted with ~ _.. will MIJovre -to U.. -Ho'!J9 for the aanctuary, coat w be S7& hoaptW. ~ la ROJF ~ aij:.11, ._,., ·~.t~ !::'a.!.11.:.-' ..:r... Individual -· ney ,.... N.., Qfnc.i;o !Or UI• T. 0 . Lt IO fop tllo -• atlldf . cl-. 'l'llo eacll, and at the end of the eervlce tt la roporte9, .~"f'.b !i1 '!'1J!.~ •"' . ch&lrm&ned by Mniei. J_A. Oant. Mm for the tarm ~tlll·'ff ll!art· 111bjoct ·to "9 r-ed fOr Ult Pledcea or promta .. had provided some u..,. bet~ .Jre ~ ":'i"' ... ~,..~'tl;~ .::''1. to~ W. ft. r-and H. 11. 11uta. Ing In October el"led at luLSUll· montll I<> .....,_ Wiil· "9 tho boo!< for about ton. , home. f I · -, .. Given aifecta_I recopJUDn whep day's meeting were president. "'Intetttcent Pn.yer'' by Lout 1 ' ' · ' ecoree were counted., there were Oreg Wt1(ht; vice -pre a J dent MacL&upun.. On JQ.y 11, due t.o prize8 tor Mra. ff. F . Ives and Mra. Charle• Seeley, a n d MCTetary-the rwctor'e absence frutn the clty, Baetz at ca.nut.a. for Mrs. Mabel treasurer Nancy Miiiet. the clua wtU be conducted by UH Boylan and M'ril . Al Horvath at Rev. Robert Bell of Sierra Ma_. bridge. Sun .. Coffee Hour who !> a member or the Dloc- Regular prlzea went to Mme•. f E . I' Commluion on Spiritual Ther-.py and 1. Jone-Ume leader tn the Murray Rabbitt and H enry Ee· Or piSCOpa 1an5 study within the Episcopal churcb " . . . I . ·SPECIAL PURCHASE · SALE! , . gert at bridge, to Mmes. Walter . faith h u ';~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t1Hennlng1 and. H . B . sUtz tor The monthly•~ffee hour tor the _on ____ ea_n_ir_·~-----11 ca.nut&. Dobr prize• went to congregation and their friends Mmes: John LaM&r?'\ J . A. Gaot will be beld ln the Parish Ho~ and CharlH Bull. Sunday; May 27, Immediately fol· ' LUMBER 2x4's ••••••••• 8500 SHEATHING ••.• 8500 • Special Price on WINDOWS R.g. S PECIAL 31--44x2/0 •••• 3.50 299 2 8x4/2 •••• 3.50 299 3-0x4/2 ••.. 3.50 299 Other Sizes in Small Lots • * L9ANS * Borrow up to $.!GOO uuecured. Can be ,tned tor plumblns fls- turM, palntlnr. rootlns, eltttrlcal ftsture&. etc. Any l"t>fnodt"Jlnc. ;_. 1 Opeh 'Af / Day Sal.urcJay OPEN 9 tO I on.SUNDAY • I . Tl,IESll!: PRICll!:S GOOD A~ TIME OF 8ALE WITH THJS Atl : .~ MAf24toSI hacon 5611 • LUMBER CO. -140 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA COSTA MEllA'li tjlEWEST LUMBER YARD % '=·· . • ?,{rs. c. M. Oea.ktn., who 18 re· lowing the lJ o'clock •er vice. Urine preaident u well u new ocae, Rosteues wtU be Betty Bea.II and we.a pre~nted w fth 8 lovely bronu Grace Montiomery. pit.char from. membera or her out- going board. China Missiqnary at Christ Church Miss. Dixie Smith to be Aug. Bride _ .. On Sunday. May 27th, there Mr. a.nd Mrs., Dixon Smith ot will be. a special •speaker ut N~w Orle&n#, former reaide:ot.8 of Christ C~urch By The Bea, when Balboa hlnnd, ar{• announcing Uw Mrs. Horace E. Dewey will OCCU· engagcn1ent of their daughter, PY the pulpit. Rev. Wld Mrs. l'<ot i.88 DiXit' Ann Smith, to Mr. Dewey tutve juat returned from 'l'hon1ns Sperry Hutchinson, 90l"I the Orient where they have bflen of P rof. and :P.lna, C. A. Hutchln- n1issionariea under the MelhO<llst :wn ot BoulJer. Colo. Church for the pa."lt thirty years. M iss Smi th wu gr&duated from Rev. and Mrs. Dewey went to Ne•J.-port Harbor U,nion High China as mtsaionarlea to Cha.ngU school and is f!OW a junior at Un1· Hopa.i Province. where the Great vers:t y of Colorado wbere· she ls Wall of Ch ina P8 down to the affiliated with Kappa DeJta aor- sea , and there Rev. Dewey was ority . District Superlnlendent of th e Mr. Hutchinson ia a graduate of area tor many yeJ.r•-Five years Boulder 8C'hool~. holds a bachelor ago they were captured by com· or sclt1 nce ll egree in chemlca.I en· munis ts, their home and po:!!Se.11· glnee ring and will rf'Ce~ve hll M. ajon• b\lrned. S . in appllt!d matbem.atic• ln Au· Vl<TOK McLAOLENS 'fhe Vietor Mc Laglen8, who hav~ been Uvtnr in Corona del )far until theit ttf.w home &t. BaJ· boa was co7teted, are now aelect· lnf"'!ll1'111l'lll' Md ltl_.r11fto"'the re1id,nce. rt may be llOITle ume- befor~ th8 actor apenda much llmt> there however, tor he and John P'ord ..,. d-nc mak"1r a pic- ture ln Ireland. gus t . He ii• a member of Aca.cip social fraternity, of Tau Beta Pi, Sibrn1a -T a u, Ht!8.J'"t and Dag&er, Sig111a Xi, Alpha Chi Omega and the Rocky ~lount&ln Retcue gPOUp. In 19:r,Q )Ir. Hu"tchineon wu named out.at.andinS', Mnklr a&MS ... • served aa president of the Com· binl."d ttngineers. He aerved two years In W orld War 0 and &!Ur an August weddinr he ww be ..-· 80Clated wtth the Atlantic Rettnp Ing Co. in the re.fllt&J'Ch and pro-- -;:::===========~-iuctlon i..t>oratory in Dalla.a. 20 D4DJ Trips .!!AST. fr-1.M ~ n.<Uulillt 7 "&d-Tm" BXPRBSSB.S A, lllst~Mlles '-rYHrMouy I ' • / :·~ 11teP. Arw , • 112 ""'' ,.,..{ Clilcap •••••• · •• ,6.8,. ~ ••••••• '2..80 ~D'.C. • ''·" 11-v• ..• • . : '9M . --,., ... _..,, •-• • • • • • f. ,z.60 · • • .L .• a f .Del X-. , .• • • SZ.4J .... ..... .. -. . ~-a ISpf... • • • • J.4.8 °N9WOdlEFI I I • o.1 .-. .. , .. ..-........-~ I . -....... -.. ..... ~-, ..... ..... er. c. s .. ,,..,. , 1 ;\.~ v I ¥ .a-....,1 .. •... - [. • ' • ON THIS FEATURE-PAC~ED, 1951 ·MODEL I . . . ;Q .D ! WEDG,E. . . , . " .. .-·: ·-,GA:S ,-RA .. N .;. . . I • fNJOY COOKING LUXURY . AT THIS VERY LOW COSTI ULAlLY $1195~ PRICE $14950 U S~VI •30 II • - ' . • • . = ' . . ] • , . ! " \ • • • .,, ..... ro •o ,:a•• ••Mr.ro .110 z•-r•• •a.• County Symph: Concert May 'lJ The Orange County Symphony OrchC'stra. under the direction of Clinton Sawin, has set May 29 u the date of their next'eoncert. Ml-. Sawin !JI offerlrf• • varied program. Ol)f'ning wtth .. The Leonore Overture" Opus 72 from 8f't"thovan:~ c!uslcs and ck>8lng v.•ith his fifth symphony, first and secnnd n1ovemt"ntll. To , lighten the fare Anton Ovorak's Sl a vonic Da.ncea No. 1 and No. 2 which a.re rich In mel· ody and their contaglou.!I rhyt:hm ltn1,ers for days In one's memory. ·1Lallan Caprice" by T1tetun- kqwsky always gives the lmpres- sion or a light-hearted fiesta day with ils invllation to life and W. Lord to Head Me"' Lions Club · · Heading tbe Collta MeB& Ltona club for the 1961·5% year wtU be William E . Lord in accen:lance Juvf'. wtth election resuJta announced Aaron Copelarn:rs ··Quit"t Ctty" Lut week. Mes a._,, ' . 8,U'. LAST DAY! lolla LUd. GfM Tlen.e7 "MA Tl,.G SEASON" """ "DOUBLE DEAL" SUN.· TUE& Colltla. Sun. !110 OUARAl'iTUD FAMILY suow: "BEDTIME FOR . ·BONZO" Ronal<I Reapn ''GROOM WORE SPURS" G IDC'f!lr Rop,n Academ,r Award Cartoon Gerald McBot.s Botnc • Sf'ts a srriou_, note in the pro-Hl.8 supporting offker• tnc lUdf' g rarn , the subdut"d cry or a.n en· Basil Petf'reon. tlrat vlce-pre•l· slaved people seeking liberation. dent; Donald Dun&&n. aecond vice- Jt is 8 slmp'e theme with a great president: Raymond Knapp. third depth o r pathos and longing. ·The vi ce-president; Kenneth HUI, aec- fealurPd artist will be Edwin EJ. r:e tary, and Harold Myen, tnu-~ .. -.. ---------· )Iott of S.lnta Ana. rl1"8t trum~t. 'Urer. The concert l.!1 in Lhe maJn audl-New board membel"9 u a result toriurn or the Newport Union High of the balloting are Orma Cra.n.k sc.·hool. the date Is Tuesday, May &nd Don Stevena. They wtll •erve 29 at 8: l:S. You are cordfa.Jly ln-with holdover mentbeJ'• Art Me.y- vltt>d . Admission rree. ers and Walter MUleT. Homer Mel- Bennett Bradbury Praised by Millier A rlatng young•martne ~te:r, Bennett Bradbury. t8havlng a ' one In•n .!!how of 19 of hie: patnttngS fl-om Ma,v IS lo June 15 at tht> Cowie Biltmore Galleries in Los An~elN.. Arthur Millier. art crit ic of th«" Times gave him a. fine re- Vit"w in Sunday's paper. lott was c.hoaen TA.JI TwWter and Ray Danlger wu named Lion Tamer. -COM Residents See Travel Slides Mr. and Mn. Richa'rd Sch.welt- ier of 682 Goldenrod avenue. Co- rona del Mar. enjoyed a moat de- llgbltul ··umch.air" trip recently when Mr. Sc.bwellkr'• mother. Mra. Dell A .. Scbwelber or La Canada waa guest for the week end. She had Ju.t. returned from a two months' jaunt over South NO W 8HOW1NO "Ma and P'a Kettle Back On The Farm" Ma•Jorle Mal11. ~""'Y IWlbndo Afoo 11111 Mtnleal Clolftedy Riot "RHYTHM. 1N'N" -nUT8.,llVNQAY ...., MMt ·Talked "ftf Plct9N of t~ year "I Was Communist Spy for the F.B.I." -~ "HOT ROD " ?tlni:. \Vllllam Swl!t Daniell. chalr'mRn of t he Penn..,,ent Me- morlal collection at lAguna A rt G~ry, r eports !he addition of SE."~dlll paintings. including a very fin!!' Carl OM:ar Borg, a splendid Jack' Wilklnl'IOn Smith, and one ot Robt-rt Fullenton·s ~landacapes. America. t.&klng a. boat from New )~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orle:ana in company with two 1 · friends &nd came bacl: wtlb a ttne collection ot colored 1lide.•. An amateur photograpbe.r, ahe bu WOD;derful lucll and two year• ago came back from Europe wtth only eight poor pictute• out of 400 Califo rnia Stele Fair Show at Sacr atncnto. August 3' through SPpl. 9 hu been announced. Thi• yt>ar thr show is to have two juries, one for thr non-objecU\re and ultra modern school and the other ror conservative painting Pru;es this ytar will be 110,000. Harbor Thespians in Rehearsa l fo r 'Night Must Fall ' a bots. 1st. OCC Art Sholft' Opens Saturday at · Ct>rct1a det· ~ar the tint annual art ahibtUon ta being lll"<!n by Orang-• Coul collere at 1100 COUt Hlpway, The wel.1-choaen least of the Corona del MU. lt will be open to N ev.•port Harbor C o m m u n i t y lbe public on Satun:Sayi Ka.y J6. Players rorth-coming production A. rectiptJan wtU be he.kl at 2 :30 or .. Night Must Fa ll" are deep ln p. m. 8undaY., atterMon. .W..)' 11~ r t"ht-1trsals and judgtng from thf' Stude:nb pfWeltUnl tlMlr WOf'k f':<cellence or ~rformancea, ~hi• wtll be there. • FOR REAL FUN -. "21 NG" OON'1 MISS ou• ,.l\lNT SHOW •t•U -elllS - . .... ' ; . . promise.111 to bf' th~ ~moothest pro-The exhibit la compomd &lrncf.t duc t ion yf't given by this hard m tlrely of work done ln the a:rf. work 1nl; group. cla.Mee &t Ora.hp eo..t ooUep. ' ThE' lead role of DaMy la ex· lt wUI repruent work dotte in de- pt>rtly handled by Orren Brooka. 9fgn, adYe:,rtb:inS art. water color. M·ho is making the theatre his cat-freehand dr&Wlnc, arclllteclu.ral Ft"r. The difficult part of a Uld ce:ramJca. The pictu:ru we.re c:ha.n~eable and moody per110nality ~bosen by a jury compoeed of four 1s handled by him .w1th all the: ln-1tudenu: Phy1U. Walktm, Rob- nuendoes and nuances n~eeaary bie Lou.. ne~ Oeor,.. .Jamu and to make an audience at once rear-Ray Jette. LAG"NA IEACH PLAYHOUSE ru1 yet sympathetic. The display wa.a put up by tour Margaret Rouzaud of Orang@ •tudente ttom ~ iact'nrU.lng plays the pnt of Olivia, a.hd her :la.uel, Barbar& Lons. JOI!!: Utnon, quiet Underplaying ie only a tram-~chard White Ud Hubert Combe. parent muk to an emot ional build-rt wUI be an d&spla.y •:pproximate- "MY SISTER EILEEN " May 23rd throul'h June 2nd CUlt4in IL30 AdmiAfon 11.llO t.:asuna <-Ua Reeervatioo.I held to 8:15 ' . up that rarrles all the potentia' y Mayi 29 to .tune 18. The atµ- prnmos• "' un••ploded dynamlt• 1.ni. or occ hope lll .. w111 .,. Ille Harbor Residents charge Popular Bob Went.Ji ta: 'lnt of muy d:hlblU to repreeent cast ln th" part of Hubert -~-'.he W.nt belnc developed ln tldli • 0 • f ally a d'"b and unlnl•,.lltlng-P"•· u.trtct. Hours""'· week daJ'a. \0 In rJVe Or · ·oona.llt)•. Bob. however. ha.a placed '-m. to 4 p. 'm . and°" wHk ende, KeMy Ho, spit . .aj a new and comically delll'hlfUI tn-to a. m.. to e p. 91-u terprelation to tb.J& ordln4ry n)1e · '*-\ ~~k1:'11 make the audience Garden Club Tour II=~~:: a:.~ Gertrude Hom u Mn. Bram· f' I :.. . 8 h bor ~ ~to -.. d lll&li &0n, Vt.glnia Royce u Mn. Tu-19 a.agUM 88C · · pr.lie !fMrl ~ iuid majcd ence. Marjorie Stafford · u .Data. • ~ , · TtWklnc cm UM vtv.1net ~ Nancy Andre" .. u Nu... Llbl>J. Lq\m& ~-o...i.., club will at tlle. ltiiOpllal· !If• iloe tl.otr re, and Benny T\Jn\er u tnopector ......, tb -Ill _.....,...n porl& 'Goel· -fOI' N_.-t WN Belal&e llll blond \heir petf~ "'!! ---• ~. a2000 eod .,.....,. =Ill wlofl to c~ate an ever mountlftl .,... Sli;i' Ji' trcm. 10 L nL-to •:ad p. to• contrtbirtte \OWVd. · l o{ ponoe 1l1at w1U have llle p1&11oao l1.. Udteta to, 1-• '!'16 at lllo poll!> p&tlonts ~ donatlo!>o hugging llle edp Of uij,1r -ta ut pl!tey -...i a t Ille aew dlNct to 8Jotu ICllabolll X....., To lie Pl-led June. -•1at W-'la -~ -· lllo ""'""""""' -Woot _, Cout .eoue.-. Cbapol. tld1<tb .,.. -.-wdl '-to.Id. .. trMo ottteC, ...,. A.ngoieo. • "NJsbt Muot hi!" ..01 be nail-~-.U.. -"'*7 ...__ ---,_ 8o HpolU Kn. IJem'p al 0..~ I able at IU<hard·1 l,ldo MarMt. lliiJ M1111a. I alitl W L -. T• ~ Of 0..... 'tlol. lier, k.Q;I Earl l!tanfeJ' ---'11o-1> -)o w Nd -I '1o Op. a. ~ ._ 'a1111 -· ~ land, IUmi>t-~·-,..... ,,,. -'•ti --....... -OfttJ I ..... W""ild "'! ...,. .• Pipe Bbop Ill. 0..-clel -· ~ ....... _... llQ'. lllo drift. .... ,,..,,..1 ..... ::::J BIPo paii. ""4.Jla-Oee--n ot 11.. -... ~J. .--.._ .... ~ ta. lll!t ll&lbQa, an11 ~·· """'° -at'l'liNo ..._,~. ,,._-. w a --~._-a maq -Gnnl'a """"W.. la " tt• ....... 'lloia.. lllo -· -ri-tip .......... eUo{ pool& ~ A d~l-ioa ~J!O. I bow.r ..... -ia. -•11*4 to walk -mon. : ... ,, • . ~ "' , ' I .. \ .. ' f "AIR CADET" MlleNafloJ, C)alJ ·- • ' . • ~Jil1t• ltd & Buoll K L S-6MO ConU.uoul Dally From 1 :15 1k tttl 5--tOc Even.hip NE~ F IRST B ID/ POLICY STARTS FRIDAY, Uth ~---------- Alie• f.Add ln ---eleo -.... "Appoi.i-t '°' n.n..,,.,. 'STAGE TO TUCSON' Aleo lohaay • Wt..mulloT Ill . otFIJlly OF THE OONOO'' J Red Oameron, Wayne Me!'Tlt Alwa ys Tw o Fi rs t Run Hits ! ' -Continuo us De ily ·Fro m· I: 15 p. m. - ' MATINEE t o 5 p. m EVEN INGS Al.L CHILDREN I ALL CWLDR l':N 81':AT8 35 f tu: lne. 9; 1 ><l<A T8 60 r 14' Doon1 Open I Show Mt&rtll Chlkl"'n Free I P hone 1:16 I 8 :~ SOW 8llOWINO "UP FRONT" -alllO -• ''THE GROOM WOR-E SPURS" l: ndf' r I % 1 KL S..QIO STARTS SttNDA.Y "SOLDIERS THREE" Da'id Nive n, \\'alkr Pkl1eon -alao -• Abbott I: C'09te.llo "MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN" CHILDREN ~~~ FREE wg:.,:~~~:.:'' MEET YOU AT "THE INN " HeJlry' s Famdlls FOod 11 Bree kin g Customer Records et "The Inn" • IT ,,. Brings New Orleans ~ I -·1\ to BALBOA • ff Finest See Foods • Best Steak s on t he Coast B Se rved 5:00 P. M. t o· I O:bO P. M. Comfo rtable Atmosp he re Picino Ber wit h JACK RUSSELL e nd hi s "Ee sy" Pieno-Orgeno .. LIOA INN CAFE . ··t COCKTAIL LOUNGE B~A INN ARCADE • OCEAN FRO::\'T AT THE PIER BALBOA .. YOUR HOSTS •• DICK and lin: DENT - The ·BLUE ROOM 206 pa lm St., Bslboe ·an11ounces OPENING ·of-IT 'S DINING RQOM and KITCHEN SATURDAY , MAY 26th • ... ·ouR SP.ECIAL ... · '.CHARCOAL BROILED . . . -&ASTERN -CHOICE Full l b-oL · ·PORTERHOUSE STIAk . • ;.~s2.1s •••• . . . . . . . . . . ' : ··coMPL'ETE DINNER • • • • for R•••~•tions Phone Harbor-2214 · • . . . Hlglt QuQ/ity Printing-Ph. Hor. '''' High .Qualify Printing-Ph. Hor. ''' • • I ' I • • LAU6H AT CAcTUS' EACH lllEEK IN TH£ AD~RUNB~ .. ilOSSl;S · FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Also Steaks - P rime Ribs Cocktails 1611 Coast Blvd. tr a r bor II so Corona del Mar QlllStlui IUT ' ' /WO/),,,.,. <lm)(I Open Every U.y~ COMl'LETl DIHNlkS Ho'" St.SO to Sl SI TKOPIC:AL DRll\-il.S Oi111t i11 ttia E•clu•i•• TAHITIAN SICY•OO M FN'1" Parktng: l"litrbof 171 VISIT THE NEW HUT on Cout Hlwa1·. 1..aguna (Clo1•d Tu••d•v•I Phonf' •-9006 for Rt-M·r ,·allonlll :SOW OPEN I ' t .. 1.-t I ' • ' . 1 '• ' ' , Bl~YC,LES Ace Key · 0. P.. VEA<ilf. •J<flO't tli tul Mal• SL ii&!-' t F"!'C of Pier -. --. ' .... -' -. -. ,-~~~~ing!-. ComPlo._.. · U.0 e/ 8BB'l7B_lll;BY, nED- .J>lNO) l'~,f IN8llOl'.lCIDl':S. Jir:&.- TILIZl':BS ' • ' ZIZS Newport lllvd. ..• eo.ta Meea ""'-,BeaooaMM' -- ./l __ ,,ci,,r;· ' 1" E TMq"'N~Gsq' B-A R . EVE RYTHING N SPORTSWEAli • Slacks • Sport Jacket.$ • Shirts • Denims • Swim Wear • Yacht Clothes .·-~~ 703 E. Balboa · Blvd. · Balboa HAR R IUO-~ I . . - CHARLEY'S . ~EA~b -. Superb Se~food By The Sea! Lunch or Dine By ·The ~-.. . Luncheons 1.00 • Seafood· Cocktails ' - Dinners .. 1.2~ up • Seafood Salads r CHRISTIAN 'S MUT ANNEl 1135 Coast Hiway r Next to. POf'! Orange. ' Newport r· lleaoOil "MM Snack & Cocktail Bar on t hf' Pier lsthmu!l CATALINA ISLAND B7 -' -. YOU'LL ENJOY DINING OUT ~1 r NORTON'S -. . I IAYSHORE--: RESTAURANT . c dMPLETE '°'NNE~· -.... "Spedaff&lnc la 'nlat:'• Good" ........_, hooa 1144 •· - Boun: "10 .. m. to-t l P. m-I lo I p. m. 17th II c-i·,m~: w-u••1" Newpi.rt Beach T h RCHES CAFE: ~d.:T-TAIL LOUNGE OPmlf 10j4. ~ I L 111. .,. . , I r, I ' Newport Bl mt·-fll&llwa1 " I . , • ... • Morri • 4 • Jtor xDlOIUAL DAY --GllDl':ll l!IOW- -. .ttTii ·-Ir:. ........ ..... • ., .... -'iv. ~N1ENNAS . I 'a:Nsr•1txn -Ka\'ICED .. GiNfl' .. • . • I ... w. .. .. ,,.. Fiftc~ ·:~ •·· D11~- 1Jt ,... . • 4ll' .. ,.,, > ~ 11)11Y -· -ll~~======t~::;=<~3:i ' ' • • ' • • ~ ·T 1·D I I ·~ ' TAILI . . ' , I LOW ~· . ~ , lllOlt j ·' ~,. . t~fL ... "' ltoO LID. ·-1,o . . ' >W. illl ' T:tl p.m;; u l!&luftla7! -' . *"' p. m.1 :J:lt ~ m. • M 9:0& Lm. -a• I Ma_y •. . -.:il.p.m. a.•: l !lf p. m. 1.'T .11\iOdq "I .... ·~.:,,m.. C.0 . ' lO:OI L m. ~ • .IJla1' 31 . • ;'l:ll .p. .... f.8 ' 10:00 p. m. I.I ~-•. :1.0~m... --.o 11:,.00 Lm. o.J -~ .. . .f:6S-.P. m.I f.T < ·-=:···-··"'··-... .1:35.i..m. ' i.1_ ·~0:10 L ni .May •• l,;t'f p. ,,.; o.o U :t.T LID.· w~ ' .7 Ltn. 8.1 1:fn .. m. F ..:.lCaJ'._30 1:49 P. m. 5.4 12:28 p. m. ;Dl¥rid&1 7!60 L m.' 3.5 1!63 Lm. ~·11 • 7;2'1 p. m. 5.t . 1 :03 p. m. .~ ,. . .·t: ~ @ . er· ' . • . ' . niUnt , · FULL .,. ' LAST nw QllAAUB ·MOON QU.urft:ll llOON June 12 lune 19 May 27 Jun. 4 U..DRIVE CRUISus 'ROW IOA"TS : ~~ ~ fTACllLE -~. ELLIS~~~; REN'l'ALS -0-1 Hl-y N.,,..,.rt -n. -r %515 ' . AT SOllTH Do'D OF BAYSHO&I: llBIOOE RATTAii .. FijRNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES MADI IN 'OUI OWN WOllC$N0Pi AMO PIOM tMI •MlllP,tNll '"' &At•ur DISP&AY Olll 1MI PACll'IC COAST * ,......,,.__,w~.C..-. ... s-............... ........ _.!)..,.. .......... _ HOUSE I GARDEN 611c-...,..11o., ... ._~nn OPEN Nin8 -SUNDAY New · Dodge -f acto,.Y ·Delivery SAVE UP TO $283.00 INVESTIGATE AT .SHA VER MOTORS . . DODGE· PLYMOUTH, NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA See WALSH · HAR~WARE ~ FOR. FIRE SCREENS AH Brass Draw Screens Floor Type SpeclaUy .l'ri~ed et $29.95 end 39.95 - • YOUR NExT MOVE .IS All Bress Mounted Type et $24.95 • 1,844 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Beacon 6603 OUTDOORS! We Fwture Your E•ery NMd for • GRACIOUS OUTDOOR LIVING Redwood Furniture Al11111lnu111 Furniture · 1.1 0.1 0.9 t.o 0.3 L4 ::. <;:lb················· 2r =E .... ... . ... ' .. 391$ !-;:,"~C~r .18"' =RS .... . .. 25~ I Ft. Baroom• Table 'MP• l!liell ................................. 39' a.nd BencheA ... ,,............... 17 Alao "·e have• t', S' & 8' Tables Redwood Occat.ional 895 Cha.In ................................ V ;:;:: ~~~~~-.. ····-··---······· 9'5 ~-::::M_ .. ~~~~~~·-··:-··· 107 Garden Umbrela1 ' frOlll 17.95 OC»Q'~.'sz'i.rxmos OF u.ftAX ~ • . 'TJIOPICAL niaH18JllN08 ··; • Pl:EL CANl:,l'UIDQ71JU I • tLUlllOO llMPl:lUE8 • BU-IUJ08 • ' . e :MMJl!'O SJLlD,IJS • SD.Aw •vGa_ ; .. ~'" . .I • ,JAI01I ' .... . . LAGY~A. -~9"e a ilAf!u SHOP ,.. ... o-.c·..... ' . ·~ ..... l-11111 t ~ ., ·~-=-~ • • • p ·\ ' • :-, . ~ • I . I •• t ·' +' :.l··.· + 1Naiad "t9h5i' hef.s·--·-;}. ·'.~~ Third in G~m· .. ~ · · · ~ ~ u.lrd la .... iouc ...... -· ~ ·xa-'<,-;J. .t~· : f . . 111"1 19 ..Id 9; " .. . ~ . f >:':'.1,Nf.,;..,.t; -·~ ">'•· ·~· ~ ....... !' • • ' ' • -.. al9Q ... ~ ~· "" .... ,,._ • ~ .-· -·· . ~~. . ~.;;,:twt. '• ',.. . , ~t a1· .P. ~-·1bi0i 1SS .~ ··v n . • Hip' ochool.. '"""P.it!Ar ~1 ·ct.'l 11r.:r ~i.'.!: ' 1n t1w.a..naai. OU\ ana ~'~ · ect'IQ · ~en , 1,11e saw~ atcbt ~ W.' 'f ·· L .1' ' 'fl(.· ~! ; • , °'""'~" of llie .Naiad 1111ty •• ~. 0 . JOJ:J S,. QAIU' Ted ,Hamb-" ·"'-· o" \.:r. , · . , , :c:.> , j· '· Na1a11 a..s··;;:;;1;,1,;~;:r;;,-~ r. -a..t liti....-i..~;. · Calltoml& -..,. IAeder • .u.;o.i; lUl4 ...... A.. ~; ~ llf j H 2 . •lion .... t1>o .p.,u.s1DS.~· ... 1 ·~ -+-'~" "¥. '.be benqu~ with Ha.~~ atf.w.l ·~ ~ ,...,.:}f._. ....,, "":'!"' 'ng. IA all llOO ~Pited 1a·u.\1 !#' •9b'-'~""*"·--1 Ult; : : • Gam wttll' .... 91iti* ... ,..,.~"11: .• ~ ,"1Jll1Di ·~ . ·~':, -~tJ· • r'. ···-;~ f .. IAtJiB . NOWJJOn, -~·CUI .we!J''."f• -K.v ~~.~. . • = " 1~• proud of W. onck. Bbip. 'hklaf """ · -' _,, • . .. . DBI-llJW !llae ~ l·. lo~ yoar'~.UJal .,..,.. Quilt)'; . ._ • pvt competlUftly In altllla• -· Qjiu. "'~ • ~ · :] N""cy C'tttt and w Belle Boice Iii ~!.;,~ ~ 'pteetdejl Semaphore· Com n aaa, Donit 'llW , ~ ' :;_ • · . . ,. Su-; B.;jj ·Tllne, /,;>~· 0 ·00••· ~.'.~ -,. Kn-Le.ii C14rk ~ P&rt!i <lf Marabal 'l'a!kir,..,kir •~: ~-s...i ·at • Y 1, .. .... ... . . AMONO CATALINA RACJJ wlaaera wbo ....... awarded ~al llalha y_, Chlb"-···-- dinner ·Saturday nlpt locl"4ed ~ebor Ett<:k-. ••-. -Ilea-Sia...,. -·Aattqma TrtJpl\y far nrst on corttoetecl time and the 8. Y. C. T.rol'h.Y for ftnt ll·SS to ftalah; Nd' keaay Sdu'nidt. rtabt.. who brouch• hJa 10-mt"'ltt Hilaria IA Rrnt aerom the llae and received Ule .l&lllM Ca&'""t)' Trepll)'. Vkei-Comtnodore Conve-ne WurdellmAD. h>ft, .made the pl'e8ftlt&tlou. • (Photo by Beckner) Row Boat. Nafuly !?ea"!': Coti;1 ~Udy . TucJli\'; i juDIOr , """ffi' ttaulng 1n Sktlla ........ -Jou Kerrill, guide, end Be Stange compeun1. in Identltte&• Ly11 ·Smith:-Th.., oft • Uon ot typca of bo&ta: Je.ae Nunan cera ~ wen ~ a~ted otttoe pafto of canoe; YVQIUle Ta,Jor. will be lrultalled at a public II\· Ring Buoy tllrowlng ror accura<;y; st&\]&UClll . .June lf. . . I Jane Soderberg, Parto ot sailboat; Specl&l tnt.roductlona lnclud~ Ann Boucher, Bandapnr and ,Sha· Carol.. .Burdlek; . put bpito~ rort Sherrill. Splicing. . q11eea; Mrs. Rex, Albright. Jlrnlojr In the awtnunlnc -•ta Nancy .put gulll'dlan: Mra. DtH ... Ragail. . Deaver .participated tn bf:eut fUardlan, and C&rl·Thomaa. a.U0-61 Boats. 300 Yachtsmen Take ~~.~.: g~~~~Et·;:na:~ ~~~· d:h g~; ~°: ~;:~ : cla~un:~~t WU m~ of l A Sea.m&nih.lp perpetual trophy medley; Leah Clark, crawl ~ m~ break.fut . for 611 bethel membet P I rt ··n Annu I I Rendezvous pr'eeented through the oi.trlc~ ley; Lu Belle Boice, 30 )l-rd uah to . be held Sunday, May 27. and donatro by Urban Beh, wu ,back stroke; Doran Sueu, breut , Irvtne ~rk. , awarded to J . L. Mttn&0n: choaen 1troke medley; Connie Kansold, · !t-ner . the rg.eet~ a progre.r Last Saturday aflf'moon saw atxty-one boau &nchored In Emera.Id by 8 Di~trtct committee tor "out-side itroke for gUde; Sharry Van WM epjo~ ~d ~rel al.Bters standing seamanship." Compemolle, ltfe uvln1·; J,Me Nu--~~-. :eai:tMtra . Earl, Bette- Covc at Catalina 1:'1and, all boat.a belonging to United States Power Mttmben ln Charfe nan, novelty race; Ellen Owe~· 30 de~ 8~tlh al)d ~:tnla . Bea.rds- Squadron memberl'I In the four SouUlern Calllorn.ta Squadrons. More Amgng the membeni ln chargr yard duh and, 8b~aron sben1ll, 1le.X .. d,~ ... ~~e; ~1~ Mart- thllll thtee hunarrc.i Pffiple ma.de up the party for the two day Rendez-of the a.ffair were Harry Ashton, paddle board. In ~ competi-ham· aceotnpanied. )I.er BlB\et Shir- :., . ' .. ' CARL Y,LE'S • j Barbor Blvtl., o..ta .._ ~. --. ... •) ' . PA.TNT REMOVED' l"BOlf 1>;t$NITllRE & ANTIQUES I BOATS STRIPPED STEAM CLEANING REFINISHING Garvin Mone Co. {Formerly Paclf'c Ne~) 410 .NC""'port Dl,·<L. Co&ta Meu vowi; or the USPS Thlrtttnth Dietrict. Di.etrlct Commander; Ted Ham-tton. Sharry Van-CompemOlle and ley in..• llO&o: $hlr'tey ,and Beth~y At the evening ahorf' barbecue, brook. Ed Slmonia, Haro:d Tracy, ConnJe Mangold, c~tnr: Doran ··CJrrtsten.a. save vocal n,umbers. .--'----------• i.warda were made for a nsvig•· had bef"n donated by Fergueon Loa Angeles commander Harold Suesa and Barb8ra Sta.rege, ~-, WATER HEATERS tlon prob'em which waa run H,ardware. Holtz, Carl 8e-JU10n, Commander lng and Lu. Belle Boice and N"e.ncy Choir Party through oft shore at the Island Second priLf' \venl to Robert Mc-Robert Schilling or Long Beach, Deaver. aatt boat.a. Awarckd on thf' baaifll or rt'latlve Cwlre of Sail Marino and his boat Commander Carl Bronebn or San-Accompanying the girls ':O San-·at Lido Isle 1Home accuracy tlrat priZl' went lo Yt"il-the KahaJa, & ketch; a mlnlature ta Monica. Many members helped ta Monlca were the Skipper of U'le . liam J. F-dwa,..;b or Newport and shlp'.11 bell donated by Nr-wporl with the l'lhoc'"e ba.rb«ue, where Ship and Firat and Second .Ma.tea. SL A.ridi-ew'• church choir wilt ~ia power boat the Miss Bee ll. Supply. Third prize went to Hal HolU.. Cati Benaon and Corn· Mrs., KeMeth Starege and Mn. O. bold a party tonight (TbUHdayl He y,·on a glmblt' u:h tray .which Crorgt> Andtt'"Ws of Corona del lah Roehm broUf!d all the at.e&k.11. 0. Sueaa and Comml.Nioner . Mn. a't the ·homt of Mr. and Mra. R. E . Musical iruitrumenU were pro· Everett Nun&.n . f c·amp~ll,_ Lt4o I.ale. Gltta: of ap- duced after the barbecue and M H O prectatic;tn will be presented t~e prominent among the musicians esa. ostess uo dlrectpr.., ·J&mea Fitzgerald and or- and seng leadt'"r8, w!'re Bob Boyd,· B •d Lu h R"&nlst. Mn. Ralph Deaver whilf' Or. Salvatore Monaco, his 80n8, at rJ ge nC eon )Cr. a.nd Mre. Webeter JoneB wilt and Don Huddles.ton. One feature R08e8 tn every color dtatingutah· have a baby glft for tbetr ner1 ot the &!ternoon e anchoring wa.s ed the beauUfully appothted bridge eon.. ___ , ___ _ lhf' arrival or a aea plane belong· luncheon at which Mr•. Ernest · mg ~o a Santa Monica member. McCleUan. :)27 Weatmlnaler Ave .. '.Sermon Sub ·1ect Landing In the crowded Cove lhf' and Mrs. John Weal of 388 Flower . plane Wa.1 skillfully run through St .. Costa M-. were bOllW8H at St. Andrews thP fl!'et lo an inshore can a.nl'f the Tuesday, May 15. Their hospitable USPS ensign wu hoisted. pla.M were put lnto effe-ct at tlle "lnseparable Couples·; wlll b<' Sale.•, Ser\iCe ~ Jl.epaln _/D4B~ Pl~P!\18JNG Aut horfr.cd Dealer • Day & :Sighs Heat.en TEa:MS 10"4 00•11 011 •II He•+en Phone Harbor ZM-t.W , CUSHIONS ' Fow 1<·um1torc & Boata ,....ricK and Plaatlca Made by our e..~pert ~ HOUSE & GAR.DEN 811 Coruit lligh"•ay, Nt1Wf'Ort OPEN N ITES-Su11de• 10 to C Shoe Bergeins \Ve Gl\.'C yop P1tl \\.Ith · uarrow wldtm Arch Shoei for "r•d f..t THE BOOTERY l~ K>l!EST, LACiUNA (Upd•ltt) Many new members of the home or Mrs. Weal where ctuatera aermon theme of Ule Rev. Thomas Squadrona took their boats to the or roees ranging from yellow to Gibson on Sunday at St. Andrew!s aniiual rendezvous for the first dttp red enhanced the charm of Presbyterian chun;h .. The choir time and all showed th~lr &kill and the rooms. wtU slng a.a &n anthem Thanks Be training by carrying out excellent For the luncheon interlude the to God (Dickean). A congregation· seamanship practices, \t wu re-pretty motif! wa.a continued at al meeting will be he1d at 10:30 portM. No mishaf>3 and a very tables which b6re dainty noaegays a . rri. when deciBton will be ~de good lime fo,.. sklppt>ts and crews of Cecile Bruner roses and agathea u -lo whether ~r not £o cont\nUe wu the final word after the surrounded by lace paper frtlla. the two--aervlcs echedule. -============;:~ larg!'al annual gathering of Squad· When attention wu turned to /;:::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::;::;::;:f=, ~ ' ~on boat. ever held on the South-cm tract play and · 8COrec&rda H' ·..i DOLr\ 1-~ • .AuNSON MATl'RESSES w_ee<_co .. ~ • . . •· _ _ ~re collee~d ab """ atte"""""• . ;.,y. "f; •,. · ~ noato-Homeo Tnllleft OUTWEIGHED BY 13 POUNDS, 114 pciund Hlla-.itt LeoM Pulonf'. Lo. AnreJN Atruc.-INI for &a hour Ud tea. mlauta t.o la.ad thhl I GI pound blM>k 9eA bU9l •·hlcb she caupt a..t Wttk from the 7.ootsme U. She latcbPd onto the b&N Wblle ftMlq off Lacun&. Leona WM ftshlng •·li.il rea.t.fd t&ck.Je-, wtre leede.r and %/0 hook. (Pren Pboto) Dll"\OHV STOLEN A nine-foot dtn11:hy was stolen trom 815 Cout Hwy., Newport Beach, John Adams, 274 Cliff Dr., Laguna lkach. notified Newport police Saturday. Ada.ffis said the little boat was green ouUlde and grey Inside snd had a blunt nose. Police notified the harbor department to make a search tor the miuing craft. Loyal Workers May Meeting Mrs. Evelyn Thompaon a.nd Mra Adaline Yeargin ~·ere hostes!M'e to the Loyal Workers Class or the Cost.a Meaa Community church T'ueliday afternoon. May 15. when it met In the home of the former. 124 Eut 20th St. Mra. Sal'y Hlnealy over a ahort busint>88 Mrs. Margaret Nee was as ill. preekied meeting. reported The c I a as presented Mrs . Thompaon with a gtft fbr her daughter 11lora J o who is to be ma.rrted June 12. For herself Mr• thomP90n wu• presented with a beauUf\ll rua n1ade by Mrs. Flor· mce Harrlaon. Birthday irt,tt"tlngs were tun&' by Mn:. Allee Eutm&n and Mn. Gertrude FAick. The June meeting will be held In the church wttb Mr.a. Hlrtler and Mra. Kirka u hoateHee. -Be wt.&-tell people-<ldvertloe 1 . ... .. . WOMEN A.al.: WJOllDfO ...... ~ ,._ ......... ,......, ?' ...... , • .l'\iUJU ...... , 11••• tip efir•te.. 'Dlt" S• wildt ,.,..tai-w~t11M1 as ... ..-ae..-wrtr ·,11,,,. . .auu eMW. .ee\Elal ........ wt. an+,--. tw91'Ja ,~' s •: Pvt cs,._ la tile_. .. ..... al t.e& .......... Mil •"PVT& ..... lilDt Ill 8 r we· 11 ...... , Jllll. Al 11J11lt .-... ». llJ'lott, ... ..,....,; -·O&NI °""' •• ...... . .... ., 14 •i....: GeriN l!lpnr'ta J ihUi I C-1 W-Pt .. al JlleWP"I'# -.., ... of IQJ l l'M& 0-.ta : et: ll••po&ll - --....... , ~· -...... •••i ...., ..... •s I ... 17 .. I.lie Ille; w a I.-.. at &R n; .. -w a,s.·n n a1,-. ._ ,. . . . .. ~ .. . ~-~ ... '-*l . --------·------·------------'··-~-... - finale, allracUvt prizes were die-~ Prapelltt Be.,.fn trlbuted among' three players: C:otamM.a ~ Mrs. Kenneth Stewart,. hl«h ; Mn. , P1Mtte llarbo-r ao 1 Richard Dittmar, .econd and Mrs.. Claude A.ndereon. third. " 1111 Villa Waf, M""port Beadl Guetla enjoying t.he lovely event included Mmes. John M. Cooper of Newport Heigbta, Hmry Eggen of Newport Bea.ch, Arliene Spanal~r of Lldo I.lie; Ray Nlelaen of Co- rona del Mar, Walter .Hepperle, Homer Mellott. Kenneth Stewart, Joseph E . Davia, Richard Dittmar, .Claude-Ander19n,. Joaeph liJcClel· Ian ·and Orville MJ.thotf - Irregular Sb&pe9 BEACON 3(161 , eo,ta !\IP.Ka MatSl'NI Co. !150 Nr"•port Blvd. RICCIARDl'S SHOE SHOP ShQllS Repaired Willie Vou Watt ..A Alteref1011s-••mod•Ui.Q · Correcti0111 Orlllo!>*dlt Work OUA lri40TTO; NotllinQ lmpouflltle 260~ Ne wport Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH drive in jty_I •... fo.r less · per mile I .. • " Th• .light that ahiili.S il'I tM .,. 6f f!i• ,Hhlman owi* Ii one 6f ~ti~~, i,;,. tii. fir• that worms . ' . . . his heart IS t~ •xiro 1 Oo mil .. he drives in · . ~ .Hll~n on ~v'·ry •lo~~ llon t1kf.ul· of ga· •. .. ~"'t -· no;; . ' ' t 'I I ' ; . , (• . . •• ' 1 · I I l ' , ' . ' r I. • I ! . . • ' •• ' • • • • I . f • llA ( -PAlT T --THURSOJ.Y',"MAY 24, l .. t • • ' ~~~ . ........... --A· " .. , • • , , .~ ' OPllNINO tor TM! ----" I " • ......., -it or ··• ·-wen oot1.it1111• iiiVWW Wiiii 1111. ...., -.wAlt'I' TO lltJ'1-_. '_., . 4' .. • •• --· • .. °"' -.latw9T ... ; ~ ••11•"11 -~ ...... f · ::a.a .. ..-.. · .. •409" rqu. "•u.w . ------~~--i .....,, ..... "' na Liiio .':'"f "" IJIU. ,_ '1•l ,_ .... ·.·---'"'-------------·.;...,...,.1• lfou"!'!.:."'irt ~ .:a;att.li J'umttUN ..... -Udo w.. ,.... .. r;;:u-t'Ow·':: • -_ •' A . I " ' • -' ' ~ ................. -• IH'.•.Mi" .. ..!!!D""" .1'i JIM .,,,,;-., ., .......... !• • ~ ' .. STUD~ ll=~====t!=~W!!..:!-~-:!.~ ....... .,... CL S's I,'F I E D '!'.4-<iil:P-~IMH·~ .,..,,.. "'-~......... ..-;o:; 100 8UJDID UHTAJ.. .......... N Co ' d Q -I ~ -. . • ..,. • • tor "' pr1 .. 1e ciWor, ~ "* ., ,._.111 ..-.--· • • ........... llollooi' , . a. lh ,_,. ew 111man er .., ~:s F u~~ -' • lioll••• •°"""' * t{. WI ~ ~..... II! ... ,,.... Cllll 1HO W. Bay A-Newport batlll. o-ia-.. ,.,. ..... 0o¥e • • ' '•.;wi , Al' ' Or , .. ~-' • • ,. • > .-•· ,-~-,d::: ~• -· •• ,.. 11ar11or .. M. Uc:l4Jf -~ ·-~ ... "'Z:, ~. Tbeth~ .__ , ar Yji,11.-on ~ ""--V:-l.h. ~·'d T.1 a . .;J I -~ ~.... ... .. _,_,ilof'll•1s•1••·.... --.,.-:-:r: ~ UCl'ION· -s ....... u..,..,T,~.9-~..Wfe~9 llJU7exi-\..S. • nptf ..... oua• &.QA.'l!llftm.! ." '1 •I , onl8~ AftHolllt '!'O' emarJrettoday!·' ' -~~')l>(lf',,,.:;.J' .. · . n -w u;:....~--, ~ ~!.' llADIO ••-at pooo.·.,_ ~The t ' ·~.J lws "lttY·AND-ULL . • ·-~ Q-. . ....... SBllOJllAJ.11 ' ;VANT ' • . • Ill QIMt ""'·..,.,.... -.,. • 0 •. • 0 • J.OIT, • . Ude moia 8COllODll....,. new_ I ntUST Du:n'I •• I. , • . -IPil'IT pWlq. Roil 1 n 111F14. h'f · . , type V-S eQgjDe e118r · •:eoB D•--l . .L. -••-• N C Sa-1 ' ....... I 'llll•s · · l · ·"'-• .,,., .. ,...,, •l!oO• ... •UMJQ11R ,1U1NT.u.-U40 ..,. duced. -··~ 00 ......... ,,. .11ou1111 ~ . ,......,hoUee Al101IYJllOU9 ew aresman-un41'1 -new ocawun ......... '''" 04"11> AttncUn ....,... . .,. -lldrl!'> . .i' 1 90Ail'l'BLvo: • · :=--J090M."": .::...,':!". :J:.P~-c,=. _..i.nc..i',uw.c•-~~ l87f'HARBOR Blvd. IClilllJt .. ~-.ON ' r:,:~ ,_':"'"'/:· OWnera c~ 30 and ! r -c1e1Kar , · Hll:bort071..J NI)' --' l'bOM ~1M-r1rwatl · · · · · '~-Furniture -ploo• -. wllleJo to "-'1>11~~ .. c:J ~ milea per .q!loP. "-'· ~~-~~~~ Al•..-Hou• .. & Rug SHA VER MOTORS Blr4 .. ,,..to•-!.".!"':' .. ~ .'!..°' "'-llo, -14D6. NBO RCAL1'1'-Newport It is without ·a A--.. ;:rl· • "" Patio Furniture l.181> N Blvd-. -..... ,. -,..,..... ro 11UU4> DU'llDVll. Cleaning Co.· _,_. ~ u :::-~,..m.eo-B•cll, "· nct5 ca'a new thrill In 4rl •BUT. llooSMia. ~oa . --1111 nuo. p AJNrED , . · 0 tlD =· ~If.tel-' COMJI llf 111111 play 1¥ WO!ldor• CL&AN CABIN -8ultablo tor performanoe ' <RD'INAlfClll I _ , 1111 11ow JPmond Chord Or· · 1 or 2 ~-' We 81IJ' ,.,,.... • ~ For Ve ti Bl' ds . WANT <;,":fnbhlaUon --• ~"':'~.;,o U.....O. 811.to :2 -1t,.... -'t 1<now.1 •t.t<> ~ -•JOoo 111, uo Come bli call up ..... butllf1~'0RT BAl.BOA FSDl:RAI. Shades .2ien~ty i:we.' Phone Beacon 6'61·1~UH ~ ; ':8 ~;;m-"'~ O&J:r.;, i klUn ::;..,.m.90 . -~ :::!: l~n~1n!:!: C.btlllo /It-. eoota x-. sac2-4 arrange to drive it ~ow! llAVINQ!I tt LO/.N ~, ~--------·-Dlnlnl . Room, 2800 Nowport ~ ,_,rlpl'llor, .. --. l>.uiz..tlCID(IDT Blc Plono 6 •. , Via Udo PIL "8r, ·1· ;?!Ees!...~.;:.· ~~ ~•nom 11'ANYm Blvd. atter to L m. 1.-Dll,l~'s Furniture Ors'lll oo .. °"' No. Malll. 11ato " &rUMl:N'I• • llOV-* * *~' ~ .. _:•P.r'!:'..;: NEW , ""'TIO , .\I>&. OORONA Diii. MAit -BUll>lllor ON D18PLAT ]'{OW : tion 'lltb •••r Jl,liOO d1'- 514 •29th St. Newport Beach BALES OR office work -·Buol· '°' BAJ.& ~116 ·""""" N · ~..w. 1 bdrm. •lew opt., com-New 191i1'0!Jpun•nder eutatlon. ' n ... admlnlatraUon tralnln1. 5 1 111' Barbot' BIYd.· . RE:NT A PIAl'IO, ill per mo. Ml pl<otely tumlshed, woll to waU ' . ' STA TJON W AGQN'S days or. part tune. Write Bolt BAllY CRIB ""' mattmoa, folo-Cool& MM& ileuon MS7·J renl lllowed If you buy wltbln cal'J>1!tlnr -1 da~ maid oervlce. 5 PIUf!llB"P Stullpt qp.., • 7 T·l, title P'P"'-Hptt rota (Taylor Toll bl11J choir tenna. DANZ-8CIDIIDT, 620 M. Unene and utll. pd. Harbor lfltlJ overdriy-for ,p y ~~~~~~ . ilXPERIENCSD youns womon ~: =.i~.=.~r.o~~ v~~i-f,':;u;;u:::!u~:. ":.;: Mato. ll&nl& Alla. S009·W. liteH .$2259. ' • 221'2'-would like poaltlon 1n omall ot· trod• tor'mopli cott .. table or tar · waolMr $20. J!d. 1741-M. USl!El PIANOS trom 88t. up. RENT AL y (plua .. lea tu -,:'4 llcenae nee or u l"OCtptlontot. COmpto-! ! ! 702 1'1&rl&0ld, Corona del 22c2t !lC!Od playlnf oondl\lon. DAN&-* * '* rMler apertence and lll'hl typ-Mar. 23<:24 =P-=•D=,.-==-----llCHMJDT. ~ N . ¥•In. ll&nto . SPECIALISTS . . ' -* U-BUILDINQ Sl!:llVICEll llftl:IUOR -Ill< l'ICIUOR PAINTING UCENSllD -INSURED Glenn Johnston 101 • nat St. Newport Beach , Hlj'l>or 2297.J Mc48 PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1516 Santa A.nA Ave., Coat& Mesa Phone Beacon Mot OON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Reaidentlal-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6406-W 17lfc PAINTING :EARL SHEFLIN '71 'Palmer St, Coot& .lf- lloa. 007·M IHct Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" ~12 -31th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 13tfe REP AIRING and ~AINTING ~nable. t.arce or •mall jol*.· Free estimates. Walker, 108 l8tll St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2Ml-R HAULING ' Any kind, tra.sh or! WA I ·KER. 108-18th St .. Newport. H. 2581-R DEATH NOTICES 1·1 CDM 1-------------Y-.ua:RICAN tweed pn· •-8th tns. vi••• ty ot · Horbor BABY BED -no matlN11, l1>0d aral mtx rue and pad Uxll. ~·a. cor. · Coll ~ crals I need ~ ill~I • 2347-MR. 22P24 condluon. 1211 :Lllth Bt .. N...,.. Reuonal>le. 2:19\S Roche•tor.0 --RAN--D~PIAN--0-.-----an-d Linwood Vick, Rltol'. f1&r& badly aJid. wiii aJibw n -~ "'~ • WANT Hou sE woRJ< by the br. port lle&cll. Alter •:ao P·'!'.;.,24 eo.ta-~ Ph. Bea. ~~;4 Hamlin. u .. d. but Ju8t Hk• -Wind. Ror. 2042 1tc1M more t11an' 1ISual f!>r this itIWCUTi'6iiyer ?or homes Have own tran-rtaUon -~ ~ """'· Meo mapltloent Stein· _._,_ • • abo t .,,.,.,., (1 2 bdrm) PhOne Beacon as2•·rt DELTA · 10" tilt tobte aw-Delta ANTIQUE morbl• top ch .. t of way at nearly hall prica. Many Summer Ill'•...,. ear. ·' I u """"" or :1Sp2!1 4" Jointer, oomplote-JJ" Jlf· draw .... new 17 cu. tt. Frig!· otbero: Klmboll, Knabe, Hurts. YOUR C,u( MAY BJ: TJiAT 'B. A, NERESON RZLIABLI!: woman wanto howoe-ll&W with \4 boiwepower motor. dal~ (2 dr.). Dumont telerulon 111&11, Wurlltur, ChlckerlnJ, Reservations work by daj or hour. Phone Lathe A: tUJ1'llDC toola-Cn.l'tal-Kl, 18 inch, re.mote ! CCJlltroJ . Bu• h Uld Lane. DANZ· Udo Isle Bay Front wUta. 1 a.nd ONE! OP~ EVENINGS Beacon &079-W or Newport man portable belt a.and.er. 427 O.ven·bed. t x lZ tlrured rug. SCJDUDT BIO PlANO STORZ. 2 bdrms. JtO week up. Harbor 1 KR.A It Npt. Harbor Harbor Employment Agoncy. M..-tc<>ld. c<lrona del Mar. Bar. 809 NIU'Ctuu., Corona del Mor. Bani& Ana, 620 N. Main, cor '6:12, eves. Har, 21ll4·M. 17uc Hurry -a f'ute ltoclil to Mu!Uple L\ltln( Realtor Phone Harbor J,Ml·R. 23p2tl 248l;-M. 2Sp24 Harbor 2989-J. 23c2tl &th. choote' from.-' lmiied\ate 1~82 N=~ i!!:::~ ~ ~ a. I. COLLI>GI!: STUDENT want.I RC~ Victor TV &<t, .. ...,. m .... er. DECORATORS au .. uon: Bmok•Y BEAUTil"UL bunptow upright LIDO ISLE dellvery on -mDlli ilioa~· Is. job ror •wnmer on boat. can do L. C. Smith ty~rlter. Phone Pine Hutth--1' bi ..... SO" wide-.... •-o. Cue and act.km tlke new. H •121 ~ 2•1...... ... .,_, U vou want a rental on lovelv · ~" DJl.vi&'&llnl'. rodlo, inech. Pl.-&r. • ·-· .... 14 a11.1,,__ ! cab. and 2 draw· P'uUy ru......,teed. Terms: '30.S2 Woo ISLE "°' ... Several rood JOE NIC ' writ• K. E, Me ..... 86()3 Mall· VENltTIAN llhINDS-Neoco •lee-... below. French Provincial down <U1d uo.M per month If homee available. Al.lo oparl· Studebak~ ne.Jer,_ I bar St., Huntington eark, ~Ill. ttic Cooker, trunk• and b&lrela. Hollywood bed headboard, coral SHAVER MUSIC CO. (Slnct! m~ta by w~ or month. 19p24 1300 w . Balboa Blvd., Newitort velvet. Brand new. Har. -44 . · 190T) 421 N . Sycam01't!, Santa 8'16 ~RT 1SLVD:1 EXPERIENCED woman will do Beac)}. Ph. Har. ISSS·R. 22c24 23<23 Ana. Klmberly 2-0872· 21t!c P. A. PALMER NEWPORT lllC4CfH houaework and baby· oltllng. Complete lnatalllllon, repair llld BED DAVENPORT $23; bedrm. A.LL lCLIDCTIUC ORGAN. Repoa. INCORPOIUTlllI> f &Cl'0811 from Lido 'l'llMtre/ P~one Beacon 6'-07·R. 24p23 .urvtoe of •ll l"1ler equlpmtnt. aet, vanity and be.Deb, chat ot Rtaed. Mapltl<t«nt tone. ror IW Vla Udo Harbor 1DOO Har. 510 -Open Bat. 6 " Sunday W A NT EXPERIENCED Store Clerk, M l Ume. Box V, thiJI paper. Dru( Write 22 c24 WANTED -Lady d15patcher for afternoon shift. Mu1t be fun.11- i&r wtlh &HIL Apply Yellow C&b Co., a37 Coast Htchway, Newport 'Beach. l2c24 HIGH SCHOOL boy to work Sun- day s;norninga. Contact ABC Uunber Co., 140 Eut 17th. Coata Mesa. 23c24 ORANGE COAS drawen, dbl. bed, box 1Prtnr A Church or home. Pay out bal· llttc · 1 T mattr .. • n&. Ucht blrell wood anco. Torma. TbUi wondarf\11 In· TRAILER SUPPLY dbt. bed. IP'-"' mat .. '23· 4 •ew atnamont i. Juat !Uta now . Summer Rentals chrome b&r •tool.a wtth bacU, D,4.NZ... 19IO HARBOR BLVD. HI. Lown mower S20. 201 llCH)(Jl)T Pl&n.o and Udo IJlla -4 bdrm, 211 blllt, 18-0n Bal 1 Orpt1 Co.. 620 N. Main, oor. lot, play yard. llped&I rate tor Co.la Meaa, Phori.t Bucon 9224:-R yx, boa •land. Ha.r. ::::r. &th, 8-Jtt.a Ana. • MUC>n or by month. THREE PORT ABW.: RADIOS-China Cove -BHutltul view Pb!Jco plNtlc. battery only, $10 9 x U RED CHENU.J...E 1Vlat WJLL trada brand new beeutl· home. I tadnn a.nd maid'• room.. to $14 . Ph. Harbor 2070. 24c21 ru1r. 3 moa. old. JUA1t cleaned. f'UI Spinet piano even tor equ-0.~rJ,ookl jetty, a tew atept; to Four 18" nuo.....,.,.t Urhto. oily I* ,_ crsnd . piano. belch. . 8" DELTA TABLI!: SAW 6 4" Harbor 30Qll-W. 23112" D~ PL\NO Co., COM Boytronl -2 bdrm, pr1vol• Jointer combination. $100. Banta Ana. 1)20 N. Maln. cor• beach. New, compact. Eaay t o 8" Rorter-Cable Sklll Bow. S16 Jack's Furniture nor 8th. .... tor. Spray JUD and compl-euor. SM WE BUY aell or trade. 1600 Wut ORZ~LEAJ' A ASSOC. Excellent condition. Be. !WM2-W Balboe. Blvd. Phone Har. 3602.R L 0 V & LY 9TUDJO UPRJQHT BUILDER -RllALTOR 2•p 23p20 piano. ll'llUy ruorant-.!, Torma Sll2 Newport Blvd., Har!>or 2662 814,IT down and 111.60 per mo. 17Uc It aHAnJIUI MUSIC 00. (alneo lllOT). UI N. •r-. luto Au. Kimilnir -12. 19~1 HUDSON HORNET Convert· l\>le. Hydramatlc~ radio, heat.er, white wan.. 100 mile& 'c..t $3700. Leaving eta~, will sac- rifice for $3,000. WilJ finance. 1432 W . Bay, N-port a4.eb. Harbor U27-J. Z2c2.._ SPECIAL! ' EXCHANGE $2J,OOO aquity -Loo Fell& 131'4.. Lo. AnC"eles. Six bdrm hOUlll, bis lot. WA.NT 3 bdrm or submit . Contractors I Attention! -. 7 BLDG. Lote, PLUS n'ew 2 bdrm borne in Pomona. WANT HOKE on b1a.nd or Cor· ona del Mar. • For Further DetaU.-SEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1623 Coa.t Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2776 W ,-.NT TO E!XCBANOE modern ~ bdrm home in San Bern&rdlno for Newport or Costa Mesa Home -OWner, 9-4@ Colima 1\4., t" ~· 17pU OAS RANOID, Wttdpwood "It model tta th~ good. on•. Ru clock, la.mp and that wondertul chrome bToUer. Ill Juat Ilk• new MA TCHlNO Chest of Draw en • V&nlty Ln walnUt vt1n.eer, rood condition. P'.&0 hlll prlce. 264 Ma.cnona., Costa Mesa. Beacon 1'ttc 67&!-MK. 24p ------------ RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM !!07 E. Baiboa Blvd., Balboa H&rbor 1607 CHARMING· inbome and hmpe ' qotn~1'teJy fUh\.lahed. J.de&J fO:r 1950 CHEVROLET STTLELtNE person alone or several familie&. MUST.SEI.I. only ueed 2 montha. But mu.t REFRlOERATOR -Philco '!§1 ~IL I ta}(e for equity $31. You model delwc.e, ha.a a.djuat..ablr pay contra.et balance or 1112 or 1helvea. All chrome racU And $8.17 month. I pay deltvny. Set> trim. F\111 wtdlh Vej'etabJe en.- it wht!.re I sent It to be eo&d, '°" per-Croas t op frea.er chest. ~So. Spallra. P"UUarton or call Bis-meat keeper and· utru. WANTED: 110 pla.noa. Tnd4 1n your old plallo on a Grand Bpln· et or l>MuUtul lelevlalon. High· Nt cuh allowance, temu. DANZ-llCHluPT PIANO Co., c:om.r fth, &20 No. Moln, llonta Ano. BALBOA ISLAND Hou.e. and Apt.a., yearly or ae&· aonal. Bee .Oall Camey, with NELDA GIBSON Ouray 0 . Bland Fullerton 2t!§2 ( g a_m. to 8 Ill the one where the doOr roea Ouray 0 . Bta.ru:I. 71, 1862 Har-P· m .) 2-tde c!M.I' to Pat: floor. Ueed lt two llPINrr piano, brand new. 8llsbt• ~AL l!RTATll · COUPE, white aide \QJla, ~ery 3 and 2 bedroom duplex and 5 low m!leage, like ""'·· rm. home. Always rented. One $i495 ' '. Ne Qe&Jera No Trade Can Be Seen at :i80f W. Newport Jllwd. --l blk to bay "' ..,...., $16,000 cub glua !IC&Dl or Im· prov.:! proputy. Jlal•nce loan. Own"'" Rm. 21, NOD Brlgh!Oll Woy, Boverly Hilla. CRestvlew 4-eUl. (Court.My lo brokera). 19ttc bor Blvd., Costa Mesa, d\ed mont..ll9. You can take payment.a ly d&rn .. ed ln ahlpment. Now So& Mutne, Ba.Ibo& 1-1. Har. t§02 Malinda D\A.n Whlito Thursday at a loc&l ho1pilal. t'2 of 111.29 per mo., be.lance on onJy fM. &inan•t liM. DANZ-ettfc Malinda Di"" White, 81. of 450 had Uved In CoQ Mo ... for 30 Sale you• contract will be $106. ~--llCHMII>T, lanl& Ana. 520 N. 51 F C CA'fALJN4 -J'urnllhed triplex, ..., ~-1n USE OF P.eniruula Point beach, ' Ord On".,_.1.b)e 1n o.u -> S"2 Newport Beach H&r1 1401 Catalina Dr .. Newport Beach, died year•-He wu a native of Mi•· ulty Is S62. See me I) a..m. to -· yv'""' •ood come. ~ or tr.ue. .i .- Monday In Loa Anceles. IO'Uri. Excellent Barg&ins s p.m. at 404 So. 8p&dra. Pull-------------twlm ln bay or ocean-only 1 500. Owne1ti 6061 Undley Ave., • A native ot Iowa, she had Uved He Is survived by his wtfe, Sa-in Used Appliances l'rton or phone Fullerton 21~2-...._.11.,tJrJ:U or;-,' t1M • bill. Purchued Tll¥day. Kay 15 th Tanana. STanley 7~197. 2'-P - _____ _.._.-._·...;.-.;.....;...._.1No. 1-3 bed.room lower. -------------, in Orange county 10 year• and in die; Kister, Mrs. Ethel B. Struve 2fc28 From loca.J dealer. .-*-Newport Beach four years. She of Costa Mesa and two nephews, Stoves, Refrigerators CLCANINO A.ND PR&881NG -No. 2-2 bedroom uppef duplex.. a-ftuL ESTATE • was a member of t he DAR.'i't"'t Ouray Russell ot Banta Ana and and Washuig Machines • W•U Mtabli9hed, in cholee lo-Nicely tum. July, Aug., lept. Under ao<> mile.a. 1 • • ... Pr.,byterlan church and Rabol<ah William Ru.,,.u of Colla M.oSI.. cotloo. lllu:ollenl equipment. A 1"32 Miramar. Biibo&. GREAT SAVINGS ~: (OPEN HOUSE lodge, all ot Rochester. Minn. Funeral servicee were he Id STROQT'S real money maker for experi· Harbor 0612·W lOtfc w Bo X ·' '· d •n~ ·~ ••te " ·•. mi. I>&P"' Sunday· 1-5 P .M. Surviving are four daughlera. Mon ay at Grauel Chapel, Costa TeWinkle Hardware .._ prta.MP, .-.-.. CORONA DEL KAR-2 bedroom Mrs.. Goldie Johnston. Loa Angel· Mesa.. Rev. Joseph Thompson Beacon 6222 fUmlahed b&y, rront, priv. beach. • 12df n-:>0:22 Sn H-~-Rd :iz:."M~e~~~Vlkt";~ ~~~;~,C:~/~h~:;~h~~!~1~~~~ 1so2 Newport atvd, eost.a ;-:~ Harbo~~r~#tment ~::_":.Ui'~-}~~J ~; P~!L· ~ --ult"°~· r~ """. u~!if;;;r " ~ .. aqd \!ni. 'tiarln .. MCCUI-• otery. . , , .. .• • llOl1t and Newport BIY<l Oii.aw.i •• · 0 -R: 'I • -> • - loch, 'Newport Bea.ch: two ·aofl!l, J 0 ___ ,0 F1o---Swift SERVEL· 8 1,i cu. rt. gu refr1g., U aOA.T8, 8UPPL11:8 Harbor llOO -:-1· -,· • ~ • e & u-I>eilhPft Jllf1' outdoor living. Ulla -,.,~ bo 3" Id k • • z ty, ..,u or trade. 129. 27, Ua lllt.. ·"-~'-• 2~room 2-ye••-old Floyd White, Lone Beach. and a , ut ~ yn. o . JUlt II e _...,,_w•· ...,.... ...... ~ w . w. Wl!ll'i· vtc:torville; 14 Beme F1orenc• Swit~ 88. ot .,.,.,_ Sa•• neady I. prie.. Ph. C VR08TT lCE C!llu.M and aand· Just above the main beach Newport BefJ:ll. 2'!'14 "°"'" aY&llable for low-down grandchildren .,,d 10 cre•t crsnd-1737 4nohelm Ave .. eo.. Me-. Hubor 1574. 23<2:1 hrysler Engines wlch doM to thealn and oc:hool Corona dot Mar .50 OLDS 88 • •""1'· ~ Ol'fillln· Jioymenl to reoponoibte buyer. c hildren. p&'T 1 away .uddenly Saturday. St.aJ.nlw at-.1 ti.t.ui-J.. Ollly 3 S Sedrma. 2~ bat.M aJ 9000 mil ... NfJW f'\l~, fiJac"' · ti 9N bel'on &unaay-ce.11- Servicl!s were held at l p. m. She wu • u.uve of Mluour1 and DDP FREEZE 8' frtcidalre. Ph. Used yn. old, 1ooO M!ua, • money S.rnnta quart.en. AvaUalMe rlfiC"e. Will accept tnde." Wrtte Oho Mottnm-Harber 1~ \Ve<ln ad (!IUYle to Cbsta MMe. tour 1..,.. Bwcon N88·W alter 8 P-m. maker. Only MOOG plue tnv. .., Evenlnp--Harbor 2t8G-R i°,:';,n~ ::1 ~~:,?t~t';'~d!-';~ --:b.;. ooi-.tvoo1 h>' i..r.J1uab1~.t ~'.'°10;-;_,:!~=-;:;:; Crowns -Royals uR A. NERESON J;1:0n~ ff:,':;,·~~~ uc2a •&<~·:;:::c:~t~.r;: P . A , PALMER Preabyterian church. N • w Port M .moy; Ind two doupt.N, Mn. WWFINOHOUIE ifOO: Ranre See John H&rVey OPZN &VISNINGll !!&lea tax. Radlo, h~. aver· INCORPORATED Beach. otttclattnc. In~rmen.t will Altn& MJS,po. of Ha~ and wtUt. deep . ...U and clock con-KRA 4r Npt. Harbor PUR.NIIKIID 1 bdnn bou.la, &er-drive, other extr¥-~ 'flllle--S3S3 Vi.a Udo, Newport Beach be in LuVerne, Ia. Mrs.. Nadine V11aw> ot. lap, Diep. t,..)W V t Se ft veJ, wuhlng machine, fenced yd. age. Good thape. Cil.U Klm· 1 Funeral .. rvi_ ...,..· conduc oveL W'I _.able. a acra; .lfulUple Llotlnj' Realtor $60 mo yearly teaae or $86 mo., berly J·TW. T 11$p:U THREE BEDROOM HOME, tile Ro1Nit1 &. Moore ed in Hawthorne. or&~ fdt&P« Pl.cine 8"con U05 da)'B and 1982 · N•wport Blvd., Co.1t.a Mesa 1tt.1mmer. Adulta, amaU peta o.k. 1 Kth and kitchen. Lar_1e fenCed Robert R. Moore, 77, 162 ea-Costa Mesa, in char.&e Ql. loeal.,... B8COI\ 168 •vt.1. 24 c: 926 COAST HIGHWAY Phone Beacon ~™ . 70-4. IN, Corona del Mar. . SPECIAL t yard. 2-ca.r garage. Down pay· brtllo St., Co!!lta Mesa., died Satur-rangementA. Intermen(' wu ln _,. NEWPORT BEA.CH THREE TACKLE and 8portll\I' 23c2~ · '"-ent f2600. P'\.111 prlce St0,600. day at a local hospital Native of Incle~·ood Memorial Pa.tk ceme-11-llOtIWIOU> OOODS PH. BEA.OOH 571 1 Good.I Stora tor sale. Complete MUST SET ~T... wu1 take ln c1ear late model Iowa, he was a retired railroad tery. t4llc llnea. good •tock. dulrabl.e lo· NEWLY Decorated and f\lmt.hed • I ftr. -403 Magnol~ .St., Coet.a conductor. , FT..t c. Buckl•y BUY YOUR QEL-TTPE INOWBIRD cotlono,. -u.ot o 11 • n t I•, :..i:i::.~u;;~:;1i;,; = l!Hi BUICK SUPER ·, DR. ~it>-:joreaa. ~ Moore belbnged to F . and A. M. H F Room)' , J:veryUaie• up to date. In¥•~ JoeatJoa. Corona del Mar. C.ll R&d!o • beaten. Local 1 qwn· J"OR SALE _ N ew modern w No. l Of Cheyenne. Wyo.; OU.lea! ~ c . Buckley, 50, former ome reezer Sate fbr' Cb1l4ttn. t.ory can be trimmed to .Wt buy· Harbor 0386-M. 28c24 er. Very low mllea~. I I • ~ duplex. Double gar., tile chapter No. 6, Order ot Ea.stem t'@!ddent of Santa 4.na and Ba.1-NOW can Harbor Ul6 er. actt & prorttable ~ lpltchen and bath. R-3 lot. Cloee St.or; Blue Lodgo No. I, Con& .. 00.. died. of a heart &ltl<k In ~la lldll Wltlt llOOb &vailllbla toe rlcid BAY rRO'/lT-1 BHcolt Bay, 4 $1295 ~ ond otorea. Oood tncomo. tory to the A1 Ba.hr Temple. San home at Junction City, K&na.. HERE la the .-.on of bargain. ~ lip'bor t'f. SkH bd.nM., 3 b&tba. J&µte, July, 4'1..1· ~ ·13~, term,. Will CCllllSlder Diego; Order of Railroad Concluc· loC&y 13. . In ... -. f>ult. ttah, etc -Bo ~ or llept. Har. 2117·\¥ or No. Doolon No 'hide ti<>od building lot In trade. Call tors and Old Timers club Of the ~Urvivlnl' him la ht. wife, 1111... lhritty -•njoy the convenience SEA BOOKS u~ ~ o~ your opnt. l'P Coll ...... , ...... 8008-M. CaJ1 be -at Union Paciflc railroad. -... -..-~ W v ..wt . ..._ ,...--. of your own home fl'ffur! r. --"' -O!' _,. __,_ -• ""*~' ..,,_ ~h Old County &I., Newport He II IJUrviVed by two -t l!luy Whlrldry portable wUhlnc ... -~ .. -.t-;:;; 41'l'RAOTIVS OJTlCll: SUITS-li'URN. -· -. 2 yra. old N.wport 11_ ........... ~ lleach. J3)>M . ~'1: L Of illCosl~~ ..... ~d .~~ Annua Picnic machine ... -........................ .$34.00 ........ , ••••• .., "'"'"'"'i lo<ot.IGD ""-~ ~aottbt~,ru..mo" !;. a. ... fUloUIO ~~· '39 OLDll. ---h: M .. . or I~--~-• .... -.111,111 .. Im-I• ... . .-. ,.,.,. N-. • . ~D Ocean-View rra.ndchltdren. For Harbor WCTU 10£.u. mxTRA arr • The 181&'l<hirll · ,., '• NG .,.. mo. Lon.--. -••1• No cblldnD _. -.i.. Good :=: """° s aoow· HO~ Tile Jn lhe~-.:.1ae::.c::I. w~:tahe~ T' televioioo witb m~ ISf.,.,.._11 .. 11".t... .... IMl -Uf;lll -flfqUJ!l& ' =:,-,:~~~·a:: ....,_ Harltol' JI. l ond bltll. Pb1. garqe Rev. Marry Whlt• ottlclated an.d Plus wero made to attend OT· -. "°""'"le with new pie-Be•"OD Ulll Da;lt . 'U BUICK ~ • llO tt. lo!: Under $15,(\00· lllx- .,,, .. County lnetltulAI of w .c, """ .bll>e. Attn<U"" moJ>os, IU1' lll'AOS ............ tor'--.,... ~WA .. ~,!l. tlNl'UJUftll8lW • -Ner -Badon, ll!lti ~~I« U..t nno,,.lng'. • · · burial wu. In Cheyenne. T . u . to be beta all day JUne II • WDOtl •IVet. ..... -------~.16 ~ lioa&N .. to !' ft.cit .JIOO~~ .. l!f~ l!lw.l.Ba . (o~~Jl4 ) -· ilup1n;w1u. T "..... perfect ...,...,_ • to ;,.; c...,;th, Realtor David ----1• "~'I h.n u~ B•~ -· tW,.,.Jll .. , -r-ocnn ••-••. -..... --h, _ _. ~-r •-'/'t "" ~...,. -r~ • ...,._. •-.,··~·-· • • ' • .,.. ----· ...,_ -'""'" c...t Hhrai, Corona del Kar David E. Pierce, a1. ot 12.Anu :::' P':'.!i., ~ ::!°" i.!"!" 0~ta i: KMp Ill lou$ wtu. .., t .. sood {tff vDIT!foa 11 ti..,......: ...., -2__ Jl4' . :1 w ~. :6 ,!°Q.i~!;i~ ;.; =-O::.~..!'.!.'°~~ 'Pf:. I n.:-e 1la1'-Wf St .. Udo Park, Newport Beach, ~ Prltlln,. Bll-!Iolond A180 ' "1Y" In TV •ta ~ traclef ......... t •PL PT!ftte',..qo, -.I.JI, .,..,,...,_ trOll Jlllirr ~ ii'L: ifiwHt B•• ·tftt14 ·: · ._ Me ·died ot hll bom• on,. -Y· .,,._.. .... µ.. ~ 'l"'l'k· -~ ...., '"'· 1..-. ..... _ Ill• •ltil.t' • -< ' 2\V.. R ''Pier A. 'Floa-t •• Pluce wu a .,W>d ~ """" J"" t to ia OJ v ,, -, VDIDIO llAIL -II& 1'. .... ~-= ..... Jl•,.wt -J14T f'llOllT-B•o .. 111r J 1N1 LINQOµI ~--·~ f'i • ~ 1 , UI. , with ......_""t ·-at u.. ._.. ..,.ai ., .. ,.~ ot· _, ,.. ttfrlrerotor • .....,. e1eu ..n.u 1 _,._ Qd .. -,,.. ..... ~ ·~ •• ~.·~ ~ .!',~ ""'·"' :t.: -'"11·~~ t~ ,$M()O -OOWN . • tlme ol hill death. He taad been tend. •-condition. .....__ --;-S!J..L.IG ' ,.. ...,... •• .....,. .,_ •-,. --..--. °" ... ....,,.__ .. fllJr Ole,... . ~-·membora, Ca10l 0ii--, .._.J • B' .~ Ddl or -....,.i; 111• -4 )r WIM WT tlJ5-. Clll hd1siee elgbl 1110111.b.1. . , U. Ud..JO. pd.,lpa .k•PI JI(°"' ~..,.. 11""' tt. nl'ricmt« MJ'I' TA.llK&- 4 ::=-..;": ,!"~':;', ~ WILL'••••-----· ::! •:?:.P,";t,".... · . =ti2•r 6''.t.WlC. Ho Iii ourriftd b1 his ' wua, ""'biwpt the p.,.jp up to ala-wlllt ~tel tu ±I' cont·~ -.it-., ant th --. L&¢HI, t .,1 .,'fN'Cltl. • .,..,.._.a.,. Ja , ..,_--, -. ·--tt Plf , ---B&lLTOIJ _ :::;..;.:i-,!"t .:::i:~r-1.: ::.:!t-~UUl.=.... llDlm wlllt lit-:;::-t.. ·Wu ts24.lll NOW If"' 11111'-1• '*"""'"" ~ -. tU, Jin S. Balllor ...._ • -. Bno • -l. CoJ e,.11-app'L~c 1:111~·~-~-!A~'1d=~·-~Yd~,~11Rfi~~~li'11~51, Ina ~· . Mr ,_.. -· 10ll S. HUI a. .... ,, Bl ID llOT. J4tlc an. ,_ · I -:I:. nornip. , • ..... ..... ~, "!~..,... a 1,,.. 11111. ... -.--• I Ii*~ ........ ~ oc;ae. a '~ .ntc. 'ftft llPl, at c.1.~•za.P11 fllent,,._.aa, ... T ~ A.JUtAJfOZD II ••p--d lit J llSL' •Na• patiit,• p. ID. Wrnuill,y u lleKm ......... n.m ... ::. lolla .... l. Laf ' ' ~ INAl.r. PASDI ~ -....., ......... %0 Ulfl . ljtl8., ... ---.... ._ ~· 0oruna c1o1 Kar. Jt.,,. Anp1e9, ,...... ~DAVIS-BRO •Co. tor,,,,. ... ~ _.. .. ~ Wlol'fT 1 • ......_ . 4 , .. -..a-uzl04-. •4 II Galloa -led. ...... el UL*~ Ncxm 1* • -....... V9. ' -• i 'V'" • llJrsu' I _• i.1* t /j! b '" -'""r-..-to ,._ liiii:k --•""'1 la U.. OotiTA!!W!!• ' -. .. ... oawww• --------': i.D, WI&, tor burial _,.. ---. .... tit __:; ... -I '9 I ... --"ol'Mi .. J r--*7 D , • JJtme B•~• ml Illa T I 1111·1'~. Dea ie..W. ljpll : .. . •• • • ~ . .. . • ' • , . , • • ' • • • • • • • • I • " ·- ' ' . ~--!t;!PP~•~I~-2lilrA!!!?~'lll!_~;_~~~·~=--~~·~t2!!Z~!F~+~IW!!!!!~~~·~-11~·!!::~1!'~•~l~.2!!!!!:!~~~!!~-~~;....,_~~ll!•!:::!!!:tl~.~ ... !!!!•~l9!! __ ~--~..!•~lill.!!~l!~~! .. !!'!'!'!•~--:::-~-=·~~·!::8P!!!l~t~·~ll?t!!!!a~ .. !!...,. ____ ~-1 ( "BLANCHE A. GATES, R~altor .. L: C. JONES J . MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., -Balboa Ialand Pb. Har. lm or 1672 B:fta. Barbor' T"-ll ' . 8 UMTS. l ll. R. ea., cb_arm. ~-10'' tl:oiltap on Marine' Ave. Priced to 1111. · . " . LI'ITLE IS. Extremely attr. part. fuhi. h'!IM-2 large B .. R., dining rm., unit beat; 2 patios; beaut. landscaped, dble. gar. $21,000. Terma. CHARM. 2 B. R. home, patio, ph1.1 amall apt. Both units attr. fum. Garage. $:5600 clawJI. COSTA MESA. This is a honey. Lalge Uv. rm,; dlli. rm., 3 bedrooma, dbl. gar., large NaPllll . or hobby room. Lot 6:ixl27 .6, fenced · Uld beuti-, fully landscaped, For a charm!Jig hOlne l>rlced right, this is the answer. CORONA DEL MAR. New duplex. 2 B. R. ea. \6 blk. from ~ Ave. Nice view. nu. is an out- standing property on l ~ lots. U you w&11t the f'meat, lit ua allow you thlt. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR ' FOUR BEDROOM HOUSES They Are Selling Fast! A 1 bedroom home on 62' B a I b o a peninsula lot. Partially furnished, in- cluding el.ectrtc !I t o v e ,and retrtgerator. An older home with spacious, sµnny roorru. Large fam- ily dining room AND breakfast room , large llv· lng room and 2 large bed- rooms downstara, M!rvice porch, huge closet.a, Iota of cup boa.rd!!, dbl. gar., hobby shop, pato, roae garden. Wonderful fam- ily home, %: block to bay . 121.:100 Unwiual dolgn and ·"IW7 modern witb liewtlfall living room and _,. kit- chen. Bay view, 0.. bedroom and baUl up- stara. 3 bedroomll w1U.. out.side e.ntrancea ..,.. bath on lower noor. u.l f o r grown c~ guest.a or tepa.nu. o:.n .. pletely and artt.._UJ furnlaih~. Thia •om • mWlt be seen to M appreciated. Vef"I w.U located on Ba.I~ ,.. .. lnaUla. $19,9~. Very nice hom e on Bay Avt>. Large Jiving room. ehMJo.. ful kitchen, hardwood floors, nice patio, double prap. S tucco comttructlo n with tile root. Very wen located. $22,500 BAY and BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley 14~ Balboa Blvd. J . M . Millt:r Glc<lon ,fty llubor 121i A HOUSE WITH CHARM You w ill admire the art1atlc toueb that bU 1one into the decorating and tumlshlnr or th.la attractive 2 bedroom cottagC'. :ro make thb place e'Nll more lnterntinc It has an excellent 1 bedroom garage apt. and a nice guMl room and bath. Close to the bay. REASONABLY PRICED at $22.:KN:>. STANLEY HADFIELD REALTOR 216 Marine Avenue Ph. Harbor 20 Balboa Loland • 81-Rr:AL ESTATE EXCHANGl!l Cl-Brn ~ ~l!IQS I WE HAVE Five nicely situated acrea in Viat& Irriga- tion District, mostly in inature avocados, some young trees coming along. Ideal for retired couple who want income aupple- ment. 2 bedroom modem home. Priced at $27,500 WE WANT ComfQrtsbie beach home to about Qne· half above value. Everett Morris & AJ!soc. 408 E . Balboa Blvd. Linwood Vick . W. A. Tob!as featwll& PROPERLY PRICED ~ PROPBR1Jli8 t! !NOOJO:: ' , OM GI the -llUU and moet. attractlv. ~ on4 opi.t "" Balboa i.. la n cL n.. aportmtnt llone lo looad for'~ "*'th. SSll TBlS TO ~ft --· . ~·™ .. 841' llllOllD: ,On u.. -t -· wltll & -GI tM bay. A -b-tomplo\e In .....,, detail.~. -&Jr M&t, uclooed paUo, 2-cor prqe. HJ&hly no atrlct4d. Buyer mutt be opprove<f. OOOD FINANCING .... $18~ . . L ll!!:D BARN: lhak• roof, ..... lot. One of ~ mlldl de- l!ftd rand! ogle bom• "1th ·~-brltlt !\replace u ·f•otu~ In eOme mapslne. In but MCUoll of CO.ta Mea. 11"8 A DR&.UI .............. $ 9,2ft0 . . . . -ud·IUllJ --' ' We Ila" -oil the better bU1" · llottd. Ooor time LI youn. LINWOOD VICK Jt&A1,. TOR ; 312 Marino Aft.. H&rbor '°'I BAI~ ISLAND ' ' qJ.J l''F HA VEN 2 bdrm & den $13,ro<> Here la UY one you have Men waJUnr to ""1-... w-se -· with all tM· teaturu--nrepaace -bwd ,_. (corpetedl-1>" arot.. clllllnJ ·nn.-lar"' kltcMzl -·~ wltll lot.o ot ~ llocl. PolJ•tn laY-Cc-e. Nnm wtU. ,,.,tJ ot clooet ...... otep -.. -(wondertul for t.ohl· vlalon l AND bellt af all a PllOO FHA loan. Shown by Appointment Newport Heights 11600 down ar trade for ear, tr&l.Ler, lot. I bdrm home. • yn. old- tumace -dbl. pr. -beat H~ location_. ~ 1o&n.. Mult. Llat. No.. 1822 See You.r ft.eJltor to- dt7, I Costa Mesa Lovely, brand new 2 bdrm homP (960 aq. tt.1 Fireplace,· beauu. hwd., tile bath. eep. dt:n1af rm. 1 bUC.. froln MW AlfU. Btta- 3 blka. from. downtown. &mOh& a.I.I new homea. Price S10,ftOO. Attract. term.a. Phil Sullivan ·C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Meu Phone Beacon 8898 Harbor 3157-W nr Beacon MM-J Costa Mesa The Beat Town on Earth . 1 Bl:DROOM HOUBB 6 Prer- L&rge lot, 50xl 72. Price $4950-$800 dn. J. • • • -. WANT INCOME • • • IN CORONA PEL MAR? · • J • J J • I • • $3;800 wn.L lUNDLB:. Bel•nee at SM 1"' .0: · 7 , l'llll prlee fll,800 •1·-.,._ID~ Thll G. l ll 1 le ~vldel 1i1come of Sll!O per mo. . • Conaliita 'of 2 u.nb on a eomer lot aoulh ot Blvd., 2 blka from -n. ear-4111 Mar. Due to apeclal co~tlon ·•n11.1 may be inade Into a lo1iely hom, wltla 3 bedrooma, ·den and 2 bathe. ' , . ' .. Some extremely 'desirable IUJlUller rentala available now, trom ,$i!o per irk. 6 ap. OONTACT US FOR lfl'HER PROPERTIES, llENTAUI, AJm BUILDING LOl'll •· .. CORONA 1 DEL MAR PRQPERTIES ' Robert B. Lynn Rolen !.. f.¥D11 - , . Ul Cout Blvd. , Harbor 1037 Corona del Mar i'armho1Jl14! iiotei HarbQr 10Sll . \ THE ISLAND YOU DON'T NEED TO BOTHER BUILDING -• • AV AIL.ABLE, an attractive 1~yled home with a Pl&n, that really appeab. 4 Modem Jdlchen with diah· w&lher, loe.<b of cablneta and UJe. Tnere &N t.b.Jff -oad a Don with 2 ll&tl>t. Fl~latt, l'10CI -t end oak nooro. Tbo,. lo · a IDT•IY Alpine ei,<~ llftng room with opm beam ceW.nc and upalDted mahopny i-nel wa.lz\tlcoUng and cllr.mc &lcoY•. He.re I.II roOm for enrybody and at a prtce tut .,..,,. buolnus, $19.llqO. A fine Balboa Wud b:a· UOll , call fOf' appolataeat. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa\ 1"land Ferry BALBOA PENI!'{SULA POINT 2121,0CEAN Bl .. VD. Open Sunday 2-6 or by appointment CAPE COD HOME-Approx. 2200 aq. ft., 2 story, 1 year old. t.arr llvtnc rm .• fireplace, dlnW.,-roor,n. 3 bedrooma, 2 bat.ha.. Large den. Oor&eoua kitchen and noo'lc.. C>a.k floon. Fore~ air heaL 30 x SO sun. deck, perm.anent view. Extru galore_ Contra.ctor'1 home. ·Priced to aeU now ! PHONE HARBOR 1238-W BALBOA ISLAND VALUE PLUS! - Are you looking !or a GOOD 3 B. R ., l ~ bath HOME ! Choice location -perfect condition -t.utetully Oeoorat· ed -nJcely turnl.ahed -well la.nd.c&ped -dulped for enjoyable year 'round living. Prtced below the 'market at $19,500 Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Har bor 2482 Balboa lalan.d. HA VE SOLD MY BUSINESS-, Now Will Sacrifice My Home! With lovely bay view. 2 bc!tdroom.1, (one l.& a •tarce maa- ter bedroom ), 1 % bat.hi. Living room 11 2.2 x 14. Fl&&· 5f.one fireplace. Lee. windows, y;Jlh venetian bllnda.. Extra larse k ite.hen. l•t•nclry room. 2-car garage. P't.Uo wiU. flasatone 8 . a Q. BeauUtul la.nd8ca.ping . · 2141 S. E. King's Road Cliff Haven, Newport Beach Phone Beacon 8939· W ' " ~ FORGET rr U yol:i are looking for a cheaply built hOuae ID a cheap diatrict FOROllT IT, Don't Nd fti. b91-'of . . this. BUT if ·you want.· a QUALITY built home thtt has charm, character arid value then -thll Perteet apot oaiBALBOW~- SULA. ..., ' Here 19 a Mne th&t·· lovf.ns ... ean and 4e¥otlon hu s1-· -fine qua.I.Wea. 011 the 'BAT· FRONT Wfth pGit-tad fioat ud on a larp I°' Wlu. eplan4lrl view. Bu f Marollm, mal4a ""°"' .m 111\Jque '*'1r-. lop- arote din~ roam, llDit wt. •· tr& w-, ... rooma, ...,_.. tbro· out, k>Yel7 kl......., ~ room. -..nodl-.-.-be and "OW'" mo mU'IJ dee.t.ra»t / feat\ll"M. To tee Utla bom1 I.II to !luY IL Bpoclal price end - by appointment nnl7, AUIO On LIDO ISLE ...,.ral loft\y boma for saJ~I .. S •, or ' bedroom&. Prleee to flt J"OUI' pocketbook.~ Aleo lot.a tor build- ing either income or •ln•)e homes. Both waterfront or ln· side Iota at bdow market prtcei. Uvtnc on LIDO l8LZ Jou. can en· joy the CLUBHOUBB: with 11<1 anack bar, s&l'ldy bathtng beach, dre.salng rooll\.8, tennis courU, pier and landing flo&L You wtll enjoy LIDO ISLE. Here a UtUe · buyi a LOT. P . A. PA I,. MER' INCORPORATED !) 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Lido Building Sites Bay View lot, street to atreet, cor· n er 52' Sacrltlce !or qluck sale. $6500. Con.er Strada alte, $1160 doWD. '40 mo. 45 It, Bay Fl-ont R-1, $18,000 130 ft. Bay Front, zoned for in· come, offer. GREENLEAF & ASl!()C. BUlLDER -REA.t.TOR 311 2 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 . ' . ' COST.-' MESA-cHARMING1 , Welt }luilt, 2 B. I\. nome .. • Hdwd. fioors. FlrepL PL{!8 '~· 2 B. ·R. Apt. Sep. J.aundrf11 r<>01'9. Ga.race: Corner loc. . Good diatrict.. Full price $18,250. Tenne. ror appointment to eee Contact Mary Dick.Ion at .. HIS Nf!tporl "1vd, or call Harbor 1013 tEvee.) .ff. 2092-W , CORONA DEL MAR "Ari OutStan~g Value" --• 4 bedroom home with t %: I bath.a. F\llly "turn. 2 b~ to ocean. Ideal for ~ent or mimrner living. Attraoo Uve garden. J'lne nolg!tborihood. Full price only $12,llOO, ' ' For turther detaill phone Harbpr 2474 . r · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17"'1 and ~ Hiway 15th and Irvtne • N~ Beach . Newport 8-dl 1111 K&r1na Aft, • ' llt OOMt H!way Balboa! Ialaad 3113 Newport Blvd. . omi-del Mar I I Nowport Be&ch • .2 Bdrm House,1Newport Heights ONLY 3 yea.re old. Hdwdi fioo•, dbl. ga.r., good loca· tlon. Vef)' c)ean and attracUve. .' . $8950 ' 3 Bdrm Home, Newoort Heiehts BR4ND NEW. Best ot construction with bdwd. floora, fl&ptone ft.replace, p1ate l'J.aa wtndowa facing the patio. · •* % F. H . A. loan •si~~~M'• a beauty! Ocean View Newport Heights ~ S 'tld-room home wltb 2 bat.ha. Well designed with bdwd.. noon, ftreplace and many qua.lit)' featur.ea $15,000 • ·' ' • • • • • • I :.:ur?u;~Llh~ ;.2 ~: ,'N Ke.!~ .• B~~,-~ .. ~ R!!L Be,'r!n 5713-R 4 bdrm, I b&. home. Pn.cUcally j ne _ new MODERN, with enclo&ed. .. - Balboa .. Harilor 3265 New Duplex 1 Bdrm Neb side. ~ location, Eut Bide Cloee In. -. UAL ESfATE '• •ML -$98"'"' ___ _....~---~~~~~---J " Price JU, terms The only REAL Property . :, that .man ; pQllSe88e8 is Real Estate patio, 2-co,r gar. Ready for com· ' Own Lea . : I eo' . ~l M ' Co.rona del Mar . ·p1ete 11v1ng, $29,500. lTit o..aa , (!: b , ~r; . , . \?It.~-1 ~na e _ ar . Blvd., 'Baltp&. Harbor :UIJJ:·M;. 1. : ~So i 18 nf'fJ.lft±~{ JJ4L &;i 1_1e ~ih.t ltL..J.-t!il l ON1'1''1* ~-.OLD -'-'I 'tlllhn.', ' " ' ' .• I • " µtic ~I 1> l:J .mi"~: or ' ' '!""l' ql\'f(ll(["'f' ' home Sooth af H~ R ·2 · ' . ~ ffd • ,tf'i . · BEST BUYS in Costa Mesa ' NEA.RL Y NEW modern 2 bedroom den, l ~ baths, hdwd. n~ close in. near park. Below re- prodUc Uon coat. 110,000, terms. • ALSO Comer lnduatrlal lot 71x110 $1400-S300 down, $20 per mo. GOOD LISTINGS W ANTliID ROBT.H.MOTTET Bf:L 6224·.J Rea. Bea. 5137-J 1900 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA LIDO ISLE 3 ~drooms---..2 Baths Corner-Nr. Best Bch. Best Buy on Lido exclusive listing GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDER -RJCALT0R SUI N ewpo" Blvd. Har"°"i J!I02 ~ VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar Close In 2 bdrm bOme a.nd garage. Lot ..,,,., 'room for onolller ...ii. Only $95 Down PWI 1 bedroom and % ..1t!';. $ 0 2:1,000 with $8.bbo dbwn. Govemmenta1 an6 paper le-$7500 Full Price BUYS THIS FINE UYi. 1Ul0Rll RSNT.u.L.Th';.t.°";YbJ..o.,.., apt" wm eJeep 501116. Kut Side. Only $6300, terms curitles like fuhlona, rise Submit trodo In ooota -cw • '· ..,,_. ... very C01>-1t..t to ~~~h. . · Newport HelPU uea.. Mxl39 on Victoria St., bttftla I ~wd~uroo:'.~C:.1~rm.1:°:::; and faJIB_UYTbe LandlT'.remains. Balboa Triplex . ~~~!"'$~d NewportBlvda. Full E'ITZMO~ R I TY CO. of colortul tile. ll'unw:e heat. Phones : Beacon 5608-M or . • Bal lllto'te · --Broken More t.b&ri ample oiGN:t space al Tbree 1 . bdrm apt.a., f\&rDl.llhed. • ~ I View of u.. lllllA. G. I. Res e . '16,0C»-$6,000 down,. . Beacon 5293-W .81S 9QA,llT BLYp; ·' CORONA DEL MAR Sl 3,200 buys thhl spaclowl,2·bdrm. 3 Sdnno, an older home, but 1 See theee !IOlected valuea: "'--~•ui ,...___,,: -._,:_1 18c:Z2 • , 1""'• Ha-. 21152 home on a '6 'tt.. Jot wttll a •P: good bu1 at $MOO. A PRIME baytront lot a front-DC&U.LU ~ • IVll arate din. n1L Lfo, dbl pnjo, With $1500 down .,.. El ~ tnct. .(eomer) Balboa Pen!oaula . , Three Bdrm Home BALBot ISI1AND te"lce porch. Fenced pall o. $18,000. TWO 8TORT 1 lldrm, I .... tll ll09\t Plenty of ..... to -• " •11 . G. N. WEI.I.S, Rltr. L Isl B yf I-ear prap. BeautltUllJ tum >eautlfully fenced and 11-p-s'lidrmJ ..,_ '*th -corner $10,llOO buys co'l'pletely ..-CO-& Associates idO e a ront Lendocaped. Two flrepw-ed, 3 yre. old. Hoe 500 "'I· ft. attractive ~ lurniihed _ $15,500 rated 2 bedrm. home, comer lot, 3 B. R. UJ """'•""-··-•t he t. -BBQ. workshop with 11'1 bath. l"ixcel· • / extra '"'· kit. 6 •rv. porch. 1790 Newport Blvd. e -u-~" • $33,5001 good financing lent locatton off Broodway, I Hd d n ' --cloeet&. v con.ttrucuon. Acrou from Bal· llS,700. Really • lovely home. . I"~ I w · <><>ra. ..... en. Coat& Mesa: Pb Bea. :1181 boa Bay club. Furn. $38,!500. bllndo lhroug-.. o.iy taooo • c1owu. Newport Beach Coast Properties Co. · · · A FAMILY HOME $H,IOO LI the oomplet.o fib"'. Owner Says "SEIL" (28th SL) 2 ltory Ideal -301 E . Bal1-Blv<I., Balboa Beacon -Hill Realty In Corona_ del Mar; on ja ~ J lot. 3, bdnns. 1.% new attrae. 3 bedrm. l\!o bath home-Clooe to beach " atoroa. , Phone Harbor 2tlll8 f86 N~=;t =N::a~eo) bath& Hdwd flra.I RM tlf,2' ted Pl t home. Liv. rm. 12*x22 wtth Thi<' Bal1-Loland belch home Wondertul ~bllIUe& $IO,OOO, • • • , ';.Tu Y carpe . en y nrep1-. Dull turn. 1E1ec. boat bu lors< 11v. nn .. bclnn .. ll&th CTermo o~n.J · Two Beach Homes of rooui for your fiiml!Y.and well located for abop- ln batha, walled p&Uo and the and CMYeolent kJtcltien. upmta1r1 __... 0 "'-'llin · d ..t_ __ -See ... .t._ , ti ·p1 -1814 3rd bedrm. bu a •porate m-AND 2 hb ori with ll&U. <!own· ON ONE LOT, 00CY I Jiil Jiom• • Wtlei:' ~. . lft pmg an um. , '1'19 .• ti el ~ tod+y -# trance for" a nnt&l or mother-at.a.In. o.uap. Full .. \ot. m.n room at -. _. of-..cl --~..!f -·' ln·laW. Nice pellet. 'hp >ocaUC... Im· LIDO 'ISLE · ptUo, nice Ii•. "" ~ .,.n. Nearly new UDO I8LJ: -3 bdnn NElloD GIBSO~ 'o -_, · A LOVJILY 8-Bdnn. 2 ll&th borne, hall, bar klL -,.,.., .... -2 bath hom•. Heavy ~ed '. •" · '• JCqa on at Utt Oout ~. m~!-" p1111von. -1oe. o-i -II• .._ ID-· , ,-_ UWI& ._ "llll•IO.-a.-. · · " , 1 , • '• ~ . .;~~-;.,.., o.-Ool )(M. A.airing $16,000 nr.,.... w. -. i ,.._ 'oki'. ms otwww 11 .., attrmUYe 1 bar: "1PO~JiJ&•olo _.,_... .. tilt BeJboa Je!•wd : :, · ~ , · • , • · ........ r ""~ LOT29 -Hoze1or. ... 0o:ana001 tM-aa.. •Nan.e lsl d ·»-alt Co , .'*-an 8'eely .tuh•+r•. SOerltlco.a~'Pt.181 ~· , Coroita ·del 111-". v<z·"D .... tBuy • • • JOHN VOGEL 00. ,l)pportualtj ror • "BF" sn.-. _ :.::.:, ~ t'!ir.:; !:".="~·-;!,.~ ..;•....----.,,.,-. -:-,~·-"-·:,;;.::,"1-o;,;·•~,.:,.-..... #..::'H-1 .:."~··'"'·,,.:·,'-'-'-'----'· Mar.OceanvlewforU168.MOO =':~·-,.:11_::: an ..-y • N~rt Heights ,v.., ~ -all_.,. to OwQirffri!M ,s.t..a.'Sa. ~.._._-;w · ·t eo'ro~:_""'1':-e1Mar' (, :';'Lian! = ~ ~Jl i..:: ~~·.;:::e~-~ I .VA LOTI, BaJ. --l-IB11Pt la. • 106 VII:.--· llitft>or Wl•R • IMDa' rill, $.II 1 81~ ..... Q ~-u. ···1 •-~·~-... _ 1•-a ·~ ~ == · •-m.w ""'· tw h•.soo. ' ,ftOO, EZ ••rjne · ,..,. -...· . ~ ~ -. '. -·v -----· .,.,. M --. I '!!'!' ' · -;--~ terms ::ood38,oilt(.-._;~ ... ~-~1~•'...__~•~r-:=n.a:,~r~,:: BAI.BO·. ,:a INCOME H ~-1n ·_._ 'z -eo.t&Mllr1 ;:~ .... JNmUlt!:. _. =-=·•':i. .. '• • ·. :a aruuc v.,., ..... en~ , " oes•* ·l'Rlllft ~~ m.wa r.-11r•..,.. .,...-, r• ·_,~ ..... t llllL ~ SURPRJSE G. L Re11Je mm.mx OM ocs.ui m.vo. COllPANY :t 'Bu ' ca-_:::: "6. -NllOO eoo4'-. "8,IOO.· 'du--..... -. -:~~.1 --~-...,.. -mw.,~ ' you how a U\t:e ._ o.nd arqa. $1800 Dn. _:: = ,~ "f"4 i.ir:. 30tll IDd Kewpott Bl\Od, -U. rw 8'nn._ .,._.111 • • ' ·' _ • · ' · W lo W ~ ..a·~ ~ ~ ft. lot,, WOii ..... : pnatlon plqo p&IBt and effort -v..,... llarllor HOO Q"' -11:r:tr Realto BAY J'ROHT '_.:. C 11111.-_ CM1a l'UJa, NfL apt °"" ..._ I'!"• • , 8DJ . • wm-.. u.11 wen conetruct· ~ lnnL, ...a ·--ror a.qw. At.-!UVe .DIUller, r _i0eat .. .prtftt.e •o1c11 • ......., o. •ti.·-· ... °' . . ~ l ....i._.._i.:._r•..:.1:.. ed'I bdrm --oa I bdnn booDe; t8e _, _,,,.,. __ at '1a.OM. -Court~-N•pcwl.-ale "=' l P -ai ... w , -tar adft""'-,.; ..,..........,.., llUll ._.... -----· '°"* ;uuc•UI UJlll'8 •.... $" "'25 Do .._ --Ma .,. ~ ', ,_ Plll'Cm>-.pa .,..-• • "'--'--w 1ot 1o •,,..., -_,. -.,., .... ~-. =~ ~. 08 14• _ _ ,..,,.. wn • · . , ...... -. ·111 ,_. .,.. • "Cww dol,_ --....W.S --i... ' • -=--:: • I ....., --· -!aWHJOU llD!Hi6•' -owa--• · ·' -«1Ii•espwt W4 ._ ... ) ·~-r -·-.. In ·-·-:::: B •. " f!ON ' -.I • __.ID----~ ~ ,,., --···... •• ... 1~. -•~""~ --• .. --~ ·-_, --•--lot, a. •JI la .,.,..,h-1---...... -mo& a .,,..,._ '· ,-.. -, ._p If : ~ ,.~.,.._ 1'0C9 tor • • ~4$4 : ..... "'l*t ,._ •••.. ::;~::t.. fUll ~':O:; * ... ;;..: ar?F™NI 1 i; ~ 90U''3 .._lk ~ 11111 .. RI !1111 _ .. :::_~T -~ .. )-.~ ~ ·-Wllt. ..-. T--. -• -. • • .. . Balboa ~C 'Co. ..... ....... --.. ... We 111,,. ..... ---... atu N .. f"¥l ............ -Ernie Smith -· -A .. _ Cbp.rles E. Hart ~ ~ On*'v -'WIN' su.-mic ••ALTY 1t1 r • ...._. o-r••JIJ' ...,.._ · , . • ~ ._ :i --w_ aza r -. .-. UM ·a...:Mm •111 a IUI Jle-t .-. Clilw '1-· '. ~ ..., .. , ,.._ - -.......... ._ O I• 41, . ...,.., .... - s.e, Har, ~ N•W)lO<t ~ IOB -• '!' .. Dziaa ---Bir, 'Ja GI -k -··~·-· -.at• , 11'fe wtio -lo+• I \e _,' • fto.i ..... ? 'I• ... W', re-,.,~ , , •• • • • • ' I I I I • I - I I . r I.~. I [, . I I • • , our • '··) ~ ·, I . 1-, ' I ' -, I ' • ' ' • • ' • ' ran • ' - • • ' .. ' -~ ' • • WITH OR WITHOUT ''POWEBGLIDE'' ---I --..... . . . . , .I • • E HAVE A LARGE STO I{. ' .All '.Models·· All Colors I ·I . - ·WE ARE GOING TO S ·ELL THE' . : ' ' I I BUY ' CAR UNTIL YOU TALK WITH -I • - CASH, OR GMAC . OR IANK OF AMERICA TERMS • • •. BIG ALLOWANCE FOR . YOUR PRESENT CA -, - STARTS FRIDAY MAY 25th 8 A. M. ' DON'T WAIT! -COME IN WHILE • WE . STILL HAVE YOUR MODEL ~D ·ooWR! WE HAYE A ,;DEAL" F6R YOU! •• • - PRICED AS LOW AS Plu Tu and Ueenae I DELIVERED IN NEwrORT BEACH . . . -· . . . '; OPEN -EVE INGS I UNTIL -9'._-• Ml ~-· .. INCLUDIN ' SATURDAY_ .,. UND• Y 1· I .,.,N'T W AJT! ~~ ~a.'t Be Disappointed! -~ GET HERE E -~L~! • I .. ' . " . • -. • ' -..... • • • "" !\. "!I-. -.. ·• • ~ ' ~ r '-" ' • '° • I . . .. , . .. q ' -.... .. Ii _.; _ 2-1. 'OlST HIGKWA~, NEYfP.OIJ-.pA°"' · ·. , llD : At:ID -~N •vD., Hu · llAcH . • • . ·. '- I .1 ' ' - • ' Law~· BctwJhlg ~ · occ Pirate ro~ma~nt . Sports Patter Here, June 16 · · ·. · ~ ' With aLhleUc competltkm plac-ed 8att,Jl'dl3 J uoe 18?.the SouUlern nnder wrap:i tor the rem&indet df C&ilfomia~ Lawn llcwllng AM'n. 1 he year, Or ange-eo...t Collese fn wbicb,. t.Jie-re are n!'Clalered 23 ls now prepartns to honor ,Its c ity, club9, wtU l'lo&d it.I annul\.! t1pring aporta a thletes. The first I.Awn Bowling-Toy.rnament on thE' 11.cttvity wu the ·sport• Award1 greene of. the Newport Harbor Auembly beJd Wedneeday, Mq club. Th«;:re will be 14 team.111 of 23. fn the ICbool aud'lorlum. t.hree p!ayera e•ch. competing. At that time' the coe.che• Of the Tbe .-amea will commence at 9 :30 varloll..111 sport.a preeenled lettl'n to •· m lhe quaUned men and Dr. P eler- pur local IA.wn Bow'.lng Club eon prucnted lbe two-year jacket ie lool(lnlt forward to a large audl-a....-arda. The fol.lowing men re· ence-ln wtbte:ia and enjoy one of cclved letteria tn the respt.-ctlve the out.atandfna Lawn Bowling sporl8> • eontettt. •rrang-rd, Preitident Ceo Gt:ilf: Stanley RJdderhof'. lAgu.n• Wilson haa'1!1tatcd. Beat"h ; Robt. Marshall. Hunting· On Wednead.af, May 18, thf' ton Beach; Don McDowell, Coeta Long Beach Lawn Bowling Club Mesa; Don Baker, Santa Ana; wu hoat lo SouUlern California Thobum Thon-.pson , Co.st.a Me•a.: Women's lAwn Bowlin'"g Aas'n. Bud Voykovlc, San ckmente. tournament wtth each team play-Tenrli.: Jerry Forrest, Balboa; ing thtte ga.m&a. 12 ends each. Jack Krebt, Seal Beach: Calvin , The N~wport Harbor Lawn Curry, Orange: Bob Marah41l, Bowlin~ Club wu ably rr-prf'&ent-Huntington Beach; Roger Wel.'lh, ed by Mrl'I. Libby DeWitt Baue r, Newport Beach. M iu rr:en~ Bo8omworth and Mr8. BuebaJJ : F . E..Harrla. Gan.Jena; G 'adys Wheelf'r. Mn. Baue r won Bill Romero, C&plltrano: Bob B!e- two Jj1;amf't1. Irene Bosom worth lcfeld, Anaheim : Jack Clark, COf'- also two games. and Mra. Wheeler ta Meaa; Allie Thieme, RenO, Nev.; one gamf'. Conwldt>rlng the st\(( Phil Shafer, Newport Beach; J esae opposition with which our local Smith. Coat& Mesa; ~rge Jamee, pJa,ytt11 had to contend they are Newport Beach: Nonna• Ridge· to be rongratuJated upon their way, Westmlnaler: Orville Thread- flne abowlng. gill, Artesia: Harlow Rlchardmn, Sunday, May 21 , club inter-Newport: Ray Walker, Loil An· changed gam,..s wer e played on tht' ~eles: Dtck Ferguaon, Newport Newport Jl11.rbor 15th St rt'" t Beach. :t gr~na. betw~n four SanUL Ana Track : Ralph lerra. Capl1'· club lawn bowllni:: tea.mt1 and rour trano: John Gleed. guna: D ick t eams representing the NeVfp<>rt Rart, Midway C1ty : Car1<'ton Harbor Bowling Club. Many vi.llllt-Mears. Balboa: Howard Mlll<'r. ors wer" on hand lo wltnesa the Yuma, Ariz.; Ed Mulder, Los An- clOM·y fought games, Two gamea ge les: Ernest Ruvalcava, Santa ol triples, I~ enda each, were Ana: Phil Stafford, Coela MeM.; played. Bruce V.'errl, Coachella Vallf'y: The Newport team comprising-Glen ,W()(Y:fward, Indio; A.shley Georg" Wilson, Al Oxland and Hought.'on, Downey; Jhn Cham- John Martel took hi.gb honors, blee, Thermal. winning both ga.m~ with a 37 Wre8tling : Henry Aguilera, San· plus. The team of Jlm' A~pen. ta Ana: Bob Aguilera.., Santa Ana: Fred Crosltr and Loaie Cf'08ie.r, AIPx Martint"Z, Santa Ana: Fred al80 won two games with a 36 Owens, Spokane, Wuh : CA.ry plus. "Gray, ~ta Mesa : Don Chilton, J 0e Stamp, lrene Bo8omworth Laguna; Ed Hill, Santa Ana: Paul and Waller Wood, ¥ a team, won Brick, Elna, PenntJy lv11 nla. one gamr a.nd I08l one. The team Swlmtnlng: Jac k Bell. Co&a o( Col. Dt>Wtti Bauer, Margaret Mt::sa: Duane Eulburn, Se a I Hodge8 and Mrs. Bauer, won one Beach. game a.nd loal one. • \.ISJTS IN 8 A.V .IOSE Mrs. BorghfJd Stephens, N11.r· c.Yaue avenue, Corona .del M.ar, bu been vlatttng at San J0<>e for Mveral days lhl• Wfflt. BANKING SERVICE complete TO THE LAST DETAIL! Yout loca l branch of lank' of Ametico provide• Lit. Insured Saving& Accounta, Tenplon Checking Accounts. Commercial Accounti., 7hr'·r Personal Loans. Farm and 1Su1lness loons.. Traveleri Cheque~ and many other banking senkes. A•' Int el ._rfar ,.,. n lllftruf .. "" ,.. ......... Your lank al .11 ... r1co br..:.Ch It ataflwcl by your ' !fiend. and ... 1g1i11on- lt local In.....,.....,,, yet poo.idtt you allll your -.mlly wltli tM World'• .. ort ._,.,.,. ·Mnl<Illf~ ....... ._ ...... ........... ..,11 .. ' Bukttball: .Bob Yardlry, New- pnrt ~ach ; Jt>rry Johncox, Whit- tier : D ick Da.vls, l...ali{Una : HY.rn'4"1 R0t>hm. S&nta An a; Carleton Mears. Balboa : Harlow Rlchard- .!'JOO, Newport: Phil Shaler, Nt-w- port: Wayne Melqui11t, Ba'boa: Harvey Bennett, Tu.stin': John I Campbell. Brr11.; Orne Hf'ndon, El Monte ~ F..cl Pope. El Munt{'. Salling: H owarrt Mllrtln. Nt>w- port; Harlan Hoyt, Nrwport : Fred Kingsley, Newport. Roger W<'i.!lh, Newport: John Adame, Lftguna ; and Frank Spielberger, Newport. f"lnl Aa.nual Raltqurt Sf'1:ond activity to honor the 1'lhletcs will bf' th'e Flr.!ll Annual Sprin~ SporU Banqutot to be held May 29 in the C.llt>ge Cafetf'tla.. Ovrr 7Q athletes w ill be preMnl plu.!t coachea from the two local high schools, Newport and Hunt.- lngton &ach llnd sport.a wrttere from the klcal new1:1papera: &s well as member! of the Athletic Board o( Control J ohn Wooden, baskf'tball coach ot thE' Southern PCC c hamplonl'I, UCLA, and Art Reichle will be among the honored guest.a. Thr award tor the outJlt..andlng alh.lete will be pruented at the b&nqtlE"l by Ktnny Moatea, ca.plain of the UCLA ba&eb&JI team and r ecipient of the award fut year. Thi.111 out- standing athlete award la 1pon- tJOred by the Lettermen'• Club on Campus. I Overboard : Orang:f' Cout will reaoiYeo thrtt trophlel'I during lht" Spring Sports Auembly. They ! are the ba8ketb&ll trophy, won Ill the-Sam Berry M('morlaJ Tourna· ment held et Olendalr during C"hrislmu, 1950 and lhe Mark Healy, Jr. Pf'rpetual Trophy won by th" satllnh te&m two weeka ago d\lring the aianual ~gatta . _ . Th~ got! team will preMnt the Ea.stern Conference Trophy u a part of the ronlrlbUlk>n. Th.la trophy muat b~ shared with Fullertob and San- ta Ana during the ,rear -. . The .surprise feature will be the Wo- men'• Alhlet•c Aaoclatlon Out- 3tandlng Gradu~te Award hued on athletics, 8Cholarsblp and ac- tlvtties. Th1a: p@rpetual Lropt\y award \vil1 be &iveon to Mary Rob-- to. of Newport. ' ~ . ' !iWIM SQUADS ol N-rt -r llalaa Hl•h Scbool wen JVMb at a dtaaa llolil In Qi<ff lilonor bJ' IJHolr mothen IMl '11wnday a{ Ullt .ot" kotat ~ Tbe .. IS .. aDd "-o" 9qtlad• ~·ere leape champ& tor the ~lld )'M.r In a row. "A " lea,mnw pr- nrred third alcbe ta their 1oo,. Utt to rtpt front row aft: M . f1lquald. D. Rlc:llanloon, r . To.,.._, C...Captal,.. of the "B" r ttampa. 8. Ball"d ud D. Pr.tea'.. Seooad row, Captain of thf' "C' To.,.-chers. G. Glbbo .. , H . 8e1T7, IL JacolloeJI. B. ·-B. Hammond, eo.cll Al Irwin. B. c.._ T. Tunao~ D, Bitter and F. aqrrman. Third row I . lolq, B. SIUte, 11. Kuka. B. Muon, o : C<>leman. D. -D. Aan-old. 8. l!mltll. I. Stawicki, L. M.el- ~r. k . Qu1at. and N. Barlow. Baek row E. iloluMoa. Vanlt7 team captaJn s. Bttk. 8. Carroll. s. Apr, D. PetUt, IL OtJuner -.r . Oloec~ L llambrock. T. Holt.._ M. Doy~. a. Brin-and L l ohmon. (Preas Photo) Jack Bell Wins Last Batter Spoils No Hitter ~~=~n:;-::1e Diving Crown By Tar Pitcher Bob Burdick . plt~~in:a"&n:-a':.:~~·g '·~~~an~~ ( Jack 8(-11 game.red a bttth on Pitcher Bob Burdick of lhf' Lombard won the Ea.stern JC oon-\ J I I fer't'nee batting cha.mp1ons hlp, for I STOCKS • • ·-I I • URtt>AY,_ t.fAY. 24, 1951 i>lllss-a~ a. ..... ,.._ ~-f?Y­ J"fOm lbe world•• • ' Fabr\C9. • May~ liboW youT • , I · BONDS • COMMODmES 1WRmNGS -· Chiatto" loord of Tf'Ode • • San fNfld tcet Stodt &change I lo1 A"V•l• Sfoct bdlenge LEASED 11vATt W1m Bank of Laguna 8cado ldr;., LalJUllA -Pb. &-11116 San fnHtciuo • lot Alig.I•• • New Y•t: • S.OtKe ' 100/o Disc:ount on A.ny Purct.as. • • ( EXl-'EPT' ABAWN E ) Bring _jthls ad to BAYSIDE FISH . MARKET . Fresh Fi•h D~ily from ~ur Own Boats! HALIBllT -WHOLE. CLl'JAl''ED ..J ...................•................ 11>-S5a BARRACUDA -WHOLE, Ci:LEAN"1D ···········-·······-·········l it. S5a YELLO\\TAJL -WHOLE, lEAD OFF ····-····'····-······-··.!"-fOc %800 t..arayette on the &y N£iWPORT Barbor 816 the Uttle A.JI-American IWfmmlng .Newport Harbor Tar baseball Bo 1• N · . the ~l ba&eball SC880n w H.h a lcam whrn he t.ook the l ·metft" tea m' came" wlthln on(' out of a no-w 1ng ews .568 rage In 12 games. Lorn-l Calirorla stale divine crown a t a hit game agalnat Orange on the New Van·,. Bowling alh•ys in ' bard I I the _way, po.!ltlng at ·--------------·~---------------.. meet he'd on May 10, 11, and 12 local field 1\u:sday but th~ la.st Costa Me11&, now under thi> awn-.727 average at the haUway mark . at San Lula Obispo. batter spoiled the rare feat and ershlp of Stormy Gordon, wlll hold Top Orange Coul hllterl'I were Further nonors were brouo-ht it.JI flrt't Scotch Doub'f'.!I Saturday F . E. Harris, .375; and Orville • a19o a shutout by blutlng a triple. Thretnlgl"l 328 to OCC whie.n BeU"a.champlonahlp Rnd Sunday, June 9 snrl 10. It · · · · In the low board and third place Newport won the game 2-l. "hould be a lot n ( fun for evf'ryonP Leading ballers are: In the high board IJOOred 11 point.a Doing tnto lhr sev,..nth and final 1 M the lad!c!I bowl the first bftll All H Pflt. and cR.j)tUttd aewntb place In a lnnlnx wit h a 2-0 lr&d llJld without ~ ca<'h fran1c and the men roll for 8. Lomt..rd, Mt. 8 AnL « u .&68 field of 18 achooLr. allowing a elnli{lf' Orang<' bat.1n1a n 1 lhf' 11pare. .1 .I. Brancato, l!J A ......... S! 15 .CM "Diving compettlloa wu 1o I Pricll" of 11.60 P'"r ~rson in-'· ~l. Ml. S Ant. .. zi to ,466 lo reach baae, Burdick walkc-d thr 11 cludct1 lhn-e g&1nf'.111 ot bowllng and D Da c •-•t t·!c,ge," said tJell, '"that the.re. wu I :doff Ch k Mi;C dl . y, 11a1 e)' ......... S.'i ~5 .4%9 o·1ly 1.~ point dlfff'rence betwre.n ~· msnruu uc 1 d than eMl pri&e money. Participants a.re D. Sampeon,..,S A .......... 43 t 1 ..195 third i:t.nd flrat place In the three· t e !rulcceeu M ~ rl't re d .:i~t>x urgert to g<"t rtM"rvation& tr1 early. R . .lonn.. Chaffey ........ SI 12 .38'1 mPtPr tr1ard and .078 of a point ~o h tte.f"JJ. c artcr an en-Anyon" may bowl u often a.she F . Hal'f'M.. o""'«"~ .... S! t ! .3'15 dirff"r('nce between wcond and bl 1. bul clean-up slUKKf'f Don Wll-wlshe8 with dlffer~nl partnPr!I and R. Df!lpdUJo, R'Nde .... 41 L5 .S88 third plac-r"." ' uam~ ~~f'd a long ~Ip~ ~n rlg~t "''In 811 many ttmca a.a possible J. ~. R'•lde ..........• 40 14 ..330 Jack n('·1 began b.la IJWimmlng =n l rh lh ch~~ ;:,u hry1 g o with the pllrlner"' E. J .ckAoo.. S B ............ 44 l6 .S<ll <'Rret>r under lbt dlrecUon of ~ :h e n 8 ~~I run Service club mtxffi fivl! -80me '· RlDkJe, SA ............... %4 I .ISi Cumm"1!dt>r Morton Ji. Olbbona of· kn e rf' ~a;hove~. l b ajm~ 11ummll"r league will start May 28 .J. Klt>HI')•, S R .............. 4! 14 .SSS thp lJnilfif state. Navy, who took '*"8 ~t own a e P" l' Y u.e: at 9 p. m. and will const .. t ef lhre-1! O. ~rtll. Ora.ore 43 14 .1%8 a thlf'<\ plaet lJ1 the 1024 olymplca. lnc hf'a'on a aenMllonaJ rt-ll\y from men and two womrn on 8 tf'am. H t'l wo~'hlM flrat med&l ln 1947 Oavb to Wt!tzel to W"tchell. There IA ~urrently room for two Jalop1·-p,·c• H. B. as h h l red UMi loU\hem' Bllrdl~k t. the Tara No. l calc.h-more team• In the lcag\-\e and ln· •• w en e ~~ ., but ~ll' taltff a twtrl I.a<~ IJoa ~ 1 w ' · Calif•"""'~' ~-at' the mound. n, -,.,.. the --v • ~"' t'nlmJl'~·-:l-.l~lll•~-,,~~•l!J1i'lln~1t.6N•1•••1•· ior ch.&mplftalt . OM tWa .U.Cr heel h 1 a.n. r · e · lfftt)'..,. _. .... ' cttdlng yeara Bdl took the b\ter-~'i: yea.fame by • S&Uor wr er • Junior in1tructlon cla.ue.111 are J alopies or tbe CJA, the major mediate high ead k>w boa.rd • h<"ld f'Vll"ry Saturday at 12 noon runabout racing organf'Latlon pf c rown, thf' 9£'nlor blab and low Or•-.. Al 1 H Newport He~ • H tl 'I 2 P· m . with a ~lal rate.-or the Slate, have _picked Ts.lbert board crowh and lht state high ... ce."dh, lb 1 1 o L•rM, 11 2 t 1 SOC fo r three lln"•· no charge for Stadll.lm ror lhetr aummer racing boa.rd YMCA, chaqtpJonal\lp with ~~~tt'.Hrf 1 : : ~-::_1ilb ~ ~ ~ bo'A'llng: shoes, agea g lo 16, every-homf'. followln1 lut week's ae:n- a •erond ln the low board. WHIJ•-t..l• J o I l 11•dkt , " J I I one lnviled. sa.tlonal speed &how. and will be s.i..r-. n J O O ;.1..,i., cf l I O -------back aO"tlli ln' to Ith Al Harbor Yip ,.,,.lfti, c; l • o A.lliobott, rl 1 o o n~ n rar go w e.n- Bell alttnded Newport Harbor high ln '1949-:>0. \o 1~ he WU Cnn. ••' l I 0 l""'· Jb J 0 I Boys' Club Plans othl!r featur~ 78·itt.p 1:1how al Jolt-•. r.1 1 O I NeHL.1, lb 1 I • the Huntlngtcin Beach flflh-mile, ...._, p 2 1' I Weeki, c 2 I t -crown~ Su.naet Learue dlvlng '""•" 11 I I ,, J • Tot.ti kor• 1, l•lllooq1 champ. In h is eenlor year be re- pt"lltf'd, tQktng Clr9t In the lf'•l\Jf' and ~·ond In Cl.F. Trave!lng to :i..... 000 000 1-1 ' 1 H••porl M•rbor 100 op! •-Z 6 0 ------- the high IOChool state mttt In 19W. Tan Come From he took .!K'COnd, &oglnnlng his colJ~p career at Beh. ind, wi•n A 2 or ... nge Coast, Jade. won third .,. place at the Euter n conference ~ mf't't anti went on to qua lify for Dil'k L&M'a beM-1J·l°"-~ed slnglf'. tht" 11tate m t'et at Lon1. Beach Korlng two runs, and ~"" Crain'& .Ionian "-'hf're he carnered lt'C'Ond two run do ublf", all ln a big fltth plat"f' In lht> high board a.nd third lnntnr. gave Newport Harbor a on the tow boa.rd. 4-2 comf'-from-be}'llnd win over "The lmprovement that Jack AnaJtelm at Newport HelghtJI tut &U hu ahown UU. teUOA." •Id Friday. Dean of Men Fred Huber. "ta Cram mt.de thrff of the Tar alx typical of an ouUtandin1 athlete. b.JU While L4.Bono wu holding t.h" Jac}\'s nemea:u thla eeuon hU Colonl.ala lo tour aatelle11. t>tt.n Fullerton Jun\of" coUece. 1n ......,... M-pen H..-Mr . th" confettn~ meet Bell WU able' ,..., ... <,, 1t : ~ L•"·., ,.11 ~ ~ lo gain only a third place ap.lnat 1-t.n..1, rf J 1 o W.t1itl , Zb J o t th~ national champa. In lhe South-~-;.!" ! : ~ f:,~~~ c-o ~ : : em Cli.I n1eet he pined a aecond M.tt .. 14, 1-., '. 1 1 A.Wt. rl J 1 1 place ~rlh." In t.be et.ate cbam-e-a.l«t. • J 1 o D.•h. rl t • t H.,,.,., r. I I I '"-i10qle , r. J 0 I p1onah.i(l:i Jack took the undla-'•tw-. If 1 o 1 L;1tt . Jb 1 1 t putl'd ww boa.rd crown wttlt a WJ.n-.. P 1 • 1 Lt hflO, P o • • li•-11•, p I I I Wer.lt•I, <. 0 I t 011\rgln or 81.x polnta. Jack'a 8plrlt __ 1 H.-ttlet, lb J I 0 Is the typt:' that will mllke cham-'•'•'• 2J 1 • n 4 , Tot•I•. pion' kor• 1, 1.,.,, .. ~, Swim Clan Schedule G en ,.~ OZO GOO 11-l 4 I N-.-t H•bor 000 M ........ ' I ' • • Baseball School dirt trac:k on Sunday. • Qualifying trialo wilt ht-gin for Second annual Harbor Area Boys' C:ub bu<'balJ school W\JI be held at tht' COflla M •u Park Sat- urday, June 2 from 8:80 a . m . un- til 12 :30 p. m r it WU announced lhla Wl!('k . All boya lnUrc&ted In baseb&U. wht"lhe.r they are members or the Boys' Club or ftot, arf' Invited to ~rliclpate. ln the bueball achoo! whkl\ w ill !unction under the dl- rrctloa of Orange Cout College Coach Wende'I Plckena and Rod MacMlllian of the Harbor A rea Soya' Ctub. The achool la open for boye bf'Lwern the ages of eight illld 18. Planti for the aummer sea- .an wlU be revealed at lhe ac:hool. a field of more tban 00 r~hot ca.rB and leadtpot. chauffeurs at 12:30 p. m .. wl(b the lrophy da.111h, !Unit- ed lo the four fa.stf'lll qllali!iers. • 11tartin1; the raclng firework4 at I 2:15. Art Letner ahowed his racing dlL'tt to a !rt.Tong field in tut week'.!I 30-lap main event, and also \fl l be trophy duh -a.nd h e'll be back with a fired-up jelopy aeek- tng that coveted racing double. 1 Oddly enough, Rex Schendley or I, Anaheim !lnl.abed seco.nd ln both the featured, with J oM Wood third in the trophy duh and Bob Ross taking .show money In the maln event. Frenchle Hind.man won the 15-lap 11Cml-maln event . Board Endorses Purse Seine Bill T he board ot cuperviaora Tues- day urgl!d passa1e or a bi'I to re- strict purse·~lne fl81'ing· fo r four summer month• of each year. The purse·eelnlng bill, effective May 1 to Sl!pL 10 ot each y ear off part or the Orange county cout. la 'by Aaemblyman Earl W , &t.&11 .. 25 Clllbiliri 5" Ange~ 69! Clubbed Loi: Anc~Ia hue.bell b&ck•rt at the Bubar A.rea Bo)'O' Club ~ ceJ:Ved a rude aboclt kturday at• teTboon .. they watcMd u.eu b&ll eltlb pl~$! M by'S..W-.. at Wr!glq r-.ict In. t;o. Anr*, The lbcal ·croup o1; za iioya toUreil 111e ., i.oo•~du M_,., before tbe b&ll pine. ~ -..:.;.,...-'----• ~a.a.•J~WW ... llllll~ --wlU.- --1111 0.-,. eqant1 A.merican ~ Ltsiae WDJti no ........ i..,.i.s ".(lft--du:..it ..... w 7 ,~,. ··~ .med-- .. J'f"'!l'P>rt ..... i..-- -hi)-will.sit .... ot Ute -uac-lloMlt ""1-. ~ ~ _ ,....., --"""""I ............. , - "" ............ lltao. .. - ~ 1950 MODE L SPALDING N \'LOS STRlJXp RACKET REG. $12.50 Special for $9.95 • LADIES "'ACK PliRCELL" TE!\'NI S SHOES 1 <!..;..., I E;~;.~o~;~-;;~;o;q~R~;E I '1th and Xe"·port Boulevard. COSTA MESA PRON!!: BEACON llOZl·A (Under New Ownership and Management)· 12 New Bowling Alleys'- Se~-Automattc Racks · Open Bowling MONDAYS TtiESDAYS WE EKENDS HO U~: 10 A-M.-2 A-M . LADtis <JLASS nJURS. I :SO P . M. FREE INSTBUC'l'lON MAKE RE~ERYA TIONS ' for •!ch Osme& b d Alley• at Any Thoe • 1703 Superior PHON'E: Bl':ACqN M Sll Ave. Costa Mesa r~rillin1 fHOROUGH RED NOW-!. THRO JULY 21 ..... ~~Y1;30,.a IOlllWOOI NII '"''lJ "' " amu •• ;1.. tw.lttlii ...... ., ,...,..,.~ 19dflf. ...... '""" of ........... ""' ••9"...f .-41 ••t1~.i41"1 J.tk•ft ht "'fO *"' ef eacltl•1 C99p'9titiotl. -rn TlllH )llltUllt ~ HCU I, 5-y. '''" , .. i;=-IA$.Sll SWllf ~ir #OUt~ • "" •l•tllAI tl"ff ,, W ... r...,., Y ?0-.UooM/'UT ~ l ·l'u .. •"r"'"~_....,.,.,~,, , ... ···--~ .. ..._ .. __ ~~~-:: 7 ·~,~ .. tlt1,.01doiNJ~111 """1io<•..J . 1 ~ " ' •• ~ : • • l' .... i ·S:.;,~p·~·--w.;. iw .... , ~. . I ~ ' •• :ACll. JIA.llY ................ •hut . ........ , ........ ti -· - ' I ····-·······-·· • .. ' I I 1. ' - "l let won1en talk about them .. ~Ives, a nd t~y tove \t."-Slr Charles Mendl. 79. tetllng ln Pe.rte how ht> won be-9.utirttJ 16·yev~ French wife. • CITY OF NEWPOR'l' MACH ST A TE OF CALIJl'l'.>IU<L\ N'OTICJ! TO CGNT'lll\~ SEALED PRQP08ALB .. m be received at tbe Wti<!> 'ct Ille City Clerk,,...Cily Hall, City ot Ne~ Beach1 caJ.ltornta. until 7 :$0 o'clock P. M., on th·e 28\h day of· ll&y, 19&1, a't which time th'ey wlll be publicly opened and 'read, for pertormtng work a.s , follo\ft: C ITY OF NEWPORT Bi'.ACB, CAlD"ORNIA For the lmprovement Of 'Ba.J'boa. Boulevard ' from Ith Sb't!et tO lttll street 1 No bid 'lr'i.11 be received un.Jea It UI made on a propoaJ forM 'T p "bl I turnWled by tilt City Engineer. F.&cll btd mu.at be accofnpe.n.ied by '\frO ef11 · 9S <euli. ce1'1.lned or c:untff•• dwdt. 'Or ~ddef"'s bond , made payable .. S d Th lo the City or Newport -· rm-... amount equal to at ..... Id IS un ey eme J>ll!:rcent f l 0,./,.1 or the amount bid. such ~ty to be torfeiled t L··U..-'h Ch -h 8.hould the bidder to wt!iotn .UWt tathet. ••• watded f&JJ to enar lnto a UTTI9rl "' '"'' the :n~ce with tAe prv¥tmi0Zl.a of SectJon1 1770 to 1781 di. 1 At ~ H&tbiOt Lut.Mraft uio l&llor a.-. ·~~ 'City o..-i wt \lie 'City of ~~ Beaeh &.. churQ, .,..,o .¥!>1B" ~ be .......V.IMd the g'OMC'I ,,....,..... -ot .......,. Aft>-M• to ,,,. tM tllome of· l'aitor ltotll a ..,... rtt to ble done u fOltowa: mori Ulll 8'1nd&) at the 11 &. m . wo • -~ .,... Diem woroblp --Tile t-la taJmi c~~":r ...................... · .................. ~:-=-.r ~3~ ... ~~i~~~ Cement Finisher .................................................. 2.38 18.04 ~rlMP.P New . memben ""° Laborera. General or o..tracUoe ................ 1.7~ 1•.00 han ~ lRltl'UCUona th Utie F A 1 _sphatt Raker and £roller .................................. 11-~ ~::eooo tet.c~p ·ot the ichurcb wtn be agman · · · -· ·· ·········,.·············-··r·············· ·'" r9Cllved tnto cfturch metnbenhlp Watchma.n 8.Ild/or Guard .................... : ............... Le7 JS.38 a\. \ha Rntce. Apprentice Engineer, lnctvdl*t ,.,,,..._., 9Unday ICbool meeta at 9:$0 a. Oiler, Creruter . ·············-····-························· 1.93 l~.44 M. With ei..e. teft' U.Udren of aJl Air Con1pressor Operator ························--··-····· 1.06 16.40 •ret aJ\d u ad'oh. Btbte clUL A sphalt Plant Ftremafl. ... , ................................... 1.16 11'.IO . ~ ()a•• Asphalt or Crushing Plant ~r .......... · 2.30 18.40 ,.,,. dltahl'b 'botlhdJ will meet Co11ctttt OJ" Aaph&ll ................ •1\Jcal Tamping or F1nWllAc' M•chtae Open.tor !.30 18.40 Thunda) e'f'l!llltb.1. llaJ 24 at tl'&e hL ..... 8 • ,......,. at i p. 'In. Concrete Mixer Operator iai,p .. ,.pe ............ 2.1 li.tf Both 'tie Cbentb and UM fu.nJor H•avy Duty Repalnnaa ..................................... 2.30 18.fO cholh Gt th. dlmell Wiii llllC at Motor Patrol 0pera.tor, b1cltlllills U)' type \he iprte,a ¢bon1 r.tt...i to be of power blade ...... : ......................................... 1....., 19.tt held al nm Luthu&D 'ChW"Clli al Pump Operator ·······-·-······································· J.815 ltl.40 ' Comptoll on S\uMla1, June S. Roller Operator ........................ ·---·····-·········-·· ... 2..b 18.00 Tractor Operator -Bl>lldl:Mr. 'hmJ>"', Scraper or or.c t)'Jil' l!ll>ll~ oJo Boom AttaclUMllQ ···············-•·····-···-··············-····· t .30 ~•o 11.04 P. E. 0. to C>r9anile 1-:larbor Chapter Trenchthg Maehtt111 0peratiW --······-·---·-· .. ····· ~ Unlveraal Equtp..,...t Opeft~ (!!howl, Drac-llne Derrick. DerrlcksBup, Clams AAI ~ ....... , Gr ahell or Cfllne) ·--·-·····--................. 2.60 20.00 liotW ot P. &. o. Slit- Dlivero of Dump Truclta of l-U.... 4 ,U. ~ wlll ~ 1-ld ~. - W&ftr ·1e:w.t ~·-••""'"-'y-•-.. •·-·•u•u-••• .. ·•--· J.&S 14..N f . J :M ........ ~ .4ft1W- An.y cla.ssiticatloa omitlAtd llerelll. , -* ......_ Ill-. wttb. Mata- not leu than ...... ·-··--·-·-· .. ·--·---··--··· 1.e'f IS.SI ....mow. p ial:at .,.. ...,.Me.._ Ill All bida &re ..... ~ • 1!1111 -!Ir 1!1111 ~ • .,....... ~ ~.' eetlm&te ol tbe qll&HiU.. el_. tlo k -I , ------ M. bid •Iii 11o aCooptfd """1 a .C.--Wit ..et ..... oo MUtU MJifUNo v...,,N<I 1n ~ ~ -tHldl n "' .,.,._ ' b1tm1 h ut !'loo 'a 11 .,.... ..-w..t of 8'ut1nw and l'rote1 tr ~ . ~ .. ~ ..... illli Plano ...,. be -_. MM w •. ..,.,, ._. •'"1:':• _. ......, 1fQJo1ati:.· Sy, - _.inc.tit _,, lla int • .. Iii ........ ot Ola' -111\ -·•••". ,_ •••• -. ~ City~lelazf*tP s·.•»tr'' -..·M;.;• • --;-~ i; "l'\lr-,•c::::.:. ... ".za .. ·oz~ rrt r---~1.o,.:: -...... '='·· ... 5 ''"' 1111:•'.••••llll! loo ,., • • .r-.. -"" Ulli# lll l'lllo!lt ...... I 'V ......... ~ ~ • •J'ttiiJ. •-lilli. 4 'v'rlh ..._, -··--~ rt ?""..., • Cl'l'Y or,ft•.n-1 -..Clll, ~-A :: . • -'. ' c. II:. PW\',~ a.ti..... ,, ,.. ·- not.cl: May 11 tin • a ur M WHlL•i. ••a. JCO.. 7°' , Pl 11; PubUllb ~ lf-14; tiJt. ' ' t I J 't!"-lillfa ML . ' • , • 1-.t Prfz~ . ·9ic12 Wunde Wev -, Retail Val\r&-$1 Rug .95 2nd Prin , 4-~_ Wunda Weve 'Ru9 , 11 Retail Value -12 .lS • • 3rd Prize 3x5 Wunda Weve Rug Reteii Value .....Z '.1 .ts· This ~ can come lo· ou- just come-in and . ri ~ter. · · brawmg date will lltl- nounced later. • Laguna · B~a ·h Furniture .co. Ne FOREsT A. V1t. PHON'E l-Ul'll . . , . -Free Clatome:r Putdac t Bear ot1 Stwe' on Om!lm Aw. • ' • NO Calorie· CounHng I MO D . If ~.~re a nonnal, healthy owwwelght ma11'0I' weftMln 't,. ., . ••a1-. ~ obout tfNa amazllf9• n•w. dinlcahy ~ meclfml discovery, that . Ill llillNady creadn9 a MnSOtfon all o-..r th. country; &fset all . ehout d.iea, lrun8"r, • taJlitie COWldog, mass.ge, drugs. --eacJ all ocher uhpleuanr, • •=*I t.ry dl.inss usually UIO- dafed with reducing. Par • pat -tot di«x>Yery . °'"' ••lea it pooible for you IO IOlt piahd1 ol exc-fac ..:fely-· wid.Out dieting, widtou.t ba•iag • single tnmpy IDC)mftlt, l111t...., .... ,. ..... •• I • I ,., ?._. ,. . .. ........... . • . ' ~ lor·-,lolb •nM •h ..... .AwthP..,..,am-i.r \s•1 • .to ... .,,, uit-Jirw" ' . ' . . ' W.tex .,..,_ H-1.r • 7 ,,. ,,.,_ ...... hM ~. 10 adeatifiC:·c:el~ti ...... •tbe •• § .. ~ ~·:t ~ ,.. . Alilm; 1 lvktla,("M"arl111-l ·· il...W..lii1 l·'i>·~·~· . ;0'1?... . . . • ... Iii! . .., ..... , ..._ .. . INJ-liM. "*-~ ...... .......... .,..... _..ai. -Ill. . I • , ' • \ I I ' ' • ( Third ~4'fl'ber #Qr J. Porror Servl<;e • Brqwf'it T l'flOp Holdr; l.,ltit+iqn 1..lrti"lt. Tllt~· !/ST OF \PlC/,)I Vll lots . . • ir-c-rr- ......... """"'"''' GfiLDBll t V MAY 24., 1951 si~ . 5• .... ~ ... ' . .au. • "~-.. .a• . -~ 1·· . • l I • I • ' . . . \ , : · . • ~ TM1S1 suPD_ SAY!._ SNCIAU .,..crjn. ~ ~'.; • ·THURSDAY~· FRID~ .. '$ATURD•Y. ' r . .-:' .. -· · MAY 24"2~. · · . • • ' ' 'l • • HOMA DE DILL PICKLES • R.E.D. SOCKEYE . . . SALMON . REAL GOLD . 'BEN· HUR HtMn STANDAID 11,._..0. l C:AN . Can 1-lb. qUAIT JAi IOllEO l JUU£l fWICll 'oltSS\111 ' I QL 'llE- . u.CH . ~ , LEMON JUICE .OLIVES ""ID ---=> Pllll p£AllUT 1UTT£1 : , • • ~~ Sc . ' Hll~ TOMATO. LAIM 14-0X. 1onLI KETCHUP -· llc ) I ....., c;r.abr'• party c:.k• • Devil'• "'9· Pkf. CAKE-MIX 29c "We Specialize in CoU..tesy" PATTY'S SPINACH , • • • .·P.ICTSWEET :WEE.Kl i{.'I · ~ \ N E S & l 1 Q u o R s ~~- ,·QRANGi.JUICE·'c: .Your Choke CUT . GREEI ·iEAIS . '::: . ·CUT CO.RN . ':;: 'PEAS AID. · CAllOTS .'r:: . .,. EAS ' •••HM I . 1Z.:... • · · c NISH Pq. :'POT A TOES · ':::~. ~ 15 OL Jk Buy Now · a~Save! "" (()MPii;ElE ~ SH8RPl~G · CEHl':_E_S _ -:~- orlH D~l&.Y .. 'TIL . •"~ , ·. . ' *·DOWN.,, D11.uu•11•1oman. ' 5 _., (COlll. Of ~I . . ' STi4CTL Y FRE$M ./'> r I LARGE SMOOTli' WHITE ROSE ' , SPUDS · . I. I . . ........,.,..,,,, : • • ... • • .. .. ... • ....... •t• • • • .. ..... ,. . . . ,, . • • • • . = -. ' • .. Home Grown,.-ftied .. llC!" • . . ._ ~ _ ~arge Fine Slicing • • • • • . . ·RED HOT ' . . . SPECIALS! Stalks ..lb. lskt. • lox ~ ' r:: .J omatoes . -~~----;;;......--==..:~ ~~---------------~~~ .WILSON'"S 1-llt. Heat s..i Ptit. ~ORN KING SLICED . • - • I . • • Rtre's PROOF wm bllill 1 . . . . RITE SHORTENING . 3·1b. Can • ·. SWIFT'S PRE . ; Pure luncliaoa ~ 12-oz. 41 Can . c 23c 17c 'Red Hot---Clea~ U 3 they last :f ;-=~ -:;:-;---..--..=~C OLD ENGLISH Style ~ .DATE or PLUM ,.. l • ~~· 63~ ~MQDING ·:-PAN" \ ~CENS . ~ . . . ·---~-.~-_;,..._,..._. c lb. :,, BRISKET 69;. ., . FRESH & LEAN . . :; GROUND . BEEF 6 Sn. ' .2 large pkgs. 1~=~ 1 Oc or tc ' J gfatt ..a. --~ ,¥1\ ., . ;.. ·> --~---=~ ~;;;....;,;~"":?:'·\>:. .. r~: . ~ . D . ... ,.,. ..... !~ .. ·-· -I -- • YINllS-IULL POUND CILLO u.• SUGAR COOKIES 24-oz. . Bottle . . BEAN ·SALE' . ' XLNT . CHILI BEANS. ·- --· • •unD · NO.Vt · 1~ · • P&;AT CAN • Ii LIMIT I U It , r ... - ' ;,·. ~ I · .. ~· " , .. .., ""* - . • . r,' . . I . ~··Spffk*e coumsy•. · \~ . .. . . . . • . . - ~ I . ' 1 . ' • ". • • •• -• I • • I I 1 'I I I I I I I I I . . I ' • . I ..... JW plppp, .. 111 , 111s,r ;Abaa.. ti . niat.erfah;' ~Ii! .. ~fAll y ·h~ ~ obtain \.-'Jltle l loa!!' ftt ~ (weUuction . mClillellng. ' . or . .., • Phone: ~ IH'l'I . ·· AJ .. 4,Hllf•. 8--••tt. a;.n"Cet · · · . • · • . Q'l'JIER \' AllWI ;. • . ' . Laguna Bea.ch SaJ\ta ·Ana i"ulk:rlQa &.A Habra· •' -.. .. . . ' • BALBOA TRANSfER co~·· AGENTS ¥Qf\ I .~ • • •. " Beaco" 6153 i@ff~. local ofld Nation-wide Mo~eL, C. E. McJ¥1E I--I "5 fljiRJl9jl BL VD. -. Q, Q. . ~ - - r - - -V"" • • r • • -• - -w - -••• r r -- -I. -ill$..,.-Q 9 • .,. 7 7 7 9 r I~-~ ioui~l~mu.r=-ww, I ~t,. ~E~IA.L~--~!?-~"!-~~ SPECIFIO. TION READY MIXED ' CONCRETE ' !29 W'8l Wiison ( between Newport aad RMbor Blvd.) Custa Mesa -"'°Dfl ftP1"9" U4f Chico Q says.. £or your • ------,;. :·: Ji, ~ /IF-· ~ ·~ "' ' . . • ' c.c.-. ..... ,. Ill ... , ............... ,.,.... .... .. -"t-tt1 ...... k,. ........ 1C.CtlfM ... '""""-~~....,......,..,....,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,.._ ..... 0-0-"' ............. ..._. ·~·· •••• , ...... -.-aJt••· ........ ,(ow..,...,,~~ • ....._: Store Amounces· Fishing ·Contest simple: tl10 l'IJl> l!ll!JI l>o ~ While sea bass ~dtd from a public live· l!llil ~. Qf l!frp, ope"Uu& qut of e.n· Orange county landing. Jt m~t be ca~bl OR rod and ree~, fO"lfllmc d\jrl11¥ II!• ll!loted 'time. '¥&¥ 10th ia J lijy ftk. Evecy con- IH!411l "11141 llrat ,.gi.ter at Wll· Mm'~ 'IP~ ·~~!q "' ClllrY blank . After tlle catch, the blank muat M: fWld -aut. and elp ed by Ute ~ cof tain, at teatlng t.4le -.yelght or th~ flsh and \ackle. JD ~e of ldenUcal weight.a or fl.th, weight or tai:kle will deterpilno the win· ner. En.a. R oy T . M &jlt;, USN, son of Mr. f!l~ Mta. l''l!l Ji{antz or 301 Front {!it. ~bOa l aland, and h ua· b..,.a pr th• ro'lll•r ~ Kathleen J. Clllla o! (:ulfport, WU recmlllJ decor&t.ed ~uring cerrrnonlea at lJle U . S. Npval 4 !f Slf~n. San Diego, for oulft&Nllg 1ervlce with tbe V-S. l"l'~Ml fof4* during p elJ!>t m<\ntJ> tour of dyty In Kore!- tft wa.e avuded the Dlattnru· lshed P1¥1~r ~ I~ Atr Mlllal IJld ~ Qold S tar s for a &econd, "'1"<1 tP.d royrth .t.lf lrl"'1tl. tor ljyl total or " ...-..._ with llauo\ ~1'11 ... . d -iuadron fl<W <1>• lo(arun MJl'\llff "flylpg-ll<><!lf" Q~ mla· sion ''eraglnli( 14 houra for ea ch man and ama.saed over ~-.,000 ~\lA In t he air. ' • .. . ·f~te - '\Vt ~.. ~\If Ml>e• u;; 111.Z IQpk 'If J'lll. l!IYf "" Old ~~ . J\Jgpl\ • "'~ !ilill"!I . ·, ' . FltE8H 'S~ l'lrtiiart Ii'"" ~· IM • ._ • Jl!fWlllll" a-all ·Cot.cirete w~ ' Qll' . .&µ IUHDfl FlAGSTONE fATl05 .. 8LO\:K .w A LLS , t "*ti'1 Ejl'flMA'l'Jlll t 'c"-;c;. w~ • , . & Soit'. .,_ GI~ • Bar. !o.M.J ltll ~· Blvd. eo.i. 114111!t · s. Jr, wquld be h~ ro ilna_Jilie wad< (oi WQlll~ ~ !Mre imp0nao1 than• job in our nation's tel .. Jbanc Ml'Yice. POI aow, tDOC'e than ever. om O"MJAUJ 1Jceils .,.;ft, reliable commwiiarioos to help speed the 'job of. def"'l" . .i\!>41 it's rcwurin&,.. linow that ~ rl>ese qays of bigb prices on most everything, you ¥ilJ 1er '·bargain whm you buy tdq>llone service. !fCff'in di• \1!ksc, on the !•<nje, telephone rsr.os sre "I' lfl' "*" h&lf u modi u obe a>IC ol"living. , I @ Pacific Telephone ... - ./ tlrinlJ t/Je. I .. 1.11111 • rsssrsoµu ! . ' : ta~ ooAWr WOBWAl', \Q)WtVn 1lc&mi . NOW REOPINBD 4 0 Q U U U 0 C C U i 0 U i i $WU 4 U U U U U C I 0 0 U 0 • = •• . --·--\ • •• -·-···--• . -, ' • • • . ., • • • l I iiiiiis ' - c I ~ ygµow 11QJ1111D SQUASH ·, . -, ' PEPPERS lb· 1Qc: NEW POWER llOAr TIU>PHY-u..-Beb. of Balboa Bayohor,., _. .. the :•w troplly wblcb he bu donated to th• IStll 1>19-, SUOING !112~ TOMATOES • • triet of t.lw UalQd. Stat.. Pewer Squadron. to Dlstrict Commander 1f11n1 Aalltoo, at the p_,,, Squadron dlnn..-lut W..tnmday at the --· Y-Clalil. 'l1'e a......S wu p,....at.d on Sunday I~ dolo ,_ ....... i. L. 111-ol Coota MH&, for .,_.,... ._ ee1t•11p ~ (Photo by Beckner) WILSON'S SANTA ANA .l:·STORE · Gunman Robs · MeSI Statton • ANNOUNCES A PRIZE CO A bandit and hls get-away drt- ver were 1K1ughl by authorillea to- day t.s they llfted llbtrerpcblr. from a atolen car used In .ttckup ot a ga.eol~ ee1"¥1ice eta\.tcw. not'\h of Coeta Mee at S :•ei a.. m . Sat· ln'day. • • for all Oran~ County • , /or largest ~-.Sea &us cauglil bd~ May 30th ---~~~ und Ju.lv 4dt incht1ive! "'--"- l'IRST rlltl•B "TIMELY CLOTHES" PLATEAU rhe famou smarftr . than -p'bar.iiat s.Ur, bolanad lii1oml by n.a r!ona 1 Iy -rtl'1ow n'td \TIMELY CLOTHES ... .-ii. pri~ •69)0 • Read thes1 . •,-l e , ui ~s ' 1. Coo<escws .-~ tt!1ft IMt 11 Wllll<>c'>. 2. !'\ht will \ita......l.d c0 die ~ entry catd>ing the 1.fJp Whire Seo ......... die !*ri"'1 ~ ~ · Jalf 4dt !nclllOift. .3. fish<rmcu "'"" ~ iaiclenii of ~ Couo'J'I ridler llUk or f..00., llO 118< limit. ~ Yol& ... , ha'Jt M pur'chase anyrbing ar .... ._...~ .. w...._..ilf.00!:.;..,·•.._.tiO ~ ~bit fOr rhe priza. ~, ' .. -· ··-· -1b<t 'llftlllle ..... m1* bt O\\(bt en a "*lll;c lilt~~ or~ ~s· °"' el an ~ tolib17 llndiajr. "6.· The 5'Tj'Jotdf'bllolt!'r ..,.._ must tllilk t0 wr.W ' Ii' Q lftd met.le as iHs placed on rife •••I)' blank. , 7, l'iilll mt lie "'lllt CID cod and r..l , 8. l!litty bloiok wfiil '""8hr or fish musr b4! 1l!\\iilltd t0 -1rtt!lin 6ve ay• of elate 1ht hi ~ caogti<. •to~ ot rit-wolghl of ..ale will ....... .... ,,. ... " • . . J R&y C.rtwrlct><, !!anta Ana, WU alone h\ the -et.ation •hen tile bandit entered, f1.uhed" a nlckle-- p:&ted ~volver l!lluck In hla belt, and ordt!red Cartwright to unlock the money till. The robbeT wcooped out 140 and then Jumped in a cu wttlch drove l.nto the at:aUoo, ·~ parently by prea.rn.np.ment. T'Wt>nty mlnut.es late!", Califor- nh~ Rij:l'tway Patrolmen touh<J the dlr at Paularlno ftd. and Newpor\ Blvd., lesa lhan OM mile from Cartwright'11 ltatlon at M.ao- Arthur and NewPort 81\'dll. TbE' car wu tmpoanded and nnger- prlnUJ taken from It. 'Ille ma.chine bad been Holdt from LeRoy GiU.. a f U. S. M.arfhe,. w1to lJ\fes a\ !~ W. J stxth St.., Santa Ana. bnta Ana poltce n~ Gill out of btd M~r\.ly alt-er 4 o'clock Sllturllay mnmtng to !Jet what hi!' ~ about the stickup. Gtll told ufftcers hf' had parlted tfte car In f ront or hhl home Uhe prevt:ous night e.ncl that . rt appv'enUy Md beet IJ\olm whUe he waa a.sleep. Thi' bandit WU drescribed U be- ttll'<'Cn ~ and 29 ~n of age, abtJut ,') (~l 9 Inches .l&Jl. 'ti"elg1\- lftK l 70 pounds and "'°"'rfug blue levhl, a aport eoa.t and fE'lt hat. tut. .. el l'lane Contest Stll•Metl for Jlle lO and July 1 Mbdel plane bullders of South- erq Callfoml~ wi ll compete for honon tn the Southt"l'l\ ca.ttrornla Plymouth Dl'l\lers Model Plane Me"et to be held In Loe Angel.ff June 30. July 1, it \\'U announced today b)' ~rew Peterson, con- test director~ the e\>eat.s . 8ewral h u n d red oodtestanlll trom SOu\.heTn CaJlfot-nta counttf'S a.t'c ekpectro U) partk:lpa.te tn tl\e two-My oonb'st for ove.ri' WO tro- pl'ttf!:1 and medala. and len f1"ft rrtps to the Filth lntelnational Plyrndu\.h Model Plane Conteot to be t.eld in Oetrofit I n Aqnst. Entries. in the So\it.Ml'n Calt- fomta eventa an! limited th )IOunr- aten who have not reac~ed their 21st birthday on July 1, J~l. In- formal.Ion and entry blAntq are a.valBt.bte at the Newport Harbor Plyttloutti ~aler. Harvey Somera, Inc., tttl Coast Highway, . fM••-· S&Jtll c•••• ·~ ·Prt. -0. ~. -........ &. ~. w ~ ......... -1 ......... . 17 ~· .. •f' ...... ,. tau.. ·-.f.ftlt-. -· .... I. ... "_ .... ...... ... ~1..~- Resalta come rrorii conftant PracUcol An ad ""*'31arty In thl• pa.per WUl produce ruulla for you 14 Hour ~rp:nc)' ' ISi E-17th • Plumblq-• Alter•tl•11• Conh'•d • WO<t • C.11 • te,cM' '211-W I Udo Plum- Ootita 111- • !J11p~!l-\i.,.; Doy {$. --. LIDO ' : ct.ki\NEltl!I -Ne"'l"Jrt Blvd. ooSTA )RSA . -·~ MAY !l to MAY 91 • S.A:LE ' ' ,, , I y . MAY !l to MA ll ;\ sPIDlllA'L ' R>egetar ' ~. Prlco Pllldl • ZYNOLITE .. .!.. ............ , ................................ qt. $2.00 tJ» ' ' pt. 1.50 .. PLAWl'l-OLO ENAMELS .............................. p.l 8.6-0 Lit qt. ~.90 -Ull pL 1.3~ Lto ···-·····---········ g-aL 6.90 t.• • qt. 1-48 LOI pt. .9~ .Tt ... . ... .... .. . ,,. 'pt. 6-0 .31 f 'HR. ENAMEL .................. . 1.4 pt. .2C . .JG PLASTI-KOTE ENAMELS ............................. qt. 2.95 lM pL 1.50 .f8 "ANDY'" ANDb'SON'S PAINT STORE · . ' ALL ITEMS BUBIECT TO PRIOR SALE NEWPORT BLvD. . COSTA MEllA I ' ' ·~---~- I . . • . 1C 1!1ef...-. ........... ,,..,..., .. '4 • t -;.,.,, • .,., ef .......,,, Greater adva~au . ~':you · ·-.in •~•• gmt truclt feature~ . ...... 11111•11 .... ,. ... •• 1'Wo (ha\ Ellln• • v .... 1r.H...i Elldoney • Blw. ,..,... eoMbuetton ·-·Ate ........ • -iii 'C<lOllng • Spodallnd 4sWay lubrlcallon • Therwu111Mk Htitt Cotltrel • ~ CUt All°' Iron ........ ••ttM&-MA~ ..................... • HJP61d Mer Mitt • CULB· I • • • ouA'r w Allb .y . • -1112 C4lorl ' ' . . . feu f4n_~ rmen~. inJJ~~li»iy~' • witli ·a •l~tr1c l h ;;\11,'. ... • ' ' ,, ' ' • ' " • • • " • .. r;..:!; .. ~ 0. 5 ••• 7 'I Ptt. ftltdr ,...,. .. M9 • ,...,...,u ..... llp10 : • -·-llplf)lloC u. -.... ,... ... --·,. ' 0.,. I! •••eLMtiou l • • • • ; • 1 · I I j. ' .u• , • • -. ... I ' f~~f I -PART 11 ~ ~~Y, MA)' 24, lft l I~~~,il~s-s .~ . ·:~~ay Afternoon t!ub.-Officers ~hl·ed in ·s\imbol'c .Cer~mony .j .. ~· Betty ll<lr'by • fri<l&y ArleMJoon . cub meeUn& 14oth Division Men ~~'"•• •. 1 .. ~&T'lled finllh~. to Mr!. . • ileln&.1'al .. ,..• regime an• u.b•rcl to Get Record ngs la ·a n-era ol act:vtUea with F H ' F. lk Nh, IWulelh Stewut at the rom Ome 0 pr..ldrPU&I helm. M ... E. E. Pat· , mor 9( Saitta Ana. corresponding Apprmc.lrnat~ 80 mem.,..ra of ~ of the Orange County th., Orange Cottnl.J' •0th Dtvll:ien r.dltatkm, eondUcted the tnstal-A.E1n. met lll!lt W~Oday n\x:h ia\JOn. tn the C?mmun.lty Cent-er Club· r&ID-" Y · A.PTEllMX)N dub ot.f'loent weft: 1.Mta.llfd at thelr ctub bo .... oa May IL Ill m at """ (ldt ta r!Sftt) °""' ~tn.. Blebard Nrwmatt. recol'Cll., 11Mfttary: Mra. BPrtha Tll:or10n. fint vt~ pnosld•nt: M,.._ a-etll 8te\1;11rt. p"'"l1MI; Mn. J . 0. P•~·a:, MJCOOd v1ce--poldent:. Mn. E. I. Moore. trcun.N!rj Mn. Oun..t101 Bau.... -•-tariaa. Standln1r o.rt to rldit> Mn. SIMnM" S.lter, and1tor; Mr9. Burl c. Grow, dlredor; MfS. Bi'J B. Deal· pt, dJrectoJ': Mn. Heins Kaber, Jun'or pan pl"'Nfdeat; K n. Van. V~Je. bou• aad Sf'OtllKb chaJrm,n: Mn. P. A. a..mbcrtaln. dJ.. reetOf'; Mn. WUllam Wiii~ r.or-tt3pnndlng RCrCiar>:.-(Preas Ph YOU cX : Ob!~, BETTER AT D "r ,., . . ,lg.er FU N TURI c6. ·,fl ' •. (iARAOE ENTER ED I Nord Lido Isle. con1ptalaed to 1 The ave-rage Ca.lifornll!l hunter j DR. HYUNOKI LEW, Korean Two green tender Ulrt• am • poHco, n. r.. And.roon. TOii N. and angler •P<"nd• about $165 each Methodlat bl:!hop, In Calll.-.. Aa We Buy end s.11 New end Used Fu rniture "8vy wlndbre&ker jacket werv 1 Rs\Y F'n.>nt . Tfalboa Island. report· ycl'lr In purault of his sport, ac· ! Jong as Korea ls,apllt ln two by ' e lecltt1dua1 corsages ot vartoua f\nlL"C \oun":'e In &ln'a An". C"pt ~ crmbollzln:; the rcspi:>nsiblll-Bruce PauJ or Santa Ana. jual tk• ot '9Cb otfk;e. wcie preecnlcd grwiuatt:d from the F". Bf.nnlnf' ., [IJCOd11fl& leaders. Inducted Adw.nced lnfa.ntry Otr:cers &hoo' W&ba'¥ra. S'ewar~. pre111ident, were ,.. .. 1 nrt\V on hlll way lo joln thP ffmea.: Be~ TilloUon, first vicl"· 40111 Dlvlslon ln J11pan, wu lhf' ~nt: J . c . Payne. second }:p .. eker of ltic f!Vcnlng. YiC'f~J'NS'ldenl: Richard Neowman, M,.mbcru of lhr ll8SOClat1on wer,. ~ ~nlary; Wll.lam Wil· ::vcn " cl"ancc to rp,.al'C: on;\ h!llf ...,.., corresponding 8<.'Crelary; hOur t.Rpc rccor!J1ng \Yhlch le now • • ~I. MoOre. treaaurer: Shennttn 1)0 Its 'vny o~ns to the men of tlaJter. audltor; Gunnin,J:" Buller. 'h4" Thir!J Battalion. Tapes wt lb<' f&rft'-1nentarian: P A. Chamb?r· r.ut at raC'h meeUn~. IJn. ·Burl C. Grow. 11 .. tru Kaiser. The group ha.!1 also received ho-- Ray 1'a.ntsrer. J . P . coo'per and 'Irr that a telf'v\alon fllm of (,"a.mp t1oJ'(f' Roberta. dlr~lors. Mrs. McNair, the. 1.0lh'& n4"w camp In ~r recelved a pllMt prl!Hh.lent'a Japan. wUI be shown here aome· •lt>len from hit s;-arap la.at "'eek-ed a rt'd c-olored bicycle taken cording to lhe WUdllfe Con3erv3· j the 3Sth parallel, neither part can 1,812 N llivd C end. H. O. Roger& 111 Via Udo 11rom his garage. .I lion Board. i •urvlve." . ·~ -·l •1 OSfa Mesa Be, 5656 -·-·----____ __!...~~~:==~~'.::::_'.:::::::-~~-_:-::_::-_:'.::: _ ~-fJVm Mn. Stewart. t·n1f' t\1fs week on KTJV. , •Mn. S~wart pre~n .. e!J the fol· Two ricrorRtf'd cars provided by Wn1 appointed c halnnen of M :·s. Fred Rlcbardtten am:I Mr11. it&~ c:ommllttt• to St"rve with Gari Miller wcr,• rnte~ ln the \l_tt, ~Ul'tn;• her term: Mn1cs. Jcr· Armed Forces Da.y Pa.rade tut ~d'~1ler. rentals: C...:al'a Viele. Sa•urda.y. ·:t:!:-~ Cunning BuUr r , co-Forty·tht~r new mrmbet11 have . n, hC>Ulle ~d ~rount..ls ; An-! been acc~pled IJ1to the asKJCi&Uon. ~. l . Lup~on, chairmaut, Jean All won1cn In the •la.rbor Area ~i'ence. co-eh8Jrn1an. member· W~('I 1t.re tnlP~ated in th,. organl- llilv: A..rlle Sw.arts, chit1rman. Ray zation l!houlrl telephone Mra. Na· ~lget.. co-chaJm1&n, ways and dlnr flstw ey at Harbor 0338-M ~ane~ J . C. Payne. curator of 11.Jter 7'00 in· the evunlng or Mrs ~rut: Bertha Tillotson, pro· JcMle Sn.vdcr at llarbor 302 on ~; M•1t Echac;:~cr, h08pltal· Monday,. W~ne8Cfay or Thurklay ~~ .<lflu.;e V. Fox. mu•·c: Ro- 1 be.tw~n 8:30 a. m. and 4 :30 P~ m. led.a Poh1ney •• c~urtray a.nd car- 1,;g:; A . lL sinau. cai•tornia hl•· The Pal lad 1'ans Ho ld \Ory and landmark•~ Cluud~ An· v der_.,,, -..rt; Of¥il Ora.bl•. c'..>mmu· G $ O 1!111 .. rv(ce: MU.... Alice Plumer. ay pring a.n ee r~""'-~ and Betty Kirby. pubitclty. • The Pitlladhrns, 81.h Grade Glrla' ·' )lcrW eeetJo:t chairn1cn intro-club of Horace Ensign dehool. ,SUCe(f lnct~ MmN. Tinta Smlll'. h~·ld their •ing da.nce at the 1i.i'ta &nd crdta: Lcottllrd Logsdon. rl Scout Houae on Friday, M.a.)' [ "°'*:Al lfo.-vatb and Ectwl.n Mun· l . Pa...1,t~ tlnted streamer• and lr-y, brktp: Dotoru M orr' son. gar· bn\vts ot' \Ofllk>rlul flowera t.ra..na~ ( den; Georce V P'o:'c.. homecraft: formed ~"\l ?i&IJ Into a lovely Ml· tkfrl C Grow. Ju1\lor Matrona. i ti:t":' for 'the girls ln their aprlnr : A'ccompl1.uhmrnt1 of lbe pa.at l~1ts.. j'~•r were all"WUll•rlaec.I in the an· Twe.oty • five couples enjoye<t aual report.a riven. Outl!llilllUlng: J the daJ\ctnc: and h&nle&. Barbar11 ~ attainment by the club of ltti : t.61tl o a"ld ' Clinton H093e ~ff> awn bc&utltt.>tl"ctubhO\tse. A rounr1 I wi:'l""rll or the broom dance. Mary of &pplauae, lrom lhe n1emberahlp .l~"'n"' AtmAtrong and D • v I <1 .lndlcat..i apprecl•lion of Mr• I St,,,..,m1 took the prtae for the ~1&'1"• •tr9m. 1 ·•m>na1.lod °"""" ... d Mar 1 Citri>ffttc. P1u;-h of Santa A nR, YMll.m•" •nd Robby Martin WOO t.iented planJst. Wall beard In a th"! birthday dRnC'e . • nut'y bf!ll.ancf!d program of lnler· I The ~rla or;antaed the da.n« pt'•Uve music. Tb@ art1ttt's 1nut· j in committees.. the c~a.ln11en or tty Of the ;.e) board WU llinpfy 1 whic h Wf'Mit. dfl'COr&l!Oftll, 0ennla dC1flotl!Jtratc~ ln the Fllaciing Nlle.s; retreahmenta., JOf\Jl BooMv: "'\Vattz or the lA:tt Jland ." 1:Hmt>~. JAn .. Stet.Aon: mui5lc. Joan Spt&klng on the June f> t!Chool C le.rk : Invitations. Certni Creely ~nd election. Supt. Everett A., anrl Ann Glboon. kea. outllned the net'da or thr h-tr. and Mrs. Charle• Le.mb. Coat.a Me.ea. ach~•-AJVIR'!JOrtnrr the evenL were aal l!I· Georgia !Mra.. Richard) Jpnea, l"'<I by Mrti. Ne.Ida Glb80P. Mr wki la ~In& IJ>Onooreo· bj'tt.e~· ond M~ "lf>ml&Jid.-. ~•!fl• F -. · . temqon Club aa eandM!at.e and Mr;s. Buii.aW -erftfy: and t· ... Vey, we.a lnlroduced. · ,\.l).racttng lnterewt Wt>r e ex· M b MblU ot Cef'amtc.e a nd hunp ·DAR em ers ¥1adt:'a. lbr work of mrmbers done d C f tn ,·•aio•t .. ~c.uon cl.a..• •pon· Atten on erence _,,ed by lfMi homecrart section. . : . D!!COf"aUve d't.alla of the tea Th" c.Pl-Wiiiiam Cahf'll Chapter .J-.ble.were. ovrly. the work o f Mn.t o(. NPwport Harbor Daughten1 or ~ax 'Sc?\Achftet and her con1mlt-the America.n Revolutlou., Were t~. Ccntra.1 moll! WILK a Maypole well repN"~nted M•y 1:5 at the all with 1treament lln the club colors. 1 day Southern Conference at M11· 'Jlfe a.nU-yeUow, radlaUng to aton Inn. Rlvenlde. TboM prNenl ,.,a.tc~'h'T 'chJtiler& of blOS110ms. lo hear Stale Rt-gent Mrs. E . A. <it.re. kil&eT and Mrs. Calla Viele Fuller or S&nla Monica give her pteeklctl at U1e lea •nd coffee report on the natk>n&l congreaa ~rna. . I were Regent, M.ra. Cha.rle1 Board· 1 man. M l'!I. H . P. Yarnell , Mra. J , L. H.1·1Ulla eon1~ r11.n1 cona1a111 &actt, Mrs. Jess.! Wolfe. Mn_ W . f'nc•lh .. ~I An •I ,....ttUllllrly In rhtto1 : \V., Poore, M.rs. Edna Marx &nd paper wl11 prodtH:e resuJt..a tor you I M i~ Eease. Sktnner. E1perience says: • ' 5 lbs: 48c . • • • • • • .. 1o ~!bs.-• • • • • • 95c • • ~ .. . . .. r .. utureCI at . •• . , _ __.,, ___ ..,... _____ _ --~--------· • .VA~\·. ' IN THE PAil/( / .. \~ .,, !THiii ARI THI CARtFRll, LlllURILY PICNIC . ' . , ... Cl•• . FtJ. Cl1• • • ' DAYS•FROM YOUR ALPHA BETA KITCHENS COM! THEii PICNIC SPICIALI ••• PREPARED BY - CONNOllllURS .or OLD COUMTRY DELICACIES. 1111 :.,'::- . ' LI!. Pk'G-. 19~ 1DJ 57J· I ' E L A T I I .At:,i(;: PkG. I J FiilT COCITllL ~-*~ ":}~ 35o' CIEESE FOOi 5~ ./ ~'!: I&~ llLll llEISlll '3,t"f'..t' ~~~ ... 32 ri loo. IL£1 CovE't .,,,,...,.. wm< - 6¥6S°LK"U~ ' . ME#IUM &1%£ Sloz. JAii.. L8. C4N • PRICES IFRCTIVI n-1. fnll, UlllNI MAY 2'1•25•26 Ulll taa •IHI••~-... ·~--"'" • • • AVE..• COSTA MISA I ' • Ihle llcms: t a. a to 1.:11 ,. ~ I • t • . ....... IS 01 18 ' CAq~ c • ~D I ·~ 13~ - Pou110 11'1(.: 57~ -• ~D 73f - • • \ , .