HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-31 - Newport Balboa Press,. . ' ·&1e1tbut r Jly T. N. (~Cl[") QAJNa Tllo ·--Of tile , --"""' ..... ~-·yman ll:arl Btanlt!y, In Sacramento. • THS f'llU1I A \nlnor or tho - rspldly -~...,. of Ille Ca.llfomia South Coul&l l:>nplro Throup ""P"rhuman effort' uid -of Illa Im~ of bow thlnp !'-----------', ~ In the lllate c:aplW. J:arl • • --' S!IYING THI !NTill ,HAllOR ARIA ' bu put over h1I "fool·ln·the-door" ' . bill· to keep purse Hlnet'I trom anatehJ.nr ettry flab in the ocean away from the lpOrt..Hahermen and Newport's landJnp. In my recollecUon lt'a tM flnt time anyone worklnl' tor the apo.rUm.en and the local tandtnp baa ever won a victory over the powerful pu~aelner lobb)t Wben Earl waa home l&st week end and ald fte wu sure he bad a ' cha.nee of pllllhlng hla bUI through I couldn't "believe It. But lt"s rone and bapp'!ned, .and everyone ln- tenwsted in hlil community's de- w:Opn1ent. or lnLereat.ed 1n sport fishing, ahouid · give a vote ot t.ha.nk:a lo Earl. 80Mlr.T10NG ABOUT THE NE\\' BILL I menqloned the foot-in-the-door bwltneM.~ Il'!i thlaaway: The A..8semblyman'1 original blll, which wa.a approved by the 1tate AMembly. would ha.Ye kept thf' purae seiners -and round·haul nettera -three mllh!I away from tl'le county'a coast the whole year &round. But then, of courae, the 18 lob- bytslll got busy. And anyone who knows anything about how thlnga operate In Sacramento known8 how much .strength that bunch ha.a when the going geUJ tough. Fin&lly It bPcam<' apparent lhat the bill w ould be defeated lgnonl- mously in the State Senate unle~ BOme comprQmi8lng wu done. The activity th118 flU' showed that the adversariel'I had a healthy re1'pttt tor Ear.t-a9d were bN:omlng more aware ot the strl'ngth of the aport.sm.-n whrn it camt' to votlng. So Earl n1adt.> a spa:ial tr!p home to conft'r with operator• of the sports landings ·and of tht.> loca1 canneries, bolh vitally In- terested In the new measure. 'Mley &Jrreed to compromisr. The)" agrf'f"d on a May 1 • Sept. 10 dale for havtn~ the waters clo~. ~y didn't like any comproml~. but could see the wllldom of get- tlng at leul pa.rt or what they wanted. And then. when Earl went back to Sacramento the opponenta un- leaahed their triple wh&mmy, &nd It became apparent that any such btU wou1d be defeated in a walk. So. lf there wu to be any selner ban at all. !!Ome more readjust· menta must be made. -, ~J SECOND LARGEST HOME · COMMUNITY IN OAANGE . COUNTY ' PHONE HARB01' 1811 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, lliY 31, 1961 FOURTEEN PAGES FIVE1 ~1 !:J: ~TS SPRJ)'JG FEllTrV AL " eo .... d•I Mar ochool .... ~,. d ..... hundreds of paroat. to watch the kld.U.O whirl aroud Ille May· . . I . poll! a,nd fXHlllle a numbe.r or rb,yth,mJe daacel. A lllA:mltar fmU- ,._. wlll hr held ot the N.,...ri ochool at JO a. m. Friday. PARE~TS SH .. IRK SEX LAW RESPONSIBILITY, 14 Ho,iday Crashes .Reported · J)(-spite bumper.to-bumper traf-the tn~rsectlon at 23rd St. and ftc condillona ln the Harbor area hadn"t seen the motorcycle com- OV!:r the Memorial Day holld(\y ing down the 111treet. accidents Wf:!rl! at a minimum. One Al 1 :56 a. m. Wedneflday on J)eJ'lllOtl was tnjurcd in four accl-Bayside Dr. near rA.a.rtne Ave. a denl"I-minor accident resulted when a Injured was molnrcycllst Rich-veh:cle operated by Ro~rt Hub- ard Lee Shan.non or S&n Gabriel bard, San Marino got stuck in the a.Iter th<' cycl(" he wu operating sand. Wben Hubbard's car wu ran into a car driven by Ruuett A . pullPd out of the sand ~y a. car Smith Of Orange. Shannon re-driven by Ernest 0 . 11lompBOn, C"fived a de<'P cul on his left knee 123.~ W. Balboa BiVd., Newport a.a the rt>sul t Of the accldent which Beach. Hubbard's vehicle ran 1.nto occurred at the lntersectlon bf the rear of the towing car. Only Ba'boa Blvd. and 23rd St .. Nt"w· damage was to the deck lid of port Beach at 5:41 p. m , Wednes· Thompson's car. <tay. SOth St. Crash SAYS CITY JUDGE LINNELL IN P.·T. A. TALK 1 According to police r ecords. Travelling e&.Rt on Newport I Shannon i"llatcd that. Smith pu!Jed Blvd. a.t 7 p. m. Wednesday, a car out tn ,1'ronl of him wh1le he wu drivf'n by Andy Young, Santa Ana, I tra.veling west on Balboa Blvd. 1>truck the right rear fender of a Smith said that he had stopped at ! (Continued on Page 8) Openlni;:-police rf'('ords so th11.t ... -------------------------------------------- 'Gummed Up' Alleys Charged Paved alleys C the onC's completl'd about three rf\onths ago ln Eut Newport from 11th to 19th Sta. I tha.t purportedly fall apart al the touch of bubble gum, or won't ~ustaln the weight of a bicyc le for one hour. toucht'd off a. bot diac uMion at the city council mc-et in({ Monday night. The all<'y11 can1e undf'r the vl"r· --------~------4 bal J:unflre whe-n the council brouj:ht up lht> 11ubject of paytng lht• John J . Swigart Ce. tor the lh;• gl"n('ral publlr may know the na.mt.>1' of rf'~lstt>red sex ocrrndE"r3 was ur~t"d al ll panC'I dlM'UMinn sponaort-rl by the Nf'wport Beach Elemt.>ntary SC"hool PTA TueA1:iay night at Lh e Corona dcl Mar school. AJ110 urged by parents atti:-nd- lng the mef'tlng "''B!i the appoint- ment Of a rommlltre by the Fourth District PT A to t'Xamin~· current laws concC'rnlng sex devi- 111.tes. The committee will study Call Rev. Gibson to Active Duty v.·ork done, Two. lc lte ra wt"re read prolellt-lht' law11 with the idf'a of improve- lng thi• payment of approximately ment lo P""Vent fJUCh tragrdles u $20.000. One from Warren Ke l-1 the r~~ent Patricia Jean Hull mur- logg, 1338 W . Balboa Blvd .. told of der. Recalled immediately to active duty Is the Rev. Thomu M. Glb- .90n, pastor o f St. Andrew'• Pn• - And then. for the first time, the eelners made coneeuiona. They agreed to go for having three cloeed areas wbere fishing's beat along our coastline, and also .a.greed to no aelnlng at aU dur- ing week ends of the aummer b~rtan church and chaplatn tn montha wJthJ.R three · l!!e .u. S. !:'•ft.I R!.MrVe. He .Ja to county'• shore& The latter·• a relieve Oie chaplain ot the tr." bunch of gratuitous baloney be-. McKinley. now tn the F•r Ea.at. cause they don't eetne much on I From the Navy point of vtew It week ends anyway. but It's a nice ·IS ~ import.ant poattlon and Ute geature. If you like ge11tures. appomtment cornea u .aomething The agttement keepw the seln-of a aur?:1rise to the local putor. a low IJPQt ln th<' alley behlnd ont.> Mem.bers or Lhe pa.nt>l were or his lot., lnlo which a large L}'Tln H. Crawford, Fourth Dtatriet amount of water dralnf'd. Swigart PT A leglsla.tlon chairman. Mra. and City Ellglnttr Bert Webb ln· Grayce Sevier. Corona• del Mar dlcatod that an att.apt will be -l. prlndpol, City Jude'• Frank mode to ooti.-\ll&t..J>J'Oiolem..,1 • Lillnell, and Kro. ~ I'~ In anoUle'rlitreP;-~tep-parent edlleatlOO c:halWri• u. hen Klley,p.utor of OUr Lady ot PTA. Rev. PHI Babbttt. acted' Mt. C&rmel Chuccb at 1441 w . u moderator tor a quesUon and Balboa Blvd., protested the quality anewer period which followed the of workmanship and the m aterl&l panel dlacuulon. Mn. Loul11 Cse- uaed In pavlng the alley behind the na.r. PTA pre11ld<'nt, wu in charge era tWo miles off1hore from a point at th~ Sa.nl& Ana riV"er jetty to six mil-ea southward, and also two miles away from our two be8t .ahorefi.ahing qots, Dana Point &nd San Mateo Point. Thoee water11 are closed from May 1 to Sept. JO. Some of the local aupporters weren't too ha.ppy with the final compromise. They figured we'd given In too much. But I think. with the pyaage of time, they'll ~ the wi8dom of Earl's remark Uta.t this a.ctlon ls but a "foot·ln- lhe-door, ·• and that we'll get much mo~ later. They mu.t know that. by •landing pat. we'd have eot nothing. Now we have a start. and tbe big wheels at Sacramento know that our AMemblyman wasn't happy with what we 1rot. bcc&uif. he accepted the comproml.se with reluctance I &nd e<>TU!lidera.bl~ bfff· tngl and "°' we can reopen Ute que.Uon later. Aleo. there's a cute little deal lnaerted In the bill. It calla for an interim committee to tnvestiga.te during the next year the dilfer- ence betwttn commercial and .port ttahlng tnlere•t.a. An OJX!;n- mlnded probe of the •ltuaUon ill fOlng to 1how the adventag:~ which have bttn taken by the Aeln- en.. bow they've wiped out achool after achool of flah along our coaat. The result Mould be more closed areas -bt1ger one111 -before too mucb time hb pe..ued. (CoDUnued oa Par I) COM Bluff Walk to Be Constructed A sbt toot wide walk t~t will mu.Mer ... a.Jong the top of the bb.tfta from Jasmine to Poppy ave. DUN la Corona del Mar WiU .be bUilt shortly by city labor under tbe dlttellon of City l!:ngb:l .. r Bert Webb. , We-bb wu given 1-uthortlatioP to p10<-with tbe pl'Oject ot Monday n1glii'1 m..tlnjr pt lll< city council lie ..um.t.ed ti.al tlle walk WWld eoot tho CltJ' ap- p...,,.!inatelJ SllOQ. TIM! project will proylde • -~of • blaclttoj> the Will rouPi7 '""" lid tile odp Cit 1j>o ~ -.to&- """ tile --of tho la.ad. , ' :~'t"-~plo:Pf!it= pr1porty ---• ,...,_ olla.JO!I ~ tloo ~..- Wilk tlle ···--tM -~ dt1~ lloJfttotaked wt_ll_Jda~. • REV. THOMAS M. 018801' KorN Bound who hatl expected to be se.nt to lndoctrination school at Rhode Isla.nd. . "No c.barJ1ain is re<:alled involun- tarl'y," a.kt Mr. GlblJon. "As a membt.>r of the Reserves I feel that I am an emergency chaplain a.nrt that this 15 an emergency. It l8 very important that minlslry be performed tor these men." He will preach hls farewell .sermon Sun- d11.y at 9:30 a . m. at St. Andrew's although, as he goes on vacation Monday, June 4, be wUJ not resign ( Conliaued OD l'aJI" S) church. of the m eeting. The letter atated that "pven a Judge Frank LinMll, who wu standlnR autCtmoblle wtll leave ln-Introduced to the meeting by dentatiofU!I on the surface of lhe Porter Sinc lair. luhed out at par· blacktop." Fathrr KJJey r-ecom· enl.8 ln his discuaalon of the &ex mended that lhr city councU make la.ws. a f\lrtber atudy before recommend· Ing any payment. Thundered Linnell, ''There·s not In addition t o the written proa much wrong with the law• in the te11UI, several other dluentlng state of California. Second offend· voic«!I! wC're 'heard. Edward T. er• can be put away for-an a.wfully Hea.(t, 113 -15th St., Newport long time. But no,»~nforce ment Beach, repreaentlng the Central of ex.I.sting la.ws ii dll'e to parents." Newport Beach Commw.nlty AMO-Linne!I said parent.a of' Uttle l"i.ation, uked that payment to the boys or little girls ret'Ule to Jet contractor be deferred until the them testify again8t sex offenders, alleys were put ln bet"'-r. condition. f eeunc that 11uch a.n experience Healey said: "U y6(a leave a would make a terrible lmprealon bike on Its stand on the alley, the n the child. •land wUl make a bole In the "Yoo can·t get a conviction . (CoaU.Md On Pace I) tCoDUnoed o• P..-e Z) CDM Day Nursery License Granted A"tter rece\vtng the naulta of a ma.1 l poll, the city council voled Monday night to fnurt. a truutfer, in license to AnM Boyer. 340, Ann's Drive, Lasuna. Bead\ to operate a nunery 8Chool at 701 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar . City Manager John Sailors had sent out 23 po&t ca.rd.a to properly owner9 livtnc near the nursery ec.hool reque1tln.g-them to voice their protest (only tour did) or to indicate, by not protertln.1. their approval of the '¥1rMr)' ICbool. In other action• the city cou.a· cil tabled a requut 'of Bruce. B. Card and ttarry MemoU, ot Davey Jonea Locker, to opera.le a ball receiver at &11 Coat HIP· way. The reque.t wW be acted upon after a decl•lon ha.a been reaclied on a propoeed city ordi- nance now being considered .to regulate the 118-le or live bait within the city llmtts. Referr;ed to City Mana.ger Sa.ll- ora waa a petition conlaJnlng 11 a:lgnaturea requi!11tlng the removal ot two huge eucalyptua trees in front of 21• Coral Ave., Balboa llland. The request . signed by Dr. W'nlla.m Mulvehill uld uiat the roota of the tree.a extended lnto his properly cracklnl' the cement tn hll tront yard and menadnr the foundation , of his home. Dr. Bra.ncllee FaU MulvehJJl alao potnled out (Oolatbu••d oa Por I) .................. ......... -... -· ~"-> ' CANDlDATES FOR QUU:N of the Coata M-Fi.h Fry oml Curunl """Evelyn Wllllamo, Goorgta lonH.. Anita Yoo"I' and Dona N&a.on. ""'-irei tour of the sJx: rtrls la wb~ IUUDe8 Uckellll t.o the fbh Fry •~ belnC lllOld tbf'OUsbout th& &n:i& thla wet>k. . ; ' .. ,...... .un.. to ,lio· c1oan, r,ir· ' and lmputlaJ, -Im. .(o ...... . and ~lain ' I popular oupport NUMBER 14 WITNESS HITS LACK OF GUARDS ON CITY BEACH 1'. possible dr:ownlng at 15th St. and Ocf'An Front, Newport BE>ach was rf'portl'd by Lifeguard Cap· lain Jack J onex at 1 :5:; p. m. Wed- nesday. Believed drownf'd 18 Au- guistlnc ,R. Guerrero, 25, of Ana- heim, ror Wh<:tm a searf'h ls now being conducted by N ewport life- guards. According to an t'ye-wltnesa, Mrs. H e n r y L. Hendrickson. 1506 ~ W . Ocean Front. "I Was out on the beach wilh my broth- ers-ln-lav.·. Don and Ron and V.'e were talking about the fact tha~ there 'Wt.>re no lifegu&°rds on the beach at 15th St. with such a big holiday crowd. We we re talking about riptides ind we MW one a• couple of hundred feet dov.-n the beacb." "l MW a. group of swimmers lrf the water. and thf'ln three others ,rlOV<'<J away from the bunch. I thought that I hf'ard one of the three yell for help. but then It . looked u if they WPfe just fool- Jng-around." ''Tht-n I notict'd that lhe thrtt were in a tiptide and were fight- ing Utelr way towards shore and making v~ry lltUe headway." A Id One S\\•lmmpr "Don and Ron went to lhe ll.ld of t he swimme~ and I uw that pn~ of Ule three had gotten out by )tii9Belt. Ron and Doll helped pull JU.~ 11eCOnd fellow wbo W&l!I just ex- -~ from """''"I rip,·°'" cir~-:r"'\:=• A .v& .i;;:e ,t,hlta-one: h;-Wu the tur-uJ.·t~ from the beach, dlu..ppeared un~r w~r."' Hrs. Hend rtck80fl wa.s so moved (ConUnued on Page 6) 4w~d Fi~I •tvd. Contract • • ,. # • • . . . . ...... ... ...... ... -... ... l ,_ PAGE 2 -PART T -:... THURSDAY, MAY JI, !951 :a:t~~'iuss~. .. ,,, ~&e•r. •••11&1• ~· -' Pllblllhecl •verr T!nanclq at Now,.mt ••d,, CailtonllA. Oltlce and prmU,.. Piaot at 2211 ~ ---~ ~ 1111 Enteftd • .. _,..,d-duo -JUno l&. 11MO, at tha Po"l -at N""'l'Ol"l Buch, cautornla, -the A.et ot Kaidl,S, :tm. a.. -....... pmld ob• .,_ " .. lf-ri --&ea 9eooDd Lupot -°"'' ss'tf' la 0...,.. 01-. ' - ,..,_. IAlltonda ,,_ itJ• .. •tstsn·_4 ...... Memllor N .... •I s.tll W •rtan41ifo- • . BEN o REDDICK. O'llla UO l'llblWlu ROBEft't F. WU•-, •lllllln-ManApr A. ALEXANDER ILUOLTON. AclYertlslnr Manasv • . The 1'l'ffa bu been adJUdied a new1 ...... at rmenl ~Uon "1 decree or the 1upenot COUrt ct Oran .. County and la tlllly ..,..m.a to publlah all kinda of lepJ nolltN and ~tt. OFJ"ICUl. PAPER OJ' THJI CITY 01' m:Wl'OM' BMCH • sUBSCJUP'ftON KA.TEii: . N'l!WPOllT·BAL90A Palt88 ftft7 TbWaf'llJ In orenre County, IUO p@r ,....; ~-'° llll _, <•L.t6 illHo montba) (Aloo llu!lodM tho NllWPOaT·LU.l50A Nf:W!-1'IMU .. ~7l Outolde ·tho """""1 94-00 per ,._, \ GOOD OLD HORSE LAUGH ·We are proud of the rteat . American Heritage and Institution known as the Ho~ Laugh! It was, we preaume, frequently issued around th~ ll&clr" of the hand of the !irst Great American, George Washington when be and his Ir· regulars bla.oted the you-know:wbat o.ff the sharply drilled Red Coats of Britain. It mUHt have been frequenUy uaed for relief by one Benjamin and certainly by Aluander Hlll1lilwn, and John • Klly 11 ; 1161 KJ'. .... ll.MICll. Pllbu.tlu Newpwt-.. --Newpwt Br·,t .. caut. Dear Be: .,,. N-that U.. -a ol bani• bu c1-a-.y. r want t.o thaDlc 70ll -Y<NI: Id--In -.. lo t \hat _ ... la my -town I --Oil .. to tllO facq Ill the ...ttnl polltk:al batUe In Placer CGWll,:r In -which J wu liuu!nrt• ll!tl)' 111.,.,.ft<I, 8o tar u 1 am able to find ou.t. neither 1141 wu &.ltu me but op-to of the l!oll CmllonaUae --.,....,..tly Waplld t.o tnaka It afpe&I' tll&l l.b•r -. ...U.r -k not -.!\!Un lklt ·~ or ollo U...t they Wtl'O not aceount.lnr fOf' the lldlda \1111 .-1..s from mo. fn any event, they '41tere unable to prove &nJ' -.,._ th1 8oU.Oollltr· ftlklcl -·· ~. Ibo .... illl\ of lhll .1'uolo .. bu -lo make out a lot or ,_ trlondl, -or wlloln I did not ltllo,.. I had. l am certa.lnly Jl"&t•tul to you or )"O\U' corWderatlon in tbe mat: I I er . v er-y truly youn, J . A. BICEK, See:nta.ry ot Sniate. I 'fiOU _.. • YOUR - CONGRESS . . ' . Mr. Ben R.odlck, Editor Newport-Bal-PttM Newport B4tach, CaJtr. PN~ OollDoh Deu Mr. Redd1clc:: Thll wu done ln leptember You wtlJ ~ 1.nteraled to know wtth the &rtellM Prod~tion At't that our 19Gl Salvase week cam-IDPA). The DPA a190 provided palm rec9tltly concluded waa very controla for convertlftr lndu.t.tlat .ucceuf\l) for which we are ln-taclJU~• and materlala usage fNm dffd f'Nlef\11. clvlllan output to defense produt·· We aln~•r.ly thank you tor tlon. your aplendkl Lnta.retl, 1upport &nd Not exacUy 1ure ot •t.elf, Con- toopat'&Uon Which contributed tO g1"'CM ntlally .p\lt an o:plraUon rrMUy to the aul!c•u of the event. date of ;June JO, 11.Sl, on Ult DPA. We ea.tend to you a most cordial Tbla. It wu 4edd~1 would rt.,<' tnvtt&tlon to vlltt our .octal ett· the AC'l Ume fol' a. lrla.l run. vtce ce11ter whenever you may nnd Then It.a: performance could be t convenient to do ao. checked and a decl.llon made u to Apln t.ht.nklng you tor your •bet.her tt should be allowed to Adams. But certainly none liave enjoyed the relief given teruie !l4'rves, and tight situatibn by the Horse Laugh more· 1 than have we and a few of the believere of free enterpriae. We refer. of couree, to oU and Iran and Britain and nationalization. Britain, without reason nor rhyme through its Labor government has issued natlonalll&tlon order after expro- priation ortler. The government bu taken the eteel industry, the railroad induatry,'the banb, the c!oal indu.try nd others ad infinitum. Did the owriera want· to sell! Were they paid 1 Who set ~ price! Britain while U11ing Amerieall' dollara earned by 1weat and labor and hard calculatinC thoqbt bu natlonallud her industries, expropriated the American dollars inve.ted, and laughted at us capitalist -dogs. She_ is for the United Nations, as long a• she can eell tht. war 1ooda we give her. Sell it to both sides. Britain la for the War in Korea, as long as It is American lives and American dollars being expended. AS LONG 'AS BRITAIN CAN SELL lR.ANlAN OIL TO THE COMMUNISTS WE ARI: BATl'LING ... AND DELIVER IT THROUGH TUE CROWN COLONY AT HONG KONG, BRITAIN WIµ. SUPPo.RT USI BRITA.IN JS AGAINST A BLOCKADE. IT WOULD Ctrr OFF HER TRADE WJTH ,RICD CHINA AND RUSSIA ... BOTH OF WHOM WE All F10HTINO. BRITAIN JS SUPPOSEDLY OUR ALLY . . . WE GIVE HER MONEY, MATERIEL, AND SUSTENANCE . . YET SHE SELLS OUR MATERIEL AMP OUR SUSTENANCE TO OUR ENEMIES! Iran, right or wronc, has tried to nationalize her oil industry. She has jun ao much right to nationalize In· dustry within her bortlera aa does Britain. But, oh no, the British cannot be so treated, and they 1hout Expropria· t io n and fraud ~d theft. Britain has even dragged poor old tired Joe SWin into the picture. But Britain is aelling rubber and Iranian . . . ml to Joe Staljn while his foroea a're. battliog our troops JJnder the phoney flag, of the United Nations in Korea. Complications compound themselves. . We wonder how high the scrums woUld be If the United States of America were to Wldertake the 1elzure .of tbe American Pritillih and Oiemlc"a'.i Company, a wholly owned British company, natlonallr.e it and charge off the interest of Britain againat a war debt incurred in a war fought a long time ago, about 1914. klndneee. Wt: flm.Aln cotaunue, atopped, or have lU 8111. R . D. Gifford c:oune changed. ll&lvaUon Anny Now June 30, llel, LI 1l&rlng Congr~u ln the t&ce. CDM D N And Conan-flndl IUelf able lo ay ursery ...... only part or thaL \rial run. It can determine pretty wel l (Oont.laDed. from r.,. 1) how the producUon control• have that the lret:• were IO Wl'e t.h.a.t work..d. they took up the .,,ure sidewalk Theee &fleet bu..lncu prlnclpal- torctn1 p.dt:1lrta.n.a to w&lk ln the Jy &nd bualnue bu ntJt bffn IJack- atl'fft lo avoid the.m. He a.llo ward lh expret1lJ\r Ill oi>.nl...c\a. 1&ld that dead branch .. ft'om the But the other pan ot tht OPA- lreea have t..iJen In the put the economic: !Oftttoi...-.rrt els L'°lf' narrowly mlu1t'l1' children be-public., u well u bt11;lnees, dlre-ct- nu.lh. ly. A Jetter wu ~ad to the coun-And. tn 1h.&l-p contrut tl' last c-11 from O.orp P . Wll.90n. presl-dumnltr with Ill delup of mlil, dent of th• Newport Marbor Lawn eonv~• l•n't heartn1 tnian the Bowll.nf AUOC!latlon telUn1 of the public. At prHenl, tna..11 tram con- &n.nual loutnam1ht to be held on •Utuenta on price tontr.J1:1 la n the city bowlin• ~ Saturday. met" trk:kl1. June 11 at 1 :18 a.. m. Forty Thia ume Consn-doesn't know bowlere a.re upeetld h>r the meet what the reneral public: -.·anll. reprnenttna clubl 11-om &ant.a And there'• lh&t Junt-30 -g<'t- Barbara to San Di•So tlng cloeer &lld clOM!t. CouftcJI D&le R.&JnMy will rep-PvM1o l.lldlfhl"l":~ rueet \he clt-y touncll at lb• meet and 1'n.nclll J, Horvath wtll repruent tlLe Pll.r9':. Beacti a..nd Recnatlon commlMton 1'9rmlnatklo P.., ' Thrw former City employee. were aut.horlJ&ed to receive thirty daya t.ermt.nallon ot employment pay at.nee t..Mlr entry tnto tbe military eervtce. 'n\ey were Jack Croulfhan, Jamu E. Frost and John R. Palen. The city council w•nt on record auumtn1 their aharle ot financial re:sponatbtllty for the 9llmmer rec- rutlon program for elementary echoul chJldren. Telll:t ot th• let• te.r , to be algned by Jottn S&Uol"ll and addreaaed to Horace Ensign. dlatrlct aupertnteodent of school• wu: "l am dlrec.ttd -by the City Cowu:U, to lntorm you that the city ot Newport Buch ltl prwpu- ed to ro a1o11r With \he Newport Buch si.-tar-y lkhool l)'>t•rn on a IW'Dm.cr recn&tlcm.al pro- rram U\ the amount of 12000. to be ohand on a My-nit¥ bul•. The city of Newport llaacb Ill pre- p&Nd lo expend thf .""" or 11.2&0." AppUcatlon.a to operate t w o CIWnn&n Hayknlt (D·IC.) ol tlle Senate Ba.nklnf Oomrnltttt U\ln.ka the public la m.mpl7 Indif- ferent toWard the mattft' of pttce and wa~ eontroi. at the moment. He also a&ya thla apathy niay be reflected by ConfTHI . "I don'l know whether there'll be any law or not latter Junt" SO)," Maybank uid ln a dlacu1- •lon of the altu•tlon wtth news reportel'• the oUaer day. Yet hia committee I.I euppou<l to tf'll the ~enate what should be dof\e With ot ab®t the DPA alter June ,0. Alld tbe Bank.inf Com- mittee in the House Iii In., the aame bo&t. The apathy, to whatever extent It exists. la accounted for ln Wuh- lngton, by the fact that lhere ha..s been a general levelltn1 ott or many pr1ce• ln the lut couple of mohth.I, althu•h lhla la not lnle of all pricu. AdmlnlatraUon apokeamen aay this ls due moaUy to u.ae of the controh. Many olhter pe.l'ION uy lt'a due. to other ract.ora. including a big booct in production of civili- an gooda al.nee lut 8ummer. Parents Shirk . amueement ram•• at T11 and T13 mediately report to the achool Ir were ac- Tht1 lead.a many members of Cong-reu to wonder wbelher, bar- ring &JI-out war, lhwe won't be ample or at leut ne&r-ly ample. production for both ct~lllan con- aumpUon and deten.ae. Thill cou pied with Judlcloua uae ot tan- ~elr children are not home on Edpwat•t Ave.. B&lboe oepl*1 by "'• council at the rec-( Cootllluetl from Page 1) .IClbt!ldUle. She explained, Ln terms ommend.aUon of Poliff Chief R. without this testimony,'' Linnell of pro~tlon ot the child. the ttg\1-R. Hodl)l:inmn. The ram•• will empba.ai%ed. "You'U aee 'dia-l&Uona .,..airult loltertnr around bl operated by Charle• J . Hlm- mtu(>d' on records of sex orrend· .ICbool ground.I and only allowinC mUl- er!I. It's not the fault or the law, ~I I,•• !Inn the routine ot the ...,_ Drllllnr Co. but the fault of c1tiz.en!I, who un-'"''id 1 go g and coming at the · derstandably, but mistakenly, try W'fitten request of the parenta. The council dWed perml.ulon to protect their child." Lynn CraWford explained the lo the lham.rock.. Drlllln& Co. or .. Ninety J>4.'r cent or the py.chi-le(iUatite 1tep1 neceuary to Loa A.Dpl to purchue water atriata say that pa.rents tend to m'1le new Iawa. He urpd, how-trom the atty netided ln drtllinr e••IJl'erate this danger (that of enr, careM and lntenaive 1tudy for oil. n. drlWDg company had -•··• -~ ··~ pro~~ -•·--in the Lndlcated that they woWd drill ·a tPoSlifying tn court a 9 -..-a eex or ~1 ....-v 1,;.J.1&11 ..... offender) to the child's mind," aid pn.anl aea laWll before trying to well In the vtclnlty of HamJ.lton Linnell. m&ke new laws.. St. and BUlh&rd Rd. and would oMd about 100 barrela of water ' lion, curt.a.iled 1pendlng and cer- t.aln credit control.I, could head oft eeriou. Inflation, they believe. Th.en the publM: wouldn't want price cont.rola a.nymore . How does the publlc reel about that! Tbat'a the que.Uon moet mtim- ben of Congrea wou'd llke to ha•e answered. Ma7 Zlttoad DPA The Ju<lgc al.")() ur«ed • at.ate M .. t ImproYe La\Q Institut ion for srx offenden and daily. Coo,-. mav decide to utend Crawtord Ukened. the present City ..... '*"' .. -r Bert Webb wu .. ~ ~ 1 the amcndm~nt or \aws so t.bat I& ·•~! m• H -.....u..... the DPA tem-'""1• --. tor ao WI to a pet -r ane en .... e. e told to prepan a lketc.b of a pro-,......... -...... ' -... citizens can bring" known tea per-a.id that they a.re tt.ne, but that poeed bua t.t.rmlnaJ IOOp ea.at of or eo da)'ll. take a NCeD, p home verts before court a.a in aanity clUsena must conatanUy work to l!albOe p&rttinS' lot. 'l'he k>op and ftnd out what U.e c:oo.ttllll· cases. improve them. He IOWlded a note would probably be ~achwvd ot enlrotols have to •Y about. tbe9t con· Next speaker, M, ni. Harry Fel-Of ••"Uo ••d -·•d "I t ' n t ti ......... n ...... -.... : e • o g· the atrlp between Main and Wa.ah-It :-··••-'t bo llnge, said: "We as parenta are too ure out eomethlnr ln &rtger <ir , ..... _.. Sta. -VUAIQ. the ttnt. time th&t Prone to look to someone \lM." -·--~·-~ -t' atu"-th 1 -.-· eoa---bdd ott on a toucky •~uuu. &..: I ~ e aue, Counotlman OJ"Ml1y indicated •·-:--She mv.ted sl&tistica to the effect th-~·-th la • --•-piece or, t....t•••tt... ... unW memberll ,_. cu -~·... e w. • lb.at IUCh a loop would UJa-'"" ,..._ .. a ••• ~.~to that ln !M per cent of the caeee A -utso t.o th I ~-••~·-t ,...,. ~ pt bome, pt.be.t ~ n • ••-•~ o available moni puklnc -on --·-•' ••-m against sex offenft.n in Loe An· rnalr:e It mandato-that ... " ""'~ ...uor: odftn vert:lon of t.be ••• -., -...:: -v ·per-the. city lot and would s1V<t ""'· pot~·~ --gelel ln 1960 lhe offender n-.. _. n YM.tl o'f are or, older, con-boa a more omtnJ.17 loc&ted i;;;. ----~out • ..,.. .. ~ wtUl tbe bo)'a known to the victim. In, thia ~ Ylct.ed of any unnatural eex a.et t.e.nnl.n&J. • --ai.uv wlaal*e eooltlftg. percentage or •!!X ~ttenMia, t. be or mo:eaun• an,y penona under 1e Webb wu authorUed to buy cblld went1 wlthlllngly Wlrtmlh "the per-,.... or .,. be ccmmltted to a piJto t.o G!>mplet,e a wam .un. to Sf-LU ~ llOOe'rf petra.tor o e sex c e. .Wta.bk Jnattbrtkm at tbe time of run under the be.1' from Vla Pal· If a ccmatttuUoeal ~ ~·""" -11111 nr.t on-. wu .,.11mltted by ""'"" Udo 1a1e to ooa-t tnto that ...., -lntroducod Into u... Kra. ll'elllila'• beUeved lllat pre-Oran JI. W-....S &hd Bob Odft U,.-'4 ---. .., Oout Hlclt-lltale ~la ftnally ..... tea venU•e m.....,... should be tall en of Jlle Dale Pam~ club Of llallta -.y. Pipe la al8o to bo lloqllt thel"e .:E be a -In C&Ufor- and W'g$l the edllcat!On or tha Ana. tor .. ui.dorbay lino to ""' -nla'I tax. chUd. She ll&ld !hat chlldre . TIM ;poUUoa Nrtller ll1'pd that Waoldqtoa at./ Bal-lo Qpa1 MoesDlll1maa Cllarlel W. 1-,, allould be warned about .....,,_ tM -bo kept Ullft '111-t A-. Bal-IOlud ud. tor ·u. ft.. .. ,.,.,. JlllM, -tM uywbeft wl\h aD)'<>De Wltllout llQ' polllllllll;F ofpuelo w ~ .... 'CO. UM ....... -.. _ am-•t, W'llleb 1ill - - parental CODR.nt. 'I1le eafeQ'-fll-~ill a~ flf .,._or man 1·1rand to u. eebh-.t at KartM ,.._ tM Mate .... tu ftWll. I numbel'S . pl'lndple 1boold bo qGllif!ool -• !"POlta ,...-A-Ill 4 por -tilt -tllo - taugtit cblldru. lhJ al4. • n-lllat Illa otr111u llll4I Mea per-1t>O CllJ Snlfl!•• _, lll&l -5 ..i.. ta_ llf Cltlle - apono!blllt;y ot \he -....ad '111111•~ eund of Ill --U1o tt'•· 1 of --,.... --TM - -• tllo be to. -.• at &lJ tlillu w1left tlM! I I ?* · _ --a11T1h"n Of -*-18 Nee -tall ,,.,.. " -- child .. and Wllal IM I& dolql • . 7 u.. ~ elty - - -lo tllll -... --. ~ ' Tile lMCber'i Yinlpolnt ... Olio .Dft. ~ 1. llkllll--111 llM& lo .aid: ~by Prtnclpa.l 9r&J"Ce: 8"l-b.A.Jm, L. A.. ltqit.. flf ...... f.i!lll I lllJ ••• '±ir' ...... ... "T"" ... , 1111)-,. .. -.. a ..... """' tlM 0.-dll --4 rt-• -... ., ~ :!Ille ~ed ,._ta lo ........... , ... t.• --• • -........... la .. . • • • • • • • , f sychologist Disc~s Sex . Crimes The Copitol llJJ ..... V. W•9ftipp; PaJl.?Jalld BJ' waiiiw L.1,Jt.Yjllll .. .. I W ...... a t1aA (Ullhiritl Jltw Oln" 'fa f 11) • r-•• wllO -llnd ... ,.. , ,.~ d Up Alley • n.,. moft 'to -•·-i_!o .f;I -.,.._ 9dftlloo!I 11"t11r -~---- -of Dr. -1"'.,..._ ,(o..Hll 1,_Pale 11 . mft'Cl&I draw poktt Cllillo ... (• -lolma Bapldno poy-Plnln6 momentum at +;i· --t) Md boW --aa ta. ~ and Ille llllte wW fall ID tl>o Stat<r Capitol. 'soem. ·, 1 · May :le, 1161 • ....,wlalp at Oollfonda i..11'11ta. I over. oa.. ll:aEI W&lftll lndlcji u>at ''" -at Chlao. u., i. .i p...,. CIU,.. another Instance Be&IJ a.. plan bad Illa appn>fth B"i ald tlllllr ...,._...at -Am added: "OM of the kldlJ ·.sroppoc1 a It would ,at tuat. bo "proci-" ud ia.,ua llMelt.. piece of bubble cum. etepped on tt even thoup lt did not to M fe:J: • and part or ti>•. alley came 11p With u be wu W!lllnf. , ' 1, Tiie problem or .-1 J>UY•t-the lrubbi. pm." . · The n..,.. 1tratea call!i I for Ila\: &Ion or -...i devl&~ and th• HK11 -up Ills ~ "1 lllr driw ']>Oker playtnJ ~ a 11ul· lnJ1!d¥ <'.i"d unhapj>ln-U>at 11 a:rtnJ, "the 1aymon aliouJd 1Mo .,..,. Wldot -...ii:?! a -U<I with -" bebarior ha.I pleuod With ni. _.., tlMl:fN tho alllAiohCe.· poker llaon be boon _.t · atnce the bqlnnlnJ on• \hat an paylbJ for It." · i.pJly aliat.d ta the """!' , · u of m&11. Tot, U>o people do _ .. ..., Mra. ~ H01t, 1T11 Weal oUt"' pulille 11~ eoun ~ I lllfterecl a 1-<If-' -neer and doe<'-·to Jilt. Tlll.~kJ!ol wu -;pot a relai.i"r"' m.bt not na a clOM t.rtiend,, DU'-wb mud> cl-. U>U eltbv ct th -lhy cat. Thia cat, wlllc!l we ed l'uaycat, .... MVIJ td Uttle about thla pr..blem · wiW a ac.an )'ront.-lto.,.,.t _.._ told acllol> • 11e1nou -•""'" 1s eomm1uec1. 11 o1 1ow p1.... 1n . t11t &11tY. btlund ,,,., · rutd~' .;.....iu.n;r'"'"* lo onJ1 t . .,... Iha\ the peop~• aro h•r pr<>pert)' which act u col• \he numbet of tablM lllalll ..,.,...,.oo. They llecome enraaed. i.eu,.. piano tor -ter:' : Jn any •D• ,...,bllAr lloU/oe. )'M.b old and thou.eh be pu•tt ·-~ a couple ot week acu. l have1 been too upeet about tt to ' • even menUon It ln lhl9 coiwnn.. · •• &H_ mOUvat.d b)' \'&le .. and de-City Ebfinett ~ Webb, de-Propohtnto ot tho n maitd ru.np. • tendlftJ the J>11¥illl job done on the bollen thaL It would :ill> lttual deviates com• ""m all .Uqa. l&ld ,that "ho doubt patch· th•ll' mlljl>r PUl'J)Ole-'OU r -to or -•ety and lnclud• both 1111 u.. 1.llep tn oertaln .,... wu the blr colnJi.tl'Cllal poker $.:' . h.Umleu and danproUI ottendera. necetatY. It 11 nest to tmpoMlble Uon-•hil• meetinr the obj Apptmimately Oft pa cent of the to l•Y blacktop to cloe• t.oteRttcu. that ca~e death ot .an . Jter male population ll\ our counlr)' H~ever, t am au.tted. that pod bllL conimJl at one time: or another a m.at.trtat hu been UMd and J ~~ · n. Poker n.. ... ott•-ror which h• mlp\ U.ve that tb<H &beys will tt&lld The ftrit 1>!11 b Auelnbtil:ma.n bo prooacuted. up ....U." Httbert ~ " l -11eJC crlmM In C&lltomla ""' not Dlttlelllt Pro-, • ...,. ,_.,cg on ·-'lncreue. Aa a matt•r of • ~. wu a tlat 'blA :On 4raw ~ IN bu Contractor Johll IWlp.rt Mid: )>Oker, the only ramlollnr Pm• fl.Ct • num r Of HS crUnt11 "We have complied wttb. all of 1tW ~ lesal 1n C&lltorntL tt ]WU: droppe41n In pr-opo,:on t.o11 \he in· \he opttltlcaUilno aet up tor \111 klUed In the ·aenalt Commltt~ on Crel..le our pop Uon. oWever, job. It Cpavlng the a..lley1) la a Ooverntnent&l Etftclency. It la lhc wldMpread publicity ot I dlftlcult problem from a oootN.ct-The Corruntttee wu loaded ... th a rew ettloua 16 crltnta •blcb 1 lnl' and mf{neertng 1t.andpotnL · cow county ·aenatora lb Wbo8e ~a.k: It appear that lbey a.re on Deina 80 clOM to sea level there ii dletrlcq the playin& of draw pioker e en.a;.•· La a limited amount ot rail, ~ the LI a tractltloru Al 8en. JeMe Ma70, l'ffMt "'-extttme pronle at the end of the R ., Angeles Camp, put It: There Ls sufrtclent evidence to propetty lines maJites the work difa "l?Very a loon In my , dlM:rict lndlcate that had our prt:sent laws flculL" halt had a. table ot tWo for clraw bffn suf(lclenlly utillSed the re-He said: "I'm at Lou to explain k f 100 • " H~' t people wtll not undent:aiJll my I' lhia way about, the: 10!9 ot a puasy cat, hut of couree ~ di~ ot knoW him and you did Dl>t :ecdura:~hla ~.:°:o~y=~ e:a,t r-he had inteW~ to a marked degree and wu OUR cat -loyal to ua to the luL The reuon I write thllo la that' I 4lo like to Ch.are my joya and .,,.... row• with you each week, al9o that lYou wl1J. know me bette.r and whe~ever you decide to do bwil·1 nesa 1w1th me, you will know Juat wba\ kind ot • teUow I rea1l7 ,...._ I thlnl< that belpa in thla buay wor~ of ours. Come in an eee m~your Frlendly Ford Dealer. Theodore Robina. Look in the claasifled section of tht.a paper tor rme used car bR.rplNI. cent tragedy of Patr!cla Je.an Rull the bubble gum incident and the po M.';yo0~d ~:9be1m .r:nlch't be could have been prennted. Yet stoty about the bike railing over:· bl t t bUl a.ued lb t Id Irick Dusf the public ta •-in demanding . • e 0 ce a P a WOU Ill la d e-•-l h Ht~ ltattment wu echoed by City allow up to 'five U.ble1 to operate (OonUD\ff!ld from PaKe 1) more,• r "'" 11a.n grearr ~dr pun~~ -, Engtrf'eer Bert Webb who lndlcat· The big parlors ln Garden havt men or a aex o en era. .......:r-ed that he would like. to see 'such 35 or 80 t.able.. · lewryone who IJkee to fUh GI' taJnly inearceraUon I• not the Lncidenta before believing theTn. tell fl!lh &tortes or would 11ke to answer. Sexual deviates a.re m~-Swigart indicated that he would Supttme Po"•en1 lff mot-e 1port.a dotl&n: roIUnr tn• t&Uy UI &lld imprisonment wtll not be wllling to have a sample taken At wN'a end Wa.rrea had be-. to our att& should write-a nice curt' them. It. i5 a k:Jtown fact or the paving material and have fore htrn the bill gtvtn1 hi8 Crime "thank-you" note to Ea.rt St.anleJ, lhat tn.stitutlons lncreaae homo-the content analyied to aee 11 It Commluion the •ubpena po\ftrs ·our A.emblyman. aeauaUty. met up with the si>ecltlcatlons set he wanted for It. 'the COJ1lP""1* Do It, huh! Infan tllla h'\ or child mole11laUon up by the City Engtneer. biU that emerged from committee 1 -~----- la a ux-ual devtatlon tnvolvln• an Councilman Oallu Blue made a went through the Senate. without HEBE FROM ALll.AM:8M abnormaJ Jo\'e obje<::t. There a.rt-3 motion to over-rui. the objections a ~sselerntlnthge v:~bly con i _,. Mra. 0. P . Roll, .recent A.lhari·. kinda. or men who engage In such and jo pay Swigart for the job . __... cu,'~ bra brid@. and her husband are pr1ct1cea: (l ) young men be-but lbere wu no aeCond to the In two &IJlendmentl, thua glvtng a.monc new Coroha de1 Mar reld· tween twenty and th.lrty who have ti the meuu·re final puaage. The ~enl.I, their home' being at 112 an undt-veloped phy&!ological con-m~~~· grade~ F inch made 8 mo-amendment.a ban any for:m Of ra-Orchid avenue. ~Ilion which n.'nder1 them similar Uon which wa. later approved by dio or \elevtaion brO&douta of ---~--------­ '" every way to little boys, or the council to de.fer the pa~ment commlsBlon hearlnga and tbey whoee mental development la be· 1 tor the paving unUI neJ11:t r:neetlng. guarantee the r ight of a. subpena- low ave.race : 12) old~r men who Meanwhile, Bwiirart and City En-ed 'wltnesa to have his legal advl- 1 d ha -• 1 I -e 90r with him. · a.re een1 e an ve regreueu n gtneer Webb will go over the al- th•lr •exuallty; and 1 3) thoee men le ye and look Into the comp!alnt.s Warren Wa.s certain to sign the who have average lntellil"ence and 1 received about the pavtng. bill, but It Wu not co1\lid6t"ed who are phyalcaJJy adult but they 'i Uktl)r that 'be wOU '.d Mt up hil have failed to achlevf' emotional ColJl miation befO('e J1i1ly: 1 wben or &eXuaJ maturity .. Fortunately 1 Mesan Held the n ..:w budget goes tnto .et~ct. penons who engaie in 1uc h prac-"RrM Dt..c..ion _ t lces largely limit thei r actlvtty I (ContlnlN'd f'rom Page I l CommWllsm wu,, u U.IU&l lul I to fondllnl' and ca.reasing. I after the complaint wu tiled by week , subject of plenty of' legls- Type, or Dt\iatlon the girl's father~ He ts being lative dlacuesion. There are many types or sexua.J defended by Max Hurwitz. The Senate'• lobby pollcin1 ~ PROF£55 10 Hhl ~ ~ OIRE CTOR Y r, Dl:ln'l8Tll Ll:M'ZR A. BECKER, D. D. 8. · DENTISTRY '-- 1180.Newport. Blvd., Costa. Kea& Medical. Bldg. Beacon 1161 ll-06 l!l. Bay Ave., Bal- Harbor s21-J devia.tion but the moat widespread Superintendent of Sc h o o I s committee " ret'U..11ed to issue lobby- la unque.Uonably tht!t of homo-Everett Rea said that Hlnesly lng creaentials to Bun;i Alex- '4tlll:U&illy. Four per cent of ' the bad re1lped from the school ander, San F'rancieco, w)>o ~t Lota.I rnal•• are exclusively homo-board Friday. A new trustee we.a to r epresent the Community par· •e:xual and an addlUon&l 4, per ~ to be named by County Super1n· ty. I"-------------.., cent a.re most homa.ellu&l; there-t.endenl of SchoolA Linton Sim-The committee turned down P8YCHOLOOIST fore there are 360,000 of them In mans. AleJ11:ande r tor his "prealat!!nt re· CaJirornla.. It would be lrnpoulble Ball Set fuu.J to answer queatloa• about to lncercerate all or them a.nd Hlne1ly had first appeared be-the organization and &Ima ot the what wou d ""'e do with the other I tor Judge Dodge Friday and had Commu.µ..'!t party." · sex offenders? been released from custody with-AIMtinder ald he woUldn't be I Probebly no other group or in ... out bail on hla own recorn1z.ance. a "•tool p11eob" for tear or aet- dlvidua.11 are more mLsundert1tood Alter waiver of preliminary hear-Un& other party membera into than U"le sexual deV:ates. It ha.a in&. :which was on agrttment of trouble_ long been believed that nothing dep4ty district attorney J . Parley Me&nUme, 8en. Jack B.1Tenbey, or Vi!ry little could be done for Smith with Max Hurwitz; bail R .. Loi Angeles and ~bly­ these person•. Unfortunately v~i-WU set at siooo. Hinesly paid man Vemoo KUpalrtck.1 D., Loa ou.s practices auch M castration the bail. Anp1ea, took turn1 at 'que.lti.Ofl- and hormone lnjectioru. have b...aen Tile court had been cleared at 1n1 each othet''I back&1'0\l.ftd. used eithe.r tOr the protection or the request of th~ defendant. Tennt-y 1tarted It wlth • ruo. tht-public or tor the purpose o[ . Hinesly will a.ppear berore 4udge lutlon In Which he said ~patriek changln& th•r ae)l;ua.lily. Cutra-Kenneth Morrison when the Su-had ct>nalateonUy follaWed the Lion only rendera sueh tndivtduals ·perior Court si\B as a Juvenile Cornmun11t party line 'for more aterlle, but It does not destroy CourL than 18 yeua. 1 theJr drive. Hom1one lnject loM The offense with which Hines. Xilpatrlclt came back, ~lh one increase their libido or sex drive ty i8 cha.reed in a high miade-ln which he aa.ld the N(Orda of but doe.a not change the dlrecUon ~or and carrle.e a maximum the old 61ea COtnmtttM of the ot their love interest, whether it penalty of $1000 fine a.nd/or two U .. 8 . SenaW: 1howed aA atfid&'rit be heter011exual or ho moselllual. years ln the county ja.11. hid ~n Cued ldmtU)i.pf1 fe~ey The publlc should be educate<! . The alleged moral• offenses sup-u a card·e&rrylnf member o~ the lo know that many of these per-1 posedly occurred while the ctr'la party. sons hav ... been succea.srully treat-were baby sitting In Hinesley's The whole lhlnl' came ob the ed by the uu of "dynamic pay-home. eve ot Low Angele• el.ctlon.1 tn EUGENE V. WA:Nl.U!I GNdu&IAo hy-tortat Fanllly lldatt<o .. F..modonal Maladjmtment 141 Fo,...t Aft. 18()1 ~ N. Bdwf i:..,uoa llMoh ....... Ana . I'll, -Ptl. llL 1-1641 OPTOMETlll!ITS V. E. KOEPSEL, 0. D. OPTOMETRIST MOR'l'JCIAN ··~~OBTVAllY ·ti ·~~~ . . . ttendan ~'.'· ( I:<-'ti111 . mpwaf' CORONA DEL MAil DAY AND NIGHT Pbone Rubor U cholherapy." Furthl."nnore, the \'fhlch Ki:patrlc~ la tu¥lnf fbr larger pe.rcenlage of the~ per-C II R G'b ~lty. Ceuncll. INSURANCE ..... could be be:ped by auch treat-. a ev. I son -------I ! .------,.-------, ment, but u.n!ortunately most ot Old Establ{1hed Insurance the:m are mlllnformed and are not I (Conttnued.frcqn Pa.rel) Pastor Invites Agency • awa.re of this fact. A1-o the prob-at thl.s tltne. The Session, meeting All llnea wrttten. lorn la l\lrther complicated •Ince thla week, has .. lected Dr. wu. Congregation BOWARD w. GEBRl8B treatment la not readily ,available lia.lh S. MiddlemUs ot Dant;L Poin,t S • becauoe or the limited number or u tupply pr .. cher. to. tay .Away persons who are trained in thb Mr. Gibson Cam'e to Newport 1808NowportBlvd., ~­ . PHONE BEACON 5161 highly apectall:ied field. Beach from Long Beach in No- tt \te are to aa:ve our problem vember of 1947 and gathertd ·loeaJ ot rc:ducln,g .ex crimee, auch as Presbyterlana into a congrega· Ute Hull cue, we mu.t make lion, aerVlces being held In the treatment more readily avattable. hJgh echool library. In April ot PRACTICAL AIJI GAUGE The ear, It It ta alert, la a good &Jr gSuge. advl.see the NatlonaJ AutomobUe Club. When lt d~tect.s a.. squeal trom the Urea when lak- ln• a comer at a•erage .speed.a, lbe driver abouJd regard lt u h1.s cue to ba•e the l1rH inflated. Un· dttlnl1&Uon, u a matter of fact, bu t<!acbed the d&11pr pain\ when \he tltta beifn lo utter th- Ollls ot palll. ... 1950 ground was broken tor the $62,000 churc:l\t at 23532 SL An- dren'• Road, Newport Height.a. Which was dedicated rlve. month.II later. , A. lht' pastor and hla Wife own their own home In Newport Height., Ml'•. Glbllon plarla to re- m&lA here while her bu.band 18 • Preachen1 are well' known tor I :::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! 1nv1ung P"°P'• lo come '° church. 8, E SURE. INSURE but al Chriat Church by the Sea Sunday morninC', the tablee will be turned when Rev. Tbomaa Pen-MAum::'~ANLEY dell lnvitu them to atay away. IMaraaoe 0a17 I , The morning meeap: bu been PMoe ll&rtler l nl 1 announced as "When It. Ttme to ffi llta.rtae Ave., a.Jboa l•h=' Leave the Chu.rch." Ju 1• ~I';::;:::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::=: muatc&J number, Mra. Dde'Y&D I 1 Frett.a& wlll sine "Come Unto ~e'' trorn Handel'• Heulah. I for the • • 1 l ' I • . ' .. . 1T8ADAUGll'l'l!IB """ l~ --date o! birth of ... • -S -d, T\i ..,_. daulllltw loom to K" -Kn. B"""8.nt ~cDowell 23:U ~den avenu .. COllta. Mna. Ebell ·Juniors Install Officers · AT CJOOPU llOllll Sunday vt.ito,..'ot I.be bome ol Kr. and Kt1L Huold Cooper, '29 Bbort Sl, ca.ta M-. were Mn. • : Cooper• parent.,. Kr. and Mn. • 8. ~. W.r<Ut ol Inrlewood. at Luncheon Meet The T9hitlan Sl<yroom at CluW- U&n'• But WU 11ettlng for ~ in· atar &Uon hmcheon of the J\111Jor eect.Jon ot the Newport Beach EbeU on Kay 24. The loO\s table waa decorab!d with pink and wblte • • • • • I ALMOND llmll COFFU CAKE 39' -c-.. 4,, _, 20c lta/f CHIFFON CAKE ll•Sl.05 _, 89'- 4$c lta/f COSTA MQA noo Newport BIY4. COBONA DEL 1llAJI VOS~ 1U1b\ftT LAGUNA BF.A.CH !'15 Fore11t Avenoe MATrllESS!:S Boat&-Home11 Tralltin 1~81-peo BEACON 5081 Cmta Mesa Mattre• Oo. ! 150 Newport Blvd. Superlative Dry CIMnla~ LIDO CLEANEB8 4M Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Bea.. 6798-.1 We ope;.te our own plant SHARPENING Fartis Fixit Shop !\fo"'en. Saws. Knives. Etc. BEACON 8%.52..J' 2%00 Newport B. Colta Meu Shoe Bargains We Give yo11 Fib With narrow widths Arcfl Sflo.. f~ tlr•d f..-t THE BOOTERY M7 F-OllST, LAC.UNA • R~<_\,AIIPET e UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Geo. M. Graham HARBOR :194-R RICCIARDrS SHOE SHOP Sh ... Repal~ While You Watt Alt.,•''°"'.......,..•mofh.11~ C«fectiou ~kW•~ OUl MOTIO: Jrotothl11q lmpoulbl• !002 Newport Blvd NEWPORT BEACH • • flower• and new and retil'ln&' of· tlceN wore pink carnation cor· sag~ preaented by the JUlllor advU&or, Mn. Obed Lucu. The retiring chairm&n, Mn. John R. Depiell, premented the new ottlcen to the member• and guest.a: Mn. Arthur Burr White, Jr .. chairman; Mra. S. W. Rlch· ardaon, tint vlce--chainnan; Kra. C.R. Staal, second vtc~an: Mr.. Howard WWJ.ama, aecretary; Mra. E . H. Finster, trea...urer; Mn. W . E. Fil.her, and Mre. C. E . Holloway, directors; and Mn. Warre.n Mesalng". Junior advilOr. In appreciation tor her untiring work durlng,tbe yeu, Mn. Luca.a -.yu preaented · with a china tea cup and saucer rrom mem~rs ot the outgoing board. 1 Mrs. C. M. Deaklna, president ot the EbeU c:ub ot Newport Beach and honored gue11t ot the afternoon, made a short speech of congratulation to the new offlcers. The meeting wu then tum~ over to the new cbainnan, Mrs. White, who pre11ented the Junior Federa- tion pln to Daniell . Family Picnic for · Walter McMillan c!lnd Bride-Elec·t lnvtted to a famUy picnic on Sunday, Walter McMillan ot Po- mona. &nd his b~lde-elect, Ml" Jea.n Roaebraugh, round them· selvea feted wtth a pre-nuptial shower when the clan gathered at Irvine park. Hoeteu tor th'e picnic dinner WM Mn. John McMll.lfn ot Newport Height.I, aunt ot the pro- spective bridegroom, wbo wu u- 9iated by her daught"r·ln-law. Mrs. Dan McMillan. The McMillan family b one ot the oldeat in t own, the late John McMillan having come here 8o long ago that the one and only house waa ln what ls now Bay Shores and there wu no Newport. Included in the gTOUp were Mr. McMiilan and Miu Rose bra ugh ; Mr. and Mn1. Huch McMillan, son and daughter; Mr. and Mni. Jack Dodge a.nd th~ children; Mr. and Mrs. Tate H&les And aon ; Mr. and Mrs. Al Irwin and two daughters; Mr. and Mn. Ralph Irwin, son and daughter: Mr. a.nd ~trs. Wal· ter Kelly an<J two daughter!; Mrs. Agnes KeUY:. Mr. and P-4rs. Dan Mc Mi~la.n ; Mr. and Mrs. Robt-rt Dohle ot El Segundo, parents of the hostess; Jim MeMUlan Vld Mr. and Mrs. John AfcMillan. The couple will be married in Pomona on June 9. Lutheran Church Sunday Services At the 11 a. m. worship service Sunday at Newport Harbor Lu- theran ch urch the theme of Pastor Roth's sermon will be "Jesus, the Sinner'.s, Friend." The text for the sermon is taken trom Matt. 9 :9-13. The Senior Church Cbo!r will sing the anthem. "God So Loved the Wo rld" by J ohn Stainer. The Sac- rament ot Holy Communion wilJ be celebrated '-t 12 a . m . At 9 :30 a. m. lhe Church school meet.a wilh classes tor children of all ages under the supe~lon of Erriest W. Schultz~ The Adult Bible class \\'hich also meet.A at thia hour is taught by the pastor. The Bible Class will study the 15th &?id 18th chapters of the Gospe l of St. Matthew thb1 Sunday: The public ls cordially Invited to at- 1.end. The teachers of the Church school, as w ell as those who will teac h at the Vacation Church school which will be held duMng the month _ot August, are attend- ing the Teacher's Training Insti- tute held at· Grace Lutheran church in Anaheim on Monday evenings at 7 :30 p. m. On Mon- day, June 4th Pattor Roth wtll ad- dre38 the IJUtrtute on the theme: "'~tore Power to America:·: ;;;::::::::::::::;;:;;;;;:::::;;:;;;;;:::::;;:;;;;;:;;;. I ---. International Exhibit THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN of Color Slides in Santa Ana First time ln Orange county, an international exhibition of color slide• sent in from all over the United States, it.a territoriu and 14 torelgn countrlea La to be held IA the Santa Ana V\'illanl Jr. High school auditorium, 1342 No. Rou St. on Wedne9day, June 6 at 8:00 p. m. It la sponsored by tbe Or- ange County Camera 'Club ln. co-- operat.Jon wtth El camera Ru.I lllB& HEINZ ILU8EK (left) Nltllq )>--t of l"rldo,J' A.he,_ dal>, po-la -pftl to I.be new p......,...~ Mrs. Keolleth s-... aa Mn. E. I!:. Patmor of -Ana, lnotalllnl officer (rl(ht) lookli oa. (Presa Photo) I Balboa Yacht Club Y's Menettes Club to Open Season Has New Members Bal~ Ya<bt club Is openlnr lu 29lh .-euon tha com1n1" Saturday .with the a.nriual dinner and dance. Commodort-Harry Blodgett knd statt otttcera will welcome orncer1 ot other yacht cluba, memben and guest.a. Cocktails will be eerved al 6 :30 and dinner at 7:30 p. m ., wtlh danclng rrom 9 :00 p. m. t o 1 :00 a. m . Noted Scholar to Lecture , Three new · members. Lorene Watt.a. TritaJe JKbon and Doro- tlly Da..il.N wen inducted lnto the Newport Harbor aree. Y'a Mm- ett.e:t club at a meetlnc ThUJ'lday, Hay 24 in the home of Helen Brown, 92'6 °"nter at.reet. CO.ta Meu. Prealdent Al~ Youmone pre1tdedi lncreulQg the clu1'4:1 treuury, favorite recipe.I brou&ht by mem- ben, Wert BOld. Blrtbdl.y ,uu were prMent.ed Evelyn Thorapeon, Helen Brown and Virgtnla Lod11- don. Hu.el Burt wtll be holteaa at th~ next meetlhl' Jline 21. Mrs. Hubbard ·Howe Returns to C.D.M. Dellpted to be bacl< home lo Mn. Hubba.rd Howe, Sr., who re- IUmed Slm4ay to 908 Avocado, Corona 4et Mar, after apendlnc the winter ln Weatwood. Of pua- mount lnterut ll the C9mlnr wed- dinC" ot her .an Ba.rd, U. C, cr&du- att atudent, Berkeley. Mlm: Shella Howe t.ranaten'ed ln Febniary from Berbe.ley to UCLA. FAC Arts & Crafts Plans Potluck Mn. Brown eerved. rt"freah-Tho art.a and crart.s aecuon of menu oC 1trawberry roll with the Coat.a l'eu. Friday Art.moon at Mesa Church Dr. J . Ejlwtn Orr, traveler, "van-whipped cream, nut.a.• candy cot· club 11 pL&nn.lnc a pot Juek lunch- gellst and author or 14 book.I, wtU tee and tea to Mmu. Yountone, eon to be riven Tuetda.y, June ~ speak Sunday evenlnc a.t F'lnt Kathryn Dial, Lodcadon. Myrtle a.t noon ln the Costa Mesa park. Baptl•t church, Cost.a Mesa and Loni', Betty Jenks, TbomplOn, All club membert and f'rie.nda are tor each eventnc lhrourh June 10 Laura Jonu, Marian Owirman, Invited. The at1•1r la one of a at 7 :45 p. m ., announce.ii the Rev. Marpret Thatcher, Jack 1 on. seriu to be held each month dur-- P . G. Neumann, pastor ot the W&tta and D&llu~ lnl' the 1ummer by the aectlon, ac-. church. Dr. Orr ls an Oxford cordlng to Mra. Tinta Smalt chalr- graduat@ and Fellow ot the RoyaJ -People do read the Preu ad.a. man. Geograpti lcal Society, Fellow or :~~~~k~~~1:~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Royal Hlltortca.J Society and Fellow of lhe Society of Liter&-" turr. Barbara Farwell Receives Degree at Stephens Col. A1 i11.1 Barbara Farwell of Balboa v.'a.8 c&ndldate for an Aa90Ciate ln ' Art.a degree from Stephena C(>I· lf'ge tor women, Commencement exerc!aea for lhe 118th graduaUnr class were held .T'uuday morntnc, Atay 29, with degTtt• betnr con- ferred on more than 900 candl- date1 by Or. Homer P. Ra.lney, prf',.ident or the college. Ml.88: Far- ...,,.ell is thr dau~hte r of Afr.• and ?.1 rs. L : H . Farwell, 1124 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Beach. C. D. M. Residents to See Ordination at Notre Dame Mr11. J ames W . Thornton and son Jim. Orchid avenue. Corooa l!el Ma r, lett today tThuntday) for South Bend, Ind. They will attend ordlnat!on tile• ot Mra. Thornton'! nephew, J o?ut Patrick Dolan, in the CongTegatlon ot the Holy CroM at Notre Dame. Thf' two plaf)~,.-be gone a month, flrtt vialffftg relative.a in Chicago and -ln Waterloo. IowL R('turning lp the west Coa.at thru the !Cf'nlc Royal Gorge and Fea, ther rivf'r country. they will spend a wef'k w ith fr1"nda in San Fran- cisco and be home tor the F ourth. Stolaroff-Vallejo Wedding in Sept. Mr. and Mrs. Phi.lip C. Phelps of Rolling Hilla Ranch. Yoncalla, Ore., have announced the enpge- ment ot their daughter, Pbylll.s Vallejo. to James Owen Stolaroft. aOll. ot Mr. and Mr9. Fabian Stol· arott, 1808 Pacltlc Drlv~. Corona del Mar. Tbe bride-~ect waa graduated from University ot Southern CaU- forrtJa where she wu a member or Zeta Tau Alpha, Oamma Alpha Chi and Spurs. Mr. Stolarotf I.I al.lo a graduate ot UC and la a member ot Delta Phi Epsilon, Al- pha Kappa P•I and Beta 0&m.ma Slgma.. A September weddinl' Ill planned. Dean Beaumont t~ Repeat Vows NEW HONOBE& QVBl:N·&Ll:Cr of Jol>'e Dau(hten, Ooota Mou lletllel l5T, lo Miao o.-le Gunn. dauPter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Owua, 167!~ Moa.ro.t.a A.e... Coeta MML (Preu Photo) .r • ..,.4 d·ays only. • • • Pictortallata of Loe Angde& Ad· Mr. and Kn: Rol>ert Footer Slak mlaion ii tree and lhow la opm:1 of Loe Angeles have announced to the pub!ic. Ule enpptp.ent of thetr dattpter local .. Panbellenic JI, 1911 ' ' ' to . be Or.g~nlzed ' .1._0wr eo ·11.&rbor ~ womea .U.U.Ja to mo...-ip In Panbef. :.,, .. bf.Ve been IAvti.d to llltend Ul orpril&aUoo mMtlnJ. of a• lo-- cal unlt. tbe 1 z z 'aa (.o be held Thuraday, June ?, 7:30 ·p.m. IA Corona de! Kar Coinm.Uhlty church. Col11!1Ce women wbo are memben of lbe 20 OT more na· tSon aororltles are lnVlted. to at .. Harbor Council l I • of Church Wdmen . •001 ·u• •111 tend. · Mep'ts MC?nd~y · . TIM N~ Ba.11oor-OoaacQ Cburdl "' ....... will i::..r ... ~ .wwtlnC .. -II .. ' meet!Jls MOl!da)',· 1-' e Balboa li!and <lomm\UlltY I ' •• 0.. Olll -illl -I ' 7fc IACH uws "°°"9 uoo••rma 1'1111.a.oPBY TIU.VD. 'l'llSAftll !fSW ftOJ'IOJf JllON-ftcrJOJI' ' Qu-on of formb>g a Harbor croup ..... ptt-ted by Kra. Jamea Ray at the May 22 meet· Ing of Southern Or&ng"e County Panhellenlc, held at the home of M'r. and Mn. cecu Tozier, North Park avenue, Santa Ana, with Mra. Olive Sleeper oC Corona del Mar U ·'ho•te.aa. Wtth over eo ac· Uve members. 11.u of the aroup potel the prob.em ot finding .bomftl large enoua-h in which to m .. L The burln-111eet1J>s -,i+ ,__,. In the mornlnJ .and Ille..,..,,,... uJao tl>at membon bJ1as 1 ·lllidt lunclieon for noon. DllriDc an.rj. noon -atete otflcen Wiii bf preM!nt and all memben:1 urr ed lo attend and hMr ;,\IJ -la .... ••t Oo J speakers. . ------' MOVE TO LIDO ROMS Own.era of a new h<me 4t Via Venuia., Udo lale, are a f er ~ City couple. Kr. IUlil MN. Rtcha.rd J'~ w 1 u+ prnloualy been Jta)'lnr Oil j!.Jboia I.eland. •• PATIO S1UDiO 1IOOK STALL 111~-·A­ MQOA, DLU1D Mra. John Keeler ot Corona del Mar prt'1lded at her la.at session &1 preaJde.nt. Nominated to aerve the coming year were: Mrs. Fred- erick Kiaow of Santa Ana, presi- dent; Mias: Anna Tryt..b.all, Santa Ana, vtce--prealdent; Mn. E . M:. Rodriques, aecretary; Mn. Ha.rlan (Marilyn Claytor) Smith ot Orange treuurer; Mial Marth& Urick or Santa Ana. hlatorlan; and Mia Marpret Babcock. Orange,' mem- ber1hlp chairman. Main dlacu.11k>n was regarding the tea tor graduating high achool girla who plan to attend collegea ln whlch there are naUo"'\1 aorori- Uea, and thdr mothen. · It wtlJ. be held Saturday at the home of Mrs. C. E.I Thomu, Bonnie Brae, San- ta Ana. ...... ~,· .. ·~-..... -., ................ 1!11 . FISH FRY : SPECIALS A~lendlng the aess!on were Mmea. Keeler, Farrell, H. 0 . Boy- vey, Robert Ca.Illa, Ra.y Ha.rvey, Kenneth steeper. Leon Williams. Walter Spicer. M . A . Anderson and Ralph !tDchel..9en ot the Har- bor area. AT SUNDAY DINNER Sunday dJnner ruest.& entertain- ed by Mr•. Catherine Williama ot Colt.a Mesa wei-e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Funkhouaer and daugh- ter Betty ot Huntington Beach and Mr. and Mr1. James G&Jla- l'her ot Costa Med.. AT SAN JOSE Mrs. Cleo T. Fuller ot ~28 W, 19th St., Costa Mesa ha.a been spending the put two weeks in · San Joae visiting her aon·in-law and dau(hter, Mr. and Mrs. Don~ j aJd R. Otto, and their new daugh· ter, Btbecca Nell. • DRESSES . S 9'9 coTroNS-~8 . • . RAYONS 81ZE8 t-U ~ Many are t price or Lower HOSIERY SPECIAL 1 Sheer .Full FulaloDed -AD Oaanat.eed. Perteet. New ewnmer eh•deo -I~ to 10 ~ ..................... . moH01 DAY · 1811 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA KESA we· TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT ' MRS. RUTH .STONE Formerly with the Chintz Shop of Lag'un'a Beach, has joined our. staff as director. Mrs. Stone attended Chouinerd's and the Hollywood Art Center, and has had -years of pracHcal experience as home decorator. Her services are yours for the asking -just phone Beaco~ 5277 -there is no charge or obligation. · In addition to one of the largest stocks of modern , tropical and patio furniture in the area, House & Garden mai~tains fully equipped dr~pery, upholstery «nd sli1;>' cover workrooms -. a cabinet ~hop making custom design!!d modern and period furniture end a rattan· factory staffed by native Phillppine·-.creftsmen .. ' IMPORTERS e MANUFACTURERS ~ BET..,n.EBS OF FINE BOME FURN18HING8 HOUSE & GARDEN 61 I • ... • I . Coast Highway, Newport Beach llEAOON U'IT OPJ:N NIGHTS u4 SUNDAY ' b e g i n s t o m o r r o_ rt, . ~ ' , e ~~ st! ' $995. $29.50 per moath Fl..., ot America'a moct, noted K&ri&n o.y to Dean -.,. -p~ bave .. Jiadced -the 8ea1nnont. ot Balboa t1>and, eon UO,S entrla, llelecl1n&' 492 of t.lle ot"Kr . ..,,.i Kn. Art.bur S..umont bMt, wllmltted ~ .. on ')(!ao Slak a..-Wt~~.J.:!:P I.be bub ot their 111bject lnte....,1, In New YCM'k otter tine compooltlonal m•rtl, and technical f""'1 Karlborourb. and Is now a founder of the tamoua 1'red A.rc:ller lltlld.tat at UCLA.• Shi II a m.m- Bdoonl of PbotosraPll.Y: ICmeat ber of ~ Tlclttod< ... ••d B&chncb, 41Ncthr ot ~ phi>-made bor dellut -~ "" I.bit attend this big summer savings event! values for yolff family, find special "Jubilee" values ln every your home, values for. vacation an~ lu~l?' . I artme ~· • ••• r raveU • • • . • YOU can play rich orPn ' mualc at one.. wit.bout i..n.-' 1nl' a -.ie note. Come hear • and iJlay the Hammond Chord • 0.-..,.. • • : . Danz..Scbt1klt • • toer&Jll\T for RXO.Jl.odlo Pleta,..; Ooror1et b9Ji. ,_, II'-. an lntern&tloQalJ7 Kt. Beaumonl, -ta at••• hlmCJUlli '"'*"Po ..pbotopapber In the Newport Kbeal4 .rtz Ort ..... oollW ltiot.a Q( UM ..ale Banard ..,,,..,. ... Off Llelel • ' ~OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS·. • • • ' ' .. • ,,. . l. • . . • Plauo Co. WeK llaw '-IWjli-Iii coUop -p .. "as - lll.l8J' ot .Amariea'• miner _. UCLA. a. 111 a "" °"•-Dllta. I I • ·:,:._~ .!· -•-·""* ·-;:: .:"'!i 8.:.t "'or~ ~ _.,,:'!\ 1:'"*':-., * ~ S... H1a1 T•••*r" tln:•t' lu,la • ., .• • • t:JO 19. l:JO • • --.;;,:-..., ... ·-.. -lllutian.. ~ oatalan41nc ama-cllUl'Cls, I.Ge &a•n'rs wAlt _. • • -• · 114~.~-I~ .,. __ .,, __ -_.;•_ .. ;...-.... ,_ _ _,, -,•le'.,.__ -lo Ina --.u. --··--~.;;;,--..;~-~-.;,,;~-;,,----~;..---~ .. ----~~;;;....;"'!".;,------........ ~~'""~~-+.-~--~..;;-;...-.;.:~---1 • 1 • • I • ' I I • , t ' .. ' • ' . ' ' St"RE. Ai."'liD YOU NEED aomooae like me to ~·e yip propt"r all ... ntlon ... Or"'n Brooks M Danny la saylnr. \\1th e \•li tntrnt or purpo-lo Cil"rtrudt> Hnrn playtns ~t .... Bram"Oft.. Nancy And"'w" I!' lhr nut'!"('. R t:ht"a.,.al M'f'nt> b trom the s~pry.~ thrtllt-r "Nl .. hl )fw.t 1-~a.U" b)· Eml\'ft \.\'111~ -~r prf'IM"ntffl by ttw-Nr~·port JI.arbor c·ommunlty Pia.'''""' at Orange COIU!lt C'olk>Jl'f' chaf""J on •.runt> 81h ancl 9th. I Bcckn('r Photo) Felix, Leo With ! 'Night Must Fall ' S&Le Stanley Back i_Combines Comedy at Vaux of Balboa [With Suspense ' I c:on1PdJ' rllnM like · n bright n. .. cJ; nt hn11u• for the ~umn11·r thrf'Rrt throui::·h 1\11 intril•atf' ma- ~,..a·o>nn lllP 1--,.11,x an11 1 .. ·n with Sn•• trr•al of ~ll8pt'OSc 1n thf' plav ~l<\nlc.v ~·hn r1·t11rn tu Vaux or , ·'Ni,etlt Must Fall" whi{'h U,c H11.r- l3albua F rullly, Junr-.'· T~e 1rto bor Comn1un1ly Playcr11 arr pr.-- nf 1'nt .. rta1nt'r~ hnvP JU~t f1n1~ht'rl iocntin,::-on June 8th and Olh. a Sf'a .... on at Paln1 Springs and Th<' Player"' are very fo1"tunaf1• llu 1r 1 ci.::ular tour o( thf' ~ountry. in having as dirf'<'tor for thls Em- R£'tllrf11ni:: to the N rwport H~r-1 1;.rn \\0 illlan1J11 play. Mrs. Marjorii• b11r urrn f11r l hP third surcl'SS_'v_r Williamson of LaJ.:un11. &ach, whri !-1\'•lSOn th1• world Can1<1us mus1r1-h~s an Pnviable barkgrounct In fin > \\'1'\ piny nightly throu1-:hout l thf'alrr arL<i and knows how with th(• ~111nn1f'r accnr<IL ng to Vau:ic: j df'ft nnd undt'rstanding tou<'ht'a t o \\'h1le. rropr·if'ln_r. Th(' ~me l!'"J! .. build t'RC"h scene lo an <'mo~lonal t·· ll··nt 1·111:-1n1~ will fratur .. lht:' bill l crf'~C'('OtJo. 11r fate nt the harbor's n1o s t popu-] The cast i~ p1>rff«·tly t·hoscn fnr I.tr nile spot. II this play, n1Qvle vrrslon of wfllc h f('at11r1•s Robert ~1onti,;on1cry and Elhf'l Barrymore. Bamboo -Room Opens Friday • Orrt'n Brooks as Danny takes another deflnitt> 111tPp toward hla goli or a •ucceMful ('llrt"er In the t.J.~ather Balboa" wilJ be back in th('atr('. ~tis Actlni;' la almost fa.utt- the ninning for the sea3Qn \Vhen l~&s in h ts portrayal ;t a contra- The Bain boo Roonl open.!t Friday ) tl1ctory characte!' fa though the June I. Robert and Jay M urphy j pcrfet'tlon of tht' bit · h_t' d iC.: from announce that they will open the thr l\.1f'rch~t!I nt ~C'OIC<' will al- popular night l'lpot \VJlh a new wRys remain vivirl 1n lhl' ml'mory "Ut.nai Lounge.. # j of those who saw him in Dream I~a~·: Hutrhin~n·s inusiC' will tea-1 G_irl I. OrrPn was a mong the first turf' Ht:'len Paige anrl in addition h1g~ s~ht':' s::d<'nts lo hrlp or- to regular night!\· dancing a Sun-J?;Paln1ze t' arbor Community -ayers and has al .... ••v1' ._~en dav n1at1ncc 1s on the re.gula.r · . '' . ....,. ~· st'h£'rlt1\f' J pro~1nrnt tn h igh school dra- The &mboo Room Cafe 15 open "mat'C's; he is now continuing ht! for <!Inner and snackis and 18 op-1 studies 1n lh<'alre art.1 at Orange erated bv George Gelche!L CoFast Clnllege. · or p ::..ygoers who as )'C't have ;\T JIOSTESS JIOl.RE Sixty "-nm r n of Pasadena Church o( the Nazarene held a d1nnt>r and ct'rr mony at Hostess llou@<'. Balboa Island last week. not had the p'ea:sure o( watching Atargarct Rouz;aud, an a gret'able ~urprise awaits. Ht'r artistry in depicting thf' moods of Olivia reaches quietly out Lo the audl· ence and holds its attention with R.t:MODELS HOME a firm grip: - J\1iss Margaret Scharle, 307 1 G~trude Horn. nef"ds no intr~ Golrlenrod. Corona <lei Mar, 18 re-duct1on for she 1s well known In n1odel1ng her hon1e in to' l w o Orange county -she vr.ry ft'Cf'nt- a.pi1rln1ents and will rent the I IY ~layed . t~ part oC l'tfactame lo\l.'er o ne. MoJ('Ska 1n a htstf>r1ca\ . play of Orangp county. Charmin~ and ------------~--1 gracious in rf'al life, Gl'rtrude '!S.l. CAcrus C At BY CECIL HUTCH INS & MOM SNEOIG AR "'I 9ot a t&ri g41lon hat •nd •two gallon he adf' proves h('r ability fl..4' Rn actrf"~l'I I by playing <'fOtChf'ty, l'le!C1sh. vain Mrs. Bramson, who for the one 1 time in ht>r life f('f'lin~ ak1ndrM I v.•a.rmth tor any !'K'r!IOn, c hoose~ the wrong one on which to showf"r her aff£'ction. Thf' bal l o( comPdy is tossM lightly around by .Lhr other mem- bers Of the CRAl<' -Marg(' Staf- ford. Virginia Roycf'. Nancy An- drew~. Benny Turnf'r and Bob Wentz: handle the part of the un- mitigatt"d borf' with h is usual as- aura.nce of do~ng his part to per- fection. ··Night M.wit Fan·· ket>ps up the h igh s tandard ot production which the Players have maintained thru- out their m06l succeasrul seaaon. ThE" play ts being prPsented to the public at Orangf" Coast collrge ChaP""I on June 8th 8.nd 9th. "'Ith n1t>n1bt•rs bt>lng invitPd lo the p€'r- forn1ance on June 7tli: ,:;e-neral a d- llliss1011 h; $1.00 and sludenU' ad- mission ls 50c. T ick et.s art> on aale for Night 1'-lWll FaU nt Richard's Lido Mar- ket, Blut> Sails and Balboa Clean- er! at Balbo&., Earl Stanley'e of- fice on Balboa l 8la.nd, Hampton'• Drugs and Tomn1y'fl ln Corona del Ma.I\ and Chri8tenacn ·• Pharmacy and Grant'a furniture ln Coata Meaa. Ticket.a can alao be obtain- 1 1 ed at the door. cur~ ii at 8 :30. --Opportunlty b knocking In I CLASSIFIED ADS. GENE'S RESTAURANT -ud JIAJIEBY - French and lrillia11 c;ufsine \ • ' • • •• -• • ••••• t'O ao JI.ND WBJl.'I' 'l'O DO IN-·r•• •iJ' • # • • • • • --~ . I SATURDAY LAST DAY! Exclu..,. ~tor')· or Bt.n. Rapa GLENN FORD DENNIS O'Kll':t:FE "lTXI!'; HA voe . . "FOLLOW THE SUN" -Al'MI - "Lucky Nick Cain" Gfoorstf' Rafi. Sun. -Tuf"'A... Conlin. Sun. t :30 T I': (' II N I (' 0 f! 0 R 1.()Rr:ITJ\ VOl'NG JO~F.l'H COTTEN -in - "HALF ANGEL" -Pln.!I - VERA RAl.~TON JOllS ('ARROJ.J .. "Belle Le Grande" Sf•xt -.. GR.EAT CARlTSO .. Mesa._,, (\(, .. ~ )\'~ ~·~ 16' ~ATl !KOAY LA.ST DAY Oul .. t.audln« On.ma! "I Was a Communist for the F. B. I. t 'llr\l'iK J,0\'Y"'C)\' ......._ arul - "BULLFIGHTER AND THE LADY" Kf>ttEltT STA('K liill.Kt;RT KOl.A:\'I"> Sun. -TUNt., font In.. !-4un. i :SO t:U\\'. (<. KOBJNSC>:""l • "OPERATION X" -and - ll.\S J)flftVP:A (f,\l.E STOR.)1 'AL JENNINGS OF OKLAHOMA" • NOW l!HOIVINO FOR TM -· Talked of l'I°"'"' of tllift. )"tat' "I Was Commt1nist Spy for the 1:.8.1." -.U- "HOT It.PD" STARTS SUNDAY • • loao Crawford. Rabf'rt You.or Good Bye, My Fancy -Plu.- FATllER'S Wll,D GA.ME -=--=-=-::!II~ I QlllStlMd t < IU1' "'~!.~ .. ~.! I COM,lm DIMtl (llS f ro.., ll.~ te lJ ~ TROPll'AL llRISKS 0 1"• 111 "'-E-.:hnl"• r ... lilllAN SKYl:OOM fo~n·e 1•arkln1 t(•tbot t71 .... ,,,. ' 'lllSIT THE NEW HUT on (".na.. .. I 111"-a)'. 1..aguna jClo••d T11••d•f•l rhon., -4-9006 for Rf"""'r\•allon" SO\\' OPES CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX • •• Snac'k & COC'ktaU Bar nn th.-Plf"r l!tlhmu,t f'ATAl~INA ISLAND ., .. ·1 ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS . Also Stuks -Prime Ribs Cocktails 1611 Coast 81\'d. ' • • ' • " !t' j • ~ I • Harbor 1180 Corona del ~tar SUE STANLEY TV ANTENNAS L"STALLED and S!:R\'ICED TIDE TV 3011 Ne~·port Blvd. )lar. 208 BROADWAY -Now 60~ ... Incl Any Seal, Any Tlme TRt:RSDAY, MAY SI "Alon9 the Great Divide" ,,·Ith Kirk [)()u~lu. \·lrginla Mayo ...... "The Fat Man" \vlth lay Soott Smart FRIDAY. Jl1~ Joi "Samson & Delilah" n·ltb \·kt.or Mature TUESDAY, Jt'N'E 5th "Smu99ler's Island" ,,·lth 'f'ff Chandlror A loo "Fi9hting Coast Guard" ''·Ith Brian Don.lf'\"Y 3rd & Bush Kl. %-6.'Wn ContlnuoWI Dally From 1 :16 Mc tlll 5-40c E\'t'ninkll XE\\' F IRST nt·~-POLICY --all'O - "Sunset of the West" Koy Rog"~l'B Always Two First Run Hits! • -Continu~us Daily From I: 15 p. m_ - MATINEE to 5 p. m EVENINGS ALL CW LORES SEATS 35' tu In<. 9¢ Doora Opoa I Sbow Stam 1 :1r. I 8:16 WEDl\'UDAY, MAY llOt,ll ''VALENTINO" w1u. uu._o.o, Destu Aloo . ' "Follow the S." ALL SEATS I n~ ... Ddldtta ...... Uncler II SUNDAY, IUNE Int , Howard Ila.wk'• Pmductioa -• "THE THING" A.loo Ida La,i.o'a l'Ja••- "OUTRAGE0 CHILDREN':: FREE ~ru;:.:_aa • • • with FELIX and LEO ENTf_RT AINING NIGHTLY AT I- • • •. IN IALIOA Make reservations early for Opening • • ' FRIDAY, JUNE 1st Telephone Harbor 1314 Dining Room open 11 :30 AM. lo 8 P.M. do;ly . Clo,od Sundoy• ond holidoy! Phono: Kimberly 2-2196 Lois of FREE PARKING. DINE ro.NJGllT AT ,TUE , CAPE COD_ ·HOUSE - • RA.TUBING •. ' , ./ Night ' • • \ MEET YOU. AT "THE . INN" You wouldn't like BUT Chef Henry ~ones' Plano Music or Jack "Curly" RUBlleUe Cooking - You will like Jack's ~asy st{.l e at tfie Piano Bar and Chef Henry's FAMOUS FOOD • • Henry brings New OrleaDs Cuf!1!ne to Balboa with such favorite dishes aa SHRIMP GU!.Q30 CLAM CHOWDER-FISH CHOWDER SEA BASS POPILLOTE -LOBSTER THERMIDOR SHRIMP & LOBSTER Louie-SWORDFISH STEAKS CHARCOAL BROILED CAPONE'l"l'E and THE BEST DINNER/ STEAKS ON THE COAST B A L B 0 A ' I N ~N c .A F E I' ~ and CO<CKT AIL · LOU.NGE . ' Balboa Inn Ai;cade -Ocean Front-at the Pier Dinner served 5,p. m_ to 10_ p. m. Your -Hosts: Dick and Kate Dent • NOW OPEN ~ERV DAY! KIDDIE DAYS EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P. M. FREl!l BALWNS ' . ' CONCE.5SIONS •••. 5c RIDES ' • •.•. 6c BATH HOUSE FACILITU:S FOR MEN AND WOMEN TH~ BA~~O .. ROOM OPENS JUNE 1st • DINE, DANCE I and RELAX IN OUR NEW LANAI LOUNGE • • BASS HUTCHINSON'S HONEY BEES featuring ' HELEN PAIGE OPEN EVER~-SUS. Arri:RNOON -MATINEI:, DANCING CHARLEY'S SE~FOOD ' Superb Seafood . By The Sea! • Lunch or Dine ry . The Bay • Luncheons 1 :00 • s,afood Cocktatls- D!nners . . 1.25 1 p • j· Seaf~o~ _Salads FOOD 113s ~~· Hlr ' N1r'P° ' I • ~QUT .' " =-~xt.: ~Olt ~•,221 .. ' . ' I , 10. 4i ...... • • I I 1 I • • • e'M()N urns q/ll(., l.&T ,.. (;l'K \oti(J 1WO . A RIDE" llC»C". / 81/f'.U-. ~Y. IHIN.4 HllltllV. tl/HV Ml """ ?r". 7Hll Hll>J •;,o·, -. I . • ,, "P'T~ • LOVI' ICIDS, tur' Tllllll",,,.. .... ·-WHO ~T ••• ? • • ' • l By Marjorie DriacoD him -not t..-1 lried to ex· graphic, almple, dramatic warn-ind Stroble was U?Hted, Lona "nllo la !0< Yoo.• This I• the bookie~ whleh, message all over Southern call· Beach Chief of Poll<!> William P. O\'C'!" and over again, when 8 plaln ••• " , Ing. that ls going out to ~.000 Beach Clty Prosealtor Kenneth In 18 aketchn. it pictures what after lt.s first publication, fomia. Dovey; t~ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ber· child disappears-and perha . Children forget ·words. They Long Beach 1ehool c:hlldftn. E. Sutherland called a mtttln& boy9 And girls ahouJd not do brou1ht tnqulrles from &eores of Aldlng S utherland in prepara· ~ J: tfclan; Joseph M. Kcn- ps It ls the .second time that Lona of po1tce. juvenile authorities, when strangers accost therR. And cities-from New York, Chicago, Dick, director of lnc Long Beach aroth<'r Patricia Hull, ano~1 remember pictures. Beach ha3 warned her chllclnn Parenl-~achtt heads, church it ten, parenb what to do when Oakland, Washington a.nd others. lion of the booklet were Mrs. Juvenile Bureau; Douglas A. r.o~h<'llc Gluskoter case ls be· So today, the Exam Iner, and their parents. te&ders. school People and others. chllt¥en report such lncldents or Many cities Issued similar book· Charles F. Reed. Parent-Teach· Newcomb, Long Beach school [;inn1n~-a frantic parent ~ys: through the courtesy of the city After UttJe Unda Joyce Clu· Out ot U\t.t mfflin& came a wht!n they ob 1erve anythln& lets and d.Lslributed them. Today, er president; the Very Re-v . superin dent, and City Man· .. But I l'"af'ned her-I told of Long Beach, l3 reprinting the cort waa found murdered and little booklet called: suapic\oua. t.he Examiner ts carrying the Ms~. Patrick J. Dignan; Long ager S cl E. Vickers. ·- ~MR GET INTO A CAR WIT+I A STRIWG£R./ • DON T £VEN ~ 11 . NEAR . Tf-1£ CAR .. ALLOW A STRA~ 'TO 'PICK YOU U l1 -DOf'tr LIT ANY STRIWG£R TOUCH >OU. ® IJJ£V£R TAKE CANDY OR PR£SENTS ~ MONE.Y FROM STRANGERS •• fJ!JEVE.R t;a INTO A 'PRIVATE ' ROOM OR /.IOME. WITll ~ $TRANG£ P£RSCN. LIT ANYONf FUSS W/T~ >OUR CLarHING. ANY OF "'fHS1£ THtW;S HAPPEN 70 'IOU I Ta.!. IQ.IR~ YOUR 'TrAC+l£R Oil A 'PQL.ICEMAN ••• f.1 • , STORY IN Plt;TURES-Here i1 replica of » the booklet, ''Thia la for You,'' iuued by the city of ll Lonr Beach a1 a aaferuard for children, followinr ~ the 1layinr of little Joyce Glucoft. Graphically, it 0 si•ea a mua.ace for parenta aa well a1 Tawn11ten. Prepared under direction of Proaecutor Kenneth E. {( Sutherland in cooperation with church, civic and school ll leadera. hu been reprinted and circulated over nation. Island Church Gets 'Mirandy' to Speak Flag From Elks , Tuesday, June 5 Welcome Members at Costa Mesa At the morning worship ser· ,,.flrandy, Mrl'I. 1',rrd1•r1C'k S virt• last Sunday In Balboa Is-Baut>rsfield of Los Ang1·l1·s. 1n pr1· vatc lift', wcll known radio r-tnrl t('lt"vlsion comn1entalor on ~artl1•n­ in~. will bt' guest s1){".11k('r at !l public meelln!! or tht• rosta :'l.tc-.a- Bay Cities branch or lhP C'alLfnr· nia Fuchsia society S·eh1·t111 1t·d for Tuesday rvPning, Junr :'i In ('(~-.ttt. Mesa Legion hall. Al f.l ollistcr. land M<.'lho<list church, rcpresen- ~tJtive~ of thC' Elks lodge present- t'd thtt church with a new Amert· ran rla~. Dr. Harry \Vhite ac- C't>plcd tht' flag fro1n Robert Eaal- nan \Vhilc Ben Reddick gave a tribute lo the flag. . prepidt>nt. announced. Her !tubje('l • WeJcomf'd .that Mme tnorniDK will be ~tf r '"(o~r Shad# 1,to mPTT1bc'rtfhlp· we~ Xr. tncr--Gaiefen -q,r_. Mrs. Harry Meke('l, 116 Diamond Mtr~rty has R Wf'f'kly pro~rani avf'nut-. The c hurch treasurer re-of gardl'nlng advic' ovt·r racllo port('(( 15 nt the net'dt'd 20 pews Jtation KECA ~0-1111nutr l1'l•·- for the new sanctuary had been Vi.!lion program on gardf'ntn~ and p.tedged, 50 all werf' .orderE"d. , flower arrangCUlent and 1...i • 'Next Sunday the 81combo Boys hf'ard over three nctw11rki;; In th" club wlll attt>nd church in a body. mlddl(' west ~1nndsy through Frt· F:or h1!'! l'("rm on si.1bjcct, Or .. White day, via lr~nscript inn will tell about Pau..I and Timoth.y Gardening which \\·a~ one.. a in "An OJd Soldt.~r Hands Hl.!I hobby w lth i\1 1rancJy, •~now a pru· S:word to a Youth. f('ssion. That ~he ts consirlt•rrcl an IT ravel Pictures lfor Men 's Club 1 ~l··n1bf'rs nf the Ml'n'!I club or 1 Chrt~t Churt"h by thr SML, met In G0t~d1•ll hall TueMlay, May 22 for their monthly dinnt>r mC'etlng. David Hrbrort suffrrNI the lndlg- n•lt"!I nf an invrstlKallon of his pa~ af-t1 vitlf', In T exa.s and Ari- zona. Con1n1unlly l!llnging. unrter th" ll'Od1 .. rship of Ft't'd Woodworth and some of lhr ptU:1tor'11 plcturca or England. Holland and the Rhine river country complt-ted tht> eve- nlnJ:. Hal Lacy or Newport ll- land Is the group'11 president. FRIJM R . .\NCH TO ISLAND Thr G1·nrJ!r Mc Farlands havP f'X('h811gf'd ranching 1n Nappa for a. ttract1onl' n.f Balboa lsl&nd and 11rr no~· permanPnt re8identa In thP1 r nwn homr at 301 Coral ave- nu1·. The co11plc have lwo thil- liren. f~KO:'it '.\IASHA'ITAN BEACll N•JW 'IA'l"ll t>.Klablll!lhed In their New Members et Lutheran Church New mrmberH are formally re· Ct'lved into th~ N,ewport Harbor Luth('ran church on the tut Sun· day of e&cb month. RN:efVed after instruction in the church'!! tea.ch- in~~ and upon profes1non of faith this month Wt>rr Franklyn Hroza. Mrs.·Grace Pettijohn 'and Mr. a.nd Mri!t. Douglas Truk. Thf'se new authority Is l"Vldenced by tht• num- eroW!I re(iuesta for hf'r advicC'. 6nlh 1 n"w hon1f' at 516 Cata.ltna Drive, from amateur and prnfessio:-lal I Nl'.,.,·port Hel~h~ are Mr. and Mrs. gardeners. Sl'lc I~ muc h 1n d<'menrl F.d Wall and two ch1 ldrt>n, Who as 8 judge of f!OYo'cr ghows 1n ovNl ht·rt> C r o Hl Manlattan throughout the stat1~ and has Beach. · mt>ltllx-r• were \o1relcomcd s.s com- municant n1('"mbers of the conRre- gation by Pastor HPrbert C. Roth at the 11 a m. .,,..·orshlp service. Thf'y wiU join tht-conjrre~at1on in Holy Communion on Sunda5', June third. Bapt.iz.ed at the 11 a m. ~rv1ce ! last Sunday Wa."I John Oalf' Milner, infant son ot l\fr Rnf1 Mrs. Charles Henry Milner. ~1rs. Mil ner ts the former Mary Le-c Lauri<-, Costa Mesa. SponRors for tht• c hild were Mies Lo Mac Laurie and Pre. Stan· ley McKinney. judged In two national comp<:t1· tlontJ In flOWl'r arrangernents one staged by the National lri, Society. the other by tht" Nation· al Came)tla Soclety. ShC' Is pa..'l'.t chairman of flowrr sho,vs a.nd nower show judging· for the Call· rornia Garden Clubs, Inc. Mail Carrier Job Open at Newport PO APplicatJo°" art• no"· IM·lnir M't"t'pk-d al thf" SP\\·port Rf>arh Pmit Otnee for thf' PQ .. ltlnn of wb8Utute l'lt ,· lf'I l<'r carri1· r, P08bna8k'r \\.llllam . .\dairut ha~ announN'd. It 18 f'f'qUMttf'll.l that JM"rson.:al ap~irat.ion bf. madr lmrrM"dlately In orck'r I hat ar- ranrment for &fl lnt~n·lt'\\f ('IUI ~ made. ' f>-K(l:\I SAN Ll'IS OBISPO Mr, and Mrs. Oa.vld Cadwallader or San Luill Obispo were week t>nd gU€'•l,5 or Mr•. Cadwallader'• pa.r· rnt.s Mr. and Mrs. John Bllllngs 1_,f Fullerton Ave .. Coele Mema. Hl':RI!: FROM HEMET Expt"Cling to make Corona \far th<:"1r perm&nent home t-apt. and Mrs. ft.f . RobiTl80n,' l\tar1gold, former re•lde't'll• H1'mel. Tht>y have on~ c,hlld . OS GOLDESROD del .... &20 of On.· of Corona dt>I Mar'a recent br1rlPs 1s 'Mr11. F . W . Pow;r or 419 Gold('nrod avenue. Mr. Power ls a Santa Ana newspaper-m~. IJ;\ t rGHTER FOR MESANS Born on May ·17 to Mr. and Mra. William Weaver Graduating "From Naval Academy Midshipman. flrtt ela.u. W•Utam Alexander Weaver, USNA. aon of Mia. Marlon H. Warrum of 512 'I'Uatln Ave., Newport Beach. bi a mVnber of thJe year'& graduating cla.u al lbf' U. S. Naval Academy. Annapollt, Md. Tht> clue wUI be presented I~ dlp!omu at appropriate · cere· monleii June 3. 1951. Mldah1pman Wnver ha. chown to receive a Se<;ond Ueuten&nt'1 commiaalon In th" U. S. Air Force. During hl:s four years a\ lhr Acadt>my. he att.aJn'11 hi8 highest 1eholutlc rta.nding u Mldahlp- man Lieutenant (junior grade). He also won athletic awa.rda In track and football. St. James Church Summer Schedule I S(. James Church announces that effective thh1 coming Sunday, June 3rd, the &ummer Service 'Schedule will be followed. There will be llA'O 8t'rvice-e ; the first at 8:30 a . m ... loly Communion: and 1 at 10:00 a. m. Morning Pra\'er 1 and Sermon, also at 10 :00 a ." m. lhe Church School will meet In the Parish Houae with lhe Beg1n- ners anrl Primary Dcparlmenls. Members of the Junk>r Church -:Ith grade up-will wotahlp with lkelr parents In the church an t hen be dlsmls&cd during the 8er- mon hymn to adjoin to the Par- iah hOllM' where one 0( lhe cathedral films wtll be shown them each Sunday. Church 8Chool pupils are reminded that the church achoo! has not closed only the hour of cl8&8e8 ha.a been changed. Summer Vl8ltor& and newcom- ers are cordially lnvltcd to attend e1ervlcea.. The purpose of moving the Rervice to 10 o'clock and com· blnlng It With Church School Is to make lt possible for the whole famlly to attend church together Md be out early ln order to en- joy the many acti.v1lies In t.h,iS rc80rt area.. St. James Ve stry to Let .Contract I . Presby. Pastor to Preach Farewell Sermon· "A LettC'r to a New Church" i:;i Sf'rmon i;ubjcct or the Rev. Thomas Ai . Gibson, preaching his farewell st'rmon Sunde.y al St. An- tlrrWs Presbyterian church. Chap- lain in thP Naval Re8erve. 'the pas- tor has been called to active 8er- vice in the Far·1Ea8t. His text ls from Epht>sians 6:10, "Finally. by brealheren, be strong In the Lord , and in the power ot HJs ml&"ht.': Tht> lk'rvice will be' at 9 :30 a.m. with Sunday school at the same time, this b"lng the summer schedule ~ voted at la8l week'8 rongregallonal meeting. The choir, which W<'nl on vacation last Sun- day, is r('turning for the 8ervice and thP anthem 1A•IJI be "Come. Christians, Join and Sing." Lutheran Children to Take Part in Choral Festival -The Children's Choirs of lhl' Newport Harbor Lutheran church hav~ been Invited to slng at the Children'8 Choral Festival to bf' held at Fir8l Lutheran Church ln Comptori at 2 :30 p. m. Sunday, June 3rd. Broker Sues to Get Commissions LouUI W. Briggs, BAiboa realtor. h&ll filed suit in 5uperior court t o cot1f'cl amounts he claims arc owed him as real e!ltate commis- 1iorui under an a~et>ml'nt With another Harbor rral e5lale brokt>r, Evert'll Atorris. The pair former- ly shared the same office at 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. BrigJt"S clai~s the agl'eemcnt <italed Morris would operate from his office and he would receive!' 40 per cent of Morris' commissions. On four sales amounting to $193,500 Brig~s has c-Ja1.med cofn- miS'5ions totalin~ $8300 have ~n eo'lc>eled by Morris bul Br'j::'.~11 says he hasn't recei ved tllc $2820 allegt>d to be duf' him. On tlnother $27 ,500 transaction he said e.scrow ln11tructions with Orange County Title Co. provid<> that all the $1375 coh1n1iKSio~ should go to Mort'is, and he a.skcr1 the court to order payment of $550 as his Mare. On .still another transaction. Briggs said he had handled the affair and collected "1000 comml~· sion on which he orrere(t to tu.rn t (l ~torris half or $750 as he said had been agreed. Miss Carol Pierso n Named Secretary of Whittier GAA BAiT TANK F1:-;h1nr~ i.-. s upposed to be a 8port but tl1 .. \\'l1y '"ks or!' carrying on it n•u ~! ht u v.•ar to cntc.h a.JI the fi~h a:11t t :_lJ] it quits. Sure, t he fi"''' Hrt· "'ho\V 1ng late. but there :Jre sqnlt• 1•urly fi~h that don't call on u:-; any 1111""1rt'. Bonita are gone "nt11·1·ly. C"h:•lk that on against a loui-.y f1:.._., :ind :;:01nc setup. Ma.ck- l':-•~I nie;• lin\'1.• auolher year of '..;"r.ll't '. l3ar1 Ul'Uda aN' getting llo o;1·a r1.·c•. lh.-1 l a. long nin is practl· cally 11npo,.,..,1bh·. Tuesday the llve bait bout::; that \Vl'rC' fi..'!.hing Dana " 1~01111 :1n •J. b1nught 1n a fair catch. lockp"l f1. 11 un un~ boat weighed n a l ·! 1.: p<1unds. Sound3 like the T~ak" r.ra\\'!•·:-' r1;\\o'boat fleet. The ri1·1~ 11Pt bo)'S ar{' gPtling paid Ve ry l ~ttl,· f1Jr their lortg night J<h1rli<. l-'rit·1 on Carracuda is high .·•nou;:.::h, bt:l U1c catches are too fa.r apurl. D~it has settl('d down anrl lit" hllJl bnys arC' happy again. Th:lt i,1n L·1l J •. A has isn't smog. Ju:-.t the tlllor c&.U!'>C'd by lhe pier Miss Carol Pierson, daughter of 1 j,.;Jii!1~-· 1'hnl 1~ all that is left of Mrs. L. F. Pierson, 204 Lido Norri a gr<1n!I n!.J P"-·"' 1n1(>. ha.s been e-lected 5eeretary ot thr "'''-'1 "l~bt· Ruth" Girls Atbletic AA.sociation, on<' of \\'1lh1· 1::1.a!1. lhl' Corona de) Mar The Vestry ot St. James Church Will hold Its regular monthly meeltnc on Tueaday, June Sth At 8 p. m. In the Parish HoU8C. The contract for lhe coMtruction of the new additional unit will be let at lhla mcetlng. the many club!(, at Whittier Col· &I.Ix• JluU! uf 00.y fishing contin-nia. Jege, it was announroed at the P oc•t U1'S t n h1·1r.f,' 111 some beautitlll The Cherub Choir will sing "Father in Heaven." Th& Junior Church Choir w1U slng "Holy Re- deemer" and "Lead Me, Lord." The Childrerfs Choral Festival Is sponsored annually by the Luther- an Churches of Southern Callfor· The children's choin rehf!&rse _.. -.chool today. ~potf1n. \\'h11,. most people ai.e every Saturday. This week, how-01\'0RCF. Af'TIO. A graduate of Harbor H igh d1 aw111K p1 :u·l1cally a blank Willie t'Ver, a special rrhearsal will be Custody o( a 20-yea.r-0 son 'tChOOI in 1950, Mi-58 Pierson, wai. h1Lc:; nt·n1· hr.lits. Swears all he held on FTiday afternoon at 3 p. ••d a 18. year. old dau.,.hte and active In 8porUI and a mcm~r or l•::;es a~c the old n:'liable razor .... , 11 m . for the Chel"llb Choir a.nd at 4 funds for support we ..,,uest-the Spanish Club while in school i:lan1s. ]•1Jrt Orang-r rPports a.re -" p . m . for the Junior Choir tnatead ed. tn aun.rlor ro11r by Mrs. • 1 1 th there. <il,:,u vpr:, ;;.:O(~J on their float in the r -ot 1Saturday. The d rector o e Vlr~tnta s . Willouvhby u she fll-I Ge Since C'oming lo Whittier col-bay. Uay f1s?H•n11cn as a rule don't e 11 ch ldren's choirs Is Mre. ne ed action for divorce from Shtney lege. she ha.s been a mcmbt-r of the r.1•ed a ~~u·l;.f11l to e-d.IJ it good fiah-Rolh; organ accompanist 18 Mrs. L. Wlllou•hby. She ch a. r.,. e d 1 Y ·Coed and Physical Education in:;. B<\r<J101·c Tac klr store report· " 11 Fra..nces Schu tz. · / • • TIDE TABLE Clara.nee Turner. 2157 Tustin ave- nue. In Santa Ana Community hospital, wu a dauJ°hte r. welghlnf" 6 pounds, 7 ounces. A form~r 1tudent at Hollywood High 8chool, Hollywood, whert> he won letters in track and baaket- ball and U. C. L.. A ., Mld.llhlpman Weaver received a congreulonal nomination to the Acad"my, and wu admitted to the Wtltutlon June 12., 1947. cruelty and uid they were mar· '71ub. Frrsbman DO\'.'. she Is ll rd sputf1n hitting very good from ried at Hot Springe, Wyo., Aug. >hyslcal education major. lhc bt llt:h nt Shark Island. Gall 6. 1930. oeparated t&lll Mey I and Eighth Bir+hd'ay the"" "J>u(s for latest .dope on di· . 5'riday • June I Saturda.v June 2 Sunday · June 3 Monda)· June 4 Tue8day June 5 W~e-sda.)· June 6 Thunday Junl!I 7 • J FIRST. HlOlt 8 :42 a. m. 7:M p. n1. 9:29 &. 1n. 8 :22 p. n1 . 10·13 a. m. s!w p. nl. 10:63 a. m. 9 ·19 p. 111. ll :Ji a. ni. 9 ::>1 p. m. l~: 17 p. ni . 10:2o& p.m. I (le a.m. 10,07 p.1n. @ FULL QTl.ulTF.R MOON Junl!I 13 J'une 19 I U-DRIYE CRUISERS 3.5 5.8 3.5 0.9 3.4 5.9 3.3 5.9 3~3 5.8 3.2 5.6 :1.2 ••• (t LAST llUAA'l'loll June 21 • ,.., 0 illWI. • uvg &UT 1..._w 1 -·~· • otl'DIO.aos • • ..... ma.r; ·-- IAl\f 2 :32 a n1. 1 '38 p rn. 3 :09 u. m. 2:04 p. n1. 3 , .. a.m. 2 ;32 p. in. 4.19 a. n1. . 3:0 1 p. n1. 4.:>4 a~ m. 3:31 p. m. :>:30 a. m. 4:01 p. n1. 6 .07 a. m. 4 ~34 p. m. e NEW MOON • June ' 0.2 1.7 -<l.5 2.0 -0 .7 2 .2 -0.8 2.3 -0.7 . 2.5 -().6 2.6 -<J.4 2.7 • • · E L L I S ~'(; ~ T R I N T A L S ~<*et~ N-..rt-.._...._,QI& .u aotl'ill 1:1\"D or...-~ · • • • FROM NORnl HOLLYWOOD ft.ltt!. Af M. Newerf, formerly of North Holl}"W'ood. la new ~aldeont at 311 Cor&l avenue, Balboa Ia- land. He waa preeldenl of the clua of '49 &nd vice--pre•kient ot the Clue of 'M>. • -People do read the want ad&. that community property lncludea M W B df d rt•t·tionS.. I ' 000 . lnsp·1res Party rs. • ra or Jake M<·•·ers, the hard-woriili,•' approximate y l ln a aavtngs ,, o account, her husband'• watch-1s Hortess to i.,.Un1t· }Varden, teported checking rep&irlng equipment, an a.uto and for Corky watts ., in somu larf.:tJ lfPOUi.n on the [)o. hoUM.bold tunllthlnp Ln CO•ta H b F • d ht'nl'V Strand. Bc8t catches of the )(ea_ A group of little Crienda: from ar Or rten 5 ~1 ·a~11 . Surfit· Jlt-ople also alibied ------------the second gTade helped Corky 1 .tbuut uut having ·a licence tn WS.t.l.6. daughter of Mr'. and Mr-8. Mrs. Warren Bradford of Bal-r1 ~:111n::; ln u1 .. ocr.a.n. Well tietl they Quentin Watt.B, 203 -34lh alreeL lOa and Pla«ntia entertained a ·~11t vii<,; nu\\' -nf"Xl time maybe crlebrate her elghUt birthday on Toup of Harbor area frlt'nd.Y at u lllll·· t:tL•t't-t xpcnsivr: . Friday, May 18. ' \luncheon and fashion ahow Tues· IL A. Kennedy. or Santa .Cnla. T&tfy Smith.won a prlu as beet 1ay at the Yorb& Room. Bu!:(ums, v.•cnt tc.:h1nt; (10111 the Ban ~ .. statue" and Corky•a aide won ln lanta Ana. Later aftemoon hours n1C'nlt· P.it:-Tu ... &!uy. Hit the Jack·· the bean rclay game when the were spent at )ff!!. Bradford's pot u1uJ f,o!l Donny came in &ee• group gathered ln the patlo ot the home in Placentia. where Mre. ond. "'!fiat walklJ'lg' off muttering Robert Glau home. juat down the Rose Ruaell, mother of the ho81.·j ti.bout ffn1t.'On r: shou'd t.each thne 'lli-cet. COrky opened her preeenta:, ~ asa'sted ln entert.Jning. I fJOUtheffi~crs atome-tlrlng aboOt ft.lb..'. and thf're wu a birthday table Sharing -the de'lghltUt hos~ital-Ing .. ff \V aboilt starting s ~ gay with tall balloona rlltng trom tty were Mme~-Frank Mo11&, Bruce dow1J cr1• Johnny Norek.? Dalt a 'centerpiece ot Oowen1. At each M'GPJide. A. Aleu.oder Ha.mflLon,, c«cellC!nl. Hatge doing belltt all place WU a colorful !&•OT to .,: Harold Ahrendt, and T . Hord See· the Urne. Seema •trange tO b&~ a exctA!med ovv while the cake waa \ey. nOrthcMi. g&50li.He man ·t.elllnc being cut and lbe tee cream u.boul ~ng being-oo JrOOd. can Rl:"ed. sn.a:s Sl:PABATION ~ . 1 tbe 11ttfc blond lady for your rt.9• l5htuing bapplnetm of tl>e &lier· AcculllAg Robert E: RusseO, ""'1 crvat~. noon with Cortcy ..,.,.. Ann 8eotl. buaband nf lea lhall a year, o · ,. ------ Cooi•le ColllOCI, Cllar'-Ne-. cruelty Mn. J&not" K. Ruwll 0 ~rlWUty II laloelllftl ID rallY Ada...., Lap! Cr.wford. Coot& H-'00. "'°'krJ>ell " 'pt..AJl&FIEO AD8 ,· J Nuq Nlclterto, Du1o<1 Ellla,. IUperior ~ f'!'" a lePJ ~raj . , ~~ ~1=::: .::: r: .. ~ ~=-~I ;!'!AROLD I. JOHNSON Martba AiMlreWa-.June 1.4 ~ MQ' 211 ~ ~ Pl•• 11 c • I ' a ~ tiat-.conunUIUQr pcaperty Cit llf10 •• n f : 1'nL """'" ~ ,_,.,.. ot -~--,.qui . -..... - •n•r--•· r.-•-• ...,,15,'fr.t~W ... , .. C'IJj ............... I' W 11 .. tlll· ... t. •••"ol'm._ .... 1111 17 I ,. Loft ...... - - -..... -. .-....... OMd 7 1' .... .._ Otw-Pa~.-..... 117~ ..... ~ • ' .. .. a -"-eat llf ~ ........ . 8'll !" w.,, ••t=t S -, .. _ t-. . -PeoP!e clo -""' 1'P(i •ds. ~ ~ J • ~ • 4J _.-_. 8 tr • · 1 • ._, ...,, llC'& k dP*t C 9 OI' t 'htf7" A.tMm,, 1'-S -""*~ ·---·-...... l (PnM-). ' I ' , , • . ~ , • • • \ • ' .. • • ' 'nle body of Thomas Storrow Colyer. 33, member of a proml• nent 90cla.l tamlly of San M&rlno and BaJboa. wu di8covered Mon· day in the prap ot tlle fa.mtty mallalon In Ban Marino by 1'LI mother, Mn. Harry A. Colyer, 2128 E. OCean Fro•t. Balboa. Police rt:JX>rted that he com- mitted suicide by monoxide gu poi.9on.lng. Mrs. Colyer di8COvered the body when she returned to the estate tiom the family's llUJ?l- ser home. Her eon auertedly had boM"Owed a car from her Friday. RelaUveS blamed UJ hea.lth as the motive tor his committing suicide.. He had come home tQ San Marino after a !Ive.year ab- l!lellce. • Colyer wu divorced trom the former .Jean Ranaohotf. daughter of Mr. and ·Mre . .James B. RanJK>- hotf of San Francisco. They were parents of a eon, now eight, His former wife hu since rem&rrled. Colyer, a former sales pr:omo- tion ma.nagel" for a nationwtde sort drink company, is alao sur:- vived by a sJster, Mrs. Charles Alexander' Rock ill. or San . Ma- rino. Gets 5 Days on Drunk Charge John ff. J ones, ~. of 190 E . Magnolia Ave.. Coata Mesa wa.a sentenced to five days ln the city jail Tuesda)' &fter he pleaded guilty to an intoxication charce •. J ones had been arrested last Monday i.n a cabin of the Cout- line Motel In the 6600 b!ock of Coast Highway. In the room with Jones had been the body of Dr. c. L. Andrews, prominent Costa Mesa dentist of 148 E. 18th St. Dr. Andrews had been dead for several hou rs. At the time ot Jonf!s' arrest, N ewport police said that he had been in a dazed condition and In- coherent. Fort'y sleeping pills had been found on Jones' person. An additional charre ot illegal pos- session of barbiturates agai.nst J ones had been dismissed. The coroner·s office is present- ly conducting an autopsy to de- termine the cause of Dr. Andrews' death. Methodist Women Attend Dist. USCS Annual traJning school for San Diego di.st rict officers, WSCS. was held May 21 'at First Methodist church, Oran'ge, theme being Spokes in the Wheel. Mrs. W. Guy Fraizier o f San Diego, president and members of the executlv,. board reviewed work of the ·year and outlined plans for the new one at the morning session. Arter luncheon came the work- shop period with cluses in charge of district and conference officers. Mrs. Frank Butte rworth of Ana- heim was speaker at the afternoon SeS!lion, her subject, th{' Chall enge of the Pr&S ent Crisis. Mr!. J ohn K . Elliott of Ba.Jboa. district vice-president. was un· able to attend but othera attend- ing from Christ Church by the Sea were: Mmes. Mina l ve.s, Em- ma Weathe rford, Ray Baker . J ohn Pflschner, May De!ozier, Ar- qiur Miller, John U'Ren, a.nd Ml88 Elsie Newland ; f~ ,Balboa ls~ land . eroop, >fr$ v .lMm11! ~k. Mrs. -P.ercy F . Baine11. Mrs .. ,.ed Hauser a.nd Mrs. Steve Smith. • Out of One Bed Into Another • Confined to his bed with a sieg e of pneumonia is Robert B. Lynn of 214 bis Ave., Corona del Mar. Lynn was just recovering trom a recent heart attack and wu releued ti-om the hospital when found to have pneumonia. Leav- ing one bed for another, he ha~ been under constant care of the doctor . Mr. and Mrs. Lynn operate a ruJ estate otfice at 411 Coast , Blvd.. Corona del Mar and alsc own the Farm House Motel on the highway in the Crown com- munity. Appoint Three on Architectural Comm. A city architecturaJ committ ee, aa provided for in the new ZOnlnf ordinance .. waa appointed at the last planning commi3.!ion meeting The commltt~'include• City Engi- neer Bert Webb and City Plan ... ners Phil EUerbroek &nd Dick Pleger. lt wtll be the job ot the trio to keep buildlnp Within the cban.c- ter or the neighborhood ao they won•t be d&trlm:ental to the har- mon.loWI d~velopment ol Lhe city or lnJ_u.nt property vaJu9. BECOMES A GOOD HABIT ~ or the habtta: ot motor car """"" are bad and, Ukewlae • many ot them are good, decluel the N•Uonal Autom~e Club. OM ot the -la that of loolllng occulonall7 at the oil puge. One ot tae moat de11nlte -ot a ' .. • llO•n. lllJftUm .. " ...... .... . . - DIEATH NOTICES Mn. Lou G. h- Mrw. Lou 0 . )>eunen, l50% • satll St., Newport ~ '1ecl .Sunday 1n Oranre OouulY 11o1p1ta1. She ta tRl1"'¥1ved by three nlecea and one nephew. Funeral eervlc• will be held S&t\lld&y at 11 L m. In Grauel Chapel. Colt& KUL Rev. Charlet Hand wUI bfflciate. Interment wUI be In lnglewood cemetery. Inclewood. Dr.~L.-- Dr. Cbarlea L. Andrew.. ~9. ·of 146 E. 18th St., Costa M-, died Monday· at the COUt motet. 6600 State Hwy., Newport Beach. ~ of death waa not lmmedlate.ly known. He had lived In Coata Mea. foT' 10 yeara. Survivora include h1I wife, Mabel of Costa Mesa, three ions, Dr. Robert G., Coata. Mesa; Jack W., Coata MeA: Charte1 W., Pomona; • brother, Geor•e. Dea Molnea.. and one grandchild. ·~LASSJFf E.B The Mlqbty Midtaet In Ad-..ertiainq ' . ' . t_..._ 0111Da ~ 1ara, ~ CIDIO'iollra• Bdoa a:&.um.a TWO RIDING HOMU 11114 ud· • ----..... c11 .. tw Mia .... lnde. Pbone ......,_, ..... -··· • llubor 120-K. 2tlc28 NIJ-...d. . Al's Hollie & Rug Cleanin2 Co. •• DCllt 'llu ftUc • ' For Venetian Blinds, BUY YOUR Shades and Drapery ~~.J. THE SHADE SHOP Free estlmatee Ph. Har 884 514. 29th St. Newport Beach REPAIRING and PAINTING Reuonable. l..a!°r-or aman j<>l». Home Freezer NOW HERE la the oeuon ol barplna In berriet, trult, flah, etc -Bf lhrt!ty -enjoy the convenience of your ·awn home t'reeUr! FOUR llllec. Motors, WIOd. 14 H. P . $6 EACH. Euy WblrJdrY portable wuhlng .. • • ~cyale'r EDgbieti ... Ueed Crowns -Royals See Jobn Hai'vey at Seacraft \ . 015 COAST mQBWA'l' , NEWPORT BEACH PB. B&ACON.. om Hite SEA BOOKS ~ nn. ltecill or 11oo11a ... au "°"" tnr ll!lb.leN--1'1111 all ~ boob. IADdlq 11btU7. • The Isla'rtdere 114 Manne. ll&ltioa lo. Bar 1.1141 14 ft. SAILBOAT W\tll t?al1er $76. 382 E. 18th St .. CoCa Meea, Ph. Beacon 6044-R after ~:30. 2ac2'! Boat owners and mechanics FOR YOUR Private tunera) aervlces weN: held ln Grauel chapel, Coat.a Mesa. • today at 10 a.. m. Rev. Char1es Hand officiated. Fr9e uUmatu. Walker. 108 18th !t., NWpt. Buch. Ha•. 21511..R HAULING mae.h.ine ................................ $J\f .OO -. 12'it" EMERSON Con!<>lt' TV. Excellent eondtllon ...... _.$169.60 SNAP-ON TOOLS Call 10BN KIMBLE 1714 Mll'am•r, Balboa Ha.rbOr 108T·R Donna V. Robbins FUneral aervtces were held Mon- day at 2 p. m. In Gr,uel chapel for Donna V. Robbins, day-old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Robbins, 218 Ogle at.reel, Coa:ta Meaa. •She wu bom tn Park hos- pital, Long Beach. The Rev. P . G. Neumann officiated at the rites. Interment was in Westmlruiter MemortaJ park. Any kind, truh or 1 W .<I.KER, 101·18th St., Newport. H. 2M1·R 7" IDEAL EXTRA BET televUlkm with magnltylng lena, complete with n~ pic- ture tube. Attractive mlfhog. Q2e9SH . .. 26 fL Twin engine C&bin Cruiser, 6 Divisiom ( Contlnaed from Pa•• 1) The Lockheed !Wt(tlro W\11 serve as main color (U&l'd. carry· ing the tla,-of the Callfornla. Aa- soctatlon ot· Horsemen wtlh whit'h they have been honored durtns tht tut year. The famoUB Aztec Color Guard ot San Diego made u; ot five matched. pintos will be at the head ot Division It. Among the groups which wtll f!APER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1515 Santa .Ana Ave., Coit& Mela Phone Bea.con 0604: .9AINTING EARL SHEFLIN tNTlllUOR -EXTlllRIOB PAINTING l.ICKNlllCD -INSURJll> Glenn Johnst6n 501 ·II.It SI. Newport Beedl Hubor ,22117..J Uc48 give color to the dlvie:ions an the ll-BVJLDINO SERVICES Redondo Beach Mounted Posse, the Redondo Rough Ridera with their chuck wagon, the El Monte Mounted Police of Baldwin Park, the Playa del Rey Riders, the Santa Fe trail Enders and two SheUand pony groUPtJ ot children. Mai-I.nee to Lead Leading the parade wUl be the El Toro Marine Corps Band. Other DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Re$idential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6406-W 17tfc bands in tho une of ma.ch will be Sympson & N ollar the Long Beach Youth Band with wood cabinet ....................... ~9.SHS Keep ln touch With Ut1 for good b\lys In TV &ets bclng traded In- Servel ru refrigerator, very c1ea.n condltlOl'I ........................... ,134 .9~ EASY TERMS ARRAN9ED DAVIS-BROWN Co. 188& HARBOR BLVD. COST A MEllA. Pho,ne Beacon 6821 fully flltllpped, radiophone, bait tank, etc. WWJ •ell for 1eu than 11' replacement coat. See at 1412 M&rClY. Newport or for .intor; matlon after Sun., June 3rd, call collect OXford 452-259. 2tp27 26 tt. COMMERCIAL fishing boat. Hea.y cabin crui.eer. New mo· tor and palnt. Includes gear an~ equipment. Ph. Beacon · 8384-W. 25c27 BRAND NEW 20-tt. Pixie sloop, aleeps 2. 8·ft. beam, deep keel Renralble Wiscanaln motor. Nearly ready to launch, •1100. Ph. Lona Beach 8-2701. • :le<28 FALCON SETS OF SAIL8. A dolly. Phone H&rbOr 14.61~W 27p29 REFRIGERATOR -Philco '51 2 model deluxe, haa adjustable shelves. All chrome racks and trim. P'Ull width vegetable cfia.. pel""--Cro!l8 top freezer cheat. Big meat keeper and extras. JU the one where the door goe11 PHONE Harbor 1919 "° place your want ad on this pace. clear to the floor. Used It two U-HU!IOAL. &ADIO month.a. You can take payments 1-------------- of $11 .29 per mo., balance on your contract wlll be $166. Eq- uity ls $02. See me 9 a.m. to 8 p.m . a t 404 So. Spadra, Full· erton or phone Fullerton 2152. 24c28 Rattan Furniture SPINET pl&Jlo. R~ued. Pay out ~lance $287, Another re- poueulon, $ 8 Q 6. D A N Z· SCMIDT Big Piano at.ore. One hundred planoe from which to cbooae. 520 No. MaJ.q, comer 9th. Santa Ana. iiv•r.r. onics;roa IUINT Rto_.'!11 lltl9 Newport Bltd.,;·Hewport Bell .fl>GDe Har. -.. ~' 2:170 • • 11tf• • g....;WAJ,oft• TO UHT • _.Please S BZDBOOK. 2 bath film~~ home an Bai 8bo..., Bea.con B&7 . .,. Lido Ia1e. LtoM on y~ybaalaorllproporhome Will -with option to INT· ean aeac1>n 8480..J aftel'' s:!IO P. M. litctl -'llU~DUu 2"!:!--·· CLlllANINO AND PRE88ING - Well e.stablf&hed, ln choice lo-- . caUon. El<cellent equipment. A real money maker for experi- enced presaer. $&000. • I Harbor Investment COMPANY 30th and Newport Blvd. Barbor 1900 LIDO ISLE tt you want a rentaJ on lovely LIDO ISl.E eoe ua. Several fOod home. available. A.lao apart- ments by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 vi& Lido Bubol' HIOO 1euc ruR.NISHJCD large 3 room cot-- tage traller, riloning hot water, private bath and laundry, aepa- l'&te ya.rd, 200 Jl:. 16th St., Costa Me.n.. adults. $37.50 yearly rent- al. 25p27 Summer Rentals Lldo Isle -4 bdrm, 2\!o bath, lg. lot. play y&rd. Special rate for season or by month. Chln'a Cove -Beautiful vtew home. 3 bdnn and maid's room. Overlook.a jetty, a few atepe to ~a.ch. COM Baytront -2 bdrm, prlve.t~ bee.ch. New, compact. 'Easy to care tor. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2~2 17ttc RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd .. Bltlboa · Harbor 1607 • -WE HAVE ·1 .. ~· . · . l'lv.mce&.~ ..,.,bl Vista.~~ UoD Dfllt;ril:t.-~~-&~ , ~~ tNea '(aloiiJ._ ldeaf'for ~/ ~ ,, ftllt lnoQme ~le- . -~~ 2~ . home. Priced at ·vt . · I ~ _, ~~ bea I llome1 ~ about one- half above vafue. , 1 ' 1!4vetett Mi~~ A,ssoc,, " '. t08 E . . ~Blvd. Balbojl • I . ,. Harbor 3265 USED CAR SAL 'ft FORD st&uoa-wa40n : _J: Immaculate; only ...•.... $1195 'f9 F:(>RD 8 Cu.t. Tudor; ~ ~ H ; see th1.a one; eapecla.lb' priced to eell this wee~: only ........... , ...... \........ $121& 'f7 MERCURY Sedu;·H; J>e!'- feCt tn every way; W S 1\' tires and lnunaciJlate: t only .................. : ........... uoa5 '49 FORDB-6 ot them priced to .. u today_. • I ·ao FORPB -•. of ulem; h•rt i• a chance to set a nearly new car at a bt1 savinl '48 CHEV. Sedan; RA H; • ~~~~~~.~ .. ~~--~~.: •tt ·41 ~~:D ~~':'Ii ~~ f '<1 HUDSON Com. Sed&D - immaculate, only .... -.. f.898 ·ao FORD 8 C\latOm Tudor - perfect ln eVery way, R ,a... H it. automatle overdri:Je. See thi• car. drive it and you'll buy it .............. $18f'6 'fO INTERNATIONAL Truck; Only .............................. $2911 EXTRA .AU.OWANCES allow- ed lf your tra.de-ln ls a clean '41, 't2, '46, or ••1 model. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM NO REASONABLE OFFER RE· FUSED ON ANY CAR ON ' OUR LOT. Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer 534 COAftr lilWAY 11.....aaAL ESTATE EXCHANGE EXCHANGE S23,000 equity -Loa Feliz Blvd., Lolt Angeles. Six bdrm house, b~ Jot. W A1jT 3 bdrm or submit. don tractors . #.tention ! -7 BLDG. /!,Pt.a. PLUS new 2 bdrm home in Pomona./ WANT HOME on Island or Cot· ' ona Ciel Mar. J'w P"u.rther "Details-SEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1513.,,0out Blvd.. Corona del Mar ll:arbor 2766 ' CBAJUUNQ. income Kn.d home completely. turniahed. Ideal for person &Jone or seve ral families. S ·Mid 2 bedroom duplex and 5 tua. ~om.e. Always rented. One ~ t bUc to bay It ocean.. $16,000 cub plus vacant or im· ~ p~y. Balance lcian. "• ' , Rm. 21. IJ.ltlll BrlghtOn W Beverly Hills.~ CReatvlew 4_.Ul. (Courtesy to brokers). 1 i9ttc mxchange Wanted unJ~ nearly new, well ed, good rents.ls, close to hll prlee $15.000. Want ar+aµ houe in pa.rt p,..ym.ent balance euy. .Alao baV'e cub buyer for low price cotta.(e, 1 W. Newport. N.B.C. Realty Co., 3116 Newport Blvd. 26<:28 $7-ltl:AL ESTATE WANTED HA VE PARTY with Cash wanting to tA,y a 1 or 2 bdrm. hOUSe ln ~{.:Mesa. About $4,000. Phone Beacon 5225 B. Ji. Nereson ' . 1982 NeWJ>Oft Blvd., Costa: Mesa. two Carmenettes drill teams, the PAINTING & DECORATING Mont erey Park Girls Drum and , 'The Best Money Can Buy" Bugle Corps and Drill Team, a 012 • 38th St .. Newport Beach Made ln the Philllpinea and tn our own work ahopa. W\de choice of fabrlca. COME IN and play the wonder- tul new Hammond Chord Or- gan. Even If you don't know a note ot mualc you can play beautltu.I muelt' In ten minutes. DANZ·SCHMIDT Big Ptarlo & Organ Co., 620 No. Ma.in, Santa Ana. ----------''---Beacon UM Newport Beach NEWLY REDECORATED fum· Hours: Week Daya 8 'tll 7 1 H MONJl\:Y WANTED group o! 40 girls who have won PHONE HARBOR 2404 the United States Veterana of 13Uc F oreign War championahlp. the Fred C. Nelles Ba.nd of \Vhittier, the Orange Coast College Ba.nd Md the Newport Harbor High sc.hooJ band. lt,-Pl!:KSONAL8 Alcobollcs Anonymoua Write P. 0 .. Box 200 Balboa ~l&nd, ,caut. Pbane Klmberly 3-5393 Two groupa of majorette.. wtll be ln .the parade. Dorothy J o's Majorettes, 10 baton twirlers be- tween the ages of .even and 10 from Corona. del Mar, and Sybil !!-LOST AND FOUND Ring's Starlettes ot Anaheim. LOST -Man's J;lrown horn rtm-Among the floats will be one from me-d glasses. Ph. Bea. 0270. 27c Orange Coast college, one trom the Native Daughters of the Gold- en West and one entered by the !8--SITUA.TJONS W&NTZD Girl Scouts. 4 Holiday ( <Jonttnued from Pace 1) car operated by Harold Elmer Hansen, 128 -42nd St., Newport Beach, who had been hl!'aded south on SOth St. Young'a vehicle akid- ded about 45 fee t before the im- pacl-.,ij.la{.a' .':ett\veq a damt,ged tilt ··rr&M' ende~."JITIU, 'hlimiie~'hlid hood . It was towed to Newport Auto Works .. Hansen's car h&d a damaged left rear ft'nder. Two can were exteMlveiy damaged at 1 :30 a. m. Thursday on Coast Highway between Corona del Mar and Marine Ave. A vehicle opera.ttd by Sgt. James R. Berheide. Camp Pendleton, wu headed east on Coast Highway and ln.. pasatng the tum east of Marine Ave., stnn:k a car occupied by George William Drelgr, ot La· guna. Beach. Dreigrs vehicle had been parked on the shoulder ott ~e highway. After the Impact Berhelde's car spun onto the &bolder. bjt the ditch and turned over twice ending up on its right B1de. Dreigr's car was puahed about 16' feet by the colti:slon. No one was injured but both C'ars were badly damaged. Riptide Takes (Continoed from Pa&'e 1) by the tragedy t;hat she ia writing a Jetter to City Manager John Sailors urging bettu Ufeguanl 1ervice for tbe beaches. COLLEGE BOY. stronc and will- ing. Needs summer employ- ment. Need1 work bailly. Avail· able after J une 10th. Ph. Bea- con 6311-J . 28c~17 GENERAL MAID WORK, baby sitting. By day or hour . Beacon 6914-W evenings. 27p RECEPTIONIST, Stenographer- Small oftice-typinc, &horthand, ~ day week. Write Box W , thl8 paper. a6027 LADY TO TAKE over eatabliahed Avon buslnesa. Call Harbor 2&81-.J after ~ p. m. 2Sp28 SERVICE STATION MAN. Some exP. 1600 W. Balboa Blvd, New· port Beach. 26p27 SERVEL 8 cu. ft, refrigerator., dlx. model, JOOd t'onp.JUon. 90 'day guaran- tee- - $129.95 STROOT'S TeWtnkle Hardware. ae..,.., am She aatd: "I am sure that 11 a 1feguard bad been on. duty, that ~ellow wouldn't b&ve drowned." l802 Newport 181vd., <Joela M- 21a! Immediately alter the accident, lifeguards conducted an lntenatve DEER R.IFLE Mod. TO Win. acope eea.rch for Guerrero with no re--· and eztru.. suJU. The aearc.b La to be coo· Freab and Salt water fllb t.Mltle. Unued. Rea&. Prlv. pty., Whitman. 028 •• Cout Hwy., Newport Beacb. Hp28 FINED '150 Robert Howlett . HuntUnr. 28. &23 Hue! Dr, Corona c1e1 Ku, J'UR COAT and Hat (Mouton) or- wao lined Sll!O and hla operator'• Jp>al. 12-14, S75. Kan'• top lle<DM! OWlp<Dded 80 ~ on a -t. like new (4CMl). Rt.cl*n t...rgeat dt.play ln So. C&llt. Reflni!thlng and Reuphodteri.ng HOUSE & GARDEN Ill Coast Hwy., Nwpt., Bea. '5277 10 IN. G. E. TELEVJ.SION, table model, exce;Uen t condition. $7 5. HarbOr 1437-M. 28p27 TWO CIDNESE THROW RUGS. S2 ea. Cockt.Ail table, maple $5. Din ette set $12.50. 3-pc. section- al chair sora. $45. Occa.slonal chair $10. Johnson "32" Out- board $125. 119~ Ma.rlgold, Dr rona del Mar. 26p27 -People do read the Press a.de. ANTIQUE Maple dining rm. table, 3 leaves. mahogany dreaser, good condition. NEw' studio couch with 2 large plllowa. 221 Morning Canyon Rd. I ShorE' Clltfi), Corona ·del :t.far. Harbor 3~2. 2.5c.27 CHAISE lounge & pad ...... $ 9.95 9 x 12 Congoleum rugs ...... $ 5.95 1·pc. bedroom set, blond ...... $79.50 ApL gu range. regulator .. $89.50 Two Gaffera A Sattler ranges New Handy·Mlle diahwuhe r $9.95 Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION 1814 Hafbor Blvd. Coat.a Met:a Beacon 6637-J FORMlCA Table $10. Heater $5. Bed ~-Cheat ~-Oak Lable ~- 8 tt. SenTel. like new $175. C&ll Harilor 1381-J. 26C28 BREA.RF AST BAR; tormlca top. Knotty pine construction. Apex wuhtn& macblne.. Reamnable. 411 HeUotrope. OOron& del Mar. -LUXtlJUOUS SOFA, down·ftlled cua1tlon, !land • C&J'YO\I I r a m e, nowlr co...-. Coat $500. A.alt· tnr $260. Ai.. beaull1UJ t x 12 ll&ndpW!e ..ur. Coat $380. WW oacrtrlq for S175. Ai.. Speed . Queeli wuber In """' eortdltlon, sao. lA'Wll mower, Uk• Dew, •lT.l!O. Harbor MllO-R. 28dt • RC0 KAPLBO BrealdNt set, four eu.tft: l • ' Jl 12 Cluh'Aitlll Oom.. Ofleattal ... ,. ICxeelHftt -- Uoa. l08 8aa Bemanllno, N..- ~ ~ 1Tpl9 drunk drtYIDJ cllarge In Newport al. -bt. --1 balr, "5. city court Tueeclay. ~tznan, 1211 oout BJcllw97, llLOMD liUNTZ 10" tabi. - Hunttln&' wu ~ by N.,.. N_.-t Bo"h, ll'p# Tljle•-._ la -perf..t --....,, · m 11116 A.pee, ..... , .... port ,...N.,. at 2:13 L m. at Hwy. p.m~ ---_. ·-. , ....=. 101 11114 1Tth St. 'P<>tte. l&fd ~ .... ""* ot oil trauo'.r .. l"M.-1. , -----:--~--:'.:"""-·-·..-_ wu drivtnc ..U our the road WitJl.. .. • • • Rl!NT A PI.ANO, S5 per m'o . All rt>nt a.Hawed If you buy wttbtn terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 020 N . Main. San ta Ana.. .. U SED PIANOS from $69 up. Good playing condition. DANZ- SCHMIDT, 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. cor. 6th. iahed apt. By week, month, er Sundays and Holidays 10 'tll Le year around. 3412 Marcua, New-f1p port or call collect Oxtord 452-, 2~9 after Sunday, June 3rd. ~ PACKARD 4~dr.-super deluxe ~p27 sedan-Brand new paint. Good -------------condition, $260. · RENTAL "t'l •;'it SPECIALISTS Call Edna CralC Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa laland. Bu. 2042 32c64 Summer Reservations Lido late Bay Front units. l &nd 2 bdrma, $70 week up. Harbor 2~2. eves .. Har. 2914-M. 17tfC' '31 FORD COUPE, ho\, gdod 1'Wl· ning condl(ion, $00. --382 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa.. Beacon &Oil-R after ~:30. 2&:27 ' '29 FORD in good, run.nlng &,n. dltlon. Fine tor light plc~'-up. Phone Hat"bor 111·M. 2$c28 •. PR1VATE PARTY OFFERS: '51 HUDSON HOR.NET Convert~ Ible. Hydramatic, radio: hea1ter. white wallt, 800 mues. <r:oet $3700. Leaving atate, w;tll N.C· EXcEi.J.ENT 1st Tm.st. Deed- $3.l!Oj). Payable $35 mo., 6% Int. Property value $7.800. can Bob Sattler. Poirier Mtg. Co. 8"' ... 10'71-J. 26tfc at-TRAILERS WANT TO BUY older houae trailer suitable for living quar-• teis for man. {appi-ox. $100) Ph. Har. 1020-W eves.. 20tf . 18 r.r. HOUSE TRAILER, Viking 1&47. Compl. equipment. Jm,;> maculat.e throughout .• PMvate paiV. 20351 SoUthweat Bil'ch St., Santa Ana. Heights. Cl.Y.i miles JCut of Santa Ana Coun- try 'club). · 25p27 ~ONEY TO LOAN GRAND PIANO. Mason and Hamlin. Used, but JU.It like new. Also mag1tittcent Stein· way ' at nearly half price. Many others: Kimball, Knabe, Huru- man, Wurlitzer, Chickering. Bush and Lane. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, santa Ana, 520 N. Main. cor 6th. rifice for $3,000. Wttl ·ttnapce. - u32 w. say; Newport Ilef<h. LO~S Eor Homes. REAL ESTATE WILL trade bra.nd new be\)ltt-·s06 M&rtne, Balboa Isl. Bar. S02 fuJ Spinet piano even tor equ. 69tfc ally cood used vand Ptano DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO Co., Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. cor· ner 6th. L 0 V ELY STUDIO UPRlGB'l' piano. Fully guarant.eed. Tenne 136.37 dowu and 111.~ per mo. at SHAF&RS MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana. Klmberly 2·0872. 17tfc WANTED: .60 piano&. Trade ln your old pt.a.no on a Grand Spin· et or beauutul televlaioD.. High· est cub allowance, terma. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT ' P1ANO · Co., comer 6th, ~20 No. Hain, Banta Ana. SPIN!in' piano, brand ,,_, Sllgllt· USE OF Peninsula Point bea.ch, awtm ln bay or ocean-only 1 blk. ' No. 1-3 bedroom lower. No. 2--<2 bedroom upper duplex. Nlcel1 turn. July, Aug., Sept. 153~ Miramar, Balboa. HarDor <>612·W lVtfc FURNISHED 2 bedroom home. Fenced. Private canal beach. Barbecue and patio. Near shop- ping center. $2tsO per mo. for aeuon-or $1600 by the year. S300 M&rcua Ave., Newport Belt. TmARL Y turnlahed 2 bedrm. apt. Child o. K. at 41l\I PoloMttta, Inquire at 408 Poln.8ett1a., Co- rona de! Mar. Bu.1269-H. ;161.te ly d&m.,..S In ahlpmenL Now J'URN1.8B11ID 2 -m boUa&- onlJ ~ 8malloot aa. DANZ-Nmy clecoral.ocl-F••-In yd. llCBK1DT, llaata .Ana, 620 N. Yearly -. onlY.' CIUldren O. K. Main. 412 Laurel ~ Coata K-. BICAUTIJ'UL bwl'plow uprlal>t Be•con 661.f-B. 2'1p211 · piano. cue 11114 attkm Ill<• -· BA.LBOA._2 rm. (Urn. apt., ctton. Fully .,.._u..i. Tenna: NO.U New aton A retrl(: Good loc. dow1I Md '10Jl4 per lllOllth "I YMr 1-$50 1 mo. Will ,_,t SRAFER lllUlllC CO. (-aummer rental , -Alnndo 11101) 421 N , ._..,., -111.., Bal-. Raf· 1a11-1. ITP Ana. Kimtitrly UIT1 , ntt~ FtnuasilED A.Pt. 1a ..,.. ·- •. LI.ins nn. 'wt.ti\ tl<eplMe. - 'rm. kl~ beUt and --Beeutltul· W.W ot w Ud 1-y. 10C12 curr nm., cutr Ba.,.. PSNT BOUD llJli a .... eoct.,.,., ,uao B04'T .l1.IPI . °" o.111"' 1*lld -• -.--nw"-A• ·- •-.. """ to4 --... -. ,...,.,,, 1.~-.w. • Harbor 1327-J. 2~J129 cx;n:i1:>~JJcyION LOANS . ·>;.;j>'"",. .. ~ ... 11• . jj· •~.ftih~ f')i~~?'i'!li (14 yra.) ) _}#l~~~·1::-•:1"" ,'.J ~ :. ·' '-·~ 8Ul'·'iA.ND \SBU..,·~~ 9~0 Radio. heater, etc. U1:2 cpe.at Highway, Corona del Mar .. Har. 1003-R. 2.p27 CAREFUL InBJ!ecUon Invited- Dodge 1937 t-dr. sedan. ~ew motor, run 14,000. New brakes, etc. Nearly new rubber. i.+ G. tubes. Foglitea. Xlnt' ~t. UnWN&.1 value. 2G15 Elden ,\ve., Cost& M .... 8eL 5280-W. Mp28 . 1 1951 Studebaken * * * * ON DISPLAY Now ,' J · • I New 1951, Commandett gal 5 passenger Starlight dpe., with o\'Mdrive - for ONLY $2259 (plu. lial .. Wt and llcen.oe) * * * I need ·certaltl model ~ cars ba41y and ~ ~w certain W'•. . f . more than uaual tr+ YOUR CAR-MAY BE . T ONE! I. 1 ' • J ' Hurry -a fine to cmic-~ ~ OD inost .~! C>doj!IL •JOE ~cge:~ Stuile'l"hr Dettr • NU dl;WfORl' BLYl>. dll*POltt ••qi C..1 ·-UdO ..... ~-:Qpa'81C.;~ . ··~ TRUST DEgDS ' SEE BOB SA'M'LER 14'1~ COAST BLVD. Corona del Ma.:r Harbor' 1077·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite Ina. Funds , Kl 3·611111 LOANS TO BUil.D, WPROVIC, BUY, MODERN!Zm, OR . REFINANClll • We Buy Truet Deeda NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. -: ' 8388 Via Lido Ph. Bu. 1500 Use Classified Ads • • to aell your car • • to find a buyer for your home • • . · to rent your apt, .·,.to dl•po•11 of furniture ..a b"'"1old gooda ' . I yoo·no o ip g·e r ...,. ••• to ,find a Job u •• • Cl!l••ifTed A.~s • • .. out Uchta. ~entered, plea ot ORANGE COAST 'Jack's ·Furniture t:i:''.:~0:.:.!":.::,_ ~: "'~ ~t1te ~ -·TRAIL1!m SUPPLY' We,Buy,SellorTrade -ti!>ft, lo~ ot lool<lng at tltel-<llulltlea odo -,_ _, ,_ J'10 IURBOI\ BLVD. IW' Wtot Btllll -.. - aqlllffe BaA.Vft' ..,. ..,. •·t=Otd « 1t1tr ............. tr opt. -~Ir.-~ tlolt. Call. --. trelt i'iJKN. Oft OHl'\JP. 1, ta• 2r ...... ..-o-.. ..... , .. f9 ..__ -r..--"' ~ , .. --*-""' ta .,.a tJll •; Jtsssl'.Wt 81,0 "di oil,.._ at ~t lntenal&. wbo an -·to llQJ. COota .._ -811.,. t 1111 --~· ITptl . . . . -' j • ) ' \ • • • • • • • I REIL -. ESTATE • THE ISLAND SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT • • • AVAILABLE, an atlracUve atyled home With a Pl&n., that really appeala. A Modern k.Jtcben wtth dlab1 w&lhrr, load.I of cabinet. and Ule.. T'be.n Ari thJ"ff bedroom. and a ~n with 2 b&tha. JNttplace, ~ boat a.nd oak noort. There ll a lowly .A..1p.l.M: t\:yled UYing room with OJ>@11 Mam ceU.ln1 and ""unpat.nied 1 mahogany pane.l walnacOtlng a.nd dlning alcove. Htre LI room for everybody ,and at a pt1ce thlt Jn.Mu ~lll"°!eta, $1D,'4)0. A ft.ne Bal~ Z.land IOC&· tlon, call for appointment. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa uland Ferry HarboT' 63 Balboa u1&nd BLANCHE A. GATES: Realtor L. C. JONES J . MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pb. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 746-M BALBOA ISLAND BUY OF THE WEEK : Beautiful 4 B.R. Home. Forced air heat. Hwd. Cira.. dJ.poaal. Dra.sti· cally ~uced for quick sale. 2 B. R. Home & Apt. Both extremely well fur· niahed. Patio. garage. Small down payment. CORONA DEL MAR NEW & TRULY BEAUTIFUL: 2 BR. & Den Home. Obie. i:ar., expen•lve carpeting and drapes Included. Near water. Priced to eel!. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR BALBOA ISLAND THREE BEDROOM HO~fE ln good condition on one or C'Ur qulel"r atref't.!. VPry cloee to fine South bay beach. Usable double garage and room on Ule lot for expan9lon . Full price ONLY $13,250 Low Down Payment. ST AN LEY HADFIELD REALTOR 216 Manne AvMue Ph. Harbor 20 Balboa Island LIDO ISLE 3 Befuooms-2 Baths Corner-Nr. Best Bch. VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar • • • SPECIALS • • • Best BIJ.y on Lido exclusive listing Bay View Lot ON' UDO -Cholce ""'om er. !>2 rt. fronta1e. Sacrifice for quick sale- $6500 GREENLEAF' • A8SOC. BUILDICR -REALTO~ 3112 New;>:>rt Blvd., Harbor ~55~ 30oll Only $95 Do\YJt BUYS nhs FINE WT Mx139 on Vi ctoria St., between Harbor and Newport-Sivels. Full price ite&. · Phone!.: Beacon ~-M or ' Beacon 52!!3-W 1dttc New lar1e 1 bdrm home. ocean ~ld~ of highway, livlnl' rrn 18 x 24 . Dlnlng rm, 1\a.ndy kitchen, st"rvtce porch. Modern g\le1t rm in connection with 1-<:ar gar. Built to take apt. above that would have ocrell.D view. Price $12,650 Terms. $73 mo. Spic and Span 2 BDRM HOME. Redecorated ln and out. Ll\'ing rm 13:KlU, flre- placr. hwd. floot1, dinlnc rm., venetian bltnd.1, handy kitchen. 5 tt. Ute flVer tub a.nd bath. Door from hall to cement block patio wtth barbecu•. J'encea ylrd, Sllrui~linl •Y•tem, gueat room a1on.r1 stde of glll',(e. Good nelghbol'S, Pri!!e $11,9715 Good Term1, Pymte. only 17~ mo. JOHN VOGEL Co. • • I • • • . ' ' '•. _!•~"!!!·~•·2•!!!111~a;!!ll!_....,,..._.,!!•!:;:·~·~·~t._,!•!!!1~4~n!.._ __ _!•!;~•~•t~· •!"~'!!"~. -... !...~ .,;,,,.--=·_·\ PA8! 1 '"".' PAl'r T :....1 . .:DAY, t:;fAY ~' ~ l95f ~~::~~e&r WANT ~~~:~~:~·~.MAR? ;~;pJU:'ss-B • • ••• 1111.lft , fllib !lay , "I wtah I had 1 b o iii b t that bou.e" or . F1111 prloe $13,800 Balanct ·~ In~ "Wby dldn\ we buy tha t'l'hla 0. I. R-le JirOvldM Income of SUKI per mo. OPEN HOtJ J OPEN HOUSE lot when It wu available." Oon.i.ta\ot 2 un1ta ~ a comer lot IOllth of Blvd. 2 bib from ocean, Corona del MANY TDO:S we all re-••·- . • i I . Saturday and.S1day-J;lif1~ 2nd & ~ lret havin& pawd up OP-....-. DIW t.o wpeclal COllltructloo nnlbl may be made Into & loYflly home, '!'Ith PORTUNITIEs l n re a I 8 ~ den and 2 bathe. ' ~~0:~~~1~=~~-estate. Profit by put ex• pertencea. "Loot ahead and Some estre.a.ly desirable 111mmer rentals available now, frorp $50 per wk. lo: up . bar wlth,alhk &ad ~J;;.. Tele~ lift~ room ' BUY NOW. OOHT ACT VB FOR <TtBSft PllOPliRTDl:s. RlllM AUi, AND 81JJLDINO LO'l'8 ott -· o.._ --.s 1ounJmr an<1 :c11nlnl' room - onto enc~ patio. ·spaciol.. ll'rll>&" room with opfll Out real growth OD LIDO l81JC · hu j u 1 t atartad. Don't call other people lucky. Maybe they h a d fo~ht-mayhe faith - maybe aome courage. CORO~A DEL MA,R ·PaOPERTLES ceU!fts. AtlracUV>! J ~ ~ Both com· pletely tumJ>hl!d. YOV alio\lld -thi .tl.L FOR •lU.6410. llobort .. 1.11111 ~Ion Helen 1. t.qnn . tll Cout Bl\id. ' ~u.e Motel . S:arbor 1037 Corona del Mar Harbor loe8 Htre at 1J])() ISLE we ue otte11ns: • !. l.ove1y n•w large 2 bedroom hom• Juat completed. Tht. la an unuauaUy clever home In a prime location.. Licht. cbttrlul wtt.b nice MP9-r&Uon from your ht-'lhbora a.nd lateat teatu.ru that ''Will wln yol.lr heart.•' f>rtcH to aell. 2. luper special waterl'tont home. Located ln one of the ''CHOICE SPOTS" on the WATER~ FRONT of UDO ISLE we h•n a nearly new 4 bedroom and 2 Nth home that lJ a "honry." Thia 11 not a.n "old beach howie" but la a nearly 3 Bdrm Home, Newport Heighta , 8R.Um Nl!IW. But of qpnatnictlon with hwd. ·noon, napton• tt,..plaae, plate atu. wtnCIOWI facing the pauo. •% ~ F . H. A. loan available. It'• a beauty! $11,950 2 Bdrm. Home -2 Baths NEWPORT HEIOIJTS -Built S yean •So ~y a builder for hi• own home. It'• beaottfUJJy flnialuM! wtlb the belt of hwd. noora, wood p&neltn&', l&f"P rooma, patio, te.ncin&' and double prage. Mo.t attractive and a ttal down-to- !'arth valu•. $12,500 BEACON HILL REALTY fe& Newport. Blvd. (near Archea) MW, cJever yeu around home. ----------------------- Volt h•&t, prbft1• dlapoo&l , BALBOA ISLAND Hotpolnt dlahwaahtt, 2 aun deck., lov.Jy vtew, &re a few ot the many up-t.CH:late !ea. turn. 'ni..la W a quality BUT, Priced rt1ht. ALSO A few choice bulldlnl' tile.I for sale on UDO ISLE at prlcu you c'7t a.fiord, Three loU arr HJ1lng very fut. The law of auppty a.nd drmand mua:t c<!l'talnJ)' In· crea.e their va.lue. ile-e Uji u ~ .... the DEVEL!)PE!ts ,f r...oo ISLE Wh•re & Ultle bu;ts a LOT. P .A. PALMER INCOPlPORATlllD 3333 V la Lido Newport Beach, C&lJf_ ffarbor 1500 $1000 DOWN BRAND NE'W 1 bdrm home, Pan· el Rly hnt. dbl. gar. clOlll! to new. l 7lh 8t. •hopping' district. Full price Only $5950 -' BRAND NEW LOVJ::LY 2 BDRM HOM"E-F'tre- pl.ace, hwd., Jot. of tile, forced alr bl'at. Dlnin1 room, larse lot, CIOM in, Ea.st Side Coat.a Mesa. CLIFF HAVEN ATT'RACTJVE 3 bdrm and den- F ireplace, hwd., beaUUf"ul ca.r- ·~tlng. Sep. dlhlng rm.. large bdrn1.s. dbl. gar. Lge. fenced back yard. A G. l. Re•le at $13,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen DeniSQn . G. T. Everson 3 Bdrm. -2 bath -comer attractive -_fUrnWied -$10,500 A FAMILY HOME In Corona del Mar, on a 60 ft. lot. 3 bdrms. l 1h bath•. Hdwd. fll'I!. Beautifully carpeted. Plenty of room for yo11r family and well l()C\ted for shop- ping and fun. See this multiple listing today #1814 NELDA GIBSON Balboa Island CORON A Dl!:L MAR 306 Marine . OPEN HOUSE 612 Jasmine St. Harbor 502 '- COllONA DEL MAR Saturday & Sunday, June 2nd and 3rd • ATTRA~lt DUPLEX -Better lha.n new, oii 2 tole lfliO rt. front••e). La.rce rooms. Beat hwd. floors, tlal'· 1tone flreplace. Brick walled, beauti/ully landecaped y~ dbl@. prap. Room for additional lncome. See lhla for REAL Value. Owner uy1 "8!:1..L" TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Cout Hl1hway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2774 A FEW TO INSPECT STILL TIME Udo be.yt'l'ont, o bedroom•. plrr, 4.0' on water ............ $45.000 6 bedroom bayfront. eJC.c1u- 1lv~ &rt& .... . ................ $40.000 For bargains at CORONA HIGHLANDS f90 Newport Blvd. ea.ta MeN New waterfront hnme, 3 bedroom•: 1 ll btU.. ...... $2~.ooo at the Laguna edge of Corona del Mar Phone Bea.con 8891 Harbor 31:'.i7-W nr,Beacon 54M-J Small waterfront 1 btdrm. pier . ... ... . ... ....... . .... us.MO A few 60 ft. LOTS LOOK , ·Cozy Beach Home New. V<ry attrtcUve 2 bed· from .. : ...... :.: ..... $ 3,250 rooftl on pflllllaUI. .......... $11.DOO ol~ ... ! ~t\!oli., tlo lot.i . 'HOMES J •' nur \"'Y· nl<• pr<IOll · .$19.MO from .................. $14,250 ' FUR.N~SHED complete. Ready to enjoy for aummer •a..>n.. UG' Duple.•, 2 bdrm eMJh, new from ocean betw... Beubo" nlcely located .................. $10,000 , Don't be too late! Or. It ocean. Pr. $8,000. Tuma. Co.ta Meea The Best Town on Earth 2 B. R. Home flnplaee and a 1 Br. M!ntal all on ooe lot, a.i.o utra lot. Good aoll, nice garden started. Pena for chJckena. Total price '8700 W1th $1750down Thia 1' an older home, but atW a very rood bUy-Eut.alde lo- cation. ~ • 3 B. R. Home G. I, Reaale. Npwt. Hghla., $8600 $1500 down 2 B. R. Home 1 JA bathJI, good reeldentlal ~ ~Ion, .near hlgh school. Thlll could be a three BR home with a little &Iteration. Price i. $7500, terms 1 Bdrm Home, $4950 $950 down - Excellent View of E)i.st Bay, South Bay and Grand Cltllal . This beautlful home can:4 ba.oonftrted Into 2 unlta . . Llvtnf room finished Ill mahogany and sput bamboo. Four bed.room9, 2~ bath&. dlalnruher and prba.ge dia- poul cut.a kitchen work to fnlnlmum. Jiior appointment t.o aee t.h1I home: call lfQllliftrd Nelgblaor OT" ledith Maroon at H&rbor 1775. FOR QUICK SALE CORON~ DEL MAR-Smart amall Redwood borne of modem dealp. Sturdy cout:ructton, tnaulated walla. I ArtllUcally decorated. FtreJjlace. Fully encJoaed paved P&ltO with barbeque. Orily 1 % block.a to OCean in highly dealrable neighborhood. Completely tu.rnlahed. PR.ICE ONLY $9.450. BUI Scltuat.r or Bob Dennlstoun wlU be pl~•Rd to ahow you this home-calJ Harbor 2174.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hlway Newport Beach 21G Marine Ave. 815 Cout Hlway . Balboa Ialand Cbrona det Mar·, 16th and Irvine Newport lltacll 3ll3 NewpoM. Blvd Newport Beach G. N. WELLS, Rltr . . -~-------~-~----------- & .Associate. 1790 Newport Blvd. _ Costa Mea&. Ph. 13ea. 5181 BEST BUYS in Costa Mesa._ NEARLY NEW modeT"n 2 bedroom den, l ~ balht, bdwd. floon, clO!le In , near pa.rk. Below T'e- productlon coet. 110,000, terma. Al..80 Corner industrial lot 71xl10 '1400--f300 down, S!Q ~!' mo GOOD ll!STIN08 WANTED ROBT.H.MO'M'ET Bea. 622f·J Ru. Bea. 6137-J 1900 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA PHONE Ii.arbor 1618 to place your want ad on this pace:. BAYSHORE . BALBOA ISLAND VALUE PLUS! Are you looking fot a 0000 8 B. ft.11 11,1: bath HOMJI: ! Choice location -perfect condJtlon _.. ta.atetull7 decorat- ed -nicely furnl1hed -well landte&ped -de1lcne<1 for enjoyable year 'round li'rin1. Priced below the markel at $19,500 Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Puk Ave. at Marine Harbor Hit Balboa !•land I The Grandest Ocean View that cM ~ obtaln~! Larg! home. 5 ~n\11, 6'-!t batlul; 2 1leeplng porohu, a cedar llned eJQfft., Hwd. Cloon, dbl. ga.ra,ee a.nd carport; baement, aervb porch. ~n. C01". ln Oorona del Mar. Thia lJll ruu, a but. 8ubmtt offer. M\lltlple Liating No. 1848. ' ! .. A FINE LADIES READY:'rO.WEAR SHOP for aale be· cawte of ill hellllth. A very nice business and the price Ls rtght. FITZMORRiS -REALTY CO. Real Enate &: Busineu Broken 113 COAST BLVD. qDRONA DEL MAR 2,000 SQ. FT. Ai.MOST NEW -.!. Phone Harbor 2152 Quality ~orue. 18' x 22' living -~~------~----~--------­room , qualnt d.tning rm., knotty pine wans, ~aun ceilings, at- ti-active buJlt tn breakfront. guest cloeet, 7 ft. fireplace with , heatilator, comer wood box, cheerful kitchen, combed WOOd bedrt)()m, wardrobe cloMl, tarp ·BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 2121 OCEAN BI, VD. Open Sunday 2-6 or by appointJent redwood den, built in bun.k.,_ CAPie COD HOMS-A......, 2200 ft. 2 t 1 putlman bath. hardwood floors. . r,.rQX. aq. 1 s 011'1 year 20'x2t' F'T. GUEST APT _ with old. Large living rm., fireplace, dlni111 room, s bedroolIUll, dre!lling room & bath over dbl. . 2 bat.ha. Large den. Gorgeou. kitchen and nook. Oak PN• with laundry. ~ bath . , noora. Fol<le4 &Ir M&t. 'l:.~,~ d~ .'l.rruan•nt , ~j ,~'t,tJ,k+nf/a!f1.,.u an• J'!ll. ~~\"~~r~1 ~,pl!>rei:_{,~ : ' '~T . -'1.'11l i tt~li 'bRieitll'~;,d ~th poT.dr A lath l ' • "!/! u l 9iHJN¥a.\'.ltBoft 1JS8.W ) • . hoWM, 1urrounded bJ redwood · at.a.ke fence. $19.800 -INCLUDING R v Q 8. EXTRA SPECI AT I fumlture. beaut. drapeL Ready "'¥" • • CDM Ocean View 1301 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar HA VE Several ~ Lido Ial• 6 Harbor 1141 or Harbor tfT7 • ..,.,,.,. Charming year-round home s bdrm, nlct.l)' located, a For Information STOP AT . to move tn and Uve. 2511 Vista Dr. Open or .tee your BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- Broke!' Charming modern I B. R. home. REAL VALUES ip Costa Mesa NEW 5 ltOOM HOUSE. Tile tn kite.hen a.nd bath. Dbl. gar&gP on 60 ft. iot. Under 116.000. Ex- cellent ttnancltlg. Ernie Smith, Realtor 1200 Cout Hlway, Corona del Ma.r Phone Harbor 2667 You Can't Beat It- Fur location For view tor value Ocean front aummer nntalt- Lt.Unga tor !l&ll!' or rent W'9lcomed Francis J . Horvath Balboa Blvd at 35th Newport Beach Harbor 14.28 ltarbo?" 1666 yea.ra .................................. &tl,50') 2 Bdrm bou.ee a.nd rara.s• apt. ne&r bay, rood lft• come ................................... ...Wbmtt Acrou strett from bay, 2 bedrooma, l&rgr patio .... $13,500 Tract Qfflce Clout Hll(bway at Seawud Road OORONA .PSL MAR PHONI!: HARBOR 414.J 1 27p21 f'lrepl. l>at1o. Many nice tea• -----------'--turu. $14,000. 1 BR bn Ea.at Side .... $ 4,500 • RANCH " 20 ACRE RANCH 7 ml. trom Newport. 1~ acrea permanent puture. Abundant cheap '#&ter. CLOlll!: TO BAY~ B. R. tum. 2 BR on Broadway ·-·$ 6,500 home. Well conatructed. Owner uya "'Sell"'. See tbhl and MAKJI OFTER! 3 BR only $1500 dn .. $ 5,950 2 B. R. Pier & Float 3 Bdrm beach houte, old, C d l M 3 houaes and barn. J;qulp1t1ent DISTINCTIVE -Tha beautitu.J I but clean.· lat ... paUo ..• $10,000 orona e ar for lft.000 chlcken.e. Will .. u B . R. home Is built around spac-3 BR OD 1 acre .......... $ 8,750 CltA.Rlill:Na home, hu 2 bdrms. with or without llvNtock. Oon· loua p&tJo ror outdoor Uvtns! 27p Lido Nord Bayfront $5000 DOWN $1211 mo. on balance GREENLEAF • ASSOC. BUil.Dll:R -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor JOIS2 THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST -. ' Orange County's OutsfancJi n g Real Estate Advertising Medium ' • LARGE 4 B. R., 3 b&t-6~' lot-lovely prde:n &lid tuT&oe:. Pier A: allp tor LAROE BOA'I". AU the nice thlnp you have been lookln• for-NloeJy tuna .. lah9d. We han ltey to holl9e. $57,500 ALSO : A PltlME btytront lot '2' front-' •r· !!:I S.yo tract, (cornorJ fl&.000. Linwood Vick W . A . Tobias featutlng PROPERLY PRICED lt'a prealoue and pro¥iftcla.I 4 txlrma, ga..rden, patio .. 129.Mo Bay & Beach Realty llthel Shirley Ul!O Btlboa lllYd. Olodeft i'a¥ Harbor 1294 PROPERTIES 4 ro F .. H. A. Resale living rm. with beamed cetlln~ •Ider part trad• In bay Atta. ~l,ted ,"!.. Batoy A~:t."' ~-=r. 2 BR, hwd. " tile ...... $ 8,950 and nr.pl. Dlnln1: rm, kltch•n. ORl!!ENLEAJ' " A880C. ~ c -~ -. •n.&kfaa nn and bath. Acceu BUILDER _ 1tEAL'rQR beach. otfere real pride of, ~ · -. to l<>ftly patio wnll t!nplace 3112 N•WJ><!rt Blvd .. fl.arbor Wit ....ion! · 1 { BR, furn. close In .. $10,liOO tttim ltttchetl ond uv1na rm. lie-• Balboa Re~Co. dooorated In and out. lnolud .. w to w carpe11.na and drape.w. Ba-y Shores RoM 0"9l•Y 1 W•bb 3 BR new home, hwd. PLVB flam. o.pt over dbL pr. Cbarmlna rodwOOd and 1lrlck Uutan McAdoo floor11 ..... -.... ·-·-----.$11,800 On &O n. comer, eo. of htway. rancl1 type 3 bedroom hom•l 100 ll. Balbo9. .Bl.tt.. Har. 153 .- Room tol add'I unlto. Unuaually 1ooc1 land8capifts -, BR "'·~ Side "13 000 COLONIAL: THREE bedtoom, b&idwood llrL, p~ J'OR QUICK SALm ....... la""' oNI tlo-bordeN4 LOT II ..:..·8-1 Drlv•, Corona del .. .on .,..,., .... ., • t atory, 4 bodl"Oom home. beat Costa M-locatloo. lAr&o walka. Snack -with plant· Kar. Ocean "rleW for Sileo! S800 ---!. . l.oftly patio. Flnplace fenced yard wltll attn<tl•• bar-LIS\ln. W led In&' boa. Wall to wall c&rpetlnl(. -and PO '• mo., • Int. and 1'11111aee. Dfflsnad lloqUe area. Sal• ~ ;.::,talo lillec. kitchen. Merciiry IWftdt.., ~.., u.. ""--J . IL { BR .on 1 acre :.. ...... ..$16,000 -tor all 7ff.l' IMnc. 2-cer $U,llOO tun price. S2llOO bandi<o . , "a dttam bom•l" lllH7 i. MlN4e A-. Newport Beach aarace-2 ..U... 2 -· A.al< for .Mr. Kem~ Har. ~ Ernie Smith, Realtor Sta,750 Hollywood S«. caIJt. ~ m. 3 BR .; ___ .._ t . ,,. __ .. liq -Ideall• located _ ........ llGO , •• ~ • 2•--.....,..., ype. ..,...... I .... Harllot «f (IC-fu. --....,.,., , -· -> (28th st.> 1 otoTY. ~ • MUii • -·· ~··· o••·-p A.' PAI -..ft:'"D l.JOCI c-t -.Y. oo.-4al Mar ' view. Hwd. fin., 2 tile hom....cio. to -A -~ ··-v -·-' .•Dll'AA ' Pllcma -r ~ • ' Wondortul pooatllllltlu. '10.000. Wt ..... moot Of UM bolter b U1" INOORPOR.A.TllD . 'l:be J om) Vogel Co. ' FabuloWI View ,i..•b• ·······--.. ·------S28.li00. (Torma open.) llatt<I. OUr lime la :r-rw. UU Via Lido, Newport B<ach 208 Merine, B&lboi Uland , •. ' .... 1.. r. -. , · OWJK!r Says "SEIJ,'' 0t ..l11re 11ewpon ~...., n. A. NERF.SON Newport B~hts LINWOOD VICK • • OPEN 1 • 5 • · • n.1a eai-... --··-Todays Best Bµy = -::,:"""'.;,; =-~· .,.! . ~~ ~ • v4 c.urr L01'8. aa1 .... -m llWIM ~~ JOit ~1 "'"'...., ,.-.-........ 11•· -. .,.,.,.., ll&UI ih. Corona del Mar· · ::.-'~:~ .=:, ~ U: MglUPJe l..lellJIC l*llOr Tlew. All for J\l.IOO. .,., BO• •a• • -( IMlrm, * bL -l'r9ctlc&ll1 u4 &lll'ftlliellt kll.Cllon, ..-•Ira . • 1NI !fel>Mt ~. Q0ota ·-· _ -····-.a._,w -llDOll!Uf. W1t11--AJa>2-..... wi111'11ati-· ,.~,,.,000 te' -•,8-•lllld-tli>Wlt, ~Bil...,111111. · · · ,,.,__ Seti! ,.u....-.., ... ,..,,.,,_. -o..rq.. ....u -lot.· ....,...., , rms · -_,. •'-· 111ne 1-. , Harbor Investment vwuerng )llda--.aoo.11110ceen NIN peUo.. ~ ........... Im-l ·BDJU(.~detl.Mir.a ---ALLtoroaq.A0,000. -01.lhnAI l d. • COKPAJfY -• NfU1Y -tDlo •tSta I -..... ..a-Ra-"61·• m1hk pnSI lrria. . , .-. ...,... _,. .iew. ;.iato-=~:::di# li'Ma,: ~""'"-i-:;8..&Q t . IOlll -N••paot..... I ~ -_., I •• 1allt lri $16 000 .matlc ~""ft.""· ,..n Jud. O&D Jolal-. Bar.~: "T~ p~ cu ---........ -........ -Cle•• ----. 1\a"ng • .• •4J*I. . . • _j "5'ril .•. -11111 • .._... I ·~-·-. • '11'9 111t•• .... ..,, uie •• .,. ....... •••re -.,. -= ottMl&ul\f ,_ a .....,.. · · -I ·P.. ~ PA Lil ma -rm·•· e... U.t..LVALtlllla'O*'-· -....... llZ ._. __ ~·-•-'NI' l•I ..... ..._ _ w ' "'--~ ~.....-~ ~·~~ Po I ·~ --A.--•..._ Wiiii... * -W-U?Jn., • FF'I .,....... .1 Rea~ Co -....._ ......, .._.._ --· ~Tm> wnt-.; -~ tkMd ............. -............ \1'. ~··:~~-=.-... ~ --;; • ... I...and ~ . -ao-..t '""'---Mfilatn -Vla&.leo ..... a,. ' -.... -l'llnL PUM u 11111) ,-11.... --~ -. •• _. .. --• t 1 w.'o.,. ,_:,,._ •uJW<o-.,.••A H • w~ ~Ot;i;iiiiiii Ww""" ••• Cdl. • '" 1 an Coll' -'--? '" . ....,., , C-. Oa a&. 1 lat.6--. ..., •:•· -._ n 1 -*' . ...., ••11 't • (Opp._,.,•.., > • 0 E:: '_. .Ull-1. -.., -.._ •• ._ •• .-. -.r111'fla ... ,• ....... -~ *'""••-iftll •-m..w . ._....,..... ao , ___ ......, .. _ -. ~' . • • - • • • • I • • • • I I I f • ' • • • I• ....... •:y .. • , .. . ' ·I • .1 ·PER ~UALITY · ' o • : • '-I r- 3 BiCJ Sale Days. • I . -' < Tkese Super Saving Specials Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 31, Jurie·1 & 2 • 3 lig Sale DGys ' •' . ' . \ . ,. EASTERN CORN FED (LEAN, l~ST CUTI PORK STEAKS RATH SMALL & MEATY (from the Laed of Corn! c lb. SPARE RIBS SWIFTS PURE COLORED MARGARINI sweet 1·1b. PkCJ. (in quarters) . TWO LIMIT! --------s ' Our Own Country Style MEilCORN 16c Tasty ~oaf AMERICAN . ·CHEESE 2-lb. Loaf · SAUSAGE MAYONNAISE 35c 75c 45~ (fi(iJ'MBERS 2 1 0T 9c ' iOMAiOES 2 !bs.15c U. S. No. 1 WHITE ROSI POTATOES 1 OO·lb. Sack $2 .7t • Golden State 1st Quality a OTTER ALL GRINDS c . 1-lb. 77c lb. Can 2Pi•h 31~ 21c I icE" sciiiiiak ------ GOLDEN STATE COTIAGI CHEESE ~~~~ LARGE GFoldLMO•dalU•R•d" ~;~ 47c . WESSON Oil .fiACllAGI America'• 76C favorlte- 29 ' Mil" • C iiiiic12-la·1:' M~!: 3«1 I _De_ffc_· :.._._Qt_. l_t(.'!'il e SANTA MARIA e I TAMALES 31c • HEMET • PcEACHES Noc!~' 25c NO. 21/J CAN .••• ··········•··· · · .. . CHILI AND 2 No.loo 25c BEANS CaH SPAGHETII 2 ~:~~19c WITH SAUCE ............. STANDARD RIPI PITIED NO .I 23C OLIVES CAN SPINACH 16c NO. 21/i CAN •••••.••.• • · · • • • · • • • • . • · 1-tto. 1/2 flat cae ......... 27° HALF GALLON . , ' DOG FOOD. 3 ::!'. 25c 11 4NA~LD JUICI · YAN CAMP's-30) CAN GRAPEfRUIT PORK & BEAIS ..,._~~;_:·-fROZEN FOons ~1 ·1~, .-~\NE S & LIQ U o Rs "1ii').•.,.., llllOS EYE EARLY GARDIN 21c Buy Now and SAVE Famous Quci&ty Brands • · y ALL COOL COLLINS ~EATHER! PEAS 12-0l. PKG. I SPINACH c PEAS & CARROTS PIG. FRA;Ks i'";.;;~schweig' r 49u.. HORMIL'S KOLIAS~ 6 3· OllOLI 47· p 1 • h s • C -~::i:.~...... • o 1s ausage ~ lb. CUT ~ORN ' SQUASH (Cooked) • ' FOIDHOOK . • Li MAS 12.oz. 27c --PICG .. . ' - 45~. ALL-PUllPOH CHDSI 1 LONGHORN SWIFT'S PllMIUM ' PICKL~ .. PIMllNTO . LOAF . 9; _< . ~ . -. SWIFT'S OllOU "lc111111da wltll All Mlrlc•u BOLOCNA ...... ·' ~ -!· ••..•. ' 47~. • . . 3 COMPLETE SHOPPl"G· CENTERS PLJlfTT Of NU P.Alll ... •r: ... _,., OPEN DAILY 'TIL MIDNl&HT · -I . . * DOWNEY IJSI IAST. PllmOMI 11¥11. IC:OJINU OP DOI.Mil . • • .. CO.Alt HIMIWAY 'I . (lC)UD Of TVSTllO 0,.. hlly I-. ."tll 11 ,.-. • • I · · * . NEWPORT BEACH f,sooN '" NOIWAUJ I*-CO.ON~ DEL MAR · 'rc:!~·~•-r•:r :r:::•,:i~ • ' - FINE ARTS . FIFTH P!l!..,!}~ I $289 S•da Fe "Dellclaftly Differeat 98C . CURRANT WINE ' FIFTH • • .. ,. • I • • • • ' ' • ••• ' • Legion Baseball Season Opens Newport Harbor Po.t 291 Junior American Lec1on bue.b&Uef!I open tht:lr rlfth aeuon of b:a~b&.11 Otta wttk end wtth a pair of pmn at Huntington Beuh.. The locals ptay the OU City nine at 2 :15 p.m. at the h igh school diamond on Saturllay and again on Sunday. Sun- day'g garpe WM' echedUI~ for .the local n eJd but WU changed to make way for the Llom' club fl.ah fry and carnival. · 1· Lewi. Abbott wu loll to the With the exception of pitching. , the team appears better balanced team tor the ff:UGn after injur- • • ,. I ' 1 , , .. " I • -• PAGE ·l ·_;P~T ~1 '-·TH~{lSDAY, MA-Y ll. 19~1 :A:?~~buss~ Hi School Te~che~ .j ~paghetti ·Dinner Gees to lnyakern ~pen to. Public • ·RecellUy UltlJlr a civil .. rv1ce Open I<> the public la the spag- eumtnation which he p~ witb helti dinner to bt! eerved Se.~urday, uceptlonally ht.gh grades, Quentin JjUne 2 from 5 'to 7 p. m , at St. Watte. U. S. ht.story te acher al Andrew's P re11byterltln church UO· Newport• Harbor Union Hlgb der l!lponaonlhlp or Harbor RI Trl- 1ehool la .le&Ving for the bue at y' ~rls and OranJrt: Coast YMCA. tnyoker;n where· be wlU be in the Price of the dinner Ut ~ cent.a navy admlnlatratk>n department. ancJ all proceeds w ill go toward th.&tl In pa.ued yeare. The tnfleld lng '1i.s arm in an accident last will be tight al second, third and week. Abbott wu counted on for ahortatop with Bob W etsel. Paul catching, pitc hing and ouUleld Schultt .and Dick Lusk berthed ln work. that arf'a.. Lf-o CUrtl11, Tom P er-The sii.rtlng outfk>ld with Cra.ln klna or J ohn t..ne wt11 bt at fln!it pltc1'1ng will probably be Auati,n bu.@ wtlh Jack Whelcbel catch-Smith, Jamea Vineyard and R oger lng. Cene Crain wllt at.a.rt the Pflater. BOWLING BANQurr-M .... bon of u.. Son-loo Club bowllaC ~ have complf'ted tbdr M'MOlll KMidule at Va.D8 Bo'4·Un.c In Ca.'-M«."S& and beld tM trophy p,....tatlctn at a dln.nflr a t lhf' M OOM" C'lub lb NcYl,,ort. Present at UMl dlnnrr ~"'"' mrmbrn of tbf' ten teams lu thr INCUt!; Exchaacce Club. ~ Uou. Balhina u.... M .... Club, SatO\\...,., N•wport.-r._ lllld I Nowpo>t El!IA Lodfe c-ma, the Splk.., Antlen, Horu llBd ....,..., Exc.lan&'e Club won the tJtle balm. oot t.he Spike. hi a play-off. Ray M...,ne. had hlfh .. ri... and Loulo Weet, hip llinlle. Mr. &NI Kn.. Watts 'and daugh-9"nd inJr Milil!I Joan Kimes. preai- ter tes!de at 203 -34lh street, dent uf Tri-Y. to the lnlernaUon- They have sold the 'house to Mrs. al YJll:CA convention to be held Mary Donayne of Pasadena. Mrs. June 21-25 In Cleveland. Mlsll Watt.a and Corky will Yi8it frlenda Kimes ts on e of two dclegalefl here for a llmt:, and later go to from cOast association. Ea.ch Alhambra. until cooler w eather raises part of the mon<'Y. the b&l- permttl joiniflg Mr. Watt.8 in ance ls providC"d by citiurul and flrl'llt Huntington' Beach game with Huntington Beach ehould bC' Pete Morris slated ror relief work strong with a good share or tht>ir about the alxth. C1'ain and Morrill h igh school team In the lineup and will br on the firing line again th~ir hlgh achool coach,' Scutt Sunday. Flanagan In the coaching poaltlon. Five Tars on Sunset Nine Baseball Letters Awarded to Tars Newport Harbor H igh ba.seba.ll coach Elgin Hall llated 12 letter winners for •arslty b1Ueba.ll and gave hol'lorable mention to 13 ''junior varsity" players. Five Newport Harbor high play· ers were placC'd on the 1951 myth· !cat All-Sun.s<'t League baaeball team at a meeting or the coach~ Monday night. Six seniors. five junior~ lll\d one Dick Lan!!, Gene Crain, Bob sophomore were listed u var!Jity Burdick, Bob WeU:el and Lloyd monogra.m winner!!. Catcher!! Bob Swin~le WC're placed on the team·s Burdick fsenlo r l and Jack Whe l· roslt!r of 31 . Lane an~ Crain werf' chel (junior !; ~ltchers. Bill Mash- placed on the flrst team at second burn (&E'n ior) and George LaBono baM and left field respectively. (junior): first ba~. Annand Nf'l· Burdick was placed on &ec:ond tle11 (junior: iwcond baM'. Bob string by the flip of a coin. W et· Wetzel, lsophomorel ; third base. zel w~ third team or honorable Dick Lu11k ljunlorl ; 11hort11top. mention sccond ba.seman and Dick Lane, f senior I: out rteld. Swing!<' was third team outfielder. Genr Crain (senior ); Lloyd Swir1- Wctzel is a sophomore, the. gle <sen ior) and Lewis Abbott others are seniors. Lane batted (junior ): utility. Jack Oavl11, .392: Crain .422: Burdick . 321 ; (Senior). Wetzel .316; and Swingle .303. The lt·am111 : l'lnt. TMm . Cat<"hf'r-H.a.m!wy, Fullerton Pltehrn-Hayaom. SA: Boyd, t 'ullt'rton: and Hr man. 0r&a&"e Fln.t Ba8fl-.Br.vant. Santa Ana ~ond ea.-~. Newport Third Bue--WIUlum.. Orall&fl S bortsto p--Babcock. S&nfa Ana Outfie klf"n-<: r a In. Newport; \\'llllaalllt. Hun&ln~oa ne.qi; Pad.Illa, t-u11erton... Second Team Cakh.-r-Burdl<'k, Ne\l·port Pltrrn-n -KrNlelt. Huotlnston 84-a<"h : and Martinez.. suta Ana _..-Int R&IM"-HatflekL AaalieiJD Second B•~t l~wkow9Jd,• .Han~ ln,.ton ee.ch . ThJrd Baa.e -Schade. hllerton ShortAtop -Chafe. Hunttnpn BN<'h Out rl.-ldrn.-LukenbUI, O~; Strand, Santa Ana: ilonlOn. S anta Ana Honorahlr 1'1rntlon--Catt'her, Fnut>h, Santa Ana; plkht>nt.. Bo9wf'll, lluntlnsto n Beach &Dd Paxton, Oranr: first baife.- Glb9on, Fullt>rton; !W'CODd ~ \\'r Cul, Nr"·port; thlrd Me~ Bak,.r. Santa Ana; out.neldfon-- Hol,·t', Anahelm; 8 Miqle, Ne~·­ port. Nine of the 12 Junior Varsity boys were fre.shmen. t he other four were sophom ore!I· Recelvlnjt honorable me ntion ror p&.Tticlpat- ing on the "!V" t eam were t he following: catcher , Larry Chap- man t fr): pltcht'rs, Bob Re*tC'u and Marion Davey (frl: fi rst ba.'\t'. J ohn MtJrphy and Kenyon Beatty lfr); second hue. Efloy MRrtinC?: and Bob Diehl (fr); third be.*. Don Clark I fr): shortstop. Leo Curti.B , I so): outfield. Austin •Smith ~fr), Jame8 Vineyard lfr), Jim Snow fsol: BUI Bearden ISO), and Don Jackson I col. The Sunset League ruling pro- hlbllll letter awards for junior varsM.y baaeball. Baseball School Starts Saturday Nearly 200. boya a re expectP<t to take part ln the fifth a nnual Boy"' Club Baseball school SatUrday rron'I 8 :30 a . m. to 11 :30 a . m. st the Crn!la Men.Park. (P,.... Phol<>) Sailors· Drop Final Game, 3-1 • In the final Sunset L<'ague bllScbaiI gan1e la.st 1'hur~d•y thr N<'wporl Haroor ntne was edged by -lut p'ace Huntington B<.'ach, 3-t _ Thi" Tars ended the season In a lil" with Or&nge for third place hf-hind Santa. Ana (undefeateed) and Full<'rton. Hank· Aguilera Wins Coast College Student President Post; Joyce-Purcell Secretary With 62.6 p(lr cC'nt o r the stu-Jrrry Forrst o f Balboa.: d.irector · Wt•turs two r.:~1 :<'<I \.ht' Sail- ors' weak f1vC'-hlt attack In th<' 01lrr ganu:. Tar hurler Muhburn also lQf\S('d a f1vr·h 1tt£'r but the Oiiers managed to push acro58 all three runs In the gfxlh innlng._ d C'nt body voting in the annual or aC't1vltlrs, Ro bbi<' Fi('rO of Bal- !tprlng eleclioM at Orange Coast boa; clir('('lOr of .publications, co·l<'I;<' IA.St Friday, 1'lay 25, H r n-Mari::o'll Rl~ahl or Midway City; ry Agul11•ra of Santa Ana becamf' and fiv" rf'prC'sf'nlatiV<'ll at IM"ge: the 19:">1·:>2 15lUdt>nl body pr("sl-Kathlern Erbe or N<.'wport: Fred dent·l'lecl. dcf<'at1n,1.: Sam BuM of Owens, campus resident; Jam~ Balboa. by a narro\v margin. St>ely, Corona rlel Mar: Pericles Hal Smit,h of Laguna 8C'ach Spanos. Surrs1dC': and ~tarlene \.\•a11 ele<:tcd vic(•-presldent : J oycr Jacob!SOn, Coatw Me:u.. N••port H•rbor Al• H ) ' . . ' ' . . ' I D I l I I L..11•. u Wth•I. Zb Cteil'. If l11rdlt•. t Swlfl9 I•. tf l"'''· Jb Oe "h. rf Netlttt, l b , l • loflo, lb \o4•d1b1,1rfl, Cl ~ ~ ~ l1vnlhr9to11 l••th All H H•tlef, If Ctr..fe , n ,. • ., .... ,,lb .#ltli•mt. cl l lllwelt, (; lhtd•t, p l(lmb•ll. rt 2 ' ' J I I J I I I I l I 1 0 l 0 I , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' Purc('ll of Balboa, rC<'ordlng sec-On th(' sa.rve ballot n1en stu- r<'l•ry: and \Vaym('r PC'tly. C~ta denl.ll chme W illiam Lothridge of ~l e..'la., treasurer. A run-off e lrc-Pico for thl" 19:>1-52 president of tion bclW<'t'n Karen J ohnson a.nd As.M>CiatPd Men Student.8. The. Patrk:1a o ·sullfvan, both or La-vot" antong women 111tudenUJ for guna Beach, will be n<.'C('S.<J&ry to nf'Xt year's prC'sid<.'nt or Associst- delermin<' the co rr<'~ponding sec-<'d \\'omPn StudC'nts neceuitated a rC'taiy for next year run-off betwC<'n Ma rjorie Pulsifer ' ' ' I D 0 I. lo'•t llj lb hrlt~llft, b I' (HUUJ . I b Oth('r n1cmbt•rs for the 1951-52 of M1d .... "'8y City and Alice F ox of etudt>nl council "·ere <'l"rled as Costa 1''1'esa. ' ' ' rollows: conrtt•rat1VC' comnt1!iSic1n{'r, Aliw C"ho~en In Frlday'111 e lC'Clion 24 1 s I Tot•I• 11 J s r.tary Ann lt1'orrisnn of Balboa ls· wrr(' next year's dir<'clor of m e n's Stor• by 11 ... 1....,, land: c> I el. t 1 on~ cu1nmiasionf'r, athll'tics, J C's.81? Sn1ith of Col'lta Nt•port H•rbof 001 000 ir-1 s I Grant l>t t•Krc or tian Juan Capis-Mrsa and dirrclur o f women's M1,1111!11qto11 •••th 000 001 •-J ~ o trann ; plKnning co1nm1i.s1oft('r, athlC"ti cs, Eva Val('ncla, Santa Ana . Carleton Mears Named .OCC Athlete of Year Car!l'ton Mr"a rs of Balboa wlll.,..------------------------------ be officially d<'n<1tcd "Pirat(' Alh· tht• South1·rn Cal cha111pi->, San letr of thf' yr·ar·· at Oranfit" Loa.!"l OtC'J.:U, G-1. untl the 19of9 track collegt• fvr th1 · l!l!'tO-f>I !'!Choo! yf'ar t<.'aru . by outgo1ni.; Li·lt<.'rn1an's c lub ! Preaidcnt Norn1 Rid~rway of 1 Wrstn1ln~t<'r st thr Sprtn~ Sport~ I t.1"ars hus ttcquirrd fivt• h:ttf·rs banqut>t to be held In lhf' lll'hOOI at OCC', unC' 1n football, two 1n caff'tf'ria ton1~ht, Thursday. ba~k,•tball and two 1n traf'k. H e T¥.'O w1•('ks a~n f.oll•llr~ a.nd F . hnlds thr Bue poh·-vaull 11•curtl at E. Harri.s of Gardrona w.~rp "elel·t-12 f<'<'l. Harris, "whb hails from 1•d as tht' two strnngt'st candirlalrs GArdena hiJ;:h 8rhool In Los An· ror th(' a \l.·ard . Both boys Wf'r,. gE'lf'S, lette1 ed seven t1mf\5, three promln<'nl In high sc.hool athl<'tlr~ y<'ars In bascb(lll, lhrPe y<'&r!ll in and h&ve tur(lod in a c cJmn1t'ndablt' football and o ne yt'ar in ba.skct- job at Cea.st. P..fear1 obtained 13 ball. H e wa.if President ot the h.•tters in ath ettca. &t Newport 11chool l.A'tterman'J!I <'.lub'"lttld p1aj- Harbor high school. threr In foot-e<1 catcher for Goodman's Sport· ball, rnur In baisketball. four in inK Good!!, a S<'n1i-pro baseball track and two in baseball l{e al!!IO team . Harris participatr<i in two won the "H arbor Athlete of the sport.fl at Coa.OJt and J:,arnrol'"t"d a Year" troph.y. flr!!lt tram be rth in both football 1\t Harbor he wa.1 a mrmh<'r and b&.'!f:'ball. o( l"'o ('h11nlpionJ1hlp ll'anl~. the The Pirate athlrl{' 8\.\"Rrd w&! ba.q<.'bal\ tram coached by Wt!nd<'ll I Instigated by Larry \\'11Joughb}'. Ptck<'n!" which won the Sunsl't pa.st prcsldC'nt of lhl' U •ttrrn1an·s LC'agu<' and advanced to the C IF club and presently attending playofrs bt>fOrf' being droppf'd by Freplo Stale college. Merchants Niae to Open Season The Costa Mesa. ~ .. rerchant ba.c:;e- ball tran1 \\"ill open t he 1951 11Ca- 11on Sunlh1y, Jun<' 10 at 2 :30 p. m. llC C"ording to Bud Lon~. who will b(-. Ln th{' cO'&ching rt.·i na for the fifth J11Un1m1~r. Long has put the t<'am through two practlcrs and wlll be ready to play ball Sunday. H e ha.a re- quested that all playcra report to the Boy.a' C lub at 1 p. m . on the day of the first ga1nt' to check out U"lif orms. s 1·ssET BASEBALL Santa Ana f'ullf"rton . Oranrr s .. ,,,port. ltarbor Huntlnston 8¥&ch Anahrlm "' l. P C'L 10. 0 1.000 8 % .800 ... • a . .aoo 4 6 .400 2 8 .200 2 8 .200 " JOYCE PUR CELL OCC Student Src~taf)' Inyokc rn. ~rvi.ce clubs. BICYCLE$' FOR RENT Ace Key Service O. P. VEACH,. expert Lock111mltb 101 Mahl St. Balboa at. Foot of Pier PLAY GOLF 18 HOLES BENT GREENS REGULATION LENGTH -PAR 71 HUNTINGTON BEACH GOLF COURSE I 7th a w .. 1.y B. M. MABSllALL. MJ!'r. Ph. Lex. -• ALWAYS ON THE JOB lt Taly!iB Top Qualtty Lflathe r and Fine \\'orkman8hlp to Produce Qualify 8'-palr \\'ork. BALBOA SHOE REPAIR 706 'E. Balboa . .\. ve. BALBOA • .lwit for Yo\L n-om the world's Finest Fabrics. • May we ·show you? MUFTI, LTD. CU lOM TAILORS 18832 Ne\\•port Blvd. l Phone Kl S.%980 · j BloCks North of Sant& A~ Couatry Club f -............. • Babcock Wins Bat Crown; Crain 3rd The school will serve to lnstrurt boys between the ages or eight and 18 i.n fundamf'ntals of ba..<1<"- ba.ll. Harbor Hlgh coach ElJi!:'.ln Hall and Orange Coast'a Wendf'll Picken11 "Vill aid In teaching as will several h igh school and col· lege players. The 8(>8!rion will al.80 be the kickoff point for the sUmll}er leaguee for boys of the entlrf' Hlr- bor area. League11 will be orgap- lzed •n b&Jteb&ll for boy111 through 1'4 year.a o kt. [t i.e pll\nDf'd to have two league11 -A Clau A league will play Tuesday and Fri- .:lay even ing• while the Claaa B teagul will play two mornings each week . -Primary purpose of the profr&m Is to give every boy a chan~ to play baMball on his own level. In order to play on the varioU• "big league" teams, par - ticipation in the lnlramura.I league.a-will-~ rl'.'quirf'd. Guthrie Named C~mmittee Head i Orange county freshman achol-:;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;,;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:~ Complete Tennis Rex Babcock of Santa Ana high &<'hoot's unb(>aten 1951 Sunset league ba.'!eball champions won the Individual batting title w,lth a . .f81 avt'rage \ 13 hlUJ ln 27 trips). Fullerton's Art Schade. in the runner-up ~pot at .440, and New- port Harbor'11 Gene Crain, the No. 3 batlf'r with a .412, were the only other batters over the .400 mark. F\lllerton's Sam McGaughy, who Jed at the end of the fir.it round or play with a .625. got only one h it in tttc lK'Cond rouhd. sllping to a final .306. The l<'adlng batters, .2~ and over: R . Babcock. SA A. Schlldf', F"loo G. ('rain, SH B. \\.'llllatnfl, HB 0. WIUla.mw., 0 R. H,.man.. 0 IL HayMNR,, SA T . Padilla. F"ton A.8 H Av. 21 ts .u1 U5 II .440 ~4 .... 41! 30 tl .361 %2 I .SM 15 3 --18 • .SSS ... .. • .SlO Last year 178 boya attendffi the baaebaJI 9Chool and playf'd on &ome or the 13 Boya' Club tean1s. Thi.! year' lt la planned to havt: 23 tea.nu. Marines Join Carnival . Entries S. MrliMll'by, f'"'ton A. Coen. Anaheim H. Bryan. SA .. U 11 ~ For the first tline since t~ ln· D . ....._,NH P . Cbafe, HB C. Hatftekl. A.naklm G. La Bono, ~H !O 8 .IOO stltuUon of the ea.ta Mesa Fish !8 8 .JM ·Fry, an anhua.1 event. unltAI from ... !4 l .%tt El Toro Marine Co.rps Air Sta· S% 9 .tat Uon •wtll participate, accordlnl!' I<> %1 I .211 Bng. 0.n. R. E . Knapp, USMC. 18 4 .%50 {Rel .• ) now a C011ta Mesa ~sl- -------d~l. The gene~l. working With SOFTBAUERS START the Coeta Mesa IJona club, co·n- t.acted ottlclala &t El Toro. re· The six t eam Coat& Me• LloM que•t.Irtl' that tbe prize..winning Et· Club Son~a.J.t IJelfkue will get un-Toro ~lne band take part ln the derway Monday night June 11 at 8 featfvtUee th~ week end., p. m., it wu decided at a meeting: "We are &lao ~attempting to ob-, of coachea and managen lhl.ll ta.in ooe of the Mart.ne Corpl' new week. La.at y ear's cbampJon.ahJp traMport hellcoptera toe an -.p- club sponaore<S by the Shamrock pearance at tbe two-day event," ol. Coat& Meas. wtll open up &plnat Gen. Knapp ~-''The Mil- a team captained by Bob P ierce copter BqU&dron ls opera.Ung on a .,,.s manac«I by Sam Fram~. strict tralnlfll ldledUle and <11-.11 Other U8mo ln th• i_... Include not yet knmm wbethet ,.. can Rlcllarda Mark•t. ~ Soya' obtain ...., of lbo new ~ Club llBd Holstein °"1otnlctlon. wlihout dloturblar tlllo ~. Kach 1-m WW play ooce a week-Bawner, f!ftl'J'· effort W .bel.Dc nln<! lnnlnp atArllnl at I p. m. awl<.• • ' ' 'l'lle man...,-. declde<I lo Umlt Tile Marine a'flatlon *lpaienl .the canpetltoa lo Jocal ..._,,... dioptar ~ lllcludo cula""1 with. the .-pUon that a pl&Jer -o< e11cm-eloctdcal - who p'.ayed ID tM ......... -Y-. ~ and other ~ of - (ram CICll of Iowa -.. alloW9d alrcratt, al-wlUI ~·of to partlclp&lo pfO¥ldlnr ... --Inoa al. WtltiOI ...,, 'a aU the olll., ~ta. A ---of --pllotea -::! ~ '= ~.~.:::--!.t8.:."6 ~-.=.:--- per--.11 ~ 18 &111 -pllOCGp9flllo ••vie• et ._ lloltlliOll 1-M. -.._.,,. I .. . • • • arahip committee or the Unlver- alty of California Alumni auocia- tion at lt.8 r ecent mt>etlng gave a un animous vote or thanks to Ed.- ward J . Power of ~na.helrn for hll!: work as committee chairman 1 ·l and t.h('n elected Georgt' Guthrie. I inRtructor at Orange Cos.st college and resident o f Balboa l sl&nd, u the 1951-52 chairman. At this 1ntttlqg the scholarsh ip I committee e'ectPd ~ high school and junior college graduates on the basis of leadership and schol- astic avhlevl'ment to r eceive uni- versity scholarships for further academic training. Names of re- ctpif>nls WC'TC wllhhelrl, pendin g notification by the unl,.verslty lo the students conce rned. During the curTent year the OrangE' county 8cholarsb lp com-1 mill<'e gra.ntrd 7 8cholar8hipa to' studrnl.8 from Orange county. In all. t he group hu 8poll80red 49 scholarshlp.15, the fUnd8 for which were rafaed through local alumni contrlbutlona which wert: matched dollar for dollar by the University of California. CDM Pilot Plays 'Cowboys qnd lndiaM' ·Two Marine pUota. one of them from Corona del Mar. teamed up t~y ''cowboy. and Indians" wi 150 Conunu.nlAt lroopa north- e · ot Seou.l recentlY. Tb e I r " e" wiped .out the entire group, It wu reec>Pled. The troopa were spotted hldlng: SHOP RACKEts · BALLS SHOES Ola-DAV RESTRINGING SER\'ICE 0 • I' BO I'S Sportin9 Goods 17tli ~ Newport Bl\·d. COSTA MES!I< Ph~e Beacoa 6921-K ·CLASSES START JUNE 18 and JULY 9 Skllleil office worltm aN u111entfy needed. DefeftH moltlll· zation hen CNGtM exciting opportunltle& In bu&lnw, ....,.,.,.. 1111nt, and 111l11Hny offlcet. , CIVIL SERVICE SALARIES Typist • .... • • .. • .. .. ..... .. $204 to $220 per mo. StellOlfl&pher •••••••••••••.••• S204 to SUS-per mo. Da'ENSIVE COURSES -Pre-College, Pre-tnduc· tlon, and Finishing Courses for high school com- ·mercial graduates. (JABIJEBS oorlBsEs. Secretarial, Accounting, and Business Admlhlstratlon. l'tR80NAL nl'ING, f9r boys and eirls, ages" 10 to 11. I APPROVED FO~ YETERANS .--~ ..... -;;;. -::.,. -;;;:;.:;:. -;:;..;:; --:--1 ill a building by• Capt. Philip De· Long, tomierly of 507 Orchid St.· Teeming up with !Nm Lt. Harold • Deigh of Paramount. be atrJ,f~ the building' with ·caanpn fire I<> force the troopl out the front dcfor, Aa they, ran out. Lt. Delgb llolbed. napalm over them t.6 el ... .,_,Ill Or_. c...& 11' I ? .... IJI 9ml El ........... Lb 7 .. -ae .. ,_, a•• ... la .. •-•• .. ,_, IM ._.. p.. _..,_.. te J7&t• I >a 000 •ft' ... t..t. ,..,. ._, awi .......... tea ., Miita tlf a-t..· ... , • st ...... .._ .. L Ft tt: ..... , ... 8 ..... , r 118 ..... _._.. .......... euucl!lil •rttt: .. •111: •• .. ... ..... • ..... -n. ii I • l4 -.......... _... ... ··~JI~ I I ' . I • ' • ' ! • . . force them bade ""'""· Wben the buJJdlng C&QW!ll flM, the b'OOp& tried '!JIOU... UC&l_)O. Qllly I<> be strafed at ~ lneJ b7 the two-pilot& A ground -t.tVqer W!Jo watdl· ed the ..,Ure pt'QC"dlop i.ter ndlood that Ille two Jlllolo, ll)ltnJ tr'Olll the -'11111 a.tun. W wlpo.I CICll 'all :UO of the ti'oollL ~": ::: .::.;:--~~ ,..... wm ,.,_ 111At1&M ;I&' • I I I ~ . I I Malit 11•w · I . I '(olliook °"' .. llollo) I , _. I • I n4MS ·• • • • • • • ... •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• •" " •••••• •• • • I ~ ·············~··············,.i... •••••••.•.••• I .., ·< ........ ;;, ....................... ~n .. : ... .-... I ; ·~ . ---------~---ilallllltClll •· • • ·, • • • • ' ' Rtvolutienary Ytlvtt•flat flRlsh for walls, wiodwedt ·fU~COLOR Y Easy 10 u'sc. bnaslt ot roller r' Dries ia 1n hour V NoobjKtionabl• odor r' Non-porous -raisu dirt ti Washes clean witla soap aod water t' Now -same fLA T i.ni1b for walls AND woodwork ii llady 10 .,. righ< Crom caa BALBOA MARINE HARDWARE TWO ~TORES 1-"or )OUr l'Ull\·i-n.Jt=Df"e 91 \ C'OA~T t-IJGH\\'.<\ \:' llart>o.r 21 OS 101 BA \'SIDt; DRA\'i: Ht-:a«on 6006 ~EWl'ORT llEAC'H • Departures DAILY TO SAN FRANCISCO frutn Lo• A,...,.,, Almost l1ltt catching 1 slteetcar! ~olet or 32 schedules daily ~ach way, includln& 1 slF<11i1trt-thru EApr e~s (no local stops, no eal r1 f1 rl!). Co.ut and Va lley routes. Owly $5'.65 one way, SI0.20 rov~ trip, plus tu. Mrs. <=. C. Swafford, < 'o:.Lirot Hlway l"holM' UGAL N011CI \l&&Tiftc.il'I! OP B1l!IDIW Pletitlowl l"lnD Name 'ftlE UNDDUIIG!QCD do h.,..· by certify Uiat they are conduct· mr a Chlckea Ra.M.h bUmt:ne11 •t Ha5 Barbot' Boulevard, Coeta K-c.utorala. un4ff tbe tk>U· lua ft.rm napie ot Hall Randt c-P""1' and u.a1 wa !Inn Ill C01Dpmed ol ll\e tollowtn• per· .OM. WhOM cnatQea bi f\l.ll and placff of 1"09.Mknce &N u ro1:ow., to-wit; General Partner- i:lgia L. Hall 123:1 Hubor BML. Colt& M-. C.W. Llnlited Pvt.ner- 0 . W . Rlcbud, SUS Via Udo, Newport Be&ch ,caJlf. WITNESS our handa tlWI 9th day of May, 19:51. . ELGIN L. HALL O. W . RICHARD • • Stat~ of cali!ornla, County ot Orange. sa. ON THIS 9th day ot May, A . D . t9al, belore me. Robert F. Wlllme1 a Notary Public la Ud for the &&i~ county and State, rMkllnc there· lo., duly com.m!.Miooect and awom, I peraonal.!y appeared 0 . W . Rt.ch- arda and Elgin L. Hall known to me to be OW p erM>na whoa name.a 1 a.re subscribed to t?'le wtth!n ln- 3trument,. aDd acknowledged to I me that they uecuted the same. JN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hav• hereunto set my han<1 and &!fixed my official ual the day and year I.a U.Ls-certiflcate first above writ· tM. ISEALJ • ROBERT F . WJ(.t.MES f My commi.98ton expire 11/16/51 ) No. 702-Press. Publlah May 1~17-21-31 . 19~1 . NOTICE OF HEARINGS Notice ls beft'by given that th• Planning Commlsskln of the Ctty of Newport Be.ch. State of Cali- fornia, will ho ld public hearinp on the application of cert.a.in property ownere: tor tbe amendment ot Zon- ing Ordinance No. 53!) so u to cause Lota 1 to 11 lnc •• Tract 1028 to be rdOned from tttetr pr-e.ent :mne ot R-1 to R -t . Netiee ill bere~y MiMr st van Ill!<• ..W Marinp wll lie MW on tM l1n ""1 ot JUNE, and tbo >ttl& ""1 ot JUt.T, lUl at ... -o1 7:30 P. M. la t11e CWncU Cllutllon ol tho Clly Hall., New· '°" a...ci.. Calll'omla. at which t'9e Qd p.:ace ~.Y and all penoM tal••e•ttd m-:f ap~ar and be ....U thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN Sef:Ntary Pluninl' Commlulon No. 711-Preu. PllbUah May 31 • July 1, 19~1 . NO'J'ICS OF HM.XfNG& NGt.ice la hereby rf'Ven tbt.t the PJunJnc Commia!lon of th• City of Newport Bucb., State ot Call- klrlli&. wUt hold publto heartnp on Ule ~soJ\ltion aJ lntentlon. ot the Plmmi.ag Comml.-Joo to initiate amendment of Seetlon 9102:0 of \be Municipal Cbde ol tM City of Newpert Be&ctll 90 that lbe area comprisad by certalll loU la Tract 3.23. BJaek H. men f\IDy deeerlbed u Lo&a l. f a.nd ~. be JTzontd from C-1 to C-1-H d.iatrlct. Notlff ts here by fUrther (1.v en that said heartn!P will be held on the 21at day of JUN!:. and the 19th day of J ULY, 19~1 at lhP h.our or 7:30 P. M. ln the Council Cha.mbera of the City Hall. New- port Beach. Callfomta, at whlieh tlme and pla ce a.ny and all persons intereated n1ay appeer and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEi.iN Secre tary I ' ' --... -. . - PARA.DE • CA81lltLO ' nllll RY GRAND MAJlSIIAL ._ (Carrel>-..-.,.) - .._..., Mcrm r aa M•arary nvmbf.r of thf. Coita Me. U~ .... M i... MJller, ...... p~·rroor or t~ Uon_, club. ttft, pn-- , Ad'len+iri Pes_io,- .to Attend &sf8rn Seminar)' • · Oldster Group to Be Honored at Christ Chur<:h Pet Parade is 1st Event of Mesa Fish Fry Exact time• tor hlcftUght evenl5 ol the Coet.a Mesa Fi.U Fry and Ca.miv&l, tchedukd for Saturdlly and Sunday at the Ooata Me. park and wlt.b • tun,.ttme M.ld· way along 18th St., were an- nounced thlls week by ArUe Swarts, preeideJll and Bill Lord, genera.I c b&irman ol tbe tpOn.IOr- ing Costa Mua·Newport Huttar Lions club. The atratr wtlt be-gin wtUt the Pet Puadt at 11 a.m. while Ciah dinner-a will be eervl!d throurhout the afternoon Saturday 'and Sun- day. The Grand Parade will be the openln&" feature of the event• Sunday, belinl'lilll at l p.m. The tthedul• follows:· llA'l'VRDA Y n will nnt be just a .-randm,olh- .... night, but a rreat grandmOth· er'• naPt ne.a:t W~lday, •JulM' fi, when a .special service at. Chrt.t Cburcll by t.be Sea will ~or great. jTMdmot.hers. Mn. Em.ma Weatherford. h ereelf a «re&t ,-ranc:tmother with twenty-four great &T-udcbildren. I.a UILltl.ng the put.or, Rev. Pendell, tn ar- ranctng UWa uniqUe affair. All Cri&t p&Udmother1 in t.be com- mWtlty a.re ill vltod. 1"h.e event will open with & pot luck dinner at e :30 w~th the pro- gT&Jn following at 7 :30 p.m . ' ____ .. ____ w1_t_b_IM __ °'_n._1a1 __ -_•_1_1_•_•_l_U... __ •_rpa1 __ .. _u_o_a. ______ lla..m. -l"d P9f"Mlr: • VON't'INUS CASI: Ooatlnwed untll next Friday in SUperlor Court LU:t WMk> Wf.1 the -41 lllllt.on t.. Elhll "'"" Ill c.Mrttid w1"" two-cou.ata of (l"&nd tM1t Jaa. 13 from Georre Hol- stein ud Sona. The delay wu at rt14lU.fft of bis attom~y. S. B. Ka\lfnlan . sew HOME AT CD!\I Atty. and Mrs. A . K . Phelps bav• been turnJ.ahlng and mov1ng lnto thetr rwwly purchued horn~ at 6.1$ Narcb.lua. They form~rl y re&lded at 407 Fe.rnleaf. LE&AL NOTICE Hold Oance at Rsh Fry Sat •. C'llmulnit the re•Uvlt)es on Sat· un:lay, first da}' of the Sbl:Ol An- :iual Fi.ah Fry and C&rnlval. will be a dance at 9 p. m . In the Costa ~1esa Legio n Hall, sponsored by the Southern California Hone- men's AS!ociation. van·• Cowboy Band from Long Beach wl 1 play from t p. m . un- til 1 a. m. for the Wef'tem a.nd Square danclng and several •inc- tng stan w111 participale Jn the prOIJTam. Guell C"&llen have bun broul"bt ln for the tlV\'nL while Jack Tay)or of Aaab•im wUJ act ~ fk>or ma.nacer. other bakery producU bf' ba.kec.I Door prlsea. !Jtcludi.ng a tailored ln tbe City or not. -SI00.00-a. Wes tern lhl.i-t, a hat. nf:('.'.kttes and Section 8231 [a.l. ~lark•I -1 boots, wUI t>,. given during Lbe $2S.OO-a. , evenlnc. Section 8237. lt>f' Cream. \\huh·-The Flab Fry -.rut CamJval, -.1~ ma.n.artng or ca.rrylng on the apoMOted by the Coat& Met.a· buatncae of sc::lling or distributing Newport H.ubor lJons Club to -W .OO·a. support Uleir recri&llonal pro- Sec:Uon 824.2. MJlk Wacon. ~r IJT'&m for Ha.rbo.r NM ctlildren, vebfcie, each subject lo a permit ope"" at 11 1 . ra. S&tu,day and -$20.00·a. cootinuu throu:ch Sunday with I I D001t-F\ah •l.D.ner& •nd run an ..... l\ll.S..·a,y. 1 :00 p.in.......Cl'Ownla• of tbe Queen •f \be can:a.lval. - 1.00 p.~ <Corpo il•plaJr. f :to -~Bab}' .......... follo- b,Y tbe D.taper' Derby. 1:QG p.m.-Aw&rdlq Qf ~ 8:00 p.m.-~ at Amert.caa U.s'on hall. t'111ltl dlDMn and rua oa UM' MW- wa~· until eloAlnc. SUNDAY N OOD -Ftsb dlnnen and fwi Qll the Mld\o\·•y. I :00 p.m.-Graall ~ t :30 p m. -.fuclctnl of h6rsea. rid.en. Bard& a :ea p..m.-a..•\7 eoateat. l:OI ...... --· 8' ........ Fblli dlaaera &94 ,... • t~ Mid- ~ ..,111 ........ .. Exp•ct Lmgfst Fish Fry Pwacl• -NEW UDO 181J~B8 Newcomers to LJdo lale ~lib. Charlotte M. Hall Of Newport Bea.ch ·aoo Phebe Burllnc Und ot Balboa. ls\"Dd received their b&ch· elor Gf arta decrees on SWld&y, May l7, a& members of a cl.au of 165 paduaUng seniors at Whit- man colll!!:&e. Walla. Wall,, W~b- ::: ::-..~ :~-~"t': 7-l!I Vta Lido Soud. BERK FllOM IA HABRA Former La Habraru: &re Kr. and Mr.. T . Arden, new reskle.n.tl at 904 'Via Lido Nord. I FUCHSiAS 'i Lo'" of bushy plallt. If caa• 25 # Only ................ .... ........ . .carb Stor 1.00 (laJJoft c.lJt tlte plant.s In t.loom, f'&~h 76'! f HANGING BAS~E'I' f"C:CUSlA& 1.00 Bloomin1 ---·-· ....... ...... ····-······-..... ......... ...... ap ~~~~~OLD .... ......... .... . . ....... 1.00 141!1 Se. 5 & 10 ' Nunery NP.wf,ort Blvd. TUSTIS • • I .. " • ' . . .. Pl.ann1ng Comm!Mlon N o. 710-Presa. 0.·»roD Mt! [Publish May !ll ·July 7, 1961 . Section 8258. Sb.a.rpealDI( Tools., famoua flaa dlftnen • e r v e d o~ratln' Qf motor or other veh-lilrouchoul tbe-a..nernoon1 on both lclt tor the purpaee of aha.rpenlng daya. Spo<tatora YiolUns ll>c • Collta M ... l'lol> P'ry oad. Clln>IV&I from a.1J over Sou.them CaJUornla will be lined ~p aJoea-U.. route t'or t.be G.....S P ....... w.blcll llqlu at l p. nt sun-,. tlM .-day °" lbe two day. or ru.n r-••ed by t.be Cocla M.-.N•'#f"'t Har"°" Liou c :w.. GRUHOUND ALERT RED! Sends up Flare-! * SA.t'KJF'IC"E MY BUICK '49 ('on~f'tUbl•' l>yufte\v •"U ., :•!ht·r uphu~ NW-\\ T\lp -J.4,1~\ ~SJatct- $1850 * CALL HARBOR 422 or EVE:SIXfiS HAR. 1:5ll·R NOl'ICI: OF H:EAJUSOS Notice Ls hereby given that lbe Plao.ning Commlation or Ol e Clty or Newport Be&ch, State or C&ll- tornla, _will hokl pubU c heari.np on ~ Resolution ot Intention of t he Planni.JV -conimtaelon to amend the zo~g law or the City of NeWpoot lloa<:b by addln&' So<· tion 9103.73 lb) to U.. Munic.tpal Code, excepting from tbe pro'ria· klina ~ 8103..13 fa) the noo-eom· m~ cuat.Dc ot •JOl't rtaa.. N~ ti '*re_, hU1ber g1:ven that uid he&rings will be Mid oa tk ll•t day of JlTN1i. Ud lht lhll "-.Y f>f .JULY, 19&~ at th• hour of 7:30 P. M. in the Council Cla.ua.bua of llle City Hall, New- l>Gft ·heel>. callforala. at whlcb time uld p:.ace aay UKli ..U Pff90N lnterutl!d rn.a,y appear and ~ "-"d tb6Men.. RAY Y. COPli:UN Secretary Pl&nninit Commlaioll No. 709-PreM. or J11.ndin1 knJves:, A.Xt>•. sclasors or other cutlery, for each such veb.lcle -S2S..OO-a. Section 8288. Wheel Tu.. Every peraon, nrm or corporation con- S•1k ,_. ... of Noe. act Deed di.u::Un,, inan.a(tng or carryinl" on J'oreclowre or a proml.Qory the buainc-.a ot l(rwlnlnc. drlvtnl" not• t.nd tl'\&11 dMd on Newpbrt or OPf'rann• any automobUe, auto-lkacb real e-atate wu requested ln mobUe truck. automobile tank auperlor court by Mr. and Mrs. wacoo or 1ny other motor vehicle , Georte C. Heees and Kr. and Mra. UHd for the transportation of Robert Htta. bacc..-e, trel1"bt, hoU8ehold coods, Sult la 1.1aJnst Mr. aod M.n. Bo snerch&ndlae. lumber. brick. ce-Chru.Uan R.oo., Mr. and Mrs. Eu- ment, oil, rock or gravel. For each re.ne Dulcette and Arthur Gre:cg vehicle, ex~ept where the rate of i.. Shtlle aa maken of lbe note 1ucb Ucense la fixed al • hlcher aad ownera or '-be property; Mr. n.te by any prov11k>n of this and 'Mn. Rea1naJd L. Knowles, Chapter -$1a.OO-a. Bank of America. Harriet Par.on.a SECTION 2: There -IJJ hereby and Robert E. Jacob.a. u truatees, a.dded to the Mu.nlctp&l Code ot the &11 aa c.l&tmlng interest.a tn the City of Newport BMch. Seel~n pro~rty. Ulf (a), lo ~ U !ollowa; It WU ailopd tho truot dttd .. Delt...nn,-any food or drink was jp'ftn u tec\lri\y for a $10,000 ror blll!WI conawnpUon to l'Otall nolA l'•b. I, 1149, &od that pay- ouUeta -S25.00... -menu ue la m.tiJ.Ull trom tut TM par..i. will form at the Coat.a Mna put_ on A.A&heim. Ave. and tura eu& oo Cea'411' at. to Park It.ft., to 1-u4 Newport 1venue Jt wW tka ~ &loo.c 'N.wpott Ave.. to Blvd'., t\lnllq at llltb St. to mU<ll to N~ ~ It will I.bell turn eou\bWVCI oa Newport Blvd., mov1J11 ta ITU. St., then alon& 9uporik lo ...__ and u.... -lo tbe -lily aroa lldjacut •• Ula J'loll Fry and Cu- n!val · Tll• -ta.e<a:ar _pr'O<lO-. , ... t ........ -lllltl!! ...... .-tum ... SpuW> allwr and Ia,dlaD dr-•-U-YIU. loanda and lh'M'!ng ~U-. Will l>a lie pol' cent lupr lllan Ill &111 .....-)"MP. Tll• J'loll Fry bollu llatUr!laJ lllld !lab dlanera wW be -OOD• •la1rWO ~t tM aft.er. ......... _.. "-'· 1-------------"'l .....,.illl K"J' Sl -July l , 18"1. Sl:CTION 3; Thill onlinane< Fob. L Now allepd lo be unpaid ah&U be publlabed at tua one. ,la a ftTOO Mleftce. p:Ull county In tho Newport-~ Prna. a and Newport ~ tax .. and u-••wwpapcr o1 pnual ctrculauon. .. _ta. S19'101,lv llBt WATER HEATERS Sal.., fienire ....i a.,..... ja.BecJJo/J PLt'MBING A.utborlU!d O.ler o.,,-a !'rli..-1.-•a Bm.&en ftlMS llt'l Do•• o• •II HM+.n none llattlor ~w ' rmBritimCars :i:~ ... .,., ... BUR SCHUYLER Moro• l-So.--'-1 .. 11 ' • prthted and 11ub11811od in 11>• City •' MDE!l ANCll ico. ..a of Newport e._.i, and 111ia11 take Loa.. la c;r ""'' Al" OIUllNAl<CI; AUNDINO etrect 30 day• alttt .... tlnal ~ Fcirecle111{9 -' lll:OTIO N UH, 1111 (a). aap._ . Ci T l .a I.a. C I it. .T. ~ 19, of La ..,, -· ~ -AND n. ,_ .... -...... 1n-' : •• ~•u a.-1a"' .... ,."a~ .. "'"""" ADDINO 8 •ti (a) b'oduc..! ~ &-~ 1Dfft1nit Of ~ ... t I° -a .:.-..... --le fN1a\ -po1111ioa 'IO 1¥tl _..,..,.... ... •OODS u .... ,at:ir .c...Mo-ot tllo Qty of e1i1e1t1 -• .. ~· ~ Illa lift ~ --~ QF 'IU ,_., Ql' N¥\VPOU N-•l Booe but on tho HUI ""'·-•I -N••-1 Bhd. ..... .._ .. ~'P-~ Ha.-~· ·-~ ... -~ ...... ~ -'hi' • wtliot ... ~~PlLOVIDINO rotl day Of ll&J. 1901. Ull wu &al-0... .._ ~ ~. --.... ' • nus i.:• nss OP CQ. '1 .... .., ~ MloplAwl on t11e Utll _. -• O.: C:.°'!•'u.. r'lfd-w TAllf a 8INQ8Q AND 00. ¥1 o! ll&J, l901. "7 ~ f-Juolp !-•Ill I\ ~ -~•-, .... .,.. ~ •-• CUP4DONll 1 bi& vota, to-wit; , . Wllo ""4 --...,.. -••~ ,._ - --. -· 'l'l>e Ctt;1 Councll o!'tlle aty. ol . ~ CcwicfDen l!'lnch. -. ......_ t•ls .... "' ,,._ -. ...... "' ... II I I - -=~. ~ -...-,. tol-::"1· a.-1. Biiio, :,... ~.::, '! = ;:: ~.::f.::. :": ~ :: U¥:TION 1: 8oolloaa Ull. N-Oounc!lm.ul. Non.a ...., 8'r..,. 11w• -.._ ........ a 4~ ::'i':IV::-.1 ~"'! ~ = 1.-nJr"'t. °"""'°"' ..... N-:::,~ .::.:.. -·~~':!:'.! Oolla::a°\:! -C:!.*1'!( ... : of Nawpcn heh ... bereb)-C. I(. J1UaT t.nrlil, B. --1 U,. -...... -u• • :::-... L. 0. h. "'"' '-4 la ....... u 1-.: aty Clal'lt • ' -11,. UM --Clltll Caa-ot La -... -It ' 111 .... ..._ ..._... .,.... ....... or t.. L. 18WfJ· ~-0.. n. teW +s &• M w ......_ -· -Pt! '9 C-.wllldo • ... ,.,.. UM --....... ilia....... ~----~ ---~...-..NO.~ Pr---•t•atMl41-0JF'PI• ............. Ill aold at ...... ,..,, ... -or P.t'11dl11 IVll/'1 Ml and -; -Aft-.. le...,. • • • " • CUUINT . - IARNINGS Per Annum .\ ~? _____ ... '· -~ .. Q ---.. . --. ;,> ............. -~ ............. ..__ ... __ _ ---r·-Q ' • • ... ' • • • •• HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS • MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Socl<ty Editor ~,,......,...,....~ .... Y ...... ~~..,~"'~....,..,"""'~- Lindbergh•Harper P.-T.A. Hears Talk by Dr. Robertson, Endocrinologist With Mrs. Jack Harrill, nA.r._ ___________ _ prer;ident, prc!'ld1ng. and preMnt-comn1ittees w er e introduct'd by ed a h<'a..lth program at the month· 1'frs. Ha.rrla u tollow8: ?tt:mea. Jy •1eeting of tht> Coata ?tfc8a Lind-Raymond Rapp. n1e n1bt'rs hlp: Ell- bC'rgh-1-IarJl('r PTA h <'ld in the ward Carr. program: Al Holli&- Mnln school aulfitorlum. The lt>r. finance and budget: Donald teacher winning the attendance Rapp , way8 and means: William prize W8.!I lflss Barbar·a Tuttle. Huecroft, c.amival; Don Bertuleit. kindergarten teacher at Lindbergh v,relfart>; Don ~te•ena &nd Harold school. Hohl. social: Charle8 Jacobs. hos· A pretty 1'ta)~lc dance wu pitality: Henry Rob<'rts. publl- g1vcn by the Lindbergh school , city: Corne:iwi [.o('scr, Tl\agulnf's; k1nd('rgartcn class. i R, T. Stephens, rlow<'r : Calvin Supt. Ev<'rclt RC'a urged all Hudson. exhibit: John Rasch, leg- parents to vote at th<' June 5 islation ; James Pearce. safety: A. bond election for the new Coata o. Hatfield, radio and tetcv1sion : Mefia schools. \Vayne Hardy. room nloth<'r for Mrs. Ell\~ard Carr. progr&m Harper school: \Vilhan1 Hubt•r, chairman. annou ncl'd the theme of room n1other for Lindbergh: Vir· this mc<'tLn~ as .. Security of Sound ~lnia Kidder , n1u1uc. Mrs . H inf'sly H t•alth.'" She 1nlrndttce<l Mrs. J ls the new parhan1cntar1an. ~ertrucle l\1ycrs, school nurse. who Rcfreshnients ""·ere scrvc·d In m turn 1ntrodu<'<'d the speaker of . 1 the kind<'rgarten room. The tra the afternoon. Dr. Helrn Robert-table was attracllvcly arrayt'd in son, ('nllocr1noln~1st. D~. , Robe.rt· 1 gladio~i. iris and other :'lprin~ son r.res~ntcct a f1ln1, .. Life ~th flowers. HoslCSSfS for the after- Baby. · and gave an 1nformat1~c noon v.'ere l\irs. 'Harold H ohl, 50• talk on glandular tlt~turbances 1r. 1 hao m n· ""t m .. o ,·onou t•ta c r a , l\' c... .-..1• r ,.chool chllrtr<'n . Dr. Shaw. ~rh.ool Koonrc, Don SlC'vet"hJ. o. K .' l\fax- tloctnr , s 1K1kc br1C'fly o~ finding V.'t'll, Grant Fulll·r. Don Bl·rtulclt glandular disturbances 111 sc;hool d ,,. 11. H u"·· h Id an 1 1an1 ..,..r. c l rl•fi i\trs. C. O. Andcr!.40n presented I Mr!-1 . Dou.i;::Jtt~ H1n e~ly, ret1r1nI;" . .\T REltK\. f't\ll'.\( PT A prl'SI•lent w1lh a pasl prcs1-j Dinn<'r at Knot l's Bf'r ry Farni tlenl's pin. •\\'as f'nJOYPr1 rf'CPfl tly by Or and :\1 t•mbt rs h1·a1d a rt•sumi· of th1· Mrs. J ohn K. Chung-anll l·h1 ldr1<11. rf'C(·nt PT A eonvt·ntton held in Gary, 11.iaxinc, J Qyc1· and Caroline, 11 San Oie~n. which v.·a~ attcn!.lt•d 211 E. 18th strt't't. Costa M<'~8. by Mrs. Harrl.S. ~·trs. Parr1t• Robinson anrl Mrs. ~t•\\' ('httim1r·n I ~l1nnic. 1'11chtcr, n1othcr of Mrs. ~C"'-' cha1rm1·n of thl' various Chung. • Mrs. Ruth Hummel Named Chairman of Zonta District Hlih honor wu a ccorded New· port Harbor Zonta· club. organised only th~ yean ago, when Kra. Ruth Hummel wu appointed by Zonta lnternaUonal u lnter-Clt_y chairman or Dl.9trtct 9 . Mn. H'um- mcl la a charter membc.'r of the club and a put presld~nt . Announcement of the appoint- mrnt wa.s made at the regular me~.'tlng, beid Thursday, May 24 at the home of MrR. Peggy Relnert, 40-t Clay •treet. Newport Heights. ~trs. Helen Stockton prealded over th<' short buatncsa aeaaJon and also reported on the inter-city m.ccting held in Puadena. Al9o attending were Pl'ggy Reinert. El-"lie Hampton, Mildred Stanley and Hl'lcn Norton. Mrs. 0 Hummel wu appointed Civil Dr fcnse chairman tor Zonta and t'Xprct.s to immediately set 1.lp cvcr.ing l'las:!E's for ~struction in first aid. 1'frs. 1-l a.zel Dell wu namf'd to rrpr<-si •nt the club at th(' Atr m orial DaY program a.t Balboa pier. Famous Artist Has One-Man Show at Balboa Shop Ellnt O 'Hara. mt'mbcr o ( tht' National Acadt•my and lnt,•rna· t1o nullv fan1ous a.':! a .... ·al<'r color- 1st. hU a one+man 8ho'A' o r 26 nt>w pa1nt1J1gs no\\' on display a.t lhe Dlu1--. Sat's Book Shop , Matn St .. Balboa. The ptcturr s may be .!IC<'n daily and on Sunday from 1 to 6 p n\. ?l.ir . O'Hara, \lo'ho has written a number of book11 on watercolor t1·chn1que. will conduct classes in p•i rtra1l and landscape this sum- n1~r at Laguna BC'ach. PRE-SEASON SPE·CIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATtJRDA Y 1,,,\ltCJt; t\!'iSORT1'fl!:XT YACHT CAPS FATHER'S DAY CARDS l.AL<tt ('hant·f' TUSSY CREAM DEODERANT 5or Rr;.:. $1.00 Ont·•• a .\'l•Rr S1•el'l:il SWIM TRUNKS HASSOCKS J{rJ. $3.40 .. -. ~·' .. \\ lllTE O\\.L or CIGARS Box Plus tic SCUFFS 2 Qu11rt \\'IUTE f;~·t\1'tY.l, •2•8 SAUCE PAN ENVELOPES I K<-ir. 66c .... 2 fo• 59( CAP GUN RPI(. $:?.ID Pl~tlc SWIM RING "'•· •Sc 79 r . ~~~~~~~~~~I SWIM ... BELT I R•·g. $1.19 CUTLERY SET Bnu:lllan Ko"f"\\'Ood llandlr'\ $3.19 \·a lur 98 r BEACH SLIPPERS 19f I" I (lt111rt Refrigerator BOTTLES ___ "e•. ~•_• __ 3_9_r 1 ____ R_•_•·_,,.,_. ___ l_l_r Sprriul DENTAL FLOSS l<ri::. 69e }'orr-.C {in"l'D 13-oz.. 39' Ice Tea Glasses r~,;-. 12(' <'a 6 for 59¢ Ladles' and GP.:ntl4:m('a's SUN GLASSES • Alrforee TypP s1N ~ •• 12...91 for hou!'M" or t'Rr Fire Extinguisher I $129 Llnr·n DISH TOWELS 2 ... 49 ' f "REE! of Men.Jt('n'tt Sba,·e wtUl Purt"h•w of MESNEN'S SKIN BRACER 59; \ 11 O&. Decorated TUMBLERS _.,._ 6ror59; Dorothy {fnt.3• Oriln&"f' F1o"''f"r LOTION und Tf'xlun- LOTION l~f'J:". '1 M K"'K"· '100 3.'75 $2.00 fff'lf'na Rubtnst~ln Sta Long Lipstick •100 1\ "~orlf'fl S hR41rs Hf'h•n C'ornf'll Hormone Cream Hr g. 11.10 69' Dryper Pad Pants and DISPOSABLE DIAPERS ,fual Arrtvf'd ~ Rf'vlnn AOl"i\MARl:\'.E CREA~t DEODERANT or i\Gl" A~tARl1'"E LOf'TIOS DEODERANT \\•-Ith LanoUte .. •1•0 ra. Mf'n•a Tollf"lrira For FATHER SE,\ FORTH OLD SPICE IUXG'~ !\!ES SPORTS MA.X lllS LE1'""THERIO I Pe>uod CtNJ.toolate Co\-erT'CI CHERRIES .... ,. -6.9' Doro~ O"'J' Hot Wwa1l:1r COLOGNES a ..-..rui r......-'1 .. liq. •• ' I . . 1 .. ' ctlft'ODJ' OP B UJl11:D . Qiotod7 of llYt minor dlll4ren" wu requNted In llllpOrldr court b7 Mra. Cll~ 8. Btldllam u &be ftkd acUon tor dl'f'Orce ff'OOl WO- iiam H. Btldhan>, Sr. 811< cbaFpd mental cruelty and l&k1 they were marrl<d In eo.t& M-, 0.C. 29, 11129,, Hp&nted 1aat . F•b. 1 and have had Wt clilldren, one an adult an9 U.r othera r&nglng trom 3 to 19 year-a of age. She Uated community property as tncludtng a realdence and tumlahlnp ln Yorba Linda. life lnaurance and two automobileL Mesa Residents Eritertain Friends From Ohio & Mich. PJVOJl(lJC e_ PAGE 3 -PART I f .-THURSDAY." MAY 31~ 195f ~ WllbUr Pu-i . · ~ M- ltlnl wltb cnieltr, J(no. H•len D. .,,:: ~·~14W11 • Al Perldna 11euueme.i 111pertor c0urt • -~,. -PJlE s s -• fOr dJvorce. 'Ibey married ·at -· ...... liM t • • WaUlregan. DJ., Sept. a, 1934, oep-, Recont gu-In tile home ol an.led laat May e and have th,... s h tt• o• Mr. and M"'" Carl J . Ott, 284 E. oona, 15, 14 and tO y..,.. old, lhe pag e t Inner lltb atreet, Costa' Meu. Wt"!"e liat- Rev. and Mn. Jamu T. J •remlah .. t forth 1n her petition. Sh< I e·rthda F t .., e<1 community property aa howle-S I y e e ot ua.yton, O .• Mr. and M.ra: Al· hold tum.lahlnp at lffO Superlor bert Seever or Toledo, 0 ., and Rev. Ave., Coeta Meaa., and an automo· A 15paghetti dinner, slumb\>r and Mra. ""ed ~ever of North bUe. Sbe asked for cwstody of the party and picnic luncheon WC'rr Ada.ma. Mich. emts and funda for support. aome of pleasures sha.rt'd 'by young For 13 yean: Rev. Jeremiah wu friends of Evelyn Taylor, douj:h· putor ol the Emmanurl Baptist F h S D ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tnylor, church. Toledo, where the Otta at-at er-On inner 2257 Pacific &VC'nUe, Costa 1-tc&'l, OFl'DD8TS MEET Unded and for the put year has S f j broughl lc:igelher recl'ntly in lilt Bill Tobia.a. put president of been at the Emmanu('J Baptist et Or Une 15 T8}'lor home lo h<>lp Evf>l}'ll Cl'IC· the Optlmlat Club of Newport churcb, Dayton. Rev. Seever, a , brate h er twelflh birthday. Harbor, provldeQ entertainment former mt>mber ot the Toledo Bap-The annual Father-Son banquet EnjoyinJ;? the fetC' W('re Marum • Howe-Samwell W~dding to be in Oakland · lnYila liortl" :-ire oul for the mar- r1flgc. 011 Saturt.lay, June 16 at 7 u'l 0<·~ u1 SI P~t11'!-J Episcopal f'llu1 L h, On h !anti. of !r.tiss Nancy .fl•<u1n1• S11n1\\l1-!I nnd Hubbard Ch:t"(•• J-i1 ,\\1 Jr. l'ih· l1:·11lr• is daut=hler of Mr. and ~1 rs I 'lull r• Ralph Samwell -...·h ilr 1 IJ,. bru.l1•;_,'T1XJ n1 Ut aon of ?.1 1::; llulot}a•1l 1-tO\I.·<', Sr., of Cor- on:i 1lc·J r-.t .•t :nut Oa kland and 0the for hll fellow OpllmiaUI by •how-ti.Ill church, bu been pastor of 8ponsored by Cbrlat Church by the Koern<'r. Alayne Compton, J oye<' lng color altdea of hiJI trip to thf' the First BaptiJ:t church 1n North Sea hq been announced for Fri-Vilt<-, Lynne Cooper, JoyC(' ITool· Hawaiian lalanda at the 12:15 p. Adam.a for 11 yean. day, June 15. The program com-sie) Evans,\Helen Blehm, Shlrlt·y m. meeting al Norton's Bay Shore The Eaat.emers have been at-mittee, coMiJlting of Hal Lacy. Lc\l:is, Jo Anne Ogden, Luana c&fe. Optlmlats are atUI attking a tendlng thJ! GA.RB convention in WUJia.m Angold, Dave H oltby and Schn1utte, Barbara Fecnr y. Tht•r-Follt 1;\•111 ~ thl? rt·remony a re- Scoutmaater to round out their Oakland, vi•tUng the Ott fan1Uy Tom Pendell, is buay arranging a esa DtoCarlo, Kayla Hurst. Flo Luu l't'flll••ll ,, , \ IJ(' h eld at &-quoyah Scouting program. before returnJng h ome. top-notch ~rogram for the event . Thompson anrt Sanio Mathews. f'ountt y c 111h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~_.;~......:.~~~~~~~-.:...~....:.:..~~~~~~~ 'BREAD Mrs. Wright's, sliced. Enriched "'hite or wheat. Sugar Belle Fancy blended 1!:.1. J&c BIG MID-YEAR ·MONEY-SAVING EVENT V.1ue1, Values, Valuea ... They're "Bustin' Out All Over" at Safeway now. Yee, our buyen have outdone themaelv .. in rounding up a terrific aaaortment of good buya for you-in fresh fnrite and vegetable., in meata, in canned food8 ... in fact. there are bargaina all over the atore. We're celebrating with thia big Jam- boree of Values. Come on in t.oclay and have the fun of ahoppinr f~r favorite food• at mooey·uvin( prices. tAllllEI Hiii Apple Sauce :;.~~ 16 .... 14• ••• ~WI•••••! ·. :-:· ... ... FANCY TUNA SURF SMDS Star Kist brand Solid pack. 7 .. L 29C ••• ~~cri ed Stroined Heinz Baby Foods Green Beans Golden Com Br iargarc, Whole M edium S1z.e Country Home Cream S1yle Popular Brend~ Gum or Minis Blended Juice Orongc and Grapefruit Treeiweet bra'ld. (.C6-oz. con, 33c) • . ?!! 3 cans 23' 19·0L 251 '"" . &;i-OL ftc can 7- c.ar1on 5ftt of 20 7· 1!:..'" 15< IOR SANiWltNES Marmalade K•O<J Kolly 1-111. 1""" 12-lb. 1or, 31cl )!Ir 7-Sliced Apples ~~ · 2~~:·· 20• Veg,All 11 ·• .. 18• ... ~ ltM •I Ills l/11lfl/I •I,.., IHI/I I Apple Buller c o101,na 1~;;" 1 tc Honey H~~' 2,-~~· 47c \~1:· 25• Peanut Butter ~~:~:" 1t;:·· 32• Kippered Snacks 1 ~~ ... 11 • Scirit of Norway 0t Prince Poul. Libby Hash C:..7 ':;:·· 39- Spinach E~ld . 2:;:·· 17• HR Tiil IWEET THTll Creme De Menthe ~~ ~· 17• Gum Drops •• ......., ~ .... 23• Imperials Rc~~1 '· ~~·· tc: Marshmallows ~'":.'; ~-~~· 27• Pock.Ji four l/4 -ibs. to 1 -lb. poclir.aove. · MIRE llW 'RICES Bell Ruffles Crackers !:"..;·~ Lipton Soup Mi1 ·~·· 23• . .,,, ..... 17• . .,,, 3 i .... 35• .11, •. Noodle Of V~toble-TOMofo-Noodle. Buckwheat Mi1 J~.:.. -:·::· 33• Sno White Salt ,':;;.r 2.~~~· 10- 11111nnlJ nU11 Sunbrite Cleanser 3 •:;::· 23• Fly Swatters ... h 10• 1 3 in 1 Oil Fa< ~c:::·"•'d J .... 23• ••• MAYOlllAISE ~:.I~~::::1 r:,39° Il'1 llaYor whipped. CHalf·pinL ~; quart. 69c) SARDWICB SPREAD pint35e jar Lunch Box brand. CHalf·pinl. 2 lc: quarL S9c) MIZOLA OIL b~~~:. 39° ::~~ For aa.lada, for baldnq.-fryinq, or rnakinq mayonnaise. SWIFT'RUfG FLOOR l'.llch~n Crall Emichod Swift'• Shorteninq S-lb. 47e bag 3-lb. tan 10-lb. bag For all lamily baldnq. (25-lb. boq. 1.98) LURCH MEAT Blac~a:awk 12 .... tan PUDDIUGS Jell-well Brand 3 ... Specially Priced! S1x delkioua llcn"ora. Easy to prepare. TUMBLERS Forest Green, . ..\nchorglass. <art .. 49e-..... ,, . IEVERAffS Root Beer Dod'> Brend Deposits extra on bottles. Dad's Rool Beer ·2 :;;;:.· 35• Depos1ls extra on bottles. · Hawaiian Punch!::;~ •••• 51• Inst. Postum ~::·· 53• ~-::· 31c Airway Cotree ,,;:;:. :;:· 77• Mold , mellow. 13 -1b, b~. 2.251 Nob Hill Coffee ~~~~ ~:· 7tc YOUR NEMEST SAFEWAY • • • I Bev•ly brand. 1Rrgulor, 2.4.oz. jor, 51cl Polled Meal o~~~:d 2 3 :::.··· 1tc Deviled Ham L.bb, !~:'· 17• liver Spread L,bby !:;· 1 s• Tongue Spread L·bby l·H· 17• "" - DAIRY & 6,KED IOODS Lucerne Milk ''"". ..... 19.i co.rtoa "lC: Homogcn1t cd. IHolf-gollt>n carton, 39t' J Prices ~b1cct IO S101e Boord rcgulorions. Ice Cream ~~·;r:i'~"G 2 ..... 47c 100% ::.~.;: Bread :~· 20• Mrs. W right's, :iol1ccd . Frei.hly bolcd. , Cinnamon Roi~ ·:~•; .. 30- Borboro Ann, Brown 'n Serve-. Olson Rons s,s;;; ·n •-:,•:·· 18• Hostess Cake"~~~'~ .... 3tc French Rolls o, ca.io ··:~; .. 20- • • I • I • I 1- . . l . . ·-·- ' 1 • PAG~ 4 -PART If -TliµRSDAY, MAY 3f, 195 f ·.r~~~a:Ess Jl I Drl~ · .,,...., ..... d · · , - Tn men paid flttea .,. ~ ~ cllarpl, recor<la In N-· port Qty court ohoWed laat Week. I Mae' LOia Smart. t5, south 1 Gat-e, wu fined $160 after he en- tered a plea of guUty to drunk dr1'1fllg, Smart WU &mlllt<d by Newport pollC4' at 1131 Clout Hwy. Tb~y evening on a citlcc;n'• arrut complalot algned by Oacar l'endry, Downey. AlveJ 0 . Slln9, 'Jledl-_ f ,_Ued fl'ml the aurf ol lltll BL, Newport -h. !>7, bllj lluab&nd and another wddenttfted penoa.1 WI give 10IU' -Illa -·IOoli U '°" bavo U.. old put.. • ' 1 • • ''T ermite1r' • Let WI ass~t yon In • yow; plans. We w 111 gladly 08tlmate COlltll of , mat.erlals, recommend a contractor or help you obtain a Title 1 loan for new con§truction or re- modeling. • Pbone: Rt>acon 6471 Homf'r Mtollott. Manacf'r OTHER YARDS: Laguna Beach Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra Brea BALBOA TRANSFER CO. AGE:\"l'S FOR Beacon 6553 INATl!.U Stora9e Local and Nation-wide Moving C. E. McSlEL -1956 HARBOR BLVD. -0. C. BENNl:M' SOUTH COAST MATERIALS GOMPANY SPEC IFICATI O N READY MI XE D CONC RETE 229 \\'f'111t \\"illlnn ( bf>tu·Pf"n :\'f'\\•port llftd Hart>or Bl\•d.) ('o-.11' '.\tt~a -Phonf' e.·nron 5.348 ~------------~---------· i ' I ' SELF· SERVICE LAUNDRY . I Balboa Wasblt \ I ' I ' I 30 Min. Washing -Fluff Drying I Blankets Wool Shampooed and Dried 50r I 03 Palm -BALBOA Harbor 2724 !-------.:....----------------- High Quality Printing -Ph . Har. 1616 In W.. busy rel<phone day., when IO many calla dw help build our nation's stnngth are going nvu Loog D~ lina, you'll find your operator can give you much faster surice on your oat• of-town calls if yoa give her the number you wam nther thm just the name and-add.rt:& That W'IY·. you tee. yoo won't bl.•e to ...;, while she calls "Information" to g<t the number you'n: c:allinr. So why oot: ~ your own om-of-rown 11~ list right away? out-of..fDWll numben ts in a. handy" booklec, np...., your~ One ..,,., .. "' the .......... lo by ukiof your friaids foe tiloir ...,.,.. • : 1"ranJc Jobn Henning, 51, North Hollywocid. waa lined 1230 on a drunk drlvtnc cha'1I'! and bl• ope' 'ra.tor'1 license W&8 wspended 90 ,· K•,..P a Nell 8h- ll'REllH SILK" ' · · N-rli 8boe llepMr t•-HM N......,..n' - at.1:22 p. m. ll_unday. lltte 0.-1"'-----'--.----- capt. Jacic J-~ She =: !."°:y~-~~!"1 ;l&ken to ,.,. ____ -_.._. _____ ._ •--I , Jon.. Mid a crowd of 111,000 i Concrete w ~ pel'9C)lq waa on the beaebea in the ~ harbor aret.-&-.-eral CUIM of ttnt 011' ALL KIND8 aid were bandied by toUl' tit•' FLAGSJONE PATIOS •: =Y~ :::r:o;v:C=.nn:~ which wu wspended one year oo condition or no f\.lrlher 1ucb con- vk:tlon.s. Henning w~ found guards OD duty. The lurf WU llrht to moderate wtth many rtpUdee.. BLOCK WALLS • Jones added, wttll moat of the TF.STl:--OG IS A DAii~\' OCCl~KENCE In thro Pbyslo!oCinl Ps.rcholon· ci&M at Oran~ Coast Col- IPK•" \\'ilh th+• Mtudrni. t"ODduet.la& their own ln\"f"'tflptiol\!I. In the top plc tu"' Ted Glnlhif'r tlmett Jim Sharp and Luana Altom In Ute ....mbly of .. ,,.ll'KfY bloektt probk-ma white-the l.utmctor, Dr. Linn llutch.lnM>n, wrttN !'MUils Ml tM boanl.. Ill th4" eentn plctvn-t.he, girl• of the eras. ~pate In a .. tud.,)· lntrnd~d to determine the etfla1Mac7 of OCC iatuden~ ln lbe followlns '""rbal tnstnlctioftS \ tn tht" pt"r~~f .n: ll;!l""91U.~· . r &Mk-t.ylg a .neckttft. Glflni ttte Lnatruct.lons ~ .n~ . ....,,, .. w..-·.:..4 -' . • it~ op ...__.. ___ ll1ICONOIW th .... ~---~ - . Mtbl':"IW UlllJ' M ~ec..,.._.~ • .,......, _ ,..nk hom~rt !Ji oonctuet~ the PeAM1·ln.nla 8 lmanuaJ tAW& 1-an f'tfort to df't.ermlnie what lf aay 1' I~ thr dJffrroncf'! bf"t"''een a.cadNnlc altd lndmtrtal ATCA .. tudents ln phyllloloe'tal motor llkll1'. Frank is hoidlnc tJw •tot> "'tch on Dick Shn-od, '''"°I~ "C'~inc nut_. on bolt.a. Wat.chine thr pl"OCf"d- urr att Roef"r Sode"trom (Mlwf'M Gompert and SMrod) and Bill Tbomu. rlsht. Anderson Made Plan Horse Show at County Fair Honorary L•1on Many or the b<>•t st.ables In the [Kaiser Again is Fish Fry Chef With at lea.et 4t>OO of the usual Wl"tltern Stal~ are expected to \\'Ith Les fCarrot-Top) Ander-compete In the' n&tJona.J horse son riding at the head of their ahow, a ft>&ture entertalnrnent at-20,000 vl1itor1 at the Six.th An- p.r.d ... Grand ~tar8hal of the tra.ctton eche-duled in connection F . nual Flah Fry and C&rnivaJ bel.ng Sixth Annual F ish F'ry and Car-with the 1951 Orangf' Count}t ILlr nival. Costa Meu Lion• thla: wtt:k .et for Aug. 1 ~-19. at former Sa.n-held Saturday and Sunday by the named lht> popular cowboy star of ta An.a Army Air BMt" near here. Costa Mesa-Newport H&rbor Uons telrvislon a n honorary tnember of F\Jll clasatncatlona i.n both Club. expec~ to consume fish t.h e club. breeding and' horse show cla.ues dinners, fishermen were scouring Grand Marshal Ander80n wtll have been included. with $500 k add~ In II d" •-• On.nge Cout wa.ten this week to co-11t.m-with Ginny JackBOn, tele-sta es ~ a iv ...... on.a. ac- vision aongstre~ and Grand Mar· cording to Harry Marrell, ho1"8e turn.Lah t.he S,000 pQUnds or fl.ah aha.Jette, during: the hJghlight tea· ah.ow dJrector, and Beula.h .Marren, needed. tur-e part.de acheduled to paaa aecretary. Accordl.nl' to Heinz Kaieer-, who over Co11ta M eu. atreeU at 1 p . m. JudfU will bt DT . A. B. Plum-directs the prepe.raUon of the Sunday, June 3. Tbe Ftah Fry mer of Hlllersbur«. Ky., and Mr. means, all of tbe most popular will draw visitors from through-Clyde Kennedy ot Pa.coima, Calif. .varletie.s of loca.1 neh wUJ be u.ed. out Sout.her-n Califomla ·ror two Add.Jt.lonal .tabling facWUee are The tteb wtJ.J be tuJeted &nd e&c.b days, begtnning at 11 a. m. Sat-being arr&11ged to t&ke care ot piece en~ in dl!ltc&te, dellcloua, \Jrday. the anticipated large number ot golden brown batter. Some 20.000 vl!lilon are f~t-entries which are expected to ex-K.&l8er, who ts a k>caJ butlnea t."CI and 4~ are expected to con-ceed ule '10 reoD!'d of laat year, man and Orange County wpenrti- sume f1ah dlnnen whlcb have eta.tea Bob Fullenwider• manager or, lr ronJrtns for the Ltona Ctab pined pme throughout I.be area of the fllr-for the obltll year and hla meal. and are the major attracUon of A f~ copy ol the Premium bave prowed oae of the major tac· the two dayo. Liit "'l<>klet may be obtaln<d by tOn In drawing tllouaanda to the OtMr fealllr•• of the cam!Y&I wT1t1n1: Hora Show O.pL, Or-c:&nllval. moot of lbern •etunilhc will be a pet parade, a baby pa· anire O>unty Pair, 20391 Newport ,_. attar ,_. for the dlnntt. rade and cuaper derll)I', a queen Bllld., Banta •Ana, Callt. Entrl.. Me&lo Will be -tl\l'oupout c:onmt, a dance, a Karine Corpe .-11111· 1, 1961. the afternoon on both days, M>rn di8plo,y, ju<!gtng of ho--, rlc!Ha ooon until the IUt bUDgl'Y _..,. and band.a. and, u cllm•x. a beau· I f I ...._ C mer t. ~. .. • -1 1,y pande ud c:ontdt. A -y ••• .,..a ... , -~~' ;I;;.;;;;;.-;: will lie -4-the mtln limo $otO ....____ tO Home L lh'ID:a ~01111 Mr,r,y Uld nte&ls ww_ 'I.. --tl\l'o•th· ~ ,.,,. --IAI Of the New-out lbe two aftemoou. -A~ n... .ui.t ijlNM to.' a port Barbor Luthoru clWrdl at, ~ -•lllllinlr equiplllenL leNle<ll a '9llF of lk Boutbom PISTOLS 8TOLSN _ ce··s1d '~t:e1,y MO ., • .,.... califonda r.-...uon. Lu.tJie r cuUty of both COUllt. a.Jter a jury trtaL I Resul.U come from -c~nt PracUce! All ad regularly In t?\I,. paper will produce result.a for you ' " bcaOh vtslton staying on the a.nd • FR.EE ESTDIA TES • and few going into the wa.ter. H ERE FJl9M PASADENA Mr. and Mra. L. W. Rudd, form- erly of Puadena, are occupying their new hpme at 2331 Klnp: Rd., Newport Heighta. Mr. Rudd la a contractor. Chas. C. Warren & Son ilea. Glse..J • Har. lGU-' H l S N .... t lllVd. Cosi, M- Right now-rl,fSt an.ti corrolion are darnag· ing yeur car'1 gasoline Ian~ fuel lines, fuel pump and carburetor. They waste ga1<>linc~ cause poor perforiniance and expensi\'t re. pain ... shorten f')ur car's life. Bust-Proof Ru.st and corrosion are cau!ed. by moi .. ture that condenses dail}r in every car's fuel system. Ricblitld 'Rust-Proof Gasoline slopJ rust and corrosion. Its cxcluSive ingredient coven metal sur(acrs "'ith an invisible, rust·proof layer of protection. I • • • gasoliAe malu!s our car . fast lo"!JeT" IUSf AND COllCKION I UI Nl D THIS Riil PU.Ml ON A 1t 50 CAi l R~t tnd torrM.ion work ra1t ! [Yen in new cars, damage may siart "'ithin • few thou~and miles-unlesJ you p~Yenl it ~·ilh Rust· Proof Gasoline. ' . • •' This extra, car-!<11.ving protection is a bonW1 value olj\jchficld Compltte Car Care, which al!O protect! four car with ft.I CH LUBE HEAVY D:UTY ~1oroftott., the new motor oil for 1oday'5 higher-powered car.s ... RICR• FIELD PROTEcrlvE LUBRICATION, scientific application of toug~ Rust-Proof lubrica.nll ••. !AFETY SERVICE, your Richfield Dealer's ptrronal attention that keeps your car run-. ning longer, saler,.more economically • Extra lift /or your car 41 no t%lra cost RIC FIEID l•olllA,-14 .. ' - , I r...· .• r.o<.:.: lo ....... ~~-• .... -. • ... ·.----~"' •. 4,.-........ """ ~ , ':'t-"" yWR m -fth ibem. ' A. B. .KJnir, lll'f W. ll&)I' A-at t11e j J'ftd' 0.-port -.., at i.-.,.. bold -l'. May JO at Newport 8-11, told ...-_ 'ne• 14,9 S. '984 St., Colt& ~ --Bt.. ....... ~ dNrdl. 1-ir ''dlt.y tl1U a ll!O'yard nel, a...,,_ <lay_ ·' 8•dt '11o1'1't1 L •IMC the l ooal · . , _ '°' NN$•1Zt ...... _.., . I ' 341,5 W. Newport ~ IJd9 ~-tw: llD Nwpt • ·@Pacific T1t111~~ • • ' • - ~ drill aet ud two plotola 'l'wo tnlclul -the(loota ll-~ I 'Po -ottldal cllle- ...... --Ida ....... Ila --...... ..s the ........ the, ......... ....,. ..... -placed a ..i.... of Slll .., the llta.t& !Di-of ror.,,. ft-opa-~ .w--..-a1oO -artlcleo. port.Sr -• .,_ i-11• -Gelle ~-, I • ' I I -' . • ' • • • • • • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • .-.. • •• .-• •• • • • • • - .. .. • • • • • • ·' • I . ' •ORRIN W. wRIGB'f PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT and -TAX CONSULTAN'I' • IS PLEA.BED TO ANNOUNCll THil NEW LOGATION OF HIS OFFICE AT 217 MARI!'."E A VE., BALBOA ISLAND • P. 0 . BOX 6G PHONE HARBOR 18'14 YOU CAN DO BETIER AT ·Daniger FURNITURE CO. • We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture • 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be; 5656 SEE .ROY'S IOULEYARD NURSERY FOR LandscapiftCJ! Completf" llnf' of SHRUBBERY, IJJ::\'G PLA::\'TS. l::\".SECTICIDES, TJLIZERS . ' • . . .urTE:a HOLOINo .. UP Ooeta ~ LloM .. otneW 1.0..twllter.• Ca.roll-. eou.o. CMiliM ... Mr reve.• te U.. Hubl>r .,... youth recreation f'Wld wllldt wW '1e nJoUel!t ~· Ntunll hont Ute -.uaJ. """ FYy .... CUltlval ..-1..i ••• ,_ ... d s. """'° ..... .-••rill• '"" -.. ..... (let• to rl•hl) Keruu~tb· HUI, 11eCtttary; Le. Miller, d .. tric * pwinlM; Altle Swartz. pree.Wftit, wlllo aOOt!pted the .. •war".; )tgs Cottoia. J'e9M Luke, beaut.)' oon test chairman for tbe F\sh Fry and Ha.road Myen.. lreauJ?r. · Coast College Host to Dist. PTA Held to Answer in Lumber Theft Milton Lee Elzea, 29, 1526 W . F our th SL. Santa Ana, wu held to &JlilWer to .superior court on two count.a of iJ'&nd theft at a prelim- inary hearing May 21 In N ewport Township court betore Judge D. J. Doda:e. • Pair Rescued at CDM leach Dlsa.ster wa.s narrowly averted by quick cooperaUon between the Nev1tport Beach police and the Harbor dE"partment Thursday at 1 :36 p.m . Two swimmers were picked up by the Harbor depart- ment boat.-a.ft.er noUflcaUon 'tJy the police depart ment. • -College Cootinues Reading L.ab 1n Summer Session By P.,pu1ar demand &om hlch -and eollof4 -~ti, Or- ..... Cout o.uoc. will -t!D\M ti. l>cW1opmenta1 R-•r Labo oratory -duriDC Ul4' 1111mmer ..... Ilion. .Juno 11-1..iy rt. On. Konday, w-~. aad ~ from 18:00 &. m. to llOOll the ned'q improve..-& .U· cb.u • will 1>o IOI up Ill tM °""1· ~ omeo Jer i-. -or u- wbo kn ~-fOlf IDdlridu- aJ -ta o...........iq~ mdtq difftcultlff. Miu Nedn ~. Rudlng Lab tn.tTuctor, pl&aa to otter IUldanco tn wcabuJary bUUdlar aad tmprovomoat of study oldlla. ln addition to UM corr.cucm of poor reedlaa ha1'lt&. The ...,,,,,,... off...,.. will be putlcularly Valuable to b I fl, h ocbool l'"odU&tu Wbo oUrhi be bandicapptd LD \ lhe.lr collep work by readlo( dittlcuJtle& For every h•ur lo. a colleC"e claas, two houn of outatde.. study are usually need· ed, and this requirement la baaed on an average readlng speed of 400 word.I per minute . T\aa.e )Dt@l"Nted Adult.I who would 11.ke t o read l wfce u many books ln the same time now allowed tor Jt, 1or teach· ere who would like toa>baerve th1t kinda of develop111ental reading Instruction tb&t Orane:e Cout has found effective, will be inter- eated in enrolling· !or all or part of t he laboratory, which carries no colle'e credit and requires no outside work. With the help ot the Jabora· tory'a modern equ.ipmetti., repre· senling over a 11800 invutment Including a tachl.ftet.ucope, read· ; REDUC~ • * A t.Aa ff911r•. frw t~ .. Mt•tly r.11-..:-h .. ..., we•o•'• aollfrol hfti ... .,_,e,.o,M.'' of .... It ,.. • ., •• ~, ... , ,;,..,.. ...... Hf'e'• ............ , •• , ... , .. '""-• Mt lrl•, wllhovt l)RrJGS, EXBllCJSE or ELECT RIC/TY ! Ph••• ••• tol• ii O<tef wi1• o~• of tklt •• ... ri•M•d, ~t,ful opvolon. She'll "Od1110ll1 SttOW yott •ow tlri• -.thot1 ".,, ... 1••111 ·you 4~4.: v ... ,. "°' oWi· JOlff, .. Wllf'M. STAUFFER SY$TEM !OU !N. llAL~ ST. llilo'TA &VA P-Kl. ll-1010 OPl:.'1 EVENJNQS ~AINT JA·MES . C·HURCH EPISCOPAL ANNOUNCES SUMMER SERVICE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, JUNE Snl 8:30 Holy Communion 10 :00 A. M. Morning Prayer & Sermon Holy Communion 1st Sunday of month CHURCH SCHOOL IN PARISH HOUSE 8209 Via Udo Newport Beach r l 2 1 '!3 X Pv.'port 81\'d. C'.oeta MI'S& "Security of Sound H ealth" wu the ~theme (or the P'ourth DI.strict meeting of California CongTeaa of Parent.a and T ee.cbers held at Or- ange Coast coll ege auditorium on Thur9cl.ay, May 17. Dr. Bull Petf'non .extended cordial welcome to approxlmately 200 members. Mrs. J . M . Mcintyre was chair- man of the day, a.nd Mrs. Claud ero.by presided. Elzea v.•aa char&ed v.'ith the t.h eCt of $700 In lumber and $2800 In building materials from Geor~ H olstein, I 18 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa. El.ua.. superintendent or conatructloo tor the Holatein bulklipg Cltm, waa arrested by Newport police on May !). Kenneth Mille r, 19, South Gate. had been swimming In the surf at the e nd or Poppy avenue in Corona del 1'-1&r when he became exhauste-d and cried fo r help. Ing rate controllere ud acoelle· --------------------------- Phone ~aeon fMM rl . 10o/o Discount an Any Purchase 1 (EXCEPT ABAWNE) Bring this ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET In an Informative ana interest - lng spee-ch given by Mr1. Arthur Slpherd, c hild health chairman or C. C. P. &: T., It wu pointed out that health I.! our most t~uurid poueaslon, that Its basis la not only physical, but mental and sociel &a Wf'll, and these are tht' fQundatlons ot hom e and achoo} life. Thf'rr are pamphlets a .. ·aU- able for every type of health need. Frftlt Fish Daily from O• Own Boats! .,.. when the home a.nd ochooJ I work together the coal of !!IOUnd HAUBtiT -\\'HOLE, CLEA-"lED ... ......... . .... .~ ........ lb. S&l healt h ca.n be accomplished. I B.All&ACUDA -"'HOLE, CLEA."'VED .. . ........ lb. S6c The program fo r the coming YELJJOWTAIL * -\\'HOLE. HEAD OFF . . . . .. Ut.. •Oc school .)'f'ar wu outlined. and th€' l t800 Lafa~tkl 00 tlllf' Ba.)· ~'E"'PORT Barbor 114 Ne~rt Harbor Union HI g h _ schoo) P T . A. extended an lnvlta-----·-----···--'44 lion to Fourth District to bold Its --------~------------------Novembfor meeting at the h igh New Dodge_ Factory Delivery SAYE UP TO $283.00 l:SVESTIOAtt AT SHAVER MOTORS SEWPOJlT DODGE -PLYMOt'TH BLVD. HEAD9UARTERS for SHERWIN· WIUJAMS ~P.AIM!J.,.,, ~-t..: POlll!R ~A'IL!~O"[S • 4" Guild Finish Saw •••. $5250 6" Guild Saw •..•••• $6500 We have a good stock of Po.Ur-Cable Sa- • WALSH HARDWARE I&« Newport Blvd COSTA >n:SA , That Continuous Stock Ouotatient ' and Late News Ar• AvoilaW• .t eur LAGUNA llACK OfRCI Bank of Laguna 8-cb Bldg. I'll. '-llll41 Complete Bro.kaage Fodlidoa Tram-Lim Saock Tldow • Statistical Lil>Nt7 aAd s....tioa ._ Your order to buy or sell I.isled ltOCb, bnnck 9f - modities will be cucuttd with ~ uid l«UDq ovct die nation-wide lcatcd prinla '!file if--. oc:ctin3 our 16 California olfi(a and our New Y odr oKitt with principal P.ascml tndiQI I de. ticaJ f:cilitia l.tt ml inailoed lac JW ••• , n rs. , ....... ,., ..... ,,... .... , ... , Cll'. ----.......... ... ., ...... ,.. ... • ..,. ••11111•r•ru•s ...,. "'' 1 111 ·--' • l • - school. Due t o the urgen\ need fo r a dental hyg1enlat in · Orange coun- ty. It wu vole<I that a Jetter be written by thr dJ11trlct PTA rec-~ ommf'ndtng th.at such service bf' made avallabl•. Mr. Linton "t. Simmons., coun- ty superintendent of achool.a, spoke on thr "A.d<lltional Funda BW." whic h Is a bill wbert:by state funcb rather than local taxes 1¥0Uld be used in so.me of the Impoverished school district.a where there L9 little monf'y for teachers' salaries and where the children of lhf' community su.ffer as a result. •ince teacheNI seek out the dia-- trkt.a Where they are better com- ~nsated for thrlr work. PT A mem~rs and all others interut- ed v.•e re urged to writ e to the !It.ate legislature supporting the bUI. EntertaJnment wu provided b.y the Orange Coast college swtng band and by the gtrl quartet In such favorites aa "Sentlmental Journey" 11.nd "Vagabond Shoe•." The OCC Barbenhop quartet. cou· slating of five mem~r•, a.lao pro- vided delichttuJ song entertain· me.nt. After lunc h the member- •hip broke up Into variow: work· ahop conference•. Memben from the Newport Harbor Union Htgh School PrA who attended were: Mmes. Roy RoUJh, Al Horvath. Paw H\lff- mu, Harold Boywy. and Tho mu Fro.L ThoM from lite Newport ~ch i:leme11tary Scboolo PTA Were: Mme•-Harvey Som•ra. Jotua Evan.a. M&rl• Newland. W illiam Coleman,· Louia Ceenar and Ed- w in 1'-tun.sey. • Local ~ldiers Set Donor Rkorcl Claude Sweetman, 13571 Harbor BJvd., Garden Grove, notified po- Uce at that time. Elzea had al- le&ed ly removed plumb!ng supplies lllld lumber tram Sweetman's ator- ag" yard at 29th St. a.nd lA.tay- ette Ave., 1\ewport Beac.h. which Sweetma..n had rent ed to El.tea . Sweetman t old police the crat~ ln the storage yard had Holstein's namr on them. PoJlce lnveat lgated and lalt-r in t he day arrested El· sea. DamcMJe Reduction Asked by Judge Another reduction of damages 'o'-'&& lndlcated in ~upcrior court as Judge Robfirt Qa rdner propoaed a cut of from S2~,000 IX> $1 5,000 In lbe ~ount to be allowN for ln - jurlea 11uffered In a.n auto acci- dent Dt>e. 23, llM.9. to 11.fnr. Eslellt' Niemeyer Mrs. N"1emeyer and her husband. Ray. had bet'n givrn judgment for S2~.ooo from the Sno-Whitt> Bak- ar y and 1'"uc.k Driver \Vatter H Hildreth, Sr .. Wh03t' delive ry truck c:ll lldf"d with the Ntt'm••ye:· mach- 1.flt' 1.&a t bp truck came out of a pr tvatc lil"iveway onto Newport B lvd. 500tb of Paularlno Rd. Tht> court ru!ed h t' would grant Atty. Cla.rt>nc(' Sprague's motion fo r a new trial unle.411 Allys. lfax 11.nll Robe rt Hurw!U agrt'ed to l hf' low('r amount Of damages T....·o o ther ca.acs in \\·hlch juries hall awarded larg(' amounts of monc·y In negligence cases rece.nt- \y have sC<'n lhf" court.s o rdering rtductlona. Arr9't Teeit-Agers Oii Druak Charge Two 17 -year-old boys wen!! en to juvenile home by Newport poJlce early Sunday morning, one charlJed w tlh drunk driving and the other wllh i.ntoxlcation. One of the youths, from Corona del Mar, WU charged with drunk d.rtving and the other, from Co.ala Mesa, wtth lntox.icatlon. Pol~ said they obaervfif the.tr car trav- elllng nte:klea8ly In trafflc and atopped them at 32n~ St. and Newport Blvd., at 9 ;30 p. m. Sat- unlay. Both became Ill and vomited in lh• boo'ltinr room, pollce declared a.ddlnC tha.l bot.b were t'bund to be on probation from juvenU.- bome on theft and burglary com· pialnts. CAL OKADS TO MErr- • I \ Wi Ham M . Tume r, 19, Cta.re- mont college. swam to M iller 's reS<:ue and waa far out in the ocean wben Newport police ar- rived upon the .cene. ralors, and a newly purcl\il3ed speed-reader machlne, many stu- dents now pa.rtlclpati:ftg ln OCC'• develo pmental read In( program are well on their wtLY toward doub~l ng th-=:lr reading llJ>eed with Improved comprehenaton. PROTECT YOUR EYES FROM THE SUMMER Sl:N CAR VISORS PEJIJ'l!lCTION PEAllL GRAY It· CHROME VISOR ' R•gular •n.Ml -SPECIAL ............. $1S.98 OTHER MODELS '8.95 up Becauae of t.he di.stance of the swimmer-a from shore, the Harbor department wu noUtlf'd and pick - ed up bot.II swimmers. They both suffel"t'd litue' Ill r fecta from their bout wi illl the \\'aves. EDDIE CANTOR, comic -"No matter learned ai.nce 1492. world I.& flat !" Hollywood what we've today the WEST AUTO SUPPLY 18!2 NEWPORT BLVD., OOSTA MESA BEA. 5841~ 5th Anniversary • • • l JU.:ME"REK FATHER'S DAY J'UNI: 11 HARDWARE SPECIAL$-JUNl 1st TO 16th, Incl. • FOR THE GARDENER "E a Cut" o ...... Shears The easy working pro- fessional kind. Keg. Z.00 ... 189 50 ft. Gree11 PLASTIC HOSE A guaranteed slaadard make hose l'eady to use -wilh 595 Co11plings 8.00 value . . . . .. 50 ft. RUBBER GARDEN HOSE "Swutt brand, green. This ls a good h..e, complete with coupl- ~.:a. ~c: = ~ .~~-.. r • LOOK AT THIS -~.boqht too lllUIY 8hovel8! We have eaougb to dig out the haek bay. T1-...., &ood "Tnoe TNDper" sbevel!I wltll a ir;ood •boll& lwrdle to "Jean" OIL ONE to a oolltorner u we want every- 011e to \lave OBe. Round or square ::.t S.00 ............ Special ea. 1 ~ GARl)EN RAKE -a good atud- a"1 brand rake -Add to yo11r garden tools IUIIiverury 1 M Regular !. 70 ............. Spulal For ''Pop'' for f\n"'s day or any Day. ''Phnn.b" o• 11'ta.D1ey'' Best grade .llamnltrs, choice of :~ o~~-~t········· ..•..... 2411 'ftlis mlgbt be &ood fer "mom" or laalor -"Tn>Jan" eomblnat1W1 Saw Set wlt1I UllOrted blades -::. ·th~;~ ~ ........... :.6tc Dad alloll)i lfaove ~ ldD4 of ' Tape-or RQle 's ft. !:\>au ~ or a ft. Staaley . ~~ ~---~·---·· nc FOR THE BUILDER Medicine Cablllet 14x24 Pate Glass Mirror • Stalnleu Steel binding fllJJ ~o Hinge . ' 1 lf; ! . 4aaly._,y Speela),. -. ·•.. • I ' : CABINET HING&<;! ~" 195 Offset. ~ coat.. doz. prs. . SASH BALANCES/ SSC all .sbes ....... ······ ............... ea. CHROME DRAWEK PULLS Stanard rlake, modem 200 dMlp. (By doa. Ollly) doa. ' UKWJCKSET'' . Entrance K•y Lock Brus oc dull clr.rome f!ni11t Easy w , .... .,,u ................ ea. PRIME OOAT BU'l'n! :!!.x:~'.'~-.~~~r.h~ 1s~· ''Skill" ·Power· Topls for -Sale or RENT Saws ~ Drilll -Sanden -Paint ~ -Post Doi.. Dlggen ~-1 ~ THI PAINlER ht llnde "Pol -mer-lk" Bolled . ;~ca!"_ .... __ .. ___ ~ ... : ... r . ''llMter ~·Marble H- r.lat er •-i'alat :r WMt.e OlllJ UO valae __ .pl. - FOR THE . HOUSEKEEPER CLOTHES UNE POLES A few sets of 2 ~" metal clothes IU... poles-Painted, ready 1095 to plant. reg. 12.95 Spee. Remember -''Swlmmin" Sell80n is here RUBBER MATS -"Non Skid" type size 15''x2I"~bandy to htu•e l =~~.~-~i:;~1 ,. ••ti: . .. It isn't always sunny! \Vood- :::~ac c1;.~5es clrr.~: Now 195 Easy to put away. Watermelon Season is near--Oet a new garbage can No. S slie :i;:u:.85 _' .... Special 195 Spriag Cleaalag! You ,,..y decide to elean out the attic· or the spare room for snmmer guests. We have · 80nle BIG trash can&-4!W1't know • "bow" large. These are galvanl.....t ud very popular with the city, Keep tbe rnbhish and trash ·In I • ·;:; &;"".~ ...... Spec. 495 What 18 a pa11 or a OOeket r- Anyway we have a 14 qt. slz&- ~:: .:i. ha= .. gnpe~--:: LS5 ., ...... nc •I ' • • PAGE _6-:-PART Ir .-THURSDAY, MAY 31, ~951 .I ~ ~~~-; ~ Wl0 -=-..; PREss-a · 142 to . Graduate. at Coast College Approximately 1·12 l'l tUdt'nts ~·ill receive thf'ir AA dt>g rrt' Whf'n Orange Coast l'Ol11·s.:,. holUs iL~ third annua l r o ni mt' n c ~ m f' n t Thursday. Junl" 11 <It 8 p rn. 1n Lhf• ca.mpul'I auditor1u1n . T"'-·1·nty-11ne of this num~r gruduatcd 1:i Ff'b- ruary but will rct.:elVl' th1·1r d1plu· mu w ith th<' rC'S?"Ular class. Dr. William C. J on•~i;. pr<.:1:-ild\·nt of Whittil'r collr):'.f'. , ... ,11 bt· the principal speakf'r of th" evrn1ng. OCC Art Exhibit Drawing _Attention at Corona del Mar C('ramles &rf' biggest attraction '4'i lh watt"rcolorJ11 a cl()IS(' second, ~y Orange Coa.st college students '4'hu arl· holdjng a fir11t art exhibit at tht' J ohn Lloyd Wright building. 1100 Coast Highway, Corona del .i\1ar. There are many talented stu- ll~nl'I at the college and exhlblt..s a re bl'tnJ? changOO, others add('d S'I thrrc is always something new on rt1!11play. • • ' ' • Sunday aftemnon. June IO at 5 o'clock, pros[lf'ct1v1· t:ruduatt·s will march in caps a.ncl ~""'"·ns t•l thi~ baccalaurC'atc sf•rv 1c•·s 1n lhC' audi- torium. At lh1~ L1nll' the Rev. Thoma.~ R. l '1·n1lr·rt 1.1r Chris t Church by Lhl' St·a V.'lll 1..h.·hvl'r t ht• sern1on. M cmbt•rl'I of th1· t:rutluat1ng class inclurlt•: H ours havr been changt"d, new schr11u·e being fro•n 7 to 10 p .m . on week <.lays except for Saturday \\·hrn th(' gallery is c lost-d. It Is np<'n \\'('tlnesday t>vrninJ,rs and on Sundav from '4 to 5 and 7 to 9' p.m. Corona dr l ~far r esidents nr•· taking a ~pec1al intf'rt•Jllt In the (•xh1bit and feel it is a fine dis- play. "RAILROAD \'ARJ) .. t. th«" tltl,. or tlllot "'ater C'OIM painted by freshman Gf!'Orp lamN of N'e-M-port. ~h and designated by •rt UW:ruct-or \\'llUam "'hltney one of the outetandlnr ex.ample or et~~ lknt work don .. -ln the <>CC ·painting clb" thl• year. The pa.lntlnl' ls A. nne et,1dy ln perwpoo.tl\•e. lhf' Cf'Dl<-r or lnlcrt"l'll drtftlni to fh(· rt1ht. f'C>ST. \ '.\I t:S ,\ s d s • Krlth A1:1.hy, Oo ·du~ Bankston, Un ay erVJCeS ~A ll.C>lt 111 'RT Bernard Rnrd1•n. Flor••nt·1· [)t1V•'~'. h h _!\. ..26-ycar-nl1\ N11.vy n1Rn. Leon· H Prbcrt Oy<·r . !{1 ·11 f.'1 :-h1•r, \\'11-at c. D. M. c urc lll'•l .Unl~· P 1\rks, n( San F'rariC'lff('f), Jiam Hay. ('hflrli·s KinihrnU,!!h. \Va~ HIL~hlly hurt 11t 11 :10 P. in. Don K nipp. Don i\ti·011well. H o\Y· 0 11 Jun,. 3. th,. R«v Paul Jo~. IJab-Sunday v.h1·n h1· \t•ll fr<1m his car )10'."El' l)ISAPl'l!:AR~ I l\AR\' I S.lflREll ~lrs. Bea LQve, 301 Ma.ri.::;t1C'r lt1· • Llttlr 2 1: ·)'<'Ar· old Rotx•rt A . J\\'f' CnronB. c.ll•I Mar infr)rn1('cl l-.11 111t·I rJf 169 1-tcrill Pl.. Costa , ' ' . 1 l\t('-'8. tl'('••lvetl mnjur injur le~ at po 11.'t• T hurl'lds.y that S(1rnl'one tl'-!'!:30 p. rn. SaturJa.\' "'ht·n he fPll lllOVt'd $35 from a pur!«" un hf'r fr•lnl 11 l·a.r dr1v•·n by Graef" May d1ninJ:: r1.001n tablt•-l\fr.oi. Lovf' told Ji ar111sh~ J2. of 17:su N. Va1Pnl'J8 t1ff1t'l'tN :-;ht• had nrit brf'n out of SL., Stlnta Ana a n Maru;ht'NtVr tht· hu1111 .. Hond didn't kno~· hllv.· or ~Jvd. \Yt'.'•l of C r t•HCt.:,(lt St., nt'ar who could havt• taken tht· mnn•'}'. Bu1·na l'.J.rk . ' 'Global Frie"dship' Is •Undbergh All-School Program "Global Frien&h.lp" wa.s the theme of an &ll-8Chool pf'OkT&ID ·p,....,.IA!d by the Cool& Meaa LindtN"rgh sch09l studCnU under lbe dlrcct'on ot lhe tp.culty 1n con- juncUon wflh the physical educa- tion progre.m and the inualc de- ·parlmont. There were two per- formances, one for ~ parent.a, a.nd the olher for the Harper echool. Rep~nlaUVe of a ·different country were the dartce• and song• glvf'n by thr colorfully coaLumed chfdren In f>&ch grade. The ki\)dCTgarten pupll.s offered a Maypole dance typical of old English cUglom, followed by first graders in & Dutch dance featur- ing a w!ndmill rhythm. A Danish dance of welcome and an original scafll dance were of- fered by the second grade. Early America wa.!11 sugg-e.!!lted in an ln· dian dance put on by the third gradC' young~ters, Wt"aring hcad- drC'S."I of multi-hued feathers. Early Co!olnal life was r eflC'cled in a quaint minuet presented by the fourth bfadcrs, who also sang: Spanis h ROngs rep.rcsentatlve of ' the fiesta's in ca1·ly California days. \'f:SIT 11\' ALllA!\fBRA Mrs. Ruby T . Chc.'nl'Y· 249 Flov.·- er street , Co~la 1.1r M. and hf'r house guest, ~1r~. Ann Day, spent a few days )lll'l w£>Ck In Alham- bra visiting their respective sis- lt>rs. ard McV1l·k1·r. C'haiJ. s ~fl\lrffy, null "'•II preach at lh1• Cnn1n1u-n.~ tt s~·<·~·d acrol'LS C.'oR!l t Hwy. J rr(' ~tcr-k. fJoruthy 1~au\<;1·n. flon· nity l·hur1·h. C'nn~rt•g-atJ<lna l, ro-Y.'•'st n( i\'1 ·port Hlvd l 'ark~ lflld aid Prtdhan1. H.ictiartl Sh••rrd. rona <11·1 1'>-fflr on th1 • subj('l'l ... \\'l• o(fle .. r:-he swrrvt·t! to 1tvu1d 11tr1k-Ro~r r Snd"r~tr<lnl, T h 0 burn Livl' By l\1 ort' Than Bread .. at I 1ni.: thrt'" p•·1h·s.Lr,1a~!! anti 11>.<it con- Thompson, . Arhi· ·r1111lr1u:-e. Earl I bl'Jth scrv1c<·~. 9 : \5 a . m and 11 trol of ~l(' n1alh1~-'-· _ _ ---------------.----------Trapp, EvaJt 'an Vand• rburg. Ruth a . n1 . 1 I Varnry. l\1 ary Gr,11·t: Hay1·~. Lnr-ThP Junior Choir ''.:111 sin~ ry \Villoughby lind ::'\"ancy An-"~f,•<htat111n .. by Brahms at th" ~=~==~~=~~~~------------------~~---.-----drews. (Ir.st SCT\'ll'<• anrl the Si.•nlnr C h111r f 'ampt1., 1{1 ... itlo·nt.. <1.t 11 a. rn . \Vtll give "Ch('rubim T rd G11dn .. r, Gary R Gray. Son~" by B ortnyan:-ky. F ur th(• pr,..sHh•nt c1f tt11~ .v1·:1rs' 1 lli."-'"· Ray Pr1•h1dt!, l.hl' Organi.!lt wil l play Lh•· J f'ffs, p11·s1d1·nt nl tlh· ( \('(' Stu-l 'hnralo• "Open Thou tht• H oly dC'nl bvdy; J111 Nl 1'('alfr~·;·. Rub-l'11rta1s'' by Neand1·1· • S<:hrrin1•r, ert f\.1at~ (tr1·,1.:tir. Il11f11.s ~)ak1 •y, "r..f •·lod y in D F lat'' by F'aulkt•l\ Guylort.l Or:•n,1n. i{<onalol l 't•n11111s;-Rn•I "C11mmun1on in E'' by ton and JanH·:-~hurp Faull\•'I'. Fo r lh•· Oftrrtnry. ::ihf' \I I \ v.·111 play "Andante" hy Con\1111·tle I\. , \(I. I3at:l•fl ;.ind boroth_y a111l fllr the Postlude, "l''aulkt'S Gi:or~t· F o\lo1ler R.\l~I«>.\ 1:-.1 . \'."I> Vt·rn1l·1· 1\da111 ,' J nh11 l-,rt·nch. Carlrto11 ~1 1•:1r~. 1•r•·:<u l1·nt •tf lhl' ch1.11s ; J os,.ph ()'L:i I• 11 . V1r,i.:1111a Royl·•,, Ju1n1 ·N r uop, 1 and 8atbara Harr1s : ~ t '.\\ 1•c11;T J t•a n ll1:1rt11 1•·. fl • r ~h · I Chr1~ty. PatrieU\ 1<:11t·k ">11111 f{11 h11rd F 1 tJ.,:U- Mln. Rnb••rt < ;111 d 1111 r. l'arkt•r Jackson, l'::1t Jont::-i. i\l1t 1· i\t11 rt1n, Howard ~tarl 1n, 1<:11°·11 1''1·lhns. J ulius f{a th. ~l ary l:ub1n . ..;, F'11•l•1t ·r; Sladr. F'rank. SI'•• lh1·r "• r. B1lh•· Thon1aJ.1, Barhu1·;1 \\.11!·<1111". and Char1r..-f't1·v1·11s. ('(Jll.()~,\ l>t:I. ~1 .\lt "l'o:-lludt·." 811n1lit)' l'\C hool frir all lil.:°'f'i'I 1~ at U.1 ~ a n1 Rnd ,at 6 '30 p .111 buth Junior anrl Scn111r li1 l'll~r1111 F l'l- lo\vsh1ps w ill ml'f'l. Fly-up Ceremony for BroWi:lie Troop ~ t"Vo'pnrt A tl'a llro,,·11!1• 'frrH.11' ~o 27, uncJ,.r th•• h·adcrf'hlp uf ~t r~. <..:. \V_ H yd1•n, hl'ld its f.'l y- l:p <·eremony at th~ Girl Scout Huusc on ?<.lay 2i. G\rl~ partic1pa.l· Jn~ in lht• cancl h·-l1ght1ng C(·r• .. n:Qny and rt>c1·1v lng their Inter· mf'd1att• Girl Scout pinl! wcr1· Ot•an H all, 1'\Hrlan iiriy t , Joan Carolyn Casey, Donna Condry. MAson. J ohn R.1i,.;an, J•·onu Rui;-Sandra Spurgeon, Connie Kemp- sell. R r;h1·rt Sl.1111-:hll'r, I.Lilian 1'-ux t on , Car(>IC' Hych·n. R'>bln Rylo•t l, anrl Ht"lf'n S1111nns:. C'nrP.1'ha S1n1lh, Kt1thl•·Cn Raub. Tw11 nlRJnr ~·ot 11 11 'v1•nts u~1 • _ J anlf't• H ay!'~. C hllrlollt· .\fcGann. bt>lnJ: plann<·rl !11 h1.11 or 1h1:-y•·ar ~ anrl Bal'hara :..:ott. !'lenlors. On Saluid;,iy, Jun•· 2, a R1·frf'shm cnL~ "'t•re st•rvC'd by "i::;ratluat1on p1·1111 1". \\'Ill bl' i.:1ven thl' i::irl~ t o frlenrl~ anrl relatives at lh(' Santa 1\nu J-.h• II (!Ub. The An1nng lht' ~uests wa." r..trs. \\' H frei;ho\an l'\,, .. ~ '''1!1 lJ1 hn:-.t!I. Spurg-i'On, Jr , Comm1~'11n n('t of tht' T hur$11Ry 110<111. f•d l•1 \\1lt,1.: 11nal lX· Santa Ana-Arca Girl Scnut Cuun- am1nal1•in..; ;:ra•l\1 ;1 11~ ,,.,ti 111••1·t for lt1n t'hP111L 1n th• . ,,t·i.+.l 1·at1·- ter1a Do11~ !lt1l11 1• ... '" 1:\.1, •. -.. 1..ha1r- ' n1an for that l·~· n t fif;TS ,:o;(.'llf>l .. \lt:-;J lll~ ell. and ~ranclmoth(•r Qf Sandra. Tr1,.>j) 27 and 1L~ i;:ucsL". Lh1· Bru"·r11t.>; of Troop :10, r1·cently 1'!1Jlt)'Ctl a .'<ho~·1ng of Koda.1·hrnn11• ~lld•·s of :\'f)rway. n1arlt• b.Y Mr:-1 D<irr)lhy ~lcKcn na of '.°':••v.•port F 1t•ld1·r r..1 81ad·· 11 f <'11:-.la i\ll ~l . B•·aih. l\tr~ ?<.1 l·Kt'nna hart takf'n ~ophon1nr1• 1tl 0 1a n)!o· ('11Ul-l l't1l-to '.';or\'.:1·i;::u1n c h1hlrt·n ion1a l\ ~lft!'I lf'gt·. hH:> tJ, ... 11 uv.·ard• ti ;1 (;1 ·•1ri.:t• .s1·nl b)· th1· Bro\vn ir Troop, and i-1 . l\ta.v1 1:,,u111lnt11•n :.ch•·1:.11·sh1p. ! tht' ,1.:irl.s ,,.,,r1· 1nt•'rf'.'ll1-d to vu•"' Sladr Js p lrt11111ni-; 111 ; r;ln ~t "r I(; p1cturt's of t•hlltlren , coslllmt•s, Clart•n1unt ~1 .. n·s C'ull••gt• 1n the "l.'.•·fit•r y and c us ton1s of the t:oun- fall. Tht• fo11nt1at1un av.·;Jrd~ S('hul-try. ari;ilups tu ~llld"nt.04 \\. h11 :-.liu•v pro- n1 1s .. of Mh1 1l11 ... tu· a :.o t l'an1pus ~1(>'UIEH A:--;J> IJt\l'fiHTt:lt ILi. • Jearlf'r!'ihlp "l'h<' rl0l·q•11·""l:-1nay USP I i\1 r:-i. H.ay n1uncl S \l.•111i.:lc and • the a.wllrd~ ll\ .sth1>11l:-u f tlu1r vYt>·n nau~htr•r. Vic-Luria Ann. :11:-1 1"1; chO'C£'. I r•o:.;l;a ~(,•!-la ~t r1•t't. t·u~ta Al1·sa. -h.-v,• r•'l'O\'t'r t--U aflt·r ~l'Vcral tht.y :K ('l~llT111~t : :>-Tlll.t:'." o f 1ilnt·i.~. T\''0 su1t1·._i:11 . t "nta1111 ni:; · tlulh· 1 in11: valut•d Hl "' '''" ~r .. h·11 l ru111 ()." ~101'(11{ Tt<ll' , h 1 ~ car f>JJk ··d 111 tlL• r• ur uf lio·1 ~l otur111J:: to H1t.Y"'ar1l, ~1r HJLol E . Jo"nurtfl St I .• 11,, _\ J•ruuk , 276 r..t!'.!.. \\'tillun' St. Clair uf C'nhtH Victoria St , c·,.,.t.J. ~I· ... 1. lHld po-~l t•sa v1:i~t~d friends uvcr th1: "'-'t·i.·k lltr Sund1\y. · •·ntl. ---------- RUSKETS FLAKES < < BETTER LIVING .v :.::,:.: ,... The JUNE issue ''0. now on sole ' . • • • 17c PORH ROAST 9,t11i_~~~ RUSKETS \\'JJOLE\\.JIE.\T-l)\ t:~~\\ f:ET -1-' OL pkg. 2 · .. 29c. PORH STERR £-~~~lllf .. 55~ GRAVY I ST\\O)llSl"TES-l~oLpk~. ·Sl.I ED BA an~~ .. ~47v GRAVY QUIK Fealured ·at DRH SAU5AliE~$11'~49~ R·B'l 1T5l9M!Mf$·r ab.a; I E,n 1-1 S-P~~~ a45i • . -I ' ' • • • t . ' l . f . ~ ' -. 1111 !~~TO JOICE 30~ ) -1111 FINE:TINY PEAS 27c No. ~03 CU I-lb. , iBll iipilfiiEANs ,2 3c So-... aon...e I_ I Featured at 2SJ --·------- • ' • • '-, - .. •