HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-21 - Newport Balboa Press~ I •• • ... '· ~,.ielt but BJ T. N. ("BRICK'') GAINES It i.it•t <WTY · city wltlch cu claim a city Judge wbo'a abo • champion flal)erm.a.n.. • L&t!t week Judge Frank Linnell electrtfled the Southland ttahlng fn.ternJty when he brought Ute first alba.core of the ireaaon uhore. • • • i ••• 'Diil Plll:88 I ' A IJlhTor of tlto - rapidly dev~lo.,U.. • ...,. of tbe Caltfomta. Bout.b COutaJ Empire ' ---~ . -• • ·-·"'·--·--- ' . , -..--...it-1 S ERVING THI INTIRI HAllOR AllA • -~ • • • • ·-• • SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY . ~ . • - ,, I 1 f He not only electrlf~ the flfb- ermen. but he allo got eome fln~ publlclty for his home port, wllich Is good. VOLUME XIl PHONE HARBOR 16111 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 SIXTEEN PAGES FIVE NUMBER 17 And, if thinJ'• work out u they should, be -aa.o at.a.rted a c haln of event. whlch ahoald bri.ng many tbousanda Of dollars into cub regUtert1 ot local merch.anta. Beea.use, when word of the al- bacore gela out. fishermen by the hundreds head ror the harbor and pay out goodly suma to the charter and day boats and for flahl.ng tackle. And. In m&ny ca.sea, their famllieit spend the day at the beach, patronizing our restaura.nt..s and concessloM and otherwise spending money here. Of course. we can't gtve the good judge credit for all that, but. at lea.st. he did get the ball to rolling! I imagine the lfp(lrt.8 la..nd- tng operators were cheered by lhe news, becauSf' thus rar this yf'ar bu.sinc58 hasn't looked too good. t;JecaUSf' in Jt"enerRI the fi11hing hasn't been up to par. And vi.sit- ing fishermen. und('rstandably, want to catch .it0mcthlng whe-n they buy a boat ride. From now on out, however, our local bualnessr:s 11hould thrivf'. barring unexpected developments. SOMIITRlNG TO GRIPE ABOl'T 0. K. DRILLING PERMIT Over the protests of a group of local resident.a. Ule bO&rd of 11Uptr· visors finally approved a drilling ~rmll Tueaday for the SheU 011 company to sink an exploratory wt•ll midway between Corona del Mar and one mile inland. The much-delayed decision haa ~en a bone of eointe.ntlon be· tween the oil company and local civic groups. The local bodies had In whtch the drilling will be con- ducted. moved that the permit be urged the board to hold up all granted updec t he condltlorui further oil drilling permits "until specified by the ptannlng commia- adequate control measures" are !lion. Ralph McP"&dde.n. Placentia. adopted. ~conded the motion and It wu In their fight to delay the u.nanlmou11ly carried. granting of the drilling permit. S. F. Bowlby, vtce president In a group of Corona de! Mar real· r harge of exploration and produc- dents had claimed that current t Ion ror Shell, on11 or the com· oil drilling operations "'"·ere vio-oanles holding leue• near the 1atin1: conditions that ha.d been Cout and Inland ln Orange coun- sel down by the board of super-ty. Issued a statefnent earUer de- visors and the planning com-fending efforts to flnd new otl n1i.ssion. tleld8 In this area. Portablf'I Equipmf'nt Bowlby tenned the efforts be• It·s ~n sorn!." tllne since thl!o! inf:' made to block plant for test l. S In granting t:ie license Tues· dept. has rione any grow mg. 'o drillln ... u "no doubt well lntend-da v the board of supervl80rl! "' let's grumblt' a bit. · · that ed. but perh•p11 made without the stated portable r1rllling It's the~" suburban delivery knowled.,.e that oil tleld1. If round C<]llipment must be used and re-"' lruck~ o f n1any kinds. moved after the conlpletion of In the area. would be developed Being a IJ'lff' country boy. I drilling. Other conditions wnre by his <"Ompany" without a.nnoy· d~~n.o how th~.v opt-r~tf• in the that the operations be -hidden I ance to residents. c1t1cs , but c•ut ui the sticks, many r h C t H ' h . cl h He continued: "The Idea that or thP trlll'k3 vinlatf' ev('ry known rnn1 l e oas 1g wa~ an l at . . traffic law. a.nd S('e:n to enjoy [the driller compl_v with all conn· an olhl 1f1el~ m 1 uakl be a 11fore~ otf . . ty and stale anti-pollution lav.·s unsl1; t Y nerr f; a. ame Y v.;u e doTmhg •:h,. t k 11 Tho~ opposed to the drillin•. produc ts and nolay machinery la e U<l-l'>t'ry rue s f'1'JX'Cl8 y. ' -- Th j · ' k · ""rmit aiain contended thRt the a. thing of the past. An oil field e t r1vf'rs St'cm lo n1a c 1t a ,.~ ped J h t t C'ounty should adopt an ordinance can be develo w t OU res • point to park as near thl' CPnter f l or the road as possiblr. sit there to regulate oil dril~ing along the-dents being awar, o l8 presence. coa_,t."' a nd the returns to property own-awhilP tooting whisllrs or janJ:· k Supervisors indirated that the ers a.nr1 ta.xpayen and the wor • Jing bell~ ""hile waiting for CUS· f Q t t amers. Thrn, if a houSewlfe does planning commis..<Jlon would d raft Ing people o range coun Y 'arrive, they opt-n doors and win-rules for governing coastline oil would be immeni;e. dows and open up a store. right explorations and that hearings On Oenieb there. would be held on that subjeC't. "[)('rricks are no longer lett And in the n1 eantin1e the traf· Commenting on the lawnl&kerl'' !\landing after a well ts comrlet- flc. fo r alt they care, can go clin1 b rlccision to issue the permit. Mrs. ed. Pun1ping equlpn1ent can be a lrPe. Anrt oftl'n it aln1011t dl.>f's. T. Duncan Stewart, Shore Cliffli. placerl at g-rounr1 level 1t.nr1 tank• Th<"r<" are many olh<'r .such a !carter in the fight againl'lt rtrtll-far ren1oved from the actual aite violators. but 1 don't suppose ing SA.id , "I felt a.nd I st ill feel of the wells. there·s much a p('rson can do that the planning CQmmltuilnn llnd .. Such n1euurea would. of about it. But I can gripe. can·t board of supervi90rs rlld all tht>y course, be taken if any r1eld11 I? roulrl. Rn'1 that they acted In were discovered anywhere near good faith." recreallona.I and re-aidenllal com- STll.L MO~ She added that "I had hoperl munltles tn thh1 area. ORlfMBUNG for more. but the whole IMue has N I .. . " o oil company wou d w .... to And, ol.. counte, lheTe's tboee been beneficial ror lhla area. I r1e11troy the beaut:Y of t>u r f1Unoua trees on Newport Blvrl .. menacin~ hope oil drilling will become the Southern California eoa.st or to drivers all the way rrom Costa subject for further !'ltudy." ma.kc It le88 attractive to Ile resi- Me&a. lo Paularino. Mrs. Stewart had asked the dents or the thoumanda of people As has been pointed out by this members of the Newport Beach who visit it every year. yet dept. many tin1es In the pa.st. Ci ty council to ask the board of Southern Callfom la la one of the nearly <"Vt"ryone of those tr('es supervisors for a delay In gT&.nt-nation's richest oil region• and bear!'! scars. And almost every Ing the oil drilling permit at the oil Is a re80urce which ts vital to Kar testifies to death or injury lut council meeting. She had thl!!I nation's welfare. In time of to a motorist. But t hey still stand asked the delay so that "further national emergency, our total there. silly monuments to he ig· study·· coulcl be made or the productive capacity Is likely to norance of the highway people. J operation~. Her request was de-be called upon. Given time . for Once this dept. &Bked the coun· nied. ordinary development and care- ty traffic planners to do something t :nanimom ful planning, then oil re210urcea about the situation. Instead. thPy Supervi30r H einz Kaiser. who can be lapped without inconvenl· galloped up to little-known At· represents the fifth district area ence to anyone." wood whe~r trees obacurrd a rail- road crOS.Slng and where only a few people had been mangled. They took out th0&e trees with a roaring typhoon of publicity and didn't do a thing about the ones which have been responsible for many, many deaths over the lut. few years. The projected new freeway through Co!ta Mesa to the beach may bring a change in the situa- tion, but I doubt it. The pretty I and bloody) treea probably will remain as permanent thr<"ats to everyone who's brave enough to get out on the road! Grunion Scheduled to Run Toni9ht • Grunion &t't'I ttehrduJW tu run Tburtlday n1ght &t 11 :SO. The run I~ slatrd to l"ont.lauf'.'o Fri- day and Saturday .-.an hour later ee.cb &UCCHdlnlf n.tpt. You 're Invited to Boys' Club Party The public is Invited to take ll!I fir11t or'flcilLI look al the Inside or the Harbor Area Boytt· c lub in Costa Mesa Friday. June 22. at night a.s the local youth center celebrates its fourth birthday with a 'Fun Nile and Carnival rrom 6:30 to 10 p.m. The Booaters' club of the Boy•' club Ls spun!IOrlng the night's ac· tivlties which wilJ include earn!-,.__ _____________ _ vat-style game.!!. talent exhibi· tiorui, presentation of ye a r I y awards and plenty or refresh· ments. The Boosters' Club and the Boys' Club have extended an invitation to all members. former members, pa.rents and friends or the club to attend. Highlight or the evening will be the presentation or the Booster Club scholarship lo Orange Coa.st College to Newport Harbor High graduate Bob Woodhouse. Other awards will be made to the out· standing athletes In each division and to the outstanding art and craft participant. for the year. Honorary memberetttps ln the Boys' Club will be preaented to Wendell Pickens. Al Irwin, Jules Gage and B. N. Harri• for help In 11upervlalng athletic teams and for other volunteer services. George James will give an &rt demon1'tration a.e well u an "art novelty number." making charac- ter sketches of tho&e present. Talent wil_. be presented by several members of the club ln the form of mu•ical a.nd vaude- ville entertainment. -WBEIUll IBl 8 &'8 _, ... _ -• .... ,I Dz_ --- .......... trln •pl ••-'.-.-... -· I 11,9'- U.T..-.n), ..... ,..,. .. a.a-=• •11 ... --....ew • n 3 re-....w _. • •• _....71 at lei\ .. -.. -.. ti <"-ftotD) ' CHINA COVE MAP above ..,.pbic&lly IJlustratH the propoMJ of the Park, a.ch and Recttiatlon Comml•lon made Wrdne8day n.1-ftt. By nv&ru1 of a •'a.kr tax. lud ln Cfllna Co\·,. "'ould hp ac- qulftd for city-owned bMch property. The propoal n.1111 for the acquWUon of lot.8 8, '1 and 8; 1,, 15 and 18 In Rinck B-32. ThetM' lo ... would be eom.Mnf'd 1'1th th# Da.1\11.a a\0f'ftt1e "'d to fomt a beaoh. The propoMJ abo call~ for tbe a.cqulsltloa of lots 5. 8, 9 "Not Guilty" Say Realtors on Assault Charge Harbor Weal_laer Temperature9 for the put week la tbe ll&rbor area: Hip Thurtlday. June 14 '10 Frtda)·, .lunf! 15 ........... '10 S.tatday. June 11 ........ 68 Smtdaty, June 1 '1 •..•... ... 89 Monday, lune 18 89 Tue9day , .lp06 18 10 Wedneeday • .June 20 ... 89 Low 118 68 5f 59 80 60 60 Thomaa J . Payne, 49, M O Haul Dr., Corona del Mar, real estate &l'enl, and Stanley A. Smith, 40. 330 Morning Canyon Rd .. &190 a Corona del Mar real e1tate agent. entered n o t guilty pleas to NEW POST FOR charges of assault signed 1Lg&in11t I eacl> otlter befono Judge Frank I JUDGE D. J, DOl)GE Linnell In Newport city court la.st j Thursday. Justice Donald J . Dodge of Both men are tree on $50 ball I Costa M<'s& a nd Justice Elwood following an investigation ot the H. Paddock or Or-ange were SE'&l· citizen•' arrest complalnta charged f>d as directors of Goodwill In- acalnst. each other a week ago I dustries of Orange county at Mon- Mocnday. t th 1 1n•-day's monthly meeting of .the &UM or e comp a wo wu a dtatu.rba.nce in Smith's real Goodwill board In S anta Ana. and 10 ln Block 8-SS and lot5 I(, 15 and '1 and 8 in Block 0-8!. Theflf' lot.a ""Dold comblnie with the Fernleaf &\·enue atreet end to form a ctty-o\\"Df'd lM'ech. From the dlal'f'U!I It may be. teen that t.hb city property wW be dlvtded by the centrally locakd property· and lots now preeeot In China Cove. The Comml•lon M"('ommendatlon alAO lnc ludM lht> baJloUns ol the NPWport citl-' zPTII".)' on thr Matehl,pc l..and Pro;poal. Block C bi 11ubmerKt'Jd. Balboa Youth Heads List As OCC Honors Top Students I Sl Water Tax f-or Cove ·Land ; April Vote On M~tching Land By a five to two roll call vote Wednesday night mem· bers of the Park, Beach and Recreation Commission o f Newport Beach recommend- ed a compromise proposal on the "what -to -do -about - China Cove" issue. T h e i r recommendation will go to the city council for action. The plan would call for IL month· ly tax ot one dollar on an water connections in Newport Beach for a ten-month period. S ixty per cent of the money raised would be used to acquire approxlmat.ely 14 Iota in China Cow; the other forty per cent to be retained for other park im- provements. Acquisition of this land by the City ot Newport Beach would (with the included street ends ot Fernleaf and Dahlia A vea.) pro- vide approximately 320 feet ot city--0wned beach frontage in • China Cove. However this beach frontag-e would be divided centrally by the three houses now on the beach and the three unimproved lots in that central area.. The res u I t would be two beaches, one wtth approximately 120 foot frontage ; the other with 200 toot frontage. The Commlulon also recom- mended that the China Cove Matching Lend Propoea.J be voted on l'!! ~he •next city eJectton. U lite .~1111r,~l!<!OIY1>11 U. accepted, tlle wat.er ta.x money col- lected by tbe city will revert to the Park, Beacb and Recreation oommlaslon. ·The China Cove Matching Land proposal would entail the city quit claiming their easement on Ocean Front block11 12A. 13.A.. 18A and 17A to the state ln ex- ch&nge for China Cove. The sta.te has already followed t his pro- cedure with Ocean Front block• 14.A and IOA. The motion for the recommend&· lion W&8 made by Dale Ramse-y; seconded by Lloyd Wood. Roll Call Vote Marlon Dodd ............. YN Alexander llamllton Yee FraaelA Honat.b. .......... No Norm Miller ................ Yea Os.le Jtam.ey .............. YM Carleton Mears of Balboa headed a list or 11 Orange Coast col· Mn. Myrtle Sode.rbers No lege students \\"ho were presented with special achievement awards 'Lloyd Wood ................ l'M and echolarshlps at the formal graduation ceremonleti held in tlte Tmct or the propou.I la: school auditorium lut Thur.sd&)' ntghtr, Motton made by Da.le Ramsey Mear.s received t.hfo SfiOO J ennie 8. Cnitcher F oundation Scholar· as /ln alternate proposal to the ship which is gtven annually to 1 China Cove matching land propo- "' · l tud nt tn adva.nced studv I "to '·t sltlon to buy approximately 14 i:.ss1s a a e iver .l -Newport-Balboa. Press ~le lots in China Cove : Lots 6. 7, 8. at 8 senior co~lege orSJ~ al &1 Y: IL student to pursue his studies ln 14 15 and 16 in Block B-32 and He wa.s ~180 given a . umni journalism for a second year at i..r;ts 5 6 9 and JO ln BIOck B-33 schollU"Shlp for the a cademic Y:~r Orange Coast college," went to and ~ts' 14 and 15 and 7 and 8 1951-52 by t he University 0~ C . • Barden Greenleaf df Balbo11. Is· t BJ k C-33· total hi h I ht fornia. An honor student in hts . ~ n oc • w c mg d -· M lied 1 +m land, asalslant editor ot the Bar· be bought for a reasonable sum stu 1es, f'an exce n sporwo and wa~ rect>nUy voted "'A thlete nacle. of money with monies obtained of the Year" by the OCC Letter-The joumaJ:sm award present· by a monthly water tax or $1.00 on men·s club ed by the Costa M~ Globe-Her-a.II water connectlOM in the Clty · aid "lo the student who contrlb· of Newport Beach for a p eriod of Pren -"'tnaer utea most to ·the welfare of the 10 m ontha. S ixty per cent of the The journallsm scholarship or school newspaper during tibe year" mOnieA collected to be applied lm· $100 annually presented by the (Conttnued on Page S) mediately on the a cquisition of the eat.ate office at 1311 Co&at Hwy., --------------------------------------------above named China Cove lot.a; rorty !per cent to be retained for other p&rk improvement.I. Corona del Mar, police revealed Both men were ueociated prev - loualy and alleredJy argued la.et week over their &hare of a S300 commie:aion on the a&le or a G. L home • Suffers Bums in Boat Fire • ' Further, that for a final decl- .r.6n. that tbe China Cove Match· ing Land proposal cove.rtng Ocean Front Blocka 12·A to 11-A inclu- sive be put on the ballot In April, 1952. ctty el@ct.ion to be-voted on by alt· the Voten of the City of Newport Beach. U tit• cllluna, by a nece-..ry majority vote tbe matching land proposition, tlt•n the water tax money collected ~ the city wlll be re~umed to the Park, BeacJ\ and Rttreatlon tund. ' ' . GOY. SiGNS PIER ftSHING & NET llLLS • ' . • • . ' • • • • I • ....... .- \ YOU "llld : ' YOUR ~ , . .. ' ! wBAT PlUCJC JNllLA.'l'I~? . . • fllOft QR•otJS BAUIJ!!R 1'0 of.s' ' 1• A !'S'!CB9f;AlGICAL ilittuDE .· ', ( '"'4 la Ille lhlrd In .• ..n... "' artJ&a ••• the OMee !'f Price Stab!H•~) ' . 117 w ALTJ:ll. A. llR&AD , I WA.BHJNGTON, D. C.-T~ uae a term ~ t'n!m 1mo~ 1, ., lnduotly, th.• Job of ,.ah!li""'g the aatl'on•o economy: today la <Glloa•t Pttlil-·.......,. TlmndaJ' &t N•#port Jileadl, owtoml&. Of&. and printing Plant at 2111 Balbce. Bko<L-l'll<laa Barbor lilt .CONGRESS- Enter..! u second-clan matter June 1.8, 1940, at tJle poet ottlee at Newport Beacll, California. under the Act of Much S. 1879, It la a much more -.pllc&ted Job than wu tac.od by the 0 qmc111. ~a back In the f"&rl)' day, of th~war ht I&il. c; • M\M:h wW be heard aboUt the Then the nation wa.8 .. at war. Today we &re' techmc.\lly a · ,..,. 11, 1111• . Ban&ch letltt, , Tben, there were Idle J>Wltl and ldi. '!'""-er and ma ,.._ I , Ille Otadllalle. ax. MembeT O&Utorala !few papr N£s'1n A111~tatloa Mmaber Natlwl Nturtal AnseleUo• ~~lal~ =~O.::,= readlly avallol>Je. Wilen the OUke of Prlc:.. 8lablllaaUon onr, -~ laat Tb~ lllJllt 1 14 of Midtllt-n. wrote to Bem&nl )(. our naUonal economy WU nan·• . j r ; .. ptY d&Ulbter. Mary, ~ BEN 0 , REDDICK. owner &nd PVblllller J!:OBl!RT r. W!IZ,MJ!ll!, -n-.,......... ..__,.h to obt.ln .-. a"'·-..._~ nine at tW1 btut. Vlrt...U,. "" labot today Wiii boy m fl ,.J.. a\': .f'°IJI Oranp Cout Oollep. . ...--7 ,.. "'"' eu.. • _,,_ w.Af*I town wu tdk. _., ol'!e ""T' Ai this lime 1 wtlh to .... , .!'!'" • -on .,,.....-or: B!it _..it,,. to OPS olftelala . ~-.---•"'l'' pamtato Carlton Moan, -ot >.. A.LIBXAND'l!:R BAJIJLTON, ~ ltlana1tt I .,.,_ Produotli>n Mt (I) A.) lllt ·~ oerlouo ba.rrler d.apll.o lllu -~ la Ille lllnot)' iot ilr. Mrs. Carlton JI. -n; , ~ ::!:!" i.U::U::-~run!llM. Ult 11!&11 coot ot ttvtnr. i:, a Plf• =~ ~-~.,,. ~~ aa · many. honon beotowed "! , ~·~ ~ o-.: Tl>• -botti. d .............. L--' lljm or lllo OUllltandlllc -• ot --•, 11.oody i. • 1t1emNo', W POJOPla an aot ;..ady iO tt.dy --~--~ .........c '9 abUl Y while at O. C. C. KMri 'llrf:ll ~ ~np on ~~ <ept ·-troll. And ........ aetlft 111,aA ever Mfore IJt -ry, and operates the M-• lratlon propoeala to extend WI~ tton. f the pl< la f th· ft, OPS II BU<cePllll In tl\la ftgfrt Bbop In Costa Kea aiid OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITT 01' NJ:WPORT BllACH prict:, rent productk>n. and Ctt't&ln coopeora 0 · peo or ' ap.tnst b:lftaUoa and for \.Ile de· be '• Jlll!iU d ot lUa otber eoatroa. for two yeara under comln&", not .merely pa.aetve ac· tense ettort. a two-pi-onsed battle Y prou 8UllllCRIP1ION ilATUI tlle DPA. qul8e~, Ulen oontrola ot then we Will .bave. lndeectbftft .Ue: 800.. B&tuch, who will be 11 tD Au· pticee or materials. or anythln.f oeuful aptn1t tile encr~u:ri'~ta W l, I survived Father'• Day. • NEWPORT-BALBOA PRDA -~ ,,,.......,,, In Onmp County, SU& f"'r f8r; -Ills -•111111 ltUI 111- montlost (Allio tndudM tire NEWPOaT·MLllOA NEW8-TDIZll oe TaHdayt Ovtllde Ulo ---... ,..... I SUit and h.al.__ a.dmlnJ1ter con-elee aimply w~l not .uccMd. of communbm on the borne t~t. wttl~ was yesterday, O. K. 1 ...-.. Co I t th u • apen a quiet day with .my tam· trob durtnc both world wars, gave ntro o f' u on• llC:ON>m1 and wtll ha.ve provided our mill-ily d after en.Joyinr niy fawrtte * ES1' N-Moody a fort.hricht. anawer thl• on the present bull, a tialt-war tal')', wherevt'r engaged, wtUt tht-put e, prdenln•. for a~ .. 1 v-.. .>11 11• R l wl!f'k:. halt-peace en~ent, 1-un· atnawa ot war. • ,.uv.,. Removal of economlc control.s precedent('d ln our hi.story. But the Aa one OPS official put It: ·•u rega,ed myaelf ln my Jl"'ather'.a THE FEDERAL JOB SITtJATION Pl ~GES 1'1 yo••, now, Baraucb wrote. would double congreu, the preatrtent and others we •uceed we can keep ~erl.ca Day pre11ent, the moct ''8C!"Umpt•. Go .,. or trip~ the colll: ot the moblll&a· believed the only method by which relllly free-free to criUclze-(ree oUs" Hawaiian sport lhil'.t yo\l 0v1•• "'"I>. V.~· CM . ucm prn8"1'am tn JU_..er ta&.e1. Be inflaUon could be whipped, the to t'hlnk-free to chanve and •,at ever Mw. rested, relaxed and ,. To Nf'wport-Balboa Pl'f'M by t......._ -ft• ed.ltorla.J from .._. .......,. . ·-·-·· •u. b--• counlfod the many thinp0 I am w ........ -.... ---•1 __ ., t••-•·•· 1 ti' U lo ...,., f tlala ~ UJ"ltd e•t.enakm of price, wa,-e and v11lue of the dollar preserved, f'U U?e same tlme fl'ee to survive. trul·J --teful for. Here's hoNMir _....._..__ .,,._ ~ ""' -"' ( ...,. ,. 0 ,.nt controla. lie confidence m•ta.ined, nvinp That ls A'Ufftclent reward for any l1 °·-t"'""" 1n '''ulllnstou.. (Jl&cWd) 8"" lll'llldlck ..._ He a1*> u--..11 •triet -emment and inau1'.'9J'lce valllea tield Impair· ettort required ot -ua." I apend many more such pleu&nt k d . ·:' , "-•"'""" •-. ed d In tote-""' b d I Father's Days. -The government of the United Stat.el bu IW1 eeper economy, much higher tax .. and an an ·-• ur en ° 1 am Wondering how ...;.:.y in dishonesty, crookedneea of heart and deed, and plain ,..,.....,....,_' .,.,...nine 01 IOl'aip aid provam• htghor and hlJll£r prtceo prevented Th. c I w k people ' In the good old U. 8. Ai . lO malte e«rtatn they-do {\Ot con' wae to institute the controls which e ap"rto ee ha.vel ill, e)d firm in their onl .. "-• immorality under Truman than ever in the nation'a put. 1'1118 18 171E fTRST nf trarnc-•t..ty earioou ~ll wtu •P-tr1bUt.e to l1'IJ,atlol). a.N" a part of Amf'rican life to· 1 u th the 'J'M.lman . Ma~ Do you differ? Then JWU!n to Mr. Luther C. Steward, -.,. .. 1<17 In tfwo ..__ Balboa hlaad•r "'rstl Par1dl •• ,,.. The letter Jo bound to command day. feud ) how lriaay now doubt !Mir 'd .• f h l" . -· Fed tlo t "'-~-ra1 Em I • .,.. ........ for .... ""-llJld '"" .... "" ......... tt... wld• au.mtloo In Congreu. Actually the Defen .. Production By Walter L BarkduD fi ,, prcst en. o t c •&tionu era no '"""' P oyees: j Lut Jufy, Baruch •ppeued in Act of 19!1-0 Itself rt.xea a yardaUck rst appra1ea1 ot the llltua .. on. "The moral deterioration which admittedl~hu infected per!IOn betorf' th• Senate BanJ<tng tor ~<"~9urtng inrJaUon because It (Uaftf'd p,.... l".oi:.rapo..tmt)' and hoW many have cballptJ the United States has notleftthefedera11ervle&untouched." CHINA COVE•,. Committee to •peak on the Nb· q,ys. 1 · · · whe1• ~~e-p~tce of Jr. J<>lden now or •pecial ap-~~~: h=.i:ot~;:i:~Y·mvI,..J!I Mr S fed h. rd be! th Laa I b ( th d h If h i f J«t or controla materla • or .. ,.. ce ·~ naen or pi:oprt~tton bills waa uncorked •~ ~ . tewartl t~ti i on t II yeate ay ore e t n g t, out o a ree an a a . our seu ?n . o Shortly atte; t.b.t ftJhUnl' In threatf'ns to rise unreasonably Jast week wlth passage ot Cali· 8.Jld I· am more convinced thU bollile committee on Post Office and Civil Service. He ap-the Newport Beach Park. Beach and Recreation C<>mmuuuon K<Jr.. beran. l'Tuldent Truman above tM price• prevailing during tomta·• ll,034.386.2<0 ota.te bud-ever that the ...rety di our "°""' pcared there in coRnection with propoaala to change var· a compromise propoaaJ was hatched on the China Cove uked Conan-t.o vote control• tht' period trom May 24, I9M> to get 88 Legtilators raced to\vard try lihouJd .come first and 00 ma.+- . ,_ h h ·1 · on eon.wmtr credit and prod.UC· June 24 , 1950 . ." in such C&8el their June 23 deadline. pretending 'that. should te,u b1s ious scales of pay in the vast and complex beaurocracy that UllU8 ... an &.MUe t at a~ been too ong a-11ettin1. lion M did not aak ro wase and prtce ceilings may be e.stabtlllhed. Gov. Earl Warren aigtted the country apa.rt, reveal, or cauM· t9 now has become the bii;gest bllllln-In all human hilltory, Roughly, the recommendation of the Commiaaion advo-prtc~ c:ntroll. r And of course, when tho l«>rellJl state'• !!<=d hlvhest bud 1 et be rev•aled, it's most sac'red: J 0 secrets tor the world and :our the executive arm of the government of the United Stat.ea. cat.ea a city . wide monthly water tax of 11 for a ten Whlle Conlftu pondered con· "oar started on une 25• the re!f-1 within mlnuteA after It arrived enemitts to hear and moat over. · . · Id be ··--~ trol.t and IU Bankinl commlttH.s innatlon started because of .acarce at his desk. Warren praised the •· We pass up here the chance to analyse and expand on month penod. Sixty per cent of this money wou woeu held hurtnp on th•m. price• i;.. buying, hoerding, speculation, budget. •• betanced withoµt the This is your frtendty .P'ol'd · Mr. Steward's testimony concerning pay sealett, for Mr. to buy Iota on the China Cove beach which would give the ~· to ri ... eon~e11mrn be~" price l>ooste and prortteorlng. It nec .. •tty of n•w or addttional Dealer, Theodore Robin•, ~)': ..... •· •-· I tng Good·bye 'til . next :it· , I<. Howard Lewis, the excellent authority who ruu U. S. and city water front property in the Cove area. TIUt beach area rtt•ivtntr lettera ur1n1 control• wu • pu"." Y psychological pre•· taxes. will d I wl h b · ,_,_ al uld be I' d th 'ddl b h · ed I ta d ond the volume of thu• increued sur., which continued for months. The bill ~•lied both houa .. us, ea t t at JD llUS usu expert manner. wo ap 1t OWll e m1 e y t e untmprov o an 1,_0.,1y. ThC'r(' wu plent .... of aoodJ!I, food ~ ------------'-~ ...,... ...,. J e shortly after a joint · conterence-Let's just look at a few thinp Mr. Steward had to aay houses now centrally located on the beach. nt.e Republlcana were divided. and commodities ol every nature; oommltt.ee &med to restore a · a.bout plain decency. A general matter that everybody can The remaining forty per cent of the water tax money Some wanted to take policltal Mi· and as a matter of ract, civillan part ot 8'nate . cuts. mainly in ~"'::t~ ~~=·J~= &n·. d be t nd . f v&nt.&ICP o< the popular demand for product.Ion during the first quar-th b d t f th D ., f73.Sp: woul uaed . or the development a improvement o cont.roi... Other• tu.red to rtve tbt> ter of 195 1 exoe~ed production of e Me~t; H~ene~ ep~ment nounced the commiPion to Ute "There have in the paat few yeara entered the federal park and recreational areaa. pre1ident control power. durlnf: thf' same quarter of 1950. rank of 2nd lieutenant for George A f M 1 thi i 7 A few houra alter the budl'~t W. Greenlee, fU f\ed.larad.s e.venue: rervlce many persons without knowledge, experience or At the end of a ten month period the city would vote Hou .. RepublJcan Leader Mar· ' 0 •Y • • year. 0• Y wa. •ltrtfed, th•· A ... mbly ••• ...:.,. Newport lle•ch. , ,, Green!-wa. ~-· f he h h ' · hed · l · Un I Mau ) reported on July 26 per c~t or the national production ~ ~ --. • ~.ualifications as public admtni.tr&tora. but who poueu a tJte qu.emtion o w l er or not t ey Wl.8 to quit c aun • &'t-N"ral ·fttUns amon&' Republl· was df'vot<-d to d£>fen&t> materials. a bill by . Francia Dunn. O .. Oak· t"Oin~eionf!d. from 'the rank ot zeal approaching fanaticism tor aome particular cauae." their easement on Ocean Front blocks at 12th, 13th, 18th tan• that the prui.dent waa uking By thC' n1i<1dle or next yt>ar it Is. J.a.nd, to boost state aid to IChoola msJ1ter ser~ant.. .. ed t ,, by ..St:S,000.000. The actiOJl wu Lt. Grttnlee W1l8 NCO ln char-~· How did they get in? Wu it an accident? an.d 17th 1treeta in exchange for China Cove. for .. too much power." t-Mf){'Ct lha eom~ ~5 JM>r cent of ta.ken deapile . .pror..ata that the · · p - ''Th h bee •--·-f fed 1 !fl · V I · t f d . N But on that aam.e day, Baruch natlonal production will be for de-of the station ordnance acboot • ere ave n too many nmWUJces o era o CJ· ot ng tn avor o the r ecommen at1on were orm tola the fktna,te Bankins Commit · ft>nse , barring an .u .. eut war. Tht> bill contained . ·no provision for prior to hi.1 commluion. He nrat ala and employe• who felt that the limit of penniulbllity Miller, Dale Ramsey, Floyd Wood, Marion Dodd and A. t•e that Con~• .. •houtd tree.,. all ""'lmate or th• Joint economic rtnanw cing the ,...,,..,...,: enllated In the Marine Corpa In r the. ff' ·e.1 · th Ilk lihood t I di " ••----de H 'l . h I Fr rt commit~ r c -~ that arren promptly 88.1d Utat he November 1939 and saw aervice. or tr o ICI actions WU e e o ft ctment. A.11rA&.11 r amJ ton. Against t e propoaa were ancia W&«e•. P cea and renu. increaae ~ 0 ongre aaye \\'ould veto the bill if tt· 1"ets to I In the. &ioi;;non Island8 and the M S rd · · In Ute le th he 1..-H oL d M M I Sod be taxe1 and ration t>SM'ntial &"ooda by the m1drlle o! 1952 there w111 I . , . r. tewa LS saytng po sty at t crooaa orvau1an rs. yrte er rg. . M ha.n · hav"·l>M>n ·bullt up ·a.n exceq of 1h1m 1n ita original ·form. Philipp1i:e1durt.ng,World -Warll. around here would steal Wasbington11 monument if they Heinz: Kaiser and Sidney Da vidson were not present mad~r~ptCon..:~~"~1~~H!:r:~ con•umer purchuing power over ''No btll that carrie~ ·$20,000.-The of~ftcer'a Wife, Phyllia. livq 't red ( be ' ht" Em I l ·r1 II t th ti' f . available consun1er gooda of eome 000 more .than we hav.e ' in rev-at the Newport Beach address .. Weren sea 0 mg C&Ug . . • • p Oyea aJ Y We a e me 0 Voting. th" man with more control.a ex-. . enue can be ~igned," Wal"reft Mid. does hla mother. Mre. Annie F. d I th • t ha · th' d with Th th f perlenct" lhan any other living 16.3 b1lltona of dollara. That 1.s 1 • own n e operating ca egory, vmg no Jng to o Ole are e acta. Am U the tremendous f'COnomic pres· Warren · sa'd that the m1»t re· Gr~enl~e. : policy, must neverlheleas obtain aome form ot political From this editorial angle, lt aeema to ua that the .u.c::.!!~I ~:1'm.:m-:'n P:i;e~t!. aore wh1Ch price control& under cent,r~po, rFlt by the .Stille-~part- learan f bo h · d ' ' '' d j · Co · · OPS must battle men ·o nance 1ndtcated that r ce or t appomtmenta an promotion. recommen at on of the Park, Beach -and Recreation m· ttnguW..d Amortc,,,.. hi• recom· OP . · . th• state will have only 128 "'"'- Th eeds I ti bod Cl ·1t wi'tb ml i . . . mendatlon would carry t S ofr1cl.ala are pl'f'd1cting that ·""I"· at n no tr~ a on to any y . ear u on wu the re1uJt of sound th1nk1ng and an objective i 8 . &re• prH?"s on many commodities on 000 in ·revenue that h8B' not been. P d , · d f s·an . _, __ 1 f th hie we fht wtth the public. allocated , en erga.c...., :nstea o J ey. appnu.9& o e pro m at h(\nd . Five daya aftrr Baruch tt'atifled the markt>t today are on the way Tha · W ~P R O F E SSIO NA L ~ ~ DIREC TOR Y ~ Does any of this matter! Does anybody care? Does it U the City Council approves the recommendation of Houaeo Speaker R.aybum 1Teu.al to a dechli~! at the 1reta1ll level.· not to ve~ m;~~ aar;;; ~~~d h.;;: I d h. ti d I • Look · th Co · ' bel' h · be announced ''"at P eald l Trumari 50 muc ....,eeuae 0 pr ce controla • • ea us anyw ere, as a na on an a peop e. again at e mm1&111on. we 1eve t ese purposeli will served. µ• r en a.a be<:au8f' of preuurf'e exerted LeJiJllature had piled up a sum 1 ,DE?\"'1'18T8 the . th' ( • "' . . ¥tould accept selectrd-a.s oppoaed . that exceeded h' a ri t .-------------.. size of Ja antaay called government. 1. A portion of Chana Co\·e will be acquired for t.h.e to gen~ra.1-rontrols' on 8 stand· by by t1ghteni«& crf'dit on hold£>r• of ed ba.ianc · 16 un· ppro~ a · Federal burocracy has expanded to such an ex:tent since city and the road l\ill be left o~.n for the mat.chtng land bMs If CongTUe ln•Ll!ted. ~ .... ·~ndoua inve~tof'y stocks, thus But ·t~ b!~::.·Y m:re;1~~ Mr. Truman threw the United States into the Korean proposition If the cltlzt>ns of N~wport Beach so desire, Congr."' dld -buL IL •llo in· ~:c:::!r:;.':.'.e an more gooda on apeci•ll . appropriation bill that " 1. t ' ,, h ..... . .11 II . bo tch ~ A will h ..___ f d lifStf"d that Ute presldeont take g-en· Wt.rren "''anted badly arul th po ice ac ion t at lut Clvt an pay ro JUit a ut ma es .,. wa}· a\·e lAX"TI oun to obtaJn the develop.. et"al inRtead of eelectiv~ eontrol.11 But, th f'y warn, if t~ public aa· t · . · · e he W d · surrie that theac price declln ate of another was in dbubt t orJ War II peak. ment and lmpro\•emeot of park and recreat:loaaJ area& N<m· the Ume i.t cloae at hand Rd es at ~eek·s end _ . J b h · · · S .. · ( c t d id . bo 1 ll.r& a emOMtratlon that controls · o s ave been handed out wrth such a laV18h hand 1n • All areas, sections and segments of the City of or on&'res.s 0 ef' " anev. e. u · are . qo 1Qnrer needed , that lnfla· The A&1embJy dumped .. hi.I re- the last 12 months that the taxpayer now finds himself Newport Beach \\iJJ ha\'t' a stake lD China Col·e. Lh;,,~:~i·m. ,-.,....,....en )lears ·v~ry ti on ls licked, It '-''ilJ b~ ·deludina-quest !or 8 new e.id ·Prqrr.am to . ' • . ....,.,.'6. 'taelf tMtocau lh ti f • t-he .. total1y .and permanently dis. supporting the salaries of 2,410,000 government employees. Oa the other sidl! of the issue are the argument~ iitlle from Mr. and Mrs. Public. ' · oo<1 .. e r• 0 . 0 bocond pbled. The bBI by. A.ssemblynwi Th Is · f I 500 OOO . . N \loi tn 88 including thMe t sumer g s lo demand i.-un . . .. LE8Tl'!R A. BECKER. D. n, & DENTISTRY 1185 Newport Blvd., Costa Me.a Medical Bklg. Beacon 8182 60I E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 32T·J1 at an mcrease o near y • over this time last that the city is imwllllng to J(lve away rights on land It h 0 • • or lo grow .,,,•ll•r a.nd smaller •• Thomas Mal°"""'. R .. San i'ran· d , • · t c> administration. hu claimed · cilico would have appropriated • year. Ol!9D t e\·ea own to acquire China Cove ... the argu· that direct co"lrola could a.tt.in OC'f('nae need! continue to eat into 16 . · , ~ · . · OPTOMETRJST!IJ _ National def~ee ia, of course, the popular burocratic meat that state may not "'ant to waJt ten months for a ~Y euccese Without the use or In· ci~~!~~t> Pr:~u~;l~~t·s admitted attt. m!:~t (;; P~:r.!1.r~t nme r------------ excUBe for this pay roll padding. In the last year, a system final decl&loo on the China Co\'~ Matching Land propM&I. direct, •ntt-lnflltion measurH -tude of the American peopie th• But the •PJ¥)ftenl1 of th< meu-\'r E. K~EPSEL. O. D. f . '-rl k ' d . ,_ __ bee de ised ha I . . " taxat on, cre<11t reslrict1ona and , ure cl.aimed that once the pro-OPTO''ETRIST o in... OC mg tjties ,._ n v 80 t t almOtlt any t 18 our particular belief that everyone would like to curLallment ot ~venunen~ -d· que1lion i• can OPS &rut other tac. . . m red · · · . . .,.-....,...... Lor · th ief e m bil'""tl cn.m l"Ol rolhns lt mil(ht weJI E' ··-•-g by A ~1n-· ere.I outfit can, bi,ke 1ta pel'llOnnel under th111 banner. have Chma Cove as a beach . the only a""•m•nt being ;ng. s '" e ' ns.. 0 ~ on Lh~ P~ • . · · · ·c---. set.up actuall~· 1tab1lize the n&· cost II.II much u 1100,000,000 a 1114 W. Newport Blvd. Consider the National Production Authority which on what price we are willing t o pay for it. Bu.mt-as hu cont.e.nd.e<l that the lion's f'con omy. year. It would have pro~l4ed up 1'.Tewport &adl came into being only a few months ago, but which already This Compromise proposal, we believe, is good common =~~111 ~oe~~~r~b-1~.~r~~lr. The arurwer comes Crom Charles to s7:s a mo11tn tor dlsabled Harttor 1511 has a pay roJJ of more than 4,000. And consider rolly·poly, aenae. It promises defin_ite a ctio n on China Cove. Neither r('('t .·controls merely impede pro. :i ~~L"JOn,d,p~es~eni ~f ge~er•I 1 pe~"::s..Le,eiidator R&.td the def~i· l'-----M-O_R_'l'l_C_IAN ____ _,., Smiling Mike DiSalle, the price boss who started drawing aide haa been asked to entirely give up their own particular ~uc~ion, .:::0 ~ef to combat ln· P.:iuc~1o8.t° A~~lin°ist:a:lon e e~:! tion of dlaabled waa ao poorly his federal pay check only six months ago. plan..s. It is the only decision that could have been arrived t~~ion. e 8 n slratlon denies ove-r-all agency in control ~f the drawn that a hou.ewtfe who · · · · · nU d f s Wil couldn't do her housework wo"ld Mr. D1SeJJe bas gotten mto the spending groove with-at. Any other proposal w ould have bruised either of the Most price• temporully &r•.in a • .re .. ~1:.;:eehpr~~~m. day• ; be ellJrible for paym~nt.s. Chronic • out a eign of strain. He already has 6,700 little price bo8Se.8 two factiona involved ... a bruise that might have taken a JulJ-b:ut what may happen when :~~e and u~it~ ':vees!an e~et~~ alcoholics and narcotics usera Lady Att~ndant •10 eoa.t mctiwaJ' OORONA DEL llU DAY AND NIGHT Phone Rarllor U · d th · d b I · h hf'avy dl'fenst> spendlnl' really ' were excluded under the terins snooping aroun e nation, an opes to add another ong time to eal. -E . A. L . takf's hold? How much a.ntl-lnfta. Jpb by 1963. By t.hat da.te our 28 000 her th )ls d ---readiness to enter upon tot.al mo--of the bill , ore ano er year ro aroun . tion force will be contained ln the •. 1, __ . houkl The other project close to the Co · · nt-w approp talion and tax bUI t .-Uon • be aufflclent; •nd , ngress, Wlth an eye to the accountmg It must give c·1t"1zen Award to Harry Welch hi h r' .~ ~ II • production in adclltlon to m .. ttn&' Oovernor's heart WU the chlkl th te bef b . . . -w c wont .....,. •1na Y acted ' care center pro am The As e vo ra ore many more mnnt S. ta beg1nnmg to show upon untll well after June 30 • current mlllt.ary nee.ls, thould sup· gr · 1, __ , • · f . · port a civilian m l.l eembl)' paJSed a libera i.zea v,r. Blgn.B o unrest. All we can say. gentlemen, lll where have l\·o\\, u last July. many mem-above Korean ec;:::1a r, or akm ot a support bl.ti, but the you been up to now? And. while we're 00 the subject of A hlghU&"ht ot the third Oranr,r Coa.l!t colll'ge commencement last t>t>00rs or Con~as are uncerta.Jn In t~lnter1m period despite Senate finance committee"dumoed b · I , bo Thursday wu the prcl<'nlation o f Outstandin& Cltlzton awarda to a ut what to do. . • It • 1 urocracy, et s talk a ut THE HOT.STOVE BOYS. H&ny Welch. long.time Harbor a.rea reaident; a.n4 to Wlllla Huttley And now. again Saruch comes 00tl ntrofls of.!1~~"· ddet:plte a.JJoea-·The Senate pa•aed a tirh.ter ~W These are, by popular dellnJ.tion, the ones who will Wamer of Huntln&1on Beach. forth with hls recommendaUona. on ° ma"'.-uu• an ecarce com· · ttiee ~ I · • · \Vhat effect t:he will have thia modJUea, deaplte 110me re(ional la· which an AueittblY corqm sLea anything but a bot stove if it Ian t nailed down. The text ot the award whi cti \va.s presenliN:t to Wel('_h by Ora.ntrt ti t be .; edJ t·• f bor ahorta.g~ th1a country la not then proceeded ~ Uberallae. Ac· '"'I JNSUBANCE ' kl Estabtlahed lnlUntnc:e I .A.sm.cy All lines written.. uqw.&BD w. GEKB1811 Wll ewpori Blvd., Coota- ONE B&AC911)! . 6111 Tb y' '--·-· d .... , I"'" be • 20 ~---1 oollege p-•ld•nt n •• ,·1 H me canno m a ~Y ore-' lion on It wu -din~ at J:s e ve ~ swarnung an mwwp .J"'"I re 1or Ye&r'at ~ .... · Dtl.n • seen. But the ract remains that tbe expected to autter any ot the 1 ~· , ~ with resultant damage that haa not only defl'&ded national Prll....., In behalf of the boud ly mlndtut of lb• major 1'0le you Ban<ch letter wlll be widely dis-panp of au.terlty. end. . -8 • · . of tru.tees la ae follOWI : have played in t.he c.reatJon of tble Med Civilian production wUI be tu -~ · prestige and pnde, but also IOOUMI the national poolretbook. ''By ruolutlon of the Boord of I 1< .. tttuUon. In your capaelUu u cu · greater, perll•P• 26 per cent trreat· More than 260,000 SURi-INSURE -Mr. Steward's comments only indicate In brief the dlsaater TrulUeo ot the o......., Cout Jun-oecr•tary of the <>nnp County er. than In llHO. By compartoon World War ll ,,.......,._ Ila 'i they have done in detail. lor Cloll•I" Dlltrtct. you, Horry 'Cout ""-lati<>n, ..., .. tary ot U... FROll BIO BEA.a LAU wtlh at&ndanll of living anywhere rellabllitated throup PV~, w ~lllUll ~ Th . . We.le.ta, baVe been an out.ataodlng 1 Harbor CommLMion, a.n4 PubUclty Mr. llJld M.ra. Georce B:reiad. elN ln the world, oura can only be 1e, durtn~ Cbe elltat yean ~ &JM!tl Omilf e situation baa grown 80 bad that the Senate Labor elti&an. Brtntrlnc with you more I Dlrec:tor of tho ~ Memorial tormerly ot Bi&' Bear Lake, are deacribed u lmriOUll. And It wW trram baa been In er'toct. ~ I '=••• .'!.,"';~~!' _,.. Commi~ has formed a special .ubcommlttee to try to than a -of valuable experl-hoopltal you an conUau~ to i among new C<l8ta 111-rul remain ao, it we win the f!pt repreaenu •• -cent of qi;. j6T~·· i ',:=!!:;;:±::::;::::=: write out, of all things, moral Randt.rd of rovemnient. once .. oecretary to the Phoenlo provide leaderohlp for tll• ..... denla Tbey 11 ... ~ ftsl· •galnlt ln!laJJon. 000 ~iltJlblf!d ··-~ ,..,. ,, Lindsa C W th Co ..._11• Gen-' f •L-Cbambu of Commerce. you tint which you bave done ao much'to dence at UIS Oranp ueue, A.a a l!)tltltt of fact,.,.~· -~bile t&ir U h'ala!!lc. t Y • a.rren, e My...-v1.111Jf' ~., o w.u: .. ,... ta our communJty u eec· bulkl. Unite.;! States, made an appe~ biefore thla 11J18Cial 11111>-l'Ol&ry to tll• 0-p -.county "It 11 In-approµlate that I committee the other day to plead fqr lnatitl!tk>n ot a a..mber ot Comm•..._ lo thla ca-I the uu.., ''Outatandlnr ctu....• government Code of Etblcs ........ would _ .. ,_ "a uni. padt.y and later .. HOrelazy to be appllod to you.• , ..,... w".-.. ,... the Newport Jn.-.ctwnber ot old Caab1oned common boneety, "-cy an!! t.ir cleal!na"" Comm-. you ~ .. rv1ce Ull&U T'.&V •• • We have this to AJ' to tile well· Intentioned Mr Of L•nlJmable ftlue. A.a a ruult ,,.., - - WatTell: such a code must start at~ top. , :.i:;:r~~ t11~;_,= PASS .. AISIMILY We. llgree with Mr. · Warrea that, by ud i.rp, the -of Oralla'• _.;.ty llU -iii. -bly llMllT appro"" litUe people in government are u honMt aa f:b9 day ta ~°"' "'-• oandJ' tl<le-and amt to u.e -1· a bQI aim· long The subcommittee ta not ~ _..,. ti::-. lu4 llllp Calllomta._ ,_ od a~ m•ldios a mlUlool Calif..,. ' . ,. " --...... ...... -..... """ t1'e ..,.1c1·. --per --tar u.. .,.. ~ 1t Is qnlte properly ec•.,.S _. ltl -it typ. ,.at -· · trl' -111o7 pt. , u: F-Rep. Andrew Jae~ Kq ~ o.1 ._ "°"-"la ~ to ~ .....-. Tiit 111a •itljaot "' a st11tn• E.Jo1::,_~on, former Rep. J. Pu..q ,;._,., .... lf"'-~= ~·= :~·;:i, ":11"1!0\".,:: .utrn ...... .., ••• , ••• "' ... u.. to? ............. .... . Ti.-iue 'll&m• ot ..ard, ~ wW -tit u..a _..,...,.·~ ,._. _..,._ ~ .._ ._. ,_ """°' did Wu petty COi'\~ to _ wlrlilt t. .... llllthidlln II. ::...: :..._lllllGp' "' lllo Newport = ~ ;;::::: ltr!lft Md Every orpnlatloll uw lta -~ tlie top. Wbt'• .. -of .. ---Willi ~: ctalm lllat • -little gnlt, )11>11 m!pt l&J'," Wliien ID Alpr Biii -eolllli U.. ,.,., ... 1111:7 « -~ are PlllJW a t._ --. Ill-. Oii Mh•DD-' . on..,. Ooaot ....... ~ -...... ~ ............... .... ' ... --lllllO' ... padkWar-by the -... aad city - • ' - ~PEE D Y HAl?V£Y <;°(JMtf?( /NC I • ' • • Da ily Vacation Bible School Opens Monday • • Claws open in Newport Beadl Monday morning ldr the llnrt d&Oy vacation .:hoot . to be conducted W-the wv. Mn. Waite Cor- bin. dir<ctor, llu IUIDOWlced that !'laMeti wW be na.Uable few cbll· dren from tour yean of age to the seventh grade. • Tbema lo.-tile three age Cl'OUPll 'A1ll be u tollowa: kindergarten, "0Ur F'r"k!ndly Church." Primary dt>p&rlment, "Blble Friends and Frlenda Today.• Junior depart- 111t"nt. ''We WouJd See Jeeua." cia-will be held al Chris( Church by the Sea, Monday thru Friday, tor a two-wffk period. Th<> full statt COll81SU of the follo~ Jng, kiAderg:arten. Mn. Helen Doeaburir and MR. Jean l\CcDon- aJd. Primary, Mn. Katherinf' Shields and Mra. M.arjorte Neff. Junlof. Mn. Viola Llndaay and Mn. Ruth . Remley. Music · direc- tor, Mn. Leslie Freitag. Regis- tNn, Mn.. E\>a Fa.ruworth and Mrs. ~ Holtby. Assistants, Sbarou SberrlU, D&rrlth SherTIU. Mary Allee Baker, Barbara Hughd, Taja Tol'l.111 ind Mrs. Pat RUl'hff. - J.l1lalrr CHtllWll OJI' CllBl8T, llCll!NTIST 110S Via Udo,Newport Beacb A tN>Mdri ef '"'-Wofltw Ctturdt, Tlle &'If a.re. .. Christ, Sd...i•. lfl '-tOll, M ..... t IHL iw•d•Y School -·----~-9:15 •· m. S..drr Same• II :ti •· m. W.d~ E.._1,,. !'l\Uth1q _ 1:00 p. m. 1....-IMnt 11K41t.d •t Ill '•Im StTHtJ a.1-., 1t ~" it.Uy fr°"' 12 l'IOOft to !> ,. ""· ..c•,. S..Jld•ft •11d holld.ys ••tlo~ .... -..... ft.. .-Mic ft eordt•llf ltwf+.d to ~ tfM. d111tdl ...,.,ket •ltd •M the IMd.1114 ·- Sunday Sermon at Costa Mesa Baptist Church • Community ChurCh Pastor aeglns Sermon Series The Rev, Pa"1 Edwaril Babbitt Wiii pre•cll -SU-y. June 2• at 9:45 and ' 11 a.m.· In the Com· munlty cllurdl ot Corona dol Mar an the .IObjeC\. "H...... Wbo Dlo- covored that Ood la Uke That." At li'lnt Baptlat church ot Coot& Thia i. t_!!J f1r;t ot a e.riH ot 1a• Meaa on the eomhlg Sunday at mOM on Old ~mt ch.arac- tlie eleven o'clock wonlllp -· te"" deallntd to uqualnt tho tl1e •rm.on by Rev. P. 0. Ne\IJ'l\&lm aftl'9g.,..pe.non_ on th• chara.ctl!l'a will be enUtled "The Vindlnc ot • ot t.be · Blbl6. Loot God." Special mwolc Wiii be The ~I choir will ""'• by tbe choir. "Fa.ltut Lord Jeaua" tn the 8 :44 At the &:30 hoUr, the Baptbt un. aervsce and the Chancel choir lralnlnir union wm meet. The nri· will 11111• "Let 'fey Holy f'1Wonce" ous groupa lnclude the Mory bOUr by· Tadtiesnokofl ln the 11 a.m. for the little one., the Junior de· 11rrvice. Mary Bcllten 8leff~ partment. junior high, hJgb and direct. both t:boln. The orcan. mu· col1ege group and the lldull Bible Ile wUI tnclude Ouilmant'a "Ada· class. These are open to aJJ. rto Mollo," Whltney'a "Abery· At the 7:30 evening aervice. stwylh," Htndel·Kleln's "Largo," there will be apeelal congttpUon-and Mathew'• "Epithllamlum ... al singing, to be fo1Jowed by the Ml.88 Ma.re-ar-et $cbarl<' I.I orga.n- answerlng of three ot the que... I.st. lions deposited by members In the The Sunday school meet. durtng quesUon box.. These will be &D• the eunvne:r. The klndergarteon ' swered by the pastor a.nd are fWO'V· children are taught by Mr•. Wil· Ing very Interesting and enllght• U&m A. McBride and Mrs. Norman ening. The male cbonlll will ren-f"rahm , The prlmary·JuaJor de- der a number and the sermon will pa.rtment meet In Pilgrim hall to bf' givPn by Rev. Neumann, lhe ~arn ot the •tarting or the Christ.· subj~t being Tbf" Purpo~ of Pa'n Ian church ¥11th motion plcturra in this World. on the life of St. Paul. The adult'° The daily vacation BibJe school meet tn UK> Bia.kt house. All l'lau- whlch has been largely attended e• •at.art at 9 :4.b a.m. will continue ror ~coming week. · The second progresl'l dinnt>r for A cordial invitation it1 sun #X· the bulldlnJ campaign will bf" held tendNI to othtrs not b&\ing at· T\le.aday, June 26, at 8 :30 p.m . tendro as. yet. at the! Corona del Mar •chool au. At the annual businua meeting 'lUtorlum. At the dinner the build· held · in the churC'h on Tue.day, Ing (':Ommitltt will give full rt>· Jun" 19, it wa.s 11nanlmoa.sly pass· port. on the progress of the new ed that the church uaume U.. bulldlng. -The tlnance commlttee .support or anothe-r mtsstonary, wUt give a complelf' report ot rt- Jdr. Jired HDlzlmmer. who leaves naneea and w111 gtve &n opportu· shortly with his family to the olty to Aha.re> In the sC'Cond ptuue British Came>roon. of the bulldin«. A great numb{'r ot the young ------- folks met al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bru<'e J ohnston, followt.ng tut Sunday evening'• church aervlce ror thf'ir ainpplr&t.loa, followed ... • • • . • ... -·-T-··~-,• • ... • , . omcDs OP IOB'.8 DADGlrrERS. ()Gata MN• ~ lit ~ _... .,...,, II a& ttldDDniH In Frtd•y Att.naoon club houw. Lrl\ to ri(bt ..,.,. : Ou.Ldf' Jae.a HH1'lll. Malor P.....,_ >tuela Ta)'· IOT, Honoffd QttHoft ~ Gmla. -.Jaalor Prlatft• .lad7 'hf'krr. ud ...,..... 1 .. ,.. 8mltlL Adventist Pastor Tells Importance of Sabbath School !Proa Photo) Miss Connie Gunn Takes Office As Queen of Costa Mesa Bethel • "Ooly b)' 1tudylng lbe Blble per· 'Aritien MISI Connie Gunn, daug.h-.. -------------1 sonally and tntenslvt>ly can Christ-t.er ot !.tr. and M.ra. Alva Gunn, Honottd Quttn Connie Gunn, Sen· I lana obt&tn tht splritUlll pow•r 1412 Monrovia strf'f'l. Costa Mesa, lor Princess Marcia Taylor, Jun· j which ts tht' ttal tiope of our lor Pr1ru!E'M Judy Tucker, Guide world in th"M critical Ume.a:· de· stepped through an srchwa)' ol , clare<I Mr. HollJB Ander.eon, pu· terne and ro!W>s Saturday t'venlng Joan Merrill and Marshal Lyn I tor of Ule Newport Height. lo F"rtrlay Afl.<trnoon club house Smith. nJo 1 ss:il t . d)OJt ~O: . ' ~· · .. . tNboo .i.<; op..I otp~ I . ' i MAPL~ F\!JR~IJ\:J,~ 1 I · ~ t:Vlbiv~i ~R uvqoo. np."JNo. RATT~ c~~R;d r t. . . S£pDO AUi. D~VENFoBTS, l>l;NJNO TAJ!i.ES .t. ..L'fD jH1urY OLD..& PIJICES OUTDOOR F=URNITURE~.' . REDW~. ALmDl!o'UM ...,. Jl'Rl'l'I: JOL'l'AL- UMBRELLASr BARBECUES, LA!J IPl'INQS, BRAZIERS PATIO T.ulLES, 81'1N-LOU:"IGES; CfOFFu: TABLES j It . f~ IJ""9e '04!1Jveiy....(Jonftnl~nt Tf'rms ~ ... ' _Laguncs Awning . & ' . Maple Shop · 'l!IO •· eoa.t Blvd.. Lacuna 4-Sllllfl SanJ. Ana Tent . ,and ~wning Co. . lftU 80/ Jllaln. IU. %-354.~. . BA~BOA-TUTORING SCHOOL OFFERS . A SIX \\'EF...X. SESSION I~ ELEMENTARY & HIGH SCMOOL SUBJECTS J ULI' !nd TO AUGUST l~lh :00 A. 111. TO 12 SOOS' l OIFTS e ART and OFFICE SUPPLIES OBEE'J'ING CARDS by r{'freahmenta. ----- Breakfast Opens Sunday Program for · Methodists &oventh·D•y Adveau.t church. with her corps of otfit::PrH. It wal!I Appolntt"d offieers werP: Ae r 1 11 Q -~-th Import-·--t to rec<iv• lb• gold•n ••owo and cuatOOlan, Patti Dwyer; junior I THE EBELL CluBHOUSE, BALB A Spe ... "'c on " ~ 0 cu11todlan, Martha. Norman; inner I tbt> Sabbatti .:boot In the rrllgl· purple ro~ ot tenlh bonoced ...,,ard, Diane Harri•; outer vi•ard., 1,' Jl\TORMATION \\'RITE ous tr&lnlng o1 both adull!I and queen or C<>ota Meaa S.U!el 157. •-rd S:b. 1 FOR ' · T ' ' · . !! COSTA MESA RTATIOS'ER.~ Be. :511S.B. 1788 Xe1'-porl Bl\•d. T. V. SETS FOR RENT 7-DAY HTh'lMT'M TIDE T. V. Mll SEWPORT BLVD. x .. ,\-l"'rt BNch BARBOR 208 _....,, . :::::. :, ~ !Lutheran Pastor Now on Vacation Vacationing in Penn~ylva.nia are Rev. and Mra. Robert Roth and fan1ily of Newport Heights. Mr. Roth is pastor of Newport Harbor Lutheran church and I Pennsylvania is his home statt>. During the three weeks ot his absence, thf' pulpit will be OCCU· pied by thf' Rev. Otto Fiacher, for- mer pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Santa Ana. anrl now with the-Orangf' County Juvf"ntle Bu· r<'au. T rout r:shing has been good latC'ly in the Greenhorn Mountain I a rt'a of Kern County. accordlng to the National Automobile Club. ~ </ ~"P--..-J 3 il~--Open Fri., June 22 SYLVIA'S SHOWER SHOP E\'ER\'THJSG FOR BRIDE~ ASD DAW.ES 801 M • .\J:S ST. BALBOA ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT 1'1{F; E,_'"TR . .\XCJi: TO LIDO 181..E) SUNDAY SERYIC~ 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION..:_ 10 A.M. ' S d 'cb1·1rt' reo, ""• n..a•tor ur.......t metn· lntematlonal Ordt'r of Job'• Oianf' Crandall : reeo er, r ra • 820 s anr1ss1rS, co,B.ON . .Vl>E'. MA,1l or <WI HAR.. 0306-\\' 1 • Launching the un ay prog-ram ...,, r-•'"-... H t>nnlnp; treasurer, PhylllB I ,....... "' at the Colla Mesa Community bf.rs "'° •tart community Bible O.uptera. All the line of(icera Bea.rd!llf'y; chaplain, Madi'~ P'ul~ ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Method.lat church will be the Fl.sh· .ehooll u a meana of lnc:"reu.lng ea.rrt~ buket.s of flowt>r1 and bricht: librarian, Sandra Schmidt: j ennen'• club breakfa•t at 8 a .m. acripture Rtudy amoftg non.-<"hUrch larli?e baakeLq of aw~Pt pi'.Afil ch•c-o--musician. Marilyn lngmundson; in the new Fellowship hall, first mcJnbers. r&lf'd thf' hall. flrat mM11iPoger, Sharon Yarnell; breakfast to be ht>ld In the new Thousands nl JJUch "branch Sab· Following thP muaical prelude ~('conct mt's.senger, K enna Johnson; hall Th. •lub headed by Joe bath a«h1><1ls" arr already bein"' by Mr1. F'!oy BrualRr Ca.rne-y and · .. -' '"' thJr<l. me.s.~enger. Deanna Pet.for·, Jones, l• the evan,ellatlc and call· l'Oflduct1.."<I by the chun:'h me>m· thC' candle lighting C<'remony, Mn. son:tourtb me.-e.nuer, carol Fink: Ing ~oup o r m•n worklnv ·-dcr hers, which accounts for the tact Ruth E . Lawrence, junior put • "'" '" ~ ' "' ,___ firth me>a.senger, Pat Katterich ; the lroadership or Rev. Charlei:i F . that thP dPnomlnatlon's Sabbath .ciuprel'flC' guard.Jan of International Ufi;i9tant ricorder. Lorrs..iD.E" Cran· Hand 11chools fe.r out·number Its church· OrdE'r or J ob's Daughters &MUm· . I La Id n gi 16 ed duties of mlstr<'ss of ct'r~mon· d&U ; and tlf'ctrlclan, Shirley Tyler. At 9 :46 a.m. the church 5ehoo 1"11. te-at wor ~res ve ,· Mernb"rs or the bethel choir wtll meet In Its variouA depart· 000 Sabbath acbool with 900.000 i('l'I. Entrance or guardian. Mn. arP : Deanna Bowen, Kay Board· ments. At 10:60 thP wor11hJp hour members compared w1.th 10,000 Dorris Ragan and associ4le guar· man. Barbara Brolhl'rs. Barbara •-g1 with n prelude b)· Viv churchC's and 700.000 baptlzf'd <li&r1 , Mr. Carl Thomas, \\'88 fo1· ~ ns orge. · Earl, Nancy Cristy, Loma John-ian HarmorL Guest speak<'r wtli mPmbers. Jn some foreign mlsalon IO'-"'<'d by f"nt rance of the officers, p p k B th Chrl&t be Dr. Giles Brown of Orange arf'&• the 8abbath achoo! mem-choir and <'SCort of thf' nag. son., at ar C'r. e any • 1 S ·p E Cl AL! .,:!::'~:;:~n9 I ·the new WOOLMOOR CARPETS c!~p~H~Es ., IS 5 DECORATOR OOLORS be t be-rshlp ia nv.tl'<' than doubl<' tht' During thl' .c<'r('moni~.s. Mr•. ensen.' Toyne Chrlsteruen, Jane / Cout college. Musi<' will urn· F' C Cl . Stetson·, Judy .Slffper. Sharon 18th and .SN'pOrt Bl~d. eo.ta Mf'IM. BfoaA'On /52~1·J iahed"by the choir under the dir«>c· church memberahlp. loy Brustf"r ,e rney sang a.Jr Sh<'rrill, Carolyn \VoOOworth, Jan· 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4.50 Sq. Yd. lfll,STALLED COAmlNE FLOOR COVERING Uon r Ro A th Advent!Jlt S•bba.th 9ChOOl.s ahO de Lurw and \\rc!l lt'y Reed thf' o ger xwor Y· ice White, Phyllis W!llouchby, Pal Th • ~oup ... ,·11 have contribute a large sharf' of lhe Lord'• Pf"Byer. e ..,unergous r.· .. Nolla.r, Da.reth Sherrill, Lynn Bos· chare-e ot lbe vespers at the eve· support o f the denomination'~ Installing offlc~ were Retlr· ley and J ean Brigi"s. nlng wonhlp which it.arts at 6:30 \\'orlct mll'!lllon program. O!ft>rtng Ing HonorC'd Qu<'en Carol Thomas o'clock. AU youth groups will later in 19!'.10 totaled S4 .~1.8S0,87 . &nd put honored quf"erw; guide, H.Mot"f'itl Gw-11ta aMembl~ in their respectivl" rooms E1ee.nor Rapin. Betht>l 157; mar· FAcorted to the ell-Bt were hon· for dlacuulon period•. A RO<'l.al Luther-"n Church aha1. Vf•lma PMdham, Bel.he! l:S7 ; or<"d auen.: Senior Princess Dana hour in member•' home• will con· u chaplain, Joy Janf' Holk"r, B~t.het Hufford and Junlor Princess Bet· cludr thq evening progTam. School Pi'cni'c Sun. 1r17 ; r<'co rd<'r.· Marjorie Puleifer, ty Lorralnf", Laguna Beac·h : 1.1r.1. Rev. Joat>ph H . Thompson. p.!ls· Sethi'! 120; st>nlor custodian. Car· B. J : O&Jlentlrie, pe.al princ-ess or tor thi• wet'k !JI attmdln~ the olrot' Burdi<'k. BethPI l;:i7 ; and jun-~<"edles Beth<>!; Deputy Gra.ud an~ual Southe>m California-Ari· Sunday, Jun(' 2'4 , 1 p.m ., N t>\V· tor eua:todian, Barbara Plc tts, Guardians Grace S\\o·artz nf Hu,,t. zona c.hurc h contert"nCf' of the port Harbor Lutheran church ""ill IM>th<'I 167. Musician was Mrs. ington Bea.oh .and EllPn Smith of Metlwdl.st church at Redlands uni· hold Its chur(':h and Sundsy !ldl.ool P'loy Bruster Carney and kf'eper Santa Ana: Mrs.· Nelli e i::kitt',ii, th B picnic at lr\-ine Park. r:ach tam -of the JlU"Sl book \vas Manon Bay-rdJ d E 1 l\.i veraity. Mra. Ru arnett is rt>p· lly LI lo bring lta own lunch, Ice l'.Jrst gua &11 an . . OOi'£. resenting the church &11 lay d~le· c r('am and corf<'e lo b<' furnU:hed. er. Candle llghters ""'ere Janee first a.a1COCiale guardian of lbe g.•·s and others will attend scs· Huinp and L.ou Ann \\'illiamson. Beth.el ; Mr. and Mra. Rex Albri ..... t, ""' · '7'L.,.,,, -·ill •--"'-• and prlZ•'S Et•• I · Ea h · • """ .... ·~ r.-..-UshPr!'I were Bob Burdick and · · l di d · sons . part time. c evenmg for lhl" child~n . fun for all. JUOIQr·. pu guar an an assoc1· mPmbera will go to the seat of I He rold l.Righ, Ordrr of De itolay., ate guardiiui; Mrs. Belle Kuchny the confere.n<'e lo bear addresses OCC Coll XM\' OfOttrR anrl Georg!' Pletts. ~ardian an<1 by Bishop Gerald Ke nne<µr of the eC)e Elt'C'tl"'<I officers seated were usociatC> guardian of Betht'I 161, Portland area. who will be guest Laguna Beach. speaker. Many local re•ident8 havt' (CfN\U•twd·fNlll Pa&"" 1) Special guests or the hnnored heard Bishop Kennedy when he W&s (ormelly prettetlted lo Gabrif'I A·1r force Men queen were hf'r grandmother, ~in. spoke In &ult.a Ana Iut yea.r a.nrl BaJUerra of San Juan CaplMtr"8.no. CttrtrOdL> Gunn of Ontario; Mr. look forward to thla opportunity B&Jllt"rTa .erved both as editor and Mni. John Betti of Burba nk, MAD MOORE'S CASH & CARRY BALBOA oom~VARD AT . NURSERY !ht STREET, NEWPORT TUBEROrs BEGO~I." ~F.Et>J,JNG~ l.arJtf' pla.ntit, eat'b ...................... ···········-··········· .. ··········· .Ft"CH.sl.~ ·Gcw~ \'arh•t"'11., from Fl'CHSIAS- la buk:<'t•, from ·········-···-................. ························-·-.... . DOl.BLE PF.TTT:!\-iAK- XamNI ,·arlPtlPM, rholN" "°Ion. in bloom. f"9rh GOOD FOR POTS OR \\'I!\-00\V BOXF.S of heari.nJ' ont-of the C'hu rc hes' and 11porll et.litor ot the a.rnacle L ~ h Mtss Dorothy Gunn of Onlark>, finest speakt'rS and ill youngC"Sl during t~ 9<'Cqnd semester of the t on eac and Mn. Alier Krt-hbirl of 0..:1 bbhop. !iel'fbol year &11d according to OCC Rosa. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ io~QW.l!!!!l.@Ovlaor Vorlllln p•--1.!l!~~ • ~--~ -.&-•t Johnson or Santa Ana Rev. Harry Owings to Preach Sunday at Christ Church son, "was distingul!"hed in both The west's first top-levt>l school madl"' and pl'esenled the gavPl to position•." . for Air Force reeervists la being the new honored quPen. 1.fr. Bel· Rudy Rivera. freshman student hekJ for two weeks, befinnln&: ti. Connie's uncle, decorated the from Ana.helm: rece1ved lb~ Jen-June 18, at the 234 7th Air F orce two beautttul cakes, one with a nle S. Crutchf'r Foundation Schol· reserve training center, Loni-triangle and roses tor Ca rol Thom· arsh1p of $100 Whlch Is given t o Beach 1'-funlcipal airport. It was az.. retlrinl' honored queen a.nd &.IL'fist a atudent dUrlJl.I' a. second announced by Maj. Gen. William anothet,\ centered with a bal!kf't It will be a BapUat occupying yP&r of vocatiDnal atudy at Orange E . Hall, c;ommandlng genera.I of ot flo\-\'ers. for Miu Gunn. a MetbodiBt pulpit Sunday at Coa8"\.. the Fourth Air Force at Hamilton 1'bo8e AMl•tlns Christ Church by the Sea when Winning first prize and tytns-Atr Force hue. Rev. Harry Owing~. formt>r p&e· for a second award In the a.rehi~ Approximately 3M Air Force Te+ Committees a.aaisUng Included: t« ot the i'lnt Bapti.8t church or I ttttural draft t n g-eom~tltion 8e't"Vt' officer• trom volunteer a1r refrcshment.s, Joan Merrill; audit· Santa Ana., gives the morning .<1ponsored annually by tN Nrw· re.rvr t.ra.tnin& units in tile eight lnM", Barbar" Brothera, Janice sermon. "TM rower Lo See It port-Balboa Federal Savings a.nd western lllate.11 will attend. The White and Carolyn Woodworth ; Through!" .will be his sermon sub· Lo&n A.lle<>C:lation. wu Frank group repreaents. buainess and.pro-publicity, Judy SlE>eper, Pat Park- ject. Splelbe-rge.r of '"'Newport Beach. tesslonal men of the Fourth Air er &nd Bethany Chrilrt.en.en; com· This will be Mr. Owi.nga' aec-Don Garcia ot Qost& Mesa woo Force area who, in their spare munications, Jane Btelloa, Pbyllh ond vtaft to the local church , h•v· ae-cond prtze and tied ror a spedaJ Ume, are actJvely enppd In ~ Willoughby and Nancy Oriaty; lnl' •poken on • apectal occaa:ion award, while Phlllo Tozer of New-rial tralntns' deslped to keep obUptlon, Marcia Taylor. Judy two yeani ago. Rev. Pendell and Port se..ch won third prUe In tbfo them abreut of today'• A.tr Tu.cker and Kadp Fulbright; ot- the lay delegate• mum Sunday a.me conttst. Force. tsctat auNtttutea, Barban. Earl "vening f'rom Ute annual confer· E.,.. &eb.ofianhlf Purpose or the school ~ to in· utd Carolyn Woodworth. ence of the Methodl.at church In doctrinate key Air Force re-1erv· "nte sua.rdla.n counctt tncludu: Southern Calitomla &nd Art.son.a To Mary Anne Moniaoo ol ~ 'Al tn •the Fourth Air J'oroe &re& pardian., Kn. Don't. ft.l.&Ul; a s. being held thJe week at another boa Island went the Newport with tht> organization and tune. aoctate ruardiall. Kr. Cart 1b.om· Baptlst i.naUtui1on, the Unlwraity Barbot: It= club S25 sett.~! Uon ot the expanding USAF. u; guardian secretary. Mn. Doro-. of Redlandl. In music. ller ln the year -1 Recognized leaden ill Ute field tl\J Burdick; pvd.lan 1eeretary, Science Text on Atomic Force Anne won. rlrat place la an all· ot aviation. both military and c1· Mn. Bettye Fink; dlttctor of mu- scbooJ 1<>ng Writing conltet w1Ul rill.aa. wlU lecture on such sub-sic, Mlu .Jane Arthur; promoCtt her popular ballad '"Some 0.7. '-'-• u jet power in commercial of_ .octabWty, Mra. Betty Smttll; Somewhere." ~ .... -' avt&Uan, geopollUca In Europe. F<"'Doter ot p&l'1lphernalla,. Mn. The SJ100 Claremont Kai's cl.0 alrporta In relsUon to mlJI. Belen Tbomu; promoter ot ft· ~olarahlp ': ~.:;' atudJ' ;! tary atrcralt requtrementa, _tho 041 ..._, Mrs. ~ ~I: pro- The fact tlaat God la migtlt1er -.aremont eaa 9S9 n lJdat.rY• contrfbutlon to military moter of b09pll&lltt. Hn. Marie. than all ~ torcea la era--year and alao tlM Oeoqe a. lC&yr deftlopmen.t. ,aircraft pf"Oductlon Parker; promoter ot r,oc• Mn. pbul2ed la U.. l!unday -&er· l!lclucaU.... .FOWldaUcm -larwllll> -ciYll and mlUtary air -Rutll DeloUr; pro-i.r ot, youUl mon In all Cbrllti&n Sclance were both ct-to Flel6er 111a4e port. -U.., JOle ~ BurdJclt: cllllrdlca on the IUbJeet, "Ia Ille ot N...,.,ft -Slade maJond :......-----------1 aild p.-of fratonal relatloa1, . . ' • -1 OFF ON FAMOUJ DUILOP: TIRES UnlftrM. twhMlfns Man, EYolved In ~ -atlon ud wu a Kr. AJnL Guan. by Atomic J'Orce ?" , membtt at Alpha o.m.. 111,..... __ :..,._~------....:·--+,..-;.:======::::=;:;;:=;i:;:~:;:;~;:::;::=-;::==::-~-....::·; , The OokMn Text Is trom Rew.la--~ ooctet;y. , ·BtrnONE TlRE at Regular Price and receive your second tire at HALF-PRICE-Thia week only at · •· . ' tloo (11:17): "\Ve ctv• thee Warren Mtln!lanlt ot -_,. thanb, o Lord Ood Almlst>ty City, • member ot Alpha wbidl ut, ;,...i ....t. pd art U: Galn-•--P tor ..,_ -•: -thda but µnn -lltll«J' al "'"'•• collep. tO UMe °" rr-t power an4 halt T .. B•IP at a 'p ....,..... ' . -~ot-vi-i.. ""Ood. ~tee and roveme Ute a tormer f Ueut-ut '1' 11•Ddft' Wlift-'"•!Ddlaf """"" • In the u.a. H•'fl' .. AllDa Mar- cluft ....., 8ek9' E4dy &n "'Scl· Ua of Htiwport B11 'Ill .... lit once and -WW. Key to U.e two llt-ta -U. '19'•• Bcr1pturM." Apia abe polnta out, ~..&-ot .. Do .Ila ""Spirit. o..a. la -... &IL l!plrtt 11-..i -ii -·-.. cu ... DO oppGlitc.."' • ... that t'Mtr-7 FF. .... .. -, ~ ... =••••tMM---1 BellOOll --Oa 'n.d .. are ..-"1 I--Gamma Sipla otata -lk====~=========='====:::!I ' -... _..,.,.., ....,. I · fGD. • , · l.811 'NeWfGil -.._ • I • ' • ... ·-··-----···-· ... ···-··--··-·-- • I , I ' I l I ' • • . . ·, • --~ -· Join Us!.We're CelebratJrii - Our Birthday w1TH THIS GIGAN~1c . · , These 10th Anniversary Specials Effective at All MGrkets THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY & $UNDA Y JUNE 21-22-23 & 24 . . ·th - • .• ' STRICTLY FRESH_;, Trimmed CHALLENGE Olt DANISH BUTTER FllST 77C 9UALITY lb. BUNCH COODS SUNKIST VALENCIA Carrots • Beets Turnips· Radishes Green Onions . Spinach Mustard Graens G11uloo Polo Grow11-K111hck Wo1dor ' for U. S. No. 1-Lorp White lo .. • ' . ' ORANGES BEANS POTATOES. · 10 lbs. l9c 2 tb~.1 Sc 1 o·'. l·bs. 19e-·- Wonderfood MARSH- MALLOWS ••• PROUD AND HAPPY! JUMBO SIZE-BEST 9UALITY -VINE RIPENED • Fresh 11 12-oL Cello ( Pkg . RA.M I LER YELLOW FREESTONE . PEACHES . Pocked 15 t.y lrl1 No. 2112 Ca• ( WALDORF TOILET TISSUE 3 ~:= 19c 1·.,g, folkll. \\(' l\J.:f' tnlly rroud 1tnd hnpp~· on thl", our 10th blrthdtt), (>nl) ll4•:·nu'W" ol ,vonr '''hOif'hrttrtf'd 111•1·1•ptnn1·t' of ".\II 1\mr rh·ttn" tltrio.t· p:u.t t•·n ~·ran.. h :tM It brt'n P'>"''lllfr for 11'1 tu rx1•and M ,, ... h:1\'P, \\'r u'lll c·onthu1r tn "M'r\r you 1111 t·ffl1•lflntl)' and f"t•onomh·l\lly 1U1 \\"llhln our pu\\'l'r, IUld plrai>f' tPmt>mbf.r aJu·n) 111 • , • "\Vt: srt:c:IALIZF. 1S ('Ol'RT•~S\'•• BL,\ l'~t: fll 'TC 'lfl!o'ON 1:•rt'<1ldf'nl & Gf'n'l :'\lk"r. Nationally famous Brands Canned Meat Sale! ~ ~ ········· 11.0%. CAM •••••••.•.•••.• ARMOUR'S 41 ~ CORI ED \\EEf ........ . It.OZ. CAN.· .... ··· .. ' ..• RATH'S LUIC\\EOI 1\EllA IEAl SAUSAGE c: CASE ~WAYNE_ PURE ORANCE JUICE ~~~L MISSION CUT GREEN BEANS lluhlll Foney Wltole Sweet PICKLES 2 ~:·.: 29c: CAMPIELL'S • 2 Toll 19c TOMATO ·sou·p . :.-. Ca as , Your Choice . CAMPBELL'S-Your Choic:e V190tablo • Col try • Pea • lea• 2 Toll co .. Chieko• Noodle 2 • Tall Voptablo led Co11 • Muahroo~ Ckl~b• 29C ltd Noodle ' . 1. f\at con .. j No· -i IEU lltAND-1 HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP 2 .~:;I~ 35c: SAUCE 3 t: 19c: 11 ici" SCREAMPok 2 p~::. 29c DOG 1FOOD11 3 CT0°~! 2S f""-------LARGE lloked I• on E111erold Dl1i.-The Dllh II Yoonll CHICKEN PIES BORDEN'S Cottage Cheese AN ALL-PURPOSE CHEESE LONGHORN ' w.--:i~!_25_C-.J' CO'OiED ·.HAM ' . ·oaAt.rG£Ao£ 4&-os. 'tCc: · can I-~ -• -N\GH1\NGAL£ pURl 2~ p£PPER 1\-0'L is~ Con , .S ·~ ~A . ·Bl .-RIE -~ ' . . -ONE-SlOP COMPLET ·,_..,. .tlPPPl,t-4 . . . , . :. i . " ,!.._,. • -~f ' . : · .... --'"" ~ ~ 't - • DOWNEY ,··. L•~·NORWAllK', .~· • ~~ .. 'L •. • 1311 IA.ST fllUTOt;ll 11,YD. ' ·1··· • .,,,.WT ~NI-ILYI. I·) l~.;i~:~-· ~Ii . . ,~ .... °' DOWO ' . • coa1t1•-~ ~.ILY~I · .• ' "!. : -·- "~11!11111!~~~~~~~--~~.,... .... ~~~11!'9~~-~-~· --::·~·-.., ..... _ .. _, .. _,_ .. _.~~· M1a11Dillf llllltdliit_;. ~-~f: ·-.._j ' I , • OSCAR MAYER-EASTERN BACON FULL SLICES . EASTERN GRAIN Fi:D-LEAN-ClST CUTS Pork Steaks LUER'S FIRST 9UALITY Sliced Bacon FANCY-CUT UP-Pllll-READY Stewing Hens • SGiiYR izM P STEAKS-NORTHERN ~OWA BRAND .(Ready-to-Eat) . , . HALIBUT - I ~ . ·-. - • . ., It • ! ' • • " • .... pi_ JAi ' • •r , -.. - . . . . .... . -· 29c 23-os. Jar 43c C STEAKS-COLUMllA RIVER lb. SALMON. · CITRUS GRANULATED, L9e. Pkg. -~SOAP lSc • GIANT s1c SUGAR Marlo Fancy-No. 1 Tall Can BEEF STEW BORDEN'S GLASS CHEESE SALE! l'i .. appl• 5-oi.Jar Very Sharp !I-oz. Jar • • Ollve-Plmlenta 19c Chou• 'N loco• 23c • • Reli1h Smoky II•• • • Plmieato American CHATEAU AMERICAN CHEESE ·2 i~~ 99c • THiOUGH OUR PORTALS PASS THE N'CEST f CUSTOMERS 1M THE WORLD. . BIG SALE 'l>AVS! SWIFT'S ALL-PURP06E SHORTENING SWIFT'NING 3 ·lb. Can . Swift nine ' . '.I Swifts Shurtenirm l:: -- DUFF'S CAKE MIX Devil's Food LARGE rxi;. Layer Cake J Oc Spice Cake ''All AMERICAN BRAND SAlE'' Strlctlv F , resh Grode 'A' EGGS lAllGf-Do1en io Cartoo -...... ---~ Am~can COFFEE Grlndlt ::: 65~ I :~ 69~ ALL AMERICAN p MA y URE-FULL PINT \ -ONNAISE ~Ri1ssiijG ALL AMERICAN - FULL 25C PINT c • I Piffsbury's Best · FLOUR S·lb. la9 1 O·lb. la9 ' 39c 76c Del Monte Sliced TROPICAL APPLE JELLY 2-lb. 25c Jar LUCKY LEAF APPLE BUT1ER 2~::-25c r STGRAWBERRYRVESLliE. J1:~oz. 39c I FRANCO AMERICAN 1 1 1 SPAGHETTI SIX DELICIOUS FLAVORS JELL-0 YOLANDA WHOLE • BIRDS EYE SALE! • 31-1&. $ Can Reg. $1.75 PEAS E,rly liardon] YOUR CHOICE . 12 .. L Pk9. f BEANS Cut G'ee• 1 o-oL r~9. C ' I CORN W.ll Golden .Cut j 10·oL Pkq. 39 DRISCOLL SLICED 29c bliGAR ADDEDl-12·0Z. C.\RTO" .......•.•.•. I • CENTERS • There's one near "your .home! . . .BEACH SllNl 't.1110,.... - ' • ' . A .DEL MAR , SOON IN • fOl COAST Hl6HW4Y ICORMD OP JASMINU H~: hRy 'tll Mlt'a" • RIVERA ·• ~ ........ --~ • o rympia BEER ''It's the Wcrter'' 12-oz. 16c Can Carto• of'I 2 11 ·oL Sh:b!>ie1 $ 168 . Kamchatka 9uality Supreme . ~:: v OD KA FIFTH Muscatel, Port, Sherry, Tcal<ay-Flfth Welch's LARGE ROLLS Old Mr •• Boston . ROCKING CHAIR · B:end?d Whiskey As 1:n~cth an~ Mellow 01 Oc•an-ro:k Whi 1kk?1 of yore $289 Fift!I • Padre WINE "America's Swee.t '1. Hei..rlv·· Dessert . CONCORD WllE • I • ' f • • • • ......... JJ!!::!!~~:.!!!!!!!:!!!:'~!!!~--"--!!!!!~,l!!:::!!~!!!!!!!!!:~~!!:!!!!!~-~ _ I 1 l ' ~ PAGE '6 .;.. PART T -THUltSOAY/JUNE2T, Ttsr -• 10.&W Wdi& .-•• , ......... aw • .,l'llP•D CIOGll9 l·~=·!!!u~·~·~~IA~l=·2·!·!--!!!?..---·!' .. .U'.DL'l'..S& a-llOOWWW ' 1!1C!!ll~ -~.,,o#; .-,_-~~ a;~fi ~-:"'P•llE s s-&: J;JVUlitor cUd ai _,, _... •Swim Fins .Appliance le TV "'::: tb~·N= ..:= I LJPO ISl A4'?. ..... _ ·-~,..r:=;r:.:;: WellUllb&-...tbe ..... nlPll'-'DARQAJNS ..,,.. •• bod -buplm. ii'-want a .:tal~'ll!ftJJJ 1Umdl0i(tr'i. · .,_,. Wrfk "fnL ll<lllll.-, I0'1 We sl•• llAH -Btamtw ~ llt>lnlto, aorne new, wne ~ UDO IBL& -aa. 19norat ...... · E. ~ l'rGnl. a.n.o.. llp43 Gunderson 'Drug Co. ~ rrom '2ll5, P311, S117. -a.allal>:e. AIM apatt.-1411-A.timllOBILEll; Tm& DEATH PHIJ.00 7 cu. It. tt~ With Ol"SDd> from $395. Almoot 100 .,,.,.la by -or DMSrtll. • JOBY HEJQY llORll1IDAJ all s.rvund, -..to job oo prhal# Harbor 613 ~ 1116 •tvee. R<>f1'1..,..ud molllt S'pedal euy • tttml. DAJIZ· p. A .. p A 'L M:. 'Jrl R YOU CAN BUY A , NOTICES c LAS s I FI E 0 llXPlllUl!NCJ;D llldppot', luuldJ' 117 Malo Sll'fft __,,., !,...,,,. tod<er. &lld· planoo rl'Dm which to .-_ John Henry -·ber'S· II, ot )'&<bl. Hao _,,. pa~ and pH cold -·· ~ ..... V<~ble bin. -sl:::HMIDT bl&' plant> a1.o .... 620 -llfPGRPORATICD I a' ap:n us'ED S09 Pelm olftet, Bal-died I-G11D>• M..tgntor -· Write J . A. • . $1118.111.. No. Main, cor. SUI. Banta Ans. ..... VI& lJdo· --11100 µ . CAR Tburaday, June 14. at blJI born• Oupar, 3222 I.awell St., San NEW -,112 p' n"ce --. -r-~ ot a heart attack 00.::::tll~":'. er::-: Diego 8 or phone Bayview ::;e Batblntf oulto • ~om 4 Ina p~ ... • .:.-.11~ ~~'!'.~~ 37~::..':-~'f1 ~~~ '!:;'!: rg::; . ~·tr~I A~ WHOL~AI..E ::O::borg Ill a naUvo 0Cal' ~ -pooed. ,._ •tt-t• (U -3Sl .. ,, ___ ,,Sf.ti! -$7.IO 1eal<!d ualt .... -._ .......... -.'94.114) altpUy dam&gOd In lllllpment. 11/"lJllNLSHED • bed>elor apt. Prii ' an been Uvtng In 1 0 • WILi, CA!U: ror ITllall child or Haad loom llldrta (10 • 12) .•. IU WW ~rice. Tblll beppena but vate entrance -b&tll. Y~ for 36. years. ~ hu been employ-run, IMUNd. eldMy lady _ bj daJ or week Painted d .. k, $5 ud book -Kftp la IOUcll ---;j'lll ""\ror ,.:..i on<e ln a life tlm1. DANZ-or oun:imer. Inquire rt 4U Potn1 NEAR WHOLESALE PRICE OR eel by th• City or Nl"WpOl't Besch Al's Hoilse & Rug tn my"°""'· oe Short It.. CoOta Ila, S1&1101. chair, it. metal c1111. bu)'& In TV .. ea being trod..t . SCHMIDT, S&nta Ant. 620 No. letlls. Corona de! Mar. 'M, ""' · ' maintenance department for the w.I a---AW . ~ .~ l •• I -, put two and a h&lf y..... Clea.ninl? Co. -•1&. ~n •71-K. a<p38 ~~.~~-'~:: . .::'.~.;:'i .-_ Main. PARTIALLY tum. apt. cOupl~ UNTIL JULY 1st Survlvon Include hi1 wtfe, Nnse B•om fl.ti fttt• HAND ffiONING DONE 1191 l!l. Dol Mar (at ""'1 ot otreet) 8&11dy Hol portable wuher, good 37lh GREAT PIANO SALi: e. Otlly. $46 per mo, WllillU.. pskl. BeM llM~I nbe,JT~. two Caloona.lf '!'.'.~ Mrs. Bates Coot& M-condlllon, ld<al for apt ..... 119 .95 poMe8Sed Spinet. Like n<W! Pay Can "'1ow week en<IJI. 822 Club-We live $25,000 worth of · ·~·n ° ~•pa. .. -For Venetian Blinds, Harbor 2472-J Pl.on........, 1286-W _ ""' b&Jance. Save over l200. hOU8e Ave., Har. 2903-W. DUn· used cars and must re- Calvtn T. Rooorlbel'I' ot Lq\lna Shades and Drapery Hdwe. Stc34 Holpolnt WTlnger type wuhlng DANZ-SCHloftDT Big Plane kirk 7-Hel. S4cS8 duce this drasticlilly by ~':h ;:'~~';,:~ ~==-=-. THE SHADE SHOP EXPE_RI_l!!N_C_ED __ D_a_nl_.oh __ ~-u'-~-7 ll_P_EC_lA_L __ A_c_ryp_t _l_n_M_elroor __ I m&l:lllne, """•_"_· cond ...... $79J>o ~~~:: Bania Ana. eor. 6lh and • Summer -July 1st. so come in and Velda Tinney. Balboa and Mre. Free estimates Ph. Har SM wtah•a poaltlon wtlll ...,. .. <we Abby. Bell at big '"""°'1lll. """'-11up and refrtl:eralDr combtna· buy the car of your choice HaSelarvtGraha, ol'Otl":'.~.. Bal'-"'1• 29th St Nomnnrt "'-·-h cblldrrn. Call Har. 21143. 30p38 ., moving to Main•. Iaq. 401 ~. all eleetri< ........ _ ...... 1119. SMALLEST STUDIO UPRIGHT Reservations marked at a NEW LOW! Cf'• were ·~ at '"" u , -· ...... t""' oen,t,; ll&ftla Ana Avf'., N~rt __ PIANO In pt>rfeet condlUon. Udo lale Bay Front unit.a. l and Mortuary, Corona del Mar, last WILL CARI: for your cbild ln my H~l(hU. "p38 EASY TERMS ARRANGED Fully ~aranteed. TenNJ J4&.7ri 2 bdrm.a, $70 week up. Harbor Monday at 3 p.m. Iatenne-nt wu J!-8-UD..DING SEllVJCEI home day1 or P•enlnp. Rt"uon-down and $19.59 per mo. at W2. e?ee. Bar. 2914-M. 17lf(' ut W••trnlru!ter Memorial park. able retea. 713'> lrll avenue, GIRU! Sc:hwtnn bicycle, pracU-DAVIS-BROWN Co. SRAli'ER'S MUSIC Co. ISln<e Mfkq_ RACHEL mCKS PAINTING Corona dtl Mar. 35p36 cally new, standard slae, $.f.5. 1907) .f2J N. Sycamore, Banta l\'EW 3 BDR.lf FURl'\'lSHED resl- Funeral sender• fOf' Mrs. Ra-Week end.I, 201~ E. Ocean Bl.d.. 1885 HARBOR BLVD. Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. dence at BayOores, July and ohel Hicks. ~. or 611 w . 19th EARL SHEFLIN Balboa. 34p38 COSTA ME8A September, '100 WPek. w. L. SL. Costa Mesa. who died while ---' Phone Beacon '8:21 3ith GREAT PIANO SALE Ma-Jenison, 2502 Crestview Dr1vE>, ,. 2'T3 Palmer St., ea.ta Me.a "' ~-... ---Ii ., REFRJOERA TOR -Apt. Mu son and Hamlin Grand, Stl!ln· Ba S vl.attlnx her Uter. Mrs. Mlna I ~ ' Fricfdalre, 'cu. n . Clea.a. Ram. CllILD'B wardrobe d~saer, whltf'.· way, Chickering 8ohmer, Kim-y hon!&, Ne\\'}'>Ort Beach. 110-...•e. In CorQfla, were held In Bea. 6157·M SMct W!':~--HELP s~ Pb H 888.-37 ' 3.fc36 Corona Saturday. .Min htler in WMIED-, good. Rea809a.ble. \ 1319 E. Bal-· · ar. 1 W. Mc 1 ball, Kurtzm.rn. Wurllt.zt't', etc. • charge wa.s ReY. Charlea Hand of INTERIOR -ICCTERJOft bo8. Blvd., Balboa. Har. 389-W. NTIQUE I Sav«> up to t-...·o-lhlrd1! DANZ-SUMMER OR YEAR'S LEASE- INTIN .. 36c38 A FURNJTURE-ABtra SCHMJDT Big P lano Store, bd the Costa 11.1 es. a Community p A G --.c.· .... • -------------·-1amJ)9. LuAt~s , SELL OR Santa Ana. 520 No. Matn, oor. ~ rm house, completely furn .. church. tnte.rment wu In Corona. UCENSED _ CNSURED TRADE overlooking beacti. ~12 Ocean Mrs. Hicks was bom {n On-1 GI J hn WANTED SQl'Jlebody , Wants ALSO Ho;polnt electric otov•. pri· _6_th_. ______ ~· __ Blvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor • ta d b .... 1 , enn o ston 1<e1-J. ~a1 wa, .. an wu rou... o Male and ff'Male appllca.nta for That uaed turnttur" bric-a-brac, vate party, Ph. Har. %098·M. USED 120 baM V.'urlllr.er a.ccor- Calltornla when she waa three :101·3.lat St· Newport Beach medical and C"om.mercial ......... 1• patnting1, etc.. now taldng up Mc.31 dlon. Sl«>t"I reed11, a.1:>. Call Ha.r. th Id Sb _,....~---a-~-, --J s•c<I ~ mon s o . e wu • \.Ne.... ai-uu ....... tlon• now available ln CoAta •P&ce in your pnre. "1nd a buy-1146-W nights, Har 2~74-M day• l-tesa N:.sldent tor 27 yeafr and Meq and Harbor Ar•a. er rw1lh a clu8tned &d ln the I SOLD MY HOME. 3~tf was a ctive In IOClaJ welfare and REP AIRING and . . Newe-Tlmee, Poot. and Pt.... COID• MUBT SELL FURNITURE community actlvitlu. PAINTING Med1cal-Commen:ial blnatlon. Juot Phone Harbor 1118, 2-pc. 0'¥erstuft"'1 oet, 2 copper She i• 1n1rvi•ed by her bus-Agency I uy : "I '-'"&nt to place a Quslfted planter' tamp.a, poker table, band, Roy J .: mother, Mrs. Ruth Rea.aon&ble. L&rge or small jobs. fFornMNy Am"'. Med. Agrn<'yl Ad," and a courteous gd.taker wtD drapru and curtalna, dbl. box Warner: · tw.o dauatiters, Mn. Free estimates. Walker, 108 18th 318 Spurgeon Bldg. help YoU wrlte an effective ad sprtnc and mattreu and 2 single R1ith M.. Rhokdes of 8omls, Calif. St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2M1 -R SANTA ANA m&-tt.reuu. almost new. Two and Mrs. Doroth)· Ma.Y R()('k ot --•B-APPUA:SCES 911:12 rug1, wa.shlng machine, Costa 1tfe11&.: one aon. Edward HAULING Klmb<>rly 3•82•1 ck . 2!l11 Vl!lla Dr. Bay Shores. Bellringer. staUoned in Anchor-20<:ZJR FREEZER -Refrigerator <'Ombi· 34p38 k Any kind, trash or! WALKER. --------------age, Alas a : tour 11ister.11, Mra. nation. 2• cu. ft., custom built · M H ~·-Call 108-18lh St .. Newport. H. 2581 -R \VANT WOMAN for l'en'I house-RC A TELEVISION BLONDE ina owe. J\'1C8. ie Botello, 6 Inch cork lnsulalt"d. 1~ hp both f C M Be th work. Live In, bfo able to look OONSOLE, acreen 15"x20", In o orona. n . r a S con1preesor, $400. Sf'e to appre-DON K . BUTT after children occulonally. Per -•i<cellent -dltlon Phonr H•r Evans of Los Angeles and Mrs. clatf'. Harbor 26<8. 3•c".. ..v.. · · manPnt Job, referencP.s. Phone ->V 14 3' 38 Norma Sutter of Cottonwood, Co · •C Lit. General ntractor Ha 2006 34 38 C&lit., and one brother. Calvin r . · c CROSLEY reCr1gt"ralor. '51 lat.Mt "'arn•r ot Riverside. Residential-Commercial model detuxr. Hu a 56-lb. HELP WANTED ~ Orange Coast r -• ROB~RT z •o~,. Remodeling re«>zer u1eAt. a meat kttpt"r and r~ • ,. "" r~. c::ollegf'. Apply In J)f'r90n to flU 2 rt Robert Z. Jones. 715, of 325 Or· Phone Bea<'on 6-108-W out app1icatkln at Attmlnl.-itn1-c h~rsd for v•getfable1• -It.I RUllT PROOF wrought IPOn dln· in.I" aiet anrl 1 C'hairs, asei. 235 IriA. Corona ~I Mar. Ph. Har. 1117-J. 35c37 ehld Ave .. Corona del Mar, died 17tr<' tloll BlrlJf. a 111 (' va or mod( ""'th that Fliday e\•eninc In the Lacuna __ butt.for kiN>ptt. Ye•. Its a Btt cu. PHILCX> REFRIOERATOR -'51 Beach Elks club of a heart at-S & N ll Expcrlt>ncC'd Ac<'ountant u1.1lng n . one. Balance I owe on lt lR n1od<'I. IL!; the big frf"ezer mod<'l ta k ytnpSOn 0 ar $279.63, but I paid over $349 for thet k••P• zero drgrees. Also ii c . Burroughl'f P ostlng macttlnP. It y h I c • •H \VA?\'TEri : 50 pianOR. Trade In your old piano on a Grand, Spin- et or beautiful t£'1evislon. High- est cash allowancf'. t erms. DANZ·SCIDflDT PIANO Co., cor . eilh, :'>20 No. Main, Santa Ana. COME IN and play tht" wonder· ful nrw Hammond Chord Orpn. Even If you don't know a note of music you can play beautltuJ music In t£'n minute•. DANZ· S CHMJDT Sig Plano and Organ Co .. !520 No. Main. Sant.a Ana. -- Business Opportunities Mr. Jones ~·u a retired deputy PAINTING & DECORATING • Start July 1, 1961 __ s28,.1 pf"r I · ou C"an ave t. "-63 or hu thl' blc Creeur drawer, all Rheritt of Los Angele• county and ''The Best Money Can Buy'' month 12 mantra. ~ take paymt>nU of 115·76 mo. My adjustable l'hf'IVe8, and a big, Hl're is a fiel('<'tffi list or good b~l- was born In Wale!'!. 512 -38lh St.. Newport Beach __ ( eqSpu~y F~~1E. See 9 a8t .to-I ~· fu.11 width vegetable c rl!fp('r. It nt"ss opportuniti('8 for salt> in He is !lurvived .by hi• \vi(e. PHONE HARBOR 2404. Book St.orr Manager _ st.a.rt • ra, «>rton. · p .m . a-u. dot'sn't have a scratch on it. the Harbor Art>a -Not M>mt"· Mabel. Laguna Beach Funeral · 13ttr. AUJtllst l!'i , l9!11 at 1225 per 21 52· 34 cM Balanci' due ii 1199.03. Pay me onf''s failures -bu t proven home administered Ma..ROnic and mooth _JOI-: m onth!I . ELECTRJC Refrt&entor _ 7 c; I cae:h or lake payment. of 111 .67 1 monf'y m&kf'ra. Gel in now and Elks ritr11 at 2 p. m. Tue&day. 14-PEJLf40N"ALS / ft. Ex~llPn t condition, 13!>. 111 J>(>r mo. You can have '""hat 11 havt> thE' advanLage or RummPr Interment wa11 ln Roae Hill ceme--------------Utility Man -St•rt. July 1, 19!'it 38th St., Newport Bt"ach. 3-4-pSS I paid on It FREE. See at 40-t So. business: tery, Whittier. Alcoholics Anonymous ' a t $225 -: 12 month11 . Sp&dra. Fullerton. 9•8 p,m. or I Off sale liquor storP $17 500 1 ~ .. ,.ro 1 IR\\~· Write P. O. Box 2•• __ DELUXE Okf'e ff' dt i1erritt gu I phonf' 21 !'.12. 3.fc36 p ln & Cl 1 · $ •·000 • ·""'-.... ' ' ..... t"1 ran•e \\1th clock conlrol. I yr . ----rPss g r a n ni;:-storr "• Isaac I. Irwin. 99. ot 319 Ana.de Be.Ibo& lllland, Callt 2 Junlor ~P~retarles -10 and 11 CRAWLEY'S C h $ 500 St., Balboa. died In his home Pbone Kimberly s-o.s9s n1onths. Start Augu8t l , and old, a.200. Bea. 1182 or 28.fl Cir-anlera 8 op 16. Jnne 13 after a brief lllne11s. • Sept«>mlx-r 1, 19~1 -122!5 per C'le Dr .. Bay Shores. Mc37 Used Furniture Ta<'kl" stores t2 Jor.) .. $20,000 lN-·ln. a native ot Germany. l~H . .\RE YOr.K C'AR month. had bffn a rP!lidenl of Callforn!a for 65 years. the Jut eight being spent in Balboa. BeJore his re- tirement In 1930 he was tngac-ed in the banking-bustneas in Sa.n Diego. LADY "''1shea to <'Ommutf' to Lonjr Bf'ach daily, 9 :30 to 5:30. !'>02 4th St., Corona df'I Mar. Har. 3031-\'\·. 3!X:37 Survivors are hU. !IOl'l. Wiiiiam !!-LOST .A.1'-0 FOUND All salarlt's include S2!5 pP"r month ··C"ost or living" bonua. First C"on~ld<'ratlon to pt>reon! under ~') years of ag£'. P t'rsorut old<'r than 63 11hould not apply. 34c39 ---------·---I. IN•i n. San Ra.fa.el : a daughter. Mrs. Ruth ~flro"'" BaJboa.. a.nd FOUl\'D-Boy's \vat<'h in COl'lt& EXCLUSIVE J ohn-~(ansville d<'al· six grRndchildren. Mt"M on JUile 9. Owner <'&n f'r applicator has oPt";nlng for F unera J Men rtcea were held Sunday In Grauel chapel. Costa l-fesa. lnlermenl was 1n \\'est- minster ~i"emoriat park. claim by identifying and paying 11alesman In 10<.'al art'a. car r\t>C. fo r ad. &aeon 5622-\V . 35c36 Salary and C"Om. Stt Mr. ~tc­ Ginnls , 10 a.m .. 600 So.' Loli An- MRS. St.SAS C. HTTFFM.;\S Mr~. Susan Carline Huffman. 73, ot 512 Larkspur St., Corona del Mar, died ln St. Joseph hos- t"-SCHOOI--INSTR 11CTION 5th Summer Painting pital. She lived In Corona del Mar ' tor 23 :vears and In California for 43 years. She ~·as born in SCH 0 0 L. Phil Dike, Re x Brandt, Norman Chemtx-rlaln. Begtnnf'r!I and advancl.'d stu- dt"ntl'I June 26 thru August ~. Iowa. MMI. Huffman La aurvlved by h~I; !lH\baDd, Fred p. ;, fOlU-90(!,S, Danfel P'. of JiJll' Mair Lake . P*'-11 C, or Coat.a Mesa. Harold D. of Fullerton anct Richard J . or Co- rona del mar; four daughter&. Mrs. Ruth G. Llll)' or Riverside. Mrs. Lois C . Dennie or Indio, Mrs. Dorothy S. Bre\li'er ot Corona del J..far and Mrs. Helen M . Deaga: 21 £T1lndchlldren and 1lx great gTandchUdn!n. Ser.1oes were held in Melro~ CHILDREN 'S MORNING PAINT SESSIONS. Ages 12-18. Joan Irv- ! &!ti., }V edn t"srlay, 10-12 a.m. Age1 6-12, 8etty Dikt>, F'Ttdaya, 10-12 a.m. Ph. Ha r. 1188-\V . .f.50 Goldenrod, Corona dt"I ~la r. 36c36 TUTORING T t"acher with eli'm., ~ .. e.nd jr. ro11. credentials will tutor sum· mer. Ph. Bi'a. 5092·MK. ~p36 Abbey at 11 a. m . Monday with .Many a big deal hu been made Dr. J . R . Patterson officiJlting. thru a amaU \\'ant Ad Baltz mortuary ot Corona. del Mar \\'a.!'! In charl"e oC arra.nl"e-~rTUATION8 W&N'l'ED men ts. \VlLLIAM L. RASllJSS W illiam L. Ba.skJns. 69. of 166 Virglnl.a Pla<'e. Costa Me.sa. dl@d JtLne 12 in the Sant.a Ana bo• pital. He Is survived by hl11 wile. Lydia E . Ba1Jc:in11 ; t-...•o sons. George M. Bu:klns ot Costa Mesa and Eu~e S. Baskina ot Hawthorn•. Tb re e daupte.rs, Mrs. Thelma Man.nlng, Nebraska. Mrs. Laura Guthrie. Bul"bank. Mrs. I.sabelle Pac-e. eo.ta Mesa. and seven grandchildren. Funeral wrvlces were: held Saturday In Grauel cha.pel. Cost.a Meu. Rev. P. C. Neumann of- ficiated. Interment wu ln Fair- haven Memorial park. BE~'R~-8. BALL Henry B. Ball. M, of 1000 W . fINE IRONING will c:a ll for and dellvt"r. HE>lp With dinner parties. Phone Mrs. Willia.ma, Harbor 1595 be- fore 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m . 30p37 Universal Building Maintenance Floor V\'axti:ig-Wlndow Cleaning \Vall Waahlng For Buildings. Store1, Offices and homes. Phone Harbor 116. 36p37 SINGLE MAN. middle-aged, white clean and respect.able, ref., wants malnten.ance, d r t v e, watchman or caretaker, etc. Wrtte Box 02 thla paper. 38p BaJboa Blvd, Newport Beach, EXPERIENCED woman will do died Saturday in St. J09epb hoe--house work a.nd baby alt~. pltal after an .Xtended Wnea. Phone Beacon 8407-R. Uc ., He ....-born in Cambrtdp, , Mau., and ..... came to CaJltornla 21 at BaJboL He wu 23 yean old and years aeo. He waa a Ntired pro-ls 5tlrrived by b.b wtte. llarllyn. feuor ot economies.. · of tM borne ~: Me J>&ftllU. Mr. Hall -Ill 'tounlW>d by hla Mr. and Kn. Warttn Wtlla ol Wife, Elate; four bl"otben and O:alcqo;1 Rem&lna we.re torwvded th ..... lllstere. ladUdJa&' Mn. Allee by air bJ' Balta ....._,,.. to Clll- H. Decker ot ru......-_ cago tor --and ln-t. Servi ... .,. .. bold Kanday at ICDWJUU> A. C11U1110U11 ~.~~:7~ .. :\! -A.. Cit•-a. -0 -J-.11 In O>mpton .allaril&m., ttlclatil>&". ~ WU In Jfe 11Jl6ed at -l'llpWnr ~ Fairhaftll ~.. Lapa& Be1dl. Prtnte ... nc. IOllN WA-1QU.8 -beld J-. JO ls -<Upd, John Wa.na WC l'JOt-D l'lo. Ooroe& dol Mar. and _.. ......; Lemon lilrMt.-.._...,...,,_ ~ -bJ' a.Ir ID lltlllH, Ttlt.. "'tndt.7 while ........ tlle .. ,. -- ' g«>lf's St .. Anaheim. 3X3i ---\\"O~iAN GROCERY CL ERK \VantPd Apply Bay Short" Trailf'r Park. 17th &. Collllt HI· "'ay, .'.'fewport Beach. 35c36 \VANT WO~tA N to C'lr'an, Mir prf'pare dinntr TuP.f!I. • Fri. a ftt>rnoons. $1 p<>r hr, ancl bu11 •fare. 2022 Miramar, Balboa P <-- nlnsula. Harbor '1803-\\'. 3:k36 TRAILER J'P..lCZ ph.i" utlll tleg • • for some help In tra.llPr ('OUrt. Adults. 17-1 t P omona. Costa Meaa. Ph. Beacon 874 7-J . 35cS7 \\'ILL TRAJ:S young . man tor fttt.'lory work. Pf'rm&nt"nl. See 1'-fr. EvlPlh, Nuclear Product.Ii Co., 21 ~ Nt>wport Bl\•d., Coata ~tesa. 3:"ic36 BONUS turret Coast \VAGES (or t'nglne and lathe n1a.chlne•L 920 Highway, N't"WpOrl Beh. 36p38 YOUNO MEN -Hieh ite.hoo1 or college graduates-Earn up to S 100 per week selling televtsloo and appH&llce.s In and around the H.a.rbor area.. An excellent opportunity for door to d001" aeUlng. Repttl@lllinl' well elltab- Hahed Coat& Men firm. Call Mr. Oeddea, Beacon :5737. Hc41 Complete tnat.allaUon. ttpalr and service of au trailer equipment... ORANGE COAST TRAILEk SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Coat.a Mesa, Pboae BMoaa 1224-R Sl-\VANTED TO B\V \VAl\'T TO buy or rf'nt ror thr m onth of July a 9x9 or 9x11 lrnt. Phonp Be&<'on 6560 aftf'r 6 p.m . 3.t p36 NEW Furniture Apt. p.a rangC's ''1th ove>n r C"(U· Jator ... . $89.~ 4 1 2 C"U . tt. G"nera.1 N"frlg-erators. R(>d uced from 117.f.9~ .. • .• t 2 only) $150. Chrome dinette llf't I reg. $109.WI SJ>f'('lal . . .... 119.50 Maple dlnlng Sl't . . .. .. ..... 118.$0 2366 Ne''(lert Blvd., Costa '-·f('Sa H IJ!h.t-l'l prlces paid for your Furn~re -"te buy. 8('il or trade Call Bracon ~14 ·J Harbor Investment COJ.fPANY 30th and Nrv.•port Blvd. Harbor 1600 ------~------ l0p42H fl-STORES & OFFICES ----------~ DBL. DEXTER WASHING :P.lA· CHlNE, perfect condition. Df"t"p frt"("l;erl an old ie but work ~ finf') What am 1 offt"red ! K.en I\'llea. Har. 1968. 36c38 ICE BOX. 7:'l lb. -Sldt> leer. In ~ condition, a.a . -&026 Channel Pie.cc, l°'OP\vport L<iland. 36p • .J • > A TTR .~ci-rvJ "''l'll "'1ocatE"d Bal- boa office for la,vyer. account· ant. insurance, builder. archi- tect. etc. 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 1607. 2•trc 43-. .\P.;\RTME!'li.'TS &: ROfTSES RENTAL r SPECIAIJSTS Call ll:dns CralS Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Ialand. Har. 2042 32cM Hollywood be<! frames .......... U.9~ SS-BOAT Al1PPUEll Unpalnted chesU ............. $8.95 up , _____________ _ PEJ\'T HOUSE and 3 rm. cottagf's. ALSO USED Kenmore wUhlng: machine ... . ........... '4.9.50 USED \\'<'stf'rn Holly apartment rang,. ................... $49.50 Dale's Furniture N'E\V LOCATION 187• Harbor Blvd. Coslf. )ftsa Beacon 6637-.J OKEEFE & MERRJ'M' ran1e. 19~1 model. Ill.I the CP mode-l- all automatic with all-chrome ~ddle and the grill broiler, al&o It ha.a lhf' almmer burners. Bal- anc~ dut> on contract ia 1142.74 . ITS A BEAUTY. P&y ~h or take paymf'nt.. ot $8.02 per mo. My equity FREI!:. See at 40. So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9-3 p.m. or phone 21~2. 34c 36 Jack's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade l~ West B&lboa Blvd., Phone HM'bor 25-02-R. 80pl2 DUNCAN PHYFE extendjl>t. d!JI. Ing rm table, 8 chain and China cabinet. Mahoeuiy. ,A.i.o long divan. very stW'dy constnactioo. Harbor 21~2. 35c37 Rattan Furniture Kade In Ula Pldlllpl.-- ln our owu wol'k llboS&- ~ ellalca ol fabric9. ~ .uo,lq bl Bo. calU. ~-~ HOUSE &·GARDEN • SElA BOOKS l ftn• •tocll af bookl on all yacht.- In&' oubJecto-Plu.o all current boob. lAlldlri&' Ubra..,.. The Isla'ldt:rs !14 Manne, Balboa i.. Har 11147 20·FT. MAHOGANY RUNABOUT Ke1'Trlath engine. a good buy al a.400. !712 Channel Pl .. NPw- port iltland, Har. 2819-J. Mc37 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals · See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 OOAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5171 t<trc RACING SLOOP. ao rt.. 2 bunkl, head. at.alnl~ ate-et rtggtng. Ba.rpJn »7!5. Ph.. Har. 1503-W. 34c38 P Alll R. 4 L. P'lagnblp 90 b. p. OQ&'ln .. wl&ll reduc. cesr. '750. Pactory approv""1 Johuon Out- board. . • SALES .. SERVICE Sout:h Coast Co. Newport Beac.b Stttc MABOOANY TRDIVED Inboard On Collin• ~!!-Jld Each ~pt. h~ \.i"~r fyontag~. AC('Om . 4. '\\'f'St'. end Park AVI.' .. Balboa I sland. Harbor 2982-\\' 27p39 USE OF P ,.nln!llula Point beach. .swin1 in bay or ocean-only 1 blk. No. 1-3 b<'droom lower . No. 2-2 bt"droom upper duplex. !\'"icf'ly furn. July, Aug .. Sept. 1532 Miramar. Balboa. Harbor 0612-W 19tfc RENTALS JOHN D. IBURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 DELUXE "New" 3 rm furn. apt. 1 blk. Udo ahopa 4 beach. $4~ •wk. 21• -32nd St., Newport. Harbor 234•-W. 36p37 SPACIOUS Bay Front .( bedroom tumiahed home. SO-tL lot., pier and float. Avail. JuJy, Aug. &: Sept. Monthly or aeuon&l. BLANCHE GATES, 311 Mar- ine Ave., Balboa IaJand. Ph. Har. 1671. 33<:37 BALBOA ISLAND K0\18ea and Apt.a., yearly or aea· sonal. See Gall Carney; with NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE soe Kartn•. ll&I-1a1. 11.ar. ·1112 • etttc BALBOA ISLAND • • ..--..... H Ii It. Prieed ID ll'urnilhed apt. BJeepe up to <lgbl. ..... Call Hu1I« OOTW ...... .,. J11n .. •iM; July la&O; A.us; ---.... $;'00; ~ ..,,t. $1111). v..,. 1ltCa. % bllL to Bo. 1;1&7. SboWn ~y 16 MUiAu•r. a.&DIO appL Harl>or 2121-K. 31ct& U9mO PLUf08 ,._ .. up. Good = coadltlon. l>ANZ-rvr, au ~o. -. ....,ta f.89. .... aL -A. PUNOM ...... Mii .&11-l ..-...i If ,.. "" wttll- ... -DANZ«llDIJDT, &to folo.-. -... ·-, • • • • ' BALBOA ISLAND summer rental l · A: 2 bdrm homi's with U~<' of a&llboat A paddlr' board. • CORONA DEL MAR -1 & 2 bdrm rentals, $35 we<-k • up. ALSO 2 bdrm unrurn., yearly N>ntal, phone Harbor 1520-J. ~p-10 COSTA MESA -Nearly nt>w. lovt"ly 2 bdrm and den,' unfur. 1200 ft. home on 18th St. near Harper school. Avail. July l . El(I(!. diahwasher, disposal. Ben- dix 8lld Ul'lit heat, fireplace antt fenced y&rd. 2-ce.r gar. 1125. mo. J . A . Beek Office, Harbor 63. 31l<'38 GUEST houSf' nr. center ot Cor- ona del Mar. NE"wly remodel«>tt, reasonablt> sum11er or winte' ratf's. phont" Harbor 12!)3.\V. 35c37 RESIDENCE ~ Beautifully furn. 3 bdrms, auto washer. garage. 1120 mo., year round. 4010 Ri\'er Ave., Newport Beach. Harbor 2062-M. 3!5tfc KEW 3 bdrm ·rurn. reaidence in Cliff Haven. includes TV, radio, automatic wuher. new 11tovf' It r«>trig. Has fencP.d yard. l.R&Af' by yt-ar, $125 per mo. Ca.II F red Barkt'r. Beacon 5795. or Beacon 6939-J. -36c38 -----------· U-."'-TRA.IL.ER SPACE TRAILER SP ACES Close to shopping off tht" Hlway. $12 lo 115 mo. C&brillo Courts. , 140 CabriUo St., Costa ~fesa . 3~p36 CO~fFORTABLY furni~hed room. Privatf' t"ntrance and bath. 5081.:: 1\iarigold. Corona de! 1'.{ar . Ph. H arbor 28.53-lt. 35c37 NE\\1LY Decorated Rooms- Good """-'- Tra.nsien t doublf' ·-·--···· ..... S 2.50 ~fonthly ... . ....... .. $30.00 Dally Maid Service 123 • 28th St .. Nt"wport 8f'nch Phont" Harbor 0649-\\r :lOcH • ' I I ·1 ' ,f7,_T~lJ~,. I .~~. ' ' ' • ' P'O~ !"'SALE -i .>.. 4 new 650xl6 6-ply pic k-up truck Ure.a and tubes. Phone Harbor 15!5 -1802 W. Balboa Bl\•d. S6p . - 61-TRAILERS TRAILER DOLLIES -Doubl£' aprings, 400-8 tires. All ne-.., $10 each. Ph. Bea. 5092-~fK. 33p36 M--MO!llEY TO LOAN LOANS For Homes 5~ -20 yr. Regular Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at l>-5.,,r,c. (14 yn.) WE BUY AND SEl;L TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATrLER Ul5 COABT BLVD. Corona del Mar H&rbot l 77 ·J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE O. Metro U!e Ina. Funds Kl 3-5 83 I.DANS TO BUJio, DIPRO' '&, f BUY, MODlllRNIZE, OR REFINANCJ: "" Buy 'rruat. ~ NEWPORT BA I J!OA. FJllbER4J. &A.VINGB .. W>.N AMH. ISS3 VI& Udo PIL Jlar.11600 .5'--&JtAL ESTATE W.&HT.EP WANTED TO L&ABE OR BUY: ~ to one acN. with small hoUH:, Eut Side tn Costa M.'1&. lpjl 18th Bt., H ewport • ljh-W A.ll<er, Harbor an~R •"""-! . . 35e3Sh '50 FORD 6 Dix. 2-<lr. I 2l 'SO FORD 6 Custom Sedan (2) '50 FORD G Custom Club ~· '49 FORDS C~I '48 CHEVROLET sedan '4 7 HUDSON Sedan '.f 7 1t£ERCURY Sl'dan '47 PONTIAC Sedan '47 STUDEBAKER s.dan ·47 FORD sroan '.fl CADILLAC Sedan EXTRA ALLOWANCES al- lowed if your trade-in la a clean '41, '.f.2, '16 or '4 7 modt>l. • MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY CAR ON OUR LOT '11heodore Robins 4 Your Forq Dealer 5,4 COAST IDWAY Beacon 6~ Newport Beach Hdurs : Week Days 8 •ttl 1 Sundays &. Holidays 10 'tU .f ·oo CHEV. 2..ctoor deluxe sedan Only 8600 milt's, perfect condi- tion. Save money from private owner, S1 !575. Ph. Har. 2404. 32tfc '4 7 FORD 8 2-dr sf'dan, radk> A: heater. A-1 condition. Price pip t erms. 1595 Tustin. Costa Mesa. 3~37 • Here We Go THE NEW 1951 HENRY J at this ATI'RACTIVE PRICE $1498.92 The Fashion Academy's Gold medal A \Yard v.>inner for 1951 , .. the 3ens&tional fi('W Ht-nry J is YOURS for only $1498.92 delivered ht"re! The Henry J , a big fan1ily-sized. u- dan. won its divi.Bion in tht" :t.tobilgas Economy Run. Test the Henry J today ... for STYLE? W1>.«f<:;o.)IOJ.Q'! ; ;, '7to;~JUrJ&! for COl-tFORT! for SAFETY ! The Henry J . dt"livered heN.' for only $1498.92-at your Kals<-r-Fra%er dealer. KAISER WILL YS CROSLEY 506 E. FIRST Santa Ana KI. 3-9688 JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer OFFERS New Car Delivery NOW' Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Need used cars badly- ! will give a bOnu. al- lowance for your old car UNTIL JUNE 30th ALSO Can Arlange ll'utory Delivery Certified Uaed Cara • ' • • • .,....,....,,......,......,...,.....,...,....,...,,....,.....,...,...__......,....,....,.r•r+r•r•r•~•~•~•~·~•~•~•~•~• --·• • • • • • ·•·• • • • + • + • + • • • • __..,..._-........,.. • • • • • • • • • • • • .,......... • • • ·--• -..--...-+ ..--,.,. .--..-• -·---·-• "--.. • ---~-.. --.. ----.. ,. • rc+ouvu+••++ouuuso•+uAw+++w++++•-•+:••• t -. I . : ...... mrAB • 'r ::&:&;;;:...;... -• ••1..~ • • THU1tso;. Yt .iUNE 2 r; 195 ( I REAL ESTATE FREE Week .nda -Small yaN. :r our w.ekonda .... ,.,.. -Go b.-l· In&'. !lahlns. b&Wq. No ....,.. b&clt bending pnl WOl'lr -l';o more weed pu!Jlng. BARGAIN! ' BARGAIN! BARGAIN! 11.8 -~ ... THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SALE Listing Is No. 1781 A pe1ch ol a location at the corner oI Avocado and 4th, CDK. affords -view to the Ocean, and proximity_ to Coast Hwy. Ideal for home & Income. Here ia a modern design home. and apartment, where evJ..y room ia an 'outside r<?Om'. The living room, Lanai, bedrooms, and bath all can be entered from the spacious paved-patio. Thett are two bedrooms In the house, and an extra bedroom on the ground floor which can be used with the house, or to supplement the one bedroom apartment thcat is over the garage. The fuiniahed price is only $17,500. Can also be purchased on a pa.rtly furnished basis. PoSBeSSlon of house July 1st. . call fbr appointment. J . A. BEEK Office Ball>oa Island Ferry Harbor 63 Balboa Ialand Balboa Island INCOME "HOT SHOT" ... A completely furnished duplex - 2 bdrma in each unit--<:hoice corner location. -Close to south Bay and shopping center-unuaually high income rec- ord, showing over 15r;. net return on investment!! INVESTIGATE TlilS TODAY! Full Price Only $14,950 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor "Park Avenue al 1'-f.srine Balboa l •danrl Harbor 2462 You've Looked at the Rest Now See the Best IN G.I. 4 ~'r FINANCED HOMES They're well built attractl\'e 3 bdrm homes on larse lot" in bea.utlful Cliff Haven. We .auggeat )'OU uae your 0 . I. privlle1e NOW whlle preRnt low do"-'Tl p&)'ment and euy terms are 1tlll left and when they are ,rone-- THERE WILL BE NO MORE at these low prices Call Fred Barker Beacon ~ 79~ or Beacon 6939·J OR DRWE TO THE EARL W. STANLEY Office, 15th &z Irvine (Opposite High School) 36c38 New Lido Listing Costa Meaa Ju.Rt complPtlng 2 bdrm home.\ The Best Town on Earth StiU time to choose your own I roiors. 21 · 'I"· rm .. rrp1c .. tue Income Property features, bar-type kitchen, pri· j vate patio Prtcl'd below the On Newport Blvd., 3 storeos, alwaya markr t at 'si~.750. Easy trnns. ,. N>nted and room for anotheor _ storf'. Rf'nts fo r $225 ~r mo. Balboa Penn. Asking Price, $25,000 Nearly new modf'rn 3 bdm1, 2 bath Tf'rms home. Cor. toea., large patio. Thia home ha-" doz.ens of deluxe Some Good Blvd. Frontage featun-a such u Parqut't floors in llv. rm &: di. rm .. frple., unit Close In--$100 per front ft. heat. Outstanding color• &: wall papers. Alum. sash thru out. 2 1 j h large sun deck . You mu_, see Very OVe Y OmeS this drllghtful horn", $21 .500. Both 2 bedrooms 1-$7500 1~$860-0 Bay Shores FIRST TJME OFFERED. Ont> of lhe flneilt 2 bdrm homt's on Bayside Drive. 2 baths, l~rge rooms.. lovely patio, beautJt'ully t'Um llll~f'd. If you are looking for a home wlth l'harm &: livability. let U8 shO"-' th~ property to you. Prtcf' S2 ... 600. tum. Ranch In Nice Dis~rict 3 bdrm home, pric<" $8.'>00. $1500 down G. N. WELLS, Rltr. II: A.ssoci1tes 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. :1181 IA>ok at the .. EXCLUSIVZ oft_.,. lnp: !-On th•NORTHBAYP'RONTof Udo Isle a cbannlns and lrn- preutve 6 bedroom, a bat.h ooe 1tof')I home. Ooocl llad lot,, ,rllll piff and ollp 6114 -JIN DO otalro to •limb. Tip lo\) eondlll<a and parttall7 tumlalled. Priced to .. u. I-Brand new 4 bedroom, S bath home. prtme location. .t.rfft to street lot. Many deluxe ff'&turo such u unit hnt. garbage dta- poaa.I, 2 water heaten, wired tor e.lectrlc rtlt(f'. lart" patio, 3-car garal'e. ll1"ht and cheer· f'ul room• and kitchen that MAMA. v.•111 love. All thl.9 and on UDO JSLE al ONLY 128,!K>O ALSO Sev"ral new 2 and 3 bedroom homf's for sale on LIDO ISLE u well •~ a fC'W choice butldinJt flil('I elthf'r on thf' BA Yll"RONT or on croas t1treet lolll. Price!( far belo°"' value-f'aJI)' term11. Theee totB are Sf'Uing tut. Reo- m('m~r we are the DEVELOP- ERS of LIDO ISLE wher" a little buys a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 333 Vla Lido N°i'Yt'-pOrt Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 '3800 00WN. 2 bdrnls, fumlahed homtL-Pan('IE'd 11vtn1r rm. flrr.- placP. bar kitchen, BBQ and rn- cln111<'<t pat\n. • Balboa Income it UniU, 3 completely turnl•hed. Ex!'ellf'nt ('Onrll lion. Prl<'t> only $11,600. Only $8850 2 bdnn home on Ba.lboll. Blvd. Nlcf' bf>ach hou!W. FlrPplarr partly ruml.11hf"d. This Is Choice! 121 .000 3 bdrms. 2 bath. unfur. home. lgP. ('ncloM><t patlo---com- plE'tf'ly ('lee. kitc hen. stov,., rPt. dl11h v.·a~er and gar. dlaposal, 2-C'at Kftr&J:t', land.scapt><1. Ocean Front, Balboa $33,500, terms Charming -Completely and at- -tracttvt>ly rurn. 3 bdrms.. 2 bath, 2 nrepla<:PI, good furnace. Bar- becu.-. beautiful 1andacaping in patio and front t Prr&('t>, 2·car garage, Coast Properties Co. 301 E Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 26~ $800 Down 2 bdrm home v.·1 th I-room apt. la.V" lot. 60x210. Room to adrf morf' Income property EZ tPrm:" 3 Bdrm Home J$960 full pric('. Submit down pay· ment. Home con1pl"tt>ly do nf' OY('r with knotty pine &nd new ,~h'<"· fixtures. EZ tf'l"m11. Best Buy in Costa Mesa 2 bdrm home on Eut Side only 3 yn. old . double ga.rage, fam- ily fruit and gT&J>f'8, lovf'ly pltlo. Pric~ at only $8600. Price re- du cPC.I from $10,!)(X) for quick sale. This ii a real buy and must 20 a..cres-12 in perm. pUtUJ'e, abundant C"hrap wattor, propt"rty piped for lrrigatlon. Thrf'e h<MUes, Kood barn. equipment ' tor-15,000 c:hlckens. \Viii sell or COMider part trade for Santa Ana or Newport Beach prop- erty. Price $-40,000. Broadway Duplex b<> ... n 10 be •PPffi'lat..i. 2 bdrm .. Eut •Ide, owr llOO oq. B. A. NERESON rt.-hwd. n oon. rumace 'heat. OPEN EVENINGS dbl. gv. close ln. 2 yrs. old. AfRA It Npt. Harbor XlnL cond1. Leaa('(I lncome I ].fultlple Lts;ting Realtor S1800 YT· 1882 Newport Blvd., Costa Ml"M Full Price $15,250 Phone B<a<on oi~ 45 . FT. OCEAN VIEW LOT In ~roll& de! .Mar. atone'• throw from Buck Gulch (which by the way Is golq to be IJU!te beautiful :when, our city fatllera finish their preaent plan I, Better pt tltla Jut lnel lot while TBE PRICE ~ STILL LOW. , A FEW SUMMER RENTALS STILL AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE P'TGURES ... . CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES -' Gl Cout. Blvd. Barbor 1007 8. l.yan ftaltan , 11a1.. L. Lynn • Farmhouae :Motel Barbor 1083 BALBOA ISLAND-DUPLEX SP ACIOU8 MODERN tarce room& Loi A patio. 0.... S bdrm unit. One two bdrm a.nd eKt.ra rw.tt room. 2-<:&.r Prtl't. plus p.s.rklng. Good vtew of the Harbor trom the partly onc looed de<k. 12-tt. tront.o.... PRICED TO SELL at $29,!IOO. BALBOA ISLAND NCOME Almost n.ew 2 bdrm home -e.autlfUJ patio PLU8 2 bdnn apt over-1a.rage-, both completely turnlahed. Rear apt rented la•t MlUOn tor more than ll•OO. $3000 e&!Jh , pymts. Sl~ mo. -lhJJI L8 the be•t Income bt1J· \Wl've had tor months. Total price I• $%2.500. . BAY SHORES Brand ne-w 2 bdrn1 dream home. Sha.ke root, tieldatone front and tl~place . Thl.s one you'll love! Sl2.750, • Good Term•. \\'. A. TOBIAS EON A CRAIG Sale11 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor L . C. JONES J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1871 or 1872 Ev08. Harbor 7ol8-M Balboa Island Exceptional Value IT'S CHARMING. it's deligbt!ul, it'• deairable. Tastefully fumishl!Q. Reasonably priced. In the RIGHT location and' offera all the comforts of a year round home. 3 bedrooms, 2 patios. barbecue. MAY WE SHOW YOU TODAY' BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR . . BALBOA PENINSULA POINT Authentic Cape Cod Home 2121 OCEAN BLVD. Open SAT., SUN. 2·6 or by appointment T\i.•n story, 1 yt"ar old, approx. 2200 sq. ft. Two bf'droom11 an<l bath do~·nsta1rs. 1 bE"drnon1 , rlen and bath up1talrs. Sundeck 30 x 30, permanent view. Largf' living room, firepla ce. Full siLe dining r.oom . Gorge-ou11 kttchf'n and nook. Oak floors. Forced air ht>at. Weathttr·11trlpped wlnl1nv.•11. Contractor's homt". Extras ~lore. Priced to Mil quickly. Wm. E. ANGOLD, Realtor ~15 E . Salboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1238-\\' Enjoy the BEST OCEAN AND HILL VIEW in Corona del Mar from the liv. rm and also from the upstairs of this beautiful bome ! There are 4 bdrms and sewing room and :I• •e baths. Asking price, $37.500. Submit offer. ANOTHER beautiful home with 2 bedrooms, 1 ~· baths. This one has ocean, hill and canyon view. Priced below replacement COIFt at $25,000. F1TZMORRIS REALTY COMP ANY ' Real F.atate and Buail!elYI Bronn 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2152 ONLY AT Corona Highlands •' Ocean view • 60 ft. or more frontage , All utilities I no 8SBeSS- ments) 11 Convenient location Overlooking Newport Harbor 11 Private beach ,I PRICED TO SELL THE ISLAND A BUY-On the Bay South Bayfront 8 bedroom home, 50 feet, view, R-2 zone. J. A. BEEK Office Har. 63, Balboa Island Ferry S BDRM 0 . I . Rl!:BALIC -J'llU price Sl0.500 and S2175 dowa, mo. pymta. $6!.U lnclude taxea, tnt.. apd _lnMJrance. And \ookee here--It hu fireplace, hwd ftrt1., Iota ot till", bis cl.oeeta &nd more extru. Dbl. garal"e. nicely land· acaped, and • axa playhouae for thl" kids. It's our bell ll•tlng. NICE LM"l'LE ROME ON ·oNE ACRE -PLUS A :Ill' MOBIL, COACH TRAILER. The acre face. on 2 atreet.1, Trailer la only 3 yra. old, In exCelleat eon .. dltion. Close in Coat.a Mcaa. All for the BARGAIN price of $6300. ACREAGE OVERLOOKING BACK BAY & MTS. 4 1'1 ACRES. For your ee- tate or wbdlvtde, 1"b.t. choice parcf'1 at the fow price or ll.2,- ~. Submit )'our r<-uonabl~ tf-rms. RERES YOUR HALF ACRE - Ea11t Side, M 'x300', nea.r high school. finf' sotl. $14&0, submit l<'rm•. BARGAIN ONE ACRE -123' frontax-e x 307' deep Ir ZONED P'O!t BUSINESS. $7100. CVth . Look this over QUICK! 11\"'DUSTRIAL -5 ACRES. Level well located In Costa Mesa's f'Ver s-rowtng light mfc. aectk>n. Price Sl0.000. \Ve can allO lo-- cale ama.llPr parcels. Come ln tnd •late your nl"ed.a. Costa Mesa Realty B&rney Fr&ncque -FrE'd CrOlif'r W . C. Gabbard •OO E . lith Street Costa J.teu ~aeon 8818 Very Nice 2 bdrm stucco In good 8t"Clion of COtlta Meea n"ar high school. Large llvlng rm, kitchen with dining area, tile sink, hwd. nrs .. Ooor furnace, dbl. pr. I..& wn is Ianrlsceped and ren<:ed, allE"y. Full price Only $7900 Cozy home & income at the bea.ch. Two home• on. 1 lot, one is a cozy 2 bdrm homi, sun nn at one end of encloeed patio, nice Jiving rm, frplce., f'Dtr. hall. bar klL R.enta for $IO )"'ffk ln aummer. Tbr-other ia an attrac- Uve 2 bdrm apt. OYer dbl. pr. B#autifUI view of OC('&ft. Both ,very clean and alt ready to move ri~t In. Sma.U down. $13,500, EZ terms See Us For Summer lt.entala Olive Miller, Realtor 2006 Court· Ave., Newport Bea.eta • Phone Harbor 343 I I' Choice Lido Isle BAYFRONT 2 BDRll WITH DEN -80-tt. on waterfront completely and R· q11111u1y turn1a11ec1. v1n .. t vlel!'· pltt A floal 1'blti lo prime P....- ert.)' from all ansta. It you waat the betlt, w. will lnluut you. 8llowft by appo!Jltme11t Of\ly. . HARBOR HEIGBTa -A !only new 3 B. R. home, fl.replace. HdWd. tlooro, be ... utut level lot, double praxe. Owner will co.,.. llder mtl. home In trade $14,ftOO GREENLEAF & AllSOC. BIDLDER ~ REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 Older borne plus gueat hse. 15 HOMESrrEl? LEFT LIDO ISLE -8omethln1f nlce--- 3 Bdrm .. 2 baths, larp llv. rm .. le.. than 2 yra. nld. Prime DUPLEX with a view on & cornE'r R--3 lot-~ blk. to b&y. $12.000, tf'nna. JNCOME PROPERTY -on three lot.II near yacht club. Home with s rental t1hll.8. I Att.racUve In provincial d...,r. I MODEL HOMES TO SHOW Newport Heights blJ< to oay. Hou-. """ • bdrm•. M03t attract.lve 2 bdrm bom@. Completely teoced and private. TRACT OFFICE onl• z yn. old. Heavv abaJui root. Niu ga.rden. guest hOU9e pa)'I ' ·' k •1• 900 at 1 --·~a edge fireplace, beamtd celllnp, knot· up Hp. • "• . ~uu ty pine, lot.. or tile. dbl. pr.. BA y & BEACH Realty of Corona del Mar landAcaped, redwOOd rail t•nco. 1400 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 Phone Barbor 414-J patio. Th.la la one or the cutest S6c3'7 ------------ hOUSes in the Height.. ------------ OWNER MUST SELL! DOlEDIATELY! 1.todern 2-bdrm horne. Newport Heights. &am- ed ceWnp, hu~ nre-plact:. many bullt·la&. tnct bar. Complete redWood fenclnl'. 2-car pr. SI 0,800, euy down pymt, t68 mo., inclu. lPet:. Call Harbor locatJon .. -.......................... $17,800 BAYFRONT LOT-!EI Bayo ~ eoruer with 42' trontage $18, DUPLEX-2, -l bdrm. unit.I, n~ near p,._..i l>oopltal 1tte, i<JC\!I location and good vahte $13.600 ( lttma) • ( °"'1tt will l.oke Lido -COSTA~ -~PECJAL. 8TA.OOlllRPJD D~ J ~j <»mu. I ftrJ' ·11 I Uftllle J bodroMl _.., one wltll llreplace. ~ tawadry ,_,,., Double1 prap. Beot -Pric.. ll.8,250. tl'IUllf!CUate Jte'11et..,on of 4ont unit. J!>ttllent tenlnt In rear. For apml to f" call '1&. 1018 or B<a. 17'S. ' BALBOA ISLAND .ARJ!l YOU JNTE!tES'l'ED "! llV!J>g 'jn Bal-lllancl. bolt want more room than a S'1 lot alforils ! ! '! '! We 'ba.e It -4 b«lrooma, 2 b01!ut, big fireplace. OUUlde shower. Peaceful 11v1nl' In YOU1 own 1arfe patio eurrowided b1 your own yard and prd.en. PrtCOO under replacement ('oeta. catt Mn. M~ o~ Howard Nel"'boT at Ru. 1?7~ PANORAMIC VIEW HOME OPEN FOR INSPECITION SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 1-5 P.M. 2282 I{ings Road, Cliff Haven THIS BE.A t.ITIFUL 3 BEDROOM HOME dominalu the r blurt In Clift Haven.. It directly overk>oQ tbe Balboa Bay club a.nd hu a permanent panoramic view of bay and ocean. Nicely la.nd.ecape:d There are many exceptional feature11 in thla hom~, lncludlng an a11-E1ectrlc kitchen with OE rarbage dlspoR&l, etc. Th~re are 2 water healers, 21.t bat.ha. Automatic forced air heating system. 'J1!,e floon att c~rpeted ·wall to wall and till' home ia f'Umilh- ed ready to mov., .ri~t ln. lt's pri('ed below replacement. ' ___ , . Jf you a.re looking for a home with an unsurpa.-:u vtew be sure to see th!.! one and "'e suggest very soon becawie It just can't last at the uking prtce. For appointment to Bet' prior to ope-nlng call Harbor l '775 Or Beacon 1\79!5. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th anrl Coast Htway N t>Y.'J>Ort ~ch 16th and Irvine Newport Beach 615 Coaet RiWay Cotona del Mar 22~ Marine Av~. Balboa Island 31 IS Newport Blvd. Nt'.'wporl &ach Owner L&.ving Town, MUST IfE SOLD THIS WEEK! Large modern 2 bdrm born~ Corona del Mar. Hardwood noorR. fl&gwtone fireplace. Nicely landecaped. Low month- ly paymPn~ of S39 mo. $-1000 cub will handlE', Full Price $11,900 Exclu!!livf' with BEN J. WHITMAN 400 A: 1018 Co&ll Blvd. Corona det Mar Harbor-1882 and Harbor 2202 Priced To Sell Right Now Balboa, l.!!la.nd S bdnn 1 ~ baths, nice patio and barbecue. Close to Cine North Bay BPach. TR.8tf'fully decoratf"d and well fUrni•hed. $17,900 STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 20 ::. In Corona del Mar Newport Heights , • • for a CONTRACTOR'S OWN 2 BEO.. Choice Se~ect~on I I • • • '~ --1 , • • &..AJ\.,¥ I .., ' . Homes Income Property Business Opportunities SEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 Coast Blvd., CDAI Harbor 2766 Newport Heights New three bedroom home with fl-replace, turn a ce, hardwood noora. garbage diapoul, double ga.rare, ' $11,000 full price A.LOO Sixty teet of indll8trial property on 11.t Street ta a llOUnd lnwet· ment tor idle money. Sixty toot piecH an llCU'Ce. ROOM HOME. exceptionally well built and well kept. Solid oak , ~I'll, dlptt:E' m, l&rge \j.ldt."'"' ~I ~ "riom, walk.· ID . dcJSeta. 1 ~ p ee~ lift!Q. paUo. Full bath with tub · and 11tall shower. Nicely l&ndacaped. on large well-located lot, 2<ar g-arage. Only $12,500. call John Mottram-Harbor l&M> EvenJngs Harbor 2480-R P.A. PAI.MER • IN CORPORA TED 1333 Via Lido Newport Beach Three bedroom home Beau tin.it patio and garden. 2 ~ Jots with view of l>&y. House 11 not new, but immac\llat.e. Rn11. are large. Good heat and fl"''" place. Dbl. ,....... $19,500 BAY & BEACH Realty 14:ii0 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126.( 35<37 CDM Ocean View I BEDRCX>M OCf'&n front, older home. Needa redecorating. S· car pragE". A very good valuP. 112.600 Only $10,950 2 BDRM 'RANCH TYl'lt BO)!Jl. •ball• root· lnrd. floon, dblo. Q lit B ilt Ralph P. Maskey garage fl' large lol VOGEL v ALUES ua y u LIDO ISLE -NEW 2-bdnn. and "'11 N~ Bl~ N-rt Bcb. $15 500 te-a 2574·M day. or HarboT 11•&-W f'Ytn.Jnp. 35ttp Ille lot In trade). • Balboa Realty Co. ftOflll Cnoeley JOMphlne \Vt'.'bb Lillian McAdoo 100 E . Ua..lboa Blvd. Har. 163 l '!( b&tll. Formica dralnboardo, .. ••..-• ·---~ I I • ...., Phil Sullivan seooo IS ruw. PRICE ot Ocean a Bl:DROO'i ahalle tll• root. mu-G. I. Resale', 4 7o Int. , prbag-e cllapolal, dlahwulter. Pllone Harbor 402 E ~S •th Realto Fr<>nt oott>«e, Seaal!ott colony. .. .... "'S ~ llttpla«, beamod $l2 50() Deelgned tor good Uriq '17,400 rDle ml , r C. Galen Denison Knotty pine lnlnlor, l bdnn. llvtng room .. Wns. """ -•rt-1 For the BEST 1n Barbor COSTA MESA 12-0!i Htway, Corona d,I Har G T Everso UllOO down and SSS mo. Ka,. ly Wed )l&U.-Tropical BY OW!all -3 bdrm, ,,....q ProperU ... --••-~ Ptjone Harbor 2861-' • • D at <434 S2nd SL. next to New· p&tlo and prime location .make decorated bome. Ti)e kllCM-n. _....,.. .......,,...,,. 490 Newport BIW. CooUo M-port Post Ofll<e, Harbor 2"4711. Ulla Lldo'a best buy al $%1,aOll, Pullman beth. Hwd. Ooon, dlaL Harbor JnVeStment ~ JleoidfllliaJ street Near· j_ • Phone Beacon aegs S6c37 t•rrn•. _.. t'11Ct(I yant. 8bort COMPANY 17 -~•a. a. home, 1% l>lrlllla, ~ettr As A Picture •• ' .. 3 Bdrm G. I. Resale $10,450 FULL PRICE ~..80 monthly paymenU, beat Costa M~ .. district. ror det&lla call Mr. Kempton. Bartlor 1500. Harbor S107-W <r -dtae-.J -----------p A PAT MER wall<lfta' dlstan .. to .. -ud SOUi and Newport BIW. large Hr. rm.. fireplace, ~ 2 bclnn llom.e ·on % acre la ioo<I PRICED FOR Q'"'CK S • T F. • • ~ lbopplns. ldeal i-11<>n for tam· JlaPboo llOO. -· big lot, fenced. ~ loc. ..-.. tile back baJ. ...... · .• On1 $95 Do · ~ " ' INCORPORATED Uy wlth clllkk'en at,., 11!:1 JI~ ~ ~ J'Od>l.eod. OWner •:ra 'i II} round..t wllll tJowen. U fNlt ' j y wn • 1uge ~ -1oc&t1o11, 3S33 v1a uc1o -Newport ao111>11 ... (811 ~Cll ·s. ~ trM.-~ -· ,........ JllllJt 1n • , BUYS 'THIS FINE LOT l block to ocean and bay. PboD! Ra.-16UO -.. eea.w. For Sale or Rent eoe Marine An. .1 tNI .. aa. .,.uo, .1a~ """ Mxin on Ylictorla It., batati Beau.tJfully~ Won---+ . Owner Leaving State salboe ••Del -. Barbor ~J pond aj.ci r~. A beaUlltul • P.A. PAI.MER JNooUo!U.TllD U33 Via Lido ' Barbor ..... NWWjiM -l'llll derful lnCOIM. CaJl owner T .a.ke Arro-head _, HARBOR BLVD. I UcSll bCIJ', -~~· JlllACOH mu. . pr1co -6 . .._ "' " ----------BUSINESS LOCATION . ,, R&AL'!!!'. a.a. .lr!U.R. -' for .W.l&i --" p.m. • I ~-....... ,., • fd. Want to do -f!Dlg.. N~ --CA.bcive .Ardieol . '. ' Ph-: Br•-ll80a.ll or · PltOlle Barbor im.w. -For Sale or Exchange Waterfront Home • 1 -BT MOTl'ET w• ~it aeedf ~j 1iut 1~ 11141 .- B,111111 191 W ...., ' • . R O H. -·•.._ft"',_ t.e.,....., . • 1111o i:..,... k\ory -cilia al a -t ~-...._ -&at • __,, ';;:;;;-;::;;;;-;;~;;;;;;;;;;;-:::-;:;:: OWJlll:llXUftU:U..(or..ipt Laite Au,....r·d, wr ---.--. Bea.UM..J -.-am-1 tnl¥1aldl_._.._ '! • O EN··l-5 • • -·: ___ Phone ___ Ha..-__ .... t_soo ____ 11 ll'OR LU.Ii B'I' OWWllt-Opaa _, -Bu' -· J .-. Jay obapplq ....,i.. Aoc-•• n • yrs. old ~ G._ _,.._ 11100 e.,.-. ""'"-•. -..-, ,.... _....., ,_, • · I BACK BAY .RANCK-- Beautiful view. I . , hone OwW' Bt1coo 8751hl ~ • • • lat. A Bun. -....... --. 1orp lit--ll'llllc -11. 'hro 111"••1, ~ Dl.opnMI, patio turntture. OOIWl'A _, ewe71t· ... ~ Ill -lllloot 4 ~ S bL -~ •• •, ca l acn o{ -. "480, lllOt -. .,,., ... -.... .... O!laa -,-...S, u·• Plloed. lt'>..t 7im U1'PQ Bk1' Au. Vi&if PROP• ... ••t'IJ. Cple -.. .... .,. , -'• ll 114 · • ---.._.a111•od~.,.-MSOO tor 9'lcl< -or -~·\IV " .an,a....,....'P11horput. BATAll9Mll.a-lM! ~ pr.a11oty11or-' UH "' unt:• Co.ta -w < ........ -., nil .. & dll.ap. ll(rlte w. L. 1•1 11. -..-~-· ...... r 1ru --. ... II....... "'-I'•-. CIUf ----er.-..... DrtN, lllltll ft. oir-, ~ 1111!-7.... ~CRD'ICll, B F• --~ 'J-----... •~rs -, rm; ... low--. .-"'4 -AA w. ..,. 11roJ •n• Jfca,wt Br•• 1 ,. I· ' I • • ' I ' l . • • PAGE 8 -PART I ,.-THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 ·~ -f/.:/JllM•• a ;w·= ·«:....:::=:PRESS ~- Popular "Dukes" Take fans Along 'Old Acquaintance' Opens Season at Laguna Playhouse When the curtalna part next The Dukes ot Dixie, who are 1 Tuesday evening on John Van playtng a short engagement at Drutcn's witty and 90ph!8llcated the Beverly caverns at Beve;!;' comedy, "Old Acquaintance," a.n Blvd. and Ardmore ln Loi!: -auaplcioua IO-week summer thu- geJes. have found a g_oodly num-t e r sea.son will get under way at her of the home folks in the audl-the Laguna Beach CommunJty ence. Among thoae who followed Pl&yhou.se. the local ~ye into the big city F or Its initial offering, tbe n ew - were Jlln Limon, Gaylord Ortm~, ly formed prof Pasional company Ralph W~ll.8, Ra~ Waller. Alice has chosen a play that brought Martin, Jimmy Snider. Mrs. Snld-rave notices from•Ne w Y ork c rit-e~, Mary Ann _.Morrison. M r.i. Mor-lcs. The J ournal American callt'1'1 r ts0n, M rs. Virginia Royce, Hans it "Broadway'!!! shinlrst comC'dy " Broering, Dede Alck>n, Sandy For-ThP plot e xplorf's a tan~led love bes, Gil Ste rn _and Byron T owns. ~ltuation lnvo lvlng Kath e r I n,.. This Is lh_e first night c lub job Markham. a brllllant American ln the-big city fnr the Dukes who nnvt·ll.sl, a younJ:('r man and lhl' rPCe-ntly won lhf' Southf'rn Ca.Ii-dauJthlf'r of anothrr novelist, Mll- fornia . Jun1?r Collf'J:e Ja.z:z b_and d rf'd Watson Drakt', an old a r· ch~pion~h1p. A~ J.,c champto~ qualntancc or Kalhf'rin<'. they appPa.raj on I rtf'r PQtter s In the original Broadway pro- telf"vlslon sh:iw anil l ~f' Georgr duct lQn, Janr Cowl c rt·atf'd the Barcla y . ~a~.10 show Are You role of KA.thPrinf' and P f'ggy Wooc1 Fl'om Dotie .. over KP1._ Jot' Dt':-that of Milrlred. Al Laguna the ~llllt>t'r!i!. clar1nPl play"r with K1:t part." will be playf"CI by two very ?ry's band on the Barclay show. accomplis he<I actrf'SSCS.. Maurine 1nvltrd !he Duk•·-"' tu cn~1 r over to Cookson anrl B<-tly Shopr Paul. the-CavPrns to play. I-otlo"'·"d a Pf'l t'r Adams will &..'l.."IUOll' the rolr thrf"{' _we('k Pngai::t·n1ent on TUPS-of Rudd K rnrlall. a.nd Phyllis day night:oi onl' 1norl' Tuesday to Knight w ill play Drirdrf' Dr a.kr. go. . . t hf' daught1•r. Othf'rH in lhl' <'"lllJ l Th<' nuk l'~ c~nsu.iert'd this a \ncludf' Connil' Wf'll~. Hap Gra· real honor A~ Joc ,•:oi on ~ or tht> ham anr1 Alt>crt Gonsulin. E . J top Olxlt• mu.~lc C'.arlnf't1 sts. K • 1 ed th •• d B rouse-11rs gn I.'" St'..., an y-Thc Duk Ps w ill play aga+n lo-ron Kf'llcy "'.111 direct . cally at Balboa Bay club Satur-In th£' foyrr a on e-man show of day. Junr 30. Thf' boys, who are paintlngs by William Whl'cl~r J Ot' ~tcCafff'ry, drun1!'; St<'Vt> Paul will IM' on v ic"''- Hope, trombonr; Don Ivr rs, trum-1 A graduatt>d price scale hall JM?t : Bob A quiera, l'lar1nel ; Dave .__ ,.., t 1 1 th T w · K y; 11 ..... -f'n a .. op t'f or e ~rason. 11'-eirbach, hanJo: Pn " !'!. ba-.'o,; kets for the-evPning performancr:ic "njoyin~ playing at lhr Bay clu'> T ursday thrnUJ:;h Saturday ar.-. &"th+"> rll\l'l' l~ !'O btj! that. lht':V ~a.n ~2.1 0_ $I 8(.) and Jl ,:'.lO : fnr Satui - reA.Jly \et go \\'1th that btg D1 x1p ch1.:v matinPr~. $1.80 . .$1 .. 'l-O arid n oii:ir . Sl .40 inctud1ni; tax. l{f';i.•rv11th1n!" Dixie bantl lt1V•·r1:-1 ,,·ho ha"._.. en- joyr·d Slt'Vt· Hopi···" p'-'r[ormanc" on th1~ tron10011 .. \V Jll nf\llce no donbl n nf'w sm11(1thr1ess 1n his toof1n~. Sll"'Vt• has b··rn sturlyin,g w ith th<> fRITIC'U~ tnslruetnr in I may ht-n1adf' by wt·itinJ: tht• La- guna Sun1m1•r ThC'alrt•, 3\n OC'1·un avcnur. l..aguna Bca(•h or by phon- ing 1·6529. b•ass from usr. Ham id Mitchrll. : Strebes New Owners of who has recPntly com~ to make I Balb Doll H h i& hon1e Ul C'ornnu rh·I h-f ar. 0G OUSe NHYC Dinner Prog. To Aid Boulevard George anrl Ethe-I Strebt·. own- Prs of lhf' Palm Springs Doll Hout1e, Announced 9\.h ts ""rt'k that th"Y hav" purcha.."f'd tht-&lboH. Doll HouM•', f1 Jtmcrly ()\.\'nPd by J ani· ~fllr~hall and 1\I Thon1p,;lln ................ ,. .... ' BOB HOPE'S Ji'EWZ8T "LEMON DROP KID" MarUyn M&.~'irell -PIUA - THt:\' t"'J~ Y wttb tht' FLEET DOSAJ~D D 1l(JK CARTOON Con tin. Sun. % :so KIRK IMllilil.A~ Vll(OINIA MA l 'O "Alonq the Great Divide" 1'1 ,l 'S :-;t;(l()SD FEA'J'l"KF: Mesa~\/ BE ~ •• '.: t'J) ~ "'I ~ .. " DA\' Dun Oallry, 1Stu.n.n 111.t.)'\\'Mrt.I "I Can Get It for You Wholesale" s1 ·:'\.-~l(>S. ('onlln. Sun. ?:3-0 !\la r Jori•· ~t 11ln. t•1•r1·y l{llbrttlr 'Ma & Pa Kettle Bac:k on the Farm" -t1nd - "EX:l~t:f{l~tt:4,-T AJA 'A. TRAZ .. -~__::..----'.__~·---·~· :::.:.......:..·.:.._. !1 ~~~~t:>A?tf~f?c :: ' ----. .. . .. ···-· -"• .. ~O\\'! A TOP C'OMED\' (iAK\' C'OOPF.R "You're in the Navy Now" 1~1.r ·s : HOil ('.\~IF.KO:\" "OH, SUSANNA" ORT9..t-Qn" . . . . . . 'f'"1'4 . •• ··~·~· ..... ,~J ,//l,]lj,; A 1.1,_MRSAL lfllllltCAllOlllAI.. PIC!UlC SH0\\'1:\0 Sl"S .-l\fOS.·Tt;.Eli. .lt'NF. !•l -2&-!8 11.mrs I. SCOTT SllU ..... ~,., ... ;;,.••:_-·"".-."'o!: lllffi llllT -JULI( lJllOI • tl.llTM SllllOI ALSO - SWlj THEATRE Hl"STl:\"GTO~ DEA.('11 I.EX. 6·3044 S~fOKl:S~t Pt::Hilfl'ITt~O :SO\\" TllRI ' S 1\Tl"l<OA l . A beaur1f1c-atlun progranl fo r Balboa Blvd .. th•· main lhuroui:;h· fare of r-:1'\li.'Jlfll l·Balbt)a, \li.'11\ be d 18cu:oisl'd at th•· <l1nn<'r n1eet1ng to bf• hl•h.i Tl1>'11day, June 26 at 7 p n1 . 1n :\"t·\vpvrt Hllrbor Yacht club. T1 cket:i at $2 z:; per plate arC' on ~Ah• at Dalb11a Clcarirrs, Bal- boa .. la1dv:;1re, l~all.>ua. Gift Shop. BalboA L1qlH•r Slf'I f', Balboa Mar· Thr sale has bl"'Cn comp\1·l•'fl and plan~ arf' ~0 1n,g-ah<'ad to drco - ratr thr-~A.Jboa spot in the sarnr thf'mf• as the Paln1 Spr1n~."i coun-1 t l'rpart. Evi•n the GuadalaJarA Boy!'!, whn h<tV(' bf'f'n with th1 · 1 ''Samson & Delilah'' :-itrrb .. s rnr 1!"1 :-t('a.o.;nn!'I 111 the-"''In-11 1 I ~ \'I t M t Junr 20-!:I 1\ltl\OTT nnd C 'O~Tt:l .(,0 m1·1·t ..T iit~ I S \"IS IRl.F. J\11\S" 'kPl. Balhua Phur111acy, Blow('r'~ f.f arkPt , Blne Sa1IJ1L:, Casino Caf('. Gr£'('1ry I.: Gr1mt'~. Gunderson Drugs. ·Shr Shop, \Vilson J cw4.'lry. Th•· rhnner is isponsored by Bal- boa lmpruven1ent a..o.sociation in conjunction \\'ith Nt·wport Harbor Kiwanis club. rf }' ..a,y,arr, r ur 11 urr. trr colo n.y , are bcx:1k"d tn pJay th1•1r \ ,, . 1 A 1 1 b Latin A n11·rican stylin~:; all ;.un1-I v 1'0 · ~un< eni., ~J:"f" a .an"' ury mPr Jong. ff,.nry \\ llt'oxon At th(' closr l)f lh(' prl"~cnt .!lf'a- 50n in Palm Spring~. thr Guadala- jara Boys will tour Canada fQr several weeks, anrl appear s hort- ly after the formal opening of thl' Balboa Doll Hou1te rin June 28. '.:il. CAcrus CAt. 8¥ (_~(ll HUr(..HIN~ & MOM ~NEOll..AR -llfid - \\.fn. Lundl ~tt.n and Hu~n lfay,~-Hrd In .. l 'J) t ·L IMH THt:: tflftltt:MT ~I Ol "ST1\I.\"" In Tr<'hnlrulur i-;t 'SDAY t o Tl "t~D.-\\. .Junr 24-26 B uytn,R" the Balbrla restaurant marks f ht' third major r('a\ e~tatl' ,:;;::: __ ....;:::::::::::;:::,_:::::::~ J purchMf' of the StrC'bt·s in th<' pa.st year. OthPrs inclurlc the rf'al estate $Urroundin~ !heir prC'srnt Paln1 Spr ings !'l1tr, an<l thf' Baby Doll, a rt'!Slaurant also located on Lhe dC'8Crt. T.y rnnt• Po"·rr in "AM-t :Rl("AS (;l'ERll.J.1\ JS TH>~ 1•1111.11•1•1sr.:s" In Tf'(•hnh"Olor RESTAURANT • Now Featuring COCKTAILS, All Mixed Drinks Rt;sT FRE.'\"('fl 1\:\"0 IT,\J.IA:" Cl'ISl.:\'E • OJ"'n from I() A. 31. to 2 A 1't. H . .\RBOk 110'.? 7M COAST HICi-H\\"A \" ('OROXA DEL MAR ClllSttui IUT FOOIJ .,.,o <lROli Open E\•tiry O.y COWPtETl DINNEaS From $1,W to $1.SO TROPICAL DRL'IKS 0 111• 111 HI• locl111i.,. fA.H1TIAH Sl(YIOOM Frq Park.hie ~.,-111 YISIT THE NEW HUT oa Ooul mway, i...,... fCS..M T•...,..1 Phone t-9006 r~r Bewrvattons NOW OPl:N CHRISTIAN'$ HUT ANNEX SUcl<&Gocldallll&r .. Ule...., '"" a ()A.TAU~4 181.AND • , SEY. ''IF.RR\. \\.100\\" Dr. and f\.f r.s. GunninK Butler of 1753 Anahe-in1 Av<' .. C-nst.a J\;f r~a. attrnded a pf'rrorrnanct> of "T h.-. Merry Widow" Frirlay in Los An- gPIPs. Thl:'y Wl're joined at lhf' Philharmonic by their daUJ::hlf'r, Patricia of Los Ang1•les. who re- turned to Costa Mesa to Spt'nd the i.1ire-ek Pnd with h er par('nl..!. I llO~fE SOC IET\" ~IEF.T Chilrltl'n's Home Society wilt me('t Junf' 26 at thp home or M r!' . Hugh Sprin~l'r. 2321 South E&.'lt Cltff Drive. ror noon luncht'o n As· .!listing hn~te!l.<iCs \.\·ill tw Mmrs. Rolanrt Wright. La"·rence Brown and Frf'd R. H ubt"r. Won't Take "No" For An Answer If at fii;.st you don't succet"d ... Constable l<~rank (Tinyl V11.ughn of Newpor t &>ach Township r~­ ce-nlly a.skC'<I the board of supl'r· Vi.sors for $1 50 t o pay for lht> SPr· vict>s of Larry H E\vcn. Vaughn clalms that Ew('n ,,.as hired at; a dt'puty conetable for vacation rl'· lief. Politely, but flr nlly. thC' super- visors rernlnli('d Vaughn that con· stables fill in for tt1l'1r deput ir~ wher. va(·at1on t inie cornea around and vict' vcraa. The law makers rl'mlndt'tJ Vaughn that no one gPt.6 any ex- t ra money f or filling in on some- one el.M's vacation. They also re- minded the co1111tabh.• that the boa.rd had no tified Vaughn o! thlP pol'cy. • -._nd - lilnJ(f'r K O!rf't1' &: J , ('af'M'ln In "THt : (;ROOM \\'ORE s1•1 ·R~' Be wlse-lell people-adverUse! CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD Superb Seafood By The Sea! Lunch or Dine By The Bay Luncheons 1.00 • Seafood ·Cocktails Dinners .. 1.25 up • Seafood Salads FOOD TO TAKE OUT 1135 Coast Hiway -Next to Port Orange Newpol'I --1814 The local constable had aak~ I the county (or allowancea for hlr-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lng he.Ip during vacations and the ;. board had rrjeetect. bJ,s requeat at that t.lJne. Ctty dwellers and lho8e tn rural areas have an equal ata.ke tn Ctvtl Defense. • ' r • • ·TY ANTENNAS Call u1 for installation. or servicing of your .ntenne 1 • Prompt service by expert technicians • Low prices TIDE TY ..... _ 'BROADWAY -Now An7 Seal &Jay Time NOW PLAl'IN'O "Best of tfle Badmen" Walter Brennan. &ollit. PrNton -a.1.eo - "My True Story" fft'lf'n \Valker, WU.lard Parker "Lemon Drop Kid" Bob llopt'. Ma rllJ"D Maxwrll -&llMl - 'Heart of the Rockies' Roy Roi'""' ' ' 8UNDAl', lUNE 24 "Apache Drums" Steve llcNaJJ.y, C.Oleen Gray -llho - 'H~lywood Story" Rlcllanl Conle ..... -KJ. l"5640 OontlJtaoue Daily From I : 11) 16': WI 6--tfk Evenln n 1'"EW FIRST RU:< POLIC\' FRIDAY, I V XE ZZ "5"1ed Car90" D&lta Andrews. Claude Ra.ln!I -alao - "When tfle Redskins Rode" Jon Hal), Mary Cu.tie Always Two First Run Hits! -Continu ous Daily From I: I 5 p. m. - MATINEE to 5 p. m EVENINGS Al.I, SEATS 35 1' CHILDRES ta.x lnC'. 9t Doon Open 7 :16 I Show Starts I 8:16 ST ART8 .it· NE 19th "SANTA FE" Rand.)' Scotl, .l11nJa <.:a.rt4"r -a lso - "The Bullfi9hter and the Lady" Kf"l~rt S(U(':k, .IOJ' Pal"f! CHILDREN l ":\'DER 12 l'R.\!. ALL SEAT8 60 ; CltJldttn Frere U ndl'lr 1% CWL•RE:S 14' Ph on,. KI. S-5360 SUNDAi', ll"NE 24th "My Forbidden Past" Robt. Mltcblm. Ava Oardnf"r -aJ90 - 'I Was a Communist' Frank Lo\·~joy, Dorothy Hart FREE \\'Ith P11.l'f'DIJ\ at u.11 Clib&rt Theatn-w . . I THE AROHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • • OPICN JO L ftl. 'l'hrwp 3 L m. • Newport BJ\'d_ on Cout Btsbw&J NEWPORT WE A.BE CLOSED ON THUll8DAY8 YOU'LL ENJOY DINING OUT AT NORTON'S IAYSHORE ~ RESTAURANT 1 COMPLETE DINNERS "8peclallzlnl" in Everythlnl" Tttara Good., Phone: Beacon 57~ lloun: 10 L m. to 9 p. m. Ohmer 5 to 9 p. m. er..... Woclntlsdloys 17th & Coast Highway Newport Beach OPEN EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every Wednesday • lZ Noon t-0 , 8 p.m. • FREE BAJ,LOONS • ConCe88lons 51' • Rlde8 6~ BATJI Hot·si;; F ACILJTJES FOR MEN AND WOME!\' ~.-~_;_;;_:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!~;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;.~'i) ,r-:;lt.LT FAMILY OF THREE REQUIRE 2 or 3-bedroom · BIG THREE -' I i : furn ished house. Year round basis ontY. Will pay to SIOO per I N~ws -l'imes, Post Shopping News and the Press 1 . ,, 1! OVER 21,500 CffiCULATION IS THE ANSWER Phone Harbor 1616 today a.od ask for the ad·taker. ! i ... GEORGE and ETHEL STREBE nlonth. Prefer East Cosle. Mesa or similar' location. po~session by June 30th. Phone Harbor 21T2~WK. ' Announce the OPENING of Their Balboa DOLLllOU2E THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 Featuring The ''GUADALAJARA BOYS'' COCKTAILS from 10 A. M. DINNER from 4 P. M. • B~LIJOA and PALM SPRINGS ' . PHONE HARBOR ,i 2792 ~ FOR RESERVATIONS •• ., • • TOPS IN FOOD TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT I 41 5 EAST BAL!BOA L~~RI), I IN I ·BA~A .. l • ' . ••• Pacific.Sardine Spawn Earlier The Paclrlc urdine, mal.nat.ay of one Of the •tale'• r1cheat fllh· er1es, atartt'd movlng nortb to spawn earlier tht1 year that it dkl ln 1960, a research report iMUed here today dlecloees.. During February a few eu• and la.rv.e were found oft Southerr California, 'l.n area WhPre none al all were taken by research ve.ue.11 untU Aprtl ln 19~. Each year. spawninlit gradually apreads to the year In the California Coope_raUve north rrom off Baja California, Sardine R.eaearch prorram. The wher e the u.rUest.., and frequenUy program te aimed al furthering the heaviest, apa.wning uaually 1 understanding of the aard.lne It· takeH place. I •elf and It.a environment. Early appearance of eggs and larvae oU Southem CaJlfornia ls New ~ revealed tn t~ interim progttas Among the dl8covertes of the report aubmllted to tbe state"• recent months IJi the fact that Marine-Reaearc h commlttei! by when 1ardlne• are in a.n eleclrkal the California Academy of Set-field. their normal reaction• to ence11. the California Dlvl.aion of such 1ttmuli ls ll&bt. aou.nd. and Fil!h and Ga.me, the Untvertilty of vtbraUona are suppruaed. CallfornJ.a Scripp1 Institution of The report emph&alus that u.r- Oceanovaphy, and the U.S . FLl!lh d !ne• hatched ln 1948 at preaent and WUdllfe Se rvice. In the re· comprtae the dominant yea.r clau port a.re revi!'Wed developments In the Callfornla flahery. During or the first four months of the the 19~--51 1euon. 79 per cent of the tonnage wu a ccounted for by ti.eh spawned' ln 1947 and 1948. Soutlllcmcl Crow Hunters to S•oot June 23 •July 8 Soutllland lrunten will pt & -to .... .,,... up their -t-.... June u to JUly a wben tile 1-Anpl.. .Junior Clwnber .of Commeft.e 1JJOMOfW llf tint an- nual 8oulhern cautomla crow ehoot. The shoot. almed at ridding lhe IU!e of three types of p~tory blrde--t.he crow, rann and black- bWed maole--wlll be open to. tbe pnerw.l publlc and many valuabl' pttaca w'll be awarded through- out the two· week long activity, according to Chairman Bill Ed- warda. Proceeda wm go to the Soutll· ern CouncU or ConR.rvatk>n' ClubA and Ducla Unlimited., two con- eern.Uon groups whOM efrort.a CT"1lY contribute to beUer Jaunt- ing and flahlng-In this an&, he uld. Entry blank.a a.re ava.Uable at Loi Angell!I 1porttng gooda atorft: and the o ffice• of the Southern Council. 00&3 Hollywood Blvd_; Ducka Unllmlt@d. ~18 &· Central; L. A. Athletic club, 431 W . 7th St. In addition lo other awards. hunters who turn In 10 o r more crowe: t o lhf' Junlor Cha.mtK-r will r eceive a special "IO-crow pin.'· A new trawl that hu been phe- nomenally aucceuful In .m&k.ing better known the c reatures that live In the almost u'known oceanic areas between the bottom a.nd the surface Is described In the reporL Plan~ are being laid to build a trawl large enough to sample such active fit1h a.a sardlnes. AIZACORE IM"'nl19 to ~ thip by-word amon& thr Nrwport Harbor •port. fl8bf>tmf"n. He"''• a !1-pound. I~ beaut)· ta.ken -,. Nathan l.Jbott l&At Snnda)' l'tom thfo Tarlu •kl~ 1M"rt"tl by 'lm DoaeclJ1·. ( Hl\<:hcock Photo) FISHING WAS "FINE" . FOR 146 ANGLERS . April fishing may have been nellMr better nor worse than In ~ o~r seaeons for 148 California An investigation of the effeell ol bacteria on fish eggs and larvae haa been "tartt'd. In the labor&· tory It wu shown that treatment of sea water with antibiotics re- !Ulted in many more eggt1 belhg hatch~ lhan we-re hatched In or· dln&ry running &ea water. Lawn Bowlers Compete Here F orty·lwo player• ~prCMntlng !!'U • .-•AI lri'sh Rugby Star nine Sout11ern C&Jl fornlo ell! .. .JI&.-· 'T~ · C'o1npett"d In the Newport Harbor t C h B t Annu.al Tripi<'• Lawn Bowling ~-I 11111. 0 OaC OYS a to urnament held here last Satur· 1 ~IW laeo" J H' y C day morning. r. I amp Fir.st prize WU won by the Ar· 1 It's a Portable! lt'a a Table Radio I It' 6 t.enific ! Brinp in distant irta- tioru! sharp and clear. On how.e current, beautiful sunbunt dial ia illuminated! Wonderful per- formance everywhere on AC, DC OR BATIERJE.S! Ch~ from Buriundy red or CactOB P'8tln. •4995 1 royo S<"co thrffaome who won The. Junior HI YMCA camp reg-their thrt'f" rtnae• wtth a plus 53. la~rat1on has gone over the Lop for Tf'am m!'mbers were Rh·hard Fol.' th111 1'eaaon with twenty-flve boys kins. L. Hugh£'• and Hugh Fol- enrolled and ieavtng Tuesday. June k lna. 26. Second place W<'nt to the-Ar· Paul Delp, YMCA executive. hu royo Sf'Co tl'am compolff'd of Joe ~ fine at.a.ff of counselor!! lined up Roncf'lll. Jn<" Cromplon and J ohn including Raymond A . Barra. Cupary. Th<'y took thtt"e gan1<'8 gnat rugby star from Tr1nlty col-wtth a plus 34 score. lege. Dublin, Ireland: T om Buc k. trhlrd place team was Long graduate of O ra.nge Cout college. Beach with two wlna again.st one Roger Long, officer of the Hl·Y lou and a plllll 47 tally. T Pam organlu.tlon and Bill McCay of menlb<"re were Bob EWgnett th~ San Fra.nc~o YMCA. Mike Charles KDf.'rnPr and Bob Barrow: Dr1akel, J ere Stracusa and Wa.lt Preahlc·n t or the Nrwport Har· (less batteriea) Johnson, veteran boy campere and bor Lawn Bowling club G('org" Aa low aa $6.00 dii. $1.%3 a. "''~k winners of the "Rag," high.est P . Wll150n, of BaJboa, &a.it! that 14 t:B NuM ·Elecl1ic PHO!\'!: BARBOR 208 camp honor, were na.med &aalAt· trams competed In the touma- ant le&df'rs. Boy cunpen laclude Claude Stevena, Greg Adam•. J erry Poet. Arthur Birtcher, J im R lethlng. m t"n l. BIO CATFISH %821 Nwpt. Blvd., Newport Beach Don Neredllh, Mike Drtakel. Don Moat catfish a.nglers .... ·ould be aatl11fle<l with the I.and ing of a 115 · pound, 1 -ounce fl11h t h e largest In recent California his· tory. But Angler O. J . McArdle or Sacramento, did It With t ~­ mendou• odds against hln1. He caught the huge tork·ta!I with a streamer fly and a 11pinnlng rod. THE SKIPPER SAYS: Seems as though a group of dry land sailors in this area have fonned a club called the Balboa Mo- t or Sports Group, the porpoise of which is to have a whale of a time. (How Nauti-cal can you get?) aailing the hi-ways and bi- This group is com- posed of every kind of sports car from Jaguars to Hot Shots which m a k e e it a very democratic group indeed. A n d s peaking of Jaguars. t he on 1 y XK120 sport car for sale in Orange coun- ty is a brand new gleaming white with two-tone brown leath- er upholstery In the show room of Clyde King Foreign Car show room at 1208 Coast Hiway, New- port ae.ch. JUST FOR FUN! ~ McGill, J ere David Siracusa, 8MJCE" Crosby, Roger Ma.nhclllea, DaJP McD&0l~I. Bruce Brew11ter, BUI Hamblet, BUI Can Patton, Clifton empK. Walter Pickering, Wa.lter J ohnson, John R&.nney. Tommy Partlow. Herbert Perry. Gerry Ar1dre8en, Hal Edick and Buddy Morgan. Another \'MCA camp will be coming August 23·30 a.nd thOBe boyA who were unable to register In time for the Junior HI-Ca.mp may send regiatration to the YMCA at Orange Cout college for that period. Top-Notch Lady Golfers fall The team of Mrs. Harold l>eck- er and Mr•. Robert Mllle r. R'C'Ond choice In the Calcutta auction went down lo defeat ln the first round of the Santa Ana Country club'a high-low Women'• golf ·.ourna.menl. Conquerors of the second-ate'1 te.am were Mra. v . S. P omeroy Lnd Ml&'! M&Xine Hillyard. The No. 1 Calcutta Le&m f Mrs. P"l'ank Elliott and Mrs. Harry Hortman} u well a.s the third I Mrs. Ja.mea Garibaldi and Mra. l.. W. Bemis) won their opening natc hes. Se<:ond round pairinss and first -ound results: (UDS* •«•.ti Mn. D. "'""•Old klrl.,.ltl <tfl4 ~ kfi """'1·' , ............ ,._ ,., ... c.,., .. ... w.._. . A.. Wlf<Klel "" w,.. H......, a.U• lH Mn. I . A. ~-(4, Mn. .... H~I "'"' Ml•• Do!-b Milt .... I Mn.. 5"'11• H•NW. "4 ..,_ tffl.J M.eJNt" (d. Jett. c...a.,. -" Mn.. '-'ett Llfh.J "" Mlt1 Mm.. Hll~41f'4 eM Mn. ,.. '-'-' Ji· MtL H--W DedM tllCI '-tn. I . A. Ill .... ) I'--.,....,, Mr1. £-ett Motris •ltd Mn. Iii.. v.,. .,. co . .,, .. Lot ... e.,,11111:• 1 iffMI Mn. 're ... ootl .._ .,,.._ Ff•.tl II' ft .... Wn. t. •· H..,....• (d. htty Hopthn Md Mn. :-... ,_., .. MtL J . D. &.rib.Id! ... Mn.. L W. '-It Id. w1,. Je...t c.ffl.. _.. w... :r..tst 'M ........ J ... T. We,... J41y .-4 '-t'1o. l . H. 5wttwle Cd. wr .. f . J. p.,.-. Md lioln. Jo .. pt. ..,..._~ LAWN BOWLING A method of putt.Jn.s life into tile locallty wilbout rnam,... It. beauty. I Oreena owned and ma1nt.atnea by the City of Newport Boadl fOI' the ......,nt of. tile public. and operated uader the OUl"""'loloa of the Nowpott ~ 1£W11 -·-blf A-•loG. a --pniat Corpont-. Daya of play: Wectos1e·y. J"rt. day, Wurclar, SUlldaJ' ud all bo~ to -Ibo JIG-.. oontlally &a-.u.d.. ta.faf7 .... ~ be oM•btd -at tbt ......... ...,.. blf ...,. .... call I 101'7 d Wide-eyed e mployee11 al t h e Capitol office of the Division of Ftah and Oame measured the Sacramento r I var catflah &nd round It to be 30 inches Jong and 21 lnche• In clrc"mlerence. SWl;)I C LA88l:S Dr. Paul Gerrlah announces c l&.81W"ic In ewlmmln& Instruction. Dr. Oerrlah wu formerly •Upervl.5- or of recrt>&Uon and .wtmmln1 at the Balboa Ba.y club and the Ho- le-I Del Coronado. Dr. Gerrtah'• youngeat pupil at pre1ent ls only on" year old. TbOual.ndl of people locludlng gT&.ndmOUu!MI, h a v e learned to swim by the unique Gerr1ah n1elhod. Dr. G erri.ah ,._1eo hu a day camp for llK>y. and (lrls. -Opportunity la knoc)tlnc ln CLASSIFIED ADS. • anglers -but It \l.'llfl more ex· pe.na.1.,ve. The 146 were. a.rre8led 1 for angling without licenses and paid a major portion of the Sll.- 067 In fines collected for lllega.I hun ing and fishing actlvltle.11 , during the month. ; I Forget ling to bring along that importa.nt Item of fishing equip- ment ~ the ·license -led all ~ other caui.es of arrest. tht DlvlA· Ion of Fish and Game ~rted . I Other violations adding to the totaJ of 4'4 0 arre.st.s included 98 summong for fishing closed vrra- ter8 or taking more than the llmll. Eighty errant ttporlnmcn I we.re apprchenrte\'1 for bagging II· legal clam11 and abJ\lones. and 17 ,J picked up for laking deer out or season. AT f,_SHER)t .-\~·~ \\'HAKF, San f~ranclaM'I, I~ \\.llllam G. (iu11ttaf1K>O, \h1.ltlng h~ falhf'r, Ht-rt Gustar,.on. commrrrlal r1 .. h .. rm.an. Thr fnrmrr Harbor HI football and track athHtt', \.li'ho II\·~ at 407 '.\lodf'fla A'""'· 1•nll~lf'd In Janua~· a~ "'u on lrn-day lf"&\'t' brfor1· coinir lo Camp Stont"fl*n. HI" molht-r &nd his aunt~ '.\1t!'.. 1 •. A <'k pr, Att'ompan.lf"ll him lo San t 'ran- <'htco. FOi i Mac Rookies TOUCJhen Up "~ ready ror anythln~. any- Yt'here and at au t1mc111," That wu tht' "atr&Jght Crom t he shou\d('r" advtc<" handf'<t out al F nrt MacArthur to sevrral hun- drl'd r ookie r<'&f'rvisl.!! from Arl- :ron& and CaJtrorn•a , wbo arf' en- gag<'d ln two we<"k!I of the most lntenelfif'd field tr&lnin l( !'Ver con· ducted by the Army Organlztd R~rve Co rpfl. Col. David Sellard~ tolr1 t he. tyro clvilla.n-aoldlr.r8, all or M"nlor high school or coll<'ge age. thllt "good 80ldlen are live soldlf'rs" and tn&t the only way to be a "llvr-M>ldier In combat \.a to be ready tor &ny- lhln1. anywhere and at all tlrnta." Colonel Sell.arda command• the 6210lh Repl&Cf'ment Training Cen- ter, a re.erve unit comprl.8ed en- tirely of officers presently on t~­ eral duty to supervise thf> Anny'11 flr•t mandatory training of ne\I.' reaervi1ta. "Korea taught \1fl once again'the h-.rd, but lnvaluable let180n that there b no euch thing &5 pushbut- t on warfare," d~la.red the colonel Tu·o jail .sentences. of 100 days an\'1 10 <1ay11 each. were ordered. Onlv nn(' drfrnrtant wu fou nd not guilty in the 30·day period. Lady Anglers to Fight for Fish ltf!'mbers of the N<'wport Har- bor Lady An!i!lf"rs hrl<t their rrg-u- lar monthly m<'C'ling MondlY rVt:" nlng ln the Ebel! cl ub houH, New- port. Olive M.cKenz:if'. president, Ufl"• t"d all member111 to join the Ocean Pl.sh Prot('Cllvf' L"80Ciatlon. Ill\ or- ganization f lR"htlng t o preserve aporU fishing along the cout. Last year. the L&dy Anglers had a 100 per cent membership in thl' FPA, lhf' only member club out of m ore than M'Ve nty lo boa.et of sur h a rP<'ord. Mrs. McKenzlf.' also reported on her recent gue!'ll visit to thr Jl"annf' Grey tl'levision show , whe n ehe and Stell Marahall were fea- tured. AflPr con1mllt.ee report.a, re· rreshment11 Wf're gerved by Fran. clg Pula&kl and her committee. Door prize wlnnf'rs were ltfary J o I...ansdownl', Olive McKent.ie and Helen Scott. On thPlr weekly c harter. flflttn anglera W<'rf' aboard t he Rockt'l out of !\'orm'e Landing. Numer- ows log barrac uda and calico ban were caught. wit h Doris Powers winning the jackpot with a 9 I,.:: pound barracuda. Ma.ny a big deal hu ~n made tbMJ a small Want Ad Wise people do read the ada. Become a member of the Balboa Motor Sports g r o u p and cnlise Southern Cali- fornia In a Jquar. -lttf•W ... -'llf-. A .-_ oadtlnl &ad -..Cl-' ·-ojji11Mlo1•• C Pl I 1f--u ...... -l(ICirt. ,.rt...,..... n's'11 1.awa .... , .., ___ *'._.. _ .._ ..... - -.... .., • .Moll ... 8 IS ... -llfa. --.... Grr1p P. W-. • 1 . . • • Early Season Ocean Fi~ing ~eported Good Anclers may have had .ume bad luck early t.n the eeaaon ln fiah.ln&' tnJ&nd C&llfomla streama -but lhoee who pursued the sport from boat.a ln Ute Pad.fie Ocean found l.he flsh.lnC wu eood- 'nle Dlvt1Jon ot Flab and Game report.a the average an&'ler &bo&rd a party boat off the Callfoml& Cout durin« February came ln with five and one-half flM. There wu a total of more than 8,000 such anglers during that month, according to tbe niport. Party boat operators reported the following monthly catch by ports: From Newport Harbor -More than 700 anglers on three boat.a caught 1.600 sculpln. 820 kelp ba.u 111nd 280 others. From San Francleoo -nearly 3.000 anglers on 79 boat.a caught more than 7.300 saln1on ; from Santa Cruz and Monterey - some 240 anglera on six boat.a caught 1,900 rock fl11h : from Morro Bay -nearly 1,000 ang- lers on el~ht boall!I caua:ht more 1 than 4,300 rock flah. 660 cabe-1 1 zone. &nd 2~ lingcod; from San· ta Monica Bay -nearly 1,(00 ang'ler11 on six bo&ta cau~ht near- ly 1.200 rockfl.sh and 260 other flah of varioW!I species: from Lo11 Angelea Harbor -788 anglers on rive boat.a cau1ht 7,800 rock fish a.nd 260 others; and from San Diego -80me 1,100 a nglera on eight boats cauizht 7.WO rockfish. 420 ocean whitefish and 420 others. There ls still lime the Jac kpot doublea. t~ ahoot in SPORT CAR EXPEDmON The B&.lboa Motor Sports group 1 will haY1! a "run" at 10 a .m. Sun· day starting from the Jaguar show room at 1208 Co&al Higb- w•y. Newport Beach. All per90n11 with sports cani ln- tereated In going along with the group are urged to come out for the ··run." • • • \ .. . ...... a.-..211:111 (Prom~) PAGE I -HURS ~Y.JUNE21, 1951 • Fine Woolens Plus Good Tailoring Makes Mufii Clothes Outstanding MAY WE SERVE r.ouT 19832 Newport Blvd. . Ph. Kimberly 3-2980 Two Block.a North of Sa.nta Ana Country Club .. JACKPOT TO TO MEN'S -DOUBLES~ MIXED ENTRY $% ~ INCLUDES BOWLING MEX PAYS MJXr:D ] 260 ... ··········· ....... ...... $10.00 ............................. J.200 1275................ ... . ....... $12.50 ········-· .................. 1211'> 1300........... $15.00 ·-···· ............. 1240 1325 ...... ·... ..... ............ $17 .50 . ............................. 1265 1350.......... ... $20.00 ............. 1290 1375.. ...... . ..... . Jackpot __ : -· ............ 1299 JACKPOT PAYS 50-25-15-103 2 /3 HANDICAP -MEN 200 -WOMEN 180 LIMIT 80 PINS JUNE It TO JULY 15 MAKE RESERVAnON$ for Match Gunee and Alleys itt by ;r1me VAN'S BOWLING !UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT! PHO?\"'E BEACON 6631 1703 SUPERIOR A VE. One Day RESTRINGING SERVICE FRAMES-BALLS-SHOES Regular $12.50 SPALDlr<G ·FRAME for $9.95 r(close out) BOB'S Sporting Goods l '7tlt A: Newport Blvd. COSTA >IESA Phone Beaeun 8021 -R OOSTA MESA • PLAY GOLF 18 HOLES ' BE:\"T ORF.ESS c~ REGULATION I,ENOTB -PAR 11 HUNTINGTON BEACH GOLF COURSE nth & Weok>y R. Ill. MAB~BALL. Mir. Pia. Lex. - SWIMMING INSTRUCTION1 ... Specializing in · Teadling Children Private 1 or ~roup Jes1on1 by '_I_ \·'l"T DR. PAUL GERRISH .. • Dr. Ahyslcal E~ucaliol! . I \ l '·. ' Pasadena Citll Coitege jlns~r, · lforiner 13~perv1aor SWimmlng an Reereation BaJjio& y bub, _.,·I '' . · note! del Coronado. l I ' '• 'n.Y\ltn>~ i . , -• .... U ...... ABOUll Dey C.lnPo' -~ r ·B · a't ~~d ·~1r1t 5 to 12 -. . . I ' ' ·• I I • PAGE 2 -PART If -THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 195 1 ~~~fallESS ~ . MUFTI, LTD. Cl.!STOM TAILORS N~n llh'CL -Ill I-- I BloC'.'kA :\-orth of -ta AM CewlbJ' a.It • Let aa llMhlt you la your pluA. We w 111 PidJy eatlmate ooata of materials, reeotnlDflllCI a eontnet<>r or help you . obtahl a Title 1 loaa for aew tJ0111itnx!tion or ,..,. modellllg. • l'lllallle: Bt>acon EMT1 --. Laguna Beach Rotnf'r MPllott. Mft.aat M OTHF..R Y A1IJ>8: Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra Brea Bank of America Pays $20,000,000 To Depositors Inte re st a t 2% far 6 -Month Period On June30, Bank of America I rate applies to all typeo of will pay savings depositora paasbook savings accounta, having nearly 3,000,000 ac-including Bank of America's counts in exceBB of$20,000,000 popular Lif&lnsured Saving11 earned at its new 2-; interest Aocounts. There's no maxi- rate instituted Jan. 1, 1951. mum limit ou paasbook sav- At the same time;Bank of ings earning thia 2~ rate. America 1111nounced that on Deposits at Bank of Amer- all depoeits made on or !Je. ica are secured by capital fore July 10 2°~ interest will funds and reserves of about be computed as of July I.This '450,000,000 and are inoured appli~ equally to deposits up to Sl0,000 by the Federal on new accounts opened dur-Deposit Insurance Corpora- ing the 10-day period. t:ion. For the benefit of those New aavinp accounts will unfamiliar with the bank's be accepted at any branch of services, the new 2!'; intereet Bank of America.. , te iM o,oentor I I f!Jwn youiB cMltttg 2 num6er you 'ltflflf J naTM clf,....t111 is Ir.,,,_;(;<-} F~~ Oisl/mc4 ~ Maybe you ncvu if you /J/aii f'Xlr al# lb d#s thought of it rhis ,,.a,·, l>ur ~-,lu can help ~·our I ... ong Oist2nce O~r2tor sa\·e ,;o nr ri1nc if \'1lU !?i\'e her )·our call like this: First. the .n;.1n1c o f rhe .ro,,·~ ,·ou're callina. Then the rclephone . 0 nun1hcr .. .\nd ll11:tll\· rhc nan1c of rhe person ~'ou'rc ,-,l!i ng-if ir'< o pcr,,c>n. coll.. You'll find this tip p•rticularly htlpft1I rh~ da~·s '' htn Long Dist:J.occ lines art busy c:trr\·in~ rhc c·:1ll~ rh:tr :arc :aiding Ollf 1nilitM)' forces 11.nd 0~1r i~liusrrics ro huild rhe nation's strength. -HM,,,. ltlll'/W keeping 11 IJ2nd~· <lUt-of-ro\\'n number lisr? You'll find you an .. vc comidcroblc rime In completing Long Disr:mcc calls if you give rhc opcraror the-nuiOOer you wmr r:irhcr rh2n just rhc name and addtts.•."ThuWll , you set •·ou won·r hon ro wair while she: calls "Information~ . , . in the disr:ant town to gtt rhe number you're caWn;. .. + ..... Q/IJ8ooHI NHJJ, 'l'11unda)', J._ u, at t:30 a.m. :M JNden cJub broUpt lo a IUC- :eiiatuJ cloAe a year ot excJUns Ind lctiYe WOJ'k ot Ule: Newport Har· bor Olrl Seouta and Brownle•. The meeting wu opened by a -eadlnl' trom Prdldent Mn. Ann =row1, t'Ollowed by the 1lnflnr of del.UW\Jl 8annf>f'. Bwdnf'Q and llBcuaalon brought MrJil. Suther-- land Hutton., program chairman, ·o the noor, ~a.klnr on tentatiw 'lr'Of"'&n1ln&' tor nrxt yea.r. Tbe.., llaNI htcludt1 eamplnr. Oekt lrlpa. na¥iff and local troop meiellnl'JI. Mrs. Ted Rambrook opolte on Jlf' necftl;9jty ot proper prepaftd.. tea ot BrownJu Utd tntermedlate )coot., senior ecoutlnl' and the! lependeMy at lH.denlllp for all rtrla. It waa poiDU<:I out that Ulla !Cold bf:ot be brousltt about by .mltkation or prornm.tnl'_ tor dlf· '•rf'nt a1c l"'OllP8· M> their priml- .Jve camplnl' and badg-t-work W'Otlld bf. Mmpleted 'Y the Uml" :.hey reaellfd wruor ~ting. OnJ\,tlatlon chairman. Mra. F . v. Petttt'llOn, offered to help or .he nt-lPborboorl c hairman to all leaders l.tkt explained lh<'lr duthH• ln 9COutlng, putUn« empftUUI on tlexJblf' pluming of troop acUvlty tor lhe t a U. The Leaden club wu givf'n S2l\ by the Newport Elementa.ry ~hool• Parettt·Teache r A.aocla· tlon tor the child Catt work their troope had ~ at PT A mffUnp. "' eon.nfftlon wtth lhrlr child carf' Md&'H. A mollf.n WLI p~ that thb m.on•y be donated to ll'le Girl s&ut building t'u.nd. Mn. Roee- mary Smtrta. troop 8 p.v,. $2 to- waNt lhl8 t'Und. MrA. Schrod,.r'111 troop 9 gave $10 tor th<' <-qulpment fllnd. The meeting WU adjoume<t and lunclleon waa senf'd: wlt.b compll- mentR ot the n;ell'hborhood chair- man. Mrs. Fr&nk Blaclc. ).fra. Fred Woodworth. Mrti. F..d Hirth. ~Mrs. Lei Nott, Mn. Loli Fullbright, Mrs. Ann Oltp.hanth. anrl Mrit. F . V. P f'tt1>r"On. June the 1 Ith, RoMma.ry SmlUu• Brownle troop 8 had their nnal muting or the yea.r and <"ombln- e<t It with a tathr r-daughlt'r ban· quf't at th<' Glrl Scout Houat>. Thf' girll made lndlv1dual place ma ts tot the.. ...,,~!I, with M!&tter prtnl.i or the Brownies llhlt'ld for the decor .. t:Jon..s. Songa and game11 rounded out the-evrtiJng or fun "1th th•~ co- leadf'r-Mlp o r Mn.. Na.tlillt" NPIMn and Mrs. Ada.Un,. WattA. Summer Evening Classes at OCC ThUi · irummer Orangf' Cout col· legt' ls ottering a rew r venln1 claASl'" Wblc1' the colle.re fe<-1.IJ M ould appeal to the-summfr va· catidnf'r aa well .. to the r r gu- . lar studepU who reqUes le<l lhat these cl_.,11 be cootlnlU'd lhrough Uw-summer. - The 11tudenl.IJ ~n Thelma H_ype 'il portrait pelnling cla. prac~all y ~twte to quit 80 that cl.au wUJ be conUnuf'd Uld It Is ex.peeled to attraet aot only tM.e who h\v" to work, bu.t alao thOAe who lft> to .wt.m and saJJ during I.he day. Tb.e popular 'Upholstery <'~ with Cf"CU Shaw u lnatructor will also be oonthtu.ffl aa will the lafll- dary cla.u whOSP ra.n.s are w ell known t o be rablrt. Th<' IMtructor I.a Howard a.mes. Fo lk dancing ot ('()llnM! Is a summer natural. Albert Taylor 1 .... Jn <'barl'f' ol thi11 three houra or tun and troJlc. The claM ln dog obedlf'nce will al-o oqattaue with Don Short a" lnstruCtor. ~ 'ntl!'.!IP cln.w11 &rf' all he ld on Monday and We4nf'aday evl!'n inci'I n-om ff'Vt'D utl tf'n. fDol' cl&SM 7:30 to 9:30) Openlnf Miiiion wu on June 18 and th•y wlU ronllntw through July 27. H•bor PT A Board Protests Highway "nte Newport Harbor Unioo hl.rh 9daool P.rent-Teachfor Auocla.lJon board mMU.nc wu Mld Ln u.e ldlool ltkuy oa June u . at 9 :30 ll.m. A f'MOluUon WM approved w11Jch p-. UM pro_.i hlfh· way on 11th ei.r.et, or any alrfft ~nt lo the hip ochool or ""7 publlc ""boot It WU &i.o pro. ~ ti.at that portion of HUI street be-lntne ud ITU. •tr .. t be c--UM hll"b llCbool llaa ._..uy aequlted ap- proxt••tet,r aa M:t"M -. u.e north aide ot Aid letb atreet adjacent to the aellool, lo bo wood In II.I 01· p&nston procre.m. Tbe memben of the board feel lllat a ....,._,. can ... --• -lo the ., .. ,. ot tile -ta. Kn. Roy ft'Ouali.. PT A pNllldent. appolat.4 a «>mmlttee lo mMt wltla Ult oounty --lo cu. °'* tbtlt -la wa matttt. no.. appolnlad lo Ula -'lteo ---9o7l'1!J, Al 1:1onaua. r . w. ,....a, e. l'. y.,.. Ml\. A. L. ~ ~ IC. _,., _, .... c; ftamu ll'rao&, J . R. --llr. -..... .,_ -,. c b-·---0 101 .. ~ .......... of •• ~ ., (Jn... 90INr + -• (~)Picff!C ,,, ... , • o.:.t: ••••cfattia.. ........ • trn t 1• .. !"..-I ' -.. ~ tl at Nowpwt -Tadll-... .. • ..... -. .. ~ Xna:t. pi1Ml4ellt. • • , flower Show Md 'ComaSierppre' at rPctd.ua ~ills Vloltorii at Padua HUia this w-eb4 "IUI haYe the -rlU• n1t1 I'> eajOy '& marwlouo floral ~.., In "4<1ltlon to tbe )leJtlc:an PlaY".ral py "°"'!'Cly ot Tellllan-~-'joi>ifto Stem-.• IUk. Al· ....,.1. Md llle Jamalea an..r- ltlaMrte cam!~ In tb• patio. -It la <tile nttt. arulUll abado io.1n~ plallt &lld pnlen ·-ot u. f'Gollana Valley bran<h ot Ille I l)oe National P'ucbaia aoclol,y. to I -Id h<>m I until 10 p.m. l'ri· day, &lld trom 10 a.m. unUI 10 p.m. k tu.ntay and Sunday, In lbf" glive. Sf'O\'• ad)olnlnl' the U\eatrr, .fl'ee lo the publ!<. . ta &ddlUon io elabotat.e ~ pa.,. ot luclwu. "'J:onlU, ete~ a aowt feetuN Wfll bf. an e.xhtbit ot aom~ IOO planta ~ by ehU- dl"Oll. lnclu<llnir Cub Sceula' a84 BmwnW..«. undrr 1'Ul>f'r'rilllon ot M-P~ -w. w . ChrlJiten&ren or u~ laltd;·: . . M~s Margaret Nelson t~ Repeat .. , Vows with Charles A. Converse : ,-An ,atUnda.ncf' of more t.¥.n ~000 ·la aotlclpar.it by ·u.a..·. au' ~OIJls'ibe·~. 1nc1ud1nr ~ liNI il~eL or 1..a v..,,., ,th• ,,....i..-.. 1;, l;I, Ii: '!'J:aeJ' ot Clare: mont. aho\I( chA'lrman;., and Mr9. Mary .piOlngwate.p of Vpland. 'di- rector· of lndlvfdui.I C:xhlbtU. . With i.hf'' OOWfor ahOw o~ both Af'trrnoo" a'.nd~ P\'f'fllnp, V\Mton 1 may· have )unchron· 01;' dlnntt In thf' P•dua~ djnlng ·room ' all thl"ff Prominently spc>tllJ'hted In j.bit wee:k'a l"On\a.nt lc newa ls th" &n· nouncerneat made b}' M'r. and Mr•. Clal"'l!I M. Ne190ll. -t50 Ber· na.rd St., en.ta Mesa. or the en· ppment ot thelr daurftter, Margaret &nnis to Charles Al· bert Oonverw. R D-3. USN. cur- rently stat'ioned at Treasure I•· lan1I, San Fl"8nclseo be.)·. An A11- gu11t weddin.r in the CoRta Mesa Community MethocHst church i• planned b)• the young couple. The pl'ospective bridegTOOm l.s lhe son or M°'. Ru.aaell Char les BoyleM or WashinJlon, 0 . C .. and Parkville, Mo.. a nd the: I a t e CharlH: Albert Conver,i;e or Va.I· do~ta. Oa. After ~r 1T9duation 1n 1947 rron1 :\°f'wport Harbor Union Hich IK'hOOI. Aft.1 Nel90n alt~nded San· la. Ana colle:l'e and wu a member or t hf.' tirt1t JT&duattng <"laM a t Orange Coast college. She later continued her .!'!tnt11es a.l \Vhitlil"'r colleg-f'. The popular oca,I 2irl 1>1 OO\V empk>yM as control cht>n11'1.t at Western Stat es Lac- quer Corp., Los Anrelea. 1 rlaJ"8 ·pr-th. •haw'.· vle.,..·ttte play · R b L h ·Fri·-. . d and th~ · camf"al J"rid&y e,venlnc e e11:a en s •nd !i&tUnlay" art<fnoon and .... l ~ ' · nln~ ... ~\JL l~kblg· over th(' ex--Honor .Motton hlblla ol •bade loving planl.I. , \ ·~eom'? ~ SJemp.re'I ·-and ca mt val .Mn. WllUam.Bluat a .id 4N)lt, Wit. y,tJ fl. ~ atas:fd. Wr'dne&'.day through ttanm Jr., o( I0'1 -.i: 11th slrttt, J18:lurda)r eVC'lJtn~s, and WPdnes· Cattta. Meu. 'pent 'Wedne9da;r, day . ailt1 'SaU.1rctay anernoons, Junl' tS, in Loni' Bneh. Mn. Blust lhrQU&h· June JJO. attended a luncheon of Rebf:Qll . ______ _ •t.t•ro. .,,,.,.,. oh, wu l)"eot t<l .N G. 'f. Sh with the oJoctns: of Happy Birth· I ew . I t -0 p day and a caid olgnt'd by all oq o· .. a lb tlleladl•• P"' ... nt. Mr•. Biu.t la . pens In a Oa a. member of the Df'l Mar lodff' at Long' S.ach. On Saturday Mt11. Blust a..nd William lf"tt for a wHk'• v&t:'atlOll at Juli.an. Mesa Family Plans Vacation Mn'. Sylvia P. Tlmmt're an- nouncp~ the opening of her new ~~ep iD. tbe torntf'r polil officf' built1iog at 307 Main. Balboa. The new shop \\."ill be · C"alled Sylvia'• Shower Shop a~d wUI feature eve fything for bri<Se& and babies. Mr1.-Tlm.uiera' Shop w111 carry unusua.i gilts for brldPs, LayellPB and C'hlldren'ii \\."C'ar up to six years. BAJU!lD l'\)OD SAL>: '.\ir Con\'erse "'8M graduate<! rr~m . R l\•er slde Mil ita.ry Academy, s top at G ranJ Canyon, CarL,bad Ga lnRville, Ga., in 1947, enlisting Ca vf'rns ancl m a ny othf'r scenl<' in the Nav'· in JanU&I")'. 1948. spnts. In Kansa s City'. Afo., tht'y Jfe ·_.rved in the Korean theater ";11 visit M n . Humf' • brother, or o~ra tionl'I f rom Ma.~·. 19~0 to,Dr. i:mf>l'lt Pa.lm altt.ry, who i9 an J a.n11Ary, 1961. orthodonlsl. :P.lr. 11nd Atra. \V. R . Humt> an,d daughtf'J'l'i, Jan<-e, Sur:lt> and Kath)· of Co!!la J\.f r-M , will lf'ave shortly for a month's vacalioD in tht> mld- dlC' east . They arr dr lv!ng and wfll A baked fond sale spon8C>red by the ~·Omf'n's Mlulon.ary S()('fecy of S°-Pwport Lutheran church will })(> h<'ld Ssturt1a y at 9 a.m. in front ot thf' ·Safew•y irtore, Costa Al esa. Donatien• or bakM food \Viti be-wclco1n ed . 'of ' . I OF · TH;t"(_.:.. .. I . . . . . AS MUCH AS , I ~ 1 'l"" '· 50.0/o OFF OF REGULAR PRICE$f . .• .• '· • STOCKS • BONDS • COMMODITIES UNDERWRITINGS . DEANWITTER. &Co. MEMIEIS NEW YOIK ·S'TOO: DCHAHGE O lcogo loard of Trod• • . • Son fronclsco Stock &Change lol A1t9ele1 Stock"'!xchcntg• t LEASED PRIVATE WIRES ! Bank or La.Kuna Beal'h Blcft., Laguna Beach Ph. 4-1156 Son Fronchco • lo• Angeles • • New York High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1_616 PllL IQ HIW I.AM I •.. With sen~tionel new Hydnituide power •teerin1 lour-If/th• ol tht! llfl'fNll i• done for )'Otl et y-oc,r touch on the wheel! The linl••l lady cen P•rk th• bi11•rt Chry•l•r with two fi ng•n .•. driv• all d•J with freedom from •rm f•ticue! I NJOT .,., NIW CONfllot ..• You can't ima&UM the feel of compl.t• <'Ommaftd thi1 tteW k;nd, ef 1teerina ci".'" you. Jn cit1 traffic ... on awkward dnv•wa)"I ..• tn 1nu1 pnc• doorwtlya •• , 10U ne-,er felt ateerine control lik• it. D•tVI Wmt "''' NIW 5Aln'ft It not Ollly ma .. ateerinr four-fifths e11sier .•. but many timu Nier, too. Tak~ out the strain drivini in l'Utl .. nd, •now or crou-counrry. E•en off the roed onto • 90ft 1 shoulder. Hydra(U.id• helps keep Not in .the "laD' -:your car steady with almost no effort! ' but ready t~ driv~ nowf. "' ·et't'tlio· •·*"">'" -·•'•"a """"' · t · '-t ': 'tC r •• ( I ~ Chrysler's New H:Y.draggide Power Steering! • \ Art Sc;hool Staff to Demonstrate ~ . •t Open HQUse • :\flt. Al'lfl Mii!!. Hl'BllARD C'HASF. HOWJ:, JR. I Hal ~tatBon Photo) Hubbard Howe, Jr. & Nancy Samwell Repeat Vows in St. Paul's, Oakland White Marconi da..ialcs tormed a beautiful n oral setting Ul Sl. Paul's E piscopal church at Oak- land on Saturd&)". June 16. for t he seven o'clock candlelight cere· mony v.•hich united Miss Nancy Jeanne Sam'A·ell and H u bbard Cha8e Ho"''e. Jr. Dr. Cro.ason was orficlating cler&Y'O\&A The. bride is daughter of Mr. and Mnt. Philip Ralph samwe.ll. 72ft Alma Drive, Oakland, &.ad the bride- groom is 90& ot Mrs. Hubbard Chase H o'A·e. 606 Avoca.do street. Corona de! Mar. nn<t tht' l:tte Mr. 1-IO\\•t>, Sr. Nan cy ,~·as a gay and char111- ing bride as she was e-scorted to the altar and '};iven ln keeping by her tat.her. Sh.eel'68l or ini· ported organdy had been appli· qued "'·ith floral motifs. enhanced by the under drt11s ot blush pink sa.tin. The bateau neekline was ~alloped arotmd tbe sheer yoke and scalloped &Jao were the short sleeves. . A d~p f1ouJlce of or- gandy awtrled iD.tQ a two yard t ra"i.n. A little ~UQPed brim of orga ndy a nd satin h~ld t he fing- ertip veil of silk illusio n. Long mltls matched her gown and she ca.rri.ed a.n old fashioned rotm.d bouquet of llliea or the va.Uey. cool against dark green leaves 111td further a.domed with a sbo'A·- er of lily spra.v~ caught in satin ~lreame.rs. Rrldal Entourngr M r•. John Hammill (Joyce Ken· nard 1 was matron of honor and bridesmaids were the ~1isses Su.sa.n Keqnard. Sally Sharpste-en. Margot Bowman. Margot Fish. Sheila Howe and Deedee Green. All wore white orga.nd_\' frocks over silk. that of the m"lll.ron of honor over blue, the bridllmaids· O\·er pink. Jackets top~ the little tight, strapless bodices and skir·ts 've re bouffant. adorned v.•ith a. panel of embMdered fl owers. C1rclet>i of carnations Wf're held to the back of their heads, "1hite for the matroa of honor and pink for the bride9· maids. Matching carnation.a ·were combJ~ .. --: t•~ B.J .ioned · ue Mrs. Howe. mother of the bride· groom. in r hampagne !11.ce and n,ylon net. The new Mrs. H O\\·e attended Anna Head school a.ncl Univer!!lty of California, where tier sorority is Alpha Omtc_ron Phi. Her hus~ band was vaduated from New· port Harbor H igh !K'hOOI and Uni· versity of California at Berke:ley. where he has been studying this ve•r for his master's degree. He ls a mernber of Phi Kappa Sig· ma fralemit)·- The young f'otLplf' are hone)'- mooning at J...Ake T nh()(' u ntil June 24. El Toro Marines to Play Saturday for Moose Dance T oi;s in dance n1us.ic will fea· lure 1the Saturday night supper danc,, .(iven at NewPort Moose hall. 2300 \\'e~t Ocean Front. for the orchestra 'A·iJJ come from El Toro Marine baSP. All Moose men1bers, their friends and the general public are invited to :!!lip- per. for "'hich the charge I!! no1n· inal. a nd to the evening of f\lll arid dancing "·hich follo\Vs. These dance~ al'e R regi.1lar Saturda:y night pro~ltnl !1-ponsor('<I h\· the lodge. Garden Pictures Notable Program at Pilgrim Hall Cardi'n Pnthu..iut.t are invltM to attend tht• .sho'''in:: of first ti:ar- d<'n 1n ot1on p1ctur<'1' planned for \\.. t~st1'rn climatic conditions, to be prr!Wntf'd unck'r au.spk'cs of Cor- ona dt•I Mar Cardi.'n club on Fri- day, June 22 at 2 p.m. i n Piigrim hall. F l rst filrl} ia "How lo Cr-o'A' Bea •JI , . d, Newat PalnllnP by 1wr mem- ben and 16 minute demCKU'tr&Uona by eaeh ln bl.a cboaft medLUm w\U (e&l.U"' Ute Saturday op<n boulc ot Brandt-Dtke. summer Scbool of Palntlng, open to the public on June 21 at S p.m. tn the p.tdtn 1tudlo ot the Brandl ~dence. 400 Goldenrod avenue, Cofona dbl Yar. lnterNting wUJ hr Phil Dlk:c'11 oew ee~tos ornament~ wllh Harbor niotifs ln a .eraU:h. tech· oique.. Ba alao ttachu l&ndacape palnliag and eon1position. Re." arandl lf'achea waterool.or tech· nlqUN and landlcape painUnc • wl\lle Nonnan Chamberlain join' thr olb4'rs lcl master criticism . B<-tly Oike will t.a.k e lM cJ\il· drt'n's cla.uea. a,ea 6-11, and Joan Irvi~g tBrandtl. age.a 12-16. Betty Wlncklc'r, artiat-Aludent, loJ an· other mcmbf'r of the staff. ClaJM'11 ht-gin on Monday, Junr 24, and contfnUf' lhrou~h Augual t . Reglstrat\on alrt>ady la 'W ub\e that of any pn"vlous year. Sctw<l- ulrd. for ROCial lnlerlulll'~ ar" a gardrn nwaicalf' anJ 11r1~1Wt1t>~ of a notN guPS.l artl.'lt. Trio of Events Planned by Women's League A cbf>rry picking trtp to Beau- n1ot1L and Bannins is firRl of thrrt.> c-aM>ndaN:'<I evePl'1.,(or m<'mber a of the \Vomen'a Ctv~ Uague and 111 St'l for \Vednf'~day, Junl' 27. \Vo- men are lo meet rarly and ar- r&.Jtge th<"lr own tran11portatlon, but for lnformation may call A'lr11. Oa\;d Thomaa. Harbor 0656-J. On ~1 onday, July 2, the execu- tlvt comm!tlE>e will mret at 9 :30 a.m. at thf' homf' of Mrs. K en- nt>lh Cooling, &-aeon Bay, and at noon wUI be joined by thC' Niut'a- tion and public relatlonH con1mlt - ttt tor a pol luck luncheon. Ct'nf'ra.l l"Af'l't lng ot lht> U>ag\l(' will convene at 9 :30 a.n1. in Whl •'s C&lr, Balboa l 1tland, on A{nnday, July 9. It l" 9.ll'f'.M..'4t'd that these met'ting11 nrf' opt'n lo nny- nnP lntr rf'lll'":~.___-___ I Home Nursing Classes Open In Mornings I Enrollmf'n,l in lht' R ed Crou bomp nursin&" "la.sses In Co~ta , P..1t'aa is 80 largl.' the T\.u.•S<lay a nd WedfK'eday evf>nlnir claues &rl' £llltt<I. Th~ mo rnlng claaseA Atill l\avf' rool)"l for a rew nioh'. Pleaff contact Mrl!I . Ho'A·art.I L. Bryan. JT .• Bfoecon 1378-WK. Thrrr will tit> other ('ius1u1 l&tC'r in th~ sum- m C'r and lo Utt' tall W. Newport Assn. to Discuss Oil at Fr iday Meet W'At Newport ImprovC'm<'nl l\IMIO(lation will 1nee t Friday, J un£> 21 at 7 ;30 p.m . In the c ity haJI. All resldtnta of th.la aectlaa are invited to hear a propam whic h will OO(Vlllll ot reports on O.U dfUl- tng. a propoSf'd nf'w brldl{<' to N<'wporl tl'lan•I and thr Rttlboft Cnvt•s zonlng QU('stton. TI1e Millaf'A Lyda and l)d~lh Conaal, IM)t. Cliff Dr., N~wpotl I K«ights, •" spendlnc two Wffk!! in Ournh>&', Clllll .• vialtl•r 'tbelr b,rol)l«1...Jn~law and tilllf't, Mr. and " .... r. '"· ••. -la-qq .Qw(i " e n;'a.n,, and usher9 were George proPfr' cart> or · is m0&t popular ' Sloan , Richard Lark•}', Richard flO\VC'r. StartM in February, the Kincaid, Edwin Hawkt.n.a. Jan1es dormant season. It show9 the • Graham und John Bartlett. bushes throuch their erowing. and ~1 bloon1lng p('riod and was arrang· At. Rf"<'f'ptlon •>d under su~rvi~lon of J ohn Paul The reception was l\eld in Seo· I Edward.,, consulting r0Mria1t. The quoyah Country Club. A8sisting oth<'r plC'tUre is truly rrmarkable. tne younr couple In receiving son1£> sc('nrs requirinc a prriod or were Mrs. SamweU. mother o r the 30 day9 to pho tograph. Mrs. Frank bride. in a fonnal length gown of Powen. will be chairman or the slate blue lace &nd nylon net, and afternoon. . ' A BrX& l'ND9 ...... aa I D ··~.._as 0 \ •I st I • ..,.... ta Q.a ~O ' I It) _,.,,,....,,..,.of _....., - fatMr. tlwi ...... , ..... ft:I I I:. 'lit 1z stv. Jtio. lhMitj .. - e# .... .,,.... ... •• .. "' tr,°"" ........... ., ~ta... . """--k 'ftt µ 11, (& 'K..RaQ>IMllCL~). . . • I ,. . ::-,... ... ..... ......... fOOD llolttlc_, -7~- I ~0rW • -OM'J, .,., .. " ... ft"!IA ••a t1 Dh·ll. ' -WOOltA 11£,\f"U -.. ,,µ, .. ...._.. • , • • , -IS DAIRY MONTH -~ 0..kh Mill lraftC.••• Cbme Yelteeti Ches&ftt4 Clltese foM Amerk on a... .. Food ...... ar Kist i!-t14 t:-,,. ;:· .... 1;!':· asc t:· Jtc •. Ste •. 6,. •· 63c •. 66• 11 .... s,. ,1r.,. I I 1-is Dairy Moolh. OJl<i Sa(ewa.y is featuring your favorite Doil'? Food1 thia w~kend. Rick, puMmilk and cream .. , go.lden· ~ butter •.. fine cheew ... all the delicio ... , heallhful 4•1,Ypniduct• ar:e her<! at Salewoy-their country· fresh g..001..,u ~ by modern refrigeration until the moment you buy . . \'~ plannin11 su,,.mer meal., be •u~e to include pl•nty of energy- -~ IMalldittgDairy Food s. And for dependable quality in Dairy food• •--II -aftd ell foods-be"'"" .. , shop Safeway. ' DADtY 74• GLr.N Ill. - l'Ml.-Jltr • ..-....i-i ............. • ~83· ...... . o:".,49c llt. 49° JlCI DIE.FRESH MILK NOW! Tw. TY># ,. Ci•A# f IM NQalooNy Type ·JCE CBEIM In addition to the regular Lucerne Extro-rlch Milk, Safeway now has Lucerne Concentrated Milk ... the ~·extra-rich milk yau'v. always liked, concentrated to three times its regular richneu_. __ llGULAI <OllCllTRAIED Pony Pride, CATERING s<ll<k. E<t,. Rich, Eltr11 Smoot.I,.. Va.nilla..Stra" hlrfr, O.ocolate or COOC>:ltwt-Fruit fta,·ors. .=:.24c way "'II• (2 pints 47c) ~eme Half & Half .=. 25c Holt milk , half c:r~m. hotftogenized. Pl~ V.Gm,. Pineapple · Ctecrn 04' Otive Pimiento. Roko, Old E~ish Cr._ ,.,__,"' 0..-- FANCY lUllA Royal Satin SHORlEHING PINEAPPLE PORK&BwtS SNOWDRIR , ...... c!luM U,lo '!.-24• CSolid PEANUT BUTIER ~,:~rly brand. Chunk or ttgu· lkz. lu 1rind. !or zgc {hgular, 24-. jar, ~) SIOUllGm: i Mc,t<hed half .Jkn Pad<oci In ---~zs· 2~23c PDDBOIST WlloleF.-la Jtcnlc:a. 111.39• Sh_...i.hr .. ~-Pcwlr. llult .,.t lb. Ucl Bm BOUT 8:~~~'i!i ... &7° SJBJ,Oll STEARS ~ .. 1.09 u. S, CBOICE -d GOOD lffl.. !IOlfEl.ES'I SIRLOIN, lb. 1.13) BICDI ~,.,. .. 55° a:.:.· .. 43° ,-, BOD.ING BEEF BOUID STEAi ••m Plate mrat. From U.S. CHOICE aad COOi> bttt 35 U.S. CttOICE aad .. . GOOObttf. I llAl SOAP : 1 ·~ n.-·:.-12- .... u .. MLMr 1111•111 $1icod $1"*' QrP~ f-....... ,.,."'4~· 11ZINIWfOIT · For baklng or for !rylng ,_._ • /MnMlTUll'l-#ltM' F~r tilflilwl Tiln' Only! SAVE UP TO 25% .. revvle• pticoa MAYDAY Hltllo ...... lty hied Oii .t='..1 29~ =· 57c ( gularly, 40c) (regularlr. 7&) NU MADE Flevo• wht,pool ~ t' 37c ):' 69° (regularly, 49c) (regularly. B:k) I • ' . • • • ~ 4'- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING V. ReeoluUon of Inte ntion of Notice ts hereby gtve.n that tbe lhe Plannln~ Commlaal~ to re-- City Council or the Clty of N«W~ &One certain landa eouth of High- port Beach, In accordance wtlh way 101. known u the Stanley Section 91ot.M (a) of the Mun.Jct-Tnct, aa shown on Dtstrlct Map pal Code of the ctty ot Newport No. 4, from R·3 t o C·l·H di.strict. Beach. will hold a public bearinr u approved by the Planning Com- on each of the following propoaed min.Ion and more particularly de· &mendmeO"ta to the Zoning Law of acrlbed a.a foJJow8: the Ctty of N@WJ>Ort Beach: Beginning at the polnl or I The-a pplicat ion or E. Morrla lntenecllon of the aoulhweet- Smlth to rezone Lot.ti 1 and 2. erly prolongation of tbe north- Block H. Trac t 323. as ahown on westerly boundary llne ot the Mi!M:ella.neous Maps, Book 14, pp. lrvlne Subdlvlaioo. u shown 40 and <fl, Re-cords of Orange on a map recorded In Book 1, County, and Lot 3. Block 436, Cor-page 88 of MleceUaneoua ona deJ Mar, aa shown on Mlscel-Maps, reconb of Orange taneowi Maps, Book 3. pp. 41, 42 County, CA.Ufornia., With the and 43. Rccord8 of Orange Coun-t•ne of ordinary high tJde of ty. from C-l to C-1-H a.nd from the Pacific Ocean in Newport R -2 to .C-1-H respectively aa a p-Bay, and dealgnated "North provi-d by the Planning Com.mis-Line" In the decree rendered gion of th(' City of Newport Beach. ln the action entitled City or II. The application of certe.in Newport Beach, PlaJntlft. va.. L ido (sle property owne('B tor the F . M . Strobridge, and others, rezon'ng of Lot.8 977 E-<> 982 inclu-Defendants, Cue No. 23688 of eive, Tract 907 1Li4o Jslel 88 the Superior Cour~ of Orange ~hown on Miscellaneous Maps. County, California. a certified Book 28, pp. 2!'1 to 36 Inclusive. copy of which decree wu re- , Records of Orange County, from I corded September 19th, 1928. ··R·l to R-3. said application hav-In Book 201, page 2:53 of Offl- ing been denied by the Planning cl~l Records o( aatd County, Commlselon of the City of New-said ordinary high t ide llne port Beach. aha being the nor~he rly Ill. Th£ applicatif"Kl of tile Lido boundary line o f the City of 11~ Community ASSOC'latlon lo Newport B t' a c h ; running Am end Section 9102 2 of the Mu-t ht>nce North 39 .. 43 ' 4~" Eut Oiclpal Code of the City of New-along the said northwesterly port Be~c h 50 thli.'t cortaln yard line of Irvine Subdivision setback8 bf' cha.nged on shf't'ts 211 .63 f eet to a point in the No. 6 and No. 7 of the Distric ting southerly line o( the one hun· Atap. Tract 907. /Lido Isle), a.sap-dred root Ca.llfornla . State proved !fy the Planning Commie-H l~hway right o r way, u de· !Ion. to be a.~ followl'l : scribed In Dero from F . M . The following lots. all being In Strobrtdge and Myrtle E. Tract 907 8 8 ihown o n Miscellan-Strobridge, to the Statf' of eous Map8. B,ook 28, pp. 25 lo 36 Ca.lifornla, recorded St>plem· incluinvl' Records of Orange bf'r 11t~, 1929 In Book 301, ·County: ' page 3~ of Ottlclal Record1' ~ • Lots 72. ll7. 118, !6-0, 161 , 201 . o7r 0 .a 0 h1 Co30unt~_:hence Souhth ' ~2 2:15 236 267 268 296 360 0 5 , .. ~t along t e :a11: 318: -103: "°": one' ar.d, one: southerly line of said Hl~h- ,.half 11 ~ l feet setback from Via way. 187.9.2 ft:et to the point · .. Lido Nord. or begtnn1ng of a curvf' d e· ·~ Lots 95. 96. 139, 140 . 181 , 182. fleeting to the left; lhence • 218, 219. 252, 253, 282. 283. 363. eaalerl)t. a.hlong aaid curve co 1 n· 364, 391, 392. 4t~. one and one· cave to t e north and hav ~g , )la.If 111, 1 feet setback from Via a radius of 1 ,~ feel, a dis- '•' Lido soud tance of 222.72 feet to a point ': Lo~ &3: 107, 128, l M. l7l, 191, i? the southerly line of said ' ' W\'EI~\' I~ BRllJAL '°''HITE l~ Ml"ll.. Robrr1 Dii iard S loan, rnann, Corona df"I !\l&r, Thr ronnrr )flu \'lr(iala ~hmaan Ept!M'O~I chutth. • • 84, 106, 129. 149, 112, 190, one and S!ate ,Hlji!:hway ; thence South : • : one-half 11 <, ~ feet from St rad& 9 27 West 339.12 feel to • Ep·iscopal R•1tes at St. James for .•, Centro. point in the said line of ordl- •' Lot 116 t 431 1 1 · r·rt nary high tide of th(' Pacific • s 0 nc Ul!IVE', l Hn "'-. N n. d thf' dauC"htc:r or ~lni,. \'lrg1n1a Bach- ,.,...,...tf'ICI \'O"'• .l'un .. 16 In St. Jam~ (Photo by Arsenc ) ·-~~~~~~~~~~~- 1-JERf~ FROM MAIN• : • 116) fe<>t setback from Circle ~~an 1~ ;"~por~ ~~ ·~. v B h & R b SI :; zu;;~· 423 and 42". seven and one-t~~al Nort~ o;~0 • 3<1 ' n !a~ irginia ac mann 0 ert .oan •. half 171'"l 1 f{"('t aetback from West ~long said ordinary high • • Strada Zurich lid(' hne 83·~ reel , thence Radiantly lovt'ly WU Mlsa Vir-~------------- Mrs. Selena Libby has arrived fron1 Sanford. MaJne, to visit her Kl:oiler Mrl'l. Ruby Cheney. 249 F'lo\ll'er St.. Costa Mesa. J..trs. C henf'}' h1t.s planned n1any trlp:s o r inlere11t ror the entertainment o r Mrs. Libb,>•. Lots 4 16 t . 423 inclusivf', four North 3;0 l:i' JO" WP!!l along gln1a. Bachmann. charming d au1o:h · (4' feet 8et~ack from Via Lido said ordinary high tide line lt>r of Mr~. Meta Bachmann. 60-1 Game Winners at 2153~ ft'f't · thence North 71 " 1 fit·t:STS }"ROM PORTLASO Soud. 7 , · • w · 1 d i At'a c:ia a.v\·nuf'. Corona dt'I Mar, D I" B d Lol.8 424 tq 431 incluJl!llve, t our 1 ll.r, est along sad or -when 8he rt•pt>att'd 'JoWa. &l Jwo Up ICate ri ge The Mis.sea Shirley and Janet t 4) feet setback from Via Lido nary high tide line 289.84 reet o'clock on Saturday J u ne 18 In Cole or Portland. Ore .. spent the N d to the point o r beginnlnJt. Sl. Jamee EpiM'opat' churc h ~th t\trw Fred Rounavlll and Mr.. week end with their aunt, Mrs. ~ls 409 and 41 0, one and one-VI. Resolution of Intention of Robert DiUard Sloan. son of Mrfl, J fl(> Wnrox wer" wl~nPMJ f'M~-i Catherine Williams ot 375 Costa • 7 , co&Jt ~eltl · ans Installs--Off.c:ers • HunUDgton. Beocll Catholic Daughtenr ot Amerlco. Clourt Stel- la Marts No. 144& lnltalled new officers Wedneeday, .rune 20, tn Memorial b&b with Mn. lrt>ne Murller, dlatdcl deputy of Lyn- wood a.a 1.ru1ta111ng 'officer. Ta.king-office were Mra. Pearle Gifford, grand regent; Mrs. Alice ~ber\. vice-grand regent; Mrs. M.adeline McGocktn, prophetesa; Mre. Anna Bushard, leclu.ref'; Mora. Lawn Sclunldt, hlatprian: MlsA Beverly Peckbam, ttdanclaJ secre- tary: · M'ra. Bernardine H oltz. lre&3urer; Mtu: Mary Jean Lam- bert, monitor: Mn. K ary J urko- v:cb. eentlpcl; Mra. Stephanie I Wuere.r, organiat.; Mrs. Prude.nee Mitchell a.nd Mrs. Ann Van H eem- s kerck , 3 one-year trusteea; Mrs. Gertrude LePage and Mrs.j Alma I W llllnma, t9.ro-ycar trustt>e~: Mrs. Sylvta Shandrlck and Mrs. Ro~ Goetsch, one-year trustee&. I Court Stella ~tarts l! comprts-! ed or w om e!t reaiding in Costa I Me6&. H unUn1;:;lon Besc h, M l~way City, Santa Ana, Westminster and Garden Grove. ' • • 1 ,..,, _, ' ! .• .J \ • . RAYON HOUSECOATS Washable-wrap or zip, sizes 12-44 $6.79 COTTON HALF SLIPS • 8-inch eyelet trim, s-m-1 .. ................ .. . $1.79 Nylon Crepe Slips lace trim white only, Sizes 32-38 ...... $4.79 FAC Bridge .Group 1 to Play Friday l-1-zoo_eo_.as~~~~a:.:_~_::~el Mar Regular mee ting of· the bridge section of the Frklay Afternoon club will be held Friday, June 22 with a desaerl luncheon at 12:30 p.m . precf'd!ng brldgf! and canasta play in the club hou.ee. Mrs. W . B. Mellott will be host ess. Reser- vations are to i9 made with Mrs. Charlt>s M.cAlary, phone Beacon 5700-W. Al the last sc~ion hostess rP· 3P0nsibilitlel'I wf're shat'f'd by Mrs. KellW J~·nst~n . Mrs. Paul V. Parkes and Mrs. Nr lllt' Rid!Py. Bridgc prizes w<>re won by ~f~. Foote. high; 1'1 rs. H<>inz KRISC'f, SC<'Ond and 1't rs. J . P . Cooper, conso'ta- t !on. Durin g thC' busin es.s pr<•sldcd ov£'r by Mrs. Al Horvath, chair - man, a c-omn1llt t•t> was appointE'd to draw up standing rule11J for thr section for th(': ensuing year. Serv- ing on the committC"e are M rs. Jean La\ll'r C'nce. rhairman : Mrs. Gunning BuUC'r and Mrs. P . A . Chamberlin. Bay City Guests at Kandie Home f'!le\r-fMMMM,..,,...,oOC'"Sr1M~MOO..,....,~MMMO~MMC10 ~ THERE'S NO PAINT LIKE A PAINT FOR EVERY JOB ,. lo.fr. a.nrl Mrs, Earl Gaudette and c hih1rcn Rene and F~rlene of San Francisco enjoyed a sojourn at the Co:sta Mesa home of Capt. anr::I Mr!\. Harry V. H:andie. 234 E . 20th St. Trips to surrounding points of interest were arranged for the entertainment of lhc Bay City guest!'\. Sister lo.tat)' Fabiola firt;l\'Cd from Oakland la.lit week for a visit ''•rith the local family. A teacher at St. Leo Catholic school. s he is a sister of Mrs. K andJe. High Quality Printing-.Ph. "Har :'f'6•16 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 ha!! r t Wl fet>t 8t"tback from StML-the Planning Commiaion to re-Jamr1'l Sloa.n. J()4 Propt'C't •lreet. '-''t·~t and Perry A-t r Adoo and Geo./ Mesa SL ~ Zu~h. wn,.~rtal nu~asfoll~s : R~l~M. The ~ub~-r1D~ crrr-M 1lrhct\werc h lKh &ntt~nMlh ---------------------------------------------------------~-- Lota 416. 431 . 432 811d 137, rour 1· Those crrta in lands north of mony ~·a., pt·rrorfnt'<I by thl.' Rt>v . ll'.oul h ill th<'. rtuphcate hrulgf' 14 l feet setback from Via Zurich Highway IOl s.hown on Distric t I Pau l Moore Wheelt·r, rector of ~anlP pla)'l'<l tn Balboa o n i'~r1day Lot8 432 to 437 lnclu8lve. 8eVcn Map No. 1 and mo re particularly th f' churc h and tht? brldr v.•u ~·vt·ntnJ;". Arid one-h&Jf 1 7 1~) fcl't setback descrlbt>d a.a that portion of Trac t ,.:lvcn ln kct>ping b y her uncle, Mr nunn£'rl!i·llp raitt ·Wf'!it \ll'rre Mr rrom Strada Zurich. 1210· Mlscf'llaneous Mllp Book <&O, Fred \\'a.ltt'r. snd P.1rt H . ;\1 . Wa\ltngford: 1'ir. Lots 432 to 437 In clusive. te n r7Pt· 45 81•nkd !~· alnd portion of Lot H f'H\'}' ivory !!UpfWr 11atin fll.llh· anrl ~f r•. L . V, Brown . Mrfl. Carl f 101 fe<!t aelback from Circle 1 ' oc ..,,, rvlne Subcilvlsion. 1onf'd Vlr~1 n1e.'J1o p~rlofl bridal S.·n~in snd Mrs Pi·k rl Alans<in. Zurich. as shown on Mlacellaneou.'t R N> go"·n. flttt"'d M ln bodlC't' a.nd f11.Jl- 1 J.1 r a nrl Mrs. A W Tun1n1el ; Mrs l...ot.s 1080, 1060. 1059, 1030. 1029. ord Maps. Book 1· p. 88· Reeord!'I ing into a long train. At lhf' off-MarKaret H olrn('!I and T ommy 994. 993. 9."'.~. one and nne-half of O range County, lying northerly 8hottlder linr o f the net yok"' wu H o lmf'ti:, I 1 1: I fe-e t st'lback from Via Lido of Alternate lOt and Southerly of a rurne of beautiful lacr. Match-Runners-up north·aouth V.'('r•· I Nord. • t he City boundary, be rezoned Ing lac!' made th!' llttle cap which M.rs . C ha rif'" Boardn1an and J 04• Lots 1071 . 1070. 1046. 1045. 1013. rrom U lo C-l-H. held h,"r flngertip veil ot Frenc h Wllrox : Mra.. Fsyr S<"hlut•ter and 1012, 977, 972, one and one-h&J.( 2· That the area known ll.15 Bay-Illusion HPr bouquet WlU of Wl\tle Mrs. Rob<'rt Brown ; ~f t8 . Thomas fl\,:) feel st'tback from Via Lido l'lhore Camp. being Lot 1 of Tract orchid.$ and lille-s of the valley, Kennt"dy and A. D. \\'ethf'rby ty- Soud. llUI, 8JI .1hown on Mlacellant><>Ull In Pl<':UN' .--l'Ot':a ing With Mrs. Pt!jtg)' J ohflJlOn and Lots 9~ to 066 in<'luelvl" (e-xcept Maps, Book 39· Pl\-7 and 8· R ec-Pr~ct"dlne lht' bride do"'1 the Arnold Ga..affr; Glenn Rust and ords of Orange County. ~ rnon-" . 1..__ Lot 960.) and Lot.oi 983 to 993 in-d r 11 All r Lo I while c-arpe.tt'<I <'en tf'r a.ude. "'"'" E . E. Btuce. I · t 10 t tb k r e u 0 ow•: 0 t 1 except I di d M d c U.!!llVe. m f I eet se ac rom ... th 1 132 1 twet'n la.I <'8.0 ea &n aalln-rop-un ay altPrnoon wtnnC'tl we r(' St , n .... e .!!IOU er y ee t theri-of, ra .. a orence. r U t R 4 d t•· •• 1 ed J>('W end.a on which w er t· M r1. G~rald 1'tCComber a.nd M rs. Lo •• 977 t 982 . I . r rom 0 -; an UC {t()U1..ut'r }' h bo r hi n p Joh R ...., o inc ua1ve, our 132 f r th bo 1 c:ausr t uqu,.t.11 o w ~ owera. eigy naon. unnt'r8·Up wert' 141 feel setback from Via Fi.or-t"et 0 e a ve mE"nl onM Wt>re h1.>r attendant.-. aJl dreMt'd Mrtt-. C . E I rvin and Mr1. Fred ence. Lo; ~otmT U to ~Otl~H . alike In picture frock.a or pale Rouns-ville; C. H . J ohn.8Qn and Lo~ 968 and Lot8 972 lo 976 M ~ 11 a ract as ahown on se&f<.>41m taffeta, lhe wide nt-c k-Gt-ra.Jd McComtx-r tyinir with Mrs. lnc l°"lve, tf'n 1101 feel setbac k e aneo°" Mapa. Book 33· p. llnf'8 8f'l off by doubl~ eolian:, thf' Elht'l Bi.shop and Mr8. Roy Strotz; from V la i"lotE""nce. ~1 · ~~0":'8 of hOrange it~nt~; flarN1 sk irts hl'ld by narrow v1·l· Mrs Faye Schlueter and MrP.. Lol.8 1076, 106.5. 10:>2. 1038. 1020. rac M ' .., s .own on IM:el · ""t M.,ht•s. Mrs. L.awrf'nce L. Mo rton Crrw;.by: P.fra. Mlldrffi 1004. 983. 107~, 1066. 1001, 1039. ~fflUs 0 apa, Book 3~. p. 3e. Rec· \\'atht"V. matron of ho no r, w ore Lytle and Mr•. Robt>rt Bro~·n. 1019, 100!';, 982, one and one-half 0 s Of range County: Tr-act ll40 a !ln1al1 <'&.P of white earnatlona t t ~ l feet setback fro m Strada lUI 14khown on Mlscella.neou.s Mapa, and carried white <'arnatlon11, Centro. Boo 36· P· 28• Records of. Orange f'dged with pink. The brideamalds. Lot 800, four 141 (f•('t setbac k ~~unkty, an<I 8 portion of Lot l71. MNJ. J ohn N. Cole1nan a.nd P.Ou t rom Via Lido Soud. No setbac k . oc ~4 · Irvine Subdlvblon. ad-Alvah Ann Denton, had cap.8 andl from Bay Sidt>. Jact"nt th£'relo &a shown on Mis· bouquelJJ of pink carnation8. Lot.!!1 777. 776, i26, 7Ui, 670, 669, ct:>llan88P0°•8 Reeoro Ma.pa:, Book 1. James Sloan &Plt1ted his broth- 615, 6 14, 562, 561, 5 13, one and page • ecord& of Orange Coun-t>r with be8t ma.n duttea: and u11h· one-ha.If I J l:z) feet aetback from ty. be rezoned from U to R -I. f'ring were Bob BarneiK>n/ Gordon Via. Lido Nord. 4. That other areu adjacent t o Donald J owph H i ll and R ena.to Lot~ 199. 7M, 753. 698, 697. 641. the ·~-~:oln Bay aubdlvi8lon more Monac~. 642, ~. ~7. ~7. 536, one and par~cu;-r1 Y 1 deacrtbed as Lot.a 1 Mn. Bachmann. mother of the onf'·half 11~1 rect setback trom to nc ua ve. Beacon Bay, as bride. wu smart In a.n attra.ctlvt> Via Udo Soud. shown on Record Survey, Book 9, two-piece dr e-ss or palP aqua raw Lot.s 739, 712. 683, 656, 628, 601 . ~· 42 a nd .-t3.i.:ecords of Orangt" silk, with a-tarche-d lace hat and 571, ~9, 524. 525. M8, ~73, 600 W unty, and ts A. 8 a.nd C, whit.r &CCf'MOrles. He r purse eor· 629. ~. 684, 711 , 740. 764, onP est Addition t o Beacon B!LY· u sage Wf.!1 of plnk peonfe•. Mr8 and one-half 1 IL:: l feet setbac k ;hown on Record Survey, Book l3. Slo&n wo~ a becomillg an.emoon fl'om Strada Centro. oage 42· Records or Orange Coun-dreas or pale pink crepe w ith Lots 766 to 788 tnclwdve fex· ty, now zoned U. be prttisely zon-matching 111traw hat a.nd peonv cept Lot 787l. lt'n 110) feet set· •d a.s shown on District Map No. purse coru.ge. ~ back etum Strada H&VTf'. ?4. Altar V&aelJ and chancel boXf'l:' Lots 754 to 764 inclusive and Notice. is ht'r eby further given were fUl cd with whlle gtadiolus Lots 789 to 799 inclu.&ive, ten llOl 'hat said bee.rings will be held on and &tock. P~lude mus ic Lncluded teet setback from Vla H avre. :.he-26th day of June. 19!>1 . at the the sin1ring of "0 Perff'Ct Love," Lots 670 to 72~ inclusive, four 'lour of 7:3o p.m. ln the Council wh.IJe "The Lord'g Prayer-". WILA f4l feet aetback from Via Jucar. :!hambers ot the City HaU. Nf'W· sung during the ceremony. Lots 809 to 829 inclualve and lOrt Beach. Ca.lifornia. at whlc._ CloualrJ' Ouh ~)N Lota 934 to 9M inclusive. No aet-'lme and place an,y and all per-The lwo hundred gueaU wet'f' back from Via Genoa. Kll'L8 lnlerested therein may ap-~ved by the new M r. and M.f'!i,.,. rV. Resolution ol Intention of ::iear and bf. heard thereon. Sloan ln Santa na Country Chlb, the Planning-Commiaalon to es-C. K. PRIEST, City Clerk where a Hawaiian trio proYlded tabl!Ah .. u..cl< requlftmenta an City of Newport Beach bock-•""" muolc. 01·•-~ --Callfomta e·-. ._ th&-followinl' lOl.e In. Tract 907 u 'Jo. 724--Prul • a.nee Wet"CI two friend.a-of the down on Mlacellanroua Mape. Publiahed 8121151 bride. P~gy Trine and Diana In Master Point Tournament Play Mr!!. MA tJ:Riet H o!M!'.'8 lllld Mrs. A , 0 . Wetherby W f"t(' winner,. caat·weat IUld Mr. a.nd Mr.s. H. Wickman were hlgh north-aouth section 8 tti the mult>r polnt open tournament held In Costa Mesa on Sunday. Runners-up <'&St-weal were Mr. and Mrs. A . W . Tumml'I; 1 M.Ta. Thomaa Gllt and Mrs. Catherine Smith; MY. and Mra. H. M. Wall- ingford; Mr. &nd M.r•. Gerald M:c- Comber. Runners-up north-ROUth were Mr. and Mn. Carl 8enaon tytng with J.f rs. John Dt>Vlco &nd Al Jarobis: Whitfield CUf and Elmer Knisley : Mr!!. Peggy Jobneon and Robf>rt. Dlectlnt-r. Plsyers from Loa A.ngel~ Long lkach wert wlnnera run.ners·up in k"Ctlun A. Harbor Y's Men Have Birthday at Mesa Park· and and Bool\ 28; pp. 16 to 3'l lncluat... K&rparth. Reeonli o( Oranso County: ·Tire bridt'1 white lln•n 1ult Newport Harbor Y"• M en's club Lota 98 IQ 181 lnclllal""-219 TAllEll llSOIS'l'IU.'llONS wtth matcltlrl« accaa•n.. had la cdebnrtlng lta fourth blrtl>day to :112 lndullw. ~to U6 lnclU-Mn. Dorotb,J HlaU. 8211 W. yet_.., aceenUng color. plou-.. a .. rvlce elub for U1< YMCA' al••. :137 to 6U l nclUAll..,. 688 to Ult.II llL. ca.ta -l'l><l!'e -~ -for Ute -~ In thw ...... and bdd Ila blrtll· TM lru:ltu!I ... and 994 to 1J)llO In· ~ llOll-.1~ Cl!lltla,.. to tab -It wu Oii tho Bani,;-clay party Monday ewt11J\c at t.11e e1ua1... u 'followJ: That JUue. iqlltr&Ucu.. AJl1 voter not al· Bart>af'll cam-Usat Ille, attend. eo.ta M-pulL ·I . · lllrH on oald Iota maJI oot II< !'Udy ~ mUll --ed Ual~ of C&ll!on>ll aftn A bO>~et dlnMr, cllma&ed with erected Mllt'tr to tho twenty-tow H ~ -. 1111,Y 0--. It· ~ ~ N~ Har'bor & ~ llllca of Ute blrthda.1 '°°t attt<t trontage th&11 four feet """ poillt.d out. ;:. ldati -L lltr. -wu lftdU· cake aild ~ Ice .....,... lOnd not n.arer to u.. t.en foot aU.S from Wel>b -and Ook><· wu ..tved to clUb m""'\>O"L walk than ten reet. and that t.llae HOMZ l'1IOll Nona ..so Sc.llool ot. -w1'ero be 11 BUI Burt. club pnlOidelll. pf'&I> -r-1.-mta be lndlcat· Bodl -a ._ with ...,.. • _,,_ a( Blgma ll:lpll& Epoi· 9d 0,. iln...al Jl&'f pt•-bt far od Oil ~ llapo No. 7 and I. -In Ilea ~ ... Mr. km !Mtnftlty. Tbe two wUJ 11e· a t tllelr ettorta and --11.e u approYed by the Pl•rm" Qaia· and W.,. J. IL Lotli;.,-ol tetb -.., at l201 llut atnet. Golden, mCftlbel)i hi. .upport IA t:ltbln "'""'°" . Bt...,peat• -. ~ • ' prO)acta. ' ' I ' • ---------------·---____ , __ ----·---·--. ALL POPULAR BRANDS ·CIGARETS Package 15c Carton 49 At Pringles TONI-HOME PERMANENT REFILL Reg. $1.00 At Pringles • size NORWICH PEPTO- llSMOL c 4 oz., re9. 5 7't size At Pringles c ' 4th & Broadway • LISTERINE ANTISEUIC 14 ounce Reg. 75c ·size ' At Pringles PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE Economy, reg. 62c At Pringles , 1 l 7ear OMr&Dt.1!11 KWICK KOOL. ELECiRlC F~ ... · 8 inch, reg. $4.59 • At Pringles ·95 Santa Ana HERE ARE SOME MORE LOW, LOW PRICES FOR Ol,'R ORANGE COUNTY CUSTOMERS • THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF OUR MANY MONEY SAYING EVERYDAY VALUES! MEADS DEXTRA MALTOSE HAYLES M 0 Lge. Reg. 79c size At Pringles • size DICKINSONS WITCH HAZEL 16 oz. Reg. 49c size ' At Pringles ' -: ;At , Pr1ngle1 . ->: c At Pringles ROUX HAIR DYE Reg. $I .Sb value At Pringles I I I I Chap-Am MEDICATED HAND .. . CREAM ' c c 2! oz. Reg': 57c 1f1e • • I At· ~l'jn~I·• \ ' 1 ~ I • •• ·102 Yachts in LIYC Opener Hof Boaf . Field . One hundred. and two ent.ries Yied tn 13 cl•rn !I at the Udo Ille Yacht club Open lnvJtaUonaJ !Wgatta'a three racea be&ict lut Saturday aad Sunday in Newport Bay. in Long Beach Winners in eacb of I.hr cla&ses a.re llaled ~low : Regatta Sunday TI ~E RIO ~ 1:24 p. nt. TABLE Rhodetl Convf'r&~ Wurdc1nann, Ml<Ublp; T om Pit ye rs, R utn: Dr. E. L. Chr1ate.naen, H I-Jinks. I' c Joe Kal tenback. Hu~y : M lkf' Burke, Paloma: Dr. O. G. Suess. 'A.Jlr.1 I ro91-. H arolrl Whlppler , Nocterne: Dr. A . Laubttsht'ifn<'r . Kf'lca : Jim Higson. ( r.o bosl na.Jn e ). l.AJdr r.. 18 Keith Herber t. Little Lulu: Slrl\l Enright. W ltc-h : J im Greg- ory, Es Velc ro . r -1' Lf>p l lan1brook , Lec"""·ay : DPnny M a&ln, Sf>ash mc: Row en W eis- berg, Pork Chnp. Sfll.r R ·c harrt G. f ll\ln1. flo J,!Ui:-: J-l cr - bert S. W ltlr, fnn boat namel: W , P. Bolnn1I, Jr .. Guilr11ng Star. IJptnlalf E . L. AndenMln, Slack Magic; J . W. Pot t.a, Fetch-It : R&y Chen· hall, Zoom. Lmmaas Fred Schenck. Vicious: Warren Blinn, Flrat Fldd le; Noel W rooJle, Un-Wroolle. Yak.on Gayle P ost . G hoat . Fl"' Fly'I Bruce F . Brown, J r., W eesie B 11 : J erry A W!llln, Phlllte. Snowbirds J ohn K eN1ey, G ray Da.w n . Snlpeo J ohn Ma r sh, Rebel: Paul Hamil- ton . J r .. Thoth ; Nic kie Steele. G r~n Sh imle. 1-14 J ohn S. F r rrie r. Exterm inator: William G. Dougtu. F oxy-Too. Outboard drlve.n of the west are converging on Long Beach Marine Stadium fo r the flnrt. of two btg mid -summer races on the t,.med UdaJ _lagoon, Sun &tternbon. r Some 10,000 spectator• &rt! eJt- pecled to be on deck ae 70 pUo ts clash in the feature. The evenl ll t he aecond annual repll& and t he South Gate In uMi action. which start.a at 1 p. m., the 3· bour n.clng w ill be aupented by water atunte. Friday June 22 Saturday June 23 bunday .June 2t Monday J u ne 25 T uesday June 2'6 Wedn esday J une 27 Thursday J une 28 ·-·~·-·····->·-;·· F IRR'r. O:CH a . F- 2 :19 p. "'· 1 :02 a. m. 3 :14 p. n1. 2 :11 4 :OCS a .m . p. rn. 3 :36 a.. ru. 4 :64 p. n1. 5 :15 11. n1. 5 :36 p. n1. 6 :49 EL ni. 6 :15 p. m . 4 .0 C.D 4.!! C.I 1.4 ~.3 4..G J .6 1.9 3.2 &.2 J.l ~·· l.J\ :-11 QllA J<T1•;n IAt\f 8 :37 a.. m. 6 :01 p. m. 7 :26 a. m. 7 :16 p. 111. 8 :18 a. m. 8 :.f-7 p. m. U;OO a. m. 10:22 p. m. 9 :55 a . m. 11 ;4.8 p. m. 10:46 a. m. O:M 11 :36 a. nt. p. n1. -1-4 2.a --0.9 2.4 --0.I 2.S '0.f 2.0 1.0 ' 1.4 l .& . ..... •0.11 2.0 New NHYC Race Starts Saturday LIDf) ISLE YACHT CLUB opt-nine re(S-tta. {)oaverv ~onlt-maAn ln bl& Rhodet Mldahlp (No. 11, fol"f'!~) 8hO\\'t'd nlnn othe:r RhodN sklppen a tblnK or h\•o by \Vln nlnl' th""" Atralsht n~ to ..,.,v up th~ eerte11. We "'ondrr If It 111 that new <"rlmMOn Jtalnt Job that make11 t h1• l\tld~hlp 80 bftt! Bot h the: Sunday outboard meet ll.Dd the: J uly 4 lnboard awee.p· stakca. aponaorcd by the West t.ong Beach Lion s Club, a t M a - rine Stad iu m ~e de11lgned to b uild up the se.rvice "k itty" o! t heo apon80rtng groupe. parlrcularly In yodth work. A lotn.1 of 70 drivers , tn clud· In g t h ree women pUots a nd one 14-ycar-old speed artist -J ohnny Dra.k e of H unt lngton P ark are in t he a rray of "awashbuck eroos" na m ed to race next Sunday by Ki"''anian J o hn Gross, ge n e r a I Qt TA.RTF.K J uly 11 l'ULL MOON .J u ly 18 MA1TRESSf;S Boat!§-Homu--TMLl1ers I r"'C1.Jlar Sbapcti BEAC0:-0 6061 Cl>'fla !\lea Mat treM C-o, 2160 :S~·port Bl\'d. J une ~5 N I':\\' MfHJN July 3 H A ROLD I. JOHNSON U nder the negi!I o f th<' NC'wport Ha r bor Ya cht club a new 30-mih· annuaJ ya ch t ra ce to be sailed t rans-eoa..,tally and for t he nloHt part in full view of th ose alo ng the l :l·miJe Balboa -Huntin gton Beach !ltrand, will lurC' som(' 40 s ea::;going ya chts t o a starting line o ff the Balboa P lrr hcrt> a t J p.m . Saturday. Com modore D. \\I. I W Rlt ) Elliott of the ya cht club, whost" .5loop (Pho t o by E('Ckner I c hairman. Z8 ! I Propcllf'r Repalti Columttan A JellQJ l'hune Barbor U. \'Uh. \\'a y , N b"'port BMcll Eacapade wilt br among entries,*---------------- Yachts Ready For Honolulu Race Classic LIYC Opening Big Success U. S. Navy Seeks Wave Officers Top a ces amon g t he eeven !leets. ranging from t lnv M · saKI that racing c r aft in thrC'e d l- vlalons will part1cipat£. \\'ilh the nrw Cl'nt Furrrr T ideland trophy as award fo r the a rbitra ry hand1· cap w1nnC'r . The HuntinJ:tnn 8 C'&ch Cham· bC'r ot Comm('rC'C' has prr.s<'n ted a f;JWCl al pcr pC'tual a.ward, the even t wh ich is for OCf'll.!l rae1n~. arbi· trary ha ndica p a nd PC Rhodefl c l~~-ThC' new Ruth She ppard trophy gOf's to bnAt·for-boat w in· ner of a comblnrd race o f the Rhodr s anti P C c la. .. ~ racing fle~ts. Sevt•rttl .boat.11 which havc a1rcady cnlt•rPd AlnPric a 's cla..'!.Sic wttb aat1matic Electronic Servant! It lulls. you w sleep, wakes you w music ... turns on a favorite pro- gram ... tu.ma electric appliances on and off, auiomali.cally ! Fine- tonecl rad io, aocurale G -E elect r ic cloc k. Tells time eve n in d a rk. Rich roeewood plastic $ 37°" ca binet. Model 505. Alao availahle in burgundy and ivory plastic. A• low RS "·OO ·dn, $1 .Z~ I\ "'ttk Les Nott Electric PHO:SE IL.\.KBOR 258 !82 1 Xwpt. Blvd ., :Se"·port Bea<'h PLYWO~D 'x 8 -1, .. • ROOflNG Rf>Jt. S P EC'. fff'Xft,Cnn "!!i'hln.rlr 8 S1 .20 Thl<'k Butt Sh lnglt's 9.11 90-lb. Roof in g 3.5 1 2.90 Mo-lb. Rooflnr S.06 .M-lb. 4.3-lb. RCMtflng Roofing 2.10 t .19 2~ ?.I I t.78 • PLASTER BOARD • RP~. S Pt:C. 4 x 8 • S 8 " thick SI.KO $1 .57 l 2" th.JC'k .. t .02 1. 71 • * LOANS * Sqrro,,· up to $\:MO unMt"ured. Can ~ H,.f'd fo r plumb.Ing flx- turflf'. paJn.tlng. roofln~. elec- trical fl•lUt'ft, PtC-Any re- m odeli n g . • OPEN A.LL DAY SATURDAY Sundap - 9 tG J p. m. 1'HM Pritts Good at T\IDe of Sale "'It.II th1a Ad. Jwac 1% to lune :I . . 1418 .E. 17tk Street ~A llUlSA NEWZ!IT L VllQlf:Jl .Y.utD --Nil Tra n1>p8C'ific rac<' to Honfl lulu, to ~tart July 4 off San Pedro, will US<' t he Tidelands race u a s hake· down. Two o!' these in clu de Commo- dore Don A y res , Jr.,'s flags h ip of lhP Transpa cifl~ Yacht club, Sky· !:irk a nd Pr{'nti:;is Fulmor'.s New - port k etch . Staghound. Lido lsle Ya.ch t club opened T he r\svy ha" a n nnu nr<'tl il w1\1 lt:-i l'lummcr sea.son 1no~t succc!\."1-1·om1niM ivn lhC' rirsl J;ruup of fullv S11.tur1lav w1 th t &C'f'S fol· WAVE rf'Sf'rV1H I~ s ine(' \.\'orld low~d bv a 0 dlnner dance with \\'ar 11 u ndrr a n('w p ro~ram . hyrtroplanr.s l o the blK" C lass-F :~~~~dcri ng Herd" ru nabouts. in· ·rl_u ___ D_R_I~-~ CRUISERS. O l 'Tl<0-.-,-1;11.-· ·---~ Ga ston Van H yfte, Parker, .... Ariz.; Edd ie Maroney. P hoenix: I ROW BOATS • 1.1\'t: U \IT M a n u e I Ca.n\akis, Bake rsfield; ' W ith lhC' 2,225-r.iilc otC'fln r lA!'I-cnmn1ort0res of loca l clubl'I as H1•rf't c1fnrtt a ppl·rantl'I fo r \\'AVE !'!le only two "'''l'k!'l awRy, sk'Pr"-'tl! l{Uf'lj.t.!I. ThC' affair honored L I YC ,i?f'n erR.I 11n •• co111m1AA!ons had bc>e.n o f at lra.-,t t\\·rnty-two 1ac·1n t: Rear Co1nn1odo1e Orin Thork lld· rrqui1·etl to rnt•·r the r<'gular I e T . .\t·K.1 .1-: George S tf'ine r and P e p H ub· ! e Sma ll l\oat b<-11. Alhanl b ra ; Ray a.nd Leon · J..au1u·hinJ;" ard Gates. Ventura ; Elgin Gatrs. NC"edlr~; E mm <'l Rlr A, San Dici::u ; R1L~" H ill. J r., Bl'liflnw C'r : Ken !'Obort> Good to \\'a t..-h yachts went in tQ final prf'pa ra-sen. Na.vv. Cour~ of thf' con test will pro- vidr one of th,. fiNft rac('s In 80Uth· lrtnd his tor y where It w ill be pos· .s 1bl <' fo r s ho re s pectato rs to com- mand a full !'l\VC't'P of the a ct ion. t·nn,g IJ1tt<1 tht· cr1~\vs. boat yurd~. I c:omn10<lnrc a nd M rs. Hay Aj)pllC'nn tx \.\'hc1 1nt•1·t rp 1alifica- f'omn1ittr1·s .. ~ta rteris, photo~r1tp-La n ~('nht'inl ~rt:'Cl('d n1en1bf'rs a nd tnHl."' will b~· i'1in1nn:.i:.iiunC'd ~·ns1g-n s hrrs. l'lc. l..at•·~t rl'Pfll L'I frorn i:ucstM. Vire Co111 n1odor r a.n<I 1'1 rl! of thP tini• 111 th r ~avaJ rrAC'rYt' Cnmn1odnrr Do n a ld ~\yrr11 of lhf' I Convrr!'IP \.\'urdf'n1stnn repr'('Arnt-1:t.nd \\•Ill h" nrill•rC'tl to 1n1m1·cl11\te Transpa e1f1c Ya<"hl club srl th•· e<I RY C.:. tL n rl Re~r Com!ll~IOrt' :ii·ll\'l' duty 81 1'hnr1• 1ilat l,1no:i fnl· fll•et at a probabll' tWC'nty-rivt•. I H.nrl l\.1rs A . J . Ru t ter "''f're from 1 iow i n~ an i•1v;h t-\.\·1·t·k tndoctrlna· J oJI C'y. Bur bank: and T om N <'\V· I AT SOl iTll E :SD 0 1-· l \1\ \'S IJ\)ltl': Bit I OGE t on, Santa Barbara. ,, ·--... --------------------·--- O fficial .. a rlmlt It rnay In some c:ases requir e super -pow er binOc· cula r;ci &.!'! ya~hts traverse a routt' leading pa.'Jt H u ntington Bea ch P irr. to a marker·boa i o ff thC' Bolsa Ch!ca Gun club and retu rn. wit h t\.\·1•nty-t"''n n(fteially <'ntrr1·d / NH't'C. M r. a nd M rs. Carl Ha.nnH l ion ( oursc. Who to Contact for Civil Defense Work Con1n1<..dur1' Ayr<'!!' uwn bolit, th>' "'l're al~ special guests. I A total of rl) 1·A..nillilatc!'I \Viii at· ~ ft ya\vl S k ylark, 1s nnc of lh1· A dt-ep !teH. n1otlf of fish nets te nd th(' flrl'\l 1ndoctr1nation eta~ .. favnrtd l'nl rtrs, havin~ r1·c1·ntly In ...,·h1l·h swllnl glitter ing metal-I l'OnVC'n lnJi: Al t hr· :'\avy's General If'<! Rn nrn1a da of 131 t'<11np•·t1tors lie fi!!h ,,.t.'re used by Mrs. Oean 1.int· !K"hool, :'\c"'Ptirt, R . 1., in to bf> f11·st a t lh(' f1n1Jih llnr In Coll\"f'r R.ntl Mrs Gt'Org(' Mich1:t.url, Octnlx'r, t flfil . A $t't.·ond cla&"I i5 DEFENSE CONTRACTS (the l\:(•"A'port t o Ens~·natla, 1'fcx1<"0 in charge of decorating. Amns· schf.'dul£'d tu con\"t'nl' in A pril. l ract>. , I ing as \\"ell I\~ pretty \.\'t-re ~he 1 1 9~2 . An)· rr"lde nt of Ne\Yporl llar- bor U-'IMhlnr t G take part In thP t-\·f'r-cro"·lnr c l,·11 d efen &e pro- Kr-&m "hould contact 1'°4"\\'port Harbor ('l\11 UefenM" Direct or ,John Sa.lion or the dt>puty dl- rtttor , Carl Hanna, at lht-c ity hall. phonr Harbor SISl , be- '''"t.'f'"ft the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p . m. FOR SMALL BUSINESS SUBJECT OF SURVEY The Governor's Com mission on Sma ll Business has ordered tt surve)· of defe n se C'Ontracts In Ca lifornia to detern1inc to what ex tent work has been filte ring through to small business f irms. This a ct ion was announced this i-il nclalr C>ut I srhool o r r1sh. compl<'te w it h l Candid alr:i n1ust hav1• rt'arht-d I Port1·r St11C'la1r ha!" 11rratt'h"rl teacher anC1 the three foot C'OI al th<'lr 2 ,,.t but nnl thr 1r 2ith b1rth- h111 F'l.v111)! SC'ntchn1an "'"Ith rlc· I sea hflrsc which hung abO\"l' thr rlay. n1ust hnltl tL ba1·calaure1t.tr ff'n~t· cnnt r11.cts prcl\J!1ni.: h1n1 for buffet table. Re<I riot Its l"OVerM d• Jrl"t'I frnn1 an a1,l'rcd1t1.,1 collc•i;:f' t1m<'. to thf' <lisapp•Hntm11 11t nf thc lahlt>i> and 1·an fllc~ \\"E'rc SC'l or univ<'rl'ily and 1m.i-1' t1·~t1' for Onr· way of avoldtnJ.:" d ri ving ml\nv lt~hl diflplac·.·1nr-nl fan-' \.\·ho In C'nrk floats Little dor1f'!'l tlclrl phvsit MI f1tnPS!i anct apt1tuda · for ,,·1th th1' han1I hrakf' sc l is lo m akc · I d . saw her a.<i; a 'boat·ln-brat " 11rcl'fl\·er ranc1y. ,\t lhf' hea I :--;'ava\ serVIC't'. :l practice of rt'aching ove r to Sf'E' l·'O f{ Rt~At~ 8 . .\TISFACTION I:'\ ~)l .\L.L BOAT & MOTO~ GENE'S RESTAURANT Ha.ntl l>t-coratcd W edding: or Blrlltday Cakes Cuisine Pl1ooe lla rbor 1102 • "70.> Coast Blvd. ('ur ona dt>I Mar week fo llow ing a 1neetlng of Lhe ComJn i~ion la.st week • t-n d In Oakland. T he survey. It is stat· ed. \.\'ill seek. to detarn1ine not only the quantity o f war work contracted In t hl!'l Bttlte. but ho w equitably It Is being dlst r\bute<l among t he "arlous communltle!I a.nr:I industrial a rea s. Rrplat·in~ hf'r and k .... p1n~ tht> t}&ble ...,·ere handpafntt'<l shells and Furthrr 1nfor111at10n ca n b,• ob· if the brak t> i!'! r clC'ased after lhC' rlrt't at twe nty·t wo. 1s a n1•...,· 1•ntrv a unique C'Oral gull. At one rn<l talnf'd at thf' Off11·r nf :--;"aval Qf· car Is u nd C'r "'s.y. I t is ju~t by W&)-' I Cron1 Oak la nd·. C"s\1f . V;i.J Jt'llon'f<! nr the roon1 n huge \.\'R.terfHJI j f1c.:er Pr(><·u 1·1·n1•·nt, 7:)1 South Fi~-of cht>c l<1ng u p on "'helh('r the· job 46 ft . ketC'h. the M1n 1•rva bn11q11t>l . of hibt!i<'ll!'! on ban1boo 1 ureroa strc1·t, l..o.-. A'lJ::l•lcs, ur by ~·a.e don e cbrr(.•c tly be fore st.art-j M•l•n••uttl.~tta~p~•·•~•m•-~~·~n•~~~~1 c •. a:l:l l!p~g~l-"R=•:•~r:•:•:'_':7:1:1:. _____ ~l :•n:g~•:•:·:•:Y:· __________________________________________ _ h iJ,::h lntC'rl'st in 11 ~·rt1·rnn :<tall1ni;: Yan Clothier. a nd \.\'as gTlRt ly - ran1\ly 1•n t rrinj! t h eir \Kll'~l hop<· adrntrt'f"L "We are a ttempting to finrl means of BS8llrtng sn1all bu!'li nei.1o1 a fair share o! clefense work ," E . A Mattison . Bank of A merica executive who Is chairman o f t he \.\'Ith \-\'alter Tt<'plr'.<i; S a.n f)i<>,<eo Danein,i? in the . bay . roon1 fol· ( t-ntry n'r thr E v1·nlng Star. a b<'a u· 1owrr1 dinner, tllll!'ilr he1n g by the tlful ~4 rt. yawl ju!!t pllrl·h&.'if'd 1 Eustarc Rojas orche~tra. Beef Charts on View Monday from [•harte. .. S<:h Lmpff or lhe Lo!! I AnJi;i•lrl\ Yacht rluh OPS Dick Dnh"s 3 1 rt kf'tc·h. T ~·prr. has b1 •(•n uniter sail frnrn Honolulu sinf'r M.ay 1 t. and 1s duf' l<1 nlakP hf'r landfall anyttmt' aft1·r h• r Inn~ bounr-inl.! uphill grinrt. Still tn b". h1•arrl fron1 \O.'llh 11n Commis!'lion. said today. F\1 tu re C'ntry on thr dottC'd l11u· 11r1· f'.{ic-h -~oulht•rn ('11llfornian~ "'ho J::u action of the 18-n1an Con1m1sslon. a rt! )•oun,1:'!-1 Ttarr. Bl ll Lltl'V'!'l !->hoppini.: lor m•·at nt•xt Mnnrlav. he explained. will be steered b_,. Nnttks : anti Sfrvr and not Jone 2!""1. w1l1 find the rnyi-lC'rv hll.!'1 the results o! this sur vey. wh ich RnyC"r "!'I {'flastrr. ThH1 la.st h opefu l rn•t·n 111.ki•n nut of bf>E·f ··criltni;·· will be conducted by the S tatl' niay b•· th ~ thirrt boat to br rn-pr1r1·~ Departm ent of E m plo.yment un-trrr(1 sn•I sall('cl by a v.•on111n n...,•n· F.::1.f"h huf1•h.-'r , s rcorri1ng to thf• der the supervi8ion of H . R. Ha r-"r In th1~ )'"ar·s rR.-1· 1 9~1 l!'I "''l· l,...-11\ Ang-t•l1•s (lff\ec nf F'rtti• Slu- n ish. • Con1misslon men1ber an d ting a r1'C'ord In th1~ rc~flrrl evrn b1Jl1..atlon, \.\"Ill po:'it nn his wall a Department o fficia l. now. w ith M r~. f'hylli.s B r unson ·~ l'hRrt shnw1 n ~ thC' rc1hn~ or T he Commission a Jso m oved to L'A pa che, and M rs. 1,,ab<>I R<'I-max rn1um Jri.::-e l pricl' for t•ach rontart the sta te's co n greMional vrA's J nr1a a lready rnlf'r•••I. with Lypr and i;:rRd•· <if beef. Kn butrh- delegation on t he su bject of Call· th<'t r o"'n~·r1' V('ry much a boan.J. rr iM prrm iltffi by la w to l·hari;::{' fo rnia 's share in t he national war IA&MJ Plan~ morC' t han this a mount. allhou~h contrac t di.strlbution . Commis-A Hawaiian luau for sklp~rit. ma.nv w i ll c hargt' lrss. sionerB called attention t o re port.a crf"Wll and frit-ncb June 30 at New· O P S meat mf'n explaJn ed t ha t t hat this state's percentage of port Harbor Yac ht club k icks off tht• c har t wtll work li ke l hl.s : federal cont racts had "decre.ased tht> p rP-race fe.8tlvitles. announcC's lr thf' housewiff' \.\'Ants a bone· appreciably " in recent menths.. Carl H e in tz, ente rtalnmf'nt chair-\rs11 rump roa.st, for examplt', Richmo nd City Council w as man l and conk on Pren t P'ulnio r·11 s he'll look -0n the char t and find commended for a ppeallng to the Sta ghound I. T hi!! ...,.ill bt> followed four crilinJ.! prlc<'s to choo!\e from, Fede ral g overnmen t tor sh ip con · by th r fi na l ins t ruc tion dLnnt•r for arcnrd1nir t o \.\'hr t hcr sh e insisL~ t racts for E a.Jlt Bay y ards. The skippers anrt cre\.\'.'1 a t t ht>ir Lafay-on "choicr bel'f. w ill S(•ttle for LhC' Comm ission c ited it u an ex· r ttP Hnt rl ln Lonir Bt·ach on Mon-lo!florl grad(', or knO'-''S how to use ample o f w hat a local group can day, J uly 2. Beio;il.,es meetini;:: thf'ir thi• rheapr-r utility or C'ommerclal }cto in dett-rmin ing and publlcl:r;ing cnmpt·t itors, !lkippcrs w ill ~e t ~tarlt·,. ~·hich arC' nutrltiou.s but its industria l potential. The R ich · their first j;Ompsr h('r(' nr the rt.''lUlrr Jonj.!l'r cook ini.:-." mon d act ion w ill be brought to covC'tf'tl trophu·~. 1nc-l urltn~ the tC"n l\la ,hnum Prl<'f" the atten tion of the 51 c-o mmunl· brautlfU I s te rlinlo! t rRVS to be J 11mr.~ T . Burt. O PS mrat <li v1 - t y pla.n.ninit groups rece ntly o r-I award<'d by the TranspR.('i fic ~inn rhlrf, ('mphas!Zt'(i that l hf.' gani:&ed throughout California. Yach t club. criltngs art' merely the le&;&l the Com.mission announced. A c h t>t>rin g, horn -blow ing ~rec· max lm nrn price. But chr rs a rc pt•r- V ete r ans Administration by April 1 had i.sJ!ued 119,000,000 aub-- sistence c hecks to vetera.na w ho tra ined ·u ndt'"r Public Law 18 and the GI Bill since the in cep tion o f the two program In 19'43 and 1944, r Pspect ively. N early 8.000.· 000 ve ter&nA have had train ing during that time. tatw flet't o f rl"o:t('n s of pr1vatt' ff'ctl v free to s1·1f for 14"~ and y achts and pay·a.s·you t'nt,•r WB· may -off('r 11~·c1 al ulr prices any ter taxis is f'XJ)(-C t ed t o crowd, col-tlnlf' t hey d<'S"lt'C'. o r a nd confUS(' the a tart at Pa('!fic OPS regulatloM provide that Dayligh t noon on lht' F our t h o f rach buk h r r !!h.atr post thf" priceo J uly at Los Angf>ll!J' Harbor . Tln1e chart in a c lf"a r ly v1slblr apot o n and plaCt! o f dC'parturC' for ~peel&· hi~ w a ll a nd tr bis shop ha.a m of"t' tor w a te r ta.x.Ja opcn to the pu blic than 20 feet of wall spact>, addi· at a moderate fee per h ead. w111 be I tlonal chart.fl must be posted at announced la ter. 20-fL intervals. • OMX OW' UDO l8LAND YAflRI" CL111r8-* •ttecNlf'lll .,.,. ••••h & tzs*ft ... W ~at Ule clMi ..._ 1M4. ..... _,. H 1••• .. 1• • ot c.m,..d•re '"llQ ~ woe. it.-left:'..U"TC ~ Geec,. ~ l "r.; C....1w4.,.. J1An7 91oqett. BAllMe l'9"*t elD; Mn. Cllff awr e .... C1 1ll1ze O.rmsr Of tile 8ou_.tn OlllJonda Y.,..,._. .v..e1su ... ; Jtn. ~ eM e-. ..._..Nia'7 C 1• U ...rlwr tatM . O..••••"' a.y car.fkb of tlte v_,,......... tlleti clllb. ~· t ... J .:.. tPbot.o "1 ~r) • , ' ln''OO'! FROM. 0 70 60 JN 23 SECONDS! Only ford, in the low-price field, offers vou a choice of V-8 or Sia: engines! And Ford alone in i ts 6t:ld, offers th ree great t r1trut1mi8Aio ns: F ordo rTiatic D rive,• Over· dri v<l, • flnd Conventio nal D rive. In Ride! THE 9N1-Y CAR WITH "llTOMATIC RIDE CONTllOll C an costihg ma ny; h undrech m ore, can't beat Ford'• 11mooth, Jevel joubce-rree ride . N ew Astomatic RUh Control i.9 the aecret! [t•• a team of new ride feaLUftl9 that ou.tomaticoJJy 11.nd coot inuowdy a d juat.I Ford'1 ride to ea.ch aod every changing road conditio n! In Room! VIS. ROOMIER 7Kf.N >J.l OTHERS IN ITS flElOI O nly Ford in aU Lhe low-price field ofren1 you a fuU 6ve fee(. of hip room. ·Ford's trunk ... with over 24 c ubic feet of volume ... is at least one auitcuair biue.r Lban that o( any other low-priced car. , . , __ ... , In~. WIDEST SElfCTIOH Of MOOO$ • • • WIDEST CHOICE Of COlOI. UPHOlSTfRY ;.NO RIM COMllNATIONS IN ITS flEl.DI COME IH M~D W ith lirteen di!'erent model&, Ford offers the greatat choice in the low-p~ field . And Lu.zury Lounge lnterion are "Color-Keyed" to e:.:t.erior dnisbea. • • In Savings! WITH FORD AUTOMATIC MILEAGE MtJ<ERI Only Ford, in itr; fi eld, offe rs you this power-~Lini;r, fuel-saving feature. l t matchea timinJi: to fuel c hargca to &queeR all the .. go'" from eve ry tankful of gas you buy , .. l(ive8 high qJmpresaioo rip wit.h regular fuel! - In Handling! ' WITH THE MOST BRAKES, TIIE UGHTUT STEBINGI ' I 'I , I • $$ $$ Values • GenuiHly Fine 9ua~ lo1' Springs • • , Pilings Jn Upper Bay Are Removed • and Mcrttres!es TWt.nty·seven J>!llnp, app&re.nt· ly ~ remalM ot an o.kS ~rid~. were orden-d removed from Ole Upper Ne-wport Bay by tAe board ot aupervlsor• at a recent meetJn.s, • ~\'I:\' -DOL. -Kin( Sio<• eP hullt. kt 1·eur !JIH"'<'lflratien!I.. The plltnc• h&d been tound when dredging opt>ratlona Wt're under way to widen and d~pt>n the chan- nel. • • • Cnn1pa~ QusHty, Prlc•.., • • • CARLYLE'S According to Harbor Zngtnee:r Mors•ll No.blr, the metal plUnr wl'r-e conl\idtrt'd o. navigation hauro. 190ft Harbor tt.l\'d., ('u"'ta l\lrw \Vor~ "tarted lhls W('f'k to re-- movr thf' pillnga when the tldf"l9 arr low. WATER HEATERS Sal~ St'r"f<'P an1l RPp&IMI JoeBecldo/J, Pl.1 T!'tfBIXG Authoriutl l>Milf"r DQy I: Xl1ht H""te" T£lMS l.Q1L 0.-011 •II HNt.,.1 Phone Harbor ZM!-\V Th.:> Harbor Engineer rstlmated that the job could bC' done for about $350 bar1'ing unfol"'H'en dit- r1cullie11. If dynit.n1lte ls df'em<'d nrc<'ssary ll:le cmt ~riJI probably run around $800. .ruoo1: MISl:R.'( QAlmNU aad Taon Ne...., w.,.. -tted 1a a ql1U-• eorMt 4nrlnr trui-Balboa Bay club."a OoTNSOr'11 coektall pac~y INt \Vftdnnda •. 1 Photcrby Beclc.nt"r) DrNlgtng wu donr by Tra.ul· weln Broa. They removed almoat 3500 cubic yarde of material from 500 fElf't of cb.annpl near thP Arc h~&. Obje<>t i1 lo er.ale a mini· mum six feet c.ba.Mfl deptH., ~ ~====:::======~~~!Pet wide. The material dredged up rrom NEED MORE PRIMARY TEACHERS Thia C&UConU.9. State Ofopa.rtment of Education haw revealed Ln it.I monthly rPport that the at.At• Is tJ.ll ining only two f'l('mentary tf"tl~h('Oi for C'Vtry ffve that are nC"C<le<t . but that It 11111 training five .IM'rondary tt"&Ch1ng candldatr111 fo r rvery ("•o that art" n('PdNt Rf'O ·"ND t 1PHOJ .. ~TER\" CLIANING Geo. M. Graham HARBOR S9t-R !S'l 01*! Ra.Ibo& Island ~IATl'llESSES Boat . ..__Hom~Traller" .......... 1ar s ........ 8EACOS !IOlil en.ta_ Mffa ~t\l't'M Co. !150 Xf'\\'JJOl'1 Bl\·tl.. on tH."ptft)' at MOllRJS lll. G. RILEY SCHUYLER MOTORS I 009 ~. ('oa~t DI Yd. l..BJtUDR 4-6.19.) Thr rt>port alRO said : the Bay waa ~Q for fiJJ on coun- Ly property &JKI l!llso behind NP\V- pol'l B~ach city dock adjoining county propt'rty on Coal'lt High- wav nt>ar the Archel. 1. Ca.llfot:nla college11 and unl·•------- Assembly Passes V<'r1dtlP1t will graduate one-lhJrd I morp rlement•ry trscher• In 1961 Perm·1ts Lha.n tut yt'ar. fo r. 12 Homes Issued 2. ApproxlmatPly ont"" out of Sex Offender Law rvery (')f!V<'n ctrtl!ied pt't'SON now ~rvtng In Ca1ifomia public A bill to put perwons who com· I ~hool.s. hol<ls an cmPrgency Crt'· mlt sex crimes again&t children 1 denUaJ. ~19ic r€'flfd('n th1I building per- into jail ror life -unlc&9 tht>y 3 .. N'early 7,000 J)4Jtm.ns now I mlta have bf.en lMuf'd Ml tar thls cboo.e the alternative of a surgi· ll{'rvtng Jn the.> public JK:hoob of month Bulldin 1 s to A . M. cal operallon-wu paMed over-ttw> Jttale will not return ooxt year. • g n pee r whl'lmlncly by the aaambly. 1 . The total numbc.>r of certl-1 IPetPI NelJllOn rrportro recf"ntly. The bill by H . AIJl"D 8mitA. R .. fl«! penon• t>mpk>yf"d In thP pub-Permita and thr1r Pstimatcd Puadena, would atao provide !W'n· llC .w-hoola or California -8:1 .888 bulldinJf <"Nl.1' includffi th~r i1t- tcnCE's up to lifP tnr a numbt-r of Is ll'k· larg"at number In lb hill-to1ucd to Af L. K kldl(', 500 San B<'r- olher Sl'.'t crimes.. tory. narcllno AVP., $10,00Q; Gr orge E. \\'a:rcn indicated Ile .v .. ~uld givt Thf' department report that rie· Nr"·tnn. 1-t07 N. Bay Front. $8500; the bill a lQJ ol study If ll got lo maRll f'XC'f't'1bi 11upply for C'f'rtlflf'd c .race V<'dder Hull, 116 Vl11 Un- hlm. He ~aid he wa.sn't surt 9PNK>ns In thf' rlekla of ktnc:k'rgar-<t1oe, S.16.000: R obert Sht_an, 266 "·heth.er stiffer penaltle11 would lf'n. prinlary tt'af'hin~. t>lemtnt.ary Evening Cilllyoo Rd., $18,000; anc1 '=============' work to prevent such crimes OI' tt>ae hlng. f'k>m..-nlary 8Chool auper-F. J . FuJJf'r , 106 P eitrl Ave .. ~. RICCIARDI'S SHOE SHOP ju.111t lo make it difOcult to p\ visk>.n and adnlinll'ltratlon and sec-Othf'r!I went to Earl A1 . Clark. 209 SbOMt RPpal,l"tl convirtions. ondary .'K'hool training in the flrlds Opal A\•e, $7000 \1tith a second \\"h.lle YoK \\'a.lt ..A or hon1f'n,aklng, agTiculture, II · at thf'' !la~·· addrellS fn~ $7700: A11.,..tioM-lM>Od~li114 . ()(' KOCKHOl"XDS , PIC'.\'J(' brarill.nstup. girl.JI ' phyi8cat Pduca-Ralph~·\\ i lc~~: 2101. Srv1~le Avf'. Corr.ctio11i 1'he Orange Coa.st. Mineral anct tk>.n , ht>alth and dtvelopment, Spt"· $11 .000. Jullo allbr1dg£', 2702 \\·. OU~~;~: w,:,l~a4 l1tt.,.WIH• Lfpl"'-ty society will hold it.s 1.n-clal education bx:Judi.ng ln.atro<:-0ct'1Ln Front, SJo.590. J. M. J('ll~, Z~: Xf'u·port ~W1<d. nual pie-nit' at thf' Orange ctty tloa. ~r tbe mentally ret•rdfd and ~Ol ~ll&o :v~, Slt.000 :, and Sid NE\\'PO~T B~ACJ:i park, )fonday ('Vt>ning, June-2!"i. j vocational artl'I. roa. ey, 3 e.lboe. Co\ C'S, Sl6,--==:::::=:=:::::;;:::l::::;:;:::::;:::;;~ I B.rlng your o\l·n basket lunch an'1 I Thi!' is the tftird year that tht>8t' OOO.., l;h a~ 9eC':;1d one .at lh" sam,. ,. t1'¥ ~l.e\y Will furnlaA the cot· fi~i_d.." have tx-en r'portf'('I &8 fiC'ld." ~priC'e o r · 1 boa CuvrR. :tf ll9ut i!"1f'r,;eaay fM a.tKt tcd ere-am. n.~re will be of .!lbortage, tht-department Wd .,------ . . • I Ptu01,tac a ~ sv.•ap so brfnJ y ur Nr-Hnwt>vf'r, the rl"porl ~ic\, ttie"" AL FllES("O f>lSSf;R • plu. a.nd tee how good a swapper l.11 an oversupply of can<lidate~ Thr C01'1.t• Mesa pa.rk was• th(' l4Hin you. U't'. ava11a.blr fnr f'l'Pploymen t In jun-!Ct'.n<' nf a family dinner lut week A~n• P.laJ>.a wJll be d~ulM'd n-,.ar<l--lot collt'~ and xconda.s.y ..choo! rnJOY"d by ltfrs. Dorothy Hiatt. C•""•d ill.I' tbe forthcOlntnr &how to be j tC'acb.lnJC rr<f\llrlnl' pdpa.ration in Bunny Bettv and ~die Hi.at L. !tfr. ._.,_k held in ~onjuncUon with the I thr fl f'ld~ nf French, tocial stud-and ~Ir!!'. J~m•s \Ve111t and dau&"h- Orange county fair in August. i". boys phy,.k:al Murstio.n, ar! ! t•·r. L)-nda Lr"'· Mr. and i\frll. A Afusic will be furnished by I anti muRIC'. L 1't orris. oil or Cn!'lt& ~fesa ; Afr. c.11 hiUoo •21J-W Ll<lo Pl- Co8t'a Mt.1aa Bradley Hughes and there wiU be -----I and i\frt. Robert Perry and daul't"h· t Cun !or aJl. J-People do rt.ad the want ads.! lf·r. Sandra Lt>E', of Oct>an•lcle ----------------- . .... I ' - ' . ..\~TUST CltJ ot ::;:..~ta . or Colltomia N'· .. --(>O<t~ Boa<la CllY ,.._ and ,.,_. • .,.,.bl Dellllquntt • for nae.u. TC.\R 1~ llTA,'"' or~ • l COUNTY or ORANGJ: la ~ OF NEWPORT Bl\ACHI I, R,. R. Bod&ftlnocm. u llx.Orllcio TIX ColleolGI' 'ta and for u.. City of N..-poot aeeai. eou.t1 Qf OtQp. atato ot CalllaroJa. IQlllQY Otvll Nonca U..t. 4ota>ll& M.Wla "°"" -ta Ila• ..,_I Qf \UM al!ll •lllS I OJlta .. la IM Cllf of~ ilnch (Ill' U.. llMI )'W.I'......., .JW ._ ~.-. -U.. ~1 ~r tJ!n~-4 !Mt. --.JO ... '""' ·--ta IO 4"1P ........ ~ 'lrltll &II -"'"" al\4 --u...-. "'" ,.Id ., llaa Tax OqjlUI ..... om.. II> tM Cl\y ~ --lrlltor. h\day, J-ae_ ·ttM, AT~ Q'CLOOIC 4.-M. Qf !Ml -.ir. al\ ot -~ -- Ill ~ W\Wll lliot .. 'Rlolli -IU• &M -•-to. poaalti.. Md 9'191• -"ti! ·-Id. -...... --"" -""'" ~ ---.... ltlod. •T OPlllllA,flO!f QJ' 1.(1. W, ..,_ 1!11<1 10 ._. City ot N""'°" "'••II. Ad U.0.\ -Ill alt wilt M -la U.O OWIO!l QI' TRI! T.t.X eo&.- UIC'l'Oll ol aal<I CllJ. ft. R. HODOJQNIOH li:x·Ot(\olio Tax Coil«\or of No.._. a.--11. Callll>rala. ..... .-o.. .... l .. SEWPOKT JU:A<"ll TllACT ~rklns, lrtJ\C )1 <'t 1;1 ..... ......... .... lS Heorrln, Marie .. 2?\ Thorp, Haul H . Sly w· 8 RIVER sr:rnos Bonner, \Valtf"r R ...... -........ --·-· ...... . Thom1'00, Louil C. . ... StrlPgel, RegV J. .. .... LAKE TIL~CT Hollanr!, L. C. -· ..... . John.Vin. ~rnma GooclmM All fPX St.) fine · por Of 8<'C 28-1-10 bet same 16 17 8 18 It RR It R/WI . 4 Max"•elL N<'l lif' N. Maxv1.'dl, NelJ1-: N. Ma.x~rell, Nelllr N. White, Edwa1·i.J l . Hollyoak. Frl'rman F . Logi<', Charlts ~L Pt al All 1rx St.) . S\\'ly ~· ('ASA,L SE('TIOS Whilf', Willard ... JohnstonP, Bruce B ... Lav11gnlno, Lars A. Tbomp.c.n, ClaUde A. Logic, Chule• M . <'t al Siple, Gordon G, All /f'X SEly l:"i') Palt<"tit0n, Elmer Slpl(', Cordn.n 0 . SFAllOS A. Bolian, i:lla 0. . . Greenleaf, Carroll F , SIXTlOX 8 A lcxand{'r. Cha rlea Ahren11, \VUlla.rd F . Pl el TR . .t('T !IM Handy, Bn1<'<' J . SECTIOS B I .. 2 3 2()- 22 • 7 10 • I 5 9 1 4 • II 13 I Mi.c• ~ .. MHICJ 28 28 3< 39 42 40 1!8 130 I 31 131 131 133 232 234 I to H3 240 333 335 349 437 4:19 220 22!"1 16 17 111 .. U .28 1~-1 3 8.28 4.7% 13.30 l .3:i 8.92 18.7& 4.99 !.89 ] .24 20.29 32.21 3.83 20.87 23.27 14.61 11 .99 9.88 4.99 39.61 fJ .!'i.1 !0.67 16.61 40.42 1~.~7 28.11 ·-- ' I MMMEi Ona I· L.f ft..u,r rl I I Cbal'loo; Rutua J . -·--r····-···-·---is Oi&rlea, Ruf'Ua J ...... _ .. .,..,. .... _ ...... -........ -..... 'l ' TRACT t l l &lTy, WlllJ.ani H. ·-···---,.i-.... -·1-··..,· -.....•... .!.... 9 Berry, WUll&m R .............. ' .......... : .................... 10 Cartier, ffarrx. l!Ely j211• hr NWly 4f~' H 1 Wyckoff, Grae. ';. NWly 69' br BEiy 1300' s I Gartler,-ita.rTy .. ~ ........ -... .,..J ••••••• / •••••••••••••••••• -:. D Gartler. RarTy ....................... -··-·········-·······-·· L TRACT Ill! &melt, Perl)el G. . .............................. -.......... 26 Watl...,ns, Roy M .....•....•.. .,., .... _ ..................•...•.. 5T TRACT 907-I.lllQ rsu: Wheeler, W1nston 8 ... -...... ., ....................... ____ 88 McColl, E . BUn11ne ................ 1 .................... 188 M«C:ou, E. Bunlln• SY{ly ii. ···-···············187 Sjogren, Knu~ R. SW1y l\ . . ........... 278 Sjogren, Knv\e R ....... _ ........ -...................... .279 Gundrum, ~wre.nce It. .......... 1........... -...••.. 2&t Gott. Lawrence E . SWly ~· ................. Mt GoJt, LA_.nncc E_ ................... 1 ...................... 515 Hanson, J ohn M ....................... 1.-·•··-···-··-···· 1065 . l\ECORD Sl'RYF.Y ~ (-..., Bo.YI Smith. \Vallact" G ............ ~. ............ .. .......... 23 Jan·Ptt, Dudley F .................................. -·· . 30 Co1nml'rC'e Eullrling Co. Nly 130' ot SI)· 194.71' ........ 62 C'OROSA ~ ~L.\.S N&.nn<'~tad, FrOOt'ri<'k J . All fine por nllt>y adj) ... 23 H ixon, Rob<'rt M. .............. .......... .. . ... ........ 1 Htxon, Robert M. .. ................................ --· 9 Bldwrll, Robert W . All (Ex Nly 380') ... -... RE·Sl'B OF COllON A DEL ~lAR .Von Essen. M~r&"aret . . ............ ·-.... , 5 H ope, Roger C. . . .................... 11 OriRke1, Dan ...... ......... .... . .. 17 f)uJJ{nan , Jal·k M . 13 COROXA DEi. MAR Swaniaon, Victor J . ..... .. .......... 34 McCryst&I. Ellubetlt A. NEly 28. ..... T ML'Cry1;tsl, E'-1zabeth A ........................ -···. 9 McCrystal, Eli11:abcth A. S\Vly 25' . .. 11 Amidon, Eva F . . ...... ... . ..... .. . ... 17 Davis, Edward P. C't al ·-. ~. +f Mitchani. D<.>Wltt .. . .. 1 Mitch'.an1 , DeWitt . .. 3 Ganster, Eugene F. . .. _ .... ......... ... . 3 Gamblf', Norman A. 2 Gsrnbl<'. Xorman A. 4 Colvh1 , Lily 8 Miller . Clifford H . Nilly 10' .. 14 Miller, Clifford H . ... . .... . 16 And<"rson, Florene(' ... 22 Charif', Don H . . ... . 1 Brown, Frank \\'. 20 Cannon, \Villiam J . 15 Foster, James H ............. ,,_ 21 FletchC'r, Juanita W .... -.. 2 \Valker, Cora M. ... . ...... ,. ... _ ........ ..... 9 Biller, May T . <'l al .... . . .. 13 Phillips, Frank L. ... . ..... ---· 14 Corbin, \\'e.sle.r W . .... .. .... ....... .. ~ Corbin. Wesley \\'. .. ........ ·-···· 7 1 Van L.andingha1n, \Vin. H. 22 TRJ\C'T S2!--C'OR-OSA DEi. MAR ! Lynn, Robert B. et al N\\'ly 31.20' Macculloch. MerJrUcrlt(' L. All llnc. bf>.t MmC' & Bay A\'I' <'Xl I li 218 12.16 Lynn. Robert B. <'t al !Ex Hwy) .. 4 SEly 18.80' :\faccttlloch. 1-:farK'\1erilc L. All ilnc bf>t ·~n\e It &y Ave ext I 17 MRt'«llliOt"h, A1arjiCtlt'rilf' L. All I Inc. b<'t ~am<' &: Bay AVf' extJ t& EAST Sf;Wl'OBT Burnworth, Fr('d Bf"ntl<'y, AIV\8, . 22 12 St:B OF BLOCK A-F.AST S'l:WPORT 218 2U! • 8 Staten, LJJyan SEly 44 .9' 14 &: l~ A J ohnsen. Gt>M~<' L. t>t al . 52 A ~. 0 , M. ?r\Bly 10' . 1.fO A 1Ex Hwy) .. 4 69.3i L.ynn, Robe-rt B. c>t al NWly 3\.20' (Ex H"J'l .. 5 13All Flagg, Don P . Flagg, Don P . All (Ek Hwyl ............ _ 4 All (Ex Hwyl .............. 5 28.9i TRACT 113--CORO.NA DEL \f.~R 38.46 C't'kl£'rt, \Valter L. ~ .• Jr. . .... . 49 TRACT ~OROXA DEL ~IAR Ingram, Robert H. . ....... Dri.skC'l, Dan ..... . ..... 30 62 I - l 1 A-3:'i B·32 B·32 Q.33 131 131 133 134 243 334 334 334 33.j 337 430 430 432 433 433 435 435 <35 439 :'\39 5·l0 M2 513 630 734 735 ~37 HI 741 743 • L L L u u A Fox. G. ~f. .. 141 A 38.03 18.71 2.70 9 .66 ft1;-s1·s OF SEM'IO:\' I , RALROA ISLAXD :\'EWPORT IL\ Y TRACT Warloumont. Floyd SC'hOlflt'kl, LA>ster H . Sl"R ot· 81,0CK C-~·t;\\'l"OllT 8..o\ V TRA("T • • Carnt>llaon, flarry H . 7 C LonK. Atodj<'1tka J . -· ....... 48 C Cornt.liso.n, Harry H. N\\'ly 32.0-I ' of SEly 6~.08' 1 Inc bet same &: high ll\I<' UnP > 87 f' RAl ~BOA BAVSIDE Roos. Bn Cht"l!'Jtlan ('t al All I Inc. bf>t sam<- &. high tide line) 2 2 R oo.". Bo Chrl.,.tlan et al All (Inc bet aame &. high tide line t 3 I Roos. Bo Christion Pll al All (lncbetaam& f• ".! ~ I • It blgl\ tide , line) 4 Roo~. Bo C'hr\st1~~ <"ll 0 lll All iF.x 'Efy 111 ' 1 Inc bet Mm<" & high tide line I .. <l 3 RooH, Bo Christion r·t al All l lnc bet same A high tldf'llnel 6 3 Rooa, Bo Chri11tian fl al 1 J -BA.t.8(1,, TRA\I' Tho1npson. AlbC'rt R. el ol ... 7 EAST SIDE ADDITIOS TO BALBOA TRACT Neelanda, Anna L. .... . .. .. . 5 18 Scanlon. Blt.ncbe . 17 24 TRACT 018 Spra&'\lf", La Vergnt> 28 F Sprague, La Vergne 27 F Ell~tt, Eugene R. .. ... -· 34 G Wa.11.Ze, Ernf'ft R. -.... ............. ··-··--· ..... .... 8 I Bird, Mazie \V. ---····· .... .............. ............. l K TllACT tM3 Rice, Mutah P. H .. TR'ACT 17! Berry, WUl1am H .................... . ·-·· ... ·-· ..... 42 ~S ()OLO.'IY .. AC'T 11 l'vgtnaJU>, J . Rlchal'd NEly \;, ............ 3 11 Pupann, J. Rkllaro ············-·-······ ····-·· .... 4 n OCllAN n OJft TUC! lf.ltclldl,. J&O>ea H. ·····-····--·-···-··················· • lU arvn Q:CTION 9qu1,.., f'leyd 8. . NW\Y 30' Of BWIY IO' (Inc ,.,.. 8ec 5-6-10 a<ij) ···-·-···-·-·--'··-· 10 •• l\lO'toncl, "' c. tt al All llllO '11"4 -· • ~ ..... Uqal lt 62 f1ll8T A»QmOS 'IO !qi~~ fl:>': .... ·~·'· ·-·-----.. ___ ' "'•"'· ""'°' ·--·-· ··----·--···-·· ~ ~Jolla R. -·--·····-····---·-·-· 12 u = 39 lO ' •• tlr_; wti S. --... ~:.-·-..................... -. 11 . ~_,., _. I olll H, -·········-~-·········-··-······ 1' ~ Miorl .. ..., -··-··-·· • ...... ......-.. ~ ~' ... -··--· .. -·. ll .acu , · . tQ) ~-rt 1L ..., .. , ·-··--··--u ·-· ~ H, _......._ .... ,---·---·· 0 ~ ~ a. ·--····-·-·-··· 18 ~ <:aUmino a.--·--··--·-· lt· -II, Clo~ a. ··---=---111 ~&44 ftttlllc()j....... "'" ... ------~-~L.,.. 11 R"""°' i;v. t . ~ 11 Bmllla, Plloc:IDo Jue tl • '°' 1,1 •• •• •• - 42.61 Z!j,40 106.33 8.71 6.87 121 .62 7!\.02 38.12 43.86 39.02 63.73 24 .10 >9.67 t.~ 'l All '·" Scott, William H .... -.. .... _ 17 Gogerty, Frances E . ····-·-•·· 21 Gogerty, Frances E. ....... . ._ 22 Shot"maker-, Ja.ml'9 S. .. .. 28 Myers. John W . .. 24 Stet!'Dn, John T . . -36 Foster, Solon R .. ···-· ii Fi:·uphan, Edward C. .. I 7 Bonhan1. Edna F . NWty '41 '. 21 SiX:TIOS 11, B . .\1~80 . .\ ISl.A~'Jt MC'AlliatPr, Ray E. ... ....... ... . . . Pitman. Auguata T ......... . Cartner, Flournoy P ....... --·· Stanford, Gladys A . ····-···-·- Thompson, DoA&ld G. . ·-· ... . Pi~sce, C!ftlea Rot&11d .............. .. . . Ji\'i&ht"r, Ga toro •L. ......................... . Orowc1. NOil"tn.fU:t. E ....... .. 16 22 . I~ ..... 8 ........ 18 ..H • i ~j . ) 11 SECTION I ll. RA.L80A !~I.AND ~iolre. L<'Roy .......... -· 27 Marple.It, Pr r~e ............... .......... 18 Marples, Perce ........ . ....... 19 Moorman, FldrencP \V. .. ... 1 Berla, Wilfr<'d ...... .... ........ ........ .. .. ..... 2e Brewst~r. Harry C. ··-······ ..... . .. 34 Marshall, Ray V. .. ...... ............... . ...... 16 Robinson. Loren C. et al .............................. 27 Naylor. Ida P. .................... ............ . ........... 39 8rOE"ring. l..aWNnce B ..................................... 25 • 2 ·I • 6 7 R 11 12 13 I ~ • 9 !O. 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 17 18 18 18 19 I II 11 12 13 I I 2 2 • -) I -) ~ """cc , • lJIS u .n aa.67 u.n 83.7'11 287.H 4.93 31.74 6.ll1 11-~7 3.28 3.ll 29.40 1-13 1.74 5.~7 29.89 19.frJ 73.03 13.M 8.45 13.80 71).:12 1,.%0 U.88 47.10 z.•.57 22.14 16.14 5_14 29.77 5.50 18.20 5."6 8.70 7,,0 8.24 20.4 3 3.12 8.4~ J.85 :?7.63 13.40 14.08 11.!'16 32.31 13.28 I I.IHI 17.61 S.11 3.H 3.lf 5.82 28.31 10.3'1 6.r.6 211.12 ~3.111 10.42 '4.14 3.79 22.54 25.47 16.40 38.28 33.20 27.76 52.94 e9.01 6-4.9! 39.58 73.8" 20.~ 41 .15 48.tO 44.0.'\ 3.Z.76 lf.2! · Si.84 38.17 72.9' 27.73 11!,83 - 24 .23 37~ 82.93 37.78 23.07 21 ,1.f 41.99 28.70 89.U 81.H 19.93 24.98 36.34 '6M <M 100.ff 6.0I 1'13.113 11.•• n.•• 11.n 19M ·t.4t' .... . ' •• I 1· I -~----------. ~---· ..... ........-... ·--.. ..-. ·--..-.-·----------· ,.-. -·--. ---.---. ' - LEGAL NOYICi • I LY'I .... .,. ,,._ _,_ ... _&lut mtaule ct.enee to tAllllll Ill \M mtH.. • \.' . " 1951' .$DVERTll!EMJ:."WT FOR BIDS Notice la llereby l'lven that the. Board of T'ru.&ttts of the Orange Cout.. JunJor Collf'gt' Dtwtrlct of Orange County, Mreinaftt'.r nferred to u the ''Owner," wtJI recelv~'up to, but· not laur than 10:00 A.M .. June 29, 19~1 • ..ea.lf'd blda tor the award of contract!! for a campus paging !lyat.t-m lo be ln•tallet"I ln lhe-Library Bu~ldlng at Orange Coast Colle~. Such bids ithaJJ be recelWd In the office of thf' .. Ownf'r," ln the Admlni.ltratlon BuJ1dlng, Orange Cout College, 19931 H&rbOr Blvd., near Santa Ana, Orang• County, Call/ornla. and ~hall ht-openf'<I and publ.tcly read aloud at the abovr st&tfltl tlmP In the office at the .. Owner" In web bulldlng. tuy_ot __ __ & ...... dh...tl.,., ,._ Ille - tu7 "" poteme. It .... ··-· • .. ID W_,,_ -111-,.. ss-8 · Each bid mwst conform and bf' rcpsnns.ive t.o lht8 invitation, the pla.M. •)M'CtrlcatloM, and all other documents compriltlng the1 pertl· nPnt contract documt>nls:. Copies of th~ Conlracl Documents are nO\V on file and ope.ft lo public ins)>f'Clion in the said offiCt> or the owner. Contract blcb_ w111 bi" rettlved ~covt>thig a campua paging ay•tm-i. Completition time requestNI will be M>t by bldder111. A depMlt of 10-;.;. of the total bid by certified chttk or bond is requlrNI with each bid · labor and m&tf'riab bond anrl performanc,. bond requJrf'd of contractor M'lttted. Each bid shall be made out on a fonn to be obtained at thf' ulrl office ln which the Contract Oocuments are on fUt>. Ea.ch bid shaU be a ccompanied by a certifird nr cashier's chttk payablf' to lh<' Owner, o r Mtlefactory Bid Bond in favor of the <>.A.'ll er , f'xecutM by the bidder as: Principtt.l anti a satl.Sfactory 9urety company as su~ty, in an amou.nt not l<'u than ten per cPnt of the bid. Th<' check or bid bond shall be given as a guarantee that thf" blddt>r will «'UC.."llle t~ Conlracl if lt be a.wart:icd to him In C"Onformlty with thr Contra.ct Documf'nts and will provide the aurf'ty bond o r bonda u speclftf'd thettln within fiVf' day.fl aflf'r notifl<.'atlon of thr awari.J of tltf> ''onlract to lhf' bld<ler. The Owner n>S('rve~ thl" prlvill'ge of ff'jtttlng any and all bids or tvaive a.ny lrttgularlties or Informalities in any bid or In th£' bidding. Pursuant to l.he Labor Code of th£' Slate of California, the Jtaid JkMLrd ol TrwJteeJJ haa aacertatu<'d the gE>nceral prevailing rat~ of per diem w&gH for t>&"h cntft or tvpe of workman n<'('ded to execute thr contra.ct.a which '-'l'ill be awardrd the successfuJ bidders: and these prt'- Ya.iJlng rates are contalnM ln aeid spC'C'ificatiOM adoptl'd by the Board, and are a.a rolloW!I : APPRE-"'lTICES -May be cmployl""d 1777.5 of the California Labor Code. in conformity "'ilh 84'etlon Labon>rs. General or Construction $1 .7~ Electrician -General F ort>man J .l:lfi Electrical Foreman 2.87~ Electrical Sub-ForC'm an 2.i~ Electrlcan ..... , .. _........ .... ... ... 2.625 Overtime a.hall be paf4 for YlOrk p<>rformf'd in f'XCf"M of lht> rt>gu· lar day'a or wH k 'ii work and at the rate ror overtime or th«> craft in- volved. Holidays u herein refe-rred to shall be dttmed to be New Year'• Dsy, Dt>coratk>n Day, lndepli-ndencl" Day, lAbor Day, Armistice Day, Tbankqivtng Day and Chrl.etmu. If any or the above holidaya fall on Sunday, the Afonday following .shall be conslderf'd a legal holiday. It sP,all be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a contract is: awardt"d, and upon all s11b-contraC"tors under him, to pay not leu than aid general prevalllng rates of per diem wages to all workmen employed in the t'Xttution of the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid tor a period of 30 days aner the tlatf' 1'Pt for tht> o~ning or blda. No. 722-Prf"SS Publ.i8hNI: Junf' Board of Tn.ls:te('.~. Orange Coa11t Junior Collegf' D1gtrict. Orange County. C'alif. SignE'd: BASIL H. PF:TF.R~ON 14 -June 21 . 1951 . • • • • .. ' • ltf.:PP'.ATISO THEIJl hoDPymoon trtp of &Mt ,.. ........ Mr. aad Kn. \\'lllllam Bers of Balboa a.,. t>luh. ISM Ooht Hlpwai.y, \\'ho ulled lt"rkta,i .Ju.nfl I en -.nt th.. ~fatM>D llntor LurUDI', hocutd fDr H&lnll. J\lr. 8f'rl' lA ln _thf. Mlfatf' alld ln\·f"4ltmeal buln.tatt. Tllo dlr<etl ... ttr..U.. ,_ ~ tar a 80-<lay pOrlod. aalliodsM young mea to enlll( bi an1 mJM.. l&r)' ~ .v... -lbe7 ....... received Onie,.. tor IJr<o-IDductka ·-. Pre"'oully. men Ollte ~trod to pre--lndoctton aUna were pt'Obl~ ltod h<>tn ·-"~ In any - Mrv1Ce. Bown-er, It wu · polllted Md. that men will not be able to m- lt.t ln any sen1oe after they }JAW rotttv..i actual -for lnd11e;- tlon. The ~verage Ca.llfomla an1rler and hunter spends approxlmately one hundred and atxty-flw dollar& annually on hJs sport. YOU CA~~ .8 TT~ AT . na•i, er ' FURNITURE co. • We Buy"ind Sell 1New and Used Furniture • 1812 Nnrport.ltwd., Costa Mesa a.. 5656 · . .' . --------------------------------------------~~---~-- Immunization Plan Starts "Thill we<>k mark~ the lx-K'fnnlng or a thN>c>-mnnth progr•m or I nla~!'I tmmunt.u.tlon for lhC' prolf'<'tion of lht• cltl%ens ot Orange rounty agaln1't sn1allpox, typhoid fr'""'" teteutu11, whooping cough, and diJ)h- lhf'rt la," anTI()UO<'«I Dr. El\W!ird '"'~' Ru!Uk·ll, county hf'alth offirrr. t>ndor11i.ng the prOJrr&nl . He stattd that "lhla vital pubhc health meaaure, th.> first mus / effort of 118 kind f'Ver undt>rt&kf'n ln Orangf' county, i11 tht> rP11ult or ! h&!! a~f'd 10 provldt' t..hP tmmun- jolnt planning by n1Mlca) and l!:tng matt>rlals at COil to the civil defenae author!Uea to build ~.P physician" through thr-local drug l.ht" deff'n.Ha or. our population. .stores. The C'ntlrf' mPdlcal and .. A co-opt"rat1ve Mfo~ or the ol!:t<'opathic proff'SSlorui of thf' mrdlcat .. •nd ostf"(Jpath1 c proff's· county hav(' volun~ to handlt l Rion.s, civil dcfC'n~ authorltlcs and the ntL~I immunlz.aUon pTOjtT'lyll the people of Orange county, this at a C'O•t far bt>lo'I'' thp Qrdtn&ry program wiU provide a unlquc op-co.t at private vialta. Both tbe portunlly for evf".ry C'ltizt>n to pro-mt"dlcaJ and oeuapaUtJc a.uoda· j tf"Ct hlmeelf agaLru1t these devu-Uona· have •1Tttd to provide the t.allng but preventable communJ-E."nUr" M"rle• or a.ny part that '-I cablf' dllK"aM>R," lhf' h,.llh ol'flcf't nef'ded at a coet not to exC'Pe<I explalnffi. $.A pn prntnn unUI SPplt>mbtr· 1~ Community Saff'ruard \V he.n' U\e proirram l.s officially Thf ha.tile prtnciple>.s of civil elf'-,...nd4'1l, fl'nse ar(' peMIQnal rr~pon"lbllity and rnutual akl, whkh n1C'an,.. that 1_,.,,. C°"t tr our derfl:nae ltil to bf' adf'quate The doctor• havp al.lo agreed agalnat dl8&alt>r , man-mar1~· or that tbe total coet Pall not exc~ na.c.ur&J, a large prttenta~ of our •2~ ~r ramily, rt>gradlea& of the population mu.st be pn":viously Im-num~r of pel'90M In the family munl&ed apln111t theJM> dLfilt>U<'ll. irroup. A family ls Interpreted •• The saft>guards which our C'Ommu-father, mothf'r and childrf'n. Each nlly• normally providf'• may dlsap-doctor ha.a bt-Pn KlVf'n thf' pr<'- pear or bt .. Aerlou.~1}' damAKl"d ancl rogattv,. t o modlfy or rP<tuce lhi$ overtaxNl. r('lgardles.s o f whelher fef' as th<' family'• nf't'<'l!'I rpquire. lhr dlsa!'ltrr Lo, local o r In adjacrnl The C'Oflt o f tht> matf't"i&l ia ln- In store for you iuyou1· electric lwnie food freezer: :1 $hoppi~g convenience! SAVE YOURSELF SHOPPING TllJPS, time and inconvenience by having a ready supply of extra foods in your elec1ric home freezer. There's no need for special trips when guesu drop in, no need to shop when you don't feel like iL Your electric home food fi:eczer is a "i<:ach-in" supermarket that holds all lite foods you need for simple sn acks or company dinners. It 's always nght at hnnd, too-you're just a step away, day or night. Slore away · food !reshnC$S and ftavor. Food in your treezcr Slays at peak of perfection. Store away the savings you make by smart shopping. too. Food in your freezer is like money in 1be bank. Stt )'Our tltttricol opplianct dtaltr SOUTHlltN C_ALIPOltNIA IDISON C~MPANY SOTICE lN\"mXG 8108 CERTIFICATE OF BtiSJ;it.."ES.~ atf'&.'11. cludNl In thf' chargP for immunlu.-'-------------------------------------------"--"--------------- Bida ~till be rtteivai by the FICTmot·s FIRM SA.'\O: "In o ther word.8:· Dr. RuS9611 l ion. ·I School Trust.eea or UH-N@wport THE UNDERSIGN'ED do h•re· emphas iud, '""·e att living ln the "Adrquat(' protet""tlon a.pin.st Bl'ach School Diltrict ror janitor by certlfy that they •r• ronduct-atomic •1• and muat ~v~ our diM.'ue ha.urda that result from tupplies tor the ecbool year 19:;1-ing a ge.D•ral bUlldlng contr-acting" eon~pt o f thf' atepa that are nK· dl!'l!Uter 111 one of your mol'lt Ml· !12. A llilt or supplle• 1.nd apttlfi-buslnt>u at 277 -23rd Strttt. rMllry tnr our O"Wn JJUrvivial. Each Re ntlal civilian df'fenk'I. The df'· ca.Uot111 fOT' .. id supplies on rile in Costa Mesa, Orangt' County, Call-cltl&m anrl head of each family (t'('C to w,hlch V.'f' In Orange coun- DUtrict. Superlnlt>ndent's o f (I c e, fornia., undf'r thci fic titJoua firm must accPpt dirt'cl personal re--ty achlf'Yt' this defe ~ rf'•t" with I Clift Dr1v" and Irvin" Ave., ~f'W· namf' of HERSH A JOHNSO:\" 11poruriblllty for lhf' protection o f I Pvery lndividuaJ now. Protr<'l port. Helghllt. and that sa.ld flm1 i• compo.9e'd of hlm-.-.Jf and hia ramlly aplnst cer-yourwlf a.nd your famUy; fet y.our Bid.1 will be rectived up to 8 :00 the rollowtng pe~nA, whoM' 1 tnin prl'\.(•ntab\e di~e&Ms." civil df"ff'n.e Immunization now," I J). m .. July J, ~l. namr.s and addN'a&es are L'I fo l-Thl' pharmacC'tJt lcal profps_q lon Do<>tor Ruuell C"oneludf'd. The. Board of School Tntstel'!'I l9ws. lo-\vlt: -----------I of th.e N~port Beach Qc.~J Die-Art.bur He-nry Hf'rsh. 2375 AR SEEKS Cl,VILIAN WORKERS ' trlct ..,.serv••· th• rieht to «Jet t Elden Av•nue, CoAta M ... , MY any or all bkis t>l" waJv.-. &JlY i•1· Calitomla formality in a bid. t..oweRt bid.i on Thomas C. J ohn80n. 217 -23rd 1atlstactory lndlvidua.J 1lem11 0r 1 Stre~t. Co!lta Mf'tla, Call-Civilian workers ror the Drparlmf'nt of the Ann:r In oversea.a lo\veat total b!d may be acCf'!Jterl forn1a OJM'r&Uona arc being eourht In Santa Ana, Ray M&thf"WSOn, mllnage-r at dlacret.Lon or .-chool tru.leti:R I WITNESS our hand.'! this 13th of the Sant.a Ana office of the California State ~mployment St"rvice, MARION C. DODD. da y or June. l9~t . said today. 1.ft>n and v.•dmf'n "'·ho have had f'XJ>f"tlf'nC<' in any of 70 ARTHUR HEI\'RY HERSH Clf'rk of the Nf'"'l>Orl Bf'ach School Diltrict. No. 716-P~sa. Publish JUOf.' 14·21, 1901. I THOAfAS C. JOHNSON llnf'tl of a C'tlvlty arf' belng 900ght lo flll mo re than 1100 po111i tions. mo~l STATE OF CALIFORNIA.I nf whic h are in Japan, Aluk&, ------ COUXTY OF ORA?":GE I sJJ Germany, Atutrla a.nd Okinawa. I m('C'hanica and pn>Pf!rtY supply On this 13th day of June, A.O.. 'lhe .a.hortagf' of hlghly tra.J.ned clerkii . 19~1 . twforp the underwlgned. a profes..'1'.lonal pf"Oplt'. off'lcf' work· "Pay le on the samP !llCale •" Notary Public 1n and for uid er"!I and skilled per80n" ls llt'rloua," ror the ~am!' kind nf governmf'.nt.al Notice ia hereby liven th.at the Count)' and State. pt'~onally ap-Mathe'W"SOn "8.id ... \\'<' are lntcen•I-poaltiorui in th<' Unitf'd States. Board oI Trus\.cea or the Orange ~ared Arthur H l'nry H erah and tying our t<fforts to find pf"t90ns with 25 p<>r crnt additional In Al· Cout Junior College District o( Thomu c. Johnson, known to ml". who are qua.lirlf'd ano willing to aske and Okinawa, and lO per cent Oranl'e County, Calif., will rf'Ceiv(' the underslgnt'd to bt~ lhe pt'reons accept such employm<'nt. ove!'1M'as. additional \!' Japan.'' Ma.thewson b ic1s.up to lhf' hour of 10:00 A.M. \vhoRe nameA are sub..-w:-ribed to Natlonaly, tht' drlvt" bi headed by said. "Thf'r(' IR a b ig cllfferencf'. on lhf' 2'91.h day of Jun(', 1951, at the WfUtin Jn.!ttrument and 8<'· th<' Unltf't(I St.atf'S l:mployment hOWf'Vet, in that housing la free the offlC't' of sakl achool d.iatrict, knowtedge to me thal th«"y f'le· St'rvicf'. With which. the Callfornla ln aomP ar«>as, and fu.mlahed at localed at 19&51 S. Harbor Blvd .. ecut!'d the same. 1 8tatf' EmptoymC"nt 1:. afflllat<"d. only nominal cmt in other placfl&. Costa Mesa, Callt., at which tlme IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF 1 I "Applicants "'ho prt>al'nt their Jl,ff'dlC'al and d t'ntal care~ .uppli~ said bids WiU ~ publicly opened have hereunto SE't my hand ~d I qualiflcation.s to thr Santa Ana on a s imilar bas\8 . With few ex- for l~t\ furn1-hinc of the folio"·· a.ffixf"d, my ofrlclal aeal th.. day olfice ot thf' Califomla State Etn-l't>ption8 , ovrrseaa Army lnsta.lla- ing: ~fadatentnce of typewritf'rs and xea.r In thll cectltlcatf' first ployrrient Servke at 701 North tl~ ofr«"r thr qme-klnd of com· and "U81ne~ ma~hinea. :Dlf said 1abo.Jecwrt,tJ1. b>ll~!~\ i ~r 1ltttt., or at any local of· munity M'tvicf'a we ~~thia Boa"* ot Trtiettts ah&U W-tbr sole 1 •; MA!IC ~ fke of the aervit:e. during U.e nelC"t country."' Jud~~ of th.e 1 merila and ~alifl· 1 • , iNol!ery Publ i~ln anrt 60 daya wu1 gel a rapLd retene..I R~latkuw eonceM'liaf lllflpM- cat1orb--ot' thfl equtpm"'t o_fferf'd, ror .sairl Count)• anti of their quallf!catlonJJ to ttw-De-denl.s vary with thl" aru, but full a?d res<'rvf's the right to reJe>et all Stat<'. partn1ent of the Army. A.n ~uaJJy lnforniatlon may be obtained at . bid.8, and lo walVfl any Informal-No 725-Prr&i rapid d<'Chtion on a candJdat.e'• the Callfomla Stale Employment ity in any bid. PubliAhed June 21.28 July 5·12/~l acct>ptabllity 11 promlaf'<S by the St'rvlce ofOcf'. Transportation La at ADV.: Jun<' 1 ... 19D1. ' Ontwa.. Affalrt Branc h or the (IOVf'mment coat. A two-ynr lour or::::n:~ Datt": Jttnf' 2'9. t!l!'it JO t"Ot 'L ME.'\.S3 onrrv I Army." or dut:v la requlrf'd eXC'Ppt In Ok:ln· · · A fouled -.a.rk plug \ OM that Proteu1onal grouplngs In wtlich &\\'a whC"re lh<'rC' ls a. O.Ol"-year S ignet!; -r I · tt J I BASIL H. PETERSON is misfiring. or falllnl' to fl~. 15 a overt1ot·u t'mp oyn1enl 1s o ere n-mln\111u1n. result or a dt'posil on the polnU. c 1 u de attorneys, account.ant.a. Matht>w.on cmphul:sl!d that th• No. 723_~~ Board of Trustf'<'S: decl•rE's the NatlonaJ AutomoblJe economi.sts, enginf'el"8, medl('aJ of-California State Employment Ser· Publlihed 611,..21151 club. In dther words. it 1lmply ls a flee", velPrtnarlans and geolo-vice Is: the-only local channel to dirty pluc. The dJnrt tmually b ~.u. onf' of thetae Jobs. the product of a collection or ca,... Thf' list also fncludl'ii llbl"'&rlans: "If a candldate·s qua.ltficaUon.a bonized oll, If the plug rlrea prop-a.nd court rcporlfr1. recrf'atJon dl-ar(' accrpl.abl(' to the Army, tl)e ttly the con1bus:tion I.a 1uch u to fi'Cton, employee utllbatk>n ape· overSPa.a trtp may be u:perted to bum combUAtion ll 1uch u to bum claltata, personnel tech.nlclana, atarl in about 30 days, providing completely all of the bumablt> ma-budget officers, lnform~tk>n spe. phyalca.l. character and loyalty ln- terlala in the cylinder. c lallat.JI. '"''" a.nalysu and mgi-ve.tlgatkma &.r• pusr:d. Tbe ca.n- nffring aktea. dkiate hQ a chok:e of any area. Many trout limits have been taken during the put wttk from RoA8 Rt1tPn-olr, Hunters Dam, and San Antone Creek in Cal.avera.s County, rt'porla th• National Automobile Club. Sol1'W' of these fish have be-en runn.lng up lo 18 inc.hea In length. My diet's tine. thlng but food. J cui eat every-T'ypf.sU, .ste-nographers and ts.bu-whert> th~re la a job for which be la.Ung machine operator!' and su-can qualify. Leave regulaUona for Pf'"1aora are ln demand. Others overaeaa employmf'nt oolnclde ,.~~ wanted att radio leehntclana and wtth, u.o.e tor domestic govem- SOU'l'll COAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIFICATION READY MIXED CONCRETE w .. c ~ ( .......... Newport IJltl -r Blvd.) C...ta .. _ -......... .,._ - BALBOA TRANSFER CO. • . AG&NTS- • l1•c111 6553 se..,. ' ' rep&inneo, cable apU~n. commu-mental employu. The-ata.nda.rd nkatlona foremen and code clnka, work wttk Ls 40 boura. Monday machine lhop wpervtaora. motor through Friday. UTILI RED SCHOOLHOUSE FOi O.C. FAIR Adult Yisltono to th• ochool dliipla)'ll bet,,. "'""sect for the 19111 ~ Orang• county fair wtll probably got eam..i 1'1&1>t 'bock to tMlr elllld- boOd days wllen thoy -ow nhlblt bulldlns with mtruce bolas built to neemble the little old ftd ec.laoot hOUM, complete with bf:U tower. Tiie bell towe1 Ma been buOt by the 1t.udenta at Oranp Cout college-and tN •nlft ecbool eJ:· hlblt dopartment wtI1 be a ooop-The Audlo-Vlluol d~ont of • ...u.. -· condlleled by &II the _...t, .. -ll)'9Um wm I Oranp -..I) ..-.., ID ooonll--.. ~ -111rou.-..•t the nation wttl> UM Clfl1ee ot tM OOUD· . .._ ea •·-dtiy &Del .-.lq'. I,}' "-1n-t ot B<boolo . lbbO>!t• will Ind.CS. a model Jblln lltDonoucb, ~l' Plll'- k11ebeD w1lll rfJ'la oookloC oample 8lc&l --_..,.I, lo .,_ _.., -Uoe&I -u.., ~ u. -dltlpl&J" roe tile trmr <duc:&tlooJ. W..... tdlxe-Wrd ~t ,_,. lie lo _...., tlOll. & flllOto d1oplAoy t&lc<!i .. tlllo .-. ....... fQr _.... • -ty ..... -. --~-lllt/ ~ bl .... -.... -ud _, oU>eo-feature&. Ill-_,.. ,,.,_, and • - elMllls "' -----:"!m it ::w ~-;:-.: "'A¥ ... how a modera ............,. Non.a. .peecll oaaFZ•t • UM ~aa. roco • "~ ...,,._ ........ diam'"' •tm.tmt. lkW ...,..__ -b&Y-__ _.. .,. a Local and Hation-w,ide Moving ::! :; =-~ ~ ., ____ ,_.. C. Z. lloND:L Ital a....-Ill.VD. -Q.' U RJ!llQl:'l7 ond the otrlce Of t.be Count.,y Su· ~ lo ""•"'C .. '------------------------,;1·pmntendellt or..,_., Cl.4M•HM> Am ; I " . With your present car and a few dollars a week you can own ft.is New '51 Dodge I r 1T0~ 1 grand deal on a great car you're after .•. come In and let's talk it oW!I'! You tee, our A.rt a.re •t record levels. To ce.Lebrate. we'n! l(Oing all out to make ii easy r .. you lo own the Dodge oE your choice. Anet If yav come in ....,,, you'll be getting the best 1election of body stylet and colon. Our generous allawant'fl 6gure Oil ,,,.,, ""'"""1 .... will probably """" than CO\.... tho. ful down poymeot on 1 be:aullful -Dodrl Fer the .. , .t your llh, come in and -m.. °!1.e a big new Dodge home "*YI Yoe could p:iy up tO $1 ,000 more and still DOI get lhe extra room • . . the driving; eaoe . . . the riding ~ of new Orillow shoclc ab- P'ben • • . famous Dodge clependability. I ' l ., ' ·:;,SBAWBa ~•G Ye• DOIMll • PLYMOUIH DIALIR 6907 1880"-poal • • • el • ~SHARE 'IN ouR - SUCCESS WALK IN ... DRIVE OUT WITH THE BEST D£AL OF THE YEAR • \ • •• • • • • • • ' ' • • l · PAGE 8 -PART 11 -THURSDAY, JUNE 21 , 1951 .t_.1~PllESS~ ' At Home in San Francisco After. Southern , California Honeymoon ' By &tty Kirby In the interval since their late May ~ing. the young John R. W oods. Jr., haVt' hf-en following hont"ymoon tra:ls to point.a of ln- terest 10 Soulhf'rn C alifornia, but are no"': living in San P'ranci!'tCo where Mrl . Wood, USN, i• 8l'rving aboard the USS St _ Paul. The bride ts the rorml'r J oyce !NII CalflWC'll, daughlt>r of Mr. and M ~. ~\4·ey J\r rlcy of 163 Al- bert Placf', C'oala 1¥1 1."sa.. He r hus- benrl'l:I parents arc John R . W ood, Sr .. of ~faryville. ~f o .. and Mrs. Ann Kimberling of Crant". Tex. Fo r thr p1tsl lhret> y('ars when not ovr'""fas ht" has rrsidf'rl with his unrJp a.nrl aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H . J . Wood, 212 Flowf'r stre<'l , Costa Mesa . Lari;:e ba!olk .. ts or whill· gladloU white t'arnat1on.s e.n<t pastel sweet ~as werr flank{·rl by statr ly can- delabra to Crt'atr a charming back~rounrt 1n th,.. Costa Mesa Community Mf'thodlst c hurch for th(' evenin~ cerf'mon y un1t1ng the couplf>. Rev. Charles Ji'. Hand of· firlat('<l at lht> doubh.'·ring rite with Rev. J o.st·ph H. Thompson assis ti n~ ln ndrl1t1 on to plf1ying the o r- gan prelude and Wf'ddlng marche~. VPd a Thompson arron1panied Jo Ann Neumann. soloifft, in numbers lnclud1ng "l Love You Truly" 11nd "'ThL' Lord's P rayer."' 5ia t ln Stn·a1nf"n W hitf' snt1n strf'amf'r!! markC'd the pC'ws rtl'f1n1ng the ct·nter aisle do\l.'n w h ic h Mr, Kl~rlf•y escort('{! h is dauc.hter. who observed the bridal trallit1ons of "old. blue, borrowert and nrw." F.nhanc1ng her lovehness was hC'r lustrous wbltf' satin 2own in prinC('S9 mode fa.othio nr<I with swC'clheart neck- line and long sleeves. An exquisite lac1.· ve il cascaded to fingertip length from a satin crown adorn- ed with mock oran~" blossomB, and she wore thrC'c striands or pearls. jrift of the bridegroom. A white handkerchief. h£'i rlonm In hC'r family, was the "something old"' of hf>r rnst•mblP. She carried a wh1l£' Bible cO\'€'rt'd with a white aat1n pillow, df'coratrd 1n lace to match her vr1I. and with pink rosebuds knotterl 1n the show er of satin ribbons. Furthering the un- u~u11.I arrangf'mrnt wa.q a hug<' corsai::-1· of pink rosebuds, pink ribbon and mt'tall1c Vl'lling at- tachrd to tht> ptllow. The cnr~age la t ... r crJn1pleted hf'r Mm art ap- pearance for trKVf'ling wh1..•n add· ed to ht'r n.qua suit. As matron of hnno r ~frs. M au-l"""" MrCord was frfW'kr·d in whitt> voilC' \\'J th dark blur dots. She wore a tiara of c risp vealing. large pearl necklace and \lthlte nylon gloves. A n osej;ay of multi-colored swet·t pC'as tied \.l.'ilh light b lue r ibbon accentC'd thC' co~tume. Dale ~tay11 r. USN. of San Diego. usumrrl bC'st man duties. Ushe r! Wt>re HomC'r McCurct. brothf"r·in· la\.\.' of thp hr1d1' and Jack W ood, cousin o f thP brirlr ~room. Duard K1•r\Py, bruth1•r o f thC' bride, hart thC' rnlt• of rtn~ bearer. Th1• J.,lo\.l.·C'r strC'C't horne of Mr. and ~fr.s. H J . \\'ood provided fe!!!l- tAl s1•tt1 ni;: fr)r a reception after the vow C'XChan~e 1\ corsage of pastel pink gla<t1l"'.lli and white swrf't peas madr an attractive d etail to thf' b<>com1nl{ Navy blue J:nwn and acces.qorics c ho~n b)· Mr8. K erley for her daughter '!!! Wf'dding. ~f rs. Wood appeared in a smart royal blue drPss with grey accessori~s. Mlnlature orchids which she had grown, fo rmed he r corsage. ·Pink and \\.hJtr Theme Great clusters of pink and white 1tladiol1 lntt'rspers<'d with vari- huffi carnation& decked the rooma. \Vhilc crepe pa pt>r streamers and w~ing bells were festooned from the ceil ing-abo\'f" the bride's ta- blr . Sprf'ad with an hrlrloom cloth. thr tablt• bore a <.·enterplece of white carnatiow. Arranged at one ent1 w Pr e t ht> purtch bnwl and cups a.nd at the oth er a five-ti("red Wt·dd1ng cake cncirl·led wtlh mini- ature bridal figurf'S After the new M r . and liif rs. \\.ood cut the crrf'montal first slier of the con- fcctton, 1t \.l.'85 servf'd hy Mrs. M c- Cord and the h ostell..~. ~Ir!!!. Kf'rlf"y presided at thr punch bowl a.nd Clara Bt>nnett had charge' of the guest book. All of thf' fl oral ap- polntnlents "'f'f l' dnne by Mrs, H . J . \\'oo<l. "''hv also baked and d!"co- ratl'd the cake. Before the JUSl· IA'C'dJt left an1.d a. ~howrr (l( good W.dht's a.nd confE'tlt, the bridf' thl"C'W h('r bouqUf'l which WU cauli!hl by JaC'kie John.!lton Mrs. \Vood wa.!11 g-radu&tE'd this month fron1 Newport Harbor Union }\igh school. She 18 a 1nem- ber of the Girl!l Athletic Aasocla- tlon. Following hl1' gTaduallon from lhe Maryvteolleo, Mo., tugh 9l'bool. lolr. W ood attl'!nded North- 1A·eet Stal~ T eactltra college and Ill afflltated with Sigma Gamma fYatemity. A gunner's mate-, third claaa. USN. he ha.a jwit re~urn~ fro1n duty off lhe coasts of Korea and Formosa. Ord , Nebraska Jun:or Riders Plan Potluck Supper When members of Loa Compait- t>ro& .. junior riding club, met June 14 with George Baker. 1747 Ir- vine !ltreet, Costa Me:A, they made plans for a pot luck 11upper and e-vening of games to be held Sat· urday, June 23. at 8 :30 p.m . at the Mesa Boot!l a.nd Saddle club house. Parent11 are urged to at· tend. Sympathy UI extended mrm- bc>r Sue Thornberg, !1Uffering from a broken jaw. The club took fir"t place In the junior organizt~d group at the Fi!!!lh Fry parade June 3. Twelve members of Lo8 Compancros enjoyed a recent ov(•r night ride to Irvine Park. spon- 11ored by the Boots and Saddlf' club. Next mreting will ht" hrld Thursday, June 28, in tht> l~th St. home of Sue Thornberg at 7 p.m. Here from Ohio for Graduation Mrs. Sam Latr'&.-ty (Barbara Lee M.ithoff) ot ColumbtU, Oh io. arrived unex pectedly Jut week at the home of her partents. ~fr. and Mrs. 0 . R . Mithoff, 398 !:. Flowe r strf'et. Costa Mesa.. She came to !lee hf'r 111ster Shirley graduatf' fron1 N ewport Harbor Union hlgh st'hool and her bro ther·, RlcharO, a <luate from Uie eighth grari1·. rs. Lafff'rty will return lo Co- lumbus w ith he r fa.nilly when th('y take a vacaUon trip r a_st . Shirley's friend. Penny HatC'h, formerly ot ColumbWI, 0 ., and no\\· living in Wilmington, all40 attended lhe graduation exercUrf'.&. The local girl witnessed MIRR Hatch's graduation at Wilmington on Friday eve ning . Balboa Girl Likes Thailand ijanko k, Thailand, is as n1ct> H. pla ce tn live u one could wish, writ<'s ~n.~" J t"an Worley, who lrft here thP nliddle of Marc h. goln~ first to Wa.ehington. D. C. and then f\y1n~ t o F rance by thC' Roval Dutch Airlint"s. M las W orlry UJ isecretary \litltti. the special Techn ical Economtr Mission In Thailand. She l!'l thr daughte r of Mr. and M rs. Roy Worley, 402 Seville avenue, Bal- boa, and was form erly in Shang- hai with her unC'le, who i111 a biH· hop of the ,.tcthod1st church in Chlna. Social Evening for Pilot Class Mr. and Mrs. Orw in VPf't<'h 11nd Mr. and M rs. Ray Bakr r wert' in charge of the pilot cla.as party held Thur!!!lday evening In Goodell hall. The evening was !!!pent p\ay- ing games. prize111 going to Marian Seelt>y. J ean McDonald and J ohn Taylor. A 111hort business session was held, Harold Gla..s.a pretJid\n~ Those present w ere Me.ura. and Mme& Harold Gius, J ohn Taylor, ~ Nott, Ed Fruehan, BUI M<"- DonaJd, Ray Baker, Orwin Veetch and Mme!I. Marian Seelf'y and Elsie Salter. 4-H Group Visits Kellogg Ranch The C08ta Mesa Stitchy Slllc h- ers and other 4-H club& had a grand time rC'Cently at thl" Kel· logg's horse ranc h near P omona where fun lind exc1tf'ment prevall- ed. Launching the program wu a home economics judging contest which wa.,, followed by a. demon- stration conteist . After lunchf'Ofl there we)-e ta.lkis. presentation of awards. a colorf\JI 4-H para.de and an Arabian horse show aa c ~axing feature, Minnesota State Picnic Sunday Minnesota State Society of Lorig &-ach will hold It s annual picnic Sunday, June 24 In Bixby Park, Long Beach. Bring a picnic lunch o r food c11.n be pu'l-c~ o n the gorunds. Reg- istration.!!! by counties. Program at 1 o'clock tly the Long Beach Youth band. HOLIDAY DINNER Mn. Jame.a Lockwood of l&th St .. Coot& M-. arra.npd a din· ner ln ob9ervance of hther'a Day. Cove.re were marked for Mr. IUld l(ra. Jame1 Lockwood. Mr. a.nd Mn. Andrew Brockett and da~hler Suaie,,. Kr. and .Mn. J. H. Loclt1o!ood a.Qd oon Rlcbanl. lllllTHDA Y Glrr 'l'IUP Picnic Sunday A mtt 1n Rldt..-, cani. , 'with bu oon and family hao been Fonner resident. Ot Ord, V&ll~y eJUo)red b7 Kn. Steven S.de .. county. N•b .• wtll ptll•r Sunda.y. of 8Q8 Bamlll<Jll lit. Ooola x.a June 24 tc:it,~lhelr annual plcnic at Tbe trip WU a ~ ... stft. JliJ<by _Pa<k, Lona-Bead>, an-from Mr. Badop to hio wife - -Mra. '1'."711<11. pmldent tJ>ouchl It "\be nlc:ut pnoe11t ot the IOdet;J. ~---\ . - • • • • • ;.£ ..... _ .... , A PRJ:-OllmVATION dinner party la that aha.~ at s.nta 8&riJara campu& or l'!nlvcnttr of C&UtorDJa. i..tt. 'R r1Jhl arr: Grad•ta Bob Bethurum &nd Mbte Gf'Orsta Briacoe; aad Georgia'• parTnt-. Mr. &Rd Mn. Bud BriM:oe~ 3tO Diamond avenue, Balboa (4land. On the table lA t~,•lli•tt cup prt"M'nlf>•I Miu Brl-..-ot> '""°olly when lhf. ~,. cbel"I!'• .. SWtt>lht'&rt of Lambda Chi" at t.t.,., prlnc formal. ~hf' ha. ... slp·d a contract. lo tdM.'b Eaclls.h a9d IWMU.I 1tudlt'Si at lhfi ""'". N~•lk .Junior hlKb !lj('hool nf'l:t tau . Buth ~tr. and Mn.. Britlcoit werp prcwot at l(radW&Uon f"x~lltra and Gf'Or&i• tt'lUntf"d bomt-w!th thrm. Smorgasbor~ and !Steak Bake for Cards at Clubhouse Junior Matron s Sponsored by the 1' .. r lday A!tf'r· An antic ipated event a111ong noon c lub, a amorgasbord and the Junior Matrons sect ion or the card party "'lll tM-g lvC'n July 18 Friday Afternoon club. their hus- at 12 :30 p.m. 111 thl' cl ub house. bands and friends. la a !!leak l\of r.!!!I. Krnneth Stewart, president. bake echeduled for Wedne.sday. announced this Wt'ek . Thl•r e will June 27. 1tl the Collta Mesa park. ht-door p rlz4':a and individual ta· The affair "·ill gel underway al bl~ prizea. T ickelB, which art' pr1c · 6 :30 p. m . Community Chests to Elect Tonight Elecllon or officers \\'Ill be on lhf" agrnJa wh('n third a.nnuat din- n<'r tnf'rtin~ of Or11nge County Fl'df'ration of Co1nmunity Che8l!!!I is h eld ton ig-ht <Thursday} in Conln1un1ty CC'ntrr. Santa Ana. IA>Cal re pre8"ntal1Vf'8 will a ttrnd. On the nonlinat1ng commi ttee are ed at $1.50 may be obtained rromt. ------ any club 1nember. -People do read the Presa H. F. K enny, chalrnlan: Cran1cr ads. Franc hi and Ira Weide. • • I ---------------------·----- °"" """""' ,.,,,, ,.,.. wita -:;;-~----1 11-r/Jj•t .... Ju, • _.., J<ta-Ila I ,..,,., --"1""1 tli/mwJ! Abt -. ,,,,..., nJ fl-'J mKla . '. ""'-' .. ""-/# -'1 # ••• ONIALI -'"lliii NOWI .,~· cMcK•OUI' COUN'flll Patio Party for Natal Celebrant I I I I Social A~e,rno~n for ·Circle '5 . 11 j WMn So!'la 'Mauiowa. daughter Mn. Ruby Cheney ot :UP Flow- Of Mr, • Kn. Vun.oo Mat.bew9. er strff.t. waa boetea to h'rcle 5 697 W. 111b 8beet. CoatArt Men.. "of lhe \VSCS of the. CommunJty noted. ~et U\Jrteenlh birthday re--c~urcb on Thuf9(1ay attemoon. cenuy, frieftcle were b!dden to a June 14. carnatlone and gl&l:hi gala ~becue •tal'ed in lhe patio wr re uMd to beautify Uie !Wme. ot the Ka~ewa home. A we.st.em Mra. Olga CraWford, cba.irman. the.me prevailed with cowgtrls p n::3k1E"d over a short bu.e~ncsa and cowboy_. hat. on the table an'1 meet iflb. Rev. Charles Hand Jed fRVOrit 1ugge11Uve ot the Hopalong 1 hr dt'V••t:ons us1ng the topic, "The Caaaldy atlnotphere. Holy Sp irit," and Mnt. Viola Beck- Tbe younr .folk puUclpated ln ett gafe an lntereaUng talk of a • program of lively games with visit to the Melhod!st mlaalona in prlzee awarded tbe following wtn· North Africa. nera: JO)'Oe Cbtmc. Gall M oores, Hlghl£g6ls' of the afternoon wa.s Joyce VIUe, Jo Ann Ogden, and the : r evealing of secret pab w ilh Beverly Beebt. A candle-lighted an exchange of glftl and the birthday cake climaxed the bar-ch00&ing of namea: of secret pals becue feut. Nadine Mathews lent for the coming year. hostea ald. Mrs. Cheney, ~isted by' her 81&- Harboritc5 Attend Br1~g~ ~uncheon · at Los .. Alamitos When U n. Ellery ll. C&tr a.ad Mni. Harold Larner of Loll.- Beach ga•e a recent luncbeon and brtdg-e for 40 friends at Loe Ala- m itos Naval Reserve na.. · out of town pests attending included: M "· M.a.rcua E, West of Cc>ata M•lf-Mf'8. laabolle Belyea of ArciL.dla and BalbOa Island, and M.ra. Oha.rles w. Van Hom Or Monrovia... TO LIVE IN PHOE?>"JX Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rodman and "°""· Billy, and Dick. i88 22nd SL. Costa Mesa, are leaving Monday for Phoenix, Ariz., where they will make their home, 0thera enjoylng the celebration tf'r. Mre. Elena Libby, served cake l.:==============- were Wayne Van Aken, Flo Lou anc.t whipped cream to members Thomp.1on. Lynn Va.n Aken, Eve-and guests. Others enjoylng the lyn Taylor, Eta&beth Snowd~n. aflf"rnoon were Mmea. IJ&nd, Thc reli& DI Car\o. Costa· Melia ; Flo rence Eighmey, Emma Simp- and Ca,ynelle Bear of Santa Ana. Mn. Emma C ranford, Eleanor Llght('r, Ll'ttie Dudek, Violet CU- We give your shoes the new look tr you have the old pa.rt& CUSTOM REPAllUSG Newport Shoe Repair 109-!2nd .Se"·port Beaeb Costa Mesa Coup le Note Birthdays sels, Hulda Young, Iva Roe, J o- hanna Ha.nsen, Irene Northern, J osephine T ogeraon, Bird Mellott. I ;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::::::;::~ Luella Taylor, Bertha Stover and I, The bi rthday of Mr. and 1.f rs. Cornelius Pia• were celebrated last week wnen the couple host- ed a famiJy dinner at their home. 311 Costa Mesa St. On hand were Gertrude Edick . , Mrs. E ighmey will hostess the July mr<'ling in he r home a.t 237 Broadway. IN · SEW HOME Mr. and Mr•. Simon Plu a nd !.farine SgL and Mrs . A. R. Mc- daughter Sharyn &nd Mrs, Aa fke I Mahon have Jtl111t moved into their Folkert.8 or Huntington Beac h. new homf' at 478 Margaret Dr., : Cost.A Mesa. Sgt. McMahon is -People do A•d t.he want ad.5. j stalioncd at El T oro. Su~rlatlye Dry Cleanlac LIDO CLEANE&S 456 Xe"'~rt Blvd COSTA MESA Ilea. 6193-.1 ~e operate our o"'ft plant --------------- es '~· -· • '