HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-28 - Newport Balboa Press\ &ieltbiut l!J' T. N ("BJUCK"l GAJNDI u Duleh Qua, Ibo ofllclal octo- pua keeper for the Ute ot Ore~ bad ooly wrttl.on w. dept.. ~ deYote an enUre column to ex- Tfl& nus A m.&ror of tb4i moat l"lpldly dev•lo!'hll' .,.. ol tile calllomf& Soutll Coutal ICmpira Hut>Or1tm now thrlvtnl' hi other I '-----------..I puta of the country. Aa It la, rm dome pnotty wdL ·• It's tunny abou.t theae .u·H•r- bor people, hoe-ever. Wherever ; • . . ' ... ' .. ' . • llYl,.G TH' lNTlll, HMIOI AllA • • • . . • SECO!lfD LARG fh HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY • _,_ ' to tie -... falt and lmputial, -thal to -· and -J>OPUlal' ~ / you meel'em, all they want lo 1 talk aboUt 1a Newport. even 11 VOLUlllE XIl PHONE HARBOR 1616 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JUNE, 28, 1951 SIXTEJl:N PAGES • FIVE <(E;N'l'S NUMBER 18 they're enthJ'alled wtth where ==;;;;;;~,;;;;============;::~;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;::::::;;;;==:==:;==========:c::::::::::::::::::::::;::::='======;:==========::::::::=:::::=;==;:======~::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::=::=:~=.:=.::::;::::c=:=-::-o.=::::~-=-=-=-:::;·c=c:;::.:=;::::::::=l::::::;=:::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::=:::::::::::== they're living. I remember once, not too tone ago, viatUng eome es·Mta.na up on the Rogue near Medford In Oregon. We had a reJU]u reunion. wtth a half-do&·. en ramllle1. &11 former Harbortleg,, J¥>bforlng IU<e mad. Fun. ThJa wu broug-ht on, prlnclpe.1- ly, by word from Jlmmle and Ma.· be.I Stenn.ton, who're J~ted at ~ona. Arla., which la out In the ft'llla aomewbere near Flag- staff. Adopt Million Dollar Budget 1 A more than rnllllon dollar budget for fhe city of Nl!"W'pOT't Beach for the fbcaJ year lD:it wu approved by the city cou.ncU Monday. Actual budgf't figure approved wu $1.008,904 .60, almolll $80.000 more than the 19:)() budget of $947,000. / In announcing the budget, Mayor Lee labell l&Jd th&t w~ "are still living wtthln our means." Jtmmie, until lut year, was one ot the bfost·known charter boat men hereabouts and Mabel wu he&d of the Female f'llhennan ·~ club duririg ita first year. They bougbt land in Ariz.on& and a.l.rKdy are bn.cg1ng harder than the natives about the wild came. The new budcet include•: t t t $19 monthly coat of living TWO SISTERS HIT BY CAR· rou , e c. They bave two ranches, and bonus for city employee I baaed one of 'ein apparently i. crawling on Bureau of Labor St&ticllca wtth elk, deer, wtld turkey, moun· figures,. The bonus wllf be re· taJn Ilona . and web critters. If examined alter a aix month.e Jimmie's u good a hunter a.s he period. t. a fl11herman. their locker will An increase or eeven firemen be bulging with game, 1 bet! in the clty':s fire department and They didn't wrlte their best the purchue of & htrh presaure neww. however. It waa brought &quad truck. Both of these Im · beck here by Frank and Julia provements will prob&bly prevent Sawyer who itopped by for 8 a 11ubst&ntial ralae ln the clty'11 vt8it when returnJng from the fire in!lurance rate. EuL An addition to the Newport \\-'hen they hit town they ran Beach public library that will Jnto a celebration. The enu~ joint give badly needed llp&f'e ror ad- waa whooping becauae a new wa. dittonal reading space &nd boOk ter well had been brought In .or atorage. course newcomera like the Steven· An appropriation of S6000 for sons would h&ve nerve enough to a park anti recreation proKf'e.tn. try for water where oJd-tlmer!'I Other budgets ln the city oi>e- wouldn't, a.nd of course. they'd ratlnn tor the year lnclud~t'! bit water, too. So everyo~ wa.s $12.252 In the park fund: $6633 n happy. ! the parking fund, $12,800 In the They11 be out to the coaat for Corona del Mar state park fttnd~ a ant ff of foggy air and a try at $22.000 for . sewage treatment: the aJ~core a little later in the $21)4,M-4.~ '" the water fund ; $16,600 1n the advertiatng fund Rnd $20.000 in the library fund. .sun1mer. MORE WORD YRO~f ·EX-Nl':WPORTERS Boat Ramp In other actions the city coun- cil heard five letters oppoaing lhe re~pening, cited the operation of the ramp u a tr&tflc ha:aard. a Two small aister• a.re ln coun· ty ho111pllal today wtt.b tnjuries 11uffered Tue!tday &tlarnoon when they Yt'ere 1truck by a.n auto u they were croNln.I' Newport Blvd. at CabrUlo St., C:O.l& Meaa. Barbara Lee Forte. 7, of lM Cabrlllo St. suttercd a broke.i arm, and her 11i1ter, Beverly Ann. 4, sustslned interna.J. tiurta and a head Injury. John R. Hut90n, 17 1 of 10072 Gilbert St.. Oarden Grove. was drlV't'!r of the auto, accordlng to Callfomli. Highway Patrolmen. Mesan Pleads Guilty to · Misdemeanor The other rt:port comes from Big Jim Kennedy. who fo r a time operated the Corona. de1 Mar caf(', now conducted for the benefit of folkl who love spaghetti and other lt&llan food by Papa and M.a.ma RoeoL Big Jim 80ld out here and ~ughl a cattle ranch in Modoc county, whJch Is about u far away trom here U you can get ln C&li· fornla. He t'l!l'pOrlll a rough winter and eMly ttprlng on Joseph Creek, but hJe eatUe wintered fine a.nd t\A'.• prG'ZP W~<M·t I W, tt. meMk>w rtglat. 1'09 .sta.rtnc al all lhoee walltiae 'f·boMtt.. . unluai they've ~n put dbl on the nnae. nulsa.nce and .11. danger to swim· As he wa.s ready to go to trial on mers. The letters were Rigned by a chR.rge of statutory rape of a Martin R. Klltte.n. Charles H . t4·yf'ar·old Jrlrl from Long Beach, Laws. WUliam Lyons. J . C. Metz Bob Gf'ne Mea.M, 18, of Coeta and Or. Van A . Odle. The letters Mesa Mondav entered a plea of were referred to the city man· guilty to mlsQemeanor oontrlbul· ager for study. lng to deltnquPncy of a minor. I know Dutch GUI Wurdinger, the octopua tra.Jner, will be un· happy to have bttn Jen out of thb. but I know we'll hear from him ?at.er! REJU:MllER OLD t JNCLE TOM! The Orange County Water Dis· Means applied for probation trtet sent .11. letter inviting city through Dep. Public Defender officials and the general public samul!'I Dre.l%en and Superior t.o--a tour ot I.be Prado Kam aod..i-1-...,,~ :•;;j,!iij;e~j;;ioiti.;,;,;....;,. retarding ba.atn on June 30. The hearing on the 1pj,UeaUon for group, In private cara. w\11 leav• July 6 In court of Judge Robert lhe Olive poat office Saturday at Oarr1ncr. 1 :30 p. m. The youth was alleged to h&ve A reqt)est was received 'from had relations In ht.a moltl a.part· Mr. ~d Mrs. Ray Ayres, 136 m"nt with a 14-year-old runaway Turquolae Ave.. Balboa lsla.nd I girl from Long Beach lut Aprtl asking the lnatAIJation of stop 21 . Involved In the aame offense signs at the intersections of P&rk "'"r" another Lone Beach girl a.nd Ave .. Turquoise and Colllns Ave. a youth under 19, who.e ca.eea (Continued on Pap Z) wer ... handlE'd by juYenlle court. By Surprise, They We re Taken YIRE DlP~LED thfi Sany Ga.rtler reel' n.cie. tl t Clltt Drtv-e,: aad dntroyecl sbf'\lb.-aad treea Wlilit.• the elltil"tl alope of tile 10.Wer le\.'eil or the proptorty, adjoin~ Utfo !00 block on Rt,· ... rs1&; Drl'·e, WS. burned o'-rr. The bla&e. ot uaknown orlctn. "'ae ~I undf'r way whnl dJIK'O\·ettd by a •IP.bor. Enct~ :So. ! from Nf'wport Continue Hearing .caf.AUQQipg Plan _. ~tddeoftia Of Balboa Cove., ~p· rteented by Le.rs Lavtpino, pro- teatf'd to the city C'ounc11 Monday nl~t the recommf'ndatlan of city planning commiaslon In re-zonlnc- the Stanley Tract. a s.ectJon west of B.alboa Coves on Cout High· way from R -3 to the commercia.I C·l·H. principally bt-c.11.uae of ob- jeclk>n of the sma.11-boat rental bualneae a.nd Its effect on cha.nnel traffic and 1JW1mnllnJ[. Lavlgnlno ukt"d that the land I remain In the R·3 cla.ss, staling that the buslneAee which were e•l&bllahf'd ~fore the aectlon wu thlcle Tom Talbert. perennial city. county and many other bra.nda of otftclal. bu branched out at Huntington Beach.. Pretty near everyon" here knows Tom. on account of hb being In public Ute so long. Now he's started something new. He's operating the jalopy ra~a ln our sister city, and If you haven't seen those cra.zy.tlke· •·foK r&ce driven tn operation, you ha•en·t aeen anything! Substantial progreNI (to the tune of $6~1) waa ml.'.'dt toward beau-a.nnexted to the city, should be &l· tiflcation of Balboa Blvd .. when a hundred Harborltea pthered Tue•· lo\Ved to oontinue ~ non-conform· day evening at a dinner In Newport Harbor Yacht club, given by the ~w~e"::~1:1~~Ja::o: ;;,~~!: Balboa Improvement association. shop and sma.U boat rentala, In· PauJ J . Howard. who la donating architec tural planUng pl&ru1 and cludln• outboard motor boat& Franklin WUcoK. owner of the Earl Brown. Covea ruldeot. reiiil'Oiid;t aAd two f)'Om CHt.a Meu.. la addition dozens of newby workena and resident. came to the ""'5Coe wttlt u.o,·e19 and rak.s to beat down Uw tlamrs.. Smoke from the f'lni could be &een from all parts of the Harbor area. (Press Photo) Plan Ceremonies on ffarooa Bfv[- Formal ceremonies celebrating the completion of the improve· ment of Balboa Blvd. will be held at 2 p. m. Wedne!day, J uly 11 at McFadden Place a.nd Balboa Blvd. ln Newj::Jort Beach. The ceremonies wUI be preced· ed. by a para.de of official cars from the City Ha.11. Repreaentatives of five c i v I c groups, Balboa Improvement Aa· eoclation, Corona del Mar Bual· neas Auociatlon, Balboa. Island Bualness Association, Weat New· port Improvement Association and Newport Harbor Buslnessmen's Aaaoclation, will be on hand for the ceremonies. ThLs dept. dropped by the other evening for a ·short look and the llJlln~chllllng prognm stilt hu my b&ekbone ln th.e quif'k-!re-eu. And, not at all •t.rancely, I saw largest wholesa.Je nureery in the ~autlflcatlon .Commltte-, Bert Rld that both he and h.b wife world and who La giving trees for WUAOn and Mule 8lrd.. teeretary whlle In~ U!elt rowbo&t bid beeo the pa.rklng strip ~lb. wenl of the Improvement aaoclation. dttnc.hfid'"wtth water thrown up b)r o. W. (DIOJ<) RICHABD, wt, ~ ot "!Ucllanl'a.,Lblo Mar- ket° Ud Com-·lla< llanlt1 lleU. Newpon -r Ain<E'l<aa Le-,to. Poat Ill, dl:eeuae pl.a.na ud food tor the third aiu..ua.1 A.me;.. ' spea.ke:rs. ea.n Lesto• BrNJdut to ~ b.fold trom 1 lo 11 Lm. 8atorday lo Sl Water Tax For-Cove Beach land Match Out Highlight ot the four hour· and 35 mhlut.e 8e88ion of the city council I a e t Monday night was the decision of the law makers to go on recOf'd favoring the acquisition of 14 China Cove tots. Funds for lbe buying of the Iota by tlle city will be obtahled by an additional monthly fee of one dollar on t.be city water met· tel"l!I for a 10-month, period. Sixty per cent of the money rai.8ed by thia m ethod will go to buy the China Cove Jot.a and the rem&Jnder will be used for park hnprove- ments. The lots to be acquired would actually gtve two separate beaches divided by the three house.a a.nd unimproved lots located centra.lly on the beach. The property to be bought by the city would provide one 120·foot water front.age beach a.nd one with approximately 200 fE-el of frontage. The original recommendation of the PIU'k. Beach and Recreation Commission recommending a vote on the China Cove 1saue at the next election to deterrnlnt-whether ocean front matchiJ'Jg lands should be given for China Cove wa.s dla· carded. ... Flnt to .give his opinion on the acquisition of China Cove iuue wu Mayor Les JabeU. He sa.ld, "It Jooka to me llke this ia a solution to China Cove and other proper· tlu in toWn. Chlna Cove wanla a be.a.ch. In my opinion. thla dOC!llll't call for a park rµ.n by the st.ate. Other .aectiona of town need parka; inland J>l'l'ka u well u beach . We'fe.-a-~ to-have ! P~&"!D3 ~ aa Ud'hi Cove 'aet· l1ed." ' He added "Putting an additional doU&r on the wa.ter bills ta a pa.in- Jesa way to raise tu.nd.s. It doesn't seem right to me for the town u a whole to vote on taktng away any certain 11ectlon of property." Councilman Dale Ram..ecy, who la also a. member of the com.mt.. sion which made the China Cove recommendation said "Chin& Cove hu been a main tuue with the commt.uion. Ten dollars, at a dol- lar a month, ls a smaJ1 price to pay." Ramsey elated that "to make a et.ate pa.rk out of China Cove would be to loee Chin& Cove" and pointed out the maln beach in Cor· ona "del Mar u a.n example. i J. some of our beat Newport Harbor foUoi there. too. Mr. Howard streeeed the 'f•ct that this ia not a 5ummer re80rt but an ldlal year-round home apot and cited ht.a own luxurl&nt pr· den on West Bay avenue u an ilnswer to thO&e who uy "It can't be done." Thia spirit of defeatlam must be changed, he aaJd, and gave examplea of Santa Barbara. and 9'.n Diego eoaat cltle. which have outstanding beautlflca.tlon program.a. aJded tht> h.lgb.Jy eucceutul af· St.eetcratt rental boat. end that faJr. Special gue1U lnciud~ May· the narrow chuntls wtre already or Md Ml"l!I. L. L. lebeU; Ctty too crowdfd with boats. Manager John Sa.Jlon, City E.nctn· UIU&fe BatklA&' front of RlcMnl'' Udo ~lark"t. The brakfaat menu will lnclude hok:akH, uuaal'f:. ora.p Jtt1oe. C"Offf>e and tout. Cooktq facllt- tiN an betas ~ to beat -.... ye&r"1 reoonl crowd of over -,...., ... Sen .... wW be .-ick aad no ...itl"C Mllldp&Ud. P~• from the break.ta.t wlb 1fU lnto the fthabllltaUon and cblld wt!:lla.n: prosram of the poat. City officia.ls will be . on hand for the ribbon Bllipi)tn~ activity and ..Newport Harbor Chamber of C9mmelce Prealdmt Tom Nor- ton wiU present a plaque to the City Council for their part In furthering the Improvement of the boulev&rd. He added that a master plan for clty-wlde park development would be developed by the Park, Beach and Recreation Com.mlaslon within 90 day11. Ramsey also proposed tbP. establlehm:ent ot an income-pro· ducing a.~hletic park where event.a (Coaihla6d on Pace %1 • • If you can tear your~lf away from all our fine local ent.rrtaln· ment aome FTiday eftnlng, look ln on Unclf' Tom and hl8 lea.pin' j.11.lops. It'\ the darneat thlng you ever sa.w! llY THE Wl:IOH SIDE Obaerv~ the other morning was a man. hanWt full ot lee cre&m cones for hU wife and thelr aev· era.I chlktren. sitting In a car at the curb. The yOunc1ters grabbed their• but the wt!e took a look: cot out of lhe car. checked her weight at the sidewalk acale&. then snt back itt the car and ate her • Mr. WUcox alao voiced hlll inter· est In the at.net pl.anting, conipl!'· mentlng the Balboa ~p on their work and stated he WU willing to uaial with plana for Balbo& and the clty In general. Lonnie Vincent presided. Monte OrUnee, chairman of the Ktwanla Ht ~rt Webb, Councilmen Dale Ramffy, Br•den f'tnch a..nd ~ Grttley. most of them accompa.n· led by thelr wtve.. Leslie Strffe.naen wu muter of ce~monles and eparked the: NI'· prise money·ra.Jalna program. An Important f Pature of the mH.t· Ing wu pre11entatlon to Robert Murphy of a life membership in the Balboa Improvement UllOCla- tlon In token of the aplendld work he baa dont' over a period of m&ny yean. Mr. and Mn. r.turphy a& ceptt'd the h.andaome plaA1Ue which Ls vlaual token or the Nl.eem ln wbleh they are he.kl. Bathing chlld~n are not sate. It wu ch&.rji::ed, &nd .aa.nd from wuh or the motor boat.a wt.II rap- idly (llJ the channel&. E . W. Charif', Sleelcratt opera· tor, aald renters W!:re not allowed to take boata out a second Ume If they h&d bttn cited for epeed· lnc in J..he bay. He al.lo told of ae-etn1 children raclng"th~lr motor boet. tn the channel. 'There an 68 boete owned h~re. besides my aeven." he at&ted. "I think ltJI undemocratic when otller people can Improve my property and I ean·t Improve my bu.alnesa." Mau~ Stanley o( Cliff Drtn aa.ld that the city wou.Jd haw better ,conlf'Ol under the C·l·H IOrlln.&' than undt'r the DOn-c'OQ· formtnc R·S clusiftcatlon. s . E. Newcomb. operator of the m~I. uked for tbe change, uJd that oth<rW1ae hla buelnea would be crippled. ~MblymlU\ Earl ~ley, by telepm,adriaied adopllbn of th~ plaNUnc c:omm1nkm'a lecommen· datloll of comm..-! -lq. ·i:>ut or tile -t• tJw'dty coun- cUmu sot promi.. ot & (no boat Thieves Work OPS Meeting Overtime Here Is Scheduled A apurt of l.nd.lvtdual thefts was indlated ln Newport Beach over the week end by Newport Bea.ch pot Ice. Under the hffdln.g' of grand theft wu the report received from Robert'• Jewelry atore at. 223~ Karine Ave., Balboa-Jal.and. Tak· en from a rtnc boald eomeume Thureday were atx rlnga valued at .1200. Polke are a ttempting to lo- cate cu.tomera wbo were ln the store the day of the then. • Accon:llnr to poJJce ~porta two men tn a blue IM!dan took a pea· nut vend.lng m&chlne f~ the Are:bea Cate. at 2 a..m. Saturday. Businessmen or Newport Beach a.nd Costa Meea wlU have an op· portunlty to attend the lntonnal interview aealoo of the Office of Price St&billzaUon at Newport Harbor Union high achool Monday ' night. July 9 at 1 :30 in r0011U1 141._ H3 and 1«; of Dodge Hall OPS divlllonal ttptt.8entaUvn: will co~ducl lbe meeUnga. Everyone wW hav-e an oppor~ tunlty to ellm.lnatt contuaion~ and rnlauoderat&ndln&' of OPS reguJ.a. tton applylng lo chart filing ·and allied rule&. · rid< to -<ondl~ at ftrat btcld. When lut eeer\ the men were There will· M no leCtur& or he&ded In the dlHclkm of Hunt-•peechH at U.• .mae.Una; the en· bigton S...:b. lire time '-Ill bt -ed to .. _. Joaopb Pon. 319 Oooonado St.., tloo-and-...,......•·. t,ype .cl1lc:uaalon. Bal-~rtAICI the tllett ot a ·Beginning Jlll,y 2, Ol"ln8e couo- -autt_ th,... beach ~ ud ty wlU -illKlei-·tho j""""'lc- 1 a pair at. st.rt'• aborta nun. u.a.t Uon ot Ute 8'n l>tego offtce of 71" 51 mtm• ht • fMl lld4rem.. OPS. Lionel Vu Deerlin wtJJ be ,._ lor IM D ... ..., Betty 'lfcCartby, 105 9"entt the Information oUlcer hi cbarp ~ • --I.aw St.. Be-, Npcwtod a al!Yel'WVO of W. UM and be wUI Mlpet l'lll ' I _. .. w..., for -pel-Taloed the 4loc:wlolou "at tile.-· Tllaij , ¥r ,_. 11 -• • at '35 wu tq.en fJ'om a cJraMer AU owne19 of e.verJ c1W: ot I Ptl'''• -II -• .. In ..... Umc """" -time ID '""'-,a.. Urps to -the ei) 6-r. -Ii .-• .. ~ .:.-:-.t:-:.~ ~.:-~ ~ ~ e 'IF-,_"--• • t1t1 --. --. Oi>lnmeroe. -W -h' .. ft -a - M1lfar.1Wi•-00 ·-· • , rt1Jlsafood..._.atflOO..a .J"or tutnn•ntaew tlle OPI ••0 ,....._~T '•'•ta.a t I ._...!.96 ""7 T I I -• ft I"/ •-~ -~ ----la----loalt~ at · -= · -.._ •· • ., --•----,..._ ---lll.-PW••-••·•11r or -•111m_,__ ......... ,,.. ., -• .. .... --.. llColt«. ll 1216 -··---Dleso. --' ~ , •• "' 91.;. 8DUfted ,-e. Tllo t.depbone ~ 1111. Wllllu! ,'•·..._. . .,...._us 11 'oa -•I % zm a ·-'hr• aocq 1 ...... .._ .. Hod: •...w..1ce tnMl. tre z c. MoeRJ" ._ u.e ornea tn ..,._I r ;ut• &' '7 1 tt1 ~ -7•'9M. f J oc ·a, r11P h t r_.. ............ I -tJ4 "ldlzl -t :aM otftlal. ·..-.id. o< Ulat dloUt4 .... • · ~ -) 1 ;.. ... ~,. .. r i .1 •• r l f • • ' • • • • • -- -· veu -and· ¥801 . ·---· ........ ._... ••• w . .. . . I , Drtllbr &all (t1altff ~ ('.on, 1,..,., .. ~ ~ ._,. Tbunda7 at NewpoJt -• .collfomla. A retotuUon from the We.It. Tltr at&te ~ ... ~ lfeWport Beach ImpNVelllODt Jur ilt ~ay -n, lea~··'!"-'nl.1Pui<.. -Uiil --.,...tt• WU heud a. k I n r !I.Ind it .. mouatata Of neW lawa. -l Clen8lmloa .... II !I • -.,; CO IC RESS .. QUlco -prlaUDc Plant at -1 Bal..,. 81-..L-Pbc!De ~ lflf J:I>~ u oeeond-matter June 11, • 1940, at the pool ottl.,. al N.wport Beach, California, tmcler the ,,\ct or March s, 18'111. amendment of the mualclpal code It cloeM lb doon 1bort1J be-alN Ito eetalll aW aen•w r• Ullll to prohibit alant drtUlnf In t11&t tore mldnlgtit 8aturd&y '!'ben f It !"I,.. • .ef ..ii 4111111• .,.- oectton wu roferred to the elty wu requln!cl by law to.quite wo~. Qty of If~.,.,._ n.ot w Wlla~ la a .mall __ , attorney. He wu lnstn1eted to The legialatora return lnj Marj:h pr· di; lrM11iii(a 4fa11 • . ...,...-s The quatlon baa never been an-probe the Jep.l. upect.J of IUCh !'or a budget leMion. , I iJc tie ~ ~ to._ .,.. S-die llµaewt paid cU;•"'"• Ja tbe !hwport Bartlor AIM IJ<r•t ura .. t H.-Cm 11!' ... o-a._. Qnm'7 swerod to Jhe sen...i o&tlo!actlon an amen<lftlet1l. la U.. 111..i h..Ue h~ ti/• """4·.,.-.'ttit prbf'" J11M1i1oi tad ...;: of -wllo Uk It moot freqtW!t-The coww:U refe'"4 to aty leslaiators crowded -..,. . a ljill f:,::;'eiit ., IWll; lliJeOi - ly-lacludJnc l»wlneum•n tlwn· S:..JllWler Bttt Wel>b a report -to boo.wt Jltale aid lo educljtloll ~y .!I.al r.dllueo. .,., · oelvH. JMlred J>,Y the atate departmqt of PS,•7~.000 and authorized ""°"~-, -i. 'fh• .c-w....,. -. · i.· •ehr o.&11...,. Mew e Ifft Pet%'tcn .A•teM:tseM. M111d11 Yd'ncsJ -«t111JJ-#a1r'IU s ~ J!EN 0, ll!ID>ICK. ~ --- f\OBa'P r. 'IVILLME8. ••w 11&nerr R la,t . -Ni-l time ...., Ma*h ., ..-,1. p61!f-. Mid _, .cooo~ Jlt~a -:tt: ..... ~ ·o11 wa-p~ ..... Ii c:;cin-partlcUi.d,)' -,.. tia tile ~ · ff tit• ~ projed. 1 """"" ">' the City oL 11"""'4' ....... tho 41f'.a -govom.,_t ~go Coo#y joia --... {'nle llChool ..., ... . tal ~ and to -"'e ....,+.:' ... _,__ C oL 111.-U Ot lhlngo .,. ... Tht I !I I~ ....... ., 1-bt ll>e ~ MITlpromiAe ,....-09t\ by .. -wM,.. llffdecl. P""'idlos jt roe~ ad.or l'otd Harbor. dtJ t.alce ....,.. t.o __,,. or 8-tA! nn._ eo..-~fl It ._ la wl-U.. ftnaaclal • 1 M ol' ..\, AUllXAJIJ>ER llAMILTOlf, A-1*g _,._ smisciuPrrow BATES: In llM2 ~ decfd .. ~l ,_..., odor ..-.-~ed to ""°P lbJ ~?II our etly to de oo. small bu11ne. needt'd ualat&nce In 1be city council granted the ttie 1tate lncOme. -• 2. Many dpi LION KY<e Meo the wa.r pl"OducUcm prop-am. So it fotlowtng llcenau: to o~te the , The commkteeo had before • it made !by' ladlvW\ala u ....__&a et"MW dw 8m&J:Lr.r .wa.r Plutt. Doll Houa. 415 E . Ba.JbO& Blvd.. one bill ~ing. aid J.O ·4~,.. tu mAjortty ot tl\e aem.W. Ill o.p. u part of Uv Wer ProdfJo. BaJbo& to Georp C. It.rel&; to ':>00 Uld anotber' uppq ~ Oil I tbe f!ODl1111Pr4gn a. be.tar ...,,a.st Uoa 8-ld. · opera.te 1'Le Breakers et NI ra.tlo bule to about ... Gep,OOOo to the. city. eaterillC 1ftto a ea.- . 1''EWPOil'r-BALBOA P-....,.,. T!Ulraa,r la Onage CjKuoty, .._,. -)'<Jal"l ..... tie •••IMt 111.U - moalho) (Aloo !Del-.... NSWl!Oft .. •lltO& ~fi)(Q • ' ~) °"'-""'.,....,, ....... ,_, At dl&J. Umf' UM quuUoa wu Shore A•e .. Corona del Mar. to The . legiAlature paaBed. a. ~~U Fae\ with any state or go..,... ..... repeatedly: wtla.t coo.UUit.M Edith Joseph: to operate lhe Har· suthor&lng the •tale wa.ter Pl"f>J· Pl8DC. apncy for tM ~ et . GODE FOR OONGB~ •.. a. .. ...,... .. l>Ui•eu? bor Cafe at Gl'T E. SOth St., New-eel a.Yt.bortty to eoutruct & ~p eANll.INftt' polAela for U1ie 11R,. It WM a new quNC.lon for Con· port Beach to Karry A... Burkhart. dam on t.M F.U.er Rtnr near ~t. etc., · ol dedlcetM CJ'•• and oo •tW&etory answer A limited u11e ot the Carnation OrovULe and a vut llfll'WI Of .u,.. park area&, 'or pcdllle lend ~· to lt wu obtained. CooCTe.N final· Ave. tma.Jt boat launching :rs01p nab &Ad colldult.s to ~ the ~.<W uador .tbe jurtefttrt"'n ol iy Mt.tlM fOt" tbc ~fLnlUoct Utat trom s a... JU, ,lo 5 p. m. on a ~\er all ~ way 1o San, :Diego.. the .cf~.[' .. · ." ·1~ .*5 '.. · .Mf Ht.elllYbmf'.nt emplo)'inc 5Q() pack-in and pack-out buls was ~ 'nle bin appropriated ft m°'l'PY S. •1'1tk &Iii ,ellM'mrnt. ~ fM'"ON "' lu• wu a amalJ bwil-ordcre<I 'by the city council Boat-tor . t1ie -project •nd w"-own µ.. ~Ill ,.... . .Ud ~ 1o· nf'eL n1en \vUI ltifo requlred to carry etrfpped Of a 8111&11 M:udy apprO-•II oeee.n (Jt>nt. property fliiy' ·~ en.. f-g --..... -----lo )"aalllalfltn, p. ('. ".fl"'t a_...., • tM .,........,.. Ntu. I voc1u. *R£sr tN · ~e think It woulld ~ a good Ide& tor tbe Douglaa d<.lnlin ttee, which iA iltudylnc-etialea in gove~t. to ~ 1ta Inquiry with a view to developiat& • code ol ~ for leglslatMs in their deaUnp with one a.nother. 1'i.e Jleed for such a code was striJdnsly demonlltn.ted fut Week _,vhen Representative Ca~ dWrman ol the .Ap- ~pri&t,ioiw committee of the H-. end RepreaentatJve P.JtimJlll enpgecl in a slapping COlltelt In a Hou.e corrldor. Jfp. ce,nno11 was aull"eTed beA:ause Mr. Pbllliflll bed obtained tile .appointment of Mr. Taber ae • member of the cooter- ~ COllllllittee on the IJldependent otfieel Appropriations ~· He called Mr. Phillips a bad aa,me. and the flcht wu on. 'J"b.rJt it be-came ~ent, ahnolt their boats and eqtllpmut to the priat6on by the PacWc , Gu Md pitl'l or )fl"IPpOrtrBeacll ilm aa tHif knmedl&l.elf', Ulat a bualneM Ml· water. .ull4Y , the propa.sat. not ~rte eom~ ~kJft. wttM tM '-city· el8rk.. • plopia& 600 ~ ~,. br .mall being aJlowcd to rtJn the.Jr t.-.lien The ~ate kJlled a Hill U,at 4 . .citY.' CGlapdied to Me.pt ta OM particul&r l.ndulltry-9tttl-Into the ~treet end. Oty MaJlAf'fr would have ~ed·talliea on eonto .Ute ....... oa matciun., .. lani m.ald.m.&. for .u.ample-ud larF Sailor8 was authorized to arranp t.MM>.000 C?•llforniJln• llv~ In._ ur-~-· .? T • • S et Attack BOY IKJURED iii uotMl'-euril u Looi and d.le e. ch.&ln-ban1:c&de a.crou the area. bM unlnoorporalfld area. ~· ~. No .. unace .by tbe Btalej I -e maklltc. U.-• a.u tor Ben -Rt!IM. R.; El Centro, Who Div-of 'B.McbOa · u4 PM1or I But metl".,.. wu --allout The rqul&Uoa 8lld u&e of live led the illtaek A~i!lllt. It Mid H that maldllng -· -· 114 ta thaL baJt rtteivers in the harbor '-''a.I -.i'dald "dl'Vide tnd dHfl"OY IOOa1 .tfA would be auttle.ient t.o ·acqmtt T 'Old IN COVE FALL I ThM in. lf .. tU &eiect.l•t-Ser-goWf!l'lllleaL"' QiJ:u OQft. May need M'f'«al .a.' on WO &el by the i.econd reading and · · vi« A.ct odd«I to UM 500-<>mployto adoption of an emergency ordln· Tiie IHll w .. .upport.e4 by ~ dWonOI ltlocko .....,,M ol -a!H .Upulatioa ~ r~ui~ lJu:.t J Anoe. lt reqtiiru i·ecelvers t.o hav~ catl(ornia cltiea. but WU bltt.c.rl)• pra.IPal ·QD oeeaia fro9,t ~· ! Te8tifyi~ before the Douglu Committee oo the ume • """'-""' wu aoekod out dAy that the Cannon·PbilliP' battle oecurred. foniier Beere--' be ...,..... r. -• ti.. ~ of the Interior Ickes said: "How CUl the l>ublic be =~lo 1~,_ "'t;!. ":.:::;. ~ to have fwtb· a.nd conftdtnee l.n their employa, 1-JI. r-. T<mple at)' tlY members of Congreae, when the !attn have no eon-told H~ pollee. David R . ~·· t•. ltn lo. w1U bWlinffa -~ .... ~~,; screen trays Jn the bot~. 00\'· o~a.tc!y ·~~-~untJ'::(11 D n...~~ Dtvtllion ot Be&Chea &Pd lroe.dway, .._.. AU. SMH#!f'ed mUy owned -....-~ --.. ered taps, require• a permit tor ..,._,.-ge · fr,. ·• ~-s -c:iol.lldn't ctve ·B.11)' ~ ..cl \AJwriM aad ~ wt.ea flUIM not ~ dominant in kA tra.<k' their uae. a SlO fee w'-t.h eac"Jl Richmond. -.aid the bill wu •~ tu.t a alt•.,&"! Jn tbe ~ Jilt tell lLWt '*"" .. Olea c,q,.. or ind&ulll"y. application and prob.ih~ lbe sale 8lgnOO t~ correct a ~lWation Where ll.oA would ·~ realt ia the dt:r. "-dAJr, 11 .. JIQl"l ......,. ,..,..,.c.M. S~y. bow"'•• t.be mili-of live bail troni boa.ta ill the taxes ff'9m city dwellera Uld h••lnl' tp conform wttJt Ill tile He .,.. .. ,. ~ aw "r WA: WY procw-.meat ~ doing h.arbo.r .. The transfer or if,·e belt f'armera wer(> used to prov\de etty ~tk>u 9d. lortla f« the ue ,....... .., JOf'Pii aftM .....,.. •·•Nt wttll. .maU bt1alMU pro.-.,,,;u onlr be permiUed watn boaLa type 8t>"1.cf's to urban a.rea.a ttM.t and ,np.,...-emellt ot lll&U padr.a.._ ..--u.o • ...... lly -l...i.od tlla1 ~ ~l .. IUMI a.re tied to doci<o wlt.blo ·lbe pJ.,.. W<JUldn•t incorponlt<-. By do1Dg80 lo Q)lna Co<r• It -wt' wtmn·n ... WM tatrM. co • .. ~ tMtl Jdmply would oot head llD• and no live be it wiJJ be Tbe le¢slature WQl'! raced wtth Jeop&rdlzt-,tJae ttre prot.ct;r-,Uld •,aeu. W wddNI tr-tvsst wort.:. allowed to be dumped Into the ~ bl.•gest pile ol blllA in ."it.J ~ Mrvkeia wbldt. re1ldfflt8 ol PldDa ~ _,. .,.. .., .. Ml 11...-&o Coape• &Ci'Md to ,..mJl bay. . · . tory when it Mtarted I~ .-ion~ Cove are ~nUtled. to. { 'd•aady ........ ,..... W .•. tM De<#W 0.,,.r1.mc.nt Md. tilt' A!tfr ont.Y receiving t\VO wni.: ... lot of thf'rQ were P"Md ~ a 7. State offictala a.nd man, cStft (ilpMridr: dtf -..it llt. aaJa& Gentta.I 116'vicea Admf.nW.raliolt. ten' protHl• the . city council lot ten by th(> way 8ide. Perbapl uas are at. lhe opmton.~ ..-~ ~ Min... peibeJ OI ~ .-d# wttidl la t.be feder&J pvenuneat'F voted to proceed willl the special the thorn.Ifft iude was that \of cost i., ~bfUn. cOflllderiftl" u.e. f,,__ . h oth . t'"-'-pl ... "'~-·-· Rio ---~ --'· ioence m eac er or m llllm'" em oys · ~1 RoaM1Md waa Mt a. tM •t110 ntu~ confidence is not foat.ered by the w <II t»ta OI' _, ..,.. n. ---· Wida' i,,.tead of a~ta to e1ttlle dillprt& The !&et ... • ........ -.. -• - t'iat n ..... a number of the ~n .......... i.e .. ot ,.._ -·., "'"'"' .., --'"'1"-............ ---·-.... tw• ..... ,,.. -Jwapo( rincludlng Mr. Carut®) ue not lint oUenden te lignlfieut. ""' ...s -., u-n -t11a1 It abow9 that Congreu and the , Y~ too, take a much <-. two .-. -,!":....,. too fndulwent attitude toward 1......,et.ora who •Y It wttll 7llo wlte. T-"""' J.u, MM.' tN.c. DOD..Wtary pure 11 a• I a~ aasessment to provide a ~treat redllltrtbuUng the lta.te'11 Jegiala.-cmall number or people the bMeb . q8ll. to ~e lbole two l8J.J. lighting s~•fltem for Ba.Ibo& O>ve '°" .to ~ \J? with populatibn would a.ccom~... u.. . .. -414. -.._ ~ ---ill' f!Aa. Although it is hard to disdplille mm with bot,t.etllp-l.Mtu. PGtiu ,_ -male to 1 .,..., we believe that the Douglu Commltt.iee could do a~· alike tor ....,.......,. gre•t deal to prevent intemperate oatbunt.. by .,ppJylns Kow tbe ..,.loo h&e.. .....vert at an estimated COJt ~ 110 001.26. lfl'OWth.! and, ~.t.J_, -. 8. Other cttle11 ~eat41" pri-le"""" Post 291 ...... Referred to the Clty E~glnttr . The_re are stil~ repercuBS10~ qt o~ltJe,1 ~ot; alat'. p_'-'!''IC _funds ba.ve 7-·· &mall bu.ltlU'MN ot va.rb&li 9'J.efl' u·ere bids on 940 line-at· feet' 12r that 01\£! bt'lng bei.rd .. 'The bflll! B!D<'e vOted a~IQ.lj. a Joint Wen-~-~~ ha.tte aompta.ined to COj\veq that ·n h. _:,..·, · ·-' ·with ... ._-11 d Wett dt°awn up by t.&a:gblln E . ture. a code that would .put iwoe.allifts, -mis wl rllldcufl• o....,.. O.nlecl beyond tne ra1e 10.-any self-reSpectlni 1egWa.tnr. in CDM Crash ~81;,;f• .a..... 1 c ....__ iron .,.pe v<w. an \Vi .1. ... :........i.:. ... • ·' 9 Th -'-'--~ p. Jlh 8N:t... _, are .ot j'et.tlq a fair b:reak . ot jOlAl On bid 1 f lab iU.erA, R ., I°..ofl ..... ~ ... """'11~cldent. . e 1tltjorttY. of mcauuen oC. ·d~ro VIHltl8daW!f.y ...... at a In the 6et'm8e proc;ram~ot C-f't· ~~gig the I •. fr,o ~ Pa.c'::ie ":'a~ ly vl~haim11U1 Ot ftl.~ R~bti~aft fh'° cornrril.UlM 'feel ~t ·~ re: ---.-·----.-Ung-a.n equ1table pdhlon of gov· C .,· Iro P ped Pi C St.au · Central Coinmltl.f~e aporl8t1?iJJ.ty of &pl'lWWit\C' tbe flt.ate' linntt ru.eet.•g i.a: ~ A.all, a. n an pe wnpany wa& i1 · -...... _ · ./. ·1a. ··-:. ..~ t ,.,., .. -. ·r ~ w:-.. ""'··-8'lM' emment <'OnttactJt. 13 790~0 . the other tro ~ P.ri· b~. dor.ed ~~ ~ 1~e,1a tu.re ~ ... ....,,'°left o .._,11kui. CoTe>, attomd, !\ YEAR IN KOREA Arter an hour and a hall delib· vllb ---.-ieon c • n.e1,1,• A• a n-8Ult of Ui.PtW> protPst.a, ' C .,· I Pl Com 111 .,., Md signed ~y t'M _JO'remor. rest \\1th the pcqple and !hoUl4 ·omm.udlr. l can •~ r9n pe wn.a ... • Tll . · · · .. _ . .i..a • • '-• • , • --......, f'r&tioo perkld, a Jury dN\Md -<U,1n.. lbere-att bipart..iaaJ! move.me-n• n 901 .94. The 1~ ,,.111 ~ used I· . ~y eU~•ted ee~ n~w <!~-vr YD_t~ ~ oY Ulem. Probably no war ill hiatorY compares with the Korean age~ to a l'OUple who r!"Celve-d In· Ot.heri •lt"Cted were: He.rb<'rt ~ ti), Houar and SenatP Lo srt the ex.te .0 P of th t or greMional ~au and ""-arle.Bged 'fttfft-fore in 'the lntft"e9ta ot struggle for the bitterneas with which it has been fought jurie• in a Corona del Mu au.tc .=P&·,.,~~t ~o== up a Small !Ali·nM" PJ.a.nta Co':'P . tern nc:irn;1h; Arche: wa er ays· many tiuetn•ly· and ~ ft'Y(.. !lcnate good pt~n~1•""· ·~· ~ oo tgc..: a.ridenl .. ,eer ...-o. . Thel'e movt•mrnta Rri' steadlly c·1 ?.f ~ il dl11trlct8. tua! 4nforrn Udh on.JY, the Puits, --at home. 4 pN"¥tou trial ot ta... a. Md •ztv; ISob Kurwtts. Ul..tN y1c,. .. galiw'rinl' !ltren.rth and It Ui likf'ly th ~~ i"~wi:er a ~~8 'vtasl 1au1 · 1"hc ·most · ComJ)te-X iMUe ·we.a '3Mdl Md• ~~•tlon eom.""8~ In tb.e 12 rnontha since it began we have eh.eered and r-...ked ID a .......-JvJ fMJ , =~·-~'".~ -~.. 11~ 1!,~~ that Ir lt"glal&llon rt"a ches the vot-s2~2 84 ° . et ~h c Um 8 ~ ~ na tbt OI the bft'liotl dollar st9.te 11k>t1, wbm.lt 1or·;our cOmritlefttkwl ..... _..~ our fortunes, praWed and denounced the Persident. Mr. a.ad Mn. ,...,. r . .C --.-... --.. _., -.-Ing ata1e ttiere wlU be a sn?t:. ro . nga11.n~ I e I . oi1 t e.vy budget. It got Un_pi-~eftt.ed:ly tbe foUWLftf ~auOn.. ! ~ ha4-.....,.SJd'd cor. ~ "'• * .A.JlliH't C. 81lsektoa. 8'IClltliff Gfoneratly speaking It wou1d ~ r expense n c ean n.1 TOOlt q.\c!'k ·acttori in ·the a.8eem.b1V ht --+' "'-"'--'-'-'''--'--''----· I ded and I bed lli,._ lead d d-~ d .,... >0918JtU mrNbNW: Morp.n J . · city beaches caused wh¢n •naval I · . . ". . 1 • au as our m -~ era an oommen .., an t"<' U..lr lllJwieo na ·~ ........,.., patt•rn•d a fter °" old SmaUe1· 011 · ·-··· d ed _, wao dela,.W 1n the eenau. '!'he '...-.a.rd. nunc. ett'.lcfl": v-.ni UUU\er ~ a.mag aever.. ' ' ' . fc rondemned OUT aJliea. at lJ:lO &.Jll, AprU U. IM8, U , _ _.l.oo--••.,.•.. War Plants Corp., \Vhlch f'nded iL'I months ago . IJlrate(Y WU Apparently to·· itt I Th · · 1:.-. nln ,_ •L -• b:-L lArltlpu.r awHIUe ..... Cout K1cf1 -" • u • • • e.. .-----: days u an lndependf'nt bureau and Th · .1 off. IL ·num'ber 'of Bpeeia.t 1tppropr1s 1 · e avera.ge Cltizeo, u.\.e g UJ UlC many VOJCeS W K."IJ W•T fl"Q01. W~ell Lee .. M~ • Pr•n.k C'rodulr, ''rt'ftaa a.d 9el'• nl'ver did ~Vt" Congress a t'lna1 rt'· II~ :::,uncif ~l_M ;~proved i:e atlon bill..._.nd IL v.·orkecl ... speak of Kore.a can hardlJ he other th.an oonf~ abou.t ._Wt wtlo t.84 **"• Olflt. °' nu ot/Joll!r: Krcn"'Ut ~ port on It" accompllahment&. The ~:1:ef18 bo~te~gro~~ <r1"'A~~~~i. rd Thf.' 1t84 pag~_-t>'url(et started it all. He is cert.Ain only that we are invoJyed in a hard a driY.-ray &djaclat to IAlturpiw tl'd Kr. Tllln-.. __.pant: 8cJi&I lattr-r 111nce havP t>tta the 11ubJect 0 a ~ . •· -;:~... . an off. totaUng 11 ,816,1>90,oOO~ The.' " ~n qjd llae foread to.. ..J& Ja••'eter, •tsptr'e. or con!Uderable ereument, with r 0 n_¥1'· odo ,•n leb.exenii:> . ..,..Bltt8. . A.Hf't"libly· <!~·it : to tl,011 ,· · --....~-n •troggle 9ver there and that the p.-ospecti for an honorable wu -· -~.-WW l>t "" luly 11 ~ erre o city • omey · ·~ne'-• , .------'------.: · ~•-t ot bri ht Mlto to avoid WiAa' tut. lty a~ •lUI UM> l....epara a•••IJ•ary ritual rna.n}' critics contendJng that th" wac; the applkation or John N. 000,000 alHf tM ~i't•I . vCnlon wu \ r~""rmen are n g . . bolN ~ ds:tfta al 1UJ:t old SWPC t ook crt'dlt for a lot or 1 K 11 . 1 1. It h t h •1 .ost,000.000. But a big chunk LESTER A. B,,......, a. D.C. I In tt t• t . t.h ·sc1 ( II r poll!! u.e ~ -taat Loam 1• etiu&-•-lhJ ll did •t d . • ' 0 l!O }C OU.. 0 0""" of IL ortglriaJI ·. . . r otal# , a emp mg o appratBe e Wt om or o y o ,et. • oa r !.~~:nwhlle~ thro. question agatr for tthbae ~ewel Tea co. on an ex-cml9tJ11ctJon. !..~0 ~ze:r untn DE'N'J'l8"R.Y ting into the fight and our method of fighting, we should ....... ~. &llto -tall u be 'FBI G!..J• Se I emp s1s. 'l'Q .... efteS ~s being heard In C:!>n'°r(>S."1 : 1,1,•hat Also t·eferred lo Harrv Blodgett bu+tdinl' -pritt-8 tttbtttee. face these f1.cts : 1 . To have 1tood by while the Reds a e i-zed Bil attorw.ey. 1Ucb1rd Reek, .., 11 a sn1aJt busiru>s.11 . was J.he at>pllmtion· of Pa•I II. Cofl\JO\l"ist.s came ln fQ{" a lot •·P Of Korea would be to repeat tbe fatal do-notb!ng mla-,,_ -71&<1 u.. ,;pt.«-•> :,"lmed H-e lo. _.on. Tiie old yardatlck•. It ""• bc.n Ge . h to· :t-cl1 wt I In or -attenllo!). . A • coaatll'Jtlo>Dal aad u.r.t. Bodell lltould .... yWJd II VJ: M deckled, are not llUltzblc. N ms rt H bo s nlm na-amen~nl Was put betiOre tla e t.i<• ol the 1930's. 2. To have coromitteed all our forces ID I'd lo llJnt......., llmlUI ....,v:..,_; r--· --Thrrefore, lhOA<-In Cong,.... ewpo ar r. voters' to require: loyalty' ""4h• 17111 Newport Blvd., Coot&- Medical Bldg. 8e"""'1 STiit 00~ E . Boy Aw., - Harbor 327-J leave ourselves defenseless elaewhere; 2. To run the risk of hlo ..... --g u.. II.Ip le-Bl•4 ............ "' -Who ar~ working In ... half of a China · c·o· ye rrom •. all public •'N'loY••··· &CIVO-tUU scale war before we have built up our defenses would W•J and dl&t. th.ett wu no da.ns:e• :osrunulty Ptayeri. ~ SmaU Dt>ft'M(-P1Anta Corp. have caey on or oft the cam.,ua by ..,. to -''-lay more oourage •L--good '""-ent. or -will> UM _., ln4 ad«. lo -~<II.,.._ <!Pclded t.b&t one or the new l#&Ch~,,. •wa• outla.wod. oohool• !I ' ------...,..-------4 ''F ,.._I' wi.na.1 ,._...u.. ~~ ~ ucept fOf" Ulfi « &od Ador wkll nae FBI Ollt, a.gent'y's very first t..uks 1hou1'1 (ConU.IM!4 lrqm Pap l) Wert> eioeed to MlbVeffi¥e:Jneettnga OP'IO¥EftllJT8 Many mietakee have been made in the Korean eitua .. 11peilldias ~ car. ~tor~ we"' Dbned Jioa.. be to d~ide which buslnrssC>s real-could be stagC'<l with thC' r C>vC>nuC> &Ad a.dvoca.ey ot cominualm1 by ·r------------ Uon, but no war i• fougbt witho1Jt them. Even General · '"'Y o!Pt u liar --· ly .,.. •mall. going <or • """' · prognun. ia..,.... wu -C"'llJlldo ·for v. & llD~ Or ·o, u ••• ~L h h ······'I b . . . L--~. N H 1.12! 11!.cf I Tlw ........... lo bdn.,..... by It la prop-OAOO th.et th• Mw ~ ~~nt !UJd politleal_ -•-. l"\D9";..,~,t9"Dl~f ........ n.uur, l oug ......... y rilliant ill th.? uauuhng or • • lrJ ..VIOO . 8hdloo~-[... incy aurv•y all loctustrlca •od """n<Ol'UIO B~• ~l'lo<:b call· iftT. ~req ~If.~·~~ : m··'Y.0:-·J'!-<',IYlli I"'~ ~ ~pe. contributed one o_r the major hlunde,,, o f thl ctlm-A••W.~4 II Sllft ~ ...... .,,., th: en1<1<1,1>m11n~ O\' an 1nc1'1"try-byt Nf.'tl>• <eilil~' ·· &olmoot ~i J, i ,.; 'L \· • • • :'7 APrilL,.& ~ . '"'!"--~ _ ;ut tr• ~· • eaar I IJY .tlut. wblcb co~rna "'T a mtr1ku10)U· lh•p . 'II:.· .Uld e I! ;]JjW ¥th.I I t, , '. ·11 Ni~~v .. _ Wb:Ue ard -....~~..! .... ''-----1~f"l'O;·*iwln!j.. tt r'a., Earn· . I ~eea. ... _ ,__,.. __ , '9rrt le&-p(l\.t,,.i.r tDt Clim& OoYe the ~Hgeltti• 001 -debate and criticism in reg to the conduct St.epa were-~ at the Man· ·b•w. The t>xclUng H41uence had .;..i.\i'Ou1"d he'. no mialr job. and UJ><>aktn, 'or th,. cornml.Mlon's to continue his crime co~s..leo . Ult nl the war is a healthy pntctiae we might devote a little day lli&h1 m.ee.t.Jnc ol the city nadttne ~n" firing, "J>f'fil boats i Tht"re •rf' aome-400,000 ma.nufac-plan) It would be rootl.sb to op· and ·U.O the pow(>r to aibpena I~ time t o talk and more to work in speeding our de· council lo ennu Newport Harbot t.ifftlag 8t>out Uld f"Yl"n a hf'-11-luring esubllahml'nts In t h<' ~un-poae a plan that has so mlln}' witM1¥e.11. And hillill were pa.wd _____ H_o..,..,RTl_._c_u_N_. ____ ·., Union high school and ll.11 7~ acrr •optrr. try. merlt.s." to demy nonnal deductkltt• for ,1-r-. It the war 18 •till ill Jll"lC"fJl8 when we become campus lnlo th• city of Newport &tore tackllog that Job. ,__ Councllm811 Dallu Blue oald .. , peroona etminar income ,,.... I ••a.n liOSTUUT · fully anned we can then better take the-n.·b neceM&ry to Beach. ever, the a~ncy would havt> to de· th!nk the varlou.a point.It have b<!en crime. UtWI taxing tll>P -pl"Ofit out IM' Attt•fl'll b;..; .... It to a llWl!t eonellWon. ~ OOWl<IJ lftl!tl\lcted City At-Honolulan Here clde what ·•amaU .. meana in rela-Woll COV•red by the oth<r council of crinle. 4lt c-t me--..... ·-. tnmcy Harry Blodgett to prep.art' tJon lo buslneu ('Dlerpriaes. Con· mPmb<'N!I and I'm not In tavor of AmonC" the lt.ems that fe:U by a>llOWA. DEL ..-.a prooeedlngo f<W annu•tlon. ~O Visit 6rother greu. ac<x>nllDa-to proposalo now matchblg land. n.. plan sounds the wayalde "'e"' a oerie. or bilJ.B DAY A.ND NIGHr ~E AUVE ON ........ m·re ! The eouncll ""ted at th• -before IL would UDt auempt to good to me:· bannfflI • ..,.,.c1ary boycolllt and --u .&.a.&.I ot the tK:hool'• board of trvatffe, rue~ H. Wh~du ot Honolulu a.nswC'r the qu,. .. tioo it.tel! this Councjlmaa Rou Creeley aaid strim. a fair emp1oymeni. ~rM· ~ coma bJP. Many Americana bought lt Annexalto•. the letter l&ld. wuul< viii be ,,..k .,d put of the R<Y. time. • --u ...,,,,. th.et every time Cblna tlcu set. a fl0,000,000 highway P8YCBOLOGl!ft ~th the p.riee of U,..,. UY• la tbe Revolution a.nd many re.&ult In the saving of l8000 in nd Mni. Paul MOOTe Wheeler, Bay Cnnveu appear-a tn have de· C.O•e• L't m.e_n.Uoned, matchin£", con11lroetlon speedup •nd Uiie tire lru1urance In lht:' ne.xt nvt' Uwrea. Tbe br:ot.llfr ot Uao rec.tor cJdt>d that trying to get an 'auwer land ha.a t)e(>n ~ big obataele. gover»or'• plAn for aid to th(' i ... ------..------, more have died 8inoe to pr111nre it. It ~ written into the years It °"" hl&b .ehool w"rr an-,, St. Ja..nw-e eburdt '7 owner ot to Lll&t. qWMtloa. ta 8 good deal like Tbe commiMion'• plan 19 U&e bettt. needy diSAbled. En~"'I! V. W.A.JIQ..Q18 d>ut!t11tloa and .Into tN beel't# of the AmerWan people. nexrct by the clty. \ndrad•'• Men'• •lore and ta otay-tryln( to (et a ,,....p of moU>ero solutloo I've hl'&rd ." I PSYCKOLOGD!T Amerie&ll.I will _., qlM!ltJoe the value of lndepend· ng-at tl\o Biltmore. Be cam. over to aaree on what make• a 11-' A conae!U\18 or oplaloo ot t2>oae PAii& BILL M=Y• =~g but i . f:R!'<..T-'iiT H. DESEXA ·w •tart ot the Bonotwtu race. boy--apecJiaJJy wb.tn they're talk· altf'ndil'l.g tJte meeitng on the ooua~ epce, t 18 Ume (« ell ot • to welsh the price we pay Ernest H. De5'Jla. ~I . or 781 Ing .-t lholr own """'· dl'• uUon W&I abnoot •n&nlmoua. Gov. Earl Warren .... alped -Probl•D}JI each )'tu juat to cdebnte... 19th St .• Costa MOM. d;ed Mon-1101''TGOMEBl' DA UOBTE& ly f&VOl'&bl• to the cloelaioa. °"" llllo law a bill reqwrklr the ap-1--11 s. ~""'V· ~,AM Lut yeu, wllecn Ille FGaldl. ot July provided a four. day at Seata Ana reat hom• af· ~AJU:D "P&Mq,& -U.'1'~ IX 1'-.;u· CDll BO>a: of the moot 1111morouo waa the prov&! of the Department or Fl-U. ..., -ter a Jona UJee-. ne lliUy daU&ilt« '9iorn ll.lll'K' 15 Ccvnllig from AlhaDlbra to a statrmt"flt, .. It'• W'Ol"th a doHar a nance of any contract for con-I'--.,-,-. __ nr_l_llll __ •_!f_Cll: ____ -'_, day 1Nlkend holldey for a&D)' penoa8, the a.ocident dNth A D&Uve ot ll&rdina. ha ha< 0 WllllUl Nd Dorll .Mol>tpmery new llome at 308 Hdfotrope ave· montll to me not to Ill!..-•'Chllul 1 oe-In otate patll (&••(& 'fr--=----------i toll hit Ul all.ti-hl&b of 791. Traffic a.cddeot.. aJon< llvecl in Coat& Me-. oeven,J yun ot US% Urd otnet llao -· lflvea nu•, Corona d el Mtr and Jtr. and CO¥o'. mentloaol uymo .... " wlllch autbor!u -ol "bid u.a---; took '91 lives. Otlner _._..,,_ attident.., BUclJ u Surv1vln&' In blo c?auPttt. Mrs be namo Pamela A.an. Mou.er and l'ln. ArlhUI' J . K&cewlca, who .. ' ot&tt propertr '°' -C11&D -Areaq , ,.;.._,~-and fin, elelPed 30%. w. H. N•ti-. Newport Beaeh. •by aro dolq OM and Grandpa marriage wu an fmportaat event OCEAN8lDIJ ()~ r-. , All Hw writ!& r ..... v.,............ PriYs.te IUMraJ NrviCU werr \lontcomery la WearinC a bfoo&d ot the put wint.e.r. Mrs. J6.cewttt Welaonl.e pemu la tM Cotta ------~} "'" fte Hiftldar lriU ..... JIY9 tl!.ill )'eU, since the P'ourtl> held Wodneod&y at S p. m.. &1 the ..Ule. Daddy w.._ Koatcomery la 1 i. U.. former R<nee PelleU"!", Ma& llome ot Mr. and Mo. II-alt* • .,,,. blolorJ' oC llll<ri¥ II\ fbo HfJ".AJlD W. . f..U. ill mkl•eek, brlllsills wJy & ~t.'::nidey f,or Gnu .. ! chapel In Ooeta "-w1U n lhe "1Wlary -.. a rnembtt d&ugtltcr of Mr. and Mrs. Adrien F.nku -t1M!1r .... .,. .... , .... -,r ot llmptetW o( r:--::·I -.1r ... poct-., ()Me .... mo.t ,__ ....... -M ...... ea-•l ol -· Fr. T. J . Nevlo Oft\elal.lnar. Inter-•f t.be •OU. Pi•loloo ot t.be No.Uon· Pdl•ller ot Emerald S.y and Doria .8tllrJ'IOD ""4 ,,_ -. • ... ,, _,.., Mt Gt llo(\ilOt e1 of PlJQllJC '91lA!'Olf •Ill .,., -------m.t folio-d In Holy .. pulchel I Guard receaUy wilP'ed to form.,.\)' from L:clo !ale. Lury fl Olea-. j&;''--W..._ -. " ,!....!;:c:=:;:=:::=::::::::;=: nitlo8al IPdepeoCW-wW ..... a.pdy und deetb t.o cemetery. llraqe. tuty IA Japon. 8E1 · 1D&ll7 .A•iw!eau. • ,,,. tntlle aecldellt d .... t4ll1 elrQdy la up 10 Pl1 Jail Youth on -rw:~.="=-~ to ... t;9PEEDY If oent tJii. ,...,.. Add to ~ tile •">' tn\'11 IUld 1'41Cnl9· nterul.<d 1n malllns 9 ....-. tjbaal acttrlty of a llolldl)' ... tlltt Fourth rem1IM Oil ttae. Child s eall ~ ~· 0.-a..., at ............... dey lilt. t ng ==-.,.~.,,, ":"u. ": Wllll tftllle -lf•t dn&IK DoW DIUDberiBJ -..u.t ·-.na1oag sa a... _, th .. '71,000 -&Del U.. •fi•Un Yictia espaeted la 0.-o.te M. -..... ••. nan w tept th4' atw.uon ot 'lllc -- cem\iir, ·.uemllllr to u.. *••II S."1t.Y C....U J it 1tt l!4llletr •t.. wu tu1oc1 ~ -0e ... ·-u.e tin. tor •wrie1w to.,,.,.,.,. t•')' eiapt,. ta t.J. ~~.~,:.:WU:..~ ~ ".:'~";: "::. ~ ~ : ••" t1ie ia..ijmp ttt ta. "1112 • nfelr, die •u••r of cUrpa. ~ .... ,,, ,.-11 --_,. i....-1t. .\"lftrf• •..i JD tnf!& •"111ta Ill ........ t¥tlw ~ _..._. -• H·•-414 o.. _,, -pd *" -. O&Plf.. ........ ,. nrdw .flt ,.tn .. •••• la .. Ot mt;'•'• ..,., .. ,. • -.. -...., -aa Pr. • -1,.. , 7'h -; ""-CouUtuijon · ~ f!l!I" mu Jik tr ud .,,... tad wile. Tl>e ~,.HI ot .i ..,. ••a a at .,. . ._ 1d ar ~~ I.la A••rl• --.. 11tio•W ·'a.._.. 1-e lut&-M·illlf'-- -a '1111 W..a P'•-.. ·.-.. •• rtst at -. _.. ---. om.. --. tM7 ........ * r a ~ F Whww1• lne -,1-• U 11htzW. 1"11'1•d-n.y, -...,..... JM strt 111 ...... , ot ,,..... Dot. xn-. -11 a - or ..,. odnr 1111611J, Mt te1er-1t111W .,,...,._.. en 11ues. --at ~ can • ll?rkMr ..,_., f I' P<tltm .. 'I •I I 'Slla ct;e .,,.ut O & mtnortty to eadutger Ule UYS of ..q.,,c.limll;J II ... I's Iii -•l• .t?IWIL I 'IJ' Ill & -jotfty. ,,., .... ,....., .u>a. ,_ - • I , l . I 200 Harbor & L~ Girl Scouts '~ Home Friday from Park. Day Camp Newport Hlrbor 0111 Boout.tt.------------. . COl\lblnlns fon:ea wltll-t.quna Beach tor Day · Camp ~t O'N•W ,,.,k -°" ~ -""¥• ...... tll1Llhlns up tomorrow, Frtci-r. with an evenlnl' ....aon 4 to t (Chipmurtk) coordinator tor N•.,,,. port Harbor 'have sl•en m~ thoulJht to the ""'°"thly plU'Sd ttmpo of tht:•camp. Flin •nd Adl'fltlH o'clock, bu been a terrine .uc-Hlltu, food cooked onr tbe ce• for tun u alwa.YL "nle evt.ry-open nre. arts and cralta of al\ <>ther.clay eeMlona ha.ve-nin ott .., typtS have given the sfrb a vari· hannor1iOuJy and anoothJy tor e<l and de.Jlghlf\11 time. Mra. F . Ole two hundred Brown.lea and M. trverleea I baa in.8tructed ln Iatumedlate Scoot a attendlnl'. folk d.a.nclng, att.he.ry leuona have that from a vlaltor'a standpoint been given by Mr. Bill Hubler, it bu been lmpc>ulble to cueu who ha.9 a •PolP echool for adutt. lbe number praient. and young people at Lapna and O'Neill Park la the ~ blrt1 Jore and wa.lka with Mr. Callyoa ls a be:a,utltul spot eutty Harold Hall of Costa MY&, Boy reacbM 1D a ~ Ume by .cbool ~t lpder for 15 yun. Uve buues wtU\ dependable drtvera. all added lo the . lnterut. ~ the Open apace9 tor lot.a ol .un wtth daY• for the &irlA. many treu and much rreenery Servltlg u a.ui.tanta to the all under l!Omplete •upervtslon hu lt'&dera {and ot Jn&l Help) wen made ~ daym s--la a dell•ht-Mariner Scouts from Newport ful and all too quJck m&ll!'u· Har~ and La(Uh& Beach. Tbey Cheerf'Ul leaden and adults tiom were ._. folloWi: Dor'a.n Suua. the Harbor area a.nd LAruna Jan Du1worth, Sharon Ya.melt, Beach under. the direct supervi. Mary 1-larvey, Sharon Sherrill. '°n of M'ra. C. W. crc>w1 (Mad~ Carol Fink, J ane Hunan, f\&M Crow) from Newport Harbor. wbo Valenle, Jonrf Peer &nd Nancy bu been ln cbarre of the Inter-Tritt. medl&t.e Scout procnru and Miu Mrs ... Sa'ni Stafford'• ~of..,.New­ XlU. Loxley (WOOdcbuck) of La· port) etghlh grade • Girl Scout auna &uh 1 in cha.tie of Ute troop will bave ' an ovemisht at Brownle procnm hu made the O'Neill Park Wedn-ay a"'1 1911 Day Camp eo in a big way. Thul"9day. ·This J;roop, aJthough M.l"S. Robert Turner (Sllckerl. Co-newly establlMed in the lut few ordlnalor for Lap.na · Beach and I moa.th.s hu accompllaheff muc.h··m ¥ra. Edward Chapman, Junior, Glrl Scouting. . . Candlelight Garden Rites Unite John Abell & Mildred Brems _Taylor In a beautttul candlelight gar- den cenmony in Capilla de SUI !Almon pink • gladioli, lovely con- A:ntoniO, Mlldred Brema Taylor tra..st to lht bride'• gown, a C&hUl d Job. Chari Abell 0 .. .._.,,,_eid original of ice blue nylon tulle ln ~ . n " .... _. .. , prln«u style. lone alee"!Dd u.d ""f•:and plll(llled tro~ s~ with imported lace J>andlnr the eyea~ at el(ht-thirt.y o cloc~ bf:,· oft-bouldc neckline. H~ JnUet Hoag:M~orial Hospital Plans Told Key Women at NHYC Luncheon fOl'el the Rev Harry E'Van Owinga 8 r .,_ wtth ·-eral -hundred friends res-, cap wu tmbroldered with Me<I Of int.nut to the ~nllre Harbor arroa i. the Hoeg Memorlal hoa· -· , P pearlA and she carried a noeepy 1 aJ f hlch k ~t. Tl}e bridegroom a mothe(, outli.n t"d with MJtnNJ tulle. Mn. Pt • or w plan!' \VeNI o ayl"d Tur!lday and which wu ln.<ilplra- Hre. Marie Abell ot Santa MonJea 1 Taylor was given eecort to the ~on for & Wed.ne~y lvnchton at 1'."rwport Harbor Ys.chl club \\"hC'n "A:-U pruent u were Mr. and Mn. altar by S. B. Kaufman of Ana-repreaent&Uve club woml"n of lhf' area "'<'r C' lnvttrll to mf'et 1'fr~. J . D . Snodrrus of Beacon Bay, heim -r·, ~rte H~. Sr., anti Mr!. \\"lnlfrf'd L . Baron. ne"· purch&8ing Ag<'nl foater pattnta of the bride. , i.t;s. John L Steven.a ot San tqc Ute l\oapltaJ. -- wb~t~ge g~~~~~ta a~~ ~~'::~:ia':r! j'rafl('iaco \\'IL'J 'matron of honor. °"'e pUbUc ffiallons con1inlllff' I north 11;ide and a M'cond !'ltOr)" rnn \Vfarmg a mauvr crepe s-own and of the hospital. Braden Finch. be added over tht>m ror rxpall- stood at each side of the out.door I orehild C<>rsa.ge, her a~ceuortH chal~ &JM1 ·."4rt'Y Welch, sec-slon. Thrtt roada will gi\"e ac• altar. ~ center alllle wu . marl<-being wblte. Llttle Nt.ncy Lff rel&t')', crr&nrid the atfalr. )rt rs. f ces.s to the hoapitaJ and the n1aln rd by tall candelabra. adomed with Taylor, sev'rn-year-old dau1hter of L. L ~ ... wUe' of the mayor. entrance w1IJ be fron1 the north. th(' bride, wu a charm' ..... flower wu aM:teted \n halt.Ha dutlea by RIOOIARDrs SHOR SHOP -llepalft'd 'l\'Ue y ... Wlllt At ...... __.._..11 .. Cenect/-Ortk~k W..t out MOTTO: ...,..,.. hti.~att~. ,-N....,...t Blvd. NZWPORll" BEACH r1111 llitish tars ·MORRIS_ M. 0. RILEY l OOI f'WI. f'ouC: Blvd. La~ ........ ... Mn. ~~~y ',• 8ulberla.nd, who Organiu.tiona can aid by pro-girl in a floor-JMC"th frock ot lee .-...vw. Id h 1 h · 1 t Wu (ll .. "·-~t the nrst t unct ,. 1ng "" tt c atl"'H. equ pn1en or blue taffeta under wh,ite net. ....._,... b ( 1·•1 ri t drivre fOl' j the Nial even Y um ...,1 ng a p va e wtth blue rosebud trim. Her C08o' ,.. hi h •-l •1·~ Oo~ the hoipltal roont, w c cos..... up o • "'-"-'· tume \\'U complem.ented by • wu ev•~Dy • poulble by 1 Even Girl Sc-out» can help. Mrs. nosegay of plnk roMa. *' the meinorlaJ ctA ~t llra.. Hoag., Bacon 11tated. by providing favors The bride-groom'• nepbew WU Mra. BaCon, exPla· ed that pla.n!I for ptt.llenta' tray:oi oo holidays; best m.-rt and uahers were All'l'ed h&d beeh. 'accepted Tuettday and and tray clothe In pretty colors Ci.baon and Harold Hl&sfn.a· that blda wn.t. be .• b usht to the are to be needed. a nice project Mr-9. Abell, motber ot the bride· city hall on JUiy 2$, to be open-for church groups. groom, wore turquolae blue with ed on JUiy 21'. Mra. Bacon , wh08e late hllll- dusty pink accessories. .. ba.nd, R. L. Bacon. "'lll!I ho11pltal Carn1ing out the color theme, H<Mpttal Pl~ administrator, is n gradulte of 1 the ice blue-w~dinir ca.k:e. ela~-The onH\OOr at.ructu.re wu de-Ore~n State college where ehe rate and bf'oaut1ful. wa.s served 1n sip ated as a "bomey·· type of received a barhelor or sciE'nce df'- ' thP adJoining wedding gard~n \ archlteetuN', emphasis being on gree She be gan her hospital "'here fr\t•nds offered relk'llations. 1elUng away from the ··1n~tll\I· \\'Ork In Pon1ona, planning to "help A l'mart v.·h1tt' linen •ult accent-tlon.tJ"' reefing. Plana call fnr her husband for 11ix months, but '=============!Pd with black velvet wu chosen providing 7S bede. each of which 11tay1nr for 13 years. When Mr. T. V. SETS FOR RENT TIDE T. V. SOI I XF.\\'PORT BL\TI. :\°r\\'port ~ach H..\RBOR !08 Sw9Cllsh Twist COFFll CAKE 2.9~ ' (bf;,,, .... , 8CJC- 4ScW OOftA ~" 1-N.,.,...t lllvd. COllO~A DSL 11AA ... <Jaa.e • ........,. -tAGtlNA ll&ACB -.ITS Plft!ilt AW M•acu.D&AD ........ -; • by tht' n ew Mrs. Abell for the hon-wt11 have a view ot the ocean or I Bacon "A'aJJ "'Ith the &rmy from cymoon. being 11pent al the Broad-1 ba.y ... ott\~ !"111 be kept at the 1948 to. 1946, she took. over hi• moor. Colorado Sprtnp. · ~ .. :....:.·------------------ admlnUitratlve dutle• and on ht1 return waa In charre of wha& ahe lemu "inalde dull~" while he wor1c.ed on ex-pan.ton. Mrs. Ba- con and da\1fhter, Belt)'. who ex· pectl'l to be a ~tudent a.t CXX:: next tan. !Ive at 1J1 Emerald Bay. GUHt" PN'Af"nt At tending \Vere : Mra. l11bell. Atra. Hoal' and Mr.!11. Bacon. Mrs. Sutherland, 1i(r1. Heinz. Kalaer, wire of a county aupervlaor; Mmell. Kay Finch, Oallu Tumer of Lagtma Beach and William F . Kimes. wives or the hoapltal pub- lic relations con1mlltee; Mrs. Pegl)• Ere. uaist..a.nt 21eeretar-y of t he Cha.mber of Commerce; rep- resentin& or1"9J1iz.t.tlon11. Mmea. 0 11.rttn UpM>n and John Allbaugb, American Legion auxiliary: Ed· pr R. HUI, A&11 lalance League; Ruth \VlJlmes, Bu11ineaa and Pro- teutonal Women's clu~ C. M. Deakin•, BeJJ club; )\Kenneth Stewart, Friday Anemoon club; Eleanor White, Junior Ebelt.; Char lea K. Boardman, 0 . A. R.; C. A. H igbie. Oirl Scout a.uocla- tlon: Martin ~Id and Ray- mond K. H.Arvey , Newport Beach E lementary School P .-T. A.; Nel- 80 0 Nelce. Lido Isle \Vomen's clu b; Dorothy Herms. Native Daughters; Roy Roush, r-;e"•port Harbor Union H_lgh Sehool P.-T. A.; Earl \\'. Stanle)·. Zonta Club; Norn1a. Anen, American Red CrON. Repreeenting local and county ne""-ap&pe ra v.•ere M'mea. LouiHe We.at, Santa Ana Re(latcr: Velma Dunlap, L. A. Times and Long Bea<::h Pre.u TelelT"llm; Ben Red- dick and \.\'lnlfred Barbre, New· port • Balboa. Ne"'• · Ttmea and PreM: Arvo Haape. Corona clel Mar Ensip; Jack Taylor. Lngt1na Beaeh Poat. ' ( • Dill • • Pot Luck Supper · for IOOF, Rtbekehs A pol lock supper of Odd t'e1· lqws and ~belcoho W•• enjoywd Tueaday e•e.ntn•. June lt, prt· ctdtnr the wnaal m~Ung of thE' Rebckaha With noble grand Ber- tha Wa.tllon proaldlni ln lOOF' hall, dost& ME>n.. Ercyl Dbton WU wrlC"Oriied rrom th!!' jurladlctlon ot · Warroad, Minnesota. J.{r11. Pauline Ralru! v.·as reportPd as ht-Ing 111till vrry Ill. HOBteues for the eveotna we.rt Arrtallda Soreruion, Pearl Backr.&. ~ora Harri9 and Viola Beckett. OffiL FOR NF.WPORTERS It ,.,..,. a daughtf"r fol' Mr. and Mro. Adolph• Dldi.r, 127 2Uh St., Newport, bom June 28 In St. Jo- lf1>h hospital. She wet~hPd nve pounds, f'ight ou.ncPa. !\""o. :\03 f'an l·lb. 20~ 1--ot. Xo. SOS Can t-1~ .. 18¢ 1-oL FEATl'RED AT YOUR RllPHR BRR C~ITA ...... - . • ' I • • • , . , , - .~tokely's ' . HONEY POD PE~S No. 303 can -16 ox. 21c • SLICED PINEAPPLE ' • ' -No. 2 can -I -lb., 4-o:z:. ! , I No. 2-! f j ,an (.1-!b. 11-oz. 1 \ • • • • ' -. , . • ' . , • ' • , --- • .. • I • PASE ·4 -PAllT · I ·-THURSD~ Y, JUNE 21, 195 I .~-Pm:ss-B Sportswear *SWIM SUITS By Rose M11rie Reid *WHITE STAG · G11rments for Men end Women * SPERRY TOP SIDERS * HAW AllAN SEP ARA TES * * * * All Sportswear For LAND end SEA * ~ ·, HARVEY 80MEIUI, ( .. ft) -r ..,.. C1lr7*,..Plymoutlt -,_.h-.cl tbo lllsb11 eov-Cbey9- ler Medal of Merit ~ A.nrd at a d.t.n.ner meet lns Mnoday nJfht. Pl"Helltlnl' the awud to the local ti-'"' 19 L M. TatUe. rep,aa.I manapr of the Chl')"9ffr dl\·lslon. Only ten per Cf"ftt of Cllrytler dN.lera Mnl tile award wblch 19 hued apoa oon.I ormln~ with the hl(h atanda.nta of th~ <Jhry.&er1 dl- vbion for ~te i.dltUN., modem e41uJpmeat, fM'k>ry appro''ed SMthoch. f~tory en1J1.neerf'd pu1.ll and upert workm••t.hlp. Secretary of the Newpnrt Hatbor Chamber of Oommemf', Hay ~sen· hfolm. -.Jd at the dlAMr that awanb of lbla nature bt"lp to build a r~ter Nt""'por; Harbor. Sunday Subject (Beckner Photo) Groundbreaking is Postponed Until Arrival of Bishop ; -, L9yat·W~rk4'rl Meet in New Church Lounge Kn. Kat. Hll1ler and Mn. Cal.1M KJrtu: were lioste.ee• to the .Loyal Workers duo ot U.e Ooota -Community cburclL Tu-7 attemoon. Juno 19 In U>e newtjr completed ladW. &ounce of tbe :bUtth. HUIJ1! bouqueta of Pluter Uliea. dahllu and1 glada were at- lracttvely arrwagod arO\&nd the room . Vk:&-preskScnt LucUle ·Fernan-- Jes pttalded over .the bwltneali meeting. Mn. Ulllan Johneoti wu reported to be ln U.e Santa Ana CommUllity 00.pllal. A former· member, M.n. Non Zirkle, waa weloomed back •net an abeence of ~ yean •pen( In Toj.ek&, Kana. The hO.te.ue..:aerved u.ndwicbeR along with nut bread, tea .and .. -ottee to membent and rueats. J:a- ioytng thf' afternoon were Mmes. Luella. Olaon. norence Han180fl, Olive Brewer, Elberta Johnaon, Edna Zlnn, Allee , Nirenberg, Blanche Anderwon, G e o r g l a Grave•. Allee Ea.at.man, Mary Kuhl, lea Clark and Gertrude Ed· lck. '- The July m~tlng wtp be a pot luck dinner In the par'k wilh Mra. Eubnan and Mn. 'Nirenberg aa hoeteaes, each member to bring hi! own table aervtce. FIB>IT L'HURCH 01' CJlllW!T, SCU:NTlllT sao& Via Lido, N-port - A bteitelrl t>f nw. MotW ctiwclrl, n.. Fint ~lrl of Chrilf, Sdellfftt, 11 lodff, Meu.clrlvM'ttl. Hiotder Sc-I , ---t :l.&: 1. IL Mo11d.., s-..ic.e ---~ ll:tt •. ltll. '*•d!Offdey bePlflNJ .,... .. ,., _ _,_ t;oOt •· M. l .. cfl,_. l-leuit-4 .. Ill -Pelfft $tr...t, lelboe, h OP.• dell, h-U -· to ' p. ""· e11Cept S..d•" 111d 91otldifl ..,...... •lly ob_....d. . n., p.Wic h Uttdtelly lt1t..atM to i.+t.-4 •1i.. ~wdi ......m. Md. ""fl * 1..aJ114 -' • v • • ' ,.. , •• .-.. • ... t • ... • We are· prouc:f to .. he-.;e.recliived' the Chry's,ler Medel of Merit :Service Award. -. \ This :me.~s :trui fi~~sf.bf 'service-for·_ ..... : Open Sundays BEACON at Corona del Mar Community Church Methodists Meet Old Friends at Conf ere11ce , Ground breaking for the nf'W ffiucallonsl unit of St. James Epl.tK:Opal c hurch has been post· poned until Sunday, July 8, the rector. Rev. Paul M;oore Wheeler, announced today. The Rt. Rev. J'r-ed Clark. Lord Bilihop of Koo- tenay. CAnAda, who Is to orflcl- flte at ground breaking ccre· monies. will not arrive until next \Y~k-\ Wllh hint w ill be F'rederic k Ho\."'e'~ \Vh~ler. rather of the lo- cal i-ertor. -.• SUIJ'!rlatlvo . . , . ... . . " . , . y'6l!r. Cltj;~1~r; pes.~to, ·_Elo~e.!or :Plymo_lrllr. ·'·-··-·,.·,., l : ... : ... ~ .......... • •• . . * 5248 * . 630 Coast H1w11y Newport Beech d/.Oll. QJuicJ<U44 t~tw; INDOORS OR OUT- MAPLE FURNITURE- E\·Ea1-THL"o FOB LIYJNG. DINI.NG, Bt:DROOM and KITCHEN RATTAN FtJRNITURE- sECT1osA_LS, OA\o"E?'lri"PORTS. DlNL"'liO TABLES 61 CHAIRS AND MANY Ol'BEB PIECES OUTDOOR FURNITURE- REDwooo. ALt:ML"1JM aad WIUTE METAr UMBRELLAS. BARBECUES. LAWN SWJN08, BRAZII:RS PATIO TABLES. SUN-WUNGES, COFFEE TABLES Ff\l!le DeUvery---CoavM1.ie•t Term• • • • Laquna Awning & Maple Shop 190 S. Coul lllvd., lAJUna <-Mal Santa Ana Tent and AwninCJ Co. 111%8 !lo. Mala. KL 1-SMll "J onah, The Narrow National· 'st'" will be the s ubject or the Rev. Paul E<tward Babbitt's sermon text Sunday, July t to be preach- -ct at both the 9 :f5 &.m . and the 11 a .nt. M'rVl("P8 tn the Community ~hurch at Corona del Mar. This " the !Jf"cond In a series of Mnnone 1n Bible characters who lnnuenced heir day aa weU u oun. The chapel choir, under the di- f"'Clio n o r Mary Batten Stetfl"n · >en. will sing In thl" 9 :f5 a .m. aer- 1\ct•, "Com e, Chrhtttana Join tn ling Alleluia," by Glll"lt. Th• ·ha.nee! choir. also dlrtttrd by Mr11. SterrenMn, wlll 11lng in th,. l 1 am. M-rvtce, '"Truat ln the Lord," by Handel. Thf' Sunday school re1 nain& 1n . easion throughout the aummer t1~tln1it: each Sunday at 9 :4 ~ a .n1. fhp junior and prlma.ry df'part· nt>nts m~t In Pllplm hall lo learn of the twoginnlnge of the "::hrlatian church. a• dr&mliRd hrough motion picture• or lhf' r,1re of St. Paul. The picture for iunday i1I "The Conversion o f St. Paul." Christian Science ' is Sundey Lesson Text The Sunday Bible le:.saon ln all Chrlltlan Science churchea •hows that Chrlatla.n healing ot licknf'N aa wtoll u or sin i.11 avallablr to- day t o all who know the truth &n d abldf' by scriptur&l rulf's. Thl.!11 declaration from H1:1.b&k · kuk t2:141 will be t he golden tPxl: "The e-a.rth shall ht' filled wtth thf!' knowledge o r the glory or the Lord, &A the water& covPr• lhc .... Correlative p&Mage21 from "Bel- en~ and Health wl°' Key to the Scripture•"' by Mary Baker Ed- dy will be rPad : "If thp student adhf're.11 strictly to the teaching& of Chrlatlan Science and ventures not to brcak Its rulee, he cannot fail of 11uccess In healing." 'This '---------------------------. aysteom enable the learner to de-m-•• onatrate the divine prtrtclple, upon l!UR ntE GENTLE LA~DR'f IL~ • 27~ • lOO!b Discount ~ Any Purc:INP1a (EXCEPT AllAIA)NJ:) · Brhtg t.bla '!Id le 8A YSIDE FISH -.. ) -~ -".N.111 Fish Daly "ft~Nllilliir.-.1 ~ ~ ..... I i -a..uatiT Iii~& m ............ IJf .J..enw1 • u•••CIJDA -:-WllOI& m••m _.... • .. - Y&LLOwrAIL -..... ftAn orr . . .. . .. .. ... ~ • ._-., 11i&WW a••• tu' which JetUJ' healing wu b9.aed and aacred rulea tor It.II preeent appllcatton to the cure of diaeUe." Methodist Group Attends Meet A largr group from.,. Chrilll Church by the Sea wu preaent at the annual conference of the Method.lat church. San Diego dW- lrtct, held tut week at Redland8. Rev. 'and Mrs. Tbomu Pend ell. Attending the enUre wttk were Mi.. Eble Newland, lay delepu and Mn. Mina [vet:. On .P"ri4ay, which wu Women'• lay far Ille WSCS. Ibey w..., Join- ., "1 -Clara Koblatodt. local WSC8 pf'Nid..tnt: lleur1. and 'd'mu. D. T . Bebl!rt and Arthur 'filler and Mmes. .J. 1'.. Bodman, A.. J . Rutter', B. S. L Freitag, Emma WeatM.rtord. Grace Small vld John U'Ren. ' Rev. Carl Reeves to Speak Sunday at Bapti~ Church In the &1s1tnce of Don Lamber· '°"' Ille put.or, Rn. Cart Reevea. former ~r of Ille J'lnt Baplilt .chun:h, La.. Jolla. Calif., wt1l be pruchln« at l>otll Ille 11 a.m. and Ille 7:IO p.m. 'IFCJnhlp oervlceo of the l'lnt Bap-cburdl, t9tJI a.ad ()oQrt ttnet. Newpc>ii: BrqclL aMe c'• s a bqta at t ;.a LID. ~----oerwloo 'ot PR7' .. and .. _, wUl ... -"" Woda:tlk)-e.& T:IO )t.tn.. ·a..u Dot.... r9qU1rw an u. W, &am an ·u. poopi. to _. •----------....;.-~-------4 r1ds an J>M"'blo ~ tus a11. ·-....., -~.,.,-- ' • Local Methodlats attending lhP annual confert-nc:e held lut w E>e'k al RNtlande enjoyed seeing rorm- er pulot11 or Christ Church by the Sea and their famllles. They learned that MIM Martha H <'ssell 111 one o! t he youth e xcha.ngf' stu- dents who wtlJ go this yf'at to Gcrm&ny and that hf'"r 5\~ter, Elaln,.. who haB bttn etudyinf;:" ln Boa:ton, will lt>ach a nursery l'IChool In Long Beach. latf't pla.nnln11t'" to prt"pare ror a ntlMlonary cart'er. Rf'v. and Mrs. Hf'9aell arl! nnw at El Monte, wherf' their son, Hilly V.'&8 ju.s t gradualt'd rrom high tchool. They also talked wlt.11 R f>V. and Mrs. Goodf'll, who ""'ill spend the month or Sf'ptembt-r al their New- pqrt homf'. 3000 W. Oce&n Front . ~tr . Goodrll IJ11 SJ)4:'nding much or his time re1norlellng the larJ;<' homt> whirh they havP purchll.M>d nt"ar their prese-nt church in the c ity. Canadian Bishop to Preach 3 Weeks ·at St. James Church The Rt. Rev. Frt"rl Clark, Lord Bishop or the Church of Eng land in Kootenay, Canada. will occupy the pulpit or St. J-.n1f'a Eplltcopal churc h for thrPe wee ks, begin- ning Sunday, July 8 and will sbo be In charge or thf" ground break· ing cerPmony lhla coming Sunday for the nf"W rducatlonal unit. Re,gulAr &ervice11 arr at 8 :30 and 10 a .m . The bi.shop, h is w\f~ a nd th""e children will occupy the rl"ctory In Balboa Bay Shores whlll" the Rev. and Mrs . Paul Moore \Vheel - e r a.nd children will be at Fuller· ton. Mr. Wheeler w ill be In c ha.rgf' at Fullerton during the absence ot the vicar, the Re v. Ralph Pca.ee . Blahop Clark and Mr. Wbeele:r are frl,.nd21 of long standing and the r«lor alW'1ly11 preaches at the c&Uledral on b1a vi.Ills · to Canada. Sermon Text at St. Andrews Dr. William Klddlemua, in spe&klft&' Sunday at St. Andrewa Preebytertan church, will have u Illa IUb)ect. .. Btand Up and Be Counted.'" Text la "But Peter, 11tandtng up aurrou:nded by thfl eleven, lined up bta voice and aa.ld Ye men of OalUee and Jeruaalem. harken unto me,". Acta 2 :14.. 1'-Ew OOLLJ:OJE PlU!:XY The R ev. Thomae P endell of Chriot Churdt by Ille Sea attend· ed ... Tueoday the lnqur&I ... - vtce for the tint p1 eddent ot .Bal· boa Un.lwnfty. a lM<>loctcaJ COi• kge Juat ea:t.t. bliab.ed on the old pounds of the n..-phle&I aoclely. • I ST. l.ulES VJE8TBY lllElET An 1.mportant meeting ot tbe vestry of St. James church hU been ul1ed for Monday, July 2 by Ille recto•. Rev. Paul Moote Wheeler. Munben are to attend t.o ttnanelaJ matten repnHnr the new educatl-..1 unit. NJEWl'QB'l' ClllCL& 1llZ'r Jin. Carol CUrtllo and Mn. M&r- pret Clark will be boete9N °" ~. July l. .at J p.m.. atJ:I Nido Ttalla-park. 1940 Nowport ems., to m..m.bers of Newport Circle, W81)8, I IUD or llAPllllll llocwlftac .....,._ ,_tJ;y "' tllo ~ -Oomm•...ity Metll- -cbUl'Cll ...... 'Marjorie and Dou Grable -Kn. --Os· -· Bishop ("le.1 k w1ll preach for four Sundays at St. Jan1es. "·hile Mr. ~ler 1s at Fullerton. part- ly on vaca.t ion and partl.v as re· lit'! preachf'r a t the Fullerton church. Pure Christianity Radiocast Topic "ChrlJ11tlan Sr1encf": Th<' Science of Purt' Chrl11t lanltv" v.•ill ht-th• ~u bjt'ct of a IN"tur~ l o be radlo- ra.st nvt•r Station KF'\VB 1980 kc), Fti<1ay, Jun<' 29. at 8 o'clock from Ninth C."hurch of Chr\,.t Sclt·ntl!!t, ~ Angeles. The lecturer. Flor- f'n ce. Middaugh, CSB of Loa An· J[E'lf'111. 121 a m<'mber o r the Chrh'llt- 1an Science Board or Lectureship. I , Dq .C ..... lql ,_·_:LIDO:. ; ·cLEANEBS- 4MI Newp<>rt Bl.ct. ' IJOSTA 0 ME8A : O.a. 511&-J We operate our own plant 4th & Broadway • OPEN 9 A. M. TILL 10 P. M. • SUN~ NOON to 8:SO P. H. j t • PBOTAllJ:m: ZINC ;;:::;1i lto ANACIN . LIUY I INSULIN 10 cc ftal • to wtlta per cc Reg. $1.48 At Pringles 09 Free Dlape.a.er with JERGEN'S LOTION Reg. $1.00 size At !Jringles At . Pringles. ... , Tdi.:EIS • • , ' Reg. 9ic: • !ue I' • • At .., Pringles &I .._ JM-ALI, TYPES • WOOD;qRY, CREAM Reg. ~9c: ~oki, At 1• ~ringle1 ·--1N ·R . .' ~ ' . TM-EIS ~!'.4sc: value • . -... -. At Pringlel . ' c > -···-:.·· .__,, '·~·· '· . ,.. ... .,.,, Santa Ana STERILE COTTON :w ·:····'1:1:_0 Agcrinst_-~tticih Prica is oot ne~ et Priiicjtes. Malnt,ining low p'il~es · has 11hrays been. our.· ·_ policy. · · • Harli . are"'but it ·:few : ~f the rieny • mon.ev. f11\l'~n9 values o.ffe red· to Our .Or11rige Cq. Customers. ' . -. ' .... . - PRICES '.:EFfi'EUnVE Thurs., FrL, Sat. and Snit. ·i MiNEiAi .. r OIL 4 oi. lteg. 59c: size 16 ot. R!ig. 39c vel._ At Pringles • 4 oz. 'ar MOD ART Creme Shampoo Reg. 87 c vel110 At Pringles -;, . ·."" . ~· . . -At Pringles Bos of lft CUTEX EMERY BOARDS Reg. I Oc: value At Pringle"s a ,for· • c '-. .l I ' ' I r • • I ' ' .. t ~.. • • STUCCO WIRE ~ -.. l~~U ·--.- , Re;ulu $~.50· . WECIAL $9.25 itoti " ' • • . ROC:K ·b\TH ~~" Thick Regular S5c yard SPECIAL, 30 ¢ YD. • PLASTER BOARD Rec. SPllC. • x 8 -S/8" thick St.80 11.n 1/2" tblc:>k .. 2.Dt 1.17 • * LOANS * Borro\v up lo l .'?MHJ unsecUttd. Can be tL'trd for plumblnc nx- lurN. palntlnc. roofl.nr. elec- trtt"&I n.xtutPl!I, etc. A.ny re- mOdellng. • OPES ALL DAY SATllRDAY SundllY" -9 lo 1 p. UL ThMf' Pricf-s Goetl at: Time or Salt-with thla Ad. .lunt-Z2 to .June 2.9 A Be 1-'0 E . 1_'11.h Strttt COST;\ M_•::S.-\ 1''EU-'EST Lf"MBER Y1\.RD Phonf' 8earo11 5881 WATER HEATERS · . Salea, Sem;\ice and Bepaln ;; f oi& · BecldalJ ~ • : PLlJMBINO' -1. ~ Aa&horixed 0.-~I' Day & Night Heat.en fllllMS ID%, Oow11 Of! •II ....... .,, l»booe Harbor %M2-\f 'MHYC Race. Ocean Class To Elliott Newport Barbor TMhl club'o new Tldel&nda Raee btda f&Jr to become one of the moat popular onc·day event.a: ln t.heee watera. Sailed for the tint Ume lut Bal· urday. tl'le cont.e.t. drew a.n entry IUrt of twenty-four boat.a tn the Ocean Racing · and Arbitrary cta-"a. with ten Pea and Rhodes battling It out among the~lvu.. Alibi.a flew thick and fut at the informal gathering whJcb followed the race in NHYC'a Plrate'e Den but when the smoke c leared Com· modoN! WaJt Elliott's Eecapade :ft ill 1'11 the Ocean Racing divi- sion and Robert H olbrook's Bold Venture we.a out ln front In the Arbitrary claee. Ron Davldaon'e 14.·root ketch. Truaat. la creeping into the wlnhert circle mo re a.nd m ore thcae daya. She wu second boat to flniAh in her dlvlelon in the TidelandA and third on car· rected time. Beautiful trophies to be gtven for thl! event were do- nated by Huntington Bee.ch for the Ocean Racing cl&88, Clint Fur· rer fo r the Arbltr&ry and Ruth Shepard tor the PC-Rhodes race. which wu won by Fred $males with the PC, Pamlln. Ocean Rae.Ins Dl,·lslon F irst, D. W. Elliott. ~a pad~: second, Hal Ram8e r, Antigua: third, Ian Murray. Attorllllte. Arbltrar')' Dl,ialnn Fi~t. Rober t Holbrook. Bold Vt>nt u re; second, Dick Com1nons. Kt>ll'n1; Ron Da.widson, Truant. PC·RhodN F irs t , P'red Smales, Pamlin, ! PCl : ~econd, Converse Wurde· mann, Midship i Rhode•). Housewarming is 'Surprise Affair for Don Wedekings Mr. and Mr21. Don W edekin g \Vere honored guest.a at a hou11 e warming Tuesday Pventng, Junt> 12 in their new hom e at lgJB ' Chu.rch etrttt, Coeta Mesa.. when ':.;;;~-~-~-~=:::~~====~. a number of friends drop~ in lC'I r aurpri.w them. We give your shoe!!! the n~w · Jock Ir you have the old parts. (TSTOM REl'AIRJ1"0 ·Newport Shoe Repair l-09 -Uod Newport Bea.ch 'rhe guests prellE'nted them wi th 1 two lo vely lai-ge br&S8 picture I platel!I. Sharing ln the !'Veninga en - 1 joyment were Mesara. and Mmc.M. R . T. Hubbell, Elme r Taylo r, Glenn Kuhn, Armond Hanson, Clyde Cave, Eme•t Harma. Clyde ====:::;:========== Louckll. Bradley L. Hughes, Carol ................ ... from LOS ANGELES Yea, unequalled convenience. plu1 nl.ued comfort all the way in arr. conditioned Super-Coacbea. Wide choice of route• ... Greyhound Mrvea every etate in thl! Un.ion, much of Canada. alona 90.ooo miln of 1cenic hi1hway1 ! Tlltrt Are Nt . -Ltwtr Ftrre1 EAST I Chlca10 .......... $36.116 Deb'olt ........•... 42.80 Wublnston, D. C ••• , . 47.46 ~:!,York .......... 49.80 .. c1.,, .......• 211. 10 lliD..D.eapolil •••••••• u.ea N•• 0r1ean1 ........ u.•o Atlanta ...........• 40.90 ~T.....i.ru ..,. ~ awl ... • ....,,._ n.1i1t1 .. ; I •. , --\ .. ~ -' . . , ' - Wf'deklng, Rocky and Nolan Cave and the honort>e.!I, Mr. and Mrs. W edeking. Birthdays Noted af Festive "Dinner· Marked by a triple motif was a restive dlnnl'r h08ted by Mr. and Mrs. Al Horvat h o r 329 All&0 St .. Newport H elghlll. The afralr wu planned in happy rccognltlon ot Father 's day &nd Cl'lebrated the birthdays ot J oh n G illis ot New· port HeighUI. rat her of M rs. Ho r· vath and William Bodfor d ot 1..o!'l Ange les. . Sharing the observance werP Mr. and Mrs . J oh n GUll11, J ohn GOli11. Jr .. or Costa Mesa ; Mrs. Alice \\'ood of N ew port Beach ; I Mr. and Mrs. Bodrord and Archie Horvath, son of the host couple. The gueste spent -the Wel'k end with the Horva~. Honeymooners at Bay Shores !.a n!us:t ~~1:n~ro:; ~h4e1~~~~~:; : are Charles and Bernice F lfthb&ck. 1 ' who w e re married. a month a.go on board lhl! crulaer Invader . Tht-y spent the first three•weeka on the lnvader, at the lsthmwi and in Avalon harbor and crulatng u p a nd 1 down the cout. The final week before their return waa spent at Co ronado. Former Schoolmate II Guest of Harborite I . I Miaa Sa.rah Conant or :i-08 Cllrt ' Or., Nl!wport Height•. has bee r. dla?f'M!ng howte gueat hoapil&.llt y to M:re. FMny 0 . R l'ynolda who wu a !!IChoolmate of t he loca l reBident when both attended the University or llllnoh1 at Carbon- dale. Mra. Rey nolds mad~ the t rip 1 from lllinola to Nit her daugh· ter tn Wbltlier as well u to set" her old college friend. DAl'OBTI:R P'OR Rl.'MPHRJF.8 Mr. and M~. Victor Humphries, 324 Eut 19 at reet. Coeta Me!la. announced &rTlyl of a daughte r . born June 16 in St. J owph hoa· pltal. She wu ' bounc.lng eight pounds, nln@ and a half ouncu. NOW IN PASADENA Mn.. Mtn. lvea. 31~ Ana.de, Bal- boa. wu'in attendance at the Red- lands Met.bod:t.t conference tut w~ leaving from t.Mre tor Paa- adena wbere abe wW epend 90me time wtth friendL BUILDING l'Q:W BONE Mr. t.Dd Mn. C. 8. Brokaw of -.... --llulJdlna • -bome neu Newport Barbot Yacht cl\lb, ...urtalaecl a party ol ...,.,.. fy-n•• -r-."1· ------ "' DAOOlftEa llOlll' Mr. and Mn. 11a1P1t Lynch. lU 21.tt-. Coola ,._ _.., • daqtslA:r .. ~ 11 ln - Ana Oomlllllllll;J .... tal. lll>e ........,,., 'Ila pOl'I .. and. - \ .· Cal ·Sc:hknltlp For OCC .Afhleh • C&rleton Kan:hand Kean, Jr .. 11, the -. of Mr •. &nctMr.. Carle- l<ln M. v.... or m Wm Ba11>9a Blvd., Dalbo&, ""4 tittn awanled ,. echolanhlp to the tfnl-.lty or pauromla by th• Callfomla Alum' n.I aaeoclatioa, It. waa announced today by stanley E. Mceattrey, p:ecuUve mabager of the ....octa- Uon. Meara was pri!aldent of h1I .sophomore cta.aa at Orange Cout coUege, a member of Alpba Gam- ma Sigma and a participant IJ) too~be.U. buketball and track. FOLLOWOIO Tffl!: LOSS Of u.. ortctllal o.-a.I d• durtnr • ""'"" .... oprinr the M<>(]Ullab Broth-I ~n. Ray and Carl, lmmedlatC"ly •t.art('l(.I planJJ to rrplano h.-r l'.M-forr-t.tw-rtsh;ng IM'UOll c-01 rnlly un· der way. &eceatl.)' thry a.uncbt'd Utt> nf''~" Ocf'aruiklf' at thr s.-.r..ran Boat ""orb In Nf'wport Harbor. Thi.a wu madf' pocqlblei by th.-rf'COrd-bn."alrinc b ulldlnc Job doftf' by D~·k l>tttmar and Don Donald· 110n at their S.-a Boat. [-ompany In Co"ta i\tt"S._ fron1 ra'" lumlM"r to l•unC"hln& ln thlrty-™'o days. The ne"· boat bl 66 fret tone "'·Ith a 18-foot beem. Shf' (,. powl'rf'd '''Ith an 80 hp caikrplllar dlr8el The Calltomla Alumni a.uocta. tion. now ln the l 7lb y ear of It.a achola.rahlp program, awarded J~ &c.holarshlpa throughout the 1tate for 1961·62, with a total vaule of '33.600. E. J . P ower or Anaheim wu dis tric t chairman 1n charg~ or eelecUng acholarshlp wtnnera fer this area. PR!'.-RACF. PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slmpaon or Balboa. entertained a large group Jut week honor ing Junior Starr Con1modore and Mre. Ira P . Fut· ma r or Newport Harbor Yacht club. y,•hosc Staghound is enteted ln the Honolulu race. and c•an f'Uil3• attomod&tt> 11lxt,· to f'l&hty fl.!lh.-nn <-'n. ' }}\~· :c: t-· ··~ .. • ;• r. .... .. "< • < • • ..... ' \ !Photo by Bttk ncrl >e-r ... .... -='"'"::: . . -. .. ·1 Two New Co-Eds LEGAL NOTICE ~. :· j at Coast College 1"o. A·•••s• v.; ,.(r And Mr!4 l{rn1 th H Hard SOTll'Y. TO C'R•-:DITORS rampu~ arr parcnt :oi uf a rl&UJ:hter. BACK. Dc<:ca.scd. ~J man . or Or~~.CI' r~::a.'it ·c.,Jl<'J:; Estate of CHARLES H. RO RA· .·' 1 born J~n,. 20 In St. Jost'ph hos· I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN p1tal. S h<' \l."t'IJ:ht'd l<rvrn pounds. to the credilorl5 of an<l all per· 15 ounccit. l'reccdln~ ht·r. by onf' I sons having claimfil against t h€! ,:~ da y WM.~ anotht•r lltllc Jii::lrl, bom said dec€!den t or said estate to J unr I P to Mr. and ~t rs Ben Rode I tile t hen1 wilb the necessa 1 _ or OCC. In S11.nta Ana C<1mmunity vouchers in t he orticc or t~~ : hospl tsl Sht> tlpJ>r'\ lhC' scales at 1 Clerk ot lhe Su perior Court ot t. ; I t'ii;::ht pou nd!', t•lt·Vt·n and o. hair I t he county or Orange, Slate o r .-.\. ounc~!f. Calirornla. or to p reaent the ,:-'' -------I same, w ith lhc nccessa.t')' vouch· .. ,_ ATTF.S~t fJf•r::\' fl{Jl'SE crs, to the t1nderslgned at his or .-.....; An1nn_i.: C t1 ... tn 1'li'sa ns w ho a t-her place or bus iness, to-wit: !.. ,~ l•·nr\c>rl tt f'f'l'•·nt np.·n house hoslt'd E lsie K. R oraback . c 0 Harrv by 1Jr and ~Ir'{. l'1t11 I "~-"lillnj!t'r of Ashton , AttornP-y al 1i 408 E. t LAJ::1.1n1t B•;1tr h \Vt•• P Dr. and Mrs &!boa Blvd .. B 1tlboa . lforn ia. •# J I.Nin r. N··l"nrr, l)r 11nd Mrs. A . wit hin six mon l h R a ft t he first , \ G l lUJ:h<'1'1. "1 1 Hntl P.1r1:1 Jnhn H . I publication o f t his no t ice. • l F('r~u'4un anLi M r~. Roy D~kln . Da ted M:ty 3t. 1951. ' '--EJ...SI E J<. RORABACK, }"lt(l~I <>Kl.i\119,.\f.•\ Admi.nlstratrix of t he Estate or F111n1 Oklahon1a City c atnt> Af r . sa.irt dece<t~nt . an•I 1'1rli. T . L. l<1·rr fu r R dPll~ht· HARRY ASHTO l" ful vls1l th!~ "'et•k y,·1th ,.tr. K1•rr"!'I 408 E . &lhna Blvd. si.1ter an<1 brothl'r -l n-\aw. A1r . an<1 ,,_!NI. \\rilll11n1 ll. T r-ul'ty, J:JO Sa n· Balboa, Calift•rnia, ~ ta Ana avrnut>, l';e~:port H ctM h ls. At torney for Adn1in istratrix. No. 727-P ress. • • (JI\" \"l("T(l.RIA !"iT ICEJi.:'T Afr .. 11.nd M r~. Robert &·ardrn, 43 1 Victoria strl'i't, COHta M esa. are announ cing a rrival o f a son. I bor n J une I ~ In Santa Anfl Com · n1 unlty hot'p1tal. H e Wt>ig hed e ight pounds. six ounc1•s . Sfts t·()lt KA."'tDIES It was a son ror A'l r. and ~1 rs. H a rry J{;tndi<'. 23 1 F.:. 20th ~lrc('t or Co"la ~1·fla, born Jun<' :4 1r St. J o.s1·ph ho..-:i p1tAI. H,. ""l'tgh{'d S('vcn pounds, nnC' oun<:C'. H 1\~ ~l ,.\J()Jt :-il "l(tiEH\" P ub. J une 28. J uly 5·12·19, 1901 . HAROLD I. JOHNSON Propellf'r. IW!paln Columtlllln A.rP.Dcy ~ Phonfl HarlM'lr 820 VUL6 Wa7, N'111wport 8N.r.h :811 RON DA VlDSos·s '4-loot ketch. TMl&4t, la comhteatly ttnlsh· lnlf up amonl" lhr \\1nn~l"ft tlwtw day.1. Sht' \\"O.to r1-cond boat ln to finish In thf' .~rbftrary Ul,·l!\lnn or the Ttdf'land-"' ratt and third TID'E TA,l~E RI~ • l"r1day .1 :08 L m. 3.3 June 2t 9 :63 p.lm. 6.ti Saturday 9 :02 Lm. 3:3 • Jtµ'I• 30 T:27 p.m. 6.7 • Sunday 9:'8 Lm. 3.4 July ·1 8:02 p. m. 6.8 Monday 10:20 a. m. 3.6 July 2 8 :SI p., m. 6.9 Tueaday 10:02 L m. 3.6 July 3 9 :09 p . m. 6.0 Wednellday 11:21. L m. 3.6 July 4 9 :4.2 p. m. 6.0 Thuraday 11 :03 a. m. 3.6 July 6 10 :14 p. m. 6.9 J @ (f nBST. FULL LAST QUAJlTJ:B MOON QUAR'.J'.l!!R ·luty 11 'Ju•y 18 July 25 U-DRIVE CRUISERS ROW BOATS • OUTBOARDS e UV1': BAIT • Small Boat Launchlng • r • • Ul\f • 1:"4 &. m.. Cl.I • 1%:fl p. m. 2.t S:26 &. m. ~.t 1 :06 p. m. u 3:03-.. m. -el 1 :44 p. m. :i.a , 3~3·7 a.-..m. -0.a· 2:21 p. m.. :i.e 4:10 L m. -0.'1 2 :66 p. m. 2'41 4 :'1 a. m. --OJ 3 ,30 p. m. :i.e 6 ,12 a. m. -0.1 4 :~ p. m. µ • 8 Nl!:W • MOON July 3 • I , d e TACKt.F. J E L L I S I 0 A T .R E N T A L s< I !802 Coaal Hi'-''•Y JSewport RP.ach PtL Harbor Ul5 : AT SOUTH END OF BAYSHORF. BRJDGE ----------+ .. ; . . . . ... FOR REAL SATISFACTION " I!'< SMALL BOAT & MOTOR!l. - ADDIN G MAC H INES fillve you Cltof~• of Keyboards-, 9950 ... .. .... , .... Liberal Trade-lno-Cr~lt Terms Pnicticel tor 1m.ell ator .. , ahopa, , .... tliUT11nta. &Irma, homn. ol6c-, route- men, &llinc atetioos. ldeel • a .. NO>nd" rnechine. Portable, •SJ" to UM. Listi 9 999 99; total• 99 999 99. llAraer &. pecity model• (list 999 999 99; tot.al 9 999 999 99) al.a availfible foe aa low .. $000.00. Wlm 01 PllOlf fOI Piii 11.IAL TODAY 'klillia,,u St:au-.,~ 120 Tu_stl.n Ave~ Newport Beach Ph.' Bea.con 5195 r"'' '.:'lc"' ·' ;>;, .} .. ,,.. ~~~;i;,;. ....~: .. .J.:;. ---t (.'.~ 0 llClfllLI IUST·PIOOF &ASOUll · ~"t-~ ... -for power and protection, too. The 1-'i'. ~ Weat'1J-only gasoline that stops car·lcill-~-----·-.j on corn"el.N l-lmP. '"8eckner Photol Mrs. [)(>an S1n1th of 135 E . 18th strl'C't . C"osta ~fcsa, is cnnvC'lescing follo\\•1ng m a j or surg<'ry perform· ed last we€.'k in t h<' Anaht'im Com· munity hoa:pltal, Anaheim . _...;':;; for a ~ , in& nut and corro1ion. Makes your car- fUD ~ter-and last longer! 8 IKILlll 1un ••n MOTOI Oil •. OlllllNAllY Dc:lOll --4 aP ,. .. -.... -ef tllia -port ---i -llof>. ....._~tan,.• 1'1111 .tttr _.,.,..st. ll_...G~ ... ••11111 •at.Ute ~tt•s., ta. ... • .J•i wol •t: A ...... Tw: t 1 .._.. t9 u,nw a. ~IS .. ...._ ti d =sh s ,.,. tlle, tree-. ........ Qiet ..... ~ ....... ~ ....... en.rt. "' ••1ditt ........... --IUld -...... .,utW d.-_ 8'.""" tile etsll/lPt wt111 ... ...,. 1i te &) L ' • _L ... .......... 1fr'Cfl"* of ..... -·-..... )~ Aaleda• .... ; .... 0, ......... fl' , • C TJWJ p --... =• m Ille bmfllh ..... ,._, ......... ~ .. *-(Plooldls>'-l· ' j • ·. carefree th • ' • .. new this year to meet the extra lubri· cltion needs of today's cars. It's· the new' I . • ~ type 9f oil recommended by many car { lnanJfaciurers in their 195i. Owners' manuals. . " . ~iLli!4. •• 0 llClfllLI PIOTl~TIVI LUlllUTIOI ~-~:.JUr car'1 Declaration of Indepen .. --, from squeaks, rattles and needlep wear ... your best assurance of a quieter, 1tn0<>\herrid• for many Fourths to come! : ··fu.. lf £• ~z~· ~l.L~~.ki' !'% 1 CIFllLI S&Fm SllVICI •.. your friendly Richfield Deal•r'• --~-·· pn.uncu attention to your car. He spots troubles before they happen ... helps to - keep your car running longer,safer,mont economically. See him today! TIAVIL CAll·flll WITH ... • ICHFJELD .· W!!Hlete c•r c•r• . I f . •* ... ' ..... ~~~"~ .... ac~ • r •· • • ' • ' • ' ' • • • • PAGE o ._ l'AAT T -THURSDAY, "JUNE 28, l95f --A~1%!(;~ c; ·~''J --= PllE·s·s~ ~ : !!~.!'!!Ztrz !'!! ~ . APRICOTS -·.--------=-. =-==-i==··~~·"!!~~-. -Summer Rentals A~---~ -CLASSIFIED We specialize In tree ripened ROYAL APRICOTS for home canning • 25 lb. bags and 5 lb. bulreta Hillside Orchard ?M-twttn l2'nd and J:lrd: on TwKln, Coot& ia.sa The Miqhty Midqet In Advertising 3111t ._-----------~------------J I ELl'X;. cabinet oewlnl' m•dllne, 1~.W-Onlcle 28-Sltuatlons WaaW Kayal<. •Jee. Hawaiian l"ll&r and arnp116er, auto ?'econl player. vrndln• m.achJnf'J. mJ.ac. Pb. Be&. 11493-J. 38«0 OOliCPLaTm ROl111111 CLmAJmro .rt't.oe. hrAltm'9 and rup IM.mpooed.. 1'ree eettmatee hDy --- FINE IRONING will call tor and deUver. • 1 WANT AD will cost you .. only '2 and It will run , In all J local -papers. I . . A Minimum_ad is 4 l_ines. ""'•• H.tMw 1616 Al's House & Rng Help wtlh dlnner partlP11. Phone Mrs. Williama. Harbor 1~9~ be- fore 10 a,m. or a.ftt r 6 p.m. 38p4~ DOTER DBL. wuhla.r machln•, ; !~====:=;;'!; ....... -ft-onl-,1 -home, luse -yant. A valL to Aul' • IJlt ot MO .,... w .. k. Ntwport -Clole In, attr. 2 llclrm -· lenced yard. Reuonabla rou, by wk or mo. EL BA YO DIST. Attroc. I bdnri ..-apt. J700 '"' JUIJ to Aus. For 4pp't to -. CoU Mory ~ •t HarlNw 1011 or Kor- bor ITTI. • • • .. ~ • = -. O••. 4 L. ~ . ITS HERE .TODAY! Pretty as A l>icturie 1 For Superior Performanee DRIVE THE NEW 1951 HENRY J at this A'I'TRACTIVE PRICE . 2 BORK HOKE on Ii tlCN In -Oood location abcm! Uie back bay. Surrounded wltb flowrn. 18 1 ... c1o4 hlllt i-, ves ....... den, 1>1tlo end -AU fenCl'd. It.I buntlng at tbe •arm with nowen • ve«et.ablea HOU9e u4 pnp •re wen bUut (llMlJ and bu.hwd. nooro. nre- place And din. rm_ Really an OUtJltandlng place and a wonder· 1111 bll)' •t $10,500. Newport HeightS BeauUllll'1' built 2 bdrm bome. Cleaning Co. Beecon llll 72t1c Universal Building Maintenance Earl w. Stanley, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., !!5, -~~ 88Pf!!! , • •••o•• !! ·~~ tladlo , Newport Beach OOICE. IN and play Ole w<Jlld.,.. J -------------1 1111 n<"' Hammond Cbol'll Orpn. CORONA DEL llAR -1-bednn. only a couple y~ara old. BMuU· I! ruuy kf'pt and in lop cOJldlUon. A !'('•I b&rgaln at $00. Ken NUt>a. Ph. Ha.rbor l.NI. 3k:4 l $1498.92 Haa fireplace. hwd. noon, love- ly patio. V!'r)' attraf'tfve, $10,7W. For Venetian Blind$, Shndes and Drapery Hdwe. Floor Wuing-Wlndow CIPanln~ \\'1'11 \Vuhing SI-Wanted to BuJ· Chrysler Engines Used -II' It you don't know o not< llouoe. IH lloeonJa. lllll\Jml.oh. ot muaic you can play beauutbl td. except slo•e It: retrlpn'.tor. The Fa.sh.Ion Academy•1 Go1d mt'dal Award winner for 1831 . .. thr eensattDn.al new Henry J . . .. is YOURS 'fot' only $1498.92 delivered ·hen:! The Henry J ;a big farnlly-alr.ed llt"· da.n, won lt.ll division In tbc 1(obUgu Economy Run. TPat thP Hf'nry J today ... Newport Heights THE SHADE SHOP For Bulldlng111, Storea, Offlcf's and. horl)e!ll. Phone Harbor 118. --· ,_.. ,,_ .......... w ANT '4 -ft cu. n . el«. rrfriseta· tor ln good M ndltiM. ,Phon~ Harbor 1459. 37<'39 1"\Wc In t.ett mlnut.H.. DANZ-Ofte-yur ie...e. PO m.o.. ti«· NI« 2 bdrm borne. 3 % year11 old. Free estimates Ph. Har 884 I · 38p1~ Crowns -Royals 8CHMID'T Big Plano and Organ trtclty paid. S9C O\Yf'il!ra, rear. Co, G20 No. Mein. Santa Ana. 37p39 Hwd_ noora, dbl. gar., l':l.Cf'I . lo- C'aUon, $8950. 514. 29th St. Newport Beach NURSE f hlld t•-I I 1 "' ot r or ,. -n·r y coup f', ------------20 year11 ('_Iperlence. Good cook. .l#~!-~l'Vlces __ INTl:IUOR -~!OR'-. PAINTING UCZNlllCD -INBU!UllD Good retertnce. Preter Hsrbor area. Write Mre. BelJlngttr, 2021 E. Bay F)"Ont. Balboa. 31 p<~ 1 \VANTED "Carden and laWTI ftl"l!IUlta come rrom coruitaDt Practt~! An ad rl"p\ar1y In th1A paper will produce reeulU tor you. See John Harvey at Seacraft 128 COABT 'RIOHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 USED PlANOS from UD up, Good playing co n cl I t I on. DA NZ· SCRM1DT, 620 No. Main, Santo Ana. cor. &th . RE:\'T A PIANO S:'I ppr month. All r l'nl allow"il If you buy wtth- 94tfc ln lt'rm•. DANZ-SCHM"IDT, 620 ------------N o. M.aln, Santa Ana. Glenn Johnston ~11-Slat St. N<wport Beach I work or general work. By hour nr wtek. 2181 ~1.yra.m Dr., Costa Alf's&. Bea. IS9tt -J . J8p39 ------------·/PAIR R. • L . F!agohlp 90 h. p. ---- «"nginfll with rt"duc. gear, $750. 1 CR.EAT piano aaJP . 37th Y«'•r. Harbor 2291 .J 34c-48 REP AiRING and PAlNTING RM.aonable. Larre or small jobL l"reeelltlm&tea. Walker, t<NJ t8th l!t., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2581·R HAULING Any kind, truh or! \V ALKER. 108-18th St., Newport. H. 2Ml·R DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residentl&l-Commercial Remodeling Phone &9roll 15< Otl-W 17tfc OET rut> OF ALL ANTS 6' 1&nd neu permant>nUy with one appliC'allon -Frff cstimatf>. flarb<>r 0689-J. 38pi.O WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all t~maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W • 3&51 DON"T DELAY. CALL TODAY ... !or an ad ln the lively clusf· fied s~tion of the BIG THREl!:- BARGAINS Euy Spin Dryt'r \\'8ahtr -···· $89.96 PHfLCO S cu. rt.-Xlnt. meehanl- C'al C'ondtion .. $9.f. .60 NewB·'nmiea, Poet 8hoppt.n• Newa Ha.ndy Hot portablr wuh"r, (ood condition, ideal for apt .... $19.93 18 Hotpolnt wringer type wuhfnc and the Pren OVER 21.500 CIR<;ULATION mac:h1ne, ""~"-cond. ..M9.93 I THE ANSWER! ------R.angl" and r"frigf'rator combina- • - tion, all tlf'Ctric .. __ ....... 1119. ,. K~p In touch with U• ror Kood buy• ln TV Rla tradrd ln- EASY TERMS ARRANO!:D DAVIS-BROWN Co. -11186 HARBOR BLVD. COS1" A MESA Ph, Bea. 8821 YOUNG KEN -Hilh ochool or coJl"ce sraduat.ea-Eam up to 1100 per v.•ttk selllng television and appua.ncee ln and around the Harbor nrea. An eo:rccel\ent BEDROOM SET with double bed, dav<>nport. tingle maplt bed. 111 Via Jucar. Udo ~le. Ph.. Harbor 29:'.lt-J . 38c-10 opportunity tor door to door ------------ selling. Representing "'·ell estab--DOUBLE innt'rsprlng m•llrcaa It. li•hed Costa Mesa timl. Call c:nl! flpring111. Cl('an and ln good ~I r. Geddes. ~aeon ~737. 3gc41 l·ond1tlon. b<>lh for $10. Pbone a.~a 671-4-\\' aft..>r 8 p.m. 38c39 HOTPOINT El('('trlc ~p. deep \\'ell, almMt ne"'· Mahopny <Unelt<' .-et. i uphohlll'r4"d ch&lr&. 31:'1 Irts, Corona f1el Mat. 37p39 Jack's Furniture --------------1 001\IPTOMETER OPERATOM -. We Buy, Sell or Trade Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" !'.i l2 -38th St., Ne"'t>Ort Bea ch • PHONE HARBOR 2404 13Uc Four i'Xp!'rienced n<'ed inlnlf'- diattly tor M'UOn.&I work . Apply to Pf'~onnl-1 Ikpartn1ent. Coun· ty of Orange, 64:<1. North Broad· way, !anta Ana. 31k40 \.\' . .\?-:TED Part timP boOkk("rp· er·!K'<"'retary. ).f t'ea Th~att,', Bt·a .5Ji1. 38c-IO 1~05 \Vest Balboa Blvd_, Phone Harbor 2~02-R. 33p39 -PHILCO REFRIGERATOR -It"• a 19W model. 9 cu. rt-. haa a large freezer che!llt. all sttel sh"lves and a Cri!l~r for vege· table:s. Al1'<> it h48 a n ice blg Factory approvf"d J ohnson Out-Rt-ail thel!lr prl<"ra. l'\rvrr berorf' board. haw "'" h•11 11uch barga1rui. SALES • SERVJCE Spinet•. aome ne"'· Mmt> u&Pd. South Coast Co. I pric.-d from U<i.. '335. $387. Ora.ndl front $391\, AlmOBt 100 Harbor 2&00 Newport Beach planoa rrom whJC'h to choose. 31 tfc 8pec:lal f'Uy t r rm11. DANZ· 8CHMJDT big piano atort, 020 No. Main , cor. 6th. Santa An•~ SEA BOOKS ~ nne stock at b<M>q OD on yad!t- lnir IV~J..U-PI.. on cu'""1 11oo1a1. L<Jidlns lib...,.. The Isla11ders nt Karine, Bo-lo. Bar 1M7 SN'OWBffiD in &"ood condition- 37th ORE..\T PIANO SALE. Mag· nlncent all t ltttrlc organ. CaBt' 11JlghUy damal(ed In 11hlpmt"rr\. w111 aacrtncf'. Thi• h1ppe.ru1 but once In a Jiff' time. DANZ- 8CHX1DT. Santa Ana. !'i20 No. Ma.in. 1 needs palnt, Sl30. Inquire. at J 7th GREAT PIANO SALE Rt-- 220 Di.a.mond. Balboa l ida.nd. 3ic39 poAl'tM4"d Splnrt. L ike new~ Pay out balance. Savt> ovf"r $200. DINGHY. like new. Brass flt-DA!\'Z-SCHMIDT B il' Plano tln-. $200. 22l Crystal A \·e., •tOrf'. Santa Ana, cor. 6th and •-Main. Balboa IAland. 3ip39 ------------ GOOD BUYS IN SMALL BOATS SAILBOATS 20 ft. a.ux. sloop, xlnt. t'On. 2 suit!' or aatle. 11lttp• 2 $1400 22 n.. sloop all mahogany,, good NJll, alee:ps 2 ... .. $1:>00 23 ft . .Albatro ... xlnt raclng record .. . . $187~ 24 ft. aux. 11loop. 'ltery goo<I con- dition, ne"· aa.U•. •lf'epa 3 $1860 2:'i (t. aux. sloop, \'r ry i;ood con - dition, 8'HP8 1 $16~' POWER BOATS 1 f ft. launc h, 18 hp Gray, ne"'• csnva11 co•t-r. good cond. S!'>50 1 15 ft . runabout, 5 hp outboard $300 ~Poultry, Ral;lblts CORNISH CrnM rf!'(I fry<"t11 - WholtUlf' Jae lb. I J-{\0()1 •. Llrg-t •tarted turkf'ya. 12.MI f'&. Ott.le U to ~. Baby ducks. '.t!k up. 57~ '''· \\'llAOn, Co.11ta Meu.. 37c39 41-Stor .. and Offltt9 A 'M'RACTIVE "''t"11 located Bal- boa ofrlc~ for la,,,.,·yt>r, acrount· •nt, ln.urance. buUde r, .e.rchl- t ec'-etc. 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 1607. 2.f.tfc SN.ACK BAR -RESTAURANT LOCATION -\.\'Ill rf'model. 500 \.\'. Balboa Blvd. Call 0 . B . Bar- nard. Harbor 14Mt. 37p39 PAINTING 1 SERVJCE STATION ~tA!'ol' n1eat c hiller. Balance I O\\•e on It is $199.03. Pay castt or ta.ke EARL s~ Som(' e.xptorience. 1500 w . B&l-payments o( $1 0.9-t per n10. My 18 fl. runabout. hop~ up jt"t-p 273 Palmer St., Coat& Me.a boa Blvd., Nt>\\'pOrt BPach. 39p N{Uit)' FREE. motor, 40 mph . 1760 Bea. M:l7-K --------------AJ.o my Gaffers & Sattler range. EILEEN B. RICHARDSON \\'ANT '-1 . .\lD for Kr n Niles Villa 1951 model. C.P. all auto. Ha.! I Marina. ll hr. Phone Har. 1800. lamp &. clock , all li l eel griddle RJCHARDBON'S Bayside Or. l_t_.;.P;..e;..cr!IO=.;,;n.;;a.;;ls:.....------!De.fl a ncl the chrome broiltr. It allfQ YACHT ANCHORAGE Har. 369 has the all-chrome top. balance due js $169.93. My eqult~· free. Alcoholica A.nonymoua Write P . O. Box 205 Balboa laland. Calif. Pbone K.Jmberty 3-6393 \\.ANT middle aged couple for Ught work in exchange for apt. 8.Jld ll&lary. Man c·an be t"mploy· ed el.ewh•re days. Plea.11(' in- clude phon<' nu1nber In rc>plyini: tn Box J 2. lhiM pape-r. 39C'-t l Boat ownen and mechanics FOR TOUR SNAP-ON TOOLS See at 40.C So. Spadra, Fuller- ton . 9 a. m . -8 p. 1n. Pho ne F ullerton 2162. SE'e Sunday 11 a. m. to 6 p. n1 . 37c30 C.U JORN IQ}(:BLE _ 17H KJnmar. Bolboa ~~4~!!'.!~ ~nd _Ro~_ RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS Summer Reservations· Lldo Isle Bay Front units. l and 2 Mrms, $70 \ll'C<'k up. Harbor 2~2. eves. Hsr_ Z914·M. 17tlc BAY FRONT home for July - 4 bdrm. pier A: private beach, $750. BAY & BEACH Realty 1 t60 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 128.f 38c40 USE OF Pt'nlnwla Point beach, IWt.m in bay or O("e&n~1y l blk. N o. 1-3 bedroom Jow~r. No. 2-2 b@droom upper duptPX. Nicely furn. July. Aug'., llepL tri3a Miramar, Ba.100.. Harbor 0812-W l9ltc RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM · 007 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa • Harbor 1607 S UMMER OR YEAR'S LEASE- OC'ean vte'IA·, 1s blk from beach. Comfortably furn. lge. liv. rm, fireplace. 4 t:Klrma. 1 1·'1 batha, garagE", fenced yard. 1, blk to bWI. Owner. 224 -48th. N<'.,•tport , for STYLE! tor EcONOMY! for PERFORMANCE! tor COMFORT! for S .\ FE:l'Y ! Th4.' Henry J . . delivered her<' for only $1498.92-at your Kal!ter-Fr11..Sf'1"' dE"aler. KAISER WTI.LYS CROSLEY 506 E. FIRST Santa Ana KI. 3-9688 '50 CHEV. 2..door deluxe ~ Only 8600 mlleA, perfect cOndi· Uon. Save money from private owner. $1575. Ph. Har. 2t04. 32ttc 194 7 STUDEBAKER Champion, rf'gal club cpe. Radio, good con- dition. $850. Private party, Har. 0505-R. 37c39 ~a.ch. Harbor OM9-W. 37c42 ------~.~---- ATTRACTIVE new apt .. unfur .• 1 blk. to city hall. Adult.a, yr•r· ly rtontal. Mtl • &4th St., comer ot Finley. Har. 2529-W. 38c40 BALBOA ISLAND Hauan and Apt.a., yearly or ae&· sonal. See Gall Carney, with· NELDA GIBSON REAL-ESTATE SC)(! Martne, Balboa l.sl. Bar. GOi 89Uc DUPLEX -2 bdrma, untum. 318 Broad"A•ay, 'Coata Mee&, Beacon 52'9~-M. 38c39 LIDO ISLE ff you wa.nt a rent.al on lovely I.JOO ISLE !t!-e us. SPVl'TBl good homes available. Al.no apart- n1tnU by w f:'ek o r m onth. JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer Certified• Used Cars '50 STUDEBAKER champ. Regal dlx. 4-door eedan. Thia is what you have been waiting tor - overdrive, cllmatizer, dlrec. slg., grill guards, $60 &at oovere, undersealed, etc. Only 9000 miles. Formerly Mrfl. Jack Raub's car. Save over ts500, HURRY! 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION CPE.. like new. Only 18,000 miles. Ov e r· drive, hill holder .......... $1395 1947 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SPEC. dlx. sed. all or· lgtnal and very clean S 995 341!1 NEWPORT. BLVD. P. A. p ALMER lnur Lido\ 510 N<'\\1>0rl B<'ach Harbor lNCORPORA Tim 38c Newport Heights Bra.nd new 3 bdrm borne, Flag- stone flrPplace, bwd. Oooni:, IOLI or plate glUA, patio. Best or constN<'lion, $tt,9:)0, Beacon 'Hill Realty 416 Newport Blvd. ~near Arches) Phone Beacon 5713·R SEE THF.SE! Dupl<'x near bay, 2 bdrm down, 3 bdnn up. v.ery nlcf' ...... $25.000 2 bdrm home plus gar. apt and bachelor apt. near ba}'. MAKE OFFER. On ocean front, 3 bdnn, 2 baths, turn., rot ~xi 00 .............. $18.500 Attrac. I yr. oJd 3 bdrm homE", nrat and colorful, near bay . ......................................... $18,000 3 bdrm hou11e furn., 2 Jot.a, 100 ft. rrom bay, al8o mooring $21,MO BAY & BEACH Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 126t ~37 Home and Income Well built 2~atory duple x near ocean. Extra large rooms. Full tile bath. 2--car garage wtt.h nice aun deck. Wonderful rental property 8Urnm.er and winter. l unit alone nets $1100 yea.rly- other unit owner occupled and Immediately available to buyer. $16,000. Will take small · clear home in West Nevtp0rt Beach ' u part. or wUJ arrange easy cuh term•. Call Mrs. Sheeley, B. 6108-J with WM_ E . ANGOLD, Realtor ~10 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. -r•o $1000 DOWN 3 bclnn house. partly furnished. quiet section, Col!lta J.fPsa, price ,6000, euy paymf"ntt. $2000 DOWN 3 bdrm house, nPar N ewport pier, partly rurnished. $7000. 3333 Via Lido Horbor l/l(lO ------------19tlc M G FOR SALE $10,000 DOWN ------------HATE TO. but have to -my au· 5 housea, income '-260 month, rm. RESIDENCE -Beautltutly tum. p<'rb TC. blaf'k ~Ith rod, many for 20 more and 100' vacant 3 bdrma, auto wuher, garage. extras. $139~. Sf>E' a.t BrMrtng• bui:ilneu frontage. Price $26,:\00 1120 mo., year round. 4010 A J t d St ti B 1•-I U-Shaft Your Car WANTED -· Ride t o Anah•lm NEED HELP? KELVJNATOR elPC:. r<>frlge r ator. Harbor 1087-R almo!t nc••. l l jC"U. ft, ll'ft hand 91ct3H s.<>oc a t' 8 on, 8 "'ia s-N . B. C. REALTY, can D1na Crall River AVP., Newport Beach. land. 37p39 32nd & Newport Blvd. LinWQOd Vick, Rltor. Harbor 2os2-lf.. ~ttc , Mond•y thru Frid~'. •• Harbor Con.1ult aitua.lJon wanted ads or ~ <f~-J. 3~1 P"lnle;, ?t:"'"J>Ot~ place a classified in the Ne"'s- L ~· i ~. . . ::s.p~O 1 T1m;t~., PORt. and Pre'\S combina- 21 School • Instruction TUTORING Elementary &T&de teacher with 4 yr. Bachelor ot Science decree will tt1tor up to four ii:turtl!flts part or all of the summer. Ph. Beacon 637~-R. 37c42 Violin· Lessons Public M'~l-music tea~her llaa opening for a few \'iolin puplls. Have tv..•o violini;i available for lltu<lenl uAe. Ptt. Bea. 8375-R 37c42 ZS-Situations Wanted EXCELL£?<,,~ COOK &. nurse - Mgi·. housekeeper tor one or t'#O adults. Rererences. Please write Box. H2, th~ paper. .. 38p-t0 REFINED school girl will car t" lor children during MHnmer v&ca· tkW:l. Reuonable rat.ee by thr wieek or month. Can lift IL Ref. erencea. Ph. Har. 0297.w Slp39 ODD JOBS, c•rpe_nter worll:. etc. By hour or day. Har. 013'-J. 3lp39 IF YOU WANT EXPERT HELP. I am a Qne cook, all around h\&id. wUJ help wttll ehlktren. Best references. Wage11, S60 week. Permanen.L Waite P. O. Box 8665. Metro station, Los All&des 511. 37p39 tion at $2 per wttk, min. Pllpne Harbor 1$18. 90-&le, Miseellaneous MEXICAN BEACH HATS ! r om $2 .95 in unusual styles and colors. CERAMIC SALT and PEP- PERS for collectors, 29c pair. Dick Knox dinnerware - 2nds -service for 4. $10 . 499 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa. • 38p40 Swim Fins W~ still bave the g()Od rubber onea W e give S&H Green St&mpa Gunderson Drug Co. 117 Matn 8trM"t Harbor 615 BalOO& 34p42 Complete lnstal.laUon, rE'palr and aervlce of all trailer l'qUJpment. ORANGE COA'.ST TRAii.ER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Colla Mua, Phone ~-8224-R WOOD PLANER. J100. WUI handle up to l"xJ.1'0 mattrlal In good repair, 120-.-olt. Har. 234:5 or CApltol 1191 we-ek days. 31ctO tJ . door. Ph. Har. 11-4~. 39c4 1 18.FT. ROW.BO.AT a.nd moort.ns pAS-STOVE, high ov<'n -l{ood (ot ~ Ol"> wilt ~ for eQl\dl tlon -:--prlv&t<' party. Har ... L.&.JD,giq_._..,atl,.• MU..&&..:'~· .. 83. 39c.fl ~ ...... - ELECTRIC RECRICERATOR - $30. Redw OOd batbf'CUf' table It bt'nches. $12. 118 Gamel. Bal· boa Island . 39c_. l Rattan Furniture Made In the Phtlllplna •nd In our own work 1hopa. Wide choice of tabrtca. Le.rgf'at di.splay ln SO. CaUL Rtflniahlng a.nd Reupholatertng HOUSE & GARDEN 111 Clout Hwy .• Nwpt .. Be&. 5%77 USED Furniture Tabk> top &•s ranre ....... Sl.5.00 ApL range. Wf'st•m Holly 149.M Bedroom In.lite ...... ·.-···· $69.50 NEW Furniture TRU!IOOTT sport ftahrr. 9li h p ~r ......... motor-I bunk<. beod, plley, •le. Like ·-- Harpin trom owner. Ha.r. HI. -ALL TYPU of bod .,.,,....trv and eal>IMt work. W . Royoo, 11511 Banta Ana Av._, Coeto Muo. alp40 Km&IN KBArl -t -ufi. <OW'r, lltMrlns wllffl. lilbt. A·1 eondttlon. SUT. 20 S.o..,,, 8o7. Slp40 JOHNSO]'\ outlloord. 10 hp QD .....,.., 10 Umea out. perfect OODdltton. ReYeno cbargo, AT· !antic 1·t07. A.tk tor · Dean --11p3ll SHOJlll KOOllll\'G -Nortll Boy trmt., Balbo& laland. I'll. Har, Jtllhl. • • l9c: • 1 19~ CADILl,.AC ~Ii•• 6I lt"dan. NEWPORT B~ACH -l1lonA 11.ar. :IOU !lc6f BALBOJ"~D ~· ~-~ ,t;~·cfld!! ·_ ny-.· ,. 38c40 . i:.. ~~~p~ .. 1.'1W~~~ M J'J: · t r n ~,'!I he~. ~GJ!~~&.fm~1,~.fn. ~~: On 'Collins l1lanrl u\11.' ptl 1 • , 11 -~ lf!.98 •cdl _. ;"'1~ r-, , s. o ar. u . full price S4. 750, 12.500 down. Each apt. hu watf"r frontage. At.o larger apt, alttp1 I-summer 38c40 JOE CALLI Aecom. f . Weal e:nd Park Ave.. July, S75 wk., Aug, llOO wk. --------------RH! Esiate Broker Balboa Laland. Ha.rbor 2982-W. Very nice 1'1: blk. lo So. Bay. FOR QUICK SALE 2822 Newport Blvd. 40p64' Har. 21%~K... 3lc45 Convertible-'48 Packard-Excel-NewporL Beach FURNl.!IRED bachelor apt. Prl· n.\4! eat.ra.n""ce and bath. Yearly or. 1UmO"er. I'NQOIRE at 413 PolnM!U..ia, Corona' df'l Kar. 37p39 WA HT woman or C*up1e to aha.re my new homr. l chJld 0. K. or will rtnt room. In Costa Me-. Ph. Beacon 8663·M. 37c39 ~·....,.."C"""~~~~~~~~- BALBOA. ISLAND summer rental l A: 2 bdrm homf'.'a wllh UfW' o! •llboat A paddle pot.rd . CORONA DEL MAR -1 6' 2 bdrm rentals. 13:5 wttk A up. ALSO 2 bdrm unfUm-t yearly rental, phon~ HartM>r 1520-J. . 35p40 FURNISHED 2-room cottage - 135 mo., laundry avallableo, util. tnclu. :171 Avocado. Ool:la Meu. Be&-5390-J PVe1 or Bra. Mio.v.· dayo. 38«0 NEW 1 BDRM APT, 540 wk fot July :-View, nea.r bay. 433 .A.cac.La., Corona del Mar. 33C40 CORONA DEL MAR -Fum. 2 bdrm apt. Above pr, new, quiet, comfortable. J\dY A: Aug .• 1200 mo. 2 btlol. above htfhway. &00 Marigold, Coron• del Mar. 38c40 lent top, lil"es -condition. All ------------ extras, .$1500. Call KI. 3-%998. ·-38p40 View Lot · Unobalructed ocean and canyon ·37 PLYMOUTH 2·door sed•n _ view-Lot 188 on Seaward Rd,. t '4 7 motor) Clean inside and Corona Hlghlanda. VERY LOW out. Xlnt tra.naportatlon. LESS PRICE. lncludea house plan&. THAN BLUE BOOK. p~ Bea. Call owner, Beacon f5824·W. 6493-J. 3Sc•o _______ . _____ sec_n CHEVROLET 36 Muter. 2~oor aedan--4 good Ure!, 2 aparee. Stromberg carburetor, ndio. Cle.an thruout. excelent trana-- portation, $150 cuh. Ph.. Har. 0281-M. 38ct0 194 7 FORD V-8 deJux.e coupe - RAH. overdrive, nyloa &e•t covers, excellent conditlon .. Ha. 1145. 39of:l OWNER MUST· SELL! IMMEDIATELY! Modern 2·bdnn home, Nowport Height.. Bea,IP• ed cetllnga, huge fireplace, muy bullt-inJI, Incl. bar. Complete redwood fencing. 2.car gar. Sl0,800, easy down pymt, $88 mo ., tndu. taua. Call HU'bor 2574·M daya or Barbor llf&..W evenlnp. 35tfp Agt l"IU\C• .......................... J89.00 _l!S~·==~ll~t!!l l~l~Ml,~_!Ra!!!d!!!lo!e,.__. ___ ~ BE.DROOll FOR RENT 111 Oor- OonlOle\om M'f&, 9~12 ··· ······· 13-9~ 31U. CR.&AT PIANO BALI: Ka· ' ona del Mar or wt\ aha .. my COSTA MESA -Ne.arty new. lovely 2 bdrm and den, unf\lm. 1200 n.. home on 11th SL near Harper ochooL A voil. July 1. Elec. dlahwaahn. ~,Ben­ dlX and unit heat, tJttp!ace and fenced yard. 2-ear pr. JUll. mo. J . A. Beek pUlee. Hatbor 11. 19-40 PONTIAC c1ub coupe. Wiii sell or trade tor bo&L See •t trailer 18. 830 Cout Highway, Newport Beacll. 39p 61-Beal Estate Exchaar;e CHARMING Income and -completely lllmicbed. Ideal rar per90n alone or eeve-ral tam.ow, 3 and 2 llo<lroom duplex an4 5 rm. home. .Al\l!•J'8 r...t.l OM leued. 1 blk to bly lo -•" $111,000 cul! plua -t oi kn- prond property. Bil•----Owller. 1632 Mb-amar. ~t 08!.2-w. CCourte8y to brolmol. Innerspring mattttN ....... -.. $2f.7:5 ... ud• R•mlln Oran«. llteta-bomf' to lady ot eood c~r. UntlnlAhed ~ ······------'3-95 up ,...,., C>":kertn.& 8oluntt, lCtm.. PboMo day. Har. J802: .. W or eve. Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION 1174 Hart>oo-Bl-.d. Colla Me.u Beacon M37 .J GOOD kitchen ..... J15. atMI Ju bas. '10. ~ Lake Av•., New- port BeocJa! 38p39 boll. Kl!,,_.... -Jltser, etc. Bar. 2221>-MK. a8p40 Save UP. to two-U.lrda! DAMZ- SCHXIDT Bii Pluo '"-· kat& Ana. 520 Mo. Kalli, eor. 8111. • llii38 I R.ewltai come ,"f'ftm1 ecmnant Pn!etltel An o4 ftC\l!UIY In Ilda paper wtl1 ~ ..-Ila IM "* • UUc t· • • l • ~-118!?!!--~~Bi~Ml!!!!_!Jlli~!a~U!!..-----1 -~!!.:.:!!~~!!!.J.~.!!.•!!.~~L· ·~·-·-· .... -·-·-----.:--•....!!l!!;!::.:.:!~~~!.!..!~~-!!!-!:.~~-!..---.. -·--.., ..... .....:et!!!!:::!Jl!!elli~;..!EM&~.!!!te~-·-·-·-·-··-·-·---....... -., • • • REAL ESTATE Sl1ECIAL SAI.E Listing Is No. 1781 A peaJb o! a loc&tion at the corner of Avocado and 4th, COM, affords view to the Ocean, a.nd proximity to Coast Hwy. Ideal for home I< incoroe. Htte 111 a modern dealgn ho.me and a.parbnent. whPrc rvery room ii a.n 'outside roolG'. T.b.e Jiving room, Lanai, bc!rdtol:a• and bath. an Hiii ~ e..nten>d from lhl" spedotl!I paftd patio. • TJtf'l'e .,.. two bedroo1ru1 ln tbe ho\lat', and an t>Xlra bed· room on the ground Ooor whil'lt can ~ used with the boua.e, or to supplf'm<'nt th.f' one bedroom 11.partmf'nl that ~ over the: garag<'. The fumlahed price i& only Sl 7 ,500. Can also be ~ on a partly furnished basis. Posses.•ion of house July 1st. Call for appointment. J. A. BEEK Office Balboa Island Ferry Hubor 63 Balboa Island • - NON·VETS BEFORE YOU BUY -Be sure to iupect anrl Oimpare these beautiful. new 3 bdrm homos ~ F. H. A. Built AND Financed Minimwn down and monthly payments as low os $53 (Phis lmpounftft' ~me or the n\8J1)-' de•irnble teatu-re_q are: Massive brick nrepln.CE'!'I &: plnntE.'r boxes Dbl. Garage_q Hardwood Floors Lawn!'!, Shrubs &: Trt-e.<1 Tiled Kilch<'na &: Bath!'! \Varrlrobe Closets \\'Ide Lotti f 84 rt. 1 Covered Pa tio -Porl'hf'ri Immettlate occupancy to qualified h11.ver~! -II!EAL LOCATION - Newport Blvd. & 22nd St .. Costa Mesa Broker Cooperation Invited R. W. PE'n"IT. Realtor· Ph. Beacon 6597-\\' Clwice Lido Isle BA YFRONT 2 BDRM WITH DEN, 80-ft. on \\·aterfront complf'tely and exquisitely furni.,hf'd. FUll'St \'ie\v, piC'r & fl oat. This ls prim<' propl"rty from a11 angles. I f you want thr-twst, this \VIII intere:.;t you. Shc.wn by appointmC'nt only. HARBOR HEIGHTS A lovely nE>w 3 bclrm homE>, fi]eplaci=>. hwd. noors, beautiful lf'vel lot. cloul>lf' ~arage. 0wnl'r will conl!der .smaller home in trade, $14 .~. LIDO tat.Z -Something nic,. 3 bdrm. 2 baths. large \ living room, 11'8!1 than 2 y rs. old. PrimP location, Sti,8."IO. BAY"fRONT LOT -f ~I Bayo Tr I rorner v.•ith '4?' front.sgf', 116.000. DUPLEX -2 - 1 bdrm units. nf"\v, Ot"'Br propoSl'•I hospital Hite, good location and 'food valut\ $13,:'100. Terms. t °''·ncr \\1ll take Udo Is tC' lot in trade.) UDO ISLE -1'.'EYl 2 bdrm and l~ bath. FOl'ftlictt dro.ln- boards. garbace dl•po•al, dishi\'lllber, ~ ror gnod J lvtn~. $17,iOO. For the BEST ln Harbor Pro;i:terties, SN-- HARBOR INVESTMENT COMP ANY 30th an(! N'ewport Blvd. Harbor 1600 eo..ta Mesa Newport Hgts. The lleBt Town oa~h ·'· ,J{j • l. I.'"" SPECULArfl>~. r . . , Int:01pe .Sp~ials . ~ bdiili _.,,de! .i bdrm apt-Income 1126. AU bond& pd. Take NDtice ! PRICE REDUCED FROM $18,000 TO $18,000 -One of tht> beat bmiJlf'M comen In Costa !l.l eAA. With a 3 bdnn hnml'. Very nice & 4 yrs. old 2 bdrm homf', not tac tron1 N€'\Y· port Blvd. on 12 acre-- Price $7500 Just a Pretty Good l bdrm home on big lot-$4900 $450 Down Full Price $9450 Tf'rlTU! lo 11uit you Roomy Older Duplex ExcPl!l'nt condi-Income $125. 2 bdrm each . Would make wonder~ f\JJ ., _5 bdnn home for lat~ family. Haa gar. with OC'ran Ww, &und€'ck and patio. Only $9750 B .A.NERESON OPEN EVENINGS MRA A: Npt. HArbor Mult.lplo U.tin&" IUalt.or 1982 Newport Bh'd.. Coota Mesa Pbone Beacon ri225 $6950 FULL PRICE Open For ltu!J!llCtioo Saturday & Sunday Ow. Uni and Balboa Blvd. DROP BY and aee how mucb we/re ottering t.n a oew J Wnn blllch home -A few 9\epll tram the be8l ocean beac.ll. A-1· con· !ltruct.lon through.out., comer lo- cation, attractive modem colol"l- Tt>rm. approximately t,; ~· New Lido Liating Jwit complet!A&" 2 w....n h--. 81.Jll time to. cbooM )'Ollr' DWD rotors. 21' Uv. rm .• frple., tne fealuree, bar-type kJtchen, prt.i va te patio. Pricecl 1Ml9W tho malitf't at 115,750. Euy tJ>nn111. Bav Shores FIRST TOO OFFERl!lD. Olk! of thf' finest 2 bdnn )iomea on Bayside Drive. 2 bathe, largr rooms, loYPly patio, beautltul1y turntabf'd. If you arf' looking (01· a home with charm A IJvabllity. lr t tLll! 11how thl.~ prof>"rty lo you. PriN' 124 ,MO, fum. Ranch 20 acre1t -\2 In perm. paature. e'bundant cheap water, property p ipe<! for irrigation. Tht<'f" hollM"~. good bern, · equipment for 1~000 chickens. Will M'U or ('On!lldt>r part trade (or Santa A na or :"€'wport J;lt>arh prop- €'11.y. Prtce 5-46.800. C REEN LEAF &. ASSOC. BUILDER --REALTOR 3112 Ne\vport Blvd., Harbor 2!\.''2: VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar 2 BDRAf HOAfE. reflniahed lnsldf' and out. Largr-llvlng rm, flt<'- placf', hwd. noors. dlntng rm. f'Olrllrl\C'" Crom hall to OHU'fU. patio, baf'be.cue, tlle ln kitdtC!ft anrl bath, l&rl'f' cloSl't.Jt, vcnt"tian bllnri. lhrotJ.&hol:naL Sprlrt.kling JJystE'm , yard fencf'd. Gul'ftl rm on rt'•r of lot, ~ood nl'lghbor· hood Price Only $11,975 $3.97~ Down A Rea.I Buy Lsrgt• 2 bdrm homr on •l!'>xl 18 lot , <'iOSl' to shopping center. fireplacf'. h •A:d. Cloore. (W'llU€' heat. ventian bllnr1s throughout Large dining rn1. 13' till! l!llnk, larJ:"e C'lori€'t.s, at>rvi<"e porch. en- closed yard, C'l'mrnt rover{'(\ patio, f,ca.r ganizt> with •bOW- ('r. \\'alkM , tlrying yat"d. A rf'al homP, r i:><k&crd Sl900 ror quk·k Male. Price Only $12,000 Ea~y term• about l !S.!)00 will ha ndll>. Ste thl• today. JOHN VOGEL Co. 130\ COAST HJGHWAT Corona drl M:&r Har. till or Ha.r. 1477 "LITTI..E" BALBOA ISLE Looking fo r a cull'.' home! -lhat \\'&• f1:at urrd in the Arllt'rl· can Homf' and L. A. Tim ea mag· u lnt>11 -That ha" a dell~J1tfully f'nc·lo!-4rd patio': lt'l'I at 160~ Balhoa Ave. 39<41 • WHY PAY RENT? For ~···~ boWN ..... , I i~~· ;.:-. "t..:-: • ;bd"'-1 """'"\ ~dot re I ·-tod. !..up. D.leely l&ndoeoped ,..,.,, double sonr•. ,_,_ lllock fmce and ""M • ~on rourt ! Full Price~ Broker Cooperation lnYit«l R. \V. PE1 t1T, Rltr. Bee. tOl'T,W 38c40 Balboa Peninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod Jiome 2121 Ocean Blvd. , AN OLD HOME BUT GOOD 3 BEPROOMS on East Side, very p>Od dlstrtct. Pl"lcc $8500, $1~ clown. G. I. Resale 4 '/r $12,000 Int. Open Sat. &: Sun., U or by appointment Brand new 3 bdrm home Price Sll,300 -$2900 DD. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. ' I< Associates BY OWNER -J bdrm. newly r1ecorated home. Tile kltdlen. Pullman b&th. llwd. noon. d-'· prap, ten«<! yard. Short wa.Udnl' dJ•••ce to BChoola qd shopping. Ideal location for fam- ily with cbJWren at t-42 El Mo-- dena, N"wport Hel&hU or cell 1700 Newport Blvd. Beacon 6963-W. Costa lies.. Ph. BeL 5181 Owner , Leaving State . lllef2 Newport Heights N ew ttaree bedroom home witb Gttplactt. furn a c to, hardwood Ooora. prbag-e dtapou1, doubl~ ~. $11,000 full price - ALSO - 81"'7 reet ..t IDdMINJ property .. 31at 8""l. lo • -"" --,..,,t ,,,. l4J.o --""17 -,...._..._, . Ralph P. Maskey M.1l Wzz;mt ..... •: o 'Jt ..._ ·..-.-- • Only $.1M> Down BUY.8 TlilS FINE LOT 54sJ,:lll OQ Victoria SL, lltetw..,. Hari>ar ud Newport -"'11 price --Phones; Be¥on ~Mor Beacon 52113-W • Two 11.o<y, I y•ar old. ._ IMI "'!. fL Two bdnRo u4 ~ -1-.--llaUa opot&lra. lln•Md< -. --· IMp !lftta' room, ft.repliue. hi Ille ..... l"6 rm. Oorgtoua kllchon and -.ou-..--Mel, ~ ........ c.tnd.or'• -· -... li<?N-Prie<O lo •II ...-,. , Wm. E. Angoi.t, IUtr. 5d m. .... JIM. ... 77 ,,_-.1-.w . $-.cl lmioi •• I I I 2 la • B:ARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! ;... . r 45 Fr. OCEAN ViEW' LOT In Q>rona dill ¥ar, Btone'e thTow trom Buck Gulch (which. ii)' t.1le -y la golls t.o Ill ~· lle&utiful nm ou[ city fathera flnlab their pretient plul). ~--UM 1ut 18rel lot wlu1e THE PlllCI!: IS STILL LOW. 1. ' A FEW SUWEa BENT.At.S STILL AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE F'tGURES • • • • CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIF.S ~ B. Lynn 411 Cout Blvd. • Harbor 1°"7 Corona lie! Mar • BALBOA ISLAND-DUPLEX SP .\.CIOU8 KODERlf large roonu. Lot A paUo. One 3 bdnn wUL Ona t*> bc'trm and utra l".e•t room. ~car -· plua parltlns. Good vt-or U>e Hubor fJ'Oln t.be part1y ettl'to..00 deck. 72..ft. frontage. PRICED TO SELL et $29,600. BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Al..-t n-2 bdrm bome -Be.auUtll1 patlo PLUS I bdnn _,. O¥'M" ...,..,~. t.oU!i completely turnh1hed. Rfo:ar apt reoted lut aeuon tor more ttian tt400. $0000 t'aJ!h, pymt11;. 1160 mo. -UUa i.*tbe ~at lnrome hl'7 we'.-e had for monthi.. 'TotaJ prioe ll t22.008. BAY SHORES • Bf'&nd new t bdrm dream hcwne. Shake roof. ·fleldatone froflt a.nd !Jrep~. Tb.ls 'one you'll low! $12,750, f:ood T"1"m~. W . A. TOBIAS Sales EDNA CRAIG Ren.ta.I& LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Haroor 2042 You've Looked at the Rest Now See the Best IN G.L 4 ~;. FINANCED HOMES 'Ibey'r• well ~u.Ut attractive 3 bdrm home~ o• larre lot~ 1n beautiful CUit Haven. \\re t1111'rest }'OU use your O. I. privilege NO\.V wbilr prea.ent low down p&yml'Dt R..Dd euy tl'""'• arr sUU available. JlLl'lt a tew l<'ft and whPn they are l(One- THERE WILL BE NO MORE at these low prices Call Fred -Ba.rker Beo.eon 5795 or ~aeon 6939-J OR • DRIVE TO THE EARL W. STANLEY Office, 15th & Irvine (Opposite High School l Peaches 'n Cream INC. 0 . M - Fig tree and bf'nit"~. t~! J 11 Jot . .,, R-2 zone-. E:Kcf'llent Jocatl~. 2 bdrm hon1e. H¥i."'d . noors. DlninJ room. 1'11~ Klt<'hf'n, Da.ndy P&Uo. 2-a.r pngf'. OL'R ..ADVlCE: Better Hurry! Pnc. is right! Don't be aorry! ANDRESEN CO., Realtors 36c38 Cos.at 81v4. Corona del Mar Harbor 164-0 R&a·L. J:.yna Farmhowie Motel Harbor 1083 Balboa Pen.insula . Only $13,000 S3800 DOWN. 2 bcl.,.a, tuml*ed Nee P a.nded llvJq nn, att· platt, bar kltcllm, BBQ and •· c"-1 po.llo. Balboa Income < Volt.<. 3 eompletdy rlU'Al•l'd ~xccllf'nl €'nnftltlon. Price only "1,600. Only $8850 2 bdrm hofT\e on n..lboa Blvd. NIC'e-bHcb h.ouae. Firf'plac" partly fumJshPd. · This ls Choice ! UI,000 -3 bdrm•. 2 bath, untur. home. lge. E"nclOMd patlo--com, plf'tely elec. kitcht-n, stove, r ef . dish V.'ll.'lher and ga.r. dlBposal, 2-car g-arage, tandAcaprd . Ocean Front, Balboa $33,500, terms Cb.arming -Compteuty and at . tra€'tlv€'ly turn. S bdrme, 2 bath, 2 firt>p l&ef"•. good furnace. Bar, ~Uf', beauttful landsea.ping in patio and rronl L"°rra<'", 2-l'ar garage. Coast Properties Co. 301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 26~ • F or Sale or Rent HARBOR BLVD. BUSINESS LOCATION 93x413-now uaed •• lumber yd. ROBT.H .MOTTET Bea. 82%1,J Res. Bea. :11~7-J 1900 Harbor Blv<1. CO";TA itESA ANNOUNCING The re-opening of my office in Costa Mesa with W. U. Patton, Broker in charge of Real Estate Dep't \Vt> cali your attention to the fol- lowing ne''' listlng111 that ar" really bargairui and would ap- prt'Clate the opportunity ot showing you tht'ae house~. 3 Bdrm modern stucco, c:IOBe in ........ -.. . .. $10,250 2 Bdrm modern stucco. . ..... SS.000 S Bdrm older houRe, furn ..... $15,850 l Bdrm older house, fram€' $3,.200 2 Bdrm ocean view, separate din· BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor Ing room. plus large rumpus rm L. C. JONES J. MARTIN Over 2000 sq. ft. In house, only ........................... '"""" . $18,500 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Many mor. ere avaUabt. with ' ' . . 2 chumln«, -a b1J11t. -I< «y!• cott.ag<a, .&lto<Jt ·G )'Mft • •14. Double gara~. 5'umlllhed. P'1ci> SU.SOO. TttnUL • Multiple No. Utl.. BOAT OWNERS BP!!ICIAL -WaurtrOnt -ncalkm -place -Pi"' Ind ftoat. plu• boat taunehlnr ra,mp. Patio IUll room, ~-PIJml.llled. St2,MO. T•rma. l>fultlple . No. 1848. Contact Mary Dlckaon at Harbor J013. BALBOA ISLAND $1 5,150 -.fi bedrooms. 2 bat.ha, luc<' llvlng room. Only a f PW f t'f"t Crom the North Bay. Oarage plu" apartmmt. Thl<J I~ a blly·at ll~.150. catJ ~ibor l f71. • BALBOA BAY SHORES NEW 2 and 3 bedroom home&. Now ready for occupaacy. Bay viev.1, prtvatc bf'..&l'fl, pricl.'d from $13 ,800 to $2.'5.000 \Vlth 5% financing. Call Carl Thomas at Beacon .5748. EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Coast Hiwsy Newport ~e-l\ 81G Coast Hiway Corona df"1 Mar 22.5 Marine A\•e . B alboa Illland 15th and lrYllle Newport Beech 3113 N<W]><>ft Blvd. Nrwport Bea~h ,BALBOA ISLAND Carefree, natural redwood home on "Little Island" Spa.:ious living rm with fireplace and furnace heat. All electric kitchen, 3 b<inns, 1 ~ ~ baths. Lge. patio, separate shDwer and dreasing room for bathers. Usable garage. ALL FOR Only $15,900, terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 2HI MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 20 BALBOA ISLAND ATI'RACTIVE, WELL PLANNED COLONIAl.r- 4 bdrma, 2 baths, ample storage space-nice pauO, outside bather'• llh-er a.nd d....-lng rm, double gar.. excellent loeation. Close to fine beach and convenient to shoppinr; dilitrlet. . . PRICE $23,950, terms W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Balboa llland Har. 2462 FOR SALE IN CORONA DEL MAR - 2 bedroom home on •~oot lot: dbl. gar: hwd. noon, S12,000. S2"6 will bandle. Ph H 16-1 1672 E u. bo 7•aM price and te rml\ that are Ru rr . ar. 1 or vea. nar r •u-to 1 ..... . ' . t p I • • : .BA TBO A TSLAN. . n . W e Can Sell 1.'~~"'i~~~: A;~~~~~ 1o ./ lfti~~~Ak~-~ ,,~·.· l COMP . RELAXA TidN fN A ooRMi:Na · 'W. ti: Pafton.L.A~: Bt-ot~r • ' , ·.p ,1 a1.t-J blot:Jlf" nlino.i.!U.'~ ~ ..!!lr- ATMOSPHERE OF SIMPLICITY-THIS IS IT! Real Estate lnaurance 2 B. R .. 1 B&1h House, 3 B. R., 2 Bath Apt. Both in Perfect Taste, ChDice Location. Exoeptiooal Income, Low Price. CALL US FOR DETAU..S. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR ONLY AT Todays Best J3uy in Corona del Mar Jfl07 NMll'port Ave. eo.t.a MeA& Phone Beacon ('.!S20 $1850 DOWN 0 . I , RESALE -A v,cry nice 2 bdrm home. Excellent location. 1 • aatractlve and well built. 2-car garage. 3 yrs. old. Payments are ·only $58 including taxes • 11\8. BRAND NEW FHA Built -3 bdrm home -with Corona Highlands ol Ocean view ol 60 ft. or more frontage i' All 11tilitie• (no a.aseaa- SHORE CLIF'FS • individuality and Individually bu!IL Very attractive. Top loca, tlon. J'lreplace, hwd., 2-car pr. You11 be cruy about thl• home! For discriminating buyers BEAUTIFUL 3 bdm1 home-Per- mantont view -Parquet noon, circular drlTPW"ay, patio, nlcf'ly l:and8Capeid. menta) ol Convenient location ol Overlooking Newport Harbor ol PrlvU. beach ol PRICED TO SEI A, ONLY A JO'EW HOlll'.81TES LEJT MODEL ROMES TO SHOW ~ OFrJCE at Lqwta edse ot Corona cSel )br pfMllle Harilor tl 4-J • A Real Value at $22,500 Multlple U.lln&" No. 1889 eU Earl Chamberlain 600 Cout Blvd., Corou& del Mar (Opp. N.wport H.lrl><>r Bankl -Barbot 2288 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Dentsob G.T .Everpn .00 Newport Blvd. Co1!1a M- Pb. BeL 6691 OI' Beat M!J&..J' FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Re&I Estate and Buainesa Brokeni 813 Coast Blvd. Corona def Mar Harbor 2152 In Corona del Mar for a 1· Choice Selection ~ta Homes Income Prop6rty Business Opportunities Sl!:E A Real Buy By O"wner Nearly nrw Income prope.rtY. cor. Jol. ~ 1 2 bdrm front bou1e. KnoUy pln~ and pluter. Lots of Ule, bwcl. floors, furnace and ttreplatt. Nicely IUrn1Bhed. Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1!123 Cout d .. CDM Doul>U prage with 2 bdnu 11f1L above. ~ pine eupbou'Clo A prlt.~ - -• • • . . -. • . ' < • • ... ' • • • • • • P~CE 1. -PART I -THURSDAY, JUNE 21 , its I · -~·~.;KS!'tiarss -fi Badham ~ Hatteroth . Vows Spoken Sat_urday at St. James Church candles marked the center ailJ and stood In branched candelabra, glvlng aofl lfght for the Saturday ewnlng ce~mony ln St. Jamrs Epl9Cop&l chur-eh, which united Mias Vlrginla Ann Halterot.h, daughter or lotn1. WIUlam ArthU.r Batteroth or Lido lale &nd Robert Edward Badham, !On of Mr. and Mra. B)'Ton S. Bad.barn of Beverly Hilla. Byran Jack Badham. m . wu best man and William Mannlng, DanJel Patch. Jr., Ted Tlberg, James Agar and Warren Sturte- vant uahered. , WUliam Wllli&nU aa.ng favorite bridal songs of the couple u Wil- liam Fore of Beverly H W. ac- comptulled at the organ. Mrs. Hatterolh wu gowned In The ~v. Paul Moore Wheeler rose beige org&nu &nd Mra. Bad- perfori:ned the rites. wtth Vtrglnla I ham ch~ navy lace. Pink cama- glven ln keeping by AWllln D. tlonw complemented their coe- Slurtev&nt of Balboa. 1 twnes. The church was ~autiful with pale pink gladioli. Marconi dais-1 Home Rf"llff)pUOA lea and stock in the chancel boxes Alter the bridal party had anti adorning the pews while satin grttted frlenda 11.t the church close ribbons and the Ill.alt-canV&S.!I wert" friend.a ot the !amlll('tt went to th@ in the same plnk. Altar vases bore Hatteroth home for a wedding whJte gladloll. 1 supper. Among lh<>M U4J.,st lng Decoration.e were keyed to the were )fn:. Ru.uell E. Doty, M rs. btide's gown of exquisite blush Benjamin Van Dade and Mn. Aua- ptnk lace over a satin heirloom tin D. Sturtevant. •lip, worn by seven brides In her The bride's golng-aw&y C011tume family. H e r veil was held wtth a was a yellow gabardine suit with crown and she carried a bouquet wh\tf! acceMOriea a.nd da.lay-trlm- o ( gardenias. med hat. The couple are honf"y- Thf" brktesmalds were go\vned in mooning at Coronado. white organdy ovf'r pink taffeta A graduate of Beverly Hilla a.nd lh('y carrlrd pink <'if ro...~s high school lht' new Mrs. Bad.ham which aJJ.o adornt>d their tiny attended Stephen8 collt'gt', Colum- caps Tht'y Included ~1 1~ Patricia bia, Mo. Her husband 18 a graduate WlmPr. MIS8 Dorothy Jamrs. At lss of Stanford unlverAlty where he Ann Hills, P.11ss Jo Anne W ebb I wa8 a member o f Phi Gan1ma Del- and Mis._, Atartha lA:'wis. la. fraternity. "Brothers' Night" is Hilarious Event for ttarbor Star Chapter - Tuf'sday. 'o'"h ich \.\"M "Brolher'!9•~------------- Night." provt•d a h1lar1ous affair .!iCope which kt'pt the a88elnbly fo r n1embt>r8 of Harbor Star chap-convulsed with mirth. ter, OES, and lht'lr gt1rsl111 , who A surprise to six new memlH=nt werr frorn other chapt ers, both wa~ the n:adlng or . petitions of county. state-a nd out oC statf!'. their hWlbands to join the order D('pUly Grand Matrons Murlrl For the program, M&n0n and J ohnson of Santa Ana and Gracr. Ottily Bayer played a.ccordlon Scott of Huntington Beach and numbers: Md a barbershop quar· Worthy ,\1.atron !''ranees McKelvy let. two plua one, In c ht'f"s hats of Huntington Beach, v•ere given and apron8 and .l!lporllng handlt'- t's<:'Ort and SPHl t·ll In thi• ea.J!lt. bar mustaches, sang not1lalglc \\'orthy P.latrun Ruth Deistf'r land off 1&.ey l tong8 of the Gay openf'rt the llll'l'l1ng, thl'n turned Ninetit's. the ,:::ave! over t o \Vurthy Patron For the ~u rret supper, Harold H enry Oe1ttlrr, who proceeded Fink &nd hl11 commltttt eerved a with lh(• progran1. bountJful auppt>r of aandwlches, Fll\1ni;: Hlatlou.~ with brisk digni· salads snd desaer t &t table.I!! cov- ty wcr,.: Erne11L ~lct:IP\lan, t rea.."t-erC'd with rPd checked cloths and urer: r'llblL MlH'Tt:;, n1ar,;hal; Ar-Cf'ntc red with drlp candlt>8 In bot· thur F"1lzn1orr!s, i.::hapla1n : Ray ties. On lhe reception and refrf'sh- N('ilsen. \vnrdcr: anfl Harris Cot-ml."nl committee were Mr. Fink. tlr. Jr., rlag bearer. Th(• ·'dignity" Cuba ~forris. Ray Nt'llMn. Arvin was ofr~0 l h\)"·rvrr. by guadif>st oC Voorhees, Arthur FIUmo rr\8, Hen- socks in fluore1tcenl colors which ry Deister and Ernest McClellan. the men '-'>•ore below turnrd up Next meeting wilt be the !IE.'C- cuff~ s.nd big matching b<>w lies ond anniversary party, July 10 in t\\'O ton1·s. g1vin~ lhe t'ff'c t of and all members were asked to a sclntillaling an1bulatory kaleld"-plan to attend. Assistante, League Dental Clinic Receives Gift from Turf Club Chtlrl "'elfare n11ndcd Assist·._ ____________ _ ance League 1ne1nbcr8 received heartenl.ng ne\.\'8 Just week of yel another gift for the ~ntal Clinic. Appropriately, the source of the $000 gift was the C'hild Welfare Fund of the AS80C1nted C harities or-the Hotly"'OO<I Turf Club. An· nounCen:ient of the gift was made by Leagt1e pre!'lident, Mrs. Edgar Hill, at the reg-ular 1nonthly meet- lng held nt St. Ja.n\es Parish House. many more volt1nteer service hours from member.I!!. new stand· Ing rule8 calling for a n1inlmun1 of 7~ hours for each mernber were adopted at thifl meeting. Members of the Junior AUXIiiary have also Increased their volun- teer hours to a minimum of 60. Hoatesaes for the meeting were: Mesdames Alexander Ham- ilton, R ichard Pleger, Sue H itch- man and Wendell Calkin&. Construction of the combl Thr ift Shop and Dental qif;i~ni~ch~n+.+.Arbuck ' Opens began this week and t~ulld- ings wm be ... dy ror occupancy T uesd a, y Nigh t at in the early fall. Letters of appreciation were Laguna Playhouse r••d at this m•etin~ from recipi· en ts of the two Assistance League Second in the series or play.I!! scholarships for $300 each. Out-being presented weekly during the standing high school seniors re· mmmer season a.t the Laguna ceiving these award~ were Gene Playhouse will be "Clutterbuck,:' Cra1n and Mona McTsggerL An-a zany. sophisticated comedy by nouncenlent was made that Benn Levy, which h11.d Ill Broad· among those recel\'\ng junior and way pn:mtere in 1949, &t'ter ·a 9enior Phi Bela 1{8.ppa award~ at sensationally successful run in U. C. L. A. lhia past tern\ was London. It opens at LagunA July Gladys Kole\\' of Coata P.tesa, who 3 and continues through July 7. Is a forn1cr holder of a League The action takes place aboard scholarship a luxury llner and In a South Anticipating the American hOtel. It lnvolvea two new clinic which girl frle.nds. Deborah Pomfret and • " • Ja.ne Pugh. w ho embark on a Caribean crulee wtth their hus- ba.nds only to dl8COver that a Conner suitor of both (Clutter- buck I l.!1 on board. accompa.nled by hi.s wtfe, Melissa, a former sweetheart of the husbands. The hilarious situations that en.l!IUe, follow them to Sou~h America and out to aea agaln, e nding in a way to convulse the audlt'nce. Al Laguna, the two girl rrtends are played by Maurine Cook80n and Beverly Campbe.ll, the hua- b&nds by Wtlllam Erwin and Hap Ora.ham, Ken Britton la Clutter- buck. and Stella G&Jlahue playa hit wife. NEW SCHEDULE FOR HOSTESS HOUSE Boat•• Bouae on Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa I1l•nc\ &llDOUftCe8 that be- 'llMlnt'" July i.t. It will be open' trom U DOOD to 10 p. m. every eftnlng. In announclntr t h I • chaace o! boura, -Doria Wbeaton. po'Oj>riotor. _. tllat ---w.tn_..to maa:r ~ rroro people wt>o .,...,.,. a nw. """" dlnb>c tbno ., .Ulat Ulq ~ baw opportu- att:r .. max • bit -µ.. ac-tMUoio of Ula ....,. ' . -• • • } . ~ ••••• :'10 ao.&liD WBAr ·ro DO .. Ul -'iBB~9Alliloll ;~aBA .. , , . . , ,. r .J I , -Also - MICKEY ROONEY In "He's a Cockeyed Wot1der" Doaald Dock Cartoon Sl'SDAY • TUESDA\' ~htdcolor C'lal"' Trevor,· R.Mierl Ry&a "IEST OF THE IADMEN" SATURDAY LAST DAY Rudolph !lcott • "SANTA FE" Tedl:ateolor "Bird of Paradise" .left Chandler Dtbra Pa1f't -TM hnlcolor Sl'SOAY -TtJESDA \" f'lr'lt Rua -Fabulou• "FABIOLA" Thf' Italian Quo \"adla Encf'OMl.nc !'j~ctade ~ieck'd Shurt Subjttcs Mesa~\/ ~ ! . till NOW S HOWL'IG Glflln Ford "Flying Missile" Rt.ory of Navy'1 Rocket Developm~nt "Stage to Tucson " Tet'hntrolor ROD CAIMERON Sl'SDA \' -"'t;DS-ESDA Y FabuJoua "FABIOLA" NOW! MORE TIME TO ENJOY YOURSELF AT 11ostcss -Yous£ 301 Marine A.\'Mue Bal-(fland Commen cing Sunday, July I st, a nd daily t hereafter , we will be open fr om 12 ~oon until I 0 p.m. with SMORGASBORD and our select a la carte menu. Table d'hote luncheon 12-2 Table d'hote dinner, 5:30 to 8 :30 Ham and Egg Break! a.st as well as our delicious aandwiches, s a I a d s and s n a c k s throughout day- time houn. ASK US ABOUT OUR CA TE~ING SERVICE FOR Ye.JR NEXT CLUB MEETING, PARTY , W ED- DING RECEPTION OR OTH ER SOCIAL EVENT. TEL: HARBOR 2365 Ta.no. found lta 81.am and the Malayan rea1nou1a. Is ,beli.vect to be tbe wprld'• lJfhteat wood. It I• preferred by ,tbo En1Uab l..b m&klnc on.In belm.tA • Tiie 8-t u.e w, ..... Pie"'"'! "GO FOR IROKE" with Van .lobAMn 8TABTINO WED •• IULY t "KA TIE DID IT" Mark Steven.a a Aa.o Blyth SPECIAL MATINEE 4tfi of JULY DAY! SwiJ THEATRE HU:'<Tl1'"1TON BEACH LEX. S.sa« ~MOil.iSO PERMITTED .Elli'DS SATURDAY ·-~· .. ....U.·UTC&l.m A.SU ON THE SAMJ!: BILL "FOLLOW THE SUN" GWonn t•o rd ~ :'J'n~ Ba.x ~r TO Tt.El'DAV ~. ~ .......... ' ClllSllMI IUf RI()/),, .. , ~6 Open E'\•ery Da)' COWPlf.TI ~NNUS FTom 11.50 to U .MI TROPICAL DRINKS 01•• I• HI• foot.i.,,1.,. TAH ITI AN SlYIOOM Free P&rlda.s H•tbol' 171 VISIT THE NEW HUT on Cou& RI way, Lacuna (Cloled Tu•~•Yll I Phone t.-9008 for Beae"atloa .l!I SOW OPl:l!I I CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX Saack & Cocktail Bar on the Pier hthmu. CATALINA ISLAND GIFTS e A&T and OFFICE S UPPUES GREETING CARDS OOSTA MllSA STATIONEIU! 96. &llJ..ll. 1111 Newpert lllvd. ROSSI'S FINE rrAUAN DINNERS Also Stuks -Prime Ribs Cocktails 1611 Coast Blvd. Harbor 1180 Corona d el ~lar An a verage of 33 American 80fdlera waa kUJed d&Uy ln Koru during the tlnrt. year or the war. whJle at home automobile de&ths averaged 99 a day. a comparaUve atudy of war and lrafflc ta.tallUee. revu.led rece.nUy. TV ANTENNAS ' " I '· 't,' Call us for installation or servking of your antenna • Prompt service by e xpert technicians • low p r.ices TI D • TY • ...,.... . I ~ . BROADWAY -Now FRIDAY. 11;:-.,.; %9th 'Sfftlngers on a Train' r.trlf!y Grana-er, Ruth Rouiaa , -a.lao- "Secrets of Monte Carlo" l.A'WI• Hall t•RtDAY, J l!SE i9Ut "I Was An American Spy" WEllNEllDAY, J UL\' 4th "The Prince Was a Thief.' Tony Curtla AJ.o "CllL~A ClORSAJR .. 3rd & Bush IU. Z·M40 Contlnuoua DaJly From 1 : 15 a6c t.UI 5---Wc ~vrnlnp 1''EW FtRsT R UN POUCY -a.lao - "C.avalry Scout" Rod Camfroa. Audtf'y Long Alw ays Two First Run Hits! - C on t inu ous Da ily From I: 15 p. m. - MA TI NEE t o 5 p. m EVEN INGS Al~L SE1\TS CHJLORL'i ALL CHILDREN tax Inc. Doon Open l Sh ow ~ta rt.a ,,,6 I 3 ,1~ STARTS .Jl '~E %7tb "Lemot1 Drop Kid" B<>b 11.o~. Ma rtl3·n Muwt>ll -Rl80 - SEATS Ch.11.dn'.n Fn!e Under IZ Phonr K l. S-6360 Slil\'DAY, J l l1''£ l itt "Appointment With Danger" Alan Ladd -illlfO - 'Double Cross Bones' "Air Cadet" Donald 0'(.'unnor , llr lt>n C'artrr St ~\·en Mt'S&ll)', Gall KusM"ll ' OPEN EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every \\Tednesday • 12 Noon to 6 p.m. • FRf~E BALWONS • Concessions 5¢ • Rides 6 ¢ BA'fH HOUt!E F ACIUTIES FOil ·MES AND WOMt:N THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN $995. $29.50 per month YOU can play rich organ mwiic at once, without learn- ing a single note. Come hear and play the Hammond Chord Oragn. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co. szo N. Main sn .. et Com e r 8th · Santa Alla Plooae KJmbetl1 WtfO VDA S. WIWAMS Petio Studio of Music !IPl:CIAL SVIOll:Jl C1A88Ell IN \'Ol<lB & PuNO Ill~..._ .. _ B.-7..I ......... ......, 1141"-.... "' -~ .... ...._.,lo INJo. • ~.:._CACTUS c Al. : T ,.~ 1: "Ul,HIN S -. •'')'" r.1r CAil ..J-... MEET YPU AT "THE INN" Celebrate "Dine Out" in Balboa • The Best Food in Balboa is Henry's Famous Food • BALBOA INrt CAFE COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ocean F ront at the Pier, Balboa, Calif. • J a.c k Russell at the Organo • Pia no Ba r Your Hosts , DICK a nd KATE DEN T ' , GENE'S RESTAURANT and BAKER Y French arid Italian Cuisine Band D<corated Woddlnc or Blrthday Phone llaJ'bor 110% • 'JDS Coaat 8 1\-d. eak... . • Oorooa del Mar THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 L m. Throu&h 2 L m. • Newport Blvd. on Cout Highway Nli:WPORT WE A&J: CLOSED Ol!I l'RU&!IDAY8 CAP£ COD HOUSE FEATURING STEAKS and CHICKEN ON BM.ROA ISLAND AT Sil \) MARINE AVE. PRONE HARBOR 2891 (Olooed Tbu n.) CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD Superb Seafood By The Sea! Lunch or Dine By The Bay Luncheons 1.00 • Seafood Cocktails Din.ners •• 1.25 up • Seafood Salads FR&SR SMOKED Fl8-ALBACOB E and BA&BACUDA FOOD TO TAKE OUT 1135 Coast Hlway -Next to Port Orange Newport -&a.oon 68M ------- • DiftiftO R<)6m +.. I 11 do. AM. to I P.M. daily CloMd Suntltyi ind holid0)'1 -' ,,.,., KIM...,D2-21V6 I.Ott fll f*~ PT KING. -r . . • • I • , ••• Awalt Crew Trial Decision; Newport Beach May Be Site Newport Ha.robr u a alle for the Olympic 1amea rowtnc trl&b In 1M6 9ffm• a certainty to Hay Langenhelm. execuUve MCretary to tbe Newport Harbc.tr Chamber of Commerce. He's rather doubltUJ aboUt U do Channel u the run for the '62 American trlala. "The 1962 Olymplca will be held at Hellinlct, P'tnland and u a N ie the InternaUo RowlnC" usocla Uon tr1ea to at.beef.. ule trialJI u nea r u poulble to t.be Olympic elte." H e added "But with the 1956 Olympic ga.rne11 alated for Mel- bourne. Auatralla, wt're cert.aln ot ~ttlng the .trlalli that year." Merchants Drop Three in a Row • ,_ ' l The Udo · Channel courae n- cel ved its tlrat bat.ch of ahell.J In April when crew1 t rom C&Jlfom ia. UCLA. USC and St.-.nford com- pel~. A II of the crewa had only the m<H1t favorable comment.a on the couree. Coeta Mua'e MerchanlAI today were 11tlll looking for their tlrat aummer le-ag\le baateball win, after dropping th eir 3rd straight game, & 7--0 devia.lon to 20th Century Fox Monday at Collta MeaL Fox pitc her Ed Green. with a. total ot 16 1trtkeout.a, fanned the lut 11lx batters he faced .. ILUlG E FISHING out of Newport --brlt., -., Sood ........n..,. to -..... topapble evl· de-. Ldt lo rtpt we U.. P<Oud ... !en: Herb IA.._o of Ototarto, Canada, wtllt a 12-poWld hall- lliut; ,.,.k 1'l. BlltctM!lor, S r., with a IS pocmder nllJ:lkHI by .lualor "1th a 1-pound ba.rracuda aad l'a.le Dunham wltb a 38-powad hallbat la Ollifl h&nd. a -.m90f'r °"" la the other. (P reu Photo) Line 11eore: According lo Langenheim, word Is mome.ntarlly ex pected from the International Rowing a.uoclatl.on a.a to whet.her the bid tor the '52 Olympic t rlala hu been accepted or not. The Newport Harbor bid wu one or five, offering a atte for the Olympic trial.a. Other poutbJe lo- c ations are Lake Carnegie, Prince- ton. N . J .: Lake W uhington, Sealllf', We.ah.; Marietta. Oh.lo ; and PoughkeepAle, New York. R H I!: 20th Century 201 100 030-7 8 0 MercbantA .... 00 000 000 --0 • rt Green and Rodrtpe:z; Heman and Burdick, Mioat.1. Local Lawn lowlers Win lall Trophy Motorboats Roar Pull Tail of at July 4th Event Tom's Cats Allah Baba Wins Dog Crown The Chamber Secretary sa.Jd that the Olympic rowlng trlala Lii the prin1ary objttll.ve or Ne~rl Harbor. He Indicated that the c hamber would al90 like to have t he Inter - collegiate ragatl&. La.at week, that rowing trial in Marietta. 0 ,, WU marked by extremely rough wa- le?' wh lch 11wamped aeveraJ of the competing boat.I. A repeat of the first annual re- gatta the chamber ploneeft'd thla year is already slated for next April. With a "full houae .. sched- ule of all these pouibilitie11, the C'Rlendar would abo call tor the Intercoll P~iate I Marietta) regatta In June and the Olympic trials ln July. Inboard motor boat.a of lhe- WHl, the prlma donna divl8ioru1 ot speedboat ra.ctns. will cluh In On June the 2'0lh. on the 17ttns cllma.xlng event ot two mk1 ... um· or the Puadena t...wn Bowling club, a team conaiating ot Mra. mer ~gatta.e on the Marine Sta. DeWitt Bauer, Margaret Hodges dlum In Long Beach on July 4th. and Bue Ball, representing the Although a tradltk>nal I.nden- Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling pendPnce Day a.ttalr, the r&« mf'el club, won the Dr. Ball cup trophy. will th~ year have u a new !pon· There were three games ot tu-eor lhe West Lons Beach Lions teen encbi each played. C'IUb. Both t he mid-winter gold cup Dale Brown or Long ~•ch . trophy and t he Dr. Ball trophy. hlm~lt national It-Racing Runa- annually contealfll for by th.-bout champion In 10.(7, ba.e bf.en Southern California Women's apPQlnted general replta ch&ir- Lawn Bowling &980Ciatlon no.,~• man. It 111 poalble he-may come re.eta with the member• ot the out of retirement to race one heat Newport Harbor Lawn BowUng 1 ot the rugged £.ctau. club. The Brown famlly will In fact double In honors, for beauteou.!I 16-year-old J oan, daughter ot the C'halrma.n, WM picked to prcald<' u reptta qu~n. Trout anglera have bttn hav- ing 90ffil!' tlnst-rate luck durlng the pa.st few day" on Scott l.aXe and Red Lake in Alpine county. Start Summer Recreation Program Competing in the inboard 11wttp- stakee wUl be AUc:h euper·chargt'd hydropla.nel!I u Rny Skagg'• 96- mlle per hour 135-cublc Inch Job, Sk&lawag~• and powertu·l 225~u­ blc Inch hydroa. whic h hit over 100 mph on straJ&hlaway. The Newport Beach recreation progr&m, under the apon11anhlp of the ci ty and the elementary schools. got off to a blaz.ing slart thl11 week u hundred.I!! of children romped through the gates to enroll tnr tbe summer fun a.head. The numerous actlvtt'fe.15 offered are set up to meet the lndlv1dual needs of the boy.a and girls ot 8ChOOI age In our community. The following achoo! pla y- grounds will be.open !~..u.pervia­ e-d ~reatlonal actMUes · unttl Auguat tth: Corona del Mar. New· port Beach and the Horace En.llgn playgotund. Dtrector1 tor the above named play(TOunde are Mr. Richard Swee.t, Mr. Arlhur Chrlet- ensen and Mr. William Burdick. respectively. The hours that the playground. Directors tOr the 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays through F riday and from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturds.y. AU 8 po .... Outdoor games suc h as deck sports. baseball, volleyball. paddle ltnnis and touch football, have captured the intereet of many of the young enthualuts along with gymnasium sports like be.dmlnton. baaketball and tumbling. In the heat of the day there are also nu1.ny quiet.time gamea in pro- gress of checker•, croquet, jacks. shuffleboard, pins-pong and car- om. Shop Work Mr Norman Sttllwell, director of shop work a.nd mOOel building, announced today th&t boy11 and girls altk' are having the time or their lives conatructlng train. air· planf'. car and boat model.II at all three playground.I. Alao wtth the great lntere1t in tlllhlng In tn~ area. rod bu'ldlng will be taurht tor thoee w ho are Interested. Varle>UJ other proJttl8 were under- way at the Horace EMlgn •hop to build book-ends, door atopa, lamp sta.nde and ma.gulne rackJJ. Ca.rtoon11, 11porl8 and travel film_. will be .,ahown once a week at each playground tree ot charge. The 8<.'hedule tor the showings are 11...!J follows : Horace Ensign, Tue!!l- d.a.y11 at 11 a .m .: Corona del Msr Wednesday at 10 :30 a.m.; l"'ew· port Beach., Thunidaya at 10:30 a .m. Mu.Mc School The summer mualc achool, under the direction ot Ml8.8 Norma Per- kins, wu forced to close It.a ~1- lstratlon due to 226 eager young· slera who n ocked to the doora of the Horace En.sign muelc room during the Wt l.h.ree regtetratlon da.fll. Group and lndlvt<tu.al lnetrucUon will be given on numeroue mual- caJ tnat n.imenta. Instruction will be t ree of charp with the ex.cep- tion of a fee of ooe dollar which ii U8ed to purchue muatc. Ad .. vanced band will be h~Jd Monda ya. Wednead&y. and P'rtda19, bePll· ning band on Tue8day and Thun· da.fll. The following Is a iehool bus tBChedule eel u p to -cllmtnate tran11- poTtatlon d!fftcultlee to a.nd from the p layground.a during the •ummer program. There wtll be two loading t lrne.a. one for the morning group antJ one for the! afternoon group u lndica ted below : All proc('ed,s o( the m~t. ll1' with the Kiwania club outboard rf"gatla held here la.at Sunday, will go toward building or a Bo)'11 club. This Is a projt"Ct which th(' club ha.a bet•n worklng on tor four yeara and now nearing their goal. Activiti• Ch&lnDaa .IMll Taylor aid. • ln aplte ot a klprided acore. there wu excitement and tense momenta in the opentnc aonb&JI game ot the ae&80n when Toma Cats ot Corona del Mar touted with Whltegon.s L&euna Merch- ants Tueaday nlte at L&r;una.. The tally alter ~ven" tnnlnga of ball ahowed the C.ta downed 20 to 2. ma.t ot the Merchant's polnll racked in the ~th lnnln.-. Toms Cata a.re made up of Corona del Mar boya ageinc from 16 to 19 a.nd a_>.e sponM>red and managed by Tommy Fo11ter of Tommye shop, The Cats are en- tered into the Se.nlor Softball Lea.gue ot L&guna. 1ponl90red by the Clty ot Laguna u part of lhelr RccreatJonaJ and Park pro- gram .. this year they are per- mitting their neighbor cities who do not have tacihtle3 to partici- pate in the program. The lca~e will have a 10 week eesalon with two playoffs In Au· lfllllt at which tlme a:Jlver cupa .... 111 be ay.·ardect Corona del Mar boya making up Toma Cata art!' Bob Mo}·so. Capt.. Kendall Jacob1ten, Don JacobM:n, Bob Cubbiaon. JI m Sffley, Don Lusk. Biii Illlf, Mlck· ey Meridith, Clare.nee Martin. Jerry Evans and Danny McGrew. Kay Finch'• neweat champion ACC-han hound A llah Ba ba brought home to Corona del Ma:r one of the greateet wins of the breed at the huge Long Beac.b dog show Jut week end. The blg blond 11<>n of her In- ternational Champion Fell'• Thief of Bagdad swept up from open doc claaa to defeat the best in the country and top 14 champion.a: for Beat of Breed at the Afghan Hound apectally show held ln conjunction with the Ha rbor City even t. His victory was ·significant ln that Judge Leo M urphy of W a.ab- lngton, D. C. put him over Ch. Blu Arabia. winner or the New York Specialty 8.l'ld Belt or Breed at Westmlnater. and over Ch. Turkuman'a Nluim'• Laurel. the EngllAh Import t hat won tne Hound Group la.at year at Madl- aon Square Garden. Allah Ba.be aleo downed hi• half broth'-1' In· tematlonal Ch. Jubilee J ulian of Crowncre11t. another aon o( the Th let. The new victor, handled by Athos Nllrten, won the Vcnila Oakle Memorial trophy cup and the Rudlkl Memorial trophy. which wa..s ottered by Kay he r- self. Presentation c ere mo n t es were In a colorful settlng which featured Oriental background and The Buddhl11t temple at Horyujl. decora.tlon.15 and troph iea w fi: r e Japan, part.a ol which have stood preMnted by Gregory Peck and alnce the year 139 A. D.. la be· the exotic and Io v e I y Hindu lleved to be the oldeat wooden I da.ccer Sa.Jal& Aaok& tn her na- bulldln.f ln the y.•orld. tlve coetume. (Corona del Mar and Hone~ EaMp Pla1sround ) MonL poop At&er • ..,..,..1' ClL FELT'S AfdAH BABA. -by """' """"" ero--i "--eo... ..... lil&r, •. 1wo,.. .....,.vtns the Rudlkl M ..... rta.1 ~ '""" ~ud,. Loo Murpb7 or w.......-D. C. la Ille plo- .turr att the-beaa:tttuJ Hinda danoPr 8 -oata Aloka' and Athff NIMa. Madler. AUal Bak def-'ed u •"""'P'ona at 11>e Loos -.. Afp&a baond • ....-1a11y to wta back Ille tro!lb7 wblcb -- c.D.M. a H.E. C.D.M. a U.E. Snug Harbor a.nd ClUt Dr .................... 8 :30 11 :10 Bay Shorl!I Ca.mp ............... 8:31 11 :11 Bay Shore .......................... 8 :31 1 :'4:t 11 :11 B .. cun Bay . . ...... . . ....... ... . 8 :32 8 :S2 11 :13 Balboa and Diamond ........ . .. .. 8 :S4 S :S4 11 :U Park and CoUina ................ . ................ 1 :35 1 :15 11:11 Park and Marine .. .. ... ... .. . .. .......... 8 :38 l :lll 11:11 Bay Shore Dr. and P'em leal .............. 8 :39 1 :'9 11 :20 Ma.rguertt.e and 101 •Hlghway ............ 8 :40 l :f,O 11:22 1 1:29 11 :13 J 1 :15 11 :16 11 :18 11 :20 11 :22 Corona del Mar School ....... ..... ... . 8 :42 1 :41 11 :2:5 11 :2.'\ <S•wport Beach and eo,_ !Eaolp P1a7......,.i1 Mo~ l'""P Aft.ff. Group N.11. a 11.L N.B. a ILL Clay and Tustin ................ ................... 1 :30 11 :10 Rlvers1d• and IOI ....................... :.. ..... 8:11 II :II Orange ~d 101 .................................... 1 :34. 8 :84-11 :14 11:14 Helen'• Stand ......................... _ ....... -... . l :S41 1 :38 11:10 11:10 Bal. Biro. and 471h St. ·············-······· l :S7 1 :!7 11 :18 II :II Bal. Biro. and Mlh s t. ........................ l :lll a :aa 11 :17 11 :17 Bal. Biro. ~d 30th St. ···················--· l :at 1:89 11:11 11 :•I N V )( •:U l :U 11 :20 11:20 Lido ord and i& entone ··-·····-··· B •,,. 1:61 ll:Jl 11:21 Udo 8oud and Clu.b ..... ··----··· - do ••••• 1 :45 11 :22 11 :21 U Saud and Via O.jotl ·-···-·-·-·--V '~ • _, t•-,,.. 1 :48 ll:Ja 11 :13 la -and -•:re .. ··--···-·---· .. -~ --•-1 :•T l :fT 11:14 ll:M Newport --""11 _, ----N~ School ···-······-·--·--· a :ff a:M u:a 11:11 Bal. -. and r St. ····-·-·-·-··--1:51 1:61 11:a 11:11 BaJ.-. --· ···-··-----e:ei 1:&1 11:» 11:ao Be.I. Bl'fd. and l.llaDd 1:113 1:61 ll:U 11:.12 Tllon will be -to ln•••rl tlle m...u.. ---eor-a de! Kar at tl:ao. Nwpo<t at 11 :'6 ~ -Rn1'1p at U:;l& n. --Wl1l.., fW -at 1:"5 ..... -u.. B-Dzdp ...,_....., at I p.a. ,_. U.. Cal I dilll lil&t pla,y- Jrouad -at a-. from ua. Jl!owrwt -a.....,,.._. S.. d OI•• M l t 1'11 *' p -.l'lt6ifa. -- • I • 1(1\·~ b1 hi" 01\"Df'r . -~- I • • I • BeeeW\rw ., ; But'W' faM are mtelq · -mlPt.J ""'" --It u..x fll1l to -Ille .. ._,_ --at u.... fteld la Coot& 11-~ ,,.,..... tbe)' start- ed the .. _ wltll a loolal atn!ak, tho Ooota M-JCer- dwu.o poap lo dewloplng Into a •trons t.MM. Tbe pme b called al I pni. every SWlday. Admlalon to the park. and _.. In the pucloland .... tree. but a eollecUon lo taken to pay e:xpenmee or vtal.Uns leanu, Un.~ etc. TIUP TO &ALT LAIU!l Mra. Mona Moore ot Ontario •pent tbe week end wtth ber moth- er, Mra. Ella Goeldner, 33rd St. On Friday •he leave.a tor Sa.J.t Lake a ty w here .he will be join- ed by a trtend, the two plannlng a camping a.nd alfhlaeeing vaca- tion trip. SON 1'911 MESA.NS Tipplnl the IC&les al eight pounds, two &ru! a halt ounces. w-u the aon born June 2t l.n San- t& Ana Community hocpltaJ to Mr. a nd Mn. J erome E. Sprlng, 2621 Orange street. COit.a Meaa. THE SKIPPER SAYS: Greatn e ss is no single quality of it- self, but rather a combination of many small qualities such as kindness, under- standing; trustworthi- ness and many others. So the greatness of the Austin A-40 ·Se- dan is a combination of many of these fac- tors. The Awrtin is kind to your pocketbook. ll'wenty. five· to 3.5 miles Olf' a gallo'Y'1 gu. \ It'• fine, soft cush- ion& and spring sua- pension are kind to your body on short or long trips. It underatanda your moods. It can be gay and racy OQ the high- • way or solidly de- pendable in city traf- fic. It can be trusted to always be prepared to take you where you want to go when you want to go there. Come in to Clyde Klng's Show Rooms, 1208' Coast Highway, Newport, and aee the Austin A-40. I .. 1 ' BEACHCOMB R MODEL The young man'• tipper, By, czteodcd waist band, tight I and short leg Shof't for 1wi.inmiog, and 1urf-ridiog. { Loole f iw tlH "Ka•11lw " IAIHI I All desired soli d colo rs, exclusive Bo ld. P rints, s3ts 218 Marine Ave. ) ; --c:-.. - I • • GEN ER.AL 1 • ELECTRIC Re fri geret o rs • Deep Freezers • Auto· me tic Wes hers • Dryer•· ··~ · ·Dis}tweshe rs -; " . Di sposa ll s • Ra nges • Toa fen • Ir ons G rill s • Mixers • W e ffle Bakers • Roast. e rs • Heeting Peds • Ble nk ets. YOU CAN DO BETIER AT Da~iger FURNITURE CO. • We Buy e nd Sell New e nd Used Furniture • 1112 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 When . You Want It NO,W-,. ' ' L. 's Not eady-~ • ., t We'll Give You Prompt Sf"ice ! ! . ' I I FEATURING FRESH SEA FOODS and STE.lfS -1 • I . Eritert•inment by FELIX a nd LEO with SUE STANLEY J. • ' -.--.-· • •• • , . - I PA" 2 -'ART If...; TMURSOAY, JUNE 28, 19'1 -0,JJe!::JRESS ~ -~-. Ul"UllN '1 • Let .u .i.lst you Ill your• plus. We w 11 1 lladlY estimate C09tll of materlUt, ,._,..,meud a contnetor or help you . obtala a Title 1 loan fo r -.... ..nuet1oa modeling. ft-• ..a.on 114TI Bomer Mellett .. M~r OTHER YARD S: • , r..,.u:na ~ach Ba.nta Ana Fullerton La Habta ST. J AMES CHURCH EPI SC OPA L : (AT T RE EN TRAXcJ': TO LIDO L!ILE) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M . -.10:00 A.M. or re-• Brea CHURCH SCHOOL -10 :00 A.M. THUUDAYS .. -~ • -· ..---.. ' llAJU'ME tlNIT8 ,,_ El Tero !ll•-Air -an· -- las with I~ Sota A.,. n......,. ta o&aps t• a I flrnwwb dt.pl8,y ta tbo SUia Alla llloct,.1 Bowl oa Z-,, &. 'fto ..,._ .... -·~ "'"""'"" d~J' --.._.. .. ~ county 1'1U -pany Ille patziotle - U. S .. ·Marines, in Santa Ana Show Unlta from El Toro Marint> Corps Air StaUoa, wtl~ jolA lM Santa Ana Vire Department in puttin1 Oft the-annual J'ourih Qf July fi re· Norks &bow I.ti the Santa A no. MW1clpal Bowl. Accon!Jnr to lJIL LL C. P, Lfwh of the El Toro pµb!I~ informaUon office, the famed Kt Toro bend1 s trtck drtU team•m9de \Ip qt women t.eathern.ecka and aa a .pectat fM--~. a re-en1ctment Of tbe bl.' •the town 's ,;..~l~ut si..Uona are ~fie, t wo Jim.a rq nlllng eplMde cov,artng the city , lJi. ·IA all"4lllt rt "'orld War n. campalp. Thoy are 111¥"1ng t.o SiirmerTenn A.etell't' I te ~ releMed "" Dr ... J, Prhot, --ot .......... , ....... tMa - ll-bi M "'I -ID <lout -.,.:. __ _ IMlfoe. ftiil. WP"tl' ten:n '9 ~ ~· Ille --of ,_ .,..,. Ille -uo of Jla!T. Up t.o - •tMlltn utta ot WllOl'tl may be Wliploted ·""""c Ullo ••eell po- dod. •,,.. ~ srw_._ courw a('f' . ......,,to -t --., __ U&I .. :: .. wlW. Ille ..... -•llJ'. llJ" •rlmtaC .... tbetr ••le ~wttlllMUD .. MMI-,~ _,,_i.._,, __ tMtr tnUtitq ud receive lllle AA ...... In ,_--· ... IMl- --wbo -11 roll'<oher -bl l1'e tM••rrrw ecb:aUon fte.kt te ..-t.o rff47 u..-i ... ror - p..,.....,t may .....n In -" thll!p .. lfPlas. ~ ... :ounti.,_ and bualneu m&ehlne9. lo addit.lon to' tht academlc and bualnda coune1, several era.tt- t)'J)f counH, normally otterNt ~ a part of t he &<lutt protrNwi, hav• hem continued thtring thf' RUtr mer tCTIA. • ~.I .. DCC COmlnended -' ... on Trafnlng WOii& The n..Wn1r cffrmonlH, which top 1.Ut yeat'a a tt.riklance. of aomf' N1l1 tak'e place tn lb• mlddle of ~600 penm.s. i t wu inhouncffi "Our C&rPf-nlen ' •joint-appren- ~ dark~t"d bowl and Uat.ted by Friday wtrm llOkeUl 'flf'llf \ln'1'1t on UceUJp OODllllill.ff .would Uke to ,100f.I, wij) be ocmauete4 by Ma-u.tt. · eommend Your . 11ea.ool and Mr. ine vrtl'..rana of tlHt hro ce.m· Jobn • ~ions. · 'nstructor, for lbe ,.1gn, &<'Cordins to l.IL t.t.1 Harry Wltll'n re.tin"' out ;,, yohr auto.. mapl,,flceat ·piece of work accom- Renfro. who ii 1A Cha~ of Uw e • . pu.Aed wlUa the ~pPfeDtlcea," Marin(''" portfon of the produc-mnbtlr,. ht' su1' to 1e.aye by the stat~ L. ..a 1 Andf!dOn,_, Orange Uon. . door nn lbt' Curib .. Kie. advl.Ra t ht-county ~otlce1h.lp coordina tor "Thr flrewQl'ka ,dl.fplay which I SaLiflnal Au,0•1°'"-" t"lub. To 1t f"p In writing to Dr. Da1U H. P eter- b&I always been our biggest f"n• hr<'dlesr1ly out on tbe •i<k> next BOil, Orange Cout rolleire prf'11l- tertatn1nent factor wi D t;e blg.rrr ! tn th<' onoomh'K ttaffic Ut to·flirt Jent. Building conatruC'l ion is one s.nd bt-tter tllan f'Yer th~ Y"'•r." wilh ttuvr , 11n.I qtlite [>0."3i bly nr the seventeen vocaUona1 'fi elds according t o .F ire Chlrr Jnhn willl: , .. >ftt h. in which Cout cotlcgro o m NJ Ga.rthf', \VhQ ~· fOllflf'ff'il thl' an--------tralnin ~ IPadlng toward pm ploy-n~I ~r<.lductl'On. , ) St"v<'nty per 1·f"~l nf all vf'terana mrnt . - Thi:!! y.ear. Yi.'" rr reaturing 8 on Vf'tPran.e Admtnlst.tatlon dis-"Stud,.nts C'Omplrllng the two-9'8-lr~tlC' thMTic. and thf' partit'l· J ability compt'naal ion a nd peMlon yea r progra m In buitdlnl" oonatruc- ~•tlon al· the M arlnt'" m· our be-rol ~ on AprU 1 SPtved durlnl' tlon thfs Y<'•r pa.saed th!!' a ppren- fort'-~rk s.ho\V w1U rlt tnto our Wor'hl War 11. The \\'orkl War n ticf'ship f'xamlnatkma and wf're 1 ov .. rall progn.m," hf' adt/f'll. vett'ran. nwntH>n>d l ,l 78,ll6 : t h«' granlNI two or mo"' y<>arw or a p- • Tickf'lit Rrf' nOY.' on M.lt• In San· 1 total of all W1lr!I and thf' JM'AM!• pN'ntJeeshlp Cl"C'dit ." 1ttat f"d Prf'!ri· ( 1 t_• Ana, and train-" of firemen f rom 1 timf' Ntt.abllJl b.m•nt wu !.368_ ,:n __ !J._ <k'nt Pt-tf'nw>n. 01'hMlf' men 11.ra nnw f'mployed or """rvlng In tht HOLY COMMUNION-10 A.M. nm•d '""'""·" I ~======================~1 Laguna Beach Art Gallery Opens •ALBOA coLoNEL 1 1 July 8; with S50,(KX) Wing Added ~~t-=~~c~:,:n;: I -! J After nine n1oothl5 nf r>OD.Mtn1c-s:u1>p0rt in K ol't'a wa .s g-ivl"n y(' .. I tlon the ren10tl<'leil Laguna Beach 1 brary anct ttlrector'!! room. Jt i~ lt"rfhtv by Lt . Col. Charl<'s P . Cot- 1 A t G II II '" ly r being beautlfuJJy furnished ill a I ton, 1~0 E . OcC'a n F ront. Balboa, I SELF -SERVICE LAUNDRY 1 Balboa Wasblt I l r .a erv \VI soon IA: Tear or "''""n Al R Ill · color sche1ne or cree.n Qnd c-oral. to ~ r f'M'rve o cen. at-I ltM fu["n1al re-opening. ll \N an-To the right of the enlran<'c tPndin#; t he Fourth Air ForC'f' 1 nounC'l"tl by R. LI o y cl Batx-ock, pJIPry 11'1 the soles gallery, trainin~ school at Long BC'ac h. 30 Min . y.'ashing -Fluff Drying pr.sirtenl. The new $60.000 y,,·ln1 \Vhere paintings by IO<'al artil'lts . Col. Cotton pol.ntod out t bat I of the Callery wu ·completed ma.v be seen and purch8..'!e<I at night ground support b1 a nf>\Y ! Blankets Wool Shampooe d and Dried 50 ¢ ,.,me month• •&'O, but lhe ,,,_ &II limes. phu e of the us /<Ir F occe an• 1 · modeling of the old port Ion took On the eerond floor of the ne"· ha."' ~n .,,orked out to a very I Ol Palm _ BAUOA H bor 2724 I I longer than was anticipated. wing-I• a t la•sroom. which ha• •N<'<t1vc degr<e by bomblnf trom ar The ne"· Gallery "'ill be opened ben named ··Moulton Hall"' In mt'<lh1m altlt udM by m~an.s of -------------------------+ to the public on Sunday. July 8th honor of Mrw. l...e••i• F. Moulton, radar. 8U<'h bomblnsa &r? uually ------------------~-------'rronl l~ to 6 p. n1. and dally paat prealdent of the aMOC"lation foUowf'd by atnllnl' on ttw-decll --------------------'""---·-----------------------,..lthe rearter Visitors will rindn1any and a director ror many vean any wurtbVi'h iW tarr u Neb u ~'www•--.w·--~v•.v••-~v .. -.~ 1mpmvem~nts and changes. Jn Mrs. Moulton haa been active i~ Vt"hicle., troops and "ell~ Cotton i IOU COAST I ttt'e new wing, besides a m0<\ern the auoclatk>n'• arfaira over a AAtd. . •1•a ort1ce.. there ll'I a large new en-k>n1 period. and it ta tbrous h her Ck>H cqordlnated pound sup- ' trance gallery, which will be 11.9ed re.neroaity t hat many of the new pc:>rt w ith lh4' army under ~ di- _ ..... I ~ MATERIALS COMPANY SPE CIFICATI ON REA DY MI XED CONC RETE 2H l\-"f"1lt "1l90n ( bf'h\'f"f!R ~f'\l'port aotl H:\rbor 8 1,·d.) ('mitn :\f~ -Phoof' 8'-of'on 53.f6 BALBOA TRANSFER CO. A GES"'l'S f'OR a.aeon 6Ssl 1NAm61-5 i1 Storage Local and Nation-w ide Movin g C. E. M cNIF.L -19"5 HARBOR BLVD. -0, C. BESSTM' ' lvouAWtC PUBLIC GOL~ COUASI L.._.;::__\.Jest Sth Street at Ro<1io Towers SANTA ANA PH.ICI 3-1311 • The Newport-Balboa Press News-Times Newport Bay Post one/ Shopping News ·* Orange County's Greatest AdY•rti,;ng Buy • • ror one man ahow ingH.. ln1provemenl• •·e-re made poa.Jble. rectloo of pound ('Olltrollel'I in F or the openln1 this &al lery "Moulton Ha.JI" will ~ Wied ror radio JHpa and ntpi air atlacll \VIII h&nl" the Perma.nent Me-children a.nd adult f'l.a.MP1' a11 well Under tlal"f'9 waa part of the-work ' ,• morlaJ CollectlOQ. a collection o f u for ex.htblt kwu. his 9e1uadron ~rfonned, stated tJMo 4". over 30 palntlng1 by the touAder cdonr l. members oC the Association, \vho Mm>Wn ~sltttHt Colonel Cotton, until hia return h.ave "passed on". Among lhe Tbe Uppu and Lower Main to the etalfoa in May, waa ft>m~ g-roup are such \Veil k n 0 w n Oa.llf>riea ot the oJd portion will ma.nctm. ottk'er or the 731 bomb name'1 a~ Edgar Payne, \\'illlam hou• the Members J!xhlblt for aquadron. an or«anlU.lton t'roln Wendt, Wllllam Griffith, Joseph the openJq, whlc.b wUI comprt~ 8oulhern C.lltoroia., rttalled to Kleiti.eh, Gardner Symons. Carl some 100 pa)nlinp and ecuJptun •ct!Ye 11e"lff-lul Ausuat. He n ew O •ca r Bor,, J 8 c k WilkinllOft of uh.lbil.. nMmbe.ra. 51 nlaht attack mlulona whilfo at- SIT\lth and many others. Thi.II The iuse main 1allery bu l&Cbed to _ lbt Jrd bomb 'STOUP In wonderful eollect!on h a• bee n been en.I.inly renovated wit.ta a KONL • made poalble t hrou•h the untlr-~-. root and .»m•n ,&Till Qstlt-• ---:----: lntr effol"ts Of Mr9. WllHam SWltt ..... ·-• llNlliuot ~ Or1rg•~oir.,,: ..... ,1. Da..nLell, wh<>M late husband la -nU!t to .._ t1llf -.., ,...i. ~-t..,·11f_ • :> t )i ?"' represented In the collection. and able pa!Gttap ~ .,.., .. ,.,.. .., ·utfa•'4 'lolCl'I who ha..~ t>.en chairman of the trom UJM to tlmie bu been con .. Pf'rmanent Memorial Contnllttee. st.ruct..d oa Ute ~ leftl 'nae SJIT,U&.05 wu lnvuted lb U. To the right of the en trance gallery ht tbe FranJt Cupri~ Me· mortal room. The late Frank Cuprien. who was st1ch 11 color- ful fipre ln Lag-una. for 10 many years and whose opalescent au.n- •t palntlnp rr•ce many homea. ten hi.I eat.ate to tM A uoclatiOn when be died lhree ye.rs aio. and lt wu thls awn. together wltl1 at.Mr pMroua C!(')fttrlbutlou by va.rloua donon tltat made the new addlUon po:allb&.. 1"11• Cup- riea Memorial Room wll1 not only hoUIC lll8 palaUDp and aketches, but wtll abo be titted for a 11- entire bulMlq' Ma lbe very l&tellt a. o.te.w Bonda tn Oranse in Bsblbltr ~L The color Ooomty durlq May, It WU an- ocheme lo a ooft ,_,..,, and MWlced t-y by Hal'TY I. Han- .....,._ w h I c h llarmoe--· County Detenao Bond <Jom.. with almoot U J' palntlns. mltlee Cbalrnwt, In the ~SUlar n.e Lquna Ar\ pllery lo one Troaowy monthly report on bond ol tM few un.elldowed art ... ale& llOciatloN on th<! Wut CnuL It -Ill Bond purchuoa aliow· i• matntailled from small &dim• ed .• &J11ht lac,..... over the !don r... ud rMmboralllp duea. prevlo<11 ,_th wltb a total of It wu orpnlaed and ha.s al-1168.21&.0G. Berte.a F and o l3.l4!tJI "'ays been ~vemed by it.a artjat came to 119,320.00. me.n1bers. Tbe p.llery ia open i'or tbe 11 Southam Callfo i-nla. every d.a.y h'om 12 to S, includln,1 cou.ntlea, May u lea a mounted to Sta.nday!I, and Is fn cha,.,.e of $8,SM.340..25. brlngtng-total sales curator Oswell Jack80n, as.sl.sted since the flnt of the year to by Murray HJll, Aieerctar}• a.net well ovir 60 million dollars. IUAl.atant ct1ntor. Laa year over 50 millk>n SU -------------------------and $60 E Bondis were 90Jd nu. Mesa Boots & Saddle Club Elects ~f:l..': =~=; -nu. m111 -m a dlttlcult ,..i · Off• Dl'!llftr A"d f N • "' •tlaln." .tated a...... "but 1cers,, IUIQ 1 or a~a1os ~uo:1"" .:.=~=-m::: • -W1plo,,..S. aad In -The Me• Boots and 8addl.e club bouaehokM, memblra not pre\fl. h••• juat flnlall~ lllotber auc...-Pf'Ople. On \MIT last trip the club Olllly employ«! .,. wortt!As and ~ year wtth now o~takln.C """t rocx1 an<1'w1D clo ., apln In lnereuills u.. lmOWll anllabk '>vcd tn J uly. Ttley : Roy Sept.embfr ften t.be 11\HI go •••llL for tamUy avtAp. .. King, p resident; H. Gar Eng1.llh., The cJu.b ~ IK'laGftd by & vialt ••we -'owd zn.ue an all-out et- vlc.-pre~Dt: Ed Chapman • ...,. from the &<eretary ~r tile C.Uror-fort to ,..... ""'7 lllccJnwt _..., retary: .,,.. Charlie Houfl•ld. nla Btato Bot-I ~latklL and , iaav. lllm jobl tho Payr<slJ treuurer. The retiring of n eera are Kr. Stotte wtto come. b'oni the kY"'P ~.. aid Ran ao 9 . LH Parb, praldent : Ralph Sol-nortlMna put ot .U!e lltate. Alao "Ollft ....-.i up, llley ranJy ck'qf1 lllrk. m..-prqjdent : C lare n c e at W. ...,.. niettlnl' u sueota out and It la -lmpanut lhal Baker, M!Cfttory: and CllUlle we"' La••-BINllll>aaa, put ... l"J' --bob" ......, o. 1 -Id. ~·-'""' ..... v1c • .,.-t. ot u.. Callfonda ...,.1ar ..,... ,... lllrolJJP ~ boanl for U>e oomlDr Y<•• will H...-'a ,..... Bolt~ PM1 ~~.,.Ill ni.111o1r ... Qin ParUn. C<IS PrtmnUa. p.-...t of ~ ._..., Rid-... _, .. -.. tba1 .. OMIOil l'lllDlpe and Ctattnee Ball--. and a ...... ._ ,.,"_ -~. t:r, • I ot tJte Ana·\a I I• I & ------- 1 ""*" .,,.,,,,,.. .r-n. tM Tiii ----.... ... .,-.• pot ...... -cJub 11\'111 .... part la°"'-· a.vs 11W1lico at tile dU -.., with around M of 11&1¥ . ....-In -mci-1l -.. i •l•!a*eljr -nwmh rs and trlmde pr'WM.. Beaell u •...-._...-.at• k•llL ...... rt "" e..t &e 9'C9 La• ta "'""IDC pl<toNll _.. n.lera -!w'llltoC ~ ll !Ill> 0,..... a ... IML II IRtwllllc at llftJ' lllJ tllree ID .... Dr. Butdlw, k!w.•a ii> fl>e --II"" -~!"i•!a -1M )(a. Dr. --• -. flt T"9 ---are _. A--d1lb. TNa 11 a •.._.Ad •lilt h ell. '1'1117 ~ 8l&tlt ,._ u4 Ulill ~ i. um,_, .. uie -'Jlmt .... ._.... ···-tripe to Ille "'.......,. .. 2 hie tloo)' ...... -lltart t..iinc that ,..... fl&l1 • ~ ,,_,.._ ...... u.. ride ... tho "-trail-.............. -.1• . .. • ( • I • • • " D $395 •• UfE sUwrtTEE POUcY· . ..~ ... . - • . ' The Aeroplane Cloth Collar is guaranteed 'to outlive the Shirt or ' a Free . New Wings Shirt • EVERYTHING IN MEN AND BOY'S SPORTSWEAR FOR . THE BEACH . a ·1a11 .. 1: -. -•~s . . . -. . . . . JUN'S •nd BOY-~ w1:aa 305 .. Palm Ave. a.;i;c1r . t&3*-• BALBOA I . Fo r Printing of Highest Quality Pho ri<e Harbor 1616 . I • I I . . ' INSURED ·, I SAVINGS ' CURUNT DINll,tGS l'er. Annum • • .! • •• ,., • I , • ! • ,~s .. s•o•s•s.,.eu~c~s~u~o•:•s•o•o•s•o•so•o•o•s•:•s .. a•o•o•es•s~a .. s•••s•s•s•s•as .. s•••••••••••••••••••••~•••••...,,•,••~•••~·•••••••• ..... •••-·=~·~• .. •••~·:--~0~~-0~~-··"""='~•~~-·-·-·~··~~~~---·-·~~-:-~:"-"--\; .-• • • • I ' ' ~alter Poin t Open AT cJe f Bobb ,-~1ei9ht~ Family Cook~.d Food Sele J, 0. lllll, ~-tl8H Platter Party . PA6E l~--p~~T l r -~THURSDAY,~N 28, 1951 ':' T oumament Sunday Who Has No Tail Dri vin g ·to Aleske at Isl and C~u rch =·~ W: ... 8;:: ~.!'£-1! Planned by r ;; ' 1 'S -~-: _ " FAC ck -bh ... _ .. tuniM to tl:e t1idted ...... to-s rf 'd C1 b a ~ IU 0US8 Very "'®\I ot their cot "1lobby JoCr.-and Hrs. 0.0.,e Pl<kel'llla Doleeta.,.. c:ookocl tooda ot .., c1t.y oboUd Ibo tiaa Vt. Mdtln· U SI 8rS lU .le ""' UUle -8heUo and Oranl Ilk-aod '*""llT. a38 H lmwdod Drlw, klndo wllJ be Oft ..U trom 10 Ll\1. ley aa .,.pill _ _,_ lhlp f • Tiie Bai.. Duplkate Br1dp Call. HO Diamond ..... ~Bai-H-rt l,;1c111.1, ft MOl>(lay ~-Y. July a al ~'Clllillnu-of·-Pacific: Pleet Ampblbloua 11\U'fa"'-of tl:e Newport ea... ;;;;;;·;;;·;;;;;·;;;;;·;;~ .. ---;· ;;;;;;;;;· ;;;;,"". ·--i!iii~iii:iii;l;i;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~ club 'will bold Ito recui.r montllly laland. wi.o like to loll alloUt Isla _,. tor a \WO -tlll .... u. nit)' _,.. dutth. 116 Afih '°""-11• lo a_, at tl:e oWf II« aroa will -apln .., lllt• .,...« Polftt 0pon toon\&mml on behavior atnoe 1>e ~a fallM-r 1o11r lit Alaoka. Tiiey are-cittvlnl' •••ue. TM aa1e '" _. Ill' of ~ Ao1n1ra1 L. A... ThacltNy ·~ nlcbt. J-ao n,. ._ · • BA' -~. A ~ "'""'RIN"" .,..LIQ-n., L ·: Sunday afternoon In Coot& M-for O....tirrt time. . .U 6"fOel to .traftr:o flfftirT pea-the WBCB of t11o 9'lrCh -will USN -of Amplll_.-• LP~ I U I V \::7 ;)\Jl""1 V oL \be/ .-riday A~ club Bobby pto hfo name doin the eelle rilod In t5le terrltorJ. At be In ,_, of the l>U_llcllns. GrouP '"'-· Un!tecl StalH Pa-of dlrcct.ore l:u announced a ~ h~ With play etortlns • •t one fact he ls a Manx cat ftoo:n th• IJl4ka IJ>cy w!ll put-the cer on ctn. JkML Platter Party to be bdd at WDI<>-~ j 0 clock. . Isle of Man; and Uke an O( lll.<t ~ ~ boat and dd)ark at Van-F d . k W h I Amphlbloul Q_roup Tbl'ff a.rrl•-wtck Couatry clubo 1~1 Weet ~ A ux , 8ESllO!'!t bl . Friday evenlngw lft"""11 w.re Mr. bb'ffd, was born without. tall. Be -~r, dr\Vfnr home from there. re enc ee er ,i 1n Ute Par,,... early In Sep-Fifth llrftt. Santa Alla. with ELEM_ ENT'ARY & 'w1~ scLlo6lJ SUBJECTS and Mn. H. M. Wallingford play-la about • yur okl and ... " ' ~ v· . t s & F ., tember. IMO and participated tn thtivitles to ~rtn 1.t • p.m. ' ' ~ " ~g ~ .. ·= ~d ~· E. B:;:.~· ar;;: male, Qu .. n. Since Qllee!s"• _kltten.o Mawaukee Matron ISi s on cimr y th• amplllblOU• -•Ito on Inc1>on Blgbllgflta ot the •ftnl!IKi ..,_ mLY ,t nd TO AtlllUil'f l4 .... A. lit TO' u NOON' • 1 · r r Y n no 80U arrlftd. Bobby hu.. helped C&ftl Ftf'd~rtok H<>Tey \Vbftf'ler of and lWO!\, Kortt... In l>ecflnbet", tlYitles will br • mJdniilt.t bbftet -;. · If t A pcelt on. , . tor them. He wuhea them, steepa Visifjn,-, Da• 1ghter Nelao•, B. c .. wm be rn 80Uthttn Admiral Thackrey comm•nd«I the aupper to bo served to membono THc ' EDELL CLIJBHOU~E, B LBOA Runnef">-Up east·"' es\. were Mrs. in the-santt' box at night, 1tays 4li ' '"::I ~ Calltomta ror lhe monl.b ol July, rede))loymut of unit.a ot th• a1ld gaNta. Thia e9ent. Ute nm · 1 • Mar~t Church and Mra. J.tolllr the box when Quem awe away l(}oe, ~d Otuenu or MUwau .. vt.sltlng hi• .on, t.J\e Rev. Paul Elahth Army from Jncbon, which ln.rormal rTCord dance of the eea-FOR 11\"Ji"OllMATIOl.", WRITE • ~; ~rw\v E.tllT.bM:~WIR~ and st:and.9 gua.n1 at all tlm~• to tee arr1~ed Monday nOOI\ on a Moore Whttler and family, Bay waa completed on January 7. 18~1 . IOll , Is eaprly anUcJp&ted. by the ftl NAJtCIS.CJU8, v6aoNA Da. Md or c.11. BAIL MOl-W ~~ . d :._ er J · i o protect hls ra.muy. t~ weekt vl&Jt W1lh her daugl\-Shatt• and Fullerton, and h.ll many membt'rs of the orpntu.-,• J er an rs. enry agert: Th• fl-t few ., .. b. --er .~. d la dau•htere ln p---.. ---. P-'• do tad the Pt'ffll &41. l ion. I.In. Charles Boardman and J.trs. 'O' '" ....., ai\. 111 ter an Mm-in-w, June and Ed 11> a..u00··--~-Eatfolle Lavine: 'Mr. and Mrs. L. val or the kitten• Bobby ~(a Le Mown. 1113 1• W. Balboa Blvd. ------------------------------_;,. ____ ._....;,._._.._._ ...... ____ ._..._ ____ _ v . Brown. lot of wt>lfhl but he'w back lb ~ J.hny tt-lps to Soutftland point.I' nr Runners-up norlh-aouth were mal now and. havin« taken &n Int.nil\ ha\I'\" ~n planne<I ror h<'t Mrs. Betty Duncan and Frl'd Mor· actlv~ hand In training l'l la <'hll-whll<' her<'. rlaon; Mrs.. Arnold GaSS('r and drt"n in good mann•t11 uad .proper ----- Mb. Robert Brown; MMI. Frank behavior, c-an alt be.ck 11,nd be Bo·b Yardley Reed and Prrry McAdoo: ~tr9. mo.r£> al <'&~, .... Peir1Y J ohnaon end Mr•. Gerald I -~· ---t LJ f C I d McComber; Mrs. ~ Rounsvllle N t H . ht F . ·1 a . 0 0 ora 0 and Mrs. J oe Wilcox, p . e1g S .am1 Y Wblners ln Monday afternoon H f N rth Bob Yardley. M>n or Mr. and game were Mr1. ~re.Id McComber Orne fOm 0 Mr1. ~rgf' Ya.rdlt>y. 12~ Apolena. and Mrs. Peggy J ohnaon; Mt1. c. BaJboe I.stand, IS at Un lvcr~lty or E. Invln and Mra. Marc Soder-1.fr. And 1'1rw. Mart.9 New,and Colorado, BOUldf>.r, iA'here hP ta bf'rg; Mtt. L. v . Brown and Mrs. and chlldf'e11 , 5-40 Sa.n ~rt\&rdlho taking • 1unimer coune prepara. Fttd Rounl'ViUe; OeraJd McCom-avenuP, Nfwport Helgbu, rttum-tory to enrolllnc for the fall term ber and c. R . J ohnson; Mn. Rob-ed Friday evening from a two ln whatev'r nillltary program IA e rt Rou and Mrs. Miki.red Lytle: weeks vacation trip which took offeftd. Mn. E. T . McMaou.s and Mn. lhl'm north to VancouV'l:'r, B. C. ~~--- Robert Brown. On the way they vblted nun1er· \··tsft's lfERE ous r<'l&tivcs and trlf"nd~ and rr- NEWPORT CDRC'l.E MEF.T Newport Beach Circle of WSCS, Chrls~ Church by thP Sea, will meet Tuesday, July 3 at two p.m. in the trailer patio or Mn. Carol CurtUt and Mrs. Margaret Clark, El Nido Trailer park, 1840 Nt'W· port Blvd .. Costa Ml'~. \Vl.ae people do read U!e ada. t11rn('(I home ju&t in tlmf" for AOn Bobby to lt-a\'e nf'xt day ~f" &y Scout camp. NEW rs Ol.IFF IDA \'E:-0- Buildin~ a n<'w home on Klngtc Road, cnrr Haven, are Mr. and Mrs, R. R . Howell , now realdlng at 2?.i!'i l!llung "Harbor Road. They are from Manhattan Beach. Mr. •nil MNI. 0 . ( .. Af'("hf'r \Vere plt-Ufintly MUt-prllW'd b)' a visit from 1'fr. Art::hf"t'I' brothet-and hls wife. Mr. and M.rt. Evt'n!lt It. Atthet or Loui"vlll!', Ky. Mr. Atther ltl r njoylng somp deep 11ea flahlng and atting aome of the tlg'l'IU of Hollywood and Beverly Hltla and other plat'eA or lnt•te.f'l. M r. Areh~t L'I a l.A>uisvillf' polfcf' serteanL Summer Specials THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 00-~llOT CAP PISTOLS 38 .!ithN'lA, !.& En\'f'IOJ'M'f' Writing Portfolio 45¢ !lE'mtf'UNI SUMMERTIME CLEANSING C'omblnetlon '1 "'' Rt>1. as.26 Liquid ('ttam ~Mm1>00 WILDROOt.. 2 fer 3,., ..... !9c -~ • MATR>NERV, R•I'.· SS. WONDIR PAK 33 ' 48 Shf"f't.lii --la ~n,·rln()M' · DOl'RLE DF.C'K CANASTA CARDS Slo>&"-9&. 69 ' ~l ~(iLJo~ n•:C'K IRIDGE CARDS !ho&"; ii>< 69 ' DVBA!ILK TOOTH PA!!TF. " MOUTH WASH 89• n .. ~. Sl.39 \'ahlfl: ~hulton'M Can1e1tlon Soap 6 "1l<PS •1!141 t.-r IUBILE IATH • \\'fth 8unHhlf'ld SPORT CAPS R•tr-$1.7' $1.25 HO\'S' BLACK JIANS AMOrtf"d Colol'R -Sl.!ll value Box ST ATIONl!RY 89¢ i? ShN'I" -48 En\·f'lopN I 49 ;j RPJrUhtr 69'-~ 6 Pi*""'~ •·rult Orth.ard Tumbler Set J adite Dinner Plates 4 r.r 79r Rf'gular !?9<' Dorothy Gray ORANGE FLOWER . t tttfi\it' ' . J , _UJI~ON.', .4 , ilii-.•• f.08 • "l '1 R<-1. ss. 75 '1 aa l Price 13 C'.onnt Paper Napkins 2 '0 ' 37 r Brld&'•P<>rt AERASOI. INSECT IOMB • '19·' !6 OL • °""'ratPCI 11 01'~ TUt,4tLeRS 6 f.,. 39r IURNT PEANUTS 35•1b. nr.-. ttr .,,.r Jb. Tl!'o'TAlll CANDY "TOuch Up" $1.29 Ta119erlne Sllcn iADITE . 25 1' lb. Salad Plate 4 tor 39r ___ 8'~"-._sa._11>. __ Rf'rutar ••(' ('ftra Nome iADITE Fruit Dish 4 ,., 19" SWIM RINGS R•tr· ... 19 89~ POKER CHIPS 1'1'~~-6h 49'. Select.d Lonr Pteylnt; RECORDS 113 OFF Deodorant Cream <Half Prt,.. J 55 f st.ocular SI.I o MNvy BatwJ BEER GLASSES ~. ]$(o f"D<'h 6 '"' 89 r CANb1' • Uc:Mlce ••11ons 43 f ' ' Enjoy outdoor eatil'lg f 1 • (,) ·~ r,, ....., ~\ ... i -i t?,~1"\ '; -~r<' r::-r % 4 . I ~h~ \..~ Next Wednesday is the ,.{:An.war the call of the wide open tpaces l G~ther the lt&nll ~ 1'-'::::..._ Fou rth of July (lndepend· ~ ~ tngether and head for your favori tel>lcniC spot. And be surt to ~ r ence Day). Safeway stores :--:1 take alGbg plenty of good thinaa to eat. Appetites soat in t he ~-( <will be closed all day. ~-, great outdoon. Satisfy those cravinp wit.b good foods . Crom ~ t lAll.Y fOl 111 HOllDAY Safeway. Doiens of picnic treata await you r 1election·here. , " , ,, ,,1 ,.... "' Check the lisU _below for lde&A. Alld ft(lte the-low prices. I ~ Memo lor Vocation ~• •.• 'flh~lher you ~" le the hfteh or "" mount_dilne you 11 find convenlently r1 located Salway •I-... , .. way ,i-and ot l'O'lacljlel NMr1 -'-8top ;,. o...! 11ock up ot Big Brir, lllollop, A"olon, Lagunc Beidl, Coola M- YOlir nearby Safeway Ito• o wide assortment of picnic needs, at low prices. _ Chetk the list below, then &Ioele up at Saf-oy Mind Pickl•s ... Bwttar ... Mayonnaise Sweet Pickles .•. CtMest .: • Fresh Efos Dill Pickles ..•. M«garine •••• Spreads Ripit Oli¥es .•• Green Olives .... Salod Dressing , , . , StUfr•d Ottftt:, •• , Pet•to Ct'!i ?1 .... Beverages •.•. Conned Milk C ooilies .. , Soda St rows. , . Poper Cwr Waxed Poper ...• Pla stic Toble·Ctoth• Poper Napkins ..... Mo te.hes Plastic Knives, Forks, Spoona. • . ,\.'.,) t -~:... '.J") w~ V'J FRESH EGGS ~·a!~~ A d ..... 63° veaf:;.'(''°~~~ ~~39" · lair a -dOl«l for YOU< ,.icD1c outbsq. com M••.1 ::=:.. 2 / TOMATO . JUICE Swmy Dawn Vienna Slmge ... 19" ~ :! 21° Po~~~ndWKhff.2 J ~;:•·19" :~ l ... t.. 10 Deviled Ham E;e,11! •;::· 1,.. (' a1 O (trled1lttl 5~'f:fi':~: 1 ~;:•· •2c ' MIBG S Dwutil Dolowood Yellow 25·0 (orlled Beel Hada 1 ~·· 39" ftlllnill Pac1cec11nQuar1en I&. • llftcheon fof19'1t ';::· 35c PElllDT. COFFEE s: ~&9~ :ZT,,1:.~~~ :i~: ~~: ·CANE SUGAR SMOIED PICllCS-' '~ 45e 1::.~· age (25-lli. bog, 2.22) _, . -MORREU'S PRIDE -VISKING CASINC ' c BREAD - Mrs. Wright'• Enricht'd "'hite or ~'hear, Sliced. Mitt 'Mltlt IHIS Polito (hips1~-:-tsc•:i;~··2s• fl OUR Kitch~n Craft Enriched White. Gu11r· S~ort shank, 1mell s ize l~:cnin to hoi l or ba.L::e. Exce ll ent sliced cold ror picnic luhches . Spttial lo1_. l1ricr!· . '"· 43 GROURDBm Packed Ill 'llildbq Btll brol'ICf. 17-o:r, pkg., l5c) Manhmallows F/·::.-1·"· 2Jc , ... Candy C••me 0. Menthe. •• 1-H . 19c Cocoonut KrW"ICh1rs . "- Ro>rbury brd;Nf. IJ•lly •~•.Gum C>ropt, anteed fo r better bakinf!'. Freshlr ........ nu tar~" ~ medl 1oal. s•o111 ·s1·u1s ~-, .. 1.09 .... 11 ,, .. Of' Oronoe Stiers. 1-lb. Crtto 9ao, 25c; Swedish Mirh, 1 ·lb. 29() ~· 47' 1:-:. 8S- 2t:· 2.19 ti. S. G0oo mid CHOICE heel. (IOdL!IS SIM.OINi ih. l.l3) ,..,. ... , Soda Cra"'" :::-:. ~~· t 6• Beel Stew MO.SO, wi>h U~ .... 35• flEREBS lf~i ;::~ · ••. &5° Vetttoblrs · ai• , " llllctllent I• ~klnq o•• pldlllc h • 1' i#IHll Bel-air ltllltlMe '.::· f 0° It 1 ·'tr.f ~-t ., ~ ...-:-f 7" I . 1 .• t·p . u-·ts·· · I ,k,. Strawberries t~:i' 'Ar.· 29" Snow Star Ice Cream otot 1 ac Ice I'• POtty'P•Mle 24c Ulllll p.TERING _,... LUC ERIE FRESH MILK . NOW/ Two Tf1U. COllClmATED Three times os ridt Cll,.. ulor luc:erM M11k. lvtl,.. placo th wofo• tha! hfll been lokon out csnd ,... hove three quarts of Mtra rkh Lucerne Milk at G sovlng of 2c o qUOtt. STOIEHOUIS I . ' . MAllllAtTlllll'l IHtlAI. hr ~lttd Tlmt Diiiy! ; SAVE UP T0 -25" off r-s~r1 prices _. ,.: ' :MAYDAY " ~ " 'NU M&oa '" SALAD o ·IL MAYONNAISE ~~~ 28e :;! &7• · •: 37" ~ 89-· (¥1!1.~lorl y, 40c) (Kl'lluly, 78") ( r<gularly, 49<:) (¥1!'1'larly, ~) 1 H61 Tllf1teys Rf!'~... ... 63° &;sdt~t<d,GWI in-ltd. 12 -16-lb. Corned Beef Bon•leoe .,;sk4t 73c s .... HOt .. Cold •• l Sll(ed Beef liter /~ "· 19" H1lilluf Sfeatrs t:.":r.t ... 59" u.t I Wll'lflaa "" A>O<!Y • 25c 1110 ~. SUUW' to¢6ok I~. 'I ... IUtO IMI#--.. ' lol ... li<!.,,..koges, Swift's Pr111iulll •. 63° Rath Black Hawk ~~-33c tudaby Pithan. •· 57° • • • -• • • ' • • ' ' ' ' 0 : • • ' •• • I .. .. 0 • • --' • • ' ' -. , BICi .-.SALE DAYS! • • ' . • • • • • • TQIU; FllJI! 1-•-1-JWall. -llellOit of Ille --All ~Marketa ............. torrov,....i.-.-I Nerwolk -Opolllms -...... _.. lttll Aml•ermry -Ulo -ofall- Oollfonla.. Y0ut oplrlled ,...pllH llOa made ua all ft'7 llappy. Yoa ....,. ,., ..-uniid U..t 8-YeT7 .,_ ' ' .~ I \ 1 ' , ~ ,. -. . • '· -: • -,., . 0 l : . . . iiiff , THURS.-FRl.-SA T. & SUN. ,... wlJI ... -.. Ulo (pl""' ie coetlauoualJ prove &e 790 U.t "'We abeoluklJ' 'fl'ill ao& be twlenold. per quality." To ,The:·2so,000 .. 'People wh~- Crand Opening &. All American;s • , -.. f • / JUNE 28-29-30 & JULY 1 Ill.A l'NIE HUTClllllON President a Oe:HnJ Mp . AU Amerlcaa l.\.la~tl • These ''Appreciation Sale=-'..,.,. . ~ Golden State EVAPORAT_ED MIL.K . 3~:!s35c C&H ·SUCAR . SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS Will Serve 67f. Family of 5 CHEDDAR 63•. out·'"~!tt 2 Yr. Old Sharp, Creamy Cheddar ' . Pi~Ia;~:Pimi;;tt~· L~~• ··· ' ' 4-oz. ,--;.. PkCJ. SS1b. 39c lSlli. - '• «-~ LARGE FANCY •SANTA ROSA PLUMS lbs.• • FIRM, RIPE-FiNE '!SLICING" ., -·. • • --J ; ' -• , . lrow• er P•wclerad "I 45c . lb. u.~:s. No.1-W~ITE RQSE*~.~~ ~RO~~ : . ~ . ..,. .. . ... ~~ ... " 11c l·LI. PKG. ~ ~.- SUNSHINE .1. KRISPY CRACKERS NATIONAL . 1 IU.NDS • lSc f '1. 4 . f ROZ f N Foo D S fisli JIU call buy,,. RED LAllL .. :. . ,i,,;/. No. 1 1> 29• · f//!F , o ... n Flet . .. -!Abel Cae · , 26c , IUY NOW AND SAYll WHITI LA•IL ~~1/· 33· C•• ··-'· --- 1-lb •. -~ ,:,~)-;·, ~.-,, ... :' ~ ... ~~ " ' 16 :::. 1 CJc . I --r 1/4-LI. ·2CJc GUPEFR~IT. JUICE -~ 2~c- • GUPEFRIJIT JUICE . llu. 1oc :w:=" • .. -. ' • OUNGE·GRAPEFRUIT ~:: 26c •COFFEE SAtE • BIRDS EYE * PICTSWEET * . Fiiiet of 49f. PEAS 12~~ . HILLS BROS~ • FOLGER'S .. !~R;H 47-CUT CORI 10~~ HADDOCK .. ~~~".CH BEANS 1~~ flllet of , 4~ f. ,_c_o_D_r_" --~-' POTATOES'~~~~: SUNIUST QUICK·fROZIN CoNCENTU.TE YOUll CHOICI ' ORA~GE·•RAPEFR~IT . 111L 1.1 c MAXWELL HOUSE -1 ••• •• ~ IJ.B. • S&" -_,.l . BEl-.HUR ..• L~if:..,,. 2 ~!;. $168 ~~ s & F Y-ELLOW CLING COllCOOIATt FOi 1 sc COllCOOIATt FOi · 14c ORANGIADI UllOllADI ' . . -! 'OHE~STQP . co~~-t~~I/• sttd.~P._l.N .~ ... ..,-•. DOWNIY ~.: .·t•, N()I . Ati ~•NI ~ - •11AST I llJGil{.._ . · . :_ J' t1MU . . IL~t -, _ . - ICCJll OflOUJlt . 4 -COCIML OP..oi?'a$J • . , I t Maa•hlr.. . 4" a..., --~..-.. ..... • J ' .ttended Our· Norwalk Market ,., ... leat 10th Anniversary Celebration, "'DAVlr' DICK -<lA.SL" B Vfi!HISON "81.AC&De"' B(JNT Oea'L 8upent.or, Norwalk Ce. ISupent.c:r, 8tiacb. Katket.t Oen"L Bapen1Mr; Do--.7 • ·alues Are Being Offered • --· We al.o wlall to tlt.aak 700 penoa&D7 ror Qe •U.r11•••1e l'f!ICflptlft of our Grand ()penlac aad lOUt .>\Jull,·enary u.Je. and 70ur acoeptaaoe et All Amerlcaa" u ,._,. market. We plectp every coartny and uololaaco will '° .. .....,. ;roa oa -of yee< .. ..,. ... 'llas All -oliopplq' trtpo. • • r '! , {, LARGE RIPE . SWEET "SLICING" Peaches lbs. · l·bs. PER EAR lbs. 10Qo!o SELF SERVICE F•ESH ~RESSED FRYING RABBITS i. ~ EASTERN GRAIN FED SPECIAL cuts ro ORDER ·65~. Eastern Tenderized . . HAMS WHOLE o• SHANK HALF 59~. Nort1ter1 OU• OWN l'AMous MAQ • PORK 0siicei)N S~USAGE BACON COOllED IAIY S'rEAiS 45•. !.~,@~TERS 69~ SHRIMP ~ -. · ffi LUER 9UALITY BACON HILLSDALE HALF SLICES . ·· 1'./ PI NEAP.PL E -~~ .. LAURA SCUDDER SALE! ·1 Pil•t · · Quart c : -AVE 10c 0i.Ac"0Ati MAYONNAISE 39c 6 c :~ ~~~~- ;i ALL AMERICAN MARKETS Ill Allow 1 Oc OFF OUR ADVERTISED PRICI OF LUER 9UALITY '4CON ON PRISINTATION OF ANY LUil CANNID MIAT. LAllL _, ONI WIK ONLY-JUNE ZI ro JULY ; 1e- La•ra Scuddt r'1 Peanut Butter 15"° .. Jar 34c I ~ Scffd•··· ,,..c .......... , Romeo & Juliet ........ . • • • . . -All American. • FRESH RANCH ECQS Gracle "A" ,-, 4' Doze• 1 1.~. . c Media• Luncheon Meat . . . ' PREM , . -~ 12-0Z. CAN • PILLSBURY SALE • All AMtrlcu · SPICIALS if.'1 , . '11 \NE S & LIQ U o R s ~~- IUY NOW AND SAVEi , ENTERS • There's one near your home! . T ·BEACH • CqR~N~ DEL MAR HWAY . · fOJ c;4)AST H .. HWAY SOON ,N . RIVERA 1 • I • ... ............... ------- ' . . ' • :::;;;:;;::'"'~l!!~:;:l~~-·-.--~":t:~~:-~~·~.~~._,,.._~~·-----·~·~~-~-~·---·-·~i';:;::":?;;::~!';j~~~.;r;;:;~:;;;:~:;;:;;;_~~'i!c';;:~~~~:;~~r;~;;:~t ~:'!~~~~~::==~~~~~~~·~!!!.~.~~~ • .. HICJh•r MililmUM Pay Far State TwMrl . Amons; the blllll signed lnln law by Gov. Earl Warren u . the ·1ep latlve eeulon moved into It.a cJos- lng hours W&3 a meaaure lncreu- lng the minimum salary for school teachen holding_ regular cr~tial~ frorn S2400 to SSOOO pet" year. The bill. authored by Auembly- mcn Geddes and Dunn, lea vu the minimum ror teachers hold- ing emergency credentlal11 at S2t00 per year. The Department ot Education hu estimated. that at least 6800 California teacherA are now receiving less than $3000. Approximately half of t.heae. the Department Mid, a.tt teaching under r-egular eredentlaJs. Other legislation passed i n t o la\v by the Governor's signature inclurted : C'nunM'I MH....•Uf'f' A bill by AUembJymen Bro\vn, Ro~nthal and Caldecott requiting A. committee -magistrate to ar- ra!'lgC counsel tor nn indigent de- fenrls.nt at the tltne of h is ar- ra.ia-nment i t he 90 reque.st~. The new law says the court shall de- ter mi ne the fe-K and ex)'ense.!I for the defending counsel \Vhen there i.'i no county public de Cender. Present lav.• provides for determi· nation or the de fense counMel's fees by the county board or su- pervisors. The new law further pro'l.·ides for contacts betv.•een the State Depa rtment of Correction,. and a county having a .public de· fender for representation of pl'!s- nn Inmates. S<'hool Annl":tatlon An emergency measure, e!fec· t ive immediately, permitting the annexat ion of a school rlistriC't to n unified school district v.·ilhout its first v.·itlldrawing fron1 any other district or whic.h it is a part. The mea1ure was authored in the Assembly by D. L. Gn1n- sky. A bill by Assemblyman Lever- ing n1aking n u111erou:-1 chan~es f'IR..rif)"ing ancl .!ft1·engthenlng the control of rollect1on a.,i;-encies. Anolher Grun.sky bill slmpllf)·- ing acroun ting procedurf'.!I fo r fees r.·ollected from state college st 11dept~. A c-larificatlon of the law re· Jatlni:' to mecha.nic·s liens b.\· A s- 11emblyn1en Brown and McCee. nt:OPF.~~ OFFIC1: \\'. U. Patton is re-opening the rel\l estate rlf'pt. ·of R. \V. Bar- tine's offi£e at 1807 Ne"•port Ave .. Costa .?.-tesa. The otfiCe has bPt>n closed for the pa.st Mveral v.·eeke llue to ~Ir. Bartine·~ illnes.,. Mr. P atton i~ well kJI O\Vn throughout the Ha rbor area ond w11s former!}· as.">OCiated \\•ith t he F.rnie Smith real em.ate office in Corona <tel :\far. You can learn how to beat the nlo111ic bomb hO\\' to .!IUrVi\•e an ntomic !lttack. A.sf .rour Q\il r1efcn:1e orgnnii.ation .. , Ezc•a• ... ltes Atte•d Sta .. COllftllllon The recent 27th annual COl\1. venUon ot C&lltomi& !lta.te Ex- chanp Clube held at Hoberg'a Reeorl tn Lake COUflt.y, callfor- nl&. wu attended by Tllomu E. Heffernan, presldllot, and PauJ T. ~tier, a member ot Ute Board ot control, or the EKchanp Club of Newport Harbor. At .lJ'le i,ut ~gular nieetlng ot the local E~che.nge Club held at the Hurley Bell Restaurant ln Corona del Mar. Heffernan and Butler reported on the actjvttlea of the convenUon. hl•hJl•httd by addres..~11 f'Tom the Honorable D. Russell Bontrager ot Elkhart, In- dian!L. the President of . the Nat- ionaJ Ex.chan~ Club, on the sut>- ject , "Where do We gO trom hert! ? ", and from Gf'orge E. Thomu. n. _men1ber of the · Ex· change Club of La !.teaa. Califor- nia. for Hveral year11 aaslstant to Averill Harr1man at the American Emba.My at-M08COW, "''ho spo•e on the topic, ·~Behind the Iron Curtain." • This week·s .meeti1'g will . be held at the \\'illowlC'k Couatry Club In Santa Ana. and .will in- clude an afternoon golf tOlHTia- ment for n1en1beri1 of the Ne\v- port Harbor E:<C'hange Ch!b fol- lowed by R.n inforn1al dinner dance tor member8 and their wives. AIRCRAr:t SPOnERS HAD FIRST WORKOUT The first peacetime night and da~, l'Xf'rclM.s or the r ivilian a ir- craft det~tion ey111trm wu held tut Saturday and Sunday In NC'W · port Beach and puts of Califor- nia. OrPgon ind \Va111hington. Thr l'Xf'rc lsf'. whiC'h ran for a C'Ont1n uous 32 hOtJr9. alertt"d OV'f't 30.000 ci vilian volunteer gr ound observer8 and filter ct>nt f'r OJ>('ra- tor• in thl' air dC'fen11e atPa of thP Wei.tern Air [)(-fpn•e Force. The wcst em air def Pn.se activity i8 part of a CO<ll'l.Hnaled national ~xerclse "·hich aC'tlvalf>d o'l.·er 200.000 volunteers ·in thf' Grrftt Lakr.s and :\"orthra.•H ,.rn 8r1'8.! of the nation. Purpo8" of the f'xercll1e. explain- ed Brig. c,. .. n. OQnald R. Hutchin- :son, C'on1n1anding gf'neral of lhf> 27th Air Division IDefeMPl, rt'· .sponslble for the South('r'ft Cali- fo rnia arf'a.. wiui to providC' prac- t ice and experience for thP civilian ground ob8erver and filter c<'nler volunturs whQ.l!le planr spotting activities .supplemf'nt t.he vast radar !lyttem for •lreraft <\('le<:· tlon m aintained by th(' Air Force. Filter centen in the "-"f"StM"n !lrea activf' during tht> t>XPrc L~f' a"' •~atP<I in Oakland, Purtland. Seattle. Spokane, Santa Ana and Pa~ad('na. -----~ "International s}'.>f'ncUng has gone a long "-'flY to"-·ard bearing out tht" sclt>nti.11ts \\'ho c?almf'Cl lbt- world 1:s flat.'' ,. 'Crock Down' Soon On State Tax Do~ , Local ln111ucror--.::·· AtHtlch. Cult,_,ence -.. The State Franchise Tax Boetd H. L H ughes, teacher or Soclftl h&11 &J:inounctd a drive on C.IJ-StudlH. · Nev.•port HarbOr Union fom lan" who have ratl<'d to pay High KhooJ, ia curTenUy attend-thelr lnC'ome . tax. · Thoma!! H. Kuchel, state con-lng tht' th.ree·wetik 9outhem Call· trnllf'r and chairman or the fi"ra.n-fornia Conrerrh('e on Eronnmlc chi&" Tax Board\ 111kl apj>tok l-Education nt Pon1ona ('olle«e1 mately 100,000 taxpayf'n. in Call-Claremont. C'aH fornla. fnrnla rnt11•d to file elate tax r•-Afore than il5. IJeCOndary sc:hOoJ turn!I on lh<'ir 19-49 Income. T'hU! teac-hf'n and actrnln.latrators rrom "'1tuation "·~ t-cvealt"d. Kuchel thf' "'Ht coa.st •r~ pertlclpatfftl' said. In a rE>C't'nt ly completed and \n the ron reref'l ce. "'hk:h i!I 11pon- 1ntE>nslvt-('h<'c k or lnformatk>n ~red b)• Pon1ona tuld Ckcideatal contained in source-rt'turn.'\ filed coue.ie-. in coop.ration with the by f'n1 ployf'rs and otMr pay~t~ Joint Council on Ecooomlc Educa - agalnJ1t lndlvlduaJ rt>turn!I for '40. tioo, .CaJJfomia State Oeparlnttnt H t• says tht.• ll9ta of dclinquen\e of Education. Loe An•eJe9 rounty have been · forwarded to the 91Choolli, and Lo!! An~lea city Board·s Ciel~ of!~8 w ith ln.stnlC-echoola. lion_, to the •rent.I to clear up an Oe-slgne-d to heJp admtnl&ttatora year111 of tax avoidance w ith lhOM al!:d teachers ~et the llffd• of who failed "to· fll<' or pay. young people for -accurat• Int'bt· He dacla.rC'd : . .,,, ... .!!late o~·eg ma.&fon about the American econ· • a duty to tho. tu~yE'r who voJun-on1y. the confe"'nce, under the tarily compllPs with the tax law1111 dlreelkm of Or. Flo)'d Bond, and !!lhouJdera hi.a fa.Ir aha~ of lh<' cha1nl'\an of the-economic.ti de- burd£>n or governm .. nt a.nd that partment a.t Pomona Colle-re. and duty I!'! lo enforce the C'Oll<'ct1on Dr. l..a'-l;.encle ch!!' Ryc:ke. c halr- of tRxes on tho:te "t'ho wou\d avold men of ute economics dl!part· It. 1"o 110 otherwt8e would be to mea t or Occidental College, brin.•s pla(·e a prt'mtUm on df'ltnquency." to19lher for talk• and dJM:'Wlalon K uch<'I says &11 torma tor all naUon.ally knO'-l'n fllJW'ea ln · com- Yf'ars Rrf' a¥&1Jab1e for tbOM-"·ho I mlrc~. industr.r. labor, ac-ricuJ- hav{' :niStakc nl y fallNI to flle ~Ure, 81'.>CiOlO&:Y &ntl gav"tmment. ~--~~~~-~--~-~~~-~--~~-~-------~~~~-~~~~-~~--~--~~---~~- r I DJlll,JNQUEN'I ~AX AND . -ASS~ LIST ---. City ofNewpott .Bh•h, 8tate or c.llfomJ&. • ~a.-.... . ft.Mlr1' J .. • , w qoatlol, l!tul)lo I . -···-·-t oliul.o; tturwr I . ·~-...:...-,. ---:-7 ftACI" Ill .. ~ Newpo.t Beach City~ tDd ........... la Dellaquent f°'" J18CAL 'tEAJt 1-1 llT A Tl: 011' CALIWOllNJA ) COUNTY OP' ORAJf0111 )a CITY 011' Nli!WPORT BEAClll ~. WdlJam. H .i ....; .. ..._. ___ • ____ ,.,-..__. I Jie"1!, Wiiiiam. kr ·--·~__L _ ___._ .tt Gartler, ~.. BD1'•' ~r NW!J 4'11' H W)"'lrotf, an.e. T. NWJ,p llr' ot d:13' ,Ulio' It Oartler, Herry .. .4.--.... ~ ••.• .J ••...•• ~._,_ I) I G&rtler, Harry ··--··-····-········•······---L I. R. R. H~ u ll:x-Otflcto fu. Collectnr In and for tile Cl!)' ot Newport Be.ch, CoUnty of Qr&na'•. Stale or Callforru., TRACT nu Bartlett, ""'11el a . .. ........ ·-·:-*-.. ··-·-···--M HlCIUIBY Qlvte NOTICll lllat. default ll&vlng bin lllAde. In lh• p&)'metll of t.&xea a.bd w r 1 "1\enbi due to the City of Newpolj: Bf:ach far the n.oaJ 7Nf endlnr J11ne SO, 19111, upon tile property herelnatU:r dNCrib@d, and U\at. unle:u Did t.axea and a 11 ••enu m dit1lnq\lent. toretller With au penalties and ea.ta due tll......., lie paid at the Tax Qllle<lnt"a Otllce In \be City Hall. otl..,. "bda,.., Ptlday, June If, 1951, AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M. of that day. all of said property de.crlbed ill lhe within liat on which .aid taxu and aueament.a. pena.JUet: and cCNlt.a are then unp&ld, will on. U\e date and the hour above apeclfled, BY OPERA TJON OF LAW. be.-.Wd to the City of NeWport. Beach, and ltut.t flUCft Ml~ W1JI be made ln the OFFICE OF THE TAX CQ.t,.. Watkins, Ro1 M •....•..... _;.. ·••··---•~ AT TRACT I01-LJD() ISLE Wheeler, Win.ttan S. ······-··----·l·--·-·-·-··--· 88 McColl, i:. Burdine ·····oi-·-~y-·····--·-1111 McColl. E . Bunllfte llWIY It •.................. 18' Sjogr£.n, Knute R . SWly ~I ···-············--·2't8 Sjogren, Knute ll ........ -............ : ..... _ ..•.......... .279 Oundnun, Lawrence K. ··•········" ................... !M Gott. LaWN!hce ti:. 8Wly s' .................... &H Goit, :LllwreDCfo It ... _ ..... _,f •••••••• 1 •••••••.••••••••••• ,_515 LECTOR of said Clly. / R, R . HODGJ<INBON E>r:-Offlclo TU Collector of NeWJ>Ort &ach, Calltomla. Haruon, John M. ······························-···········l0tl3 RIXX>llD SlTllVEl' MS I-lltlrl Smith, \\'all&ce G. ·-········"········-.. ·•···'······-·•-,•·· U JaM?tt, I>udie)r F. ···············-··--·-····--·········-·· 30 A.a•PW1d Owaf'r - !a\\'POllT BEAGll 'l'llACT Lot Pet-ldtia. lt-ene M ttt al .................................... 13 Me.nin, Marie ............................................. 25 Tbnrp. Kaul K . Sly Ii()' ...• ········ ····-·· ..... 8 RIVl':R SECTION Bonner, \\'alt.er R ...... d .................................. 16 Thomson. Loul8 C ........................ -. .................. 17 Btrl~l'f'I, Rej'le J . .. ... ...... .... 8 LAKETRAcr Holland. L. C .................. . John11on . Emmo. Goodman All iex St.} cine por of Sec 28·9-10 tx-t same o\ RR a R/W) .... < Maxwell, Nellie N . All {('X St.) ............ 1 Mu.w:ll, Nellie N ................. ·····--··················· 2 Maxwoll. Nellie N. 8\Vly 6' .................... 3 \\rl\t~. Q!w1n1 I. ·········--···· 20 Ho llyoak, Frf>t"man F . 22 Logif', Charle11 M. <'t al ... .. .. . .. .. e ('ASAI. ~ECTION \Vhlt<'. \\'\ll~rd . . ... . .... ...... .. . ...... 7 J ohn111ton". BruC'e B. ..... . ., 10 Lavagnino. Lare A . ... . . . <f 111.omp~n. ClaUdf> A ... ···-. .. .. . 1 Logic, Charl£Ji ~{. f't al ...... . ... ,...... .. t\ 81p1e . Gordon G. All (l'>t SEly l~') . . .. 0 Pattt>nmn. Elm<'r . .. 1 Sipl+'. Cordon C . . . . •. .. -t SECTIOX A Bolton. !:Ila D .... G!"ef'nlear, CarTOll F'. SEL91'10X J\ A.lf'Dnder. Cha.rlrR Ahrtn.s, \\1ill lard F . TRAM' U4 Handy, Bruer J ..... SECTION B f't a I . ........................ 4 .. ················-l I ····•··········· 13 ····-·· ............. 1 . ...... ········· .. 10 lfarguerite L. All (Inc. tx>t sam" & Bay Ave <'Xt I 16 MacrullOf'h, AJ ar211c rite L. All flnl' bC't samr & Bay Ave ext) 17 Af&C'CUJ !w h. Afergu<>rlte L . All (Inc . Mt l!J&ITT(' &: Bay Ave l"Xt) 18 EAST NE\\'PORT Burnwnrth, Frf"d .. 11entlf'y , Anna _ ..... ······················· 22 ···-······ ............. 12 81"8 OF llLOCK A-E,\ST NEWPORT Staten. LJ13•an SE!;· 4-i .9' .......... 14 a: 1~ J ohnBOn, Of.orge L, et al ......................... 02 l lock 28 28 34 39 <2 45 128 130 131 131 l 31 133 232 234 HO 143 240 333 33!'. 340 437 139 220 225 16 17 111 218 218 218 4 8 12.211 15.4.3 8.28 4.72 13.30 1.35 8.93 Comm•rce lllllldlnr Co, Nly ISO' or Sly l~.Tl' .............. 82 CORONA oJ:t. MAB Na.nnestad, Fredertck J . All ()ftc por a Dey •<IJ l .... .. 2S Hixon, Robert M . .-.................. ,1 •••••••••••• ·-······· t Rlxon, Robert M. ···············-·····--·~ ............ -.... 9 Bidwell, Robert W. All (D: Nly NO'J·-··--- RE·SUB OF OOJloNA f)tf, 11CAJt Von E.'ISE'n, Margaret ·'·---"-..........................•.. 5 Hope, Roger C •.................. _ .............................. 11 Driskel, I:>e.n .................................... ·-··-·····-······ 1'1 Duignan, Jack M. . ........................... .-.... _ ........ 18 CORONA Dl:L ~IAR 18. 78 Swanson, Victor J. ··········~-······-····· .. ··············· 3<f .f .9e McCry!ltal, Ell&abeth A, NEly 28' ........ 7 1.89 McCrystal, Elil:abeth A . -·-·····-···--················· 9 1.24 McCrystal. tutzabeth A. SWly 2.'i1 ••...... tl 20.29 A.mlclon, Eva F .......... ······-·········· .. ··········-····· 17 32 . .2l Da•ili. Edward P . rt al ............ -.-................... 4 3.83 Mitcham, DeWitt ...................... _...................... 1 Mitcham. DE>WJtt ...........•................................ 3 O&nl'lter, Eugene F . --····-···---····-···"················-3 20.87 Camble, Norma.rt A ........ , ... ,............................ 2 23.27 Gambit', Norman A. ······--······-······-·······-······ 4 J<t .61 Col\'111 1 Uly ·····-··························-·-··········· ........ 8 11 .99 Miller, Clifford H . NEty 10' .................... 14: 9.68 Mlller. Clifford H. ··················-·-·-··················· 16 4.99 AJwkon;on, FlorenC'c ·-·--·-··-······--···-···-····--······· 22 39.81 ~rlt', Don H .................. ,_.............................. 1 9.53 Brown, Frank W . . ........................................... 20 Gannon, \Ji.'llllam J ................... -...................... 15 F011tf'r, James H ................................... ., ...... ., .. 21 10.87 FlelchC'r, Juanita \V ........ ·-·······-··········· ···-·····-2 18.et \Valkf'r , Cora M ............... -........................... g B illr r, May T . f't al , ... ···-········ .. ······· ............ 13 40.42 Phillips, Frank L ........................................... 14 15 57 Corbin, \\'eslP)' W ......... ~ ........................... -····· 5 " Corbin, \\'f'sley W ............................ ":............... 7 1 Van L8ndingha1n, Wm. H• ..... -.. : ................ :-:. 22 28.J I ' TRACT S!S-<>ORONA DEL ~IAR • ! Lynn, Robert B . et al N\Vly 31.20' ' (Ex Hwy) .. 4 12.1 6 Lynn, Robert B . et al SEly 18.80' -89.37 Lynn, Rotx>rt B. C't al (E°li Hwyl .. 4 NWly 81.IO" fli:il HwyJ .. 6 13.40 Flan. Don P . All (Ex Hwy) ··········-·-·· 4 l"lagg, Don P. All (Ex BWJ) ...•......•.• 5 28.0T TRACT .8'J-.-OORONA MIL MA.II • 38.16 Geldert, Walter L. H., h ......................... ., .. 40 TRACT 68~110!'1.4. Ol:L M.u. Ingra.m, Robert H. . .... .-................... ., ............ 30 Driaket. Dan ............................. -···-·-·····-·······--·· 12 ' • Fox, G. M. NEly 10' 140 Fox. G . At . 141 A A A A 38.03 18.71 2.70 9.lld Rli:-SUll OF SECTION I, 8AUIOA J8LANI) SE\\'PORT RAV TRAC'T \Varloumont, Floyd .... . . .. 13 &holflf'ld, L<-st er H , .. . ............... J ~ lll'll OF DLOCK C-NEWPOR1' BA V TllAM Cornellm>n. Herry H. .... . ·-··· . 1 LonA:, Modjcaka J .......................................... 48 Com f.'liM>n. Harry H. N\\'ly 32.0-4' of SEty 94 .08' 1lnc bet UJllf' & h igh lid(' lint') BAI.BOA RA YSIOE RoM, Bo Christ.Ian l"t al AU (Inc. be-l same 87 &.: high tide ·llne) 2 RooA, Bo Chrlatlan et al All 1 lnc tM>t same 4 4 c c c 2 o\ high l!de Un'I) 3 i 42.61 21UO 106.33 8.71 6.87 56.02 121.62 Scott, William H ........ ·-··········-····-·················-17 Gogerty, Fral\cea m. ··············-···-·····-········-··'··· :Z1 Gogerty, Frances E ........................................ 22 ShDt'maker, Jamt>e S ..................................... 28 Myer111, John W ..... --....... _. ................................. U StetAon, J ohn T. . ···--·········--·························-·-at F oster, Solon R. ................................................ 9 Fruehan. Edward c ......................................... 11 Bonhe1n, Edna F . NWl1 41' ········-··········-2t SECTION II. BALBOA 18lA!fD McAlli.st c>r , Ray E ....................................... lt Pitman. Augusta T ...................................... _. 2t Cartner. Flournoy P ..................................... lS Stanford, Glady1 A. ···--·······-··-·--·······-··-·····1... I Thompson, , ~ald G ....................................... 18 .I u 1t 1 1 ' - 131 131 133 lM 243 384 au "' 834 337 430 430 432 433 433 435 435 435 439 639 640 IH2 1143 630 734 TIG 181 T41 TU '43 L l L u u A 2 • 4 8 • 1 ii 11 12 " \ \ 3 ' 9 1a , -Ct rl •*CJ 4 MT 'II.Bf. !.fl< 3~ 29.40 1.u 1.14 M1 29.89 II.ta TS.GI 1Ut 11.M U.le ~.57 ft.It 11.14 5.h 2f!.1T 5.110 18.20 6.!50 8.TO 7.fO 8.24 20.43 3.81 8.45 1.113 2'1.83 13.40 H .08 11.!WI 3%.31 13.28 11.88 1f.a1 s.1• 3.1• 3.\. &.II H'.31 10.37 6.M 28.81 45.M 10.42 '!4.1 .. 3.79 22.64 25.47 18.40 38.28 33.20 27.i• ~2.9( 119.01 64.98 39.lld 73.811 ll0.69 4t.IS "·'° H .OCI Rooa. Bo Chd•tl~ •ll al All tqn<il><dira"!)!ioii U J,:l H I ; I • • I< bl"1 lld\dilne) r4/ '1 ' . I t ""'-·· Bo Ch•lstlan ell II AO "f"-* Elt 1•f .. ' l •. P~~ ;gi'i,' ' ~land .................................... 1• ~er.~~ \q ci li· ..... ... .. . ....... .... ... ... .... J. ~'}'.~~ -~):'E. ··········-······ . ..... . ..... 1\1 76.02 1t • ·~·f ~11~~ • • ICMti11.-tion o/ a1911Wd "'"''"'Hf Ml frf• llolfrahd It d•JN''"""1 Oft ..,.;,..Nif1 ., _,.,,., • • • to do· more work for your money! CHEVROLET ,.· --. ~. '·"'···&,.._.,..,~:;,;... -~· . . . . It Is nil wonder Chtvreltf Is Alllttlte I 111ost p41p•• lor trvclt. 'or no other trvck fN tit. ...,.. lllOlltJ can equal CheVTol1t'1 1ower, Chrnolet'1 908*' rt1pen1e ond ..,,, he"411ftt tr..t .,., up le htt ,trlerlflonce wlllt ..,,.i1t11dl1tt ttolltllty. S.. ltle )951 Cbtvrel•t Ad,,,.nce-Dultn lrvdi -· --.... -· .. - ill -;~A Rtr'.~;,,,1 ... °"""" ,._ ....... -Mr°""'- I I.Re bet. Mmf' It h igh tide lln<' I .. 4 R008, Bo Chrl..,tinn f"t al All (Inc bf'l 8ame &: high tldcUnel 8 RooR, Bo Cht'latlan *t al ....... . ............... ., 1 BALBO.-'l TR.4.CT Thon1pson. A I be rt R . ct o.1 . . 7 3 3 a EAST SIDE Anornos TO BALBoA 'f'llACT Neeland&. Anna L. ... ......... ......................... 6 18 Sc&nton, Blanche ... ......... . ... 17 24: TRACT 5 18 Sprague, lA Vergnt> ··-······~·--·· 28 F !prfll.le, La Vergne . . ···-········-. _ 27 F Elliott, Eugene R. -.... . ......... ··--··-············ l.t G Walb:e) l!lm<.'at R . . ............ -............. 8 t Bird, kule W . . . . ... -······-····-· 1 K TRACT 948 Rl<e, Atartah P. H. ······························ 42 TRACT 'i':! 4 , flt'"'Y, \\'illt&m H . ···················--··-·· ···-····-······ 14 11 SEASHORE COLONY TRACT Pargmann, J . RJehard NEly !~ ·-········ 8 11 Pargrnann, J. Richard .................... "······••"···· 4 11 OCl':A.'1 FRONT TRAcr Mitchell, James H. ···········---·--····-·-··-··········· I Ill RIYER SECTIOS llqUlft, 11oyd s . NEly 30' of SWly eo· line por 8"' 29-e-1 0 tdj) ................................ 10 •• Holland. L. a,. rt ti All t 1n<> bot pm• A lllall tide line) 10 61 nMt ADomoN TO Mll:lliPOll'f JllllOMIJ kllPllllS1 ~ J . ·--··--·----.. ·---7 Wea\'tt, Ru.by ---~·--· .... ·.-· .. ···-··-·····•-······· 7 ,_....,. Jol>n R. ···-··-··-··--·-···-~········· 12 A_.,, ltennelll N, -~-.:..-~ .... ?; ,..,lU K. -·--·-·· .. --' 10' ~ lhbert E. 8lllT 414' '---··-·· 2J Mf -... ,rt... .., if• ---·-·--·-iii ~ ••h•t ic. sia~ 414' -~-·-·-· H !!-~l~•i· 0 •1• N. ···------~--II Olllertne s. ·--··----13 c..a.rtne 8 .. -------·--1, "'" *· C*lkrlile s. -----· • · 111 bACr4" , ' ..,, , 4 -r. ----'c.:..-.->1o.;·;..:.i."~.. •• .,.._, -r. lT 3 Si .. kt'% ,_ " 13 S1 28 29 .. 80 IO) ~ :f ! • ... Ill • - 38.12 43.86 39.02 63.73 24 .10 19.61 11.23 24.10 67.49 64.07 f>0.48 26.89 3.60 5.74 5.74 1.93 SECTION DJ, BALBOA l!!l-'L'ID Wolf<>, :LeRoy ·················-········-··············--... , ... 11 Marplcl', P erce ············--·-······~···--··········--···-·· 18 Marple&, Perce ·················-·················-············· 19 Moorman, r&orence W. ···-··-···-····················... 1 Berl.I!, Wilfred ··········•··········-·········-······--············ h Brewster, Htfrry C ....................................... -.. --34 Ma.rllhall, Ray v. ····-··-· ---···-....................... te Robln&on, Lorenc. et al ·-····--···· ·-····-······-···· 2't Naylor. Ida P. ··•""····-···-·-·····--············ .. ·······-aftl B~rlng, Lawre>Mle ii .. ··--·····························-20 llllC'l'ION IV, BALtlOA ISLAND l>oehring, Cart 1'. ··-·· .. ···•···········-············-········ 8 Naylor, lda P. .................................................. 3 McCoJloch, Porter , .. _. ....................................... 1.f. Phelp11. Anna A . ·············--······························· 28 Mick. Margaret D. W)f T,. ··················-h . SECTION nvw:-a.u.llOA lsl.UI> D'Agostino, Amerlcu. M.. ··-··---··-··········-·····-18 SuUlva.n, Cha.rle1 F. ·····-·-······--··-······-····-·•··· 28 Hartman, ·-i.ow.e s. ························-············· n Hartman, Loulae s . .Nly 6' ···-········--··-12 Hollingshead, Cordon ......................... _ ......... Jft ' 'l'kACT 1•11-BALBOA COVEii La.,.s;nlno, Lani A. ···········--····-······-··········· 81 LavosnJi>o, Un A. NWly =' and • Wly lr,reg oor •••.•..• II TRACI' UU Pall", Leo A. --·····································--·-· l1 Martin, Elwood C. ·······-······························ 40 M ......... Irwin r . ·······-··········--'·············•····.101 12·0a Robin.on, L. Cnnt ·-··-········-········-·-·-····..132 2.'IT Roblna<>n, L. O~t -·-··~····-··-'··~ .. ~ . .Jas T1lACI' nit Alinllam. l.elihd I . __ _r ______ ..._... 414 4.48 Abraham Lelabd J . : .... ! ••••••.••• _ ................ II II Ill 11 18 18 11 18 JI 18 10 \ n ll 1% u 1 1 2 2 4 -l I -> _, 38.17 i2.9Z tT.73 IS.AS M.23 37.38 82.93 31.78 2'.07 21.H 41.99 11.70 1111.82 sS.99 19.93 24 .98 38.M '98.84 4.8' IOOMI 8.08 M.M lLU IL48 11.22 Hbf ..... .... GIA ' J. . 11.90 T'llACT Ul'I I 11.a1 Jennie Br Cnltclm' ....,. · 11ic. .,._.~ ll8 ~ ,._,, T.11 1_.. a. ~J'aPM'!:"'i~ Int.· jU ~ i • .lennJe 8. Cnatdaer J'u n ;frucm, !De. --111 J.N ·u.oe . .J ... ,_.. 11a11:Uor ~~~~·-.. ,·.11•"'"""!..\~t ~ , il.U Aft Oi' C&t~ .. ' e.u -tlila •• uiai * o1,1-, Ult. l.f.5 Publw. .r-,, it. It ..ii .. 11111 • r ' ' R. R. llOIWCI .. ON, ~JIJ tu C'I 11Dt ...... •ii-, C&Wa I . < ' , [ ' Fine Woollllll PlUI OOOcl Tallorinir M&koa Xuftl Clolllel OutaWM!ln( • All< )'Olll" Neighbor MUFTI, LTD. CUSTOM TAILORS 118U Newport BJ,·d. , Pl'tone K.1 S-1980 S Blocks North of Santa Ana Country Club That Continuous Stock Quotations and Late News Are Avai lable at - LAGUNA BEACH OfFICI Bank of Laguna B<>aeh Bldg. Ph. 4-1156 Comp!«• Brok•rage Facilitieo Trans-lax Stock 1icku Statittical library a.ad Reoding Room Your ord<r to buy or ~I! listed srocla, bonds or-rom- mod ities will be ex<cuted with tp«d and accuracy over tht nation-w ide leased private wire sysmn CUI-• ntcting our 16 California offices and our N"" Yock office with principal Eastern reading center>. Statis- tical facil ities are maint:Uned for your convenieocit. DEAN WITTER. It C:o. ille•hr• N•w YatJr StocJr I-UM• .. cw-,. herlf ti frade I•• ,,......_. ,...,. I••••• Loa Antel.t Steck •• ,._ .. ,. LOI AHi" • SAN PIANCflCO N1W T .. Whytaaless than 27. bantt interest -for your savings? • ' Yes, Boni< ol Amer;ca pays 2~ bank interest •.. and there'1 no maximum limit on passbook 1aving1 earning this 2~ rote 1 ··---------------------- • • At Bink of America. in addition to all orher proteetions, your savings deposits arc secured by capiral funds and.reserves of about $450,000,000. --;------------------.. ---· For St(Urity. '011vt11itnct 1111J tip bank i11ttrtst1 dtposil yo11r sa1•i,1gr 11ow in &nle of An1trira. ~}w\ ""'fhv. • ·18,!!T~~l g{,~!!!!}Hcu On tl•posi/1 mat/••• or b•for< ]*ly 10 i•lff<Jl "1 2% will bt romp11lttl"' •/ jiJy l % .• Continuing an unbroken record of dividend payments ro our depositors, it is gmifying. on rhe parr of rhe Directors ro announce th~ 29th consecutive dividend at the rate of 3% per annum for the semi·annual period ending June 30rh, 195 1. T his.dividend 'll'ill be paid June 30th, 1951. ' NIWPORT aALaOA •IDIRAL 5awlawc ••• L••• Aa1eclatl•• 3333 Vlo Lido. Newporl lleoch, Collfornio Phone: Harbor l.500 Dl~CTO~·j· A. Bnol, "'1Ji P. Mui.,., !. A:M.,..., . A.P.i..., Y..bw s.51..,,C. r. Tif';•u, * Opm "" 11tro11T1/ and share in tlJ1se Jitrt e4r11i11r.s This Association "With rcsourcts in n:cns ol S,,,00.000 ~,.iMs safctJ (or fOUr Mds. Your accounr up ro $10,000 u insu.ttd. by an instrw:nentaliry of the U. S. CI01'Cl1UDC'at. CITRUS JUICE INDUSTRY i\a imporunt faetor in 1ht fldJ of Ca.lifuru8. cicrus juiu industry iJ DOW rxpinding anJ 1nvirn Cahforoia rcUckm:s ro ,oi n in its o-nrnhip. Thi.11 inJuury iJ ra.pidly 1rowin,1 in P•&/1~ 6ff#/ll•"''• httausr procruinB is Jo rffi<im1 way lO bi.in& ci1rus producu ro rhr consumer. SfJIJ b) Pro1ptt·1u1 Only WINCKLER & SMITH CITRUS PRODUCTS COMPANY f.nahcim •• Califor11ia ComulatiYC & Conftftible 7~ Prdttml Par V~lue: $5 0() per sha.rt O«tria; Pt'ice : $5.00 pc1' ihare For 1 f0/'1o/11M /WOIP,ct•.1. t.U. ttrtlt, t~k/JloH or rtJ• rolf110a Hier. -------------------? .... INCKUR a SM.ITH OTRUS P•oouc:rs CO. P. o. e-e1. '°' s.. ,., • ...._ Sc.. TtL ~-2111. its e • o.w. :t=. ~ t: ;:.:..: ~ ":"' :! .. :: :J '&.ii•;;: --. ..._ Td._..;.'---- -°" -,,.._ ....... ., ............. ,......,~ ... .,r .. , I ... • • • , .. • .. •MAL NOTICI '· ,lm~J ....... LY 1-------...... ---Kr· and Mn. J. A.~ OCE ... wqll -. --tlolO --.,..,. ll(t la AH Olllllll.&!fG ·-no. ~ an4 wrii --~ ftOJl9 .._. , ..... Jtfl&. pt'W"•entt· 1-He:~ at .t.Mlr ' • I ' 'irsi ,., IN.. >Iii-. JtN'I, Jtl ... beadl "'l'M-SJ.ii -IOt1<JtSe &ft- 1'1• AJf1I Hl'lt 'IO YD nue, Oriaa del Mar. l---'---:----,,.---"--,--"-----f--------, ll17l!OOIP4L <lODE oooun ~ aoM:E I ' . ,. UGtTL.4.'l'ING UVE BAIT RrJCEJVEll8 A.ND THE Kr.""' Kn. c. c. ro-·and BAN'DUl'IG A.ND MLE -dallllltu· !lave """"'tll' .moved ,•:t-".'°;' ~· ' UVll MIT. "-&a apartmon~ bl ~ dtl The City Ootlllcll Of the City Of Kar to llletr DOW """"" m llve- Newport Beach ~. orda~n U ning C&nyon Road. Shore Clltfa. . .. ' . . •• ~ • / , / , , , , ' Accent on Youth at 0. C. Fair foUOWll : • -•lo l• Beetlona 10182.10183, IOllM, 10111.· 101 .. 10187, 10.188. 101st and 10110 a.re llenby a4d, ed to the Municipal Code Of Ille Clt,y Of Newport Buch to r.ad .. rono..a. to-wtt : · 1M.U.. 1011!. Liv~ Belt R,.._ ~ DeftM'd. A live ba*t n:- oelver 11 a.n object, the pu.1'J)OIJlr of which is to confine Jtft bait to be uMd for fi.shfhg, fiAd anoat In the waters oC Newport HarbQr or U.e Pacific Ocean. either rnoot"ed to a pier, wh&.rf. l&iidlar bulkhead or sea wall. or moored by mean. of a.n anchor or 'other wei«f\t to the bottom of the Pacilk ~an ; provided, ho'v•v•r, that a live be.It receiver 0ahall oot be deemed to be a ··8lrtlc- ture" wltbln the meaning· Of Bee· lion 10165 of lh i~ a~cle: 8fr.Nlo• tOllS. U\'e Ball Re- M\'tt""' ltof"qulttmMts. AU '1,ve b&Jl t'f"Celnrs, while bfolng operat- ed Within the waten or N*Wp)rt Ha.-bor ahall be provided will> 1crwn trays In the bottom lhcrt"- or 80 u to l'('taln aJI dead ball \\'ILhln lht" receiver, which NJd tray can be ra.bed to u to dt1- po8e or said dead bait. All llvt" ball recetv('rM wtthin thr City of Ntowport Beach 1half a.l'MJ have a screen or 8011d cover or IMS which ahaJJ flt C'losely to the Nld b&Jt l"tt#"'tv<'r, unless and except salJ Youth Rnrl ft,, farm, homt> and 3Chool acllv1tlrs will take th .. N'('elvl'r shall bl> complett-ly cov- epotltght et lh<' 19!)1 Oranwe county ralr' St>t for August lr>-19. inclu-ered by a roof. . slvr>. a t the falr ground"' locatC'd on former Santa Ana Army Air b&M. ~118'1. 101'4. Pf'Tn\Jt for Bait La ... t M"eJllOll.M reoord of nearly 500 junior e.xhihltors lA expected RHf.l\"f'PL No Pf'r800 lhaU iruitall to bt> PXC€'t'dNI for thf' coming el'rnc a.! m Pmb<>n ot rN"ogntzt'd junklr and \he rt!aftt"r opci-ate wllhl~ tbr LEGAL NOncE Ucenafng Uve' bl.it receivers and the ).tndltnc and l&le ot lln bait Wit.bin tbrt ~ llmlll of the City of Newport Beach. To pre- serve the public peace, bealUt and aafety ot the clttaerM Of Newport Beach, and In Ytew of Ute ap- proach ot the taiblng ICMOn. With lt. subl!ltanUatty l»cteUl!d use or Un bait, It· I• required tllat Ullo ordlnaace ~ and take effect Im· medtateJr. Srctlea I : Thia ordinance s.hall a.hall be publiahed at teNt.. once ln the Newpon.iialboa . p._ a Mwapaper at gerierat Circulation, printed, publlJ\hed and circulated Ill. the ,City or N'Mvport Beach and aball be Jn force and effect lm· medlatt-ly upon the final puaage ~·""'· . . The above· and .-foreir(>lng ~ nance ,wae Introduced at a regu- lar ~Ung of the City Council of Ult Cit7 ar Newport 8f'&('_h held on tht' 11th day of June, 1951, and· wu finally paued and adopt· ed on. the 2:5UI Uy of Junt-, 19~1. by the followtng vote, ~wtt: AYES, COUNCILMEN' F~cb, RamlWy. GreC'ley, Bl.ue, Z.bell' NOES, COUNCILMEN' Non@ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None ATTF.sT: C. K. PRIEST Clly Cll'rk ' . !.. I,, ISBEL!. ra rnl or~ani:tatlon8 rompet l' ro1·• watr r11 of l'le"·port Harbor or tN> blue rlbbon.s In a widt' varlc-ty of • P acific Oct'an any ball receiver No. 726-Preas claulllcatloM. 11 Rise to Remark or rccelv.ro without ""'' obtain-Published 6/28/51 1ift1yor The board or dlrectONJ or the lng a )>f'rmlt therefor rrom "the Thirty-second Dl.!!trlcl Agricultur-. City Planning CommlMla,.. which RI as.'ll)Clatlon, h('ad('<f by Prc>slden t by R r pn>¥ntatlvn J'olta l'1illllpa shall be a pproved ht' the City Roy E<Jward.!I or Oran~r>. spoll80l'A I Wh<'n the adn1iniAtration·s new Coun<"IL Any application for t:Ueh of thr> annual Orange county ta.Ir. 1'111. 1nC'rt'aslng ta.xrf!, was before a p<>r mlt shall bi(> accompanlrd by ~a v.-rontlnua lly rni:ouragf'd jun-1 th1• Hou!«' Ja8t \VN'k. I mad~ the an approval by the City Engtn~r I 1or exh ibit c-ompcUtion at the an-following 8taten\ent j with 11AJmr a.s to d('11l gn or any such receiver. nuel e vt•nt. Thr junior live&lock t additional (il{Url"s to Illustrate mv I H n\vrvf'r, a p<>rmlt l'fhall be ap- <h·partn1ent ha.o1 !!!ready drvelopr<1 1argun1t•nt1, '"'·hich appears In the provNI and lssue1i by the City into """ of tht' larj:"rf!t junlor ani-Cnngres.'llnnal Rf'cotCI or June 21 , Coun{\I to rvet)' p<'raon operating C"EATIFICAT& OF BUSINE88 FlCrtTEOlltil FDIM ltAllE -1 ' DOZENS OF .THEM-:- AS MUCH. AS 50°/o OFF OF REGULAR :PRICES! •ttfll t~x hibit:;i io lhf' l"nlirr> atatt•. at pag'" 7082. ~d maintaining a receivC'r or n:>· M1•mb<-rs of lhr F'uture . Farm-1 At r. Chairman, I said, my oppc; CC'IVf'MI at the t ime of tht" pa&88ge i'r.'J o( Amrrlca and the 4·H clubs !'lltion to addit ional ta.xu: at thla nf thllf ordlnan~. provid(>(f such of Orange, R !vf'rsiih• anll Lorfi An· . and my declaion to vote \o f"("('()lll· JW>ne>n ..-·lthln t hlrty days aner 2'f'les counties "·ill bi' vyin g for I mlt lhe bill before u11, 1. .. based on lhf" puu.ge of this ordinance prrn1ium Jl\\'8rd honor~ ln !'IUCh thl' coc.victJon that othrr thing!'! ~hall makr application thercfot" lo <'Xh1h lt!'I al'I bf'e( C'atllr>, dairy cal-should come r1nt . the City Council, and provided tlf'. k\Vln<'. ~hePp. goa~ and in 1 1r n,.,.., and hPavif'r ff"de ra.l tax· furthl'r that such appllcallon ~ other dlvi!'lioni. in clur11ng hn ni•y, "" ftr<' to be part of tht> pay-u-aceompe.niC'd '-'·i~h approval aa t o h o m £' <'<'onomics, agricultnra! yoll·l"O moblllutlon; if they arp t o del'Jign of recelvf'r or re<:f'lvcr111 mcchan\C'f!, r .. ature exhibit booth hetp the fight a~ainat inflation, by the City Engtn<•f'r . All applica- and livefttock NhO\vmanahip. by aip.honlng off consumer buyln« tJOlll foe perm its provided tor THE UNDERSIGN"ED do here- by c~rtlty that they are conduct~ lng a gent'ral bldldlq con~racttng· busint>as at 277 -23rd Street. Colla Meu. Orange County. Call- fomJa, under the ctctltktWI firm name o( HERSH A JOHNSON and that said firm IB composed of I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:~;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;;:;;;; the rollo\ving persons. \\'hose names and addreMe.s are L'I fol - lows, to-wit: Boy Scouts and oth~r group11 power , then the govC'rnmf'nl mu.t herein ahall be acrompanled by a \vlll alsn ha\'e their diMplays a nd lloe£' to lt thnt government waste· f~ of SJ0.00. lhi> hls:h school t>Xhl bit, plannl"d rulnt'ss dof'a not d('feat theS(> pUr· Sf'C'l lon 19184. Ba1t Rttftvrn. through the C'ooperatton. or a.II poSE>&. \\'{' have 1"1"9ched a satllra-~·on~onronnJnr. R@o mo,.• I el. Orangt• county schools tn eoordl· lion point. Additional tax IPviea Storagf' or bait and rtteivcrs noc nation \\'l_.h thr county suPf'rin-will not nt'<'r>S.!l&rily bring larger f conforming to the recaulremente trndl'nl t>f schools office, will Ct'a· reVC!nUe~. or S<'Ctlon 10163 of this ordinance turr .«-ort>s nr interesting exhibit.. The adn1ln ist.ration appears to at all tlmr f! acter 30 days from th<' C~nt•ral ~u~rviM>r of the junior aMU m<' that governn1ent spending date of pa.asage tblorcor Is prohlbl· f': .. hiblt t!Pparlment \\·Ill be IN iJl not inflationary, while that of led and, after notice to the OWTI · Witt V. Smith, dJ re('tor o r voca-ln dividual clttu:n. la Inflationary. f'rs thereof, .111 ch rttf'iV<'r or re-f tionnl a,£Tic-utturc at Orange high Covt'rnment ~p<'ndlrlg b directly celwn may be removed. by the sc:·hool. H,• "·1 11 be as.Misterl dur-mflat1onary. Govcmmf'nt dO('s Harbor D<>partment and etored at in~ thr fair by David TowM and nofh in({ tn create \vealth. Govern-{he <'X~nse of lb~ owner thereof. Andy Thomson, both of Orange, ment s pr n d 111. :O:on-governmf'nt SM'tloo 1018'. C~rclal Bait 1.flf!l'I Lora \Vard, hon1C' advi.or ln apc-nding, on thr other hand, ia Roatfl. All boats whose businemi It -4 -H club "·ork Wit h lht! agrlcul-channel('(! back into the produc-1 Ls to ralch and tumi&h live bait. lutat e11:.trnsin n df'partment, 9.'lll l ion or goods and st>rvlcet1 which .shall, at all t hnes, have aboard a be-eupervi!or of the girl.a' exhibit ar,. e~ntlal to ('("o nomtc and to rovrrect can. box or othe r rt'Cf'pla.· departm<'nt. Hen ry W. LonCfe lJow. milltsry .!ltrt'n~th. It follows that Cit> In "'hlch 111hall bf-pieced all th<' agricultural f'xtenalon .e.r-a slncerf' effort on the part of the dead bait 81' often u la pra('lica- vlcc'.'I farn1 advisor for .i&,·H work a.dm ini.stratlon to brine about bll'. for ultimate dlspoeal. Bait ln Orangr> ("0Unty, 'Wl.'Ul have charge Konomy in IU own operatk>na. and tank.a on .auch commercial baJt Of lht> ~·H exhibit& Many of the to enforce orthodox c~lt curbl. boats wben containing b&il a.ball volunt111 y "-H club leadera and must pl"t'OIPde-th£' Imposition or bf> coveftrd at all tUne• when .-Jd agru.·ultural l<'achers th~ut additional la.x.efl. I ( boetJ11. ~" iJl i~f' \fa&e.l'a q! Ne-w- the icoUoty arc> U!iistlng with. the I theq gave flturH. taken from ,poet H&tbor, bt J l~ ~,~ig. \\·ork. ApproprtatiOlU!! Committee rerord!I other cowr wh.lcb lhaU nt Cloet"· ·Th<' junior livC'stock Sho"• wtll Ah(fW\rij"'1_'ha1. 'tln! Frdf'Nll s.f.urity ly ovt'.r th~ top o r all ot aa~ bait b<' hl~hllght('d hy a Jlveatock auc-Agency, a• an rxampl<', 8pent tanka, excl'pt at such times as bll..lt tlon with prize animals going-to $75&.Me.06L In 1939 and jumped lll bclnr a <'tually tr3.Mferred fr·om the highest bidder on Saturday, to S828,077,000 In. Jt-47, Mr. Tnl-the said tank to othf'r tanks or August 18, Rtarting at JO a .m. man'• flnt budget, and to $2.164,-r <-'C:elven . DIVIDEND REFLECTS COUNTY EXPANSION The growth and atablllty of Orange county la renttU<t in Ute announc('menl by t~~ N~wport Balboa F't'deraJ Savtnp and Loan A980Clatkln of Newport Beach, of the payn1rnt. J u.ne 30. of a teml· annual d1vtdend at the rate of 3 pt>r cent pt'r annum, to depoailora In that orsuLutlon. "Since the 5tart of tbia uaocla· lion !lame ltf years ago." •)'9 P. A. Paln1er, pN'Ndent, ··wf' havie paid nevrr ll"U lhan 3 per cent per annum. ThE' dlAbunement on Jtlne 30 "•ill bt> Ut.-twenty-ninth con~utlVt' d!vidl"nd at lhia ratt> . .. With ulm"8t confidence tn the rutu"' or Oranr-e county we have concentrated our IMn acUviUes to thla atta. The lrtrM.ndoua (T"OWth ll'l population · with the reaulUng lncn-ue ln lb~ nffd fOT new ~· baa Cl"f'ated a demand for IO&N fO'f' rnldentlal owa1t.ruct.lon. 483.011 in the requCllt for ne.xt $f'.(otloa \1161, Bait, Olf1po.I of. year. \vhi('h "·ill be Mr. Truman'• No prnon shall put, place or aJ. Cltth pcacC'-tlmc budgl"t. The la11 low to be put or placed ln lhe un- f.8 an increue of 132.I }>E'r cent conrLned waters or Nf'wport Har- and the lncre~ for all agenrle111 , bor live bait, except ~·bf'n the including bolh dom£'stlc and \\'Br \ sa\ne la being actuaUy u.se<t for the needs, ls over 80 l)('r CC'nt In the purpoee of fiahln1: and at no time. five years. I havf' a numtwr or In-for any purpoae. 11halJ any per10n di1rldual pc-rce.n taKeS. put dead bait or any portion I called attenllon to lhe fact lherrof in lbe waters of Newport rhat all t.beu aro post-war ln· ffMbor, unless t.be aame be attach· creues, and th& t \he rate le ae-ed. lo & book or hook.a In lhr ac• celerating, lnatrad of dropping. Bo of ftNlhf . great hu bC'en the Lnereue that S.CUna tett& Ball. Tratt9ftt the civilian payroll a.ione ts todaJ No penon lball tn.nafe:r llvr bail over $8. bWion. Thill la f"Qual to from one •eMel to another ..._., t.be f\sUre at lbr Jlta.k of Wo rill wllhlD the llmita of Newport Hu- War n , wbf'ft aovernment .rpend-bor, exttpt wlwn all ..-ell lnYOl""' Ing reached an ail-time blab. eel are moored to a wharf, pier or I took a certatn amount of p~ lalldln.-and are Within the pier· ln the fact that the •ul>-commltlff bead line u atabllahed by the 'U.S. of which I a.m a member, ln spik War Department: &ad_ except dur- of having aevt>ral war agcnclf'A Ing a period of adw:rse weau.,.r Uke the Atomic Energy Commi• condltlOM c ausing auch t:ran.rer Mon. the Marttlme CommlNlon. from oft..ahore receivers to be haz:- the NACA and lhe Vetera113 Ad· ardou.I, but then only wtth tbe ap- mlnbtratlOn lw<I, In ,_ ...,,., proval of Ille ~ DeparlmmL rive ye&r'9ri encourapd an o..-er-alt ~ 1.e1a 8ahi .i Lh'fl ll&lt. decJ"f'Ue o~ 20.3 per cent. No pt-t9on.. lbaU 9elJ: at retail 1 concluded: Becau.e ot UM ap. Uve Nit from a "ft:Mtl wt thin the pattnt uJtWtWnpna of the &cf. limit.a of Newport Harbor. mlnlatntlo~ to -~. -ltUa. ~to. S.p .. ewn In peacdbo Md lu .....,_ .._ or Ille<-AD pem\lu Arthur H rnry H r>rsh, 2375 Elden Avenue, Costa Mess, Callfot'Tlla Thomas C. J ohnson. 277 · 23rd Street, Co11ta ~f f'!'la, Cali- fornia WITNESS our hands this 13th day of .June. 1951. · ARTHUR HENRY HBRllR THOMAS C. JOHNSON STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) 00\Th'TY OF OR.ANGE ) M On tbis lStll day Of June, A.O., 19:>1, before the undersigned, a Notary Public In and (or 11aid County and Stau-, personally ap- peared Arthur H enry Hersh and Thomas C . John.Bon. known to me, the-underslgnl'CI to be the persons whOSe names are subscribed to lbe within Instrument. and ac- know~e to m e that thf'y ex- ecuted lhe aame. IN WITNICSS Vl'HEREOF, I have hereunto aet. my hand and a.ttixed my ornclaJ lle&I th" da)· and yur In this certlflcate first above written . MAD MOORE'S CASH & CARRY RALROA BOl'LE\'ARD AT NURSERY· 218t STREET, Nf:"TORT TWINK DWARF PETUNIAS rr~~n ~i:!o~ ~'~cf~.s!.'!~ .. ~.~.~:..~.~~ ··-·················-··10f Verbenios-in bloom, banded, ea ........... lO r Toreni-Summer Pansy, shiide, ea .... -101' tn bloom Red Salvi-in bloom , ea. . ........... 25¢ Giant Marconi Daisies',' in bloom , ea ...... 35 ¢ Fuchsias -Tuberous Begonias OPEN SUNDAYS ----- BIG THREE - MAX HURWITZ Notary Public In and N•ws -Times, Post Shopping News and the Press tor said County and OVER 21,500 CIRCULATION IS THE ANSWER ~°i,~~;:~::~~Jlfy~,lil-'51 J. Phone Harbor 1616 today and ask for the ad-taker. " . ' ... I/-• I •t , I ·w 1 ' . " TOP IAS.,SlVER OF THE TOP 4 · IN ITS LOW PRICE FlrLD ! I ' 'D '> ....... _..,. __ : S.it1T,,it1_8f)/1t} • • "We have made every effort.,to app-.,h the plctuni with til<I do- .are to ~ liberal. but at the aame lJJn4 acrulintae eftf)' -.0 applica· Uon to Af~ tbe money of ,_ who """" -with .... Tllla polky bu -on!)' -It poalble for u. to lie belpM Ud cona~ve l.n the deft)Opment Of the community but li&a - eel ua to ..,,, -• ..,_.. wUb wlllcll to -~ ~ who haWW .-i. wttll CM l ca.Mot Pod eow&e~ eup-Uaa 101M ....U be • u ....... ' .... for w~ ..,_ ,,.,,ted -authortl;r 'o( -~11 ·STUDEBAKER CHAMP ON J . -0u ti(*·' ~pr;Ce ~ #J!ingt:ars1 · · Newport.~ -Ila._ and Loan A-lion." CSMr-i.lla. LUit c: a Q". 19 ... pcw\ed ..,. ta.. HeHsrsl •••• -Clllb ... lie ... lorswt ~ "' - -rt 'IJ .?? .. e... pcrl t.be blll to lmpoee 111t·tr .-W. A ..,.olltk191 flt Uw additional tax-. oa u.. ...,._ ,.-"' -1.0ltl ct oa:r -111o United I'--~ -b7 If -tlMt --In-&Ill' permltlet -lie p *for tJaa w:IU te to rea.o.'spmdhr&". Use sap rm1rn '11 re1'1e1tson el tben will U.e UIM to tY Sder meta ,...... _. pinns'8." ~ · ... •• to OnJn oa w ., Tbla • •·-1o Ille -......... _..,, b_7_to __ ....,.._ IDrr..s It •' a,,.. • q mic· u• ••1t11117 tor ti.a 1111· pl1'DI' nnr •..-. to t11e wsrtk•• ~ ot -.,.... II sr1'9te: II 1711., wv. ~ ~ ........ ... ftllT -te .,_,-........... trr1ls._.ftt •'ale Mt. ff• llC .... n•sa1rt ot o. A .... ~ ... JMI"• ....... _ ••• J.y ........ '1l 11 ~ _... • / Ol•m,-ra ....-... lllliilf ~ ~ a· IQI el ... eAS MILIAGI •"31 ••••••••'in" :,;;.: pl a •••~ 1 • -·--..... -...-. ·-..... 1 CKAMPIONI ---·SI· ...... riot _ .... a.- . ..... ...... 2 2 j ........ ·-· ........ .... • _, -;-+" -~4l!IDsmm•nnA11n a 111T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • lllnl!Llllo• ....... --tolOmlleo- -0,fs l ..., II Ir• '11 IF • wft-:Z, 1 4 \~ ... . ~· 19CMiiiZI ~.... I '3411 w. Newpotf /& ly Udo Theatre .... ,. no ~ ..... ~di ' • • All& -or ala. -l"I • ._ • • • . ' ~ • • • -. ,· • . . • • • ) ' · • 1 :•··I . ,. . . ,.., ' Th~se Prices A~ Elle .t~ve Fn.m Ju~e ·a~th to ~·~ · 31rd · At BOTH ALPHA ._ ETA ' STORES I": COSTA ·M SA - PACIFIC GOLD PEARS FRESH Grade 'A' EGGS 45doz. IN CARTONS No. 21-2 can-1 lb. 13 oz. BELL-Get Beany'a Picture Box ..-.Ith POTATO CHIPS 2 4-oz. bags 3tc WIENER EXTENSION FORK Extends to 32" 2tc • • JELL.() All Fl .. oro 6c DELICA EISEN .... IALS I =RAT:7.7'H'& _____ _ DIRllLLII-«MlfSR ITYLI 24-oz. ;..-. / J 29° BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 35° r l)ol\ SWIFT'& liDH BOL' 06NA l·lb, pk&• PREM 12-oz. con ~ ' 8-oz. pk'g. RlllE • • CUCUMBER CHIPS • 12-oz. jar d 29° i>iillicii.ES ITYLI ~ --• • 2: 25c IMl'l'ATION .-• FRANKFURTERS i -'~ 2~.~~;&:~· . :l:· ALPHA •ETA'I OWN POTATO SALAD -~ 1·lb. earton 9 25~ ALPHA BETA'I OWN MACARONI SALAD > lks'. carton llll>-19" • ALPHA aETA'a OWN HEALTH SALAD 1 12-oz. carton ~!!JI 19" ALPHA BETA'S OWN COLE SI.AW. ~· 12-oz. carton 2~ 19" ALPHA BETA'& 15wN-FARMEll ITYLE . con AGE CHEESE 1 Pint SALES TAX COLLECTED ON TAXABLE lTEMS NOLl9UOR . -PRICES EFFECTIVE THUil&., FRI., SAT., 11/"f.. MON~ TUES. , JUNE 21-21-30 JULY 1·2·3 • •mre• Cl- WMMIJday, July 4 ' BEST FOOD& ' MAYONNAISE Quart 79° GOLDEN STATE ICE GREAM Half Gallon 95° ARVILLA CHEESE .FOOD 2-lb. loaf 75° • WONDER FOOD . MARSHMALLOWS ..... pkg. 11° GOLD MEDAL-LARGE, ELBOW MACARONI . Hb. pkg. 21 · LADY'S CHOICE CIDER VINEGAR 'I G•I. 43° FRENCH'S MUSTARD s-··· 1" 14° LINDSAY-MEDIUM PITTED OLIVES 7Vz-O<. eon 33° FOOD CRA.FT/ DILL PICKLES · I 31 ° SUNSHINE HI-HO ~RACKERS 1-lb. box 33c TOPAZ ·• TOILET TISSUE 2 RoJla for 21 c ARMOUR . CORNED BEEF 45° TREND Giant size 58° ' l . . . I ·-.. . • ' . I I . • · ,.1819 NEWPOiT: .. · -. . I; • • ' I JJdirs IN 211~11th:~;. ~A MJP.SA