HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-05 - Newport Balboa Press• • " I it· I ' j • 1! : , • t • • • • ftlll FW '.t.m1nwot,IM-· ~ ..... ,,, -· I( ta.~ -Ill ,.,...., ....... • Olill100N • CAN Mllf IOrii WA1'8 ·~ ' • I . J!I • r ' .. .. , ' > . 'Nmma 111 ' " . ~ • ' -·l • • • • • • PACi;E 2 - Pllbllabed ewry Thlll'lldl\Y at Newport'lilffCb, <:illt-IL , . ottte.-d-Prtnttnc Plant at HU Boll>oa'l!Ml---Rartror llll Entered u eetnd-c!Us mat;er Juae 18. tHO. al .the poet office at Nell'JiOlt Beacb, Callfo.mla. ullder~. of ~· 1879., ' REI.JEF FOR HO~ BtJY'EBS Section 303 of the H~ tu bill provldee that "II property . . . used by the tuJiayer u hla principal reil· denCe is sold by bim and, within a period bec!Mlnl one ~r prior to the date of· su'\h -.le and endlnr one year after sucb date, property .•• ~ purellued and ueed. by the taxpayer as his principal r~. pin (If any) fl'Olll lllch si.le shall be recognized only to the o1iat that tM WJIA1• ~ eelling price of the old. resii$elloe -n ill the tupafwa' cost of pilrcbasing tho new ,.......419." Thia Involved lanr· oage 111eaiis thnt :i mllll ,..bo 81111 l'tlllldelltial property co.l· lnfl' him $5000 for $10,000 will not have to pay taxea on the profits from the sale if be bu,. another Sl0,000 real· 4en'ce 'wlUtin the set time .lintita. a-ever, It the new hou• aboUid cost only $8000, he wouicr pay taxee on the S2000 eXCU8 gain. ' . Thia Is a form of tal< relief that we heartily endol'lle. For it would . remove impedimenta tb ulM by ownen who for reasons of convenience or nec• .. 'ty would like to 1ell their homes and buy new OllM. ·M prMent tiley .... ,.,,_ ~tA!Jled by the !act that part of tbe P,roceeds from tbe sale ot ·old residences ia tasod a-y aud -not enoui:b ia left to P\ll'.Clllle new h<iuiJes of .eomparable value. Cqmaqu,ntly, fewer bousea are off8red !cir aale ·and more people are llvinf in quarter.-that do not meet tbell' special require.. m9n!I. • Exemption from taxation of the profits from the aale of ?eeidencea would be in the public io~re.st. For it wouid encourage. owners w!>Olle ho~. are remote from th ell' placea of buainess to .move to more aultable location• and facilitate recruitment of men fpr work oui.ide their home toWn,s. · Tbe resultant in<;l"iue in· the mobility of the work· log population would minimize the effect ol ioduatrlal dia· locatil'!IS caused by our mobilisation pmgram. We hope that the Senate. :which is expected to apply a pruning knife to the 8o11Se bill, will no~ use· it 't<i eirclse Section 303. . . . Streamlined Postal Money Order ~ystem in Effect on July 2nd . ' . • Patrons of morr than 42.000 po3l offices \vil1 flnd the new 9,JM.l ,-nore Convenient monf'y order available. Monday mornlnl'. July 2, 1Mt Poatmuli'r General JaJUlf! M. 08nald9on &J\llOUnced tod.8y. ' Principal cha.nK-C's ln the new UlOft•Y ordtt 11}'91.•m will m&kf' It J'OUlbl4" to Ji\1,vo a monE"y cr~r cashed at any ot the nation'• l)Oal ptfice.s or It may be collected through any bank In the same tnanner u \.he dcpoaiting or cash- lng ot a check. • '11\e new money ordC'rs appears tn the form of a punched card ~n· 8tead of the cu1i1tom&P"y paper •Up and pureha.seM!I will flll out tbe aame form and pay the aame fe&s ~ h&a been required In tbo put. . The refUJ&tion that money or- dera must bC' 'cal!hed at •Pffltk peat offlce9 has been eliminated. JTnder the old system, it will be reealled. a money ~'f had to be tuMd 1n the otnce to which It Wu i.&euid. lt It wa.1 cubed at a poet otnee In .another city an ad- ~tiona.l fee wu charred. , The nt'w" system makes a.vail- able to the past of!tce department J..he mmt advanced electronic bUA!- neu rna.cblnea. One machine, the IBM.Type 808 Proof •tachlne, h&a been upecla.Uy developed ror·1-e, hew money order pU}>poaea and It comblnea all the advantagee of the tnodena proof machine ln w1de· ~read U5e by banks and larl'! dep•rtm~nt stores throughout tbe country. Another of the prlclpal macb.lnea to be used wtth the new OJ'Steln la tile electi<>nte sta tlatlcal m.aelllne. workhorse ol th• 19«50 -talJulattnn. Tbe Post.muter General · de- Jll:ribad ~ lnaUl"l'Mlon ot tlle ...... .....,.,,. order •.ratem .. tllo ~ lllncle account1n1 ' cllallp r•er made In p<»1tal hialory and sakl, lha.t t.J\e dewlopm('nt comH after exhaustive 1tudy by the post ottlce department, the l"eiter&I 8<'- Gouatns of flu, tM treuury de- p&rtment and the tf'deral re~rvt" board, Tb.• d•parmtent urre• uaen to remember that the new money or· den must not be !oldf"d, •tapled, sp!ndled 1or mu1Ulat.ed I!' any way •lnec I.bey are :1c1r It< ._...l'fi,lon ~unch carda and produMd iby.~•· chlnefy. •· L..a.st year more than 300,000,- 000 money ordera, totaling upward to f:lve 'oillJon doll&.r9 were iuued and .,.id by tbe post office de- partmont. The new mo~y order ay1leru will be under the man.al'ement and tuperviaion ot .Aulatant Poat- tnaster Cenera.J Osborne A. Pea.r· eon, who dire<: .. Ut.e dE'pe.rtmf'nl'• bureau or flnN>C e. .All new money orders wlll clear federal re.erve bankJ: Jn the aame man.net' u tf'f'uury check.I or oUter ea.ah Item& The federal re- ller'W banka wtll then turn over the paid money ordera to the prop. er regional poet offices. The new money order syatem ls bl keeping Wltb tbo prognm to modernize and tmpPOYe the opera- tion of Ule -I .. rv1 ..... Well u to •tfeet ~ Ud -th• bet- tar to ~ Ille pn<nl public. • ·-. w.• "'-· • • ' . ·~·""'-- J • ' ' ' -OrmUqlor ~.--ic.. """1 -· _, -·a1 . -~ ---..s ~-~ u,.. or 1181,tl~ 1n lllolor v .. • -,.__ ~ ~ l.lttaM ,__ -Ill\ alalr .. ·~ llt'llle Wlilf>ll_•· •• ·--of 1l>o u. "ln LIN ,..., .... °""'P •!iii .. · l't ljmpalll go to U.. ~ II( U.. -.i ' ty, Of Ulla IUl!-i:°'.JleWll(Wt -•nL WllelL. I ,got llluged _.,. ol Calll--s..cb 'l\'IU ~ QHOnl.IS 1JfO other .lay I waa trylnf to lut ___ uld tlae)' Nt>......,t-Tiie •ppOrtlon':e..t'-:;;;:_~ ·'ii: X ~ten out a. mtounderatandln( eil Pt'081-period from Deoorn)>er' l, 1No, fl !!. • ··-· bot-lb• c!Wrman of the eom· He round . ...,.. 11.enu on tile throu&fi Ma,y Sl, 1961. and • • . ,_,,, -. -1 ., • milt.ff on APPJ'OPl'latlOlll,.1114 \tl>e doblt lllde u Ma' l!,a ~.r en tbe amounl:" to a loto! <!f '3J.f\O~ ~ .l!dia 111J-.--_. obalrman of my llUboommltttt. ·1 ttO{ltt aid•. ,M lie Mkl t.llat none Thia i.;;$3,818,089 ·mo,.., ~ -In, 11'.oft!aa ~tlnr IS~--~ un tblnkfnl ot u1<1n1 UU LI~ of U... new '*""'...ill M h'al:ri>flll available for '.u.ttlbuttciil lo ~e ' , ~-A~ and PMCe of con.,._ to ,....,..., tbe ortlllt-lb .u.4--la-ot .tlll ata.te: a&me period i..t yeor. · .fr>i, Ille _,. tllQlre.. lrul .al' doctllnento of ~ llffllt,.... ·-~ftl: .. -...... i..:: w ... ' Tbe f)lllde. ~~ ~ r Our.._ ..... "!*1,,..,,_ "'41 ~.-•~,.-wnr~wu -$ ~ --: ... fl :,.:,~ N per ce!>~ or .111.IDS.ttO 111 Ille t,n4 ... tdiM f!ll' ~ :;--lot "'I -· '.t-Vt • • .. lhco~ cltleo ~ ~oo-... _M --~ P--Ru11o<.I ~-"" "1!1111 • tbe ·~·~Ibo hcllla1"'9 -1119 au-... and" 11n amoiint 10 * 11 , '~,,_ Uoat t11o ~ -~ I"...._. tbar9 •UC i.a,,.-l>eon. :arm•!!:"'"''"' ~r ~ counuu. . • ' · detlnlto -"""' "-t•-l "°~q olla<4 ~ptnr 1*111 ~ • . The allocadoa 11 _..., -· woeG.r . ._ \llat win nt In with , .. ~'l!P llp,Wr\ a Wl -I ~ .. ..i.! Ille --Jl"OJa<t '-. P'or tbe flrat'tme, 'lllkiliOI ~-~ve mon. • • • could·J>e UM!~~ of a 1tate l!JlnOUJK:ed, !fl< n,,.1 ~........, -r""11'-of July .la -ua, and • ' Defense Rests In .Gibson Trial n. dool•,... ,..ted 1 .. cue TU.-y tu U.. trial of Coat& - Wllllam Jol)n Olboon, who allesed/Y took pol allot. at COll.ltable Fl'anl< Vauatin. and twa dep\Jllu lut Matti\ 13. ~ • . l)eputy Dl.ltrlct Attorney Ken WQl15a ...... U,~( r~- bUttal tutimony on the cUI". 4 Olbloa la on trtaJ for two counta Balboa aL..Li of re&ony UMUIL ' -·· Charseo aplJi.t Olboon follow- ed the t..Ctt.ae,-,. ot &hot.a at ht• C.O.t& MM&' h.om e at the time-ot ~ a.l'Tt"at, Vauahn had rone to the Gl*n1 P.lace to 'inveatle-•tf' cbarc~•. Lhft ·cibitoP wu con~rl ­ bu.tJng' to the delb\quen,cy elf Stan- lt'Y Mffk, 19, by rtvtnc: him Uquor Vattrh--ft rowtd M~h ~ytnr In ·ttl• COoatl-·~ .... 11 I otr1cla1-lnttrum~nta.t In hrtn1111g to complotlon. tha ,.,...t thorou,-b- far'1. Ttl• publk i.. eoordially in· vitt>d to attend. A ('arllY&n ol can will form &t 1 :30 lit thf" city hall. Included will bP m embfr"J and offlcerti or all tile buslncM 'a.s80t"latioru., the Parl<. yard, badly bfoaten. alle(t"Clly by ~ach and Recr"atlon Commll'I· Cl'b~n. Thf'' ebnatabte __21&.e'd Crt· •ion, Pla.nnln& Commtu.ioD., Qr. &an Wn®r &r,_t •r:W r~l~ for & anr County Boerd. of &uperviAoN. sM.rttr• Cl\' \o taP c.hµ&f' ot thf' thf' City Council Hayor I•bell. p'19DfMir. L>eputy 1 lhe"ftt't'I Oliver 1 City Qi.-fne.>r Be~t Webb, Slrt>i'l Nce.rtor &M A. L , Oliphant re-superlnlL'ndent Bill OW.rt. l're¥· spo.oded. ur('r Art Gant, Clerk C. K. Prlf'~l. Gibson ukt-d Pf'rm'-icm to 10 Altomey H•rry BJod1~tt. Juds-r lndClora •nd pt hJa aoat. and Mc· Fr&nk Unnell and City Manal(f'r Ca.rter followed bttn \nalde. Glb8on J ohn 8allor11. ,.,,e El Toro )(arlne a&Ht'ledly .-olaed a abotaun anrl Band ii expected to lead lhr nara- drov1> MCca.rt.ar ouu~. Ulen fir.a 1 van to the alte of thfl cert"monlea. thr.e ~I\ at the _otncer, t.My Back in llMt Ctly En&lnffr declared. V•u•h.n ahot once .with R ichard Patteraon. wu l.natruct~ hi• revol'Y@r, wouru:tlnc Olbaon In lo proceed wtth Ute preliminary tl\8 aide. court proceed1np for acqu.laltlon Olbaon hu pLtaded not ruUty of th• rll"bt at way and lht ..:ldfln- and not auUtr by r..:9on of In ln1r or wb.8( waa thm C.nt,,1 .... 11,r. lf \Jw -&._Jury llOclt Avenue, and Q(I Apr\I Ill>. JIM?, hlln rudtr. •I.ti lal¥JtY. ui-1 wtll qi,ooo waa Jl'lld to tb• Pactff rllllntr. • • '• Electric tor Ule t1sf\t ot way. "' Thrn came \N war yean, a1*1 not untU AprU 1941 WU an al• tempt made to lmprov• Balboa Blvd. by ....,._,,,nt ot property ownel"I In the N'iWpc>rt • BaJboa tceetl,11-'!"-· ..,... l) ..... ~ptt"mbtr ·wrl"t ·• J~h Rapier, 1 Ttlie •tn"f'l belns included In thfo vl<-"r chairman. and Ear\ Pt>tel'90f1, 11tate l!IY!'llir"m of major city JrtrttU S<"cretary and tt"e&.itl~r. I the counoU then moved to tmprovP 1nner111t a0«eedtl w . B . JohnM>n It with K&3 tax money, and &greed ln the chairman'• job. At Mon-to budget all available gas t&.x day's metUng the' retlrtng chair· funda until the boul~ard wu msn thanked ·each m.erhbcr ·tor compJetrd. the work ba Us. ~UMtl and for Out or a total or Slt.8,640 allo- tbe support 1lven him on com· cated and spent from ga2' tl.X muritty projttU during thr tlmf> laince July 19-fT : he •~rw<l ·aa chief. , 181 .280 ha• boen allocated tn "All that you have done," J ohn· 1 B&lboa Boulevard. tN>n told lbf Couftcll, "tiaa ron-$38,230 haa bfen allocated to lAbuted lo cammu11ity hnprovP-Corona del Mar. m•nL" I $13,300 hu ht-en allocatPd to Newport Helghta. ·eo~ncl~ lnl"mbus changt'd their !j $18,SMl h .. II<~ t o mee~t·HlJrht \D Ole ·nttt anrl D'l&intenaace and Imp • or -.ii1r<1 -'NW!la)t, ·•"fl>blll' In ".;h ~ ....... In the >i• esl month. Tiiey ~brio -Newport •r9&. ~ canct.a &)' okayiar memberatilp On Balboa eivd. it.elf. 1pproxJ- ot SW.n prockma.n f'mnl Precinct mattly $13,000 for drsin&&e a.nd 11 and Atthur C. Juat.k:e u alte.-. S7.000 for lighting baa ~n ex- nate ~ Precinct 2. pendf'd from the seneral f'\mda of WUll&ln lit. Clair, rcp&..nt.a-U.. clt,r. tl•t trom Ut.e Michael 1i:at Con· or ULe pa tax money approx.i-atruction Co .• detailed for mem-mately S20,560 or the money ex- ber1 problema encountered in pt!'nded on Balboa Blv.:t. came trom connectln&" hou.e1 to the new •w-fund.a tn:nate.rftd to the city by en bein&' ln.lt&Jled ln Coat& Ml"U. ~ County or Ora.n•e u lbe city'e He Wh qu.lsHd t'Xlxenalvely by proportionate 8'la.re ot gaa tax the m"mbera. 1nonJe• rec•lved by Orange County. • SHE'S TOO l'AT, Sill! ... )r ' -... J_ n -w .... •• ' ,,_ , . "'•··""" ... -. , -.... ...... -------·-·---. • • The t~nston ln the con\mttt.ee-On water~ PfVl*ilJO to In· of Censua tlgurn are ~lnc u.ed in tD adWUoa to Mil' 1Nnln&' tpUic· Appropd&Uon1 I.I rialng', betw._ ..,.... l1M. 1111,&1'e drttlopm•nt ,ot tbe County· dbtl'ltrutlon Uld ti» Jen and llptln&' up flUY' loun· lhOS<' Who want economy, , ... ~ · ft<*. tbe; Ban Joaquin preliminary ~960 lluHau 0( ~ l&lno let "4 llOt lorpl to ualpo • thooe who only want to talk abo<il Dol.J:. ~tliwal'd. , ~ plue iinnexallona and In-tile ......W of l'.lldops-~ econom.r. I wlall It were rilllllK aa project oGll!emplates a .dam .corporatlono atnce .f.prtl c1· 1960, and -le~ -uy oi Ito 11111 ~ ~l.r among U.. t>«>Ple llacll In blqer than •Mita on tbe Peatber are belnl' used In tb• d!a)rlbUUon ~ -ua. All wbo lloleud the l'r,IM roota. ' l ff:!ver near Oz.ormP•. .A llttiee of to cities. • to Drew Pea.raon . l&lt ~ .,... AL the IM>Pinlnl' of the year ~t cOndult.t, pumP!. • n d tu.nnall The ~r capita rate tor clttea hi t&tnly a.e..nl • ~-t.alll 11)11. ltad an arrummt ln tile commttt.te ~~~~ ;::-wr alllfhtly "over 12.80 and fot" Ooun-the aamt ~bject, t . ~ nv~r tht! "p&ck&«e budc"et." which >' -. · Orb tlH, $1.'Tt'i. , My,1pet peeve ta,~ I ·b•e ~ had been uuu~eutul lUt year, Incidentally, the Slate Water ' ·Durtrig the: period cov6red., "ID few of q.efll, why di> ~ c0o .. and had delayed the approprlatloa Pl'oject .A.ulborlt-y--. .whl.ah woukt Lleu Tu" coll@COon.s depO.ited Jn tmue . to ·~p at the ~C'OC'.Mr ~ot bill g•\llng to the P....,l<lent unUI ope"'!le tb" Pl'QJeot -applau<a,<1 tbe St.ate Treuury totalled ~Q.. Newpor;t Blvd. 1"'11 ~r -Bl11d.1 September. Tho commltt•e vot.ocl tbe PoUaP ol lbe lcflllaUon. But 27T.7TO. · Charg>d agalnlt tbla 'de-!"ft•n tbo Red 'lillU la ctri ._.,l U.. not to use a package blll &&•II> like "'• Le(lalalll~. made no move posit wu Sf,294.260 npi;e_,Unl U..... · anow la. Ut llP !~ ~ th.ls J11M1sion. Our cha.trman did not to tlnance tt. the' aemJ-annual interest and an-W'bo &re pl'OCffdlnr lli'a.l&ht ala.,d.l like thl1t, and Wl" were ctelaytd al-Warren al8o praiMd as • "r&l nual redemption ·charges. on three ht ~ lt ii ~ ·uw.iw Uleri mOit two montru. getting aol.ns. accontp~nit" ~ Leplature'• tuues of State Hlghwaf Bond8 M.d fookln.r Qter. fthe intafl*·; As a r~ult , no approprtaUon..s bUla. matntalnJn,r a... belqtced ,budl'f't ud ST72 T29 wbtch la OU·balfl or uta~ whUa waiUnc-; lor have gone to the White HoUM. · wt~ut new _or a_ddlt onal ~e,. t.he ali.R.u'ai approprlalknl;.ror the .the.~ llrht. but wlteQ. Ob -~ Tut8day afternoon we wen notl· "-fJ!a\ th•t he •kl WU m"'1e mott sipport of the Department ot'"Mo--wW fD!IPlorilte ~y Learn tM tit"d ot a meeun1. and when we c\iftlc\llt by lnf'!&UDn and • lO per tor Vehiclea, L!cenae i"ee DlvW!on. V&rlO!-la trafttc light.I and their arrlwd ln the committee room ~ cent ~re kte"'a.e to at.at(' work-• • mep..tnp. I .hale ·to. tary: wben r d era. : lardy ·liehlnd Um•• :·tow'llbr'· while oun mlmrogTaphf'd oopl6 ot • He NJd Uta.t the Le(Jb;lature N' port. "'t tnv t.aclWrn tern~ l>ecomM .. ••~ propol«I "contlnuln& RMOIU~" e·w s " •---• k l It lbl f ••· d -....£ made more adequate proviak>n for , . - . __ .1Jl4 "lem.poc..,-ily tepid. WbU 1 ma nc J>OU e or ....... c top~-civil defense of Cal:ltorn'8. than bu · _ ~ JJ.ke to know ii wbat do-Pec>t me~llJI ~nd agencies t-0 kttpOl&"olng any oU.er at.ate. WarTen rot $8,-pie. UUAk that Grejn.&rf'O'lll 'ta •• , , • appropriation b • ,.. 000.000 ,,,r !Jnmedlat• ... In 4~ Fi_ sh Da". ·ily ~ they 11 ... t feast u..1r -.. -lht ough. You wouldn't want the k ~, goVf'rnment to stop on July lat, aloe pUln&' m e d I c a) aupplie.. UJ)9ft,. it -JnN'be u,ey tllblk \'vould you! Don't answer that ea_,tabllshing local communications <ft la polJltlq tO u.e, Bed liabt! , , qurstlon! . and purcha.w of radiolol'\c.ai de-Deep Bea anglers avert(E!d four-. tJntU 11tiixt week. Ulie ii~ \Ve wt1rl' hardly given time to tecUon equipment. and-a-h&Jf rtsh a day whll.e flaktng friendly ,Ford Dealer, saytnJ f<'&d It whrn thr-majority movtd Another '8.000,000 we.a budpt· on 269 sportftshing bo&t.11 that. i'ood'1y for' now.~ to clo5e 1 or In this case, to pr· •· id for u.se u Q\Alcblng f'Un.da whe~l fh1hed along tht> Calirornia coa.sr ~-~~--~~~~~~~~ the i"'ederal Government l'etB . vent) debate. Then to report the a~ to dec!klina-it.9 civil de· dUrlng May, the Dlv1at°':'" of Fiah bill t-O the noor. ,,,.n to tnat.nlrt !•nae program. nnd Game f>u reported .. " . C:fvl thifeftM:Plaft: lhr-chalrmttn to uk thf' Ru:les \Varren indicatl"d a.lap that he Thett were 61 boat.I ln operation ~ com·m1tte• ror a closed, or "pg" wu ''"'"'l«l WJtb tbe help tbe trom Newport ~ach. r carrylng Jo le• Coordi11ated ruli', berrinl' all &mendment.a. Lea1alature g&Ve him in hia fl ht 7228 rcC!"eatlOM:.l f1•hermen. They '. · Each volt> wu by roll~I. atrt.cµy i t 1...... J ·.,. landnd J :),114 kl"lp or· &and baa, P1aJU of civG defen.te for -et1bt on party lfnN. 'f' ft# o.r'l'l.n _,. crime. He go~ '293.5 barracuda, 1832 Callfornia weete.ns:' 1titea. A&uka. Hawail W<'dneaday, w~ apwred befO~ 1 oo.ooo to run hla crime co~mls· hal'but '465 white see. bua and i.nd· ~a....wer-. coordlnated. at a r -a1on and IUbpena power tor It aa ; ' · meetlng tn. S&n Franctaco Ql'I June the Rul~• co1nmlttee. for and well •• lawa to taJt the profit out 2931 other kinds of fiah. 29 . . ~ . •K"alnat a clos9d rule; Tbe rul ... ot er•--. EloVPn boalJi OJN¥"8-ted .from aan. • . • · uUC" · The occaciori wu tbe sUmm.er v.•u (J'anted, •rain on at,..l•ht Alao ...... -A· tA W Ckmento and Of'eanaide, 1carrywig I --... on ~ c • .,..1t •~e. arren 3102· an~•e-. -ey I--•~-14,u• meetln1 of the Pacific Cout party me•. , 11uraiey we fourhc. It u.ld tb .._ ...... _ ot hll &.1 • • .c-11 -~ v out on tht" noor, from noon to flvt• ' waa e ,,,_.e c · d car& hPlp or sand bass, 592t banacuda.. Boa.Pd ot lnt~vernrriental Reta- o'clock . W e loat 1H to t9J: then and workmen •compcnu.tlon le(ls· 1789 CaHfom.ia hnlib1.tt. 384 white llona, Ooverftor l!art W~ pre· letlon. k .111<\Jng . 195 to 1111. artct tlnaUy 200 to 190. '"Th" worklnl' people," Warren aea,,.•h.bal'Ja and 1037 other , lnda of . Oo. ;\mo ... of n rewnn., Woal!.. In-.. ' For lhlny daya at l(>Ul, economlea u.Jd w111 bell n 4 Y" e~ · e ;· \V(' wrotr into the approprlatlon ' r t rre•t.11 by l~e During lhe month other ..boats ton. ld&llO, Utah,~~ Arts.ona.1 Uberallutlon ot the workmen s t-, ~ S 0 . Lo A • I Mantana. Atuka and HaWalt han bill.I will be auapendOO, a.nd no-com~AMUon aQd dlnbillty In· opelraHa ... ,,. ~,:~m can ... ~M'°''1 •aa• I been Invited. . ,' body think• we> ca.n put all tbe uran i. re ea r"IUr ...,an.... on ca y, . bill• throurh tn 90 daya. T-he-tn-!I ·Bu ce a..-!•· Cayucoa, Mo 1 rro Bay -•nti Avita, The Y&iiou.s elatt clvtJ detenaC -; l W1-.1 It esme to ioclal wel~ "' ....... A ,..._,,, d "t ,_ Bod _ otnctala wtH .tUscuaa their ...,....,... ~lude the J"Men amendment, J.n.. faff Warren Mid' ''\V didn't do -ui.a ... ,-wz an ""on"'N>-y, e:.-1 . -..._... ... 41,._--,,...- atructlna: ti).e apnci.e• i. fUl Ob.Jy 80 ~ .. He -•-~ od. ~bl'•d Bay and Hair l-toon Bay aad ~ t~e prvulema Wfth· ~~ue..-1 CivtJ , · ~-( r · pre-~ ,__ .. , ""''•11¥~lnhl!'Jlb!<: MJllard one out of four ,po11Uon~ yac~ judk:f!I"' detf91'fC\ ,.ii' ..... fof·at(!t.•ra.n~~ ... -.. "-··i:. ) . ~ ") ~ · ~-... *. W1U\ cer""4n eaeep~ .U...:-~· '9 tM ~·tly dt.¥\ed. j . ' -~ -.~ f!' ~ :-:' ' ·~ie ..... ,.. •' ~·h t CUOn amebdm•t.. refl\Llrutl'~ a 4"4-~-.e WU ooacemed a'bout the VA 1·· • fj · 1 • ' \ Ir la eXpecw that mutUal aid tl>'t C'UJ ln peflOM.el money; Uw Le•MIJature'a rtl\IMl to pua le.I.ti-ra1n1ng agreementa wiJ1 be obmJ)1eted. ' Byrd &m•ndm•nt. llmltlftr Ulc &&lion to· ..w covnu .. In C&J'ln• tor mon•y for propapnda ma<~lnary; ...,...._ <ff mentally iU, and lh• I · · ed Dl.l(;TORY ~::.4, t11.:,t°';":x,1ao c==·al~ ";'.!; clu'ollle alco~·~· • Hours ncreas DE.msTS, Wublnfl°" arnci.a., All t..., M.eaaume, a Ml\&te Interim I r-----..... --"-----. will · ~0 to confe~. u they corntnUtee ha.a charg~ that. the Thouta.nds or veterarui in trede-LJ:R'U:& A.. llEOKElt. D. D. A. would &n)'\vay, bot will be In-. number and pay or Calltomta'! a.nd lnd~lrial' schoole will have ~ . • o~ratlw for at leut 30 days. I superi<!r ~Court "Judges tiU been to go to ~lus at leut 30, hou ... a .Ql::NTISTRY ruJt' to ?Tmark that I ho~ -ute going on while the amounL or work week, tM>glnnil'.g today, In order rolk.'I at home will recall· I have Utey dg hu: ·~JI totng down to bf' con.wtdered fUIJ·Ume atudents aa 1d lh«"e' la a d\aUnctlon betWeen' Tbe cornmJtlH-headed by Sen-under the GI Bill, veteran.a aamtn~ th,. savers and the tpendel"9. &nd ator H . .2. Dlllln~r. D .• Placer-i1tratlon said. · It Lllnnot be dt>termtned by ~ the Yille, says One Of the .rauonJ) IS Only f)JU·thne studenta are en-~peeCht'8 at hon1c, but only ~,the that ~ny lltfMlatorf ere lawyers titled to tull rates of 9Ubei8te~ votC"s down h,re. 1 -end ~ey have to pn.cUcie beforf' pay, whJch rangE" frortl 17610 •120 • • • the judge.a. · a month. V ~ explail\t"d." ' . / \Ve had lntereatlng group vialt.a The f'e1)0rt Ol.lleCI It ''awkwe.rd" The new w~kly mlnimum, rPCentJy. Ftn:t we had the poetal for a judce to tty a 'c•H when which aaded five l'loure to UM Pn!· t.•mployoea, both the carrler. and one of the attom,ya wu a ll"gi.9· vio~ rate of 25 h9ur.11 a w~k, ~ 11 th€' auperv;.o~, and w_e were &lad lator. The l;OllUl\IUe:e ~Aid It wL<t noqutrement: of Public l.J.a.w 110, tp see l~t"m. Bcsklea calling on ua j ,. .a-wFf'•rd . for ~.~YI-e~acled by Congr@.ea nearly a )!Yr io ~'Ost~· ,<ll•Y ·•·1 0 • tn I qo. Tbat r.qutr-.ent.'h°""'""r, lunch. ' which , \fat •• . . . ·~ ' ldldn"t becotne· efective ... tor rrioet and .Ill 0ur °"fP dlnQ)c ' ' • ' · pla t f ·-'" \m).\I to4ay. 4 ' ., · tlavt" a &"Ood cJa.im tor c0n&ktera· r~Ce. sa.ya C.Uure of cont.rac-"'v"('tera.ns attected by the laW'• lion ln a acrlou. altuatlon. &net ton to btd threa.tcM to ha.It the new attendance requfre~t.a \ arc their difficulty r'f'ally la that the ~tale's building pro(!'IJll. ~He aays only thase In below-college.level admlnlatreUon. l.n aplt.e of t-v1dence that in the p.pt .tbrte wee.ka he trede and technical cour.ea wherti rrom llt own recorda that lbe bu treq~t-ntly f...Ued to get even shop practic forms an lnterraJ, I postal aervtce la 21 ~ under oU."e.r one bid on many O'l'OJecta and only . part of their daily acttvtUea. 'Bx· IA"A&e lncreuea bu met the em-one' bid on many either-a. He amples would be COUJ"8'& In auto-I ploytu ~uesi 'tor a 17~ increase bla.mi:-a 'lhiJI on uncertain Federal mobiJe repair, mac~e ebop aptt· w t th " $.9-N l"eCOmmenaitlon. allocauon a.n4 ~It pollctU, and at.ion and the like. Slnce the &dmll).11t1'tlon control~ on labor eh~. ln case veterall8 contlnfe to at· the majortty vote, I cannot tore.: tt'n~ such courses for ~ 1 hourw a 1783Newportll!vd., OoltaU.. MedloaJ ·Bldc. ' · -cm mt I . ' .' ' l50li IC, Ba.r 'Ave.. Balboa ' ' Harbor 3t7-I ' " ··~•oalUUT- '*'' ""*······ 4.1·· "'-""* --· ·(JOAON:& DEi. ll4a · I DA y .AND NIGRr .PllDR! ....... see tbe reauJt. The 6.8 wema tw'e, .. .. • w•1 week, VA said, they now will be altbou1h lnadeq~te. Wh4t we Marte I Stn con•ldered to be In echobl \hre•-1,......;,,...,_PS __ l'_m_OLOGDIT ___ ,_ __ , told the l>o•Unen WU ttr.t that o· . B I ... quarteni: .ot the time ra.~er than lf,)JOEn iv .. "'~ tbey thomaelvea are tb• groat .. t IM9S IM a Oa ful-ttme, and •tbey will IV• no Pll'fCHOLOOl.JT, lett.erwriters ln the world, and more than.I three-quart of the second, to so back and tell lhn Marie WUaon, atar of "My Gl 8\l_bslatence r ates. . Mani&l'e Cot'?•lll.q tacts of lite, a1 they aw them ln Friend lrma'' procn.m, now fully 'n\e new 30-hour week .need not ·hmn:!r = Wuhlnsion. to tb• tolkll at hon\e . ....,.,.,.-from her recent Utneu, constat of stralfht tralrllnr .. for I•!> :.=..,..J' _._ ._ We told .them it was their mo,ney, wu dtnJnr with a rroup of the law malte11 allowance1 for a IPMiie ••±ae111 ...,., wb!cb m~t bit! u.aed to mcreue Hollywood trtenda the other eve· 30-minu~ re.st period each day. . .. their waga. whlch.,... betnr IJa<d nln&.•t V1'!"_' In Baltroa. Wltbl The )>ooot ill µie numl>er of . ,UllH!Mlftla • wuted and thrown a,..y, In jiu-ber WU. 11111 ~ .... -. ' A.--ra ot aftea~ lieP/4' only F .--.-~.;,;;;;;.;;.;;,;.;;.,;,;;.;;, __ ..;..., pUcattnr and unn-.y Co»>m· Dahl *"" U>< -~· aJao of to .,..,... ~ ...... ~ II <?Id ~ --' ment and In .xira-~ pro-Ho~; ""' ~lclt Hlltof! et ~. v4 ..,,p111M"t1 Uilder ~ · ~ """" we caiinot'. attonl. M•ldu· Weot I-...,..._ .11mubo\h Ta.r-U.. law ·belbW'----~=-= • • .All --ti.. i\11 and ll'OllPt ev<rywl)ett "!lellt lor'a .,.,._ ._ wu Mtertalilllll la -~ OF ~l'..:.-w ""-•I tblnk over tbe ame adVice. Ruth _.. Of Du!aa. Oona. _.1'.11 1fto11W410D pNdont!Dalejl ~ •· 4fNI '!"' '"-I --M.r apace bu run oiiL I all&ll .-W ..-wu l'ulll Pw.IJn« tmM lo be ~ ;•_r·Uino ll!!l'H~-, OO&ta~ h4Ve to toll 100 next -about ol 1-and!, motber fl( -a mlnlJn.um ol 26 lpOMnr a 1'tfo• -~OCQf 11'& th• Younr lt.epubllaloa. -. S.wl&' • ' -of lnotl'UC;tlOn la I ::=::::::;;:::::=;::::==:1 >. • • • . ' • • . • • News ·U! 1~, _(!t4urr4ts Rev .. Josef)11 W. MCShane Assumes - New Duties at Costa Mesa Church · Rev. Joeeph W. MoShane, fo ....... ------'------~I merly· of tbe ·S;ant& Barbara Av .. nue Methodi.t Church, Loa An• plea. ha9 auuJl)ed hi.a dutfee u . . new paetor of, the OJJ!lta Mesa 1st Baptist Church, of Costa Mesa Oommuni,ty Methodl.t Ch u r ch. . On Sunday at the 11 o'clock preaching ·bl.a lnaugui-aJ eermon wonhip aervtce tn Ftrat · Bapllat Jut Simday. He succeeds Rev. Church, eo.t.a Mea, Dr. W&Jter J . H. Thomp.c>n. We.el, profee.:>r of New Tut.a- A nattv~ o f Wichita, Kan., Rev. me.nl .Greek ot the Bible ~tute McShane lived ln Seattle, Waah. ot Loe Ancelea will have aa bl• for some 17 yea.rs. In 1'938 he en· subject. Tbe Lut Chapte.r. The le.red the Untveralty or Southern choir will render special muelc. cautorn.la for hls a.cadem.Jc edu-At the 7 :30 worahip eervtce. citlon, reeelvlng hi.a Bachelor o1 Mr. Al Grau ot Fuller Seminary ArU degree ln 1940. He took of Puadena wtU be the guut hi.a theological tralnlng at Drew speaker. There will be apeclal Theologie&I Seminary, N. J . fol-.singing and a cordial Invitation ta' lowing his graduation ln 19't3 wa.s extended to aJ.l for thi• hour u Immediately appointed pastor of well u the other meettnra. . ' New Pe.tor for. .. . . ' ·PA6E ·J ' . lHUISD~Y. JUL~ 5, IHI - dverifist Church • ---~-"" a.. .,.a .,, ... .i ,.... i... boeu ;:;:::::::::::::::::::;:;;:::z2::::::::::;:;;~::'.::;:;:;i::~:::::~:, --~ -llan Be...,....uao ~ --............... -t.d -to till \lie ~Ip ot -Nowpurt Heli!>ta -tit-day ~ ftntiot cburch. Fonner ' Pulor ttenftotl) B. Perey la now attendlns t h e "l'll<ologtctJ Bemlnar7 at Wuhlngl<>n, D. c .. I . Paa tor Andenqn wut offlclate at th~ 11 o'clock -erVtce next Saturday when the church wW celebrate U.e Ordinance of t,,he Lord. An-• wlehlng to join Ill t.bls eervtce la cordlally tnvtted. M.ld·week pI"ayer a n d Bible atudy meeting la beld. eacb Wed- needa.y evening at 7 ;30 p. m. Miuionary Volunteer meeUng I Friday a.l 8 p. m. wW be devoted to a Bible atudy_ conducted by Mrs. Dorothy Rutledge. l"IB8T CHlJIWH or OHIUBT, SCIENTlllT llOI vte Udo, N-n 8-h A. br..ch .. TIMi .... '* Q...-0, "TM lqf1f 0-dl of Ctwl1t, 'klMfl.t. , ......... W-..dtv ....... W.Mr School . t :IS •· ,.._ ' DRESSnJ Replarl>' ' 8ALl'J HOSE 5.95 to 29.95 ·······-··········--··· S.88 to U:88 25.00 to 29.95 ....................... _ ... 15.00 to 16.88 29.95 to 49.95 ................ -······--·19.88 to . %9.811 , nee. 54 & 60 ~e ........... ·--···-······· 1.95 51 /15 ···-·-··i··"""""-··-······ .. -·--··-1.65 51/30 ········ ..... -............. :.. 1.50 SEE OUR' SCRAMBLE TABLE 8AU: 1.M LOO .90 the First Methodist Church. Holt-Frtday nlJ"hl. the Adult Bible vtlle. C&llf. Subsequent to tht11 Claas will meet at the home of appqlntme.nt he served as p&!ltor Mrs. Wru.. H. Mcintee, &1'4 Bolaa ' . . ~ NEW CHUIWH-Tlle ,._t\)' completed 0... Lady ol Mowot °'"1'"1 0.-.. ..-la Newport Beach. of whk:ll FatlwJr Stephen A. Ktle7 .. putor, wtJJ be dtf"dk:atf'ld oa 8.......,.. luly Ith at 11 :SO L m. t.y An!llblAhop J . Frandw A. Mclntyni of Lo. ~Imo Suvln• lbe Nfl!WJIOrt Md Balboa area., , S..CS.y s.r.tc.1 11 :ti e. M. BLOUSES . W1dne1d•r l••llint .. Hff'"' --l:tt p. "'· 4.95 to 5.95 .................... -........ Z.88 to at the Methodist Church l.n Mont· avenue. 7.95 to 10.95 .............................. 4.88 to erey Park and then at the Sant& Saturday night the High School Barbara avenue Methodist Church and College Group are to join In Lol!I Angele& Hts appointment with others ln a Hay Ride. Des- to the Costa Mesa pastors.le was tlna.tion wtll be lrvtne Park. A th~ MW durci. wtu . ttMt 500 people. (Photo by Colleen McCloskeyl IMdlll, loom i.u1ec1 .. 111· '""' StrMt a.Ibo•, 1 OPlill d•lly f~ II ...,._ te ~ p. "'· ·~·pt Svllcl..,. •'"' ltoll~rt Ntto. •llY ob.w-4. Tl!. ""'bllc h cordl•llr liwl .. d t. ettl>tld tfl4I dlUl"di Mn'lc.ft •ltd UM till INdl.. . ·SKIRTS 9.95 ............................. _ ..... _ .. , ... .. S.88 6.88 8.88 made by Bishop James C. Baker program ta to be given at that A hb" h M I t t Ded" t at the recent annual Southern I place. and the iru .. t •pe&k•r' wtll re IS op c n yre 0 1ca e California -Arizona conference in be "Red Harper" known u the Redlands. I Converted Cowboy and hla group. c I Ch h s nd Rev. McShane has been active L&al Monday night in the New Mount arme urc u ay ~I c~;'~1:"~ct~':'.7::1ire ~:ir~~ 1 ~~~= ::~1:n~~ ~1:.S1~:~ ~~~ a member of the Rotary Club in 1 held it& monthly meetlng. Mr&. . The occuton of the dedication,.__--------.----- ea.ch of hla three pastorates since I Helen Smith, president. presided. by Archbl.shop J . Francia Mein· Rev. Carl Reeves his Seminary days and ls al80 a. I The program wu in charire of tyre of the new church of Our member or the Ma.sonic Lodge. Mrs. Dorothy Whitaker. Mr s. I · h While in the Imperial Valley be Peggy H&rrlBOn of Detroit was Lady of MoUJ'll Carmel, next sun-Is Guest Preac er servoed a term as president of the present and K"ave Incidents of th e day, July 8th, at l 1 :30 .a. m .. J.tnperlal Co. Ministerial Assn.: work of missionaries. marks another mJleatone In the at ~aptist Church was pre&h1ent ot the San Gabriel progreas of the Church In lhf' Valley Ministerial Asl!lln.. and I d M h d" hd< r I --A eJ Th . preaidenl of the Monterey Park Is an et 0 1sts Arc ocese 0 ......,., ng ~s. (' · I beautitul edifice, dedicated to Our "The man who ltoft God out" w1ll be the f!U bjt'Cl of the guest speak· ef. Rev. Carl C. Reeves at the 11 o'clock .service of the First Bap- t ist church at 19th and Court Sta., Newport Bcac.h, lhla: coming Sun· day. In the rvenlng he will brinx- the aecond In a serif's of sennon5 on ·'The door ca.Ued death," al 7 :30 o"clock hi& 11ubjC'c l will be '''The: judgment seat or ChrlaS.." Coordinating Co u n c 11, Monterey I k P k E • 1 t p t Lady, manifests the cbaraclerlstic a~;._ McShanc, the former Mil!llS n1oy s 0 UC growth of the church. H ere thP Amy Norris, is a native of North First family night dinner held par\.!!.h In th~ early days when tht> Dakota.. but ha.!!. been a residen t ! al Balboa Iala.nd Community numt"rically small number of par· of the Pacific Coast states most I Methodillt church found 68 per· lshloner11 WP!~ Mrved from Hunt- of her li!c. The couple ha.Je three 80na seated al the tablea, t"njoy· logton &>ach, Mgln It.A llte--earlr children. Bill. 10, Ruth 8, and I Ing the well b&.lanced menu ot the I days which Mme ot the prcSt'nl Carol ,6. planned ptoluck which had been paril!lhloners still recall. "Moment b¥ Atoment" is the! arranged by th~ church WSCS. I Father Thomu Tan.nyane wa.11 aermon topic l:-hosen by Rev. Mc· Other people came ln for the 113 flrllll put.or. A singular hap· Shane for Sunday's 1 t a . m. wor-program of plctunes ahown by Dr.! pe.ntng took place rect"ntly when ship service. Evening service.111 Har ry White and which lnclud~ some or the men tn the parl•h starting at 6 :30 o'clock will be 1 the la.st Touma.mPnt o( Light.a a.nd workin~ In the rC'modellng of th,. under the direction of varioUl!ll the recent placing bf the corner· h&ll hap~ned upon thr recorded youth g roups. , stone for the Rew church. '1 meeting ot the firs t Altar Society, Tut-9d•y. June 10, thr W ome:n's Mlulonary 80Clt'ty w11l be glad to welt.'Ome all frie{ldS and vlsiton al their a.11-<lay mttting to be bek1 tn Lht! educational building. Bring a sack lunc h, tea. a.nd cofree wtll be aerved. In 1924. The account named the TIJE BLOODMOBlLE US IT THE BLOODMOBILE l " SIT offi cers and mem~ra of that day. 1\'UI br at lhf' Amrrlta.o l"'(ton wlll be at the A~l1can Lfoston and lhe pa.1tor. Father Tannyane flail, 13th and Ray Sta., Nt""'port Hall, 15th and Bay st.. .. Nf'Wport I S8ked lh&t "whoever should find n --h on •uty 1a.th, ~ to 1 P• m. BPM>h on July 19th. S to 1 p. m . thil!ll paf)f!r, say a pra.yer tor him. ..... -... • " living or dead." The paper WIUI The regular m eeting for pra.yer and Blblr .study wlll be on Wednc.s· day 11.t 7 :30 with Mr. Hume or Huntink"ton Beach acting &s leader during the pa.."tor's ab8ence. ;::::;.::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::;::,::;::;::,::;::;::;::;:::::::j found on thr very day or hl1 death. which tOok place in Carpenter\&, 'Sacrament' is Christian Science· Sunday Theme GEIER.Al. ELECTRIC Refrigerators • Deep Freezers • Auto- matic Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Disp ose lls • Ranges • T oesters • Irons Grills • Mixers • Waffle Bakers • Roast- ers • Heating Pads • Blankets. ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO 181.EJ SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-10 A.M. YOU CAN DO BETTER .AT ,Daniger FURMITURE CO. • We Buy end Sell New and Used Furniture ' ' . 1812 Newport Blwd., C05ta Mesa ... 5656 -· ca.nfornla.. I Father "TannYane had a.s suc- ceuora: Fathers Lawnnce Burke, ()e(:lan Foley, W iJi..am Powt'r and I Falhr r P . J . Be.ary. Later came I Fatht'r N<>el Dillon, Fathf'r Thom- u Noonan and Father Dennil!I The hralln;:-r ffl'cll!ll of prayer Falvey, the beloved putor under will be discu&!K'd In the Sunday l whose inspiration the new church Lf"MOn·S~rmon on "S&crament " ln and re<:tory W&J! slartPd-F ollow-all ChrlallRn Sci"nce churches. lnJr Father Falvey, came Father Jesu.11' word.11 from John's Goepel John P . Stapleton. and the pre.sent 14 :231 constitute the Golden Text: pastor Father Steph,t:n· Kiley. I '"The hour cometh, and now ls, Thr unique parl•h of Newport when the true w orshipper.a shall Beach embraces ~alde Newport worship the Father in spirit and lh Be&eh !~If. Balboa, Balboa lala.nd truth." and Corona del Mar, approximate-The prophet l&aiah wrilee, "la 1}' !our hundred rarnllle• being not thill lht" fa~t that I have numbered a.a pa.riahionera.. choeen ! to looae thr band.a or Sunday Sermon at Christ Church "God'e Detractor•" hu been an· nouncl"d by Rev. Thom .. Roy Pen· dell a.s the topic for the: Sunday mornlng service st Christ church by the ~a. The sanctuary choir wtU sing "Now Let Eve ry Tongu~ Adort-Thee" by Bach. Hear R~ports From Pacific Palisades The W e•leyan Service Guild of the Co• la Mesa Community church, uaembled Thureday eve· nlng, J une 28, llt the home ot Mn.. wlc kednellll. lo undo tht' ht"avy bur- dens, and to let the Oppreued go tree . . . ! Ia It not to deal lhy bread to the hungry, a.nd that lhou brlng: th~ poor that ue cut out lo thy hoU8t' ! . ·. . Then shall thy light brf.'ak forth u the morning. a.nd thine health ahall aprlng forth a~C'd1ly : and thy rlghteouaneu 1hal1J go ~fore thee" 158:6-8).' I n "Sclf"n<:e and Health with K~y to the Scr ipture•"' Mary Baker Eddy dya, "Wbatew-r m&• teriallut!I won1hip hinders man's aplrltua.I growth a.nd kttpa him trom demonstrating b.la power over error" f p. 4 ). July Sun. Series Announced at Christ Church Dorla Wood, 311 E. 19th St. Ar- rangement.I of mapdra,.on• and Ivy were empk>y~ In pleuing ef· tecta about tpe room& The meet· Ivan Harold Browning, Negl'O Ing waa called to order by Mre. t~nor, Pro!ell60r Kingsley Poven- Orace Btlllnp.. president. and melr. wh~ rendition of "O~n members re1ponde0 to the roll call Putuf'H" hu made: him tamou..m. wtth Bibie Hreee. and other equally exciting pro- Mn. Blllinca preRnled Mn. gram• haw bttn announced thla Grow 8 . Bl"OWD. of Los Ancelea. week for the t.h.ird annual •rlee of Wbp wu on put occ&aiona: bl'OUght "Sum.mer Sunday Evulln.g-• at an lnaplratiooal ecrtpturc me&N«e-Ch..Ut Church by the Sea." The Mns. El•a KJpp, who' with Mre. program oprns Su:nda.y nlatit wtth Bllltnp attended the recent We.-Ivan Harold Bro•'Tllng brtn~ le}'an Ouild Conference, enU.Ull-.. hl8 annual conCt!'rt tor the New· Uca.lly niportf'd on' tbe la.Tee at-port Harbor are.a.. tendance, the beautt.ru.I .u.rround-'the July 1er1ea will be ... f~· Inga el Pad!lc Pal-wtleft !owe: · tbe concl•n wu hekl. and some July 8-lvan Harold Brownina, ot tb e outa~ acldruM9 Nqro tenor . hear<I. Oae oC theoe wu "Mala;,a.• Julf 10 -Prufeaor !Qnpley topic or Mia Mable ibnh. Pownmter or s... Dleco State eoi.. PTlndpal -kft ct the eve-l•p 'In an ~ 0( dram&tlc In- ning WU Mn. Marprot N..,, Ill-l"'l'Htetioa Of follt. Jlteratutt. tzoduced by 'Mn.•Kl~ ..i.o pve .Ju\y ~Mloo ~Koerber, an Ill~ ud enllahtenlng ... klcnt or NOl'<n!Nqr German,y, tellt oa tlle rondltlono ID Chbia to-w1ll ~ on Gennuy loday. .._-----'-----------------· ~-Mn. Nee and ber 1amll7 u-.111l7 29-Rn. Xftll>OtJl Qt.r- 10% Discount on Any fu4t 11• ~ 1a tlllo c:ounu,; ~ • ~ ': =ir= ... ~ °'.:: : l~ .\BAI.On -....... ) At ·lbe -a( tlle --·'"' by -clUba, coPeso& cram and t..wt sss F'W'Jria t"1ia boe.-uct cf'llc: pou:pe.. Bria& ... .. .. --rid Ntt I -., ....... TMo le I.be third,... that Clorlol BAYSIDE FISH .MAllCIT .-. ...... ---. -. c-.a by t.M - --tta . ... ....... ..,. I s'tli ... FllW"WF • <tay ............... 1t . Frellt Fklt .Duly fr1•. O., Od .. t _lll ,. · ""t·r • w = Ori.., - -,, ,, -, a...,...... . ... ..... ,, UFlL ____ 111-.a•-•u --llle-nne IJMMpN, awwww n, •M iJt ..u, a... r • .,.. ._.,. •·-~ .-., ..._ .._ ; AND~ Wmt& tl&t. Ma .a.aa 11 I • _, ... · 1 a.., I &LU •= --.ml ••• 19 ...,..,WDA. -WJ10La. 0L&&m A -;;.: ... I£ -II. -Ille pr..-• la 1.!l'.~S;•~h~O~W~i~··~D;·~-~ll~Dll;~l)l;:.S.~llSA=:D!!~~~l;~,-.O::)~!~~=·~!l;i:::="' I I , Oto-............. I 7 n• t *-la """'· '1oo -a-.--· .. ..,' ···-..... ... ..... __ ................. _ f!Jtb·•, 1 ·-IF ••MiW· ..... . • • ; • • . I • • Communion Sermon et Island Church T"-e S&cr&ment of the Lord's Supper wtll be obl!lervf"d thta com· Ing Sunday at Balboa Island Com· munlty Methodl1t c hurch with Dr. Harry Wb.Jte. putor, giving a comrnunlQQ meditation. L o re n White, BOn of the putor and J.tn. Grace Poirier will •Ing .. a duet Sl&intr's Love · Divine. All Love Exc•lling. Bible. School Final Session Friday Parent.A and friends ot mem- ~rs of the Dally Vaca.lion School of Christ Churcch by the Sea have been Invited to the clOHlng geulon of the 19~1 school ln Good- ell Hall at 11 o'clock Friday mom· Ing. Over 40 young•<.crs have been ronroUPd ln the two wrek school. Mr1. W&lte:r Corbin hu served as director. ·-10.95 to 14.50 .............................. 5.00 to RUG AND 1,. JACK~2.95 to 17.95 ........................... _. 6.88 to UPHOLSTERY 29 95 CLEANING j . to 37.95 .................... 15,oo & 20.00 Geo. M. Graham II SLIPS an~.~~~T!! ................ <Rayof~r :Y~ is7 0 .:iARBOR ,:C-.,! bland 6.95 to 14.95 ............................ 4.88 to 9.88 F========~I GO~S "':.~p~~~~-.. .. ............. S.00 Fine British Cars MORRIS M. G. RILEY on dJaplay at SCHUYLER MOTORS 1009 So. Coast Blvd. 1.aguna 4--41•85 $ $ VALUES IN $ $ Unfinished i I! FURNITURE 11 Rer Slool• ... Cocktail Tabl.,. I I Cht>sts . . .... Headboard• 1 f . . . . . • V&DJUe11 11 • • • I 5.95 ...... ......... ..... ...................... ..3.88 12.95 to 16.95 ............................. 8.118 to 10.00 BBAS 2.00 to GIRDLES 7.50 PURSES 2.95 to (32 thru 40) 3.50 5.00 .............................. 1.88 to BELTS to 3.50-Reduced to ............ -..... . Flp~rs. Jewelry and Misc. Items Reduced 1.25 S.88 S.00 1.00 Dr. Landy McBride Baptist Cha irman · The Board or the First Baptist Churc h or Coata Me31l. m eeting in rl'Ct"nl blu~ineM l!lf'MioM, eJecl!f'd Dr. Landy McBrldc a.s chairman of lhe boa.rd, 11t.nd vice moderator ot th~ church. MA1'8hal1 Wllgul!ll I ~(11.oJ· 8'oaut1Jul at Surprbllna;ly Built Low [ I . ~-•,_5_eou __ •_B_h_·c1. ____ " __ .. _ ... _,_z868 _____ eo.ro~ del Mar I Prices: • • • CARLYLE'S 1990 Harbor BWd •• Coftt.a M~ wu rlttlltd cl~rk ot the board. ••••••••••••• High Quality Printing-Ph. _Har; 1616 High Quality · Piinting.::.:.Ph : Har. '1616 IF YOU ARE PAYING MORE THAN. THESE PRICES YOU ARE PAYING TOO MUCH! ' ' TEXAN · JR. CAP PISTOL Our Reg. 98c V aloe' 79c IULGORE " REPEATER CAPS J hozeo • 10¢ KOOL-AID Malt.. 2 qta. or oott drlnluo. Jut the lb.in&" for popak:klea. Reg. 5c Pkg. 3 for 10c 4th & Broadway ' • Santa Ana • Largest. &Ding Home Permaaent -Reg LOO Value TONI REFILL KIT • • • • DR. WEST'S "Mlracle-Toft" -Reg. 59c vaioe TOOTH BRUSH • • • • Ecoaomy Size -Beg. 6.1e Value COLGATES TOOTH PASTE· • • Fn!e. Dlspen11er aod lll*-<n. bottle -·Reg 1.00 Value JfRGfN'S LOTION • I • • We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantltlea • STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 10 P. M. Sundays ' 12 Noon to S:JO ·P.M. ' • • • • '• • •• Prncit.or A11tomatk ~LECJRIC· · ,~ TOASTER • BB BRAND,. Reg. 88c -All 1be1 and Styles· BALL· POINT .PENS ·6&~ • f · • , . • • •, • ·• • flee. 18.86 • .. At 13~· Pringl11 · Jml'AL •• PICNIC -.-WIEIS ' Mo11th Of Joly ltrlo DISCOYNT . Oh .All Prescriptions . . ........ ''J.'tila offer ill.In ..Mftb. ~ ott'" ah'' ill' low, low • 111•air!Pioa p1X.. . ' , • .. K-M AUTOMiA Tl ' At -~ • • • 1 J '. I l ! I l • ' ~.' • CLA.SSIF 1-ED ' .Ulled Appliances REF'RIGEJl,ATORS • Qlb1ce apt.. -. -----...fll IO Oaf!•? A Saltier, 8 cu. tt. ~811 ColdlpOt db<., 0 .... ft. ---08.a5 LIDO ·BALBOA • •• NE.WP ORT ·- • . ~!£!!! ?~!!!!".'. 1.moaa It,... -• ...w ... ~ UDP m.s w a 11 aai ..,i -..... -, .Alno ........ -.ti----~~ . P. A. PAL Ml!:1t ~DD · 3aS3 ¥!& u.i.. _,\, iW 1ttft! ._ ___________________ .._ __ _, 1 w..unp.-. g cu. n ... -... ou.116 ~~-~'~ .: ... ... '""' ....... ~""" .... - -.. t1le Taolila,. 1i1--n-or the 'l'll9na.1 -GAS RANGES R I TRAILER SPACE MINDroM ADD ' •Al!Sll Oft lbe lllgllwaJ', ·-11o allopp~ cenur, 112 A JI&. Pt!' 1110. HO cabriilo . 81., Olbrillo Ccurta. co.ta...... OpU AD ·C..1< ...... most be ,_id ,_ Ollll la ... cw el puwa.&1-. O'ltee~ A Kvrilt apL .... fM.00 E .. lle'Jll 1 Psper $ .'15 Houy. apt. also ............. -....... S0.95 .. lJnes 2 Papen 1..llO Weclcowood table top ·-···--S0.96 Proaper1ly table top ·····-······· 2&.00 -~ • 4 lJnes S Papen 2.90 ' ~~bl.laben wtll not ~ responlible for more than one Incorrect ol. an adverUatmt.nt. reeene the rtp:t to conectly claaelfy ~ and all a.di and to reject any advvtleemeat not oontormtnc t1• ruJee and tt(UlaUons. Advertbemen&a and maoellations wfU bf accepted up to 6 p.m. on the day ptecedtnc publication. Ph. Bar. 111e "'8ee Har. tCtC. uk fop .. Ad TaltN" ~ RIMI ad &ad NmlttaMit te Washing Machines T A • ~l:llMANEN'r Bmttal -Laree aloepinc l'OOm, 2 double beda - Print. min-, Ideal for 2 -· • ABC Wrinr<r ......................... :16.00 TWO AU. WOOL ... _ ...... an ~~-·T-·-o···-... _ • • ){l:WPOllT ~ '11llUlllD!(Q 00. Euy, dlx. wrtnpr ................ 40.&0 Dix. Euy Splndri•r ·····-····· . 99.95 '" 111 ... 9. 7 ... ll&ll>cia ·-~~ -·-· 11111<mi au -..., .,...... c.o. eo-, N~ Beach. -ttpH ofiClltfJ' ..._.. ID Ill,,_· L men. -·· BLUE TOP, •01 N ewport Blvd., Newport B•ob 38tte Sillty feet of tnduMtri&l -ljl oo Sat strHt la • _.., ....._ ment ror Idle ma11e7. Sbtty foot ptecea are ac&f'C4!!. HIJ Ralboa Blvd., Ne--· (lollfonda. VIBY RliAJIONABl.&-Apt. 11u Wlll -moo. 'nlla ll-llut COMPLl:l'll llOUBB CLLUfING w •ice. IVnlltura one! · rup -...~ ,.,.... --- Fully -Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. --8111 72tfe For Venetian BlindS, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 !114 ·29th St. Newport Beach lZ-Bulldlng Services INTll:RJOR -Ex'lltRIOR PAINTING UCENSED -INSURIC!> Glenn Johnston ~01 • 3bt St. Newport Beach -· 2297.J ll4cU DON K . BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Rellidenti&l-ComQM'rcial Remodeling Phone e.e-IHO&·W 1Ttfc FINE IRONING will calJ tor and delJvu~ (No ~Je&ning). H Plp with dlnnPr partit-a. Phone MML Williams, Harbor 1~ bo- fore 10 a.m. or attror 8 p.m . '1p0 COLLEGE g1rl wt.11 baby sit day or night . Call Harbor 2419-W. OpO \VILL CARE f<W small c:hlld in my home. Pit Beacon ts84 9-J. 41 p-4 S RELIABLE IDGR SCHOOL SEN· J01l wa.nte to catt for cb.Jldr!'n, or Will be motbtt'• helpt>r. Llw ln or out. Harbor ~9-R. 42}>4-f F . C. BOOKKEEPER · Sec'y. dE-&lres permanent full or )>art- t ime J>03iUon. Exe. ~ts. Phone Harbor 2273-W. .f2p-&4 .. _. * ... WANT e:icperie-nc:ed \l'oman for cooking and general hause work. Ltve ln or ouL References. Ph, Harbor 888-J . '40ci2 GIRL 18 or over u nuraemald, part time. u~e out, cau Harbor 2&8f-W. 40p<! BendJJI; ~mJ-Auto ..... _ .......... 39..t.5 Bendix Automatic ................ ·-15.00 Extra Special Glbaon Eleclrlc Rane<!. dduxo- 2 dv.-rus. aJJ automatic, llflf\Uy ,,_, (n<'W $Mill)- Now only . . .................. 127~ Stroot's TeWinkle Hdwe. 1802 Nt>wport. Blvd., ea.ta Phone 8<'aoon ~22.2 Swim Fins We •Ull hav~ tM good rubber onH We give S&H Grffn Stampa Gunderson Drug Co. 117 '°fain Strf'4't Harbor 515 B&lboa 3'p<I BEAUTIFUL R C A radlo-phono- l:Taph, tab1e model. Plays ti: f'e'COftbl. Vf"ry tta80l'lable. C.11 Harbor 1284-W a_fter ~ p.m. 4l c4:Z APT. SJJ:E p.e rangf', 3 burner, $1~-A. G. Fo rt"man. 106 Nor- dina, nt-ar 7200 Blk. Seaahore Drlvt>. 42p SM l'Ql:e, WUlifnC mac•"'° ill 0.-. In a fife . ume. DANZ- •XNh•t eqn4k&oa. Rock mapi.e 8CIDODT, a.at.a AM.· ~ No. rout11 ~ un Pa'l•deo Road, • ~ Santa Ana R e!pta. UpH l'FIN::::::E::-:PRA.=,-1.;=•=rt"'CE=--u-p-.... -h:-lc-p.,.lan-o .. Chrysler Engines Used CroWns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft e1'1 COAST mOBW A 'f NEWPORT BEACH PR. BEACON 5771 Hltc PAIR R . A L. Flagship 90 h. p . f'nglnN with r('duc. gnr. $1~. Factory approvrd J ohn.!K>n Out· board. SALES A SERVlCE South Coast Co. Harbor 2600 Ne"-port Beach 3Itfc 18 FT. SAlLBOAT. SnlJ>f'" dtosl gn. In ~rl«t cond. Mak«> offer or will tradt:" ror outboard and boat. Lot 215, Municipal T raUE-r Park, NE"A1>0rt . 40p42 tor only $9 .S:S d°"7n and $5.M per mo. at SRA.P'ER'S MUSIC CO. !Slooe 1907) t21 N . BY<a· mot'f', Santa Ana. KI. 2-0872, 31th GREAT PIANO SALE Ma· son and Hamlin Orand, Stein· way, Chick•rtnc Sohmet, Kim- ball, Kurt.Pn&n, Wur1.1t.Rr, etc. Save up lo two-thirds! DANZ· SCHMIDT Big Plu.o Store, Santa Ana, 620 N o. ?.fain, cor. 8lh. USED PIANOS from $69 up. Good pl•yj.ng co n d t t I on. DAN'Z- SCHMlDT, 620 No. Main, Santa Ana, cor. 6th. R.ENT A Pl.ANO ~ per month, All rent allowed If you buy w1th- ln ttrma. DANZ-SCHMIDT, ri20 No. Ma.in , Sant.a Ana. RENT A PIANO for only $6 }>f'r month. R pntaJ appllea on f\JturP purchue at SHAFEft"S MU- SlC CO. (Sincf' 1907) 421 No. Syc&mor<', Santa Ana. Kimb<>r- ly 2·61172 . s APTS·. HOUSES BAY hffi OCEAN · FRONT JIM & SALLY NEWLIN w1lh JOHN ,D . BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 6.f5. E'viP!I. Harbor 2!78-W NEWLY fumisbf'd IJ>l -8Jeepe 6-1,~ blk to bay swimming beach. 1300 W. Balboa. Blvd., phone Har. 1332-R. 39c.f4 COM:FORTilLT fllmlahed room. Prfvale.enlr&nCl! andb,th.:IOS \O ~old. C<u-ona· c!.ol Mar. Ph. Barbqr 2&53·R. · ' 39«4 CRl!:ER"1L ROOM, p.lw.te bath. T'Wtn beds. Ocean vtew-.Uee of dm and. St.In deck. New hotne on Balboa Penlnoubl. Klldton prlvi· legt>11. Adutu onJ7. Ms. Harbor 1238-W. • •1d2 NEWL V l>ecorated Roonui, lfOOd bed.11 -I Trulaient doub1e ............ $ 2.50 Monthly ··········-----············$30.00 Dally maJd ae~e. 123 28t..b Nfl'W"POl9 ~h. Phone Harbor 84149-W. I llOch Ralph P. M~key :UU Newport Blvd., N-i:t Bdl. PboneU..-rtOI om: Bi;DBDOM HQUSE, 2 ,..: old. $3.81~. lB1 ~rrill P!aCt. Coola --Pb. Bea.,MIJf..)(. ·-G. L RESALES LOVEL V 7 MO. OLD t B. IL HOME -Hwd., tile, laftdrep- ed and tenc:ed. ~ with '1950 down and balance of $51 per me.. tnct. taxes ud lnau.t"allee, PLEASANT ROOM -Kitchen Excellent 3 B. R. _pnvneg.!e. Reaaonable. Garage f yrs. old, Dear H&r])er dool optional. 1612 Eut Ocean. Blvd, Hwd., tile. fenced. and a ·.....s. _ Balboa. Pl!. Hart>or 0'146-R. buy at i10.uo and '117 '*' -. Uc« pays taxea • in..9W'anCe toe. ·• ------------W la e people do read ~e ad.a. Se~ us today for 'the t.est· ()»ta JOE NICKERTZ Studebaker Dealer Certified Used Cars -M..., Ul!tlnge. . B.A.NERESON OPEN EVENINOIJ MRA ANpt.~ Multiple llifinl' R .. 11..,. 11182 f!iewport Blvd., Coot.a v .. Phone 'Beacon 52Jfi EXCLUSIVE . EXPER.l.ENCED auto mechanlc. 1 _People do read tbe Prcu ada. a.ho metal mUl for our body ------------ lhop. Good pay """ -o!. WILL DO that work you world.a&" condlUooa. Tbeodo.-( SO-B--A.l!pUances want done -Jack of all Robina, Pont 0 .. 1 ... 2118 New· • • • • KELSON KRA F"l' boat -H ft. covr r, stE'rring whM"l, light, A-1 condition. $S-t7. zo Bl"aron Bay. 38p40 ~}lu~ !.>1'1'2rttmltle8 •• Business Opportunities Ideal for Couple Malt and short order shop, best of locations. Summer Reservations ·oo STUDEBAKER' c~p. Rogal dlx. 4-door sedan. Th.la is what you have been waJttng for - overdrive, cUmatizer, dlrec. stg., grill guards, $&O seat covers, undersealed, t!tc. Only 9000 miles. Fomterly Mn!. Jack Rau.h's car. Save over $500. HURRY! in Costa Mesa 2 BEDROOM: HOME on 11' actU aubdlvided iJlto l1x lot.I. Bea Is yout opportunity to ban .. A Little Bit o! Land" tor 10tne gardening and aome cbtckem aad a few horaee.. !»I yes mineral right. too. · tnuie-maintenanoe work. port Bml., Phone Har. 28 or P!IlLCO REFRIGERATOR 1951 Hav• toola and mixers "for 3&0. · 4 t c4% mode-I -that big 9 cu . tt. model Udo Lsle Bay Front unlb!. I and 2 bdrms .. $$.M wk. up. Harbor 2562, eves. Har. :!914-M. l 7tfc ~ 1-------------and h&l!I the croea top freezrr any job. WANT MAN experienced in cast~ chest-nlce keeper tor m('at and BARGAIN ror quick sale-Racing Sloop, 30 ft.. 2 bunks. head. slatnleu stee-1 rigging. Bargain $9~. Ph. Harbor lft.03-\V. 40c4 2 Call BILL Beacon 6451-W \ng and applytn.g glue in C('r-crlaper tw Vf'~rlablf'8. A butter Gift shop, good shopping center. SUMMER OR YEAR'S LEAS&- Occan view, 1i b1k from bnch. Comfortably furn. !Je. Jiv. nn, fitt:place, 4 bdnns, 114 baths. garage, fenced yard, ~~ blk to bus, 0wnf'r, 224 -48th, Newport 38c51 a.mtc ma.nufacturlng plant. 427 keeper and other fH.ture8. Bal-FUU. PRICE $11,!500 Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 012 • 38th St.. Newport Beach PHONE H>lRBOR 2<0< 13tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer lit., Coria •- Bea. 5457.lo(, - REP AIRING and PAINTING Rruonable. Large or small joba. Free e~timates. Wa.lker. 108 18th Rt .. Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2Ml·R HAULING Any kind, truh or! W At.KER, 108-18lh St., Newport. R. 2:131-R E . 17th St., Colla Me ... Phonr a.nC'f' I ow~ on It i,. only $188.38 SEA BOOKS lee cream and frozen foods. Beacon 5228-W. <I l ci3 -·-C'ash or takC' pa.ym~n\.9 of 11M9 STUDE. CHAM:PION CPE., llke new.• Only Call Mr. Kempton Harbor lllOO WANT WHITE COOK for p rivat" home. L ive ln. Re-ferences. Write Box K-2 tbi.s paper. i2c4'* W Al\'TED-3 men over 3~ lo ex- plain prearranged burial pta."n . Expt'rientt-not n t-C'" s •a r y. Tea.chill.& or co&c.hlng expeMea~ hPlp_ful. Mu.9t have car. P'Ull time permanent poaiUon. Com- mluiona pa.id twiee monthly. No sollcltift&" alloW('d. Leadf fumi3h ed daily. SEE MR. HARTWEU. 10 a. m . only-Mon. tbru Friday 2915 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 42c.f3H49 Cook & Housekeeper White, permanE-nt If eatls factory tor 2 adulta. Phone t to 12 L m.. or .of to 8 p. m. Harbor SIHl-W. 42c $1 0 ~7 pt'1' mo. My rqulty free Se(' a.t 404 Bo. Spadra, Fullerton. 9 a. m. -S p . m . Ph. 21.52. 40c42 .\. nne mtock ot bookl on all yacht- ill&: 1111bjecta-PIU1 ajl cwnnt -Leccllnc Ubrvy. TH'OR Wuhtng ma•hlne, ...,,1. The Isla~dt:rs automatic. P!xNll~t cond!Uon. tlf, Martne. Balboa ts.. Bar 1M7 Only '60. Phone Bea. ~87-R. O c'2 HA VE 31> H. P. OUTBOARD for $60. \\'Ill throw In a 10 13 ft. 19« SERVEL I cu. ft. ref'rlger-boat. Lot 25, lotunicipal TraUt"r &Lor (CO$t '4~l . WUl ae-11 fo r Park, Newport. 40p.f2 $1 5-9.SO. C!aJ..I Har. 1381-J. 41c4'.? !------------- 3%-Rousehold Goods MOORJNG for Commercial ·Fiah· tng Boat up to 30 ft. \Vrlt<-1513 Hollyv.•ood \\"ay, Burbank, Calif. Good Volume Ceramics and gift sh.op B•ach. Harbor 08<9-W. &7c<2 Hlway Location . BALBOA ISLAND Drese shop, good location: Howieo and Apt_o., yearly or aea· Lady could handle'. sonal. See Gall Carney, will\ Ed Sedelmeier Rltr · NELDA GIBSON ' ' REAL ESTATE 1623 eo .. t Blvd. 30& Marine, Balboa lsl Har. M2 -18,000. miles. 0 v e r- drin, 111tl · -..&'!"". -ir·f·'taM 194 7 CHEY!leiUilr ·4·DOO!l SPEC. dlx.' Bed. all or- lgtn&J and very cliean. $ 99:) • 3415 NEWPORT BLVD. (nee'.r Udo) t:eWJX>rt Bt-ach Barbor 510 36c Corona del Mar S9tfc ---------~-- Harbor 2766 '00 CHEV. 2~oor deluxe Bedan FURNISHED bach"lor apt. Prt-Only 8800 miles, perfect condi· vate entrarlce aiid bath. Yearly lion. Save mOney from priva.~ HERE IS A SELECT LIST or summPr. INQUIRE at 41.!i O\vner, '137~. Ph. Har. 2404. 0 of good business oppor-Poinsettia, Corona del Mar. 32tfc Bunk l>«l• . . ................... ·•••.5 " FT. JOHNSON GULL-Rou~d • tunities in t h e Harbor 40}>42 NEW Furniture LOT $9~ DOWN, $9115 1\111 ~ •. Victoria St. at College AYe .. Costa Meaa. Ph. Beacon MtSiW . Oe« Attractive Duplex 1 BDRM. ea.ch unit, 3 yn. old, llke new.~ 1 blk. to bu.a. dt.L S ga .. rages. Stucco A redwood contt." $1',000. Owner, !58f PorJs' U.,. Or .• Coal& -4'et7 ltudio couch ...... ' ...... $--t9.MJ bottom. cr-nter boa.rd. Very good ___________ •_i_c_'"-· 1 1948 roRI> .iat:IOtl wq'Oll-W ood M•ple dinetlr !Wt, tablp and condJllon. Motor attachment-area. 1 BEDROOM furn. apt. Yearly t. cornpJetely refiaillhed... Excel· • i · 4 chair~ · .'89.50 with t.ra.iler. vi.a Oce1.n Blvd.. Good money makers. get In now rE-ntal. View of ocean and bay, lent condftloll. Phone H&rllor For Sa.le · Qrl R,int Apt. g._. ranee . ...... . . .$89.Ml ~orona del Mar, Har. 2831..J'. and have•tht-advantage of 11um-20:52 Cliff Dr., N('Wport Beach.. %211-J after 5 p.111. 41«.I .,· ,-~~oi: -~:--~_12 · .:~1~: 40ci2 mer business. ___________ •_1pe2l-LA-TE--.l-9-,-8--C-RR_T_S_l_.ER __ ~-~R ~~ ~.~ Hollywood bed fnm.. . .... $ e .911 MARTIN 8-0 outboud motor .. 1th Jewelry Store ············ .$13.000 YEAR ENT ; Vorker.SP<Jen , like MW. 18,000 BUSINESS LOY TIO~· Inner.pJ1n&' mattre .... n•.M up 12 ft. boat. 117 E. Bay Front,. Off Sal• Liquor Store $17.~ LY R AL aclual lnilea U7M. Private 93xU3-nO! I uaed aa: honller,Jd. l 'P·----·-WANT EXPERIENCED wh I l• USED Furnitu-Balboa Island. '1p'3 Pr .. alng. c1 .. n1n_r 2 D--'room Apt. party, call Wttk end•. Harbor 1 :t~~o~.,, .. ~ft#;iH., ·.~~w: ~m·~i~'..;~:::~:e: 1. ·~~~~r ~~t~~jf ;-~1 ::::~~:::;~: til;J~®r. ·~1 ·• I~~,~: t: :~--«~' ~~~ £~,~~1 · hat_.u.-,,~"f. " · 1 ' • ·~·· • le F >r •·a!" · ,.... .,.. st'~ O\ryfl-;~ !dcat1on111 11 ... •m .<M !/EAlle~~, ~·~;'lft~~~~~:1nh·~·~;j ~~~r Phone KlmberlJ 1-619S H~00 _ c•o~n Wani.d-~· •~TJOlLNUre ler Crown. Galley, $3850. Small II.ARBOR INVESTMENT CO. ,. ·rt. all 22--Lost and Food LOST-Black leather biU fold in- tUa&ed .A. E . L. Drivers lkenM", Augusta Equen Lelmberg, Ala- bama. Eye glass prescription a.ad OOMkSerable money inside. Uberal reward fol9 return of our gue.st'" property. B. Z. McKln- nt>y. Ph. Harbor 1 \03-\V. 40c4:? FOUND -Someone'• pet cat - Half grown, black. yPllow and White -4 white feet. Ph. Har. 28:51-R.. 41 c4i LOST---01r1'1 ptutic frame glaaaes o·n ocean front nt>a.r 17th St. , 1704 Oceat1 Front, Newport Bch. " Harbor 2999-l. •2p WIU. LADY WHO found girl•' 1tainlea steel expansion brace-- let watch at Van deKamp'•, • Costa M.esa. Saturday a. m .• • June 9th. pleue contact owner. Pllone H&rt>or OT:l9-W, <2c0 '-IQ,__, .na~ n•..,.. --..-down pe.)'llM'flt . Bank of Amer-house-only l yr, a.Id. No 1m1.U alurriinum t.raU.ec. J'or aale °" Young woman or middle ~ J.11• Ha.rbor Blwt. ka ·Wrm.ti. See boat a.t 1301 SOth A Newport Blvd., Newport children. Inquire 508~i-Marigold, will trade for equity in house. BY OWNERS -Ouplex and muOI gueat ttou.Be and. comer lot. claee Ln Costa Keu. ftb,ooo, tenm. Beaooa etlll·)V. UcH Part ti.me durinl' ~ l"ull Costa MN& &.eor1 4'63'1-.J q..t m ..... y. Owner, Wolman. Harbor i.600 Corona del Mar. Har. 2853-B.. Phone Harbor lM•.J. 4lp4.3 lime week. end.a. AppJy Cok>nlal Wf Wllahlre Blvd., Beverly 40c4.2 ---------~-- Rostaurant, iou Oout Hlcll· Jack'• Furn1'tt1re HlllL •2!>66 41-Stores awl Offlees ia FT. TRAILER. aleepo •. •100 wa~ Newport Beach. 42c ;:, ON THE OCEAN FRONT-6lttps cub. 'fig Canal St., Newport APRICOTS We specialize in tree ripened ROYAL APRICOTS for home canning 25 lb. lugs and 5 lb. baskets Hillside Orchard 2251 Tuatin. Av~ ... eo.ta Mi!M. 3&lfc PAIR llRlP'S R\fNNlNG LiJhla 10" hlC'I: 1 ...... s-x 7%"; .... toricaJ l"f:Ucc;. converted trom oil to elec. Chrome. t.gun.a Beaclt 4-4543. •Op<: We Buy, Sell or Trade OUTBOARD MaFOR -5 H. P . A TTRACOVE well looaled Bal· 10. 2 weeks In July and 2 •n Bea ch. • I • (1<(~ champion, complet<'ly overhaul-boa office for lawyer, aceount-August. $86 per week. f711 1~ West Balboa Blvd., Phone ed. sso. 110 Rub'.v. Balboa r... ant, tnaurance, bulJdt'r, archJ· Seuhore Drive, Newport Beach. 19 FT. HOU SE TRAILER. lN8 Harbor "°2-R. <~2 land. Harbor 2087.W. 42c" tect. etc. 507 E. Bal-Blvd., tOpO model. Ex.clJl't. coed. $7116. PIL --------,-..,,,.,,...-,-,..,-::-= Balboa Hart>or 1807 %tttc 1-------------Beaoon 5293-W. <2«~ APT. BIZIC A·B gu ranr<, $30. LAWSON OtrrBOARD MOTOR . . . DUPLEX -Ideal home and ""'· Jllcely run1. .Between MJr - ocean. 1 1-ear old. W~ doeeta &Dd lot. ot "tJ.le. bwner 1811 W. Balboa 111..S., N••••w~p.-t­ Beach. .,... In --' condition. a-e at 219i! 2., h · 1 •• , 1 Fi PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottqea. \, ............ ~ ~ .. p . alr coo_,__ eye . ne STORE at 91• Cou:t Blvd., Corona Island rrM ., to Loaa Orange Ave., Costa M•sa. &a· trollln&' mot<>r. $66. Ph. Harbor de! Mar. S75 mo. Phone Har· On Collini .,._ ODfl3 COSTA MESA -~·-M. <Oc<2 Each apt. bu wattt f~ · · , ~ w .. ~ 3064-W. •2pH bor 2998-R. .•0<0 w· p k A ~ o'KI!lErE " MERRITT RANGE. BALBOA DINGHY No. 161 in .,.. . ~~· ti ....... 1J:!.." m2~~ LO.AIIJS For Homes saooo OFFICE BLOG. AV AJLABLE at . ..., · t0pl4 •"--20 y r: n--"·• • •·--FINEST Reaiclenllal .6.et. N-r-. Jt'a •"'-la.teat 1901 model de1wc f' _,, nt -n41Uon. ~-. _,.,,_,, U "ft} ~6~• ~ I • B. ft. ...-.. l'" - o.uc: c~e ....... r 111 ••""'u..i.• 18tb &nd Fullerton. tnquJre lf4 ------------OONBTRVCl't01f LOANS 7 new " ....__, ... -CP, all auurnatk:, .... lamp and -s.. at 117 Apolena Ave.. E 10th ~---M . ~ D -a s • .., "-' .. . larp llv. rm~ tlrepllM, """" clock. That ~ty chrome -id-H -ao ••-•• · • · ~~ .... • .. one~ • BALBOA I LAND, by -~. _ at ~,.,. .,IT :tTL•. ___ bl&' ~ ,_.... .._._ Y"'" ~ Balboa lsland, or. •0 • ·-~· con ~Tll2. '2c<7 p1o'-::. ' WE B'"' AND SlllLL •--•-• ...., -. ~ ~-dle 1n the DlJddle-an outlet for ' ------------am.all a.pt. 1 ,p;ence or em. . Yl!;\I. -.a•':.BT • D~a· , ~uoed a.pin MAD Qi lat touter and thee chrome crill ALBATROSS, A ·l con d It I o n. couple. "2AO per mo .. on leue. .&""""· t:mD )IORACZ 8 Ji:Assr brollu bao ..... uoed only 21> Re&dy for racfn&'. Wonderful i ·f~l~·:!!-"~:!!:&~ial~-~!_!lte~n!!tal!!,___ UUL pd. SEl!l BOB BA'r'n.111\ ' • ! monlhll IU>d I only owo $H9.53 nelnc recol'd. 2 salu of ..U.. 1· AJao larr<r apt,._ s-.um-HUI cyJA/rf BLVD. -aoe Marine ~...._ · · on lbe coatnc:L You ..,, bave Including nylon oplnnal<e r. 'Ph. COMMERCIAL B~.-'-l!l•al for July, f7& wk., A.ug, tl.00 'If!<. (lorona dot. liar 'd:~r J877.J ~boa lalalld ~· IJaJ'bor Mill S my eqult.y ,,.. If you lake pay· H&rl>or 1296-R. •2«4 light manu!actur1nc. at.ore or Very .ftice 10 bllL to Sc>. Bay. ·Rep. l'(lj!l"k Ml&<lO. "f • .~ , ..,e menla of $3.38 p..-mo. a... at wbal t Exceptionally liCbl am! s.r. 21:111-M. 8let5 Ko~ .Uf• ,,.. • . D &:fUI zll. Afilil ~ ~ 50 .'• ijt. 46' So. Spadra. \'UUerton. t a. s• 11......_I ... ..,_ w•U -Waled, power curm>t. be 11-•· -960. '60t .-Oompiete lnsWlaUon. ttpalr and ~~__,.,, -etc. Low rent to reliable party. 1.0.ulll TO BUILD WIWY.11, -..., ..., - "'""'" of an trall~L '"· • II p. m. PIL. 21 &2. (Od UBllO 120 -WUrlll&•r Ill'"""' Owner. KL 3-22H, before 8:30 y E AR Ly . Bl1Y. ~~ °" ~ ~7~~ -;::.-, ORANGE COAsT BARGAINS c11on. alff! ..-. ns. cau Har. '" m. • UJ>'• • l.:..~-LI~ , we :a.q 'fimtf'1loolll · 1 _ TUTORING TRAILER SUPPLY a-••-Au"-·"-w--•-. 11"-W nlgllta, Har 157 •·M ~ _,. -.... ........,.. .a&Wl'O~T BA~ ft:D-.U. 61--8eal .. ..&. •• •*•Tit ~ -~ ~. U 1 Ae 7!!!_ ~ .!' 11071 Apt. $4,5 )(o sA~ .. LOAlil 41iP. . I -r-' E!-1•"7 ..,...ie tucher wilb t 1010 BAJ!llOI>. BLVD. ~ ---------.$111.96 IJiAUTD'Ul. walnut -........ -Call 'BUtlor J.e07 1111 \'la Udo'ft. k. -~ '"«Wej -. .... yr. llod>elor Of llcionce decree Colt.a 11-. PllOne -QH.JJ J!lav.llpln I>f'1<r ---~"'" ~ upr\PtpluoiD~rfoc\Clll1· RENTAL .,f . . ' J . ,;.. -~ ,,_1•111 ~-• = :i~ ':.'; ~ r:.,::_-i:THA ___ Y_ER __ l>ll_b_y_bu_ra __ .-_---... -. ~==i: ~:S:.: = ... T"""!'.,_~08:.:;~~ . SPEclAusTs-OORONA pa, 1'AR-v.tw ·o • '111 1Pu-!!1ar ,,.._ ~ • ~-" P s.acon, es10-R. a1oU bathlneU., babJ' -and ~ and rmt~t« ----·coo. <s•-1"""1 •21 N.· ed. DuclY-.--. " , • "l:. ,;:i ..... ~ .... I~ _... ~-• i.by nrtnc Harbor -.a. ..... _ -·6 ~~ -~ ~· . Oall -cnas ...__ -. , .. . · --·-11 * ;...~-,.._ -..,_,,,..11111;·.._ • UO... all ew:.c;, --·-..... ...._.... Sycuaore SUta Ana. Kimber-Lia ood RJ •---. .. '1•''"' "• • •C ....._ '"\Jll,IVnl. · -;----''' 11 1-1llll-ito 1la,T A 1 t • 1 Violin I,.essons ... .,.. Koep m t-11 win. ,. f04° .-ly JMT:i." w Vlek, tor. -~ °"'-,.cio., °""" ,.... ~-. . " "' •1U11.,..,... w ,. •-. Pubttc achoo! mu&e Weller baa ' CRAWLEY'$ ....,. tn TV oda --. • .... ,. -· k llU -ap. ~ ••l•I. 811 • • -. '* ..,. ..,_, , ........ ~ "''-' ..... '1. .~fora few 'riolln pupllL wr TlllDl8 AJUt.U101K>-UIJl .QIUU.T i'llNO BAUll .ar ~~llC....a _dole-.~ !!!!'~if .. ~,-OWw, llD ~. •-"""' .A.. Used Furniture DA""'""BROWN Co. J!O"'-~ '!Pinet-utra ..... 1 TZAllLr-a --. ..... --_.. • ,_ -.--~ • ..,.,. ' ,. •'• <---to.,. I>-san two TI011na av.Jlable tor y....,... out b'hPM. .... 0ttr narn. Oii Mw""" 'dazd S'lft,. <r: C. •al ). GoH _.....,. r11tld ."'('WWW• CD1-o • --1, ...:..... ~ ltudent UA Pb. Bea. 81711-R. 23M N,,_,...t-., ~ -• 1• KAll!(M &VQ. J)ANS4CIDGJ1J' Bia ,....,; ...... ~ .... A •i-. pr. , I ""' ~ -• Willl M.1.,,.,..:..--.,.,..,,,_--.--+--- ---..-------H-oU Hip..~ 111r .,_ COftA .... , ....... Im . -. ....... -. --rw.... ,.S. "' --. "f.~ ~.~ • ,,,--:: . -• ft • CiJft1ir 1 I>Ol'M' b&LAT, CALL TODAT We ""1', oell or -P1ULOO a&1.i• 1 'TOK wit 11 ftiMalD.d'"iW°';;. ;;:;--;;;;;t;;;-;;;;::;;;;:'t-:::--=---:::---:-~::"::""-~ -.... llil p J a, 0... .... 'JllUIC91€:!IeJ ff • • ,,· .,, ... ~ ~ ~-tllo II..., -'Cd B11u• llOlW --fll I I • Jki IF' &iiii.m -J>lrr7 tllo ·-· .... I • -., -.. ....... •. . +a Wli7 ~--H--111&u-.a..-1111.-• ··1Qion1~ ,,. -·,. -· 11 -. -...... ·-• BIO --IOp'IB --,... ---.... ---II ~ 1-. (~ ... , .......... _._'\_ .. = . ouu- M-'b 11,J'<lotlll>offllnl'M-p11LT.t.TPCJLT-l0"--. rar.-, ..-o.&1111* _,_,__...,.,f/_ ~ ..... to ••'Wldf ..... ilii'I• ~·--U: ~~-. ~i!1 ~~:r-r.:.;J ::.-.~;;.-::_:t.~ =~':r~:...= .... --::i:.: . Y:t•,:1.r.~~ , . TB9 AJllBWDI ,.,._.,. 'I n1, ~ uaa. · ~ Go., '!fl MG, lllillo, ...._ ..._ .... ' . • • ' ' ' • • BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor . L. c .. JONES J. VARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island · Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 74e-K ' • BAIBOA ISLAND. HOME AND INCOME: Un""'Jally charmtnc 2 bdrm home. and apacioua one bdrm apartment. Double prage and gueet room and llath. All tur-. nl.ehed attractively. Very near the Bay, and IUIC)y heach About 3 yn. old. See today. Priced to 11ell. . . Cliff Haven View Home THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME baa a gorgequs view ol Bay and Ocean. Tbe rooms are spacious &pd charmUiir. There. are two fir!'J!l~. one in the. llv· ing room and one in the den. There are 3 bdrms, 2 baths, a dining room, kitchen with lots of cup- boarda and , storage space,. irarbage djsposal and dishwasher, two patios, dbl. garage, grounds are nioely landacaped. This L~ NOT a leasehold, and is priced for quick Bale. ·ca11 us for an apP't. BLANCHE A. GA~-.REALTOR . Choice Lido Isle BAYFRONT · 2 BDRM. Wtt'H QEN. 8<!-tt. on waterfront, practlcaDy new MauUtul l story home complc!tely Md exqulmt•ly fuml.ahf!d. FlJlest \1ey.·. pltt &nd noat.. Thla l1' prime property fro1n all .angle$. If you want the beR, .thll wtU lnterHt you. Shown by appointment only. ' liA.RBOR RE}GHTB -A lovely new~bttrm hnmf', fir eplace, hwd. n oon, beautiful level lot, doublf" "'8Mlg"e, OWner wlll •eon.akle-r sna.ller home In tiade: $1'4 ,500. LlDO ISLE -Somtthfnr nlct> -3 bdrm, 2 bathJll, Ja.rge llYlng room, Jeaa lhRn 2 yr!I. old. Prlml' Jooatton, St7.8M. BAYTRONT LOT -!Et Bayo Tr".) comer 'w!ttl 42' fl"Ollta ge, $16,000. DUPLEX -2 .. 1 bdrm units, nf'\V, nt"al" propo11M hMpltal . · JJlle, good location and cood valuir, 11 3,:ro<J, T"rm.s. (0wnf'r wfll ta.Jc;"" Lido Is l<' lot Jn trade.) . COSTA MESA-"-Attraetivf' small 2 bedroom horn(' on a. qui"t street Lil a &ooft neighborhood, 60 X l~ lot. only 1 block to Alpha Beta markt>t. $6..300. ($1 ,600 down). For the BEST ln Barbor Pro~rllea, See-- HARBOR INVESTMENT COMP ANY REALTORS M>lh and Nt>WpOrt BIYd. Harbor llOO 100 FT, TO BAY 2 BP!DROOM tumished .home on 2 Iota -Addltlonal bedrm. a.lid bath attacbed to double ga.raze. Laree Jlv .. i~ room "'1Ut tireplKe~ . Laree fOVered pet.to. Room ---... ___ ..._ ___ '21JIOO.' • r Plenty of Room Here There are 5 bednna and den as well 8.1 1ul-e Uvlnl' room, dlninr room, kitchen and porch. A. perfect borne tor a l•rse family. Sailboa t and mooring inc luded In prk'e or S21 ,500, excellent financing. Nice Family Home -' bdrm!!, livinc roo1'. dining room, kitchen, (all larfe). P\enty ot batta. P e:rtlallq furnished, 2100 aq. rt., dotJbk ga.r. A hobby ahop. Lot 62x7~. half block to bay. 120,000 BAY & BEACH REAL TY Ethel Shirley Oloc:len Fay 1450 BaJboa Blvd.' " Harbor Jff4 $6950 FULL PRICE New Lido Listing J ust completing 2 bdrm homr. Still time to choose your awn colors. 21 ' Jlv. rm., frpl<-., tile features, bar-type kJlc.b.en. pri- vate patio. Priced below the market a.t $15,7M. ~ tcrmlj. Bay Shores FIRST TIME Ol'l'ERl!ID. One of lhe tla.f'tlt 2 bdrm hom"s on \ Bayside Drtve. 2 beths, large room-. lovely . pa.Uo., beauutully fumi3Md. IC you &.r• Jook"tns for a horqe with chann 6: llvabUity, lt"t U8 11\oY.1 thi.e prol)f'rty to you. Price: '2-4 .~. tum. • Ranch F.H.A. RESALE Very ~lve.E°"'lOnly , ·6 ._.;. ' lll[I. R tilt~ tll ~ arid . ~ .' race. fenced. Pymta a.re onfy ~1 .81 wlllch lneludM laxM and IJuono- ance, Owner lMYiac and wtll make a deal at a low ~wn pay- ment. Combat Living Coat BeautU\ll five pJu ure. ol lffel producUve land and a Die. two bdrm home. Lars• pn.re: .. 0•- lore Of tnsJt treee. ~ WW net SOlnHlrM aboatt a IJOOO tt -.i>t lblo -Jl&eollent lo-cation. Rabbit hutclu.•• and chicken equlpmenl OWn prtvatt- weU, which coot. nothb>J lo operate. Tlllo properV .. -.... ~ at l•ut SMOO. I'~ an uceu.nt buy-See Ullo at onty su,seo 3 B.R. Newport Hgta. In ueellent condltiOD. We are proud to offu lhll beaYllNI S !! • • • o-• _, r.tate-Otat Ja to be 8old IN N-FORT DACll'I -N- Klc!IU4'a Jolarllllt. 2 ~ -· Compfei.11 l\mllOlltd, doullle ,...... Pi:tce $7l500 Very Nice• yra. Old I bcltm lioin<>, ll~ lf,ndocaped, · wall to "(•U C&J'Pt't. door tur- n•~. \ii &ere. • All . For $7500 · G. N. WEJ,J.S, Rltr. & AMOcla~ ' 1790 Newpcirt Blvd. Coeta M-. Ph. 8-. 5181 LID-0 BALBO ·A NEWPORT Hundreds of Listings APT S. HOUSES INCOME PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS Conwlt Us JlM Ii RALLY NEWLIN with JORN 0 . BVRNHAM llO'I' II. BalOO. Blvd .. Dalbo& Harbor MG . E••t. Harbor ,;, .. W Outstanding Ocean tTiew Distinctive , Ranch House Ma.t att.racUve new 3 bdnn home • • • ... ' -~ c... ~ ..-. .:.. PAIT. l -THulSDAY, MY I, 19st .. • . ---· .. ,.a • * * j * '* *' * * * * * * r * . ' • . . Opening First Unit· ot Our .. ·1 . • • • . , BAYVIEW HEIGH.TS . ' on Palisades · Road • • • .,TRACT , • 3-Bedroom ·Homes ... Select Hardwood Flooring .. Double Garages ... i.nd Many Other Fine Features ... Priced at $9,485 . Low 'Monthly Payment. DffiECTIONS TO TRACT ' Jl'.'lrat rolld North of Santa Ana Country Club . . • tum Eut from Newport Blvd. on Palisades ... to Tract Salesman on Tract * * * * * * * BALBOA ISLAND There is a difference . . . - . * * .-* FREE Week Ends -Small yard.' Your weekends are~ Go boating. fishing, bath. ing. No more back bend- ing yard work -No more weed pulling. • • • TWO ·CJLUUllNO, well ba11t. ruat1c '*11• oottq91. About G ,._. ·~ IDoullla .-,e. ~ P.t.e • su.aoo. ·Torma. 11..iu,1o No. n•t, · · • . /, -.. eau Kaey ~ at·'Harbor-tOU. • . . BOAT OWNICIUI SPJICUt.-Watertronl z -lk>o p- , r • 'f Plor -float. pl\!8· -.t J&1U10111v ~~· • P'I"'> ;.... ,_,., barbecue.'-~ .. SU~ Terina, MUltlple No. IMS'. C&ll Maf)'"Dleltson at·Ha111or '10ll. ~ ' ' , · BALpa.i\ ISLAm> .. ' I w UG,fOO -t ~ I bdlu., lar:P. llvUJI'. ~-' 0111Y a f.w r .. t from the North Bay" O&rare pluo &put· \ . . ... m@tlt. Thlft I.! a buy at ,15,TIO. Ca.It Rar11iicw &n.. BALBOA :S-AYSHORES ·~· ' . J'ie.W 2 and 3 bedroom bomea. Now ready tor~· Bay vtPW, private beac1l, priced trem •ta,ooo to Uft.000 . w11Jl ~?f financing. Call Carl 'l'llomu at S.aean 6''8. -• .... EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17th and Cout Hl..,ay Newport Bf'ach 61:5 coast H lway Corona del Mar llWl ~ Irrin• N~ .. acll I ' 3111 N-pott Bl'ld. Nowpoft·l!leech • AN ATTRACTIVE STYLli:D, HOME wit.II a Plan lbat really apf*lJ.~. A modE"rn k itchen with diahwuher, 1,..da of cabbltttit and ttle. There are thtt~ bedrooms a.ad s Dftn with 2 battui:. Ftn-placf', good heat and 0&k noors. Thttre ~ a lovely Alpine stylf'd ll•lng room with open IM'am ceiUq and unp&J.nted rpabopny panel w&ln.lcotlnl" Look at these EXCLUSIVE ----------~--------­offerings : and dJftlnl al~. H~rr fs room tor ~rybody and. at a prl.ee that nl('AM t..11tnN11, $19,500. A. fin~ ~boa I eland loeatlon- call for appointment. J. A .. BEEK . OFFICE •1-l.tUiid l'erry l _....,. • BALBOA BARGAIN 5 bedroom beach home, 1 blk. from B.:y, cloee to shopping, fuml1hed. A real buy at ............ $13,500 BALBOA ISLAND 3 bedroom home on comer location. Owner 88YJI aeD and means it. Make offer. HAL HOUSER-Sales Gm CARNEY-Rentals NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Islend Har. 502 BALBOA ISLAND I f I I • · S~ ~~Tl'RACTI'{JE .:nJ""L~t 2 bdrm ~;~~r~~~~~~~~i-- room to. build another unit. Prtce $16,000 Generoua Terms. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A-.. at Marine Balboa ltl•nd Har. 2462 . I. Qn the NORm BA Yl"RONT of LIDO ISLE a charming and lmpNNlve 5 bedroom, 3 bath one .tory home. Good aized lot with pier and slip and home hu no •lairs to climb. Ttp top condttlon and partlalJy tunrtllh- BEAUTIFUL .CORONA HIGHLANDS ed. , Priced to aejl. I. Bftnd • DIW f. bec'.INom, I bl.tit bome-priSM tocauoa. .tr.et to lltteet lo\. :M'.4J1.Y DELVXZ feo-a.wr.. ......... t ......... ~~•-w-.... wired for. eleetrle' Nnp. -l&tp pauo, a oar prace, ll&'bt and ch~ roc:ma.a and kitchen tlLat MAKA-will love. Al! thl.9 and on LIDO . IBLlil ol · ONLY us.~Lenient t•rm•. ALSO Bneral new 2 and 3 bed.roe.., homes for aale on LIDO ISLX u well u a few choice build .. _lnJ lltea either on lb• 11.4.y. 1<1tONT or on croaa atreet lot.a. Pr1oe:a far below value -euy tftm..t. The• >ot• are Nllif\I" fut. Remember we are the DmvELOPl!:RS ot LIDO ISLE where a 1tttkl buy1 a LOT. At the South' edge of ~rona de! Mar. 60 ft. lots -·0cean Vle'W. .Private Beaeh Prt~~· 8 Brand new homes · r . ..... ,. ... -_. Pri~ed fr~~ $12,!.;iO , t . ~ Minimum down paywta. . 1 • II'. H. A .. 0r v.....an •.,.. • ·• • ~,,# • • - 1 Come and -fop youNOlt ilDd .,...,.. .. "kll• or uk your brobir. J'HONE HARBOR flf-l l SEE THIS Home with wweeping view .of hilla, O!WaD and coast. Built on level 5Qit120 .Jot. 3 bdrms, fireplaee, 2-car pr. C.0111pi.tely, & nkely tuiiiished ·and landa:caped. Gi>od location. , Price -$22,:500 W. A. TOBIAS ·Sales IWNA CRAIG W..t.al• P. A. PALMER LINwOO. D VICK, Realtor IN CORPORA TliiD 33311 via Lido 312 Marlne Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 3042 . ' ·!'le;wpo~ . Calif . • • l'I~A'li!.:~\·~,; ?·( ·~· '• ' ' . /.. '~ ·)... ' •J 1 , . .; REDUCED from $10~ to' Sl.600 on nice 1treet ln Coeta Mea.. 2 bdnn, breakfaat room, double p.rt.p, rrape covered patio, fnclt ~. poultry bouoe- . offering for the tint time- awmin. s -·s 11at11 ... d ---·--~ lot In -et our veey flnell 1oca11o1Ja. TWo - alble PR&'.. ond a fille ~kahop, 'I'iro pallt•, prt..U pier. shown by appolnlmea" • . lbat llaa ...i _, .. llld ft&tYnof----------------,...-------'-R. W. BARTINE STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor ploN. Hwd. Roon&, ,t1npl1ee, double pragf', etc. In NtrWpOrt HafPta near Cout HJchway, Sll,JOO. • Pretty As A. Picture Klee 2 bdrm rustic houee in New .. p4rt Holsbu, anly 2 yn. old. Flroploea. l>NmO<! ceUlnp. wood puellng IUld doOlbl• gar&fe. Tiii& bu ..i .... ...._....,.llllnJ m&b7 horn• I.ct. $10,950. Beacon Hill Realty _ ... ,._rt Bl"'1, ,....,. Arcb8) l'baoe Be-171J.K Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 fll(JO DOWN. 2 Mrmo, fllnll&Md -o-f'aftelecl llvlna' rm , fire-,...,_, ...... "'"''*'· llllQ-e.nd .... .-.. 11o. ' Price Only $6,500 Nice hooch -la 1W -.. Room to build Jncarne UJIJt. W. U. Patton. AMociate' 1807 Newport Ave., C.O.ta Keu. 219 MAR'INI:, BALBOA ISLAND Hal'llor SO Today's Best Buy Corona Highlands. Tetep~ne Beacon .63to ---------------------~ .Peninsula Point • A\ltllfttic Cape Cod lllODERmmC -Wltll Ylew or ----------1QNLY AT oceaa &ad MUI -Deall'f*I for * • * * -a ... tdoor uv1q, s b<>d-Corona Highlanda ...-.. l\i botj>a. Iota or We. Co1ta Mesa Bargains -oil fl--. Pa,..e I', A . r Ocean view bql, ........ • • • .• -·11~ Loeo r eo ft, or more-·-ot 11-tolrcb -llPc. llar, TWO BDftlll. HOlll&, wall to -.II u--v ...,._ patio. A ~ -cut><'t.1111', clJolee -.tel, n- 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN. Sat & SWl; 2-6 °" a ~ lot. ICldtlple UCloo: dbl p.rage. -. J&rre Jot. Onl flOOo::J\. No. 1818. Bee Corn crop 1ac1.-. SSfl!O, au y 'POO<IU 'D'ft-1 Ch .-. FllUIT Juoky -&eta 20 ac.ro.-12 In pena paature, abundant cbeep water", property p iped tor lniptlon. 'fhno.e. -..... food bani, oqulpmont r<* 111,000 cllll')<ena. WIU 11e11 or consider part trade for Santa Ana o.r ?:'ewport Beach prop. .rty. P,.iff $40,0QO. bdrm homo wltll a ....... 4-------~----­ room. -U,. -rat<d .-1111 •feelleDl tut•. ~ prap bi.c:ll l'N'll completal;J 1......i; patio, ..... B-Q. lltnot -m~ IN p&ld. 4 IUCe 0. L l6an DOW' on Ille propocty - payable at !"'17 M7 per -la· elUdfll&' u.. -1114 -ThJa .. .. top ""1-Tllo fllll I $; l>Gmo on -Bm1. .,....-&mberlain ' It! Speculaton liere'a 1 o u r b<&dl -· Plrep...,.i ~ O;ut Bl'ld., em-dol Mar ebance! ~ (Opp. Nowport llariloo--1<) . <nu:ENLEAF " ASSOC. BUILDER -RllALTOR St 12 N-rt B!Yd., Rtrbor 2M2 ' G. I. tteaale 4 % Int. $12,000 BY oWNElt -I bdrm, -1 -rated llome. TUo• ltltdloo. Pulllllan -trWd. -.. dbl. prtce ls c:aly ~· Phil Sullivan . C. Galen Dent.ol) G. ·T. Jl:venon -· fenced • yV4. -_., dO Newpcwt...... ~ 1111.-J walk1llc ctlct•ace to eca ''" Md Pia. .._ -• a.. M• 1 olloppiq. ---, ___ -----------Uy wtlll -ot tu Iii Vo- daa, 11'•""'1 ...-.. • ... Newpwt _..bl --w. Owner Leaving State .. ._. •, 11141 ...... PBOlQI ...,...... Jiit to ..... 'NIM 7 I __ .. ~....... 'SC .. • Home Jnd In.come ~ Har11or ms _ 3 BeQi-oom House WeU Wiit ~ """'"" .... Th1a Is Choice! -NEW lllJb .... blP,way. -ll:xtn i----1'1111 Ut. -I Wnna. I bat11, aaf\Jr. -Only flllll: ~D fl.000 doWa: Priee fUOO. , ttJe .•tla. 2'°"'" ....... 1lf'lth "'" ~ eMIJltd pada JI ~ ~ UVW - -dock. W~ -I.al 1J e11iO. ~ "'--"'• --s-~ ,,_. :°"""'8lletbealiuJlwltl!UL Pl'fPOrtir -· ... -~. . ....... -pr, '9tpcl, ...... ~ ~...._ ,,..,._ WI. 1 "* &ne neta. au• .-11-· 2 ~. 11~ \KxUI bn ~ a. lie-w. a. c. lUl&LT'l' ou.. Qllit .,..,..._ • ••""1 ... -I _ 11anor ...i Jfe•paot -.... a21ii1 ., """°rt ...,.. .,_laWY aftll11Jk \cl ~· 8J:ll t/11 l"GR .t,•v _.,. mit. """8 '111. ,.N&WJ>Gt<T BEA.Ce SU.toll. Wm ta.lip lln&ll cl<at aJ1i. AD Jba --Pllons: S.-aeo&-1( °'- -., 111 oil W.....-t -.l r· -BellCOa 112111 W Al!Clther ..,,.._ea;. ID .. """. -........ ro......\. ~'-Co; ' -1ctr , ...,..,..._ .... -a...,_--IWo ~NA DEb IUJt, Jilra. enfif, 8. tlll 1 -.... ,. I ..,... ,._ llo-M Jud la ..... Deft -h" 7 I ... -...., w _& 4JIQaD, ~ .,,, am 'DI""' -. 1 2 ch••--••---_ -. er -• -. --.. ----__,. -.................... ,, .. .... -a .. < a ....... <lt.,. Ii+ 11 • llOft QUa BAI.JI \lalllii 111• .. aiqp &!'2 ••r JllorPI .. I,_...._ • \ ..,._ • ha IP ......... IPl•ztioll ...... Np, ..._ &.OYw.oAJID. • WI i\ L. BOYD F ii ·--I _,... J tau• •1'"1.~ ,!-7· Z.attt Mu; .. 6 •en. •..-~ a_...•Jli; ·--'ff"• • a '"311 .... .• Oii oz • 5 i.tt.~ f I ,.._ ·1;:-:•:•f.~iJi~ -.-. •• , ........ All ... ----~!-- 1·11 ............. .... • ,.. ... .,., •• "1Ji "'" •• sa•L JHlle az 41 • ' • c . • I . • • • with SWANSON Canned _CHICKEM & TURKEY . . . . ' ..... ; ·. . . .. ................. : .;• .~··:•. ··.·..:·.'\.· .. ·; ... ·· . -. . . . .. • •' . o •o• *• ••·••• •'. .. •• 't, ''"••• '~ ::•-•' • •'• ' •' .• • 4{' .,•• ••I : ' ·3· BIG SALE "DAYSI •. . ·:~ T~lirsclay, Frid~,~-:~y.·1:_'.. . . uw s .. Ii . Jul s _~ , •. epec1aze •. In Courtesy" · · 1 I . FIN~ 9UALITT-LOCAL POLI GIOWN ., 64 GREEN BEANS · ·lbs !. SWANSON CHICKEN FRIWSEt is-o .. 53' -. .. 89' ·e SWANSON'S FROZEN e SWANSON BONED CHICKEN .. -............. s-o .. 55' CHICIEll SWANSON IONED TURKEY ...., ••• , • ., ••• s-o .. 53° n SWANSON CHKKEN SPREAD ......... -••• &-<>• •• 29" FRYERS SWANSON CHICKEN A LA i<ING ...... ...,. 1ov, .. 49" 1..t lb. $12' For 1ro11111,, Frr'•"' SWANSON NOODlE CHICKEN DINNER ••• 1s-o .. 34° ~ 100••1•• aH 79' SWANSON NOODlE GIBlO DINNER •••• 18-<>z. 24° Pkg. tt°:~,. 1 • lverlN•• Eviscerated BeltsvHle TURKEYS . . lbs ~~~~~~~~~~-. COFFEE Chase & Sanborn 79c . U. S. NO. 1-HIW CIOFtjWEn • . . No. '11 l·LI. CAN .. -·~. ON I OMS Flat ·lbS Can . 1 26c BUTTER Challenge 77c .-l :l If<! 29c I Whlta 33c , .. 9•allty I ·LI. PllG. ,, " Lab el Labe l DI. 105$ !All ~nanl _,DOG FOOD TIAGAIDEN STU.WllllY PRESERVES PUii 20 ... J. 39~ ' I He...t SfaNarcl Pitted RIPE OLIVES 2 No. I . C TallC• 5 NATIONAL 'IU.NDS j Your KOLD KIST ' For Lunch Box , hr ..... c ...... I .. in· iii"afti. '-;~ · 2 ,. c • c c FROSTED CUT IREEll IEANS 10 ... OUT WU BEANS 10 ... Choice SAIDllCH I .....,_r Scoopf'Old Mr; fe• .--~· SLOE Gii ~tiot~:-::..~ .. Flftll ~ ·: . PEAS I CARROTS 12 ... CORI :!:~ u ... . • • • STEAKS zv..oz. 15c ALn BEEF TUALES' ·-- . . . . ., • • . . ... • • ; • • .. I • ' I • • • ., , - > - -· .Summer{'.Recreat~ i~ full Swing· TIM N•wport i(e.c.b --~n!allon p ........... lo nqw . In tull aw<nir. accordlns to AcUvlly Dlreetot ,Wiiliam Burdick. -b&ll: •bu!· fl•board, poddtO tennis and .otJli!r apott;o actl..t-u ,well u ahop work and mwdc cJuoa wore extt.mely popular wltll tlle younptero. Reoulto of lut week'• oporto COil: .... ~=...;;·_:_ ____ _:__.:__ teata foUow.: Bueball Metca.J.ra MonsterS. piloted by Mt.II M'elcalr. downed Johl\ Gtau- er-'a· Magpie• In an ucltlng eenn Inn.Ing game, 11-5. The lead cPtanc· ed band twice, but the aixt.b it!.· ning aw mevsn. runa acroa home plate for the Monsten and wu t.fl,e deckilng factor ln ,the flna.l tally. • In th" area league circuit (a.gel'!! 12-1:> yeat), Balboa laland defeat- ed. Newport, 13-2. Although the f(.'OCe WU Jop11Jded. spirit ran hJgb tn the Newport team which le anxiously Awaiting a return game. a..iminton (l>oubloo) Glrl'11 Senior Di viii Ion : Pat Kelt- er and Jean Swan.on took top honors by defeating "Sheila GJ.ua and Diane Ward, 21-16, 21-9. Girl's Junior Dtyttdon I: Diane Ducke and Sharon Lyman downed Beverly Lund and Judy Mc.Kinley. 21-19, 17-21. 2'1-17. Girl's Junior Divbdon .II: Judy Coleman and Sherry Guton re- talnrd their poslUon on the ladder by defeating Geraldine Na.ck and Bever y Gibbon.a, 11-7, 7-0. Boy'11 Senior Divi•lon: John Grauer &nd John Bruning held the top spot by wlnnlng the playoff match with Marvin Lu.ak and Greg Wr1ght, 21-13, 18-21, 21-17. Boy's Junior Divialon: Don Doi· bttn and Bill Doner topped J lm Thompson and John Berkus. 21-14. 21-11. Boy's M\clget Dlvlaion :' St.eve Hughea and Tommy Shock depend- ed on tbl8 o! rootwork and shout- ing to defeat BUJy CaJlia and M'lke Ketchem, 15-10, 13'-9. ' Bike llaoea Boy's Senior Dlvjsfon: First place. Dick HaJTiaon: second place, John Egert; third place. Children's Home Society Elects New Officers A eenmony tnlt.alllnl n.e• o!- fken for t.he coming year wu th• lmportant bwllneu lut week at the June meeting of the Newport Harbor AuxJllary of ~ Chlklren'a Home Soclety of California. Tak- Int her place u president wu Mra. E. C. Martin o! Balboa le- land, who wtll be U8i9ted. by Mn. W. A. BeTla u vice-pre•ldent, Mra. Joseph Rlgga a.a recordlng eecre- tary, Mrt. Kenneth Sta~ge. cor- respondtn1 eecretary, Mrs. Forre1t Thee"tge, t·reaauru, and Mra. A.. V. Andrews, retlrtng prealdent. a.a parlla.meotai4n. A.a her !int duty ln office, Mrs. Martin announced the following new cha irmen or the •tandlng commltteu: Mrs. W . H. H itchman. program, Mn. LaWTence Brown. ways and mean.a, Mr9. F . J . CIUr)'. publicity, Mra. Charles Ullman. hoetea. Mn. Kenneth Boettcher, telephone , and 'Mrs. 1).lller Topper. Jegt.,lation. Al9o, a special committee o f three memben wu aelecte<i by vote to advt.ae on matter• concern· lng the new project which will be launched In t.be fall to give aid to natural pa.rent.a. They are Mr.!. Wendell Calkins, Mra. H . 'E. Clu18tler and Hnl. 0 . G. · SueM. Thiti , final meeting, closing a moat aucceMful year, wu held at the Cltrr Haven home of Mni. Hugh Sprtn.gqr wtth Mra. Law- rf'nce Brown, Mrs. Roland Wright, and Mrs. F . R . Huber. co--hoate88CS. !°.!:"'run : rourth place. Rtcbud New Sergeant Boy'a ·Junior Dlvta:lon : F trat FUJI _ McNAJR TRAJNINO place, Orville Hernatreet; second AREA. JAPAN -Harold L. ~ place. Bob Grbmer; third pl&.ce. Santla, Jr., 811 • 3'th St., New- Ray Godwin ; fourth place, John port Beach, Calif., waa promoted Owens. recenUy to the grade of sergeant. Boy'a and Olrl'a Midget Dlvt-HI.a advancement waa announ·ced sJon : first pl.ace. <?er•ldlne Nack; by Col. James L. Rlchardaon, com- second place, Cati White; third mander of the 224th Infantry place. John Griuen fourth place,· R~menl, a unit of California'• Janet Hobel. • fOlh lnfanJry Divialon. Shultleboa.nl T "h e ~glment 18 cuttenlly Bob Martin and John Grauer camped on the •lopes or acenlc, .11·frbt4....~ .. lb• '98...&POL W .. &Ae: anow-c~.Peect~.Mo\lht. FuJI, J!""'''-' boy'• •huftleboard tourn&Jnent by m'09T famou. ~ark, where it defeating all comen . .Alao Oeral-undergoing !leld maneuvers. · dine Nack lind Gau While dia-\ In addition to tn.lning. unlta of played exceUent pl~ement In de~ the tOth Divlalon are part of a tending pOlitlon on t.lle toutna~ security ron:e foi-the etrat.egtc ment ladder . i8land of Honshu. The 40th la: lh~ Paddle Temala tint former National Guard dtvta- Pat Kelt'r and Jean swan.son end~ t.he wee.k's competition ln first place as did BIU K.elter 11.11d Msrty Burke in the boy'a dlv1- sion. 8hnpwork and Mmlc Summer mue:lc school and 8hop· work. whic h Is an important part ot t he city school •ponllOttd ~re­ ation proRTam, bU been a huce succe511, MIM Norma Perkina, di- rector of the: mu11tc program, an~ nounced rlhal boye and-girls alike a re mak Ing fine strldca and •U especially enjoying &dYanced Dix· !eland band practice& BoY8 and girl.a partJcipattng· in the shop and crart.JI program an: turning out numeroue flne pro- Jecta 8UCh U salad bovrl9. lamp standa. aurt boardal and tJe racks. Mr. Norman Stillwell, direct.or of 8hopwork, said that models Of· all kinda are still In popuJar demand. The highlight o f next week's &chedulto will bt> a model contest Including 80lld and flying aJrplane modE"la. \"ISIT lN EAST MaurPen Came~ 'of Harbor Blvd. and Joan Drummond of Rochester St.. Costa Metta, are visiting friend& "and te)atlvea ln Waru.w, Ind .. and Chicago, W: • --. Jon to arrtve oveneu •Ince World War II, and It la depMlyed to ht!.l p fUI the vacuum created 'by depart- ure o! American occupation lrOOJ>4 tor l<oru last at1mmer. Before arriving ln Japan, De Sanlla took hi• bu.le training and some advanced problem11 wt th the 40th Dlrilllon at Camp Cooke, California . A RecolJeu rifle aquad leader In' the 24th Reg.ment's Company L. D~ Santla ln clvlllan ~lfe wu a student at Fullerton Junior Col- lege. Honolulu-Bound Guests En+ertained . Welcome guelta Sunday at the borne ol Dr. and Mrs. John K. C. Cbunc. 211 E . 18th alrttl. ea.ta Mesa. were Dr. and Mra. Francia Chew and eon or Loa Anplea, who were en route to Honolulu. Dr, Chew, well known pedtatrt· cl&n. a.l\d the local phyalcla.n Were former cla.lamate8 at Marquette Untverelty. Wlac.onain. Qt.her friends e.njoyial' the hoe- pttallty "of the Chunp Jut week were Mr. &Pd Mrs. Garland Gor4 don • of.· Oxnard, former Costa M.., reatdenu. s50 JACKPOT . 51,00 TQ TO -MEN'S-DOUBLES -MIXED flloo'TRY 1% -INCLUDE!! llOWUNG • MEN PATS MlllED 1260.............................. $10.00 ........................... 1 200 1275 ........ : ................. ~. $12.50 .............................. 1215 1300 ...... : ........ J............ $15.00 ... : ......................... 1240 1325.............................. $11.50 -·-· --··-··-.. _ ......... 1 265 1350............................ $20.00· ... ::... ...................... -1200 1875 .. ·······-·-····-··-iiackpot ....... ~.~·-···--·-··l.299. . ~A~ PAYS 111 S.~lt'I, . Z/I BA.NDICAP -JtD M ...... WOMEN' 181 • • Ullft .-l'Df8 . IUl'l'S u ·m mr.Y u . . MAKE .JIDDYATIONS · for •1ta Ours ... A'.Jill at Mf1 n.. 80METBING.NEW ..... .,.... a.Med to N<!wport Harbor-~ •1\h the taaupraliun ot tho '"l'l<illi!li Serles, ff sailed uadrr tbe a.uapica of the Newport Harbor Yacht' Club. Thf'M' frtt-fo.....U fun ~ • it.r11 beoomlq l.octtlulactY poP"lar with the •ma II boat Mllon.. 4ftd e'\-ea the apectatona have vot ed thf'm mo"t au~ful. J...ut \\tf"dnHday saw Mvr.-al 8nJpes Joln ia the hln that the l.ebmaa !\fft started. Shown IMll'f!., ·tile Lehnwu &IT off for an <ttber of their tam\ut hard-!ou•ht .. bat tiff" ht the brhlk !tUIHI0\\'8 breie&e. Alt.bou(h not aa offlclal .. r1M. 1eoru an belns k"'Pl and. kno"1nl' ~ Leh· man p.lll'. U..re wUJ be aome klnd of a ffW"ard • t the rnd of the ~ LNdlnc aow are Ch(J('k Pkkr rlns, ftnt; Dorrie Lewla. aecoGd, and l'"recld y Schf'a<'k, third. A apecJaJ dlnnf"r for th.--.lion i. part of tbo lato ..,..,,,_ fMUvllleo. (Photo by Beckner) OVl:R THE TJ:ACITPS chat n~· offloforw of Newport HIU"bt>r Att.xlll.Uy ot tbt> Chlldn-n'• Hom~ Ser clety or Calllo~ Wta.lled al Uwo .lune meetlnr lo the Clllf Haven home of l\lr!'. Hugb Sprlnrr-r. Left to{.!~t~ 4e li l\ln. l~orreet Tbtiet.se,_,~~~~~~ '~~pb RJsp. ...,.....U.W Starot<i, .. .,..~.....,,luy and Mro. Wllf...i _,., •·loo (l. Atu11 Photo) , 'll'HEN THE FINAL aEs1Jl.T8 of tile w..,k Ions Me..cnry CIU& --,,....mj>loeohlp NOM, hf'hl Wt Wttk In Newport ~r wtth 8-l~ Yae.bt Club ae b<Nrt. \Vt!ft ~yoim.s Bob Gae•tel of ~fterced eme:fl'Cd-aa $he oew cbamploa~of the nlftf'ltea boat twt. Re ta pletured'here (krt Cf"Qtrr~ h bo reeel\'t"d the coveted Era.est N U""8 P e.fpt':tuaJ Trophy from S.. C. Y. A.."' Senior Stair Commodo,.. t.. N. Slat£r, Sr .. (rtpt Ol"ltl.er). At l.ef1 ls Bob'a crev.-. E. l'L Roth. bold~ tbe .. take-home .. tropb.y. and at rt Pt. Chet Wheel.er, n ~·13· eteetecl pl'Hidf'nt of the !\t~rclU]' Anoclatlon. • (Photo b7 Beckner) lllrikes • S,•nsl , .T111a put -.t-\'an'il a few -· - 11111 ~ cllnlns "'l i~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~a=~~~~~= U.. old -. ,....... ID U.. J-· J111t d NlDt Wtlbl f'Wdl Pol\8d a 11111-~ bp. few .. tolal ol m. WJtUe Jt1a partMr II\ <lea ..... WO ii 131 (r tool W a lT0-116-!l)I 10 lip. fl!r" .i;:e~ .. total ot .U; ~ ~ wh!clt .,~- CO!l Ille -•n.ee. KloCa W Xal<M Mufti bo eooeer tlnl ... ed N8 ftftlii eap ot Ootbea coffee -Ht Oft-an<NAweU ~<liq • ()'Gara -In with a till totill ' • p lno ror a s~oo pey otf. ~ AM your JN-15'-151-70 hp. toCa1 1111; HI Neighbor ~":J,~.!!i,"J;.t';a!t.w~ MuFn, tTD~ CUSTOM TAILORS ~ HI'• ap.ln, -ao plno lip. cr-1 INn N-rt lll•d. ~ IU .. _ bin! a • MO ocratch. Good "°"lb!lf S -· Noltlll o f llaata Am& ~-Qlilo _ In any alley. ~===============~-='==~==~ a••ac .. u.e tldnl .,.t 1e -.. Bame _, T• ..,._.,. -a Mlal of lhl-1Jp uatu IMt lablnllt,J ~ --...... ea *9P. wtt.11 &ale ,.,...,,. ta.ere .. atlJJ • ---"°""' jack' Pol foe Ibo ldp pair. • In the miJc:ed doubleal the jack- Pot to date I~ well over S7e 00 and golng up! Hbw"°er, .no pay ofta for the pie and pya u yet. (A tot&l or 1200 ln mixed 1>9Y• oft $10.00). Leading the field ·i. Val Tow:J~y and Geo. Forrest with o total o! 1188. ln the second spol is Bento and Bento (Mr. and Mra.) total pins '1110. Third place Vat 5,TOCKS • BONDS • COMMODITIES U..,DBtWRITINGS -~ . . ' DEANWITTER.~Ca. MfMHS. HlW YOB 1f0Clt EICllAHGI O te.ge lomrd of Trode • • • S.. Frwla llDc.k be••: ... las .Mt•• Stoc•.&dte1111e _. l!ASfD PllVATl!'WlftS 1 Bank of lAJ111LO Boe<,ll Bid&. J...ca--n. &-lUI· < ' .... ,,._dtco • Lo•~· • .... ,.. (. ....... ·II Tousley and Red Probert. llt2 l'r ;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;f tot&l plrul. . 'l1WJ new look arowad Van'• · the 'put f~ wK'4b la UW!i aew Manhattaa £..Z-utt. For thMe 14·hn don't Jmow Just wt.t a.n £...Z-Utt I.II. lt'• Uke an_y otb« """ •U )'DD ma7 bay -you can't de a thins with It the ""'' te"· ttme. yoa roll PlNAie note I U.id y~t'a Ml the lJ!&ll. Kt"ep your eye on t.he fiollowlng E-Z-Ll!tera; there ehould be eome hot gameti fo rthcomlng. Lou Weet.!lut aeaaons high man In the service club lea~e; Bl.11 ''300" Kobayuhi along with the rest or the Schnelder Tractor tf"am ; ,l.4>well O'Gara already made SPINNING REELS MIT CHELL (Frenc h·) ................................ 27.50 NEW MONTI -SUPER .. .' ........ : ......................... 26.50 ~ ln Swttu:rland • AIREX .. . ............................................... 23.50 CAP ................... . ................................ l 5.95 FOR SMOOTHER CASTING FRl:NCIJ HONOFIL NYWX ux.£ -s v,, 5, e a 1VJ lb. TEST $U50 PER 100 l'DS. BOB'S SPORTING GOODS S7.50 with hlo In the Jack·Pot 17111 aad l\"EWPORT BLVD., OOSTA llESA. lll1:A. Wt-a doubles. K enn, Newport Tackle, i~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~ii~i R ima, Larry O'Gara la hllvlng a duck pin ball drilled with an E-Z· Lift tor h i.a five year old boy. l' OQr '"'l'l"tiona an. wekome !or a ~tier ooluma: Send .vour Idea.ii to Bob lampttt. 8ob'11 , Sportlnc Goodo. I 70Z . N<Wport 'Blvd.,. Coetia MlfJll&. LAWN BOWLING A method· ot putt.vie life lnlo the locality without. marrtnc jta .beauty. Oreen.s owned and maintalned FUCHSIAS . 5 & 10' Nuisery 141%1 So. Newport Blvd: TUSTIN . ' •• \ .~ by the Clty ot Newport Beach I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the benefit of the public, and operated under the llllpervialon or the Newport Ha.rbOr Lawn Bowl- ing AseocJ:aUon, a non -prortt Cot~tioa;;~'!'' ............. ~ -. Ol-4~! .. -., ... . > Daye or play: Wedneeday. Fri- day, Saturday, Sunday and all holidays, to wbJch the public 111 cordially invited. Information may be obtained at the green on play- ing days or call secretary al Harbor 1927-W or Harbor 790-W. I NEWS·_. TIMES and THE PRESS ,; $3.50 per year for lolfl A clean, exciting and competi- tive outdoor sport. NEWPORT HARBOR PUBIJ8JDN'G 00. . , • • ' • . , , -17eow lf BUk of lllierlc:a will remain open oa Satardays F0ryolir admmodati~~ Bank of Amirlca will continue to render banlrinq aervioe OD Saturday. This bank considem it.If a public -Mrrioe institution, rendering service at ' arch time and in lfw::h m11nner utbe . ·people ~-b•!lt spits ~naads • SiD~·~tutdaY.w the b:1si&Jt ~Y of~ week a,t our J>anlr. H is ap~ t.6 ualtbit ~uiny wprbn, ~-·~and~­ bu11ina11men-and ~find it ·-· - ti4Vuita91ou1 'to'~ucf · • · J' ,· .-: bi1aiq11i Oil that da'Y,. -'j •• ~ . ' 1· wr . •••• tt.flut~~ llmCl"A1Wttlft"UIOO~ &&•llt ~fllM jia.u .. ,, ... it.ala ........ . ,.F~..,: ;"'• I ·-·~,-~ ' • •• ' t I · r-- .- ' • ' . ! . - , • , ' • . . ., l . • 'l •• ,, . . " • .. , . .. • I • ,_ • ............. ,,. .. _, ,_ r' w e wlll llwlb "91' zte wla ef ~--· -tnetor or help you obtalll • Title 1 Joa. for -· eC>fStrndioD -. ... .. •·'\fftng. I t.• • I . -. -11 ....... )llol)~tt, -.... I l'llall•l a.a.on 8411 2 • o:nu:& J'~· r..a=11na Bc::ich Santn. Aria ~rton L& Habra Brea 1 J SPE(;IFICATIOt-1 . READY MIXED CONCRETE w .. t w1i.oa < h.1w ... x......,rt -Rartior mvd.) Costa "'°"" -.,_-.a M46 BALBOA TRANSFER CO. leaccn 6553 Storage Redwood Art at State F• T remlllg with new featurt>• and attattU.... t.M ~ at.at• F'a'r. Aug. JO th.rough SP-pt. 9. \)11• yeer • dedke.ted \o --Y~,. To hiU.ligllit Ule 1131 llw'm,., tbe ta.w 11.aa Nmln'•lmwd .Cl,.rrQM BatM>JI, notl"d M"UJptor. ti> earw-rrom • ~ "'" a llit1p •~1 j rlgi.1r~ or youth which wtll bf> f't~t'.f'd ln fl'oat 'ftf ........ ~ : Local and Nation-wide Moving 10 th• All'f1cu1tur. buUJ•nr. ., \V\thin the bulkllnJ' wUI be n 'fftock woricl prlze poultey, Jll¥· ~ C. E.. Mr~lEL -l9M HARBOR BL\'"D. -G.. C. BE!\':\T.TT ¥.'f'alth of exhlbfta which rl"rtecl "°"" abet rabbiU!, Callfomla'R tin- --------------------·----...: the part California ls playing In <'ftt dairy produf'lll and thOif'r vi11--------------------------supplying fOot.! ror homf' and for· ta~e•. • l'lgn OOMumptlon ·~ ~.t.eJi<' • · -• minf'rob for tb.f> civil CiefeMt" pro~ • Constant Advertising I gn1m. ,,, .. txhlblta or more than J.") rountle.!t, as wet! e.s many for- One step won't take you very far. You've got to keep on walking. One wor<l'won't tell 1em who you You've got to keep on talking. arP, An i11ch won't make you very ta.U, You've got to keep 011 growing. One little ad won't do it. all, You've got lo keep them going. A constant drop of waler Wears away the hardest stone: By constant gnawio', Towser MJ\Sticates the toughest bone. I "lgn nation . will b<> on dlap.lay In lh,~ building. , 1 . AlJ di:ilrlct.. of California will bi-> f'l'J>r('M'nteod in lMM county dUi· pla,ya. tncludin.a a neW("omer I Sif'rra county -whkh la rxhibillflR 1 tor U..... ftrst time in thf' long his- tory ot tbe !air. . I Fran\cd Ln attracUV(' Sf'ttlngs, mnny dt'i.ignt'd by thf' state's most ingenious dt"algnPrs, these county t"xhiblls will te lJ the atory of CaU- torttl.a agriculture. .Gigantic L't this dl~play o( agrl· f'Ulturt-W<'&lth and minf'ral.R, aug- inentcd by the ptoduclit or num- erou• lqchAlriea, ma) be the hugC' Ag'tiC'Ultu>e · building !'('pn>aenla but ont ot th~ numeroua depart- frlf'nl#i &( Ulla y£1ar·a v eat fair. Pl"f'mJwn A" .. rd• 1 ...... ·--r Apk'!Ullural and indtalrtal me.· chinery, appUancn lor farm •ftd home, MW dece""Poeat.I la food ......-.. -"'"" ... -Nil· --......... ol apoct.1 ... billlbo ...w -........ to rcc>*r dlopla10-. \. Added lo t-lt.nl.r. '&t .... e- tlono wUI "° Oal!faftla .. ~dhll ~ ...,. WW. ...... • .. ot bloodod -porf-lq-atchllY .,_, tlle Upt.a. Uoo -U(I rl1Nllllr ....,. ---1'..it· day alt•-. tho ..._ .. Bt.bo J'ab nlr~• ~ ...... .,.,,....,._ P""'°"le<I •l&'hllY on u,,. ..-- moth •lt.•e l• troei.l ot lM .,._. slaJtd ,and .,.ctNat ,..._ oYOr Uteh111tentar1M....,...-....t- e<1 ........ ·-t-lt llollold. M-t tue w!U w -aad plenW\11. The workl'a ,.,, .... lfWl>pot ,...,..., ~ ¥ ..... • I I The constant cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid; . • ~l ~'!'!'~-. s flower ~ ~ ~..ti .... ., ..... ta.tr·~·-.... ,, ~' . ' And the coastut uwr&er • Is the one who gets the trade! • ,._I'\" and. exollc bloom• e()Dl,.alJllg for S 10,000 in pl'f'mlum aw&rde:. Tht> ca.liCornla Junior Muaeum to-~ ...... ,. ,,.. ,. .... -~ •• ~ A fo---Iii aa--r field. ...,. u..·.e1cn1a. also •'--------------------------~!•MW feature, will pr-e.Mnt f'llhib-wDI M on lillbd to dtlf!Mt '1UI putl<Nlar llnM ot ,,.,..-r.,. -· ft. ,..stng Crom an iM«:t zoo to r a skutt of the long extinct sabre?· ..... ....i .,._olUle ..... -.. ... ___ _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Newport-~alboa Press News-Times Newport Bay Post and Shopping'. News * -Orange County's Greatest Ac/verti$ing Buy • ; toothed tlgt"r. ' Other new (talure1 include lht> major •xhlbit of the Pacific Tele· pt.aw &ftd Telegraph compan7, lo -on u.. ....-UN "'P"1• tile ....i....i -wttll tbo USiUI rlcleo ud -ao1ar --- be pr ... nted 1n Governor'• Hall: Strawberrt..s W:-h a.nd the comprehenll~ atomic rv ,-~ I i•nergy display in lhe Home an<I • Vit ' ·' C ~•mi. E<iu•pmcnt building. I '" . I •mm . l A&. lbe Art Show, \'llltors wtll • . l ~ the Work o( Califomla artlst.s Brlgbt ~ ltn.wberrte:a ·~ &.ft aad al Ule Pag-f'ant or California e::xcelleat 80W'Ot'I ol'Vitamla C. (M&. F'uhlona the lateat style5, worn halt cu.p ot Uwae WrriQ: alve.s IJy IJeautlrut modela. alK>ul lwo-Ulkda of the t1.l'tfH~e \ Otl\er dlvtalona will include lhe lldtr!t't, reoommeonded dafl)' BUJ:OJ1l)'. -i.r and junior uv .. tock -•oconlin& \Al -A-Marl- p1"Uentlng the roy•Jty or lhe' live. u PrM.l'-ot tlle \1a1¥9Rlty of ·'-'~~-~--~ .... ~-~~~ ..... -~~-~-~---1 ·~-------~-------~--------.-!-------~~-------C>lll.,...la A,-.Uunl ~t•­Sen"- ' Ros-• Gollaol ··--------$211.00 38 Callon .................. 115.00 to c.uon ............. u .oo SWicco wtU :,.' !Ae SPECIAL IN'r ~AIMTS SlJN~W ;. ~'\'Cf: ..... ¥4' SPF.,\ . • .* J.-O 4 Ms * Bo'"" ... to ti* --. OU. ..., --pl ,.. ... Ck ....... ,.,,.u.;. roert.K, elwblMI f'lxtmN,. f'W. AlA1 Nm 11r•a. OPEN :AU. DAY llAT.~PJ:N I ... I Cllf 8'7J!DAT ...m l'll(()S8 OOOll 4T -W ~ •.... ··""'~ -- . • • ADOlloer polat i..ra-ol ~·~-.-. rr.M, Kn, ~·-.-IO tll.t u.ey ... ....., 11\Uo or Uicti"Yll•- ••11> 0-llM'J --IClon-~ -----• ... u.. -1 ... __ .....,. •.r "'" 'llai-Ntafty rw ,_..... !llas •-... Look ll>r u.. --bft11N ·~ • "'1Pt ,,.. ---'!V!.itt .... -lllo Mt\}"> wtre p6r'• ilfllfltt .'-'@)• "'Eri •· tar..-· ....... ~ -...,i 1111.t tloe .... f ..... iff ......... lo ..... ... Op••llPe "-!•IN Ulel .,. _... .... .... ,,...,. __ , .. ....... )'119 __ ...._ .... _,, 7 ? ........ Rsat• ftlllr •• ••' ._. ... .....,. . . . ... ........ .... ......... , ... . .. .. .... * ... .. '1'4 . _ ...... D.a•• ...._ ' :· .. • ' . . ' ; " , . • • .• .. ~. . .•, --.. • • • '• ' ' , .. • . . ,• .. e~1t. for appointment • ,. ; I . , • TNJI T1¥1: or Y&AI, da}'S a1·• far too beautiful to..,pcnd a lot of IU... in the kitchen preparing m•als when there are so many ot'her thines to do. You can '•have your cake and eat it, too" when ·you have a wpnderful, new electric home food fieezer. With a freezer, ~·ou can be a cook lqr-a day and a.queen ·fo.- ~ks or more by cooking whole m~als in advance. Your freeier keeps them fresh ana tasty. in- definitely. That way, the day~ - . • • •• .. . • " • • , • .. ' .. ' (." are_ you~~ to enjoy._Wi~.~v..-y. thing ~ady in yau ~-. >""' I can e'et home just _before ~nner and, have a D()uriohiAI, •llpetiz • in1 meal ..i"'i ()ft time. , ., .. • a .-' · Suinnier is the ,very bes\ time, to bUy iUut'st0ck a · home fr-er. Your deU.rluio:S viri. . e!y Qf sty~ incl -~Is iri..l'!d- inlJ the one that '".,i~ riJbt fllP >'011: He ca!i §how ymi ho'!" .14'04 .bl\dl•t, sayirlJs "wl_IV~.W. i.!. 1<10-so ,.hy· l".it ! ·See,7our · ' · · ., ., •J~r:po,wl 1 • ,. , ~r·~·4 ,~. .'~ ~ • ' SOUTH•l'N· ~A.LlfOINIA EDISON CO·MPANY ' ._ .. . .. ' . ··. • , ' • • ' ' ' ' - • • • . , • I 1, r I • . . • " . > . ' • • . ' ~ I .. ' . • ; ' , I _ • ...i,. -... ,. ......... _._,,.~-.,...,...~, \ . ' ' ZC,nta Inter-City Social Welfare 224 • • . ! '' I ms .11LOOOJ10 111LS. tr!rrs-PAGE 3 -· PAitt 1r -. THURSDAY JULY 5, 195' -~llt~-1..,._. ·~~---'> •.• Meeting .Slated ,for ~.Ceiv,s Charter r Newport,, July '/!I ' ,,,.. -11oc1a1 Welfare Club ;=.~1-=~s:..~,~ .r;;;;;;; .~, puss-a . , • N o. Sh, for Ille Batboc' area, re- "0a7 MlneU.. 11.tb•as -Cd-Ito cbada _.,.11y fr\>t1I ~" -"I' ot du& -lleii. UM callfcin\I& lllot:tbli.' of ~ MATra"881tS Bsibr H~ . ' ,,..,....., "•,.. ' JIEAOON Mil ' Ceota -lllatU-Co. tl.60 NWpott . Blvd. lie put•ot ent...talnmeot,Jor Welfare. Tbe charter wu.-t: , wliltlfts a..ia. att..,d"IS tlM 1"· «I bJ Oeo<p Youns of La 1lall<L w-a1;y m..uns .rUl)r 2ttb •• UM ii'-offlc<!.. o1 tt>e poup .... Amtf'lc&li l.osfon b&U In Newpcirt lira. !Itta 'road, --t; Frid BeOch. .., reported. 11111; .f!l"aoh OoUlno, • ·~ pruldenl; David 18ms, cba.lttnan of the eftn~~-#" ~ .cret.ary .. trffaurer, mnd t~,moatlll1 •Yellhl&' mHUllS of ., I Toad. cllap~. · [,---0-~--.--.--T---:">--ZooiJ.a clu-ol Nowport Barbor, ~ •o ~ ~ ~.r::,:_ S:.~.=.::, lsiand Family · ~~u=: ea:..M:.;: H11pa. v1e .. p...ictm~ Sails for Honolulu pl'Nlded C1¥<r . tbe bwllnea med· lnr. 1a tbe ·-· of Pruldmt Hdon. Stockton wbo lo attendinS the. Zont& lntematlonal --· lion In Chi_.,, Illlnola. Mn. JoOldred Stanley ttpreaont· ed Zont. IUt -k at a luncll<on sfnn by the Public ~ta Uonl com- Mr. and Mn. lA.urence E. 1!1"rllhl and cl&ughten, La~I ·and Nlltltl. •Ued Monda,y on Ill• s. s. Lurllne for a mooth'a atay tn Hogolulu. They wlU retu,m ln Au- l'* to lhelr home a t 113 Diamond Ave., Balboa laland. • m lttee of the Hoag Memorlal boa---Cla.atfled •da are ~ad by rolka . pita.I. M rs. Ba.con announced that plan.I are now out to bid and con-who are looktng to buy. 1t.n1ctlon 1hould becin tn the very near f\J.tun. Hoag M.em orl&l hoe- , pit.al hu been one or Zonta'a ma- jor ae rvlce projects. RIOCIARDl'S SHOE SHOP ' 8-Kepalr..i Wllllo l'oa Walt Attwilff.._...._...1 .. --, 008TA M"E!IA 8T&TIONEKS &. DJJ.B. 11111 S.,,._\ llhd. ci.EANER& .WN ..... ri~ 008T& Jl"E1" -. a-..a ' We oej>.,to -.,... plaal Cla.ulfled Us cost lltue, do much. -cl&lsltled adl are read by tolkl wbo ..., looltlnS to .buy. ' . l ·T.Y.sm FQlt RENT ,. 7·D& Y MUiDltJll . ' . ,J . . TIDE T. 1y. •• ' 1011 1''1':WPORT llLVD. NC\,'POrt BMeb l{&RllOR 108 TOOTLEKS enjov mn~fc at thfo Swnmf'r M llll"'f SC' hool lot'M.lon at Horace Enalp lil!lbool. Tbe ca... undtl-r t bP dtl'M!tlon of S onna Pe rklu ls part of tb • l'IUMmer ttcre&Uon pro..,.am of Newport Beacll. P1 cttan'11 abo\·f' arr membet'a of ttw ad\~ band. • (N~-Tlmea Photo) "Wben I atarted wor k, I uaed to dream about getting the ealary I 'm starving on now." """""'-onti. .. dk w..-• ou1 wono: Nettilt1t lmP9llbt1 MM Newport Blvd. N EWPORT BEACH • MRS. DEAS "EDW AINI: B"EAUMO"''T . Dea n Beaumont and Bride Traveling North to Alaska on Honeymoon M otoring through the fi Orthwest.,...------------~ on thf'lr way to Alaska are Mr. and ~tr:-:. l>l'an F.<lwaine Braun1ont, Whost' 1nurru1.ge on Saturday eve- ning y,·us first to be so\m('n!Z('d in the nt·W All Sainl5 Episcopal ChU rC'h of B<'verly Hills . The bridt' Is the forrnl'r ,_tiss Marian Day Sisk. dALightcr of Mr. anrl Mrs. Robe-rt Fo!ilC'r Sisk of North r'a.lm Drive, BC'V('rly Hills. Mr. BPaU- n1ont. \\'ho il'I a t eacher In the Newport Beach P:: I em e n tat y ~t'hoo ls and reslde.s o n Balboa !~­ land, U; son or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F,c:jwaJne Beaumont. St. Andrews Place, Bt>verly Hills. The R ev. J . H erbert Smith, rrt- tdr or lht' c hu.rcb. J>f'rforn1<'d. thl' ceremony 1n a s('tting of tall ca- thedral candles, pale pink cnrna- t1on.s and st()('k. *hite gladioli and Edward Nahi~s.n \Vas b<'st man. The usht'rS included-Geur~·e Ben JR - n1in Hull. J r .. HuJ;:h ~utht•rland, IV, Willia1n t-low•·r. John Pf'al, Geoffrey Dean, Courtland Blakr, Robert Dribeluus ond Richard J onPs. ThP bride was r(•arcd In Bt'ver- ly Jtills. Sht' attended lht• Dttckl<-y school, Ha\vthorne. MarlOO rough. \.Vei ls CollcJ;c at Auror1:1., New York and U . C. L . A. She Is a membfor of the Collegf' T icktocker!ll and made her debut at the Coronet Ball la."Jl year. Mr. Besun1onl went to Harvard Schciol. Occident.a.I and was graduatrd front U. C. L. A. He bt•long-s to Phi Gamma Delta frstern:ty. During the war he scr,·erl es a lif"Ut('nanl in the Unit- ed StatP5 Mar1tin1t• Service. H is dahlta.<1, with fl'rns and J'rt-l'Ol'ry father is w ell-known as a nu1rlne Followlng-the church cf•rf>mony, artist.. a rt'Ceplion W8.2 h!'ld lit the ho1n e or thl' brid(''a pa.rr nts. The gar- dens were effect ivt>ly lij.!'hlt:'d with nightinf:ale bluf' and whil1· li~hls An orcht."Htra playl!1'1 for rlRnci ng. A buJfet wedding suppt•r y,·as sf.'T'ved. Hert-to attcntl lhe Wrd- dlng. wos Airs. Edwin Gordon Sand ra Le e Allen Enterta ins Friends on Ann ive rsary ' Cover, or ~ton, ){arylanc~ pa-Friday, June 29 was seventn t crnal t;randmolhl.'r of the br!de. birthday a.nnlvt>na ry or Sandra Brid.af Go"• Let' AHen, daughter of Mr. a.nd Preceding-the mn.rr.age rilt's. u· Mrs. Earl T. Gray, and a ~oup or recital or a ll DebUllsy n1ustc was Y.oung friends wer; l'nlerla.lned, played by 1otarry Q. MUls. The first at the n1at1nt•u. at .. Lldo bride wa_, gi\•en tn marriage by theatre, Jater at a pat io party ln her rather. She \Vas dressed in the Gray ho1ne at 1132 West Bay pure \\•h1t.e Alencon lace o ver 'whtLt" satJ.n. the fittffl. bodice hav- ing a port.rail neckllnf' and cap s!Pf'\'t'S. ·UM= bouffant skirt had a chapel traJil. H('r tlngertip, illua- Jon veil W881 held with a halo of the Alencon la~e. embroiderro seed pearla.' S be carried a bouquet ctr whilf' o~ and Iii ies or the valley. . Audr!'e Slater was maid of honOr. The brldean1aids liicluded Kllbee Cormack, Ba1•bara Beau- mont. ait:t.er of the bridegroom; P atricia •Murphey, Mary Evans, Sharon Swantah and Mnt. D-Nain £aper. They wore white organdie, dl\broidert'd ln pini: Oft!' White ~. made Willi. buqu.e bod.lees •and bouttant. floor-length lklrU, belted .,rf,th pink aatJn. Tbe)' wore cal<>U lit pu.I< •tin In U.dr hair avenue. Gifts were opened and the ,ca.ke, iced in pink to carry out the theme of pink and bluf', "'as cut and served v.'ith strav.·be.rry tco. cream, Favors tor tht! gueste were lltU~ sand b~cket8 with 6hovela. filled w1th candy and nuts. 1wtiss Ma rilyn Gray. Sandra's .aunt, asslaled ln serving. Present \Vf're Grorge and J im- my Andre\vs, ~nnis Handy, Ren- aldo and RodolfO :P.fonaco: Susan Kin~, S&lly Vaua;hn, Wendy Scott., Diaria. Carroll. Cyndy Fam.worth, Ann Scott.' Lout.< Handy, Ted Scott and Sandra.. tbe bonortt. Mrs. Ira Baker Now In Hospaal • and they curi<d bouqueif Of pink Mn.• Ira Baker, W..t eo,_ • camatloo&> 81"'1, flt.a tttamed to St • .J-.11 ' • • Plo*'"t ;(Jbtll • bOo,pftaJ afleto itetuc ~ fO< at Mrs. Geo. W heat New President of Speakers Forum P.trs. Gtorge Wheat ot New- port &ach will occupy the prHl- d('nt'l'I chair for tti" Orange Coo.n· ty· Speake r·• Forum d uring the t'nlluing yt"ar. lnat.a\laUon ot new off1ct"ns took place recen tly ln the SanfA Ana home of P.i rs. L. Earl Ph'llipl!I. M rs Gcori!f' A. Pa.ii;r" tnatalllni;: officer. curried out a nft.utlcal thli'n1e in colorful detail. Brf'ak- ra.st WRM llervt>d in the patj(t from qu nr t1•l ta bit·~ d<"c ked with season- al flnwt·r.,, L<)('l\J wo nten lendlnJi hoaleq aid \\.'t'rt.• ~trs. Wlieat and Mra. Reu- ben Day ot Coata Mesa. Mrs. Dwight Yo ung Is Honor Gu est at Lu ncheon ' Mrs. Dwight Young, who. with hf'r daughter Bonnir, haa btt.n nlaklng her home on Balboa l eland ror several mont.ha elnee rf'turn - lng from the east. WU honored ~ctn when Santa Ana. rrlenct. en- tertained tor h('r wtt h a lunc heon at 't ht' Yorba Roon\, Bufrum'11. Arterward the group played bridge at th(' home of Mrs. H t>r- bfort Slr08Chein. Victoria Drive. where Mn . EdDr ~~ ~ Mrs. w. F . c rOOCJY '"-;.C WU.Ung hoeteues. Din ner Honors Hi School G ra d s Mr. and Mrs. Kennt"th Quarry. l~l ~ Santa Ana A ve .. C.olta Meaa. ~nl<'rlained wtth a dinner honoring their son. Ronald. and rive or ht.A frienc\s upon their graduation lut week . The OO)'A: 'tece!V1ng'dlplcnna.s front Nc.'Wporl Htrbo}'~~gh S<'hool "'ere Delroy Cragg, Rob<'rt Johnson and Ronald Quarry, whlle Orange Coast College gradua~s wen;" Arlie Toulouae and Howard ~t<:Vlc ke rs. Carl Me11trate, San Brornardlno Coll ege gTBduate, com- plell.'d the sextet . THI: • BLOOO.MOBlL"E U N I T "111 bfio at the Amertcaa i..ectea Hal~ ISU. and Bay 8ta. N-port 8"'ch OD July JIU., I le 7 p. ID. I-Track COffD CAKI 23~ ..... Jfc_J • Ch111ID11'-!1 ........ JOCIO . .......... ....., COftA-· 1,..llecpwt ..... • .... .. .. -. • • TOMATOES High\\·ay bran~ PUS 2:;,L 19" Del Monte Fancy i 1!: 17" PDIEAPPLE mCE 1 ~:.L Dole bnmd. i:.c.lleal b brealdaat beffra9•· 1'6-o&. can. 29c) LURCH MEAT~~==~ 1 ~:.L .45c SUGAI = ~ 45° 1~· 99c . EGGS~ • 65° ~ ffL 63° CORNm BHf HASH Libby brand. 1HL 39• For quick meals. CH LiBBY CORNED Bllf Excellent 1!:-43• hot or cold. DUCHESS SALAD DRE$SING LUCERNE FRESH MILK Concenfrateff Thru times richer tba,n tfgu lar LU'Cer ne Mi)lc. JltsC repl ace \lfatcr lo ~t t ~ree qua rt i Luceirie Exi ra-R ich Fresh Milk. Save money, too! OU ART CARTON ··54c Save "P to 25% off regular prices. Mayday SALAD Oil Good ... ,;., 211e ..... 51° fry1no,. tC'O. t.ott'9 7-M ttt. Nu Made MAYONNAISE '""'°' .... 37• . _ .. 'lie wtuppN.. 1•r .., 7- (half·pinl jat, 26<) T h e parade of "hits" you'll find al Safeway this week call help keep your food cosl.8 sweet and low. ll will pay you to pick your favorite selections from the numbers listed here and shuflle orr to Safeway. 11111 Ill Ill 111111 fl•ttll , Pineapple CL~ed z~;:·· 23c T '""' Timers •o•ty ..... 17• "9 Crock en. pkf. Marshmallows F; 1 '.'::; :.;:· 27• S1ni flush T0.:',:~~1 s. 0. s. ~::.4 1 oc Scollissue Toilet · Poper Waldorf Toilet T1$SUC u .... 111e c•• .,- 19° -.MARGARINE Sunnybank )"el low. Quarte red, cartoned. D alewbod Y etlo\\·. Quartered, cartoned. lb. 33c· lb. 25• CANNED MILK D airyland E\•aporated. 2 :!!21° rAlllll, IWllT •11i llW ·Snow Siar Ice Cream ,::::. 18Ci -Chocolate Of' voniUo flOVOfi. 1 · Frostee Mix o.~::;;; !•:~· 11· .. Lipton'$. Regular or chocolate .• Eagle Brand Milk 1 ~;:·· 27• Half.pint, 2 l c. plwt 3511 Quart jar, 63c. _ tor · WESSON SAlAD Oil CHUC« ROAST· Borde-0'$. Conden$ed, sweetened. Mini W~fers Rockwood !1~~· 33• Mrs. Wright's Bread 1i:i 20- Qua ll boll I•. 68c. "91 35• Half.gallon, 2.491:: llettle . 1M 11111Hl MIMI Ai,._1y Coffee ~~ ~· 11• Guatontffd fresh! l )·lb, pkg., l .251 Edwuds Coffee v~: '.-;.~· 17• 0..lpOft~lor. 12 -lb.con, 1.7 )1 llob Hill (off" ~~ ~· 79- '" ec:onotl"t'f' bog. 12-lb. con, 1.571 Peanut Butter ~~" 12 .;-· 34• F~ a.ondw~h«1. c 24-oz. jor, Sole I -----------------ODDOl.SO~. LARGE 29• GIANT 79• 14«. ... ~ .,....,... , ··WiliJi-.-i0Ai _ ~~21·~ s3• ---------------~-· !!iiMM••11 0c.--ocn11 .. R .......... . ' . &rOIMBeef Vts•ll"CI Pock . f......, .-. E.ulie..t '""'°'· •• 65• Slkell Beef Uter ::;:., .. 79° OcNI ...m Fillet :.::.., •· 4J• Fiiiet of 111••• ~ •. 41° .-..,...--IUtO fltH---. In-led~. Swift's NilM •·•· 63• . .. .. .. lid Hlirt i:.:· 33• c.-.y ,... ::.· s1• '·DIAL SOAP TUllD' ~IUDS ~;. 12• u,::-23• . z .=" ... JP :-5~ White or wheot, 'li<:ed. ($moll loaf, 15c.1 Thin Sliced Bread ~ 23° Oonold Duck brond. white or ~at. Chopped Oli ves 2 ··~;:· 17• Bell's, ripe, Sardines Ku-io O;.cor J l'o•U . 280 1,, Oil Ce• I Sn1cks Ku'Q Oo:.cor J v ..... 11• K•PJ>'!rPd ••• Herring K ing Oscor , ' ..... 22· Kippered . e•" Ctieez-11 Crackers ..... 11• ,.,. Dutch Mill Cheese Yi ·•· 330 . ... Ameticon or Amerko,, P1mi'en10. Cheese . ~"!~~.::.~' ~· 1.11 Rik Rak Clean ser 2 ':;::· 23• . • fftES.ff · CO.RH. ·-.... ~ bmola . 0 a-•mletr·' 4 . 25 laldy ....... -Ean ..mr, Priced low. ' .. • • • • Kathleen llWAUI Olney· and Ille' -ol lier -i., Jlr. and -Seaborla. were !lower acn.~~ o-n, 8&111 .. -. girl& 'B4l( Weft drHNd -~~ t,.ii; -· fOIJow ..... )llr ... -' .ln._~~J<t!IU' dr-ot.-te -hue thf hi~ 1W ... la ~-· ~ i-tt•t&.'"'"" --~ .... -~ --....,.u. ol ptak -In tllett' -~ -.,,...._ lo Im· hair-•1!4 ea.rritd ~\of pln.k-w::: 1Mir «< ....... Md la DOt al-~ )'tilt. z:-e. . .. .... fa r~ '1 a: 4 ._ 1111 ..... JI:•&.' •.• • ' . • I .1 , - \ • P~&~ -:PAAT rr ·-yt-tURSOAY, JULY 5, itsl ~~•k:!::'iuss ~ . ' Ivan Harold Browning Noted· . :Negro Ten0r, to Sing· Here Suriday . "Ain't Dat GQod NowoT" la .. l'bpOnac of ~ UM. !Ulden'tl and vtaiton u they rece\ve word ot the annual C4ftcert ot Ivan Har. old Browning, noted negro le.nor, Sunday evening at Christ ChuTCb Talent Aud~ion Suncfay, July 8 ·by \,he Sea. Mr. Brownlnr AU An amateur talent audlUon will .gtwrt one concert annually tor be h J ,m&Jiy yean Lrr \llt' Newport Har-eld .\l1Y 8 at • P· m., Ftrat atreet and Verano Roacl. Sa.Qt.a ~. ~ •ad ..... a -of fl1Mda Ana. wtnan lo compote tor pr- .. Ud """'lrwa. lo Ile antdod Sunday, July 2t at Mr ... Browntns recelwd med.ala u.e unuaJ celebration ot the In· ,,_ llotb ll>e War Department d•pende...., or Belgium by Ill• alld .. n.e u . 8. o . durlnc the last· nemW.·AMerteaa. club o1 South· wa>' tor b.br part ln entertatnlnc "I'll C&Hf~a. at the u.me Ml· the t roopa lo. combat &l'MI. He drua bu ct••n lll&J1Y Europoan con-J~ph cl< Bulter .;. presl<lellt of certa aa ..,.ll aa jn all oeetlona ot Ille club and John c. 1JeO$ la bUm· ~ A triftd of Dr. Ralph nea mana•ei. Valuable prlaH Boulo1'e. Nobel ~ l>nae wlnntt, have .,...,. donated by morcllanta )le rHeDtlJ' f'f'Cf'lved the fok>w-. for the talent ahow. Auditions are inl' letter frMl D.r. Bunche: tor amateun Clua B tnch1dln• J ""l eJu Clad lo l"ant. that . .. to t! yPan..' C1a.as A, 12 to 10 yw are •treaaihc world peaoe and )'•&n. ~ ... In my vlnf, In an atomic age no cause ii more Vital or, indeed more Chrlatian, )Un thia. The peoples of tht' world have a peat opportunity, pet'hap& even the la.at opportunity, to •ve themBeivcs.. Wf' an work- Utg In the aa.me cause, Harold, New Art Gallery Opens Friday on Balboa Island and for the same objectiVe8. Thi.I Mn. VeMI" William.s and Theln1a cau.se need!! multitude• or recrutti Paddock Hope announce ~ open- 'I)lere la hope tor mankJnd 90 lone ing of tl'lelr llttJe art gallery Juty a,, huma.n beings ha.Vf' beatta I at 3111 Marine Ave., Balboa which can be reached and mind• ~land. The pJlery Is an addition t~ reuon with. The ata.kea are IO to the Patio Book Stall Art Qal- l'QOMMtoua thft we cannot afforrl I lery and will lhow the work of ~r lo be diecollra.ged. Ke4>p up Califomla utbts. ThPre will bt- l~e l'O(>d. work. Ralph." exhJbltf!d oil.I, watercolon. prinlW Su.nday night's conce-rt. wbk'b in all !lliae-9, all media and at aJJ opena Uu.• summf'r Sunday evf'ning price•, $6 lo $500. Sf'rlu, 63 at eight o'clock. The tuU PaJntlnp for the c-allt>ry will be progn.m will be ... follows: cholen with the borne In min(\. not Put I pllery pi«:<ea but pk:turea which • NurshM) lutructor Appointed at OCC Will be 11uJtable tor homea 18 this AT CRF.Sf'F.l\'T CIT\' Mrs. ·Maude Dav~s of C~nter atrMl. CoAta Mesa, ls enjoying a stay with friends In C r e s c e n l oCity. Marriage Course Lecture Ser.ies ' • • BROADWAY --Now ' WED., 1lJ1. Y 0 11 ''TH Prf11ee was a Thief'°' · Coay CUrtl• -A.i.o- "Ct.i..a Corsair" J• Ball SOW Pi.A TING "I Was An America• Spy" An" D\·orak. t.:vau K,..n~r -AIAO - llUND.tY, i ut.Y Btb ''Two of • Khld" Ellnbrtll 8Mtt: F.Atmu.ad O'llrlrn .-Alao- "Her Pint Romane•" Marpret O'llrittl S ... & -KI. l-AM4 ContJnooU. ..Ana~" Fr<1111 1 :15 llk llD EvHtlap XEW 1"111.~T RUN ryn.1cv FRm .tv. rot.Y flit "The Malm. FolcOft" -A"'° - "Cav411ry Scout" "Dark Victory" . . l\od f'atrworon. A.udtty Lins .,.. .. Davll Alway s Two First Ru n Hits! -Continu ous Da il y From I: l's p. m. - MATINEE to 5 p. m EVEN INGS ALI, CITILDRF.S ALI, SF.ATS 35 f ,, ~F.~TS I&.• In<. Pon"" OJM'n / Rhnw Rtar1• 7:1> . I 8:1> JULY "h "The Great Caruso" Mnrlo Lanu. -AIM - "Sta9e to Tucson" Rod C&mf'~n. \VayM Morrlti CblWJ'fln FrHI I Phon,. rade-r 1 ! Kl •. S-MSO ~t·l\rnAY • .f1 iL \• 8ib: "Seated ~rgo" Da AA And rf!\\'a. ClatKlf" IJ.&J.M -Aloo - "FightfllCJ Coast GW'CI" Brian Do.Ne\')', Ella ltalu TV ANTENNAS C11 ll us for installation or servici ng of your entenn a • Prompt se rvice by expert technicia ns • Low prices TIDE TY SOI t N_.,.rt Blft. GI E..'1'1'8 FllOM ION'E Mr. &nd Mra. J. C. M.arintosb o.t E. :11at St.. Cost.a Meaa., have ""'\ enlortalninC as -cuuta du.Mg °'e pa.al ...-eek the.lr 90ft· ia-law &ftd daughter Mr. and xn. Al e.own, their """'4-Jack Browa Ull th•lr ..-t·ffUd80D . Tommy Au•. all oL JoGt. C&llf. • 10.SSl'S · J1NJ: ft'AIJ.\N. DIN!l.BR8 Altro . . Stab -Prime .an. . Cocktails • IJ~T. r..t.IJT DAY! • A Fin&. Ru c-47 10!1 PMllllOUlll flrienls AUlO: SMlTOOLER;S GOU> 8un. .• Tt1r!t. C'..c'lnt. St1n. !:SO AnnlMr Finl R un Comedy H it MO!l.'Tl' WOOLEY V F.AN PIETERS ' "As Y0UB9 As YcMI Feel" . Ind Major· Ff'ature - --·--. . BALB(;A71:fr1'7( Gay Hotwa7 ~ 8alnrday 1-t Day l ohll i. .. nd -GPH Tlenu-:r "Matillg Season" ALSO MICIU:Y l\OON'ZV "Cockeyed Wonder" fiiundair -Tuf'1'da)' ~IARTlS " LE\\~8 "At War With. the Army" Bf-tty Grabll" -·Dan JlaUf'y 0 "Call Me Mister" Laep &All ClllJIA 'AMMJ'l 1 • C'OST'ZLLO "Meet Invisible Man" tile•• Ford -Aanr Ba.xtf'r 'Follow the Sun" Story of 8'-n ll op.n SWL ·Ti...., Cont. Run. ! :30 Rill ~dlla'a "Up Front" Lo.n-tta T OllOI' "Half AnCJel" Tf'Ohnlcolor waan1Mit IUt, .'NOD-~-....:·~. ' ()pea. a; .. ry Da7 ORT:,;~ ... ,. . . . . ' NOW SllOwDcO • "KAN -DID IT" -sw·-•_.,..,.. • Siv.4 .. THEATRE • Rlll\'TDIGTOS BE.tCB . I.Ell ... MU ' ' SMl}KJ~G .1'.ERMJ'JTED • NOW TffRU SATURDAY ~,:...., CAcr11s C At. •.: bf 1..t l..1, H ,,'•"H lf\o ; .:. ,_1 0 Y. >i'..I :l v>•.; Tops in Fopd .. * Tops in . ' * Cocktails from I 0 a. in.·. • Enter+ainnwnt •·*· * Dinner - . - • ., . . from 4 p. M. "., .I Ol'Blit~t!X~ It A.Ill. le t ,P.M. ,, .• ~:f••t\11\ing~the 1~~uadalajara Boys'': t" 'f t'~ ' ! I ... o! • ... • < . ~ -I • MEET.YOU AT "THE INN " OT~ERS TRY BUT SIMPLY CAN'T TIE THOSE ADDED SPECIAL FtAVOas HENRY CREA T~S 'l N, FOOD Henry's falnous-·food • • · B·AtBOl1111~Cllt~ COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ooeaa ·rro.t .at the Pier, Balboa, CaHI. • Jack Russell 's' .Your Hosts , Dinner Music DICK a nd • Nitely except Tues . KA TE DENT ' . QJ=l=u~ ·ww~~M==~i=gwuuggg=ws;:ai THE ARCHES -CAFE and C'OCKTAIL LOUNGE • o~ 10 a. m. Throup 2 L m . • IN N~~ Oft Cout ~P,;.7 +.m_._...._ ........ _ ·•=---..__,..s..~M-"' .... ~ .... J ............... JI ~ ...•• ' ll~Mh' , ...... ~ ....,.,11$ito · ~ Sl.50 to n .50 TROPICAL · · . DRINKS °''" I• tM &dv1h·• TAHITIAN SltYIOOW F""' J'arldnc M•,Mf-171 Vl~T THE NEW HUT • OD Coaat Hl\\ .. Y • L&J1.tna (Claffd ''""d•~) PMae t -tlll for IWse.rvatte ns SOW OP EN . CHmllAN'S HUT ANNEX -• .Coelllall Bar OD tbfJ P\er lltllmW OATALIN.t lllLUm VERA S. WIWAMS. Patio Studio of Music SPECIAL SUMHll:ll CL.lll8IJ8 ~'1 VQICS A PIANO ltl ._......__JLIMH • Wl!l ARE CL08J:D ON Tl1U118DA YS • • ·ftORTOl'S ' ._ IA,¥$HORE . ~ RfSlAURANT . ' COMPlaETE ~iNNE1RS ' - CHAR~EY~$ S~~ · Superb: Seftfood .' 1 . ;J __ B~ The' Sef! _.I ,. . Llllm.or Dine IJ. 11le tar · ~hepns t .00 ~ .Seafood ~ockteils Dinnen •• 1~ up • ~atood _S.(fds m • raw•··~· ••aaw ... M•··~ ~ IOOD TO u~\om · 1111 Cllf • .., _ Nni .. r.t• 01 I 11 ......... ·- • ,• ' ' • I' I l r I I . ,. • I , - \ • • • • • • • I L • '-1\ank. n{ .luurint NATIONAL n'm.'G"l ASSOCIATlqN • <.nli••w SJ,,u,.,,,, •I c..t1iU.w J,,,,; Jo. ,9,, • •••ouact• • case. la VWt u4 la la11•s • . • • • • • $1,15'µ7,521.56 . ' U..te4 St.t .. G1"¥traMnt.O~li1atius • • l,455,0U,)12.'6 St1t., Co.nty, '"4 M!lllltcip&I I•• • • • 410,64J,IJ7.'8 Otht-._ft 11ul Stt:vritin • • • • m .6'6,l75.ll L.Mlls ••ii Disco11•h . . . • • • • l.ln-'".811.22 t11k Prer11iMS, Fixhrrn, etc.. • • • • • • 51,W,521.5' • CestMlt,,. U1bility Oii Ltnt" of C'edit, etc. .. 1,U'3.7Kll Attne4 l.ittfut u4 OffrlM lllSHtC• • . u.595.717.sl • • TOTAL llSOUICIS • • $7,02l,,44,397 .67 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS SI S0,000,000.00 IM,OllG,000.00 97,100,966.71 . . . . . .. ltte,,.t for Pouiblt LN11 lossn : • • : ; . J o. .... d • • .u.m.,n,m .u t Dt,otih S..Tiftfs and TiiM . l ,916,90l,tS7.•I ~ u.~lity for Lett.,,. of Credit, etc. • .. • a..". for lnttrnt, Ta11n, rte. • • "I!, 100. """ 40.Sl7,35l.65 'l1',JJl,7JOM 1n,J90.062.n 5l,1'4,ll4.,J TOTAL LIAllLITllS ; ; $7,02\,544,397.67 -N.,,a, O#at i• IM IWl 1&-.. cu;., of c.lif-# SAM lllAllCISCO • \OS AMOUH Br11•ej111ll,..111i.,,1 Gillf•,.i• 0•1r1t•1 Hw•ch11: LA•"••, M.,,;r._ Td1., Yd~ K..H, Bngiff, G• .. IANlt OP AMlllCA / "'"""" '""'"•'°'"';' l.ruar••• CH'lfNllt• M1•Hr Fltl.rr•l lfDWTt S,u,a I /. aw Ar a•uvz ~ 1.'ll.tJN8 M' LONG ld<A()J( • ·~of~ .. _ tii.t - -TralnlrJ& Wlnr u a part of • Air ... If< 0...--..,... prac1un at lbe LoiJI" &Mell K'unlc:IPal .Al~ bu -.... -The unit, to be made up of -in Ille Soulllem can- -a.u. la to be a non•fl1blr, tralalq wln1: wtiloh w.tll tt'ahl one • ~ p@P lllOl'lth Wlth th@1'Jn6n• -~lvlllg pay tor all perlod8 att.ilulecl. . FOLLOWING TRElll WzuDING at Ibo lilome oi'Bov •. ~ F. ~ o1 ~ ._ Mr.'a• l\ITf. H•rhrrt ,An .. 8<11-r ... the tradlU~D&t .-..iiq......, fw tbkr /'*'>' trlr-at a.....,. .... llolt ' at the btMne al ttl,e IWWe'a pa.~nls. Ur . ..ct M'.ra. A-rtbut' 8tuelt¥, !171 Eldftl. An.. C..ta M..-. Mr. 8chJ<M'Mf'r'11 ,.,..., lwme we. with llm panonta. Mr, and Mn. l.l"onard Schl~r of 711 e.tt.oa 81\-d.. BalhoL (Photo by Beck·ner) Su~y -·Twilight Ceremony . Unites .~h~~.,I~~-;; .:=: B ti / St k H rbe · Sehl ~ S~a Gull, ownrd by John Lang and ! e y uc y; e · rt oesser ~,:~.~: ~.;:"1."i.".~;~I·~. tenAJvt"ly Saturday. . I A prf"lty twil.lgh.t t-f'rcmOllt' on..,------------One of Lonc's nf'ig-hbors s&'IA' the Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'clo<:k I lory B id Bond ln favor of the RnlOke atio.rd lhe boat 11.nd caUf>d I ! wa." hf'kl al th<' hooie or thf' orr1c1-I 0\\-n<'r, executed by t.he bidder u t.nc'• attention to it. The tire I atlrtg mln iRlftr, Ri'v, ChatlP" F ., t>rtnclpal and a btl9Qctory surety d1cd down aner the maa:tcr Hand . Costa MNJ.a nd foll Wf'd can1pany as su~ty, In an amo\1nt switchf'a were-thrown. • 8 0 not lras than Len P<'t cent of tht' Amerlca.'s forests ore the nl<»'t productive In the world. Let's keep them Lhs:t v.•ay by prevent- il\c foreat nreL la~ vet.eraN, _ _.l&lly -In Ute \'.olunt.eu Air-- -• ..,. u1'pd to oootact tho Bue ll«rultlng Otflco, L o • g- Beeelt t-8Ml, extenaloft l~l. be- tween I a. m . .nd .f. :30 p. m., Mon· .day Uifough Friday. HAROLD I. JOl:iNSON <lf Cat&Hp• A...., ---llll VllllA Wt11, N...,..n - WATa HIATUS llalH, -..... -..,.i ... /o. 8.al.t.IJ PLUMUNO Aa...,_llealu Da]' "' l\'lpt ... te .. TtlWS lt1, Oro-M .U HMt.,.. PIMtae Barbor UU-W We &1Ve your ehoes the new 'Jook It you have the old parts. CtTSTOM REPAJR~G • LOW f'rtdl.y ~a.a •l O·@Lm. -41 July 8 ' 6.8 ' ' I ._. , 4 :40 p . .m. !laturday • S.7 «:13 ,a. m. -11.s , July T 6.3·1 ' 6:f2 p. m . I .I •uada.Y S.8 G:fll &. ID, . .,0 July 8 8:18 p. m. u MOllday · 4,8 T:J, .. a.·m; ... July • 4.1 -7 :211 p. m. u Tueoday . 4,3 1:t5' .. IQ. .. , Jiiiy 10 4.8 8:04 p.m. u Wedll-S.y 3.11 8 :1Jla. m. 1-.8 Jiiiy 11 4.1 10::$.,. m. t.a T!ni.-y . s.o 9=06 ta. "'-L8 July 11 0.1 u.113 p. m. J'.O ~ @ (f ' -FULL LU'I' !fllW cav.uan:a MOON .QVA.a'ftm • lfOON Julf 11 July 18 July !G Aug. t U-DRIVI· eRUISERS I I ROW l~A T$ : ?_.7,;ao..)~ 1 e TACJ~UJ1 ·--· ........... 11 ·1 . .E·LL~I$ l ·OAT Rl·NTA.LS . -Ceut RIW&J' ' 'l\"•,..,..R·-.-a. ·lfarllor .1111 AT SOUTH END OF JL.\VSBOU lllUDGE , • ' I b}· a ~C'ption at th<' hon1e or lhf' bid. Thf' cht>e k or bid bond shall I bridf>'s parent.. ).[r, and Mr.8. bf' g iV<'n aa a f'l&tantee that the An>tu.r Stucky, 2379 El~n Av•.. bkkkl.r will exf'C\lte the Contract Costa Mesa. Re-peating VO\VS were It tt ff awarded to htm on con- lflM Bettf Ann Stucky a.nd Her-formlly wllh tM Contract Docu- bo.tt Allen SClhloe!lM't, aon or ~fr. mf'nts and \Viii provide ttw surety and J4ra. Lffin•nl Scll~r. Tl l bpn.cta or bond u ape-clflrd thfl'reln C'llltTlflCA TE OF Bt'SU.'ES.'~ I flCTITIGl'S t"IJUI SAME ---'------------------------Ba\bca Blvd., Balboa. wtthlft five day1 a fter not il\catlon 1 1 &tty wu charmlftg tn a drHI ot "'' award of tbt> contract to THE UNDERSIGNED do hf't t>· , of whlte embroirloN'd orp.nrly the b!.dder. 1 by cutlty that they arf' conduct- IALBOA TUTORING SCHOOL OFFKRS A SIX \IT.EK SES.~IOX Pl ELEMENTARY & HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS WLY in• TO At·on•T 13th 3:00 A. M. l'O I! :XOOS THE EBELL CLUBHOUSE , BALBOA FOO t:>.TORMATIO.'<. WRITE &ff NAR<'lS~t ·s. COROS.<\ DEL !\IAR nr C1lll JIAR. 0~06-1V ' Go Santa Fe to Chi01g'O, whett there iJ big-city excitement day and 'night. Or if you att in a luy vacationing mood, stop off at any of the delightful vacation attnaioos along the scenic Santa Fe rouie. Grand Fttd ff&JVoy meals ... gn.nd SftVice .. : pnd sightstting. Thett' s always more ro -. . ' more to mjoy, when you go Santa Fe. IAlt AlllO SllVICI ~ Tnnl by Senb Fe ;..,..d o{ driTing and -.,. for .run u your d...alllliOO.. ~ you ~ have: a ~-modd ar wairioj for you to dri.., Theo ttnUn in tt.Stfu1 colllfort oa the train. • You: S.-Fe tidte< 1g.ur will amnge" the deails. An llllt<>mobile 6om a He..a :bil·Auio 1'lul ••W. will be~ when,.,..~ --low, anol anaaJ penons aut ricL. fol the cmt ol one and ...... the ncp<G•-~ ....._.,. ... <d • iA -.tr !"'1 ktge ciry ind P"P"'"'--All< JOlll s.-r. """ fot illbmadoa. c.e.PI :.t. ...................... • s.1a ....... • ........... .-. ..-eMllk. • -• -.. ' ,, • r \vllh whit,. nylon pk-turf' halt a nti Th<' <n'TW"P ~.UJ"l<'9 tbe privi-I.Ilg a general bulklln& contracting 1 \'o•hitr accusoriea. She carriNI a leg" of rrjrcting an¥ and all bkb bu.sil'\dB at 2T7 • 23rd Stt'fft, J no."egay of gordeniu and orangp or to waJvc any irreplarltle• or ea.ta Masa, Oran,-e Coun\y, CaJj .. blos.son115, with white aal1n strr am-lntormallt lf's In any bld or in lhe tornla, under the nctlt loua firm <'TH. Complem<'nling the C'Olltulll(> hkktlnr. name ot HERSH Ir ·JOHNSON was a four-at ra.n.d pea rl nocklac<', Purwa.nt to the Labor Code of and that said nnn Is composed of I gift of the bride.rroom. · the State ot California. Ute said the> following )>(lraon..t, whose MlM Connie Oam1non of Cos ta Board of Trqeteea ha.a ucertalned namea and addrf'uea a re &a fol- Meaa wa.s britltli&m.ald . Her frock the C'f'nero.l prevaJJtnc rate of prr low•. lO-\\•lt : wu or p ink orga.ftdy, acceaeorles d iem wapa tw eacb craft. or lypt A.rthur H enry Hrrsh , 237~ Wf~ white and hl'r nowera were I or Y."Orkman nefded to execute the Elden A\'t•nu<', Co11ta Mesa, pink t'arnatioM and blue df')pbln· 1 contracts-which wlU •l>fo a.warded Ca lifornia lun1 . Ro.bf'rt JoYf"f' of Co.ta MPs&! lht> ttUC'cC'ff!\ful bi<tdt>-rs ; and thrae Thomas C . Jt>hn.&on . 277 ·23rd pve bes t man a.ullltance t 11 thf' I pN<valllJlc ralH are ~tainl"d In 8\.ref-t, Coata Mraa.. Call· bftdepoorn. aakl •f'l"'Clticatlonl adopt rd by the rornla .... Y... llW:k.x. P.'t•.r ot -~ ~· &Jy:t tht!IM pre~llgg ra.tc11 WrrN.E9S o ur h.anda thla 13th btlde, cho. a pretty a.qua. and are contained in sa id speciflca-day ol June. la.5.1 . · I wlaite pl'iOl, whlte acceaAortea a.ad tloo~ adoptl'<I by the Board. antt ARTHUR HENRY HERSH a COIUfl' of a:anteolas. Mn.. &N' a.111 follows: THOM.AS C. JOHNSON Schlot>uer attenle<I her fl l'Nrt AP PRENTICES ~fay ht-l'nl· STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) pink shantunr \.\1 th blac k SC<'N· pk>yf'd In (!(Wl{ormity with Sect ion COUNTY OF 0MNG8 ) u 9Nles. Her ("()(Uge was abo of l7T7.!5 of t~ California Labor On tbia 13th ~y of June, A.D., gardt>nJaA. Code. ' 19~1 . bc'for e the undersigned, a At ~ttaa Laiborfn, OcnNal or Not&ry Public in and for aald White stock .. _ ... pink carnotlo"• Conatruct k>n ...... ···-·· ... &1.76 Co~t_r A1ndth StaHt,., pe...aH· nally apd-........ • ... R.e£Ular Bru.ah Palfttcr ..... 2.1 ~ pea,...u. r ur enry erah an ' deeonted lbl' Stucky home for &TUI)\ Palntf"r Swing Sta~ .... 2.40 T>lornu C. Jalm.lon, known to me, the r<'ttption. 'f'hp three l lPnod GtazJer and ~ttt'r .... Z.li the undersf.&ned to be the perSOM \.Wddi.De-ca.kr \VU topped w itb a In·cltarge me-n ot ~ or more wb05e na.mE"a a.re sublcrlbed to tiny bc~e anrl groom ~tandln• y, Journ"vm.e" ta ~ addtUonal the within I.natrument., and ac- a flo.-.1 8\ve..~theart a1't'h, IUld wu per ~~··more than thf' J our-knowk!rd~ to me tut th•y ex- .!IW'rowtded \.\·Jth ivy and white t'<'U ted the same 8Wffl peu, At t'ach !lid<" \Vero twin ~:~ha-:,.:~~ of .. or )(',Y IN WlTN~s WHEREOF, l cry.tal candelabra, also wreathed JQltna e.f.Pl.8.n Is 12111 <' per hour hav,, hereURto 8t>t. my hud an<t With Ivy and whltt' blo"onw. A.a-matt than thr J ourneyman a.rtlxN my otnl''-' .,,., the day· alatJng W\th the rf'Cf!fUqn we,. te and )•ear In this c~rtillcate flrst Mn. Roy R•n•u and Mrs. ~nk "' · abnv written. ;J ~ 1-• 0vf'rUtne 8haU be paid for work • Utter of &a.n:ta Ana. MAX HUJtwrnl The brlde wa• -aduat-.a ...... p.rrformed ln exoeu of the regu. N t PUbll lri • "" e• ~ -.. l&I' day'a or week's wot'k and at 0 ary c an,. year from Newport Harbor Ua.iQn ... 0 ........ tor wrtlm 1 \h __ ,, ror aakl County ancl Ills• 1<t>aol. while h<r ""-d. at• ;;;~.;;, 0 • 0 • _..,, State. ·~~!J :, , .No. 726-~ LfGAL NOTICE • • • • • • fNSURED · • • - j ·S·AVIN.GS · \ 1> . ... ... ~ .&-..._..,,... ". ". _· . 4WWWNaqJW• Q U A _._ . . -~lei CURllNT ~INGS hr Annum UflHI . .. '!..' .. wT0-11.,... ' , • • . .., • • • • •• : 0 A • . - , • I • J . . , HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS MJSS GERALDINE G-OOCH (Folsom Photo) Engagement of Geraldine Gooch and Robert Crumley Told at Tea Thr-\'ngagement of Miss Gera.1-._--------~-­ d ine Gooch. daughter of Mi-. and Mra. Willard Gooch to Robert Prince Crumley of S~l:ltllc was an- nount'e-<I SaturdRY at a tea. hPld at the Gooch homP, 1 3~ Via Zurich. L'do Isle. Mr. Crun1le;.y ltj lfie son of M r'I. \Vorden i;Crun1ley of Bal- boa Is land. Tht" lea table told of the E'OJ;8i:;r- ment with napkins rcarllng "Bub an<.I G<'rry•· and mint~ dccnrated w lth wedding bells. 'A'hite gladio- lu,; and yellow Eathcr Rrt·d daisies made an t.>ffN·tivc Mun1mrr centPr- pit>Ce and J;tlcSl.!t ot honor wore 11hould~r corsai-ea o( charlreUse Jady-sllppt'r orch ids. Assisting the h oRtess at the punch bowl ancl with coffee Wf're Mra. Clarence F . Kleeb and P.1:i11s . ~{:t.rilyn K lcch of SR.n Marino, ~1r1'. Frank Gooch or .. luntln):ton Park. ~fr~. fl. C. McAlpint• of Lido {!"I!' and Mra. Ray \V1Jl lan1s of \Vhil- llcr. A mong the g-ursts ""'l"rt> Mrti: \VallPr Spic-er of H11.rbor Island a.'1d M rs. Leona Nowt ll of M on · lrr,..y Park, both aunts o r Mis.'! Gooch.'lanrt also her cous1n!'f M r!'f. M.n.lroln1 ,_f illl'r of San Otf>J!:O, ~1iM Emma Lc1u Harri~ nt Covina e,nti Mr1>. Richard Shauncs.."y or \\'11- mi~~:-iGoocb . U: at pre&Cn l cn1- ployed al the city hall and hr r riance(' is con11ected \l..'ith \-\'cslt·rn Air Linl'.'s in Scattl<'. Th('ir W<"d- dinJ: date is set ro1 son1ethnc in October, St. James Annual Summer Party to Be Held in Parish Hall July 18 A beautiful talking t.loll, sur-.-------------- prtRe ·1 lmaglnc ·1o1:hat you'll find Jn them ) packages ant.I la!it but not least. piodeJ hat~. bf'autirul, s1nart or pretty. wtll be inspiration for conversation when Harbor women meet WC'd ncsday, July 18 for uie fourth annual l!IUn1mer lunc heon and card party 11.t St. James par- ish hoUSt". Mrs. Bert B,rewer 111 general chairman, w lth Mrs. Robert lNm"· ma) Allen and Mra. Yvonne Ben- ton IL.ll co-chairmen. Mrs. Ve~ Snodgrau lA selling tickets on the talking doll and Mra. Joseph Rigge la wrapping the surprist' packages, Whlch will contain an a.saortmenl ol articles vnlut>d from Sl to· ~- Mrs. Frank C1m.nlngham Is ar- ranging lunchC'on details-and Mrs. J erry Hall Will SU(><'rvlse 8erving. Mrs. George Yarqley will prE"side at the hat ta.blr where chapeaux trom df>si1r:ners and Los Angele!! slorea will 00 dlHplayed. Includ~ Wiii hf' 1nodeb1 trotn Casper Davis. Ruby Ross. Grace Nugf'nt, Yvonne, Haggerty'"· Ph.II Slrann and Les- li" James. All d(l()t" prlzea art:; gift. ot rrlf'nds of St. James and according to Mr~. Brewer, a.re more beauti- tul than ever before. Anyone in- tereste-cl ln aecurlng a table may call h er at ftarbor 520. Former Mesans Here From Topeka Fuchsia Society to Meet Tuesday An outdoor 1nec tlng t~ plannrd by the C08lu M1·SR -Buv Clll e~ Branch ,of thf' CaJ ifornut. 'Fuchl'lln Society for the rcetilar 1nonthly ion elated for Tue~lay , July 10, at' T:SO p. m . in the Costa .Ptfesa Park. Perf!<>ns having ruch- aiu Ol' other plantB and \Yish to know their correct nan1t's are in- vited lo bring them lo the meet- ing ~d thl' specimens will be identified by the -"ocit"ty'8 o fficial~. President A I HoU1slf'r, said. Tht• lt'&tbering is Op<'n tu lhC'" public RetreMmcntB will be st"rvro. Savings and Loan As~ u; 10°10 A ten per ct'nt gain in reoourc-t•ll ot the NC'wport Balboa Federal Savings and Loan AMoclatlon for the year ending Jun" 30, 1951 wu announced by lhf' orga nization's president, P, A , Palmer. .. Assets of the N ewpdtt Balboa Federa.J Savings and Loan As.soc'- 'ltlon am<>unted to more than ~.­ ~.000 a.s of June 30th "'hlch la a "ta1n or $500,000 tor the year," said Palmer. "Federal Saving& nocelpla tor the June 19MI -June 1951 (><'riod were approx.lmatt"ly $1.700.000, n ~ ~ubetantiaJ tncrC'llSc over the com-~~r. and )fra. Claude Zirkle and parable l&i9-tO:>O Pf'riod their daughlf'r and children, Ji,tr:ii;. "The v1n · 1 Dale Addy and PhyUiJI AUen and . He "· · 63. Wf're nvested Kathy 'arrived here by ~otor trom "1TlQ.Clp&lly ln homea lo help pe.r- T ka K J L M 10na In Or~ge County and New· ope · an.a.,. on une 0~ r. -. .. t Harbo t bu.lid b Addy will arrtv by plane on Bat· ~ r are.. 0 or u3• e boln8 or he.Ip to finance repatn. urday tor a week'• visit with bl.8 aJteratjons and lmprovemcnla. family. The Zirkles are fonner "Home loctna held at the end Of ca.ta Mesana having moved to June by the ~wport Balboa ll"ed· Tope.Ila three yea.r•. ago. Juat now ~raJ S..vinp and Loan Auocia- ~ ~.:;h:e~:'~~~w':1:r. ~ M': ~n .amounted to a·pproximatety Ja.:y Zirk.le or -2411 Orange Ave... ,600,000 wflb au~ advanced for c.ieta ._, but t to .... the ttnanctiir or """-durlnc llJ< OllpOC ...., year flDOUbthiJ to ».210,000. • home &n<I oetU. ~.,.. "On June 30th Ulo .\-=talion 10,.JIYW> IN CDll Mn. l!:dlla Tnnklln. fol'm«Fy ot ,HolFyliOod, Fa a nnr ~ at T~l l.Arbpar, °""""' del Illar. 8be piano 4'> build boN. dedllred 1t au. .......,..un din· dend at I.be &lUIUlll nte ot I -0<11t ,per annum to lite oi>prox!. ::-~==·With -i. Costa M~sans at • Redlands Meeting • BED C80M IDsr ~ DIUCl:OU 111•caci:r.; N h ' K'll d auinur ~AD , . . Tho -board of cllnct.on oC ~p ew I e Jf r..tdento of W.eiot.I Ndrpart OOUB8E .ro START soo 111o.~ a..m...n o1 eam. at Army Camp .... rour-1-,ma1t • .uthe~ l&ndan( Pint Al4 .....,. meree · ol Onnse -ty Wiii _. • ' • along the hlghW&J or coiled up ·In • ldabo --Society to I ~old Pi~nic · Among membon of the eo.to Me• Community .. )(atllodtet Church atteftdlng ~· r e c e n t 89Utbern C&JJ!omta-Arllon.a con· terence at the llhJveratty ot Red- land8 were M.ra. Clara McMurtry. preeldent ot the WSCll; Mn. Ruth Barnett. Mrs. Velma Oom~lon, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. And.eraon. Mra. Clara ' Rolllna. Mra. Alma Holl. MIU Mary A.n"°raon, Mrs. Ruth A lien and Mn. Ji"lorence ll&nioon. If ... < the garclm. l>ON'J' SIJQ<Yl'I And -· lloo """'*-of tbelr tlrot IJo&RI ,.eottnr -lfn. 11<1117 ftobe!'le of 1811 Wella don't both.:?< to call the copa. HO'• Amo<iquo ll<d C-wlU ...,.W Kan~ ·~ J~ 2, al Ille ~· Ooe"-M-. ..-Ind Word only a barmlesi (and vaJUable al t~ ~. Jlil7 •in Santa Ana Cb&mber of ~ 'l'lleild'lf of a tnflc accident l<>-lhl:,garden) . gopher 8"alte1, pet ~I '"" Ta'P:t, 11112 W. Bai~ otlle<, 713• N. Main street, &an~ ~ cl&lmed. th ellle of htt 17· ot Jean and Bonnl<> 'Hoyem, 200 Blvd., N-. t -..i., . Ana. at 1.t~ p.m. • month-olil nO)>llew, Willlam Bft\lr 39th itreeL a.,. wu· lound at tl!e Idaho State Society of 1-.f lltacih will hold Ila annual plailc In l\'l'by park ... ll&turday, July 14.. . • rdon ~ru.ndy ' home ~ tumed l.aN.nact.cw for the coane OrEST 4'.T MESA Tait. eon of Nra. Roberta' ~rothcr-over to Vincent CUsurnaqo._ who be l\fn. Robert Keppea. A pleeant atay wtth Mt1. J . c . ln-l&w and .s.ter, LL Col. and Mr~ gave 'h im lo the chlldrcD. A I r:uc.• program baa been Iii'• ran~ ao lll1 ldahoana att lnVI~· ed .If> ~e ou~ meet old friend.a ¥<t )n&ke new ones. · • C:ia,, lA opea lo ,u local ~ B.tlllnga, 1121 l"uU rton A.Ve., COii· Alex Tait, Ind!a.na, Pa. The cblld • • lkata •~ ""'" .,. to maay tara-:' ta M'e-aa. bu ,been 'btoUlht to a , suffered fatal tnjurle, when accl· THE BLOODMOBILS ~6.N.IT mt-:r \illton who IUav& ""'IQN.t,.. doeo by M.ra. ~Don~ BndfQtd of I denlal,y •lruck down by ,.n Army "'111 be al the · ~~ Lc1•• Thoee •who doh't care to brtn.- lunche$ W"1 be able to buy it on the grounda. eel II • IAntr ~Who epenl the past I.ruck. al,Cunp Atlerbw'f. when1 lloll. lSl.h and flay SI.,_ Newpol'I · l -eevera.l da.ya hei;e. Col. 1&I~ la et&Uoned. · '"Beacb on July ltth. S ~ '1 .P-. m. -P4:°ple do read the, PteM ade. I~~ 75~ ~· 39~ PEAIHES H~t~c!~oOR. ~~;. 2 POTATOES '~'·3 °'" 2~:~s2 SPIDAIH I :!:d\~!;. 20 I Tun A~~· 29c CM\IMW,S (r f''""l(~S ' C\JJtAt»' ~e.ATeD 4 2 DRIDHIDli &LASSES r.~ . DIVV BEADS 8~~~T '10llMO ~l.O PAR" T·PAH =~ .~,,~~ 2 /. .. 3 liAYlORI llED TEA:;~~:..... 3 HELlOlili S IORD POPS~:.-18~ . . STA HRISP IRAIHERS g;, 23? . JQDHET SHERBERT ""'Ol<· ..... ·18~ IHILI SADIE l>C'-MONTy; 23~ 12. 01-· 901'Tt.• TOmATO ASPIE L.AUIUi:L-1&9 14io"CAN DOli FDOD ooo c .. u& ' ISi,. en. cAlf 3"-"27~ WHITE HID& SOAP 'll'E&. 294 PKe-. WHITE HID& SOAP 59~ ·FOOD CLUB ~PR~DUC.lS HAVE REILLY ~'CAUGHT 01'' . AT ALPHA BETA : : : I - EIEIYOIE IAYI TIAT ·t1rtlALITY II ALWAYS TIE itsr,· ........ r LOOI IOI LIW TIE PllCEI AIE. IRIS . iOliEss °CICI ROAST BBt MiDiETi.ii1 SAUSAGE :sat Wci llco1 43~ GhiilEo.s1us1aE 59 ml POitTEIHOISE ~I o• 'T·BOIE ~· STEAKS . n11u·11ra1111 ,1 ' -. Wllllf, Wt',• •WI. - ' · 'ILY I, I, 7. ' , ' "The 1111.mp and Lo ... ll>duol'3' la Collrona » -'MO .,... J!i' • llw\oQ Iii -~ ... -,,... Do • ll•dr !• bae ,.,,.d te\6 WUloa ~~ oet..,_ hllnu. ·' ' . . ' • • ;Pr ·~·-.u. -., ,.... ... _.. . .... -.. - • -• ,· ..J I • ' •