HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-19 - Newport Balboa Press• • t • " • I t/nclibu't 'BJ' T. N . ('"lllllCx"l OAINllll no: PllSllll ,_ A mJrror of the moet P<nona117, rm 1>eg1nn1n1 to doubt u.... •lorl<e aboui aD u... rapidly developing ..... • .., albacore belng caught.. SYen tf cf the C&llfornJa Boutll ' I've eeen p&cture• and heard Lee. Cout.al l:mpln Jonu at the Balboa Anstlnl' club l '-------------' and Doc. Hottman of lhe Paclt1c Anglen telling' about ·em. Sunday thla dept. went .bunting 'with Stormy Oordon. who 1eU.. Bulcka aa a hobby In Santa Ana and runa the Costa Mesa bowling center as a buslnea. or vtce-vef'9L In hla nice cruteer .. Stormy" we covered every blank 1nch of the ocean, rrom Catalina's ea.at end to that allf!\poat ma.rklng the eut end of the 14-Mlle Bank. We uaed B'1"ff'" feathenr apd blue teathent a.nd red feathet'9, and even a Chrlotm .. t .... gadg<t guaranteed to make an albacore mad enough to bite the boat'• 1tern, but got nothing. Other boatJi: were flying alb&· core nags that day, but I had a f~llng all the time they had hoh1t- ed 'em Just to ma.ke WI believe there were fish a.round and thw feel better. However, nothing'• more re1u- lng than a d&y on the ocean with a good boat beneath and a clear eky above, plus • refrigerator rul- ed with tcy .s&r8Uparl1la. lf I'm ever caught ln Santa. Aru1. ;;th~~! ·~,Bu~~~ o~n ~o!'~ Mesa, I'm going to become one ot Stonny'8 cuatomen right quick! E\"ERYO~ WENT OUT TO SEA Incidentally, It looked 11 k e everyone ln Newport Harbor wu out In the ocean over the week end. You could scribble a list of those trying to catch a fish and It'd look like a loc&.1 yacht reg1.8-- ter. F olkJ!I were out there tn every- thing from our nicest cruisers to t iny outboard-powered sklffrJ. And that early-morning pararl~ out of the harbor a.nd back In at night! LookM like a person could walk from deck-to-dttk acrOM the entrance without getting hls feet wet. Anyone who doesn·t think that boating and fh1hlng are two of our moet Important bualnesses tihould watch the harbor entrance one of these Sunday mornlnp? MORE WORD t""ROM EX-NEWPORTERS Jimmie Stevenson. we told you moved to Arizona, ku written to thl.a dept. pointinK out that I aald he and his Wtfe Mabel had settled in Fredonia. H e makes It clear that they're at Sedona. In.stead, which he point.a out In a chamber- ot-commerce manner ii an beautl· tut Oak creek 30 mUea south ot Flaptaff. The tint-named town I• 200 .m llu north of Flagstaff, so I wu only a few hun.dred milea off! The tonnOT boat ~,.. here says he haan't mLAed the beach at all a.nd ts su"l>r18ed. especially at albacore tlme. But he added Ur.at Mabel jU8t arrived with a nice batch ot trout, so I can guess the re.aaon why! OH. YES. ABO OT THOSE CATS! Since this dept. mentioned last week that a nice, fuzzy cat was waiting for an owner, Mr. and Mr9. Mark Anich popped by and adopted one. That only leavea a few more to go. Only a rew of thoee famed Gaines cats1 half Peralan (or [ran- ia.n. or something) and hall of the hard-to-find Alley variety. There al&0 are others toting a certain amount of Sla.meee blood In their veirui , If you care for those for- eign varieties. Anybody· W3.Jlla cal! WHATS THAT GUY TAUUNO ABOOTT A Loll Angeles city council· man's been complaining about Or· ange county's be&chea. 8 a y s they're littered :wlth beer carui and such •luff and abould be la.ken over by the St.alt ao they'll hf' k~t clean. Wher~ does thai Joker think the beer cans come trom? Most ot 'em rrom ttfa own conatltuent.a. I'll bet. • And, In ca~ he might be-come intere&ted, I'll bet he could dig up some well-tittered beaches In his own territory. It might be weU for Loe An· geles to fry Its own flah, and we'll fry our own, huh 1 Apparent Suicide in CDM Death Mz'5. Ruth McCormick, 421 Polrutettla avenue. Corona del Mar wa• an apparent •uJckle vic- tim u the rault of carbon mon- oltide potaonlng Sunday or Mon- day night. The m.kld•e-aa:ed wtdow's body wu found on a cot ln her ,a.r- age. Exhaust carbon on Ule gar- age door lndJcated tlaat lbe car motor bad been runnlna fOI' aom. Ume. Nel1h-phoned police Tueo- day and ln1ormed tlwn t/lat t/le wonwi bad not ""1l _.. f# ....,. •nl da70- Kra. McCormick bad boon ...,. P'°"" aa a Jep1 •~er. De la --117 two --In N... Torti, U.0 otller ID Jnrlnoaod- TIM body IS ¥ Bolla l(orb&ary In eo...... de! X&r. VOLUME XII PHONE HARBOR 1616 Helicopter Taxi GRAND JURY Seen; N. B. to L.A. SAYS WATER Air taxi service between Loa Angele• and adjacent Southlan'1 areaa (Newport Beach included) got another boost thia week when the Civil Aeronautics Boa.rd au- thor~ed Los Angelea Airways, Inc., lo provide service between Los Angeles and nearby area.a. Early Ln 1952, hu been given as the poulble date of establil'lh- rnent of such a !tf'rvlce by L. A . Airways president, Clarence M. Belin. TAX LEGAL An examination and r@port ha8 been made and completed by the Orang" County Gf&nd Jury ov'r the uae of water workl!I fU.nda by the City of Newport Beach for PU~8 other than for the oper- allot\ of that system and the fol· lowlnK information hu bet"n pre- Sf>nlPd by the County Counsel of OrMge County: Flrl'lt schedult"s to be set up "Sam Meyf"r, foreman, 1951 ~II link Santa Ana. Puadena. Grand Jury: You have bttn In· R1veraldf', Anaheim, San Bernar-1 tormC'd th.at the city council of dino and Pomona to the Intf'rnat-tht" City of Newport Beach pro· Iona! Airport In Loe Angeles. poses to make a $t.OO monthly At the present time, plan8 call charge per watlr connection ror tor a three limes dally round trip tC"n month• wttb 8'fr of the rev· schedule with a six time dally enue ,going for the purch~ of 1-4 schedule further In the future. lots at China Cove and 40"1' tor Beli".1 Mid t hat rares would bf' park purpoee8, and you inquire approximately $4 one way frorr. into the lcgaJity or the procerlure. Santa Ana lo Loa Angeles. "Both the State Constitution According to Belin, service. will and the l'llAlutell! f"Xprl!'M ly author- develop ln three st.a.gee. Aftf'r lhr iz.f' the ac quisition and opt-ration initial plan is under way,' a second , by citi<'s of municipal waterworkfll plan will call for service lo all I Article XI S«"Ctlon 19 Constltu· com~unitles now served by mail tlon; 's rocllo'n 38730, f't 'seq., Gov· aerv 1 1cc, and_ a third plan will f'l'I· ernnient Code). The poWf't t o tabl.&h s~rv1ce rrom a new. SI mil· rf'gulate the rates for acrvicC's Hon heliport a.top the 12-atory charge<t by municipal corporation!'! Pacific Mutual building. . Op<'ratlng mun1clpally-owned pub- Fln~I ~la.ns call_ ror ~rv1ce to Ile utilltif't'I IJ"J not conf1·rrr-d upon 45 cities 1n a 50-m•le radn.1-' of Los the Public Utllitte8 Commis.."lion Angelet'I, he saJd. and i9 a n1attf'r within the discrf'· The permit granted Belin's com· tion ot the municipality. pany is the second such permit "Therp are no ltm\lations t o the isaued In thi.e country. the flr3t public purpo.Rt's for which the rt'V· going to an Ohio firm which failed enuP,. derived rn.im t~ walt>r gys- to st.art operatlont'I betore the per· tern mullt bf> expendf'd. It 11' our mlt exp1rPd.. view thcrrfort", that the propo!W"d Craft to be used, according to action ot the city council U, not BPI in, will be the Slkor-sky S-~. ili<'F::&I." 10·p&a8Cnger type, which will ac-Thro opinion wu submitted by J~I E. 0~1¢, county couniwl, rend· er"d by Robert J . Swlt.ur. deputy, an4 concu~ '" and rele~ by Georg<' N. Holden, deputy counAel. tuaJJy carry eight p&Mengers plus mall and cargo. In approximately three yeara, lhe larger Sikorsky S-65 which has a.n operating load of 20 pa.sa- engeni will be in use, he sakt. Harbor W~ather Temperatur8 tor the put week lo tbe U&rbor atta: H1Jb Lo'" 60 39 ~· 82 82 84 George A. ltagan Services Held F\lner11.I servlct-s wer" held Wt"d· nAAday at 3 30 p. m. ln Melrose Abbt"y chapt"I for George A. Ra· Ran, rr tirNI. S&nta Ana r"a.ltor who was .,.,·ell known and had many frif'n<ts ln Ute Harbor area. Rev. l,erry Schrock officlate<I at rltt's and entotnbment wu In Mel· Thursday, July I! Frtday, .July IS Saturda)'. July 1 • Sunday, July I~ Monday, .lttJy 18 Tuesday. July 17 \\'"edMMl.a)', July 18 71 71 l3 18 11 81 & , rose Abbey mauaoleum. J • • s • • ., • • S!IYING TH! INTIR! HMIOI ARIA SECOND LARGEST HoME COMMUNnY. IN ORANGE COUNTY • _._ . . Alma to be cloaa, fair and i-1ual. and lllUI to recet.ve &Dd n taln popular .. pport • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1951 FOURTEEN PA GES FIVE CENTS NUMBER 21 " l .j..,.t \ • ' .. ~-'" ' . ; ,.. ...... .,. . ' '~ ' " ) .1 ~ ' < ' • • Work Begun on Sl2,(0J Office on Coast Hiway President To·m Norron and Elc;ecutive Secretary Hay Langenheim of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· • merce announced this week that arrangements have been completed with the Irvine Co. for a new Chaml>er office to be built on Coast Hbway. PROPOSED NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING Work already ts under way to clear the site, and the building is expected to be ready for occu- Three Hurt in Mesa Crash Barbara. Balcom , 13, of 8a.cra· mento, June Payne. 11 a.nd Ann Pa.ynr, 9. of 643 W . W1IM>f\, 0 "8ta. M!'88., W('rf' tak(•n 1n th(' M'Nlir.11.I Clinic at Coat& Mrflla for chN"k- up V.'h<'n th(' car 1n whic h the:r wert> rldlnfl TU"sdlly, rnll idr rl with anoth<'r at lhl' lnter~rct1on of Ncy,•port Blvd., an<I 18th slrrct. Alfred Payn(' of 5-1:1 W. W1lM"ln . driv<'r of the C'&r In Y.'h1ch lhf' gir'-' W{'r(' ridin,ir knfi Cchnf'n!I J . Lanz. Memphis, Tr on , nrwrator of tho other car. "'ere not injured. , Grunion Runion in Our Opunion C... you ttad a ttmetablto! \\'hatever your a&wf'r t6 that 4111• ttJ. ..... be too ..,.. °" tJto9" urW'Clucated sruoion who aM trylns to do "'·hat c-o~ naturally Thunday nlsht at IO :SO p.m. 1'h1!I run '4111 be thf' nnt or tlnW'ta.bkoe call tor l'runlon at 11 :15 p.m. Friday, I! p.m.. Sat,.. ul"day a.ad 1%:4-5 Sunday. Hll'.lf'f{a a Up f01' our ttadf'ra. Try iooldal' In the hay aay- wtw~ a.ea.ward of tht" C'°4Wtt Ouant dork at Uw-IM"hnlulf'd. ttme.. Wf' •'" mllllons of lht-m ttw"' at the laal IM'hl'duJNI d&c.e for t.llf' run.. Don't .ay Wti didn't tell :you. Object to Road Splitting NHUHS Wht>lher 16th atrttt will be opened from Irvine aVt"nUe to link v.•flh PallMdea Road, 11.t Co!:ta Meaa. thereby separating Newport Har· bor Union high school from acrea.re recently acquired for exp&ru1lon WRJJ lhr subjttt of a bearing of the Board at Supervisors Tue&day afternoon. • Objections to the opening propoeed by the county road depar1.- m('nt W ('re rilrd by the Newport.----- Harbor Union hlJ:h school board of trustf'C"S and by Parent~Te&eh­ f'r AMOCiatlons of the 1tChool and from Cmta Mesa elementary schoob. Newport Ha.rbor Ebell C"iub alKI opposed the extension or 16th strt'('l . to expand the campus and lf the county oPf'rui 16th atreet lo link with Palisades Road, int.o which 17th str<'el feeds, the campus would be bisected by a through route. Altematflll!I Sl9,lm JEWEL MYSTERY HERE pancy by Oc~ber let. The new home of the Chamber Will be located at 1400 Coast Highway in the Clty of Newport Beach, where lBei feet of frontage ta be- ing made availa.ble on Irv I n e property, which Is within the city limit.. Still a mystery la disappearance A . L. Gatterdam of the Island of jewels valued at $18,900 f«>m Construction Co. will bulkt the the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. one-story structure, which 18 es- Wyeth. 1-415 East_.pe.y Front, Bal-tlmated to cost. about $12.000. boa. Mrs. Wy(!th stated she last The building containing 1366 eq. saw the jewels when she placed feet will be a single story frame them in her jewel box on Tues-and stucco •tnicture with wood day, July 10 a.nd that they dis-shingle root typed after the old appeared sometime between then New England Yacht Club8. It and Friday, July 13. will provide a lobby, a Directors The box was on a dresser l.n room, a general oftlce roon1. a the upstairs dressing room adjoin· room for the Secretary, utility Sev .. ral alternative route• Wtrt' propoM'.!d for the dlveniion or traf- ri r ft't'dlng into Coeta Meaa &nd from Newport Blvd. and Harbor Illvd. Highway Supt. Harold Spreng-ing the master bedroom and the and 11tore rooms. Parking Area C'f wa.s Instruct ed to consider the house was open much of the time. is provided alongside the building. several altern&ll'e, which include She herself was away from home and there ta room to expand the Improvement ot 15th street, the all Thursday morning. Articles building and parking area if camplUI BOUtb boundary; Irvine taken included a bracelet set with neceesary. Fa\·ttr Cun·" avenue, ll'a weal boundary and the a large center ruby and a band Among the unique features of Thf' AChool offlC'IA.ls apparf'ntly S-cu.rve propo&ed. of rubies and diamond valued at the Chamber office site wtU be favor a swttping "S" curve link-Board memberti said that the Sl0.000: a star ruby ring~ valued a walk to be constructed aJong- lng 18th Alrei.'l with 17lh street, county road department had Jong at $5000: a 36 stone ruby and the face of the cllff to the rear, alrf!a.dy a lhrough route, before It planned rin opening and exten.eion diamond brooch. S90Cf; a diamond up to the top of the pro1110ntory, meeY lnrla9 .......... well ~ ,...... .. ..... tr . .-... _w_. fti• f~OAa-' ...... ....&. -Ail.-.111111,f•lill!lo-!"iii...--... ---~-•jy 41'VW '1..Nt£ -• ..... """&_.. ~ -c.L.a.~ 8 ary of the high 1Chool. ery tD .1tnk ~ Pall.sades Road., $3000. · • look.Out polnt over the entire The school bought 33 acrea ot which In turn connects with Cout A considerable arnQunt of cash City. property from Irvine Raneh Co. Ht,-hWa,y ~ Beacon Bay. was usually near the box. It was Arrangements for leasing ,the -:=-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~::;;;-stated, a.nd none was taken. Also ground and lending the Chamber • pa88ed by were a pair of diamond the fund.a to erect the building earrings, a gold necklace, eoatume were completed In negotl&tlons jewelry and a $5000 pearl neck-conducted by Preaident Norton lace. Neither the Wyeths' four and Secretary Langenheim \1\:ilh year old daughter nor the maid Myford Irvine, Brad He 111 1, had seen any l!ltrangers around, Charlea Plum and Bill Spurgeon it v.·u aa.ld. of The Irvine Company whose HtJJlT, Bt"T CHEERFUL .. Kara.n Keada'li 18,-of Sant& Am. •·ho tr.II and aulfered be.Ml. tnJwiee Tuetlda,v at 1 :t8 p.. m. M Ma.la Bmcb. Oorooa del Mar. She-WU n.t9hed to St. IDfN!iph's hospital by &-al Amba:laatt, and l• makiltl' • rapk! ftlCO\'f!r)'. (PreM Photo) Child 8-eating Charge Against Mesa Marine T'rtal will be held Wedneeday, July ~ for Kar1 0 , Ltt, 21 , Et Toro Marine Sgt, arrested Julf 5 f~r auerlf'dly beating bbl 4-year-... old stepson, Raymood Olia Gooch. with a eUck. Lee. wbo Una.~ a ~u Oburt at :z:J(JO , Newport Bt+.i. Ooata M-, pleaded not ruJlly to U>o charge at a bearln1 .In Ne"l>Ort ToWnllllp Court and wu ,.._... ""~bell' Accordtnc to .....-S om,con. O.po. Jack KeA1&rf and ~ Doab"" IAe aUOsed'J' -• Ibo clllld ...... _ be -bll pulW - ru1 ... 1P to pick up ""-lie - !en -tt.!rad -Ille -· . Kn. 11aae1 Na""""'. wllo aloo "-at the --. ·1o1o1 'Nc- ...,. and DouMe --... pt ...._,. ........... Ille ...,. - generoalty and desire to cooper- ate ln the civil development of Newport Beach haa made all of lbi.s pol!lalble. Central Loc&Uon The loc&tlon or the new head· quarters will make the Chan1ber offices more accessible to all sections of the City and bein&" on the HJghway will attract many of the thousand& of auto travel· er& At such time..._ u the upper Bay ls developed and should the COftlOlldatlon of Costa Mesa wtth Newport Beach be con.summated. tbe Chamber office• wtll be in the geogn.phlcal center of the area.. MASO!l"JC DINNER Member·a of Muonlc Sea.farin( Lodge 708 Gave a.. poUuck dinne.r Wedne«lay, July 11 before the stated business meeting, 72 at- tended. The ladies e n j o y e d canut& and bridge. Alter Ute meetlnC" colored films of a recent Canadian trip were ahown by Mr. and Mrs. Kenney Johnson. ttJ .-.·-... Ille ... 1 -. I""""" . _ .... _... _ . .... Due 1tii7 't a-, a d of --...... --1 , ..... _.,. .. -.·-Iola ... _,... .. ~ j • • • P-AGE 2 -PART T -THURSDAY, JULY 19, ·195f .. ::i~~illss~ ,,_.,. INDDtaaJD'r uic:.J. -Uft Puhllabed overy 'l!luroday at Newport Bffcll. cautonlia. <knee •d Prlntlni: Pl1U1t at Ull Balboa Blvd.-Phone Barbor lflt hllered aa aecond-clus ~alter June 18. tt40. at the poet ottla. at Newport Beach. Callf'ornta. under the Act of .March 3, 18'79. Hu the: lar(Ht pAld r.lrrulattoa bl the Sf'\•port Barltor A.rM. S..rtd l•rK""'tlt Ham• Cemrnun.lty In Oranre Couaty. Mnn~r C'altrornla "Seww.-~r Pu.bllN.e... AHOdatloa MPmWr Sattonal l'.dttotial AllMK'latton BEN 0 . REDDICK. OWnu and PublllMr ROBEllT F. WJLLMU. -·-Man ..... A. ALl:XANDER lLUULTQN. AdvertlalnS Manapr The Prut bu bHft adjucfeed a aew11pe.per of l'ene.ral clrcul&llOn by -. .. of Ille 9\lperlor 0>1n-t of Ora:oC"• OOunty and lo tully •n• llfled to pttblhl'I all kinds or Jega1 notiCes a.nd &.dvertfaementa. st-l~C'RIPTIOS IL.\TES: ~'EWPORT-BALBOA PRESS ,., .• r.y Tb.tlf"Ml:a¥ In ONDl'f' County, S3..51 IM't ye.r; $! ... llx month; t•l.14 tlllr.. mont.M) (Al• lnf"ludK-tbP "'SEWPORT-l!IALllOA Nl:WS..TDO"..R &• Tw..cla.J') Out.I~ tM f'OOnty M.11 JM"r yMr. ... _,, . .:;, ; ·, . ., .,... .. • I • 4 ' ~-'" '. ' .. ' .. • • ' .r . . ' • J • CJVIL DEFENSE _ • The Korean war truce talks· llhould not -be the· eignal for · re1,{,ung civilian defenee preparati01!8 any more than th;y should cause a . letdown in the task of strengthening the nation's military establijlhment. -A-ceaae fire order ~n • Korea inay relieve the tension m;mentarily but it by no muns will be a blanket gua,ren- t~ of 'peace or an in:surahce · agB.iiist ._the oytbreak of a more wide.spread conflict. · • . Only a fool would thi'nk eo and., in fact, that may be a part of the grand strategy of the Kremlin-to cauee a .re. 111.xat,ion of .defense preparatiims· in -the United Statee. - , There must be no such comp!aCellcy or "lack of wari- ness: · A major part of the. civilian defen,se effort muet )>e performed by civilian ·volunteers on more or Iese a maaa scale. There is a lhat none can fellow do it. job for .practically everyone. which m~arui assume the attitude of letting the other No one can say. of course .. whether there will be ,: an attack or when it might come. But it is just common eenee .practice that every com- munity should be prepared to meet the. eme;gency shoµld • i.lP.• • • . , • l ( " .. • ' ( '.ce--,, ,. • --·-, • - ....... _. ----------~--~ __ ..... -..... • • • Bobcat Victim of Eggbe~t~~FtlOt, ... Tht' ~rntlllty of htlicoptrra waa demo.natl"aUc;\ rttf"'ii'Uy when UirH marlnet1 stalked and kill~ " 20-pound tem8Je bo~at:wb.llc-fly· Ing over Marine Corp8 A.Ir F:aclUty a\ Sllnta Ana, ~(l_n\~-- Thf" lhrtt: nycn, ~J. Edwin E +---..._,, . ' . • s11tte1• la~ , for Dope - Traffickers ' , Penon.1 who • uae minors In the narootlt" ttafrtc OT dispose or nar· cpl.lea tO mlnora wJIJ raca trt.yter pena.ltltos ~ei:-•.bill_ wh.lfh ~· !!arl 'Van-en haJJ'•lgnt'd Into law . The bl11 would lnCreaee lhe Pf'"'" &Jt)' for Ulla crlme to not lf'M th&n n vc: yura for the ttnrt ol!tnM \Do nol leao than 10, 1fa,.~r.,. ~ch au~u._ent Offenll".\ , • \Jftde.r t~ prffir:nt law:;,.rpWl -b- JMftl "" nm 0011vicucm. 1o .,... to a1Jt 7••~· witll a mJ tUmw\i d .etx ,,.a,.. fOI' raoh ~~t of- fense. .-___ _ Mesa Couple. Back From Honeymo~n Now al home to lhrlr frtmd.s al 2~1 J Sant.a Ana Ji. V(., C.OSta M l'• ar" Mr, and M n . Donl\ld Luth. Wh() havr ~n honr-ymoon- tn1 at jolnta north. · • · Th<' b~<lf', the J~nner..)tih FJor- •nce Loulae s .. ,.:r .. la the ~11.Ullh· ~r ot Mr. and ¥ra.. ~eat.....,8"",u- 0-fy', J390 -_&nh. A;t!• .,A(te.i ~('r ht11band'• par+bta .. A! Mr;, ·.,nd Mn_ Math~. Llltb. -333 AV<_fc.ad o Strttt. • .. Mra. LUth \\ .... l'f~U&led, from Niwport Harbor l!nlon H l JI' h achooJ., Thr brkteJn>om", ti' •ta- Uoned In Lons Bta<h .7.n111 the U . S. Navy. . -Family Reunion at Veach Home ~~~~~:~. ~>"'~"~~;;.~~:-. ~:.·: M·ACHtttt· VOICE a.nd Teehnloal ~rgeant Edward . # L: ., An event re<:HJ.tly rnjoyed b:o· M La.no t Sf'C Nf'w Jr,.. .. 1 1 -" lhe J c. Llonbarge-r and 'd. P. ::; :;:ill:~:~~~~~= :1-::ou7:~~ AT s1~~T'E -.f-A1R· \ ~·;.~chnl fl\t:~~ee;:~ re:l~~e~i~~ 01¥hl. , ~ \. , #-\ I BeJboa. first 11me lo 34 yeflrH .. all Tht> bobq•t racf'd llown the run-A major itlfa c.!LJ9'\, fllkd \,\:llh Of them ~nd bet"n together. way with thr helk'optf'r n1aneu-n1nlllini' lntm&ie machint>• ba-11-PrC'Mnl ·'"~re · Ml'. and A.frs. vrrin& hot In punult. By nyinK <'all,)· deY<>trd to projection of the JaC'k RuM"ll •nd lta11gbti>r ?ndy liow n"ter t.hl' l'\t'ld the rrtfl'A'htlt> human ,·olcr-: 'wUJ-bf.,pr.;-.llelltt"d at of Ph<»n1x : ~t r• A. N Fl•her. huntt-n k~pl ttw animal on th,. thf'' Caltfornb.-~'r "Falr' in Srop-Ashland. Ky.; ~fr. a nd Mra. W. B. alrtil'ld, and at the cruC'ial n10-trmMr. ; ' • \\'rlls. Jnckte. Bill &tld ,A1&f!'li~ r.ttnl, La~n Je&ru'rl out of th<' ,,, .. aJm. :i ( ~ ll'<' P.iflc TPlt'-At\\'oorl: Mr. a nd 1-'frs. Albe pla.nt and dP.alt lhr killing blo"· h d T 1_......., h Co Lk>nbarger. Va.n NllyR ; Mr .. and "1th a wrench. P 0h"b"I un "~~·Pth nlp~nyl ~frs J P. Veur h l:lnd Tommy·. P X 1 t ll'l lo gfve e cenero ..... . j G Thou£1l ""lid pn1.-huntln,i.t frun1 . . S8nla An3; ~Ir anti ...... 1s. . . . publlc an 1df'a of what ls ,.,, store San BM ba M rtw-air lA not 1neludrd In t~1,lr f•ir 'lt ln lhf' fut'ufe Jn thC' way of l.JOnba1ger, , ta r . ta;, r. dally routine, thf'8€' three 1otar1nc.>a ni'"' an<1 inl tO\.°t'd communlC'ation and Mr• \\it1.ll «r Goegal. 'll:ln 11.rrec that It IJ11 ditferent fro1n 1 P I Nuv~: Mrs R . B Veach, oldvst e· faC'1I lifol'. • • · 9 · d M moet CQnwnllonal huntlnl[ pro-n1rn1bf'r. who 111 1 . Mr. an rs. redurea Thcrtl \\'Ill hr an actual dl·n1nn-Goorge Flak~ of P.ho.ntx: .Mrs. · 11trat1on of ltanf;t."Ontin!'nlaJ tllal· Jlohirnnon, Sneta An11 : 1-fr. and • I · • I · t I-Rise t Remark The Capitol Week "7 ~nr••-l-·ftlmpo By Waltu L n.rttaa11 Aa t111o ,»-w>itten In W&lhlns· (Ualted p,_ ~&) ' ton: the ·•Yftlln&' papera """ th• Governor Earl Wurerl t. m· -_ com111entators tell of tll~ f•rln.-"'°"' -tor• <ramj> . br•'d!lc' otJ ot the x:or..n nego-The S-tate'_s e:lt;lef ~tl•e baa u..-Uono tor pee~ It ""!>' ~ I.hat ~~~~ b~ ~~ ~ th•i w1ll be ~ II the c:om-legl>latu..,, fl8'Jrtnir two tllna to munlltl al'T'f'e' to let the preu a,c.. each of the L<f 66 meuure1 he ap. comPaoy or n_e~laton, The point for YoU lo C004lder, with humlllty, proved up to the cl03e of businH9 la that-we aU the oommunlstl If ~e~lttng dO"flfl near tlMj bot· we m&y 'brlllg aloftl' the ne,,.._ tom of the p l.le, thoup, 1and hu paper men. It b to 0enf'ral 1 than 00 .1. 61.clseW•Y'• cmtll, U..t he with· ... • meuu..,. 'f. act "" <!now untJ• ,llllo waa •UI"" befcre hl1 COD1tJ tutk>¥1 doedlll>e . "' • ~ ot JµJy 2&. , · • J .-rile to ult a quootjon of Lost w.O:. the fov..-atjr ..- the ,....., u<lent ~mi..wr.-ll)()1'e than l (IO, l>llls, '"""i""riC· all I.loll. anli·~rll>ur' ttOldenl of of tho sped&! appropr!atlOn - tbe SJnd Dlotr!d; <:an )'OU. by uy 11rn p......C by tile nc... -- lrt.rttdl of you,. lmagtnatton. cnn-ot the legislature-. • crivie or General MacArthur let-When he finlah~ adding up th~ ting hirrutelt be maneuvered into • SZ2,879.000 of .special appropti&- sltuation ~he.re nel'Qt•Hon. for tiOn meaau.res, pit.is lhe1 Sl.016,· a ceaw-tlre a~t coukl be 000,000 budgC'L th~ io~emor &n· turn~ latd a communial propa-nounced the slatt" would have an gand• lhow? estimated surplua .or $13,872.000 If nation A 18 fll'hlln• nation B at the end of the 1952 fiaqtl yeu~ a.nd A la giving B a bad tlrftf', 10 Reven\le received during ~ n1- that B sugge.ata talking over cal year ending last June 30 was ceaM··flre t erms, thry may meet considerably ntore than ihe ad- on the g:rounda ot A. •• f'Videncf' ministration had estlmatf"d. A of th(> \VMkfte9 ()f B, or If that preliminary cloaing statemrnt for weaknt-aa ls not rvide.nl. then they thr la.st fiscal year pegged tncomt' meet on neutral ground.a, out.aide at ~.306,3 12--abo~. $~5,039,000 the flchtlnar arf'a. They try to more than the orlgtht\I budget meet under condltlons which e111tlnl&lt' . neither can USe l o it.a advantage. Warren praised the l~tu.tt for doing a "'good job" tn kee-plng fihancel'I in ba.lanC<" and while ~ conct"dffi $13.000,000 was a ·-ra1r surplua'' he a.&Jed that "it is nonr too much for these uncertain r 'Robins .NOTES -. ~ llU>llllf9 • Juiy 18, 1901 • We t1o · a·~ Job of 11sbtlq '"' WVO btlt-not "°Sood Wltn It 00""8 to n.eeotiation1 for PM.c9. I am ..runy atr&ld we !-ft nqt doln• too Sood In Ko.,...., P•-t&lka. and we were mane~ Into "" unfavorable postU... r!Cbt from the lll&rt. .We have boesl made to look Uke we were aulft.& (or P eace with the Reda:-beinc the vtctor&. I all11 lhlnk ~ RedS-only want a t~mporary truce while they do eome repouptng ot their fon::u a.nd .-e\ ready to give I.he.Ir troops eome real air support. MOit. old aoldiera do not ''fade away." Aak any veteran of V'orld War I that has tried to put on hll'l old uniform lately., In.atead of ••fadinl," be hu crown to tremendous propor~ tif>ns . . _ at lea.at ln spot& Tht• la your Ftiendly Ford Dealer, Theodore Robina, MY· lnl' aoo<lbye 'Ul next week. Women Golfers Feted A~er Play Conaidt"r the pr?l'lenl CUC": The Uniteid Statel'l, carryln 90 per CPnt of the burd4>n in a 90-called Unllt'd Nalion.11 poli«: action. Is auppoaffi to hAve had the advant.agr over North Korean and Chinese -re<t 11rmie&. Four or fivt" months ago. General MacArthur. df'll'iring lo nta.ke an advantage 1ecure. re- teut'd a public ntcaaage to lhC" red cornmand~r. uylni: he would n1eet hhn to dlacu.ae ceaae-firf' te rms. That. the normal acllon ot any commanding gt>neral. was one rea.on Mr_ Truman flrf'd Gt">neral A{acA rthur. Climu.Jng the two day invita· titnes:· tionaJ toumament (If Southern Thus f!lr, the govern.or h•• Ca.Ufornla women gollf'rs al Santa Y'-'toed -42 of thf' bills apw-oved by ~a country Club last week wa.c1 lht-l('g1slature and he Haid 80me lht" cocktail part)' and dinner at- othC'r meuur~ uedoubtedly would lend«! by 150 women Thursday fail via tht• pock.et veto route. evrnlng. One bill sicnod into law by lhf' M p I Hall id t governor last v>e~k wu the hsta~ ~uplannl~,P~~s Me;..·;::. Feather Rlvf>r proJt"Ct. Warren ahaJl Nl~deCkt'r, entertainment callrd it "the 1nost Important BJld Alra. Raymond Couch. re· singlP" ball pa1'Sed by lhl.' 1951 · frt'•hmentA. Hosteuea for th~ l<'gil'llaturp and saitl fPW bills in <'O<'ktail party were Mrs. CJiff 100 ye~rs o.f ~tatehood mean more Nolder. Mrs. Everett T&'f"ney, and lo Cahfnrnla s d<>vl•lopmenl. Mrs. Ben Heminger. The decorat- The gov<>rnor 11.so took steps Ing committee was composed of during the \\"C'<'k to gt'l h i.a nc.>w Mra. Neld~ker, M"-.. M. B. crime commission underway. H,. Thompson. Mrs. Edmund Holmrs, issuf'd an ex e~u~ive order . crf'at-.Mrs_ Arthuer Raaberg. ifrs_ Chas. ing lhe C"f>mn1\SS1f>n but ~1d not Cogan . 11an1.t' t hr .nvr 111en "'ho '."'111 serve • .\ssistlng with buffet luncheons nn 1t. His ordf'r spec1fled thr and morning coffee and doughnuts co1nn1 1ssion should study r cvt"nuf' w~re Mrs. c. H. Chapman. Mra. la;,.·s, nar('Otics ar:d organized L<>o DumAler. Mrs. Ralph Comp- prosl11ution. ton, ),{rs. Ernest Winbigler. Mrs. He al:.o announcf'd Herbert Van H. ft. Brinklrhoff, l'frs. Wayne Brunt. fnrn1f'r FBI Agrnt and onr· Harrison. Mrs. Charles Cogan and tin1e a,«i:;istant invC'stigator f~r th e J.l rs. J . A . Hatve)'. Jr. it occur. T S ks H Under conditions of atomic wa1"fare, it would be· too enney P" ere 1ng. anuthf't ihowfng th .. tt.og:r of ~1i·s A L stuck.. Dilnnl· ,a " d 1nli:rowave-J11 ln lranamtttlng both 0 Avid, Ct>s\.a Me118 a~d Mr . .and vnic-r •nd mu•lc a"d o tht>ni 11hO\\'-~1rs. J _ (.: Llnnbarger. Corona 1ng ho\\· the voice is· ampllflN a de! J\f"Rr. Ar ff'W days ago, Atr. Malik, th" Ruuian de1ciralf' to th€' U . N .. sugge11ted a. mt'eling in Korea. among th.t" belligerenl.l'l. to discuu ceasP-fire terms. This i" the "ame thin& MacArthur proposNI month~ ('1t.rru.•r. Th~ \in1e however, lht' State D<-pa rtment hurriNI to ar- cept lhe dt"al, with onlv a gentlf' ~tatemen t th.at] it MIGHT b<' a trap. Th(" first sugge3tlon was that lhf' n1eet~g should ht> on a Danish hoeplt.a.l ~hip. Rt"d-Chlne 1nsistr<I on Ka~aong, lhr only cit.v ~ulh of the' :Mlh parallt•I in their posM's:don . So \l.'C ar(' n1et·ting in KB t"!'l<.tng. The Statt> Depart1n('rrt announretl that Kaf'song v.ras a C'ret> C"it_v, un".i1·f('ndl"<l and un- armt"d. Th€' Penla~on. or thP CIA . or !l<11'1lf' military lnlt'lllg€'nl't> Rf'('· tlon ~rt~ the r('f1·igerator an<t thC' J(efau\•er c rinle committee v.•ould Following the completion ot tht' br In cha1·g., of invf'stigatiarui for tournament which wae in cha.rge his t·o1111nis. .. :on. of Atrs. F . \Veston Jay, a tea on J\nothC'r hill signPfl by the gov-Friday a.fternoon honored the .. rnor J:ist v.·~l<. \\'hich 1nay not prize· Winners. Thi>se in cha.rge st•t•n1 so in1port.ant no'" but ""hich we~ Arra. c. H . Chapman, Mn. may in thr futun> aJft"Ct l'very Leo DurTU1ter, Mrs. J ohn Drury, C'itiz•·n in thr state. was the Civil Mni. Glen Varley and l'frJI. John Dc.>frnsc Act by S C"n. George Hat-Conley. late to begin the orgari~ati.ru.i and' training after a bomb has been exploded. . The prepared city will be the ·city which will have the least panic and the fewest catjualties.. _ It is to be hoped the.'.preparations .undertaken never will have to be called into W!e. But 'Should that time come. the hours spent in preparing will · p&y off hand119mely. It is a dut\• not only to hili country but also to hi.a community and · his family for every able boated person t o volunteer for some sort of civilian. 'duty. Do n,ot be fooled by the lull in Korea into thinking -that all the world'• prob- lems and threats have been reeolved.- Women More Pea~eful Sciys"Scie"911f at l,JC,&rA \Vomrn havr a P"f'l'l.tl"r d~fr(' for WOJ'~pt"at'f' t.ha9 m•n. afCQIVtft, to a. recent survf'y ('onductC'd by Uniwn.lty of Ca.Jlfomla. al Lo. An· gf>l<'s p~ychologil't!4 . Dr. G.>orgl' F'. J . lA"hner. a..s900iale pro!HaOr of peychok>a •l UCLA encl Bf'rnard S!lpf't, reo.eearch aalstanl, ukl yentntay ut:lt r;:>sulta of an eXPf'rin1ent conduct-..----'·----------- ed u.9lng hypolheti('al situations I v 0 c a t t 0 o al f.Ad educ.atk>inaJ wilh 96 ct>llegl' stUd€.'nt11 •how a<'hlevf"ment ,roUowf.d tn• that OI"· that w omen at prf·st>nl art' more <ter. ~. = • dl'slrous of peac-e and more altru· ''Travel"' ~dld.J't!~~ istlc in their motive~ than men. lhinp ll'lf' 1 uc~illtt • t The students \vcre uk~ a wa.nled to do, wltll •ot;atl numtw>r or QUt•st1on.s. lik4'." "What academic achievement a'nd mart· three wishes v.·ould you want taJ fulfillment foJlowlnl'- rulfllled? ," "\\.hat "'ould you most An lntel"t'stlng NX dlffft"entt like to do? .. and ··Jn what difft-r· apPf'a.red In a.n8Wf!n to the third Pnt form \\'OU ld _vou llkr to re-qu .. •tlon. Womm wanle'd to ,.... t11m to r arth '?" , turn to NJ'th u domNtk a.ntma.b Th,..... \\'l!lht-5 ----upedally the cat.-morr than Jn answt'ring thes(' questions, it mm. Elpty per ce:nt of thr atu· "'·as fou.nd that thr student.8' top dent.' wanted to Jllturn u aomf' three wl~ht's Wf're for \\'Orld ~acf', form of animal Bird.. dol'. ca\.. marrtag(' and happlnrss, succeu tamed borH, dffr. llon, wild hol"8C' anrl lH"C'Urity for ~If. Family ~I-and ape rank~ .. lhr mot1t ra- farf'. social wt'lfar<'. wealth and vorable. . -HOPE or THE WORLD It was announcf'd tortay that SenAtnr Ja<·k B. Tmnt'y of Los A..n~elr• y,•il l a.ddre• • public ma. .. 11 meet ing In Ameri«Can Lf>rJon hall at N•wport &ach Ult! night of July 27. Senator Tennry'a aubj~c-t will hf. "A ""'~' declaration of in- df'J>f>Ddt>~P. •• The meet ing Y.111 bf> held un- der thr ausplcea of Amrrlca Plul', th.> Of'W ""na.Uonal (1"U roou m.__ move01ent to ruto"' liberty and property rtKhU" which lbC' Nnator heada. Nonn&n Miller of NPWpOrt Ui ln charie of the .... r&nS"f'rrtent.a. ·-nu. la Colnl' lO be aome\hinl' more lban a men apeech mektns affair," df'Cland Miller loday . .. Amrrtca Plua ha.a a apeclflc pro- l'ta.m of action deatpe'd lO atop thfo trf'nd toward eoclaliam and eommunlam ln the United StateA. and to tt9lonl the cltbf'n'a Jiber- lk'• an4 property rt,fhta. It haa already reee.hed lnto twelve othf'r statee. and promt.Ha to b«ome thf' fa.Ufi fN>wlng popular ll"IOV~· ment h'I the country." undttd coplea of A E""' Wlti.d, "EY•• ""'"i. .... ~ dlatribtlt<id rt a...p,_ •rt& tp ..,. quaint poop!• Wltll Ule buk Phil· oeopby of U.e mowmmt ln ad- v&nCf' of the meet.in,._ Copies can be proeu.rf'd from Mr . MU1e r or at tbe meeUns. Name. of tboM wbo wUI ••Jc In adclltk>n to Senalot T f'nney will be aaoounced later. Hold Price Line Pricq will br k ept at th!lr ex- iatin& level. pt'ndlnl' enactment by Conve-f>( new lepjalk>n on price conlroll. accorCllnl' to ~·u - 1\am C. Mouier. cti.trt.ct dlt'f'Clor of the San Diel'O Dlltrlct. OfflCP of Price 8t.ab1Haatlon. He polnted out that tn ealend- lnl' the Detenae Production Act f'rom June 30 lo July 31 Conil'ffi'O proYkled th&t D() ceillnl' price •hall be pe.rmltted to become effective that le ~r than the ctUlnJ' prlcf' ln eJfttt on June 30. Mo .. rr aid 0 . P. S. llao '-'ed O.neraJ OYerrldins R<platlon 13 to rl!mfNte requttttDmta for rollllec .. In prlcff a.tter June 30 and to -«<Wnc prlee pro¥111· klna lb.en la effect oo muufa.ctur- ed prodUcta. R.etatten and wbole· Miera subject to <ellllll' p r I c • rqulaUau altt94)' IA effect an l\Ol aoabject to onrridlq re1ula· Umll,IM-· TIM dlatrkt 0 . P. 8. l>Md warn· cd -~ ton:eio ""' -to .... "' C'OCl\tns montlla .. mnn tNI moni def.,... .,.-U.. .-.. aftJJable ma- ,.-utl a4* l.O U.. 'rolu... of ---ploym<ttt. ' --;::;;;;;-:;;;;;;;;.., MY Clft' ooan J'tom. -h'IA CllMD came-lira. .. J. tzfb-..... Jr\o• .... - -98J:r ... -In tloe --... -lln. ~ •. ,._, in .a uu. a... Onota -_._......'"··-... at Jllr ........ llul7 ..... dMI - --tllru a ..all Waat .U • hundred tll,llt't. n1ald ict·rvi<'1• and lhf' tl'ip to tht' (l hl.C Po nl 1s :q1ijd b}· Lhe -Claaaifted ada are read by who ue look1nc to buy. folks 8 1 ' • tlud(' ranch for that one: for we ~attnnal Automob1I• club lo tilrYt> di8eover that KaeJ110n.-1~ an armNl bt"f"n Mm<'d a(t~r Ric.narA R~ry l cttv. fully prot~ctt'd., and in th(' --. --.. Phone Hubor 1&16 tOtJay and uk and uk. for lh& ad-laJcer. Dana wh11 rlftft'rlb.>d this loca.tton n1iiUa handl!I of the n:o<ls . in htc book ·rv.·o Yt"aNI BrlOtl'I the ry ~{a..o;t . ' So \Vt> ask. l . rl'peat a..~k . the , "TYPl CASTING;': In !ho ntghtly prog1om of .. Hvinci preturn" shown during tM Pogcont of the Mos1crt. 01 ,._, Laguna Bc!och Fn11vol of Arts, July 21 s-I thraugh August 51h, one of the h.ghUoht1 •ill be o flesh-orv:t- blood rKTeation of the famous pot'troit C'f Modome Gu1lhetm"'1o Suggoa po1nta-d by the Brirish artist, A1.41us1 us John. Madame Suggic, the lore internotionol+y known cellist, is pot-tra.,.ed Dy o top-ronk1ng c.onte~rv cellls.t, L~th Le Fevre, in privole life Mtt.. Worwick E¥cns of Lao~ Beoch. Mok.KtP ond ltgl't1ino cteQ,te an bOCt ck4>1ic:olk>t\ of Modome Sugg10 seated on the concert ~C)Oe. Before !he "livi"' pictUf'e" comH to Hfe. tM musk of t+. cellist model wUI ha.. heard. 8y o curious coincidenG•, bath ~ da "nie Suootct ond Lysbeth Le F...,.,e EYO"I were s.tudents of the greot Spanish ¥;olonallb1 ond teocher, F~ Cckols. ., -Photo by Mort~nst,n.. redic ho"' we ~h•ll go to Kaewo ng and not be ~hot at. Now nnte t'&rPfully: we are inatructe<I to arrivt' in jeeps. c-arrylng "'hitr Oag. Af\'D \\'E AGREE. FY-om thC' rlav."TI of military hl~­ tory. "'hltt> flagt: have bf.en th!'.' sign. of de.feat. Thu!'! lhf' brilliant plan unfold•: WP arr to arrl\1-e. In jttpa carrying \!.'hilt• flagA. in a cit)' con1pll'tely Inside the military territory of the. f'nrmy, through llnl's of bayonC'ttf'd r nrmy soldl· ('rs. to be photolil'.raphed by enf'my photogTaphC'rs, and n-portf"d by t"nrmy nti:wl_men. wllhoUl our own nf'wamen and photognpheni being prea.enl. to di.l<'UA Cl'aae ·fire tPrma in a conflict we were lll.lp- J>Oflf"CI. from Pentacon rtports. lo be di'r.; ~~ = ~ a s~ ~ ~iyo.:~i:~·~iJ~ <lo YOU suppose the Asiatic mind will coruiidt>r t~ winner. the n•- tkm arTivinl' ln white -fl•&l'ed jee~. without military eacorl or newamen, or lhf' nation. on it.a own sn>0nds. backHI by Ill armies, wetting the negotiation place and terma ! Did Gent'r&I RJdC"ew&Y uy we would lrulat on conditions understand&-le to all Aata ? Wt-II, you decide; what he said wu: "\\·e·u aee that 'WI' &"et everything we can." Just how atupld and Inept and amateurlah can a State ~part­ ment get'!' No, let me change that; just how much longer wtll the American people at.and for a Slate Department which 18 put- ting ua Into a third world war, •• aure u day followa nl .. ht, with- out lhe Chineae niendahlp whlctl I alone would have ataved off con- Ok't; wtth few frlendthtps any- where except those we have tried to buy: unprepared; overwhelmed with debt; with r faUtftc dollar; with no thoul'ht of domestic ~· omy: and now. on top ot an thta. with thla Ka-debacle? • B ow Jong! field. R .. N ev.wan. :L=:.::.:.-~...,.i..:~-'--"'"'~""- lt ~ives,,,.the govl'rnOr t"xtraordl- nal'j' "°\''er!\ to <'on1mandeer prl- ve tr prO))f"l'lJ in timl' of extren1c r>n1rrg<'ncy, to draft privlllC' cltl- Zf'n~. and to use practk!ally every rC":oiourcr in the state lo combat ~PROFESSIONAL~ ~ DIRECTORY ~ DE:ofr!STS Pnrn1)· attacks. 1,...-------------, • • • 1 The Sta tr St·nate has announced l .F.STF.R A. BECKER. D. D. 8. namr-s nf its membt'rs who will "(>rVC' on 35 inl!'ri.ln comn1ittt>f'S ilurin~ the nt>Xt two years to ln- vestig-atC' a varit-ty of aubjects rangin!' from. state printing l o Unamerican activities. The ron1n1ittees and tht-lr chitir- mrn lncluJC': Military and Vetf'rana Affairs, DENTISTRY 11~ Newport Blv<t., Costa Men ?tferllca.J Bldg. Beacon 8'752 DO:i E . Bay Ave., Bs1boa Harbor 327-J Hoffman ; Tidt>lands, Breed; Civll l•---------------1 St'rvice, Tenney; Unamerlcan ac-OPTOMETRISTS tlvitiea. Burns: Governmental or-·.-------------- ganizat ion, Donnelly: Recrea.tlon V. E. KOEPSEL, O. D. ~ir~~dJ·~:;~;ili§tflelfniF•u..,."• ~0? ~rJil _ Ji!l-1 ,.n 1EX;o,i · · / offtl ---.. - tnfJ;,.tate Ctxt~#ati n. Ji a y -:· • rt Beach Hf>rae Racing, P arkman; Port Au-Batbor !511 thority, Mayo; Golden Galt" Bridgi> ?.fcCarlhy; Public Lands, Re.-.,n : Corrections. Byrne: Admtnlatra-J.1-;;;;;:;;;:-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-i tlve R<gulatlons: Abshire; So<ial I BALTZ KOBTDABY Welfare. WE'ybert: Education, Dll-Lady AtfflMant MORTICIA."\' worth; Adult F.ducatlon, H . T. 419 Coan mpwa1' JohnS<ln; Statewide ay8tem of OORO~A. DEL MAK parkA, Sutton: Narcotics and Hyp· DAY AND NtbHT notice, Kraft: Local Government, • Phone fla.rbor d Bro,vn: \Vorkmert'a Compenaatton, \\'art!; Slate and Lf>c&l T ax, P8YCBOLOGIST Hulse: Rapid tranail ror S. F . Bay lr--------------1 area, O'Ga:ra; Judlciary, B~h ; F.tfOENE v_ \VA.,'LE!\.~ Stale Printing, Gibaon; Educa-PSYCHOLOGIST lion and rehabilitation of bandl· Ma.nlage Couneellin&' cappe<i children, McBride: 24-hour Family RelaUona &ehoola, Dorsey: Rt>:gulation or Sexual Problems . Ktghway Carriers. J . CUn.nlng-1803!/i s. Broadway, Santa Aaa hafl).; Nurse problema, Miller: PbDe Klm.,,.rf7 ... 1$&1 Highways, street.9 an4 brldJ'ce, Collier. NCI! Grrt'S e ART &lld OFFICE SlJPPUES GllEETlNO CA.RD8, COSTA MESA. STA'.1'10,.'Ell!I lle.lilU·R. 1711New ...... 91\'d. • Old Eatabllolted Imuranca Aa:eney -·All Unea written. ·uowAlw w. ·GERRISH . lJOI NeWport Blvd., CO.ta·~ PHONIC . BEAOON 0101 I. D. Cards for Teachers Law ~PEEDY -· H A'RU£Y t;"OME1?( /N e. Appllc&11bi (or ~her'• «rtlfl- catloll -mt.I. .,. for tMlt te- HWat, would Mvt: to aubrn:lt pu· .....i lderltlfleallaft -bMrla« U.. applicant& flnprpriftta ud pawl -lptlon. Wldc!r a b!U Wlllcll ocw. J:arl ..,..,... bu lien· et! Into .... ~ ltlD -W a&w t11e Bbite -. of -loll l.O ,,_. ... )a. f-lloa ....u .. lo the lmmtlfl- catlon .,. -oto _.. .,.,U. ...... -...,,, ...... ......,_ ...,..lrM U.. -..-a of Ctb· lml •• _._ .. lo Ila-Ute -wtlJJ lid-"'--appllcallC. la Ila - W. Stwct FOote OICNERAL tNBUR..U(CIC Cotwt-ltlf~ ... , ......... - "5c;11l ............ .. J I l I • • • ..,........ ... -.............. -: ................................. ___......_. ................................ .-............ . . I ' • • , • J UC.AL HOTlC E NOl'ICll llfVmllrO 1IJDe n;,Boudot-1 ~~ Ille Nnrport BHch ~1 Dta- trlcl, Or&np County will HUJn bkla at Ille --omce, rtOll' attt Drive up to 8:00 p. m. A.u- guat 7, 19151 ror two-hundr<d and ttftJ' (~) foldlq cbalr-. aeat heavy plywood eonotnlctlon. AIOO, -lJ'·ft•e (28) Vnlvenal olae cl&loroom deab. Specltlcatlona on rue ln bualne• omce a t 1400 Cliff Drtve, N e w p o r t Beach. S&mplea requested. '· The Boa.id or School Truatee• of the Newport Be&ch School Dl9- trtct relel"Vell the rtpt to reject any or all bide or wa.lve any In· formal!ty in a bid. e GORDON B. FINDLA. Y, Cl.,k Newport Beach Elementary School Dl.C.rlct. No. 731-Presa. Pubu.b July 12·16-20, 1~1. Imported RUSH RUGS NATURAL OR TWO TONED GREEN AND NATURAL 9 root "'ldth .. y ..... ctll 20f per sq. foot ., 24' per sq. foot FOil KOOK SIZE Santa Ana Tent and Awning Co. 1828 8o. -•III. :1-SMll l.acJuna AwnilHJ & Maple Shop 790 1o. eoaat Lapna .._n $$$ VALUES $$$ Genuinely Fine Quality Box SprinCJS and Mal tresses TWl-X - DB L -Kine Siu or built to your "Pf"<'lfl<'&tions. CompaN' Quality, Prlt'P and Sa\'f" al • • • CARLYLE'S ltol Harbor Blvd., Co8ta Mf'U T. V. SETS FOR RENT 7·DA Y MfXJMT°M TIDE T. V. SOI I :-.'EWPORT BL\'D. Xf'\\rport BH-foh HA RBOR %08 "~~ -Newport Blvd. COSTA MTAA -51lthl We •pH'&te ftl' ewa plAllt WATER HEATERS -llen i<e Md a ..,.i .. /os Br.cJ.io/J PLUMBING Autborlsrd DMler Da7 a NIP &: B rat.era m ws • ........ 0-. .. •tt HMt.,., Pa.oae Barbor !Ml·W We stvt..your mhoe• the new look it f5u llave the old part& ClTH'l'Oll llEPAJBING Newpolt Slioe Repair 1• • 1Za4 N'-~ - JilJAS MAllY ALICE OtlJILl:Y -Engagement of Miss Mary Gurley Announced Sunday by P~rents The John Addi.on Gurleya ot .... ------------- J.Ado Isle «Jtertaill.kt w I th a cocktail party Sunday evenlng honoring their daughter, Katy Allee. The OCCu.lOft WU th• an· nouncernent of her enp.pment to Elmer Edpr Manley, aon or Mrs. Abtpll Manley of Hono-- lulu. • Card9 with namea af the couple-. were tucked 1•0 miniature wed· dlnl' bouquets for the ladles and boutonnieres far the men. TbeJle' were presented at the door by W&lter G. Franz Jr. and Jerry .Jay. Mr. and Mra. Robert W. Gurley, Donna Keila and Jean Reed al-'O asalated the hosteu.. 'Both -young people were jun- iors at the University or Colo· rado at Boulder anj1 have been very active in both college and 80Cial attair!I. Miss Curley La a.trilialed with Chi Omel{a aor- orlty and Mr. Manley \l.'ilh Delta I Tau Della fraternity. He I• now in the Air Force a.nd Is stationed at Lackland Field. Texa~. I Pre-nuptial affttlrs are already beginnlnc as an eAr\y wPddlng date is planned. Chalk Artist Sun. at Little Church Mesa Methodist • Circles Meet oi.cu..ton of t'Uture projects, atudy Procr&m•. devotlonalli and friendly eoclabUlty made a uni· form pattern when variowi circle_. ot the C6".a. Mesa Community Method.lat Church WSCS galherf'li l.n monthly usaion.. Circle T'w'o U8f'mblrd In the nursery b&U with Mrs. Llda Comp- ton a.a hOlteM to 11 membt'!n and one visitor. Mrs. Dal11y BennPtt. ~ha.lrman, condDctPd the bu .. ln"s.'; Mrs. Blanche Anderson was re- aponalble tor lhe jlevotlonaJa, while Mrs. Mary Gal~ brought the mlMlonary ruessafr. The next me-ctlnS" wilt be btlrt A.ug. 8 at 2 p. m. w1th Mr&. Ira Clark. 190 P.tagnolla Avr. Taking "F&.llh" &11 hrr topic, Mr&. Margaret Nee led thr devo- Uona ror Circle Sf'ven whi!'h con· vened In the horn(' of Margan>t Vaughn. "Problem_. in A.5ia" wu Lhe .. ubJect of the mlulonary talk prese-nted by Mr&. Paula Sanborn. Cue"'l.8 welcomed were M r~. J06eph W , McShanc, Mrs. H . B . 11.teAtur· try and Mr11. Flatt. Mr ... Lillian McClelland, 362 E. 20th St .. will open her home to the group at the Auguat 9 m<."ellng. In conjunction with tht" Fe11tival ot ArU aeuon In Lacuna Beach. The Lillie Church by the Sea, cor· ner ot Legion and Through St .. will have aa their gueat speaker . Stork Sbowt>r tor both the morning and l'venlng Clrclf' Eight wu recelvt'd at services next Sun4ay, R.Pv. John the Flowe-r St. horae of Mra. Val E . Baxter ot Lakeview, Oregon. Bttbfo. The mlalonary 111tudy wa.!I Rev. Baxter haa a very unique under the leadenhlp of Mn. Stu- mlnlstry In prE"aenting acripture •rt lnnc-rst and Mra. Allene Chri~­ and aongs in technlcolor, and onP tenlJOn offered th(' devotions. A ~ of hia tamoua Rket.ches which wit! I tht> con!'lwrton nr 1hf' but1int'~. hf" ~"" in the IM'rvlceA will bf> Mn. BHbf' was glftt'l'I with n ·7,{e Old Rugged Cro.'!8." At the ~tork ahower Mn. Zue Hall or j 11 :00 a . m. worship ~rvlce hi& Broadway \I.ill entt'rlain thP rir- subject wlli be .. Elijah'• Robe," !'If' Aug. 8. and ln the e\·enlng, "&riptural Circle Nine enjoyed a h.ambur· Reallng tor Today." Hf' wtlJ be ger ~upper rn thP palio of Mr.!1 pl"Ht"ntinl' mort" than one skittch Doris Luckhardt's homE' on Eam In ch.i.lk and a special picturt> 20th SL Mrs. Adell" Mlchc>all wa.'I will be given to tht" one> who cohmtea. GUt'Bla ""'ere Mmt>s. brlnp the moat viallors to the .er-Mcshane. Dorothy Sawyer. Mar- vices. Jori<> Barnell and !tta.rgan>t Nr<>. Rev. Baxtef' atarve<l In the Ma-Putting pollJlhln.g touchea on ar- rine Corp• and hu ju•t rf'cently rangE"ment.s for a Spanl&h lun<'h· returned from Korea and waa In eon Turaday, July 24. occupJetl the thick or the b&ttle u Chap-nlembt>ra during thE" bualnesa ln- laln'a Aastatant and wlll g1v~ a l~rlude. The lunch.t'on, opt-n to lhE" flnt·band report of condltlona ln public, WW be .Uced at th'!" tllll=~ ~(.ana .._ >li<» L m. unUI 1 ~ . lt!..-:.too ~ '· litietll 'vt .,, '90J)l.9 lo• f ~... mu•lc 1.t boln&' prepared lldlijta; Jien .. t0< children and tor boCJl. ~. tu tltwtfon m·ay RN! JKi~-fTOm any clttlc> 13 estended to eyeryone In Ulla member· or at the c1turch, accord- reglon to· attend theae two aer-lng to Mia. Oabrfella Ramos, Jn vlCft and enjoy the artJatry ot th.. ch&f'S'e or the" event. man of God. Oathering for a poUucK lun!'h- Sunday achoo! mC'f't61 at 9:4:S a . '°" ln the Ooet.a M~ park, Ctr· m. with Mrs. B. Crabaugh in C"le Ten complet<'d plan~ tor a char1e. Come and brln1 your bel\f'flt hamburger fry whJch will chUdren. to Sunday school You be rtven setting J uly 28 Jn thr wtll enjoy the lnaplrw.Uonal teach· patio 0( Mn. Woodrow HadlPy, Ing. Cla.s..~s for all agea. 1966 \Yestmlnater Ave. Thurs~ Thursday at 7 :30 p. m , Tbt> d&y'a pubUc fete Wiii 1et und<"r Women's Mi.ssionary Society and way at 11 :30 a. m. The circle Prayer Meeting will be hl"lt:I. All wW convene August 14 when Bl>-r· members are urged to ht> present. nice Hadley and Ethel DeBord will They are currently •tudylng about &s.11ume the role of joint hoatrR.~ the land of ~estlne. at lhf' former'• home. · A C'f'OUP ot ladtea from the FlrBl Baptist Church of Altadena wet1"' amon,r the vtaitora at 'Ibe UtUe Oturch by the Sea laat Sunday at both the morning and Blnpplra· Uon aervice• and thry paid hlrf\ compliment.a to tbe procram of the evening which f~atuttd a . trto composed ot A.lk:~ Famularo, Charlotte Nlaley and W. Dowell: Clrcle Ft\·e Mra. Piatt.nee Elgbmey of 237 Broadway · entertained Circle 5. Mn:. Olp CtaWford, &ha,trman, presided over tbt> buaineu mef't· lfll'. ltk:b tntm!wor reapond(>d to l'OfJ calJ with a Biblf> verse. '=============~lalao a Vlbrabarp and Organ duet ; by Mrs. JI. Farnularo and Mrs. OowelL Rev. Charlie• Hand pvr an in· splfln~ ~-talk and Nno. Iva Roe cave an lnt•r'C8t.lng-read· Ing taloen ofNm the ".Advoc:a<P." Plans were made for aervtng- breakta..t to the Flahennan'a club at thttr .July 16 meoeUng. BUG AND UPHGLBTUY CLEANING Geo. M. Graham llAIHIOa -· .. , Opel ·-- The UtUe Church by the Sea 111 located on the estate of the .._te J ... pl\ Kle\toch, well known La· runa &ltlst.l Pauraon or Illa pal.Ill· mp are .., dlaplaJ' In the ehlll"Cb at thla ttnse, teaturln&" earl7 IA· iuna seen.ea. The putora, Rev. Frank L. and Wynte A. Dowen tn'tite tbe art k>vera ln our city to teel wef,come to come and """ew these painUnp belo"' and after - 'ntie hoet• aerved re.tratunenu ol i.,. CNM!I l!ld CU. lo mem· btn and Clleols, Jley. and Kn. Hmhd. and lleedom.. Jobaiina Raneon, Gip Orawtord, St.Ila Bwicl!, Emma 81mpeon, l~o NotU>m!. h a fl<><, Vlolet C... .... ~ -· Eura Orawtotd, LeWo .Dudolt and a.rt· .-.Ide . ,,.. A. ...... ttlo -. wlll be use )'OU> au .. «>bf\I ...,. .,..... m ·bl nkl9ot -ed 111 1"r· and ~ adVtoea die Natho! AIJli.t. Mn. Cl1'do -0...la et 12' .Xie- _.,,;. Ctub. To roll -ta -Aft. mt ' L !!'- road !11-tnir JOUr "°"' al &llJ'• ' ~ ·"--tlllDc and e.erJWng t11mt -,AID"'° """11AftOlf r-aw+ ,._ M.llOlllU80. ... ,.... .. JUlt -clri*s --v-. tjllqola hair~ an lneula· .... ---· .... Tllon ..., --, ... _ tlalt. -,.. .... -- lllD El' --"111 M ft '° -It. 1111& _., •h I C IM illlrtkM -- • 7 ,. , ...-• Ill - -Ille ~ -ot --....,. ..... ke.,p • -8CllUn.D JIO!Oma. ••'*I ~ --.or .. or -per._-&..-;~ win--~ Jdll _.,.. • ., ... Jlllmla -.... l ..... Clell...... j -ot ....... _11_ .....·..,,--"',,.•.•,,... .. ,,._•,•_•-::•:-:---''ac , ... w .---. .. ....._ at ....-. I • I .. '' ' . • 1 • ICincnlo n-om a'D .puta ct·~. vi.itt.n to 111a C..W:ciTiia B-PAGE 3 -.PART_.if -11-fURSDAY, JULY 19, 195 ~ W°'*'9 'J"O ClW'tOU --a!* ma "F U.-ft/ti, Aas· IO Drosp lop&. 9, ·~·· ~, ~ :'I 111«1 .. at ~ H. l\Oll4• ·--¥""""" ...... --- - -Hl..00 ~ . ~ 1 ; ' • ~ JU.CK,~. Ille Q&lk1m·1 -.... .us. .. _.,.-. ...... ,.,,.._ • ont '•. ·• : ' • -m;s~ -NOl'ICIC 18 HERl:BY GIVll!f llll-'> llept.. •• ,, .,,, •• I - i. u.. cndlt.on ot Md all ,..... , ' -. -rins eb&lmo ap••• u.. 'ftio canr-ie 8la&e ,_., "-'· Tllo ~ llate r,,.lr. Alie· ~ bi ,._.,t!c Ill I A _.., el!•mnl• .. ~ tot aid _..,, or 1114 ~ i.. IO u.a11111 8opt. t, Will Ill!--ao tlwOllP eept. t, -..,.-......, . a.Aali•fl&> Aiia. •• ,, ... :,. u.. .-1a °"' '"'; Wiii Ille them With ~-""' *"'.:! at U.. fa-,... ll'Mllm la Ille !Ma to -_,... -, JM<'• ollm'"'• uw tm et -YOlleh4n Ill lbo Ou-\ ol -' ~ -Cink , ot lbo Superior .Coult ot -.try, • -.....,.. 11!1.1 ,_ .-tl7 011 .. rled t«fll ncln&' -"'•Wflld ~ -... .llf 61111> lq It wKll pt& -QP """1 · the OOUDlJ' of <>rmnp; '&law at rtbull 111 oxperfA -. w116 an _,,,. '° ...,,. I 11!io 1*11 ,Jll' •ze•• CalltomJa. or to p-U.. 1&11\e, wtth u.. necellU')' YOUC:b· er-. to the ul!denlped ~ hi. or blr pl-ot .....,,,_, to-wit: ElU IC. Ronlbacll. e/o a...., A.lhton, A.ttornay at Law. 408 & B&lbo& Blvd., --Otlltonua. ..ttbla &Ix months mtt... tho nnt publl<allon ot I.hi• -· Dmi.d Ka)' SI, 19151. ELBIE K. RORABACK. Adtnlnllllratrbl or the Est.ate Of aid decedent. HARRY ASHTON iOI II:. Balboa Blvd. 1111-. Calltornla, AUDl'Mjl to• Admlnlltnl:rtJL Ho. 727-PTHL Pub. Juno 2&. July 6-12·19, lllCIL p .;544 CERl'IFICAT E OF Bl18 11'f"E88 no1tuou. Firm Nanlfl THE UNDERSIGNED do bert"· tiy certify that thry are condu!'l· itlg a Marin<' Engine Repair bual· ne_.s at 901 Pacific Coast Hlgh- '4ray, Ne\vport Beach, C&Jlfomla. under the fictillota flr,rn name of HARBOR MARINE ENGINE SERVICE and lha.t said firm l! con1pMed of the followinir .Ptt- 901l11, wh03e namea ln full and places ot r<'sldl'nce n..r<' as fotlom, to-Wit: Thomu E. ~fearna. !533 Welt Cl!'nter Street, Ca.ta Meaa, Calttornla : Wiiiiam H . Prttc.hett, 123 28th Stttt't, Newport Beach, Callromia. WITNESS our hands this 17th day of July, 1951. THO~tAS E. MEARNS, WILLIAAl H. PRJTC'HE'IT State of Calirorn1a, County of Orang(', AA. ON THIS 17th day or July, A. D. 1951, bt•forc n1t~. El:ul>eth H. Heematra. a Notary Public In and for lhc aald County anJ State, re· aiding thert•in. July comn1lssio:ied and 11worn, personally appeared Thoma.!I E. ~tea.m11 and \Vllllam H . Pritchett. knO\\·n tr) mt-. to llf' thr Pf'r80TIS whose nanles are !nlb-- acribed to Ulr wt:hln instrument. and acknow\t"dgc-d t o me that they execuit.ed lhr ..anlf. IN \VCTNESR .\\'HEREOF'. I have ht>reunto sel m)' hand and afflxc<l my official sral the day and year in thbi Cer· tiflcal€' tlrst above WTl lt t~n. ELIZABETH M. iiEEMSTRA, Notary r•ublic In and ror the County nt Orangf'. Rtate of Calirornla. ISEALI By Commission Explrt>s 12/30/54 N o. 734-PreM. J>ubllsh July 19-26, Aug. 2·9, 1951 . Features other cars will have ' 'I .. some· day~~~ I ' " ,, t I . ·'" " CHRYSLER • , BRIRGSYOU FIREPOWER PERFOIUWfCE ••• 180 Horsepower no pther American pasaenger car can match! Even on non-premium srade 11u, FirePower'a new •. deaicned·in "mechanical octanes" make it the moot efficient and n'lo9t powerful · engine on the road. , BYDBAGOIDE POWER Si EEBING. •• 'here for the lirat time in any American pmuenaer cul Hyclnulic power Ii¥• au""' -. c:Gntrol lln4 ..tct11 8UCh .. you baTe - experienced before. . COMI 811 AND fllL roa TOVlllLf llOW MUCll or "ro11101'1ow ~ II TOVll TODot.i IN ....... ' .. ,. ·Lia la tlla wa~l• . ' • • • • • -POWER BRAKIHG ••• • • not "in the laboratory atqe" but under your toe right now I On all 'Chryaler New • Yorker, Imperial, end Iona-wheelbase Wm.Hor · • models. Another Chrysler elllineerinll lint tbat.si•.es you .mootber, -.fer etope. • , .... .. • • COIOUmOI -~~ •• IJliaetrated at left ,_; .,. iM'-cli eiriM Felllll\ .why .no : ·.m~ ia'any odier Aiwic8n pu1m•;; --.r~ cu mak!1 · FinPower'a l._.,.--:' -~,., ................... Seap iD at ·.~ .. ,.Dur a;qn..., .~""D1 al., fMI . ..a:; ~ .. ., :1.• ~eri1acetW.e new .-m, ••••S:· ' for JUll! 111f ••• >lime it for. tltrill • : • Clf a liWEwl r ' • ' ' j ' •• ...-..~-"..-~~-------·~-~~. • 1 • \ ..,.,,.... ................................ -...... -.. ---.. ----.. ~ . -. • • r11-: ---1~ ·-·~\· 1 I/< 1 • SPECIAL • COMBINATION SCREEN DOOR (not standard) No. '5s:; Size 21 8x6/~25 No. 385 size 2/8x6/8--$6.00 Green Plastic Screen at 8c pu sq ft. LOCAL VOCALS,, tmpremptu variety. were pro\ lclecl by 8Uf! Flek~r """"n Ah4' chanted •k>nr wtttt thp Ouadal&,)ara Bn.'f"a now appMrlns M 1.be IMM'I)' opeaM DoU H~ In Balboa. (lk-cker Photo) ftODfl! Beaooa &t.'11 • Bomer MeUott. Manarer OTHER YARDS: IAguna Beach Santa Ana Fullerton La Habra Bna ~/Pj:?;,~;;:;;'?~#./. PLASTIC CLOTHESLINE 50 ft. '·· Many Times Longer s+.inles1 steel core is reinforced with h11vy duty truck t~r· ~d.' YOU CAN DO BETIER AT Daniger FURNITURE CO. • We Buy and Sell New and U,ed Furniture • 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 ' SOUTH COAST MATERIALS COMPANY NEED HOSE? 51 8 PLASTIC Regular Pri~ 8.93 5 Year Guarantee SPECIAL 16. 95 BAY VIEW BUILDERS SUPPLY Phon~ lleaco• 6825 BALBOA. TRANSFER CO. AGE:-O'TS FOR .Beacon 6553 fwQet.I Storage Local and Nation-wicle Moving 0. E. McNIEL -1135 BARBOR BL\'D. -G. C. ll&NJiE'IT List \ Oe Ce Highway Projects Rf'COmmf'ndetlon.s rnr 82 State hlrhway lmproffmt"Dl proj~lA for the Southern California region of the State werit submitted to the State H ighway Commtamon here today by Kenn'lh Keodrtck, Lo.,. An~eoh_•a, vier chalnnan of thr Sout.ht"rn C&llfornla Highway Commit· tt·e of the Cll.llfornl& Slate Ch&mkr of Commerce. lntrocluct'd to lhe commlaslonera ... ------------- by Nell Pl'ttte, Loe Angele•. chairman or the State Chamber'• 1tatrw\de highway committee, Ki'ndrick llate<l endorsement.a cov- "rini;:; statt· road 1mprovt"menta Ln lnlprrial. Inyo, Los Angeles, Mono. Orang('. RivPrslde, San ~mar­ dino, San Diego, Santa Barbara 11.nd V('ntura countif'll. ThP rPNln1mendatlona were pact cif 80me 338 highway lmprove- mf'nt11 ("onlalnt"d In the 8 tat e Chan1bf·r ·~ report on road and hljth\v1:1.y condltiona In all pa.rt.a of CallfornlA. Thf'y were to be con- ~1 dprf'd for lnclu.slon tn the Stat.c'.11 Thf' prn1ects Wl're a pproved fol· tP!"l2·~3 hlji::hway budgeL lnw1ng a •·p&all root." lour of Sallfornla htghways carried on by State ChamMr otflclab and mf'mbf>rs of the State H tg:bw.y C'o1nn11~ion. tn cooperation wtlh local o fficial~ and repreeent.a.Uvee of civic orga.nlz.atlorui within tht- varloUH ref::IOn~ of s tudy. C'halrma.n of lhe Southern Call· fnrnla highway committee of the Stalfo Chamtwr of Commerce I• Howard L. Way of San &-mar· dino. Due to Illness he waa Un· kblC" tn allPnd the meeting. Thr Chraniber 1·nrloreem.enll'I wer" made wtth the conaultatlon a.nd apprnv· aJ of bu.aineM •nd civic INdf'r111 throucf\out Southern Califdm1a. By coun Uea, the On.nite County project.a recommt>ndPCI for lnclWI· ton In the 1902-53 budli;,t'l were: US 101 -Contln~ 'Santa Ana Fl"eeway from Loa Ange),.,. coon· ly llne lo weet city llmll.8 of Santa Ana; freeway 11tandarr1~ !limited •CCffAI. Stat& Rtr. Ji6 llmperlaJ Highway) -from Ynr· ba Unda lo conn~t with Slate Rte. 43 in Santa Ana Canyon I Di· vendon ol traffic to lmJ>f'rla.l and Orangelhorpe A vee. I : survf'y a.nd pl&n.L TUAtln A Vf'. from Ollve to the lnterw<'Uon with USIOI lal- temat.e along cout): lmprovf'- mf'nl.JJ a.s requtf'f'(t, C,.ntury Blvd lo \Ve•tmlnelPr Ave. lby past1ing Garden Grovf'J ; openln1; &ndn im- proving u requlf"f'{t. Scpulv€'da Blvd. extension ( r om prf'ef"nt termlnWJ lo connection wtth US ~01 In vlclnlty of El T oro. r1eter· mine location. plans. "llr."C'yl'I &11r1 fl W acquisition. State Rte-171 \Sign RtP. 391 ; contlnuf' de-velop· ment to west county llne to Santll Ana ~~way : wldf'n u rt'QU!tt"d (or tra(fic &aff"ty. Slate Rlr. 2-- from Sfopulve<ta Frttwtty t"Xlen- lflon lo San JQ8n Capl3trano. Bank of America .Realtor Chairman Off ice rs Meet Orange Co. c .. C. Officers of 15 branches of B&nk of Amtrlca ""111 gather for dinner and a bwiln"M seMlon of UM! Or· a.nJ:;e BE-It Group Thuractay night 1July 191 al the new WhitUer Elk& i\mple. ln addition to th@ offl!'f'r~. certain other penonnel will atte nd. which ls upected lo bring the attendance to 100. Principal SPf'&ker will be Waldo J . Marra. director of banklng re: lalions for W11_lston. Hottman and Goodwin. Marra, • u tho r o1 "Slrt'a.m.llned Letters.." the otflclaJ textbook of National Retail Credit AssoclaUon. w 111 addreu th" ~roup on good bu•ineM lelten. He waa at one time correspond· ence director for lbe bank, and authored.a corttllpondenee manual for Standard Oil Company two yeara ago. A ae<:ond speaker will be Kyhl S. Snlf'by, usialant vicf" preat~nt. LofJ Angelea headquartera or the b&nk. Branc~11 repreaented at the meeting will be: Newport Beach. Anaheim, Balboa, Downey. FUi- ierton, Laguna. Beach, La Habra. Ne>rwalk. Orange, Placentia, Ban Clemente. Santa A.na. Whittler. \"orba Linda and' Montebello. R&lph M&&kPy o f Newport Beach wa.a named ( 11a1rn1a.n or eout a.f!alra (or A.MOClated Chamberw ot Commercf' of Orange County and John T . Boyd, Jr .. of Lido lale wu aeleclf"d u pros-nun chairman when PrealdPnt Stan Rldde rhof announced his commlt- ltt appolnlment.8 ror lh<' year at a dlrector• met'tlng In Santa Ana. Other commlttte chaltmf'n art>: Le&talallve and Taxation -chair- man. Jame.a B. Ult. Se.nl& Ana : A(rlculture -chaJnnan, Herb WllJT'en. Yo rba Linda: lndustr1a.I -cha.lnnan. H owa.rd Irwin, Ful - lerton: Water -chairman. How- ard Crooke, Placentia: 1Plannlng a nd Dewlopment -chaJrma.n, Walter &tunld, Anaheim ; M em- berMlp -cba.lrman, J\odney E . Bacon, Santa Ana; MiHtary Al- raJra -cha.irm&n, Mytord Irvine. Sant.a Ana; lnter-COmrnunltv - cha.Jrman. John Carr. C~rden Grov". On the Fina.rice commit~ 111 E . J. Powrr, Anaheim, C'hair- man a.nd Walter Longmoor, New- port Beach, ll! a member. Publicity cha.Jrman ts Wllltarn G&lllenne. Huntington Bea.ch. and Hay Langenheim. Newport Beach I.a a member. Howard Crooke '""portt-d on t he O.c. Fa .Ir Entry crtt1ca1 condltton or t11e water .ttuauon ln Orllnge county a.nd 1tated lhat the cumulated over- D di A 1 draft on ~ water b&aln at the ea •1ne ug, pre .. nt'Ume la 700,000 &C"' t .. t . H e aaJd that the water 1ttu&Uon In the next yea.r woukS pre11ent ) Dt-adllne of Aug. 1 for n ting of many ~r1oua problems and men· 1 exhibit entry blanka for 19~1 Or-tioned that t""•o bilb had been 1Lnge County Fa.Jr ls be.Log brought pMl8oed by the Al;aembly and were to the attention of all uhlbltors. on Governor W~n·a desk for Notice of the deadllne wu t. slgnature. sued by hlr Mana.ge.r Bob P'UUen-John T . Boyd, Jr .. •lated that wider in view of the fact lbat tn u the JUiy dinner meeting will put yeara a f~ of the e x.hlbtt de-be the tut meeting before the p&rtmenta accepted enlrle• up to Orange cou.nty fair In Augwi;t. It the !1&.r before tbe fa.lr opened. would be well to held the dinner '"t t will be tmpoe1lb&e to do that °" the: Ora.nee county fair grounds We year/' aaid P"ullenwtder, "be-and that It ahould be tn charge of cause ot the anticipated largtt the A.gricultural committee he&d- nwnber of exhibit.a Whicb wUl ed by Herb Warren. neceASftate preliminary apace WUU. Warner gave a concim 'i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ij I pllN\las and IJ\CftUed office book and <ompNheNll•e report or u., j wort<. We .... 1come tile anllclpa-Mllltat!Qn lllW&~n at the preo· -• lion of all exlllblton and !lope ent tbDe. Be MaUd that "1'i:lne-"~ETUNIASLOT8 OF GJANT RUJ'FLED 10# tho7 will•-•• the entry--bad -....... tile pW..'tO ouc• •. No..nlnc In ow -.All <olora __ Ible In _,. not lo be dloappOlnt. sat inocttttcaU.... to "-the . )'\OUBLE PETUNIAS ..s. All, ... -m-be ,...__ -wttllla tile . -...., and ; "];I ed not later tban Aq. 1, .lJNil ." aid tllal tile oairtn-. not onl,J ' BLOOlUNG IN POTS ' 35~ J:atfi hW!b and Prem-1Aot tll0q1tt tllq could llttp t.be - : ~b Of Color-: __ ---m···--··-·-l r ... 1.00 :::ta=·~ = tg.!~; :111 ~ ::"': .=..=. ~ . We 1UD llan Iota of hlr, -Net>pm lllYd.. -Ille: Be aloo· ll•ted tllal u.. lftu-; FUCHSIAS ~~6 -25'· S f-1.00 ....._ ¥· a. ~ Mlle. --. -#•11t.1c ,,_ • ~·D -tMa at Oll;f ....... 1--~' .:: , 5 & 1"' N' ·-l .Wlano of ~ will opln "' !'!_~ <l(bll>lt beed .... It and otMr lit-.. __ ....... -..... ~, 2'111 Se. N_,t..... .flitill(' -. 01 p I ft· 114 dlUI cnn. at t.be Callfonila -Pzwdaol Aa M nplulf 1-llrll l"'alr, Aile: SO tllroqll ~ L • ,.,. wlll ..-s s lb far ,_ • I Seek Damages for Balboa Fall For a fall on a ramp leadln~ from the B&lbnA Pavilion to lhr dockll lhere anc1 lo boat.! uain~ the r1~k11. Emf'•t N. Winbl.gler . S&J1.ta Ana.. undf'rt.aker. Thursday fllt"d l'IUlt ln SUpl'r\or court for $~.533.30 In dam&f,t'('ll. Hta 11U!t la against the Balboa Pavilion r.o, and It" OJ)('ralor•. Roy, Arlhur and Irvln1t Cronaky. B. R . MorrlM, E . K . Zukeman and Arthur E . Edwards and lhf' New - port Bay Jnve.stment Co. H e al\egNI the fall occurred July 13. 1 Or>O. 11.1 hr prrparrd to board a boAt docked at the pavt llnn. H " r lslmf'd the f&ll wa!'I cansed by nt•J:ll.e;ence of the opera· to1a an<1 that he suffered a frac· turf' an<1 torn mUM:les o r the left arm and 11houldf'r. Form Shore Clifk Property Owners Association. Sat. SlC'p11 will bt" taken Saturdav July 21 at 3 p. n1 . to forn1 an ~~ 110<'i&tlnn of property ownerl'!I or lhl' Short• Cliff11 lra<'l-A t that llml' propf'rty own*'rS wi ll met'l at 1100 Coa,.,l Highway, Corona del Mar. Purpo11e of the ll.880C'iatlon will bt> to protect the ln lert'sla of Short> Cliffs pro!>('rty owners anti to maintain their c urrently hl.gh 1:1lan<1ard11 . At their Saturday meeting, a boll.rd of Incorporating directors Will ht' eleclNi. Island Group Meeh Monday BaJboa lelMd ln1proven1ent A880Ciatlon will hold their next meeting Monday night. June 23 at t he Con1n1unit)' Church on Agate Ave., Joe Beek announced today. All rn@mbers. Balboa Islanders and buslneMmen are invited to attend the B p. m. session. TREES ARl!: DOLLARS! Don't burn them. KEEP OUR ST ATE GREEN. 100 Rnll11 J •,1xl'7 8T1JCCO WIRt:: at f9.%5 P"r roll %00 8hN1ta 4:r.K-~J .. SHEt:TROCK at 11 .11 shr-ct !00 st.ef't• f.:r.1--Y, .. "llEl;TROCK at 11..61' she-et !ftOO ;rd.. ¥,.. ROCK LA. TH at SOc: 7d. -!-8x8-A a Panel DOORS at M.99 ncb ROLL}" .IR. DOORS al IU.00 eado !.-, .. saJv. WATER PIPE ., lk fool \," plv. WATER PIPE at lk foot mw TOILETS! ! lu..58 eae1' 6 ft. 8...,1 BM'H TUBS 1n.oo eacb OUtaldo PAINr. \..If. l!M II.II a.I. All 5alft Cash! I No ....... ,, _,_lf ... -"of • ~Illy l.9Uo t. INlb wltll -"" UtS.1'1111 llaNl /° (lOftA ..... .. ft .... .... . :.~ n; "ac)jq • Now _.rota1>17 ..ttJed Ill tllelr att:racti•e. new bome at SUI RUral l:.AM, ooota x-AfO xr. 1171<1 Xra. Mel.U. Davey. ""4 chlldttn. 'Die famDy lormq..Jlftd •t 2368 Newport RIYd. I I f • More tll&ri 1,600 d&ncera ...W tal<e pe.rt 1n ,:l1>e . popular Folk Dance B'Ntlwal ~ ·P°'• Call!or: nla State h it, , AW-SO tllru September 9. . • • r . /, • • ..... --.... \ ' I j 10%. DllcOunt. on Any Purch"e (ll:llCElT AMIDMI: -81DllMPI • ..Bil&g thlJi lid ... IA ~$11)~ ,, ~ISH MARKET Fred ·FWi Deily from Olir Owe Boats! PllJ:!DI SALMON', 8WORDPISli. HALIBUT AND .IA)(JAJ. wmn: 81!:A BAl!S ARE HERE: llAllRAotJDA -WHOLE. CLP'ANED ······-·--··-·-··~ ll5e l'ZLLOWFAIL -WHOLE, HEAD OFF (maybe} .......•... _lb. - !800 LaflQ'ett. OD Ibo Bay NEW""ltT Ha-r •16 • · . • I • •• COME IN AND TRY IT OUT I • JET-STREAMED STUDEBAKER COMMANDER Y.8 New type V-8 engine that packs a terrific punch! . , Sensational acceleration! Super-smooth 120 horsepower! Surpd•ingly low priced I Best Eight in actual gas mileage 1 AMAZINGLY THRIFTY! In she 1951 Mobllgas Ewnomy Run, a Studebaker Commander V-8 led all other competing eights in actua1 miles per 9allonl t.~...-....~ __ ...... -.... - OPE:\ E\.EXIXG.S AXD Sl.':\-OA \"S D\" APPOl:'\"Tl\IE:'.\"T JOE NICKERTZ. Local Dealer 3415 W. Newport Blvd.-By Lido Theatre Har. 510 Nwpt Beach ---------------------------------------- r T~lq>MM urvic. ;,, alway• lwmantuk. in an.d for eom commanUy ~ Kr'W. H~ (I cabk 1oe• into •ervicc. ' MORE HOME-TOWN SERVICE FOR WESrs HOME TOWNS We're putting ~any millions more into telephone facilities this"year 1. All acros.s the West, in the country and in the citi<S. telephone J><O!>le a.re still hard at i< expanding and improving the telephone sySkm. For our popu· luioo coot~ues to grow. The dcn'and for new rclc· phone 5en'ice ~ right on . 1 • in spite of out having dqubled the n~~r of telephones in ~ m tht: pa< !al yap. And doubling the amount of mooey imami in tbettlq>bone b111inesa in jua ·6vc yan. • 5. it's llkeo • cnm.!ndom inTntmcJlt to build to ' . . ~ sene me mlllioo and ... half onr rdepbooa we·~e added doa 1?4'. Attd. bu.il'di<t& 11 .... bne iA ~ &ce ol in&ted t'OOU, the oqui~eoc so ..,..,. a .,... ttlepbooc ha·~ shout~-Bcfott l~, lhe • .-..age\ou,obout n;o. Ycr ram""' up Eu lea cha.a.- oar maa ol prondina ..moe . .;oa rbc! ·~tea tbu hi»u ISlllCh utbe..,. oflmna. Ya. telephoDe· is""" ol""" bisd,so'i bar liieoda r. ®~~ific Telepbo•" · · 2. New facilitieJ, insc:alled in just clu: put 6ve roan have increased our plaot $660,ooo,boo, d1e,.largcst' · o;xponsioo program ever aecuted b~ any public Utili'J' OP,<ratiJig compaoy._ Agaio in 19~1. wc'U put many millioo.t of iovesron' money into the Wea. Much of the matttial we will use will be .putthascd la the W<>1'1 towns and cities, Gcnainly most of them will benclit &om the pro pm '1 jobs and payrolls. ! Price increues sblce i940 tpo1 ur 1_. l .. • , lf>urtelepboneisaot _-, toc!ay'1 be.t ......... ' ' . I r· ... -. -. -. -.. -..... --.. --~. --.. -:·· ··~----.. ~ ........... -.. -------.... --.. : . ----. ·-... -.. --.... -. -. -. --... . ' •• Week's Awards at 8.1.Y.C. Events ·I Magda K~-o{ Nurerlbefg 1PA'GE' 5· .;..:_ PAR'I' '1 _, THURSDAY, Jl.ILY 19, 1951 • • a rnutnatP o F..art Sf'\\"lt1n PM-lflc Band, a\"f'nue, Corona Ml Mar, ar,. a.n.noUJl('fnc Au· :aak of lht"lr d:al&l'hte.r, Marpl"f't Ann (Pt"CI)') to 8Kt. Gt>nr W. Lny. P~l"IY b Har bor Hip School and Attendf"'d loral f'IPm.-ntary Kbool11. Gtmf' '8 110n of .tllpton, Montana. He 18 no" <"On~·tffi \\1th tbt-Air Craft Fleet Marine Force Mah.e C-OrJM Air St&tkta at F.I Toro. WANT A BOAT? COJIOSl'LT ChASS S3 OI' \It 's a Daughter ro. for Auto Dealer Oxnard Matron Convalescing H ere DA l'"S f'LASSl'l'.I ED 8aCTIO:S .'\l\"D YOlf'.l.L FL'iQ /\!'! EJ'!«M-- U:NT SEl.F,(."T IOS OF BOATS, MOTORS, ETC. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS HAROLD I. JOHNSON P ropelleir Repaln Coh1.m.i..a Ac<a"7 Phone Harbor 8tO 1811 \'1JL6 \\'ay, Newport 8MCJI Kathleen Mary Nickertz: is rea. Mrs. Garland GorOon of Oxnard son to_t that big smile on the face ts convale.sc~ AlJ,b.e OQgic Qt Dr. of Joe Nickertz. Studebaker deal· l and Mni. J o hn-K . Chung, 211 E . er. these da ys. She arrived July 18th St., Crnsta Me8a, from major 17 in St. Joseph ho~pital. weighed !'!Ursery Pf>rlorml'd In the Santa 7 pounds, 6 ounces, Mr . and Ana Cnmmunlty H08pltaJ. M.ni. Mrs. Nlcketz reside at 201 Via Gordon i8 a former M('l!l a realdent. Orvieto, Lido Isle. MESA. MAN MARKI.ES Taking out a mar1 :age license this week Wf"f'e Get»"ge V.'alter Ensign, 21st and Santa Ana ave- nue, Costa Mesa and Sarah l<athryn Grefor. Long Beach. KELTER SON BORN 1-tr. and Mrs. F rancis Kelter announced the arrival of & 90n, born Jtly 12 in St. Joseph h08· pita! and \4'eii;hlng 8 pound8. 6 ounro3. T he pltrents reside at No. l :i. Eten con Bay. £•• l j 1111r'llt0Wtritll-'t1Ct•cMtiat ~--- .,,.,,,. in shoulder room lllfUT ;n luggoge-compol1menl "'*-•tool Y.., Ford alone ;., ti!. )ow.price Reid gives '10" IO - l"rving room ..• so much storog• spoc.e. Artd for the biggest savings in the k>w-price fktld, you con't beat Ford"1 V-8 ond Si• eng;,,.,. 8o4!t fffiure high °""'" pr-performance on ragulor got! --.......... _....__ .... Rm'f~ ................... , ....... ...... .... __ (Joi .... ~ - TBEOD.·OB:~ • : -l l' . ~ Jlll/8'/'in hip room • in -Savings Cwln and ''f•t Drive" ltl • • o •·• jj·s Alter" the nr-ot meellng of Bal· bo, l<land Toellt clllf>· held cm Joly 7, the membmoll!P roll ahoW· od •-DO lllped. Ori J\iclay, .July ta. nm place rlbbou ..,.. award· od In Yatioul age JrOUpa to l1'e ro1i-tnc: Paddl<-..t. M a r It Scudder. Su..n .Jua, Hank Kyle. Mona--R.ae Bartow, Tod White. J'udy Swtrri. and Bu.at.er Ham· mond. to-~s~~ Sunday · at Local Church ·.· (& Germ&J\ otudent, now otud)' • ~~. '!1: ,:"':..:!1 :w.:.; Sgt. Stanley -Yoi;ng ~ntnc ... ,, ••• , Chrtot Church Phones From Japan In rowing. to Cml Wllltam._ S.U\_Frornm. BUI McCarthy. Lo- Uta K ennedy. M icky 8~ Beere> tary Caral Eymann and Commc>- dore Benny Benj&mlne. ~ ln diving to Bobbv McKenzie, Carol Wil- liama, Mary lnu Uoyd. Bro~ Pittman. Jean JoneA, Tod White. Judy Sw'm , Bob lbbolt.aon. ln swimminr. to Bobby McKenzie. 0&11 White. Richard Hoerttg. Mona-nae Barlow, Tod \\"hltf-, Judy Swtm and Bob lbOOtt.aon. ln &&lUng, both dinghy racet. were won by M ~ky Smi th. Tbf' nrst Snowbird race W&ft won by Tom Frollt. and tht> M!cond rfllce by VI~ Commodore Noe.I Barlow. The t4r&t picnic of the year will be tonight at 6 :30 p. m. at th ~ outdoor club hoU!St next to lhr ferry 1'11dlng. Price, Ml cents each. money to go to thE' trophy f'und. ~eryone under !6 18 ln- Yilf'd to join And due8 &re 00 cents ror the summer. Fire Auxiliary Honors Celebrants by t.hf! Sea Sunday night. Mlu Magda Koer~r , ts a resident or the City of Nurenburg ln Bavarl&. ln llQ\l.them Ge.rrnany. tt' was hC"r home ln which Rev. Pettdt"ll wa.'I a guest when directing the youth r~onetructlon project ln the sum- mer ot 1950, lier t.op lc, aa An · nowiced. will t>eo "~rmany To· d.., ... Mias Magda Koerber wu bom nnr tl\e c-lty or Stuttgart ln 1930. It WU fn O '?nnAny'a famed Black P'or~t. h~ver, that ,;he W&.>1 ral!V"d . wher.e her falhf'r B@rYNl 1\8 <' M ethodU1t pMlor. During thP ttarly years or World War Il he wu transf Prrcd to the city of ?\'urenburg bl Bavaria, where Ma~a lived un!U hrnvy air al· tack• rorcr 1 h<'r 1nother In 19'44 to evncoate the girls thirty mile.ii from the cily. Thr rather r<"n1a.lncd in the city bUl Wh('O &t the cl~ i:Jf the war the ramlly could return, th£'y found nf':the r church nor parl!IOn· :igf> standins. Th<' closini;: of the high school8 l "rl he r tn r nroll In R commerclA.1 school and for thrC't' yean shf' srrve<I M 6<'Ct<'tary of thf' dirf>Cto r o f th~· GC'n<'ral Elrclr1c: Nurrnbur,:; plant. 1l was h er horn" that M>rV· F •-h d I C'd A<ll h eadquart,.r,,-for lhC' 1950 our mf'rn~r8 Wf're onore with birthday 'glfl.1' when Newport i.,Youth \.\'Ork camp untlr r lh<' di· Be h F l · A Iii t '?1'Ctlon of Rt>\'. Thomas RO\' P t"n· ac r<'men !!I ux ary me d1•U of NE-wport BeMch . • Monday evening at the hom e of I In thr-rail o f 19~ a. scho\arshlr Mona Hayden, _Nl'.'wport H t'lght.8 wa., offrrrd Miss KOt"rb!·r by As· and a pro!!pe<:tive n1em~e r. Pat bury .Collrg<' in KC'ntucky. She R&uaa, wu w elcomed into tht" h _, h Ir i... ··A" k ' as rro v .. ,. er$<' lo <K' &1l ra~~ celebrating natal annl· ~~~;nt~p:;kl::d~~~:gct;en~li~~ versarleis were Sally Jackson, th t f th t H Leonora Zube Alma Thompson at par o c coun ry. Pr d N B• I A 1 1 scholarl'lhip h8.!'I bf'rn extrndt'd for an orma r acot>. apec a . . award w ent to Eether J ohneon the comlnl{ year by the M etbod~t M J Im ti tu t'd church. N('w Ca11tl(', lnd. She 1.s fr~~ A 0m0~:s :::ce:tiJn 1~e H~o-m1t.jorini;: in reliJ?i ou.s f'd~1catlon lulu, gave a V('ry interesting talk and b1 available for -"~a ls1ng Pn- on h E'r trip and to lrl or vhiii t lni; f?ag1·n1f"nls tn lo<:al c1v;c. and c lub formf.'r Ha.rboritc11J1. J lm and Zf.'n· I ,1:roups unUI early Septl•ffibt'r bl ~ t M ~ l r wh~n stlt• tnu.st return to hr r col· o a. ... ,-05 , • rs .... i-M wu a or-1 k mf.'r member of the auxiliary. I f"f?l' wor · . "F " .. . f th In 1 Engagen1f'nls ror her J.iervtct>i;1 ire wu game 0 e even J{, 1 mav be martP through Re v. T. with high prize going to Sally R "p ndell 1420 w Balboa Blvd. Jack eon. MaxlnE-Connell, ,,.Ylvia.n N. e fit. h · · H&lf.'8, Lucille GehN"A, ,,$) o t t y 1 ewport __ •_c_. ---- Klockner. Faye Benedict~ Esther J ohn.oon. J ean crtewe, Pat Rausa, I West Newporters Junei Kiddle and the hosteM. v1~:'·~.1: Auguot 20 will be Meet Tomorrow -------Wf'st Ne\vrort B"ach l1n prove· n1("nt Assoclatlon n1e<-fin~ is sl"t for Friday. July 20. 7:30 p. m . at Thrill ot a llfetinie to Mrs. S . A. Young, 142 Virginia Place, Cos- ta Mein. w~ a telephone call from Japan at 7 p. m. S&l utda)' evening, July 14 from her son. Sgt. Stanley A . Young; and equally t.ma&ing to ber wu the fact that he wu la.lklng at 6 o'clock. 'Mon· day morning of lhl8 weak, due tn :.he difference ln Ume. Greetings were sent to all h l8 'rlcnds by the Sergeent, who ts a rnem°"r of the 40tb Dlvilllon Head· qtaa.rte.ra comp11 ny ·of Santa Ana. He ~ at Camp Mc.Nair at the foot '>f fAmou.s Mt. Fujiyama, but ex- pecll' to go coon to northern Jap· 11.n tor morf" training. Re reported having adC(Juate clothing. good rood and tH~V<'n day8 of continual 1 aln. H is wife, An.Ila Coane Young, r t'sldes on Balboa Island. Mesa Girl Scouts Camp at ldyllwild F ifty Costa M esa Gil'I Scouts left at 8 a .m. Afon<tay !or a Wf>t"k~ encampmrnt Rt ldyllwlJd. Hikes, horSt• back riding, picnicking and han,llcra.ft.s will be part of thr W('ck 's Rcllvitlt'R. ThP Girl S~out.s arc cxp«tcd lo rr l.um Ft·iday. FRASK \\IOOUHALl.1 Frank Woodhall. :>:>, of 920 Coa.o;t Hwy .. Newport Bf'ach, died July 11 aboard the Bporlsfi8hing boat Alalunga in Nt>wport Harbor. He> was the chef aboard t he boat. A nativ(' of Colorado, he rc8 idcd 1n thr harbor area fo r the past six yeaN1. H e I~ survived by his \Vifc>. H elrn Woodhall and two sons, CIA.t oner H . and H oward V .. all of the Newport ~h ad.dress. He was a v~tC'ran of World War I St'rving '4'ith the Ganadie.n and U . S. Arn1y and served in the Arnty 1'ran::iport Corps In World War II. Funeral srrTiCt'!"i wrre held Mon- day In Grl!l.Ut'I C ha pt>I, Cost.a ME"ss . Mrs. H el('n Church, Corona del Mar Chri8tian Sci('nce r t'adcr. wa." In char~e of the s ervicrs. CrPma- tion ro!lowcd in W estn1instcr Mcn1orial pa1 k . Jo :r-..·t~S OAl'.<.il lTF:K BO R :'IJ Mr. anrl Mrs. Ber~ 0 . Jones. 2820 Ne""·rort boulevard. are par- ents o f a daughte r, born July 17 In Santa Ana Comn1unity hos- pital. She weighed 6 pounds. 1 city hall. Busin('ss to be discu.~rl at th,. ounce. ft w .. -t he t>nd of the roed anrt meeting will inc lude the Ne,vport ...., ROY FOR C'Oioi'f A MESA:'\"8 Join Relatives on Vacation the end of six Wt"f'k s vacation the lalanfl bridgt>, the rc:ion ins:-of the nthe1' day when Mr. and Mr9. Sam Stan1<1y tract. oil drilling ln New-lt \VR.S a boy for Mr. and Mrs Crawford drove back to their port 8"ach an<l thr walf't tax a..ot· John N. Clark. 1620 Whittakf'1 home, 21 5 Magnolia Ave,, Conta 8eMment to a <"qu1rr China Cove 1 avenue, Costa Mesa. born July ll Mesa. aft('r a wonderful trip. Ac· I an~ d~ve lop recre.ational art"fL'!." in St. Joseph hospital. He weig-h- compa.nlcd by their nrphew, Cart Br1n11": your fnend.s and nt:lgh-ed 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Vestree or Compton the Mesant1 I bors, axk lhl'lll lo join." M)'S Mr~. ---- Journeyf"d no rth as far aa Van-C . A . Lytle, ~ecrctary and pres1-GLENUALY, GtTESTS couv('r , B. C, then weint on to dent Franrls Horvath. Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Medley of Dutton. Mont .. where they were Gll'ndalc enjoyed a vi.s it in Costs joined by Mr. Crawford's fll.fltPr 1\:eep A1ne1·[ca Green and .vou Mrsa Sun<tay a.~ gut"Sls of Mr. and and brolhf'r·ln-Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. keep AmPrlca strong! Prevent Mrs. Len A. Ler, 285 Broadway, JamE'111 Chcrtham. forest f ires. Costa MP.sa. · The rt'm&lnder of the vacation WAii filled mOl!t sa.tlsf11.ctorily with fl.shing and otht>r plf'asurrs: at thf' ChN>lhant cabin In t he Rocky Mour1tains. ------- Misses Sailing Harborite Wants to Hear About It The Atlantic ocean isn't like the l Pac1ftc. and there's no bay llke I Balboa ba.y opinf'e Fred Hope of I Coron" drl Mar. now UvinK next door to Wuhlngton. 0 . C. with hl" wife Diana. This Is the firBt summer ln 15 1 year8 that FrNt hu not bet"n here , for th" summer n.lltng &nd he's m iMing it . He haa completed bu· I le tra'nlnit and Is attending Lt"A.derahlp Training achool al FL i Bc lvolr. Va. He would like to hAve ht,, o ld friend8 back "In r.t01·a count ry" write hlm at 1202 Powhat.a.n. Ale xandra, Va. I Eugene Gillespies in New Home ~fr. IUld 1"f'11. Eugene "'· Oll· l~'e have moved from Avocado I St . Oxta Men. lo their newly built homl" at 1)2:; Catallna Dr .. Newport Melght8. Mra. f Dorolhyl Gllleeple la a membtt of the Or· wge County Democralk: Central committee &nd a member of Q\l Stat~ C~ntral committee repre· wntlnl' tht' rltlh •upervtaort&I 41.s-- t rt('t. Mr. Gilleapte la employf'd al ~e Newport Beach Poet Office. St. Andrews Church Sunday Services Dr. William Mlddlomua, apeal<- lnl' at the 10 o'clock hour at St. AndNWI Presbyterian ehtirch thla eominc Bunda:f. will 11a.. aa lll4 ou~)ect "SOpt•Wnr Lo«. Go aM Tind It." CbUrch ocbool for clUI· dftn "*'la at Iha ame boor and JtUllO< -people wtll -mo-tion pk:t--. 8ALT 'lllU 18 ll&AllQ!Q:D: Tomato and ft,.t&Me Ju1cM U well .. eoupe. •1ede aDd et.her -lalte .., o4ded lla>w wtlll • YI.RE IN A TRASH BOX tlCOteiw-d a pnce ln thP t t'ar nf Zl 12 \Vest ~ Ff'Oll t WedneMtay, \11t.h eftli~ I and ! respond'ng:. \Vb.life Of smokr alerttd the bo•lnr• •'lst-k:I, but llttle d 'llll•I J \1-U dnnl". P(Wl;8lble cause was a earelest.ly tol.'M'd clpl'f'L Friday July 20 Saturday July 21 Sunday July 22 Monday July 23 TUeaday .ru1y 24 I Wedneaday July 23 I Tlluraclay I .)ul,J 26 f ' I TIDE TABLE RIOH tl :M a. m. 4.5 11 :04 p.m. 6.5 12:36 p. m. 4.7 11 :63 p. m. 5.8 1:18 p.m. 4.8 ·········•·······•··· O:t3 L m. 4.0 2 :01 p. m. 49 l ;il L tl\. '-0 2 :'8 p. m. 4.9 3:03 ... tt\.. 3.3 3 :0 p.m. 6.0 !i :l.1 L m. ' 2.8 ~:86 p. m. II.& J ... (j) (f CPreu Photo) I J t\f 5:26 a. rn . . 4 :59 p. m. 6 :05 L m. S:M p.m. 6 :•3 a . m. 6 :57 p. r.l. 7 :22 a. m. 8:ro p. m. 2 :48 p. m. 0:38 .P· m. 8 :40 p. m. 11 :19 p. m. 9:.31 'L rn. ...,. ___ _ I -1.• l .@ ·-1.0 1.8 -'--I>.• 1.8 0.4 1.~ 1,1 1.'fl /-8 1.t 2.4 - • y .. ,__ D1ll1r S•c:• ·1921 . . -. . . . • pi'llc: ....,. ...,, "'""'" ,lllt In -la cllU!h. Of WZllllt l!!d RlL oftJon. Nliwl .. t •11cft, :;t:~:t=~~ I P1M'll rvu. "~A&IZll llOON ,.,... io JUl7. JI :!116 Newport lfwd. · Pll. Hm•ir 21 ' • . • ' . .. • . . , ' I ~~~!!~RE.S • • .... The Might¥ Midg et In Ad vertising J ' NEWS-TIMES -E ve ry Tuesda;v1• NEWPORT BAY POST-\\'cdnesd ' NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thu 1 Newpol't Ba1 Pmt ;;la.ulned Ad.-~1u"'1 run la the T~f~) N~1tneA o r the ThuJ'Mlay Prt"u !lt · MlNIMUM AO I~ 4 Ll1'E8 -1 AJJ Clu.slDed acla mm\ be paid fur Cash Jo auJ\·aoce or pubU •. · · 4 Unes l Paper S .75 'I!· · 4 Un"" 2 Paper. 1.50 · i 4 Lines 3 l'apcn. 2.UO U I The publlsht'r& will not be rf'~ponslble fo r 1•11 ·re than unt ln ln&ertlOn Of 30 adverllsen1cnt. ffS{'f"\•c lliP r li;Jit l11 l'11rrecUy any a nd all ads and lo reject ttny advcrtt.'!~'111t·nt n .. t c0111or11\I rules and rcgulation..t. Advf'rtlSl'IUC~1t~ n ru.J (":1\ri..•t•lla lfo11s w_ a cCepted up to ~ p.m. on U1e day prf'Ccd111g publu:.1 ti11n . Ph. liar.. Pbo ne Har. 181_8. ask to r ''A d Takf)r" or i..1:ut1 "'' a n•I rr1nlt~M;1r, NEWPORT HARBOR l't:liLl ~lll~(; f'f). 2!11, Balboa Blvd., Nt'\\'port IJ1•nf·h, ('n lirornu"' 10-Bu•iness Gulde COMPL11r11D HOUSI: Cl..aiA.N I.Nu tter.lce. P\arntture and n.ig 1t ahampooed Ftt:e eetln1a tt:• ~-~ INTI~f{l {I Tl EXTEitti> P •\ lN'fING i. fl'utly lDllU"'4. Al 's H ouse & Rug Cleaning Co. L f('l :N~~L1 -INS~J ; (; lc·n !l J ohnstort 111. \Ol ·31st ~t Nl"wpurt B~~ lla r b11r 2797-J 3'4tftl Beacon e 111 14!'tff' DO 1'.J" I\:. BUTTS.: For Venetian Blinds. Lie. Ccneral Con tractor Shades and Dr apery Hdwc. l:c:.;iucnlial-Commercial THE SHADE SHOP ltbnollcling ' ' F ree estimates Ph. Har 881 Ph<1no u .. :icon 6406·W )14 -29th St. Newport Beach I ____ _ 17u; OON"T DELAY. CALL TUiiA y WILL DO that work Yoll ... for an ad In the lively class•-I \\'at:l .1J1 1nc . -J ack of lt]. fied section of the tra~l .5-Jn;1111leu a11ce w or1'. BIG THRFlE-l l .J\"C tr·til::J ~lllli r::1ixcrs tot News-Times. Post Shopp1ng Ne\ ... ~ all\' i1.1b , , and the Preas C· II ·131·1 I ,., 1JVER 21 .500 CIRctrLATllJN JS 1 a ... L ~c:icon 6151·"' THE ANSWEH! 38c51 H.Jt.:l'f\ll~ING and : • 12-Building Services I p ,\I NTING ; IP.• a ' u11 ;.;IJI... Uir~;i· or a n1all job •• l·'rt!t'(·,t1n!.-i t••.4. \\'iili<"l'.108 18th Bl., :-.;\';pt. 1_;~ach. Jlur. 2581-'!t -"'-,-I HAULING Painting and Decora t ing A· l PerMnal Service I 1''rank J . H off 'O•I -29t h St., Newport B":ich Harbor 1765-W aftet· 5 p. m. 4Gp48 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 .Palmer St., Coat.a <MOit& . . 1\ny l;in.J, tr:;.;h ur? \VALKER, 1US·1 ~Lh Sl., Nt'\\"jJOl't. H . 2581-R . ' 11-Prr..,unals ---------------~· Alcohul1cs · An3nymoua , Bea~ 64~7-M U4 t:tl \\'r ttC' 1~. 0. Box 205 •• l~a l l)•Jh Is land, t..Al.hf -WANT C ARPENTRY an".! rt·pafr l 'q .r1t 1.0:,ri:l)f"rly 3...(,39, •i W'Ork . Phone Harbor 7·1.J-\V. 1-----' ~.· .it;c·l8 1 .l\f ,,rc t.'i;w:.ificd till next pa,.. e f)t .TllO.\ltrl~ e J,1\·..-; l\.\IT e TAl..'KJ,t.: e ~111111~ Boat. l..aunchini; ~ -BOAT RENTALS; Cout Ju,,,ny Se\\'port Bl'arh • Ph. Jlarbor 2SIIV • AT SOUTH END OF B,\ \"Sl lOl{E BJtlOliE •, . ---------------~----------- 1•01-: l\t:.·\l, S.\TJSt"ACTION . -1~ S:\li\l,l .. R01\1' & 1'101pR8 -• :1 1·'~';'1''''icht i.;orifo-J., .. d d <>nim .;i!h fin" flPndan f.1ilor ih.(; that ' a o:..<.Jrl' • r:-n l flt. ~~11\~ 40 s4"w j in fini .1l1c".I lc:1;;th~. ::!8 t u 34 -~ ... , ~ C!ld ;;•2a 1;ii:; ~ rc:idy to \vea.r .J.\':JU:T, kniL-trin1 'S~.;;. a ction -bnclt Walking s3 n3 Short .. , • > I '• f ----··--·-·--·----------------------------------------~---------------------·----------------- ' r $ 0 5 0 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 I U I U U U U U e U U U e U a e a U a a s o o u s u u s o u o o u c + + o o • o + • + • • • w • • • ,. o ,. ,.. • .. .. ., • ,.. • ., ,.. .. ,.. ., •-----.--.-• • ., • ., ., ., • .,. • • • ., ... ....----T""T-.-..--.. -.... .--.--..-..--.-,..--.-..--.-.-....- ' . . . ' l ' .?~GE o -· f'ART 7'·~. THURSl1,f.Y, :JULY ll, 1'lf ~~ • ' -f"'lll! ~ ""' • pHii.()() RU'RIGl:aA'l'OJl UGI .. .. I ~. ··~*~pu' S S-ii modd-thatl>lr9eu.tt..-..... ~ ----._..... • ~ • &nd Mai the Crol9 top -fretMr • - -cb,eot-nlce k .. pu rcr m .. t and • crl8peT for nptal>leo. A llUtttr • MOii ' CLASSIRED ON PAGE FIVE . ••• , ••• . .... .... ..._ " - 22-Lost and Fonnd LOST-Leather Cue with several automobile tlUea, <'le. Rewa.Pd . Harbor 1m-w. •61'48 FOUND -Boy's W11.At watch - Owner can redeem by identlt~·· lng and paying tor ad. Har· bor l 119·W . 46t48 LOST -7 tt. black glass ocean. rlahing rod .• GrCt'n wrap., be- lWCi'n Balboa pier and 102 E. Bay A v t>,. Balboa. Rf'ward. Re· tum to Rlchflelrl Station. 416 E. Balboa Blvf! .. Ba.Ibo&. 47c.C9 $100 REWARD I Standard Btatlom.· Inc. Hu a few openings FOR MEN Wbo att looklnr for permanent employment with ucellent op- po1"tun.lty for ad'fancement.. 21 to 40 preferred. P & I d while tn.lnlng. Approx. S2T7 ..60 month lo lt&rt. Liberal laun4ry Ol!OW· ancn. •lcb 11ehool minimum df'Rire4. '!lee. Supt. at lhf' STANDARD STATIONS Dehlia ii: Cout Highway Corona df'l Mar Betwt-t"n 8:30 and 12 ev"ry Friday 43«8 W ANTED-'3 men ove-r M to ex· plain prra.rranged bur1a.I plan. Exper1enCl' not n e c e 1 •a r y. Teaching or coaching experlt>ncr helpful. Muat have car. Full tlmt" permanent po11ltlon. Com· ml.sslonJt p&id twl<'e monthly. No soUclUng allowt'd. Lead11 fumWted dally. SEE MR. HARTWELL 10 a. m . only-Mon. thn1 Friday 2915 Newport Blvd. Nt'wport Beach 42<43H<9 F or Information lea.ding to return I ------------- or li rt. Huntlinc Fiber glass \VANT WOMAN t o help care ror outboard runabout. Stolt'n from childrrn nights whllt> I work. mooring at toot ot 11th St.. Live in. Salary. Phonf' Harbor Xewport Beach. It la light 1M9·J. 46c'4f gTeen, tra..Mpart>nt. Has 4 ft. wood forward df'<' k, center COMBINATION new and uJWd car df'ck, wiruhhleW. Notiry ownPr at - 111 3 W . Bay Ave .• Nf'wport Beac-h saJesman. ALSO experlencrd palntf'r tor our body ahop. Theodort' Robin11. Ford Dealer, 2116 Nt"wport Blvd., Nt'wport B<'aeh. Phone' k .. per and other reatu,.... ,Bal· anco I ""'" on It It only SlSA.34 -caah cw take payment.I of '10.67 p .. 'mo. MJ oqultJ free. ALBO my A. B. C. automatic WUllU, ltlll model. It 1wl UM oglt&lor and It -ov.rythlns !Ulolf. U...i It 2 month. and ""'• only 12G9.l53 bu paid O\I01' $320 tor IL CUb too --... or take paymtnt. ot $14.58 per mo. 8ef' at 404 So. Spadra. Fullerton. 9 a. m .• 8 p. m. Ph. 2162:. 4k48 KELVINATOR ttfrlg .. 4 cu. n C&ea.n and ln good nmn.tnc con· ditlon, $40. 500 Ft"mle&f Ave., Corona drl Mar. 48p48 BRAND NEW 1900 Philco ttfr1g- f"tator, 7 cu. ni. S160 cuh. 700 Orchid Ave., C.Ol'On& del Mar. Phone Harbor o:Ml.J. .fhciw> M.a.ny a btr deal bu been made thru a ama.ll Want Ad Hot Weather Sale on Used Appliances Refrigerators Gibson apt. ~h!P rf'frlg $39.9" Colcl8pot 6 cu. ft., xlnt. run- ning-condi tion $79.9:"1 ColdJlpot dlx. 9 t'U. •ft., per· rect <'Ondition 199 .9~ Oatteni & Satll<'r 11 cu. ft. $8.''i.00 GAS RANGES Phnnf' Harbor 0399· W I 4&50 Harbor 360. 4ac \Vedgc"Y1'00<l lablC' lop $29.90 LOST -While hand knitted ladiret Swl'ater In front ot Calhollc- church, NewJXlrl &•aC'h. Phone Harbor 21.f . 48c BABY GIRL, one year old, need!! i:are while motht'r works. F iv" da y Wf'f'k . Call or wrllf' ~07 Hrliotr npP. Coronn ctt>I Mar. Pro!lprrtty tnblf" top Washing Machines • .1 ~ANT AD will eost you i • only ~end It will. run in e 1 ll 3 _t '-, loeel pepers. • • A Minimum ad is 4 lin~s • Plwow• HartMlr 1616 Newport-Balboa Ne-..'l'lme8 -Newport-Balboa Pl"ell8 Newport Bay Post (Shopphlir; News) S2 __ -_B_o_uee._h_old_Good8 ____ ~. Boat&, 8!'PE~ -Used Appliances Servel pa rt'frlgera&or11 (3) . • . .. $9~. $97.M .A $12~ OKerre 6 MrrTltt gu range, n· tro good .... ... ...... . .......... .l7~ Krnmore Wuht>r ... _ ... . ... 139.00 Kt'lvl nator ttfrlg ....... S89.50 USED FURNITURE Ounea.n Phyf<> 8·pc. dlnnettc-Ml, table, 4 chairs & burret .... SO!). Mnllrt'~. box sprlnp, Mil away !)(-""· etc. Dale 's Furniture 1174 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meaa. Beacon &537 .J A. B. HIGH oven gu ·atovt>, 135. Kenmore wuhlng machJne, $20 Phone Harbor lU.S.J. 47p-48 HAVE SOLD HOME -S•lllbJ cuMom mad(' llvtng-and bdrm f'Uml . at rracllon of cest. AIM> high c laa.e ladle1 garmE'nl.8, slzt• 14·16. 703 Jumlnr, Corona de! ACar. 47c51 Rattan Furniture Boats, Motors, Etc. · 2s· t'NJ•r, bit. '46. 8 cyl. gTay, xlnt. cond.-part trade .... $3,000 Evlnrude 'M outboard 1-4 hp $300 15' cedar dory, Inboard well and Johraon '48 outboard 5 hp .... $22.5 Sa.illng dinghy ..... ·--·-·· ·······---··· '60 Paddle boerd. $26, Lite Taft S10 Sailing doodle bug, $20. DlnghyR. Sand dolliea. 110 and $20, Skifrs. Cood marine moloni. Powt'r boat&. F'l11h net, g1ass ball!!, cork, rte. Cole's Trading Port 3108 Lafayette, N<>wport. • Harbor 1020-W 17c18 SNOWBIRD No. SN229. Nt>w sa.il. $22~. See boat •l Dick 's Dock, 801 Coa11t Highway, Newport Brach. 46pifl STAR BOAT -good t"ondltion1 ·~· ,,, ALSO South Bay mooring ort BaJ. boa Island, $tr>O. Ph. Har. 2807. <&60 SNOWBIRD-$7~ lnc ludln~ sail. Made In the Pbllllplnes and Nt"f:'ds work. Ideal for boy In our own work ahops. handy v.·ith paint brush. 2425 Wide choice ot tabrica. Orange Av.•., Cu.t1La ~.ff'.s&. Bea· BEAU'IUVL walnut eaae _,.. low u/k!Pt piano lo perfect COii· dlttoo. T ........ SU.70 down aatl 111.60 pot-mo. at SllAFER'I MUSIC 00. (&Ince 1907) 4Z1 N. By......,..., &allta Ana. JC!mbel- IJ Z-GITll. • SUIOd:R CLSARANClll BALE splno(a, ..-. "'°"' on. s~ ..,.., PllG. Upripl.o from $:59. ua..s Grand, llohmtt. 1196. OU.... '4115. 115115. -· Trade In your old piano. Rl"'8t cull all<M-Euy to,,,,., ,._. .......S Spinet, -• $300. DANZ-SCIDfIDT PIANO 00. 0.... 100 planoe t:rom which to choQi8c. 520 No. Main, cor. 8tb, S&nta Ana. ALL ELECTRIC ORGAN. F0< home or church. Slightly cue damagNI in shipment. Btc uv· Ing. DANZ-l!C;HMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., ~20 No. Main cor. 6th, Banta Ana. COME IN and play the WONDER- FUL NEW RAMl.IOND CHORD ORGAN. It you don't know a nott> you can play beautltul mu· sic ln t €'n mlnuta. •DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO in'ORE, :l2Q N. M.aln, Santa Ana. ~~netlll ~rtunltlM , . Business Opportunities Ideal for Couple C..rge.ot dl•Pl•Y tn So. ca111. <on B2'0. <6<'48 Malt and short order shop, Rennlshlng and Reuphol!lter1n1 ...._ __ t of locat1· ons. RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS Call -Ct9lf Linwood Vick,..Rltor. .. 0 1.1 1419' ... tMI i:teM RA VE you .aec uM n.ew~ rriodem furulabed-• l~ . Waterfront Home • s -2 b&tlla, pltt and float t rn.. old. lftcludN a& dlllbp *"' ~. patio rumttun. $24,750 Ph. o.mer. Hum. 1021"1. - Chris -Dean Apts.? 61~~,~-·~FAUi~.....,~t~e _a;£u11~1111~p~ at...,. 4. ~,rota ror July, 186 per 'INOll. All uWltlN paid. Adjuoted · rotoa per Y""'· lMO Miramar, Bolboa ~naula Phone Harbor Htl.CW tllcl57 . Yl!:ARLY -unrurn. 2 bdnlf. howo<> In Cliff Haven. Flreplact". Wa&I ·to wall eupe.L Bendis.. F e.need yard. lk-e owner, 42-4 E . Coet.a -· Coot& Mosa. 48p48 COMPLETELY FURNIBHED I bedroom apL· UW. incl. Sum- mer or yearly rentaL Conl&c't owner at 900 I!. Ocean Front, Balboa. Harbor 2137. 46c5 I Choice Yrly. Rental Available Now AT I 11 Emerald, Balboa bland UNFURNI8HED, three bedroom1, l 11i bath.I, t1rep1ace, tw.e fur· f\&('e8, d I 8p·o 11 al. di.hwuher. Large patio. Owner 130 So. Bay Front, llaJboa Ialand. Harbor 215'5. (6c41 EXCHANGE Fully rumlabed luiuoe. ftnptace. Sleep. 10, all utll. paved rood. 1 blk to at.ore and club hOUf! . A.rrowhead. '8500. Submit home or Income. LONG BEACH -2 llouoeo, home and lncome, clear. Will trade. for equal valul'. Harbor area. Pbone Harbor 0363-W. "p61 FOR SA Ll!j OR TRADE !or anall- er place. cloee ln. Have 4 room /. ,, hoUM> on ~y acre.. Ab fe.nOtd. 25< E. 2ht St., Coot& MMa. ..... 8 WANTED First or 2nd Truat Deed for 4 unit.. Good location, Laguna Beach. Ed Sedelmeier; Rltr. 1523 Coe.at Blvd., Corona deJ Mar ' Ra..-27&8 ' I • 28-Sltua.t.lons Wanted ft • • • • • 47p<8 ABC \\1ringf'r ~ F:Uy, 11lx. wrlngt·r .. PAIR R . le L . Flagship 90 h . p. ~ n 5.no HOUSE & GARDEN I engine• with roduc. grar. $750. Gift shop, good 49.50 811 Cout Hwy .. Nwpt.., BeL 0277 Factory apprO\'t'd J ohnMn Out· shopping NEW APT.. with new funlturt", unobstructed view of ocean and hay, gTOUnd noor-. Jl'irrplac-e. Private patio. Garage. Reaaon· abl" yearly rent.al. 2002 Cltff Drive, Ne\1r,.port Ht'lght.A. 47p49 board. center. Chauffeur Service WUJ driVP you in your car any· where artl'r 4 p. m. or week ('nda. WHITEY. Phone BC'&con 6-000. Hp49 BARBER WANTED Brni1lx St'ml-A ulo 81•nc1ix Automatic 39 9fl I YOt.rrH'S BED maple tini!ih. Lik r S ALF.S &. SERVICE . 7,>.00 new. Kanlwr t maltrr... 12>. South Coast Co. lee cream and fror.en foods. YEARLY -l bedroom duplt'X, unfurnished. Stove and retrlg. ava.ilablf>. 239'-: E . Rochester • Costa MrRa,. 47c4 9 COURT w1th 11 turntahed unlta, plus owner apt. Tn.1.1« apaeee. s~ 1100 . per week income. Will take aome trade on down payment. Thl.s place is spotlesa. Always ff:nted. Se(' owner,. Col· )Pge Co~rt, 350 Avocado St., Costa ?r.1 csa. • 4 7p49 FINE IRONING will call for and dt'liver. <No hoUSttleanlngl . Hf"lp with dinnrr parties . Phone Mr!l \V ill lams, Harbor 1595 })(>. rorC' 10 a.m. nr after 8 p.n1 . i4p58 UNIVERSAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE Flnnr W nxlng, \V\ndow Clf'a nlng \\·nn Wa•hlng for buildings, "tort>s. orrlct>ri & home-~ T elt>phone Ha rbor 116 46p48 ANY KIJ\'TI or light work by elct· Prly man. Will work reaaonable. 112 -24th. Newport Beach. Har· bor 2545-W. 4SpA8 EXPERIENCED woman will do hoU!W' cleaning. PhonP Bf'acon 8917-J. 47c49 ODD JOBS Carpf'nter, painting, repair, etc. Hour, day or week. Harbor 0126-J. 47p48 EXPERIENCED Seamstress will Do Plain Sewing -Alteratlonri HouM>hold and Drapl'ri!'s. Brnron ~718·M or Harbor 1859-J -47c4'1 YOU:'ll'G WOMAN, 23, \\'8nl8 baby rilttlng permanenUy .. Muat. have SIS.75 w t'ek. Live out. Reliable and own tran.tp<>rlatlon. Harbor 299()..W. -- Phone <Sp GIRL WANTED -Must be ac· l ive. -4 • 5 hrs. daily. Silk scret>n process work. Mu&t have trans· portatlon to and from wgrk. Darling T t>ehnlca.l Laboratorlt"S. 1015 Victoria St .. Costa Mesa. Beacon 6690-W. 47p-t8 \\'ANT a maturf' woman to work 4 hrs. a. day, 80c an hour, Cl<Jing telephone soUclting ( H a r b or attaJ in her own homt-or mine. Ph.ant> Harbor 897-Ai o r Klm· berly 2·4594. .f7c-49 EXPERIENCED secretary for bfach reaJ retate office. S ~t day week. PPrmanenL \Vrite par• Uculani to Box M-2. this paper. f7c.f9 Pl!:R.SONAL XMAS CARDS • Must be tape ! For New Shop 2903-A Newport Blvd . Newport Beacl. • • • • • • Hp19 \V A.."lT!:D -Seamstrt-ss, experl· enced. Top pay. 35 hr. v..te('k Apply 9 ~ '1, 302'2 Marine. Bal· boa I£1an d. t7e~O ,L SO-Sale. MliiCellaneous . LADIES I . Mille r Ir Laird Schober ShOt'a. Bro\vn, blue It black. jt;AAA A 71,i AAAA. Practical· ly nf'W. Call Har. 1474-J evee. 43ttc ARGO . .-L>:X CAMERA, $40. 9 x 12 Fibre rug, $~. Wicker child'R warclrnb!', $5. Phone Beacon 6771. 47rp40 ·10.FT. PICKET frnce, 3 8C rPen doors, Vf'nf'lian blindll, r!'aMn· abl!'. 119 Coral Avr., Balboa IM·· land. '1fic48 STORE rlxturf's, prac. Oi'\V, \\•all cases, count<'rs, mis<'.'. All h&V\' adjustable sht'lvcs. Bargain. Call . D~Pr, Beacon .8990. 17c49 •"'-' , j I c.Qfti.p1ere1 i.Ju1tAJ1&uon, rJpalr &nd service or all trailt:r equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Meaa, Phone Beacon 6224·R THREE: ADDING MACHINES. I elee., 175 and up. 25 hp. John! son , S200. Used blcyclr s, 115 up. SurplUA Store. 200.C \V. BaJboa Blvd., Newport Beach. 47p.tP BARGAIN! Good 2 B. R. frame how.e tor acreage, •900 delivered. 723 \V. La Palma, Anaheim 9 • 4 p . m. Phone Anaheim 8404. 4ic4.9 -------------AIR CONDITIONER and 'purltler PhUco window model tor office or home. Value "°'1. Will ta.k c $175. 305 Femleat. Corona del Mar. Harbor 019l·R. 47c49 SELL CHEAP. &JI good condition. Baby bugu, baasinette, be.by beth. car bed and chair combi· d&Uon. teeter·babc, and almost new Bu.loft Man'• Watch, $1 5. Phone RaJ'bor 1728·W. 48d0 OONTAX 2.A.. Brand new with cue sonar 2..0 Gmm. le.ns. $325. Never Uaod. P . 0 . Box 407. Balboa hlalld. 48pGO nat uaed turn1tur0, br1 ..... .-c. patnllnp. etc. now taltlnr up Extra Special G:b!llnn Electric Range, clcluxe-- 2 ovt-ns, all automatic. "lightly used f new $600 1- N n\v onl y $27!'\ Stroot's TeWinkle Hdwe. 1802 Newport Blvd., Co~la Mrsa Phnn~ Bt"acon ~222 -----~~---·---- Really Choice! Dum on t Combination 16 1.n . television set, blonde, short wave, push button (it was their best) will sell 1 1th of cost. Fine blonde desk. with hand painted glass top. Bell reclinihg ch.Ur, 3 pc. di- van chair set and 1 rocker, all plastic covered. In blonde finish -V E R Y NICE! Cockt.il t.ble and record cabinet with electric foun- tain in center -VERY • .UMtrSl.!Al.-! 'l'wo blonde end t.bles with hand painted glass tops. 8 ft. white polar bear. rug. Silver floor lamps. , 1 Blonde bedroom set with elec. blanket. Several other unusual articles. ALL AT Less than 1/2 Cost Must eee to appreciate Phone Harbor 0451 17c48 W!:STINOHO US~ rt·rrig. .. 170 Ou rangt> "'Ith OV<'n control $4 0 \Vuhlng machine with pump $40 Attractive -jtood buy&. PhOn~ Harbor 2695-\Y (thiR wk. Onlyl. 47p48 MATCHING BLUE 9 x 12 and 10 x 10 BroaJlonm rur-a. good condition. $35 and 12~ or ~ for both. Phone Harbor 277S·W. 47c48 MAPLE FINISH bunk bNla. link 11pr-ings and mattreMt'•, $~. Phone Beacon MBS-W. '47c-49 ANTIQUE ENGLISH dresser ln mahopoy. Cu.llom mad<t down Med 93fa, Engllab style. CW1tom ma.de. upholater.d cha.Ir. Pa..ir Slmmona metal tramee. Private pa.rty. 433 Goldenrod Ave., Corona deJ Mar. .f7c.f8 EMBOSSED Chrtatmu Card a wfth aender'a name. 60 tor Sl.i:i. super values sell tbemsel'rK. 100 new $1 Box Aaaortmenta paJ you l6ll cuh profit. St&· liolle.ry. olltua. No ex.perieDce neec1ec1. mu: Imprint Sampt.., Boaee on approval. STTLART, 1~1 W. Nlntll, Dept. lTI, Loo .........,.L 4lp opoc. In your -·· l'lnd • llUy--.-~----------­er with a dtMr'ed ad ln lb• 0 KEEFE A MERRITT RA.NOE. News.Tim.., PIJlt. and l'l'eM eom·' It'• tile 1atoat Ul:ll mod•! dduu blnaUC>n. luat Pbono Bu1>or 1111. CP, all automatic. ha.! tamp and __________ .._._ clock. That p~tty chrome Jrld· . . WILL TAKJC ID )'OUr ~ oot oa a -car. .JOE NJCK- IRIS, Ph.' -r 110. ._ Xnowled.&e ot l(««y buline9-1-------------- App!J Pacific ProYloloo> Co. -Jtat st.. N~wpcrt s.oc11. tlp60 11--11'..., .. !-!9': ·• DEUYll:RY MAN WANTED- dle,ln the mJddle-an ouUet for tout.. and the chrome pill --...... ..-... br ti. m011uW Md I only owe SIOJIS on the CODt:ract. Tou cut baw m1 oqult)I hw tr '°" tab. !Ml· m•nt.o or 18.U -mo. Sae at 404 8o. 8padla, 1"llllerta. I L m. -lp.m. ft.IIIS. -W~ WANTlll> -Part W..ut'I' TO BUY -pod .- -Joi>, -=s -'<. •14 .0 -• --caJ1 .._ 1N'"'EW=:-::Dc:A-:Y=ltNPOlt===T=',-m-o.,-.._~-.. _...,. i ~ ~-Nowpo<t ..... .. ... --1'1'11-11. bed, MG. m10 ID. Roell • .,. ,._ •ieo1& --·I Ucoo Coote K-. tT.,._ ' • -' • ( Call b<'forP l l a.. nl. or after !'> Harbor 2600 Newport Beach p m. I 20 Amt'thyat, Balboa I 3ltfc Island. Harbor 2893·R . 48c48 >:LECTRIC HOTPOINT RANGE. I Small Power & Sail Boats dr<'p W<"IL J.fahog. dinetfe M"t.11_. ft. latn\ch, Grey 16 hp. eng. $.550 4 uphol!lll'rNI chalNI. Both aJ.· 115 rt. runabout with or most nrw. 315 Irl8, Corona di>\ without outboard . . ··-· $32/l Good Volume Ceramics and gift shop Hiway Location Dress shop, good location. Lady could handle. 1t1ar. 47p40 \6 ft . utility. 6 hp. ¥.'&lt>r Ed coolpd ' ~n~lnl' . . $30(1. Sedelmeier, Rltr. -$2i50 LARGE DAVENPORT, good con· 19 ft.tnew sp.!rd boat, dltlon, including 2 feathE>r Pil· 9 1 hp. ('Og1nC' lows of Mme material. AL9o __ ' twin bffi, Vl'ry good CQndlUqn. Pl-4 nrw sall!ll, nl'f'd!I paint ... $400 2052 t:Hrr J) r 1 v <'. Nl'¥.·port Star & trailer , n<>rds paint ... $550 H<>lghlJI . 47p49 Star, Xlnt racing boat .. -··--·11 ,900 -------------1 Mallard 20 ft. sloop. new <"ng. 1950 A-fODERN 1.tE."I'AL Coolrrator l cf> 22 rt . all mahogany sloop, Refrigerator -PRICED TO good ...... _$1 ,500 SELL. May be 8f>('n at Crown 24 n . aux, sloop, perf. cond. lt,8.."',0 Hard¥-·ar(", 821 Coa!llt Blvd .• Co-ALSO 1.fA r.;"Y ..DTHERS rona c1el Mar. 47c4D Eilern B. Richardson -I Richardson Yacht Anchorage FULLER BRUSHES Bayside Drive Harbor asn Harbor Area Dealer 47<49 E . L. CLARKE HA VE YOU ~N'n the ne,; 16 root 310 1• Avacado, Corona del Mar \V ine-raft ribrc gl&M cabin Harbor J8()8.J aftPr 7 p. m . cruisf'r. Inboard or outboard 4Sp4B Latt'~t dcslgn. A ~auty. Also 1523 Co&st Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 27'8 Fine Established Nursery Business for 88.le. Owner must aell becauae of health. Scf' Vinr<"nl H ealy v.•i th: P .A. PALM~R ll':CORPORATED 3333 Via U do Nt>wport Beach. Cali(. Harbor 1500 41--Stores and Offices ---P-.. -p-le_d_o_ro_ad--lh-e_P_r-•.u--ada-. 12 -l ·t • 18 plastic-bait tanks. o.-FICE SPACE l2x20. down· 102 E. 16th S t., Costa 1.lesa. · stair=-location. corner at Paln1 Bt•a. 6562. 47p19 & E . Jimlboo Divel .. Ba.lbon. Ph. Harbor 2821. 46ttc PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottages. On Collins laland Each apt. has water frontage. Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave., Balboa JJ;land. Harbor 2962-W. 40p!54 On Peninsula Point NICELY FIJRNISHED 3 bdrm•. available July 15th, yearly or monthly. Bro~eNI list. 1532 Miramar, Balboa, owner. Phone Har. 0612-W, Har. 2001-J. 19trc UNP'URNISHED -Corona de! Mar. 2 beaut1ru1 new apt&. N ear water. garbage disposals, vene· tian blinds, water pd. Yearly lease. 2 bdrm, $100 per month. J bdrm , 175 pe-r month. Harbor 1671 . 44c57 YEARLY 2 B. R . unturn. sepa· rate house. Lge. fenoed·in rear yard. Lge. gar., 2 yrs. old. Chil· drC'n . pets 0. K . 618 Go1dro nrod. Corona del.,,,).8{r. 47c49 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom Bf'P· arate hou&> -two adult. only; $~ mo. 375 'h Cosf--R M e.'l& SL .. Costa Mesa. 49p49 51-Tra.llers 22 FT. HOUSE trailer. Sleeps 4, good condltion, reasonably pric- ed. Maybe seen after Friday at ft.Ht Haven Trailer Camp,,1741 'f'omona St., Costa. Mesa... 48p:i() HOUSETRAfLER, 18' x T ln good condition with stove, butane tank, good tlr<"8. $2M. 1111 Delaware Ave., Huntington Bch. 48p A&tive. t3-Aotomobiles, Tb-es STUDEBAKER ~ · ton tplck up (NEW) OVt'rdriv,t>, 15" whrels. I Red I. The smarlf'St pick up you can buy. Delivery now. JOE NJCKERTZ, Studebaker, Dir., 34.15 Newport Blvd., New· f ;-;-IT JOHNSON GULL G. 17- round bollon1 cl'nlt>t board. Sall and boat in very good condition. ~'fotor attachmrnt, with traller· 916 Ocran ~lvd., Corona \lei NEARLY NEW 2 b4rffi~ furnJshccf 3415 NcY:port Blvd., Ne\vport 42-Wantojld to.Rent ' house.1 ~' bJc-l trom !JU!!b._ 17> port 8"ach. 48c w.tk\'·" ~f~ RI,'· ;-;m.rlfl\~'ll>n~, 203 IIORD·Alt v:S ~Wt1~;rtBLE· · lll · . • , 0 ;i: , • ' . lfl!t.:\~iiJPP. ~lfeo.t; e<iidi!'tf'>· v~<>; and ; mci.1:itt'j{ 1y, ' a. mRy r 1t!. lll fitoi!.~~~· ,~I t1 ·111t•• :\eate• .. Pt .. ltc seat covero. Low 4, oldest chUd l8 1 \i yea.re. Call .fS.A-Ti'aller A'~ • •• mUeage. $895. Privatl' party. ~~~='~HW::vu•wM!li¥w »•''ff . .. ,, 'll•i•-;.;-; -i" ~-..:·"~"=""'"''"•"i .... ,..--- 15 FT. SAIL BOAT, Sun Ra!' Ch l En . c I a • s. Seaworthy. Excellent rys er gtDe9.. I condition. Make orfer . Call Harbor 2819-R bclw~n 2 and &b Oleaaon Kimbcrfy 3-1321 .. _.Harbor 1151-W. 46c51 coll.et. 0 47p48 TRAii.ER SP ACE '4 6 BUICK Super conve rtible. Used • p. m. 46c•8 UNFURNISltED HOUSE 3 bdrm Oft the highway, close lo shopping B<>auUtut n1aroon. \\' .S.W . t ires, couple wtth g yr. daughter. center, $12 &. $15 per mo. 140 new top. Exc<'llent motor. Radio CroWJ1S -Royals See John Harvey 17 F'I' .. 6 JN. PLYWOOD DORY with Johnson propellor in good C"Ondttlon. Ne<'d.!I little caulking and pn.lnt. 2 SnUsbury 5 hp. en- g ini."s. Price $475. 2 Bay Is land, Harbor 2675-\-\'. 47p49 Must be vt-ry cloee to grammer Cabrillo St., C&brlllo Courts. & heater and ell'C. window& school \Vrite Box N2 this paper."' Costa. Mesa. •lp'42 $1295, t.crms. private party. Bea. Yearly rrntal. Up to St~O. -------------5597-W or Har. 3219-W. <t6c48 at Seacl'aft 825 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PR. BEACON 15771 Hite MODIVIED SNIPE. .Juot min· !abed. Good wit. suo. a..con 6114.·J after five or Wee.kM41'. 47p49 -------------- SEA BOOKS A tine .tock of book.11 on all yacbt· lng subjecla -plus aU currf!nl booka.. Len.ding library. The Islanders 214 Marine. Balboa I.a. Har, t541 SAILBOAT 12 rt. MOTH c lU.'t, good condition. Complete S59. Newport MunlC'lpal Trall("r Pk. No. 95. <7p40 CARVER 12 tt. boat, Martin "60" outboard motor , l·yr. old, $200. Boya· bicycle. 228 San fU,mo. Udo Isl"· Harbor 663·R. 47p48 12 F'T. SKJFF. A·l condition, $75. Stt at Service AOoat., Balboa Bay Club or Ph. Bf-a. 7013·W. (7c•9 WIZARD 12 n . Sportaman-• hp. Sea King outboard, Wlurcf tra_Uer. Many extra.a.. ($650 Ya.I.) MAKE OJl"FER-24 n.. power boat Total price $350. Phone Harbo1 47p49 -Be wise---tell people--advertJse! "j f!\$11, I j 1) 4S-A~tAI and Jloaw BALBOA ISLAND Houaes and Apta .• yearly or Ha· 44-Roolll!l for Bent CHEERFUL ROOM, prlv& bath. Twin bed•. Ocean ·view-Ue of den and Run deck. New home on Balboa PentnsUla. Kltchcn prlvi· leges. Adults only. Ph. Harbor 1238·W. .ffc.fft NEWLY Decol"&ted Rooms, «ood beds - Tra.n.slent double. ..... _ ..... $ 2.50 Monthly ··················-·-·····$3-0.00 Daily maid aervice. 123 28th Newport Beach. Phone Harbor OM9· W. Sllch sonat. Boo Gall Camey, wit~ t5---Hent, 1lll8cell&neoua NELDA GIBSON ,_3;;;...BIN...;;;.GLE=:...;;.;prqeo==."'sut=ta'"b'-t.-ro-r REAL ESTATE automobilel or aorage. $15 per 3lMI Karine, ~ loL Har. li02 month oacll. N. B. O. REALTY etltfc Co., Harbor HM, 32nd and bull Compl•tecy framed. Set 2112&-M. 47p49 ll So rial. NEWPORT ISLAND Unl'llmllhed up to bu d. ~ mate 806.-T SLIP •vall&ble now at · 2 bedrm.-2 car prap.. En· Newport Blvd. Complete blue print. can be Balboa ow.... Phone Harbor M-ll-to Lo&a .... at 1840 Pomona, ~ 29'/ll-M. 48e00 clooed patio: Yearly · ruw. -J M-. ) 47'~49 1TWIN ----P-o-nt_oo_n_m_o_to_r_boa_L_U_n-412 -89th st. Har. 1~5-!:;,a. 0LOANS' For i!i~mes SNOWBIRDS -SNIPEB • PEN-olnkable. Dual contJGlo, 18 hp 0 .,.. ·BD·~ •~ --.... 1~-20 yr. Regular! Loano GUINB and P-14a. Eltcdl.int Auatln m<Mr lb cent..-. Kay be .. ,.. ~ vn•• -~" -· OONSTRUC!'ION rloANB condition a.ad to ;nr R 1 •-S 20 G trlo're and ~. Oanp. '-. 1 go. ....,. at t. • ~ • 1 rand Cimo ta. .lnqWn 4116 w-.... •t ~~ lU 1~) fl"Oft1 UOO up. awnue, J:J•nore.. c:aut. or wUl WE B~ AND •a..L MF.SA BOATS mo.II pboeo. • 4lp50 ator, <loot& -~· '~a!a '!'RUB D~. 411:1 Newpart Bl'ld., Ooota -. I • -------'-' ----8lC1D "6B SA'l"lt.ICRVD •?<jct St ~"9~~.1!-6> .. YJ:ARLY-a --puUa111 0orona~~AST:;..,.·1m~ STUDEBAKER, 19:>0 Champion Regal Dix. 4-dr. sedan, over 1300 In extras. Save over f600. Actually 9,000 mil~. New car warranty. A REAL VALUE! JOE NICKERTZ, Studebaker Dir., 3415 Newport Blvd., Nf'W- port Beac h. 48c 19.fl CHEVROLET 4--0r. 8t!'dan. Excellent condition, $495( Ph. Beacon 6341 or Harbor 15-4-4-R. <&48 1948 BtnCK Super 4-dr. sedan. Low mlleage, R . • H. Excellent cond. Oria-.'owner, 308 Marigold Corona del Mar. 47c.f9 STUDEBAKER. 1949 Cl>amplon coupe. boouUfld b.-n original. ovenlrtve, htll holder, .mar, etc. Tho most popular uaed car aviu- able. llpec!ally priced at only • $1360. JOE NICKERTZ, 8tudo- bakor db-., 8H5 ·Newport Bl'ld., Newport llea<:h. 48c '51 PONTIAC Cet&Una -6,000 mU.... all e><bu. lmm...,late, WW'•ll °"trade and add cull for a lot on Lido ·°" Baltioa 18- Jazid. Ph. Harbor mw. 47ctt 1947 JnlleK Con.....UU.. J'UllJ -1PPecL ~ --'10111. ~4oi" Bwabnr'e Driw; Hewpcwt: ...... 11 ..-... 4Tp&e llNOWBillD with -aan~ RENT A PIANO ... per month. ~.Jw_ ... ~ ~~.!' a.p. P011UER li.Olrlll•a 00. ... ..~..,.. r~ ~ -_ ..... •--~ ·-_... CBICVROI.&T ...... -.., BM!I- -. 111111 --~Mil•-If yau llU7 -4411 ~ -·----.... ean-g. Prtee •. nu. in-ta -.. DANZ-llCIDOD'I', uo < tltUl 14'111• ll&ht -• -. -diilly. I Ba7 l.•••nd, Pb. No. llaln. 8anta .Aaa. ----... -.-m-me-r----, «>AR TO RUQ.O, -.ova . U1n-ily ...... Bel llllo - --41pu g1____ JllTI', ~-~pa *fft 1t·-If --.. -• -PIU.CTICI: ..,.-""'t pluo n.w · . WWWLC .... ·' ·<I a -,_.. ...,. kl .A. -' NW.u.Y xsw • a. Doc}-tDr ml7 •• -. -...-~rvat1ons "• ..., -.,_. · ""'· OBll' ... -. -.. If,_,.._ •Si-l.da ot ~ per ..,_ at 1111.P'D'I lllJlilC Udo Jldo lloJ l'l'aat -1 .. OWi'Oia •••-• 1JP AL .,__ JO• NJC:!C'*IS, ·- Ina. .... I'll. --~ 00. (-J"'1 81 II..,.,._ 1.._.; .. JIO ft. lip. 11uW llAW .. 118 A LOAlt i 'IPK 1 11Uor1dlr. 1411 lfoapwt llod,. -I p. .._ . -4Tr _.., -A-. llJ. ......... ... -llar, lllt-.. 1'11111 ~ 9la ._.-;-.... -l'f••"":" •nalo Mo • ' • r ' - • • \ . • . -PAln" -'n;fl..IRSDAY, ' 1'!U!!:=:!aeai~~·~~~-!!..-----1·..!•!!!:.::!•~-"!!!.1,!Ellt.!!!!a.!!.!...-·-·---·.:-:::..-------~•!.!:.•!.!!"!!!'~.!!!!!!!!!!!~!!..---·-·-·-·-·.!.' ..• !'.:,~~--~··-·'PASE 7 . ' • • REAL ESTATE BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor L. C. JONES J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 746-M BALBOA rSnAND --We Reco~~·-- HOME and INCOME -Charm. 4 bdrm. 3 bath home with lovely enclosed patio & BBQ, plus spacious 1 bdrm apt. Dbl. garage. This is one of our very best buys and is a stone's throw from Bay and nice sandy beach. LI'ITLE ISLAND -A truly lovely and spacious home completely furnished. 5 large bedrooms, 3 b&ths, dining roo m, dbl. garage. Priced to sell! $5,000 DOWN buys th is bea utiful 2 bdrm home. Patio, garage. PLUS charm. studio a pt . Both units furn. About 9 yrs. ol<.l and in new r.oncli- tion. This is a honey. What A View! Cliff Haven NOT A Leasehold ! ENJOY LIFE in this gorgeous 3 bdrm. 2 ba th home . Large den. dining room. IJS.nai. pati o. Landscaped grounds, gars. PRICED TO S ELL. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR Best Buys in Newport Heights Allr8.('tive 2 bdrm a nd den home. 2 yrs. old. Be!-tl Joe.a · lio n. Ha!'I ficeplnce-. h\\"<I. floors. double gnragt' A l.I. RONOS P AI D. ~Ox l 27 lot.. Rl'all ~· dP~1rfl hlt> p rnpi'rt _v 11nd R lll"a11ti t 11J hu_v. $1 0.~00. 3 Bdrm. Home -Newport Heights Built 1946. Thi!; Jovl'ly home has 1 140 sq. ft . or aren. hwd.. floors. separate <linin g room, pa tio and ft'nrrd yard. ALL BONDS PAID. Ready for yon lo 1110\·,. In now. You'll a gTPt' it's real value, $12,YWI $1950 dwn. -Best G.I. Resale Xr11:1 ""' a pin. 2 tMlrm home o nly B monr h:c old lf\,·d floor11, fr nb>d an•I land~caped . In new CO!'lla ~le:oia fl!llb- d lviaten. P yn1l.'I o r $.")J,Bl inc ltKle taxeo~ a nJ i n ~ur $S9:,o Have Fun Gro\ving Your Own Meals Here C harn1lng litt le ':.! a rre ranrh aOOve lhf' Back l!ll\'.~Ha" well -~u llt 2 bdrm hon1e . Also love\.\· patio roon1 1.1:ilh Dar-,-Q fireplace. 19 fruit t rees. bn~hels of flo\t r r!i nn!I VPg-rtah\es. It')j: n beauty, $12.500. Close to Stores -$6000 2 bd rm hornf', 5 .vrs, old. Has n ir e fenced ~·urd \Vi th fn1it trees end lathhouse. t b!O<"k to t he ne1.1.· Alpha JY.tn, Costa 1.rlesa. No i.Qflat ion here. $2 1~0 J O\\'O. BEACON HILL REALTY 466 N'l't\·port Blvd 1:11)Qvp A rcheq 1, Ph. R ~713-R r1r F.\'I'~ R ."1632·\\' ONLY AT Corona Highlands • Ocean view 11 60 ft. or more frontage- > All utilities (no accesB- ments) ,' Convenient location Overlooking Newport Harbor • Private beach , PRICED TO SELL A Love Nest I :Mnill'rn 2 bd rn1 h11n1e with J a r ~,. .J,•n A r-eal hll\' fnr nnly S.'"1noo S F.E THJ:-; O:\F. TOOAY' G. I. Resale H f'r e is what you havr bt. ... en ask- ing for. 2 bdrm . only 3 yeani old. Costa Af>'!\8 , bt_•~t d ist. Beau- tiful k it C"he n . la.rg r livin,I{ room. tJlf' and hv,;d F F 2-rar garagL\ pa\'rod aJIC'y, ba ck yard renceJ . Full price only $9,450 F.Z T1•1 ·m~. 1 per Ct>nt Jn t l:!rt'Rl B. A. NERESON Costa Mesa 1'he Best Town on Earth EAST SIDE Ooee to Blvd., 2 bdrm Wnt-and Pf"ll house. Price $6,550, terms Here Is A Bargain Slx bf&' loU eh:)llle In &nd on Eaat SI~. YES SJR, a.II Jar $4,000 • Large 2 Bdrm .Home NlcP n rrplaC"<', bi&" lot. Snme fur· nlture . Price $5,500 onr -lhlrd down In Newport Heiglrts Good nnt" bdnn home Price $6850 G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Assoc iates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Me:ia. Ph. Bea. 5181 IMPORTANT CHOOSING a homeplace is I M P 0 RT A NT business. W her e v e r you go DE- MAND the M 0 S T for your home, your family and you r investment. Insist on fuU y protect ive restric· tions, c o mplete improve- ments. comm unity prestige. Hero on UDO ISLE you have all of this together with privacy and quiet, where you can still buy at sensibl e prices. LIDO ISLE has much to orfer ... for it meets t he D E M A N D FOR THE VERY BEST nt thr m n i;; t rensnnable prices. LOO K at these &'<CLUSIVES : RPECIAL 1 Ilranr\ n""' '.\ hr•lroom, 2 bath h<1m(' nn r hn•t·e lot . Lg'l". c•h r>e r- 1'\Jl M>Qn1s.. 11nit h "a t . broaktut har. lnv1'ly kit1·h l"n, 11;peC'lou11 \\'8ll•••t in patio R.r" a ff'v.: or ni a n y n1 1t.C1tan11in,l.'" fratUrf'Jll ·rhlJ1 1s a tt<rr1fi<' BU Y at n.nlv - S2J,7."l0 2 ... CH OICE S POT " on tht> BA V- FRO:'\'T r>( LI DO IS LE a nl"art~f new .1 twd room a.nd ~ bath hnmf' that is a "hont>y." Thia la nnt a n "'n\d bf'ach house" but ii R MC'RI lv new. f'lf'Vt>r year around hnnt,.. l .. nt)!f' room11. unit h eat. J?n r bac-t-d rJ11pn,a l, ho t poln t dl11h· \\·n>iht r. 2 sun 1if'<"ks, lovely vtPw an1I ni any ot h1•r sn,a rt fr>atur u . Th i11; 11' a. quality R11Y. Prirf'fl r i,eht AL.t;O A f ew ('h<Ht'f' bu ilollng .!Ut f'Jll fn r ~al•• on WOO JSLE a t p rle1•J11 you C'an affnrd Thie~f' lotjll &rf' .!lf'll- ing fa~t. 1·h f' law nf t4u pply anfl 1\.'!l1and Jl\U!'lt rf'rtnlnly in cr eu e lht>1r va1uP. !=;rf' u. a• we a.t r lhp D ftV E LOP ~RS or LIDO IS l.F. \Vht•rr a lit t lr b~ys a LOT. P .A. PALMER l "f'ORPORATED IN EXCLUSIVE1BAY SHORES wllll pt1nta booch. a very m-. I bdrm ~ 1 \fo b&lba, loU of U1e In lrltdlen, alee polio, l&rp I_,. ....... ONLY flS,'JlWl. N~ar ~e High School $19fi0 DOWN ODo of UlOOO mucb .,...red mWJ l'Uldl ~ horn-. Overol90d red brick ftropla.,. and abalto 1'001 on l&rp lot. W•ll locate<! In eo.ta M .... only % yra. old. '71JOO. IN CORONA DEL MAR -wllll JWMpq view of hlllJI. -and -..t. Btdlt ne lovol 1!0xUO lot. S bdnns., llr<IJI& .. , J-. pr. Cotnp)etely, anrt nicely tumtahrd atwl land.caped. 060d -•loll. Pnce' -•n.soo. YOU MUST SEE Thi• I bdnn Balbocl l.ianct home with prep and Ot11:8T APT. It rouJd b9 Juel what you are ~tn· IM. It la lmmaculate and lll• enr.kleed patio ll mucll larpr tha.n aven.p. let.al location. jult 100 n. from t he beaeh. Seldom have we aeen &J1yth!na nearl)' 80 nlC'e ror tht> price, 11 6.900. W . A. TOBIAS S11.les Exclusive With LINWOOD VICK, 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island . ,-EDNA CRAIG ~ntal.i. Realtor Harbor 2042 S Fl E ·C I AL SALE SiX New 2-Bedroom Homes Priced from $7450 to $7950 $1950 Down Mo. Pym ts. -$55 to $60 LOTS 75x100 -Spacious Bdrma. -Large living room -Big kitchen, nice tile drainboard -Plenty curboards &. cl.-111-Near SchoolR and Churches Shopping. See These Fine Values From 1to5 Daily at 21st St. & Orange Ave., Costa Mesa Broker Cooperation Invited COSTA MESA REALTY Barney Francque -Fred Crosier -W. C. Gabbard 400 E . 17th St. -Costa Mesa -Beacon 6818 GOING! GOING! GOING! It won't be long now- 'til the cry will be ALL GONE! ! ! WE REFER to these out.standing 3 bedrm. homes in beautiful Cliff Haven. They are financed on ll>e G. I. plan - low down paym•nt and easy monthly terma. They are priced far below re-' placement cost and located on roomy lots in a highly restricted area. Better hurry before it is too !alt. Just a few left to choo"" from. Call Fred Barker Bea. 5795 or Bea. 6939-J EARL W. STANLEY OFFICE 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach· (Across from the High School) BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Shake Roof Special.$ l. A beautlllll lwb bedroom home en circular dri•e.. Feat11r1.ng: Batten " -81dinl'. partial weetMr brick ta.Ce. a weathtt-- brick nreplace, pl<tutt*IU< --jumbo •bake roor, hWd. noon., beam ceillnl', love- able kitchen, exoepUonally lge. btdrooma, separate two-car garage. 1 evtalnly would like to 1'.ave .)'OU lmpect. thie bou.e . . • 1 bellevf' ll baa ot.tlatand- lng value ror the price or $11,500 • 2. Jn Newport Heotghts wr are or- fl!ring another R.u.8l.k: Shake Roof l'llome. Batten 6 Board aiding, weatherbrlck nreplaC'r, a moat likeable living room and kltcllen. Sepan~ lw<H:ar pr. with alley. OuUt.andlnr ap- ~. Sewera are lft a.nd connected. SimiJ•r homr re-- cently 90}d for .$13,000. 1'11e- pr1ee is only $10,950 .1. One of th(' fln t"lft home• (n cure Havf'n o n a wl~ rrontagC" lo t . lt !it'Lq out by 1Lttelf In •PJM'8r· ancP, quality and construction. Jun1bo Shtlke Roof. Clf'verly ff'nced. Hwd. rtoors, larg<' din- inl( arf'a and bedrooms. The n oor plan 111 f)('l'fc-et. You wilt be amazed at thC' extra fca- lUrP•. Let mt> 1d111ow ybu a ho 1t1e lha.t Will p le a11p you · and you1· friend.I Cor many years to come-. \\'f' honesUy fN'l that thl8 home is u nderpricPd at lt•aat i 2.ooo. Thf' ~lli ng pri<'r Ut only $15,500 Bring a long your chf"ck book lhf'!te are outstanding buy11 on t oday's m arkPt . \Ve alAo h•ve l'lflmc very nic~ O.I. RPaalee. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T . Everson "9() Newport Blvd. P h. B<'a. 6698 or Bt>a . tsiM-J Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 $3800 DOWN. 2 bdrm11. tumlAhed hom+'"---Panf'lro livlng rm, f ire._ placP. bar k itc hen, BBQ •nd f"n- c-IO!'lf'd patio. Price Only $6,500 K'ice bi>ach house In R-3 zone. Rnom to bu ilrl Income unll Only $8850 2 bdrm hnme on Balboa Blvd. Nice beacb house. Fireplace part ly rurnLqherl. This Is Choice! $21 .000 -3 bdrm!'!, 2 bath, unfur. home, lgc. enclosed patlo--com- pletely pie<:. kitchen, stove, r ef . dL.._h was hl"r and gar. d l11poMI. 2·car g arageo, landscaped. SEE US F OR cholC"r summ er rf'nt· a l!'!. All l'liZf>S a nd prier!!. Coast Properties Co. 30 l E . Balboa. Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 26M New Lido Listing J ust completing 2 bdrm home. ONLY A FEW .'I.I HOMP!>I'F~· liB; t • ~ ~'\.,I / ' ' l ~ " MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TRACT OFFICE OPEN E VENINGS , , MIU ,. i'(pt. Harbor J • .. ~tipl ._.. l1.i~t 11~ Rre.Jt.QT 1982 .'\f;'\\j>Ort O!vd., Costa :!\f f'~O Phon~ Bf'acon ~22li . ~333 Via Lido NcWP'Jrt &•t"h, callf, }iarbQ.r l !)()O For Sale or Rent HARBOR BLVD. For vacation enjoyment or ff>'" income, (~5 ~ gross ~tum) _.. ~ tl\is . ~.~iShe.d 2. bd~1 ho'llt' ! E).<-_ ce¥i~nt hlocalion, -. I b!i( froDJ South jay and cpn: \•en1ent to shopping center. Full Price $10,700--terms Still timP to c h008e your own color11. 21 ' liv. rm., fTpll',, tile reatura. bar-t.ype kitchen, pri- . va'-S ~\ij>~ -Priooi bc!Qw, I.lie ! • _...,it;y «rJ.1~.TM.1 EUY ~· ~EE1>LEAF & A.'!SPC,. ,• BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Nf'\\•port Blvd., Harbor 2M2 at Laguna edge of Corona de! Ma r Phone Harbor 414 -J In Newport Heights l..o \·f>I)· 2 b<l rtn hn1nr>, C"hnrming living roon1 \\'il h open bf'amcd Cf'lllng. w ro w c a rpro t lng, fi re- place-, t1l n1ng a rea. h,~·d. floora, t llt• bath, lot.s of cloeel.s, VERY cl~ in. G. J. R es.a.le mean• IO'A· n1onthJy pymt.a. tnclude ta.x:Pa and insurancr . Owner anxlull.14 to S<'ll ! l\il AKE O FFER. BUSINESS tioc:ATION 93x l I 3 nuy,· U!Wd a.., luntbfor yd, W.W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A 'Vf'nur at J.ls.rin l' Balboa Islan•I ROBT. H.MOTTET Harbor 2-182 Peninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat & Sun, 2-6 or by app't , ph. Har. 1238-W ApproxjmatPly 2200 ~q . ft. 1 year old, 2 bdrms It bath downsta irs. 1 bdrm and lg£'. rl"'n and bath Uf18ta lrs. Sundttk 30x30, C'xcel· Jent viPw . Larre living room. fireplacf', dining room. gorge-ous kltcht-n It nook, oak floor~. fo:-c- r>d I.Ir ht>a t , extr as gelorP. Con- trncto1"s ho me. Priced to sell quickly 5 Commercial Acres JN Costa Mt's.a , on a com C'r -- Ve ry deslrablt> dl.Strict near nl'w hos-pit.al. Has domt !lllc and irrig a t ion \l'ater piped ln. Gu and ele-c. a vailable. Good for ranc-hing or .!l;Ub-dividln g. Only $7,000, terms Olive Miller, Realtor 2006 Court Ave .. Nt wJ10rt Beach Phone Harbor 343 BAY SHORE W E A ld Rlt 2 BDRM. HSE., landscaplnJ by m. . ngO 1 r. Norman's Nursery, W, to W. 622 1-J Rt""· 8'>a. ~1 117-J 1900 H arbor Blvd. COSTA MESA ----------- $6950 FULL PRICE New 8<'11.ch Houae 1 block to best OCl'an beach. 2 bdrn1s.. atlractive modern eolo~ thro,tghout. Tf'nnJt ap- proximate ly '~ down. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDER REALTOR 3112 Nr wport Blvd., Harbor ~ OVERLOOKED ALMOST .. A ~ceptional Co11ta Mesa Buys Ea!lt Sttle -2 bdrm, 1 bk>ck trom ehopplnc dlatrlct, only M.260 - .Sl.'fOO down. Ea.st Slfte -Brand MW, 2 bdrm. block trom Alpha Bela. Only $10,5QO. Easy financed. Good buy in· Corona de l Mar - o n,. p bdrm . ..outh or H iway . $7 ,000. Only •1.000 down. R .. W. BARTINE W. m PA Tl'ON. AllSOClA Tl!l 1807 N•wport Aft, Pit. U.... 15320 Colt& M- Open House 1-5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 211 Heliotrope Ave. Corona del Mar FlnPst location, a few •tipe: rrnm ocean IN,utf. Brand nf'W, two bdnn, two batha, hardwood floors, rlrepla.ce, 2~ar c•rage, 81 ' fronta~. Come R e It or phone John Mottnm. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 11333 Via Lido, Newi:-t Beach Harbor 1!!00 J:Wa. Harbor Stl&-ft OPEN -488 ABBEY WAY, COSTA l(ESA'S BEST BUY! r.1 r1 "F.. C&l boa Btvd. Balboa Phon1..• Harbor 1238-\-Y carpeting, colored batb fix., mer· cury wall Plitches. planter box., lge. nu-tr. bd:rm .• e lect. kit .• patio ALSO ')( ball> A guest rm. ready vacant ·lot on BalbOa Island . . more specifically on the "Little Island" . . . in a very quiet location. It's worth the $7,500 price. Let's make an offer! HOME & INCO,..,.. s bedreoma. hdwd. noo.., I !Ur- ~ nauA. AU _, ldtcllen. t yn. For Sale or Trade INDJO'S largest and finest :is unit Motel with Cafe. to be fin.. Fenced. Owner. $14,500 Beacon 6824-\V. •lp60 Home and Income tnpte "A" appr<>Yed. Locatecl TWO 2-bedrm. duplelt oncl CIMA on Hl&bwa.ya 60-70-91. Month· room with beUJ-.e.11 tu~ 2 bd"1' • home an4 & ""'tala. t old. ....._, patio alld -ue. can .... In -rtn\al .... of N .. r -ud oilqp& M.000 n.•:ti J ~-•--· clown. llloloJ 'l'HA t.,n\8. o.n.er --comer.,~ H·~-app xi. ia.ooo yr. pl"" 11ome: --· 1~M or flu})or 21n N. 11· C. REALTY 00.. UM la 11 -~'--------•St_rc N""l"."'1 81"1., Newpo.'t Bdi:b. -jJvn.. c. Boward. Ruby -· J. A. Beek Office Pbooe Harbor 63 Balboa bland FerrY Jy average vom $3000.00. Own-Clooe to 80. Ba,y, Bal-Ioland. • e r muat IHYe becaua of health. Dbl. pr. About 4 ..,.,._ Oki. Sal b Own Write 12-217 Hwy. No'. 99. Pr!~ to .. IL Write ·P. O. box 1-----------e Y er Indio, Calif. ••!>4& ~43 e.Jboa Ialand. Pbcme ea.. Would you like to live in LIDO a _ _,,_ 2 b&tL -bor 1m-M. • ""60 Lemo'o H•i•b•·• -~"-•-""" •·-~~~ 2 ~ ACIU:ll will> bld'r.io ~ 211.1------------1 ...., -· ~---•v•-• We ba ......... -UIUl ........ TW'll!8-~ = ~1:·~ ~.::_ Attractive Duplex ~r ·•._ pome 1n wt ta111 -t I 0ww at - ._P1>one ______ Ut3_-_w_._· __ 0~-~~ ~J.'~ FitzmoniS Realt Co ~6:f.. U:.,,,.• ;;.:7 , Reimllal ..,... ft"Oln ooaltant old. lltb<co and redw--.. Rnlton oncl JllM!n-~ 11111 la Ilea ""'-~ Illle P,.ctlcel Aa od ~ la Ulla JH,oOO. °"1lor A. -U. la IU Cout Bhd., 0or-. dot Mar o1 8elW Cllll·lt Modern redwood and gla111 Two bdrm. and Sf'rva nt's quarte rs. Flagstone a nti w ood n oorA. Two year& old. In grove of trees. Beautiful vie"' of the WeBtern hills ~ In exclu!liVf' section -2 miles from ocean In quiet sur- . roundings. S2:i.OOO. Good terms. 1987 Irvine Ave.. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293. W .f7tCe LOT S95 DO\VN, $995 tull price. Victoria St. at College Ave., Co'sta l.fr88.. Ph. Beacon 5293-W. <lk47 A FEW OF OUR LISTINGS Newport Lot. very good .... 11,700 1 bdrm. bouae. smaJI down $4,6001 3 bdrm. bouoe. '2.:IOO down JS,250 Water Fr-. home. pier, tlL 117.DOO Uljo 3 B. R. home, NEW $21,:IOO OTIS LaROE ~ W . Balboa Blvd. Newpon S.acb Ph. Har. 1469-W ATfENTION!. Real Es~te Brokers I have a cood propolltion. and a lively office on Newport 81Yd.. for Ille rlgltt u..n...t -... Pllone W. A. Huacrofl,. - 51118-11.. 41c48 • .f&J>tr will prod-nwltai '"' 1w. Parlt Dr~ Coot& )(-f8pOa Harl>or nu · .-' . . .RESS -fi- I I I BALBOA! BAYSHORES , • I • RENTALS -; BALBOA ISLAND We .,.. uow taktftr re9tl'fttiona: ror wfAter reDt&ll. • Come in and 11ee Et.na Emlih. our rentaJ spectallet, or call Harbor 1716. . . . CORONA PEL MAR A REAL BUY ALKOST new 2 ·--bo-, larp urine room with n .... p1ace. modern ltltchen with lob of cupboanlo all<! ui.. Colorfully detorat.d. Vtew of blllJI and hartlor. 2--car plt111 prage. Bxe-ceptionally well buut. An out- alal>dlfl&' value at •12,llOO will> »500 <town. Owner will eury balance at excellent term& Call Harbor 24?4. Civic Cen:ter District,. Special Buy Cozy, w.e11 con~n.icted, mnalJ home, all nicely l'urnish- ed for Immediate oceupancy. Lb~128. Enclo~ yard, walled pai.$o, dbl. prage. Bollid~ P.id. A real BVY at SB,~. Exclusive liati!1C'· For· further lnfor. l5fte Mni: . nlckROn at 3113 Newport Blvd. Boat Owners Attention MODERN W>.TERFRONT HOME, 3 bdrm, l 'l> baths, napt°"e nreplaee, patw,, barbecue. view, PU:R • FLOAT. comer loca. Only 2· yrs. old. Price $24,730, Sh<>Wfl by app't only. C"-11 Mrs. Olck90ft nt Harbor 1013 or (eves.) Rarb9r 2092-W. HOME & INCOME 2 charmln.-. 1 bdnn hom~s and dbl. carage '\Vilh pomd- bllity ot 'e..'Ctra aleeping room. Go0<1 c.onstruetion. Handy location. $11,300. fumiahad. Call Har. 1013 or 2092-W for an appointment to see. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor • 17th an~ Coast Hk.vay Nt>wport !Wach 225 Marino A vc. Balboa I.eland 15th and Irvine N •wport S.ach r 615 Coni;;t Hiway Corona df'l Mar 3113 N•wport Blvd. N cwport &ach LIDO ISLE HOME One of the older, more comfortable island homes • Tht> JocatJon Is jWJt 1) block from Lido Club House. club beach, tennis and bsrlmin.ton courts. Address: 200 Via San Remo. g Thp ... )ot i!' 70 (ePt wide, 111tr{'f't to l'llr€'f'l. with patio, bar-b-quP an.j g-arden. • 'M'le home has three bedrooms, t'vo baths (one full til~ shower). The upstairs den and bedroom comblnatton ha• bay-view aQd opens to large .sun-deck. There ls a full sbe dinlng roorn.flreplac-c, wood floors thr®rhout, doublf'. garage with in!llde t-athPrs· !ihow@r. • The full price---$221500, and terma can be arranged. This is a sound bu·y in comfortable year 'round Lido Jiving at the best island location. See it· now . HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS 30th and Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Ha.rbor 1600 ON WATERFRONT J bedroom hon1c with BUY at $16.~00. pier a nd float. N ice patio. GOOD ON BAY AVENUE BAY & BEACH REALTY Ethel ShlrlQ' Gloden Fay 1•50 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 12M HOME PLUS INCOME Good 2 bdrm BALBOA ISLAND home with nice patio and attractive 3-foom apt. in the rear. Both units fumiahed . $18,500, Terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 211 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 20 EL BAYO TRACT G. I. RESAT.ES 3 bedrooms on MafftO\ia.. Meu ~ '10.400. $2750 down • • GOOD 2 bedroom year 1'0Ulld home PLUS bunk 1""m and bath In pnp. S yrs. old. N ice pa t t o, attncU\rdy f'Q1'J:t!lhed. '13.i504Y. 8 beclroomo -Newport Hetgbi.. Jl2,llOO. """ OCEAN FRONT 40 ft-lot on Bol- bo& Pellluula among maliJ' alee bomea. PRICE> TO SKILL, ~boa ~:~ .. bo .. -Groe!ey J . Wtllb .. UDl1n JllcAdoo ' ~ ftNI .. l!llll6oa Bh<d. • --airr COSTA-itEs~ · _ ...DOWJI '8llOO down a lied--. cun a.m. ,11:7&6 $4l)OO down t~ loW' monlltly paJ1110DU m-..,..t • ....,., ... llM9o-l>cllbeL ' . J'w Ml det&U. can-: u,. Kempi... • a..t>or 1llOO · P. A. ·PAI.MER ·' •I • ( I ' I , '• • • I • - RATH'S EASTERN TENDERIZED HAIS HAM 63• BUTI ···... a BEST FOODS "REAL" SHANK C END 'lb. CENTER 99:. SLICES ···· FRESH -DRESSED C:UT UP-PAN READY KINGAN'S llNDIANAJ C 0 FF EE - MAYONNAISE Challenge 1st 9uality BUTTER l ·LI. 75c PKG. C:HIC:KEN OF THI SEA TUNA ' No. 1/J Flat Ca• SLICED BACON LOG C:AllN SYRUP 12·0Z. 23C C:AN 1PEACHES 15~ ::: FLOUR ~J47.··~92· iiOG FOOD 1~~35• I =-=--=---::....::..:::..=;__~~~~~~- Paramount Grad~ 'A' 6 3 Large-Doz. in Carton C T 0 MATO ES 21bs 15c 1 A _P_PL_ELL_JU_ICE __ 2 ......... :~.:;..;...,,;;~~~._--'-'-1.$""""""~ SWEET 0 PICKLES 2~-: 32c ' IRIS FANCY ·· '"-' , •. PEAS. EARLY CiAIDEN 17-0%. CAN . 43~ Cinnamon SUGAR LOAF 23;., flt ... 29< ... , t PINEAPPLE NO~L~~.E~AN P9!.~J.9~S_, . 1': c l iAisiiiALLOWS 2~19° FRUIT~ClTAIL ·g~'· 31• -·---- -. -•==~~=:~1WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD QJ'f~TY f ·. ·:-FROZEN FOODS • I PICTSWEET VEGETABLES FR. CUT · BEANS 1 ~: CUT GR. BEANS 1:;'g~ . CUT CORI 10 .. L PEAS 12 .. L Pk9. Pkg. ~ , ea : i:iMotJA.6i 2 ;.:.29c : FROZESNTIDPIES . 65~ ' ' • Swift'• Premium SLICED COOKED DUIU9UE CANNED . 61 5 9· 't~!AN~ WAST:O SKIN-MO IONI LONGHORN CHECSE • . . Swift'• Pre1111- 01d Fashioned RllG BOLOGIA 59.:. 4 .5c • • Jb. • MADI Hiii fllSH DAILY WITH LOYS OF RIAL MAYONNAJSI, PICKLES I. PIMllNTOS . MACARONI SALAD . --- ~~t.' -~\NES & LIQUORS ~~'-'· ' . l•1fenl Ifft' tr.. st. Paet IT.,. la ••Y t~•I • 4tfC !~~hl!~~. ~~~ .. ~~~~... ... • ... ' ' • • ' ~CENt•AD • • HJR-BOR ,_ SERIES HAD · N-1 1v f, tries. , • · p~ Sho~· 85 ENTRIES . · ne.1 n 1n . ~· w ·°"'11-n,e -.. ....-u... Tb 'l'lllrd 1.mu.i Pet 8bow bel4 ot Ille ~ -Ip ocllool 12 •'"••• of ctni.r bMnl °"" .i.-. • • · · liJll c...rt cqm.,.ucs Saturday and ·playground on )Y<dn..S.y, J\dy .11111, attncted qwr 110 ftltrleo. Tiie SW'd&y "' tho vo,...... Yacht Pet Sllow ls one of the hllfillsttt. of the Newport rileach &!mtbor CIUb ln¥1totlonal ContubMnl 1f..cr...-prol!"'m. • , Sorleo bl Newport Bay 1.,.. booto -Chlldren .exhibited. :uUm:alo, "'Plil<i and bird. of -fl .alaM .,.... Op to Ill t .. t bl Ll!n,U.. deecrlptlou. Fred Woodworth' Trophy wtn.Det;e "": collecUon or onokto, con.&lotlng of owned by "Peter Stoddard; 2nd, . 'hiiotle one klnc make and three b\lll Clancy, purot. owned ~)' Mary 1. Georse Cotttn. NBYC makes. .,,,.~ put lntertot and Welo; 3rd, 811~. _..,t, owned 2. Bamm's. V excitement tor t be spectators. by Jackie auton; 4th. CharHe. tate,..u-,a Aleo -~. an overolUd f!g!Jttnr cock, owne6 by Bob 1. Poul hrrter, Nlh'c tomato wonn. owned by Myrna TarnoWlltl. -2. Thorton Hamlin, NHYC Boucbey, braved the hot eun to • ·--tak la ;,, th t . lll&'Po• --.-•. e • P ce &a one e mcm l•t. 'CharUe, fighting cock, own'-1. Jobn Pott., .BTC ~ unusual peta. Phoey, a fox tu-2 p 8. y STC ' riet', owned by llartila Nott. cap-ed by Bob TamowaJtl; 2nd. Clancy, 3 . ..:....i w~!,.: BYC • lured the heart.I of the mU\J on-parrot, owned by Mary We:La: 3:rd. · ...-ic e ~re. lookers 'u she at patiently id the Skipper, parrot. ~ by Jackie ~ Falcon doll buggy drelHd ln baby c.loUtes Gaston: 4th, Freddy 6 Ye11ow, 1. Dolly Jtiewport, NHYC peering through colored gtaMee tn parakeet, owned by Peter Stod-2. Pete Bradford. NHYC the tunnJ.eat drell8ed' pet contest. dard. 3. Marcia Younglo•e. NRYC The gTand finale of the .um.mer BlsS"t Cat P-1• recreation p~ will be the tat, TeUa., owned by Sandra 1: Denny Ma.son. BYC Playday to. be held ~ the H;orace Godwtn; 2nd, Cocoa, owned by 2. Jack Nerdrum. BYC Enalgn ac.hoot 'playground on Au• Judy Weigand: 3rd, Julie, owned Snipe gust 3rd. Free' watanne&oa., cold by Bachan. Nott; 4th. Connie, 1. Norton Younglow, NHYC drink11 and nwneroua contest. will ownM by Jlmmle Andenon. 2. TftTY Gloere. NHYC cllmax the 11Ummer actlvttlesi 8.r:nallM& cat 3. Michael Jager, OBYC Tbe lollowtng ls a list ot th• ls~ Flying Low, owned by Gary l'ftlgula pet. who plscld In the Pel Show: 8allee; 2nd, Boolo, owned by Don>-1. Reed Scot~ AllYC Dos Wltll the LMreot Tall thy WOOdworlh; 3rd, Mickey, own-2. Sid Shutt lst, Buotu,• owned by )larilyn ed by Judy llakor; 4th,' J'a>'·los. 3. Ro6.rt Woodward. VYC Oate: 2nd, SbachA owned by Ra>"" owned by Nancy Mourqulart.. · • .,.... Dlnab7 mond Godwin;' 3rd. Shelly,. owned. I Ftm••eet Drwecr Pet I. w. Lindbloom, NHYC by ltQy Y,a.rnell:. •th. Major, owned lat, Phoe)'. owned by Marllla 2. W . Blelmn, BYC -by Mike Woodland. Nott: 2.nd, Mlaly, o~ed by Craig s . G. Brown o.lr WIS;ll ~ T&U. Broderline; 3rd. BWiter, owned by 81KJWbl.N .. lat. Penny, owned by Llnda Marilyn O.te: 4th, George, owned 1. Tom Frost. fjllYC Cleary; 2nd. Blackey.. owned by by Judy Young. 2. W. Fuller, NHYC Bobby 'Whitney; 3rd, Teeriy, own-3. J . Ken•y, BYC. ed by carro11 and Ho1Jy Hidden: Seco d Red c --Diab <th,, Libby, owned by Harle Pot-n ross I. M!c k•y Sm\lh, BYC 1 '""'"· mnnt "°' Swim Class Stew ts 2· R. Poot ' ~::!i-:.~rd~~;; ,.!ru::~on~~~ ~~~~~ ·shamrocks Still ~=· !!n!~ :,;oo~r:~l.~lh. ~::ad~~· t!~~ ~1 .:~ ::: Keep ·n Lea· d SmalJq* 0o, ~p;:.~~~~:'!nr;:. ~~~t\· I l•t, Phoocy. owned by Marilla Ruby avenue and ..North Bay The Green and White c I ad Nott: 2nd. Libby. awned by Marie I Front, Balboa laland; and China Shamrock• contlnued lo pace the Pattenon: 3rd. Smitty, owned by Cove, Corona dei 'Mar. Llon'a Club Softball Lellg11e lhl• Ann IA.ntner: 4th. Jlo owned Cl.a.Mes begin at 9 a.m . at both week. u they knoeked over their by Douglaa Reddick. . Balboa laland Nld Newport Bea.ch ne&.rest rt.,al, Crank Broa.-BJ•· • Be9t Groomed I and at 1 p.th., Corona del Mar. aell. 7 -0 at Llona Field Monday lat, Tburber, own~ bi!' P e ter For tboee ..,-bo U.v_e not regtstered nighL , • • .. ' • PA&E ·I ~-PA"lT II -lHUlSOAY, JULY 19, 195~ ~"tqss~ Arn:lftmN' ' F 1: S~1 E R·H E~N "! I ' ' During· tlie. sµmmer 8l!&llPD we will Jitay open every evening till 1 :00 p. m. Sundays, open from ( p. m. to~ 7 p; m. ' " . . Hcsbor Frozen · Food Lockers · us'-SOtb St. ~~rt llartiOr 0718 . r . ., c ·LOSE~OUT! • LADIES' and GENTS' • BLUE DENIM BEACH SHOES Res. "'80 Close-out Price $2. 90 . I . . 808'$ SPORTING GOODS nth and NEWPORT .BLVD., !lOll'l'A ME&V JllEA. 6021-R • • Stoddard ; 2nd, Penny, owned by appllcationa will be ta.ken on Mon-Ton ight'~ play brlnga the Boya' Unda Cleary; 3rd, Skipper, own-day. Club and Holateln'a together and ; .cd by Terri Trimble; 4th, Box.le, With Kunny $1aya a.nd the larg-tomorrow night there will be an FtRST TlTNA af tbe J961 -.oft ",.. welc'bed ln al the BaJboe AJtc'ltllf Club Sunday by Wayne owned by Don Kimble. eat enrollment ever, over 500 chll-exhibition pme between the H&rTlaon of ~ta Ana. nlllia1 off ~ llrnlyn h.-hooked the ll ponnd, 1y1 ou.nce tuna at 'J:SO L m. 8-& GOOOlfld C.at dren. additional ~uaUfled lnstruc-Shamrocka a.nd La(tlna Beach ,tu.t Mitt of Ute 14 mJl.e bulk.. Harrlaon abo landrd one albacore. (Photo by ~kner) ton coukl be uaed. U you can Merchants at 7 :SO p. m. --------------------------------------lat, Toby, owned by Davia Pope: 2nd. Julie, owned by Barbara Nott; 3rd, Panther, owned by Powell Sadlei: 4th. Cocoa, owned by Judy Weigand. a r ,~.- 1.at. Melvin, 'lts&rd, awned by Judy Stt'wa.rt: 2nd, Teeny, lurtlf'. owned by Diane Duke; 3rd, Oacar, llzard, owned by F~ Woodworth; 4th. Skipper, Auatrallan rat, own- ed by Bud McNear. ~ Most UU-.. Pet 1st, Snakes, owned by F~ Woodworth: 2nd, Suite Q, cotton- uil, owned by am 8&1Unger; 3fd. F'Uuy', hamster, owned by ·Llni:la Spratt; 4th, Robea PierTe, t.O- n1ato wonn, own~ by' Myrna Bouchey. Prett.lei9t Bird qua!lty a.a a Red CfO!MJ way:r aa.t~ Monday nirht, Richard'• Mar-I ty ln&truct.-Or, plea.ee call the Bal-et playa Shamrocka and Wed· c I Show boa branch ol the Red Cross, Har~ neaday night Crank Brother• -JC e bor 1866. BtaaelJ playa Holatetna. -- Albacore Contest for This Weekend Gerrish Forms SWbn· 'Elub . "t~~~~~~!~.1 Cl~~M~!!PA0 ~)!!!old and under) bueballers were knocked out of tint place in the Southern C&llfornla Valley Leagu~ lhla week u they dropped a 3-1, 10 lnning deela1on at San Marino Fliday and a 12-6 game to J'Ullert.on here Monday. The loellea aav'=. the loca.la a ~uon record ot five wtna and three k>ruea. M.lke Valle went th rout@' again.st. Sa.n Marino and wu Val touched for alx hits. The Inland ley R«rutloa League p.rne team won In lhe_iut ot the tent.h at Fulle rton. The win kept the on an Infield error -the flr•t locala tied for ftret Place W1th Pua.dena &ad •t UJ> tomorrow's err?r by either team tn the entire rame at P&aadena u a potentl&J game. UU The locala were apparenUy e ~·-·----- "tuckered" out ag&Jnmt FulJerton ::i: :; ~-::: ~!:e~"!~:i: ·1Str1"ke~ ._ Sparesr tbe moun.d followed by Da•e Ta-~ '-j I mura and Todd White. The Mer-• chant A team face.a An.abelm at An&helm ~ Saturday .morning at Re.au.its ot Ute Jaek-Pot doublea : 10 a. m m.lxed. 1st place: Val Touley 6 · Lowell O'G&ra, 1228 tot.al plno, F......_ Hilo $905.M pay off; a..j ~la«: Mr. and al · Stadium The world Cha.mpton motorcycle atunt and drill team and the ram . oua trained honte8 of the Victor M~gle.n Motorcycleo Corpa com- bined wtth Victor McLaglen Ught Th>ope presented through. the coutte•y ot Vict or Mel.A.glen, the well-known movie Idol, will pre- 1ent a twO and one half boor 1how July 20 at 8 p..m. at Tlllbert Sta- d1um, Huntington Beach. - Thia completf' show con.elat.A of many daring acta on horwe back and motorcycle•. Working in drill with horec and the motors combined. the only unit working 38 hot'M'a a.nd motor· cyclea tog-ether In the world. The people of Hw.ntlngton Beach eaw a part of the group lead their parade on the Fourth ot July. 'Phe nlght ahow of Ulla flne IT®P. hu many teaturee to pre- Sev"n angling club.! will par- ticipate In the Jnter-Club Alba- c.'O re Toumamt>nt which wilt be Doctor Pahl Gerrish. fonner hf.'ld out o t Nf.'Wport Harbor Sat-director of swtmmtng at the Bal- urday and Sunday. boa Bay Club ha.a formed the Cqmpt"t.ing clubs will be the Ge/'rlah Swim Club for boya and Southern California Tuna club, girt.a of the ff.arbor Area. A•llJt- 8&.lboa. Angling club, Newport ed by Mn. Doria Dance. qUalitled H.arbor Yacht Club Tuna Club, Red Crou inst.Nctor. He ls Lo8 An«eJee Rod and ·Reel club, teaching cl.apes tn 1JWimmlng, div- Light Tackle and Marlin club, lng and water...aa.fety. C&lallna Tuna. club and Paclfto. Dr. Gerriah believes that t:very Anglen . ho.at club. child Bhould knO'W' how to .wtm The cont.e11t wtll have about 150 and condUct blmaeU u!ely ln pool, cofltealallt.e whp will Ml.art ln :>O surf or bay. This thorough swlm boat.A at 8 a .m . juet west of the tr&inlng ls part of the tun pro- Balboa jetty. gram of the Gerriah Swim Club Conte•tanta will breakfaat at the which also Includes superv1-ed Ba.Jboa Bay club each 1day of..,.the recreation, handlcra.fta, ma.rt.ife contest and will bold a poet tour-hlkee: and weekly bonfire partlea. nameqt cockU.il party there. Boya and gtrls may be enrolled Merchants Sf ill In the GelT\ah Bw!m Club by day, week or month. P'Urtber Information may be Ob: talned by ca.Uing Beacon 8288-W or 6466-W. ;-i:,.;:, ::'~~ ~=·~L to-Shopp·1ng for · 11!~d::nth;l~h~':~t :~ m~=r~ • lee caVt:•, Java flows, hot I • Red Head Pin Tournament MEN'S-DOUBLES-MIXED . S GAMES ENTRY JLliO INCLUDES llOW,LINO a PBIZIJ MONEY • OPTJON,ul SINGUEll 'I01,,...,""IBOPllY BOOP-MEN U1''DER UI0-4 ~ unu;s UNDER 130 -6 Plmr. PAY OFF -80 -18 -18 -EAOB DMSION ST ARTS FRI., JULY 20 TO SUN., AUG. 5 . .,... . . Alleys Open 10 a. m. to 2 · p. m. for Bowling or IMtructton •· ' .VISITORS-TRY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S · NEWEST ALLEYS -NONE FINER 12 AWYS -SEMI-AUTOMATIC RACKS • • MAKE RESERVATIONS f<>r Matq_ ~ and Alleys at Any· Time VAl'S. ·BOWUIG · " PHONE BEAOON -• . 8UPlllllOR~ AVE. ' ~ COSTA MESA MEZZANINE UDO DRUG STORE Harbor 1246 • The Merchant B team won It.a Mr.. Arnett. Ult' tot&J pln1, t first game of the year Ui a 10-t 141.2:i pay oft: 3rd pl&ce: Mr. and thriller at San Marino Frlday. Kra. Benito, 1201 total ptu, $28.9~ The loca.la clobbered 14 hJts: P:.&Y oft: 4th place: Val Toualey Bob Wel'.aeJ went into the pme and G. F orrest, 1188 total pln•, with the bues lo&d.ed and one out $19.30. The -.un ol SSG.00 wu aga.lnat Fullerton Thunday and pal4 out on bonua ecoree: wttb a 6•• springs, dry ice fields, and petrl- cytlee; 1a the only thing you can f• t v· t ned treea are just 80me ot th(''-------------------.:....----~ ~lsd'::gm'!'~~c:'.ii":~'::"1r.;~!. lrS ,IC Ory ~u;:::;:~1~tN~M~~~~'. High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 PLA1'"E • smP • TRAIN RESERVATIONS • Mutull Th11trt Ticket AftDCJ JOIN TIO: • GERRI.SH SWIM CLUB OLAll8E8 ~ow IN a SwimllHllt, D!Ylttg Water .~r.tJ -""" -8UPEllVlllED azcd.t.TION ·-·~ lMiiMMee Dr. PMI Oas· b j iliil•rtr lll:Ru;etw· ..... ~-. ' •· r ·r·-r-••·-••: ._ .... p..., CAU.RMlO"-W . -••ClOlf -· . retired the aide lo le&d the JunJor 1228.50 totaJ pay out. LloM (15 yean and younger) to Men Doubles: lit place. Wtlll11 a 6-4 win over Fullerton ln a Fl~ a.ncj Ht Oentoct. 1330 total the world over. Coat& Mesa Mercbanta Bue-reporta the National Automoblle L Q / p • • Pb H 1616 Thia whol• program will ,,. b&JJ•rs oonurui• thelr qu..i ror Club. Hign ua ity r1nf1ng-. ar . jam p&c.ked wtth thrills /rom be-the fln1t win ot the aeuon Sun- plna. $2:1.00; 2nd pllice, HJ Genlool gtnnlng to end. d&y afternoon a.a they enterta.ln The girt.a of the horse troop will SL M8.ry'a of Loa Angelea at do huma.n jumpa with hontea and I.Jona F ield In a 2 : 15 p. m. game. rldt'NI and other stunt.8. You have The locale dropped a 7-5 dedalon to aee It to believe It. after piling up a 5-1 lead In the Grappler Gari.,._ldl to Gn1nt H.,., Sat. and Lowell O'Qera, tail. $12.50; 3rd ptace. Ttu• Tanen1 and Bruce Vlriton, 1218, JT,50: •u. place, Bob Barrie and Ted Ballnalt~ 1233, JI!. The motor boys will give you tlrat Inning over the L A. All 45 mJnut.ee of stunte that seem Stars la.at Sunday. / Leo Garibaldi. the aenaatlonal PaJd out on bonUI ecorea $45.00 with a toW of '9f,OO In all. We young wreatllng 1t&r, wtll appear are not jumplni the gun bu( te.- lmpouible. Rudy Casillu pitched-the dla- ln person at Vlncebt'• Lido Drug ti ST"-RCll FROM A BO'ITLE n•Yt Saturday, July 21 at • p. m. erva ona are now belbg talc:en tor , ~ ,. Wlnter '-----Bowl•-~ y A convenience to cru-eer ..,.jrll Leo h&IJ become the ldol ot thoua.-~ue .. ,,... OU can 6' -•-k ··"th BW K-~ t th and othera, who do w&.lrh buln and.a of Wl'estling rona. T-1-"'-lon <.a•~ -· or -· • e ~·~ d.U u to v..., t •-l&Undry: ls botUed . •Urch. Uaod hu done mucb to lncreaae the ' ~· r f>l'e erence ._,y popularity of WTU. 111 .. -.._,,_..nalJ-and time you wt.h lo bowl. lf you tul1 atren~ It givea & atift ........ r---hi•• no ·------·---'en etarch., amt diluted a lighter Uea and It 1-only nat··-1 ... _t .... ,_ ..._...., ':"""-'""~"-.. -up .. .... .... U&a wua anyway. . et.&rcb. lt elimlnat~ tedioua and 21·year-old. six foot one, 100 lb. 0 .1-meaay atarch-makJng. Other &d-handaome athlete would becomf' pen meet""g for all ladie8 of the be9.rt-tbrob of the female fana. Orange County to be beld tn Au-YIJ'1tagel a.re amooUt Ironing and ~"t --e time, to ..,._ .. , .... • -flhJah. pleaaa.nt acent. longer .utr-He can be seen almoet any Mon-•-.,... .. • "" •-..--day nifh~ over KTTV or Friday dlee' FaJI i.l-·to be attended neas. P"'wnllon o< mildew. nlght over GLAC·TV, ......ulng In bf your W. I.'-: C. ttp,_.utt... Th the main even.L American Vita-and oftlcel'll. Wateb. th1I colwn.n . e story of atomfc e-nef'IY ~ f(J Um --• •·•-be told tn on """1blt ot t.bethr.;;cilCaJl-min A890Cfatea,. who --theae r e anu ua-. ·r--· ~ • J t' • ,,__ f ... _ torn.la Slate Fair, Aus. 30 prognuna. ban echedUled Leo for nere • UI a ,.,.. I.UK'• o ..... a .. r1.. ot penona1 appearan... latoot news 1 !Ian In leafUO pJ&.y. BepL 9. ta.nce but had apotty support agaJnat the power laden All Star nine. He will be .on the mound this Sunday With Bob Burdlek catching, Bud Long at flnt bue: Daren Houl!ll! at aecond; Jule Marahall at third: Kenny Moala at ahortaiop; Glenn Lucken.bill, Ken Uyewgia. aad J'ohn Pet.era: in the ouUleld. Santa Ana Golf Date$ Are Set In local public ochooia; hoopltala In the Wed!l..say Mixed Fouro ---. ----. -----, and public evento. . • Leogue, Huntel''o Gu ROOIOO ls LJ\ WN BQWtlNG · ~ta Ana'• l'ltth Annual. City wreoutnr lo an art to Leo M<I llolatng their tlrot place with 21 1 Golt Champlon.ol!Jp. ww bo l!tld be baa developed o k-• -1-wjno, end the Fout B'.o,bav. come A method ot pultJDs JilL...ID!o September lot th'°""' .3rd wltl! ~ of tht ,..,,. rrom hla tamouo up to ..-'cl tHUt 1• wtno. -t11o 1oca1117 without man1111 11a quallfYlnl' ro<!ndll Auguot ta fatber, GlnO. Gino. with '° ,..,. CQlpbtlJ lo otUJ l!!p ID llJdi-ndu.J btjauty, . , , throufh 30; the opotLOOrtq .l)mlOO' of prot-.i wroot!tnr tn beck same wtth Na ...-tell. llal'o 10..-a owne<1 and rnalntol!led Chamber ot Commerce ..-led ot him, 11, 00e of .U.. .U-t.Jm! lllllt lo -l>y ltDt -lo at "J3li 1>y Ill& Clt7 0( N,wport -today, - ll"'"lo In U.e mat-. .AltJJoup otnlcll. . for tho b•eflt of'tiie public, &"4 Both ·quallfylna' --•om -a title llolder JJIJMtlt, ho ... In Ille !MIO llc:rsldi nlo X-.,... ~ -U. ~ 0( wiD bo plolyed at -Wlllowtcll WJc1ec1 *ttl! UW -cl-~ Ille .. _8¥ -R ptr la.ftrwt tho Nftpcol'HUtlar 1.&Wll -· pulllJc a.iif -on W.ot ~ MJCh u Jim 1"""'°' ~ wUk 24 -~· -of "'°'11 IDs .A..aat ..... • a -~~ ~ lrL• Santa Ana and "IV Lewie and ~ -*. & OIJid B. A. Nor111& 111 ll! t.d' ple<lO ~ , , : .. J "'""-'Ol the ---~ l!.od l>oped to keop IAo ~ -JI -· ,llQ8 "'· ploy: '\"._..,., Fri' ala Pullllc .Lbt11e Golt A-- 'lf'rootlll!c:, boJl IAo ...... ID'--~ ~ .. .,, ~. lf111~r -.. lo ellctlllo. Uie ---cl!M!!m -r--. ... tWr U. _,.,..., _ UJe •• 11>'1° ... liD -tlJo pallllc lo clala -Jed. f~t -.... at aa 0!11tr -c• li9e 0. _. 11 ,..__ •110, llJ'rl"9d, ~111q 1-,..... W"alb' Taft of Ocota ud _....,.tarted ...... wt.. 1111•• wetll ~ •'tehrCI at u..,..-.._ ~Kt.a .. •--aowwt •t t+- "!!Qi Gt.o at U. ... ., W. "In l4 ._., ., ....,. Ills _,. ar ..U .......,. at -• ..._., tlJo W "' , ~st.._ Illa.. -., 111e• '1sa1 -A....., t1dr a - c .,.._ ..... ....,. • ' • preuinted ru !ho covrfes\r of l!:::!: SOIUhlay July 21 at4 ...... AMERICAN ~VITA·Mltf !ISOCIATES and their 3.great vitomin produds ' . I-muill-. 11111 aD• * -•PW ...... • .. illT-w • ••• Tlf.W • .._I tsua .,_~la iao ._ ..... pap h• _. 1 'pr .._. U.. •• st If U.. ......_.~ , ______ _ ._ __________ liD Mt U. .-rta -. lo DI& -~-Ir 1'1 •ls • " l a • • , • • .. .- .• . - • - p • - Pim --Pluo OOOcl ~n.1 · Clqthe• . OUt.ltudlDS • ~your . Nelpbor • MUFTI. i:11>. ·~u5T.DM TAU.Ols Jim N~rt Bh·il. I• _• 1. , ~*"'Kl J..!111 .s Bk>cb North ;,; -"" Aa&;C-IQ-Cbdi . STOCKS • BONOS. • • . C01'\M9DITIES UNDBwamHGS .. • DEANWl'l"T,£R.-lc1Co. MfMlllS NfW Yoa: Sloat DCKAHGe • Chlc090 lootd of Trod• • • • Soft ~11<lwo St«lc f:itchel'l99 Los A.nget.1 StM .. &chruge , LEASED r•tvATf ~11£5 Haak of l.apaa -l!Wc·• I.as-& _,.b PIL 4-l!M .SOft fraftciKa • --. TWO · W..'f.llCS tEFT • .. ·": ... ., Save ·h!o.~y •· · ..... , ·. · · t.W~r.JOD · spec;iCll ' .. • • .... ...._ .• ~ • • J ; f=OR , ' CHEVR .brET· , VALVE GRIND . . . . s111s LABOR Culbertson -Chevrolet co·. INC !481 C'OA~T HIG H\\.:\\. ' • Life Science Teacher at OCC At the icgu.lar' muting o( the Boar d or Tro1t~a_ at 01tn.1"<" Cell.at ru1e1e. A.. u.8ter A11~ .. WU appoint...d to t~ position of Jn. ' stnictor of life science !or tbe Pro1e-ct Yoar . 0·1stn'ct Governor v·1s1·ts Rotary ~:J;g~::r~m~r~y~,:~ ::: {;~~: \l't"ralty oC California al Lot An- The Rotuy Club of N~wPort·Ba1boa wtU be ttoat on lttly 2tttt I ge~a and wUI be aw•nlrd • P1l.D to W. FWid LawlN. Govf'T1\0t" of the 182 Otatrtct of Rota.ry Inter· degret' ln &00loCJ' lhla .Augwit. • Ht' wlU te.ach r.oo1047, bactert-n&tlbnaJ, who ll ma.ktng his o!tk;la.l viaJt to each Of the •iXty~n~ olo«)' and bOtany. Du~ the war / . Legal Standing Law on PlibUcation of Certificale-.of.BQSiness ('1cliliom.nna·Name) OALIP'OIQ!iA OIVD. OGml · ff-Every pereoo .trannctlns INltn,-In wa •late under & fictlUou• name and eftlY ~p tzansactlns buall)eo• · tn UUa Kate under a tictiUou.11 name, w & cliMsUUon no~ · ~ the nameo ot tile ~ -u~ In .ucJi -.... must tile with Ille clerk ot the county In -ch ha or tt.s prtnctpaJ place of '6Ullneu '8 situated, a ceruncate. ltating the name in full and pla.ce of residence ot 1ueh penon and •tating the name3 in tun of all the membera of such part- neNhfp a.nd their place.. ol raidence.. Suell certlftcate mni be palltisbed. ooce a "·eek for .tool' ~" '\Web, la a ~ -.. -ta •be-*'"· If -... --u ...... ... ..-e .. MtCtli eea11ty. ..... .. • -· .......... -......., .... . """"*>°· An &ffldavtt .•h~~ t!>e publlc:aUOA of such corUfl· cato aball be filed with .tlle Clqlµlt.y Clerk Within thirty day• after the completion· of ,.ludl pUit.catton. CStaU. 1913, p. 23&.) I• The cerUtlcate filed wtth the -clerk u provided in 1octton twenty-four hundred and aixty-slx must be. 1lped by Ule pe!"IOl1. therein referred' to. or by the partnen, u the cue ~ be, and acknowledged before aome officer, auth9riud to. take the acknowledl'ement of oonveyance of raJ. property. Where a buslnea Is hffeatter commenced by a penon under a nctitioua name ar a partnenhlp ta berea!ter formed, the owtlltcate m~t be nled and the publication dest.sn&ted ln th.at aecuon must be made wthtn one month after tM commence-- ment of such buslnf9, or a.tter the formation of the ~er. m.p, or within oo..e month tram the time deelpated ~la the t.p"ffJJ;)ent of lta rnem.ben for U,e commencement of tM part. aenhip. Where lb btialnea ha.I been heretofore conducted .-. a ncupouo namr or ~ the parlnenblp bu oeen -ore tormod, Ille certmc&te -mut be mod and the pul>-11-made wltllln als montlie iattor ~ .l'"-0 ., thlo art. Ne penoG dolas ,,.,.._.. ......, a fleatto.. -. ., Illa ..... slpee w ~-... M7 ,...,1\, .... , i, IM M put.. ..,. -trary to tlle ...,_ .r W. artlde. or IWr -.- ., z<ic em, •ball-millltata ..,. td1oa •poa or • MIMtlltt er ._., e.trsci or ooatraeta a.le. • tM z rtf 1a1 ..._ mde.t ----... -~-ta-­.,~ ... ~ antO lbe~le-.._ __ IM pU- ---beea -M ....... u1•<4. (Stata. lfU. p. '41.) IMll Oil every chu.p ta u.. ·-: t 1n at a pUtaen.blp tnn•dfn&' bualnw 1n thie Jtalll mdttr. a ~ aame. CM a~ wbldl -......... UM......,.. el tM ;....,.,. latenated u partnen ln tta ,, '•-· -e ; ; i. D9' eutlftcat.e ~. ... rued wtth ta. cw .., elWtr,, ud a .... paa.11 e:atlan -.. nquJnd ~ti* -.. Ille -., -pUtnenhlp. (!!tu. im p. '56-> Hav& Your cemfiem Published . ·• in 'the Newport..S.llaoe "• llD••111•tm11D• A I 7 7 '' Alft* .. QJi11M 4W -··· • • ooaw .,.. • Rotary Clubs in b.is Dlatrkt. AJlcn .served as a meteorolocf11t .~ wUJ conrer with PrHid1P.nt Roland Wii&ht. Stt~tary John for tbe U.S . Air Force, aod sub- Boyd and other k>caJ ott\ctta on ~uently '"U an instructor ln tile ~~Lniltratton and .erv1cr> llHUHS StudenfS ~~.s-~rm~~0:c.,,~p1~;:!'u~;· : Mr. Lawll• retired from bull· r• . . At<>mlc En.ri:y Commi.>ii>n u a aeu ill 1"1:> and now llw• In Co-• rt>Jte&rch fellov.•. Ylna. Ca.Mfontl&. and i• • nlf!mbe'r w· A ard Allen IA married and ha:: three bl th• Rotary Club or that ~l ly. In . W · S children. He ,~,.in n.•place FtanJ( He ta ON' of 293 Rotary Dislr1ct Shaw who ha.a Left Oran.(~ CoaHt Gcwernora supttVi.ain&' the acUvl-1 ColJegt> lo accept an admlniatr.1.-Four Nrwport Harbor Union ,. I I • h ~-A. tiee of 80ft\e 7 ,300 Rotary aubfl 1ve poet on in t t" .-nUL na which have a m embttahtp ot MO.· high sc~ool •t"!denu. Don Ct.mp-K h<>t.1 t5j111teru. bell, Dj<k Jon... Dtek Sharman 000 bwMnesa u.d pro(eaionaJ ex-and IU-n NUea, today were a&ra-------- «uUvea in 8S counf.J"Ws and coo-ed wirlhen In Fort! MOtor Ooh). Mesa School Board gn.phi~ r;gtona lhroughoUt th" pany"I 1~1-i-e(lonal 1nd¥Wltrtal world. F Arta a-com~t>Uon. Elects Officers • • · •lln'&h~ S.locteiF .,. ..-n-.. judi!AC Whett"ftr Rotary Clube arl' k>-1 tram or prominf'nt wnlt'm e<lu- cateel. Ul elr act1vlt.ies •tt slmUar caton, btulnecc and prot~onal to tao. of the Rotary Club of men, the ~r pro}eocta: were Newport -Balboa M caue the)' choaen fl"Oll1 hu.ntlred8 Mibmitted .,.. bMed on lbe tame l'tnera1 ob-by &hop et\ldeata h'Om t.be eleven J~Uvt>a -developlng bf'tter un. wMtttn st.ate. ai.4 Hawatl. Tbe dentandJ.rl&' &J\d felloW11hip among wtnnlns l'ftlr1e9 are now-oa exhibit buaineaa •and profeeaional men : at the Ca1Jforn .. State Jtxpo81t10n promoUJ\I' community bettermmt Bulldil\c, Expoeltaon PaM, Los \11\derhktftp: raising tbe •land· Angel8 . . arm ot MLl1neu Mid profealona: f Cuh award.I ef $10 a certtfl· and fmilerinl' the adva.a~nt ot c.ate of achlevt:menl 'and auto- food wtll, undent.anCtng and matte: ~try tn the natJonal fll\a.11' JH"&Ce amool' all the J>E'Oplt!'s of ot lht Awards at tbe Mulf'Um of ~~b ' ;_,_ Id Id Science and lnctmtry went to r-. year, lD..111 wor -w t ser-toac.h win~. vice ~loft , continue.a to grow la numbft• and alttngth. DuriR.g the 1ut tl9cal y•ar. for ' . f'xa.Mple, ~7 DeW" Rotary ctube were ~ p count.rte. of North. -tll ~ C..nlrol Am•ri· ca. Europe, A.ola, A!l'ler. lllld lb< lalando ot uie Padllc. ~ reeopttlop r ... their project.I alecli quallty Ulettre entr1ea to compete for additiona1 cub ~ and & tJu.oe-<11.y. all-· penoe paid .wt"to D<vbom wtlb their .....,,..._ lllnlrieo will ... ol>Jpped to Cblcap ... I.lie ""'l.clu- aton ot the Lm Anf"l<a oililtill. lt to -uncommon for tu mo-s~. luly n. toe: HI' Owatr te m.ake Ute erioor Now_ in tta Memtd year of lPord ot taklns & ~ .....iins of ~P. t.lle dtJGa.wtde .,_. Ule bat'4ry jaa al'IA!r U.. electro-peUllon for 70W>1r cnttamen IA lyttc --.llN lleon ttplonlohe<I open IQ -Uo a~ U..U.Uial with watrt. polate but the NaUc*i~ ~ -"" W1C&ttou.I' c'••ta Ill any al Au ............ club. Al l\ICh Uine ochool Jn the Ualtecl ~ Jen. tho add -W.ter Ila~ not m1-I tn .. --nplar 'Pl">Jt<U ...-tn and the pavtty ... c11n, to -• oc•OOI ...,. ,....... u.e _.. .. ...,.. to be -·--Do propor U..e of ~ - "' take note ot the •borf• i. 11- ..,. u.,, car 11aa -..... tor ---,. --.... oral --and Ute -.io.. ..... ~ 6J • --0 -~ --, --.. ~ ftlLI. JUIDlfQ e.os .............. u.a .. - ----• W&ai o6~1· mo&w wtJ:Jel ..... Ute nr.t. --• el 19111 .. w;- llt' "---. 91* • -... -llllt -••• 7 "' 1-. ='8or..":.a.'m= = 12!: ............ ... •Iii· . -""' --171. • • • • • - C"ttoam to mt-rYe u preeident of the C o 11 t • Mcea ek'~tuy 9C'hoois board O( th.I.st.en WU Al- bert Ol°d"'n, 131 W . Wthon SL, It v.•u announcN; roUowtns-thr boa rd' s a n n u a I tt0t 1 ant.zatJon mffting. Edwin Edick WU named clerk or the board. Other-mmi- tM-rs are hut Nonnan, Homer Mellott and Chl!lholm Brmm. · SMOKERS! . . . Puf out your dg-&n!:tteJI ••h@n In the wood.a. KEEP OUR STATE GREEN. Get an . ._ women, Christmas · Wotfc '' ~ . ... f -·~ ,. ; Now on ~ge,jda · at ·Casa CoJina. •.· -. . A.re you au.fler.1111' trolh the heat ? PuMpe Y'9" J¥IMIJd Ulce to vol~nlrer yowr Wnice• at Cua. Colina wherp Chrdlmu Lt alttady in the a.Jr. E vf'rY year at thls time the of· flct personn<>I at Ole home ror crtppled child~ be&iM Ule teak ot gettinc oUt the . Chrlstmu campaign, aorordlllg to ~cee Eleanor Smith, e~t\_~ .. ~~ prulct.11t. 'J'be"-su.pply room LI al- ready l\tacked llltgh \\"Ith coler:f\ii Chrtot.,... ~-"?' and -. of en..etopca. Velu•tffra ft• Mn type are given enwlope11 to ad· drea, eithet-at home or at Cua Colina. "It may eound .. If we arr ruh- l111r. the .euon." AW Mn. 8ndttt- "But we ha\~ found that ·audl fetttthought a&Yea Uli mone-y _u we do not have to t\,lre eJC.t? JWp at the last moment to cet out the campaign.. The Chrt.tmu Id.ten are also muJtlgraphed In th~ au:n-- mer by otir own ~I. which gives m. an opportunity to algn many U.OU9a.nda ot them )k'nofl&J- ly." n ts Year the me ot the cam- paign ·1. being lncreaaed frmn fifty lo aixly Uaou.aand 5etter8, she said. • VISITS C. !IL fli:LA Tn'ii:s Doa.ald C, S.c ktts, seaman,· waa a gucsl or bis; 1Ulcle and ai.&i1t Mr. Md 1'f ri. Co.Illa Ba.ckN o( . Sllort St.. Cosra Kua on Sunday. Don· ald iJi on th~ t1. s . ·s . Wa'rMck AKA 89. ' • I I ) ~ ·• •• , . I'll-JU 1-H1S . . • , • , • , • " • # • ... • .. • • ' • . ' • ... 41. _J._-~-- • ' ' , ·-· 1'fRS. HESRY PORCEL.LA -DH Jacquelyn Sllr.lf' or Corona dt'l !\tar . J~quely.n .5ilzle .~. lf.eor~_.P..orcel)p Repeat Vows in Mt. Carmel Church \\'ell along the way on their.------------- honeymqon trip to Vancouver, British Columbia and Ala.ska a.re Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Porcella. whose marriage al two o'clock on Sunday, July 1~. wu fit-st to be held In lhc new Catholic church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel after. illJ dedication by Archbi.ehop J . Francis Mcintyre. 1'1lt' brid(' is th<· former Jac- qur-lyn Sih~ll', daughter of Mr. and Mr::i. Earl A. Silzlc, 210 Hazel Dr .. Corona d\'l J\.lar and hl'.'r husband is .son of J\.t rs. Charle8 Porcella or Gilroy. The Rev. Strphen Kiley officiated at the single-ring cere- mony. Triple Link Club Entertained at Laguna Home The Triple Link dub of the Mesa Rebekah lodge was enter- tained Thursday evt:rring-, July 12. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Switzer at Laguna· Beach. After a short bwilness meeting the eve- ning was spent in playing g&mes. The ladies rttelvlng prizes for Identifying their husbands by fcc>l- ing their nOM"s wl"re Daisy Ginger. Gertrude ' Willcut and Nina Lol- maugb. Gerald Davh1, a well known magician of this a.re.a. mys- tified the group with his trtcka at. magic. Cla\18 Backea entertained with Newport Student is T rojari Amazon Among lhf.' outstanding coecl8 at the Unlvf"n1ity or Southern CaJI· ronia during the coming year will be Barbara JPa..n BarnhouS(' of 122 26th Street, Newport Bell.Ch. With the opt>ning of lhe fall 8f'meater in September Mi.Yi Barn- house will be a new me.mber 0 or Trojan Ama.zon.s, junior and aen- ior women's honarary aervice o- ganl.zatlon on lhe campua. Mi&!! Banhouse Us ·a gaduate-of Newport Harbor Union fftgl) school and Is a Junior tn tht -SC deparlmC'nl or English .. She lB also a member of Gamma PhJ Bet" 80Cial 80tortty and the Greatl'r· University Committee, a group of student leader•. , She is the daughter ot Mr. and l\fra. C. C. 'Barnhouse. Indiana of California will again exhibit bfoad work and other ln- d1&n eta.ft• at the Calltoml& State K'alr, 'Aug. 30 Uttough Sept. 9. Whitt• Spanish lace adorned l''ilh brtlhant.8 ra11hioned the bri- dal robe and in11tead of the tra- ditional veil. Jacquelyn wore a mantilla of lace falling u a. cape about her shoulders and continu- ing lnlo a train. Her bouquet was of \•.rhite Orchid"- DrfdaJ t"..ntoural'e Barbara t Mrs. Bill) Sllzle of Coruna de! Mar, sistet-in-law of the bride, wa!!I matron ot honor. Her gown of pink marquiAette n1atchecl lhc parasol which ahC" ~rrlcd and whJ<::h wu adorned with pri.stel flowers. Bridesmaids were tn ~recn marqul.sette &nd their flowered pa.ra.sola were of pink. All were former achoolmates of the bride and 'they Included: a showing of a la~ model Parl.i!tan gown and acceMOrl~ which were - later auctioned off, the proceeds going to the club. Mlsst's Marymac Mll.lcom or Hol- lywood; Ann Larkin of Whittier: and Lynn Meredith of Glendale. Litlle Mary Al~n SUzJe, bephew of thr bride, wq ring bearer. · G<'Orge Porcelia gave beet man &Ml.Stance to hi.a brother e.nd ._.. aumini;: be.st ma.n duuea·wetf!· Rob- ert Thorna.s of Pa.aade.na: Robert A VU. of San F'l'ancl8Co; and Robert \.\'urgaft of Anahelm. \Vhite nov..·ers were on the al- t'ar and tall bukel3 held nowen in white and pute.t 1hadCs. Rettptton at Club Flowers abo adorned the Elk's club-rooma al Balboa where the reception for 300 guest.a was held. Assisting the young couple in ·re-- In the quJck change conteat, couples winning prizes were Frank Ginger and Mary Taylor who won tint , and Mrs. Emma Stevens a.nd Andrew Lohmaugb winning second. H ostea&ea fn charge of eervtng home made cake and Ice cream were Mrs. Florence Spellman. AJ\n~ Watkl.na, Gwm Smale, Gert· rude Walkins. Pauline Ratna. Mary Lou Cox and Darlene Thompaon. Olhen enjoying the ewnlnl' werfi Florence Conner, A Im a Black, Bertha Wataon, ' Marie Doughty, Flora Hani.s, Effie Sla- ten. Colleen Slaten, Helen Caw· thon, Tint.a Small, Pearl Back.ea. Ella We•tpjial, Vivian Cawthron. Susie Ward. !:dw&nl Willcutt and R~ Sm.a.le. Mr. and Mra.. A.rt..bur Town.eend of Alhambra were Saturday gues:ls of Mn. Iva Roe of Coal& Mesa. Kr. Towttaend ta the heed of the music dep&rtmmt of the Alhambra publJc 9Cboola. ~~:Zga =:i1n~:.V:!:~ ,:: Catalina Vacation Of pink •Ulf ror her dauglttA>r'• for Harbo. rites \l'eddlng, accent.inc tt wtth pink and black aceuortes and orcllld • coruge. Mn. ~ al80 1nJft Rol<linK ~~ ordlld.I wltll -~"" 1>1ue ·eo.1a11na p.-Rancb are two-piece""""" Dwlnir foUow..! Mn. Rlc:llanl J . -ewpurt the =elYing of folJcitaUOno and Beocb, UC! -....,,_ Pratt of eervlng o< the w~ l"'lft'eltl. Balbo& I.elan4. Tbe .Jcme11a and mento. Mbo Pratt will -a et tltc. Tile brldo. -falllor la a rudl·l>J·Ute •• tor·lllelr -- pl'Ol1>lMnl. ~ man, .... -~fn>mA-•la..-and WllU&orlaitlq'.tbe ~ rw11 ~~ .aUeqdblc 0nnp <loMt Ulez.. W18 Mt'<IP"ll<I bl U1e rldlns .¥.._-Her b-m . ...-ct "'"'"-.._,, t11o -"' Su J-8'ate collep. It a ~ ca•olllta, talre O.. lforot -lato ID Ole,~· 8. A.rm7 __.... Qoo ~ '°" --f1111. Jl>S. ... .-... wttll tllo -· A'r JUIDUNDll ,-for a wild -.....,..,.. ~Wall.or Bini o( Cool& X.. .., tllo-. .-t ......... "'.da;1w ~ ·-~ -aa. Wiii -:i.e._. ""1UI ltieDila u<l ¥Jail-ID Red-lr1Po lo our.,. A'lliloa -Ille ..... • ... ..,... •• ~ ,.. , ........... , 72 Cinnamon SUGAR LOAF lhtl-n. O!'.I ' 2 .... , ... Cl 111l•u CAICI ...... .., • 79'-.... • • L'Os , <;ompen..-01 Honor Guest at Sb-ting Party · • i Louis Hayward Ne~ D•u9hteri 1 Host to Reiatives · to air ()ffic8f'S • l!lntata.lnlq 111o -... and at Open Ceremony J --PARt ,, THURSDAY, JULY It, ltSl · • ' mttt-ln-Jaw fl'W1 l!lnsl-NI at lb.a .• Coo Coo>pc"'-R141ar Club s.Jboa Doh -....., Loula Jn>ltatle\>a ha .. -_, out -.. -t joint -ljnc' -lfqwNd -lune Blallcbard, for· IMtallatlon of runr' ottlceno ot li<atla&' l'Ui¥ Ill -of 11-1MI'· h~ • table for Mr. llDll Mrs. O>nclUI& Parlor No 2H Natln old a-p -· 1141 Irvllle lolln Ho.Jwud, T .. c ' ' ' A-. ~ mo111bor of Ille ' Do.itghten-o( Ille Golden Weot. al Junior equootrl&n Jl'CIUP, now old Lo\Y Cft'l' 0'31:11'f8 , 8 p'ln. -on .Tllurodll.Y, July :is· Jn enqup to l>o •UClbl• lo Join b\o. l'Tol>I San S'ru<,ilcO came Mnl. ~day Afternoon clul> l!oUM-Mn. lft.r&e ~ and Saddle Clultr. J:. J . Amsbrutter, Mn. lr1a Shan~ OUve Hadley pruldt:nt and otber Miii Bonn~~1~S. :T ~~in$ . and .. · Shows .Joy ,M~~hester Terriers . Mloa Bonnie lludo,-"!'!1"'11er,of Mr. &rid Mn. Loula Salido, IV, 0eorp wu -tad 1 Sift and • · ' rofJ'OOltl'IMllta of Ice creon> and and omall eon Bill¥ for a .i.lt In officers of 1!anta Ana parlor will cak• ~ en.Joyed at tbe~ Ille bcime of Mr. IDd Mro.·~ coaduct th• public cerem<lll)', • ~ Q~ ~ ""!1-ed two 1of her toy Mancbeoter le"'!"f" Sun<lay ot Ille O,...ge l!l6t- ;>lre Doc CIUb In ODtUto Where uky won blue .;xt rec} ribbons.· 1 \ of n.--ow l'llJrrmattA OD V. FOl<, l7T Ill. lTt.h st., Collta Tile iiew. board lncJUdeo MJn-.,_..,." M'aa. -Mn. Ahn.bruter ll a ....,. · _. A ..... Robbi Irwlll wu a new ter of-Mr. !'ox. Ruel Pollard of Newport Bvcb, mom-added to lb.a rootu. ~dent; Helin Klrko..tch, llnt AJ>l">M bet-n Ille .... ot I , vlce-pre.iaent. Coot& 11:-; PeaTI and 18 h&vlnJ' a ho?'lll la tnv1t.ed Ar NAVAL H08P'l'J'AL Wheeler, eecond vtce-prMklent. to attlllate with Loo COmpone""' BlUy Beath, oon ot Mn. B. D. Collta M ... ; Audrey Cottle. thin! Reath and ...,.S-bf Mr. Uld Ylce-preskknt, Newport Beecll; Mra. C. M. Bultcll of Coot& )(ea., Velma. Patt.non. m&Nbal. D>ota baa been taken to Utie 8&.n Diego Mes.a : Katherine Bupron., tnalae Navai bospltal. H e w11l remain sentinel, Newport Beach; Be.tty there about two week.a for trea.t-Patch. · outatae .en.tine!, Newj,ort ment. ~acb: Norma Mele~, .recoc""'itns Bay C ity Guests , Honored at Dinner OUE81'8 AT 111E8A HOME . Bonnie, wbo bl 14 r~ . Did, trallled and lw>dJM tho .:lop he.nelf. She will enter the pair. Bonnle'a Hoppl:~ uld Theodore ill CTedcl¥) l In . the Santa Barbara ahow >n . July 29. Teddy WU 1°e"' Mr. and Mn.. George V. Fox of 177 E . 17th St., Cfll:ta Meaa. e n- tertained with a dinner Sa.turd.a.y. Coven Wf're marked toi-Mra. E . .J. A.rmbrustPr, Mn. l rU Sh.ant' and eon Billy of SUI Francleco. General and Mra. Eugene Beebe of Lon& Be:ach and thf!: boats. The Bay City trto a.re hOUAe gueeta of the Foxes. Extend.Ing re-cent hawte gutat hoeplt.a.Jlty. Mr•. Catherine wu. Iiams or Coat.a M.e.sa St. enter- tained M ra. Kate Wright and ~rk: Davies of New York C1ty. and Mr. and Mn. Sam WWtanus ot Walnut Pa~k. secretary, Newport Beacn; Lllllan . B&tley, ttnanc!al oecretary, Coot& Mesa; Edna Nolla.r, Orga.nl8t.. Newport Beach~ Lillian Gant of Newport Beach, Nellie Ogden of Costa Mesa and Alma Thom.peon of Newport Beach, trueteea; Dor- othy H f>rma, put prealdeiit, Bal- boa: Beatrice l.A.ce, junior put president, Newport Beach. I • MISS BONNIE SANDS •bows her toJ' ::cutty judged best toy doc in the rhoenix shoW. Bon- :ile o.nd her p&renla ~ PJC':Sts of Mn. Louis Sands. 3r .. 200 South Bay Front. Balboa l:iland for the swn- ~.,,,...,,,,,... a ,,,~f!13~~~~!~ .. ~· ' :::------~:::.-- SKYLARK RAISIN BREAD Chock ·full of full ft0¥0fed juicy '1ai•im, Freshly baked, slfced. For morning 1ocnt. ·=· 23• CHALLENGE aunER FW-st quality, Grode A. quortered and cartoned. Delicious on bteod or toOlt. llt. 74• SPRING HOUSE aunER Flnt q..,llfy, G<odo A. Q\lon"'M ond cortoMd. :sp.c;ony pricM"' Safowoy. . ._73• Mancbe9ltt terrlor. ~, .... wbo \von a trophy b bat to)'' ttns" ln a rflcent Pb .... lx Doll' Show. ll('f. · Freshly baked, fine, textured. tender crusted bre~ci that io truly delicious. For hearty sandwiches, tasty morning toast, or "to go with the meal" you'll find Mrs. Wright's bread ideal And yet the price is sur- prisingly low! Ge~ a loaf today! · . • WBftE or wHtlT ~0::1 l&c !SANDWICH LOAF, LARGE SIZE, 20c) Excellent Flavor tBACm WHEAT BUfif.B 11· EGG Make• Delidou• Toast ' ' ·1003 WHOLE ..... a-1:1r . large 20«' loaf 1111all 17° loaf - small 17° loaf 200 CHUCK ROAST ,,,, Hltll,. '" ,,., HaHbut Steaks . R~ •• 0- SilllOft Sinks ~..,::· .. 73• IUtll Ntlll In htoot Moated pqc\oOH Swill Premium ;.:· 63• .Ra* BlaG Hawk ~!· 33• CaUl!y Pmilan . !t:r 57• SpedalPack :.:· ,,. . RIZUl##I Wick -••• priotd low. Or11111Juice Bel-airPNs 11rawllerries Orinae Juice. hi· ·-· 17• Oir· c.• · .. ..... ,_, 21· Mold ... . • &~ ·:.:-17• Bel-air 12..... J,. Siad ..... lentolllle ~~.ed ':· 10- WILCH'S JELLIE.S & PRES ERV.ES · E1cdlen1 on Mn. wright'• bl'ead. APPlf JRlY 10:· 17• _,,.,_ 10 .... 18• Of••····· ;. .., ••••• , • 10 ..... 23•' _,,., ... . PWM Presenes '°;. ... , 11• .. ... ,,,,_a...,,.~ 10 ..... 2'• O' ryt1•1•P .... r.1w+•t-~ • .......... '"" .... •o .... ,za• . Ml uw 'lltU ~.ndwidl Sprud ~ ~· 3,. I Hotf .ptnf' jar. 23c:; quart jor, 66e I Grape JUK' e W•kh's 24-os. 370 <12-oi: .• 20cl Mttk ' Piet11i1I Coffee ·~~1 ~~· 73• Airway Coffee ~:t! ~~· 77• I Gril;ict to suit: l3-lb. bog, 2.25 1 Nob Hill Coffee ~~ '.:!-19- 1 1 lntclonomrbog. fZ·lb.bo9. 1.571 lileef Mil FO< e;,cum ., 40-u. 3,. 'I Coffee Cokes .... Ne Corn Meal · 4:•:~ 2s• I IM<>n,mv Lou. 5·1\>· bog. 43c; 10-lb. 83c\ _ ........ _______ ,..... ·.Corn Meal ~1.ou ~· 22• .,,,, c't ,,.....,... ' .... ._ ... -· G<odo •• ~ow MARGAR• , • Sun'IJ'bank. Foil· wrapried quaJUn. .. 33• ---------------CHOUI' Mii.i Evoporal«I. 2 · 111 25• s-11.4c~2Se. ·----------------- I I I I I I • wwWAY ~ • .,.. •. ,. M••·*•·ft&s 4 t•• , CANTA.LOUPES . ' • s ~- -~·•••IL fbtdpr;td. 'frcdlm•,.... ftww.. .. · ~ iio.oqpkg .• 12<; 5-1>. bog, 37cl Tea Timer Cradlers '""· 2,. . . .... 1 PonyT-.1a ..... p1<g., l8d • • i" FIJESH: MILK· 1-. LUClllE ,~c••!~~~ I-....,. "'dch QI .. c. tAaf ~ MiJk. ..... r .... piece .th• '{Gier 1lla1 h .. Mootekfo .... O!'d yo .. .......... ~-­ikll.._ ..... ........ ,. . .,..... =~ • .. L • I J I I I I • • I I # PA -?ART· ( _ THUlSDAY, JULY 19,--1 '51 ;~iQ!~llESS~ . - :Atom .Show at · Art Gallery t.B~ Exposition Opening is ~:'i.:w'..!i::i' .:=" .=:; Ca»iv.A C.·ent )loow trom-Oak Rl(lge.-Tonn., .... I Qt,,._ .LY' ,-i th1a -i. at 1.11e ~ .A.-ow11t<>t nrwt ....,..~ ·-nf the Flnt Annoal t..a' tor i...,_. -wu .-nt Jloach ExposlUoa, Memorial l!,ta· t1pofttnr of Ille ut puery, ~ • • • -• SATmWAY .J...&8T DAY \ 1-Clnla "Tak• ear. of .., Uttte Girt'" ~Dleolor • llum. Lakewood and Canon. '°" ,....,. -for •~modellnr •!Don Robert.on, atomic ene.l"I)' and •xpeaefe Over a Uw••M ~rt. accompanied the canvan ~ ....., --ed by a Lloyd to wptt.rvlse installaUon or tile Bahcoek. art •..,.;.atlon ~ show for the July 20-29 ~-dent, Mill. Babcock and their tlon, which will 111\0WCUP ~ only lbreo -lnr dalllb.... and appearance thls yt>&r of the atomic by cutatar ~ Jacbon. Loft.. t>nergy show on the coast. ly arraJlgelltl'ftt.I of pla:nta and \loa llall Also aboard we~ the five beau~ f'1owaol addtd to te11Uve appM.I"'-•'Wh ... •-.L.Lt-- tlfuJ llnallst.s of the Long Beach ance Qf the eniruol and raJlerles. ell ll.__ Expooltlon beeuty co~test: Bev· The Ponnanent Memorial col· Rode" ~rly Jones, Carol Tay •. or, J<'a.n.De lectlon wu en1aJTed Just be.tore Van Evrry, Barbara BrO\\o'l'l. Joan the ·opening by gttt 01 a C&rl Tena c.ampbf.U. They will vie for the ,._ ... _._lo .. ~. I ~-•11 -'- t ·u ' "M-At I .,.._ . ,, ,... .. """'"¥ r, -r Y ~ o., .... • i e o tsa um c_ r .. aergy Barn." and anothe r colorful Theo.- on July 21 and the wtnner will dore Jal'kman palntl g "Spanlah ~ Bfflclal h08~~ to the l"Xpe<'lM'.I Mal ad 0 r." Accom~ylng thr haJf-n1llllon fair vlsltors. Frank Cup.rien cotiecuon ts '- Prac.tlml-t :!lfl -tittle crramlc Rtatuette of the fo.r-- .,Princlpal part or Rob~rtaon'K ml"r ··c:k'an of LAsuna painters.'' )ol( and the poople he lraln• to given him ahortly belore bls d<at.h lletp demonstrate thC' exhibits will by Erneat Yerbysmith. ~ · to make pN>ple realize the Eliot O'Rua had a. de.llghtf'Ul f>eateUmr. USP of atomic energy. watercolor 1n the exhibit and a.bro The Lo ~ Beach Expoe.JtJon will f'd colored mov'IM ot hla fei.ture l'l~ acre" or displays ~bteh "Watneolor T~lque." ~HJ Include mode.I h~e.a, appli-To Galen. .00... wbo now wean . '1\Cff, western indwrtries, wporta the mantle ot .. dean.'' WEit honor and-travel, automotive, marine of ha•~ tll9t patntln.g 90ld from And' trailPMI. the n ew caDery, a krvf.ly metne, • f'lfightJy entC'tlalnmf'nt 11pecla-"Lacuna Beach." el~s wUI be PN"Aenled before th" One of the most atrikk:lg plr- 12,MO .M'at stadium with twrlvr lUfee hunl' ln lbe ex:hiblt wu 9f~l)le top thrill acts or the circus "Sunday Mornlnl"" by Nqnnan ,..t!tl<I Jnclude>d in the program. Chamberlain ot Corocla. .del Mar. A 11Jt)ng lhc largrRt C"xhibill wtll Burt Proctet had an ol1 ol rlden ~ ihMe of the Alr Force and the on the .beach bluUs, Thelma Pad· U .... S . Navy. dock Hope "AteNd a eh&rmlng · "1e atomic exhibit &lone Will port:NJt and Hele.ti Smith ot Bal-~ov;r 10,000 square ft-et and re-boa lAland had a delichttuJ ~I· Qtdr.e 2!-l people to matntaln it. can st~t scene .. • With the FHtlval Qf Art> opon· S~.~TUF.S. Clotttla. Stm. F.clmund O'Bmn Uuboth S.011 "2 of a Kl11d" Ray Miiland 'Nlgllt Unto Moralnc)' , SAT. LA8T DAY Bbl MauLdla-. "Up FTM" Allfn Ladd ".Appoilllmc11t Witt. -~· SUNDAY • ;nlDlDAY "Ma & Pa Ke,tlle lack.an tt.. Fon11" G..._ Jl'onl AllJN' BaJ1tl'r "Follow tfle S•1t" ~adua Hills Offers :~.:.:::.i we;,"-1~: ·:;i~ w1::0~ I I~• y • ty Thuroday. August 9 When Jolln H. -=----------u.nlqUe . ar1e Moore, concert pls.nlst of Stlllwa· f . E t rt • f r..r, OkL, 19 givla&' a recital for 0 • n e a1nmen S benefit Of the building tund. Many Rhythmic ent"rtainment In ln- t').mte vari('ty both In and out or do«in IA being Ataged In connec- tiOO with .. El Galli to," <The Lit- tle Roo'lter), the Mexican Pia.y- en' merry comC"dy o( a litUe Y~aleca.n boy and hls pet, at tbe Padua. Hill'll Theatre. A complete new program tea· luring a ma,riachl orchestra and regional aonga and dances or var- k>ua aectlons of Mexico to ma.rla.chJ mwric rorma the .lpQCl&J Thur8da.y evening foyer rntertaJnment e<m- tJnulng-with the new play. New aong and dance rcatures also arc intnxluc("(\ at the nooll and evening foyer programs other dayA or I.he wePk, ·f'xcept Mondays, ..i.·ben the dining room Is closed. : A brand hew repertoire of aonp and rlancrA on the "qulosco," or dpen air pavilion. Opt'ns lhe J&. rha.ica carr.tval in the patio, fol- lowing the final curtain of a_)l matinee and night performartCH •Vi the Indoor stage. • , At the concluston of. the caml~ wll's oJ>('ning program tbcatrt>- (oe~ have t,he opportunity to learn novel Mexican g&rnf's a.nd to sarliple the tYPe or refreshn1e11bl f»<ored below the Border. With the atf;r-lheatre Jamaica carnival, ''El Galllto" will be staged \.\'ednesday through Sat- 4.rdlY evenings, and WednE'8day Qlkl .. Saturday afternoons, throurh .\li~t 18. f t 7 l'*'°•fl.~ <f"• l ~ • J CTOR -McCAGLEN \\.ORLD CHAHPl'OS MOTORCYCLE CORPS and UGBT HORSES Friday Nltr, lul.V !ft, 8 p. "'· Admltt."lon $t.OO lol"fu1J~t1 Tax • . TALBERT STADIUM Hl':...TINOTON BEACH Rlway st X. ot C.:out BlnL 4'•111.ltt'll CJIQIS MGMT MIOW ' MIDWAY • HIUSTllAI. ............... £ ... ,,,~ ,,.,,,,, _ .. __ _ Att1 1°.• ti..• t I •• ..,,, ................ _,.a·•••• ' events are plaMed for tht Call scaaon. however. · Announcement baa been receiv- ed of the 19th annual es.h.ll>Jtion Of the Oakland art gallery at the municipal auditorll1D1 October 7to November 4. "-"'odellng of the gall..-y and addition or the new $50,000 wtng FRIDAY -8A'ftl'llDAV .ioa.n Cn.wfoN Robf'rt Younc 'Goodbye, My Fa11Cy' Ann my1h "KGti. Diel It" WU dlfe lai'gely lo the late Frank s~.-TTlf:S. Contll\. Son. !:SO CUprie.n, who &eft hia et1ta te to Bob Ho]Je the aaociatlon of which hr _bad be<!n a member for many yearo "Le1111011 Drop Kier ' and to pneroatty and work ol DoaaJd O'Colulor preMGt membera. ni. new wtng hoo .... mooom 'Double Cross Bo1tes' oUlce and large new entra.nc<> gallery lo be uaed for· one-man showinp.. The P ermanent Mem- ortal collection wu hung here for the opening. To the rtgtit la lM CUprien lrlemor1al roc>rJ!. beautl- Nlly done in green and coral. It not onJy hotaH paintllip and 9ketche11 by Cupnen hut will be U.'ICd u a UbrarJ aad dl'Nctoni' room. On lhfl MCOnd. floor la & cla.u room. MouJton Hall, aarned for ?tin. Lewis Mouton, put proldent of the uaocial5on and dtrec;tor tor Tecll.nJcoJor ·ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Al!IO Sirak" -Prime Rlb8 Cocktails many yean. The iar'C'< main gal· 1611 'Coast Blvd. lery has received • neW roof and lla.rbor 1180 moc1era srill< 111httnr, u ... u .. a ,.,...,._ storage vault. Both ;' i •••eor.,..••••d•e•I •Jl•tar••• thlo and tM lower. gall..-y carry I out the general color echeme of -----------~, aoll rQ1IJC (l'&Y a.nd rOM. brown. which providt>s perfect bark· UM fOJ' l1Jo pi<'ttlftS. ~ of tbe few un--art tclu-on the ...... tllle I4pna gall..-y LI maintained h<>m iunall admi.Nlon !eea and memtlienhlp due.a. It WU OlJ'&ntzed and ll go'flemed by Its a.rt.lat memben. Opeli every l1&J' trom ~ to ~ -p.m. lnchldb!g SUndayw, It 19 ln cllarse of ourator a.wen Jackeon, a&- sttted by J4u1T&y Hilt, secretary and a..ai!tant c:untor. COMPUTI DtffNEl5 From SLS4 t. D.M TROPICAL DRIN&S oc ... ht tti• Ert .. , ..... tAHITIAN SKYIOOM Fo...Parldac H•rW 171 :! • -. ~ • • • rp.-J-;~1--r• .,_--..r--. • r '(~·" t I\ 1c::Jl]I . . ' .. " ~-=:J .!' · ·. 11•j, ·I ,,., .. t~ . BROADWAY -j _ NOi a~ :d. ::: .:: ) OPEN . EVERY DAY! • • K!ddlM &lay . Every Wedlt rsdily • II ~'ta • .. ID. • FREE BALLOONS • eon-1008 5¢ • Rlc1M 6¢ BATH eousz FACILITIES FO& ME..., AND WOKE..'1 CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD Superb Seafood By The Sea! Lullldl or Dine By 11le lay Luncheons 1:00 • Seafood Codttails Dinners •. f.25 up • Seafood Salads FRESH SMOKED FIS-ALBAOO{IE Md BAlnlACUDA FOOD TO TAKE OU'I' ' 1135 Coast Hiway -Next to Port 0raltC)9 x.,...n-a.._..,. YOU'LL ENJOY . DINiNG OUT AT . IORTOll'S • COMPLETE DINNERS ' "'llll<'!olht'1g In-~ '.nlat'a -P-e: .,.._ 4746 . Reon: 11 a. a to I p. m. D-I lo D p. m. . ~"~'Iller .. ,.. 1'1tla ~ C...t ID11May Newp>rt 8eaeh TV ANTENNAS Call us for instaffation or sen'1cin9 of your antenna ,. Prompt service ft •xpert tediniciens • ~ow price1 · TIDE TV I - ' -- ( The Hewporl-Jalboo Press ' . • ' Ne.wport lay Post omJ Slt9,P~1 N•ws • * ' r °' ..... ... r 0 T~/ .1 ., ... ' ' -.. , ...• 1 NOW PL& TING .. hit lrd1r . ·-~-WAS • A t•U-,._ °"'"""' ..... ~ .-.... -. "'NAVY _,_. Q .... .._NW.W-'YW- STfJtTs SUNDAY "'ClU;t. T CARUSO" ' -l.Ataa, AM Blrtl> _.._ __ S"":/. THEATiE . llUN11NClTON llEAm LEX.-" SlllQKING PEUll'lTED ....................... : •1NC CROSBY • u11er OLSON ! : ~s COl!URll • llUlll HUSSEY : . .. . . ;~)It.~~ :~ . . "'°"" ~.' ...•••••.... ·'!'·· •••. !. -AND -. ,.oicK ·POW Ell. · · RltONDA• Fl1MltfG ~lkfIANGa . . . .. . _, . l)ACT'tlS CAt. > • (~l • •', f(MI~,' I". ,,-(,"" ;.~ .. tOll f,,i, , * ..• • * * . Coclctails from I 0 a. l)'l. • · • Dinner ·you CAN'T AFFORQ :ro -EAT AT HONIE . -. , ~ . . AT .THIS PRICE Comp!~. Dhu.a~ qoe au•cf oa 'aoU'I ••er DINNER SERVED. ALL DAY ?t -\ SUNDAYS '12 NOON 'TIL.9.P. M. . 'i~--iB DBUG 900 Coli~ _114Qll_,. Kewpoilt •ac11 (ACROSS FRdN KlL-AMI RICAN MARKET) THE ARCHES ~ and COCKTAIL LOUNGE . ~ • OPlllN 10 a. m. T!lrough 2 L m. • , ~-···-~v~~~ • ..,,. ·-. ·'I. . ~ ""· t/_"" ' ........ ~ .. ~~· . #:'91. ........... ...:..> • .,,~ 111>,~. • , ' -.. DA .8 .._ ' • f -• • . GENE'S RESTAURANT . , . , . . "'"! c!UQ:RY -_ . • fnllcll·,,-. lt.U.. .. _CllislM --,,_ o-raw . , Bart>or un .. ' • ' • .. I • .. • . ' I If,.. Oel'llld. ~ "' lla- -Park llU...., _ U the winner of t1wl Ob< weelr dupH- Mft.s.·WlNill'ftED BARBll&, llo<letj l:d!W0: .-te brldr• ~ jwlt -...._~~~~-..... ~~..-..·~~·:.,..~~~~~--~~~~~~at !he 'Balboa D<rpll<al<> Jlrids't W U . ' · Club. . Bbo wDI ..... 1~ a f."""'7 . i iam .. Harv.ey·,. on .. a "Bird Dites ~.!-'.~"; ::~.~~"l"T:i:: -l l "°"• t(Jl-ed by ,MN. C. E. lnln; f~~~t ~~~pa ,ttQneymoOO ~~iJ~~ """ ~ I an-wlUl p1&1· lllUUl>lr Ill -ywedl, the younc, WIUDl/n -·-_ Wlllt• ..e-w, l o'dodl. · ~; ~-· are a>ttlcfpatlpg. cOftlpl•ment.d bJ ,. -ce ot w.._:. In. UM! -held °" of the honeywt~ ftoorn ba6y nrchl.as an.t yt'Uow cama· Monday wtft.. ~ Brown .... S<!qwol& Park and other .....,.., Uon•. White gudoolillo combined Kr&· Roy 81.ri>ta; Jira. Pa:r< J!°Pftb, to recapture memoTlea of with p!.nk t08C!bUd9 ~ a prf'tty ~uter and Mn. Mertm, er.. fUl!!lr lmpreYlve ·ruruptiaU pe.r-aeceht to tht" black Pd 'white by; M.-. ... oeraJd McComtter _. ft»"ITINI recentb' by R.£..v. Charle• ~ d • · "1 ,_,_ G U ~. H.an<l ln tht> Coata M't-53. Com-dJ"HS an ~white a~~~ worn m.t'll." a..vmas I ; C. R. Jebnson n .. nlty. MetJlodiat Ch\ltth. T1w by ~a bn~1n s met.her. ,Altle!' and ~ral4 McCom~r: Mra. Fred · durl.rig" the·lntrrvn.I ot eoost Wtahei-RouMvtllf. Ud Mrs. Ruth Rooke~ btide, f~rty Mi8a Mona Bird. Wt>f!e..m~_.n of clrde· to or thC' Mra. Robek Brown and Mn. Am-. Le lhe dauahter of Mr. a.nJ Mn. wscs under lb~ dttectiOn of Mrm old Gaa.'ICr. ~ Walter Bini, 1Yl -Orang" Ave"., Rulli Barn· tt 1tfla Barde G _ t~dllav 1Vl.a.affll', • Calta Mesa. Her buaband ta U1f'. e · 8 • • f"ffn >1 son of J.{rs. Anna. Harw-y of M:<"U leaf prNktt'd at the . gu_E'St beok. Mrs. Cbar1~11 K&rbNon ana Drlw · T'he Uert'd w~K cake wu Mn. Edna M cM'uten wt>re wJn-~ti\tes or white gladk>IJ and neflt('(( in flow(>ra and grttn~17 on nqa north-~ aiKl Mr. And Mra. d•"I'•• Wl're . used at the altar a hand.!tomt>ly appofttted table llOIN!rt. Lw:k werr 111..-9CC?ttta wiUa UM! tll't'eJl ot pa1na ana tern Ughted by caJldle.t. ---In th<) ~upllcate bride< all ~. tn t1'e lil:llt of tall For honermoon travel.a the MW a&ll\e bdd OD rrida.y t"lettiag' tn wtlite ta.pen. Vivian Harmon at Mrs. Han-~y doruwod • ttmart Bafttoa . . tllle · Of"PA played. favorite &elec-Fr~nch gr~ mutt wi~ p~ Uld Rl.nuMft..up norta....outll were uo... et -tAe-couple and tbc ttadit-black acc@811Gries aftcl u.,-ftrte l::Q:I Bnlct and Ok!lt ln&iea: Per- IOMI -.1 marchff. Prec..Ung <>tthlds t>om ...... bridal bo~ 1"'! Mc.\doo IU>d ~ Mitchell; tllr MR:J1e riRg ceremony candles A!t.f'r her gndnatiom _ "'6ft'I ~-Mrs. Robfort Brawn aod .ArnOld ,.,.... bgllted by NJ1I, Gord<>n pot't Harbor Unloa High, okhool Guaer; Mre. Helon ft&dcllrt and I ' RRldtke &nd Mr:a. Makolm Rekt. &be at.Utlk>d at Oran~ Cout cftl-Stu HW"ey; llre. A.nold Oias8er 9rWal Eatoerap Iege. &Dd Jae WiSoox. ~ , . Mr. Hanocy1 wbo -~ for Runners-up <'f.St·W<Wt were llr. ! Ttte lovely bride. radlll1lt in a llOO'le yf'e.l's wt.th Krt and Mn. 08" and Mn. H : J.(. Wallillfford; Mi:. ballerNifi leftgth gown ot wMtc Tracy, 179 E. t8tll SL.' eo.ta and ll'ra. Edwin Syl""9lor; Mn. ~ aoo-nrt, with oquisit.£' tin· MHa, ntteo<lcd ~ m._~ oc:ii-Robert Ro.a and Mra. M.lklred r;crUp veil •frothing from 8. lace lege. 14'U4'~ Mn. Mabel Boal'dman and 1 haddress. wu f"9COrt@d <town ~he Mrs. E.lt'lle LaVloe; Mn. )lollie I cllllllle-lit and satln-rlbboried aisle FJ h-· Batl&l'd and )( r a. Mugaret to bt-~·... In . marriage 'by h•r emis American Cllur<h. The l"OOP wtU -...... I fathl'r. Sbe carTied a white Bible C Jebr • Friday ewa..IDK with play • adomffi. WI.th w~ilP orr)lld• an~ e atic:>n S,und.ay atani. •I 8 o'cloclt. lxaivardiL • M"'. Ramon Bird. matron of at Santa Ana . ho.or, and' Mr&. Kennfl.11 Lindahl. Picl'iic . Potfuck for Church Choir briclf'll8maJd. appeared in' ba.llertna The ~mish-AIMriCUl dub of leagtlt · tawoder orprt<ly lf'Owns Southern Calitomla bl tdftiJll' a.a o""' dH>p purple t&ftf'ta. , Jfhe et-open invitation to everyone '\? &tr fcdJw roiot-«heme W&a•enh&n~ tend U\e annual celebration ot 'the by \.heir small p..ruo(s covt'red independence of de!sfWn_,, on Sun· wtUt. lawnMr a.nd y,11ow SWf>f't d.y. July 22 at Weet.trimt et.reet. pea&. The dreUM Were &lyled near. Vt!'!"ano ftoa.d. saa.ta ·Ah&.. wiU. Ml lleeves and purple sashe9. • Pn>std~t Joseph De i:utter and UttJe five -yH.r -o.ld Rochelle oh'n 'C. Of.es, busineq manager. Aan Bird made .an adorable ·now-are in c;har~ . ot the pl'OgTIU'll f'i girl ~&ad in pale yellow otg'a.n!'Y which beJins 1it t p.m. Firat qn wfth I&~ net ovcrtJ<lrt .. Her the lichectu.le WI the amateur taJ· f1-a1 p&r"UOI waa a muaa.ture ent conteSt fOr wtaicb. prltea, ahlo Instead ot. 1"'"' u.auat pracUce thP mtmben IJf the Choir of tW Costa M'f'Aa. Community church And their fallllllc<I pthettd IJI tll• Santlq'o Park f<W a potluck aup· ~,~E:~~: ::;a::: 1 Young Matrons Sha(e Hon0rs W't"tt eajoyed undeto the IN.de"" · Birthday Tea Honbrs Pastor • ·) . replica · oL tho9e canied by thf' ddor pri%es, · have been giv.e11 bv othtt bt1d&J. attendanUi.. , ~-E . Ewert.I Jewelry, ·sragr~eC- ?.:.~ ~m~:;~ 11i: at Party in Damia Loptien Home Taking part tn the evmiag's Youn• Coat.a .Mesa and 1'ewpor't• I • , The Rtv. Slep9ea Kiley:· paatot ot Ul~ cl'l~he• Of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel And St. John Vi&.aney, "-'ll.I honor gu~ reoenpy at a biN.hday tea in Uie home of llfs. J . a. Barrett, Bay Sh°"'". , Sta.ft Set. Ramon Bird. brother ~ AppltanCes, Hubert. J..fiiler. of' the · bride, fUlfUlf.d best man Jnc., and £Jtiste and Co. datin. Elton B&rnd.t ~-The re will be sport.a aiuF'-ot ~ . • -· A-l ·n~ all kinds, band music by Flaah Fa .. b.tE"g8:t .I'~ ·his lluaicaJ Doctora A rt'C'f'pt!On in the 90Clal Priall ~d aancmc-unUl all hours. felklwed the., vow t«ehang-e. Mn. Lunchetan, ~c,f\es and' dinaer Bjrd recei\:ed .ift.-an a~racµve lav-wff.1 ,Jte obtaJ.nab1e 11t·1:t1e groundl ~;;;::;';;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:::;~=:;J-ahd ta.bl('s are aleo av,.iM,lt\e for NOTICE . Yotar · Ollly ' Autlforized STAUFFER SYSTEM SALON . picn\c~.. • . , ~--T--~~ . ~o-µrs'o~ · Moto.rs- thro1.1~-Nortn.west . &Ck Crom a t..-o ~ta'V..C. ~ion ' outJpg. are Mr. and . Kn. Navtn ... 01b90lt ot 132' W . tjth St.. Ool:ta Mea.. Who weN aooornpeak!Cl oh the trip· by Ute local ;..n•e parents, Mr.·and Mra. Donald Qib... .sen or Upland. The iraVelera mo- tored Ont to Boi.<Je, Ida:. oontiau- ing to points' or in~rett. tn Ore- gon and Wuhingtol't and ret¥m- lng home vj.,.-U...· lt.dwood High· way. • ff'Stlv!Ues were Me9S'I. aad Mmf'& lkub matrons were given .ape- Malcolrn Reid &Ad 80M David and c\&1 recognition when Mrs. D&mta 'PhilUpl. l'..of'f"ft Sawyflt' and .an• 1 Loptif'n en.tert&Wed on nrunci.y Lonnie a.ad R.ieky. Elmer Clark eVMin&. Juty t2 in her h<lilM, 311 and dauctat« Pegcy, Ralph Watt.a I \Va:kebam. street, Santa Ana. and daughter Mary Ann~ etu.-Shart1'1' ltonon at the anUdpa· '°tm Brovm. aod chtl~eia .Barbara ' ~ abo91e.r wett Mmea. Madelyn aod Sta.Ney, J . L . Reyno1d11, H . B. I ~y1or, Dorolhy Cox a.nd J~ Mc:Mortry. Rev . and )In. J~ph Pi!'rktn&. Coet& 1.ff'•: and Dorie Mt:Shane and· ohlldttn Billi(', Ruth Schmits. Newport ~&ch. Instead and Ca!"Ol. Mn. Vivian Harmon, of a variety of gins, each re· Mn. Doria Luckhardt and daur;b-eelved a tt ubeta.ntlaJ aum of money tua C..T<Oa and Ma.ry, Mn. Martha to be tpent u l'\ol'eded. Whelchd. Mra .. ~rtnlde Edick, I Gveata vtewea the attractfw Mn. Velma Compton ud M19M'S prde!! from which cune glad'6ll Vtrytnia Compton, Ann Crawford, tn pa.stet colon and pl.nk htbl.scuB JO)""Oe S&nd.a, Keo Fiahf!'r, Donna ueM ln U'T"8Jll'en1Mta for ~ Nabon, Atary llnclair, Be'V'erly f'oOm.11. Refl-eahmeat dotM and Thompson. Joy cc 'Vhlte, and ! napktrul w.orr In plnk and ·bllle. Roget" Axworthy, J im Heuton. 1 Appropriate gariiP• were play.. Toby 'nlompaon. Jimmy Flahi'r ed. tint prlS<'8 goln&' to Mrs. Ta>i- an~ Herbert F'ol8om. tor and Lois Stuniev.ut, eeconc1 awarda to MI'S. Cox and Gladys Wheeler. Canaata _,pletecl tbj> mtert&ln.n{ent Pf'OCT&Jft.. Duo Festivities for Social Club Enjoying th~ deH1"bll\ll hosp~ tallty were: Mn:aee.. Nadine Raw-ln Orange County M!S X. M•l.n -!4ant~ Ann .Ptton,. KJ 3·i610 · --pl ley, IWLb Bean, Adelal4e Porttt, • . , -a ea.unt atf&trt ot recen.t Jennie R.lclaard, Betty:Tmler Beu-Span i sh Luncheon· date round th. Sta~·tt•a Club l&h ean1 •. Dorta liciun1is' &n4. • . , . brougflt tog.U.er al 10<.J homes. Lola SWnleY&nt !le~ ,._.., Next Tuesday CJl&ra Badac'e of Coota Meaa --au.1 ci .. k, ~ ~---c-:i· ~~ .,,.;ut' ~· ~e'1!ai{ ,~juk ~4·1. ;~ate ~"11·~LJ:::r~ ~ . . . . g....iJo:!1 +!!!iinfu'"'er Ds•-set by Circle 1!1J1e of t1>ota . ~· , ;r{J. UCI-la 1~ ,_...,,. M..,.. Co rv mu aµ y al'e'QIOdllt ilain ... ,...,. 1, 11"' ~"""'1<t ct IJ ...... _. For Reducing church ror a Spa.nlah luncheon to Ht!'len Clark. Loulae Green ~ br given at the ctl.urch tram U :30 wu the winne r of the door prise. O 'ftear, Dos'otbY Cox and PennY .H ealth -Relaxation until t . Mrt1. Ca.briella Ramoi Lii Aaembling w'lth H1*n Clark • M'ynette. ea.ta MNL 1 ._ ______ ..,. ___ __,. general cl)airman in charse. tew f'venlnp &go. card play tum-Am> Jh\u.. Stella Oollfna, Gu- . 11~ dlveraiolJ tor Ole trtend.I wUb den <kove; J~ LltU., • Roxie ----'------------·--------'--d .... rt l'OWl<llng out tbe eveaL Goethel, Delta ·Fae WbO.!er ... ~ Mu P'elke.r went home with the door prise. Guest.a we.loom~ ~ Ew:Jyn Wheeler~ 5anta Ana.: llf1-L&rrie Cuoollto ot Huhtlftglon ElDe ll'elker of s..n,-or, Mable 8-cb.. x. Jean HOUiton and · '111e · beauUfWl7 .,Ppc)tntod' · tiea ~ and ~ Brit;P of table waa centered wtth-a-lCJYt Ne.wpon_' are lcava.,-tll.ia week 'bolvl o! red roaes an4 aUwi. can· de.tabra. Pouring we~ Mrs.. P>ltn end !or • lon.R"-an.d leJlftlttly ja,unt Brown and Mra. P .. S. Fernan. which will take them to th@' t!ul 1 surpriae gift to Fr. Kiley. wu: a East Co_ast _Ttjp for local C-Ouple oout a.nd back bOme ~tn. combil'ULtiori radio-phonognph . Firet im-wrt&nl-deitlnatlon ta que1\9 if!cluded visiting · mem· Na.ahvtlle, Te.nn.. whtt-e Lhey will t>ers ot the celrgy, Rev. Jame. L. eee their eldest aoii, RJcherd, Walah, C.M.. NJ.agar& untveralty, -eral otage maflager for the N. Y.; ft.v. Ch&rlea K. Kecnedy, Memphis Civic "LJP,t "Opera sum-t.neuter. and JUv. EdiwtUnd mer 11euon. Thfty 'fl(Ut theQ JO Qn I lf.aechlcr, aaal.atant~pa..stor ot lhe to New York to vtllit •their sec-' loc&J p&rl8b. ond aon, .Jer'OIM. atudent at co- tumbia , Wltvuwlty; contltwe on tllroug~ the New Engl'and ·stat ea MAt'TllESSES with sighbttlng in hl.atoric Bo8-Bo.t8-Hoa1'!1 ~ ton. Jrrrpiar Shapeo Thf.' travelers expect \.o be homE" BEACON Ult ln kpUmber unleaa thf'Y have an Ced.a ·M~ Mattl'eM eo. early and un.reaiata~ urge for I ~ port %1M N.,.'J)Ort Bhil. -·· . -. !'------------·' • .. \' , ' • . -• it -19'il°. ' • • • -FINDT 1 .D'UIL SBRDIP' BAtnBJT BAlt&ACOD4 •• SEA-JµSS - ALBAOORE . ~.~ . FNitur•"- ,AIALONE STEAKS •• ·~·-~~ SMciALTIE~ .1118. l!Oth NewptWt llNiNI ' . Pb. Bar. U1n • • • , I 'PURE IMPOR'rED1 _ ' ~ , .OllVE .. L i.s3 . Gabl • . ENE'S . : J-05 Coa~t Blvd'.~ .. ·' , -: ,C~rona 'del Ma to} ... . i~ • RoJ~l.S OF '' C:iflBPBT . • AT · CLOSE-OUT \ 1. • . -PRiGES . . OFF 8:.'b': lt wW be' Olll' polley In the future to !!ell from umpka only Take ad~tap of n-exqepUonal values ' WHILE 1'11.EY LAST! TOiis IF 'DESIRED. , _L~gun~ B~a~1~ Furniture .· . UGUNA" BEACH . 260 Forest Avew Piion• 4-1071 '• .~:-IUGIJ f ,Y~ :11 1J 1:~1 If 1\ '·· • • SPECIAL CLEARANCE SUMMER DRESSES Smlth and Ruby Updike of Calta Miu Nancy c&llt. !ill&rtq In u.. lilna. 'Vemben pil'ftllrnt went ailta but 1 not preeent were Mm~. Mm... Lou Lockwood, ~ Flo Curuungll&m, ()lad)'ll ~ Broclcett, Louloe Green, )(" e M&rtba Y .. t, Merci& Clancy and rilker, Clanl Bad~. Coat& Kea; Mary Dodd. All are employc8 or 11!!mma Poupart and Dalay BuW-w1..,. __ ~ernployea Ill ·IUch&rd'a i wo Big Days lo . &live •• from Marked $2.99 3.99 4.99 5.99 Down To $1.99 2.99 3.9' 4.99 Come early -while they last moDEO'DAY van. Newport Beacl!: Lldo ~et. +----- VFW Auxiliary MeJ Folk Enjoy Hears Reports of Al Fr~sco Affairs Dept. Convention o...iJ. ...a pauoo"" atru t11e , . ta.-•llelel ot ownmer It~-.., M..un, In ttplaT -on at the ~ are& "11ara outdoor o1 vrw AW<llJ&r)< ~ -"" Amoerr al rr-o d~ Cooita ,._ Lealon hall nwnben •~lo a ~ "°"'°' Important •nd In-. report WU , gt-by Mr. and M'J'- 1111 Newport Ave. COSTA MIS.A by Peart -• 11tt trip ~ o..--:AM•-· Z'T* -•· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c\depte to tlle l>oputment --Oollta Joi!-. ' -tlon lleld at 8&nl& Cna In ~ -Mr. '"" ~ June. ~ l'f-I -....,,.... ·~t .... -u.t ~ 1•r.w•e1 lllA OallrtOI. ~ 111.-"°" ue .. tbe lid< lilt. Md Mn. et&alq G•t•-ct lllt.. -tlM{" _,. s.-. -Ml>. ...., --o.;..s.. ,..._.., - -erttioell7 II ~ot B~ ~ ---=· ... _ .. __ -· andJi(la.-...-.. Im; a & Oda WeDe .._ ••a,.. WI oC' on1De.. lilt-•ate1• '9 ...... --.tei!' _,,,.. - -"' ... -........... ~~ ~ ~Ql!:ort ...a:--.. --~-q.....-Air -"' .. "'•••.-pa' , ... Me Friends Home .... , .............. .t ta. ::,. :C :-~ Y--Yosemite Trip a WA l KE .R'S • • • • • ·'" . Alofht' Wdl&r's F'riend/y 5eMcel . . 011 ...... Fr•• ~ --....... .... l1 tsfNlf•- .... 9l7F I I • k I t.at:::~;.;.."':' ........ ' ' • FREE CUSTOMIE,R ~ P.~RKIN~:; . AtltriJ .. :: . • I :'Vl(hlfl·w.rn· ::~ • flYE r·· . .....,1.11s. ·-·-~ • ' ....... . -.... - . !IE~ ' • :.i.11 • ' ' ',I ..... ~ .,, .. _ -, ~ --• . .... ' .; • • • • ~:--., " • • ' • • • • • • I • 1. • • r ' • • . , '• • 'Walking Dead' iS Sermon Theme at Christ Church Methodist Churoh of Costa Mesa . -nte Measure ot Man" hu been announced by ~v. Joaeph W . Mc· '-ibe Walklng . Dead" will be. Shane u hill aermon topic for thf' the sermon aubject at Cbtlat Sunday morning woMJhlp aervlce Church by the Sea Sunday morn-at 11 o'clock tn th'e Coeta MH& tf\g'.~ The putor;Rev. Thomu Roy Commu.nJty }ifethodlet church. P endell. 1A·lll occupy the pulplL Stmday achool convenes at 9 :4:) _Special muelc by the Sanctuary a. m . W1tft claM<'S 1for all ages. Choir Includes ''The Silent ~a" The sunergous group will have b_y Neilt'linger with 90pra.no obll-charge or the devotion~ al th,. gato by Mrs. Willis Fields. Sunday evening 8ervlce beginning lady of Mt. Carmel 1441 Balboa Ave. ~Woo Schedulea S1tndMy,~ <t :30, 8, 10 and 11 :30. Wttk ·days, 8 a.m . Confessions. Saturday,. 4 to 5:30. 7:30 to 8 :30. Sunday, be.fore t"&ch m&as. Balboa laland, Sunday, 8 and 10. Satur- day. 8 a.m. Confeselona, aa.me u above. , Radio PrOl'f'alD• Daily. t>x cepl Sunday. Roaary house, KFWB 19301 7:30 p.m. For peace. ~undaya lloly Mass. 9 :06 a.m ., KLAC f570) 11 a.m. Catholic Hour, KFJ at 6 :30. The church board or t'ducation wW meet Monday, JuJy 23, at 7 :30 p. m . In the ch11.pel to comple-tc plans ror the daUy vaC'atlon B'blt' school slated for July 30 . Aug. 10. As a welcome to the nc•N p~· tor &nd ht_, wire. 'Rev. and M"" McShane and family, a r('Ct"ptlon will be stagt'd \Vednt"sday, July 2!>. tn the socl.!tl hall. A potluck dinner at 5 :30 P-n1 . wllJ htUJtiCh the courlt"ay. All membeni and frlendi are l.nvited. luthera11 'Children Purchase Bus (6101 6 :-1~ p.n1. I<G FJ (710) Hour. The boys and girls of the New- of St. Francis Clldlnga 4 olheni. port Harbor Lutheran Sund11y COM Church Folk at Pilgrim Pines School huve pun:hued a. school bus to provide free tr&.n8portation tor au who d('sire-to attend Sun. day echool. Funtb U!'llt-<1 to pur~ c.hase the bul'I ' Wf're contributed Tht> following young people u~·-aln1oet l"ntlrely by the chlldrt"n ot •ttending Pilgrim Pinr& Camp tn l the .Sunday school. lhrouKh lllpeclaJ the-S&n Bernardino n1ountain~ I Chr1.etmas and Lt>nten offl'rings. trom th<> Corona df'I Ma.r Commu-The' children also sponsored a nlty ch11rch : Carolyn Callis, Su-"Spring Fte&ta .. at which time zanne Brown and Lourie Hend-1 thC'y sold l'lpE'Cial h&lld lwork they riek.e. Mrs. Lowell Newlon is at-n1ade M WC'll a.!'ll re tretth1nenl& t ending as counselor tor a girl&' The' bahut('P or thP fund wu con-I cabin and the Rev. Paul Edward 1 trlbutC'd-by lndividual.e who are Babbitt ls t('achlng a. cl8A8 in I especially lntC'reRlf'd in the Sun- "The Life ot Chri1111t." The group rlay echool prf)J.:ram. Th" Rev_ Mr. Babbitt will oc-CNJ. Tht" route which It will fol- wlll re'lum ne'xl rtlonday.· I ThC' bu.s w ill carry 60 puscng- . cupy the pulpit or the Community low ea.4;h Sunday will be an- churC'h on Sunday. ualng a.1111 hi! 11 nounct'd next Wf"f"k . During the aubjPC t . "Ezekiel, the Syn1pathiz:-month of Augu1't the bU!'I will opt•- lng Preacher." · rate t"very Tl.tC'sda y and ,.hu~ay moming for Vacation Bible school as Well As Sundey morntnga. Par- ·cntltil who would Kke lo arrange lran1Jporlatlon tor their chU,dr'en either to Sunday school or Vaca- tion Bible sehool may do so by calling Beacon 6056-W. . - Rev. Earl C. Reeves at Baptist Church . "Salvation'' will be the sermon topic of the R<'v. Earl C. R eeves a t the 11 o'clock worship aervice of the First Baptist church ot Newport Beach, located a.t 19th and Court strf'et.a. The churc"h school meets at 9 :45 a. m. At 7 :30 p. m . Mr. ReevCb will bring the Iut ln a seriel'I of 1ermons on ''The Door Called Death" or "What is On the Other Side," hia subject being "The Two Resnrreetton1.~· · ~·Don LambeNJOn, the pa.star, who wtth hie fan\ily, is enjoytng , a vacation in Kanas. will be back aome tin1e this week and will oc- cupy the pulpit next Sunday, both morning and evening, Sunday Theme at Lutheran Church ''Times ChMge!-People Don't!" will be the them4 or Putor Roth's ae.rmon at the 11 a. m .. wonhip aervice. The sermon text ia taken trom the Epistle leuon for the 9th Sunday in Trinity U · It i111 found in I Corinthians 10:6-13. U!iing the people of r.rael aa an example, lhe leason polnl8 out that people have always faced the u.me temptations : pedl>le have .al- way& found excuses f or the sinful- nese, a.nd people have always felt lhat their situation wu unusual. Sunday school bcgtna at 9:30 a. m. with cla.sae• tor all ages under the supervision ot Mr. Ern- e.et W. Schultz. The Adult Bible clus which meela during the Sunday lehool hour la taught by Paator Rotb. The. Adult clau is f'lpe<:tilly convenient for pa.rents who dci.ire to accompany t.heir cht.ldren to Sunday mchool The Adult. clus will atudy the 19th ~haptcr of the Goa:pel according to St. Matthew thl.I Sunctay. Vacauon Bible achool will be he.Id cwry Tueaday and 'nlurld.ay morning from 0:30 a. m. to 12 noon dUring lhi monlh of August beglnnlng Tburoday, Aul"8l 2nd. rree. bu.a tra.uportatlon wW be provided. Watch paper for fur- ther dctail.8. Christian Science Subject 'life' Tht> Sunday lesson sermon on "Life" in all Christian Sc1enc·t' churches sets forth the benPfill'I Which follow as one 'gains a l'lpirit- ual underata.nding of the fact lh.at life is God and hence et ernal. Tbe Golden Text Is Crom Ro~ mans· (6 :23 r:. "The wage~ of .sin is death ; but thC' gift of Goel 11 eternal life through J el'lWI Chri.et our Lord." Luke's Gt:»!pE'I r€'1&t<'s that a certain centurion "wh<'n he hear<t of J esus. sent unto him the <'ldC'r~ of the J ews, besee-c hing him that he would come and heal h i.a ser- vant," who .. was sick and ready to die." "Then JuWs went with them." But "the centurion St'nl friend!! to him. saying unto h im. Lord, trouble no t thyself, but say in a. word, and my servant shall be healed . And they that were sent, teturnlng to the house found the servant whole that had been sick." In "Science and Health with Key lo the Scripturea" Mary Baker Eddy declar9, "Not death; but the understanding o r Life, make.a man immortal." "Every law or matter or the body. suppo8('d to govern tl'l$J), Is rendered null &lld void by the law o( Life, God." Community Church at Corona del· Mar "E z e k I e 1, the Sympalhl&lng Preacher,'' Ls Ute Utle of the ser- mon to be preached by the Rev. Pa.ul Edward Babbitt. in the Co- rona dcl Mar Comm.unity church, Sunday. July 22" at both 9 :-t5 L m . and 11 a.. m _ This la one of a series of acrmone on Bible Charac:.· ten to acqua.Jnt pt>Ople with the great men ot the Bible as well u their contribution• to moral and ethical relJg:ton. ST. ,JAM~S CHURCH EPISCOPAL • (.U TD l'lN'l'BANCZ l'O UDO ISLr,)- SUNDAY SERVICES . , 8:30 A.M.-111:00 A.M. C...,_CH SCHOOL-10:00.A.M • / . ., • • THUISDAYS ' HOLY COMMUNION '-10 A.M. • 1-- • 1st Baptist Church · • at Costa M~- Al Flrlt ~ dlGrdi or Qooo ta Ka& the 11 o·dook worehlp 0.ervtc. Liiia ·~. Rev. P. Q, N .... ft will !ta .. his lft\bJeet ·~ Sal of the .Eai:tJl.. 8peclal mw<IC by the choir. n. the e-1ns ~ al T!JO the putot'1 aubjoct will b<I .. I J"ol- ' Moe CLVI ~ WHOLE .BIETS . . . DIX Ii :f R"Y CLOYta ILOO• HONEY ·~LOllt BLACK TEA PAClflC •OLI BARTLETT "7«!N__.. ..... ~t :;w&.' 80<. .....,... 18~ HAWAIIAN ~UN HT PlllSSO YlaMO•T llAll '54 ' iJ ~...,.,.t.J..,,,NZR,I t MAPLE SYRUP ~" Sic I~~ °IIJ .S:--8-u ~, . I SHREDDED . WHEAT t:i 0 19° MAaCAL ~ ·1 I PAPER NA INS ~~ 14a Q . i: ~z;cu;, / CONVERTED RI .'.Ud a;· 11 • K !.I ~vf')S'UuC SHERBET MIX "'~ ,.. {~~. PAClflt TllAI . tZ .7·V ?/iQ6!£ / CR·A'CKERS ~ ~. 'I ' B S u1'°••••11~Bllaul&/ t'!.111~ll1 13e' PMIUl•ILP•IA · 9IM/J"'i -CREAM CHEESE~~ ,. 17' o•• ow• u•1 ""'ii:-. CO TAGE CHEESE ;,.;J.JJ"' l'llCT 231 ··~ 23~ HLIEI llPE BARI ' I r IOTllll IS II• 1 TYPICALLY IMEllCAI Till J CHICIEl llllEI 01 llWllY llT•Yll CAI Ei.llY ClllOIEI iiY llf If TIE IEEl• IEClllE IT'l It UIT ti TIE FHl llllET., TIEil llE LITS If llYl 10 IEllE CllOIEI All IT IOEI l LOii 111,TI01 Clt•IEI • 111111E . II , ~ . r~sa11 14