HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-02 - Newport Balboa Press• l , 1 • • • ' • • • ., TUI I~' •-ottM- rapldly ~....,. of \11.9 calf!-llqlaul -0.••I Smp&ro ' • -· • ,. • ' • • • • • 11111 INllll ........ ' ~ weBT HoME COMWuNrrv · IN OlAN&E c:;buNTY, ~ • • • A. -.matron, Krl. Kary De- 1-, n, of s... GalK1ol. -held to _. br ~ c:Ourt on a ll1aMWlgllter chars•. an-. a.I>• oppo&l"Od In Newport TowlW>Jp court Tueeday. She· la now tree !lb •= ball. VOLUME XIl PHO.NE HARBOR 1618 , She wu · ta>ten into cwstody by Newport !3-h polloe on Jul;r 19 after an accldent at 32nd atteet and w. B&lbo& Blvd. July 4. Killed .., a rault or tile -1· deat W&o Audrey KcCatterty, 11, or IU•~. She died July 7 In llaAta Ana Clomm1lnlty boepltaL Biz oilier pe,_,., lnclll!llJlr: Kn. De.Leon, were l:njund tn the Crull. • According tO Newport Beach police records. Mn. DeLeon'a car r&n Mad"'°" into a ca..r parked on the ekle of the street. Mn. [)e.. Leon waa pulled from the cnau· Ing blue arter the accldenL A cortner'a jury on July 11 found that the gtrl had met her death due lo the accident result· inl from tb4; alleged neglfgeiit operat\on of an automobUe by Mn. De~n. SWIM CLA88ES 8'ld Cl"CHIB .wtmm.Jn1 °••·1e1 ..m begin apla MoadaJ', Aue. I for l'ftl.liteala of Costa MN& ucl Newport 8-eb at lOt.h Md Bay, Nowport Jlloadl r.....,. -· • ... m. Balboa bland awtm- .... c'••-will IMi beld a& _..7 Ave. ud Nortb S.7 ..,_, from I to 11 a. m. After- .... deZIN trw tt:ae to •~•o p. -. will be Wd ai Clla.. Cove • 0o1'0llA 4el llar. Cblldrea _,, "'rtster for u.e 1-Wlmmlns •re• prior to e1lf0llment la .. d•srea. • $4000 Award CDM Fall Alter a delay of• 311' years, .... 000 damage.a we.re awardnl In ... ~nor cou.rt Monday to 9-year- old DonaJd Thomu Stone, who , • waa 91rioU&G" tnjured tn a fall in a. ~ de1 Mar yon! on Jan. IO, lM& 'I'lle &""'1'Ci wu, in aettJement of a llUlt for $60,000-wl'Lk:h had been aled in behalf of the boy by hla tatber, Daniel W. Slone. Tiie ault had been again.st Mnt. ·Kary V. Schultz od whose prop- erty the boy had fallen. It wa.s cdlJmed that the boy had fallen trorn a. play house onto a pUe or ,.....ta lwnber and had punctured a kidney In the fall. The kidney Wit& removed after the operation. . la appnntng the oetUemen~ . '!:l::!:~-.~l!!!llu l'DPkllll g._J!l'@t -~ .. pa1 d .-. •sl'lt,.st ol &Uor· _., r ... amountmtr to s1000. , Sll{O) Cruiser . . Stoleri; found "Theft >.of a 33 Coot power crWaer valued at S12,000 wu reported to Newport Beach police at 8 :15 a. m . Wedne9day by lbe Owe'1 Pa- ctClc Yacbt Salee -.t 717 C.OUt Highway, Newport Beach. Tbe Utert oc:curttd between 10 p. m. TUeeday and 8 a. m. Wed- neaday, according to company of- flctala. f The crulaer wu l&ter found adrltl one-halt mile off the Bal- boa jetty by the Harbor depart· ment. Also taken from the same yard a.a the crulsez; was an eight fool dinghy rigged for ea.JI, three llf~ preaervera and a.uorted oars a.nd flllhlng equipment. Tbeee articles have not yet been tecovered. Newport Beach•poJtce have the cue under tnveatlgatlon. · ELKS PARTY Invited to a party ln the Lodge Hall ot Newport Harbor Lodge of Elka are all Elka, thelr frtend1 and famillea. The regular famUy night party wllJ be held, Friday, Aug\Lll 3rd. Dinners will be eervcd in the dining room with dancing and games following'. IJ) ,charge of the feBUvities are Robert A . Eaatma.n Le&dtng Knight and E . r . Schell, Lecturing Knight. The Elka Club LB located. at Main Street and Balboa • Blvd., B&lbo&. Hcabor · Weallwr T---1 ... -. ... t '"""" In &lie --_,, m.-Low Tlmnda7, luly U ........ 7' II Frida¥.' July n ·····-····· 71 IS 8a-y. lab' n ........ n s--.,.. lalJ' n ···-······· 14 "1t#y, 1111.f IO ·-·-.---· 1' .. --'!Iii ' ........ .__ --ioesnq._ .___, •itc .:-..---~ ,.. _ Wedll!' lllu'. ~ 1 ... -, .. '7t ti Officials Have 0. C: Fair Preview Memben ,,t the A9soclated ChamMn or Commerce ot Orance county-tor the eecori.d year, dined recently at the Orange coun- ty f&lrgrounde for a. prevtew of lhe 1961 Orange county fair ecbed- uled to open Tunday night. August 1~. Tbe fair will contin\le for a ftve-day run lbrough Au$llat 19. Nearly 175 mem,ber11 and lhel.+------------- wome.n gueata attended the ar- Jalr wblch WN bl~hllglited by abort ta.lk:a 'by the members of the bo&rd of dl~lor1 of the 32nd Dlatrtc:t Agrlcultural Auociatlon, ~ the county exposition. Thoee telllnc a.bout the coming 1151 Orange County Fair and the acUYiUe1 of tbe fair board were: Pre81dent Roy Edwanla of Orange. Vica-preatdent W. F. Croddy of Banta Ana, H . Clay Kellogg ol GU"den Grt Vf!\ Mn. Frank Roa- paw of Placentl&; George ·H. Tobi.. or Santa Ana. ll'vln c . Cha.J>m&n of F\tllerton, WllU1 F . Mitchell ot Santa Ana and Bob FWlenwtder. secretary -manager ot t.he <>ranee cowaty falr. Gen. Stan Rli!Mrbof (USMC Rel.), president of the Auoclal· ed. Chambera o! Commerce, pr-e- aided. Drunk Driver Fined $250 . U1l! Lee Lovin(, 27, E. lSUt Pl., Coat& Meaa, wu fined $2~ on a drunk driving charge in Newport city court Monday and hla opera- tor'• license IWJPeDded for a one· year period. Loving waa arrested on 32nd St. In front ot the po·Uce 1talkm al 9 :01 p.m. Sunday, tollowlng a tror- ftc dl.epule with anot.her motor- la~ W. H. 8&nch!n, 502\i alot St., Newpott U-Ch. pollee repi>rted. Loving wu convicted on a prior dM.lllk drlvtng charge on March 6 court recordl 1how. • To Race Here ip SCYA-PCYA Regatta ' --'oM ......... e•'t•ta. Tlolo -wlD .. -ol i.,, .... ,.,,._te.I I•._ c '1i IL C. Y. A..· P. C. Y. A.~ to be ~ ott N-rt -nut -11. l"nm left; O..rp _....., r•11a1 ~ GoaW• llMkriM, -Fred &J-'• IUUa. ' • (Photo b7 Boclmerl BREAK IN .SEW AGE LINE - CAUSES BEACH QUARANTINE • ' , ' . • • , I BOA_G B08PITAJl · 11!!11~ • "":;" ......... 11 00·-... ,. . . . a~ ao ftDd • • u-e-• ..,. .... , .... ,.... n -.z "' ... 0. ~ ~ . . Ra.i..c jut -otf .... ,__ .n .. _.., ..... ·-YOUR -....... 111 or u.. -..... • ._..i_ of llllo .... 1-er laUYe .i.ya r.. ~ u.. ao--~•&a 1a--_'11..._ -111-'t....,. .... .... ... ~ for COICl'ESS .., _,.., pnllllea>o ttii, -I Pl'.000. · • What ~ were &fSlllal. obOu\ In ., I An ._...t wu .....,'*' wtur tbe IJOWio, amens oth~lnp, 1•-· h Boas P'oomdoU.... created 1>)' • ,..,.. th• 11re.lklent'a for 1 ' JI09IJf8 Ille !We aecq., a. Boas. to ....,... n..,· --t11at· .,... llarlod .. ,., ""'\ .--ntrola c~· """ AW'\k 1, ir.11 ::"'~ ~ B~ ~ti::";~ many y..,.·..., b)' tbe raln·m&k· =~ au~~,.hl~~~::-~tl Ac It lotilr. Ill<• W• Will pt - --.oao f<W ti. J>fOflllOOd •l'I of Indlllt tribe.' mo7 &a lite D-·--Jt •·d at·••· ' ~ ••· ioallft&' up "' ou_,.,bUe fla•-boopU b tldl • • ......,,,. -w~ "' ·-enna. I thfnk Ulat w-Jou .-.I ill • ns. • next major ~et ,,. pn:manmt -er), tile ...tum o~ \n7, own .h .. -.· 11~·-· ~ .. ~la d· ~ wu cne of tM plonetn A c. ; · b 1 bU d*t: ~~ ~ \ole'.l~ •JU-6!9 a.ton wlUl\J, C. -•Y ,Ja'"llOIJ~ <eaerol,i"!"tnJI. "' •.• ~ ~ "°"':: = .. } ,!"._ ;.!e ~· L The · terma ·will .-Ing-,.. t¥ ••lloo ..... J ,C.-. Otli>P,t•. wtllt o ..... ........i or ~ _.;;/;,;;;. J t-r'. .!Q,..U .&n wtth the--• ney orpn-n. ll wu ....,.. ........,. leslalltlon ~Ind II, i. ICaM Repm!Jcaa _ _,...~ lrd down payment ._-, lbat lllo 1/dlPtar 1"e' lu>own .. lllo -c-..... 'IV1ll$IMf: It ..... Id -atltl •Y 0 ,...l&Ar.,..'"4 l ..... WW ·be able to JITe. JOU Hoos -.ortjl Bo .. tak • .._,. coallol ~ ,...._. who -11 to ~ . cOllip&lp l -I It =~ m<>ntllo to pay It ott la- --"'>I tllO wwallltt. -; oDd m .. ,_;,.:" of the pieaent llttef:o HOlpMaj ~ IU'l)l(gtCtld A.a al'Way. In thMe !'laltera. t,fo ri!:tlrement of Mr. Ache9011 ~Bee~ lb&. Commerclala and tnJCb thal...&ppnWnl.aUIY Jl qlll)too Ja q11N1lono llJu>><dlately .,ue: mory ot State. Thia Jut rault Jant oot coveNd b7 any '°""'° 81-arain••· • •n:a: now Cl\fl hand tor the oorurlntct!on Should control ovn would·be. la earneallv, de••-' bv llb.t l'7 ~ttatrlctloll8. ·· ....,.,,, -ot the "'-.1&:91. • we4her controllera be left to lbi? ,,. .....,_ ~ Ve never been able to -. · -BT·••• •rt• ......... -71' •·w •-• per cent al tbe -le "'tbe n6-Ulnv a F rd •••• ~-~~~~v -~--·-• • ••• In U.. MUmate for tjle bUlkl°" lndlvldllOI otatea or be dl"°ted lion (U ~-~b·1 ~_, ••• • !l":W: 0 • ·--... ,__ ,._, ...... -r ~· ...... als ....... , ..... -.. ......... ' ' t ~-w bin • ··-~ --built·-··-·--, m1-'i..'"i"(4i;"i,;d-U.:-!U•Wi'-·••1...,. 5£Wa.tlllP • ot r bed ·-•·'"• pr...., ·~.. u gton · pollA) wbooe aona ore !ISl\tlng and • -~ --'" ,,_., ) ~d-~ u.. '" M,M plao1 call for a 10 bed looopltall Sbould ~ontrola. It &atborlud, dyinv In Ko-• a·nd wL~ •'..!.1<,-•• 1 ,ioom floor, Jlvlns the ...,... 7 ""'--· '1114 '9F .,..,. uperta had Ntlmated the coat at be rigid 6r modcratt! . ..., • ._, ·~-... "'"·u r:OU\er thirty months lo pay f~ 1t ... • • ..... , .. • • •. •, •••• ••., = = = = ••=•=====ca $1oet000 • ' The Whole matte?' la uncertain eome lffpldatloft ~ olher could be called lAflatJonuy. 1'bere UT.QB SCHOOL Al~ Al ,...ON ' • . at the moment. due to lhe-P'1!:8ellt aenaltJve IPOb ot the wOrid; wttlle ~ cert&lnly riothfn&' inflatlonary ,.... l1J.,J. ... -"J_.... G I Mortua UnttrlatnUes Involved In artificial W• have a BriUah-dNnlnrted. ..,. eallowlns a cuatomer lo l>lll' .. We were at a meeting In ec.ta .._ fut week and raue ry nuoleotlon -man-lnd""l'd rain. claliol·tnf .. ted, poli<7·i: k Ins • pa)' lblrty per cent'lloWn Uc! cpme a~y am.ued!. . " ... ~ ·. -. . to c1w. .... Owners co~~t ::::~~ i~ R=~~~k t~ :~=~t~e~:E..;:~ ::i ~i:on~ ~en~,~ Amazed at the bruen dlsnp.rd for faeta; am•red at ,_,..,... l'.luenc~. hive been , m&ktnc recent "'!J"'leY• abo1i'. that the 0,; · . • 1·-• ,= • ·p k Rldl d. SmllJI'• CD) Third Di•lrict In Mis· speeches demandln~ the removal r . ... ·-~-• . t~e :n·arrOw, one-Bided out!OQk of· -.n.1 of thoee who apoke: -' • A ne-w ttrm. ar ea, ey an fllmlppl vainly ae·arched the skies • erage aUURnvvlle on the rot.cl ~ 'll .. ' . • ... ~-f . •-~ .... bW '!t • 41/1 Cd aC'Ak .. • y. Se&J. wUl be ownen or Grauel tor days on end ror signs or rain. of Mr. Acbeaon. It wu lhu in-f'«Y Ii toutteen yef.ri old. ft.e'"'rei'i .~~ at the way Meaall8 ..... or inn,_ .._ a ty . ..,. Mor1uary, Colltl Meoa. ti th• deal, _ f tereattng Jo .... them . I< 1¥ ~n I menUon w.ty per cent ~c"·tlii.• """pie of Newport Beil.ch to eostlnue payina' the -now In ..crow, ,_ tbrourh on OT rney ...... tor their cropo In • atralgbt "'8ue of .,,movol. .on all own and -U.lrly months conlRct ti ..-• 011 drourht lha\ luted 58 daya. sort ot -......j0 w; excu-•. 0n11· two --..... lhot wu t•· ·~·~· ~ la (or th,e bill people. · · ' •before Srpt. lu, accordln&' to · They wondered whether tb• De -~-~t!f; b.... --·~ -" · • et. ~. ~ :JJ~ ~ b6t See.I of Seal Ambulance ter-rain-maktoir exP"rlment..a tn Cell-mocr.ats -vOted with ~ .-.-.-b-terms moat banls• and Ce • 1 For:-many, many moot.ha •e have felt that all ol t.M tt. •"L_ •ice, one of the ttlrtt pa.rtnf'rs. fornla and .90me other we:itern Ucan ptoponent1. but ouatL pf ~lea" wee o~raUnc on'U ""' 'tillr'. ajJout the possibility of joiaJDJ tlle two comJllllllltiea. .i , ll/16 0 e I.WI'/ Othera a"' P . V. Park..-and N. P. both _.,.. vot.!d agalut '1he ~heir maximum '...,,.,, the CttdJi ., Im d stalH might be deprivtnl' them or amrndment to defeat IL i Let 'm• r:tnctlona.·-n·ut on. •• Cit t N rt Be ·'" --"' t'"· 't f "~-' Ridley, both long t • real enta 1 T•· •·---• ed • -·"" ~ uie . y o ewpo a~,, ._.. ,.. eomDlUDJ y o ~ ,._ • ..__ ___ . ra n. ucy auou wuuuer what add that .the propoeed arrieb, dment 1 till-,,,,.. __ th--In~•-·•. ii b talk W ~ of C.0.ta Mf'M. tht>lr chances were ot l°etUng re-i 1 ood .1u.. ...,uo ui --= U1e -"'t-~ . into .nne cfty, WU' just ., BIUIC . • are now I take uae UbtrtJ' of aendln& you f:xtract fmn a lfiter U...t Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lorentu.n. lirf by mcanl!I or artificial nuclei-wu certa R Y . not as, g a f."lni~tratlon, know thia to be true Cfrtyll It is.a was'le of b?{!atb. · .......... Io_ TOiE a.OUt the queatloo of -·••t111c •'oo!t -wat.r pl'Hent ownera ot the chapel, will u ITU'tbod aa h&vong Prul~nt Tru. put lht)' ~to think th8t •lot The meetiN7 tn C,_llj ,,_.__ W'8 the """'• to which f ~ aM oUW' Hoek a new location tl'laitwhere. ~eir Congn1J111ma" carried their man hbnaelf remove • cabinet of inconveniences~ etc., are cOocs ~ .._. ~ ",... °" -;;· "· -1,,-r u.ta. . · member in whom the. people have tor UL Do w.u ! ; th•· p t · I'-" It ol about 1• ----•1~ tt.tn J •-·1 Ro a( • n. .. -br&. 1 d que1tton1 to the U. B. Wtoalht'r 1 b .,-r : reaa was 1JO mv ~--... v ~ ~ wp wrt bt ohn .,.,.~ n n . --r· a man CJ El J Work Bureau and was told that the oat confidenc•. ut lmpea.clunent Thia ta yotir Fr.leodly P"ord ftpr'W:lltat.ive citizens of Coeta Meea. We were t.be only QOt kJMIW but wtSoee: uttclea on thls .ubject ..,. 1Dter'f'.Ci1'1' and ln oro en Bureau had not been ablr to reach \Vhlch .ome WOUi.~ prefer, ls not. pN..ler, Theodore· Robl.ns, .. l"" ffMvport Beach citizen t..be«. Tiie meet.inc YIU CaJJed to my )Um~ opln~. Wor\h conlldera.tlon. ~ w• p 8 t ant dtl':nnf~,..major cond\diona on appll~abl.~ to t.hia cue; Ute p~sJ-~I' goo<l':b~ 'til next week and Hm la th• ntract: "In. BlvO?IY Hwa the . water ,..11 i. Sll.&T ID ayOOS u.,. aubJe<t, dent wont act and the only lepl thapklng· all UI08e who !>tft t•eoretically 'discuss' the pro~. of inclusion "1th.in the pn acre foot for t.he tma.11 coMUnttt. In Ba.11 DielO ll la SJOS, a.net Pay lncl'f'uee avera&111.g about Meanwhile., the drought broke in ren1edy 1en...1w::-r~~i~~l l throu~ lbtade this a really . big'· month t City of Newport Beach of the M-rt Harbor Union High · ,1~~ e1-1 cent• an 11our hove been tbe Third 'Dtatri<t and Smltb'• an •ppropr •ion · wou n• car ••lea and repa.1111. _.,.I"" ln La Vl rne tM owner of a home on • ftO n . lot tsa. t.o dis up .,.,..iO"', eu mu('h pnfer to go ba.ck to my , , SebQol campua for economieal reaaon&. •V"Y lime an acre foot ot water cUcka lllrouP )Ila meltl'r. awa.rdrd to clvtlla.l\ work.en at constttuenta ba.ve had ao much own people and say I had tried. · ~:..-... Mesa leaders have' _.._. .... , loudly, ...... 1 1y and both lhe El Toro Marine Corps rain at this point that they a.gain than to have to go back •nd try '-NBtA ,,.~_. ""' 4t Camp Peridtt-ton, Ullnl' dL&tlhatlon equipment limU.ar to t.ha Air atatLon and the Seal Beach rear for thel • -- -'th -. t threats of court ~-,.· 11 :-~.with n.a_,.. ... 1 abu...... .. ........ In .... at ow u . s . Nava.I '-n--1.n Bfonn·.,..-au fff•h watl'r r .... rop•. ',.~y arc to expJaln, a.s either a Republican Li'fe Saver's "'' ·-~ ,..,.._ euu .,....... _ _.._ ._ ,__.,.. ._. .--~ NavaJ Ammunlllon and Net dePot wondering It rain-n1aklng experl-or a Democrat, why 1 had .voted of. tlae Board of Tru&teefl of the. High School Dilitriet. f'flqUirem«nta coukt be taken from t~ ocean al a COlrl of the choice lnerc>ue• will aCt~t all un-nlenls In weStrrn ata.tpg may have> to keep Mr. Acheson in otnoe, ~, .._., .. of n.acl--d~l oil, rlectrtclly or natural l'N: l'U would be thf' 61'•drd or "blue collar·· workera. caUBed loo much Thll"d Diatrlct which 171 rnembers ot Congress ht Ila "r- 1 cht'apeAt." Typical adva.nces are laborer, four rain. will now haw lo do. Put on the spot at the meeting' WU Judge Donald J , ol cenl>; helper, elJht cont.a; ele<· Perturbed by that Ium o( • . . • . · Mr. Hogg "'Tott' •n artl('I(" entitled C&llfornl& • La.at Water H ,._ tri('ian a°nd machinist, 10 c«!nts: 6 rodu Nobody ca.n tell lhe tanner1 Do<IJe. sage gwd1ng hand of Ill9flt_of the food things that l tn Wt'8lW&.)'11 Mapslne tn Nov. 1947. Extrsct from artic1r fo'llm\•s: -and tool maker. nine centa. ;~~-R~!~h20e~c~l~~g r:~.:. ho¥: to run their farms any bet- have happsled on t.lae hil. His anU.gonizers were the .aa.me The new ralk-a will go into ('f· polntment of a •pecial eight-mem-l ('r -than Congressmen who repre- IDeD who opposed annexing to the Metropotttan Wate.r Dis-j ''Tben ca.me the Japant'.e atta('k on Pearl Harbor and liter-feet on lhe first day period afur ber House committee ··to conduct eent ~,\li: Yf:!rk City ot Chica&"O _._.1. a.1ly overni.ht T·C evaporatorw bttam"' an i1U1lrument ot war a.a Aug. 11 and •re In complianc'-' la fUlJ aiid complete lnveetigation or downtown Los Angel~. ~That ton (Yet the Mesa, like Newport Beach and all ot Orange pr1.,.1 ... to the United State8 as a1rerafl carriers °" bombln1r ..... h 1 lall r h hss bel'n..£vi.dent lhi4.ye1ar in oon-..... t lhe K"enere regu on o t e end study to determine the-etfeclfl Cou•ty W'OUJd have been rationing Wilter by the Cbp.t'uJ if plan"' ... Thf' little h~dful of American-citluna Who knew Wag(' Stabilization Board. of artificial rain-mi.~ng on lhe ne('tion with bill.a OD h~t l&Oor. th. ' '-'· th · or on controls. I noW rtae toli'IV\y • anne.tion had not carried); .I.Ult antagonjzera were uythlng about T..C evaporators Rnd how to bullet ~m were various SC'gn'lent.l!I Or the national --..- ·"~ w h• --t h h 1-· h ~ ••• T .. ror you ·\bi.a littie cem from on,. the aame men who oppc:>aed tire C~ty Sanitation sys-cm.uni to M n~ton. 1rK""n ey urr'L"1.J ome to a.,..-... " plV\,luc-DEATH NO ICES PConomy. r---- tlon of hu'ndrr<b of n'taxlmum-('ap•C'ity portsble ~vaporatol"S. In Smith cited ·a.s · a 11upportin~ au-ot these wtndowt:.pt t~i;a. the tepl (Yet engineers 11tate. and it is uncontradictad. that • matu-r ot daya thrtt flrnls Wf'r(' in ua•mbly ll.ne produ<':tion 1 •~ E""'1't . thorlty. for hls Pt.'OJ>OUI T. H. pMncipal crop in whose d.lBtrtcta. reeidenta of the hill would be walking .in their .own offal if I W\th unlll!I cape.bl" of producinK 15,000 1"aJlon1: nl trub watt"? Frrd Ernest. 83, of Collin!! l s-Evana. [}(tan'. of En('intt'rjnK. Colo-:'; ;11r~:l.:.~~1~i!lmf~~~:-~=~ w• should have one good Ion• rain): hia antaconizen were .. a~ per da•. from th .. ocran. As ta11t al!: ~tble the. .. · unit.a land. nf'ar 8111lboa . died Monday in redo Agricultural and Mechanical I Is In th ~--k1 • " """"" .7 .. r-his home •fttor an rxtendl"d 111-College. Evans, who feels It would ng-on contro · · e ,uan. ng ti» same men who OJ>ROsed Incorporation of the Meaa. j we.nt lnt.o ~ by our nrmed force1t tn Pacific Jsl.anda, ~le .... They • neia. be danl'eroue to a.U.Ow rein-makers and cU'rrenc.y · committee, p&l'e (They expressed the. belie_ f tbat .Cqs_ta Mesa. ~ll.ld continue tnabltd UI. tor example, to majntaJn an army of 30,000 mt>n for A native of Kan.au he had lived to OJ>f'ratt-lndiKrimtnatdy, favors 918, V'DIUp'le 2 .. The pre~d.en.t or N'atura1 abdJty and application ot IWlmmtns prtnclp ... taugllt by Rooe Mary FH<l<'ri<k, .Red' .Crooo Water Safety Inatructor at New· Port !Beach.' 10th an'll liq alr'ttt l!wing. the rtat two weeb ln July e-amed Red Crou junior and .eti- k>r· Ute •Yiog C~Ca:tea tx" 9eV· era.l k>cal younc people ot th.la area. RoWrt 8n11lh, Water Safety Director &IL&OUbcea. Thoec receiving oe.ttiftcatu are: Junk>r. Jean B!"irp, Aqnette ·Ben- der, Sherry Ha. r n.; Barbara Hugtiea. Carole • Ozawia.n, J I ·m 8chloeuer. Billy ' Hart. D t ck Young, Ronaid Ka.ckltn., Michael Woodland. li;d\Vard Olblon. • S.nlor: Call l!:rlckooo. John lone•. and Bob. Young. • • ' : inM.ftnltely to spona-e on tJie illcorTVU"lll\ed arP..aa .. for their I a& mOlllha oii Ecuador's rwa.r walt'rlf'• 0.lep.9CQ1 llr&a.nd a.nd In th~ tM!ach area for the put a bill, p&llM"d by the Colorado Ute Sout~~estel"!' Cat.tie Ra.l!len " -,,--_,---J they had a.II the pure potable water thf'y nttded, tneNdln1 Mlf-.. vton montha.. le ... laturP, whJch would tmpoeet~iton b the .witn~ He la atrMj.a. their pol.ice P~ and othel'°"eezV'ic• pafd ·for , tlc .. ot for the Irrigation of their -nt<-ns that ru.m.JdM!4 much of a hi •• hi -.._ .. moderate cmtroi-tt Al.a calla for flU.ea_t !otted, 1>y Rep"l'¥~•e 11 b ell -• h unln ted ·-.,urvivlnl" m .. • eon, r n."U rd , , Muller, a Brookt;yp. covibby.J , ~ ~ y the county but given oruy to t e corpora tklr food. Untll &tter V-J day thf'ae r vapoN,ton wt:re a. top Emtoat of Bellflowtor and two • .._ coo inatlon of raJn-m•kinl° •~Y "Wltrre:n: If .1 stnl ·awn-ca.J:vet, .;. 'P!lOftS5!01jf.l II DIRECTORY i-ar.8a). 11tUtlary"-9l"Ct"t't bttaus• lht>y runctionftd thr<MJ&'hout the war to tt>n, Mn. Ralph Blackburn of Bal-=mln~:•lion by a. regulatory t a.m sObj.ct tct -lhat second roU- Judge Dodge pointed out, that, in 80 far u he could our complete sa.tlefa("t lon and to thr ult•r conattrnaUon ot lM b<Mt. and Wra.. Fred Kaller or T o-Mt'anwhii(', however, Sen. Ari· back . · determine, no one in Newport Bej.cb (city) conaJd~red Jt Japs. le<lo. Ohio. deraon f Dl of Ntow Me:m.ico, where Atr. Cole: Calves that are born I D~ I B ... the •'· be 1~c ••d Jt -Ill be _..., ___ •-Funeral arran1f'menu are in ..... me or the earlier •-·Indian late, in other \l.'Orda. .-------------. too important one way or another whether the High School .... ......ry may now V9U ... ... •-·~ ..... LU ch.arp ot Baltz Mortuary in cor-_, ..... · Wltnci.a: Yee Sir. I eountWas Americans that thP thrtt nrm.s wtto built lM portablt raJn -maktnr expetlmenta w tore WU in the City o r County. He .... told that the residen.. unlta tor the govtrnmtont' during lhP \v&r a re now rorsm.-ateed-ona df'I Mar. c-onduclt'd a fevr Yf"ll.n ago. has Mr. )-fuller: Do bttediDC' cows LFATl!lR A. llECKEK, D. n. 8. DENTIB1'RY of the MMa considered they were being rol>bed of their uy aht>ad tn the ma.Jlufactur<' of larcer and lmprowd wait.a for ...,.rt R. Rf>Wrt• introduced 8 . 222. c1Jltftr for rtrtd :e~;:r<;1 the average two cal.vea civjc pride by any endeavor to annex lhe ec.bool site. 1 statjonary uae. One firm "°'" adTI"rtiw• a unit I.bat producu J'uneral MrYka wrrc hrkl federal control ot artltJci aJ nuclea-Witness: ?t.fr. Congressman,· i t •· .cA Tu@.9d f Robe t R Roberts lion. It would eet up a Wealhrr J~e Dodge pointed out tjJ:at over the yean the tax-1 21uu rations of pure f~~h water from raw.,... water at a co.t. of • ay or . ,. · · Control Commi•aiou. wlt.Jrt th(' ~es 2?~ day~ of g~sta.tton_for_ a. I _,_ I payers Ot ~he City of Newport Beach have paid more than i about 3lic )>E'r 1000 1"•llona:· THAT WAS ft>UR YEA.Ra A.GO. ~~-~tw~ ~~'::"c1a1°:'~· O= reins held tightly by the Seere-rov.· to produce one calf. It takee t&ry ot CommerQC. a s~ttp ~:s3· days. 1 three-fourths of the coat of building the $2.000.000 educa· ; <:entlemen. wtltu>ut In any "'"Y bot.tin,. tnto your atfatre, I sub-county hoaplt.a.1 alter a sudden W-Three subcommlltff& ot the In-Mr. Muller: You see, I am con- tipaal in8litution, and that at the same time Costa Mesans , mlt ~ above. beftevtng u 1 do that the •lnlion of our btautttul neu. tPrlor. ArrLcu.Jture and C-ommer('c fUsed beca.u1e they have been UU- 1783 Ne"wrt Blvd.., Costa M-1 • UedlcaJ Bldg. Beacon 81111 ftM E . Bay A·ye~, Ba.Ibo& Harbor 327-J rteeivived 60 per cent of the benefits becaUM that Nlll'Celltage ! cauromla: will ~ alfcctf'd by lhe Ulllit of air• waiter ~ pun. A native of Trau, Mr. RobffU committees, with Andci'.raon preald·~. ing ua tbat .you have Rprtng and ,... w ,_._ was a retired me:Tchant. He is sur-fall calves" •----..,...--------! f ''" t d •-f th · d ' t · t (Pre ti th Ith but w-.e•. I •m ln1<. held Joint hearlnga on 8 . 222. . · ' .. o .,.e s u en ... were rom err 11 nc . sen y e en· 1 Your truly, · vlved by ht. wife, Mr•. Florene:" The..ee Wt>re ma.rked by conflicting Our f riend from Brooklyii . tm't O~~JSTS , rollment is nearer even.) DAN O'HA.NLON Roberta of Cotta Meaa ; two broth-testimony from u . s . WeatMr Bu-the only one who is coiltuaed in r-----.-E.-""i------·.-.-o."''_o. __ Prior Op__.._nities runerton .. Caltfornla reau expert.a rrgardinl( uae daJI-. s ·~on o e con & allUJ era, 0 . 0 . Roberta of Tex.a.. and th! 1 f th :x.m;,.,_ •· B1n!<i.-~..._ ,...... • • J<l'ry ot Wyomlnir; aµd two al•· I'•" and J>OMlble beneflta of artl· leads me lo a final enl.. OPTOMETRIST The Prelident of the School Board alao stated that tere, Mre. Madff Warlick of Long ticl&I rain-malclnr. 'J'be Cornmt!C"fJe Thumbing through Iaa.tah. found Evn.lnJ by Appolaciamt at le--two times during th& 22 y--tbat the -hool h••' e .. ch and Mrs. Adelio Norwood au~mlttee ln•olved baa •-kJ tb1a In the 14th chapter, "God Is 1114 \u. N--111,._ ..._& "".'' I!! N Bea h -:i.i h treed th 'bas learned to pay its own billa,· that we ahould be ooe •t Boron. Clallf. two ·c-.......... 00 'fa,., not the author of conrualon, but N~~a;;;.., 9111R:D Ill ex. tence ewport c co ave o e I "t Regardless f h lao hat the Rev. Floyd 'I11omP90ft oUlcated tr)'ln• to deeide Whetbe1' to r~-of peace:· I conclude that lhJa Is. Barbor !5fl ' a.anexation, these were: ~· 1 a.rge CJ y. . · 0 wb uldo anne~ • or w W at Ute .... v1cee. 'held ht Orau.d meftd t1'e con.trola propoMd by a. definite evidence that there Ja no · · . ..__ 'bsot 1 reaultant city 18 called, it a o .-.,., eome to pea. e .,,...,.,, Ooota 11-. lnterment 222 01 1 tlo t b • ea~.' When sewer connectiona ~a.me a 1 ute Y neces-I will '_p~bably con~ue to .be partlciAllftb In the <::oaataJ tollaw..i 1n Weatm-.r Mamorilll b. the Interim, the --....... w~~ '::"°.on~u.i':n == .• ,2. When the High School bad to seek connection to M~·~ .. ~aterb!Di_stri~ WJth g::es~j La':: ~<I_ ~.ew-peril. . '.:,,.'".;:;"g-"d!11,.~°':,.~t th~~ ~:.".:'." .::_~o;;:'":C~~·':;'~':; J.aty Attl!ll' , th• Municipal Water sy1tem in order to obtain adequate ::'n Bea. cl, ~J:.'::n ;;hoot ~:rict and ~h=g~""""'rt :;:; ~..:· .. ~were COfldU<t· stlrrod tbe •-i<loo that the ex-concreaa ilre no loo'gar 1dlrecled •i• eaut. ma_,. p.requre -.... r-td at 2 pJn. Monday Jl t.ht> Grauel cel81ve T'ain may have been in-towards ending ~e COn!'!f10D, but OOaC>NA DEL JtAa '· Tb •. ,.;.,,pie of Newnnrt o--h ·--·" of ... _ Hi_.. Uruon llirla School diatrlct; and we will share In th_e ulti· chapel, Costa Meaa tor Thoma.s c1u-_ partly at leut. by th• only towarda a more o,..,,.ty con· DAY AND MIGHT ,,_.... ..,..._ ~ -..~ .,....,... ~ .,.. te d lopment f dequ te sanitary ae:rvi th P'. s&nders, 5.2, of 218 Knox St., cloud-milk.era. wbo aow dry ice fuaion! Phoae ftuM'f U ICboot. RegardleM of whiether it is included in the cor-~· eve o a a . . ces ·lD e Coeta M~. rctlf'ed oil g-auger, from airplahq or spray vaporised Poatscript: By the. u,bie you I'·------------! porate boundaries we will continu. to pay the billa. We will Jo~ ... ~tuntydprobtgramh. th N rt' Be cb Id be . •·-who died July 23. •,ll••rtbelodide ln0to the at~re fr~~ ~!."~bee~~riv~!.~ f . "l'Cilol.oolft · . I . b be U'4 we OU W e er ewpo a WOil mM:J-)Ir. Sanden ts aurvtved by a rom groun • -......... VJ, un:: o-i au.::71. j... __ .:.,::.:.::.::=:::::;:_....,-., ~~~~~& oo work on its behalf. ti .name will no dou t eeted In_ Amle.utlon of Coata M_ es. 8 00 the City just to pay oon, Thoma.a, 'Jr .. and a slater, Accordingly; Rep. RJchar<I, w. to put water on tboir landoJ, *""" E;ITOER-'\'. "A.NLEIMi uJC _...._ MJ·s. Loleta stout of Te:xu. Rev. Bolltnr ,(D) of bard-hit Ka.MU ha•e taken uothn-•~ P8TCHOLOGl8T The people of Newport Be&cli nor their 'city govern-more billa for the presently UlllJICorporated area. Tom Pendell otrlolated. Intenn•~t City ha.a Introduced B . R. ·~ The "comm1u .. l'f ·-" ,;, llal'riap Co-miis · • wu In =eat-•··ter "--orl&I ldenlleal to 8. 222. Both would the Interior appropriation 111Ul; -'" --i~ D·Jat~a . ment SOU.,bt the ann••ation, The City Council -· asked ~· .. ~~ ~~" I "T r-., .,... -• ·---park lice.Me rah)·ma.lt•ra, whoee butl-,ttniill, and tbe bill lllfc*Jd COi\· Seam.I frobJuu It)' the eehoo~ board in ---.,, ita proper powert, to STILL \VASTE AS USUAL __;.,.. ,, • ..,.. \'oa K.inlM'lk ::"r~r':i"!~~t-;:.~.; ::' :'...:::' ~ ~::~ Itli~!~!:l'=t-" -the Hi1h Scliool eampua In order that the School Only the ·~ kind of public ,....ure can force "'-ot the Angela wu belt! undue damap -. bx llc<mled .. n to flnlab .tJloit Jqlo. T 'll _.JI-....:.·.._...;,:~,_ _____ __, Diltrkt could obtain IOllM •vinp, on ~ and uUli-the 1°'* u-t to ~-That ill the theme. of a lllrilr· at 9 a.JI\. Mond&7 In the St. Joo-pntUtlonera ot artificial aua.a.. -.,. If I add, Wltllol!t Iii~ ) llfSllllA1i'VE U.. inl article by Stuley Hlgh, in tbe Reader'• DfgMt, called cblm ca~uc clt1UCh. Coot& Meaa lioft. I i.ot •• ..., ~. W. -th .... •-f ••-t I tor l!:dward J.., .. Van K.-it, But the queetlon ot •ta ......,. ell~ Fo apend pG0 m'8loa on Old Eatohll....., rn.urow ... were ra er .a--w...... one o ,_ pre8MI "111 WuJl!nstoa lt'• Wute Aa UllU&l.0 Infant aoo or. Mr. and Mra. Har-tedorill control retnolnl .-u..s. ..., .. __ pro)Octa In Jia!Jl TIM at. the Co.ta M-meetlq ..W. in aui.tance, ''JJnildea -Kr. Bich ....,.. how our money la belq ~patesJ on mon Van Ke1111belk • ot 3111 Eut Tiie _...... ot tntentote In-Qoo<ilola i-en will ....,. lo • All 1s!::'.lu-. •re aoon roin1 to 'try ud llleOfPOnte, it it la tci6 apeii,llH Wlaec I rsa---~-ot a thouaaiid ·uc1. Olle klnct., alici. ZOth atreet. Coota M..., who died vol-ta bu -blim -P9ll -tbe U.7 mllllool; -m11& • d h -, .,.._.,_ Juzy U at SL Jooopb boopltal •. ._ ddblltdy. No one ....,;. aa1 -o «JUrt ""P tbey 1'""111 "°"AIU> W. 0 ' to 1_,.,,.,rate &II nin our city, -wtll &II-the W ole av-: "Lately tllere bu 'been a notalllli blcreaa lb m tnterment waa 1n Holy Sepul-to -for ...,.. ,rbellltt owry .o-·~1 0.., Wiiiie IJle Jta'e• -.18 I UMKow1101tJll¥d.. ONI&- • .,_. to Newport Beaeh." fl'Dllll coutltllteetll -'iing ahar'p delNnda ffW' ecGiiomy d!l'6 ~metory. Orau•I c:Jtape~ Coo· Ume ,.... n>aM rain over ~ aot be ~ to !IQ: ...._ IM Plk>Rm B&ACOlf 1111 _.._. •11,utlell Oii U.. ~ ol eoa,-. ·Thea delllUlda bve ~ta &mo, ...... in,~"'.,.. foresample,lf-Udl'UMI• ---W.-•1'1lktoSl~::;;::::;:::t;:;===;;=::;~ n.t ia &ll inter11tm1 lta~t. , Then are a ,_ lib nctllded th8 efforta of Congr1-who belieYe. with ·""'~ -..,... 10 l!"t .i.o-r..-"> · ...-· 11&-~ta.• IE SW. INSIJRE Walp-. ot the ea.ta Jin••• ahould wtdentuld. Tile lllnator BYrd that 'om"&trengtb and prepuedll111 In all City ot Newport Beiieb dol9 .-1llldlr..,. •um11111-r•l*ta dlpend ~ recluctton" in -eeuntlal ependlng: aia .. \o aD-U)' ...._ ...... 01 ,..,. tlil·QCr .of ... "Bllt U.. will bl! Do adequate reduetiooa nfr11 prel- pon B"ell would, iJG4_ haft to take '8 er U7 portlaa at ._ fl'Dlll die J!'DF'I i. sreatly locre..ct. To add to ih&t Ute' X.. into the City 9\'9. t ..... p tM JI.-fl '•11l -Pf , UN rillaut 'delay ill, J ~ 811' obllptloa llpclll ..... ed .... cent It waateil .. MEIS We•",..,. •••••• , pqtriall8 •-XU.'' wllltw Ha1pon Pn;.11 rwN -lta wq te 3 1r·1 "9w Tiie 11 111ea la i<>"'mnent ..,_.at ... wlllch bu no ...... iii Cciela V..'• u•n· .. arill' ta .. , ...... -·*· ....... db OW' mlliluy '"'91'lillllll. ... ;to tlil -...... I/I ... °*I 11 ..... W. M ...... IM 1 I• t fte Dlplrtma. ti 0' Zllee'a ~-Jim. cw u. r•1••• o1 • aa, ell Jraws t •n• 1r11J1,. IL ... a -=•·t lscl{11t1 _ .._i..o ba4pt. • -...... .., • d .......... ,.. -., ll*lt ll83 Pll'-* -.. 19 II£' ..... _. _, IMl ta... ta at °"'*''' c ... , 19t P"' wt ... I P2 1'f I Is 11 I i :' I ..t .. a .. tlle U.. a.., ltr. 111111 walct -lMl. Wide U. fll!tl2 ..... drat .... _, ot 1T. I. ~fnnz 11 d•W z .. ,. ol tlil t-o arau wCSlld ., ••l .. * ,.,._ 111Pb .. .-.., .. 1lllt oi a· rt taW el -ill .. u. •• w ll&lll 111~•w11 ... P ~-,, Aticw•4' • ._.._._.•hr• '!==~~~1 Nt1p11tR1 •" , . & 1a-,a• •atuClll',•l 1 .... · W• lltll1 feel tllat W:I m tile pr1111rt. Ontlr .._ -lo do~ It?" • ' • • • • ... -···~· .. ' ..... -._... .... ,., • • esac = =•=•====•===••••••••••••=•••• • I • • ) -. • ·-· Police Auxiliary Makes Plans for . Christmas f arty I Merle' N'ewland Home From·Korea ~ bame tolko In a blir way la Merle l>rewl&nd, brother of Miu- CldUnir " eood irrup on Father la Newland of New;port Hd a ht.o, 'Pllne'a forelock •re m embers ot Mme • 00 ao day Ju.r-k>Uf h from Newport Beach Police Alllllllary, Ko?U11 waten Wll•re ~ la ma· wbo bepo plannlnlf lhelr annual clilnlal mat. 'lhlr<I ..... on th< Cbristma8 party. aa they oat Tu... U. S. 8. ~-H• la alao nephew day evening ll'OUlld a beech camp--of Mn. P . L. Hlgtu and Mim tire roa.sting wtenef11 and ma.rah-Ellie Newla.Dd. _ maJ.lowa_ Fint big event alter he new L&Veta Lace and Lorrainft home wu a SUnd&y .PienJc at Konqomery w..-e lv>aluoeo, and Anaheim city park with 40 rel&· the party waa held on the beach Uve1 from Long-Beach, Loa An- near Mn. Lace 's home on 21th gelea and the Harbor are& p!'ff- ltl'eeL Rounding out the menu e.nt. I t wu a re&! reunkm. and were potato salad and wate r-the famDy plans to ma.ke It an J1te.lon.. A warln welcome wa.t gtv-annual affair, alm1lu to the bic'• er, Mabel Jones, back for her tlnt gcr affair, an a.nnual event held ~n with the group an.tor a each year at Thayer,_ Ku. N ext kmg lllntu.. Sunday 11 date for the latur Durtng the bu.lnf'Ra lnterlm. event, ~th 140 expected to be Bewrly Burd11&ll wu elected there. eecretary-tr easurer, folloWfng ree- tsnatlon from that poslUon of Betty ~bu!. Ganin were play- ed. prizes go!ng t o Mn. Burdsall. LOle Price, Marnte Stockdale and M'ft. .Jones. Navy Couple Leave for East Coast ' Commander and .Mrs. R ic.ha.rd A. MeJra&e-,. 1~29 Miramar Drive, • MIL AND MRS. EL'IU:R ~y t , I • (Photo by Beckner) P'IOnMt Residents in N,w Home ' PA&E J -.PART • f .,.. 'l'HUISDAY, !Jle; 2.-ltli ;i~i@l!.:tu .. •· • 'j,!: ~ D.,.m * a,.... ..... "* rswcs .. ....... .. ........ -----------,,.....~------------------------------..... M 8i I la.,, Dllla .... ,_ ____ ..,._~-----------"!""--_, .. ....... tllOf ,_,. 11 6-Mt. ... Mn. Op: aa .....-.r Jlr, .... ? ...... ,.~ .... rardsst. · Dick' Finster Home From , Hospital . Dk:k -s·rt• rwt alt l••t ... to U.. ......... 71 ''r ......... ,., lf..,,..i ...,..._ ,.._, Mio' IM -AM 0.-8MdtJ R111''•f ..._. .. ... ,I af1wd wWl .. ,...... ... •bsd .... -a ........ t. Bola ftlloatlM.-.·· • r.u&IOl'J -Smart pio, wheuitt In or out of IChool will be lnlrlfUOd with Vflma 0 '-'• MW tab fliah· iOnl! K l• <YBriea prtelntl her !all ahowlng at. R&pn'• Reatau- rtt.nt Tuesday, Au,ruat .lf, at 2 :30 p. m. O'Brien's ahop 11 NP""' aented In Vocue Matailne. oo th!• preview peeai. 1• ucluaively ooOr~ dlnaled with Vogue'• ~ual Aur- ust 16 "Baok ,lo 'School!' ·edlUOb. All those intefesi.4 ill Dame Fashion's salute to autumn are inVtted to at tend O'Brien'• dl&- play o! "Smart O!rl.a In and Out or School." · l, .. • . ' ' J ! Summer1 . ' DRESSES! -.-DRESSES!· { . • • \ . v • . - Over 100 1iD R·Ess ES-!' Cotto,ns -Sil~s -Nylons:__ Reyons , .. ' I · at "Prices to Clear · * SUITS -JAGKETS -SKIRTS " Prffent werr: Audrry Cotllfl', Mamte Stockdale, Bea Lace, La-. Veta Lace, ~I Jonea, Loil ~ce, VtoJ& Cornecl, &tty Pbe- bUs, Kary ,Batea. ~ly Burd· all, Lorraine M'onti'omery, Violet l toneback and cuau Donna Rob- -Pal Coe and Sally Bat.a. Ba)boa, I efl Tuesday night for Ri COM c • C"' ~ ~ ~=:· b~· ~~ ~;:ed 11:~ 1tes· at -: omm1mity , ·i.111r~(I : . Mr«!:'~~o~~S:ewman, dlity fr:l the office of Chief of Na-"I', U · ~ 23$'.NI 8tgnaJ Rc>ad, Cliff Haven, * PE'fEJt PAN BLOUSES . CHINTZ SHOP . • FOR maH SCHOOL GIRLS A Wond,erful Savings on These ! -· Mn. CotUe and Mn. Phebus 9i11 be h08tes•u at the ft f'Xl meet- :l Z~"~;:~~":.:.!:'1811~~~; Un·1te·~Mary GurlA1Y and ·11;•mer:~·jan· ley· ~ ~i.~~~~· h:p~~a:.; before death ot their onl.'£ daugh· V ,.., IYI w eighed l!llx pounds, f'lght ounces. ter, Sharon Lee. ' 1 •• The couple expect to r.emaln tn White gladJoU. tklpbfnJUJn ' ... • · • ' ' . · I * Clotie Ont -Cottoa Gowns -Mldltff P&jarnM INTERIOR tnC'. ' . . !:~i:"' i:l '::!. tw;u:u; ~~~ u:..i·~.~ ~1~:-: Quee~ ~nd· Count ,. · y. · SETS --Opportunity la lmocldnr In rtuch ot 460 Old County Road, candlt s added to the Colonial t b G t • • • ALSO llEE OUR' UODD8 11 ENDS TABLE• DECORATORS * CLASSitil:D ¥>8. mother ot Mfo. Mel/<loe. charm ot Corona del Mar Commll· 0 e tJes s FOR RENT F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;_;;_;;;;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;;;;;lnlty ehlll'Ch lo provide aclllng for -D lb y h fi rlt .. which united, at oevm o'clock On pa Oa o9C t BELTS • SHOllTS • lllALTEllS • l'LOWEBS • ETC one of Largest Stocb , ERWO·OD'S' on Saturday, J uly 29. Mlaa Mary TIDE T. V. • SOii• l'o'"EWPORT BL \'D, Newport Bt-ach HARDOR !08 of Decoratora Fabrics on Coast * 9M So. Coa."t Bl\•d. Lo.pna 8-h '-1- 521 OOAST BLVD., OORONA DEL HAR "Tlterefort>, whe n ~e build, Jct us thlJ:t!< lhat we build forever. Let it tx-such WOT'k u our deecendants will thank us for, let u. thlnk that a time ii to come wMn tho9e stones will be held aaeTtd became our handt have touched them and that men will say u they look U1)0ll the laboT and wrought sub8tance of them , "IH \his our P'a'lMra did f ar ua." And when you fuml.sh that home, let me send you lo the pn.t Anrelus factory, America 's oWn creatora of ffldrurtnl'. immort&J CUm.iture !O bl>autlrul it wUl fucJnate and Inspire you. Alice Gurley IJ'.ld ~r Z'dpr A quart.a of a m illion pcopt" Manley. The bride la dau1.hter of who a ttended the Ingl.ewood Com- Mr. and Mn. 3'oha Addison Our-munlty Fair Aug. 26th lo 29th ley, 118 Vt& Ithka, Lido. late and could t f'U or the scnaatkmal con· I lbe bridegroom ta son of Mra. A. tt'st to select a Queen. Bealde1 l B. Manley, Wabeawa, Oahu, Tei-. the Queen hen.elf, there was a rltory of Hawaii. They were unit· Royal Court of 20 of the fairest. ed. In a double ring ceremony by A.JI these beauties a re. lo be llll!' -------------4 the R-ev. P&Ul Babbitt. put.or of gueats of M.r. Stanley awtat~k. of thf" church. Balboa, <;>n hLR yacht "Glenda" u Flowrf9 From Ha1'rall an awa.rd for their wtnnJnp. The party will bt-hf'ld In August. · J.ta.ry wal lovely ln her bridal Mr. s wiatt'k ls president of t he !>R, HOWARD ERWOOD You 93\'f" up to 453 buf no obllptloa. to tMJy. Balboa, Harbor 0188...J Opm E\·enlnp gown or v.•blte taoe over aaun as Diamond Mac hine Tool Co., which Ahe 1A'&S eacorted lo the altar by waa one ot t he larreat exhibito rs her ra thf'r. It waa an a nkle at the lnS"lewood Fair, and l8 plan- length gown with fitted bodice, nlng to exhibit at othf'r Fairs to )Oftl' PCirinted -*Yeti and wllh a be held tn tl)ls area. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT . . ......... Dani9er FURNITURE co~ • round collar at ·lbe high neckline. The beautlf\ll f;ng.,.tlp nil edged A l _. t With rooepoinl lace WU held with rnnounce IVlee $ • crown ar· poar1a. This .... tM f l _. c· I . "OOO!eUW.c l>oo row.d," h a v Ing 0 1V1eSa lrC eS been .mt over by u.e lwldef1'00m'1 .riAtr, Mn.:. 'l'Jmtt Phillip• ot MeeUrl p of the Costa Mesa Honolulu. rrom Honolulu al&o ~ommunlty Melhodlst church W. came the bride's bouquet of white S. C. S. clrclea are announced. orchids. rosebuds and st.cphanol l•. CtrclC' 8 will gather W l!'d nt>:sday, a.s 1A'el1 u !lov.•ert carMed by her Aug. 8, at 8 p. m. with Zue Hall, attrnda nts. All were sent by the 131 Broadway. We Buy and S_ell New and Used Furniture bridegroom's mothers, J.trs. 1wta n· Circle l will b(' tnl crtalnfl"d Jey. Compl.-tlng t be enAemble-was Thursday. Aug. {) at 1 p. m. l.n the the "!W)mething old," a 9trand of Newpor t Hel&hls home ot Mary helrk>om pearl.I, gift or the bride's T &y lor. 1101 Cliff Dr. Othe r clr- molhcr. c lCfl a.ssemb1tne-Thuraday &re Cir-• 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 All o! the bride's attf'ndan\JI cle 3. wh\ch wiJI be recelvf'd at were gowned alike in bou!(&nt I :30 p. n1. by Mn. F.dna Hart, -;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~lwhite organdy., but ov~r gllpa or1121 9 Church St.: Cir.c1e .f meeU !". varied colont and the bride hf'r-at 2 p. m . In the church: Circle 2 ANNIVERSARY SALE self had designed the f'rocke. Ma ki also m ceta at 2 p. m. in the or honor , Mies Donna Keller or La-church : Circle ~ members w1ll guna Ek-ach , wore rose w ltll hold a breakfast at 9 a_ m. in the match ing suh. Brldeemakb Mn. home or Violet Cauel•. 224 Mal'~ Hugh DunlaJ> (Mjldred Gurley ) nolla Ave-.; Circle 7 will meet with and Afrs . J ohn Gurlf'Y, Jr., we re bl Lillian McClelland, 362 E. 20th St'., lnvende~ while Mn. Ro~rt Gur-at 7 :30 p. m . GIFTS AND GAMES --:•~ Price RecluctioltS Up to 50°/o .. <E--- Als<> Many Other Daily Specials ley and Miu J ead Reed were In France. Timberlake, 2181 Irvine a qua . All carried 0.lt Hawaiian Ave., will be hoaten Monday, AUs. bouquets and wor e banda or 13, at 7 p. m. t o Circle 9. The Hawaiian orchld!I at the back ol home of Bernice Hadley, 198l'ii their h!!!'ads. Weatml.naler Ave., v.1ll be-the Costa Mesa Stationers "MOM" 6 "R. D." F LAHERTY J 188 Xf"WJ)Or1. Blvd. Richard Rodby gave beat man meeUnc "place Tuesday, Aug. 14, usistance and guests w ere sealed a t 7 :30 p. m. for Cir cle 10. by ushe ra Robert Gurley, J otm l\:=:=:====================~ Gurley, Andrew Simpson and " _ Robert· Kilijler. fraternity brother Fuchsia Society Meets Tuesday • ~ or the bridegroom. 10°/o Discount on Any P•chase °"""" the org>in pre1uc1. can- dle• Wl.'Te lighted by the MJut1.J (EXCEPT AB.._UA>'XE and 8RRDfP) . l Ann Fr~ma.n and Louanne Tay-The Costa ),fesa. ~Bay . ClUe1 Bring thl8 ad to !or. branch of the California Fuchst& BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fo r h•r daught..r'• wedding Mn . soc!oty will m .. t Tuesday, 'Aug. 7, Gurley was gowned tn floor len&lh, at 7 :30 p. m . tn Leg1on hal.t, Coata Fresh Fish Daily from 0111' Own Boats' grey.green crepe wlth orchid M .. a. ProgT&m top!<: wiu w • flower hat and orchid corMge ''IA.ndscaplng Your Home." Door ~Pl!OIAL PBJdE ON AB.A.CORE FOR CANNING sent from Hawaii. Mn. Manley pt"lsea will be awarded and a plant Abalonel-75e lb was not present but her place WU sale held. RC'freatunenta Will be . · • taken by M n . Rodby, w ho wore arvt'd. ~ FRESH SWORDFISH, ..\.LBAOORE and SALMON black accented by an orchid cor-The September meeting wUI be BARRACUDA. "'hole elf!eM'd .... ·-···-··-··----·-···-·· .... SS.C lb. lla)•be -~-a potluck dinner ln the local park UOO l&farette on tbe 8-;J' NEWPORT Barbor 113 Gtlil'Sta Rettl.Vf'd (not thla month u wu prevloua· \ FINIST OCEAN' FISH •188E!t!Q'Ml We will Pl ...... All'1•-for JriRliiMt• • • ly annoUnced> .. ' ~~~----- Barbecue Supper for Church Class • • • • ALUMINUM CHAISE LOUNGE Non • rust adjustable head rest with vat .dyed, boxed pad. Reg. $41.25 Limited Number $29.95 I . I Alamlaum BEACH BACK Bmml Regularly 6.95 at . " . . . '2.95 ALUMINUll l1JRNITUU Alullllaun DECORATOR CHAI& folding and light weight, in blue green or red. Reg. $13.95 '9.116 AtJTO.BYE CHAIM. 'Feather-Ute' Aluminum frame, can vu coveno. in blue, irreen. ruat and yellow. Reg. ularly $21 .95, Now ...... •11.9'5 ' . GAIDEN UMIRILLAS 8' GABDEH' Ulllllr.ELlA Aluminum Pole, floral llniq with vat dyed coTer, heavy lrin1e, Regulal:ly $'19.95 at . . •• --~ 1' -Q)SDl:N , 1JJOllll:IJ.A . Alum!• n11111 pole-Floral llnlnl' with vat· dyed cover. Re1. •9.116 Now $29.95 1' . OASDl!H tJMMstr.&, S.way tltliD&' dmce, 2~" frinp, .Allomd lltriped OOTel'I, • rqaluly $17.115 Now • • ' . • • . • . ftj.111 • - 1626 SOUTH MAIN ST., SANTA ANA • ' .. ' ' p·ATIQ .& OUTDOOR . .. FURNITURE.:. and Acc~ssories:: I ' ' REDWOOD FURNrTURE · RAnAN . ' BAR-~ ·SETS •• Table and two S.pc. SECl'IONAL, 2 bar rattan, benches, reg. $19.95 Now · . •t'7.95· cuahiona have zippered alip cov· 3-6' Rustic Seta . , $19.95 • $1•.95 , en in an .attractive Chinese fig· 5' ~ TABLE and benches ured p at ,t e r n, regular ~134.50 · ... Regular $21.15 Now ,. . $i9.t5 Now . . . . . $U9.00 ·• 6' BABBIXJtJE TABLE Jind benches Ottoman to match above sectional $24.911, Now . · • . . . • $2%.95 Reg. $24.50 Now . ; • . . $19.95 KED'WOOD CRAIB, Rope Base with I vat dyed pad. Re~ly $18.95 RA'ITAN LOUNGE CllAIB, 2 bu . N $"'"" rattan, fippered cushions ~ Callad. , ow · • • ; • · · · · · -...... iuni leaf with brown boxing. With aEDWOOD OOCASIONAL ORAIBS · ottOman to match, regularly f1•A5 Replarly $8.911, Now • • • $'7.96 N~ .. . . • . • . . . $59.95 : REDWOOD STOOLS, regularly 4.50 . m-BACK CRAIB, 3 bar ra~ ,. Sale Price . • . . • • • $S.95 cuahiona in Bird-of-Paradise Patier!1~ , PORTAILI IAR·l-9's Portable BB A Z I El& 8, adj!18table srU1 on whel!lll. reg. 32.95 notv·tr.95 Portable BAJl.B-Q'a Blg Boy with wbeeltl. 1-wltb !food. Regularly $8'l.llC> Now • . . • • . $59.96 1-wlthout .bood. Reg •. $59.95 .$4UIJ. 1-wlth remo•able legs, tilie tor · =~a~. b0e ~ c ~ '. ,1f'8' . . One 'on!)' 80" llRAZllX, on whnl:i, RaloJe &lld Lower Grill, with np!!_(h~ • pd ~ ~ $47.95 . ·. fDJID MITAL llUINITUU· ~ .All lw1• ~uwmr ca•m. & M ll:ll Ill IN1 coc:a( &!Id .. .., Wide umL --....... 1.crp· ftlta ~ TAN.I:, res._. ..... , tt•• ... .... : , CJOYm ,., "lf1lll! • :.__, ...... a..·11 ..... ~ .... ,, .......... . regularly $71.50. ,Now . • $5'7.w Tropical lllld Original -~.; ' . , LAMPS-: ' rAllLE LAMP, Brown Cerami.; base ' ' Chf~reuae Shade. Regularly J,;21•50' , Now ·• . . . . • . • • '16.56 TABl-E I.AMP, Black Bamboo bue, Red Sha"'a I 0 -. $17.75 .••. $U.'75'. ,) ....,]&~ -;• l'ULE ~. ChiDeee ~,, ~ ReJ. ~ N<i1( • :... • '11W ' ooPn:Jt PJA.NTEll TA81.E I.AV' I' y ,$17;eo. ~ •• '. '1&50 l PADS ·.-: •. · PfU18, U,1°a7z• vat dyed · !-::"".!~-:;.;... -:: ·~:": .... ~ = Pl#tic am LOIJl(OIC PAIMS. ~· cotima ~ re. '11.915· at ; ....... .... tit Sun LOOlfC)I: .............. • Lgsk ~ "lo '21.llO at •• t11.t1 •co~ . ' • • • • . . • .I , ' ' • I , -PART I -THUISOA'(, AU& • .2, 1'51 l ,~Pillss-'l . Wl9ekend Guests · at, Simpson Home · SOcial . Events for SUnlmer Regatta • Mr. and Mra .. a R. s1m-. U~l Weit Bay Ave.. Md &a weeJc: end guests Mr. and Mnl. ~ !"· Ulrgent or HollyWood and Mr.;. and Mrs. R. J . Simpson of »er)c:eley. J(f. Largent ta Mra. 81..rqpeon•a b~)ler, and R. J . Stmpoon. who 18 dll/,lrict manager of I.be Ai'tnotn>ng Rpbber Co. tor the western at.at.ea,. ta eon of the bosL .... -----------------.tet Us Pay .Your Funeral Bills . . . .. "Our WlilTE CROSS PLAN ia the u.te. serudble method of ellml· nating funeral ex penaes and re-. lfevfng your family of future wor· rieS and sudde n fJnanclal burdens. >Jt'y person from 1 ~o 80 years of ¥• la eligible to apply. F or only a few cenlll a day the WHITE CROSS PLAN, through an admiltcd leg.al rcecrve Insurer, pe.ya all fune~l b\118. No matter heW little has been paid In. &er· vtcea are conducted exacUy ,... e:becified' at no f'Urlher coet, no n\at ler where you w ill be at time of need anywhere in the United S\ale8 or Canada. .CLIP. FILL OUT AND MAIL 'DHlS HANDY COUPON TODAY. /Please send me full Information al>out the WHITE CROSS PLAN w ithout obligation. 1 ~me ........... . Street or Route ................... . City MAlL TODAY TO: Baltz Mortuary s 410 Coast Highway Harbor 42 Corona del Mar Special Buy $ Complete Bedroom Set · Beautifully finished in silver gray Hardwood _ Mr. and Mre;. Chest Modern BookcUe Headboard . Atatlr..._Box Springs "'• Bed F:rame $129 Complete ' GUAllA.,'TEED l 'ALUES . ' • • Carlyle's Furniture M.EZZA.i."llNE LIDO DRUG STORE Harbor 1246 • PLANE e SHIP e TRA.L'I J • RESERVATIONS • Mutual Theatre Tictet A&lllCJ Superlative Dry <;IeaaJ.nc LIDO CLEANERS '51 Newport Blvd. OOSTA MESA Bea.&793-1 \-Ve. o~rate OU.I' own plant . With Bal-YfCht club boot ,.I t.he 27th annual 8 .. C. Y. A.. champ. lonahlp nptta. doubly Important l>ec:a\lllt It 18 al*> combined with the P . C. "r'. A. cllamplomhlp ,.,_ ptta. a· full. weelt of ~ eYenta ... ~-&Ion& with llrll week'• racing program_ Opening a1ra1r 18 a dinner dance on Saturday, dlnner a.t 1 ;30 p. m. And dancing , to beJln at I p. m. Thia wtlJ be lnrormat, Women com· Ing In gay cottcina. ' "Come u you att" will be the rule on Sunday. thla too fpr the small -t and dlngl\Y dlvlalol! 'J>'!Ople who will pt.bu et 3 p. m. tor cocktaU.. followed by a butret dinner and dlvtalon trophy pr-e. sent.aUon . Monday ni&.ht. dinner will be a fe&ttve &ffalr eel to a Spantah theme, with eombrerM, .erapca and brtgbt etolew to add color. Tuesday teY first really formal event. a faahion le& at 3 p. m. with Mn. Converse Wurdemann. wife of BYC vtce commodore, Lii h08teM. Pouring will be Mrs. Cliff Ch~pman. wife ot the S. C. Y, A. commodore and Mrs. Ed Retat-n. Wife of P. C. Y. A. commodore. That enrtlng there wtll be a buf· fet dinner _motion plcturee for thr younptera and Impromptu mu.el· c al entertainment. Olher event.a on the calendar are: WednE!Mlay. 8. C. Y . A . breakfut. Irvine Ranch barbecUf' dinner; Tbunday. bridge luncheon. patio d.lnner; F riday, cocktaU party and eemt.formal trop~y pre· aentatlon dinner. Grandson . Guest at Wurdemanns · Welcome guest at the home ot Mr. and M.ra. Converse Wurd~ mann. Ruby avenue, BaJboa 11· land, lut week wu Mf. Wurde· mann's g rand aon, ll·year...old Sherman Armatronc. Shennan wu brought down by hl.s aunt. M~ Helen WurdemllLnn of Beverly H Uls and her friend, Mt11. Sande Phillipe, who 1tay~ over the week end of the 22nd. He n>turned thla week with h i.a parent.a, Mr. and Mra. Sherman Armstrong, Sr., of Los Ang"lt>a, who were here fo r thia put week end. Highlight of the vialt for Sher- man was when hhl grandfather took hlrn and two younc frtenda. Clifford Smith and couNlln, Ellen Hale,· for a cruise to C.lallna b- land on board Wurdemann'a Rhodea cruleer, Mld8htp. They dropped anchor at the Laland and alept on t.fw boat over night. aaJl· ing home next day. Dr. Chung Family on V acatiort Several weeka of llUDlmtrtlmr rela..x&Uon ue in •tore for Dr. and P,fra. John if:. C. Chun1" 211 E: 18th St., Coeta Mea. who packed their b&ga Wedneeday and 'headed their car toward YOHmlte National Park as the Qrat desU· nation on their vacation. With lhem &re their children Cary. Joyce, ?tfa.xlne and ,Caroline and Mrs. Chung·a mother, Mrt. M.ln· nie Richter. Scenk: point.a In New MeXlcc- wUl also 'be visited by the t ravel- ers. During the Chunp' abRnce their home w ill be OCC\IJ)led by Mrs. Pa.rrte Robtnaon of Colla M caa and her slater Mni. J . Roy C&wye:r and Mrs. R. B. Smith of Brownwood, Texu. ' Saturday Exhibit of Painting School Ftfth annual open hoU&C of thl" Brandt-Dt.ke Summer School of Painting will be held lhla comlnK Saturday, 3 to ~ p, m . at the home of Rex Brandt. 406 Goldenrod ave- nue. Corona del Mar with the put>.- lic invited. Both proteealoll4l1 and amateura a.re student.a lh lhit achool, and thb Year'• Cihiblt lta rtn..t yet. accordlnc to Mr. BMLDdL , ·WATER HEATERS ' ·-~&ad .. ,....-' Teache-ra of both adult.a' and children'• cL&aeea. Kr. Brandt,, Mr. Dike and -.Norman ChunM:rlain.. Bett7 DU<e and Joan-Irving Brandt. will be p,_,.t to <how tile ptctuno. Tbe pllery wilt al8o> be open Sunday, 10 a. m . to e p. m. i. ,Joa 11.dcle'J I .. PLUMB.ING • Authorlsed o..lff llolT • I<ipt -.... TEIMS ,.,. Do-It -.11 ..... ,.,. Pb-Hari>or soa-w LOC&L MllMAN Roland W'. Of Vlnney, atnnt.n. UBN, ..., ot Mt. aM lllra. Dou De V!Jmto)< <# m -'aa1-1tntt. Ball>Qo. II -~ ·Wiil> lbe Xa.n· .. Ctty. Kw.'a Na~ Jl11!rw ""'1et ~ -wlllell cole-""• llitisll Cars ito•~s' !':*' w:.:,..;:.,i :1~1:: ';1' ' II. G. ~·~ e. :...;_;__ "* UIJ!Y X-~--•~-::::.. .. --~--:-. o(~u. d11::0i11t ......... '*"'" .~-., .......... mv~ to.~ •. -•-"' . . -~---·-ot 1-s..~-. .,,....... " 1-••ill ---:.;:===========~! C'•• ~ 1111 wallia ol ... ilfo.U.111 1uwpte""'IM ..... .,-...... ..,,~ au.~ "' ....... t ..... Ude •• tr .. • di Bani , fi 7 "w U.: M.u. S11 1 llie t w. 'ft.Ir ~11uc, a a a ,.....,... •"L"*'A"" a. . ..tt"O" -........ lalJ #tS 11 •• .. - -.... .. "' --........ Wll'!!": C,....'lr • .,... - -.. 1111 ""V a ~ ~............... ..... ~_;..._, _________ .,..,....... I ,., • sda l!Jiri .. • • ' J • j o.c.~ ~· · ~aster Poent Orn W111 O.• --tournament ..,.:.. °' ·,,. .,_, .,.,. al• £-Dapllt:ate Blldp llt1dp .....,..., .. ... .... ~ .. fi!lll -lit ."'CUlar ~ P,lde9 .................. ~' ._. Point Open -.,; - -..uo.i--Ill LoliC' d!a)' alt•mooa..at tile l'riil&T. After. B11c1Lz ....... a •• ,.N. ,. cuw ~Club Bou.e.Jn Co«& Ken:. wore -Clcto4~.tbe WIJloa lfo. ~y wtlJ ot&rt J!.">mptly at -~ "" Jtd:r 2!UI! 18th ~ l9tli 0 . ' -• "!"let Ute ~ ot Ille ' Mra. Ka.c Boderl>erg and Mn. Alllertcaa-Qttlt.-Brtdp._,..,. Illa Sanders • .,.. °"""11-'trin· It wu the JuiMt 1ee.-I focim. n "' In ihe dupllcat<o bri~e pm~ ament e\'er . held In .the \w•t and yed Jn. B&lbot.. •n MOnday at-wu. attended by 'play\rl t"'I"· · .....,,.., . Runners ' up were Mrs. - , I ' \ ~~ " ,~ ~ lt'l'Y Johnaon and )fns. Geralcl Mra. Robert 8-ot, N""PO'I ~l>er; Mrs. Loulae Le,, and Beach and .tr.. Mildred Lytle or M:no, Eolelle La Vine; C. )I . .John· eo.ta Mpa we.re wtnne~ of an .bn and Gerald McCombe.r: ~rs> eyent on Saturday nig.bt:. 1 Faye Schluettt ar.d Mnt. Mdrton • Mn. ll'arpttt Hoh11ea ahd Mra. d .... 1>y tyi~ wlth Mn. Ruth Hugb B~tt of Santa Aft.I. placed. Hooker and Mra.. A. w. TW:nmd• · fintl In their aoctlon on Saturda7 Mn. C. E. lryln and Mn.-&, T . afternoon. McM.anu.a. Mn. came $&Undel'8 and Mn. Amy Kenned)-or Laguna Beacll we.re hJgh ecoren in the lelSkm Sunday atteriloon. • ------ _.___ ~ _ ........ ,...... ~ •• ~ ._ -_..., i... ·-..., Ma. Roy Strotz or Ball>oo tmli!I OF FUN AND,...,.. WU l<F-bJ tile...,._,_ Ibo ~· -...-· ~---·~ learned with Mn. Gonion Corwin Kansans Visit local Relatives Loe~ Opt.I.mW Mmlle wt.et weft reoeaUy lJt Newport. 88oh s-eraJ e1111 zsaa •f 8 1° .,. WM I.Mt lt, ~ U..:.,.nt kip of of.Highland and had two wins • oa a deep w. fllibl.q ucanlell spoM~ for tMm bJ t1MJ New~ tbclr ltvee. 0. F. Aallreel:a WM la ~ Of Ult&.,,.,,.,. ~ O~r dwpllca:te. bridge playera VLaitiJl.g relatives here fof ten 41-Y• Wue Mr. and Mrs. Doyle ~an.a and daughter, Dc;r.othy of \\'k:hrta, and 'Mn. Evan's father, ~ward Erbe or Great Bend, Kan&. -~.::__:_ ___ .:_ ____ :_ ______ ..:_ ____ -;-------------~~------~--:-':-"-I trom lhlo aft& wbo attended tho BOICE FROM HOUOA 1' tournament placed eecond and Pre-Nuptial Shower Over the Top Hon.or Event in Cancer Drive . for M·1s' s Keller Waller 9, Spicer and Mn. Don Precf'dlng her ma'.rria«e by a day wu the prraonal l!bower hon· ortng Miu Katherine Ann K f'ller and given Friday eventng. July 27 by Miss Joan Hol brook and Mla Marpre.t J:<elleor at the Hot~ brook home, 212 33rd tlN>et. enc:ial g&me1' w ere played and at the refrealvnent.a hour which followed unwrapping of the pretty l{lfts, a cake decorated wtt.h a brtde and groont wws S<'rved wilh ..andwlch~. punr.h and coffee .. Pre5ent were Mias Keller antt her mother, Mra. P . W . Keller: Mm<'ft. Cln~l'r Jes~M!lcn and McCaUum. who have been head· Ing lhr cancer tund ct.rtve for New- port Beach-Colla M.ea area. are happy tn announcing lhat the quo, ta of $1 000 hu been topped by $200 ln spite of the tact It coin· cidrd with aeveraJ other Import· &nt drives. lfollon pictures on ca.nce.r art aUJI available to organlzl!lltk>n.a. free o( charger M1.11. McCallum atatu. Theta Luncheon Tuesday, Aug. 7 daughtrr. Dolla L0<:lou11 a.nd BOn, The annll.'.ll Kappa Alpha Th~ta R. P . Hail<'. P'red Rowe, Jane gummer luncheon wtll be hrld McAlary, Carolyn Durie• and Tuttad.ay, AugUAt 7 at 12:30 p. m. daughter. Della Luoiou11 and aon. In the Balboa Bay Club, opt\onal Evttlyn and Carolyn Woodworth. rtdc;e and C&nllllla to follow. and th<' hostf"Mea. ~lumnae club o f Oranrce · On Saturday, MJ53 K cllrr and ounty ~neor, and •Z\Y Thrtu: Thomu Durlca repeated vows In J:&t!onlng In the area are cordl· ' the· home of a Santa Ana clit"rgy· ally invilec:I to attend. • Re.erva· man and are now makln1r thelr ! tk>ns shouki b-made with Mrt,. homr at 283 Ea.st 21at ~trefl. Coe· F'rr<I Hendricks. Klmbcrly 3-3MS I ta M f"&a, while looking forward to 1 or ~lt11. William Holstein, H arbor a delayf'd honeymoon. 1 1191-W. Barbara Bergeron and Gerald Tripp Repeat Vows in Mt. Carmel Church Eleven o'clock rites ln Our Ladl .. ------------- ot Mount Carmel church on Sat· urday. July 28 •. united Mlsa Bar· bara June Bergeron.. daughter ot Mr. and Mn . L.. H . Bttgf!'ron,, 401 38th 11treet. NtW>"port l8land and Ctrald Lee Tripp. son of V. A . Tripp, 230 • 31at St. The double rlng servtce WM performed by the Rev. Stephen K.J ley. Barbara. who wu givl':n In kttptng by her rathrr. wore an aqua-brown suit with brown ac- Ce330rles IUld a white orchid cor· &age. She was atte-Jfded by her a!ater. Shlrltt Bergeron. who ·wore a auJt -0f navy blue faille accented wtlh a corsage of ~rlet gladtolt. Robert Berry gave beat man aaaistance to the bridegroom. A r<>ception and buffet luncheon tor 12~ guests wae held at the home of the br1de'8 p&rt'nt.a: A large wedding bc!ll. uaed •t every wt'ddlng th the bride'• family for gla.rt{ol.I. aht>ll pink larkspur. pink an d white camatlon.11 and dalsies. Wed.dtar Butre~ ' The buffet l•ble bore baked ham, cold m ealf and salad.I a.net panc,.h wu ac~ trom two bowta. Aid1ni with eervtng were Ml"lJ. HueJ Pollard and M iu Jane Nor· ton. Aaalatlng the young couple In recf'ivtng . wa.a lhe bride's mothrr, Mrs. Bt'rgrron, attired Ln a ))ecqmlng orchid linen suit with d~p orchid corsage. • F or the w edding trip norJh along the Cout h!ghway the new Mn. Tripp wore a navy gingham dresa wtth blue acceuoriea. Both youn1r people attended 1 o c a 1 ~choola. Mr. Tripp la a prlvak at Camp Stoneman and they \viii make their home tn Oakland for a rew month.8. the ceiling over the bride'• tablt African native.a often ll3E' tlle mor e · than 30 years, hunr from ihell of oetrich egp for water with it.a lovely wedding cake eur-pitcher-a:. Four ·racing oslricht>! rounded w ith shell plnk dallies wtll appear dally in aenaationa.l a.nd white gardenias. On th I a derbtea a.t the 19~1 county fa.Jr. table w large bouquet of whJt~· .. ------------~ • DRIVING NOKTll. On a driving trip to Ktnne«>ta ~ Back trom rc11ttul holiday1· arc and Canada are M.ra. Corn*11UI Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Stewart. Pl&1 or 311 Coot& Me.a si.. Coo~ ,HS 'e~y. Coot.a ·M~. For Meaa, and Mn. Otto Folke rts of tlletr vac&Uon tt.me chang~ • of AupnUn~ton Buch. The travelen .cene.ry they chOIM! Yoaeinite· and. will vtait relatlvce while away. L&uen National Parka, Le.kc Ta· hoe. LaJc:e Mary and L&ke Alunore A CIU81fled Ad 111 the mlg-ht:y · with a portion of t.lft:"tlme allotted mJdgel In Advertlling to ftsh.ing. . , ' third tn several of the events. , I;fr. Erbe ta btothcr-Ln..law of Mlaa VISIT IN DUARTE E'laie Newland, 33rd street, New- Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlea ·Mc.A.Ja.ry ~rt and Mrs. P. L..• Hig-gtna, Coa- of S&n Bernardino Ave.; NeWJ>Ort ta M'.eaa, Height.a, speht the ·pa8t week ln 1 There were many members ot Duarte. t With their daughter and the family to ,..e in Redondo, family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Har· Long Beach, Hollywood and Whil- b tcbt and children Bobbie, Carol tier before going on to San Lula and Johnnie. • ~ I Oblapo. _____ ..... .._ ......... _____ lll!llii----.-.... ----··· . TBRONS.01''5 Bome a A~~· Sapp-J • ~. .. 1t • '#t Automobile Black Top Dl'e88ing Mc \"a.Jue ;~:tE -................. 39' Inside Car VIiion •t.98 Va.Ide MALE PRICE ..... .. .. . .......... '1 S9 Rear View Mirror (Out"I~ Type) ''a.tuea to St.(9 SALE 1169 PRICE ............................ . Chrome Exhaust Exten&IODB •t.su Value SALE 98f PRICE ..... -...................... .. SALE PRICE Spinner N obor 79e \'aloe " . .. ... 49' Curb Alarms •\"&Jue to 16c SALE 19' PIUCE ............................. . P ... tlc Steering Wheel Co•·en . 3flc Val'j" SALE 15¢ PRICE ............................. .. Car Batteries Group 1 P1nsto:ne • \7a.lue.e to 111.15 :RJ~i.. .... _ ..... '5'6 ucpnp ·Bahl Car~ ft.µ \'al.ae 8ALF. ' 11 ll Pat CE' ·····-·-···-··-··.---·· Plutlc Seat Coven Recreation Supplies SpUt Bamboo Boat ~ (loekinr reel seat) N-7:i Value SALE •r 6 PRICE .............................. .. . Metal Tackle' Boxes $%.60 V&lue SALE '219 PRICE ...... , .......... .-. ............ . Glass Fishing Pdles va1. ... to su.ao SALE • '15 :>.\ PRICE ....... '. .................... .. 8-bUJ ·Gloves \r&Ju;ee lo ll'-90 SALE -.,~ PRICE .................... _ ......... . Begulatiom 8-htdls f!,19 va1.e SAL!l , ' . '1 Z9 PBICE ............ _._ ....... : ...... . Regulation Softballll •t.U Value 1 S.uE 89¢ PBICE .............................. .. Vacuum Packed Telllli8 Baila . fl.49 Value SALE 98 t PBICE ....... _ ........... .. per can SUD GW- Oomptete Wl"1 Oue fl.AO Vaine :::t.: _· ---.... ~.-.. _ 25' AD 11 .. t&I Household Rural Mall Boxes , Sf, 1' Val.ue SALE PRICE ' '139 .................. _._ £ PlasUc Clothes Linc lllO' 11.9~ V&lue ~~~c'.'E . . . _.. . .... '1 '9 Water Glas8es -10-oz. lOe \'aloe each . SALE 6 39f PRICE................... tor Water Pitehe~-oz. 89c \'alue SALE 29¢ PRICE .............. _ .. _ .. _ ...... . • Chlldrens Lunch Boxes (With Thermos) f%,t6 Val.ue SALE S181 PRIO& ........................... _ ... . Spring Clothes Pms 60c Valve , ~~~ ... -.'..'.._..,:_ 3 -! 25• . . 1'(etal Dog Leash -Val.ue · ::::,.. ---.. -....... _ .. __ ... 19¢ ~ ·HC1r4wc:re ......... (odd Jotil) ··-·-. ~ ~ .. __ :._;,--.Bf Garden Supplies U. S. Rubber Hose. 50' fJ.%3 Va.Jue SALE S];N PRICE .. -............... _......... . ·Plistic Qo!!et 50' 6 Year Guan.ntee f1.INI Va,lue SALE s5N PRICE ............................ _ .. Grau CatcheN $1.98 Value, SALE , $1111 PRICE ............................... . Metal G1'888 Rakes · ., St..09 Value SALE .. . 47¢ PBICE , ...... -. .1.. ..... -·-····-··· ' Gnas Shfl&lll llS Val.ue SALE 98¢ PRICE .......... _ .. ·-·-.. ·-·~.. ' G~ Rake • ~ -.~::: .. ~~=-.. -· ·~ Television · and Radio ' 20" ()otl!IOle Television I . '"9.Da Value ~ .... -.. __ , ... '36588 • T 'V Table-Swivel Tcip Sl!.115 l'aluo SALE •1r ~IUCE -.. -·-· -..... ·-.. , Table M.odcl Kadlos 116.11 \'&Jue ~= · .. _, _____ ,'11'! ·Applic11Jc8s t Clblllc ...... • • . ' I • • • I • • • . . ·is the: time to transfer . • . ' your ·funds to insured I SAVl.N GS • ' CURRENT ' ' -·EARNINGS SAYllllS IOW WUUD .up ·ro s10,1n.oo · MOllEY RECEIVED IY llfl llTH ' OF THE MQJTll ElRllS FROll Tlll IST I • . Come in ••• We w ill arrange tlte transfer al y0ur·fvnd1 ' • without incbitvenience or expenH ~-.yo~. . to r tu~ and Zesr -Remem ~: ~ ~-/' ... f , \ • • , . i &R ! ... W'riDo ClC!-o U.U. a&:-• .uma••MI .... .,....;. •lllr;Jll • • • I • • • PAaE, t--·~·,1 ·-~AY, AUG.:t ~. ·;f~s ~ . Chest ·QiaarlQsiS ·-Qnn ai P~C. Fpff·.· 'l'M.Onll,lf~t,. ~ ~ &oltlt ,._.""°'•.e!dllllll' ~ • corii-.~1~ ~tab' 1i!lll be·'Olle lot~J' '10~' tnt''ond edllcal!oNJ .~ ~"" ~ li<alth·pardlli~ -~- ' l,loaa ~ ':.Z.~~J. .. ' Md HJth Aaaoclatlolf; ~th~~ d~IJ' obo'tf --k1 belllg I , . ' ' THE R.ETURN of M\--e.ral Oc NeW,.on B,ut,o"i Y~IK Cllllf• Boaol:aia.' Nee sallore,. ladflll wttb le-. was oceuloa -h for a pl& dlJmet pMtJ Sat.._,., hly J& Showa heft ..,, Mq, Trrive Hal· ,·orwn. ot A119tralla. whole bu.I-... waa doe ta frem tile ,.-i,1aacts 8aada¥; N. R. Y. 0. Oommodor.e o. \V. "Walt" Elliott, &ad Mn. ..,bert Taylor, of B&lboe.. Who ee~ Mn. HalvotWea .. her botme '"'"8t "''hlle Mr. Halvonea WaA on Ute ...W. . (Photo by ~er) Mgrgan Head of Shoreline Grorp Appointment of deoffrey F .... ------------- Mor1an a.a E:<ecullve Director wu a.nnoun~ today by the Shoreline PJa.nnlng Aaoclatkni. Morgan, who sucCeeda to the ottlce formerly held by Frederick Au•tln. Is now completlnJ hi• elevonlh year aa preJldent of the orpnlza~ion, and la thoroughly f11..mlliar wtth the whole beach acqui•tUon and development pro· gram. Since lhe formation of the AuociaUon fifteen ~ars ago. he has BpOken repeatf'<lly ln every couUine city of ttle Sta.le be· 1Y!eA making frequent appear· a.n ces bf-fore city, county and Slate offtclala. • ''Thanks to the broad vision of Governor Warren, Callfornla ill rapidly a.cquJrlnJ and developing a magnificent system ot beach parks," Morgan eald today. "Through lht;. State Park Com· mlalon. which la charged with t.he ruponsiblllty or carrying out the progran1, great areas ot shoreline have been acquired and m&de available !or the milUons who croy,•d the sand• on every Sltmmer afternoon.~ Nor are t.he re1tldents of Ga.llfornla. ihe onJy •nee to profit by Lhl• far-reaching proJ"l'am. The tourist tr~ hu a1way9 been a major lnduatry tn Callfornla. and It aeenu certain Utat morJl visitor• are atlract"1 by the beaches. with their malc.b.· lesa combination of the surf a.nd 1 the sand &nd the Sttn, than by any other 11ingle feature.·· 1':'108 VISIT .Brtngtn~ to a clox a pleaaJtt vi!'lt with her couslns Kr. and M ~. A. L. MorN of Meple Avt .. Costa MeM. Mn. Hattie Ryan hu retttrned lo Gerber. CalLf. Coast Guard . Seeks Recruits The Cout Guard ta urgently ace.king qUallfled yO\qlg men for enllatment, the Cout Guard's re- cruiting offtcc tn Los Ange:lee an· nounced today. , E..<rpeclally wa.ntt'd by the Gout Guard are pereons between 17 and 2~ w ithout prevtoua· mllll&l'y ex- perience. Primary requlattea !or the Cou:t Guard's three year en- listment Include gQOd health, a ma.xlmum h~ght of e !eet 2 lnche.e and educaliof} through at least two yeara of hljth school. Rec:ruJters eald that young men now may rnllet even after they havl' received their pre-induction physical examlnaUon!I. but prior to actually rece.lvtng their lnd\14;· lion notJcee. · 1 Rttrulta wlU be given bwsir tralnlng at Alamec:la. C&llt., a.nd tben placed on active duty aahorc or afl1?&l.. Followtng ba.alc train- ing many r-ecruile arc aulgned to CoM:t Guard aervtce 11ehoola for furl.her speclatt.t lnstruct!on..' Also being aougbl by the CO&St Guard are ex-servicemen from alJ branchea of the Armed ,Force-s. In many ca.sea re-·enllateea wtll rc-- celve former nU.lnp, according to the Cou:t Guard. Age-bracket.a for the previous aervlce group run r.m 17 lo 36. f All peMIOna lnter-ent<'d ln enllst· ment should contact the Coast Guatfl Rec:ruitlng office ln room 402, Federal Bldg., Los Ance1ee. Bubble . Gummers . . . Vie .at OC Fair Thill bubble gum contest I• planned· for the kid8, but even gnndpa can get into the act 1t his choppera are good eno"l"h and he th'nks be can brow a bubble. The conte11t b the braln~hlld of Joe Wallace, manager of ape-- clal event.a for the 1901, Ora.nge county· ratr, scheduled for August 15-19, lnclu•lve, at the former army aJr base near here. And Joe swear• h~ doe.an 't oW"n. an int~re11t in a bubble KUffi factory. , All conle8tants have to do, young or old, la s)\ow up at lhe fair gre>Unda outdbor l!llage on Friday, Saturday ~d Sunday, Auguat 17, 18 and 19 at 1 p.m . ready to start cheWing and blow- ing. Expert or lucky k1ddlee can earn their lfJ>f'nriing money !or the fairground• by winning Ol)e O! the thrtt cUh prizes. ALBACORE TALE .Maybe thls Lady Angler busl- neu hu: a lot to do with the prop- er methotl to land an albacore. Ann Young, r ecently from Texas and newly lnllucted·lnto the Lady Anglen. went ~t the fOllowtnK day on a filhlng exped'tlon with Mr-. e.nd MNJ. Dill Toblu. Be.tng from Texa.a, ahe waan't too used to large f iah and after tanglin~ with her firl!lt albaoorf' was wtlllng lo a.sk for help after the first 16 minutea with !rltnd albacore. However, BIIJ Tobia.a re· f'Uaed help and sugge11ted putt.ina' &n ad in the elaalfled aectlon ot lht> Preu. The Lady Texan and Lady Ang- ler ,PTOYed her worth by finally btlnglng a 24·pound albacore to gall. AT OCEAN FRONT HOME Guewts at the West Oceen P'l"Ont hon:1e of Mr. and Mr1. John trRen hµ.sb&nd and small eon of San Diego. Who are on their vacation and have now gone on to Santa tlarbara. -by the\' orp.AIDtloi!. &nd jlnclude: l'>r, DOn&kl V,. Ba~ .yi wldeh la ... tlttlJ' -~by W ,ll'!ille~ Ml.. Marion DO~ ale °'f Cbr'latl!IU a.la. Vlallor? I of 8'Jlla Ana. Paul D<mU!M (ilt' ~ ~~Y ~Y rut but • Anabeim, J . 'Sherman De1m7 _ M' qui. • l lo Wt-~ know· 1·Huntlngtoo B<acli. Kn. H.' Y: ledp of tu~ , . Ekberg or Seal &ach. Huey_..:_ To belp. ftglot ·unllnowli ~-.Htt""°"•of Banh Ana, Joe~"""'' o,f lu.bereuloeia the o~lon toya ol Orange, Rev. P'. W, Neid: IO alao Plannlnc lo lnatal~ th....,gh 1 rlnghaps o1 S a n t a A n ·a.'~ ooe>Peratlon ol the Blot. ~u.lth Tbelma Patlo" of santa. Apa; ""9-~<lSl and the'O...,,ge Coun-mid.a Reafsnydor of 0 ar .... b Health Departmat, a mobile Grove, Linlon,1'. Slmmona at~­ X-Ray unit for the purpoee oJ. hetm, A. Haven Smith of ~· m&ltlh& free chest diagnotil. , Dr. Kennel h W. Taber of"SUta TlloOe arrmgtng u.O exblbll are Ana. ,Leo Varner of 8an Oemmte; Oeorse' Toblaa of Santa Ana\ Dr. 'Waldo· s. Wehrly · ot 8Ptji preaklent of. the auoelaUon and a Ana. of. L. F . Wiltaker Of Hun·l- mamber of the lair'• board of di-j lngton Beach, Mrs. R. s : Illich Teeton; R. C. Smedle)" of Santa of A1'ahelm and Fran}(. A. Hendtt'~ AU. ftnt vtce-.pruldent: Mrs. eon of Santa Ana. . , ~" Ed.~ard A. Mllllpn of Santa An&. 1 Mia Haney ia looking for vOk&IJ .. eecond Vice.president; Mn. George teen: lo man the 8.880Ciattofl~ W. PblUlpo of Tuatln, eec~tary; bootlt at the 0rang1' count:(_ fa!( T . Gray Jolm.olon of Sant.< Ana. August· 15-19. She may be' "cldli· t.reuurer; and klu Ann K. Haney t&cted at her headquarten." liql of Santa Ana. executive &eere~ E, Eighth St .. Santa Ana. ~ Other• on the board ot directora Kimberly 2·7213, • ~ Fl'tdf.y . Auguat 3 Saturday A~~ Sunday August G ~y A\11\lot a ,. ~lo A....,.t 7 Wlwlb-y Aup.t s · Thuroday · August 9 • TIDE TABLE RIOB 11 :09 L m.- 10:03 p. ro. 1.1:32 L m. 1'0:31 p , m. 11:68 a . m. 11:13 p. m. .... ll::U p..m. U ;&2 1.p. mi 12:60 p, ni. ·• 0 :'° L m. 1:2& p. n\. 1 :4t IL m. •. a«H p. ,,,; • 'l.l 8.0 '<::"" 4.3 5.7 4.1 5.3 1.8 1.7 "'4 1.0 5.0 3.3 I G.1 ... , ... __ @. (f · _ ,..T. PULL • LAST QY.ultl:a llOO!f QUAJITd • Aug. 10 A*I'· H • Au1r. ~ . " ' . Ul\f . . ' I : 13 a. m. • --0.5 1:01 p. m. · ~2 5:07 ... m. --0..3 1:37 p. m. :2:11 -6 : 32 L m. ..::...oi I 5:18 p.... 1.,9 5:M L m. :OA G:o.1 p. m. 1.8 6 :19 L m. • .0'.I 7:01 p. nt. ·1.T 6 :13 a. m. · lA 8:16 p . m. •. '1,e 1 :to a. m. :~I ..e :65 p. m. "u . • i e ... ~_ ·r .. . :~· ~· \ . . HEW • ~<; ' .. Mi>ON :J A.q,. .. 1 ; . •i"f • j ' i . · 1 -. I l .I 1 .I ' ,j 1 I ' ' I ~ • • ."CL~SSIF IEB · .... .... -.. l'W Ps n1• .. ,.,. .......... = ..... IUYll auY WIWUllW, I ... ollL WIP"'9111 sMo •119* *•a rtl .......... SP I • (Pi.,. S r 1n}, •• ..,..,,.. -·ft. ... ..,. ........ ,, Tb• MJqhfJ. Midqet In Ad..rtillng .... I . • • • !!!. !b!!?!E"S.', ,,J.,,,. NEWS-TIMES --~ery ~Mday ww 11 11Wm1UTr ,..... ....., ~-..u-.RT DAY-· -....... >1. Ila .... )ltloilt •llll -c. nl!ln'CU . 04 .SCUD.&.-""'~)'S all 1• ell'<( -.kc, ud NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PBESS_:nitll'lda--All eCsfzhm -...... ,,_ .... -Imo U..t -· ,.. .N...,_.. ~ PGM rn 'IW A._ _. ,_ • U. T111s' 1 ...... 4 • 'arr· i. ~ • tt • .1'1 ... ...., ..... -........... ·. • ........ , __ ... - MllffiR1ll AD 18 ' UN1l:s ' • pe.JMftla o1 Wl per -U,lld All a...n.c --""',.W l9t ~la_.._ el '"""llaoL It a ----l&a --I .. Unes" . 1 ..... ' .16 AJA()"...,. CR.OC.oln' lllD'IUOllB- 4 JJ•ea % ---, t.a0 A.TOR 11111 ...-!, t -. ft. N. • ...,.. -tMI for it --•,.. 4 Linee I Palen • • !."° ... 93 Oii It. OUlll <W tab plJ• The publlahen will not· be .-poMllile fot ._.. tllaa ..,. lnoornc:t ...-of 114.N • It t.oo. ... 1-.tion of an adnrtJafment, rH<ne the fl&ht lo COft'OCtl7 claulf7 al f04 lo. lpldra. ~ .,,,. ud all ado and lo rejiet onj ildTertloeiDent not -'orml~ tu t a.m. to a p.m. PIL 2112 541fe MJ1eo ond ,.W.Uona. Advert.toem-""" -Ube· will "" I '. • • I ·only •• •• ' :,. . ' ' • I • fN It wlll "'" . In eff·3 local pepers. . \ •• ' 4 llMi. A MlnlmVlll · eel is ' ' Jf.-cpirt-.. R 1• lfH•ftE l!9 -JfNptui..••• Pl II . • .Ha1;1,..., ~ , •••. 1 Jlfe••) 'ff DODOIC ~· &e.s._ 'wt0 lllllo. f1Dld 6'ana: Bad{o, 1111'. ete. A. -.utul 1-GW1lilll", aew cat' -·In -ll(etalllc blue with wlll&e aide -. $1595 ' A-1 USEDC~ A-1 ,, ~ up to G p.m. on the do7 J)l'tOOdlnr pullllcallon. '- -Except deadl~e too/ Newa: Tlmn r. 11 a. m. Monda)'9 Si.-W.-.. to !.!l fteM Har. 1811, Mk for "Ad Tile..--" .... M --to ·•• " ••• " " "" ... CHllV. Cllim..tlblo "!eomlat" l'l'ffll. Nest to· new!' · ' , NEWPORT HARBOR f't!BLl!lliJNO oo. W.&HT TO BUT .. r-oullablo • for proJootlnr Sllmm. olldH. I'll. _._ ___ n_.1_1_ ... _1_-_Bl_vd.. __ N_OWJl"ri ___ ._ ... _ .... _ .... _c.n_•_er_rw_I•-·----JfMi1or IOIO-W. -•Jnp. oat• Your ad appearlnr reg .. ~U....Wutftl ularly In these columna wUl brine you many ntw Uni venal aptomers. Harl><lT areo Buildlnr Maintenance . follu: an ln the habit ot • USED "look1nl'. In the clual· Floor Wulol'.'-Wlndow Cleonlnl'. !lad" when u.., nnd Well wwwhtar for bulldl~ . tBeee HTTtee9. . ~ olflcel and home•. 1.Aa .. e 2 Servel Nn-igentoh, 5 cu. tt. and ·7 cu. n ......... $97 .llO c&l1, Harloor ttl. 82plH 11-B•I-Gulde YOUNG wonan two yn. expe.rl· .. Cheylller Engbtit ' Used: , Crowns -Royals ~ John Harvey at Seaciaft 8211 COAST m<Ja1V A. Y NEWPORT BmACB 14 M11slcal, Rlldle RENT A PIANO. Ill per JD<l!llth. On .Peninsula Point NICELY FuRNisn;im 3 Jx!m>a. available Jut1 15111, yearly or monthly.· Broken u.t. 1&2 Miramar, Balboa, owner. Pbone H&r. oeu:w:nu:ZOOt-J. uue NEWLY BUllJI'·~ mod· eni. home, I MU., ~ _._ Wllllmlalled. Corona dol 'Har. Yev-. tuo._ui. Pllono Harbor 2892-R. . ft~ . . $1795 '41 DODO» ·CU!'t.im Bed., llat- !llue. Fully equip., cleaa and neat. $1095 'f2 oPOGB "Town" Sed. (Dbdge'• bei1t) ·Nlly e«JUlp. Overhauled motor Jut year. UnU>m "ortrl· nil" u~o!Btery -La.ttrons "Oomlnton" blue finlah. $595. • NO R.l:ASONABLll OFFER Rl:l'UlllID ON ANY CAR ONQURLOT Theodore Robins Y-OUR PORD Dti!ALER 5.'W OOAST'lllGHWAY . Beacon eaclf" •Newport. Beocb Houn: Weelt. Oa~ 8 'tll 7 Sundays A-Holldaya_ 10 "tll 4 • LADY orlcin&l owner wanta-to oe11 .11HB Pontiac 8 Hyd°ro. an extru, excollent care, wonder· COMPUtnl HOOD~ . ~ ln .ettamk:.a and mme exp iJI otoro, would lll<e pooiUoft. ...... rwattuN ---ColdapOt l"ifrl(entor, sooct c~ltlon.. Unit overhauled. • SO-day guarantff .............. $97 .llO PR. BEAC?ON llT7l IHtfe All rent ollowed If you buy l"lth, In tenno. OANZ-SCfDIID'I', 5~ No. )l(aln~ Santa Ana. LOVELY plain cue bunPtow piano ln perfect playing condl· PllNT BOUSlll ond 3 rm. ootlt.gH. On OolllnJ ilfl&Jld Each opt. hU water froatop. Aecom. 4. W..t end Park A~e., Balboa Llland. Ho..-29CS-W. 'fO CHEV. Se<!., radio, htr. body -90Und engine. Solid ful condl\lon. Cooolder trade on _ beach house. Phone I.A.tuna Mallie 0..f ru ronir•. very good ............................ 149.M Write Box t•s . Corona del Mar. •• 1allllid. ,.,... ....... Mp ,._...., Mtmed. . 'lJ• COMlaRCIAL' J'ISBINO $450. • Beach •-5773. &Cc • Al's House & Rug ·. Cleaning Co. TWO . .xl'ERIZNC21> colored ~ coob or mald9. ooe pttten ltve Bab7 crib, very ~lean ...•......• 15.00 Cbfld'• wardrobe, larre aiafo, BOAT, equipped f9r llbocore, maa)(ttt"I, avrordftlh. Ctu'yaler Pnlibe, $1200, C.11 Jtlmbt.rly I 2-4M8. 50p55 • tfon. Term• $27 ~ down and $9.84 per mo. at 8HAn:R'8 MUSIC CO. (Slnco 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Santa AnL Kimber· Jy 2--0e72. ff!lll4 ·n PLY ... Special Deluxe" BED. A M'nOOth r illing popular pre- war model. . MERCURY COnV. ~uf ~?k> All ;cxtru. Low ml\ea&f.-Neli\tres. Perteet. KI. 2·7801 •&n..r •9:00 , • •••=• n11 .,.,.. ' For Venetian Blinds; mwte.: and Drapery Rdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. .Har 884 5U • 29th St. Newport Bacli ' PAINTING . ' EARL SHEFLIN nll Pllmar BL, c..ta -8-. Mll'l·ll . Hot IMl&IUOK -&Xi&RIOB · PAINTING . Llcmlll:I> -•DQUJUll) Glenn Johnston 801 .. aJ.• at. M.wpor'\ llwdl B..-22t7.J UC4I DON K. BUTTS Uc. General Contractor Raldential-Commercial Remodelins Pllolle Beacon IMOS.W Utfe WILL 'oo thst work you want ,done ~ Jacl< ..of all ~olntenance work. Have toola and mlxen for . any job. Call BILL / Beacon 6451-W ~1 Sympson & Nollar. PAINTING & DECORATING "The.Best Money Can Buy" '512 -31th St., NewpOrt Beach PHONE HARBOR 24<R ~2tfc ~ ln pcie:tUon cw work bf llr. Kim .. • llorlJ 3-llMS. 113p611 . . w AN'I' POSmON. baby stttln1- day or nl(ht. II yrs. of ap. Refet't!Mel. can Be&. 81 ti-WK. 54p WAltlT Wuhlnr and lronJJ11. Aloo baby stttln1. PhoM -· llOll-J. . 113p6t IJke new ............................ l~.00 Vacuum Cleanera: Euttka ............................ S 0.00 Re~ wtth attachment. 110.00 Good c&e.11 maltre•, ruu or twin stu ................. $10.00 Thor gla.d.Jron ironer. , like new ·············-·····-··-··---121.IW> Mayta 1e, round t ub W'Mb«"r $29.60 !fTAR BOAT -good condition, I $360. • ALSO South Bay moorlnr: off Bal· boa llland, $160. Ph. Har. 2807. •~o SEA. BOOKS JR. COU..WE rt .....,, .. u II Job NEW motlrtt'• llelp<T on Balboe u-1 Bunk bed .. .-...............•..........•... 149.IWJ A t ine at.Mk or bOOk• on all yacht· in& .ubjeclll -plua ..U currC"nt booko. Leodlnl llbrory. The Islanders 1a.Dd. put or real of aumme r. (Studio couch .................. $49.50 &mall a.lary. Rewne charcn. Apt. pa rangf' ................. $89.60 t:l• Marine, Balboa b. Har. l!MT Phofte 8Yc;amore 2-3291. ~ Apt. 3i~e rl'frtgf'rtitor ... $149.!M) H>·FT. I.EHMAN dinghy. good condition, g ood sal1a. M50. 12' Amet.hysl, Balboa hland. Har. 20&e-W. 5~ BA.BT Ill IEk tor Corona HiP,- Lancls or at.ore Clift•. •as Mom- • IAs ca,... 1\11. Mp -hoplt 'do Nld the Pruo adL An Opportunif.¥ NEED A MAN, fomWar with ,_ tem&1 or ooclal oopnil&UOU, to ..._. cll>b ond lodp !ae!Utlo• of • 1ooa1 rroup. T111a 1o .., ldaal opot f<W 11 ,M~---·· ..... f-""'· ,1 .... ~ -.,. """ <IOU.. -.-, 1n tlle evftilnP, D d&ya a ·WHk~ Ace no barTler, nor--tan.an· Reply h•ld cootldenOal Wrjte Box 02 this paper. 53tfc W AITR£BS WANTED --' Short order experience preferred. Uv- i.ng quarter• available. 1 chUd O. k . See Mra. Hunt, 7204 Cout Hlcbway, Newport Beach. ~ W~ES WANTED -MU8t be ... experienced. Steady work. Good pay. Phone Harbor 26?2. 53<:1>5 Dale's F'Urniture 1874 Harbor Blvd. Co!\ ta Mesa Beacon 6837 ·J SEE Necchi and Adler Sewing Maci:unes AT HARBOR YARDAGE ~YM.AN lalander, 11-ft., 25 . HP 1 gray marine engine. Ideal to; sport. rlahlng. 1 yr. old. J'or M.le or trad{" ror property. Con- t.act Mf.. Buck , FullC'r-lon 2'713. 52c67 PHONE Harbor 1111 lo place yc)vr want ad on tbJa pa&e. - 13.B E. 17th St.. C011ta Men I . 4Dc63 H FT. COMM'&RCIA:b P'lohin& ------------boat, new engine. Monel cooling MUST SELL AT ONCE -2 pc. cooling syltem. Heavy duty ttee.Uon-.1, ehrorne dinette eet. s y a t e m. Swordthdl, albacore. Ptlgtdalre. O'Kef'fe A: Merritt mackerel gear and equipment. table top 1tove. maple bed. Newly painted. Ph. Bea. e.s.Mi-W 7M ·~ _ 39th St .. Newport Beach. &244 Mpll& BERKEY A GAY 9-pc .. walnut dtninl" rm. aet. 1250. 9-pc. rt..t· tan living rm. IM"l, Sl 1:i. 2101 St-vlllf', Balboa. McMt NEW ROLL· AWAY BED, run aise. lnMrsprtnc. $2'1.60. P,honto Beacon 6689-J. ~fM BE.AtrrIF'tJL 8-ft. divan, pair ot club chairs. pair occutonal cha Ira, barrel chair; 2 pair md ta.blea, lam.pa. Muat be aeen to oppreelato ....in.. price. L&· ...... llnch 4-1111. 5tp64 19 FT. SPORT FlBHER l60Q. B)t. '48. Bait tank, elec. pump. Jeep motor. Phone Harbor m . G2pM U F'll, BIRCRCRAi'T and tnUer, In .-COfldlUon, aa.'50. 211 Pol• mer, Colt.4 Mesa. Phone a. .. con 8421 -W. ··-63cM Pair of 169 hp Scripp11, f... ML. d irect drtve, ftne eondl· Uoo, c:an be demoutl't.ted. • SOUTH COAST CO. Newport Blvd. ot 23rd Har. HOO 5Stfc Ba,y Front p. m. ' . I Mpllt • • • Lido Isle -1 and 2 bdrm unttJI .. $465 . Wlae people do rea.d Ille &da. TINE PRACTICE uprlpt plooo for only $9.85 down and 111.311 per mo. ot SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N . Bye&• more, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-o872. COME IN and play tile WONOER- P'UL NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN. It you don't know a note you can play beauttfW mu- s ic In t~n mtnutd. DANZ-- SCHMIDT BIG PIANO. STORE, 620 N . Main, Sant.a Ana. July, $~9.50 up. Aug. $90. wk. --For ruefvatiofta Jlaio. 25Q2 evea' '49 INTl!R.NA'N.ONAL ,,..ton Har. 29}4-M. 50tfc · PICKUP. Low mlleage.,.prlvalc- ly OW11t"d . • UDO ISLE [f -"""t a ..... tot DD lonlJ 1.JDO 18U: -uo. kftl'lll sood llomeo onlllll>M. A1oo ap&rt- .....,.to bf ·-,. mootlL P.A. PALMER llfCOltPORA TEO 3333 Via Udo Harbor 1100 HUc $1095 '47 OE l!OTO "Suhu>tan" wltll everything! MUil • to appN-, ciate ! Coat over $4300 to re:. ·plue new. . ' ' $1475 . I '87 FORD Club Coupe. 1 nmn•og Fool! C~AGE. 2 bdrmo, lrwd. !loon, fireplace. garbage cllap<INJ, mey cupbdl, lorre alngje prairt. 111 land·. 9Cllped. Aoklng $tl ,900. OUPLD-l bdrm. In .eoch apL J95. Ou apL ll<'<ly decoriltd read)' AU. ELECTRIC ORGAN. For home or church. Slightly cue damsgf'd 4n •hlpm~t. Btg uv- ln&. OANZ·scinaDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. Mam (."or. 6Lh , Sant..a Ana. B~OA ISLAND -1 for occuponcy, Very rO!!d loca-· -ond A,U.. n.arlJ or -'30 OLlll ~I. ' Bed. Neot ond lion. Handy lo al\op8: ·f13,l500. ..,..... -a..11 dlnio,, """' .._..,table. • ""'"rl ~;.:? NELDA GIBSON $135. '' Fitzmorr.is nt:,&lta Co. RENT A PIANO for only Ill l'OT m onlh. R<'ntal applle11 on f\lture purchUe at SHAFER'S MU- SIC co. Clll nce 1907) 421 No. Sycamot<', Santa Ana. lOm~r­ Jy 2--0872. UAL DT A. TZ . Realtora and Bushless Brok era SOii Ma-. -LIL Hor. 1102 '33 ~RI) .....s.ter. Gqoc1 ·mot_or. 113 Cout Blvd. Coren& del M"1' . . • Gt.le-Juat ~ thlnlj for a ~ach r\ln-Harbor 21!52 ' •· SUMMl'!R CLEARANCE BALE !!pine ... ua.d. from 1287. Spinet, now. $395. Up!"lflhto from 1119. Uaed Orand_, Sohmer, $3~ Otho,.. 14M, 11185, $885. Tnde ln your old ptano. Highest cuh allowaACe. Euy t e.rma, repos- ._,. Spinet, •ve $300. DANZ- .llCHMIOT· PIANO CO. Over 100 . pa.no. from wfttcb to cbooae. 520 Ko. Main, cor. 8th, Santa Ana. H.A.RDMAN Uprlsht piano, excel- leat condjllon. 1711: 312 Apo- lena, 8111iioa Jo!&nd. ll2cli8 --a-tftet ..a. ........ bl' follto wbo Oft loolMr to bay. aJ>ouL ·.I _ _McM UNFURNISHltD -Corona ..del Mar. 2 beautttul new apt.a. Near water. garbage dl8po98.L-.. vene- tian ·blinds, waler pd. Yearly lease. 2 bdrm, $100 per month. 1 bdrm, $7~ per month. Harbor' 1671. ,. 44cli7 . . $145. We Trade , tor the Best SHA VER MOTORS Your DOOOE-PLYMOUTH Dlr. 1880 Newport Blvd., Ooeta Mesa NICELY J'urnlsbed. 2 bdrm. borne Pbon6 Beacon 8907 on baytront: prtv. beacb. A•all· 1------------ able in Sept. at. .$100. we;ek. 918 MUST Sl:LL 21-mon.tb..old Pon- lil. Bal-Blvd., Balboa. Hor· Uu 2-<lr. ...ian. Eircollent buy bor 1302--l. '52clH at $1490. M4 Seaward Road, ' Corona del Mar. Harbor 2387-W TWO RM. furnished hoUM in love-f ~ Jy court. Refrigerator,, hot i -~---------~ wattt. Court facUttie11 Included. Adulto. ITfl .P<Jmofto, Costa Mesa. Phone 8".ocm 1747..J'. • * OPEN 1 7 5 * • Beautifully fUmlobed ,..., round 4 b<1nll, s ba. home. PN<fically new MODERN, With enclost'd patio, 2-car gar. Ready for com- plete living. l fll Ocean Blvd • ll&lboa. Harbor 24~1-M. 12tfc 61-Jlea) Estate Exclumge LONG BEACH -2 houses, home and income, clear. Will trade for equal valut>, H a r bor a.rea. Phone Harbor 0363-W. Op57 "LET'S TRADE" e~ '50 CHEV: · Power-Glide, eve? ell!.... 15,000 "'11., •1190. Corri· pare wttll used car &o~. Harbor .2313, evu. ~ • 38th It., New-Ji.AVE "'$14 ,000 equity in 2 turn. port Beac:b. MpGa houaee !good rl'nta.ls ) Balboa !15-n-.. a.a, Peta FURNISHED HOUSE a ccom. 4, Boulevard. .. =:"7 • $200 for month of August thru Will ~ for 3 bdrm. home, Har- Kl!!RRY Blue maJe .pu •r AKC Labor Day. UUL paid. Key at JOE NICKERTZ bor ..... Will ....,me. Phone ohomplon stock. ,..._. .... J.JI 817 -Mth M., M-rt Bncll, Studebaker Dealer Harbor 2064-M ·evening•. 50plK Opll A~o., Balboa IoJanc1, ..... Harbor 19t·W. • llica:I .• 5ap6ll CORONA DEL ilU\;=COlftpioialY New cu delivery at once · ----------turnlabed 1 bdrm. hoine on cor. Better 4o It aiiW wllile "priee• are VIEW HOME ONE BLK. above Sunset Blvd., W. I REPAIRING and PAINTING Rr&AOnabl~. L&rge or •mall job&. Free estimates. Walker, 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2681-R EXPERIENCED waltrea. Apply THE SHACK SHOP, 1818 Cout Hlg!\way, Corona del Mar. Ph. "Horbor 1737-W. CIScM EXPERIENCED lloatman to ope- rate and maintain new 40 ft. cruiaet. Good pay. Har. 24t1-W. l • 53cM ltlAHOGANY I pe. Duncan Pl\)'fo d.Jntns 11et, wt.lb padl. 1 Like aew. Aznertcan oriental ~ I x U . llOI • :UUI BL, -of nnley. Newport a..ch. Hor. ~W. G:ld4 SAIL BOAT for ale. Snipe No.' 40 Blll IB!• ~ Lovely A!nced In patio. Lo .. of _,, ab4 caro lift •Vallable. 4211, complete with aaill, Mild ~ nowen. Jmt like a doll bOUSP.:. · ~ dolly, etc. $360. Boy bu 1one Certif• d Val Coupla ...,. MC\ ,.ta. · '7G mo. LONGER TERMS to war. Seo at U04 W. Balboo le . UeS on. ~ -&tf!reoceo. Ph. eed'. Bl~ s.t. • sun. 53pS& • · • --2211.· McM ,...~••1·e· d U Cars MODllRM B-t-pe. DIDIDI' ---·-----~---MALT SHOP-l!!olabllahod over .,.-,-I VO::l'LU . , Kl and ,3-pe. bedrm. •t. bOX 18 FT: OLD '!'OWWCA1'Kl£, Uk• . 10·· Y••--Y "1low -rare. WINTmR RWM\'AL -OcL 111,l--~~-!!UJ!ng Hollywood. l story mod. French-! ... Prov., 3 Br. A: den : 2 'A yl..-oJd,.. ~ sooo aq. f t .. i 1• tt. front level \ lot. Trade ror older· bayahore rea. or inc. with pier. Owner, HAULING ll))l'lzlp • motm., lite aew. n<W. Complete with !'"'1dleo, Pt'lme loCa. '4CIOO '..ill llondle. J~ 'lot. 2 bdn11._rurntahed l:aclt one a Hiii buy!' Very NU011able. . Call Beacon beck rest and cu.ahiou. Very CAMERA SHOP-Well.,, eatab. tn . ~· 175 mO., plU8 utlUtles. • MM·W. 52<14 r<uohabla. 2125 East Balboo , but location. A.11 modtm stock "'See °""'°r, l'tO Opal SL, Bal· 19!1(1 Bt»cl<Hke• C!llmP,lon 9edu , 1374 Belfast Dr .. L. A. 46, nu.~ 7-5344, CR. 6·9514 . 113p66 Any kind, truh or! WALKER. 108-18th St., Newport. H. "81-R PHONE Horbor 1818 to pW:e · your want «d cm• thla pap. EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER, machine, man ol° woman. Apply ROSSMORE DINING ROOM. 2800 Newport Blvd., Newport · Beoch. MJJM Blv.C Balboa.· Harbor 17&<>-W. reody for right buyer. • liM lotaod. Mc68 -one~ real buy 5'7-Beal Estate Wanted· Usm> bA VJaNPol!.1' !milt .. into 63pi):I OFF BALE LlQU:p·R STORK-llH.9 Btudtbal<er Champion Coupt 1.;.~,.:;.;..;=......;-------.b<d>. 115 and ovflotlaffed cllalr, ----,----,,..,,-,==--:,.,..--:-= -..n.. A • ·-t •h··--Co -•-•· WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER $7.50; old but Pod.' lOI •• .21th, LUDEBS JO SAJLj!O)l'l'. No. 11<1. w.iiway ~auon (Drl,,.,.ln) 41-A-'.......,r ~ -' ·~ -r --· ·~· Wei• ··-• ~·com· Long .. 14blllhod ud doing • • • '"'"" -•"" _. pi f-donr 80dan · 2 or 3 bedroom home on Bal-, BL, Ne"pott llH<ll. Har,·= ~tpped. n...t" ~ .-wlume. . • • TRAILER "SPACE ve-, 1ow m1)eqe can, all orlllJlal. =::,; ~~.'°';;,!1 =~ . . 14--Penon&IB LADIES L Miller A Lolrd Schober SboH. Brown, J>lue A . black. 7 *AAA A 7\iAAAA. PNctlcal· Jy new. Call Har. 147t-J e.ea. 740 Via Udo Nord, PIU:llBINO AND ~G mo.. to .. ....:. .... , off the lnwlJ, 1oCo 'of -.and CllR'i'1'1!ID. ~-0 by Augu.lt 3l•L Ph. PHJLCO REftUOltRATOR ...:. Ito Hor. •µ• w.. .......... STORlll -1-. for -~1e -__,,,._ • · · · · • • .,._..-••-•• Alcohollca Anonymo1111 Write P. o. Box 200 Balboa 1'land, t:attt. ~-.Phone KlmbtrtJ'-3-MIS r • --..--• iu to ·11a -CabrlDo Ooiirt, Beacon UIJ.8-J. -the tl eu. ft. lMl mode thet , · lllotobllahed ... verol ,..... and -' 1 0,... 11:-lnp , • ua.-or 'G\0 taltu ho ""'"' tlp.ce-than '& 7 Manf -.\.blr deat llU -IUC!t dolJI& rood 'IPO!ume. HO C&brlllo, ..._, Coot& II-. 1415 New;ort Bl>d.. Ne+pori Bel>. Solid Citi,r.ens Vote Register Now &t City Hall 9PH -43tfc or a cu. n. U"'4 It &Ii -• t.l!"' • mnlll 'Wlm~_.A.4-RESTAURA.N't ,_ ·The--In '44"'1111 . and J t llu & bll•-dlle °*' It o'Qep S'&n;fD ll ft. tW.1..;' _1 Ito .claU--4'lneot equip., prtmo ·°""'tllldtit p • !.,!W '!'II -IM&'WU!J' 2 4<1or. lo !'!f. STORE flxtureo. P'""· new. w.tl of u..a. Bu 1111 ... -WW. --4 ' eyL Oro1 IOCL' ud -n-f-Cl·A'*lf.F -. , ___ ~-512 • ~ cues, eountuo, ml.le. All hove cl!HL ~ ,.alffl ohtfroot ond marlDe molqr•at ucr!llce prlee. • llllo. ' , .n • 'i '~\ . " ' ". . JR'.,, ~i*l Bftdl. ~::Ii ad,Ju8table lllelT ... Borpln. can = .!,c;:';;:r,:to.!1.~,l.:: I~ Thia lo a Mt( See It al 111 'Poi-t1-and OtJler ~ !! !ti?!) fti: !!!{-:0,,., 0 1'ol; • l . owner! Beecon uao. nets Pay, rli• caoll °" tol<a _... • Zll-.Ut: Balboa. -. mooey mak.., .-. .. ---•··-...., . .Iii ~ 11ao ~A.TIOKA!io Pld<-JJp. -----~-----l'.n::·""'=::o=R""'.Bl=CY.=cr=,::.,""'., ::20:--:-~=b-ol7 ... --. of $13.U ptt mo. SH Wheroo, rr OJNA-1~-outt. U&'I>-"'",._..,.._ r~ :::-{;~· ' lpw MQml .... For 8lia OC' wlli ,., a_ .. __ ,.,,_._....._ ·-v· 12 . -·· • --· • ....._~,. .,,,_,,......,..,. , -~O ·~ JNi ~·-~,~•-.......,. ...... HI ..._...... ..... .,..,_ . • l20. Pb. -11517-R. 1!2d14. ~-""t flnL 406 •lo. • -~·-• ·~~ ... _ •• -......::.>~ v.... ~. ·--....,-:-, ----'--'---------1 .. , --.. ..._u -.or nu-'"' •--OOllPANY · l19t ,,.....,_.._ .....-.OU. -·NewfO'rt ••.net Up66 W\llltrtoo. V a.m. to I · p.m. I'll a n. toldflal ud plllille~ .JUlil4'0R8 811 ocm • --. ...., . S~Jn~a.;L--$7 ~ ~.;. ~ ll5t. 7 Ntf =~-OolpiadCJ:::':6. SOt.wfNewpott'lll'fd. NBWL~·~er &OCllt ~ ~r-·~ j • :Strole,; """'* cc1 s&ck. 115,' ORANGE OQAS'l'. Bill's Furniture -~irt. -1a -• Pl=-~-:: .;:Erb\ ff;· '., uo ~ ~~~ ... _.::; !!. l!!!!f lilllc•.:. ttr1ie 2 clQW .-, o.Tld IU&!>t. '""".a TT on ""DPPLY We Bqy, Sell ot Trad ontY a -. ,.._,, -. . ,. ,~ ;t , ..... -. ..,00 .__ _ -•--.. • ""-Ci11tnut. Lon• Boach,Olllf • .r~.,. llOll'Weet Ball1cie •Bml _. ""'1' ·~ Ill•--' -· • • TI ·tUI -·~ 1110 JLUDicll. JIL\'1) ·~ " ... -~ -..,....._.., c.u'I: A.l'ID OAll 11'1'.A.TJON :tw ·• ll(ll:r _.,. .. ,,.., DI --Md peblt -~· .~ 8PH · • dM-a ~ l502·R. • 54 8'-.... ,.., a..-nn..J. -. ,...., ._.,_..,.,. .Me.'°' lfc•llGK·•u• ~ -A.1 J"llW ~-...,. "!" N w:n.,HELP? ~~-~· ,.. NAT'L.-,.-.141t.fl NpM _,pio, kdJoliii....-pukoe w. -Olor ll• -••I • ' l!;ri • JOBNBON,l!l•iloliW; I 11..,p.-Rtt l'o<ulala waae.1ar "',!~~ 11-rr. OPSN pie•-_..., 11aq eoea Jllellw-. lr..,....t °" ... q,....tt -uon ..,,lad ..-,. atr -tr,.a-. -old &oftll. wr!npo'. Pwap. a ~ -au lllt. 1'1111 iftl · " 9 17; ... .,.. ...,_ .,_ ~ a eJ1m'fWI In tlolt' N-,._,ot ........... l'l'"'fll ~· P. 0, -<1111.1.ACW Ill' --· -~ -ca.·........ ....,._,._==-...------'-I ,,_. POlt. and Prw maths ht : •· 2 * -~;t' • .., .-. lbwt• ,.... eu:• i-__.... n.n.. "'mnllhmt'llAL ·~ -• .. -• _., -~ -.·afz. C1l11te,. MD)'.... -01 • ._ 4 n ' _. -~I t. 4-1 ~=:;"*-~ ---.-w--. -~-- - -__.w r 0 a ....,. MoJel?lil -. --• -I'll .... -.-........ ·-·r .... " ,1 au,or Jtll. ii ---~-'V ..... j ....... ta1111 ..... 6& a, .... ~.,. ..-~ ... -11111 .... # ~ ... itli .... _ ............ "' ... To~-·--.... • •. llltt~., WMlet ' C · ... -1ML ...... M '0 .._. ' -~---::::...; ·-... . ·-DA-.-. -....... ,s Q ,ta¢U; 0 .. It*• .................. •• •.• .. -'llii~~ . ... :f 1·:':'· .!I ,... .. 'ZJ 1'17, .... "3 77 ·1nQM • • • - • I • • l BLANCHE A. GATES, Rekltor L. C. JONJl'.I ~ JfAltTlN 311 Marine Ave., Balb6& r.land Ph. llar, 1811 or 1672 · Eves. Raf!lar Tt&-11 ' . . .B~OA ISLAND $10,7154 ..:_ FULL PRICE. ·2 bdniL 'fllmlahed bOme. Double garage'. Hurry! ' . ' $26,l!OO -INCOVE. Charming· Z b!lrm. h<>lle plus 1 bdnll. apt. Dbl. prqe and guest room Ulf bath. ~ut a· yrs. old. Attractl1'11ly fUrnlahed. Near North Beach.. . • $30,000 -· ~.llOO down. Lovely '2 bdrm. home. Patio, plus studio apt. gar. Comp. and f,ttr. tum. $M,500 ._,, 8 unit apartment house.· cOmp. !um., excdlent income. Prtced fol' quick aale. Let • .. &how you thia unusually good buy. • I $68,l!Oll -One of th.,. moet beautiful h-oa the Island. Corner location. 60' frontage on Bay. Pier, float . and slip. Unusually lge. living room, . 4 bdrma., 3 baths, plwi m~!l's .J'09m. and .ba~h, ahoJrUB and dressing rooms, patio&. 4 prsaes. Trllly a home for the moat di.lcrlJllin.atiD(. LlM'LE ISLAND. A honey ol a bome for a fam· Uy. 5 bdrms., 3 baths, charm .. furniahed. $30,000. Will coJ111ider trade for-Santa Ana or Los An- seles. t.tta Income. OOS'l'A MESA ..,; We have llOme excebent acreage P~. !'.IBl!t . on . Banta Ana Ave., between 22nd and 23ro Sts. Call ua for further information. BLANCHE A. Gl\TES-REALTOR• ON WATERFRONT Small home with pier and slip. Not new, but ne'1>•1y r-Jnled. Mice terrace dVerkM>klng water, garden a nd prage. s 18.llOO. CHOICE INCOME Near b&l', 11ehoots, church•., tranapottatloft.. Upper a.ad kJwer duple.~ and &ddltionat bdrm and bath attached to praK'•· Sunt&eck. Owner leavtna atat.e and mu.It •II. Reduced to $22,600. BALBOA PENINSULA Excluaive area oi year-round resident&. 2 BR. nJcely furni.lhed, patio, p.ra.ge ... ······-...... 113,000 2 BR, 10 mos., furnished. lge. sarage ····---······-...$13,200 3 BR, Very It.lee, good atreet.. attractive ...............• 16,000 2 BR. new, never oceupted. Near t.y ............... ·--118,300 3 . J!R. under construction. Cbooee !tnlsh ··-·········· .. lt9.300 3'BR. adtl bdrm. and batll. 4e. patio .............. $21,!500 . SAY AND BEACH REALTY, 1•60 Balboa BJvd. Bubor 1264 Rthe1 Shirley J~ M. M'llleT Gloden Fay Fran.JI Evi!ttt.t • $3700 -CASH "MAGIC · WORDS" ' PLUS $32.60 per month buy11 thla attra.etlve new beach homt>. lo-- ca.ted OM. block from the 9eot ocean !ront beach. 1V.·o bdrm-. clever living room with ln.sk!e planter. tarce w a rd r o b e! and extra storage. Stall shOWf"r , l!ar port. A alx weeka summer rental should mall:e the YEA.RS pa.ymenta. A.Lao an excdlent property for income or apecuJa- tlon. Full price tet6d. H 0 ME -Number ONE. of magic words -The moet predo11& of ALL woni.. $4950 Dn, Lido Isle New 2 bdrm home, 21 f t . llviAg room with fireplace, bar-type kltchf:n, dinette, 2 bdrms. glaM- ed ln tub. prtvat~ pa tlo, tarae 2·car pral"e. F'u.JJ price 115, 750. Another magic woro 1.- NOW...'...NOW -NOW AJ. ways remember THERl: 18 ~O OTHER TIME b11t NOW. Live NOW - Enjoy life NOW -Act NOW. rr you ACT NOW Ob UDO ISLE yeu Wl11 ba wt .. Indeed If you do not A.CT NOW . yolJ Will be amon• u.. nwnber that will be aaylflg .. I remember I ' • . , ;;:.... ____ ,._t! i! ~· • 1 • • •.. •.?.t•r .m, ..... I Suror 'tB&·Wl:mK • !Mp 211c1rm.:a-7 DC! 2 bclmL ristsl .,.·~ -··-... ......... tt',_ 11a .. 111e - -t. ... Mrpbl y-- ............ Look Ulla --· --.. ott ... . Well Built 2 B. It. lfDMS °"' Wnt ll<le. W-a IOOd cleanlnc. °l'Ttce ~875 and ~y.t-.. Very 8m•ll 1 bdrm. ho-. . ~ .... Ill~• ll>t, prk• .-ioe. Down t>a~nt $1000 ALSO several good . G7 I. Re- aalea (2 & 3 bdrm.) and JDUY choice buUdJng Iota. G. N. -~' Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Coiita M-. Ph. Bea. 5l81 . CLIFF· HA VEN * * * Extra Specials * * * 2 new 3 bdi-m. homes 11-2 lot, Plrepl&CH .Double gara1.., detached. • 2221 Clay St. and 2225 Clay St. $14,000 each. Attractive Terms • Shown by appointment can H. Cairns, Har. 1119-J courtesy to brokers NEW DUPJ,,,EX 15th and Clay St. · Cliff Haven 2 BEDRMS. each. Fireplaces • Double garag~ detached · .. lit come 12~ 7 ger aDJIUM. Price $16,800 Attractive tems Shown by appointment Call H. Cairna, Har. 1119-J Courtesy to brokers Today's Best·Buy SHORE CLIFFS Reduced to Sell! 3 bdrm horn ~ on large lot. Con- w.nlent to beac~ .. Fully land· oca,,.ct. Wu sn.~ • NJJW Only $19,9915 . ' • $!:800 DOWK . . • , lv_, .._ 11111 s II ill 0111.r 1 ,r. aid. Ptr :II Ff ·. l.nw., tie tu '' ..-. au..._. r 1f11, •.., lll11c, M l•t •• , ..,. •-*• .. "''''"fl'"' . ... B•oell II '-tloa, -lllP scbool. ...,.., ID 11 ant ~ "51 lllQ, IDdadllll tae, .alld IU f. • ~y _.,_Don't forpt JOlll' tdl9 Lid laterea 'are dedac!tlble !.-.,,,,., '-!=ome tu. l'ull pftoe '87DO • " . . $200000WN :-... , Brf 'l"lleW Giie ~ IK I with a 2-caJ' pr•' .... {; ~ -W. tor the -;. Mar mar- l w. ""°' .. Giiiy • $:5l5()Q • •• ., . , . l>HIL SULLIVAN . · ·c. GALEif DENISON· ' . . . G. T.~SON 4llO ~"port lm-d. · 'eoeta Mesa · · Pborl.e Beaeon ee911 ·or Beacon CMM.J • Rus~ic Ranch 'lYP,e -$7,950 . '!1tll •-Ills 2 bedrooll\ """'-"'.1 ytar old and p~tty u a pfctur.. Ku muslw brtdi: flttplace. t..arge wtn- -., M • 1211 tot In N-rt Hetgbt. atta. Only 12fl60 -:· Tiit. priC< CAN'T Bii: BBAT! I ' -. • Rustic Ranch 'fype. -Newport Heights Desirable and attractive 2 bdrm home, MW hJ&h , achapJ. Choice location aiionc ~ hO"mc!&. Best buy In • t"Ustlc ~~ ~ome In ~· Height& $10,960 3 Bedroom Home -$11,500 7 New ud -Uflil. 1100 oq, ft, BHt hdwd. Ooora. Dining area. Ph• brMkrut room. Chalet aoc&t&on on :era.sway, Cmmta M....._ $2900 dawn. t . . 3 Bedroom Home -$11,9:50 an.. bloek. to hlatt achoo! In N•wport H•'41bta. B'9nd new, ~t hardwood'. Flaptone ftr"Ppl&ce. I..a.rge plate gJM8 windows. facing patto. F . H . A. term.a. BEACON HILL REALTY 4M N"~rt Blvd. (abaft Arehe9), Pb. B . 6713·R or !:vf!:•. D. fi6!2·W SWEEPING VIEW OCEAN & HILLS, Corona del Mar. Cbuming small hillside hiOme. Patio· and small garoen. Nice- ly fumlahed, ready to move tight in. Priced for actlon. $13,250 .. W. A. TOBIAS Salu &DNA CRAIG Re ntolir LINWOOD VICK, Realtor • 312 Marine Ave., Balboa IaJand Harbor 20(2 MULTIPLE LI~TINGS NEWPORT- -Owner wantA offer -$2000 down Two bfodroom beach home -ctf'an, · close to beat bCach · and •lDtts ·······•·········-··········· ....... : .................... _ --~ ......... 17.800 ON 28th STREET ...................................... $10,000 A nice 2-.:lo:ry homl", Z bfdroom• and bunk mom. Eaay to oonnrt to income. OCEAN FRONT LOT ................................. $3500 Excet•nt com@!' ioc.tton. LIDO ISLE- OUR BEST VALUE -............................... $22.500 An Older bul very comfortable s bedroom home on 70 .a.. loL Prtme location. Ju.t ~ block to club and beach. Priced f'>r quick aale. BAY VIEW -Comer location .............. $29,500 U>\•ely 1-atory ttolne-3 bedroom•-bullt armtnd a 1n.1My patio-charming and eofortbl. NEW 2 Bedroom Home ............................ $17,i()(). All the nice thtnP., colorful ltvlng room , modf'rn klt.chen with tonnlca dra.lnboard, prbal(t dl•posal A: dlahwuber. n..l«nO<J lo• rood U"1ng. -• • • • • 0 .Fpi111 •• ·;~ ..... ,~ 1 ~. ,. T Your LcistiOn- At a~ TJaat'a JUPt! WWWHaT •••&JS ,, .. a. ,...,..,;:;._. oW. -......... Ula .......... ._.~'1.M •ancuna-w !IL...-_t_ot __ _ ....... .,..__.,...y ""'°"' MIOWl'ORT HlllOJITB -' B I 1 t _,_ 2-hldc11• llolQ(I ,,.,.. ·-. ~· _._. $1',lilq OOliONA ·Dl:l. IWl...:.;.. ---·~~?~ Jl!llll. - .. .,,.f., ·~ ~ .. tMa: cun ... ¥111'_,..,. •·•• •· ... • d9 .._ _. (llll•cr""' BeauUM pouncla. COR.QNA ~EL MAR....'ftlree bed· . ...., .... ~ "vtng room. !-car .......,, tile Mower. A nil bu)' 111,tloo , CIO~A DEL ~ la!&· lion, ,_,>tops 'lo ocean bhlt(. 2-bedroom& 2 batM. Qpen Sat. I< Sun. 1-5 p. m. ~T OCEAN , F,Rl)N'l' - LMp .. bedroom -.. two lot.a. comer. Excellent rental income. Qall .1olm ,M'ottram-Har. 1!500 EvtelllP Harbor UM-R • . ~ ~ ~ ~-· . Boat Ow8er8 ttention· 4 "' • f > M<IDllUCWAW~IWr&,-1" W.-. '&pf IS ftr9taN.' ""°' ....... , 'llfw. PIJlll Qd flAt.\', --. • .-,.... ·~ Price fM,11t. .••• l>y aJ>Pi only.~ Mf!,11l!rb. j "-101S or (OYM), Harbor 2092.w. · l .. \ . -~·· ,•_..,..,. I r '' • • • • ,. ~. HO?tp:'&. 'CO.ME · · . t CbanolnStl bst"1'-llf>m .. ~-· l!""'P wltll ~ lf!IUY ot ,au. 11~·.-.:o;o<t ~on. IWllly -. loMlloa'. St~ Call Kar.~ 1011' or. :llP92·W for an appolntmcn"t 1 to Jiff: . . ' . . .BALBoA ·rs~· . · We aave'IOY<ftl eaellont .• ,.X. •der f11.-. 'l'llla prieed ,..,,...ty ... Balboa llland -- 0 11&)' -* --ioncr. PW.ae call Mn. M&ioon ... Boward lfoisN* at Har. t:T'llf ror OJt a~1t to -Ille"'~ -.. ,._ I • .. RENTALS~ BA:LBOA ·ISLAND - • • I ! .. ~l • I I • ,, • P.A. P~MER INOORPORATED . 3UI Vla,Lido Newport Beach, Calli. A'rrENTION -SCHOOL TEACHERS Hubor 1500 · · Lovely 1 B. R. Quiet Eut Side location. 8llal1 lot, large rooms, Iota o( Ule. A-t .CODAlf'\I Ctlon. Only $.'57rw>, $1SAQ. doiarn. f.50 per mo. SACRIFI~E 2 B. R. Ocean View Home on quiet West Side, large lot, only $8960. Trade equity for good lot, hsetraller, or Of1 large home anywhere In county. \\'Ill p•y SIO(>o cUh' pluo equity. New 2·B. R. Beautiful home, lots of tile, h\vd. noon,. lge. dinette, thermo. con. heat, islloo. SIBeO d0W10, "7.50 We are now '4kiag seeervaU.; F wi~ renW.. eo.e· In and see 1!:tna Dni'g-11, our · rentar apecl&liot. or ,call Har:t>or 1775 . ..... CORONA I;>EL MAR · An ouU:t.a.ndlng-val~. ' bdrln. Miil& wWI 2 bMM. ~U.9 extra .~ow~r. Thia le 1 a 2-•t.c;>ty .. ~ome, tullf turilished . P'lreplace, electric ....,..., -le ,.._, mei.eJ p-. One,block to....,. Iii -~I MIP1'orlleod. Ideal for pennanent or ...,,,,.... llttt&'· J'u1I prlee $14,080. can Harbor 2"f7f . · ' . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 17U. and Cout'HIW9J' l!lth aad Jrvlne ' I Newport Beach llfewpott 8tach 613 Coast H lway Bal-Ialatld 3113 ~ewport l)lvd .. Corona d•I Mar N<Wpo~ 1!each " 11*'1' mo. ___________________ .._ __ G. I. Resale 3 bdrm near Harper llC:hool. Hwd. tile, dbl. gar .• 110.•~. SM per mo, Submtr down. Or0p In and 9N ua, we tla't'P bun· drfl'ds or other ll1tlnga . B.A.NERESON OPEN EVENDfGa MRA I< Npt. Ha .... Multiple Li.filtJng Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Kea. Phone Beacon 5221 Do· You Want A Cute Summer Cottage? We bave it on Balboa Ialapd, near the Bay and ahoppl.n1 dlruict. 2 bdrm.I, $10,750, tmna. NELDA GIBSON 306 Marine Bal-Island Pb. Har. llO'! • Last Chance VETS . · ,To. Buy Your Home On A LOW Down· Payment We have a 3 bearooml home fM jwit· . I z•~~t!di • or A 2 bedroo!JJ home for ~90 . dOfll • Both of th-homes are new, flrepl&Cftl, hard-. \ . . wood fiool'9, double <pragea and on curved «l'eeta in CoBta Mesa'il rmeat residential' area.· ' CALL• '.. THE JOHN VOGEL CO. Beacon 6104 Harbor 2476 • SHINGLE SHACK . , BayShores Bay View when." BUY NOW while pricea HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. are loW. Thtnk or buytng tn- alde Jota on UDO ISLE tor u SEE REALTORS Home and Business for Lease (DoIJ't'let Uie nami ~you) . It's artisUcaUy ruatJc exterior blend. into the deep toned·; llvlnl' A: dining area with tU: beWw r.tt... e1JJ991f cell- ..... l'IJ-1 hearth, weatlie....t brick flNpW:e -,ttutf rucr -.u..... -nted 1aat year tbroUfhout. % l!drm+· (not ,._touo but•n"'."{) 1 % ~ 1a1stf knotty ;tae bWlll rm and pullman-typa ldtchaa 'lfllh b..-l &M. Deluxe 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Beautltul view of bey from liv· lng and dinin&' rooma. Outatand· lng noor ela.n. and beat coutruc· lion. Really o~ of the nicer home.a ln Bay Short'&. Price $26.ootJ, little •• S9-0 per hoott r..ot and Earl Chamberlain . :iou. and Nowport Bl•d .. Newport BeA<'h with ea,ay term:. The law et P!aone Herbor llOO 6 rooms 1 \,10 batlia -woodeT· ful •pot !or offlee or pro-. feaslonal man. Lo ts of room' (or parking' on busy 17th St., eo.ta Mesa. WW remodel to, 1111t tenant. See 387 • 17th St. and dll.I Har- bor 1990·M, or Har. 2422. supply aad demand -.OU.Id 500 Coa8t Blvd .• Corona de.l Mar ----------------------surely Locttaae the n.Jt.a11 ot (Opp. Newport Barbor Ballk) AIL lot11 on LIDO ISLE. W e PhOOe Harbor 2288 ONLY AT In Corona de1 Mar have 90me excellent waterfront -Corona Highlands 11 Ocean view New S bdrm. home. Porttd &Jr lloat, dbl. prege. Ex«:Dent lo- cation. $14,.'500. It'• done ln anUquea and U.y rully nt but not in- cluded at tli• ,18,9Gli price, Wl tnch>ded ill cupettnc. drapes. trfa;ldaltt. ran.,.. ~ bunk beth and bed- -" lllleJ' match pie <1n..,...1. ORl:ENLEAF lo ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 N.wport Blvd .. Hnbor aM2 Balboa. Island Cbarm11'f 2 -bdrm. home tn fine condition PLUS a aeparate guest room and bath. Good lo-- cation c1oee to .outlt bay. WW excb. tar property In Puadtfla or vaelnlty. Staq Hadfield, Rltr. 219 Marine, Balboc Ja.la.nd Pfon• Harbor 20 SOMETlllNG NICE INALOT-- ' We haYf' a Mauutul llitt, 12"% ft. wide by 1f0 tt. -p • ..,ttll tnea UH41:f plantad and pvwlng, One -I< rur redwood fenc· ed. Oft a qu iet, paved atftet of lowly 'flew bomeo, near to Ille high -· Coola llHa. Pric-ed 11800, terma. lota. alao a ,.,,,,, llM:cme llffe. that can be bought. RlGH'T. ALI<> on LlDO ISLE aevetal BRAND NEW homea 2. S, or f - plu• to ftt J"lllr -ud JKl.rM. U )'OU want a llOIM tben come to headq_urtan. Yea. we .,. the D~ • of LIDO 'ISLE where a llttlo buya a LOT. It will PAY YOO to aee US. P.A. PAI.MER INCORPOJU. Ti:D ' -Via Lido ' Newport Beacll, Calif. -.. 1000 "·Not Three Roolllll And A Path·" Bat • ftt'y -two bdl'm • .anal &on~-Lap IMtted ~ tncr , !" Uftoc ......_ -p11r a tloat.J .._ llectlon. $ll,lat.. Will aoll •rt. ...... boat dleap With -ll<epa .. ' yrs. old. . Paul C. Jones, Rltr: iwr -·Jlhd. Har. ms -Nw~.--On Uttlo-Balboa hland, we 1u1 .. ............ ~ .. ba- the aalr -anH•l!le todaJ'. .& ..... quiet ~ o.14 .. ,.a1 to ~.!!'!'....~ ., !' o1ncr _.., COSTA MJl8A --·---..... __ llOW_ J. A. BICIQ< Office ~~.:0.~:'~1 t. ..... --IU nar. u •••• rs pf..., ....... 11 •• HERE 'TIS! A lov•ly l 1tory. 2 bcSrm. home-- Built Jut .. )IOU would do it )'OUl"9elt. lpaciow rooma. lt Ml /Jl!ler 1300 .eq. n.. of u.tq .,.., A. btautttul patio, udoMcl wtua concret. fence -~ lawd, -alttady In and lhririn&'- Prlcle blcl. d'9pn and 113 ,.. oq. yd. ca~ Prlm<f locatloft and To<1&7'0 !'ell Buy. $16,000 !We ma'• ,..a to -Ill • HARBOR INVESTMENT ,COMPANY REALTOIUI 30th Nd H,...pott llML NEWPOl\T Bl!lACB "-e Ha.-UIOO r' tlO ft. or mon f"¥Jt&ge r All ut.IJltle9 (DO am ... mentA) r Convenient loeation r Overlooking Newport Har1lor r' Private-Be.ell r PRICED TO SELL ONLY A FEW ' t9tfc NICE 2 BDRM ll'nJCCO. Vene- U... ~ --pao illchad-ed. Payment.a only SM pe.r mo., ----------- lncludin&' ·~ tnL, tax• &Jld Sell, Swap or Trad~ -· Priced ror quick aalo at 110,llOO. -Cliff Ha.ven BALBOA DUPLl:X. 2 11. R. and 1 B. I\. apt&, near ~ 'bay. Own· er wlD .lab:a. part -lly, aml. bouae, lilt or WHAT KAY& YOUt Pr:f'ee $15, 750 f'or -.nlOM wbc>•wanta an a.ru.ti;ilt ,ot tbe ordinuy BALBOA ISLAND HOKE. An o llatin&' welcome. 111 Onmne, ~ by'..., ~moon • to 6 p.m. ll3cN I aaI1?9a Island's Most outstanding . 13AYFRO(IT v_µuE ! ! ! . • , BOllli18trE8 LEPT MODEL BOMBS TO SHOW 3 BDRM~ type 11ome WIN>d tor •ledllc .....,.. h .. vy aM1ce l'OOf. Manti' other r .. 111...,a. Dbl. -.. tars-Int, • _,,,,_ In&' 11c1me, Olfl.Y '15.li09- rr IS NOll(: DCPOiSJBLB to /hpllcate lhlii 1wru11o111 llome • b<lrm1, I rldtly tf1ed ll&lha, _...,.ta t~ two ~ patJoo. &-ear -. '"'--- Bal. boa• Realt Co .. ellolca ..,,,., ~IO ft.+; -·-y. J'lae beecll. • Y • ~ vtew.'Prlnte Pl!'I and fl tt. ~P n.rai.· ·1 ' W FIS ~~1. · · J-plllne Webb Ptl .aa,aOo torm& TR,ACI' OFFICE • E.~~~l HER, RIO-. _ lllcAdoo · ce ') · • at Llguna edge I • • .Ernie~ IUtr., AMOC. TOO. s.AoM{llhd. Kar. mT • . ·w. W. SANFORD, Realtor of Col'.Oba del liar u1 oo.ur BmL. eo..... ""' Mar -~Ti[jiilJii[;i(i(iii8!--Pa'1t A,...... al lllarin• .. 4-" B&'lloa I.tlan4 ~ Bm>llOOlll8! ' • tHF"--' ' Pllone Bart>or il4-J ""-Hai;bor 2{4S OOllTA Mlll84'1 BB8T 'BUY . .,,,.,. I : •• ·MAKE AN OF'FER ··-n-~-tif-ul-?Ba--Sb--• Balboa &land· 8::":~:.,..~~ Costa Mesa DuPex I.·"~ TO TtW>11:t , TWO-I lldrm• ----lot. ~u y Oletl , --.-» .... -. . oww Wl'C'r to .. ~ --11Ji1e Coot&~ OM 1'111.. I rm -..-:fUll fbdrW, f HfW\y'-S btlnn. 2 llMll-. Jfw •1• ............ BtJlLT !W -... ;.ji,.,.:. ~.._.,..,,.far Ii booDO ll'om "'-Iner· -._ le bdrm ,,..,...-"°"'"· a .,,. wttll • I Wmt. .f -. ,-.i -.: ...., nlll--. ow.. -• ta tram · .... ~, · a• , ..... ...._ u .... i.i ~ -· ~ II .. ~-<'I ' •.::!-. .. ~!·-· --.... --.. Clam.. pW. "'th .. , rie Bar. ~II or --~ 11..t. 1 ·: :~I ~ '1r':il.: ~ , I im-. .... Ind the ....... -<>wner _. .. u tt. -,........ llraf. ..._ ...,..,_4 ,_.. rmr -. ,... .-,....,... i. _,, . ~ -. Laqoe -.-. ·......_ e.i-ta.c-~f-..J -IO pl. -lleaUn, -----------c, :!~~· c1 Urr-....,. . ._. ph1•en.· '*•>-. t RK -.., ., acn, ••te · .,.uit. • ......_ • Iara-car paot. ....... ., ·• • New Bay Front· ' · briw, A. -..., _. tF' far ..,.... IEFdta. ....,.. .. ... . . ..... Ill'.·-.... .... """' -· at ,_ .,.,. onl¥ ._, Pnee e1-:i,760, terms / 90M!I ..,.. 1at.• • Irr 1rnv• . · :.. • .._ .._ ODIJ' ..,.. R. W. BARTINE .-Stan Hadfield,' Rltr. !.~ -:. ~-:..~ ': ~ K~a 1='11-;:..,., .. A..,•~ llt ~ .... ,. .... T•--....... lz.: J ...... ....._ --LA I I • ........ ,_ • . -'V-..... ~.;.... ..4... llosl Irr t .. -... ~"'.'St:'. -~' •at: ...... • ......... .., ..... ,... ••isll\C»' ,. . . -..... . t..--.. . 'L~,·~:..:r;-;-ft.1tai;:;~ ... : ..... •HI 1'-.... =1 lel m 4 ... ~ • ' •• , < • •• 1 • • • l I ' • ·' • FIRM, RED RIPE ... FINE SLICING · TOMATOES . ' Per Lb •. No. 1-LOCAL . GROWN-Golden Cross . ' SWEET -CORN U.S. NO. 1 LAIGI SMOOTH . ' WHITE ROSE . · POTATOES ' Per 'Ear c c c • SNOWD ... iin · 29: ~~ 85c . -. . . . . . ~· ., !!!:·· . :::::::~ =--~Y'.;FO~CER'S ....:. .. ..:,.. .... · •.••• ;..;.., ' I ( ~.,,_ >-:-~~ 1-lb. Can ·79c he ....... ' ...... q. • .i, ~ "hlled N llCOA . .;.., .:.,._ . . · ii!:: .... 29c SLICED ·BACON· 1.1 ... 49c Heat lb Seal • . . L , AA , St Salad, Cocktail 49r. MiYONNAiSE ~.~ 37~ •;:,' 64c BUY NOW! and SAVE Piiii£ . LARD 21 ~ ~:. 2sr. . . WHITING . . iMEitCAN CHEESE . ~~ 75c ROSEDALE 5'.ICID ·24c PINEAPPLE Ne.ZC.. ,we Redeem Frottee OOupom UPTON • FROSTEE · • . MISSION INN HALYIS APRICOTS Fa1ol1g'1 lroacl & lotter PICKLES Fa.nrJ L-.rp Rlpo a..,.. lllpe l'lttecl No. I Ne. 1 Tall Can Tall Cu 29c MAICAL l'Al'll . . NAPKINS . No. 211. 25c Cao L1rg1 19C Jw ' . 1ooc .... ·1oc .. , ... .. . ' . WIL1WIJIL1 TUN4 SALE! . '~ D L E ' · CWcba ef ~SH · Cllfckoa 9f tM See .. _.... ..c..l~~c· -·E· ~ .. -. .~. ~ ... -i~%-';!.Q..~31~ f.~~~2~68!- . ~~ N~~ 2 ·~°:s · 15c . ~TT:11:::N~~·cA·~uNK l'l.tc ••..... 25. c "'· v •.... Ca• Pal111 i..af COFFEi-CAKE 23~ · (I .. 2P< .. J . • ,~ .. .,;;: r .. ........ , ... : 2-Layer Chocolate • PECAN CAKE 89~ (I .. $1.0S oaJ 41< W Norwam a V.rona Def &l&r OnlJ MISSION INN HA.LYES CLI"• PEA CHE~ • IOSY IED HAND l'ACKID TOMATOES . . . ,. . • ...,,-23c • Ne. 21/2 Caa \-;19.~~ No. Zl/2 Cu , . O .. RANGE JUICE ~ 31c . . ' WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT BE . UNDERSOLD .• . ' . OUI POLICY "IOW lfOREVER . ~· ' ilESSm MIX <:tfOCOLATE or . VANILLA FLAVORS 2 ... c . . • 16 Toa 1ac 1/4-llt. zac lags Pkt. ~ . PER ' I • 9UALITY . ~ · fROZf N FO ~ . . oos DELI CATESSEN FOODS WI"°"'•~· Che .... · 'llf. lo;.vest price "~~ yean I . ' -CHEESE · • !::7'6'9~ lYrs. -. PICTSWE.ET ' ' SAt·E! . I PUS ~ Your Choice • OUT COR" 1 ...... Pq. • C'-t Green. IEllS 1 ..... Pq . • Preach Greea SWIPT'S T~ CHUI -• ' SANDWICH SPREAD IEAIS ...... pq . -· Swift'• ft••lr• r•r t•lkul . · . • -• BRAUNSCHWEIGER • ' ' . .. . ' • . . • • • • ' ... ' . • • -Playday Ends Recreation Program . Tbe annual ~ for llul>o< area cblldl'ft> will lie hold rrt- d.-1. Auc'wit S at the Horace -,.,, fC11oo1 pla~ n.en. .. w lie ..ck ra9S~;.o.blk:e ~ l1lllnAn( r&CN. te~rt..p and allutf}eboud tournament& Rlbbc<io '""<! priON will bO a-to the wtna.,. or • lbeoe ....,.le wllldl will etart at approximately t :30 a.m. Cblldl:m mtei-tnc .the ftrlou e"Yenl.a wW• · · ~ dlrided In.to tour dlff....,rt ~ un--1 ~ Jo p<MJpO, del>Oftdlnc -lbolr -Bruntnc. lw>dmade .i.ct.rlc tnJn: second, Douc Tucw.U. balloon f~ _,,pet!Uon. ...... -tumelon mOdel: third, Ray Goodwin. a Inch and son -l<a wtu be -fol-ocaJe model aaUboll.. lowtnC U1e ~ti... CDlll , °"'"°" . Model 8-Hodel buUdtns at the Corona del There we.re many va.rtetlff ot Mar pla.Ylif"*Ad / la • progrualn& modela exblbllod at the moclelo rapidly' .with • plent1 ol planea, abaw at th• Honce Elulcn ochool llh!pa and tra"'4. completed. """'r p183gro.:nd July 26. JOIUl Bnm· under con.wtruct:km and an abw\· Ing'• modt!:ll ot P-81, P-51 and dan.t supply ta oa hand tor tboM P-40 were the Out.tandlng exhibit. I who would lfke to try thdr hand of the ahow. at model buUdln.I' ... A•l•lant Jlm Woolever a.od Wade Randell gto\mda ketper Bobby Brown l"@'- put on &n exhlblUon for the group port. that tbe bueball diamond I.a wtlh their Peter Pu gu model&. tn (ood condiUon a.nd .well marked Both of theae boye put.,. gnat· for all COIT\l)eUUon from · bueball deal of hard work into these to !M>ftba.11 : . ~ Speaking of aott· plan.es. . ball, the Tom Cl.U, a lOcal te&m The tollow1ng la a !lat of win· P"rllclpatlng In ll!e Lag\ID& nlgbt ners tn the model ahow : eottb&U tea.cue, pracUcu B&tur· Gliders undv 30"-flnt. Doug-day momtnp on the CDM d1a· Ju TUpeU: aecond, Jlm Cox; mond. gUde,.. oveor 30 .. ...:_nnt Gordon Off the d.l&mond. Mille Davia Stple.. ta taJc:lng on all comen iii tether- Solid model&----flr.t Joho Brun· ball and Dean Ptue ta looking-for ing, p.30 Shootlnl" Star: llleCOnd. more oompetJU011 ln paddle Lennie. Geraldine Nack Dt'Wltt Clinton Plng-pong or table tennle it you train; lhl.rd, t.tnda Spratt, DeWitt are. formal, I.a quite popular &nd Clinton train. ~, the ehutneboard court la alway• Modele built -by chUd:re.n under busy· 9-flnt. Linda Spratt, DeWitt Clinton train: -ond. PrlaclUa Jarvta, aJrptcrie. Rubber band model&-tlrat, ~n­ nLI Brown. hF Hellcat. Boat modet.-tlr1t, John Moye.r; &eeond. CUrlea Kramer; third, John Brunillg. - Gu model&-flral, Wade Ran- dell; aecond. Jtm Woolever. Car modeb---firat, Dick Pleger; eecond, Ray Goodwin. • A SWING AND A · 11188 ••. lo llio . oe Mn Ak'" ... ,&Mwiirt M 9'e -plll a cbrtoteala( ol the 5tewarta now llloop, _._ 'l'loo -•lnJ -off tho --IJme aroaad at s-rart_ Saturday. 0.-wtU make lta raol1lc 4-' la tbe !loatllrni Callfonila Yadltlac ~lion ,;,.. pt·ta 9d'lelllled twr'" Aq . .a to A-.. 10. (Hitchcock Photo) ' Bat model-nr1t, John Brun- ing. P~l : second, Jottn Bruning, ~-40; third, John Moyer, u.Uboat. Beginning •hop (under 1th p-ade)-flr11t, John Moyer, All· boat: HCOnrt. Dennis Brown, FtF'; third, Chuck Kramer, ~lboat. At the element.ary echool on Balboa Blvd. bueball gatnct du.r· lng the morning• and model build- ing after lunch continue to attract the interest of Ute playgrounde re. Thureday'e game between Crary'a AJJ Stare and Ma.c Eddy's Angel." feetured the Mavy hilting of cap- tain Allie Crary who led hb -team to a 24 to J 7 victory at the end ot five Innings. After the b&8e· ball game. 90lTle sixty children watched the weekly movie. View· ers were highly ainueed by tl;e an- tic• ot Lau~t and Hardy and Ab- bott and Costello who were at&r· red tn two or the short length ... ... Tennis Tourney Red Cross Makes New Swimmers ~OIN nu: GERRISH SWIM ClUB ·' • (l(.A88E8 l"OW JN • s.-.i.tt Dlvi.g w .. Sufery -r:--SfllJ•i11&-'~'"'--" VA1U!A1'10N lll'01IDI >& llAllDJ()IUft _ ........... __. .. -,.11'1 ........ , ••••• • --' • . ti'---'r ..,, --• ,, --IMt' .,... .. • 'TrlrFI' • 0•11 .• .,.. maw -·077 ,, •• • ' Planned Aug.14 . • I•••tp~ . . .. ·< .. f' °" ~. ·....-.""' 1"'..,. Pi4{6E I -...... ""' If • 9"..u--•v ••-" 1-1 .. & Clio --·· Clllb"' -• ........ '"'11UVr.'. .... .. ~ .. -Ille Clalla -·-... ·~~ ~ • •tt\rlm a.. ID ea.&a -.,!J'lll ' ' I u· . lad7 -...... In·~ -ty, I ' - lie \!lid Oft.• Cl!!"" •eetmr for ID · • . -· -l At u... t1Jne JOU' wm ·• uw · -, ... , ~ti to --~ jour. '"1>n' -: · · • 'lf · • i -tot1ve to u.e w. 1; e. o. for \'011 iilm SwllB M Wiil led C.... tb'la ~ ~ ...... u.., 1e ,... be• ......... ~. " ::J: . "" lldcf ,.,. .\be .,...._ ot :o.-"" ..... "?:' c. L1111•1 .. : ~icc;i11111 ... 111".:A..,.... .... ~ the Lodleo' h1I ~ • . • • . ., ' ' ' . .Aloo, ·to d-the meftt& Of I llUnbunt, ~ aftd, -haft' ·-.-.,..CIUb --ta.u.. ~tch Jeque. Tllm U., Ill.lo -MqUln<i by 17 .1-il'· It ·~ dUflal' Jllb'. fQr $l ~ ~ 1a47 -i.r. 1n the !lct'I .. t.be.J'. ...._u,. at!Miecl. 7<l""1' poopl<> to ~ -.aat•lt 1n1 to romi _,.. 1 1eque, there-lllllll In nttt ~ety -~ and IW!blto alld !&"°"" .•&'"'"" or lloll- rore -rt etroK lllould be madll ability of -~r U.. ~"'" It,; to t""1m In llMl? pOol, - to attend. Offlclall dt the w L -· ot Mn. Edlla 1Harr1oo11. Red tbe ~ or ...,....,. Ie. a..i-- B. C. will be p-to b•lp .ritb er,_ Wat.er Blfet~ ~r l.t ~4 Red C.-'111at.,. lllfet:Y the pt<>blomo that will ......._ . Cb1na Cow, Oorona·del Mar. IJ1otru<itor, Robert D. So>l~a. 8umm•r l<queo are conllns to .llach received 1 Red croi.. cer-~S&(ety ~ or Sou1.btn> a cloM and winter IMgueo are not tlfleate u ; nldence Of. ·ibavtns O g~ County 9hl"Pter.·Am~ tar\>tt .. tor lhQle Uaai t.ope "to .roll PMHd Ult: •ece1srry ie.ta '1 tbeir · .emu aano~j:el. _. 1-. tbll raU It ma,y be 1 ,_ Idea to ..._u.., ...unmtns abWty clu· . 1'"'°" younc -le ,..... "* lo setting n-the filled up point. Rope.. .I>&Yld r,. Roy teote lo ~ for ~ er-~· · pt ,.,.u name In early .. the Hr. atflcatf'!'I-Lyle~,· .Jacque t(I. •~actor111 r -requind --Pl• sieM'ac . Malber, ~ , P1it Mey-tifkat'1" In "'* ~ - Flnlt: HI Genio.t and Clwtey •ro. l!lj81e ICmma. N Wrlg1tl. Jt1calk\P". -.many otboro tall· Druck 818· total. In the men'• and HuT)r Wrlgbt, are the proud UW µ.. lnltrUctlon will ~ doubl ' Ml ed doubiea· ht, L. pc11e1119ft1 of recopttk>n u Swtm-'-1th a little m~ practtce;, tbe •a. • · mero Flflttn boyo IDd glrla illlltructor •~led. -' · ~amd_ ~ ~.~· Orendet.t.B STP'lt ~~; pa•~ the next dJYl.ldon u lnte.... The. beginneJ'll'" to be ~"'"1ied .. u , . &V\l.INey ILh • e ..... ,,er, edl tea &Jte: Nancy Vu V&Iken.burgb. oetl. In the atnglea for men: Hal m Th a . . Ela Emm _ Ttmotby Brown Lynn Acklund; ~e~. 327. Lad.lea : v . Tousley, wr1;.t 4-~ Mlli~r Ho~~~ J&net Prtmm. St.eve licor;.ebouse. R..i H .. d P)n Tournament will ley, TIM Bruning,. Michael Man-J&mie i.noarrou. Richard .:"~""· nJn to August SUI OQ lher• la still deckle, Billy GI~ Ann H....._,.,, ~~ ~ ~ ':7iu.:' ~.:; Ume to try your lkUJ. All you Und& Cro•en, Roy Mather, Dtane Purcell Me r'11 e • A.tflerf!MW~ b.ove lo do la hit the bead pln. Sandora, David Hual>bo.rcer. Pl_t ~·-Bum. • • -. ------Meyent, Adrienne Von Jr:lirenberg, nuAe · -1•• • · and Nadine Wr!gbL lnlef"'odlata: Job n Beyanl, Boy Scotti· Display · Thirteen Wbo are now water· J~m.. Collin&•, Ovy ~•I·, at Ora•ge County Fair prootod beginner& are: T~ Tolltt. = = = ~· Tainla Hope, :i»nuny Smtth, D&· Nancy Bryant, Dtane ~e Dea.rt~ A. the opening date of the Or· ange County raJr approaches, B;oy Stoute a.nd 1eaderw of the Orange Empire council are preparing for lbelr department exhibit. accord- ing to Cecil 8 . F1fe, Scout.a e.xecu- Uve. Entry bl&nka for the falr exhibit have bern aent out to more than 10 Scoute uyl Cub units, Fite announced. In the next two wieeka, Scout. and Cubs all over the councJl wtll be bually propartng dlsplayo In 39 dlrrererit cl&11&ea at. handicraft. Ma.ny of lheae ex.hJblt. will reflect work the boya riave done to meet varioua advancement requirement.I for Cubbtng and !koutlng badgea. , Exhibit.a wtll Include such proj- Kt.e u ceramka, nature lore, model atrplanee, boats and bridges model c&mpe:ltu, rocks and-min· erala colJecUona, rope machine•, wood carving, leathercraft item1, a.nd at.amp collection.a:. Further detaJIJI on Boy Scout participation In the fair wiU be announced lhla weeok, foUowing a meoeting of council lea.den, the Scout.a executive added., ot the ~.000 motor vehicle death& ln 1960, rural accident.a ac- counted tor 2t.800 a.nd mi&bapa in eittrN 10,Jlt: ~et· dsa'¥ per 100,000,000 mUee traveled wu 10.3 ln rural areu and 4.6 in clUea. LAWN BOWLING vld Harrison Robert HJ.rrt,eoo ' ' ' Lowla Brown' Chui Math ' n& Atf'l<:rbou.... Terry Tum&D. Patricia eare)r. Patrt~~= wa~ ~ Von Hemert. Ted Von 11'-' Suan Harsbbach.er, BJlly Callis, Th~ eev t.o succeed u "'1m-Llnda RobeJlon., Jerry Lynn War. en ren and Carol Rat mera an: Mickey Taylor, Da-wf ee. Brickner, Tommy Brickner, GU· ----bert -t, Bruce Baldwin, Gary Ev•rybody roads the cluslftod Ilda. ~~. iAU'I GanlRt. • SIGNU . lNOWI FALL BOWLING LEAGUES .start 1st Week jn September Phone Beacon 553~ for l11foe11Nlfon • MoL 6:30 Tee Teain&-"Men's C--i-clar Wed. 2:00 LadlM' Aftern-4'• Wed. 6:30 Twelv., ~ed l'ounome Wed. 8:45 Elgbt.Team....LM.,n•s' "sis" l!luatch ·• Thnn. 8:45 ~t T-J_M• c-.Derclal ,. s;a DP*;&="?• r·,~~ '! ... s.;... ~~~-;-,!'!'!:I;,:- &t. 6:SO Eight Tflanis ;Mbted F<XnOme • VAN'S . Ii WUNG , ' . BEl~N ... 17111 8tll'EUOB l . NEW EXCLUSIVE YACHTfN.G SHOE WITH THE FAMOUS PATENTtD-tRI .· VAC ' . TR ~1 -VAC T~ACTION soles A ft~ ~i A~DARD • EQ'UIPMEN ~ ON ALL NAVY Al~C!fAFT ' CAR, RIE~S , JRACTION SOLES. , -• ' ' ~OMBINE~· T_HE Flt Fl..E'X·I BI LITY. 'AND ,FOOT CRADLING COM~Rl POU ,_.D ·bNLY IN 'A ~ENUINE ' MOOCASIN. • . ' ' J Phone Harbor ~090 • • I • • 1 • ' . , I • i • I • . . .. • .. Mesa Methodists .fio-rior Pastor • , ,. • r , . • • " ! • •• " • •• ,. r • • ~ ,. •' . • ., WE · Au: OVEBl~KED • • A lorge' pert of our ~ck to b,e .'.fhrow11 on the Marlcet .•• And S.cri~d , ....... rdle,~ . . ' . ef tou ... In Tlais G{Nt All·O.ut ... ~Stock Oi:sposel Sale ••. Our Purpos'e il'te Cie•r Out • ' T~is . ~e.rc:ho.n.di~e ,a~d Let No loss Stand in the Way ••• • ' • . ... l .-• "-... .. .• ldlw we 'llll••l•t••• •Alf~· •1erPttw arJ1:•••••1pac• • • • • ,. • UYING ROOM llOltOOM FURN • • I • FIRST <JIRJ1tCH OF CIUli!IT, SOIEN'Di'I' ST. JAMES C~URCH . EPrSCOiP~L · HOLY . . . .· . 1, 'l -· . FllOOR SAMPLES " . 14 la. BOFFll4N JIU. MW. ~le • 9 10 .... ~ 'l'AJN.E JIOOU., llbho~My . 199'5 "~ .... no. ... ae ... SOl.N>.1: ....................... : .. -.......... ~ .......• ""-. ' 't • &ors--..................................................................... £-1' ie. QEN. EL'EC. 'I'-j'IGtlel ~,.•-tor _ 2Hl¥'- L1 ... liftJUD: -· OIHlllOILE, BielM'IH>d Ma,ht>plly, ~ , ~ 1'9'!5 ........... , ....... "'·;i·--........... ~~~·:·: .. :·~· .... N...., • hta ..,__. ..,.., fl•.N .... .. .... . .... . ........ _..$'"".I/IF#' -llt01'0BOL1 Comlilnjltloa. I . ,...._. Play.,. •• loo. __. Ill,.¥. -G. COXSOLE "'-95 ill --lladlo a 11" 'I'" p•""-· . -:115 ........ Now -~ -~-_ _. ....................... : ........................ Now 41tT •U -r -lit Ll41ililatioe frl1--boNll' t-lillils' .d, o1 c.,,... a a.,91 C•• w lll1ar CJ• ~~~-~-:--~--=· ~~~ .. ~~--~,.. f ' ' I I . Y's Men's .Clubs .Join iri Potluc1c . , . • , HARBOR . SOCIAL .. EVENTS · · ·•t .. :.esa Park · llll&"wu~mm> ~ ~-~---___ __ ¥ Jl'I . ......~'·"'"~~......_.,,..111v.-) =-• -KSWLClll 4lJ$. • .. • • . • ~~~{%.;2 .. ~ Mrs. Chester Pollard ls · 1ristalled moo ly m ... W.. Hj>ntlaJ evening. p •:JA ... t f r h"l p rlor =.u:..=s::.1:~ ~:nd~ res1UC11 o "one 11a a . per.ooa. were present at the meet-. .J • • I ' ' Ing whk:h wu b<ld In the Coata , Buel (Mn. Chffw) Pollard, ... ----------- MMa park. . 41% 38lh .U..t, Newport lafand. l'onowtng a pot luck dinner th~ wu installed prsldcnt' of Coo· group enjoyed the evenJ.ng'• pro--chit& Parlor ·No. 2&4 , NaUv111 JT&m which lncluded introduction Otwghte.n o! U\.t Golden West, In ot gueeta, accqrdk>n eo10., · and an lmpre.aslve cenmony held conctudlng, a gal.a seealon ot Tbureday. evening, .July 28. ln Pri- squa.re d&nclhg;,. day Afternoon elub houae. Santa Aria Parlor No. 233 of!lcl&ted with Smorgasbord S.et for August 30 Conchita 1 Par'°'*• 8DOl'pabord luncheon &Dd car<! po.tty, ·olwaJt an Important event qt tnld .. aum· mer, will t>e m.i'ked on many ~ clal calend.Ua for Thu.red&)', Aq. 30. Inlttal piano ...,,. outlined when memben of the Natlw 0.Ul(btel'll l'f'OUP met at the home of Mn. Cheater Pollard. newl7 in.- a..Ue.l p,..lldent. U2 38tb etHet. tor a d~llghUUl morn.lnl' brunch. " ' :. Palm Leaf COFFEE CAKE 23~ , .... ,,, ... J Olive Hadley, out-J'Olng deputy &T&nd prffident to Conch.Ila Pa.r- lor. u installing officer. · The beaut.lluJ rttee were con- ducted by ca.ndellg:ht after two very young native daugbten, P&ttl Nollar and Shelby Tunnell, ha.cl Ugbted the candelabra. Tak- ing office with Mrs. Pollard were Helen Mirkovich of Coat& Met.a. tlrst vfcc•pre:tldent; Pea.rt Wheel- er, Coeta Meaa, aecond vtce-pretl- dent; Audfty CotUe, third vtce- preeiden.t: Nonna Melcher, New- port Beach, recording teereta.ry; Dorise J esko, ti:ftancial accretaey; Mary McDonald, treuurer; ~11· ma Patterson, m&nhal: Kalb e BergerOO, Jnelde sentinel; Betty Pat.ch. out.aide eentinel: Nellie Og- den, Lillian Gant · and 'Alma ThOmpaon, member• of the board of trustees: Edna Nollar, organ!at. . Among special gu<"•l! waa Ethel Wynn FraLsic r of San Fernando Mission, new di.!trlct deputy gT&nd preside nt. and Edna Reslovlch of Belmont, out·going distric t dep- uty grJLnd pre21ldent. The decorating com m i t tee. headed by Mrs. Nollar, had pro- vided a beautirul setting or sum- mer flowers. utilizing dahlias. zin- nia.!! and cool g-recnery. Congra.tu- latlona were extended the new of- ficers by fellow m embers and friend& u they were servc<l re- frcshmenla alter the ceremony &nd participated In a social hour. Many new Jdeaa were aet forth over home-made cotfee cake. and cUpe of hot coffee. A.11. memben will aerve on committees. thdr work coordinated by the chalrme.n. beaded by Helen Mirkovtch, vice- p~skl~t and ch&lnnan of w&ya and mean•; otbeta are Dorothy Herms a.nd LJlUan Gant, saladl: Dorise Jeeko, Ucketl; Audrey Cot- Uc, kitchen; Betty Ogden, deco- ration.a: aild Edna Nollar, prtzea. T lcketa are now available trom any of the chairmen and are $1 .~ per peMK>n. The 1morguOOnl will bf? h~ld at 1 p.m. Aug. 30 bi Fri- day Anemoon club hoUae. Theta Luncheon to be Held Aug. 7 at Bay Club -r :-. . """ , ' ' 2-layer Chocolate .Yankee Folk to Hold Picnic The annual Theta summer luncheon wUI be held 12 :30. Tues- day, August 7 at the Balboa Bay club. Optional br1dge and canut.a will follow the luncheon which la 3pon1110red by the Kappa Alpha Thtita Alumnae club of Ora.nrt' \ county. Mr11. Wilma C. Cary ot Bay Shor-ea iM chatnna.n of the lunch- t>On committee and thoee aaslatJng PECAN CAKE $9~ The New England States So-her are: Mr/. P'red A. H endrick• clety of Long Beach will celebrate of Santa Ana, preatdut or th• it11 ilst Annual Picnic August 12th alumnae club: Mn: Wat.eon of Or- al Bixby Pllrk. anre. Mrt. Wiiliam H . Hale of ' •• • i , .... .$1.05 ... , 45c /toll COSTA MESA 1'700 Newport Blvtl ()()RONA DflL MAR 90S Coas\ Hlcbivay Starting at 12 noon, a picnic Santa An• and Mn. WWlam Hol- luncheon featuring New Engl&rid 1tein of Lido lale. 1..AO UXA BEACH j 275 F orest A vt.nuo , BAJ.BOA ~LAND .%00 Marin.~1 Avenue baked be&n3 and home made blue-Any Thew vacationing In lhP berry pie and all the trimmingll area are cordially In vited · to at- may be purchased on the grounds. tend and may make reeervationa Excellent entertainment program. by calling Mra. Hendricks at 'All ex -New Englanders and I Kimberly 3-3M3, or Mn. Holstein friends are urged to attend. at Harbor,llH-W. · :SALE' ANNUAL llG IAVINGI ON \ ltERMETICS FLUID COLOR MAKE·UP 11..'IO Res· '100 FOR ONLY FOR LIMITED TIME Dorothy c'ray. Cleansirur Creams 1 COL.ONIAL DAMEs • -.:> Houf.one Cream Q12s ~Coil CO..••·• Reg. U.!!S 1%.00 lac •100 .. foF.....,... FOR ONLY -~ Or 1•1• . • • .. Be1-f 2.%S ' Eadl Oq I Fl,,. er-...... Bee. 12.00 "'14'"-l fw...,. ... Reg. 14.oo ju of:.:i..::·sALE ,2:2 .,.._,,....., TUSSY BEAUTY PLUS Limiud Tim« Only! Honilone Cream ».OO SIM ~ NOW Ollo'L Y 6. Save up to 40% on -Helena Rubinstein's 10 Beauty Pairs . trotM'YllCIN-"'"P~F•CSCllAM IPZCW. plu am· LOTIOlf ·anew.. Com- bination •ahae. 1.88. ION --Y I& I -O&Y --°'P.urivuuu" P£CS CllK.UI plUI lllUTT c:uu<J. ci-1.!net!~ •aluo, l.'IO. - --y ~ .. . I - ---°'PUTSUUDD "1Cft au• plaa ''•n•n." l:lft.UP. ~ tioe..-,ua. ._.,.._Y .,.._. Pay for one get one fr-ee ! I -llAltm--UAVSll .. lllT ILlD DI TOILBTl'S plot B&AYKll·Rl<I' DIODOILlltt ag•M. Combination •aloe. L85. ___ y, ... I JOI: me&JMOU•-w.1.~00I' MtK:••• plot rB PUICU. Comhiaati!A' ..... LSD. ___ ,,_ , Poe •••1111W -----.1..TDUl. ..... a.&tJll. ING B&&lt Pl•.-.P•at• ISlJI J.O'llON. Comlriution, ..i.... 1.75. , ---YI& I tO ..... ., ..... Ill& ..... CllfM llWll'OO iii-COUlll, .-. c.-.~ -nhle, l.'IO. . - --I' IA 1••nMD-,~~y .D~ ~ .., • rill& M*G'IO'AI ~mCL C-NMlle ..... U0. • ·• ____ ....... i l .. IM IL QWU••,...,..•• ... . s.w 1111 ,_,.. ,_ .... _...,. I .lllCS CD.OCIUI me&. ( I I rl• ... • " ' 1-11& •yuaw-'lfs.-S- TIOll pliaoln&«:asp PG ... ~c.e. . bmatioll nhao, 100. _._._Y ...,,, . . "11>. - -_, ..... ' .... ,....,.. ... _____ ...,. ( C.~nasta 'Pa.+f , r·=, Harbor Matron at Deafbom bleU . on Ore9on: V~ • -· · ·A de 1t ..-<peiv ~ -· • Jlln.t l:lla -.r, nT • ~ -·-·ennt to be -...,. "'*9.t. .. i.i'.:~·llalAarde7'for - •· Aue. 11 at 1:ao'p. ....... °'II"'-.~. Orqon.· w11ere -w111 bor:n ball, ~ lslan<I Cj>mmll· "!"md ~nwntll Willi hor otaler 11!111 11.ll)' Metbodlot cllurcll. Ap!e ~ft-~r. During -•' uce .... nue. Donatien. will be '1 OJil. ~IJ,r, l!n. II-_...., , . !IK •a II.ND OllEW or Ulo l'O .---. l'aula. -ltapplly wltb the awanla. The uew, rr- .. ton! JCa1bt 11ur911am, sue hebr. Md Mro. llllto• w...,rorih, bold tbe cupo alptt,y,,,. a Bn\ ~ la -" ol the tll,.. ...,... At rlpt. the oldpper, MOion W•pfortb, ol Saa Dleco, boldo Ute - nnt "tako-homeH tropby. In rorepouad la tbe KettftlberJ Pm'pctual Trophy whk:h DOW ,_,_ the Bal'1oa Yacht Club' ontU next ~.,-, cbam.pl0.,blp l'M!eS. D. Y. c .. u holder of the trophy tbanka to .. om Lon~• \\in lD 19~ •cted ..,. hoeta and •pumon of tbe 195l 80riea hckl tut Saturda7 and. Suadoy. (Photo by B<ckncr) ' ta'bleo will pi.,. for prtAe, Jt--6ata1t wro ocoupJ u.e -• . •U-may bO made wttli ·x..: 'Mn. -., II bed< -a Baroid nn~ Harbor eao. !"f>.'1111 t Salt Lake Cit)> ud .,. • . ' V~. oVor lhe week ...S'Mr n:nner &· Bridg..! . dli•ltil\'1' and ..,.,.1a.1aw. ttii ..,, . . '"f l\01De XJmm<ls Of Olltulo .... .for B. I. Celebra,,ts !::"~~~·p.,:.~ ~ Mr. aad Kn. c . A.. H1si)ie, 'aza &I'd Mrt. c . Ktmmel. 1ai.o llla Ame~ annue u,.1...: !Ioland. btolher·ln·law and altoter, Mr. a,.i oblJe.rWid thelr .;.Wtnc anntver-. Mrs. Floyd Piper, of ~· aary o~ 'l'ue.oday, J~ly 2( when Wuh., Who are va<atl~ ID they ent...Wned coapnlal friends SOulllt!rn Collfomla. , at dinner and bridge. I · ,. Sharing 1n th< futlve event IVISITS IN amo:l' 1 , were KeBen. and Mmem.I. Wllllam Carol Rae Ludt, daughter ol Mr . Pickard, Robert St. Clalr, Paul R. and Mnt. Raymond Ludl; 193 ~­ .Jord.,., all of Glendale; and the noHa Ave· .• Costa "\lea.,_ efiJoiid boat" of holtf!'a,. For the St. Clatra a ~nt visit In Hemet u bou9e: It wu a return vlalt atfer aeveral guest of Mr. and Mre. Waldo Ben- weeks 1pe.nt here,, wbile the Jor-nlnghoven and dau_ghter Kay. 'th-e I dana are, 8\1.mmering on LI.do !ale: local girl was away two ~week&. r-··-----·----······----·---------·------·····------------------------------··--·-...... ' ............. _____. ... ········--·--····-·----··--..... , 1 SAFEWAY .FEATURES .POULTRY AT -LOW ,·PRICES .· ~-! L •• ~-----··· .. -···------------·-·-, . -·-·--·--.. --........ ~---··----~·-·~ .. ·-··· . \ l . ' fANcY _f~!~~e .A. House Eviscer Serte fned Mano< f6t the pan. I eat· Cut up, ready take it along ot \d, h. ken for dinner, , " Hot or co c ic ur next ouun... . ing on yo is delicious. fried chicken llJW 'I/Cl$ Ill tllltltlll ,AIT$ Here•1 your chance lo be sure everyooe las his favorite p•rl of chicken. BGy alra supply ol l•ga, b,.uo., thighs, or wfngs. Packaged. -dy lo cook. . ~-M . ..¥'~~ . ' ' . BREASTS•. 1.19 . LEGS ... 1.09 ·WINGS 111. 55° THIGHS 111.1.09 FRICASSEE FOWL =: · ... 83° Gra«M A. E~ Cul !JP· pan l'KCIT. DUCKL.NGS ~=~· ... 83° SPARERIBS~!:" ... 39° BEEF ROAST 11 .:· .._ 89°· Evi11Cerated, Go 1 tyPe, llnall . vt. &rade A Beltavi1Je Foradilferen~ to 8-lb. •ventae. ~Ir. .Tender, fu11.ia serve turlce.y thi1 • • "'= low at Safeu· VOred, delicioua. "ay, ' lllootllder oi U. S. CHOICE bMi: Wm' ail. 11>: ~ 1 ;1 LAMB 'ROASTSh: ... 59° Square cut. No neck. No lhcmk. U. S. CHOICE. loililg Beef ..... Meat .. 33• •. ,,. Sli<ld Biel liYer llmll Cllops J's.',~~ lmll llrMst ~~a ..... .. 2s•. CbeCk them for examples of savinp you can make at Safeway mumn .~.i: .. 21• . . ' . . ROllURY cAll>IES a-i..1 ...._ • llda _lllP _. ........ v.. ia coNlaq, too1 ~~~::.. ~ 1.. . UBliE EliliS · c!!!~ ._ 83• (Cremo do MenlM s.o .. Nog 191:) LOii& SPAGlllll SHOBIU••li · ~l~I!l' !! 89• Cold Medal Brand. ,... 1• SW ·s .,. am· . 45 (2-lb. pkg. ~7c) ... .,-u · 1 .· t,..i---. ,.... • F•qaldcmeczl• - .·. . . . . · .. ·. . . . .· .. S.1tifdl SprM4 1-: ::-3 .. <Quon J.; 63<, HoH ~int Jot 22et ....... = ·,:.-:-31• PEACHES C...tiQll Milk • •• \ • • ,EW'OPOf'Qted. 14 wN,11 cons 21c) , P.llKlke Mil ~ _io,... t4• . ~ i ~L!3~@;.~ ~t~)~. ~~~!J : . lffdiell Cr11t f IOur 1:: • 15-11. boo Sic; 25 II. 2.25; Z,lb. 23ct Spit1:•1f1'ni M ... we1>e .. · u-f 1• n 3-minut• .... . Gren Buns S•okaly " ... 19-. art ... • • .. l...t-b. Stokely 2 If ... 35• • ... "" \¥ho .. Peeled ... • 511111 Dressing ~-'{: Jae ' : CQuort jar 63~ holf pint, Z2c) ' I '"" Pride .,.., .::. r se '"er.a ''~;::.!':: ::. 24c I D1Pi1 ...... Sii TUMA For coo1inl •ummer meals lttft tuna u a u:la~ or in ultdwiehef.. WHITE MEAT Wli'tte label • SOLID PACIC 'Rod label BITE SIZE Green labol 1: 3t' • • • • u--'-· ~ ,..._ 31• 1'1!111...... Y~lq# .... ' th WWs .... ':: 20' -.. -. ollci.J. 1-11 .... 15<) 1oos Whole .,... '-2oe -..., . M?-w ........ tHooil ' flESH MILK· " I • ..... • . · • • ' • ' . •'.STll.&JGHT ROM H.4.•AD -•wtt .I& Md ..... - : • wa-rn by Martha ·IAM18 a.ad Cltlrldc: bnattf!r at Lide 'We Com--• !....-ttJ' ~ ..... ,. SaturAay t.ffet d.ln.9iPT and ~ d&l:lce. : • ~-1""'1A ...t..rw•cl from tf.ondhlla a. day or Ao , Wfore hfor •pannh.. to at&ecld ·the-daacf'. tPreu 'Photol Newport Students Wilk:dain at.Alt FestiYal For UM: thousa.nd.9 ot tout'Wlta and ~realdent.s who flock to the bea.che1 a1ong Callfomla'1 1,180 mile c089Ulne durt.nr 'the sum- mer montha, the Travel and ft.tt. reatlon Depa'rt.met1t of the C&ll- tomia State Chamber or Com- tn one of Ute tine!lt exhibitions mel"Ce has prepared a booklet on nt junior· art that Orange county "Ocean Bcac.h('s ot California " tor 1hali r-vcr produced, aevcn Newport distribution to travel agencies. au- atud~nts have won award.a for the tomobUe c~ube, local chambera or exet>llt"nce of their entrie• in the commf!!'tt, and civic 11&'9ftcfe1 •!!'· Junior Art Oalkry, a popular fea-voted to tourt!lt trail£> and travel turf" or the Laguna Beach Fe.tival lnforrnetlon. nf Aru which is currently showing The booklet Jh1l9 ~me 125 r<"- ln Irvlnc Bowl through Aug, 5th. !Wrl an{I bf:>ach ari ·a~ loc&tf'd In 15 nn-. m;mu 111oT •. DrllDty. K4y .. "IJI' ~DMN' oit'bnkolor . ·.llob ~ .. 1. ·1-•.rwr<ior • ·(J(J\fl;u:r 'Hf Nii' ~e 8pook m.o. --ORJ_y. 11:16 ]> .... ---at--· • aa11.'&1a"1.11roo1 111 •"Tbp COl]>!l'I VIUllAhH" RUN .• MON. ONLY 'OMtPb Cotton -Joan Fontaine .. 81!PTEMBER AFFAIR" Al.SO "Bttlnrbtrr mid tw l.adf" "''"' ~ -.. m:.... and 'tlll'JO. Richard WhllllaPk .. HALIM OF MONTEZUMA" and 9ona14 O'Connor la ........ <a08890N&"" Tf-obnl- ~a 'eolel' "V AJ..JtNTl.NO" F .... Parker -A. Ofo:ctrr -Al.80- .. !l\llUGGLF..RS GOLD• Jf'ff ('hancUfor :Evrlyn KryM T1thnlr,Qlor Strs ... -•OY..,... TVES. ...,,.. ...... • 1·~ • 'Telel'fAph Riii" -ALS0- •(8"ft 6f '"the Ba.dmf'n" Ttthnlrolo.r Rohf-rt Ryan -C&alre ~or .. Winning .studenUI attf'nlllng th~· counties border ing the coast of !~~~~~~~~~~~~! 12th grade at Newport Harbor California, 'With Information on I· !High Include-Charles K <"Cper , who -.ccommodatJons, rc-ciTation&I fa-I•••••••••••• took second awarcl In tht> Claq' t C'illll<'l', water sports, be8t !K'a&OM gyoup,. fur his pa.Iny:ng. StiQ Ltf<'! for -oc('Q.n &n\I !llub balhtn.g. 9IMl Cwynne -Oloogre ~iW'll third point.II of local lrttf'reat. AJao con- priz.e for ht_-r entry tlt1r,I, Pug anl!' talnet.I in the gllide ls h\.formalkm 0 RT f.~;,,··"'" ........_ .._ .. . -. ... . ,_~\-<I '•" .. "' ... ,,.,,, l lfl?~ honorable mention tor Vive La as to water temperature at \l'U'o-XOW tlll9llWNG Nouvelle Orleans. Shirlee Berge-IOWI beach~. ·tYJ>('a af IPOf't t•h Bod Abllott, Lou t('Mefflle ron, an 1'1 th ,rnde studf'nl a.bo re-In each a rea. and a detailed me-p "<'OMlN R~'D 'ftO: ceivrd"h0tl4lF1lble m('nllon for Skle-ahowing the loea.tion of each beach MOlTN'TAIN" walk Cefr f'ntl'rNI in the Class 11 &H:a. A sptt.lal chapter ta devo\e4. -1'1wrt -group. to all lYP<'s of ocean fiabing. Ho race Enl'l'ign :.tudf'nts who re-The Corona del Mar Beach Rtf''''° C'ot'hratl a Da\•ld Bria.a cel·vM a.warm tn the Junior Ar~ State Park ii llsUd tn UW! booklet --~ Im: •AU.S ,Gall('l'y exhibition at the Laguna aa tolows: Owned by the etatc., OF FOJ.Jll(a: Nl.!)l(JN"' teativaJ wrre IJl.ick l)allard. •Ao'ho opc.ralt'd by Ctt.,y ot N~, 'took rtrat prize tn the Clau Vl Beach. 'Be$it ~a n bathing l July STdTS ~ 'V group tot h!1t picture, Rainstorm; to October. Average wa-t~ tern--bl ~ !Paul Lorentz.en, who rect'tvrd han· peratur<' &..'> dt'greM.~ Bathing al-'<> f'.dmon.d O'Brle.n • Or-. .iacvr orable mco&ion for P.oy ,,-iu. ln water5 of bay. Life guard.a. ' "WAJlPATll"" • !PlgPOn, and Ma.Me Manha, Who Umbrflllu., airt boards,. etc. to -"Ptu11 - iaJ.ao t.ook an honorable menUon r.enL. Ftre pita for picnicking. "FA:1"'1D:KAF" TAJlE.8 'l'WE A.Tit" for iher entry Utled, Purple ~toun-Meah, •oft drlnka. Flahing-wftlt ~ ......_ -U.lns, I Sur!, pler, ba.r&"e.t or deep tea ftth-11~~~· W~al~t.e;or~<>;•;.U~~~~' DaYid Sprin.er a.nd John stacy, ing from fC~\lled boata, or ~tudeni:, at Nt'WJ>Ol"t elementary charte r boata with or Without ached, competing agamat stu· pilot. llc-cttation-U8Ual acttviUN dents in the 4th gn.de and kinder-ot lar~ community; many eaoel- prtcn rcapoeUvely, received firWl I lent restauranla. AccommodatJorw 1and third awuds. David called his -hotels. apartment:a, cablne, m(\-- iplctu~. Skull and Bonca, and tor courla &Ad tn.Uer campa.. · John'e entry wa.._, titled, Suruthlne Poln~ or interest-Big Bear an<l mrn.'9JIOTOli •&CW NOW: TllllU SA.TVIWAY Day. 'Lake kl"rowbfad for Wint.er aporU, Mn. V('rne.r C. Beck is ln charge two hour11 ; Palm Springs, one of the JuhJor Art Csllcry and-the hour. gury whJcb eele<:"ted the entries to !be bu.ng included Mrs. Katharlnt' -People do read 'the Pr8I ada. M elka. art tl\ll)ervbor, San Diqo 'rlt:x, .::hooS: Mrs. Marjorie Baker, lectUJrer ln ''lM art art department at the U niversity ot California at Los ......,i ... OJld ~ lttddl~ l.aguna, i!euti_ portnlltJBt. . HAMMOND , CDORD QROAN .14. . . . • mGlltWAY+.. t:::.:.c;;,H -; ... ~-.· . -. ---J -.occ:o'" ,,. =~ecMM" l....:aai- ... T•1ai .. a9lra" -· "'" .... I <lee.. ... ~ •• .,,,.. ~ 8'0f'l8 r 8T A'llT!J I A JO U8'.I' ltb -·~anle··D1lwe"· 1 --· . ' wn tll as raw . . , ............. - .,. ·~...:.\. . --- ·.' ............ ~· ·l · ~Y, ~O. Siio . .._. ..,. ...... · ·Wm -G. tW1l"' •. ··; . , .llS i ' . ' , ·-.m-.E ' RfSf AIRAllT . -OOMPl.E'f'E DINNERS "11,.....1 I II .. ~ ..... --. Ploptoe:-- 11......: U 9--. to I p. 111. "91 .. • .a to I p. en. 17th II Cout Jllgbway :Newport· Beach . . • TY AMTENllAS ·Ca11 ·us for 'instatfa'tion 0r • ~~rviC'lflg of pl!' ...,.. • ~mpt •81'¥tce Cy 11!lpe1't tec:Wrftdiews •, LoW · prices TIDI TV -•%111 • CllAtll.fY'S SFMOOD Supelb Seefood 1'y The ·Sea! lmdl or "1n8 9y 'l'lle lay · Luncheons 1.00 • 'Seafood "t:ocktails Oilfttrs •. 1.25 op , • Seaf40d s.tads f lti.MI SMlMl!D fttB-AL&WORE aM BA.KRACUDA. FOGB IO~ Olli' lllS Caia Hit•~ -N' t • ... O.a11ge Nczs'1-••nza .Ill& • ™¢1Mee DaJ g_,. Wea-day • w-u • p.a. • . '" •'''JONI • •O t ' ... • C' ... lflO.-e# °'"" 'E•-..ey ~ COMPUTI OINNllS ~,, .• ,.u.• 'l'ltOftOAL fJlllNllS 'IH• 19 ttM lldrmUN tAHlflAN StCYtOOW •l'We-.... ... ,..., •. '111T · ,'fMI HEW HUI • ;;;. Coul lnwtiy, t.acana -.et:o=·,,,__ ---. NOW Ol'EN · UllS1UN'S IUT DE -& <JooktaU Bar Oii the Plrr Isthmus CATA.UNA ISLM.'1> 1o·ss1 'S FINE li'.U.IAN DINNERS Also Stem -Prl-Bibs Codctails 1611 Coast ·Blvd. Harbor 1180 aor.na' del 'liar • ~ · C.ncru.,· C ,if' f'>' (f (' H i•T('-'- '11'':__'.' SN ~~~·"- "'wish""' 9uy i.1dit..ngod his -ur . . ' C.~14-ndCo . . •i • ·i • ',~, 10 ~ *-. i!Ji· jlBlijllllJ,QOll ! !'2, N. NIM'l'OH~ A'll'r IUCmlVA'l' • -. -' I • f • ' l 'il'E Altll: CLOSED-<:> THURSDAYS ), ' .. MEET YOO AT "THE ININ" 'Food ,. * "Dinner . ' . f.N)m. 4,p. m. ' , . ' <dl'EN-lllllUNOH J 0 A.M. to f I' .M. '. . I . Fean.ir.fftg ~he "Gua~a·'. Boys" ,. ' -r .. ~ . , .IUllDAYS • 12 MOOlf '1'11.9 •• ~ I • ' • • I • • .. '· • • ; • EXCHAt«if CLUB PlANS DtNNER At ~ -k'• ~ or t11• '"><Ni...-e ,Clllb ol N•wport Har- bor It WU ...-ed tMt tho ~ ot 'llbunda.y, AUS-'2114 Will DOl IM -al the Club'• ren· 1ar -anc place, 111e 1111r1.7 s.n IM In Corona dcl Mar. Memboro ---gatber al --"' E9<l <lZ>anlb<;flalJo. 720 Mari&'old St.. eo..._ de1. Mu. "'1'om1,11y': I ,_.. """ ..p<om!Md to 1>rlnC . bilool ~ t<w tlfe enjoyment :Of all. Tbooe Wbq in.olot upon red moat are uk<d to bring lh<!lr own steeb. All other realurea· and .r. ~-·m. Will "" provided. CITY SERVICE PIJOJO:ll CollneetJon ot the Strfft ~ partmen.t and Water Department ornces 1.t the new Corporation Ya.rd to the telrpbone Jin.ea. of the central •w1tdlboud e.t •City Hall ~ wu completed this week. • During daytime hour., reelde1\la t1eldr1.ng-to be connected with the two, department.a can 'be rouied through the llnea of the swttca.. bo&td via He.rbor 3151. Special trunb are aeigned to-r week-enCI and after-hour connMtlona. t.hq are, Water Department Harbor SJS8, and Street Department s..,.. bor 3136. The rormer BeacOn numbera at the yard.a ha.Ye been dlacon.Jtttted and ca.lb a.re •now bel4 referttd t o • the City Hall nurplier .. IGGESTin ·HISTORY! AUG. 15-lt -FAIW;a<)UllDS- . 'I. :i-~- RIClliltD MGJllE ("""') ot --to A.mo -hlo 't•-~· ,..m•-tair ._.,..... ti.._ on otandlnc ...,k ·lll'at•...._ -la lllo pie-,,_, ldt' fo lllh&, ~ IJMClo, a *"' ~.,. and •·d' •nJM'ldt'. •Pl~ .,, w of ttar l'IJiWflJ ..,. Mlt . •JP 1111$ r -... .....,.,. Wlillrrsolllc .....,Wotl9 t•e-.. at tllll!l tr. a. llM..a ~o• ~ et ,._, ... Va. ru. 11. NaV7 ftotol \MAL N011CI· • P.1'MI . iJE~ OP 1tul!IN1'.SS ._..,.._,.....1' __ THE UNDJCRSIGNED do he,.._ -,.. certify that they are conduct- b\lr a Marin• ~,.. Rope.I~ ,bu•I· ._ &t 901 Pactfk CoUt Hllh· way, Newport Beach, 0Cnllforola, -.. tu flcUUouo nnn name of 11All808 M.UU!'IE ENGf~E I eDlVICE 811d that oald tlrm &. ...,pooed of U.. following per- 4IOM, •wbolle name& In tull and placM of reaidP,.ncf' a.re u folklwa, to-wit: Thomu E. l ft>arn•. &p 'Yr'ut ~-Stroot, ea.ta Meu.. Calllonila; Wllllam . H. Prltc""tt, US 28UI B~. Newport BeacJi, caw:onua. ' .......... , ...... fw .s ..... ~ T• SS Million winmss I"" hand! th1a 17th cloy oi Jut)', 111:51 . THOMAS E . MEARNS, WJJJ.JU( Ur PRnt'HE'l'l' state of Calllornla, County at Orange, u . • ' tr1011 -Mll llii £~ • • 1' • • . • • • w1-lmta:Am Army.llr ... NeW Books at lirary Shotit Add Much to Hatbor . Way of life Bull4lnf permJt, tor the nm ON mIS 17th day of July, A . 1-----------------------'..,--''-------------- P1"flliN! -lly W. a ileYM SlJllltha ot 19ftl totaled $.!Ii,· D. 115i. bet~ me, EJlz•bf.th H. ' -• ' • EntertQmment ......... lp:d•c-plN n.owD lllQW -&- (l!PJmftG !)A y · .,,..., .... U-7:30 p.m. FT••••••Sllow with OSftlCH RACES a -i!pMiol Feature& --!lotloaal Horse Show ••• OSTRJCB RACFS AfternooD' Si.-1 p.m. (F°>'l -IW. -!ku,.t Eo , .. Shi•• 7:.30 ,_. tnun.-'Fd.-Sat.-Son-ww...-:o. .Multo-'lfo-hc. Tos .. ACRES OF PA•KING Main Entnnee N...,..n8h.r-Ae,.... from S. A. Country Club . Alllrn'-loa to Fair-poundll <loil-11-llt-!le Uulh MC>rmlne. Tu Very plH.aing it h11, to He nf"W Run: Proct.Ol', The Man an th~ ai3,11q compared wltb '3:VS6,8T? Heemstra, a frrfotary Public ln and noe..tlctton laook.s purcb&M!d for Couch : 'Ruck, '"'" RlJlillC' of the for ~ ea.me period la.et year, tor tU said County &ad State, re-j the pU.,,lic UbrJl.rr-far outnwnba 'Lark and W l"llm"&n, Th(' !roe V.,._ BuUcllng ~tor ..&.. M. N~laon tiding-thercln. duly c<.imlt\lelioned both QcU~ aad mya.t.eriee. U roe-· treu.. •-ot-.c.4 recently. and .IJWOnJ, 1>9na,Wly appear-H to shdW tltat the r<'&ding trend ·or Non-Ftctlon complete Ulll . m... .&. total ot. .ff_l6,4.l9 In ~ Thomu Bl. Mearns and William &rboc rceldonts iii · deflaftel)' eludes: Aumt'r, Effective-eommu-Weft Ml&led d"""'°C July \Ma year H. Pritchett. tcno'm to me t.o ~ away from, ~&pirarn and toward nlcatlon lb 'Bu.llneu: Baatn. tnil? be Uded ' the pe:l"llOaa wbow nu:ne. are lllb- genu.tne dcvelopmf>nt. Along many tory of Claulc Painting; Bu.in, Rakieatal permit.A Wtte '9Ned 9Cl'fbed to the wllhin lrwtrumtnt, .line• • .too. For Wt.nee, Wbat, JJlatort' ot Modern Palntlac: -... to lie ~. 12r Santa Al'I& and ac~1towteqed to me tJtat th<'Y could appeal mo11e to tbt! nal bee. The Mew T\lrtm; &a.nil'hard, ueaua, '8300; Groep h1uiallog, executed tM .ame. IN· WITNM8 dyed -.in -lhf • Balboa • bluea Commu.alfm, Democracy, and ·21.2 Vi& J>iJcut, $9000 Witb a •lmJ· WHEREOP, 1 'have ba'IWnto IM!~ Harborlte ths.n Wrtght'a "Gutde Cat.hoUc ~owe.r.;,~~ A_.__~-laJ' amouJU for 110 Via t>IJ9n· Or· my !luHI .and af\'hMcl my otncta to Ea.tier livlna:!" ·_1t'• .. .,.1. cnen :wroey:-Eli'l~~ot :.a. Wlig11t. llr.,.449 o.&ta .,.., __ , u.. dV and year fu tlolo Cer• -uni! so tao i. ti:utman'• "En· ttv Yoar-l19110; Ca)lfomla -....,._ •u.soo and 'Heier> -c. Bak· tlfl<ae flnt ·nllove written. joym<'~t of LtY'lng." Beok ; C'kl.JllPMds1ot, hUe and <>r, ads ~an Blvd., $2$.eGO. EL1ZAB!!J['H. M. BJCEMSTR.A.. · ThM tbere·s Th" ~ or Cooking Wll-.; Danby, Ttte G&l'de!ll o1 ~ realdeotta.1 permits weal Notary Pub111! '4A. and tor the !Rcmtngert, tllat witt be otuclied Pem.l't Bl'il'htneu: lilutman. J:n. to T..j flu•r ll, 1%2 lr!O ..... , C14.-Count¥ of Orangr, 1!tal0 o( by many. a Harbor patio ~et: Jpyment of Uving; -i'!loherty, Tele-IOI; P, F. WBff, 126 S9th St.. (-~) rnia.. a n tl r o,r rockhOHn&, ~·· Vt.lo• 5loriy:; OollaDc&., Man altd $1080 \&ddiUon; &twucl Aedklpr, - .. Gem"t.on<'R." W1th 110 Dl(OY ni.fn .. Cod; 1karlow, 'rhe 1Rtngllnp, Wlz-110 M.arguertte A..,,..* S'fUOO: Yatea By. Comm1-kln Explt'es 12/30/64 ou.<r arti.st11 t'Xbitjiting aTO_W!id hf>rf', ant.t. or lht' Cfrcue; Harriman, Tbt> AwaJey ~ Oluw1nel ftd., 120.000; No. 71~reas. pooplr who look at "°""' of-~ Vlcl<iwl Clrclo; H•llmao, Tbo Au-Geoo-n 1Uld ~ Reju. UU Publloh July 11..Jt!, Aug. 2-t, 11~1. ab.-rtr&Cl.l5 and wond~r what the tU•ll'l OaricJi; Sudson, Lot.'1 Go to .cutt Dr,, '12.0ftO elf Paul. Wants heck It's all about might pci.oib)y """'1;· l<oltll, WAit• Man R<!tu-; -~ll<· So. ~ Front, u . ...,.,. _. °"' S.u,I: . OF REAi . firul .oul by -reading two'booka by Lent. 0 . IC, for Drl.,..Auy and apart,..nt house, $311,890. -~ Sl' l'llV!ll'IJ!: Bazln, "Biotory ot Modern Paint.-.Llak, Tbe Way to llecurlty. Pttinrt•· !or· •b<·'°"'1l noata1 m "Dm D EED OF ftWST ing" and "fflitory ·or 'CJ:Ulic A!~ McKay, 'nle United Statu units to c08t $9* were reocetw-d ftVST Ho.. 'lll i' Paintlnc." lfben, When you cet aad France; Ma,:tll. Maftt>rplobl:; by ~rt 'In.sk, for 7i7 i'uta.Ju.f \•n:noa~ S 'l'R4NI< B LEWIS tirt-d of it all, "Let'a Oo to F ern" Miller, Genef"al Do"glaa Mac-Ave., and TO& A.clici& Ave. flC91,.. ·...--~A • · with Judson. ~ur : Morgan. GetUn,r Ac-denUal permita a1-o Went to Ou"" .and Mlt.l>fli:D a. tEWIS, ~u.. But tor lhoee who must have •Ciua.inted with Ohemlatry; Murphy, til; W ••Ham~. 210 MO\ Bt.t $8000; 'band &JUI wJte. by Deed of TJPUet thPir fiction, there's: There'• A1wa)'I Adventure; Pu--W~ey Famey, 118 Via' Meat.one, dated February 19th, lHI, recor+- Cowley. The Portable F&ulkur; """'· 'l'h~rter '!'IJnr; a--SH .~; a.y C. Underwood, 11' ed -22nd, lite la l3ook 1m, Deasy, Ella Gunning; Enkin.t.i Muer, Tile Joy ot Cooking: ftol... L &t. $&000; Larry C&rt'OU., an paae Sl of otn.cJ.al B.ecord9 of Tb<! SiJv0< Ladles; Irwin, 'lb• Nu-, The Stat• of Aala; SUdrter, L St., $8000: WeJOey 'Comwi, Ill C!lnag< county, caJJlorala, did GoJdt'n Hamatock; Jones. Fr0111 1 ~a.1• A.brad tor Amttlc&n Bml· Narrllwa Ave., l8000 ud .John aNat &Dd canwy the ~rt)' Hr,re to Ete rnity; K•nn..ty, •·~1 n .. ; Smith. Gemal<lnee: Stone, B. ctark 174 Sborocllff lid. '11.· tJaettla -~ ""°"'-· Carmiohael; Petenon, Tbe ~a TahJ.U Wndfall: luuet ldel!I f<W 000. I ·. . ' to the 0 ruace County 'l1tle Qom. ~:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;:i;1itulklq Plant S""lt•n and Oar-A~ waa Jaaued to the eor-paay, ·u ""'°tff. to """"""•&lllDlll' I ' ' -Jl{orl< C.Ur; Tho llftt ..U--ona · War Community C<mgre, -dbllp&lolul, the pe,)'1llat ol , · 1.,.. 111>on Storleo, J 961; Terry.. ptl ahutdl for a MO,oot ii,.. -DOlO claU!d .FellrUllPY nth.' STOCKS • BONDS • · ClOMMODl11!S · -Oulde ~o llexJco; Tttat, Quantity ~ and -w 1tou addltlaa! U4f, .,_yable. lo o. s. M odes ond , U,._.,RITINGS Cook•ry; Vulffcook, Gr<&t 6&JI. &t Rell~ ~·•· Bien l!I. ~... lwaban4 ...., • 1.w;r~w• · or ~ Wri.ght. Culde to Eaeter wtfe. u Jolet tenant.a. or. order, LMng for u.,, ,..mc1p>1 wni ot '6f00,08, DEANWITTER. lk Co. MEMIEIS HfW YOn'. SlOCIC DCHAHGI lot A"get.1 Sti,cl bclill0119e lf..GED rtlVATf WIHS Baal< of Lapna Beach Bldf~ Laguna -I'll. 4-lllla • N.tw Yort • s..tfli9 • ' • [{~ MR.l 6 1 4 --..... , ~ SPICIAL • COMBINATION sau;EN·OOOR (not at.nclud) No. 585 ,Size 2/8dJ8-,tlUI • · C·•l a due five -&!ter -· •Ill• ln-M.y•t.eri .. A.re· few, but abould be .,oocJ: ~~y. a..dfes Won't terest at the rate ot ''* per ...,. ... Watt: Manh, ·Nll'bt at the v.ican; Wft num payable uaua.Uy ; and .. WHEREAS, .default ll.u ' -OC• Martln,"Dal'lt Dree.m ; N,olaon. Gold -~ In ••·t •• rln '""' ln 11.rNy Grave; Put. Mu.nle:r oa for J?ore t.ba.n 809 ~ ..--''""" UM. uie P lt P.. 8Ulft a.. wtt Bank; ,Jldlly, I.am.ec.t for lei.,...,.• ,.,.. cllanlpQ<I d"8 .._ ~ note .., li'ltbnwj Ute Brl41e and Upllold, 'l'be New y mom!ng, J!Ay Sl, l>y & 19tlf. lllll --.,.id """",due. 8•--'• d1'd>dl-er _...,. and hu aot •!nee -~ In -· --·--. 'WllOle or la _ ... , and t9 t-large -'Under-,_. ""'unO t.!.o ....... -_,. tlM WH1atlUJI. 0 . J . RIM>lleo .,.a on of lllth -au4 'lllen S. -... ~.and tlqld- av111IM!, '°""ta -. It • "' ......... 'I'. "' , • oltbePodtlc-x .... _.._ ,;.... •1-oW at ud 'l'elocnl>h _,,_,., t» Moncla7 nlllbt -&' ot the -oa111 -t one o1 9&-l.oland ~ >-~ pro..-I• -1atiooJ held at ·a.e Balbq& bland clU eor -lla'e _..le<, while oo.imtm1t.y cl!Urcll. • tho -•ed lo eany -..._ Dlftctan ~ .... Mn. ..... -... r :-1 -. 'Mn.. J. -~ Jolla B...._" -llie ....,I >'• Cool& )(-.._ ---. ond la Aa& -~rt =-"~J~ :=.-; Sp Ing c.-. ~-to Dr. --... ..r-.. Ille of Ille --ecllete-,..._ a -. lo -Mat I>' tile Joli ol ~ !ht _ _.....,_lo_&t ,..h.,,.-e -·~ -tom---..-.... ...t1tle& .. t4kpllclM ............ _.,.... - 'n.. --...... "1 'llollot, .. I 9 ,.._ lflo -!!:'...~~~-~ Urie .,rt... ..,,,.. •••. 1,,., ...., ..~ ..... --...., ~. ,,. v ·:•1 w.11 ...... . ~fllt•I ~=~ ~ ......... ,,~ A . t 1 l h J EE ..... I .... ,. ..-. • --ar.-.-e......,"7 1'p.a. = = ~i::~'-t:. "'..:= ""'I ·~-- -..... .,...... ... w1lllr ·....---lllt •-.,., ,._ . ··-... ~ .......... ,,. A NII I'! trll= l''br· I ntlt WM I • • 01·• .... ••2c.1 '-• •••11• arm ... -.. ..., n:.:a::ms.-:.~',n~ -. .. -~..., L711??...... .. 2 1' ;; '=" a:1im., ' ' • • • • . . ' -.. • • • • •. ~ ~-....it• 'O ,I ' i \ ' . ~NEW STUDl.BAKll CHAMPION ·: _ ·0.1-o/IM/iowestp,Ro.*~~Ni~gcan!_ _ _ · 11g.vi,u11111tY ..,, ,, ... ~ ...... ,, .~ t11iot ••••"liellr · _ ..... "" ............. v-....,.,,."••ta,lllre• .. •"•t ....... ) . A CHA.PION ltil ADVANC1M1Nf5~ JOO Tleh1-9rippl111 rol..y d~! letdl• •• , Id 11 1 ...._. ... ... inslr!I-~ dk.ia , •• ~--·~ 41~ ••. A.i-ollc opeo1a _. ........................... ~·-."""r•·· ···-,.,.,.,, ...... ............. ~ .... rJ.:~ ··~ .. ....,..,_...,... 1111 axcns'llulli ••• lido .I .... Cllelce1""'°"' Ula•. Clll'DI J!!VDllNG8 .U."D SU!!ID&\'8 J.. ~ ' JOE NICIEITZ. t.o ... ' Deal1~ ·. I ~ 3415 W. ~wpert Blvcf.~y t iclo ~•'1'• Hw. ~1;0 ~pt ·teKh ' • , " • • • • ,> • • ' • . • • • ,·THE MAJUNl!i COllP8 .... )11111 aoaolllltt<I Ibo conuftloAloa t. the 'nak of 8ecoDCl Llea~t. tor Chatt.es· N. Warae.r, aon of Mr. Uld Mn.. Chartes 8. Warner. Canton. Ob.lo. Ile w.. formert7 a 111116- . t.r __.,1 ...i lo aoolped la tll6 lntemco--UOft ol alruaft. • Pleet. Mutae •OHie'. Paclflc, at tills Sou.tllen CaJHon.ia a1r flue.. Tbe lleute.nant's wife, EleaAor and d&uptent., &a.nuw., ace I Md . .:_Beverly, ace t ~11 Uve wtth him at 5U Rlyen\de avenue. Newport -IA. w.....,. altMded Mclllaley hip -la ~-and du.rtnJ World War D •w acUon at Ooadlibnal, New °'9rlta and Weet Carollnes. • (Marine Corpe Photo) Orange County OCC BUDGET Accidents Rise IS APPROVED ,·Highway accldcnU ln rura1 . At a mf;'f!tlng ot the Board of Orange county ha~ cauaed more Trustees or Orange Cout Junlor than twice a.a many deaths tn the Colleg_e district on August 1 the bud.gel for 1951·52 wu approved. ttnt six and a half months of thUi Action wu ta.ken following Uli- Je&.r than the traffic fatalltfeB of scheduled public hearing. , the same period in t.9~. flg~res The budget involves a.n expen- et th':. California Highway Pa-d 't f •1 428 ••• Th jorit trot disclos8';1. 1 ure o • , ·°'"· e ma y Contlnue<t lncreasrs tn popula-of lhb aum will go Into the build- tion, tnnuxea of out-of-state vi.al-Ing progTam which la in progttlNJ. tora and the tempo of living arc current ope_raUng expenaea ln- Credlted by cHP, Capt. Henry volvt.ng day. college, evening col- Meeha.n u contrtbutlng t.o \he rta-lege and summer cl&Ue11 wtU lolf-1 lng total. Re Utfed lncttued Yigt-SMl.910. Th~ remainder of ex- Ja.nce on die part of motor:iale penditur~ CO .. tor ~ildl.np, e-quip- 'to avokl. faUgue and hazardoWI ment and rNeiVe. ctrtvtng CQrf\dl.liOlll and obsene Structures to be completed dur-- mbtort ' rut t ut down the 5.ng ·.\be .;(!Ol'ftlnl" year Include a ng ea 0 c fine arti and cr&fta bulkilng, re-lncreutng accident rate. both fa-od lln t U1 d lnlalr&U ta.I and non-fatal. m e g o e a m on There we-re M penona killed building. completion of gymnaal- tn unincorporated area. between um re modeUng, conatructlon of J 1 d J I l " 19•1 com-either a .tudent center or a awtm-an. an u y :.>, <J , • I I ·"d··· l ~ to 28 ,deaths In the same ming poo provi o:;-u govemmen n\Ontb.a of 1 GM. restrlctk>ns o.n swimming poola Of tbe fal&l accident.II. report.I a.re removed a.nd lnatallatlon ot iificiw that nine pedeatrions were drainage and electrlca.1 syatema. ~nick and fatally injured. Eight bead-on and tb~ rear-end colli- alon• ca\18ed deathe to drt~r or puserigera. Ten deatha occurred . "1len vehlcleJ ran off the road- way. out of control And fatallUes ftaulted from 14' broadaide acei- dNIU:, tnc:ludlng colllaloruJ lnvo1v· U'ig-veblclea making · tu ma, run- alng Blvd. atop& and Impacts at unmarked tt b!Jnd lnteraec.UoM. Nearly half the death--deallng accldanla occurred belwec..n 10 p.m, and 6 a..m. 6oron€'r Earl Abbey report! there wf_~e 60 !at.alJUes from traf- fic accf e nts tn &11 o! Orange county. both city and rur•I, dur· tng the 'ix months, pt"rlod ending June 30. There wrre t2 traffic deat.ha in the flnt half or 1950. Race . Ostriches like Their Nap Trying to keep the four racing 6iltrlchea awake for nighUy per- tqrmances in sensational ostrich cltrbya for U.e j951 Orange coun- }.y fair wa.a a dlftkuJt ..j>loblem ftnally solved by •~"S "ex:tai powerful floodll1tlttng tq th.e ta1r j'!'ounda' arena. • - o·c College Offers Counsel Student.a planning to ente1 Orange CoaBt. college in Septem- ber are urged to Wit tbe coUnMJ- ing services offered to them on the campus during the month or August." The counRllng office In the Act- mlnist,ratton bulldlng ta now open from 8 :30 a .m. to 4 :30 p.m. Mon- day through P'riday, Auguat 8 through Augu.at 31. Before form- al regtatrat\on \on September 10, the student la required to have eomple~ preUminary reglatra· Uon wttb a counselor. Such coun- eeliAg interview&. available dur- ing ttUa month. offer each atu- dent an opportunity to plan hl.8 eoune · &t Coast to meet vocational oeeds or to tultW lower dlv:laion requlrementa for lrarulfer to a senior coliece or unlwnlt.y. J>re.. ~giatration a1ao reaerva a place In cla.saee foT the reg\atranL Hfgh .:!boot .enJors who ruled out pre-re11atnt1on materials and· wen' tnlervle.wed by counae.1· ors Wllo -~ Ille hllll oc1-I In Jh,y ,' need. not._ anwi.p a.notber tn~mew UWr month Olll..a·Uie~ hoa Ileen · a .chul&'e In lhe1r pro-C?"""fDC pi.oa. Wives of lions Ga~er ·fc?r Br.idge . Like any other bird, the 09- ti;lclles want to 19 to sleel' .Wl!<D tile IAU\ goes dawn bUt nearly )ll0,000 wait. 'of fioodllgbta will P.,7 a triclr" on nature aod toree tbe 10llrtcbn to • k..p tti.Jr •1 .. Ptci6 OP<JI durlq -. 11ICM al VI! llCil Orana COWllJ' fair, Au· .-1~111 at PM f!alT .....-on 'WI-"' Balboa Bo} Lion. l)>rme>-• lloDta ~ army air bUl tWo.d oUt far iaa ID::-~ .....,. w bott. ' •, .IOJ!>~-al a.,, 'Tlla ~ •lnlil Wit portonn clU• We111tutr. foD •td ., .. a ,,..;.i.1 ~ dortlJ at Ure brtdp aact eepnla. tree &ftll& Mow' ..... b.... Pl<AEUt .... ·-·· A.rt .Lu--w111,.... ---.--. Jodi ::':• I• -. -eadl ~.wt esrtlne ~""'*'~...,_..., . ......., -· . • -. • -mlllll ..... -·~or Oiillltto, a epec· --):Alftea,..,.-, W h • ---a --.......... ..,...,_,_ (loMi --· ...... -... Diii. Cbl ...... --of -,.. .. attiect>e• ....,. mt -c:;. A, ......, = ::..:::.-durteJ Ole fl-=·~ ;,::: ----' ' WI ADYIRflfl o•a ••• If QUALIT'I TMlll ITIMI ARI OUR llff YALUll GlllN ONIONS• SPINACH • 'rUKICIPI lllTS •RADISH IS MUSTARD . ·. 'B~~!· •\\~\~\(,VlllfS \l~{f.\' ;Qtl\•!.;~\\.~~-. : 3 l'IMllDS 2. ¢ 1 OAN EACH ..... _..,, 39¢ ·~ .... ,.